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Faatura* ofthi* cofiy which" may b* bibliographically unique, vwhich may alter any of the image* in the reproduction, or which may significantly change the usual fnethod of filming, are checked below. 0Coloure(^Bovers/ ^ CouverturCNde couleur \ ^ ■■ \ ■' /- \ I Covers damaiged/ I I Couvertur* endotnmagte ,' \ ' ' '\, □ Covers restored and/or laminatad/ ' Couverture restfeurte et/ou pellici|lte □ .Co;«*j ompreinte::^ . On doooymboloe auivonta apparettra sur la demlAro imago do cheque micrqfiche. aelon lo eaa: lo aymbolo — ^ aignlfto"A 8UIVRE'\ la aymbolo ▼ aignifio "FIN". Loeeortoe. plonehee. tabloeuK. etc., peuvent Atro filmAa A dea;taux do rMuction diffirents. Loraquo lo document oat trop grend pour *tre roproduit on un eoul clieh*. 11 eet film* i pertir do I'englo aupNO^ kICENSEBS" SOLE MANUFACTURERS IN CANADA Wood Split Pulley Co. OFFICE #>•,•■ 74 YOBK iTKEf, TiJROllfo: OhT . ■BH ^ .» '< J >-i \*v A'^'. •'V i/V:. ;"*. K**' V, ' 8, ■■ . * ^^|a^l|#iil^^^^l:» r7*'95TJK^?^ * "V ^ >r| ^ '-^^ ' ;-; ' ^^.:; ,: ■ ; ^ . ^ _,-, _^^ ^ ., ; l' * * s^ff' Hiur: ^"i m. ■^'-p\?^ - 1 I ' ' Toronto, OnTm August let, IIMT. Ta Our AgerU» and Vtutpfi^t: ^ GBHTLKMBNi—In jostice to ourselves as well as agenti and customers, we deem it propW to Impart to you the following information in order that none may be deoeived in tha purdiMe of wood split pulleys with patent bushing system. Dodge A PhiUion were the original inventors of the first iuo^ cessful wood split pulley. The pulley inoluded, 1st, fastening by compression* without ^t-sorew or key; 2d, standard bub bore with systeni of standardized interchangeable bushingi, ' and they were the.flrst to introduce ft to the public We bava \ made many improvements and have carefully covered our rights \wlth patents, of which we have twenty-one referring to wood ■V . •" ■ '■ pt^lleys. Up to this time no one has made wood split puUeya without , • imitatiiig us, and no one has made pulleys of equal excelleno* in material and workmanship. This mikkes it unsafe to bu^ any • but the original and best, patent "Independence" pulley, i^hioh we assure yon is offered at a price as reasonable and low as is possible f6r flnt-olass work. Please examine the toUo^rUnt ^ ^sanfully. ■..' ;;.v\\tottrs truly.-: -^ -^^:/.v^: -'i --a/-*:;,:.--,. . V; . J " D^dge Wood Split Pulley (Jo. ■"■/■/*■ ;'■"■■ \ , ■*.■-■ ' ■^.., : ''-'^'l. ■ ■■' • „ . • ■ . ■ ■■>■ ^ ; '- :■'"■':•'■ "V -'-:■■■■• ^M' J ■.. i -''( ':M- .; DODQE WOOD SPLIT PULLEY CO. — rr- *f^ 1% ,' Our Special Guarantee Under WUcb Every Pulley Is Sdd. We Guamntee every Pulley made by w shall be, tn every respect, as reprttoented. We l|i|arftiitee the poplar Face Pulley in every case, to transmit from |28 to 60 per cent, more power with the satne belt ^han any Iron Polly miKle with like tension of Belt. ^ We Gitaraiitee the CoiiipreMloii Pasteuliig in eyery ^case* to be perfect utd to hold firmly upon the ihaft, Vv. ;;/.■. . . :.. ,,..-.'■ We Guairaiitee the Cofftpressloii pf Wood on Ireu to hold stronger than set screws In any case, and to be the most perfect flustehlng ever Invented. To SttinitiuirlaBet— We gnarautee siltlttoPtlott entire* "^^"^ ^ ~~' ■ ■y-^^-- ^-^ > Jkiiy PttHey foitnd defective and nM.as repre- sented, may be retonied at our expense. We will allow a«y party who is skeptieu as to the iiieiits of onr Wood Split Polley. aad who iiieaiis bus* laessv a trial of 30 days» and If not satlsilftctory, til^ retomedatonr expense. ■ ' We solicit your orderst knowli^if we have the best and handiest Pidley ever made. ^ y)ODGE WOOD SPLIT PULLEY CO. OFriCC, 74 YORK ST. TORONTO. ONT. A■w^^. A'^'-^ u ! D( ■\.^ ^■'■:-H *T^ I t. , TORONTO. ONT. •«v ON THE Dodge Patent Wood Split PaUeys 4 PATENT BnsWngS^. WITH PATENT Standardized ; It is tMcomiiig: more and mor« ai| acknowledged Ikct that the Wood Split Pulley will largely take the place of the firon. both on account vf its lightneas and flne belt snr- fikce. and because in the^ days of progresaion. a split pnlley has become a necessity. The Wood Split Pulley will be found much cheaper thin the split iron one, less cum* beiMme, and of one-third the weight.' Eyeiy Oenuin* Dbdgf Piifl^ Mars thla , . The Dodge Pulley is th^ pioneer Wood SpUt Pulley In tihe field as well as the best and strongest made,, and all others are inferior to it iA many respects. The fallowing •re.tlie foaai'iig f»oliit^ wliicli can only hp inl. tated by inf liftgeineiit. 1st. The compresiion faatening^ ^i^^^^t^-^ ^ dd. The stanciardiz^d interoliiuigeable bushing system. . i /*■ \ d ' ^' ^.^\- OOOQE WOOD SPLIT PULLEY CO. T »i, 8d. ' The anohoring of the eridii of the arms In the flm, which, if not properly doiie. will Inevitably cause it to go to pieces if in any of the joints there is the slightest motion. This has been overcome In the Independence' by the interlocicing dovetail with the wedge, and is patented. ^^ 4th. The Jnterlocking Joint in the ends of the rim is so that when thia pulley is bolted together it becomes the same as a solid rim. This is ^patented. 5th. They are put together without niiils^ T)ie rim mUF swell and shrinlc without being affected. When nails are used, slight swelling draws the nails and slight shrinking splits the pulley, because the nails will not go back again. This is patented. . 6th. The Dodge Independence Pulley has all the open spaces around the head of the arms filled with a plastic material which hardens without shrinking and gives a perfect support to the rim^er the ends M the arms. "^^ These points are all covered by letters patent. The general superiority of workmanship of the Wependence Wood Split Pulley is apparent to the eye, and this is a good Indication of careful and good construction inside, where all the weak points of a pulley are hidden. ^- ' ^ The i|ucc^ of the* Dodge Independence Pulley has, as is always the case, brougii many Imitations of it in the market, oonstrudted on the same general principles as the Independence, and an infringement of our pateints. , The business public can aflford to ^ie to a gopd thlng> but can Illy aflford to buy an inferior artlGle. We are compelled to defend our rights and we have endeavored to caution the public agiilnst inferior an^ infi'inglng pulleys. For that purpose we Issue this ckcular aiid endeavor to lnterpre| our rights as granted by the Can. Government, that all may understand and respect them. .Tl . T] % f i TORONTO. ONT. B in the ivitably there is le in the ¥ith the I of the ^ether it anted. irj The ifiected. he nails mse the 5d. 8 all the d with a drinking the ends ^nt. p of tht nt to the ftnd good lints of a e Pulley aitations e general ngement > % artfole. [ we have erior and ssue this a granted iderstand Wliy Our Patent ludepeiidMiGe Wooden Pulleys Are Better Thaii Any Other. A Wooden Pulley of our make !■ better than an Iron one from the fact that It can be made lighter and thui save weight on the line ihaftand bearihgi, thereby saving In e&pense from a sav- ing In friction. The AdTMiteiTM of the separable pulley are very apparent. By Its use the necessity of taking down shafting already up for the purpose of putting on additional pulleys when needed, or to beonanged, Is avoided, thus saving time, trbuble and eipen»e,> while their first cost la much les* than any othier pulley made not having these advantages. _ The 4dv«ntoK« of a l^Ut Pnltoy frequently saves ten times the cost of the Pulleys. We use onlv carefully selected timber, thoroughly seasoned, then klln-driea and tempered. The Rim is constructed by building up a series of rings of Mgments being glued with insoluble glue. 'This ring forms the central part or the pulley, and after being turned it is cut In halves transversely. The spoke or hub bars are fitted together and band sf wed. These parts are secured at their ends to the ends of the ring segments by means of a dovetail and wedge, as sho#n in cut on page 24, the parts of the bar are so placed in the ring s«gments that they will not touch each other at the axis or hub of the wheel when the ring segments are placed In posi« tion, thus when boltedor made fast to the shaft, a much stronger adhesion is gained than is possible where the area of the contact is confined to the point of a set screw on one sldeand a small segment of the hub on the opposite side. Thus It will bto readily seen that our pulley has the most perfect fastening ever made. Being made as above described, they will not wear out of round, as Wood does not shrink or swell preceptibly in the line of the length of the grain, it is impossible to geCont of shape. These Palleya Airersre Not Over SO per Cent, of tlie weight of iron pulleys of umllar dimensions. They are Tamed overlHkr'entlre surface In lathes ■peolally cotastructed for the purfll^and are in more perfect balanoa than is posilMeufor any Iron pulley to be made. * Waste off Power. ^ tfeohanical men the world over appreciate the great Iom of power due to excessive weights.snstalned on shafting. The in- troduction of the "Independence" pulley has reduced the weight of pulleys fully seventy per cent. Any-manufacturer who will take the pains to inveitlgate the losLof power due to unneces- sary weight on shafting, and compare the weights of "Indepen- dence" pulleys with the iron ones in use, will readily see what can be saved and what others are saving In power annually. 4 saving of power acts through the coal pile, apd In many other ways manifests Itself tovrard a more eoonomloal plant, which in turn. Increases dividends and renders higher wages possible. Order One Pall< IngTon r-to Replace Some Iron Pulley Cttv- rronble by Slipping Belts, 6 OODQE WOOb SPLIT PUL|.EY CO. . . Miscellaneous Notes. r ,(♦■ ' Haawell. mn Aclcnowledgwd Aathorlty and moit quoted 1^ American m^ohanlca. ■uininarl/^ thus: The ratio of friction to prciiure for l«ather belt* when worn over wo<>den pulfeyi li 47, over turned oa«t Iron pulleyg 24. Thu« showhiK the are rags advantage of a wood pulley ov«r Iron to be about BO per cent. The CompreMlon FMt«Dlns, whether used with keys In Iron o«*ntor or ooiht>reailon alone, keeps the pulley always tn balanott. at the oomprestion on the sbart and key is always ' towards the center. The Moat Perfectly balanced iron pulley fastened with set screws or key, is invariably out of balance by being thrown from the centef This fact Is olivious to all mechanics. When the Shut t la Very Small and a large amount of power Is required and the area of surface In oontaQt is not suflloient, we make the pulley with a keyseat and key the pullev to the« shaft, and then by compression on the key ahd shaft, it is not thrown out of balance as by the use of set screws and k«ys M commonly fitted. We Oa«r»ntee the Compreaalon of Wpodon Iron to hold stronger than steel set screws in any case, and on shafts above 84 inches In diameter, stronger than keys as ordinarily fitted. The Vethod of Faitenlnf doei not mar or Injure the shaif t- Ing in the slightest degree. No weakening of shalts as from key ways or .burs, or rings on small shafting, as ^n tl\e use of set screws. No delays from broken set screws or rusted keys, oi taking down of shafting to change a puUev. Tbis advantage alone frequently saves more than ten times tbe cost of a pulley The Advantaf ee of Oar Mode of f'katcnlng over any other are: * , *' • Flrat:— It Is the only absolutely true fastening for a pullej;*. A pulley onoe properly balanced cannot be thrown out of bal- °ance in being secured with this fastening. A pulley fastened with key or set screw in the ordinary way, cannot be screwed without lifting the pullev from the shaft at that pdint where key or set screw is'plaoed, tnus throwing the pulley out of balance. It la » More Secure Fastenlnir than a set screw In any case, and more so than an ordinary key a^ usually fitted. «. The Sh»ft Where the Pulley Is to be fastened should be ' cleaned oii wiped off with shavings or waste« All Pnlleya Should he ■xantlned after running a day or two and set up tighter ff possible,, and should vou wish to use a pulley you have on hand of our make that is bored fpr a size or two larger shafting, it may be bushed successfully with paper or leather and drawn up perfectly tight and used successfully on smaller shafting until you order a new bushing, thus not delaying ygn for want of a proper size bushing. ^ote Carefully Our Buahlns Syatem. It Is cheaper to buy a new Split Pulley any time than to take down a llUe of shaft* ing and shift pulleys. Dodge 4 I f,. <> •'- iTOnONTO. 6nt. friction Aivyt ii 3euk. knys In wayi In alwsyi ivith set Hirown »f powei iffloient, )v to the« It la not^ kty» ft«~ 1 to hold tg above fitted. le shaft* rom key B« of set keys, oi Ivantage a pulley [>ver any a pulley. t of bal- fa Btened screwed bere key balance. inj case, ihould be ' a day or sn touse fpr a size ith paper oessfully thus not tor to buy of shaft* Dpdge Patetit ladofMstideiice Wood Spllit Pulte| with Pftteut Standardized BubIi- ing Syteni. .'- ., , . Our small Wood Split Pulley «iiibodiesglmpllcity and stpeugth; it is manufactured of specially selected materia and every care taken in construction. This pulley consists of two principal parts, there being no loose caps dr other pieces fastened on to give trouble The irregular line in the rim at the Junction of the halves (patented) insures a constantly true running and concentric periphery, a^ in our reguUr two and four arm pulleys, We use^ special refined iron liolts with pointed ends and slotted heads, the nuts being imbedded solidly in the rim and brimstoned, also a flat steel wrench attachment, made to fit in any wrench, whifch greatly facilitates mounting pulley on shaft and without the assistance of any special tools whatever. Our Patent Standardized Wood Split Bushing System is used in connection with thesesmallpuUeys, one bushing being furnished free of charge with eaeh puUey. Owing to the small diameter of these pulleys, afid the fact that nearly «all aie used on light shs;fting, we bore these pulleys to J smaller standard, 2 7-16 inchet, and furnish buahings of same standard outside diameter. Our small ifulleys are sfubject to our special gua^ antee on page 2. (■1- ■ •/■ TORONTO, ONT. MX eys. lin^plicity S selected on. This ) being no e trouble, ion of the e running r two and iron t^lts iuts being ed, alflo a it in any ig pulley ly special id Wood ion with shed free ihe small at nearly e pulleys ; furnish * llalgua^ EVERY A SPLIT PULLEY. /-I in Compuing PrIeM resented or no sale. Order a sample pulley. All our Wood Split Pulleys are sufBciently strong for the heaviest double leather belts jnade. Please refer to our special guarantee, page 2» under which every pulley is sold. if what we claim is true, no maiinfaoturer can afford to use. any other pulley. No dealer can afford to carry a stock of pulleys such as is required by any other system: « . W -/ OODOE WOOD SPLIT PULLtV OO. THfc DODOS PATEKT STANDAKDIZED •Wobl Split Ensiling System. ,'i » ■^•1 ■' ••^ A. r^ r-\ r\ r ^ ^^ -W N-^ W ^ Vy V::# ■v4|-r ^^ '^Py .jf% #«^ ir-i. ^ r>V"HalLlW1nn9|9llldVlf^B»H .„illl!!'*""£"'*'^^®°' "^»^* sizes to which a itandardSV f:^:- »IZED Stem. f» to a large tllzed Wood afta of vari- B from elas- iform to the Dgf is origi' is And Gan- olusively. lard 3^- ch' shaft ^cMVONTa ofir. The Dodge Patent StandanlW Wood Split , Bttsliiiig Systeidu Bzn.AiirAnoN-For stoclc, we make all pulleys in size from «4 in. diameter and upwards with bore for 3Uin. shaft, and all pulleys below 21 in. in diameter for 8 in. shaft (except- ing oases wUere larger bore is re- quired). Eaohpnl- ley is furnished ^ with one wood bushing to fit any size shaft Wanted, thus enabling man- ufacturers to make changes from one line of shafting to ^ another of differ- ent size, and utilize the pulleys on hand; also etAb^ ling dealers (our- sejves »s weli) to ment oWSfiSi^^ CaVM? .~"^»«^ *», ^^ • fnllMsort- siz^s o/shSftt52 tSs tSfh a m^«^?- p^^l? 9* '9F*y «' "ow Sd^rffh gS?ater'dlsSt5h thliib^iitl^i*") **» "i* ^o^o?Sin an'STon^gTl^^''^'**-* ^» ai»o.«bJec?too«r special gnafl Price Mat for Extra Wood Bnahings. ^ ■A IBROTH. 6 to 8 inches...... ^ lOto Winches. ..... 14tol6inchei 18 to ao inches.. .'. '.' * .' ." [ OUTBira niAMXTKB IK IHCHKS. 8 «k 8 7-16 85 80 8 HO 8S 40 45 3^ as 40 45 86 45 50 eo 70 4H 00 70 80 00 .#S»8.'!:«SSKi.".,P|jaa.t^^^^^ - ■.»; 12 OOOQE WOOD «PLlf PULLEY 00. ■.' ''^ . *- Every Pttlley a Split Pulley. Jtttley^"'*'*'^*^ Joint In the rim to act Ma guide 1? olaiiping B. Wedge for the purpose of securing the dovetail Joint. D. Dovetail joint where end of arm enters rim. B. Con^led nut of anchor bolt ^rter a sample pulley, after which you will have no other Qivedi Bo not to be use< a non-shi Oive 63 of an inc B»not not order under stai the exact h iO. TORONTO, OMT. I9 olanKping il joint. . to prevent ve no other 18 How to Order Pulleys. ^is. Give cliameter of Pulley. Do not order a certain face, but give width of belt to be used, and state whether it is to be a shifting or a non-shifting belt. Oive exact bore, and if it is not in odd sixteenths of an inch state it to be net " » De not write 2 jnches if 1 16-ie ja mMuit, and do not order it -full" or "scant." If it is to be over or under standard, send a nail or a piece of wire filed to the exact size. ,..l ) i ^.. 14 DOOQE WOOD SPLIT PULLEY CO. m\- . ExaiBple of Order. One 86 Inch paiky for « inch ihlfttag belt,¥^16 bore. On»86 Inoh palloy for 6 Inch non-ihtftinf beU, SH inch bor«, net, My orown or itraight. ^ . When ordered m above we will fnmlih for a lon-ihlftlng bolt a round faoed pulley from HioH, 61 an inch wider than the belt, or for a ehlfting belt, a flat faced pulley frdm %tofiot an Inch wider than double.the Width of the belt. ■ "I If, initead of ordering by the belt a cerUin fLoe It called for. it will probably neoei^itate cutting a wider face down to the •ixe ordered, in which case the wider face will be charged for. If any bore itk in odd tixteenthi of an incli la ordered, knd is not aUted to be net or for cold rolled shafting, we shall have to writ* for farther particulars before flnlshingUie'work. The Dodge Independence Wood Split Pnlloy is pateikted— Great Britain and Canada. ' ■ . ]' • .':% . > ■-, Patented la the United States. July 4. 18tt; April 17, 1883; April M, 1888; August 81, 1886; August 81, 1888, October 19, 1886; December 21, 1880; March 16, 1887; March 88, 1887; August 16. 1887; August 88, 1887; August 88, 1897; August 88, lasf: September 87,'i887 ';■ ;-.;•■ ■/■-■;^ ■-: ^^/i^■■\:^•■^■ ■;;--■• ■ Th4 J •4* ' A^- ./ f/ Package. Our Wood Split Pulleys are all nicely wrapped with thin lum- ber sawed for the purpose* which protects the face perfectly. We make no charge for package unless boxed, and then w» eluuve p»ok»c» »t coat to na. Preiglits* ' We always oontriMst for the lowest ratis possible. In shiii|>ing. by express, the expresfeage is less than one-half that on any other puUey; freight likewise, as weights average 70 per cent . Isss^than iron. 6 r tnoh bon, ftlng bolt r than the >Kof an \m\t9A for, ra to the t^ for. er«d, und ihall lukve rk. •tented— 1 17, 1883; r 19. 1886; LQgntt 16. eptember 'i' • y TORONTO, OUT. Price List of Wood Split Pulleys. The toUowihg prices wiU be toiind lower than any other pnUiahed. thin Inni' perfectly. then •blinking, i on any percent. / •^ DODOI WOOO MUT PULLIY CO. PRICB LIST^Contlnued. /Towoirro. out . PRICE LIST— CoWtinuedT Bj^^t^*^- ■■MK\i^:'.' hnKtJMilt t i )<) '% 72 78 ■>■♦ a I. TonoNTOy oirr. ♦ •y^ PRiCd LIST-CoatlaiMd. 11 18 IS 14 lA 16 17 18 SO 21 » 28 a 95 f dOOl) 52 £5 MUi 57 76 61 0() 64 2A 6(ifi() 7S7fl 87 A) 90 00 05 2fi 100 00 104 40 UOOO 72 8 47 00 49 25 61 AO M76 MOO 60 00 62 00 66 S6 68 60 73 25 78 00 .91 00 96^00 10100 lOQOO 111 00 116.00 00 00, 63 60 67 60 7160 76 60 80 00 84 60 89 00 lOSOO 109 00 ^ 78 10 11 12 IS n 16 10 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 12 13 U tfl 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 fllAOO 122 60 130 00 137 60i .64 00 67 60 7160 76 60^ 80 00 86 00 90 00 96 00 100 00 116 01] 127 00 18100 136 00 146 00 166 OO 84 90 95 00 WOO 104 00 108 0(1 114 00 119 00 124 00 134 00 140 00 146 00 96 166 001 168 180 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 20 21 140 00 146 00 160 00 m 170 198 908 fltOOO 114 00 UOOO .124 00 129 00 134 00 139 0(1 164(M 168 00 170 00 18100 198 00 206 OO 126 00 129 00 134 00 139 00 144 00 148 00 164 00 174 00 183 00 198 00 204 00 217 00 280 OO 608 00 Pulleys built for tnj power witiilii the Hmita of belt apeed and capAcft J of shaft < fo OOOOt MOOD flH.IT ^ULLir OO. t .,'•"' '««"# belt.) g* ;more than "fllJi the bill.", i«^**i*'*4****^',"^'« ■••■dy "iwed, no delays from hot boxes ssJk^uI p'niSj.''' *"'"""*^ ^ •^*^«'>»? vsr.Mi.sfiS nn^frr^t/i!!:? ^*'"*t •^•^' *"» ;ulleysare found in «his special style of construction. There are no shrinkage strains nor ^meit4»iVM!iMMMlt^BHt!iliMi( ttanufaotured to order only and in any proportion and oapac« ity. These cones are used largely in paper mills, for wi^oh we have manufactured a large number. We also furnish long drums for sanding and frietion driving? as well »s 'far wipdlny - and stretching purposes. Prices made on application. t.i DODGE WOOD sAlT PULLEY CO. clal Textile Mill Pulleys. r 80UD. -ipibift'^ ^ ApprecUting the demand for a speoW puBey for l^tablishlng the pulley shown above and Mown as the Textile Mill Pulley. , '^ "^^ «» thJ^.'^ ""i'*^ •"" " *'<»' ?P'de' aid embraces all the advantages of botj, the in)n and wood tyn™ The superior belt traction of the wpodri^vXe iron r.m is a fact beyond dispute. The light rims and sptder, used in the construction of th^S where n^w shifting belts ire intended. J ^ looms, spinning frames, etc.. make a puller^rtl wittlmnm anrfMM Itebie to colieot lint. i__ an^'i^'i"' '^* '•'' y*"" "* "'^^ P'«<^d tho^ Uw«s wlttThr"*'' '" '"""' mlU%ervioe «,d thlnwr *"" «»°lt-perfect satisfaction to ^f K»AD Oc» PoujtT GnARAlITM. IJeys. aulley for pains in cnown as traces all d types, over the grht rims ose sizes I, as on particii- 1 thous- ioe and ction to TOROMTO/ONX. 27 » t,' ' I * ■ Wood Rim Fly Wheels. X- .i'^ {^A Axrr iusB QB WBioHV— i^B moioat bxivb ob bopbb. Our Wood Rim FljT Wbeelt are so constructed that shrinkftge strains do notexlst in the completed structure. They are snit- able for high speed and are safe. Mechani<»l engineers arerec* ommaBdl B g th i s style or oonstruetion and "indo r s e th e w h ee l as. satisfactory .and soundly constructed. , \ ^TBjamron'PABfncvhMMa. n *<( 28 l>ODQE WOOD SPLIT PULLEY CO. ^APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS ^' of'tub ■ ^ Dodge Patent Wood Split Pulley The weights of our Pulleys range about as follows : 8 12 14 16 16 1» 20 3 4 5 7 8 12 3 4 6 9 10 4 5 .6 8 4 5 6 I 7 »l 13 14 .19 *8 10 13 17 22 11 12 15. 17 12 U 18. w. aa 4 14 A 17 6 19 9 25 3 11 4 12 6 21 8 28 10 35 12 41 32 I 4 5 V6 8 11 4 6 8 10 12 5 9 12 1^ 6 6 8 10 42 4 5 6 8 9 10 6 8 10 12 17 21 24 28 44 19 27 36 44 64 26 40 55 eo 25 34 43 50 67 23 29 33 44 50 68 "^■^ . 42 51 64 71 i M M 6 8 10 12 6 8 10 12 }» 6 6 8 10 12^ 8 18 7 8 10 12 I 46 58 60 73 42 60 71 83 101 44 56 67 71 94 68 117 63 71 73 97 82 M 12 6 8 10 12 14 18 10 12 18 20 10 12 16 18 21 10 12 18 24 10 12 16 18 I 72 94 100 173 185 205 •113 152 196 251 127 139 197 27B 305 147 157 290 354 206 271 332 354 From any diameter up we increase si2e by any part of an inch in diameter o r width of fttco and make any ^izg" up to 30 feet diameten ^t ■y-r %f^ illeys >llows : -r- 49 Xi Oi J» Se s> 6 ^ 72 8 94 10 109 12 173 U 185 18 205 10 413 12 152 18 196 20 251 ' 10 12 16 18 21 127 139 197 27B 305 10 147 12 157 18 290 24 354 10 206 12 271 16 332^ 18 354 y part of any size TORONTO, ONT. ^ pbbQE PATENTV SPLIT FRICTION CLUTCHES - m FOLLRS, S8IAVI8, 8PB0OXIT8, flAIS, IM^,^ / Every Clutch is split atid all parts interchaDgeable. / 4j We claim Perfect Balance, Ease of Adjusiment, Positive Prictioti, Quick Clearance, Detachable Sleeves, Perfect Lubrication, Etc. ;■- ■ it :V: IM SEND FOR PRICE. '§■ 30 :i^ ^!» -'^. '\ii m^* DOpQB WOOO SPLIT PULLEY CO. '/T- *•? tlje friction Clutch ■*-, i y • • Is fast •upereeding tight and Ioort'Bn»i«L «„- general Itoe ahaft wrWce. TheTTo TwwfiS^ nowy, troublesome shifters JL,. »w»y with heif. .«j "uiiiers, wear and tear on 1^ t^ T '*''• Clutch Pulleys laet much Jlas8 and satisfactory- Oliitchl Theite ai« «« trappy parts, but they a«, so simple t^tlny^i"^ ary workman caii easUy adjust Ld T^^Z^^' By having a Split Clutch, no removals or cWires are necessary to erect one on a shaflT^^ 1 • are quickly and ^ily made? ^«d repairs Sleeves for pulleys, gpars. sheaves, e^. A , ;^ We guarantee complete satisfaction, '^ In, ordering or requesting prices, state Iv Speed of Shaft. v. — /-■- 2. Power to be transmitted. 3. Size of Pulley, 4. Size of Shalt, ji— ^ p. Space obtainable on Shaft. -r^ SEND FOR SPEC IAL eLUTCHCIBniWAP Z^ In. 1 H li 2 ,. •n ■ H 4 4i . 6 6 7 8 9 .''{■ i *-, tfeya for ^ay with tear on tfae tact the line 9t much I is the i many ly flrs^ are no y9»^in- e them. iliAnges repairs , bbitted 4a toRONTO. oirr. In. Leather Beltinir Price List SinRle. ^•^mmm^^ $0 10 13 17 20 23 26 30 33 36 43 60 . 66 63 «70 76 90 10? 1 ig Double. $0 20 26 34 40 46 62 60 66 . 72 In. 00 12 1 26 1 1 1 2 40 62 80 04 ^.m: 11 12 13 14 16 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 .44. Single. $1.42 1 1 1 1 66 68 82 98 2 14 2 49 Doable. 2 3 84 20 3 64 3 92 30 64 00 36 70 4 4 6 6 6 640 4-10- $2 84 3 10 3 36 3 64 396 4 28 4 98 6 68 6 40 708 7 84 8 60 928 10 00 10 70 11 40 12 80 14 80 z^ TIT 1 20 2 68 48 7 80 16 60 Ill '^^l. ■"■■ 32 OOPQg WOOO iW.IT iHJLLlBV "*' Dynamo. Single flan^.....^ / • ••• .Sampson. — r «»"KP- . . . . .^. . . . ,. . .Rebecca. BUSlfiNQS OUTBIDB DIAMBTER. 2 inch ».... Marv 27-ieinoh.........:*::Ed£: 8 iiwl t .Bdna. Idfti LENGTH. J WU*®?- 12 BisseU. OWhTOler^MHne^ •—y^ Blng err .„ ^.MMMwu in SS?**'^- ' 1? Enterprise. 10 Pry. 20 Gazette; Telsgra P< Ti R< N; Bx N< Ni % Ni Dc 15-16 K • 1 1116 11^8 13-16 M-4 15-16 13« 1.7-16 11-2 I'O-W 15-8 1 1116 Bv 134 Aa 1 13-16 Be 17-8 Ch 1 15-16 De 2 Bg 21-16 Fr< 21-8 23-16 21-4 25-16 23-8 27-16 21-2 2 9-16 2ft« 2 11-16 Ne^ 234 Ohi 2 13-16 Per 2 7-8 Rui gS Ho Sec Ire J^l Kei Sib Ma 14 5-16 7-16 1-2 9-16 5^ Hui Isai Jeui Job Ber Zel] Hai 11-16 Hni 34 Kei 13-16 Edi IRQ * inch... .....Carrie. Split, SingI UseWoof , If win. FAOB. Babbitt Tin § trass, tool. " Banca. Krupp. Aptitnony. rurp, • .. Naphtha. llQohol. Maple. Walnut. Syoamore. l8h. . )ak. Clm.- luttemut. lickory. 'hestnut. „ Jherry.' r. ieeoh. tose. imon. ...David. Solomon. Cleveland, shinfftpn. . . . . .Disc. Dynamo. Sanmson: . . . . Ruth . Rebecca. itsell. ae. Toronto, out. T«ly ph Cipher for Ordering FttlUyi, Ito., by W lrt-Ooa. ? FOR BORE OR SIZE OF SHAFT. 1 11-16 11-8 13-16 M-4 16-16 13-8 1.7-16 11-2 I'ft-ie 16-8 15-16 Kepler. Peck. Twain, Headv Nye. Burdott.^ Nest. Nally. Moran. Has well. Newman . — Dennis. 1 11-16 Butler. 134 Asia. 113-16 Belgium. 1 7-« Chili. . 1 16-16 Denmark. 2 Egypt. 21-16 Freeman. 21-8 France. 23-16 Girmany. 2 H Holland 26-16 8cot3and. 2 3-8 Ireland. 2 7-16 Ji^pan.. 2 1-2 Kentucky. 2 9-16 Siberia. ^ 26^ Maine. 2 11-16 Nevada. 234 Ohio. _ 2 13-16 Peru. 2 7-8 Russia. 14 Hugo. 6-16 Isaac. 3-8 Jacob. 7-16 John 1-2 Bertha.- 9-16 Zella, 6-8 Hanna. 11-16 Hunt. 34 Kenyon. 13-16 EdiOi. 2 16-16 Spain. 3 Texas. 31-16 Honduras. 3 1-8 Alleghany. 3 3-16 Baltimore. 314 Camden. 3 6-16 Boston. 8 a-8 Warner. 3 7-16 Detroit. 31-2 Erie. 3 9-16 Fairmont. 3M Parkside. 311-160alfina. 3 34 Hanisburg. 3 13-16 Ithlca. 3 7-8 Jamestown. 3 16-16 Kensington. * LancMtor. 41-16 Woodlawn. 4 1-8 4 3-16 414 4 6-16 43-8 4 7-16 41-2 4 9-16 46-8 4 16-16 Colorado. Danube. Milati. i Metz. Moscow. Elbe. Glasgow.- 6 6116 61-8 6 3-10 61-4 6 6-16 63-8 6 7-16 61-2 6 9-16 60-8 Macon. QUincy Newark. Oneida. Rome. Paris. Reading. Lisbon. Madrid. 4 11-16 Florence. 4 34 Troy. 4 13-16 Amazon. 4 7-8 Bay. SueJMC ttawa. Kingston. Montreal. Manitoba. 6 11-16 Winnipeg. 6 34 Alaska 6 13-16 Toronto: 6 7-8 PorUand. ) 6 16-16 Norway. 6 Sweden. 614 China. ^ 61-2 India. 6 34 Australia. 7 Burmah. 714 Arabia. 7 1-2 Muscovy. * 7 34 Siam. 8 Palestine. . 81-2 Tunis. ^ ^; 9 Morocco. 1-32 In. Addlt'nal Cain 1-64 In. Addlt'nal Abel 3^ in. Addlt'nal Eve. KEY WAYS. 7-8 George. 16-16 Jesse. 1 1M6 11-8* 13-16 114 16-16 13-8 17-16 Allen. Thomas. Stephen. Grace. Fred. Walter. Charles. 11-2 Frank. 19-16 Horace. 16^ Amies. 1 11-16 Hden. 184 Lena. tW-16 Luke. iTS Mark. 116-16 Ad ward. 2 'Henry. IRON CENTEir WOOD RIM PULLeVs: . Code Word I c^. Ur^ Use Wood Pulley Cipheribr diameter, ftMje tK)t« and W-aeot lt6n. iterprise. zette-. ,^^ 34 DODQE WOOQ SPLIT PULLEY CO. m WEIGHT AND 8TRENQTH OF MANILA ROPE. Size Diam. Iiiioheti. A in. » A A I * 1 lA 11 lA If lA I* Weight of 100 Fathoms Manllain Lbs. it <« i( «< (I 4< (< »« y its number of lurober of revo- dlameterof the ESPifSfSJ'F'TJ'^i^'***" <^*»o size of theJDrtver : ^f?F.^r. y "J^ P^y ^. ^ . d*/™^^r of the Driven gy tha tha ymmh og- . I >^e gv»^^ SS^i^i finm 'm I , rf,- *• 'ki^. -.^.n.^H- '"■,■: J't".^'^ ■'^., ■r«.,./A' ^-. ^-^^^.*r^ ■..:j<*: --;^-r^^-; )D SPLIT PULLtY OO. TENT STAIfBA9JDIZED Bushing System. our ^ood Spill Pulleys to a large 1th our patent Standardized Wood may be utilized to flt ahafta of vari- ed- Wood Bushings, made from elas- »llow the bushing to conform to the in both the Unit«i states and Can- I and controlled by lu exclusively ^- r\ r\ r\ ^ V/ K^ K.J^ ft sizes to which a standard S%~ d-adTanoing from 1-inch shaft ^OMONTa or^T. / / 38 The Dodge Patent Standard^aEed Wood Split BttsHiiig Syste^. Gzpi.AiirATiON-For stoclc, we make all pulleys in size from M in. diameter and upwards with bore for Smn. shaft, and all pulleys below 21 In. in diameter for 8 in. shaft (except- ing oases wUere larger bore is re- quired). Eaohpal- ley Is furnished ^ with one wood bushing to flt any size shaft Wanted, thus enabling man- ufacturers to make changes from one line of shafting to n another of differ- ent size, and utilize the pulleys on hand; also emib- ling ileaiers (our- sejves as weli) to sizes o/shSfttSS'ThtJs tSfhl 5a«^L p?"ty 5* '^f*y «' ^ok Sd^effh gSfater'dlsStJh thliib^iiti^i*"} **» "i* ^o^o?Sin '^^^'^^' '^"'^'^ *» ^ »««^««* to our speom gn«<^ Price Liat for Extra Wood Btisliiiigs, XiBNOTH. lOto Winches...... 14tol6inches 18 to 20 inches ;'..*. OUTBira OlAmTEB IK IHCHKS. 8 «k 2 7-16 85 80 86 8 86 40 45 3^ 86 40 46 86 46 50 00 70 4H 00 70 80 90 .#:|:»8.'i:«rbi!^"./'ij2i a.?^^^^^^^ - --i #1 •Ife.: 1-