:0 -if '^> ./K^ or send to tne in. w. oi mo *^b« «- , J V ^u w /i «r ber, a proper oertifl^te. signed and scaled b^th« N. O.^ ^moneiffhboivinirtodge, but if there be non^ within three S^K^^J^ ^ signed^by theClergyr^-" Priest, or any Justice of the Peace in l^hetown or plw the reUipt of which shall be suffioiont authority fc»M Officers to pay thk several donations, after »8CortJ»ini" he be good on th|b books of the Lodge. ?i^ ^ 28 That if the widow of a deceased membee marry again, ai^ she pay into the Lodge ^ h^ U band, we shiUfng per quarter dunng her Itfetim^ pounds win, at ier death, be paid to those who «»y i the charge of her interinent, (seetw-enty-sixth LaJ) vided she contribute to the f«^d within three inw^ death of her hJsband. The N. G. shaU^not^ heM" law in writing within one week after ber husb««l cease or be Sied flVe sWllings for su^ ne«te^. representatives of such widow shaU not be entittod alwveif shebc six months bad \Z^h3^ to be tied with irld^. "^^^^"S 2^^ when ««tei.?»»»ff fi^ ceased memDen. ■ ^^^*^ i.' l^Sr was a member^ ibiiB cot^ 4lM d^otited ThM itam ii Mfn«d at th* raduclioo ratio ch«cliMl bctow/ C« #octwiMnl Mt fMniA mi ta«« #• rMyciion iw d «vlo«| to the Qoarteidy or Porple Lectin^ or whoi6 eeAdfl^ tho N. a ^ a^oNtvy of any Lo4g4 MgNtfog lo mm ' 'Z •4 / 1 5 e >& ' - 1 ly Lodge in tbb Dittriot ahall b^ boimd to itoWidowB! and Orphans' Fund^. ..•.,(; .if'.y- [Lodges in this District shall appoint a Vlidt- i toeonslst of not less than thrae memliers, ihall be to visit the Widows and Otphans he Lodgf^and pay them their allotted ali- «mt of such aUment so-paid to hedednoted 1; AoMMint due h^l^ L- 1 » 1 ^^^K '^ ^> ' J*r y ' . f ■" ■■ ( : ■■ ■* • »■ ■ A ■ a . m V ■} ig*s^' '£^^ .-L ijati!. A^^_'*^^r , /'' •^ if-M^ • I pm tally ii .d ^ ♦ .4 ^"-^ I - imtii r iiii imit J . »■ )tti|M*ildirtiM«l 1 kjOjifim 1 imtfaBm 1 1 I^« '^^i ^ S M^ ^ ^ S^^f^ ■-|^-a*%-^^ m ft ^ ■I' (f 'I 'i *?■ \H^j \ < r ^ \ ^ - I , t ;• > / )'.: IS I- ^ ' '61. ' '.- ' ^.