^'3 U.I Z 57 ^ J BY-LAAA^S «-fft Of Zetland Lodge OP FEEEMASOE^S, • No. 9 Registry of Quebec, held in the City of Montreal, PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. I ' ■..'N-'V.'S-"^"^-^.-V,'^.'V.-V^''- *' Honour all men, love the Brotherhood, fear God and honour the King." ** Let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth." 1 " A tale bearer revealeth secrets, but he that is a faithful spirit concealeth a matter." Montreal : J. Starke & Co., Printers, St. Francois Xavibr Street. 5876. Z 51 I BY-LAWS OF Zetland Lodge or FEEEMASONS, No. 9 Registry of Quebec^ held in the City of Montreal, PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. " Honour all men, love the Brotherhood, fear God and honour the Ring." - . , .... **Let us net Ivive»m«word, 'rfeither in» tcmr«e, bu* tn deed and in truth. ^' »•••»»•• t*^ • 1 »i " A tale bp^rer reVf^aleth .sheets, but he that f? a faiihfui spirit conc€aklh*a tnane-.'' ! ' " * '»''.'• ' ' \ » . - ' r 1 . ' • * U J u L lilt I, > •' ^tonttcd : J. Starkk & Co , Printers, St. Francois Xavirr Street. 3876. « f- ; •: . >• « I ) p I 4» / c> » «,'■♦«> I O V • • » « t • s « e « o • « «' o o i> e o • ««. » ,« •• './'^ '5 .i '. 1 ■■'.- ^.11 -'.•• t ■ •, ».' u ,.» • ' '.< IV.;. . 1 • " INTEODUCTIOK As no Society can be conducted without Laws, it is necessary for good government that tiiose laws should be established on a just and equitable foundation. It is well at all times to remember that laws without observance rather take from, than add to, the object intended ; the Officers of the Lodge must, therefore, be treated with that deference and respect which their offices demand; it being through them alone that order and propriety can be maintained. Such posts of honor ought to be filled by those Brethren only, who are desirous of promoting the general good. Masonry comprehends within its circle every branch of useful learning, and stamps an indelible mark of pre- eminence on all its genuine professors, which neither chance, power, nor fortune, can bestow. When its principles are strictly observed, it is a sure foundation of tranquility amidst the various disappoint* ments of life ; imparting real and intrinsic excellency to •man, and rendering him fit for the duties of Society. It cheers the mind in the hour of affliction, paves the way to peace, and promotes domestic happiness ; it is company in solitude, and gives variety, vivacity, and energy to social conversation. 54319 These are its general advantages, to enumerate tliem full}^ would be an endless task ; enough, however, has- been said to show that he who cultivates this science, and acts agreahly to the character of a Mason, has within liimself the spring and support of every moral and social virtue. From this view of the science its utility must be obvious. The universal principles of the art unite in one indissoluble bond of affection, men of the most opposite tenets, of the most distant countries, and of the most contradictory opinions; so that a Mason finds in every nation a friend, and in every country a home. ' The Grand Lodge of Quebec, whose supremacy the Brethren of the Zetland Lodge, Number Nine, hereby acknowledge, having in the book of constitutions issued to the fraternity by its authority, laid down certain Laws and Regulations for the general Government of the Order, it remains for us to enact such By-Laws for the regulation and management of this Lodge, as from time to time may be deemed expedient; and all By-Laws and Regulations made prior and up to the 10th August, 1876, having been annulled by the vote of the Lodge on the 14th day of September, A. L., 5876, and confirmed on the 12th day of October, A. L., 5876, it is agreed that the Govenment of this Lodge shall be regulated by the following:— : A • • 1 > *.'/.■ '. ^ k,Jl *. ■'i4«»*<^ *". '( 't t 1 •. .» , ,. ^ f ■ ; "* ' "T "i .■' • ,- •* ;. v.,i. ie.Lt.:y ..«.- ') '■'.:' i ■r • '« ■•* .^•r,,.;. -1 V ■ ,.S I- - -t ■ >' • BY-LAWS. I. The regular meeting of the Lodge shall he held on the second Thursday of every month. II. No visitor shall be admitted into the Lodge, unless •he is personally known, recommended or well vouched for, after due examination by one of the Brethren present, nor shall be admitted when the Lodge is on private busi- ness, unless by a vote of the Lodge ; and no Brother being a resident of the Province, who is not a subscribing member of some Lodge, shall be admitted as a visitor more than once during his secession from the craft. No visitor shall address the Lodge on any question without the permission of the Master, nor shall he be permitted on any occasion to vote. III. A book shall be placed in the Ante-room in which every visitor shall subscribe his nam", and the name and number of his Lodge. . ,,. IV. Of Eiregulai* ^dxabiour. '; At the sound of the Master's Gnvel, profound silence .shall bi3 observed; c'^nd if any Urother disturb the harmony of the Lodge, and disregard the admonition of tlie Master, thereupon, by repetition of the offence, he shall be fined in such a sum as the Brethren may decide ; and if he per- sist, he shall be suspended his Masonic functions for that Meeting, unless he subsequently make such concessions a^^'' the Master and the Brethren shall consider satisfw^ary." - ■t V. When any business shall be brought before the Lodge for discussion, every Brother desirous of speaking, shall, when he rises, address himself to the Master; and no Brother shall be permitted to speak twice on the same subject, unless in explanation, or when called upon by the Master, or as the mover in reply. No Brother shall be permitted to revive the discussion of any subject which has alread)' been settled by the Lodge ; and no motion shall be entertained unless it be made in loriting^ signed by the mover and duly seconded, if so called for by any member of the Lodge, 'i^- ■■■■ : ^ m ^uUs of ®rkr.- - - To secure regularity in the proceedings of the Lodge, the following order shall hi observed for regular meetings : 1. The Lodge to be opened in diie and ancient form, .and the initiutcB of last regular meeting (and 8ubs( q[iient emergent, if any,) to be read and confirmed. 2. Reports of Committees on petitions to be received. 3. Reports from the Permanent Committee to be re- ceived and considered. 4. Reports from Special Committees, if any, to be read and considered. 5. Propositions for Membership to bo received. 6. Appointment of Committees on Petitions of Can- • didates. 7. The Ballot to be passed for joining Members first, and afterwards for candidates for initiation.. • 8. Candidates, if in waiting, to be initiated. Brethren^ if any, to be passed and raised. i . 9. Petitions for relief and other communications to bo received. . . . • 10. Business, affecting the principles, honor, and prosperity of the Order. The above order may be suspended or changed for the Meeting by consent of the Master. '■'■■ •-■ •••'•' VII. ■ ' I ■■ ^'' : ■ '■ 'i ''-' . .. ®f (Ekdion oi ®iHar0. r ;' j:::[ •■ • The Master, Wardens, Chaplain, Treasurer, Secretary - and Tyler, shall be annually elected at the regular meeting • in December; and on the St. John's day following, the Minutes being previously confirmed, the Master shall be 9 installed. After which he shall proceed to appoint the other officers, who are thereupon, with the elective Officers and Tyler to be invested in due form. -'-■■• ^ •• ■■ -' ^ - ■ VIII. The Treasurer shall receive the money of the Lodge> and discharge all orders and Bills that have been duly vouched and signed by the Master and Secretary ; and open books in which the Receipts and Disbursements shall be regularly stated, so as to exhibit at one view the amount of cash in his possession ; which books shall be produced at every meeting of the Lodge, and be open for inspection of its Members. That whenever the amount in the Treasurer's hands shall exceed the sum of Ten dollars, such excess shall be deposited in one of the Savings Banks of the City, in the name of the Master, Treasurer, and Secretary, of the Lodge, upon whose joint check or order the sum alone can be withdrawn from the said Bank. His accounts shall be audited annually by some two or more Members of the Permanent Committee, and signed by them previous to the Meeting on St. John*s day in December, in order that the balance then in his hands may be paid over on that day to the Treasurer • elect, or be otherwise disposed of as shall be directed by the Lodge. The Treasurer shall annually insure the Jewels, Furniture, and other property of the Lodge, against loss ^ by fire» 9 •- . - . IX. ©£ the