CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, Exploratory Survey. UKPOJiTS, HKi'OM.VlKNOATIONS, ANJ) ()UI)I<]1J EN (^OUXCiL. IX RKPERKN(^K TO TllK LOSS OF LIFE OF OFFICERS AND MEN, IX COXXKCTIOX WITH THK SURVKY, IX TIIH VKAIi 1873. OTTAWA: Pm.NTKI) nv .M.M'IiK\N, K(M)KK (V Co., AV^Kl.UNCTON StUKKT. 1KT4. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILVS^AY. Exploratory Survey. KKPOliTS. l{K('(.)MMKNI)ATIOXS. AND OUDKIt l.V (HJIJXdlL, IX KKFKIfKNCK To TIIK LOSS OF LIFE OF OFFICERS AND MEN. IN (O.NNKi'TKJN WITH IMIK SIJUVKY, IN Tllh] YKAR 1873. OTTAWA: Pri.ntku hy .VlArLKAN, RoiiKK, & (■(»., Wkmjnoton Str«ht. 1ST4. (CANADIAN PACIFKMIAILWAY, Office of the Rnqineer in Chief, Ottawa, Ffihruiini, 1S74. The (rovi'i-iiiuout of ('iiiiiida liaviug passed an Oi-der in (Viiioil .i,'raiiti»i,' cortain allowauces to the rcprcsentativos of tliose who |)ave lost tlioir livos in (•(tnnection with tlio Oamidian Paoitio liaiiway, dni-in^f the past yeai-— The uiulei'sigiied Inis hccn oharged by tlic ironorahle, tlic .MinisU'i- of Public Works with the duty of paying over the money granted to those who were most dependent o)i the deceased and who appear most entitled to receive it. lEe thei-ctbre solicits from frieni't ofscridiis iufidciits wliicli occiinTd on lliis work (lui'iiii;' (lit' jiast siinum'i', to take llic iilncc oi" oik'. on (lie siinu' siiliji'i't, wliieli was (U'strovfd liv the lato tii-*-. The first acci'ilcnt occum'(l on the 24tli July last at Whiletish Lake, near Hie starting- point of Division M, 1S7H. Hv it three paeknieii lost (lieir lives whose names were Joseph Hu<;hes, Devizes V. ()., Lomlon. Ontario. Arthur Torrie, Millehiir^h •' Neil Patterson, Xapanee The jiartieulars of the aeeident are as follows: — Tiiree men. namely, Joseph Hughes, Arthur Torrie. and Henry Thomas, were erossiny; Whitetish Lake in ji small eanoe, and wlu'ii near tlie sonmd iicciilont (ic(mht«m| on tlic 21sl OctolKir, at Rod Eook. Avhilo tlio jmi'tH's wciv wjiitiiiLC tlif iiiTival of a stoanu'i- to take tlioin lumu'. Hv it a Koccman Packer, Wm. I'layti'r. of Toronto, was lamcil t'ov lift'. lie was ( iilliiii; wood for the caini) Hi'«'s on tlu^ aliov** iianiod arty to whitdi he helontted, hut owini^ to there beinu "o Siirireon at Jiaiid, it was iinin'rfeetly done. aned cai'ryingoiit theii"ver\' arduous duties. The first of these was .Mr. .lohn I*, {{(dtson, formerly of St. John, X. R, who received an appointment, in the alM>ve named capacity, when this work was com- menced in 1S71. at wliicli tinn- he i-emoved his family to Kintcston, Ontario, where the}' at |iresent reside. Durini"- the past summer, .Mr. {{ohson was stationed at lied Hock, Ncjdgon Bay, iiake Superior, i left him then' when I retiu-ned to Ottawa for a short time, on the (Ith Septemher; and upon ifoing up there au;ain about the loth October. (I can not >peak exactly as to ilates. my diary having; been destroyed in the tire) 1 found that he had been taken on board the steamer ('luitlxrlinnJ, the day before niy arrival, in an insensible state, and. I subserpiently learned, osure. he performed in a faithful and energetic manner. in conse(|uem'e of .Mr. i{»bson's sudden death, considerable difficulty was experienced in closing his accounts. But with Mr. i*riees assistance, this was ert'ected in as correct a manner as j)os- .sible under the circumstances. So far as can lie recollected, Mi: Rolison's account sheweil a balance against liiiu fif iiliiMii J^IIT.OO; (liis can lie iiccoiuiIimI for liy ihv fuels tliiit liis fiiiu-nil expenses, jinKiiiiiliii^' lo SKMMM) liax'e lu'eii placeil to liis aiiy Mr. I'riee wlien >etllinji witli liiin siiliM'(|ucntly, owiny,' to (lu- entry in Mr. IJohsons lio(»l< not lieinn' siitl!«''K'ntls- e.N|(lieil for a stranger to iin- (lerstanil ; altlioii^'li. no doulit, it Avoiiid liave lieen elear to iiini iiad lie lixcd to sv\\\r matters lum>elf. I woidd llierefori- ves]ioelfidiy recommend, owin;^ to the ]ieeiiliar cireiimstaiiees of the ease, that tlies*' two .>-nms. amount iny- lo 8145. .(l(t has licon ac death 1 reyri't to have to I'eeord. was Mr. Nathan. L. Trice, laic of (irand Kails. >,'cw Hiunswick. wlieie his family still reside. ]le, also, has heen cni]iloyed in the sami' capacity, since the commciicemeiit of this Avork in ]ST1. His duties Avere. to receive the supplies foi- Hivisioii ,M, at Prince vVrthur's Landing!;. Thundei- Hay. Lake Sujierior. and supci'inteiid the torwardin^-of them to the Main depot of tlic I)ivision, in the interior of the coiintry. a distance of over 1(10 miles; also tlieir distrihution to vai'ious oilier di'pots aloiin' the route to I v ex]iloreil. Having performed tliis diiticiUl sei'vici' in a most satisfactory manner, he came to J{ed Hoclv and. after the depai'lurc of *\Ir. i'ohson as already docrifed. took cliarye of atlairs at that ])oin(; assistini,' in closini;- the accounts and jiayini;- off the men. upon the com])ietion of tlie season's woi'k. Alter the(le|iarture of most of the parlies from Eed I{ock, on their Avay Jioiiic. he arranged and took stock of all the (lovern- inent stores, leavin;; tliem in f;;ood order for next season's operations. Jle then niturned Avitli me to Ottawa, and while en,y;ay:ed in closini;' his own and Mr. ]{ohson's accounts, was taken ill very suddenly ami dii'il in a few days of Ilemoi'- rigio scurvy ; Avhicli the doctor who attended him stated was hrou^ht on hy hanlsliips and exposuie Avhile out in tlie woods. ]Iis accounts Avere all closed in a most satisfactory manner, and the tinii> of liis death there was a Iialance due to him on account of salai-y of S.'{27.(Hl, as neai- as can be reniemlieied. But of this halanco the sum of $200.00 lias heen sent to his Avife since his death, and liis lioard hill in OlIaAva, $2.'{.00 has also heen paid. Besides these, there is a hill for medical attendance during- his last illness of $20.00 and funeral ex|ieiises SfiH.OO. Total 87H.OO cliarged against him. Tliese two last items. I Avould resjicctfully lecommend, as I liaAe al>o done in the case of Mr. Bolisoii, should he placed to liis credit. I cannot close this report without ex])ressiiig my sinceie ,sym2)atliy Avitli the families of these Iavo officers in their sad liereavement. I take tlie same o^qiortunity to .state that, from the day they joined the service until the date of their respective deaths, they fulfilled the very arduous duties enti'iisted to them in a most trustworthy and satisfactory nuinner. Avhich duties Avere of such a peculiar character that it will lie difficult to fiiid others to discharge them. I remain T)ear Sir, Yours tridy, JAMKS n. IJOWAX. CAXADIAX PACIFIC RAILWAY, Office of tuk Knuinker in (.'hief, Ottuna, Fihnuiry Ifh, 1874. Tlu' lloii. A(,EX. Mackenzie, kv.. \c., &('., Minister of J'uMic Woi-ks. »SlK, It is my iminfiil iliity to lu-iiiu' iiiukT yoiii- notice sonic particulars rcspcctins^ loss of life in conni'ction with tlic Canadian I'acitic Uaihvav Survey during; tlie year 1H7:1 The acconii)anyini>- Report of Mi-. Rowan will he found to ifive the facts, in oacli case, as far as known. 1 may l>e permitted to ohservc tiiat the survey sustained similar losses during the year IStl and 1.S72, for particidars see my Jleport of .January 2Sth, 1S7H, aii«l the Uoveriinicnt passed an order on the ;}lst May of the same year, authoriziujf pay- ment to the rc]ires«'ntatives of the deceased of an allowance equivalent to eighteen months of their relative jiay in each case. The names. ])osition and pay of the poor men lost are as follows: — John r. Rohson, Commissariat Ofliccr $10(( per month. Nathaniel L. Price, do lOO " .1. Iluiihes, Axenum HO " A.Torrie. do HO " N. Patterson. Uo HO " In all cases. I have ordei'ed the payment of the e-\]»enst>s connected with th« be a respectable, well educated young num, and aii appointment to a position as flerk in an otlice, would ])robably i>e a moiv satisfactory way of compensating hint than a gi-ant of money. I respectfnily suhmit these several cases for the generous consideration of the (rovernment. I am, &e.. Your ohedient servant, SA.NDFOIM) FLKMlNd. 9 l)Kl'AR'niKNT OF FuHLrc "WoRKS. Ottmni. Ffhniiinf •'(ith. 1874. Siu. I \)ver month. Xath. L. Price. do UMl .1. liuiilies. .\xeman lU) " .\. 'rorrie. d .'id .\. I'allerson. do ."St* and statinsi' hriclly the circumstance- attendini;- the same and reeommendini;" tliat he he authorized to ^rant to the re|irescntativcs of tiies<' oiticc'N and men, an allowance eiiiiivalcnt to eiii'htcen month-^ of their pay. similar allowances iiavin<; heeii madehy order of Your i-Acdh-ni'V. dated the lil-t May. I87.'{. for lilce losses of life on the said survev. (hn'in^- the years IS7I and 1^72. 'I'he minister inrtlu'r represents that William I'layter. liireman paidvcr. salary S;{,'! a montii. had his foot so scvei'cly injnred hy the axe. wliich iflanceil from the tree, tliat he mu>l I'cmain lame for life, and i'<'connm'ndin,ii; that he he employed in the civil service. The conunidei- >idimil thi' forei!,diny,' recommendations for Your F.xeelleney's a|ppi'o\al. ( 'crlitieil. (Si.siiied.) W. \. III.MSWOHTH. 10 s 3 III S = s. C S g 8 12 a 1 ^ 11 1 1 1 'A M •< w S. o Granted by Order in Council. i S 8 8 8 8 €» 1 1 S 3 9 115 uS U5 Balance to Credit. • s : 12 S i B i = 8J Balance to Debit. o ~ : «• S i 1 Advanced to family on account 1 8 S n : i - li Balance due on account of services to time of death. 1 8 8 S JS s 3 9 9 ^ S g Date of 1 1873. October 22 December 30 i 1' ' g a 1871. June. June. 1873. June 6 1 Pay per month. i 8 8 8 8 8 •» 8 8 8 § S 1 ! 4 < Commissariat Ofllcer. do c « E C •• n 1 fc J 1 1 ^'1 H 1-9 A. Torrle. N. Patterson.... ! iS ( 1 1 I © a: 05