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signifie "A SUIVRE", le symboie V signifie "FIN". Mapa. platee, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one expoaura are filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, as many framea aa required. The following diagrama iliuatrate the method: li^a cartea, pianchea. tableaux, etc., pauvent dtra filmAa A dee taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra raprodult an un seul cliche, il est filmA A partir de Tangle sup4rieur gauche, de gauche k droite. et de haut en baa. an pranant la nombra d'Imagea ndcassaira. Lea diagrammes suivants lllustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 CATALOGUE. CANADA. OATALOaUE OF THE LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT. WORKS RELATING TO AMERICA. PAMPHLETS AND MANUSCRIPTS. INDEX TO AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS. Irinte^ bH mtx at i\t f egislatwre. TORONTO: .JOHN LOVELL, CORNER OF YONGE AND MELINDA STREET. 1.858. Blblioth^e, , Le S^minaire de Qu6bedt 3, rue- cIp riJniv9rsit6, (Quebec 4, QUE. ifir t f CANADA. CATALOGUE DE LA BIBLIOTHlilQUE DU PARLEMENT. ^tiU OUVRAGES RELATIFS A L'AMERIQUE. BROCHURES ET MANUSCRITS. INDEX DES AUTEURS ET DES MATlflRES. ;,«.> -c- •^>'/ ^.^..;,> ^itt^rinre' par nrbre \i la JTjgiBlotttw. .ftv^i-k-'^ TORONTO: JOHN LOVELL, COIN DES RUES YONGE ET MKLINDA. 1858. TABLE OE CONTENTS. PAMPHLETS CATALOaUE OF BOOKS Oy AMERICA. HISTOEY OP AMEEIOA 1. AMBBICA IK alHBBAI. 1, AKTIQUITIBS AND ABORIOIHBt Page ,. 1076 lies lies , 1181 8. BCCLB8IA8TICi.L niBTOBY AHO MI88IOW8 U90 II. aOUTU AMBBIOA UM III. VB8T IlfDIBS 1£06 IT. OBHTBAL AMBBICA 121S y, HOBTH AMBBICA U13 I, MBHCO 1813 S. UBITBD 8TATB8, IB OBBBBAX ^, 1216 PABTICULAB BTATBa ABD TBBBIT0BIB8 1233 (o) BBW BBOLABD ITATBS 1233 (J) KBW TOBK 1241 (O) PBBKBTLVANIA, BBW JBBSBT ABD DBIAWABB IMS (cO VIBOIiriA ABD MABTI.AHD 1847 (8) OBOBOIA ABD ALABAMA 1850 (/)BOBTn ABD SOUTH CABOLIBA 1801 {g) KBBTUCKT ABD TBBNBBBEB 1861 (h) MIBBIB8IFPI, LOVIBIABA, PIOBIOA ABD TBXA8 1862 (i) MICHIOAB, ILLINOIS, OHIO, WI8COB8IB,HIBBBBOTA 1266 U) CALIIOBNIA AND OBBOON 1868 3. HI8T0BT OP WABS IN NOETH AMBBICA 1269 (a) WABS ANTEBIOB TO THB AMBBICAB BEVO^UTION 1869 (ft) AMBBICAN RBVOLCTION 1861 (c) WABS BUBSEQVBBT TO THB AMEBICAN EETOLUTIOB 1866 TI. BBITI8H NOBTH AMBBICA. 1868 1. CANADA 1270 INDEXES TO IMPEBIAL PABLIAMBNTABT FAFBB8, CONCEI ' '; CANADA 1287 SESSIONAL FAFBB8 OP TSG HOUBB 01 LOBDS 1887 SESSIONAL FAPEBS OP TBB HOUSE OP COMMONS 1308 8. NEWPOUNDLAND, NOTA SCOTIA, NEW BBUN8WICK, CAFB BBBTON AND FBINCX BDWABD ISLAND 1336 3. HUDSON'S BAT IBBBIT0BIB8, AND BED BIVEB 8BTTLEMBNT 1338 GBOGBAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS 1339 I. AMERICA, IN OBNEBAL 1339 II. SOUTH AMBBICA 1351 III. WEST INDIES 1369 IV. CBNTBAL AMBBICA 1361 T, NOBTH AMBBICA 1362 1. MEXICO 1878 a. UNITED STATES, OENERALLT 1374 (a) EASTEBN, NOBTBEBN AND MIDDLE BTATB8 1382 (6) BOUTHEBN BTATBS 1383 (C) WESTERN STATES AND lEBBITOBIES ; INCLUDING THE BEGIONB BETWEEN THE HIBSIBSIFFI AND TEX PACIFIC OCXAN 1384 1 1 VI TABLE OP CONTENTS. 3. BBITian irOBTR AMHICA , 18M (n) CANADA. 1396 (6) irEWVOCNDLAND, LABBADOB, HOTA (COTIA, RBW BBUtllWICK, CAPB BBBTON, TBinCB BDWABD ISLAND 140S (e) HDDBON'B DAY TRBBITOBIBH ASD BBD BIVBB SBTTLBMBBT 1408 ((f) POLAB RBOIONS 1406 CANAinAN LITERATUEE. NBW8PAPKB8 AND PEBIODI0AL8 140T AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PAMPHLETS 1419 1. AMBBICAIf FAMPntBTS 1419 2. CANADIAir FAMPHLBTI 1418 MANUSCRIPTS 1461 1. MANU8CBIPT8 (IK ?BB5CH) BBLATIVB TO THB niSTOBT OS HBW IBANOB I IR THBBB BBBIBB. FABI8 DOCUMBNTS 1451 i. OTUEB FBBNCn MANUSCBIFTB BBLATINO TO THB niBTOBT OF CANADA 1011 8. MAND8CBIFT MAPS, CONCBBNXHO NBW FBANCB 1014 4. IIANCBCBIFTB BBU.TINO TO TUB HIBTOBT OF CANADA. FBOM THB LOHDOH ABCUIVB8 1022 5. D1VBB8 OTnBB (BHOtlSn) MAKCBCBIPTB BBLATINO TO TUB niBTOBT OF CANADA... 1044 0. UANVBCBIFTB FROM TUB BOABD OF TBADB BELATIHO TO THB SBITIBH AMEHICAN COLONIES, AND PLANTATI0K8, THB WB8T INDIB8, ETC 1048 PAINTINGS AND PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS IN THE LIBRARY 1056 ADDENDA 1600 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS, AND SUBJECT MATTER INDEX TO BOOKS 1007 TABLE DES MATlfeRES. Ptite RKOCHURBS 107» CATALOaVE DES OUVBAOSS RELATIfS A L'AMEBIQUE. HISTOIM DE L'AMERIQUE IIM I. AMKail)VB BN OENIRAL 116S 1. ANTlqUITES RT ikOORIOEXKS , 1181 2. nUTOIRB ECCI.B8IABTiaCB BT HIUIOITI IIM II. AMBBII(<'B HBRIDIONA.LB 1199 lit. INDES orclDBNTALEB...— ItOO IV. AMEKIliVE CERTRAtB 1118 T. AMBUIQCB SRPTEKTBIONALI UI3 1. MBXIQDR 1213 2. BTATS nNia, BN OBNBRAl Iil6 BTATS BT TEBBIT0IRE8 FARTICCLIIBI 1233 (a) NOCVKT.LB AirOLBTBRBB 1333 (6) ITBW ToBK 1841 (C) FEVSTLTAltlB, Vt* JBUST BT DBtAWARI 184S (d) VIRRINIB BT MARTLARD 1247 («) OBOBOIB BT ALABAMA 12fiO (/) OABOLIKI DU NORD BT 0ABOLI5B DU IDD 13S1 (g) KBNTUCKT ^T TBNRBSSBB 1831 (A) MISaiBSlPFI, L0UI8IANE, FIOBIDB BT TBXAB 1208 (t) MICHIQAN, ILLIHOIB, OHIO, WIBC0R8IN BT UIITirBSOTA 12S6 (i) OALIFOBMIB ET OBEOON 123)1 3. HISTOIBB DBS OUEBBEa DAVB L'AMBBIQUB DC NOBD 1259 (a) a0EBBE8 ANTERIEURE8 A LA BBVOLUTIOH AMBBICAIRB 12S9 (A) REVOLUTION AHBBICAINB 1201 (C) 0UBRRB8 BCDaBttUEMTES A I.A SBVOLUTION AMBBICAIICB 1286 VI. AMBRIUVB BBITANNiquB DC NOBD 12«8 1. CANADA 127U INDEX DBS DOCUMBMTB PABLBHBNTAIBBB IMFBBIAUX BBLATIF8 AV CANADA 1287 DOCCMBNTB FARLBMBNTAIBBB DB LA CHAMBBB DES LOBDS 1287 no DO DB LA CHAMBBB DEB COXMUNBB 1308 3. TBBBBNEUVE, !(0CVET.1E BC088E, NOWEAU BBCNBWICK, CAP BRETON ET ILB DC PBINtri; ) CABD 1835 3. TBBBITOIBEB UB LA DAIB D'HCDBOU BT ETABLI8BBMBNT DB LA BIVISSB ROVOB 1338 GBOGEAPHIE ET VOYAGES 1339 I. AMBBIQCE EN OBNBBAL , 1339 II. AMEBiqCB MERIDIONALB 1851 III. IN0E8 OCCIDBNTALBS 1859 IV. AMEBIQUE CENTBALB 1361 V. AHERIQCE 8BPTBNTBI0NALE 1368 1 MBXiqUE ». 1878 2. ETATB-UNIB BN OBNBBAL 1374 (a) BTATS DE L'EST, DC NOBD BT DC MILIBC .• 1382 (6) BTATS DU BUD 1383 (c) BTATS ET TERBITOIRES DB L'OCEBT, (T COVFBIS LBS BEOIONS ENIBB LB MISSIB- 8IFPI ET L'OCEAN FACIFItlCE 1384 VIII TADLE DES MATI^SES. S. AIUIKI()DI IBITAHNtQUa DC VOBD , ISM (a) PAKADA ItM (A) TIBRIMIOVa, LABBADOR, noVYMLLM BCOHB BOUTIAV BBCMWIOK, CAP BBBTOB BT ILB DV PBIBCB-BDOUARD IMS (e) TBBBITOIBBI DB LA BAIB D'ltVUMB BT BTABLIUBMBBT I>B LA BIVIBBB BOUOB. 140S (rf) BB0I0N8 POLAIBBB 1400 OUVOAOEH MTTKBAIBE8, JOUBNAUX BT BECUEIL8 PEBIUDIQUBS, PUBLIB8 BN CANADA 1«7 BBOCUUBEH AMEBICAmES BT OANADIENNEB Ul» 1. BBOCnUBBS AMBBICAIBBI 1419 t. DBOCUUBBS OAVADIBNBBS « ,. l^U MANU8CRIT8 l«l 1. HANCSCBITSFBAMCAIS BBLATIIB A L'niSTOIBB DB LA MOCTBLLB IlUHCBl BB TBOIS BBBIBI. (OBI ABCaiVBI OB PABIB) 1451 2. ACTRB8 MAH UBCRITB VBABCAIB BBLATIFB A L'UIBTOIBB DU OABAOA 1611 3. CABTE8 MAKUBCBITBB BBLATIVBS A LA BOUVBLLB BBAHOB 1614 4. MABUICBITB AXOLAIB BBLATIVB A L'niBTOIBB DU CANADA ICU 5. DITBBS AUTBES MANDBCRITB ANOLAIS BBLATIFB A L'niBTOIBB DU CAHADA 1644 6. MANU8CBITB BBLATIFS AUX COLONIBB ANOLAIBBB DB L'AMBBKJUB DU BOBD, AUX IHDBB OCCIDBBTALBB, BTO 1648 TABLEAUX, PLANETAIRE, GLOBES, ETC 1686 ADOBNDA 1680 INDEX ALPHAUGTIQUE DES MATIERES ET DES AUTBUR8 1667 PAMPIILMTS. ' 1075 / /'■' Hampbltts. coRnvTi iiv TiiR nnrNP vtit.rmKn or PAMnir.RT* iir thk i.innAiiT. Tniiiiii tom'sim arr rot CUMlriBD, Uir AUK HKVKBALLV KimilKBKI' ANII I.KTTKKIil) ON 1 II K IIAI K Alt UNUKKMKNTIONHO «« r Vol. I. [Tracts, Oratlo Harveland, &o. London, 1799-1809. ] PWtl 1. Mimro, Thos. Orutio Uurvciana, in Coll. Regal. Mi-dicor. 18th October, 1799. .16 •J. VnHKlmn, Hour. 1800.. 18 .3. IVmt.irton, CKr. Uoht. 180ti. .84 4. Powell, Rioh.l. 1S08..28 r.. HolKTden, (hiil. 18()9. .'i7 (). [..ottiTs on the subject of Qimruiitine 1799.. '29 7. Hiiiz, Hipolito. Kobre la Raiz de la ll.ttaiihia, do In (Jalaguala y do la Clnnn, &i-. Madrid, 1796.. 73 Vol. II. [Tracts. London, 1769-73.] 1. Jotie.s Udw Sart-cd Symbols, VV^■Id8, Ideas and Things di.'^covercd according to the Pin tonic nniiibcr.s. With the Origin of Language, &c., and the Circles of (ionur 1773. .49 •2. . The Philosophy of Words. With specimens of the first I.anf;iiage, and Lexicon of .ancient Names, &c. 1769. .80 Vol. HI. I Tracts on Reform. London, 1831.] 1. Of the proposed Reform . . 36 •2. The new Constitution 32 3. The ndvnntnj;es of Reform as proposed 33 4 A leaf from t!ic future history of Kngland, on the subject of Reform 12 .5. A Dialogue on Pailiainentary Reform 23 6. Appeal to the Protestant Electors of Great Britain and Ireland 12 7. Sebri^^ht, Sir J. S. Opinions of, — on Tenant Farmers' Votes. 11 8. Vyvyan, Sir 11. U. Speech of, — on Reform. . . 11 9. Appeal to the Electors of England ... 12 10. Address to the sii iporters of Lord Grey and Reform 12 11. Hints 10 Electors on the new Constitution 23 12. Substance and tendency of the Reform Bill 35 13. Ellects of Reform.. U 14. Peel, .Sir R. Speech (on the Question,) Will the Agriculturist.s be benelitted by the Reform Bill? 23 15. A few words to the Lords and the People about Reform 36 16. On the Laws and Liberties of Englishmen 21 17. Col)bett'8 " Penny Tnisb." February, March and April, 1831 17, 24, 22 18. King Omega's Vision ; Or, a midsummer night's dream in 1831 (Poetry) 11 19. yEsop in Downing Street. Part 1 23 20. Life and Death of Swing the Rick-burner. With the Confession of Thomas Goodman, under sentence of dualh •. .26 ■r 1076 •PAMPHLETS. 21. Imposture unmasked ; a letter on the schemes of the Church Robbers 23 22. A Word to Persons desirous of Change t 12 23. Paley, W. Reasons for Contentii.ent ; addressed to Labourers ; with, The Bee-llive (a Fable) 24 24. A Statement as to Wages paid to Agricultural Labourers 23 Vol. rv. [PamphletB. 1751—82.] 1. The New Forest and Richmond New Park, — Historical accounts of; with Strictures on Forests and the Forest Laws, &c London, 1761 . .68 2. A new description of the Curiosities at the E. of Pembroke's, Wilton House. By Jamu.s Kennedy London, 1764. 107 3. The Norfolk Tour; or, a description of Seats, Towns, &c.. in Norfolk. Norwich, 1772 .60 4. A description of the Town and Abbey of Bury St. Edmund's, [with] A List of the Abbots and the several Benefactors of the Town. 12mo. Bury, 1782.. 112 5. An Address to the Author of a Letter, to the Guardians of the Poor ; [and] A method of regulatirg the Inequality of Assessments for the Poor. 8vo. Bury, 1778... S7 Vol. V. [Day of Judgment, Memoir of Ld. Lovat, &c. 1759—92.] 5. 6. 7. Ogilvie, J. The Day of Judgment. (Poem.) London, 1759. .50 Memoirs of the Life of Lord Lovat London, 1746 . . 123 Eliot, F. P. On the subject of ihe Arm'd Yeomanry, &.c. Stafford, 1794. (Imperfect.) Advantages that will arise from improved Guns, &c., in the Royal Navy. (No tide.) 12mo London, 1803 . . 16 Rules, &c., of the Society of Art.«i, itc London, 1792 33 An Inquiry into our Domestic Affairs London, . . 54 Explication du platfond de I'Hospital Royal h Greenwich. Fran9MS et Anglais "^2 Vol. VI [Tracts on Gardening.] 1. New method of Propagating Fruit Trees and Flowering Shrubs. By Thos. Barns. (Attributed to Sir J. Uill."; London, 1759. .40 2. Perfect, T. The practice of Gardening; with tliose secrets which gar- deners observe London, 1759. .58 3. The London Gardener ; [or] The most experienced method in London Gardens London, ..61 4. White, J. Collateral Bee Boxes ; or, a new method of managing Bees. London, 1759.65 Vol. Vn. [Tracts, 1810-20.] 1. Fisher, J. On the Datura Stramonium, as a cure of Asthma. London, 18l I . . 90 2. Butter, J. On the change of Plumage in Female Birds at an ailvanced age. .24 3. Laws of the Public Library, instituted 1810 Plymouth, 1814 .. 19 4. Account of, and Law.s of the Plymouth Institution Plymouth, 1819. .28 5. Mr. llay den's Picture of Christ's Triumphant Entry in Jeru- salem London, 1820. .15 6. - Wcsst's Picture of Christ Healing the Sick London, 1811 . . 16 7. Laws, &c., of the Plymouth Institution .Plymouth, 1814. 18 8. »•' ;i Fisher J. On ,\Rthn;'a, wilh directions for the use of the Stramonium herb. London, 1810. 25 PAMPHLETS. 1077 ..23 ..12 ..24 ..23 811. .16 814. 18 erb. 810. 25 9. Causes of our late Prosperity and present Distress London, 1819. .34 10. The same as No. 11, Vol. CLXXII. 11. Romilly, Sir S. Eulogium on Benjamin Constant"; edited by Sir T. C. Morgan London, 1819. .78 For another copy, see Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2. 12. Report of the Merchants, &c., of Plymouth, with a view to the furtherance . of Trade [there] Plymouth, 1813. .39 13. On the Turnpike Road through Chiidleigh, &c., between Exeter and Ply- mouth ; by James Green Plymouth, .27 14. Ellicombe, H. M. An Abridgment of the Report of the House of Commons, on the Highways of the Kingdom Exeter, 1816. .34 16. Annals of the Fine Arts, No. 1 London, 1816. .112 Vol. Vm. [MtaoellaneouB Traota, 1704—85.] 1. [Maden's] Thoughts on our Criminal Laws London, 1785. . 170 2. Two Letters to the Kussian Nation [dealing with the Prophecies.] Can- terbury, 1770 . . 12 3. The Clarion : a Letter to the King of Prussia [by the same author as the foregoing] Rochester, 1771 .. 20 4. Legal means of Political T'ofoi-mation, two Tracts. (l.)On Equitable Repre- .sentation. (2) On Annual Parliaments; from G. Sharp London, 1780. .59 5. A I'risoner's Observations on Imprisonment for Debt , 1787. ,24 6. Forestallers and Engrossers detected; with a Plan for restoring Plenty. London, 1772.. 53 7. Thoughts on the Construction and Management of Prisons. . .London, 1786. 32 8. Some Thoughts concerning the Stage and its immorality London, 1704. 13 9. An Address to a Clergyman, on the duties of his sacred OfiBce 16 Vol. IX. [Tracts, 1752-62.] 1. Letters to a Young Lady previous to Marriage, and three Poems : by the snme author London, 1762. .148 2. The Oxford Guide ; [with] A Tour to Bletiheim, Ditchlcy, and Stow. Oxford, ..134 3. On real and practical Religion London, 1752. .35 4. Description of Vaux-Hall Gardens London, 1762 . .51 5. Description of Ranelagh Rotunda and Gardens London, 1762. .35 Vol. X. [Vermin-Killer, &c., 1814.] 1. The Universal Vermin Killer; being an infallible directory for taking alive, Ac, all Vermin London, 1802. 66 2. The Vermin-Killer : Physical Receipts, Farriers' Receipts, Observations in Husbandry, &c No title ; imperfect . .82 3. Lectures on Astronomy and Natural Philosophy London, 1794. .68 4. Aikin, J. The Calendar of Nature London, 1801 . .72 5. The Farmer and Gardener's Weather Directory, with Observations on the Barometer, &c Norwich, . .48 6. Adams, J. Extracts from a Meteorological Journal kept at Edmonton : Observations from eminent Men, whereby to foretell the Weather. London, 1814.. 102 Vol. XI. [Com-BlU. Comber, Torrens, and Jacob, 1808— 15.] 1 . Comber, W. T. Of National Subsistenccv as connected with the progress of Wealth and Population London, 1808, pp. 323 ; appendix, 59 1078 PAMPHLETS. Pt|e« 2. Torrens, li. On the external Corn Trade, and the effects which Restrictions on Importation and free inlercouiae are calculated to produce. London, 1815, preface, pp. 19,348 3. Jacob. W. Considerations on the Protection of British Agriculture, and on the iiiflueiice ol the price of Corn on exportable productions. London, 1814.. 195 Vol. Zn. [Miscellanies, 1789-99.] I 1. Remarks on some of the Ancient English Poets, particularly Milton. London, 1789.. 146 '2. Falooni.'r, T. The Voyage of Haiiuo translated, [and] the Greek Text. Explained from modern travellers, and illustrated by Maps. Loruiou, 179?.. 121 3. Remarks on some passages of Bryant's Mythology, respecting the War of Troy. [Atiributed to T. Falconer.] London, 1799. .62 4. Investigation into our received Chronology, wherein essential errors are shown : [and] That Christ was born in the year 4119, and not in 4004. Shrewsbuiy, 1798.. Ill 5. Pearson, Joseph. Doorkeeper of the 11. of Commons. Political Diction- ary : Containing definitions, &c., moro particularly appertaining to the Hou>e of Commons ; with Anecdotes, &c London, 1792. .59 Vol. Xllt [Miscellanies, 1775-94.] 1. The Evidence deliveieil on the Petition by the W. India Planters, &c., to the House of Commons, as it was summed up by Mr. Glover 1775. .94 2. Collins, John. The case of the Sugar Colonies London, 1792. .97 3. Review of a tract, entitled, " Observations on the Commerce of the Amer- ican Stales ;" shewing the pernicious consequences of the syslem.s recommendeii London, 1784 . . 108 4. Edwards, Ihian. Thoughts on Proceedings of Government respecting (he Trade of the West India l.'^liinds wilii the United Stales of America. London, 1784.. 91 IJird, n. M. View of the relative situation of Great Ihitam and the U. States of America ... London, 1794 . .43 Vol. XIV. [Tracts, 1784-1809.] 1. Burgoyne, M. Letter (to the Fieeholders) on the present .-tate ol public alliiirs, and the representation of Essex , 1808. .78 2. Lunardi, V. Account of the Aerial Voyage in England London, 1784. .66 3. Wailhman, R. War proved to be the real cause of the present scarcity, .te., witii the radical remedies London, 1800 .80 4. Proceedings of the Electors of Southwark on I2tli April, 1809; with an address by Mr. Favell '^0 For ..lother copy, see Vol. CXCV., No. 12. 5. Price, Rich. A discourse on Feb. 21, 1781, the day for a Public Fast, (having some reference to America) London, 1781 . .39 6. Towers, J. Oration on 4lh Nov., 1788, at the [Century] Commemoration of the Revolution London, 1788. .35 7. Letter, with hints to the new Parliament, or what the Nation expects. London, 1780.. 59 8. Why do we go to War ? The Question discus.sed according to the oflicial correspondence... . London, 1803. ..JO PAMPHLETS. 1079 ast, 781.. 39 .31 .16 .32 .24 .37 PifM 9. The queation [of War wilh France] as it stood, March, 1798.London, 1798 . 24 10. Coke, T. W. Addresses to the Freeholders, &c., of the County of Norfolk. Norwich, 180-2 . . 16 Vol. ZV. [Letters, 1830-32.] 1. Barrow, C. On the affairs of the West Indies London, 1830. . 16 2. Civis to the Duke of Richmond, on the Distress of the common people. London, 1830. lb 3. A Whig-Commoner on the question of Reform London, 1831 . .27 4. A Fellow-citizen on Political Unions Bath, 1831 .16 5. Allen, J. On the ruinous policy of Low Peace Establishments in the Army and Navy London, 1831 . 6. Gray, Rev. J. II. Letter to the Archbishops and Bishops proposing an Order of " Protestant Episcopal Brothers." London, 1831 . 7. M'Ghee, Rev. R. J. On the Established Church in Ireland, in Reply to Dr. Doyle's Letter London, 1831 . 8. The conduct of Government towards the Cliurch of England in the West Indies I London, 1831. 9. On the proposed [Title-deeds] Register Bill London, 1831 . 10. To Earl Grey on his Renunciation of the English Monarchy.. .London, 1832.. 10 11. Gore, Montagu. On Police London, 1832. .16 12. Miller, Rev. J. On Church Property and Church Reform. . .London, 1832.120 13. Robinson, M. Answer to R. M. Beverley on the present state of the Church ; with remarks on (the same writer's) " Tombs of the Prophets," &c Beverley, 1832. .59 14. Ferrers, J. R. On the administration of the Poor Laws London, 1832. .44 15. Proceedings of the friends of Scriptural Education, and the whole Bible, in the Rotunda, 10th January Dublin, 1832. .32 16. Dr. Doyle's letter to Lord Farnham ; with an answer ; and a challenge, by R. J. McGhee and R. Daly. Dublin, 1832. .32 17. Recent facts, &c., concerning the Burial Ground at Stoke-Damerel ; with Leiters which passed between Dr. Pliillpotts, &c., and Mr. Rodd. Devonport, 1832, pp. 25, appx. 31 Vol. XVI. [Political Tracts, 1800-16.] 1. Correspondence and proceedings on the renewal of the East India Com- pany's Charter London, 1812. .92 2. Correspondence and Documents e.Kplaining the proceedings of Marquis Wellesley and the Earl of Moira in the recent negociations for the forma- tion of an Administration London, 1812. .87 For another copy, see Vol. CXCV.,No. 5. 3. Voght, Baron Von. Of the management of the Poor in Hamburg between 1788 and 1794 London, 1817. .42 4. Morris, E. On Monopoly and Forestalling London, 1800.. 64 5. Report of the British and Foreign School Society, 1815 London. .80 6. Colquhoun, P. A. New system of Education for the labouring people. London, 1806.. 93 7. The causes and consequences of the depressed state of Agricultural pro- tluce London, 1816.. 16 8. Bernard, Sir T. The new school (for the poor) : its principles, details, &c. London, 1810.. Ill 1080 PAMPHLETS. ..23 .43 ..30 m 9. Huldsworth, A. H. On the present state of the country London, 1816 10. Baily, F. On London Life Assurance Companies ; their respective merits, &c London, 1810 11. Vanderstraeten, F. Amlysis of the views in a work, entitled, " Improved Agriculture," &c,, &c London, 1816 Vol. XVn. [Alfred ; Addresses, &o., 1789.] 1. Withers, P. Alfred ; or, a Narrative of the measures (used) to suppress a pamphlet, viz : " Strictures on the declaration of Home Tooke, respecting Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, commonly called Mrs. Fitzherbert, with remarks on a Regency." London, 1789. .48 Another copy, with small variations, see No. 3, Vol. CCXXVII. 2. Alfred unmasked ; or, The New Cataline, [controverting the foregoing.] London, 1789. .33 3. Davis, R. Narrative of Facts in answer to " Alfred ;" and containing the correspondence between Dr. Withers and J. Ridgway, on the publication of the History of the Royal Malady, &c London, 1789. .56 4. Debate on the subject of a Regency, in the House of Commons, in De- cember, 1788 London, 1788. .98 5. Collection of Addresses and Letters that have been sent, or may be sent, to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on his support of the Constitution 88 6. Ministerial Instructions for the Addresses that have been, and that will be, presented to the Right Hon. Wm. Pitt and others, who have voted them- selves in po.sisession of all the rights of the people and prerogatives of the Crown of England London, 1779. .102 For another copy, see Vol. CXXXV., No. 1. 7. The Royal Dialogue between the P. of W. and the Right Hon. C. J. F. London, . .47 8. Whig and No Whig : A political paradox London, 1789. .32 Vol. XVni. [Tracts, 1808-15.] 1. The King vs. Graham. Mr. F. Plowdeu's refutation of the cliarge of having impiovidently and maliciously advised the prosecution. London, 1808 .138 2. Account of Port Jackson, its native inhabitants, &c. : with an account of the murder of Mr. Clode [there] London, 1809. .24 3. Of the differences which exist between the members of the Oxford Circuit and Mr. Wyborn London, 1809. . 52 4. A Letter to Mrs. Clarke, on her late connection with the Duke of York, and the charges preferred against him London, 1809. .58 5. Case of the Seven Princes of Britain, contrasted with that of Seven British Merchants, &c. ; suggesting the policy of bringing the different Chris- tian ilenominations of Rritain under one hierarchy, itc. Loudon, 1812.. 118 6. Lord Cochrane's Letter to Lord Ellenborough. London, 1815, pp. 138; ap- pendix. .36 7. Hague, T. Letter to Mr. Garrow, in which the conduot of Counsel, in cross-examination, &o., is discussed and exposed, &.c London, . .60 Vol. XIX. [Naval Actioua, Bank Charter. 1788-90.] 1. Of the Naval Actions of the last War, with Hints for tlie Improvement of the Navy London, 1790 . . 147 [tiX PAMPHLETS. 1081 -..60 2. The Charter of the Bank of England ; with the Rules, Orders, and By- Laws London, 1788 Vol. XX. [Lessons to a Voung Prince, Sec, 1790.] 1. Lessons to a Young Prince on the disposition in Europe to a general Revo- lution ; with a Lesson on the mode of studying Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution London, 1790. 2. Defense de Louis XVI. a la barre de la convention nationale, en Deoem- bre 1792, par le citoyen De Seze Londres, 1793 3. An Appeal in behalf of the West India Merchants and Planters [for a gradual abolition of the Slave Trailo] London, 1792. Vol. XXI. [Tracts, 1807.] 1. Trial between Ross Donnelly, Post-Captain, and Sir Home Popham, in 1807 [regarding the partition of prize-money between a flag-officer and under officers] London, 1807. 2. Minutes of a Court- Martial, Gth— 1 1th March, 1807, for the trial of Capt. Sir Home Popham London, 1807 . . 3. Trial by Court-Martial of Lieut.-General Whitelock, Jan. 28th — March 15th, 1808, with his defence ; and an account of his life and campaigns. London, Vol. XXn. [Tracts, 1804-10.] 1. 2. o. Speech of Lord Melville on the subject of Troop-Ships ; with Papers re- lating to the Expedition to the Scheldt, &c . London, 1810. Letter to Lord Melville, respecting Troop-Ships, and the general state of the Navy, with Documents London, 1810 . The real situation of the Navy of Great Britain at the period of Lord St. Vincent's resignation London, 1804 . A treatise on Razors ; by B. Kingsbury, razor-maker. ... London, 1804. Declarations of Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and England, which demonstrate that the restoration of Peace is retarded only by the injustice and ambi- tion of the common enemy ........ London, 1808 . 6. Sketch of the present state of France ; by an English Gentleman, escaped from Paris London, 1805 . . For another copy, see Vol. CXCVI., No. 7. Vol. XXin. [Nevff^castle Infirmary Tracts.] 1. Horn, Frederick. Remarks on the publications of Drs. Clark and Fen- wick, and proofs (extracted) to show the danger of a general admission of Contagious Fevers into the new building attached to the Infirmary at Newcastle, &c. ; with an Explanatory Preface Newcastle, 1802. 2. Horn, F. Explanatory Preface to the above Letter. (This was afterwards enlarged, and prefixed to the Remarks, above.) Newcastle, 1802. 3. Account of the Infirmary at Newcastle, &c., and of the plan lately adopted for its extension, Ac ^. ... ^ .,..,. Newcastle, 1801 . Page, ..84 .169 .62 .118 ,129 ,184 .94 ,.78 .56 .68 .46 .35 124 4. Plan for the improvement 5. Papers intended to promote Infectious Fevers ; and 6. l^roceedings for promotin castle and Gateshead. . . rmary. Newcastle, 1801 . ure and Prevention of Wards to Infirmaries. Newcastle, 1802. Fevers in New- 1802., .88 .12 .32 .52 .44 236 ■r...*.- t i 1082 PAMPHLETS. Vol. XXrV. [TractB, 1800-Ol.J PK«i Tlie Reforming the Morals of the Poor, by the prevention of , 1801. 157 .189 .148 1. Hill, John. Poverty. . 2. Young, A. Of applying \Vaste.s to the Maintenance of the Poor : Witli Bome notes Hury, 18(H . . 160 .3. Wansey, IJ. On Poor-llouses, with a view to their Reform : also, of the Population of Salisbury London, 1801 . .48 4. Cappe, C. Of two Charity Schools for girls, and of a Female Friendly Society, in York York, 1800.. 128 5. Anderson, J. Of the cireumsfances that have led to the present Scarcity of grain, and of preventing .such a calamity in future London, 1801 . .94 6. Turton, Sir T. An address in behalf of the Dealers in Corn ; with some Observations on a late Trial for Regrating London, 1800. Vol. XXV. [Tracts on the Poor, 1795-1800.] 1 . Vancouver, J. Of the causes of Poverty and state of the Poor ; with the means for their lelief London, 1796 . 2. Dyer, G. On the theory and practice of Benevolence. .. .London, 1795.. 106 3. Economy of an Institution for supplying the Poor with Soup. .London, 1799. .16 4. Woodville, W. Refutation of a Charge as to the use of Adulterated Vac- cine matter London, 1800. .43 5. Count Rumford's Essays. 1. On an e.stablishmeiit for the Poor at Munich. 2. Fundamental principles for such establishments. 3. Of the Food of the Poor. 4. Of Fire-places to .?ave Fuel, &c. 5. Of several Institutions in Bavaria London, 170.5. .464 Vol. XXVI. [Tracts, 1767-79.] 1. March, R. On Silk, Wool, Worsted, Cotton, and Thread, with instructions to clean Hosiery ; remarks on Knitting, &c London, 1779. .44 2. Qilbert, T. On the Orders, &c., of the House of Commons, with respect to the Poor, Vagrants, and Houses of Correction London, 1775. .41 3. The method of proceeding in order to obtain a Private Act of Parliament. London, 1767 4. The Poll of the Freeholders of Warwickshire, taken on the 20th — 31st October, 1774 Coventry, 1775. Vol. XXVn. [Tracts, 1739-1817.] 1. The case as between the Clothiers, Weavers, &e., with regard to the late riot in the County of Wilts London, 1739.. .64 2. Of the Management of the Poor, and our usual policy respecting the Com- mon People London, 1767. .96 3. Anstie, J. On introducing improved Machinery into the Woollen Manu- factory, &c London, 1803 . .99 4. Martin, Mathew. On the state of Mendicity in the Metropolis 1803. .30 6. Weylami, J. On Mr. Whitbread's Poor BUI, and on the Population of England . .London, 1807. .65 6. Of the Apprentice Laws, with their application, past, present, and to come. London, 1814.. 26 7. Playfair, W. On the advantages of Apprenticeships London, 1814. .32 8-9. First and Second Reports of the Fish Association for the supply of the Metropolis and its neighbourhood London, 1813 . .20, 24 24 1.33 PAMPHLETS. 1083 10. Bernaid, Sir T. On the Emplojrraent and Subsistence of the Poor; the Salt Duties, &c London, 1817. .72 11. Ilobhouse, Sir B. On the Measures adopted for lessening the expense of IncloBUre Acts, &o Bath, 1813.. 22 12. A Plan for a General Inolosure Bill, and some further improvements, hum- bly submitted London, 1816..46 13. Speeches at the City of Cork Election, 19th Oct. etaeq Cork, 1812. . 120 Vol. XXVm. [Funeral Sermona, &o., 1767-84.] 1 . Sermon on the Death of Dr. Giffbrd, by J. Rippon ; with J. Ryland's Address at his Interment London, 1784. .84 2. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. J. Scott, by J. Toothill Huddersfield, 1783.. 39 3. Hartley, J. Trial of the two Opinions Tried ; [in vindication of the Divine Decree] London, 1767. . 127 4. Fellows, J. St. Paul's Speeches at Athens, to the Elders of Ephesus, and before Agrippa ; Paraphrased in Blank Verse Birmingham, 1775. .29 Vol. XXIX. [Tracts, 1818-33.] 1. Kenrick, J. Of reconciling the Scriptural and Profane accounts of the Assyrian Monarchy London, 1818..51 2. Mrs. Cappe's Tribute to the Memory of Mrs. Lindsey. . York, 1812. .16 3. Account of St. Paul's Cathedral, and of its Monuments London, 1818 .36 4. Edward Vlth's Charter of the Free School of Birmingham. .London, 1830. .18 5. Jervisj in Refutation of a Supernatural Appearance related by R. Warner. London, 1832. .21 6. Butler, Dr. On Church Dignities London, 1833. .22 7. Dr. Toulmin's speech at a Bible Society Meeting , 1812. , .7 8. The Eleventh Report of the Dudley Bible Society Dudley, 1824. .16 9. Rules of the Ipswich Literary Institution , 183- . .26 10. Wreck of the Ne wry ,1830. ..5 11. Robinson, R. Plan of Lectures on the Principles of Nonconformity .Har- low, 1778.. 74 12. Johnes, A. J. On the causes which have produced Dissent in Wales ; with a statement of the value of Church revenues in North Wales. London, 1832.. 219 Vol. XXX. [Pamphlets. PoUticaL London, 185S, &c.] 1. Porter, J. G. V. England's and France's new demands against Russia in the Black Sea not just ; and proposed Union between the Peelites and Conservatives 1855.. 36 2. A few words on Paper, Flax, Hemp, and Plantain Fibre ; and of the latter as a substitute for Flax, Hemp, and paper-making materials 1855. .16 3. The Navy List and the Navy 1855. .19 4. The Organization of the War Department ; a Memorandum submitted to Lord Palmerston. By a Peelite 1855.. 16 6. The " Warnings of the War :" a Letter to Lord Palmerston ; by '< A British Commoner." 1855.. 63 6. Burmah and the Burmese War. Letters and Papers written in 1852-3. By Major-General Henry Godwin 1854.. 72 1084 PAMPHLETS. Vol. XXXI. [Traotm 1784-97,] 1. Dornford, Josiah. Letters to tho Common Council, relative to the expendi- ture of the City, Bladtfriar's Bridge, tlio Prisons, &c London, 1784 . .40 2. Stone, W. Tiio defence of Corporate and deliberative Rights, &c., of the Lord Mayor, Livery, Ac, in Common Hall assembled London, 1797. .54 8. Uornford, Josiah. Memorials, &c., on the affairs of the Corporation London, 1785.. 84 4. An Act for tho augmentation of the Militia London, 1796 . .80 5. Of the high price of Provisions, and on the excess of Copper money. London, 1786.. 82 Vol. XXXn. [Tracts, 1812-23.] 1. Canning, G. Speech on the Reform of Parliament, 26th April, 1822. London, 1822..6i> 2. Birch, J. On the Medical application of Electricity .London, 1812. .67 3. Walker, A. Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. .London, 1822.. 80 4. Description of the Road from London to Liverpool , . .16 5. (;habert, X. Account of the savage inhabitants of Brazil, with the Lifa of the Botocudo Chieftain Edinburgh, 1828 . .24 6. A catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments made and sold by W. and S. Jones London, 1822. .16 Vol. XXXm. [St. Katharine's Desk, 1824.] 1 . Facts connected with the proposed Pock to be established upon the principle of open competition London, 1824. .29 2. A reply to the [above tract] London, 1824. .36 3. Facts plainly stated, in answer to [the same tract] London, 1824. .31 4. A letter from an inhabitant of St. Katharine's, with observations on [tho same tract] London, . ,24 5. Considerations on tho forminga Dock at St. Katharines London, 1824. .28 6. Considerations on the expediency of constructing Wet Docks at St. Katha- rine's London, . .15 7. Letter respecting the proposed Dock , 1824 . .13 8. A letter against the proposed Docks London, 1824. .15 Vol. XXXIV. [Law Tracts, 1799-1800] 1. Reeves, J. Thoughts on the English Government, in a series of letters. Letter the second London, 1799.196 (For a complete copy of this series, nide ante, vol. 222.) 2. Wooddeson, Dr. Vindication of the rights of the British Legislature, in answer to some positions advanced in [the foregoing tract] . .London, 1799. .41 3. Reeves, J. Thoughts, &c., [being] Letter the third London, 1799. .87 4. , — . Thoughts, &c., [being] Letter the fourth London, 1800. .74 Vol. XXXV. [Law Tracts, 1759-8S.] 1 . Simpson, J. On the natural and acquired endowments requisite Tof the Study of tho Law, &c ■ London, 1764.. 54 2. Blackstone, W. On the Law of Descents in Fee-Simple Oxford, 1759. .87 8. Collection of Cases and Records concerning the Privilege of Parliament ; with remarks London, 1764.. 92 4. Plowden, F. Supplement to the investigation of the native rights of British subjects London, 1785.151 PAMPHLETS. 1085 the 1764.. 54 1759.. 87 ent; 1764.. 92 itish 1785.151 Vol. XXXVI. [Law Tracta, 1778-83.] 1. Burgos, J. B. On a proposed Aot of Insolvency London, 1783. 180 2. Of the doctrine lately propagated concerning Libels; the seizure of Pa- pers, Ac London, 1764.136 8. Another letter respecting Libel London, 1770. 108 4. Catalogue of Booku and Pamphlets printed for Mr. J. Almon . .London, 1770 . 16 Vol. XXXVn. [Tracts on Law, 4c., 1840-41.] 1. Mirehouso, John. Crime and its causes; with observations on a Bill author- izing Summary Conviction of Juvenile Offenders London, 1840. .82 2. Crimes of the Law. Part I. Laws for the recovery of Small Debts. London, 1840. .68 3. Westminster Hall Courts [.shewn to be] on a site injurious and costly to the Suitor London, 1840. .44 4. On the Law regarding Marriage with a deceased Wife's Sister. London, 1840. .57 5. Laws and Customs of Rumney Marsh London, 1840. .24 6. Reynolds, II. R. Letter on the law of Marriage within the prohibited de- grees; and a letter from Sir W. Jones respecting the prohibitions in Leviticus, chap, xviii London, 1841. .71 7. Reynolds, II, R. Second letter ; with a letter from Archbishop Whately, on the .same subject London, 1841 . .99 8. Talfourd, T. N. Speech for the defendant in the case of The Queen vb. Moxon, for the publication of Khelley's Works London, 1841..6S 9. Ilaughton, Sir G. C. On the danger to which the Constitution is exposed from the encroachments of the Courts of Law . .London, 1840. .50 Vol. XXXVm. [Pamphleto, 1795-1821] 1. Romilly, Sir S. Observations on the Criminal Law of England as it relates to Capital Punishments, &c London, 1810. .76 2. Iho same as No. 11, Vol. VII. 3. Debates in the House of Commons in the year 1811, on certain Bills for abolishing the Punishment of Death . London, 1812. 139 4. Buxton, T. F., M.P. Speech on the Bill for mitigating the severity of Pun- ishment London, 1821 . .70 5. Edinburgh Review (Art vii., Feb. 1812,) on Sir Samuel Romilly's ob.^crva- vations on the Criminal Laws ; (Art ii., July 1821,) on the state of Prisons ; on Capital Punishments, &c London, 1812, 1821.125 C. Moser, J. On Profane and Judicial Swearing London, 1795. .40 Vol. XXXIX. [State of England, &o., 1729-96,] 1. The true state of England ; [stating] every OfBcer, Civil and Military, with lists of the Privy Council, the Royal Household, &c London, 1729.. 204 2. Defence of Revealed Religion ; occasioned by the circulation of Paine's Age of Reason London, 1796.. 112 3. Hancock, J. Two Sermons, preached in the Pirst Church of Christ, in Braintree, Sep. 16th, 1739, on completing the first century since the gathering of it Boston, N. England, 1739 . .37 4. English Liberty in some cases worse than French Slavery : — The tyrannical power of the Justices of the Peace, Commissioners of [various] Taxes, &c. ; the oppressive methods of raising the Land Tax, &c. . London, 1748. .96 1086 PAMPHLETS. rxti .23 .43 .28 Iff Vol. XL. [Traota, 1800.] 1. Report from [some] Clorgy of the Diocese of Lincoln, on the state of Religion, &o London, 1800, 2. Reflexions on the correspondence between Lord Gronvillo and Mr. Otto, French Minister London, 1800 8. On the expedience of [a Declaratory Act, in regard of,] " the Tolerating Act." London, 1800 4. On the Repeal of the 5th and 6th Edw. VL, c. 14, which relates to Forestnl- lers, &o,, [and] on the rcHpoct due to the authority of Judj;cH, and to the Verdict of a Jury London, 1800.. 48 5. Forethoughts on the general Pacification of Europe .... . .London, 1800.104 6. Bowles, John. On the Political State of Society, A. D., I8o0 London. 154 7. On the question of Peace or War Lewes, 1800 . . .7 8. On the propriety of preventing Marriages founded on Adultery . .Lon., 1800. .27 9. Dutens, L. The Tocsin : or, an appeal to Good Sense. London, 1800. .50 10. Fox, C. J. Speech on the restoration of Peace with France. .London, 1801 . .22 11. The King's Speech, as it might have been, and as it is. .London, Nov. 1798. . .8 12. On the unreasonableness of not attending to the Christian Religion . .London, 1801.. 23 Vol, XLI. [Pamphlets, 1830-3.] 1. Ker. H. Bcllenden. The question of Registry or no Registry [of Real property] considcied London, 1880. .Ill 2. The Reform Ministry and the Reformed Parliament London, 1883. .116 3. Catalogue of Works published by James Ridgway & Son.. . London, 1838. .24 4. Walker, T. On Pauperism and on the means of reducing it. .London, 1831 . .89 3. Correspondence between Lord Notthwick and the Rev. W. I'oughton and the Rev. J. R. Hall [two Magistrates] ; also, the communication of the same Magistrates with the Secretary of State Oxford, 1831 . .56 6. On the evils resulting from the Tithe system ; with suggestions for a remedy. London, 1831.. 22 7. Of the English Constitution, and the King's Reform Bill liOndon, 1831. .31 8. The result of the late Elections, and some of the consequences of Reform considered London, 1831 . .61 9. The same as Vol. CCXXXVIIT, No. 3. 10. Friendly advice submitted to the Lords on the Reform Bill. . . . London, 1831 . .81 11. Pusey, Philip, M.P. Remarks on the new Constitution London, 1831. .52 12. On the French and Belgic Revolutions ; the National Debt, &c. ; with strictures on Cobbett, Carlile, &c., by Robin Goodfellow. . . .London, 1831 . .15 13. Reply to a speech of Lord Brougham on the Reform Bill, October 7. 1831. Second edition.... London, 1831.. 100 Vol. XLIL [Tracts, 1681-1812] 1. Two questions determined : — L Whether the Right of Succession in Here- ditary Kingdoms is unalterable. II. Whether some politick reasons may not [suffice for] Divorce London, 1081 . .36 2. A letter from Rome, 0th May, 1721, X). S., giving an account of the Pre- tender and his Court, &c , . . 8 3. Some account of the meeting held at the Guildhall in Bury St. Edmonds, 4thNovember 1771. .22 PAMPHLETS. 1087 lere- |inay 1081.. 35 |Pre- .8 Inds, Tl771..22 4. Rotnarks on a Pamphlet [vis. :] " Some account of a meeting, &o." [the al)ove.] Ipswich, 1771 . . 17 h, Dillon, J. J. Luttor in explanation of a work entitled, " Two Memoirs on the Catholic Question." London, 1812. .18 Vol. XLin. [Tracts, 1516-1813.] 1 . Ad miH, llav. J. Pronunciation of English Language vindicated from ano- maly ami caprice ; [nl^o] on the Dialects of all Countries, and a vindication of the Dialect of Scotland Edinburgh, 1799.104 2. The Economy of Human life; [" an ancient piece of Eastern instruction."] Kelso, 1802.. pref. 24, 134 3. Crauford, '1'., Professor in 1640. History of the University of Edinburgh, from 1560-1646: [An Appendix, relating to later limes; with the Charter, granted in 1562.] Edinburgh, 1808. . 172 4. Russell, Rev. M. Of the sysleitrof Education pursued in the Schools and Universities of Scotland. An appendix relative to Westminster School, the University oi Cambridge, &c Edinburgh, I8l8. .appx. 55, 168 Vol. XLIV. [Tracts, 1820-l.j 1 . Macquariu, L. Refutation of statements made on the Transportation Laws, &.C., l>y the Hon. H. (i. Rennett [with documents.] London, 1821 . 92 •2. Letter Irom the King [George IV.] to His people, on the case of Queen (.'aroline. (This title is fictitious ; the writer is anonymous.) Eleventh edition London, 1821 . .54 For another copy, of an earlier edition, see Vol. LV, No. 6. .. The Stranger's Letters to the King London, 1820. .80 4. Speech of tlie Earl of Liverpool on the 2nd reading of the Rill of Pains and Penalties Hgaiiist Queen Caroline ■ London, 1820. .80 5. Speech of Lord Chancellor on the Rill of Pains and Penalties. .London, 1820. .36 erfee.t).U4: 4. Official papers relative to I 'i( ncgociation with France .. .London, 1807. ICO 4. Clement, M. Quatrii :vn ioltre i\ .\I. de Voltaire Lu llaye, 1773. 12.3 Vol. XLIX. [RellglouB Tiaots, 1819-27. ] 1. Owen, John. On the object and connexions of the British and Foreign Bible Society London, IblU. .46 •2. Piatt, T. P. Facta respecting versions of Holy Scripture, publi.-lud Ijy tho Bible S'Kiety London, 1827.. 40 H. Statunient of tho Eilinbiirgh Bible Society relative to ilic circulation of the Apocrypha, by the Hiitish and Foreign Bible Society. . . .Edinburgh, 18'J5 .15 4 Simeon, Ilev. C. Vindictition of tlie British and Foreign IJiblo Society, rela- tive to the circulation ot the Apocrypha .London, 1825. . 15 5. Davios. Key. J. Tho influences of the Holy 9i' t ; ■• msidored with reference to the present tiniea London, 18a;> i7 fi. On tho just limits of Reason '' i Ration ol Divine Trutli . . .Liondon, 1823 . .70 7. Tue pursuits of Science conaidernd ; [as] to their moral iniluence upon society London, , G2 8. Litany for tho Member:! of Missionary Associations. (^arlL-^le, . . 8 9. An Appeal on the subject of Sunday Schools, with reference to tho interests of tiit) Established Ohurcii London, 1823. .36 i'. C'loieslart- jisters of Charity ; [or] A plan for administering medical advice 'A> (hi "".j.-c poor London, 182t> . .38 ,f4 FAHPHLKTI. 10g9 H, 56 JBiy. .46 )y tho 40 jf tho i8i»5 15 rc'lu- li->5. .15 wilh 18-i;i n )n ul 1823. 70 iioral 02 . 8 rests 18'23. .36 Ivice 182t!. .M .>T' 11. KurgoM, Sir J. B. lUtyly to Mr. T^d'a Vindication of our autboriHd tranMlallonof HoBible, Ac London, 1H20. .48 13. — ■ Reasona in favour of • new trauilaiMn of the Holy Scripture! London, 1810. IR2 Vol. L. [TTaotN, Moral and PoUfloal. 1820-8.1 1. An KngliHhwoiiian'ii letter to tiannaii More, on liio present crisis, [the trial of Quuon Oarolino.] London, 182U. .18 2. Buchan, G. ; On Dualling : Oomprising obflorTatloBN on the d0f«nc« of that practice . K7 |)8. .at lil8.'i<)2 Pin Vol. LVn- [Polltloal Tracts, 1829-31.] 1. Observations on Mr. Brougham's Pamphlets. 1. " The Country without a Government." 2. " What has the Duke of Wellington gained by the Dis- solutio.i P" London, 1830 . .95 2. The same as in Vol. OCXXXVIII, No. 1. which is followed by similar pam- phlets on the Wellington Administration, &c., in 1830. 3. The same as Vol. CCXXXVIII, No. 3. 4. The present Crisis in France, considered in reference to England,. .L. 1880. .41 5. Inglis, Sir R. H. Speech on Parliamentary Reform, London, 1831 . .68 6. Colquhoun, J. C. The Constitutional principles of Parliamentary Reform, Edinburgh, 1831.. 68 7. Knight, H. G. A letter to the Earl of Aberdeen, on his Foreign Policy, London, 1829.. 43 Vol. LVm. [Negotiations with France.] 1. Correspondence of Lord Malmesbury and the French Directory, relative to the Negotiations for Peace, March 8th to December 20th, 1796... L., 1796.. 82 2. Official Correspondence [on the same subject in continuation,] 1st June, to 5th October, 1797 London, 1797 . 124 3. Dtclaration of the Court of Great Britain, respecting the late Negotiation, 'i London, 1797.. 15 1 4. Bowles, J. Letter on the dangers of premature Peace, with strictures on 4 the Declaration of the King of Priis.sia London, 1795. .67 j^ 5. Pajiers relative to negociations for a Naval Armistice and Peace with France, i April 10, to Oct. 9, 1800 London, 1800.. 24 ? Vol. LIX. [PoUtlcal Tracts, 1794-7.] J, 1. Bowles, J. Further reflections submitted to the consideration of the combined I Powers : London, 1794. .72 I 2. Erskinc, Thomas. Of the causes and consequences of the present War with f France London, 1797.138 For other copies, see Vol. CXXXVIII, No. 8,— and Vol. CCV., No. 3. 3. Gifford, J. Strictures on the preceding pamphlet London, 1797. 180 Vol. LX. [PoUtloal Tracts, France, 1796-1815.] 1. Buonaparte in the West Indies, or the History of Toussiant Louverture. (Three parts.) London, 1803 . .48 2. On the pro.spect of Peace arising out of the present circumstances of the War London, 1796.. 88 3. Gifford, J. Strictures on the Earl of Lauderdale's letters to the Peers of Scptland London, 1815 179 4. Le Mosurier, II. Thoughts on a French Invasion; on the probability of its success ; and the means of resisting \i London, 1798. .26 5. Bowles, J. Reflections submitted to the consideration of the combined Powers. (Vide, also, Vol. LIX, No. 1) London, 1794. .35 Vol. LXI. [Tracts, French Revolution, 1793-1815.J 1. Mr. Fo.x's letter to the Electors of Westminster London, 1793. .43 For other copies, videXo]. XCVII., No. 1, and Vol. CCXVII., No. 1. 2. Tiioutjhts on tiie theory and practice of the French Constitution. ..L , 1794. .86 For another copy see Vol. LXXXVl, No. 4. 3. English Societies' Addresses to the National Convention of France ; Seditious B 1092 PAMPHLETS. P M ji-i I:! ' -I i't PtfM resolutions of certain Societies ; certain Decrees of the National Conven- tion, [with] Speeches and Papers to shew the general views of France towards this and other countries.— [in French and Eng.] London, 1793. .49 4. Of the present state of France, and the consequences of the events passing in that Kingdom London, 1795 . .63 5. Jordan, Cainille. Address on the Revolution of the 4th September, 1797. Translated, with a Preface and Notes, by J. Qifford. .. .London, 1798. Pref. pp. 27, Address 184 6. Pan, M. Du. On the connection between the political system of the French Republic and the system of its Revolution London, 1797. .66 7. Calonne, M. Du. I. (Iter to the author of the Considerations upon the state of Public A flail. s. From the French London, 1798. .86 8. Chateaubriand, Viccount De. Report to the King on the state of France ; [with] The Manifesto of Louis XVIIL, as drawn up by Count De Tolendal London, 1815 . .74 Vol. IjZII. [Tracts on France, 1800-14.] 1. Chateaubriand, F. A. De. Political reflections on the true Interests of the French nation London, 1814.159 2. Chateaubriand, P. A. De. Of Buonaparte and the Bourbons, and of the necessity of rallying round our legitimate Princes London, 1814. .87 3. Annesley, A. On the danger of a premature Peace London, 1800 . .39 4. Eden, Sir F. M. Letters on the Peace ; and on the Commerce and Manu- factures of Great Britain London, 1802. 132 Vol. LXm. [Political Tracts, 1801-13.] 1. Baldwin, G. PoHtical recollections relative to Egypt; with a narrative of the British Campaign in 1801 London, 1801 .227 2. Moricr, J. P. A Campaign with the Ottoman Army in Egypt in the year 1800 London, 1801.100 For another copy see Vol. CCXL, No. 5. 3. Vaughan, C. R. Narrative of the Siege of Zaragoza London, 1809. 33 For another copy see Vol. CLIIl., No. 7. 4. Eustaphieve, M. Resources of Russia in the event of a War with France ; with a description of the Cozaks London, 1813. .52 5. The French Bulletins relaiing to the AVar in Russia ; with a Preface, pp. xii. London, 1813.124 0. Det.iil of events and sufferings of the Forces commanded by Buonaparte, (luring their retreat from Moscow. From the German, of an OfiBcer in the Rus.sian service. ... , 1813 . .27 Vol. LXrV. [PoUtlcal Tracts, 1808-23] 1. Cevallos, Don Pedro. Of the Usurpation of the Crown of Spain by Buona- parte, [with Documents]. From the Spanish London, 1808. 143 For another copy see Vol. LXXVIIL, No. .3. 2. Eliot, W. G. On the defence of Portugal ; with a Military Map. Of the manners of the inhabitants, and principal events of the Campaigns in 1808 and 1809 London, 1810.244 3. Shoberl, F. Narrative of events in and near Leipzig, at the time of the series of engagements between the Allied Armies and the French. From the German London, 1814. 104 4 PAMPHLETS. 1093 n. 1809. 33 4. A view of the political state of Europe, after the Battle of Leipzig. London, 1813. 5. Douglas, Sir H. The crisis of Spain London, 1823. 6. The Holy Alliance, veraua Spain. Containing the Declarations of the Allied Powers, and the replies of the Spanish Cortes London, 1823 . .99 .81 .30 Vol. LXV. fWeat India Pamphlets, 1826-7.1 1. A communication from the Governor to the House of Assembly of St. Vincent, 17th August, 1826, enclosing Bills for Emancipating the Slaves, &c., with the reply thereto London, 1826 . 2. Stephen J. England enslaved by her own Slave Colonies.. . .London, 1826 For another copy see Vol. LXXV., No. 3. 3. Remarks on an Address to the Members of the New Parliament with respect to the West India Question London, 1826, 4. Address to the Members of the New Parliament on the proceedings of the Colonial Department, for ameliorating the condition of the Slaves, &c., and on the course that ought to be pursued' With a supplement. .London, 1826. 5. Same as Vol CCXLIL, No. 6. 6. Chalmers, Dr. T. On the Abolition of Colonial Slavery Glasgow, 1826. For another copy see Vol. CCXXXVH., No. 5. 7. Opinions of Henry Brougham, on Negro Slavery London, 1826. 8. McDonnell, A. The West India Legislatures vindicated from the charge of having resisted the Amelioration of Slavery London, 1826. 9. Thomson, C. Mr. Stephen's address to the Electors of Great Britain ; considered London, 1826. 10. Letter on a Pamphlet [viz :] " The West India Question, practically considered." London, 18"26. 11. The West India Question practically considered, London, 1826. 12. On recent i)roceeding3 of the Legislature of Barbados,.. ..London, 1826. 13. The West Indian Reporter, No. 1 London, 1st January, 1827. For other copies, See Vol. LXVl, No. 16, and vol. XCVI, No. 9. IiZVI [West Indies, Parliamentary Speeches, 1824-26.] Vol 1. Baring, Alexander. Speech on a Resolution declaratory of Slavery being contrary to the Constitution &c., London, 1828 . For other copies see Vol. LXVII, No. 1, and Vol. LXIX, No. 11, and Vol. LXX, No. 3. 2. Debate in the House of Commons, on the Measures of Government, for the amelioration of the condition of the Slaves, London, 1824. 3. Canning, Rt. Hon. 0. Speech in the House of Commons, in explanation of the Measures adopted by Government, &o., London 1824. 4. Canning, Rt Hon. G. Speech upon a Motion, for the early consideration of Measures, &c., touching Slaves London, 1826 . 5. Canning, Rt. Hon. G. Speeches, 12tb December, 1826, relative to the affairs of Portugal, London, 1826 . 6. Iluskisson, W. Two Speeches on Colonial and Foreign Commerce : with the Alterations in Duties, resolved in Committee, London, 1825. 7. The Debate in the House of Lords, 7th March, 1826, on Slavery in the West Indies, London, 1826. .36 .91 .78 .41 .16 .47 104 .48 .16 121 .43 .24 .17 .71 .44 16 61 88 54 1094 PAMPHLETS. ! I 8. Lord Chancellor, The. Speech on same occasion, London, 1826 9. Dudley, Viscount. Speech on same occasion London, 1826 10. St. Vincent, Viscount. Speech on same occasion London, 1826 11. Ellis, C. Speech upon a motion on 19th May, 1826, for the early con- sideration of measures touching Slaves London, 1826 12. Bernal, Ralph, Speech on same occasion, London, 1826 13. Horton, R. VV. Speech on same occasion, London, 1826 H. Address to the Consumers of Sugar, in favour of West India Produce. F>tei ...8 ..12 ...7 ..18 ..16 ..27 M , ...8 15. A plain statement to the common sense of the People, [on Slavery,] 1826, (folded)... 4: 16. The same as No. 13, Vol. LXV. Vol. LXVn. [Tracts on West India Aflfalrs, 1816-23.] 1. The same as No. 1, Vol. LXVI. 2. Canning, Rt. Hon. G. Speech on a Re.solution declaratory of Slavery being contrary to the Constitution, Londtm, 1823,. .88 3. The state of the present Government of Trinidad, under the opt' tvitinn of the mutilated Spanish system : an immediate introduction of the British Laws &c., proposed,. London, 1817. .90 4. Hay, J. Narrative of the Insurrection in the Island of Grenado, in 1795, London, 1823.171 5. Jordan, G. W. Principles of the Slave Registry Bill &c London, 1816. 147 6. Review of Arguments against Parliamuntary interference in behalf of the Negro Slaves ; with opinions on that subject, of distinguished Statesmen, London, 1823...32 7. Scriptural Notices respecting Bondmen ; and a Plan for the gradual manu- mission of Slaves, London, 1823. ..9 8. West India Agricultural distress, and a Remark on Mr. Wilberforce's Ap- peal, London, 1823. ..56 9. Of the nature and effects of Negro Slavery, (folded,) London, 1823. . .3 Vol. LXVm. [Tracts on West Indies, 1823-4.] 1. Property possessed by Slaves in the Virgin I.slands, 1823. (Lithographed). . . .1 2. Memorial of the Colonial Agents to Earl Bathurst, 25th Feb. 1824, (Lith.) 3 3. Letter from Earl Bathurst to the Colonial Agents, February 1824, (Lith.) 3 4. Letter from the Colonial Agents to Earl Bathurst, 1st March 1824, (Lith.) . . .2 5. Letter from the Colonial Agents to Earl Bathurst, 9th March, 1824, (Lith.).... 4 The five preceding Tracts also occur in Vol. LXIK. 6. Report of a Debate in [the Colonial] Council, [Barbados,] on a Despatch from Lord Bathurst to the Governor, London, 1823 .40 7. Of Negro Slavery as it exists in our West India Colonies, Hull, 1824. .12 8. Commissioners of correspondence of the Bahama Islands ; Letter concern- ing the propo.sed abolition of Slavery in the West Indies, . . .London, 1823. ,78 9. Report of the Committee of the Legislature of Dominica, relative to the con- dition, treatment, &c., &;c., of the Negroes of that Island, . . .London, 1823. .43 10. A communication from the Governor of Saint Vincent, to the House of Assembly, enclosing Lord Batliurst's Despatch [for ameliorating the condi- tion of the Slaves,] with a Reply, and a Letter on the Insurrection in De- merara, London, 1823. ..74 PAMPHLETS. 1096 Ftfes )n, 1826...8 )n, 1826.. 12 in, 1826... 7 rly con- n, 1826.. 18 >n, 1826.. 16 in, 1826.. 27 'reduce. -, ...8 FlfM 11. (folded)... 4 y being ), 1823, . .88 ;ttion of British n, 1817. .90 n 1795, n, 1823. 171 n, 1816. 147 r of the esmen, n, 1823. .32 manu- 1,1823. ..9 s's Ap- 1, 1823. .66 1.1823. .3 phed). . .1 .ith.).. .3 th.).... .3 .ith.) . ..2 Lith.). ..4 ipatch , 1823 .40 1824. .12 ncern- 1823. .78 ) con- 1823. .43 ISC of 'ondi- 1 Do- 1823. ..74 IS [ These are the same as Nos. 1 and 4, Vol. LXVIII. Letter extracted from the Jamaica Journal of the Slst January, 1824. (Manuscript.) Refutation of the variouB calumnies against the West India Colonies, London, 1824.143 Jordan, G. W. Papers relating to the British Colonies in the West Indies, London, . .71 Vol. LXIX. [Tracts on the West Indies, 1823-24.] 1. 2. 3. *• } 5. > These are the same as Nos. 2, 3 and 5, in Vol. LXVIH. 6. i 7. £.xaniination of statements respecting Barbados, made by Messrs. Wilber- force, Stephen, &c London, 1824. . .7 8. Papers to serve for the formation of Branch Associations [of the Society named in the following.] , 1824. . .4 9. Report of the Society for Conversion and Religious Instruction of Negro Slaves. July— Dec, 1823 London, 1824. .48 10. Some account of the Society London, 1823. .13 11. 12. The same as No. 1, Vol. LXVI. Cobbett's Weekly Register, Dec. 13, 1823, to Mr. Wilbcrforce, on his " Appeal in behalf of Negro Sh ves," &c London . . 32 For another copy see Vol. LXX., No. 4. 13. Letter to the Liverpool Society for the abolition of Slavery. . .London, 1824. .15 14. Emancipation, &c., considered ; — its Impolicy and Injustice; in answer to Mr. VVilberforce. No. 1 London, 1824. .44 15. Report of a Committee of the House of Assembly of Jamaica, Dec. 10, 1817, relative to its Population, Agriculture, and Commerce London, 1818. .65 16. On the present distressed state of the West India Colonies ; their Claims for Relief, &c .London, 1823. .63 Vol. LXX. [Tracts on West Indies, 1822-3.] 1. Memorandum on the relative importance of the West and East Indies to Great Britain London, 1823. .32 2. Petition from the West India Planters and Merchants resident in Scot- land, for the protection of their rights and pro;ierly in any legislation res- pecting Slavery in the West Indies Gla.sgow, . . .8 3. The same as No. 1, V'ol. LXVI. 4. The same as No. 12, Vol. LXIX. 5. Reduced rates;on Ships discharged, and their Cargoes, in the West India Docks, on 31st March, 1821. Folded 2 G. Memorial of the West India Dock Company, with Notes, &c. London, 1822, pp. 24; with Appendix. .13 7. Reply to Jos. Marryat's Observations on the West India Dock Charter. London, 1823 . 107 8. Winter, R. Objections to the proposed alteration of the Law rolaling to Principal and Factor London, 1823. .42 9. On the Colonization of the Cape of Good Hope London June 1st, 1819 ... 3 10. Outline of Plan of Emigration to Upper Canada London, 1823?.. pp. 10, with appendix, 16 1096 PAMPHLETS. il'-t wn. 11. Observations on ditto London, ...8 12. The case of Barbados, for indemnification of losses in the latu Insurrection. (folded,) Westminster, 1819... 6 Vol. IiXXL [Colonies, 1831-2.] 1. Debate upon the Sugar Duties, in the House of Commons, 2l8t June, 1830. .86 2. Ditto ditto 2l8tFeby., 1831..40 3. Causes of the distress of the British West India Colonies ; with Remedies suggested London, 1832.. 39 4. McQueen, J. On the British Colonies ; (taken out of a Periodical.) 6. Proceedings at a Meeting in London, on behalf of the preservation of the British West India Colonies, 5th April, 1832 60 6. Debate on the present state of the West India Colonies, in the House of Lords, 17th April, 1833 38 7. The West Indian Reporter, No. 41, March, 1831, on the Commercial State of the West India Colonies London. .66 8. Address to Manufacturers, &c., on the importance of preserving the Colonies London, 1832 . .21 Vol, IiXZn. [Tracts, 1814-16.] 1. Speech of Lord Grenville, 9th April, 1813, on East Indian affairs. ..London,. .72 2. Fisher, R. B. The importance of the Cape of Good Hope, a.s a Colony to Great Britain London, 1814. IDS 3. Reasons for establishing a Registry of Slaves, being a report published by the African Institution London, 1815.118 4. Remarks on the Slave Registry Bill, and upon a report of the African Institu- tion London, 1816. .67 5. On Mr. VVilberforce's Bill, for preventing the unlawful importation of Slaves, &c London, 1816.. 28 6. Thorpe, R, Reply to Z. Macaulcy ; published as " Preface to a Letter to W. Wilberforce." London, 1815.. 56 7. Interference of the British Legislature, respecting the West India Slaves doprecatsd London, 1816 . .58 8. The injurious tendency of the proposed Slave Registry Bill ; referring to Evidence received by the House of Assembly, Jamaica London, 1816. .24 9. On the abolition of the Slave Trade, and Civilization of Africa; on the Afri- can Institution, &c London, 1816.235 10. Jordan, G. \V. Of the principles'of the Slave Registry Bill, &c. . London, 1816 . 147 11. Yenablos, T. The Reviewer, (in the Christian Observer,) reviewed, respect- ing the Slave Registry Bill London, 1816.. 38 12. Palltner, C. N. Speech in the House of Commons, on Mr. Wilberforce's motion for Papers, &c., June 19, 1816 44 13. Jordan, G. \V. Queries on the Silver and ^Copper coins in Barbadis; and answer, recommending measures necessary, &c Lotidon, 1816. .30 Vol, LXXin. [Pamphlets, 1830-43.] 1. Public Documents, &c., on the Interests of Prince Edward Island, Char- lottetown, 1841.104 2. Domestic Ventilation London, IStl .11 3. Temple, J. Observations on Property London, . . .8 4. The Syrian Question London, 1841 . .43 PAMPHLETS. 1097 .72 .67 .28 .56 .58 .24 mr- 841.104 Stl .11 •...8 ill . .43 Flftl 5. Report of the Society for Free Admission to National Monuments and Public Edifices, &c London, 1842 . .32 6. On the Taxes on Knowledge London, 1831 . .82 7. On the Ballot London, 1880.. 28 8. Buller, C, M.P. Speech on 2l8t February, 1837, for granting Municipal Corporations to Ireland 8 9. Hume, J. Speech on 10th March, 1855, for the Repeal of the Malt Tax. .17 10. Roebuck, J. A. Speech on 2lst February, 1837, for granting Municipal Corporations to Ireland 8 11. Aristocracy and Democracy. Correspondence between Earl Fitzwilliam and J. G. Marshall London, 1840... 4 12. Hume, Jos. Speech on Sugar Dutiea May 13th, 1841 22 18. . Speech on the Policy of England towards the Porte and Mohamed All, March 27, 1840 32 14. Evidence before the Committee appointed to consider the means of prevent- ing Bribery, Corruption, &c, in the Election of Members of Parliament. London, 1837.147 15. Hume, Jos. Speech on the Bank of England and State of the Currency, 8th July, 1839 24 16. Hume, Jos. Speech on the National Debt and the Sinking Fund. . . .1822. .23 17. On the Kirk of Scotland, the Non-Intrusionists, and National Education in Scotland 1843 . . .3 Vol LXXIV. [Pamphleta, 1778-1812.] 1. Dyer, G. Four Letters on the English Constitution London, 1812. 136 2. James, R. On Fevers and Inflammatory Distempers. Of the Fever Powder, and on the Disorders of Children London, 1778. 160 3. Of the Dissensions at the Presidency of Madras. Original Papers, &c. London, 1810.210 4. Of the events of the Rebellion at Madras London, 1810. .47 Vol. LXXV. [Pamphlets, 1809-27.] 1. Miller, '. [Assize] Sermon on the Prevalence of Crime Oxford, 1819. .33 2. Leckie, G. F. State of the Foreign Affairs of Great Britain for 1809. .Lond.. .34 3. The same as No. 2, Vol. LXV. 4. On Recent Occurrences at Litchfield, on Slavery and the Distribution of the Scriptures London, 1826 . .62 5. Debate in the House of Commons, June 23rd, 1825, relative to the demoli- tion of the Methodist Chapel in, and the expulsion of a Wesleyan Minister from, Barbados London, 1825. 119 6. The real state of Ireland in 1827 London. 100 7. Phillpotts, H. A Letter on the Proceedings at a Public Meeting in the County of Durham, and on the Speech of J. G, Lambton, M. P. Durham, 1819.. 35 8. Horton, R. W., M.P. Letter to the Duke of Norfolk on the Catholic Ques- tion, (with an appendix of papers.) London, 1826.100 For another copy see Vol. XCVI, No. 4. 9. Description of a Panoramic View of Spitzbergen London, 1820. .12 Vol. LXXVI. [Pamphlets, 1812-28.] 1. Remarks on a System of National Education, with speeches delivered at a meeting held for instituting it Stamford, 1812. .24 1098 PAMPHLETS. ill 2. Broiigliaiii, II., M.P. Speech, March 13, 1817, on the State of the Nation.. 82 3. Bowles, W. L. The Invariable Principles of Poetry, on occasion of T. Cnnipbell's Observations relating to Pope London, 1819 . .45 4. Two Letters on Scottish Affairs [on the " Proposed Change of Currency, and other alterations," &c.] London, 1826. .62 C. Report by the Commissioners on the Practice of (-hancery. ..London, 1826.158 6. WedUcrburn, J. W. On the dismissal of Major-Gen. Sir R. Wilson. Lon- don, 1822.. 32 7. Lane, C. T. The l.'oronntion Oath considered, with reference to the princi- ples (if 1688 . London, 1828. 124 Vol. LXXVn. [Tracts, 1822-32.] 1. Adams, C. II. Letter-press to accompany the Plate of the Solar System. London, 1822.. 33 2. Letter on the Amendments of the Reform Bill, which it may be expedient to ninkc in the Committee [of the Lords] London, 1832. .73 3. Bccher, J. T. The Antipauper System, under the Administration of the Poor Lnws at Southwell, &c London, 1828. .68 4. Hints on Kmigration to Swan River, Australia London, 1829 .70 5. Tnforniiition to Emigrants to the West Coast of Australia . .78 6. Information for those who embark as Settlers for the West Coast of Aus- tralia. (Lithographed.) Colonial^Offlcc, 3rd February, 1829. . .2 Vol. LXXVIII. [Tracts, 1753-1812] 1. Halfpenny, W. and J. The Country Builder's Assistant, &c., for rural deco- rative architecture; with 82 designs for Summer-houses, Lodges, &c. London, 1753.. 64 2. Correspondence and Proceedings for a renewal of the East India Company's Charter London, 1812. .92 3. Th(! same as No. 1, Vol. LXIS^ Vol. LXXIX. [Tracts, 1776-85.] 1. The Evidence on the part of Petitioners for the Abolition of the Slave Trade London, 1791 . .32 2. Dawey, M. Essay on Intellectual Liberty ; submitted to the Legislature, and to all enquirers, particularly among the Dissenters and Papists. .L., 1780. .88 3. The Rights of Great Britiiin asserted against the claims of America: being an answer to the Declaration of the General Congress London, 1776. .92 4. Twining, II. On the Tea and Window Act, and on the Tea Trade. London, 1785. 66 Vol. LXXX. [Tracts, 1757-1820] 1. Bay ley, J. 79 73 82 On the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. London, 1789 National Danger and the Means of Safety London, 1797 Rose, G. The increase of the Revenue, Commerce, and Manufactures from 1792 to 1799 London, 1799 Pitt, W. Speech, Jan. 31, 1799, on projiosing ar. Union between Great Britain and Ireland [with Papers respecting the Policy, dating 1782.].. 95 For another copy see Vol. LXXXI, No. 2. Serle, R. On Landed Properly, so far as respects. Manors, Farms, Mills, and Timber London, 1802 . .40 .Hi PAMPHLETS. 1099 .88 .92 w &c. ■1 1789.. 79 i^ 17<>7..73 '•'% from :''^ 1799.. 82 Ireat 78-2.].. 95 lills, [802.. 40 1 PlfM 6. Seyor, S. On the Causes of Clerical Non-ReBidence, &c London, 1804. .79 7. HuskisHon, W. The Depreciation of our Currency stated and examined. London, 1810; preface, pp. xix.154 8. On the Necessity of conforming to order with respect to Clerical Vestments; and on the dilapidated state of many Country Churches. . . .Bristol, 1820. .32 Vol. LXXXI. [Tracts, 1798-9.] 1. Charnock, J. A Letter on Finance and on National Defence. London, 1798. .54 2. The same as No. 4, Vol. LXXX. 3. Necessity of and proposed plan for an incorporate Union between Great Britain and Ireland London, 1799.182 Vol. LXZXIX [Tracts, 1810-19.] 1. Trotter, 0. ' The principles of Currency and Exchanges, applied to the Report on the high price of Gold London, 1810.. 80 2. Davison, J. Considerations on the Poor Laws Oxford, 1817 122 3. A Letter on the effects of a Variable Standard of Value, especially as it regards the Poor Oxford, 1819.104 4. A Second Letter on the Increase of Pauperism, and on the Poor Laws. Oxford, 1819.111 Vol. LXXXin. [Pamphlets, 1760-61.] 1. A Letter to Two Great Men, on the Terms necessary to be insisted on in the Negociation of Peace. Fourth edition, enlarged Dublin, 1760 . .42 For another copy see Vol. LXXXI V, No. 5. 2. A Letter to the Earl of Bute on a Late Resignation [viz., of Mr. Pitt] and its probable consequences London, 1761. .75 3. A Second Letter, by the Author of the foregoing London, 1761 . .73 4. A Word to a Right Honourable Commoner [William PittJ. . London, 1761. .72 5. Remarks on a Popular Letter [viz., Mr. Pitt's Letter on his Resignation.] London, 1761 . .35 6. The Crisis; on the present state of affairs London, 1761. .40 7. A Letter on the Present Crisis ; containing Reflections on a Late Resigna- tion London, ..48 8. The Present State of AlFairs, with Remarks upon certain Transactions. London, 1761. .66 Vol. LXXXIV. [Pamphlets, Political, 1760-61.] 1. A Consolatory Letter to a Noble Lord [respecting his failure nt the Battle of Minden.] London, 1760.. 44 2. Reason.s why the approaching Treaty of Pence should be debated in Parlia- ment London, 1760 , 49 3. On the State of Affairs in Germany ; the conduct of His Prussian Majesty, &c London, 1760 . .46 4. A Full Answer to "Considerations on the present German War." London, 1760.. 86 5. The same as No. 1, Vol. LXXXIIL 6. Hints on the important Cri.sis of a New Reign and a New Parliament. London, 1761. .62 Vol. LXXXV. [Pamphlets, PoUtical, 1766-1800] 1. Paine, T. The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. Second Edition London, 1 For another copy see Vol. CXIII, No. 3. 1100 PAMPHLETS. r Ptfi* 103 .27 2. Thooghts on tho present State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation, with an appendix (no title ) 3. Nicholls, J., M.P. Speech, January 3, 1798, on [the Bill for nugmenting tho Assessed Taxes 4. Fox, Rt. Hon. C. J. Speech, 3rd February, 1800, on the Refusal of Minis- ters to treat with tho French Republic 42 5. Pitt, Rt. Hon. W. Speech, 3rd February, 1800 [on the same occasion] 120 6. Fox, 0. J. Letter to the Electors of Westminster London, 1793 . .43 7. Qrattan, II. An Answer to the Speech of the Earl of Clare, on the Union of Great Britain and Ireland London, 1800. .48 8. Letters of Cursitor to the principal Political Characters of the day. Lon- don, 1800.. 92 9. Thelwall, J. Prospectus of Lectures for the ensuing Lent, on Historical and Political Subjccty, in strict conformity with the restrictions of Mr. Pitt's Convention Act - Loudon, 1796 . .29 For an enlarged edition, vide Vol. CXCVII, No. 7. 10. Paley, VV. Reasons for Contentment, addressed to the labourvig public. London, 1793.. 22 ''or other copies see Vol. III. No 23 ; Vol. CI, No. 1 ; Vol. CL, No. 5; Vol. CXCVII, No. 10, and Vol. CCXIX, No. 1. "^yji. LZXZVI [Pamphlets, 1783-1809.] 1. Freake, A. Cases relatin{; to the use of the Ilumulus, or Hop, in Qout and Rheumatic Afiections London, . .43 2. Trial of Capt. R. Powell, Lieuts. C. Seton and J. Hall, before a Court- Mar- tial, on charges preferred against them by W. Cobbett ; with Letters be- tween him and Sir C. Gould, Judge-Advocate v'nneral London, 1809. .32 For another copy see Vol. CVIII, No. 5. 3. The sr'.me as No. 1, Vol. XIX. 4 The same as Vol. LXI, No. 2. 5. The Crimes of Democracy London, 1798.. 35 6. Adair, R. Remarks on Mr. Burke's mention of Lord Keppcl in one of his "recent publications." London, 1796. .54 7. Blair, R. The Grave : a Poem London, 1783. .39 8. Burke, Rt. Hon. E. Letter on the attacks made upon him and his pension, in tlie House of Lords London, 1796. .78 For another copy see Vol. CL, No. 1. 9. Hill, J. On tho nature and cure of Hypochondriasis London, 1776.. 43 10. Experiments on the use of Sugar in feeding Cattle; with Hints for the Cultivation of Wild Lands, and improving the condition of the Peasantry. London, 1809.123 11. Harding's New Catalogue of Books on Agriculture. &c London, 1809 . .36 12. Do Dunstanville, Lord. Speech made at a County Meeting, Bodmin, May 15th, 1809, against Resolutions respecting the " Charges made against the Duke of York." London, 1809. .37 13. Proceedings of the Friends to the Liberty of the Press, on Dec. 22nd, 1792, and January 19th and March 9th, 1793 London, 1793. .22 14. Report of a Committee of Secrecy of the House of Commons [on Sedi- tious Associations in Great Britain and Ireland,] with an Appendix. London, 1799.. 90 I PAMPHLETS. 1101 Pt(i. [cans of 102 mcnting .27 f Minis- . . - . . . . .42 on] 120 )n, 1793. .43 9 Union )n, 1800. .48 Lon- )n, 1800. .92 istorical of Mr. n, 1796. .29 public. n, 1793. .22 5; Vol. n, . .43 rt-Mar- ers be- ), 1809. .32 1, 1798.. 35 n one 1796. .54 , 1783. .39 nsion, 1796. .78 1776. .43 r the in try. 1809. 123 1809. .36 May tthe 1809. .37 792, 1793. .22 Jedi- idi.T. .799. .90 15. Prospectus of the Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine London, . . .2 Vol. LXXXVn. [PamphletB, 1831-39.] 1. Uocuments and Report of tlie Royal Naval Annuitant Society. Devonport, 1833. 76 2. Pratt, J. T. Tables for jproviding Relief in Sickness, for Payments at Death, and Endowments for Children London, 1833 . . .8 8. Pioceodings of the Geological Society of London, No. 32 — — 1833. . .8 4. The Malthiisian Boon unmasked ; with Remarks upon the Poor Law Amend- ment Bill London, 1835 . . 16 5. Descriptive Catalogue of Dr. G. Mantell's Mn^:eum of Geology and Fossil comparative Anatomy London; 1834. .30 6. An Apology for English Ship-Builders, showing that it is not necessary to look to the Navy for Naval Architects London, 1832. .48 7. School of Naval Architecture, (Review of the foregoing) London, .8 8 Baron llcurteloup : cases of Lithotrity, or. The stone cured without incision. London, 1831.. 64 9. Proceedings of the Great Western Railway Company, &c London, 1834. .68 10. Minutes of evidence on the Great Western Railwoy Bill Bri.stol, 1834. .51 11. Knox, Dr. Dissection of a young Rorqual, or short Whalebone Whale, &c 1834 . . 12 12. Peenc, W. G. On the subjects of Philosophical Lectures; an Introductory Address, read at the Philosophical Society Maidstone, 1834. .26 13. Dymond, J. The Church and the Clergy, &c.; showing that Religious Establishments are not of public utility, &c. London, 1834. .52 14. Third Report of the Naval and Military Library and Museum 1834 . .42 15. Fourth Report of the United Service Museum 1S35 . .44 16. Peel, .Sir R. Speech on forming an Administration, 2Uh February, 1835.. 18 17. Dewhurst, 11. W. On the advantages of Philosophical Instruction. London, 1835. 18 18, 19,20,21, and 22. Prolusiones academicaopncmiis annuls dignata; etrecitatae. Cambridge, 1835.. 37 23. Evidence taken before the Corporation Commissioners, at Cambridge London, 1833.136 24. Spalding, R. On the adjiistmunt of the Theodolite ; with a few Hints to young Surveyors Rochester, 1831.. 48 Vol. LXXXVni. [Tracta, 1714-1827.] 1. Tlie .same as No. 7, Vol. CCXXV, and to which is appended a rejoinder. 2. Correspondence becween Great Britain and Franco, in Negotiation of Peace ; Copies of the preliminary and definitive Treaties London, 1803.168 For iwiother copy, with additional papers, see Vol. CIII,. Nos. 1 and 2. 3. Vivenair, M. A Journey in an Air Balloon to Georgium Sidus 1784.. 41 4 Wilmot, Sir K. E. Letter to the Magistrates, on the increase of Crimes, and an efficient Remedy London, 1827. .28 5. English, French, and German names of Minerals ; with Tables of Analysis. Edinburgh, 1808.. 72 6. Of the Services of Mr. Cumming, late of the Revenue and Judicial Depart- ments of India London, 1824.. 71 7. King, E., F.R.S., &c. Account of the late, 1807. .1 1102 PAMPIILKTS. ^Ip ,r t; 8. Aclaiid, II. I), Sketch of the History and proHont situation of th« VnldonMcii, or Vniidoi8 London, 1825 . . 61 Vol. LXXXIX. [Traota, 1786-91 ] 1. JoMLs, VV. KsKiiy on tlui Cliunrh, and view of the state of tho Arguniont botwt'cn tho Church and tho DiHsonturH Olouceator, 1787. 143 2. Porteous, Hishop. LettiT coiictTning Sunday Schools London, 1787.. 31 3. Hy the sariiu, KHsay on the Tninsflgiiration of Christ London, 1788.. 31 4. hy tho Hume. Letter to tho Clergy of the DioccHo of London. London, 178!>. .26 5. IJy the Hnnio. Charge to tho ('lergy of tlie Diocusoof London. London, 17'J(). .28 6. Uunington, Up. of JSonitn. Letter, with directions to the (^liTgy of Snruin. '2nd Kdition, with additions SailKbury, 17iK) 146 7. Chester, Bishop of. A list of books, for tho use of Students in Divinity within tho Diocese Oxford, 1701 51 8. Review of tho Policy, Doctrines, and Morals of tho Mcthoilists London, 1791 . .65 Vol XC. [Traota, 1796-1800.] 1. Sharpo, J. The Church. A Poem London, 1797. .62 2. The Passions personiliud in finniiiar fables. London, .104 3. The shode of Alexander Pope, on tho banks of tho Thames. A sntirinil Poem ; with notes. London, 17!>9 . .86 4. Supplement to The progress of Satire, [in reply to a Letter publishid in The Pursuits of Literature.] London, 179!) 40 5. The Progress of Satire, in Verse ; with Notes London, 1798 33 6. The New Hrighton Guide, (a Satirical Poem,) &c., with Notes, historionl, moral, and personal London, 1796 . .68 7. The last Dying words of the Eighteenth Century. A pindarick ode. London, 1800. .50 Vol. XCI. [Tracts, 1797-1802] 1. Stone, F. Uiiitiiriiin Minister's Pica for adherence to the Church of Eng- land ; with a Plan of Church Reform, &c London, 1808. .60 2. Stone, F. Jewish Prophecy, the criterion of Christian Scripture. London, 1808.. 47 3. Stone, V. A Letter to Dr. Porteus, Up. of London, on the citation of the Writer before the Spiritual Court l-ondon, 1807. .42 4. Fox, The late C. J. Particulars in the character of [regarding hi.s Religious Character.] London, 18()fei 4. University of London ; proprietors of shares London, 1827. .20 5. Character, object and effects of Trades' Unions ; with remarks on the law concerning tiiem . . . , London, 1834 . 140 6. Bjornstjerna, M. B., Swedish Minister. Inlluence of the Public Debt over the pi-osperity of the Country Piccadilly, 1834. .58 7. Chester H. Our Relations with the Peninsula considered. . London. 1834. .63 Vol. CXIX. [Tracts, 1835.] 1 . Conservative Reform ; Or, prmciples and policy of the Peel Administration. London, 1835.. 80 2. Letter to Lord Durham on the state of Politics in 1835 London, 1835. .57 3. Sultan Miihmoud, and Mehemet Ali Pasha London, 1835. .67 4. On National Property, and on the pro.spects of the present Administration and of their Sueces.sors London, 1835. 132 5. Remarks on the Office of Lord High Commissioner in the Ionian Islands ; with documents London, 1835. .51 6. The new Ministry and the new Parliament, with a few words on the Election of a Speaker London, 1835 . .75 7. Stephens, A. J. On Corporate Reform ; with observations upon the Con- stitutional Rights of responsible inhabitants of Cities, &c.. London, 1635.. 64 Vol. CXX. [TractB, 1835.] 1. Richards, J., M.P. A Letter to Lord Brougham, in reply to two Pamphlets published under the names of Isaac Tomkins and Poter Jenkins, and ascribed to his Lortlship London, 1835 . .29 Vide, Vol. CXLVIII, No. 2. 2. Winterbottora, T. Letter, (on occasion of the same Pamphlets,) on Primo- geniture London, 1885. .32 3. "NVhat have the Whigs done? or. An Answer to Mr. Bulwer on the Present Crisis London, 1835.. 50 4. Manifesto of a Neutral, January 3, 1835 London, 1835. .43 5. Legitimacy the only Salvation for Spain London, 1835 ."OS 6. Cotton, Archdeacon. Letter on the present circumstances of the Established Church in Ireland DuMin, 18:55. 80 7. Peel, Sir R. Speech on the Bill for suppressing disturbances in Ireland, on 1st Miirch, 1S33 56 8. M'Ghee, R. J. Letter to Protestants, e.xliibitinc the real principles of thy Roman Catholic Bishops and Priests in Ireland Loniion, 1835. .39 9. MaeDonncIl, E. Tiie Roman Cathol^-; Oath, (in the Relief Bill) considered, London, 1835.. 42 10. Broadhurst, J. Letter on the Irish Church and Irish Tithes. .London, 1835. .72 Vol. CXXI. [Tracts, 1810-21.J 1. On the present state of Turkey, considered in its Connnercial and Political relation with Enirland. London, 1821 . .20 2. Roles, W. The fiospel Prpacliei'; or. Some assumed and real characters of the Omce: a Seimon Salisbury. 1821.. 27 3. Hook, J. Sormoti in St. Paul's at the Yearly Meeting of the Charity Schools in London and Westminster, (2 copies) London, 1818.. 45 4. Ho Jgson, R. Srrnion on the same occasion, kc London, 1816. .14 PAMPHLETS. nil PlfM on, 1827.. 20 , tho law on, 1834.140 •ebt over lly, 1834.. 68 [on. 1834.. 63 istration. on, 1835.. 80 on, 1835.. 57 on, 1835. .67 listration on, 1835.132 Islands ; Ion, 1835. .51 Election on, 1835.. 75 ihe Con- on, 1835.. 64 (imphlets tins, and Ion, 1835.. 29 n Primo- )n, 1885.. 32 'resent , 1835.. 50 , 1835.. 43 1835 •08 ilislieil I8:i5..80 Ireland, 56 pies of 1833.. 39 sidcred, 1833.. 42 , 1S.^5..72 'olitical n, 1821. .20 nter.s of 7, 1821.. 27 riiarity 1818. .45 1, 1816..14 I P«fM 6. Goddard, W. S. A sermon on the use and abuse of Religious and Civil Liberty London, 1819 . .23 6. Douglas, George. Appeal from the opinions of some Modern Authors of Klenienta of Geometry Edinburgh, 1810 . .69 7. Kent, tho Duko of. Statement of the case of his Embarrassments and his just Claims London, 1819.104 8. Byron, Lord. On Bowles' Strictures on the Life and Writings of Pope London, 1821.. 61 9. Bowles, W. L. Two Letters, in answer to the above Pamphlet, &c. . .L. 1821 . 104 Vol, CXXn. [Tracts on India. 1803-8.] 1. Francis, Phi"'), M.P. Speeches on the War against the Mahrsttas. . London, 1805.. 94 2. Campbell, L. I». Reply to Strictures on the Marquis Wellesiey's Adminis- tration in India ; with an Examination of the late Transactions in tho Carnatic London, 1807. 301 3. Brand, J. A refutation of the Charge against tho Marquis Wellesjey, on account of his conduct to the Nabob of Oude. (Appendix.) Four Letters upon the Oude charge London, 1807 pp. 226, appendix.. 81 4. Campbell, L. D. On tho " articles of charge " against Marquis Wellesley, laid before the House of Commons London, 1808.286 Vol. CXXm. [EducaUon, Ac, 1716-35.] 1. RoUin, Mr. New thoughts concerning Education London, 1735.. 82 2. [NVaterland, Dr.] Advice to a young Student, with a method of study. London, 1730.. 32 3. Cheyno, Dr. G. On Health and Long Life Dublin, 1725 . 120 4. Burnett, Thomas. Essay upon Government; with two Sermons, (Jan. 30, 1715-16) on the Anniversaries of the Martyrdom of King Charles L; by the Archbishop of Canterbury and tho Bishop of Gloucester. Dublin, 1716, pp. 79, and pp.. 46 Vol. CXXrV. [Sermons by "Wesley, Ac, 1738-1805.] 1. Rules for the Methodist Band Societies 1738... 4 2. Wesley, C. A Sermon preached, April 4, 1742, from Ephesians, ch. v., v. 14. London, 1803.. 12 3. Wesley, J. Sermon preached on occasion of the death of the Rev. John Fletcher London, 1791 . .28 4. Wesley, J. God's Love to fallen man. A Sermon London, 1793 . 12 5. A short History of Methodism London, 1795. ..8 6. Minutes at the 62nd Annual Conference, 1805 London. .70 7. Alleine, J. An alarm to unconverted sinners London, 1794. 107 8. Jones, Thomas. A word of Comfort to weak Believers, in Letters written in 1756-57-58 and 59 Bath, 1796.. 52 Vol. CXXV. [Tracta. Theological, 1753-1831.] 1. Considerations on the Bill for Admission of Jews to bo naturalized . . London, 1753.. 60 2. The History of Tithes; with reflections on the English Tithe System. By liiblicus London, 1831.. 64 3. Cooper, R. B. A letter to a Clergyman on the peculiar tenets of the present day London, 1825 . . 96 1112 PAMPHLETS. i :lil| 4. A letter to John Coker, on his Second Edition of Reflections on the lato Election of a Chancellor Oxford, 1810. .20 ( Vide ante, Vol. CIV., Nos. 2 and 3.) 6. Trial of Capt. Thomas Atcliison, by a Court Martial, at Malta, in conse- quence of having requested to be exonerated from firing Salutes, &c., for the Roman Catholic Church and RitcH, Ac. ; with Documents. .London, 1825.. 91 6. Bonneville, N. De. La MaQonnerie ucossiiso comparee avec les Trois Pro- fessions et le Secret des Teinpliers du 14emo siecle. lero partie 156 M6mete des quatre Voeux de la Compngnio de S. Ignace, et des quatre Grades de la MnQonnerie. Soconde partio Londrcs, 1788, 180 In this part is included. Masonry Dissected, a description of Masonic Rites, &c., by Samuel Prichard, London, 1730. .With notes in French. Vol. CXXVI. [Tithes, 1754-1814.] 1. Pearson, A. The great case of Tithes resolved, &c., [first published 1657;] with an appendix, on tithes in general ; by Thos. Ell wood . . . .London, 1754. 128 2. O'Christian, P. Slate of the Curates of Ireland ; and, of the expediency of treating them more consistently with religion and humanity, &c. .Cork, 1797. .48 3. Howlett, J. Of the influence of Tithes upon Agriculture ; some thoughts respecting their commutation, and animadversions on Arthur Young and others London, 1801.120 4. An Irish Dignitary on Tithes in Ireland London, 1807. .24 5. Commutation of Tithes in Ireland injurious to the Church [and] to the poor. London, 1808.. 59 6. The History of Tithe : its influence upon Ireland ; with a plan for modifying that system, and providing for the Catholic and Presbyterian Clergy. Dublin, 1808.116 7. Bcarblock, J. On Tithes ; an Estimate of every titheable article ; with the modes of compounding for the same, &c London, 1809.184 8. Benett, J. Prize Essay on the Commutation of Tithes Bath, 1814. .15 Vol. CXXVII. [Tracts, 1791-1803.] 1. Seeker, Archbishop of Canterbury. Review of the Life of, — by Beilby Portcu.s, Bishop of London. Fifth edition, corrected London, 1797. 118 2. Ludliini, Rev. Thos. Six Essays upon theological, and Two upon moral subjects London, 1798. 129 3. Kentish, John. A letter on a late correspondence between White and Toulmin, relative to Unitarian Christians Plymouth, 1794. .58 4. Toulmin, J. Paul's defence before Felix ; a Sermon preached April 27, 1791 Taunton . .35 5. Fordyce, James. On Pain : a Sermon London, 1791 . .64 6. The Churchman's Magazine, for January and March, 1801 Kxcter. .46 7. A letter to the Bishop of Exeter [on occasion of a High Church Cler^ryman censuring Dr. Hawker, an "Evangelical" itinerating Clergyman], .Exjtcr..21 8. Evans, J. A Sermon, October 19, 1803, the day appointed for a National Fast ; with an account of the destruction of the Spanish Armada. . .London, 1803.. 30 9. Noyes, R. Address to the inhabitants of Great Britain (1755) in prospect of a French Invasion ; [republished] with an Intnxluction by J. Evans ; and, a character of the French Government ; by R. Einniett London, 1803.. 16 ;^ PAMPHLETS. 1113 FifH the lato 4 Drd, 1810.. 20 '1 in cooBe- !, &c., for . London, 1825.. 91 'rois Pro- 156 '■''i s quatre res, 1788.180 "'f ic Rites, ;^^H d 1657;] Ion, 1754.128 diency of ork, 1797..4S thoughts 9ung and on, 1801.120 ion, 1807.. 24 tlie poor, on, 1808.. 59 lodifyiiig Clergy, lin, 1808.116 J with the on, 1809.184 th, 1814.. 15 a )n, 1797.118 ■ H n moral n, 1798. 129 ite and 1), 1794.. 58 pril 27, 'iiunton. .35 n, 1791.. 64 Kxcter..46 ■^yiiian Exjter..21 ational lOndon, 1803.. 30 [lect of and, a , 1803.. 16 PafM 10. Dennis, Jonas. The & 'acter of the King [George III,] ; a Sermon preached at Exeter on 30th novembcr, 1800 14 11. Bidlake, J. A Sermon, before the Gentlemen educated at Plymouth Gram- mar School, 12th October, 1802 ; with an Oration made in the Guildhall on same day 12. , A Sermon preached at Plymouth at the Visitation of Archdea- con IJarnes, on 27th May, 1803 . Plymouth, 1803 52 29 Vol. CXXVm. [PoUtioal Pamphlets, 1805-1807.] 1. The state of the Case, on the withdrawing a Bill for the extension of Rank to Roman Catholics in the Fleet and Army ; addressed to Lord Grenvillo and Howick, [who in the Government had supported it] London, 1807. .70 2. Thoughts on the Catholic question London 1807. .49 3. Burke, Right lion. E. On the Catholic claims ; discussed in a letter to Mr. Baron Smith London, 1807 24 4. Le Mesurier, T. Of the Roman Catholic claims as now set forth ; [with] Postscript occasioned by Dr. Milner's and others' publications London, 1805.. 81 6. . A Sc(iuel to [the foregoing,] containing the Doctrines of Popery au formerly, and as now professed ; with remarks on some late publications [of Roman Catholics] London, 1807, pp. 84; appendix, 67 7. Wilson, H. B. Letter to Lord Grenville; upon his letter respecting the rerolution of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, with respect to His Majesty's late conduct London, 1807. .SI 8. An alarm to the Reformed Church of Christ in these Kingdoms, respecting the Papists London, 1807. . 16 9. Sidmouth, Viscount. Speech respecting the lato change of Ministers. London, 1807.. 27 10. Bowles, J. A Letter on Lancaster's system of Education. . . .London, 1807. .64 11. Erskine, Lord. Speech rcspcctins; the late changi; of Ministers. .London, 1807. .32 12. Address to the people upon the secret which occasioned the dismissal of the late Ministers London, 1807.. 24 Vol. CXXIX. [Pamphlets, 1763-88.] 1. A short review of the political state of Great Britain, 1787. . . .London, 1787. .86 2. Reply to the above Pamphlet, January, 1787 London. .75 3. The People's Answer to the Court Pamphlet, entitled "A short Review, &c." London, 1787.. 50 For another copy, see Vol. CXXXV., No. 10. 4. A retrospect of the Portraits iti n pamphlet c.iUed "A short Review, &c." London, 1787.. 79 5. Tookc, J. Ji Two pair of Portraits : (1) [Lords Chatham and Holland.] (2) [William Pitt anil Charles James Fox.] London, 1788. .30 6. Original Fiiprrs. Extract of a loiter [explaining the case of Mr. Pitt, sent for by the King to take Office, and sent bacU without OfTice, &c.] . . 1763 . . 19 7. A Letter to Piiilip Francis from the Committee for manai^ing the impeach- ment of Mr. Ha.stinjrs ; with remark.^ London, 1788. .33 Vol. CXXX. [Pamphlets, 1803-42.] 1. Buiwer, II. L. Tlie Lords, the Government, and the Country. . London, 1836. 118 2. Buiwer, E. L. A Letter to a late Ciibinet Jlinister on the present crisis ; with a letter from Lord Brougham to Mr. Buiwer London, 1834.108 1114 PAMPHLETS. "jU Ptfti 3. Friendly advice to the Conservatives London, lft38. .43 4. Cursory Remarks on the state of Parties, during the ndministration of Mr. Addington London, 180S . .84 6, Lynn, 0. G. What is Dissent? London, 1840.. 43 6. Novile, C. The new Tariff, [to consider its efleot on the Agricultural interests] London, 1842. .36 7. Broughanri, Lord. Speech on the Income Tax, on 17th March, 1842 29 8. A Lettor from Peter Wilkins to Isanc Tomkins .. London, 1839. .24 9. Broughnm, Lord. Answer to Lord Londonderry's Ljtter [concerning his brother. Lord Castlereagh] London, 1839. .15 10. Lord John This, and Lord ex-Chancellor That ; a review of two recent pamphlets; by " a Whig, and something more." Lonilon, 1839. .72 11. Wall, C.B.M.P. Thoughts on Parliamentary Independence. .London, 1839. .29 12. Russell, Lord John. Letter on the principles of the Reform Act. . .London, 1839.. 44 13. What? and Who Says It? The Established Church "(testroys more souls than it saves ;'' edited by John Search Worcester, 1837 . .66 14. Wade, J. Glances at the Times and Reform Government. . .London, 1840. .72 15. Brougham, Lord. Speeches on the Administration of Jistico in Ireland; with a preface London, 1839 . .32 16. The Grey Festival ; ihe proceedings connected with the dinner given to Earl Grey at Edinburgh, 15th Sept., 1874 ; the 6>peeehes and addresses. . pp. 80. .appbndix.107 Vol. CXXXI. [Pamphlets, 1832-42.] 1. Ilorto.i, Sir R. W, On the Oiith in the Roman Cathol'c Relief Bill ; on ihe doctrine of certain Irish with respect to Tithes ; and on the policy of r Concordat with Rome. Lor;don, 1838. .96 2. Sibthorp, R. W. Some answer to the enquiry ; why are you become a Catholic P London, 1842. .51 3. Catholicity vs. Sibthorp ; Or, some help to answer the question whether the Rev. W. Sibthorp, B. D. is now, or ever was a Cathohc; by tha Rev, G. E. Biber. Letter the fifth Lond.m, 1842. .61 4. Riland, J. The British Liturgy ; an analysis, arrangemtnt and compres- sion of the Book of Common Prayer ; .submitted to the Clergy, r.nd to all Christian Ministers who use or allow Liturgies Londoii, 1832. .97 5. Smith, Capt. 0. On the state and prospects of the Navy in 1838 London.. 32 6. Letter to Dr Cowan, in answer to his '< observations on quackery" ivondon, 1839. .22 7. Lady Flora Hastings. Statement and correspondence of the Marquis of Hastings, &c., — concerning London, 1838. .24 8. Blundall, R. Considerations on the Judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench, in a Case of Parliamoiitary Privileges ; Stockdale v. Hansard London, 1839.. 41 9. Finlay, Georgo. The Hellenic Kingdom and the Greek Nation. . .London, .1836.115 Vol. CXZXII [Pamphlets, 1829-42.] 1. Malcol.iijon, J. G. On the effects of solitary confinement en the health of Soldiers in warm climates London, 1937. .23 PAMPULETS. 1116 m, 1838.. 43 n of Mr. [in, 1S0S..84 on, 18 10.. 43 ioultiiral DP, 1842.. 36 42 29 )n, 1839.. 24 litis 'i'* on, 1839.. 15 o recent DH, 1839.. 72 nn, 1839.. 29 London, 1839.. 44 re soula or, 1837.. 66 m, 1840.. 72 Teland ; an, 1839.. 32 ^iven to resses . . ppcndix.107 on ihe cy of n. ,1838.. 96 come a , 1842.. 51 eihor Hev. , 1842 mpres- to all , 1832 3S...- London . .32 61 .97 ,1839.. 22 ]uis of , 1838.. 24 ueen's d.... ,1839.. 41 )ndon, 1836.115 ,1th of 1S37..23 *. * 2. Taylor, Major P. A narratlvo touching ^lilitary punishments, discipline, ciMisuro, &c London, 1830. .43 3. Report from Commissionors for inquiring into the system of Military punish- mtMits in tho Army London, 18S6 . .45 4. On tlio Third Report of Inspectors of Prisons ; Home District. From Law Ma{j;azine, for October, 1838 London. . 17 6. Tho mode in which tho law is administered by Country Magistrates ; bein" a narratlvo of the case of MoKsrs. Uandl.'y and Waters London, " 1&39..96 6. Gordon, R. On tho liberty of the subject es affected by tho atrocious system of Imprisonment for Debt . London, 1836.104 7. Midlins, K. On tho Magistriicy of England, County Rates, the defective management of County Finances, the Appointment, &c., of Justices of tho Peace, tho want of a County Police, &c London, 1836. .84 8. Freoland, J. B. Of the Police in the rural districts ; with some suggestions for its improvement London, 1839.. 89 9. Stephen, G. Practical suggpstions for the improvement of the Police. . . . London, 1829.. 31 10. Thomson, J. On Copyright in original designs and pattens for printing. . Clitheroe, 1840.. 54 11. Leo, D. Tho Policy of Piracy; expounded ;, in the Evidence before the Committee on the expediency of extending the Copyright of Designs. London, 1810.. 36 12. Nasinyth, A. A letter to tho Prebident elect of the British Association ; on statements made by its OflQceis in the Transactions published in April. London, 1842.. 68 Vol. CXXXUI. [Pampblcta. Political. 1791.] 1. A Report from a Committee of the House of Commons, 10th May, 1791, on Pui)lic Income and Expenditure; and also upon the alteration which has taken place in the Public Debt since 1786. Vol. CZXXrV. [PoUtloal Tracts, «:o., 1776-1826.] 1. Fawkes, W. The Englishman's Ma'iual ; or, a Dialogue between a Tory and a Reformer (Title lost). . . London, 1817. .86 2. A Reply to the Letter from Rev. H. Phillpotts to Earl Grey, on his Speech at the Northumberland County Meeting London, 1821.. 27 3. The suppressed letter to Mr, Cannin;?, with Mr. Canning's Letter. .London, 1818.. 16 4. Brougham, H. Practical observations upon the Education of the People. London, 1825.. 83 5. Tate, James. The Christian Rule of Equity enforced and applied. An [Assize] Sermon York, 1825.. 16 6. Fenwick, J, Speech at a Meeting of the various Protestant Dissenters, on the propriety of obtaining a new place of Sepulture Newcastle upon Tyne, 1826.. 48 7. Trial of tho Rev. Edward Irving, M. A. A Canto of Criticism, London, 1823 . .96 3. Lyttelton, Lord. Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul London, 1777. 112 Hollingsworch, N. A farewell Sermon, delivered at Sedgefield Church, 4th May, 1806; with appendices London, 1806.101 IIIC PAMPHLETS. FlfM 10. Flotchcr, John. The New Birth. A diHcotirHo; written in Fronrh. Trnng- latcMl hy Henry Mooio IJrIslol, 1794 . .80 11. Nesfleld, VV. An Oration Rt theoponinp; of the Iron Hridne, nl VVearmoiith, AngtiHt 9th, 1790, and a Sirntoii preitched at Sunderland on theHanie ncca- Kion. Hy J. Brewtttcr Stockton, 1706.. 47 12. Thorpe, VV. Speech upon forming a Charitable Institution, to the Memory of Kichard UcynoldB Bristol, 1H16..10 13. Murray, John, junr. Memoir of the late. By Thon. Kddy, Now York, 1819.. 85 14. Stiipli'ton, MiRH L Memoir of the Inte. By J. Jeii'urHon ThirHk, iH'il ..81 Vol. CXXXV. fPoliUoal Traot«, &o., 1783-96] 1. The same as No. 0, Vol. XVil. 2. The Cridis; or, » defonco of Administration against the Opposition .. Lond., 17f-8.. Dedication pp. 19.. 49 3. Opposition politics, oxemplined Loudon, 1780 .64 4. The Debate on Mr. HftstinRn's conduct to Cheyt Sing, at Benares, in the House of Commons, \'M\\ June, 1786 83 6. The present (^ri".is of the|Su(rar] Colonies coi'.sidcrcd ; with observations on the necesisity of coimccting Ihoir Comraercin! interest with fireat Bri- tain and America Lonilon, 1786 . . . Dedication pp. 16 . .88 6. IIaslin;,'s, Wiirren. Tho present stuto of tho Kiist Indies, with notes, by an Kditor London, 1786.103 7. The r jmnions' Dtdiatcnnthe Kast India Relief Bill; in which is included the History of the Diamond (Icliverwl to Lord Sydney . . . London, 1786. .31 8. Newliaven, Lord. Some thoiii;hts how the National Debt may bo reduced, and all Home Taxes abolished London, 1786 . .23 9. On the present alarniin;; crisis of Public Affairs London, 1796. .32 10. Tho same as No, J, Vol. CXXIX. 11. On Brilish Policy, contrasted with a French Alliance London, 1787.. 04 Vol. CXXXVI. [Political Tracts, &c., 1791-7.] 1. Cotisiderations on iwo jiapers, published at Antwerp, respecting a loan for 3,6()(),()00 guilders, to be subscribed in that City London, 1791 . .74 2. Piirott, C. Strictures on the new i)o!itical teuet- of Mr. E. Burke ; illus- trated by analogy between his dilfereiit sentiments on the .American and French Kevolutions, &c London, 1791 . 104 3. The true state of the (|uestion ; [i. e.. Of ] the abolition of the Slave Trade, London, 1792.. 14 4. Hanger, Majtrr O. (~>ntlie expulsion ( < the Austrian Troops Ironi Brabant, on the future oxtiusion of the French Frontier to the Rhine, and on tho late intended march of the Duke of Brunswick to Pari.s. . . London, 1792. .67 5. Observations on the present state of alfairs in Ireland London, 1797. .46 6. An answer to the second lart of I'aine's Rights of Man. . . .London, 1792. .fiO 7. Mr. Paine's letter to Mr. Dundn.s particularly considered . . .London, 1792.. 22 8. Short account of tho revolt and massacre which took place in Paris on the lOth of August, 1792, with I'u'ts previous which throw light on the real inslij^ators of these crimes London, 1 792 . .4.2 9. The Popery Laws in Force, in Ireland. Report of a Committee (of tho United Irishmen on,) Dublin, 1792 . .78 I 10. A review of the principal proceedings of the Parliament of 1784. ...L. 1793.178 PAMIIILETS. 1117 Pagtt TranB- ol, 1794. 80 nviuiith, nc ocoa- >n, 1796. 47 Memory oi, 1818. .10 rk, 1819. .86 sk, 18-21. .81 . Lond., pp. 19. .49 on, 1780 .64 9, in the 83 jrvations real Bri- 11 pp. 16. .88 h notes, on, 1786. 103 iiii'liuled on, 1786. .31 reduced, on, 1786. .23 on, 1796. .32 n, 1787. .04 loan for :m, 1791. .74 > ; illus- caii and :m, 1791. 104 J Trade. >n, 179^ .14 iraltant, 1 on the n, 1792 .67 in, 1707 .46 Ml, 1792 .fiO .M, 179-i .22 - iin the ,he real Ml, 1792 .4.2 (of the n, 179-2 ..78 1. 1793 .178 Vol. r%ii 8. 4. .82 .62 .68 CXXXVn. [PoUdoal Tract*, 4o., 179S-6.1 1. A Utter to till; Lord Chancellor [Loughborough,] on tho case of the Prince of Wales' debts I ondon, 1796 2. Letters on tho subject of tho late [Farringdon Withoutl Ward t leeting rela- tive to tho Hill for supprcHnion of Seditious Meetings London, 1793 For another copy see Vol. CCXVII, No. 7. RenmrkH on tho apparent circuinstances of tho War, with France, in the fourth week of October, 179.5 London Nicholls, J. Ob.scrTations on tho sitimtion of tho Prince of Wales. Second edition with additions London, 1795. .27 For tho first edition see Vol. CCXVIII, No. 2. 6. Remarks on (ho Defence of Ireland, &c Belfast, 1796. .96 0. The proceedings on tho trial of V'ico-Admiral t'ornwallis, and the correspond- ence with the Lords of the Admiralty previous to it London, 1796. 116 7. Wraxall, N. W. Correspondence between a traveller [in Italy] and a Min- ister of State [at tho time of tho French Revolution threatening to spread to Italy] in 1792: with Rcmarkson the llnal object of tho present war ; [via: tho maintenance of Public Credit, &c.] in 1796. From the original French with a Preface London, 1796. .pref. pp. 24, 81 8. Ambo ; The King and tho country ; Or, tho danger of French Invasion repelled by liritiiih Union, &c London, 1796. .74 VoL CXXXVin. [Pamphleta, 1797-8.] 1. A letter to the Earl of Moira in defence of Ministers, and of tho .Krmy in Ireland London, 1797. .36 2. A review of tho conduct of the Prince of Wales — from his entrance into Public Life, till his otler to undertake the Government of Ireland .L. 1797.109 3. Tho population of Franco and tho British Empire; their com icrce, force, and actufil luditii^a compared; with anecdotes relative to the French Revolitl , London, 1797.105 4. An H|'i"'al to every man and woman in Great Britain respecting the threat- eno*l Kpt'ttch Invasion, and tho importance of voluntary contributions. London, 1798.. 44 6. S«und an Alarm ; by way of appendix to " Reform or ruin.". .London, 1798. .37 6. Second letter to Earl of Moira, on the commercial situation of Ireland. (The first letter is No. 1 ir this volume.) London, 1798... 62 7. The speech of tho Earl of Clare, Lord Chancellor, in the House of Lords, in Ireland, on a motion to recommend the adoption of conciliatory measures, itc, with original papers Dublin, 1798. .87 8. The same a.s No. 2, Vol. LIX. Vol. CXXXIX. [Pamphlets, 1782-1800] 1, Sinclair, J., IM.P. On tho e.xpedien'-y of in -reasing the number of the Representatives of tho People London, 1782 . .48 2, Sinclair, J. History of tho origin and progress of the Statistical account of Scotland : and appendi.x Edinburgh, 1798.107 3, Ilarington, Sir E. Remarks on a letter relative to late petitions for the safety and preservation of His Majesty's Person, and for more cfr.'ctnally preventing seditious meetings, itc— with abstracts of Bills [on tliese sub- jccts^-] Bath, 1792?. . Abst., S:r. pp. 18, 43 4. _ Answer to a reply to his remarks [as above] . Bath, 1792 ? . .62 1118 PAMPHLETS. m 5. Reasons against giving a territorial grant to a company of Merchants to colonize, &c., Sierra Leona London, 1791 . 6. Hunt, R. The prosperity of Great Britain, compared with the state of Franco. Her conquests and Allies Shrewsbury, 1796. 7. Godfrey, S. The Question of Bills of Exchange, called fictitious ; [the origin of that Question and its frivolity are shewn] London, 1790 . 9. The same as No. 2, Vol. CXIH. 9. Cursory remarks on Bread and Coals London, 1800 10. Coxe, VV. A letter on Dr. Price's " Discourse on the Love of our Country," delivered November 4ih, 1789, before the Society for commemorating the Revolution London, 1790, Vol. CZL. [Pamphlets, 1802-6.] 1. A letter to Dr. Troy, [Rom. Catholic Archbishop of Dublin] on the Corona- tion of Bonaparte by Pope Pius the Seventh : by Melancthon. .Dub. 1805. For another copy see "Vol. CCXXV, No. 1. 2. De Lancey, Lieut. Gen., late Barrack-Master General. Statement of the case of, [by himself.] London, 1800 3. Macpherson, Sir J. ; Documents explanatory of the case of, as Governor General of Bengal — 4. Pitt, W. M., M.P. Thoughts on the defence of this Kingdom. PartlH. London, 1803 . -p. lOl— p. 5. On the present relative situation of Great Britain and France, 16th Nov., 1802 Liverpool For another copy see Vol. CCXXX, No. 1. 6. Hamilton, Lord A. On the formation of the late and present Adrainistra- trations London, 1804 7. On the Military relations of Great Britain and Ireland Dublin, 1803 8. The same as No. 5, Vol. CIIL 9. The reply of a Near Observer to some answerers of the Cursory Remarks. London, 1804 10. Alley, J. A vindication of the principles and statements of Lord Sheffield, on the necessity of maintaining the Navigation and Colonial System of Great Britain ; with tables and an appendix London, 1806 11. Review of public affairs since the commencement of the present century, London, 1802 12. Pitt, Rt. Hon. W. ; The Muses' Tribute, a Monody, to the memory of. With Notes, biographical and explanatory. By J. B. Orme, Esq. London, 1806 Vol. CXLl. [Pamphlets, 1804-7.] 1. The trial of John Holloway and Owen Haggerty, for the murder of Mr. Steele, November 6th, 1802 London, 1807 2. Wellesley, Sir Arthur. Speech on the Indian Budget, July 10th, 1806. London, 1806 3. Intercepted Letters, &c., [the same as No. 3, Vol. XCV., but with a French version annexed, and a preface.] 4. The same as No. 2, Vol. CV. 5. Strictures on Cobbett's unmanly observations, relative to the " Delicate In- vestigation," and a reply to the answer to a letter to the Prince of Wales, by the author of the Letter London, 1806 ..16 ..67 ,.30 .34 ..46 ,.97 ..63 ..67 156 ..16 .70 .82 .102 ..97 ..99 ..52 ..18 ..56 :0- ..82 ■|| PAMPHLETS. 1119 Ftgei tiants to )n, 1791 state of 7, 1796 e origin n, 1790.. 30 16 67 )n, 1800. 34 luntry," ting the )D, 1790.. 46 Corona- lb. 1805.. 97 t of the )n, 1800.. 63 overnor ..67 ?art III. 101— p. 156 th Nov., livorpool. .16 linistra- m, 1804.. 70 n, 1803.. 82 ennarks. , 1804.102 leflield, tem of 1806.. 97 entury. 1802.. 99 3ry of. Esq. 1806.. 52 of Mr. 1807.. 18 1806. 1806.. 56 French ate In- Wales, 1806. Fifei 6, Narrative of the loss of the Packet Lady Hobart, on the 28th une, 1803, and the escape of the crew, &c,, (no title) London. .46 7. Bannerman, Major. Account of the late expedition against the refractory Polegars in the Tinncvelly country, in 1799 ; with papers, &c., Lond., 1807. 110 Vol CXLn. [Pamphlets, 1807-8.] 1, Roscop, W. Remarks on the proposals made to Great Britain for Peace, in the year 1807 Pref. pp. 31, remarks pp. 88, appendix 64 2. Morris, G., of New York. The British Treaty [dated 3l8t Dec, 1806,] not ratified (?) with State Papers, and " Cobbelt against himself." London. 1808..PP. 147, 7 I. The same as Vol. CVIIL, No. 4. 5. Observations sur le traite de Tiltit, et sur I'etat actuel des choses. Par un chef des Royalistes Londres, 1807. . 34 6. Corrie, E. Letter [fourth] on the Duties on Coffee London, 1808. . .8 7. An argument against war with Great Britain; recently published at Boston. By an American Farmer London, 1807. .43 8. Paull, Mr. A letter; on charges he had made against Lord "Wellesley. London, J808..34 Vol. CXLHI. [Pamphlets, 1802-13.] 1. The Trial of Robert Emmet for High treason. Edited by W. Ridgeway. Edinburgh, 1803.103 2. The Rights of the Sovereign and Wrongs of the Subject London, 1812. .23 3. Remarks on the correspondence between Lord Melville and Mr. Perceval. London. 1810. .(imperfect) 30 4. Cruickshank, J. On the Scotch system of Poor Laws ; with a plan for the suppression of vagrants, street beggars, and impostors. . . .Aberdeen, 1813. .44 5. All the Talents. A satirical Poem London, 1807.. 99 6. A Review of the charges exhibited against Lorrl Melville which led to the resolutions of the House of Commons on 8t*i Ap.'il, 1805, &c. .Lon., 1805. .84 7. Journal of a tour in France, in 1802, (no title.) 112 Vol. CXLIV. [Pamphlets, 1807-13] 1. Opinions of the late Lord Melville and Marquis Wellesley upon an open tradi to India London, 1813. 2. An appeal against a late rejection of the petition of the captains of the Royal Navy for an augmentation of pay, &c., — with a comparison of the benefits enjoyed by Navy and Army London, 1809. 3. Mason,.!. Observations on Parliamentary Reform London, 1811. 4. Our East India Government considered ; the fallacy, injustice, &c., of a political Power posse.ssing a Commerciul situation London, 1813. .68 5. Tinncy, J. P. The rights of the Sovereignty vindicated with reference to the Doctrines of the Edinburgh Review, &c London, 1809.210 6. Thomson, J. A Sermon on the Religious Education of the rising genera- tion Aberdc'jn, 1807 . .39 7. Sabbath Evening School Society, Aberdeen. Origin, Nature, and Rules of. (Two copies, verbatim, but dated respectively, 1806 and 1807.). Aberdeen. .8 8. Brown, W. L. Sermon on tho advantages of Early Piety; preached for the benefit [of the above Society] Aberdeen, 1S06. .27 *>. Brougham, H. Speech, April 1st, 1808, in support of the petitions from Loudon, Liverpool and Manchester, against tho Orders in Council 84 .18 .49 .73 1120 PAMPHLETS. PtfM 10. Ten letters upon the present alarming and critical state of Public Affairs. London, 1808. .62 11. An imperfect copy of a Narrative of Proceedings in the Douglas Cause. . .102 For a perfect copy see No. 15, Vol. CXCII. 12. Remarks on the late commitments [of Sir F. Burdett, &c.] by the House of Commons, and the conduct and character of its opposers. London, 1810. .38 Vol CXLV. [Pamphlets, 1810-22.] 1. Morison, G. The importance of self-diffidence on the part of Ministers of the Gospel. A Sermon Aberdeen, 1821. .42 2. Irving, Rev. Edv?ard. An examination and defence of the Writings and Preaching of, veith copious extracts London, 1823? . .32 3. Hamilton, R. On the Management of the Poor of Aberdeen, and the In- come and Expenditure of the United Fund from 1813 to 1821,Aberdeen. 1822. .46 4. Meditations among the Tombs. In a letter to a lady , [imperfect]. .From page 1 to 32 5. Craufurd, G. The present state of Great Britain, [principally relating to the paper currency] Rotterdam, 1816.. 38 6. M'Phail, W. The Great Things virhich the Lord hath done for us ; a Thanksgiving Sermon for a general Peace, July 20th, 1814, [Appendix, giving an account of Buonaparte in Rotterdam] Rotterdam, 1814. .62 7. Lee, J. Sermon at Aberdeen, 18th February, 1821, for the Aberdeen Female Society.. Cupar, 1821.. 30 8. Brown, W.L. Sermon on 25th October, 1806, on occasion of the Jubilee on the 50th Anniversary of the King's [George III] Accession .. Aberdeen, 1815.. 35 9. On the true excellence of the Female character, — A Sermon, for the Aber- deen Female Society, with the Rules of the Society. Aberdeen, 1804. .20 10. Ogilvy, S, A Sermon on the 20th of January, occasioned by the death of Professor Scott Aberdeen, 1811 . .33 Vol. CXLVI. [Pamphlets, 1813.] 1. The Pampldeteer*, Nos. 3 and 4 London, 1813 . .— Vol. CXLVn. [Libels and Warrants, 1661-1765] 1. A letter from Candor [justifying the Verdicts obtained against the North Briton, No. 45.] London, 1764.. 54 2. A letter [from the Father of Candor] concerning Libels, the Seizure of Papers, &c., with a view to late Proceedings, and the defence of them by the Majority. 2nd ed. ; improved. . .London, 1764. [The two pamphlets have M.S. notes of names of persons referred to] 100 For another copy of both pamphlets see Vol. CIX, Nos. 5, 6. 3. A Postscript to the above, in answer to a Postscript in the defence of the Majority, &c., with additions London, 1765. .pp. 16, 12 4. A collection out of the Book called Liber Rcgalis, touching the Coronation of the iving and Queen together, according to the usual form.Lond., 1661. .12 5. Account of the ceremonies used and done at the Royal Coronation of Queen Anne on St. George's Day, with Her Majesty's Feast in Westminster Hall; the Champion's Speech, &c London, 1702. . .8 * For contents of wliioii vide the entire work, in Catalogue Vol. I, page 923, &c. PAMPHLETS. 1121 Pi(et )lic Affairs, ndon, 1808.. 62 IS Cause . . . 102 e House of ndon, 1810. .38 linisters of deen, 1821.. 42 ritings and don, 1823?.. 32 nd the In- •deen.]822..46 Vol. CXLVni. [PamphletB, PoUtlcal, 1830-36.] ?■(«• itn page 1 to 32 relating to •dam, 1816 for us ; a : Appendix, rdam, 1814 Aberdeen 'upar, 1821 lie Jubilee Aberdeen, 1815 the Aber- deen, 1804.. 20 e death of een, 1811.. 33 idon, 1813..— 38 62 30 35 54 the North idon, 1764. Seizure of sf tiiein by- pamphlets 100 nee of the 65.. pp. 16, 12 [Coronation ond., 1661.. 12 of Queen estmiiLster idon, 1702. . .8 On the Propriety and Legality of creating Peers for Life, with precedents in favour thereof London, 1830. .56 Brougham, Lord. A Sketch of the Aristocracy of England in 1835, ex- tracted from two Pamphlets by Isaac Tomkins and Peter Jenkins. London, 1835 Veritas, to the King, Lords and Commons London, Present Posture of Affairs, (from the Westminster Review for Jan.).. 1835 Reduction or Abolition of the Newspaper Stamp Duty (from the London Review for January) 1836 Aristociiicy (from the London ^pview) — — , O'Coiinell's letter to the Duke of Wellington London, 1835 Peel, Sir R. Speech at a Public Dinner given by the Merchants, Bankers and Traders of London, 11th May, 1835 8 9. Raphael, A. Address to the Electors of Carlow, [and] the Correspondence between him and Daniel O'Connell on his Election London, 1835 10. Letters of O'Connell, Vigors, and Raphael, relative to Carlow Election. London, 1835 11. Burdett, Sir F. Letter to Members of Brookes' Club, respecting Mr, O'Connell London, O'Connell's letter to the Electors of Westminster London, 1835 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. .16 ..8 .20 .20 .24 ..8 8 la 8 4 8 1835... 4 f ■ '■. Burdett, Sir F. Letter to the same ' « Feel, Sir R. Speech at a dinner given him at the Town Hall, Tamworlh, on 4th September, 1835 London ... 8 15. O'Connell's Addres.s to his Countrymen, &c., at Manchester. .London, 1835. . .8 16. O'Connell's Speech at a Public Dinner at Manchester London, 1835. . .8 17. O'Connell's Speech at a Public Dinner at Newcastle-on-Tyne. London, 1835. . .8 18. O'Connell's Speech in answer to an Address from the Trades Societies in Edhd)urgh. ... London, 1835. . .8 19. O'Connell's Speech at a Public Dinner in Edinburgh London, 1835. . .8 20. Wilde, Sergeant, M.P. Speech at a Dinner given by his Constituents, Newark London, 1835. .13 21. Sheil, R. L., iVI.P. Speech at a Dinner given to him at Thurles..Lon., 1835... 7 22. O'Connell's Speech at Meeting of the Trades Union, Dublin London, 1835... 8 23. Russell, Lord J. Speech at a Public Dinner at Brstol London, 1835. .13 24. O'Connell's letter on Peerage Reform London, 1835. . .8 25. On the Six Acts, especially taxes on Literature, (from the Westminster Reviow for April, 1830) 15 26. Place, F. Letter respecting Taxes on Knowledge London, 1831 . .16 27. Milton, Viscount. Address to Landowners on the Corn Laws. London, 1834. .16 28. Medley, W. Address to Agriculturists of the County of Bucks. Lon., 1834. . .9 29. Beaumont, A. J. Speech and Protest of an Englishman condemned by the French Chamber of Peers on an ex-post facto Law. . .London, 1836. .16 30. The Old Citizen. An address showing the danger of the doctrines of our present Political Economists — proving that Great Britain has no National Debt, &c London, 1830.. 31 31. On the European Revolution (from the Westminster Review for Jan.) 1831 . . .8 32 Wetherell, H. J. On Ecclesiastical Leases London, 1833.. 46 33. History of Orangeism in Ireland, (from the " Catholic Miscellany.'') By Captain Ruck London, ..16 1122 PAMPHLETS. Vol. CZLI2:. [Pamphlets, 1840-41.] 1. Clay, C. Mersey ami Irwell Navigation improvements, geologically con- sidered, and new plans suggested Manchester, I84l , 2. Hdll, S. Improvements on Steam Engines described. . .Nottingham, , 3. Warren, S. The Opium Question London, 3840. 4 f.indsay, H. H. Is the War vnih China a just one P. London, 1840. t. ^oyd, S. Jones. Effects of the Administration of the Uank of England. (2nd letter, &c.) London, 1840 . 6. Parkinson, R. On the condition of the Labouring Poor in Manchester, with hints for improving it London, 1841 . 7. Loyd, S. Jones. On the managemenlfcf the oirculction, and 'on the con- dition and conduct of the Bank of England, &c., during the year 1839. London, 1840. 8. Graham, Sir J. Speech in Iloude of Commons on 29th May, 1841, on a motion of Want of Confidence in the Ministers 9. Stanley, Lord. Speech on the same motion 10. Peel, Sir R. Speech on the same motion 11. Peel, Sir R. Reply on the same motion Vol. CL. [FoUtlcal Miscellanies, 1788-1796.] 1. The same as No. 8, vol. LXXXVl. 2. The present state of the British Constitution, deduced from Facts. By an Old Whig London, 1793. 3. Burke, E. Speech on the Army Estimates, 9tli Feb., 1790 .23 .16 130 .40 .58 .23 135 .14 .16 .16 14 5. 6. Hints, &c., submitted ; by a friend to the Coiiititution in Church and State, &c London, 1789.. 72 The same as No. 10, vol. LXXXV. On the establishment of a Regency ; and notice of the settling the Ciovern- ment daring Miiioiity of Henry VI London, 1/88. .69 7. Answer to tlio above pnmplilet London, 1788. .23 Vol. CLI. [Political Pamphlets, 1794-1801. J 1. Hawkusbury, Lord. Speech in the Uon.-^o of Commons, on liie Inco-pora- tion of tlu; Parliaments of Great Britain ami Ireland London, 1800. .34 2. The same as No. 3, vol. CC'XXi. but without lue "observations" appended to the laUer. 3. Ilawkesbury, Lord. <.)n the condui-t of tho Govcrnniont of Great Britain in respect to Neutral NatioTis London, 1791. .96 4. Copies of letters recently written liy persons in Paris to iDi-. Priestle^- in America. T;iken on board of a Neutral Vctsel London, 17aP . .30 For another copy see vol. CCXIX., No. 7. 5. An an.swer to tho l»akc of liichmond'.s letter on the great subject of a I'.ir- liamenlary Reform , , (impcrJWt) 6. The Dutch e.Tpeiliii')ii vindicated; with a brief observation on the Eiiii- 170 grants, and a Po.siseripi London, 17'J9. .30 .76 7. Bird, 11. M. Proi)c).-als for (laying otf the National Debt, and for reducing laxes immediately ." London, I79i; Vol. CLl'I. [Ministerial Amusementc, Ac, 1787-8.] 1. The Album of Sifeatham; or Ministerial Amusements: The Bui)- 1-, (an ode) : Jekyll, (an oclogue), and the .b)urnal of Dundas London, 17>'«8 ¥M M m ■i 28 • 1 36 ■# 1 .7;} U1 PAMPHLETS, 1123 Fuel ly con- r, 1841 . .23 fi, ..16 n, 1840.130 n, 1840.. 40 ng!and. n, 1840.. 58 jhester, n, 1841 . .23 he con- ir 1839. 11, 1840.135 41, on a 14 16 15 14 By an m, 1793.. 28 36 ircli and Ml, 1789.. 72 Jovern- 1,1/88.. 69 1,1788.. 23 '•pora- 1800.. 34 pended Britain ,n, 1794.. 96 sik'y in u, 170P..36 a l';ir- wrfcri) 170 Emi- 1, 17'J9..3G :ducilig , 179'J..76 HO, (an li. 17t-H .7;J I Paxil 2. Political Miscellanies. Part the first. By the authors of the Rolliad, and Probationary Odos London, 1787. .:J') (For another copy of both those pamphlets, see vol. CCXXIX, Nos. 5 and 6.) Vol. CLIII. [Pamphlets, 1802-9.] 1. Operations of the British Army in Spain ; involving hints to the Commis- sariat, itc., with anecdotes of the Spanish character London, 1809..8S 2. The claim for fresh evidence on the subject of tbe Slave Trade considered. London, 1807. .16 3. Ilogan Exploded ; or, an unprejudiced refutation of Ilogan's farewell address to the army, and an e.Nposure of the Barouche Conspiracy. .London, 1808. .60 4. A letter to His Majesty on the Managers against W. Hastings and LorU Melville; the late Ministers; on the Catholic Bill, &c. ; the office of High- Admiral ; the Income and Services of the Royal Dukes ; Sketch of the DuUe of Kent's Life and Losses London, 1808. 130 5. Letters to Lord Grenvillc and Lord Howick upon their removal from the Councils of the King for attempting the repeal of the Test Laws with respeci to Army and Navy London, 1807. .37 0. Scott, Mr. Speech on the trial of Allan Macleod for a libel on the Earl of Clare London, 1803.. 40 7. The same as No. H, Vol. LXIIL 8. The state of Britain, abroad and at home, in 1808. London, 1808. 41 9. L' Ambigu, ou varietes litterairea et politiques. No. 89 — Le 20 Septembre. Londres, 1805. .61 10. Wharton, R., M.P. On the Jacobinical tendency of the Edinburgh Review. London, 1609.. 46 Vol. CLrV. [Pamphlets, Speeches and Addresses, 1790-1800.] 1. Scott, Mitjor. Speech M;iy 2l, 1790, on the complaint of General Burgoync for a breach of privilege 38 2. Pitt, Rt. Hon. W. Speech on Sir J. Sinclair's amendment to the Address of the Lords, relative to the negociation at Lisle .London, 1707. .24 3. Watson, II., Bish. of LlandalF. An address to the people of Great Britain, Loudon, 1798.. 42 For another copy see Vol. CXCVH, No. 9. 4. Fo.\, Hon. C. J. Speech in 1800 on a motion for an Address approving of the refusal of Ministers to treat with the French Republic. .London, . .47 5. Auckland, Lord, y[)ecclK'S of, in support of ihe Bill for the punishment, &e., of the crime of Adultery London, 180i). .iiS 6. Rochester, Bishop. Speech on (he same subject London, 1800. .35 7. Mulgrave, Lord. Speeches in reply to Lord Auckland and the Bibhop of Rochester on the Divorce Bill London, 1800. .50 8. Clarence, Duke of. Speeches of, against the Divorce Bill. . . .London, l8i»0. .54 i). Examination into the increase of the Revenue, Coiumerce, and Manufactures of Great IJntain from 1792 to 1799 London, 17'J9. .78 For anotluT copy see Vol. CLXXVIH, No. 1. Vol. CLV. [The Woodman, &c,] 1. Di'.dley, B. The Woodiuun, a Comic 0()era London, T791 . .0(5 2. Natural History of Birds (JinperfhU.) 3. A form of Prayer, for a General Fast, to be used in all the Chur'^'u., of the United Kingdom, on 8th February, 1809 London. 1809 . . 16 D 1124 PAMPHLETS. Pt|e> 4. A form of Prayer, for a General Fast, &c., on 5th February, 1812 16 5. , for a General Fast, on 10th March, 1813 16 6. Words of the second part of Handel's Oratorio of the Messiah, of Acis and Galatea, of a new Battle Sinfonia by Beethoven, &c London, 1816. . 19 7. PorteuB, Dr. B. Exoartation to the religious observance of Good Friday. London, 1776.. 31 8. West, B., Painter to the King. Christ rejected — Catalogue of — together with sketches of other scriptural subjects London, 1814.. 15 Vol. CLVI. [Letters to Pitt, Ac] 1. The same as No. 2, Vol. XCVH. 2. Wakefield, Gilbert. The Spirit of Christianity, compared with the spirit of the times in Great Britain London, 1794.. 41 3. The Jockey Club, or a sketch of ti.o Manners of the Age. Vol. CLVn. [Tracts on Coin, Wheatley, Foster, &c.] •London, 1792.188 1. Wheatley, J. On Currency and Commerce London, 1803.262 2. Foster, G. L. On the principle of Commercial Exchanges and :i.ore parti- cularly between Great Britain and Ireland, and on th'^ effects of the Bank restrictions London, 1804.209 3. Saelling, T. A view of the Coins at this time current throughout Europe, exhibiting nearly 300, with their value, &c London, 1766. .25 4. The Theory of Money ; with considerations on the Bank of England, — its constitution, its present measures, and the effects of those measure?. London, 1811.. 96 Vol. CLVm [Cunenoy.] 1. Povey, C. Britain's scheme to make a new coin of Gold and Silver to give in exchange for Paper-money and South Sea slock London, 1720. .27 2. Grenfell, J. On the expediency and facility of a jCopper Coinage, of a standard value London, 1814. 28 3. Grenfell, P., M.P. Speech on certain transactions subsisting betwixt the public and the Bank of Engl.ind, With an appendix... . London, 1816 120 4. Ricardo, D. Proposals for an econom-cal and secure Currency, with observa- tions on the profits of the Bank o' England London, 1816.126 For another copy, (being the 2nd ediiion, with two pages additional,) see Vol. CCXXIII, No. 6. 5. Tatham, E. On the scarcity of Money and its effects upon the public. Oxford, 181 6.. 47 6. Smith, T. Two letters on the proponed new Coinage London, 1816. .41, 26 Vol. CLIZ. [Currency, 1811-1827] 1. Vyvyan, Sir R. R. A letter on the nature and use of Credit and Currency. Penzance, J 826.. 49 2. Burgess, H. A letter to explain how the industry of the people, and the productions of the country, are influenced^by Bills of Exchange, Bank Notes, &c London, 1826. 139 For another copy see Vol. CLXII, No. 4. 3. Burgess, H. A memorial on the fitness of the system of the Bank of Eng- land, of the country Banks, &c., to the wants of the people, — with Docu- ments London, 1827. .55 4. Gilbart, J. W. On Banking ; with account of the) London and Country Banks, their Book-keeping, &e. Joint Stock Banks, &c London, 1827. .80 - i' it. l»AMtHliETS. 1125 Fi|e> 1 12 16 '■ le Acis and ion, 1815.. 19 d Friday. on, 1776.. 31 -together aon, 1814.. 15 e spirit of .. -.-t Jon, 1794.. 41 '■^%- don, 1792.188 don, 1803.262 '>^^H ore parti- tho Banli don, 1804.209 t Europe, idon, 1766.. 25 'land, — its measure.^. don, 1811.. 96 or to give idon, 1720..27 lage, of a idon, 1814. 28 etwixt the idon, 1816 120 h observa- ...^^ idon, 1816.126 '^IS 1,) see Vol. ^■_^^H le public. ford, 181 6.. 47 1816.. 41, 26 'U Currency. i >nce, I826..49 ■M ;, and the -M ige, Bank don, 1826.139 :^ kofEng- - ith Docu- /t don, 1827.. 55 - Country ,r'i don, 1827.. 80 s n P(fei 6. British Fire Office [Prospectus.] London, . . .8 6. Westminster Society for Insurance on Lives, ;Annuities, &c.»[Pro8pectus.] Established, 1792 London,|il826 . . 16 7. Pelican Insurance Office. [Prospectus.] London, 1811. ..4 8. Plan of the Norwich Union Office for Insurance on Lives, Annuities, &c. Norwich, 1817.. 27 Vol. CLX. [Cur»enoy, 1817'19.] 1. Craufurd, Lieut. Gen. Reflections ujion Currency, Prices, Commerce, &c., with reference to the present state of the country London, 1817.225 2. . On the Poor Laws; and a list of omissions, &c., in a pamphlet " On the state of the Country since the Peace". .Lond., 1817. .48 3. Attwood, T, On the creation of Money and on its action upon national pros- perity Birmingham, 1817.111 4. . — . On Currency, population, and pauperism. .Birmingham, 1818.254 5. . A letter on the reports of Committees of Parliament on the Bank restriction Act Birmingham, 1819. .46 6. . A second letter on the Bank reports, as occasioning the Na- tional dangers and distresses. Birmingham, 1819. 113 Vol. CLZI. [Currency, 1819.] 1. Wray, J. Dangers of the repeal of the Bank restriction Act, and a plan for obviating them London, . M 2. Martin, T. On payments and receipts in Bank of England notes, reduced to their value in Gold, — with remarks on subjects connected. .Liverpool, 1814. .70 3. On Bullion payments, and on free trade in Gold London, 1819. .15 4. Elementary propositions illustrative of the principles of Currency . .L., 1819. .14 5. The impracticability of the resumption of Cash Payments in the present state of things London, 1819. .29 6. The same as No. 8, Vol. CLXXII. 7. A letter upon the late rise in the Forei- xchanges .London, 1819. .23 8. jju.t';"'' remarks on the Reports of i ,. Committees on the Currency, by the autt -^- of " A few Remarks ;" which see, in Vol. CLXIV, No. 7. London, 1819.. 16 For another copy, vide Vol. CLXIV, No. 4. 9. Smith, T. Address to the Rt. Hon. Robert Peel, late Chairman to the Committee on the Currency London, 1819. .39 10. Bollmann, E., M.D. A second letter, in which doubts are suggested on the practicability and efficacy of the new system of Bullion payments, &c. London, 1819.. 45 11. Letters on a National Currency in the United States Washington, 1817. .37 12. Plan for the formation of a National Agricultural Banking Company ; with remarks on the plans of Mr. Owen London, 1818. .31 Vol. CliXn. [Tracts, Currency, 1824-26.] 1. Payne, D. B. A third letter on the interest of the Public Debt, Private Banks, Prices, Wages, the Trade in Corn, the Paper Issues of the Bank of England, &c London, 1824. .94 2. On the proposed change of Currency, &c., as affecting Scotland Edinburgh, 1826.. 60 S. The necessity of Parliamentary control over the issues of Country Bankers, with heads of a Bill for that purpose London, 1826 . .76 1126 PAMPHLETS. ¥"f--^i 4. The same as No. 2, Vol. CLIX. 5. Tho state of our Circulation and Currency conftidered London, 1826. .34 6. A defence of our lawa ngainst Usury, (in favour of a further reduction in the rate of Interest) London, 18i6..29 Vol. CLXni. [Tracts, Currency, 1026-28.] 1. A letter on the erroneous iiilorniatioii that Ministcra liave adopted regarding Country Banksiiud Currency in the Manufacturing districts. London, 1826. .25 2. Hints on tho causes and remedies of the present Distress London, 1826. .15 3. No Trust, No Trade I Or remarks on tho cause and remedy of the present National Distress London, 1826.. 50 4. The Bank of England defended; by an inquiry into tho origin of tho present system of Coinage ; ex.uninaiion of certain opinions in regard to Currency, the Foreign Exchanges, &c. ; with suggestions for a better Monetary sys- tem London, 1826 . .74 5. Atkinton, J. On the state ol the Circulation and Currency. .London, 1826. .40 6. A summary statement of the One Pound Note question London, 1828. .23 7. Cruttwell, R. The r.ystem of Country Banking defended, with reasons for dillering f>om Sir J. Sinclair, &c London, 1828. .30 8. A letter in answer to Lord Orenvillo's essay on tho supposed advantages of the Sinking Fund London, 1828 . .74 9. Address on the afl'iiirs of the Bank of England London, 182U.121 For another copy see Vol. CLXX, No. 3. Vol, CLXIV. [Pamphlets on the Currency.] 1. lluskisson, W., M.P. Tho Question concerning tho depreciation of our Cur- rency stated and examined , . .London, 1810. 154 For another copy see Vol. CLXVII, No. 3. 2. Sinclair, Sir J. Remarks on Mr. IluskiESon's pamphlet; with an explanation of tho nature and advantages of the present system of Circulation. London, 1810.. 74 For another copy see Vol. CCXIf, No. 5. 3. On alterations in the value of Money, and an examination of opinions recent- ly published on that subject London, 1823.100 4. The same as No. 8, Vol. CLXI. 5. A few facts in answer to the Report of the Bullion Committee, &c. &c., by Annuitant London, 1811.. 27 6. Ro. ■ iistrance to the author of t'vo letters on the effects of a variable Stand- ard of Value, and on the condition of the Poor London, 1819. .72 7. A few remarks on the Reports of tho Committees on the Currency. London, 1819.. 16 8. Dudley, II. B. On the present state of the Poor and defects of the Poor Laws; with remarks on parochial assessments and expenditures. London, 1802.. 37 Vol. CLXV. [Tracts on Bullion.] 1. Of the Bank of England resuming Specie Payments at tho period prescribed by the Act r,7th, (Jcorge III London, 1802.110 2. Atkinson, J. A letter occasioned by the Parliamentary Report on the high pricjof Gold Bu'lion London, 1810.104 3. Bosanqu.t, C. Practical observations on the Report of the Bullion Commit- too; with supplement London, 1810.134 PAMPHLETS. 1127 ptf» ontlon, 1826.. 34 iction in tho indon, 1826.. 29 2(1 regarding ondon, 1826.. 26 ondon, 1826.. 15 the present ondon, 1826.. 50 tho present Currency, onetary sys- ondon, 1826.. 74 ondon, 1826 . .40 ondon, 1828.. 23 reasons for ondon, 1828.. 30 dvnntnges of ondon, 1828.. 74 ,ondon, 182ij.l21 1 of our Cur- ondon, 1810.154 explanation Circulation, jndon, 1810.. 74 lions reccnt- ndon, 1823.100 Sec, &c., by mdon, 1811.. 27 ilile Stand- mdon, 1819.. 72 Currency, ndon, 1819.. 16 of the Poor pcnditures. ndon, 1802.. 37 prescribed ndon, 1802.110 m the high ndon, 1810.104 )n Conimit- ndon, 1810.134 :^l M Ptftt 4. Bonse, Mr. On the now doctrine concerning the supposed depreciation of our Currency Londor, 1811.110 5. Rotfolutions proposed by F. Horner and N. Vansittart, on tho Pkcport of tho Bullion Conjmittee ; tho divisions which took place ; and a list of tho publications occasioned by the Report of the Committee Londun, 1811 . .24 Vol. CLXVI. [On Paper Currency ] 1. Lauderdale, Earl of. Tho dep-or^tion of tho Paper Currency of Groat Britain proved London, 1812.196 2. Tho same as No. 2. Vol. CCXIV, [in which Vol. another tract by the same author will bo found. 1 Vol. CLXVn. [Tracts on BulUon.] 1. Mushot, R., of tho Mint. The effects on the National Currency, &c., and rates of Exchange, of tho Bank restriction Bill, with plans for maintaining the National Coins London, 1810. 100 2. Blako, ■\V. On the principles which regulate the course of Exchange ; and on the present depreciated state of the Currency London, 1810. 132 3. The same aa No. 1, Vol. CLXIV. 4. Sur la Banque de France la Crise qu'elle a epronvee, etc. ; aveo uno thojric des Banques Paris, 1806, [with an " Advertisement" in English.] im- primo i\ Londrcs, 1811.. 69 5. Giddy, D., M.P. A plain statement of the Bullion question. .London, 1811. .48 Vol. CLXVIII. [Pamphlets on the Currency.] 1. Thoughts on the present distress London, 1829. .68 2. Moore, R. The case of the Currency with its remedy London, 1829.188 3. Of again permitting tho issue of One Pound Notes by the Bunk of England and country Banks London, 1830. .64 4. A letter to Sir H. Parnell, shewing the unsoundness of his doctrines on Fi- nancial iieform, and proving that Free Trade will ruin tho country. London, 1830.. 72 5. Senior, N. "W. On the cost of obtaining Money, and on some ofTects of private and Government paper money London, 1830. 103 Vol. CLXIX. [Pamphlets on the Currency.] 1. Courtenay, T. P. A letter on the Sinking Fund London, 1828. 136 2. Tooko, T. A second letter to Lord Grenville on tho Currency in connexion with the Corn Trade, and on Corn Laws, with a postscript on the present commercial stagnation London, 1829.119 3. The same as No. 2, Vol. CXVIII. 4. Tooke, T. A letter on the effects ascribed to the resumption of cash pay- ments on the value of the Currency London, 1829. 132 5. Lauderdale, Earl of. On the Fourth Report of the Committee on the Income and Expenditure of the United Kingdom ; in which tho nature of Sinking Fund, and the fallacy of the reasoning in its favour is explained. Lond., 1829. 1C8 Vol. CLXX. [Pamphlets on the Currency.] 1. Western, C. C, M.P. On the cause of our present Di.'it ss, and the measures necessary for our relief London, 1826. .43 2. A Letter to the Earl of Lauderdale ; to serve as an index to His Lordship's Legislative Chart ... London, 1827.. 55 3. The same as No. 9, Vol. CLXIII. 1128 PAMPHLETS. 4. Pusey, P. On the Home Secretary's Financial SUtomont, 16ih February, 1828 London, l8.>8 . .82 8. Attwood, T. Speech Ht Birmingham, 8th May, 1829, on the distressed state of the Country Birmingham, 1829.. 83 Vol. CZiXZI. [Pamphleta on the Currency, 1826-7.] 1. Drummond II. Elumontnry propusilions on tho Currency, and their applica- tion to the present times London, 182t>. .69 For onotuer c ipy, see the Catalogue, Vol. I, page 232. 2. Sir J. Sinclair and Mr. T. Attwood ; Correspondence on the late prosperity, and the present adversity of the country, the proper remedies, and tho merits of tho English and Scottish systems of Banking London, 1826.184 3. English, II. Tho J< int Stocic Companies (624) formed during 1824 and 1825; with an appendix, giving a list of 156 companies formed "ante- cedent to 182-i, and which now exist," London, 1827.. 43 For another copy, see Vol. CCXXXIX, No. 2. 4. List of (276) Joint Stock Companies, tho proposals for which are now; or, have been lately before the public [continued in M.S. from 277 to 303 inclusive] London, 1825... 8 Vol. CliXZn. [Tracts, Banks, etc.] 1. The Exchange between England and Ireland ; a suggestion by which the aberration which has taken place may be remedied Bath, 1804. .35 2. On the price of the Funds as connected with tba Bank Restriction Act t.ondon, 1818. .23 3. Commercial Economy; Or, the evils of a Metallic Currency... London, 1818. .28 4. Haiti, M. I)u credit public en g6neral Paris, 1818. .20 5. The state of tho Currency of the Country, its defects and remedy. L,. 1818. .56 C. Read, S. A plan of a safe, steady and secure Government Paper Currency and legal tender Edinburgh, 1818.. 16 7. Weston, A. A method of increasing tho quantity of circulating money on a solid principle London, 1818. .56 First published in 1799, and reprinted, with a preface, by the author's brother. 8. Four Letters on the oiroulating medium of the British Isles; with apian for tho reformation of the present vicious system of Currency.. Truro, 1819. .47 For another copy, see Vol. CLXI, No. 6. 10. The real cause of the high price of Gold Bullion I^ondon, 1819.. 39 11. Congreve, Sir VV. Of the impracticability of cash payments ; the sufficiency of a representative currency under due regulations ; and of the danger of a reduction of the circulating raediumin the present state of things. L., 1819. .46 For another copy, see Vol. CO, No. 3. 12. Plan for a Currency, calculated to remedy the present distresses, and to afford a Revenue : (Frnni the Farmer's Mngaiiine, May, 1821) 19 13. Notices on the effects of Debts and Taxes; the state of the Currency, &c., and of the balance of trade London, 1821 . .77 14. Reasons why the Bank of England ought not to reduce the rate of discount to four per cent London, 1822. . 14 Vide, also, Vol. CLXXIII, No. 7. PAMPHLETS. 1129 1 Februnry, ndon, 18-28.. 82 distressed sham, 1829. .8» icir applica- ndoD, 1826.. 69 prosperity, OS, and tho ndon, 1826.184 g 1824 and lod "ante- adon, 1827.. 43 ) now; or, 277 to 303 adon, 1825... 8 which the Bath, 1804.. 35 Act don, 1818.. 23 idon, 1S18. .28 'aris,1818..20 '.L,. 1818.. 56 Currency irgh, 1818.. 16 money on doD, 1818.. 56 's brother, ith a plan ruro, 1819..47 don, 1819.. 3{> ufHciency ingtr of a .L., 1819.. 46 s, and to 19 ncy, &c., don, 1821.. 77 discount Ion, 1822. . 14 /v Vol. CLXXin. [Traota, Banlui, etc., 1819.J f 1. Joplin, T. On the principles and practice of Danking in England and Scotland ; with obsc-rvalion^t in favour of rh iinm<)dtato alteration in tho Charter of the Bank of England Newcastle upon Tyno, 1822, (2 copies in this Vol).. 70 ; 2, Supplementary obfecrvations to the above Esiny. .Newcastle, , (2 copies ■ii': in this Vol).. 20 3 Hopkins, T. Economical enquiries relative to rent, profit, wages, and the j^ value of money London, 1822.112 '^ 4. Tho same as No. 3, Vol. CLXXV. 5. A plan for paying off tho present National Debt in forty-two years ; with a Sinking Pimd of only five millions London, 1822. . 18 6. Iluyr.oldH, J. S. ObHcrvutionB on Mr. Ricardo's Principles of Political Econ(Hny and Taxation .London, 1822. .99 ■^ 7. Reasons why tho Rank of England ought not to reduce the rate of discount '^M to four per cent ; with observations on a recent publication entitled " A protection to Agriculture." London, 1822... "5! 8. Hints on tho danger of '.insettling the currency, invading the funds, or giving ^ way to visionary reformers London, 1823 . .78 ,jji| 0. Payne, D. H. A letter on the reputed excess and depreciation of Bank ^ Noto'^, and on tho consequences of tho now Metallic currency . .Lond., 1823. .29 { Vide, also, another letter in Vol. CLXII, No. 1.) Vol. CliXXrV. [Tracts, Bank, etc., 1822.] 1. Hints on a return to Ca'.h Payments by the Rank of England . .Lond., . . 16 /. 2. Consequences of rcturiiini; to the old standard of the currency, with remarks '" on the evidence published by Committees of Parliament London, 1819. 40 3. Chambers, A. II. On the resumption of Cash Payments by the Bank, and on tlie Corn B'll as connected with thut measure London, 1819. .38 4. Of the impracticability of the resuuiption of Cash Payments, with a view of the principles on which a more perfect system of Currency may be established, by W. C London, 1819 . . 57 5. A remonstrance to the author of two Letters on the efifects of a variable .standard of value, and on the condition of the poor London, 1819 . .70 6. Williams, C. W. Tho fallacies in the Iter to the Right Hon. Robjrt Peel, (from a Member of the University of Oxford) and on tho late change in the sentiments of the Earl of Laur, 'rdale on Paper Currency. . .L., 1819. .08 7. Session of the Imperial Council of the several establishments of Credit, St. Petersburgh, March 27, 1819 London, 1819, (French and English.). 15 8. Lnuderdnlv, Karl of. Protest against the 2nd reading of a Bill to continue the restrictions on cash payments by the Bank of England. .London, 1819. .Ifi 9. Lyne, C. On the impossibility of a speedy return to a Gold Currency. London, 1819. 46 10. Specimens and descriptions of Perkins and Fairman's Siderographic plan to prevent forgery of Bank Notes London, 1819. .45 SI, Letters containing the outlines of a plan for improving the Notes of the Bank of England , . .27 iiao rAiiriiLETS. Vol. CIjXXV [TraoU, Nntloiial Debt, 1820 22 | 1. The ftrt of Stock Jjliliing explained ; witli iisulul hinlB on the proper lime to buy and Hcl I. Advice to Fundholdcrii on tliu operation ul' the Sinkiii);; Fnnd, Ao London, 1818.132 '2, 'Wilkinson, H. Of an cquiiablu and edlcient syKtcm of Finance ; proving the noccsaity of ropcalinK all oxiHting taxes ; and adopting one e(|uitahlu and nn'hangcable, Ac, by which conlldento woulil bo reatored, Ac. ; with a plan for a conr.nnUalion of Tithes London, 18'2(). .9.5 3. Driirkwooil, .1., Jun. Plan for reducing tho CHpilul and the annual chaige of the National Debt London, IH'22. .pp. xv., 8'J 4. The Operuiion of the Sinking Fund, us it utTccts Funded pioperty ; also the change of our Financial system by innovations made on the stability of the I'ublic Funds. By the author of " the art of Stock-jobbing.". Lond., . .32 5. Sinking Fund ; or, the system which reconunend.s the repeal ot Five MillioiH of Taxes, compared with the Hystcin wliioh rcronimends levy- ing live millions by taxation, for the rcdeiuulioii of tlio Publlu Debt. , 18-22..16 G. The debt due to the fundholdcr accurately statcl; wit!i letters on the llaid; restriction act, cash payments, and Mr. Peel's Hill London, 182'i. .50 7. lleathfleld, R. Observations on Trade, in reference to the public debt, and to agriculture London, 1822 . .71 Vol. CLXXVl [Tracts on Tythes, Usury, etc.] 1. Address to the owners and occupiers of property in London and its liberties on the subject of Tythes London, 1H17..39 2. Papers .submitted to the Coinniittee appointed to take into consideration the petitions on the subject of Tythes London, 1817. 36 3. Hints suggested for the abolition of Tithes, ,^-c IJath, 1816. .11 4. Parnes, R. Observations on a Hill introduced in 1817 in respect of Modus for Tithes Cambridge, 1 8 1 8 .. 03 5. Tithes and Land Tax no burthen to Landlord or Tenant, nor any excuse for Corn Laws Nailsworth, 1819... 6 6. Sugden, E. B. The expediency of repealing the Annuity Act, and raising the legal rate of interest London, 1812. .60 7. On the effect of tlie projected abolition of the Usury Laws.F-dinburgh, 1818. .52 8. IPghmore, A. On Mr. Wilberforcc's Bill [printed, February, 1810.] for registering charitable donations, &c London, 1810. .27 9. On the lleveniie and Public Morals, as connected with restoring the wine, licer, and spirit trade to its proper channels, with hints for i)rcvcnting frauds on the revenue, itc London, 1817. .43 10. Suggestions to the Prince Regent ; on laying out money to the greatest ad- vantage, National and Personal London, 1814. .62 11. Wright, T. The monopoly of small farms, a great cause of scarcity, I'd;., with a plan for increasing small farms London, 1795 . . 18 12. Morgan, Mr., Actuary. Address to a (Jeneral Court of [an Assuranc< ] So- ciety London, 1819. .15 Vol. CLXXVn. [Tracts, Ld. Liverpool, etc.] 1. Becke, IL On the produce of the Income Tax, and on its proportion to the whole income of (ireat Britain London, 1800. 185 PAMPHLETS. 1131 ulon, 18-J2..71 PifH 'i. HawkuHliiiry, Charlefl, Lord. On tho cstnlilishniont of a nationn) and con- stUulioiiiil Forre in llnKlimd. (I'lrnt puMislied in 1757.) London, 17!tt. .82 3. Kcuko, 11. On the nicnns of Hocuring a Biifu and honourable Peace. Lond,, 1798.. 9;i Vol. CLXXVIII I Tracts on Finance.] L The Fani. as No. !), Vol. CLIV. 2. lloso, lU. Hon. 0. On tho I'ublio Expenditure, and the influcnco of the Crown London, 1810. .79 3. Rose, lit. Hon. (1. On the suhjciit of Lord Jielville's letter respcctlnp; a Naval Arsenal at Northlicct London, 1810. 38 4. Rose, nt. Hon. G. On the debt on the Civil List London, 1802. .40 5. Grellier, J. .1. Tfio terms of all the loans which have linen raised ; with ob- servationH on tho rate of interest paid, and ;in account of Navy and Ex- chiqiitr Hills funded London, 1S05..92 0. Whitconibc, S. On the expediency and policy of the alienaf'on of eHtatefl belonging to Bishops, Chapters, &.C., for the purchase of tho unredeemed Land Tjix .London, X10..63 7. On recent political occurrcnccB, and particularly on tho new plan of Fir moo. Londi,, (807.. 50 8. Ilonse, n. The disndvantnges of tho new plan of Finance; with uliserva- tions on the Sinking Fund and War 'I'axcB '..ondon, 1807 21 9. Fads of importance relative to the present stale of Great Brit 'n. L., 1800. .48 Vol. CLXXTX. [Tracts on Finance, &c., 1773-90.] 1. Price, Dr. A prcfiicc to the on Rcvtrhi' 'inry Payments, Sec. ; further observations on the National D^, &c. ; with .m account of the intluence of the didercnt stales of civil society on population, &.c London, 1773. .43 -. . An aiipcii! on the National Debt; observation.^, tables, &c London, 1774.. 97 3. Tathnm, E. A letter on the National Debt Oxford, 1795. .71 4. Of the intended e.'-tublit^hmi nt of the Prince of Wales, and mode propo.-ed for the discharge of his debts London, 1795. .35 a. Tiitlirun, E. A second letter on a National P.nnk London, 1797. .31 t). Urand, J. On the dt'iiression of the Funds and the embarrassments of circu- lation ; with propositions for some rcnic'l'os to each London, 1797. .79 7. On the Taxation of Property London, 1798. .48 8. A Pro[:ositl for Li(iuidating,C66,666J of tu- Three per Cents, by convert- ing the Land Tax into a Permanent Annuity London, 17U8. .48 9. Hints towards a Sy.stem of Taxation, cxUnding tc Persons in exact propor- tion to their Property, and without, any disclosures. London, 1798. .55 Vol. CLXXX. [Tracta on Finance, 1V94-1801.] 1. Boyd, W., M.P. Letter on the inliuonce of tho stoppage of issues in specie on prices. 2nd Edition. With a Preface, on the publication of Sir F. Baring, {aec post. No. 6.). . . .L., 1801 . .Preface, CO ; Letter, 87; Appen.lix, 48 2. Brief observations on tho above Letter London, 1801. .35 3. Answer to a Panipl.let intituled, a Letter (being, anti!, No. 1.). London, 1801. .29 4. A second answer to a new edi. of the Letter ; with a Preface. London, 1801 . .56 .5. A view of the Revenue, Expenditure, Debts, xVIanufactures and Commerce of Great Britain London, 1801 . .88 1132 PAMPHLETS. 6. Baring, Sir F. Observations on the publication of Walter Boyd, M.P. (ante, No. 1.) London, 1801 . .31 7. Young, J. Essays on Government — Revolutions — The British Constitution — Kingly Government — Parliamentary Representation and Reform — Liberty and Equality — Taxation, and the present War, &c. . Glasgow, 1794.160 Vol. CT.XXXI. [Tracts on Ireland, 1830-4.] 1. On the State of Ireland ; the best mode of introducing Poor Laws there ; On Absenteeism, &c Bristol, 1830.. 19 2. Coote, R. E. P. On the introduction of the Poor Laws into Ireland ; on Emigration, &0. Bristol, — ^. .41 3. General Prosperity consistent with a Repeal of the Corn Laws [in two Let- ters, 1814, 1826 J Bristol, 1834. .20 4. A Letter on the means of employing the Labouring Classes, &c. . Bristol, 1834 . 1 1 5. Letter on the increase of Crime in Ei.gland Bristol, 1827 ... 1 6. Suggestions on the means to enable Government to give beneficial employ- ment to the Labouring Classes Bristol, 1830. . A 7. Suggestions for an arrangement of Tithes in Ireland . .Bristol, 1835. . .7 8. Errors of fonder Governments in the management of the Church of Ireland. Bristol, . . 4 [So far the Tracts in this Volume are by R. E. P. Coote.] 9. Blacker, W. Prize Essay on the management of Landed Property in Ireland ; Employment of the Poor, &c Dublin, 1834. .41 10. . On improvement in the cultivation of Small Farms ; an Address to the small Farmers of Armagh ^^ Dublin, 1834. .92 Vol. CLXXXn. [MlsceUanleu, 1727-49.fP 1. The Oc'.asional Writer. No. IIL London, 1727 . .31 2. A Letter to Caleb D'Anvers, on his proper reply to a late libel, i.e., " Sedi- tion and Defamation display'd." London, 1731 . .52 3. On the conduct of our Domestic Affairs, from 1721 to the present time, in the case of our National Debt, Sinking Fund, &c., being a sequel to " Politicks on Loth sides," (for which see Vol. CLXXXIII, No. 4.) . . .London, 1734. .68 4. On the present plan of Peace London, 1736 . . 35 5. Argyle, Duke of. Letter upon the intended Expeditions London, 1740. .32 6. Four Letters published in Old England ; or, The Constitutional Journal [re- flecting on the Hanovoriao Alliance] London, 1743. .31 7. The Detector detected ; or, the danger to our Constitution exposed. Lon- don, 1743.. 62 8. A Letter to the Author of "The case fiirly stated." By an old Whig. London, 1745.. 39 9. The case fairly stated. By an M.P London, 1745 . .40 10. Lucas, C. The Great Charter of the City of Dublin [Latin text and Eng- lish tran.slation] with Notes, and an Address to George II. .Dedication, &c., 50; Original Text, 31 ; Translation, 36 11. Lucas, C. Address to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; with a Tieface to the Citizens of Dublin, urging them to contend for their Libeilics. .Dub- lin, 1749.. Preface, 15; Address, 8 12. The Mirrour for the Miror, &c. [" The Miror " being a print siding with C. Lucas; " The Mirrour " is against him.] Dublin, 1749. .15 ''\ PAMPHLETS, 1133 Fac» Vol. CLXZXm. [Mlacellanles, 1722-58.] 1. Advantages gained by the late Septbnnial Parliament set in a clear light ; a List of the Naturaliz'd Foreigners, &c. ; and Reasons for repealing the Septennial Act and reinforcing Triennial Parliaments. London, about 1722. .84 2. A History of the late Septennial Parliament, with many Secret Memoirs concerning the late times London, 1722 . .78 3. List of the Members of the late Parliament, at the time of the Septeniiii.l Act, with their names for and against the Repealing the Triennial Act ; also, Speeches againsf [the Septennial Act]. . .London, 1722. .From 241 to 323 4. The Politicks on both sides, with regard to Foreign Affairs ; stated from their own Writings, &c. ; with Observations on the State of Affairs in Great Britain London, 1734.. 75 ( Vide ante, Vol. CLXXXII, No. 3.) 5. The False Accusers Accused ; the general conduct of the Administration compared with that of their enemies, &c London, 1741. .56 6. On the present posture, both of our Foreign and Domestic Affairs. Lon., 1742. .80 7. M ws, Admiral, and L k, v; 'e-Admiral. Letters and Papers be- tween, &c., exhibiting the transa^ aons in the Mediterranean ; with Re- marks on, and Answers to, the Narrative of the Fleet from 1741 to 1744. London, 1744.128 8. A Second and Third Letter to the Whigs. Published because of " a late attack [made by that Party] on the whole Bench of Judges.". .Lon., 1748. .92 9. The Country Gentleman's Reply to the Answer of his Military Arguments. London, 1758.. 63 Vol. CLXXXIV. [Miscellaneous Tracts, 1744-73.] 1. Edwards, Dr. The System of Morals in Xenophon's Memorabilia. London, 1773.. 17 2. Berkely, Bishop. On the Virtues of Tar Water Dublin, 1744. 174 For another copy, see Catalogue Vol. I, page 63. 3. A Pelation of the Negotiations with Government from 1767, respecting the Company's acquisitions in India London, 1769. .25 4. Essay on the Middlesex Election, in which the power of Expulsion is parti- cularly considered London, 1770. .62 5. A Postcript to the above London, 1770. .25 6. Considerations on the Public Exercises for the first and second Degrees in the University of Oxford , 1773.. pp. xiii, 61 Vol. CLXXXV, [Resignation, Land Tax, Ac, 1740-51.] 1. The Resignation discussed ; false facts detected, and sophistical reasonings refuted, in "An apology for a late resignation," &c London, 1748. 56 2. An apology for a late Resignation London, ..46 3. On the conduct of the B*** M*** through the course of the War, with con- jectures as to what may bo expected from a Peace London, 1748. .60 4. Considerations upon a reduction of the Land Tax London, 1749.. 67 5. Morals, the best security c<"Good Goveriiincnt; or, the support of the Scots Clergy inseparably connected with the British Constitution . . London, 1751 . .30 6. The Presbyterian Clergy seasonably detected ; or, their public and private life in all countries examined, &,c London, 1751.127 7. Of the Rights of Free Subjects ; in which the cases of sailors and soldiers are considered, &c., the degeneracy of public spirit, &c London, 1749. .84 1134 PAMPHLETS. « Paffci 8. Letter on the Mutiny IJill, Articles of War, Use and Abuse of a Standing Army, with a jjreliminary discourse. .London, 1751. .discourse pp. 12, letter 44 Vol. CLXXXVI. [Pamphlets, 1720-69.] 1. Law, W. Remarks upon th o " Fable of the Bees," with an observation or two on Mr. Baylc London, 1725.106 For a later edition of this work, vide Vol. I of the Catalogue, p. 239. 2. Dean Swift's Legacy to the wicked authors of the present Age Dublin, .107 3. The fate of Tyrants; or, the Road from the Palace to the ScafT.^ld. (Impor- tant extracts respecting the Life and Reign of Charles T.) . .London, 1769. .79 4. Essay to prove that the soul of man is not, neither can it bo. Immortal, Dublin, 1751.. 72 5. The present state of Trinity College, Cambridge, under the oppressive gov- ernment of the Master, Richard Bentley London, 1720. .43 6. Dialogue on the existence and Immortalitj' of the Soul London, 1755. .59 7. An honest man's reasons for declining to take any part in the new Adminis- tration London, 1765.. 23 8. Description of Merr^'land, containing a Topographical, Geographical, and Natural history of tliat Country Bath, 1741 . .25 Vol. CLXXXVn. [Pamphlets, PoUtlcal, 1755-69.] 1. The present state of the Nation, particularly with respect to its trade, finances, &c London, 1768. 100 2. An appendix to the present state, &c., containing a reply to the observa- tions on theiibovepiitnphlet London, 1769. .68 3. Observations on a late state of the Nation London, 1769. 155 4. The Opposition. (To be published occasionally,) London, 1755. .28 5. The Monitor; A speech in the . By the Ht.ii, W m P 1. London, 1755.. 12 6. Plain reasons for removing a certain great man from His M y's presence and Councils for ever. By 0. I\L, Haberdasher London, 1759. .36 7. The Political Balance ; the two parties weighed London, 1765 . .68 8. A letter on the prospect of Peace, and the terms necessary in the negotiation. London, 1760.. 55 Vol. CLXXXVIII. [Pamphlets, 1761.] 1. The general contents of the British Museum, with remarks.. .London, 1761.103 2. Muri)hy, Mr. All in the Wrong, a Couudy London, 1761 . 106 3. An addiess to the authors of the two Reviews (the " Critical," and " Month- ly" Reviews, ) and Court Magazines . . London, 1761 . .44 4. The conduct i' i Rt. Hon. Gentleman in resigning the Seals of his Office, justified l)y fact.'-', &.V - London, 1761 . .82 5. Tlio Inoculation of Good Sense; or, an estimate of the present manners of th'j French Nation London, 1761, (French and English). .51 Vol. CLXXXIX. [Pamphlets, 1731-67] 1. Johnson, Samuel. The plan of a Dictionary of the Language. London, 1747.. 37 2. Thoughts on the causes and consequences of the preseiil high price of Pro- visions . ^lOndoii, 1767 .. 26 PAMPHLETS. 1135 P>|e> 1761. io:i 1761. 106 Biith- 1761. .44 fflce, 1761. .8--' rs of lish). .51 iap;o. 1717. .37 Pro- 1767 .26 3. The Eloquence and Action proper for the Pulpit; the Miaeriea of the infe- rior Clergy, itc. ; with remarks and anecdotes incident to the subject, and of cL-rtain popular City Divines Lomion, 1765.111 4-. Sheridan, T. A discourse introductory of Lectures on Elocution and the English Language London, 1759.. 59 5. A Dialogue on Beauty, in the manner of Plato London, 1731 . .55 6. Winchester, Bp. of. A letter on the conduct of IJ. Fournier, (a convert from a Monastery,) convicted of a Forgery ; shewing several steps in Fournier's behaviour, the several variations of his story, &c. .London, 1757. 128 7. On the employment of Time. Three Es.says, and Preface. . . London, 1754 Preface pp. 27, Essays 147 8. The Ghost of Ernest [Duko of Gotha.] Great Grandfather of the Princess Dowager of AVales. With some account of his Life London, 1757 Introduction pp. ii7, the work 64 Vol. CXp. [Tracts, 1735-1817.] 1. Tables for the renewing and purchasing of the lea.^es of Cathedral Churches and Colleges; also Tables of Lives, &c. ; to which is added, The Value of Church Leases, and the advantage of the Lessees London, 1735. .7* 2. Ellis, W. The best methods of improving dilterent lands with proper Tim- ber and Fruit-trees London, 17o8.11t> 3. Association for the prevention of Accident by Fire, and the remuneration of individual sufferers Norwich, 1812. 4. Walker, R. Some discoveries in the production of Artificial Cold, ..16 .42 ..87 .10 .74 is .CO 16 Narrative of the proceedings [oi the Lords of the Session] in the Doug1a>> cause [a question of the legitimacy of a claimant of the Douglas Estate and Honours] : with remarks upon the memorials. London, 1767 ; Nanative pp.66; Remarks.. 23 Vol, CXCin. [Tracts, 1765-1822.] 1. Of the consequences of enclosing Waste Lands, and the causes of the pre- sent high prices of Butcher's meat London, 1785. .pp. xvi, 124 2. On the increase of the Poor-rates, and on the state of the Workhouse in Kingston-upon-Hull, [ond] of the improvements in the maintenance of the Poor of that Town Hull, 1800 ; Conditions, pp. 65 ; Account. ,49 3. High Prices, the Road to Public Ruin ; Or, Strictures on the Comparative Statement of O. W. Hall, and on the new duties recommended in Report to House of Commons, 1st April, 1822 , Reading, 1822. .26 4. Pope, S. Suggestions respecting the Land-Tax Sale and Redemption Act. London, 1798.. 28 5. Abstracts, with comments and a letter on the Poor Bill, now depending in Parliament Winchester, 1797. .24 6. A letter on the Game Laws London, 1815. 44 7. Monck, J. B. A second letter on the present State of our Currency, and on Bank of England and Local Tokens London, 1812. .34 8. Banks, Sir Joseph. Of the cause of the disease in Corn, called the Blight, the Mildew and the Rust; with a plate London, 1805.. 15 9. Vancouver, J. On the causes and production of Poverty, the state of the Poor, and the means for their relief London 1796. . *8 Vol. CXCIV. [Tracta, 1788-1813.] 1. Schultcs, H. On the Public Fisheries of Great Britain, the Rise, Progress, and Art of the Dutch Fishery ; with the method for effecting such an Establishment in Great Britain Lonr'jn, 1813.101 2. A Comparative Statement relative to competing lines of Canal communication between London and Bristol, &c. ; M'ith remarks on Canals avoiding the Navigation of the Thames Newbury, 1810. .23 3. Two Reports of the Commissioners of the Thames Navigation, on the objects of projected Canals, which interfere with that river's navigation Oxford, 1811.. 50 4. Fenwick, T, Essays ; (1.) On Water Wheels. (2.) The Steam Engine. (3.) Mills, ^ ... (4.) On the simplification of Machinery.Newcastle-on-T., 1801 . .83 6. On Wastes in general, and on Mosswold in particular Norwich, 1792. .25 0. Semites-, H, On the decline of the British Empire, and the necessity of Public Reform London, 1815.. 28 7. Observations on a scheuu lor navigation between London and Bristol, by a Canal from Newbury to Bath Marlborough, '~V .20 8. Page, F. Observations on the present state and possible improvemcr u the River Thames Reading, H'J i. .41 0. Grcgson, J. On defects of Buildings dependent on the nature and propertius of air ; [and] Report on the Dry Rot in the Royal Navy London, 1816. .63 10. A Guide to the Electors, on the immediate prospect of a new Parliament. London, 1820.. 37 *. 1138 PAMPHLETS. :| Hii' W' I 'I J PlfM 11. Plan for n Corps in which singly shall bo comprised: a Rc;;ular Battalion, a corps of Light Infantry, a corps of Sharp Shooters, an'! i c.»rps of Hillo Marksmen Lon^c and abiise of Money; or. an inquiiy into the ';nuses of the present stale of civil society ; i:i which the existence of the National Debt is dis- proved London, . .48 0. Pope, S. Considerations : pohtical, financial, and conniicrcial, relative to the Public Funds London, 1802.. 33 tO. Flower, U. Election Address to the Freeholders of Cambridgeshire ; in wliich the Parliamentary C(»nduct of Mr. Secretary Yoike is considered. Cambridge, 1802.. 36 11. Clifford, 11. Observations on some doctrines advanced during the lato elections London, 1807 ; addresses, pp. IG, observations, 103 12. The saute as No. 'i, Vol. XIV. Vol. CXCVI. [Tracts, 1797-1822.1 1. A Near Observer's remarks upon the state of Parties during the Administra- tion of the Right Uoi.. IL Addington. (9;h edition.) London, 1803. .84 See also, Vol. CIII. Nos. 4 and 5. 2. Rickmm, T. C. Corruption ; a Satire [in verse] ; with notes. .London, 1806. .46 3. Of the cause-; that led to a prosecution (which was withdrawn) in the Court of King's Rench, J. Tibbie, plaintiff, and Thos. Newbery, Esq., Com- mandant of the late Reading Volunteers, defendant, respecting pay to the .said Tib as one of tiic Drill-Sergeanls of the Read' remarks on the Volunteer System 4. Keiih, G. S. View of the present state of Great Urita (?.) Of disadvantages. (3.) Uf improving our advan.. our disv" ntagcs, &.o. ; with notes on ti. ■o"' ', Volunteers ; w itii London, 1SI1..82 '.) Of advantages. (4.) Of removing of gold and silver. London, 1797... 90 :f >^^l» PAMPHLETS. 1139 ttalioii, a s >.f Hiflo ion, 1805. .30 Pnsons nancf of loP; ; i08. .;;(.> vilcges of Ion, J S 10.. 26 cfo;'0 t!u) 22, luttcrs b3 b'.> ; opre lor., 1K(!')..44 "(K- .' ttor- •gcani-at- t, by tho pcech on Ion, 1810.. 48 iking his in " Tho on, 1821 . .46 ! l)resont lit is dis- on, - Intive to )n, 1802. re ; in si tiered. T<^, 1802.. 36 he late vations, 103 ,.48 .33 inistra- n, 1803. .84 1,1806. .46 ; Court Coin- to the ; nitii 1, 1811. .82 Ua;.(OS. noving yilvr. , 1797.. .m %4 i F«iet 5. The choice of Ministers ; tho conduct of the Opposition ; with reference to the claims of the Catholics, considered ; with an answer to tho Edinburgh Keview London, 1812. .85 0. .\n ai)8wer to the [Ministerial] State of the nation. The declaration and con- duct of His Majesty's Ministers fairly considered London, 1822. 102 7. The satiio as No. 6, Vol. XXII. Vol. CXCVn. [Tracts, 1798-1819.] 1. Erskine, Lord. A Letter to the author of " a reply to a short defence of the Whigs London, 1819 . .71 2. A mistake in Lord Erskine's recent Preface, corrected ; by tho author of the "Defence of the jieople." London, 1819. .56 3. llobhouse, J. C. .\ Letter (o Lord Castlereagh ; with a Preface. . .London, 1819, Preface, pp. 15, Letter, 46 4. Kinnaird, Lord. Petition and memoir [in liehnlfof M. Marinet, im))risoncd in contravention of a .safe-conduct] addressed to the Chamber of Peers of France London, 1818. .4J 5. The same as Vol. CCXXXV, No. 4. 6. Cartwright, John. The Comparison : in which mock Reform, half Reform, and Constitutional Reform are considered London, 1810. 106 7. Thelwall, J. Prospectus of a Course of Lectures, in strict conformity with Mr. Pitt's Act. Second edition ; with a Postscript, giving an account of the delivery of the Lectures London, 1796 . .37 (For a copy of the first edition, sec Vol. LXXXV, No. 9.) 8. Jones, Sir William. On the legal mode of suppressing Riots; with a consti- tutional plan of future defence. [Also] a Speech on the nomination of Candidates [for] Middlesex in 1780, [and] an Oration intended for the Theatre at Oxford in 1773 London, 1782 . .75 9. The same as No. 3, Vol. CLIV. 10. The same as No. 10, Vol. LXXXV. Vol. CXCVUL [Tracts, 1814-23.] 1. The New European Magazine for February, 1823 .pp. 97 to 192 2. Annals of Philosophy, March, 1823 pp. 161 to 240 3. La Baume, M. Treatment of Indigestion, Bilious and Nervous Complaints, D(;a'"es.s, Blindness, &.c., and of the efficacy of his Warm- Air Bath L. 1821 . .84 3. The Weekly Entertainer, October 24, 1814 From pp. 841 to 860 4. The Edinburgh Magazine and Literary Miscellany, September, 1819. .From pp. 203 to 296 5. Laws and Regulations of the Plymouth Law Library, 1815; with a Catalogue of Books Plymouth,.. 19 6. Odes, critical and .satirical, for 1829, addressed to the Plymouth Artists, &c. Plymouth, .20 7. Th"!?].',' M.; Magazine, February, 1818 92 ■:. Lawo a.-^ Regulations of iLo Plymouth Institution Plymouth, 1814. .18 7ol. CXCIX. [TiacJ ■, 1793-4.] 1. Laulerdale, Earl of. Lette.-s -.the Peers of Scotland , .London, 1794.318 2. Letters on the Concert of Prii.ces, and the dismemberniLnl of Poland and France; with Preface and Appendix. .London, 1793 . Preface, 60; Letters, 231 ; Appendix, 23 £ 1110 PAMPHLETS. if f.r I Vol. CC. 1 Tract!, 1815-20.] *''*°' 1. The Pernicious ofFoots of a vnriablo Standard of Value, cRpccially as it regards tlio lower orders, and the Poor Laws, &c Oxford, 18li). KW 2. Feliowes, 1{. Tho Rights of Property vindicated QBaiiist the claims of Univcrsnl Siiflrngo London, 1818. 160 3. The Bftuic as No. 11, Vol. ("LXXII. 4. Thejlniprovcnient of English Roads urged during the dearth of oinploymcnt for tho Poor London, lS2t)..61 5. The Suppressed liCltor to Mr. Canning, to which ia added Mr. Canning's Letter to tho Author, the Author's Hcply, &p London, 1818. . 10 For another copy sec Vol. CCXXXV, No. 7. 6. Collections relative to tho Systematic Relief of the Poor, at dilFerent iicriods, and in dilt'erent countries ; with observations on Charity ; with an Appendi.\ London, 1815. '220 Vo;. CCI. [Tracts, 1794-8.] 1. Sicyes, Member of tho National Assembly, &c. The Life of (translated), [containing his " Voluntary Declarations proposed to Patriots," — and his preliniinury display of the Rights of Men and Citi/.ens, read in the Com- mittee of the Coiistilutionl Jjondoii, 17!).5. 108 2. An Appeal to the People of England on the French Revolution, after three years' e.xj.eriment , 1794 . 43 3. Perry, S. I'arliculars of his leaving England, &c.; an introduction to the following Sketch , . .32 Sketch of t)io French Revolution imperfect ; pp. I — 128 4. Register of OccurrciccB and Miscellany for 171)5 No title . .80 [The two jirocciling articles have been confusedly mi.xed by the iiinder.] 5. VVakdield, (Jilhert. A Letter to Sir J. Scott, Attorney General, on the sub- ject of a late trial [Wakefield's own trial for libel] London, 1798. .33 For another copy see Vol. CCXIX. No, ; see also No. 10. 0. O'Connor, Arthur. I'.vidence to Character, ifcc. ; or, a Portrait, of a Tf Reason, idi.x. The on, 1794. pp. 111—183 ety at the the War, . .Sup. pp. 92, oregoing,) ion, 1801.102 n, Aiipust Jon, 1791 . 105 'aptain of Jon, 1795.184 u enquiry Jon, 18i)4 ent ex[(e- i." with a ordur.s I *" on, 1801 vii Ad- 11, 1807.192 Soa ; l)i- Public on, 1797 f keep- rforming on, 1779 58 .60 .48 .53 ■rwards IS since )n, 1795.239 coast of ca), and mrrativc 112 coast of without in, 1798.. 62 in the in, 1803.. 46 Vol. COXn. I Tr acta on Bullion.] 1. King, (),, Lancaster Herald. Natural and Political oVisorvalions «nd con- clusioDg upon the state and condition of England, 169fi. With a life of the Author, by G. Chaltners London, 1810 . .78 2. Sinclair, Sir J. Speech on the nuUion Report, 15th May, 18ll . .Lon., 1811 . . 18 3. Ricardo, I). The high price of Bullion, a proof of the depreciation of (lank Notes London, 1810.. 48 4. Ricardo, D. Reply to Mr. Bosanquet'a observations on the Report of th« Bullion Committee London 1811.141 5. The ,>,amc as No, 2, Vol, CLXIV. 6. Sinclair, Sir J. Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee, with an appendix London, 1810. .64 7. Tallies shewing the value of Bank Notes at different periods of I epreciation, [a Supplement to Lord King's Speech upon Rarl Stnn-iope's Bill.] London, . From pp, 39 to 48 8. Locker, J, An address on the present state of the Money System of the United Kingdoms London, 1809, .65 9. ■ — . Remarks on the necessity of a Reformation of the Coinage of Ireland ; nJKO, extracts from "A scheme on the Money Matters of Ireland," [dati] 1729 " Dublin, 1799.. 86 Vol. CCXm. [Tracts on Bullion.] 1, Boase, II. A defence of the Directors of the Banks of England and Ireland, whom Lord King accuses of abuse of their privileges ; with remarks on the rise of Exchange between Dublin and London. .. London, 1804. .53 2, Chalmers, G. Considerations on Commerce, Bullion and Coin, Circulation and Exchanges ; with a view to our pres-.-nt circumstances. Appendix L Of Commerce in this Island, from the Restoration to 1809. II. *Vhen and on what motives were issued " The Bank Notes." III. On Country Banks London, 1811.237 3, Hill, J. Of the present high price of Gold Bullion, and the state of Foreign Exchanges ; with observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee London, 1810.152 4, Grenfell, J. A defence of Bank Notes, with two letters to the Chairman of th») Bullion Committee London, 1810. .48 6. Few fa vajin- nnd (liiiiinixtiinn tlio aninunt of our Pbiht ('iirnncy Loniion, 1813. .76 6. Sinitli, T. A letter in reply to Luril Laudertlale, on tho "Depreciation of tlie l'»per ('iirrcncy." TiOmlon, ISM. 114 7. Liiiuleriiale, FnrI of. Furtlier coiisiderntionH of the nieatiH of restoiitm our circulnliun to n !:alutnry Htnto ; with twenty valiialilc tnhies. . . .Kdiiduirgh, IftUl, lfii>... Appendix pp. 39 8. Iluskissvn, W., M.P. Speech on HcsolutionH respecting tho KinanceH and the HinltiiiR fund, 25th March, 1813 80 Vol. CCXV. I Pamphleta. 1816-27.] 1. llrereton, C. 1). Inquiry into tlie Workhouse Nystem and the law of main- tenance in Ai^iiculturul Districts Norwich, 1825. 124 2. linrnes, U. Of tho law lespectin); risks nnd dtitieH attending the ollice of Sherid'; with HU)7fi;estions for its nnicndnicnt Exeter, 1816.. 63 3. Hrercton, ('. D. Oli.servalions on the ndruinistration of the Poor Laws in Agricultural Districts Norwich, 1824.119 •i. Tho sanio as No. 1, Vol. LI. Vol. CCXVI. [Pamphlets, 1830.] 1. M'Donnell, A. An address to Parlinment on the West India question. London, 1830 llO 2. Ulomfield, Bishop of London. A letter on tho present neglect of the Lord's Day; with appendix London, 1830. .36 3. Ilorton, R. W. First letter on Negro Slavery, heing an inquiry into tho claims of the West Indians for equitable compensation. Appendix : An Order in Council for improving the condition of the Slaves. .London, 1830.112 4. Tennant, C. A letter on systematic Colotn'zation ; with appendix, containing the written controvorsy between R. W. Ilorton and Members of tho National Colonization Society London, 1830. .53 5. The principles of a propo.sed National Society for the cure, &c., of Pauperism by means of sy.steinalio Colonizaiion London, 1830. .73 6. Eyston, C. Reasons in favour of a moderate and constitutional Reform of the Conmion's House of Parliament. . . Abingdon, 1830. .20 7. Macqueen, T. P. Thoughts on tho present condition of the Country. London, 1830.. 60 Vol. CCXVII [Political Tracts, Vol. I, 1778-95.J 1- The same as No. 1, Vol. LXI. 2. Sins of tho (iovernmcnt, — Sins of the Nation ; Or, a discourse for the Fast, appoiiued on April 19, 17!)3. [I!y Mrs. BarbaulJ.] London, 1793.. 42 3. The same as No. I, Vol. CCXXIX. 4. A fair statement of tho aihninistration of Earl Fitzwilliam in Ireland ; con- taining strictures on the noble Lord's letter to Karl Carli.slo. .London, 1795. .20 5 Declaration of the friumls of the liiberty of the Press, January 19, 1793; written by ttie lion, Thomas Erskine ... .London, 1793. .21 6. Review of the principal jjroceedings of the Parliament of 1781. London, 1792.178 7. The same as No. 2, Vol. CXXXVIL 8. A short review of the political state of Great Britain at the commencement of the year 1737 London, 1787.. 70 I I'AMl'llLKTS. Ili5 the Fast, on, 1793 . .42 d; con- n, 1795.. 20 >, 1793; DM, 1793.. 21 n, 179-2.178 iccnicnt m, 1787.. 70 A Vol. CCXVIII [PoUtical TracU, Vol. U, 1787-97. ] 1. A It'llLT to the I'riiuM! of Wiilm on n hucoiuI iipplicntion to I'lirliiirmnt, to (lisL'lmn^o Ilia dobls wnntonly tontrnctoU since May, 1787; with thr< c i'o8t.scri|itH, Ac .London, 1795; I'rcface,, pp. 2;J ; Lctl' r. .78 For an eirlier edition of this jmuiphlot, soo Vol. (,'CXXVIII., No. I. i. Nicho!!*, il. ObsiTvalionn on tiio Hituation of tin; I'rimu of VViiles. London, 17l>i5. '21 For an enlarged edition of this, ste Vol. CXXXVIL, No. 4. 3. WiUkin.i, ('. Of the Title and Powlth of His MiijcHty an fJnardiim of the Diicliy of (!ornw,'ill, during llio lati- minority of it.s Dnke. .Lomloii, ..31 ■t. Moo.-c, G. On tlie rigiits of the I'r:n<;o of VVuIch, rdntivc to tlic Duchy of Ccrnwiiil London, 1795.111 5. [iMaekintosli, J.] Kuvicw of the comlunt of the Prince of Wiilcs, from his enlriince into public life, till hiii late offer to iindcrtiike the Oovi'mincnt of Ire and London, 1797 U)9 Vol. CCXIK. PoUUcal Tracts, Vol. Ill, 1793-98.J 1. Tho.^aniu a't No. 10, Vol. LXX.XV. 2. Moitaguo, M. Friendly rcuiark.s upon some piirliculars of Mr. Pitt's Ad- inniHtration London, 1796, .44 3. Watkins, (,'. Roflection.s on Govcrntncnt in general, with their application to tin Hritisli Constitution London, 1796 . .72 4. An q)p(>al to Englishmen on the pre.fent state of Ireland London, 1797. .49 5. Giffird, J. Address to Loyol Asso(;iali•) on Agriculture, Commerce, and the sidy of the Crown London, 816.207 Vol. CCXXIV. [Tracts, 1803-1816.] 1. Fairman, Capt. W. I!. The reduction f-f tho Forces, &c., considered ;ftith a plan for the immediate employment of the disbanded troops. .L.,1814. .60 2. .TefFerys, N. Review of the conduct of tho Prince of Wales in his traeac- tions with Mr. Jollery.s iluriiig more than twenty years, containing lany cir(nini>tances reicilive to the Prince and Princess of Wales, Mrs-Tilz- l.erbert, &c., a letter to Mrs. F., &c London4806. .76 PAMPHLETS. 1147 Pafes Roman n, 1801.. 16 Protes- ind the a, 1801.. 69 princi- 1 Oath, n, 1801 . .79 by Mr. n, 1801.. 53 1, 1801.. 50 d to be Bwer to n, 1801. 89 With K, 1801.. 24 he quiet :; 2nd. Ilh. do.. 74 Lure, in )i, 1799.. 41 Iperfict, nteits. ir83..18 ■s, he md hat [., ir98..42 ind 1, BIO.. 64 fc its L 816. 26 oltho ap. 0..80 1 sfety , 816.207 |;Rilh 1814.. 60 iBac- |iany i-ilZ- 1806., 76 Pagoi 3. Diamond cut Diamond ; or, observations on the above pamphlet, com- p'ising a view of Mr. Jefl'erys as a Tradesman, Politician, and Courtier, during twenty years London, 1806 . .67 4. Liquivy before Special Commis-iioners, in 1806, into the conduct of the Princess of Wales. Ueprinted from an authentic copy. .Bristol, 1813. Inquiry, pp. 100 ; Appendix, 55 5. Publicola : Six letters on the Liberty of the Subject and the Privileges of the House of Commons ; with Notes London, 1810. . 91 6. Dumouriez, General. Analysis oi the character and conduct of Bonaparte. From the French, by Mr. Elder London, (French and English.). UO 7. Correspondence between the United Kingdom and France, since *.he treaty at Amiens; including the Declaration of His Majesty; with a map of Malta, &c London, 1803.. 87 8. A second letter, (by the author of the Crisis,) shewing that England is able to undersell all Europe Sherborne, 1816. .23 Vol. CCXXV. [Tracts, 1807-1813.] 1. The same as No. 1, Vol. CXL. 2. An earnest address to all in the United Church of England and Ireland respecting the Papists London, 1807. .32 3. Butler, C. An address to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 18L3..23 4. Thorpe, W. A speech intended to have been delivered at a meeting at Bristol jigainsl the claims of the Roman Catholics Bristol, 1813. .32 5. A letter from the Rev. R. Kill, to Mr. Butler, on his late " Address to the Protestants of (Jreat Britain and Ireland," and Mr. Butler's reply. London, .813.. 14 6. The claimii of the Roman Catholics considered with reference to the Es- tablished Church, and tht rights of Religious Toleration.. .London, 1813.176 7. Smith, Sytlney. Letters on the subject of ihe Catholics, to ray Brother Abraham : By Peter Flymley London, 1808. 175 For another Copy see Vol. LXXXVIIl, No. 1. 8. Abraham to Peter: being answers to the letters of Peter Plymley. Dublin, 1807, 1808 1st letter, 24 ; 2nd, 39 ; 3rd, 21 ; 4th, 25 ; 5th, 40 Vol. CCXXVI. [Tracts, 1810.] 1. Observations respecting the Public E.vp nditure and the inliuence of the Crown (No title). .London, . .79 2. An American's letter on the French Government, including a view of the taxation of the French Empire Philadelphia, 1810.252 3. Romilly, Sir S. On the Law of England, as it relates to Capital Punish- ments ; and on the mode in which it is administered London, 1810. .76 For another copy, see Vol. I of the Catalogue, p. 247. 4. Charmdly, Colonel V. De. Narrative of his transactions in Spain with the British Minister i H. Frere, >.nd the Commander of the British Forces, S'.r J. Moore ; and the suppressed correspondence of Sir J. Moore, proving that he never was acquainted with General Morla. . . London, 1810. .81 5. . Letter to Lieut. Gen. B. Tarleton ; (in his own vindication.) London, 1810.. 35 For other copies of the Narrative and Letter, .«ee Vol. CCXXXII, Nos. 4 & 7. 1148 PA.MPJILETS. •vvij 'i ..80 .114 ..Gl . 38 Vol. CCXXVII. (Political Tracts, &o., 1738-9] 1. Answer to a k-tt(!r, [uiiiinadvoitiiig upon the Prince of W.iles,] with notices of the Dukt's of Norfolk, I'ortliiiul, itc, &c., the Houses of Dovon.shiro Jiiul liussclj, Lords Thurlow, Camden, &c., Mr. Pitt, Mr. Fox, &c. ... London, 1789 2. Royal recoUoctions on a tonr to Cheltenham, Gloucester, Worcester, Sec, in 1788. [A Satire on (ieorgo III., His Queen, &c.] London, 1788 3. Withers, P. Alfred, itc. The 8;inie (with some small deviations) as No. l.Vol. XVIl. 'I. The Royal interview: (A censure in \\w name of tlie Kinj^, on tho conduct of the P. of Wales, ihiring tlie iii.sanily of the King.) .... London, 1789 (The Author of this Dialogue wrote also the letter to which No. 1, in this Vol., is an answer.) 5. Tho Songs in the Rurletta of Mi, and for the miiintenance of t;.(? Catholic and Prcvbylerian Clergy. Mr. llowlett'.s Plan of commutation, iVc, and a proposition for ta.\ing Al).sentees Dublin, 1810. .i'refaco pp. 24, State. 154 9. Kenyon, Lord. Observations on the Roman Catholic Question ; with Ap- pend i.\ London, 1810. .87 Vol. CCXXXII. [Pamphlets, 1802-10] 1. Greene, G. A relation of circumstances which occurred in Lower Nor- mandy, commencing in 1789 to 1800; with a detail of the confinement and sulFerings of tlie author ; and an account of the manners of thj inhabitants of the coiiiitry (!alled the Bosage London, 1802. .306 2. O'Neill, T., a British Oliicer. An account of the sutferings of. in the Con- ciergerieat Paris, and of his escape from-thence, [from a] second inipri- soiuneut as a Prisoner of War Loudon, 1806. .72 1150 PAMPHLETS. r r i m Pares 3. Bealty, W., M.D. Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson ; tho profes- sional Report, an(i several Anecdotes London,* 1807. .99 4. The same as No. 5, Vol. COXXVI. 5. Vaughan, C. I?. Narrative of the Siege oi Zaragoza London, 1809. .33 6. Melbourne, II. Narrative of the Retreat of the British Army under the Command of Sir John Moore ; with an account of tiie Battle c*" Corunna, and subsequent embarkation of the Troops LoncK n, 1809. 133 7. The same as No. 4, Vol. (5CXXVI. 8. O'Neill, Lieut. Count T. Of the proceedings of the [British] Squadron in effecting the escape of tho Royal Family of Portugal to the Brazils in 1807, and also of the suiierings of the Royal Fugitives, ttc. London, 1809. .79 Vol CCXTOan. [Pamphlets, 1803-4.] 1. Few remarks upon the state of Parties daring Mr. Addington's Administra- tion London, 1803.. 81 For an enlarged edition, vide, Vol. CXCVI, No. 1. 2. A more accurate observer's plain answer to the misrepresentations in the foregoing pamphlet London, 1803. .83 3. A plain reply to "a plain answer," (i.e. to the preceding pamphlet.). . . . London, 1804.104 4. A brief answer to a " Few Remarks on the state of Parties.'" (No. 1.) London, 1803 .. Preface pp. 8, 5^ 5. Fitz-Albion's letters to Mr. Pitt and Mr. Addington, on the pamphlet enti- tled, " Few remarks on the .state of Parties," &c London, 1803. 128 6. Observations on a Ministerial Pamphlet entitled, " Few remarks," &c. London, 1803.. 44 7. Ward, R. View of the relative situations of Mr. Pitt and Mr. Aildington, previous to and on the night of Mr. Patten's motion London, 1804. 127 Vol. CCXXXIV. [Pamphlets, 1805-6.] 1. Thoughts on the present Administration ; by an Old Whig. .London, 1806. .54 2. Cartwright, J. Tho State of tlie Nation (considered, under a political aspect.) Harlow, 1805. 173 3. Thoughts on the Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland. With appendix London, 1805.108 4. Eight letters on the subject of the Ear! of Selkirk's pamphlet on Highland emigration Edinburgh, 1806 . 59 5. Attempt to explain the late conduct of Mr. Pitt; with observations en some late political events London, 1805. .57 Vol. CCXXXV. "^Pamphlete, 1815-18] 1. Howley, Bishop. A charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of London at the Visitation in July and Auj,ust, 1818 London, 1818. .32 2. Brougham. Henry. .\ letter to Sir Samuel llomilly upon the abuses of Charities London, 1818. .67 3. Appendix to the above Letter, containing Minutes of Evidence taken before the Education Committee London, 1818.104 4. A Letter in answer to Mr. Brougham's Letter upon tlie abuses of Charities and Ministerial Patronage in appointments, &c., with an Abstract of Acts relating to Charities London, 1818. .76 For another copy see \'ol. CXCVII, l^o. 5. '.J PAMPHLETS. 1151 Plfel the profea- )n(lon,«1807..99 imlon, 1809.. 33 ' under tho <■ Corunna, ndv 1,1809.133 ] Squadron a Brazils in jndon, 1809..79 Vdministra- )nJon, 1803.. 81 ions ill the mdon, 1803..83 phlet.) )ndon, 1804.104 '■ (No. 1.) reface pp. 8, 5o iphlet enti- ondou, 1803.128 [larks," &c. ndon, 1803.. 44 ildington, idon, 1804.127 Ion, 1806.. 54 political irlo\T, 1805.173 endix un, 1805.108 Highland h, 1806 .59 aliens en don, 1805.. 57 )iocese of idon, 1818.. 32 abuses of uion, 1818.. 67 [en before idon, 1818.104 Charities :t of Acts idon, 1818.. 76 Pt|M 5. Clarke, L. A Letter to II. Brougham in reply to the strictures on Win- clu'sier College contained in his letter to Romilly London, 1818. .73 6. Letter on the jiresent situation of Frhnce and Europe [.several French docu- ments (some) translated] 2nd edition, with additions London, 1815. 128 7. The same as No. 5, Vol. CC. 8. Beaumont, J. T. A refutation of the Rev. T, Thirlwall's " Vindication of the Magistrates of tho Tower Division relative to Public- House Licensing." London, 1817.. 73 Vol. CCXXXVI. [Tracts on the East Indies, Ac, 1819-36.] 1. iMilUr, J. Administration of Tustice in the British ;Colonies in the East jndies London, 1828 150 2. 0'15ricn, W. S. Considerations relative to the renewal of the East India Con.pany's Charter London, 1830. .75 3. Goddard, J. Remarks on the late Lord Napier's Mission to Canton ; in reference to, the prcscn'; state of our relations with China. .London, 1836. .21 4. Rattenbnry, J. F. Remarks on the cession of the Floridas to the United States of America, and on the necessity of acquiring the Island of Cuba by Great Britain London, 1819.. .20 Vol. CCXXXVII. [Pamphlets, 1826-31.] 1. Blakiston, P. Hints for improvement of the condition of the Labouring Cla.sses. A|)pendix : containing '■ Plans for the reduction of Poor Rates, and for restoring the comforts of the Peasantry by their own means. London, 1831, •2. Govirnt.^seii' Mutual Assurance Society — under Act 10 Geo. IV., cap. 56 — Rules ...London, 1S30. ?.. .\ I)( fence of the Church against the attack of J. Preston, Steward of Nor- wich, at the City Sessions, October ! i»th, IS.'^O Norwich, 18.30. 4. On the injurious effects of Tithe, with Jsugs^estions for its connnutation. London, 18.30, 5. The same as Vol. LXV, No. 6. 6. The Ultimate Remedy for Ireland. [English Colonies are recommended, for the [-uipo.^e of communicating their ways of profitable industry to the Xaiives.] London, 1831 , 7. Balgiiy, Archdeacon. I. Of the Steps by which Parlia nert obtained its present Form II. The Maxim " That Power follows Property" applied to the History of the English Constitution London, 1831 . 8. KiiLsej-, \V. M. A Sermon on the preseiit distinction of Classes into Rich and Poor, preached at Abingdon, 5th December, 1830 . ..Abingdon, 1830. '.'. Obs^ervations on the State of the Country and on tho proper policy of Adiiiinistratii,n London, 1830 10. A Country Rector's [Mr. Stanley] Address to his Parishioners at the close of the 2Cth year of his residence amongst them, with reference to the disturbed state of the Times Lc.don, ] 830. 11. Ken, Bishop Thomas. Extracts of a work entitled " Expostulatoria , or, the complaints of tlie Church of England against encroaching pluralities," with n priface to the present^edition, by a Clergyman London, 1830 U. Slad(', J., Prebiiidaiy of Chester. A Letter on Church Reform. Lon., 1830. 13. A Country Curate's Letter on the unjust distribution of Cliurch Property. London, 1831. .G4 .26 .15 .32 .46 .40 .32 .22 16 .23 PAMPULETS. ■I If ■B rtgtt 14. The Labourer's Friend ; or, Advice to the Rural Peasantry. . . London, 1830. . 16 15. Law, Bishof) of Bath and Wells. Remarks on the preaent Distresses of the Poor .' Wells, 1830 . . 26 Vol. CCXXXVIII. [Pamphlets, 1830-31] 1. The Result of the General Election; or, What has the Duke of Wellington gained by the Dissolution? London, 1830. .88 For another copy see Vol. LVII, No. 2. 2. A Reply to the Question, " AV'hat has the Duke gained," &c. .LoniJon, 1830. .39 3. The Country without a Government; or, Plain Questions on the unhappy state of the present Administration London, i 830. .22 For another copy see Vol. XLI, No. 9, and Vol. LVII, No. 3. 4. The Country well Governed ; or, Plain Questions on the perplexed state of the Opposition London, 1830,. .79 5. The Result of the Pamphlets ; or, what the Uuke of Wellington has to look to London, 1830 . .35 6. Brougham, Mr. Observations on two Pamphlets [the first and the third in this Vol.] London, 1830.. 80 7. Parties and Factions in England at the Accession of Wl'iiain IV.Lon., 1830. .59 8. Reform without Revolution ; or. Thoughts on the present state of the Country Liverpool, 1830. . 13 9. The Result of the Change of Administration ; or, what the New Ministry has to look to London, 1830. .38 10. Stewart, Lieut.-Col. Remarks on the present State of AU'airs. London, 1831.128 11. Reflection:^ on the Ballot London, 1831.. 39 Vol. CCXXXIX. [Pamphlets, 1789-1831] 1. The Orders of Council for Blockade, and for regulating Navigation, Impor- tation and Exportation London, 1808. .51 2. The same as No. 3, Vol. CLXXI, but an earlier e lition. 3. The Public Debt considered in a diirorent point ol view from Sir il. Parne'l •n his work on Financial Reform London, ISil. .GO 4. 1 le State of the Conmicrcu of Great Britain with reference to Colonial and other produce for 1831 London, 1831 . .30 5. Facts and circumstances relative to the sulFerings and losses of the Mer- chants residing in Great Britain, who carried on trade with the United Slates of America, previous to the late War London, 1789. .26 6. The advantages of Reform, as proposed by the present Ministers. Lon., . .33 7. A Letter on the new Plan of Reform; by a Moderate Reformer. Lon., 1831 . . 16 8. Guatimoc o' Guatimocin, tragedia en cinco actos, por J. l\ de Madrid. Paris, 1827 100 9. BischofT, J. The Wool Question considered ; being an Examination of the Lords' Report on the State of the British AV'ool Trade, kc. .London, 1828.112 10. Markland, J. II. A Letter to the President of the Society of Antiquaries on the expediency of attaching a Museum of Anliiiuities to that Institution. London, 1828.. 19 11. Cantate zu der dritten Saoularfeier des Verfassungsbundes ; von W. R. Fieudentheil Hamburg, 1828. . .8 12. lluskissoii, W. Speech on the Shipping Interest, on 7lh IMay, 1827, with the .\ccounts referred to London, 1827 . . 93 PAMPHLETS. 1153 ion, 1830.. 16 ses of the ells, 1830.. 26 ''elliiigton ion, 1830.. 88 km, 1830.. 30 unhapp}' don, i 830.. 22 J state of don, 1830...79 as to look 3on, 1830.. 35 ; third in don, 1830. .80 .on., 1830.. 59 .te of the pool, 1830.. 13 Ministry don, 1830.. 38 don, 1831.128 don, 1831.. 39 Inipor- dou, 1808.. 51 I'arni;'! n, lSil..GO )nial and on, 183 1.. 30 le Mcr- Uniiud on, 1789.. 26 on., ..33 on., 1831 . . 16 Madrid. Uris, 1827 100 11 of the on, 18-28.112 tiquaries stitution. on, 1828. W. II. ir-, 1S28. i-21, with Ion, 1827.. 93 .19 ..8 13. Remarks on the foregoing Speech, from the Glasgow Courier, 31 at May. Glasgow, 1827.. 40 14. 'ving, Kufus. Two Speeches in the Senate of the United States on the Missouri Bill New York, 1819 . .32 15. Hall, K. S., Editor of the Syihiey Monitor. State of New South Wales in December, 1830 London, 1831.. 24 16. A Scheme of Fiaanco, whereby a Revenue may be obtained without Taxa- tion, and g'oat Relief afriiriltd at this Crisi.s, by Lending Money on Mort- gages, and by Issuing Notes [which, each one] shall represent the Fraction cfa Mortgage, &c London, 1816.. 24 17. Description of the Island of Cape Breton ; an account of its Constitution, &c., tlie encouragement held out to Emigranl.'- the expense of improving Wild Lands, &c London, ..44 18. Parker, AV. Rules for Settlers proceeding to the Cape of Good Hope [under his directions] Cork, 1820. .14 19. Guide to the Cnpe of Good Hope; its Natural History, its Fanning, &c., the valuable Exportable Articles and the Resources of the Cape, with Remarks on the advantage of Emigration, the terms on which Lands are to be obtained, itc. [with a Map, separated by the following folded sheet] viz.: London, 1819.. 43 20. Observations on the Colonization of the Cape of Good Hope. .London, 1819. . .3 21. First Report of the Society for the Prevention of Paupcri'^m in the City of New York, October 26th, with a Report on Pauperism, dated February 4. New York, 1818.. 27 22. Clissold, II. Prospectus of a Central National Institution of Home Colonics, designed to instruct and employ the Poor on Waste Lands in S[)iide Husbandry London, 1830.. 12 23. The same as No. 8, Vol. CXV. 24. Description of Burford's Panoran:a of Mexico, &c. London, 1826. .12 25. De.-xriptioii of Burforil's Panorama of the Ruins of the City of Pompeii. London, 1824.. 12 Vol. CCXL. [Political Tracts, 1824-35.] 1. The Reloru) Ministry and the Reformed Parliament London, 1833. 108 2. Douglas, J., of Cavers. The Prosjiects of Biitain Edinburgh, 1831. 101 3. Liberalism verms Toryism : of the causes which have led to the Demora- lized State^of Eni^and ; of I'cstoring it to a Moral State by the Relbruiation of its Government, &.c ... .London, 183.5 . .47 4. Th ' Seoul gc of Ireland; or, the Protestant Hierarchy developed, containing the Nam ■ of every Incumbent, with the Temporalities appended, in 1819. London, 1819, pp. xvi, 60 5. Ho le, ^' . Full Annals of the Revolution in France, 1830. Ordinances of Charles X. Buttles of the People; Abdication of the King ; Enthrone- ment of !he Duke of Orleans; His Memoirs, iV:c London, J 830 .255 G. Williams, T. W." 'Abstr.ict of the Emjlish Reform Act; with Portraits of Kinsr IV., Lords Russell, Bn>u;^ha'n, Althor[t and Grey.Lon,, 18:)2. 48 7. -, . Abstiact of the Act to seitle the Divisions of Counties, and the Limits of Cities and Boroughs in England and Wales; with all the Schi'duks London, 1832.. 52 1154 PAMPHLETS. if' 8. Report of Spcechna nt the Constitutional Meeting at Edinburgh, 28tli Nov., 1831, 'Lrtftcr the rejection of a Reform Bill.] Kdiiihurgh . .44 9. Negro Slavery ; or a view of that state of Society as it exists in the United Stales and in Jamaica, Scc London, 1824. Pref. pp. ix, 92 10. Mr. G. Thompson'f! sixth lecture on Colonial Slavery. . . .Manchester, 1832. .12 Vol. CCXLI. [PoUtlcal Tracts, 1812-16.] 1. Tributes of the Public I'rcss, Iteing Memorials and Characters of the lato Samuel Whitbread, M.P London, 1815.. 82 2. Fletcher, Judge. A nharge delivered to the Grand Jury of the County of Wexford, 1814, .>n the state of Ireland London, 1814. .48 3. A letter to the Hon. Col. Geo. Hanger, from an Attorney at Law. .L., . .53 4. Pering, R. Of the cause? of premature decay in our Wooden Bulwarks; (and) of the ineauii best calculated to prolong their duration.... Plymouth-Dock, 1812.. 78 5. Napoleon Buonaparte on board II. M. S. Dellerophon. July 15 — Aug. 7, 1815. Extract from a Journal kept on hoard during the period. By Lieut J. Bowcrbank ; with Appendix of Official Documents, &,c, ,L., . .76 (). Peter, W. Thoughts oi the present (Political) crisis London, 181G 116 7. The Political and Literary Observer; or. Strictures on the Reviews, No. 1, June, 1815, — to be coui inued Quarterly Edinburgh, . .55 8. Ilaydon, B. R. The Judgment o.' Connoisseurs upon Works of Art, com- pared with that of Profi ssional men ; in reference particularly to the Elgin Marbles London, 1816.. 19 9. Gregor, F. Observations oi. Resolutions passed by Friends of Parliamentary Reform at Bodmin, 8th July, 1811 Truro, 1812. .70 10. Exposition of errors of advocates for and against the proposed County Rate (Satirical.) Plymouth, 1812.. 18 11. Bassett, J. D. On Re.soluticns against an application to Parliament for a Bill to equalize the County Rate, passed by the Magistrates of the County of Devon, Micliaelraa.s, 181'2 Ex''ter, 1813. .CO 12. Report of the lioyal Institution for the Education of the Poor, for 1811, [with an Address.] London, 1812. Address pp. vii, 04 13. Report of the above Institution for 1812 London, 1813.. 50 14. Second Report of the Chamber of Commerce at the Port of i'lyrnouth. Plymouth, 1815.. 12 15. Proceedings, Ac, of the .Merchants, Ship-owners, i^c, of I'iyniouth, with a view to the furtherance of Trade, December, 1813 39 Vol. CCXLII. [Parliamentary Tracts, 1826-28.] 1. Rcrnal, Ralph, M.P. Speech, 19th May, 1826, on a motion touching the condition of Slaves 16 2. Elli.';, C, M.P. Speech, on the same date and motion 18 3. The substance of the debate in the House of Lords, 7th March, 1826, on Slavery in the AVest Indies London, 1820. .54 3. Stowell, Lord. The judgment of, respecting the Slavery of the Mongrel AVoman Grace, on an appeal from the Vioe-Admirnliy Court of Antigua, given in 18-27. By Ur. Haggard London, 1827 . .49 If V PAMPHLETS. 1165 Puei I Nov., iihurgh. .44 United f. pp. ix, 9'i r, 1832.. 12 :hc lato n, 1815.. 32 unty of n, 1814.. 48 .., ..53 wnrks ; ion. . . . k, 1812.. 78 Aug. 7, )d. By L,., ..76 n. 1816 116 , No. 1, ;h, ..55 rt, coiu- le Elgin m, 1816.. 10 leiitnry 0, 1812.. 70 ty Rate 1, 1812.. 18 t for a County r, 1813.. 69 e Poor, s pp. vii, 04 1813. .50 mouth. 1, 1815.. 12 with 39 ig tlic 16 18 26, on , 182G..54 oiigrt'l tiguft, , 18-27. 49 10. 11. 12, P>fei .68 119 .10 .78 .40 4. Reply to the speech of Dr. Lnshington, in tho House of Commons on the 12th June, 1827, on the condition of tlio Free Coloured People of Jamaica. London, 1828 6. Franklin, .). ' jw of tho West India question ; with remarks on Mr. IIus- kis.son's letioi ,;> Sir John Kcanc, Governor of Jamaica London, 1828 6. Negro Slavery. Observations in answer to an .\ildress to tho Clergy of tho Established Church, &c London, 1 826 For another copy see Vol. LXV, No. 5. 7. Mathison, G. Critical view of a pamphlet, [by Mr. Barham,] entitled, "The West India question practically considered," with remarks on the Trinidad Order in Council London, 1827 . 8. Green, J. Advantages from tho use o ' sulphurous fumigating. Hot Air, and Vapour Baths, in a variety of obstinate disc.ises London, 1825 9. Ilorton, R. W., M. P. Speech, 19th May, 1820, on a motion touching tho condition of Slaves. 27 pen> time Powers essential to, rmd th. incompatible with, the pr his preN< it Majesty London, 1803.. 6S i^tkt Britain as tho first of Mari- e o>f France in its present state oserration of all European nations London, 1804.. 43 , by a Ken ndon, 1801. .32 7. ■ ' Letter to Sir . i: gerous tendency of his public coi Vol. CCXLVI. [Misoellanles, 1703.] Miscellanies, Historical and Philosophical ; being a curious collection of pri- vate papers found in the study of the late M. of n. 12n°.o. London, 1703. 1. Sir H. Shocro's discourse of the Mediterranean Sea, and the Streighta of Gibraltar I 2. Divers remarkable Orders of the Ladies at Spring Garden in Parlia- ment assembled, &c 43 3. The Apology of the Duke of Lauderdaile 66 4. The Patent creating Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, Duke of Norfolk. .61 5. An Act concerning the title, name and dignity of the Earl of Arundell ... 63 6. Copy of a Commission as Captain General granted to George, Duke of Albemarle, by K. Charles II 65 7. Secret transactions in relation to K.Charles I., by Sir John Bowring 78 8. Letters, &c., concerning the King's Proclamation for search and appre- hension of Seminary Priests 163 9. Grant of Arms to the Family of Gresham, in Surrey 175 10. Petition of the inferior Clergy of this Nation to Parliament 177 11. Copy of Charter to the East India Company, 13 Car. II 179 Vol. CCXLVn. [Tracts on Language and Colna, 1757-8.] Ward, John. Four Essays upon the English language: — 1. Observations on the Orthography ; 2. Rules for the division of Syllables; 3. Use of tho Articles ; 4. Formation of the Verbs, and their analogy with the Latin ; with a Catalogue of the English Verbs London, 1758,238 [Harris, j\Ir., of tlu' Mint.] Essay upon Motioy and Coins. Part I. The theories of Commerce, Money and Exchanges London, 1757. 128 ■ • . Part II. Shewing that tho establish- ed Standard of Money should not be violated or altered, under any pre- tence ; with a postscript on Standard Weights and Measures. .Lond., 1758. 130 Vol. CCXLVin. [Miscellaneous Tracts, 1775-1801.] 1. Remarks on the situation of the Poor in the Metropolis, as contributing to the progress of Contagious Diseases, with a plan for Houses of Recovery for Fever patients London, 1801 . .47 A# ''^> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /, 1.0 I.I b£|2£ 12.5 £ us 112.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 ^ < 6" — ► HiotDgraphic Sciences Corporation ^N? ^ i\ <^ <> ^^ V! ^ 4^ 6^ ^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 <* 4^ i^y 5 ^ 1158 PAMPHLETS. II 2. Burnaby, Rev. Andrew. Travels through the middle settlements in North America in 1759-60, with observations on the state of the Colonies. L. 1775 . 198 3. Soane, John, Architect. Facts respecting the Designs of a new House of Lords, as ordered by the Lords Committees London, 1799. .34 4. Bulletin de Paris, No. 46. Samedi, 20 Friraaire. An 1 1 pp. 353—384 7. List of Members of the Law Association London, . . 16 8. Copy of a correspondence, partly private, between Earl St. Vincent and Rear Admiral Sir J. Orde, Bt., with letters, &c., from the latter officer to Eaii Spencer and the Board of Admiralty ; connected by an explanatory narrative — , 1798 . . 75 Vol. CCXLIZ. [Pamphlets, Bible Revision, &c., 1847-1857.] 1. Gumming, Rev. Dr. John. Bible Revision and Translation ; an argument for holding fast what we have London, 1856 . .60 2. Burgess, Rev. Dr. Henry. The Bible and Lord Shaftesbury ; an examina- tion of his Lordship's positions respecting the Holy Scriptures, delivered at a recent Publii- Meeting Oxford, 1856. .48 3. Biber, Rev. Dr. G. E. Plea for an edition of the authorized version of Holy Scripture, with explanatoiy and emandatory Marginal Readings. .L., 1857. .23 4. Brief statement of Facts on the Version Question, in reply to a Tract by " 0. P. Q." by a Graduate of Oxford London, 1857. . 16 5. Kingsmill, Rev. Joseph. On the present (i«pect of serious Crime in Eng- land, and the means used for its punishment and repression ; with remarks on the Reformatory School movement London, 1856. .32 6. On Money, Morals, and Progress; by Anglo- Americana... ..London, 1855.. 62 7. How to detect Forged Bank Notes. Published by permission of the Bank of England London, 1856. .16 8. The Art of Making Catalogues of Libraries; by a Reader in the British Museum Library London, 1856 . 60 9. Lewis, David. Notes on the nature and extent of the Royal Supremacy in the Anglican Church London, 1847.. 96 Vol. CCL. [Tracts, Church and State, 1679-1718.] 1. A letter shewing that the Bishops are not to be judges in Parliament in cases capital, 1679.119 2. Soma cautions for the consideration of those who are to chose members to serve in the ensuing Parliament. By the late Marquis of Halifax, L. 1708. .32 3. Of Drinking in remembrance of the Dead, a discourse by the Bishop of Cork, 4th November, 1713 London, 1713.. 40 4. A brief examination of the preceding Discourse ; by a country Curate of Ireland London, 1714.. 36 5. The old Constitution and present Establishment in Church and State, honestly asstrted London, 1718.115 PAMPHLETS. 1169 Vol CCLI. IReoord CommlBtlon, 1836-1837.] p^, 1. Lehers from eminent historical Writers relating to the publications of the Record Commissioners London, 1836. .76 2. Observations, letters and opinions of the Commissioners, on the constitution and duties of the Record Commission London, 1836 . 35 3. A third leaf omitted out of the Record Report ; or remarks upon evidence given by the principal witnesses adverse to the Record Commission. London, 1837.. 20 4. Rules for the guidance of Members of Parliament in the management of Select Committees, and the preparation of Reports ; [a satire on the Report of a Committee of the House of Commons adverse to the Record Commission.] (Not published) London, 1837. .38 Vol. CCLn. [Court of Chancery, 1835-1850.] 1. Letter to C. P. Cooper, Esq., on the appointment of a permanent judge in the Court of Chancery in place of the Lord Chancellor, and a change in the Appellate jurisdiction of that Court, and of the House of Lords ; by Causidicus London, 1835. 29 2. Second letter on the same subject ; by Causidicus London, 1835 . .31 3. The case of Arnold V8. Arnold, on the construction of the Order 16, article 33, and Order 66 of May, 1845 ; decided by the Lord Chancellor, 8th May, 1847 London, 1847.. la 4. Cooper, C. P. Letter to the Lord Chancellor on a defect on the law regu- lating the custody of Lunatics London, 1849. .14! 5, The delay in the offices of the Masters in Chancery, and the remedy London, 1849. .44 6. Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of England, upon his resolu- tion to abolish the practice of adjourning his Court by reason of the absence of leading Counsel. Seventeenth edition London, 1850. .23 7. ^^-^ The present state of the Court of Chancery shown to furnish no reason against the continuance of the Commission for the cus- tody of the Great Seal, pending the inquiry into the office of Lord Chan- cellor London, 1850 . . 15 8. Letter to the Solicitor General, Ui)oa the Bill to improve the proceedings in the Irish Court of Chancery. Twelfth edition. London, 1850.. 24 9. A portion of tho Debate on the Irish Chancery Bill, February, 1850. London, 1851 . . .7 10. Cooper, C. P. Notes upon srme passages in the letter to Lord Denman from Lord Rrougham, ui,gei 1. Lord Beaumont's letter to Lord Zetland, on the late Edict of the Court of Rome ; edited by C P Cooper. Fifth edition London, 1850. .23 2. Stillingflcet's independence of the British Churches, proved fVom their car- riage towards Augustine the Monk; and Inett's short view of the ancient and present state of the English Church and Monarchy. To which are subjoined. 1. The letters Apostolic of Pius IX, 29th September, 1850. 2. The Pastoral letter of Dr. Wiseman, 7th October, 1850. 3. The letter v of Lord John Kussell to the Bishop of Durham, 4th Novenibec, 1850. 4. Appendix. Edited by Charles Putton Cooper, Esq . . . London, 1861 . .76 3. An address to the Roman Catholics of England London, 1851 . .31 4. The ultra party amongst the English Roman Catholics London, 1851 . .20 5. The Government and the Irish Roman Catholic Members. . . .London, 1851. .22 6. So much of the Pope's Apostolical letters of September, 1850, as relate to the creation of an Atchbishopric and 12 Bishoprics in England and Wales. The Act of 26 Henry VIII, respecting Suffragan Bishops : with an appen- dix. Edited by C. P. Cooper. Fourth Edition London, 1851 . .47 7. Cooper, C. P. The Pope's .\po8tolic letters of Sept. 1850. Letter to an English Roman Catholic Peer London, 1851 . .11 8. The Pope's Brief of Sept. 1850. Notes of some conclusions arrived at in several conferences between certain Roman Catholic Priests and a Quein's Counsel London, 1851. .11 9. The Act of Settlement ai;d the Pope's Apostolic letters. Selections from Correspondence in the months of November and Decem- ber ast London, 1851. .30 10. The Common Law and the Pope's Apostolic letters of September, 1850. Extracts of letters addressed in the a)o;ith of December, 185o, to C. P. Cooper. Tenth Edition London, 1851 . . 61 Vol. OCLIV. [Legal and Misoellaneous, 1850-18'v7.] 1. Mr. Purton Cooper's paradox. The profits < London Solicitor may be increased one hundred pounds per auivi . aid the public benefited. Tenth Edition London, 1850 . 16 2. So much of Lord John Russell's evidonce before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on official Salaries, as relates to the Law and to Lawyers. Edited by C. P. Cooper London, 1851 . .32 8. Letter to the Right Honorable Sir George Grey, Bart., M. P., Her Majes- ty's Secretary of State for the Home Department, from Charles Purton Cooper, Esq., F. R.S. ; with Papers respecting the Sanitary state of Part of the Parish of St. Giles in the Fields, London London, 1850. .31 4. Defence of the Legality of the Oxford University Commission. Mr. Purton Cooper's letter to the Duke of Wellington, Chancellor ot the University. (Six copies only printed) London, March, 1851. .8 5. Supplement to the Edition of Mr. McCulloclis Geographical Dictionary, published in 1851 London, 1852, p. 949-988 6. Supplement to the Edition of Mr. McCulloch's Cnmmcrcial Dictionary, published in 1854 London, 1856. .81 7. Macaulay on Scotland, a critique by Hugh Miller Boston, 1857. 64 PAMPHLETS. 1161 FagM 8. The Manchester Exhibition ; what to observe. A walk through the Art- Treasures Exhibition, under the guidance of Dr. Gustaf Waagen : a com- panion to the Official Catalogue London, 1857. .76 Vol. CCLV. [Indian Mutiny, 1857.] 1. The Mutiny of the Bengal Army; an historical narrative. By one who has served under Sir Charles Napier. London, 1857. .46 2, The Crisis in India : Its causes and proposed remedies. By a military offi- cer of 32 years experience in India London, 1857. .69 Origiaolly published in a London Daily Journal with the signature of " Cau- bulee," 8. The present Crisis in India, reflections by the author of " Our North- West frontier." London, 1857. .54 4. The Mutiny in the Bengal Army London, 1857. .30 5. General Sir Charles Napier and the Directors of the East India Company. London, 1857.. 45 6. Causes of the Indian Revolt, by a Hindu of Bengal. Edited by Malcolm Lewin London, 1857 . .24 7. The way to lose India; with illustrations from Leadenhall Street. By Malcolm Lcwin, late Judge of the Suddr Court of Madras. . .London, 1857. .31 8. The Government of the East India Company, and its monopolies ; or the Young India party and Free Trade ? By Malcolm Lewin London, 1857. .23 9. Has Oude been worse governed by its native Princes than our Indian Territories by Leadenhall Street ? By Malcolm Lewin London, 1857. .26 10. Is the practice of Torture in Madras, with the sanction of the authorities of Leadenhall Street ? By Malcolm Lewin London, 1856. .21 11. Cursory view of the present Crisis in India, together with the military power ci' England. By General Sir Robert Gardiner, K. C.B.London, 1857. .34 12. Complete narrative of the Mutiny in India from its commencement to the present time, compiled from authentic sources, with 8 illustrations. Edi- ted by Thomas Frost ..London, 1857.. 76 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA. n ii 1 i 1 CATALOGUE D18 0UVRA6ES EELATIFS A L'A:aEBIQUE. _iALl*i^ Lea ouvrages suivants out ^t^ particuli&rement consult^s pour la redaction de cette partie du catalogue, savoir : Ternaux, E. Biblioih^que nmuiicaine, ou catalogue dei ouvrages relatifs k I'Am^- rique qui ont paru depuis aa d^couvertc jusqu'd Ton 1700. 8to. Paris. Faribault, G. B. Catalogues d ouvrages sur I'histoire de I'Amerique, et en partioulier Bur oellc du Canada, de la Louisianc, do I'Acadie, et autreu lieux ci-devant con- nuB sous le nom do NouvoUe-Fraucc ; avec dea notes bibliographiques, criti- ques et litt6raircs. En trois parties. 8vo. Quebec, 18S7. Rich, O. Bibliotbeca Americana Nova. A Catalogue of Books relating to America, in various Languages, including Voyages to the Pacific and round the World, and Collections ofVoyages and Travels, printed since the year 1*700, [closing with 1844.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Brunet, J. C. Manuel du librairo. 4e Edition. 6 vol. 8vo. u deus colonneg. Paris 1842-44. N. B. — Dans la classification des ouvrages d*histoire et dea voyages, les voyages de d6couverte et de colonisation ont ete g€n6ralement places avec I'Hiitoibc. Dislorjj of %mm. |)istoir( h F^mmqut. redaction de colonneB. Paris tea de d6couTerte I. AMERICA IN GENERAL.— I. L'AMERIQUE EN GENERAL. Voi/rz dans Ic Cntnlogue 0£ii6ral la section CuBONOLoaiR, HiSTOins Univeb- 8ELLE ET PuiLOBOPHIR OS l'UiBTOIRE, pp. 801 Ot BUlvnUteS, Antiquitates AmerioaneB, sive Scriptores Septcntrionales rerum ante-Co> lumbianarum in America. Samlung af de i uordens oldskriftcr indehuldtc eftcrretniuger om de gamle nordbocrs opdagelsesreiser til America fra der lOdetildet 14de Aarlumdede. Edidit Socictas Rcgioe Antiquariorum Septcntrionalium, lat. ct danice. (By Professor C. C. Rafn.) 4to. With 18 plates and maps. Ilafnire, 1837. "This great -work presents many powerful arguments and a host of striking fact^ in favour of til" supposition that America was discovered by the North- men in the year 986, and was repeatedly viaited by them during the two suc- ceeding centuries. Emanating from high authority, it merits the respectful attention and the strictest scrutiny of the learned." — Dibliotheca Americana, See North Amer. Rev. vol. xlvi, p. 161. AtheniBura Franfais, 1863, p. 86. Putnam's Magazine, toI. iv. p. 460. Antlquitates AnierloansB, Studio C. C. Rafn. Supplement to the foregoing work. 4to. Hafnioe, 1845. Beamish, North Ludlow. The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the tenth century, with notices of the early settlements of the Irish in the Western Hemisphere. 8vo. London, 1841. The design of the writer is to put before the public in a cheap and compendious form those parts of Professor Rafn's "Work, (tlie above,) which he considered were likely to prove moat interesting to British readers, Prefaec. Robinson, Conway. An Account of Discoveries in the West until 1519, and of Voyages to and along the Atlantic coast of North America, from 1520 to 1573. Prepared for the Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society. 8vo. Richmond, 1848. H not HISTOnV OF AMERICA. [lIISTOIllE DB Madoo. The most iiiicipiit VoynRP ami Discovory of the Wi'it Indies, jtcr- formcd by Mndoe, the Sonne of Owen (iiiiiicd, prince of North Walei, nnno 1170; tnkcn out of the history of Wait-s, Ikv. Sec llnklinjt, vol. iii. p. 1 ; IIcrlxTt'i^Travtls, p. ■'<."».') ; PiiikertontTraceU, vol. xii. p. l.'iG; Southey's Miulor, nnd llii- notes tliereto. Galvano, Antonic. The Discoveries of the World, from their first originall unto the yere of our Lord, LI-IS. I'Jmo. Londini, ICOl. GrinaeuB, Simon. News Orliis Ilegionvm ac Insidarvm incognitarvm, una cum tal>ulii eosmoj;rnpliica, ct aliquot ulijs cousimilis argument) libellis, &c. Folio. Uasiloc, \WA2. Vide Tcrnntix, p. 8. Anghlera, Petrus Martyr d'. (Pierre Martyr d'Anphiern,) (Peter Martyr.) De insidis nuper repertis ct de morihua incolarum carundem. Gri/ntmu, fol. .'i49. Voir Faribnult, p. 4. Humboldt, Examnn Criliquo, Tol, il. p. 27*. Navarrete, Rululiuiii) des quatre voyages de Coloiub, vol. i, p. 161. I)i Don Pietro Martire ^lilanese, II sommario cavato della sua historia del Nuovo Mundo, scopcrto da Don Christophoro Colombo, j)oi detto Indie Occidentali. Ramusio, vol. iii. fol. 1. Christophori Columbi, Navigatio ex iussu Ilispaniac regis, admultas insula» hactcnus incognitas ; Arch. Madrigano interprcte. Grytueus, fol. 90. "Tliia \tt tho title of the onrliest nan-ative of the flrnt and second royngesof Co- lumbus that appeared in print. It waa anonymous; and there are some curious particulars in regard to it. It was originally wi'itteu in Italian, anil was published in Viccnza, in 1607, in a Collection of Voyages. ITie collection was republished at Milan in 1608, both in Italian and in a latiu translation made by Archangelo Madrignno. . . . The collection was afterwards aug* nicntod by Symon Oryuusus with other travels, and printed in Latin at Basle, in 16;i3 [2.] by Uervugio, entitled, Novus Orbis Reyionum, ti't' par Firnaud (Colomb, son tils, (vers I'an l,"»30,) et trailuiteen tran9ais (par Cotoleadi). I. 'mo. I'arii, 1(JH1. Voir Faribault, p. 84, ot Navarrote, Uclationt dcs quatro voyages do Colomb, vol. i. p. 108. ■ The History of the Life and Aetions of Admiral (Miristopher C(don, niid (if the diseovery of the West Indies, called the New World, written by ills own son, Don Ferdinand ('oUtn. ChitrchilCa Collection, vol. ii, and Pinkerton's Travels, vol. xii. Colomh. Delia Orif^ine e della Pntria di Christoforo Colombo. LihriCre di Don (tiambiittista Spotorno Unrnabita. Hvo. (lenova, ISI!). — nistoirc de Christophe Colomb, suivie de sa Correspondance, d'eclair- cissements et de pieces eurieuses ct ini'dites, traduitc de ritulicn du Chev. Bossy, par M. Urano. Hvo. Paris, 1821. ContaliiR rac-siniiies of the wood engravings from a ytty rare edition of Colum- bus' iii'Bt ii'ttcr. liieh. Relations des (piatre voyages entrepris par Christophe Colomb, pour la decouverte du Nouvenu Monde, de 1492 A 1 JOl, suivies de di verses let- tres et pieces ini'dites, extraites des archives de la Monarchie Espagnole, et publiees pour la premiirc fois par ordre et sous les auspices de S. M. C, par Don M. F. de Navarrete, etc., traduites de I'Espagnol par MM. de Verneuil et de la Roquette, et accompagnues de notes, portraits, /ae- «j»n7e et cartes. 3 vol. Hvo. Paris, 1828. Cet ouvrngo comprend, lo. Uno savnnto Introduetion de M. de Navarrete sur les dilfurents Toyagus faita ontL>r!ourement i\ la JiVouverte de I'Araerique. 2o. Uiie notice de la plup.irt dca voyages entrepiis par les Espagnots depuii 13'.»3, jusqu'en 1794. So. relation!! des quatre voya'^c^ do Christophe Colomb, le premier <'crit en entier de la main de Baithfilemy do Las Casas ot le deuxii^me, r6dig6 par le Dr. Chanca, qui accompagnait Christophe Colomb dans ce voyage. 4o. Plusieurs lettres incdites de I'illustre navigateur OSnois. 5o. Des notes de Las Ca'^as, de M. de Navarrete, et do plusieurs eavans. 6o, Deux cartes, deux portraits de Colomb, le facsimile d'une de BCB lettres autographes, etc. 7o. Enfin, uno table raisonade des niatiiires. 8«e North American Review, vol. xxiv., p. 26S, and Rich, vol. ii. p. 179. - Select Letters of, — with other original documents, relating to his Four Voyages to the New World ; translated and edited by R. II. Major. 8vo. Loudon, 1847. Hakluyt Soc. Publication. The editor, in Lis introduction, treats of the way of peopling America, and of the facts of its discovery, and of communication with it, before Columbus. - Christophe Colomb, par Lamartine. ICmo. Paris, 1853. 1166 mSTORT OF AMERICA. [histoiee DB W rVM\ Colomb, Vie de Christophe Colomb, par le Baron de Bonnefoux. 8vo. Paris, Voir RcTue Contemporaine, vol. x. p. 484. Athenffium Frangais, 1864, p. 258. Putnam's Magazine, Yol, ii. p. 668. The Landfall of Columbus on his first voyage to America, with a translation of the Baron Bonnefoux's history of his previous life ; also a Chart showing his track from the landfall to Cuba, and an outline of his subsequent Voyages. By A. B. Becher. 8vo. London, 185G. See New Quarterly Review, October, 1866, p. 468. I Christophe Colomb, sa vie et ses voyages, d'apr^s des documents au- thentiques tires d'Espagne et d'ltalie. ParRoselly de Lorgues. 2 vol. 8vo. Par's, 1856. Columbus. The life and voyages of Christopher Columbus ; to which are added those of his companions : by Washington Irving. Revised edition. 3 vols. 8vo. New York, 18.') 1. The Srd vol. of this work contains accounts of the following travels to America: — Alonzo Nino, (Petro) et Guer»a, (Christoval,) Their travels and adventures, 1499. PiszojJ, Vincente Yanez. His voyage. 1499. Lepk, (Diego de) et Bastides, (R. de.) Their voyage in 1600. Ojeda, Alonzo de. His first voynge in which he was accompanied by Amerigo Vespucci, 1499— his second voyage, 1502— his third voyage, 1609. NicuKSA, Dit'go de. His adventures after his parting from Alonzo de Ojeda. Enciso, Bachelor. His expedition in seurch of the scat of goverumcut uf Ojeda 1510. Nunez, Vasco, de Balboa. His travels and adventures. PoNCE, Juan, de Leon. His travels and adventures as conqueror of Porto Rico and discoverer of Florida, &« also North American Review, vol. xxviii. page 10.3 ; vol. xviii. p. 416; vol. xxi. p. 898 ; vol. xxiv. p, 205. Edinburgh Review, vol xxvii, p. 492 ; vol. xlviii,p. 1. Humboldt, F. H, Alex. Baron de. Examen critique de Thistoi;? de la geo- graphic du Nouveau Continent, et des progres de I'astronomie nautiquc, aux 1.5me et 16me siecles. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836-18.39. Cet ouvrage contient de savantes dissertations sur la dficouverte do rAracrinue' et la chronologie des exp6ditions vers les cotes du Nouveau Monde. Irving, W. His visit to the Pinzon Family at Moguer, near Seville, in 1828. See his Life of Columbus, vol. 3, p. 45-1 and following. Campe, J. H. Decouverte de TAmerique. 3 vol. r2mo. Paris, 1808. L'Am^iique d^couverte. Poeme en six livres et en prose. l2mo. Autun, 1782. La Colombiade, ou la foi portec au Nouveau Monde. Pofeme par Madame Dubocagc. 8vo. Paris, 1756. iii::iiii 5T0IEE DE 8vo. Paris. 1 1864, p. 268. merica, with ous life ; also an outline of on, 185G. jcuments au- gues. 2 vol. licb are added d edition. 3 Is to America :— and adventures, lied by Amerigo !, 1509. inzo de Ojeda. rumcnt of Ojeda y )r of Porto Rico 1 ii. p. 415; vol. ii, p. 492 ; vol. .'? de la gno- mic nautique, id. do I'Amcrinue- londe. l'amerique.] HISTORY or AMERICA. 1167 Le Nouveau Monde, ou Christophe Colomb. Pofeme par le Citoyen Le Suire. Nouvelle edition entiorement refondue et corrig(?e. Svo. Paris, 1800. Dissertation sur les suites de la d^couverte de I'Am^rique, par un citoyen. 8vo. Paris, 1787. Le Triomphe du Nouveau Monde, par I'Ami du Corps Social. (Jean Brun.) 2 vol. en 1. Svo. Paris, 1785. Ces deux ouvrages ont 6te Merits 8ur la question suivante proposce en 1782 par r Academic des Sciences, Arts ot Belles-lettres de Lyon : — La drcouverte do rAmorique a-t-elle et6 utile ou nuisiblo au genre humaia 1 S'il en r^Bulte des bicas, quels sent les moyens de les conserver et de Ics accroitre! S'il en rcsulto des maux, quels sent les moyens d'y remtidier ? On the effects of the discovery of America, See also Blackwood's Magazine, vol. Ix. page 261 et seq. Americi Vesputii, i^avlgationes prima, secunda, tertiaet quarta. Grynaus, fol. 155. I Viaggi d'Americo Vespucci con la vita, I'elogio e la dia- sertazione giustificativa di questo celebre navigatore, del Padre Stanislao Canovai. 8vo. Ferenze, 1817. The Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius, with illus- trations concerning the navigator, and the discovery of the New World. By C. Lester and Andrew Foster. Svo. New York, 184f». This work contains also -. An account of the discoveries of Vasoo de Gama, beyond the Cape of Good Hope, Letters of Paolo Toscanelli to Columbus. Marco Polo and his travels, a: Recueils db Ilistoire nouvelle du Nouveau Monde, contenant en somme ce que les Espngnols ont fait jusqu'i present aux Indes Oceidentalcs, et Ic rude traitement qu'ils font a ecs paAvres pcuples-la, cxtraite de 1' Ita- lian de M. Ilierosme Benzoni Milanois, qui ha voyage xiiii ans en ces pays-la ; et ourichio de jdusieurs discours et choses digues de memoire. Par M. Urbain Clmuveton. Ensemble, une petite histoire d'un mas- sacre commis par les Hespagnols sur quelques Fran9ais u la Florida. 8vo. Geneve, 15/9. m Fenr Faribault p. 11. Mafibius, Joannes Pctrus. Ilistoriarum Indicarum Libri xvi : selectarum item ex India Epistolarnin eodem interpretc libri iv. ; accedit Ignatii Loiolee vita postremo recognita : cum iudice. Fol. Florentioe, 1588. Vo:r Brunct. m. 1174 HISTORY OF AMERICA [lIISTOIRE DE AoOSta, Joscphus. Do nnturn novi orbis libri duo, et de promulgntionc cvan- gt'lii iipiul niirl)nro8, sivo tie procurauda Iiidonim salute, libri sex. 8vo. Colouio! Agrippintc, LVJG. The Naturall nud Morall Ilistorie of the Eiiht nnd West Indies, written in Spanish by Joseph Acostu, and translated into English by E. G., with a tabic. 8vo. London, lCO-1. Vide Fatibftult, p. 1. "Wytfllet, Cornelius, Ilistoire des Indes Orientales et Oecidentales, et dc la conversion des Indiens. Avcc des cartes. Fol, Douay, 1607. (2 copies.) Laet, Joannes de. Novus Orbis ; sen dcscriptionis Indise Oceidentalis Libri xvii cum novis tabuiis geographicis et variis aniinantium, plantarum, fructuumquc iconibus illustrati : cum indice. Fol. Ebev. Lugduni Batavorum, 1G33. L'llistoirc du Nouveau Monde, avec des tables geographiques et des figures. Fol. Leyde, (chez les Elzevicrs,) 1G40. Vide Faribault, p 71. Voyez plus loin dans la sectiou -. AVeriqub Mebidionalb, lea ouvrages de Gar- cilnsso do la Yogu, Las Casas. Barthelemy de. Ilistoire des Indes Oecidentales, ou Ton reconnait la bonte de ces j)ays et de leurs peuples, et les cruautes tyranniques dea Espagnols. 8vo. Lyon, 1C42. Autre edition sous Ic titre : Voyogcs des Espognols dans les Indes. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1698. Account of the first Voyages and discoveries of the Sj)aniards in America ; and of their cruelties to the Indians, vith abs- tract on the art of travelling to advantage. 8vo. London, lOliQ. Apologie de Las Casas, (?vequc de Chiappa, par M. Grcgoire (1800). A. S. M. Vol. 4. Qiluvres de Don Barthelemi dc Las Casas, cveque de Cliiapa, defenseur de la liberte des naturels de TAuierique; i)recedde8 de sa vie et accomj)agnees de notes histori(jues, additions, dt'veloppc- ments, etc., etc. Par J. A. Llorente. 2 vol. 8vo. (avcc portrait.) Paris, 1822. Sur Las Cnsaa, Voyez Navarrote, Relations des quatre voyages de Colomb, vol. 1, p. 164 et auivuntcs. TOIRE DE l'ameeique.] HISTORY OF AMEllICA. 1175 gationc cvan- )ri sex. 8vo. xbf. and West d into English ales, et de la )7. (2 copies.) identalis Libri m, plantaruin, zev. Lugduui 1 geographiqucs uvrages de Gar- I'onreconnait tyranniques des des Espagnols icovcries of the ians, '^'ith abs- lon, 10?9. liappa, par M. ■asas, cvcqiio de lue ; ])reccdde8 ns, devcloppc- ec portrait.) de Coloiub, vol. Herrera, Antonio de. Ilistoire gt'neralc des voyages et conqufites des Castil- lans dans les isles et, tcrre fcrmc des Indes Occidentules, traduitc de I'Espagnol d'Antoine d'llerrera, Ilistoriograpbe de Sa M, C, par N. de la Coste, Ou Ton voit la prise de la grande ville du Mexicjue, et autres provinces par Fernand Cortes, sa fondation, les rois qui la gou- vernerent ; Ic commencement et la fin de cet emjjire ; lenrs coutumcs et ceremonies ; les grandes rtJvoltes qui y sont arrivoes ; les contesta- tions qn'eurent les ('nstillans et les Portnguais sur I'assiette de la lignc de partage de leurs conqnetes ; la ducouvcrte des isles Philippines par Ilornandan de Magellan ; oa mort et autres choses remarquablcs. 4to. Paris, 1()71. Vidt Faribault, p. 62. . The general History of the vast continent and Islands of America, commonly called the West Indies, from the first discovery thereof : with the best accounts the people could give of their antiqui- ties. Collected from the original relations sent to the King of Spain. By Antonio de Ilerrera, historiographer to his Catholic Majesty. Translated into English by Capt. John Stevens. Illustrated with cuts and maps. G vols. 8vo. London, 1 72.'J-26. The original Spanish edition is of 1601-1615, [Looke.] Ilistoire de la navigation, son commencement, ses progriis, et ses d&ouvertes jusqu'i present, traduite de I'anglais (de la ])reface de Chiirchiirs Collection o{ voyages), 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, ] 722. Le vol. IT contient aussi un nu'moire des lies fran^aisea de TAm^rique M<;ri- di;inalc, et uu catalogue du livres do voyages et do cartes gtiogrnpb'queB. For tlic original, Vide Locke's Works, vol. 9, and Churchill's Colleclion, Ogilby, John. America : being the description of the new world, containing the original of the inhabitants and the remarkable voyages thither. The conquest of the empires of Mexico and Peru, &c. Collected from most authentick authors, and augmented with later observations, with maps and sculptures. 2 vol. fol. London, 1671. History, (the) of the several discoveries, settlements and conquests made by the Spaniards in the West Indies, after the death of Columbus, to the expedition of Ferdinand Cortes. Harris' Collection, vol, 2, Barbot, John. A general account of the first discoveries of America, in the l-lth century; and a geographical, political and natural history of the Antilles Islands, in the North sea of America. Churchill's Collection, vol. 5, LafltaU, Rt?v, P. J. F. Histoire des decouvertes et conqnetes des Portugais dans le Nouveau-Mondc. 2 vol. fol. Paris, 1733. Voir Faribault, p, 73. 1176 HISTORY OF AMERICA. [niSTOIRE D^, Monson, Sir Wm. DiscoverieH and Piiterprises of the Spaniards and Portu- guese. See MonaoiCa Naval Tracts, ChurchiWa Collection. Vol. 3. Spanish DlbOOVeries. The discoveries made by tlie Spaniards in the Pro- vince eaUed Golden Castile, and their establishment of Panama, &c. Ilarria' Travels. Vol. 2. French Dlsooverlea. A short accountof the discoveries made by the French in America. Idem, Dutoh Colonies. The discoveries, conquests, settlements and present state of tlie Dutch Colonies in America, to which is added an account of the Danish settlement. Idem. English Discoveries. The discoveries and settlements made by the English in different parts of America, from the Reign of Henry VII to the death of King George I. Harris, vol. 2, or Pinkerton, vol. 12. British Empire in America, (the), containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress, and state of the British Colonies on the continent and Islands of America. Second edition, corrected and amended. With a continuation of the history, and the variation in the state and mode of those colonies, from the year 1710 to the present time. Including occasional remarks, and the most feasible and useful methods for their improvement and security. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1741. (2 copies.) The first volume deacribea the British possessions on th"* continent of North America, and tho second those in the West Indies. The work -was first printed in 1708, and the dcdicntion signed by J. Oldmixou, but it was often attributed to Herman Moll who prepared the Maps, from his name appear- ing on the title. Rich. Pradt, M. de. Lcs trois ages des colonies, ou de leur etat passe*, present et a venir. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. — Des colonies et dc la revolution actuclle de rAmerique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817. Raynal, Guil. Thos. Ilistoire philosopbique et politique des (?tablissements et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux ludes. 4 vol. 4to. et 1 vol. 4to., de planches. Geuiive, 1780. La premiere Edition a 6te imprim^e en 1170. I Analyse du m6me ouvrage. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1775. Voir Brunei, et la Biographie TJniverselle, an mot Raynal. Peuchet, M. Etat des colonies et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes, depuis 1783 jusqu'en 1821 ; pour faire suite a 1' Ilistoire philoso- phique de Raynal. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. oiRE d:^. l'amerique.] HISTORY OF AMERICA. 1177 [Burke, Rilmiiiid.J An account of the Kumpcan sottlemciits in America. In six parts. I. A short history of that part of the world. II. Tiie manners and customs of the original inhnliitants. III. Of the Spanish settlu- nitnts, IV. Of the Portngnt'se. V. Of the French, Dutch and Dan- ish. VI. Of the English. Each part contains an accurate description of the settlements in it, their extent, climate, productions, trade, genius and disposition of their inhahitants, the interests of the several powers of Europe with respect to those settlements ; and their practical and commercial views with regard to each other. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 17.')7. Written by tlio celebrated Edmnnd Burke. Jiich. llistoire des Colonics Europcenncs dans rAmerique, traduit de I'anglais. 2 vol. 12ma. Paris, 1767. Talvi. (Mrs. Robinson.) History of the colonization of America, edited bv Wm. Hazlitt, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. Helps, Arthur. The Sjianish Conquest in America, and its relation to the history of Slavery and to the government of Colonies, vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. London, 18.'>.'>. iS^eFraser'a Magazine, vol. Ivi, p. 441. and Westminster Review, New-Series, Vol viii. p. 579. Natural and Civil History (the) of the French dominions in North and South America. Giving a particular account of the climate, soil, mine- rals, animals, vegetables, manufactures, trade, commerce and languages ; together with the religion, government, genius, character, manners and customs of the Indians and other inhabitants. Illustrated by maps and plans of the principal places, collected from the best authorities, and engraved by T. Jefferys, geographer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Part I. Containing a description of Canada and Louisiana. Part II. Contnining part of the Island of St. Domingo and St. IMartin, the Islands of St. Bartholomew, Guadaloupe, and the Island and Colony of Cayenne. Folio, with 18 maps and plates. Lou- don, 1/60. (2 copies.) Vide Faribault, p. 67 La Martinidre. Introduction i\ THistolre de rAmcrique. Voir, La Martiuit^re, Introduction a I'Listoire de I'Asie, de I'Afrique et de l'Am6- rique. Vol. 2. Warden, M. D. B. Chronologic historique de I'Amorique. 10 vol. Bvo, Paris, 1826-18 44. Vol. ii I. Am6rique, Mexique, Guatemala, Californie. II. Californie, P^rou, Bolivie, ChilL III. Chili, Ri^publique Argentine. 1178 HISTORY OF AMEllICA. [lIISTOIRE DE Warden, M. D. U. Chronolngie liiiituriquc — Continuation. " IV. Colombia. " *'. et VI. Uf6»il. " VII. (Juiiuio. '' VIII. AntilleH, Cubit, Jnmnique, Mnrtinique, etc. " IX. LuuiHlnnc, Virginio, Mn»*ucliii«etta. " X. NfW York, I't'iiniiylvniiii', Muryliiiul, Caroline, Qtorgie. Buohon, J. A. Atlas gcogroi>lii(iuc', Htntistiiiiic, liiHtoriqiic et clironolo}i;i(jue ik'8 doiix Aim'ricjues ot di's ili's mljncfiiti's, trnduit dc I'tttlos exocut6 en Amtjrique d'npres Lcsngo. Fol. I'nris, 1825. Holmes, Abit-l. Tlie Annals of Aniurica, from the discovery by ColiimliM", (1 192) to the year lM2(i. 2 vols, Hvo. Cambridge, 1H2'J. Fimt edition piiuteJ in 1808. Set London Ciuarterly llcview, vol. ii. p. 10. North Amer. R«v., vol. xxix. p. 4 '2 8. Touron, le U. 1'. Ilistoire genoralc dc rAmi^riquc depnis sa d(5couvcrte. 4 vol. 12nio. Pari.^ 17<>H. Cettb hiatoire est priucipuIcmoDt occli'8ingti(|uo, et so rapportepreaquecD entler uux (■tubli88CDieuts i'ortuf^uia et KapiignoU. Bosque, Ihi. The History of America, trnnsliited from the French of Mons. l)u Uosiiue. 2 voIj. Hvo. London, 17/0. [Hornot, Ant.] Anecdotes Anicricaines, on liistoire abrogcc des principoux ovenements r.n-i us dans le No'iveau Monde, tivo. Paris, 1770. Russell, Wni. History of America, from its discovery to the conclusion of the late war ; with an Appendix, containing an account of the rise and pro- gress of the late unhappy contest between Great Britain and her colonies. 2 vols. 4to. With 51 plates, London, 1778. Winterbotham, W. History of America. 4 vols. Bvo. Loudon, 1795. (2 copies.) See Riuh. vol, 1, p, 891. Munoz, Don Juan IJnptista. History of the New World, translated from the Spanish, with notes. Vol, 1st, 8vo. ' ou'I'ii, 1797. Tho death of , i nutlior prevented the coD*i"ii .'I'i'i ! '-t important i ■'-, Ekh. Vide Fiuibiiult, p. 97, et Humboldt, E: "■■ '<' , ^c , '.rCfaco. Robertson, Wm. History of America. iSVe Robertson's collected works, vols. 0, 7, and 8, General Catalogue, p. 847. Histoire de I'Am^riquc, traduite de 1' Anglais par MM. Suard et Morellet, avec des notes par M. de laRopiette, 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1834. Voir Faribault et Rich, L'AMERItjUE.] IIISTOllY OF AMERICA. 1179 Frost, John. The I'lCtorial History of Aint'ricH, from the diicoTcry hj tkc Northmen in thi' t( II, !i century. Hvo. LoikUhi. R.innrkaliK' Kventi in the Hinton- of America, from the enrlipst times to the year I M4H. 2 vols. «vo. I'hiUdrlphiR, IHIQ. Byma, Xavier. Les deux Anu; in America, witi a biography of |)rinter3 and account of Newspapers, to which is jirefi d a concise view of the discovery and progress of tlic art in other parts of the world. 2 vols. Hvo. Worcester, IHIO. For tho history of Literature lu Amorica, See Oeneral Catalog .^.geotion Belles LBTTBIfl. For the uiiturol liistoi-y of America, See section ; Natural Histok in the General Cutnlogiio mid ]mrticularly : Natural History of the State of New York, 19 vols. 4to. Sluilli-iiiiian Contributions to Knowledge. 9 vols. Folio. In Section : Geolooy, itc : Hitchcock, Outliuo of the Geology of the Globe and the United States in parti- cular. Dawson, Acadian Geology. Schoolonift. Leaii Mines of Missouri, nnij othcM' works uiniincr.vtiHl in [>:>. 621, 622 In section A.NTauoruLOGY and Zoolouy : Uumbolilt et Bonpland, Roeuuil d'ubjorvatious do gfiologio. F;iuna Boreali Araericima. Audub'iu'fi Works. Wilson's Ornithology. 1180 UISTORY OF AMERICA [lIISTOIRE DE (i References to General Catalogue : Anthropology, &c. — Contiimed. Vielli)t, Hiatoire ilea oiseiiux do rAinuriime. Holbrook, North American llcrpetology. In Bectiiiii Botany ; Coriiutti, Canadensiuni plantarum historia ; Lnfitiiu, Mtiinoire conceruaut la procieuae plaiite du Qiu-Seiig ; Pnrali, Flora of North America ; Michaux, llistoire dos chimes de TAmfirique ; North American Sylva; Nutthll, North American Sylva; Browne, The Trees of America, native and foreign; Catesby, Hortus Europu) Amcrieanus ; Torrcy, and Gray, Flora of North America ; Hookci', J. Flora Borculi- Americana; or the Botany of the northern parts of British America. Vide also, the M. S. S. additions to the Printed Catalogue, for some important works on these subjects. Burney, Janies. History of the Buccaneers of America. 4to. London, 1816 ; containing : Considerations on the rights acquired by the discovery of unknown lands. Iniquitous settlement of the Island St. Christopher by the English and French. Miirgan, Chief of the Buccaneers. Expeditiim of the Buccaneers iigainst Panama. Thomas Piche ; Coxou ; Expedition in the S. Sea. Buooaueers under John Cook. Edward Davis. Adventures of Swan and Townley ; and of the Cygnet and her crew. French Buccaneers under Franfois Grogniet and Le Picard. Entire suppression of the Buccaneers about 1697. Oexmelin, A. O. Histoire des aventuriers qui se sont signale's dans les Indes, contenant ce qu'iU ont fait de plus remarquable depuis vingt annees, avec la vie, les mceurs, les coutumes des habitants de Saint Domingue et de la Tortue et unc descrij)tion exacte de ces lieux. 2 vol. en 1. 12mo. Paris, ICHH. IiUSSan Raveneau de. Journal du voyage fait k la mer du Sud avec les flibus- tiers de I'Amerique en 1084, et annees suivantes. 12ino. Paris, 1/89. Buooaneers (History of the) of America, from the first original down to this time ; writen in several languages and now collected. Containing, lo. The exploits and adventures of Le Grand, Lolonois, Hat the Portu- guese, Sir Henry Morgan, &c. \7ritten in dutch by J. Esquemeling, and thence translated into Spanish. 2o. The dangerous voyage and bolt attempts of Capt. Earth. Sharp, Watliu, Sawkins, Coxon, and others, in the South Sea, written by Basil Ringrose, Gent, who was a companion therein. 3o. A journal of a voyage into the South Sea by the frceboothers of America, from 1 984 to 1689, written in french by the Sieur Raveneau de Lussan, &c. The whole newly translated into English and illustrated with 25 copper-plates. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1704. l'amerique.] HISTORY OF AMEllICA. 1181 lOndon, 1816 ; Montauban, Sieur do, Cnptain of the Freebooters on the coast of Guinea ill the year 1()9"), Voyage of. 12mo. London, 1704. BeauchSne. Lcs aveutures de Monsieur Robert Chevalier dit de Beauchone, capitaine de flibustiers dans la Nouvelle-France, r6digccs par monsieur Le Sage. 2 vol. 12nio. Maestricht, 1/83. Get ouvrage tient plus du Roman quo do I'histoire. 1. ANTIQUITIES AND ABORIGINES. | 1. ANTIQUITES ET ABORIGENES. Antiquitates Americanse, sive scriptores septentrionales rerum anteColum- bianarum in America. {See above page 1163.) Jones, George. The Original History of Ancient America, founded upon the ruins of Antiquity, the identity of the Aborigines with the people of Tyrus and Israel, and the introduction of Christianity by the Apostle St. Thomas. 8vo. London, 1843. Iiaet, Joannis de. (Antverpiani,) Notse ad dissertationem Hugonis Grotii de origine Gentium Americanum et observatium aliquot ad meliorem inda- ginem illius difficillimse questionis. 12mo, Parisiis, 1643. Altera dissertatio. Amstelodami, 1643. Ces disBertatioDS reproduiscut le texte dea assertions de Grotius, Voir Faribault, p. 72. [Pauw, M. de.] Recherches philosophiques sur les Americains, ou memoires pour servir a I'histoire de I'espfece humaine, par M. de P*** 3 vol. 8vo. Cleves, 1772. Le vol. iii contient la Defense des Recherches philosophiques. Berlin, 1772. [Pernetty, I'Abbo.] De I'Amerique et des Americains, ou observations cu- rieuses du philosophe La Douceur qui a parcouru cet h^misphfire pendant la derniore guerre en faisant le noble metier de tuer les hommes sans les manger. 8vo. Berlin, 1772. Voi/ez sur ocs deux ouvroge^ le North American Review, vol. ii, p. 2; et le cata- logue de M. Faribault, p. 101. Carli, Comte J. R. Lettres Americaiiies sur I'origine, I'etat et les usages des anciens habitants de TAmL-rique, les grandes epoques de la nature, I'aii- cienne communication des deux hemispheres, et la derniere revolution qui a fait disjiaraitre I'Atlantide, ouvrage traduit de I'ltalien par le Febvre de Villebrune. 2 vol. Svo. Boston, 1788. Voir Faribault, p. 22. Engel, Bailli d'. Essai sur cette question : quand et comment I'Amerique a-t- ellc 6te peupieo d'hommes et d'animaax ; pur E. B. d' (Bailli d'Engel) 5 tomes en 4 vol. l2mo. Amsterdam, 176". Voir Faribaul^, p. 46. 1182 HISTORY OP AMERICA. [mSTOIAK D£ f (■ ^ri ' 11 n -i ■l( Delafleld, John. An inquiry into the origin of the Antiquities of America ; with an appendix containing notes and " a view of the causes of the superiority of the men of the nortliern over those of the southern hem- isphere," by James Lakey, with coloured plates and illustrations. 4to. New York, 1839 Priest, Josiah. American antiquities and discoveries in the west, being an exhi- bition of the evidence that an ancient population peopled America before its discovery by Colu labus, with a description of many of their works now in ruins. Fifth Edition. Hvo. Albany, 1H3S. See North America Review, vol. xii, p. 225. Historical Magazine (the), and Notes and Queries concerning the Anti- quities, History and Biography of America. (A periodical published monthly from January IS57). Hvo. Boston, 1857. Simon, Barbara Anne. The hope of Israel, presumptive evidence that the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere are descended from the Ten missing Tribes of Israel. 8vo. London, 1829. The Ten tribes of Israel historically identified with the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere. Svo. London, I83fi. Another copy, with a Mexican Map. Antiquities of Mexico : Comprising Fac-similes of ancient Mexican Pain- tings and Hieroglyphics preserved in the lloyal Libraries of Paris, Ber- lin and Dresden, in the Imperial Library of Vienna, the Vatican Library, in the Borgian Museum at Rome, in the Library of the Insti- tute j.of Bologna, and in the Bodleian Library of Oxford, together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix ; with their respec- tive scale of measurement and accompanying descriptions. The whole illustrated by many valuable manuscripts, by Lord Kingsborongh. The drawings on stone, by A. Aglio. 9 vols, folio. London, 1831-18-18. Vol. 1, ri auJ 111, Coutain fac-similes of the various Mexican Manuscripts pre- served ill the different Libraries. IV. Copies of the drawings made by Dupaix of the Monuments of New Spain. Those four volumes consist entirely of Plates •' V,-IX. Contain the letter-press. Vol. V contains the accounts of Mexican Mss. m French, Italian and Spanish, with the Travels of Dupaix and the sixth book of Father Sahaguu's Hisioria Universal, in Spanish. " VI. Contains a translation of the foregoing, with remarks by the Lord Kingsborongh, and his " arguments to show that the Jews in early ages colonised America." " VII, Contains the Iliatoriii Universal de Las Casas de Nueva F,s)iana, por el M. R. P. Fray Bernardino de Sahagun," with an English translation. m if l'ameeique.] HISTORY OF AMERICA. 1183 Antiquities of Mexico : — Continued. Vol. VIII. Contains extracts from Torquemada, Acosta, Garcia, and other writers. " IX. Contains "Cronica Mexico de Fernando de Alvarado Tezo- zonioc," et " Historia Chichlmeoa" and " Relaciones," i^ of the same author, &o. See Rich ; and North American Review, vol. 11. p. 396. Peruvian Antiquities. By Mariano Edward Rivero, Director of the National Museum, Lima, and John James Tsehudi ; translated into English, from the original Spanish, by Francis L. Hawks, D. D. L. L. D. 8vo. New York, 1853. See Putnam's Magazine, vol. ii. p. 262. Humboldt, F. H. Alex. Baron de. Voyages aux regions ^quinoxiales du nou- veau continent dans le& amiees 1799-1804, par de Humboldt et Bon- pland. 14 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1807 et ann. suiv. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the New Continent, during the years 179H-180J, with maps, plans, &c.. Translated from the French by Helen Maria Williams. Vols. 1 to :i. 8vo. London, 1814-1818. Vucs dcs Cordillicrcs it monumens des peu pies indigenes de rAnierique. Texte, 2 vol. 8vo., et 1 vol. folio, compose de (ii* planches. (lauuscripts pre- the Monuments • Researches concerning the Listitutions and monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America, with descriptions and views of the most striking scenes iu tlic Cordilleras. Written in French by Alex, de Humboldt, and translated into English by Ellen Maria Williams 2 vols. Hvo- London, 1814. A tr.mslntion of the Views u( tlie Oonhllei-as, (tc ; but the original work, with its 69 pliitos by liiu flrsi Anist^ of Roiue, IJoiliu luul Paris, being of too liigh a price for ruiideis in geiieiiil, it 1ms bucn Judijed uoces^ary to reprint the text iu two ()ci:iv() volumes, with ouly 1',) pUtus sulecteci by M. de Humboldt. See Loii(l..u Quiuteily Rev. vol, xv, p. 410. 10dinl)urgh l!ev. vol. .xxiv, p 183, North AuKT. Rev. vol. .\vi. p. 1. Peale, Rembrandt carni lh>j2 , x.-L-....,nm(i[. Account of the skeleton of tlie Mainiiiotli, a non-descript carnivorous animal of iiinnense size found iu America. Hvo. London, If" J* 1184 HISTORY OF AMEllICA. [lIISTOIRE DE .'* It American Ethnological Society ; Tho Transactions of. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. New York, 18 Ll-IH. Vol. I. — [1.] On the Nations of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America, by A. Oiilhitin. [2.] On Ancient remains in Tenuo.-'seo, by (J. Troost. [3.] Ou tlie Gruve-creck mound in Virjjinia, by H. R. Schoolcraft, [4.] On the Discoveries of Hirayaritic inscriptions, by W". W. Turner. [5.] Of the Puuico-Libyun monument at Uugjja, and remains near tlio site of iincient Cartilage, by F. Catiierwood. Vol. II. — [1.] Ilale's Indians of Xortli west America, and Vocabularies, with an introduction by A. Gallatin. [2.] Squier, E. CJ. Observations on the aboriginal monuments of the Mississippi Valley. [3.] Ilafn, C. C. View of the ancient Geography of the Arctic regions of America. [4.] Morton, S. G. Accoiuit of a Craniological colloction ; [and], on the elassifieation of some families of the Human race. [.5.] Dwight, Tlieodore. Sketch of tho Polynesian Langu.age. [6. J Cotheal, A. I. Of tho L;uigua'^e of the Mosijuito Indians. [7.] Williams, S. W. Present position of the Chinese Empire. [8] I )wight, Theodore. Of the Mponjwes and their Liinguage. [9.] Bartlett, J. R. Tlio progress of Ethnology. Sec also Works on Ethnography ; pages 628, 6'29 and 630 of tho General Catalogue. Also, Professor Wilson's Papers in the Canadian Journal, on Ethnology. IVIorton, Samuel G. Crania Americana ; or a com])arativc view of the skulls of the aboriginal nations of North and South America, with an essay on the varieties of the human species. Illustrated with /H plates and a colored map. Folio. Philadeljihia, 1839. Ou the value of this work, .SVp 8t,h volume of Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledjjc , page 76 and following. Also, North American Review, voh 11. p. 173. Squier, E. G. and Davis, K. 11. Ancient monuments of the Mississipi)i Val- ley. Siiiif/iKoiiiaii Coiifrihutions to Knowledge, ^'C. Vol. 1. See page 614 of general catnloguo. Aboriginal monuments of the State of New York. I/jid, vol. '2. Whittlesey, C Descrijition of ancient works in Ohio. Ifjld, vol. .'?. RiggS, Kev. S. R. '^^rammar and Dictionary of the Dacota language. Ibid, vol. 1. Lapham, J. A. Antitjuities of Wisconsin, as surveyed and described by J. A. Lapham, ou behalf of the American Antiquarian Society. Iljid, vol. 7- Haven, San uel F. Archtcology of the United States. If)id, vol. 8. On tho value and importanrc of this last contribution, Ste Northi American Review, vol. Ixxxv. p. 46H. l'ameeique.] HISTORY OF AMERICA. 1185 J Arctic regions York. Iliid, Iffayer, Brantz. Observations on Mexican History and ArcliBeology, with a special notice of Zapotee remains, as delineated in Mr. J. G. Sawkin's Drawing of Mitla, &c. Ihuf, vol. !). See also: Rntiking, Ilistoricnl researches, ic, containing a short diasertavion on the original population of America. Markham'fl Cuzco it Limn, Appendix A, containing a sketch of the language of the Incas. Mnximilien, Prince do N'ew-Wied, Voyage au Br^sil, (Appendice III.) Vocabu- laires des peuples indigiines du Breail. De Lery, Voyage en la teri'o du Bresil, contenant la description des moours et usage'" des indigenes du Brosll. Boyer, Voyage de Brotigny a rAmdriqueOccidcntale contenant une description des mcEurs des snuvages de cette partio du Cap du Nord, ct un dictionnaire de la laiigue Galibieuno . Barruro, Relation de la Franco eqniuoxialo, contenant une description des moeora des sauvages de la Guiano ; ainsi que Bict, voyage ii Cayenne. Wcddell, Voyage dans la Bolivie, contenant plusieurscliapitres surles indiena de ces contrees, leurg nKours, langage, etc. See also on the same subject : Smith, The Araucaniaus or a tour amoug tho ludian tribes of South Chili. Dobrizhoffer, An account of tho Abipones, Wallace, Travels on the Amazone. Vot/ez nussi les autres ouvragcs relatifs au pays des Aniazones. Newbauk, Life in Brazil, Appendix A, contains illustrations of Ancient South American Art, Ac. Head, Rough notes during a tour across the Pampas, contains notices of the Pam- pas Indians. Dutcrtre, Histoire genfirale des Isles, conticnt un chapitre sur les habitans natu- rcls des Antilles de rAinerique appeltjs Caraibes ou sauvagea Rochefcrt, Histoire naturelle et morale des Antilles, contient aussi lu description des ma'urs des sauvages et un vocabulairo Uara'ibe. Long, Jamaica, vol. ;!, contains a "compendious discourse on tho autient Indian inhabitants of Jamaica." Briilges' Annals of Jamaica, cont,uu a chapter on the theories of the American populatiim and two on tho Indians of tho West Indies. Sqiiior's Nicaragua contains dissertations on the Antiquities and Aborigines of Central America, Davis, El Gringo, contains accounts of tho Puiiblo and Santa-Fe Indians. See also Norm:m, Rambles in Yucatan. Clavigero, et autres ouvragcs sur le Mexique. Warden's United States. Vol. 3. Lar^lner's Western World. Vol. 1. Sjjrague. Florida War. Dwighfs Travels. Gumilla, Histoire de rOri'moque. Turner's Pioneer Hi-itory of Western New York. Parkman's Couspirucy of I'ontiac. Jell'erson's notes on Virginia. Ratincsque's Annals of Kentucky. Prescott's Conquest of Peru. Garcila.sso do la Vega. Histoire des Incas. Voluey, Tableau de I'AnniriquG, eontiout des ob-servations geni'ralcs sur lea indicns ou sauvages de I'Amorique du Xord, euivies d'un vocabulairo de la langue des Miamis. Wli 1186 HISTORY OF AMiiKICA. [histgire DE Lafltau, K' V. Ma-ura des Sauvnges coin|iarcc'S aux moeurs dcs premiers temps 4 vols. I'Jmo. Paris, 1724. Vuir Faribault, jx 72. Bougainville. Lcs Sauvages de rAnit^rique Septentrionale, (1799). A. S. M., vol. 3. Voir aiwai La Potherio, Histoiro de TAmt-riqiie Septentrionale. La Hontiiii, Voyage dana TAmfiriquo Septentriunalo, Ueuiiopiu, Voyiigos, 54 and 077, vol. Ix, p. 45. l'ameriqtie.J HISTORY OF AMERICA. 1187 illustrations. hici-ican Rev. Drake, Samuol G. Biography and History of the Indians of North America : also, n History of their Wars ; their manners and customs. Likewise exhibitiuf^ an analysis of the authors who have written upon the ques- tion of the first peopling of America. Third Edition. 8vo. Doston, 1H34. Ste North Araorican Review, vol. liv. p. 281. Blbaud, F. M. Maximilien. Biographic dcs Sagamos ilhistres dc TAmdrique Septontrionale ; prdcddoc d'un index de I'histoire fabuluuse de ce conti- nent. 8vo. Montrijal, 1848. M'Kenney, (Thomas L.) and HaU, (James.) History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs ; embellished with 1 20 portraits from the Indian gallery, in the Department of War at Washington. ■'{ vols. Folio. Philadel- phia, 1838-1844. See North Amoriciin Review, vol xlvii. p. 134 ; vol. Ixlii. p. 481 ; and Rich, vol. ii, p. 807. Colden, Cadwallader. History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are de])endent on the province of New York. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 17;-).'-). See Rich, vol. i. p. Sti, Halket, John. Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America, with remarks on the attempts to convert and civilize them. Hvo. London, \H2C>. See North Americin Review, vol. xxii. p. 108. Buchanan, James. Sketches of the History, manners and customs of the North American Indians, hvo. London, 1H2 1. /SVr Rich, vol. ii. p. 159. Jarvis. S. F. Religion of the Indian Tribes. 8vo. New York, 1820. SeeNoi'tli Ameiicau Review, vol. xi. p. 10.3. Sohooloraft, II. II. The Indian in his wigwam, or characteristics of the red race of America, from original notes and mannseri|)ts. 8vo. Buffalo, 1848. Indians and Friends. Some account of the conduct of the Religious Society of Friends towards the Indian Tribes in the settlement of the Colonies of East and West Jersey and Pennsylvania. Published by the Aborigines' Connnittee of the meeting for Sufferings. 8vo. Lon- don, 1844. Schoolcraft, II. R. Notes on the Iroquois; or, contributions to American History, Antiquities, and general Ethnology. Hvo. Albany, 1 HI". 1188 HISTORY OF AMERICA. [lIISTOIRE DB ^■ Red Jacket- Tlie Life ami Times of Sa-p;()-yo-\vat-lin, or Ik-d Jacket, a sequel to the History of the Six Nations. By W. L. Stone. Hvo. New York and London, 1841. See North Amerionn Review, vol. liv. p. 227. Brant. Joseph. Life of, — inehuHnn; the Border Wars of the American revolu- tion. By W. L. Stone. 2 vols. Hvo. New York, ISliS. See North Amerionn Review, vol. xlix. p. 211. Tecumseh. Life of, — and of his hrother the Pro]»hct, with an historical sketcli of the Shawanee Indians, l)y Benjamin Drake. 12mo. Cincin- nati, inriG. Beckwourth, James P., Mountaineer, Scout and Pioneer, and chief of the Crow Nation of Indians ; liis life and adventures, wr'tten from his own dictation hy T. D. Bonner. 8vo. New York, IS.^O. Gookin, Daniel. Historical Collections of the Indians in New England. 1/92. Co//. Mass. Hist. Soc. vol. 1. Report on the Western Indians. Il/id. 2d scries, vol. 2. Copway, G- Recollections of a Forest Life : or the Life and ^Travels of Kah- ge-ga-gah-howh, or George Copway, Chief of the ()jii)way Nation. 12mo. London, 18.50. The Traditional History and characteristic sketches of the Ojib- way Nation. 12mo. London, 18;)0. Blood, Rev. W. A visit to the Indians of Orilla, South America, with illustra- tions. 12mo. London, IHoS. Eliot, John. Tile Indian Grammar hegnn, or an essay to hring the Indian Language into rules. Cambridge, HiGG. Mass. Ilist, Coll. 2nd. series. Vol. 9. Notes and Observations on Eliot's Indian Grammar, l)y Peter S. Du Ponceau. Ibid. Ed"Wards, Dr. Observations on the Moliegan Langnages. Iltiil. Vol. 10. Cotton. Vocabulary of tlie Massachusetts (or Natick) Indian Language. Ibid. ;^rd scries. Vol. 2. Sec also ill Belles Lettbes, tho works of Adolunjj, Vater, Du Ponceau, Ac. Falconer, Capt. Richard. Voyages and Advei nires among the Indians in America, witli tlie Voyages and adventuns of Thos. Randal. 8vo. Lon- don, 1720. Long, J. Voyages chez diffJrentes nations sauvages de rAmt'riquc Septentri- onale ; renfcrmant dcs details eiirieux siir ieiirs ma'nr.><, usages, etc., avec un utat exact des postcssituessurle ilcuveSt. LnurcTit, &c., traduit de rAnglai.s, par J. B. L. J. Billecocq. Hvo. Pari.s, 1/9."). ITOIEB DB l'amerique.] niSTOllY OF AMERICA. 1189 rican revolu- dand. 1/92. \"tcr S. Du BabiS. Voyages chez Ics pcupU-s sauvagi-s, o\\ riioiimic de la nature, liistoire mo- rale des peu])k'8 sauvages des deux coiitiiu'iits, et de» niiturcls dc8 ilvs de la HUT du Sud, par le citnyeii F. Babie, d'apres lea incnioircs du Cit. H * * *. Avec figures. 3 vol. Hvo. Paris, IHOl. McKenney, Tlios. L. Sketehes of a tour to tliL- Lakes, of the character and customs of tiie ("iilppeway Indians, and of ineidciits connected vvitii the treaty of Fond du Lac : also, a voca1)ulary of the Chippeway language. Hvo. Haltimore, \H27. See North Aracriean Rovii'W, vol. xxxiii, p. luV. Memoirs, otticinl and jxTsonal, witli sketches of travels among the Northern and Southern Indians, embracing a war excursion and descrip- tions of scenes along tlie Western borders. 2 vols, in 1. (Illustrated.) Hvo. New York, IHKi. Colton, C. Tour of the American Lakes, and among the Indians of the North West Territory, in IH.'iO : disclosing the character and ])rospects of the Indian Race. 2 vols. 12mo. London, IH.'J.S. Indians of Upper (/anada. Uejiort made l)y a Sub-Committee of the Aborigines* Protection Society. Hvo. London, IH.'i!). Indian Biography. JVorfh American Review, vol. 'Mi, p. 407 ; vol. .'34, p. 42!) ; vol. ;iG, p. 472. Indian History. L/em. Vol. 47, p. 134 ; vol. 9, p. l.'i.'"). Indian Languages. Lh'm. Vol. 20, p. 377 ; vol. 4"), p. 34 ; vol. 9, p. 179. Indian Monuments and Relics of New York. Journal of Science, Second Series, vol. II, p. .'{()"). Indian Mounds- Idem. Vol. 34, p. H8. Hunt's Maiju:ine, vol. 1.'), p. 480. Indian Tales and Legends. North American Review, vol. 49, p. 3.54. See alao Jones' Tales of au ludinii Camp. Indians, ( 'hipijewa. North American Review, Vol. 27, p. 89. Iro(|uois. Idem. Vol. G4, p. 292. North American. Idem. Vol. 22, p. r)3 ; vol. 2(i, j). 3.57 ; vol. 19, p. 4()3; vol. 41, p. 301 ; vol. 49, p. 277; vol. .54, ji. 283; vol. 6.3, p. 481 ; vol. 9, p. 3.5(i; vol. 11, p. 103; vol. .30, p. ()2 ; vol. 31, p. 396. London (luurtorhj Review, vol. 31, p. 76; vol. 6:5, p. 384. Dublin University Magn::ine, \n\. 19, p. 371. Edinburyh Review, vol. 74, p. 41.5; vol. 8, p. 442. Frasers Magazine, vol. 29, p. 6r);5. South American. North American Review, vol. 19, p. 198. 1190 HISTORY OF AMERICA. [UiSTOlRE DK Indians, Esquimaux, (John Snckeouso). Rlnckmooifa Magazine, vol. 1, p. 6.^6. See ftl-o the Oolleotioni of tho Nww-Yoi'k IlmtDrionl Society, of tho Litoiury and Hifttoricnl Society of Ctuebcu, of tho I'eiingylrtDia Hixtorionl Society, of tho MnsaachuRettH Historical Society mid other HlBtoricul SocioticH , nlso tho DocuiuRiitary History of the Stale of Now Yorlt, Ac. For (ho history of ludlan Wars, Vide infra Section : nntroRy ok Wars in North America. For the coutemporanoouH hictory of Indians in North America, See the Reports of tho CommiHsioncr of Indian ulfiiirs in the United States, (Oongro^sional DocumentB,) and tliono ol the Superintendent of Indian affairs in Canada, with other Reports on the Indian Tribes in the Oan.ida Parliamentary Papers. iSe« also Cinira,) in Section, Canada, references to ParliamcntAry Papers of the House uf Lords and House of Commons, WlXetiAboriginen, and Indiant. Voir aussi ci-dessous ; Sagard, Grand Voyage au Pays dos Uurons, lew voyagei !o Cartier, Champlain, La Hontan, etc, etc., la relation de la Onspesio, la ilolution dn I'tire Ores- sauy, et autros relations dcs Jo.-iuitos ot Missionruircs. 2. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, AND MISSIONS HISTOIRE ECCLESIASTIQUE, ET MISSION.-!. Alegambe, Pliilippo. Mortes ilhiatics ct j^osta eoruin de sociotate Jcsu qui in odinin fidei, j)ictntis, aiit ciijusii." nuiie virtiitis, occasione niLs^iionuni saciitmfiitoniin administratorutii, lidviaut virtutis j)ropugnatcD ; al) Et- nicis, litereticis, vcl aliis, vcucno, igiie, ferro, aiit morte alia nccati, Beruiniilsve conft'cti sunt. .ViiclDrt' l'liilip|)o .Vlcgambe. ExtrcMnos alitjuot annos, iiiortestjuc illiistit's usijue ad annum \Ckk), adjecit Joainics Nadasi. Folio, llonire, Kit)/- Jesuit Missions. Travels of .Misaioncrs ol' ihe Soi-iety of Jesus, in India, Ciuna and America ; translated from the orij^inal French published at Paris in 1713. 8vo. London, I/ll. This bo'ik contains annmsj others, the letter of I't^re .Marost, contniuiiig his account of Hudson's Buy. Early Jesuit Missions in North Anu-riea, compiled and translated from the letters of the French Jesuits, with Notes by the Rev. W. Ingraham Kip, and a copy of a map published iiy the Jesuits in lG(i4. l2mo. London, IS 17. Principal chapters of thi? work : Tho w.indei'ings and death of Father Rawle. Catherine, the Iroijiiois suint. Moutoahn's expoditiou to destroy Fort George. I''ather Marest's journey through Illinois and Michigan. Voyage up the Mississippi, «fcc. LOIRE DK l'amerique.J 1II8TOHY OF AMERICA. 11 a Shea, J. O. History of the Catholic MisHiuiis aiiioiiK the Iiitlian tribes of the United States (ISitf-lSf)!.) 12mo. New York, ISM. (2 copies.) Tlio work U (lividoil into Xorwoj^iiin, Spnnish, Froiiohniul Knglish misaiunii, with poi'truita of Futhurn Atithoiiy I'oyri, Imiuc Joguui, and Da Uinvt. The Appendix ooutaiux ii list of the niiHgionarieK. Sagard, Tlieodnt, Fr. Gabriel. Le graiul voyage dti payH dos Iliirons, Bitu4 on Anieri(iiie vers la mor douce cs denucrs confins de la Nouvelle France, ou il est trnite de tout cc qui est du pays et o Pcro (Jhri'stieii. NouvoUo rolatiou do la (laspesio, ({ui coiitioiit loH muuirs ft la rflifjioii dos Siuivuki's Gasp^sions, I'ortos-Croix, Adora- teurs (111 Sokil, ot il'autros poiiples de I'Amfiricpie Soptontrioiialo, dite Ic Canada. 12mo. Paris, 1 (\{t 1 . Voir Tflrnaux, p. 176, Faribault, p. 82. Gravler, Lo Piire Jacqncs. Relation de cc qui s'est pusso dana la mission de rimmaculue Conception, au pays des Illinois, depuis Ic mois de niurs 1(593 jusqvi' en levrior KI'M. Ueiniprinice a Albany par J. Mnnsoll, et publitie i\ iManate, (New York) jiar Jean-Mnrio Sliea. l:^uio. lb;')?. Cotto r^impression n'a it6 tirie qu'il lUU exomplairea. Lettres Ediflantes ct curieuscs dcrites des missions otrangurcs. Nouvclle Edition. M6moircs de rAm^riquc. 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1781. Cca quatre vohiiiics sur leg miasioux do rAiiii/rique fonnont les Tomes 6, 7, 8 et 9 do la ciilk'ctiou gt^ni'-rale des lettres I'difinnteB. Vol. I. Lottro du p6ro Oabriel Miirest, jesuite, iiu piire de Lombcrvillo, procurcup de la niiDsiou du Ciiuivln, cuiitouitut U\ relatiuu de boii vuya{;o H la baie d'lludson, uvea d'Ibet-ville, 16y-l-i)6. Lettre du piire Clmleneo, jt'^suito, au ptWe Auijustin LcBlanc, procurour des mia- sidiis (lu Cnniulii, datee " Au S.iult St. Louis, le 27 Aout 1716," couteimnt les pnrticularitcs de lu vie de Tef^ahknuitn, jeutio vi«rgc Irnquoise. Lettre du mtjine piire, oontoaaut I'liistoiru do pluxieurs ferveuts Ncopiiytea Iroquois. Lettre du p6ro Sebastiea Rasles, miaaionnaire chcz lea anuva^es Abunaquis i\ sou nuveu, datue il Xaorantaouak, lo 15 octobro 1722, dunuant des details aui' sa luiseiou. Lettre du iiu'mio il son Mre, on date du 12 octobro 1723, contenaiit des details sur scs travaux et sur le caraeti^ie des Abonaquis: Lettre du pere de la Chaase, aupurieur dea missiuiia de la NouvcUc-Francei dat/^e il Qui''b(.'c, lo 29 octobre 1724, contenant le idcit de la [rnort du piire Rnslcs. Lettre du piire •*•, missionuaire chez lea AbOnaquia, datco de St. Fnuifois, lo 21 octobre 17'J7, couteuant le rucit des ovcnemcnts ilo Carillon et du Fort George. Lettre du p^re Gabriel Marcst, dati'v aux Cascaskias villaf,'o Illirioia, le 1> noveinbre 1712 conteuaDt des details sur le pays et les aauvagoa lUiuols. '■jf- '-k^' TOIKE UE L'AMKUHiUK.J HISTORY OF AMERICA. 1103 ic notirp et Lilt do3 dt'taiU LettreS Ediflantes ft vwrminvn— Continuation. Duiix lettroA (III \)i>vo Polttou, miitiiimuatru uuz Akeiitoi (la dorni^re en datodu 3 octol)ro IT27.) VoU. II. Lottro (111 |»^ru I'utit, an pi^ro d'Aviui({oiir, prnciirour nul«, dati <) i\ la Nouvella Orlinnn, le I'i juillot 1730, »ur le iniUKaoro dot Natcliei. I.cltrodu pi"tro Vivior, miMioimairi! mix IlliiioU, en date dii 8 juin USO. Lcttre ilii iiit'Mio, (\r\i6e "iiiiic Illinois, lo 17 nuvotiibro 1760', uuntooont del di'taiU «ur In misHJon don IllinniH. Luttro (l\i pl^ro Marnat, datt'e i NutroDame do la Petito Ange, coto de St. Domln)(iu', dt'pt'iidiinte dii Cup, lo 27 fi'vricr 172R. F.ettro (111 iii(')rm>, (lat<)() dii int^mo lieu, lo '20 novonibro 1730, (»ur los Pintadog). Lotti'o .111 in(''inH, on (Into (111 2 tV'vrior 172tf, "iir lug promlors tenipg ot leg pro luiorg habitantg do I'llo do St. Doininguo. Lotti'o du iiu^ino, an pruoiirenr g6n6i'al dos mi'^giong do l'Am<ri' Lavit, datl^'o il Cayenne, lo TA ootobro 1728. Lottro du pi^ro Fauqc.o, dnti^e do Kuuron, diiiu la Guyano, lo IS janvior 1729. Lottro du piiro Lombard, datfio du nu^me lieu, le 23 fovricv 1780. Lettro du pi^ro Fauquo, diitoe iV Cayenne, lu ler mars 17130. Lettru du pi^re Lombard, datdo do Kourou (fluyane) loll avril 1733. Lettro du pOro Fuuquo, dat6o d Ouyapoo, lo 2 juin 1733. Lcttre du nirtiiio, en date du 20 septombro 1736. Lettro du ininie, on date du 20 avril 1738. Lettre du mome, datde "A la Cayeniio, le 27 decerabre 1744 (eontenant la rela- tion de la prige du fort d'Ouyapuo par un corgniro anglais. Vol. III. Ce volume C(mtiont des rolatioug dog inigsiouB Eitpngnolea lo long du Haragnoo, dana la Californie, le Moxique, le P(:;rou ot le Paraguay, entre autres : Etat dca miggiong des pdrea ji'^guites do la province du Paraguay parmi les Indions 8ppel68 Chiquitea, etc., etc. Lettre du pdre Doucket, gur lea miasiong du Paraguay, en date du 14 ft5v. 1716. Vol. IV. Co volume est entiiirement congncrli aux miagions du Paraguiiy. Voir auasi dims lo catalogue g^ntjral, I'llistoire giinerale dea miaaioDg, par le baron Uenrion. Annales de la propagation de la Foi. Rccueil periodique, faisant suite aux Lettres Edijiantes (et clout la publication (i, Lyou) a commence en 1827.) 28 vol. Svo. Uue partie do chaque volume est consacrfio aux miasions de rAm(5r!que, priacipa- nient il cellos do In Loutsiano, do I'Ohiu, de Kentucky, des Fluridcs, du Texas du BiX'tiil, du Michigan, du Missouri, de New York, de Charleston, de Buf- falo, do BiiHton, de Baltimore, etc., etc. 1°. Mission dela Baio d'Hudson et du Canada ; Lettres de M. Provenohcr sur la mission do la Baio d'Uudson, vols. 4 (1830,) 9 (1836,) 13 (1841.) Lettres do Monselgneur Oaulin, vol. 12 (1840.) Lettres des IIR. PP. Bourassa, Fisette, LaverlochiJre, Chazelle, etc., vol. 17. Des P. Pubort, LaverlochOro 1194 HISTORY OF AMERICA. [histoirb DB Annales de la propagation de la Fol. — Continuation. et Hanipauz, vol. 18. Dee PP. Aubert, Chor6 et Laverloolidre, vol. 20. Du p6re Laverloohi^re et do M. Belcourt, vol. 23. De8 PP. Fremiot, Faraud, Koliler, de Mgr. Tach6, du pire Laverlochire, vol. 24. De MM. Belcourt, Fayole, etc., vol, 25. Dea PP. Fr6iniot, Point et Arnaud, vol. 26. De Mgr. Tacho et du pure Fromiot, vol. 27. De M. Soulerin et du pdro d'Herbonez, vol. 28. 2°. Misaiou du Terre-Neuve, de Labrador, de la Nouvelle Ecosse, etc. vols, 9 (1836) U (1838)14(1842.) 3°. Misaiou de la Colombio et des Moutagncs lloohcueeB. Lettres de M. Bolduc et du p(5re de Smet, vol. 17. Dos PP. de Sraet ct Joset, vol. 18. Des PP. Joset et Caveng, voL 21. Du ptiro do Sraet, voL 22. Ou trouve aussi daus lea voIh. 22 et 23 une bistoire de I'ugliac des Etats-Unis d'Ain6rique. KapportS fur les missions du iliocfise de Quebec qui sont secourues par I'asso- ciation de la propagation de la foi. 2 vol. 8vo. Qu6bec, 1839. Vol. I. Rupp'W't No. 1, (Janv. 1839) oontcuaat une notice sur lea diverses miaaiona da diocese de Quebec. Rapport No. 2 (Jauv. 1840) contenaat une lettre de M. Buloourt sur la mission de la HiviOie Rouge, une notice aur la miesion de la Coloiubio, avec uu rapport do MM. Blanchet et DemecB, inissiuuunires, etc., etc. Rapport No. 3 (Jaav. 1841) conteuaut deux lettres de M. Belcourt sur la miaaion de la Riviiire Rouge ; de longs details fuurnis par MM. Demers ct Blanchet sur la mission de la Colombie ; luie lettre de M. Dumoulin sur la mission da St. Maurice. Rapport No. 4 (Janv. 1842,) contenaut deux lettrea de .M. Belcourt et une dOj M. Darveau, sur la mission de la Riviure Rouge; une lettre de M. Blanchet, sur la mission de la Colombie, et uue lettre do M. Payment, sur la mission du St. Maurice. Mission de la Colombie, deuxiume lettre et journal de M. J. B. Z. Bolduc, mig- siouuairu a la Colombie. Quebec, 1845. Vol. II. Rapport No. 5 (Juin 1848) contenaut dea lettres de MM. Thibault et Belcourt, sur la mission do la Riviere llouge; plusicurs lettres de MM. Demers et Blanchet sur la mission dc la Colombie ; des extraits du journal de M. Bolduc, lors de sou voyage de Boston d Valparaiso, et des lettres Sorites par ce monsieur et son confrere M. Lauglois, missionnaire d la Colombie ; une lettre do M. Payment sur la mission du St. Maurice. Rapport No. 6 (Juillet 1845) contenaut la suite du journal do M. Bolduc; quatre lettres de M. Demers, une de M. Blanchet, et une de M. Bolduc sur la mis- sion de la Colombie ; trois lettres de M. Belcourt, deux do M. Thibault, et une de M. Darveau, sur la mission dc la Riviiire Rouge; deux lettres do M. Maurault sur la mission du Saint Maurice. Rapport No. 7 (Juillet 1847) contenaut entreautres; m6moir'^ pn'sente Ala S. Congregation de la Pro])iigande sur le territoire de I'Orogon, par Mgr. F. N. Blanchet, 6vequo de Drasa. Extraits de diverses lettres de MM. Demers et Bolduc. Diverses lettrea de M. Belcourt, de Mgr. Proveucher, de MM. Thibault et Bourassa, une lettre de R. P. Laverlochiire sur la mission d'Al> bitibbi. Une lettre du Rev. A. M. Bourassa, sur la mission du St. Maurice, et deux lettres de R. P. Durocher, sur la mission du Saguenny. l'AMERIQTJE.J HISTOEY of AMERICA. 1195 ies Etats-Unis Rapports sur les missions du diocese de Quebec — Continuation. Rapport No. 8 (Avril 1849) contennnt diverees lettros de Mgr. Blanchet, et de M. iJrouillet sur la mission de Walla- Walla, (Oregon) ; une lettre de M. Dcsiuisseaux, Bur la misBion de Labrador, uao de Mgr. Duuiers sur la mis- sion de Vancouver, etc., etc., etc. Rapports de rassooiation de In propagation de la Foi, ^labile h Montreal, ea vertu d'un indult du Saint Sioge, et annonc6e au diocese par le mande- ment du 18 avril 1838. 1 vol. 8vo. Montreal, i839-50, comprenant: Rapport No. 1, Mai 1839. Rapport No. 2, juin 1840, contenant entre autrcs, la relation d'une mission faite en I't'te de 1837 le long de la rivii^re de I'Ottawa jusqu'au lac T^uiiskaming, et audela jusqu'ftu lac de I'Abbitibbi, par M. Bcllefuuille, et un precis de la 3e mission du meine miasionDaire tl Temiskaraiiig, Abbitibbi et Grand Lac. Rapport No. 3, juillet 1841, coutcnant: relation d'une mission faite en l'et6 de 1S3'J le long de la riviere de I'Ottawa jusqu'au Ino de Temiskaming, etc., par M. Chai'les Ed. Poire, prcire. Mission du Inc d la Truito, par le m6me. Apergu de la mission et de lu visile faite le long de I'Ottiiwa par Mgr. Ignace Buurget, duns r^te de 1840. Mission cliez les sauvnges du Hnut-Canada, par Mgr. Qaulin. Mission de la bale d'Hudson, par Mgr. Provenclier. Rapport No. 4, decembre 1842, contenant, entre autres, un precis des missions du diocise de Montreal, et dcs lettrea de MM. Moreau, Desautels et La, france, missionnaires. Rapport de Janvier 1850, contenant entre autrcs, une lettre de M. Leblond, mis- sioiinaire d Roxton, une dc R. P. Laverloclii^re, missiunuaire A la Bale d'Hudson, et une du R. P. Bermond, missionnaire d la Riviere Rouge. Notice sur la Riviere Rouge dans le territoi re de la Baie d'Hudson. Montreal, 1848. Lettre du piire Laverlochiire, 4 Mgr. de Bytown sur la mission de la Rividre Rouge, (24 novembre 1848.) Laroche-Heron, C. de. [H. de Courcy.] Les Scrvantes de Dieu en Canada, (1853). Essai sur I'histoire dcs communautes religieuses de cettc Province. 8vo. Montreal, 1855. L'auteur reconnait dans I'introduction avoir " puis6 tons les cbiffrcs, les dates et les donnecs oflicielles dans les tableaux statistiques du savant Cunadien, M. Jacques Viger," Chevalier Commandeur de I'ovdre de St. Gr6goire le Qrand. [IViartin, Dom Claude.] Vie de la venerable Mfere Marie de 1' Incarnation, pre- miere Sup6rieure des Ursulines de la Nouvelle France, tir^e de ses lettrea et de scs Merits. 4to. Paris, 16/7. Voir Faribault, p. 92. Marie de I'Inoarnation. Lettrcs de la v^w^rable Mere Marie de I'lncarna- tion, premiere Supurieure des Ursulines de la Nouvelle France. 4to. Paris, 1681. Voir Faribault, p. 91. Ragueneau, 11. P. Paul. Vie de la Mere Catherine de St. Augustin, rcligieuse hospitaliere de la Misericorde de Kebec, dans la Nouvelle-France. 8vo, Paris, 1671. 1'^^'' 1196 HISTORY OF AMERICA. [histoire DB [Juohereau de St. Ignaoe, La mSre Fran^oise] Histoire de I'Hdtcl-Dien de Quebec. 12mo. Montauban, 1751. Manoe, Mademoiselle. Vic de, — et histoire de I'llotel-Dieu de Villemarie, dans rile de Montreal en Canada ; (par l'abb6 Faillon.) Ouvrage illu9- tr^. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, IB.'i-l. Bourgeoys, la Sccur Marguerite, — dite du Saint .Sacrement, fondatricc de la Congregation de Notre-Dame de Villemarie, en Canada. Sa vie (par M. Montgolfier, Superieur du Seminaire de Villemarie.) 12mo. Ville- jnarie, 1818. — — Vie de la Sccur Bourgeoys, fondatrice de la Congr(5gation de Notre- Dame de Villemarie, en Canada, suivie de 1' histoire de cet Institut jusqu'a ce jour, et precedee d'une introduction ; (par I'abbo Faillou.) Illustr6. 2 vol. 8vo. Parirf, 1853. Premier titre de I'ouvrage : " M6tnoirc8 particuliers pour servir d I'histoire de I'Eglise daus TAmorique du Nord." Youville, Md. d'. Fondatrice dcs Soeurs de la Chnrite de Villemarie, dans rile de Montr6al, en Canada. Sa vie, (par I'abb^F aillon.) 8vo. Avec portrait et gravures, fac-similc, etc. Paris, 1852. L'ouvrage coutient auBsi des notices aur les Sup6rieureg des Soeurs de la Charite qui ont succedd a Madame d'Youville. Seton, Mrs. Eliza A. Foundress and first Superior of the Sisters of Charity in the United States. Life of. With an historical sketch of the sister- hood, from its foundation ; by llcvd. Charles J. White. 8vo. New York, 18.53. The Appendix contoins Mr. Fulicchi's Exposition and Vindication of Catholic Doctrine ; also, a List of Establishments under the charge of the Daughters of Charity. Sur I'histoire de la Religior. en Canada : — Voi/ez aussi Ics Historiens, entre autres Charlevoix, Brasseur do Bourbourg, etc. Catholic Church, the, — in the United States : pages of History. By Ilcnry de Courcy, author of " Les Servantcs de Dieu en Canada, etc." Trans- lated and enlarged by John Gilmary Shea. Second Edition, revised. 12mo. New York, 1857. This Work was written originally in French for the Ami de la Religion, and the Univcrf, of Paris. Voir aussi Touron : Histoire de I'Ami'rique. Baird, Revd. Robert. Origin, progress and present condition of Religion in the United States, with notices of the unevangelical denominations. 8vo. Glasgow, 1844. La religion aux Etats Uuis d'Am6rique, avec dcs notices sur les communions non evang47. Traduit en Fran9ais. Ternaur, Rccueil, vol. -1. D'un Secretario di Francesco Pizarro. Relatione della conquista fatta della Provincia del Peru, etc. Rainusio, Vol. 3. Fol. 392. Zarate, Augustin de. Histoire de la decouvertc et do la conquete du Perou, tra duitc de I'espagnol, par S. D. C, etc. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, l/OG. La premiere edition EspagDolo do cctte liistoire est de 1566. Voir Ilieli, vol, i. p. 10. ApoUonii Levini, De Peruvioe, regionis inter novi orhis provinces celeber- rimre, invcntione et rehus in eadem gestis libri V. Petit. 8vo. Antver- pioe, 1567. Vide Brunei, vol. 1, p. 1,32. Balboa, Mi|j;iiel Cavello. Hist&ire du Perou (termince en 1.586.) Puhliee pour la premiere fois en franyais, cu 1810. Termnix, Rccueil, vol. 15, Garcilasso de la Vega. Le Commcntaire Royal, ou I'histoire dcs Incas" Rois du Perou, eontenant I'ctat de ce grand Empire, avant que les Espagnols s'on fissent maitrcs ; ouvrage ccrit en langue peruvienne, et fidMemcut traduit sur la version espagnole, par J. Baudoin. dto. Paris, 1633. ^t:ir Autre Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1704. The Royal Commentaries of Peru, translated from the Spanish, by Sir Paul Rycaut. Folio. London, 1688. n i TOIRE DB L'AMEUIQUE DU SUD.] history of south AMERICA. 1203 iitta da Fran- Garoilasso de la Vega. Ilistoiro dcs gnerrcs eiviles dos Espngnols dans lea Indes, r ies par le soiil^vement dcs Picnrrcs et dcs Almagres, suivie de plusinursdesolatiiins i\ j)ei»e croyal)lf9,arriv('('8 aii Peroii par rambitioa ct par I'avariri' dcs coiniui;raiiH de ce grand t'inj)ire. Ecrite en Espagnol par I'Incas Garcilasso de la Vega et niise en i'ranyais par J. Baudoir 4to. Paris, 1050. Cet ouvrngc vul la secnndo partle de I'ouvrage original du mSine nuteur lur rhil- toiro ileg Incus. Brunei. Ranking, .Tohn. Historical researches on the conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez and Talomeco, &c., in the 1,'Jth century, by the Mongols, nccompanied with elephants ; and the local agreement of history and tra- dition with the remains of Elephants and Mastodontes found iu the new world. 8vo. London, 1827. Harris, J. The History of the discovery and conquest of Peru ; with the discovery and conquest of Chili. Harris" Collection, vol. 2. Montesinos, Fernando. Memoires historiqucs sur I'ancien P6rou (ecrits vers l(i52), publics en fran9ais en 1810. Ternaux, Ilecueil, vol. 17. Beauohamp, Alphonse de. Ilistoire do la conquete ct des revolutions du Porou, (avec portraits). 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1808. Presoott, W. H. History of the Conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view of the civdization of the Incas. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1851. Another Edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1847. Set London Quarterly Roview, vol. Ixxxi. p. 317 ; Blackwood'B Magazine vol. xii. p. 1 ; Nortli American Review, vol. Ixv. Iiacroix, M. Pi'rou, Voir VUnivers Pittoresque, Amfirique, vol. 4. Lima. Tremblemeus de terre arrives u Lima et autres lieux, avec une descrip- tion du IV'rou ; et rccherches sur les causes des tremblemens de terre, par M. Kales, et relation d'un tremblement de terre arrive an Port Koyal a la Jauiaique, juin l()92 ; traduit de I'anglais. 2 parties reliees en 1 vol. 12mo. La Hoye, 1 752. Botmiliau, A. de. I^a r('i)ublique Poruvienne. Revue des Denx Mondes, ler avril et ler juin 1850. See also B'ackwood'a Magazioo, vol. xlv. p. 287 ; Froser's Magazine, vol. xxx, p. 37. Famin, Cosar. Chili, Paraguay, Uraguay, Buenos Ayres. Svo. Paris, 1840. Ovalle, Alonso de. An historical relation of Chili, printed at Rome, 1649, translated from .he Spanish. Churchill's Collection, vol. 3. 1204 HISTORY OF SOUTU AMEllICA. [lllSTOIRE DE Molina, I'lililii'.'i mr I'liiNtoirc naturt'lle du Chili, traduit de I'ltulicn ct cnricliic dc notes, par iM. (Jruvi-l. Hvo. Taris, l/HU, Eyzaguirre. M. Tabbo. Ilistoire ecclcsiastiqiu', politique et litti'raire du Chili, \)ar M. I'tibbe Eyznguirre, doyen de la fneultu de Tlu'ologie de rUniversitc Natioimle, et vice-president de la chaiubre des deputes du Chili; traduite par L. Poillon. 3 vol. 8vo. Lille, ISfi.'). See nI»o Londuii Quorterly Review, vol. xxx. p. 441 ; E(linbur(|[li Review, vol. xiv. p. SiiS ; Frosur'a Miigiizinu, vol. xxi. p. '708, niid xxii. p. IDS; North American Review, vols, xviii. p. 288, uuil Ixxiii. p. 277. Charlevoix. The History of Paraguay, containing a fidl and authentic account of the establishments formed there by the Jesuits from among the savage natives ; written originally in French. 2 vol. Hvo. Dublin, Sec also MniisfieUrs Brnzll, etc., containing a sketch of tho History of Pftrngnay. Teoho, Father Nicholas del. The History of the Province of Paraguay, Tucuman, Rio de la Plata, &c., translated from the Latin. ChurchUVa Collection, vol. 4. Echavary, Bern. Ibanez de. Ilistoire du Paraguay sous les Jcsuitcs, et de la royaute qu'ils y ont exercee pendant un siode et denii ; ouvrage qui peut servir de suite a I'liistoire philosophique et jiolititpie des etablisse- ments et du commerce des Europeens dans lea deux Indes, orne d'une grande carte du Paraguay, du Chili, etc, 3 vol. Svo. Amsterdam, 1780. Thadde-Elnnis, le P. Journal de la guerre jesuitique. Au 3me vol. de I'ou- vrage j)rtcedent. Azara. Essai sur I'histoire naturelle des quadrupedes du Paraguay, tcrit de 1783iil79r). Traduit sur Ic manuscrit de Tauteur, par M. L. E. Moreau de St. Mery, etc. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. Dobrizhoffbr, Martin. An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay ; translated from the Latin. 3 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1822. See London Quarterly Review, vol. xxvi, p. 277. Nunez, Alvar, detto Cappo di Vacca. Relatione di cio che interruenne nell' Indie al Armata, deir anno 1527 fino al IfjJIi. Itamaslo. Vol. 3. Fol. 310. ' nidation et Naufragos d' Alvar Nunez Cabc9a di Vaca, Adelantnde et Gouverneur du Rio de La Plata. Valladolid, 1555. Traduit de I'Es- pagnol. Ternaux, Recueil, vol. 7. hU OIRE DE l'aMEUTQUE 1)U STTD.] niSTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. 1205 vol. de I'ou- Nunez, Alvur. ('ommontairt'S d' Alv; Nunez Cabc^a di Vnrn, Adulnntnde et Gou- vcrncur du Uio do In I'latr r6difi;i'8 par Pero Iltriiaudi'z, ixitairo ct secri- tairi' de la Province. Van vdolid, I. ').'»">. Traduit de I'K.spagnol. Il/iJ, vol. fi. Rio de la Plata. An aecouut, historical, political and statistical, of tiie United I'rovinee of, — with an Appendix eoncerning tlie nsnrpntion of Monte- Video by the Portuguese and llra/ilinn (Jovernnients ; (with Maps and Plans) ; translated from the Spanish. Hvo. London, 1825. See nho North American Review, vols, xxiv. p. 205 aoj Ixix. p. 4:1. Parish, Sir Woodbine. Buenos Ayres and the Province of the Uio de la Plata, from their discovery and eoiupiest by tlie Spaniards to the estalilishnient of their political independence, with a descrij)tion of the geology and fossil monsters of the Pampas. Second edition, with a new map and illustrations. 8vo. London, 18r)2. Brossard, A. de. Los r(?])ublique8 de la Plata dans leurs rapports avcc la France et I'Angleterre. Bvo. Paris, IH.'iO. Buenos Ayres and Chili. London Quarterly Review, vol. .35, p. 118. Kosas and Argentine Republic. North American Review, vol. 69, p. 43. , the Dictator of Buenos Ayres. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 45, 596. Chaubet, Ch. Buenos Ayres et les Provinces Argentines. Revue Contempo- raine, vol. 29, p. 233 et 4/3. Favre, Leon. La Bollvie, son agriculture, son passe, son present, son avcnir. Ibid. Vol. 9, p. 56 et 200 ; vol. 30, p. 319, 542 et 731. Bolivar and Bolivian Constitution. North American Review, vol. 28, p. 203 ; vol. 30, p. 26. See also Walker's Colombia, vol. 2, containing the History and Political state of Colombia, and a sketch of the political cureer of Bolivar. Velasoo, don Juan de. Ilistoire du Royaume de Quito, (ecrite en espagnol en 17^*9), publiije en fran9iii8 en 1840. Ternaux, Rccueil, vol. 18 et 19. Lallemant. Ilistoire dc la Colombie. Svo. Paris, 1826. Ouvrage remarquublo piur le stylo ct pour 1' exactitude, et le premier qui ait paru sureutte vaste r6publiquo, Qiiirard, L'ouvrasc de Humboldt sur Cuba oontiont ausai un apergu sur la situation et lea ressoui'cos du Venezuela. Guyon, I'abbc. Ilistoire des Amazones anciennes et moderucs. En deux parties. 12mo. Paris, 1740. See also Putnam's Magazine, vol. vi, p. 262 et acq. 1206 -r- niSTORT OF AVEST INDIES. [lIISTOIRE T)ES IXDES Oumllla, 1p p. J. Histnirr nnttirdip, rivilc rt nt'ogrnphiqup do I'On'noque et lies principulcM riviorcs (|iii n'y jcttfiit. Diui.i lu(|iii'llt' on trikitc ilu goiivcrucnu'iit, di'i uaiii^cs t>t ili's coutuiiics des Iiidieiis (|ui I'lmliitent, (lex aiiiiimuv, des urliris, des fiiiitu, di-st loiiiicH, des arlircH ct des racincs ni6du('iiiulc!« ((iii iiitisHcnt dun.s Ic Vuii. On y ii joint K' (k'tail dc pIuMieurs convcrHiiMis ri'inanjuiililt'S et odifiiintt'S. Truiluites dc 1' EHpiigiiol par M. Eidous. 3 vol. 12mo. Avignon. l/HH. Laoroix Fr6dcric. l*ntaf;onii', Tcrri'-dn-fin, ct Arcliipcl des Malouines. Voir t'Tttircrs Pittoresqite, Anit'ii<|iu', vol. .'J. ■— ■ ■■■ ^^ ft Bory do St. Vinoent. Ik-s divcrsi's dtM trois oceans et ri : HlHdiIro Lt^gislntivo den Aiililli!* oil Aniiivlcs ilii Coincil Sniivoriiiii do Iii Miirliiiiqiio. Tome I. pi'ciiiiijio piirtiu : Tabl«iiii lii-t<>ii<|ue du (ii)tivnrii<'iii<>iit (In rotto Colo- iiiu, auf|>i)'l oil n joint I'uiiiilyMe riiiaomiCe (l*'8 luiit qui y oiit/'tii publi- t'rt, olc, I'lir PitTie llr^is Di'fisiilli's, ConsciUur uii coiikcII aiiuvorHin lie la Mui'tiiiiqiio, urec dun aiiiiotatiuus par lou potit-fils, Adriuii Den- ialics. " IV. Tome piomier do h. Socondo S6rle, Histoiro commerciale ot poll. tii|ii(' licit Aiitilli's, trailiint ili'S t'v^'iictnviita aurvi'iiiiH mix Aiitillet tK'puig I'nvCiiuMiiuiit (111 Louis XV au triViu jiiHiju'ii lu piiix d'Aix la CImpellu ; et ilen prnjcls do cqloiiiHatiuii fiiifH diirHnt colte piiriode. " V. Tome II do la Sooomlo S<''i'ic. IliHtoIro coiiiiiioroinlc ot poliliquo doB Antilles. Triiitant Uos uvi^iieiiieiita nurveiiug aiix Antilles jutqu'il la mort (lu Louis XV, etc., des proems iiitcnt(3s nux .Ti^uitcs a In suite du coninierco cntrcpris il la Martinique par le pi'ire Lavaletto, etc. Desoourtilz, J. Tli. Flore Modicalo dcs Antilles, on trnitiS des jilantps usu- ellcs dcs ('Ulonies Franynisea, Aiij^laiaes, Espaguoles et Purtuj^aiscs. H vol. Hvo. Pttiis, 1821-1829. Davy, John. The V/cst Indies, before and since Slave Emnneipation. 8vo, London, 18r»4. S'- We-jiiiiiiBter Review, vol. vi, p. 276. Petit. '.-sertations sur le droit public des Colonies Franyaises, Espagnoles et Angiaises, d'apres les loix des Trois Nations, coinpar6es cntr'elles ; kiaiis la l(!re on traite de la guerre entrc I'Angleterre et ses i iilonies, et de r^tat civil et religieux des Canadieus catholiijues. 8vo. Geneve. 1778. Droit Public ou Gouvernement des colonies Fran9aises, d'ap^^s les lois faites pour ces pays. 2 vol. Hvo. Paris, 1771. Moreau de St, M^ry, M. Lois et constitutions des colonies Fran9aisc8 de rAnieriipic sous le Vent ; — Un tableau de Tadniinistration nctuclle de ces colonies, etc. ; Le caractere e' les maiirs des habitants de la partie fran9aise de Saint Doniingue, etc. ; — L'histoire de cette lie et de ses dfependances, depuis leur d6couverte. Tome L — Les lois et constitu- tions, ICKiO-UO'S. Tome XL— 1701-1721. Tome III.— 1722-1749. Tome IV.— 17.")0-17C.'). Tome V.— 17()6-1779. 5 vol. 4to. Paris, 1784. Voir dans le Duoir Fran^au,: Annale.^ oiaritlnies et coIoDi.iles, etc. l/'H , 1208 niSTORT OF WEST INDIES. [niSTOIRE DES INDES H. ■M Boyer-Peyreleau, E. E. Lcs Antilles Fran9aiscs, particuli6rcment la Gua- deloupe jusqii' en 1823. Ouvrage orn6 d'une carte de la Guadeloupe, et de 14 tableaux statistiques. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Raynal, G. T. Histoire philosophique et politique des lies Fran9ai3es dans lea Indes Occidentalcs. 8vo. Lausanne, 1784. Les Colonies Franqaises : Essai sur la nature du gouvernement, do la popu- lation et du commerce de la colonic de St. Domingue. 12mo. Paris, 1754. Voir ci-des9U3. Malouot, vol. 4 et 5. Chevalier, Jules. Rapports sur les questions coloniales, contenant des etudes sur I'emaucipation dans les Colonies. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, (Imp. Royale,) 1844. Esmangart. Des colonies Fran9aises, et en particulier de I'ile de Saint Domin- gue. 8vo. Paris, 1801. Barr6 Saint-Venant. Des Colonics modernes sous la zone torride, et par- ticulierement de ccUe de Saint Domingue. 8vo. Paris, 1S02. Sdalenfant, Le Col. Des Colonies et particulierement de celle de Saint Do- mingue ; Memoire historique et politique, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1814. Dalmas, M. Histoire de la r6volution de St. Domingue depuis le commence- ment des troubles jusqu'a la prise de Jer6mic et du Mole St. Nicolas par les Anglais ; suivie d'un m6moire sur le retablissement dc cette colonic. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. Pradt, M. de. Pieces relatives a Saint Domingue et h I'Am^rique ; pour faire suite aux ouvrages de I'autcur sur I'Amerique. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Metral, Ant. Histoire de I'insurrcction des Esclaves dans le Nord de St. Do- mingue. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Perin, Ren6. L'incendie du Cap, ou le regne de Toussaint Louverture. 1 2mo. Paris, 1802. Gastine, Civique de. Histoire de la r6publique de Hayti, ou St. Domingue, I'esclavage et les colons. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Negro Patriot of Hnyti. The Life of, compri- sing an account of the struggle for liberty in the Island, and its history to the present period, by J. R. Beard. 12mo. London, 18r»3. Voir aussi, dans les CEUvres de Lamartino, le dramc do Toussaint Louverture. Moreau de Saint Mery. Description de la partie Espagnole de lile St. Domingue. 2 vol. 8vo. Philadelphie, 1790. ES INDE8 ent la Gua- ftdeloupe, et ises dans lea , de la popu- 2mo. Paris, it des Etudes Paris, (Imp. Saint Domin- rride, et par- ISO'2. de Saint Do- aris, 1814. le commcnce- c St. Nicolas cnt dc cette Lc ; pour faire ris, 1818. Ll dc St. Do- Irture. l'2mo. ^t. Dominguc, Life of, compri- land its history 18.^);i. , Louvci'ture. lie de rile St. OCCIDENTALES.] HISTORY OF WEST INDIES. 1209 Laoroix, Baron Pamphile de. Memoires pour serv . Jl I'histoirc de la revolu- tion de Saint Doniingue, avec une carte nouvellc de I'ile et un plan topo- graphique de la Crete il Pierrot. Seconde edition. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1820. Soirees Bermudiennes, on entretiens sur Ics <5venemcnts qui ont op6r6 la ruiue de la partic Fran9aise de St. Domingue. Par F. C * * *, un de ses precedents colons. Svo. Paris, 1802. Sanders, Prince. Ilaytian Papers, a collection of the proclamations, and other official documents, together with some account of the rise, progress and present state of the Kingdom ; with a preface. 8vo. London, 181C. Macaulay, Zachary. Haiti, ou renseignements sur I'esclavage. Traduit de I'anglais. 8vo. Paris, 1835. D'Alaux, Cr. Soulouque et son Empire, 12mo. Paris, 1856. Lepelletier Saint-R^mi. La r^publique d'Haiti et ses revolutions. Revue des Deux Monties, 15 novembre 18-15. See also on Hayti ; Blackwood's Magazine, vol. iv. p. 130 and x, p, 545 ; Lon- don Quart. Rev., voL xxi. p. 430; North American Review, vols. xii. p. and xxviii. Pamphleteer, vol. xiii. p. 150. Antilles Anglaises. Leur histoire et leur commerce. r2mo. Paris, 1758. Sdivards, Bryan. History, civil and commercial, of the British colonics in the West Indies. Second edition, illustrated with maps. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1794. Same work. Third edition for the three first volumes, and fifth for the other two, continued to the present time, with a sketch of the author's life. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1801-1819. Vol. Ill of said bo,)k contains an Historical Survey of the Frencl. Colony on tho Island of St. Domingo: Comprehending an account of tho revolt of tho negroes in tiio year 1791 and a detail of tho military transactions of the british army in tliat Island in the years 1793 and 1794, and also: A tour through the several islands of Barbados, St. Vincent, Antigua, Tobago and Grenada, in 1791 and 1792, by Sir Wm. -Young. Bart, Also, An historical account of tiio constitution of Jamaica, (first ascribed to Lord Lyttleton, but^ drawn up by some person in the plantation office in Grout Britain. Also, a catalogue of exotic plants in the garden of Henlon East, Esq., Island of Jamaica, by Artlmr Broughton, M. D. Vol. IV. [Fifth edition 1819,] contains a description of British Colonies omitted by M. Edwards, and a history of the abolition of tlic Slave trade. Vol. V. [Fifth edition 1819,] contains a supplement to the history of St. Domingo ; an Appendix containing valuable statistical informations, and a Poem entitled " Jamnica," by Edwards, Esq. •s§**fe r! ' 11^'^^ 1210 HISTORY OF WEST INDIES. [hISTOIRE DES INDES ^alliday. Sir Andrew. Tlie West Indies : the natural and physical history of the Windward and Leeward Colonies, with the history of the past and present state of British Guiana : a geological map of the Barbadoes, and a catalogue of plants, by J. D. Maycock, M. D. 12mo. London, 1837. Sohomburgk, Sir Rob. H. The history of Barbados, comprising a geogra- phical and statistical description of the Island, a sketch of the historical events since the settlement and an account of its geology and natural productions. 8vo. London, 1848. Shepbard, Chs. An historical account of the Island of Saint- Vincent. 8vo. London, 1831. lies Ste. Iiucie et de Tobago. Commissaires sur I'Acadie. Mdmoires sur les. Voir M^moires des Long, Judge Edw. The history of Jamaica, or a grand survey of the ancient and modern state of that Island, Illustrated with copper-plates. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1774. Vol. Ill contains the nntural history of the Island and a tranahition of the French Codes noirsof 168fiand 1716, -with comments and " a compendious discourse on the antieat inhabitants uf Jamaica." Browne, Patrick. The civil and natural history of Jamaica: containing 1. An accurate description of that Island, its situation and soil ; with a brief account of its former and present state, government and revenues, pro- duce and trade. 2. An history of the natural productions, includ- ing the various sorts of native fossils, perfect and imperfect vegetables, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles and insects, with their properties and uses in mechanics, diet and physic. Illustrated with 49 copper-plates, in which the most curious productions are represented of their natural sizes, and delineated immediately from the objects, by George Dyoni- sius Ehret. There are now added complete Linnoean Indexes, and a large and accurate map of the Island. Folio. London, 1789. Jamaica in 1808-9-10. Lond. Quart. Review. Vol. 6, p. 147. Bridges, Rev. G. W. Annals of Jamaica. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 18/8, Jamaica question. Edinburgh Reo., vol. 69, p. 527, and Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 4C, p. 75. Jamaica, its past and present and future state. 1 2mo. This is principally the religious history of Jamaica. Philippo, Rev. James M London, 1843. Jamaica. Lord Metcalfe's government of. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. GO, p. GC2. S INDES OCCIDENTALES.] HISTORY OF WEST INDIES. 1211 history of I past and adoes, and don, 1837< ; a geogra- e historical nd natural icent. 8vo. moires dea the ancient ;r-platc8. 3 1 of the French lious discourse aining 1. An with a brief venues, pro- ions, includ- : vegetables, lerties and >per-plates, heir natural orge Dyoni- exes, and a 89. 1, 18^8. 's Magazine, state. V2mo. pie, vol. CO, Dallas, R. C. The history of the Maroons, including the expedition to Cuba, and the state of the Island of Jamaica for the last ten years, with a succinct history of that island previous to that period. 2, vols. 8to. Loudon, 1803. Humboldt, Alex. de. Essai politique sur I'Isle de Cuba, avec une carte et un supplement qui renferme des considerations sur la population, la richesse et le commerce de I'Archipel des Antilles et la Colombie. 2 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1826. Get ouvrnge fait auasi partie de I'Atlas guograpbique et physique des regions equinoxiales du nouveau continent. — The Island of Cuba : translated from the Spanish with notes and a preliminary essay, by J. S. Thrasher. 8vo. London, 1856. Ramon de la Sagra. Histoire de I'Isle de Cuba; trad, par S. Berthelot avec amiotations. 2 vol. 8vo., avec Atlas, fol. Paris, 1842-44. Vol. I. fJcograpliic, climat, population. I'vi' " II. Agriculture, commerce, revcnus, et Appendice. Voir dans lea Voyages les lettres de la comtesse Merlin. TurnbuU, David. Cuba : with notices of Porto Rico, and the slave trade. 8vo. London, 1840. Beauvallon, J. B. Rosemond de. L'Isle de Cuba. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Harponville, le Vte. La reine des Antilles, ou situation actuelle de I'Isle de Cuba ; histoire, geographic, commerce, agriculture, etc., avec cartes. 8vo. Paris, 1S50. Ballou, Mathurin M. History of Cuba, or notes of a traveller in the tropics, being a political, historical, and statistical account of tlie country, from its first discovery to the present time. 8vo. Boston, 1844. Lob6, Le Chev. Guil. Cuba et les grandes puissances occidentales de I'Europe. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Cuba. lilac/c/rooiVs Magazine, vol. 40, p. 322. North American Review, vol. 29, p. 199. and Iioptz's Expedition. Eraser's Magazine, vol. 42, p. 107. and its Political Economy. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 17, p. 265. , Commerce of. Idem. Vol. 7, p. 319; vol. 9, p. 337; vol. 21, p. 34; vol. 2, p. 523 ; vol. 21, p. 519 ; vol, 3, p. 351 ; vol. 6, p. 81. .' >> 1212 HISTORY OF CENTHAL AMERICA. [hISTOIRE DB l'A- West India Affkirs in 1807. Edinburgh Review, vol. 9, p. 304. , in 180!). Do., vols. 13, p. 277, and 14, p. 95. in 1817. in 1821. Do., vol. 28, p. 340. Do., vol. 42, p. 479. West India Colonies. London Quarterly Review, vol. 30, p. 560. in 1849. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 03, pp. .5-219- (;.')9. West India Controversy. Blackwood!' s Magazine, vols. 14, p. 437-647 ; 15, p. 68; 16, p. 682; 31, p. 412-807. —— London Quarterly Review, vol. 4.5, p. 209. West India Distress. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 3, p. 346. • , llcmcdy for. Edinburgh Review, vol. 14, p. 95. West India Slavery. Edinburgh Review, \o\. 19, p. 129; 41, p. 404 ; 4.5, p. 175 and 46, p. 219-300. — — London Quarterly Review, vol. 32, p. 507. Eraser s Magazine, vols. 2, p. 43-440-550, and 3, p. 414. West Indies. History oi' the, — London Quarterly Review, vol. 38, p. 193. m-' i: IV. CENTRAL AMERICA.— IV. AMERIQUE CENTRALE. Oviedo, Gonzalo Fornandcz. Ilistoliv dt" Nicaiaji;iia, (6critcdans le 16e sieclc,) publi(5c pour Ik premiere Ibis en 1 840. Voir Ternaux, Rccueil, etc., vol. 14. JuarrOR, don Domingo. 'V Statistical and Commercial History of the Kingdom of Guatemala, in t'panish America : containing im])ortant particulars relative to its productiutis, manufactures, custom;!, &e.. &:c., &c. ; with an account of its con(|iiest by the Spaniards, and a narrative of the prin- cipal events down to the present time. Translated by J. Baily, Lt. R. M. 8vo. London, 1823. See also Squicr's Nicaragua, (be land, the animals and inhabitants ; trans- lated from tlie Ital y (Jharles Cullen. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1807. Printed in Italian in 1780; first translated into English in 1787. • The Work of Clavigero containn critical notices of the Ancient Historians of Mexico, aa Dii;z itiiion of tlio ('olonii'M n^iiiiiitt tlio French, to the iiiiuif^ura- tioii of WuMliingtoii, together with hi.storienl Hketehes of tlio ('ontiiieiital I'resideiitH, nnd an mToiint of the |iuMi(' property of tlie United States; niso, the Lives of the Presidents, with tiie nets of tiieir adniinistrntion, to wliieh is nihU-d vahuilde statistical dooiunents. Witii portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, lUf)'), Grlswoltl, Uiifns NViiniot. Tlie Itepnhliean (Nnirt, or Amerienn Society in the days of Washington. With '2\ portraits of distinguished women. New edition. Hvo. New York, IH.'tti. Franklin, IJenjamin. Works ; containing several [xtlitical nnd historical tracts not included in any former edition, and mnny letters not hitherto pu- blished ; with notes, nnd n life of the author, by Jnred Sparks. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, IHIl. Vol. I. Franklin's Autobiogrnpliy ; witli continuation by Sparki. " III, IV. Essoys iind tracts, bintoricul nnd politico], buforu tbo American Revolution. Vol. III. in ludcs an hlHt'riciil Review of the Cont* titution and Oovcrnmciit of Pennaytvania. " V, roliticftl rapcTS, during and after tiie American U>;volution. See North American Review, vol. vii, p. 289, xxxvii, p. 2i'J and lix, p. 446. Edinburgh R<)vio%v. vol», ii, viii and xxviil. Voyez iiuBsi la vie do Fi-uuklin dans Ics (nuvrcs do Mignet. Washington, George. Commander in Chief of tlie American Forces during the war which established the independence of his country, nnd first Pre- sident of the United States. Life of, compiled under the inspection of the Honourable Bushrod Wnshington, from original papers bequeathed to him by his relative : to which is prefixed an Introduction, containing a compendious view of the Colonies j)lanted l)y the English on the con- tinent of North America. By John Marshall. T) vols. 8vo. nnd Atlas 4to. Philadelidiia., 180")- ISO". " After the able, accurate, and coraprohcnsivo work of Chief Justice Marshall, it would 1)6 presumptuous to attempt a historical biograpliy of Wasbiugton." Sparks, Wasliinijton's ]Vritini/s,vo\. 1. p. 12. Life of. By Jnred Sparks. 8vo. Boston, 18.39. The contents of this volume arc essentially the same as those of the volume pre- fixed to Waihington'i \Vriti7igs, it being chiefly designed for those who may not have access to that work. Preface, The Writings of. Being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and other papers, oihcinl and private, selected nnd jjublished from the original manuscripts, with a life of the nuthor, notes nnd illus- trations. By Jnred Spnrks. 12 vols. Hvo. Boston, 183!)-1846. Vol. I. Life of Washington. " II. OfBeial Letters relating to the French Revolution, nnd private letters be- fore the American Revolution. ■J. 19 IIHK OES ETAT8-UNI8.] HISTOIIV OP UNITED STATES. 1221 Washington, Gcorfi;!'. The Writiiip;» of, — Coiitinned, ^ ul. Ill — VIII. CorrcHpoiulciifo nnil MiDouUancous I'apcrt relating to the Ameriooo Ruviilution. " IX. Priviito l.'tt.TH, from ns^ to nm*. " X, XI. liOltciH otHciiil ami iMvuto from tlio bcgirmln); of bli prcaidcucy to tlio riiil of III* lito. " XII. Spodclics, Mt'siiiRes, I'rocinmution^, etc., with papers on Agriculture ; and oopious ItKloxcJt. See North Amuriean Hoviaw, vol. xxslx iind xlvii. Kdiiit)urgh Review, vol. xlil. IliMtoirc ill' Wftsliiiif^ton vt tie l.i fondation tic la r6pu- l)iiiHU' (Ics Ktats-IInis ; pnr ("•)rniliiiH Dc Witt; ])roci'(ir'C' (1*11110 6tude lii-storitiui' Hiir Wasliiiiu;ton, par Giiizot. Avi'c ])ortruit I't cartes. 8vo. Paris, lb:)5. Voir Itevuo dus Deux Mondes, 1 mni 186S. Corresi»oiitlnnci; ct 4crit.^, cxtraits I'dditioii Am6ri- eaiiii', mis en ordrtf par ^f. (Juizot, ct tradiiits r I'anglais par M. VA\. ***, pour i'aire suite ii I'liistoirc du Wushiiij 'on, par Cornelius De Witt. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1855. iS«« North Atnericau Review, vol. 11, p. 69. University Magazine, vol. xTiL — Life of, — by Washington Irving; with maps, portraits and illustrations. Vols. 1 to ,1. Hvo. New York, 185G-57. In vol. 1 jg found a Map of Draddock's route. 1756. *' Tho edition is a Hplcndid one. licfittln;^ at o:.oo the grnndour of the thenioand the estabilslicd place which Mr. Irving holds in tho world of lutturg. Wo confeas ourselves almost at n loss as to writing a notice of it. In it, as in Mr, Irving'a other wi'ilinga, tliero is nothing tliat so strongly takes hold of us as a gratified B0U90 of ooniplctoncss. Vou want nothing more nor less." — iV. Y. Albion. See also New Quarterly Review, October 1800, p. 889. ' In domestic Life. From original letters and manu- scripts; by Richard llusii. i^fo. Philadelphia, 1857. Washington and Adams. Memoirs of the Administrations of Washington and John Adams, edited from the papers of Oliver Wolcott, Secretary of the Treasury, by C^orge Gibbs. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 184C. Adams, John. Second President of the United States. Works ; with a life of the author, notes and illustrations ; by his grandson, C. F. Adams. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, IHoO-lS.'iG. Vol. I. Life of John Adams. '* II. Diary ; and Autobiography. •' " Notes of Debates in tho Continental Congress in 1775-1776. " " Appendix; Arguments of Counsel, 1761 and 1760. Original draught of tho Decluratiun of Rights, &o. fir 1222 HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. [lIISTOIIlE DES I):, i: ii ' m. Adams, John. Works. — Continued. Vol. III. Autobiography and Diary. (Continued.) " " Miscellaneous Essays ; and controversial Papers of the Revolution. " " Appendix; on the jjowers of the Senate in appointing Ambassadors «tc., by Thomas Jefferson. " IV. Novanglua; or, a History of the Dispute with America, from its origin in ItSi to the present time. '• '• AVorks on Governmeut ; The Plan, (Thoughts on Government, Ac.,) The Model, (Report of a Coustitutiou for Miissachusetts ; with ob- servations, by the Editor.) The Defence, (Defence of the Constitu- tions of Government ol the United Stiitts, against the attack of M Turgot. 1778. Vol. I. An account of ancient and modern Ro. publics, Ac.) " V. Defence of the American Constitutions. [Vols. 2 and 3,] Italian Repub- lics of th . Middle Age. " VI. Defence, vie. Vol. 3 [Continued ;] being a Review ofMarchamont Nodliara, on the Right Constitution of a Commonwealth, Ac. " " Discourses on Davila, papers on Political history. Correspondence on Govcrnmeni, aud on the Constitution of the United States. " " Letters in reply to Strictures on some parts of the " Defence of the American Constitutions." " " Review of propositions for amending the Constitution. 1808. " VII-VIII. Official Letters, Messages and public Papers. " IX. Official Letters, Ac, [^Continued.] Also, Goueral Correspondence. " X. General Correspondence, [Coidinucd-^ Indexes. See North American Review, vol. Ixxxv, p. 1. Adams, John. Thv. suppressed History of the Admhxistration of John Adams, (from 1797 to 1801), as printed and suppressed in 1H()2, by John Wood : now republished with Notes and an Appendix, by J. H. Sherburne. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. Jeffbrson, Thomas. Third President of the United States. Life ; with parts of his correspondence, and notices of his opinions on questions of Civil Government, National Policy, and Constitutional Law ; by George Tucker. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. The Writings of, — being his Autobiography, correspon- dence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, &c., published by order of the Joir.t Committee of Congress on the Library ; with notes, by H. A. Washington. Vols. 1 lO 9. 8vo. New York, 1853-1856. Vol. 1. Autobiography; letters, [1773-1783.J Letters written while in Europe, [1784-1790.] " II-VII. Letters written while in Europe ; and Letters written afterwardsi to the time of his death, [1790-1826.] " VII. Also, Reports and Opinions while Secretary of State. " VIIi. Inaugural Addresses and Messages; Roplies to Public Addresses; Indian Addresses ; Notes on Virginia ; liiographical Sketches of P. Randolph, Marriwether Lewis, General Kosciusko, and Dr. Frank- lin ; The Battiire of New Orleans; on the right of the public to the beach of the river Mississippi, adjacent to New Orlears. " IX. Parliamentary Manual; The Anas; Miscellanecus Papers. 1IRE DES ETATS-UNIS.] IIISTOEY OF UNITED STATES. 1223 "tf JefiTerson, Thomas. Melanges historiques et politiques extraits de la corres- pondancc dc Thos. Jefferson, par L. P. Conseil. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. See also, N'orth Am. Rev. vols, xxxix, p. 46'7 and xl, p. 170. Ediu. Rev. vol. li. Adams, John Qunicy. Sixth President of the United States. Life and public services ; by "W. H. Seward. 8vo. New York, IR'.'). Calhoun, John C. Works; edited by R. K. Crall6. Vols. 1 to 6. 8vo. New York, 18o4-18r.G. Vol. I. Diaquisitioii on Government, and a discourse of the Constitution and Government of the Uuitel States. " II-III-IV. Speeches in tiie House of Representatives, and in the Senate of the United States. " V-VI. Reports to Congress, and Public Letters. Webster, Daniel. Works; Ninth Edition. G vols. 8vo. Boston, 1856. Vol. I-II. ilciii' : of the public Life of Webster, by Edward Everett. " " Spec« lies on various public occasions. " III-V. Speeches in Massachusetts Convention, and in Congress. " V. Also, Legal Arguments and Speeches to the Jury. " VI. Legal Arguments, (I'e. ; Diplomatic and OflScial Papers; Miscellaneous Letters ; Indox. See N. Am. Rev. vols, xv, p. 21 ; xxxi, p. 470 ; xli, p. 231 ; lix, p. 44 ; Ixviii, p. 1. Private correspondence ; edited by Fletcher Webster, includ- ing D. Webster's autobiograjjliy ; and a sketch of the life of his brother Ezekicl. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, L^.")/. Memorials of, — from the City of Boston, consisting of testimonials of respect to his memory, called forth in that city ; with an account of his illness and death 8vo. Boston, 1 853. Clay, Henry. The Life and Speeches of. Compiled and edited by D. Mallory. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1843. See North American Review, vol. xxxiii. Dublin University Magazine, vol. xxvii. The Life, Correspondence and Speeches of, by Calvin Colton, 6 vols. 8vo. New York, 18r)7. Vol. I-III. Life and Times. " in. Also, Correspondence, 184,3-1851. " IV. Correspondence, 1801 to 1862. " V-VI. Speeches in Congress ; Vol. VL also contains an obituary sketch of the Editor, Calvin Colton, L.L.D. American St.'^tesmen. See Fraser's Magaziue, vol. 1". See also in the Section, American Law and Govkunment, and in tlie manus^cript additions thereto, the Works of Fisher Ames, R. C. Winthrop, Levi Wood- bury, and H. S. L6gari'. These works contain generally biographical sketches of the authors. 1224 HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. [lIISTOIRE DBS $ i'^ Biadfbrd, AUlen. History of the Federal Government for fifty years, from March, l/HD, to March, IH.'J!). Hvo. Boston, 1840. Wheeler, II. a. History of Congress, hiographical and political. 2 vols, 8vo' New York, IHIH. Benton, T. II. Abridgement of the Debates of Congress, from 1/89 to 18.')6 ; Vol. 1 to 4. 8vo. New York, 18r)7. Vol. 1, 178U-1790. Vol. 2, 17U6-1803. Vol. 8, 1803-1808. Vol. 4, 1808-1813. Annals ; or Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States ; with an Appendix, containing important State Papers and Documents, and Public Laws; from the first Congress in 178!), to the close of the first Session of the eighteenth Congress, on "J/th xMay, 182 1. Comjjiled and i)ul)lished by Gales & Seuton. 42 vols. 8vo. Washington, 18i;5-18.")G. Congressional Debates : with State Papers, Laws and Indexes, from 1824 to 18;52. Published by Gales & Seaton. 8 vols, in 1.1. 8vo. Wash- ington. Congressional Globe : containing the Debates & State Papers for the Ses- sions of 18.") j-i")!), and l8.")(i-r)7. 5 vols. Ito. Washington. Benton, Thomas II. Thirty Years' View of the working of the American Government, from 1820 to 18r)0, chiefly from the Congress Debates, the private j)apers of General Jackson, and ex-senator Bentou'3 actual view of Men and Aft'airs ; with hihi > ■ -d Notes, and some notices of deceased contem})oniries. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1850. Young, A. W. The American Statesman: a Political History of Constitu- tional Government in tiie United States : the rise and progress of Parties ; and the Views of Statesmen on Questions of Foreign and Do- mestic Policy : with Notes, Essays, Statistical information, etc. 8vo. New York, 185G. Tocqueville, Alexis de. I)e la Domoeratie en Am^ricpie. Douzieme edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee d'un examen comparatif de la democratic iux Etats Unis et en Suisse. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1848. See North American Review, vol. xliii. p. 178. EJinburgli Review, vol. Ixxii. p. i. LoiuloQ Quarterly Review, vol. Ivi, p. 72. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. xxxvii. p. 758, aud vol. xlviii. p. 4G3. Dubliu Uuiversity Magazi :e, vol. xvi. p. 644. Foussin, Guillaume Tell. De la Puissance Am^ricaine. Origine, institutions, esprit politique, ressources militaires, agricolcs, conmierciales et Indus- trielles des Etats-Unis. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1843. ii '& 31' i lEE DBS ETATS-UNIS.] HISTORY OF UNITES STATES. 122B Poussin, G. T. Puissance Amcricaine. 3c Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Sec North Amoricnn Review, vol. Hi. p. B29. ' £«« also in the Goiicrat Cntnloguo, tlie clnss A uerioan Law and Government, and cspeciiilly Story's Works, the Federnlist, Ac. Hall, B. F. The Republican Party and its Candidates ; from its origin in 1796 to its dissolution in 1832, with its re-formation in 1856; and sketches of Fremont and Dayton. 8vo. New York, 18r)(i. Sons of the Sires ; or, History of the American party, and its probable influence on the next presidential Election, with a review of the letter of the Hon. II. A. Wise, against the Know Nothings ; by an American. 12mo. Philadelphia, ISr);'). Mayo, Robert. Political sketch of eight years in Washington, in four parts, with annotations, &c. 1st part. Sketches of the duplicity of the Jacksonian Administrr.tion. Svo. New York, 18r)0. Chase, L. B. History of the Polk Administration. Svo. New York, 1850. Turreau. Le Gon. Aper9u 8\ir la situation politique des Etats-Uuis d'Ame- riquc. 8vo. Paris, 1815. ■Sec North Aincricau Review, vol. iii. p. 77. Caraman, G. de. Les Etats-Unis, ily a 40 aus. Svo. Paris, 1852. Rich, O. General view of the United States of America. 12mo. London 18.'}3. Cooper, J. Fenimore. History of the Navy of the United States of America. Continued to 1853. With plans and portraits. Three volumes in one. Svo. New York, 1853. See North American Review, vol. xlix. Ilistoire de la marine aux Etats-Unis ; traduit d? TAaglais par Paul Jesso. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1845. American Criminal Trials, by P. W. Chandler, (occurring betwtc" 1C37 and 17i)8 inclusive.) 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1844. United States. Stato Trials of the, during the Administrations of Washington and Adams ; with references, and notes on the Politics of the Times, by F. Wharton, Svo. Philadelphia, 1849. Holgate, Jerome B. American Genealogy, being a history of some of the early settlers of North America and their descendants, from their first emigration to the present time, with their intermarriages and collateral branches. 4to. Albany, 1848. Vide also, the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. 1226 History of united states, [histoiee des SparkS) .Tared. The Lilirary of American Biography, two Seriis. Boston, 1834-1856. 25 vols. 8vo. In of Jacob Leislor, by 0. V. Hoirman. Natlianiol Bacon, by W. Ware. Johu Mason, by O. E. El!ia. Roger Williams, by W. Gammell. Timothy Dwight, by W. B. Sprague. Count Pulaski, by J. Sparks. Count Bumford, by J. lt«nwick. Zobulon M. Pika, by H. Whiting. Saraucl Gorton, by J. M. Mackio. Ezra Stiles, by J. L. Kingslcy. John I'itch, by C. Whittlesey. Anne Hutchinson, by G. Ellis. John Ribault, by J. Sparks. Sebastian Hale, by C. Francis. William Palfrey, by J. G, Palfrey. Charles Lee, by J. Sparks. Joseph Recti, by II. Reed. Leonard Calvert, by G. W. Burnap. Samuel Ward, by W. Gammcll. Thomas Posey, by J. Hall. Nathanael Greene, by O. W, Greene. Stephen Decatur, by A. S. Mackenzie. Edward Preble, by L. Sabiiio. William Peiui, by G. E. Ellis. Daniel lioonc, by J. M. Peck. Benjamin Lincoln, by F. Bowen. Jiihn Ledyard, by J. Sparks. William R. Davie, by F. M. Hubbard. Samuel Kirklaiid, by S. K. Lothrop. u 1. Life of John Stark, by E. Everett. Life Charles li. Brown, by W. H. Preicott. Richard Montgomery, by J. Armstrong. Ethan Allen, by J. Sparks. 11- 2. Alexander AVilson, by W. B. 0. Peabody. Capt. John Smith, by G. S. Hillard. 3, Benedict Arnold, by J. Sparks. 15- 4. Antliony Wayne, by J. Armstrong. 6. John Eliot, byC. Francis. 8. William Pinkney, by H. Wheaton. 18- William T. Ellery, by E. T. Channlng. Cotton Slather, by}W. B' O. Peabody. 7. William Phiys, by P. Bowen. 17- Israel Putnam, by W. B. 0. Peabody. Lucrctia M. Davidson, by C. M. Sedgwick, - David Rittenhnusc, by J. R«nwick. 18- 8. Jonathan Edwards, by .S. Miller. David Brainerd, by W. B. 0. Peabody. 19- 9, Boron Steuben, by F. Bowen. Sebastian Cabot, by C. Hayward, jr. William Eaton, by C. C. Felton. 20- 10 Robert Fulton, by J, Itenwiok. 21- Joseph Warren, by A. H. Everett. 22- Henry Hudson, by H. R. Cleaveland. Father Manpietto, by J. Sparks. 2S- 11 Robert do la Salle, by J. Sparks. Patrick Henry, by A. II. Everett. |24- 12 J.imes Otis, by F. Bowen . 125- James Oslethi.rp.s by AV. B. O. Peabody. 13 John Sullivan, by O. W. B. Peabody. Allen, William. The American Biographical Dictionary : containing an account of the lives, characters, and writings of the most eminent persons deceased in Nortli America from its first settlement. Third edition. 8vo. Boston, 18;")/. " This book of American Biography has rot been superseded nor approached in value by any other work of the kind which han yet beeu pubUshed. — Fre/ace, See Ilistorical Magazine, vol. i. p. 40, Same work. First edition, containing also, a summary of the history of the several colonies and of the United States. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1801). Longacre and Herring. The National Portrait gallery of distinguished Americans. Containing 114 Portraits, 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834.-39. See North American Review, vol. xl. p. 409. Van Santvoord, George, Sketches of the lives and judicial services of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1854. John Jay ; John Rutledge ; Oliver Ellsworth ; John Marshall ; Roger B. Taney. See Putnam's Magazine, vol. iv, p,560. 'ij;', ETATS-UNIS.J HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. 1227 Flanders, Henry. Lives and times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court in the United States. First Series. John Jay, John Ilutledge. 8vq. Philadelphia, 18.5r). Eartlett, David. Modern Agitators ; or, pen portraits of living American lleformcrs. 8vo. New York, ISolJ. Ses Putuam's Mugaziue, vol. v, p. 549. Baldwin, J. G. Party Leaders ; sketches of Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Randolph of Roanoke, including notices of many other distinguished American Statesmen. l2mo. New York, ISjo. Fontaine, Rev, James. Memoirs of a Huguenot Family, translated from the autobiography of the Rev. James Fontaine, and other family manus- cripts, by Ann Maury, llimo. New York, 1853. IiOSSing, Benson J. Our Countrymen ; or, brief memoirs of eminent Americans, illustrated by 103 portraits. 12nio. Philadelphia, 185.5. Raleigh, Sir Walter. Life of. See the first volume of his collected works. See also Edinburgh Review vol. Ixxi p. 1, ami Fraser'a Magazine, vol. v. p. 649 ; and vol. viii. p. 1. Penn, Guil. Vie de Guillaume Penn, fondateur de la Pensylvanic, premier legislateur connu des Etats-Unis de rAmeriqi'\ .""uvrage conteuant I'histoire des premiers fondemenp de Philadelphie, 'es lois et de la cons- titution des Etats-Unis de TAmer' |ue. ^' ^. Marsillac. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1791. Penn, William. An historical biography, from nev sources ; with an extra chapter on the " Macaulay charges," by W. Ilepworth Dixon. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1851. ■ Life, by G. E. Ellis, see Sparks' Biography, vol. ?2. See also, Edinburgh Review, vols, xxi, ., 444 and xciv, p, 229, North A.nerican. Review, vol. Ixv, p. 109, See also infra the Collections of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. Mather, Cotton, Life, by Peabody, see Sparks' Biography, vol, G. See North Aracrioim Review, vol. li, p. 1. Hancock, Thomas, His biograpl ••, Hunt's Merch. Mapa-ne, vol. 1, p. 354. Hancock, John. His biography. Hunt's Merch. Maga.. ■ vol. 3, p. 5.: . Pepperrell, Sir William. The life of,— the only native of New F'v-.iand who was created a baronet during our connection with the Moth . ; ' )untry ; by Usher Parson^. Third edition. 8vo. Boston, 1856. P S'v li,,,;* fU 12.^8 HISTOllY OF UNITED STATES. [hISTOIRE DIS Curwen, Samuel. Journal and letters of the late, — Judge of Admiralty, &c., au American refuges in England, ffom 1775 to 1784, to which are added biographical notices of many Amcrjciin Loyalists and other eminent persons ; by George Atkinson Wn-'J. Bvo. N* w Yoil, 1842. Atthf (Qiloftho volurvfl is a supplement ooiiliiiuiiij; ii: isti-ativn dociimoi'ts and bi(>.i,'vnpbical notices of indiri duals. Stlrlingv/^Villiam Alexander, Earl of. I.i-'e of, — vith sfle'.fiOUii "om 1 is 'ov- respondeiii e ; byhis ^^andson, Anxander Ducr. 8vo. New Yorir, 1847. See Collec! New Jersey Historical Soeiety. vol ii. Allen, Ethan. Momoii of, — co/itninmg the most interesting incidents con- nected ^yith his private au I pn.Mic lifr ; by ilugl. .>looij. I'imo. Plattsburgh, IB."). Life, by J Sparks, sec Spart s' iJiography, vol. :. Adaras Mr-e. John, (thf> wife of John Adams). Letters of, — with an introduc- ciy mcmni!' i>y her grandson, ('liarles Francis Adams. Fourth edition,; iUi .Vppcndix containing the letters addressed by John Q. Adams to his son, on the Bible. 12mo. Boston, 1848. Morris. Gouvcraeur. The life of, — with selections from his correspondence and miscellaneous papers. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, lH3li. SeeFaho Ncrth American Reviaw, vol. ixxiv. p. 465. Henry, Patrick. Sketches of his life and character ; by Wm. Wirt. 8vo. Ilaitford. Life, by A. (L Everett, sec Sparks' Biography, vol. 11. Iiivingston, Wm. Life of, — Member of Congress (1774-76) ; delegate to thej federal convention (1787) ; and governor of the state of New Jersey (17"(J--l7t'0) ; with extracts from his correspondence and notices of various members of his family ; by Th. Sedgwick. 8vo. New York, 18.S3. Channing, W. E. ^Memoirs, with extracts from his correspondence and manuscripts. Sixth edition. 3 vols. Bvo. Boston, 18.54. Cole, Thos. The life and works of, — by Rev, Lewis L. Noble. 8vo. New York, 1856. See North American Rtyiev, vol. Ixxvii, p. 302. Marshall, Chief Justice. See Xorth American •\n'iew, vol. 26, p. 1, and vol. 42, 21 ; Burr, Aaron. The life of, — by Samuel ■?«« also North American Review, L. Ki 12mo. New York, 1835. i N 297. 11'' ?,'! ETATS-UNIS.J HISTORY OP UNITED STATES. 1229 Story, Joseph. Life and letters of, — by his son. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1851. See London Quarterly Review, vol. xoii. Wilkinson, Gen. James. Memoirs of my own times. 3 vols. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 181G. " Audubon, J. J. The Naturalist in the New World, his adventures and disco- veries ; by Mrs. H. St. John. r2mo. London, 185(5. Barnum, P. T. His life, written by himself. 12mo. New York, 1855. Douglass, Frederick. My Freedom and my Bondage : with an introduction by J. M. Smith. Hvo. New York, 1855. Ward, S. R. Autobiography of a fugitive negro, his Anti-Slavery labours in the United States, Canada, and England. Svo. London, 1855. Vide in diooeaphy (I. General Biography; ante, pp. 472-479,) the American Lives in .4ppleton'B Oyclopedia of Biography, and in Mrs. Hale's Woman's Record ; and see the Biographies In Duyckinok's Cyclopedia of American literature. American People, past and present of. North Amer. Review, vol. OC, p. 426. American Society, sketches of. Fraser a Magazine, vol. 41, p. 2G1 and 523 ; vol. 42, p. 255, 373 and 5G2. American Traditions. Idem, vol. 2, p. 321 ; vol. 4, p. 96 ; vol. 5, p. 275. American Character. BlaekwooiT s Magazine, vol. 15, p. 690 ; vol. 16, p. 91. American Institutions, Perpetuity of. /(/cm, vol. 18, p. 355. — — Educational institutions and public libraries. Edin- burgh Review, vol. 98, p. 169. Mont^^ut, Emile. Scenes de la vie et de la litterature Americaines. Revue des Deux Mondes, 1 dec. 1854, 1 janv. et 1 fevrier, 1855. ~- Types Americains. Le Puffiste. Ibid, ler avril 1855. Cuoheval-Clarigny, A. Le Texas et les Etats Uuis. Revue des Deux- Mondes, 15 juillet, 18 14. La Societe Americaine et les Ecrivains Ame- ricains. lb. 15 nov., 1849. La Societo Am6ricaine et les partis de rUnion. La Crise entre les Etats du Sud et les Etats du Nord. lb. ler Janvier, 1850. Origines de la Presse aux Etats-Unis, et son r61e, lb. ler aoflt 1853. f laiied States, the. North British Review, vol. 2, p. 136. Fraser'a Maga- zine, vol. 41, p. 564. Edinburgh Review, vol. 33, p. 69; vol. 49, p. 473; vol. 02, p. 339 ; vol. 49, p. 473. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 34, pp. 2ho and 543 ; vol. 50, p. 81 1. London Quarterly Review, vol. 37, p. 260. North American Review, vol. 2, p. 68. && MU *-| 1230 HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. [hISTOIRE DES United States. Antiquity of. North American Review, vol. 4, p. 57. — — ^— .^— — And her detractors. Edinburgh Beview, vol. 5.5, p. 179. And England, /^/^w, vol. 33, p. ,395. BlackwooiV a Magazine vol. 16, p. 47-1. Isorth American Review, vol. 1, p. til. Diplomacy of. From 1783 to 1/89. Idem, vol. 39, p.l302 ; vol. 30, p. 454. Encroachments on Mexico, (1848). Fraaer'a Magazine, vol. 38, p. 434. Governmental history of. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 3, p. 204 and 399 ; vol. 4, p. 146. Origin and progress of. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 20, p. 665. Progress of. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 7, p. 31, 132, 241, 529 ; vol. 8, p. 36, 157, 240; vol. 9, p, 47, 136, 220, 509. Resources if. Idem, vol. 7, p. 450. London Quarterly Review, vol. 21, p. 1. Receipts and expenditures of, from 1789 to 1840.'] f Hunt's Magazine, vol. 8, p. 372. . Democracy in. North American Review, vol. 23, p. 304. Slavery ; and the Negro question. North American Review, vol. 41, p. 170 ; vol. 73, p. 347. Edinburgh Revieiv, vol. 6, p. 326 ; vol. 38, p. 168 ; vol. 39, p. 118 ; vol. 43, p. 406 ; vol. 45, p. 383 ; vol. 101, p. 293. North British Review, vol. 2, p. 168. Eraser's Magazine, vol. 40, p. 670 ; vol. 41, p. 25. Slavery and the Missouri question. North American Review, vol. 10, p. 137. Future progress of Slavery. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 8, p. 427. Slavery. Plan of gradual emancipation. Blackwood's Maga~ sine, vol. 32, p. 87. Slavery in the Southern States, by a Carolinian. Eraser's Magazine, \o\. 46, j). 4/6. For other Works on American Slnvery, vide, ante, pp. 1*79-180. Recent growth of the. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 74!, p. 699. Defence of. Edinburgh Review, vol. 40, p. 427. Disputes with,— ill 1812. Idem, vol. 19, p. 290. Equality of condition in. North Amer. Review, vol. 43, p. 183. ETATS-TJNIS.] niSTORT OF UNITED STATES. 1231 leviem, p. 427. Maga- Fraaer's p. 699. United States. Hostility of English writers to. Idem, vol. 10, p. 334 ; vol. 13, p. '20 ; vol. 21, p. 4G4. things BlachuoocTa Magazine, vol. 59, p. 439 How they manage vol. (il, p. 492. Military affairs of. North American Review, vol. 61, p. 320. Militia of. Idem, vol. 19, p. 27."). • Manufactures of. Hunt's Magazine, vols. 7, 14, &c. — — Commerce and statistics of. Edinburgh Revieio, vol. 86, p. 367. Seybert, Adam. Statistical Annals : embracing views of the population, com- .merce, navigation, fisheries, public lands, post office, revenues, expen- diture, mint, military and naval establishments, debt and sinking fund of the United States, from Ith March, 1789, to 20th April, 1818. 4to. Philadelphia, 1818. Sabine, Lorenzo. Report, historical and statistical, on the principal Fisheries of tbe American Seas ; with accounts of the various fisheries in the United States : Fide Senate Documents, 2nd session, 32nd Congress, 1852-3, vol. 5, No. 22, pp. 181-493. Rodet, D. L. Le commerce dccennal compare. France, — Grande Bretagne, Etats-Unis. Revue des Deux Mondea. Quatricme serie, vol. 16. — Tendance du commerce des Etats-Uni". Id., nouvelle scrie, vol. 3. Sheffield, John Lord. Observations on the Commerce of the American States, with an appendix containing tables of impori "t' -porta, &c. 8vo. London, 1784. ■ Observations sur le commerce des Etats-Unis d'Amfi- rique. 8vo. Londres, 1789. Considerations on the present situation of Great Britain and the United States of America, with a view to their future commer- cial connections, particul.irly designed to expose the dangerous tendency of the arguments used in the pamphlet published by Lord Sheffield, &c. 8vo. London, 1784. (P.) — — A letter from an American now in London, containing strictures on Lord Sheffield's pamphlet. ^- . "ondon, 1784. (P.) Pitkin, Timothy. A statistical view of the Commerce of the United States of America. 8vo. Hartford, 1816. New edition. 8vo. New-Haven, 183.5. De Bow, J. D. B. The Industrial Resources of the Southern and Western States, with historical and statistical sketches of the different states, and cities of the Union. 4 vols. 8vo. New Orleans, 1853-54. Voir au3si lea Annales dit Commerce Exterieur, I'Annuaire de I'Economie Poli- tique, etc aho, Uuut's Merchnats' Magazine, pasiiin. r^ ■«• 1232 HISTORY or UNITED STATES. [niSlX)IRE UES Disturnell's Unitrd States National Register and Calendar Tor iHriii, with pi'litienl and stiitisticnl iiitbnniitioii, and a iiiaj). 12nio. New-York, (P.) Fisher (R. ^'^ 1 Colby, (C.) American Statistical Amuml, for IHJ-I and ,^i.'', ' ■»'!■ Svo. Nfw York. Brouiwell/'.V .'. Hist'try and Statistics of Immigration to the United States, from 1819 to Slst December, \8C}^> : with notices thereof, prior to 1S19, and an Appendix of Naturalization and Passenger Laws, &c. 8vo, New York, ISSO. Vide iiIho, Snndersdii's Ropublican Lnndmnrk!), views of American Statcamcn oa Foreign Iimni'trit "85il. lAnte y>. IIS.] Seventh Census of the United States, 1850. A statistical view of each of the States and Territories ; arranged by Counties, Towns, &c., under (14) Divisions : embracing the agirregate tables for the United States, compared with every previous census since 1790; with notes upon the tables of each of the States, &c ; edited by J. D. B. De Bow^ Superintendent. 4to. Washington, 1H53. (2 copies.) ■■ Abstract of, [with] Report of J. C. Kennedy, late Superintendent. 4to. IS.'iS. For tiio previous Coiisua returns, vide Statistics, ante, pp. '289, 290. American Almanac, and Repository of UsefVil Knowledge, from its commencenient in ISUO, to ISoS, inclusive. 8vo. Boston. Con- taining: — Calendar and celestial phenomena ''i\ the year; ptati-i i concerning tlie government, population, finances, education, religiou?= denominations, commerce, and the post office establishments, of tht United States, and of each State in the Union : meteorological informa- tion ; and chronicle of events of the year, including obituary notices, for America and Europe, &c. For contents, jSVe ante, pages 296-300. See also North American Review, vol.xliv. p. 267, and xlvi. p. 811. Hamil^.on, Cupt. Schuyler. History of the National Flag of the United Huites. Svo. riiilai iphia, IS.'i.!. Blue Book ; or. Register of ill Officers and Agents, Civil, Military and Naval, in the "service of the United States, on 30th Sei)tember, 1847, &c. 8vo. V> ishington, 1847. United States Official Register, of Officers and Agents, (>ivil. Military and Naval; with an r—' iit of the United State a' Navy, &.C., on ,30th Septeml)er, 18;").'^ 8vo. Washington. Gardner, C. K. Die '>■ v of dl Officers who have been commissioned or appointed in tlii> army oi the United states, from 1789 to 1st January 18r)3 ; includnig distinguished officers of the volunteers, militia, navy and marine corps, with notices of their services. 8vo. New York, 1853. t ETAT8-TJNI8.] HISTORY OF UNIIBB STATES. Naval, 8vo. ilitary 3()th lued or anuary a, navy- York, Navy Register of the United States, for IHSe. Hvo. Washington. For CDtitcmporaneouB and (locumentnry Hlbtir; of the United States : St* ul«oJn the Sectiuu, Amkrioan Liw and Oovernment, the Sortoa ufCongrcsiional DcxMimviitH, contiiiuiu):; ; Annual Mei!iat;«a aud Ueporta from tlio Presidont, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Troamiry, Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of War, Becratary of the Navy, Post Maslor'lOeneral, Attoni,»t, TITSTOIHE DE8 Morton, Niuliiinicl. New Knjii- chusctts' Uay, lG7S--i). Svo. Boston, 184!). A fictitioua niirrotive, attributed to J. O. Wliittier. Bradford, Alden. History of Massachusetts, from 17tJ4 to 1775. Svo. Boa- ton, 1822. ■-- History of Massachusetts, from 1620 to 1820. Svo. Bos- ton, 1825. Massachusetts. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 33 vols. Svo. Boston, 180()-185(i. Tin's Work is divided into four series. Ist Series, 10 vols. 180«.18O9; 2ncl Series, 10 vols. 1814-23; 3rd Series, 10 Tola. 1825-49 ; 4th Series. 3 vols. 1852-56. FIRST SECIES. Vol. I. Contaiaing Qo.)kn'j Ills ory. Collection of tbo Indians. Account of Expv'dition against Capo lireton, etc., etc ( It' ' m 1236 HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. [hISTOIRE DES Massachusetts. Vol. Collections of Mass Hist. Soc. — Continued. Vol. II. Journiil of Americna Wtir, etc, etc. III. Qoveruor Bradford's Letter-Book. Key to Indinn Language, eto. IV. Account of Plymouth Chureli. ludinii Rights to Lands, etc. V. Indian History, Vocabulary. Brattle's account of Witchcraft. Pre" sent State of Virginia, etc., etc. VI. Trumbull's Letters. Bentley's description of Salem. Quebec. Indian Languages and Antiquities, etc., etc. VII. Holmes' History of Cambiidge. Review of tlie Military Operations in North America, 1753-1766, Witham Marshe's Journal, eto. VIII. Account of Rev. John Eliot. Historical Sketch'''of Col.j Williams i and of Williams College. Description of Barnstable County,_etc. IX. Ecclesiastical Distory of Massachusetts. Memoir of the Mohegaui. Account of Dorchester, etc. X. Ecclesiastical History of Massachusetts, continued. Account of Religious Societies in Porstmouth, N. H. Life of Pres. Chauncey. General Index to first scries. SECOND SERIES. I. Bacon and's Rebellion. Religious Liberty in New York. Memoirs of J. Lothrop, and J. Kliot, D. D , and Davis' Discourse. II. Report on Western Indians, Johnson's Wonder-Workiug Provi- dence. Affair of 19th April, 1775. Meigs' Journal, etc., etc. III. Description of Dukes Co. and Nantucket. Wonder-Workiug Provi* dence, etc. Plymouth. Notices of Gen. Lincoln, etc. IV. Wondor-Workiiig I'lovidence. New England's Jonas cast up at London. Sketches of Haverhill, Scituate, etc. & VI. Hubbard's History of Now England. VII. Wonder- Worldng Provideiiee, etc. Rhode Island ^State Papers. Priuce'.-! Anii.ils of Nt'W England. VIII. Wouder-WorkiuL; I'rovidenec, eto. DiuifortL i'apers. History of the Pequot War. New Life of Virginia. IX. Discovery and Plantationof New England. Mourt's and Wiuslow's Relations. Providonee, V. I. Indian Language, etc. X. Detection of Wito' Tafc. Indian Languages. General Index to second series, etc. Vol. I. TiliaO SEKIES. Letters of Roger Williams. Narragansett II. Hutchinson Papers Churcli, etc. '•'rench Protestant<<. Now England's Salamander discovered. Cot- im's Indian Vocabulary, eto. III. Plaii dc.-.;ing. News from New .England. Ganlener'a Pequot Wai J<>*Belyn's Account, etc. IV. Tracts relative to the Attempts to Convert the Indians of N»w England, etc. V. Journal of the Cmgress at Albany, Gen. Lincoln's Journal. Autobiogi'aphy of Barnard, etc. Unilerliill'a and Vincent's Ilistoiy of Pequot War. Gorges and Smith's Description of New England. Niles' Indian and French Warres, etc. VI. 1 ETATS-irNI%.J HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. 1237 Quebec. Irges and ll Fieucb Massachusetts. Collections of Mass. Hist. Soc. — Continued. Vol. VII. Post Office Department. Usurpation Papers. Higginson Letters. Quarry's Memorial, etc. " VIII. Bcrnaldez' Chronicle. Gosuold's, Breretons's, Woymouth's and Levett's Voyages. Early Laws of Magbaohusetts, etc. Glca ings for New England History, etc. " IX. Pilgrims at Leydcn. Christian Commonwealth. New England Confederacy of 1643. Winthrop Papers, etc. '• X. Winthrop Papers. Gleanings for New England History. Gene- ral Index to third series. FOUHTH BEBIES. Vol. I. History of the Founders of New Plymouth. Good Ncwes from New England. History of Travailo into Virginia. " 11. Ill Newes from New England. Leverett Papers. Dudley Papers, Orders in Council, etc. " III. Bradford's History of Plymouth Plantation. The last volume of each Series contains a general table of contents of the series and un index of authors, a chronological table of the most remarkable events recorded in the text and a general analytical index. The fourth series is in course of publication. See North American Review, vol. ii, p. 109 ; vol. xHv. p. 260. Barry, Jolm Stetson. The History of Massachusetts. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 18.').'-)-7. Vol. I. The Colonial Period. " II. The Provincial Period. " III. T'le Commonwealth Period. See North Anjerican Iloview. Vol. Ixxxv, p. 266. Oliver, Peter. The Puritan Commouwealth. An historical review of the Puritan Government in Massachusetts in its civil and ecclesiastical relations, from its rise to the al)rogation of the first charter. Tojjether with some general refl^'ctions on tiie English Colonial Policy, and on the character of Puritanism. 8vo. Boston, 1850. Holmes, Aljiel. Memoir of the French Protestants who settled at Oxford, Mass. Coif. Mass. Hist. Societi/. Third Series, vol. 2. Holland, Josiah Gilbert. History of Western Massachusetts, embracing a general liistory of the section and separate histories of its towns. 2 vols. 8vo. Spiiugfield, ISoT). AKasSachusettS. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachu- setts tJny in Nt v England. Printed by Order of the Legislature. Edited by N. B. Shurtleif, M.D. Vols. 1 to .5. 4to. Boston, 1853-54. Vol. i, 1628-1041; vol. ii, lr.42-1649 ; vol. iii, 1644-165'7; V0I.4 iv, [port 1, 16601000; vol. iv, pprt 2, Itl01-ltl74; vol. v, 1674-1086. See North American Review, vol. Ixxix. p. 63. I 1238 HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. [lIlj^TOIRE DES Massachusetts. Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Common- wealth of INIiissnchusetts, held in 1788, and which finally ratified the Constitution of the United States. 8vo. Boston, 185(). ' Official report of the debates and proceedings in the State Convention, assembled, 4th May, 185;{, to revise and amend the Consti- tution of the Commonwealth. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1853. See North Anievican Review. Vol. Ixxxv. p. 256. Industry in. Statistics of the condition and products of certain branches of, for the year 1845. 8vo. Boston, 181G. (Three copies.) -Statistical information relating to certain branches of, for the year 185-5. 8vo. Boston, 1S5G. (Four Copies.) And her resources. Hunt's Mngaiine, vol. 9. p. 418. Asylum for the Blind. North American Review, vol. 50. p. r.20. Common Schools of. Idem, vol. 44. p. 603. vol. 52, p. 1 18. Edinburgh Review, vol 73. p. 486. Constitution of. North American Review, vol. 11 . p. 359. >— Early History of. Idem, vol 38. p. 134. Entomology of. Idem, vol. 54. p. 73. Institutions of. Idem, vol. 2. p. 309. — Laws of. Idem, vol. 17. p.G9. Manufactures of. Idem, vol. 50. p. 223. Provincial Congress of. Idem, vol. 52. p. 277. ■ Registration law of. Idem, vol. Gl. p. 250. State papers of. Idem, vol. II. p. 309. Drake, Samuel G. The history and aiiti(iuities of Boston, the capital of Massa- chusetts and metropolis of New England, from 1(>3() to 1770; also an introductory history of the discovery and settlement of New England. With notes, Maps and plans, j)lates and j)ortraits. 8vo. Boston, 18 j6. SnO"W, Caleb. History of Boston. Svo. Boston, 1825. Boston Massacre. .V short narrative of the horrid Massacre perpetrated in the evening of the fiftli day of March, 1770, by soldiers of the 29th Regiment, printed first in Boston, 1770; and republished, with notes. 8vo. New York, 1849. Boston Railroad Jubilee. An account of the celebration commemora- tive of the oj)ening of railroad communication between Boston and Canada, 18.")1. 8vo. Boston, 18.J1. :re des ETATS-UNIS.] niSTOUY OF IJNITEl) STATEIj. 1239 Comraon- itified the the State the Consti- s of certain 3 copies.) 11 hranches ) 418. w, vol. 50. vol. 52, p. . p. 359. of Massa- 1770; also England. Iton, 18jG. letrated in the 29th Kth notes. mmomora- Lstou and liOring, James Spear. The hundred Boston Orators appointed by the muni- cipal autlioritics and other i)ul)lic bodies, from 1770 to 18,^)2, comprising historical gleanings. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Boston, 18.55. Boston, A Topographieal and Historical description of, — by the Authors of the Historical Journal of the American War. Coll. 3Iass. Hist. Soc. first Series, vol. 3. • Hunt's Magazine, vol. 2^^, p. 483 ; vol. 10, p. 421 ; vol. 1, p. 125; vol. 13, p. 555; vol. 15, p. 34; vol. 2, p. 180; North American Review, vol. 61, p. 135, 523 ; vol. GO, p. 446; vol. 60, p. 224. Bentley, Rev. Wm. A description and History of Salem. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. Second series, v'l. 3. Holmes, Abiel. The History and description of Cambridge. Ihi(l,xo\.7. Eliot, Sam. A, Sketch of the History of Harvard College, and its present state. l2mo. Boston, 1848. New-Hamsnhire. — Rhode-Island. — Connecticut. Belknap, Jeremy. History of Nevv-IIamps;ure. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1 "92. See Fiirib.iult, p. 10. Peterson, Rev. Edw. History of Rhode Island and Newport. 8vo. New York, 1853. Potter, Jr., E. R. Early history of Narragansctt. 8vo. Providence, 1835. Rhode Island War. North Americ. liev. Vol. 58, p. 371. ■ Common Schools in. Idem. Vol. G4, p. 240. Connecticut Blue Laws. CompiledbyanAntirpiarian. 8vo. Hartford, 1838. Peters, Dr. S. A. General history of ("onnectieut from its first settlement to its latest i)criod of amity with Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1781. Trumbull, J. H. Public Reioi'ds of the Colony of Connecticut, prior to the Union with New Haven Colony ; May, 1G65: with notes, and an Ap- pendix. 8vo. Hartford, 1850. Public Records from 1005 to 1078 ; with the Journal of the Council of War, 1075 to 1078; with noci's and an Appendix. 8vo. Hartford, 1852. ^ee Noitli Aiiioi'iean Uovimv. Vol. Ixxi, p. ^1. Hinman, R. R. Historical Collection of tlie part sustained by Connecticut, during the War of the Revolution. 8vo. Hartford, 1842. Barber, J. W, Connecticut Historical Collections, containing a general collec- tion of interesting facts, traditions, i)iograpliical sketehes, anecdotes, iStc, relating (o the history and anticjuities of every town in Connecticut, with geographical deseri])tious. Illustrated by I'JO engravings. Second Edition. 8vo. Ni'W Hiiven. 1^ ^h. 1240 HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. [hISTOIRE DES '■■* ,*. HoUister, G. H. The History of Connecticut from the settlement of the Colony to the adoption of the present Constitution. 2 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1855. See Putnam's Magazine, vol. v, p. 549. ConneOtlout, State of. Statistics respecting certr-'n branches of Industry in,— for 184'). 8vo. Hartford, 1846. Maine and Vermont. Maine. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. 8vo. Portland. Vol. II, 1847. DiscourBC before the Society by Hon. George FoisDin. Brief narration of the original undertakings of Plantations in America. By Sir Ferdiaamlo Gorges. Kt., Lord Proprietor of the Province of Maiue. (ySie North American Review, vol. ii, p. '289.) A voyage to New England in 1623, by Christopher Levett, Esq, History of North Yarmouth, by Edw. Russell. The History o' Bath, by Joseph Sowall. History of the Keuniibeo purchase, by R. H. Gardner, Ac, «!sc. Vol. HI, 1853. History of Scarborough from 1033 to 1783. By Wm. S. Southgate. History of the Bunker Bill Moiiuinout. By Profes'or Packard. An account of Popham's Colony at the mouth of the Kennebec River. By Wm Strachcy. John Gylea' Statement uf the number of Indians in each Tribe in 1726. lotiian Treaties, in 1717, 1726 and 1727. Sullivan, James. History of the district of Maine. 8vo. Boston, 1/95. Williamson, W. 1). History of the State of Maine, from its first discovery, A. D. 1(102, to the separation from Massachusetts, in 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. Ilallowell, 1839. Ano' her Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 18.32. Maine, History of. Noith American lieview. Vol. 37, p. 419. Phenomena in. Idem. Vol. 3, j). 325. Statistical view of. Idem. Vol. 3, j). 302. Its resources. Hunt's Mayazine. Vol. 1 1, p. 313. Its debts. Idem. Vol. 17, p. 577. Allen. Ira. The Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont, with an Appendix. 8vo. London, 1798. Williams, Sam. The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Second Edit. 2 vols. 8vo. Burlington, 1809. ETATS-TJNIS.J HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. 124.1 Thompson, Zadock. The Naturnl, CiviUand Statistical History of Vermont, with a Map of the State ai\d 200 Engravings. 8vo. Burlington, 1842. Graham, J. A. Sketch of the present state of Vermont. 8vo. London, 1797. Vermont State Papers. Compiled by Wrn. Slatle, Jr. 8vo. Middlebury, 1823. [b.] NEW YORK. Brodhead, John llomcyn. History of the State of New York, First Period, lG0a-16G4. 8vo. New York, 1853. See Westminster Review, New Series, vol. iii. p. 607. O'Callaghan, Dr. E. li. History of New Netherland, or New York under the Dutch. IJ vols Bvo. New York, 1846--48. See North American Review, vol. Ixii, p. 447. — Documentary history of the state of New-Yorl. ; arranged luider direction of the Hon. Christopher Morgan. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1849-51. The publication of this work was commenced before it bad been decided to print the documents obtained through the agency of Mr. Brodhead, (see infra.) " They contain a miscelliineous compilation, among which are some of the manuscripts procured by the Historical Agent in Europe." (Brodhead's Introduction to Col. Documents.) Among the important Documents included in this Collection are the following : Vol. I. Governor Dongan's Report on the State of the Province of New York. 1687. " Papers relating to Fren ;h Seignories on Lake Champlain. " Papers relating to the City of New York. " Papers relati.ig to Long Island. " Papers relating to Trade, Revenue, Imports, Exports, etc. " Report of Governor Tryon on the state of the Province, etc. Vol. II. Manuscript-' of Sir Wni. Johnson. " Papers relating to Lt. Gov. Leisler's Admi.iistration. " Early Steam Navigation. " Papers ro.liitiTig to Westeru New York. Vol. III. Papers relatin;^ to the City of New York. • " Papers rel.itiug to the Palatines. " Papers relating to the Manor of Livingston. •' Papers relating to the first Settlement of New York. " Papers relating to the restoration of New York to the English. " Papers relating to the State of Religion in different parts of the Colony, etc. Vol. IV. Jotirnal of New Netherland, 1(1 U-1G46. '• Description of New Netherland by Rev. Isaac Joguos", 1644. " Journal of the Secind Esopm War, by Oapt. Kregicr, 1663. " State of the Province of New York in 17.S8. " Journal of Sir Wm. Johnson's Scouts, 1765-1766. " Papers relating to the "^ix Nations. " Paper* relating to the difficulties between New York and New Hampshire. 1242 HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. [lIISTOIRE DES Ne"W York. Documents relative 4o the Colonial History of the State of ; — procured in Holland, England and France hy John llomeyn Brod- head, Esq., Agent of the State. Published by virtue of an Act of the Legislature, passed May '2, IH.'J!), and edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, M.D., L.L.D., with a general introduction by the Agent. 10 vols. 4to. Albanv, 1853-lHr)6. Vol. v^ m I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Genoral Introduction. IlolInnJ Documents, 1603-1 (i56. Not publiahfiil. LonJoii Documents, 1«14-1692. do do do do Not published. IfiOS-riOC. 1707-1 7:(8. 17.31-1755 1750-1767. ^:^: k IX and X. Paris Documents, 1631-1744. (Vol. 10 is not yet published.) The Inti'oduc ion is mainly, a" r.iiluilcJ account of (lie origin, progress and results of the Historical Agency by -wliich the documents, forminif the publication, ■were procured." It moreover describes fl;o condition of the Public Records of the State of New Yorli, generally ; and rlij step^ which were taken, on receipt of tlieso M. S. S., to obtain tl, 'ir publication at tiie cost of the Slate. The M. S. S. obtained by Mr. Brodhead, were ultimately arranged and liouiid up in 80 distinct volumes, viz: 16 vols, of Holland Documents ; 17 vols, of Paris Documents, and 47 vols, of London Documents, — the hitler coming down to the year 1782. These have all been printed, in exicnso, in the English language, under the superintendence of Dr.^O'Cullaghan, by wliora the necessary translations arid annotations have been made. The part of the collcition relating to Canada is more amply noticed in Section : History ok C.\nada. See infra. Smith, William. History of the Province" of New York, from its discovery to 1/32. -Ito. Loudon, 17;")". ^— — — Another edition. 8vo. London, 1776. Sef North American Review, vol. ii, p. 150. Histoire de la Nouvclle York. Traduite de I'Anglais ct augnientoe par AL E. I'Jmo. Londres, 1/^7. Turner, O. Pioneer History of the Holland })urchase of Wcstem^New York* including reminiscciici'S of the War of 1812, the origin,' progress and comj)letion of the Erie Canal. Hvo. Buft'alo, 1850. New York Historical Society. Collections of the. vols, of the Old Series, and New Series, vols. 1 to .'i. Vol. I. 1811. The relation of Juhn De Verrazzano, of the laud by him discovered in the tiame of h'8 ,Maj. stie l-^aiiois the tiist, anno l.i24. The Voyage of Henry Hudson towards tlio North Pole, anno 1007. A second Voyage nf Henry llu Uon, for finding a pa3.mmerce. By Charles King. Table of the Killed and Wounded in the war of 1812. Memoir of Eaton, first Governor of New Haven Colony. By J. B. Moore. N 1244. HISTORY OP UNITED STATES. [lIISTOIRE DES New York Historical Society. Collections of the — Continued. V..1. ill. Puftl. 1857. Voynses from Hollnnd to America, 1632-1644, by P. De Vries. Trnuslatad by Henry 0. Murphy. Short Bkctch of the Mcihawk Indians in New Nctherlmidfi, etc. by J. Mcgapulenslf Jr. Translated with an introduction by J. R. Urodhead. Tho Jogues Papers. Translated and arranged by John Giimary Shea. Extract from Castell's Diseoverie of Amerieu, 1044. Broftil advice to the United Neihorland Province, etc. Translated by Henry 0. Murphy. Negotiuiions between New England and Canada, 1648-51. Translated by J, O Shea. Journal and report of Father Druilletfes. Proceedings of the first aesembly of Virginia, 1619 ; with an introduction by O eorge Bancroft. Proceedings of the, for U>l5 and IfMG; with appendices. Hvo. New York 184(i--47. Appendices : bkotches of biographical writers, of the State of New York, and their worke. By W. L. Stone. A discourse '.jy Alexander W. Bradford. Memoir of the French and Indian expeditiim against Schenectady, 1689-90. By lle7. Maunsell Van Reii^solaer, of Albany. Address on the Ancient American history. By H. R. Schoolcraft. Jesuit relations of discoveries and otlier occurrences in Canada and the Northern and Western States, lf):i2-lC72 ; a paper cominuuicuted by E. B_ O'Callnghan. Proceedings of tlie. 1 vol. 8vo. Containing among other papers : X memoir on the North Eastern Boundary, by the Hon. Albert Gallatin, together with a speech on the same subject, by the Hon. Daniel Webster. Illustrated by a copy of tho Jay Map. New York, 1843. New Nttherland, by Dr. De Wilt. An address of John Ilomeyu Brodhead, 1844. Also the proceedings of the Society, for 18 »3 and 1844. Barber, (J. W) and Howe (11 ) Ilistorionl Collections of the State of New York, with Geographical descriptions of every township. Hvo. New York, 1841. Sec Washington Irving's Kr.ickerbocker's History of New York, from the begin- ning of the Dutch Dynasty ; and Blackwood's .Magazine, vol. vii. p. SiiO. Seward, W. II. Works; edited by G. E. Baker. 3 vols. 8vo. New- York, IS.'i.'J. Vol. I. Biiigraphiciil Memoir ; Rpee:'hes in the Senate of New York and of tho United Stiiti's ; Forensic Arguments ; fFor his other Speeches, sec vol. TIL) Vol. II. Hij-torieal nofiw i"\ th ■ S';ito of Ni!W York ; Messages, while Governor of that StiitP ; {1fli inl mil! disonnrsos ; Oi'cnfional Bpccches ; Executive .•J-i'>cche8 ; Political Writings; Generul Correspondence ; Letters from Europe. ETATS-UNIS.] HISTORY OF UNITET> STATES. 1245 of Nfw vo. New lio bcgin- :ioU. rk, \m:i. 1(1 of tlio vol. III.) Political Ne"W York State. Census of, — for 18.55, prepared under direction of the Seerctnry of State, by F. B. Hough, superintendent of the Census, and inehuling tal)le3 of tlie population of each Town, at each Census, since 1790; with illustrative diagrams. Folio. Albany, ]8^>7. New -York. Aboriginal moiniments of. Journal of Science, 2nd ser., vol. 1 1, p. 305. History of. North American Review, vol. 54, p. 299, and vol. 21, p. 214. • ■ Debts and finances of. Idem, vol. 18, p. 243. • Code of pi\)cedure of. IJem, vol. 23, p. 67. Internal improvements in. Idem, vol. 24, p. 34, 15G, 447 ; vol. 25, p. 281, 41.-), 5(55, G94 ; vol. 23, p. 259, 283, 497. Manufactures of. Idem, vol. 15, p. 309. llailroa.l enterprise. Idem, vol. 15, p. 456. Canols. Wm, vol. 11, p. 12!); vol. 14. p. 543. North Ame- ritan Review. Vol. 14, p. 230 ; vol. 29, p. 500. Public schools of. Ibid, vol. 18, p. 284. City, comn'crce of. Hunt's Maga.ine, vol. 13, p. 42. History of th? corporations of. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 23, p. 6l0. Manufacturin,^ industry of. Idem, vol. 15, p. 369 ; vol, 16, p. 92. An election row in. Frasers Magazine, vol. 45, p. 101. i (C) Pi<:XNSYLVANIA, NR'vV JERSEY AND DELAVV'/ K. (C) PEXSYLVANIE, NEW JERSEY ET DELAWARE. Hazard, Samuel. Ann i.- of Pennsylvania, from the discovery of the Delaware, 1609-1682. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. Pennsylvania Archives : selected and arranged from documents in the office of the Secretary of the commonwealth ; by Samuel Hazard. Commencing 1664 to 1790. 12 vols. 8vo. Pliiladelphia, 1855-1856. N. B. The prefi 'o to vol. 12 states tlmt .a goncrnl index to the above 12 vols, of Aicliives uijcl llie followiug Iti vols, of Records is in preparation. Pennsylvania. Colonial Records: Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, from its organization, on the 10th March, 1683, to the termination of the Proprietary Government; with the proceedings of the (!ouneil of ?. '''ty in 17"5'76 and '77, and the Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council, from its organization in 1777 to tiie ter- mination of the Revolution (t. e. to the 20th December 1790.) 16 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia and Ilarrisburg, 1852-'53, 1246 HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. [lIISTOIR^ DES Pennsylvania Historical Society. Memoirs of tlic. 4 (odd) vols. 8vo. '»' ;ii.dol|diin. ^ ol. li, part 2, 1830, coutnining; Nnnntivc of Sir W. M. Kciih onminff to tin i '■. ornnient of PennHylvnnia, with Ilia couiiiict ill it, written in 1726. Some flocoiiiit of Ibe cnrly poeta and poetry of ruutiR^'lvanio. By JosLuii Fran- cis FiHhcr. Sketeh of the life of Thonins Miffliu, hy Wni. RiiwIp. An exnminntion of the vnrioim c)iarfrea ljr(iii);ht by liiotoriiins ii^itiiigt Win. Prim, Loth ns a man and as ft politicttl governor. By Job. U.,TjHon. Memoriiila of eouiitry towns and pluccs in Peiinsylvanio, ns drawn up by J. F. Watson, etc., etc. Vol. Ill, pwt 2, 1836. containing: discourse, on th(' origin of tiie Indian popi 'aiion of America. By B. H. Coates. A discourse on the private lifo an,lh American Review Vol. 20, p. 215. — — — lU'HOurces of. J/unt't Merchant's Mnif. Vols. 10&12. — Conl Trade of. North Amerc. Bee. Vol. 42, p. 241. ife Hy Gait. London Quarterly Hev. \'ol. 2ti, p. 3(' ; Philadelphia, Marsillar, Gordon, T.F. Th.- II Hunt's Merchant's May. Vols. 14 and IF. s jMriMiiicrs foiulcmens de Philadclphie. Voir IVnii. New Jersey, from its discovery to the adoption of the Fedenii Constitution. .Svo. Trenton, 1H;M. Barber, (J. W.) and Ho"We, (II.) Historical (Collections of the State of New Jersey, relating to its history and antiquities, &c., with I'JO engravings. 8-0. New York, 1845. New Jersey. Collections of the New Jersey and Newark Historical Society. 4 vols. 8vo. New York, and Newark. 1840-1852. Vol. I. Mnpof Vniidcrdomk, 16"i6. East Jprsey under the I'ropiietnry Qorernmcnts: a imrrntivo of events connected will) tbu Hottlt'iiii'iil an I piojjie-s of tlio Province, until tlie surrender of the govcMuniciit to the Crown in 17(t2. Ity Win. A. Whitehead, with an Appen- dix coutaiiiinfj "The Model of the Government of Kasl New Jersey, in Ame- rica,'' by George Scot, of Tiilochic, Newport, repriuteJ from the original edition of 1085. Vol. 11. The Life of Win. Alexander, Eurl of Stirling, Major General iu the Army of the U. S. during the Revolution, by hia graadsoii Wm. Alexander Duer, L. L. D., with portrait ami plans. VoL III. The Provincial Courts of New Jersey, with sketches of the bench nud bar. By Richard S. Field, with an Appendix eoiitaiuiiig the Instructions and Com- mission of Lord Corubury, Governor of New Jersey (TiOi.) Vol. IV. The papers of Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey, from nas to 174G. Ferris, Benjamin. i\ History of the original settlements on the Delaware, from its discovery hy Hudson to the Colonization nnder Wm. Penn. To which is added, an account of the eeelesiastieal affairs of the Swedish settlers, and a history of Wilmington. 8vo. Wihnington, 184G. (d) VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND. | (d) VIRGINIE ET MARYLAND. Virginia, Nova Brittania : offering most excellents fruits hy planting iu Vir- ginia, \c. London IGO!). Force a Tracts. Vol. 1. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I |J0 '"^" ^ |i£ 12.0 2.5 2.2 I 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 = -• 6" — ► p 7i > o / /A Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 %3 , ¥ % z ^ \ ;V % ft i« "f r I III' 't;?h ii. ■.'h i 1248 HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. [hISTOIBB DES Virginia. The New Life in Virginia, declaring the former success and present estate of that plantation, &c. London, 1612. Force's Tracts, yo\. 1. See North American Review. Vol. i. p. 146. The beginning, progress and conclusion of Bacon's Rebellion in Vir- ginia in the years 16/5 and 1676. Washington, 1835. lb. An account of the late troubles in Virginia, written in 16/6, by Mrs. An. Cotton, of Q. Creeke. Published in 1804. lb. A list of those that have been executed for the rebellion in Virginia, by Sir Wm. Berivcley, Governor of that Colony. Washington, 1835. lb. — — A narrative of the Indian and Civil Wars in Virginia, in 1675, 16/6, &c., Boston, 1814. lb. A description of New England, &c., by Captain John Smith. Lon- don, 1616. lb. Vol. 2. — New England's Trials, &c., by the same. London, 1622. lb. — Extract from a manuscript collection of annals relating to Virginia. 1774. lb. — A description of the Province of New Albion, &c., together with a letter of Master Robert Evelin, &c. London, 1648. lb. — A perfect description of Virginia, being a full and true relation of tae present state of the Plantation, their health, peace and plenty, &c. London. 1649. lb. — Virginia and Maryland, or Lord Baltimore's printed case, uncased and answered, &c., together with a copy of a writing under the Lord Baltimore's Hand and Seal, 161 J, &c. London, 1655. lb. — A true declaration of the estate of the Colonic in Virginia, &c. London, 1610. lb. Vol. 3. See North American Review. Vol. 1, p. 150. — For the Colony in Virginia Britannia Lawes Divine, Morall & Mar- tiall, &c. Printed at London, 1 612. lb. A declaration of the state of the Colonic and Affairs in Virginia, with the names of the Adventurers, &c. London, 1620. lb. Orders and Constitutions, partly collected out of his Majestie's Letters Patent, &c. London, 1620. lb. — A true relation of Virginia and Maryland, &c., by Nathaniel Shriglcy. London, 16G9. lb. — ■ A letter from Mr. John Clayton, Rector of Crofton. 12 May, 1688. lb. "•Wi RE DES d present J, vol. 1. on in Vir- 5, by Mrs. I Virginia, 1835. lb. 573, 16'/6, th. Lon- Ib. o Virginia. iher with a ation of tiie >lenty, &c. le, uncased Ir the Lord I'giuia, &c. all & Mar- ;inia, with le's Letters Shrigley. 12 May, ETATS-UNI8.] HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. 1249 Virginia. The Reformed Virginian Silk Worm, &c. Anno 1662. Printed, London, 16.55. Force's TracU, vol. 3. ■ Leah and Rachel, or, the two faithful sisters Virginia and Maryland, their present condition impartially stated and related. By John Ham- mond. London, IG56. lb. Virginia's Cure, or an advising narrative concerning Virginia, &c. Sept. 1661. London, 1662. lb. Stith, Wm. History of the first discovery of Virginia. 8vo. Williamsburg, 1747. See Historical Magaziae, vol. i. pp. 27 and 69 ; and Rieli, vol. i, p. 86. [Beverly, R.] History of Virginia. 8vo. London, 1722. Histoire de la Virginie, traduit de Tanglais. 18mo. Ams- terdam, 1722. Keith, Sir Wm. History of Virginia. Parti. 4to. London, 1738. JefXbrson, T. Notes on the State of Virginia, written in the year 1781, some- what corrected and enlarged in the winter of 1782, for the use of a foreigner of distinction, in answer to certain queries proposed by him respecting its boundaries, rivers, &c. 8vo. [Paris,] 1782. See Rid), vol. i, p. 301. Historical Magazine, voL i. p. 62. Burk, John. History of Virginia from its first settlement. 3 vols. Hvo. Petersburg, (Virg.) 1805. Howison, Robert R. A history of Virginia from its discovery and settlement by Europeans to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia and Richmond, 184.6-1848. Virginia. History of. North American Review, vol. 8, p. 1 ; vol. 1(», p. 115; vol. 67, p. 291. History and resources. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 21, p. 181. Howe, Henry. Historical collections of the State of Virginia, relating to its history and antiquities, to which is appended an historical and descrip- tive sketch of the District of Columbia. 8vo. Charleston, S. C, 1845. Maryland and Virginia. Or, Lord Baltimore's printed case, uncased and answered, &c. London, 1655. Force's Tracts. Vol. 2. Baltimore, in. A reUtion of the Colony of the Lord Baron of Ibid. Vol 4. Griffith, T. W. Sketches of the early History of Maryland. 8vo. Baltimore, 1821. (P.) 1250 HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. f IIISTOIRE DES 1: "I H-'^ ■' ' ' ■■'' ^'' I' Jiv.' ''it Mm Bozman, J. L. A sketch of the History of Maryland dnring the three first years after its settlement, with a copious introduction. 8vo. Baltimore, 1811. The History of Maryland from its first settlement in 1 633 to the restoration in 1660, with an introduction, notes and illustrations. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Baltimore, 1837- MolVIahon, John V. L. Historical view of the Government of Maryland. Vol. 1 (not continued). 8vo. Baltimore, 1S31. MoSherry, James. History of Maryland from its first settlement in 1634 to 1848. 8vo. Baltimore, 1849. [ e.] GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. | [e] GEORGIE ET ALABAMA. Georgia. A state of the province of. Attested upon oath in the Court of Savannah, Nov. 10, 1/40. London, 1742. Force's Tracts, vol. 1. A true and historical narrative of the colony of — in America, from the fii St settlement thereof until this period, together with his Majesty's Charter, &c. By Pat. Tailfer, Hugh Anderson, Da. Douglass, and others. Charleston, S. C, 1/41. Ibid. An account shewing the progress of the Colony of— in America, from its first establishment, published by order of the honorable the Trustees. Annapolis, 1/42. Ibid. A brief account of the establishment of the Colony of Georgia, under General James Oglethorpe, February, 1, 1733. Printed, 1835. ^ A description of Georgia, by a gentleman who has resided there i.,;- wards of seven years, &c. London, 1741. lb. White, Rev. Georeje. Historical collections of Georgia, containing the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, &c., rela- ting to its history and antiquities, from its first settlement to the pre- sent time. Third Edition. 8vo. New- York, 1855. - Statistics of the State of Georgia, including an account of its natural, civil and ecclesiastical history, together with a particular description of each county, and a correct map of the State. 8vo. Savannah, 1849. Georgia. Public works of. North American Review, vol. 23, p. 211 ; vol. 24, p. 466. History of. Idem, vol. 67, p. 291. Pickett, Albert James. The history of Alabama and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period. 2 vols. Svo. Charleston, 1851. 3IRE DES ETATS-TJNIS.J HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. 1251 [f] NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. [f] CAROLINR DU NORD ET CAROLINE DU bUD. tin 1634 to >tate. 8vo. Montgomery, Sir Robert. A discourse concerning the designed establish- ment of a new Colony in the South of Carolina. London, 1717. Force's Tracts, vol. 1. South Carolina. A description of the Province of South Carolina, drawn up in 1731. Printed in the GentlemarCa Magazine, 1732. Ibid, vol. 2. [He'Watt, A.] An historical account of the rise and progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1779. Ramsay, David. The history of South Carolina, from 1670 to 1808. 2 vols. 8vo. Charleston, S. C, 1809. Mills, Robert. Statistics of South Carolina, including a view of the national, civil and military history. 8vo. Charleston, S. C, 1826. Gibbes, R. W. Documentary history of the American Revolution, consisting of letters and papers relating to the contest for liberty, chiefly in South Carolina, in 1781 and 1782. 8vo. Columbia, S. C, 1853. Martin, Fran9ois-Xavier. The history of North Carolina, from the earliest period. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans, 1829. Wheeler, John H. Historical sketches of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1851, compiled from original records, official documents and traditional state- ments, with biographical sketches of her distinguished statesmen, jurists, lawyers, soldiers, divines, &c. vol. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. North Carolina. History of. Worth American Review, vol. 24, p. 365, 468. ■ Internal improvements in. 7 ll < ! n. '11 J'. 1' Vurgennes, M. dc. Mcmoirc tuHtoriquc ct politique sur la Louisiane, par M. de, — niiiiistrc dv Louis XVI, suivi de menioircs sur St. Doniingue ct la Guyane. 8vo. Paris, 1802. Voir Faribault, p. 39. Orr, George. The possession of Louisiana by the French considered as it afTecta the interests of Great Britain, Spain and Portugal. 8vo. Loudon, 1803. (P.) Stoddart, Major Amos. Historical and descriptive sketches of Louisiana. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. Barb^-Marbois. Ilistoire de la Louisiane ct de la cession de cette colonic par la France aux Etats-Unis de TAmeriquc, precddee d'un discours sur la constitution et le gouvernement des Etats-Unis. 8vo. Paris, 1821). History of Louisiana, particularly of its cession to the United States ; with an Essay on the Constitution of the United States, translated from the French. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830. (2 copies.) Martin, F. X. The History of Louisiana, from the earliest period. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans, 1827--29. Frenoh, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana ; with historical and biogra- phical notes, and an introduction. Parts 1 to 5. 5 vols. 8vo. New York and Philadelphia, 1H46--I8r)l. Part 1. Hiatorical Documents, from 1678 to 1691. " 2. Tranaliitiona from De Soto, Coxe, >Iarquetto, Juliet, to encourage the young colony in Virginia." The title, under whicli \.i> 'nd edition, [1611,] appeared is, "The worthye and famous History of tlie «ra- vaik'S, Discovery and Conquest, &c., of Terra Florida, being lively puraleld with that of our now inhabited Virginia, as also. The Comodities of the said Country, with Hynes of Golde, Silver and other Mettals, &,a., which cannot but give us a great and exceeding hope of our Virginia, (be, accom- plished and effected by Don F. De Soto and 600 Spaniards, his followers." The Introduction gives the History in succession of early adventurers in Florida and the Southern part of North America ; and shews the concurrence of geographical notations made in their History with the Modern Geography of those regions. ■ The Conquest of Florida under Hernando de Soto ; by Theodore Irving. 2 vols. l2mo. London, 1835. Beteta, Frere Gregorio de. Relation de la Floride, rapportde par Greg, de Bcteta pour rillustrissime seigneur vice-roi de la Nouvelle Espagne, 1549. Ternaux, Recueil, vol. 20. 1250 HISTOUT of rNlTED STATES. [iIISTOTHE T)E8 Ml, ) i.l 11 '' I'll |!(/- Basanler, M. L'lii.stoirc notable de la Floridp, sitiiue us Indcs (JcciiliMitaies ; (cont(Mtaiit li's trois voyages decrits par Laiidonniore,) niise eii luiniiire par M. Uasanier ; (iinpriinue pour la preiiiii^re i'oia k I'aris cu IfjSO, ct re-imprimi?e en 1853.) 8vo. Paris, 1853. Oe vol lime comprend ; Lo premier voyngo des Frnngali en la FInride, fait par lo Capitnine Jeaa Ribaut, I'uu 1662. Le second voyiigu dus Frniifnis en la Florido, fait par lo Capitaiiie LnuJon- nidre, I'an 1664. Le troisiiimc voyage desi Frnnf.iig en la FloriJe, fait par lo Capitniue Jean Ribaut, CD Van 16A6. Le quatriime voyase dea Frnn^nis en la Florido, sous lo Cnpitnine 0onr£;uc8. Voir aiiBsi Ternaux, Recueil de pieces sur la Florido, oil ae trouvent les iiiiMiiea voyages. Menandez, Pedro. Son expedition t\ la Floride en 1565, racontue par Lopez de Mendoza. Ternaux, llecueil de pieces sur la Floride. Florida. North American Review, vol. 13, p. 62; vol. '20, p. 478. Cession of. Pamphleteer, vol. 15, p. 261. Kennedy, Wm. Texas ; the rise, progress, and prospects of the republic of Texas. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 18-11. Gouge, Wm. M. The Fiscal history of Texas, embracing an account of its revenues, debts and currency, from the commencement of the revolution in I H34 to 1S[)1-C)'2, with remarks on American debts. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1852. Yoakum. II. History of Texas from its first settlement in 16S5 to its annexa- tion to the United States in 18 10. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, I6f)6. In the Appendix No. 11 of vol. 1, is: Memoir of Colonel Ellcs P. Dean, written by himself about the year 1818' Set Historical Magazine, vol. i, p. 32. Texas. Annexation of. North American Review, vol. 43, p. 220. ' Independence of. Edinburgh Review, vol. 73, p. 128. (1.) MICHIGAN— ILLINOIS-OHIO- WISCONSIN— MINNESOTA. Perkins, James H. Annals of the West : ciiibracing a concise account of the principal events which have occurred in the Western States and Territo- ries, from the discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the year 18-15. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1847. Lanman, James H. History of Michigan, from its earliest colonization to the present time. 12mo. New York, 1841. Michigan, State of. Census and Statistics, condensed for publication by the Secretary of State, May 1854. 8vo. Lansing. ETATS-UNI8. niSTOTlY OP UNITED STATES. 1257 Michigan North Amrrimn Jlftni-w, vol. A\. p. RS j Journal of Science, vol. 10, p. 30-1 ; Hunt's Magazine, vol. 19, p. 9 ; vol. ti, p. 333 ; vol. 22, p. 131. Chicago. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 18, p. 161 ; vol. 17, p. 217. Brown, TIenry. History of Illinois, from its discovery to the present time. 8vo. New York, 18 1 1. Ford, Gov. Thomas. A history of Illinois from its commencement as a state in 18 IH to 1847, containing a full account of the Black Hawk War, the rise, progress aiul fall of Mormonism, the Alton and Lovejoy Riots and other important and interesting events. 8vo. Chicago, 1854. Illinois. North American Revieio, vol. 51, p. 92. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 5, p. 427. Taylor, James W. History of the State of Ohio ; first period, 1(350-1787. 8vo. Cincinnati, 18.'j4. Howe, Henry. Historical Collections of Ohio, relating to its general and local history, with descriptions of its counties, principal towns and villages. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1847. Ohio, Expedition contre les Indiens de r, en 1764. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1769. North American Review, vol. .'iS, p. 320 ; vol. 47, p. 1 ; vol. 49, p. 69. Wisconsin. Reports and Collections of the State Historical Society of Wis- consin. 2 vols in 1. 8vo. Madison, 1856-56. Tol. I. Oreflt) Bay in 1728. Onrrcl's Journal at Green Bay, 1701-63. Legend of the Wirinebafjoea, Early Timee in Wisflonsin. Wisconsin Oeogrflpliicnl Nr.ihe!!, Pratt's Reminiscencps of Wici'isin. Vol. II. Early Times nnd Events in Wiscontiin, by Kon. James H. Lockwood. Personal Narrative of Col. John f baw. • Memoir of Hon. Thomas Pendleton Burnett. Pioneer Life in Wisconsin, by Col. D. M. Parkison. Some iiccouiit oftlio advent of the New Yoik Indians into Wisconsin. By Gen, Alberto. Ellis. Sketch of the Emly History of Kenosha County. Wisconsin, its rise, progress, condition, Ac. Minnesota. Materials for the future History of, heing a Report of the Minne- sota Historical Society to the Legislative Assemhly. 8vo. St. Paul, Minnesota, 1856. For Works on Mormons niul MornionisMi, See supra, page 1109, section Eccli- siASTiCAL History. ggjSi 1258 niSTOUY OP UNITED STATES. [UISTOIRB DtS I!/.' lii Is ■• It ■ [J.] OAI.IFOllNIA ANU OllEOON. | [J.] OALIFOHNIE ET OREGON, Venegas, Miguel. A natural nnd rivil lliiitnry of Califnrnin, cnntniiiing nn acciirntc ilrscriptinn of that, roiiiitry, traiislntod from the Sitaniith, (pub- IInIumI, 1/68.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, \7M. Callfbrnie. IliHtoimmturcllc ot oivile dc la, contonant iinc drscription rxacto (le ce payg, etc, tradiiitc de 1' Anglais, '.i vol. 8vo. PariH, 1707. Capron, K. S. History of Colifohiia, from its discovery to the present time. 8vo. Boston, 1864. Soul6, Oihon &. Nisbet* The Annals of San Francisco ; containing a history of California. 8vo. New York, 1855. Callfbrnla, Norlh American Review, vol. 55, p. 17f) ; vol. 71, p. 221. Hunt's Mayazine, vol. 10, p. M ; vol. l!), p. 518 ; vol. 22, p. 483; vol. 24, p. iyand25l.i vol. 11, p. 31!); vol. 10, p. 30.'» ; vol. 2.'i, p. 1G8. London Quarterly Review, vol. 87, p. 31)6 ; vol. 90, p. 493 ; Black- wood's Mityazine, vol. 70, p. 4<70. Robertson, Jr., Wyndham. Oregon, onr right and title, containing an acconnt of the condition of the Oregon Territory, its soil, climate, and geogrnpliical j)osition ; together with a statement of the claims of Russia, Spain, Great Britain and the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1846. Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon and California, and the North-west coast of North America. Second edition. With a map. 8vo. Boston, 1845. Burnet, Jacob. Notes on the early Settlements of the North-west Territory. Hvo. New York, 1847. 5«e North Americaa Review, vol. Ixv. Dunn, John. History of the Oregon Territory and British North American Fur Trade, with an account of the habits and customs of the principal native tribes on the Northern Continent. 8vo. London, 1846. Denis, Ferdinand. Les Californies, I'Oregon et rAmerique Russe. LUnivers Pittoreaque, Amerique, vol. .5. Tw^iss, Travers. The Oregon question examined, in respect to facts and the law of nations. 8vo. London, 1846. Nioolay, C. G. The Oregon Territory : an account of that country and its inhabitants, with its history and discovery. 12mo. London, 1846. Knight's Library. Oregon Question. North American Review, vol. 62, p. 214. Edinburgh Review,, vol. 82, p. 238 ; London Quarterly Review, vol. 77, p. .')64. Frasers Magazine, vol. 27, p. 484. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 21, p. 377. • '■•.I ■ ye ETAT8-UNI8.] WARS IN NORTH AMERICA. 1259 Oregon Territory. Hunt's Magaxine, vol. (i, p. 30(i ; vol. 12, p. .'i'iO i vol. 11, p. 435. ;? i| 3. HISTORY OF WAllS IN NOllTII AMKIllCA. ;). IIISTOIUE DES GUKUHES DE L'AMEIlUiUE 1)U NOIII). reaent time. [a.] WARS ANTEUIOR TO THK AMERI- 1 [a.] GUKRHKS ANTERIEURE8 A LA CAN REVOLUTION. | REVOLUTION AMEUIUAINE, Dufey, 1*. J. S. Al)r*g6 (le rhistoire dcs revolutions do rAni< h. 1783. Andrews, John. History of the War with America, France, Spain and Hol- land, from 177.5 to 1783. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1785. ' D'Estaing, le comte. Extrait du journal d'un ofiicier de la marine de I'escadre de M. le comte d'Estaing. 8vo. 1782. (B.) Nassau, Guil. de. Entretiens avec le General Montgomery. 12mo. Londres, 177C. Tarleton, Lieut. Col. A History of the Campaign of 1780 and 1781 in the Southern Provinces of North America ; with a map and four plans. 4to. Paris, 1787- See Rich, vol. i, p. 338. Iiee, Henry. Memoirs of the War in the Southern department of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. American War. An historical journal of the. Coll. Mass, Hist, Society, First Series, vol. 2. American Archives : consisting of a collection of authentic Records, State Papers, Debates, and Letters, and other notices of public affairs, the whole forming a Documentary History of the origin and progress of the North American Colonics ; of the causes and accomplishment of the American Revolution ; and of the Constitution of Government for the United States, to the final ratification thereof. In six series. Folio. , Washington. First, Second and Third Series — (not yet published.) Fourth Series : From the King's Message of 7th March, 1774, to the Declaration of IndcpeDdeiice, in 177t>. Publislied by M St. Clair C'arke and Peter Force. 6 vols. 1837-1846. Fiftli Series; From tlie Dcclariition of Independence to the Treaty of Peace -with Great Britain, in 1783. By Peter Force. Vols. 1 to 3. 1848-1853. See Nortli American Review, vol. xlvi, p. 475. Ne'W York. .louruals of the Provincial Congress, l77.'>-77. 2 vols. Folio. Albany, 18-12. , Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention (1787) for forming the Constitution of tlie United States. [From Notes taken.] Also, other dociunents relative to the Federal Compact. 8vo. Washington, 1830. Elliot, Jonatlinn. The Debates of the several State Conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution, with the Journal of the Federal Conven- tion, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 'y8, '1)9, &c. Second edi- tion. 1 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1830. '.U 1264 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. [revolution m III % Correspondenoe of the American Revolution, being letters of eminent men to George Washington from the time of his taking command of the army to the end of his presidency. Edited from the original ma- nuscripts by Jared Sparks. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1853. The Appendix to the first volume contains dooumcuts on the Operations in Canada. Ailirabeau, le Cte. de. Consideration sur I'ordre de Cincinnatus, ou imitation d'un pamphlet Americain, suivics de plnsieurs Icttres relatives il cette institution ; d'une lettre du Gen. Washington ; d*une autre de Turgot, sur les legislations Americaines, et de la traduction d'un pamphlet du Dr. Price, intitule : Observations on the importance of the American Revolution. 8vo. Londres, ir^-l. FTOthingham, Richard. History of the siege of Boston, and of the battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill, also, an account of the Bunker Hill monument. With illustrative documents. Second Edition. 8vo. Boston, 1851. See North American Review, vol.lxx, p. 406. Bunker HiU. Battle of. North American Review, vol. 7, p- 2'25. The American Military Pocket Atlas ; being an approved collection of correct maps, both general and particular, of the British Colonies, especially those which are now or possibly may be the theatre of war. Taken principally from the actual surveys and judicious observations of Engineers De Brahm and Romans, Cook, Jackson and Collet, Ma- jor Holland and other officers ciiiployed in his Majesty's fleets and armies. 8vo. London, 1/76. ('ontaining tlie following maps, folded: 1. North America. 2. The West Indies. 3. The Northern Colonies. 4. The Middle Colonies. 5. The Southern Colonics. 6. Lake Clinniplnin. Lossing, Benson J. The Pictorial Field-book of the Revolution ; or, illustra- tions by pen and pencil, of the history, biography, scenery, relics and tra- ditions of the war for independence. 2 vols. 8vo. New- York, 1855. See Rich. vol. i, p. 286. Howe, Lieut. Gen. Sir Wm. Narrative of his conduct during his late command of the King's troops in North America, with observations upon a pam- phlet entitled "Letters to a Nobleman." tto. London, 1781. (P.) Burgoyne, Lieut. Gen. A state of the expedition from (Canada, as laid before the House of Commons. -Ito. London, 1/80. An account of his campaign, at the memorable battle of Bernis's Heights, (1/77,) by Chs. Neilson. 12mo. Albany, 1844. ■c: AMEEICAINE.J AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1265 )eratioii3 m [Barb^-Marbois-] Complot d' Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton centre les Etats-lJnis d'Amferique, ct contre le gfen6ral Washington, (1780.) 8vo. Paris, 1816. For tbe above work translated by Robert "Walsli, tee American Register for 181T, vol. 2. Iiamb, John. Memoir of life and times of. An officer of the American Eevo- . lution, who commanded the post at West Point at the time of Arnold's defection. With his correspondence with Was'iington, Clinton, &c. ; hy Isaac Q. Leake. 8vo. Albany, 18.")0. Iiamb, R. An original and authentic journal of occurrences during the late American war, to the year 17H3. 8vo. Dublin, 1809. Sec, also, infra, section Histoiiy of Canada. Sabine, Lorenzo. The American Loyalists, or biographical sketch of adherents to the British Crown in the war of independence ; with a preliminary historical essay. 8vo. Boston, 1847. /See North Americnn Review, vol. lix, p. 261 ; vol. Ixv, p. 188. Wilmot, John Eardley. Historical view of the commission for inquiring into the losses, services and claims of the American Loyalists at the close of the war in 1 783, with au account of the compensation granted to them by Parliament in 1/8.5 and 1788. Bvo. London, 1815. Atoheson, Nathaniel. American encroachments on British rights. Bvo. London, 1808. Expose des motifs de la conduite du roi de France relativcmeut ii I'Angleterre. 4to. Londres, l/HO. Relie avec [Gibbon, Ed.] Memoire justificatif pour servir de r6ponsc a I'cxposc?, etc., de la cour de France, (with the English translation.) 4to. London, 1780. Watson, E. Men and times of the Revolution; or,MemoirsofElkanah Watson, including journals of travels in Europe and America, from 1777 to 1842. Edited by his son, Winslow C. Watson. 8vo. New York, 185(5. See Magazine, vol. i, p. 62. La Fayette. Marquis of France, General in the United States Army, &c. ; Life of, by P. C. Headley. 12mo. New York and Auburn, 1856. Simcoe's Military Journal. A History of the operations of a partisan Corps called the Queen's Rangers. Commanded by Lieut. Col. J. G. Siincoe, during the war of the American revolution ; with a memoir of the author and other additions. 8vo. New York, 1844. See North American Review, vol. lix, p. 302. Stone, William L. Life of Joseph Brant-Thayeudanegea ; including the Indian Wars of the American revolution. 8vo. New York, 1 838. 1266 WARS IN NORTH AMERICA. [GUERRES DB Case, Rev. Wheeler. Revolutionary Memorials ; embracing poems by the Rev. Wheeler Case, published in 177H, and an Appendix containing General Burgoyne's proclamation (in burlesque,) dated June 23rd, 1777, &c. Edited by Rev. S.Dodd. 12mo. New York, 1852. Wilkinson, General James. Memoirs of my own Times. 3 vols. 8vo., with 1 vol., -Ito. of diagrams and plans illustrative of the principal battles &c., treated of in the memoirs. Philadelphia, 1816.. Smith (J. J.) & Watson, (J. F.) American Historical and Literary Curiosities ; consisting of fac-similcs of original documents relating to the events of the Revolution, &c., &c., with a variety of rcHques, antiquities and modern autographs. Fifth edition. 4to, New York, 18.52. If'* I ff, V ' 1^ •h- ftHt If [c] WARS SUBSEQUENT TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. [c] GUEfiRES rOSTERIEURES A LA REVOLUTION AMERICAINE. Auohinleck, G. A History of the war between Great Britain and the United States, in 1812-'13 and '14. 8vo. Toronto, 185.'). This work originally appeared in Maclear's Anglo-American Magazine. Richardson, Major. War of 1812. First Series, containing a full and detailed narrative of the operations of the right division of the Canada Army. 8vo. Brockvillc, 18-12. See infra in the history of Canada : Brock's Life and Correspondence ; nnd Christie, History of Cuiiada, vol. 2, and Memoirs of the Administration of Sir George Prevost. See also (p. 1188) Life of Tccumseb ; and infra Tupper's Family Records. Niagara Battle of. North American Review, vol. 8. p. 142 War of 1812. An impartial and correct history of, — between the United States and Great Britain, comi)rising a ])artieular detail of the Naval and Military operations. 12mo. New York, 1815. Brackenridge, H. M. History of the late war between the United States and G^reat Britain. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. James, Win. A full and correct account of the Military occurrences of the late war, between Great Britain and the United States ; with an Appendix and Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. See London Quarterly Review, vol. xxvii, p. 406. Account of the chief Naval occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States ; with a cursory examination of the American accounts of their naval actions fought previous to that period ; with plates. 8vo. London, 1817. 'iU: l'AMERIQUE DTJ NORD.] WABS in north AMERICA. 1267 Coggeshall, G. History of the American Privateers and Letters of Marque, during our war with England in the years 1812-'13 and '14 ; with Maps and Plates. 8vo. New York, 185G. The Appendix contains the Treaty of Peace, an alphabetical list o( the Priva- teers, (fee. , Hull, Gen. Wm. Revolutionary services of,— prepared from his manuscripts by his daugliter, Mrs. Maria Campbell ; together with the history of the campaign of 1812, and surrender of the post of Detroit, by his grandson James Freeman Clarke. 8vo. New York, 1848. Madison; James. Manifeste an peuple Americain ; on causes et caractfere de la derniere guerre d'Am^rique avec I'Angleterre ; traduit sur la onzi^me edition anglaise. 8vo. Paris, 1816. Ingersoll, Charles J. Historical sketch of the second war between the United States of America and Great Britain, declared by act of Congress, the 18th of June, 1812, and concluded by peace the 15th of February, 1815. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845-18r>3. See Westminster Review, New Series, vol. iv. Armstrong, John. Notices of the war of 1812. 2 vols. l2mo. New York, 1840. Thomson, John Lewis. Historical sketches of the late war between the United States and Great Britain, blended with anecdotes, &c. 12mo. Phila- delphia, 181 G. Jenkins, John S, Jackson and the Generals of the war of 1812. l2mo' Philadelphia, iS.'i^. Jacob Brown ; Edmund Pendleton Onines ; W. H.Harrison; Andrew Jackson; Alex. Mucomb ; Zebulon Montgomery Pike ; Winfield Scott. Headley, J. T. The second war with England. 2 vols. l2mo. New York, 1853. Williams, J. S. History of the invasion and capture of Washington, and of the events which preceded and followed. 12mo. New York, 1857. War of 1812. Proceedings of the National Convention of the Soldiers of the, — held in the City of Washington, on the 8th of January, 1855. t/. S. Senate Miscellaneous Documents, 1854-5, vol, 1. Gleig, G. R. Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans in 1814-15. 12mo. London, 184/'. Col. Libr. Louisiana. War of,— 1814-15. North American Review, vol. 3, p. 232. NeVT-Orleans. Battle of. Edinburgh Review, vol. 45, p. 3G8 ; Blackwood'^ Magazine, vol. 24, p. 354. Texas. Campaign in. Blackwooirs Magazine, vol. 5<), p. 3/. |<-*',: «''-'i( 1268 IIISTOKT OF BRITISH N. AMERICA. [hISTOIRE DE l'AME- Sprague, John T. The origin, progress and conclumn of tlie Florida war ; to which is appended a record of officers, &c., who wore icilled in hattle or died of disease, &c. 8vo. New York, 184H. Florida War, the. North American Review, vol. .')4, p. 1. Jenkins, John. History of the War between the United States and Mexico, from the commencement of hostilities to the ratification of the treaty of peace. 8vo. Auburn, lft49. Buena- Vista. Battle of. Fraser'a Magazine, vol. 38, p. 90. VI. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. VI. AMERIQUE BRITANNIQUE DU NORD. % Martin, R. Montgomery. History of the Colonies of the British Empire in North America ; &c. From the official records of the Colonial Office. 8vo. London, 1813. New Edition ; vol. 1. British North America. 8vo. London, 1849. Laoroix, Frc'deric. Possessions Anglaises dans rAnicrique du Nord, Canada, Nouvenu Brunswick, Nouvellc Ecosse, Acadie. Voir VVnicera Pitto- resque, Anu'riquo, vol. .'i. La Potherle, M. Baoquevllle de. Ilistoire do TAmtrique Septentrionale, conti'unnt le voyage du Fort Nelson dans la Bnic d'lludson, le premier otablissement des Fraii^ais dans ce vastc |)ay8, la prise du Fort Nelson, la description du tleuve St. Laurent, le gouvernement de Quebec, des Trois lliviores ct de Montreal, de l.'>34 a 1701. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1722. Voycx le Catalogue do M. Faribault, p. 78. British Dominions. The history of the, in North America, from the first discovery of that continent to 17()3. 4to. London, 1773. A Letter to a great M r, wherein the demolition of the Fortifications of Louisburg is shown to be absurd, the imj)ortance of Canada fully refuted, &c. 8vo. London, 17(>1. Murray, Hugh. An historical and descriptive acco\int of British America, com- prehending Canada, (Upper and Lower,) Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas and the Fur coun- tries ; their history from the earliest settlement ; the statistics and topo- graphy of each district ; their commerce, agriculture and fisheries ; their social and political condition ; as also an account of the manners and present state of the Aboriginal tribes ; to which is added a full detail of the ])rinciplcs and best modes of Emigration. With illustrations of the Natural History, by James Wilson, R. K. Greville and Professor Traill. With 10 maps and plates. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1839-40. tf:; BIQUE BRIT. DU NORD."| HISTORY OF BRITISH N. AMERICA. 1260 erica. 8vo. irn the first Haliburton, T. C. llule and Misrule of the EiigHah iu America. 2 voU. 8vo, London, ISSl. ; ; See LiiidoD Quiirtorly Review, vol. xoiv. See in tlie Collection of Pampiilbth, (American k Cawadian,) Judge Hnliburton'* AddresB on the present condition and proopoatB of British North America. HodginSi .!• (J. The Gcogrnpliy and History of British America, and of the other Coh)nic8 of the Empire; to which is added a sketch of the various Indian tribes of Canada, and brief bioj^rajihical notices of eminent per- sons connected with the liistory of Canada. 8yo. Toronto, 1857- British North American Provinces. I'lan for a general legislative union of the, — by MM. Sewell, Stewart, llobiuson and Strachan. 8vo. London. 182-1. (P.) Bound with— Remarks on a j)lan for a general legislative union of the, — 8vo. London, 1824. (P.) British North American Provinces. Frasers Magazine, vol. 6, p. 77. Growth and |)ro8pect8 of. lilackwoorVa Mag. vol. 76, p. 1. Voung, George. Letters on Responsible Government and an union of the Colonies of British North America. 8vo. Halifax, 1840. Hamilton, P. S. Union of the Colonies of British North America. Anglo- Amcriran Magazine, vol, 7, pp. 79 and 17.'». Sec iiifi'u in Sootion : Canada. Lord Durham's Report on British North America. Martin, R. M. Colonial Magazine, and (Commercial Maritime Journal. From its commencement in January 1810, to its discontinuance in April 1842. 7 vols. 8vo. London. Simmond's (P-L-) Colonial Magazine and Foreign Miscellany ; from its conimencement in January 1811, to its discontinuance in June, 1853. 25 vols. 8vo. London. Before it dropped, this woric more than once changed hands, and appeared with a diffureiit titlo, as " (Colonial Magiiziue, and East India Review ;" and '• Colonial Magazine and Asiatic Review." These Magazines contain interesting and valuable articles and much statistical information on Canada, and the other British North American Provinces. British Colonial Politics. North American Review, vol. 67, p. 1. Colonial possessions. Value of. Edinburgh Review, vol. 42, p. 271. Colonial protection. Idem, vol. 84. p. 23C. Colonial crisis, (1831.) Fraser's Magazine, vol. 3, p. 625. Colonial reform. Idem, vol. 41, p. 366. Colonial policy of Great Britain. Edinburgh Review, \o\. 54, p. 330. London Quarterly Review, vol. 26, p. 522. Colonial undertakings. Blac/cwood's Magazine, vol. 20, p. 304. ';!■.- ' 1270 HISTORY OP CANADA. [nisTomE Wk u ■f J;; ^■•■-■t^L'.vwl Colonial government. Earl Grey on Lord John Russell's Colonial Adml- niHtration. Edinburgh Review, vol. 1)8, p. 02. Frater'a Maymine, vol. 47, p. 4H5. Mills, on Colonial Constitutions. Weatminster Review, for July 1850, p. 127. Colonial misgovernment. Idem, vol. 4i, p. 024. Colonial neglect and foreign propitiation. Idem, vol. 4(i, p. "52. Colonies, British. Idem, vol. 2.3, p. 891 ; vol. 2->, p. (i33 ; vol. 27, p. 223, 4.').'), ()04 ; vol. 84, p. 2;U and Oil. Fraser'a Moyazine, vol. (i, p. 437- Dublin Univeraity Mayuzine, vol. 1,3, p. 389. Roebuck on the. Fraaera Mayazine, vol. 39, p. 024. Fate of the. Idem, vol. 2, p. 220. Home. London Quarterly Review, vol. 41, p. .'522. ■ Ecclesiastical state of the. Idem, vol. 7't, p. 201. Shall we retain our. Edinburyh Review, vol. 93, p. 4/5. Colonization. From Ireland. North British Review, vol. 8. p. 421. Grey's plan of. Fraaera Mayazine, vol. 35, p. 738. Only cure for national distress. L/em, vol. 27, p. 735. Wakefield's theory of. Idem, vol. ,'{9, p. 245. Biachwood'a Mayazine, vol. 05, p. 5U9. 1. CANADA. N, B. La Section des Manusorits belatifs a l'Histoirr de la Nouvklle-Fbance [vide infra,] ^tant iiitinieiiiunt liiie avec la prusente section, nous j renvorons d'liiie mnni^re spiiciaie. Cartier, Jacques. Discours du voyage fait par Ic Capitaine Jacques Cartier aux terres-neuves de Canada, Norembergue, etc. ; traduit d'une langue etrangere. Rouen, 1598. Ternaux, Archivea deaVoyayea, vol. 1. — Seconde navigation faicte par le conynandement et vouloir du tros-chretien Roy Fran^-ois, [)reniier de ce noni, an parachevcment de la dt'couverture dcs tcrres occideutales, etc., publiee en entier pour la premiere fois d'ajjres des manuscrits de la Bibliotheciue Rovalc. Ibid. Vol. 2. VoyezXe cata1o;;uc do M. Farilmult, pages 2:i et 2-1. IIISTOIRE )niBl Admi- Mayazine, er Review, p. 752. 27, p. 223, »1. 0, p. 487. , p. G24. I. .')22. 201. , 93, p. 475. 21. ]H. 735. Ulacliwood'a rELLK-FoANCB Is y renvoyons lups Cartier rune langue 1vol. 1. ct vouloir licvement de [icr pour la lak. Ibid. DU CANADA.] mSTORY OF CANADA, 1271 Oartler, Jacques. Voyages dc d(5couvertc8 en Canada entre les annexes l.'i34 et l.'J42 ; re-impriines siird'anciennes relations, et pulilies sous la direction (Ic la Societi' littoraire et hiMtoricpie de Quebec, avec preface ct notes, (par G. B. Faribault, Ecr.) Hvo. Quebec, IH43, Premier, second ut troisii^ine voyages de Jacques Cartier. Di Jacques Carthier. Prinui relatione della terra nuova detta la nuova Francia, anno 1534. Rumusiu, vol. 3, fol. 435. Secunda relatione della navigationc per lui fatta all'- Isole di Canada, llochelaga, Saguenay et altre, etc., anno 153.'>. Ra- musio, vol. 3, ]>. 441. Jaques Cartier. First voyage to New-Foundlnnd, tbe Saint Lawrence and the Grand Hay. Anno 1534. llakluyt, vol. 3, and Pinkerton, vol. 12. Second voyage by the Grand Bay, up the river of Canada to llochelaga, anno ir)3r). Ibid. Third voyoge unto the Countries of Canada, Hochelaga and Saguenay, anno 1.540. Ibid. Roberval, Jean Fran9ois de la Uocpie, Sieur de. Voyage an Canada, en l.')42 ; rt'-iniprini6 et public sous la direction de la Socifete litteraire et histo- ricpic de Quebec. 8vo. Quebec, 1843. Voyage to the Countries of Canada, llochelaga and Saguenay, 1.542. Ilakluyt, vol. 3. Alphonse, Jeon, de Xaintoigne. Le Koutier dc, — ou est reprdsentd le cours du fleuvc St. Laurent, depuis le detroit de Belle-Isle, juscpies au fort de France-Roy, en Canada, ir»4'2 ; public par la Soci6t6 litteraire et histo- rique de Quebec. 8vo. Quebec, 1843. An excellent routier shewing the course up the river of Canada, for the space of 230 leagues, 1.542. Ilakluyt, vol. 3. Noel, Jacques, (de St. Malo). Deux lettres sur la d^eouverte des Saults en Canada; pnblioes sous la direction de la Societo littdraire ct historique de Quebec. 8vo. Quebec, 1843. Letter written in ir)87, to M. John Groute, touching the dis- coveries of Jacques Cartier. Hakluyf^ vol. 3. Voir I'article CARTiEtt dans la Biographie Bretonne, et les grands dictionnaircs biograpbiqueB. On trouve Bussi dans I'ouTrage de Leon Gucrin: Les navigateurs Fpcinfais, C8vo. Paris, 1846), les biographies du Jacques Cartier, d' Alphonse lo Siiiiiton- geois, Jacques Noel, Villega';;noii, Ribaut, Laudonnitire, Qourgues, Cham- plain, de la Salle, Lo Nfoyne d'lbotviUe, etc tmi- 1272 HISTORY OF CANADA. [lIIHTOIRB :t F 'H : !'■'■ ;*■ 'J ^- ■> f Pi. ' v' ■ 1 ' i • r : I'' •- i Ohamplain, ^niiiucl d(>. Lea voyagen ilu Siciir (lt> iMiRinplnin, Xaintongcoii ; ou journal tres-KdMe dca obHcrvntinns t'nitcH cii la Nouvt'llt>-Fraiice. 4to. Paris, 1613. — !M(*inc Aditinn, coinprpimiit do plus le " (Juntrii^mc voyage du Sieur de C'lminplain, fait rn ranui'c 1(!1,{." . Voyagi'8 ct di'cGuvcrtes fuiti-s I'li la Nouvellc-France, di'puis rauuec Wilf) jusqu'i'i la fin de Taiiuue l()18. Seconde tuition. 8vo. Paris, \IV27. - Los voyages de la Nouvellc-Franec oreideutale, dicto Canada, I'aits par Ic Sieur de ("hauiplain, et toutes les deeouvertes (|u'il a faites en ce pays, depuis I'aii IdlKJ juscpie en I'.ui I(i2!); oii se voit comnie ee pais a esto preuiierenicnt descouvert par lea Fran^aio ^ou8 Tauthorite de noH Hoys* tres-elin'tiens, jusipies au regne de aa Majeste i\ present regunute Louis XIII, Uoy de Franee et de Navarre ; avee \m traito des (jualiti's et eoiulitious recpuHes i\ uu hou ef parCait uavigateur pour connaitre lu diversito des estinies cpii se font en la navigation. Les niar(pu's et enseiguenieuts (pie la |)r()videnee de Dieu a mis dans les nu-rs pour redresser les uiariniers eu Icur route, saus lescpiclles ils toiiil)eraient en de grands dangers. £t la inani^re dc bicn dresser cartes marines, avec leurs ])orts, rades, isles, sondes, et a\itre eliose neeessaire ii la navigation. Fnseinble uue carte gc'ii^rale de la deserii)tion du dit pais faite en son nieridieu scion la deeliuiiiviu de la Guide Ayinant, et un eateehisme, ou instruction traduite iln nan(,'ais au language des peuj)les sauvnges de cpicltpie contree, ef aussi ci- (pii s'est passu en la dite Nouvelle-Franee en raiuiec I()31. Dedio i\ Mgr. le Cardinal de lliche-< lieu. 4to. Paris, l()32. Cette £ditioQ coinprend en outre lii " Doctrine ChrL-tienno du 11. P, Ledcsme, tra" duito en l.iigii^^e Cauadoi-i, por le U. V. Bi'i'bdmf ;" et mistii rOruisdii Domi- uiciile ct auti'ds prit'i'es '' truduitoH en litn^'.igo des Moutugiiurs do Canada,, par le R. P. Masse, do la CompogQie do Jobua." Meme edition que la prucedcnte, avec titre rafraiclu, de 1G40. Edition faite sur la prficedente, (aux frais uu nement fran(,'ais, pour douner de Teinpioi aux ouvriers), 2 '^' v. Paris, aoiit 1830. Voysi le catalogue de M. Faribault, pages 26, 27 ut 28. Boucher, Pierre. (Gouvernour des Trois-Riviores en Canada). Histoire v^ri- +aok. uaturellc des mocurs et productions du pays de la Nouvelle- Frnacv, < ' jji'icnii-nt dite le Canada. Paris, 16(53. R6iinprim6e ii Quoi r'., ; ., W. Fn'c':jtte, er 1849, format 8vo. Vc;"x .^a.ib'.uiv, ^i. 16. lirSTOlRE DU CANADA.] UISTOUY OF CANADA. 1278 Orouxlus, l''r. IlinturiK CaiiA< "' Kraiicin; libri dccem nd uuuim usqiiu (Jhriui, l(i5(*. Ii I'ariaiiii, i6(i4. ViJii Kiii'it)uiilt, J) ilfl. Shortt, VV. P. GcHtn Anglo-Americana arili> .t et pro)(yninMiuata No>«- il'etiU'ilB IVlHigicee. LIIht ninKiilariii. Nvo. Kxctvr. Thin vol. in litliii){i'n|ilii'(l,in Orcfk : willi r prcliinitiiiry iintlop, niiitynU of the ■>vork, AUil ut)t««, in KuKliil). The author *uj». " thu fulluwing (ireek trcii ,ie on Anierlcii, la pvihapti tha only hittori''nl Oreok cla«sio line* Uxu dayi uf rriii'o|)iiit." <- tlftxic voix, 1'. lip. Ilistoire et (U'Bcription geiuTnlc ilc la Nouvelle France. 2 vol., (avcc cartes.) -Ito. PariH, I7M. Le Vol. ii. contiont une " Doicriptiun dei plaiitei principalog do rAmt-rique Soptflntrioiittle." Voyez Ic cutiilnmit) do M. PariliaiiU. pages 28 et 29. Smith, \Vm. History of ("anada, from its first discovery to the peace of 176.3, and from the estahlishment of the civil government in l"('i' to the establishment of the constitution in 1/92. 2 vols. 8vo, luebcc, 181S. Bibaud, Michel. Ilistoire du Canada sous la domination fran9aif«'. Si Dndc Edition. 8vo. ^[ontr('al, 1813. ■ " Iliirtoire du Canada et del Catiadieua sous la doniiuk ion anglaisp. Hvo. Montreal, 1844. M. nitmiid oat (l(V(''(ir' li^ I! noiU IS.'i?, Le Pa;/it da 4 aoftt 18.')7, \o Journn 7« thmlnictiim Publique, vol. 1, p. ItKi, et le Dielionnaire Jei Iloinmeii illtiilret du Citnada de M. liibaud, jeuue, cuntlcunent choctm uuo nottoe biogropliiiiue aiir cct iScriv^iin. Bibaud, Maximilien. (Fils du prdc6dent.) Catechismc de I'histoire du Canada, 32mo. Montreal, 18.')4. Dictionnaire historique dcs homnies illustres du Canada et de I'Amurique. 8vo. Montreal, 1HI}7. Supplement aux travaux sur I'higtoire du Canada. (Ou- vrage en ■ mra de publication.) Roy, Jcmiet. The History of Canada; prepared for the use of schools 12m(J. Montreal, 1850. Garneau, F. X. Ilistoire du Canada depuia sa d6couverte jusqu'ii nos jours 4 vol. 8vo. Quebec, 184!j-18.')2. Le munie ouvrage, corrig6 et augment^. 3 vol. 8vo. QuiJ- bec, 18.')2. • Ahreg^ de I'histoire du Canada depuis sa d6couvertc jusqu'^ 1840. l2mo. Quebec. 185C, Voir le Xorth American Review, vol. Ixxiv, p. 261 ; U lUrne dea Deux-Mondea, aeoondo afirie de la nouvelle p6ri<>do, Tomo iii. p. 278, (1868); Le Correa- pooduDt, vol. xntiii, p. i4J ; I'Atheneeum frausaia, ftvrior, 1818, p. 28, etc. M:'. ^^-^'i;i 1274. HISTORY OF CANADA. Si 1 1..^ 1 II ■ ii [histoire Brasseur de Bourbourg, M. I'Abbfi. Histoire tlu Canada, de son Eglise et de ses missions, depuis la dccouverte de I'Am^rique jusqn'il no8 jours. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Ferland, R6v. J. B. A. Observations siir un ouvrage intitule : Histoire du Canada, etc , par M. I'Abb^ Brasseur de Bourbourg. Svo. Quebec, IS.'iS. Voir ausBi dans le Correspopdant, vol.zxziii, un article de M. de Lii Roobc-Huron. Christie, Robert. A history of the late province of Lower Canoda, parliamen- tary and political, from the commencement to the close of its existence as a separate province, embracing a period of fifty years. 6 vols. Svo. Quebec, lH-l!)-.'».5. At the end of voL v, will bo found a biographical sketch of the late Sir James Stuart, Bart. Chief Justice of Lower Canada. Vol. VI. Is entitled, "Interesting documcnta and oiBcial correspondence illustrative of aud supplementary to, the History." It is prefaced by a memoir of the public life of the Hon. H. W. Ryland, confideutijil Secretary to Lord Dorches- ter when Governor in Chief of British North America, and includes copious extractH from Ryland's Correspondence and Papers, with other documents on the affairs of the Proviuce from 1*789 to 183:i ; the whole numbered from I to 158. No. I,i9, is a note by Jaoque-> Viger Esq. " Sur la prise du Village de St. Ri^gis par les Amuricains duraut la deruiere guerre avec Ics Etats- Unis." Nos. 100 and 161, are correspondence concerning the Rebellion in Lower Canada, and the conduct of MM. D. B. Viger, Wolfred Nelson, L. J. Papineau, itc. ^_^__ Memoirs of the administration of Lower Canada by Sir James Craig and Sir George Prevost, from 1807 to 1815. Svo. Quebec, 1818. A brief review of the political state of Lower Canada, with Memoirs of the administration of Lower Canada, by Sir Gordon Drum- mond and Sir John Coape Sherbrooke. Svo. New- York, 1818. MoMuUen, John. The History of Canada, from its first discovery to the present time. 8vo. Brockville, (C.W.) 1855. Roger, Charles. History of Canada. Vol. 1. Svo. Quebec, 1855. Dussieux, L. Le Canada sous la domination fran9aise, d'apres Ics archives de la marine et de la guerre. Svo. Paris, 1855. Voir I'Athenojum franjais pour 1866, p. 600 et 601. Pour I'histoire des nations snuvnges du Canada, et la description de leura moeurs et coutumes, Voyet ci-devant la section Antiquftes et Aoorigbnes, [p. 1187-89.] et en particulior: Lafitau, Moeurs des sauvages. La Potherie, Histoire de rAra6rique Septentrionale. Coldcu, History of the Five Nations of Canada. Lives of Brant and Tecuraseh. Bibaud, Les Sagamos illustres, Et les ouvrages do Schoolcraft, Catlin, Drake, McKenney, etc. ■i i STOIRB DV CANADA.] IIISTOEY OF CANADA. 1275 n Eglise qu'i no8 istoire du Quebec, jehc-Hcron. [larliamen- liistence as ols. 8vo. te Sir James llustrative of lemoir of the jord Dorches- ludes copious Jocuments on bered from 1 ledu Village vec lc3 Etats- ■ Uebellioa la Nelson, L. J. |ada by Sir 815. 8vo. mada, with Irdou Drum- .rk, 1818. ?cry to the Ics archives 1 Icurs moeurs loaiGENES, [p. Voi/ez aussi ci-nprti3 dans la classe des Votaqis, les Voyages de Henaepin, La Hontan, Ciiarlevoix, Lebeau, Chateaubriand, etc., etc. Pour I'histoire des Guerres Sauvnges, Voyez ci-devant p. 1259. Pour los ouvrages relatifs a r^tablissenieut de la foi, etauz institutions religieuses en Canada, Voyez ci-devant la section HiBToias Eoclbsiastiqub et Missions, p. 1195, et en particulier: La lettre de Mgr. de St. Vallier, sur I'etat de I'dglise. La vie de la Htinir Bourgeoys, par M. I'abbe Faillon. La vie do MaderaoisoUe Manee, par le memo . La vie de Madame d' Yoiiville, par le nieme. Les Servantes de Dieu en Canada, par M. de Courcy! La relation du p^re Bressany, parle R. P. Martin. Les relations des Jcsuites. Le grand voyage du pore Sagard La Gaspe'sie du piiro Le Clerq. Etc., etc., etc CoUeotion de m^moires et de relations sur I'histoire ancieiine du Canada d'apres les nianuscrits recemmcnt obtenus des archives et bureaux publics en France. Publieo sons la direction de la Socictc litteraire et historique de (infibec, avec une introduction et des notes. (Par G. B. Faribault, ccr.) Hvo. Quebec, 1840, comprenant : 1. Mumoire Hur I'otat present du Canada [1G67.] [suppose otre de M. Taiou alors intendaut.] 2. Monioiro sur lo Oiiuada [suppose ocrit eii 1730 et attribue i M. Ilocquiirt. intendant.] S. CniisidOrations sur i\Hat pruscntdu Caimda [1758J; [lufiraoire inipoitaul luais dont I'auteur est incouuu.] 4. Ilistoire du Oauaila, par M. I'liUbo du Belmont, [SupiJrieur du Suminaire de Montreal, entre 171:5 et 1724.] 5. Relation du siege do Quebec eii 175y [Oerite on 1703] par uno religinuse de riiopital gC'ufiral de Quebec. B Jugetnent impartial sur les opiSnitions mditairea de la campagne en Canada, en 175i», [sans nom d'auteur.] 7. Reflexions somniaires sur le coinmorco qui sost fait en Canada ["ans uoai d'auteur et sans date, mais supposi'; Ocrit apr^a 1760.] 8. Ilistoire de I'eau de viu en Canada [saus date et sans noui (I'.iutriur.] Les trois premiers momoires, nous dit I'introduction, sent publies d'apres des manu'^crits obtenus par Lord Durham des Archives du Bureau de la Mariuc a Pari^, en 183S, lors de son depart d'Europe pour le gouverueraeut des Caniidas. Les cinq autres mOmoires one et6 communiqui's par le Rev. M Juiin Holmes, professeur du sOminaire de Quebec, qui les avait ohtciiues de la Bibllothiiq' f) du Roi et autres institutions publiques,ii Paris. M6moires sur le Canada, de 1749 a 17(i(>. Avei; cartes et plans lithogra- phies. Publics sous la direction de la Soci^to litteraire et histori(jue de Quebec, et precodes d'uue introduction, et accouipagiu's ilc uoies;, (par G. IJ. Faribault, ocr.) Svo. ()u6l)ec, l8.5S, comprenant : Menioires du S. de C. , contcnant I'liietoir.! d'l Canada durant la iiuorje tt sous le gouvernemeut an.,'!ai8. 'iiT'-'i W J mi ^'■■il il 1276 HISTORY OF CANADA. [histoieb On trouve dans lea Aroliives CurieuHes the views which possessed them [re'po8iti(m, and puriwics, of the people of New York." [Ibid, p. xxxii.] This led to a careful examination of, and a copious selection from, the Archivea of the French Government. A striking testimony to the value of the selectiona, particularly as regards Canadian affairs, has been biirne by Mr. IJancroft, the American historian, who remarks as follows ; " Your papers I examined carefully. • • * There is nothing ia ). STOIEB DU CANADA.] HISTORY OF CANABA. 1277 ( aerie, vol. , du fort de lin-ea-Laye, lemant, Su- SU8, envoyes mpcvgnie, oil habitants de iens Fran^ais leste contree. et ii. : int.mai 1084 , 8vo.,) et s"''- (5 vol. 8vo; de ce dernier lie Le Moyne, York, pro- jilheacl, Esq. Legislature, p., LL.D., to. Albany, yet piiblished. Paris, will be Mr. Brodbead iii.ds or copies jvnora of Caua- a commercial, [future growth I; their expcn- [ilh the Iiulian [iawreuce, and fir as developed leBpocially con- 1 with" the Co- liu her iutlueuce J, iu uo small lof New York." ^nd a copious larda Canadian ji, who remarks Ire is uotbiug ia Documents relative to Colonial History of State of New York. — Continued. print like the minute and exact Reports made by the French officers Id Canada of their operations on our frontier during their long struggle for the preservation of Canada. Your papers surround Montoalm with all the interest of a hero of romance, and trace his overthrow, clearly, to distinct and inexorable causes." [Ibid, p. xli.] For the French Original of the documents, See infra Section Manusorits bbla- LATIPS A L'HISTOIBE DE LA NoUVELLB FUANCR. See also Documentary History of the State of New York, ("supra p. 1241) Edits, Ordonnanoes Royaux, declarations et arrets du Conseil de I'Etat du Roi, (1540-1 75H) coucernant le Canada. Ordonnances des Intcudants et Arrets du Conseil Superieur de Quebec (1G27-175C). 2 vol. 4to. Quebec, 1H03-1H()G. Meme ouvragc, revu et augmente. 2 vol. 8vo. Quebec, 1854-55. Pour I'histoire du droit etdc radministration de la Justice en Canada, Voi/ez ci- devaut pages leO-l^O ; — Ausai, Bibaud, Suppldmeut aux travaux sur I'His- toire du Cauada, etc., etc. /Seealao infra, in Section Newspai-brs and Periodicals, The Lower Canada Jurist. Pour les documents relatifs a la Ti'nuro Seigueuriale en Canada, Voi/ez ci-devant, pages 167 et 168 ; and Section Pamphlets. (CANArnA:*.) Expedition to Canada. A letter to a friend in the country on the late. 12mo. London, 1712. (P.) Tlie North American Review, vol. iii. p. 150, says that this pamphlet was written by Mr. Dummer, to justify the people of New England against the censures that were cast uixin them for tli.i failure of that expedition. Walker, Sir Hovendcn. A journal or full account of the late expedition to Canada ; with an Appendix containing Commissions, Orders, Instruc- tions, Letters, Memorials, Courts-Martial, Councils of War, &c., relating thereto. Hvo. London, 1720. See Rich, vol. i, j). 27. Siege of Quebec. Journal of the, by a gentleman in an eminent station on the spot. Hvo. London, 17.'')9. (P.) A short account of the Expedition against Quebec, com- manded by Major-Gcneral Wolfe in the year 1 759. By an Engineer upon that expedition. (Major Moncrief.) With apian of the town and basin of Quebec, and part of the adjacent country, showing the jjrincipal encampments and works of the British army, and those of the French arm)-, during the attack in 1759. 8vo. Twelve Views in Quebec, in 1759, from Drawings taken on the spot ; [and illustrative of the state of the city immediately after the Siege.] See infra section, Geography and Voyages (in Canada.) •■\'1- '' pi, fJK t , ^ . [ ' '1 v, I,;! 1278 HISTORY OF CANADA. [histoire Letter to an honorable Brigadier-general, a Commander in chief of His Ma- jesty's forces in Canada. 8vo. London, 1700. (P.) Canada. Souvenirs Historiques. Compiles par L. J. Racine. IGnio. Mon- treal, 185ti. Warburton, Major. The Conquest of Canada. Edited by Eliot War- burton. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Ho'Ward, Middleton. The Conquest of Quebec : a Poem. 4to. Oxford 17fi8. Dawson, Rev. Eli. A discourse delivered at Quebec, September, 18.'")9. -Ito. London, 1760. Maoleod, Serjeant Donald. Memoirs of the life and gallant exploits of, — who, having returned, wounded, with the corpse of General Wolfe, from Quebec, was admitted iin out pensioner of Cheslea Hospital in 1 7i')9 ; and is now in the 103rd year of his age. Svo. London, 1791. (P.) Pour les guerres qui ont pivc6d6 et accumpagn^ la cession du Caiinda d TAiigk- teno, Voyef: aussi Ics ouvrnges relatifs li i.'Uistoiee de8 Gukbues dans l'Amebiijue du Nqkd, pages 1259 et 1200. Canada. Memoire historique sur la negociation de la France et de rAngle- terre, dejjuis le 20 mars 17C1 jusqu'au 20 8cpteml)re dela nienic annee ; avee les })ioces justificatives. Svo. Paris, 1761. An historical memorial of the negociation of France and England, from the 26th of March, 1761, to the 20th September following; witli the vouchers ; translated from the original Freuch. Folio. London, 1761. Collection of Treaties, of Imperial Statutes, and of other Public Acts relative to Canada. 17.^9-1834. 4to. Quebec, 1834. Recueil de Trait" m !>''* T.(i>- II, mi mi': •■■)■: I]- 1"! ■ it'ii if -^ 1 '. s » ml m. m Paplneau, (L. J.) ami Neilson, (John.) Letter to His Majesty's under Secretary of State on the subject of the proposed union of Upper and Lower Canada. 8vo. London, 1824. (P.) [Fleming, M.] Political Annals of Lower Canada ; being a review of the political and legislative history of that Province, — shewing the defects of the Constitutional Act, &c. Bvo. Montreal, 1828. Canada. Report from the Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada ; with the evidence of Messrs. Samuel Gale, D. B. Viger, John Neilson, A. Cuvillier, Edward EUice, McGillivray, J. C. Grant, G. Ryerson, J Stevens, W. H. Merritt, &c., &c. ; printed by order of the House of Commons, July, 1828. Folio. London. Rapport du comitc de la Chambre des Communes sur le Gouveme* ment Civil du Canada, mis devant la Chambre, le 28 juillet 1828. 8vo. (Brochure.) [Latcrridre, Pierre de Sallcs.] A political and historical account of Lower (Canada, with remarks oa the ])resent situation of the people as regards their manners, character, religion, v*tc. ; by a Canadian. 8vo. London, 1830. Lower Canada- Review of the proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada, in the Session of 1 8.S 1 . With an Appendix, containing some important documents, now first given to the public. 8vo. Montreal, 18.32. Canada in the years 1>^32, 1833 and 1834 ; by an ex-settler. l2mo. Dublin, 1S35. Les 92 Resolutions, et dt'l)ats sur icelles. 8vo. AIoutr6al, 1834. Roebuck, J. A. Existing difhculties in the Government of the Canadas. 8vo. London, 18.3G. (P.) Lower Canada. Reports of the Commissioners apj)ointed to inquire into the grievances of Lower Canada, with Appendix ; printed by order of the House of Commons, February, 1837. Folio. London. .See in the Canadian Pamphlets, and in the Index to thk Paeliamkntaey PAPEas ON Canada, (infra) tlie vurious Reports, y a Barrister. 8vo. London, 1837. Upper Canada. Tiie Seventh Report of the Select Committee of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, on Grievances. By W. L. Mackenzie, Chairman. 8vo. Toronto, 1S35. Wells, W. B. Canadiana, containing sketches of Uj)per Canada and the crisia in its political affairs. 8vo. London, 1837. DTI CANADA.] HISTORY OP CANADA. '>S3 nndas. 8vo. nd the crisis Lyon Caleb. Narrative and recollections of Van Diemen's Land, during a three years' captivity of Stephen S. Wright, with an account of the lattle of Prescott. Hvo. New York, 184-J. (P.) [Haliburton, T. C] The Bubbles of Canada. By the author of "The Clockmaker." 8vo. London, 1839. Theller Dr. E. A. Canada in 1837-38, showing the causes of the late attempt- ed Revolution and of its failure, together with the personal adventures of the author. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. Paquin, Messire. Journal historique des (5v5nemens arrives i\ St. Eustache pendant la rebellion du comt^ du Lac des Deux Montagnes. 32mo. Montreal, 1838. State Trials before a General Court Martial at Montreal, in 1838-39, Reports of the, — a complete history of the late Rebellion in Lower Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1839. Prooes Politique de la Reine »«. Jalbert. 12mo. Montr(?al, 1839. Canadian Prisoners* Case ; Report of the, — by A. A. Fry. An introduc- tion on the writ of Habeas Corpus. Svo. London, 1839. MoLeod, Alexander. Trial for Murder of Amos Durfee of the Steamer Caro- line." Svo. Washington, 1841. Correspondence between the Rt. Hon. Sir R. W. Horton, Bt., and J. B. Robinson, Esq., Chief Justice of Uj)per Canada, upon the subject of a pamphlet entitled " Ireland and Canada." Svo. London, 1839. Head, Sir Francis M. A narrative of his Administration of the Government of Upper Canada. 8vo. London, 1839. See Ilich, vol. ii, p. 810. Dublin University Magazine, vol .xiii, p. 501. Quarterly Review, vol. Ixiii, p. 457. Edinburgh Review, vol. Ixxx. A narrative ; with a supplemental chapter. Svo. London, 1839. The Emigrant. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1846. " This volume is composed of political history [of the writer's administration in Canada,] buoyed up by a few light sketches, solely written to moke a dull subject fly." Preface. Addresses to — from the Legislatures of the British North American Colonies, &c. 8vo. Toronto, 1838. - Lord Glenelg's Despatches to Sir Francis Bond Head, during his Administration of the Government of Upper Canada. Svo. London, 1839. Durham, Lord. The Report and Despatches of the Earl of Durham, Her Majesty's High Commissioner and Governor General of British North America. Folio. London, 1839. it f M'i 1284 HISTORY OF CANADA. [UISTOIRE ■t.f1.v/ t; |S;;1 J' Durham, Lord. Rnpi)ort do Lord Durham, Ilnut-Comtnissairi' de Sa MajoBt^ 8ur lc8 nffnires de rAm<^ri(|ne Septcntrionah' Britanniqiip. Hvo. For Ibe Appendices to this Report, »ee the Imperlnl Parliamcntiiry Pftjjers. -^— —— • A reply to the report of the Enrl of Durliam, hy a ColoiUBt, (Judge Ilalihurton.) Hvo. London, 1839. 8»« Quarterly Review, vol. Ixiii, p. 461. Revue dea deux Mondes, Icr mai 1838. Robinson, Hon. J. B. Canada and the Canada Bill. Hvo. London, IH4(). (P.) Taylor, Henry. On the Union of the two Canadas. 12mo. Montreal. Constitution of Canada. 1 vol. containing : Labrie, Jacques. Les premiers rudimens de la Constitution Dritauuique. Heuoy, Hugues. Commcntniro bui- la CongtitntiDii du Bas-Canoda. [Dlacicwuod, Ths.] Reinarka on tlio Constitution of the Canadas. O^rin-Lajoie, A. Cattftchinnie politique, ou Etdmeni du droit publia et couti- tutionnel du Canada. Sydenham, Lord. Memoirs of his life, with a narrative of his Administrai.i'r.\ in Canad'., by G. Ponlett Scrope, his brother. 8vo, London, 184H. Ililotoalfe, C-arles, Lord, late Governor General of India, and of Canada, and Governor of Jamaica. Life and correspondence, from unpublished letters and Journals ; by J. W. Kaye. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1 8.')4. See Blackwood'H Magazine, vol. Ixxvii. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 1, and Edinburgh Review, vol. cii. • Selections from Lord Metcalfe's PriptTS. Edited by J. W. Kaye. 8vo. London, 18r)i>. View of Sir Charles Metcalfe's Government of Canada ; by a Member of the Provincial Parliament, (E. G. Wakefield.) London, 1844. [43 pages.] The " Crise " Metcalfe, and the Lafontaine-Baldwin Cabinet defended : by Zeno. Svo. Quebec, 1844. 41 pages. Viger. I'Hon. D. B. La Crise Ministerielle et M. Denis Benjamin Viger. 8vq. Kingston, 1814. Correspondanoe entre THon. W. H. Draper et I'Hon. R. E. Caron ; et, entre I'Hon. R. E. Caron et les Hons. L. H. La Fontaine et A. N. Moriu. Hvo. Montrt>al, 1846. Correspondence between the Hon. W. H. Draper and the Hon. R. E. Caron ; and between the Hon. R. E. Caron and the Hons. L. H. La Fontaine and A. N. Morin. Svo. Montreal, 1846. Vide infra Section Pamphlets [American loniiil Office; in the Tmpcrinl ParlinmoDtnry Papers. Lillie, Hev. A. ('anndn ; physical, economical and social. With a map of Upper and Lower Canada. Svo. Toronto, IS.'i.'). Hogan, J. S. Canaila : an Essay, to which was awarded the first prize hy the Paris Kxhibition Committee of Canada. 8vo., (with a map.) Montreal and London, IS.'iS. Morris, Alexander. Canada and her resources ; an Essay, to which the second ])rize was awarded hy His Excellency Sir Edmund Walker Head. Svo. Montreal and London, 1855. Tache, J. C. Estpiisse sik le Canada, consider^ sous le point de vue 6cono- miste. I'Jmo. Paris, IS'jS. Le Canada et 1' Exposition UniverscUe en IHofi. Svo. Toronto, IS.'iO. {'nnndn and the Paris Exhil)ition of 1H55. Svo. Toronto, 1856. Logan, (W. E.) et Hunt, (Sterry.) Esquisse geologique du Canada pour servir a riutelligence de la carte geologicpie et de In collection des min^raux envoyies a 1' Exposition Univcrselle de Paris, 1855. I'imo. Paris, 1855. Langevin, Hector L. Le Canada, ses institutions, ressources, produits, manu- factures, etc., etc. "vo. Qu6bec, 1855. Census of the Ganadas, 1851-52. (Vol. I.) Personal Census. (Vol. II.) Agricultural Produce, Mills, Mnnufnctories, Houses, Schools, Public Buildings, Plnccs of Worship, &c. 'J vols. Svo. Quebec, 1853-55. Reoensement des Canadas, 1851-52. J vol. Svo Quebec, 1853-55. Vol. I. Rccenscment personnel. " II. Produits a(,'rieoles, moulins, usines, maisons, ucoles, edifices publics, c'gliscs etc. For the present financial, commercial, agricultural, industrial and educational condition of the Country, See the Annual Provincial Parliamentary Papers. Barker, Essai historique et stntistique sur le Cnuada. Revue des Deux Mon- des. Vol. 1-11, 1831. Grimblot, P. Politique Coloniale de I'Angleterrc. Le Canada. Ibid, 15 septembre, 18-12. I? ?^ ■ 1280 IIISTOIIY OF CANADA. [lIISTOIRE DV ■1. ■! 1 mi Canada. tVasfr'n Ma fftuine, yo\. :>, p. (i.'J.'i j vol. 17, p. IH.'J. BlarAwood't Mag. vol. I.'J, pp. J II, 2JS ; vol. 50, p. M'i. Ihifdin Univ. Mag. vol. 2(», p. 7.'J.1. Karly history of. I^orth .Imerican Reeifw, vol. Ifi, p. 409. IfppiT. lllackwooira Miu)ii:ine, vol. .'{J, p. 'J.'JH. Einigrntiou to. London Quarterly llei'ieir, vol. •*.{, p. ;{73. I'oliticnl importance of. Idem, vol. IJ.'J, p. 110. Canipni(j;iis in. Ltem, vol, 27, p. K).'). and Krnigration. Dublin Unirt-raitij Maymine, vol. 1, p. 287. in 1H'J!>. UfnrAwooi/'n Mnyozine, vol. 2(1, p. .'{.'{2. in IH.'M). FniaerH Mayazine, vol. 1, p. ;{8!>. in 18.S7. London Quarterly Iterieiv, vol. (il, p. 24!). and Iri'innd. lilttckwood'a Mayazine, vol. 4H, p. .'18.'). Government of. Ihililin University Mayazine, vol. 11, p. ,'{2(J. Dcstniction of tlic ('aroline, and the McLeod (|Mcstion. North Ameriraii Herieir, vol. 't'.i, p. 112. Fraaera Mayazine, vol. 21, ]). •192. Lord Diirlmni in. /(A'/w, vol. I.'J, p. .'}.').'». London Quarterly Iteeiew, vol. 04, ]). 101. North Ameriean Review, (C. Dunkin,) vol. If), p. .'{".'<. Frailer a Mayazine, v(d, 17, p. 2',V.^. Canada ([ucstion. London Quarterly llevieiv. vol. (i.'{, j)p. 22.S, -l.")7. Dublin Unirer,nty Mayazine, vol. 20, p. 73.'). Hlac/cwood'a Mayazine, vol. 27, p. -iiK). in 18ir». North American Review, vol. CO, p. 87. in 1HI8. Ide/h, vol. (i7, p. 1. Annexation of, — to United States. Dublin Univ. May., vol. .S.">, j). l.'il. — IIow lonp; shall we liold the (lanadns. Idem, vol. .'M, p. ;H4. Civil revolution in, — (18-19). lilarkwood'a Mayazine, vol. (>.'), p. 727; vol. (JO, p. 171 ; vol. (!7, j). 219. Notes on Canada and the North West States of America. lilack- wood'a Mayazine, vol. 77, p. I.'W, .WJ, 701 ; vol. 78, p. ."$9, 10.'), 322. By Lnureiice Oliphaiit, iifterwnrda publiahed under the title of Minnesota and the far West. A few Notes on Canadian matters, by Viscount Bury. Fraaer'a Mayazine, for .March, May, and July, 18r)7. Canada. Fac Simile des Autographes des Gouverneurs et .Vdministratcura du Canada, snivi d'un tal)leau ehronologicpie de tous ceux «jui ont occupe ees emplois distingues, leurs designations et leurs titres, depuis la colo- nisation de la Province, ])ris de " TAlhinn des Souvenirs C'anadiens," du Lieut. Col. Jac(pies Viger, Premier Maire de la C'iti' de Montreal, etc. Troisieme Edition. Montreal, lHr)7. • I'd :tM t CAW\1)A.] PAUL. PAPERS CONCKIININO CANADA. 1287 INDEXES TO IMPERIAL PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS: CONCERNING CANADA. SESSIONAL I'APERH OF THK HOUSE OF LORDS: EXTKACTH niOM THK (JkNKHAI, InDKX, FOU THK YkAUB 1801 TO 1852, UKI,ATIN(J TO CaNAUA, Ul'I'KR ANII liOWKU : — {y.B.— The Figiireu placed at the end of the lino rrfur to the Manu»cript Paging of the Volume, iih arranged for the Flouse of Lords. For re- ferencos jirior to IHiJH, \.\\v volumen indiL-iitcd do not ulwiiyn correspond with the volumes lis bound up for the Library of Parliament, but the gear will be found correet, nnd will lead to the diseovery of the Doeuinent; unless it be out of print, and not included in tiie Library copy.) I. Bills or Acts : Hill to prevent certain Foreign (Joods being brought from th States into Canada ; ami to allow a great(!r quantity of Yarn to be exported from Great Britain to Canad United Worsted V%t' 031 (1812) Vol. xlvii Bill to provide for the Extinction of Seigniorial, Ac, Uighls, and Burdens on Lond. held " de Fief," &c., in Lower Canada, and for the conversion of thoso Tenures into Free ond Connnon Soccage (1825.) Vol. clxxv.. Hill to anu^nd 31 Geo. III. c. 31, as it relates to the Election of Members of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada. (Ib20.) VoLcc... Bill to amend 31 Geo. III. c 31, for more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec. (1830.) Vol. cclxiii. Hill to explain, kc, the Laws relating to Lands hoiden in free and common Soceage in Lower Canada. (18.30-31.) Vol. eelxxxiii. Bill to amend 14 Geo. III. c. 88, for establishing a I'uud for the ad- ministration of Justice and support of the Civil (Government in the Province of Quebec (1830-31.) Vol. eelxxxiii .. A similar Hill (1831.) Vol. ccxc... Act relative to the Right of Tithes in Upper Canada. (1817.) Vol. Ixxxvii.. Bill for the Temporarv Government of Lower Canada. (1838.) Vol ii... Bdl for declaring the intent and meaning of the above, and for in- demnifying thoso who have acted under a certain Ordinance made under the baii» 519 619 603 29 211 493 177 Vide the Cross -Refer eticea. Titles; Clergy Reserves— Colonies — Emigration. LORDS' SESSIONAL PAPERS OF THE SESSION 1854. Bill to empower the Legislature of Canada to alter the Constitution of the Legislative Council for that Province Vol. iv... Papers relative to the proposed Changes in the Legislative Council. Vol. xiii... Papers relative to Legislative Proceedings in Canada, Vol. xiii,,. Vide, also, the Cross- References. Title; Emigration. N.B. — No LoEDs' Papers subsequent to 1851 have been received in Library. 693 207 281 the CROSS - REFERENCES. Other doouments relating to Caxada in particular, or British Noeth Amebica in general, will be found under the following heads, which are given as Cross References from the head " Cakada," in the General Index-volume of the LoEDs' Sessional Papebs, viz. : I. Aborigines. II. America, United States of. III, Canada Company. IV. Clergy Reserves. V, Colonies. VI. Corn, Grain, Flour, &c. VII. Emigration. CONCERNING CANADA. 1295 LORDS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO: (1801-1852.)— CoHfinaerf. leived in the 'ho Cross References : I. Aborigines. (British Settlements) : lieport (from Committeo of the House of Commons) appointed in 1836, to consider of Measures to be taken with respect to the Native Iuhaf)itnnt3 of countries where British Settlements are made, &c. ; with Minutes of Evidence, &c. (1836.) Vol. xxi... 1 [Settlements in respect of which Witnesses were eximinod bifore the Comniitt"e: — Africa, Southern and Westorn ; Austrnlii' ; Ciinada; Cape of ")d Hope; Essequibo; Namaquiilnnd ; Newtnundiand; New Hoi' ■ id ; New South Wiilc8; New Zealand; South Sea la- lauds , Van Dienien's Land ; and Zoolu Country.] Eeport of a similar Committee, in 1S37 ; with Minutrs of Evidence, &c (1837.) Vol. xxiii... 1 [Subjects. — Review in Detail of the State of the Aboriginal InhaViitants of Newfoundlnod, North America, South America, New Holhmd, Van Dienien's Lnnd, Islands in the Pacitie, and Soulli Africa. Effi'Ct^ of Fair-dealing, combined with Christian Instruction, on the I Aborigines' Settlement of Sierra Leone. Su(f(j(slioua : 1. Protec- tion of Natives to fall on the Executive. 2. Conti'acts for Service to be limited. 3. Sale of ardeut Spirits to be prevented. 4. Regu- latirns .IS to Acquisition of Lands. 5. New Territories not to be acquircil wilhoutsanction fron^ the Home Qovernnicnt. 6. lieligious In.-truction and Education to be provided. 7. Punishment of Crimes. 8. Ti'caties with Natives inexpedient. 9. Mifisionaries to be encour- aged. — Special Recommeudatious by the Committeo regarding the several Colonics.] Correspondence since 1st April, 1835, between the Secretary of State for the Colonies and the Grovernors of the British Nortli American Provinces, respecting the Indians (183S).) Vol. ix... 1 II. America: United States of. I. Bills. Bill to permit the Importation of certain Articles into the Britisli Colonies in North America from the United Stntes ; and the Exportation of other Articles from the same Colinies to the said States... (I8('7 ) Vol.ix... 237 Bill to rejjulate the Trade between the British Possessions in America and the West Indies, &c ". (Ib22.) Vol. cxxviii... 269 II. Treaties and State Papers : Papen relatinfr to tin; War with America :— Prisoners of War, and Vessels of all sorts, captured from and by the Unitud States ; Accounts of the Naval Eorce and Proceedings on the Lakes of Canada, &c (ISM-lu.) Vol. h.\v...l, 7, 19, 25 Returns from the Admiralty relative to the War:— Stores Curiiished for the Fleet on Lake Ontario, in 181-1 ; Eflieieiiey, Ac , of the 20-gun Ships built on the Model of the {lonim Viioi/t iiue. ; and representations aa to the insufficiency of their CrLws '&.c. (1814-15.) Vol. 1XIV...45, 261 t \: '■ '' . ■'' '<') 'ill ¥ 1296 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTAIir PAPERS h f :kI !::.'! I ii I M ;|. ?• i; (1 t ■V ^iri LORDS' PAPEllS, INDEX (1801-1852): Cross'Referknces.— Con/jnHcrf. II. Amkrica, United States of : — (Continued.) Comploment of Ships for tho Nortli Americnn Station, at their suil- iiiK, between April andJuly, 1814. (18M-1815.) Vol. Ixxv... 277 The Defeuce of tho Canadaa: — Correspondeuco between Lieut. -Gen. Sir G. Prevoat and Lords Liverpool and Bathurst, relative to. (1814-15.) Vol.kxT... 279 Treaty of Peace and Amity between His Majesty and the United States, signed at Ghent, 24th December, 1814. (1814-15 ) Vol. hxvi... 335 Convention between the same powers, relative to the Territory on tlie North- West Coast of America, signed at London, 6th August, 1827 (1828.) Vol. ccxli... 429 Convention between the same powers relative to the Arbitration of the disputed points under tho 5th Article of the Treaty of Ghent ; with an Appendix (1828.) Vol. ccxli... 433 Correspondence relating to the Boundary between the British North Anu'riean Possessions and tho United States, under the Treaty of 1783, subsequently to the reference of disputed points to Arbitration ; with an Appendix (1838.) Vol xvii... 67 Proceedings, &c. relating to the Pretensions of the States of Maine, iMassachusetts, and New liampshire ; and to tho question of Jur'jdiction within the disputed Territory, from 1831 to 1837. (18.38.) Vol. xvii... 187 Correspondence relating to tho Boundary under the Treaty of 1 783, between the British Possessions in North America, and the United States : Part I. Correspondence (1840) Vol. x 367 II. Correspondence, with Reports of the Commissioners appointed to survey the disputed Boundary ; and an Appendix |and Maps ... (1840.) Vol. x 541 Supplementary Reports relating to the disputed Boundary ; with Map and Sections. (1^42.) Vol. xxiv... 1 Further Correspondence relative to the Boundary. (1843.) Vol XV... 411 Papers relative to the Special Mission of Lord Ashburton to tho United States, in 1842 (1843) Vol. xv... 583 Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States, signed at Wash- ington. Itth August, 1812, to settle and dotine the Houndary be- twt.ii the Territories of Her M.ajesty and the United States ; for tlie Suppression of the Slave Trade, and for the giving up of Criminals i'ugitivo from Justice, in certain cases. (1843) Vol. XV... 649 Map to illustrate tho Boundary established by this I'reatv. (1843) Vol. ;;v... 677 Lord Asliburton's Letter to Mr. Webster, respecting the mutual Sur- render of Fugitives from Justice, dated 9th August, 1842. (1843) Vol. XV.. 617 i: J CONCERNING CANADA. 1297 LORDS', PArEIlS, INDEX (lLji-1852): Cross Ueferkncbu.— Continued. II. America, United States of : — (Continued.) Pt«M Correspondence between the two Powers relative to the aforesaid Treaty ; including Instructions from Lord Aberdeen to Lord Ashburton, with respect to the Right of Search, 18-12-43. (IH43,) Vol. XV... G57 Correspondence reapectino; the Operations of the Commission for run- ning, &c , the Boundary Lino between Her Majesty's Possessions and the United States, under the same Treaty ; with Map an- nexed, showing the country in which they took place. (1845.) Vol. xiv... 301 Negotiations upon the Question of disputed Right to the Oregon Territory, subsequent to the Treaty of Washington. (1846.) Vol. xviii... 1 Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States, for the Settle- ment of the Oregon Boundary, signed at Washington, 15th June, 1846 (1846.) VoL xviii... 77 Convention between Her Majesty and the L^nited States for the Im- provement of the Communicatiou by Post between their respec- tive Territories ; signed at London, 15th December, 1848. (1849.) Vol. XX... 6 Articles agreed on between the British and United States Post Offices, for carrying into execution the foregoing Couvcntion. (1850.) Vol. xix... 7 III. Canada Company: Bill to enable Her Majesty to grant to a Company to be incorporated by Charter, to be called " The Canada Company," certain lauds in Upper Canada; with certain powers and privileges. (1825.) Vol. clxxv... 595 Bill to alter and amend the aforesaid Act (1828.) Vol. ccxxv... 6U3 Minutes of the intended arrangements between the Government and the proposed Canada Company (1825) Vol. cxciii .. 203 Petition of the Canada Company that £60,000 due from them to the Government, may bo employed for the furtherance of Emigration to Canada (1840.) Vol. vii... 449 IV. Clergy Reserves, Canada : Bill to authorize the sale of a part of the Clergy Reserves in Upper and Lower Canada... (1826-27.) Vol. ccxi .. 543 Bill for the Sale of tiie Clergy Reserves in Canada, and for the dis- tribution of the proceeds" thereof (1840.) Vol. ii... 249 Clause to be proposed in Committee by Lord EUenborough. (1840.) Vol. ii.. 255 Questions to the Judges, on the Canada Clergy Reserves Bill, to be moved by the Bishop of Exeter, 7th April, 1«40. (1840.) Vol.vii .. 335 Opinions of the Judges on the questions propounded on the 13th April. 1840 (1840.) Vol vii... 337 Act passed by the Legislature of Upp3r Canada, for the sale of the Clergy Reserves, and for the distribution of the proceeds. (1840.) Vol.vii... 319 1298 INDEXES TO PARLTAMENTARY PAPERS ^1, I' 1 'I I .;< f LORDS' PAPERS, INDEX (1801-1852) : Cross Rkfkhknc eb.— Cow/i/iurrf. IV. Clkroy Rkseiivks, Canada : — {Continued.) Totnl uniount of the proceeds of sales in Upper and Lower Cnnnda, iuvestfd in Bpereents (1838.) Vol. vi... 411 Address to the Queen from the Bishop of Montreal ond Clergy of the Church of Kngland in Upper Ciiniidii, pniying for a Judicial decision respecting the Clergy Reserves (1839.) ^'^ol. is.. 249 Despatches from the Colonial Secretary and Sir G. Arthur, relative to the Clergy Re.''erves in Upper Canada (1839) Vol. ix.., 253 Clergy Keserves in Lower Canada : Return respecting. (1>39) Vol. ix... 297 Clergy Reserves in Upper Canada : Returns and Papers respecting. (1839.) Vol ix... 299 House of Assembly of Upper Canada's Address to 11 is Majesty on the subject of, in the years 1823 and 1S24 (1840.) Vol. vii... 345 Proceeds of the sale of, under 7 & 8 Geo. 4, c. ('(2, now invested in tho English Funds ; with an account of interest due, distinguishing Upper from Lower Canada (1810.) Vol. vii... 339 Correspondence respecting tlio Clergy Reserves in Upper Canada, 1791-0 (1840) Vol. vii... 807 Correspondence respecting Clergy Reserves in Canada, 1819- 1S40 : Part I. Correspondence (1H40.) Vol. vii... 1 n. Extracts of tho Journals of Council and Assembly of Upper Canada, 1819-1840 (1840.) Vol. vii... 189 Papers relative to the Clergy Reserves in Canada. (1851.) Vol. X. p. 1. (1852.) Vol. xiv. p. 441. (1852-3.) Vol. XV. p. 489, 523 Bill to authorize tho Legislature of Canada to make provision concern- ing tho Clergy Reserves in that Province and the proceeds thereof. (1852-3.) Vol iii... 54 Amendments to be proposed in Committee bv the Earl of Derby. (1852-3.) Vol. iii... 54T Correspondence between the Government in Canada, or any ^lember thereof, and the Secretary of State, on the subject of the ('lergy Reserves (in continuation of the Papers presented February, 1852.) Also, Returns for every year since 1840 of the amount of the Clergy Reserves b^und, formed under 3 and 4 Vict., c. 78, 8. 3, anil of the payments made out of the said fund to the Church of England, to the Church of Scotland, and to any other religious sect under 3 and 4 Vict., c. 78, sa. 4, 7. Of payments made out of the Revenue of the United Kingdom to Churches and Sects in , Canada : also. Return of tho extent of the (Hergy Reserves, the number of acres unsold, and their probable value ; and also copies of a lettc" by the Lord Bishop of Quebec to the Duko of Newcastle; and of a draft despatch from Sir John Pnkington to the Earl of Elgin (lOUi December), in reply to His Lord.sliip'a despatch (22nd September), forwarding an Address to the Queen fn.m tho Legislative Assembly on tho subject of the Clergy Re- servea (1852-3.) Vol.xv... 62T i^ pi; CONCERNING CANADA. 1299 —Continued. LORDS' I'Al'KHS, INDEX (1801-1852): Cro !* Rekkhknckb.— C'tfii^;^5.) Vol. xlvii... I Beport from the Select Committee of tho House .if Lords appointed to inquire into the existing Facilities of Intercourse between the United Kingdom and the North .\inerican (Colonies, and tho means and expediency of improving them; with JMinntea of Evidence, Appendix, Ac (18:i0.) Vol. ix... 297 (The Cimiiuittec sliitc that thoy would not be justilied in hubmitliiig any spculiic n'uuiiiiiiendtiiidn. ) [Heads dk Evojknok — .\'Iviintnf{i's "f Wi'storn nn'l Soiitli Western Ports iif lii'liitnl 119 I'oii.t^ of Ooiii'iiiiuicution - Want (if }jiMi{| I'ilots — Di>t.uiee9 of I'o ts fniin eieli i iier — Ailv:iiitiij:ji's of a Knilway fioiii Ouliliii totiftlwnyoi- Viilerni.i — Steain (.!oiiiiuiiiii<'atioii — Sup- ply of (.loals to Steainerg — Fislieiies ou tho Wcstcra Coxst of Iri'Imul aiul Ltihi'iiilnr.] Disposal of Lauds in Biilish Colonics : — Report (House of Commons) iu 1^30 ; with .Minutes of Evidence, Js-c. ...(Ifc30 ) Vol. xxii... 1 Ih CONCERNING CANADA. 1801 LORDS' PAPKUa, INDKX (1801-1852): Chohh Ukvkh^nckh.— Continued, ff' V. Colon IKS •.—{Continued.) [tjuBJKiTN: — Moiloi in which Lniul hiw hccn ilinpo»o, unci the WuKt Iiiilies. Liimi 8iilii^ in liio Unltud Htiili'». Kxpi'ilicnry of putliiiif nil nrrurijfi'iniMitu of h.Io iiiuIit the rliiii')^!) (if II Ccnliiil Lniid lioitnl in l.nnW in, with I<<>riil llourdM lu the m'vurul (!oliihi«». Nut procemlH of Hale* to be miulu iin Kinigra- lion Fntui.] Accouiita sliowiiif; tlu) Hcvcrnl ClmrRes incurred by tlio Uiiitod Kitiip;- cIdiii (in nocomit of e'lioli of the Nortli American f rovincos, in CHch vciir from 1H27 to 18:17 (IN:JH( Vol. vi... 487 Account (If ilie Tutiil llt'venuo derived from Taxes within each of the ISorth American ProvinccH, in cncli year from 18:^2 to IH.'JO, opecifyiiiKthe Taxen, and under what Acts impoHcd. (1888) Vol. vi. 511 AccouiitH of tiio V^aiiic of all Articles imported into the United King- dom from each of tlio Xorth American Proviiices, nti d ofArticles exported from the United Kingdom to the said Provinces, in each year from 1827 to 18:-t0 ... . (I8;i8.) Vol. vi... BOO Accounts of the Value of all Imports and Exports of the North AmcricHU Provinces, so far as regards tiie Trade witii other Colonies aud Foreign Countries, in each year from 1832' to 1836. (1838.) Vol vi... 613 Account of the Amount of Duty levied in the United ivingdom upon each article imported from the North American I'rovinces, and upon simdar articles when imported from Foreign Countries. (1838.) Vol. vi... 508 Account of the Amount of Duty levied in the Ports of the British Colonics and Dominions beyond Sea, upon the like imports. (1838.) Vol. vi... 503 Accounts showing,' .\ mount of Tonnage and Number of Ships be- lonjiing to euvli of the North American Provinces, and the Men employed ii iijiviwating the same; and also the number of Ships Ik liin^jinu; ti> tku' United Kingdom and to Itritish Colonics, em- l)lcrican Colonies, in the year 1814. (1817 48.) Vol. xxiii... GOO Statin*!cnl lleports on the Sickness, Mortality, and Invaliding among Troops in British America (183i» " Vol. xxxii... 347 Governors of the Uritish Colonies, Kepnrts made to the Secretary of State, with a view to exhibit generally the paxt and present state of tlu'in; for 1^45. (I.S40.) \'ol. xxxiii p. 5('S Similar Re- port for 1 8 16. (lH.t7 ) Wd.xxxi. p. 1. For 1847. (1847 8.) Vol. xl. p. I. For 1848. (184'.l.) Vol. xxxix. p. 1. For I><4;». Parts I. and II. (1H50) V(d. xxvii pp. 2-51, 384. For IHoO (lh5l.) V(d XXV p 353. For IhSl. (1852.) Vol XXV.. p I. For 1K51, Part 11. (1^52-3) Vol. xv. p. 1. For l--)2. (lf'52-3) Vol xv. p. h5. Sinecures and other (dliccs abolished or to be abolished in the Colonies, siiii (• IS12, and Return of Colonial offices formerly executed by Di.q)uty but now by Priucipal (1«23.) Vol", civ. ..pp. 54, 5S I s I** •II ! fe 1302 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS LORDS' PAPERS, INDEX (1801-1852) : Cross References.— Cbn^tMuerf. V. Colonies : — (Continued.) Further Returns (1824.) Vol. clxix... 65 Quantity of Woven Fabrics, with the officinl value, diatinguisliiug the difl'erent heads or classes, exported to the British Colonies, &c., from 1830 to 1840 (1840.) Vol. xxvi... 535 Ecclesiastical Establishments and Religious Instruction in the Colonies, Australia, North America, &c (1839 ) Vol. ix... 523 Grants, Endowments, &c., for Religious Instruction or Education in the Colonies, stating the particular objects of each grant ifec, for 1840, 1841 and 1842, whether ma'le by the Crown, Parlinment or Colonial Governments ; so far as the Returns can be made up in this country (1843.) Vol. vi. Ft 1. ... 201 Date at which each Colony of the British Crown was captured, ceded, or settled; its Popnlation ; whether having Legislntive .Assemblies or governed by Order.s in Council ; the value of Exports and Im- ports, and number and tonnage of Vessels in each, in 1842. (1847.) Vol. xxiii... 571 Statistical Return showing the Population, Trade and Navigation of the British Colonies to the latest period known. (1817-8) Vol. xxiii... 662 Colonial Railways : — Reports on Acts relating to. (1851.) Vol. xxix... 491 Report of Committee on the Naval, Ordnance, and Commissariat Es- tablishments, and Expenditure in the Colonies ; with Treasury Minutes, Correspondence, and Plans relating ther-to. (1852) Vol. XXV... 301 VI. Corn, Grain, Flour, &o. : I. Bills relating to Corn, Flour, &c., and the Corn Trade — Bill to permit the Entry for Home Consumption of warehoused Corn and Wheaten Flour under Duty; and to alter the Duty on Wheat, the produce of British North America. (1825.) Vol. clxxv.. 443 Bill to alter, for one year, the Duty on Wheat, the pruduco of British North America (K>25.) Vol. clxxvi .. 819 Bill for reducing the Duty on.AVheat and Wheat-Flour the produce of Canada, imported thence into the United Kiiigilom (IHl-.i ) Vol. iii... 693 Bills to allow, for a limited time, the Free Importation i)f Corn, &c , from any country (1847.) Vol. iv... 579,581 II. Accounts and Papers relating to Corn, &c.— Quantity of Corn Imported into the United Kingdom from tlie British i'ossessions in America, trom 1823 to 1827. (1.826-27.) Vol. ccxix... 222 Quantity of Corn, Grain, and Flour Imported, in 1 820, into the United Kingdom from the British Plantations in N. .Vinerica. (1826-27.; Vol. ccxxi... 25 il^ CONCERNING CANADA. 1303 1. xxiii... 662 ol. XXV... 301 LORDS' TAPERS, INDEX (1801-1852) : Cross References.— Co«^M«elonie9, on this subject, since the papers presented lOth August, 1839, No. 255; also, a General Return of Emigration for the year JS39 (1840.) Vol. vii... 483 Number of Emigrants arrived at New York from the United King- dom in each year from 1829 to 1841 (1842). Vol. vii... 554 Correspondence relative to Emigration, since the date of the last Despatches laid beforf; Parliament, for each of the Colonies. (1843.) Vol. xii... 1G3 Customs' Return of the Emigration for 1843. Analysis of the Quar- terly Returns for 1H43. Return of Emigration from the United Kingdom, from 1825 to 1843 (1844.) Vol. xxiii ..190-198 Number and Ages of Persona who emigrated direct from Ireland to the Colonies and Foreign Countries, during ten years ending June, 1841 (1845) Vol. xx xii... 320 Commission appointing T. E. Elliott and R. Torrens, Esqrs., and the Hon. E. T. Villiers, Land and Emigration Commissioners ; and of Lord John Russell's Instructions to the same. (1840.) Vol. vii... 473 Colonial Land aiul Emigration Commissioners' Report on the neces- sity of amending the Passengers' Act ; with Amendments in detail, and their reasons, &c (1842.) Vol. xix... 351 The said Commissioners' Third General Report for 1843. (1843.) Vol. xxxiii. p. 309. Fourth Report, 1843-4. (18'.4.) Vol. xxiii. p. 107. Fifth Report, lo44-5, (1845.) Vol. xxiii. p. 139. Sixth Report, 18i5-6. (1846.) Vol. xxxiii. p. 293. Seventh Report, 1 84G-7. (1847.) Vol. xxx. p. 495 Eighth Report. (1847-8.) Vol. x a- xix. p. 799. Ninth Report, 181.S-9. (1849.) Vol.xxxviii. p.37;:; Tenth Report, 1849-50. (l.'^ijO.) Vol.xxvii. p 127. Eleventh Report, 1850-1. (1851.) A^ol. XXV. p. 263. Twelfth Report, lh5l-2. (1852.) Vol. xxxviii. p. 337. Thirteenth Report, (1352-3.) Vol. Ixxviii. p. 1. Fourteenth Report. (1854.) Vol. xliv. p. 1. [SuBJKCTs of the above Reports. — Einigmtioii to Australian and North American Colonies — Sale of Public Liinds, Ac. — Proceed! iifjH under the Pasaeujjere' Act — Total Emigration from the United Kin^jdom — Emigration to the West Indies, Cape of Good Hope, tlie Faiklands, Ceylon, llong Kong, and other places. [ArPKNDix. — Corn.'spondcDce and Despatches, Tables and Returns, in reference to immigration to the above places.] Statement of Emigration from the United Kingdom, from 1825 to 1846 (1847.) Vol. xxiii... 632 Persons who have been aided in Emigr.ation from Eiighmd and Wales, under the Poor Law Amendment i^ct; distinguishing the num- ber of such Emigrants, and the costs incurred (thereby) in every year ; also the Counties from which such Emigration proceeded. (1847.) Vol. xxi. p. 339. Frinted also in Vol. xxiii ,. 699 CONCERNING CANADA. 1307 lUcturns, in LORDS' PAPERS, INDEX: (1801-1852.) Cross References,— Cow^/nuerf. VII. Emigration and Emigrants : — {Continued.) Despatches by the Secretary of State, in the year 1843, celling for the Opinion of Lord Metcalfe on a Proposal for a more syste- matic mode of Colonization, and Lord Metcalfe's Itoply^. (1847-8.) Vol. vii... 231 Correspondence respecting the Treatment of Mr. Vere Foster, and other passengers, on board the emigrant ship " Washington," in 1850, from Liverpool to New York (1851.) Vol. xvi... 117 The Emigration from the United Kingdom, during each of the last ten years ; also the amount of the Remittances made by Emi- grants (as far as it can be made up) (1852.) Vol. xiv... 365 Return of the Emigration of the United Kingdom for ♦^^he year 1852. Analytical return of the same ; and Return of Emigration from the United Kingdom from 1825 to 1852. (1852-3.) Vol. Ixxviii... 63 Similar Return Jor 1853 ; and from 1823 to 1853. (1854.^ Vol. xliv... 81 Extract from Report of the Laud and Emigration Commissioners on the operation of the Passengers Act... (1852-3.) Vol. Ixxviii. 24 2. To North American Colonies : Mr. P. Robinson, Superintendent of a Limited Emigration from Ireland to Upper Canada, iu 1823: His Report to Mr. Wilmot Ilortou (1824.) Vol. clxv... 101 Upper Canada House of Assembly's Addresj, imploring the Imperial Government to promote Emigration to Canada. (1840.) Vol. vii... 477 Correspondence between Lord Sydenliam and others, and Lord .John Russell, relating to Kmigration to Canada. (Iw4i.) Vol. iv... 183 Governor General's Despatch, transuiitting Annual Repoita of the Agent for Emigration iu Canada, for 1841. (1842.) Vol. vii... 541. For 1842 (1843.) Voi. xii... 5 Sir W. M. G. Colebrooke's Despatch (30th January, 1S43), transmit- ting Reports of the Emigration Agents at St. John's and Fredericton, New Brunswick, to Lord Stanley. (1843.) Vol. xii... 37 Correspondence relative to Emigration, for the Provinces of CaiKula, Nev- Brunswick, &c (1843.) Vol. xii....87l— olO H. .J. Boultou, Esq. Connnunieation to Lord iMont eagle, respectiui^ Emigration to Canada (1847-S.) Vol. xxiii... 73J. Emigration to the British Provinces in Xoctli America: Papers re- lating to. (1817) Vol. XV. pp. 1, to. (1S47-S.^ Vol. xiii. pp. 1, 197, 2G7, 325, 3.-.!. (ISli).) Vol. xiv. p. I.- (Ls5:i.) Vol. xiv. p. 309.- (1852-3 ) Vol. xv. p. 5Gi) ; Vol. Ixxviii. p. 43. (1854.) Vol. xiii. p. 241. Other Reports, Accounts, and Papers, generally or iudireeth afleetiu" Canada, may be found in the Indexes to the Lords' Sessional Papers, under the titles America (British North, &c.) ; Corn and OrrU ; New Brunswick ; Timber ; United IStates; &c. K 1308 INJ)EXES TO PARLIAMENTARY I'AriiRS I SESSIONAL PAPERS OF THE HOUSE OP COMMONS : INDEXES TO SESSIONAL PAPEHS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, CONCEllNING CANADA. Priiiripal Siilt-lleailn, in the /ol/owinf/ Intlexes : (1716-1801.) Hiiamm'H B»y ; Ncwfoumllaiirt ; Niiv»l Timber; Nova Scolia. (1801-1838.) This Index doi>a not Rivo any nvh-lu-mh- to thn Soctioii Canaiia, l)iit ttiivt Hcction iiitliidos UlLl.s on Ciovfiinmont, HciKniorial Tonuro, Mfnibprs, ClorKy Ri>serv<«, and Lands. Uni'oUTS im (JoviTiiniont, and Oan;il Oonnnunicationn. OTnHRl I'afkrs on Lord Aniliorst, ImpDits and Kxporls. LaiKis, Chun'li and ClorKy, Cloruy Ilorervca, Popnlation, Wolland and llidca\i Canals and \Va!ur CoiuniunicalionH, I'ost OHloo, Public Works, Canada (^>intullt<>c!'s Uoooninn-ndations. Crown lU^vonuo, Kuiiitration, Estimates, Imlians and Indinii IVimvlniciit. Commissariat Dopartmcnt, «to. (1832-1844.) BiLi s on Union of I'rovincps, l.owur Canada Hovornmont, CltTKy Reiiorvos, Corn, and I'ro. vincial Loan. Ri roms on Almriniics. Canal Comnniniration, LownrCanatla nriwanpos, and Relu'llion Lossi-s OTHKU VAi>!;U8 on AiTaira of Canada, ABrit'ultnral i'roducc, Ainioinlnionts. Army. Lmd Aylmer, Sir J. Calthvel), Canada Company, Ciiclsea Ton- siontM-s. Civil List and SciKiiiorial 'IVnnri's. Clnircli .Sociotios, Clcrny Ucsei-VL's, Commis- sariat Dcpartnu'ot, Corn, Lord Ourliani, Uniigration, K.stimatps, Financos, Judge FlftrUui- and Mr. Chishohne, Fuitilivi' IViniinals, Caspo Fishery and MiniiiR Company, Lonl Gosford, (iricvaiucs. Mr. (iuw, '""ir I'. B. Head, ll(m8e ol' Asseud)ly and Lenislative Connoil, Import Duties, Indian IVparlment, Indians, Insurrection, Lands, LoKislative Conneils. Milili;i. Olllecrs ot'CovernnuMil, OriiUKe liudges. Ordinances of .Special Council, I'etitions, I'lipt. I'liilpoU^, I'ost Olllee, lleelnries, Kovenue and Kxpenditure, Churches of Knglund and .Seollauil. ."Statistical lltdnrns, Seminary of St.I.Snlpice, Lord Syd idiam, Mes.srs. Tliompson and Whiteluir, Trade and Connnerce, Union of rrovinces. Veteran Dattiilion, WatiT Connnunicalion, incUelinK Canals. (1845-1850.) HiH.soii (Mvil List, and Unadi.'ili LaiiKuaKe- OrilEii I'Al'KUS on State and Government of the Colony, Boundary with the I'tiited States, Connnissariat Chest, Corn, Montreal lUeetion, Kininration. Estimates, Indian Department, .lowish Disabilities, Navigation Laws, Vosl t>;liee, l>nl)lie Credit, Quel) e and llalilax lliiilway. Rebellion I^osses, Shipping, Slave Trade, I'arill's ami Customs, l'-.ury Laws. Cnoss Rkfekkncks; rel'erring to Untries in the Indexes, from ISO] to 1S60, eoncerning : CoLONlKS, British North .\meri«an. Those onlv which specially coneern Canada have lieen selected : they include references to the s'ol lowing I'aiiers, viiJ: -Trade Returns, (^iistonis i>uties. Imports and Exports, ('hureh and l^lergy in North Atoi'ricii, P.i.ssengers. Eungration, Ships in d Slupp""u:, Land Grants, Red Iliver, Prvivincial Statutes, Judites, Pensions, Itoundary with I'nited Status. Corn, Grain anp Floub: TlMDKR ANIl Wool). (1851.) Bill, (and Papers.) on Canada and New Brunswick H.iuiidarv. Otkkk Papurs on Civil List and Military Exi enditure. Clergy lieserves, Stale of llie Colony, Kmigration, Halifax and Quebec Railway, Imports, Mr. Ryland. (1852.) ItlLi.. Quebec Bishopric. DrilKii Pai'KES, Church Legislali.iM and Temporalities, ("ergy Reserves, College Charter and Convocation, Custom lKlU^e^, Guar.inleed Lmiii, Rrclories. Emigiation, Railways. (1852-3.) Bill, lUergy Reserves. Otiiku Papers, State oi' the Pi-oviuee, Legislative louucil. Grand Iliver Settlement, (^ustom Ollicers, Clergy Itenervos, Library of Parliament. (1854.) Bill, Constitution of Legi.slative Couuoil. Otiisk Pai'BRs, on the Legislative Council, and on Legislative Proceedings (1864-5.) RuroBTS AND Pai'Eus on state of the Colony, Commissa -iat, Church Allairs, Clergy Rcscr\-C8, Kmigrntion. Tnulv. (l'*,-iC.) Rki'ohts \M) Papfrs on State of the Crlony, Church Atfair.s Custom Duties. Umigration, Indian Di'partment, Imports and Exports. (1857.) Bill, on Caiuida and New Brunswick Boundary. Ukports and Papers on Stat.' of the Colony, Hudson's Bay Company, Emigration, Colonial Oliicuils. Copyriaht, Vancouver's Island. CONCEENING CANADA. 1809 CIONS : lOMMONS. , Bcrtion tncluilos rvoK, ai>'* l^nils' *APKR8 Oil Lord urvoH, Population, BO, I'ublio Works, Jstinitttes, Iiiiliaiii* u. Corn, anil I'ro- ^aiiiMlft flriwftupps. Icultural I'roiliifc, miiy, Oliolsea I'o"" KoservL's, Coiiimis- , FiiiftiienB, JudR« il Milling Company, ilily ami liOgislative , I>iimls, Li'Kislntivo ^ of Spt'cial Council, ulituro, ClMirchcs of iw, Lord Syd •111"""' if rrovincia. VL'lorftU and Oovpvnuii'iit of icsl, Corn, Moiitri'nl [ibilitios, Navinatiou ion hoHSOs, Slii|iliili(t. (■oni'iTiiiiiK ■• Icoiicrrn Canacla liave I'lipors, viz : -'IVade [iiroli iiiul Clcri-'y in lipp'-'it. Lund'ls, ■uiidary with I'nitcd Jl'APHUSOii Civil List linratioii, Ualirnx and riMiiii'>ialiti™> Ciorsry llocd Lca.i. Ri'clorios, Itivo I, llllllcil, (iiiiiul lit. Itive Council, smd on Iviiirs, Clcrity Reserves, Until-*, r.inigiati"". liM Stall- of the Colcny, Imv.'v's Island. Extracts trom thr General Index to RE^OHTs from Committees of THK IloiJHK OK (\)MMONS, HIOM 1 7 I Tt TO 1 HO 1 , KIXiAIlDINi; British North Amkrica. Hudson's Bay : Roporfc respectinff tlie Settlement of: dated 24th April, 1749. ^ Vol, ii... 213 |OuiKK StinjKCTS. — Nortli-WcHt I'lisaiigc — ^-tate of Uountrics adjoining Hudson's Bay — lullabitantB ; Munu'-rs and Climncter — Animals — Hudson's Bay Company: Paiticulnrs rc!<|n>cting itd Origin, Ac. — Trade curried on.] Vide, also, Keportoii Hat Mauufacture, in 1752, for Observations on the Scarcity of Bearer in England, and on the manner of tho Hudson's Bay Compain's Sales of Beaver, Ne'wfbuudland : Ecporta on the stato of the Trade to : preaented in 1793. Three Eeports. (i) 2Gih March; (2) 24th April ; (3) 17th June. Vol. x..,pp. 392, 409, 433 [OniKK Subjects. — Legislative I'rovisioni respecting Newfoundland, oonsidcreil as to their effects on the Trade and tho general welfare — Account of the Country : its Inhabitants and Population — Native Indians : Treatment of by the Hesidents — Fishery : Manner of con- ducting ; Account of the Trade ; What causes its decrease, and iiow it may be revived ; Utility of restraining the number of Hesi- dents, and of providing for the return of Servants of Fishcrrneu — Government best adapted to — Administration of Justice and I'olice.J Naval Timber: Report on, 1771. (The best American Timber from Quebec) Vol iii... pp. 17, 22, 24 Nova Scotia Settlers. Vide Report on the ^Sierra Leone Company in 1802 Vol. X... 7,3G [12(10 IShteks, who had taken part i American Wjir, removed in :7lt2, 1312 INDEXES TO PARLIAMBNTAHY papehs COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : ilQ0l-lQ92.)— Continued. III. AccrntNTs AND Pai'KKh — (Confinufi/,) rifii Indian Department, Upper Oanadii, including Indian FreiioQts for Canada, &c. : Kstimato of Chargo for. (1826.) Vol. xx. p. 177. (182«-27.) Vol. XV. p. 2S.'>. (1828.) Vol. xvii. p. 435. (1829.) Vc'l.-.;.p.2f>9. (183U.) Vol. xviii. p. 505. (1830-31.) Vol. vi, p. 358. (1831.) Vol. xiii. p. 208. (1881-32.) Vol. xxvii. p. GO-l Accounts relating to Commissariat Department, in Canada, Nova Scotia, Now JBrunswiek, Newfoundland, is-c, 8ic. (1823.) Vol. xiv. p. 6il. For 1825. (IS2G-27.) Vol xv. p. 321. For 182G. (1828.) Vol. xvii. p. 297. For 1827. (1829.) Vol. xvi. p. 113. Forl);28. (1830.) Vol. xviii. p. 113. For 1828 and 1829. (1830-31.) Vol. vi, p. 113. For 1830. (1831-32.) Vol. xxvii. p. 197. COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPEllS, INDEX TO : (1832-1844) I. BiM-S. (1.) Union of Provinces : I3ill for re\niitiiig the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Govtrument of the united Province .. . (18.1!).) Vol. i . 329 Bill for the same purpose (1810) Vol. i. . 1-19,175 Amendments to (foregoing) Bill (1840.) Vol. i, . 203 Ameiulments made by the Lords to the Bill (18-10.) Vol. i 205 (2.) Lower Caniitla Government : Bill for the temj)orary Government of Lower Canada. (18;57--;}S.) Vol. i. . 2r);j, 257, 263 Bill to amend the preceding Act (18.S!).) Vol. i . 325 Act for indenniifying those who have i.ssued, or acted under an Ordinance made, under an Act to make teniporarv Provision for the Govern- ment of Lower Canada ." , . ' (1837-38) Vol. i, . • 2C7 (3.) Cleryij Reserves : Bill to provide for the Sale of,— iu I'lvper Canada ; and for the distribu- tion of the proceeds (IS 10.) Vol. i . 20", 21.i, 2l9 Amendments to be proposed by Lord J. Russell. (1840.) Vol. i. . 225 (4.) Corn Exjwrt : Bill for reducing the Duty on Wheat and Wheat Flour of Canada, imported thence into the United Kingdom . (lS-4;}.) Vol. iv. . ")()9 (5.) Loan : Bill for auarauteeing the Interest on a Loauof .t'l,r)00,OOU, to be raised by the Province (1842.J Vol. i. . .'583 II. Retohts. (1.) Canal Connniinications : Report on,— in the Canadas (IS.'M-.S'J.) Vol. v. . 25 (2.) Lower Canada Grievances : Report from the Connnittee which considered tin- Grievances complained of l)y Petition from Lower Canada .. (l^.'M.) Vol. xviii . 239 Minutes of evideilcc taken before the Committee of IH.'J I, on the affairs of Lower Canada (I8.S7.) Vol. vii . 545 Reports of Coiinnissioners on Grievances complained of iu Lower Canada.— (See also, post Xo. 18.) (1837.) Vol. xxiv, . 1 CONCERNING CANA.JJA. 1313 nts for P» 177. P- 435. 05. 08 ■ 1ft, Nova 1.) Vol. -For ).) Vol. —for 'or 1830. COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPEllS, INDEX TO: (1332-1844.)— Coh/.««i«/. II. Rki'OUts : — (^Continued.) Iiitlox thereto (1847.) (;<.) Iteftfl/ioti Losdfn : Ui'iKirts of ('Dininissioncrs (Lower Canntln,) on such losses; imnics of persons claiming eonipenu'ition, and amount of their claims. (18 U).) Vol. xxvii Index thereto (18-47.) Vol. Iviii, part 4, pp. l- III. Accounts and I'ai'kks. 1. CorrenpoHi/fnce relative fii ihc Affairs of Citnada : Lord Ayhner's despatches, .'^ith March, 18.'{4i, to Ht. Hon. E. G. PlfM Vol. Iviii, part I, pp. 1-125 419 123 Stanley ; and IHth March iS-'i."), to Lord Aherdeen (IH.Ki.) Papers relative to the affairs of Lower Canada. (1837.) Vol. xxxix Vol. xlii, pp. 157 4,l;j. 457. (18;{7-.W.) Vol. xxxix, pp. MT, 434, Ifil, 477, 495 899 Lord Gk'uelg to Lord, (Extract from Despatch,) 20th January, 1838 (1837--38.) Vol. xxxix '. Mr. Papineau, Mr. M'Kenzie, Dr. Duiicomhe, and others, who have held public situations : Letters, which have been seized in Canada, X:c., I)(t\v('en Mr. IIuiiu-, Mr. Hoehuck, and any other Member of the House, and the above named . (1837--38.) Vol. xxxix . Lord .Vmherst to Lord Aberdeen, relative to th( Government of (Canada, (Despatch and Enclosures,) '2nd April, 183.'). (1H37--38.) Vol. xxxix. . CorrespondeiM-e relative to tlie affairs of Canada. (183!).) NOi. xxxii . CorrespoudeuK! relative to the affairs of British North America. (18.3!).) Vol. xxxii, pp. 40!), 447. Vol. wxiv. . Correa])ondence relatini^ to tlu- affairs of C'anada. Pnrt I. (1840.) Vol. xxxi, p. 1.— Pnrt II. (1840.) Vol. xxxi, p. Jl!). — Part III. (1840.) Vol. xxxi, p. 447.— Part iV. (1840) Vol. xxxi . H31 863 1 13 .157 further Correspondence (1840.) A'ol. Vol. iii, p. 1 . xxxi, p. (il7 (1841.) Sess. : British .Xnieriean LainK'ompany's Memorials, suggestini; a |)lan for the advaiH I'liu'nt of A^^riculture ; — ("orrespondence relative to, — betwet'u the Colonial Seeretarv and the (ioveruor of (Canada. (I'll.) Sess. 2. Vol. iii . 2. Jf/rici'ffiiral I'rodurc : Agricultural Produce and Farming-Slock n Upper Canada; — Prices current of, —for November, 1840 (ISII.) Vol. vi . Duty on Agricultural Produce imported into Canada: — Extracts of Journals of the House of Assembly, relating to the imposition of a. (1813.) Vol. liii, . 3. Appointments: Alade by Lord Durham in Canada ; — Date of, — names of persons hold- ing, and salaries of each of them. (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix, j)p. !)0!), Made by Lord Durham, as Lord Counnissioner, &c , previous to his departure from England, and [also] in Canada. (183!).) Vol. xxxiv.. 4. Army ; Vide also (45.) Number and distribution of the l?r 'ish .Vrmy, since 1816 ; Pay and allowances to the different Military departments, 1832-33. (1834.) Vol. vi. . 77 283 •257 911 27 224 .!^ I. I I li.^':-" I 1314 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS COMMONS' SKSvSIONAL I'AI'KUS, INDEX TO: {ia32-lQ44.)~CoHfinued. III. A(((m;nth anii I'apk.hs — (ConHniiml.) Stnfiitticni rcportH of the sickncsH, tiiortiility and ii)vnliiliii|; luiiong the TroiipH ofHridili North Aiiicricn, *"tc., &e. . (1H;.) Vol. xvi . 129 b, Aylmi-r, Lord. Vidf iilxo (I) and (10.) Thi" conduct of, — Fourth Ucport of Lower Canmla Asscinhlv ('omniittce of (iricvanccs on (183(i.) Vol. xxxix . 235 6. Ciildu'cU, Sir J. : Di'ht dtic hv, — to Lower Canada, &c. ; — Lord Gosford's information respeetinR. (IS.'}/.) Vol. xlii . 107 (0 (I.) ChelsfK Pemionera in Upper Canada ; — Despatches and ('orrcspon- denee relative to (ISay.) V(d. xxxi. . 143 7> Civil Lixf tiHil Seifftiorifif Tenure : House of .\s.send)ly'8 adilrcss to the (lovernor reMpeetinu the (^ivil List ; also, Reports of Seignorial Teinires . . . (ISi-l.) Vol. xxxiv. . X 8. Ghiirc/i Sucif'tii'n Incorporation : Bill to ineorporati' the Church of Eni!;laud Societies, in the Dioceses of (iuehee and Toronto (1811.) Vol. xxxiv. . 19 (8 rt.) Caniidn Conipanij : Money received from the Company, anil ajjiilication thereof. (I8;y.) Vol. xliv. . 217 Governor of the Company's Letter, ilanuary, 1810, to Lord ■!. llussell, relative to a (irant of Money for Emigration to Upper Canada ; and answer thereto (1810.) Vol. xxxii. . 391 Retitrns shewing the averafje state of the settlers upon the Company's Land, in .'i8 townships, on their arrival; and their actual con- dition, in 18 10 (1H4.1.) Vol. vi. . 278 County of Huron, (its settlement commenced, 1828,) ; — Ahstracts from Statistical Heturns of, in 1810 (1811) Vol. vi . 281 9. C/f/Y/y mid Cli'njij RcKcrrcs : Monies voted hv the House of Commons, to he a))pro|)riated for the Clergy of U|)per (Canada, ls;U--;J2 .. . . (IS.U.) Vol. xxvi. . 203 Clergy of every denomination in ('anada ; — Papers relating to Pay- ments to, — out of Tunds raised in the Province. (18;M.) Vol. xliii, p. ;{7!)— Vol. xliv. . 573. Clergv Reserves in Upper Canada, &c. ; — Despatches relative to, — from the Colonial Secretary and Sir G. Arthur. (18;{!».) Vol. xxxiv . 107 Clergy Reserves: — Correspondence res|)ecting, — 1819—1810. Part L (1810.) Vol. xxxii, p. .'{". Part II. Extracts from Journals of Council and Assembly of U|)|)er('aiuula. (1810.) Vol. xxxii . 225 Clergy Reserves, U. C. ; — ('apt. Pringle's letter to Colonial Secretary, May 1840, (lu the extent and value of .. . (1810.) Vol. xxxii". 389 Christian Uodies entitled under ('lercy Reserves Acts, to receive of the proceeds (1810.) Vol. xxxii. . 7 Act of Legislature of U. Canada, for the sale of the (Clergy Reserves, and (listril)ution of the proeceils ; with the (ioveruor's despatch, January, 1840 (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 21 Clergy Riserves, ('anada : — Proceeds of all sales of, — .Vmounts invested in public funds, dividends, sales effected under various .Vets ; — CONOERNINQ CANADA. 1316 Continued. r>t«i nir the .xvi. 129 fimittce rmation . xlii. 107 •rcspou- xxxi.. 143 •il List ; xxxiv. . 1 1CC8CS of xxxiv. . 19 1. xliv . '-'17 , Uussfll, lula ; nwA , xxxii. . :wi )in|)any's iinl I'ou- 1. vi. . -'76 Vljstracts 1. vi. . 'i81 for tlie xxvi. . 203 to I'ay- xliv. . 573. ivL' to, — xxxiv. 107 I'nrt I. .lounmls xxxii . 225 kaTctary, . xxxii . 389 \ L- of the . xxxii . 7 llcsirves, Icspatch, . xxxii. . invt'stpd .Vets ; — COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPEKS, INDEX TO: (1832-1844 )—C<»i. (i837.) Vol. xl. . Of arrears of charges for the administration of Justice, and support of the C^ivjl Government of Canada (1837.) V'ol. xl. . 14. Fi/iuacea in I'pper Caniuht : Sir Geo. Arthur and Lord (jlenelg's despatches, dated 20th November 1838, relating to the Financial state ot Ij . ( '. (1839 .) Vol. xxxiv. 223 224 226 397 401 1 % ! CONCERNING CANADA. 1317 ■Continued, . xvii. . 1 and E.) <7, 109, 471 4, pp. 1-125 mth cir- xxxii. . 197 (1837.) 'ol. xl. . I reports .. xxxi. . I. xxxiv, 27 1 i.) Vol. ;.) Vol. ol. xxxi, ion, com- Vol. \i. . 223 irectors, ts on the Vol. vi, . 224 the Mull ration to ownsliips Vol. vi. . 226 V United (ii'ncral vU-32.) -(1834.) Canals. . lOO. n- losses ^1. xl. . 397 ii)i)ort of U. xl.. 401 I oveniber ll. xxxiv. 1 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1832-1844)— Co»^««crf, III. Accounts and Papeks •.—^(Continued.) Page I l.*"), Ji'dye Fletcher, (and Mr. Chisholme) : Charges i)rcferred against ; Reports, &c., on the subject of. (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 117 Report to House of Assembly ; and correspondence between Lord Gos- ford and Lord Glenelg, on the charges respecting Judge Fletcher. (1837.) Vol. xlii.. 117 IG. Fiiffitive Criminals : Governor General's despatch to the Secretary of State, relative to the surrender of Nelson Ilackett, a person of colou/, demanded by the authorities of the United States as a fugitive from justice. (1842.) Vol. xxviii. . 133 17. Gasjjv Fishery and Coal Mining Company : Act for ine()rj)orating, j)assed in the (,'anadian Parliament. (1844.) Vol. xxxiv. . 27 IS. Gosford. Lord : Instructions to, — and to the other Commissioners appointed to inquire into Grievances in Lower Canada (18.36.) Vol. xxxix. . 1 Index to. (18^57.) Vol, Iviii, part 4, pp. 1-125 Expenditure of Lord Gosford as Governor General and Commissioner in Canada ; — Salary and emoluments to each individual in his es- tablishment for one year (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 895 ll(. Grierances of the People : Lord J. Russell's intended Resolution, as to the affairs of Canada. (1837.) Vol. xlii.. 1 Resolutions passed at meetings in Upper Cauada, since March 1837, relativi to Grievances, Sec, of that Province and of Lower Canada : Despaii'iu's from Sir F. B. Head, relative thereto, and the measures he liad taken respecting them (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 823 20. Gi';/y, Mr. IS. 0. A. : Charges against, — Reports, itc, on (1837.) Vol. xlii.. 45 21. Head, Sir F. Ji. .- See also, No. 2(5. Instrurtions to Sir F. 15. Head, as Lieut. Governor of Upper Canada. (183().) Vol. xxxix.. I Detailed Index thereto (1817.) Vol. Iviii, part 4, pp. 1-125 Despatch from, — to Lord Glenelg; — Address to the King from the Assembly, witii .Xppendix (183(1.) Vol. xxxix. . 67 Despatch from, — witli Proclamation dissolving the Upper Canada As- sembly (183G.) Vol. xxxix. . 155 Despatch troni, — in answer to chnrges preferred against him, by Dr. C. l)nneoml)e, &e (1837.) Vol. xlii . 461 Despatches from, — to Lord Glenelg, dated 21st April and the (ith July, 1830 (1837--.38.) Vol. xxxix. . 729 Explanatory memorandum bv, —addressed to Lord Glenelg, dated 21st May, 1837. . '..... (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 825 l)es|)atelu's from, — with answers from the Secretary of State. (1*83!).) Vol. xxxiii. . 1 Sums , aid, or to be paid m, — as L. (Jovernor of Upper Canada, as out- fit, pay and allowance (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. . 31 ill 1318 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTAEY PAPERS \::'i:- t:\ COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : {1Q32-I844t.)— Continued. III. Accounts and Papers : — {Contimied.) 22. House of Assembtij and Legislative Council : Upper Canada Assembly's Addresses to the Crown, March 1828, to Dei-ember 18.31. . .'. (1H31--32.) Vol. xxxii . 49 Returns relating to the Legislative Council of Upper Canada. (1833.) Vol. xxvi . 209 Report of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada on Letter of Mr. Speaker Papineau to Mr. Speaker Bidwell, with address to the Crown thereon : — Joint Address of U. C. Legislature to the Crown that steps may be taken to procure the co-operation of the L. C. Legislature in the improvement of the St. Lawrence Navigation. (183/.) Vol. xlii. . 5 Upper Canada House of Assembly's address to the Crown, for the annexation of Montreal to that Province. . (183/.) Vol. xlii . 5 23. Import Duties : Paid in 1840, upon Wheat Flour and Timber from Canada into the United Kingdom (1841.) Sess. 2. Vol. vii . 3 24. Indian Department : Estimate of the expense of, — in Upjjcr and Lower Canada. (1831-32.) Vol. xxvii, p. 094. (1833.) Vol. xxiv, p. 470. (1834.) Vol. xlii, p. 441. (18;55.) Vol. xxxviii, p. 521. (1S3G.) Vol. xxxviii, p. 42;-). (1837.) Vol. xl, p. 381. (1837--38.) Vol. xxxvii, p. 395. (1839.) Vol. xxxi, p. (i92. (1840.) Vol. XXX, p. am. (1841.) Vol. xiv, p. I(i2. (1841.) Sess. 2. Vol. ii, p. l.-)(j. (1842.) Vol. xxvii, p. y.i'I. (1843.) Vol. xxxi, p. 45(). (1844.) Vol. xxxiii, ]). 570. Instructions to Government relative to the expenditure .1'. (183(1.) Vol \>\ix . 2G7 Papers relating to, — in Upper and Lower Canada. (1837.) Vol. xliv 339 25. Indians : Reports from Governors of li. N. A. Provinces, on the present state of the aboriginal Tribes ; and on the Indian Department in the Canadas, &c (1834.) Vol. xliv. . 339 Correspondence since 183.'), between the Secretary of State and the Governors of the British North American Provinces, respect- ing the Indians (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. . 251 Reports from Committees to consider of measures to be adopted with regard to Native inhabitants of Countries where British settlements are made ; withe lence and appendix. (183(i.) Vol. vii, p. 1. (1837-) Vol. vii . 1 2C. Insurrection : Lieut. Governor of Upper Canada ; Instructions to, — relative to proceed- ings against persons recently arrested; — Despatch from, — relative to the disposal of prisoners convicted of Treason. Acts of the Legis- lature of Upper Canada for the preservation of the Peace, and for (he trial of persons charged with insurre(!tion, &c. (IS37-3S.) Vol. xxxix . 833 Names and station of the persons arrested, and in confinement in To- ronto, &c (1^(39.) Vol. xxxiv 195 CONCERNING CANADA. 1319 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (IQ32-1844.)— Continued. III. AccorNTS AND Pai'ers : — (Conthmed.) PMe« Names of persons imprisoned charged with Treason, &c., since 1837, nature of sentence, &c., or commutation of punishment. (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 395 Estimates of expenses beyond ordinary Grants for 1837-38 and 1838-- 39, for Armv and Ordnance services ; consequent upon the Insurrec- tion in Canada, (1837-38.) Vol. xxxvii, p. 447.— (1839.) Vol. xxxi. . 753 Supplementary estimates, 1840-41 (1840.) Vol. xxx. . 87 Estimate of the sum re2.) Vol. xxxii 21 Sales of Lands, Grants and approjtriations of Crown Lands in tlie Canada-, 1823-,'il (1834.) Vol. xHv. . 287 Returns relating to Crown Lands ; Details of receipts and expenditure of the Land and Timber Funds, 1830-32. (1835.) Vol. xxxix. . 277 Corres|tondence between the Secretary of State and Governors, and W. H. Felton, relative to Lands granted to him. (183(i) Vol. xxxix. 211, 243 Two Rejiorts (House of Assembly, Lower Canada,) respecting Mr. Felton ; also, further correspondence un the subject of complaint against iiim ( 1S37.) Vol. xlii. . 357 ,34. Pliiflpofs, C apt (.in : Reports (!'. C. House of Assem'ily,) on the case of. (1833.) Vol, xxvi . 22!) .3.1. Post Offiee : General Post Office ; Estahlishment of, — and amount of Newspaner- postage paid ^18.33.) Vol. xx\i 18!) 3(i. Rectories : Correspondence between the Governor of Upper Canada and the Secre- tary of State on the sid)ject of the cnation of, — by Sir ,h ("oihorne (183!).) Vol.' xxxiv . .38 37. Rerenve and Expenditure : Rc\ at the disposal of the Crown in the Canadas, 1828 to 1.8;3;"). (1S37.) Vol. vii. 497 •% ! CONCERNING CANADA. 1321 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, If.DEXTO : (1632-1844.)— ContinueJ. III. ACCOUNTS AND Pai'kks ; — (Confinupf/.) Revenups received in Lower CiuiBdn, 1 83;5-38, in respect of casual and territorial revemie, .&e., and luuier vArious Local Arts ; — Public cxi)enditure of the Colony, 1K,S,'{-,!S ; — Amount and nature of the Public De))t of the Proviiu-e in each of those years. (1H;M).) Vol. xxxiv. . 165 Expenditure of various sums voted bv Parliament for the Province. (1841.) Vol. xiv ,S();j 38. Scotch Chuich, (and Church of Enylaml :) Correspondence between Lord Glenelg and ])ersons communicating with Inm on behalf of the Churches of Englaiul and Scotland, alluded to in a despatch oi his Lordshiij's to Sir F. R. Head, 18.'i". (1 8 40.) Vol. xxxii , ;{43 39. Statistical Uettirns : Relating to the Popul; 'ion, M.litia, Education, Impoits, Exports, Ship- pings, Agriculturi , Price , Fisheries, Exchanges, ('urrency, Manu- factures, Mineral., &c., &c (1844.) Vol. xlvi . 2G() 40. Stilpice, Sfwiitari/ of St. : Rt. Hon. C. P. Thomson, (afterwards Lord Sydenham,) T)esf)atch to Lord J. Russell, transmitting memorials respecting the Estates of. (1840.) Vol. xxxii . 449 Governor General's (of British North America) despatch, transmitting a Return from the Princi])al of St. Suljjice, shewing who have com- muted the tenure of this jiroperty since the Ordinance, 3 Vict., c. 30, with a Statement of the Property (184' .) Vol. xv . 3;"" Lord Goderich to Lord Aylmer ; — Despatch, l"tli Septi.i.ver pro .'icial Public Works by Parlianu it.) Letter tVom the Admirahy, 17th June, 1S3.1 ; from the Colonial Secretory, .'!ith June, lb31 ; from the Ordnairce, jth July, 1^,'U, — respecting Water communicixlit ns in Canada ' ( 1K< i 32.) Vol. v. . Water Communication between Montreal and Kingston. Memoran- dum respecting (1831-32.; Vol. v. . Kideau rtii|)roved estimates, and the i)robable savings or Cvcess on each, &c. (1831-32.) X'ol. v. . 66 /.'. ItiJi'dii Canal : Letter from Secretary of Ordnance and Treasury Minute respecting the expenditure tiiereou (1831-32.) Vol. xxxii. . 59 Estimates for maiuteiiauee including repairs of.. (1831-32.) Vol. v, ]). (I."); Vol. xxvii. p. 773. (183!).) Vol. xxxi. ji. ft i 1i ' "i: !( 01 ' 1 .1 1324 INDEXES TO PAllLIAMENTARY PAPERS COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (lQ4b-18&0)— Continued. II. Accounts and Papers: — {Continued.) rt|M Paj)er8 iclntive to t-migratioii to Canada. (1847-48.) Vol. xlvii, pp. 1, 303, 373, 431, 457. Corri'8j,>ondencL' and papers relative to. (1849.) Vol. xxxviii, pp. 9, 377 Despatch dated llth Feb. ,18.^)0 transmittinjj Report of the Eniij;ration Agent of Canada for 1849, and Documents shewing the facilities to Emigrants from Europe, by the eoinpletiou of the St. Lawrence Canals (1850.) Vol. xl. . 1 (7 a.) Estimates : Estimates of Militia and Volunteers, Onada, &c., &c. xxix, p. 443. (184(i.) Vol. xxvi, p. /til. - XXXV, p. 421. (1847-48.) Vol. xl, p. 443 (1845.) Vol. (1847.) Vol. (1849.) Vol. xxxi. . (184(i.) Vol. xxvi. . Relief of sufferers by fire at Quebec, &c . . Indian Department, Caniida : For votes of money on behalf of ; — see General Index, 1845-1850, p. 90: and for subsequent years, see the Sesiional Indexes, title. Miscella- neous Services. 8. Jewis/i Disiifiilifies : Act of the Parliaments of Canada and Jamaica, by which such disabili- ties were removed ; also, correspondence in reference to tlie said Acts when tiiey were assented to (18.'J0.) Vol. xxxvi. . {8 rt.) Kaciyatiun Laws : Despatch from the Governor General 24th March, 1847, enclosing a Me- morial from tlie Montreal Board of Trade for a modification of these Laws, and for the removal of restrictions api)licable to the naviga- tion of tlie St Laurence by foreign Vessels. (1847.) Vol. xxxviii. Desj)atch from the Governor General 12tii May, 1848, transmitting a Memorandum from the Executive Council on the operation of the Navigation Laws. (1847-48.) Vol. lix. Further correspondence. (1847-48.) Vol. xx, part ii, p. 693. Vol. lix, p. 7- (1849.) Vol. li, pp. 149, 1«3, !()!». 9. Post Office and Postage : Memorial from the Boards of Trade of Toronto, Quebec and Montreal to the British Government regarding cheap Postage, and the answer returned by the Treastuy, i*ic (184().) Vol. xxvii . Report of Provincial Coniuiissiru, appointed sini'*" the Union, to inquire into the state ot tlie Post Olficc and Mr, Stayncr's statement rela- tive thereto (184(i.) Vol. xxvii . 10. Public Credit: Corresjjondence of the Secretary of State with F. A. Harper and P. Buchanan, or the Governor General, respecting statements regarding the Public Credit of Canada, contained in a Memorial presented to Lord J. Russell on a jiroject for the Colonization of Canada by Emigrants from Ireland (1847.) Vol. xxxviii. . 1 1. Quebec- and Halifax Railway : Final Report of the Survey Officers as to the Line. (1849.) Vol. XX' v. . 499 7G7 517 11 15 57 15 223 CONCERNING CANADA. 1326 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1845-1860.)— Cow^inwerf. 11. Accounts and Papers: — (^Continued.) Ptiei 12. Rehellion Losaes : Docuniputs and Correspondence hitherto received relating to compen- sation for them (1849.) Vol. xxxv . 387 Appendix to the first Report of the Commissioners of inquiry con- cerning them (during 1837 and 1838,) a list of the names of Claimants, &c (1849.) Vol. xxxv. . 437 House of Assembly's Votes and proceedings relating to the Rebellion Losses Bill. ■ (1849.) Vol. xxxv. . 479 13. Shippiny : Rates of Freight current from Montreal and New York to Liverpool in the years 1H44, 184.*), and 1840 (1847.) Vol. xxxvii. . 11 Number and Tonnage of Shi))8 from the United Kingdom to ports in Canada and B. N. America, fron. 1830 to 184(i. (1847.) Vol. Ix. . 163 (13 a.) Slai'e Trade: Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, &c., Canada, &e., relating to the Slave Trade, 1845. . (1846.) Vol. 1. . 3 14. Tariffs and Customs : Lord (Jatheart's Speech to the Legislative Assembly ; Despatches (re- ferred to,) against changes in the Imperial Commercial Policy, and conveying information of the Canadian feelings in n :;ard thereto :— Petition from Quebec on the subject. (1846.) Vol. .v ,ii 31 Despatch from Mr. Secretary Gladstone (■ Lord Cathcart, 3rd iviu,'-''h 1846. Extract of Despatch, February 1846. Despatch, 4th May, 1816 (1846.) Vol. xxvii. . ,1 Despatches from the Governor General in regard to imperial Com- mercial charges under consideration (1846.) Vol. xxvii. . 49 Memorial from the Board of Trade, Toronto, to Her Majesty, respect- ing differential duties on goods imported, and the answer thereto. (1846.) Vol. xxvii. . 1 Memorials and representation from Canada, re pecting such Duties, and the effect of the Britisli Navigation Laws on the Commerce of the Province since 184.5 (1847.) Vol. xxxvii. . 11 Colonial Acts passed, under sanction of 9 and lO Vict., c. 94, for re- pealing or reducing Customs duties (IS47-4H.) Vol. xlii. . 9 15. Usury Laws ; Corresponib'iice received by the Colonial Secretary rosjieeting the . • of the (Isury Laws in L'unada, on the iudu.strial and eoinmeri,iai interest-s of that Province ; and a despatch from the Governor General on that subject (18 17.) Vol xxxviii. . 21 N. B. — In addition to the Papers concerning Canada entered under that head, in the series of General Indexes, see also the titles America (British North), Colonies, Corn, New Brunswick, &c„ United States, &c., for Papers indirectly concerning Canada. The following • I '^eads are especially referred to, by way of cross-referen- as containing Papers aflfecting Canada in particular, or the riivsh North American Colonies, in general : — J ^ i*n ! a:" nt ;, 'I i '-! 1320 IWDEXE8 TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPKR8 COMMONS' PAPKRS.lMJRXRa TO: (Iross Rkkkukncks: Colonies and Colonini . tfairs : C^eneral Index, (1801-1832) [N. li. — Sele''ii"un ii\ . 'i; 'itiet liiivi lit'cti iiicluilod uiidor thin head; e.g. Vmu Muiii:, 1 III*. Mj{;. 1* ; '>lii|ipiii({, &i-. Thi>' ImH boeii doiii', (n-ciMiiiimlly, ill ii;li<'' pur;- of these ImlDXCH, to correct obvioug rriistnkcN, or to atTord addiiiui at iiifuriiiulioii.] p«f«« Estiiimtc ill Vid of tlio Society for tl>c Propiigatioii of the (}o8|)cl nnd for Ck-rgy iii the North Aiiitrii-an Colonies. (IH'J.'J.) Vol. xiii, p. 301.- — (182 J.) Vol. xvi. p, 25(5. — (1H25 ) Vol. xviii, p. y.K"). (iH'id.) Vol. XX, p. 17<;. *"■ "»i-27.) Vol. xv, p. 2H.5. (182K.) Vol. xvii, i>. (;•.. v»<^^!>; '^' ' ^^'' !'• '^■^^- (1S.'{().) Vol. xviii, p. 501. (1830-31.) Vol. vi, j.. 3.')8. (1H3I.) Vol. xiii, p. 298. (1831-32.) Vol. xxvii. p. 691 For Kttiirus in continimtion, sec Gtnt'rnl [ndcx, 1832-1811, title. Clergy, North AiiiericuH ; niul General Index, 1845-1H50, title, Colonies. III. Estimates. For 8ubse(juent year.**, see the Ses- sional Indexes, title, Miseellaneous Serviees. Memorandum dated Kith .May, 182", in reference to the State of the Church in the North Anieriean Colonies in 182-1. , (1820-27.) Vol. XV . .')09 Bill to repeal (5 Geo. IV, as it relates to the earryiufi; of passent;ers to British North Ameriea, and to make further jmivisions with res- pect to sueh passeng"rs (182(i-27.) Vol i . 407 Bill to regulate the carriage of passenj^ers in Merchant vessels to North America . (1828.) Vol. i, p. 701, 707 Prosecutions in Scotland for the illegal carriage of i)assengers. (1820.) Vol. vii. . 339 Papers relating to conveyance of passengers to North America. (1828.) Vol. \xi. . 621 Col. CookburnN Report on the subject of Emigration, vScc, with Appen- dix, coutuiiiing information respecting Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick and Prince Edward Island, ('ape Breton anil the two Canadas. (I82S.) Vol. xxi, p. 35!/, Reports to the Colonial Secietai v from Commissioners for Emigration. (1 -31-32.) Vol. xxxii I Kingdom, to any of the Colo- . . ( 18.30 ) Vol. xxix iiuge from Colonies, itc, on the Vessels and Tonniige for the Number of Einipitnfs from 'he Cnitr nics, 1820 to \>n\ the Britis'ii North American Colonics, .Sic, &c, I8ll to 182(: (l.-i2(i-27.) Vol. xvii; . Four accounts oC Ships and Tonnage outwards airl inwards in the British Colonies in North .\meri> 'or the last 11 years^ L810 to IS2G Number of Ships employed 18-:;, 182' Nova Scotia, New BnmsvM ... ann Tonnage, the nuturc of their * argoe thev discharged Acts au'i pioceediiij- of the Legislative Assemblies of the two Canadas, Nova Scotia, iV^'.. &c Schedule to the printed cojiics of. (1828.) Vol. 379 209 435 (l82ti-27.) Vol xviii. . in the Trade between Canada the United Kingdom ; their . antl the Port, &c., at which . . (1829.) Vol. xvii . 211 309 175 339 ii. ! s!i : CONCERNING CANADA. 1327 Vol. vii, . 339 COMMONS' I'Al'KllS, INDKX: (1801-1832) Ckohs Uki tiiENCE8-Co«fV. C0LUMK8 AND (JoLONiAi. ArrAins : — (^Continued.) PerHons a|>|)niiitiMl to Judicial StatioiiH in tlic BritiHli Colonies, &c. Numhtriuid Nftuicsiit', dates and t'lnoliiments of, sincn 1st Jaiinary IHOI, and wJHilur from Knglisii, Irish, or Mcotidi liar. {1h;U.;}2.) Vol xxxi . 245 Pensions, &c., granted for service connected witli the L'oioiiies, since IHl"), specifying Name, service, date of retiring, and fund charged with the pension (1831-32.) V ot'fiuh Colinv ; nUo »\\ ^\hX Di-fi-mltc;-, IHKI. (IHi;.) Nol. Ix.. ;»(»!> A likf Uctni-n'tbr tlu« yi>«r IH17 (I84--4H.) Vol. Ix r.ll Returns ot' 'iniv'H inipoHrd ..> ire Hritixti Colonics; nnnilxT an.-mi«'1n arriving at and (icparting from cacli colouv ; and an u.'i'oinil of imports and t>x|)ortM, lH.'.) Vol. li. p lai). (1850.) Vol, liii . .|f)7 Statistical Returns of the Population, Trade and Navigation of the Bri- tish Colonies (1HI!).) Vol. xl . 485 Corn: General Indexes, (1832-1844, nnd 1845-1850.) Exports of Fhnir and Wheat from the United States and Canada, frcnn 17!M)tol8;{H (1810) Vol. V. . HI Prices (if Wheat and Flour at the British jiorts in North Anu'rica, Return of, for the latest five years now in the Colonial office. (18i:i) Vol. liii . 251 Wheat and Wheat-flour iin|iorted into the Uniti'd Kingilom from Britisli North America IHOO-IS li", distinguishing each ('olony's produce, also, the sum total each year, and duty from .Vmeriean ("olonies ; Duty jiayahle in Cainida in each year (IHI,{.) Vol. liii. . 253 Quantity imported from (^anada into the United Kingdom, 1812-1811. (Juantityeiiteri'dforllonu' Consumption. (181;') ) Vol. xlvi.])p.(i77, 679 Wheat imported from the United States into Cjiniida ; Wheat aiul Wheat-Hour imported into the United Kingilom from the United States, and from Canada (ISi.'^i.) Vol. xlvi , irrM — Cont'd, COMMONS' PAFKKH, INDKX: (1801-1832.) Crom \U*v.inKm:%%—Confd* TiMiiKH : — (Oontinimtl.) LontU ot'Timbor imported into tlio Uiiitod Kingdom, from tlio HritiHli Provinces in Nortii Anioricft Ac, I7H5 to 1820, etc. (i8'20-U7.) Vol xviii... 207 Wood imported into rout Hritiiin nud Irolund, from UritiNli North America, Ac, nnd in particular. Wood imported into Ijondoii 1822tolM27 (IH20-27.) Vol. xviii, .. 377 DuticH on Tind)er, Deals, Ac. from Hrititili North America, lH21i to 1827 (IH20-27.) Vol. xviii... 367 Timber nud Deals imported from the Uritish Colonies, Ac, IH20 un«l 1827 (IH2H.) Vol. xix... 605 Loads of Timber imported in each year from 1781, from British North America and from the Baltic resnectively ; ami Kxiioitn in British Vessels front Uumburf^h to British Colonies, in iiumths ending 30th June 1827. Duties on Timber, Deals, Ac, imported from British North Amerieii, 1824 to 1827 (IH2H.) Vol.xix... 507 Timber and Wood imported into Great Britain from British North America, 1827. Also for tiio same year. Timber and Wood im- ported into Ireland and London .» (lH2i).) Vol. xvii... 383 Timber and Wood imported into Great Britain, Ireland and London from British North America, \c., Ac, 1828 and 182!). Duties paid on such articles iniport«'d thence, 182" to 182!). (18.{().) Vol. xxvii . 73 Tindjcr sliinpcd from Kurope to .Vmerica and thence im|)ortcd into the United Kingdom, statiui!; the ports of entry. ( 1 8;U)-,'U . ) Vol. x. 173 Governors' (of Nova Scotia and of Lower Canada) Despatches, relating to the Duties on foreign timber imported into Great Britain. (1830-31.) Vol. X.. 475 Quebec Merchant.^ Memorial to the Board of Trade respecting the Timber Trade. (18.W-31.) Vol. x 481 Timber : General Index, (1832-1844.) Bills to prevent ships cleiiriiif^ cut from any port in British North America, from loading any p;vrt of their cargo of timber upon deck. (18,39.) Vol. v. p." 4!) 1. -(1810.) Vol. iii. p. 0()3. (1H42.) Vol iv, pp. 309, 313. (184.'5 ) Vol. vi, p. 191 Quantity shipped fn mi the North of Furope to North America, and thence lo ports in the Lrnited Kinj^^Jom, in 1831-.33. ( l.s;14.)Vol. xlix p.091 - — III 1834 -35 (18,};').) \'ol. xlyiii .. 585 Correspondence between the Secretary of State, and the Governor of the British Possessions in North America, relative to an alteration in the Tim!)cr duties (1811.) 2iid Session. \'ol. ii... 3 Duties paid on Timber imported from Canada, 1><40. (1^41.) 2nd Session. Vol. vii . 3 Communications from the Governors of the North American Colonies, also, Memorials relating to alterations of the Timber duties. (1842.) \'ol. xxxix . 573 Timber : General Index, (in45-1850.) Qunutities of Sawn and Hewn timber, the produce of British CoUmies Ac, entered for Home Consumption, 1 S-IO- 1 8 15 inclusive ;— Duty received, inclusive of lUitvon Staves, (1840.) Vol. xliv. . 9 p?"'' m fit''- ' ' 11 1 1 : i ! 1330 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS ■ 1; r'' ■ il. , V h'- ' . •' .1 ■I' ■ ,'• i-v ' ('. i|- ■!! ■ '•! ■ h • ^?' ■' COMMONS' PAPEaS, INDEX : (1845-1850.) Cross References— Oon^V. Plies 349 3 9 Timber : — {Continued.) Canadian timber : distinguishing red from yellow ; — Quantities and Prices oJ", and Duty paid ti\ereon as sold by Public Sale in London on loth March (IS47.48.) Vol. Iviii... 349 Meuiel Timber, and Canada timber : — Prices of, in the Port of London in .lanuary, for six years. (LS46.) Vol. xlv, |). 408. — Prices of the same, in the 1st week of January, 1847 and 1H48.* Stating the Duty ,". (1847-48 ) Vol Iviii. Timber laden Ships, their tonniigo and crews, entered in the United Kingdom from 1841 lo 1845 (184G.) Vol. xlv. p. 4()L— Simi- lar return, fur ench of the years 1848 and 1847, Ac, distin- g.ii ihing British from Foreign... (1847-48.) Vol. Iviii.. Quantities of sawn and hewn timber entered in the United Kingdom in the years 1846 and 1847, and in the Quarter ended 5th April, 1848 (1847-48.) Vol. Iviii... 349 Drawbacks granted on timber used in Mines, and in making Casks, or otherwise in connection with the Fisheries of the United Kingdom ; in each yeiu" from 1^11 to 1844, when they were dis- continued ■ (lS5(t) ■ Vol. lii... 511 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1851) INDEX TO : (VOL. (iO.) Bill for tiie settlement of the Boundaries between the provinces of Canada and New Brunswick Vol. i.... 207 1. Canada ami A'^w lirunswick Boundari/ : Papers relating to the Settlement of the .. Vol. xxxvi... 40S 2. Civil List and MiUldrfi Expenditure: Correspondence relating to the same, in Canada V'ol. xxxvi... 237 3. Clcri/ii Ri'scivm .• Papers relative to tiiose Reserves in Canada Vol. xxxvi... 2!i7 4. Condition of the Colony: Governor General's Annual Report, for the year 1S50. Vol. xxxiv... 99 5. Emigrnfioh : Despatches r('iati\i' to Euiignilion to the North American Colonies. (in coiiliiiiiatloM of Pii|)i'r,s presrntcd July 1849.) \')i ports : Table of Duties pa\ahle on Goods imported into Canada, Vol. .\xxiv .. 41 8. Iliilaiid, Mr. .• Governor (iener;irs Despatch to the Seepi'tary of State, 24th Decem- ber, IS.jO, rel;itiveto .Mr I'yiiuiirs pt>n>ion ; f'ornierly eierk to the Kxeeutive Council of Lower Canadii : (in continuation of Papers presented LmIi .April 185').) Vol. xxxvi... 547 CONCERNING CANADA. 1331 -Cont'd. Vntt 3 and jndoii viii... • J49 ondon ees of tilting viii. . 349 Jnited Simi- Llistin- ^dii... 3 9 igdom April, Iviii... 349 Casks, United re dia- l. lii... 511 L. ()().) ices of ol. i.... 207 Kxvi... 405 CXVl. 237 : on t'lis Jjoan. Vol. xxviii... 2G7 8. Rectories ; Act to repeal so much of 3! Geo. H. c. 31, as relates to Rectories, Pn>sei)tations to the same, etc., with the Resolutions of the Council and Assembly of Canjida relative thereto. Vol. xxxiii... 17 9. Emif/ifition : Papers !clati\(> to, into Canada, the distribution of Immigrants, deiiKUul for Labour, A;c \'ol. xviii.,. 101 10. Halifax and Quehee Rait •njj ; Correspondence relative t ,-continueu Vol. xlvii ... 4G7 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1852-3.) INDEX TO : (VOL. KM.) Bill to iuilliorise the Legislature of Canada to deal with the Clergy Reserves and the i)rocecds thereof.. Vol. 1. . 325 As amended Vol. i... 329 % i ti • I -II 1332 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTAEY PAPERS COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, (1852-1853.) INDEX TO:— Co«^i««*rf, 1. State of the Colony : Rf^porfc to tho Sijcretary of State for 1852 on the Canadian possessions Vol. Ixii... Further Reports on the past and present state thereof... Vol. Ixii... 2. Legislative Council : Addresses to Her Majesty of the Council and Assembly, on the Cons- titution of tho former House Vol. Ixv... 3. Orand River Settlement, in Upper Canada : Representations to the Secretary of State, on behalf of the settlers on the Grand 1 liver ; with the Replies thereto, and Correspondence on the subject witii the G-overnor General of Canada. Vol. Ixv... 4. Customs Officers : Imperial officers of Customs in Canada in 1852 ; Names, Offices, Salary, &c., of each Officer, as paid by Great Britain, also a statement of their Duties Vol. Ixv... 5. Clergy Reserves : Correspondence of the Government of Canada and the Secretary of State on this subject, &c Vol. Ixv. pp. 515, 5i9, Judges' opinions ou tlie (Question propounded to them on 1 3th April 184-0, relative to the Clergy Hesorves Canada Act... Vol. Ixv... Yearly returns Am-e 1840 of tht^ amount of the (Jlercjy [{eserves Fund of Canada uiuler 3 and 4 Vict. e. 78. and of the Payments made out of it, to tho Church of England, to the Church of Scotland, and to any other denomination Vol. Ixv... Extent of the Clorgv- Reserves ; the number of Acres unsold, and their probable value Vol. Ixv... Bishop of Quebec's letter to the Duke of Newcastle, on the subject of tlie Reserves ; and the draft dtsputch from Sir John I'akingtou prepared iu reply to Lord Eigiu'si despatch of 2'2ad September, 1852 Vol. Ixv... Payments made out of the Consolidated Fund to the Cliurchesof England and Scotland, ill Upper Canada; and payments out of the Revenue of the United Kingdom to religious Sects in Canada since 1840.. Vol. Ixv .. 6. Library of Pa'-liaiiirnt [Canada .-J — Speakers of Council and Assembly's Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, trau.smitted with a Letter to the Clerk of the House of Conunous ri'lative to tlie aid afforded by this ('ouutry and France for the re- coustrtictioii of the liibrary Vol. Ixv. . COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1854.) INDEX TO, (Vol. 74.) 1. Bill to empower tli(> Legislature of (lanada to alter the Constitution of the Legislative Council V^ol, iii. . As amended . Vol. iii. . 2, Accounts and Papers' : Relative' to the proposed changes in the Legislative Council. Vol. xliii. . Relating to the Legislative proceedings in ("anada Vol. xliii. , P»(|H 1 361 479 483 617 583 587 591 607 600 615 ol9 449 4.53 45 (i9 CONCERNING CANADA. 1333 mtinued, FMt* ions ii... 1 ■M... 361 ona- XV .. 479 ;tlera lencc XV... 483 ilary, 3Ilt of Ixv .. 617 nry of ,r,\Q, 583 April Ixv'.. 687 Fund I made itland, llxv.. 591 their XV... 607 bject )i;tou ibcr, XV... 609 Uoa of t of aiiada 615 )U XV 'C jastlc, unions he re- kv . ul9 71.) tion of I. iii. I. iii \iui. , ^xliii. 449 453 45 <)9 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1854-5.) INDEX TO, (Vol. 57.) 1. State of the Colony: Report to the Secretary of State for 1853, on the past and present state of Canada Vol. xxxvi. . 1 2. Commissariat ; List of Storekeejjers and Issuers in Canada and Nova Scotia ; services, &c., probable fitness for service in Turkey .... Vol. ix. part ii. . 365 3. Church : Copies of Address from the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada touching the legal position of the Bishops and other members of the Church of England in that Colony, and of the votes of the respective Houses thereon Vol. xxxvi. . 525 4. Clergy Reaeri^es : Act passed by the Canadian Legislature appropriating the moneys arising frotn the Clergy Reserves, to Municipal purposes. . Vol. xxxvi . 527 Desjiatch from Governor General of Canada, referring to the Clergy Reserves, and Seignorial Tenures Acts Vol. xxxvi. . 533 5. Emigration : Fifteenth general Report of the Colonial Land and Emigration Com- panv, 1855 Vol. xvii. 1 6. Trade : " Imports and exports to and from Canada, 1849 to 1853 Vol. Ii. 242 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1856) INDEX TO : (Vol ()3.) 1. State of the Colony : Report to the Secretary of State for 1854, on the jiast and present state of Canada Vol. xlii. 1 2. Church o flairs : Recent correspondence, on Colonial Church Affairs, in the Dioceses in ('anada and Victoria Vol. xliv. . 129 3. Customs Duties : Correspondence between the Colonial Office, and the Rovertsors of our North .Xmerican and West Indian Colonies, on the subject of a ])r()posal for the mutual abolition of Customs Duties upon ihe pro- ductions of (Canada and the West Indies « Vol. xliv. . 1C3 4. Eniiyration : Sixteenth general Report of the Emigration (Jonimi-ssioners on the state of Emigration to Canada Vol. xxiv. . 35G 5. Indian Department : Recent eorrespoiidence res))ectiiig alterations in the organization of the Indian De|)artineiit in Canada Vol. xliv . 33!) C. Imports and Exports : Accounts of quantities and value of principal ar Jcles import^'d into the United Kingdom from Canada, 1851 to 1855, inclusive; and of the exports from the United Kingdom to Canada, for same jieriod. Vol. Iv. . 373 Imports and exports to and from Canada, 1851 to 1855. Vol. Ivi. pp. 288, 289 Foreign and Colonial produce and manufactures exported to (.'anada, 185 1 to 1855 . . Vol. Ivi. . 289 1334 INDEXES TO PARL. PAPERS CONCERNING CANADA. I'll J {'1 i M 1 r': ■ lii :' lit. . t It'' ■ t '1 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1857.) Ut Sess. INDEX TO : (Vol. 18.) 1 State of the Colony. Report on tho past and present state of Canada, for IHflS .... Vol. x. 11 2. Jiuiuuluries uf Territory : Extract of so much of the Royal Commission of tiie Governor General of Canada as defines the Boundaries of tlmt Province. . Vol. x. .'i95 3. Emigration : Copies &c., of despatches relative to Emigration to Canada. Vol. x. . 897 4. Iliufsons Bay Company : Copy of I)esi)atch from the Colonial Secretary to the Governor General of Canada, and of his Excellency's replv thereto, respecting the, Vol. X. . 503.. COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, (1857.) 2ml Session. ' N. B. Up to the time of going to press, the whole of the Papers printed hy order of the House of Commons in the Second Session lielil in IS.'i/, have not been received, the following papers concerning Canada are, however, to be found !M the Library. Bill to explain an Act for the settlement of the Boundaries between the Provinces of Canada and New Brunswick. Report to the Secretary of State for IS;")'), on the past and present state of Canada. Copies or extracts of des]),itehes relative to Emigration to the North American Colonies, including the Annual lie])ort of the Chief Agent for Emigration in Canada, for IBfiG. Return of the names, ranli, salaries, &e., ol' all Governors, Lieutenant Governors, itc, of the different Colonies of Great Britain; also, of the number of Colonial Bishop.s, tlieir .salaries, and tiie sources wlu'uee those salaries are derived. Return showing in which of our Colonies tlie system of Local Parliamen- tary Government has been a(lo|)ted ; and how far such Colo- nies maintain the cost of their own (loverument, without aid i'rom " Imperial funds. Return of all Colonies and British possessions in favour of which Orders in Council have been issued under the Act 10 and 1 1 Vict. c. 95, suspending the proliibition of Inuiortation of rej)rints of British ("opyritrht works ; shewing also the nature and terms of the due provision made by each Colony for protecting the rights of British Authors therein. nnclsoii's liay Company : Letter of Mr. ("hief Justice Diaper to tiie Colonial Secretary, dated 6 May, 1^57; with nn morandum therein referred to, relative to the Hudson's Bay Comi)any Report of tht! Select Committee ap|)ointedto consider the state of those • British Possessio'-.s in North America which are under the Adminis- tration of the Hudson's Bay ("ompany, or over which they jjossess a License to Tradi' ; (ogetlu-r with the Proceedings of the ("om- mittee. Minutes ot' I'jvidenee, .Vppendix and Index. Co])y of despatches to and from th" Colonial Secretary, and Governor Douglas, respecting the establislnnent of a Representative Asscm- Ijly at \'ancouver's Island. HISTORY OF BllITISll NORTH AMERICA. 1335 2 NEWFOUNDLAND,— NOVA SCOTIA,— HEW BRUNSWICK.- CAPE BRETON AND PRINCE EDWARD ISL \ ND. 2. TERRENBUVE,— NOUVRLLK ECOSSE, NOUVKAU BRUNSWICK,- CAP BRE- TON ET ILK DU I'RINCE EDOUARD Lesoarbot, Marc. Histoire de 1ft Nouvelle-France, conti-nant Ics navigations, docouvertes, et habitations faites par Ics Fran9ais cs Indus-Occidentalea et Nouvelle-France, et les diverses fortunes d'iceux en I'execution deces clioses depuis cent ans jusques a hui, en quoi est comprise I'liistoire morale, naturolle et geographique de la dite Province. 12mo. Paris, 1G09. Get ouvrage dont deux superbes exempliiires ont 6l6 perdus dnus le premier iticeii. die dc Quebec, ti'ii puCtre achtte de uouvenuque tout r6ccnmient et trop tni'd pour 6tre ituliqut' dans la Bcction de I'T'iSTOiaE du Canada. Voyez le Catalogue de Ternaux-CompanB, p. 68, et celui de M. Faribault, p. 86 et87. — — Relation deriiierc de ce qui s'est passe an voyage du Sieur de Poutrincourt eu la Nouvelle-France, depuis 20 niois en ya. Par M. Lescarbot, Advocat en Parlemcnt. 8vo. Paris, 1012. Reiniprinio dans les Arcliivcs Curieusea de I'Histoire dv Franco, Ire 8ri ic, vol. XV, p. !*T7 et suivaiites. M^moires des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de Sa Majcste Britanuique, sur les j)ossessions et les droits respectifs des deux Couronnes eu Ani'<• M. Faribault, page 62. [Jefferys, T.] Conduite des Fran^ais par rapj'ort a la NouvcUe Ecosse depuis le premier etablissenu'uv de cettj colonic jusqu'a nos jours ; ouvrage oil Ton expose la faiblesse des argumens dont ils se servcnt pour eluder la force du Traite d' Utrecht etpourjustifierleurs])rocddes illegitimes, dans une lettre a un membrc du parlemcnt, traduite de Tanailais, avec notes d'nu Fraiioais (Butel Dumont,) dans lesquelles il disculpe sa nation. 12nio. Londres, 17r).'). Voir Faribault, p. i\1. 1336 HISTORY or B. N. AMERICA. [hISTOIRB DE l'aME- .* t. ■'■i.: I 3 t Grange de Chessieux. La conduite des Fran9ais justiii^e, ou observations [sur I'ouvrage precedent]. l2ino. Utrecht et Paris, 1 756. Voir le catalogue de M. Faribault, page 62. i Stirling, Earl of. An analytical statement of the case of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan, &c., by Sir Ths. C. Banks. 8vo. London, 1832. Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings to overpower the, — with an historical view of his hereditary possessions in Nova Scotia, Canada, &c. ; by E. Lockhart. 4to. Edinburgh, 183(j. Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings, and other *^ measures, resorted to by the British Government, and numerous private individuals against the, — written by himself. Also, a genealogical account of the family of Alexander, Earls of Stirling, &c. ; followed by an historical view of their hereditary j)08sessious in Nova Scotia, Canada and Maine ; by Ej)linnm Lockhart, with an Appendix of Charters and other documents. 4to. Edinburgh, 1836. Young, G. H. Letters to the Right lion. Lord Stanley, and Opi'i on shewing that the j)roposed Repeal of tlic Union existing between the Island of Cape Breton and Nova Scotia would be unconstitutional. 8vo. Halifax, 1842. Letters to the Rigiit Hon. E. G. S. Stanley, M.P., upon the existing treaties with France and America, as regards their " rights of fishery " upon the coasts of Nova Scotia, Labrador and New Foundland. 8vo. LondoiV 1834. Tbomaasy. Poeheries dans les deux mondes. Svo. Paris, 18r)4. Nettle, Uieiiard. The Salmon tisiieries of the river St. Lavreuce and its tribu- taries. 12mo. Montreal, 185". Fishery. A scheme for im))roving the fishery at Nova Stotia and Newfound- land (maiuiseript.) 4to. Perley, M- H- Report on the sea and river fisheries of New Brunswick. 8vo. Fredericton, 1852. Fisheries. Official Correspondence .m the. 4to, Halifax, 1852. Sec also supra iu Section, Political Economy, Commkrcf it Statistics the t'oUow- iug works ; Lorenzo Sablne'a Ropcirt cm tlio Fisheiios of Xorth Ainet icii. Sabatler, W. Letter to tliu PregiJeiit of the Boiii'cl of Trade, on the proposed Timber Duties, and ou the value and importance of the British North Anie" rican Colonies. Atcbeson. Observations ou the Importance of the British North American Colonies, and on the late Treaties with the United Stales, Anderson, David. Canada ; or, a view of the importance of the British Ameri- can Colonies. British North American Colonies. Repoitson the Trade and Commerce of the,— complete Tabular Statements from 182i) to 18fiO, and for 18.50 and 18.51, (with Atlas); by Israel D. Andrews. Presented to the Uuited States Senate. IIIQUE BRIT. UU NORD.] HISTORY OF B. N. AMERICA. 1837 jbservations lisvios tbe foUow- Newfoundland. Report of the Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the trade to, — with an Appendix containing divers documents concerning said Island. Folio. London, 1793. Reeves, John. (Chief Justice). History of the Government of the Island of Newfoundland ; with an Appendix containing the Acts of Parliament made respecting the trade and fishery. 8vo. London, 1/93. Anspach, Hev. L. A. A History of the Island of Newfoundland, containing a dcscrii)tion of the Island, the hanks, the fisheries, and the trade of New- foundland and the coast of Labrador; illustrat;d with two maps. 8vo. London, 1819. Nova Scotia. A fair representation of Her Majesty's rights to Nova Scotia or Acadic. Briefly stated from the Memorials of the English Commis- saries ; with an answer to the objections contained in the French Memo- rials and in a treatise entitled : " Discussion sonimaire sur les nnciennes limites de TAeadie." 8vo. London, l7r>(i. (P.) The importance of fortifying and settling. 8vo. London, 1/51. The j)xesent state of, — witii a brief account of Canada, and the British Islands on the Oiast of North America, (by Mr. S. Hollings- worth.) The second edition, eidarged and illustnited with a map. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1787- Sec Rioh, vi)l ii, p, .3ki. '■ North American Rerifw, vol. li), ]). 2.'i7. Haliburton, T. C. An historical and (-tatistical account of Nova Scotia ; with a niaj) of the Province and several engtaviugs. 1829. n. J vols. 8vo. Halifax, See Noitli Amk-i'iciui Review, vul. xx.x, p. See also "Sum Slick" mi.i "Tlio OM Jiulgi" ;" l)otli liy Judge Haliburton. S'e also till' I'rovinci'il I'arliar .itniy Papers of Nova Scotiii. G-esner. Abraham. The industrial resources of Nova Scotia, comprehending the Physical Geography, Tonography, Geology, Agriculture, Com- merce, coiitcm})lated Ixallwuys &c., ul'the Piuvi-.tee. Svo. Halifax, 181!). — — New Brunswick ; with notes for Emigrants, comprehending the early History, an account of the Indians, Settlement, Topography, Statistics, Commerce, Natural History, Geology, social and political state, and contemplated Railways of the Province. Svo. Loudon, 1847. Atkinson, Rev. Christopher. A historical and statistical account of New- Brunswick, British North America, with advice to Emigrants. Third :dition. I'Jmo. lidiuburgh, 1841. .,.;.,•..-,. li 1338 HISTORY OF B. N. AMERICA. [hISTOIRE BE l'AMB- ■1 . . Hi? [Plohon, Th.] Lcttres et m^moires pour servir k I'histoire naturello, civile ct politique du Cap Breton, depuis son ^tablissement jusqu'^ In reprise de eette lie par les Anglais en l/TiS. 12mo. La Haye, 176C. IiOUisbourg. Lettre d'un habitant de, — contenaut une relation exacte de la prise de rile Royale par les Anglais. 12nio. Quebec, 174.5. Stexirart, John. An account of Prince Edward's Island, in the gulph of St. Lawrence, North America ; containing its geography, a description of its different divisions, soil, < liinatc, beasons, natural productions, cultiva- tion, discovery, conquest, progress, and j)rescnt state of the settlement, government, constitution, laws and religion. 8vo. London, 1806. Durham, Lord. Remarks on the report of, — as relates to Prince Edward's Island; by a proprietor. 8vo. London, 183!). (P.) 8. HUDSON'S BAT TRRRITOUIES, RED RIVER SETTLEMENT. 3. TERRITOIRES DE LA RATE D'HUD- SON,— ETA BLISS EM EN T DE LA RIVIEiiE ROUGE, Hudson's Bay. Report from the Committee of the House of Commons appointed to inquire into the state and condition of the countries adjoin- ing, — and of the trade carried on there. [With a copy of the Charter o{ the Hudson's Bay ("ompnny] Folio. Loudon, 174!). Report from the Select Committee on the Hudson's Bay Company ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence. Appendix and Index. Printed by order of the House of Commons, July and August, 185/. Folio. London. Three Maps, enj^iavcd by Arrowsinitli, acoonipany this Repgi't. Tlie first exhi- bits the territories chiiiiied liy the Coinpnny under their cliarter, 'ua well as other portions of Hiiti^li North America. Tlie second is entitled an " Abo- rigiiiiil inaj) of North America." and deserilK's the boundaries hud " locations of various Indiiin Tribco" The third is a map of the North West part of Canada, Hudson's Bay and Indian terriloriu", drawn by Mr. Devino of the Canadian Crown Lands Department, and exhibiting the geological features of the country. See also the Imlexe/i to Imperial Parliamentary Pajiem, supra, p. lyi)8. See also in the Appendices to the Journals of tlio Legi-ijative Assembly of Canada, for the session of 18.57, the Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands on the Hudson's Bay territories, nod the Report of the Hudson's Bay Committee. Unaftre'Ville, Edward. Present state of Hudson's Bay, containing a ftdl des- cription of that settlement and the adjacent country ; and likewise of tlie Fur trade, etc. To which are added remarks and observations made in the inland parts, during a residence of near four years, &c. 8vo. London, 17!)0. (P.) Martin, R. M. Hudson's Bay territories and V^ancouver's Island ; the rights, conduct and policy of the Hvidson's Bay Company. 8vo. London, 184!). RIQUE UKIT. DV NORI).] OEOdllAPUY AND VOYAGES. 1339 Fitzgerald, .1. V,. An cxnmiiintion of the Cliarter ami procei'dinpa of the lludnon's Hny Compniiy, witli rcftTcnn' to the siraiit of Vniicoiiver's Inland. l'2i ■ London, 18 U). Selkirk, Karl of. A sketch of the British Fur tradi' ; with ohservations relative to the North West (loinpany of Montreal. 8vo. Lon(h)n, IHWi. ■ Narrative respeetinj; the destruction of the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement, upon Heil River, in 181."), hy Arehihald McDonald. Svo. London, 181(1. (P.) Letter of .John Straehau to t) e Earl of Selkirk, on his settle- ment nt the Hed River, near Hudson's Hay. 8vi,. London, iHKi. (P.) A narrative of Occurrences in tin Indian ("ountries of North America, since tlie connexion of ,,lie Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Ba\ ('ompany, and his attempt to estahlish a colony in the Red River, with a I'etnileil account of his Loruship's .^lilitary expedition to, and sal)S('(juent proeeediniis at Fort William, in Upj)er Canada. Svo. London, 1817. (P.) -- Recit des evenements (pii out eii lieu sur ie lerritoire des Sauva^es entre le, — et la conipasinie de la liaic d'Tludxtn ; trcduit de r.Vnglais. 8vn. Montreal, 181S. Settleu'cnt on Red River, its destruction in l81.")--l(i, and the massacre of (iovernor Semple and his party. 8vo. London, ISl". Trials of, — versus the North West Company, in 1818. Svo. Montreal, I8l!». Report of trials relative to the destruction of the Earl of Sell irk's SettKinent on the Red Riv( villi observations, hy A. Amos. Svo. Londtni, 1820. Simpson, W. S. Trial of I'harles dc Reinlun' 1, tor murder, conuiiilted in rlie Indian Territories in ISIS, witli a sumnuiry of .Vrehiliald M'Lellan's trial, who was inilicled as an aecessar;, . 8vo. Montreal, l81!i. Ross, Alexander. The Red River SettL ment : its rise, proj;ress and ])resent state ; with sonu' aceoiint of the nativi races, and its general historv to tile iircseiit d-n ^\'\ Ldiulon, isTili. (!3togri;ra|)hical view of the European settlements in America, 179!)- Sci' Winterl)()tham, An iiistorical, geograpliical and statistical account of America. Alcedo, don A;.to;iiii de. (Jeographical and historical dictionary of America and the^-tsi: Iiuies; translated from the Spanish, with hirge additions and comjii a! M' 1 -. from modern voyages and travels, and from autlicntic inform- atioi', liv , usage-*, di" Icttrcs. b;:;raidii('ally Ind political l)ns ;j;i'()i:r:i- ]lier, M. 1). |)ti. Is it Ciinada. Atlas, folio, (■ontcnant : 1. IJ'H(5ml8plR^l•e8cptL■Ilt^ioIml, par Guilliiiimi' il. r.'Islo, public on raiiiit'o 17;i4. •i L'IIctniK|)lM''r<) Vh'ridionul, par le tni'iiio, (I : T vdyorit lea Jiicouvortoa faiteii en 17«9. 'me. rii!)a({(* (III Ftoi, pnrGuiUaume dejL'hIe, pre- ■9. nsr le ini'itie. ijy H Popple. le Euosse, la Nouvolle An^letf rre, 8. IK'iui8|))i()r(' occidental, pur Ic 4. Carle d'Amciiijuo, di •■•'•('i' poii miiT Odd-raphc de Sn ^Injes 6. L'AiH(''ri(iuc Septeiitrion o, pi (l, Oartf du CiUiadft ou du la Notiveli 7 & 10. A iim|i of till.' Urilir

  • ',*. La iVouvcUe Uretague. le Caii^. i >, In Noiivcllc York, etc. 11. Les U\e* do llcriniide, tea AutilloK, lu .Jmnaique, etc. 12. Lea rortei'osses, ports, etc., do l'Anu''rii|Uo Septentrional^, l.S. Mexico, N'ow York, Kails of Niagara, Quebec. M. Carte dela LouiKiaiie ct du courH du Mianisaippi, par Ouil. de L'lale. 1.5. Oarte du M''xi(pie t!t do lu Floride, paric nn'iiio, 17^2. 16. (.'arte du I'aragua; , du Chili, etc., par le m(jiiie, 17li>. 17. Plau de CartlmfTuue, parOuil. Lawa. IS. Carte do I'lle dc Saint Uorainjjue, par G. du L'lale. 1ft. Carte ilea Autille.^ fran9aiHe8 et dea ilea voiainea, par le memc. aO. Carte de I'ilo de la Martinique, par le mt'Uie. 21. Ani6ri(]ue Moridionale, par le nitimo, 22. (.';uto do la terru dii IVrou, du Mri^ail, etc., par le m(Jme. 23. Carte du Paraguay, dii Chili, etc., par lo mt5nie. Popple and Mitchell .Vtlns, folio, contnining : 1 to 11. A Map rt'tiie Riupirc in America. Ry IL Popple (1732.; .SVv Rich. Vol. i, p, 4'.i. 12. A Map of Mi^xio.i. 13. Cuba, .lamaic'i :ind other l.'landa. 14 it 16. The AntilleH or Caribbee, Porto Rico, St. Domiugue, (tc. 16 Ci'utral America. 17. Istlinais of Darion. 18 it 1'.'. Venezuela, ie. 20. A M.ipof the and French Dominioua in North Anieiioa. In- Jclm Mit- oliell, engraved by Keteheii, {HS.'i). 21. A new Map of lliidson'.s Bay and Labrador. 22. Virginia, Noith and Suuth Carolina, Georgia, Ac. 23. Canada, New Kngland. American Atlas, folio, containing the following maps: 1. AnKJrIquc. par \an:,'ondy, 1771. 2 \ 3. N'orlh Aiiierioa, drawn by .lohn Rocijue, 1754-)')1. 4. A plan of the environa of Quebec and of the battle fought on the 1 3lli Septem- ber, 17.'>l), by Jetferys. 5. Uiver St. Lawrence from Sillei'y to the Fall of Montmorency, with the o])era- tions of the siege of (iuebec, down to the 6th of September, n,-)'.t. 6. A plan of Quebec, October, 1 76Vt. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) V.x 1.0 1^ 1^ IIIIM IIIIIM I.I I4£ 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 ||.6 4 6" Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 i? vV ^ ■• I Ki m w '■*•>'■ * %i i^rri ¥ i Vf »;■ ■ It "lil; fl * ::l| III i|i:; iOl M t y ; ' !*■;'■ 'Ckf ' >■'.')■ m. r'lJ ■ 1342 VOYAGES, &C., AMERICA. [VOYAGES, ETC., ►i & 16. New England. 1771, publi .lied by Jeflferys • 17. A plan of tl.o environs of Boston, 1775. 18. Till' Mi.ldleBritish Colonies, 1775. 19 f New Orlp.iiis. by- M. do la Tour, 1720. ■i."). W'l'st [ii(li;i Lslauds, ( Les Gian.leset Patiten Aiitilles, parJleSr. Robert,] 1750. "'•i. (4uiiei'al Soufli Ainorioa. [Ainuriqiie .Mi-ridionaU', par Robert de Vangondy, 1750.] .i7 A :vem<'ntn, 1775. •">(t, Siiiiit? i>f Ma^'l■^lnn. I'l. r?oiiti I'lilc. [Hi'mi.sphuri .Au-^tral c.ii Antarotiqne dress/' par le Sr. de \'au. !r it 7. Noith America, on a lnrn;e scale. 8. The British Kmpire in North Aiuerica. 9. The River St. Lawrence. 10. The Gulph of St. Lawrence. 11. The Island of St. John. 12 (fe 13. The Island and banks of Newfoundland. 14. Xuva Scotia and Cape Breton. 15 (t 16. New Enffland. 17. New Y'ork and New Jersey, exhibiting all the (grants made' by BVenciuOover- uors on Lake Chainplain, and between that nnd^Montreiil. AMERIQTJE.] VOYAGES, &0., AMERICA. 1343 Kbv t'renclufJovei- Jeflferys' American Atlas — Continued. 18. The Province of Quebec, according to the royal proclamiition of i703, from the French surveys, connected with those made after the war by Captain Carver. 19. Pensylvania. 20 and 18.i6. 4to. Gotha. Among the papers will be found the following, concerning America : On discoveries in the Arctic Archipelago. On the distribution and extent of the principal vegetable and other products of the United States of North America. On the Geology of the United States, and of British North Aincri.;a, by .Jules Mareou. Among the Maps, the following concern America : — Vol.1. — Large Map of the Arctic Archipelago, (Parry Islands,) bmuglit down to .fulyi 1865. Charts shewing the various aspects and relations of the population of the United States, as follows: — 1. Whites and free-coloured people. 2. Comparative density of slave population in the different SUttos. 3. Comparative number of Indians in each State. 4. Comparativ- intellectual culture. 6. Popu- lation of the principal Cities of the Union Geological chart of the United States, and of the British North American pro- vinces, by Jules Mareou. Vol. II. — Northern discoveries of Dr. Kane, 18,53-1856. Maps of the Andes. Geological clmrt of .South America. , Charts illustrjiting the geographic extent and distribution of the vegetable and animal products of the United States of America, viz : — Maize, Wheat, Rye .ind Barley, Oats and Buck-wheat, Potatoes, Peas, Beans, &e. Fruit- trees and the Grape vine. Tobacco and Hops, Sugar Cane and Maple ~ugar, Rice, Clover and Grass, Cottou and Flax, Hemp and Silk, Horned cattle Horses, Asses and'Mtiles, Swine and Sheep. Vide, also, Johnston's Physical Atlas of Natural Pheno;ncua. tor maps exhibiting the physical features of the American Continent. 1344 VOYAGES, &C., AMERICA. [vOYAGES, ETC., s ■\.. U m Voycz aussi ci-devant, aux pages 619 et 6'iO, les cartes hydrographiques dcg c6te» de I'Amdrique, publifies pur le gouvernement Fran9ftis. 5ee p. 018, the series uf Admiralty Charts relating to tho coasts of North and South America; and also the Sailing Directions published by the Board of Admiralty, p. 615. Camus, A. G. Memoire sur la collection des grands et petits voyages, et sur la collection des voyages de Melchisedecli Thevenot. Imprime par ordre et aux frais de I'lnstitut. 4to, Paris, 1802. [Justel.] Recueil de divers voyages faits eu Atrique et en Amerique, conte- nant entre nutres : Une description de la Janiaique ; relation et histoire de rile des Barbades ; description de I'ile de St. Christophe ; relation touchant les Caraibes, par le Sr. de la Borde ; relation de la Guiane. &c. -Ito. Paris, lf»84. Coreal, Frau9oi8. Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, contenant ce qu'il y a vu de plus rcmarquable pendant son sejour depuis ItiGti jusqu'il IG97, Traduits de I'Espagnol, avec une relation de la Guiane de Walter Ra- leigh, et le voyage de Narbrough il la Mer du Sud par le detroit de Magellan. 3 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1722. Fbjr Rich, vol. i. p. 31. Churchill. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, with a general ])reface, (by John Locke,) giving an account of the progress of Navigation from its first beginning. Published by assignment from Messrs. Churchill, (ivols. Fol. London, I'^i-"?!). AV'orks CDjiccrning America included in the collection : Vol. I. Braweru and Herokein lun's Voyage to Chili in lii-i'.' 'A'.i. Cnpt. John Mduak's Voyage in 1«I9 and 1620 to H. s Straits. " II. Nieuhoffs' Voyages and travels into Brazil. Capt. Joim Smith's true travels and adventures. The joiirn;il of seven stiilors who -wintered iu Greenland and of seven others who wintered in Spitzbergen. La Peyriire's Accounts of Iceland iiud Greenland. The life of Columbus, by his son. " III. Ovalle's historical relation of Uhili. Sir \Vm. Monaon's naval tracts. '• IV. GenicUi CareiiV Voyage around the world. Teeho's History of the provinces of Paraguay, Rio do In Plata, Parana, Chili, etc. Polham's pieservation of 8 men in Greenland. •• V. Barbot'a description of North and South Guinea, and Angola: with a new relation of (ruinna and of the rivurs nf .\niazoiis and Orouoquc. General observations and au account ol the discovery of Anierica, fi-oni Ilerrera'g Histoi'y of the West Indies, with a brief account of the Caribbee Islands. " TV. Col. Norwood's Voyage to Virginia in 1H41I. Capt. Philip's Voyage to Bar. bailoes. Gatonbe's Voyage into the North West [lassage in 1(112. The Mosquito Indian and his Golden river. May's wonderful preservation of the shi)) Teira Nova, homeward bound fi'om Virginia GES, ETC., AMERIQUE.] VOYAGES, &C., AMERICA. 1345 liques dcs c6te» I of North and )y the Board of yages, ct sur Imprime par L'rique, conte- ion et histoire )phe; relatiou de la Guiane. ce qu'il y a jusqu's\ 1697, le Walter Ra- • le dotroit de ral preface, (by igatiou from its srs. Churchill. \its. 1 til's true travels ■red iu Greenland iiUimbus, by his Itriicts. I of the provinces I's preservation of loin : with a new JpiKiquc. General L fioiu Ucrrera's Vibbec Ii:u. Delaissement volontaire de sept Hollandais qui ont passe I'hiver au Spitzberg, oi ils moururent sur la fin de fovrier 1685. Relation du delaissement de quatre mar.elots Rushes dans I'ilc de East Spitzbergi on 1743. Naufrage du vaisseau russe Ic Saint Pierre, sur les cotes de Pile BehriDgs, mer du Kamschatka, en 1741. Jfaufrage d'un brigantin Anglais, sur les cotes de I'lle Royale, a I'entree du OoIf« Saint Laurent, dans I'Auierique Septeutrionale, en 1780. " II. Relation du naufrage d'une fr6trate Portugaise sur les cotes de la Nouvell* Enpagne, ou 1678. " III. Naufrage du sloop le Betsey, sur In cote de la Guyane Hollandaise. en 1756. Relation des aveniures tragiques de Madame Dumiyer, laissee dans une pirogu* entre les lies Lucayes et Cuba, en 1766. Naufrage et avantures tragiques de Mad. Oodiu des Odonais, sur les bords du fleuve des Amazones, en 176'.*. Recuell de Voyages du Nord, eornnieicc et a la naviiiation. et de planches. eoiiteiiant divers ineinoires tres utiles au !) vol. 12nio. iiccomj)agnes d* cartes Ce recueil cuniiiior.or en 1714 par Ic librairo .lean Freddric Bernard a I'te discon- tinui! en 1731. Vol. I. 1715. Instructions pour voyager ntilemeut. — Relation de llslunde. par La Poyrere. — Relation du Groenlund, par lo mrme. " II. 1716. Journal d'un voyage au Spitzbergnon, itc, par Fred(5ric Martens. — Description de Spitzberguen. Journal du Capitaine Jean Wood au Nord- Est. ■' III. 1715. Relation de Terre-Neuve, traduite de I'angluis de White. — Relations du Japonetdela Tartaric. — Lettres de M. Delile touchaut le Mississippi et la Oalifornie, &c. AMERIQUE.J VOYAGES, &C., AMERICA. 1347 Lur lea bordu du Reoueil de Voyages du Nord : — Continuation. " iV. 1718. Rcktionf) do Coree.Ao. Vo»ii ;u iJe Jenkinson. Les deux voyages de J. II do Linachotcn, " V. 1724. Relation de la Lunisiaue par im ofilcier de la Marine. — Relation de la Loiiiainne. Ac, por Toriti. — Voyage en un pays plus grand quo I'Europe, par le P. Iluiinepin. — Voyages de Oosnol, Fringe et Gilbert. & la Virginie, en 1602 et 1603. — Relation de la Baye de Hudson, par M. Jeremie.— Les trois navigations de Martin Frobisher, " VI. 1723. De la conqudte de la Chine par les Tartares (par Palafox.) " VII. 1726. Relations de la Chine, des Tartares, de la Colchide, etc. " VIII. 1727. Voyage do MoscMi A. la Chine, par Evert Isbrands Ides. — Negociations du Sieur Lange A, la Chine. — Mceurs et usages des Ostiackes, par MuUer. " IX. 1737. Relation des Natchez, par le P. Lepetit, migsionnaire — Raisons de la Orande Bretagno d'avoir form^ une colouie dans la Georgie, traduit de I'au- glttis, du Chev. Benj. Martin. — D(5couverte d'un pays plus grand que I'Europe dans TAmerique Septentrionale [par le P. Hennepin.] Histoire g^n^rale des Voyages, ou nonvelle collection de tous les voyages par terre et par mer qui ont 6t6 publics jusqu'^ present (par I'abb^ Prevost, de Ley re de Queslou e^ de Surgy,) y compris la table (redig6e par (^hompre,) oriies de gravures et de cartes. Nou\elle edition avec des additions considerables, (par Dubois et autres.) 25 vol. 4to. LaHaye, 174M780. L'abb6 Provost est autcur des 17 premiers volumes. O'est surtout lorsque I'au- teur arrive au xiie volume, et A I'Amerique, qu'on prend une idee avanta- geuse des ameliorations qu'il etait capable de procurer & I'enserable de I'ou- vrage, etc, Querard, France Litteraire, vol. 7, p. 342. Voir auBsi Rich, vol. 1, p. 84. Nouvelles Annales des Voyages, de la geographic et de I'histoire, ou recueil des relations originalas inedites, communiquees par des voya- geurs Franfais et etrangers, des voyages uouveaux traduits de toutes les langues europeennes, etc. Publiees par MM. J. B. Eyries et Malte- Brun. 40 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1819-1830. Voir Querard, France Litteraire, au mot Eyries ; et Brunei, au mot Malte-Brun, Grand-Pierre, Drake de. Relation de divers voyages faits dans I'Afrique, dans TAmeriqae, et aux IndesOccidentales. 12mo. Paris, 1/18. Dalrymple, Alexander. An historical collection of the several voyages and discoveries in the South' Pacific Ocean. 2 vols, in 1 . 4to. London, 1770-71. Vol. Lis chiefly translated from the Spanish writers: vol. 2, contains the Dutch voyages. Pyrard, Fran<;ois. Voyages aux Indes Orientales, aux Moluques et au Bresil, avec la description des pais, inoeurs, loix, famous de vivre, police et gou- vernemeiit, du trafic et commerce qui s'y fait et plusieurs autres singu- larit^z. En deux parties. 8vo. Paris, 161.). 1(W 134.8 VOYAGES, &C., AMERICA. [VOYAOES, ETC., Pages, M. tie. Voyage autour du inoiule et vers les deux poles par terre et par iniT pendant les nnn«;e» 1/07-1/70. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1782. — — Nouveau voyage autour du nionde, en Asie, en Aniuricpic, et en Afrique, en 1788-89 et 90, pr6ced6 d'un \oyagu en Italie et en Sicile, en 1787. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1797. Lesson, P. Voyage autour du nionde eutrepris par ordre du gouvernenient, sur la eorvette La Coquille. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Lafond, Capt. G. Quinzc ans de voyages autour du nionde. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Duhaut-Cilly, A. Voyage autour du nionde, principalcment k la Californie et aux lies Sandwich, pendant les anntjes 1820-27-28 et 29. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Reynolds, J. N. Voyage of the U. S. Frigate Potomac, during the circum- navigation of the Globe, in the years 1831 to 1834 ; with a full account of the engagement at Quallah-Battoo. 8vo. New York, 1835. Pert (Thomas,) and Cabot, (Sebastian.) Voyage to Brasil, Santo Domingo and Porto Rico, anno 151(i. Hakluyt, vol. .'}, Espinosa, Gaspar d'. Relation d'une expedition faite par ordre de Pfedrarias Davila dans I'interieur de I'lsthme de Panama. (1517.) Ternaux, Archives des Voyages, vol. 1. Federmann, Nicolas. Belle et agreable narration du premier voyage dc Nico- las Fcdermann, le jeune, d'Ulni, aux Indes dc la nier Octane, (1529-32) et de tout ce qui lui est arrive dans ce pays jusqu'a son retour en Es- pagne. Haguenau, 155/. Traduit de I'Allemand. Ternaux, Recueil, etc., vol. 1. Tison, Ths. Voyage to the West Indies before 152G. Hakluyty vol. 3. Hawkins, John. First Voyage to the West Indies, 15(>2; second do., 1564; third do., 15G7 and 15(JH. Idem. Drake, Francis. Voyage to Norabre de Dios and Darieiie, 1572. Id. His famous expedition to the West Indies, 1585-6. Id. — The life. Voyages and exploits of Sir Francis Drake, with nu- merous original letters from him, by John Barrow. Second edition, abridged. Loudon, 1844. Colonial and Home Library. His Voyage, 1595. By T. Mnynarde, with the Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico ; edited from the original MSS. by W. D. (3ooIey. 8vo. London. 184S). Hakluyt Society Publication. Maynarde accompanied Drake ia the unfortuuate expedition against I'uerto Rico. AMERIQVE.] VOYAGES, &0., AMEHICA. 134.9 Santo Domingo Drake, Francis. Menioire d'lin voyage eu Russie par Jean Savage, fait en 1 5H6 ; siiivi dt; rcxptjdition de Fr. Drake en Anierique a la ineine 6po- que, publics jiour la premiere f'ois d'apris hs manuserits de la biblio- thdcpie Royale. Par Lovis Lacour, archiviste paleographe. l'2mo. Paris, 18');"). See Edinburg'ii Review, vol. Ixxx. p. 197 ; Dublin Uiiirersity Magazine, vol, zxiii. p. 6151 ; North Americnn Review, vol. lix. p. 70. Newport, Christopher. Voyage to Dominiqua, Porto Ilieo, Hispauiola and Hon- duras, begun in l.')!)l. Hakluyt, vol. 3. Duddeley, Sir Robert. Voyage to Trinidad and the coast of Paria, &c., anno lr)94 and 1595. Id. Preston and Sommers. Voyage to the West Indies, begun in 1595. Id. Jaque, Chriatoval de. Voyage aux Indes Oricntalcs et Occidentales, avec une description de tons les ctablissemcnts Espagnols dans les Indes Occi- dentales, (ecrit en IG()6.) Ternaiix-Compans, Archives dea Voyages, vol. 1. Wafer, Lionel. Voyage and description of the Isthnnis of America. 12mo. London, 1G99. — Voyage oil Ton trouve la description del'Isthme del' Amerique. Voir Voyages de Dampier, vol. 5. Gage, Thos. (Preacher of the Gospel.) A new survey of the West Indies ; or the English American, liis travail by sea and land : containing a journal of 3300 miles within the mainland of America, &c. Second edition. -I to. London, 1655. -—— Same work. Fourth edition. Hvo. London, IC '9. liiinst ruerto Rico. Nouvclle relation, contenant les voyages de Thomas Gage dans la Xouvelle Espagne etc., publics en Franijais par Paul Marret. Quatrieme edition. 2 vol. I2mo. Amsterdam, 1/20. Cet uuvrage a kib traduit pur Ueatilieu Huu^ O'Neil, 8ur I'ordre dc Colbert. Le traduotuur a jugo ;i propoa d'cn ebangei' le litre, etde modifier la division dea chu|iitru8. Meme ouvrage. 2 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1721. Voir Faribault, p. 48. Chevalier, Michel. L'Istiime de Panama, examen historique et geographique (les difterentes directions suivant Icsquelles on pourrait le i)ercer, et dea moyens a, employer; suivi d'uu aperfu sur I'lsthme de Suez. 8vo. Paris, 181-1. FbiV La Revue dea Deux Muudes, 1 juin 186'2. 1350 VOYAOKS, &C., AMERICA. [vOYAGES, ETC., 1- ! if. • i ' II Olaborne, IjioiK'!- The Isthmus cif Dnricn. .Foiinml of tlic cxpiMlitioii of in- quiry for the junction of the Athmtic luid I'at'itii' Oci'aus. With four umps. 12nu). Loudon, iHitli. Sfir Dublin Univornity Magazine, vol. xli. p. 718. Frnsor'g Mnguzinu, vdI. xlviii. (Durrette.) Voyayi- de Marsfillf H Lima, ct autri'S lit-ux dt-s ludcs OcciiU'n- tales. Avce uiie exncbe description de ce qu'il y a de plus remarqnaljle taut po\ir la gootnbii»Mni of Aiiiinnlfl and iMau ; by Clmrles Pickering, (.V" North Anierioaii R»viuw, vol .\lv. p i{6".) ; vol. Ivi. p. 257; vol. txi. p. 54 vol. l.xiii, p. 211. Marmier, \. Lettre.s sur r.Vmoriqiie. 2 vol. l2nio. I'r.iis, 18:"»2. See Iiluckwood'8 May^nzine, vol. Ixix. p. ")4."p. Wortley, Ludy K. Smart. Travels in America in lH4i)-."i(), .S vols. 12mo. London, I Hfi 1 . Eyma, Xnvier. Les denx Anu'ri»|ue». 12ni(). Paris, \^W,\. , MacKinnon, ('aptain. .Uluntie and Transutlantie ; or Sketches, afloat and ashore, 8vo. New York, 1H.")2. Ampere, .1. .1. Phmik imde en Ameriqm*. 2 vol. Hvo. I'aris, 18.')(). Voir rAthciiicuni Frauyais pour 18fiH, p. 1. IL SOUTH AMEIUCA. n. AMJiRiQUi!; mEuidion.vle. South America, descrihed. Pinkerton'a Travels, vol. 14. Peru and Chili : Geographical, Historical and Topographical. Modern Tra- veller, vol. 28. Brazil and Buenos Ayres: (xeograjjlucal, Historical and Topograjihical. Ilnd, vols. 2!) and .SO. Colombia ; Geographical, Historical and Topographical. Ibid, vol. 27. '"(. ri ijifi'? •mi '\ f i ■ ■ ; 1862 VOYAORS, &C., SOUTH AMKRICA. [VOYAOES, KTC, Fr6zier. Ilclation dn V«»yi»gp rii'iir de 1, jii8(nrHiix s Anmzoiu'S. Savril, 1/45. u'S, h'vi'-e par '•nn'Wii' popu- AvA Odoiiais, t'pouse, etc. uth An\crica. nth Anicrira, &c., on that ctions on the tojiU'lher with imand of the of thi' Spa- notes. Fol- io resided se- s and seven ilcpnis 17*^1 jiti(pie I't civile lionibrenx sur U- r.'5(l-'i. Flakhii/f. Vol ,S. Reniger and Borey. Voyage to Brasil, ITi-lO. Id. Rudsey. Voyage to Hiiya in BrasiK ITjI'J. Id. Villegagnon, Cliev. de. ('()|)ie de (luehpies lettres siir ia navigation du VAw- valier de Villcgagnon cs terres d'.\m6ri(ine . , Paris, l.'i.^i". Ternnux, Archives de Foijaf/es, vol 1. Staden, IIkus. Relation de deux voyages faits entre I r>47 et I ,")").") dans un pays situe dans le Nouveau Monde, publide d'abord en .\llemand a Marbourg l").')/ ; traduite en Fran^ais. Termtux, Recueil. Vol. W. Relation des ma-urs et coutumes des Tnppinand)as, dont le pays est situ6 pres d'une riviere nomm6e Rio-de-.)aneiro. Id. AMERIQTJE DU SUD.] VOYAGES, &C., SOUTH AMIBIOA. 1366 , itres cboses singuli^res, et du tout inconnues pa*" de9a : dont on ve;.a les sommaires des chapitres au commencement du livre. Revue, corrig^e et bien augmentfee en cette troisi^me Edition. 8vo. Geneve, 1594. Brunet pretend que cette Edition doit £tre la 4e. quoiqu'en disc le titre. Meme ouvrage. ."ie edition. 8vo. Geneve, 1611. La premiere Edition est de 1678. Voir le catalogue de M. Faribault, p. 8B. Hare, Steph. Voyage to Brazil, 1580. Hakluyt^ vol. 3. Lancaster, Js. Voyage to the town of Fernambuck, in Brasil, 1594. . l^. Nieuhoff, John. Voyages into Brazil, 1640. Translated from out of Dutch. ChurchilVs Coll. Vol. 2. Wied-Neu-wied, Maximilien, Prince de. Voyage au Bresil dans les ann^es 181.5, 1816 et 1817. Traduit de I'Allemand, par J. B. Eyries. 3 vol. 8vo, avec Atlas de 41 planches et 3 cartes. Paris, 1822. Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de. Voyage dans les Provinces de Rio de Janeiro et de Minas Geraes. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830. Voynge le district des diamans ct sur le lit- is, Joiit le pays toral du Bresil, suivi de notes sur quelques plantes caract6ristiques et d'un precis de I'histoire des revolutions du Bresil, depuis le regne de Jean VI jusqu'a I'abdication de D. Pedro. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Debret, J. B. Voyage pittorcsque et historiipie au Bresil depuis 1816jusqu'en 1831, ou sejour d'un artiste fran^ais au Bresil pendant les quinze pre- mieres annees de la regeneration politique de ce territoire, ^poque de Tavenement et de I'abdication de S. M. D. Pedro, premier fondateur de 1' empire Bresilien. 3 vol. Folio. Paris, 1833-1839. V 'i 1 'I ! !! . P.T 1- , ! 1866 VOYAGES, &C., SOUTH AMERICA. [VOYAGBS, ETC., B'Wbank, Thomas. Life ia Brazil ; or, a journal of a visit to the Cocoa and the Palm. With an appendix containing illustrations of ancient South American arts, &c. 8vo. New York, 1856. ft ..h . '' Stewart, C. S. Brazil and La Plata : the personal record of a cruise. 12mo. New York, 185(5. Kidder, (Rev. D. P.,) and Fletcher, (Rev. J. C.) Brazil and the Brazilians, portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. , „. ^. : .i\.,:}- .,, ^ ,-,. _.- ^ Brazil, Travels in. London Quarterly Review, vol. vii, p. 342 ; vol. xvi, p. 344 ; vol xxxi, p. 1. Edinburgh Review, vol. xx, p. 305. Fermin, Philippe. Description de la colonic de Surinam. 2 vol. 8vo. terdam, 1760. Ams- Ralegh, Sir Walter. The discovery of Guiana, with a relation of the great and golden City of Manoa, &c., performed in the year 1595 hy Sir W. Ralegh, Knt., reprinted from the edition of 1596, with some unpub- lished documents relative to that Country ; edited with notes and a Biographical Memoir by Sir Rob. H. Schomburgk : with a map, Svo. London. 1848. {Hakluyt Soc. Publication.) The Editor's special qualification appears from the fact that he had acted '' As H. M. Commissioner to survey the boundaries of British Ouiana." There are appendixes, let. by Ralegh; being an abstract of certain Spanyarde'a Letters concerning Ouiana, and 2nd. by the Editor, being a discourse " of the voyage for Guiana," from MSS. attributed to Rulegh ;— The Editor's • Memoir of Ralegh. Ralegh's Journal of his Second voyage to Guiana, from MSS. with a notice of some events, which happened in Guiana until 1618. His apology for his voyage to Guiana. See his works, vol. 8. Keymis, Lawrence. Voyage to Guiana, 1596. Hakluyt., vol. 3. Guiana. A new relation of the province of. Churchill's Coll. vol. 5. Buaohe, M. Considerations geograjjhiques sur la Guyane franfaise, (avec une carte.) (1798.) A. S. M. Vol. iii. Biet Ant. Voyage de la France 6quinoxiale en I'lsle de Cayenne, I'an 1652, avec un dictionnaire de la langue du pays. 4to. Paris, 1664. Boyer, Paul. Veritable relation du voyage de M. de Bretigny tL rAm6rique Occidentale. 8vo. Paris, 1654. Barr^re, P. Nouvelle relation de la France ^quinoxiale. 12mo. Paris, 1743. Cayenne. A description of the Island of. Churchill's Coll. vol.5. Pitou, Louis Ange. Voyage Ik Cayenne. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1805. ruise. 12mo. AMEPt' DU BUD.] VOYAGES, &C., SOUTH AMERICA. 1367 Bouffuer, M. An abridged relation of a voyage to Peru, undertaken by gentlemen of the Royal Academy of Sciences to measure the degrees of : the Meridian near the Equator. Translated from the French. Pin- kertovCs Travels. Vol. 14. , , . , ,, Blanohardidre, I'Abbd Courte de la. Nouveau voyage fait au P^rou, auquel on a joint unc description des anciennes mines d'Espagne, iraduite de I'Espagnol d'Alonso Carillo Lazo. 12mo. Paris, 1751. Iiima. Tremblemens de terra arrives 4. Avec une description du Perou. Traduit de 1' anglais. 2 vol. en 1. 12mo. La Haye, 1752. 8te also London Quarterly Review, Vol, xliii. p. 166. Tsohudi. Dr. J. J. Von. Travels in Peru, in 1838-1842, translated from the German by Thomasina Ross. 8vo. London, 1847. Markham, C. R. Cuzco, a journey to the ancient Capital of Peru, with an account of the history, language and antiquities of the Incas, and a review of the literature and society of Peiu. 8vo. London, 1856. Ste Westminster Review, July 1866. Bravrern and Herokmann. A voyage to the Kingdom of Chili in Ame- rica, 1G42-43, translated from the high Dutch. ChurchiW s Coll, vol, 1. Paraguaria. A voyage from Spain to, by R. R, F. F. Sepp and Behme ; from the Dutch (1697) Churchill, vol. 4. Dobrizhoffbr, Martin. An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay, translated from the latin, [by Miss Southey ?] 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. Smith, E. R. The Araucanians, or notes of a tour among the Indian Tribes of Southern Chili. 12mo. New- York, h.55. La Plata and Chili. Travels in. North American Review. Vol. 24, p. 295. Rio de. Navigation of the. Hunfs Magazine. Vol. 21, p. 80. Weddell, H. A. Voyage dans le nord de la Bolivie, ou visite au district auri- fere de Tipuaui. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Cabota, Sebastian. His voyage with two Englishmen to the River of Plate, 1527. Hakhnjt, vol. 3. Drake, John. Voyage up the river of Plate, 1582. Ibid. Pagan, Comte de. Description of the great country and River of the Amazones in America, translated into English by Wm. Hamilton. 12mo. Lon- don, 16G1. 1 1 |l ! ' i I '11 ' m <• . I|' H ;''! PJ il 1 ! th '■■ if I 1858 VOYAGES, &C., SOUTH AMERICA. [VOYAGES, ETC., Aouna, le P. Christ, d'. Relation de la riviere des Amazones, traduite par feu M. de Gomberville sur I'original espagnol. 2 tomes en 1 toI. I2mo. Paris, 1682. ^ „ Voir Faribault, p. 1. Ralef h, Sir Walter. Voyage to the rivers of Amazone and Orenoque, 1 595. Hakliiyt, vol 3. Wallace, Alfred R. A narrative of travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, ■with an account of the native Tribes. 8vo. London, 1853. Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, under direction of the Navy Depart- ment ; by Lieuts. W. L. Hemdon and L. Gibbon, U. S. N. 2 vols. 8vo., with 2 small Atlases. Washington, 1853-4. v, i See also U. States Executive documents, 1852-63, vols. 6 and 9. Jklartin, M. Marie. La valine de I'Amazone et ses recens explorateurs. Revue contemporaine, vol. 26, p. 441 et 621 ; vol. 27, p. 33 et 308. See also London Quarterly Review, vol. Ivii, p. 1. ' ' ^H I r, If Carmoy, Paiil de. D'Ardquipa a ^usco, souvenirs de voyage dans TAmferique du Sud. Revue Contemporaine, vol. 31, p. 322. [Walker, M.] Columbia, being a geographical, statistical, agricultural, com- mercial and political account of that country. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. Mollien, G. Voyage dans la republique de Colombia, en 1823. Avec cartes et figures. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Travels in the republic of Colombia, in 1822 and 1823, translated from the French. 8vo. London, 1824. See North American Review, vol. xx, p. 441 ; vol. xxi, p. 163. Cochrane, Capt. Chs. Stuart. Journal of a residence and travels in Colombia in 1823 and 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. Hall, Col. Francis. Colombia, its present state. With a map. 8vo. Lon- don, 1827. See also, LavnvBse, voyage A Trinidad. Holton, Isaac F. New Grenada ; twenty months in the Andes. Illustrated. 8vo. New York, 1857. Quito. Histoire des Pyramides de, elev4es par les acad^miciens envoy^s sous r^quateur par ordre du roi. 4to. Paris, 1751. Snow, W. Parker. A two years' Cruise off Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands, Patagonia and in the River Plate : a narrative of life in the southern seas. With Charts and illustration. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1857. w\ INDES 0CCIDENTALE8.] VOYAGES, &0., WEST INDIES. 1369 .118 l'Am6rique Bloodj Rev. Williain. A mission to the Indians of Orialla, in South America: with, Two Sermons, on the destruction by fire of the Steamship * " Amazon," on 3rd January, 1852. 12mo. London. •. III. WEST INDIES. I III. INDES OOOIDENTAIES. ^ -;- '^ Foir leg premiers Voyages en Amlrique. "■ vi*'' Sherley, Sir Anthony. Voyage to S. Jago, Dominica and to Jamaica, the Bay of the Honduras, &c., 1596. ^fakluyt, vol. 3. Parker, Wm. Voyage to Margarita, Jamaica, Truxillo, &c., 1596-7. Id. ' *'' Bloxne, Rich. Description of Jamaica and other territories of the English in America. 8vo. London, 1 678. Philipps, Capt. Voyage to Barbadoes, 1693-4. Churchill's Coll. Vol. 6. [Gautler du Tronohoy.] Journal de la campagne des iles de I'Am^rique qu'afaitM. D. 12mo. Troyes, 1709. Oirod-Ohrantrans. Voyage d'un Suisse dans diffSrentes colonies i'Am^rique pendant la dernifere guerre. 8vo. Neuchatel, 1785. Labat, J. B. Nouveau Voyage aux Isles fran9aises de I'Am^rique contenant I'histoire naturelle de ces pays, I'origine, les moeurs, la religion et le gouvernement dcs habitants anciens et modernes, les guerres et les ^v^nemens qui y sont arrives pendant le long s^jour que I'auteur y a fait, le commerce et les manufactures qui y sont etablies, et les moyens de les augmenter. Avec une description exacte et curieuse de toutes ces Isles. Ouvrage enrichi de plus de cent cartes, plans et figures en taille douce. 2 vol. 4to. LaHaye, 1724. EditiuD origiuale, 1722. Voir le catalogue de M. Faribiiult, p. 71. Isert, P. E. Voyages en Guin6e et dans les Isles Caraibes en Amerique. Traduit de I'Allemaud avec figures. 8vo. Paris, 1793. DeSOOUrtilz, E. Voyage d'un naturaliste et ses observations faites sur les trois regnes de la nature, dans plusieurs ports fran9ais, au continent de I'Amerique Septentrionale, h Saint Jago de Cuba, a Saint Domiugue, et dans une partie de I'Bspagne. 3 vol. 8vo., et 45 planches. Paris, 1808. Wimpffbn, le Baron de. Voyage k Saint Domingue pendant les anuecs 1/88, 1789 et 90. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1/97. Ledru, Andr6 Pierce. Voyage aux Isles de Ten6riflFe, la Trinit6, Saint Thomas, Sainte Croix et Porto Rico, execute par ordre du Gouvernement Fran- . ^ais (1796-1798) sous la direction du Capitaine Baudin. Ouvrage accompagn^ de notes et d'additions, par M. Sonnini. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1810. .-;i^- 1860 VOYAGES, &0., WEST INDIES. [VOYAGBS, &0., . il Tt i.-rr,.-;--^- Oassagnao, A. Oranicr dc. Voyages aux Antilles Frani^nises, Anglaises, Ds< noises, Espagnolcs, h St. Domingue et aux Etats Unis d' Am^riquc. 2 vol. 8to. Paris, 1842-1844. —.•'",■►.-..., ., .^.,„,, • Montlezun. Souvenirs des Antilles. Voyages aux Etats Unis ct dans I'Ar- . ehipel Cara'ibe, aper9u de Philadclphic et New York ; description de la Trinidad, la Grenade,' Saint Vincent, Sainte Lucie, Martinique,, j t. , V' Guadeloupe, Marie Galante, Saint Christophc, Sainte Croix et Saint Thomos. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. M'Callum, Pierre F. Travels in Trinidad during the months of February, March, and April 1803, in a series of letters addressed to a member of the Imperial Parliament of Great Britain. With a map of the Island. 8vo. Liverpool, 1805. Lavaysse, J- J. Dauxion. Voyage aux Isles de Trinidad, de Tobago, de la Marguerite, et dans diverses parties dc V^n6zuela, dans I'Am^rique M^ridionale. 2 vol. 8vo., et deux cartes. Paris, 1813. Marly, or the life of a planter in Jamaica. 8vo. Glasgow, 1828. BigelO'^, J. Jamaica, in 18.50, or the effects of sixteen years of freedom on a slave colony. 12mo. New York, 18.')1. Madden, R. K. A twelve months' residence in the West Indies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. Day, C W. Five years' residence in the West Indies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1852. See Blackwood's Magazine, vol. Ixxxi. Merlin, la Comtcsse. La Ilnvane. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 184-1. Coleridge, H. N. Six mouths in the West Indies, in 1825. Third Edition. 1832. Fam. Lib. LeTvis, M. G. Journal of a residence among the Negroes in the West Indies. 12mo. London, 1845. Col. Libr. Williams, W. Frith. An historical and statistical account of the Bermudas from their discovery to the present time. Hvo. London, 184S. This work was received too late to be entered in the class of HISTORY. Bermuda, a Colony, a Fortress, and a Prison ; or 1 8 months in the Somers' Islands. With a Map- and illustrations By a Field Officer. Hvo. London, 1857. See also, Section V, North Amkrioa, (poii, p. 1862, Ac.) for travels to the West Indies and other paits of the Continent. ;i J AMBRIQUE CENTttAXE.J VOYAGES, «&C., CENTRAL AMERICA. 1861 ils to tbo West IV. CENTRAL AMERICA. | IV. AMERIQUE CENTRALE. Squler, E. 6. Nicaragua : its people, scenery, monuments, and the proposed inter-ooeaiiic canal, with numerous original Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 18.52. The Author hns been Chargu-d'Affairei of the United States to the Kepublics o( ■■' -.' Central Amerioa. •s>.i; ->^ ^^^ Edinburgh Rev. vol. xcv. p. S68. AthensBum Frnofals, 1868, p. 210, 288 et 809. i' i ■ Notes on Central America, particularly the States of Honduras and San Salvador, their geography, topography, climate, population, resources, productions, and the proposed inter-oceanic railway. With Maps and illustrations. Bvo. New York, 1855. .., ■^, Larenaudidre, M. de. Guatemala. Voir Wnivera Pittoreaque, Am^rique, •^ vol. 4. Central America, by William Paterson, the Merchant Statesman. From a Manuscript in the British Museum, 1701. With a Map. Edited by S. Bannister, M. A. 8vo. London, 1857. Oxiatemala. Geographical, historical and topographical. Modem Traveller, vol. 26. Soherzer, Dr. Carl. Travels in the Free States of Central America : Nicaragua, Honduras, and San Salvador. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1857. Stephens ) John L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Young, Thomas. Narrative of a residence on the Musquito Shore, in 183!)-'40 and '41, with an account of Truxillo, Bonacca, and Roatan. 12mo. London, 1842. Hardman, Frederick. Scenes and adventures in Central America. 12mo. Loudon, 1852. Tliis work contains principally adventures in Luuiiiiana, Texas and Northern Mexico. Wells, William W. Explorations and adventures in Honduras, comprising sketches of travel in the Gold regions of Olancho, and a review of the history and general resources of Central America. With Maps. 8vo. New York, 1857. Bard, Samuel A. Waikna ; or adventures on the Mosquito Shore, with an Appendix. r2mo. New York, 1855. Bard is an assumed name. Tlie work is by E. G. Squier. The Appendix con- tains an Historical Sketch of the Mosquito Shore, and a brief vocabulary of the Mosquito language. Bee New Quarterly Review, July 1866. « 1362 VOYAGES, &C., NORTH AMERICA. fvOYAOES, ETC., AME- Wi''.r'::i V. NORTH AMEEIOA. | V. AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. N.B. — Tbii leoUoo inoludet travels in tao or more pftrts of North America; principally travel* io the United States and Oanada. North Amerioa. Oeographical, historical and topographical. See Modern Traveller, vols. 23 and 24. Roger8> Robert. A concise account of North America : containing a description^ of the several British Colonies on the Continent, including the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, &c., as to their situation, extent, climate, soil, produce, rise, government, religion, present boundaries, and the number of inhabitants supposed to be in each. Also of the interior or westerly parts of the country upon the rivers St. Lawrence, the Missis- sippi, Christino, and the gre)\t Lakes. To which is subjoined an account of the several natioos and tribes of Indians residing in those parts, as to their customs, manners, government, numbers, and containing many useful and entertaining facts never before treated of. 8vo. London* . 1765. Set I^ich, vol. L p. 146. Mandrillon. Description de I'Am^rique Septentrionale, Voir ci-apr^s, Man- drillon, Spectateur Americain. Imlay, Gilbert. A topographical description of the Western territory of North America. 8vo. London, 1797- Blunt. Le pilote Am(^ricain, conteuaut la description des c6tes orientales de TAmerique du Nord depuis le fleuve St. Laurent jusqu'au Mississippi, suivi d'une notice sur le Gulf Stream ; trad, de I'anglais, par P. Magr<5, 8vo. Paris, 1826. Amerioan Atlas- Collection of Maps and Plans of the Gulf and River Saint Lawrence, of Quebec and its siege and of the various'British Possessions in America : published at the undermentioned dates. 1 vol. Folio, containing : 1. Map of the Theatre of War in New York and New Jersey. 2. Environs and Harbor of Boston, by Lt. Page, 1778. 8. Plan of Boston with the Intreuchinents in 1776, by Lt. Piige, 1777. 4. Action on Bunlter's Hill, 17th June, 1776, by Lt Page, 1777. 6. North Part of Now Yoric bland, with the Attac1{ of Furt Washington, 16th November, 1776, by C. J. Sauthier, 1777. 6. Plan of the City and Environs of Quebec with its Siege, 1776, by 0. J. Sauthier, 1776. 7. Route of the Army under Oeneral Burgoyne, in 1777, by Metcalfe, 1780. 8. Action at Huberton, 7th July, 1777, by Gerlaob, 1780. 9. Position of the Detachment at Walmscoclc and Bennington, 16th August, 1777, by Dumford, 1780. 10. of the Army at Sword's House, 17th September, 1777, by Wilkinson, 1760, m m WV.' BIQUE DU NOBD.] YOYAOES, &C., NOBTH AHEBIOA. *"f^~-' 1868 Amerloan Atlaa — Continued. -Vs- 11. 12. 18. Poiition of the Army at Broemiu Height*, 20th September, 1177, by Wtlkiiuon, 1780. of the Army at Saratoga, 10th September, 1777, by Wilkinson, 1780 Attack of Forts Clinton and Montgomery, etb October, 1777, by Lieut. Hilb 1784. 14. Surprise of Stoney Point, 16th July 1779, by Lieut. Hills, 1784. 15. Position of the Army at Elisabeth Town, 8tb June, 1780. Lieut. Hills, 1784. ^ ■ ^.', 16. Operations of Oeneral Washington at Trenton, 20th December, 1776 to January 8rd 1777. • 17. Map* of the Campaigns of the British Army in New York and New Jersey, ; . by Lieut HilU, 1784. <' 18. Camp at Trudniffrln, 18th September,'1777. « 19. Surprise of German Town, 4th October, 1777, by Lieut Hills, 1784. i' , 80. Battle of Brandywlne, llth September, 1777, by Lieut Hills, 1778. ' 21. Plan of Philadelphia with the Intrenohment*, 1777, by Lieut. HilU, 1779. 22. Operations on the Delaware, 1777, by Lieut Hills, 1786. 28. Siege of Oharlestown. Published in 1787. 'Z: 24. Attack of Fort Sullivan, 28th June, 1776. 26. Skirmish at Petersburg, 2Sth April, 1781, by Lieut Hills, 1784. ' ' '' 26. Battles of Guildford and Camden, 16th March, 1781 and 16th August, 1780. Published in 1787. 27. Battle of Hobkirk's Hill, 26th April, 1781, by Lt Vallancey, 1788. 28. Siege of York Town by Lieut. Hills, 1787. 29. Plan of York Town and Gloucester surrendered October 17th, 1781, by Lt' Hills, 1786. 80. Siege of Savannah, 9th October 1779, by Lieut. Hills, 1784. 81. Attack and Defence of St Lucia, 16th December 1778, by Lieut.. Hart, 1781. Pownall, T. (M. P.) A topographical description of such parts of North America as are contained in the annexed Map (by Evans, 1 755, cor- rected and enlarged by Pownall,) of the Middle British colonics, &c., in North America. F.olio. London, 1776. Melish. A Geographical description of the United States, with the contiguous Spanish and British Possessions. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. • Neptune Amerioo-Septentrional : contenant les c6tes, iles et bancs, les bales, ports et mouillages, et les sondes des mers de cette partie du monde, depuis le Groenland jusqu'au golfe du Mexique ; dress^ au d6p6t g6n6ral des cartes, plans et journaux de la marine, ,et publie par ordre du Roi. (1778-1780). Atlas folio. Paris. Reports and Charts of the Cruise of the U. S. surveybg Brig Dolphin, by Lieut. S.P.Lee, U.S. Navy, with a map injcase. Svo. Washington, 1854. Bellin. Remarques sur la carte de TAm^rique Septentrionale, comprise entre le 28e et le 72e degr^ de Latitude, avec une description g^ographique de ces parties. 4to. Paris, 1755. 'J "^:i| :'' J1 18P* VOYAGES, &0., NORTH AMERICA. fvOYAOBS, ETC., AMB- Oolleotlon of Charts and Maps, in a folio case, lettered North America / and containing : Chart of Nortb-ea«t ooait of America, tnd North-eoat coast of Aaia, explored in 1778 and 1779. Kenaett'g Map of Upper and Lower Canada, 1812, Chewitt's Map of located districts in Upper Ciiuada, engraved by Faden, 1818. Holland's Map of Lower Canada, engraved by Faden, 1802. Tardieu. (P. F.) Cartes dee Etata-Uois de rAmC-riquc Septentrional e, 1808. [Xhlgpel, le Bailly d'.] M^moires et obBervations g^ographiques et critiques sur la situation des pays septentrionaux de I'Asie et dc TAm^rique, d'apr^s les relations les plus rc^centes, auxquelles on a joint un essai sur la route aux Indes par le Nord, etc., avec deux cartes. 4to. Lausanne, 1763. Richards, T. Addison. Appleton's Illustrated Handbook of American travel : a full and reliable guide by railway, steamboat, and stage, to the Cities, Towns, Waterfalls, summer resorts, &c., and all scenes and objects of importance and interest in the United States and the British Provinces. With maps and pictures. 8vo. New York, 1857. Black's Atlas of North America : A series of twenty maps constructed from the most recent authorities, and engraved by John Bartholomew ; with an Introduction and Index of 21,000 names. Folio. Edinburgh, 1856. 1. North America. 2. British, Russian and Danish America, Polar Regions. 3. Upper Canada ; with plon of environs of Montreal. 4. Lower Canada, New Brunswick, (>4i. Fraaeri Magazine, vol. 27, p. 484. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 21, p. 377. (with n mnp). Murray, Hugh. Historical accounts of discoveries and travels in North Ame- rica, including the United States, Canada, the shores of the polar sea, and the voyages in search of a north west passage, with observations on • Emigration. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. Forster, John Reinhold. History of the voyages and discoveries made in the North, translated from the German. Folio. London, 1 786. The third Book oontains an account of the early disooveriei made ia tho north of America by the English, the Dutch, the French, the Spaniards, the Portu- guese, the Danes and the Ruasinnt. Cabota, Sebastian. His voyage to the north part of America. Anno 1497. Hakluyt, vol. 3. See Oabot, Memoir of — and Tttlib, Answer tu said Memoir. Sparks, Jared. vol. 9. Verazzano, Giov. da. Vol. 3, fol. 420. Life of Sebastian Cabot. See Spar/es' American Biography, Relatione della terra par lui scoperta. Ramutio John de. Voyage to the Coast of Florida, thence nortlierly to the latitude of 50 degrees, Anno 1524. Hakluyt, vol. 3. His voyage along the Coast of North America from Caro* lina to Newfoundland (1524) translated from the original Italian by J. G. Cogswell. New York Hist. Coll. New Series, vol. 1. Hennepin, R. P. Louis. Nouveau voyage d'un pais plus grand que TEurope, avec les reflexions sur les entreprises du Sieur de la Salle, sur les mines de St. Barbe, etc., enrichi de la carte, de figures expressiyes, des moeurs et manierc de vivre des sauvages du nord et du sud, de la prise de Qu6- bec, ville capitale de la Nouvelle-France par les anglais, et des avanta- ges ([u'on pout tirer du chemin raccourci dc la Chine et du Japon, par le moyen de tant de vastes contr^es et de nouvelles colonies. Avec approbation, et dddi6e h, Sa Majesty Guillaume III, Roi de la Grande Bretagnc. 12mo. Utrecht, 1698. Voyeg le catalogue de M. Faribault, pages 58 A 61. — — New discovery of a vast country in America, between New France and New Mexico, &c., to which are added several new dis- coveries in North America not published in the French edition. 12mo. London, 1698. SI,'- 1866 VOYAGES, &C., NORTH AMBEICA. fvOYAOES, KTC, AME- Hennepin et Laborde. Nouveau Voyage dam rAinArique SeplL-iitrionale. l-imo. Leide. 17U4. 5m Faribault Alto, North American Review, vul. xlviit. p. 70; v.ii. xUi. p. 2SH. La Hontan, le Barou de. Nouveaux voyages dans rAin^rique Septciitrionale, (1683-93) qui contiennent une relation dea differents peuples qui y habitent, la nature de leur gouvernemeut, leur commerce, leurs coutu- mcR, leur religion et leur manii^re de faire la guerre. L'int^r^t dea fran9ais et des anglais dans le commerce qu'ils font avec ces uations, I'avantage que I'Angleterre pent retirer de ce pays 6tant en guenPe avec la France ; avec uu petit dictionnaire de la langue du pays. Le tout enrichi de cartes et de figures. 2 vol. I'imo. La Haye, 1704. . 'Pour la traduotiou anglaiee do oes vuyii(f«i, voyex Pinkertun'i Colleetiou. — — Supplement aux voyages du Baron de La Hontan, <>ti Ton trouve des dialogues curieux entre I'auteur et un sauvagc. 12mo. La Haye, 1703. — — Autre Edition contenant les deux ouvrnges pr^ct'dens. 3 vol, en 2. 12nio. Amsterdam, 1728. — Autre Edition du uidnie ouvrage, (sans le supplumeut). 2 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1741. Voyet le catalogue de M. Faribault, pages 78 et 74, and North Amer. Rev., vol. ii. page 148. Charlevoix, P. de. Voyage '< North America, containing the geographical description and nnuual history of Canada and Louisiana; translated from the French . 2 voh,. 8vo. Dublin, 1760. Kalm, Peter. Travels into North America : containing its natural history, and a circumstancial account of its plantations and agriculture in general, with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the country, the manners of the inhabitants, and several curious and important remarks on various subjects. Translated into English by John Reinhold Forster. Enriched with a maji, several cuts for the illustration of natural history and some additional notes. 3 vols. 8vo. Warrington, 1770. The original edition, in Swedisli, was published in 175!:!. See Furibnult. [Cluny, Alexander.] The American Traveller, or ., iswvation* on the present state, culture and com. ii-rce of the British C(]i,(iif> i ^r rica, am further improvements of which they are i •• ' , «'i.'i«n account of the exports, imports and returns of each colony respectively ; and of the numbers of British ships and seamen, merchants, traders and manufac- turers, employed by all collectively : together with the amoinit of the revenue arising to Great Britain therefrom. In a scries of letters written originally to the R. Hon. the Earl of ... . by an old and experienced Tradf*-. 4to. London, 1/69. i'he Author ■'■un the first to give accurate intelligence of Hudson's Bay. Eieh, Vu* re, AME- RIQU£ DU NUHU.J VulfAOUM, &C., NUETU AMKRIOA. 18«7 )iL'utrion«le. ; vol. allx. p. ptcntrionale, (uples qui y leurs coutu- 7iut6rOt (lei ces uations, guerfe avec y». Le tout 1704. Ueetioit. A Ilontan, *>4 vage. I'imo. ges i>r6c(!(lenB. i;9Ui)l)lemeut). Amer. Rev., vol. ' geographical na ; translated Oluny. Alexander. LeVoyageur \mi'>ric«m, ou obiervatiuns tur I'^^tat det co- loniei BritaniiK, "s en Ameiique i traduit de I'anglaiit (par J. Mandril- Ion) augments d'liupr^iiiB »»r 1' Am^rique rSfpfi'nfrioMale et la R^pi>>)lique dct 13 Etats-Unis. Hvo. Vmaterdam, 1788. Mandrillon, J- Spectateur Am^ricain ; on rrmarquei aur rAm^riquc 8fp- tentrionale ; Hnivi de recherchei phiiooophiques aur le d^rouverte du Nouveau-Monde. 8vo. Amaterdam, 17H4. BoflBU, M. Nouveaux voyagea dan* rAmiriqne Septentrionale, contentnt nne rollection de lettrea ocritea aur lealieux, parl'auteur ^Huuami M. Douin, ci-devant aon camarade dana le Nonvean- Monde. Hvo. Amaterdam, 1777. Voir le oKtaldgiie ile M. Km ibiiiilt p. 14. Carver, Jonathan. Travels through the interior part« of North .Vmerica, in 176«l, 1707 and 17(iH, illustrated with copper platei. coloured. Tliird Edition, to which is added an account of the autlm Svo. London, 17H1. . — — - Voyages dans les parties int^rieurea de 1'. tn6rique Septen' trionale, pendant les anui^es 17r»(i, 1767ct 17ri8. Tradui '^ur la troiai^me Edition anglaine, par M. de C. (Montucla,) avec 1 remnrquea et (juehjues additions du tradiicteur. Svo. Paris, l/H-l. Voir Faribmilt, p. 26. Henry, .\lexander. Travels and ndventures in Canada and the Ii ' Voir le catalogue de M. Faribault, p. 79. ' ^W 11 flilPP 1368 VOYAGES, &C., NORTH AMERICA. [VOYAGES, ETC., AME- •M- ':i Weld, Isaac. Travels through the United States and Canada, in 1 ZOo-Ort-Or. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1 71)!). Voyage au Canada et dans la partie septentrionale des Etats. Unis de rAnieri(ine pendant les annccs 179ri-!)(i-97, traduit de I'anglais et enrichi d'une carte du pays et de 1 1 planches. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1802. Robin, C. C. Voyage dans I'int^rieur de la Louisiane, dc la Floride oecidentale^ et dans les lies de la Martinique et de Saint Domingue, en 1802, 3, 4^ a et (i, contenant de nouvelles observations sur I'histoire naturelle, la geographic, les ma-ura, Tagriculture, le connnerce, I'industrie et les maladies de ces contrecs, particulicrement sur la fiovre jaune et sur les nioycns de la prcvenir, en outre contenant ce qui s'est i)asso de plus intcressant relativement a I't'tablisseuient des Anglo-Auu'sricaius il la Louisiane ; suivi do la Flore Louisianaise. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1807. Pike, Z. M. Exploratory travels through the western territories of North America, comprising a voyage from St. Louis on the Mississippi to the source of that river, and a journey through the interior of Louisiana and the north eastern proviiuies of Nev; Spain, performed in the years 1805, G, 7, by order of the Governnu'nt of the United States, by Z. M. Pike, major 6th Reginu'iit U. S. Infantry. 4to. London, 181K Lambert, John. Travels through Canada and the United States of North America, in tho years lSO(i, 7, S, to which are added biographical notices and anecdotes of some of the leading characters in the United States. M'^itli n nmp and numerous engravings. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 181C. Hall, Lieut. Francis. Travels in Canada and the United States in ISlti and 1817. 8vo. London, 1818, See North Aiuericnu Iteviow, vol. ix, p. l;i5. Palmer, Jolm. Journal of Travels in the United States of North America and Lower Canada, performed in the year 18 17: containing particulars relating to the jiriees of land and jjrovisions, remarks on the country and i)eoj)le, interesting anecdotes, and an account of the commerce, trade and present state of Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Albany, Cinciiniati, Pittsl)urg, Lexington, Quebec, Montreal &c. To which are added a description of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, and a variety of other useful information, &c., with a map. 8vo. London, 1818. Darby, Wm. A tour from the City of New- York to Detroit, Michigau territory (in Is 1 8.) Svo. New York. 18ly. )., ame- 05-96-97. do9 Etats. le r anglais •0. Paris, )C'citlcntale^ IHO'2, 3, 4, laturcUe, la 3trie et les et sxir les ISO lie plus ricains ^ la Paris, 1807. J ot" North sippi to the ,f Louisiana ,1 the years States, by Z. ion, IHll. lis of North biographieal the United ion. '1 vols. u IS It) and tiiicrica and particular* I the country eoniiuerce, |)hia, Boston, fcc, Montreal hlinois, and |,ith a map. lau territory BIQXJE DU NORd]. VOYAGES, &C., NORTH AMERICA. 1369 Dunoan, J. M. Travels through part of the United States and Canada, in 18 1 8 and 18 ly. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1823. — Extrait du voyage de, au Canada en 1818 and 1819. Voyez Talbot, voyage au Canada, vol. 3. Hodgson, Adam. Lt-ttcrs from North America, written during a tour in the United States and Canada (in 1818-19.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. See North American Review, vol. xviii, p. 222. Silllman, Benj. Remarks on a tour between Hartford and Quebec iu the autumn of 1819. Illustrated by ten engravings. 12mo. New York 1820. [Blaney, Captain.] An excursion through the United States and Canada during the years 1822 and 1823, by an English gentleman. 8vo. London, 1824. Talbot, Edward Allen. Five years residence in the Canadas, including a tour through j)art of the United States of America, in 1823, by Talbot of the Talbot Settlement. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Cinq ann^es au Canada, etc., traduit de I'anglais par M. — Suivi d'un extrait du voyage de M. J. M. Duncan, traduit par M. Erics, et acconipagnfi d'un Atlas gravt^ par Tardieu. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Roos, Hon. Frd. F. de. Personal narrative of travels in the United States and Canada, in 182G, with remarks on the present state of the American Navy. Hvo. London, 1827. Hall, Capt. Basil. Travels in North America, in 1827-28. 3 vols. Small 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829. Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de I'Amferique du Nord et dans le Ilaut et le Bas-Canada, traduit de I'anglais. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834, Forty etching from sketches made with the Camera Lucida, iu North America, in 1827-28. 4to. London, 1829. [Beaufoy.] Tour through parts of the United States and Canada, by a British subject. 8vo. London, 1828. Bullock, W. Sketch of a journey through the western parts of North America. 12mo. London, 1829. Head Sir George. Forest scenes and incidents in the wilds of North America a diary of a winter's route from Halifax to the Canadas, and during a four month's residence in the woods on the borders of Lakes Huron and Simcoe. 8vo. London, 1829. See Loudon Quarteily Review, vol. xlii, p. 80. 1370 VOYAGES, &C., NORTH AMERICA. [VOYAGES, &0., AME- Vigne, Godfrey T. Six months in America. 2 vols. 12mo. 1832. Mackenzie, Wm. Lyon. Sketches of Canada and the United States, (1829 to 1833.) 8vo. London, 1833. Tudor, Henry. Narrative of a tour in North America, Mexico and the Island of Cuba. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. Fergusson, Adam. Practical notes during a tour in Canada and a portion of the United States in 1831. 8vo. London, 1834. Printed first in 1883, and republished in 1884 with a second visit to Canada. Coke, E. T. Subaltern's furlough, descriptive scenes of the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, in 1832. 8vo. London, 1838. Fldler, Rev. Isaac. Observations on professions, literature, manners, and Emi- gration in the United States and Canada, during a residence there in 1832. 12mo. New York, 18.33. See North American Review, vol. xxxvii, p. 273. Finch, J. Travels in the United States and Canada, with notices of the geology and mineralogy of those countries ; to which is added, an essay on the natural Boundaries of Empires. 8vo. London, 1833. Pavie, Theodore. Souvenirs Atlantiques. Voyage aux Etats-Unis et au Ca- nada. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Iiatrobe, Chs. Jos. The Rambler in North America, 1832-33. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1835. Rolph, Thomas. A brief account, together with observations made during a visit to the West Indies and United States of America, in 1832-33, with a statistical account of Upper Canada. Svo. Dundas, (U. C.) 1836. Arfwedson, C. D. The United States and Canada, in 1832-'33 and '34. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1834. Notes upon Canada and the United States, from 1832 to 1840 ; by a Traveller. Second edition. Svo. Toronto, 1840. Marryat, Capt. Diary in America in 1836-7, with remarks on its institutions. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1839. Part second : with Canada and the present condition of the Indians. With a map of aboriginal America, and of the seat of war in Florida. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1840. See Edinburgh Review, vol. hex, p. 128. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. xv, p. 424. Lyell, Sir Charles. Travels in North America, in 1841-2, with geological ob- servations on the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1845. BIQTJE DU NOED.] VOYAGES, &C., NORTH AMERICA. 1371 Institutions. Lyell, Sir Chas. A second visit to the United States. 2 vols. 8to. London, 1849. ■ Another Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1849. See London Quarterly Review, lacxxv, p. 188. North American Review, vol. lxi» p. 498 ; vol. Ixix, p. 826. North British Review, vol. xiv, p. 641. Fraser's Magacine, vol. xli, p. 664. Diokens, Charles. American Notes, for general circulation, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. See Rich, vol. ii, p. 869. North American Review, vol. Ivi, p. 212. London Quarterly Review, vol Ixxi, p. 602. Edinburgh Review, vol. Ixxvi, p. 498, Blackwood's Magazine, vol. lii, p. 783. Fraser's Magazine, vol. xxvi, p, 617. Barclay, Capt. Agricultural tour in the United States and Upper Canada. 8vo. London, 1842. Godloy, J. R. Letters from America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Letter 13, in vol. i, treats of Cnimdian Politics, durmg the Government of Sir Charles Bagot. Fuller, S. M. Summer on the Lakes in 1843. 8vo. Boston, 1844. Warburton, Major. Hochelaga ; or England in the New World. Edited by Eliot Warlurton. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Baird, Robert. Impressions and experiences of the West Indies and North Ame- rica. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. Johnston, James F. W. Notes on North America, agricultural, economical and social. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 18.51. See Edinburgli Review, vol. xciv, p. 46. Blackwood's' Magazine, vol. Ixx, p, 699. North American Review, vol. Ixxiii. p. 210. Taylor, J. G. The United States and Cuba. l2mo. London, 18.51. McKinnon, Capt. Atlantic and Transatlantic ; or, sketches afloat and ashore. 8vo. New-York, 1852. Tremenheere, H S. Notes on Public subjects made during a Tour in the United States and Canada. 8vo. London, 18.52. Murray, Hon. H. \. Lands of the slave and the free, or Cuba, the United S'ates and Canada, 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 185.5. Everest, Rev. R. A journey through tlie United States and part of Canada. 8vo. London, 1855. Weld, Chas. Richard. A vacation tour in the United States and Canada. 8vo. London, 1855. Grandforti Mme. Manoel de. L' autre moude. Secoude edition. 12ino. Paris, 1857. Chambers, W. Things as they are in America, a tour in the British posses- sions and the United States, in 185.3. Svo. Edinburgh, 1854. V ! :'i, % If 1. I' II 1372 VOYAGES, &C., MEXICO. [vOYAGES, ETC., Bartlett, John Russell. (U. S. Commissioner.) Personal narrative of explo- rations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua, connected with the. United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, during the years 18,'')0-51-52 and 53 : with maps. 2 vols. 8vo, New York, 18.54. Lanman, Charles. Adventures in the wilds of the United States and British American Provinces ; with an appendix by Campbell Hardy. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 18.56. Lakes of North America. A trip through the — embracing a full descrip- tion of the St. Lawrence river, together with all the principal places on its banks, from its source to its mouth ; the commerce of the Lakes, &c., forming altogether a complete guide for travellers. 8vo. New York, 1857. Murray, Hon. Amelia M. Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. See Fraaer'8 Magazine, vol. liii, p. 622. Domenech, I'Abbo E, Journal d'un missionnaire au Texas et au Mexique, (1846-'52.) 8vo. Paris, 18.57. Russell, Robert. North America, its agriculture and climate ; containing observations on the agriculture and climate of Canada, the United States, and the Island of Cuba. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1857. 1. MEXICO. I 1. MEXIQUE. Mexico : Geographical, Historical and Topographical. Modern Traveller, vol. 25. Tomson, Robert. His voyage into New Spain, 1555. Hakluyt, vol, 3. Bodenham, Roger. Voyage to Mexico, 1504. lb. Hawks, Htnry. Voyage to Nueva Spana, written in 1572. lb. Philips, Miles. Voyage to Mexico and other places, begun in 1568. lb. Hortop, Job. His travels in the Bay of Mexico, from 1586. lb. Ternaux-Compans. Recueil de pieces sur le Mexicjue. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Menonville, N. J. Th. de. Travels to Guaxaca, in the Kingdom of Mexico, (1777). Pinkerton, vol. 13. Bullock^ W. Six months residence and travels in Mexico. 8vo. London, 1824. Le Mc\ique en 1823, ou relation d'un voyage dans la Nouvelle Espagne ; traduit de I'anglais, avec introduction et notes, par Sir John Ryerly. 2 vol. N\o., ct Atlas, 4to. Paris, 1824. ! 1. , ETC., MEXIQUE.J VOYAGES, &C., MEXICO. 1373 if explo- ora and oundary 2 vols. L British 2 vols. descrip- places ou le Lakes, \o. New d Canada. Mexique, containing he United Traveller, 3. lb. Wo. Paris, of Mexico, don, 1824. ^a Nouvelle Ir Sir John Hardy, Lieut. R. W. H. Tlllvels in the interior of Mexico, in 1825-'26, '27 and '28. 8vo. London, 1829. Iiyon, Capt. G. F. Journal of a residence and tour in the Republic of Mexico, in 1826; with some account of the Mines of that country. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1828, See London Quarterly Review, vol. xlii, p. 384. Charpenne, Pierre. Mou voyage au Mexique, ou le colon de Guazacoalco. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836. San Juan de Ulua j on, Relation de 1' expedition fran9ai8e au Mexique, sous les ordres de M. le contre Admiral Baudin ; par Blauchard et Dauzats. Svo. Paris, 1839. Co ni6ine ouvrage contient : Nolea et documente sur I'expedition fran9aiBe au Mexique, par M. E. Maissiu, suivi d'uti nperfu general sur I'^tat aUuel du Texas. Lowenstern, Isid. Le Mexique; souvenirs d'un voyagcur. Svo. Paris, 1843. [Calderon, Mad.] Life in Mexico, during a residence of two years in that country ; with a preface, by W. H. Prescott. Svo. Loudon, 1843. See Nortli American Review, vol, Ivi. vS-illiam, Albert M. Travels in Mexico, in 1843-'44, including a description of California, and biographies of Iturbide and Santa-Anna. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1846. Thompson, Waddy. Recollections of Mexico. Svo. New York, 1846. Ruxton. G. F. Adventures in Mexico, &c. 12mo. 1849. "^Col. Libr. Wilson, Rob. A. Mexico : its peasants and its priests ; or adventures and historical researclies in Mexico and its silver mines, during parts of 18r)l-'.52, '53, '.54 ; with an expos^ of the fabulous character of the story of the conquest of Mexico, by Cortez. 12mo. New York, 1856. Robertson, James. Visit to Mexico. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1855. Sec Frasev's Magazine, vol. xlviii, p. 251. Waldeok, Fred. de. Voyage pittoresque et arch6ologique dans la province de Yucatan, en 1834 et 1836. Avec une carte et 16 planches. jFolio. Paris, 1838. Stephens, Jolin L. Incidents of travel in Yucatan; illustrated by 120 engrav- ings. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1843. Same work. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1848. See also Stcpliens, Incidents of travel in Central America. Norman, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan, or notes of travels through the Penin- sula, including a visit to the remarkable ruins ofChi-Chcn, Kabah,"Zavi, Uxiniil, &(.'. Third edition. With numerous illustrations. Svo, New York, 1843. 1374, VOYAGES, &0., UNITED STATES. [VOYAGES, ETC., I i 'M 11 Davis, W. W. H. El Gringo ; or New Mexico j^d her people. 12mo. New York, 1857. Barnard, Major J. G. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, being the results of a survey for a railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, made by the Scientific Commission under the direction of Major J. G. Bar- nard, U. S. Engineer ; with a Map in Volume form. 8vo. New York, 1852. 2. UNITED STATES. I 2. ETATS UNIS. h '* 1 ' I tl- United States Coast Survey. Annual Reports of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, (A. D. Bache,) showing the progress of that work during the years 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. Sketches accompanying the Annual lleports of the Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey. 8vo. 1848- 1856. See North Ainerican Review, vol. xlii. p. 75 ; vol. liv. p, 446, Jouinid of Science, vol. xlix. p. 229; Second sei-ieg, vol. v. p. 307; vol, xii. p. 158. Hunt's Magazine, vol. zxi. p. 266. Charts of the United States Coast Survey, based upon a Trigonome- trical Survey, conducted under the direction of Alexander D. Bache, and J. R. Hassler, U. S. N. Published by authority, Washington, v. d. Alabama. Mobile Bay Entrance, 1861 . Albemarle Sound. Pasquotank River, 1861. California. Western Coast of the United States, from San Francisco to San Diego, 1865. San Diego and approaches, 186;i. Trinidad Bay, 1861. Humboldt Bay, 1862. Monterey Harbour, 1862. Oregon, Western Coast of the U. S., from San Francisco to Uiiipquah River, 185-1 Chesapeake Bay, Mouth of Chester River 1849. Del., Md., and Va., Sea Coast, Delaware Maryland and part of Virginia, 1852. Florida. Key West Harbour and Approaches, 1866. General Coast Chart, from Gay Head to Cape Henlopen. 1862. Long Island Sound, 1856. Fisher's Island Sound, 1847. Harbour of New London, 1848. Mouth of Connecticut River, 1 868. Harbour of New Haven, 1846. Harboui-s of Black Rock and Bridgeport, 1848. Huntington Bay, 1849. Harbours of Sheffield and Cawkin's Island, 1848. Harbour* of Captain's Island, E. and W.t 1849. Harbour of Oyster, or Syossct Bay, 1847. Hart and City Ireland, anti Sachem'a ncn i i i HPi .'-.'Hi ' I f Mi i:\'-m I.' :l,jil = l! iiS!'^ 1376 VOYAGES, &0., UNITED STATES. [VOYAGES, ETC. Maps and Charts, Compiled from Surveys made under the direction of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers, War Department, in obedience to the Acts of Congress requiring the Survey of the Northern and North Western Lakes, and from other reliable information. Published by authority, Washington, v. d. Lake Erie, 1849. West end of Lnke Erie and Detroit River, 1849. Kellcy's and Bass Islands, being an extract from tlio Survey of the Wejt end of Lake Erie, 1849. Straits of Mackinac -with the Approaches thereto from Lakes Huron and Michigan and the Entrance by the Dotour passoge to.the Ste. Mary's River, 1849. Head of Green Bay and Entrance to Fox River, Wisconsin, 1853. Sketches of the Navigation through East NeebUh Rapids, River Ste. Mnry, 1863. Map of the United States, and of the Territories between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean. Published under the direction of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers. Washington, 18.50. Volney, C. F. Tableau du climat et du sol des Etats Unis d'Amtricjue, suivi d'^claircissements sur la colonic fran9aise au Scioto, sur quelques colonies Canadicnnes et sur les Sauvagea ; terminus par un Vocabulaire de la langue des Miamis: ouvrage enrichi de quatre planches gravdes, dont deux cartes g^ographiques, et une coupe figur^e de la Chute de Niagara. 8vo. Paris, 1822. Voir Faribault, page 128. Blodget, Lorin. Climatology of the United States, and of the temperate latitu- des of the North American Continent ; embracing a full comparison of these with the climatology of the temperature latitudes of Europe and Asia, and especially in regard to agriculture, sanitary investigations and engineering. With isothermal and rain charts for each season, the extreme months, and the year ; including a summary of the statistics of meteorological observations in the United States, condensed from recent scientific and official publications. Bvo. Philadelphia, IS.'iT. Piotet, C. Tableau de lu situation actuelle des Etats Unis d'Am6riqiic, d'apres Jcdediah Morse, et les mcilleurs auteurs Am6ricains. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1795. Bald^vin, (Thomas,) and Thomas, (J.) A new and complete Gazetteer of the United States; giving a full and comprehensive review of the present condition, industry and resources of the American Confederacy, embracing also important topographical, statistical and historical information, from recent and original sources ; together with the results of the census of 18.")0 ; with population and other statistics in many cases to IS.'iS. 8vo. Philadelphia, IS.") 1. Bee also Harper's Unive:»al Gazetteer. ETAT8 TJNIS.] VOYAGES, &0., UNITED STATES. 1377 American Scenery, or, Land, Lake and River Illustrations of Transatlantic Nature; containing a map and 120 splendid views, from drawings taken on the spot, expressly for this work, by W. H. Bartlett. With letter- press descriptions, by N. P. Willis. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1840. Imlay, Gilbert. A topographical description of the Western Territory of North America. Third Edition, with four Maps. 8vo. London, 1797. This volume includes also : Filaon, JdHii. The (llscovery, sottleraent .tnd presniit state of Kentucke ; and an essay towards the Topography and Natural History of that important Country, to -mbichis ad'led an Appendix, containing, lo. The Adventures of Oul. Daniel Boon, one of the first settlers, Jic. 2o. The Minutes of the Plan- kashaw Council, held at Port St. Vincent, April, 15, 1784. 3o. An account of the Tndiun Nations within the limits of the thirteen United States, &0, Hutcbins, Thomas. A Topographical description of Virginia, Pensylvania, Mary- land and North Carolina ; comprehemiing the Rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Sioto, Cherokee, Wabash, Mississippi, &c. With an Appendix containing Mr. Patrick Kennedy's Journal up the Illinois River. Several other tracts relating to the Western Territory are included in this Vol. Ferris, Jacob. The States and Territories of the Great West, including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, their geography, history, advantages, resources and prospects ; comprising their local history, institutions and laws. Giving a table of distances, and the most direct routes and modes of con- veyance ; also pointing out the best districts for agricultural, commer- cial, lumbering and mining operations. With a map and numerous illustrations. Bvo. New York and Auburn, 18.56. De Vries, D. P. Voyages from Hollard to America, A. D., 1632 to 1644 : translated from the Dutch, by H. C. Murphy. 4to. New York, 1853. Bartram, John. Travels from Pennsylvania to Onondago, Oswego and Lake Ontario; with an account of the Cataracts at Niagara, by Peter Kalm. Svo. London, 17.'>1. (P.) Burnaby, Rev. Andrew. Travels through the middle settlements in North America, in 17;'J9-60, with observations upon the state of the Colonies. 4 to. London, 177')- The same work ; third edition. 4to. London, 1798. This edition is very much enlarged and has a mop and two aquatinta views of the Passaic Falls. Le meme ouvrage ; traduit par Willd. 12mo. Lausanne, 1778. Robin, L'Abbe. Voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale, en 1781, et cam- pagne du Comte de Rochambeau. 8vo. Philadelphie, 1782. V ' i ll'iil! 9i |il:l! : m Ki J, '[■ 'i'h V '-li .1 l\:! ■ -.1'- ¥ !"■■'' I* i^ ■■fr I- r. 1378 VOYAGES, «fcC., UNITEll STATES. [VOYAGES, ETC., St. John, J. Ili'ctor. Letters from an American Farmer describing Provincial situationM, manners and customs not generally known, and conveying some idea of the late and present interior circumstances of the British Colonies in North America. Written for the information of a friend in England. 8vo. London, 1782. St« Riob, vol. i, p. S02. Lettres d'un cultivatenr Am6ricain, ^crites A W. S. Ecuyer, de 1770 i\ 178(i, par M. St. .lonn de Crevecceur : traduit de 1' Anglais. [Par I'auteur lui-mcme,] 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1787. See Rich, vol. i, p. 827. • Smyth, J. F. D, A Tour in the United States. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1784. Ohastellux, Marquis de. Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrionale en 1780-1- 1782. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1786. (L'auteur 8ervait sous le comto Jo Rocliambeau.) — — Travels in North America during the years 1780, 1781, to 1782 ; translated with notes, by an English gentleman, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1787. -See Fiiiibnult, p. 80, and Rich, vol. i, p. 886 niid 889. Bartram, Wm. Voyage dans les parties sud de I'Amferique Septentrionale, (1773-78) savoir, les Carolines, la Georgia, les Florides, etc., cor.tenant des details sur le sol et les productions na \ elles de ces contr^es, et des observations sur les moeurs des Sauvages qui le? hnbitent. Traduit de r Anglais par P. V. Benoist. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. Bayard, Ferdinand M. Voyage dans I'interieur des Etats-Unis, k Bath, Win- chester, dans la Valine de Shenaudoha, etc., etc., etc., pendant l'it6 de 1791. 8vo. Paris, 1/97. Brissot-Warville, J. P. Nouveau voyage dans les Etats-Unis fait en 1788. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1791. L'auteur est le Oirondiu hieii ooruui. Collot, Victor. A Journey in North America, (in 179G), containing a survey of the countries watered by the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, and other affluing Rivers ; with exact observations on the course and soundings of these rivers, and on the Towns, Villages, Hamlets, and Farms of that part of the New World ; followed by philosophical, political, military and commercial remarks, and by a projected line of frontiers and general limits. Illustrated by an Atlas of 36 Maps, etc., by Gen. V. Callot, late in the French service, and Governor of Guadeloupe. 4to. Paris, 1H26. Tbis work was published both in French an! EnjliBli. The maps and plates are beautifully engraved by Tardien. Jiich. BTAT8 VNIS.] VOYAO£S| &0., UNITED STATES. 1879 Davis, John. Travels of four years and a half in the United States of America, from 179H to 1802. 8vo. London, 1803. f1*e Uioh, vol ii. p. 18 ; AIho, Edinburgh Review, Tol. il. p. 44l( The Stranger in America ; containing observations made during a long residence in that country, on the genius, manners, and customs of the people of the United States ; with biographical particulars of public char- acters ; hints and facts relative to the arts, sciences, commerce, agricul- ture, manufactures, emigration and the slave trade. By Charles William Janson, late of the State of Rhode-Island, Counsellor at Law. Illus- trated by engraviogs. 4to. London, 1807. [Bridel, Rev. L.] Le pour et le contre, on avis h ceux qui se proposent de passer dans les Etata-Unis d'Am^rique, suivi d'une description du Kentucky et de Geuesy, deux des nouveaux dtablisscments les plus consid«$rables de cette partie du mondc, avec une carte typom^trique. 8vo. Basle, 1803. Parkinson, Richard. The experienced Farmer's Tour in America ; to which is added, Sketches published by J. B. Boadley, Philadelphia. 8vo. London, ISO.'i. See Edinburgh Review, vol. yil. p 29. Bradbury, John. Travels in the interior of America, in the years 1809, 1810 and 1811; including a description of Upper Louisiana, together with the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee, with the Illinois and Western territories, and containing remarks and observations useful to persons emigrating to these countries. 8vo. Liverpool, 1817. [Wright, Frances.] Views of society and manners in America ; in a series of letters from that country to a friend in England during the years 1818, 1819 and 1820. 8vo. London, 1821. First edition of the celebrated Miss Wright's Travels. Rich. — — — Another edition of the same work. 8vo. London, 1822. [Candler, Mr.] A summary view of America ; comprising a description of the face of the country, and of several of the principal cities ; and remarks on the social, moral and political character of the people ; being the result of observations and enquiries during a journey in the United States by an Englishman. 8vo. London, 1824. See Blacliwood's Magazine, vol. xvi. p. 617. Nortli American Review, vol. xxi p. 468. Hall, Hon. Judge. Letters from the West, in 1820, descriptive of society and manners. 8vo. London, 1828. Lafkyette en Amerique, en 1824 et 182;"), on journal d'un voyage nux Etats- Unis. Par A. Levasseur, secretaire du g6n6ral Lafayette, pendant son voyage. Orn^de 12 gravureset une carte. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829. !, i. ! ,' :$'^i r *■ ;il( 'il i\ ■' 1380 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [VOYAOES, ETC., Amerioans as thoy are. (Ii-8cril)i<(l in a tour through the VnlU-y of tlic MU- ■i8(tip|)i. Hvo. IiOuil(ui, IH2N. Cooper, . I. F. Notions of thi- Amurionns, |iickr(l uphy ft trAvollinghntchelor. •-' voIh. Hvo, London, IH2S. Anotliur Copy, lao Coopur'n Worki, vol. 13. Nellson, IVtor. Ili-colU'ctions of n six years' residonec in the United State* of America, intersperNod with original nnerdotes, etc. 8vo. Olugow, 1830. Stuart, .Innu's. Tiircc yi-ars in North America. 1828-31. '2 vols. 8vo. Kdinburgii, IS.J.'J.' Uefutation of Asperiiiong on the foregoing work. 8vo. London, 18;M. (P.) Set Edinburgh Review, Tol. Ivi. p, 400. America and the Amerioans ; l>y a citizen of the World. 8vo. London, Trollope, Mrs. Domestic manners of the Americans. Hvo. London, 1832. 8e« North Aincrioau Review, vol. xxxvi, p. I. The London Qunrtorly Review; vol. xlvii, p. 80. La Uevuo dot Dous Mondes, 16 juiu, 1 Juillet ot 1 ootobro, 1832. Frnscr'g Mngaiino, vol. v, p. 88(1. Hamilton, Ca|)t. Thos. Men and Manners in America. 2 vols. Hvo. Edin* hurgh, 18;}3. Set Dublin University Mngazino, vol. ii, p. 444 and 6&8. Kramer's Mny;azino, vol. ix, p. 42. Bliiokwood'H Magnziuo, vol. xxxiv, p. 286. North American Review, vol. xxxviii, p. 210. BtatS-Unis. Ktat des,— par L. H. de M . Hvo. i'aris, IH.M. (P.) Latrobe. C. J. The Rambler in North America. (1832-3) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 183;'). See London Quarterly Review, vol. liv, p. 392. Grund, Francis J. The Americans in their moral, social and political relations* 2 vols. 8vo. Loudon, 1837. 8«« Rich, vol. ii, p. 289; also, North Ameriean Review, vol. xlvi,p. 100. — . Aristocracy in America (from the sketch-book of a German Nobleman.) Edited by Francis J. Grund. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 183!). ndartineau, Harriet. Society in America. 3 vols. Hvo. London, 1837. Voyage aux Etats-Unis ; ou tableau de la soci6t6 Amcri- caine : traduit de I'anglais, par B. Laroche. 2 vol. Hvo. Paris, 1839. Retrosi)cct of Western travel. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. See North American Review, vol. xiv, p. 15 ; vol. xlv.p. 418. Fraser's Magiuino, vol. xix, p. 667. ETAT8 UM9.] V0YA0E8, &C„ TTNITKI) STATES. 1881 Chevalier, Michol. LfttrcH gur rAiniriqiic *tit Nonl. TroiHi^nic I'dition. ■A vol. I'Jiiio. lirnxfllfN, IH.'iH. S*e London Qiinrtorly Review, vol, ivjil, p. 407. — — ^^— -^^ Dos voiM dp cnnimiinientioii mix KtfttN-Uni», I't ties fra- vaiix d'nrt (|iii i-ii ddpoiulcnt. '_' veil. Un., avci' Atlaw, folio. Paris, l«l()-ll. Voice iVom Anu'rica to KiiKland ; by nil .\mericHii Gciitlciiinii. Mvo. London, 1H.2. Pulszky, Francis and Theresa. White, Red and Black ; or Sketches of Ame- rican Society in the United States, during the visit of Kossuth. 2 vols. 8vo." New York, IS-W. 5 ; m m ^ if* ! ;#; W '■':i#yii' 'mM W ■ 'm ?'f'! I; i '■ ' It. ¥1' m K' '' ' *5 .■^|i -^'^ 1386 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [VOYAGES, ETC., Chauveton, Urbain. Brief discours et histoire d'un voyage de quelques Fran9ais en la Floride. . . . et du massacre ex6cut^ sur eux par les Espagnols. Voir k la fin de I'histoire du nouveau monde traduite de Benzoni par le m^me. Pour lea Voyages de Ribault, Laudonni^re et Ooargues, Voyez oi-devant p. 1256. Ooxe, Daniel. Description of the English Province of Carolana, otherwise called Florida and Louisiane (1598.) 8vo. London, 1741. See North American Review, Vol. ii. p. 1. See also French's Hulorical Collections, Part ii. Ternaux-Compans. Recueil de pieces sur la Floride. Svo. Paris. 1841. Voyez la liste de ces pidces oi-deTant, page 1172. Florida. A relation of the discovery lately made on the Coast of, — by William Hilton. London, 1664. Force's Tracts, vol. 4. Darby, Wm. Memoir on the geography and history of Florida. Svo. Philadelphia, 1821. Texas. Le Champ-d'Asile, tableau topographique et historique du Texas. 8vo. Parip, 1819. Barrow, John. Facts relating to North Eastern Texas, condensed from notes made during a tour through that portion of the United States. Svo. London, 1849. Olmsted, Frederick Law. A Journey through Texas ; or, a saddle trip on the southwestern frontiers ; with a statistical Appendix. Svo. New York, 1857. See New Quarterly Review, May, 1867, p. 163. Paxton, Phihp. A stray Yankee in Texas. IJmo. New York, 1854. Texas, Adventures in. Blackwood's Magazine, Vols. 54 and 55. Domeneoh, I'Abbe. Le Journal d'un missionnaire au Texas. Svo. Paris, 1857. Kentucky. Voyage au — , et sur les bords de la Genesee, par M. * * *. 8vo. Paris, 1821. Drake and Mansfield. Cincinnati in 1826. r2mo. Cincinnati, 182". Bound with Bullock's Travels. Illinois, in 1837. A sketch descriptive of the situation, boundaries, &c., together with a letter on the cultivation of the Prairies, by the Hon, H. L. Ellsworth, to which are annexed the letters from a Rambler in the West. Svo. Philadelphia, 1837- Birkbeck, Morris. Letters from Illinois. Svo. London, 1818. See North American Review, Vol viii, p. 847. Edinburgh Review, Vol. xxx p. 120, London Quarterly Review, VoL xix, p. 54. , ETC., ETATS TTNIS.] VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. 1387 quelques par lea iduite de nt p. 1256. jtherwise tris. 1841. ly William da. 8vo. du Texas. from notes ates. 8vo. trip on the New York, J.54. ^vo. Paris, * *. 8vo. |i, 1827. laries, &c., Ihe Hon. H. [ibler in the Vol. XXX Blrkbeok, Morris. Same work, another copy, bound up with : — — — — — Notes on a journey in America, from the coast of Virginia to the territory of Illinois. Cork, 1818, — and with Darby, William. Tour from New York to Detroit. 8vo. New York, 1819. Woods, John. Two years residence in the Illinois country. 8vo. London, 1822. BuUook, W. Sketch of a journey through the Western states of North America : with a description of Cincinnati, by B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield. 8vo. London, 1827. (P.) Parker, N. H. Iowa as it is in 185.5; a gazetteer for Citizens, and a hand- book for Immigrants, embracing a full description of the State of Iowa. 8vo. Chicago, 1855. Wisconsin. Early Recollections of, by Augustus Grignon, with an account of settlers therein from Lower Canada : See Historical Magazine, Novem- ber, 1857, pp. 324-330. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. A canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor ; with an account of the lead and copper deposits in Wisconsin ; of the gold region in the Cherokee country ; and sketches of popular manners, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Oliphant, Lawrence. Minnesota and the far West. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855. See New Quarterly Review, January, 18B6. Bond, J. W. Minnesota and its resources ; to which are appended Camp-fire sketches, or notes of a trip from St. Paul to Pembina and Selkirk Settlement on the Red River of the North. 12mo. New York, 1857. AndreAVS, C. C. Minnesota and Dacotah, in letters descriptive of a tour through the North West in the autumn of 1856, with information relative to public lands. 8vo. Washington, 1857. Hale, Edw. E. Kansas and Nebraska : geographical and physical characteristics and political position of those territories ; an account of the Emigrant Aid Companies and directions to Emigrants, with an original map. 8vo. Boston, 1854. See North American Review, Vol. Ixxx. p. 91. Robinson, Mrs. Sara T. L. Kansas, its interior and exterior life, including a full view of its settlement, political history, social life, climate, soil, productions, scenery, &c. 12mo. Boston, 1856. Gladstone, T. H. The Englishman in Kansas, or squatter life and border warfare, with an introduction by F. L. Olmsted. 8vo. New York, 185". Swan, James G. The Northwest coast ; or three years residence in Washington Territory. 12mo. New York, 1857. W i ii i 1388 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [VOYAGES, ETC., m^ h ?'' \ f Stansbury, Howard. Exploration and survey of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a reconnaissance of a new route through the llocky Mountains. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States. With a large " Map of the Great Salt Lake and adjacent country in the Territory of Utah, surveyed in 1849 and IS.'JO under the orders of Col. J. J. Albert, Chief of the Topographical Bureau," and another large " Map of a reconnaissance between Fort Leavenworth on the Missouri River and the Great Salt Lake in the Territory of Utah, made in 1849 and 1850, under the orders of Col. J. J. Albert, Chief of the Topographical Bureau." 8vo. Philadelphia, 18.52. The Maps form a separate volume. 8?o. Palliser, John. The solitary hunter ; or sporting adventures in the Prairies. New edition, with illustrations. 12mo. London, 1857. Mr. PalliBer, Bince the publication of this work, has been sent in charge of an Explui'iug Expedition to Hudson's Bay, and the north-weatern territories. Prairies, Adventures ou the. North American Review, vol. C9, p. 175, -^— ^^ and Barrens of the West. Journal of Science, vol. 1, p. 116 ; vol. 2, p. 30. Origin of the. Ibid. Vol. 1, p. 331 ; vol. 23, p. 40. nunt's Mago' sine, vol. 21, p. 522. Par West. Forest Life in the. North American Revieio, vol. 55, p. 510. Early French Travellers in the. lb. Vol. 48, p. 63. Statistics of the. lb. Vol. 45, p, 234. Life in the Far West. By G. F. Ruxton. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 63, p. 713 ; vol. 64, p. 17, 129, 293, and 429. I. ■ New Home in the. North American Review, vol. 50, p. 206. Bryant, Ed. Voyage en Californie ; traduit par X. Marmier. 12mo. Paris. 1849. Parkman, Francis. Prairie and Rocky Mountain life ; or, the California and Oregon Trail. 8vo. New York, 1849. Revere, J- W. Tour of duty in California, with an account of the voyage around Cape Horn. 8vo. New York, 1849. Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado, or Adventures in the path of Empire. 2 vols. 8vo' New York, 1850. Colton, Rev. Walter. Deck and Port ; or incidents of a cruise in the United States frigate " Congress" to California ; with sketches of Rio Janeiro, Valparaiso, &c. 8vo. New York, 1850. Fremont, Capt. J. C. Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California, in 1813, '44. Reprinted from the Official report ordered to be published by the United States Senate. Bvo. London, 1846. ETC., ETATS UNIS.] VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. 1388 ,f Utah, untains. a large ritory of . Albert, VI ap of a r and the ud 1850, graphical Prairies. barge of an i-ritoiieB. 75, [6 ; vol. 2, nt'a Maga- p. 510. igazine, vol. 2ino. Paris. Ilifornia and the voyage Ire. 2 vols. In the United I Rio Janeiro, to the Rocky [n 18 13, '14. jy the United Fremont, Capt. J. C. Same woik. Another edition. 8vo. New York, 1849. Bound lip with : — — • Notes of Travels in California, from the official reports of Colonel Fremont and Major Emory. 8vo. New York, 1849. Farnham, T. J. Life, Adventures and Travels in California ; with the con- quest of California and Travels in Oregon. 8vo. New York, 1849. Coke, H. J. Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and California. ; with a glance at F-^me of the Tropical Islands. 8vo. Loudon., 1852. Auger, Edouard. Voyage en Californie, [1852-53.] 12mo. Paris, 1854. Saint Amant, de. Voyages en Californie et dans I'Oregon par M. de Saint Amant, cnvoyo du Gouvernement Fran9ais, en 1851, 1852. 8vo. Paris. 18.^4. Voir la Revue Contemporaine, vol. xvi. p. 744. Borthwiok, J. D. Three Years in California. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1857. Farnham, Eliza W. California, in-doors and out ; or how we farm, mine and live generally in the Golden State. 8vo. New York, 1850. See New Quarterly Review, May 1857, p. 185. Jomard, E. Comment on revient de la Californie. Revue Contemporaine, vol. 6, p. 282. — De Paris tl Sacramento. lb. Vol. 1, p. 575 ; vol. 2, p. 73. See also Gilliam, Travels in Mexico. Dillon, P. La Californie dcpuis la decouverte des mines d'or, San Francisco, la ville et les Emigrants. Revue des Deux-Mondes, 15 Janvier, 1850. Achard, Alexis. De Paris h San Francisco. La vie en Californie, les Fran^ais et les Am(5ricaius dans lea placers. Revue des Deux-Mondes, 1 5 aout 1850. Chevalier, Martial. La Californie et I'imigration europ6cnne. Iltid. ler sept. 1852. Delessort, Benj. Les Mines d'or de la Californie. Ibid, ler ffev. 1849. Mackenzie, Alexander. Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Lawrence through the continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Ocean in 1789-1793. 4to. London, 1801. Voyages dans I'int^rieur de I'Am^rique Septentrionale en 1789-1792 et 1793, traduit de I'aiiglais, par J. Castera. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1802. See Edinburgh Review, vol, i. p. 141. lii'' .ui w, i; 1390 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [VOTAGES, ETC., 11 LeTVis (Capt. M.) & Clarke, (Capt.) Journal of the expedition of — from the mouth of tlie Missouri to its source, and thence across to the Pacific Ocean, in I8OI, 1805 and 1806, by Patrick Gass. 8vo, London, 1808- Voyage depuis I'embouchure du Missouri jusqu'i I'entr^e dc la Columbia dans I'Ocuan Pacifique, traduit de 1' anglais par I'Allemand. 8vo. Paris. 18 10. History of the above expedition, by Paul Allen ; with the life of Capt. Lewis, by Thomas Jefferson. 2 vols. Svo. Dublin, 1817. See Edinburgh Review, vol zziv. p. 412. London Quarterly Review, vol. xii. p. 817. Franohdre, G. Relation d'un voyage &. la cdtc du nord-ouest de TAm^rique Septentrionale, dans les annees 1810-14. (Redig^ par Michel Bibaud.) Svo. Montreal, 1820. Narrative of a voyage to the North West coast of America in the years 1810-14, or the first American settlement of the Pacific ; trans- lated and edited by J. V. Huntingdon. Svo. New- York, 1854. Beltrami, J. C. La decouvcrte des sourcss du Mississippi et de la riviere Sanglante, description du cours eutier du Mississippi qui n'etait connu que partiellement et une grande partie de celui de la riviere Sanglante* presque entierement inconnue ; ainsi que du cours entiei de I'Ohio, etc., etc. Svo. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1824. A pilgrimage to Europe and America, leading to the discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River, with a description of the whole course of the former and the Ohio. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1828. Flint, Timothy. Recollections of the last ten years, passed in occasional resi- dences and journeyings in the Valley of the Mississippi, from Pittsburg and the Missouri to the Gulfof M&xico, and from Florida to the Spauish frontier : in a series of letters to the Reverend James Flint of Salem, Mass. Svo. Boston, 1826. See London Quarterly Review, vol. xlviii, p. 201. Schoolcraft, H. Travels to the sources of the river Mississippi in 1820. Svo. Albany, 1821. ^ — Narrative of an expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual source of this river ; embracing an exploratory trip through the Ste. Croix and Bumtwood (or Broule) rivers in 1 832> under the direction of Henry R. Schoolcraft. Svo. New York, 1834. Long, Major, Stephen H. Account of an expedition to the Rocky Moun- tains performed in the years 1819 and 1820, by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secy, of War. under the commanrl of Major Stephen H. Long : from the notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, and other gentlemen of the exploring party. Compiled by Edwin James, Botanist and Geologist for the expedition. 3 vols. Svo. and Atlas. London, 1823. ;s, ETC., -from the he Pacific Ion, 1808- I'entrcSe dc 'AUemand. I ; with the iblin, 1817. riew, vol. xii, rAm^rique tiel Bibaud.) f America in acific ; trans- 1854. de la riTiere n'etait connu ire Sanglante> 3 rOhio, etc., the discovery a description vols. 8vo. Occasional resi- rom Pittsburg [o the Spauish 'lint of Salem, in 1820. 8vo, ETATS UNIS."| VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. 1391 Long, Major Stephen H. i'-mative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c., performed in the year 1823, by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secy, of War, under the command of Stephen H. Long, U. S. T. E. Compiled from the notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating and Calhoun, by Wm. H. Keating, Geologist and Historiographer to the expedition. 2 vols. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia, 1824. See North American Review, vol. zzi, p. HS. Maximillen de Wled-Neuwied, Le Prince, Voyage dans Tintt^rieur de r Amerique du Nord, execute pendant les ann^es 1832-33 et 34 : ouvrage accompagn^e d'un Atlas de 80 planches (format demi-colombier) dessi- n^es sur les lieux par M. Charles Bodmer. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840-43. Meroey, F. Le Missouri, le Prince Maximilien de Wicd-Neuwied, Washington Irving, le Major Long. Re:!ue dea Deux Mondea, ler Novembre, 1844- Fuller, S. Margaret. Summer on the Lakes, in 1843. 8vo. Boston, 1844. Bradford, Wm, J. A. Notes on the North-West, or valley of the Upper Mississippi. 8vo. New York, 1846. Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River, including the narrative of a residence on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknovm. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Irving, Washington. Astoria. Fide his Works, vol, 8. Voyages au-deli des Montagues Rocheuses, traduit de I'Anglais par P. N. Grolier. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1843. See North Americar. Review, vol. xliv. S«« also, Irving's Tour on the Prairies : and his Adventures of 0»pt. Bonneville in the Rocl{y Mountains and the Far West, — in Washington Irviug'a Works, vols, ix and x, Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 12mo. London, 1849. Colon. Libr. Ross, Alexander. Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River ; a narrative of the Expedition fitted out by John Jacob Astor, to establish the " Pacific Fur Company," with an account of the Indian tribes on the Coast of the Pacific. 8vo. London, 1849. Smet, R. P. de. Voyages aux Montagues Rocheuses. 12mo. Malines, 1844. Lee, (D.) and Frost, (J. II.) Ten years in Oregon. 8vo. New York, 1844. M)firas, Duflot de. Exploration dc 1' Oregon, des Californies et de la mer Vermcille. Executee en 18.40-41 et 42. 2 vol. 8vo,, avec Atlas folio, Paris, 1844. I'ublid par ordre du gouvernenient franjais. ' ii I m r . Vr^i y fl' i; i: ! li I ^^1 11 Si :.A^\ 'li' ' 'ml' i"''S! ,».& I! 1392 VOYAGES, &C., B. N. AMERICA. [VOYAGES, ETC., AME- Nloolay, r. O. The Oregon Trrritory ; a pcogrRphicnl and jihysical account nf that country and its inhabitants, with outlines of its history. 12mo. London, miti. To^vnshend, J. K. Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Mountains ; inchid- ing H journey to the Cohiinl)ia River, a visit to the Sandwich Islands, Cliili, etc. '2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810. 3. BRITISH NORTU AMERICA. 3. AMERIQUE liRITANNIQUE DU NORD. Charts, Plans, and Views relative to British North America, published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty : vide the Ad- miralty Charts, vols. 10 and 11. (ante, p. 513.) Folio. AacTic Regions. Cumberland Islo, Davis Strait, 1839. Arctic Stn, Baffin Bay, witli Views, 1863. Holsteinborg' Harbour, with Views, 1863. Arctic Aiucrica ; Cape Barrow to Capo Kruseiisturu, 1826 and 1887; correcUdtn 1864. Arctic America ; containinf^ Barrow Straits, Prince Itegf-nt Inlet, BootliiaOulf, Ac, with riaiis of Ports, 1835 and 1851; corrected to 1854. Discoveries iu the Arctic Sea to 1864. Erebua Bay, 1854. LABaADOR. Labrador and Greenland, including the North TVe-st Passages of Hudson, Frobisher and Davis, with Plan of Port Mauvers, 1808 Cape Charles to Sandwich Bay, 1773. Sandwich Bay, with Views, 1820. Sealing Biy[ht and St. Frauds Harbour, 1820. Ciiateau Bay, Belle-isle Strait, 1836. Red Bay, Belle-isb Strait, 1834. Newfoundland. Newfiiundland, North Part ; including the Strait of Belle-isle, 1S26 ; corrected to 1834. Qriguet Bay and Camel Island Harbours 1826. St. Lunnire Bay, 1826. Bralia Harbour, with View, 1826. St. Anthony Harbour, 1826. Crcniiillire and Goose Coves, 1826. How Harbour, with View, 1826. Croque Harbour, 1808. Cape Rouge Harbour, 1826. Cape Kreols to Partridge Point, 1824. Fleur de Lis Harbour, with View, 1826. Paquet Harbour, 18U1. La Scie Harbour, 1826. Nipper Harbour, 1825. Cutwell Uarlxjur, 1826. Triton Harbour, 1823. Fortune Harbour, 1824. Toulinguot Harbours, 1826. Change Islands Tickle, 1826. Togo Island and Dangers off the Coast, 1826. Fogo Harboui, with Directions, 1826. Fuuk Island, with View, 1820; additionM to 1851. Trinity Harbour to CapeFreels, with Views, 1817. Bonavista Bay, N.W. Arm, 1820. Barrow Harbour. Tiinity and Conception Bays, with Plan of Trinity Harbour. 1776. Grace Harbour, with Views, 1 820, St. John's Harbour, and Town, with Plan of narrowest Part of the Entrance, 1813, Lance Point to Cape Spear witli Plans, 1773 Virgin RocIjs, on the Great Bank, 1829. Trepasscy Harbour, 1847. Placeutia Bay, 2 Sheets: with Plans of Burin and Placeutia, 1778. Little Soutlieru Harbour, Placeutia Bay, 1821 • Lamalia Harbour, 1844, KIQUE BRIT. DU NORD.] VOYAGES, &C., D. N. AMERICA. 1393 Admiralty Charts, Plans nnd Vie\iy :— Continued. tithrinnsofBuria Lceutia Bay, 1821- I'lirt of St. I'ierro IhIuiuI — French Navy, 1821. Cliiipcaii R(Hi),'i) to Capo Atif^iiille. Ca]iu Aiigiiillo ti> Point Fcrrolle. Gulf and River St. Lawrxnck. Cliartii hy Capt. U. W. Dayfitld, R. N. 1827 to 184(1, St. LowiH Hound to Rnquiinauz IslnucU, Strait of Dcilis-ialo. Bnuloru Hay arul Harbour. Bulk'H Amours Harbour, Middle Bay, &o. Boiiiiu I'^sporiinco Harbour. Esquimaux IsIhiuIh to Lake Islands. Little Mi'ccntiua Inlarul, with Plana of Uaro Hiirbonr nnd Natagiunu Kivor. Wftt:i({iu'i8tic Sound, Mnry Islaad, Ac. Wnpitaf,'un Harbour. Luke Island to Paslioshoeboo Poiut. Oonconeho Hay. Kegashka Hay, Little KataHhquan Harbour. FashaHhctboo Point to Magpie Bay, Mingau Islands, Eastern Sheet, Western Sheet. Magpie Day to Poiut des Monts. Seven Islands Bay. with Manitoui River. Cawce Islund.i and Egg iHlaiid. Mount Louis Hay and Magdalen River. Antiooati Island, East Cape and Bear Boy, Ellis Bay. S. W. Point and Salt Lake Bay, Gaspu and Mai Bays, and Gosp^ Harbour uiui Hariin. Chaleur Bay, with Plans of Paspebiac, Dal- housie, and Heron Island, Northumberlaad Strait, Western Part. Mirarniehi Hay and River, Sheet 1. Sheet 2. Richebucto River. Buctoucht River, Cocogue Harbour. Shodiac Bay and Harbour. Northumberland Strait, Eastern Part, Pugwash Harbour. Wallace Harbour. Tatam.igouehe Bay and River John, Caribou Harbour. Pictou Harbour, with View, Mirigomish Ilarbnur, Antigouitth Hjirbour. Poniquet and Tniciidio ITarhourB, Magdalen Islands, with Views. Orand Entry Harbour. ^—^— Amherst Harbour, St, Paul Island, with Views. PaiNCE Edwabd Island. Cftscumpcqne Harbour. Riohnioml Bay. Houghton or Orand River. Cardigan Bay, Murray Harbour, IlillslMtrough Hiiy, with Views. Charlotte Town Harbour. Crapaud Rnad, Bedeque Harbour, BuEToN Island. Char la by Capt. H. W. Bayfiell, R. i^. 184. to 18o4. Port Hood. Mabou Harbour, St. Auues Bay ; and Bar enlarged. Sydney Harbour, with View. RivKR St. LAWaENOE, below QuEBin. Cape Chat to Bic Island, with V^iew, Bic Island to Quebec. Point des Monts to Bersimia River, witk View. St. Nioholas Harbour. Manicouagan River, Bcrsirais River, Bersimis River to Saguenay River. Bio and Green Isles, with View, Saguenay River, Green Island to Pilgrims, with Views. Pilgrims to Quelle Point. Oucllo Point to Seal Island, with Views. Seal Islands to Orleans Island. North and Middle Traverses, with Viewa. Quebec and Orleans Island, with Views. Quebec Harbour nnd Basin. River St. Lawrence, adove Quebec. Quebec to St. Croix. St. Croix to Biitiscan. Batiscan to Lake St, Peter. Lake St. Peter. 'I I t m iH h,». ■ t . I.' i i: 'I •I 1 1' ! ill .'VI [I. . ^ , i't h'i 1391 VOYAGES, &C., U. N. AMERICA. [VOYAOES, &C., AME- Admlralty Charts, Plans and Vie'virs :— Continued. Lake St. I'dtur to Montreal. Moutronl Harbour. LaKKI and IllVKRH OF CaNADA. Principally from Ih.' Hurveyt of Oaptaint Bayjitld and Owtn. St. Lnwrotico River, from Lnko Ontario to tho Uullop UapiJa, in & Shuata, 1818. Lake Ontario and tho Buck Comiuunicatiuii witli Liiko Huron, 1817. Toronto Harbour, 1817 to 1848. Laku Eriu, witii PiaiiB of Putin and MianiiK BayH, Preaqu'ilu Harbour, Oayanoga, 8cg. nau, and liraiiil Ilircra, 1818, Mohawk Day, 1818. Long Point Day, allowing tho Now Clianuul 1889. River, ton miles Westward of Buffalo, 1818 Niagara Rivor, with Plan of Entrance, 1817. Lake and River St. Clair, 1817. Detroit River from Lake Krie to Lake Si Clair. 1816. Lake Huron, in 5 Sheota, 1822. Port Collier, 1817. Rattlesnake Harbour, 1817. St. Marys River, from the Rapids to Lake Superior, 1825. St. Marys River, from tho Falls to Lakt George, 1825. St. Josephs North Channel, from Lake Oeorgi to Lake Huron, with Neebish RupiJ, 1822. Lake Superior, 3 Sheets, with Pic and St. Louis Rivers. ————— North Coast, from Grami Poi tBj^e Bay to Hawk Islet 1823. — ^ Ditto, including Nfippigou ttud Black Bays, 1823. Ditto, Small Laki> and Peiiin sula Harbours, 1823. Nova Sootu. Compiled from the Survey t of De» Barru and A. Lockwood, R.y., 1824 to 1826. Pubnioo to Bacearo Point, with Seal Island Baocuro Point to Ru^ Point. Rugg I'oiut to White Point. White Point to Indian Island. Indian Islaml to New Uarlxiur Point. New Harbour Point to MarH Head. MarH Head to Thrco Fathoms Uarlwur, con- taining Halifax ; corr 1828; addition»U) 1881. Quoddy Head to Cape Lepreau, 1848. Campobello Island, 1847. Port St. Andrew, with View, 1844. Etang Harbour, 1847. John Ilai'boui, with Plan of the Entrance, and View, 1S41. Inner Part of Bay of Fundy, 1 824 ; additiont to 18;u. East Coast of AvKnioA : Gsneual CnABtB. Newtoundland Island, including the Strait of [i.dle-isle. Gulf of St Lawrence. Banks of Newfoundland. Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Ac, with View ; corrected to 1851. Bay of Fuudy to New York ; corrected to 1849. New York to Cape Hatteras, 1849. Cape Hatteras to Cumberland Sound, 1849. Cumberland Sound to the Florida Channel, Banks and Soundings, 1846. Chesapeake River to Charlestown, 1814. IE, . P.: M EKiUE DttlT. DU 8UD.] VOYAGES, &C., B. N,. AMERICA. 1305 r Bayfield, Capt. 11. W. Series of Mnjis and Chnrts of the Gulf and River St. Lawrence, and LakeH of Canada. 2 vols. Folio. TbiH CoUcotiun ootnpriiua mutt of Ilia M»|mi above •numerated, lo far only oi coiiconii Canada iind t)i« Oulf of Hi. Ijiwrence. The miipo arv ditTurcntly arranf^ed, but are othorwine identical. Of the Ma|)t of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Library alio poiiumcR R (dnpllcate) Tohiiuef, — bein)^ ajMrtion of a complete set, the remainder of wbicb vraa destroyed by the Fire in 1864. ^—~ — -^————^ Sailing directions for the Giilf and River St. Law- rence J being the result of a .survey made by order of the Lords Com- missioners of the Adtnirnlty. 2 vols. Hvo. London, 184.3-47. For a pamphlet entitled Railing DIrcctionii f*r the Cluclph and River St. La\*- rence, published in rhilndelphiii, in 111-1. viJ* Canadian PAUriiLETS, vol. 4. Chart of Lake Huron, reduced from the surveys hy Captain Uayfield, R. N., with additions hy Lieut. F. Herbert, R. N., published by Hugh Scobie. Toronto, IS.'iO. Chart of Lake Ontario, reduced from the surveys of Captain Owen, R. N. and A. Ford, U. S. N., with additions by Lieut. F. Herbert, R. N., published by Hugh Scobie. Toronto, ISoO. Hodder, E. M., M. D. Commodore of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. The ILirbours and Ports of Lake Ontario, in a series of ['JO] Charts, accom- panied by a description of each ; together with the Lighthouses, Harbour lights, depth of water, &c. Compiled from autb( utic sources, recent surveys, an 1 personal observations. 8vo. Toronti , 1857. Bouohette, Lien* ,d. Jos. The British Dominions in North America, or a topographical ami statistical description of the Provinces of Upper and Lower ( rtimda. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Islands of Newfound- land, Priidce Edward, and Cape Breton, including considerations ou land grmiifingand Emigration, and a topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada; to which is annexed, the statistical tables aiul tables of ilistances, published with the Author's Maps of Lower Canada, in consequence of a vote of the provincial Legislature. Embellished wiiii vignettes, views, landscapes, plans of towns, harbours, &c., containing also n lopious Appendix. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1831. Vo>/ez le catalogue de M. Faribault, p. 16 et 17. Bouohette, Jos. (son of the preceding.) Map of th^ Provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward's Lsland, with portions of the United States, and exhibiting the boundary of the Britishdominions in North America according to the treaties of 1842 *aud 18AG. With a map of the environs of Montreal. New York, 18.53. Smith, M. A Geographical view of the British possessions in North Ameri 12nio. Baltimore, 1814. 1396 VOYAGES, &C., CANADA. ! h 4 [a] CANADA. Bouohette, Lieut. Col. Joseph. A Topographical dictionary of the Pro- vince of Lower Canada. 4to. London, 1832. — Description topographique de la Province du Bas-Canada, avec des remarques sur le Haut-Canada, et sur les relations des deux provinces avec les Etats-Unis d'Amerique. 8vo. Londres, 1815. Voir le catftloguc de M. Faribault, p. 16 et 17. Lox^er- Canada. Parochial and township subdivisions of — to 18 . 8vo. Quebec, 1853. Gourlay, Robert F. General introduction to the Statistical account of Upper Canada, compiled with a view to a grand system of Emigration. 8vo. London, 1822. Statistical Account of Upper Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1822. Smith, W. n. Canada; past, present and future ; being a historical, geogra- phical, geological and statistical account of Canada West, containing ten county maps and one general map of the Province. 2 vols. Svo. Toronto, 18.")1. Canadian Gazetteer. Svo. Toronto, 1846. Smyth, D. W. [Surveyor general of Upper Canada.] A short topogra- phical description of Upper Canada : to whicb is annexed, a Provincial Gazetteer. Second Edition, revised and corrected by Francis Gore, Esq., Lieutenant Governor, &c., &c. Svo. London, 1813. (P.) Canadian Guide Book, with a map of the Province by Mr. Stavely, C. E. 12mo. Montreal, 1849. Hunter's (W. S. Jr.) Panoramic Guide from Niagara Falls to Quebec ; with a folded Picture Map of the most celebrated and picturesque points along the rivers St. Lawrence and Niagara, and Lake Ontario. l2mo. Montreal and Boston, 1857. Key to Canada. Every place in Canada and how to get to it ; a key to the Post Offices, Railway and Steamboat stations, stages and telegraphs, in Canada ; with an Hotel guide, and other useful memoranda. Pub- lished for W. R. Brown and E. A.Copleston. 12mo. Toronto, 1857. iSee also other topographical accounts of the Province, and of separate portions thereof, in Canadian Vaupuletb, passim. Canada. Cartes • voi/ez ci-aprcs la section des Cartes Manuscrites conte- nant une superbe collection de cartes de la Nouvelle France, prises a diverses epoques, depuis I'dtablissement de la colonic jusqu'a la cession du pays a I'Angleterre. Foi/e: aussi dans la memc section la carte manuscrite du Ilaut ct du Bas Canada, par Holland. V ■ 'MS m h> re v"r of the Pro- sepftrate portions VOYAGES, &0., CANADA. 1397 Canada* Maps in a folio case, lettered Canada, and : Kensett'? Map of Upper and Lower Canada, 1812. Chewutt's Map of located districts in Upper Canada, engraved by Faden, 1818. HoUiind's Mup of Lower Canada, engraved by Faden, 18U2. Bouohette, Lieut. Col. Joseph. A Topographical Map of the Districts of Quebec, Three Rivers, St. Francis, and Gaspd, Lower Canada, exhibiting the new civil division of the districts into counties, pursuant to a recent act of the Provincial Legislature. With a map of the inferior District ofGasp6. 1832. Outline Maps of Upper and Iiower Canada, representing the different electo- ral divisions under the ilepresentation Act of 1 853. Folio. Canada, East and West. A Map, published by Ensign, Bridgman and Fan- ning. New York, 1854. Maps of Canada, accompanying the Appendix to Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Part II. 4to. Toronto, 1857. 1. Map of Lower Canada, shewing the proposed land agencies and the Townships distinct from the Seigniories. J. E. Buuchette, Draughtsman C. L. 0. 2. Map of Upper Canada, shewing the proposed land agency divimons. 8. Map of the Countiesof Gafipu and Bonaventure, exhibiting the lands adjudicated, unsurveyed, Clergy Reserves m Map of the County of Simcoe, by William Gibbard. lished by Hugh Scobie. Toronto, 1853. Pub- -— — — — County Maps ; published by Maclear and Co., Toronto, v. d. The Counties of Grey and Bruce, by 0. Rankin, 18S6. The County of Wellington, by Edwin Henry Eertland, 1866. The County of Huron, by W. S. Gilkison, 1867. The Township of Esquesing, in the County of Halton, by Charles McCarthy, 186'7 . Map of Canada West, compiled from Government Plans, &c., and personal observation, by W. H. Smith, with alterations and addi- tions to the present time, for the Canadian Almanac. Published by Maclear and Co., Toronto, 1855. —^— — — — A similar map, on a larger scale, was pub- lished in the Canadian Almanac, in sections ; the first of which appeared in the Almanac for 1851, and the remainder in the Almanac for the years 1852, 1853 end 1854. Compiled by Donald Macdonald. — — Railway map of Canada West, including the latest surveys, for the Canadian Almanac, 1857. . Map of Canada West, corrected for the Canadian Almanac, '1 Iti! 1858. Now in course of publication, in separate divisions, a large engraved Map of Upper Canada: part 1, (rearfy,) includes the Counties of York, Ontario and Peel : part 2, the County of Simcoe ; part 3, (ready,) the Counties of Wentworth, Welland, Haldimand, Lincoln and part of Brant ; part 4, the County of Halton ; the Counties of Grey, Bruce, Waterloo, Wellington, &c., are nearly ready. Published by John Ellis, Engraver. Toronto, 1857. Mr. Ellis has also completed Lithographic Maps on a large aeale [40 and 60 chains to an inch,] of the Counties of Norfolit, Halton, Brant, and Oxfordi surrounded with views: — Of the County of Peel [40 chains to au inch] ; of the Townships of Scarboro' Markham, York and Etobicoke ; — Of the Towns of Streetaville, Guelph, Barrie and Brampton. And he is now lithographing a large survey of the City of Toronto, inteuded to be 30 foet long by 6 high, and capable of being put in cases of 16 parts, each 28 by 40 inches, or of bei Jg exhibited as a panorama in a case 6 feet high by 3 or 4 feet wide. It will distinguish every building, brick or wood, within the city limits, from actual survey and admeasurement, and it is now in active progress. (1858.) Lo'wer Canada, or Canada East. Map of, compiled from Government Plans, original documents and observations, for the Canadian Almanac, 1856. by A. C. Chewctt. VOYAGES, &C., CANADA. 1399 Maps, Reports, SstimateSi &o., relatire to improvements of the Navigation of the River St. Lavyrence and a proposed Canal connecting the Rive' St. Lawrence and Lake Champlain. Folio. Toronto, 1856. Containing Surreys of the principal Rapids of the River St. Lawrence between Preacott and Lake St. Louis, by M.M. Maillefert and Roasloff, Engineers. 1. Galops Rapids. 2. Survey of a portion of North Channel of the Long Sault Rapids. 8. From Lake St. Francis to Pointe au Diablo comprising the Coteau Rapids. 4. From Pointe au Diable to Pointe au Moulin comprising the Cedar Rapids. 6. From Pointe au Moulin to Lake St. Louis, comprising the Split Rock and Cascades Rapids. Diagram Map exhibiting the various Routes proposed for the St. Lawreniie and Lake Champlain Ship Canal. Compiled under the instructions of S. Gamble, C. E, by O. K Lindsay. Toronto, 1866. Plan of River St. Lawrence between Prescott and Montreal Shewing the Rapids, and Provincial Canals to improve the navigation. Drafted by H. H. Killaly, jnr. Toronto, 1856. Sketches in the Canadas, by Coke Smyth. Folio. London, 1839. Dedi- cated to the Earl of Durham. L Vignette. IL Falls of Niagara. III. Indian of Lorette. IV. Cap Tourmente from Chateau Richer. V. Quebec. VI. Quebec from the Chateau. VII, Falls of Montmorency, from St Joseph's. VIII. Citadel, Quebec. IX. Zitya Huron Indian. X. Huron Indian. XI. Church at Beauharnois. XII, Falls of Montmorency. XIII. Attack and Defeat of Rebels. Dickinson's Landing, Upper Canada. XIV. Buffalo Hunting. XV. Engagement in the Thousand Islands. XVI. Rapids of the St. Lawrence. XVII. Posting on the St. Lawrence during winter. XVIII. Indians bartering. XIX. Mon. treal. XX. American Fort, Niagara River. XXI. Entrance to Toronto. XXII. Moose Hunter. XXIIL The Private Chapel of the Ursuline Con- vent, Quebec. Canadian Scenery, Illustrated from drawings, by W. IL Bartlett. The lite- rary department by N. P. Willis. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1842. Le Cajiada Pittoresque, faisant suite aux voyages en Am^rique, en Suisse, en Ecosse, etc., enrichi de gravures faites sur les dessins de M. Wm. H. Bartlett, et ci^cutees avec le plus grand soin, par MM. R. Wallis, J. Cousen, Willmore, Brandard, Bentley, Richardson, etc. La partie littoraire par N. P. Willis. 2 vol. 4to. Londres et Paris, 1857. Bourne, George. The Picture of Quebec. 18rao. Quebec, 1829. Another edition, revbed. 18mo. Quebec, 1831. Hawkins, Alfred. Picture of Quebec, with historical recollections. 12mo. Quebec, 1834. See North American Review, April, 1835. Quebec. The Quebec Guide, comprising an historical and descriptive account of the city, and of every place of note in the vicinity ; with a plan of the city. 18mo. Quebec, 1844. M m 1400 VOYAGES, &C., CANADA. ::i'i I," ■•!'!. tl .Si. |l|;;j ■R;J'■ \ \\i. ^ >-•.* ;«■'■ t ■ It;.- y. ■1' ;i ".■, ■ r;-, '-i .!• ' fH lfi Twelve views in Quebec, in \7^9, from drawings taken on the spot by Richard Short, by command of Vice- Admiral Saunders. Folio. London. 1. General view of Quebec, from Poiute Levi. 2. North WoBt part of the To-wn of Quebec. 8. The Intendaiit't Palace. 4. The Treasury and Jesuits College. 6, The Jesuits College and Church. 6. The inside of the Jesuits Chapel. 1. The Cathedral, Jesuits College, and RecoUet Frikrs Church. 8. The inside of the Recollet Friars Church. 9. The Orphans, or Ursuline Nunnery. 10 & II- Tlie Bishop's House in Ruins. 12. The Church of Notre Daoie de la Victoire, built in 1696 and destroyed in 1*769 Quebec Plan de la Cite de Quebec, fond6 par Samuel Champlain, de Broua{;e, en 1G08 ; public a Paris, en 1854 ; avec le chiffre de la Population et autres renseignements statisques. Enregistre par P. L. Morin, Qu($bec. Echelle de 8,000 picds francaii. View of the City of Quebec, from Beauport ; coloured : published by E. Whitefield, Quebec, and lithographed at New York, 1852. Similar view, not coloured, and of a somewhat smaller size, but otherwise identical ; entered at the office of the Pnvincial Registrar by P. L. Morin, in 1854 ; and lithographed at Paris. XiOrette Village. Fraaer's Magazine, vol. 33, p. 323. Hochelaga deplete. The early history and present stal,> of the city and Island of Montreal, by N. Bosworth. 12mo. Montreal, 1839. Toronto. Topographical plan of the City of Toronto ; from actual suiTey, by J. Stoughton Dennis. Drawn and compiled by Sandford Fleming. Published by Hugh Scobie. Toronto, 1851. Plan of the City of, published by Fleming, Ridout and Schreiber, and lithographed by J. Ellis, Toronto, 1857. Niagara Falls. Journal of Science, vol. 27, p. 326. Niagara River Scenery. North American Review, vol. 2, p. 320. Hunter, W. S. Ottawa Scenery, Canada West. 4to. Ottawa, 1855. Fifteen views in the vieicity of the city of Ottawa, lithographed from sketches by W. d. Hunter, Jr., with a slietch of the i'istory of Ottawa, its trade and increasing importance ; and a map of Railroad routes thereto from other parts. Guelph in Upper Canada. With plate, North American Review, vol. ?, p. 45C. VOYAGES, &C., CANADA. 1401 Pour lea voyages de Oartier et Champlain, Voir ci devant, p. 12*70, "71. "72; pour ceux de L'£ecarbot, Voir page 1336. LeBeau. Aventures du Sieur Le Beau, avocat en Parlement, ou voyage curieux et nouveau parmi les Sauvages de I'Am^rique Scptentriouale, dans lequel on trouvera une description du Canada, avec une relation tres particu- lifere des anciennes coutumes, mceurs et fa9on8 de vivre des barbares qui I'habitent, et la maniere dont ils se comportent aujourd'hui. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1738. Voi/ez le catalogue de M. Faribault, p. 81. Grespel, Rev. P. Em. Voyage en Canada, et son naufrage en revenant en France, mis au jour par le Sieur Louis Crespel. l8mo. Francfort, 1752. Voir Faribault, p. 86. Le mcme ouvrage. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1757. Cn trouvera ausai plus loin dans la section manuscritb rindication de quelques, voyages dana la Nuuvelle France ou en Canada. Heriot, George. Travels through the Canadas, containing a description of the picturesque scenery on some of the rivers and lakes ; with an account of the productions, commerce and inhabitants of those Provinces. To which is subjoined a comparative view of the manners and customs of several of the Indian Xations of North and South America ; illustrated with a map and nnmerous engravings, from drawings made at the several places by the author. 4to. London, 1807. See Edinburgh Review, voL xii. p. 212. Gray, Hugh. Letters from Canada, written in 1806, 1807 and 1808, showing the present state of Cauadn, its productions, trade, commercial and poli- tical importance and political relations ; illustrative of the laws, the manners of the people, and the peculiarities of the country and climate ; exhibiting also the commercial importance of Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick and Cape Breton, .nnd their increasing ability in conjunction with Canada, to furnish the necessary supplies of lumber and provisions to our West Lidies. 8vo. London, 1809. Sansom, Jos. Sketches of Lower Canada, historical and descriptive ; with the author's recollections of the soil and aspect, the morals, habits and religious i..btitutions of thnt isolated country, during a tour to Quebec in July, 1817. 12mo. New York, 1817. Howison, John. Sketches of Upper Canada, domestic, local and characteristic : to which are added practical details for the information of Emigrants of every class, and some recollections of the United States of America. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1S21. See Rich, vol. ii, p. 128. Also, Edinburgh Review, vol. xxxvii. p. 249. Black- wood's Magazine, vol. x. p. 687. 14.02 VOYAGES, &C., CANADA. i ■ : 1 ji.: iii^ !'■>:■: ■ 1 ■yi' \ ,: 4;.-:i ■ '■'l ,-*i' .: 1 , 'P^J ■■■;( r -1 Maotaggart, John. Three years in Canada. An account of the actual state of the country in 1826-7-8 ; comprehending its resources, productions, improvements and capabilities, and inclnding sketches of the state of society, advice to emigrants, &c. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1829. The author was a Civil Engineer in the service of the British GoTernmcnt. Ijetters from Sussex Emigrants who sailed from Portsmouth in 1832, for Upper Canada, with information for emigrants; and a Gazetteer of the places named in the Letters. Svo. Pctworth, 1833. Magrath, T. W. Authentic Letters from Upper Canada ; with an account of Canadian Field Sports. 12mo. Dublin, 1833. iS«« Dublin Univereity Magazine, vJ. i. p. 600. Fergusson, Adam. Practical notes made during a tour in Canada and p por- tion of the United States, in 1831-33. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1834. Canada in 1832-33-34; informations to Emigrants, by an ex-settler. 12mo. Dublin, 1835. [Traill, Mrs.] The Backwoods of Canada ; being letters from the wife of an emigrant officer. 12mo. London, 183(i. Les forets interieures du Canada. Svo. Paris, 1843. Moodie, Mrs. Roughing it in the bush, or, life in Canada. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. London, 1854. Life in the clearings versus the bush. Svo. New York, 1854. Strickland, Major. Twenty-seven years in Canada West. Svo. London, 1854. Canada. Lettres curieuses snr I'Am^rique Septentrionale. Canada. 12mo. Paris, 1845. Preston, T. R. Three years* residence in Canada, from 1837 to 1839 ; with notes of a winter voyage to New York, and journey thence to the Bri- tish possessions, to which is added a review of the condition of the Canadian People. 2 vols in 1. Svo. London, 1840. The author had been iu the Government service at Toronto. Bonnyoastle, Sir Richard. Excursions in Canada, or Canada in 1841. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1841. — — Canada in 1846. 2 vols. Svo. London, 184G. Canada, as it was, is, and may be ; edited with con- siderable additions, by Sir James E. Alexander. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1852. Richardson, Major J. Eight years in Canada, embracing a review of the admi- nistrations of Lords Durham and Sydenham, Sir C. Bagot and Lord Met- calfe ; with letters from well-known public characters Svo. Montreal, 1847. VOYAGES, ETC., NEWFOUNDLAND, ETC. 1403 a account Lanman, Charles. A Tour to the River Saguenay, in Lower Canada. Svo. Philadelphia, 1848. Le Saguenay en 1851 ; histoire du passi, du present et do I'avenir probable du Ilaut Saguenay, au point de vue de la colonisation. 12mo. Qudbec, 1852. BrO"Wn, James B. Views of Canada and the Colonists, embracing the expe- rience of an eight years' residency; views of the present state, progress, and prospects of the colony ; with detailed and practical information for '.utending emigrants. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1851. Hutton, Wm. (Secretary of the Provincial Board of Statistics.) Canada : its present condition, prospects and resources, fully described for the information of intending emigrants. IGmo. London, . Kingston, W. 11. G. Western Wanderings, or a pleasure tour in the Canadas. 2 vols. Svo. London, 18r)G. See also auprn aecliou VovAOBa, Ao., I^f North America, containing principally truveU in Cauadii and the United States. (b.) NEWFOUNDLAND,— L\ BR A DOR,— NOVA SCOl'iA,— Nl'^W nuUNSWIUK, CAPE BllKTON,— PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. (6.) TERRENEUVE,— LABRADOR,— NOU- VELF.E ECOSSE,— NOUVEAU J3RUNS- WICK,— OAl' RRETON,— ILE DU PRIN- CE EDOUARD. Denis, Nicolas. Description guographique et historique dcs Costes de I'Am^- ri(iue Septentriomale, avee I'histc •f naturelle du pays. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1672. Voir ' • cfttalogue de M. Fnribault, p. 88. Chabert, M. de. Voyage fait par ordrc du Roi en 17.50 et 1751 dans I'Am^- rique Septentrionale, pour rectifier les cartes des cotes de I'Acadie, de risle Royale, et de I'lsle de Terre Neuve, et pour en fixer les principarx points par des observations astronomiques. 4to. Paris, 1753. Instructions pour naviguer sur la cote moridionale de Terreneuvc. Folio, Paris, 17H4. Mauduit-Duplessis. Description nautique de la cote du Labrador, depuis le Cap St. Louis jusqu'a la Grande Pointe, comprenant le detroit de Belle He ; traduite de I'Anglais. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Hore.M. Voyage to Newfoundland and Cape Breton, 1536. Hakluyt, vol.3. Gilbert, Sir Ilumfrey. Voyage to Newfoundland, 1583. Id. Drake, Geo. Voyage to the Isle of Ramea. 1593. Id. Voyage of the Grace, of Bristol, up into the Gulfe of St. Lawrence, as far as the Isle of Assumption or Natiscotec. An 1594. Id, 1404 VOYAGES, ETC., NEWFOUNDLAND, ETC. [VOYAGES, ETC., I * '■' ' ', ;) ,. ] f ■• m ?H Leigh, Ch. Voyage to Cape Breton and the Isle of Ramca. 1597. Ilakluyf, vol. 3. Cartv/right, George. A Journal of transactions and events, during a resi- dence of nearly sixteen years, (commencing in 1770,)on the Coast of Labrador ; containing interesting particulars both of the Country and its inhabitants, illustrated with proper charts. 3 vols. 4to. Newark, (Engl.), 1792. See Rich, Vol. i. p. 377. » Ulloa, Voyage to Smith America, vol. ii, contains : Voyage of the Dcl.ocrance to LouiBbourg, and Voyoge from Louisbourg to Newfoundland. Chappell, Lieut. Edw. Voyage to Newfoundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador, of which Countries no account has been published since the reign o^ Queen Elizabeth. vo. London, 1818. Head, Sir Geo. Forests scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North America. 8vo. London, 1829. Jukes, J. B. Excursions in and about Newfoundland, in 1839-'40; by J. B, Jukes, late Geological Surveyor in Newfoundland. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1842. Buckingham, James S. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British Provinces in North America. 8vo. London, 1843. Alexander, Sir James E. L'Acadie ; or, seven years' explorations in British America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Sleigh, Lieut. Col. Pine Forests and Ilacmatack clearings ; or, travels, life, and adventures in the British North American Colonies. 8vo. London, 1 853. Nova Scotia. A Geographical history of, — containing an account of the situation, extent and limits thereof. 8vo. London, 1749. A genuine account of, — containing a description of its situation, &c. 12mo. London, 17.'J0. (P.) A brief description of, — with plates of the principal harbours, including a particular account of the Island of Grand Manan ; by A. Lockwood, 4to. London, 1818. A general description of. 8vo. Halifax, 1825. (P.) Reports and Papers relating to a Canal to connect the Harbour of Halifax with the Basin of Mines ; remarks on its nature and impor- tance, and a plan and section. Also, the report of a Survey for Canals between St. Peter's Bay and the Bras d'Or Lake, in Cape Breton, and the Bay of Fundy and the Bay of Verte. Svo. Halifax, 182C. Diereville, M. Relation du voyage du Port Royal, de I'Acadie ou de la Nouvelle France, dans laquelle on voit un detail des divers mouvements de la Mer, dans une travers6e de long cours ; la description du pays, les occupations des Fran9ais qui y sont etablis, les manieres des diffe- rentes nations Sauvages, leurs superstitious et leurs chasscs ; avec une dissertation exacte sur le Castor. 12mo. Rouen et Amsterdam, 1708. pi: BAIE d'HTTDSON, ETC.] VOYAGES, ETC., HUDSON'S BAT, ETC. 14i06 Moorsom, Capt. Wm. Letters from Nova Scotia ; comprising sketches of a young Country. Vimo. London, 1830. Del.verancf its Situation, («.) HUDSON'S BAY TERRITORIES AND RED RIVER SETTLEMENT, (c) TERRIT0IRE3 DE LA BAIE D'HUD- SON ET ETABLISSEMENT DE LA RIVIERE ROUGE. See the Section Polab VoTAaKa, supra pagea 528-533. Sea also Section : Wkbtebn Statss and Tkreitories, aupra, pp. 1384-1S86, Geography of Hudson's Bay : being the remarks of Capt. W. Coats, in many voyages thereto, between 1727 and 1751 ; with extracts from the Log of Capt. Middleton, on his voyage for the discovery of the North- West Passage, in 1/41-2; edited by John Barrow. 8vo. London, 1852. For Mnpa of Hudson's Bay Territories, See supra page, 1388. Marest, le Pore Gabriel. Relation d'un voyage i\ la Baie d'lludsoii, en 1694, avec M. d'Iberville. Voyez les Lettres Edifiantes, vol. G. Voyez Russi, La Polhorie, llistoire do I'AmCrique Scptentriunalc, etc. Dobbs, Arthur. An account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay, in the North-West part of America ; with an abstract of Capt. Middleton' s Journal ; to which is added a letter from Bartholomew dc Fonte, an abstract of all the discoveries which have been published of the Coun- tries in and adjoining to the Great Western Ocean, the Hudson's Bay Charter, the standard of Trade in those parts of America, Vocabularies of the languages of several Indian Nations, &c. 4to. London, 1741. Sec North American Review, vol. ii, p. 9. Ellis, Henry. A voyage to Hudson's Bay, by the Dohbs' Gallei/anCi California, in 174G and 1747, for discovering a North-West Passage. 8vo. Lon- don, 1 748. a, la Baie d' Hudson, fait en 1746 et 1747; traduit de I'anglais. 8vo. Paris, 1750. Robson, Joseph. An account of six years residence in Hudson's Bay, from 17;{3 to 1736, and 1744 to 1747 ; with an Appendix, containing a short History of the discovery of Hudson's Bay, and the proceedings of the English there since the grant of the Hudson's Bay Charter ; the sound- ings of Nelson's River, &c. 8vo. London, 1752. McLean, John. Notes of a twenty-five years' service in the Hudson's Bay territory. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. . Chappell. Lieut. Edw. Narrative of a voyage to Hiidst .I's Bay, in Hia Majesty's Ship Rosamund ; containing some account of the North- Eastern Coast of America, and of the Tribes inhabiting that remote region. 8vo. London, 1817. if \v P m I' 'J1 I 1 ;.; ■ 1 • ■{' r tV-'^ ^tm I'- 1 11 1406 VOTAGFS, ETC., POL ATI llEGTONS. [ VOYAGES, ETC., West, Jolui. Jotirnnl duriiif; n rt'siilcnre nt the Rod Uivor Colony, British North Amiricii ; nnd t'requtnt excursions atiioug the Indians, in iH'iO- '2l-'l'2 nnd '2;{. 8vo. London, 1H24. Anderson, Diivid. Bishop of Rupert's Lnnd. Notes of the Flood ut the Ked River, in 1852. 12ino. London, , Tytler, Pnt. Frnser. The Northern Coasts of Auiericn, and the Hudson's Bay Territories ; with a continuation, by K. M. BuUantyne. 8vo. London, IB.'il. BallantynOi R. M. Hudson's Bay ; or t very-day life in the wilds of North America, during six years residence in the territories of the Ilonournhle Hudson's Bay Company, With illustrations. Second Edition. Hvo, Edinburgh, 1818. Ryerson, Rev. John. Hudson's Bay ; or, a Alissionary tour in the territory of the Hon. Hudson's Bay (.'onii)any. 12mo. Toronto, IS.').'). See in tLo Canadian Almanac for 1858, an article on the Great North West. (d) POLAR REOIONS. | (J.) REGIONS TOLAIRES. We specially refer to Section PotAKi Voyaoes, snpra pngos 528-533, for the Geo- gniphy of Groenlnnd, Kamtfcliritk.i, nnil tlio Arctic Rogioim, nnd trnvoli thereto ; and also, for voyages made for the discovery of a Nortii- West I'a9Bage» TIio following Works have been received since tlie printing' of the fust part of tlio Catalogue : IVCuHer, G. P. Voyages et d«iConvertes faites par les Russes le long des cotes de la mcr Glacialc et sur I'Oei'an Oriental, tant vers le Jai)on que vers I'A- meriquo. On y a joint I'histoire du flcuve Amur, et des pays adjacens, etc., avec une carte. Traduit de TAUemand, par C. G. F. Dumas. 2 vols. 12mo., relies en 1. Amsterdam, 17<)6. Mackenzie, Alexander. Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in the years 178!) and 17!);} ; with an account of the rise, pro- gress and present state of the Fur Trade in that Country. 4to. Lon- don, 1801. Simpson, Thomas. The Arctic discoverer. Life and travels of, — by his brother, Alexander. 8vo. London, 1815. Parry, Rear Admiral Sir W. Edward. Memoirs of, — by his son, the Rev. E. Parry. 8vo. London, 185". Rae, John. Narrative of an expeilition to the shores of the Arctic Soa, in 184G and 1847, with Maps. Hvo. London, 1850. Kane, Dr. Elisha Kent. The United States Griniiell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. New Edition, to which is prefixed a sketch of the life of Sir John Franklin. 8vo. New York, 1857. REGIONS POLAIRES.] CANADIAN LITERATUHE, ETC. 1407 Osborn, Cnpt. Shcrnrd. The (liscovory of the Nortli-Wi'Ht Pattsa^c by II. M. vS. " Iiivi'Htijjiator," (^nj)t. 11. M'Clurf, 18.0l)-'r)l,-'52,-'53,-'5l. Second fditioii. 8vo. London, Ib.'i/. Armstronj^, Alex. A personal narrative of the discovery of the North-West Passape, witli nnmerous ineidents of travel and advcntnrc during nearly five years eontinudus serviec in tlu' .\rrtie Ilegions, while in search of the expedition nnder Sir John Franklin. 8vo. Lcnidon, 1H.')7, Crantz, David. Tiie History of (}reenland ; enntaining a description of the C'Onntry and its inliabitants, and particularly a relation of the Mission carried on for above these thirty years liy the Unitas Fratrum ; trans- lated from liie High Dutch. 'J vols. 8vo. London, 1707. Steehlin, J. Von. An account of the new northern archipelago lately dis- covered i)y the HiissianH in the seas of KunUschatka and Anadir. Translated from the (iernian original. Hvo. London, 1774. Lessops, de. Travels in Knmtsehatka during the years 1787 and 1/88 j trans- lated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1790. fiaunbiait fitcratuvt, llcluspa- ©iibragcslitttraircs^lourimii^ pcrs aiib |)moliicals. \ ct |vcciitils jjcriobitjucs, p- j blics t\\ danaba. N. B. — Notre iloignemeut du Bits-Caiiada, oil se Bont publies jusqu'ici la plus {jrnndi' partie de^i ouvniges do litterature ou de politique, nous ,1 empC'ch^s d.; roTidre plus coinpUHo, pour lo moment, hi pii'seiito section de iiotro cata- logue, niiisi (JUG cello do;* Bkochuiies Canadikn.nes. Cette classo d'ouvrages d'liilli'urs no se complete qu'avoe lo temps ot cliiique jour qui a'c'coiilurn devra njouter a la rieliesao et A riitendnc de oclte oolloctiou. Vo;/ez plus loin la section des Ban> iiuiiiis Can'adien.nes, et oi-deviiDt ccUe de I'HisToiRB DU Canada, p;iged 12T0-1'.J83. Renertoire National, on recueil de litterature eanadienne, comj)ile et public par J. Huston, membre de I'lnstitut canadien de Montreal. 4 vol. Hvo. Montreal, 1848-18.50. Vol. I. (H'TS-ISST,) contonant, entre aiiti'cs, divcrses piCices en prose ct en vers de M. Joseph liuosncl, des poosies diversoi de MM. J. i_). Merniot, Miehel Bibaud, F. X. Garnortu, Pierro Laviolette, J. E. Turcotte, G. E. Cartier, N. Aubin, F. R. Angers, J. Pliclun, ct autrcs. " II. (1837 1844); contcnant, outre autrcs, des jwosies de MM. J. G. Barthe, F. X. Garncau, F. M. Derome,.r. Chauveau, V. Ganiot, Romuald Chorriev, Pierre I'ciitclere, F. 11. Auger.- et divers ccrits cu prose de MM. J, Viger, P. de Guspt', Mcilleur, Pelitclair, Eug. L'Ecuyer, et autrcs. I I m If,-, 'ir i.^' i. . i iti 1408 CANADIAN LITERATURE, ETC. [lITTERATURE Repertoire National : — Cont intuition. Vol. III. (184MH46,) contcnnnt, ontro autre*, iino trii(?«, of Buitun, who hnt nUo \vritt«u ttevural papor* for the Uarliimi. R. E. M. — Minn Miilllni, since married to Dr. Loprolioii, of Montreal. A. R — Andrew Robertnon, Roq. of the Montreal Uar, Rdnmnd lltigoinont. — Hugh E. Mont){onii'rii«, R«q., of Montreal, A Moult of O — Abbey.— Rcvd. Joieph Abbot, of OruuTiUo, author of "Mem >ir« of a MiHiiiinary in Canada," &c. Rovd. A. II. niirwell, of Kingston, 0, W. W. S. — William Spink, Emj. of (he LegiBlative Attembly Offlr j. E. T. F, — Edward Taylor Fletcher, Esq., of the f^-own Lan(U Department. £rnsmu8 Oldstylo. — J. Fcnnliigg Taylor, Esq., of the Lei^Ulaiive Counoil 'ace. Dr. William Duulop,* known an "the Tiger," author of " Statisti'-nl l,jtuht!» of Upper Canadii," by n Backwoodamun. Andrew L. Picken, author of stvonil much approved ScHldi Novels, and who rcRided levorol years in Canay,) Toronto, July IS.'i2 to June 1853. Vols. I and II. Mountain, Geo. J. (Bishop of Montreal.) Songs of the Wilderness, being a colleetion of poems, written in 1814, with illustrative notes. 12nio. London, ISIG. [Darling, Hevd. Wm. Stewart.] Skctche? of Canadian life, lay and eeele- siastieal. Illustrative of Canada lu - p>e Canadian Church. Svo. London, 18 li). MoKinnon, Wm. Chs. St. George, or, tlie Canadian League ; a tale of the outbreak in 1H37, with an introduction. 2 vols. Svo. Halifax, ISJ'i. Poems, by J. A. R. 12mo. Montreal, 1857. * Frofcr's Magazine, vol. vii, j). 436, contains an adinirablo and characteristic likeuoss of the worthy Dr., and the same journal (vol. v, pp. ():i3-6-12,) coutiiius a biographical sketch of liis iifo nud writiiigH, up to the time of the piil>licution of the "Statistical Hketchcs of L'lper Canada." After his appointment to the Canada Company's service, he also contributed to Blackwood's Magazine, (vol. xxiv, p. 303,) the Autobiograpliy of a Rat. lie was elected, (and seated on i)etilion) as the member for the County of llunm, C. W., at the election iu 1S41, nud contiiiiitd to re])rc3ent that County until he r(-i:,'iiod his se;it in January, 184(i. He died on the 28th of June, 1818, at Lachiue, near Montreal. 8* S»; !■ r; 1 1410 CANADIAN LITERATURE, ETC. [lITTERATURE, f; :vrr ' r: 11 HI; Traill, Mrs. ('. P. The ('nnadian (jrusoos ; a tale of the Rice Lake Plains ; eiliteJ by the Sister of the authoress, Agnes Strickland. llJmo. New York, 18r»3, For othei- works of Mrs. Traill, and for Mrs. MooJio's Works, see siipr.i, page 1402. Items, (ill Life of an Usher) on travel, anecdote and popular errors, by One in llotireuient. 8vo. Quebec, 185.'). San^ster, Charles. The St. Lawrence and the Saguenay, and other poems. 8vo. Kingston, IS.'iC. M'Laohlan, Alexander. Poems. 12mo. Toronto, iS.'jt). Ryan, Carroll. Oscar and other Poems, limo. Ilnniilton, C. W., 1857. [Chapman, Pmf. E. J.] A Seng of Charity. Canadian Edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1857. The Canadian Journal for January 1858, page 17 and seq , contains a review of tae four prcceiliiig Worics. See also infra section Canadian Pampulkts. Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Founded, January Cth, ISlM. Transactions of the,— Vols. 1 to 4. 8vo. Quebec, 1829-56. Vol. 1. List of Officers of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, and preface. Inaugural AddreMS. On tlie Geology of Lake Superior, by Commander II. W. Bayfield, R. N. On Colouring Materials produced in Canada, by \V. Groon, Esq. On Meteorological I'lienomena observed in Canada, by Captain Bonnycastle, R. E. Notes on tbe Snguonay Country, by A. Stuart, Esq, Observations on a few of the Rocks and Minerals of Upper Canada, by Captain Boniiyctt'^tlo, R. E. On the Geology of a portion of the Labrador Coast, by Lieutenant Baddeloy, R. E. On the Geogno.*y of a part of the Saguenay country. On the Ancient Etruscans, Tyrrhenian!), or Tiijcans, by A, Stuart, Esq. Notes on tlie country about the Falls of Montmoreuci, by Wm. Green, E-q. On the Shells which characterize Quebec and its environs, by Mrs. Shep- pard of Woodlield. Journey across the Continent of North America, by an Indian Chief, from Mr* Le Page du Piatz, communicated by A. Scuart, Esq. Ob-orvation on the American Plants, described by Charlevoix, by W. Shep- pard, Esq. Observations on the Myrtus Cerifera or Myrtle-wax shrub, compiled by W, Green, Esq. Catalogue of remarkable coincidences inducing a belief of the Asiatic Origin of the North .Vmerican Iiidiaii<<_ by Major Mercer, R. A. Observations on Crick'.'ts ii. Canada, bv the Hon. J. Hale. ETC., EN CANADA.] CANADIAN LITERATURE, ETC. 1411 ns 11 review of Literary and Historical Society of Quebec : — Continued. Catalogue of Canadian Plnnts, presented to the Literary and Historical Society hy tiio liight Hon. the Counter's of Daliiousio. Catalogue of the Miuernlogical collection belonging to tlie Literary and Uisto- riful Society. And — at the end of the volume, twelve prints, of which five are Litho;-. nphic. • Vol. II. Ou Coral Animals in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, by Captain Bayfield, li. N. District traversed by the St. Maurice Expedition, in 1829. Processes used in Dying, among the Huron Indians, by Wm, Green, Esq. Sketches of the Tute do Boulo Indians, by J. Adams, Esq, Notes ou some of the Plants of Lower Canaua, by Wm. Siieppard, Esq. On Length and Sj)ace, by the Rev. D. Wilkie. Additional Notes on the Geognosy of St. Paul's Bay, by Lieut. Baddeley, R. E. Graniniar of the Huron Language, by a Missionary of the Village of Huron lu- diaus, translated from tlio Latin by Mr. J. Wilkie. Sur le canon de Bronze trouv on 1820. sur uu banc de Sable, dans le flouvo St Laurent, par Amable Berthelot, Ccr. Remarks on the country lying between the Rivers St. Maurice and Saguenay, by Lieut. Ligall, 16th Regiment. Notes upon the Dark Days of Canada, by the Hon. Chief Justice Sewell. Topographical notices of the Country lying between the mouth of the Ridean and Penetaiigiiishine, by A. ShirefT, Esq. On the Textile Substances in use among the North American Indians, by W. Green, Esq. Autograph Letter of Cotton Mather on Witchcraft. Plan ruisonne d'fiducatlon g6norale et permanento, par J, E. Perrault, 6cr. Ou Stoves used in Russia for warming dwelling Houses, by the Honorable Chief Justice Sewell. On the localities of Metallic Mineritls in the Canalas, by Lieut. Baddeley, R. E. Letters ou Minerals, Mineral Waters, Ac, «tc. List of Don.itions to the Society. Catalogue of the Library. Catalogue of InstrumiMits and Apparatus. An Address by J. Skey, Esq., M. D. And — at tlie ond of the volume, two Lltlmgraphic Maps and a Plan. Vol. III. On the Temperature, Fogs and Mirages of the River St. Lawrence, by W. Kelly, M. D., Surgeon, R. N. Abstract of the Meteorological Journal kept at Capo Diamond, Queuec, from the first of January 1824 to the 81 st December 1831, with some remarks ou tlie climiite of Lower Canada, by W. Kelly, M. D., Surgeon, R. N. Theory of Parallel Lines ; being au attempt to demonstrate the Twelfth Axiom of Euclid, by the Rev. D. Wilkie, A. M. Notes on some of the Plants of Canada, by W. Slioppard, Esq., of Woodfleld. Ou the Mngilalen Islands; being the substance of Four Reports, by Lieut. Baddeley, R. E. 1 L f\ \ 1412 CANADIAN LITEEATURE, ETC. [lITTERATURE J li '' • i Literary and Historical Society of Quebec •.—Continued. Pigments of Oaoadn, by Mr. Green. On the Medical Statisitica of Lower Canada, by W. Kelly, M. D. Surgeon., R. N. Notes on some of the Canadian Song Birds, by Mrs. Sheppard of Woodfield. Ou an Inscription found in the heart of a growing Tree, by W. Sheppard, Esq. of Woodfield. Analysis of Mineral Watei' sent from GaspS. Ancient Document relating to Acndia. Descriptive sketch of St. Paul's Island at the entrance of the Gu!f of St. Law- rence, by Mr. Adnms. On the Temperature of the Springs at Quebec. By Dr. Kelly, R. N. Travertine or Calcareous Tufa. By. H. D. Sewell, Esq., M. A. Canadian Etymologies. By A. Stuart, Esq. A Geological sketch of the most South-Eastern portion of Lower Canada. By Lieut. Baddeley, R. E. Abstracts of a Meteorological journal kept on Lake Superior, in 1824. Abstract of a Meteorological Register kept at Cape Diamond, Quebec, from January 1832 to December, 1834. Notes on the Ancient English and Anglo-Saxon Language. By Dr. Fisher. On some extraordinary forms of Mirage. By W. Kelly, M. D. Notes upon the Country in the Vicinity of Quebec. By II. D. Sewell, Esq., M. A. On the effect of Clearing and Cultivation on Climate, and on the situations most favorable to the deposition. of Hoar Frost and Dew. By W. Kelly, M. D. A Method for preventing the liquid condensation of smoke in Metallic Fluea, By W. Sheppard. On the Temperature of the surface of the Water over the Banks and near ths Shores of the Gulf of the St. Lawrence. By W. Kelly, M. D. Prize Essay on the Hyperboreans. By the Hon 'y. W. Cochran, Observations on the Ilibita of the Salmon Family. Qy Dr. Henry. Detached Thoughts upon the History of Civilization. By A. Stuart, Esq. An Oration delivered before the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, at the anniversary Prize Meeting, May 3rd, adjourned from April, 27, 1837. By the Rev. D. Wilkio, A. M. Five Plates and illustrations. Vol. IV. (Odd numbers) 3 and 4. Quebec, 1855-50. S. Edward Taylor Fletcher, Esq. — The twenty years Siege of Candia. A. R. Roche, E?q. — Notes on the Resources and Capabilities of the Island of Anticosti. E. D \she, Lieut. Royal Navy, F. R. A. S., Ac, G and ISJZ. Published by S. Thompson & Co. 4 vols. Folio. The Toronto Leader, for IS.'iG and ISoT. vols. Folio. Published by James Beaty. 4 Canadian Journal, The. A repertory of Industry, Science, and Art ; and a record of the Proceedings of the Canadian Institute : originally edited by Henry Youlc Hind, M. A.. Professor of Cliemistry, Trinity College, assisted by a Committee ; and since the commencement of the New Series, in 18."tG, edited by Daniel Wilson, L.L.J., assisted by the Editing Committee of the Canadian Institute. From 1852 to 1857. 5 vols. Folio, and 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto. This periodical contains many valuable jwpers on the Geology, Mineralogy, and History of Caniula, as well as notices of the oonstruotion of some of our riiliHc Works, and other iutei'irstiug contributions, from the pens of esteemed Canadian writera. :■?-:: .'lltPiS' i ^n ,ATURE, ETC., EN CANADA.] CANADIAN LITERATURE, ETC. 1415 epli Cau- me com mis- let, juaqu'en ontrt'al en ict, propri- i i la tete de Quebec, en Langevln, Tcottc, pro- 31.1,2,3,5, ., 2 and 3 June 1842; n of the 1st l)wn, M.r.P. hoinpson & lieaty. 4 Art ; and 1 : orifjinally try, Trhiity Inicut of the stcd by the \)2 to 1S57. Iiicrixlojry, tind ict'iDii of some |)in the pi'us of Canadian Journal : — Continued. Tlio following Gentlemen compose the Editing Committee: lo. Geolo- gy and Mineralogy ; E. J. Chapman, Prof, of Geology and Minera- logy, Univ. Coll. Toronto, 2o. Physiology and Natural History ; Rev. Wm. HincVs, F. L. S., Prof, of Natural History, Univ. Coll, Toronto. 8o. Ethnology and Archajology ; Daniel Wilson, LL. D., Prof, of History and English Literature, Univ. Coll., Toronto. 4o. Agricultural Science: H. Y. Hind, M. A., Prof, of Chemiatry, Trin. Coll., Toronto. 6o. Chemistry : Henry Croft, D. C. L., Prof, of Chemistry, and Experimental Philosophy, Univ. Coll., Toronto. 6o. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy : J. B. Cherrinmn, M. A., Prof, of Natural Philosophy, Univ. Coll., Toronto. 7o. Engineering and Architecture : Sandlbrd Fleming, C. E. Canadian Naturalist and Geologi«3t. From its commencement in Fe- bruary, 1856. Vol. I ; [edited by E. Billings of Ottawa, and ptiblished first at Ottawa, and after the third number at Montreal.] Vol. II. [conducted by a Committee appointed by the Natural History Society of Montreal; and containing also the Proceedings of that society.] 8vo. Montreal, 18.57. This Magazine is devoted to the diffusion of information upon the geology, joa- Ingy and botany of British North America. The British American Journal of Medical and Physical Science. Edited by Archiliald Hall, M.D., University of McGill College, (associatL.l un- til May 1847, with R. L. Macdonnell, M.P 'i 5 vols. 4to. :ind I vol. 8vo. Montreal, 1845-18.'jl. Medical Chronicle and Montreal Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by Wm. Wright, M.D., and D. C. MacCalluin, M.D. 8vo. 1857. Canadian Economist. Free Trade Journal and Weekly Commercial News. Published in Montreal by the Montreal Free Trade Association, from the 2nd of May 184(5 to "the. 24th of April, 1847. Small Folio. The Canadian Merchant's Magazine and Com., nnnl Review. From its commeuc.mcnt in April, 18.') 7. Published by William Weir & Co. Vol. 1, 8^ . Toronto, 18.')7. Upper C nada Jurist : vide ante, p. 105. Upper Canada Law and E. iity Reports : vide ante, p. 1C5. Upper Canada Iiavr Journal, and Local Cc i- Gjizctte. Formerly J'if d by Janus Patton, and at present by R. A. Harrison and W. 1). Arik.ih ; from its commencement in 1855 to December, 1857. Vols. I, II, III. 4to. IJarrie and Toronto. Each uiiniber contains Reports of cases and decisions of Local and Superior Courts iu Upper Canada, many of which are not published elsewhere. It V' '^M I . ^i:- 1416 CANADIAN LITER AtURE, ETC. [llTTEEATURE, Revue de Legislation et de Jurisprudence, unc collection de docisiona des tribunaux du Bas-Cauada. Premiere annfe. L. 0. Letouincux, di- lecteur geran'. Vol.1. 8vo. Moutrcal, 184.'i'i(J. N, B. — This ■» iijme contains » analytical index to dpciBioci in Court of King's Dench.from 1808 to 1822. Revue de Legislation et do Jurispruetonoe, ; nr S, lai^Wi ,, F. R. Anders, J. U. Bf audry, &c. Vol i. 2nd and 3rd, ii' continuance of tlif foregoing, 8vo. Montreal and Quebec, 1846-4/ -x8. Lower Canada Reports, D6ci;uo:iS des Tribunaux du Bas-Canada. R^dacteurs ; MM. Lcliovre et Argeis.. etc. 7 vols. Svo. Qu jcc, 1S51-57. La\'7 Reporter, the, published monthly. Joariu>l de Juris];. I'denoe, jiubliti m;;usuellemeiit. English Editor,, T. K. Rar.ii.iy, Itedacttur iVaiivi is, L. S. M. ria. Livraisons 1 aS. (Disoontinuo.) Svo. Mont- real, > . ;'>4. Montreal fJcndansod Reports. Precis de dt'ilsions des Tribunaux du district do Montreal. Publie en meme tciiips que le recueil prdcd- dent, tt par lea memes editeurs, mais avee uno pagination differente. (Discontinue en meme tems.) 110 pages. Hvo. Montreal, 1854. La iiuitieme livraiaon contient un index at des tablet' jiour lea deux parties. Le tout reli^ en un volume. Lower Canada Jurist, the. Collection de decisions ihi Bas-Canada. (Pub- lished monthly, by a Committee of Advocates of Montreal.) From January 1857. Svo. Montreal, 1857. The Editors have pIso published Bimultaneously with the periodical, but with a distinct pagination, two valuable papers, entitled. 1. A view of the Civ-il Government and Administration of Justice iu the Province of Canada wliile it was bubjoc^ed to the Crown of France, attributed to William Hey, Eaquire, the second Chief Justice of the Province. 2. A plan for settling the Laws and tlio Administration of Justice in the province of Quebec, also attri- buted to Tfm Hey, Esq. Hodgins, Thomas. The Canada Educational Directory, and Calendar for lPi7- 1858 : containing an account of the Schools, Colleges, and Univeroitics, the Professions, scientiric and literary Institutions [of both sections of the Province] ; decisions of the Courts on school questions, &c., &c;. Svo. Toronto, 1857. It includes historical notices of the Schools and other i- Bt'tutiona enumerated. Journal of Education for Upper Canada: Edited D.D,, Chief Superintendent of Education fr Ilodj. M.A., Deputy Superintenu '.. First > -. Svo. and the others 4to. '■- .:.: . :v-, Egerton Rycrson, ida West, and J. G. i6 to 1H57. 10 vols. lATTJEE, ; dccisiong iiu:ux, di- rt of King's ,nce of tUe las-Caniula. I, Qu' "jec, ii6dactfcur 3vo. Mont- ibunaux du jcueil prcce- a difforente. ;al, 1854. X parties. vada. (Pub- real.) From lical, but with view of the luce of Ciinftda William Hey, for settling the jbcc, also attri- larforlP^7- I Universities, sections of Ins, &c., SiO. ETC., EN CANADxi.] CANADIAN LITEEATURE, ETC. 1417 aumcn ate J. [ton Rycrson, |st, and J. G. \0 vols. Journal de 1' Instruction Publlque, fonde en jamier 1857, et public mensucllement k Montreal, Bas-Canada ; r<;dig6 par Ic Surintendant de I'Education pour le Bas-Canada, (I'lion. P. J. O. Chauveau) et Joseph Lenoir, 6ct. 4to. Montreal, 1857. Outre les articles surles questions d'6(lucation, ohaquo num^ro de ce recueil con- tient la chronique ties uvdnements du inois, et des morceauz choisia de litt^- rature ou d'histoiro. Journal of Education, published monthly, from Ist January 1857, at Montreal, Lower Canada, edited by the Superintendent of Education for Canada East (the Hon. P. J. O. Chauveau,) and John lladiger, Esq. 4to. Montreal, 1857. Canadian Agriculturist. A monthly journal of agriculture, horticulture, mechanics, general science, domestic economy, &c. Edited by George Buckland and William McDougall. Vols. 1 to 9. 8vo. Toronto, 1849-1857. Journal and Transactions of the Agricultural Association and Board of Agriculture of Upper Canada ; from its commencement in April, 1855. Published quarterly under the superintendence of the President, Secre- tary and Treasurer of the Board. [Edited by Professor George Buck- land, the Secretary.] Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. Toronto, 1856-57. Vol. 1 contains a sketch of the Transactions and operations of the Association from its first institution in 1846, with Addresses, Prize Essays, and County and Township Reports ; a notice of the rise and progress of tlie County and Township agricultural societies in Upper Canada, which preceded the insti- tution of the Provincial Association ; the laws passed for the encouragement of Agriculture, and an account of the annual Proviuciul Exhibitions. Journal of Agriculture and Proceedings of the Lower Canada Agricultural Society, published. monthly by Wm. Evans. 3 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1848-1850. Bas-Canada. Journal d' Agriculture et precedes de la Societe d' Agriculture du. Janvier, 1848 u D6cembre, 1850. 3 vol. Svo. Montreal. Journal de 1' Agriculture, et des Travaux de la Chambre d' Agriculture du Bus-Canada. Public sous la direction de M. J. Perrault, sec.-tres. de la Chambre d' Agriculture du Bas-Canada, Elove de I'ecole Impcriale de Grignon etduOoUege Royal Agricolede Cirencester. Svo, Montreal, 1857. Farmer's Journal, the, and Transactions of the Lower Canada Board of Agriculture, (now published under the direction of M. J. Perrault.) 8vo. Montreal, 1857. Almanacs dt Qu^beo, pour les annoes, 1707—1799—1802—1804—1805— ;^;';—1^.07— 1808— 1809— 1810— 1811— 1812— 1815— 1816-1817- 181S— le ' 0-1820— 1821— 1823— 1824— 1825-182&— 1827— 1828— 1829— I83t-"1831—18?'2— ^833-1834— 1835— 1836— 1837— 1840— i8il. 30 vol. 18mo. Quebec. Fols. wanting: Years, 1798—1800—1801—1803—1813—1814— 1822—1838—1839. <*^ ^ w 1418 CANADIAN LITERATURE, ETC. [brochures Tt' Canadian Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge, for the years 1851 —1852— 1853— 1854— 1856— 1850— 1857, in 1 vol. 8vo.' Toronto. Originally prnjecteil aud publislied by Hugh Scohic, and since his dccense by Tliuinas Miicloar. Bc! ■' n ui j held and trratios rnndo between Major Gen. Sir W. jiihnson, i m .he ( hief Sachems and warriors of the Indian nations in North America, in l/'55-5G; with an account of the Six Nations Indians, &■<•• *c London, 1756.. 77 3. A Letter from New Jersey in America, giving some account and description of that proviiiee London, i 756 . .26 4. An account of East Florida, with remnrks on its trade and commerce. London, — — . .90 Tlio account of East 1 lorido written by Wm. Wtoi'k. Jlich. 5. A brief view of the conduct of Pennsylvania for 1755. (being i Sequel to No. 8, in vol. ii.). London, 1756. .88 Sm Rich, voU, p. 117. 6. Proposals for uniting the English Colonies on the continent of America. i^ondon, 1757. .38 7. The contest in America between Great Britain and France, &c., &c. See Ricli, vol. i, p. 121 London. 1757.244 Vol. IV. [Conduct of the War. 1758-1774.] 1. Theatre of the present wnr in North America by A.Y."* Esq.. London, 1758.. 56 2. Occasional reflections on the importance of the war in America. Loudon, 1758 . 139 3. Genuine letters from a volunteer in the British service at Quebec. London, 1758.. 3!) 4. The conduct of Major Gen. Shirley, late commander in chliji o. his Majesty's forces in North America briefly stated. London, 1758 . . 130 Apparently written by Gen. Shirley himself. Rich. 5. The conduct of a noble commander in America, impartially reviewed. London, 1758.. 45 6. Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania to the inhabitants of the British colonies Lc.idon, 1768.118 See Rich. vol. i, p. li"4. 7. The Island of Tabago, its history, from its discovery to 1748 89 Vol. V. [Caja-^i Queat on, Ac, 17^9-1760.] L An enquiry into the causes of: le alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British interest, and into the measures taken for recovering their friend''''p, with a map of Pensylvania ; and the journal of C. F. Post, sent on <.. mis.sion to the Indi .I's London, 1759 184 2. A letter to a Right Honorable Patriot; upon tiie glorious succcf^ at Quebec, in which is drawn a parallel betwv'n a good and a bad general ; and a par- ticular account of the ni, iner ' ^eneral Wolfe's death, by Mr. Grove of Richmond London, 1759. .58 3. Considerations on the 'i tarn of Canada and the Bay and River St. Lawrenc' ; ind of the Ameriean Fisheries dependant on the Islands of Cape Breton, St. John'M. Nfwfounlland, and the seas adjacent. Addres- sed to tb- Right Hon. William Pitt London, 1769. .23 4. The second Journal of Christian Frederick Post, on a message from the governor of Pennsylvania to the Indians on the Ohio London, 1759. .67 AMERI0AINE8.] AlU^HIOAN PAMFULETS. 1421 nr in 1750. .62 n. Sir UI13 III dinnx. , 1756. .77 ription , 1756. .20 Vol. ▼. [Canada Question, Ac, 1759-l'790.]—C'ontinwd. 6. A letter to an Honorable Drigiidicr-Gencral, (Lord (ieorge Townscnd) com- luimdcr in chief of his MajcHty'x forces in Cuimdti London, 1700. .31 6. A redilntion of the ahove letter, by an otfieer London, 1700. .fl2 7. French policy df;re:ited^ bcinj; an account of the original and progress of the present wiir with France, with two maps.. Loudon, 170O. 130 Vol. VI. (The American Stamp Act.] 1. The tiuo intoiost of (ireat Britain with respoct to hor American Colonies, Btatcdnnd impartially t'onsiderud, by a Merchant of London. .London, 1766. .61 List of the minority in the House of Commons, who voted against the Bill to repeal the American Stamp Al 1422 amehican rAMniTiETS. unociinins m: ,i^ 1 :■■> I Vol. VII. fTaxlng tha Colonies, 1766. ] CollHCtion ol ilio most inli)rt'.-.liiiK Triii-U on the «iibjocl« of Taxing the Ameri- can Coloniiis, nnil ro^ulutin;^ thoir Trmio. 2 vols Loiuiou, 1766 Vol. I. ounlniaini^ Trnnt'* monlly fli-st printeil In America. 1. A Dofonco of tho Now Knulnnil Cliiiitors, by J«r. Diimmdr 88 2. Till' Rights ol the Hrilisli rolonlc-t nHscrlt)(l ami |)roveci, by Jamos ()iiH..I20 3. Coiisidoralinns on the Proprioty of Impo.^iiig Taxos in tho Hriti.nh Coloiiios. . .81 4. Tlio luto R()j;u hit ions resportirt^ tho Uritish Colonies in Amrrioii, oi>riMi(ifrBii...62 5. Tlio Into Oocurronoes iu Nortli America and Policy of (Jiuut Uritain con- sidered 43 6. A 1 account of a lato Confon-nco on tho Ocourrenoes in America 40 Vol. Vm. [Taadng tho Colonloa, 1766. J Collection of interexting Tracts, Ac. — Vol. II. 1. Tho Rights of Parliurnent Vimlicatnd on occa.'^ion of tho Into Stamp Act . .44 '2. An application of some gi'noral political rules to tho present state of (Jreat Britain, Ireland and America 86 8. A short history of tho Conduct of the present Ministry, with regard to the American Stamp Act 21 4. Tho celebrated Speech of a celebrated Commoner 17 5. Correct copies of the Two Protests against the Hill to Repeal the American Stamp Act, with lists of the Speakers and Voters 24 6. List of the Minority in tho House of Commons who voted against tho Bill to repeal the Ameiican Stamp Act 8 7. The Privileges of the Island of Jamaica vindicated, with an impartial narra- * live of tho lato ilispute between the (iovernor and House of Representa- tives, upon tho case of Mr. Olypliant, a Member of that House ; with an Appendix, giving an Historical account of the establishment of the Colony, its Constitution and form of (lovernmcint 113 Vol. IX. [TheQuesUon of Right, 1768 -1769.] 1. A letter to tho Right Honorable Wills, Earl of Hill.«borough on tho connec- tion between Great Britain and her American Colonies,[by(ieorgo Canning.] London, 1768.. 40 2. Conf*iilerations on procoetlings by Information and Attachment. London, 1768. .48 3. Considerations on the measures carrying on with respect to tho British Colonies in North America. London, . 160 4. Bland, R. Enquiry into the Rights of tho British Colonies. .London, 1769.. 23 5. A short view of the History of tlio Colony of Massachusetts Bay with res- pect to their original Charter and Constitution London, 1769.. 71 6. Otis, James. A vindication of tlie British Colonies. ... Lontlon, 1769. .48 7. Shall I go to war with my American Hiethren ? A discourse from Judges the 20th and 28th, addressed to all concerned in determining that impor- tant question London, 17G9. .42 8. The Rights of the Colonies, and the extent of the Legislative Authority of Great Britain, stated and considered . . .London, 1769. .20 9. A letter to the Right Honorable the Earl of Hillsborough, on the present aituation of Affairs in America London, 1769. 117 10, An Inquiry into the nature and causes of tho present disputes between the Brhish Colonies in America and their Mother Country .... London, 1769. .76 11. Thoughts on the Origin and Nature of Government London, 1769.. 64 m> AMERICAINE8.] AMERICAN FAMPHLKTS. 1422 Vol, X. [Masaaor« In Boston, &o., 17';0-177a.l 1. A Hlinrt iiarialivu ol tlui horriil Miixiauru in Ho«ton, March (i\\\, 1770, by SoMiors of ttio 'ilhli London, 177t 166 2. Till! Trial o( NVrn. Wctnins, J. llurtt^i^iiii, Wni. McCiiiilny and oltiors for the Muiiim of C. Attuck!*, H. Gray, S. Maverick, J. Caldwell and P. Carr nt Honton on tho 5lli March, 1770 London, -.216 3. Ob.ttirvalious on sovoral Acts of Pariiamont passed in tho Fourtli, Sivth and Suvonth years of liis pri'sont Mnji^sly's llcign Loniion, 1770.. 37 4. Kt'port of tho liortls Commig."ioriers forTrado and Plantations on tho petition of thi! lion. Thomas Wnlpoio, Umijiimin h'rankiin and others, foraCirantof Lund on tho Ohio in North Atnuvicato erect a now Government. London, 1772 . 108 Vol. XI. [The Conitltutlonal Question, &o., 1774.] 1. SehH't icttt^rs on the Trade and (lovorntnent of Americ?.. Written by Qor. Hernnrd nt IJoston, in 1703, '4, '8, '6, '7, '8. With proceedings of tho AnHonibly a the landc'd Interest, on the question whether a connection with or a separation from the continental colonies of America, be most for the national advantage and the lasting benefit of these Kingdoms ; third Edition London, 1776.. 94 5. A series of Answers to certiin popular objections, against separating from the Rebellious Colonies, and discarding them entirely ; being the concluding tract of the Deau of (iloucester, on the subject of Anicrienn affairs. Gloucester, 1776 108 Vol. XIX. [Cooper's Letter, Ouseley'a Remarks, Emigration, &c. 1831-2-3.] L A letter of J. Feniiuoro Coopnr to Gonoral Lafayette on the expenditure of the United States of America I'aris, 183] . .50 2. Reports of the Board of .Managers of the Pennsylvania Colonization so '.ty London, 1831 ..48 3. Ouseley (Win. Gore.) Remarks on the statistics and political institutions of the United States London, 1832.208 4. Ilore (Maurice 1*.) Ski tchcs, ini.seellaneous, descriptive and stalisticMl, of the se;it of the Feder d (iovoriiment, the States of Virginiii, Mar) land, Pennsyl- vania, I)el\war.', New Jer.sey, New York, Hampshire, Conncctitut, Vermont and Ma.ssaehusetls, &c Cork, 1 832 . . 93 5. The Fourteenth report of the American Society for colonizing the Free I'cople of Colour of the I'nited Slates Wasliiii;^loii, 1831, pp. x.\v.,32 6. Memorial of the New York Convention of Friends of Domestic Iiuiu.-trv. Boston, 18.32. .48 7. Tract on the Anurican scheme of establishing colonies of Free Ne^ro emi- grants oti the coast of Africa, as exemplified in Liberia . . .Edinburgh, ..16 8. A copy of a letter from J. Freeman, togither with a letter and extracts of litters from s(ttlers in the Huron tract, and other parts of Upper Canada cotitaining n-cful information re.>^pecting tlial country. .Framlinyhani, 1832.. 12 9. American criti. isni-i on Mm. Trollope's " Domestic manners of the Americans." London, 1833. .64 AMEKICAlNiiS.] AMERICAN PAMPHLETS. 1427 pie K\V. 32 832. .48 iiii- — . .16 s of ida 832. .12 the ^33 .64 Vol. mX.— Continued 10. Letters from Sussex Emigrants, who sailed in 1832, for Upper Canada, extracts fi-nin writers on Emigrution to Canada, from Canadian newspapers, fjc, and a (ii'.zctteer of the places named in the letters.. . .Petworth, 1833. 107 Vol XX. [North America. 1800-1817.] 1. Letters from Paris to the Citizens of the UnitRd Statesof America, on the system of Policy hitherto pursued by their Goveriiment, relative to their Commercial intercourse with England and France, &i:. By Joel Barlow. London, 1800.. 116 2. American Arguments for British Rights ; being a republication of the celf brafed Letters of Phocion, on the .subject of Neutral Trade ; with a pre- face by the English Editor London, 1806, pp. xii. .74 3. Memoire sur les relations commc-ieiales des Etats-Unis avec I'.Angletcrre, par Talleyrand, auivi d'un Essai sur les avantagcs a rciircr de colonics nouvdles dans les circonstances presentes, par le nicnie ... I c.dre?, 1808. .47 4. Exposition of the causes and character of the hrte War with GrcMt Hr'tain. Published by authority of the American Government Loudon, 1815 . . 101 5. The soundness of the policy of protecting Domesti< Manufactures ; fully established by A, Hamilton, i.i his Uepori to Congress on the subject, and by Thos. Jefferson in a letter to B. Austin Philadelphia, 1817. .24 6. Hints to Emigrants from Europe to the Uniced States of America, on subjects Economical and Political, affecting their welfare. By the Shamrock Society of New York London, 1817.. 29 7. Address of the American Society for tha encouragement of Domestic Manu- factures to the people of the United States New York, 1817. .32 8. Sketch of the British Fur Trade in North America ; with observations relative to the North West Company of Montreal. By the Earl of Selkiik. London, 1816.. 130 9. Letter to the Earl of Selkirk, on his settlement at the Red RUlt, near ILid- son's Bay. By John Strachan, D.D., Rector of \ork, U. C. .London, 1816. .76 10. Narrative of occurrences in the Indian Countrii's of North America, since the connexion of the Earl of Selkirk with the Iluds-on's Bay Company, Sec; with an Apptndi.x London, 1817 . . p. 152; Apx . .87 Vol. XXI. [History and Sciencea, 1843-1857.] 1. The Dutch at the North Pole and the Dutch iu Maine. B. J. Watts de Pcyster. Published by the New York Historical .'-'ociety. .New York, 1857. .80 2. An .\dd-css delivered before the New York Historical Society, by Daniel Webster, February 23rd, 1852 New York, 1852 . .57 3. New \ork Historical Society, Semi-Centcuuial celebration ; with an oration on the necessity, tlie reality, and the prouiise of the Pro^rcjs of the Human Race, by George Bancroft New York, 18.54. .9t) 4. American Philosophical Society, for promoting useful knowlcd^^e. Celcbra- tion of the hundredth Anniversary, on the 'J5th May, 18 13; with a dis- course by Dr. Patterson, on the origin, prigres.s and labours of tlie tociety, followed by the proceedings at a special meetin<^ held on the 26, 27, '29 and 3()th May, in further celebration of the occasion, with ;.. .tracts of scientific papers then read, &c ... I'hiladelphia, 1843 . .232 1428 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [brochures It Vol. XXII. [Sciences, Ac. 1850 1856.] 1. Inaugurntion of the Dudley Observatory, at Albanv, August 28lh, 1856, in- cluding: a Eulogy on tiie Hon. C. E Dudley, by Washington Hunt; re- marks by Dr. B. A. Gould, Professor Bache ; a letter from Mrs. Dudley ; a discourse on the uses of Astronomy, by Edward Everett ; n Poem, by Alfred B. Street ; and letter, Ac, of the Scientific Council.. Albany, :s56. .139 2. Hitchcock, Edward. Discourse delivered during the session of the American Association for the advancement of Science, on the Religious Bearin.^s of Man's Creation Albany, 1856 . .52 3. Hopkins, Mark. Sermon delivered before the some Association, on Science and Religion Albany, 1856.. 35 4. Hopkins, Bishop. Discourse delivered before the same Association, on the relations of Science and Religion Albany, 1856. .30 5. Report on the Smithsonian Catalogue System.. . .Washington, 1850, pp. 04 . .17 Vol. XXIII. [Lower Provincea, 1756-18&3.] 1. Representation of His Majesty's Right to Nova-Scofia, — from the Memorials of the English Commissaries ; with answers to objections. . Lonilon, 1756. .64 2. Letter to the President of the Board of Trade on the proposed Colonial Timber Duties, and on the value and importance of the British North American Colonies. ByAV. Sabatier London, 1821 . .75 3. Report of the Superintendent of Education on the Schools of Nova Scotia, for 1850 Halifax, 1851.. 128 4. Belcher's Farmer's Almanack, for the year 1851 Halifax, N. S. 98 5. , for 1853 Halifax, N. S. .112 0. Nugent's Nova Scotia People's Almanack, for 1853 Halifax, N. S. .132 2. CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. | 2. BROCHURES CANADIENNES. Vol. I. [Brochures publlees par I'honorableD. B. Vlger, 1826-1844.] 1. Analyse d'un entretien sur la conservation des etablissumcnts du Bas- Canada, des loix, dri usages, etc., de ses habitants. Par un Canadian, dans une lettre a un de ses amis Montreal, 1826. .46 2. Memoire de De.i's Benjamin Vigcr, t5cnyer, et de Marie Amahle Foreticr, son epousc, Ajipelant:^ ; eonfre 1'oussaini Pothier, eciiyer, et autres, Iiithnfs, & la Cour Provinciale d'Appel, d'un jugemcnt de la Conr du Banc du Roi de Montreal pour les causes eiviles, du 20 tevrier, 1827. . . Montreal, 1827 .170 3. Observations de I'hon. 1). B. Viger, contre la proposition faite dans le Conseil Legislatif le 4 de Mars 18.3^, de rejetcr le Bill de I'Assemblee pour la nomination d'un Agent tc. Lond. 1769. .16 .1. Letter to the inhabitants of the Province of Quiboc. Extracted from the nuniitcs of the Congress Philadelphia, 1774. .13 4. Sailing Directions for the Gulph and River St. Lawrence, with occasional re- marks Philadelphia, 1774. 36 CANAUIENNES.] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. 1431 Vol. V. [Historical and Political Tracts, 1824-39. | 1. Obscrviitioiis on tlio proposed Union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canadii, by James Stuart, agent of the petitioners for that measure. London, 1824.. 114 2. Letter from J. L. Papineau and J. Ntilson, Esqs., addressed to ilis Majesty's under Secretary of State on the subject of the proposed Union of Upper and Lower Canada ; with appendix London, 1824. .81 3. Abstract of a b'll for uniting the Legislative Councils and Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canadii in one Legislature London, 1824 . .29 4. A reply to the report of the Earl of Durham, by a Colonist (Judge Ilaliburton.) London, 1839.. 91 5. Facts versus Lord Durham. Remarks on Lord Purham's Report, so far as relates to Prince Edward's Island ; with a tabular view of the Hritish Pro- vinces in North America. By a Proprietor London, 1839. .21 6. A letter to Lord Melbourne on the Executions in Canada, with remarks on Capital Punishment, by a Modern Moralist London, 1839. .36 7. Letter to Viscount Melbourne on the Ordinance of the Earl of Durham. London, 1839.. 32 Vol. VI. [Historical and Political Tracts, 1824-1857.1 1. Statistics of the trade, ind\istry and resources of Canada, and the other Plan- tation.s in Ikitish America, by [lenry Bliss London, 1833. 169 2. Letter from J. L. Papineau and J. Neilson, on the proposed Union of the two Canadas London, 1824 . .81 3. Letter respecting a plan for a general Union of the British provinces, and on the proposed union of the Canadas London, 1824 . .27 4. Remarks on a plan " for a general Legislative Union of the British provinces in North Anuriea" London, 1824.. 20 5. Essay on the Oregon question, written for the Shakespeare Club, by Edmund A. Meredith, L. L. B Montreal, 1846 43 6. Two lectures on Car da, by Rollo Campbell, of Montreal, delivered at Greenock, 20th anu 23d January, 1857 Montreal, 1857.. 47 7. Return to an Address of the Legislative Assembly for copies of charters, leases, &c., under which the Hudson's Bay Company claim title to the Hud- son's Bay Territory ; including a memorandum by the lion. J. Cauv^hon, Commissioner of Crown Lands, on the subject of territory, boundary and jurisdiction Toronto, 1857. .75 8. llapport du comite charge do prendre et recueillir des informations relatives aux droits de la compagnie de la Bale d'Hudson, en vertu de sa charte, &c. Toronto, 1857.. 2 7 Vol. VII. [Geography, &c , 1854-1857.] 1. Le Canada, courte esquisse de sa position geographique, son climat, scs ressources, etc. Publie par autorite 'i'oronto, 1857 . .23 2. Same work in German 26 3. Same work in Norwegian 20 4. Montreal and the Ottawa, two lectures before the Mechanics' Instituteof Mon- treal, in January 1853 and 1854; by Thos. C. Keefcr. . . Montreal, 1854. .73 5. The United Counties of Frontenac, Leimox and Addin^ton; a prize essay, by C. W. Cooper Kingston, 1856.105 d. A view of Russian America, in connection with the present war ; by A. 11. Roche ^. . . Montreal, 1855 . .70 III ! ^l' !rl- i.''i. 1432 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [BROCnURES M I!, <^v !f . In |i|:.:*i Vol. vni. [PoUtloal and Historical, 1839-18S7.] 1. Notes upon the South Western Doundary line of the British Provinces of Lower Canada and New Brunswick and the United States of America. Montreal, 1839.. G3 2. Ciibbeer Burr ; or the tree of many trunks: Part 1, British Empire ; Part 2, United Kingdom ; Part 3, Canada Montreal, 1841 . .33 3. On the forthcoming union of the two CanadaSfby Henry Taylor. Montrcal,l841.,.88 4. On the present condition of United Canada, us regards her agriculture, trade and connnerce, by Henry Taylor Toronto, 1850.188 .5. On the intention of tl.j British Government to unite the Provinces of British North America, and a review of sou\c events which took place during the last session of the Provincial Parliament. By H. Taylor Hamilton, 1857 . .67 Vol. IX. [Political Tracts, 1827-1840] 1. Letter from Delta to Senex, containing some observations and strictures on a late manifesto published in the newspapers, in a sinister form of an address from a junto of membrrs of the I'rovincial Parliament of Lower Canada to their constituents, to which is added an Appendix consisting of the speech of His Exc.'lleney the Governor in chief on proroguing the latt session of Provincial Parliament, and the said manifesto Montreal, 1827. 136 2. Rapport du comite de la cbambre dcs conununes sur le gouvernement civil du Canada; 22 juillet 1828.. 13 3. Observations sur la reponse de Malhieu, Lord Aylmer, h. la deputation du Tattcrsall ct sur le discours du tres Hon. E. G. Stanley dans la cbambre des communes, sur les affaires du Canada, le 15 avril 1834. Montreal, 1834. .40 4. Memoires relatifs a remprisonnement de I'hon. D. B. Viger ..Montreal, 1840.. 57 Vol. X. [Miscellaneous, 1834-1839.] 1. Young, G. R. Letters to the Right Hon. E. G. Stanley, upon the existing treaties with France and America, as regards their " ilights of Fishery" upon the coasts of Nova Scotia, Labrador and Newfoundland; the viola- tions of these treaties by thesubjccts of both power.s, &c., with a general view of the Colonial Policy : with a map London, 1834. 193 2. Canadian, British American, and West Indian Magazine. The Nos. for February, .March, April, May and June, 1839; containing a History of Canada, to the treaty of Utrecht, in 171. "J, Reviews of Lord Durham's Report letters from (.!anadian politicians and public men, papers on Emigration, iucluding additional letters from the Petwortli Emigrants, &c 1839.224 3. Neilson, Joseph. Observations upon Emigration to Upper Canada, with a brief topographical sketch of the ditferent Districts of the Province ; a prize Essay Kingston, 1837 . . 74 4. Rise and of the recent Popular movements in Lower Canada. From the Patriot Extra (United States Newspaper,) Dec. 15th 1837, followed by a letter to a friend, on the same movements, bearing no signature and dated Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1838 Extract, 12. Letter. . 18 5. Horton, Sir R. W. Ireland and Canada; supported by local evidence. " In- tended lo prove the facility with which sufferings in Ireland may be cun- vertcd into comfort and prosperity in British North America." London, 18.39 .iH 6. Correspondence between the Right Hon. Sir R. \V, Ilorton and J. B. Ro- binson, f^sq., Chief Justice of Upper Canada, upon the foregoing pamphlet. (Ireland and Canada.) London, 1839, .32 CANADIENNES.] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. 1433 Vol. Z. — Continued. 7. Morris, P. A short reply to the speech of Earl Aberdeen and also a letter to the Most Noble the Marquis of Norinanby, on the state of Newfoundland. Liverpool, 1839. 19 Vol. XI. [PoUtloai r:v J HlBtorloal Tracts, 1837-1839.] kl. Remarks on tho Proceedings ns to Canada, in the present Session of Parlia- ment. By one of the Gomiuissioners, 10th April, 1837 London, 1837.. 67 2. A plain Statement of tho Quarrel with Canada ; in which is considered who first infringed tho Constitution of tho Colony London, 1838 . .20 3. Yule, Major P. Remarks on the North Wustern Boundary of New Brunswick, bordering on tho United States, with a Sketch of the disputed territory. London, 1838.. 2'3 4. The Bubbles of Canada. (By Judge Haliburton.) London, 1839.332 6. Young, G. A. The Canadian Question ... London, 1839. .83 6. Bowles, Capt. Suggestions for the Conveyance of our Reinforcements to Canada London, 1837. .12 7. Ordinunce of the Earl of Durham, ''lettcr to ViiJcount Melbourne on the, — By a Commoner London, 1839.. 32 8. Ilorton, Sir R. W, Ireland and Canada ; supported by Local Evidence. London, 1839 . .78 Vol. Xn. [MlsceUaneoua, 1817-18S2.] 1. Letters from tho Dorking Emigrants who went to Upper Canadr, in 1832. Edited by Charles Barclay Loidon, 1833. .44 2. View of the Eastern Townships of Lower Canada ; with hint" for their impro- vement. With a Map. By the Rev. Dr. Charles Stewart London, 1817. .20 3. Essay on the Juridical History of France so far as relates to the Law of Lower Canada. By the Hon. Chief Justice Sewell Quebec, 1824.. 84 4. Comparative advantages between the United States and Canada for British Suttlers. A letfcr to Capt. Barclay, of Ury ,in reply to mis-statements in his "Agricultural Tour." By Thomas Rolph London, 1842. 32 5. Canada : its growth and prospects, f v 'ectures by the Rev. Adam Lillie. Toronto, 1852.. 47 6. Journal of Visitation in Western Cariauu by the Lord Bishop of Toronto, in 1842. With a Map of the Diocc o London, 1846.. 64 7. Letter to Lord John Russell on the present state of tho Church in Canada. By John, Lord Bishop of Toronto London, 18,51 . .22 8. The Rectories of Upi)er Canada : a Return to an Address of the House of Commons dated lllh Marc', i839- with an Anpendix of documents re- lating to the Clergy Reserves, fron: the Toronto Colonist. .Toronto, 1852. .54 9. Party Spirit; a scriouii e.vpostuhition with the Revd. Vi(ar of St. Peter's, Sheffield. By the Rev. Canon Trevor. Third Edition . . . .Sheffield, 1851 . .47 Vol. Xin. [Head's Narrative, &o., 1839.] 1. Head, Sir Francis B. Narrative, with Appendix London, 1839.526 2. Narrative. Prcfac "nd supplementary Chapter to the third edition London, 1839. .36 '^. Glenelp;, Lord. Despatches to Sir F. B. Head, during his Administration of the Government of Upper Canada London, 1839.193 k-n J' : •• ;^ 1434 CANADIAN PAMrnLETS. [bIIOCIIURES Vol. XIV. [Li i ' 'Uuiham'a Report, Quebeo Act, &o , 1839] 1. Diirhniii, Lttil of. Report mul DospntchuH on the AffiiiM of British North Ainericn London, 1839. 423 2. DobatcBoftho Ilouseof Conmons in thoyear 1774, on li. li.iifor the (lovern- mcnt of llio Province of Quebec. Now first published by I. Wright. W'i til two Maps of Canndn, from the first and second editions of Mitchell's Map of British North Anierica, published in 1765 London, 1839.303 Vol. XV. [FoUtlcal TracU, &c. 1827-1839.] 1. Report of the Court of Directors of the Canada Company, 28th June, 1827. . London, 18-27.. 24 2. ObservalionB on the Importance of the North American Colonies to (Jreat Britain. By an Uld Inhabitant of British North America. (Mr. (Inlibiirton.) London, IH'.il . .49 3. Remarks on the Proceedings as to Canada in the present Se ,sion of Parlia- ment: by one of the Commissioners London, 1837. .67 4. A correct Account of the Rise and Progress of the recent Popular Move- ments in Lower Canada Bung ly, 1838 . . li 5. The Canadian Crisis and Lord Durham's Mis.sion to the North American Colonies. By M. N. " London, 1838.. 56 6. The Canailian Controversy ; its origin, nature and merits liondon, 1838. .84 7. fiorc, (Montague.) Observations on the Disturbances in Canada. liOndon, 1838.. 38 8. Report from the Select Committee of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada on the State of the Province, with an Appendix Toronto, 1838.167 9. Notices of the Rideau Canal; by a Friend to Justice and Merit. AVith a sketch of the Chaudiere Bridge Kingston, U. C, 1832.. 23 10. F.ii.>''t of the Huron Fishing Company, with sketches of Gbcghcts Islands rui'.ii if the River Savginc, and of the principal fishing stations. London, 1839.. 15 Vol. XVI ,.,{ jports of Royal Commlsslonera, &c. 1836-1840.] 1. Iviniovt of the Royal Commissioners appointed to enquire into the State of Canada Quebec, 1836. .87 2. Rnpport de Lord Durham, Ilaut Coinniissaire de Sa Mnjeste, etc. sur les afTaircsdc r.\moriiue Br'tannicpie Quebec, 1840. .78 Vol. XVII. [Historical and Political Tracts, 1834-1842] 1. Les 9'2 Resolutions ct debats sur icelles, &c., 1834 80 2. Notes divcrses sur Ic Bas-Canada, par Amury Girod, cultivatcur h Varenncs, Debart/.ch, 1835.129 3. Report of the case of John Teed on an application for a W'nt of Habeas Corpus, decided by the Court of Kiir.;'8 Bench at Qutbec : also the opinions of Justices Panel and Btdard Quebec, 1839.. 11 4. Letters on Responsible Government and an Union of the colonies of British North America. By George R. Young, Ksq Halifax, 1840. .28 6. Letters to the Right lion. Lord Stanley, &c , an opinion showing that the proposed repeal of the union existing between the Island of Cape Breton and Nova Scotia, would be unconstitutional, as well as inexpedient. Halifax, 1842.. 14 Vol. XVin. [Tracts, Political and Historical, 1839-1851] 1. Histoire de I'liisurreetion du Canada, par L. J. Papineau, en refutation du Rapport de Lord Durham Burlington, 1839.. 35 2. Six lectures sur I'annexlon du Canada aux Etats-Unis, par L. A. Dessnulles. Montreal, 1851.. 200 CANADIAN NKS.] CANADIAN PAMPJILKTS. 1436 du 339.. 35 les. 1 . .200 Vol. XIX. [Political Tracts, 1C45-18961 Faffcs 1. CorroHpomlniicc eiitre riio 1. W. H. Draper ct I'lioM. U. K. Curon, tt cntrt riion. II E. (.'uroii tt Ics Ions. I,. II. Liilontiiino et A. N. Morin. Montrtnl, 1N4(! .35 The Buinc ill Kiiglish. '2. llcviio (li! Ill rcvuu du paniphli't mid ( ^jn'iuliturcs of Cnnadii, com- piirc'd with tlio.'fe ufthe i.righj ■ Ue of .N'cw Y i'k, witli a ri>iind) torclii've the province fro.' ci- penditure, diroet taxation, &c. l\y W. !l. .Mciritt, .M.P. P m. i.'athaiinos, C. \V., 184,1. .-22 5. Do>'unu'iits i-olnting to thj re ., I'.Mndian .Ministry in Septem- ber, l8.">4. Speech of llu i. !■. II. lespoadenee with Mr. Wilson, M. I'. I', Ae Uuebee, 18.34.. 27 6. La I'leiade RonRe, par Gaxp:ird Le Mage ... . . .Qiabi. e, 18.51-.) . .'2i 7. How patriotic services .ire rewarde 1 in C'ni:ida, osenipliHcd iu the case of Major Laciiian, liiti' o!" Muiitrt'.-il (Jincninai , lM.i(>..16 Vol, XX, iPoUtlcal and Hlatoiical, 1836-1844. | 1. Existing difficulties i;i the(ioveninient of the Canada.-,: by J, A. Roebuck, ALP, London, 183G..G8 2. Recent 0''ciiiTence.^ in Canada ; from the " Monthly Repository" of February, I83(i London,. .l(i ;). Speech of Sir W. Molesworth Ht. on the Canada Bill, •i3rd January 1838. . . London, 1838. .48 4. Reply to the Report of the Earl of Durham, by a (Judge lialiinirton.) London, l83 )"'■ ■ t^K '''' ^'' k i^^H ; 'i'Sf-' 'fl^H' /. 'XJI '.^B'^:- '^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) <- ^>^ '' ^^^.% 1.0 If-K* I 1^1 I.I 2.5 2.2 2.0 m 1.25 1.4 1.6 < 6" t, ^ /a m Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 lo 6 -t ^ A f '%^ 4h<^^ 9 ''I 1486 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [brochures .H'ii^ Vol. XXn. [PoUtlcal and HUtorloal, 1847-1856.] Pages 1. Suggestions on the military resources of Canada, and the means of organizing a small provincial army for the defence of the colony, by A. Roche. . 1853. .18 2. How patriotic services are rewarded in Canada, exemplified in the case of Major Lachlan, late of Montreal Cincinnati, ] 856 . . 16 3. Narrative of the failure of an attempt to establish a great national insti- tution, for the reception of Orphan Children of Officers of the British Army; but so constituted, as to form, at the same time, a seminary for the Education of Officers' sons and daughters in general ; by Major Lachlan. Montreal, 1854.. 45 4. Duane.W. Canada and the continental congress of 1774-76. Philadelphia, 1850. .20 5. Mountain, G.J. Bishop of Montreal. Thoughts on Annexation in connexion with the duty and the interest of members of the church of England, and as affiicting some particular religious questions Quebec, 1849 . .28 6. Tellier, Rev. Pere. Discours prononce le jour de la celebration de la fete de St. Jean Baptiste k Toronto Toronto, 1851 . .11 7. The Clergy Reserves. A letter from the Bishop of Toronto to the Honorable A. N. Morin Toronto, 1854.. 27 8. FitzGibbon, Col. A.n appeal to the people of the late province of Upper Canada, on his claims for public services Montreal, 1847. .65 9. Thoughts on the last Election, and matters connected therewith, by an old citizen . Montreal . . 16 Vol. ZXIII. [Miscellaneous, 1856-1857.] 1. Haliburton, Hon. Mr. Justice. Address on the present condition, resources and prospects of British North Ameiica, delivered the 25th March, 1S57, at Gla,sgow Montreal, 1857 . . 17 2. The Seat of (Government of Canada, its Legislative Council and "double majority" question, &c. By Dunbar Ross, Esq Quebec, 1856 . .35 3. Ml Calmont, Robert. Letter to the Shareholders of the Grand Trunk Rail- way of Canada, with a report to him by Mr. LiJdell, on the best mode of bridging the S', Lawrence, at Montreal, together with counter-reports by MM. R. Stephenson, L K. Brunei, Ed. Clark and A. M. Ross, and replies to each, by Mr. Liddell London, 1856 . .77 4. Montreal in 1856. A sketch prepared for the celebration of the opening of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada Montreal, 1856. .51 5. Return to an Address of the Houorabio Legislative Assembly, requiring copie.s of any Charters, Leases, or other Documents, under which the Honorable Hudson's Bay Company claims Title to the Hudson's Bay Territory, or any Maps relating thereto in the possession of the Govern- ment Toronto, 1857.. 75 6. Report of the Committee appointed to receive and collect evidence as to the i-ights of the Hudson's BayCompany under their Charter, &c. Toronto, 1857. .25 Vol. ZZIV. [Colonization and Bmigration, 1851-1857.] 1. Premier et second rapports du comite special, nomme pour s'enquerir des causes qui retardent la colonisation des townshipb de I'Est ilu Bas- Canada Quebec, 1851 . 170 2. Information for Emigrants on the Ottawa and Opeongo Rond, and its vici- nity ; by T. P. French. Crown Land Agent Ottawa, 1857. .36 3. Traill's (Mrs.) Female Emigrant's Guide. Fourth edition. Toionto, 1854. .218 !HURES CANADIENNES.] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. 1437 Pages .18 liztng .1853. ase of , 1856.. 16 insti- British for the hlan. 1, 1854.. 45 ia, 1850.. 20 nnexion nd, and ■c, 1849.. 28 I fete de to, 1851.. 11 onorable ito, 1854..27 of Upper eal, 1847..65 by an old Montreal.. 16 vesources ,rch, 1857, gal, 1837.-17 double :bec, 1S56..35 nk Rfiil- mode of reports by lloss, and idon, 1856..77 )peiiing of reid, 1856..51 requiring which the Ison's Bay e Govern- onto, 1B57..75 e a.s to the onto, 1857.. 25 Iquerir des 1 du Bas- kbec, 1851.170 Id its vici- lawa, 1857..36 Into, 1854.. 218 Vol. XXV. [Colonisation, etc., 1855-1857.] Page* 1. Annual Report of A. G. Buchanan, Esq., on the Emigration to Canada, during the season of 1854 Quebec, 1855. .35 2. Rapport du comite special, nomine pour s'enquerir des causes de i'6raigra- tion du Canada aux Etats Unis d'Amgrique ou ailleurs. . Toronto, 1857. .149 Vol. XXVI. [Agriculture, Bmigration, &c., 1790-1850.] 1. Papers and Letters on Agriculture, recommended to the attention of the Canadian Farmer, by the Agricultural Society in Canatla, (in English and French.) Quebec, 1790. .35 2. Essai pratique sur la mauiire de reparer et entretenir les chemins publics ; par J. L. McAdam Quebec, 1819. .12 3. Prix offerts par la Societe d'Agriculture de Quebec, 1827-8. Cette brochure contient, en outre, des notes : premilrement, sur la manidre de faire des chapeaux de paille, semblables ^ ceux de Livourne; seconJement, sur les engrais ; troisi^niement, sur lamanidre de blanchir les toiles de lin et de chanvre 29 4. Notes diverses sur le Bas-Oanada ; par Amury Girod. Village Debartzch, 1835..63 5. The Canadian Quarterly Agricultural and Industrial Magazine. By Wm. Evans. Vol. 1, No. 1, for May, 1888 Montreal, 1838 , .72 6. Letters, &c., by Robert Gourlay, on Emigration Societies, in Scotland, written in 1828 and 29 .^32 7. Account of Prince Edward Island, addressed to intending Emigrants. By J. L. Lewelliii Charlotte- Town, 1832.. 29 8. The Emigrant and Traveller'.^ Guide to and through Canada, by way of the River St. Lawrence as well as by way of the United States of Ame- rica, &c. By John Murray London, 1835. .64 9. Memoranda of a Settler in Lower Canada, with Hints to Emigrants. By an Emigrant Farmer. (The Rev. J. Abbott.) Montreal, 1842. .80 10. Canada in 1848 ; an examination of the existing resources of Britisli North America ; with considerations on colonization. By M. H. Synge, R. E. London, 1848.. 32 Appendix to the above, being a latter to Earl Grey, by the Hon. Adam Ferrie Montreal, 1847. ..7 11. Information for intending Emigrants to Upper Canada. By F. Widder, Commissioner of the Canada Company Toronto, 1850. .12 Vol. XXVU [Agriculture, 1842-1857.] 1. Manuel elementaire et pratique de I'art agricole, ou notions pratiques sur I'agriculture, par un Membre du Clerge Canadien Montreal, 1853. .32 2. Les veillles canadieunes ; traite elementaire d'agriculture, a I'usage des habitans franco-canadiens, par Frs. M. F. Ossaye Quebec, 1852. 150 3. Nouveau systeme de comptabilite agricole ; ou methods sure et facile pour bien gerer les operations d'une ferrae, par F. M. F. Ossaye .Montreal, 1853 . ,35 4. Traite sur la tenue generale d'une terre dans le Bas-Canada, par un habi- tant du district de Montreal. Public par ordre de Son E.xcelience le gouverneur general (Lord Elgin) et presente par lui aux cultivateurs du Bas-Canada Montreal, 1851 . . 13 5. Societe d'agricuhure du Bas-Canada. Objet, statuts et riglements. Liste des directeurs, etc Montreal, 1847.. 16 j;'.:|: iv ». (■- li'j 1438 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [brochures Vol. XXVll—Oontinited. Pago* 6. By-Laws of the Western District Literary Philosophical and Agricultural Association ; with a discourse by the President, Major Lachlan. Sandwich, 1842.. 29 7. Essai sur les insectes et les maladies qui aflectent le ble, par Emilien Dupont Montr6al, 1857 . .38 Vol. XXVin. [Agriculture, 1850-1855.] 1. Rapport du comite special sur I'etat de I'agriculture du Bas-Canada. Toronto, 1850.. 159 2. Rapport du comite special sur le rapport de la societe d'af^riculture du Bas-Canada, el sur celui de la societe d'agriculture dn comtede Beauhar- nois Quebec, 1851. .145 3. Esquisse de I'agriculture Flamande, telle qu'elle pent s'appliquer au per- fectionneraent de I'agriculture en Canada ... Montreal, 1855. .164 4. Outlines of Flemish husbandry, as applicable to the improvement of Agricul- ture in Canada Montreal, 1855.144 Vol. ZZIX. [PubUc Lands, Agriculture, &o., 1855-1856.] 1. Report of the Select Committee appointed to enquire into the present system and management of the Public Lands Quebec, 1855. 187 2. Boutillier, T. Report on the progress of settlement in the townships of Lower Canada, during the year 1855. ByT. Houtillier. .. Toronto, 1856 . .72 3. Etat des sommes depensees h meme I'octroi de £30,000, vote dans le but d'aider a I'etablissement des terves vacantes de la Couronne dans le Bas- Canada. Rapport de M. T. Boutillier Quebec, 1855. .58 Vol. XXK. [Reports on Crown Lands, 1824-1857.] 1. Rapport du commissaire des terie.j de la couronne du Canada, pour I'annee 1856 Toronto, 1857.304 2. Seventh Report of the Committee ofth' '?e of Assembly on the settle- ment of the Crown Lands. With the s of evidence. ..Quebec, 1824.295 3. Eight and ninth Report of the same Cor.iii.utee ; concerning the claims of theJLorette Indians to the Seigniory of Sillery Quebec, 1824. .62 Vol. XXXI. [Seignorial Tenure, &c.. 1853-1856.] 1. Tache J. C. De la tenure Seigneuriale en Canada, et projet de commutation, 3uivi de Tableaux rela?i(s au.v Fiefs et Seigneuries du Bas Canada. Qu6bec, 1854.. 82 2. The seignorial tenure in Canada, and Plan of commutation thereof, with tables relating to the Fiefs and Seignories of Lower Canada. Quebec, 1854.. 53 3. Dunkin, Christopher. Address at the Bar of the Legislative Assembly of Canada, delivered on the llth and 14th March 1853, on behalf of certain proprietors of Seigniories in Lower Canada against the second reading of the Bill, intituled " An .\ct to define seigniorial rights in Lower Canada, and to facilitate the redemption thereof" Quebec, 1853.109 4. fttpolise ^ une adresse au sujet d'une etendue de terre en litige entre les habitants de Russelltown et le seigneur de Beauharnois. Document accompagne de Plans, Cartes, Titres de concession, ProcSs verbaux, etc. Public par ordre de I'Asscmblee Legislative Quebec, 1855. ISO 6. La convention anti-seigneuriale de Montreal au peuple Montreal, 1854. .24 1 "I CANADIENNES.] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. 1439 Vol. XXXJ— Continued. Pages 6. Statement of money placed to the credit of the special Fund set apart to aid the censitaires in the redemption ofseignorial dues, and to defray expenses, &c. With Instructions to the commissioners appointed to carry into operation the seigniorial tenure net of 1854, and correspondence on the subject, &c., Toronto, 1856.. 30 Vol. ZXZn. [Seigniorial Tenure, Emigration, &o., 1833-1855.] 1. Some remarks upon the French tenure of " Franc aleu Roturier" and on its relation to the Feudal and other tenures. By R. Abraham .. Montreal, 1849. .81 2. Le Bill Seigneurial expose sous son vrai jour, et quelquea avis d'un Culti- vateur aux Censitaires du Bas- Canada ... Qu6bec, 1855 . .41 3. Representation against the title of the Seminary to the Seigniory of Montreal and objections to the proposed Ordinance for the extinction of Seigniorial dues in the City and Island of Montreal ... Montreal, 1839.. 14 4. Debats dans I'assemblee legislative sur la tenure seigneurialc . .Quebec, 1858. .40 5. Views on the .subject of systematic British Pauper Immigration to Canada. By W. N. Crawford Montreal, 1840. .28 6. Information respecting the Eastern Townships of Lower Canada, in which the British American Land Company intend to commence operations for the sale and settlements of lands, in the ensuing Spring London, 1833. .15 7. Le Canadien emigrant, ou pourquoi le Canadien Francjais quitte-il le Bas- Canada? Quebec, 1851. .46 Vol. X XX TTT [Topography and descriptive aketchea, 182S-1831.] 66 61 47 50 1. Report on the Country between the St. Maurice and Ottawa. Quebec, 1831 . 2. Rapport sur le pays efitre les riviere-^ St. Maurice et Outaouais. Quebec, 1831. 3. Report on the Country between the Saguenay, St. Maurice and St. Law- rence Quebec, 1831 . 4. Rapport sur le pays entre les rivieres Saguenay, St. Maurice et St. Laurent. 5. Report on the Country between Frampton in the Couuty of Dorchester, and the Head Waters of the River St. John, (in French and English.) Quebec, 1825.. 71 Vol. XXXrv. rOrand Trunk Railway, 1855-1857.] 1. Listedes actionnaires de la compagnie du Grand Tronc de chemin de fer, et des autres compagnies associees avec elle ... Quebec, 1855 . 2. Certain Papers connected with the affairs of the Grand Trunk Railroad Company of Canada. Quebec, 1855. 3. Return for statement relative to applications of Grand Trunk Railway Company for releases of Provincial Debentures, and copy of any Memo- rial from the Company since 1st January, 1856 Toronto, 1856. 4. Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire and report as to the condition, management and prospects of the Grand Trunk Railway Company Toronto, 1857 . . 5. Statements, Reports and Accounts of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Laid before the Legislative Assembly Toronto, 1857. For other CanaJiau Railway Pamphlets, sec pages 270 and 755. Vol. XZZV. [Public Works, Trade, etc , 1855-1856.] 1. Report relative to the survey of the proposed Caughnawaga Canal, by J. B. Jarvis ; with documents relative to the survey and improvement of the 20 66 32 263 .71 1440 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [brochures I ill iif Vol, XXXV— Continued. Page« Rapids of the River St Lawrence, by MM. Maillefert and KaasloA. [with Plans] Quebec, 1855. .76 The plana are contained in a separate volume. Vide ante, p. 1399. 3. Salter, A. P< Report upon the Codutry bordering upon the North shore of Lake Huron. With a Map Toronto, 1856. .11 3. Report of a Committee of the Legislative Assembly on Trade and Oommeroe between Canada and Great Britain, the B. N. America colonies, the West Indies, the United States, and other foreign parts : Hon. W. H. Merritt, Chairman. With a Map of North America, illustrating the routes of trade between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, by the way of the Canadian Lakes, the River St. Lawrence, &c Quebec, 1856 . .41 4. Return to an Address from the Legislative Assembly, relating to the con- tract between the Government and Messrs. MoKean and McLarty, for Ocean Steam communication service Quebec, 1865 . .39 6. R6ponse a une adresse de I'Assemblee Legislative, pour copie des docu- ments eoncernant la construction des phares et des quais en bas de Que- bec, et les soumissions et contrats pour les bateaux remorqueurs sur le St. uaurent en bas de Quebec Quebec, 1855. .79 6. Smith, James. Havre de refuge. Rimou'-ki vs. Bic et chemin de fer des Trois-Pistoles Quebec, 1866. .15 VoL XXXVl. [Affaires Muoioi pales, Bas-Canada, 1829-1857.] 1. Rapports du comite special sur les chemins et autres communications inte- rieures. Quebec, 1829.. 144 2. Premier et second rapports du comite special, pour s'enquerir de I'operation de I'acte des municipalit6s et des chemins du Bas-Canada, de 1855, Toronto, 1857.. 247 Vol. XXXVn. [MlsoellaneouB, 1841-1857.] 1. Sketch of the eventful life of Okah Tubbee, (called) \Vm. Ohubbee, aoa of the Head Chief Mosholeh Tubbee, of the Choctaw Nation of Indians, by Laah Ceil Manatoi Elaah Tubbee, his wife Toronto, 1852. .96 2. Production artificielle du poisson Quebec, 1854. .12 3. Rapport geologique de M. de Rottermund, di son honneui le Maire de Quebec, sur la nature du mineral combustible qui se trouve dans la ville de Quebec Quebec, 1855.. .4 4. Extrait relatif au Canada, de I'hisloire de I'exposition universelle de 1855, parM. Ch. Robin Quebec, 1856.. 15 6. Prohibitory liquor laws : their practical operation in the United States. The subject discussed as a question of state policy and legislation, with suggestions for the suppression of tippling houses. By Charles Lindsey. Montreal, 1855.. 35 6. Rapport du bureau d'ing6nieurs et de W. E. Logan, Ecr. sur le releve du lac St. Pierre en Octobre 1850 Montreal, 1850. .24 7. Remarks on the principles and practice of Road-Making, as applicable to Canada. By Thomas Roy Toronto, 1841 . .42 8. The Arabian art of taming and training wild and vicious horses. By Patrick O'Connor. Dundas, 1857. .36 9. Description et pland'un nouveau caloriffere & air chaud, sur le systeme tubu- laire, pour chauffer les Edifices priv6s et publics. Invent6 par Charles Bailiairgu ; construit par Z. Obartr^ Quebec, 1853 . .23 BROCHURES CANADIENNES.] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. 1441 Vol. ZZXVUI. [FlnanoM, Ao., 1852-1809.] ftgn 1. Rapport. Revenu du Canada et paiements faits k rnSme ce revenu ; — Revenu et depenses du departeraent de la posle ; — Achat, loyer et repara- tions de Spencer Wood, et reparations de certains Edifices publics ; — Depenses du recensement ; — Cautionnements donnfis par les surinten- dant-i d'6(lucation ; — Rapport relatif aux caution nement, etc., donni par le reci'veur des honoraires, dans le bureau du 8ecr6taire provincial. Qu6beo, 1852.. 75 2. Second Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. Quebec, 1854.. 93 3. Third and Fourth Reports of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. (Decimal currency — Weights and Measures.) Quebec, 1855. .80 Vol. X'^'^fTir [Inoendies des Edlfioes Fublloa, 1853-1854,] 1. Rapport des Commissaires noiames pour s'enqu6rir de la cause de I'incen- die qui a detruit I'hotel du Parlement, le ler f6vrier 1854 et des circons- tances s'y rallachant Qu6bec, 1854. .59 2. Report of Commissioners appointed to enquire into the cause of the Fire at the Parliament Buildings, Quebec, in February, 1854. Quebec, 1854. .59 3. Rapport des Commissaires nommes pour s'enquSrir de I'origine et des cau- ses de I'incendie qui a conjume I'hospice des sceurs de l& charit6 le trois mai dernier, ainsi que des circonstances s'y rattachant. . . .Quebec, 1854. .65 4. Report of Commissioners appointed to enquire into the cause of the Fire at the Grey Nunnery, or " Hospice des Soeurs de la Charitfe," Quebec, on 3rd May, 1864 ^.^ 64 Vol. 2X. [Legal Pamphlets, etc., Lower Canada, 1839-1857.] 1. Rapport sur l'6tat de I'administration de la justice Montreal, 1842. .34 2. Proc&s Politique. La reine vs. Jalbert. (Rapport^ par R. Cherrier, 6tudiant en droit) Montreal, 1839. .87 3. La reine vs. Prudent Pelletier. Proems pour meurtre, novembre 1853. Rapports et publie par M. Eug. Philippe Dorion Qu4bec, 1853. .100 4. Proems de Joseph Berube et de CSsaree Theriault, sa femme, pour le meur- tre par empoisonnement de Sophie Talbot, premiere femme du dit Be- rube Quebec, 1855. .13 5. Cel^bre proems de Jean Baptiste Corriveau, accusfi et trouvfe coupable du meurtre de Mile. Charlotte Todd, sa belle mfere Quebec, 1856. .32 6. Examen medico-legal des procfes d'Anais Toussaint, de Joseph Berube et de Cesaree Theriault, et precis des procedures h suivre dans les cas d'empoiaonnement par I'arsenic et le phosphore. Par J. Emery Coderre, M.D Montreal, 1857. .50 Vol. ZLI, [Judicature, Lower Canada, 1846-1850.] 1. Judicature. Acts regulating the Judicature of Lower Canada, 12th Vic- toria Montreal, 1849.. 151 2. Rules and Orders of practice of the Superior Court, and Circuit Court, Lower Canada. (With table of fees) Quebec, I860. .80 3. Rules and Orders in matters of Bankruptcy in the District of Quebec, and tariff of fees Quebec, 1846. .41 4. Orders in Bankruptcy for the District of Montreal, with tariff of fees. Montreal, 1846.. 23 6. Commentaries on the Bankrupt Act, in a series of letters, addressed to the Morning Courier, by " Observer," Montreal, 1848. .62 1442 CANADIAN PAMPULETS. [beochures i' I rC'M Vol. ZLn, [Legal Pamphlets, etc., Lower Canada, 1832-18S7.] Pagea 1. Coilu rural a I'usagu de^t liabitants taut uiicifrm quu nouveaux du Ua.s- Canada. Par J. Frs. Perrault QuCboc, 1832 .33 2. A synopsis of the laws of Letting and lliriny, or tlio contract of lease in Lowor Canada. By Aloxandoi Gorrio, N. P Montreal, 1848. .33 3. A lecture on the Mercantile Law of Lower Canada. By Eil. L. Muatizam- bert, Advocate Montreal, 1848. .28 4. Memoire sur I'aniovibilite des cures en Canada, suivi de remarques sur les notes de M. La Fontaine, avocat, relativement h I'inamovibilitu des cures dans lo Uas-L'anada, (25 mars 1837.) Montreal, 1837. .95 5. Precis de diverses ordonnances du conseil special ot d'actes de la legisla- ture pent la ci-devant province du Bas-Canada. Par Uodefroy Cliagnon. Montreal, 1842.. lo8 6. A treatise on the Law relating to Marriages in Lower Canada. By James Armstrong, Advocate. . . Montreal, 1857 .46 Vol. XLin. [Theological Pamphlets, 1822-1854.] 1. Mountain, Kev. G. J. A Sermon on the education of the poor, the duty of dilfusing the Gospel, and particularly on the importance of family reli- gion, preacheil at Quebec in 1822 Quebec, 1822. .28 2. The Second annual Report of the Amherstburgh Brancli Bible So- ciety Sandwich, 1842.. 12 3. The [Gavazzi] riot and outrage of 9th June in Montreal. Montreal, 1853. .24 4. Fletcher, Rev. J. Letters to the Wesleyan Alelhodists of the mission of Mono Toronto, 1854.. 52 5. De la reforrne et du proteslantisme. Par Chs. dollemusat. .Montreal, 1855. .64 6. Regies de la congregation de Notre-Dame de Quebec, autrement dite con- gregation des hommes de Quebec Quebec, 1850. .39 7. The Clergy Reserves. A letter from the Bishop of Toronto to the Honoura- ble A. N. Morin . Toronto, 1854. .27 Vol. XLIV. [Theological Pamphlets, 1855-1857.J 1. Notes on Sabbath Scliool Lessons. First Series Kingston, 1855. .26 2. Thiicl Series .Toronto, 1857... 36 Authorised by the Synud of tlio Presbyteriiu) Church of Canada. 3. Songs for the Wilderness Kingston, 1855. .56 4. Hyuins for the use oi Sunday Schools ; selected from approved authors ; by Rev. A. Sanson, minister of Trinity Church, Toronto i'orotiio, 1857. .65 3. Bochim, or the Weepers ; a sermon [ireached on the 27th November, being the day of humiliation on account of the Indian Mutiny; by the Rev. James Gibson, Owen Sound . . .Toronto, 1857 . .24 6. Christ as Redeemer, the delegated King and Head of Creation; by theRev. Henry Gordon, minister of Gananuque, Canada West. .... .London, 1857. .20 7. An Act to enable the members of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada to meet in Synod ; together with the Canons passed by the Synod of the diocese of Toronto, under the Episcopate of John Strachan, D. D., Lord Bishop of the diocese of Toronto, A.D. 1857 ... Toronto, 1857. .15 8. A sermon, on the Ministerial Character, preached by command of the Lord Bishop in St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, on Wednesday, 17th June, 1857, before the clergy and lay-delegates of the diocese, in Synod assembled; by the Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, M.A. Second Edition Toronto, 1857. .18 L0CHURE8 CANADIENNES,] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. 1443 Pagei . du Bas- i,ec, 1832 .33 ' lease in •eal, 1848..33 loiuizam- reul, 1848. .28 .vques sur ibilitii cles roiil, 1837..95 la legisla- Cliaguon. real, 1842.. 108 l)y James ureal, 1857 .46 Llie Juty of amily reli- K'boc, 1822..28 lUble So- Iwich, 184:2.. 12 iitreal, 1853.. 24 o mission of oioiilo, 1854.. 52 mil eal, 1855.. 64 lut dite con- luebee, 1850.. 39 ;ie llonoura- ironlo, 1854.. 27 igston, 1855.. 26 [wmlv, 1857...36 la. Lston, 1835.. 56 luthors ; by Lrotuo, 1857.. 65 Inber, being hy the Kev. [i-onto, 1857 . .24 1 by theRev. |)ndon, 1857.. 20 I and Ireland psed by the Strachan, Iron to, 1857. .15 It the Lord June, 1857, Lmbled; by Ironto, 1857..18 Vol. ZLV. [Theological Pampbleta, 1832-1894.] p^kh. 1. Sixth Annual Report of the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, 1848 Quebec, 1848 .64 2. Seventh Annual Report of the Inoorporated Church Society of the Diocene of Quebec, 1849 Quebec, 1849. .81 3. Twelfth annual Re{[)ort of the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto ; for the year ending Slst March, 1854 Toronto, 1854 . . 158 4. Mountain, The Ven. O. J. A retrospect of the Summer and Autumn of 1832. A Sermon preached at Quebec, Dec. 30, 1832. With an nppendix of facts concerning the late awibl visitation of the Cholera Morbus. Quebec, 1833 6. Bethune, Rev. J. A Sermon preached in 1862, on the occasion of the primary visitation of the Right Reverend Francis Fulford, Lord Hishop of Montreal Montreal, 1852. 6. Adamson, Rev. W. Agar. A Sermon preached at Quebec, in 1854, on the day set apart for hutniliution and fasting on account of the War bi'tween our Country and Russia Quebec, 1854 7. Mountain, G. J. Lord Bishop of Quebec. A charge delivered to the Cler- gy of the Diocese of Quebec, at the Triennial visitation held in the Cathe- dral Church of Quebec, in 1854 Quebec, 1854. ZLVI. [ReUgion, &o., 1833-1856.] .33 21 14 46 Vol. 1. Dialogue between a young gentleman and a Divine. By the Rev. J. B. McMahon, Roman Catholic Missionary at Perce Quebec, 1833. 6i 2. Notice biographique de Mgr. Lartique, premier eveque de Montreal. Suivie de son oraison funfcbre par M. C. LaRocque, cure de I'Acadie. Montreal, 1841. 23 3. Souvenir de retraito, on memorial abrege de ce qui s'est dit ou fait, jour par jour, pendant la retraite commencee ii Montreal le 13 D^cembre 1840 et terminSe le 21 Janvier 1841 (par Mgr. Forbin Janson, Evfique de Nnncy.) Montr, al, 1841 . .76 4. Temperance et Intemperance Montrfiiil, 1856 . .86 Vol. XLVU. [Education, 1810-1852.] 1. Letter to the Roman Catholic Clergy and the Seig,.iors of Lower C«iiadii, re- commending the establishment of schools ; by Daniel Wilkie. Quebec, 1810. .43 2. Account of the endowments for education in Lower Canada and of the public acts for the advancement thereof, from 1763 to the present time; com- piled by Messrs. Andrew Ftuart and William Badgley. . . . London, 18:38.132 3. Letters on elementary and practical education ; by Charles Mondelct. Montreal, 184 1.. 60 4. Lettrea sur i'cducation olemcntuire et prati(iup, par Charl<;s Mondelot. Tra- duites de I'anglais Montreal, 1841 .. (iO 5. Note, in addition to that of 1843, en the Jesuits' Estates, afler the sup- pression and since the revival of the order, and on the uses to which they have been applied. With tables Quebec, 1847 21 6. Catalogue des oflBciers et des el6ves du seminaire do Quebec, 1847-8. Avec notes, r6glemens, etc Quebec, 1848 .26 7. Early moral and religious education ; a lecture by the Revd. John Cook, D.D. Quebec, 1849. 29 8. Statutes relating to elementary education and for the establishment of Normal Schools ; with circulars, instructions and tables of the Superintendent of education for Lower Canada Quebec, 1852. .87 AA 1444 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [BROCnURES Vol. XLVU—Conlinutd. p^^, 9. ActcH dV'ducation clomeiitaire et pourl'i^tabliggement d'ecoles normalo8, lui- vis den circulaires y relatives, ct dc8 initructiong et tableaux du gurinten* diint de reducation pour le Bag-Canada Quebec, l862 . .79 Vol. ZLVm. [Eduoatlon, 1824-1857.] 1. Memoires gur le Canada. Etudes Hur I'instruction publique chez len Cana- diens Fran9ai8; par M. D. P. My rand Quebec, 1857. .24 2. Rapport dn coinite special delachainbrc d'agBemblec du Dag-Canada, nom- ine pour g'enqu^rir de I'etat aetuelde I'^ducation dang lu Bag-Canada, 1824.240 Vol. XLIX. [Bduoatlon, 1834-1849.] 1. Rapport d'un Quebeccoig sur quelqueg ecoleg 61enientaireg du distiict de Quebec Qu6bec, 1834 . . 17 2. Remarks on the state of education in the province uf Canada, by "L." (Major Lachlan.) Reprinted from the British American Journal .. Montreal, 1848.. 72 3. Renewed remarks on the state of education, in the province of Canada. By "L." Montreal, 1849.. 48 4. Colonial legislation on the subject of education ; two letters published in the Hamilton Gazette, under the signature of Scotus. By David Burn. Toronto, 1841.. 16 5. Thoughts on emigration, education, &c , in a letter addressed to Lord John Russell ; by a citizen Montreal, 1847. .38 6. Letters on Medical Education, addressed to the members of the Provincial Legislature of Canada, by Archibald Hall, M. D Montreal, ie4'2. .30 7. Lecture on Freedom of Mind, by the Reverend H. Wilkes, and speech of his JiXcellcncy the Earl of Elgin, delivered before the Mercantile Library Asso- ciation of Montreal, Nov. 16, 1848 Montreal, 1848.. 27 Vol. L. [Education, 1853-1857.] 1. Laws relating to grammar and common Schools in Upper Canada, together with forms, general regulations and instructions, prepared according to law, arranged with notes and reftrenccs Toronto, 1855.115 2 The Canada Educational Directory and Calendar for 1857-8, containing an account of the scl-.ools, colleges and universities, the professions, scientific and literary institutions, decisions of the courts on school questions, &c. Edited by Thos. Hodgius . Toronto, 1857. 144 3. Townley, Rev. Adam. Seven letters on the non-religious common school system of Canada and the United States Toronto, 1853.. 55 4. Controversy between Dr. Rycrson, Chief Superintendent of Education in Upper Canada, and the Rev. J. M. Bruyere, on the appropriation of the Clerj^y Reserves Funds ; free schools vs. state schools ; public libraries and common schools, attacked and defended. To which is appended a letter from the Right Rev. Dr. Pinsoneault, Bishop of London, C.W. Toronto, 1857. 108 Vol. LI. [Litter ature, 1825-1840] 1. Chansonnier Canadien Montreal, 1825 128 2. Valentine, ou la Nina Canadienne. Piir H. Leblanc de Marconnay, Ecr. Montreal,;i836..52 * 3, Le Rebelle. Hist'lie Canadieim'. Far h Baron Regis de Trobriand. Quebec, 1842.. 38 4. Essai de grammaire fran(;aise suivant les principes di3 rabb6 Oirard. Par A. Berthelot, Ecr Quebec, 1840.. 60 BROCHURES CANADIENNE8.] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS 1445 irnmleH, »ui- du (urinten- Juebec, 1862.. 79 37. left Cana- ^iuehec, 1867..24 ;anada, nom- Canada, 1824.240 du dUtiict de Quebec, 1834. 17 y "L." (Major Montreal, 1848.. 72 ;c of Canada. Montreal, 1849.. 48 g published in ►avid Burn. Toronto, 1841. 16 to Lord John Montieal, 1847..38 the Provincial Montreal, 184'2.. 30 nd speech of his lie Library Asso- . Montreal, 1848.. 27 Janada, together iccording to law, .Toronto, 1855.115 J, containing an pssions, scientific )1 questions, &c. .Toronto, 1867.144 1 common school j. Toronto, 1853.. 55 jf Education in lopriation of the Vlic libraries and Ippended a letter Toronto, 1857. 108 Montreal, 1825 128 Lrconnay, Ecr. Montreal,:i836..52 1 Trobriand. Quebec, 1842.. 38 kbfe Giraril. Par Quebec, 1840. .60 Vol. LII [Parent, Ed enne.] p^^ Discours prononcfig h QuC-bec, en 1852, par K. Parent, fcr., iur leu sujots nui- vans : 1. De I'importnnco ot iles devoirs du commerce 22 2. De I'intejlijjtenco dans ses rapportH aveo lasoci^tfi. . (Deux lectures). .67 3. Cunsiii^ration sur le sort des classes ouvridres . . .Qu6bec, 1853. .26 Vol. Lm. [Lltterature, etc.,] 1. Les revelations du crime, ou Cainbray et ses complicoH. Chroniques cana- diennes de 1834. Par F. R. Angers Quebec, 1837. .77 'i. Manuel des aoci^tttide temperance, dedie h la jeunesso du Canada. Par le Rkv. C. Chiniquy, prAtre. Troisidme 6dition Montreal, 1849 . 192 3. Lecture do tnessiro Denis au cabinet do lecture paroissial de Montreal. Pi^ce de vers sur la mort do F. X. Milton, el^ve du college de Montreal. Montrral, 1857... 4 4. Fables (en vers) par Paul Stevens Montreal, 1857. 120 5. The beauliea and utilities of a Library, a student's guide to literature, &c. With an analysis of the Canadian Parliamentary Library. Part I. By George Viisey Toronto, 1857 . . 34 Vol. LIV. [Lltterature, Soienoea.] 1. Bibauil, Maxime. EhshI de logiquo judiciaire. Ouvrage qui doit servir d'apprf'ciation, et sur queiques points d'antirrhfitique de la logique judi- ciaire publiee & Pari.s par M. Hortonsius de St. Albin. . . .Montreal, 1853. .156 2, Morin, A. N. Lecture sur I'filucalion, devant I'Institut Canadien, le 18 decembro 1845 Montreal, 1845 . .30 .3. Fletcher, Edw. T. Essay on language, read before the Toronto Literary Association, on 5 March, 1857 Toronto, 1857. . 12 4. Dessaulles, L, A. Galilee, ses travaux scientifiq'ies et sa condamniition, lecture publique faite devant I'Institut Canadien, le 14 mais 1856 50 5. Dumesnil, Clement. Reflexions preliminaires des vrais principes politi- ques Montreal, 1849.. 68 Vol. LV. [Sciences, etc., 1853.] 1. Guide de I'instituteur Par F. X. Valade. Montreal, 1853.286 2. Traitf I'lementaire d'Algebro, il I'usngo des fr&rea des ecoles cliretiennes Montreal, 1853.160 Vol. LVI. [Natural History Society of Montreal, 1828-1857.] 1. Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Natural History Society of Montreal with directions for preserving and forwarding objects of Natural History. Montreal, l82'i..25 2. Fourth annual Reportof the Council of the Natural History Society, 1830-31. Montreal, 1831.. 10 do Montreal, 1834.. 19 do Montreal, 1835. . .6 do Montreal, 1836 ... 9 do Montreal, 1853... 8 do Montreal, 1854 . . 12 do Montreal, 1855 .11 do Montreal, 1866 .23 do Montreal, 1857.. 16 3. Fifth, Sixth and Seventh 4. Eighth 5. Ninth, 6. Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, 8. Twenty-seventh, 9. Twenty-eighth, 10. Twenty-ninth, 14i46 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [dbOOUURES CANAUIENNES. Pi.,i \ ?l Vol. ItVl—Conlinuiid. Phw. 11. Catalogue of the Library and Muieum of the Natural Hiitory Society of Montreal Montreal, 1846 . .37 12. A retroHpective glance at the progreuive state of the Natural Hiatory Society of Montreal, &o. Dy M^or R. Lachlan Montreal, 1843. .24 L'AlbumJdes Blblioth^oaires, pour Tannic ISft/, contient, cntrc autres documens : Dea proviiico* do I'Amt^rique du Nord et d'une uuion fdderalu, par J. 0. Taoh^, 6or. (Du Courriir de Canada. Mai, Juin^ Juillet, AuOl, Huptembre, Ootobre, I8S7.) A Oruige to Labrador (from Quebec). By the Hon. W. H. Seward. (From the Albany Evening Journal, August and September, 186*7.) The Exiled Negroes in Canada. (From the New York Tribune.) Vie de Marlo-H61i^De BouUe, dlte de Saiut-Augustin, fundatrice et rcligieune urstdioe de Meaux, (Madame de Oliamplaio.) (Extrait dea OhruniqueH de I'Ordre del Ursuliuea, et publi6 par le Journal d» Quibee, eu mur« 18S6.) i W, ■h\ ; CA.NAUIENNES. PlfM. itory Society of Montreal, 1846.. 37 i History Society .Montreal, 1802.. 24 ntient, cntrc autres par J. 0. Taah6, 6cr. ibre, Ootabre, 1867.) Seward. (From the .) I et roIigieuHe urauline oiquuH do I'Ordre det 5.) ■ft* MANUSCRIPTS. MANUSCRITS. 1448 MANUSCRITS. U'\ t >< 1^ " i«i Ml ^H('''-iy m ■f ■-'.■■ "■: Les Manusorits Fran9ais dout on (lonnc la listc t, oLc. d'Auliiuy Cbnniisay, d'Auliiay Charuizay, etc. Deliiu), do Lino, etc. Peirot, Perot, etc. M. de la Potlierie, la Poterie, etc. Des Goutins, De Goutiua, dc Goutiu, etc. Sorel, Saurel, etc. 1460 MANUSCRITS. Le petit tableau suivant indique fes pages du catalogue ou te trotive Venonc^ dea documents manuacrits, relati/s aux diverses epoques indiqu^es dans la colonne des ann4es : Ann6os. Pa«;es. 1604-1760 1612. • 1613-1614 1622. 1614-1785 1490. 1687-1650 1461,1499, 1600,1601, 1502. 1640-1672 1G13. 1661-1665 1451, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1639. 1666-1670 1452, 1506, 1507, 1539, 1553, 1622. 1671-1679 1453,1501, 1505, 1506,1507,1539, 1543.1653,1554,1622, 1823. 1680-1682 1454, 1607, 1508, 1509, 1540, 1623. 1682-1712 1613. 1683-1685 1465-56, 1507,1609, 1510, 1540,1541, 1654, 1628. 1685-1688 1456-58, 1611, 1512, 1514, 1615, 1616, 1517 1619, 1541, 1542, 1642, 1623-25. 1689-1691 1458-61, 1518, 1519, 1644, 1544, 1654-55, 1626, 1631. 1692-1700 1461-63, 1613, 1528, 1621-28,1540, 1544, 1546-47,1555,1867, 1612, 1613, 1627-80. 1701-1709 1464-66,1529-36, 1547-62, 1557-65, 1569, 1681. 1710-1728 1467-70, 1586. 1588, 1552-53, 1666, 1596, 1607, 1679-1600, 1632-34. 1728-1740 1470-72, 1603, 1611, 1634. 1741-1750 1473-76, lt;34-37. 1761-1755 1477-80, 1012, 1687-40. 175G- 1480-83, lr.40. 1767 1488-87, 1640, 1641. 1758 1487-93. 1759 1403-96, 1640, 1641. 1759-1776 1490-08, 1013, 1041, 1642. 1774-1775 1408. 1778 1498. I'li INDEX DES MANUSCRIT8. }41, 1542, 1642, 07, 1579-1600, Abenaquip, 1468-1469, 1472, 153S, 1636, 1670, 1571, 1681, 1683-1686, 1592-1698, IGOl, 1608. Abcrcrorabie 1488, 1490—1492 Acadie, 1500-1602, 1507, 1611, 1513, 1616, 1516, 1521, 1622, 1626, 1528, 1531-1633 —1536, 1677,1679. Sa restitution i^ la France, 1600, 1538, 15S9. Administration de la justice, 1506, 1686, 1536, 1675. Voir Canada. Agniers, 1476, 1520, 1534 Amiraute, 1595, 1698,1605, 1611 Andres. Lettres, 1518, 1622, 1628, 1625, 1626 Ardoisidres 1598, 1600, 1604, 1606 Argall's aflFair 1822 Argenson, d'. Correspondance ...1502-1605 Diame compose a I'oeca- sion deson arriyfie a Quebec 1503 Aubert 1626 Aubry. Limites du Canada 1468 Auluay, Charnisay, d'., Documents le con- ceruant 1451, 1499-1503 Avaugour, d'. Lettres 1451, 1505 Badeaux. Siege de Quebec .1613 Bale d'Hudson. Voir Hudson. Baillif, dei6gu(5 en France 1499 Bancs d'eglise 1582, 1583 Barre, M. de la. Correspondance, 1454-1456, 1509-1511, 1623. Baudoiu 1522 — ' Journal d'un voyage 1525 Bayard, Nicholas. Journal and Letters. . . 1()26 Beauoourt 1472-1 174, 1528, 1537, 1605 Beauharnois, M. de. (Intendant.) Corres- ponJanco 1464, 1532-1634 (Gouverneur) Corres- pondance, 1469-1475, 1690-1611, 1633_ 1634. Ses armoiries 1592 Bfoancour, sieur de 1504, 1605, 1508, 1597, 1601 Begon. Correspondance, 1468-1470, 1637, 1672, 1589, 16S3. Begon. Ses Armoiries 1570 Bellefonds, M. de 1611 Belle- Rividre, Bataille de la 1612 Bellomont, Sacorrespondance,l463, 1527, 1629- 1631. Belmont, M. de 1512 Benac, Lettre 1620 Bennes, le Sr. de. Remarques sur Terre- neuve 1664 Bigot, Correspondance, 1476-1480, 1487, 1496- 1497. Boiah6bert 1476, 1577, 1578 Boissons, 1606, 1607, 1612, 1616, 1818, 1620, 1522, 1628, 1632, 1586, 1837, 1570, 1576, 1599, 1580-1582, 1586, 1586, 1589, 1591, 1606. Bole. Mumoire sur les limites du Canada. 1469 Bonavcnture, Correspondance 1514, 1549,1550 Boucher, le sieur 1622, 1835 Bougainville, M. de. Lettres 1486 Boy vinet 1516 Bradstreet, Col. Thoughts upon Indian affairs 164S Breslay, Note sur M. de 1674 Lettrcj", etc 1571, 1579 Brouillan, M. de. Correspondance, 1513, 1535, 1547-1549, 1555, 1556, 1661, 1662, 1564- 1570. Bruyas, le P. Lettre A M. de Frontenac, 1519 Burnet. Lettres, discours, etc., 1470, 1590^ 1032, 1033. Caen. Affaires du Sieur de. . . 1499,1450 Caldwell. Si(5ge de Qu6bec 1613 Calliiire, M. de 1515, 1519, 1520, 1523 Lettres et Momoires, etc, 1456, 1458-1460, 1525-1632, 1630. Canada. Arret concernant la traito (1656) 1502 Arret concernant le commerce (1657) 1503 Arret concernant la traite (1659) 1504 Artillerie en 1749 1470 Campaigns of 17.^9 and 1760... 1644 Campagne de 1756 1482 Commerce du castor, (1090).. 1513 "^sip^ I'! OAliT] INDEX D£S MANUSOUITS. [COL • t I I If 1 1 , .?■ ^ t ■f' J**' iU; 1 PAUII Oanailo. Cominerco (1688) 1&I4 Cornmcrco do IftOolduie (1701). 1B36 Comraeirodu castor (171 S) 1670-1672 Coniineico 1721 1580 Coranii 10 du castor (lt)51) 1602 do (1690) 1626 Voir Cotnniorce. -^— Compte du comniis Ch. Sevcslre 1503 Etat des caators venus du Ca- nada do ir.76!\1685 1456 Etat du (1719) 1538 Kvinemens do 1740—1748 147fi •• FinancL'8 du 1506 Voir Fiimuccs. Formation d'uuo cornpagnio de marchauds (1659) 1504, 1503 FortificatioDS, (1694)..,. 1522, 1523 Voir Fortifications. Limitosdn 1168, 1469, 1498 — — — Liste des Qouverueurs 1451 Moraoirea Bur le, 14.')2, H65, 1498, 1457, 1466, 1469, 1475, 1479, 1498, 1457, 1458,1461, 1524,1628. Memoirc sur Ics affaires du, (1689) I,'il3 Meinoiro sur les affaires du, en (1688) 1519 Muraoire sur le (1096) 1624 Mumoiro Bur le, en 1709 1466 Memoirc sur le, en 1725 1469 Xaviros venus a Quebec,. . 1725 1589 Nouvelles du, en 1750 1483 Taie des Troupes (1095) 1524 Prix de fret et des raarchan- dises du cril (1656) 1502 Pnijct pour peupler le (1724).. 1587 R6cit de ce qui s'est passfi, de 1682 iV 1712 1537 Rei,'lenient de Police en (1047). .1502 — Riiglement pour I'administration de la j ustice ct la distribution des terres. 1506 R^aum6 do lettres reyues du. . . HilO Resume des nouvelles du, • (en 1750) 1482 Tarif des Marchanda (1005) 1451 Tarif et difference des prix, etc. I Carillon 1488, 1489, 1 191— 1498 Cartes 1012, 1611—1621, 1647 Castor. ArriitB rclatifs au commerce du .1602 Voir Canada et Commerce. Catarakouy 1607, 1612-1516 C61oron 1476 Cent Associeg. Arr(5t les condamnant i\ payer 40,000 ii Marie et Salomon Lan- glois 1499 Arret ordounant i\ cer- tains de ses membres de payer leurs souacriptions 1499 • Armcs de la Compagnie 1614 ^laiaon do la Compaguio & Quebec....' 1614 Cbamberlayne, J. Letters, 7C,, j 158:i, 1584, 15S9, 1598. j Voir Monnaics de Cartes Oourtemunclie, de, 1514, 1531, 1535,153ti, 1575 Journal d'mi voyage. . .1520 Journal d'un autre voyage 1535 M(5raoire8,etc 1674 Cugnet, Lettros, etc 160C, 1G08, KilO Cuivro, mines de 1606, 1008, 1609 Culture 1510, 1530, 1691,1604,1007 Culture du liu 15 16, 1538 Voir Cbanvre. Diiigreinont, Correspondance, 1406-1467, 1685, 1596, 1597, 1599, 1000. ])'Aillolmut 1508 Dain?, Lottrea 1488, 1492, 1496 Uallon, Letter 1027 Dauteuil, Correspondance, 1507, 1623, 1634, 15:!0, 1538, 1674. Deiiigiiy, Voi/ez Lagny. Doliiu 1522, 1573 Muinoire sur le coramorce 1537 Dellins, Letters 1628, 1629 De Mculles, Voijez SIoullo.s. Demuy 1523, 1529, l,-)33 Denis. Jelian. Carte de rembouoliure du St. Laurent 1014 Deuis, Nicolas. Concession a lui faite de parlie de I'Acndie 1639, 1544 Deuonville, M. de. Correapondanco, 1466-1460, 1511-1618, 1624-26. Descbambault, (prutre.) Lettre 1540 Desgly 1003 Desgoutins. lustructions, correi diens 1498 Ey(^qiie de Quebec, Lottres, etc. . . 1690, 1464 Voir Ecclesiastiques. Fao-siinilo de sigimturea ou d'dcriture, 16;!8, 1547, 1563, 1565, 1570, 1576, 1682, 1688, 1692, 1595, 1603. Fdnc'ldii, I'abbe do. Concoseioudc trois lies. 1501 ■ Plaintcs contrelui. . .1605 Finances 1626, 1534, 153.5, 1673, 1691, 1505, 1005, 1006. Finlay, Hugh. Siege de «iucbec 1619 Fletcher, Geo. Correspondence ...1627,1028 Forest, dela, 1512, 1515, 1521,1622, 1526, 1532. 1537, 1454. Fornol, J. Lettre 1 585 Fortifications, 1406, 1407, 1519-1523,1580-1537, 1572, 1675, 1579, 1587, 159.5, 1000. Voir ftussi Lory, Quebec, Moiitrual, etc. Fouancnnt, Concession de Montreal, 1500, 1501 Foucher, Ant. Sit'ge do Quebec 1613 Franqiielin, J. B 1512,1622, 1530 Plan du Fort St. Lduis de Quebec 1015 Carte du voynge de M. de Mi'ullos 1016 Carte de TAmorique septentrional 1616 Franquet. Knceitite de la ville de Mont- Tdal 1620 Voyages et inumoires 1612 Fraser, Col. Malcolm. Sidge de Quebec. 1613 Frontenac, fort. 1514,1516,1527, 15.S0, 1582. 1535, 1580. 1.588, 1593,1697,1598,1001, * lone. 1608. 1455, 1476, 1491. Frontenac, M. de. Correspondance et me- moires, 1453-1454, 1459-1463, 1605-1509, 1513, 1514, 1520-1527. —^ Voyage au lac Ontario. 1507 Galette, la 1598,1597 6alin6e. Voyage au lac Ontario 1462 Oalissonniere, M. dela. Correspondance, 1475- 1477, 1673, 103.5, 1036. Gatinaud 163o Oaulin, Lettres, etc 1 662 Oaulticr de Comport^-, Mumoire 1610 G6m6Mie, Roddition du fort 1506 George, fort. Expedition contre le, (1767) 1486.1486, 1491. Plan du 1621 Glen, Letter 1687 Godefroy, M. de 1606 Oorgendiire, Floury de la.. . 1587, 1588. 1606 Goudron. Manufacture do. . 1694,1000-1609 Goiiverneurs. Listo dos 1451 Grignc m, 1 e. Perte de ce navire 1 606 Grolsoliers, des. Lettres 1610 Guonet 1504,1606 Ouillet 1586, 1688 Hardy, Jiir C. Letters, Ac 1640 Hennepin 1463, 1528 Uertel 1514, 1589 Hou, d'. Lettre 1466 Hocquart, Correspondance, 1471-1474, 1600- 1611. Hopitaux.. 1678-168.3, 1686, 1687, 1000, 1807 Hospitaliers, fn^res,. . 1528, 1585, 1681, 1,584. llospilaliercs, religionscs, 1628, 1529, 1533, 1630, 157(), 1582, 1584, 1588. Hosta d' 1514 Hudson, Bale. . . 1458, 1474, 1607, 1510, 1513, 1514, 1521, 1525, 1526, 1583, 1635, 1536, lOf.O, 1651. Plan du fort York 1621 Humus 153(1, 15:-!4, 1581. 1593, 1609 Iberville, M. d'... 151.3, 1519, 1.521-1520, 1651, 1652, 1054. M6nioire sur la situation de Boston 1464 Lettre 1526 Journal d'uu voyage au Mississippi 1013, 1662 Papers coiicerning, 1051, 1662, 1654. Ingolus, Lettre au sujet des RecoUets 1500 Ingolsby. Letters 1628,1032 Illinois. Etablissoinents des. 1573,1577,1591 1001, 1475. Illinois, Sauvages 1512, 1520, 1584 Iroquois, Traitu cone'u avec eux en 1 605-60 .1462 Guerre, (1682) conferences, me- moires, rocits, etc 1454, l,'i03, 15S0 Expedition contre eux. en 1684.1466 Memoire sur la guerre des Iro- quois 1604 (tuerre ouiitre eux 1510 TBO] INOKX DE8 MANUSCBIT3. [Ltr Iroquois, Depredations det, etc 1618 Ivi'ognerie 1622 Voir Boiggons. J(')HuiteB, in03-1507, 1628, .636, 1671, 1678- 1681,1692,1473. Torres qu'ils pos86dent,(1669). .1606 Ji.hiHon. Uol. Letters 16.S6-1B44 Jolict 1605, 1606, 1612, 1614, 1621, 1628 1616. Euseiguement do la navigation. . . . 1612 Lettre u M. di? Lugny 1 522 Carte de I'enlrOe do la Rivifire de Canada If.l8 Joneairo. 1406,1468, 1472, 1634, 1686, 1576, 1584, 1692. Jon(iui6i'e, M. de la. Ourrespomianre, 1476- 1477, 1636, 1637. Juclieroau 1526, 1530-l,'>:t6 Juineaii, lo P. Emm. Carte de la (Jrando Baie de St. Laurcut KUC Kafl'eix, lo P. Pietro. Carte du Canada. . . . 1616 Kakariel. His oxamination l)>2;i Katarakouy 1507,1512—16 La Barre. Voi/ez Barru. Lal)oulaye. M6nioirc sur le Canada 11)00 Labrador, 1822, 1632, 1636, 1673, 1574, 1576, 1577. 1679, 1581, 1695, 1602. Lacliassagne 1533, 1606, 1610 LaOorue.. 1475,1489,1529,1535, 1698, lt»i4, 1606, 1609. ■ Lettrcs 1604, Laguy, M. de. Mfimoires et letties, 1462, 1513, 1686. La (lalissonniiire. Voi/ez Galissonniire. La Gemeraye, M. de. I'lan d'une partie du lac Superieur 1621 Lajonquiiire. Voyez Jouquiurc. Lalemant,le P. Jerome. Lettre il M. d'Ar- genson loO'l Lamartiniore 1.508, 1511, 1512, 1577, 1606 Lanibcrville, \o P. Lottres i\ M. de la Barre ct nutres 1456, 1623, 1624 LauiorandiiTC 1588, 1600 Carte d'un canal projete eulre Lachine et MontrM 1620 Lumotlie Cadillac. .1628-32, 1682, 1636, 1686 Memoires sur I'Acadio et le Detroit, 1461, 1523, 1624, 1626-1629, 1534, 1540. Lanouillier, Nicolas 1596, 1606, 1609 Lancey, M. de. Letters, ±c 1638-1641 Laprairie 1616, 1584 Laronde 1667-1669, 1690, 1699 La Salle. Voi/ez Salle, I.ntaupino 1516 La Touche. Humoire sur I'Acudie 1648 1499-1502. La Tour, de. Ses difficultt's eu Aeadie, 1451, R6vooation de sa eommissiou. .1601 Comniissiou de gouvcrnour donn6e par Louis XIV 1602 Concession H lui faite du ter- ritoiro de I'Acadie 1638 Placets present^s par ses cnfans 1649 La'^rr, le pure. Carte du Canada, etc 1619 LauHon, le sieur de. Sa commission com- nie gouverneur 1602 La Valli\ leis (Jouvernement de 1511, 1629 S(;minairo do I6O8 College 1692, 1696, 1697 ■ Projet d'un canal 1681, 1584 Plans de, en 1686 ibis Plan double, en 1717 1618 Carte de I'lIe do, en 1721, 1733 iGii, Kuceinte de, en 1752 1020 Mdrilrouil. Lettres etr<;cit.s. .1479-1484, 1495 Moriu, le cure 1597, 1599 Navigation, navires, etc., 1586, 1589, 1891 UHiO-1609. ' N6ces8ite (Fort). Kelation do la prise du. 1012 1477. Nt'gres en Canada jflot Niagara, (fort) 1458, 1465, 1409, 1470-1476, 1514,1519, 1.577, 1681,1585,1588, 1590, 1592, 1593-1008. Nichols, Col. Lettci's, Ac 1022 Noblesse du Canada 1612, 1620 Notaires, actos uoiaries, etc.. .1603, 1606, 1609 Nouvelle France, lleeettes et d(5peu»eB de 1028 a 1671 1489 Extrait de I'Otat g6n6ral des dettes passives do la conipagnie de la (1042) ifiOl Compngnie de la, conven- tion entre elle etles habitants du pays 1501 Dettes actives et passives (l"i52) 1502 Prix du fret et des mar- chandiges 1 502 Etat des fonds 1 .506 Nouvelle York. Projet d'attaque eontre la 14f)'.t Noy, la. Letter i(i28 Noyan, de. Lettres, etc 1590 Onnontagucs 1508, 1626, 1 534, 1635 1456, 1464, 1478, 1474, 1477. OJfT] INDKX DEB MANUS'JBITS. laAI X prise (lu.lOia Ootario, lac 1482, 1488, 1607, 1688 1619. Cartes tlu 1616, 1610, 1619 Oriluunnnoes, Billots d' MW'i Orlians, ilo d' 1606 Outttouais, 1513, 1614, 1620, 1620, 1680, 1686 1687, 1672, 1676, 1677, 1604, 1466, 1471, 1478. Panet. Sioge de Qu6bec 1613 Faroisseii, limites des, 1679-1686, 1687. 1689, 1596, 1604. Pascaud 1628, 1684, 1835, 1671 Paatour. Correspondance, etc 1664-1666 P(5che8, 150(1, 1510, 1512, 1514, 1526, 1528, 1529, 1682, 1677, 1531, 1685, 1687, 1689, 1691. Peire, 1675, 1577, 1678, 1685, 1689, 1.^)99. Penicaut. Aunalea dela Louiaiane 1638 Perrot 1506, 1509, 1517 MfimoiresBurrAcadie, 161'J, 1541, 1542 Petriie, I'Kvequo de. Lettre 4 M. d' Argeu- son 1604 Documents Ic concer- □!int 1 504 Pczant, 1p, (Suuviige Oiitaouais) 153ti Pbipps. 3oii oxpt'ditioii en 1690 1460 Pitt. Letters ItilO, 1611 Plans 1612, 1614-l(i21 Prat. Lettre 1586 Police. IlOglement do (1678) 1500 Portneuf, M. de 1514, ].')2('. Potherie, de la. Lettres ct memoires, 1527- 1529. Pownall, J. Papers concerDin({ the British Colonies 1648 Treaties concluded at Utrecht, 1648, 1652. PrieDieu, affaire du 1523 Quary, Col. Letters 1C48, 1649 • Quebec, 150*1-1511, 1514, 1515, 1522, 1527 1528, 1530, 1572, 1467. Pnijet d'uue citadclle a 1594 lucendie de la baase-villc 15U9 lucendie du PalaiB(172fi). .1690, 1599 Requete des habitants 1506 Projet de ehapelle. ... 1507 Sfimlnaire de..l591, 1597, 1606, 1607 luceudie du sSminaire 1631 Siogos de 1613 Capitulation 1644 Plans de, en ltl60, 1663, 1664, 1670 1614 Quebec. Plan de la villo et chateau de, en 1685 1616 Vue et carte de, en 1685. .1616, 1616 Plansde,enl690, 1698, 1698.. 1617 I'lansde, en 1700 1618 Plans dc, en 1710 1618 Quoylus, (M. de) et les j^suites . . .1608, 1604 Radisson 1608, 1614 Rageot 1611 Rameiuy, de. 1684, 1636, 1578, 1676, 1580, 1588 1585,1688. Correspoudanco 1681-1686 Mde de. Lettres ... . .1600, 1604 Rftslo, le P 1469, 1.^77, 1681 Rat. le 1619 Ilaudot. Lettres otmemoires, 1635-1587,1669, 1570, 1671. Rnzilly. Sa commission 1600 Restitution do I'Acadie 1500 Recensomonts de (1666,) (1667,) (1668,)et (1681) 1452,1607 do 1685 a 1698 1668 de 1719, 1720 et 1781 1468 de 1784 1472 dc 1754 1478 Rccollets . ..1508, 1515, 1523, 1531, 1590,1606 Memoire au pape 1601 Memorial de lour mis.sion eu Canada 1499 Leurs travaux dans la Nouvelle France 1500, 1501 Voir Eccltsiastiques. Repeuligny, M. de. 1502, 1508, 1521, lf>J6, 1606 RenardH, (Sauvages), 1577-1684, 1690-1597, 1604, 1607, 1G08. Richard (uiissiouuaire) 1600 Richelieu, le cardinal de 1500 Riclielieu, fort 1303 Rivcriu 1511, 1516, 1631 Mfimoires sur le commerce, 1614 1571, 1672. Robert, le aieur 1535, 1586 Roi, lettre du. A M. d'Argeuson (1659). 1504 Autre lettre au inume(1660).1506 Lettre autorisaut I'fitablisse- nient du s^minaire de Montr6al 1606 Rossie. His examination 1 630 Rouville, sieur de 1534-1516 Sabrevois 1674, 1677, 1680, 1686 Saint Auge. Lettre 1498 Saint Castin, baron de, 1516, 1581, 1637, 1548, 1552, 1580, 1588,1691. ,1 -■')>, SAI] INOKX UK8 MANU80RIT8. (.77 i;^' ,-■ '1 ,; ' i ■^•! >,;:■ - H^v ■ ■■ ■■ • i J, ...J m St. DoniB 1614 Siiint Oornmin. I'liin tlu fort Viuulreull. 1620 8te. H.R-nc 1614, 1520 Saint Jean, f(irt I'luii du lt>21 St. Lambert, furt Ifi22 St. Liiuis, Foit 1606, 1622 Saint Maurieo, Minos du ferdu 1002 Saint Michel, le Sieur de 1600 Saint Micbel, Sccur 1686 Saint-Otii-H, oieur do 1608, 1632, 1683 Saint Sulpice, Suniinairo de. Concoision do I'ile de Montreal 1600, 1606 ^-^— ^— ^ Sou utablis- sement 1506 Itequcte. . 1678 1680 S.illc, M. de la, 1606, 1608, 1512, 1515, 162i)' 1.528, 15.S0, 145;!, 1455. Lettros de uublesse 1463 ot le fort Fronteniic. 1463, 1456 — ^-^ Menioiro sur son aaaassi- nat 1612 Songuiuet. Sii-ge de Queboe 1613 Sarraaiu....l628, 1631, 1538,1674 1581, 1582, 1(107. Description du rat mueque . . . .1592 Sauvages. Memoire sur les, 1462, 1468, 1472, 1473, 1522, 1530, 1671, 15110. Schuyler, Peter 1464-1407 Sciences, recberches relatives aux. .1590, 15»7 Seigneuries 1006, 1608 Voir Concessions. Sevestre. Compte des depenses et dee re- cettes, etc 1603 Sillery, mission de 1615 Sorel, fort 1522 Subercase. Correspondance, etc., 1650-1652, 1558-1560. Surgures. Journal d'un voyage avec d'l- berviUe 1618 Sylvain ou Sullivan. Mtideciu do Mont- real 1686, 159.S, 1697 Tttlon, CorrcspoudHUCO et niL'moires,1461-1453, 150G. Tast. du 1620 Testu de la Richardii^re 1598, 1606 Temiscamiug. 1682-1684, 1586-1688, 1692 1606. Terreneuvo 1625, 1538, 1553-1670 Tilly de. Correspondance, etc. 1696, 1698, 1 699, 1600, 1601-1603, 16'.)6. TomiRUonurt, du 1622, 1687, 1874 Tonty, 1466, 1612, 1621, 1522, 1626-1630, 1632, 1677, 1680, 1682, 1697. Toronto 1593, 1598, 1602 Trois-IliviiJeeB, 1608, 1506, 1611, 1612, 1616, 1616, 1621, 1622, 1626, 1628-1630, 1580, 1684. Voyage aux I6I3 Plans des 1616, 1618 Troupes, 1529, 1670, 1673. 1676, 1679-1684, 1686, 1591, 1697, 159H, 1602, 1608. Tsonuontliouans, 1455, 1457, 1458, 1406, 1472- 1471, 1508, 1684, 1007, 1609. Ulric, le euro. Lettro, etc I684 Ursulines, 1605, 1616, 1626, 1628, 1680, 1832, 1633, 1591, 1599, 1606. Utrecht, Treaty of— 1648, 1061,1652, 1668. Utrecht, Trait6 d'. Oe qui se rapporte A I'Acadie 1663 Vurenues, M. de ifiU, 1623 Varin, Lottre, etc 1477 Vaudreuil, M. do (Philijipe de Rigaud de) Correspondance, 1404-1409, 1627, 1638- 1637, 1.570-1588, 1032. Sesarmoirios 1870 Vaudreuil, Mme de. Lettres, etc 1592 Vaudreuil, (Pierrt Rigaud de.) Corres- pondence.. .1478-1498, 1010, 1611, 1664 Vautrou. Rcla^iou d'un voyoge d Torre- neuve 1539 Voranderye, M. de la 1679, 1580, 1590 Verchiircs, M. do 1506, 1688 Verchcirea, Mdlle do. Action h6roique. .1516 Vetch, Capt. Memorial, &c 1631, 1661 Villebon 1521, 1623 M6moiro sur I'Acadie, 1461-1402 1525, 1528, 1546-1.547. Villemarie, Congregation it 1612 Villeneuve, de I6I6 Plana do Qu6bec 161.5 Carte de Qu6bec. et des environs 1616 Carte de la corutc de St. Laurens 1617 Villeray 1506, 1606, 1508, 1522 Villieu. Journal d'un voyage, 1522, 1547- 1549. Lettres 1647-1549 Vincenne, M. de 1634, 1536, 1577, 1011 VitTV, sieur de 1626, 1629, 183o MANUSCRITS — NOUVKLLK FRANCE. 1461 Blaiiuscripts. \ Pnnuscrils. 1. MANUSCRITS RELATIF8 A L'HISTOIRR DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE; Coiitc'iiant jiarticuli^rement la corrcspoiulnnce otticielle clu guuvcriieinent frau- (;ai8 relativement au Canada et autrcs Colonies de ia NouvelK- France, tirt'e dcs archives du ministere de la marine, ainai que de ceiles du miniature de la guerre, i\ Paris. i>RRMli>.RK 8t^:RIR. Cette li)ie S^rie, formant 17 vol. in-folio, ae trouve d4poa4e « la hihiiotheque lie la Socie'te Litteruiie et Hittorique de Quebec, Vol. I. (l.');il-1074.) Anndoii. 1037. 1658. 10 Fuvr. 1651. 20 Juin. !20 Juin. 20 Juin. 1663. 4 Aout. 1663. 1664. 15 Nov. 1065. 27 Mars. 4, Oct. 14 Oct. PagcH Liste dus gouverneurs du Canada du I'annee 1603 & 1763 iv Abrege de« dC'Couvertes de la Nouvelle France 1 Lettro du Roi (Louis XIV) au sujet des limites des connnande- nients cntro lo Sieur d'Aulnay Chamisay et le Sieur de la Tour, dans la Nouvelle France 8 Lottre ecritc par le cunseil de Quebec aux commissaires de la Nouvelle Angietene 10 Kxtruit des registrcs de I'ancien conpeil du Canada 11 Lettrc du sieur Daillebout, lieutenant general de la Nouvelle France, noinniant le Rev. P. Ureuillettes comnie envoje aupres des commissaires de Boston I'i Lettrc de M. le Baron Dubois dWvaugour coiitcunnt un me- moire sur les colonies etablies a Quebec, Plaisance, Gaspe et Cap Breton 15 Memoire de ce qui seraii il fniro pour se fortifier centre les in- sultes des Iroquois en Canada "25 Kxtrftit d'un ni6uioiro du ininistre (Mr. Hugues ;le Lionno, mi- nislre des alJUirusetraiigercs) ;\ M. Alcxaiulic du Trouville, .seigneur de 'I'racy, gouvcrneur general du Canada HO Memoire du roi (redige p'lr M. de Lionne) pour servir d'iiis- truction au S. Talon, s'en allant Intendant de la justice, police et linancea dans la Nouvelle France 39 Lettre de M. Talon, Intendant du Canada, au rainistre 47 I'arif des marchandises venues par les vaisseaux de la compagnie des Iiules pour fitre dClivrees aux habituns de Quebeck, Trois-Ri- vieres et Mont-Rojal 65 BB Ijpr^f .'A. I'i 1462 MANU8CIIIT8 RELATIFS A 19 mc. 15 Dec. iu(: h Mr. do Trncy, vtr (J7 Trnitc! do paix coticlii t'litro \vh h\x amhaRKndcurw Iro(|uoiH, etc. . . 79 Li'ttro fcritc do VorRaillca par M. lo tnlniatro Colbert i\ M. Talon, intendant en Canadi^ 80 lUtiflratioii diitraHodii IS di-ccinhro IrtflSpardix autreH ainbas- HadeiirH IrocpiniH dcscendus \ QuC-bcc pour ve Sujut 9-3 Autre ratillcntion par trols amhaMHadcurf) de U nation a^'ii neyout, deputes vem M. do Tracy, Koovernuur, et M. >'o Talori, iiiteiwliitit. . . , 08 Uescriptloii duH neuf fniiiilloH IroquoiHOH lOJ Exposfi ill' M. Tnloii, inlvndiint do juHtici, pol' > i finances A MM. de Traey v'. ilo Ctmrcelli^H. I'rohlenio— 8 ii >>-,i plimavnnia- geux au service dii n)i fie fairc la guerre «•-. Aunlers quo docouclnre In piiix nvec eux ? . 117 Extrnit d'un niuuioirc de M. Talon adreSfO k M. Colbert sur I'utnt (111 Canada 126 F.tnt al>reg6 du contenu uu Uollo dcH ftiinillcs do la colonie de la Nouvcllo France . . 134 Extrait d'un inenioire 8i);nu de M. Colbert, sur I'6tabli68enient do la colonie, adresne h M. Talon. 186 Kxlrait d'un nieinoire de M. Talon adrence au minifitre, sur I'etst III Caiindii 141 Ktat ubrcne du contenu iiu liollc dcs faniilleH de la Nouvelle Fi m Eliit abruj^e du nouibre des faniilleH, des porHOnncH qui lert com- posont ot dea hotiinies capnblos de porter leH annus; du denoinbre- mcnt ile.s terres decoiivertes, do ci; (pi'a produit, la rccolte, ut des bcstiuux du Canada en i'aiiMeu 16. 'roi nif lans le cas de guerre avc lea Iroquois. 152 Secondo partio— Kiivo, na. , it la ducouverte de nouvellcH tones 153 Troisieme partie — Couroiirs ili s bois 155 Qiia'riemc partie — dea inoyens de raiiioner les benctices du Ca.s- tor i|ui passent aux Anglairt et aux llollandaia 155 Cmqiiieiiie partio — IJ'uno guerre contrc le.s Iroipioia 157 S;xieiiie|iarlie — Voyage au lac Ontario par .MM. Dollier etdulinee 159 Exirait du meimire de M. i'aloii sur le Canada adrcs.-e a inon- siigneiir Ciiijcrt Ifil 1, IIISTOIIIK l)K LA NOUVKLIiK PRANCE. 1463 ■\niiMk mh n MarH. Vbr. a Nor. II Nov. 1671. 1672. 7 Avril. 1 .III in. '2 Nov. ISJiiin. 17 Mai. 14 Nov. Ifi74. Ih75. l.-S Mai. 13 Mai. 15 Mai 1.5 Avril. 1677. '2h Avril. 1678. 12 Miii. 12 Mai. 1G71). 2.5 Avril. 6 Nov. 10 Nov. U;kk Skhik. Vol. I Contmuntton, )'«((«• KxJrait d'une leK'r f|i) minUtro i^ M. le nonvernewr Ju f'«niula. . 170 Kxlrftit (I'liiie lottro i4 M. Tulin (incluwMli' Uprfic^donit .) I7l l'; M. Ttlon., adr«Hii6 an miniitre >ur IV>ta. (Ill I'anadn , ■{ Ui'cit (lu CO (|iii n'est paHHf au vovaRuqiie inonsii-ur do Courr<>l)i-i(, p;ouvi>rncur do la Noiivollu Fraiicv, a fait an lac Untario 184 Miimoire du roi pour scrvir d'inHtniction au 8r. comtie de Fror toimr, M. < " FrDii ti^nac uii ministro — arrivto do M. do Froiilunni' iiii Canndn. KxtraiU d'niic Ictln- du (M. Colbert) ii M. do Krontenac. Extruit d'liiit' li-ttru d:i me ne » uiume Kxlrut du iiiiMuoiro geiiornl J« .\ !. du Fronteiinp adrcss^ nu ini- nistro .sur I'l'tut. du Ciinudn pondftii "annC'e 1674 Mi'inoiro priVsout*' par M. do la -^tUe pour I'entrotion du fort Fronlcnnc Vol. II. (!(;-:>-- 1 OH ) F.xtrait d'une lottrH adre.s.-<('u! par M le Minintre Colbert a M. Ic Cotnti! do Froiitonac ...... Arrest du coii.Hoil du Roi (|ui acteptt; I s olFrus faito.s par le .Sieur do la Sallo, au sujot du Fort do Froiilona Loltro do pour lo Sieur Rober 'Javolior de la Salle Ivvtrait d'uno lottro du Roi, ;idro s6o a'l ('otnto do Frontenac. Rcceiisernout a fairo dos liabitauLs — dull lU aux cornmunaute.s de traitor dos poilotories, etc U 24 24 247 262 F.xtraits d'uiiH leltro du Roi au Cutnto d do la paix avoc los Iroijuois ot lo8 Aii;.'lais . Frontenac— uuiintien IVrinisKion au Siour do la Salle de tlecouvr r la partio Occiden- talo lie la N'ouvidlt? Fiaiieo Kxlrait d'une lettr(." du Roi adresseo ii M, le ( ntnte do Frontenac — cntrolien de la paix aveo les Anglais Extrait d'uno leltre du Roi adresai'o i\ M. le Comte de Frontenac — i;ondnito a tenir dans .son ;rouvornernent .... ExtraiLs d'uu monioire adro.sse au Roi par M. lo Comte do P'rontonac E.vtrait.s dn inemoiro do M. Duchesneau, iufei, laiit, adre.sse au MiniHlro—plainte.s graves do M. (n)ntro M. le Comte do Frontenac et divers autro8 fonctionnairos. (Des archives de la Marine) 4 9 13 15 17 20 22 24 31 m>. h ,1 , 1 1 :f;.\r y:i 4 1451 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A 1i'>;re SfcRiE. Vol. U— Continuation. Hagps Autre metnoire do M. Duchesneau au Ministre — details sur les villea de la Nouvelle Angleterre 52 Letlre de M. de Saurcl A M. Duchesneau 58 Extrait d'line lettre du Roi h M. le Comte de Frontenac — re- coinmandation d'une plus grande moderation dans sa conduite. ... 61 Extraits du memoire do M. Duchesneau au Ministre — desordres des coureurs de bois — oonduite de M. le gouverneur, etc 64 Extrait d'uue lettre de M. le Comte de Frontenac adressfee au Roi, au sujet des 'roquois et des Anglaie, etc 81 Memoire adress6 par M. Duchesneau au .Ministre — tableau de la situation des alFaires en Canada — conduite du Comte de Fron- tenac, etc 98 Memoire joint a la lettre de M. Duchesneau, pour faire coimaitre les divers desordres causes par les coureurs ile bois 128 Memoire de M. Duchesneau, pour faire counaitre au Ministre les nations Sauvages desquelles nous achetons nos Pelleteries, leurs interets, les notres et I'etat dans leijuel se trouvent presentemeiit ces nations ; avec description du pays qu'habitent les Anglais et celle de I'Ac.adie qui est voisino 134 .\nniics. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 1680. '29 Avril. 13 Nov. 1681. '2 Nov. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 168'2. 10 Mai. Instructions que le Roy veut ("'tro mises es mains du Sieur de la Harre, choisy par sa majeste pour gouverneur et son lieutenant en la Nouvelle France ... 153 23 Mars. Extraits des avis dounes ii la conference lemie chez les RR. PP Jesuites au sujet des nouvel les venues des Iroipiois 159 28 Juillet. Copie de la leltro de IVl Duchesneau a W. le Comte de Frontenac. 177 5 Aout. Copie de la lettre envoyee en reponse par .VI, le Comte de Frontenac ii M. Duchesneau 180 13 et 21 Ao&t. Recit de co ()ui s'est passe aux entrevues de M. le Comte de Frontenac avec les Sauvages de diverses nations a Montreal 183 11 Sept. Paroles des cinq nations Iroquoises a M. le Comte de Frontenac. '206 12 Sept. Reponse de M. le Comte de Frontenac aux paroles des deputes des cinii nations Iroquoises 213 16 Sept. Lettre du Sieur de la Forest, major du Fort de Frontenac, a M. le Comte de Frontenac, sur le depart du depute des Iroquois. . . . 226 12 Sept. Memoire pour eclaircir les dispositions L'lIISTOlllE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1456 Paget r les ... 52 58 — re- 3... 61 )rdres 64 i^e au 81 au lie Fron- 98 inaitre 128 itre les 1, leurs leineiit ;lai8 et 134 ir de la ant en . 153 9 IIR. . 159 itenuc. 177 nte lie 180 lite lie 1 183 liteiiac. 'iOH putes 'ilH ,dM. .... -i-ib M. le ^es et -i-iS te de .... 237 acbec inten- lerge, juerru . . 242 1J!;RE SliRiE. Vol. II — Continuation. Annies. 12 Nov. 1683. 5 AoQt. 4 Nov. (Sans date.) 1684. I'ilKOH Sxtraits, par le Ministre, du resume des leltres de M. de la Barre, gouverneur du Canada 249 Extrait d'une lettro du Roi i\ M. de la Barre 259 Lettre de M. de la Barre au Ministre — details tres amples sur la situation du Canada, etc 261 Kxtrait dn memoire adresse u MM. les Interesses en la so- ciete de commandite de la ferine et commerce du Canada 297 Memoire pour rendre compte ft M. le Marquis de Seignelay, de I'etat oil le Sieur de la Salle a laisse le Fort Frontenac, pendant le temps de sa decouverte, (1679-1684) 305 Memoire toachant les depunses que le Sieur de la Salle a faitcs au Fort de Frontenac 317 19 Avril. E.vtiait de la lettre dn Ministre a M. de la Barre— mauvaise administration de ce gouverneur — reproches du Roi et du Ministre, etc 334 10 Avril. Extrait d'une lettre du Ministre A M. de Meules, intendant du Canada 337 10 Avril. Autre lettre du m6me au memo 34S 10 Avril. Oiiionnanco portaut ft tons Fraiicjais do se retirer a Manhatho, ou autres lieux appavteiiant anx Anglais 345 10 Avril. Edit du Roi sur le memo sujet 847 14 Avril. Commission ilu Sieur do la Salle pour commander dans tons les pays qui seront assujettis a la France, k I'Ouest du Canada 350 5 Juin. Extrait d'une lettre do M. de la Barre au Ministre, M. de Seiiine- lay ...353 10 Fcv. Loitre du R. R de Lamberviile a M. de la Barre 355 8 Juillet. Lettre do M. de Meules, intendant, an Ministre 362 31 Juillet. Extrait d'une lettre du Roi a M. de la Barre — envoi iles troupes pour la guene eontre les Iroquois, etc 376 31 Juillet. Depeche du Ministre ft M. Barillon, ambassadeur Fran(;ais a Loud res 382 14 AoiU. Revue faite par le gouverneur de la Barre, de I'armee composee des troupes du Koi, milice du pays et Sauvages assembles au Fort Frontenac 384 5 Sept, Paroles et piesens des Onontagues faits a Onotio, a la Famine. . 389 1 Oct. Memoire de M. de la Bane, sur ce (jni s'est fait et passe au sujet do la guerre contre les Soniiontouaiis 396 1 Oct. Resume fait par le Ministre du memoire de M. de la Barre, sur ce qui s'est passe dans la paix faite avec les Irnquois 413 7 Oct. Lettre de M. do la Barre an Mmistre — plaintes contre le Col. Dongan, etc ... 420 10 Oct. Lettre de M. de Meules, intendant, au Ministre— recit do I'oxpe- ditioii (le M. de la Uarre contre les Iroquois, el de la paix liontcuse qui en flit la suite. ..." 422 1^1 W "'■ If \r 1456 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A i M- ■1.4" it -£1 liiRE SiCRiE. Vol. II — Continuation. Pages Lettre deM. le Chevalier do Callieres, gouvernour de Montr6al, au Ministre — clat de ce gouvernement — guerre centre les Iro- quois, etc . . . 438 Extrait d'un mCmoire envoy6 au Roi, en rfeponse it la dupcche du 10 Avril dernier 444 (Renfermant) Lettro du R. P. I,ambervi!le a M. de la Barre 449 Lettre du meme au meme 452 Lettre du mome au meniu 458 Lettre iiu meme au meme 463 Lettre du meme au memo * 466 Lettre du meme au meme 469 Lettre du meme au meme 472 Lettre du meme au meme 476 Copie d'une lettre de M. de la Barre au Col. Dongan 483 Reponso du Col. Dongan a la lettre de M. de la Rarre. 486 Copie d'une kttro de M. de la Barre au Col. Dongan, avee copie lies instructions donneea au Sieur de Salvaye, son envoye a New York 489 Copie d'une lettre du Col. Dongan adressco aux Franijais de Pemaquil 497 E.viraii d'une lettre de M. de la Barre au Ministre — pretentions des Anglais, etc 498 Extrait du Resume, par le Ministre, des lettres re9nes du Canada 500 Vor,. III. (I(i8:i-I()87.) Memoire ile M. le Chevalier de Callieres pour Monseignour le Marquis de Seignelay, toueliant les usurpations des Anglais sur les Colonies Fran^iiises d'Amerique 1 Lettre du Roi a M. de la Harre, annonqanl son rappel. ........ 15 E.vtrait d'une lettre du Roi il M. de iMeules, intendant, relative- ment au meme snjet 16 Leitre du Ministre a M. liarillou, atubassadeur a Londres, se plaignant de la conduite du gonverneur de la Nouvelle York 18 Fixtraits du resume des reponses aux lettres recjues du Canada. . '20 Instructions du Roi au Sieur .Manpiis de Denonville, uhoisi pour etre Lieut, (ieneial et (Jouverneur en la Nouvelie France '25 Extrait du resume, par le .Ministre, des lettres do M. de Denon- ville, des 20 Aout, ',i Septcnibre et 12 N'ovcmbre ; avec ses notes. 31 Meinoiii; de iM. le .Man(iiis de !)euoiiviil(! concuruant I'ctat pre- sent du Canada, et le.s rnesuies quel'oa lioil prendre pour la siirete du jiays 50 Etat des Castors veiius dii Canada, dcpuis 1675 jusqu'a 1685. . . 76 AniKies, 9 Nov. 13 Nov. 10 Juillet, llJuiilet. 13 Juillet. 18 Juillet. 17 Aoiit. 28 AoQt. 27 Sept. 9 Oct. 15 Juin. 5 Juillet. '24 Juillet. 1683. 3 Aout. 1684. 14 Nov. 13 et 14 Nov, 1685. 25 Fev. 10 Mars. 10 Mars. 10 Mars. 18 Fev. 10 Mars. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. t-! l'EISTOIRE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1457 Ann(!cg. 1686. 8 Mai. 1685. 13 Oct. 1686. 12 Juin. 8 Nov. 1I;re S^.rie. Vol. Ill — Continuation. Pages Lettre do M. de Denonville au Ministre — commerce et fortifica- tions de Montreal, etc 78 (Renfermant) Oopie de la lettre du Col. Dongan i M. do Denonville 97 11 Nov. 16 Nov. 'iO .Mai. !22 Mai. 20 Juin. '27 Juillet. 27 Sept. (Sans date. ■ 1686. 1687. Janvier. 30 Mars. 1686. 17 Juin. 16 Juillet. 19 Juillet. 19 Juillet, 25 Aoiit. 11 Juin. 22 Aoilt. 25 Aoat. 1687. 27 Oct. Lettre de M. de Denonville au Ministre — etat du pays — crainte dea Iroquois — le Col. Dongan, etc 100 M«moire de M. do Denonville sur I'etat present des affaires du Canada, et la nece.'^site de faire la guerre I'an prochain aux Iroquois, etc 110 Lottre de M. de Denonville au Ministre 136 Autre lettre de M. de Denonville au Ministre — procedes du Colonel Dontjan, etc 148 Lettre (en latin) adressee par le Col. Dongan au R. P. Lamber- ville 157 Lettre du Col. Dongan ii M. de Denonville. ... 160 Ileponse de M. du Denonville au Colonel Dongan 164 Autre lettre du Col. Dongan a M, de Denonville 169 Ileponse de M. de Denonville a la pr^cedente du Col. Dongan. 175 ) Autre lettre du Col. Dongan ii M. de Denonville . . . . 180 Resume, par le Ministre, des leltres recjues cette annee du Canada, et des reponses qu'on y a faites 186 .Memoire pour M. le Marquis de Seigiielay, sur le danger oil se trouve le Canada ; sur les moyens d'y rernedier, et d'etablir solidement la religion, le commerce et la puissance du Roy 'l-ans I'Amerique Septeutrionale 205 Extraits d'un memoire du Roy aux Sieurs Marquis de Denon- ville et de Cliampigny — guerre centre les Iroquois — precedes du CoL Dongan, etc 222 Lettre du Roi k M. de Denonville, lui defendant de ne rien entre- prendre centre les Anglais 245 Relation de la marclie de M. le Marquis de Denonville jusqu'a Catarakouy, ccrite par M. I'inlendant Champigny . 248 Acte de prise de possession du pays des Iroquois, dits Tsanon- thouans, par M. de Denonville 259 Acte de prise de possession de Niagara, par M. de Denonville. 263 Lettre de M. de Denonville au Mini.stre — recit de son expedition centre les Sonnonthouans — destruction de leurs villages, etc .... 267 Lettre du Col. Dongan A M. de Denonville 298 Reponse de M. de Denonville au Col. Dongan 303 Resume par le Ministre des lettres recjues de M. de Denonville et des reponses faites a ces lettres 320 Memoire de M. de Denonville sur I'etat present des affaires du Canada, au sujct ile la guerre avec les Irociuois 336 1468 MANUSCEITS RELATIF8 A M ■ ■ !■; ;,i ; ' J'l" m AniK^eg. 2 Oct. 8 Sept. 12 Oct. Octobre. Nov. 13 Dec. (Sans date.) 1688. 8 Mars. 8 Mars. 8 Mars. 8 Mai. 15 Juin. 15 Juin. 15 Sept. 30 Oct. l^RE S/;rie. Vol. Ill — Continuation. Pages Lettre de M. le Marquis de Denoiiville au Colonel Dongan. . . . 367 Lettre (en Anglais) du Col. ^Dongan. en reponse a celle de M. de Deiionville 372 Autre lettre de M. de Dcnonville en replique h celle du Colonel Donga 383 1689. (Sans date.) (Sans date.) (Sans dale.) 1389. Janvier. Metnoire du voyage pour I'entreprise de M. le Marquis de Denonville contre les Sonnontouans, ennemis de la colonie, envoye par ordre du Roi 39i Memoire de M. le Chevalier de Callieres, gouverneur de I'isle de Montreal, i M. le Marquis de Seignelay, representant la necessite de fortifier Yille-Marie, et les precautions li prendre contre les Iroquois 437 Copie du memoire remis par MM- de Barillon et de Bonrepos, a MM. les commissaires du Roi d'Angleterre, coiicernant le droit que le Roi a sur les Iroquois 443 Memoire pour justifier les .-js considerables (|ui sont occasionnees pour la subsistance, I't k'.> presents qui sont donnes aux nations Sauvages. 121 Extrait d'un uiuuioire du Hoi aux Sieurs de Calliuro." et du Beau- harnois — depfiise pour la colonie du Deioiu... 12S Lettre de M. de V.iudreuil au ininistrc — iTiort dc M. de Calliercs. I'reparutifs i'. ui'.'naiius dos Anglais — dih'iiKsitions les Sauvages . 181 Paroles des Sauvnges ndresseo a M. do Vaudrouil, anisi (|iie les observatiiiii.i du ministre 14'- Resume d'une lettre de .MM. de Vnudreuil et de Beauharnois, dc cettc date, avec les observations du ministre ...... 167 Details su((Miit> de ce qui compose les vingt-niillions, ou eriviron, que rapporte la colonie du Canada, par lui, an Roi el a scs sujets. . . 173 Extrait d'une itttre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — Stiuvage;- Abenaquis — Iroquois — etat du Detroit — Peter Schuyler, etc 17!* Exirait d'une lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil et de Beauharnois au ministre — allaires des Sauvages — niouveuients de Peter Schuyler, etc 19<» Extrait d'un uiemoire du Roi adresse k MM. de Vaudreuil et de Beauharnois — il Ieur est recommande dc reconcilier les Iroquois avec lea ()ul;i. Minis, Miamis etc 202 Extraits d'une lettre de .M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — ncgocia- tions avcc les Sauvages 206 L'llISTOlllE DE LA NOUVELLE FKANOE. 1465 Anndci. 10 et 17 Aout 17 Aout. Octobre. 1706. 28 Avril. 9 Juin. 4 Nov, 1707. ; Juin. 30 Juin. ."0 Juin. 2t Juilii't. 1708. G Juin. 6 Juin. IflRE SfiRiR. Vol. VI — Continuation. Page* (Rcnferniant) Los paroles des duputoH Iroquois A M. «lu Vaudreuii 210 Et la reponao do M. do Vaudrouil aux Sonontounnn et autrca ChefH dcs ((uatrc nalionx Iroquoises 21S Projot du trail e i\ fairo entro les doux colonie.t do la NouvoUo France el do la Nouvello Anglcterro, Huivant les propositions faites par lo Sieiir Vetch do la part du gouvernour Dudley, h M. do Vau- drouil, Konvernour general 220 I'ropositioiiH h fairc h la Cour, pour fairo connaitro la cnn»!equcnco qu'il y nurait do prendre pos^oHsion do Niagara au plus lot, tt do pre- venir Ioh Anglais qui en ont le dossoin 231 Kxtraits d'une lettro do M, do Vaudrouil au ministrc — nccom- niodonienls cnln.' los Sauvages — nfegociations avcc Ic gouvernour Dudley non terrninces 239 Extrait d'une depi'i:ho du ministre i\ M. do Vaudrouil — le niinis- tro lui exprini'j son vif niecontentoinent de sa conduite, li r6gard des permissions qu'il u accordees ft certains traitours — do sa partialite envers les pareiils de sa fenime, — et le menace do lui faire perdro sa charge de gouverneur genC'ral, s'il n'agit pas avoc plus de circon- .spection h. I'avenir 244 Extrait d'une lettre de M. do Vaudrouil au ministre — meaures qu'il a adoptees pour niaintenir I'union entro les Outnouais et los Iroquois 265 Memoiro general sur la domination ot les possossions des Fran- 9ai8 en Canada, depuis 1.504 jusqu'i 1706, avoc des extraits dos depCches des gouverneurs et intcndants sur lo memo sujet. (Co nienuiire contient uno suite de details chronologiques et historiquea sur h's premieres decouvertos du pays) 260 Extrait d'uno dep6che du ministre a M. do Vaudrouil — on lui rccomniando do niaintenir la paix avec les Sauvagos ; do harcelerles Anglais a Boston, etc 346 Instructions du Iloi pour lo Sieur Daigromont, rhoisy pour visiter I'etat des Forts de Catarakouy, Nia;iiira, le Detroit, Michilmakinac ; et verifier si les accusations [loriees contre M. de Vaudrouil, au sujet du connnorce fraudultnix qui s'y fait, sont fondees 850 Memoiro du Iloi adresse a MM. de Vaudrouil etRaiidot, intoiJant — atrairos des Sauvagos — rotranchemont do leurs presents aecoutu- mes — negociations avec lo gouvernour Dudley — punitions des Cou- reurs de Bois, etc 361 Lettro do M. de Vaudrouil au ministre — agression des Outa- ouais contre les Miamis 367 Extrait d'une depeche du Roi u M. Ilaudot, lui recominan- dant d'exciter les Sauvagos a fairo la guerre aux Anglais, etc. . - . S70 Extrait d'une dtpecho du Roy h MM. de Vaudrouil et Raudot — le Roy ne reconnait pas la princesso Anne pour reine d'xVngleterre — projet d'etablir quatre compagnies Sauvages , 372 in m 1 3! I , ,r; :ll> m iilii 14(Jfl MANUSCRITR RKLATIFS A IfcKK S1(kik. Vol. VI — Con fi nun I ion. 6 Juin. Kxtrait d'uno dfptVho du niiniNtro h M. do Vnudrouil — instruc- tion do cuntiniior ii harcvler loa AnglaiH Hiir touit ics ^ointn 376 & Nor. Kxtrait il'iine Icttro du M. do Vaudreuii an miniHtrc— i)roc6d68 doH Iroquoia viH-i\-viM Ioh Fran(;ais ot Ioh AngiaiH — point d'apparcnce d'acconimudvnient avoc lo gouvernoiir Dudley 880 (Runforniant) 'i4 Mai. Copio d'uno Icttro du K. P. d'Hou, j6Huito, h. M. do Vaudrouil— diiipoHitionH dos Sauva^os, otc S86 12 Nov. Luttro do M. do Vaudrouil nu niiniHtre — ravages don Sauvagcs dauH le gouvernoniont do BoHton— nionacon doH Anglais d'altaquer lo Canada, oto 391 (Ilcnfprnant) 26 .Sept. Copie d'uno lettro do Peter Schuyler A M. do Vaudrouil — il deplore lu genre de guerre qui so pratique entro los deux nations. . . 897 14 Not. Rapport do M. Daigretnont an ministro, sur i'etat dcs differents forts du Canada — conduito du Chevalier Tonty — il trouvo ridicule lo projet doB coiupagnies Sauvagca, etc 899 1709. 27 Avril. Lettro de M. do Vaudreuil au ministro — rumours d'uno attaquo dos Anglais sur lo Canada — inouvomcnta des troupes en conse- quence 418 6 Juiliot. Extrnit d'un m6moiro du Roi adresse h MM. do Vaudrouil ct Raudot — ils doivent conserver I'union entre les Sauvages — fortifi- cations do Qu6bec, etc 4l25 Juillot, Lettro du ministre i\ M. Dnigremont, en ri-ponse u son rapport du 14 Novcmbre 1708 — il lui recoihniando de I'instruiro du manege des gens de M. do Vaudreuil 427 14 Nov. Lettro de M. de Vaudrouil au ministre — procedes de Peter Schuyler — nouvcllos repnndues do I'arriveo d'uno flotte anglaiae au Ric — preparatifs de defonno dans Quebec — nouveiles d'uno armee en marcho par Orange — tableau des forces regulitiros ot de la milice de la colonic, otc 435 (Renferuiant) 2 Juin. 1. Interrogatoiro de J. Whiting, pris par les FrauQais 461 2. Lettre du R. P. Mareuil, niissionnaire d'Onontaguu, au R. P. d'lleu, niissionnaire de.s Sonnonthouans 465 1 Aoflt. 3. Interrogatoiro de Quesol Roulouse \ la Pointe i la Chevelure, (Crown Point.) 467 14 Juin. 4. Lettre du Sieur do Joncaire au Sieur de la Fresniere, com- mandant du Fort Frontenac 471 19 Oct. 5. Copie d'uno lettre de M. de Ramsay A M. de Vaudreuil — mou- vements des Anglais pour attaquer le fort Chambly. 473 Novembre. Memoire sur I'etat dans lequel etait la Colonic du Canada au mois do Novembre 1709 L IIISTOIIIE DE LA NOUVELLE FIIANCE. 1107 »•»«•> instruc- 376 troc^d^R iparcnce 880 idroull — ■lauvBRes 'altaquer 385 391 Jrcuil — i\ ations... 897 differents ! ridicule 899 le attnquo en conse- 418 ,udrouil ot 8 — fortifi- 4i25 apport du ant'go des 427 de Peter : angiaise ca d'unc es ot de 435 461 au R. P. 465 Ihevelure, 467 re, com- 471 il — mou- 473 lanada au 1710. 1 Mai. 10 Mai. 7 Juin. .fuin. 8 Nov. 18 Nov. 1711. 25 Avril. 7 Juillet. 25 Oct. 1712. 28 Juin. 6 Nov. 1713. 4 Juillet. 1714. 1716. Fevrier. 15 Oct. 7 Nov. 12 Nov. 1717. 26 Juin. 25 Jan. IfcuK SliHiK. Vol. VII. (I/IO-IT'-T.) Pmm Lettro do M. do Vaudrcuil au minlHtro— dftails iur ChamWy — lo lac CMiampUin — I'utor Sohiiylur no rend en An(tlotorro 1 Lettro du niiiiiHtrc i\ .M. do Vaudroull — il approuvo lea mcfluros quo M. do Vaudruuil a adoptCcn Lottro du niinixtro i\ M. do Vaudrouil — preparatiffi dea Anglais contro lo Canada II Notes du minJHtro Hur los lettros rc(;iio8 do M. do Vaudreuil 14 Kxtrait d'uno lettre de M. do Vaudrouil au niiniatre — diNpoaitions dos Onontagiii-s ot autrcs tribus— envoi de partis pour horcelcr le.s Anglais 18 KxtraitH d'un tn^moire do M. Daigrcmont adrcf)g6 au niiiiiHtro. — r6taldis8cincnt dos congas pour la traito, etc 38 Lettro do M. de Vaudreuil au niiniatre — prise du Port-Royal par IcH Anglain — IIh parl.Mit de vetiir attaqucr QuC-bcc 43 Kxtrnit d'uno di pf-cho du niinistrc h M. de Vaudrotiil — il approuvo Its iiicsures qu'il a priKca contro New York, etc., ainsi que ses n^go- ciations avec Ics Snuvages 52 Extrnit d'uno lettro de M. de Vaudreuil au ininixtre — nouvclles d'une tlotte anglaiifo qui doit venir attaquer Quebec, et uno arniCe du cote do Montreal — preparatifs do M. do Vaudrcuil 57 KxtraitH d'une dep^cho du niinistro li M. do Vaudrcuil — ii le f<61icito de ce que la tlotte anglaise ait ete detruito par Ics element!), niais il no doit pas negliger de prendre toutes Ics precautions pour I'avenir, etc 78 Kxtrait d'unc lettro de M. de Vaudreuil au minislre- -guerre entre quclqucs nations sauvages — conscila tonus avec plusicurs tribus, etc 77 Kxtrait d'uno dopftcho du niinistro & M. de Vaudreuil — annonce do la paix entre les couronncs de France et d'Angletorro 86 Menioirc qui dcniontre de quel avantagc le Detroit est pour leRoi — niesures ik prendre pour lo conserver 88 Extraits du mumoiro de M. de Vaudrcuil adresso au Due d'Or- leans, regent du royaunie, sur I'etat dea affaires en Canada 95 Rapport de M. Chausscgros (Dulery.) sur I'otat de la fortification et situation de la ville de Quebec, capitalo du Canada 109 Memoire du conseil de marine, approuvant les propositions de M. de Vaudreuil, au sujot du fort de Niagara 117 Lettro de M. de Vaudreuil au conseil — rumours du niourtre de MM. de Ramsay ot Longueil, flls, par les Sauvages Kaokias 120 Extraits d'une lettro du conseil do marine A M. de Vaudreuil — il doit veiller 4 la conduitc des Anglais, mais entretenir la paix, etc. . 123 Notes du conseil de marine sur le rapport de M. de Vaudreuil, au sujet du conseil tenu par les Iroquois 126 CC ■h i ■■-'■ i IF n I) I" >"l ■■vr 1468 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A 'i-.' -11111 |i .1 IfeRE Skrie. Vol. VII — Continuation. Pages Mcmoiro sur I'Acadio par rapport aux Sauvages Abunaquis; limites de I'Acadie, etc 133 Notes par lo conseil de marine sur la lettre du R. P. Lafitau, jeHuite, miBsionnairc, au sujet de la vento dcs bois.sons aux Sau< vages. (Ce document contient uno lettro de F. Lovelace, gouvcr- neur de New York, du 18 novcmbro 1083.) 145 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au conseil do marine — affaires des Sauvages 1152 Mumoire general sur les Sauvages du Canada, jusqu'i la rivifere Mississippi ; contcnant des remarques sur leurs territoires, ainsi que sur les mcBurs et lo negoce de ces Sauvages 155 Extrait d'uno dept^cho du Roi i^ MM. de Vaudreuil et ISegon — limites de la Nouvelle France 179 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au conseil do la marine — guerre entro les differentcs tribus Sauvages 181 JMemoire du R. P. Aubry, j6suite, misKionnaire sur les limites de la Nouvelle France et de la Nouvelle Angleterre 187 Recensement general du Canada, d'apres le rapport de M. Begon, du li novembro 1719 194 Rapport du conseil de marine approuvant les mesures de MM. de Vaudreuil et Bugon, au sujot des dispositions pour le fort Nia- gara, etc 197 Recensement du Canada d'apres Ic rapport de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon, du 26 octobrc 1720 201 Copie d'une lettre ecrito A M. lo Marquis de Vaudreuil, par M. Wm. Burnet, gouverncur de la Nouvelle York— il se plaint de ce que les Franqais ont etabli un postu ii Niagara sur les terrcs dcs Sauvages contrairement au traite d'Utrecht — plainte contre le Sieur Joncaire, etc 204 Rtponse de M. de Vaudreuil au gouverneur Burnet — iljustifie les etablissemcnts franqais ii Niagara — Joncaire a agi par ses ordres. 209 Extrait de la rtiponse de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon au mtraoirc du Roi, du 8 juin precedent— negociations dcs Anglais avec les Sauvages, etc 220 Recensement du Canada d'apres le rapport de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon, du 4 novembre 1721 232 Extrait d'une depeclie du Roy a MM. dn Vaudreuil et Begon — commerce de Pelleteries avec les Sauvages — dcsseins des Anglais contre le fort Niagara, etc 288 Memoire de MM. do Vaudreuil ct Begon au conseil de marine — cnvahisscment des tcrres des Sauvages par les Anglais — les Sauvages s'en vengent par plusieurs attaques sur divers points de la Nouvelle Angkteri e, etc 241 Ann(5c8. 1718. 1 Juin. 80 Oct. 1719. 23 Mai. 28 Oct. 1720. Janvier. 20 Avril. 172L Janvier. 24 Mars. 11 Juiltef. 24 Aout. 8 Oct. 1722. 24 Mai. 8 Juin. 17 Oct. hi-;: L niSTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE ERANCE. 1169 Pages quia ; 133 ifitau, [ Sau- juvcr- 145 •es des 152 riviere i, ainsi ...... 155 egon — 179 c cntro 181 mites de 18T . Bcgon, 194 MM. de brt Nia- 197 audreuil 201 , par M. int (le CO lerres des Ic Sicur 204 il justifie sordres. 209 mtraoirc avec les 220 audreuil .... 232 Bugon— i Anglais 288 narine — luvagcs NouveUe .. 241 Ann(ic8. 1723. Mars. 21 Avril. 1724. 18 Jan. 30 Mai. 28 Nov. 1724. 1725. 21 Avril. 24 Avril. 7 Aoat. 7 Aoiit. 1726. 7 Mai. 7 Mai. 7 Mai. 14 Mai. 16 Mai. 5 Juillet. IfcRE S£rie. Vol. VII — Continuation. pa^„g MImoire concernant les limites du Canada, dresse et prcsente par le Sieiir Bol6, avec un commentaire sur ^interpretation qu'il faut donner aux divers traitos entro les deux couronnes 253 Extraits des lettrcs des gouverneurs, intendants et autres, sur les entreprises et dommages faits par les Anglais en Canada, depuis le traitc de Nimtgue en 1678. (Cette serio de documents contient un somma're de tous les evfincments qui ont eu lieu depuis 1C80) 269 Resum6 des lettres de MM. do Vaudreuil et Begon — dispositions et mouvements des Abenaquis et autres, contrc les Anglais, etc. . . 319 Extrait d'un mdmoire du Roi h MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon — les Fran(;ais no doivent point paraitre dans la guerre des Abenaquis contre les Anglais; mais ils doivent inspirer sous main aux autres nations d'aider les Atienaquis, etc 328 Lettro de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — guerre des Abenaquis avec les Anglais — mort du R. P. Rasle— destruction de Narant- souac —diverges autres nations font la guerre aux Anglais .ISO Memoire general sur I'etat present de la nation dos Abenaquis. "41 Extrait d'uno Icttre adressfie au ministre par M. Begon, inten- dant, au sujot do la guerre des Abenaquis avec les Anglais o46 Memoire du ministre au sujet de la guerre sur les fronti^res de la NouveUe Angleterre — mcurtre du R. P. Rasle — les Abenaquis doivent etre aides dans cette guerre, etc 561 Resume des lettres de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon, des 22 mai et 10 juin — les Anglais d Oswego — empietemons sur le territoire du Canada 369 Resume des lettres de M. de Vaudreuil au sujot des Abenaquis — negociations dos Anglais pour entrainer les Sauvages dans leurs desseins eontre le Canada 378 Memoire sur lo Canada — moyens dont se servent les Anglais pour accaparcr le commerce des Pelleterics ainsi que pour s'euiparer dos etablissements des Fran^aia — mesure a prendre en consequence. 386 Memoire du ministre au sujet du fort anglais d'Oswego, et resume de la lettro de M. de Longueil, du 31 octobro 1725, ot de son voyage a Oswego, Onnontague, etc 396 Extrait d'un memoire du Roi pour servir d'instructions ii M. de Beauharnoifi, nomm6 gouverneur du Canada 400 Extrait d'un memoire du Roy auxSieurs deBeauhariuis, gouver- neur, et Dupuy, intendant — les Anglais ayant etabli un iiDstu a Choucgen, ils doivent employer les Iroquois, etc., A les en oxpuNor. '05 Traduction de la lettre ecrite par M. le Due de Newcastle a M. Walpole, au sujet du fort frarnjais de Niagara Ul Lettre du gouverneur Burnet ii M. de Longueil, au stijnt du fort de Niagara 415 W 1 [1 It , ; un ■ ■ 1*1 i 1^ :■' 1 * ■ r ' i : mr tih !V Jr'':i; r; 1170 3IANUSCRITS RELATIFS A li;RE Serie. Vol. VII- Continuation. Ann(ios. 16 Aout. 25 Oct. 1727. 11 Avril. 29 Avril. Juillct. Aoftt. 25 Sept. 20 Juillet. 1 Aofit. 20 Juillet. 8 Aout. 1727. 1727. 1 Nov. 21 Dec. 1738. 9 Mars. 9 Mars. 9 Mai. 16 Mars. Paaes Reponse de M. de Longncil k la lettro du gouvcrneur Burnet. . . 41 8 Extraits des lettrea des gouverreurs et intendants du Canada, au snjet des limiteK entre ce pays et lea colonies anglaises, et d I'egard des Sauvages Iroquois, du 28 avril 1716, au 25 octobre 1726 421 Copio do la Icttre de M. le Due de Newcastle li M. Walpole, au sujot du fort de Niagara 431 Extrail d'un memoire du Hoi h MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy — construction du fort Niagara et de mciix barques au fort Frontenac. 435 Discours des Iroquois A M. rintendant Begon en se rendant a Chouegen, (Oswego) 441 Traite de paix conclu ci Casquebay, entre les Sauvages du village de Tanaouansky et lea Anglais 444 Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre — fort de Chouegen, etc. 452 Copic de la sommation faite au commandant du fort buti par les Anglais sur le bord du lac Ontario 458 Proc^s-verbal de la remise de la sommation 459 Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au gouverneur Burnet, de la Nou- velie York 463 Lettre du gouverneur Burnet en reponse h cello do M. de Beau- harnois 467 Resume des lettres du Canada au Bujet des forts de Niagara et Chouegen, ecrites durant les annees 1725, 1726 et 1727, avcc les observations du ministre et du Roi sur ces Inttres 479 Reponse au memoire de Sa Mnjeste Britannique, au sujet du fort de Niagara 491 Resume d'un memoire de M. Dupuy, intendant, sur les preten- tions dca Anglais en Amerique ; avec dos annotations de la part du ministre 515 Traduction de la lettre ecrite par MM. les commissaires du bureau du commerce, (Board of Trade,) li son excellence le Due de Newcastle, au suJct des cmpietemens des Fran9ais sur le territoire dcla Nouvulle York et autres lieux 524 Vol. VIII. (1728-1744.) Resumf pour Ic Roi des lettres rcques de MM. de Beauharnois et Du[)U)- — dispositions des Abcnaquis, Micmacset autres, k I'egarJ des Fran9ais et des Anglais Memoire touchant le fort bati par les Anglais a Oswego 24 (Renfermant) Le plan et elevation du fort d I'entreo de la riviere Chouegen, (Oswego,) dresse par M. Chaussigros de Lery 30 Momoire au sujet du fort de Niagara, presente au Cardinal Floury 31 Memoire du ministre au sujet des deux forts de Chouegen et Niagara ..... 37 L'niSTOmE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1471 Anii6es. 14 Mai. iJiRE Serie. Vol. VIII — Continuation. Pages Extrait d'un meraoire clu Roi adresR^ a MM. de Bcauharnois ct Dupuy — mesures a prendre avec les Abenaquis — observations sur les postes do commerce et traites des Pelletcries — Sa Majcste n'approuve point la proposition de construire une citadelle a Quebec, mais d'y faire d'autres ouvrages, ainsi qu'une enceinte pour Montreal 47 Copie de la lettre de M. Walpole i M. le garde des sceaux, au sujet des forts de Niagara, Oswego, etc 61 Precis du voyage du Sieur de Chauverignic, interprete des cinq nations, detache pour porter 'a parole aux Nontagues 65 document ministeriel — memoire au sujet de Tetablissement des Anglais d Chouegen, sur les bords du lac Ontario 7(1 Precis des lettres do MM. de Reauharnois et d'Aigremont, au sujet de I'etablissement des Anglais h Chouegen 79 Precis des lettres de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart — postes des Sauvages Abenaquis — du lac Ontario, des Scioux, Iroquois, etc. 91 Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre, renfermant les nouvcllcs revues d' Albany, au fujet des Sauvages, etc 106 Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre, au sujet de I'affaire de Henry Lydins, convaincu de comnierco illicito avec les Sauvages 110 Resume pour le ministre— projet d'etablissement dans le lac Champlain, et 4 la pointe u la Chevelure 1 17 Autre resume du ministre — sur les etablissemcnts k faire dans le lac Champlain et a la pointe i la Chevelure, avec une carte du pays entre le fort Chambly et Albany, approbation du Roi, etc.. . . 119 Extraits d'une lettre du ministre a M. do Beauharnois — vues et mouvemcnts dts Anglais 125 Extrait d'une depecho du Roi adressee Beauharnois et Hocquart— postes d'Oswego, de Niagara, etc. — tolerance de la tiaite de I'cau-de-vie — construction de vaisseaux — r6trocession de la Louisiane par la compagnie des Indes 128 Lottre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre — les Abenaquis — les Sauvages de I'ouest— Chouegen — la pointe a la Chevelure — Ics conges aux veuves, etc 134 Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre — corres- pondance avec le gouverneur Montgomery, de New York 143 Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre — traite avec les Sauvages — suggestion d'eiivoyer un chef sauvage tn France pour y etre presente au Roy 148 Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre, relative- ment aux auteurs de I'evasioii desseJitieuxde Niagara — trois freres llecollets inculpes dans cette atlaire 151 Extrait d'un memoire du Roi adretse a MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart — conduite a observer avec les Sauvages — fort sur la pointo a la Chevelure — les Anglais doivent etre munis do passeports pour vcnir en Canada, etc 158 22 Juin. 1 Oct. 1729. 25 Jan. 25 Oct 1730. 10 Oct. 15 Oct. 1731. 5 Fev. 13 Fev. 24 Avril. 6 Mai. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 23 Oct. 17.32. 22 Avril. 1472 MANUSCRITS EELATIFS A Jt '; 1 I'' I V ^ ■: '. ; m m\ ^1 vji <(: Ann(5cs. 13 Juin. 15 Oct. 1733. l8Fev. 1734. 10 Oct. 19 Aout. 27 Dec. 1734. 1735. 10 Mai. 1736. 12 Oct. (Sans date.) 1737. 10 Mai. 1739. 16 Jan. Ftvrier. 1740. Aout. 1-2 Sept. l^RE S£rie. Vol. Yill—Continuution, Pages Declaration et prot^t de rambassadeiir d'Angleterre, au siyet du fort bflti par les FraiKjais h Crown Point, (Pointe a la Chevolure). . . 161 Lettre do M. de Beauharnois au ministre — Sauvages de I'Ohio — raouvements des Iroquois et des Anglais — medailies pour les chefs Sauvages 163 Resume du ministre au sujct des desseins des Anglais sur les lacs Champlain et Ontario — instructions donnees h M. de Beauharnois. . 172 Lettre, avec chifires, de M. de Beauharnois au ministre — projet des Anglais — raouvements des Sauvages — demande de secours — petit nombre de solda; j dans la colonic 175 Entrevuo avec les Tshonnontouans — paroles de leurs chefs jointes a la lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart, du 7 octobre 184 Resume des vues de M. de Beauharnois, relativement aux projets des Anglais ; avec les observations sur I'etat de leurs colonics. 194 Extrait du recensemcnt general fait en la Nouvelle France, en 1734 202 Lettre du ministre h M. de Beauharnois — precautions a prendre contre les entrepriscs dos Anglais — s'ils font quelqu'attaque contre le Canada, il sera cnvoye des secours — on aurait desire envoyer 1,500 d 2,000 fusils pour armer la milice, mais Tctat des finances ne le permet pas 205 Extrait d'unc lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au minis- tre — forts — Sauvages — Detroit — Mississippi — Acadie, etc 210 Denombrement des nations sauvages qui ont des rapports avec le gouvernement de Quebec — des guerriers de chaquo nation, ainsi que de leurs ainioiries. (Ce document parail avoir etc redige par un Fran^ais, (peut-etre Joncaire,) qui aurait etc adopte dans la tribu du " Pluvier.") 220 Extrait d'une dcpeche du Roi h MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart — navigation des lacs Ontario et Champlain — Detroit — Oiitaouais — Scioux — Iroquois — Abcnaquis, etc 238 Reclamation de I'ambassadeur d'Angleterre, au sujct d'un <'.'tablis- sement forme par les Fran9ais dans le pays des Iroquois; avec un memoire au snjet de retabli.^scmcnt projete des FranQais i\ I'anse au Bois, (Wood Creek) 211 Mtnioire du ministre de France en rcponse A celui du ministre d'Angleterre -18 Extrait du conseil tenu h Orange, avec les cinq nations Iroquoises, ou ttaient aussi les gens du Sault St. Louis 250 Paroles des cinq nations iroquoises adrcssees i\ M. de Beaucourt, gouverneur du Montreal !i02 l'iIISTOIRE DE la NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1473 Pages Riyet du ure). .. 161 ['Ohio— es chefs 163 r les lacs larnois.. 172 c— projet iecours — 175 efs jointes )bre 184 ux projets inics 194 France, en 202 a prendre que contre re cnvoyer finances ne 205 •t ftu minis- jrts avec Ic ition, ainsi redige par )te dans la 210 220 It Ilocquart Vitaouais — 238 run tHablis- ts ; avec un ii I'anse au l\u ministre 211 248 llroqnoises, 250 AniK^cs, 20 Sept 31 Oct. 1741. 21 Sept, iBeaucourt, 252 iJiRE S^RiE. Vol. VIII — Continuation. Pages Reponses de M. do Beauharnois aux paroles des cinq nations adressees ii M. de Beaucourt 258 Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre — precautions il prendre vis-i-vis des Anglais — demands d'armes pour la milice 265 Lettre de M. do Beauharnois au ministre — negociations avec les Sauvagcs — dcsordre au Sault St. Louis dans le commerce de la traite — lesjesuiteset une famille du nom de Desaulniers pariiit s'en 6tre empare 209 (Renferraant) Les paroles de M. de Beauharnois adressees aux Outaouais de Missilimakinac 279 Rcponse de M. de Beauharnois aux Iroquois du Sault St. Louis, au sujet do plusieurs griefs 283 Paroles de M. de Beauharnois aux Iroquois du Sault St. Louis . . 289 Paroles c'ea Sonontouans, (Sonecas) a M. de Beauharnois 292 Paroles de M. de Beauharnois adressees aux Sauvages du lac des Deux Montagues 294 Reponses des Iroquois, Algonquins, Nipissingucs, du lac des Deux Montagues, au discoui s ci-dessus 303 Paroles des Nontagues, Ouneyouths, Goyogouins, etc., a M. de Beauharnois 310 Reponse do M. de Beauharnois aux paroles ci-dessus 315 Ili.'ponses de M. de Beauharnois aux paroles des Sonnontouans. . 319 Mcmoire du ministre sur le rcsultat des conferences qui ont eu lieu avec les diverses tribus Sauvages 325 Paroles des Nontagues (Onondagas,) h M. de Beauharnois 329 Reponse do M. de Beauharnois aux paroles des Nontagues 334 Paroles des Sonontouans adressees a M. de Beauharnois 338 Reponse de M. de Beauharnois aux paroles ci-dessus 344 Etat de rartillerio qui se trouve maintenant dans divers forts, places, etc., do la Nouvello France 354 Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre — suite du commerce et do la traite illicite qui se fait au Sault St. Louis — Jiverses ntgociitions avec les tribus sauvages de plusieurs postes 357 Resume pour le ministre do la lettre do MM. de Beauharnois et Ilocquart, du 10 octobre precedent— commerce au Detroit — dispo- sitions des Iroquois et autres 371 Memoire pour le ministre — apprehension de rctablissement d'une marine sur les lacs par les Anglais, etc 374 Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre 376 (Renfermant) Le proc6s-verbal du voyage de M. Beaubassin au fort de la Reine. 378 Lettre de M. do Beauharnois au ministre 381 8 Juillet. 30 Juillet. 3 Aoat, 7 A.iilt. 12 Aoill. 12 Aout. 17 AoClt. 20Acut. 1 Sept. [Sans date.] 1742. 6 Juillet. 18 Juillet. 17 Juillet. 31 Juillet. 30 Juillet. 1743. 13 Oit. 1744. Janvier. 4 Mars . 15 Avril. 2 Mars. 20 Avril. if < 'I i: ' t ': li r'^' I'll: m' M m ■--■1 ? m-t '5'ii 4. ■'i i' 1474 MANUSCIIITS EELATIFS A Anni^ea. 1743. 2G D.c. 1744. 8 Oct. liiRE S^uiE. Vol. VIII — Continuation. Pages (Renfermant) Paroles des Anglais adressces aux cinq nations Iroquoiscs. 383 Lettre de M. dc Beauharnois au rainistre — crainte d'une attaquo contre Quebec — on a mia en etat le.s batteries, fortifications, etc., et on travaille il de nouvoaux ouvrages — details sur les differents postes do Niagara, Oswego, Acadie, Baio d'iludson — dispositions des Sauvagep, otc 384 Lettre dc M. de Beauharnois au ministre 4o7 (Renfermant) Les nouvcllos apportees h M. do Beaucourt, par un chef des Sauvages du Sault St. Louis, revenant d'Orange u Montr<;al 409 Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre — nouvellcs reques du Detroit, etc — les Iroquois observeront la neutralite, niais les autres nations leveront la hacbe contre les Anglais 414 Vol. IX. (1745--1/49.) Mcmoire du ministre sur les nouvellcs re9ues du Canada. (Cette piece manque.) Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre — revoke parmi les Suisses et les soldats dc la garnison de I'lsle Royale 1 Letlre de M. Duchambon, commandant do Louisbourg, au minis- tre — cette place s'est rendue aux Anglais aprfes un siege opiniutrc de quarantesept jours 6 Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Ilocquart au ministre — rcddi- tion de Louisbourg — projet pour rcprendre cette place et so rcmettre en possession de 1' Acadie, etc — leur importincc pour la conservation du Canada, etc. (Co memoire contient d'atnplcs details sur cette partie du pays) 8 Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre — details sur ses negocia- tions avec diverses tribus 61 (Renfermant) 1. Les paroles des Iroquoi.s, Nontagues et Aniers a M. le general do Beauhn-nois, avec ses reponses 69 2. Les paroles des Sononthouans, (Senecas,) i M. le general, avec ses reponses 76 Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre — menaces des Anglais — demande de secours en armes et munitions de bouche 83 Memoire des arrangements pour I'embarquement de quatre bataillons de troupes sur I'escadro du due d'Anvillc, pour aller i ;a defense du Canada 85 Instructions pour M, de Meric, nomme pour prendre le commande- ment des troupes envoyees au Canada 92 Memoire du ministre sur les mouvements preparatifs de guerre des Anglais 97 29 Oct. 19 Oct. 7 Nov. 1745. 15 Avril. 18 Juin. 13 Aout. 12 Sept. 28 Oct. 26 Juillet. 25 Aoflt. 4 Nov. 1746. Avril. Avril. 26 Avril. l'iIISTOIEE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1475 Pages a. 383 attaquo , etc., et lifferents positions 384 407 chef des 1 409 'cques du cs autres 414 rf'ttl -213 6 Octobrc. Lettro . 1*2 JauT. fiottrc ilo M. lo l>'iron DioHknu nti ininiitrc — 6tat do sn sfint6,cto. I Janv. Dociiiiioiit d'6tat clc^ In part du la roiir du liOndrcn, cii i^'iiDtisu mix pIfiintc'H do la cour do Franco — dofonse do la condiiito do I'Angle- torro 3 2 Ft'v. Lottro dc M. lo innrquis du V'niidreuil nil niinistrc — j)ii|inrnlifu militaircH— Nlngnru — Choucgcn— SmivngcH, oto 16 29 Fev. Proji't do Icttio dii niiiiislru i\ M. lo innrqiilH I Dicsknii sora plus pnidout, etc 20 29 Fev. I'rojot (.'uno Ictlro du ininislrc au Col. do Mnlarlic 32 2'J Fiiv. I'roJL't d'uiii! lultro du iniiiiH(re i\ M. Dorcil — M. do Montcalm nuiiiinc Kui'Oi'sscur *t: l'hISTOIRE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. IfcRE S£ri£. Vol. XIII — Continuation. Anndes. 12 Juillet. 12 Juillet. 13 Juillet. 13 Juillet. 27 Juillet. 31 Juillet. 31 Juillet. 14 AoClt. 15 Aout. 1486 Paget Lettre tie M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — petite guerre des sauvages — etat de la Belle Riviere [Ohio] — du fort Duquesne — disette de vivres dans ces postes 180 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — il a remis k M. de Montcalm une arm6e de 9,000 hommes, pour faire I'attaque du Fort George — ses instructions 192 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — negociationa avec les Sauvages — intrigues du colonel Johnston pour les engager & se joindre aux Anglois, etc 198 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — negociationa avcc les Sauvages de la Belle-Rivi5re, etc 210 Lettre de M. de Montcalm a M. de Vaudreuil — rccit des succes de M. Marin centre les Anglois pies du fort Lydius, (Edward). . . 202 Lettre de M. Doreil au ministre — expedition de M. Marin — victoire navale sur le lac St Sacrement — M. de Montcalm en pleine marche pour I'attaque du fort George 217 Observations du ministre sur les nrgociations de M. de Vau- dreuil avec les Sauvages — ieurs resultats — pretentions des Anglois sur la souverainete qu'ils veulent exercer l\ I'egard des Iroquois, 16 Aout. 19 Aout. 14 Aoilt. 30 Juillet 9 Aoilt. 9 Aoiit. 4 Sept. 8 Sept. etc. 222 Lettre dc M. Doreil au ministre — nouvellos de la reddition du fort William-Henry, appele par les Franqais le fort George — les habitants de Quebec sont reduits ii 4 oiices de pain par jour 226 Lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre — capitulation du fort George, ou William-Henry — il ne peut dissimuler que cctte capi- tulation a malheureusementsouffertquelqu'infraction de la part des Sauvages 229 Journal de I'expidition centre le fort George, du 12 juillet au 16 aoilt 1757, avec des details ties circonstancies 234 Lettre de M. ile Bougainville au ministre, avec tons les details de I'expedition de M. de Montcalm centre le fort George, ainsi que les articles de la capitulation accordee au lieut. col. Munroe, etc. . 256 Copie d'une lettre de M. de Moiucalm '•ulortl Lowdon, sur le meme sujet.... 296 Ordre de marche de I'armee francjaise sur deux colonnes pour I'expedition du fort George 299 Etat de la garnisoii ilii fort George et ties troupes campees dans le retranchemenl— I'armee IVanqaise devant le fort George le 3 aout 1757 302 Et.1t des munitions de guerre et de bouche tronvees dans le fott George aprfis sa prise 3H Details des operations de la campagne de 1757, du 30 juillet au 4septembro 313 Lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre — eonduite des .Sauvages apres la capitulation du fort (Jeorge 324 1 ' 1 «• iefi;. ■-':■: lis If -■ : m i 1 1486 MANUSCEITS RELATIFS A Annies. 1757 18 Sept. 25 Juillet. 18 Sept. 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Oct. 30 Oct. 1 Nov. 13 Aout. 1 Nov. 11 Juillet. 7 AoCit. 9 Juillet. 18 Aoftt. lliRE Skrie. Vol. XUI — Continuation. Paget (Renfermatit) Copie d'une lettre de M. de Vaiulreuil au secretaire d'etat de la marine, (rtdigce par M. de Montcalm,) expliquant la conduite des Sau vages et justifiant celle des Francjais 328 Lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre — details des mouvements depuis la reddition du fort George . 389 Copie de la lettre circulaire ecrite de Carillon par M. de Mont- calm auK commandants des bataillons, du 25 juillet 1757 346 Lettre particuli^re de M. de Montcalm au ministre — observations sur le merite et la capacite de plusieurs des officiers superieurs de TaiiTiL e — disette de vivres 350 Relation de la compagne de 1757 dans I'Amurique Septen- trionale 359 Prise du fori George que les Anglois appellent Guillaume Henry et qui est situi; sur le lac St. Sacrement 371 Relation de la prise du fort George, ou Guillaume Henry, situe sur le lao St. Sacrement et de ce qui s'est passe cette annee en Canada — imprimee au Louvre, avec privilege du Roy 374 Lettre de M. de Dcreil au ministre — details sur le commissariat — apprehension d'une graudc disette de vivres, etc 396 Memoire sur I'etct de Tartillerie en Canada 407 Menioire du ministre a I'occasion d'un plan qn'on pretend avoir cte donne i\ Tanibaasadeur Anglais en IloUande par un Canadien poui' surprendre Quoboc ...... 4I3 (Renfermant) line lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre, relativement au projet ci-des8us, qu'il considere comme futile, etc . ... 415 Observations du ministre au sujet de I'expedition reccnte centre le fort George et exanien des raisons (jui ont porto M. de Montcalm a ne point reduirc le fori Lydius ou Edward 421 (Ronfermant) No. 1. Copie d'une lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre — H demimdc la charge de gouverneur-general du Canada, daus le cas oii M. de Vaudreuil, qui a etc tres maladc, viendroit a mourir [inca- pacitede son frere, M. de Rigaud, pour c.tte charge] — il exprimeson mecontenlement sur ce qui se passe dans la colonic et demande son rappel 423 No. 2. Copie de la lettre ecrite par M. de Vaudreuil a M. de Montcalm — il lui detaille lescirconstanccs qui uecessitent la reduc- tion du fort Lydius, etc 432 No. 3. Memoire dc M. de Vaudreuil pour servir d'instructions h M. de Montcalm dans son expedition centre le fort George, etc. . . 434 No. 4. Lettre de Al. de Vaudreuil au ministre — son regret de ce que M. de Montcalm s'est borne ■" la reduction du fort George eeulement — M. de Montcalm a omii^ ou mal rapnorte plusieurs faits essentiels dans la relation de cette expeditioi' —observations de M. de Vaudreuil a ce sujet 443 L HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1487 IfeRE SfiRiE. Vol. XIII — Continuation. Anndeg. Pages 3. Nov. Lettre de M. Bigot, intendant, au ministre — depenses du Citaada. 453 3 Nov. Lettre de M. Pouchot, officier du genie, au ministre — etat du fort de Niagara et des Sauvages, eto 456 4 Nov. Lettre non signee de M. de Montcalm au ministre — dispositions des troupes — disette 8ffrcU;'e de vivrea, etc 460 4 Nov. Notes des representations tt demandes h, M, de Moras au sujet du traitement des troupes, etc 470 28 Nov. Precis des cv^nements de la campagne de M . de Bellestre dans son expedition vers (Corlar) Schenectady, et destruction des cinq fortb Palatins, etc 472 [Sans date.] Itineraire ^ partir de rembouchure de la rivifere Chouegen [Oswego] jusqu'aux sources de la riviere des Agniers [Mohawk], et revenir par Corlar [Schenectady] et de li k Albany ou Orange 479 1758. Janvier, Vol. XIV. (Janvier Jl Aout, 17.58.) Mfimoire pour le ministre — milices du Canada — inconvSnients dans la constitution de ced milices et moyen d'en tirer parti dans la campagne procbaine 1 26 Janvier. Lettre du baron de Dieskau A M. de Montreuil, datee de Bath — il rend temoigiiage df 'a bonne conduitede M. d Montrtuil lors de la bataille de septembre 1755 7 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — ses negociatioi.s avec los 18 Fevrier. 19 Fevrier, 19 Fevrier, 20 Fevrier, W Fevrier 26 Fevrier. 10 Avril. 11 Avril. 16 Avril. 18 Avril. 18 Avril. hauvages » Lettre dc M. de Montcalm au ministre — surprise du village des Palatins 13 Copie d'une lettre de .M. de Montcalm i M. de Moras — details sur les aifaires militaires — il he disculpe au sujet des plaintes portles centre lui par rapport a sa coiiduite envers les Canadiens — il se plaint de I'insuffisKnce de ses appointements, de la ration des troupes, etc 16 Lettre de M. de Levis au ministre — dotresse des officiers — modicite de leiir solde — il demande le grade de marechal de camp. . 25 Lettre dc M. de Montcalm au ministre — eonseils tenus avec les Sauvages — limites entre les Frangais et les Anglais en Canada 29 Lettre du minisiro Ti M. de Montcalm — Le marechal de Bellisle est nomme ministre ile la guerre . . 33 Lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre — disette de vivres — defiiitc du major Rogers et de son di'tachement — desseins des Anglais, etc 36 Lettre de M. Pouchet, eapitaine ingenieur au regiment de Beam --observations ginerales sur les limites du Canada 42 Resume par le ministre du contenu des lettres de M. de Vau- dreuil 47 Lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre en lui envoyaat un bulle- tin de ce qui s'cst passe de plus r'.marquable en Canada 49 Suit le bulletin — dt tails des sutci'« rcr.iporti s par plusieurs partis de Canadiens et Sauvages durant I'liyver 52 Pi •*i: W. ( I'' h I r 1488 MANTJSCRITS RELATIFS A AniK^cs, 18 Avril. 21 Avril. 30 Avril. 19 Mai. 1 Juin. 1 Mai. 2 Juin. 14 Juin. 18 Juin. 22 Mars. 24 Avril. 24 Avril. 4 Juin. 5 Juin. 16 Juin. % 17 Juin. 8 Juillet. 12 Juillet. •20 Juillet. 20 Juillet. I ERE Si^RiK. Vol. XIV — Continuation. Lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre — precedes des Anglois avec les SauvagcR, et contre-negoeiations des Franqois — situation des troupes— la picote se declare parmi les sauvages qui ont pill4 les Anglois au fort George [ci-devant fort William Henry] 66 Lettre de M. de Vaiidreuil au ministre — nSgociations du colonel Johnson avec les Sauvages 64 Lettre de M. Doreil, commissaire des guerres, au ministre — grande dt'tresse en Canada, faute devivres — les uouvellesrecrues pour Ips troupes sont de tres mauvaise cspece— inconduite de plusieurs o£Sciers — defaite du detachemcnt du major Rogers 67 Lettre de M. Daine au ministre — etat deplorable de la colonic par le mauvque de subsistances — I'intendant a achete 1,500 chevaux pour nourrir les pauvres dans Quebec 76 Lettrt de M. d'Huguesau ministre. 83 (Renfermant) Des remarques siir la situation du fort Carillon et de ses appro- ches 86 Nouvelles reques de Carillon ce jour 96 Pri.x; des principales denrccs necessaires a la vie en Canada. 98 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — M. Acaron, relativement a I'echange de prisonnicrs 101 (Renfermant) Propo.sitions de la part du capt. Jacques Corriveau et autres prisonniers, au general Abercronibie pour etrc echanges 104 Lettre du general Abercronibie a M. de V.nudreuil sur le merae sujet 105 Copie d'une deuxierae lettre du meme au meme sur le meme sujet 107 Copie d'une lettie de M. de Vaudreuil au general Abercromhie sur le meme sujet 1C8 Copifi d'une lettre de M. ae Vaudreuil au commandant du fort Edward sur le meme sujet 115 Lettre de M. Doreil, commissaire de.s guerres, au ministre — arrivee des secours — preparatifs pour la campagne — la gelce a fait perir tous les legumes 117 Lettros de M. de Levis au ministre — il se prepare k faire une ex- pedition — son objet, etc 12^ Carte des frontieres du lac St. Sacremcnt 126 Lettre de M. de Montcalm au mini.stre— recit de I'affairc du 8 juillet a Carillon, Tieonderaga — il demande son rappel par rapport i sa mauvaise sante etc , et principalcment a cause aes desagretnenta et des contradictions (ju'll eprouve 131 Autre lettre du M. de Montcalm au ministre 132 (Reiifermnnt) La relation de la victoire remportee a Carillon par les troupes c'u Roy sur les Anglois, le 8 juillet 1758 '^^3 ■ J^, ''-^ li> L'HISTOIRE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1489 Annies. 20 Juillet. 28 Juillet. Juillet. 9 Juillet. 28 Juillet. 28 Juillet. 12 Juillet. 16 Juillet. 15 Juillet. 18 Juillet. 17 Juillet. 2G Juillet. 28 Juillet. 28 Juillet. 30 Juillet. IkSE S^RiE. Vol. XIV — Continuation. Pages Memoires en chiiTres sur la situation des afitiires, etc., du fort Carillon 147 Lettre de IM. Doreil au ministre — details sur I'affaire du huit illet J" 150 Relation de la descente des Anglois en Canada et de la victoire remportee sur eux par lea FrauQais 169 Copie d'unc lettre do M. de Montcalm h. M. de Vaudreuil — recit de la bataille du 8 juillet, avec la listc des ofliciers tues et blesses les 6 et 8 juillet — succiia de MM. St. Luc, Lacorne, etc 162 Lettre de M. Doreil au ministre (M. de Belleisle) — recit de la bataille de Carillon — M. de Montcalm est irrite de la conduite de M. de Vaudreuil a son egard 172 Copie d'une lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre de la marine — observations critiques sur les connaiasances militaires de M. de Vaudreuil 18() (Renfermant) 1. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil i M. de Montcalm — son avis sur les raesures a adopter 188 1. Observations eeveres de M. de Montcalm ;n reponse i cette lettre ; avee une lettre accompagnant les observations 190 3. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil i\ M. de Montcalm — on devrait profiter de la rettaite des Anglais pour les harceler et les obliger a abandonner I'ancien fort George, etc 195 4. Lettre de M. de Montcalm en reponse a la precedente — il fera de son niicux et n'li pas besoin d'aiguillon — si M. de Vaudreuil etait h la tC'te (Ic rarniee il jugerait mieux de toutes choses 198 5. Extr I'une autre lettre de M de Vaudreuil a M. de Mont- calm — il , Lsse de nouvcau dc harceler les Anglais et de couper leurs communications du fort Lydi'is t't leur faire abandonner la position du fort George, etc 200 6. Lettre de .M. de Montcalm en reponse il la pr6ct;dente — il y a de groa detachements a l.i poursuite de I'ennemi — le metier de la guerre demanie d'avoir cte fait pour jiiger de la position de I'ennemi 203 Lettre ocrite par M. de Montcalm au ministre de la marine et chiff'ree par M. D'^reilpour otre envoyee an niarechal due de Belle- isle — situation critique de la colonie — insuffisance du nombre de troupes — on iie pcut tenir |)lu-i do 3,<10" Canadiens en campagne sans ruiner le pays — les Anglais out cu 30,000 en campagne 205 Lettre de M. Doreil au ministre — detail general de raftaire du 8 juillet — bravoure et modestie tie M. de Montcalm — .ses desagrements — il demande sa retraite, ainsi que M. Doreil , Lettre de M. Doreil au ministre — il regrette la retraite de ce der- nier — rcflexion.s sur les evenements do I'airaire du 8 juillet — bra- voure de M. de Montcalm 216 1490 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A IfeRE S^RiE. Vol. XIV — Continuation. Anntlca. 31 Juillct. P«ge« m . I ' I' ii ■"■ 1- 4 -' 1^ M m^'^ 2 aodt. 2 aoiit. 21 Juillct. 21 Juillet. 21 Juillet. 24 Juillet. 1 Juillet. 3 Aout. 3 Aoftt. 4 Aout. 23 Juin. 23 Juin. Juillet. Juillet. 16 Juillct, 21 Juillet. 30 Juillet. 5 Aoiit. Autre Icttro de M. Doreil au in^me ministre, 6critc partie en chiffrcB — plaintcs de M. de Montcalm centre toutes lea mcsi.res de M. de Vaudreuil— d6tailg[ sur Jes souffrances et lea murmures des troupes — M. Doreil conjure le ministre de faire la paix, n'importe & quel prix pour leg liniites, sans quoi le pays est perdu pour la France — tous deux dcmandcnt leur rappel 225 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre S36 (ttenfermant) 1. Copie d'uiie lettre du gCneral Abercrombie a M. de Vaudreuil au sujet de la capitulation du fort William Henry du 9 ao{it 1757. . 238 2. Parole d'honneur de Jean J. Corriveau, capitaine de niilice . . . 241 3. Autorisation donnee par le gen6ral Abercrombie au colonel Scl. yler de trailer pour un ^'change de prisonnicrs 24S 4. Copie d'une lettre du general Abercrombie A M. de Montcalm relativement au memc sujet 246 5. Copie de la lettre de M. de Montcalm en rfpouse h la prec6- dente 248 6. Copie d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au general Abercrombie relativement au memo sujet ! 252 Lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre — il lui annonce qu'il a ecrit i M. de Vaudreuil dins la vue d'operer un rapprochement 256 (Renfermant) Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Montcalm k M. de Vaudreuil, conte- iiant des explications sur le diffurend qui cxiste entre eux 258 Lettre de M. de Vaudrctuil au ministre — details sur le diffcrend qui existe entre lui et M. de Montcalm — il dcmandc au ministre de rappeler ce dernier 262 (Renfermant) 1. Mi'moire pour servir d'instruction k M. le marqui.s de Mont- calm 274 2. Copiu de la lettre do M. dc Montcalm a M. de Vaudreuil avec sts observations sur Ic mt'iiioire precedent 283 3. Relation de la victoire obtcnue sur les Anglais le 8 juillet 1758 par I'armee du roi ; avec des observations en marge de la part de M. de Vaudreuil 285 4. Listu des ofBciers tues ou blessi's dans I'afFaire du 8 juillet 314 6. Cc>pie d'uin' lettre de M. de Vaudreuil a M. de Montcalm — avec les observations de ce dernier ecrites u la marge 318 6. Copie d'une autre lettre de M. de Vaudreuil a M. de Mont- calm, avec des explications sur la toiKur de ses instructions du 23 juin 326 Paroles dos Iroquois et autrcs nations sauvagcs k M. de Vaudreuil — ils se plaignent anierement de la eondiiit" de M. de Montcalm a Icur rgard, et iie veulont jihis servir sous lui 333 Lettre du Liaron ile Dicskau au ministre, vcrhe de Bath — il est dans la defrcsse, nc recovant aucun seeours dc fVancc 336 L HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1491 liiRE SfRiE. Vol. XIV — Continuation. Anndoa. Fagus 6 Aott. Lettre du m.nistre h M. dn Montcalm— ses d^p^ehes no lui sont pas parvenues 341 6 Ao6t. Autre lettre du niinistre h M. de Montcalm — la solde des troupes aera augmentee par un supplement, etc 343 6 Aofit. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil & M. le mareehal due de Noallles — 11 (^t'>*ille les mcsures qu'il a adoptees, ainsi que ce qui s'cst passe & raffaire de Carillon 345 Ao(it. Lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre de la marine au sujet des plaintes des Sau vagos contre lui 352 (Renfermant) 1 Ao6t. Copie d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil h M. de Montcalm relati- vement au meinc sujet 354 6 Aoflt. Oopie de la lettre de M. de Montcalm en reponse iMa precedente. 356 13 AoClt. Lettre de M Bigot, intendant, au ministre — details sur les mfi- contentements reciproques qui existent entrc MM. de Vaudreuil et Montcalm 359 17 Aout. Lettre de M. Doreil au ministre — Details sur la campagne, etc., depuis le 1 er raai 363 22 Aout. Extrait de la gazette extraordinaire de Londres relativement aux operations de Tarmee sur le lac George 377 31 Aoiit. Lettre de M. Doreil au ministre — details de ce qui s'est passe depuis Ic 8 juiliet— tableau des forces immenses que les Anglois pre- parent pour envahir le Canada sur tons les points, le peu ds troupes qu'on pourra leur opposer — le Canada sera pris tot ou tard h. moins d'une prompte paix. — M. Doreil ainsi que M. de Montcalm recom- mandent et insistent sur cettc niesure. Avec deux postscriptum du ler et du l!) septembre, qui annoncent la reprise du fort Frontenac par les Anglois 386 Vol. XV. (Septembre a Decembrc, 1758.) 1758, 2 Sept. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre— ietails de ses mouve- ments et plan general de la campagne prochninc — il demande des secours en hommes, subsistances, etc 1 (Renfermant) 29 Aout. 1. Los articles de la capitulation du fort Frontenac entrele che- valier de Noyan et le general Ftratlstreet 11 13 Aout. 2. Copie d'une lettre du general Bradstreet — ordre pour la marchc de son armee 14 11 Aout. 3. Ordre du memo pour I'expedition contre le fort Frontenac . . 16 3 Sept. Lettre (particuiiere) de M. Doreil, conimissaire des guerres, au ministre —triste perspective des affaires liu Canada 18 fi Sept. Lettre de M. ile Vaudreuil — situation critique du Canada — il s'attend h etre aftaque de tons tes 25 (Renfermant) 2 Sept. Copie d'une lettre de M. le general Abercronibie a Vau- dreuil au sujet de I'ecliange des prisonniers 27 N';: i;1 M ft. i m ^ I!' ■■•rl I 1402 MANU8CIIIT8 RELATIFS A 1^.RK S£rie. Vol. W — Continuation. 6 Sept. 9 Sept. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. Octobre. 17 Octobre. 20 Octobre. 21 Octobre. 27 Octobre, 30 Octobre, 1 Nov. Relation pur M. le colouvl du Mulartic, de ce i|ui H'cst pass^ sur la frutitiere du lac St. Sacninent dcpuis le 30 juin jusqu'au 10 PtfN illet. 1 Nov. 3 Nov. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 24 Oct. 1 Nov. 3 Nov. 4 Nov. 30 Lettre de M. de Montculiii uu luiiiistre— perte flichuuse du fort Ffonteiiac, i iaquelle cepeiidant il ii'a aucuiio part 45 Journal dc I'artaire dt Carillon ilu H juillct, cntre lc8 troupes fVan- qaiscs hour Ic gtJiieral Montcalm et rarmt-c niiglainc houb le general Abercroinbie. (Cette relation a etc iniprimee k Rouen le 23 (cptem* bre 17.'58) 48 Lettri! du niinintre ii M. dc Vaudrcuil — la victoiro de Carillon cotupense la pertu de Louisbourg, etc 5fi Lettre du ininistru ^ M, de Montcalm — il lui donncdcs elogcssur la sagcsAC dc »es nicsures et sur la valcur des troupes qu'il comman- dait, etc 58 Lettre dc M. le chevalier Drucourt, cummundant de Louisbourg, udrcsse au miniKtre, M. Acnrron, anuon(;ant la reddition de cette place apres une defense desesperee 60 Ilei>ume pour le ministre des operations qui ont eu lieu dcpui.s la reddition du fort Frontcnac 63 Lettre dc M. Dainc an ministre — itat du fort Duqueine — reddi- tion du fort Frontcnac — prepiirutifs sur le lac Chnniplain, etc 67 .lournal [de XL de Malaitic] de cc qui s'cst passe dans Ins garni- sons et les camps qu'a occupes le regiment du l?carn dcpuis le 20 octobre 1757 jusqu'au 8 octobre 17.'58. [llchition tres-dctaillce.] 71 Lettre de M. de Montcalm sur la situation des afiairea depuis la bataille de Carillon — sa santo s'use, ses rcssources s'tpuisent, etc. . 121 Lettre de M. de Montcalm au ministre -— (.v^nements arrives dcpuis la pcrtc du fort Frontcnac— arrangements et prcparutifs militaires. . 127 Lettre de M. de Vaudrcuil au ministre — dcmande de munitions, etc 137 (llenfcrmant) Etat dc ce qu'il est indispensable d'envoyer de France par les premiers vaisseuux pour le service de I'artilleric de la colonic... 139 Prix du comestible en Canada l42 Lettre de M. de Vaudrcuil uu ministre ... 144 (ricnt'crnmnt) 1. Lettre du general Abercrombie a M. de Vaudrcuil au sujet d'un tchangc dc prisonniers 146 2. Lettre du gMKral Atiercombic au gem ral Schuyler pour Ic mi-nie sujet 148 Parole d'honneur du capitainc Samuel Woodward donnee par ecrit 153 Role des prisonniers anglois remis au col. Schuyler 154 Lettre de M. Dainc au ministre — les Anglois repoussis au fort Duquesne — ils se preparent pour une nouvelle attaquc 1G.3 Lettre dc M. de Vaudrcuil aunnnistro — il sc plaint do rindtccn- ce des propos des officiers des troupes par rapport a leur solde. — 1G7 L III8T0IIIE 1)E LA NOUVELLE PRANCE. 1493 Ann\c ce qui s'est pnsHt- de plus inti-rcssunt pendant la dite annOu — Note du miniHtre ecritc en marge " La relation «st remplio de faussetes et d'impostures.'' Une autre partie de la relation con- ticnt aussi des reflexions severes contre Ics services do I'auteur de cettp relation 182 Lettre du general Prevost, coniinandint au fort Edward, ik M. de Bucourt, cominandnnt il Carillon 204 M6moire redige par M. Pean, que M. de Vaudrcuil envoic en France pour representor I'etat oil se trouve le Canada 206 Lettre Jc M. de Montcalm au ministre — le« grands froids sont survenus tout d'un coup — les troupes se placcnt en hyvernement. . . 215 Autre lettre de M. dc Montcalm au ministre, meme sujet que la precedente 208 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — mesures i prendre pour les diflerentes branches de services 221 Menioin lu ministre suf les diHercnds qui existent entre MM. de Vaudreuil et .Montcalm — M. de Montcalm est necessaire au Canada dans les circonstances presentes 226 Plan — Projet pour les operations de rarmee britannique pendant la prochaiiie cumpagne de 1759, soumis par le colonel Montresor (redige en laiigue anglaise.) 230 Sommai ■ des diverses canipagnes d^s armees francaises dans I'Ameriquedu Norddc 1755 a 17-58 243 Lettre lo .M. do Vaudreuil au ministre — observations sur I'cxpc- dition dc M. dc Rollcstre de I'annee derniere, ainsi que sur I'etat des postcs de TUhio — secours indispensables pour la colonic 279 Vol.. XVI. (17.5!).) Mcmoire sur la guerre, sur la po.sition des Anglais et de.s FranQais dans I'Anioriciue srptentrionak, et sur ce qu'il est absolument ne- cessaire d'y euvojer pour qu'on puisse au moins tenter de s'y d^fen- dre 1 Memoire sur le Canada ; s'il est important de le conserver ; s'il pout se del'endro en cas (jue lii guerre continue en 1751*, et s'il est tacile de Ic secourir dans la situation presente 14 i w^ I |: t: 1: .1 ' UQ4i MANUSCRITS 11ELATIF8 A I"' ■i J It* I |;-,.V| |. ^ ' H . IfcRK 8£rik. Vol. XVI — Continuation. Annivn, PtffM 1 1 Janvier. Mt'moire i^ur I'artillcrio du Canada — nglemont A fuire pour !• campagno prochuine 38 19 Janvier. Copie de la lettri; ocrite par M. Kezsycr h M. Bigot, intendant— di'peiiacs de la giiorru ct iiutreH en Cana>ln 36 J8 Janvier. Memnirc do (Jabinet, Rur la Ruccession du cninmandcment du Canada, en cm d(t deeds de M. de Viiudreuil 45 Ft'vricr. IVltmoiru de Cabinet — M. de Montcalm est fait lieutonant-gcniral — M. de Levis, nianchal de camp, etc 47 tt Fevrier. Lcftrc de M. Silhouette sur rimportance de conserver le Canada. 49 lOFuvrier. Lottre du niinlBtre h M. du Montcalm — sa promotion au grade de licutenant'g( niral — on ne pent lui envoycr des troupes de renfort, nuanmuins on espdre qu'il pourra reaigtcr aux cntroprigcs des Anglaii etc 57 Memoire de Cabinet -lecours A eavoyer au Canada par la voie des t'trangers 62 Lettre do M. de Viiudreuil au ministre— dotaih de ses operations ct i'tat de» difforentes gariiiNons , . $4 Lettre de M. de Vaudrcuil au nitnistre — ilat de la Belle-Rivi6re et des differentcs nations snuvages 73 Lettre de M. de Vaudrcuil uu niinistrc — etat du la Louisiane — lea Saiivageii prints A lever lahache centre Icr Anglais si on leur en pro- cure lea moyens gi Precis du plan des upi-rntions gunerales de la campagne de 1759, drcsse par M. de Vaudreuil 85 Lettre dc M. Malartic [colonel du regiment de ncarn] — rccit des evcnemcntsqui sc sont passes en Canada depuis rautomnc de 1768. 98 Lettre de M. dc Montcalm au ministrc — les Anglais sous Ic gene- ral Amherst se prcpurent i\ ouvrir la ennipngnc avec des forces impo- sanies — M. de .Montcalm n'est pas d'accord avec M. de Vaudrcuil sur lc« operations militaircs projeteos. lOl 12 Avril. Piece jointe A la presente. Lettre en chiffres de M, de Mont- calm au ministrc — faute de troupes et de subsistances Ic Canada sera pris cettc campagne — la prise de Quebec cntraincra la perte de toute la colonic — I'armec angloisc est forte dc (!O,00O — on n'a quo 11,000 ii lui opposcr — tableau des vols immcnscsfhits au Roi, pillage des finances et miserc du peuple — la cause en est attribuec it MM. de Vaudrcuil et Bif^ot Ill 12 Avril. Copie de la lettre dc .M. de .Montcalm it M. Lc Normand — igno- rance des officiers du genie — tableau des memes dtsordrcs qui ont etc signales dans la lettre precedonte 119 15 Avril. Lettre de M. IJigot, intendant, i\ M. Bczzycr — depenses enormes des operations militiiircs et autres 132 15 Avril. Lettre dc .M. Bcrnier, commissaire ordonnateur, it M. Rezzycr— depenses cxccssivcs de son departcmenf et prix cxhorbitant des subsistances 138 8 Mai. Lettre dc .VI. de Montcalm au niinistrc — les Anglais ne sont pas encore on mouvcment — evasion de M. Stobo, otage retenu prisonnier a Quebec 143 9 Man. 28 Mars. 30 .Mars. 30 Mars. I Avril. 9 Avril. 12 Avril. l'uI8T0IE£ D£ LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1495 Ann<(«i. Itnt S^.Rii;. VoL. XVI — Continuation. p^„ 23 Mui. Lcttre de M. do Montcalm au iiiiiiutre — |)ri'paratit« pour la de- fento da Qutibeo 145 S4 Mai. Luttro de M. di; Motitcaliii au ininiitre — il annonue I'arrivuu de 15 vaitseaux dc ligiie HiigluiH au Hit — deux Irt'igatei fruiK^nUes dans le port dc (jUL-bec— ..riparatifs dc dvfenie 148 Juin. Ri'Huinu pour le niinittte det dtip<^chei re<;uci du Caoada depuis di-cembrc 1738 130 7 Juin. Mrnioiro pour Ic inini«trc — nt'gociation* do M. du Vaudrcuil avec IcH SauvagcH — manque d'accord entrc lui et M. du Montcalm 103 8 Aoilt. Ilflatioii du mi go do Quebec — piiicc unonymo et incomplete — Ic rt-cit nc va pas a'udelA du H Aodt. 161 13 Sept. Caiujiagno du Canada depuis le ler Juin Jusqu'au 13 Septcmbre 17.79 — piuce Hunnynic ; detail soiuianiru des opurations I9l 13 Sept. Copie du nii inoirc jiour aervir d'instructiouB il M. do Ramsay, commatidnnt il t^utbr •, onvoyi) "ar M. de Vaudreuil lo \!i Septcm- bre il ncufheurca du 8oir, avec kes articK de capitulation qu'il devra dunmnder au commandant dc Tarmt' (inglaisc 197 15 Sept. Proi't^fl-virbul du consoil de guerre s'.,r la redditiou do Quebec avec Ics signatures et opinions do ses mciubres 204 19 Sept. Lettrc dt, M. Hernier, com nr. •; re, d M. le Due d^ BuUe-Isle — t'tat de Quebec aprfts na redd ion 211 21 Sept. Lettrc de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre, t crite du quartitr-gineral, d St. Augustin, k 4 licnes de Quebec— M. de Montcalm ht nialhcureuse- inent son attaquc que M. de Vaudreuil I'eut joint — lu fuite devint gintrale et il nc put rallicr que 1,000 Ciinadiens (jui orri'tfi- ront rennemi dana sa pourauite — rcdditiun de Quebec, etc 214 18 Sept. Articles de la capitulation ue Quebec demandcs par M. de Ram- say et ceux accordcs par le general Townsend 217 22 Septembre. Lettre do M. Ic chevalier de Montreuil, datee du camp de la Pointe-aux-Trembles — si M. de Montcalm edt difFere son attaquc, la position des Anglais serait dcvenuc inattaquablo — il exprime '^u doulcur sur la pcrte dc Quebec et la mort de M. dc MotUcalm 222 9 Octobrc. Lettre de M. Dainc, lieutenant-general de police, au luinistre — il rend comptc a. ;:,• jui adonne lieu & la capitulation — M. de Ramsay n'a capifule q i' . moment oil il n'eut plu:i d'espoir do rccevoir des Becours — defectuositi des fortifications — lad6route de I'arnice a ete complete 226 Octobre Extraii d'un journal tenu par un oflScier h I'armue que commandait feu M. le marquis dc Montcalm. (Cetto relation qui est tros ample entre dans beaucoup de details et est favorable h MM. de Vau- drcuil et Bigot, etbli\uic la conduite de M. de Montcalm ; quclqucs passages semblcnt indiquer qu'elle aurait ete rr-digi-e par un oiiicicr du corps du genie natif du Canada) 231 27 Juin. Placard quo le general Wolf avait fait affioher en arrivant h I'lsle dVJrleans, il la porte de differentes eglises 336 Septembre. Etat des vivres restees au camp de Beauport 342 10 Octobre. Lettre de M. Bigot au ministre — propositions des emplois a eta- blir dans la colonie 343 '^l: l.^''i\ m^'*'' ' ^f' 11 m Hrl » PIh I •i i^ d^ ' ■ ^ A'' , . %r. !,.(■ ' i. If.: 1496 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A IflRE SliRiE. Vol. XVI — Continuation. Annies. 22 Octobre. Pages Lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil et Bigot — superiorite des pilotes Anglais sur les iiotres pour la connaissance du fleuve St. Laurent . . 348 25 Octobre Lettre de M. Bigot au ministre — evenements de la campagne — mort de M. de Montcalm — reddition de Qiebec — observations 35j 1 Novembre. Lettre de M. de Bourlamaque au ministre — evenements arrives sur les lacs Champlain et St. Sacrement, etc 364 9 Novembre. Lettre de monseigneur I'eveque de Quebec — on a tort d'attribuer a M. de Vaudreuil les mallieurs qui sont arrives 372 (Renfermant.) 5 Novembre. I. Description imparfaitc de la misere du Canada 374 2. Jugement impartial sur les operations militaires de la cam- pagiie en Canada, 1759 S80 Vol. XVII. (1/60-1763.) 1760. 3 Janvier. Lettre de M. Masse deSt. Maurice, officierau regiment de Berry, adressee au ministre i (Renfermant) 3 Janvier. Un tnrmoire pour contribuer a la defense de la partie du Canada qui reste encore a la France 7 Janvier. Memoire de M. le chevalier Lemcrcier, relatif a la situation du Canpda, en se reduisant a I'indispensable pour conservcr au Roi cette colonic, jusqu'au printemps de 1762 lO 9 Fevrier. Lettre du ministre au chevalier de Levis — le Roi est vivement touche de la perte de M. do Montcalm, ainsi que des autrcs oflBciers qui ont peri devant Quebec — cette place s'est rendue trop legere- ment i I'ennemi — envoi de nouveaux secours, etc 18 16 Avril. Copic du memoire de M. de Vaudreuil pour servir d'iustruction a M. le chevalier de Levis 21 16 Avril. Copie de la lettre circulaire de M. de Vaudreuil, adressee aux cures des paroisses du gouverncment de Quebec 29 16 Avril. Copie de la lettre circulaire de M. de Vaudreuil adressee aux ca- pitaines de milice des paroisses du gouverncment de Quebec 32 16 Avril. Ordonnance de M. de Vaudreuil portant amnistie en faveur des soldats franqais deserteurs 37 3 Mai. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — mouvements de I'armee — combats de Sillery — victoire de M. de Levis 39 (Renfermant) La relation de I'expedition contre Quebec, aux ordres de M. de Levis, la liste des officiers tues et blesses, etc 46 2i Juin. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — les mouvements des An- glais sur leu lacs sont encore indecis — M. de Vaudreuil a pris toutes les precautions pour repousser leurs attaqucs, etc 82 24 Juin. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — situation des Fran9ai8 du cote de la Belle-Riviere et des Illinois 88 24 Juin. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — negociations avec les cinq nations, etc 91 L'HISTOIRE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1497 Ann&s. l^RE Serie. Vol. XVII — Continuation. Pages 24 Juin. Lcttre de M. de Vaudreuil au niinistre — toutes les garnisons de la Belle-Riviere se sont retirees au Detroit — mouTcments des An- glais dans rOuest 94 36 Juin. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au niinistre 97 (Renferraant) 29 Avril. 1. Copie d'une lettre du general Murray a" chevalier de Levis — c'est par niegarde qu'on a tire sur un transport contenant des blesses 100 Avril. 2. Copie de la lettre de M. Levis en reponse 100 Avril. 3. Copie de la lettre du general Murray en replique 102 10 Mai. Copie de la lettre liu general JIurray a. M. de Levis au sujet de I'ecbange des prisonniers 103 Reponse de M. dc Levis 104 11 Mai. Autre lettre du general Murray sur le memo sujet 104 12 Mai. Reponse de M. de Levis , 105 21 Mai. Autre lettre du memo au sujet des vivres pour les malades de I'arni IVantjaise dana les hopitaux pres de Quebec 106 27 Juin. Copie de la lettre du general Murray adressee aux capitaines de milice, au sujet de celle qui leur a cto adressee par MM. de Vau- dreuil et Bigot 108 29 Juin. Lettre de M. *i,ataille il I'ennemi 123 S Sept. Protet lie M. de Levis ii >1. dc Vaudreuil centre la clause, dans les articles de capitulation, qui exige quo les troupes mettront bas les armes, etc. ; avec I'ordre imnne par M. de Vaudreuil au cheva- lier de Levis de se conformer a. la capitulation proposee 128 25,Sopt. Lettre de M. Bernier, Commissaire — etat du nombre des troupes u I'epoque de la capitulation 131 27 Nov, Lcttre de M. le chevalier de Levis, datee do Larochelle, adressee au ministre — d(--tails de la campagne, et capitulation pour la reddi- tion du Canada 136 27 Nov. Lettre dc M. le chevalier do Levis au ministre de la marine — meuie sujet que la precedente 145 ft' it" If: hri i J, I. i ! ! I i I 14.98 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A i;r liRE Sj^rie. Vol. XVII — Continuation. Ann6os. Pages Octobre. Etat de rembarquement des troupes k Quebec I49 28 Nov. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — Son arrivee a Brest, etc. 151 (Renfermant deux documents.) 7 Sept. Lettre du general Amherst a M. de Vaudreuil — il refuse de con- sentir h aucun changoment dans les articles de la capitulation 153 8 Sept. Articles de capitulation entre le general Amherst et M. le mar- quis de Vaudreuil 154 (Ce document a etc omie vu qu'il se trouve deja consigne dans plusieurs documents publics iiuprimes.) 10 Dec. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil, ecrite dc Brest et adressee au minis- tre — il represente que les circonstances etaient telles, qu'il lui a ete impossible de resister, et que le conseil de guerre a sanctionne la capitulation — la reprcsoiitation de M. de Levis posttrieure i oette capitulation n'etait pas I'effet d'un secours arrive, etc 155 Observations sur diverses operations militaires qui ont eu lieu en Canadadel7oO a 1760 158 1761. 5 Avril. Meraoire de M. Dumas, sur les limites du Canada. Ce memoi- re qui a ete rcdige a Paris parait avoir ete ecrit pour I'instruction du plenipotentiairc Franqais 173 1762. 1 Aout. Lettre de M. Bourlamaque au ministre 191 ('Renfermant) 1 Aout. Un memoire sur I'liiiportance du Canada, et un plan pour son gouvernement danf le cas oii il scrait ret.du a la France 192 1763 Memoire (anonyme) sur le Canada. Ce memoire propose d'en- voyerau Canada ues aijonts accredites qui, sous le pretexte de rache- ter la monnaie de <\ v- purcourraient tout le pays, et souleveraient les Canadiens coiitrc ia .ioniination Angloisc . 243 1764. 9 Nov. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de St. Ange, commandant aux Illinois k M. d'Abbadie, au sujet de la guerre que les Sauvages, sous le grand chef Pontiack, vuulent continuer contre les Anglois; avec quatre documents y annexes 250 1765. 10 Oct. Proces-verbal de la cession du fort dc Chartres, dans la Louisiane> k M. Thomas Sterling, depute a ce sujet par le general Gage, gou- verneur de la Nouvelle York 261 1778. 28 Oct Declaration adressee au nom Ju Roi de France a tous les • ns Fran9ais de I'Amerique Septentrionale, par le Comte d'Ebtuiiig ; datee et imprimee ii borddu Languedoc, en rade a Boston 732 ^_ B.—On trouveraplus loin, d la suite de. la troisieme sirie- et parmi les docu- ments anglais, la liste d'un grand nombre d'autres documet.^s aussi diposis dans la hibUothique de la SocictS LitUraire et Hislorique dc Quebec, "11 ! i l'hISTOIRE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1499 Ann(ies, 1614-163/5. 1621. 18 Aoiit. 1622. 14 Janvier. 1628. 13 Avril. 1632. 13 Nov. 1628. 25 Sept. DEUXIKME 8£rIE. Vol. I. (1614-1661.) P«eei 1633. I!) Octobre. 1641. 13 Fevrier. Memorial de la mission des reverends PP. Recollets en la Nou- velle France, dite communement Canada, se terminaut ainsi : " Memoire de Taffaire de Canada dresse par le p&re Potentan qui etait nomtnc superieur de cette mission. [1637.]" 1 Acte de delegation donne u Quebec au nom des habitants de la Nouvelle France, sous la signature des principaux habitants [Cham- plain, F. Denis Jamet, F. Joseph Le Caron. Hebert, Proc. du Roi, etc., etc.,] le 18 aoilt 1621, par lequel ils declarent delcguer au Roi le n-v^rend P. George le Baillif pour represeuter i, la cour de France I'etat deplorable de la religion catholique apostolique et romaine et cf.lui dn pays en general 12 Arret dn roi Louis XIII rcdigi' par le sieur de la Paterie, con- sei'ler du roi, et rendu a la sollicitation du fr&re Georges, religieux franciscaiu, et dtpute des habitants du Canada a la cour de France centre le sieur Hebert, associe du capitaine de Caen, qui avail attentfc a la vie du religieux 17 Arret du roi Lonia XIII, [Maupeou, rapporteur,] sur rtquete presentee par les sieurs de Ragueniont et autres au aujet de I'eta- blissenient de la colonie en la Nouvelle France, ordonnant ([ue les poursuites faites au parlemcnt de Rouen par les sieurs de Caen et autres, contre le capitaine Lefebvrc (lit Cordier, et Cabot, bour- geois de Dieppe, soient evoqui'es h son coiiseil . . 19 Arr^t du roi [M. de Thou, rapporteur], condaninant les associes pour I'etablissenient de la colonie de la Nouvelle !• laiico a payer 40,000 livres a Marie et Solomon Langlois et autres, tn conse- quence de diflScultcs survenues entre "es derniers et les associi's 2'' Arret du roi, [M. de Lauzon, rapporteur,] rendu a la so'i'icitation des direeteurs de la societe des ciMit assoeiis, ordonnant Ti certains de ses menibres y di noninus de payer levirs souscriptions sous un delai de ir> jours, a peine de coiitraintc par corps 38 Lettre du >ieur de Caen faisant rapport au ininistre de la remise du comnianiletnent du tort de '>iii'b.'c; ciitre les maiiis du .iieur du I'lessis. 40 Lettre du roi Louis .Kill a M. d'Aulnay-Charnizay I'intbrmant qu'il a enjoint an sieur do la Tour de rctourncr iuinieiiiatement en France, et au cas de leliis de ce dernier, enjoignant a M. d'Aulnay- Charnizay de se aaisir de la persoiine de M. de la I'our et s'eni- parer des forts en sa possession 41 Etat au vrai de la depeuse et de la recette de la compagnie de la Nouvelle France, de 1628 a 1671 ; compreniuit toutes les dcpenscs encourues pour I'etnblissemcnt de la colonic el I'entretien des eccle- m '4 il I mil,, W i ,i It I' f..u I' P I |i^; w It 1500 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A 1632. 13 JuiUet. 27 Mar». 2feME S^RiE. Vol. I — Continuation. Annies. Pages siastiques envoyis pour la conversion des Sauvages; et la recettc pour la m6me periode 42 Copie de I'acte de protestation faite par le capitaine Esmery de Caen centre le capitaioe Quercq, (Kertk,) Anglais et autres, au sujet de la traite 52 Acadie : convention faite avec le sieur de Razilly, datce de St. Germain en Laye, pour aller recevoir la restitution de I'Acadie des mains des Anglais et en niettre en possession la compagnie de la Nouvelle France moyennant la somine de dix mille livres, et un vaisseau propre ft faire le voyage 56 Comniission du sieur de Razilly 57 Articles accordes au sieur de Caen par lo cardinal de Richelieu, ayant charge de sa majeste pour prendre possessicn du fort de Quebec 60 Arret du roi, [Dyel, rapporteur,] concernant un proccis-verbal, par la compagnie de la Nouvelle France, etc 66 Lettre de Paul Lejeune, de la compagnie de Jesus, au cardinal de Richelieu, datte de Kebeck en la Nouvelle France — cloges prodi- gues au cardinal de Richelieu — la Nouvelle France commence a s'ttablir — raisons en faveur de la colonisation, etc 69 Trois Icttres (ecrites en latin) signtes " Ingolus," secretaire de la congriJgation de la propagande de la foi, au sujet des travaux des RtcoUets et de I'etat de la religion dans la Nouvelle France 75 Si'minaire de St. Sulpice — concession par la compagnie de la Nouvelle France de I'ile de Montreal en faveur de M. Jacques Girard, seigneur de la Chaussee 82 Transport de la concession ci-dcssus a Messire Jean de Lauzon . . 84 Donation et transport de la concession de I'ile de Montreal par M. Jean de Lauzon aux sieurs Chevrier de Fouancant et le Royer de la Doversiere 86 Concession d'une partie de I'ile de Montrial, accordee par la com- pagnie de la Nouvelle Franee, aux sieurs Chevrier et Le Royer 89 Lettres de ratification pour a\itoriser les sieurs Chevrier de Fouancant et Royer de la Doversiere dans leur possession et eta- blissement de I'ile de Montre. 1 [Signc, d'Aguesseau] 93 Acte qui prouve ijue les sieurs Chevrier de Fouancant et Royer de la Doversiere n'ont stipule qu'au noni de la compagnie de Mont- real et tomme raembres d'icelle • • 98 Acte par lequel les sieurs Fouancant et Le Royer se font donation mutuelle et entre vifs au dernier survivaut d'eutre eux k i'exclusion 10 Mai. 20 Janvier. 1633. 10 Mai. 1635. 1 Aout. 1635. 16 Janvier. '- 13 Mars. ^ ^18 Die. 1636. 15 Janvier, 1638, 30 Avril. 1640. 7 Aout. 17 Die. 1644. 13 Fevricr 1644. 25 Mars. 1650. 21 Mars. L HISTOIBB DE LA NOUVBLLE TRANCE. 1501 Paget I recette 12 mery de au sujet 52 5 de St. I'Acadie aguie de B, et un 56 57 lichelieu, fort de 60 66 rdinal de jes prodi- nnience u 69 avaiix dcs ;e 75 lie de la Jacques 82 Lauzon . . 84 itreal par 86 {oyer 89 evfier de 1 et cta- 93 et Roycr de Mont 98 2i!:MK S^RiE. Vol. I — Continuation. Annues. 1659. 21 Avril. 1673. 9 Janvier. 1674. Sans date. 1679. 6 Sept. 1641. '27 Fevrier. 1642. 8 Mars. Pages de leurs heritiers, des forts, habitations et dependances concedes ii la dite societe 100 Concession accord6e par la compagnie de la Nouvelle France, 4 la coinpagnie de Montreal du rest ant de I'ile de Montreal et de 500 arptns de terre au sieur de Fouancant 102 Concession accordee par M. de Frontenac »u sieur abbe de Ftnelon de trois lies qui sent daus le lac St. Louis 103 Concession et donation faite par le sieur abbe de F6n61on aux pretres du seminaire de St. Sulpice, seigneurs et propnetaires de I'ile de Moiitreui, de la concession & lui accordee des trois iles nommees de CourccUes 105 Concessiou accordee aux superieurs du seminaire de St. Sulpice, seigneurs de Montreal, des lies et ilets non concedes, qui sont enlre I'ile de Montreal et Tile Jesus — comme aussi des autres adjacentes qui font le contour de la dite ile de Montreal 107 Concessiin faite par me.ssire Claude de Razilly, chevalier, et autres, au sieur d'Aulnay, fils, d'une septieme part au fonds de la societe de la Nouvelle France. ... . 108 Contrat par lequel messire Charlea d'Aulnay Chamizay cons- titue son procureur general et special Messire Pene de Menou, chevalier, seigneur de Charnisay, son frer- Ill •21 F6vrier. Revocation de la commi"3ion ci-devant ac( :)rdee par Sa M. ii Charles de St. Etienne, sitir I'j 'n Jur, pour commander en qualite de son lieutenant general au pays d'.\cadie, etc., etc 1 13 19et26Fev. Donation faite par messire Claude de Razilly i\ mes.sire Char- les de Menou, chjvalier, sieur d'Aulnay Chamizay, d'une somme de quatre mille livres. Il6 9 et 10 Fev. Subrogation par M. Breaiit en sa qualite d'administrateur des revenus des seininaires d'Acadie, de messire Charles de Menou, chevalier d'Aulnay, etc. . . . 119 5 Fevrier. Extrait de I'etat general lif'- dette.s passives de la compp.gnie generalo de la Nouvelle Fi • t!, (avec noU'.a en marge.) 123 1614-45. Memoire (ecrit en latin) au Fape pur les RecoUetb, au sujet de I't'glise de la Nouvelle France 138 1644. 6 Mars. 1645. 6 Mars. Arret du conseil d'etat du roi, " Sa majeste y etant, la reine reroute sa mere presente, tenu a Paris le f j jour de mars 1644," (I'.uonnant que sous trois mois, le dit sieur de la lour se repr^sen- tera i la suite du cc »'^i! pour repondre au:: ^.' ■ isations portees contre lui. 142 Compagnie de la Nouvelle France : articles accordes entre les directeurs et associes eu la compagnie de la Nouvelle ' jjce et les deputes des habitants dn dit pays. Agrees et com imes par le roi, le 6 mars 16i5 152 ( I Hff Hp'- ' ■•'1 .. ■P' 1 ii- * 1^- ■ I'l-i •iR^il ^'% J':! I'-' '}' l|)! . -1 fi :. .- i 1"02 MANUSCRITS RELATIF8 A 2I:me Skrie. Vol. I — Continuation. Ann(ic9. 27 Sept. 28 Sept. 1646. 6 Avril. 1651. 2 Jaiivier. 1647. 27 Mars. 1651. 1 Avril. 1G53, 3 Mai. li)47. Fi'vrier. 1648. 5 Mars. 1651. 20 mars. 27 Ftvrier, 1652. Lettre de la reine regents \ monnieu- d'Aulnay Chariiisay, tou- chant sa bonne conduiti: (i^n.-; le pay.s i!o I'Acailie. 166 Lettre du roi, ft iii./nsieur d'.Auln.ty Cliaiiusay, touchant son ■ le pour le service do Sa >n}'trt6 167 Lettre du 'oi h monsi'iiir ic qi ri'u'h) ^loigruu, J. i enjoignan! de remettre le vaisseau a Mar^iair-': nUie U'- r.i .ins du sieur de Kepi.jtigny, ui'pute poi..' U's affaiiep de la Nouvelle France 169 r i<'vision de gou .• rneur de la Nouvelle, pourle sieur de LllilZLM 172 Rog'f-men; i oui' rt iMir un bon ordie ft police en Canada.. 173 Dec, 1656. letSJiullot 15 Mars. 1657. 5 Mars. 165a Notes relatives an commerce de-; •■AStors Arret du 3 mai 1653 relalivement j li viviic ou • chan^o .'• .i oa-stors 179 Commission du roi nommant gouverneur et lieutenant ginitral des pais, terres, cotes et de I'Acadie, Charles de Menou, sieur d'Aulnay Chnrnisay 182 Arret portant rtglement enfaveui des habitants de la Nouvelle France 192 Gouvcriioment de h. Nouvelle France. Commission du roi, nom- mant le sieur de I.auzon gouverneur dans toute I'l' tendne du fleuve St. Laurent an lieu ot ,i'ace dn sieur d'Ailluhout Commission du roi XIV, nommant gouverneur et lieute- nant general pour le loi de la Nouvelle France a la cote de I'Aca- die, le sieur Charles de St. Rtienne, chevalier de la Tour Etat au vrai des Charlies et di penses, dettes actives et passives de la communaute des habitants de la Nouvelle France Etat des dettes es quelles la coiumnnante des habitants de la Nouvelle Fiance est engagee en France, et qui out ete contrac- t( es les anntes pricedentes Autres dettes passives de la dite commnnauti' Lettre dn roi touchant certaines usurpations commises au detri- ment dedame Jeanne Motin, veuvt^ de Charles Menou d'Aulnay. Arret relatif ii la ventc du cnstor . . . Evtrait ites registres du conseil d'etat. Arret (signe Bossuet,) rendu sur requete de la compagnie de in Nouvelle France, con- cernant la traitc ttablie au dit pays Etat du prix du fret et des marchandises dn crii du pays dt. h Nouvelle France 202 206 211 215 218 221 ■in 227 Deliberation de trance faite par '^■ Double iv; touchant lo . mars 1657. . . . npagnie de la Nouvelle France, surrcr ..i- . enson, nomine gouverneur au dit pay-i . . . 235 n de monseigneur le vicomte d'Ar- genson, par toutes les nations du pays du Canada, d son entree au gouveriiemenl de la Nouvelle France, represente a Quebec au college de la compagnie de .Jesus le 28 juillet 1658 287 Supplique en taveur de Joseph de Menou d'.Vulnay demandant confirmation des lottrus pateiites de sa majeste accordees en 1647 au sieur d'Aulnay Ciiiirni-ay, son peie, pour le privilege de la traite et le gouvernement il' Acadie 289 ;t. Lettre de M. I', de Voyer d'Argenson, touchant les missions ciiez les Saiivages ; — ^jiigement rendu centre un marchand pour avoir envoye dans ce pays une fille enceinte 222 Double de hi leltre envoyee par M. d'Argenson par le premier vaisseau du .5 sept. 1658, sur I'etat des atfaires ilu Canada — etat de I'eglise — les jesuites et M. deQueliis — il I'audrait centhommes de travail — chorte des vivres — la traite est avilie, etc 295 Double de la lettre ecrite par M. d'Argenson, par le vaisseau du Gaigneur parti le 6 sept., sur les affaires de la Nouvelle France II rc'id eomptt! de son arrivee dans le pays — a fait prendre les armes centre les Iroquois — M. di; Qinluset les ji suites — desordre cause par la buissoii — visite aux Trois Rivieres et au fort Riche- lieu--M. lie la Polhe.iu, etc 301 p " vi " 5 I ''r "' Il i 'I"'' ''■:;J 1504 MANUSCBITS EELATIPS A 't- , Mi I?' pi i ' III ?! 1- f 2fcMB Sl^.RiE. Vol. I—Contimtation, Annies. Pages 6 Sept. Double de la lettre terite par M. d'Argenson, h M. le baron do Foiiancant par le vaissoau du sieur Gaigneur du 5 sept. lt).58, au sujet des difficultes entre les ptiresjt'suites et M de Qul'Ius 318 6 Sept, Double de la lettre envoy6e par M. d'Argeiison au p6re Lale- maiit par le vaisseau du sieur Gaigneur en date du 5 sept. 1658, au sujet des affaires et des membres de I'eglise 322 1659. 13 Mai. Arret du roi touchant la conduitc qui doit i^tre tenue en la traite des pclleteries et pour la rt:fonnation des abus qui ont ete commis par le passe . . 326 20 Oct. Lettre de I'evcque de Petrue i M. d'Argenson (i Paris, fr&re du gouverneur,) se plaigniint dc I'attitude prise par le gouverneur vis- a-vis de !ui, etc 330 2 Oct. Lettre dc Hierosme Lallemant a monsieur d'Argenson (fr6re du gouverneur, conpeiller d'etat a Paris) apr&s etrc retournu pour la troisi^me fois en CaiL-^da. 333 14 Mai. Lettre du roi a monsieur d'Argenson, lui enjoignant d'appuyer Teveque de Petree, et d'enipecher les vicaires de rarchcveque do Rouen de fairc aucune fonctioii de juridiction, jusqu'a ce que le Pape ait decide si la Nouvelle France fait partie du diocese du dit archcvequo de llouen 335 18 Oct. Compagnic de marchands — articles accordes entre Rene Ro- bineau ecuyer, sieur de Brcancourt, habitant de la Nouvelle France, et porteur de procuration du conseil de la Nouvelle France et le sieur Toussaint Guenet, marchand demeurant a Rouen, agissant pour plusieurs nutres marchandb de la nienic ville, sur la propositiou faite par le dit sieur de Rccancourt au dlt sieur Gticnet dc former une compagnic de marchands qui seulc aTcxclusion de toutcs autres aurait le pouvoir d'envoycr au dit pays de la Nouvelle France toutes marchandises, provisions et autres choscs mxcssaircs 338 4 Aout. Lettre tie M. d'Argenson. ^nuverneur, touchant la compagnic du Canada— ses appointements — les castors — la peehe — la guerre des Iro(iuois — I'attitude indipeiid:iiite de !u compagnic de Montreal, etc. 349 21 Oct. Lettre du gouverneur d'Argenson touchant les affaires ecclesias- tiques, et la compagnic de la Nouvelle France 363 1C60. Avis ct ri'soiutioiis a deniander sur les questions suivantes : — I. Comment et quel ordre un gouverneur lieutenant gim'ral pour le roi doit reeevoir I'encens dans un pays oil riglise est nai.ssante, etc. 2. Eti (luel rang le gouverneur doit rccovoir I'cau bcnite etc. 3. Quelle i)lace il doit avoir dans T'^lise, etc 375 Reponse au.v dites questions 376 1659. Mcmoire sur la guerre des Iroquois . . 378 19 Aoiit Lettre du s^onvcrneur d'Argenson au sujet d'une irruption sou- daine dea Iroquois aux Trois Rivieres .... 386 1659-1660. fiCttre du gouverneur d'ArgeiisDuadressie a la eonipagnio de la Nouvelle France, la pliant de voulnjr bien regler un differend que .Mr. ft vi'que de Petree a fait n^ itre 389 L HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1606 \nntei. 1660. 4 Nov. 20 Fcv. SO Sept. 14 Mars 7 Juillet. 1661. 1679. 10 Nov. 1074. 14 Nov. 1672. 23 Oct. 2feMK Sl'.RiK. Vol. I — Continuation. Pagei Lettre du gouverneur adressee H M. d'Argpiison (son frire,) au sujet d'affaires ecclesiastiques {92 Lettre du guuverneurd'Argensoii annoDQant aa rtisolution d'aban- doniier le gouvernement de ce pays 399 Extrait des rcgistres du conseil prive du roi, contenant un arr6t ordonnant que lea articles du traitu fait entrc le sieur Btcancour et le sieur Guenet fioient executes selon leur forme et tencur 402 Inventaire et etat des lieux du fort St. Louis 409 Lettre du roi ii monsieur le vicointe d'Argenson I i ordonnant d'appuycr Teveque de Petree dans tout ce qui concerne les affaires ecclesiastiques 41S Lettre du gouverneur d'Argenson, sur I'etat de disette dans iequel se trouve le pays cette annee 417 Lettre de M. d'Avaugour, sur la beaute et ''importance du Canada, et en partiuulier du lleuve St. Laurent 421 Vol. II. ( 1 672-1 (j;?).) Lettre de du Chesneau, intendant, au ministrc — il sc plaint de la desobeissance des coureurs de bois, qu'il dit ("^tre au noinbrc de six cents— rend coniptu de ses differends dans le conseil avec le gou- verneur au sujet des intituliitions — se plaint fortement de ce dernier qu'il accuse de speculer sur la dcsol; issance des coureurs de bois, surtout dp Dulut, leur chef, et du nomme Lataupine — fait I'histoire des mciures adoptees de temps a autu ^^« «■ "^t de la trnite et des conges — elogcs des ecclesiastiques — carat' 1 .cs autres classes — moyens d'ameliorer le sort de la colonic — ooi.cessions de terrcs et papier terrier — depenses de 1(J78 et 167{i — edit des dimes — popu- lation — terrcs en culture, animaux, fusils, etc., etc 1 Lettre de M. do Frontenac au niinistre — protestation de devoue- raent — M. de Frintcnac se justifie d'avoir fait des reglenients de police, a I'exemplc- de ses pn' decesr.eurs — et aflfirme (pi'il s'efforce d'operer dea accomniodcniciitset d'enipeelierles proecs — promet de faire faire le recenseinent avec toute I'exactitude possible — se plaint du ntui)(]ue de poudre et de boulct.s— donne des renscigneiueiUs sur M. de Villcray — sur les travaux d' '' "les — sur le fort Fronte- nac — les concessions — les coureurs ... w;^i., etc. — plaintes contre Perrot — elogcs de.s Sieurs de la Noiigutre et de Verclieres — plaintes contre M. de Fc nelon, le sieur de Bernieres et le seniinaire de Montreal — nialheur arrive a M. de Cliambly— prise de Puntagouet — decouverte du Mississippi par 'oliet -il reconnnandc le sieur de la- Salle " le plus capable pour toutes les entrcpiises de decouverte," etc 57 Hara\igue prononcee par M. le comto de Frontenac en I'assem- blee tenue h Quebec le 23 oclobre 1672 109 ;fii' "! il 1506 MANUMCllITS KELATIFS A t 1, t'-i' t ( I i.;.:.j 2 Nov. 1670. 27 A. .t. lb; 1677. Mai. 'iiiME SiniK. Vol. II — Continuation, I'ag«k 1673. •23 Mars. 1663. 1 Miii. 9 Mars. 1667. 24 Janvier. 26 Nov. 1669. Lettre de M. de Frontunac au ministre, dans laquello il rend compte de son arrivcc ct de ia perte du navire )e Orif^non — de- inaiidu (|iie les habitants du Canada soient exempt68 des droits eur lo8 boissons et autres marchaiidises — importance du pay« — situa- tion de Quebec — iiecossite d'etablir un pinii de la villa — raret6 des ouvriers, des enuagus et des filles a marier— liabitations do I'Isle d'Orlfians, de Beaupre et de Beauport — ni-cessitt J'^tablir des pficliL'S — I'rois-Hivieres, la Sologne du Canada — mine de far — ina- portance do rC'tablisRement do t'orgus — encouragement a donner ire — )>laiiifes contra les coiireurs do bois — besoins du pays, eii troupes, provisions, vaisseuux, etc.,— filoge do MM. de Chambly, do Verch^ns et 'Jodtfroy — le sieur Joiiet etivoy6 A la decouverte do la mer du sud, t'lc, — question lir conges et de la traito — le sieur Ba/ire — reniarques au sujet des jesuiles et ilea prefres du seminaire de ; pour cent 224 Li'ttre du roi Louis XIV, autorisant rrtablissement d'un semi- naire d'ecclesiastiiiues el I'erection d'une communaiita an I'ile de Montreal 228 L UI8T0IRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1607 Ann(Va. 1679. 10 AoQt. 1679. 1673. 13 Nov. 1666. 1667. 1681, 1686. 1680. 14 Nov. 2kme S(5.rik. Vol.. II — Continuation. Pmm Lettre (le M. D'Autouil, procureur-g#n6ral, siir des diirioull^s sutvenues entre lui ot lo gouvornour do la colonie 232 Extrait di's regislres dii coiiscil Rouverain, pages 2, 3, 9 et lO, au sujet do8 diffferenda entre MM. de Frontenac et du Chesneau . . 243 Contestations entre le sieur de Frontenac et M. Jacques du Chesnoau, chevalier, infondant, etc., an sujet de la presidence du consoil 80uverain de CJufebec ; extrait den legistres du conseil snuverain 248 Lettre de M. de Frontenac a Colbert, dans laquelle 11 rend compte de I'etat do la colonie — il a etabli une police et des 6che- viuH A Quebec — avantages que les iiabitunts retirenl de I'etablis- sement des marches, boucheries e; boulangerios — mesurs'" adop- tees pour I'ombellissement et I'ufcToissement de la villc — acoom- modements des proci^s — lieuteiianl-ir^neral dci Trois-U vii^res — nfictissite d'auumenter ses appoiiitements — nece^site d'avoir sept , conseillers au lieu de cinq, et de iiommer un procureur-gfineral — mi'sintelligence entre les recollets ot les autres ecclesiastiques — plaintes centre I'interveulion ilc^ Jesuites dans les affaires de famille — traits de Teau-de-vie — t'loge de M. Dollier sur ce qu'il s'appliquo h itablir des manufactures d'^ toffos et de toiles, etc., — voyage de M. de Frontenac au lac Ontario — fondation de Katara- kouy — ctablissement de la baie d'Hudson — soins donnes a la co- lonie — engages— envoi de filles pour " la peuplade," etc 291 Vol. III. (lC(i()-l(i8().) Recensemerit pour I'annee 1666 1-154 Recensement de 1667 155-390 de 1681 391-841 Recenseincnt de tous tes peuplos de Beaubassin, Riviere St. Jean, Port Royal, lie Percee, et autres cotes de I'Acadie, par M. dc MeuJIes 841-897 Cc9 rccenscments cou.preriiient les noms ot prfinoms des individus de tout sexe, de tnut ftge, et do t-outos comiitioiis, le imnibre 'l'' bestiaux poasc- aM&a par chiique proprietiiire, le nipiiibre d'arpens de terre en va- leur, ete. Vol. IV.— (|(iSO-lGS.-..) Memoire toufhant uiie phu'e en la basse-ville de Quebec pour y b&tir une chapelle qui doit servir d'aide ii la paroisse (avec un plan) .. Non pagine. Lettre du sieur Dauteuil a Colbert, pour le remercier de lui avoir obtenu la charge en survivance de procureur general du lloi en ce pays, remplie prect'demmiMit par son pere, et pour le prier de lui obteiiir les Icttres necessaires 1 Lettre de Frontenac au mareclial de ISellefonds, en reponse aux caloiniiies repanduus contre lui par lupport a saxonduite en ce pays 4 i M f- If 1^5^ . V i. h !| •■ f i 1508 MANU8C11H-; > El > riFS A .•'1 . . ii« k w tt 1 ! ;i AnniSu. 13 Nov. 1681. •i Nov. '2^.MK S^RIK. Vol.. IV — Continuation. PltTM Lettre do M. ilii C'liesnoau au ministrc (Colbert) pour remlro comi.ti) ilo Na concluitu dupuii rannoo preci'doiito — il est on bonne iiitt.'lliijonce uvou lu comto du Prontonao — mesiires qu'ilN ont prises oontru luB uourours do bots — duinundu de grutiliuatioim pour dilfe- niiitus perftonnes— tloge du siour do Villoray, ot du Ills ihs i'ou le profureur-geiiCral Duuteuil— Clogo du sieur Charlicrdo Lotbiniere — plaiiitos contra le siour dc Becancour, grand-voyer — rooense- mont du ci'tto aiiiiee — rnanufacturoft — cotntnorco par terro et par inur — p^ehes ordinairos ot NriluntaircM— mines, etc — ologe du siour de la Chosnayo— traite du castor — altercations ontre lea Sauvages et les soidats — commorce avec los iles— obligation im- po»ee aiix fermietrs de prt-uilro les condres doa habitants, coux-ci n'ayant ni le tumps ni les tnoyens defaire do lapotasso — commis- sions aux liuissiers et grelfiers — C'Jit des dimes, son application ti 9 Annuel. 1681. IS Nov. 1680 'i Aout. 1681. Marw. 1681. 168-2. [.Sails date] Requ lo 2 Jan- vier 1683. [Sans date.] RuQu le 'i Jan- vier 1683. 1682. 4 Aout. 1683. 4 Nov. 1683. 30 Mai. '2},MT. SC-iiiR. Vot. iy-~-CoHtinuation. Putt DC-fente de M. do Frontonao, par un do sbh nmiii W M6nioiro et priiuvos du la cauxtt dea deionlren dus coureiirn de boin, ni^ M. de Frontenac alleguo i\uei M. itu Chcnneau emploio plusiuiirH peroonnoH dans le commerce da pulloterieH iiu'i! lait avec lea coureum de bain, ot (pie le muyeii d'arroter ces dcMordro!* est de nomraor un pruvo^t qui ne soit pas fils do marchand ou n£« gocinnt, et un intondant qui n'ait aucun int^ret dans lu commerce, oti\, etc 100 Lottrt! do M. do Frontenac an marquis do Sei^nela}, so piai- gnant de laoundnile odieuHo de M. du Chesncau, et lo faisant pas- ser en Franco, atiii qu'il " prouve s'il le pout, co qu'il a avance contre lui," etc 112 ProcfcN-verbal de M. du Cliesneau contra le gouverneur, au sujot du la traite des pollotorieH que font las habitans avec les Sauvages 117 Mfmoirn do I'l-vc^qua do Quebec sur ce qui s'ost pa»86 au sjjot de la (|iicrel!o arrivi'o entro M. du Chpsnoau, lo nomme Vautier, . -de mandc des fonds pour les dopansi>s da Ci ' j, ua . ter- prfete, etc 140 I'roc^, -verbal du lieutenant-general de Quebec, sur "inceiidie do la basso-ville, duquol il apperl que lo.s deux tiers de la bassu- ville, coinpreuatit 55 uuiisoiis, tuienl brulos, avec meubles, mar- chandisL's, bois, pUinolios, etc., lo t aout I68'i 160 liCttrc lie M. do la Harro au iiiiiiistro— conduite arrogante des fermiers — la peche sedentaire qu'ils out etablie on Acailie sans la permission dn Hoi, etc— raisons pour lesquellea les IrO(|Uoi3 les ri'irardent comme lours onncmis, etc— dernandes de fonds tant pour lui que pour d'autros, etc., etc 163 Lettro du memo au lloi, demandant quolquessecours d'hommes pour faire la guerre aux Iroi[uois 172 if- \ m .1 •f:^ K ■ ■ Wi'--''h j-'i il'^^i' .'4. ■iS 1510 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A 2kme Sle Quebec — projet d'une seconde basse-ville — brasserie ile M. Talon — evi'clie — pri- soi ■ — poudriore — M. de Hellefonds nomme greffier, son iloge — Rageot — le sieur de la Martiiiiere — le sieur de Becancour — plaintes contre les sieurs Chalons et Riverin -maladie contagieuse apportee par tieux vaisseaux de sa majeste — cause des incendies dans le pays — usage de la tuile devenue desirable — M. de Varen- nes, son commerce avec les Sauvages, a la Gabelle prcsdesTrois- Rivieres— (luestion de preseance — construction de bateaux legers pour la guerre — preparatifs centre les Iroquois — remarques sur I'obscuriti' dans leseomptes — nucessite pour les ofTiciers de justice de ne paraitre (ju'en robes longues— commission acvjuidee au sieur du Comporte, etc 338 Memoire de M. ile Deiionviik! au mini-tre — pour regler I'i'tendne iln gouvernement Calliere, et sur celui des Trois-lli- vieres, etc Miinoire pour inonseignenr le marquis de Seiguelay, par le Chevalier lie Callieres, gouverneur de I'ilo de Montreal, demandant a etre nomme au commandemeut des troupes et des milices du F'ly*' Copie des provisions pour I'augmentation du gouvernement do I'ile ele Montreal, donnee par M. le maripiis de Denoiiville, gou- verneur et lieutenant-neneral en Canada 37; 373 377 M • I 1 1512 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A 2^fiT. Serie. Vol. IV — Continuation. AnncSes. Pages 13 Nov, Leltre du marquis de Denoiiville au ministre — se plai<>;nap.t de la conduite de riutendant 381 1685. Memoire du sieur Perrot, gouverneur de I'Acadie — pour le reta- blissement du fort de la Heve — I'etablissement d'une peclie seden- taire, et raugmentation du coramerce de la colonie, etc 384 29 Avril. Copie de la lettre quo le sieur Chouart a eci. j au Sieur Com- porte, de Londres, le 29 avril 1685 d&l 29 Mai. Lettre de M. de Denoiiville, ecrite do la Rochelle, sur ses pre- paratifs de depart 389 20 Aout Lettre de M. de Deuonville au ministre, lors de son retour ii Quebec— sur les affaires- generales de la colonie — mauvais traite- ment eprouve par les passagers sur les vaisseaux du Roi — maladies — ^journal de sa navi:j;ati')n — le nomme Chaviteau — importance d'avoiruna carte du St. Liununt — M. le Maire — Arnoul — miigasins — poudres — dangers du feu — grand nombre d'hommes dans les bois — honneurs a rendre au gouverneur, etc 392 6 Oct. Lettre de M. de ^''^euUes au ministre— demandant que la charge de lieutenant particulier au sitge de la prevoste de Quebec soit retablie, etc . . . 407 Chemin du bout de I'ile de Montreal au lac de Tumiscaminne, sur le bord duquul est l;i mine (.lo plomb — piece oii Ton donne la distance d'un lieu u un autre, la longueur dos portages, etc 412 Memoire au ministre, sur le fort et iiabilation de Chedaboucton. 416 Lettre de M. de Denonville au ministre, dans laquelle il lui rend cornpte de I'ltat du pays — d'un voyage qu'il a fait a Catara- kouy, et de rimportance de cotte place — la qualite de son sol — la probabilite d'une guerre prochaine avec les Iroquois — necessite d'armor les fllinoi-; — les sieurs Toiity, ilv I:i Salle et de la Forest — pretentions de M. de la Salle an commaiidement supreme du fort des Illinois — M. deCalli^res, gouverneur ''e Montreal — libertinage des jeunes gens — bonne coiiduiie des Sauvages des environs de Quebec e' de Montreal — commerce de I'eau-de-vie — trop grand nombre de cabarets— necessite de multiplier le nombre des cures et de les rendre fixes — subsistance des curus—seminaire de I'ev^che — sfEurs de la congregation h Villemarie — noblesse du pays, composeo de faineants — n6cessite d'une ecole de navigation, portrait des Canadions — culture du clianvre — tanneries — forge des Trois-Rivii-res — poches du bas du lleuve — commerce avec les iles — 61oge des deu.\ families Le Bert et Lc Moyne — le sieur Chailly — le sieur de Varennes, son eloge — le sieur de la Martiniere — carte du bas du flenve par le sieur Joliet, dessince par le sieur Fran- quelin — routt^ pour aller an Port Royal — plans de Montreal, Trois- Rivieros, et Catarakouy — montant des exportations de bles, pois et autres grains — tloge de la conduite de M. de Belmont — remarques sur le recensement, etc 420 13 Nov, Lettre du merae au memo— le sieur Joliet pour I'enseigncment de la navigation — ses projets de peches 477 1686. 1685. 13 Nov. l'HTSTOIRE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1513 2feME S^.RiE. Vol. IV — Continuation. Anni5es. 3D6c. 31 Mars. 1689. Avril. 8 Sept. 7 Sept. 24 Sept. 15 Nov. 14 Nov. 17 Nov. 17 Nov. Pages 1690. 21 Fevrier. 30 Avril. 7 Jiiillet. 17 Sept. 1692. 10 Nov. 1690. 12 Nov. Lettre du m6me au meme — annonQant la mort du sieur le Maire, demandant aa protection pour plusieurs personnes affligees, par las suites de la maladie contagieuse — soin que prennent les religieuses des malades, etc 479 Lettre du meme au meme — au sujot du jeune des Giosolliers. . 490 Vol. V. (1686-1690.) Remarques sur ce qui parait important au service du Roi pour la conservation de la Nouvelle France, par M. du Brouillan 1 Memoire concernant les affaires du Canada — lo. la justice — 2o, le commerce— 3o. la guerre — donne par Dautcuil, procureur-ge- neral 8 Lettre do M. de Meneval (vraisemblablement u M. de Chevry) sur I'etat de disctte dans lequel se trouve la Nouvelle France 13 Extrait de la lettre de M. de Muneval au marquis de Seignelay sur les affaires de 1' Acadie r20 Lettre de M. de Denonville a M. de Vallerenne lui indiquant les precautions a prendre pour quitter Catarakouy et descendre les Rapides, malgre les ennemis, et faire sauter le fort si I'ennemi s'en emparait, etc 28 Lettre de M. de Frontenac au ministre, par laquelle il rend compte a sa grandeur de sa navigation de France a Quebec, et de I'etat dans lequel il a trouve les affaires du pays 37 Relation de ce qui s'est passe a la Bale du Nord et de la conduito de d'Iberville, (envoyee par le sieur Patu de Quebec) 53 Copie d'une lettre du sieur d'Iberville commandant u la Bale du Nord en Canada, a ses associes A Paris 70 Lettre de M. de, Frontenac annoncjant que les Iroquois au nombre de cent cinquante sout descendus a la Chenaye et a I'lle Jesus ou ils ont brClle loutes les habitations, etc 75 Lettre de M. Delagay a,u mini>.tre sur les affaires de I'Acadie, (datee de Paris) 77 Lettre de M. de Frontenac au ministre, sur la grande disette on se trouve le Canada, et ce qui s'est passe depuis le depart des der- niers vaisseaux 79 Lettre do M. de Pontchartrain ik M- de Frontenac, sur le com- merce des castors, etc 88 Copie de la lettre ecrite par le reverend Pere Carheil, h. M. le gouvorneur-general de la France- Septentrionale, rc^ue parle Comte de Frontenac, ik Quebec, le 17 septembre 1690, sr* la consterna- tion qu'ont causee les Iroquois, parmi les Sauvages, hos allies, etc. 92 Lettre de M. de Champigny au ministre, dem'\ndant une certaine quantite do fariue et de lard — un nombre considerable de soidats, etc 104 Lettre de M. de Frontenac au marquis de Seignelay — crainte qu'il a cue quo les Outaouais n'achevassent do conclurc leur traite * I 1614 MANUSCRITS BELATIFS A AuniSes. w 'm: i^^i't. 'i ■■ : H '"''' r i' f:}'' 'iO Nov. 15 Nov. 20 Nov. 1686. 12 Fevrier. 1686. 8 Mai. 29 Jauv. 8 Mai. 2I;me S^rie. Vol. V — Continuation. Pngei avec les Iroquois — Michillimakinac — Outaouais — rencontre de 13 canots d'Iroquois * SO lieups de Montreal — exploits iles sieurs do Louvigny, d'Hoata, de la Gemeraie, Hertel, de Portneuf et de Courtemanche — demande de lottres d'annoblissenient pour le sieur Hertel — semencea et recoltes — anl'^e de plus de 500 Outaouais, Hurons, Christinau, etc., ft Montreal, a'ec des pelleteries pour une valeur de pies de cent mille ecus — coi.seil — regal et presents — arrivee d'un Abenaquis a Quebec, annonQant qu'une liotte est partic de Boston pour venir prendre Quebec — defense de Quebec — resuUat de I'attaque — dispo.sitions des Sauvagea — etat du fort Frontenac — echange de pritonnisrs — eloges des milices canadiennes — les sieurs de St. Denis, de Clermont, de Longueil, de Ste, He- ]hne, de Villieu — pri^e de Port Royal- -il propose de " foudroyer " les Anglais de Boston — dommage eprouve par la recolte — manque de vivres — munitions, argent et troupes— le sieur Bizard, major de Montreal, etc 117 Lettrc du nienie au meme au sujet de la sommation envoyee par le general de la flotte anglaise 154 Menioire de la Compagnie du Nord touchant le pillage commis par dea Anglais a la Riviere Bourbon, (Bale d'Hudson) et la guerre que la dite compagnie soutient contre cux, (signe Gobin, Pachot, Aubert de la Chcsnaye) 1 56 Lettre de M. de Frontenac il M. de Pontchartrain, sur le com- merce des castors 162 JVlemoire au marquis de Seignelay, sur le commerce du Canada, presente par les sieurs Chalons et Riveriii, (joint a la lettre du sieur de Riverin du 7 fevrier 1680) 167 instructions de Jacques de Brisay, chevalier, seigneur, riarquis de Denonville, etc., gouverneur et lieutenant-general pour le Roi en Canada, Acadie, lie de Terreneuve, etc., au sieur de Trois pour aller occuper des postes sur les cotes de la Baie du Nord — arreter les voleurs et coureurs de bois et nommement te sieur Radisson, qui s'est rendu coupable de trahison, etc 176 Memoire du sieur Simon Denis Bonaventure relativement a des d'fQcultes concernant la peche sedentaire ... 179 Lettre du marquis de Denonville au niinistre — rnisons qui I'ont engage ft faire lo clinix dos |)Ius honnetes tinrchands de la colonic pour faire valoir les 25 conges que le Roi lui a permis de faire, etc. 182 Copio d'un passeport pour aller en traite a\ix Outaouas i . 186 Lettre de M. de Denonville au rninistre — eloge du corps des mar- chands du Canada — exportation de mats, vergues, inadricr.s, morues seches, saumons, etc, — augmentation de la peche — mesures pour empecher le commerce des Anglais sur les lacs Ontario et Erie — entrcprisc des Anglais sur Niagara et la Baie d'lludson — importance d'tm bon poste il Niagara — le sieur de Chailly — culture du chanvre et du lin — les sieurs Joliet, Deshayes, de Villeneuve — Hat des L'hISTOIEE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1515 Anndca. 6 Juin. C Juin. 6 Juin. 12 Juin. 18 Jiiillet. 19 Juillet. 10 Nov. 15 Oct. 6 Nov. to Nov. 16 Nov. 16 Nov. 2KMt: Si^RiE. Vol. V — Continuation. Pages troupes — construction de 180 bateaux plats — eloge do Comporte, de LfiBert et des cnfants LoMoyno — maladies Ics plus communes — le chevalier d'Aux — Dorvilliers — etat du fort de Quebec et do la maisoii du gouverneur — conduite de certains officiers — duels — prisons, etc 189 Copie 'le la lettre do M. lo marquis de Denonvillo, gouverncur- genijral du Canada, ^ M. de la Durantaye, commandant aux Ou- tp.ouas .... 22 Lettre a M. du Lhut, lui enjoignant d'aller ocruper un poste au Detroit du Lac Erie, etc 233 Copic de la lettre Denonville tl M. de la Forest, comman- dant aux Illinois, I'avertissant 'o se tonir pret i marcher contrc los ciincmis ...... 237 Lettre du marquis de D^^nonviJle au ministre, svu- I'etat facheux do nos affaires avec nos allies — !a pcriidie d'un liuron, (S'toutaohe) la necessite do faire de;< in.igasiiis do hie et de farine, etc 240 Lettre MS, vivres, etc., — le Sieur de Macary — promotions reconmiauilecs — raii;;s des officiers — M. de Callieres — Fort St. Louis de Queljcc — M. do V'lleneuve — cartes du pays — desordres et (lauvrete — etit necessiteux de plu-iieurs families nobles — in.portance d'avoir diis pilotes et matelot.s — mine do ler pros des Trois-Rivieres — brass'vio do M. Talun — le Sieur de ■"it. Castin — Haie d'Hudson — le Sieur de la Chesnaie, etc., etc 259 Lettre du nu'-me au memo aimoncjant I'arrivee de M. de Cham- pigny avec si dame et 14!) hommes 310 Lettre adressee au ministre tductiant i.i compacjnie du Nord. vPar divers iiiemlires de la e'oiiipagnie) .313 Lettre du manjuis ilo Denonvillo au ministre, sur I'etat de la brasserie, et ce qu'il \ faut faire pour inettre ce biitiuient en etat de servir suivant ses intentions, etc., etc 316 Lettre du meme au nieme, touchant les terrcs de ia Prairie do la Maueleinp, et la nece.ssite d'avoir un i^ros poste ti Cliambly ,'518 Lettre de M. do Champigny au ministre — eloge des occlesiasti- ques de la colonic— mission do Sillery — nomhre des eglisos— subsis- tance des cures — Religieuses Hospitalieres et Ursulines— incendie de I'egliso et de la maison des Ursulines— M. Gaillard commi.ssaire— FF ^1 m :W ^r ;^<' iii ■ ■ 1- 'Si n ^.■^« %■' ■ I 1516 MANUSCRITS llELATIFS A 2i;ME Skhik. Vol. V — Coiitinnntion. Anmies. ., ... . , , . ... I'ages I'nvoi de 400 fusils— adininistration de la justice— jiindiction dea Trois-llivieros — culture du lin, son importance — Bale d'llud.son— lo sieur Riverin— niorl de Hoyvinet— cIoro don LeMoyno de Longueil —Madame Sorel, etc 320 1687. Certificat commencjant en ccs tormes:— " Nous, Michel Boudrot, 5 Oct. " lieutonant-geiiC'ial en I'Acadio, avec les anciens habitants du " pays, ccrtifions que feu M. D'Aulnay Charnisay nvait fait butir " trois forts an dit pays d'Acadie, etc."' 345 1609-1735. Memoire historique sur I'Acadie 347 1687. 1 Mars. Document commencjant en ces ternies:— " M. de Lagny, a Paris " le ler luars 1687, a infornic les inturcsses en la peche sedentaire " de TAcidio de la resolution qu'on a prise d'y fortifier les utablisse- " ments, etc." 354 7 Juin. Nouvelle prise ue possession des tcrrcs des environs du Detroit des lacs Erie et Huron, par le Sii'ur de la Durantaie 357 23Juillet. Letter of Doiigtin, ("rovemci of Now York) to tlio Honorable James, marquis of Deiioiivill. , lijuleiiaiit-gonLMal and governor of New Fianot;, Monl Royal, (Le titro est en anglais, la lettio en latin) 359 25 Aout. Leltre du maiqi-;s do Deiioiiville an ininislie — sur les coureuis do bois — la ru,)iilatioii IVaiKjaiso perdue' chez les Sauvages — uii rendez-vous dc tous les Sauvages, etc 361 25 Aoiit. Lettre (in memo au meme — loueliaiit uiie leltre pateiite qu'il a reijue du Roi, reiativemeiit au commandaiit qui doit le lemplacer — dci)art du clievalier de Beaiigy, les seivices qu'il a rendus — contiiiualiou ile la guerre, son peu de siicees — iiilliience du voisi- iiage des Anglais, etc 388 2G Aoiit. Lettre de M. de t'i.ampigny au niiiiistre — sur le retour des troupes eiivoyees eoutie les Iinquois, sous le uominandement du chevalier de Vaudieuli — les ordres necessaires pour leurs quartiers d'hiver — la conservation di's bateaux et les canol> — telalion de sou voyage ju^(]u'a Calarakouy — niisere du peuple et des gentils- homnios, ii'iirs plaiute?, etc 391 28 Oct. Lettre ilu maKiuis de Denonvillt; an iniiiistie — sur le depart du chevalier de Vaudivuil pour rile de Mouiieal, avec >ix vingt Canadiens pour attaquer I'enneiui — il ileinaiuie ponrlui dessecours (i'aiLii'iit qui li; iiicllcMit a nienu! de sonlenir >ui: laiig el tiaiter les Canadiens qui conibaltent ave lui, etc 394 6 Nov. Ltttie da .\Iaii|ui~ d- Dcnonville et ae >.!. de Champignyau miiiistii: — tnuciMut la ^ratilicatioii a doiiner aux cures — rimpos>i- biliti pour le pays de continuer a venir a leur aide sans le secours du Roi — d'.Miiaiule de •!. iix inilh; livies jiour gratilier les anciens missio:ii:aires ijui soiit sur le point tie reveuir — renierciement au Roi de la gralilication de 3,000 livres (pril leur a accordee, et boll usage (|u'il eu font — demaude de secours pour les hopitaux de Quebec et de Montreal, qui sont oncombies de malades civils eliniliiaiies, I'te 395 fir .^, . AiiiK'os. 7 Not. ]0 Nov. 28 Dec. 1688. 20 Jan. 1688. 27 Fev. 24 Avril. 12 Mai. 18 Juin. L'niSTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1517 2f;MK SfiiUK, Vol. V — Cnntinuation. Pages Lottro ilo M. (le Dorioiiville au ministre — touchant le mauvais etat (les affaires, et les dirticultcM qu'il rencontre dans la lutte centre les Anglais ot les Iniqiiois r6iinis — (lispo.sitions pour cntre- preniire nnc deuxieme campagno et demande tie 800 liomtnes de troupes et 150 liommes de rccruea, etc 423 Leltre do M. Dongan ii M. le Marquis ile Denonvillo — touchant le desir qu'il cprouved'utroen bonne intelligence' avec lui, et pour lui otre agrCable il lui dfipeche le Sieur Laprairie, puis le major Gregoire, etc 427 Lettre de M. de Denonville il M, Dongan, pour repondro aux siennes du 31 Octob'-o et du 10 novembre 1687— confirmant I'arri- vee du major rir6iroiro en bonne sante — rappellant I'execution du traite du ncutralite du 16 novembre 1686 — et terminant en proposant lo R. P. Vaillatit, Ji';suite, pour agir do concert entre eux pour les inturcts du Roi et de I'eglise, etc 429 Memoiro presentu a M. le marquis de Soigni'lay, concernant Tassociatiori du Sieur Perot au gouvernement de I'Acadie — le Sieur Perot n'ayant pas r«mpli stvs engagements, et ayaut di'plu au Roi, Tassociation se trouve rompue — le Sieur Perot est rcvoque du gouveruement do I'Acadie, et proteste — les associes en referent a la justice du ministre 434 llemoire piesente a M. le marquis de Seignelay, pour le Canada — recommandant le capitaine Pierre Alemant comme homme capable et marin devouu et intelligent, et temoignant le desir que les habitants eprouvent que le gouvernement lui confie un petit navire d(! 40 ii 50 tonneaux pour explorer le pnys des Es([uirnaux, avec la certitude que sou voyage seiait tres-utile !i la science, a la navigation ainsi qu'au commerce. . 438 Lettre de M. Dongan, gouverneur general de laNouvelle Angle- terre, a M. le Marquis do Denonville — touchant le uiauvnis traite- mont (]ue des Sanvages, ivres, onl infliges au R. P. Vaillani et a M. Dumont — IM. le gouverneur les fait chercher pour les chatiei — il demande (ju'on s'occupe de la realisation de certains traiti-s <|ui concernent le commerce et la religion. 411 Rcponse de M. le marciuis de Denonville a la lettre de M. Don- gan du 27 fevricr 168b, lui repruohant son peu de zule a faire rendru justice au U. P. Vaillant, eto 445 Lettre de iM. de Denonville a M. Dongan, dan:, laquelle il deplore I'hostilitc des Sfuivages, hostilite qui serait suggereo par les Anglais, coutraireinent au iraitc de neutralite du IG novembre 168fi, et dans laquellc il previent M. Dongan qu'il soupc;onne de corrompre les Sauvagcs pour les engager a harccler la colonic, que s'il ne cessc cc systume, il en sera rclere a son uiailre, etc 452 Lettre de M. de DenonvilK; li RI. Dongan, lui faisant part des ordres que le Koi de France lui a transmis pour la protection de la colonic, et les transmettant a son tour a >L Dongan, exprimanf auBsi en meine temps le desir de voir la bonne hariuonie ri ^ner entre les sujets du Roi de France et de sa majestc britannique, etc. . 455 I . .1 : • ! n M fi;!;*. 1518 MANUSCRITS llELATIFS A 5? ' \W ,~' %■■ Aimccs. 20 Juin. 5 Juillct. 7 Juillet, 8 Aout. lOJAoilt. 10 Aoiit. 20 Aout. •21 Aout. 'i9.Sopt. Iv.MV. S^RIE. Vol. V — Continuation. Pages l.uttro tie M. Donnan U M. do Dunoiivillc, lui aiinonrjani qu'il a r(.'(;u urie luttre de son imiitro lo Uoi d'Aiigleturre qui tloit iiiuttro tin u tons luurs ilcuii-les, i''c 450 Luttru (li! M. dc Dononville ii M. Dongan en ruponso it la sicnno du 20 Juin ItiHS, ot par laquclls il accepts les avuncos (|u'il lui fait, et lui otlVe son aniilie, Ic priant do vouloir bion agir de concert avec lui pour lo bonheur de la colonio ot notiiiuinent pour einix'-oher les peuples barbares de troublor los niissiminaires dans leiirs fiinctions cvangeliquus, ot de lain^ tout co qui dipendra de lui pour decider ceH nieiucH barbaros k eiubrasser ie chriHtianismo, ct luur interdirc I'abua et nu'ino I'lisaffO de I'eau-dc-vie, etc 460 Lettro de M. [)ongan 464 Lettro de M. de Chauipigny au ministre, rinlbrnmnt de l'arriv6o dovant Que'iuc du navin; qu'il a plu au Uoi d'accordor ii la lonqja- gnie do la IJiie d'lludsoii — ce navire porlait monseigneur Lavid, an- cien t'VtMiuo de Quebec, •-'.') hoinnies dc recruos et 53,7.5(t f. en argent — on attend un autre naviru parti d(^ Larooliclle lo 16 avril avec des ofTicicrs et rccrues, de 1 'argent et des munitions, etc 467 iVIeiiioire d'un de.s jdus trrands niaux de la colonic, par M. de Dc- noiuilii — grandi; inortalitc |iarini los Sauvages, causce par Tabus qu'ils font dc reau-dt'-vio — cct abus se propagc jtussi parini les habitants rt enirendro dea ilosordres de toute nature qu'i! est prudent de repiiiner dc suite — il en la sup[iression par tons les inoyens possibles, etc 477 Memiiirc iiistructif dc I'etat des iitlhircs dc la Nmivcllc France et de la coniluite du marquis de Uenonvillo depuis la campagno dernii^ro (1687), adressc & monsoignour le m.irquis de Scignelay — mnni^rc dont il faut faire la guerre aux Iroquois, Icsqucis excrconl Icurs de- predations dans la colonic, saus .s'eiid>arrnsscr des positions fortiliccs — I'hiver a einpoclie de reaiiser tons ces plans en entier — le com- merce et la chasse du castor font neudiger la cidture des tcrres aux habitants, ct les soins de se fortifier — cct ctat de choses est triis pnijudiciablo et cause de grands maux auxquels il propose de rcme- dicr, etc 481 Kd'ponsc de M. de Dcnonvillc aux deux lettres de M. Dongan du 17 juillet et du 'i aofit 1688. (Cette lettrc no traite que des bonnes re1atiiiii> qu'il de-ire cntrctcnir, des soiii.s que Ton i donixs aux pauvrcs prisonnicrs, ot des moyens ii employer pour decider lea Sauvages ii rctirer leurs partis, etc.) 502 Lettro de M. Amlros, gouvernour de la Nouvelle Anglcterre h M. de Dononville, annor9ant sa nomination coinmo gouverneur et les instructions qu'il a ricjues cle son gouvernoment sur la conduitu ii tetiir ii I'egard des Sauvages, sujeta dc I'Angleterre et ceux soumis a la France — ainsi quo de I'entente cordiale qu'il dosire etablir avec M. de Denonville, etc 505 Lettro de M. Andros, gouverneur de la Nouvelle Angleterre ii M. de Denonville, touchant le meurtre de cinq Sauvages assassines i» l'histoire im la nouvelle France. 1619 AniiOua. 31 Oct. 28 Oct. 6 Nov. 6 Nov. 10 Oct. 'ifiMK S(5rik. Vol. V — Contimmtion. Pages dans leur (le:nouro, t-t de nix chretienn fegiik'tneiit aHsaKsint*, suppo- Hunt quo ces ftSHassiimts out (jte conunanddw par lui, etc 507 Lottie de M. le ninrquiH rlo Dennnville an tiiiiiiHtre, nnnoti(*nnt I'nrrivio do d'llujrvillc de la IJiiie d'lIndKon— ( nuiinTatiDii des avail- tagcs qu'il y aurait ii soutciiir la compagnic en danger de perir — resolution qu'a prise d'lherville de rctoiirner i\ la Hale i)Our donnor soH soiim au coniiiu^'ce i)u castor — eiogc do ret lioninie, etc 509 lleponse de M. de Denonville aiix troi« let.lres de M. Andron do8 21 aoi'it, 8 et 9 septeinbre 1(J88 — ncutraliti de cinq villaKos Iro- quois — ' taitis tiDiivoaiix pour la [)iiix i\ ciniinter avec Ics Sauvages — ordrcs quo ces dernier,-) ont retjus forineilenient de ri'entreprondro aucun acte d'hostilite centre les Anglais, etc 511 Menioiro de I'l'tat des allaires de ce ])ays depuis le 10 aoCit 1688, jUKipi'au dernier octohro de tii inline annee — convocation des depu- tes des cinq villages iroqunis a I'etret de traviiiller avec I'aide des chefs sauvnges i\ uno paix generale — assassinat d'un depute par un chef nauvage nomine LeUat, et periurljation (pie cela cause dans Ics cieux camps — ordre d'abandonner le fort de Niag'ira ii cause des maladies qui y rej^iient et du innuvais temps — les Iroquois veulent tirer ven- geance de riiijure que le parii tiuron, coinniandi' par Lo Rat, leur a faite — insinuations poriees centre le caractere et Ics intentions du gouverncur Andres, etc 619 Loltre de M.V1. de Denonville et Chami)igny au ininistre, deman- dant do I'argont pour aidiever les travaux d'une eglise a la basse- villc, et dea secours pour les hupltaux de ^TontreaI, annom^aul I'ar- rivee en bonne sante des deux cveques — I'etublissenient a Quebec d'une fal)riquo considerable pour fairo de la l)rique et de la tuilc — depart de M. de Cidlicrcs pour France — les travaux de fortifi- cr.ti( .. — desordres cau>,es par la trnite — pecherios et commerce de casto' cir., etc 541 LeUiv le M. de Champigny au ministre, annon(;ant les depreda- tions Vun forban duns les peclieries de Chodabouctou dans I'Acadie, et supposant qu'elles ont tie soudoyees par los Anglais — depart pour la '•'ranee du navire Lc Soleil iVAfrifive, charge de pello- terios, ;.vec des reniarciues faites a propos du commerce de ces mcmcs pelletcries — M. Andros, gouverneur de la Nouvelle Angle- terre. envoie a M. de Denonvdle dos protestations d'union ot d'ami- tie, et lui nuuiile qu'il a iiitiine I'ordre aux oiiiq nations iroquoises de cesser le:. hostilites contro la colonic, etc 560 1691. 5 Avril. 10 Mai. Vol.. VI. (l(i!)l-l(i!).S.) t'opi ''e la lettre ecrite ]>ar le rev. ])erc liruya> de la compagnic de Jesus, a M. le coiuto de, gouverneur el lieutenant- general i)Our le Hoi en Canada 1 Miiiioiro inslruclifsur le Canada, par M. deChanipigny — inoyens a ))i'oiidre poi;:' ':i conservation ot I'ngrandisseinent de la colonic — res.sources >['.■ pa\ .s, etc 6 rjTwf^t r ;l J! i,>ii>J V:fp; i'^i ■i' ■.,'•'.-••!» t _ I ■ 4': I ': '1:1 '' »'" ■ 1 1-:' 1520 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A '_'fcMK SIorie; Vol. VI — Continnntion, Anntei. Paget 12 Mai. Postacriptiim njoiitt! «.; "luiuoiro precedent 28 10 Mai. Lottri! ilo M. do C!.\" i-jny an ininiHtrc — diHctto it Inipicllo cat exposco la colonic — ilepcnso dos fortillcntions ftiites A Qiu'l)oc ot i\ Montroal durant I'anneo 16!I0 — autrt'H ntrairos do tliiances — etat do pauTrott' dc 150 inatolots bas(|ucs arrivos \ Qii. lor iili-ation — forts au.\ Outaouius ot au dctroit Uu lac '. Ljuis dcR Illinois — Tonty ot de la Forest — Acadie — ri Uvl, * du chAtcau de (iucWec— eloge des siuiirs de Ilepenti- gny I — concesHions — h('i|iitttl gt'n< ral de Quebec — prix des nuuetiaiuii.^os — prlHomiiur.'* anglais — iiorte d'un vais.seau — prise d'un autre vaissoau par ' rois fregates de lioston, etc 165 Lettre do .M. de Frontenac au uiinistre*- precautions il prendre centre les Anglais — 11 a doiiiu' ordrc i\ d'lhiTvillc de croiscr .sur lea cotes do Manatli et lo Boston — tent;ilivc du sieur de Villebon centre 4 ou 5 potits forts pun iloignus de Uoston — recil de divcises atta- qucs contre los Iroquois — t'tat de I'agriculture — les chenilles ont fait un donnnn;;e considerable au.x bleds ccttc annoe — riinportanco du fort Frontenac, etc 188 Lettre de M. de Champigny au n\inistro, sur IVtat des niTaires do la colonic — (luaiitite et quatite des vivres ct munitions — farines — mnrcliamlises et clfets — hardes destinoes i\ habiller les soldats — ctat do I'eniploi dessonimes envoyecs pour la guerre de 1691 — dopenses faites en lt;i)2 pour la guerre et les fortilication.s — dons du Roi pour le soutien des eccli-siastiqnes, necessite de les continuer — necessite de il.xer les cures — adniinistrution de la justice, etc 218 Lettre (sans signature), I'crite de Larochelle, touchant les che* mins des postes Anglais de Terreneuve 241 Lettre adressoe par les inenibrcs de la conipagnie du nord du Ca- nada, li M. de Pontcliartrain, v^. W (MAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) Z( 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ IIM IIIIIM 1^ m IIIIIM m It: I4£ 1^ "^ ■- m 1.4 1.6 V ''t^ ' 1622 MANUSCRITS BELATIFS A Ann^t'S. 1693. 1693. 1693. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 27 Oct. 1694. 1694. 28 Sept. 24 Oct. 2iME S^RiE. Vol. VI — Continuation. I'ages Memoire snr I'ivrognerie des Sauvages en Canada 296 Plaisance et Aeadie — memoire pour servir au projet des envois i faire pour le Canada 314 M6moire sur I'usnge des boissons enivrantes par les Sauvages en Canada 324 Lettre de M. Joliet a M. de Lagny, touchant une carte de I'em- bouchure du St. Laurent, qu'il lui envoie — il lui fait aussi une des- cription des Sauvages qui habitent les cotes de Labrador, etc 328 Lfttre de M. de Champigny, adressec au ministre, pour servir de rc'i Miiise aux lettns que sa grande'ir a bien voulu lui ecrire et en nicnie temps lui rcndre ooinpte des affaires generates du pays travaux et dfepenses extraorUinaire.s — nccessite de continuer la guerre — garnison de Quebec, comment compOi-ee — prix du sel — cures — tratic des pelleteries — le sieur de Vallerenne — le sieur Delino a la Bastille — le sieur Franqueiin, hydrographe — arrivee a Montreal de 187 canots charges de castors — les sieurs de la Forest et Tonty — plaintes contre M. do Front onac — hupital a Montreal 33l luterrogatoire par le comte de Frontenac i un prisonnier an- glais envoye par le sieur de Cailieres, gouverneur de Montreal . 388 Vol. VII. (1(J94-1()0G.) Relation du voyage fait par le sieur de Villieu, capitaine d'un detacliement de la marine, a la tete des Sauvages Kanibats et Malt'cizite (sic) de l' Aeadie, pour faire la guerre aux Anglais, au printemps de I'aii 1694 1 Lettre de M. do la Mothe Cadillac — contenant un rapport de la querelle occasionnee par la representation de comedies, et qui alia si loin que I'eveqia lancja Vinterdiction centre JL de Mareuil, un des acteurs, etc 15 Lettre de M. de Cliampigny au ministre, sur les affaires de la colonic — depenses — fort Fron'enac — fortilications de Montreal— ex- portation de mats et autres bois — confiscation d'eau-de-vie — plaintes contre le secretaire de M. do Frontenac — etats Jes troupes — conges — naufrage du vaisseau le Corossol — d'lberville — maison de charite etablie a Montreal— necessitc d'etablir un lieutenant particulier en la prevote de Quebec — le situr de Tonnancourt, fils, propose pour procureur du roi aux Trois-llivieres — eloge de M. Beaudoin, mis- sionnairo, et de MM. de Villeray et llenac — creanciers du sieur de la Salle — demande d'un litre de noblesse en faveur du sieur Bou- cher de Buucherville, etc 59 Etat de !a depense faito pour les fortifications du Canada sur les fonds, ordonnee par sa tnajeste en I'annee 1094, a Quebec, aux Trois-Rivieres, a Montreal, an fort Chambly, au fort du Sault St. Louis, au fort St. Lam'iort, au fort de Sorel, au tort de Michilima- quinnc 88 l'hISTOIRE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1523 Pages 296 jnvois 4 , 314 rages en 324 de I'em- Line (Ics- c 328 iervir de re et en J pays— inner la du sel — ar Delino Montreal et Tonty 331 inier an- real .... 388 aine d'un nibats et iglais, au sort de la |ui alia si |l, un des res de la 1-eal — ex- -plaintcs -conges le charite 3ulier en ose pour loin, mis- I sieur de lur Bou- , sur les bee, au.K Kault St. Ichilima- 15 59 AnnOos. 26 Oct. 2feME S^.RiE. Vol. VII — Continuation. 27 Oct. 25 Oct. et 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 7 Nov. 1695. 16 Avril. 4 Juin. 3 Aoftt. Aoftt. Pages Lettre du sieur Dauteuil, procureur-gfineral, au ministre— I'lnfor mant que de nouvelles diffleultes etant survenues entre I'eveque et la cour, relativement aux comedies representees par M. de Mareuil, M. de Mareuil a et6 mis au.x arrets et que Ton instruit son proces, etc 99 Lettre de M. de Champigny au ministre — sur les affaires de M. de Mareuil — du prie-dieu de M. de Callieres — I'interdit des Recollets, etc 107 Lettre de M. de Frontenac au ministre — demandant une fregate pour croiser h. I'cntree du golfe et proteger les Frangais contre les corsaires et 6ibustiers de Manath et Boston — les sieurs do Villebon et de Villieu — explication sur certaines differences d'opinion entre MM. de Frontenac et de Champigny — eloge du sieur de la Mothe Cadillac, sa nomination au poste de Miohillimakinac — plaintes contre l'ev6que — demande de troupes — Phipp3 — echange de pri- sonniers — Langloizerie, major de Montreal, etc 116 Lettre de MM. de Frontenac et de Champigny au ministre — exposant les craiutes qu'ils entretienncnt relativement aux attaques des Anglais, et faisant voir la necessite urgente d'une alliance avec les Iroquois quo les Anglais cherchent par tons les moyens h. s'ad- joindre — contenant anssi un etat des ouvrages et reparations des fortifications de Quebec — I'emploi des deniers envoyes de France — quelques remarques sur le commerce des pelleteries — le sieur d'lber- ville, parti pour la bale du Nord — mort du sieur de Moras — cours des espfeces en Canada — recommandation en faveur des sieurs de Vaudreuil, Beaucourt, Gaillard, Le Gardeur de Tilly, Demuy — mandement de I'eveque contre M, de Callieres, etc 145 Le sieur d'Auteuil, procureur-general au conseil souverain de Quebec — au siijet d'un bureau des pauvrcs et de I'hopital general, etc 187 Devis des ouvrages de maQonnerie a faire pour I'achevcuieiit et reparation des fortifications de la redoute sur le cap aux L-iamants et les deux plates-formes de la basse-villc en la presente annee 1695 .. 189 Conges et permissions pour la traite, commerce, reception et prix du castor 195 Lettre du sieur de la Mothe Cadillac, (du fort de Buade sur I'ile de Missillimakinac,) dans laquelle il insiste sur la necessite de s'em- parer de Manath (New York) — se plaint de I'oubli de la cour par rapport k son approvisionnement d'eau-de-vie, ct reniarque que ce fait peut amoner I'eloignement des Sauvages, lesquels s'adresseront aux Anglais pour en obtcnir, etc 201 Extraits de certains articles tires du journal envoye ii M. le comte de Frontenac, par M. lie la Mothe Cadillac, commandant a Missilli- makinac 211 I:' ■> % 1, . T-' a 1 ■■ rv 1624 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A I ,i" ii Annecs. 2 Nov. 10 Nov. 1695. 1695. 1696. 17 Aoftt. 1695. Aoftt. 6 Nov. 10 Nov. 1G96. let Mai. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 2{;me S^rie. Vol. VII — Continuation. Duplicata de la lettro de M. de Frontenac k M. Delagny affaires **** de TAcadie— dem61es dos siours de Villebon, de Villieu et de Mon- tigny — M. de Chevry — finances de la colonie — conduite de I'evdque — la Mothe Cadillac — le P5re Carheil — chdteau de Quebec — fort Frontenac — le nomme Baptisto, etc 219 Memoire concernant lapaye et le decompte des troupes en Canada. 248 Avis de MM. de Frontenac et de Champigny — sur la reception du castor 246 Lettre de M. de Champigny au ministre 248 Extrait do certains articles tires du journal envoye h. M. le comte de Frontenac, par M. de la Mothe Cadillac, commandant de Missil- limakinac, etc 261 / Lettre de M. do Champigny au ministre — contenant un ezposS des afifaires genSrales de la colonie — les enfants du sieur Damours — plainte contro Villebon — rSception du castor — conge donne aux sieurs de la Forest et de Tonty — peche dans le fleuvo St. Laurent — chanvre — defrichement — depenses de fortifications — lettres de noblesse pour les sieurs de St. Denis, Ilortel et Bo'irher — Dupuy, lieutenant en la prevote de Quebec— besoin d'un medccin — le sieur Sarrasin — eloge du sieur de la Durantaye, etc 258 Lettre de MM. de Frontenac et Champigny au ministre — moyens ii prendre pour humilier les Iroquois — utility des presents accordes aux Sauvages allies — demande de fonds pour les depenses de la guerre — 700 hommes envoyes au fort Frontenac — fort de Naxouat — dangers qui menacent I'Acadie — eloge des soldats canadiens — logo- ment des troupes chez les habitants — ouvrago execute par les soldats — 6tat des fortifications — reception des castor ""Iberville a la Baie du Nord — concessions — provisions — prix iandes — gratification accordee au sieur Joliet— justice seigneu. ;. j de Mont- real — incendie de I'hopital general de Montreal — denuemcnt des P6res RecoUets — le sieur de la Chesnaye, conseiller — le vaisseau la Charente, etc 298 Memoire sur le Canada, I'Acadie, Terrenouve et la Baie d'Hud- soa 331 Memoire sur les affaires du Canada, en leur etat present, au ler mai 1696, par M. de Frontenac 338 Lettre de M. do Frontenac au ministre 378 Lettre de M. de Champigny au ministre — contenant un expos6 des affaires particuli&res de la colonie — grandes depenses de I'annee — ordonnance sur la reception du castor- -declaration du Roi centre la course dans les bois — conges— fret accorde i\ diverges personncs sur les vaisseaux la Giromle et la Charente— (rkreai hospitallers— le sieur de Portneuf— couvertes et vetements donnts aux soldats— nucessite d'avoir un grand maitre des eaux et forOts, etc 882 Memoire de MM. de Frontenac et de Champigny— contenant un rapport detaillc de I'expedition de M. de Frontenac 401 ! m L HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1625 26 Oct. 1696. 31 Aofit. 2feME S^RiE. Vol. VII — Continuation. pages Memoire de MM. de Frontenac et de Champigny au ministre — contenant le recit de I'exp^dition de M. de Frontenac contra les Sauvages d'Onontagues et d'On^youths— dos observations sur le commerce du castor — prise de Pemakuit — culture — peche — liberti- nage, accusations exager6ea — fort Frontenac 417 1C96-1697. Memoire touchant la capitulation du fort Bourbon en 1696, men- tionnee au 8e article du trait6 de plaix 448 Articles de capitulation entre Guillaume Allen, commandant en chef dans la riviere Hays, ou Ste. Therfese, et le sieur G. de la Forest, commandant du fort d'York ou Bourbon 461 Etats des castors et autres pellcteries, etc., que M. de la Forest, ci-devant gouverneur du fort Bourbon, a delivres hors du dit fort d sa prise par capitulation, ainsi que le tout fut charge sur le vaisseau • de guerre le Bonaventure, commande par le capt. Allen, estime selon le prix qui vaut ii Londrcs. (sic) 453 Noma des membres du conscil devant lesquels les sieurs de la Forest et Bleury furent envoyes pour etre entendus sur leurs demandcs 455 Etat des castors et autres pelleteries embarques sur le vaisseau du Roi le Bonaventure, appartenant aux Fran^ais par la capitulation du fort Bourbon, commande par le sieur de la Forest 45G ler Sept. 1696. Oct. 1696 a Oct. 1697. Dec. 1096-97. (le Juin a Juin. 1697, 1 Juin. 6 Sept. 18 Sept. 13 Oct. Vol. VIII. (1696-1699.) Relation dcsfai''^ heroiquesde mademoiselle de Verchfires, (Marie Magdelaine) agee de quatorze ans, centre les Iroquois, en I'annee 1696, le 22 octobre, H huit lieures du matin 1 Journal de ce qui s'est passe A I'Acadie durant cette periode, par le chevalier ■ ''^■' ' i. , i. :,\' t i 1 H:.^ '* t'1 * x' - ' ■ "* \ 1 [■^■i^ 1 •' 'I p.l'r :? i i i ' .Ir- . '■■ : 1 i'^ . 1 it ^y\ :?-' K 3|>« ■'iA 1 nia^l •■^■ m WSSl^ '^'' KjL HH mBnnB' '1 llfi mW^^-m llMp IP -' 1:: W ^ ) - M 'i IP- ■ l.:i iU U Anni)( avec dos obner- vations do M. do la Mothe jgg Lettre du P. J. Marest, on reponso h uno de M. de la Motho en date du 2 niai 1702, avec des obsorvationn tl la marge par M. do la Mothe 191 Lottro du P. J. MarcHt, avec dos notes par M. do la Mothe 196 Conseils des nations sauvagos — Paroles des chefs et reponses de M. do la Motho (avoc notes oxplicativcs.) Premier conseil tenu dans le fort Pontchartrain, le 3 oclobro 1701 Otonta(;an purlo pour toutes lus nations des Outawas . . 200 Paroles des envoyoa des Hurons le mume jour 204 Conseil des Hurons tenu dans lo lort du Detroit, lo 4 dec. 1701. . 207 Conseil tenu dans le fort du Detroit, le 7 dec. avoc les Iroquois. . 210 Paroles do quatre Hurons deputes h M. do la Mothe, et reponso do M. do la Mothe 215 Paroles d'un Huron onvoye par les Outaouas ii M. de la Mothe. . 217 Reponso de M. do la Mothe aux Hurons 218 Instructions donn^es par M. de la Mothe au sieur Gatinaud pour parler aux Iroquois vers lo lac St. Clair, dans la profondeur des terres 219 Rapport du sieur Gatinaud — Paroles dos Iroquois 220 Conseil tenu dans le fort du Detroit par les Iroquois, Outaouas, Hurons, Nepissings ot Mississaguez 225 Autre conseil tenu entre les memcs nations lo 4 mai 1702 227 Conseil tenu avec les Miamis dans le fort du Detroit 231 Paroles de M. de la Mothe aux Hurons et Outaouas qui 6taient restes dans lours villages 235 Conseil des Hurons 239 Conseil dea Hurons au fort Pontchartrain 244 Conseil entre les Outaouas, Hurons, Iroquois, Loups et Miamis.. 246 Lottre de MM. do Cailiferes et de Charapigny au rainistre — paix avec les Sauvageg accepteo et ratifiee— concession du fort de Fron- tenac au sieur de la Salle — cr6anciers de ce dernier — aide donnee par les soldats aux habitants pour les recoltes — le Mississippi — Le- sueur — le sieur Juchereau — coureurs de bois — subsistances des cures — Ursulines des Trois-RiviSres— fortifications de Quebec— Le- vasseur— le sieur Franquelin nomme A la place de Joliot pour ensei- gner I'hydrographie — Louvigny, major des Trois-Kivieres — les sieurs de la Mothe et de Tonty partis pour aller faire retablissement du L'niSTOIIlE DE LA NOUVELLE TRANCE. 1631 Annues. 6 Nov. 4 Nov. 6 ot 30 Oct. 12 Oct. 16 Oct. 30 Get. 21 Octi 31 Oct 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 1702. 2 Mai. 1703. 15 Juia. 2feME SiCRiE. Vol. IX — Continuation. Paget Detroit— demande d uno gratification en icur favour — lo sicur Dufl;uc! — Sarrasin, necossito d'augmontor sos appointoments — lo siour Pro* vost, gouvernour des Trois-Rivi^res — recointnandatlons en favour del PP. Rccollets et dcs siours Rivcrin, do la Valliere, de Courtoman* che, etc 255 Lottro do MM. de Callidre et de Chatnpigny au ininistro 285 Copio do la lottre <-crito h Mgr. le comte de Pontchartrain par loB directeurs dc la compagnie do la colonic du Canada, qu'ils ont pr6* Bent£o aux sieurs chevaliers de Callidre et de Champigny 287 Extrait des Icttres de I'Acadie, avec notes h la margo : 1. Lettre du sieur de Brouillan — son arriv£e h Chiboucton^- besoin des pr6tres parini les Sauvages — moyens do so met- tro h couvert dea insultes des Anglais, etc 311 2. Lettre du sienr de Bonavonture.'. 332 3. Lettre du sicur Desgoutins en envoyant Ics revues des deux coinpagnies qui tiennent garnison h I'Acadie, ot I'etat des m&ts embarqu^s sur la Qtaie la Girondo, etc 334 4. Lottre du sieur de Villieu, premier capitaino au Port Royal, repr^sentant qu'il sort le roi depuis 27 ans, ct lo suppliant de lui accorder la lieutonsnce du Roi de I'Acadie 335 5. Lettre du sieur de Falaise, autre capitaino, representant qu'il est garde de la marine depuis I'ann^e 1683 386 6. M. Maudoux, missionnaire du Port Royal, au sujot du fort que le sieur Brouillan a eu ordre de bfttir en Acadio 336 7. Du sieur de St. Castin, exposant qu'il est passe en Franco pour se justifier dos plaintes qu'on a faites contre lui qu'il nC'gociait avec les Anglais, eto. 338 Lettre do M. do Callidres au ministre 839 Lettro du sicur Levasseur deNere au ministre — inccndio du s«mi- naire de Quebec. (Non paginc.) 6 pages 342 Lettre do MM. do Calli^rcs et de Champigny au ministre, soUici- tant des secours pour reconstruire le seminaire do Quebec, et accor- der d cct ctablissomera un vevenu annuel, etc 343 Lettre do M. do la Motho, ccrite au pure Marest, missionnaire des Outaouas do Michillimakinac ; touchant les calomnios qu'il prolend quo le dit p&re a repandues contre lui, etc 846 Lottre secondo de M. de la Mothe au rev. p&re Marest en reponse h uno lettre de ce m^mo p5ro 349 Lettre de M. de la Mothe ccrite au p5re Marest supcrieur dca missions Outaouaiscs, en reponse h une lettre de ce me me p^re, au sujct des missions 356 Etat de ce qui a ete remis au sicur Radisson, allant garde-magasin h I'etablisscment que M. de la Mothe va faire au lieu appele le De- troit du lac Erie, pays des Outaouais, par ordre de la cour, tant pour servir & la construction d'un fort, i la nourriture et cntretien d'une garnison que pour la traite, afln d'engager les Sauvages h s'y etablir ... 359 till 1 1 1532 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A Anntfei. 1702. 8 Nov. , 2feMR S^,RiR. Vol. IX — Continuation. Etat lie* articles qui ont ftt; envoyun au fort Prontenac pour t^lre par la suite trntiMporlux au Dutroit 374 Lcttro do MM. dc CaUi^rcH ot dc neauimrnai* au miniHtrc, siir lei aflUirct de la colonic— pr68en« aux SauvuRi's — Ic fort Frontnmc ct la coinpagnie do la colonic— Ic posto du Detroit ct le« sieuri dc la Motha et do Toiity— courcurn de boi« — iU rooommandcnt d'accordor 26 congcB — Ifi iicur Juclicroau, son voyage nu MinHisaippi — iiiccndic du fort do ChnrnSly par un rCcoUrt qui y fut brftio lui-mCine — lo» 80()0 livrcs nucordccs aux cur<'§ — Uriuliiies dc« Trois-Riviiirc« — fortifica- tions — gratiHcatioiiB au sicur dc Vitrf pour la pt^chc aux mnrsouins — Ic sieur Lcgardcur et pitches «ur les cotes du Labrador — conccasiong —culture du chanvre — defense do vendre del'cau do vie — inconve- niens dn cctto defense — defense aux hnbitnnta do la Chine de traiter avec les Snuvngcs — droit de pi>che ct de ehasso accordc au nieur de St. Ours — exportation do nuUs— le sieur dc Lepinay — rt'clninationfi dc la vcuvc Pachot — dcniande de fusils — Levasseur choisi pour faire les aligneincns des riics — inort des sieuri Provost ct Lachesnaye — incnaces des Anglais d'a88ie<^er Quebec, precautions A prendre — Sarrasin, trop pauvrcinent rcniunere — Monscignat, eontroleur do la marine— lo sieur do \k Forest, de retour des Illinois, etc 373 Rcquiyte des conscillcrs du consuil aouvcrain do Qu6brc au niinis- trc, demandant qu'il ne soit fait aucun changcincnt dans le dit conscil '. 421 Etat do la distribution faite A commencer au mois d'octobre de la prCsento annec, par le sieur chevalier de Calliiires ct lo siciir de Champigny, des six mille livres que sa mnjesto a cu la bonti; d'ue- cordcr sur lo commerco du fort Pontchartrain du Detroit pour les honnetca families de cc pays 423 Lcttro de MM. de Callitires et do Boauharnais, au sujet do trois canots charges de pelletories qui sont arrives A Sillcry, etc 424 Lettre do MM. de CalliJ^res et do Beauharnais sur quclqucs diffi- cultes survonues avec les Sauvagca au sujet des missionnairos 426 Extrait de la lettre ecrite par lo sieur de la Mothe Cadillac le 31 Aoiit 1703, relativement aux affaires du Detroit 420 Observations fnites par M. de la Mothe, sur les affaires du De- troit 449 Vol. X. (1703-1707.) Extrait et analyse de lettres do I'Acadie, arec observations h la marge : 1. Lettre do M.du Brouillan 1 2. Avis de I'Acadie (apparemment par le sieur Maudoux) . . 2G 3. Lettre du sieur do Goutins, ecrivain 28 4. Lettre du sieur de Bonavonturo 30 5. " du sieur Labat 31 6. " du sieur do Villiou 31 7. " du sieur Falaiso 34 3 Nov. 3 Nov. 15 Nov. 28 Nov. 1703. 31 Aoat. 1703. 21 Oct. 20 Oct. uc pour i^tro 374 iittrc, >ur lei )ntriiiic ct la I d(! la Mothe 'accordor 26 -incendic du ne— lc» 8(X)0 ci — forliHcn- nmrnouinH — -concessions ic — inconvfi- ino do trniter au »icur dc 'rt-clninntionn lUi pour fairc .inchcsnaye — i h prendre — ^trulour do la to 378 boc au niinis- dana le dit 421 octobre do la t lo siciir do a bonto d'ac- |troit pour les 423 sujct de trois etc 424 uclqucs dlffi- nnaircs 426 adillnc le 31 429 aires du De- 449 brvations & la 1 (ilaudoux) ■• 26 28 30 31 31 84 H Arrll. 12 Avril. aTATTii. 1702. 'i Mai. ot 1703. 16 Juin. 31 Aodt. 14 Nov. 16 Nov. l'iiistoihe db la notjvellb prance. 1533 16 Nov. 1703. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 16 Nov. 21 Nov. 2feMK Sou'.llan sur les affaires les plus impor- tantes de 1' Acadie 462 Autre memoire du m&me sur le meme sujet 474 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil et de Beauharnais sur les affaires ge- nerates de la colonie — embarras causes par la prise de la flCkte La Seine — ctat de penurie oil se trouve la colonie en consequence du retranchement des gratifications ordiiiaires — ordonnance relative au castor gras — commerce du castor — eloge de la conduite du sieur de la Come — le sieur Deschambeau propose pour lieutenant -general de Montreal — rarete du sel — etablissement du Detroit— original des lettres de noblesse du sieur Boucher, incendie — le sieur de Hertel — manufacture de M. de Ropentigny— presents aux Sauvages— canal propose par le sieur de Brcslay — incendie du scminaire de Quebec — le sieur de Monseignat — triste affaire arriv^e au sieur Ro- bert, garde-magasins de Montreal — etablissement du sieur de Cour- temanche sur la cote du Labrador — fort Froutenac — Baie d'Hudson, etc 480 Lettre de M. Baudot au ministre sur les affaires de la colonie — sa traversce — son arrivee h Quebec — expose de ses vues et projets — affaires Bnanci^res et commerciales--necessite de continuer les 5;ra- tifications et subventions accordccs aux officiors, communautes, etc., — p6che — culture du chanvre — projet pour la construction des vais- seaux— mats— cordages— posts du Detroit— les jcsuites accuses de commercer sur le castor — le sieur (Jiffard, ses services, etc 515 Du meme au ra^me sur les affaires de la colonie — il demande une declaration de sa majeste, validant tons les actes et contrats passes jusqu'ft present— raisons h I'appui de cette mesure — concessions — banalite, etc.,— necessite de diminuer les degres de juridiction — ad- ministration de la justice — modifications h apporter aux lois de la preuve — manque d'tcoles — esprit d'independance des Canadiens, etc 545 u 1536 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A ( f Vol. XL (1708--1727.) AniKies. Pages [Sans date.] Memoires adresses par le procureur-gdn§ral Dauteuil, procu- reur-general du Roi au conseil supirieur de Quebec, au oomte de Pontchartrain, ministre et secretaire d'etat. — Premier memoire, exposant le mauvais^tat dans lequel les affaires des Fran^ais du ' Canada sent avec les Sauvages de ce pays Id, et I'attribuant aux mauvais commerces faits par M. de Vaudreuil 1 Deuxieme memoire sur la mauvaise administration de la justice en Canada 10 1708. 14 Nov. Lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil et RauJot au ministre, sur les affaires de la colonie — etat deplorable de la colonie par suite de la depreciation du castor — pertes eprouvees par les marchands par suite de la depreciation des billets de monnaic — importance de I'union avec les Sauvages — presents h faire— visile des Outaouais pour se faire pardonner le meurtro de troia Franqais commis par eux au Detroit en 1706— le Pezant, Sauvage Outaouais— ie sieur de laMothe attaque les Miamis — sa conduite bl&mable— neutralit6 des Iroquois, malgre les intrigues des Anglais— fortifications — ter- rains de la basse-ville reunis au domaine de sa majeste— arsenaux — plaintes contre la cupidite du sieur de la Mothe — necessite d'une ordonnance contre la traite de I'eau-de-vie — succes du sieur de Courtemanche dans la peche des loups-marins — le sieur Ha- zeur— dimes — cartes de M. de Champigny — services du sieur de Hertel — population du Detroit — succfes du parti envoye contre les Anglais sous le commandement des sieurs Deachaillons, Rouville et de la Perrifire — eloges de ces ofBciers — ratification de la conces- sion faite aux hospitaliferes de Quebec de certaines eaux torabant du cap au Diamant, etc.,>etc 23 1709. 14 Oct. Lettre de MM. Raudot au ministre — progrSs de la culture — manque de vaisseaux pour le commerce de bois — cartes des gou- vernements de Montreal, Quebec et Trois-Rivi6res, par le sieur de Catalogne, copiees par le sieur Robert — ordonnance pour de- fendre les marchandises anglaises — escarlatinc — cupidite du sieur de la Mothe — defense de recevoir des presens des Sauvages — disette en France— exportation do produits canadiens — encourage- ment k donner d I'agriculturo- commerce du Bout de I'Isle — ne- cessite de renfermer le commerce dans les trois villes — exactions et vexations des seigneurs, mesures adoptees pour y mettre fin — affaire entre la dame de Verchere et la dame Dijordy — eloge des eieurs Desnoyers, LamorandiSre et Robert — le parti do la Bale d'Hudson — le sieur de Menthel— les soours de la congregation ^ demandent la permission de faire des voeux 79 Notes du ministre sur la lettre precedente 137 1710. , , . 25 Octobre. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre en justification de plaintes faites contre lui— expedition de la Bale d'Hudson— traite de I'eau- de-vie— le nomme Villenouvelle— reconciliation avec M. Raudot, p6re, etc ^^^ l'hi'^toiee de la nouvelle feance. 1537 Ann(!c8. 26 Oct. 2 Nov. 1712. 1712. 15 JuIg. 14 Oct. 12 Nov. 1713. 11 Fevrier. 15 Nov. 1717. l^ Sept. 2eme S^rie. Vol. XI — Continuation. Pages Memoire pour le retablissement du commerce du Canada, par Delino, adresse au comte de Pontchartrain, ministre et secretaire d'fctat, controleur-general de la marine 147 Lettre de MM. de Vaiidreuil et Raudot au ministre — perte du vaisseau la Bellone — le sieur de Louvigny nomme pour comman- der a Michillimakinac— trop grand nombre de chevaux dans la colonie — le sieur de Marigny — les Anglais catholiques — mcdailles h distribuer aux Sauvages les plus braves et les plus affectionnes — construction d'un fort de pierre h Chambiy — le sieur de la Chau- vignerie — meurtre de deux Iroquois par la famille de Paskouc, h trente lieues du fort Frontenac, etc 172 Recit de ce qui s'est pass6 au Canada au sujet de la guerre tant des Anglaie que des Iroquois de 1682 a 1712 196 Ce document se compose de 130 pages et a 6t6 copio litteralemeDt, etc Lettre de M. Dubuisson contenant le rccit de I'attaque du De- troit, par les Mascoutins et Outagamis 326 Etat de ce que M. Dubuiason a dcpense pour le service du Roi pour b'attirer les nations et les mettre dans see interets afin de resister aux Outagamis et aux Mascoutins qui ctaient payes des Anglais pour d6truire le poste du fort de Pontchartrain du Detroit. 363 Lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon, au ministre sur.les aifai- res de la colonie — le sieur Daigremont — raisons pour riiablir les conges — le sieur de Lignery envoye k Michillimakinac — uecessite d'encourager les mariages— commerce — comptes de la colonie — brevet de lieutenant suniumeraire donne au baron de St. Castin — fortifications, bastion St. Jean, etc — arrfit du conaeil au sujet des concessions — #loga des ecclesiastiques — le sieur de la MartiniSre, etc 365 Lettre de M. Bcgon au ministre — incendie du palais de Quebec — pertes qu'il a faites, etc 400 Lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon au ministre sur les affai- res les plus pressantes de la colonie — paix avec les nations' Outa- ouaises — traite d'Utrecht — carte de I'Acadie par le p6re Aubry — difficultea de faire des remises en France — defaut d'ouvriers — prix excessif des marchandises — commerce avec les Anglais, moyens de le faire cesser — necessite de detruire la nation des Renards — opposition de I'eveque de Quebec d une ordonnance en favour des capitaines de milice — le sieur de Tonnancourt — plan de Quebec par le sieur de Beaucourt, dessine par le sieur do Merville — dcsor- dres causes par I'eau-de-vie, etc., etc 404 Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre — conduite pacifique des Iroquois — les Illinois attaques par les Miamis, et les Renards — necessite d'otablir la paix entre ces nations — ritablissement des conges — Louisbourg — baron de St. Castin — le sieur de la Forest — sel — provisions— paix entre I'Angleterre et la France, ri-jouia- aances tl Quebec, etc 431 I 1528 MANUSCRITS HELATIFS A 2feMB S£rie. Vol. XI — Continuation. Ann(VM. 1719. 25 Jauvier. 25 Janvier. 1720. 9 D«o. FagM 1727. Mimoire sur I'etat priaent du Canada, (1716-1719,) par Ruette Dautouil, prtscntc &, son altesse royale monseigneur le duo d'Or- Icniis, regent de France, dana le conseil de marine 461 Addition au m moire intitule, Mimoire Bur l'6tat present du Canada, par le nu^me 609 Lettre du siour N. Vautron au minintre, contenant uno relation de son voyage de la rade do I'lle d'Ay auxcAtes de Terreneuve.. 622 Relation ou annalles veritables de ce qui s'est passi dans le pays de la Louisiane de 1699 & 1721, par Penicaut 660 Cotte relation qui se oorapose de 196 pages, est divisee en 28 ohapitreg et olmquo ohapitre est subdivisd en 4, 6 ou 6 artiolea. Cortificat du sieur Sarrasin medecin du Roi pour les hdpitaux du Canada relativement d I'examen qu'il a fait des corps de plusieurs religieuses qui venaient d'etre exhumes 747 TROISI&ME S^RIE. Vol. I. (1C54-1099.) ACADIE. Au commencement du volume so trouve le fac-simile dcs autographes de Jlergier (1684) ; Demcnneval (1689) ; Villieu (1694) ; DeachambauU., Ptro. (1697) ; M. Boudrot (1684); DeOoutin (1689); Bentreniount, et des fac-sirailo de I'icriture de Xa Jfo(A« Cadillac, DeChevry et Perrot. 1654. 16 Aoikt. 1656. 9 Aoikt. 1658. 80 Jan. 7 Oct. Convention passde h la prise do Port Royal entro le g6n6ral anglais Robert Sedgwick et le sicur de la Verdure, commo capitaino commandant au Port Royal pour le Roi do France et comme subroge tuteur des enfants mineurs du sieur D'Aulnay 1 Traduction informe de la concession faito par Olivier Cromwell aux sieurs Chs de St. Etienne, de la Tour, baron d'Ecosse, Thomas Temple et Guil. Crown, chevalier, du pays et territoire de I'Acadie et de partie du pays nomm^ Nouvelle Ecosse 9 Lettre du Roi de France & son ambassadeur en Angleterre, tou- chant la restitution par les Anglais dus forts St. Jean, Port Royal ct Pentagouct, en Acadie 17 Lettre du Roi do France h son ambassadeur en Angleterre tou< chant I'envahisscment de la Il^ve par les Anglais ct demandant reparation de la violence qu'ils ont faite au commandant Leborgne et h quelquc8-uns de ses officiers, dont il demando la misocn libcrto — la restitution des forts de Port Royal, St Jean et Pentagouet et afin d'accel^rer la solution de cette affaire il desire que les forts soicnt mis entre les mains des Hambourgoois en attendant la fin des negociations 18 L'niSTOIRB DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1589 AniK^ns. 166G. 2 Mars. 1667. • Nov. 1668. 7F6t. 7 Nov. =113 SliME S^RiE. Vol. 1— Continuation. p^ev Pnuvoir donnC' au sioiir de la Bastido par la compagnio des Indos Occidentalcs^tablie en France, dc traitor de la paix ou do la neutra- lite avec la compagnio dos Tndes Occidontalos d'Angloterro 21 Oonflnnation par la compagnie des Indes Occidentalcs de France de la concession faite par I'ancienno compagnio do la Nouvclle France en favour du sieur Nicolas Denis 6cuycr de toutes les terres et tics Bitu6e8 dupiiis le Cap de Cancoaux jusqii'au Cap des Hosiers, k la condition que co dernier fcra passer dans ce pays, chaque annee> pendant 10 ans, 60 porsonnes de I'un et > '^ I'autre sexe 23 Cession par le Roi d'Angleterre au Roi do Franco, en execution du trait6 de Dr^da, des forts do Pentagouet, St. Jean, Port Royal, La Ildvc, le Cap de Sable, tie ot pays de Cayenne, etc 26 Copie de la r6ponse faite par le chevalier Temple qui commando pour le Roi d'Angloterro h Boston, refusant d'operer conformement au trait€ do Breda, la restitution do I'Acadio, avant d'avoir reQU de noiiveaux ordres de son souvorain — RCponses faitcs par lui au sieur Dubourg, envoy^ par la compagnio dos Indos Occidontalos, pour cotte restitution R£ponses du siour Dubourg au chevalier Temple, et sa lettre h Colbert, alors ambassadeur en Anglcterre lui rendant compte des negociations 31 Nouveaux ordres du Roi d'Angleterre pour la restitution de TActtdie dla Franco 35 Mcmoiresg6n#raux de M. Denarp— dtcouverte par le sieur Pierre Rouxel, sur la cote de Terreneuve, dans un endroit dit la Fleur de Lys, de trois t^tes de pierre qui rapportoes en France et examinees par un fondeur, out etc reconnues proveiiir d'une mine de plorob. Le dit Rouxel ofTre d'en rapporter des echantillons, h sun retour, en quantite suflSsante pour qu'il puisae etre procede it une epreuve decisive 37 M6inoire de M. le chevalier de Grand Fontaine, sur les affaires generates de I'Acadie 39 Ordro du Roi portant commission au sieur de Chambly pour com- mander en Acadie, au lieu et place du chevalier de Grand Fon> taiue 42 Commission pour le commandement de I'Acadie accordce au sieur de Chambly 43 Ordonnance du sieur du Chesneau, intendant en Canada, portant defense cxpresse do fnire aucunc traite dans les terres qui s'etendent depuis la Cap Cancoaux jusqu'au Cap des Roslers, et autres lieux appartenant au sieur Nicolas Denis 45 Notes sur M. de la Vallifere — commission de M. de Frontenac, en date du 16 juillet 1678, au sieur de la Valli6re pour commander en 16 et 29 Nov. 1669. 8 Mars. 1669. 1671. 1673. 5 Mai. 1676. 20 Mai. 1677. 21 Aoftt. 1678. ^r if 1540 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A i ii Ann6o8. 1682. Vers 1692. Vers 1684. Vers 1684. Vers 1684. Vers 1682. 1G82. 28 Fev. 1684. 14 Avril. SfeirtE SfiniE. Vol. I — Continuation. Pa^s Acadle, en quality de gouverncur en I'absencc dc M. de Chambly, et par suite de la mort de M. de Marson qui avail 6tc prccedemment envoye par le sieur de la Barre pour commander en ce pays — con- flrniation du sieur de la Valli6re dans ce poste— services qu'il y rend. 48 Projet d'edit en 43 articles ponr la concession de I'Acadie h une compagnie speciale dite de I'Acadie pour le commerce et I't'tablisse- ment de cette province, precede d'un historique des mesures prises relativement h la colonisation de I'Acadie, etc 20 Memoire de LaMotha Cadillac — objections que presento le sysl^me do I'entrcprise par des compagnics, applique d I'etablls- sement de I'Acadie — conditions indispensables de reussite : — 1. fortifier I'Acadie — 2. y donner entifere libert6 de commerce — 3, n'accorder aucun droit seigneurial 69 riaintes au Roi paries pi^cheurs scdentaires k. la cote de I'Acadie contre le sieur de La Valli^re — offre qu'il font d'y conserver I'au- torite du Roi, moyennant le don d'une petite frcgate de 6 ou 8 canons et dc 6 autrcs canons et 6 pierriers, pour un fort qu'ils offient de batir — Cliedabouctou, etc 77 Memoire anonyme dans lequel Ic sieur de la Valli^re est signale comme une cause de ruine pour la colonic de I'Acadie, tant par les permissions qu'il donneaux Anglais de venir pucher sur les cotes que par la manicre cruelle et deloyale dont il agit avec les Sauvages qui vieunentpour la traite 81 * Memoire anonyme adressc au ministre en France, exposant que le sieur Bergier et sa compagnie se feront fort d'emp6cher les Anglais de venir faire la p6che sur les cotes de la riviere Chedabouctou, et de faire le conimerce des pelleteries avec les Sauvages, si I'on veut bien les charger des ordres du Roi et Icur faire accorder pour 4 ans une fregate de 130 tonneaux, etc 84 Commodite et utilite de I'etablissement de la pdche sedentaire de Chedabouctou. Anonyme 88 Lettre (sans signature) au marquis de Seignelay (ministre) ren- dant compte des mesures prises par le sieur de Bergier et autres con- cessionnaires d'une partie de la cote de I'Acadie, pour se protfiger contre les tentatives faites par des boucaniers pour miner son eta- blissement, et demandant pour 4 ans une fregate de 10 ii 12 canons, pour croiser dcvant la cote avec la barque de la compagnie 89 Concession par Louis XIV aux sieurs Bergier, Gautier et autrcs des terres qu'ils trouveront propres le long de la cote de la riviere St. Jean et de I'Acadie pour y faire retablissement d'une peche sedentaire 98 Ordonnance portant defense au sieur de la Va]Ii6re de faire h I'avenir aucune fonction de commandant dans les pays et cotes de I'Acadie, et dc donner permission aux ctrangers d'y venir pecher, k peine de 3000 f d'ameude 102 '\ .,- L'HISTOIRE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1541 10 Avril. 1685. 1685. 1685. SiME S^RiE. Vol. I — Continuation. PBget Ordonnancc du Roi, portant commission pour le sieur Bergier, des fonctions de lieutenant au gouvernement des pays et cotes de I'Aca- die pendant truis ann6e8 105 Memoire de rambassadeur de France sur I'Acadie — conflscation de barques anglaiscs trouvces faisant le commerce des pelleteries Pt la p6che sur les cotes del'Acadiei etc 107 Extrait du memoire pr6sent6 par les int^ress^s en lap^uhe s^den- taire de I'Acadie — ressources de toutes sortes que presentent le fort et rhabitation de Chedabouctou — daggers auxqueh ils sont exposes de la part des pirates — besoin d'unc fregate pendant 2 ans 110 Mf moires de la compagnie de la pt^chc sedcntaire do I'Acadie — barque de 25 tonneaux appartenant h la compagnie — vaisseaux de la Rochelle pilles par les Anglais de Boston— violences commises par le sieur de la ValliSre envers le sieur Bergier et Negascouct, chef sauvoge — decouverte d'une mine de charbon de terre — la compagnie demande la concession des ties de la Madeleine, de St. Jean et du Cap Breton pendant 20 ans pour y faire la tucrie des loups-marins — quiche (yacht) on barque, et argent k faire saisir h la Rochelle, chez un agent des Anglais par represailles du piliage de la barque frauQaise La Marie — la compagnie demande la restitution de 237 livres de castors que les cominis des fermiers g6neraux h la Rochelle ont enlevles de iorce, quoique I'Acadie soit exempte de droit siir les castors , 112 M6moire presente au Roi par la compagnie de la p£che seden< taire & la cote de I'Acadie, demandant la concession pendant 20 ans des lies de la Madeleine, du Cap Breton, de St. Jean, pour y faire la tuerie des loups-marins 114 Proc&s-verbal du sieur Bergier-Deehormeaux sur la violence qui lui a 6te faite par le sieur de la Valli&re 116 Proc^s-verbal sur la violence faite h Negascouet, chef sauvage, par le sieur de la Valli^re 117 Concession faite par le sieur Richard Denis, comme mandataire de son p^re, Nicolas Denis, aux ecdesiastiqucs du s^minaire episcopal des missions etrangeres utabli k Quebec, de diverses terres situees duns la baie St. Laurent, au lieu dit Ristigouche, sur la riviere Ste. Croix, et dans I'ile du Cap Breton, a la condition d'utablir, dans chacun do ccs lieux, une mission sedcntaire avec eglise ou chapelle oil il y aura au moins un pretre entretenu par le dit seminaire 118 Projet du sieur Perrot, gouvcrneur de I'Acadie, pour retablir le fort de la Hfeve, y faire une p6che sedcntaire, augracnter la colonic et en developper le commerce 122 Memoire des filles du feu sieur d'Aulnay Charnizay, gouvcrneur de I'Acadie, mort en 1650, exposant les sacrifices pecuniaires fails par leur pere pour I'etablissement de cette colonic, sacrifices qu'elles cvaluent k plus de 800,000 f , et vu leur etat de misere, deman- dant le remboursement de cette somme 126 1685. 2 Mai. 2 Mai. 13 AoQt. Vers 1686. 1686. [•?l w .1' 1542 MANU8CRIT8 EELATIFS A 3{;mk S£rie. Vol. I — Continuation. Anndei. 1686. P«Rei M6moire contenant une description dutaill6o de I'Acndie — rensei- gnonients sur Ics divers ^tablisiiements qu'elic coniprcnd— nicsuros h, prendre pour faire protiptrer ce pays — I'ortiflcatlons Ik elcver — jiug- ineiitatioii des troupes, etc ^ 128 21 Janvier. Memoire relatif^ Iap6che sedentaire ft Canceaux. GrAce A cet £tablii)8ement, les grands vaisseaux venant do France no seraient p1ii!< obliges de remonter le fleuve St. Laurent pour aller h Quebec, lis dechnrgeraient leurs marchandises h Canceaiix d'oii on les trans- portcrait h Quebec, au moyen des barques du pays et ils y trou- vcraient du poisson frais, des huiles, du bois, du pl&tre, du charbon de terre, etc., pour leur retour 132 23 Juillet. Courte analyse des documents suivants : Ordrc du sieur Palmer, jugc de la Nouvelle York, h Thomas Starpe, commandant un b&ti- ment anglais, de se rendre d Pcntagouet, pour y prendre des vins saisis au nom de sa majeste Britannique — lettre du sieur Palmer, enjoignant au sieur Castin de ne pas s'opposer h I'enldvement de cesvins et I'averfissant de ne pas menacer les sujets du roi d' Angle- , terre ni songer t\ se faire soutenir par les Sauvages, s'il veut 29 Ao<^t. qu'on le souffre sur le territoire Anglais — lettre de M. Perrot, gou- verneur de I'Acadie, demandant satisfaction de I'entreprise du gouverneur de Pentagouet, qui, de son autorite, a enlevi des mar- chandises dechargees sur les terrcs de Pentagouet — le fort de Pen- tagouet appartient aux Fran^nis, par le traite dc Breda, etc 134 9 AoAt. Analyse de la correspondance du sieur Perrot : il vicnt de visiter une partie de I'Acadie et il envoie une relation de son voyage, dans laquelle il signale un abua touchant r6tendue des terres conc^dees. II rend aussi comptc de la mani&re dont la justice est rendue, et suggere qu'un batiment croise devant les cotes pour empi^cher les forbans et etrangers d'y venir — il signale en outre le droit que s'arrogent les Anglais de venir p^cher & une ou deux lieues de la cute, et de se retirer dans les ports et rivieres des FranQais 136 29 Ao(kt. Analyse de la correspondance du sieur Perrot : il rend compte de I'er.'iivement par les Anglais, de marchandises dechargees il Penta- gouet, sous pr6texte que cch marchandises 4taicnt de contrebande et appartenaient ft un Anglais — cet Anglais reclame I'intervention du roi de France pour obtenir la remise des effets enleves — on formera difficilement des peches sedentaires, si Ton n'ote aux Anglais la liberte qu'ils pretendent avoir de pecher au large — en cas de mauvais temps, ils se refugient dans nos ports et Ift traitent les pelle- teries avec les Sauvages— necessitu de mettre fin ft cet etat de choses 138 28 Janvier. Analyse d'un memoire du chevalier de Grand Fontaine, rendant compte du traite qu'il a fait dans le temps, avec le chevalier Temple, au sujet de I'Acadie — il croit se rappeler que les iles de iMaheim- qucin et Pemquit, ju^ues et y compris la riviiire de Quembigny appartcnaient ft la France — il croit aussi qu'on spccifia que lea An- L'niSTOIBE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1543 3feMK S^RiE. Vol. I — Continuation. AniKSei. 1687. 6 Avril. PieM Oct. 1688. 10 Avril. giftis ne pourraient pas faire la traite den pelletcricB avcc lea Sauva- ges, ni p6chcr lo long de la cote, ni charger du charbon de terre, sans la permission du gouverneur, etc 141 Instructions donn^es h Menneval, gouverneur de I'Acadie — propngation de la religion catholique — M. de Meneval maintiendra les habitants dans les pratiques du culte et r6primera la dibauche — ils'cfforcerad'arrangcr&raniiablelesdifrerendsentreles habitants— il enipcxhera les courses dans les bois, sans sa permission — il r6unira au domaino les terres qui ne seront pas occupies — les habitants qui se livrent h la debauche devront titre rcnvoy£-s en France — il encou- ragera la p6chR, la culture, la construction des chaloupes, etc., ct einp6clicra les Strangers de faire du commerce dans ce pays — avec I'assistaDce de la ft-Cgate la Friponne, il confisquera les bdtiments Anglais et autres qui vicndront pecher ou n6gocier sur les cutes de I'Acadie — envoi de 30 soldats pour £tre places sous les ordres du sieur Duret do La Boulaye, lieutenant du Roi de I'Acadie — M. de Menneval devra rcsider h Port Royal et s'occuper de la construc- tion du fort, etc ^ 143 CertiQcat donn6 par Boudrot, lieutenant general en I'Acadie, et plusieurs autres habitants du pays, declarant qu'll est & leur connais- sance que feu M. D'Aulnay Charnizay, autrefois gouverneur de la cote de I'Acadie, y a fait, de ses deniers, construire des forts, dea moulins, des fernies, des chaloupes, etc., et que les entreprises des Anglais ont reduit sa famille & la mendicite 157 Instructions pour le sieur Goustin, choiki par le Roi pour faire les fonct.'ons de juge et d'ecrivain h I'Acadie — il devra encourager le de- fricheinent des terres ct le commerce, et devra agir en cas de difie- rends entre les habitants, plut6t en conciliateur qu'en juge — il cher- cheta k decouvrir tous les avantages qu'on pourra tirer de la colonie Boit pour elle-ni6me soit pour le royaumo, examinera les endroits oil I'on pourrait construire de nouvelles habitations et les moyens de faire ptospircr celles existantcs, les terres qui pourraient etrc culti- vees, la pt^che qu'on pent faire et le nombre d'habitants qui pour- raient trouver leur subsistance dans la colonie — il obligcra, autant que poHsible, les habitants h semer toutes sortes de grains, etc Antcrieur h 1680. Memoire de la compagnie de la pfiche sedentaire de I'Acadie demandant qu'on lui accorde : lo. Un arret portant concession des Hes dp la Madeleine, de I'ile St. Jean et de I'ile du Cap Breton pen- dant 20 ana pour la tuerie des loups-marina. 2o. L'ordre il M. Perrot, gouverneur, et h M. de la Boulaye, de faire rcstituer par Michel Leneuf dit La Valliere et autres, les effets et pelleteries qu'ils ont pris i Bergier, fils, et k Negascouet, capitaine des Sauvages. 3o. Permission dc saisir une barque ou caiche nommee YHirondelle, restitute aux Anglais de Boston, laquelle est maintenant dans le port de la Rochelle, par mesure de represailles. 4o. Un ordre de restitution de droits sur le castor, induement per9U8, puisque I'Acadie est exemptc de droits de cette nature, etc 159 , i:Ti l;;i| 163 1641 MANUSCRITS llELATIFS A 3i;MK Sl^UiiE. Vol. I — Conti luation. k Vers 168U. .t^Mici Extrait de la correBpondanco ile I't-v^que, do M. de Monnoval, do M. do la Mollio Cadillac — misxionnairo du pays — prif*o {\a six caichos ot d'un brigantin angluis par M. de la Cafllnidro — n^cos- shc do fortifier lo I'ort Royal — venue tardive des fonds — mt'conten- tpmont contro le sieur de Goutin, juge, etc, nvec des observntions h la mnrijo 165 1633-1689. M habi- tations au-dulii de Pemquit ct contre Boston, &c J36 20 Oct Lettre du ni6inc au mfime — craintes au siijct du aicur dr Villieu, qu'il croit fuit prisonnicr, avcc son detachcment — demande do truu;^ 'i — un parti de Sauvagci do Pcutagouet ct dc Kincbiqui a tu6 10 Anglais, etc 340 1697. Mimoirc surl'etat de I'ctablisiement dc Mont Louis— exnmcn dea rivii^rcs rt havrcs favorables k la p(^Lhc, dcpuis I'entree du flcuve juoqu'il Mataue — le aicur Riverin a docouvert des ardoiscs ct dn talputre, etc 344 20 Janvier. Lettre de M. de Lagny — projets d'attaque contre la Nouvolle York et Boston— forces qu'il faudrait pour ces entrcpriscs 348 1697. Kxtrait des m6moire<; ot leltres envoy^s h mossieura les pleni- potentiaires, concern!) .<> us ruslitutiuns i\ fuire de part et d'autre dans k's colonics — (>:>. cution du trait6 de Br6dn 356 1697. Note au sujet fl'ine enti uprise contre la Nouvelle Angleterre, et des moyens de faire transporter des vivres et munitions au fort Naxouat — nfecessite de faire transporter M. d'Iberville et sea hommes de Terreneuve A la baio du Nord 363 20 Sept. Extrait du traits do paix entre la France et I'Angietorre, conclu a Ryswick 364 Note sur les pr6tontions r^ciproques des Anglais et des FranQais sur les colonies 366 24 Sept. Lettre de M. Deschambanit, pretro, rolatant un combat iivro par les Sauvages contre les Anglais, h Pemquiil, etc 368 ler Oct. Lettre de M. do Villebon au ministre— crainte ^i • r '.cticut 4 regard des entreprises di Anglais centre Port Rp/:.\ ' " ■ :: 'Jt Beaubassin — plainte contre M. d'Iberville — de .■ i 'o t >. lats — il sollicite de I'avancement par MM. Desileset de Neufvlllette— M. de Falaise envoye & Port Royal — plaintes contre I'aumonier — un parti de Sauvages est alle tenter un coup do main considerable contre les Anglais, etc 371 ^ '>ct. Lettre do M. de Villebon au ministre— combat de Pemquid — l.esoK. (''un ingenieur pour robfitir lo fort, au bas de la Riviere St. Jear-.'jute au aujet de la mise en liberty, par les Anglais, du >;u!'i aine Califte ■■.t des autres prisonniers— craintes au sujet d'un L niSTOI&E Dk. hX M0l7\fiLLB VRANCE. 1647 Ann4«t. 3iMB Senile. VuIn I — ConiimuaHoH. vaiMeau marohumi ile Qutlmo, |> -ti de NaUouak, «t aelon toura probabiliU pria par iu:i Aiiglaia de Boatou, «lt: 878 1696. 8 Oct. Lettro do M. de Villeboii au miniatr*, toucbant la oon;l>iitfl b1&- mable du aieur Maudouz, n)iit«i etc 172 Relation et journal des mouvements de I'escadre anglaise dans la rade de Blaisance — nouvelle attaoue de Plaisance 176 Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Brouillan au ministre touchant ses projeta sur la cote septentrionale de Terre Neuve— habitants enga- ges — bons matelots 180 1691. 1692. 14 et 21 Sept. 14 et 21 Sept, 1 Octobre. 14 Nov. 1692. 1693. 28 Aout et 3 Sept. 7 Octobre, !?i ■"'* ';;»' 1566 MANUSCRITS BELATIFS A Annuel. 70ctobre. 7 Ootobre. 7 Octobre. 14 Dtc. 1694. 1P95. 14 Octobre. 1696. 5 Mars. 23 Sept. 1696. (Sans date.) 1696. 1697. 3Fev. 18 Aodt. 18 Oct. 81bME S^RiE. Vol. Ill — Continuation. Lettre du m^meau m6fne — fortifioations— -scorte pour nos vaisseaux— d68ertion— troupes — conges d'ancienr oto 374 Lettre du sieur Durand la Qarennc au ministre, touchunt !a diffi- culte du 8ubdt!legu6 de I'intendant avec le commandant ii Poccasion de son controle > 384 Lettre de L'Her(nite au ministre— fortifications— hopital pour cinq lits — commerce du commandant — desertion des Fran^ais corame des Anglais — rivalite anglaise 3!)1 Lettre du sieur Durand la Oarenne au ministre— St. Jean — deser- tion, ses causes — notaire, taxation pour j u^' ^ment 395 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au minist>-e — croisi^ro St. Jean — parti Fran^ais contre Bonneviste— fortiflcations— maison des cfficiers — commandant du port 399 Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre— pointe Verte — petit Plaisance — Ste. Marie— mouvemcnt du parti FranQais dirig6 contre Bonneviste — croisi^re — fortifications 411 Recensement de la population de I'babitation de Plaisance, sans comprendre les officiers 413 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre- I'iinportance de Plai- sance — fortifications — bois difficile d se procurer — desertion — mou- venient du parti contre Bonneviste — Sourdeval, Lafosse 414 Extraits des lettres de I'annee — desertion — St. Jean — fort au Petit Plaisance — Sourdeval — Terreneuve 421 Vol. IV. (1703-1708.) Tbrbbneuve. Fac simile de la oignature de Suberease (1706.) Memoire de M. de Suberease au mini-stre — fortifications — appointe- ments — rivalite des Anglais 435 Journal de la campagne d'Amariton — rivalite anglaise— coup sur ForilioD 438 7 Nov. 10 Nov. 20 Nov. 25 Nov. 20 D£c. 1702. 21 Dec. 1702. 1703. 1703. ^,w L'HISTOIRE DI LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. Ifi59 e — coup 8ur 3iMK SfRiK. Vol.. IV — Continuation. AnntWii, Vtgtt Itt Mikri. Lcttro do L'llermite au miDiitre— projeti d'attique dei Anglais contre I'Acadie et Plaisance 446 17 Oct. Lettre de M. de Subarcate au miDlstre— rivalite dea .Anglai*— coup 4 fairs aur St. Jean 449 21 Oct. Lettre du iieur Durand la Qarenne au niinistre, rcndunt cotnpta dea vivrei — desrrtioni — conges d'ancienaet^ — pierre k chaux— dcsob^if sanoa des navires marchands 463 21 Oct. Lettre de M. de Subercase au miiiistre — corsaircs — fortiflcations — p£vtie — armes — expedition du sieur Amariton — escadre anglaise — rivalitd des Anglais — habillement des troupes — desertions — conges — manque d'armes — manque de vivres et d'habillemcnts — sel — hdpital — ecole — culture — preparatifs de defense 464 32 Oct. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet des fortifica- tions — aujrmentation des troupes — retraite des Anglais — privations souiTertes par les officiora 499 1704. Recensement des vaisseaux de p^che et de troque qui sent venus a Plaisanoe pendant I'annce 1704 605 25 Oct. Lettre de M. Costebelle au ministre — pfiche — dfifaut de sel — desertion 608 24 Dfio. Lettre du mfime au m#me — d^sir qu'ont les Anglais do prendre Plaieance— demande de deux vaisseaux de guerre pour s'opposer 4 leurs attaques 512 24 Die. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministres — expedition centre St. Jean y 514 25 Dec. Subercase au ministre — coup sur St. Jean.. .. 517 1705. Recensement des habitants de Plaisance, suivi du recensement des navires qui sont venus au m6me lieu, soit en peche ou en troque, pendant I'annee 1705 624 Du 14 au 17 Fev. Correspondance de M. de Subercase, gouverneur de Plai.oance, et de M. Moody, offioier anglais, gouverneur de St. Jean, pendant I'entreprise faite par les Franqais sur la cote de St. Jean 633 14 Oct. Lettre de L'Herraite au ministre — expedition contre St. Jean. . . 540 22 Oct. Lettre de M. de la Forest au ministre, touchant sa nomination a la place de M. Durand la Garenne, qui a oblenu un conge 552 25 Nov. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant I'expcdition de St. Jean et la part qu'il y a prise — accident qui lui est arrive — necessite de secourir Plaisance 554 6 Dec. Lettre du mfime au meme, relativement au.v vivres— la culture — peche — Plaisance — utilite de ce poste— expedition centre St. Jean — IVI. de Subercase et lui-mlme 565 1706. 30 Janv. Lettre de M. de Subercase au ministre, relativement k la peche — escadre anglaise attendue k St. Jean, le printemps prochain. . . 673 12 Mai, Lettre du m6me au mCme, touchant leur situation — manque de sel — flibustiers — partis envoyfis contre les hdvres Anglais — repre- sailles projet^es sur Plaisance — M. de Subercase se dispose k les bien reoevoir — d6penses que cause le retard des vaisseaux 575 ti ! , I i m. X*lg mm 1 1^^ ^K p 1 16G0 Anntea. ler Ao6t. 9 Sept. 14 Oct. 8 Nov. 8Fev. MANUSCRIT8 RELATIFS A .TftMR S((rir. Vol. IV — Continuation. Lntfro dn Bimir de ContnbcIIe on miriUtro— pAcho — n^coMiti (It) roiidre I'luinanco inexpugnable — qiiarontu-huil vniMimux mar- chands dans oe port, en p^che ou en tnuiue — prisea amentes A CO port — Plaiaanoe menao6 878 Lfltrti du mttme au rnioie, le remeroiant de I'HVoir appel£ au gouvernornonl — arriv6e du Prqfond ot du Cygne — la lloito mar- chiuulu punt faire voile aana criiindrn la flottu des Anglais — p£uhe puu iivantaguuHO — dieiutto de sel 681 Luttro de M. de Subercase au ministre, le remerciant de lui avoir dunnu la uroix de St. Louis et le gouvurnomunt du I'Aciidio — fliliiiition de I'laisance — une m^nagurie et unjardin vondus & riiopitnl — le sieur Devillomaroeau 583 Luttre du sieur de Costobellu au ministre, le remerciant de I'avoir nornm6 au gnuvurnumont de Plaisanuo — ameliorations d fairu uux fortiticalions — nccessite de suivre un nouveau plan pour mettre co fort en silrele— oasernos^bosliaux — disolte de sel — nornbro de vuisseaux charges de morue & IMiiifianoe — la grave des marchands — oirets do I'arr^t rendu par le Hoi, sur la tlistribntion dos griivesen 1700 — renvoi des Canatliens ii Qu6boc — le chevalier de la Valli^re — clogo do cot officinr— courses projelues sur les coles anglaiaes — munitions donnC'es auxMicmacks du Cap Kreton — cnlreprises qu'ils doivent tenter centre les habitations anglaises do I'ilo — (libustiers — ilifficultci de bfltir un bAlimont d Plaisunce — precautions pour I'cchange doa prisonniors — valour des habitations an-rlaises, mises en sftrete sur I'ilo de Carbonnidre et Belle-ile — diffii'ultes d'aller les j attaquer — les habitants de Forillon rdfu- gies i St. Jean — plaintes centre les offloiers des vaisaeaux du Roi — demande que le Roi donne k ses vaisseaux des signanx de reconnaissance — projet sur ce point — M. de Villomarceaux, M. de Ste. Marie et M. do Sourdeval, gouverneurs des iles St. Pierre — ce deriiior demande une augmentation de salairo — depart de M. de Subercase pour I'Acadie — eslime des habitants pour co monsieur — demande la croix de St. Louis — demande une concession de la pointo Vorte — demande la faculte do faire ombarqner ilu sel — taxe pour I'entretien de I'liopital — refus des vaisseaux et dos habitants do St, Pierre de payer cotto taxo — M. DuranJ la Garennc — les cabarets — commerce entre Plaisance et Quebec — mai;ons h Plai- sance entrelenus et d la soldo dos marchands do Bayonno, St. Jean do Luz, St. Malo et Nantes — L'Hermite veut demander son conge — RL (le Beaucourt demande — envoi de coureurs de bois dans les habitations anglaises — pretendu projet des Bostonnais d'attaquer Plaisance — ni'cessile de completer les compagnies — fortifications d coinpleter d I'entree de la rade de Plaisance 587 Mumoire sur I'impoaition ordonneo par arr^t du conscil du 22 diccmbre 1705 pour la levee d'une demi part sur les profits dea na- yirca des Sables d'Olonne qui foat la x:6che ea Terroneuve 639 li'HlRTOIRB DE LA NOCVELLE PRANCE. 1661 Ann)&liinontR qui apportent du ael — le gouverneur de Boston arme pour allcr atta- qiKT lo Port-Koyal, par terre et par mer — ooraairea — h&limenta franqaia fesant la pAche, dana le port et aux ties .St. I'i<>rrt' — hnbita- tioHH anglaiHeH ravag^ca par lea Sauvagea du Cap Breton— cruaut^ des Sauvagos 647 Lettre du m6me au mime— attaquedcs Anglaia contro Port Royal — vaJHHcaux baaquoR pria par lea vaiiwoaux du guerro nnglnis 654 TiOttre du m^mo au m(^me, au Rujct dea corsaires anglais — vais- Beaux pdcheura fran(;aiB, au petit Nord, insultcs par dvH vaistieaux de guerre Anglais — Port-Royal menace une seconde fois— corsaires Canadions — un brigantin annc par les prisonniers fVanQnis renvoyes de St. Jean — prises conduites h Plaisance — prix do la monnaie 61ev6 668 Extrait du journal tcnu par le sicur Larchier, commandant le na- vire la Sle, Anne, venant de Terreneuve— cntreprise des Anglais & cettecAte 660 Lettre du Rieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant lea vaisseaux marchands fVanqais s'en retournant en France 666 Lettre de L'lIermKo au ministre — fortiflcatlons — deraande de pierre & chaux — necessity d'envoyer du secours aux ina9on8 et taillcurs de pierre — il rcstera h Plaisance jusqu'ft la paix, comme lo desire le Roi 668 Lettre deM. Brouiilan au ministre — fortifications de Plaisance — son importance — nficessito d'une croisidre sur la colo — manque do sel — il deraande la croix de St. Louis 674 Lettre du sieur do Costebelle au ministre — L'llcrmite — forti- fications — habitations de la grande Grave — manque d'ouvriurs et de mulcts pour les travaux des fortifications— commerce de Terre- Neuve — bonne eau et en quantite sufhsante — oflres des marcliands d'entretenir les fortifications et la garnison, pI on leur aceordo une fr6gnte et une flAte pour croiser sur la c6te — on devrait obligor les v.iisseaux do St. Malo, Bayonne, St. Jean de Luz qui vieiinent h Plaisance d'apporter du sel — prise par les Anglais de deux petits vaisseaux de 8t. Jean de Luz qui venaient en troque h Plaisance — n6ces8itc d'une frfigate pour croiser depuis le cap de Haze jus- qn'uuxiles St. Pierre—prises sur les Bastonnais amenfies it Plaisance — echango de prisonniers entre le gouverneur de St. Jean et M. de Costebelle — 61oge de M. de Bt-llestre et de la ValH^re — remon- trances aux iSauvages touchant leur cruaut£ vis-d-vis leurs prison- lif' - % 1562 MANVSCBITS BELATIFS A 3kMK S/:rie. Vol. IV — Continuation. Annfei. 15 Nov. 25 Oct, 1708. 4 Juillet. 8 Juillet. 9 Juillet. 10 Juillet. P»(JO« niera anglais — peu de troupes clisponiblcs pour onvoyor troubler le commerce des Anglais — le sieur Viarin, chirurgien ch:irg6 do la direction de I'hdpital— demande aux recoUets de Quebec d'un de leurs freres — montant de I'impot pour I'hopital— culture — objections au projet de M. de Subercase, de donner la Grave aux habitants de Plaiuance — necessite d'une fr6gate pour croi- Ber Bur la coto— ^orsaires anglais— situation des habitants de St. Pierre — lesofficiers Villemarceau, VilJejointet Amariton — ilenverra les bIoc3 de porphyre qu'on pourra trouver dans la bale — lo cheva- lier du Pin — L'ilermitte— la p^che des morues— manque d'argent pour continu'jr les travaux et payer les troupes — Durand la Ga- renne de rotour 4 Plaisance— le prix de la monnaie elevc— il prie do ne pas rctablir de juge ni de procureur du Roi — M. de Sourde- val— son eloge— necessile d'6tablir quelques postes convenables h St Pierre pour soutenir I'autoritfi du Roi — Sauvages dans la bale de Fortune— envoi d'echantillons de porphyre — prise envoyee h Plaisance par M. de Charconade— inquietude sur ce dernier 678 Lettru du mdme au mume, touchant la demande que plusieurs habitants font de brevets de concession des terrains et graves qu'ils occopent depuis longtemps — nficessitfi d'un pilote dans le port — Gaspard Bertrand rocom:nande pour cet emploi— il demande des mulcts et des &ncs— aussi des armes— M. de Subercase atta- que uno seconde fois k Port Royal — oraintes au sujet de MM. Cha- cornade et Rousseau — MM. Amariton, Dangeac, de la \.,Miere et de Bellestre— le chevalier de la ValliSre, aveo son detachemeuf, a failli perir, en allant k la decouverte du cote des Anglaia 726 Description de Pile de Terreneuve, par le sieur de Costebolle. 737 Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre — disettc a Plai- sance, causee par los corsaires qui croisent sur les cotes — situation critique de Plaisance — M. de Chacornade tue — M. de Bellestre et son dctachument faits priaonnierii et conduits & St. Jean — arrivcc des ouvriers maqons et manoeuvres — demande qu'il lui soit envoyc de la pierre k chaux 741 Lettre de L'llermite nu ministre — plans et cartes qu'il lui a envoyes I'annee derni^re — Plaisance nc pent etre pris, que ri'duit par la famine — necessitc d'envoyer dcs vivres pour un an d'avance — travaux qui se font k Plaisance — mort du sieur de Cha- cornade — Rousseau et son equipage tk Boston — dessein des Anglaia sur Terreneuve — entree dans le port d'une fregate de St. Malo vcnant de Cadix 745 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre — escadro ans^kise stationnee pros des A9ore8 — M. de Chavagnac, commandant Vller- cule, 86 plaint de la lenteur des Espagnols — alarme k Plaisance — demande d'armes 7'*° Lettre de M. de Brouillan au ministre— situation critique dc Plaisance, menace de la famine — projets attribucs aux Anglais centre la colonic — un soldat et nn Canadien du parti de M. de Bellestre debauchea par les Anglais— le petit Plaisance menace 751 L'iIISTOIKE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1563 Ann(!c9. a AoCtt. 2 Aoftt. 21 Aoftt. 19 Sept, 28 Oct, SfcMK SiCRiE. Vol. IV — Contiimation. Pages Lettre du sieur de Co8tebelle nu ininistre — triste situation de la colonic, menacie de la disette — Plaisaiice menace d'etre attaque au commencement de septembre — cchangc de prisonniers — demande de 8ecours — cBcadre frana renvoyfes en France — lo chevalier de la Valli6re, MM. de St. Ovide et de Villemarceau — eroisiere des Flcssingois et Anglais devant; Ic port — importance de Plaisance et nt'cessite d'y cnvoyer dmix forts vaissuaux de guerre pour protegcr son commerce et detruire celui des enneinis — maladie contngicuse — arrivee d'unc petite frigate venant de Quebec — le vaisscau du Roi Httendu avec hfite — nouvelles prises faites par Ics AnglaiK — renvoi en France des prisonniers i'chang^s, la craintc de la famine a oblige M. de Costehelle tl prendre ce parti, etc 753 Lettre du inenie uu memo, demandant un passepoit pour le sieur Joseph Croizet, mnrchand de Marseilles qui desire essayer la peche des niollues avec des filets — plusieurs autres marchands du meme lieu, deuiandent le meme privilege, mais il insiste pour qu'on le leur refuse; cette permission ne saurait ^tre generate — avantagcsde cette manicrc de fuire la peche. 768 Lettre du m6me au meme — situation critique de Plaisance, causee par suite de la disetlo des vivres — vaisseuux I'raiKjiiis aiix lies St. Pierre, pris et pilies pur des corsaires anglais — liabitants obliges (i'abaiulonnor la cote du Chapeau Uouge — une fregate euffirait pour detruire ces corsaires anglais — prise de einq bri;ran- tins ameiies h Plaisance — besoin d'une aide immediate qui i)ui.«se le mettre h. memo de porter secours aux malheureux habitanls des lies St. Pierre 770 Lettre du mtime au meme— secours apporte par le vaisseau la Charente — les vaisseaux en peche dans les baies Ste. Marie, de Fortune et du Grand Banc uu nord des iles St. Pierre, pris par les corsaires anglais-un seul vaisseau de force suliirait pour detruire ces corsiiives — Lafosse avec un parti de 50 homines a pris une chaloupe sur les ennemis et I'ayanl armee en guerre est alio croiser sur leurs cotes — les Anglais ne peuvenl elre inqnietes (|ue par terre, car ils occupeiit la mer — raisons qu'ont les habitants du no pas armer en course — prises faites sur les pecheurs de Bcston, amenees a Plaisance par une pe'ite corvette construiti; et armee a ce port — un vaisseau envoye a Quebec, pour chercher des secours en pain et biscuit — il se justifie des plaintes iK)r'4e8 centre lui par les capitaines des vaisseaux marchands 773 Lettre du sieur de Costehelle au ministre — secours en vivres apportes par la Charente — fortilieations— plaintes des marchands au sujet des corvees — commerce — necessite de mettre Terrenenve en etttt de ne pas soulfrir d'insulte — necessite d'avnir tonjours d'avance pour une annee de provisions — la chambre d'escomptes ne veut pas ratifier certaines dejHjnses pour la sQrcte de la place — II ..i 1! 1564 MANUSORITS &ELATIF8 A 3£ME S^RiE. Vol. IV — Continuation. .'U I: 4ii.Mi?^!' !'■—*■ ,; t :'■ I'l' % m Annies. 2 Nov. 10 Dec. 18 Dec. Paget prix lies provisions — raisons pour envoyer una frigate plutot k PJaisance qu'^ Quebec — il desire que la Uemande faite aux mar- chands de Mantes et Bayonne, d'armer une frcgate et une flute pour proteger leur commerce, reussisse — details ^ ce sujet — les ordonnances du comte de Toulouse pour la course et les habitations — I'emploi de greffier k Plaisance — demande d'armes — taxes pour payer les Canadiens qui font des courses sur les cotes ennemies — I'hopital, ses ressources et ses besoins — demande d'un brevet de controleur de cet hopital pour Ambroise Renoyer—fortifications de St. Pierre — M. de Sourdeval— ameliorations ties terres— demande de la concession de la pointe Verte — culture — concessions faites k L'Hermite — maisons pour les ofiiciers du Hoi — le sieur Lafnsse — fortifications k faire sur la montagne de Gailiardin— il remercie le Roi de la croix de St. Louis et des cent pistoles de gratification — raisons k I'encontre du projet propose de faire changer de place les compagnies qui sevent en Canada, i\ I'Acadie et k Plaisance — sel envoyesurto Charente pour etre vendu au profit du Roi.qui deman- dait en retour des huiles de pdissons pris par Costebelie pour son propre compte — i-loge des ofiiciers St. Oviile, L'Hermite, Ville- marceau, Ste. Marii;, chevalier du Pin 780 Lettre tlu sieur St. Ovide de ISrouillan au ministre, exjjosant les secours qu'il lui faudrait pour le mottre k mfiuie d'intenompre le commerce des enuemis — son projet, qui n'a pu avoir lieu, de prendre Fourillon et un vaisseau de guerre de 40 canons — il demande la croix de St. Louis — ^iwrmission obtenue de faire prochainement une tentative coiitroSt. Jean ou Carbonniire — sloop arme aux frais du sieur St. Ovide 817 Lettre du sieur Costebelie au ministre — besoin inilispensable de chaux, pour contiiiuer les travaux des fortifications— il demande que la fregate la Venus soit mise a sa disposition pen- dant la guerre sous le commandement du sieur La Ronde Denys — depart de iVI. de Brouillan, i la tete de 'iOO hommes pour tenter la destruction des habitations anglaises — disette de vivres — tliflScultes de faire accepter aux marchands des lettres de change payables sur le tresor du Roi — compte de poudre — emploi d'une somme prove- nant d'une partie de tabac adjngee au profit du Roi ... 821 Lettre du sieur Durand la (iareinie au ministre — I'arrivee des vivres appoiles par le vaisseau la Ckarente — proposition I'aite aux marchands de Nantes et de Bayonne d'apporter les munitions et les vivres de la colonie en leur fournissant une fregate et une flftte — le pays est expose a etre detruit I'annee prochaine, si les enne- mis viennent croiser k I'ouest de la bale de Plaisance et sur les caps lie Raze, Ste. Marie et du Chapeau Rouge — mauvais etat des armes — amelioration des fortifications abandouine faute de materiaux et d'ouvriers — I'afTaire d'Ecosse fait ajourner k I'annee prochaine I'envoi d'une escadre contre Plaisanqe et les cotes — demande de secours — vente de prises et d'^paves — plaintes contre 4 .(-Tl ■ ■ ■ iifei a L'HISTOIRE DE la NOrVELLE PRANCE. 1565 ;ate plutot k kite aux raar- et une flute se sujet — les IS habitations — taxes pour I ennemies — an brevet de tifications du -demande de ions faites k lur Lafosse — 1 remercie le ratification — de place les aisaiice — sel ii,qui deman- lelle pour son mite, Ville- ex^wsant les itenompre le u, de prendre demande la ochainement me aux frais lispensable iiications— il Kisition pen- e Denys — our tenter la Jifficultes iayables sur me prove- Pagei 780 817 821 arrivee des uu I'aite aux lunitions et et une flftte si les enne- et sur les auvais ctat e faute de )!• h I'annee les cotes — iites contre SiiME S^RiE. Vql. IV — Continuation. Ann^H. Paget Pac-simile (1710). 1709. 17 Janv. 20 Janv. Fev. 21 Fevrier. 26 Fevrier. 26 Fevrier. 6 Mai. 28 Juin. 5 Juillut le sieur Lafosse — la dirention des ouvriers et des travaux, oomme pour les ingcnieurs de France est laissee au sieur L'Hermite — difii- ciUtes pour le paiement des soldats et des ofliciers — incapacite du fils du sieur Barat, pour remplir I'office de greffier — demande d'une indemnitt.' pour la demoiselle Bereau de Monsegur, pour sa grave, sa maison et son magasin — deux matelots deserteurs rattra- pes et condamn^s par le oonseil de guerre, I'un k la mort, I'autre aux galdres — piquets du foct, du cote de la mer, emport6s par une mer impetueuse 825 Vol. V. (1706-1714). Tbkkbneuve et Ilb Royalk. des autographes de St. Ovide de Brouillan, (1709); et de Coatebelle, Eiat des canons, armes, munitions et ustensiles trouves dans les magasiiis des forts anglais de la bale St. Jean, pris en Janvier 1709 875 Lettre du sieur La Ronde Denys au ministre, touchant la nva- lite des Anglais — enlreprise sur le fort William de St. Jean — St Ovide — La Ronde Denys, ses services— projet de croisifere entre New York et la Virgiuie 839 Lettre du sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan au ministre, touchant la rivalite des Anglais — parti contre St. Jean — ricit de la prise de ce fort — ce poste sera-t-il conserve — Malouins — projets de croisiere sur la Virginio . . 841 Lettre supposee du chevalier du Pin au ministre, au sujet de la rivalitu des Anglais — attaque de I'ofRcier qui conduisait les prisoniiiers de St. Jean 848 Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne uu ministre — Entreprise sur St. Jean — sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan — ordro de miner lea forts et de les faire sauter — projets ant6ricurs des Anglais sur Plaisance — droits do ramiraute dans les prises 850 Lettre du sieur de Costebelie au ministre — St. Jean — sieur St. Ovide de Brouillar. — recit de son entreprise — Carbonni^re — Belle- Isle — Fourillon— lieux de refuge des ennemis— chevalier Dupin. . . . 859 Lettre du sieur de Costebelie au ministre, au sujet de monsieur de Sourdeval — son cloge 879 Lettre du meme au mSme, au sujet de la rivalite des Anglais — ranQons de I'afiaire de St. Jean 881 Lettre du meme au meme — ordre de conserver St. Jean arrive aprfes la destruction des forts— le sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan — for. tifications de Plaisance— envoi des prisonniers de St. Jean h Quebec 885 Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne, au ministre — abandon de St. Jean, au mois d'avril— envoi de ses prisonniers en Canada — mi- B^re de la gamison— droits sur le butin — religionnaire prisonnier, ayant pilote des Anglais 898 I'\\ ir 1566 MANUSCRITS RELATIF8 A 3i!ME S^RiE. Vol. V — Continuation. ¥k..\ i f; (It '•5 Annies. 6 Sept. 7 Sept. 27 Sept. 14 Octobre. 18 Octobre. 25 Octobre. 27 Octobre. 7 Nov, 3 Dec. 15 Die 1710. Aoftt. PagM Lettre du sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan au ministre — evacuation de St. Jean — ses eflfets f&cheux — projets des Anglais sur le Canada — disette ^ Plaisance — arriv6e d'un gouverneur k St. Jean 901 Lettre du sieur de Costcbelle au ministre, touchant les forti6ca- tions — rivalitS des Anglais — famine t Plaisance — peche — prison- niers anglais, avis qu'ils donnent 904 Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne, au sujet de la flotte des marchands — vaisseau du Roi charge d fret — disette de vivres k Plai- sance — projets des Anglaio sur le Canada — la vieille et la nouvelle Angleteire de concert pour leur execution — prises faites par les cor.^aires 911 Littre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant les craintes qu'a Plaisance de I'escadre anglaise — fami.'2 extreme — sacrifices personnels de M. de Costebelle— prisonniers de Si. Jean — I'inge- nieur — taxepour les courses et les decouvertes — la flotte marchando de la coto anglaise peche fort tranquillement — nouvelles fortifica- tions — famine — oblication aux vais.seaux marchands d'apporter des vivres — fret des batiments du Roi — corsaires anglais aux cotes de St. Pierre et du Chapeau Rouge — rivalit6 anglaise — Plaisance menace pour I'annee suivante — vues de la Reine d'Angleterre, dans la conquetedii Canada — misere des conipngnies detachees — autorite du gouverneur contestue — conflits avec les capitaines de vai.sseaux. 915 Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre — famine h. Plai- sance — religionnnire pris a St. Jean — Lafosse, baron de Joanis.. 927 Lettre du sieur La Ronde Denys au ministre, au sujet de la neces- site ou il est do se justifier 9.31 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre — projets centre le Canad.i — miserS des 'oldats a Plaisance — I»enis de la Ronde — sa justification 932 Lettre du mdme au uienie, au sujet de la misere publique — ren- voi des pecheurs faute de subsistance — corvees pour les fortifica- tions — Subercase — St. Ovide de Urouillan — gouvornement de I'Aca- die — carri^re de porphyre — corsaires ennemis — abandon de St. Jean justifie 936 Lettre du meme au merae, au sujet de la disette — necessite de nouvelles troupes 946 Lettre du meme au meme — rctablissement des forts St. Jean — manque de vivres a Plaisance — projets sur Cnrbonnierc impossi- bles par le denuement des soldats — logement des officiers 948 Memoire du sieur Riverin, touchant la rivalite des Anglais — litres des b'ran^ais et des Anglais h. la possession de Tcrreneuve — importance de Plaisance, pour la morue et comme clef du Canada — projet de neutralite entre les colonies franQaises et anglaises de Terreneuvc — St. Christophe 951 Lettre du sieiir Sf. Ovide do Brouillan au ministre, au sujet do la misere des habitants — forces des Anglais i\. Ttrreneuve— prises faites par leurs corsaires .... 955 I'M, 1 L'HISTOIRE DE la NOUVELLB FRANCE. 1567 3i:ME S^RiE. Vol. V — Continuation. Anntes, Page* 7 Aotkt. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre — ^projets des Anglais sur le Canada et Plaisance — mis^re & Plaisance — Taisseaux de la mer du Sud — Poree — forces des Anglais en Terreneuve — prises de leurs corsaires notamment k St. Marie— prise de la bale de la Tri- nite, par le sieur de Bellestre — le petit Nord et le Chapeau Rouge menaces — dommages 6prouv6s par les armateurs do St. Malo 967 23 Sept, Lettre du sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan au ministre, touchant la rivalite des Anglais — attaque et pillage dss iles St. Pierre — bale de Fortune — projets de St. Ovide sur Forillon et Carbonnifere arretes par le mauvais vouloir des marchands — coup hardi du corsaire Bertrand — prise de la Valeur 965 80 Sept. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre — rivalite des Anglais — corsaires anglais — prise des iles St. Pierre — misSre & Plaisance — forces arrivees de la vieille Angleterre k la Nouvelle — ses projets sur le Canada, sur Port Royal et Plaisance — prise du vaisseau la Valeur parGaspard Bertrand — armement de ce vaisseau, St. Ovide de Brouillan 968 14 Oct. Instructions de M. de Costebelle pour M. St. Ovide de Brouillan, commandant le vaisseau La Valeur, arme en course — la croisi^re sera dirigee sur les cotes de Boston et de la Virginie, et s'etendra jusqu'aux Agores 979 28 Oct. Lettre de M. de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet de la misere extreme — sedition des soldats — bruit do la cession di Terreneuve — ses sacrifices personnels 982 6 Nov. Lettre du meme au meme, touchant les nouvelles de la prise de Port-Royal 994 6 Nov. Lettre du sieur Durand fa Garenne au ministre, au sujet de la rivalite des Anglais — prise de Port-Royal, le 11 octobre 1710 — im- portance de cette prise pour les Anglais 998 3 Dec. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet de la misere des habitants et des troupes & Plaisance— justification de Costebelle au sujet de plusieurs accusations — attaque de St. Jean et de Fou- rillon — fortifications — compagnies auxiliaires — esprit inquiet et diflB- cultueux des capitaines marchands — misere et d#nuement — sabots, faute de souliers— preference que donnent les marchands A la mer du sud — vues de I'Angleterre dans la conqu6te du Canada relative- ment k ses propres colonies — liberie de cellesci menac6e par cette conqufite — insinuations k faire £i ce sujet au conseil de Boston — neutrality des colonies comme moyen de conservation de la liberte pour la Nouvelle Angleterre — succ^s de cette negociation, aujour- d'hdi douteux, mais certain il y a quelques annees, ecarte par I'am- bition de M. de Brouillan — misfere des oflBciers 1000 1711. Instructions de M. de Costebelle pour M. de la Ronde pour I'e- change des prisonniers — rivalite des Anglais — projet de neutralite avec le Canada 1009 18 Juin. Lettre du sieur do Costebelle au ministre — desseins des Anglais sur le Canada et sur Plaisance — prise de La Valeur, commandee par St. Ovide— Denis de la Ilonde k Boston — projet de neutrulit6. .1023 1668 MANUSCRIT8 EELATIFS A t < K 3^MR S^RiE. Vol. V — Continuation. Anndes. Paget 20 Jail^et. Leitre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ininistre — projets dea Anglais sur 1e Canada — prises des Anglais — flotte de navires tnnrchands i la cdte mglaise— Sauvages de I'Acadie 1027 15 Sept. Lnttre cm sieur de Coirtebelle au ministre, au sujet des Sauvages de I'Acadie— rivalitfe des Anglais— Acadiena— Port-Royal, secours que leur donne Costebelle— Gaulin, St. Castin— corsaires anglais — niisire des troupes— projets sur le Canada 1033 17 Sept. Postscriptnin ^ la lettre ci-dessus — secours pour I'Acadie inter- cepts — combat de Morpain — projet des Anglais sur le Canada — Plaisance menace . . 10S8 15 Oct. Liste des vaisHeaux mafchands venus en pScbe d Plaisance en 1711 1040 18 Oct. Lpttre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre, touchant les prises faites par les Anglais — leurs projets sur le Canada et sur Plaisance—la Ronde a Boston arrdte — Morpain 1041 21 Oct. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministrti, au sujet de la rivalite des Anglais — projets sur Quebec — violent coup de vent sur le St. Laurent — escadre franqaise 1041> 24 Oct. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, tojchant le blocus de la bale dc Plaisance — neutrality entre St. Jean et Plaisance — misere et decouragement des troupes — d6sinteressement de Costebelle — fille de Costebelle prisonni^re — Plaisance menace — la Ronde 4 Boston — situation deplorable de Plaisance — vivres necessaires pour la colonic, pour l'ann6e 1051 26 Oct. Lettre du mSme au m^me, au sujet d'une prise faite sur les An- glais — ouragan sur les cotes d'Acadie — vaisseau du Roi pris — Mor- pain — 128 soldats seulement k Plaisance — famine 1066 27 Oct. Recenseraent du nombre d'habitants et matelots p^cheurs hiver- nant 4 Plaisance— en etat de porter les armes, y compris les chas- seurs ou coureurs de bois 1071 27 Oct. Recensement des habitants de Plaisance, Pointe Verte, Petit Plaisance, He St. Pierre 1074 1712. 11 Aviil, Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet de la misere de la garnison — pillage des iles St. Pierre par les corsaires anglais — projet de neutralite entre les colonies franQaises — Denis de la Ronde, condamne comme espioi. — ses papiers pris — Plaisance me- nace — corsaires 1076 10 Oct. Lettre du meme au meme, touchant la misere des soldats et de Costebelle lui-m^me— evasion du sieur Lafosse, sa femme et ses en- fonts renvoyes en France — bruit de la cession de Plaisance 1086 9 Nov. Lettre du m^me au m6me, touchant les vivres — prises — desertions — debits de vin — chauffage — blocs de porphyre — restitution par les Anglais de navires francjais 1089 9 Nov, Etats des vaisseaux marchands venus en peche et en troc 4 Plai- sance, signd de M. de Costebelle 1104 1713. Memoire sur I'evacuation de Plaisance 1107 L HISTOIRE SE LA NO WELLE FRANCE. 1669 9 Juillet 19 Juillet. 19 Sept 23 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 Sept. 24 Oct. 35 Nov. 30 Nov. 1714. 6 Nov. 1706. 7 Aoftt. 30 Nov. 1709. Sans date. 1714. 8&ME S£rib. Vol. V — Continuation. Pagei Lettre du sieur de Oostebelle au mintatre, touchsnt lea renmigne- ments donnas par le pilote Baptiste Maisonnat, au sujet du h4vre & 1' Anglais — commerce des p^ches — construction de b&timents — habi- let6 dea Canadiens h manier la hAche — engages de 18 h 20 aiM pour soldats 1109 Lettre du rn^me au m£me, relativement an traite d'Utrecht — Eva- cuation de Plaisance — transport des habitants ia Cap Breton — diffl- cult6s qu'ils font pour y emigrer 1120 Lettre du m^oie au ministre, au sujet de Ste. Anne preferee par Lhermit -H&vre & I'Anglais — ses d6savantages— superiorite de Ste. Anne— n' ^ssite d'6tablir trois postes pouroccuper I'tle Royale 1127 Extraits de differentes lettres adresa^es i M. de Costebelle, tou- chant te havre dans le port de Can.3eaux — Havre a I'Anglais — grand et petit Labrador — Ste. Anne — Nigamicho 1133 Lettre du sieur Felix Paim, r§collet missionnaire, h M. de Coste- belle, totichant les habitants de I'Acadie — propositions d'aller k rile Royale rejetle par eux — population des Adadiens 1139 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant le Cap Breton —Ste Anne — le Jardin de I'lle — p^ches — comment Costebelle entend la colonisation — trois postes ^ 6tablir — Nigamiche 1142 Lettre du Roi k M. de Costebelle, touchant la remise aux Anglais do Plaisance et des c6tes de Terreneuve 1146 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant l'6tablissem«at du Cap Breton — St. Ovide de Brouillan— clasaes d'habitants— con- cesfllons et aviditfi de ceux qui s'etablissent — Sauvages de I'Acadie. 1149 Lettre du mdme au m^me, touchant la remise de Plaisance anx Anglais — disette — porphyre — congas — etablissements du Cap Bre- ton 1160 Lettre du m^rae au memo, touchant le d6part pour la France, du sieur de St. Ovido de Brouillan, sans en avoir donne avis — etablis- sement du Cap Breton— Ste. Anne— Hftvre a I'Anglais— projet d'e- migration des Acadiens k I'ile Royale 1171 Recensement des habitants de Plaisance et ties St. Pierre, rend us k Louisbourg, avec leurs femmes et enfants 1178 Memoire de M. Raudot, fils, touchant le commerce du Canada — castors — culture des terres — pfiches — ble — bestiaux — manufactures — total du commerce— entrepot n6cessaire — Cap JJreton —construc- tion de vaisseaux — rivalite anglaise HSO Memoire d M. le comto de Poiitchartrain, touchant I'etablisse- ment d'une colonic dans I'ile du Cap Breton— Ste. Anne — pfiche — commerce — mines et carri^res 1197 Memoire sur I'ile du Cap Breton— son etablissement 1237 Memoire sur I'etablissement du Cap Breton — diminution de droits sur la moruc 1241 iVlemoire touchant retablissement de I'lle Royale — p^ches seden- taires — comiuerce — matelots 1249 1570 MANU8CRIT8 RELATIFS A If i'M ^ i i& i |i i!i: i?i pi V4> 3feME Serie. Vol. V — Continuation. Anndca. Pag«l 1713. Lettre du nieur Denin de La Rondo, au ininiHtro, touchant lo Port h I' Anglais — Baie Ste. Anno — potninierH plantes par Denis le grand ' p^re — Importance et avonir du Cap Breton 124S 1714. M^inoiru do M. Raudot, fils, Bur Louisbourg— port Dauphin — port Toulouse 1251 171.3. 8 Aoftt Lettre du m^me ou mt^ino, relativement au Port 4 I'Anglaia, d'abord prefcre par Costcbelle — Port Ste. Anne — transport des ha- bitants do I'ile de Plaisance i\ I'ile Royale 1266 3 Aodt. Lettre du ni6me h M. do St. Ovide de Brouillan, touchant la Baie Ste. Anne, prfifcrnble pour ['(tablissement ... 1265 18 Oct. Lettre du siour de Rouville au niinistro, touchnnt le Port 4 I'An- glais — bnies de I'lle Royale — Rouville — ses services et ceux de sa famille 1269 1714. 7 Avril. Lettre du sieur St. Ovide do Brouillan au ministre, touchant le transport des habitants et de la garnison de Plaisance, ii I'ile du Cap Breton — Bourdon 1272 1714. Memoire pour lo siour Bourdon, sur Louisbourg — port Dauphin. 1274 Vol. VI. (1713-1717.) Canada. lere page — Les armes do Vaudreuil — les armes de Begon. 2''.d page — Fac-simile des autographea des per8onnage.«i suivants : — Le marichcU d^Estrees, (mi) ; d e la Boulaye, (1716),- Dauteuil, (17iO); Rivtrin ; Vaudreuil, (1716) ; Collet, depute de la colonie ; L. A. de Bourbon ; Louvigny, (1716] ,• Began; Lachapelle ; Riverin, depute du Canada, (1716) ; de Monseignat ; Lhermite,(nn) ; Chaussegros de Levy, (1717); Peire; de Lino, 1713. 14 Nov. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre (Raudot) — sur les aflkires gonerales du Canada, do I'Acailie, du cap Breton, et des pays d'en haul. {Cette lettre n'est pas pagini:e,mais se trmive au coiumenccment du volume et contient 19 pages.) 1716. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au comte de Toulouse, sur la neces- sitcs de retablir les anciens conges supprimes en 1698 — sur la traite de I'eau -de-vie — les coureurs dc bois — les pays d'en haut, etc. . . I 20 Jan. Lettre de M. d'Auteuil au ministre, sur la monnaie de carte. . . 14 Question de la monnaie de carte 17 6 Jan. Note entre Philemon Cadet, J. B. Neret et Joseph Gayot, relativeinent au commerce du castor 22 Fevrier. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au due J'Orlcans — sur la population du Canada — les troupes— la monnaie de carte — la rivalite anglaise — lo mariage des soldats — les Abenaquis — la conduite den Sau- vages — les miue-i — vaisseaux et chantiers — la riviere St. Jean — Michillimakiiiac — et sur le danger dans lequel se trouverait la colonie s'il arri vait une nouvelle guerre, etc 25 14 et 15 Nov, La M^re St. Joseph, supcrieure de I'hopitcil-general de Quebec, demande qu'oii augmente le nombre des leligieuses 46 l'hISTOIRE DB la NOTJVBLIiE FRANCE. 1571 SfeME S^RiE. Vol. VI — Continuation. Avril. 1716. Page* 1 Mai. 28 Mars. 12 Mai. 8 Juin. 15 Nov. 28 Avril. 28 Avril. 15 Oct. 1715. 28 Avril 1716. 1716. ler Avril. 9 Avril. 10 Avril. 28 Avril. 28 Avril. 4 Mai. 5 Mai, 5 mai. Changement piopc86 dea Sauvages Iroquois tie la mission du Sault St. Louis 47 Suppliquo des interessfes au commerce du castor 49 M6moire (attribu6 h Riverin) sur la necessity de faire immediate- ment uii nouveau traitu pour le d£bit des castors provcnant de la colonic du Canada 57 Mtmoire instructif des intentions de sa majoste pour le gouver- neur et I'intendaiit du Canada, principalement au sujet du commerce du castor. 63 Nou voile regie des castors, etc 67 Instruction (dressce par Raudot, fils,) pour legouverneur et I'in- tendant du Canada, relativement au commerce 69 Plaintes du fieur de Breslay contre le marquis de Vaudreuil... 74 Mt moiro au sujet des peau.\ de castor (jui se tirent du Canada — historique de ce commerce, (par Laboulaye) 77 Travail du conseil sur I'etablissement du Detroit 82 Sur la fjfuerre centre les Renards ... 86 Mejnoire au comle de Toulouse sur la deputation du sieur Rive- rin, du Canada en France, et sur lea appointements qui lui sont das 88 Deuxifeme compagnie de castors. Copie d'une requite pre- sentee au conseil de marine par les sieurs Nerct et Gayot 94 Projet de rcglement sur la liberte du commerce des castors pour citre execute le lor octobre 1717, A I'expiration du privilege exclu- sif accordo aux sieurs Nt-ret, Aubert et Gayot 97 Etat des vaisseaux arrives et partis de cette rade (Quebec) en I'annee 1716 lOO Reclamations faites par les Sauvages de la Nouvelle France pour etre portees au consed de regence 102 Requete du p^re procureur des jesuites du Canada, demandant le privilege de passer sur les vaisseaux du Roi. 103 Requete de la superieure de I'hopital de Villemarie, deman- dant une augmentation de gratification, etc 103 Deliberation du conseil de mavine au sujet des Abfinaquis 105 Lettre de iVI. Riverin au ministre, sur les abus de I'administra- tion de MM. Vaudreuil et Raudot 109 Acte relatif au commerce du castor entre Neret, Gayot, Pascaud et Leclerc llS Guerre centre les Renards et amnistie pour les coureurs de bois (conseil de marine) 129 Delibi ration du conseil au sujet des conges 131 Memoirs du Roi pour servir d'instruction au sieur de Pontron, lieutenant de vaisseau, sur le service qu'il doit rendre dans le voyage ((u'll doit faire i Quebec 134 Enceinte de Monti'feal (par le conseil) 138 Lettre de Riverin au ccmte de Toulouse, sur les abus de I'administration Vaudreuil et Raudot— et sur la monnaie do carte. 139 I 1*^ 1^ l*i' ^1 U m'' : i i'^g ';•' ^-'•"4 ■' ■ ■ i, ■ 1 Bffi i-^KB * ■ ■i; >t :|li,; ;|l* 1^;. Irr,/ I'! I 1672 Anntei. 11 Mai. 18 Mai. 12 Mai. 12 Mai. 12 Mai. 22 Juin. 16 Juillet. 31 Juillet. 6 Oct. 5 Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. U Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. MANU8CRIT8 RELATIF8 A 3^.MR S^.itic. Vol. VI — Continuation, M^raoire sur la fabrique den Rcarlatines et aur le oominerce qui s'en fait en Canada, et sur celui des castortt 141 Mimoire de Riverin, au sujet de sa d6putat1on 140 Eglise des Trois-Rlvfdres 150 Commerce du castor — lettres de change I53 Deliberation du conseil sur la monnaie do carte ISg Defense de MM. de Mezereta et Glaiidelet, dlreeteura et supe- rieui'S du seminaire de Quebec que rev^que veut remplacer par M. Thibout 166 Avis de M. Renault au sujet des fortiflcations de Montreal et de Quebec ISO Requite du frdre Pascal, prooureur des Recollets, missionnaire du Canada, suppliant le conHeil d'accorder une aumdne k trois reli- gieux pour les habiller, etc 162 Lettre de Riverin au ministre, se plaignant de MM. de Vaudreuil et Raudot, et demandant & se retirer en Touraino 163 Lettres de change —commerce du caitor — protestation du sieur Lanouliier, stipulant pour N^ret et Qayot contre les m^iiances des marchands de Montreal, etc 168 Copio de la lettre ecrite par les marchands de Montreal aux mar- chands de Quebec 177 M^moire contenant les motifs pour lesquels la colonie de la Nou- velle France demande h etre recjue opposante k I'execution, tant du traite fait le 10 avril de la presente ann^e 171G, entre les sieurs Neret et Gayot et les sieurs Pascaud et Leclerc, qa'k rex6cution de I'arrdt du conseil d'etat du 12 mai suivant, qui homologue ce traite 181 Acte par lequel Ics marchands de Montr6al rdvoquent la nomina- tion du sieur Riveiin comme depute de la colonie 20l Requete des negociants k I'intendant au sujet des lettres de change et du commerce du ca'tor 204 Lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon, contenant un proj[,et de rh- glement sur la liberte du commerce du castor, etc 221 Lettre des mdmes au conseil sur diverses affaires relatives & la colonie ... 229 Lettre des memes sur les fortifications et le palais k Quebec 241 Lettre des memes au sujet du palais de Quebec, des magasins du Roi et des reparations du chdteau 245 Lettre de M. le marquis de Vaudreuil sur les dispositions des diverses nations sau vages 249 De MM, Vaudreuil et Begon, sur le prix des espSces d'or et d'ar* gent 252 De M. de Vaudreuil, sur les dispositions des Outaouas et autres Sauvagt;j d'en haut, nos allies 253 Guerre des Renards (^par le conseil) 254 Dispositions des Sauvages domicilies 259 Lettre de M. de Louvigny, pour remercier le conseil de lui avoir L'HISTOmS DK LA NOtJVELLK FRANCE. 167ft 3fcMK Siittc. Vol. Vl—Cmf'tuation. Annuel. 81 Oct. 30 Oct. «Nov. 10 Nov. 10 Nor. 16 Not. 15 Not. 14D«c. 1717. 10 Aoilt. PUM accord^ Ia IUut«n«nce, et rendn oompte v 3 I't zpMition qu'il ■ Mte centre 1m Renards, dii 13 inarR ati 12 oetobro 261 Lettre de M. d« VaudreuU Hnr rimportanoe de raaintenir I'^la- blissement des Illinois pour aToir communioation dans le MiaHissippi. (Note approbatlre) 268 Do n)Am«, aur lea fierrices de M. LouTigny 265 Du mAme, au aujet de oertaines demandee de promotions. (Note do eonseil 267 Du m^roe, relatiTement h Tenvoi de recrues 269 Du mfime, au snjet de certaines sommes d^pensees par M. B6- son 270 M^rnoire du aleur Prat aur lea fatsaeaax Tenus au port de Qui- bee, et qui en sont partis, durant I'annle 1716 271 Requite du aieur de St. Vincent au sujet de son rang dans les troupea 273 Deliberation du eonseil, relatJTement au commerce du castor, etc 274 Supplique dea intlross^a au commerce dn castor 284 Representation du sieiir Collet, procureur-glneral du Roi au eon- seil suplrieur de h NouTelle France et depute de la colonic (au su- jet du commerce 285 Mimoire sur la Tille de Montreal par M. Chaussegros de Liry. . 289 Du sieur Brouagnes, second du sieur de Courtemanche, rendant au eonseil de marine un compte eiact de ce qui s'est pass^ sur la c6te du Labrador pendant I'annee 293 Notes sur certaines nominations A faire au eonseil suplrieur. . . . 296 Requites diTersea 297 Lettre de M. Collet el projet de traits pour former une nouvelle compagnie d'interesseB au commerce du castor 301 Demandes d'emplois dans les troupes 307 12 JanT. Vol de monnaie de carte fait au RJeur Petit, commis des treso- . riers de Quebec 309 M^moire de M. de Lino relatiTemfnt k un enfant bfttard envoye par sa m^re chez tea Saurages de Lorette 310 26 JanT. Rapport de MM. de Vaudreuil et Blgon, et arrdte du eonseil de marine, octroyant dea lettres de noblesse k M. de Senneville 312 8 F^T. Analyse d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil en date du 12 novembre 1716, au Bujet d'une nouvelle qui circulait, donnant k croire que les fils de MM. de Ramezay e( de Longueoil, rcvenant des Illinois. araient hli tues par des K^i^kakias ... 314 16 Jan. Lettre de M. de la Galissonnidre, au sujet d'un projet du sieur de la BroRse, lieut. de vaisseau, de lever une carte de la riviere de Que- bec (approuvfi) 316 3 Fev. Analyse d'une lettre de M. B^gon en date du 13 noTembre 1716, au sujet des finances de la colonic 318 Q^ Flv, Memoire de M. I'Hermito, ingenieur, proposant de lever les car- tes de I'ile Royale et de Tile de Sable (avec notes du eonseil de ma- rine.) ." 324 it i ^ 1574 MANUSCRITS RELATIF8 A 3bMB S^RiR. Vol. VI — Continuation, AniK'ci. 23 ¥6v. 3SF«v. 26 F6v. P*«M 17 MnrH. 8 Avril. 19 Jan. 28 Jan. 9 Mars 9Fev. 16 F6v. 23 F6t. Avrll. 12 Avril 27 Avril 11 Mai. 1 Juin. 15 Juin. AnalyRo d'lin m6moire du sieur de Courtenianche, capltaine du Canada, commandant i\ Labrador, on date du 13 soptombro 171(), at d'un m^niuiro de Ra fomme, on date de Bayonne, le 9 ddcembre 1716 (avcc notes du conseil) 82? Obsorvations du conseil Mur une demande des sieurs LoHdog ct Hu, de sY'tablir ^ la (irande Bale de la cdte de Labrador, etc 330 D61ib(!ration du conHeil au sujet d'un nu-moire du nicur Collet, procureur-g(n£ral, relativomont au paicmont des Icttres do change tir6os Rur le tresorior general de la marine 33^ Analyse d'une lettre de MM. de Vaudrouil ot Bcgon, on date du 12 novcmbre 1716, Hurlcs afTairos g6n6ralcB do la colonic, et le der- nier rocensoment (avoo notes du conseil) 332 Kcqucto du sieur Collet, procurour-general, touchant la gratiflca- tion d tui accordco, ct arrfitu du conseil h co Hujct 338 Eztrait de la lettro de M. de Sabrevois ii M. de Vaudreuil, au su- jet du nomme 8yla8ikigik 342 Extrait d'une lettro de M. do Sabrevois, ^crite du Detroit la 8 avril 1717 H M. de Vaudreuil 343 Analyse d'un memoire do Vaudreuil etdo Bcgon, on date du 14 octobro 1716, avec notes ct arr£>t6 du conseil 345 Note 8ur le sieur de Sarrazin 358 M6moire du conseil de marine sur lea prdtres du Canada qui ne sent plus en eUt de servir 357 Changement de la mission du Sault au Recollet 366 Sur le rang dun capitaines 369 Note du conseil au sujet de M. de Breslay, missionnaire 373 ArTtt6 du conseil d^sapprouvant la recommandation d'une decla- ration par laquelle sa majeste validerait toutes acquisitions faites avant 1710 877 Monnaio de cartes— historiquc do ce qui s'est pas86 k ce sujet. . 381 RequAte du sieur Dauleuil, aucun procureiir general du conseil supericur do Quebec, demandant qu'on lui accorde son passage h la table du capitaRie pour retourner au Canada, etc 397 Du sieur Collet, procureur-general, au nom des negociants de Quebec et Montreal, demandant la .icrmission d'etablir une place ou change dans chacune de ces vil'ies, etc 397 Projet d'arret qui permot aux negociants de Quebec et de Mont- real de s'aMcmbler 399 Requite du sieur Uodefruy de Tonnancour, lieutenant general de la jurisdiction des Trois- Rivieres, demandant & jouir du titre de noblesse accorde a sou aieul : observations du conseil h cc sujet. . . 400 Memoire du sieur Collet, procureur-general au conseil superieur du Canada, au Nujet des minutes des actes passes par devant no- taircs. 403 Du m6mc, au sujet des nouvcUes paroisses 408 Du meme, s'offrant de faire un code civil pour la Nouvelle France 411 L'iIISTOIRE UE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1676 SfcMK Skric. Vol. VI — Continuation. Annte*. Pmrns I)u mAmo, All Rujot du comincrco du castor 414 16 Juin. Uii tn^mo, contru la longiioiir dug proc6a 415 Du iiu'inv, duinandant quo iu;! i V -J 1578 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A Ann6e8. 26 Oct. 28 Oct. 28 Oct. SiiME S£rie. Vol. 'vII — Continuation. Lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil ct Begon au ministre, rclativement' a M. Duchesnay — bois — litre de grand maitro des eaux et forets — ilea de la Madeleine — de Brion — ties Rainees — iles aux Oiseaux . . . 626 Lettre de M. de Chaussegros de L6ry, au conseil, relativement aux fortiQcation.s qu'il fait faire et demandant Ic rang de capitaine. 62q Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au conseil, relativement aux pays d'en haut — les Sauvagus Chagouamigon, Sautenx et Renards attaques par les Illinois — gouverneinent de I'ile lloyale — M. Dubuisson — Mi» amis, Ouyatonous — etahlissements ik 1* riviere St. Joseph et a Teati» ky — honneurs daiis I'eglise 629 Lettre de M. de Lery au conseil, relativement aux fortifications de Quebec, Montreal et Chanibly — troupes 640 Lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon au conseil, relativement au sieur de Lanoue — Scioux, Oristinaux — commerce avec I'ile Royale — marchands forains — commerce de detail — liberie du commerce. . 643 Le comte de St. Pierre, demandant la jonction des iles de la Made- leine, Brion ou Ramees a sa oonoejision de I'lli' St. Jean 649 Avis du conseil de marine — MM. Peyre et Boishebert — peclie des marsouins 051 Requete du sienr dc la Boulardoric au conseil de marine, deman- dant la permission d'etablir uno |)eclie sedentaire i Tile Nigamiciie — projel d'ordro du Roi a ce sujet 653 Requete du sieur Benoit au conseil de marine — justice — attribu- tions du conseil souveruiu — pretentions des offlciers 655 Requete des p6res Jesuites au conseil — college de Quebec — leur entrepot il Montreal pour les missionnaires 657 Requete ties iiegociants du Canada et de la Ilochelle, a monsei- gneur le controleur-gcneral des finances, relativement au prix du castor, et a la liberie de la traite des ca.stors 659 Proclamation du sieur Richard Pliilipps, gouverneur pour le Roi d'An;j;lelerre, de la Nouvello-Ecosse ou Acadie, au suj :t du serment a preler par les Francjais qui voudront y rosier. 661 Lettre de monseigneur I'evequo de Queoeo au ccnseil — I'hopital general de Quebec— mailres d'ecole — liopital Charron — niedocin de I'Hotel Dieu — sage-femme — honneurs dans I'eglise 663 Requete de.s superieurs des hopilaux du Canada, au conseil, relativement a leurs rentes sur I'hotel de ville li Paris 666 Requete de MM. de St. Sulpice, el des ecclesia.^tiques du seuii- nairo de St. Sulpice, etabli.-; il Montreal, au conseil, relativement aux fortifications de Montreal 667 Requete de MM. Gauthier, Nicolas, de Cres et autre.s, au conseil de marine, demandant que M. le comte de St. Pierre soil oblige de leur reudre les lettres patentes de concession des iles St. Jean et Miscou. ^'''1 Ordre donne par le general Philipps, i M. Blin, marchand a BiLStoii, sur les moyens qu'il aura a employer pour donner connais- 29 Oct. 14 Nov. 1720. 16 Jan. 20 Fev. 20 Fev. Mars. 16 Mars 29 Mars. 12 Avril. 7 Octobre. 23 Avril. 23 Avril. 23 Avril. 28 Avril. L'iIISTOIEE DE la NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1579 Ann(Ses. S^ME S^RiE. VoL. VII — Continuation. Pwes sance aux habitants des Mines do Chignicton et places adjaccntcs, de la proclamation ct autres pi&ces dont il est charge 675 28 Avril. Lettre du mfimo aux habitants des Mines pour les invitcr h prfiter serment do fidclite au Roi d'Angleterre 675 28 Avril. Proclamation du memo, portant r6glement au sujet dea grains de la Nouvelle Ecosso 677 6 Mai. Lettre des habitants de I'Acadie d M. de St, Ovidc, au sujet du serment de fldelite demande des Franfjais par le gi:neral anglais.. 678 Mai. Lettre des habitants des Mines, au gouverneur anglais de I'Aca- die, touchant les diflicultes qui so sont opposees a I'exccntion des ordrcs qu'il leur a fait passer par le sicur Blin 680 26 Aoilt. Extrait du memoire do M. lo marquis do Vaudreuil, pour servir d'instruction au sieur Dumon, detachc pour aller commander au pays des Ouyatanous ct h. la riviere des Miamis 682 12 Sept. Lettro do M. le comte do Toulouse A M. I'archeTtque de Cam- ' bray — serment de fldiilite exige par lo general anglais des Fran- (jais qui habitent I'Acadie 686 27 Soft. Lettre do MM. de St. Ovide et Demezy — reponse i\ la lettro de M.Philipps gouverneur de I'Acadie — desSauvages — rivaliteanglaiso. 687 ■"^ '^ct. Lettre de M. do Louvigny au conseil, au sujet du litre de com- mandant general des pays d'en haut, qui lui a ete donne — les cou- reurs do bois — eau-de-vie — pretS faits aux Sauvagcs, lour guerre entr'eu.x — congis 690 22 Oct. Lettre de M. Chaussegros de Lery au conseil, relativement aux troupes, recrues, conges de soldats, inspecteur des troujjes .... 69G 22 Oct. Lettre du memo au meme, relativement aux jesuites — mission du Sault St. Louis — fortifications 697 22 Oct. Lettre do M. de Vaudreuil au conseil, relativement a la conces- sion des iles St. Jean ct autres, au comte de St. Pierre, qui favori- sera 1 V'tablissement de ces iles 698 22 Oct. Lettre du memo au memo, au sujet des missionnaircs qu'il a deji dcmandes — Renards, Kikapous, Mascoutins, leur guerre avec I'llli- nois — Miamis et Ouyatanous — rivalite des Anglais — Dumont Du- bi'isson — etablissements — conges aux soldats — cotes do Labrador . 699 25 Oct. Plaintes formees par M, de Breslay et la femme Desruisseaux, centre M. de Vaudreuil — reponse de MJL de Vaudreuil et Bugo.' . . 70S 26 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon au conseil, relativement aux droits du domaino d'occident, au sujet du chocolat et du sucrc — nionnaie de carte — liberie du commerce — M. de la Veranderio — taxe pour les fortifications — MM. de St. Sulpice 715 26 Oct. Lettre do MM. do Vaudreuil et Begon au conseil — regleraonts des districts de paroisses — hopital general de Quebec — inaison de fous pour k'S deux sexes — soldats invalides — maitrcs d'eook — conges pour la traitc — eau-de-vie — Illinois — mission du Sault St. Louis — marcliandi.sos t;lrangercs — rivalite anglaise — Pentagouet — Sarrazin — loups-marins — rats musques 725 26 Oct. Memoire de M. Chaussegros do Lery— fort de Chambly 741 KK 1580 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A >m .1 ,p ¥' SkviK SiiiiE. Vol. VII — Continuation, Anndca. Pages 26 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Vaudr'uil et Begon au conseil — enibauchago dea matclots et leur d6sertion — peines ..." 745 26 Oit. Lettre des memes au meme — ^population — ^prisonniera servant d'engag^s pour 6 ans 745 6 Nov. Lettre des m^aies au nienic^.domaine d'occident— marchandises etrangSres — visites domiciliaires 747 6 Nov. Lettre des rapines au meme— chirurgien de I'llotel-Dieu — maux de poitrine — demande d'Ane et ftnesse 748 10 Nov. Lettre du mdrae au mflme — deinandes et propositions d'avance- ment — St. Castin, Dubuisson, Rigaud— suppression des petites en- seignes , 749 6 Nov. Lettre des memes au mfime— disette d'argent 751 7 Nov. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au conseil — Sauvages domicilics— jus- tice militaire 753 1720. Deliberations du conseil — lettre de M. de Vaudreuil — Detroit — Sabrevois — Tonty 755 1721. 14 Janvier. Deliberations du conseil de miiriiie — lettre de M. Begon — culture du chanvre — encouragements qu'il fuudrait donner a cctte culture. , 761 Mars. Deliberations du conseil de marine, au sujet des j suites mission- naires — leur entrepot h Montreal 762 (Sans date.) Memoire concernani le ccrimerce du Canada 763 Sans date.) Autre memoire eraanant des habitants de la Rochcllc— colonic du Canada — commerce des castors 767 8 Mars, Deliberations du conseil — la veuve du sieur Laforest — fort Fron- tenac 770 8 Mars. Deliberations du conseil, au sujet d'une lettre do Teveque {^» Quebec, relativement aux conges — necessite d". Ics retablir — famil- ies pauvres — couieurs de bois — hopital general de Quebec 772 24 Mars. D(;liberation8 du conseil au sujet d'une reclame de MM. les ecclc- siastiqucs du seminaJre de St. Sulpice, relativement a la taxe des fortifications — diminution de leurs revenus — missions du Sault aux llecollets, transportees su' la tcrre du lac des Deux Montagues.. ., 774 7 Avril. Extrait d'une lettre a M. de Vaudreuil par lo sieur Uumont, rcn- dant compte de sa mission au Det -oit 77!) 24 Mai. Deliberations du conseil, au sujcl d'une kttre des"'!s du Sault St. Louis — commandant militaire de cette place, et la garni.u nil" me, sur la traite de I'eau-de-vie avec les Sauvnges — Ics affaires des pays d'en haut, etc 1165 Du nicnie, sur lea troupes, les soldats invalides, les conges abso- lus, etc 1167 Du inc'nie, rcnicrciant le niinistre dc la nomination dc Cnvagnal, son fils, (11 .M. lit! Vaudreuil) au conunandcnient des troupes 1169 J)u nicnic, sur les affaires des pays d'en haut 1 170 Du nicme, sur le memo sujet 1174 Du nn" nic, sur les accusations portt-cs contre lui 1 179 Du nuMiip, au sujet dc la nomination dc Sylvain (ou Sullivan) connne mcdecin de Montreal 1181 Du nii'nic, au sujet dc rcxercico du canon les dinianches — de Delislc de la Croycre — des Iroquois, Abennquis, etc 1 182 Du nieme, sur Ttniiscaining et le rctablisscmcnt des conges. . . 1183 Du inome, au sujct du nonibrc et dc I'cmploi des soldats et des fortifications 1184 De madame dc Vaudreuil, sur la mort du sieur Ilobort — I'insufTi- sance des appointeinents de M. de Vaudreuil — rimperfection des traviiux de menuiserie — la cherte de la vie i\ Quebec, etc., etc 1186 Dc M, de Vaudreuil, demandant des conges pour ]iasscr en France pour les sir-urs de la Vcrcndryc, Raniond, Celloron et la IVrrade, etc 1191 De M. licgon, sur la vcntc des pellcteries — sur le boin, les plan- clie>; et bordages pour France — I'envoi dc 5,79-i livres dc clianvrc — plaintcs contre Lanouillicr— etat des castors 1 197 Du nieine, sur la fui ct homniiige et I'aveu ct deiiorabrcmcnt . . . .1203 L IIISTOIIIE I)E LA NOUVELLE FllANCE. 1687 2 Nov. 2 Nov. a Xov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 1725 10 Avril. IS Mai. 3feMK Si^.HiK. Vol. VIII — Cnntinuafion. v^tift l)ii ni^iiir', Hiir le bois (|iii doit T'tre foiiriii 1203 l)c M.M. (li! Viuiilrc'uil et llrgon, sur In I'L'cniinuiHHiuico cIch ports ct Imvrcs till Hud du St. Luurvnt — Ich iiiiircliiiiid!! IbriiiiiK — In libcrtc do vciidre cii dc tai' —rnccnpiircineiit dcH bles — '!'(' iiuscamiiii^, etc 120(5 HcpruHentntiuiiH dv8 iiogotiiiiitH du Cuiuidu coiilru lea inurclmnds f.jiMing 1214 Do M. Ht'};on, sur la (lueaiion du cominerco fornin— io commerce ot api)rovi,sioniK'mci»t do la coloniu — Ic8 avantngcs do la liberie comincrciulf, lIc 1215 I)ii iniiinc, sur la Ubcrt6 du commerce ot los boHoins do I'Dgricul- turo 1219 Do IVIM. de Vniidreiiil ct Ut'gon, sur la iiiort di* M. Robert, qui vo- irnit icinpii'.cer M. Ue;;on — sur I'l nlretien du liuit iiiiiitrcs d'icole li I'hopitnl gt'iiural do Mon'.roal — sur les Scioux, et les nfFiiires doa pays d'en hiiut — los ceiealos — lo roinnicrcc avcc los Antilles — les pdchc.' — IcM fortilicitions — Ic iioinbro dus cabnrct.t, etc 1220 Do M, Hegon, au snjet do certalnes accusations d'ndultiro 1229 Du Hit' III!, nu sujet des fortillcalions dcMoiitiual et des travanx du clulteau St. Louis u Quebec 1233 Du luuuie, rcmerciant lu iiiinistre dc I'avoir noinmc intcndnnt du liftvre, etc 1234 Du niiMiie, sur I'liopital grnernl 1236 De MM. do Vaudreuil et Hegon, ;iu sujet du P. Loyard, des AbC— iiaqiiis— du logcinent des soidats, etc 1238 Des memes, au sujet du sieur Pachot — des depenses publiques, etc 1239 Des menie.s, relativemeiit & la delimitation des paroisse.s de Lo- rette, Denuport, St. Ovir», St. Pierre ft Ste. Croix, etc 1240 Dos nionu's, au siiji t do la nomination du due de Bourbon coiniue premier niinistre 1242 Du int'ino, demandant que les appointcmens dc la feinme Rou- clicttc ou Domtaiilo, Hii<;o-femme, lui soient payi's ri'guliereuient. . .1243 De M. de Vuudreuil doinandnnt de ravanceinent pour son Ols, ct la charge do gouverneur de Montre i' pour M. de Longueuil 1244 Du meme — mauvaise construction des fortitication.s de Montreal, etc 1245 Etat des poches a niarsouins en 1724 depuis Tile Verte jusqu'a la grande poiiitc du coto Slid (111 (louvc St. Lauront 1246 Memoir- lie Tevociue de (inobcc sur los revonus de tous les eta- blissoments ecclesiastiques et religieux du CimuJii 1249 Pi'ojet pour peupler le Canada de la maniuro la plus avantagcuso pour oetto colonic et pour la France 1251 De JI. lie Vau'lreuil, so plaignant dc I'acquittement dn noinmc Groiiard qu'il avait fait aricter 1265 Du memo, an siijot dc Temiscaniing — do I'esprit d'independance des habitants de Montroal— Feruie accordee a Floury do la Gorgen- dioro et troubles qui s'eu suivent 1270 ■t 1588 MANUSCRITS RELATIF8 A 1*<, h \ li^r 81;me S^rir. Vol, VIII — Co/i/»/ii/«/«om. 22 Mni. Dti ni6ino Hiir rCtabliBdcmont do Choucgon fnit pnr lug Anglais Hiir lo Inc Ontario, ct I'importanco do Ich cniii<^chur do n'y niaintenir, etc 12J6 DiBcourade M. doLongucuil aux Iroquois assoiubl^H ik Noatagufi et ro ponscs dcH Iroquois 1303 22 Mai. Do M, do Vaudrouil sur los menuos dos Anglal!; ot lours dem£l6H nvoc IcH Abtnafjuis 1313 22 Mai. De M. do Vnudreuil demandant un £tat dos marclmndiiius dosti- n6u8 aux rnognHitiH du HdI h Quehec... ..1319 !)u inoinc proposaiit ([n'on piTinetto aux HoldatH qui so inaritnt duns lo pays do garder lour fusil 1319 10 Juin. I)u M. do liiigon sur los postes d'on Imut — ot la inaladie de M. do Vaudrouil 1821 10 Juin. Du nu'mc, rcndtint coinpto des difficiiltC'S siiMcil6oa par I'ailjudica- tion do In fi'rmo do Tciuiscaining, et proposant d'airorrncr aussi tous los postes d'en haut, oto 1322 Du nii'ino Rur los nionCes des Anglnis, ot io.s t'tablisst'.iionts do Chouegen, Niagirn, Frontonac, La tlalotto, Ontario, oto 1335 Du ini^me sur rexploitalion dos mAts pour los vaissoaux du lloi. .1341 9 Juillet. Rcqiu'to do Paid Guillot ti M. do Vaudrouil ro plaignimt do I'adju- dication faito i\ M. do la Gorgi ndiero, etc 1316 10 Sept. Discours dos Iroquois q\ii sont venus a Montreal annonccr la inort de M. do Rainuzay — ct roponso aux discours des Iroquois par M. lo baron do Lungucuil 1349 Vol. IX. (172")--! 72(5.) Qouvernement inttriinaire do M. do Longuoil — fin do I'administration do Rogon— conuncnceinunt du gouvornoinont do M. do Doauharnais ct do ^administration do Dupuy. Amies du sieur do Longueuil. Annoirics donnecs H Charles Lemoino do Longuouil dans scs lettres d'annoblisscmcnt de 1668. Fac-simile de I'tcrituro do Jean Ee/que de Quebec, (n29),Longueuil,licgon, Beau- harnois, Dupuij, (17.26.) 1725. 4 Oct. Lettro do revi'que do Quebec so plaignant de co qu'on cnvoio au Canada des personnes dereglees — des tnauvaisos mocurs, consequen- ce du celibat force des soldats — de la cupidite, etc — demandant la protection royalo pour Ics religieusos hospilaiieros do Quebec, de Trois-Uiviercs et do Montreal — annontjant lo naufrage du vaisseau du lloi, la mort de Louvigny, etc — rcndant compte dos projets du frore Chretien pour retal)lissenient dVcoles, etc 1361 20 Oct. Memoire qui explique les anciennes limitos du poste do Temisca- mingue sur les connaissances qu'en out donnecs les sieurs de Ver- cheres et Lamorondiere, officiers des troupes, et les sieurs Blondeau et Hose, voyageurs qui ont ete dans ce poste (redige par Begon). . .1370 21 Oct. Lettre de M. de f^ongueuil demandant le gouvernement general du p.ays 1373 m •y I ■ i l'histoihe de la nouvelle trance. 1689 Anni>oi. 2'J Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 81 Oct, 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 81 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 172(). 15 Fcvricr. 20 Mai. 3feMK S^:rik. Vol.. IX — Continuation. Pl«M Do Chnusnegro8 de L6ry 8ur Ics travaux flc lortlllcatlonH dc Mor.t- rfiftl ct do CliBinhly — ct Hur la cathi'dralo do Qiiclicc, etc 1374 l)ti MM. du LongiiiMiil it Ui-t^oii, traiiHiiiottant Ic placot ot le me- tncire diH Ii6ritier8 do fuu licur llurtd, au Hnjotdu fort I'ontchartrain do Chunihly ot Ha banliuiio 1377 I)« MM. du UeKun ct du Lungucuil au siijot do la perto ruHultant d'uno diminution d'un cinqiiit^mo niir la valour dos eMpuiiOR 1383 Dca iiicinca, proposant d'accordor la concession au-doHsus do La Norayo au Hieur (latinoau ■ 1386 1>C8 inoincs relativemcnt aux fortifications, ot au logenient dcH soldats .1387 Do M. Hcgon, sollicitant de I'uvanceinont pour son froro 1388 Dc M.M. do Longucuil ct Higon, tranHniottant un ctnt dun peches u niarsouinH ctablicB dana lo tieuvu St. Laurent, et do ce (|v.i a etc pris i^ la fin do I'automno de 1724 et dcpuis I printcni) do 17i6 jusqu'il present ' ■'O Des nityuiea surla nouvelle adjudication du posto de Temiacaniin- gue .U92 1)C8 mi'inos, 8ur les atraircs genrinlos do la colonie — \ . nays d'on haul — IcH etablisgetnciitK du Choucgcn — Niagara, Tt oriio, Outa- ouncs — Ohio — la neutralite des Iroquoi.-i, etc H03 Dcs mcfincs an sujot du rtgkincntdcs districts do paroisaes — des ofliiirc de La Prairie, St. Our.s, St. Pierre, etc 1413 De M. Hegon concernant I'exploittttion du boisdemflturc^— logou- dron, etc 1414 ReinarqucH du sieur de Tilly pendant son voyage S Cliicoutimy pour y examiner les pins propres ii la uiulnre, etc 1417 De M. Jk'gon, rendnnt compte d'une ditHouUi' entre les sieurs St. Castin et Peire au sujet d'j la pi-che de la morue, ct d'uno ordon- nance qu'il a rendue i cet i'gard (lixle dc I'ordonnance) 1422 De M. JJegon annonqant qu'il a fixe h noinbre dca cabarets ii deux par paroisso 1434 De MM. Longueuil ot Bt'gon rendan*' •"omptedurattitudo des Abe- naquia vis-d-vis des Anglais 1436 Des nieuKs annooQant la mort do M. ue Vaudreuil arrivfie le 10 octobre — le naufrage du Chameau — rendant compte des afTairesge- iierak's de la colonie 1442 Des niCmes annonQant le depart do niadamc la marquise de Vau- dreuil 1451 Kecensement des navires qui sont vcnus devant la ville de Que- bec, taut dc la France que des lies de la Martinique et I'ile Koyale, et ceux qui sont pai tis de la dito villo 1452 Avis dc mon.seigneur I'ivoiiue de Quebec ct MM. dc Longueuil et Begoii au sujet dcs rechuuatiuns saulevtcs par le nglcment des districts de paroisses 1453 Dc ^L Hegoii anujucjaiit sa dttrrniination dc coutiniur encore un an en coiiseiiucncc du naufrage du Chameau. 1457 ll ^1 Ir m UBi'- ' rw ,1; ,; *<■:!, ■ il!''l§ I id ''^ ffi '■";■ :' II '4 ■ ■ V m. ' \\ 1590 MANTJSCRITS EELATIF9 A m SiiME S^RiE. Vol. IX — Continuation. Annies. , Fagei Du ni6me nu sujet de la diminution des troupes — du fort de Nia- gara — des Abenaquis et des Sauvages domicilies, etc 1458 15 Juin. Copie de la lettre t'crite par M. de Lignery de laBaie des Puants, i M. de Liette, commandant aux Illinois. 1461 ler Juin. Conseil tenu a la Bale des PuantE> par M. de Lignery avec les Sa- kis, Puants et Renards, en presence de MM. D'Amariton, de Cli- gnancourt et du reverend pere Chardon 1465 7 Juin. Me moire coiicernant la paix que M. de Ligneray a faite avcc les chefs des Rennrds, Sakis et Puants, a. la Baie ; (travail des bureaux)l469 25 Juillet. De M. de Longueuil au niinistre, sur les affaires des .-'auvages les Renards, les Saiiteux, les Sioux, etc— I'etablisscment de Niagara, celui des Anglais a Chouegen — Tineendic du palais de Quebec, etc.. 1473 14 Juillet. Conseil tenu ft Niagara par Ls deputes des cinq nations Iroquoi- ses avec M. de Longueuil 1481 10 Sept. Lettre de I'eveiiue de Quebec au ministre au sujet des affaires ecelesiastiques — I'insuffisance du nonibre des pietres — I'inter- diction du cure de Louisbourg — la mauvaise conduitc des recollets, etc 1487 Liste des representans tlus par plusicurs lieux et cites de la Nou- ' velle York (du !26 sept, au 3 octobre 1726) pour servir dans I'as- semblce generate 1491 Discoursdu gouverneur Burnet aux representans assembles, le 27 septcmbre 1 192 Resultat des eo. lercnces ou pourparlers teiuis par les Anglais r.vec les Sauvages Abenaquii a Falmouth dans la Casco-Bay a Ten- tree de la Nouvelle Augleterrc, avec uno lettre de M. le marquis de Beauhartiais, gouverneur de la Nouvelle France aux Abeuaquis de St. Franqois 1495 22 Sept. Extrait de la lettre de M. de Noyan ii JL le marquis de Beau- harnois ecritc de Montrt'al, au sujet de retablissenieiit de Niagara. 1507 5 Sept. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Longueuil sur le progros du fort do Niagara, et I'abandon de Chouegcn et de la petite chute par les Anglais 1510 28 Sept. De M. de Beauhf.rnois au sujet des presents a donner aux Abe- uaquis 1512 28 Sept. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au sujet de I'etablissement projete aOuabache 1513 Du menie au sujet des fusils ii donner aux soldats congedies qui se marieront loll Du meme transmettant les certificats de service et de catholicite du sieur Larondc Denis 1514 Du meme aecusKiit reception des conf^es a'*cordes aux sicurs de La Veranderie, Celoron et Dugue 1515 Du meme, sur dus questions de preeminence 1516 Du meme, au sujet d'un onlre dii lloi pur'nnt que certains jeunes geus de famille seront soldats dans la colonic jusqu'i la fin de leurs jours 1517 l'iIISTOIRE DE la NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1591 3fcME S£rie. Vol. IX — Continuation. Ann(!es, _ Psgca Du meme, enr les conges militaires — rimpossibilite d'augmentcr lea troupes— le budget du Canada, etc 1518 1 Octobre. Du meme annoiKjnnt qu'il a assiste au Te Deum chante dans la cathcdrale de Quebec a roccasion du mariage du Roi .1520 Du m6me sur la necessite d'etablir la poudri^rc dans un autre endroit 1520 Du m6me, sur les affaires des Illinois, et la mission des Sioux. .1521 Du meme sur deux soldats deserteurs qui 8e sont rendus h. Orange 1523 Du meme rccommandant la requete presentee par lesieur Chsiis- segros de Lery pour avoir la croix de St. 'jouis 1523 12 Octobre. De M. Htgon, transmettatit un plan do Montreal, dresse par le sieur Dugue 1525 14 Octobre. De I'intendant Dupuy, sur I't'tat des affaires dans la colonic, etc.. 1526 • Do MM. de lleauharnois et Dupuy sur I'adjudication des travaux necessites par la constructio- du nouveau palais, etc., (avec duvis) .1531 20 Octobre. Dos mcines, sur les espeti ,s — le bois de la Bale do Gasp6 et de la Biiie des Chalcurs — la navigation et le conmicrcc — les peches de marsouiiis — la police du pain — la poudrierc de Quebec — le loge- ment des troupes, etc 1551 De M. de Beauharnois demandant un conge pour le sieur Ama- riton 1557 Du meme au sujet des limites du gouvcrnement de M. de Lon- gueuil 1557 De MM. de Beauharuoia ct Dupuy accusant reception de la de- peche qui leur notifle ia resolution du Roi da gouverner lui-m6me sans premier ministre. 1558 Des memes, au sujet du logement du gouverneur il Montreal 1559 Des mumes, au sujet de divers offices de judicature 1 560 Des memes, relativement au commerce du castor — des fraudcs, etc. 1563 21 Octobre. De Dupuy, annonqant qu'il aloue la maisonde Mme. de Ramezay pour trois aus 1569 Du nienie, sur les affaires ecclesiastiques — I'eniploi des soldat.s — le commerce et les peches — le bois de construction — les mines — les defritheniens — les moutoiis et autres bestiaux — les peaux d'ani- niaux sauvagcs — les cabarets, etc 1571 Du Mu'ini', annoncjant que les DUcs. de Vaudreuil passcnt sur le vuissiau du Roi 1587 Du meme, au sujet des traites pour le compte du Roi dans les pays d'en haut — des bois — du chanvre — des lettres de change, etc. 1587 30 Octobre. De M. Collet,, d I'intendant, au sujet dc la place de conseiller clerc, et de M. Chartier'^de Lotbiniere, etc 1 592 Dc M. Dupuy, sur diverses affaires de la colonic 1596 Dc MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy, au sujet de diverses nomina- ' tions— du seminaire de Quebec— des constructions — des Ursulines — des projets de chantiers — du sieur St. Castiu — de la navigation du St. Laurent, etc 1599 1592 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A It 1 J 3i;ME S:^RiE. Vol. IX — Continuation. AniK^ps. Pages 21 Octobre. De Dupuy, au sujet des limites de la traite do Tadoussac, et de la r6 union de la seigncurie de la Malbaie au doinaine 1611 Du niSrae, sur lea desordres de la femme Reaume 1611 Du m6me, au sujet du papier-terrier 1612 22 Octobre. Du m^me, relativenient au ramonage des chcminces 1612 14 Octabre. De M. de Beauharnois, au sujet de la frr^quence desincendies, ctc.1615 25 Octobre. Du meme sur les menees des Anglais — I'etablissement de Nia- gara — M. de Joncaire 1619 23 Octobre. De M. Begon, arrive en France apres une absence de 14 ans — rend compte de sa traversee 1623 29 Dec. De M. de Beauharnois, au sujet de certains honneurs reclames par M. Dupuy 1625 Vol. X. (1727.) Gouvernement du Marquis de Beauharnois — administration de Dupuy. lere page — Armoiries du Marquis de Beauharnois. Fac-smile de recriture de '* Daigremont" \e " Marquis de Vaudreuil" " Beau- harnois.^' 1727 Requcte des habitants du gouvernement de Montreal au marquis de Beauharnois demwdant I'etablissement d'un college 1627 Memoire sur I'eUblissoment de Niagara ig3j 23 Jan. Reglement des districts de paroisses 253^ 10 Mara. De MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy sur la traite de I'eau-de-vie et sur les reparations fk I'Hotel-Dieu de Montreal . . I643 6 Mars. De M. de Beauharnois au sujet de ses differends avec M. Dupuy. 1647 8 Mars. Du meme, sur le meme snjet, et aussi sur le deces du procureur- general Collet 254.8 26 Mars. OrJonnance de M. Dupuy annuUant le der;>ii'r bail du poste de Temiscamingue jggg Avril. De Mme de Vaudreuil offrant H vendre sa maison de Montreal pour le Roi iq^^ De Mme dcVaudreuil offrant d'echanger sa terre du Canada contre la foret de Vauvrny jggg De l.T meme, presentant un memoire en faveur de plusieurs per- sonnes du Canada ^667 De la meme, demandant un loyer convenable pour sa maison do Montreal 1557 De la meme, demandant la place de commandant du Detroit pour Adht ar de Lantagnac, petit neveu de son marl, etc 1674: 27 Avril. Memoire au sujet des Ronards iqj^ Sur les etablissements de Niagara et do Chouegen 1683 29 Avril. Sur les Abenaquis — les Scioux— les Renards — les menees des An- glais, etc 1687 30 Avril. De M. de Beauharnois, annoncjant (|ue les jesuites qui sont chez les Scioux demandent des instruments de mathematiquos 1695 Du meme, sur ses differends avec M. Dupuy ]699 18 Mai. Du meme au sujet des Renards, etc noo ml L HISTOIRE DE LA NOITVELLE FRANCE. 1593 Seme S£rie. Vol. X — Continuation. Annies. 20 .Tuillet. 9 Aoftt. 18 Sept 24: Ao(it. 5 Sept. 11 Sept. 12 Sept. 16 Sept. 20 Sept. 25 Sept. 20 Aoftt. 25 Sept. De M. Dupuy, annonQant qu'il a affertne Toronto h M. de la Saus' Pages .1703 saye, Paroles des llurons du Detroit et reponses aux Hurons 1707 De M. Lacorne rctnerciant le ministre, de la gr&ce qu'il yicnt d'ac- corder h son fils 1713 De M. de Beauharnois, annon^ar.t qu'il ne peut rendre compte de de certaines choses parce qu'il a ete inalade 1716 Du mfime, annoncjant qu'il a charge le baron de Longuoil de veil- ler aux intert^ta de la compagnie des Indcs. 1715 Du mfeme, annon9ant qu'il a reuni lea 40 Nepissingues de I'ile aux Tourtes i la mission du Lac des Deux-Montagnes 1716 Du meme, au sujet dea plaintes portces par le sieur Sylvain, me- decin 1716 Du meme, au sujet de ses differends avec M. Dupuy 1717 Du meme, sur le meme sujet — sur les religieuses de l'H6tel- Dieu de Montreal — les traites de Toronto, Frontenac et Niagara. . . 1719 Du meme, au sujet des individus envoyes par lettres de cachet en Canada — et sur I'etablissement projete des Anglais a Ouabache.1723 Du meme, au sujet de la rivalite anglaise — du commerce etran- ger — '38 Sauvages du Sault St. Loui^ et du lac des Deux-Monta- gnes. .1725 Du memo, sur les Abenaquis et le fonds que le Roi leur alloue Bur I'etat du doniaine 1726 ' Du meme, remercaient des graces accordees aux personnes qu'il a recommandees 1727 Du meme, annonQant qu'il a fait chanter un Te Deum en I'hon- ncur du retablissement de la sante du Roi 1728 Du meme, demandant qu'on fasse arreter tous les Frantjais qui vont sans permission du Canada au Mississippi 1729 Du meme, envoyant I'etat du coCit des hangars nccessaires pour mettre i\ couvert le bois de construction 1730 Du meme, demandan.: des mcdailles pour les Sauvages 1733 Du meme, a proposd'une expedition projetee contre les Renards. 1734 Copie de la lettre ecrite par M. de Beauharnois A M. Delietle, commandant aux Illinois 1784 Memoire de M. do Lutbinifere, vicaire-general, en faveur des enfants de M. Degly 1734 De M. de Beauharnois, annontjant qu'il a promis aux Hurons de rappeler le commandant du Detroit 1739 Du memo, au sujet des pensions des veuves 1742 Du meme, a propos des plaintes de capitaines do vaisseaux retenus par le gouverneur ^ 1743 Du meme, au sujet des rangs dans les troupes 1744 Du meme, annongant que les provisions de M. io baron de Lon- gueuil out ete trouvees conformes h celles de M. de Ramezny 1744 Du meme, sur I'accueil flatteur qu'il a regu h Montreal — sur le commerce etranger— sur li gratification en poudre en faveur des aide-majors, etc , 1745 1691 MANrPjCEITS llELATIFS A fi m ^ Mi li: 3iiME S£rie. Vol. X — Continuation. Anniof. .... Pag«9 26 Sept. Pu memo, .snr les conges militaires — la mission de3 Scioux — I'augmcntatioii des depeiises publiquos, etc 1747 26 Sept. Du memo, un niemoiro Lery 17,51 Memoire de M. Chaussegros de Lery 1752 Octobre. De MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy, au svjet de ramclioiation du port de Quebec 1755 10 Oct. Do M. do Heauharnois, se plaignaut de M. Dupuy 4 I'egard des constructions publiques. . . .'. I757 10 Oct. Copie de la lettre ccrite au Cte. de Maurepas, par M. Dupny, intendaiit — et reponse du sieur Baudry de la Miiiche 1759 14 Oct. De M. de Beai'harnois, transmetfant un memoire du P Lafitau, au siijet des pretentions des deux couronnes, en Taccompagnant d'observations 1763 14 Oct. Du meme, se plaignant des depenses que faitl'intendanl Dupuy. 1765 17 Oct. De M. Chaussegros de Lery, sur les travau.x de Niagara — le projt't d'une citadelle & Quebec, etc 1767 18 Oct. De M. de Beauharnois, notant certains points sur lesquels il difTere d'opinion avec M. Dupuy 1769 Memoire s'jr certaines places dans la judicature 1770 20 Oct. De MM. do Beauharnois et Dupuy, annon^ant qu'ils feront tous leurs efforts pour rompre les liaisons des Anglais avec les Sau- vagcs 1772 De M. Dupuy, sur les depenses publiques devonues indispensa- bles — sur la necessite de fortifier Montreal — sur le projot de citadelle a Quebec 1773 28 Oct. Etat des fonds necessairos pour les fortifications et reparations de.s butiinonts de la Nouvelle France ii remettre I'annee piochaine, (1728) 1779 20 Oct. De M. Dupuy, principalement sur la culture et !e commerce du chanvre — la manufacture de goudron — le commerce de contre- bande, etc 1783 20 Oct. Du meme, sur certaines servitudps que des communautfes pre- tendaient imposer contrairement ft la coutume de Paris 1791 De MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy, au sujet de certaines recla- mations de madame de Ramozay 1795 Des memes, sur les moyens de prevenir les dig.'its commis sur los proprietes des particuliors, etc 1799 De M. Dupuy, sur les affaires gineralcs do lacolouie. .1803 ct 1811 Dii mcine, sur le commerce 1851 De MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy, sur les communautes— les chantiers, etc 1858 De M. Dupny, sur ses difT^rends avec le gouverneur 1861 , Du meme, sur certaines affaires do commerce 18C3 Du meme, surle papier terriei — les titres des commnnautes— les comptes du tresorier — et certaines reclamations de particuliors, etc 1864 De MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy, sur Sexploitation des bois..l868 l'histoire de la notjvelle prance. 1595 Snn**. 14 Oct. 9 Sept. 20 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 20 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Oct. 23 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 28 Oct. SliME Serie. Vol. X — Continuation, Vag-n Copie de la lettre ecnte par M. Lepage ik M. I'mtenJant (k propos d'un maroh6 pour le bois) 1870 Proc^s-verbal de la vente des bois de la B.iie St Paul 1871 De MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy, sur la poudriare, et le loge- ment des troupes 1873 De M. Dupuy, sur l'6tat de Tartillerie — sur le chemin de la cote de la basse-ville, etc 1875 De MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy, sur un impot h faire sur les habitants de Montreal 1877 Desmfiraes, au sujet de renregistrcment de certainesordonnancesl878 De M. Dupuy, sur les depenses de la colonie 1879 De MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy, sur un projet d'etablissement k Labrador 1883 De M. de Beauharnois, sur une jilace de conseiller clerc d rem- plir 1883 De M. Dupuy, sur I'e.xploitation des bois— et sur M. de Tilly. .1884 De M. Dupuy, sur lo fonds des invalidcs de la marine — rexemp- tion en favour des Equipages qui vont k la pfiche au bas du St. Laurent — I'amirautfi de Quebec et I'amiraute de Louisbourg 1887 De MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy, sur la monnaie — rimposition de Montreal pour les fortifications — la peche— le recenseraent — I'etat civil — I'alignement des rues, etc.. 1891 De M. de Beauharnois, sur ses difficultes avec M. Dupuy 1895 Du meme, sur la position de la fam ille Lou vigny 1895 Du mfime, transmettant, en I'appuyant, la demande d'une pen- sion par madame d'Argenteuil. 1896 Du meme, sur les depenses faites par le sieur AmatJon pour sauver une sauvagesse de la mort, (avec un extrait d'une lettre de M. de Liette) 1899 De MM. de Beauharnc«s et Dupuy, sur les mcnees des Anglais, et la nScessite de faire la guerre aux Renards J 903 De M. de Beauharnois, transmettant une p6tilion des marchands de Quebec — sur la concurrence faite par les marchands fcrains — le commerce enlre le Canada et I'lle Royale, etc 1907 De M. Duiiuy, sur la mauvaiso situation financi', de la oolonie, (avec pieces 1915 De M. i'j iioauharnois, sur un traite des fortifications fait par M. de Lery 1923 Du m6me, sur les fraudes commises dans le commerce du castor — et la iiecessito di "rardes pour la compagnie des Indes . . .'_927 Do M. Dupuy, sur i.,igent dans la colonie * 1931 Representations des negociants de la f' " voile France f}^^ De MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy, au sujot de I'age auquel les jounes gens devrOTit etre admis dans les cadets, etc 194v De M. Dupuy, sur les finances de la colonie 194S De M. de Beauharnois, sur un projet de college des Jesuites k Montreal 1961 LL l^-OP \i t- ' Mi 1696 *i ANUSCRITS RELATIPS A Annciei!. 5 Nov. lei Nov. 16 Nov. ShiTE S£rie. Vol. X — Continuation. Fa«M Du m6me, sur 1p manque d'argent dans lacolonie . . ... ... I96i De M. Dupuy, sur le barrage du fleuve A la Traversa -le t^ou ." t. Patrice — le* f.audes — les postes du Roi — les poiuieS'-Ieiuctesdes notairea — IVrnoation pubH ue — la redoute de CV.ui j n — )*fe<:8. Wissement de Niagara— les limites de I'Acadie- -lee atcUives du Cai\a !a, etc ;963 De M. Dai£'i'.3niont, au e'iei do la rei fa des ttuupes, etc 1981 Vol.. XI. (J.728-1729.) GanVERNE.irBHV l>n MARQCIS it; BEAUnARNOIS. Fac-wmile de VecritxvK da Daigremont ; Denis de ft. Sii.ijn ; Denis de Rav^e- zay ; J, Haz»ur ; G. de, Saint Ai.i\^u8tin, sup ileum ; Fiiri ; Jgnac Gamdinj McUhiot ; Greysac, eh 1717. ? JiHt! L I>eRlu>-ation du Koi pour la suppression d<; la rnonuaie de car^e ea 0( uaila 1883 1723. 21 Juin. rm. 10 Not. 1728. .i3 Janvier. 7 .Avril. 1728. 1727. 20 Octobre. 1728. 15 Janvier. 0>duK'^ancc de M. Begon, intendaut, qui rcduit d'un quart les Xi i( >s dues imx seigiseurs par les habitans 1990 OrdonnuviCJ de M. Dupuy, intendant, qui contlamne les habitans (ie la seigneurie de Bellechasse & paver au sieur de Rigauville, leur seigneur, sur le pied de leurs contrats 1993 Autre ordonnance qui prononce la m6me chose que celle ci-des- BU3 centre les habitans de la seigoeurie de Bi>aupoit envers leur seigneur 2016 Opposition des dlts habitans de Beauport & I'execution de I'or- donnance ci-dessus avec declaration qu'il ne pourvoiront au couseil du Roi centre la cUte ordonnanpe 2022 Mecnoire de I^icolas Lanoullier sur la ferine de Tadoussac — et sur ies droits de dcnnine en Canada 2027 Etat des fonds & demander pour les depenses h^ faire en I'annee 1728 (Dupuy) 2039 Etat de munitions de guerre et de bouche pour un dutachement de 2000 bommes 2043 m Lettre de M. de Beanhamois sur ses difllerends avec JVI. Dupuy.. 2051 16 Janvier. Du mftme sur le m^me sujet 2055 23 Janvier. Du mfirae our le mfime sujet 2059 27 Fevrier. Des directeurs de la compagnie des ludes, au sujet des passeports.2013 27 Avril. De M. de Maurepas, aoumettant differents sujets de rechercbes aux habitans du Canada 2067 11 Mai. Du meme, au sujet des limites des paroisses . 2071 16 Mai. De M. de Beauharnois, au sujet des Sauvages ' -ut 2075 19 Mai, De M. de Maurepas h. M. Dupuy, au c"iet de - . . Jiirends avec M.d( uharnois ...2079 l'HISTOIBB DB la NOUVELLE FRANCE, 1697 3^.ME S£aiE. Vol. XI — Continuation. Anntei. Pagei It Juin. D« M. de Beauharnois transtnettant de Rochefort aux habitans du Canada des iustructions sur la culture du chanvre 2083 4 Ao&t. Du tnfime au Bi\jet deR Renards et de8 Sioux 2087 18 Aodt. Du mime, sur le m^me aujet 2091 1 Octobre. Du m^me, demandant une concession de terres, et priant qu'on I'erige en marquisat 209/{ Du m^me, au sujet des m^dailles & donner aux Sauvages — dea ^tablissements d'Ouabache, etc 2097 Du mfime, au si^et dea armes — des pieces de canon — du college de Montreal — des capitaiues des cotes — des honneurs dus dans les iglises, etc 2099 Du mSnie sur le rappel de Tonty, et de Lo:~gueuil — sur les com- mandements de postes — les congas, etc 2103 Du mfirae, accusant reception de brevets, etc 2107 Du mSme, assurant qu'il s'efforce de provoquer de la part des habitans du Canada des recherches relatives h. rhistoire naturelle et aux arts 2107 Du m^rae, sur les pr^sens k faire aux Sauvages — sur les conges ebsolus, etc « 2108 Du m^me, au sujet de la desertion des soldats 2109 Du mdme, au sujet de I'exercice du canon— de I'envoi de troupes — des forts de Niagara, Chouegen et Frontenac, etc 2111 Du ni^me, au sujet du medecin Sylvain, etc 211 3 Du m^me, annon^ant qu'il a fait venir M. Daigremont pour rem- placer M. Dupuy, etc 2115 Du m^me, demandant qu'il soit pris des mcaures centre les con- seillers Gaillard et d'Artigny, partisans de M. Dupuy 2116 Du m^me, sur la mort de M. de Tonty— des promotions d'offi- ciers — la demande de M. de B^cancourt de la croix de St. Louis, etc.2l 19 De MM. Beauharnois et Daigremont au sujet des maitres d'ecole — du comiiierce avec les Antilles — des marchands forains — de Pile Royale— des ^tablissements du Sud — des forts Chouegen et Nia- irara— des fortifications de Quebec et de Montreal— de I'exploitation des postes par les officiers, etc 2128 DcM m^mes, au sujet du cure Morin, devenu fou — de la revue des troupes, etc 2139 Des mSmes, au sujet des Chouauous. 2140 Des mSmes, sur le poste de la Galette 2143 Des momes, annon<;ant que le sieur Lenoir a accept^ les fonctions de honrreau. 2144 i>ec >..^.vita, sn sujet des paiemens faits en peaux de chevreuil . .2145 ^)es m^mes, au sujjt du seminaire de Quebec — dea chautiers — des poi. ^I'^res — des casernes — des quais de Quebec, etc 2147 De M. de Bcauharnc is, dc aiandant la decision du ministre sur une question de jurisdi' don 2151 Des MM. de Beauharnois et Daigremont, envoyant trois placets relatifs h. la remise de dettes envers le tr^sor 2153 I'l.l ' 1598 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A H> ?!' \ ,1 11 ki 3I;me S^rik. Vol. XI — Continuation. Ann^i'i, Pages DcB tn^mes, annonQant que lo sieur Testu do la Richnrdi^re a accepts la place de capitaine dc posted Quebec, etc 2155 Des niiimes, nn sujet des revue.o militaires 2157 Des niemes, sur la necessite de faire conttruire 100 canots de bois 21 59 Des memes, au sujet d'une concession demandee par M. Martin pr^tre, h Labrador, etc , 2160 Des memes, accusant reception de deux exeniplaires de I'ordon- nance du ler juillet 1727 2162 6 Octobre. De M. de Beauharnois, demandant le cordon rouge 2163 9 Octobre. De M. de Beauharnois transmettant une lettre de M. Hazeur s'excusant d'avoir pris fait et cause pour M. Dupuy 2167 10 Octobre. Liste des habitans de Quebec qui se sont presentes pour appren- dre I'exercice du canon en 1725-6-7 2171 15 Octobre. De M. Daigremont, annonqant la resiliation du bail du poste de Toronto 2175 De M. C. de Lery, aniionqant qu'il a reniis h aI. de Beauharnois ^ les plans des fortifications, etc 2175 De M. Daigremont, au sujet de la mani^re dont M. de Beauhar- nois a dispose des conges, et de la ferme des postes de Niagara et de Frontenac, etc 2179 Du merae au sujet d'une adjudication pour Ics vivres des 8oldats.2l83 De M. de Tilly, demandant diverses graces 2184 De M. Daigremont au sujet dela poudre 2185 Du m6rae, relativement au poste de Toronto — et sur I'augmenta- tion de la valeur des especea en Canada 2187 Du nieme, remerciant le ministre de la confiance qu'on lui temoi- gne, et promettant des dclaircissements sur I'etat des fonds 21 90 Du mfirae, au sujet des droits de I'amiraute 2192 De M. de Beauharnois, annon9ant qu'il a fait arrfitif Chetiveau de Roussel venu du Mississippi sans passeports 2193 De M. Daigremont, au sujet du papier-terrier et de I'opposition des communautes i donner Tetat de leurs revenus 2194 Du meine, au sujet de la farine destinee h I'ile Royale 2195 Du niume, au sujet du chanvre, de la construction des vaisseaux — des mines defer, de la resine, etc 2197 Du meine, annonqant que M. de Tilly ira servir h sa place d Montreal 2199 16 Octobre. De MM. Beauharnois et Daigremont annon^ant qu'on a di-cou- vert une ardoisi^re h lOO lieues au-dessous de Quebec '-^203 18 Octobre. De M. de Beauharnois se plaignant des calomnies que M. Dupuy repand contre lui - -"07 19 Octobre. De M. Denis de St. Simon, justifiant sa conduite comme prevot des marichaux, et demandant une augmentation de gages 2211 De M. de Longueuil au sujet des etablisscmens de Niagara et de Chouegen ct des erapicteraens des Anglais 2214 L HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE PRANCE. 1599 shardiere a 2155 2157 canots de ...2159 ■ M. Martin 2160 de I'ordon- 2162 2163 M. Hazeur 2167 lur appren- 2171 1 poste de 2175 leauharnois 2175 e Beauhar- Niagara et 2179 les8oldats.2l83 2184 2185 augmenta- 2187 lui temoi- ds 2190 2192 Chetiveau 2193 opposition 2194 2195 vaisseaux 2197 I place a 2199 a decou- 2203 ivl. Dupuy 2207 lO prt'VOt 2211 iagara et 2214 3J;me S£rir. Vol. XI — Continuation. Anniloi. ^ Pagua Requete de la conimunaute de I'tiopital g(.'nC;ral, se plaignant de la contrainia morale h eile iinposue par M. de Tieauharnoia au sujet du sieur Boulard, vicairc-gcncrat— avec une annexe annouqant que la paix est r6tablie dans la maison 2210 20 Oct. De M. C. de Lery, se plaignant de co que dans les travaux pour le rctablissement du palais inuendi^i de Quebec, M. Dupuy ne I'a pas con8ult6 2223 24 Oct. De M. de Beauharnois, defendant la sieur Robert, pretre, con- tre les calomnies dont il est I'objet 2227 31 Oct. De MM. de Beauharnois et Daigremont, au sujet de I'achat des bies pour la subsistance, par M. de Lignery 2231 5 Nov. De M. de Beauharnois, demandant gr&ce pour le sieur de la Romle 2235 Du m€me, se plaignant du sieur do la Gorgendi^re, qui a afler- me un poste d son ins^u 2239 6 Nov. De MM. de Beauharnois et Daigremont, recommandant la de- mands du sieur Boucault, procureur du Roi, pour augmentation de gages 2243 8 Nov. De M. de Beauharnois, donnant avis de I'tchouement du navire la ViUe-Marie 2244 Du meme, au sujet de la gratification en poudre h laquelle a droit le sieur Deschailions 2245 Du meme, au sujet de la disetle de colliers de porcelaine 2246 Du nidme, au sujet de la fraude du castor — du sieur I'limbault — de la pauvrete du Canada "n chefs de justice 2247 Du meme, se plaignant que les Ursulines favorisent le p. '•! >^' M. Dupuy i9 De M. Daigremont, annonqaut qu'il n'a pu prendre connaissaiice des comptes de 1711 il 1725, M. Dupuy ayant emporl6 tou'i les papiers 2251 De M. Peire, tiansmetlant un etat des p^ches de marsouins 22S4 De M. Daigremont, envoyant le projet de depenses a faire en Canada en 1729 2267 Du meme, sur les castors gras et demi-gras et une requite de la compagnio des Indes 2271 10 Nov. De M. de Beauharnois, annonqant que M. Morin, cure du Cap Sante, est vanu le prier de le remplacer 2279 11 Nov. De MM. de Beauharnois et Daigremont, sur la. de poudre T 2283 Des m^mes, se plaignant de la rarete de I'argent et demandant de la monnaie de carte 2287 2 Dec. De M. de Beauharnois, annon^ant la mort de M. Daigremont . .2295 9 Dec. De M. de Tilly au ministre, annon^ant qu'il fera, provisoirement, les fonctions d'ordonnateur, en remplacemenl de M. Daigremont.. 2299 2*^ Doc. De M. de Beauharnois, exposant les prttentions de IVIM. de Tilly et Boisclerc, et annongant sa decision en faveur du premier 2303 :.» D6c. Du mdme, transinettant un duplicata de sa lettre du 22 decembre 1727, au sujet de ses diffgremls avec M. Dupuy 2307 jMSBb. 1600 MANUSCRITS RLLATIFS A m 'Wi. $ I m m M ■5- ! 3iME Sl^.RiE. Vol. XI — Continuation. AnD . ooiapagnie dt... Indes au m^moire envoyu par des marc.liarj^ ai habitants du Canada, oonoernant lea castors demi gran et yeiilea 2315 8U Arril. Lettre de M. de Tilly, aimunqant qu'il oontinne les affaires commenoees par M, Daigremont— doiife sur I'uxistence d'une ardoisiere aux JVfonts Notre-Dame — prise des sieurs de Montbrun, Guignas, missionnaires, et '1'^ >»••' m Fran^nis par les Maskoutins, Kikapous, etc 2327 10 Mai. De MM. de Beauhimois et de Tilly snr la disette d'argent et I'accHparernent des b'.es par les marohandH forains 2335 19 Mai. De M. de Beau'.4rnois, annon^ant que les Mascoutins et Kika- pous ont declare la gueire aux Uenards, eto 2339 29 Mai. M6moire de M. de la Boulaye sur le Canada 2343 Juin. Etat des courses laites par le sieur Rob. de la Morendidre de 1729 h 1730, dans les cotes du gouvernement de Montreal pour y faire oonstruire des forts da pierre 2351 21 Juillet. De M. de Koanharnois, uiinun^aiit I'adhesion de plusieurs autres nations sauvages dans la guerre contre les Ronards 2355 25 Sep.. De M. de Longueuil, fils, annon^ant la mort de son p^ro 2359 12 Oct. Du coadjuteur de Queb !0 au sujet de sa traversee et du naufrage iieVEl^hant 2363 14 Oct. Du m^tne, au sujet du sieur Richard, missionnaire 2367 16 Oct. Du miime, au sujet du clerge 2371 18 Oct. De M. G. de Lcry, annon^ant que I'ardoisiere du Grand Etang existe et qu'il en a dijk tire 18 inilliers d'arduises 2375 22 Oct. De M. de Longueuil, fils, proposant qu'on lui achete ou loue sa maison, pour payer les dettes de son pdre 2379 24 Oct. De madame de Rumezay, demandant de Tavancement poui son fils 2383 25 Oct. De M. Hocquart, annon^ant ses dispositions h se oonformer aux inteiUions du Ri i, et expos * que les magasins sont encombr^s de ciiHiivre— que 125 bam de goudron ont ete fabriques— qu'il encouragera la culture et interdira la traiie de I'eau-de-vie, etc. ..2.384 De MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart, au sujet des presents !i faire ai' ' Sdi.vages , 2394 De M. C de Lery, au sujei dos batterios— des quaii devant les maisons, etc 2395 Du m6me, au sujet d"? foru .uons de Montreal et ''i Quebec. 2396 De M. Horquart, air^ icjant .Til a nomm6 le sieur Varin, con- trdleur, en reinplacf: n le ^' Roisclerc, et demandant qu'il eoit nomme 'in commi^sai. j (i«< mai le, etc 2398 De MjvI. de Beaulwrnoia et Hocquart, transmettaiit, en I'ap- puyant, une demando du sieur Uenoiat, medecin de Montreal, en faveur dr son fils — ct recommandant que le salaire du chirurgien des Trois-Rivieres soit fix6 a 300 livres 2400 P:«' IV S 1 L HISTOIRE LA NOUVELLE PnANCB. 1601 SiiMB S^niE. Vol. XI — Continuation. AnnAet. PifM De M. Ilooquart, au sujet de la perte de VElfphant, aveo un procis-vorbal ilu naufrago du oe vaigsean 2401 Du mAme, sur le commeroe aveo Ion AnglaiA 2405 l)e MM. de Itoauharnois et Hooquart, appuyant uno demande de M. de Longueuii, fils 2406 Des memes, au sujet des pretentions de M. de la Corne et den h^ritiers de Longueil 2407 De M. de Beauhamois, au sujet des AMnaquis— de la compa- gnio des Indes, etc 2409 De M. Hof.quart, annon^ant qu'il a nomine M. de Tilly, son sub- dfcl6gue k Montr6al 2409 De M. de Beauharnois eii faveur des sieurs de Montbrun et de la Qemeraye 2410 De M. HiKjquart, sur 1 'enceinte de Montreal et I'impoHition qui la concerne 2411 De MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart, au sujet de la construction de canots de bois — du bourreau — des explications de M. de Lignery par rapport dt des achats inutiles de vivres, etc 2418 Do M. Hocquart, au sujet de ses appointemonls et do la perte qu'il a 6prouv£e par le naufrage de VEUphant 2419 Du inline, au sujet du papier-terrier .2420 Du meme, au sujet des armes de guerre— des milices — itu boiii.2422 Du rnSme, au sujet de I'exportation du ble, etc 24'.rl4 De MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart, appuyant une demande de Jean Guillot, etc 2425 De M. Hocquart, au sujet des d^penses et de certaincs amelio- rations au palais de Quebec 2426 De MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart presentant divers candi- dats k la charge de grand-voyer. 2427 Des m^raes, k I'occasion d'un placet du sieur Richard, pretre . .2428 Des m^mes, au sujet du bois k faire passer aux iles, etc 2429 Des m^mes, au sujot des atiaires ecclesiastiques, etc 2430 De M. de Beauhar lois, annonqant la mort de M. de Becaiicour, grand-voyer, etc 2430 Du raSme, sur un projet d'ttablissement aux Illinois 2432 De Beauharnois et Hocquart, tra i acttant, en I'ap- puyant, un placet des relif^ieuses hospitaliferes de Montreal 2432 De M. Hocquart, en faveur d'une famille don? It; chef (etant charpentier) a ete tue par accident 2433 Du menie, transmettant un etat des objets sauves du naufrage de VEUphant—ei uii elat des marohandises dont la colonie a hesoin— et donnant une idee du revenu des ^tablissements de Frontonao et Niagara 2434 De M. de Beauharnois, annonqant que pour se garder des Iro- quois, il a fait ctablir un fort de pierre dans cheque seigneurie, etc 2439 Du mfime au sujet de Pexjortalion du bl6 2443 i 1602 HANUSCRITS RELATIF8 A h mi 3feME Sl^.KiB. Vol. Xl— Continuation. Ann4«*> . Pafft* Du mCrnOt aii Hujet de U diitributiun dua cong^a — ut dut oom- iniiiKlumenls du iKwtux, etc 2444 Do MM. dn Ucauliariiuia et llooqiiart tranamuttniit dt du port— do la poudre, etc 2431 l)es m6mea, au Hujet dua putornea convertioa on puudriiirus . . . .2457 Don mt^tnun, au aujet do la miaaiuu du Miramichy 2468 Dea mt^inea, rucominandant lo rilabliaaument du palais 6pia- oopal 2450 Dea mfiinos, nu aujot doa minea do for du St. Maurice 2460 Do M. Hoccpiart, nunon^ant qu'il lui eat impoaaible do rcduiro lo noiiibro dea etnployua extraordinaires 2466 Liate dea ofiiuiera 2466 Do M. Donis do St. Simon, rappelant qu'il a demamlu uiio aug- mentation do marechuuas^o, cto 2468 Do MM. do lieauharnoia et Ilocquart au sujet d'un 6tabli88e- raent au Labrador 2469 Dos m^mos, au aujot du naufra^o do I'EUphant et dea servicea rciidus pour aauvur let4 efibta 2472 Do M. do Bnauliarnuia, demandant 1500 liommes do troupea rC- gl6es — dos coUiora do porcolaino, etc 2478 Du m^me, demandant I'avia du miniatre, sur une domande du sieur Gilles Leroy 2480 Du m^me, au aujot do la nomination de M. Ilocquart oomme ordonnateui 2481 Du memo, au aujet dea d^pensea faitoa pour la guerre centre lea Renarda 2482 De MM. do Beauharnoia et Ilocquart aur la monnaio do carte et lea lettres de change 2483 Dea m6mea, aur lea soldata envoyda par lettrea du uaohot — le fort de Scioux, etc 2487 De M. Hocquart, annongant qu'il fera parliciper M. de Tilly h la gratification accord6e k I'intendant draisondu commerce du ca8tor.2493 Du meme, sur lea encouragements h tlonner H la construction dea vaisseaux — chanvrea — mines de fer — goudrons — resine — tereben- thine — rations des soldats — Toronto — farinosde I'lle lloyalo 2494 Do M. de Raymond, demandant ik etre maintenu dans lajouis- sance paisible du droit maritime nomme conservateur du havre de Brouage 2503 26 Oct. De M. de Beauharnoia — mutations dans le gouvernement et dans la troupe- -croix de St. I-ouis 2507 De M. Hocquart sur un projet d'etablisstinent d Millevache 2511 27 Oct. Du in^me, envoyant un mumoire adressfi au conseil par le sieur de Latour 2515 29 Oct. De M. de Beauharnois, au sujet du caractfere diffamatoire de I'ar- ret du conseil sur ses diflerends avec M. Dupuy 2519 mm l'uISTOIHE J)E la NOXJVELIiB FllANCE. 1608 3feME S£kib. Vol. XI — Continuation, AiinltM. Piffe* De M. IIuo(|uart, uiivoyant un baril du t(:r(.t>eiitliinu et una gii- iiuillu (lu reNine 3033 1 Nov. Oo MM, (le BcauharnaiH ot Kocquart, tranmnottant I'extrait d'un« luttru £(;rito (>ar lo ri'V. p^ru Lnuzun tk M. do lioiiuhariiniH, deman- dant uno augmontation du rovonu attacli6 & la mbttion do 8ault St. LouiH 2527 Do M. do Huauharnoii faisant I'tilogu du coadjutcur, do M. Hoc- quart et do M. do Tilly 2681 Du MM. do Buauharnola, et Hocqiiart, demandant quatre Sa- voyardH pour ramoncr Iuh chon\in£eB, Il>8 duux qu'il y a dkjii 6tant duvvnuB trop groH ot trop grandu 2S85 Dos nii^iuea, proposant M. Cugnet ou M. Oerthier pour une place de conseillcr vacante 3S&9 H Vol. XII. (1730-1731.) GoUVKRMEMENT OU MaRUUI^ VB BbAUIIARNOIS. Fac-almilo dtti autographes do Jloniuart, (1729) ,• De In Douluye., (1728) ; Chariier de Lotbiniire, nrchidiacre do Quebec ; Lynn St. Ferrdol, cui6 do Quulioo ; LevasseuTf prtitre mi'^sionnairo do Lolbini^ro ; Jii». O'aitlard, miHsionnuiro a Ui.Tlhier ; Cugnet, (1730); VaudrtuildeCar(ignal,{yi2\); Malhiot ; Lacome. 173U Memoirc sur la charge du conseiller clerc au conseil sup^rieur — question de pruemineuce 2543 13 Jan. Lottro de M. do Bonuharnois au ministre, lu! annon(;ant la niort de M. Deagly, lieutenant du Roy 2549 14 Jan. Lottro do M. Uocquart au ministre — harmonie qui r^gne entre M. legouvernour, Mgr. I'ev^quo etiui-nidme — ^grando quantity dochan- vre — monnaio de carte -mort de M. Dosgly 2f " 17 Jan. Dernanues do pension de la part de Mrno la baronno de Longueil — de Mme de Becuncourt — de Mme do Tonty et de ses deux tUles — Mme de Louvigny deniande son passage sur un des vuis.scauz du Roy, pour retourner en Franco — MM. de Buauharnois et Hocquan demandont un chirurgien — le aieur Alavoinc, chirurgien, demande une auginentatiun do snlaire — gratification accordee au sieur Varin.2552 24 Mars. Meuioire de Mgr. Dosquet \ M. le marquis de Bcauhamois et h. M. Uocquart — mauvais etat du palais episcopal — reparations — vente do terrains qui en dependent, otc 2555 25 Mars. Memoire — irregularite de certains actea notaries — visite dea minutes i559 1730 MM. Chariier do Lotbiniire, archidiacre de Qui:bec, Lyon St. Ferreol, cur6 de Quebec, Levasseur et Gaillard, demandont ou I'e- tablissemcnt de la dime sur lo pied de la coutumc de Paris ou I'au- torisalion d'abandonner lours missions 2564 1730 RcquCtc des cures et missionnaires du de Quebec pour obtenir que Ics dimes soicnt reglues conformemcnt h la couturae de Paris 2666 1604 MANTJSCRITS RELATIFS A ■ iv In ■ -1 . hi Anntfcs. 6 Mai. 17 Juin. 25 Juin, 13 Ao(it. 28 AoJit. 29 Aoat 7 Sept 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 C';t. 10 Oct. 10 Oct 11 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 1' 3hyiK Si5rie. Vol. XII — Continuation. Cot pte-rendude M. do Beauharnois— expedition contro lea Ro- nards, fnites par les Outaouas, Sauteux, FoUes Avoinea et Puants. .2574 Lettre do M. Thaumur ik M. le marquis de Beauharnois — com- merce avec la Louisiano 2577 Lettre de M. le marquis do Beauharnois au ministre — nouvelle expedition conlre les Renards — Dubuisson — Marin 2581 Lettre do MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre, rendant compte de I'arrivee du vaisseau du Roi, son pilotage 2583 Lettre do Mgr. Dosquet—indemnite qui lui a cte accordee pour les portes qu'il a fuites, lors du naufrage de V Elephant 2584 Lettre du meme — fonda pour les cures uses — s6minaire do Que- bec — discorde dans le clerge — missiounaires 2585 Lettre de Mme de Ramczay au ministre, le remcrciant de la remi- se de la somuie que le tresorier de la marine avait avancoe k son fils, inort dans lo naufrage d'un vaisseau du Roi et demandant pour lo scul his qui lui reste, la lieutcnance du Roi, vacante par la mort de M. Uesgly 2589 Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre, demandant pour M. le mar- quis do Beauharnois la decoration du cordon rouge . 2591 Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre — naufrage dc VElrphant — delimitation des paroisses. 2592 Lettre de MM. Beauharnois et Hocquart, au ministre, touchant la demande de naturalisation de M. Werbar 2394 Lettre des mi'mes au meme — revenant bon sur les appointe- ments d'officiers dccedes — hopltaux — gratifications de la compa- guie des Indes 2595 Lettre des memes au meme — logement des gens dc guerre — bsrviee dans la milice — exemption 2597 Lettre des meines au meme — conflit ecclesiastique — suspension d'un cure 2598 Lettre de M. Flocqiiart au ministre — mauvaise preparation des salaisons — situation du poste Niagara — sedition des troupes de ce poste 260l Lettre de M. dc Beauharnois au ministre — Acadie — rivalite anglaise 2605 Lettre de M de la Corne au ministre — necessite de faire un ctablissemeut cu haul du lac Chaniplain, au lieu dit Pointe a la Chevelurc — rivalite ang'nise 2606 Lettre de monseigneur Oosquct au ministre — discorde qui r^gne dans le clorge 2608 Lottre du memo au memo, demandant la concession d'une sci- gtieurie k 10 on 12 lieues des Trois Uivieres — encouragements h donner il Tagrieulture . 2611 licftre do M. Hocquart au ministre — argent proveupnt des conges — MM Leverrier ot dc la Come 26 13 Lettre dti nieuie an miiiue — palais de Quebec — achat d'avtloiscs pour le compte du Roi 2614 L niSTOIEE DE LA NOUVELLE PEA.NCE. 1606 8I:me S£rie. Vol. XII — Continuation. Annica. Ptgea 14 Oct, Lettre du mfime au mSme — conflit entre le conseil superieur et ramiraute 2615 14 Oct. I "ttrc du m6me an nitime — simplification dcscomptcs 2016 14 Oct. Lettre de M. Ilocquart au niinistre — subdeli'gation de Montreal donne h M. Michel de la Rouvillifere — commerce etranger — le port des Indiennes et h f aude du castor 2618 15 Oct. Lettre de M. de B' uharnois et Ilocquart au ministre — forts de pieux dana les seigneuriea 262) 15 Oct. Lettre des memes au mfime, relatant ce qui s'est passe h Quebec, h I'occasion de la naissance du Dauphin 2G22 15 Oct. Lettre des memes au niotne — vaisseau du Roi le //»'ros — M. de I'Estcndudre — sondage du St. Laurent 2628 15 Oct. Lettre des mC-mcs au mfime — amnistie pour les desortcurs ... .2630 15 Oct. Lettre des mfimes au mume — presents aux Sauvagcs Algonquins et Iroquois 2630 15 Oct. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre — conmercc etranj^er, rivalitc anglaise — M.>L de la Chassagne, de Reaucourt et Leverrier .2633 15 Oct. Lettre do MM, de Beauharnoiset Ilocquart au ministre — march6 qu'ila ont conclu avec les sieurs Cugnct ct Gatineau, qui doivent aller chorcher chez Tcr Illinois dea bocufs de oetto contreo pour les amenor a Quebec ou Montreal 2635 15 Oct. Lettre des memes au meme, au sujet de la dame Frontigny — con- seil superieur — prison — executcnrs — faux saunicrs — libertina — ma- recliausseo 2641 15 Oct. Lettre des memos nvi meme — soldats envoyes par lettres de cachet 2646 15 Oct. Etat des munitions et inarchandises qu'il est nficessaire d'onvoyor du port do Rochofort en 1730 pour garnir los magasins du llci a Quebec 2649 10 Oct. Lettre de M. de Bcauharnois au ministre — ordonnances de la guerre 2648 15 Oct. Lettre do MM. do Beanharnois ct Ilocquart au ministre, au sujet do pensions ii acconlor aux enfiints de la dame de Louvigny, h la fillo do madanio desRerfjeres, aux da'-iesde Varennc,de Langloiserie, de la Perade et Le Oardcur 2657 15 Oct. Lettre de M. de Beanharnois au ministre, au sujet de I'avance- nicnt et promotion de plusieurs offleiers. I! solll'Jte la croix de St. Louis pour plusieurs d'entr'eux, et avant tout, pour M. dc Lery.2658 15 Oct. Lettn du m6mo an mCmo — etablissenicnt h faire sur le lac Champlnin, au lieu dit: " Pointe filaChevelure" — rivalite anglaise. 2662 15 Oct. Lettre du memo au meme, soliicitant pour M, Ilocquart une coni- mis.sion d'inte .c ant 2662 15 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Beanharnois et Ilocquart au ministre — imposi- tion (le Montreal — soldats suis'ses — peuplement 2663 15 Oct. Lettre des memes au mcine— rejouissances qui ont eu lieu ^ Que- bec et Montreal il I'occasion de la naissanen du Dauphin 2665 15 Oct. Lettre des monies au meme — achat d'ardoises tirees du Grand m m m i ^■'i 1606 MANUSC.niTS RELATIFS A AnT)6c8. 3kme S^rie. Vol. XII — Continuation. Vmet Etang, qu'ils ont fait au sieiir Sarazin 2067 15 Oct. Lettrc des meines au memc — rivalite anglaiso — Niagara — Frontc- nac— Michillimakinac — Detroit — Ouyatanoiis 2669 15 Oct. Lcttre des incmcs au ineme — dupenses failes lors du naufrage do V Eliphant — conges militaires — le .sieur de la Richanliere, cnpitaino du port — seininaire de Quebec — quai — casernes — reccnsement — al- location faito aux Recollets 2671 15 Oct. Lettrc des nieines au ni(^mc — exploitation par M. de la Gorgen- diere, du poste de Tcniiscaminguc 2676 15 Oct, Lettre des luemes au nieme, proposant conime gardicn du cha- teau St. Louis, le siour Ciianiiiziu 2679 15 Oct. Lettre de M. Ilocquart au ministre, lui transmettant cnpie d'un memoire qu'il a adresse au controleur-general, etablissant la neces- site d'augmenter les troupes pour remedier aux abus du commerce etranger avec les Sauvages 2679 15 Oct. Lettre du uieme au meme, demandant la croix de St. Louis pour les sieu.., le la Come, Ropentigny et de Contrecoeur — elogedu sieur d • la Mattinierc 2680 16 Oct. Lettre du coaJjutaire de Quebec, faisant connaitre qu'en execu- tion des ordres du Roi, un Tc Deum a ete cliante dans toutcs les t'gliscs de son diocese, a I'occasion de la naissancc du Daupliin . . . .2082 IG Octobre. Lettre du coailjuteur de Qui.bec, au s-ujet des dimes — seminaire de Quebec — pauvrete de ccrtaints paioiss(3s 2682 16 Octobre. Lettre du inunie, tonchanl les fiercs Charron — Ilotcl-Dieu de Qui bee — Ursuliiies des riois-Rivieres — liopital general de Quebec — divisions des rcligieuses 2683 17 Octobre. Lettrc de M. Ilocquart au nilin'stre, au sujet du chanvre— gou- dron — navircs — chevanx — bestiiiux 2680 17 Octobre. Lcttre du nieme au nu'ine, touchant les sieurs LanouUier ct Fou- cault — finances de la volotiie ? J98 18 Octobre. Lettre de M. Cugnet a'.i ministre, remerciant Sa .Miijesto de m noininalion au conseil superieur de (Juibec 2710 18 Octobre. Lettrc du memc au meme — son cntreprise de commerce des jaines do boouf illinois — demande une concession sur la riviere du Sault de la Chaudiere 2711 18 Octobre. Lettre de M. Ilocqu^.rt au ministre — le sieur de Tilly — sou iloge.2714 19 Octobre. Lettre do M^L de Beauhariiois et Ilocquart au minii-tre — services du sieur Helugard 2715 ''9 Octobre. Lettre des rnentes au memc — aetes de notaires — contrats de ina- riage dressi s par les cures et missionnaires 2710 19 Octobre. Leitre du coadjuteur de Quebec et des missiormaires, demandant I'abolition de la traite de I'eau de vie 2718 22 Octobre. Lettre de MM. de Beauhariiois ct Ilocquart au ministre — mine de cuivre decouverle a la poiuto Chagoiiamigon 2730 22 Octobie. Lcttre des niomi.'s au meme — dissensions parmi les ecclesi-isti- ques — palais ipiscopal — soldats par lettres de cachet 2731 23 Octobic. Lettre des memes au meme — revolte a Niagara — jugemciits mili- taires 2734 l'iIISTOIRE DE la NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1607 Aiin<5es. SfcwE S^,RiE. VoL. XII — Continuation, pa^es 23 Octobre. Lettre des inemes au m6me, relativement h la monnaie de carte. .2738 25 Octobre. Etat des foiids qui aont dans lea tnagasins de la colonic au Jer sept. 1730 — ventes faites dans ces inugasins pendant Ics huit pre- miers mois de I'annee et I'etat dva castors remis au bureau 2743 23 Octobre. Lettre du coadjuteur de Quebec — concession demandee par l'ev6- que pour protegcr I'agriculture 2746 23 Octobre. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ininistre— ordonnances de la guerre — M. de Noyan — pays d'en haut — Detroit 2747 24 Octobre. Lettre de MM. de Beauharnais et Hocquart au ministrc — scini- naire de Quebec — greffier de la marechaussee 2748 '24 Octobre, Lettre des memes au nieme — le sieur Fouche, procureur du Roi d Montreal 2749 28 Oct. Lettre do M. de Reauharnois au ininistre— transmetfant un etat nominatif des officiers qui sont autorises a passer en France. 2750 25 Octobre. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ininistre — le sieur abbe Lep,.go— son cloge — construction de navires— hangards 2751 25 Octobre. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministrc, demandant qu'on lui envoie quatro jeuiios Savoyards pour rauioner les cheniiniies 2759 25 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Heauharnois et Hocquart au ministre — rela- tivemept a un executeur 2760 25 Oct. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre — relativement a Dupuy et aea creanciers 2701 28 Oct. Lettre du memo au meme — relativement aux Renards — Dubuis- son, ses services 2772 9 Nov. Lettre ciu mi'me au meme— relativement au.< Renards, Sonnon- touans et Loups 2773 10 Nov. Lettre de MM. do Beauliarnr)is et Hocquart au mini.stre— hopi- lal general — administration laique des communautes — H6tel- Dieu .2:74 12 Nov. Lettre des memes au meme — relativement aux sieurs Sarrazin, pure et fils, leur eloge 2780 14 Nov. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre — les Rerardf.— nations alliL'e3.27Sl Novembre. Lettre de MM. de Heauharnois et Hocquart au ministre— rela- tivement a la clofaitc des Rcnarii.s— Devilliers 2786 1730. l\Temoire sur la concession do I'.le St. Jean, et de.- autres iles voisines 2787 1717. 17 Jan. Proposition de fairc passer des nciffus en Cannda 2791 1731. Etat de la (ii'pnnse fiiitu pour la reiiie des traitos do Tadoussac poiulant les .six aunees du liaihlu Lniii.s Bourgeois — ut du produil do la vente des polleteiies et autros marchandises, ele 2793 1731. Etat de la depense que lo sieur do Lignery a faitudan.-j sos deux voyages do la Haio, en 172 1 it 17J(i 2798 1731. Memoire du sieur Malhiot sur la colc/iie du Canada— construc- tion dus navires 2799 2 Jan. Lettre de M. Orry— commerce etranger 2803 14 Avril. Lettre de MM. Duvancil, Dupiii et autres— relativement a la traite de Tadoussac — terre de Malbaye— compagnie des Indes 2803 i-*') 1608 MANUSCRITS EELATIFS A W: *lK m h It ■■• iVilV ■ I 3i;ME S^RiE. Vol. XII — Continuation. Annies. Pwei 14 Jan. Leltre de MM. do Beauharnois et Hoc quart au ministre— ren- dant compte de r^chouement da Bea^^/tarnoia — mine de cuivre — 6meute de Niagara — hopital-general de Quebec 2806 15 Jan. Lettre do M. Hocquart au miniatre — au sujet dc I'cr^voi du chan- vre par le Beauharnois — les Renards — fausse monnaie tit larte. .2809 13 Fev. M6inoiro concernant les rivalites anglaises — Detroit — Mic'iilli- makinak — Miamis — Ouyatonous — Frontenac — Niagara 2814 14 Avril. Copie de la lettre 6crite par MM. les fermiers g6neraux, d M. Cugnet, direclenr a Quebec — relativement aux etablissements do Tadaussac et Malbaye 2816 16 Mai. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre — lui envojant un duplicata de sa lettre relative h la guerre des Renards — sondage de la riviere — maladies epidemiques 2825 5 Sept. Lettre de madame do Thiersant au ministie — lui demandant son appiii auprfes de la compagnie dcs Indes, A laqnelle elie demande une pension 2827 30 Sept. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre — relativement h la construc- tion de vaisseaux — hangards — les sieurs Lepage et de Bieury 2829 ler Oct. Lettre du meme uu memo— relativement k Tadoussac — papier terrier — communn.uti'S religieuses — armes aux soldats congedii-s. .2850 ler Oct. Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre — pre- sents i faire aux Sauvages — chefs Sauvages en France — Iroquois — troupes 2853 ler Oct. Lettre des m^mes au meme — requites oiviles— consignation d'amenJe 2856 ler Oct. Lettie de M. de Noyan au ministre — demandant une concession — Iroquois 2859 2 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre — dimes —cures — vicaires 2860 3 Oct. Lettre des memes au meme — papier terrier — concessions 2866 3 Oct. Leltre des memes au meme — relativement a Thopital-gencral de Quebec — election de In euperieure — administration des comrau- naiites— coadjuteur — hopital-general de Montreal 2868 4 Octi Lettre des memos aw meme — I'lle Royale — grand vicaire — llles do la congregation — instruction des jeunes lilies 2878 4 Oct. Lettre des memes au meme — recolte des bleds — farines 2879 5 Oct. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre — batisse h faire pour mottre en surete les actes den notaires, et les rC'gistres du conseil supe- rieur 2881 7 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Psauharnois et Hocquart relativement aux cadets — Suisses — corps de caserne 2884 7 Oct. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre — la poudre dont il a besoin — louche — Raimbault, — commerce etranger 2886 7 Oct. Lettre de M.M. Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre — le sieur Berthier— Hotel-Dieu de Quebec 2891 7 Oct. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre — rejouissances qui ont eu lieu, h I'occasion de la naissaaco du Dauphin 2892 AnnfJes. 8 Oct. 8 Oct 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 12 Oct. 12 Oct. 12 Oct. 14 Oct, 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 17 Oct. SiiME S^RiE, Vol. XII — Continuation. Pages Lettre do M.M. de Beauhamois et Hocquart au ministre relative- ment aux chevaux — bestiaux— construction de navire.s — manque d'ouvriers et de gens de journee 2898 Lettre des mfimes au meme — appuyant la demande d'une con- cession par madame Legardeur 2898 Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre rehtlvement aux Son- nontouans — Iroquois — Outaouais — Hurons — M. de la Corne 2899 Lettre du mfime au meme — rivalite des Auglais — Chouegen . .2900 Lettre du meme au mfime — relaiivementauxmedaiUesadonner aux Sauvages 2901 Lettre du meme au meme— defense qu'il a faite au sieur Walon de porter la croix de St. Jean de Latran, qui lui a iti donnee par le coadjuteur de Quebec, avant d'y etre autorise par le Roi — eloge du sieur de St. Miohel 2902 Extraitde la reponse faite par MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart, au memoire du Roi du 8 Mai 1731, au sujet de la rivalite des An- glais — Pointo a la Chevelure — forts de pieux — reglement des li- mites du cote de I'Acadie 2905 Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart, au ministre— !e peu d"union qui existe entre les chanoincs et le coadjuteur — porte du rampart du cote de I'eveche, fermee par I'ordre de M. lo coadju- teur, forcee et emportee par la population mecontente 2908 Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre — renseignements sur le sieur Michel — un commiasaire do marine necessaire k Montreal 2911 Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre — exccu- teur— faux sauniers — etablissenients — les sieurs Lepage et de la Ronde 2913 Memoire de M. Denis de St. Simon au comte de Maurepas — necessite d'augmenter la marechaussue — demande d'une augmen- tation de traitement 2918 Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre — chanvre — goudron— mats — construction de navires 2923 Lettre du meme au meme — monnaie de carte — son credit r6ta- bli 2926 Lettre du meme au meme, donnant des explications sur les me- sures qu'il a prises relativement aux comptes de M. Lanouilier. ..2935 Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre — navi- gation du ileuvo 2942 Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre— castor — ecarlatines— com- merce ctranger — Anglais i Montreal 2944 Lettre du meme au meme — necessite de donner le granil cordon rouge a M. de Beauharnois — ologe de MM. de Contrecceur, Cava- gnal et St. Michel 2946 Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre — rela- tivement au college de Montreal — conseillers — mine de cuivre k Chagouamigon 2949 Lettre do MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre, au snjet des actes defectueux des notaires— M. Leverrier 2961 ''r m ;,;•": III! I ,1 . ,. li 1610 MANU8CRIT8 RELATIFS A ;}fcME SiCRiE. Vol. XII — Continuation. AnnCios. Paget 18 Oct. Lettro de M. Hocquart au ministre — commerce ttrangcr — impo- position (io Montreal— envois ik I'lle Uoyale de fleur de farina et do pois blancs 2955 1731. Extrait ihi registre du contrdlc en 1731. Proc ^s-verbal du mar- ohe conclu avoc lo sieur Jeanson dit Lapaime, pour la fourniture do la maqonnorio des trois portes de la ville de Montreal, qui dci- vent I'tre coiistruites par les soins du sieur de Lery 2959 18 Oct. I.ettre do MM. do Beauharnois et Hocq\iart au ministre, rela- tivement au commerce du Detroit — bcDufs Illinois — Cugnet — Gati- neau — I.ouisiane 2961 18 Oct. Lettrcs dus memes au memo, au sujot do MM. de la^Chassagno — de Reaumonl— lo chevalier Bigon 2967 18 Oct. Lettro des memos au meme, relativement au Chouanous — rivalite anglaibo — Choucgen — Boishfebf it— bocufs Illinois 2968 18 Oct. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre, relativement it im acliat d'anloises — palais — Tadoussac — le sieur Bauvo — cai.ssier des tre- soriers gt neraux 2971 19 Oct. Lettro du siour Vaudreuil do Cavagnal an ministre, le reraer- ciant de I'avoir justifie aupris do M. do Beauharnois 2974 20 Oct. Lintio I'u memo au meme, signalant la neccssitii d'un envoi de recrueiJ, pour la garnison de la pointe h. la Cheveluro — il demande lo gouvernomeut do Montreal 2973 '21 Oct. Lettre do MM. delieauharnois et Hocquart au ministre, rela- tivement a un eondamne cnvoyo on Canada, qu'ils foront servir matclol attaeho au set vice de la colonio 2977 21 Oct, Leltre des memes au mC-mc, relativement au lac des Deu:;- Montagnes — hopital Charron — quai a Montrerl — vouve Moiisseau.2978 21 Oct. Lottre tie M. Hocquart au ministre, donna 11 des details sur la procedure centre les seditious de Niagara 2982 22 Oct. Lettro do J[. Chaussegros de Lery au ministre, relativement a I'enceinle de Montreal 2989 24 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Iloccjuart au ministre, au sujet de la rado de Quioec — ancres perdues — navigation du flenve.29i):i 23 Oct. Lettre des monies au meme, au snjet des ardoises four iie.'< par le sieur Sarrazin — sages-feinmes — solde des troupes 2993 23 Oct Lottro des memos au meme — evasion de condamnes — fieres ri collets — privileges des religieiix— ollicialitc 2996 24 Oct. Lettio de M. Hocquart au ministre— faux monnoyeurs— com- merce etranger — Lebeau oOOi 25 Oct. Lettre de madatne de I'liiors.ant au ministre — son etablissement — contestation — concession '. 3003 25 Oct. Lettre do MM. de Beauharnois et Hocqu.irt au ministre, relati- vement a la monnaie de carte — son extension 3005 24 Oct. Lettre des memes an meme, appuyant la demando de rehabili- tation dn sieur Campanlt 3008 27 Oct. Lettre de M. Hocquart au ministre, donnant un etat Jes mar- chaudises entries et sorties de la colonie pendant I'annee 1730. . .3009 L UI8T0IRE DE LA NOUVEF.LE FRANCE. 1611 SfiME 8£rik. Vol. XII — Continuation, Ann6oa. VfH 27 Oct. Lettre rl L;i .loye. 3. Plan d'uuo red'iute projetee sur la p"iute a la Framboise siluee a droile de reutrec du port La Joye. 4. Plan d'uu foi t a quatre Imstious projete eu piquets au liavre St. Pierre do I'isle St. .Jean. <-u deux liarties. 5. Baye Frauyaise. 6. Ruis^eau a I'Ours. 1, Plaudu fiU'tde Be."iusejour situe sur le coutiueut du Cauad.v daus Ic foud de la Baye Fraugaise. 8. Plan otprotil du fort de Oaspareau situe au fond de la Bay > Vcrte, faisaiil partie du Canada, a. Plan (111 [lort des Trois-Rivi^res en I'isle St. Jean. 10. Carte de I'isle St. Jean daus le golfe du St. Laurent en Caun'yiigo do Qu6boe mix Trois-Riviiirea; aux forges de St. Maurice ; A Montreal ; au village Sauvngo du Sault St. Louis ; A celui du lac deg Deux- Montagn»8 ; au fort St. Jean ; il celui de St. Frtidurio ; il lu cliute du Inc St- Saorement; au fort Chanibly, et aux deux autreg villages geuvagea de 8t FraQ9oiH ot Bcoaucour. Lcs cinq volumet auioans font deposia dans la hihliothique de la Societi Littiraire et Hiatorique de Quebec. Vol. I. 1682-1712. Relation de ce qui s'est passe en Canada, au sujet dc la guerre, tant dcs Anglais que dcs Iroquois, depuis rannte 1G82. II. 1695-1696. Ut'lation dc co qui s'est passe do plus remnrquable en Canada depuis le depart des vaisseaux en 1695, jusqu'au coininenco- inent de I'annec l6'Jt). III. 1698 et 1699. Join tiai d'un voyip;e fait au Missis.sippi en I698et 1699, par MM. d'lberville et de Surgeres. I\ 1640-1672. Ilistoire du Montreal de 1640 li 1672 ; par M. Dollier de CaBson. V. 1759-1776. An accountof the siege of Quebec in 1759 and 1775-70, in 1 volume. List of Documents contained in this volume : 1. Manuscript .Journal of the military operations before Quebec in 1759, kept by Coloml Malcolm I'Vnser, then u lieuioD" it in the 78th Regiment, or Frasor',s Highlanders. ■2. .lourniil, precis de (^e qui s'est passe au siege de Qnehi-c en 1759 ; redige par M. Jean Claude Panct, ancien notairea Quebec. 3. Le tenioin oculaire de la guerre des Baslonnais durant les annees i775 et 1776 ; par M Simon Sanguinet, avocat du barreau de Montreal. 4 Journal contcnanf. le .e..'' • ' .Tut A Paris, en 1862-83. La liatti que iiuus en dotinons, ainai que les notes qui I'uoeuuipugneut soDt auBsi dueH i\ M. Murin. 1. Carlo do rcmbouchiiro du St. Lfturoiitfaite et drosseo sur uno ccorce do hoia de boulcau, envoyct! du Oanadn, par Jehan Uonya. 1 fouille. 15()8. 2. Carlo do la Nouvolio Kr,in';o par io niour do Charaplain, capitaine pour le Roi on la marine. 1 fouille. 1603. S, Carte do la Graiido Riviiiru de Canada, depuis la QaspcysiejuHqu'd Quubec, avec les pays du.s Elchcinin3 ot des So'iriquols, par Marcus Loscarbot. I feuillc. 1607. 4. Carte de la figure de la Terre Neuve, Grande Rivifire de Canada nt rostes de I'Ociian en la Nouvdlc France, par Marcus L'Escarbot (nunc pritnuiii dclineavit publicavit, donavit.) 1 feuille. 1609. Cotte curicuac carte qui a'uleiul dupuia le grand Imno jusqu':! Montreal, indiqiic les enilroita Imbitfis par les Iroquoia, lea Toudaroans, les Etciioinius, Icb Sou- riquois, los Armnuchiquois, 1 ile de Oaccalllos et celle do Torre Ncuve, etc, 4. Plan vertical ct horizontal dc la maison de la compagnie des cent ansocies, u Quebec, Canada. 2 feuilles. 1639. 5. Plan des arincs de la Province du Canada. 1 feuille. Sans date. 6. Arines de la compagnie des cent associes. 1 feuille. 1642. 7. Vray Plan du haul ct bas dc Quebec comtnc il est en I'an 1660. 1 tVuille. 1660. C'est le second Plan de Quubeo depuia sa fondatiou en 1008 ; ce plan est du plus haut intiirt't pour I'iustoire ; la deacription des priiicipaljn places do cett' nouvello ville eat tnV< iuslruetive ; alors Quebec u'^tait pan fortiriu ; il n'y avail que le fort St. Louis (jui le filt, et encore I't'tait-il faiblemcut. 8. Le ■' 'i.ibl.. Plan de.Qu6bec fait en 1663. 2 feuillca. 1663. b..' vilau, d vol d'oiscau, n'eat curieux quo par son dcssin et sa contiguratioo. 9. Lo Cn'snil.-i., faict pir le siour de Chaniplaiii, oil sont la Nouvellc France, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Nouvidle Uollande, la Nouvellc Suede, la Virginie, etc., avec Ics autres nations voisines et autrcs terres nouvcUement decouvertes suivant les tncinoires de P. DuVal. 1 feuille 1664. Cette carte eat accompagni''e d'une legende explicative. 10. Veritable Plan dc Quebec et la fortification que I'on y puisae faire. 1 feuille. 1664. Oe plau est le troisieme depuis la fondatiou de Quebec par S. do Cliamplain ; on y volt, laligue do fortifications qu'on so ))ropo6ait aters d'y faire. 11. Cartes des grands lacs Ontario et autres, des rostea de la Nouvelle Angletjrre, etc,, et des Pays traversez par MM. de '1 racy et Courcelles, pour allcr attaquer les Agniez. 1 feuille. 1666. 12. La ville haute et basso de Quebeck en la Nouvello France. 4 feuilles. 1670. Ce beau plau est aoconipagnu d'une legcude tr^s instructive ; il n'y a pas de jjlan de Quebec, cu egard li son 6poque, qui soil aussi iut6rcs8ant que celui-ci. 13. Plan profil du Qray pour I'cnceinte de Quebec. 1 feuille. 1670. Ce plar tr6s int6ressant est accoinpagne d'un m^moire qui donne le projel qu'avait le gouvernement frangais de constniir* dans toutc la partie de la basse ville de Quebec, des quais en pierre de taille, depuis Ic Cul-de-Sac jusqu'au delil du Palais. L niSTOIRE I)E LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1616 )IRE DE LA 14. Plan do la diffrrence dc hniiteur «>ntro In hnute et la basBC vil'r- dc Qu6boc, priio du rcz de chauRN^e du cliatenu Ut. LoiiiH, A la marce hnute, '|iir'l()ue8 inaiduns par- ticuliiire*, entrc autros eullc du HJeur Joliot, ct la coupe verticale du chftteau, avec 1(18 hauteurs ct dititance* coties. 1 tiniil! . 1670. 15. Cartes du lac Ontario et don habitatioiiH cjiii I'enviroiiuent, enRerablc le pays que MM. Doller et Oalino, mif)Hionimircs du sumiuairc de St. Sulpice, ont parcouru. 3 fbuillcs. 1670. ^^vdt. ini^"ioDnair«8 de rimmeniio payi qu'ili iin voluiao in'12. Voir la lettre de Mr* La description quo (lonii"nt C' ont parcouru, fori > pr Talon du 10 novoni r« li.|i IC. Carte de la nouvplie dficouvortt^ '■ ' continut'u par Ic P. Jacqii dc queUpiCH Fran(;ai», en I'auij C'est la oarte du voyayu du pci l)cc juiiqu'au g'AU- du Moxiqui .i-iHaites ont faite en I'annfio 1673, et de I lu^Jino compagnie, accompagn6 •euille. 1673 t'tte et du sieur Jolict, dopui& Quc- iiic Micliiijan et lo Mia^issippi. 17. Carlo de la dccouvorb! du sieur Joliot oii I'on voit li coraniunication du fleuvo St. Laurent avuu lus grand lacs, la riviiiro dea Liinois, la riviere Divino ct la rivifire CoUiori. (lu Mississippi) qui so dechargo dans le sein du Mcxiquo. 2 fouillcs. 1671. Oette graude Co belle carte cat acconipagni^o . ^^v^ .o/-^.^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A // ^ A. 1.0 bilZS |2.5 ■^ 1^ |22 I.I — m 1.25 |U_ 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 ■^ C/.^ 1616 PLANS, CAKTES, VUE8 ET DESSINS RELATIF8 A U'j 26. Carte de la Grande Baye de St. Laurens en la Nouvelle France, mise dans un jour oii elle n'aurait jusqu'icy partie, I'ezactitude, la curioflit6 et la justesse y atant e8t6 observges autant qu'il a este possible, etc. 1 feuille. 1685. Cette carte tr^s curieuie a etc levde par le R. Pdre EmiuBnuel Jumeau, R^ooUet misaioDDaire en Canada. i 26. Plan du chasleau et fort de Quebec. 1 feuille. 1685. Oe plan trds curieux et bion dessin^ fut envoys en France par M. Denonville. 27. Plan des Trois-Rivi^res, le trac6 de son enceinte palissad^e, ses 36 maisong et la batterie de 7 pieces de canon pour proteger la vilie. 1 feuille. 1685. 28. Plan de la coupe geometrale du rocher oii est bdti Quebec, avec les differentes hau- teurs donncea depuis lo sommet du cap au Diamandjusqu'^ la haute maree, plan onvoye par M. Denonville le 13 novembre, 1685. 3 feuillea 29. Carte de Quebec et de ses euvirons, par M. De Villeneuve, ingSnieur du Roi. 6 feuilles. 1685. Oette carte est I'ourrage le plus correct et le plna parfait de toute la collection dee cartes pour la mdme epoque, I'arpentage do chaque locality et mdme de chaque propriite y est ropr6aent6 d'une manidre tr^g-pr^cise ; de plus, le nom et prenom de chaque habitant y eat donn£-aur des feuillea Tolantca annexces d cc plan. 30. Oarte de rembouchure du Mississippi' et do la bale St Bernard ou de St. Louis, indiquant le lieu oil M. de la Salle fut assassine en 1685. 1 feuille. 1687. Cctie carte est du plus haut interut pour I'hiatoire, et plus particulidrement pour I'historien qui ecrira une histoire impartiale de la vie dece cel^bre voyageur, le premier qui ait decouvert I'embouchure du Missiasippi. 31. Carte gcnerale du voyage que M. de Meulles, intendant de la justice, police et finances de la Nouvelle France, a fait par ordie du Roi, et commence le 9 no- vembre et fini le 6 de juillct 1686 en suivant, comprenant toutes les terres de I'Acadie, ile du cap Breton, golfe et riviere Laurent, depuis la riviere St Georges, limites de la Nouvelle France et de la Nouvelle Angleterre, jusqu'^ la ville de Quebec ; avec toutes les bales, iles, ports et rivieres qui se trouvent selon les remarques et observations qui en ont etc faites pendant le dit voyage; par J. B. L. Franquelin, hydrographe du Roi h Quebec. 8 grandes feuillea. (40 pieds). 1687. Cette grande et belle carte eat adresade A, M. le niarquia de Seignelay et Lourd, baron de Seaux. 32. Carte generate de la France septentrionalo, contenant la d^couverte du pays des Ili- nois, faite par le sieur Joliet. 2 feuilles. 1688. Cette carte, travail topographique et hiatorique du plus grand m^rite, fut dress^e par M. Du Chesneau, pour M. Colbert, conseiller du Roi. 33. Carte de la partie orientale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, par le P. Coronelli. 2 feuilles. 1688. Oette carte est accompagnSe de notes trtia-intcreBaantea. 34. Le lac Ontario, avec les lieux circonvoisins et particuli^rement Ics cinq nations iroquoises. 1 feuille. 1688. 85. Carte de I'Am^rique Septentrionale, depuis le 25 jusqu'au 65 degre de latitude e environ 140 et 235 degre de longitude, contenant le pays de Canada ou la Nouvelle France, la Louisiane, la Floride, Virginie, Nouvello Suede, Nou velle York, Nouvelle Angleterre, Acadie et Ile de Terreneuve. 4 feuilles. 1688_ Cette belle et splendide carte a ^t6 dress^e par J. B. Franquelin, hydrographe du Roi, pour 6tre prdseut^e 4 Louis XIV, l'hISTOIRE DE la NOTJVELLB FRANCE. 1617 : Ics cinq nations 36. Carte de la coint6 de St. Laurens, en la Nouvelle France, mesur^ (sic) tr^s exacte* ment, par le sieur de VilleneuTe, ing^nieur du Roi. 3 feuilles. 1689. Cette belle carte est ai^jourd'hui oelle de I'ile d'Orl^ani, ouvrage le plus complet et le plus ptrfait de son 6poque ; de fait o'eat une carte du cadastre d« I'ile d'Orl^ans, avec le nom de chaque habitant 87. Carte du Canada Oriental ou de la Nouvelle France, par le P. Coronelli, cosmographe de la republique de Venise. 1 feuille. 1689. Cette carte s'Stend depuis la bale des Ohaleurs jusqu'au lac Ohatuplain, et indiqua la division entrb les territoires de la Nouvelle Angleterre et de la Noovello EcoBse, et celui du Canada et de I'Aoadie. • 88. Carte de la partie occidcntale du Canada, ou de la Nouvello France, par le pdre Coronelli. 2 feuilles. 1689. Sur cette carte sent notes ties faits tr^s curieux et tr^s int^ressants pour la g€o< graphie, et surtout par rapport aux voyages du p^re Marquette et du sieur Joliet. 89. Carte indiquant la ligne limitative entre les possessions franQsises et anglaises, depuis la source de la riviere St. iiQois, qui ae jette dans le lac St. Pierre, situee dans le versant septcntri. Jes montagnes du Connecticut jusqu'aa territoire baigne par les rivieres Ohio et Potomac. 10 feuilles. 1690, Cette belle et intSressante carte indique le lieu oil 6taient autrefois b4tis let forts dea Fran^ais et des Anglais, sur cette immense ^tendue de pays situd entre la ville des Trois-Rividres d Test ; Catarakouy, Toronto, et le village des Mississagues au nord ; la riviere Ohio, les forts Duquesne, le champ de batnille ou le general Braddock fut d^fait, les forts Cumberland et de Win- chester i I'oueat, et la Pensylvanie, les forts d'Orange et de Norfolk au Bud, C'est la plus grande carte manuscrite que poasiSde la bibliotht^que du par* lement. 40. Piano de la ciudad de Quebec capitol del Canada, situada en 46 grados 55 mins. de latd. septl. y en 310 y 17 minutes de longitud. 1 feuille. 1690. Cette carte, ^crite en langue espagnole, est acoompagnSe d'une Icgende. 41. Plan de Quebec en la Nouvelle France, assiege par les Anglois le I'i d'octobre 1690, jusqu'au 22 du d. mois, etc., etc. 1 feuille. 1690. Oe plan est accompagn6 d'une ISgende oil aont les noma, pr^noms et lieu de chaque habitant rSaidant A Quebec et dans sos environs. 42. Carte g6n6ralle de la Nouvelle France. I feuille. 16 31. Sur cette carte sont indiques les lieux ou les PP. rScoUets, jeauitea et autrea missiounaires avaient leurs miasions. 43. Flan de la ville de Quebec, capitalle (sic) de la Nouvelle France, leve au mois de .septembre. 1 feuille. 1693. Ce plan, tr^s-curieus dans sea details, eat le plus correct pour cette dpoque. 44. Carte de la mine d'argent. 1 feuille. 1696, Cette mine d'argent cxiate r^ellement, elle ae trouve sur la rividre da Gouifre, & la distance de 4 lieucs de la baye St. Paul, 46. Plan et profll des ouvrages de Qu4bek avec ses augmentations faits en 97 et reste (sic) h faire en 1698 1 feuille. 1698. Ce beau plan topogiaphique est accompagne d'une I(^gende composfie de 4S articles ou indicationa fort ourieuses et fort int^ressantea a lire et A, con< naitre ; le dessin en est d'une belle ez^oution. H 1018 PLANS, CARTES, VUE8 ET DE8SIN8 RELATIFS A 'if I K 1 iSr 46. Entree de la rividro de Canada, par Louio Joliet, d Qu^beo. 1 feuille. 1698. Oette carte, accompagnue d'uoe legende, a 6te dressiie par le sieur Joliet suivant les observations magn^tiques qu'il avait faitea pour donner auz piloles les moyeDS de oaviguer sarement dans le golfo St. Laurent et Burtout entre I'lle d'Anticosti et la Pointe de Gaspd. 47. Carte indiquant la position topographique des cinq nations iroquoises, les forts d'O- range (Albany) et de Manate, ile ou est actuellement b&ti New-York. 1 feuille. Sur la tainw feuille sent les plans des forts Ste. Thcrdse, fait par M. de Sa* litres, St Louis, fait par M. de Chambly, de Richelieu, refait par H. de Saurel, sur la riviere de Richelieu, dicfe autrement des Iroquois en la Nou- velle Prance. 48. Plan du fort situe h la pointe Est, entre la rivilre Ohio ou Belle Riviere, et la riviere Manangail6. 1 feuille. 49. Carte de I'embouchure du Miasissipi ct les environs. 1 feuille. 1700. Sur cette simple carte ou roit oil residait M. d'Iberville (Oanadien,) de 16S8 & 1100. 60. Plan de la ville des Trois-Rivi^res avec lo nom de chaque habitant occupant une terre dans un rayon d'une lieue de cette ville. 1 feuille. 1700. 61. Du plan de Quebec, envoye avec la lettre de MM. de Calli^res et Champigny du 6 octobre 1700. Quebek. 1 feuille. 1700. Ce plan repr^sente le mur d'enceinle du chAteau St. Louis avec sea d^pendances, les Rdcollets, etc., etc. 62. '/eiie de la ville de Quebec, capitale de la Nouvelle France dans I'Amerique Septen- trionale — veUe du cote du fleuve St. Laurent — veue de la ville de Quebec du cote de la riviere St. Charles, sans date ni nom d'auteur. Cette dernidre vue est unique. 1 feuille. Avant 1700. 63. Plan de la ville des 3 Rivieres lev6 en I'anneo 1704. 1 feuille. 1704. Ce beau plan est accompagne d'une longue legende explicative, le dessin topo- graphique est soigne, on ue pourrait ne.\ faire de mieux, mdme aujourd'hui. 54. Plan de Quebec avec un trace correct de la premiere nnceinte en raaQonnerie de cette ville. 1 feuille. 1710. Ce plan paraph^ par le gouverueur et dnuze au< ' ioni.ages, a et^ dresse pour £tre envoyj a la cour, sou dessiii topugiapni (ue est trSs int6reesant pour I'histoire de Quebec. 65. Plan Lineaire et geometral du serainaire de Kebec en Canada. 1 feuille. 1714. Ce plan a 6t& drease par ordre, pour montrer les proprietet respectivea de r^glise, du sSiniuait'e, de luvechc, etc., etc. 66. Plan du terrain des R. P. Jesuites, sur lequel est la Place Royale, une redoute et un bastion. 1 feuille. 1715. A ce plan est annex6 un proc6s verbal donnant la auperficie exacte de 1'^- tendue de terrain occupe par des fortifications (ing6ea sur la propriitS des Rdvds. P6reB, et signe LaQuermorville. 67. Carte de la cote nord du Golphe du Mexique, de Feinbouchure du fleuve Mississippi et de toute I'etijndue de pays situe entre le 30do dcgr6 et le 288e de longitude, et entre le 27e, digrt et le 32e de latitude. Delineabat F. LeMaire P. P. Missionar. Apostolic, anno, 1716. 2 fcuilles. 68. Plan double de la ville de Montreal, en Canada, Nouvelle France, dans I'Amerique Sep- teutrionale, par Chaussegrcs DeLtry, approuve en Conseil, etc. 2 feuilles. I7l7. Ce plan est le plus beau specimen de topograpbie du temps ; c'est un plan cadastral de la ville de Uontr^al. l'histoirb db la nouvelle tbange. 1619 !elle Rividre, et la le redou(e et un 59. Carte de IMle de Montreal iodiquant la positioD de chaque fort, manoir, moulins, fortiflcations, cours d'eau, etc. par M 1 feuille. 1721, Oette oarte est trig interressante pour I'tustolre de Montreal; elle montre aussi les forts b&tis a Boucherville, Le Tremblay Longueuil, St. Lambert, La Prairie, et la missioD des JSsuites au Sault Saint Louis. Veue de la Ville del Trois Rivieres, en Canada, Nouvelle France, avec une L^gende 1 feuille. 1721. Plan d'un projet pour former un commencement de ville h Chambly, par Chaussegros deLery. 1 feuille. 1721. Carte des cotes de la Louitiane depuis la Baye de I'Ascension jusques k celle de Ste. Rose, ou les nouvellea habitations sont marquees. 1 feuille. 1721. Plan geomcttal des seigueuries d'Argentcuil du s6minaire de Montreal, vts*a-vis le lac des Deux Montagnes. 1 feuille. 1722. Carte du fleuve St. Laurent mesur^ exactement depuis le Lac Ontario (Cataracoui) jusqu'fl la pointe des Kamouraskas. 1 feuille. 1727. On est porte A croire que cette carte eat le plus parfait travail hydrographique de Ohaussegros DeL4ry. Carte du lac Ontario et du ileuvo St. Laurent, depuis le lac Erie jusqu'au dessous de I'isle de Montreal. 1 feuille. 1728. Oe plan, par rapport 4 I'histoire du Canada et de sa gdograpbie, est excellent k coDsulter. Carte du cours de la riviere St Laurent aux environs de Quebec. 1 feuille. 1729, Oette carte indique le lieu ou le vaissedu T^/epAant fit naufrage, on volt aussi, sur la carte, une vue de la ville de Quebec. Plans des deux forts Natchez, assieges par les Francjais, au mois de fevrier, 1730. 1 feui'le. 1730. Cette carte a 6te levde sur les lieux par un officier qui oommandait avec les Franfais, les Indiens Chacta^s, Tonicos, ColaplBsas et Ouraas. Carte du domairie en Canada, dedi^e k monseigneur Le Dauphin par le pere Laure, jSsuite. 2 feuilles. 1731. Cette importante oarte est accompagnee d'une longuelettre adresaSe au Dauphin, et de notes explicatives tr^s-curieuaea. Carte do cette partie de pays depuis la Baye d'Hudson, 4 I'ouest, jusqu'i Alingan k Test, et depuis les hautes terres jusqu'au lac St. Pierre prfesles Trois-Rivifires. 2 feuilles. 1731. Les notes ajout^es & cette oarte font un volume ; elle a €te dresa^e par le jcsuite Laure qui a paroouru, pendant 13 ans, cette dpre et sterile contree. 70. Plan du terrain de la Pointe ^ la Chevelure oil est raarqu^ le foit de pieux construit en 1731, 1 feuille. 1781. Ce plan aveo une petite l^gende est accompagne d'un m^rauire. Ce dernier est depoa6 dans les arohivea de la marine. 71. Carte du domaine du Roi en Canada, drosseo par le p^re Laure, roissionnaireje- suite. 1 feuille. 1731. 72. Carte d'une partie de I'tle de Montreal, depuis la Pointe a Cardinal jusqu'au courant de Ste. Marie, avec la ville de Montreal, le canal comraance (sic) par MM. du S6minaire. 1 feuille. 1733. * Sur cette int^resaante carte eat tra66 le petit lao St. Pierre, qui se trouvait sitae prda lea tanneries dea Rollauds, village St. Henry. 60., 61. 62. 68. 64. 65. 66. 67. 08. 69. r> ' rl rlJI 1620 PLANS, CARTES, VUES ET DESSINS RELATIFS A M. K: 78. Carte contenant les nouvelles d^couvertos do I'ouest, en Canada, tners, rivieres, lacs et nations qui y habitant en I'annee 1737. 1 feaille. Oette carte a ^te dressee par lea Varennea de La Veranderye. 74. Plan d'un mantelet blind6 pour servir h prendre un fort Sauvage. ] feuille. 1789. Oe plan execute par M. Chaussegros de L^ry, ing^nieur A Qu6bec, est oompog^ de cinq plans partioli aveo une l^gende explicative. 76. Carte de la Baye St. Paul situee k 18 lieues au dessous de Quebec, !i la coste nord du fieuve St. Laurent. 1 feuille. 1 739. Oette carte indique d'une maai^re precise les localitSs od se trourent des mines de plomb, argent, ouivre et sources d'eau sulfureuse, par Ohaussegros De L6ry. 76. Plan du fort Vaudreuil, situe sur la montagne de Carillon, par le sieur Germain, capitaine au regiment de la Rcine. 2 feuilles. 1740. Ce plan est un des plus beaux speciraens que possSde la bibliothi^que du parle- ment, I'oa y voit la poaitiou qu'occupait ohaque regiment arant Taction de la memorable bataille do Carillon. 77. Carte abregee du Canada lev6e sur lea lieux par M. * • * resident (sic) h Quebec annee 1741. 1 feuille. 1741. Oette carte, assez bien ex6out^e, e'ctend depuis I'ile de Terreneuve jusqu'au deld du fort Duquesne sur la rividre Ohio, et montre quelques endroits fortifies par lea Franfais. 78. Carte levee ik vue de Pays par AL de La Morandi^re, pour servir d'eclaircissement au sujet du canal projet6 entre La Chine et Montreal. 1 feuille. 1750. Oe plan a &t& dannc par M. de la Galissonnidre, et a beaucoup scrvi aux ing^nieurs anglais charges d'ouvrir un nouveau canal de Montreal A, La Ohine. 79. Carte du Lac Champlain depuis le fort de Chambly, jusqu'A la chute des eaux du lac St. Sacrement. 1 feuille. 1752. Oette carte importante represeate la position exacte des dix-sept seigneuries qui se trouvaient situdes sur ses edtes et dont neuf forraent actuellement partic ilu territoire des Etat-Unis. 80. Carte physique des terreins les plus' eleves de la partie occidentale du Canada. 1 feuille. 1752. Sur cette carte, on voit les nouvelles d^couvertes faites par des officiers fran^ais & I'uuest du lac Superieur, aveo les rividres et les lacs dont H. JdrSmie a parlS dans la relation de la Baye d'Hudson. 81. Plan de I'enceinte de la ville de Montreal et du profil de ses differentes fortifications. 1 feuille. 1752. Oe plan, par Franquet, est trSs-interesBant pour rhistoire de cette ville, et donne des details qu'on chercherait en vain sur d'autres plans. 82. Plan du fort du saut saint Louis et du village des Iroquois, echelle de 8 toises au pouce. 1 feuille. 1754. Plan tr^s bien d6taill6. 83. Plan de la riviere et des forts Chouegen. 1 feuille. 1755. Oe plan iudique la position du fort frangais et du fort anglois aveo une Mgende explicative. 84. Plan des attaques des forts Chouagen, aveo une longue Icgende. 1 feuille. 1756. Ce plon tr^s detains donne la position respective de chaque locality et des tra. V. ux qui y ont 6t6 construits. •4- l'histoieb db la notjvelle feance. 1621 tners, rivieres, Iao8 '» A la coBte nord du le sieur Germain, ent (sic) h Quebec lie du Canada. 1 i7ec une llgende 86. Plan du fort et du village du lao des Deux Montagnes avec le projet pour le fermer du cote du sud. 1 feuille. 1758. Sur ce beau plan gont marques let villages qu'oocupaiont les Franfaii), les Iro- quois, Ic8 Algonqulns et les Nipisginguea. 86. Plan des attaques des retranchementa devant le fort Carillon, en Am€rique, par les Anglais commandos par le general Abercrombie, contre les Franqaia aux ordres du maiquisde Montcalm, le 8 juillot 1753. 1 fouille. 1758. Ce beau plan tr>'^g-d6tailI6 et trig bien dessind est accompagnS d'une 16gende trds , 6tendue. 87. The siege of Isle aux Noix in 1760. 1 feuille. 1760. Le travail topograpblque de ce joli plan est trd* bien ex£out6; ilestausgi aocom> pngii6 d'une petite l^geude. 88. Vue du fort de York dans la Bale d'Hudson, pris le 24 aoQl 1782, par une division aux ordres de La P^rouse, capitiine de vaisseau, par M 1 feuille. 1782. 89. Plan du fort de Gallcs et du terrain que les troupes d BELATINO TO CANADA, ETC. 1623 Tear. 1678. Sept. 14. Bept* 18. Sept. 25. S«pt. 38. Sept. 6. Sept. 10. 1682. Sept. 30. 1688. M»r. 10. 1684. Dec. 4. 1686. Aug. 11. 1686. Dec. 26. 1687. Feb. 22. July 16. July 19. Sept. 8. Sept. 7. Aug. 6. Aug. 6. Aug. 7. 1684. June 15. June 25. July. July 25. July 25. 1684. 1685. Sept. 10. No date. 1683. Aug. 18. Vol. I — Continued. ?•«• (Encloeing) 1 1 Letter of the Oommissionors of the United Colonies to Sir E. Andros. 97 Letter from the same to the same 99 letter from Sir E. Andros to the OommisBioners 101 Letter of the Oommigsionors to Sir E. Andros 108 Letter from the name to the same 106 Letter of Sir E. Andros to the Commissioners. 107 Commission (Vom the Duke of York to Colonel Thomas Dongan, to be Governor of New York. 109 Letter of Sir John Werden to Colonel Dongan — Rhode-Island — Cus- toms in New-York — French in Canada, Ac 112 Letter of Sir John Worden to Col. Dongan — French and Indian affairs 116 Letter of Col, Dongan to Mr. Blathwayte — French and Indian affairs. 117 Letter of the Privy Council to Governor Dongan, to publish and exe- cute the treaty of neutrality concluded at London between England and France 120 Petition of the French Protestants to Governor DOngan 122 Letter of Mr. Graham to Mr Spragg — French attpck on the Senecas. 124 Letter of the Council to Governor Dongan, in favour of the French Protestants i26 Letter of Governor Dongan to the Lord President — French invasion of the Seneca Country — Encroachments — measures proposed 127 (Enclosing) Examination of Kakariel and Adandidagko, two Indian prisoners from Canida 134 Informations given upon oath, by Nam ,., Harmenth and others, about the French and others 149 Propositions of Governor Dongan, to the Senecas, &c., at Albany 155 Answers of the Ave nations to Governor Dongan's propositions 166 Information given to the Governor by several Indians, about the French, &c i74 Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de la Barre, Governor of Canada. . 182 Letter of M. do la Barre to Colonel Dongan 183 Letter of Governor Dongan to Mr. de la Barre 185 Letter from the same to the same. 186 Letter of M. de la Barre to Governor Dongan 188 M. de la Barre's instructions to M. do Salvaye, sent to New York, &c . . 190 Answer lo the Governor of Canada's instructions to M. de Salvaye. . 194 Letter from Father de Lamberville, to Governor Dongan 197 Letter from Father Dablon to Governor Dongan 201 Letter of Mr. Brucy to .Major Baxter 203 K'ft-i , 1624 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS Li »< J » ' 5,? Mi r' I? ' '^ ' i IV J ; li -il Yo»r. 168B. May 22. June 6. June 26. July 26. 1687. Oct. 1. Doc. 1. 1687. May 20. Juno 20. Aug. 21. June 11. Sept. 9. Sept. 8. Sept 12. Sept. 2. Sept. 2. Sept. 5. Sept. 7. Sept. 9. Sept. 17. 1686. Nov. 4. Nov. 4. 1687. Oct. 24. Nov. 10. 1688. Jan 22. 1687. Dec. 1. Nov. 3. Vol. I — Continued, Pw Letter of Governor Dongan, to M. de Denonville, Governor of Canada 204 Letter of M. de Donouville to Governor Dongan » 307 Letter from the same to the same 215 Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 2ii Letter of Mr. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 227 Letter of Governor Dongan to M. do Denonville 231 Letter of Governor Don|j;an to Father de Lanibervillo 234 Letter of Governor Dongan to M. do Denonville 237 Letter of M. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 240 Letter of Governor Dongan to M. do Denonville and his answer, dated 22nd of August 261 Letter of Governor Dongan to M. do Denonville 263 Governor Dongan's instructions to Captain Palmer on his going to England t7l Letter of Governor Dongan to the Lord President, about going to Albany — French and Indion afTuirs 278 (Ennlosing) Letter of M. P. Schuyler to Governor Dongan — French and Indian news 280 Letter of Mr. R. Livingston to Governor Dongan — French and Indian news , 285 Letter of Mr. Livingston to Governor Dongan — Indian news 288 Letter ol Mr. Sulniylor to Governor Dungan — French and Indian news 291 Propositions made by tlie Maquas to the Mayor, &c., of Albany 294 Examination of Anloine L'Espinard, before Nicholas Bayard, Mayor, &c 302 Copy of an intercepted letter from Father de Lamberville to Father Bruyas.. 310 Letter of Father de Lamberville to Antoine L'Espinard 314 Letter of Governor Dongan to the King, about his recall, &c 814 Letter of the King to Governor Dongin, upon Indian and French affairs — The Governor of Canada to be notified that the Five Nations are ownt 1 as British subjects, &c 320 Letter of the King to Governor Dongan, to prevent acts of hostility, and encourage a good correspondence with the French, &c 827 (Enclosing) Instrument, signed this day, between the English and French Com- missioners ■ • • 328 Memorandum, or protojol, of conferences between the English and French Commissioners, on the subject of the Indians and the boun- daries in North America, &c 331 ■^^ RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1626 3. 4. 9. TMr. 1688. Jan. 19. 1687. Oct. 2. Oct 25. Oct. 31. Dec. 28. 1688. Feb. 17. Feb. Feb. F«b. Fab. Fab. Feb, Feb. Feb. 16. Fab. Feb. Feb. 13. Feb. 13. Feb. 16. April 16. April 16. Aug. 31. Oct. 4. Aug. 11. Aug. 20. Sept. 19. Sept. 18. Sept. 15. Sept. 25. Sept 25. Sept. 29. Oct 1. Oct. 2. Oct 23. Vol. I — Continued. y^^ Letter of (ioTcrnor Dongan to the Lotd President — French and Indian affairs 347 (RncloHing) Letter of M. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 353 Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 857 Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 361 Letter of M. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 368 Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 373 Governor Dongan's first paper of demands to the French Agents 377 Answer of the French Agents to the above document 380 Governor Dongan's second paper of demands to the French Agents. . 382 Answer of the French Agents to Governor Dongan's second paper. . . 887 Governor Dongan's third paper to the French Agents 396 Answer of the French Agents to Governor Dongan's third paper. . . . 403 Governor Dongan's fourth paper to the French Agents 411 Answer of the Fron h Agents to Governor Dongan's fourth paper. . . 415 Governor Dongan's last paper to the French Agents 423 Governor Dongan's propositions to the Six Nations of Indians 427 Answer of the Six Nations to Governor Dongan 431 Governor Dongan's reply to the Six Nations 439 Propositions of the Six Nations to Governor Dongan 443 Letter of the King to Governor Dongan, requiring him to resign the government of New York to Sir E. Andros, on his arrival, and to return to Fingland, &c 471 In.struction8 from the King to Sir E. Andros, for the Government of New England 447 Letter of Captain F. Nicholson to Mr. Povey — Narrative of affairs in New England 475 Letter of Sir E. Andros to the Committeo of the Privy Council — his arrival in New York — State of affairs, &c 491 Letter of Sir E. Andros to the Governor of Canada 495 Letter of M. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 499 Lo'tiT of Sir E. Andros to the Governor of Canada 508 Proceedings between Sir E. Andros and the Indians at Albany 507 Examination of an Indian named Aert, at Albany, before S. Courtland 617 Examination of John Rosii, at Albany, before Major Schuyler 523 Examination of Derrick Wyssels, recorder at Albany, before Major Schuyler 527 Information from Canada given by four Maquas Indians 531 Letter of Sir E. Andros to the Governor of Canada 686 Letter of Colonel Dongan to Sir E. Andros and thefCouncil 589 Letter of M. de Denonville to Sir E. Andros 643 1626 HI8TOBI0AL DOCUMENTS is- I't , \ *■■.., Fub. 16. M»7 2. Juoo 10. July 6. Aug. 6. Sept. 6. Sept. 28. Deo. 19. Doo. 81. No date. 1690. Mar. 31. April 11. April 14. May 8. May fl. June 23. June 15. June 16. 1691. May 26. May 26. June 1* June 2. June 4. June 22. June 25. Vot. II. (1688-1687). p^. Order in Council appointing a Oommittee for Trade and Plantations, and directing the proclamation of King William and Queen Mary, to I Order in Council upon the Report of the Committee for Trade, Ac, roHpecting th« iitate of the plantations, &c 5 Letter fVom the Council of New York to the Earl of Shrewsbury— Overthrow of the New York — Captain Leisler— Nicholson going to England, Ac is Abstract of the Journal kept by Captain Nicholas Bayard, since the 11th June, 1689, in New York 17 Letter of Colonel Bayard to Captain Nicholson — Indian and French news 17 Letter of Lord Efflngbam to the Earl of Sunderland — French and Indian affairs 45 Extract of a letter from Colonel Bayard, about the Fire Nations and the French in Canada 49 Letter of Mr. Van Courtland to Sir E. Andros — Wishes to be made Collector, Ac ... 57 Letter of P. ReTeredgo to the Bishop of London — French families in New York 61 Petition to the King, of Merchants trading to New York, to defend it from the French ; with reasons to enforce the petition, annexed ... 65 Letter of Leisler to tho Bishop of Salisbury — Attack and burning of Schenectady — Indians — Neighbouring Colonies — New York afifairs, Ac. 73 Memorial of Mr. Livingston to the Governor, Ac, of Connecticut, for assistance against the French, and their proceedings thereupon . 81 Letter of Mr. Livingston to Sir Edmond Andros — French and Indian news, ate 98 Interview and proceedings between the Commissioners at Albany and the Five Nations 101 Copy of a letter from the Bishop of Canada to Father Millet (in Latin) 109 Letter of Jacob Leisler to the Earl of Shrewsbury — French and In- dian afiairs, Ac 118 The Governor of Canada's instructions to the Chevalier d'Eau, going to the Iroquois 119 Message of Oreaou^, by the persons he sent to the Iroquois Nations. 127 Propositions of the Praying Indians to governor Sloughter at Albany. 131 Governor Sloughter's answer the Propositions of the Praying Indians. 185 Governor Sloughter's propositions to the five Indians at Albany 139 Answer of the five Nations to Governor Sloughter's propositions 143 Propositions of the Maquas and other Indians to Governor Sloughter, at Albany, and his replies. . 156 Letter of Mr. Livingston to Governor Sloughter — French and Indian aflTairs 169 Examination of a Maquas Indian this day arrived from Canada 163 '^^ RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1627 Tour. July 2. Aug. 9. 1692. Jan. 8. 1691. Dec. 30. 1692. Sep. 38. Sep. 33. 1698. Feb. 3. Feb. 14. Jan. 7. Jan. 27. Feb. 11. March 8. Marctt 7. Feb. ;21. July 1. July 31. Oct. 9. Oct. 10. 1694. Jan. 31. Fob. 9. No date. 1694. Feb. 14. Nov. 19. Vol. II— ContiHued. PNt* Letter of Mr.' Livingston to Governor Sloughter — Indian and Cana- dian AfTaira.... 167 A inodoHt and true Relation of the aundry accidents happening to Mi^or Schuyler and the party of ChrlHtiana and Indiana under his Command, in their expedition to Canada, 2Ut June to 9th August 1691 171 Letter of the Council at New York to Lord Nottingham— Frontier affairs, Ac 187 Letter of the offlcera at Albany to Major Ingoldsby — Indian and French affairs, Ac 191 Letter of Governor Fletcher to the Earl of Nottingham 207 (Enclosing) Examination of tliree prisoners and two French ruiiagadea from Ca- nada ... 'ill The King's letter to Governor Fletcher, to consult and advise with the MassachuaettH' govurninont about the Canada expedition 215 Letter of Governor Fletcher to Mr. Klathwayte — Difference with Sir Wm. PhippH — French and Indians, Ac 219 Letter of Governor Fletcher to Sir Wm. PLipps 238 Letter of Sir Wm. Phipps lo Governor Fletcher 287 Letter of Miyor Ingoldsby to Governor Fletcher— French and Indian news — Schenocittdy, &c 231 Letter of Governor Fletcher to Mr. Blathwayte — French and Indians — neighbouring colonies — troopa, Stc 38S Journal of Governor Flstt'htir's expedition ai^ainst the French and IndiauH of Canada 239 Report of Major Peter Schuyler and othnrs to Governor Fletcher — Mohawk^expedition 247 Translation of a letter from Claude Dablon, the superior of the Jesuits of Canada, to Mr. 'Dellins 369 Translation of a letter from Father Millet to Mr. Dellins, with Indian news, SiO 368 Letter of Governor Fletcher to the Coumiittee — Indians — French — Sir Wm. Phipps — Colonial affairs, &c 271 Letter of Governor Fletcher to the CommitCtie — capture of a French privateer captain— French designs, Ac 279 Letter of Father Millet to Mr. Dellins, translated from the French. . . . 283 Letter from Mr. Dellins to Father Millet in reply 289 Interpretation of three Belts of Wampum to be sent to Canada by the Mohawks in 1693 39^ Letter of Mr. Livingston 'to Governor Fletcher — French and Indian affairs 295 Letter of (Jovernor Fletcher to the Committee— Indian and Canadian news, &c 299 NN 1028 UTSTOUrOAL DOOUMKNTa Vol. II — Coiifhniftl. it Ife*;:; Yt'iir. Oct. i:». Nov. H>. Jan. :m. MiiV 'il \{W'.\. Oct. a. Oct. \ Nov. It). DooV. Ui!M. J«n. Vi. MhioU 'W. Feb. VI. Oot. IS. It;;*,"!. Miiy v'St. Feb. IS. May IS. HiW. Aup:. -i-J. Avigusi. Auu'. 'ii. Sep- IS 8i>p. 17. Sep. IS. 16D5. Juno \'X Nov. !>. Oei. u;. Hi!)?. Fob. •i^. July 'i. July -i. Nov. U5. iw Indian intolliRtinpc from t^nniula, rmiivoil at Srhonectady ^ IntolliKoni'o from Quobec, nivcn to tJovornor Flcti;hcr at Now York, by Matthew Paulding and Nifiiolao Smith 311 t'opy of a uioa^a^jo from tlie (Jovernor of Canada to tho flvo Nations and llieir reply, Ub February 315 Letter of Mr. Dolliim to governor Fletcher — Indian and (.^anadian newH ,S27 Letter of Mi\jor .Sohuyler to (Jovernor F!etelier — Indian iiitelllgoneo. . Ji.11 Letter frouj tlio san>e to the name— further Indian news 335 Letter of (iovernor Floteher to tho Committee — t^nneclicut — Cana- da, v»cc 839 Copy of Father Millet's minutes of the meeting of tho Five Nations at Onondaga g.ig Letter of Mi\ior Ingoldsby to (Iovernor Fletcher — Indian intelligence. 8i7 Letter of (Jovernor Fleloher 10 the Conuniltee — French and Indian af- fairs— No as.'.istsnco from neighbouring Colonics, .Vc 361 Letter of Mr. Dellins to (Jovernor Fletcher — French and Indian news. liSr) Letter of Major Ingoldsby to (Jovernor Fletclior — Albany news 359 Letter of (Jovernor Fletcher to the committee — Ind.nn alfairs 86H .Vbstriu't of inlelliitcni'e sent fn>m (tnondngii 8fi7 Abstract of Indian intelligence received from Albany 871 Letter of (Jovernor Fletcher' to the Lords of the late Conunittee — Fr< iicli invasion of tlie Indian Country 375 (^Knclosing) (Jovernor Fletcher's proceedings at Albany, Ac 379 Letter ot (Jovernor Fletcher to the Lords of the Privy Council — French and Lidian atl^irs, .'cc 8i)i Mi\ior (ii'iicral Wiuihrop, .lournal of his march from Albany towards Canada— .luly— September, lilSK) 395 Letter of (Iovernor Fletcher to tiie Loi-ds of the late Committee — Ca- nndian and Indian alVairs — Captain Kidd, I'tc 407 Letter of (Jovernor FL'tcher to Mr. Klathwayte — French and Indian news 411 Letter i.i( 1'. do la Noy relative to (Jovernor Fletcher's conduct 415 Letter of (iovornor Fletcher to the UoanI of Trade — Indian allairs, i^c. 431 Kxamination of thn>e French prisoners taken on the frontier 13.5 OnU'T in Council alumt the two Mohawk hulians brought to London. 489 Letter of (Jvivernor Fletcher to the Ho.ird — French and Indian news 443 Kxtrai't of a memorial of Mr. Nelson to tho Board— claim of New Yi>rk to part of .Vcadie, .lic 447 Letter of (Jovernor Fletcher to the Hoard — French and Indian af- fairs, itc 451 KELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1629 Y,.,r. Vol,. III. (I(i08-I720.) p^„ i6!)a. Fob. 8. Mr. Punn's plans for a union of Iho Nortliorn Colonics of America. . . 1 May 16. Extract of a letter ft-oin Mr. Randolph to the Itoard — French encroach- monts 6 July I. Letter of Lord RoUoinonllo the Board — The Jorsies — Affairs of New York, & J 9 (Knclosing) April 0. Letter of Schuyler and DuUins to Lord nolloinont — Ncgociations with the Lidians 25 April 10. Kstiniato of the inhabitants of Albany and of the Five Nations of Indians 29 April 21. Monuiranduin of Colonel Fletcher's not writing to the Governor of Canada about the peace 33 April 22. Iiistrui'tions to Petor Schuyler, one of the nuMnbors of His Majesty's Council, anil Mr. Dellins, Minister of Albany, to bo observed by thcin in Ihoir nogociation with Count do l^rontonac. Governor of (Canada 37 April 22. liOttcr of Lori! Het'omont (in French) to Count do Frontenac, Gover- norof (Canada — Peace between the Knglish iind French Kings. ... 41 April 22. Letter of Lord Holloniont to M. de Callii^res, Governor of Montreal, relating to the same subject 45 Juno 17. Letter from Count do Frontenac in answer to Lord Bellemont's letter of 2'2d April 49 Juno 17. Letter of M. de Cnllieres to Lord TJelloinont 57 May 31. Depositions of Henry and Joseph, two Mohawk Indians 61 July 2. Report of Messrs. Schuyler and Dollins to Lord de Hellomont, of tl cir negocialion in Canada 69 Aug. 13. Letter from Lord Hellomont (in French) to Count do b'ront -nac, coniplaining of the hostilities of the French and Indians against the Five Nations, notwithstanding the lato treaty of peace 85 Sept. 14. Letter of Lord Hellomont to the Board — Negociations with the In- dians — Complaints against the conduct of Mr. Dellins' practices towards tho Indians, and of Colonel Fletcher's grant of land to Mr. Van lUnslaer, &c 93 Aug. '22 Letter of Lord Bellomont to tho Governor of Canada, relating to his threatened hostilities against tho Five Nations 109 Aug. 22. Lord Belloniont's instructions to Captain Johannes Schuyler, sent to Canada 113 Oct. 21. Letter of Lord Bellomont to the Board- -detail of the Provincial affairs. 117 Sep. 21. Letter of Count de Frontenac to Lord Bellomont — tho Crowns of England and Franco have named Commissioners to settle the dispute about tho limits, Ac 187 September. Narrative of Captain John Schuyler's journey to Canada .145 No date. Number of inhabitants in tho several Counties in Now York in 1698. 157 Dec. 8. Letter of the Board of Trade to Mr. Secretary Vernon — affairs in Now York, respecting tho French, &c 161 Dec. 1 5. Letter of Lord Bellomont to the Board — Lawyers in New York, almost all of a scandalous character 169 1630 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS fit m M N^:: I ^1 fear. 1699. Feb. 19. Mar. 21. July 22. Aug. 24. May 9. June 16. June 19. July. June. July 12. Nov. 6. Aug. 6. Oct. 20. 1700. April 11. April 20. May 25. April. May 2. May 9. July 9. June 24. July 26. Vol. Ill — Continued. Page Letter of the^Board to Mr. Secretary Vernon, relative to the French rights of trade and fishery, &c., in America and the British right of sovereignty over the Indians, &c 173 Message from the Indians at Onondaga, about Canada affairs 177 Letter of Lord Bellomont to the Board — French and Indian affairs ... 181 Letter of the Board— transactions vrith the Indians, and intrigues of the French 186 Answer of the Five Nations to Captain John Schuyler and Captain John Bleecker , 193 Minutes of the proceedings of the Commissioners, &o., with the Indians at Albany, 12th and 16th Juno .... 193 Examination of Jean Rossie lately come from Canada 213 Letter of the Lieutenant Governor of New York, relating to prisoners and Indians 216 Instructions to the persons sent to Canada about a release of prisoners, &c 217 Information given to the Onondagas by a French Indian, lately from Canada 221 Letter of Lord Bellomont to the Board — Hostilities of some Western Indians against the Senecas 224 Copy of a letter from M. de Callilres 10 Lord Bellomont, sending two Iroquois whom he has released, &c 225 Letter of Lord Bellomont to the Board of Trtide — Indian and Canadian affairs 229 Letter of the Board of Trade to Lord Bellomont — French and Indians —trade forts, &c 233 Letter from Lord Bellomont to the Board of Trade — French and In- dian affairs — Mode of Indian War — Value of the colonies to the Crown of England 237 Letter of Lord Bellomont to the Board — Indian affairs — French intrigues — Forts must be preserved — The Indians well provided for, or the Colonies will be lost to England 240 Observations made by Robert Livingston, Secretary of the Indian affairs, in his voyage to Onondaga 249 Account of the negoeiation of Messrs. Schuyler, Livingston and Han- sen, with the Maquas, Oneidas and Onondagas 257 Examination of Abraham and David Schuyler and Robert Living- ston, junr., lately returned from Canada 269 Letter of Lord Bellomont to the Board — Indian affairs — Jesuits' intrigues — Mismanagement of the Plantations, and danger of their being lost to England 273 Extract of a letter from the Lieutenant Governor of New York to Lord Bellomont — Suspicious visit of French ship of war, com- manded by Captain d'Iberville 277 Letter of Lord Bellomont to the Board — Pitiful state of the Troops in the King's service — Strong remonstrances against the shameful neglect of the Colonies — Intrigues of the Jesuits, &c.— Poisoning of several Indians 281 —i^- • .■-■'"r: - RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1631 Tear. June 28. Oct. 17. Aug. 17. Nov. 1. Nov. 28. 1703. Sept. 9. 1704. Feb. 1. Feb. 3. June 22. Nov. 5. 1707. Decern. 1708. Feb. 10. May 31. 1709. March 1. April 20. June 2. 1697. 1709. June 28. June 28. July 2. Vol. Ill — Continued. Fage Propositions of the Canada Praying Indians to the Commissioners at Albany 286 Letter of Lord Bellemont to the Board of Trade— Indian aflfairs, want of Ministers for the Indians — EflFective state of the French forces in Canada, &c 289 Letter of the Board to the Archbishop of Canterbury — Missionaries to the Indians 319 Letter of the Bishop of I^ndon to the Board— Conversion of the In- dians, &c 321 Letter of Lord Bellomont to the Board — Indian affairs — Frontiers, grant of land, complaints— Complaints against Messrs. Schuyler, Wessells and Dellins — Abundance of wild grapes fit for making wine, &c 323 Letter of Lord Cornbury to the Board — French and Indian affairs. . . 327 Letter of M. J. Chamberlayne, of the Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, &c., to the Board, about Missionaries to the Indians, i&o 381 Letter of the Secretary of the Board to Mr. Chamberlayne, about Missionaries, &c 335 Letter of Lord Cornbury to the Earl of Nottingham— French and In- dian afiairs 337 Translation of a letter from B. Freeman to Lord Cornbury— Designs and preparations of the Indians and French, &c 338 Bishop of London's paper about a suffragan for the Plantations in America 343 Letter of Lord Cornbury to the Board of Trade — Murder committed by an Indian, man slave and negro woman — Woman sentenced to be burnt 347 Copy of a Paper from Boston, relating to the neutrality between the Five Nations and the French 351 Letter of the Queen to the Governor of New York — Expedition against the French in Canada, &c 355 Letter of Lord Sunderland to Lord Lovelace— Expedition against Canada 357 Report of the Board of Trade to the Queen, concerning the right of sovereignty over the Five Nations of Indians 362 Copy of a Memorial presented by the Board in 1697, relating to the right of the Crown of Great Britain over the New York Indians 363 Letter of Col. Nicholson and Col. Vetch to the Board, relating to the Expedition against Canada 373 Letter of Col. Vutcli to Mr. Secretary Boyle— Expedition to Canada. 375 Letter of Mr. Cockerel to Mr. Popple — Preparations for the expedi- tion against Canada, &c 379 rmM 1632 HTSTOEICAL DOCUMENTS ^l «^r, .;".»P; \Ki^^' V^ Tear. June 22. Mar. 16. 1711. Sept. 12. Aug. 17. Aug, 26. 1715. July. July 2. 1720 May 22. 1718 Dec. 15. Sept 22. April 15, Sept. 22. Sept. 22. Sept. 14. Nov. 26. *»1721. June 18. July 12. July 1, Sept. 8. Vol. Ill — Continued. Examination and intelligence of some Indian spies sent to Canada. . 381 Letter of Colonel Ingoldsby to the Board — Affairs in New York — Ex- pedition against Canada 391 Letter of Governor Hunter to the Board — Expedition against Canada. 392 (Enclosing) Propositions made by the Schakkook Indians to Governor Hunter. . . 393 Propositions made by the Sachems of the Five Nations of Indians to Governor Hunter 403 Letter from Col. Nicholson to Mr. Popple — Intrigues of the French with the Indians, &c 407 Letter of Governor Hunter to the Secretary of State — Indian affairs, &c 409 Letter of Col. Schuyler to the Board of Trade — Indian affairs— French forts erected on the Frontiers, &c m (Enclosing) Journal of Lawrence Clausen, Interpreter of proceedings with the Seneca Indians 413 Extract of a letter from Lieutenant Governor Doucet to Governor Phi- lipps of Annapolis — Correspondence with Mr. de Vaudreuil, Gover- nor of Canada 415 (Enclosing) 1st, Letter from Governor de Vaudreuil to Governor Doucet, claiming protection for the Missionnarics and French inhabitants, &c., who choose to remain at Acadie 417 2d, Letter of Governor Doucet to Governor de Vaudreuil in answer to the following 420 3d, Letter of Governor de Vaudreuil to Louis Allain, an inhabitant of Port Royal 422 4th, Intercepted letter from the Governor de Vaudreuil to Louis Allain 424 Representation of the Commissioners of Indian affairs at Albany, to Col. Schuyler, concerning the bad state of affairs with the Indians, and the intrigues of the French 43S Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board — Condition of the forts — Trade with the French — Indian affairs 440 Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board — Intrigues of the French. . . 447 Letter ol Governor Burnet to the Board — Effects of the late law, with respect to Trade with the Indians, &c 448 (Enclosing) Memorial of Mr. Durant, a French Recollet Priest, of what passed concerning the establishment of a Post which the French have built at Niagara for the trade of peltries 449 Representation of the Board of Trade to the King upon the state of His Majesty's Colonies in North America 460 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1638 Toar. Oct. 16. 1722. June 6. 1723. June 26. 1723. 1721. Sept. 8. 1724. Aug. 9. 1725. Dec. 6. 1726. Dec. 4. Sept. 14. Sept. 14. Aug. 1 6. Dec. 4. 1727. May 9. Aug. 24. Aug. 8. July 20. Aug. 1. Aug. 1. Vol. Ill — Continued. Page Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board —Transactions with the Indians at Albany — French pretensions, &c 460 Letter of the Board of Trade to Governor Burnet — French establish- ment at Niagara — Extension of British settlement recommended, &c. 473 Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board — Settlement of a Trade with the Indiana — Necessity of a fort in Seneca country, &c 474 Mr. C. Colden's (Surveyor General of the Province of New York) ac- count of the climate of i lat Province 476 Extract of a report concerning the state of His Majesty's Plantations on the Continent of North America, made by the Lords Commis- sioners of Trade and Plantations 487 Letter of Governor Burnet to the Duke of New Castle — Intrigues of the French respecting the Indian trade 511 Extract of a letter from M. de la Faye (Under Secretary of State) to Governor Burnet — Mr. Walpole instructed to use his influence with the French Court to have a Governor of Canada appointed, who will promote harmony, &c 518 Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board — French and Indian affairs — Frenph fort building at Niagara — M. do Longueuil's interpretation of the late Treaty, &c 515 Indian deed of surrender and confirmation of their lands, &c., to the Crown of Great Britain 522 Letter of Gov. Burnet to Governor de Longueuil of Canada, respecting the French fort at Niagara 527 Governor de Longueuil's answer to Governor Burnet 531 Letter of Governor Burnet to the Duke of Newcastle — French fort at Niagara — Fort to be built at Oswego, &c 535 Vol. IV. (1727-1/54.) Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board of Trade — Fort at Oswego commenced, &c 1 Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board of Trade — French opposition to the fort at Oswego — Ncgociations, &c 3 (Enclosing) 1st, Copy of a letter of Governor Burnet to the Governor of Canada, respecting a summons to demolish the Fort 7 2d, Copy of a letter of the Governor of Canada (M. le Marquis de Beauharnois) to the Governor of New York 17 The Governor of Canada's summons to the officer in command at Os- wego (Chouegen) 21 Memorandum of Mr. Bcgon of his having summoned the commandant of Oswego 22 . ■i 1 F ; \ 1 W^ 1634 Year. Dec. 21. 1728. April 29. 1731. Nov. 2, 1732. April 6. 1736. Nov. 1. 1737. April 9. 1736. Oct 26. Aug. 20. Nov. 15. 1738. May 24. June 15. 1739. Aug. 30. Nov. 3. 1741. April 22. 1743. June 19. 1744. Oct 9. June 18. June 20. Dec. 13. 1745. Mar. 27. HISTOBIOAL DO0IJMENT8 Vol. IV — Continued. V»V) Letter of the Board of Trade to the Duke of Newcastle — Necessity of putting a stop to the French encroachments on the Indian Territo- ry, &c 25 The King's Commission (in Latin) to the Bishop of London to exercise Ecclesiastical authority in the American Plantations 29 Letter of Mr. Van Dam to the Board — Encroachments of the French, and their building a Fort at Crown Point (Pointe d la Chevelure) &c. 45 Re|)resentation of the Board of Trade upon the French encroach* menta, &o 47 Copy of Mr. Clarke's letter to Captain Congreve, commanding at Oswego 53 Letter of Mr. Clarke to the Duke of Newcastle, respecting Captain Congreve 55 Copy of Mr. Clarke's letter to the Governor of Canada, respecting Captain Congreve's conduct. . 68 Copy of a letter from M. de Beauharnois, Governor of Canada, to Mr. Clarke, relating to the some subject 67 Copy of a letter from the Governor of Canada to Mr. Clarke, com- plaining of Lieutenant Cameron's conduct 61 Letter of Mr. Clarke to the Board — French claims to territory, &c. . . 65 Letter of Mr. Clarke to the Duke of Newcastle — French establishing themselves at Crown Point, &c 67 Letter of Mr. Clarke to the Board — Indian presents — Expedition from Canada against the Carolina and Georgia Indians — Fears in case of a rupture with France and Spain 69 Copy of a letter of the Commissioners of Indian affairs at Albany, to Mr. Clarke 73 Letter of Mr. Clarke to the Duke of Newcastle — Suggestions as to English policy in America, in case of war with France 74 State of the British Provinces with respect to the French who sur- round them 81 Letter of Governor Clinton to the Board — Proposed operations against Canaila — Proceedings of the Assembly of New York 92 Speech of Governor Clinton to the Sachems of the Indians at Albany. 96 Reply of Governor Clinton to the answer of the Indian Sachems 101 Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Newoa.stle — Proposal to lay a tax upon stamped paper in the Colonies would be a dangerous measure — Mr. Clarke, the supposed author of the scheme 106 Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Newcastle — Expedition against Louisbourg — Fortifications, &c 109 »5 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1686 Vol. IV — Continued. _, ftwe Letter of Governor Clinton to the Board— >Ha8 been constrained to dissolve the Asaeinbly — Incursions of the Indians, &c 117 Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Newcastle — The New As- sembly better disposed — Votes of supplies for prosecuting the war — Horrible cruelties of the French Indians, &c 119 Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Newcastle — Expedition against Crown Point — his favour with the people — Conduct of the Assembly 121 Letter of Governor Clinton to the Board — Indian hostilities and cruelties 125 Copy of a letter from Governor Shirley to Governor Clinton — The expedition against Canada abandoned, &c 181 Copy of a letter of Colonel Johnson to Governor Clinton — Good un- derstanding with the Indians, &c 133 Copy of a letter from Colonel Johnson to Governor Clinton — Prepa- rations for attacking the French Indians, Ac 187 Copy of Governor Shirlev's letter to the Governor of Canada — Arrangements for the exchange of prisoners 141 Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Bedford — State of the French and Indians, &c 149 Letter of Governor Shirley to the Duke of Bedford — Pretensions of the French — Settlement of the limits 153 (Enclosing) 1st, Copy of a letter from M. de la Galisaonniftre, Governor of Canada, to Governor Mascarene — Complaints against Captain Gorham's proceedings respecting the missionaries and French inhabitants at Bale des Mines, &c 167 2d, Copy of a letter from Governor Mascarene to M. de la Galisson- ni^re — Justifies the conduct of Captain Gorham, and announces the ratification of the treaty of peace, &c 165 3d, Copy of a letter from Governor Shirley to M. de la Galissonni^re— Treachery of the Abenaquis Indians, and bad conduct of the French missionaries 171 Letter of Governor Clinton to thu Duke of Bedford — French and In- dian affairs 179 Letter of Governor Clinton to the Board of Trade — Prisoners in Cana- da — Indian affairs — French intrigues, &c 183 (linclosing) Copy of a letter from M. de la Galissonnieru to Governor Clinton — Complaints against officers in command of posts — Difficulties respect- ing Indian prisoners of the Six Nations 189 Copy of a letter of M. de Ligneries to Governor Clinton — Exchange of Canadians and French Indian prisoners 197 Copy of a letter from Governor Clinton to the Governor of Canada — Representations respecting the detention of English prisoners, and Indians who are subjects of Great Britain, &c 205 Tear. July 26. July 25. Nov. la Nov. 30. 1747. July 24. July 17. Aug. 19. 1748. July 29. Oct. {JO. 1749. May 10. Jan. 15. April 25. May 8. May 30. Juno 3. 1748. Oct. 19. Oct. 10. Pi! 1636 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS %' ^>t \\m '.; i\wi ( f V) wd •?'* Si' m *' Ivf ''B2 ^-i ) ■ Year. Oct. 10. Oct 10. 1749. Mar. 29. April 10. April 14. April 8. July 7. Juno 25. Juno 27. Aug. 10. August. Oct. 30. 1750. Mar. 17. Jan. 6. Jan. 22. Feb. 19. Feb. 2. April 9. June 7. March 7 June 7. May 31. Vol. IV — Continued. P«g« Copy of a letter of Governor Clinton to the Governor of Canada- Proposals for an exchange of prisoners 215 Copy of a letter from M. de la Qalissonniftre to Governor Clinton — Different interpretations of the treaty respecting the claim of sove- reignty over the Six Nation Indians, ^{1 ■ I'? •■" I ^* '^ 1688 HISTORICAL D0CUMKNT8 ^>-. ■- :l-^' ■■ ; . V: '' • ' ^,i •»t . ,^ a> f . ■ . ' ■: T;?^ ;'■": ; ' -* ■'V'fi-/; \'^l ■!.■ ■'■' ■.a..;- ' : r i 4' ' ~i ' ''i i'i ■ ■ i :■*?-■ ' ' 4*:,. - 1 ' •■4.':-" -■'.■ ■ 'Hi\::--. '■ ' tt-f::^-. . ■■■-1. ..w* ; t ^ f Ycnr. Aug. 10. Aug. 31. 1732. 1753. June 29. Nov. 29. May 16. 1754. Jan. 7. Nov. 8. Deo. 24. 1764. Jan. 10. 1754. April 27. April 16. July. Aug. 9. Aug. 9. Oct. 8. Oct. 21. Oct. 16. Vol. IW—Continvfd. Governor Clinton's Notes upon the Qovernor oi'Canada's letter of this date Put* 426 Letter from Governor Clinton to the Uukn of Bedford — Recommends Mr. William Smi^h for the office of Attorney General ofthe Province of New York 483 Letter from Governor Clinton to the Board — Recommends Mr. Wil- liam Smith for a place in the Council 436 Letter of the Reverend Samuel Johnson of New York, to the Arch- bishop of (Jnnterbury, about the state of Rolijrion and of the Church in America 437 Letter of Mr. de Lanocy to the Board — French and Indian move- ments 44 Letter of Captain Stoddart to Col. Johnson — Affairs on the Ohio 446 Letter of Governor Shirley to Lord Holdorness — Indian and French affairs 449 Extract of Lieut. Holland's letter, commanding Officer at Oswego, to the Governor of New York, communicated to Governor Shirley by Lieut. Governor de Lancey 453 Extract of a letter from Mr. Smith to Governor Shirley — French pre- parations, &c 454 Examination of Stephen Coffin, taken prisoner by the French in 1747 on his remm from C.iiuula 458 Vol. V. (17.')4-17GO.) Letter of ^^lljor Washington to Governor Hamilton, announcing the surrender of a Fort near the Forks of the River Mononghala, to the French 1 Copy of a summons by order of Mr. do Contrecojur, French Com- manderoiithe Ohio, to the Commander of the British Troops at the mouth of the Mononghala 4 Measures necessary to defeat the designs of the French, proposed by Col. Johnson 9 Representation of the Board of Tr.aile to the King, upon a project of a general concert to be entered into by the British Colonies in North America, for thoir mutual and common defence, &c 17 Draft of a plan for a general concert to be entered into by His Ma- jesty's Colonies in North America, for their mutual and common defence, &c 23 Letter of Mr. de Lancey to thu Board — French and Indian incursions, destruction of Iloosick, &c 33 Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board — Albany stockaded — Military preparations against the French, &c 35 Copy of a letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Governor of Canada, acquainting him with the destruction of Hoosick by several tribes of French Indians 36 RELATING TO CANADA, ETO. 1689 Vol. V — Continued. Tokr. Oct. 36. Nov. 25. Dec, 16. Dec. 24 1765. Jan. 31. 1754. Dec. 26. 1755. Jan. 31. Jan. 1. Mar. 24. June 28. July 21. Aug. 7. Sept. 3. P»|0 Sept. 4. Aug. 22. Sept. 14. Sept. 10. Letter of the Uev, S. Johnson to the Bishop of Oxford— Increasing influence of the DidseiiterH— -The Church scarcely tolerated in New England — Colleges, &c 38 His Majesty')* socret inxtructions to Major General Edward Braddock, appointed Cominindur in Chief in North America 49 Letter of Mr. de Lancuy to the Uoanl — Fronch dosigns — Measures necessary to defeat thoiu — Korts to bo raitted — Conduct of the As- sembly—Quit rents, Ac Letter of Governor Shirley to Sir Thomas Robinson, giving his view upon the Albany plan of Union, Sm Letter of Mr. ilc Lancey to Sir Thomas Robiiison- with the Indians, &c -French influence 73 86 Copy of a letter from Mr. Duquesne, Governor of Canada, to Mr. de Lancey, expressing his re^^ret at the ravages lately committed by the Indians against his orders 89 Letter of Mr. do Lancey to the Board — Defence of New York — Oswego — Designs of the French 93 Copy of a letter of Lieut. Holland, commanding at Oswego, to Mr. de Lancey — Intrigues of the French 94 Letter of Governor Shirley to Sir Thomas Robinson — General Brad- dock's plan of Military operations commended — Observations on the French designs 9g Letter of (Joveruor Shirley to Sir Thomas Robinson — His interview with (luiinral IJraddock — Measures concerted — Movements of the Troops— Col. Johnson commissioned by General Braddock to manage the Indian affairs, &c Ii3 Letter of Col. Johnson to the Hoard — His interview with General Braddock — Proceedings of the Indians — Intrigues of the French — Preparations for his march to Crown-Point, &o 131 Letter of Mr. de Lancey to Sir Thomas Robinson, interview with General Bradiloek — His defeat and death — Military operations — Importance of Oswego, &c 138 Letter of Major General Johnson to the Board — Zeal of the Indians in the British interest — Governor Shirley di.ssatisfied with his con- duct — Defence of his policy against the Governor's objections, his imperiousues.'s kc — Fort building at the Lake called by the French "St. Sacrement,'' but to which he has given the name of Lake " George," &c 149 Speech of Hendrick, the great Mokawk Sachem, to General Johnson. 161 Minutes of a Council of War, held by Major General Johnson 165 Letter of Sir Charles Hardy to the Board — General Johnson's success against the French on the 8th instant — Reinforcements raising, &c. 172 Letter of Peter Wraxhall, Aide-de-Camp to General Johnson, to Mr. de Lancey with an account of the«action of the 8th September, and of the Baron of Dieskau's defeat and capture, Ac 173 ■ 1' f f" • 1 t i' v.- .i i w m % hh\ •■f, :1 i' 1640 Ttw. Sept. »0. Sept. 11. Sept. 11. Sept. 14. Sept. 16. Oct. 9. Nov. 11. Nov. 27. 1756. Jan. 16. Sept. 6. Aug. 21. Sept. 10. Nov. 1. 1757. Feb. 14. 1755. 1769. Aug. 24. Dec. 30. Juna • >. S'-;pt. 27. niSrottlOAL DOCUMENTS Vol,. V. — Continued. Lotlor of a fSiinner, imdt^rCap. Kyro, to his cousin, iivinjj an •ccount of tlio notion of Iho 8tli Soptomber i7g Iloturn of tlio killed and wounded, Ac, in the troops commanded by GaneridJolninon igj Letter of Mr. I'ownnll to tlio IJoiird — Details of the notion of tlio 8ili September — The Indians in the Ohio determined to act against tlio Froncli lg; Letter of Major (ionoral Johnson to the Hoard — Defeat of Baron do Dieskau — Conduct of tlio Iiuliuii.i iifter the battle — Indian tnuio'- Opposition of tlio Uutcdi traders, Ac . Jfip Copy of a loiter fioiii Major Uonural Johnnon to Sir Charli-. Ilardy-i Obsorvutions on llio eiigugomunt which touk place ' i' 16th September, &o ijij Letter of Mr. J. I'ownail, Socretaiy of the Hoard of Trade, to Majoi OLMiernl JohiiMon — His appointment to the sole superintending of Indiun alfairM — His opinion a> to a gunciul plan for regulating them desired by the Board, &o 197 Letter of Secretary Sir Thomas Hobinson to Major General Johnson — His good conduct coinmunded — The King has bc<.i\ pleased to confer u])on him the dignity of Baronet, kc 201 Letter of Sir Charles Hardy to the Board— .Miscarriage of the Crown Point expedition — Causes of it — Forts on Lake (ieorge, kc 203 Letter of Sr Charles liar ly to the Board of Trade— Defence of the FrotM'ors — Management of Iiulian affairs, &o 205 Lftliir of Sir Charles Hardy to the Board — Surrender of Oswego — Defection of the Indians apprehended 225 Declaration of a soldier in Shirley's Kegiment, about the capture of Oswego 235 Letter of Sir William Johnson to the Board— Loss of Oswago — His views of Indian allairs — Hostilities on the Susijuehaima 241 Letter of Mr. William Smith to the Bishop of Oxfonl (Dr. Seeker) upon Provincial allairs 253 Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to the Governors, &c., in North America, The King has resolved to act -vith the greatest vigour in the ensuin)? campaign — The Proviuct ;. in_ it to raise forces, &c 2C3 Extract .om Mr. Crogham's ,T„,inii; ■ isactions 'a the Indians on the Ohio, from H-." 1 '. uei..' of General Braddock. 269 Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board— Surrender of Fort William Henry, &c 281 Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to the Governors, &c., in America- Forces to be laised- His Majesty's views as to the prosecution of the war in the next campaign 285 Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to General Abercrombie— Col. Schuyler rxchanges prisoners in Canada, &c ... 293 t., tier of Archbishop Seeker to Rev. Dr. Johnson— Disasters in America— F.cclesiastical establishments, &c 297 \'k RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1641 Vol. V — Continued, Tmf. 1757. Dec. 29. Feb. 19. Mar, 20. May 17. 1759. July 24. July 27. Aug. 10. July 25. Aug. 5. Oct. 28. Dec. 11. 1760 Jan. 7. Feb. 21. 1760. July 13. ft«« Nov. 4. Not. 18. Dec. 12, Letter of Mr. de Laiicey '< the Board of Trade — Fort Duqueine burnt ami abandoned by the FhsuKfh 309 Letter of Mr ^e(•^'tary I'ilt to Major GeiK-ral Amherst — Major Gen- oral VVolfu appointed Id conduct the expedition against Quebec — Canada to be invaded by Crown Point, an<.l Montreal to b« attacked 318 The Bishop of London's report on the state of the Church in the Colonies 389 Letter of the Rev, S, Johnson to the Archbishop of Canterbury — Con- duct of some leadinj? DisBciitors 367 Letter of Sir William JoliMHon to the Board — Favorable undorslivnd- ing with the Indians — Reduction of Niagara, &c 361 Letter of Mr, de Laiicey to the Board— Advance of the Troops upon Niagara 373 Copy of a loiter of (Jeiieral Amherst to ^U; de Lanoey — Capture of Ticonderaga and defeat of the French 877 Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board > Trade — Surrender of Fort Niagara, Ac 379 Copy of a letter from Captain do I.ancey to Mr, de Lancey — Defeat of the French and capture of Niagara 381 Copy of a letter from General Amherst to Mi '» Lancey— The Eng- lish army in possession of Crown Point. . 385 Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Hoard— En i;,'emont upon Lakp Champlain 389 Letter of Mr, Secretary Pitt to General Amherst -The next campaign to be prosecuted with unabated vigour, &c. . . 390 Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to the Governors iii America — troops to be raised in the Colonies 395 Letter of Mr, Secretary Pitt to General Amherst Montreal to be re- duced &c — The Hotel-Dieu of Quebec is speci d\y recommended by the King to Lord Amherst's protection 400 Letter of the Board of Trade to Mr, Secretary P, t— Settling lands adjacent to the Lakes in New York 411 Vol, VI. (1760-177!).) Letter of the Reverend Dr. Johnson to the Archbisho i of Canterbury — Conditi' II of the Church 1 (Enclosing) Questions reltiting to the Union and Government of tie Plantations — Addressed to the Editor of the London Magazi le and signed "Philo Anglus Americanus." 4 Letter of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Reverend Mr. S. John- son — Observations on the above questions, &c 13 Representations of the Board of Trade upon the CommiMions of the Judges in the Province 15 Representations of the Board of Trade to the King 16 ..•Ul inW ' y - t:/' i. , lHaF»S'» ? ' 1|:' ■' ' M • ' m ^■'' Mil' . t'l' t i V\''^ V 4 , ■ ■ - ra , (iy ' ' ' ' V V ';■ 1 t' 1 ' 1 y 1 P 1 N ^n' ^ |{ •^] 1 I i it Sa, r ;<■ ■i:. 1642 Year, 1763. May 5. Juno 19. uly 23. July 11. July 30. Aug. 5 Aug. 13. 1763 Aug. 27, Sept. 9. Sep. 25. Sep. 30. Oct. 18. Nov. 13. Dec. 19. Dec. 20, No date. 1764. Feb. 13. April 14. July 10. HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS Vol. VI — Continued. (Enclosing) lo. Draft of an instruction for the Governors in America — Grants of land Page 17 2o. Draft of an instruction for the Governors in America, respecting the Commissions of the Judgea in the Province, &c 22 Letter of Lord Egremont to the Board — Cession of Canada by the French to Great Britain, &o 25 Letter of Sir William Johnson to the Board — Indian hostilities 35 Extract of a letter from Sir J. Amherst to the Earl of Egremont— ra- vages of the Indians within the Provinces 46 Copy of a letter from Sir W. Johnson to Sir J. Amherst — Capture of Fort Venango by the Indians, &c 49 Copy of a letter from Sir W. Johnson to Sir J. Amheret— Intrigues of the French among the Indians 53 Letter of the Board of Trade to Sir Wm. Johnson — No grants to be made of landd occupied by the Indians 57 Letter of the Earl of Egremont to Sir Jeffery Amherst — Designs of the French in Canada, «Stc 61 Copy of messages sent by the Canadian Indians to the Western Tribes 65 Copy of a letter of Sir J. Amherst to Sir William Johnson — Engage- ment with the Indians at Bushyrun 69 Copy of a letter from Sir J. Amherst to Sir William Johnson — Indian aflairs 73 Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board of Trade— State of Indian affairs 77 Copy of a letter from Sir J. Amherst to Sir Wm. Johnson — Defection of the Senecas — Jealousy of the traders of the French, &c 89 Letter of the Earl of Halifax, Secretary of State, to Sir J. Amherst — Troops to be raised in the Colonies against the Indians, &c 94 Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board — State of affairs with the Indians 97 (Enclosing) Statement of the names, numbers and situations of the various tribes of Indians 123 Letter of Lieutenant Governor Golden to the Board — Indians sue for peace .. . 126 Letter of the Hevd. S. Johnson to the Archbishop of Canterbury — State of the Church, &c 131 Letter of George Croghan to the Board — Suggestions as to the future treatment of the Indians, &o 134 Letter of Mr. Golden to the Earl of Halifax, containing a copy of a letter from Sir William Johnson upon Indian affairs 150 Letter from General Gage to Lord Halifax — Expedition up the Mis- sissipi — Pondiac — Peace concluded with the Lidians 154 Letter of the Board of Trade to Sir Wm. Johnson — Indian affairs. .. 15H RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1648 Year. July 10. Aug. 30. Aug. 30. July 18. Sep. 21. Oct. 8. Oct. 8. Oct. 30. 1764. Dec. 4. 17(55. Feb. 22. Mai-. 16. Novem. 1766. .lar. 2-i. Jun; 28. Ju!ie28. July 11. Aug. 20. 1767. Feb. 23. 1768. Mar. 7. April 15. April 15. Vol. VI — Continued, Page (Transmitting) Plan for the future management of Indian affairs 167 Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Earl of Halifax — Cession by the Indians of lands at Niagara 186 Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board — Indian affairs, &c 190 (Transmitting) Articles of Peace concluded with the Huron Indians 198 Letter of General Gage to the Earl of Halifax — Indian Congress at Niagara 206 Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board — Indian affairs 210 Sir Wm. Johnson's sentiments upon the " Plan for the future man- agement of Indians affairs." 223 Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board — Grants of lands from the Indians, &c 312 Copy of Col. Bradstreet's thoughts upon Indian affairs — Certain mili- tary posts to bo established, &o 316 Letter of Mr. Golden to the Earl of Halifax — Influence and character of the lawyers in New York, &c 331 Letter of the Board of Trade to Mr. Cokion, respecting the two Mo- hawks exhibited as a show in a Tavern in London 334 Journal and transactions of George Croghan, Esquire, Deputy Agent for Indian affairs, with the several Indian Nations on his journey to the Illinois, from May to September 1765, as delivered l)y him to Sir Wm. Johnson, on his return 335 Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board— French movements in Illi- nois, &c — Canada grants, &c 343 Letter of Sir Wm. Johiiscii to Mr. Secretary Conway— Discontents among the Indians— Intrigues of tlie French, &c 349 Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board &i Trade— Necessity of some fixed plan for the regulation of Indian affairs, &c 357 Letter of the Board of Trade to Sir Wm. Johnson— French grants, &c 363 Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board of Trade— Proceedings with Pondiac and other chiefs of the Western Indians— Observations of the Indian character . . . .^ . . . 367 Letter of Sir H. Moore to Lord Shelburne, Mr. William Smith recom- mended as a member of the Council ■ ■ 379 Representation of the Hoard of Trade to the King, upon the general state of Indian affairs, and the establi>hinc'nls of Posts, &c 383 Circular letter of Lord Hillsborouiih to the American Governors- Plan for the management of Indian aifaii s 423 Letter of Lord Hillsborough to Sir Wm. Johnson, management of Indian affairs, Ac 427 00 pi^H . r 1644 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS w If 5! iV % Year. July 25. June 26. July 5. 1774. May 2. 1775. May 25. Aug. 6. Oct. 12. Dec. 17. 1776. Feb. 8. Jan. 7. Feb. 13. 1779. Auij. 20. Vol. VI — Continued. pj^jj Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to Lord Hillsborough — Reforms in the In- dian departments, &c 436 Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to Lord Hillsborough — French designs — Their arrival at Detroit 451 Additional instructions to Sir H. Moore, respecting lands near Lake Champlain, &c 453 Letter of Sir Wra. Johnson to Lord Dartmouth — Indian affairs — French intrigues — Character of the Canadians, &c 455 Representation of the Board of Trade to the Committee of the Privy Council — French Canadian claims — Crown Point 463 Secret inteIli;Tence from Ticonderaga 471 Letter of Col. Gny Johnson to Lord Dartmouth — Canadian affairs- Defeat of the Americans under Montgomery at St. Johns — Col. Allan's expedition ami defeat in the neighbourhood of Montreal, &c. 475 Letter of Wm. Smith, Esquire, to Governor Tryon — Remarks on the state of affairs. He 483 Extract from the records of Indian transactions under the superinten- dency of Col. Guy Johnson, in the year 1775 487 Letter of Governor Tryon to Lord Dartmouth — The Americans defeat- ed in their attack upon Quebec — Indian operations, &c 503 Letter from General Wooster to Ool. Warner — Defeat of the American army before Quebec 606 Representation of the Board of Trade to the Committee of Privy Council — Mr. Lotbiniere's grant of land, &c 511 Conference with Onondaga and Cayuga chiefs, at Quebec 515 5. DIVERS OTHER, HISTORICAL DOCUMRNTS RELATING TO CANADA. Vol. I. A short account of whp.t passed at Cape Breton from the beginning of the last war until the taking of Louisbourg, by the English in the year 1758 1 The articles of the capitulation of Louisbourg 28 The articles of capitulation for the Town of Quebec 32 Dialogue of the, Dead, between the Marquis de Montcalm and General Wolfe or, a Parallel of Military Faults, committed equally by the French and by the English Armies during the Campaign of 1759 in Canada 39 Continuation of thf Campaign of 1759 in Canada 91 The Campaign of 1760, in Canada 107 Articles of the capitulation, concluded between His Excellency General Amherst and the Marquis de Vaudreuil, Governor and Lieutenant General of His Most Christian Majesty i n Canaua 133 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1645 'fG TO CANADA. Vol. II. Chisholme's Papers. A volume of Papers purchased from the widow of the late David Chisholme, Esq., of Three Rivers, having been collected together by him, in view of his intention to write a History of Lower Canada, but which he did not live to accomplish. Page Articles of capitulation granted by Sir Jeffrey Amherst to the Canadians, upon the surrender of Montreal and the province of Canada to the British arms, in September 1760 1 The fourth article of the definitive Treaty of Peace, concluded at Paris the 10th day of February 1763, containing the cession of Canada to the Crown of Great Britain 7 Proclamation of King George III, erecting the four new Governments of Quebec, East Florida, West Florida and Grenada, dated the 7th October, 1763 8 Commission of Captain General and Governor in chief of the province of Quebec, to James Murray, Esq., dated 21st November, 1763.. . j, 13 Commission of Vioe-Admiral for the province of Quebec, to James Murray, Esq., dated the l9th March, 1764 20 Commission of Lieutenant Governor for the province of Quebec to Guy Carleton, Esq., dated the 7th April, 1766. 25 The King's Mandate to the Governor, or Commander in chief of the province of Quebec, requiring him to appoint William Hey, Esq., Chief Justice of the province 26 Commission of William Hey, Esq., as Chief Justice, dated the 25th September 1766 -• 27 Commission of Attorney General to Francis Maseres, Esq., dated 25th September, 1766 29 Commission of Provost Marshal for the province to Nicholas Turner, Esquire, dated the 23rd September, 1763 30 Commission of Secretary, clerk of the Council, commissary or steward-general of provisions and stores, and clerk of the Inrolmenis, to Henry Ellis, Esquire, dated the 30th April, 1763 31 Commission of Receiver General to Thomas Mills, Esq., dated the 10th July, 1765. 82 Instructions to the said Receiver General dated the 10th March, 1786 33 Grant of the office of Surveyor and Auditor General of the King's revenues arising in America to the Honourable Robert Cholmondeley, Esq., by Letters Patent under the great seal of Great Britain, dated 20th November, 1752 85 Mr. Robert Cholmondeley's appointment of Mr. John Brooke to be his deputy for the province of Quebec, dated the I4th January, 1764 39 Instructions to the Revd. Mr. John Brooke, deputy^ auditor of His Majesty's revenues arising in the province of Quebec, dated I4th January, 1764. 41 Order in Council dated 12th August, 1768, confirming the boundary lino between the provinces of New York and Quebec, fixed by Sir Henry Moore, Governor of New York and Brigadier-General Carleton, Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, at a meeting held for that purpose ; and regulating the claims made by His Majesty's new Canadian subjects to Lands situated on the South side of thatline 42 Plan of a code of Laws for the province of Quebec, reported by the Advocate General Dr. James Marriott, to the King, in 1773 43 1646 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS Vol. II — Continued. F>go t' •: Appendix No. 1. Letter to thtt Attorney and Solicitor General upon a second reference of the case of the Jesuits in Canada 90 Appendix No. 2. Proofs and Extracts relating to the constitution of the Society of Jesaits, annexed to the letter to the Attorney and Solicitor General. 93 Appendix No. 3. Concerning the ancient ordinance and laws of the police. 98 Proclamation of Guy Carletou, Governor in chief of the province of Quebec, dated 8th December 1774, publishing the Imperial Act 14 George III. ch. 83, inti- tuled "An Act making more effectual provision for the Government of the '< province of Quebec in North America," and the Imperial Act 14 George III. chap. 88, intituled " An Act to establish a fund towards further defraying " the charges of the administration of justice and support of the Civil Qovern- " ment within the province of Quebec in North America 100 Imperial Act, 15 George III. chap. 40, intituled "An Act for amending and ex- plaining the Act of the 14th George III, intituled " An Act to establish a fund " towards further defraying the charges of the administration of justice, and " support of the Civil Government within the province of Quebec, in America" 108 Copy of His Majesty's commission of Captain general and Governor in chief to His Excellency Sir Guy Carleton, K. 13. now Lord Dorchester, dated 22nd April, 1786 110 Imperial Act, 31 George III. chap. 31, intituled " An Act to repeal certain parts " of An Act passed in the 14 George III, intituled, "An Act for making more •' effectual provision for the Government of the province of Quebec, in North " America ; and to make further provision for the Government of the said "province" 117 Copy of His Majesty's commission appointing the Right Honorable Guy Lord Dorchester to be Captain general and Governor in chief of the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, dated 18th September, 1791 133 Extracts from His Majesty's Instructions to His Excellency Lord Dorchester, dated 16th September, 1791 143 An additional Instruction, dated 11th April, 1792 151 Proclamation of Alured Clarke, Lieutenant Governor and Commander in chief of the province of Quebec, fixing the date at which the Imperial Act 31 George III. chap. 31, shall come into operation, dated 18tb November, 1791 152 Proclamation of Alured Clarke, Lieutenant Governor of Lower Canada dividing the said province, into Districts, Counties, &c., for the purpose of organizing the Civil Government thereof, dated 7th May, 1792 154 Proclamation of Lieutenant Governor Alured Clarke summoning the first Provin- cial Parliament of Lower Canada, dated 15th May, 1792 160 Royal warrant respecting the use of the great seal of the province of Quebec for sealing instruments in Lower Canada, dated 26ih December, 1791 161 Additional Royal Instructions to Guy Lord Dorchester, Governor General of Lower Canada, dated 12th July, 1792 161 Draught of commission appointing William Smith, Esquire, Chief Justice of Lower Canada, to be Speaker of the Legislative Council, dated 15th Decem- ber, 17^2 166 Draught of the commission of the Clerk of the Legislative Council, 1792 I66 Draught of the commission of the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod 167 EELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1647 upon a second c, in America" 108 Vol. II — Continued. Draught of the commission of the Clerk of the House of Assembly. . . 167 Draught of the commission of the Sergeant at Arms 168 Draught of Dedimus Potestatem 168 Speech of His Excellency Lieutenant Governor Alured Clarke, at the opening of the first Parliament of Lower Canada, on the 20th December, 1792 169 Proclamation of His Excellency Alured Clarke, Lieutenant Governor of Lower Canada, for the suppression of ^'ice, profaneness, and immorality, dated January 1793 171 Extract of a letter from Mr. Secretary Dundas to Lord Dorchester, dated September 1791, respecting the levying of Tythes for the support of a protestant clergy in Upper and Lower Canada until the Reserved Lands can be made available for that purpose 172 Journal of a Committee of Council respecting a survey of the East brancli of the River Connecticut running through the British Territory; and respecting the dividing line between Canada and the United States ; with copy of a letter from J. Eames to S. Z. Watson, dated October 6th, 1792; and Mr. Watson's reply thereto, dated 12th October, 1792, on the same subject 172 Communication by Lieutenant Governor Clarke to the Executive Council respect- ing grants of land to certain Ecclesiastics of the Roman Catholic Religion, and others, being emigrants from France, who are desirous of an Asylum in Lower Canada ; with an " Expose'' from a deputation of those emigrants explaining their views and desires, dated 7th March, 1793 174 Copy of Mr. Attorney General Yorke and Mr. Solicitor General De Grey's opinion respecting the case of the contractors in 1766 178 Opinion of R. P. Arden, Esq., Attorney General, and of Arch. Macdonell, Esq., Solicitor General, on Brandies imported into Quebec from Barbadoes, and from St. Johns in Newfoundland, dated 26th July, 17S5, with a judgment in the Court of Vice Admiralty, at Quebec, on the same subject 181 Letter from the Custom House in England to the collector and comptroller of Quebec, concerning the importation of Brandies at Quebec, inclosing further legal opinions thereupon, dated 8th November, 1785 183 Upper Country Bills, opinions of Kenyon, Mansfield and Lee tliereupon 187 Vol. III. A vol. of letters, descriptive of a tour through the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada in the course of the years 1792 and 1793. 4to. 370 pages. Vol. IV. A quarto case, containing : A Map of the Province of Quebec, comprehending the Districts of Gaspi', Quebec, Three llivers, Montreal, Lunebiirgh, Meeklenburgh and Nassau, the Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, (^ape Breton, and part of the States of New York, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts, in which are laid down the several Seigniories, to facilitate a division of the country, for the purpose uf an ecjual representation of the people in a House of Assembly. Compiled and drawn by conniiaiid of His Excellency, by Fred. Holland, Sur- veyor Gcnoral. Quebec, August, 1791. i 1 1648 BOARD OF TRADE AND PLANTATIONS flp Ki" Wu H'l ... ;«ll,:i. *r Sin 1 11 ",- 1 ¥ ' M 1'. ■^p 1 J- ^ mf Iffi^* 1' J^ . > 1 ^»l V t ■ 1 ^ 1. L- 1 - ttli i 1 Imi 1 Kilil 6. BOARD OF TRADE AND PLANTATIONS : OFFrCfAL PAPERS, CHIEFLY CONCERNING THE BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA : These Papers were the property of John Pownall, Esq, (tlie brother of Governor Pownall) when Secretary of the Board of Trade ; and after his death, which occurred in 1795, they passed into the liands of his son. Sir George Pownall, who was Secretary of the Province of Lower Canada nntll 1805. 'Sir George afterwards presented the vol- umes to the late Hon. H. VV. Ryland, Secretary to the Governor General, who gave them to his son, G. II. Ryland, from whom they were purchased by the Library of Parlia- ment. The Collection is in 7 vols. Folio. The contents are as follows : Vol. I. paga Letter from the Board of Trade to Mr. Secretary Boyle, dated June 2nd, 1709, together with their Report to Queen Anne, containing a Statement of Her Majesty's pretensions to any Colonies or Places in the West Indies, then in possession of the French ; anil an Account of what places were taken from or by us in those parts during the last War. With an Ap- pendi.v 1 Letter from Col. Quary, dated 30th of May, 1704, to the Board, relating the condition and state of the trade of Pennsylvania, New England, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia in America 159 Copy of Her Majesty's Commission to Lord Cornbury, Governor of Now York and New Jersey, for the Trial of Pirates, &c 194 Letter from Col. Quary to the Board, dated Philadelphia, 28th June, 1707, giving an account of the present state of Pensylvania, " the three lower Counties," New York and New England 214 Letter from Col. Quary in relation to several Governments on the Continent of America, dated 10th January, 1708 230 "Canada surveyed, or the French dominions upon the Continent of Ame- rica'.briedy considered ill their situation, strength, trade and number, more particularly how vastly prejudicial they are to the British interest, and a method proposed of easily removing them." (See another copy; with a supplement ; post, vol 4, pp. 219 — 235) 546 Vol. II— Intituled : " An extract of what passed at the Board of Trade, relating to the. Treaties of Con\nierce with Fr.ince and Spain, concluded at Utrecht ; together with several observations on every other brunch of the British commerce." (Signed,) J. Pownall. 305 pages. " We Lave extracted the particiilnrs of what was transacted at the Board relating to the Treaties of Coinmerco witli France and Spain, and re- lating to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Ac. ; and have PulijiiiiK'd our rclleotions thereon, together with a state of this King- dom's trade to all parts during tiie peace, after the Treaty of IJyswick. And a further state thereof for the three first years of the war, in 170U and lYOi. To which la annexed, an account of the Wool! e!i Manufactures exported, from M/ohaehnas 1697, to Christmas 1714, with our remarks tliereon." — Introductory remarks. PAPERS CONCERNING BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA. 1649 Vol. Ill — intituled: Page " Lottors and memorials from the sevoral British Envoys and Consuls abroad, relating to the state of our Trade at the King's [George I.] accession to the Crown, A. D. 1714." Memorial from the Merchants trading to Naples, relating to the present state of that trade ; as also to what will be necessary for the advantage thereof. 2 Letter from Mr. Thomson, Consul nt Algiers, relating to a ship seized there with English colours, and to abuses by foreigners getting possession of her late Majesty's Mediterranean Passes 12 Copy of the 4th Article of the Treaty of Peace made at Algiers by Admiral Herbert in 1700 22 Copy of an Article made by Commodore Munden in 1700 24 Copy of his late Majesty's [King William] Instructions to Consul Cole at Algiers 30 A list of all the naval force of Algiers in the year 1713 36 Another letter from Mr. Thoms-oii, dated 13th July, 1715, relating to the de- clension of the British trade at Algiers, and the reasons thereof 38 Letter from Lord Townshend, dated 29th Febinary, 1715 ; with a state of the British Trade in Dantzig, received from Sir Richard Vernon, Ilia Ma- jesty's Envoy to tlie Kina; of Poland 48 Mr. Bowman's account of the state of the British Trade in Norway, dated iiOth October, 1715 60 Letter from Lord Viscount Townshend of the 17lh of May, 1715, with Ex- tracts of letters from Mr. Wych, resident at Hamburgh, and Mr. Tigh, Consul at Elsinore, relating to the state of British Trade in those parts. 70 Memorial from the Lisbon Factory to .Mr. Worseley, concerning the grie- vances their Trade lies under. Dated 19th June, 1715 104 A representation from the British Factory at Oporto. Dated 18th May, 1715. 216 Letter from Mr. Poyntz, Consul at Lisbon, dated 2nd August, 1715, with a representation of the state of the British Trade in Portugal 282 Letter 'from Mr. Crowe, Consul at Leghorn, with an account of the British Trade there. Dated 26th July, 1715 336 A letter from the British Consul and Factory at Messina, relating to their Trade in Sicily, dated 30th .June, 1715 346 Letter from Mr. Heme, Consul at Alicant, with an account from the Facto- ry of the state of their Trade, dated 15tli July, 1715 366 Letter from Mr. Martin Wescombe, Consul at Cadiz, with an account from the Factory of the slate of their trade, dated 7th July, 1715 394 Propositions from the Factory of Cadiz for the security and encouragement of the British Trade and Commerce to Spain and its Dominions 450 Representation of the Consul and Merchants of Sevilla and !St. Lucas, relat- ing to the state of the British trade there, dated I4th July, 1715 496 Letter from Mr. Russel, Consul at Sevilla, dated at Cadiz 25th July, 1715. 542 Remarks on the New Treaty of Commerce with Spain sent from Cadiz to the Lord Viscount Bolingbroke, 3rd June, 1714 574 Letter from Mr. Paul, Consul at Zanto, relating to the state of the British trade there, dated 18th July, 1715 616 Letter from Mr. Fleetwooil, Consul at Naples, of the 14th Dec, 1716, with an nccoiinl of the Britisli trade there, dated 7th August, 1716. . . 622 m^ 1660 boaud op trade and plantations : m\ m t} i ■7 Vol. Ill— Continued. rage Mr. Whitworlh's letter from Ratisbon, date J 29th April, 1716, relating to our trado with (Jermaiiy, but more especially to the wile of our Woollen Ma- nufactures there 650 Vol. IV. Royal Instructions to Robert Lowlher, Governor in chief of the Islands of Barbadoes, Sta. Lucia, Dominico, St. Vincents, and the rest of the Cha- ribbee Islands lying to Windward of Guadaloupo in America, dated from St. James' Palace, in the year 1714 ) Royal Orders and Instructions to Robert Lowther, Governor in Chief of the Is- lands of Barbadoes, &c., and in his absence to the Lieutenant Governor of the said Islands, in pursuance of several Laws relating to the trade and navigation between Great Britain and the Colonies in America, dated in the year 1714 48 Form of the Oath appointed to be taken by the Members of His Majesty's Council in Barbadoes '. 70 Representations of the Board of Trade to the King, on a Petition from the In- habitants of Newfoundland respecting the Fishing trade therein, and concerning the ordei-s for the regulation and government of the Island, dated 19th December, 1718 72 Report, with heads of a Bill, submitted to the King, by the Board of Trade, for remedying the dilRculties and abuses in the Newfoundland trade, dated 24th December, 1718 Draught of a Royal Commission appointing John Briilger, Esq., to be Sur- veyor of the Woods on the Continent of America, together with his in- structions, given in the year 1715. . Copy of Mr. Richard West's Report concerning the right of the Crown to all Timber Fees in the province of Main, in America, in regard to the claim set up by Mr. Elisha Cook, dated 12th November, 1718 143 Copy of a letter from Col. Spotswood, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, dated 7th March, 1718, giving an account of the several Public Revenues there 148 Extract of a letter from Col. Spotsvvood, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, to the Board of Trade, dated 14th of Afigust, 1718, giving an account of the French settlements in Louisiana, with a description of the route from Montreal to tliose settlements 158 Extract of a letter from Brigadier Hunter, Governor of New York, to the Lords Commissioners for trade, dated 7th July, 1718, respecting the effects of the French Forts and settlements in Louisiana upon the Brit- ish interests 165 Copy of a Memorial of Captain John Alden, of Boston, to His Excellency the Earl of Bellomont, respecting the Boundaries of Nova Scotia, dated 9th April, 1700 A Representation from the Board of Trade to the King, of the right the Eng- lish have to cut Logwood in Campeachy Bay, in the Spanish West Indies, dated 25th September, 1717 Documents from the Board of Trade relating to Forts, Boundaries, &c., in the territory of Hudson's Bay, on the continent of America, the state of 113 132 167 169 PAPERS OONCEENING BRITISH COLONIE^ ^N AMERICA. 1661 Vol. IV — Continued , the flcttlomentB, and the French encroachmeuts therein. lucludiog au ofiiciul account of the commencement of proceedings by the British Gov- ernment, under the 10, 11 und 15 articles of the treaty of Utrecht, autiiorising the appointment of Commissioners to treat with others to be appointed by France for the settlement of questions concerning the Hud- son's Buy territory. Nova Scotia, and the Island of St. Cln-istopher's : dated January, 1701, to August, 1714 187 A demonstration of the just pretensions of His Majesty the King of England unto the Province of Carolana, otherwise called Florida, and of the pre- sent proprietary under His Majesty. An historical summary, from the year 1497 to 1698 211 Canada surveyed, or the French dominions on the continent of America briefly considered. With proposals for reducing them, dated 27th July, 1708, [by Capt. Vetch] 219 A supplement to Capt. Vetch's memorial [aforesaid] relating to the expedi- tion to Canada, dated 17th November, 1708 235 Memorial from Sir Henry Ashurst about what has past between the English and French in New England and Acadie, since 1667, dated June 25th, 1697. 242 Memorial of Col. Vetch, late Governor of Nova Scotia, relating to the settling the limits between \he French and British Colonies on the continent of America, and complaining of the non-performance of the stipulations enjoined by the treaty of Utrecht with respect to the appointment of Commissioners on the part of France and England, for the adjustment of questions affecting the French and English Colonies in America .... 249 King James I, his patent to Sir William Alexander, afterwards Earl of Ster- ling, for the plantation of New Scotland in America, dated 10th Septem- ber, 1621 253 Letter from the Commissioners of the Board of Trade to Mr. Secretary Vernon, dated February 17th, 1698, about the encroachments of the French upon the English Territories on the continent of America, and the right of Fishery in the adjoining Seas 257 Several letters, relating to the attempts made by the French to capture the Island of Montserrat, &.c., and to the damages sustained by the inhabi- tants tliereof, and of other of the British West India Islands, dated 1712-14 : 264 Objections to the demands of M, d'lberville, Commander of a French Squa- dron of Ships, conccrni.jg the capitulation of Nevis, one of the Leeward Islands, followed by the articles of the capitulation at Nevis, between Mr. d'lberville and Col. R. Abbot, dated 4ih April, 1706, and several other papers relating to the same 280 An address to the King from the Lt. Governor, Council and Assembly of the Island of Nevis ; with depositions of several of the inhabitants,-giving an account of the taking the Island of Nevis by Mr. d'lberville, with a copy of the treaty of surrender, and an account of the breach of the said treaty by Mr. d'lberville, and his barbarous usage of the inhabitants, after they were prisoners of War. These documents are dated 1705- 1716 291 1652 BOARD OF TBADE AND PLANTATIONS : r^'u !>'« W' l,',:'*- Si't Vol. lY— Continued. Report from the Uuard of Trade to Mr. Secretary AdiliHon, upon ii memorial from Mr. d'Iberville, relating to the capitulation of Nevis, dated 26th November, 171V . . . 322 Report of the Hoard of Trade upon certain proposals for purchasing the lands in the late French part of the Island of St. Christophers, [dated about 1716] 329 Abstract of the title of Dr. Daniel Cox, the present proprietary, unto the Province of Caulana, otherwise called Florida, in North America. With representations to His Majesty on the same, dated November and December, 1699 • 338 Copie dc la relation du voyage do MM. d'Iberville, Chatcaumorand et Fugtire, dans la riviere Mississippi, envoyec h M. dc Pontchartrain, datee 30 .luin, lG9i) 348 Mr. Keith's Report to the Board of Trade, contuininj^ a project for preventing communication between the French scttlemi'its on the Rivers Missis- sippi and St. Lawrence. Dated 16th Februarj, 1718-9 384 Extract of Royal (Jrants, — of the Province of Caro'ana, alias Florida, to Sir Robert Heath ; of Virginia, to Sir Thomas Gates jnd others ; of Maryland to Lord Baltimore ; of Pennsylvania to Mr. Penn ; of New York to the Duke of York ; and relating the boundaries of each of the said Provinces. 368 Extract of a (Jrant of East New Jersey from His Royal Highness the Duko of York to '24 proprietors, dated 14th March, 1682 372 Extracts of the Charters of Connecticut and of Rhode Island, relating to their boundaries 872 Extract of the Grant of New England to the Council of Plymouth, with its boundaries, and also the boundaries of Nova Scotia and of Carolina 374 Vol. V. " Copies of the Powers and Instructions to the English and French Coin- niissariesfor settling of Commerce pursuant totlft ninth article of Treaty of Peace at Utrecht ; together wilh an account of their proceedings thereupon." A. D. 1714 1 N.B. — Upon receiving communication relative to moinoiials from the Hud- son's Bay Company and from tho inhabituutB of Montserrat, the French Commiasaries determined that they bad not full power to eutor into these questions; it was accordingly recomnieuded by tho Board of Trade that Her Majesty, Queen Auue, should be pleased to recommend to the French Commissaries " the necessity of ajjpointing Commissaries to treat of several matters, pursuant to tho 10, 11 and 15 articles of the Treaty of Utrecht, (sec p. ;!7.) Copy of a Royal Commission and Instructions for the Governor of Barbadoes. Dated23rdof August, 1717 73 The form of the Oath for a Councillor of Jamaica 107 Letter from Mr. Cumings, Surveyor of tho Customs at Boston, in New Eng- land, to the Lords Commissioners for trade and plantations. Dated 28th .lanuary, 1717-18 108 " Memorial from John Usher, Esq., giving an historical account of New Hampshire, and people settling on shores proper for the fishery, to the prejudice thereof," &c. Dated 19th March, 1718-9 110 PAPERS CONCERNING BRITISH COLONIES IN AMEUIOA. H I . Pofto on a niomorinl B, dated 26th 322 ising the lands , [dated about 329 ;tary, unto the irth America. November and 338 ind et Fugiire, train, datee 30 348 for preventing Rivers Missis- 354 Florida, to Sir I ; of Maryland iw York to the said Provinces. 368 nrss the Ouko 372 elating to their 372 louth, with its Carolina.... 374 French Com- tiele of Treaty proceedings 1 om the Hud- •at, the French to cutor into the Board of o recommend Ciimmissaries 1 5 articles of of Barbacloes. 73 107 n New Eng- Dntcd 28th 108 )unt of New hery, to the 110 Vol. V — Continued. Page An account of the number ofmhabitants belonging to the liermuda, otherwise Somer Islands, White and Black, taken the 'iHth May, 1717 118 List of the names of the several Patentees of the principal offices in the plan- tations in America. Dated April, 171H.... 119 Copy of Mr. 11. West's report to the Board of Trade, upon cstabliHhing liritish manufactures in France. Dated 6th December, 1718 120 An account of what foreign Gold and Silver Coin, as also foreign Gold and Silver Bullion, has been exported out of this Kingdom, from the 25th March, 1710, to the -iOth January, 1717 125 Total value of Kxports from the Port of London by the managers of the Unifoil Trade of the FiUglifh Coujpany trading to tho West Indies, be- tween the 2nth September, 170-2, to the 2!)th September, 1717 127 The Spanish agent's memorial, dated July, 1717, relating to duties on Canary Wines, lodged with the Secretary of State, by the Spanish Embassador and referred by His Majesty to the Board of Trade 128 Proposals to Mr. Secretary Hedges,* for making practicable a trade bHween England and Spain, with the observations of the Board of Trade ai.d tho Council's resolutions thereupon. Dated 2ard March, 1704-5 139 Copy of a report of the Lords Commissioners of Trade, and other papers, relating to the state of the trade of (ireat Britnin with Sweden ; and the hardships it lies under. Dated 9th June, 1710 141 Representations from tho Board of Trade to His Majesty, relating to the trade between England and Ireland, especially the Linen and Woollen manu- factures. Dated 21st August, 1697 148 Queries relating to the increase of the Scotch inhabitants, and Scotch trade in Ireland ; communicated to tho Board of Trade, by Mr. Hill 1G7 Observations relating to the manner of saving the several kinds of Fish, for exportation, in the Western parts of England. Dated 1699 169 State of the duties upon Salt, both foreign and domestic, for three years ending Ladyday 1718; with an account of tho drawback allowed upon Fish... 175 Letters from the Lords Commissioners for Trade to the Lords of the Treasury, relating to tho duties on salt and drawbacks on flsh ; with accounts annexed, dated 15th August, 1718 176 Letter to the Lords of the Treasury, relating to the duties on salt and draw- backs on fish exported, dated 12th Sept. 1718 , 181 Account of the yearly payments into tho Exchequer of the moneys arisen by the duties on salt, and of the allowances yearly made on the exporta- tion of fish, from 25th March, 1709, to 25th March, 1718 183 Letter from the Earl of Dartmouth to tlio Board of Trade, with tho extract . of a memorial from the Marquis de Montuleon, relating to a claim of the Inhabitants of the Province of Guipuscoa, to tish on the coast of New- foundland, dated Ist January, 1712-13 ; with a reply from the Board of Trade 184 Letters from the Board of Trade to Mr. Secretary Stanhope, relating to the trade, fishery, and settlement of Newfoundland ; and relating to the pos- session of Newfoundland in 1670, dated February and June, 1715 186 1654 BOARD or TBADE AMU PLAMTATIOVS It'^H: :■';(.> if ;■} ii:; Vol. y—ConHnued. Lottrt'H ucliang vuriicur, «t Hiuur (). du i)rouill«n, K<*^'Vorn«ur dii Cnp Hruton, rulativo- nicnt i\ I'infrnctinn du Itu arliclv d'Utrecht, ot den procOdas don miaaion* naires. Ces ditlVrontuK lutiroH lont datcoH do 1718. igo M6inoiro concornni\t la cupitulnlion do I'IhIo du Nii^vea, fnito «t hIkuu Io 4 avril 170(), ontro M. d'llu^rvillc, ciipilaiiiu du viiiiMvau du Uoi, ot loa ofnciora ot hahitanHdo la dlto i«la igg Copy of n coinniisHion of Kinp; Uoorp;e I., nominating and appointing tho Uoard of Trade 202 Vol. VI— intituled : Extracts and (iccounts relating to Trade and Plnntations. Letter from the Board of Trado, dated !Wth March, 1718, to Mr. Secretary Crnggf, rolating to the valuation of Knglinh goods in Spain 1 Account of tho soverni HpccioH and qiiantitioH of goods imported into tho port of London from Sweden, from Christmas 169'2, to Christmas 1683 15 Account of the several species and (piantities of goods imported into the port of Condon from Norway and Denmark, from Christinas 1602, to Christmas 1693 n Letter from the persons who have taken upon them tho government of South Carolina, to the Lords CiMumissioncrs of Trado and Plantations, dated ■29th January, 1719 ; with answers to queries ssnt by the Board to Colonel Johnson, relating to the state of that Province 21 Report of tho Board of Trade, dated Pith Dec. 1710, upon the petition of tho weavers in silk and worsted, against the wear of imported calicos, to tho detriment of their trade 35 Projct soumis au Roi pour la comjui'tc des cotes de la mer du sud, par Jean Te.\ier, en date du 15 sept. 1719 66 Extract of instructions from Kiiig Cliarles II. to Sir W. Berkeley, the Gover- nor of Virginia in 166'2, for revoking a grant made by Charles I., to exempt planters from paying (piil rents for thi^ (irst seven yo'irs 66 Memorial from Mr. Cumings to the Board of Trado, in relation to the plantation trade in America 68 Proposal of Mr. J. Mills for purchasing the French lands in the Island of St. Christopher, submitted to the Board of Trade, 19th Sept. 1717 71 Some observations on the Goverment of Jamaica 78 Papers relating to disputes that have arisen between the Secretary of State and tho Board of Trade, iibout tho appoinlment of Councillors in tho Plantations. 1717-1718 79 The form of a Councillor's oath in Barbadocs 84 An account of all ships cleared from Kngland to foreign pacts in 5 years, from Christmas 1709 to Christmas 1714 86 Produce of the salt revenue in 1721 88 Duties and drawbacks on tobacco, sugar and rice OO Account of the gross duties payable on uU wood and timber imported from the Northern Crowns and America, May liith, 1715 91 PAl'KIUS CONCKRNING BRITIIH COLONIES IN AMERICA. 1055 Vol. VI— Conitnucf/. Account of the pricci Riven for homj) for the Roynl Navy, from lfl97 to 17Ui. If2 ProcecdiiiKi ot'tho Koard of Trndo, on the l.'tth of Dec. 1081, relating to the Fire of London OS Account uf thu timber oxportud fVom N«w ilampMhirn to Litlion and Cadiz froml7l'2to 1718 97 Mr. \V. (iordon, miniHtcr of Hiirbudoa, hi* opinion concerning the settling of St. Lucia ; witli a brief account of the Charibbcc iBlnndn 98 Account of land grnnt* in the (ornicr French pirt of Mt. ChriHtophers 103 •Account of the (|uantity of salt noceHmiry for curing certain spccien of flab; with the (lutiiK and (IrawbaokH thirtiupon 100 A Koneral report of thr Hoard of Trade to the House of Lords, on the Trade and I'Inniiitioiis of the Kingdoni, dated November 27th, 17o7. . . . 108 The amount of duties upon timber imported in 5 years, from Christmas 1712 to ChristniaH 1717 '20i Hemp imported in 5 years, from Chtistmai 1712 to ChristraaH 1717, with the duties arising tlurcupon 200 Account ithewing the qmmtity of calicoes, cotTec, pepper and tea imported and exjjorted in six years, from Christmas 1690 to (.hristmas 1713 208 Heads of encjuiry, and answers thereto, relating to the government and gene- ral condition of the province of New Yorl<, from Sir E. Andros, governor of the province (about 1090) 210 A Rill for the bettor regulation ot charter and proprietary governments in America ; and for the encouragement of trade in lliis Kingdom, and 'he plantations 210 Report (if the Hoard of Trade to the House of Lords rclatmg to the colony established at the Isthnnis of Darien, dated 18th January, 1700 218 Account of the Limits and fradc of the Royal African company, trading from between South Uarbary and the Cape of Good Hope 222 Charter of the Royal African Company of England, granted by Charles II. A. D. 1073 225 Index to the rough bound entries, relating to the Royal African Company in the oflice of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations 246 Qualifications described by the Earl of Uellomont as necessary for Governors and other officers in the plantations. 2iO Mr. Follexfen's observations relating to the East India Trade, A. D. 1703. . 250 Mr. I'oUcxI'en'H remarks upon the book of rates, with observations upon the general trade of this Kingdom, A. I). 1697 254 A scheme of the trade from England to all parts for four years and one quarter, during the peace, af\cr the treaty of Ryswick, viz : — from 1697 to 1701 ; reduced to a medium for one year 267 Vol. Vn. An essay upon the Government of the English Plantations on the continent of America, " (supposed to have been written by Mr. lilairc, a minister in Virginia, 10th March 1699, or by Mr. B. Harrison, junior)" i Mr. Penn's scheme for rendering the Northern colonics of America, viz — Bos- ton, Connecticut, &c., more useful to England, February 8th, 169G-7. . 9i 1656 PAINTINGS AND PAINTINGS AND PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS IN THE LIBRARY. Portrait of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, full length. Painted for the House of Assemhly, by an English Artist, who was honoured by the Queen with sittings for that jjurpose. PORTHAITS OF THE SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OF LOWER AND UP- PER CANADA, AND OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF CANADA. PAINTED FOR THE LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT, BY ORDKR OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEM- BLY, BY MR. THEOPHILE HAMEL, OF QUEBEC. N. B. — Portraits of those gentlemen only, to whose name an asterisk is prefixed have been painted for this collection. LIST OF SPEAKERS OF THE LOWER CANADA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. * J. A. Panet was chosen first Speaker of Lower Canada on the 17th December 1/92. During the second Session of the first Parliament, Mr. Panet was appointed a Judge of the Court of King's Bench, and * C. DE Lotbinikre was elected in his stead, on the 28th January, 17!)4. Mr. Panet declining to remove to Montreal, continued to sit as a Member, and on the meeting of the second Parliament he was re-elected Speaker and continued in the thair until the first Session of the eighth Parliament, when * L, J. Papikeau was elected, 21st January, 181.5. * J. R. Vallieres de St. R(cal was elected Speaker on the 1st January 1823, during the absence of Mr. Papineau in England. * L. J. Papineau, on his return, was re-elected Speaker of the next Parliament, and continued to sit as Speaker until the year 1837, when the constitution of Lower Canada was suspended. list of speakers of the upper CANADA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Macdonell, John,, was unanimously chosen Speaker of the first Parliament of Upper Canada on the l/th Se])teml)er, 1792. Smith, David William, was chosen Si)eaker of the second Parliament of Upper Canada, at the opening of the first Session. Street, Samuel, was elected in the room of Mr. Smith on the 5th June, 1800, during that gentleman's absence in England. Smith, D. \V. was again chosen Speaker of the third Parliament on the 28th May, 1801. * Macdonell, Alexander, was unanimously chosen Speaker of the fourth Parliament, on the 1st February, 180.'). Street, Samuel, was again chosen Speaker of the fifth Parliament in 1809. McLean, Allan, was chosen Speaker of the sixth Parliament in 1813; and re-elected Speaker of the seventh Parliament on the 4th February, 1817. * Sherwood, L. P. was chosen Speaker of the eighth Parliament on the Slst January, 1821. Mr. Sherwood was afterwards appointed a Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench and a Member of the Legislative Council. PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1657 FMENTS IN I length. Painted s honoured by the erisk is prefixed have 1st January 1823, * \y^iL80N, John, was elected Speaker of the ninth Parliament on the 11th January, 1825. Mr. Wilson was afterwards called to the Legislative Council. * BiDWELL, Marshall Spring, was elected Speaker of the tenth Parliament, on the 8th January, 1829. * McLean, Archibald, was elected Speaker of the eleventh Parliament, on the 7th January, 18.31. Mr. McLean is now one of the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench, in Upper Canada. * BiDWELL, M. S. was again chosen Speaker of the twelfth Parliament on the 15th January, 1835. * McLean, Archibald, was again chosen Si)eaker of the 13th Parliament, on the 8th Nov., 183(i. Mr. McLean having been appointed one of the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench, he was succeeded by ' * MacNah, a. N. (now Sir Allan),t who was elected on the 19th June, 1837. Mr. MacNab having assumed the command of the Provincial Volunteers at the breaking out of the Rebellion, the House chose in his stead * Ruttan, Henry, who was elected on the 28th Dec. 1837, and served until the return of Colonel MacNab from his military duties on the Frontier, when he relinquished the Chair, which continued to be filled Ijy Colonel MacNab until the Union of the Provinces in 1840. speakers of the LKGISLATIVF assembly of CANADA. * Cuvillier, Austin, of Montreal, was unanimously elected Speaker of the 1st United Parliament of Canaa.i, on the 14th of June, 1841. He had been a member for some years of the Parliament of Lower Canada. * MacNab, Sir Allan Napier, was chosen Speaker of the 2nd Parliament, on the 28th Nov., 1844. Sir Allan had been Speaker of the Parliament of Upper Canada at the period of the Union, and was subsequently Premier, filling the office of President of Committees of Council. Sir Allan had sat uninterruptedly, from 1831 to this time, as member, at first for the county of Wentworth and afterwards for the city of Hamilton. He con- tinued in Parliament until his retirement from public life, in 1857. * MoRiN, Augustin Norbert, was elected in opposition to Sir Allan MacNab, at the oj)euing of the 3rd Parliament, on the 25th February, 1848. Mr. Morin was a prominent member in the Parliament of Lower Canada ; and was subsequently Provincial Secretary and Commissioner of Crown Lands. He is now a Judge of the Superior Court of Lower Canada. * Macdonald, John Sandfield, was chcsen Speaker of the 4th Provincial Parliament, on the I9th August, 1852. He had previously been Sohcitor General for Upper Canada, * Sicotte, Louis Victor, was elected Speaker on the 5th September, 1854. Mr. Sicotte is now (1858) Commissioner of Crown Lands. Smith, Henry, was elected Spedker on the 25th February, 1858. • m \ The Library possesses another Portrait of Sir Allan MaoNab, which was painted in England. '» . 1658 PAINTINGS AND 1 v t I I '!i h h I 1 1:4;; Sl:s tj:';!: i-; . ■11*. M. Hamel has also painted a series of Portraits of the Gentlemen who have filled the Speaker's Chair of the Legislative (Councils of Lower and Upper Cana- da, and of Canada, since the Union of the Provinces. He has been unable to obtain Portraits of every one of the Ex-Speakers, but his Collection includes the following personages : — Hon. W. Smith, Hon. James Baby, Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Hon. Wm. Dummer Powell, Hon. John Elmsley, Hon. Sir William Campbell Hon. Sir J. B. Robinson, Bart., Hon. Jonas Jones, Hon. Robert S. Jameson Hon. Peter McGill, Hon. R. E. Caron, Hon. James Morris, Hon. E. P. Tach^, Hon. John Ross. These Portraits are deposited in the Hall of the Legislative Council. Tableau representant 1' entree de Jacques Cartier dans le Fleuve St. Laurent lors de son second voyage en 1,53.5, avec la Grande Hermine, la Petite Hermine et YEmenflon, Peint d'apres Perrot, par Augustine Leriverenes. Twelve Oil Paintings, by Mr. Paul Kane, Artist, of Toronto, from Sketches made by himself in the North West Territories. 1. Big-Snake, a Black Foot Chief, recounting his War Exploits to five of his Subordinate Chiefs. 2. Boat Encampment, Situate at the head of the North Branch of the Navi- gable Waters of the Columbia River (for Canoes.) Derives its name from its being the terminus of all boat navigation and the commencement of Land carriage across the Mountains, and consequently the place at which all parties going or returning must necessarily encamp. 3. Mount Hood. A mountain about 7000 feet high, situate near the South Bank of the Columbia River, and at about 120 miles from its mouth. The figures in the foreground are " Chinooks" a Branch of the Flat head Tribes of the North West Coast. 4. Buffaloes at Sunset, taken near Edmonton at a small Lake near the Saskat- chawan River. Scalp Dance, by a party of Spokane Indians, taken on the Upper Columbia. Assineboines hunting or running Buffaloes on horseback, taken on the Plains, on the East and in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountains. Fishing Lodges of the *' Clallams" on Vancouver's Island. These Lodges are constructed of a coarse description of Matting, which is taken down and carried in canoes when travelling. Interior of a Winter Lodge of " Clallams" on Vancouvers Island. These Lodges are constructed of split Cedar and are consequently not portable and are frequently large enough to accommodate 100 individuals. 9. Part of Red River Settlement, with a view of Fort Gary on the right and the Roman Catholic Church on the left of the River. The White Mud Portage, situate on River Winnipeg. The picture repre- sents Saulteaux Indians carrying their canoes and baggage, otherwise called " Making the Portage." A Horse Race, among the Black-feet Indians on the Prairies, an amusement of very frequent occurrence and consisting generally of a 4 mile race, viz : two miles to and from a given point. The Riders being invariably in a state of nudity. 5. 6. 8. 10. 11. I i; PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRrMENTS. 1659 Exploits to five of his .ke near the Saskat- 12. TSvo Indians playing at "Alcoloh." This sketch was taken among the " Shu- alpees" near the Falls of the Columbia. The Game consists in rolling a Ring of iron, three inches in diameter, with six Beads of different colors bound by strings to the inner edge of the circle. The Ring is rolled along the ground until it strikes against a stick intercepting it. The two competitors who follow it throw each a dart under it at the moment of its rebound ; the object being that the Ring should, in falling, rest upon the darts, when the beads in closest proximity to the latter count towards the game according to their ciolor. This game is played by ail the Indians on the Columbia River. A pair of Globes, Celestial and Terrestrial ; conotructed by Mr. W. Newton, of London. The Celestial Globe includes all the Fixed Stars, Nebulae, and clusters, contained in the Catalogues of Flamsteed, Bayer, Lacaille, Piazzi, Hevelius, Mnyer, Sirs W. and J. Herschel, Dunlop, and Messier, together with the additional Stars noticed in the recent Catalogue of the British Association ; the positions of the whole having been ve-ealculated for the year 1860. The Terrestrial Globe was compiled from the most authentic surveys of British and Foreign Navigators and Travellers, and was published on the 26th March, 1852. A Barometer, manufactured by Watkins & Hill, of London. An Aneroid Barometer. Two Thermometers, manufactured by J. E. Ellis, Toronto. A Planetarium, or machine for exhibiting the relative motions and magnitudes of the Planets, and their positions in respect of the Sun. A Tellurion, an in- strument to show the Earth's motion and obliquity of the axis, — and aLuna- rium, an instrument for showing the movements of the Moon. These in- struments are affixed together on a Brass Stand. They were constructed, by special direction of the Library Committee in 1857, by Newman & Son, Phi- losophical Instrument Makers to the Royal Institution of Great Britain. PP f ADDENDA. WK :(!.i" I't'r M- \M -M- Les RELATtONS DE LA NouvELLE FRANCE. — Apres plusieurs ann^es de re- cherches, on etait enfin parvenu a reunir pour la Bibliotheque du Parlement les 41 volumes, compoaant la rare et precieuse collection counue sous le nom de " Relations des Jesuites, ou Relations de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France." Cette collection unique se trouvait k peine depuis quelques semaines sur les rayons de la Bibliotheque, quand le deplorable incendie du Palais Legislatif a Quebec, en ftvrier 1854, est venu la d^truire en entier, a I'exception de septou huit volumes. On donne ici Tenum^ration de tons les volumes qui doivent composer cette collection dont on a entrepris une re-impression. EUe paraitra tres-prochaine- ment, a Quebec, des presses de A. C6te et Cie., en 3 volumes grand in-8. 1611-13. Bianl, (le P. Pierre.) Relation de la Nouvelle France, de ses terres, nature) du pays, de ses habitants, et voyage des Peres Jesuites en icelle Paris, 1612. 1626. Relation R Viil« Niti'ii Scotia ; youvelh h'cott*. Aecountu l,:iw niiil iiHiiifp of Utl, '.'fl7 AoouM. l''.il>rioiitii)n i\m viim 7Hrt AcRBBi, J. Trnvelt fi-ll AiiiARi), Alexia. Do PAria A Sun Fran- ciHC( 1S89 Aciunit, Aim'ili'o. Nollcy 8Hl, 88:i La robo lie Nesaua . . '881 Acitr. Fiil)rlcntion del' 7fl7 AoKCRMAN, U. History of ■Wt'stiiiliiHtor Abbey 870 — — ^— — lliHtory of UiiivurHity of Oxford 77 HiHtory of UDiversity of Crtml)i'i(l;^'o 78 Hiatory of CoiloguB in Eiiglnrid 79 Ai'LAND, C. MiitiiiorB mid Customs of Imiift 101 AooSTA. Do tmtiirii iiovi orbis 1174 Njitiiral iii.itory of tlio West Indies 1171 Acou»tic» •fl78, 'OH AoiiKLii'H. New Sweden 1'2-13 Acta Apostoloruni ;i71 Actions at Law 13\, 134 Hee uIho Pleading, Actions. Voir Proridure. Acro.v, W. On Prostitution *.'44 On tlio Ueproductive Organs "iSTi, Acu.NA. Le P. Christ, d'. Reliition dus Amnzonort 1868 Adair, Jiitnes. Hi*tory of the American Indians 1186 Adair, Sir R. Mi-sion to Vienna '.SSi ■ Mission to Constanti- nople •332 Adaii'hion. Potime satirique 413 Adam, Right lion. W. Triid by Jury in Civil Cases in Scotland, 135,(1'.) 1108 Adam, W I'. On U.ialiation 279 Aoamh, C. W. Canterbury Settlement. . 608 Adams, 0. On the Microscope 589 Adam.s, Il.O, Poetical Quotations 855 Adams, J. On lyectmcnt M2 •^-^— — Diictrine of Tiiuity 130 AdaH)4, J. Sliotchcs of the Totes de Boulo Indians 141 1 St. Paul's Island 141-2 Adams, J, and Wasuinoton, G. Memoirs of the Admiuistration of 122^ 1068 Adams, ,). nnd Wahuini.ton, Works, with a life of the author, by C. F. Adiuns 1221 Tlio sup- pressed history of tho Adminis tration of 1223 Adams, John. Ili-itory of his Adnilnis* tration •182 Works 182 A DAM!*, .Mrs. Jolin. Litters of 1228 Adamm, John tinincy. Life, by W. JI. Seward 122,1 Letters to his Son, on the Hible 1228 Adams, Rev. J. On Language and Dia- 'eots ...(P.) 1087 Adamso.n's Voyage to Senegal 662 .Addinoto.n, Iti^'ht ll(in. II. Vi(|« SrDMouTii. Addison, C. 0. Liw of Contracts 14t) Tcni|iii' ClnM'oh •704 Hi!.tory .if Knights Tem- phii'8 3'.>9 AiiiiisoN, J. Works 82(1 Adih.son'k West Biirl)ary 602 Adki.on. Physiolo^'ic ^\^i I'homme CSO AnKi.ii.Nd, J. 0. Milliridiiles 7711 AnKi.t'Nd, ,M. V . On Sanscrit Literature. 798 AnET, E. L'lMiipii'odu Hrosil 1200 Aduemau. Trait6 des ombres fl02 Cliarpcnto 709 Coupe des piorres 709 Odonictrie t')02 O^'onidtrio de I'espaco fi02 I IconiC'trie descriptive 602 I'onts biais 709 Ani.KR, O. J. Oerinan Dictionary 785 Administration, see Cabinet. Administration en France 235 Voir Droit Administratif. Administration des paroisses 220 Administration mililnire 081 Adminislrntii'c Rifitrm 2:i0, 295 Adiniralti/, Court of 100 Admiralty Charts 5i:i, 515 Adniirnlty Charts concerning America 1392-1395 Admiralty Pamphlets 688 Admiralty Sailing Directions 614, 516 Adoi.i'UUS, J. England under George IIL 394 Adorno, J. K. Harmony of the Universe 579 Adsiirad, J. Prisons and Prisoners.... 246 Adulterine Battardy. Law of 107 li}' ADtr] mnEx. [ALB Adnlttry. Soripturo doctrinot of '^4(1 —— 8pf<>('ti('«i(in1iill tor«|ire«i (I'.) ll'i'l — riininhintiit of '2'.'8 TriaUfor (P.) y27, llfttl 800 alio Marriage and Divorce. jeMt\c. 8iicluty'« Publicatloni 918 yErial Voiiage, fimt in KtiBland (!'.) Hi78 Jiroilation fi86, 68S, TA'i AhostaU. Voir Ualloni, i£Noi-'g Fnbloit 820 jE»thetiei, 80c Ktthetici. Affoctiilion. ThouKhtii on 8'27 ArKitK, Mgr. I'lopiictO t'Col6sinatique . 'i'lQ ■ — — Atlinini«trHtioiuic8 paroiosoK '2'JO AffghanH. llintory of the 464 . War Willi tho 400 Africa, llistoiyiif 407 . Civilization »r d'.) IdOO Travfls ill, f.'J2, fi27, 868-884,(P) 1142 ^/rira, South, Diatri'gsod Settlers in (P.) 041 Afrii-an Iiistitulion (P.) 1090 Sec also, SlniiK Trdde. African Repository 9 1 .'t Afriqut. HUtoiro 467 Voj agon en fi22. 527, 688 AoAHSiz, La. Uiblioj^'iapliia Zoolojjiiu, ot Ocologia) 900 .^ Lake Superior tl22 Poigsonsfossiles 040 — The clasnificntion of Insects. 014 - Natural lliat. of U. States. *013 Vi>««8iz AM) Ooui.D, A. A. Outlines of Comparative Pliysiology Ci.'M A<;.AZZiNi. Eoonomie politique 254 Aij^ncy. Law of 1 Iti AdiER, J. P. Du manage 200 AdiNcouRT, D'. llistoiro de Part par leg mouuments 090 A0.VK8, J. A. Do la propri6te 237 AdVEW, Sir A. Memoirs, by M'Crio... 4> 'sei- gneiuent , Alleinjc, .1. Alarm to the unconverted (P) A llanagne. Histoire Voyages Allcmande. Philosophic Allen, C. B. On Cottage Building.... Allen, ICthan. Meiiioir of, by H. Moore Life of, t>y J. Sparks. . . Allen, Ira. History of Vermont Allen, J, Modern Judaism Royal Prerogative of England Allkn, JosEi'H, Navigation Lawsof Qreat Britain -. . . . Battles of the British Navy , Allen, J. F. Victoria Regio Allen, L, F. American Herd-book.... Allf.n, p. History of Lewis & Clarke's Expedition Allkn, R.L. American Farm Book.... Allen, W. and Thomson, T. R. Expedi- tion to the Niger Allkn, William. American Biographical Dictionary Allen, Z. Philosophy of Mechanics of Nature Alletz, E. Democratie Essiii sur rhoiume Ot'iiie du XIXo sioele Inlflligoiice huiiiaiuo SoutlVanceH humaincs Allieu, R. Eludes sur le syatcine pcni- teutiaire Allison's Vo\ago to Archangel Ali.onville, Lo conitc d' . M6uioircs secrets Allolkz, le P.Claude. Voyages de Mar- quette Al-Makkahi. Mahommedan Dynasties in S|)aiii. ISO 266 380 494 827 719 746 872 83 1111 441 535 65 708 1228 1226 1240 21 104 99 400 *650 *059 1390 664 561 122C 579 234 71 •71 71 71 •246 529 •431 1661 439 ^iJ)/] INDEX. lAME Almanaci, English, Colonial and Ameri- can 289-300, 803, 804, 914 Canadian 1417, 1418 • History of 290, 673 Almsgiving, Christian, see Charity. Alonzo Nino. P. Travels & adventures. 1166 Ali-habet Irlandais *790 ALriioN3K,Jean. Routier du St. Laurent. 1271 An excellent loutier of the St. Lawrence 1271 Altabochk. Conteu democratiquea •869 Alvarado. Relations faites i\ F. Cortez. llo8 Lettres i Fern» nd Cortiis... 1171 Alvarez Cauuai.. Voyage en Afriqup. . 559 Alvez de Ca-da-Mosto. Voyage en Afri- quo.... 559 Alvord, B. Of OirclPB and of Spheres. 616 Amadas. Voyage to Virginia 1383 Amar. Rliutorique , *8Ufi Amari, M. War of Sicilian Vespers... 486 Amazuncs. (Hist) 1206 ^»i(WO)iM, (Rivii^re ) Voyages, etc. 1352, 1.367, l.'!58 Ambcrwitch, Tlio 592 Ambroisb, Saint. Kxtraits ie sea ceuvres. 25 Ameilho.n. Des couleurs 729 Du uageur 723 Du plongeur 723 Do la pccho. 723 MiHallurgie 766 America, Catalogue of Books relating to. 904, lUil America, {generally.) History of. . 11 63-1309 Discovery of, 1163-1176, 1375 Voyages and tra- vels in 1339-1407 America, ^.Central.) Histor, of 1212 ■ Geography and travels 1361 America, (North.) History of 1213, 1338 Geogrn])hy and tra- vels in 1362-14(16 America, {Russian.) 1846, 1364-1365, 1406,1412,1481 America, {South.) History of, 1179,1199- 1206, 1425 Geography and travels, 1351-13.VJ, 1662 America, South. On affairs of (P) 932, 9:i9 America. How it wuHpeoplodf . . . . (P.) 926 America and Fi'auce, on dispute between (P.) 1089 America and tlurope compared 1179 America and tlio Americans 1380 • Afnorica to England. Voice from 1881 American Boundary, see Boundary. American Colonies, Great Britain and her old, (P) 1089, 1098, 1100, 1108, 1148, 1162, 1168, 1419-1426, 1430 American Explorations *614 American Flag, History of the 1232 American Law, Oovcrnment and Politics, 178-192, 296-800 American Literature 803, 826 841 American Loyalists 1228,1266 Amei ican Politics *. 1 224, 1 280 American Question (in controversy be- tween Great Britain and the United States). . .(P) 923, 926, 1078, 1089, 1119 American Slavery 179, 1230 American Stale and Criminal Trials 194, 1225 See also, United States. American State Papers and Congres? Do- cuments. 181 American Statesrnen. Lives and works. 1220-1228 American Union *64 American Wars, anterior to the Revolu- tion 1269, 1277, 1421 A7nertcan Revolutionary tear, 1178, 1201- 1266, 1662 American Wars, subsequent to the Revo- lution (iacludingwarof 1812,)1242, 1243, 1266-1208, 1295, 1310, 1427 American AIinHuac 296 American Atlas. . 1341, 1362 Amerioan Authors, Homes of 804 American Arohives 180, 1263 Amerioan Military Pocket Atlas. The.. 1264 American Ethnological Society's Tran- sactions 629 Amerioun it Statistical Society's Bulletin "SI Anieiican .J(uiriinl of Kducatiou *86 American Oriental Society '.-I Journal. .. *912 ■iniorican Philosophical Society, Ceuten- iiary celebration 1427 American Pomological Society's I'ro- oeediii'^s *664 Americano. II G.izettiere 1840 Anieiicans as thoy are 1 380 Anu'viquo decnuvorto. (Poeme) 1166 Amerique Septentrionale et Mt'ridionale. 1340 Amiriijue. Ilistoire 1 163 1071 Pi^r AMK] INDEX. [AND f' 1 :f ti'" f ' 1 m i ' 'CM I'i' !^4 ) t Amerique. Voyaj^es ilii tlc'Couvei'to, 1168-1176 O^Dgniphieet voyages. IHIiO, 1178 Flilmstiera 1180 Aiitiqiiitiis 1181 AlK)rin^nc8 1181, 1602 Ilistdii'ti eccl^siastiquc UrtO Missions 1 190 Amcrique Ocntrah. llistoire 1212, 1216 06o(|raphie et voya- g08 1H61 Jlmlrique du Swl. Ilietoirc 1199-1200 • 06 igraphie et voyages 1851-1369, 1662 Ameriqitedit^ord. Histoire 12l:i ■ Giiograpliie et voya- ges 1802 Ana, Library of 827 Anahaptistea ;it< ANACilABsia. Voyage en GrtVe 821; Anaciikon 806, 819 Analytic Mechanics 601, 670, 671 Analomie 6.31-0:i3, 640 Anatomy, 0!!0, 670, 678 for Artists 714 ■ Canes et plans, 11)02-1872 Botaniquc 049 Horticulture 664 Voir Boundary. Ami'r'iqiie BritaiiniqucduNttrd. Histi.ire 1208 Gi'ogra- pliie et CBrtos 1269, 1892-1396 Confodo- ration do r 1269, 1431-1134, 1446 Amerique et Europe coinparees 1179 Amks, F. Works 181 01 Democracy 179 Amksiuirv, J, On Fractures 672 Amice, J. F. Pliilogopliie expOrinientalc. 672 Amiraitte 100 AMMiKN-MAttCKL(,iN. Oiuvrcs 819 Amoros, Kducation phjsirjue 74 Amory, J. Life, bv Uuncle 827 Amos, A. On Classical Kciuciilioi; 78 Ruins of Tune 133 ■■ — Englitih Constitution, temp. Cbarlea II *Ut3 Amour. Del' 78 Dietionnaire de 1' 809 Amperk, A. M. PhenomOines electro-dy- naini()Uos Pliilosophie des sciences Aniicry, Lieut. Thos, Travels in North America 1S67 — — — Journal d'un voyage dans rAmori(iuo Septentrionale,,. 1367 Ancelot, Mnie. Virginie. Ren6i- dc Var- villo .,. "SSO Anoelot, Mrae. Q6orgine *881 Ancelot, M. CEuvres *878 An'cillon. Revolutions du ay Sterne politi- que Ue I'Europe 284 Esprit ('es couatilutions »223 Anore, Le niartichal d' 426 Anbellk, Chemias de fer 764 Anderson, C. Annulanf the English Bible 16 Anderson, Chria. Domestic Constitu- tion *240 Anderson, Duvid. liisliop of Rupert's Land. Notes of tlie Flood at f''e Red River, in 1852 1106 Anpkrson, Q. & P. Hifrhlanda and Is- lands of Scotland 399 Anderson, H. C Iniprovisatore *896 Story of my Life *480 Anderson, J. History of tlie Church in the Colonies 40 Life of the Cliisholm. . *484 Akoerson, R. Rudiments of TainulQniin- niar 782 Andkrsson, C. J. Lake Niraini 664 Andre, I'Kbbc. Droit canon •18 580 57 85 790 Ami'err, J. J. Instruction en Oiecc.... Gropc, Rome et Danto.. i^^— Epopee itulienne 790 Voyage en Ejjypte 660 Histoire littcraire de la Fr.mce . 800 Promenade en Amerique. 1851 Ampliibiu, Catalogue of 680 Amusements dc« science.^ .^93 1672 Andre, le P. ffiuvres philosophiques... 63 Andreossy. Constantinople et le Bos- phore *546 Andrews, C. C. Opinions of U. S. At- torneys Oeneral *184 Minnisotaand Dacotnh. 1387 Andrews, G. H. Modern Husbandry... 652 On Agricultural Engi- neering 667 ANDttKWS, L I). Reports on Trade and Commerce 280 Andrews, dohn. War witli America, Franco, Spain, Ac 1263 Andrews^ lUiiiiELoR. JVencli Instructor 789 ZAND ANDl INDEX. lANO 827 ;t8 n Gr6ee 82'' 80t!, 819 flOl, fi70, 671 631-o;i3, 640 0!!0, 670, 678 714 rravels in North l;i67 irnal d'lin voyage Septentrioiiale... 1367 • Reii6. dc Var- •880 e 'SSI *878 in systome politi- 284 !onstitution9 *223 426 "■ 764 the English Bible 16 lostie Conatitu- »240 lop of Rupert's the Flood at C-e 52 1106 'ilands and Is- 399 '■■'"'"re •Sge "ly Life *480 the Ciiurch in 40 the Chisholiu. . •484 ofTatnuIGnim- 782 ^fu'■anli 664 "" "IS lilosopliiques... 63 )le et le Bos- *546 18 of U. S. At- '184 land Uacotah. 1387 Husbandry... 652 cultural Kiigi- 667 on Trade and 280 it,h America, 1263 eiicli Instructor 789 PAOB Andrieuz. (EuTreg 878 Vie de Collin d'Harleville. 485 Andbiveau Qoujon. Atlas clatisique de g6ographio 612 Andutank. M^moiies d'un prisonnier d'Etat 480 Anecdotes. Collections of, 425, 426,427, 429, 431, 796, 827, 828, 808, 869 Anecdotes du temps de Louis XVI... 426 Anecdotes du temps de In terreur 427 Anecdotes historiquos 426 Anecdotes americaincs, (parHornot). . . . 1178 Angas, G. F. Savage life in Anstralia. 567 Anoell, J. K. Right of Properly iu Tide Waters 144 -.. . Law of Water-courses. . . . 144 — ^ Limitations of Actions. . . 184 Fire and Life Insurance. . "HO Anoell, J. K. & Ames, S. Law of Pri- vate Corporations 143 Anoell, .). K. ymk, dit i.'A-^TUONOME, Vie de Louis le Debounairu 413 1073 *': r-:^!«l!i Jill •A \ 1 i 1 -1 !Mt ^JVOl INDEX. lAMO Anoni/ineK. Dictionimire 'iea 903 Anquetil. Hiatoire .;icosti. Island of 1412, 1393 | Anti-Jaobin, Poetry of th'> 866 Anti-Jiieobin Review (P.) 1101, 1141 Aniillcs, (Hist.) 1206-1209 Flore dew 1206 Voyiigos 1360 ADti(iuaires do France. M^moires des.. 410 Anthj ar'.es, Live.% of. ... 476 Antiijiii/atc.i Americanm 1 163 Anti(/wt6s, 311, 317, 821, 322, 323, 324, 409, 410. Antiquites americainei 1181 Antiijuitef dn Mexiijue 1182 Antii/ititis du Perou 1183 AHtii^iiiliei 811, 629 Anti(/iiil/i!s, Ui itisli 335 Antiijuit'us uf America 1 181-1 185 Antiquities nf Mexico 1 182 Antiquities, Museum of (P.) 1152 Antom Attcin. Dcrniers momenta de Napo- li'oM *431 Antoni. Kxiiuien do la poudro 682 A.vro.Nio DK Mend'iza, Don. Lettre .... 1108 Anlwrrp City Ijoim (P.) 1116 A.NVii.i.E. d'. Giiiigrapbie ancieni'.o 745 Apocalypse 27 i 11)74 Apprentice Lnws ("P.) 924, 925, 1082 Apulee, Contcs 880 Apuleius 819 Aijuariui/i 639 Arabia ",14, 318, 457, 540-551 Arabian Nights' Entertaiiiiueuts 888 Arabian I'oeuis at .Mecca 888 Arabian Tales and Anecdotes 888 Arnhic language 779, 780 literature 798, 888 Araliie. Voir Arabia. Arabs (The) in Spain 439 Arauo, F. fEuvrcs 684 Astronomic populaire 684 Le9m.s d'as'ronomie 584 '■ Popular Astronomy 584 Araoo, J. Voyage autonr du niondo .. . 526 Hiatoire do Paris 483 Aram, Kugtun. Trial of, for murder (P.) 940 Aratus 807 Arbitration, Law of 139 Arbitration, in Trade Disputes 295 .\unouviLi,E, Mnio, d'. Pofisics ot nonvelles. 880 — Uuc histoirc hullau- daise *88l ArchiDological Sociiity of Delhi, Journal of 913 Archaeology of the United States, 614, 615, 629 ARO-] INDEX. lABif Abchambault et Violicttk. Dictionunire des aiinlysea chimiquus 606 Aboiibold, J. F. Law of Landlord and Tenaut 142 Practice of Oourt of Queen's Bench 131 — PlcaJins; in Criminal Cases 138 Law of Nisi Prius. ... 135 New Rules and Forms of County Courts . 187 Prnctico of County Courts 137 Law of Bankruptcy, by Flather »14o — — New Statutes relating to Lunacy 160 Archeolor/k 310,- 311 Archiologie canadienne l-4'29 Abciiek, T. C. Economic Botany 646 Archku's Statistical Register of Victoria. 206 Archery 724 AucniMKnE. ffiuvros 580 ArchltcHure 689-711 Architecture reli'jioise 701 Architecture nanalc 705, 709 Archittcture, Rural (P) 1098 Arctic Discover!/, see Polar Voi/aget. Arctic Rcffions, see Polar Region*, Archives ainericai>'cs 1263 Archive? ciirieuses 420 Arciiives ile France 903 Archives d^partemcntales do France. , . . 903 Archives isra61ites 20 Arcliivcs statistiques duniinistiire des tra ViiMX publics 287 Abdk.nni et Julia ipe Fontenklle. Poe- lior-fumiste 731 AiiFWEi'.-io.v. C. D. The Unite. Galorio de Rome. 712 A nnenin. History of 456 Travels in 628, 552 Arminie. Voyages 552 A I menian Language 780 Armenian, Translations *'-om the 890 AnMiTAGE, John. History of Brazil, .. . 1200 Armoiries 506-609 Armstrong. Poems 856 Armstuoxg, a. Discovery of the North WeH Passage 1407 Abmstbono, J. Life of Richard Montgo- mery 1226 Life of Anthony Wuyue. 1228 Notices of the American War of 1812 1267 Abmstbono, James. Law of Marriages in Lower Canada 1442 Armstbono, J. S. und Trevob, E. S. Trial of 0'Conuell,, Boooiliet. Life of, hy J. Spnrks. 122(1 Complot iV 1206 Armold, T. Fruginoiit on tho Oliurch . . 27 History of Romo 824 Life, by Stimloy . ; 480 On Modern Hi»tory 82(1 AiiNOLi), T. J. Lnw relating to Munici- pal Corporiit.ions 143 Arnold, W. D, Pnliice iit Wostniinator. 828 Arnott, N. Klonionts of Physies 574 On Wfirnith mid Vcntilntlon. 707 ABNoiii.n, Systiinioniaritiinoet politique. 97 Arnoulh, J. Law of Marino InHnrance. *148 Arnoui.t, C4. Lecturos philosopliiqiies *(')8 — — Doctrine philosopliique. . . *(18 Arpeiitaf/e 749 Arrita et dicivonn 199, 200 Arriam's 809 AniiowsMnn, A. Qeogniphical Dictio- nnrj' of tho DibU> 18 Miipof New Zonlaud. 56H Arrowhmitii, J. I'. Art of [iistrncting Infant Deaf and Diniib 87 Arsacidra, Hist. doH 457 AusENNK, L. 0. I'uiutre et seulptour. . . 718 Art dc verifier les dates 801 Art Jniirnid •898 Alt mililaire 681-080, 235, 223 Art jiautiquc 086-GH8 Art.m'h UK MoNToa. Lii pnpauto 31 Danto 8',»2 Ahu!7C Arts it Jfinnfactures 720-741 See Exhibitions. Ash, J. English Dictionary 792 AsuK, pj. D. Water powpr of (Juebec. . . . 1412 AsilBURi'ON, Lord Memoirs of tiie Royal House of France 509 Aahburton Treat;/ 1290, 1364 1(170 Atthma. Cure of (P.) 1076 AsTiK J. P. Louis XI V^, and writers of bis ago 801 AsTo.N, J. .1. Law of Pauper Lunacy... 160 Astor Library. Alphabetical Iiido.\.... 905 Ast'ir Library. Oriental Linguistics. .. . 906 Astrolo(jy 582 Astronomical Society. Memoirs of 584 Maps 512 Aslronomie 681, 300, 375,684, 599 Astronomi/. Science of . .301), 676-684, 599 (P.) 1077 Writers on, before 1000 292 Atchkson, N. American Encroachments on British Rights 926, 1265 AiUANAstus, St. Treatises, Tracts, and Epistles 26 Atheuocum Francais 920 Tho .'. 914 Works 809 lATII A Til] INDEX. iAUS »' Oolkctiou of rels 622 ii of Sciunco .... 67o les of Women . . 672 462-467 547-668 77S 013 913 tions .'... 013 462-407 647-658 en '649 I'Aiiore 426 460 g (P) 943 fi26, 705 oui-iste 542 iirgicua Ecclcsioj 28 Joiirnnux et np- 160, 161 2 10 riolitique) 254 207, 208, 209 267 'ie 207 207 316 .if (I') 10R3 A47-663 (P.) 1070 iirid wi'itcrs of 801 pt'r Liiiiacy. . . 150 icnl Index . . .. 905 Liuguistica. . . . 905 5S2 inoir.'i of »84 .')12 Bl, 300, 375,684, 599 300, 675-684, 599 (P.) 1077 )ef(-rc 1000 292 Eiiei'oachnieiita 926, 1205 s, Trncts, ane, R. Man as lie is not *828 Baoilkt. Poids et mesurea 209 Bagioli, G. Conunento Storico 892 Baosteu's Hebrew and Cimldate Lexi- con 778 Bahajtias, Statute Law of 172 and Slavery (P.) 1094 Raikik, W. R. Voyiige up the Kwora and Binue 501 Hailey, H. Liturgy compared with the Bible 29 SAI^ IMD£X. {.BAL Bailst, J. W. Mioroicopical Survey of HouDiliugs, iSio 614 ■ Obsorvn- tions ill S. Oarolinn, itto 614 Microicopirnl Organiam lU6 Bailky, N. Etyniologicnl Dictionary. . . TU2, I'. J. ThoMyHtic •860 Bailey, S. Philoaopby v..' tie Mind "BS Tlieoi-y of Uewoning ^.. *10 . S. On tlieFormiition of Opinions 226 Uationnlu of Political Rcpre- Bcntatioti 110 Bailky, T. UccordH of Longevity •C>«7 Baillkul. Kidiossc et Iinpot 264 Baillik, N. B. E. Land Tax of India. . 178 _^ MoohumumduM Law of Sale na Bailly, M. a. Finances do la Franca. . . 203 FinancoadolaGraniloBrctiigue 2Cl Bailly. Choix d'anccdoteg 429 Bailly, C.F. Pliysique 672 Maison rustiquo 650 . Jardinior 062 Bailly, J. S. L'astrononiio moderne... 683 . ■ ■ ■ L'astronomlc iudienue . . . 684 .. Munioiree 428 Builmenli 146 Baily, F. Life of Flamstoed 575 Memoir of, by Horachel *082 Aunuitvs viagiireH '267 Baily, L. R. General Avurago 148 Bain, A. Senseg ,d Intellect 72 BAiNBaiDOE. W. On the Law of Mines. 14i' BAi.NDBiani, W. II. Early Education. . . 81 Bainks, Edward. History of Cotton Ma- nufacture 729 — Life, by his Sou 231 Bakbr, S. W. WanderlD^sinCeyloQ. . . 668 Bakkb, T. On Land Surveying, (to 7t9 Klcments of Muclmnisin. . . . 728 BAKEft, W. On tlio Office of Coroner. . . 188 Bakbwell, R. lutroduotiou toOeology .. 616 Introduction to Minuralogy 628 Balance of Power »8, (P) 924, 926 Balbi. G6iigrnpbic 610 Introduction i^ I'atUs ethnogra- pbique 770 Atlas etbnograpbique 610 Balbi's Voyage to Pegu 666 Balbo. Life of Dante 486 Balboa, M. 0. Uistoire du Piiouncing Gazetteer. , . 611 Gazetteer of the United Bains et lavoirs publics 676 Baiuu, C. W. On ijiturgies 29 Baird, Sir D. LifebyHook 481 Baiud, H. M. Modern Greece 646 Baiud, Robert. Experiences of the West Indies. Ac 1371 Baibd, Rev. R. Condition of Religion iu the United States 1196 La religion aux Etats- Unis 1196 Bajot et Poiaii. Annales maritiraca. . . 210 Baker, O. History of Northamptonshire 405 Baker, R. On the English Language.. 793 Bakeu, Sir R. CliroDiclu of the Kings of England 336 States 1 376 Balfour, C. L. Sketohus of English Literature, with Speoiniens 803 Balfuub, E. Barometrical Sections of India 587 Ball, S. Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea 661 Ballad PoeCri/, (various Notices of) 804 See also Poetry. Ballanoue. GSuvrea 879 Ballantynk, J. R. Hindi e' Braj Braklia Grnmmar 781 Mahrattii Grammar. 782 Ballantynk, R. M. Hudson's Bay 1406 L'ngava 1662 Revolution de Rome 436 Guerre de Hongrie 443 Revolutions d'Autriche. . . 443 Ballkydier. Dallons 688 Ballot. Vote by 919, (P) 1097, 1109, 1152 Ballou, M. History of Cuba 1211 Balmes. ic protcstantisme compare au catholiciBme *238 Fundamental Philoaophy *69 Pie IX 436 Baltasd. Arcbitectonographie des pri- sons 706 Baltic. Letters from the 644 BAtic Sea and Shores 535, 648 Baltiqne 535, 543 Baluzius. Capitulariaregum 196 Baly and Gull. On Cholera 676 1670 ^f wmi' ffit; 1^: mm r *!!«' ^ ' t •''-t^^ *••■ » \ '■ p^ f*i- ^, >f V i BAT.] Balz.m: (In QtiKZ Balzac, II. dk. INDEX. IBAM Htm (Euvr«« 808 (Kuvros 882 Vie (lolitiquu 881 Ra^enio Uriiiulet 88 1 UvHulo Mirouot 881 Amour nt marlago '881 Lu bourse 881 •'ctioii in 1781 4nO On Permanent Colours.. 715 Btniirix. Insiin r>A.VCBOT, K. BAiiiiBor", (ItHirgo. lIlHtoiy of tlie I'nitcd Stutei 121» Orntion 1427 Uankiki.i), T. (J. IiMJuatry of tbo Rhine. 262 Urgiiniziitionof lu'iustry 727 Banikr, ru':bt'. Lu toison d'l.r 821 Iliutoiro (Ic Mc'd<:'e . . . . 821 Cull e d' Adonis 82 Bank. On ix Nntioiml (P) 1181 Jliwks titid HiDikiiiff,. . .2(12, 2«G, 297, 2118, 800 Banks and Banking in England and Scot- land (P) B8t>, 942, 'H!>, 1124-1129, 1113 See also Savintfn Banks- Banks. On Provident or Pnriuh. .(?) 028, 080 Bi\nk of Knfiland. 2('>.'), 2(16, 2U1 Bank of Eiigland,{y) 02S, i»34, 912, 1081, 1097, 1122, 1124-1121!, 1128- 1130, 1143 Bank of France »263 Banks of the United States (P) DSC) Banknotes. Forgery, Ac., of. . .(P) 1 129, 1158 Bank Restriction 'l^O Banker's Cheques, Ac. Liiw of M5 Banker's Common place Book 264 Bankruptcij,'Li\vr of (Enf,'litili)..*140, (P) 1088 (Scotch) 150 (Canadian) Ifi3 (French) 209 Banks, Sir J. On disease in Corn. (I') 927, 1187 Observations on the above (P) 928 Baxks, T. C. Genealogical and Heraldic Gleaninija 507 Dormant and extinct Bar- onage of England "507 Bannebmax, Major. Expedition against thcPolegars (P) 1119 Bannisteb, S. On llio Right to be heard on Petitions to the Crown 108 Banqnes 263, 20() (P) 1127 Baour-Loumian. Lc livre de Job 19 Osaian *. 802 Poesies 880 flaptism, see Infant Biijtiim. Baptists 40, 41 Dakante, DE. Lu directoiro 427 ^— Convention nationalo 427 Duos du llouri^of^no 424 ■ Litterature fran(,'alHO 800 Melanges 800 — ^— — . Questions constitutionnolles •225 Bahaulx-Rouli.on, C. U. Puissance lUisso *447 liiirbade. Hist 1210 Barbados. History of 1209, 1210 Laws of 172 Coinage of. (P) 1096 Barbados and Slavery (P) 1098-1097 Barbary. Lady's Travels in 661 IIariiazan. Fabliaux et contes 866 UAimK-MARDoiH. Hlstoiredu la Louisiauo 1254 ■ History of Louisiana. . 1264 Complot d'Arnold et do Sir II. Clinton 1265 On the French Revolu- tion (P) 1155 Bauukr, J. W. AnliquiticB of New Eng- land, Ac 1234 Connecticut Historical Colku.ions 1239 Historical Collections of Massachusetts 1235 Historical Collections of the State of New York 1244 Historieal Collections of the Slate of New Jersey 1247 Barheui. J. P. Dictionnaire italion .... 785 Barueyrac, Jean. Traduction de Puffen- dorf 94 Traduction do Orotius 94 Ancii'Ms traitfis 96 Bariiikr. Journal du regno de Louis XV 418 Bahdikr, Aug. lambes et poiimes 879 I'o^sies 883 Harbier, a. a. Dictionnaire des ouvra- ges anonynies, etc 903 Bardier, J. L'Alg6rie 601 Barrot, .Jacques, Voyages en Afrique . 559 Bardot, James. North and South Guinea 663 Bardot, John. Account of the first dis- coveries of America 1176 Barbour. New York Law Reports *191 Barohou de Penuoev. Philosophic alle- mande 65 Barclay, A. On Slavery iu the West Indies 248 1080 BAk] INDEX. lOAH IUhclay, Capt. AKi'ioultural t<)l(i(fy for Ciimkors 41 lUiu., H. A. Wnikna 1861 Oahiikt. Rceuoil d'arivtn, oto .' lUO Uareith. Mnr){ravine "f. Moinoirs of, by herself Ill HAdiiAM, F. roliticil Woi kg of Cicero . b20 n.MuiAM, H, II. Iri^^oidsliy rii'f,'i'nil8 . . . •828 LifeofllcMik 491 IIahki::!, VV. R. Turkisli (Jranunar 780 . LiiroB iiuil I'l'iiiitos ,.., •460 liAiiLow, Joel. Leltcrs froni I'luin 14'.'7 Uaulow, P. tiioyclopii'iiia of AiIh, Mii- cliinory, Ac 747 On Strength of Timber, Iron, t(:o , 708 6 'JO 901 77 On MiiKiK'tic Attractions.... Baui.ow. Voyage to Virginia Baunard, F. a. Hibliothcciii Rogio Cata- logim Darnahu, H. Xiilional Etiueatiou in En- rope On School Architecture in tho United States HO Journal of Educnii ii ... *85 liARNAno, J. L. iHthnius of Toliuautoiico 758 Harnavk. GJuvrcs 875 Barnes, R. Office of SliorilT. (P) 1144 Barnks, W. Pliilological Oranimar .... 777 Bar.m. Kxanien do la critique du juge- nient .... 66 Barnum, p. T. His Life, written by him- self 1229 Barometer 674, 578, 580 Barok. L'Andrieinie 871 Till I'uijiiettc 872 L'homnie i\ bonne fortune 872 Barual, J. A. Drainage des terres ara- bles •Oiit'i Barrau, J. J. Hiatoiro politi(jue des Mu- subnaus ....'. 307 Barrau, P. B. Manuel des proprietaircs 057 Barrau. T. H. Eilnoatlon 75 Direct inn morale 75 ConseiU aux ouvriers.... 258 Morale j)ratique *75 no! Uarraci.t. A. ut E. Lo canal do SuPK. . 768 IIahrault, AIcxIh, et Bridki., C. Lo pa- lais de 1 itnlustrie •772 IUhri St, Vinuknt. Oolonius niodornoH 1208 Uarreau 195, '487 Uarrcau Frnn(,'aiH.« Animlin dn 195 Barrkhr, p. La France c'i|nini>xialc ... 1860 IlAnaKTr, R. Synopsis of Criticisms on Old Ti'stRrnont 10 Barrbtt, S. Tho Principles of Grammar 786 Harrktt, W. O. Ooological Facts 620 BxRiiKTTi's Italian Dictionary 786 Haurikrii;. M6inoirus sur la rt'^volution franfaiNe 427 Barriere, Thd-odoro. Los faux bonshoni- moa 881 Barrinotok, Bishop. Letter to his Clergy (P) 1102 Barri.noton, D. On Aneicnt Statutes. . 127 Baurinqton, Sir J. Historic Memoirs of Ireland 401 Sketches of his Times. 401 Barrinoton, Viscount. Life, by Sliule . 481 Baruon, A. and Arnold, T. J, Cases of Controvertod Klcctiona 110 Barron, A. and Austi.n, A Cases of Con- troverted Elections 116 B\HRow, SirO. Ceylon •464 Barrow, Sir J. Autobiography 481 Barrow, J. Life of Drake 487,1348 Barrow, J. l-ife of Sir Sidney Smith . . 501 Texus 1 380 Barrow, John. Geography of Hudson's Bay 1406 Barruei,, I'abb^. Le jacobinisnie 427 Lcs Helviennes *^1 Barrv, C. Nc"' Palace at Westniinsf.or. 70S Baruy, J. S. History of Massachusetts. . 1237 Bartku, W. Infidelity in England .... 44 Baiith. Central Africa *661 Bartuk. Les fausses infi(lolit<''s 871 La mere jalnuso 871 Bartuk. J. G. Le Canada reoonquis . . . 1285 Po<:'sies 1407 Bautiiei.emy et Mery. Poesies 878 Bartiielemy, J. B. A. N'umismatique. . 312 Ancic ^ monu- ments de Rome 323 Numismatique au- cienne 312 — Numismatique mo- derue 312 1681 !! IIAH\ IM>KX. [ll.iV m 4^^ 1. 1' V. w k\ ■.y 'TiH- i mw.'i rkan QukBTiiKLKMr,J, J. V'oyngo (I'Aiiuclinrai^ S'i'I — — : TrikVcU of Aiiuclinriii* the yomigttr 'i'ii ■ — Languo* vi^yptionnu. grei'qiio, etc ^^'2 ^—— Ljiu| CiiMiiila pittoregque lityO Babtol, D. On Mai'ino l^^ugiuus 7A'J Babtoli, Interpretuni juris civilit), iliC. . V'i Babtox, D, I'oilines SRO Baiiton, K. Io, a talo 8'28 Babtbam, J. Ti'uvula from Pensylvauia tu Oiiundugo, &o 1377 Babtbam, W. Voyugo ilaus lu siiJ do rAiu6riquo du Nord 137H BiiBZAS-UitEiz. Cliauts do la lii'ftuguo. . 887 Basanikb. IliHtoiro notable du la i''I(iiido 1230 Bascome, E. lliatory of I'cstilcuces. . . . (175 Jias-Empire. Histoire du 32(i Basile le Ouanu, Saiut. Extrnits de sea (L'uvres 36 Basin, Tlios. Clmrlcs VI et Louis XI. 418 Basnaoc. Des hypotlicquea 2(U —— — Coutumo de Normaudio 198 Bass.nett. Theory of Storiiia *588 Bassomi-iebbe. M(SiuoireB 416 Bastabo de l'Ehtano. Uigtoire dea Par- leiuouts eu Fraucc •124 Bastiai, F, (Euvres 263 Protective policy *278 — — Capital et rente 235 ' On political economy 253 Bastiue, R. dc. Voyagea 1106 Bastie, la. Vie de Putrarque 7U7 1GB2 PAtll Hataili.c at Juucs. Traite dei nitolil- nt-H ik vapeur 701 Oatkhan, J. AuutioiitMir'it Quiilo 148 Lftwa of Kxclio 147 Hatha and Wn'h hnuitt. ... 2U4, 070 IIatiiuiiht, Dp. Mcnioirr', by Ilia Daughter 481 llATiaaiEB. Klonu'iUa d'anli^ologiu 310 iJArrKL'H Advuuturea in Angola, liic,.., 602 Bati'k.n, K. On tlie Pi-i I'orinunco of Coa- tracla Ufl Dattkux, rabbo. I'liilotiopbie anoieiiiic. . fiy 8ur lu prinoipe kotif do I'univei'i Qu 8ur Anaxiigoro 59 Sur la moralo d'Arin- tippo 80 - I'oC'tiquo d'Ariatotu.. . . 796 Uaitub. Du la oniuinunaute 207 lUuciiKK, F. (Kuvroa aoniplitt«B •704 Bai'ue, J.J. i'ouviiirdaiiH la r6piibli({ue, 234 — 8yirmitlit6a liypotlieciiiros. 208 Bauuocin. Ju.< ixaguro 60 niurnle d'Arix- SO 10 d'Aristotu 79(1 iiuti^ 'iol iiipltlUs *724 IN III i6pulili(]uo. '234 •iial '.>4ft liSuoz 271 285 lult) politique.. . 2&1 lutsducoiimiorce 271 f,73 on 224 224 224 )i ct mi dOttui- 88 lypoUiuoniros, 208 IX 212 1)11 temps 2'iS 485 lie de riudusti'le, *258 |oyiiguiUaLuui- 1884 Egypt 549 listoire de l!oa 47 toire dc Feiio- 47 isuB-Ohrist. ... 60 lun [)ublic, . . . 8u5 piiroles d'uu '45 rbros fruitiers. COS ishition •223 8 211 X coutos S80 lux Etats-Uuii 1378 IIayaut. Hon liiiuoNT, Elie de, Quologie 621 Bbauiiont, F. Po'ims 886 Beaumont, Gustavo du. L'lrlaiido 63H — — Hario, ou I'escla- vage '880 Bbadmont, (iuBtavedo,ot deTorQDEViLLE. Sj .ime p(5uii . tialre 248 . On the Penllon- 1369 tiary Syst ; 246 Beaumont, Sir J, Poems 868 Ukauh< ' '. T. Criminal ^ rispru- lence (P) •936 Beaum )t and Fletchkb. Plays, buB on his first voyage to America. 1166 Bechstein, J. M. Onge and Ohnmbcr Birds 639 Beck, L. C. Mineralogy of New York. ... 618 Beck, T, R. and J. 6. Medical Jurispru- dence IfiO BncKiR, W. C. Charicles 809 Beckkt, G. a. Comic History of England. 888 Beoket, St. Thomas ft, Life k Works. 86 Controversy with Henry II Mfl Beckford. P. On Hunting 726 Beckford, W. Italy, Spam and Por- tugal 641 Vathek •828 Beckmakm, J. History of Inventions nnd Discoveries 726 Beckwourtii, J. P. Life and Adventures 1188 Beoqukbel. Physique 678 Physique terrestre 673 Electricity et magn^tisme. 691 —— Magn^tisme 691 Bedaruide, T. Droit comm«rciol 209 BsDK. Eccle'io-'tical History 849 Bedford, IL Hereditary llight of the Crown 102 Bedford, Francis, Duke of. Life and Character (P) 1102, 1136 Bedford, John, Duke of. Correspondence 898 Bedouins ond Wuhabyt 466, 649 .Be«, the Honey 678,608, 642, 664, (P) 1076 Beecher, C. E. Remedy for Wrongs of Woman "aSS Bekohey, CaptF.W. Voyage to the Pacific 680 Botany of voyage . . 648 Zoology of voyage . 686 Beeckman's Voyage to Borneo 869 Bkedell, E. British Tariff, 1866-7. . . . *280 Beekk, H. On the Income Tax (P) 1130 On the Peace (P) 1181 Beer. Brewing of. 7H6, 786 Sale of. 298 Free trade in (P) 1185 Beggs, T. On Juvenile Depravity 246 Begin, E. Hi^toire de Napol6on 480 Voyage en Espogne e*^^ Portugal. 640 — Voyage en SuisBO P42 Begin, L. G. Chimrgie 678 • Physiologio Pftthologique. . 671 1684 Begin, L. G. Tb^rapeutique 671 The French Practice, a translation of Bfgin 87i Belanoer. L'Hydraulique "757 La m^caniqueappliqu^e. . , , 73g Belches, Sir E. L".»t of the Arctic Voy- ages 681 Voyage of the Saraa- rang •669 On Nautical Surveying. . 686 Voyage round the World. 626 Belcher, J. Religious Denominations of the United States 28-1197 Belcher, Joseph. ;Life of Whitefield.. . "fiOe Belcourt, U6v. Langue dcs Sauteuz. . 794 CatC'chismc Sauteuz 794 Lettrcs de la Rividre Rouge. 1194 Belfast, Enrl of. Poets and Poetry of t)ie 19th century 802 Bgloiobo, laPrinccssede. L'ltalie enl848 436 -^— ' R6cits turco- asiatiques 883 Bdgiqve. Architecture, etc., en 'eos Constitution de In 124 Statistique de la 288 — Ilistoire 438 Goographio et voyages. 684,644 Droit adroinistratif en 211 Belgium. History of 98, 439 — Constttunun of 124 Travels in 684,644 Belin de Balli'. Eloquence chez les Grecs 796 Belibarius. Life, by Lord Mahon..,. 481 Belknap, J, History of New Hampshire 1289 Bell, A. Life by Southey 481 Report of Military Orpliun Asylum, Madras 81 Bill, Sir C, Anatomy of Expression in Painting 714 On the Hand 677 Bill, G. J. Contract of Sale of Goods and Merchandise 146 On the Laws of Scotland. . . 160 — ^— — Principles of Law of Scotland 150 Bell, O. M. Of Joint Stock Banking.. 264 Bell, II. N. Huntingdon Peerage 107 Bell, J. Dictionary of the Gods, >, 059 de 111 Floride.. "72 ities, Feudal and 103 ria Coition 320 :4acl and Cymbri. 833 , '868 History of tlie Canada 1198 of (P.) 1136 Bbudant. Mindralogto 624 _ Voyuge en Hongrie 624 Br-UGNOT, lo Cte. Lcb Olim 199 — ■ Destruction du Paga- uisuio 27 ■ Institutions d« St. Louis 198 . Lea Juifs d'Occldeut, . 20 Ilistorieut des Groisadea *328 Beulb. L'Acropolod'Atlifines 323 Etudes sur le P61opou6»e 323 Bkvak, E. Honey Bee 642 Beveb, T. Legal Polity of the Roman State 91 BsvEnLEY, R. Ilistovy of Virginia 1219 Ilistoire de la Virginie. . 1249 Beyle, Henri. Voir Stendhal. Bhasliya, by Wilson 64 BiAUD, le P. Pierre. Relation de la Nou- vello France 1660 BiBAOn, 7. Maximilien. Biograpbio des Sagamos illustres 1187 Catdchisnie de I'liis- ,>.ire du Canada 1273 Dictionnaire d e a bommes illustres 1273 Supplument aux travaux sur I'bistoire du Cauada. . Logique judiciaire. BniAi'D, Michel. Ilistoire du Canada. . . Voyage de Franchire. . . Epitres, satires, etc. .. . Bible de Calien ^ . . . . Bible Bible Bible Bible Bible, Bible, Bible, 1273 1445 1273 1390 1408 9 de Vence 9 de Saci 9 de David Martin 9 of every Land 16 What is it? Whence came it I . . 17 Attacks ou the (P.) 935 Authority of the 17, 847 Bibliography of the 16,847,898 Bible Society. History of the 15,16, "SI — PampliletK Ac, on the pro- ceeilinga of tlie British and Foreign Bible Society, 922, 925, 927, 945, 1083, 1088, 1136 Biblet, in various languages 9'-lS Bibliographical Miscellany 001 Biblingraphie 808-906, 296 Bibliographic biographique 899 Bibliographic de la France 906 Bibliographie de 1 a France et de I'etranger 904 Bibliographic musicale 720, 721 Bibliography 295, 898-906 BiBLioFHiLE Jacob. CEuvre-^ 882 Voir Jacob, et Laoboix, (Paul.) Bibliotheca Americana 904 Bibliothiique des ohemins de fer 880 Biblioth^que impfiriale, catalogue 904 Bibliothtique do I'ceolo des chartes 327 Bibliothdquo des voyages 1346 Bibliothique du mfidecin praticien "666 Bibliothi^que Orientate 463 Biblifithoque des p^res de l'6gliso 26 BionAT. Anatomie descriptive 671 Anatomie g6n6rale 671 Anatomie pathologiqua 671 Membranes en gen6ral 671 ■ Sur la vie et la mort 671 BicKERSTAFF. Le cadenas 891 Bidding Prayer» 363 BiDDLE, Memoir of Cabot 1168 BiDO.v. Manual du eanotier 686 BiEDMA, L. H. de. Relation 1172 BiKLEFiELD, C. F. 1 'oftable Buildings . . 706 On Papier M.lchS .... 700 BiENVENiDA, Lorenzo de. Lettro 4 Phi- lippe 11 1171 BiERNATZKi. Tlie Hallig ... •896 BiET, Ant. Voyiige i\ I'ilo de Cayenne. . 1 356 BioELOW, J. Jamaica in 1850 l.SflO Nature in Disease "'VI V.w'WAx versions. Biblia llebi-iiiea 10 Bibliii Polyglotta 9 Voir Testament et Evangiles. Biblical Criticism 17 Biblical Rcviniun aud re-trn jslation, (P.) 932, 1089, 1158 BiQO, J. Parliamentary Minutes, l?o6. . *119 BioLAND, J. Narrative of the World ... 306 BiosoN. Lea cabinets et les peuples. (P.) 940 Morale et politique 223 Bigot, le P. Jacques. Relation, etc 1661 Autre relation. ..*] 661 B11.BOQOKT. Memoires de *608 Bill of Rights 10 BiLLiET. Commerce, douanes, etc 280 BiLLiMci, S. Law of Awards and Arbi- trations 189 Billings, R. W. Antiquities of Scotland 899 Billot. Lettrcs Franques *482 Bills in Parliament 1 10 Btlh of Exchange, ka 145, 186, (P.) 1098 The fictitious.. ..(P.) 1118 1687 S^ ( w 111' '■ I'f- ' lit* ■|H jj/y] INDEX. [.SLA rAOB BiNAUT, A. L. Ilomire et \a philosopbie gi.'e<:quo &9 Bindinq, Bee Bookbinding. BiNRAU. Em]>l()i de la tourbe 167 BiNGT. Dieux et demons du poganiiiine . *19 PiNBT, J. P. M. Equations 905 BiNonAM, ,f. Antiquities of tlie Church. 24 BiNouAM, P. Law of Infancy nnd Cover- ture 189 Binning, R. B. M. Travels in Persia, Ceylon, Ac *652 BiN.Ns, E. Anatomy of Sleep 667 Biociie:. Diotionnaire de proc6durc 201 — — — Formulaire 210 Biogrnphia Biitannica 476 Biograpliia Britnnnicn, by Eippis 476 Biographical Dictionaries 472 Biographical Jlistories of England 8f»8 Biographic generals 472 Biographies parliculiires 4S0-5O6 Biographic cccleiiiastique *S6, 37 Biograpliie sacr6e *I8 Biograpliie contemporainc -173 Bioginphie portative 473 Biograpliie universelle do Micbaud 473 Biograpliie dea muBiciens 720 Biographic de Fuller 473 Biographie Bi etonne 479 Biogriipliie du clergu coutemporain 83 Biography 472 (American) ,. 1226-1229 (Canadian) 1273, 1269 Biologie. 691, 670 Biology 691, 670 BiON. Vide Theocritus. BiottNSTiKBNA, Empire britannique dans rinde 461 BiOT. Prt5ci8 de physique 573 — — Meiiioircs de la olasse des sciences. 573 — Polarisation do la lumi^ie 688 — — Traito de physique expurimcntale 573 Trait!*- I'astronomie 584 BioT, Ed. Chemius de fer 753 Le'lVbeouli ou rites des Tch^ou 55 Bmcn, Capt. On National Defence. .(P.) 1107 Birch, S. On the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. *779 BiRon, T. Court and Times of James I. 382 — Heads of Illustrious Persons. 475 — — History of the Royal Society. 671 Monioirs of Queen Elizabeth. 880 Bird, (t. anrl Buooks, C. Natural Philo- sophy 672 1688 rial Birds, British Museum Catalogue of . . . . 0S5 Birdu, see Ornithology. BiRBT, A. 0, L. M. Code civil 93 Code rurol 212 Des nullitos 2IO Troite de I'absence 206 Octrois 21s Enr6gistrenient et timbre 2I8 BiRKT et Vassibot. Actes sous signa- tures privies 21 1 BmKBKCK, Morris. Letters from Illinois. 1386 — — — Notes ou a journey in America 1 S87 Birmah. Travels in 666 Birmingham Free School (P.) io83 BiuT, W. R. Uand-book of the Law of Storms 688 BiflOARAT, F. Burets du langage 788 BiscARAT et la comtesse d'HAUipor- x. Style ^pistolairo 805 BiscnoFF, J. History of Woollen Manu- factures, &r. 275 Wool question (P.) II52 Bishop, J. P. Law of Marriage and Di- vorce 138 Bishoprics in the Colonies 218 Bishops in Parliament (P.) 1168 BissET, A. Law of Estates for Life 140 BisTON, V. Chaufournier 739 BisTON et Hanus. Du charpentier 788 UiSTON et Janvikb. M^cauicieu foutai- aier 731 BiTAUHK. Politique d'Aristote 222 Bixio. Maisou nistique 660 Journal d' Agriculture 651 Blachette et Zokua. Fnbricaut de pii- cre 787 Black Sea 'SIO, .'546 Black's Atlas of North America 512, 13G4 Black, W. On Brewing 736 Blackburn. Effect of Contract of Sale. . 146 Blackik, W. G. Imperial Gazetteer, ,. , 511 Blacklock. Poems 856 BLACKfOBK. Poems 866 I3la<;kuobe, R. Doctrine of the Uus.siaa Church 31 Blackstone, Sir W. Commcntarii'S .... 129 Coiumiutaries n\> ridged 129 Law Tracts 102 Bla';kwell, R. S. Power to soil Land for the non-payment of Taxes. ... 186 PIA2 INDEX. iBLO Blackwood, Ths. Remarkf* on the Cons- titution 169 Blackwood's Magazine and Index 016 Blackwood's Magazine. History of 855 Blagu. Le th£'&tro du monde 609 Blaine, D. P, Encyclop«edia tif Rural Sports 726 Blainvillb. Maiaoologie 643 Actinologie 643 Blaib, H. On Rhetoric, eto 805 Poems 866 Blair, J. Chronological Tables... ... 301 Blaize. Des Monts do Pi6t6 265 Blakr. Admiral, Life 482 Blake, \V. On Currency, etc (P) 1127 Blakkslkt, J. W. Early Medo-P'irsian History 463 Life of Aristotle, Ac. 807 Blake;, R. History of Political Literature 223 History of Philosophy of Mind 68 Sketch of Logic 69 Blanc. Mnitre d'cspagnoi 786 Blanc, Ch. Histoirc des peintres *712 Blanc, Etienno. Trait6 de la anntrefa- 50U *206 Blanc, J. P. Exploitation des Mines. . . . 765 Blanc, Louis. Rdvolution fi-anjaise. . . . 427 Histoire de dix ans 431 Le Bocialisme .... 285 Blancuakd. Observations sur les tribu- naux d'Athiines 90 Oiigiue et fonctions aes Prytanes et des Prytan6es 00 Sur les H6lia8te3 90 ^ur les lois qui autorisaient les adoptions i\ 4 tli^ues 90 BLANCnARD. Expedition fran9aise au Mexique 1373 BLAf-'MAiin. Ph. De Paris &. Constanti- iioplo 535 Blancuaru, Perrot, et Thillavk. Ma- nuel du culoriste 730 Blancuardikre, L'Abbe Courte de la. Nouvcau vcj 'o'-' ^^ I'^rou 1367 Blancuet, Mgr. Leitres des Missions 119.-1:95 Blanobet, Dr. A. Enseignement des Biiiirds-uiucts 87 Blanciiki, Fr'j. llcoherelies sur la m6de- cine 670 Bland, Ou Ships and Boats 710 Blanet, Oapt. Excursion through the United States and Canada 1369 Blanquart. ForSta et bois 657 Blanqui, a. J. Voyage on Bulgarie. . . . 546 La Corse en 1838 267 L'Espagne en 1846 257 Des classes ouyriuros .. . 259 Economie industriellc . . . *258 Economie politique en Europe 249 Nos possessions en Afrique 257 BiASHFiELD. Terra Cottas *717 Blasis, M. De la danse 728 Blason. Science du 506 Blasphemy. Prosecution for (P.) [lilote Aradricain 1302 l!i t'NT. J. ^^kotch of the Rofoi luation ... 87 f^Kipnmf tor's i* '»i?tftiit 279 Blyndknbubo, J. W. On t!iu Law of Usury ISC BoADKN. Life of Mrs. Jorttnn 4!»2 Boat Armamcir if the United Stntes, -, 686 Bocc.\cio. Opcrfl vulgari 8't3 Dccftinordi- 803 Booi! K.n, Cli. Le pi(''go de Znnteha 8H," Book :mam, R. Voyafco to Mexico 137" Boni;<', f. La rfpa'oliqno J23 TiiDi; ft son tonipB 223 B r.s^ Mine. Ortini'.le. Elise et Marie.. "882 I>or.''K!', A. I'nlilio Economy of Alliens. 322 Ecoiiomio politique dos Atli uicns "249 BoKTii:, L;i. La servitudo volontaire. . . 71 Notice sur 71 DoEiniiis 820 BocART, W. IL, Daniel Boone ond the hunters of Keniucky 1251 BoGi'E, D, & Eknnktt, J. History of Dis- senters 38 BoHMER, C. A. Consnltntiouuin et Deei- sionum Juris 91 Bonn's Cla-aioal ],i!)r.'.ry ; Prose Traiisla- ticinj from Greek auJ Latin 819 Botm, n. G. llttnd-Boolv of Proverbs... 828 BoiGNK, de. Du .?hc'.al en France 05S Boii.EAU, Estieiino. Iilvre des nifitiors. . 422 BoiLEAU and Picquot, etc, French Dic- tionary. 789 Boilkau-Despreaux. Oi;uv."es eorapletes 869 Boii.E'.'x, J. M. Code NapoWon 204 Bois, V. Cheniins de fer franoais 764 Bois-AvME. Economie jKilitiqne 254 BoisMosT, Briere de. Dusuioide 73 Bois-Ukymond. On Animal Electricity. 631 BoHsoNNKT. Ceremonies et rites sacrds . *18 BoissY, Draraes 871-872 BoiSTE, P. C. V. Dictionnairo francais. . 788 BoiTAai), M. P. Botanique 04.'5 I 'amateur dcs roses. . . . 663 L'areliitecto dos jardiuf' ' :7 • Physiologic vc'jjvHale. , . ' vAai Boit/hd, M. P. OuUivateur forestier . . . 657 I..atrumetito aratoiree. . , 057 .- ),R cordier 729 KsjiointMOi/io., 042 __ >fatara!istf prftparotour 7S4 BoiT.TAi , i' Le l-nron <''i '! -Kok 608 ' ■■ ■ ■ Les 1!" itfg It jc'irv 881 .!' !''iv, l'!i:i'j. DioiJore ','0 S oile et De- nis d'Hftlicnrr.asso 821 Boai r, Madiimo, and Duces, A. Diseases of the Uterus 672 BoLAMB. On Currents of the Straits of Gibraltar.,,., 541 r>'iiDi'o, Rev, LottrcH do la Oolombie. . 1194 UoLiNOBROKE, L'ird. Ooi-respondeneo., . 392 Moim)ir8,byC(X)ke. 482 Worku 828 Bolivia, I'istory of, 1206 Jiu/ivie. Ilistoire 1205 Voyafres 1367 IloLLAN. Of 1 nglish Colonies in Ame- rica. 154, 1261 Bombay. Life in 664 Its UnhcnlthinosR 678 Reports of Medical Colle<;e. . . 678 JJojubay Agri-IIortioulturul Society 60O Buuibay Calendar, Ac 916 lioinhay Engineer's Reports 764 lionihiiy Literary Society's Transactions. 913 Bombay Medical Society's Transactiona.. 678 Bou jardinier, lo 664 BON.Kosi. La Chine et les Chinnis 405 BoxAFous, Math. Traito du maia 662 BoNALD, le Vte. do. CEuvrcs 06 BoNALD, le Vte. V. de. Vie et eerits du vicomfe de Bonald 67 BoxAMY. Du grec vulgaire 786 Langue latine 766 Langue romance ot tudesque.786, 787 Origine des loin dcs douze tables 93 Bonaparte au Cairo 430 BoKArABTE, Lueien. Chailemagne 878 IJiinai'arte Family 431 BoNAPAiiTB. Vide Napoleon. BoMHAMPs, la marquise de. Memoircs. . 428 Bo :. , J, VV. MiiiuoBota audits rcsnur- COR 1387 ll ,' V. I'recedents iu Conveyun- ,iig..* 141 mr, du 73 ^ man's Guinea 662 IBOtr som INDEX. ZSOS iir forestior.. . 651 ritfl aratoiree. . , 667 ">• "729 "»/io.. 642 it* pi'6parotour 784 T'liok 608 j'*i>v 881 H:u2l8 et De- 821 K8, A. Diseases 672 the Straits of 641 la Oolombie. . 1194 'espondeiicn. . . 392 loirsjby C«)ke. 482 !«u 828 1206 1205 1357 niies iu Aiiie- 151,1261 664 '!> 678 eal C()llef;o. . . 678 il Siicicty 600 [ 915 s 764 Traiisnctions. 913 rransactiona. . 678 6fi4 Ciiinois 405 1 mais 662 |C8 CO et edits (Iu 87 780 78ti tuileBqiio.786,787 des liuuze 93 430 ague 878 481 Memoires. . 428 its resoiir- 1887 Coiiveyiiu- 141 7S 562 BoNNAnn, (1p, Poesies 873 DoNNAiiDOT. Des tc'lcscopes 689 UoNNATKBRK. CL'ti)logie, ofpotologie. etc 640 Oniidiologio 639 DoN.VAUD, J. J. llurodote, bistoricu du pouplo li6bi'eii 814 Bonne. AHuh do g/'ographio 611 fioNNisoiiosB. llistoire de Franco 411 __^- I^ea quatre couquOtcs de rAiiglctcrro 872 llistoiro d'Anglctcrro. .. . •372 BoNNKFOux et Pabis. Dtotiunnaire de marine 686 BoNNEKoux, Le Baron. Vie de Christo- j)bo Uolomb 1166 BoNNKKoy i)E BfiuvoN. Etat vcHgicux. . "20 BoNNKMERK. Ilistoire dcs paysauB 827 BoNNKR, J. Ili'gistry Lawa of Lower Canada "led Bonner, T. D. Life and Adventurcu of Bockwoiirtli 1188 BoNNKT, C. (Kiivros philosupbiquea. . . . 605 Bonnet, J. Li/tters o^ Calviu *37 BoNNKT, J. E. Etats-UnisdorAm^rique 1218 Bo.NXETTY. Anualcs de pliiiosophio Oil) B0NNEVI1.1.K, N. de. La raa^onuericficos- saiao (P.) 1112 BoNNii'R, E. Dl's preuvcs 210 Organisation judiciaire. ,. . 210 BoNNYCASTi.K, SiH H. Canada in 1841.. 1402 Canada in 1846.. 1402 ^— Canada us it was, is, and may be 1402 BONI'I.AND, Voir HuMtOLOT. BoNsTKTTEN. Etudo do I'liomnie 66 BoNTNOK, F. Future WeaUb of America 284 lluok and its Story 1 ,5 Book of Fate 54 Bdcik 1)1' the Fathers 25 Bookn. Publication of 297, 298 Sec also Bibliography. Boiik-hiiiding 727, 733 Bnnk-.b-epiiKj 267, 279, 600 BorNK Daiiial, Life of, by J. M. Peek. 1226 ~ M n.iJ xltinux. 201 — Droit eccledinstique. 214 BouoaSTTE, Lt. Col. Jos. Topographi- cal Map of the OiHtricts of tiuebec. Three llivers, liio 1397 Topogruphi- cal dictionary of Lower l^uuada. . 1896 — — Description topographique du Bas-Cunada. . . . 1396 . Uiitish Do- minions in North Anieiioa I395 BoucuETTE, Jos. Map of the Province of Canada 1805 Time Tables »685 BouoHiTTE. Existence de Dieu 44 Memoire sur la notion de Dieu 45 BoucnoT, Aug. Histoire du Portugal., •441 Bouc'iCAUT, Jean dc. R^gne do Charles VI 415 BoUDiN. Histoire de Louis Philippe. . . . •432 BouRFLEKs, de. CEuvres 872 BouoAiNviLi.E, J .p. do. Les Sauvagcs de PAmeWque septentrionate 1180 Antiquit^s grec- qucs S21 Monarchic des Mo- des 315 Bougainville, L. A. de. Navigation nu- tour du globe 626 BououER, M. Voyage to Peru 1357 BouiiiEE. Coutume de Bourgogne 198 RouiLLAun, E. Nosographie medicale. . 071 BoniLLE, le marquis de. Menioires .... 428 Affaire do Va- rcnncB 423 BoriLLET. Dictionnaire dea sciences, Ac. 909 Dictionnaire d'histoire 305 Bouix, D. Dejudiciis ecclesiaslicis. . . . *215 Boulay-Paty. Droit commercial mari- time 209 Des faillites 209 BouLET. Institutes de Oaius . 92 BouLLAT. Daose des salons 723 B0ULLEN019. Dissertations *199 — — Donnssions de biens *199 — Trnite des statuts *\99 BouLOONE. M. de. ffiuvres 47 Boundaries of Canada 183* Boundary of Britinh North Amirica, North Ji>istern, 298, 744, 1244, 1296, 1323, 1827, •H64, 1412, 1431 m iBOU BOU] INDBX. isor gniiiH niipllaux. 201 lit ccclosiiistique. 214 U8. T>)p(igrnplii- Htricts uf Quobco, 1807 — Topogi'iiphi- Lower (.'uuiidii. . 1390 — Drsci'i])tion 1 Bas-Cutmdii. ... 1396 — Biiti.h Do- Aineriea 1396 )f the Provinoo of 1895 ne Tttble» »686 lo Diou 44 lUr la notion de 45 •e ilu Poitujjul. . *441 t6gne do Cburlea 418 DiUH Philippe. . . . *432 a 872 Los Siiiivnges do sntrionalo 1180 Antiquit6a gri^c- S21 ^Joimrchio dosMu- 1 315 Navigation nu- 526 to leiu 1357 Bourgogne 193 tphie iiiodicale. . C71 Mcnioiies .... 428 Afiiiire do Va- 428 dc8 BCit'llCCB, itc. 909 a d'hiutoire 305 Bcdesiasticia. . . . *215 oiiiiiiei'oiul iiiari- 209 08 209 ^aius . B2 Ions Hi )i). *19» de bieus *199 statuts "laa i'OS 4'' 1334 North Aintrica, 298, 744, 1244, 3!>.7, "SOI, 1412,1431 Bounilarij of lirtlUh North Amtrica, North Wutern 1288, 12U0, 1866 Boun,darie» bctwten Canada and New lirun»wick,1H, 1228, 1294, 1380, 1384, 1482 Bonndariei of Empire*. On the 1370 Bounty. Mutiny of the 570 BouguAiBOL. Le globe terrestro 610 BorguKT, Dom. Ilocticil dea historiena. 412 Bouquet, Henry. Expedition contre les IndienB do I'Ohio, en 1764 1260 BouRAsai, Hot. Lsttres sur sos miBsions 1198-1196 Bouhassb. Discipline ecol6i>!a8tique. .. . *20 Arch6ologie ohr 1226 Life of Barcn Steuben 1226 — ^— — — Lifeof Benjpinin Lincoln.. 1326 Bow".N, G. Constantinople to Home. .. . 645 BowKN, N. H. Coast of Labrador 1412 BowEx, T. Politioul Eccnomy 262 BowEB, A. History of Edinburgh Uui- vtirnity 81 Bowles. L'Espagne 640 Bowles, J. Tracts, Legal ond Political. 228 Bowles, Rev. W. L. On Poetry and Pope's Works, [P.] 035-937. 1098, 1111 On Poetical cii- ticism [P.] 988 Bowbino, ''ib J. Decimal System '.160 • Specimens of Russian Pott: 897 MOO BowYKB, G. Co. onal Law of Eng- land 104 Oa Modern Civil Law 94 —— — On Uuivorsnl Pidjlic Law . 94 Readings on Juriaprudenco 88 Boxer, Capt. On Artillery 083 BoxEB, F. N. Rcminisoeuces of a survey. 1412 BovABD, M. Du bouvier 658 Guide dea maircs 212 Gardes champetres 212 Contributions direcles 213 BoYARD, >' ^ ^ La bourse 265 La Russie et I'empivo OttoKian •447 BoYARD, et de Marsan. Du cliaseeur. . . . 728 Boyd, J. M. Naval Cadets Mamml "687 BoYn, W. On Prices (P) 1131 BoYDKLL. Shakspeare Gallery, (Catalo- gue of) 1103 BoYEE, Paul. Voyage de M. de Bieti- gny A rAm6rique occidentalo.'. . . 1366 BoYER. Faiencier 734 BaVER DB FONSCOLOMBE. EntonK Icigic. . . 642 BoYEB. Maladies chirurgio ilea 678 [Ja^-'l li^' unri INBBX. {.BBB »r ft :j|;.i HoriCR, A, I'tr. Dlotionnniro nnf^lali 789 OoTEn. DoI'Dnfie do lu ni^thodo d'ensoi- r> "iiic'iil *7& II fv. '■•>.. HAD, K. K Lm Antlllo* .-.nyni-O! 1208 BoTt*. Hon. R. Work« 671 Hoy t.K. Liii'd Orrery. Lflttevs on Swift.. "BO? Hovmk, Pooum 866 BozMAN. J. L. Sketch of tbo History of Miirylnml 1060 ITiHt.i " . -yland... 1260 liazzF.i.i.i. VhVi. |, .ie «.'t niornlo 71 BiiAi'K. 0. L. Homo Lifi" in Germany. . . Ml Hiingftrj ill 1861 644 Tlio N(I^ra.-f(>lk •niS nra<'lii(i])(i(l:i. Biifinh FohhIIs 627 BaAOKKsninoB. H. M. Tlie late war be- twocn (lie Uuittid Stnteg and Qi'cit niitiiin 1280 Voyage to South A iiiorica 1863 BEADDimv, II. On Bmik Notes 2fi6 ■ ■ I'Vrns, Nitnro priutod. *6M BttADnL'iiY, J. Travels in America 1370 Bradpock, Qcnl. F.xpedition ngainstFort (III Qiu'sne 1260 BiiADFoiin, Alilon. History of the Federal Oovoviiinont 1224 History of Massachu- sotts 12.35 BnADPOR, I), Governor W. Brief Dialogue 1233 History of Ply- mouth CoU>ny 1233 BRADPoar Jr WivsLow's Journal 1233 Bbadford, W. J. A. Notes of tlie North Aist 1391 BttAnr.K' On GoomiM 600 Braosihw's Railway >i mual 270 Brady, Dr. Parliamentary Cities and Borough-* 108 liuADY, J. A n.ilysia o." the Calendar. ,. . 803 History of En>;laud 873 Brady. R. Old Knglish H1-^ory 872 Brady. W. Yoir ' San ' Assistant .. "691 Braliui'n, Memo!" if a 828 Beaim, T. II. i -y o' New South Wale?... , *471 BaAiNKBD, D 1 ifo of, l)y J. f'dwards. . . , 1197 by W. B. 0. Pea- tiiuly 1226 Brainnp, Ch. La Nouvelle Cal6donie. . 471 Braiiuwaitk. W. Retrospect of Medicine *666 1691 P4tl IhiAMWiLL. ProoeediM)^ on Bills 110 Brancuk. Ordres monostiqueseii Auvor- Kue S3 Brand, C. J. On Popular AnliqiiitioH. . 363 Brandk, \V. T. ArtH couDccted with Or- ganic OliomiHtry COR —— Manual of Cheiniatry 6U4 Brands, W. T. and Cauvi.v, J. Pictionary of Heiunco and Art 008 Brant, Job. Life of 1 188 Khantomg. (Euvres 426 Brakd, O.P. Collcetion mincralogiquo., 624 — ^— — — Mint'iralogie appliquiio 766 KI6mcnt8 d't .<'doitatioii. . . . 706 nRASBEUR DR BoURDOURU. Iliatuire du Canada 1274 Drath' mt, R. Drunken Bnrniiby. ... *856 Bravard-Vkvrikrks, P. Ktudo du droit. Ul Brawkhn, VoyR»;e to Chili 1S57 Bray, 0. Philosophy «f Necogsity 63 Bray, Mrs. Life of Stothard 602 Novels and Romancei, 829 Bray, W. Tour in Dc-ibyshiro 680 Braylgv, E. W. nnd Bbitto.v, J. Ancient Palace and late Hon •■< of Pnrlia- lent at Weatnii'Mter 105 'J o])ography of rrey. . 406 liraul. History of 1 199 Geography nnd Voyngod, 1361, 1354 Inhahitants of 11084. Slavery in [i.j 1104 Settlement and Cultivation of, by t:.o Portuguese [P.] 1 199 Brrad, Laws on the sale, Ac ,of fP.] 926 Bread. On [P.] 1118, 1135 Brkard-Neuville. Paiidcetes do Justi- uien 92 BRKBissoif. Photographie sur Collodion. 719 Brf.en, J. Planetary Worlds •682 BttEEH, S. 0. Glossary of Architecture, Ac. 708 Railway Practice 75", 764 Illustrations of New Zealand. 568 Breo AULT, Imprimeur lithographe 733 Brk iKR, Frederika. Works 896 — — Homes of the New World 1383 BRE>Ah:R, R. Excursion in Russia 546 Excursion in Dtnmaik, Ae. 613 BRUM.SKR. Vers intcstinaux de I'homme.. 644 Brenton, E. p. Navnl History of Oreot Britain 406 Life of Lord St. Vincent. 6('2 SMFi ISDSX. [JiRI DtiKNTnN, Sir L. Heptuagint /erilon of the 01(1 Tostiiineiit 10 nRUQUiuNY ct LAiHiaTK Du Tuini,. Uiplu- innta 42() DaRguiuNT. Lcttrei dei roJH, roinca, etc 421 Oi'doiirianccH ilci roig 11)7 — Iluligion ct onipii'o do Muhu- iiiut CS . Diplonics 4'20 — — — lUt iKirchoH mir leg coiiimuiicB ct Hur loB b(>iir)(('oigic8 419 Dkkrktdn, CD, On tlio WmkliouBe and tlioPoor LuwsRyHti'ii) (!') 1181 IIresl'Hkt. (k-HtnlioD doB quadi'umaiiea, , OilU Brinl. llistoiio 1109 —— Qi'dgrttjiliio ct voyagoB. . . ,13r)4-1356 ■ Cominori'e avec 1ft Fiatiee 283 BiiKSBANY, K. P. F J. Uilatioii 1191 UuEBBLAU, M. 11. Hebrew Uraminar. .. . 1lH Bbkt. La duuble cxtravnganco 8?1 liretaffne 433 Ubeton. Dii nivclleinctit 7'jO Mouutnciis aiioieuB ot moderiics. CU8 DuETONNiEB. (^ucstiuDB do druit W) lin vets d' invention 741 . Lois 8ur lea. 89 UnKWER. Ln clef do la science S72 805 403 089 580 691 719 381 .»7o BuKWER, E.G. English CumpoBitiuu. , . . Brkwer, J. N. UcauticB of Englami, 7 Brioubteac, J. Maladies chroniqucs. .. . e7'2 Bridkl, K*5v. L. Le pour et le contre. . 1379 Bridrl, C. Le pii' vis do riiulustrie *772 Briilges. Construction of, 296, 602, 742- 746, 760, 756, 7C0 Military *&U Bridses, Rev. O.W. Annals of Jamoica. 1210 Bbidobs, W. The Prudent Man •28C Bridgewater Treatises 570 Brirnne. Meraoires 416 Briese UE Boiauo.vT. Du suicide . •... 73 Bniaus, J. Rise of Mahonicdan Power In India India and Europe compari'd. Briuiit, E, U. Intliienco of lliu Huiilieani. llaiuuT, J. E. Lrfkw of ilufbanil and Wife. Phyi-iologie du goiit.. 467 '401 noo 139 870 109 23 BaiLi.oN, I'. J. Dictionniiiin des arrets ItitlsroT. Vie do JwBusCliriat BaidSE, Le Burun L. Album do rexposi- tion uuiv('^oUe ^Il^l BsissoTdu Warvillk, J. P. Nouvcau voya- ge daiiH los Elats UniH 137^ Life of.. (P) HOB Bristii), I' A. Five years !u au Engli^ik University 78 Bristkd, J. Anglican and Anglo ' nieri- can Churches ■ . , . . 40 Britain, Hist-iry of. Sec Kvgland. Britain. I'rogrcssof Manufactures, wer and prosperity (P) 915 its decline (P) 1137 Britin.'i (lovernmtnl. PampMetson the (P) 030 British North American Votoni's, His- tory of the .I'.ii7, 1268-1339 Geo- graphy and travels 13U,-)- 1486 Trade and Coinnacrce of the 280 Pro- 1446 posed Union of 12('i9, 1431, 11-:, 1434, British North Amtriean Politics 165, 12(i'), 1434 L'liti.ih North -eastern Boundary with United States. . 1214, 1290, 1323, 1327,1364,1412, 1431 British North-western Boundary with United States 1258, 1296, 1365 British Almanac and Companion 289-304 British Architect's Institute Traniaelions. 702 British Army, Regimental Histories of. ■ 406-408.682 British Art. The Royal Oallcry of 718 The Vernon Gallery of .. . 718 British Association, Reports of Meetings 911 Pamphlets on the.. 1115 1695 1 >' .", MMn IKD&T. [BMO u I 'ri a n;*, ft .1 Viu 1^] IlrkUli Onliinot In 1HA8 477 Di'itiiili (!iiliiloKiii> (if Itooka 001 DritUli (.'.•iiNtitiiiioii. Iiy Dyer.. .(P) U31, u:i2 by lli.iiglitoii.. (!') 10H5 by J. Young.... (P) 1132 by 0. W»tklnB..(l*) IHB by Bolgny (P) UOl British Cotwtitiition. Amiiiytndui Pain- plilotH (III tho 1080, 1 in, lin» BritUli CiintMvuiKiulUt 017 Dritiili Kloqucn(!o 842 HiitiHli K-iiiy IhIh 8'2U Dritinh Foiimlo Poet* 888 Urili«li mill Fdrclgn Meilico-Chirnrgion) Ri'\ iow fldfl BrltiHli iind Fcirelgn Stale Papom 08 DritiNli llintdriuiis, Mnnunl of 810 Bi'itlsli Li'giiin ill Spikin 'HO Britiiili MuHPUiii, Aiiviciit MarblcB, Torra- Ciittiw in 717 British Mtitcum Cntiiliigiios of Specimens ill Niifuirtl llistory 636 Brjtirili MuMouin. Kami Boole to Aniitiiii- tit! A in S'27 Britieh Museiiniin 1701 (P) 1131 British Miwt'iiiii Libriiry Catnloguc .... 001 British I'liyHii-iaii-', Lives of 478 British IVet.H, Aliliiie Edition 860 Biitinli HiiUjocts, Hii,'ht» of (P) 1084, 113.1 British Worthifs, Portrait Gallflry of. . . 475 BuirrKN, B. Progress of Britisli Ooin- nicrco 273 BniTTON, J. Arcliitccturnl Antiquities . 877 Histories of Cathedrals. .. . 370 • Illustrations of Fonthill Abbey 377 Bairicix. PoOaies 870, 88 1 LcH tvrnairos 870 Lea bi'ftons 870 Baoc, P. P. Rnoes humaiues ♦031 BttocHABD, Dr. Cliol6ra 075 Brock, Sir Isaac. Life of 1281 Family Records 1281 BttODEAV, J. Coutuino de Paris 108 Broderie 730 Brodebip, W. J. Note Book of a Natu- ralist 600 Zoological Recreations. . 684 BitoDiiRAn, J. R. History of the State of New York 1 241 BuouiE, Sir U. On Diseases of the Joints 072 1696 Iluonii, Sir n. Pi«yaholn|{ioAl Inqiilrl)-*. HaoDiM, (K History uf the British Km- pire Brouli*, AIU do. A |Kil(ig6tii|ito clm'- lienne *u XIXu Hit^cle ■ L'instruotion piiblj- que oil France Bhomk. Poenm BiioMWRi.t, W. J. Immigration to Ifni- tod States DaoNiiMAUT, Alex. Introduction il la Miu6rnliigie • Sur los terrains du Viccntin lites Tableau dflsterrtins, Miiit^ralogie Uisemoiit des opho- Claasitication des ro- olios. Arts euramiquos et poturids Btto.NTK, Misses. Jane Kyro, Shirley, Vil- lette, tho Professor, Wutlieriiig Iloighls nud Agneo Urey Bhontb, Charlotte. Life of, byOaskell. llaooKK. Poems RiKMiKic, Capt. Winter in Lapland RuooKE, Mrs. Lady Julia Mandevillo. . BttouKK, fl. J. On Crystallography .... Rnjah, Sir J. Events iu Borneo aud Celebes . Private Letters. 7 887 33 84 860 28S 623 024 028 028 623 624 734 820 •482 860 644 •828 620 6110 482 ISO 470 706 129 BaooKK, R. OOice and Practice of a No- tary BuooKt, T. U. History of St. Helena. . . BitooKH, S. H. Modern Architecture . . , Buoov, U. On tho Common Law Legal Maxims 88 Rules for determining Parties to Actions 132 Broomk. Poems 866 BaoseAun, A. do. Les Rc'publiques dela Plata 1206 Brossard, J. Art de lever des plans .... 749 Broshes, le President do. Riivoitu de S|)artncuB en Campanie. . ... 824 Assyrie et Niuive • 816 Navigations aux terres Australos "Mi BaossKT, jeuue. liaH-Erapire 826 BaoTiER. Jcux du Cirque 728 BuououAM, Lord. Complete Works. . . . 829 i»J»0] INDBX. IBUti KnnriinAM, Lord, Ao Art» and ni;i« 'sao Lives of I'hil(M"i|)li«ri, — On Ntwton'i Piincl- |.l». — — I)iiklijoct«,(Vc. ofHcloneo IMiticBl I'hildHophy. SkutcllCB of Htlitt'8- 478 67ft a7c B70 2an men aU6, 477 HpeooliAg lai On Olinritici. (P) 9S2, 11 BO On Etlucfttioii (P) 1116 Arlittncrncy of Kn- nR(i-,vNie. Pomn* 809 FUo«;iiNriiln|{ tlio !<'oiiiiilliii^ IIoRpltnl 244 Bnowiipow, O. Kmii}'* •40 Unuui, J. Life and trnvoli BSl — — — — TrnvfU to ditcover the Source gliiml (P) 1121 Political PnmpliletB.(P) 1162 Puoi UHTON, H. Of &h-1( hinodvic lt> liuouuiiTON, 'I'i llitttoricnl IJictiuiiary of UuligioiK 27 iJuouaiiTuN, W. 11. Voyage duns I'oci'an Paolflque 6fifl Droci.uun. Mission du Klnn;;-Nan -12 liiiousgAU. IrritHtioD et folio 670 Coui'H de jihrd'iiologie 632 UttoWN, 0. B. Life by W. IL ProiCoU.. 1226 DuowN, 0. P. Corresponding Dates of Cttlendsrs 803 Toliigu Dictionniy 782 Dictionary of Mixed Tclu gu Dialects 782 Drown, H. History of lilinois 1 267 Brown, J. Tlio Forester 648 Appeids'and Writs of Error. 161 On Siiofteebury's Charaoteristics 63 Browk, J. B. Views of Canada 1408 Brown, J. D. Collection Laws of the svTerul States 186 Bbo^vn, R Ou Sacred Architecture,... 701 Brown, T. On Philosophy of the Mind . 64 Brown, W. History ol the Propagation of Christianity 43 Browne, D. J. Trees of America 649 American Poultry Yard. *669 Browns, J. History of the llighlauils. . 399 Browne, P. History of Jamaica 1210 Browne, R. J. Actions at Law 181 Browne, U. W. Of Greek and Roman Classical Literature 795 Browne, Sir T. Works 829 Browhe's Journey to Dar-Fur 661 of thoNde 681 Hruie, J. 0. Ilnyeiix Tapestry 872 IIrub. Voyage on Afriqiio CSV BRuii. Atlu 013 Brueyh, L'avocat patelin 872 Lo grondour 872 Lo muet 872 Bruuuikre. Vers, nnquilles, etc 044 Uriu-art, Noiil. Mifmoircs 219 Bri'n, J«an. Le triomphe du nouvcau monde 1 1 67 Brunaud, Kt. nygiinedesRensdelettres. 668 BRUMCi.,SirL Thames Tunnel •711 BiiuNKT. Trait(5 do Chnmpart 220 Brunkt, (1. Propos de tublc do Martin Lutlier 404 Brl'net, J. Histoire dc I'lirtilliTio *68l Brunkt, J. C. Manuel du librui re 809 Brunkt, J. L. Libellus Pertrmidi 219 Brun-Rollet. Nil Blan" 470 Bruno. On the innuracrn 's... 681 Brunswick Ciuhs Lf' lor. (P) 945 Brussbl. Fiefs en Fr. . . , . 202 Bruykur. Art de8 "' i' . .i> . 703 Bhuykrc, Rev. J. ' ' ' . j Seliools .. M44 Bryan, M. Dictioi .m . id Bujravnrs 718 Bryant, Ed. Voyage en Californie 1388 Bryant, J. Analysis of Ancient Mythology 800 BavoE. On Cholera 076 Bbydall, J. Law relating to Nobility and Gentry 106 Brtdqes, Sir E. Autobiography 483 Ccnsura Liternria. . . . 804 Imaginative Biographies 829 Bryuoes, SirH. J. Mi!>sion to Persia. . . 662 BuACHE, M. La Ouyane Frangaise 1366 Buccaneers in America 1 180 BucHAN, G. Defence of Duelling... (P) 1089 Buchanan's Journey in Ea!).i7 Inva.onof (P) 943 .ind the Burmese War (P) 1083 BuRioNv. Vie d'Arlstion 69 ■ Vio de Proclus (^9 BcRK, John. History of Virginia 1249 BuBKE, lU. Hon. E Correspondence . . ■ 483 BuRKB, Rt. Hon. R. [BUB PIOI Memoir, by Croly. 488 Memoir, by Prior . 482 Speeches 120 Wisdom (& Genius. 226 Works 830 Pamphlets and ..1088, 1100,1103, Speeches by. 1104, 1108, 1113, 1122, 1146 On his new political tenets, by C. Pigott (P.) 1116 European Settle- ments in America 1177 Histoi re des colonies europ^ennes dans rAro6rique. . , . 1177 BuBEE, J. B. Royal Families of Great Britain 388 Peerage, Baronetage, Ac. 607 Seats and Arms of No- blemen 607 — — History of the Landed Gentry 607 BuKKE J. & J. B. Encycloiividia of He- raldry 507 BoBKE, J. F. British Husbandry 664 BuEKE, J. W. Life of Emmctt »401 BuRLAMAcjui, J. J. Droit des gcus.... *94 BuBLEiQH, J. B. Legislative Guide. .. . 181 BuRMANNUS. Thesaurus Antiquitutum. . 435 BuRMBisTKR, H. Mauuiil of Entomology 642 BcRN, J. H. Descriptive Catalogue of London Traders' Tokeus 404 Burn, J. I. On Population, &c 286 Burn, Lieut. Col. Naval and Mi tary Dictionary 683 Burx, Richard. Ecclesiastical Law .... 218 Burn, R. Statistics of the Cotton Trade 276 Burn's Justice of the Penoe 134 BuBNABY, Rev. A. Travels through North America 1377' Voyage dans I'AmC'ri- que du Nord i377 Travels in America (P) 1158 BUBXAP, G. W. BURNKLL, G. R. Life of Leonard Calvin 1226 On Limes, Cements, &c. 709^ Hydraulic engineering. , 757 & Clark, Supplement to Theory of Bridges 760 BURNES, Sir A. Journey to Oabool .... 664 Travels in Bokhara. . . . 554 BuRNKT, Bishop. History of liis own Time 389 ■ Lives by 47& TT 1809 im l^' > 1?^« !•. ■. I 1 . ii'. . ^ !, .' \i%' • ■f' !:ll«if mm m 1 ni . jv?' BUlf] TlfDEX. IBl'R DuttNET, Bishop. Histoiy of the English Reforiiiiitiou 87 BuaNKT, Jacob. Notes on the North West Turiitory 1268 Burnet, Dr. T. Sacred Theory of the Earth 581 BuR.sETT, 0. M. Spirit in Relation to Matter 689 BuuNErr, O. T. Encyclopaidia of Plants 6-16 Burnett, T. On Government (P.) 1111 BuRNEY, C. • History of Music 720 Burnet, Capt, J. Chronology of Voyages in the South Sea 5C5 Buccaneers of America 1180 North Eastern Voyages of Discovery 632 BuRNEY, Cecilia *828 Evelina »828 BuRNv .-, Engine. Le lotus do la boune loi 55 Commentaire sur le Yacna . . 50 Le Vendidad-Sadil 55 Histoire du Budhisme 65 BuRNouK, J. L. Orammaire latino 783 Burns, R. Life and Works 850 Burr, Aarou. The Life of, by S. L. Knapp 1228 BuRurLL, A. M. Circumstantial Evidence 132 New U. S. Law Dic- tionary 185 Voluntary Assignments. 180 BuRRiTT, E. Works 2-12 Burt, J. T. Resultj of separate confine- ment 2-17 Burton, J. H. Criminal Trials 191 Emigrant's Manual 286 History of Scotland 398 Political and Social Eco- nomy 238 Blrton, II. Anatomy of -Melancholy. . , 830 — — Ilistory of the House of Orange 390 Burton, R. F. Pilgrimage to El Medi- nah ami Mcccah 651 — ^ Scinde *554 — — — First footsteps in East Africa. 502 Burton, T. Parliamentary Diary 118 Burton, W. II. Law of Real Property . Uo Bury, Lord. Notes on Canada 1280 Bury. Modclcs de scrvurcrie 739 Modclcs de marbrcrie 739 no Txan Bury. ModWes de menuiserie 739 Bury, T. T. Rudimentary Architecture 699 Bury St. Edmunds. Town and Abbey (P) 1076 ^-— Pamphlets on a meeting at 1086, 10S7 BusDY, T. Anecdotes of Music, Ac 721 Bush, Mrs. F. Memoirs of Queens of France 403 BusHBY, H. J. Practice of Elections. . . *114 Widow Burning 452 BusiiNAN, J. S. Fishes, their structure and use 609 Business 256 See also Ti'ade. Business Man's Note Book *21i Busk. History of Spain and Portugal . . 439 BussiERRE, Th. de. Histoire de Saint Vincent de Paul 24 Les Anabaptistes., , 38 Guerre des paysans. 424 BussoN. Voir Fei.ler. BusTAMKNTE, C. M. dfl. Hlstoire du Mt'xi- que 1171 BuTEL-DuMONT. Voir Dumont. Butler, Alban. Vie des Puros, etc 24 Butler, C. Book of the Roman Catholic Church 34 Vindication of 34 Pamphlets on his book of the Ro- man Catholic Church (P.) 91'2, 1089 Memoirs of the Catholics 34 LifeofGrotiu.... 490 Reminiscen^ds 830 Butler, Bp. Joseph. Works *iS Butler, Major. Travels in Assam 555 Butler, S. Poetical Works .... 8E7 Butler, T. B. Philosophy of the Wea- ther 586 Butler, W. A. On Ancient PhiloFopliy 58 BcTT, G County Contested Elections.. 114 BuTTMANN. Le^.ilogua "783 BuxTON, Sir T. F. Memoirs 483 Byles, J. B. 'Law of Bills of Exclianga. 145 Sophisms of Free Tr.ndc .. 278 ^—— Usury Laws 14? BvROM. Poems 857 Byron, Lord. Letters and Journals 'ISS Poitioal Works 857 Ilia Character it Writings (P.) 938, 941 Selections, Prose it Poetry 857 tEnvres Irad. en franvais. 8u7 ZBTR BYS^ INDEX. iCAX PAOB iiisei'ie 739 ,ry Architcolure 699 m and Abbey (P) 1076 impblets on a 1086, lost Music, &c 721 s of Queens of , 423 of Elections... *1U Burning 462 , their structure 609 256 ok "274 1 and Portugal . . 439 itoire do Saint 24 » Anabaptistes. . . US erre des paysans . 424 Ilistoire du Slexi- 1171 )UMONT. a Peres, etc 24 e Roman Catholic 34 • 34 is book of the I?o- |urch....(P.)942, 1089 Catholic:' 34 490 830 [orks 'IS in Assam 555 lorks 8c7 ihy of the Wea- " 536 unt riiilopophy 63 Isted Elections.. 114 "783 lirs 483 .Is of Exchange. 145 ,f Free Trade . . 278 s 145 857 IJournah 483 iVorka 857 ictcr it Writings (P.) 938, 941 Prose it Poetry 857 ad. en franv'ais. 807 PAOK BvsTRZoso-WBKi. La Serbie 449 IS'jzantine Empire 323, 826, 414 CABANIS. CEuvrea GSO Cabe^a de Vacoa, Alvar Nunet Com- mentiiires 1171 < Relation et Naufrages 1171 Cabinet Lawyer. The 120 Cabinet Council 294 Cadot, S. Voyage to America ... . 528,1305 Jleraoir of, by Biddle 1168 , Life of, by C. Hayward, jr. . . 1226 Life of, by J. Sparks 13C5 — — Voyages and discoveries. . .. 1168 Voyage to Brazil, fef PAOI Canova, A. Works, by MoBCB 717 Canotai, Padro Stnuislno. Viaggi d'A- mcrico Vejpucci 1107 Caxtu. Histoii'c univei'sello 804 Cap, P. A. MusCura d'histoire naturclle. 610 Cap Breton 1388, 11B8 Cape Breton, and Nova Scotia. . . . 1336, 1434 History of 1838 Clmrts of 1393, 1394 Aci'-ouiit of. . . 1404, {D 1163 Cape of Good Hope. Moguetical obser- vations 687 History of 409 Travels in .... 663,564 — Coliinizalionof, (P) 930, 1096, IvM, 1153 Capefigitk. Diplomates oiiropeens 475 — — ^ Operations financi(ire8 *26S Ilistoiro de la rostauration. . *431 Hugues Capet *426 L'Einope peudaiitlc cousulat *3'i; Philippc-Augusto *426 —— Ilicliclieii, Mazarin, LaFiou- de et Louis XIV -426 Oapel, Jacques. M6moirc« 219 OArK.NDij, Ernest. Lo.s faux bons bomi.icd *881 Cai'uuave, J. Chronicle of England. . . . *385 Capital and Labour 256, 207 CaintalPunishmeiit,Un,1\%,f CmmwcU. . 386 Involution.... 426 '•"• 500 ug 502 of Opcnitioiis 601 uipai\Cu3co. 1358 il, &.C 838 lux Etat3 Unis 180 HI'S do I'unitc 235 riiistoiie du eiitfttif 101 428 uinonvoincut 580 Glial.... (P.) 'le.j tin "Gi t lc3 Domi- 25 lolOceii'de 69 1, History of, 1251, 1419, 1423 if *62\ istoirc, 1251, 1419, 1423 ce 160 ii6trimtia Hi- 220 osscssoires.. 210 CAiirKNTiER, L. J. M. Oradus fran^ais. . *800 CAnl'KNTiiiK, Mile. Salle? d'asile 75 CARi'ENTica, M. On Juvenile Delinquents 246 CABPKSTKn, S. Controverted election for Saltaah 116 Carpenter, W. B. Mechanical Philoao- phy 745 Physiology of Tem- pci-anee 007 Principles of Compa- rative Piiysiology 030 Principles of Human Physiology 0?0 Use of Alcoholic Li- quors 241 Ou the Microscope. . *589 Zoology, Ac 684 Carj,entry 700, 708, 738 Cari'Maei, W. Law of Patents 148 Caruaud, Mme. Z. La petite Jeanne. . . 881 Caure. Loia dc la procoduro civile. . . . 210 Gouverncment dos paroisses. . . 220 Carrel, Ainiund. Coutre revolution en Anglctcrre 388 GJuvres litteraires ct icono- miqucs 254 Carrier, J. I!. Cea obligations 207 • Des hypotheques 203 Engagements sans con- vention 206 Cap.uieres, le P. de. NouveauTestrtmcut 11 Carriers, Law of 147 Carson, J. U. California Minos 1425 Carstairs. L'art d't'crire on pen dc lemons 775 Carstares, W. State Papers and Letters 891 Carte, T. History of James, Duke of Ormonde 400 Ormonde Papers 887 Carte militaire dcs priucipaux otats de r Europe 534 Carte de la I'russe 581 Carte dcs pays compria cntre la France, los Pays Das et du Rhin 534 Carlo do la Oriico 534 Carte de la partie nord-est de I'Espagne. 534 Carte liydrographique do la Franco 639 Carte des voioj de communication do la France 539 Carte topogrupliique do la France 539 Carte de la navigation interieuro de la France 539 Carte do la France, par Capilainc 539 Carte do la Franco pour le service du genie militaire 684 Carte de la Pologue 534 Carte dea earapagnes do Napoleon 429 Carte de la Uussie europ6enne 634 Carte de I'Alriquo septeutrionale 658 Carte Geologique dc la France 621 Cartes hydrographiques 516-520, 560 Cartes des routes imp6riales 639 Cartes de V^iiuriijuc. Voir Amerique. Cartes (In Canada. Voir Canada. Cartbe. E. Summary Convictions in Ca- nada 166 Carter, R. B. Education and the Ner- vous System 667 Carthage. Histoire 407 To])ographie 558 Cartier, Jacques. Voyages au Canada. 1270 — ^— First, second, and third voyages 1271 Cautwrigut. Poems 857 Cartwrioiit, E. Life, (fee 483 Cartwhioht, Geo. Sixteen years on the Coast of Labrador 1404 Cartwriout, J. Life, by his Niece 483 On Reform (P.) 1189 Stiite of the Nation (P.) 1150 Cartwrioht, J. B. Cliurch of St. James, of Jerusalem '22 Carus, \V. Life of Simeon 501 Carver, J. Travels in North America. . 1367 Voyages dans PAmorique Septeutrionale 1.367 Gary, H. Memorials of the Civil War. . 388 Gary, H. F. Lives of Eugli&h Poets 47? Early French Poets 478 Mehioir, by his son 483 Carv, R. Earl of Monmouth, Memoirs. . 381 Casanova. Memoires *4S3 Cas de conscienco. liietionuairedos. . . . 'IS Case, Uev. W. Revolutiounry memorials 1206 fash payments. . .(P) 932 to 935, 1120 to 1180 Casimir. Les fetes du Christianisme ... 50 Casini. Dietionnaire de Physique 572 Caspian Sea 555 Oassaonac, a. Granier de. Voi/tz Gra- NIKR DE CaSSAGNAC. Castaneda de Nagera. Pedro de. Re- lation du voyage do Cibola 1171 r;s/c in India 173 Castell, E. Lexicon Heptnglottcn 9 Castellamoste. Italian Life iu 1831 .. ♦693 1705 CAS2 INDEX. [CEL n ■ill i^i^»f j:-! In Si' PAOI OiSTKLiANit, P. (Ic. Knbylie 884 - Souvonirsd'Afiique 468 ■ Lfi Khami dcs Ueni- Ourftgh *880 Oastelnau, F. de. Souvenirs de I'Am^- riqno du Nord 1881 Oastklnac, Michel de. M4fi Cati.ow, M. Scripture Zoology 634 British Entomology 642 Caton 820 1706 rum Catbou et RouiLLi. Histoiro romoine. , *828 Cattle 669 (P.) UOO Catullus 820 Caucatus 6^2, 686 Oaucfion, Jos. Notions de physique. ... *fi74 Rapports 1431,1488 Journal do Quebuo 1414 Cacciiy. Th(^orie des nombros 805 Int :it li M I -1,(1 rl| . V ■i! M !• i CUAJ INDEX. LcaA ^H ■ OiiAMnoRANT. Pikupi'Tisiiie 2H0 CiiAMnRAY, r\|ii''i!iiUiu (lu Kusaio -120 — — lliilofopliio >lo 111 guerre. . ♦''"' CuAMniiHG. N'apoluoD ot 801 coiitompo- rikiua 4>>i.' CiiAMFouT. (Eiivrea 876 — Lo nii\rolmii(l (Ic Hmyriio, . . 871 Lii juuiie Iiulieniio 871 Miistttplm ft Zciwigir 870 CuAMiEit, Capt. France auJ tliu French. 4U2 Frpiich Revulutiun of 1818 432 CiiAMPAUNAO. Uuillnunic-lC'tncituriic. . . i;aux, M. do. Droit civil eoulusi- uatique 210 CnAurFLEuav. Lea oios de Nciil H81 Cunton d'aiitomue *88;i Champignona 602 CuAMruiNY. Memoirs 1251 CaAMiMu.NNiuRE. Do 111 propriuto dcs Ciiiix courantes ♦200 CiiAUPioNNiKnis ct RiQAUD. Droit d'cn- rcgi -trcineut 208 CuAMFLAiN, Sam. de. Voyages eu la Ndiivolle Franco 1 272 Champlain, Madame do. Sa vie 1112 Champollio.n-Fioeao. Francois lor, . ., -120 Lettrcs des rois, reiiios, etc 121 Documouls liisto- liiliies 421 L'P'gyptoancieuno 816 Kecljerchoa sur lea putui;" •788 CuAMPOLLioM, le joune. L'Egypto sous les I'lianiotis 310 Moniinienta de I'Egypto et dflaNubie 317 Dictionnaire t'gyption... 318 Orumranirt' ' ijyptienno. . . 31H Precis liiL'roglypliiquo. . . 318 Chancery. Court of, its juiisilictioii, power. An. (1».) 128, 942, 943, 94,>, 1008, 115U Chancery Law of England 135-137 'Jhances. D.ictrine of 603, 724 CuANDLFii, Mr. History and Proceed- ings of tlie Ilonne of Commons. . . 118 CuANUi.Kit, P. W. Araericau Criminiil Trials l'J4, 122::; 1708 . FAQH CuAMDLBu, R. TraveU iu Aaia Minor and Uroeco 649 Chaunil hlanda 40S, S86 UiiAN.NiNo, E. T. Lifo of VV. T. Eilory. 1228 CiiANSiNo, W. E. Worjja •40 Memoirs 1228 '■ Ou Millon...(l'.) U40, 113(1 Cliansonuiers de Cliampagnu 867 Chauaona do Bernnger 887 Chansuna du Tliibault IV 867 Chant. Tlioorio du 722 Chant* et chanaoni 887 Chants de lu Qrece H9g Chanta et chauaona populuires do lu France 887 CllAPELLK, I'Abbe. lli^toire veritable des temps fabuleux 314 CuAPMA.N. The Ilia43, 10.''2, 1160 Historical coUectioua respeeiiug (P.) 1140 Chariliea in Boston 29'^ of London 404 in England and Wales 37S CuARKE, C. Autobiography 484 CiiAULKUAONB. Hist '327, 413, 421 cua: INDBX. ICMA 9AUB ClIARLEK-LK'Ilo.S. LlgUlllle 481 OiiAur.Ks d'Oui.kann, PooiuM 867 I. Mcmoiri, etc 88:< Works 888 Lifeof, (1 ) 1184 Secret traoiiaolinni ouncera- iug (l».) 1167 Ohaelks V, Cloistor Life aud Hist... 829 Migiiet . nb Hisf ■••.•, 1 i'>n, etc. par 111 lb Presoott . . ClIARI.ET. L'Em])i'i lo ilu- pi'riiile .... CiiARLKVii.LE, Artdefaii mor- ticrs Cuarlrvoix. Lo christinnismo an Japoit Hi.stoire ct description de 829 820 829 •429 7i)9 42 1278 la Nimvcllo Franco. . . . Ilistoiro du Piwyuay.. . .*1204 HIstoiro de St, Domlngue.*1208 History of I'liriiguiiy . . . , 1204 Voyage to Nortli America 1808 CiiAHLiKR, v. Lc8 ciieniins de fer 271 ' CiiAKMiLLy, Col. v. de. Ca«e of,. . . (P.) 1147 CiiAiiNocK, J. Biographia Navalis 477* CiiARNocK, R, Police Qiiido 134 ' C'ihrondas. Paiidcctes 190 Ueoueil de decisions 199 | CiiARi'K.v.fE, P. Mon voyage au Mexique 1373 | C/nirprntf, Charpentcriu 709, 738 CiiAUPKNTiKR. Renaissance des lettres. . 796 CiiAiiRiiiiiE, Rrnest. Uertraml Dugiiosclin 421) — — ^ N»''g — Le comte MoUien.. 264 Des iiitfirdts mat6riels eu France 267 - De I'industrie manu- fucturi6re en France 257 CuEVALiKB, Pitre. Jeanne de Moiitfort. . 880 Michel Columb 880 Alienor 880 La Bretagne 488 Chevaliers de Malte 329 Chevallbt. La languc frangaise 787 Chevaux, (agric.) 668 Chevk. Conversions au catholicisme. . . *19 Apologistes involontaires *19 . BienPails et beautds du christia- nisme *20 1710 CBH2 INDBX. ZCHB CiiEv£ Dictionnaire dea papes 'ao Chevenix, R. Od National Character. .. 238 Cbevebny. Mumoires de 416 Ohevrkau. Les effots de la fortune. . . . '808 Cqevbeiil. Recherches sur les corps gros 696 Anitlyse organique 596 Recherches chimiques sur la teinturo S9'7 Chimie et raetallurgie 696 CiiKVRiER. Maitrc d'hotel 136 Oheyne, Dr. On Health (I') Ull Chbyne, J. On Partial Derangement. . . 679 Chicago. Account of 1257 Coram,orce of *274 Chichimiqvsi. Histoire des 1214 Child, L. M. History of Women *289 Chili. Hist. 1203-1206 Geograph. & voyages 1344, 1845, 1351-1367 Chimie 598-698 Chimie agricole 666, 734 Chimie indus'riclle 734 Chi/nie mklicale 670 China. History of.. .294, 466, 496, 629 •012, •912, 1347 : Com-.Tierce 288, 284,291, 294,(P) 934 Population of *290 Questions by the Missionaries of, to the Propaganda 42 Pirates of 467 Travelain 627,656 Language of 779 War with (P.; 1 122, 1151 Chine. Histoire 294, 466, 490, 629 Voyages 556 Commerce 283 Philosophic de la 68,63-56 Christianisme en 42 Code pdnal de la 90 Ecolesen 83 Litt6rature 890 Voir Langues. Chinese Literature 889, 890 CuiNiQUY, Chs. Manuel detempurance. 1445 Chipman, N. Principles of Ooverument. 179 Chirurgie 678 Chisuolm, The. Life of, by Anderson.. . '484 Chisholmk, D. Lower Canada Watch- man 1281 Manusoripta 1646 CiiiTTi, E. Commercial and. General Lawyer 147 OanTY, J. Collection of Statutes 126 On Criminal Law 182 On Contracts *U6 On Pleading ♦182 Practice of the Law 131 Prerogative Law 104 Chitty, (T.) and Temple, (L.) Law of Carriers *147 Chodzko, L6onard. La Pologno "444 Choiseul, Duo de. Relation du depart do Lonis XVI 428 Choisnin, Jeaa Mfimoires 416 Choky. Mumoires 417 Cboisy, I'abbS dc. Voyage de Forbiu d Siam 666 Oholenkc. Vie de Tcgahkouita 1192 Cholera Jforbua >•. . 291, 676, 666 Cholera Morbus in Canada 1443 Cuolhondeley. T. New Zealand 568 Chofix. Histoire de Russie 445 Chopin et Leynadier. Hi8*oire do Na- poleon, du due de Reichstadt, et des mardchaux de France 431 Choppin. CEuvrcs •200 Cboris, Louis. Vues et paysages des rfigions uquinoxiales 1350 Chorley, F. H. Modern German Music 721 Choron et DE Lafaqe. Manuel de musique 721 OiiORON et Fayolle. Dictionnaire des musicicns 948 CnossAT, Ch. De I'inaiiition 698 Chou-King. Le 66 Ohrestomathic School 79 Chrestomathie frangaise *788 Chretien. Le ruman du chcvalipr de la Charette 866 Christendom. Fate of 232 CuaisTiAX. Histoire du ciergt" de France. 33 Christian Knowledge. Society for pro- moting (P) 1113 Christian Remembrancer 61 Christianisme, Preuves du 44 Christianisme en Chine et nux ludes. ... 42 Christie, J. T. Precedents of Wills. . . *142 Christie, R. History of Lower Canada. 1274 Memoirs 1274 OnaisTisoN, R. On Poisons 674 Christmas, H. . Cradle of Science and History 592 Universal Mythology. . . 809 Christofhbb, J. S. Description of Natal 469 1711 CBS\ INDEX. iCLA w ■•■ PAOI Chriatua Fatiens 26 Chronicle of the Cid 440, 8i)7 Chronicles of England 846, 870 Chronicles of Great Britain and France. 861 • Ohronicon de Abingdon *335 Chronological Tables 289, 291, 801, 803 Chronologic 21, 30M103 Chronology (saored,) 21, (P.) 1078 Chronometers 293, 678 See ftl.«o Clocks and Watches. OunYsosTOM, St. Homilies on Epistles and Qospels 26 ^— Hotnilies on Acta of the Apostles 26 - Homilies to the Peo- ple of Antioch 26 OnarsosTOME, St. Jenn. CEuvres 26 Church. Thos. Indian war of 16751676, 1269 Church andState.. 51, 216, 221, 917 (P.) 1168 Church and Clergy (?) 936,938, 1077,1079 1080, 1083, 1087, 1089, 1099, 1101- 1103, 1105, 1112, 1114, 1186, 1130- 1188, 1149,1151, 1154 Churcli of Eng'and Quarterly Review. . . 62 Church of England. History of the. . . 84-36 '. Missions 40, 43, 1 197 in Canada 1198 Papal aggression on the (P.) 1160 Church Dictionaries 28 Church Oovermnent and laws 918 See also Ecclesiastical Polity. Church History 23,24-5'i Church Missionary Society *51 Church Music »29, 720 Church Rates 51 Church Reform, 61, (P) 1076, 1079-1102, 1151 Churrh Symbols 51, 703 Church-ionrdens 218 Churches and Sects 28, 38, 827 Churches. Plan for building additional (P) 927, 931 Churchman's Magazine (P) 1 112 Church-yards. See Cemeteries, Churchill's Collection of Voyages and Travels 623,1844 OHtmcHiLL, Col. Mount Lebanon 661 Ohubchill. Poems 857 CnuacniLL, Chi. Memorials of Missio- nary Life 1 198 Churton's Universal Amanuensis 832 CiBBER, C. Tiife, and History of the Stage. 484 1712 rkn OioERO, M. T 820 Life, by Middleton. . , . 484 CiKSZKOwsKi. Du cr6dit et de la circula- tion 285 Cilicia. Ancient and Modern "458 OiMBER, L. Archives curieuses 420 Cincinnati. Account of, 1386, 1387 Cincinnati liibrary Association. Cata- logue 906 Cincinnatus. Ordro de , . . , 1264 Cinq-Maus. Sa conjuration 425 Cinti-Damoreau. Nouvelle methode de chant *i722 Circassian language 780 CiRcouRT, A. De la Suisse en 18|7. . . . 488 Oirculaires, instructions, Ac 2 1 1 Circum-navigators of the Glolie, CoLMONT, DB. ExpoBitiong franf aisBs . . . TJS OoLOMB, (Colon), Don Ferdinand. LIfo of Christopher Colon 116S CoLOMB, Fernand. Vie de Ohristophe Colomb 1166 Vide Co[,CMBU8. CoLOUD, R. L'ltalie il y a oent ans. . . . *541 Begaicnient *8? Hist 1205-1207 Oeograph. A voyagi-s, 1861- 1363, 1358 Recognition of, by Groat Bri ■ (P) 940 in- 1826 (P) 94ti Loan to (?) 1155 Colombiado. La 166 CoLOMBUS, (Colomb) 0. Navigation .... 1164 — His first dis- coverie 1 164 — — — Delia Origine e della Putria di Christoforo Colombo 1166 ■ His voyages to the West- Indies 1164 Son liistoire, par le chevalier Bossy 1166 Life iind Voyages, by Wash- ington Irving 1166 - - ■ Life, — by his son 1165 . Relation des quatre voyages 1165 Sa vie et ses voyages, par Colomb AT. Colombia. tain. Colonial Statistic 280, 282, 291 Colonies. On the government of, 1177, 1207, 1237, 1261, 1270, 1422, 1428 Colonies and Colonization, 154, 283,278, 281, 285, 286, 1262, 1270, 1804, 1482, (P) 1118 See also Emigration, Colonies agrieoles 269, 286 Colonies en Amerique, U76, 1207, 1208, 1269, 1270 Colonization Society, American 297, 918, [P] 1144-1168 Colours 578, 689, 715, 729 CoLQiTHOON, J. 0. History of Msgic .... 592 CoLQUHOotf, P. On the British Empire . . 278 ' On the Commerce and Ro'selly de Lorgues 1 166 Select letters 1165 The Landfall of Colombus on his first Voyage to America, by A. B. Becher 1166 Sa vie, par Lamartine . . . . 1166 Sa vie, par le baron de Boii- nefoux 1166 Sa vie, par son fils 1165 Colonial Church History 40 Colonial Law 154-177 Colonial Magazine 913 Colonial Policy 156, 285 Colonial Possessions. Reports on 156 Colonial Service. Rules and Regulations of 156 Police of the Thames 272 OoLTON, 0. Atlas of the World 612, 1840 Public F.conomy for United States 284 Tour of the American Lakes 1 1 89 CotTON, C. C. Many Things in few V7ords 882 CoLTON, Rev. W. Deck and Port 1888 Columbia District. History of 1249 COLUMBLLE 821 CoMBALOT. Philosophic cathotique 46 CoKBB, A. Management of Infancy 667 CoMBB, G. On Criminal Legislation .... 246 — — — Phrenology applied to Paint- ing and Sculpture 632 Phrenology in United States 1381 System of Phrenology 632 CoMBKB, W. T. National Subsistance (P) 1077 CoMBKS, Ch. Mines de Cornwall ct de Devon 1766 Exploitation des mines 766 CoMRK8,(Edmoud) etTAMi8iBR(M.) Voya- ge en Abyssinie 682 Comets 290, 297, 299, 800, 578, 683 Commerce 271-283, 260 Commerc/t erierienr 283 Coiimerce de graim 250, 279 Comtnerce. History and Statistics of, 271, 274, 279-284, 298-800 See also. Trade. Commerce. British (P) 981, 934, 986, 943, 1152, 1092, 1098, 1104, 112-t, 1143, 1146, 1090, ur? Commerce. Colonial and Foreign (P) 1098 Commerce of British North America. . .280, 299 Commerce and Statistics of the United States 1230-1232 (P) 1078 I uu 1715 V4I COM'i INDEX. icon "i t rxau Commereial Dictionariei 27 1 Commercial Law 147 Cor.imercial Law of France 208 Commercial Regulation' of Foreign Coun- tries trading with United States. . 284 CoMMETTANT, OgOBr. Troig ans aux Etats- Unis 1882 tommitiioiii. OoTernmental 280 Common Law of England 129 Oominons, House of. Journals of the 117 Reports of Cora- mittuea 117 Sessional Papers of 117 — — — — ^ Sessioiiiil Papers concerning Canada 1308-1884 Communimn 237, 918 Vide Socialiim. C0HMYKE8, Philip dc. Mdmoires 417 Memoirs........ 328 Companion to the British Almanac. . . . 289 Compentatioiis, des 73 Comptabilite 267, 279, 699 Complabilitj agricole 667 Coraptes rtmlus de racadfiniie des sciences 678 Conipte rendu sur le recrutement de I'ur- ni6e 682 Compte prfiseute au Roi 263 CoMTK, Auj;. Oours de pliilosophie po- sitive 68 Philosopliy of the sciences . . 68 Goomutrie analjtique 602 CoMTK, Charles. De la proprii'te- 2U6 Traitt- (le l('),'islatiou 222 CoMTEiL. 0, E. A. Mnnufl des sorciers.. 591 CoMYN, J. Digest of the Laws 126 Co.MY>f, R. B. Law of Usury 146 CoMYN, SirR. History of tliu Western Empire 327 GoHcholoi/y 620, 686, 644 Concilc de Trcnte. Histoire du 28 Catdchisine du 46 CoiiciUs. Histoire des 26, 28 Concordance ctilre les codes 'DO Cunconrs d'animaux 658 CoNiuMiNE, M. de la. Voyages dans I'A- mi'rique M^'a'idionale 1362 Travels in boiith America 1352 CoNDE, J. A. The Arabs in Spain 439 Co.NDB, L. Prince de. Life by Lord Ma- h.ju 485 ITliJ 9A9M CoNDKR, J. Modern Travellflr jjg OONDILLAO. (Euvres gijj Le commerce et le gouver- nement 260 OoNDOROitT. QiluvrcH •284 Vie de Voltaire 804 Mnthfimathiques, astrono- mie et hydraulique 599 Bibliothfique de I'homme public •221 Organisation do rinstruotion publique §3 Mclaogo d'^conomie politi- que 250 Tableau de I'esprit humain. 67 Recherchcs historiques sur les EtatS'Unis 1218 Condy-Raguet. Trait6 dosbanquea.... 205 Confederation deaprovincei anglaiset,. . . 1440 Voir auHHi Amerique Britanniquv du Nord. Confessional gjg Conflict of Laws. Foreign and Domestic, 138 146, 156 C0NHJC1US. Les quatre livres moraux. . . 68 Par Pastoret 66 CoNrucius etMENOiuB. Livres sacr^s. . . 66 Congo. Voyages to 663 Congress. History and Debates 1224 Speeches in (P) 1I68 Contested Elections in 181 Congress, Continental, (1774-1776). 1221, 1263, 1423, 1424, 1430, 1438 Congress Library Catalogue »906 Congre.isional Documents of United States 187 Oongressionul Globe *181 Co.NottEVE. I'ocms 857 Conjuration de Cinq-Ma-s 425 CoNKLi.NG, A. Admiralty Courts of U, States 100 Connecticut State Agricultural Society's Traiisactioijii 660 Blue Laws 1289 Geology of 622 Histoiy of 1239 Records, Journal mid Laws 188 — Law Reports 188 • Mineralogy of, 622 Statistics 284,1240 CoNNELL, Sir J. Law of Tithes iu Scot- laud 219 aoN-i INDEX. I COO CoNNOLLT, J. Treatment of the Insane. . 244 On Lunatic Asylunig 244 OonNOLiT, T. Corpi of Sappers anJ Miners 083 Cotxjiieit. On the Right of (P) 1 146 CoNRART. Mumoires 417 OoNSciKNCB.H. Scdues (le la vie flamande. 884 . Talcs of FlemiKh Life. . . 800 La guerre des paysans. . *883 Oonieienee. Libertv de 221, *fi'7 OoDseil legialatif, Canada. Journaux 160, 161 GonBoilrt g6n6raux de I'agriculture, etc. . . 600 CoNsiD^RANT, V. Le sociallsmo '287 Destin6o sooiale *237 Conttahlet, and Conitabulary force. , .m, 293 See Police. CoNBTABLB'a Foreign Miscellany 890 Constable's Asa! stan I, by Go wan "166 Constant, A . L. Littcrature "'uiienne 'lo Constant, Benjamin. Discours 124 Cours de politi- que oonstitutionaolio 123 Adolphe •876 . De l". religion, . . *46 Melanges de litt^- rature '234 M6moirc8 snr les '430 oftnt jours Ministerial res- ponsibility (P.) Liberty of the Press (P; On dissolution of Chamber of Deputies (P) Eulogiura ou. By 926 926 930 ,1149 SirT.Romilly (P) K)77, CoNSTANT-VioniEtt, ct autres. Manuel de Miniature 715 CoNSTANTiN. Bibliotliecoiioraie 899 Constantinople. Kmperoia of 290 Hist 326,449,450 Seb also Byzantine Empire. Accounts of. 'iSl Constantinople et le Bosphorc *545 Constitution of England. 102, 104, 232 (P) 903 See also Britith Constitution. Constitution of the Colonies 154, 156, 171 Constitution of Belgium 124 Constitution of Canada 169 Constitution de I'Angleterre 103 Coiistitutiun de la Belgiquc 1 24 Constitutions, Collections de 101 Conititutions. Fiprit d«$ •228 Constitutions de la France 128 Constitution of the United States. Secret Convention for forming the 1263 Constitutions of the United States, and of the several States. 178-182, 1264, 1426 Constitutions des peuplei litres *228 Constitutions. On the formationof *49, 182, 228 Constitution*. Collections of, •223, 101, 128, 178, 182 Constitutions dt V.Angleterre et de la France (P) 944 Constitutional Law 104, 184 Constitutionnel, Droit. Voir Droit et Politique, Construction of Statutes 127, 184 Constructions. Code des 207 Constructions en poterie 709 Constructions enfer 709 Constructions en fonte 709 Conivls 07. 99 Contagion, Opinions concerning (P) 043 See also Maclean, Contagious Fevers (P) 1081 OoNTANSRAn. French and English dic> tionary *789 Contes 866.869, 880, 88', •888 Contracts. Law of 146 Contrainte par corps *210 Contrefafon. Trait6 de la *206 Conveyancing, (Principles and precedents) 141 Conveyancing in the United States 186 Convocations of the Church 38, 217 CcNynEARE, W. J. Essays. . . . , . 39 and HowR , Life au(i Epistles of St. Paul . . 11 CooDE, G. Legislative expression 127 Cook, Captain. Voyages round the World 625 Abstract of his three Vo- yasres 566 Voyage in the Northern Homisphore 530 ^ Voyage to-wards the South Pole 688 Cooke, O. W. Copyhold Eufranchise- ment 140 History of Party 229 — — Law of Defamation .... 140 Life of liolirigbroke.. . . 482 HustinijfB Law '•114 Cooke, W. B. Views in Rome 541 1717 1 i: il coo^ INDEX. ICOB w. tkan OooLir, A. J. I'rnctioiil Reooipta Id Iho Art«, Ac 788 OooLir, W. D. Hintory of Maritime, Ac. Diionyery 621 OooPKR, Mi»8. Uurnl Hour* 8S2 OooPEii, C. P. On the Public Reoonis. . 348 Ontulogue of Booki on Spixiiii'Ii Law '905 — — — Parnphletg on various *ub- jectB 1159,1160 CooPKR, C. W. Oountiei of Frontenoc Lennox, and Addington 1481 OooPKtt, J. F. Novels and Tales 882 Letter to Lafayette 1426 Navy of the U. States.. . 1226 — ^ liiatoire de la niarioo aux Etats Unis 1226 Notionsof the Americans 1880 OouPEu, J. G. Poems 867 OooPEii, R. Upper Canada Chancery Court, Rules, &o 164 OooPER, S. Surgical Dictionary 678 Cooper, T. Pollti««l Economy 251 CooTE, C. History of Ancient Europe. . . 326 OooTE, H. and U. On the Law of Mort- gage 140 OooTE, R. P. Political pamphlets. . .(P) 1182 Copland, J. Dictionnry of Medicine. . . . 066 CoFLESToy, Bisliop. Remains of 40 CoPLEV. J. S. Horsham Election Case.. 116 CopwAY, G. Forest Life 1 1 88 Ojibwiiy Nation 1188 Oopyright and Copyright question . . 148, 180, 298, (P) 928, 080, 987, 1107 Copyright of Detigns (P) 1115 Copyright, International *96 OoQDELiN. De I'industrie lini^re 260 Du credit et des banques. . . 265 CoQUEREL. Maringes miztes *240 OOQUiEi,. Euaeignement industriol 258 OoQUiLLABD. (Euvres 867 CoQfiLLE, Guy. CEuvrea 200 Coquilles 644 Coral Reefs •612 CoBDAUs, F. On Compound Interest. . . . 266 — — ^— On Laws of population .... 266 Corbet, Poems 858 OoRBETT, U. &, Daniell. Oases of Contro- verted Elections 116 CoBBiERE, l'abb6. Le droit priv6 dans ses rapports avec la conscience ... 221 CoBOELLE, F. de. D6mocratie am^rioalne 180 1718 CoR(:iLL«, P. de. Etatfl-Unis De I'MoUvage aux 180 CouniEB, M. Jos. Construction des routes, "/jo La Fiance el I'Angloterro 283 Gordillihrei. Vues des i jog Cordova, H. de. His expedition in 1617 igis CouEAL, Fran9oiH. Voyages aux Indes Oooidentales 1344 CoHKRAN, J. F. National Constituent Assembly ^g- OoRMENiN. Timon gRg Droit admlnistratif 2II Miinuol du coiiteutieux dc ra'hiiinintrntiou muniei]mle ju Entretiens do village 154 Pamphlet de police •235 Etat de la question •235 — — L'iiducation •255 Liste civile d6voiI6c "ogj Qui et non •235 •235 Feu! Feu I. Corn, DialogucH politiques •235 Petit pamphlet sur lo projot do constitution •015 Pamphlet sur I'iudepcndnnce do ritalie »235 Libert6 do I'cnNeignemeut., *235 — - Revision «235 Account of disease in. By Sir J. Banks and T. A. Knight.. (P) 927, 1137 Observations on the above.. ..(?) 928 Corn and Currency, (P) 931, 988, 936, 937, 1084, 1097, 1099, 1120, 1124, 1129, 1137, 1140, 1141, 1148, 1144 1146,1167 CornLaxoi. 120, (P) 280, 263, 278, 925, 926, 936, 937, 944, 945, 1121, 1127, 1130, 1132, 1135 Corn Trade. 298, 298, 800, (P) 946, 1078, 1145 CoB.VARo. On long life (P) 937 CoRNE, H. Lo cardinal de Richelieu. ... 426 Le cardinal dc Mazarin 426 CoRNEiLLE Lebrdn. Voyage par la Mos- covie 658 CoHNEiLLE, P. (Euvres 870 Chefs-d'ceuvres 870 Sa vie 495 CoRNEiLLE, Ths. Chefs-d'oeuvTes 870 Corning, W.H. Infidelity and Mesmerism »692 C0BNI8H, W. F. Essays on Uses 140 On Purchase Deeds of Freehold Estates 141 COJIl INDKX- ICOU rAaa OORNUCHt. G6o>z, Lotlros A Cliarles V 1171 —— Relation du voya- ge A la Nou voile Terrc 1171 Ccrotuttion Ceremoni** (P) 1120, 1 166 Coronation Oath . . .(P) 109M, 1146 Coronation Sermon, (Oeorga 4lh). . . .(P) 987 Coronations Olmpters on I(i4 Coroners. Law of. 188 Corporations. Law of. 1 41 Corporation* religieuttt 88 Voir Ordrei religitux. Oorporntiona raonastiques at^ein du pro- testantism« Correspondnnce officiolie de Napoleon. . Corte. Histoire 440, 267, Cortica. Geography . History GoiiTEZ, F. Relations de His Expedition Relatione secunda, terza, etc. — — Correspondancu ile F. Cortez aveo Charles Quint The despatcltoa of Relatione d'uu ijuntiUiomnie do Signer Fernando Cortese Relation sur la Nouvelle Es- pagne Lettcre due di Pedro d'Alva- radii A Fernando Cortese —— — Lettere di Diego Godoi a Fernando Cortese Deux lettres de Pedro cl'Al- varado i\ Fernando Corto-i Relation adrcssiio par Diego do Godoi i\ F. Cortiis Voyages et conquiites de F. Courtois E.tpeditiou for the rediictiim of New Spain Cory, L P. Ancient Fragmiuts of Phoe- nician, &c., Writers Ancient and Modern Philo- Ootmoffonit Ig Ci>»mn(iue •208 OoruiKR, Paul Louin. (Euvres 234 CouaNor, A. A. Fondomoiits do mm con- iiiiisRanceB *62 Courrier dii Oanndn 1414 Cours do niin6ral(i(,'ie ft do gtiologie . . . . 738 Ciiurs de imvigfttion 768 OocRSON, di'. Uistoiroden peuplesbrotonn 408 Court de Osublin. Mondo primitif .... 806 CoiRTENAV. Life of Sir W. Temple fi02 CouRTE.NAY, T. P. Oh tbo 8initin(,' fiMid (P.) 2711 Courti»)i, Chriatiim "Bl CoLRTOia. Operations de b<)ur§c 266 Court! of Justice ia England, 106, 131, 18.^ Courts of Justice in Canada. 1(54 Courts of Justice in Franco lUO, 210 Courtu of Justice in United States 184 Courts j}f(irti(il, (KngWHh) 149(P) 933 Courts Jfartial, (American) . 684 Courts Martial. Trials before, in Montreal 164 Cousin, V. Principea do la revolution fran^aise 285 ■— ^— — ^ Fragment.-) philosopbiques.. U8 • Defense de I'universitfi . . 68, 84 — Jacqueline Pascal 71 Instruction publique 84 — Ouvragi'sinedits d'Abailard 60 — — — — — Justice ct charite 71 — Pbilosophio du XVIIIe sieelo . Philosopbie de Kant 70 Introduction A I'histoire de la pliilos')phle 57 MOtaphvsique d'Aristote. . 70 Des pcns^es de Pascal .... 71 Du vnii, du Ijeau, et du bieii 68. 689 UnimiN, V. Madame de LongiievilU, , 494 Muilamo de Hablr S(,q Madiune do Uautefurt. . . . 490 ■■—-—— Inxtriiolion en PruMO 95 Instruction puUique en kU \emiigne 95 Rducation in Holland 95 Hi»tory of Modern Philoio- P''y 61 Voir nAiioaii.i.ART ot Planciii. CousRT, Matliieu de. Chrouiquei 414 OoinTH, Miss Uurdott. Prizeg for common tiling* •80 Coulumes J9g Coutumi de Paris jgj Coutume de Paris Iraduito en nnglnia. . . j J2 Coutume de Paris rodig6u pur un coniit6 do incBsioffrs onuadiens jgj Ooulumes du lieauvoisis 193 Contumes de Dournnijne jjg Coutumes d' Orleans jgg Ooutumes de Jiretaijne jjg Coutumes de Nortnandie 19^ CouTURK, I'Abbft. Vio priv^e det ro- muing 824 OouvEBoiiBL. Traite des fruits 664 CovEi,, J. (jlrock Church 30 CovF.NTKv, Mr. Pompoy the Little '828 CoTENTRY, T. and Huuues. Index to Common Law Reports 152 Cow. History and use of the 668,089 Cowley. Pooms 868 Cowley. Voyage autour du moude 524 Cowper, U. Cases in King and Queen's Bench 153 Cowi'EB, W. Works, including Transla- tion 838 Co.\, E. W. Law of Joint-stock Coiupn- uies 144 Law of Regislratiou and EluctiouH 115 Consolidation Acts '143 Co.x, E. W. auil Badlnuton. New On niinal Law Statutes . 133 Co.x, E. W. and Lloyd. Law of County Courts 137 Cox, H. The Uritiwh Commonwealth. . . 104 Cox, R. Sabbath Laws 241 ('o\, Ross. Adventures on the Colom- bia river 1391 Co.xE, A. C. Impressions of England.. SSr, CoxE, D. English Province of Carolana. 138C \l-l» COX) INDRX. (t'S/ Cox», Tetirh, Vlow of the Unltoil HMen of Amorica 121U Coxi, W. Lifo of MarlboroiiRh 494 . nunrlxHi King* of Spnin.... 440 ■ — HiNtory of tlio Ilnuio of Aun- tri» 448 — Life and Adiiiiiiiitration of Wiilpolo 8»2 Admiiiictrstlon of Honry Pol- 1mm 192 Life, Ao., of Duko of Shrews- bury 891 TravoU in Switwi laiiil 512 TravulH in Norway and Den- maric A48 Traveln in Russia 648 — Of tlio ItuHHiiu) DiHCovcries. . 532 ^^— ^ DtioonvertcB dc» IIussob ontio I'Acio et r Aniuriqtiu 688 Coxox. Voyage in tho South Si'a 1180 Craiiii, G, Digest and (iidex of Statutes. > 35 History of Knijlish Law. , . . 129 ■ Law of Pro()orty 140 Synonyms 798 Craiidk, O. Poetical Works 868 Craoook, J. Literary Memoirs 338 Cbaik, O. L. Spencer and liin I'oetry. . 864 I'ngliiihof Shakespeare.. 863 Pursuit of Knowledge. . . 803 History of British Com- merce 272 History of Literature, &c. 803 Craik, O. L,, Maofarlane, Sic. Hin- toiy of England 387 Chantz, D. History of Onerdand 1407 CuAsiiAW. Poems 868 Craukoru, T. University of Edinburgh, (P) 1087 Craufobd, Lt. Qccl. On Currency and the Poor Laws (P) 1125 Crawfurd, G. Peerage of Scotland 507 CBAWrCRD, J. Dictionary of Indian Is- lands and adjacent country 565 — m The Indian Archipelago. 464 Endjasxy to Court of Ava. 556 — Einbiissy to Siaiu and Cochin china 665 — ^ Malay Oranmiar and Dic- tionary 782 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen Decisive Buttles, 306 ■ History of OttomanTurks 449 Invasions of England , . . 397 »A«I UniA*r, K. S, Monioir* of Etonians . . . 478 — — ' llisuanil Progress of Eng- lish UonstitutioD 108 CRinii.u>N. (Kuvres B7> CriiUl. Institutions d« 266, 2S8 Crfdil fonder 268 Cridil pMie (P) 1128 Voir Finane.ei. Crulit »»lahli»hmenl in Russia (P) 1129 Crtedn and Con/eitioni of Faith 28, 88 (/REicuTON, Cnpt. Autoldogrnphy 486 CniHAZiE, J. Lois criminolles 188 Notions utiles 168 Catsrit., Rev. P. E. Voyage on Canada 1401 OuKHNY. Church History of |Brittany. . . 'Zb Crkbth. Book of fiOS Oresy, E. Encyclopedia of Civil Engi- neering and Supplement 742 Crete. Travels in 646 Cu£tineau-Joi.y. Histoiro doB Ji'siilteg, jl Histoiro des truites do 1816 97 Sc^neg d'ltalie et de Vendue 'SSO Cbkuxius, ou Duurrux, F. HUtoria Cana- densis 1191 Crkuzkr. Religions de I'antiqi.itti 27 OREVKcoiUR. Voir St. John. Crkviek. nistoiro des empereurs 326 Crime, its extent, causes, itc. . 246, 200, 293, 297, •678, (P) 1088 Grime. Iucrea»e of. . (P) 934. 946, 946, 1097, 1101, 1108, 1132, 11B8 Crimea. History, &c 447 Crimea. War in the 4 1 \ 460, •686 Crimee. Guerre de 448, 460 Crimitinl Code in England (P) 936, 986 Criminal Law of Eiig'and. 182, 151 (P) 1077 See also. Capital Pimixhinent. Criminal Law, of Canada 163, 166 Criminal Law of Scotland 160 Criminal Law of the United States 184 Criminal Legiihtion 246, 246 Criminal Lunatics 149, 215, 248 Criminal Triah 193 Crimineh 246 CriminelleK. Lois 202 Voir Dtoit. CrinoNiJ. L. F. Forestier Prnticien.. 657 Crii'ps, H. W. Laws of Church and Clergy 218 I Oristallographie 626 1721 I'll! CJJ/] INDEX. ICUB I'' IF w rAom Critique littiraire 794-808 Croisadet 828 Ohokkr, J.W. History of the Guillotine. 331 ^ Easnys on the French Re- volution '429 Orokeb, T. C. Popular Songs of Ireland. 868 ^, . ,.. Reaenrches in Ireland .. . 401 Crolv, G. Life of Burke 483 _ Historical Sketches, ••■<• 754 878 1247 ituiles. 487 !56... *698 ir. . . . 73 la Ca- 1389 ns.... 920 lague- 591 ur le 591 1346 649 875 562 ;eri'e . 108 .* ■ • 103 ;iuse. 434 inipo- .... 434 Dblpbch. J. Le chol€ra-morbus en An- gletorre 676 DBtsoL, J. Code Napol6on "204 Dklvinoodet. Cours de code civil SOS loKtituteB de droit oommer- ciftl 209 Jurisprudence du conseil d'6tat 218 Demanoeat. Strangers en France *196 Demakoeok. AnthropogSndse 630 De rimagination 630 Physiologic intellectuelie tS, 632 Demers, Mgr. Lettres ile la Colombie 1194,1195 Demidoff. Voyage en Rnssie 546 Travels in Riisaia 547 Democracy/ 226, 234 (P) IICO in America,... 179, 180, (?) 1425 Democrncy Unveiled 858 Democratie aux Etats Unis 180 en France 234 en SuisBO *124 Demoiselles. Manuel des . . .*, 75 Demolombk. Ooura de code Napoleon. . 206 De MoaoAN, A. Book of Almanacs 803 On Probabilities •266 Calculus GOO Formal Logic 70 Maps of the Stars 583 On the Globes 583 DsMOSTniiNEs 809 Demoustibr. Le conciliateur 871 Les ferames 871 Dempsey, G. D. On Drainage 759 Practical Railway En- gineer 764 On Iron Bridges 761 Df.nham. Poems 858 Denham, Major, J, y41, 944, 1077-1079, 1120-1128 See State of the Country. Distcrnell's United States National Re- gister 1232 D'lvERNoia. Hortalite des peuples 266 Divinity, see Thtology. Divinity StudenlB. Books for (P) 1102 Divorce. Law of. See Marriage and Divorce, Dix, J. A. Madeira 641 Dixon, B.H. Ou Surnames •608 1730 'An Dixon. E. S. Ornamental and DomeBtio Poultry e6» Dixoi*, O. Voyage round the World ... 626 OixoN, II. Life of Howard 491 Life of Penn \^>j London Prisons 246 Dixon, James, Personal Narrative usg Djoudbr. Son histoire 33^ DoBDS, A. Of Countries adjoining to Hud- son's Bay, die 629 Dobel, Pierre. Sept annfios on Chine. . 666 D'OnERKiRcn, Baroness. Autobiography 486 DoBRizuoFFER, Martin. Account of the Abipones 1204, 1367 PoDHON, E. Art of Building 709 Manufacture of Bricka and Tiles 709 On Masonry and Stoneout- ting 708 Documents iniidits sur Thistoire de France 420 Documents rolatifs &. I'histoiro de France 417 Doounients relatifs ii I'liistoire du Ca- nada 1451 Documents sur I'histoire d'Ecosse ggg Documents relatifs aux canaux 753 Documents sur le commerce ext^rieur. . . 283 DoD, 0. R. Electoral Facts 108 Manual of Dignities, Ac. ... 104 Parliamentary Companion. 119 Peerage, i'y uf DiohlamydeoiiB Plants 64R Donald. J. Land Drainage, f the Greeks 796 Donaldson, P. Odd Follows' Text Hook 242 DoNKT. OaU'^chisine du Conoile do Trento 46 Donnb. Poems 868 Donovan. Ou Oalvanism •691 DorPKT. M<;nioireB 428 Doban, Dr. Queens of England of the House of Hanover 8R9 Court Fools •884 DOBAT. rAci DouoLASs, V. My Bondage and Fruedom 486 DuuiiET, Oto de. Dictiounairn des myt. tiSros •!» Li'gondcs du Christia- nisnie ,,., *20 DouasTiiKB. Poids et niesures 268 DouHsiN-DKimuuiL. Onnulsine 678 DouviLLE. Voyage au Congo 668 DovK, U. W. Distribution of Heat.... 686 Dovi, P. E. Elements of Political Science 224 ■ On the Revolver '084 DowuKswELL, G, M. Law uf Insurance. 146 DowNKs, J. Occultations iu tho United States in 1861-62 614 Occultations of Planets, by thu Moon, 1868 616 Downing, A. J. Cottage llusidenoes. . . 707 Fruits and Fruit Trees of America 664 On Landscape Garden- ing 666 DoTLR, M. Cycloptodia of Husbandry. . 662 DoTLK, 11. Manners and Cvstums of ye Englyshe 718 Brown, Jones, and Robinson's Poesies 873 La feinte par amour 871 D'OaniaNV, A. Voir Obbiony. DoRE et DupoNT. Le Juif Errant 879 Doric Race. History of the 322 1 Drainage and Sewerage, 143, 244, D'Obi£NT. AcoompHssement des propL^- ties 27 DonioN, E. P. La Reiue vs. Peltier. .(P.) 1441 DottSKT, Earl of. Poems 868 Dorsetshire, History of. 404 Dost Uohammed Kqan'b Political Pro- ceedings 460 Douanes. Lois de 147,213 Droits de 280, 281, 294 Voir Tarif. Doubleday, T. Financial History of Eng- land 261 Law of Population 266 Life of Sir R. Peel 231 DoucET, N. B. Laws of Canada 162 Douglas, Sir H. On Military Bridges. . 684 On Naval Gunnery ... 686 Douglas, Lady Jane. Oaso of Claim for Estate and Honours (P.) 1120, 1137 Douglas, J. Prospects of Britain. . .(P.) 1158 DoDuLAB, S. Cases of Controverted Elec- tions 116 Tour •718 D'Oyly and Manx's Bible 10 Drainage of land Uor Agriculture,) 661, 666, 760 676, 707, 742, 769, 762 Drake. Cincinnati in 1826 1386 Dbake, B. Life of Tecumseh 1 1 88 DaAKE, C. D. Law of Attachment •I 86 Drake, D. DiHeases of North America. 671 Drake, Sir F. Voyage to South Sea. . . 666 1349 — — — — — Expedition en Amtiriquc. Life, Voyages, and Ex- ploits of, by J. Barrow 487, 1848 Drake, G. Voyage to the Isle of Ra- mea 1170 Drake, John. Voyage up the River of Plate 1867 Drake, N. Essays 884' Shakspeare and his times. . . 802 Drake, S. G. Indians of North America, 1187 Antiquities of Boston ... . 1288 Drama, History of the 801, 802, 827 Lawfulness of the 917 Pamphlets on the (P) 931, 942 See also. Stage ; Theatre ; Poetry atid the Drama. W 1781 DBA] INDEX. ^J)UB Mi: ; I Drapeb, J. W. Human Physiology.... 6B0 DaAPrR, W. (J. Uu1p» of Upper OuDadn CourU 164 Drapieb. Dimes 220 Drawing/, Art of 714 ' Draysun, A< W. 8outh African Spurting *S64 Drayton. Poems 858 'Drill. The Art of 787 See hIbo Oonltimii. Dbiuii.lktte8, le Pire Gab. Narre ilu voyage, eto 1661 Journal A Report 1244 Dbbux du Radieb AiieodotcB dea reinoit ot r^gontcs 428 Dbew, B. The Refugee Slaves in Oa- nc'la '179 Drew, J. Prnotieal Meteorology 086 Dbhwry, C. S. Ou lujunctiouH 135 — Ohaaoery practice. ... *181 Dbinkwater, J. Siege of Oibraltiir. , . . 330 Drion, Ch. Notaire ea seoond 211 Droit 88 Droit roinain '.il-94, 196 Droit international et maritime. .94-luu, •223 Droit public et conUitutionnel 101-124 Droit public et conatitulionnel de I'Angle- terre 101-124 Droit publie et constitutionnel de la France 123 Droit pubtio et conntilutionnel de la Hol- Inndo 124 Droit niMritime 97 Droit colonial et provincial 164-177 Droit franfais 195-214 Droit franfaii (aucien) . . .196-202 Ordonnanceg. .197, 19S Coututues . . . .198, 199 Arrots ot d6ci- sions 199, 200 . Traitt'B divers et oeuvres dcs juriaconsultt'S 200-2(i2 Droit franfais confuru avec le droll ro- main *93 Droit franfaii (nouveau) 203-211 Code Niipoleon. .204-206 — — Sur la propritHn. . . 206 • Ti'aites Bpeciuux 207, 208 Hypotli^qties 208 _ Comraerce 308, 209 Banqueroutes 209 . Asjuiances 2U9 1732 Dt ott franfMi (nouveau). Procedure ... j i o Droit criminel ou pinal 210, 211, '246 Droit adininiitratif 211-214 Droit eacUiiailique S14-221, •200, •228 Droili lie douanei 289, aSO, 281, 2«4 Droits diifcretitielg, diiouMiou 280 Drouin di Beroy. L'Kurope et I'Amfiri- queaompar6e( jjijj Dboz. (Euvret< 71 Economit poliUque 284 L'art d^tro beuraux 73 PensL'ea sur le chrlstionisme. ... 68 IWgne de Louis XVI 428 Druidei • 53 Druidi, Britigb 53 DauMMOND, H. Histories of British Fa- """es 508 Pamphlets on ranous sabjeots 232 Reply to Wilberforce on Church Authority 217 On the Papal Question . 217 DRjritMOND, Sir W. (Edipua Judaicus.. "44 Drumuond, W. Poemn 888 Drummond, W. H. Rights of Animals.. •239 DrunkeHnem. Pathology of gag See Temperance. Drory, R. Autobiography 457 Druses 53 Dry Leaves from Young Egypt, (Scinde) 4B1 Drybkn. Poems 858 ' Life of 487 DuBAiiuY, Mme. Lottrea originalcH. .. . 487 Autobiography 487 Dubeau. La Perse 457 DnnBLLAY M6moire8 41,) DuBiRK. FabriciiDt de oidre 730 Dublin University Magazine 111)1 Dublin (city) Charter, &c (P.) 11S2 DuBOOAOE, Mme. La Colombiade UtiC D(7BucQ. Conr. J. Mannel de Matelotage. 688 Du Camp. Bire8 414 DvuLoa. M^moiroH Becrets 417 H^moireg 8ur lea Druiues 63 — — (Euvres morales 71 LaiiguoB celtique et frniiynise. 786 DuoHKUX. Uistoria CanadonBia 1278 DvoBos. Eau DL-cossaire aux cauaux. . . 768 DucBU. Int£r6tH matSriels dans le midi de la Frauce 267 DucuiNO. Guerre de montagne 884 DuDDBLEY, Sir R Voyage to Triuidad . . 1 340 DuDEPfAND, Mnie. Lettrcs 873 Dudlky's Letter to the Countes!) of Lin- coln. 1283 Diulley Obteriiatori/ Celebration ....(P.) 1428 Duel "241 Duellinp 73, 241, (P.) 931, 1087, 1089 DuER, Alexander. Life of the Earl of Stirling 1228 DuEB, W. A. Oonatitutioual Jurispru- dence of United States 184 DuESBERG. Uistoire du commerce 271 DuKAu, P. A. Des avcugles et du sys- tiimc d°6ducation H leur usage 87 Dos aveugles nus 87 DiKAU, DuvBBGiERet QuARET. Oonstitu- lioQS, ohai'tcs, etc 101 DiifEY, p. J. a. Essai sur THospital 491 — ^ Revolutions de 1' Ameri- que Septenttiouale 1209 DuKKKiiiN, Lord. Letters from High Lati- tudes *.')48 Dorouii, A. H. Atlas de giiographie nu- mismatique 312 DuFouR, Gabriel. Droit adminisiratif . . •.'11 DuKouB, G. H. Gcomt'trie perspective.. G02 DuFouB, L. Sur lea humipt^ros 643 ■ Sur lea orthoptiires, etc . . . 648 »— Sur une mouche 643 DurouBNY. Histoire de I'art par lea mo- . numeni DurBKNoY. A. Tralti- de min^raloglo. . . et Di Bbaumont, (Elie.) Hcmoirea goologlquea Du FaBaiia du Oanoi. Hiitolre de Oona- tantinople UurRBSNi, J. Joamal dea audienoea . . . DuPRKHNE, L. 0. A. Orudit public DuracBNY. Dranica divers DuoAB-MoNTOBL.. Hom^ro DuoDALR, Sir W. Monastioon Anglica- uum Originea juridioialea. . Summona of the No- ■1 bility DuuDALB and Burnett. England and Walea DuuKs, Ostuologie Ddouay-Tbouin. Memolrea DuouEScLiN. Mdmoires Du Haldk, J. B. Histoire de la Chine. . Description of China. . Du Uahel, J. Police royale sur les cho- ses eccl^si antiques Du Hamel, Victor. Monarchie espagnole DuHAMEi. Du MoNCEAU. L'nrt do lu cor- derie Elements d'agricul- ture DuHAUT-CiLLY, A. Voyage autour du monde DuuAZEY. H6r^dit(! des femmea DujARDiN, Fiilix. Histoire naturelle des hclininthes Histoire dea zoophytes Observttteur au microscope . . DujEUx, J. B. 0. Lois sur les brevets d'iuvcntion DuKK, R. Poems DuLAUUK. Histoire de Paris Dui-AURiER, Ed. Archipel d'Asie DuMARSAis. Graramaire et litturature. . CEuvres Dumas, A. Napoleon Louis XIV LouisXV....! ^— — ^ Louis XVI Les Trois MousquetaireR . . . Vingt ans aprtis — — Lea Quarante-Cinq , — Le Vicomte da Bragelonne. . 1733 690 624 621 826 199 265 871 814 876 106 107 686 641 417 415 465 466 219 440 757 •661 1848 201 644 645 589 8» 858 •438 471 776 868 430 •882 •882 •882 •882 •882 •882 •882 'im nvif] IN DUX. [DVP S: I;: ;:,«, Mi ft DiiMAN, A. I.n Comto^no ilo Olmrny. . . . *88«) J.Mpph Bdliiuni 'HH-i Lu Collier do la reine *8H2 Mdiite UhiUto 'SSa Lit Diimt' lie MoiiHorvikli . *88'J . Iiigi'jnuu •8H0 Aii({ii I'itou •880 — Leg FriVBii CorieH "882 Otiioiil'Arohur 'SH-i Muriit "SSa Avi'iituroM (l(> Lyiloric "882 U.)iii Muitini (1« Fictos •882 Uianclio lit) lleiiiiliou *882 Ruitittr (1 ^882 Chcruliiuo et Ocleiitiiii •8H2 Hixtoiro d'lin mort •882 Pttuiirio do Meullen •882 Jnoqueii lor ft Jucquea II . . •882 Mi^iiioiroB *880 . - Liitulipoiioiro •880 Idylle modoriie •880 Diou dlgpoao •880 Diuii ot Dkiblo •880 Ciithcriiip IMuni 'f^Hl Miiiti'v Adtim le Calahraix. . *881 DoMAS, A., flis. Lo doctenr Sorvans. . . . •881 Orniigette •881 Tri>is liornni" 1 fi.rU.... *881 Le donii-ni' ilo....... "881 —^ Lu question il'argont. , . ^881 Dduab.J. Traite de cbimin 734 &IdmoircB de chimlu 69tl Philosophio ohiiiiique 69(1 Statique chimique B9tl Dumb. Sec Deaf and Dumb. Du Meril, E. OrganisntioD fioanci^re de la rupublique 264 DtJMKHiL, CoiiBtnnt. Sciencos naturelies. 806 DuMERit, et BiBauM. Reptilcn 641 DuHESNiL, J. Trnitd de lu legislation du trt^gor public 213 DuMESNiL, Oli'raeut. Reflex! > i politi- ques 144A DuMMEtt, J. Defence of New England charter 1422 Dt'MONOEL. Appareil Ruhmkroff 691 DuMoNT, Butel. "Memoirossur la Louisiana 1263 Conduite des Fran9ai8.. 1365 v) I'aoNT, S. Recollections of Mirabeau . . 42« "•VMONT, u Corps diplomatique 96 I.n. f - ^ t'ttviLLB. Voyage de I'Astro- labe 668 17S4 DtmoiiT D Uavir.r.i. Voynno nu pAln md 868 DuMONTrxR. lONaiii carpo|{iiiphlqu» ,.,, (147 Aiitliri>|H)li(K;o yt phyildlo- R'« 611 DiiMODLiN, Oh. Traiti'i dtw Hufi Jm Viiir Miir.iNfKi opnra. DuMoui-iN, IWv. J. S. N. Misiiuu du Ht. Maurioa. j j 9 1 UuMoiMN, V. Ik'nTnitl .171 Voir VlNOENDON-DllMOULrN. Du.MooRiKZ. NK^niipiros 40,^ Duncan, K. Campaign with the Turku in A«m 41.J Duncan, H. Siiorod philosophy uf t)"< HcnxonM 507 Duncan, J. Kntonioiogy ; tJutt'-tilicrt Moths, &c (103 DoNOAN, J. F. God in Diuase "ee; Duncan, J. M. Travels In the United States iinil Canitiln isnit Voyage au Canada .... 1889 Duncan, Mrs. America as I found it. . . 1881 DuNOKLET, H. On Free Trade.. 278 DuNcoMD, J. County History of Hereford. 405 DuNooNALO, Karl of. Hritinh West India IMandi 1662 Dunham, S. A. History of Denmark, Sweden, ifeo . . . . ; 4M History of Spain and Portugal 43'.l DuNKiN, Christopher. Discours sur la te- nure seigneurialo 167 Cane of the Seigniors. ... 168, 1438 DuNLAT, W. Ilixtoryef American Theatre 802 DuNLOP, A. Political Economy (P) 931 DuNLOP, J. History of Fiction 797 Spain from 1621 to 1700... 440 Histt)ry of Roman Litera- ture 796 DuNLOP, Dr. W. Contributions to the " GiivImii' " ;409 I'.i -aphical ti'ii '41)9 Dunn, ''i ')!■ .-m , the Oregou ler- nuiiy 1-58 DuNOD. Trait6 do8 prescriptions 201 Trait6 de la main raorte 201 DuNOTER, Ch. B. Libertc du travail •268 DuNOYER, M. Revolution du 24 fiSvrier. 432 DuPAix. Monuments of New Spain 1182 DuPANLOUP. Le christianisme pr68ent6 aux gens du monde 50 Du Pays, A. J. Itin6raire de I'ltalie. ... 534 [Bt/P liUPI INDIX. [DVT ;e tu pAln iiiil 664 «phlque . 647 ) yt phytlolo- 611 I rtefi 2Ul MiMion du Bt. 1194 411 >ULIN. . . . 428 lb thu Turks la 4lo oiopliy of t'ln 601 ; Butt t <'u--. 608 ,we *M1 ill the United IStW nil Cnnada .... 1369 a I found it. . . 1881 Frade.... m iiy of Hereford. 405 tiflh Went India 1662 r of Denmark, 461 of Spain and 4311 Bcours Bur late- 167 iiofrt.... 168,1438 nerioan Theatre 80i onomy (P) 931 iction W >1 to 1700... 440 liomnu Litcra- 196 butions to the ;40!> • '.41)9 he Oregou ler- 1258 riptions 201 morte 201 du travail.... "268 du 24 ffivrier. 432 few Spain 1182 isme pr68ent6 50 del'Italie.... 534 Di fKHkA. Hn vie Du PrriT TiioUARM, A. VoyaK* aiitnur du moiidn DuriN, Cb. Applicatliin d« g6oni6trl« . . — DAveloppomeiitii de gfiomi'- trie Odoni<''trle den art* et iii*''- tion — Yiiymftt dam lu (iraude Hro- tagne — — Petit producteur frnnfali.. 1, .1x6. Adniiiiiitrutiiiii deixrcouri jiublici — Manuel du droit eccU'-Riatti- que.. — Opu*oulo« de jufinprudence Dincour* — — MttnioireR I'l'oci^gdu Ci>n»litutionnet{V) I)iii>l,GHHl». (EuvruB Le Ontteur d'Hstrndo DupLRX, O. On Matter l)iiPoN(iKAU, P. 8. Jurisdiction of the ITiiitod StiitoH Courts On CiiineHO Writing. . . Obaervations on Eliot's Indian Orammar (iraminaii-u indionne.. Di'i'oNT, it! Cliov. Voyagt'H and advcii- luroB DiroNT, Ktiiilion. KsHai sur Ioh iusectos, etc Dui'ONT, «le Nemoui'g. Ecoiioniii! politiquo . Sur leu licoles DiniNT-WiiiTK. Htdations du travail aveo lo capital Du PoTKT. Journal du ii)ngU'''ti8ino .... Dii'BAT Pioi in sur riiuprinierio DiruE. MtilaillcH iVan^'aisi's DiRls, Abrcliii;oH.... Di;i'ris-l)icu;oi'Ri. At'n'ostalion DmiT. Tirago dos vjitures Dui'UY, L. (louvi'riioment niunicipiil. . . Laiigue hrliraiquc Mdiiimie romaiiio Valt'ui du dvnier d'nrgcnt Dii'UY, Pieri'o. Sur U traiti- ilo 1'. Pithou. • < >rij;ino d*» la pragriintiquc- ganc'ioD . . DiTiv DE I >HK. Oiinstnielion do Witi- nients eu fer ■mi nse rtti'.' 602 602 fi»8 219 260 '.'lit 8H 286 ♦487 too *H81 •880 184 *779 1188 793 1«B0 1488 '261 84 258 591 7;i:i 312 27 H'il ■■iSS 7. '50 •il-.' 778 26'? 262 219 219 7U5 DupurNoDR. I'rolrtariat ■ Etudes (IVwononile poliUqua ^— liois du travad - Mounn'' . '^r<^dit »t imp^^t . . l»irpnvTa«N, baron, tlllniqui' lilnir^icalo. I)i .jURNd.. Lois iiiuiiicipalei UiiguMNKL. Ilixtoiro den lettD'K DuRAND, Ouil. Mnuufil dts divlns ofllcoH, UuRAND Di Maii.i.ank. I>i(!tlonnairo de 2)f/r] INDBX. [ECC Di'TTiNn. Di'fi'uso de la philosopliie do lY'Coiioniie politique 260 Appciidico A 1ft dt^'fcnee 280 - Revoiiu de In France 268 Pr<''ten(lueB erreurs 264 DtJTERTnE, le E'. Higtoire des IbIcs, la Mfti'tinique, etc 1206 Du TiiiKT. Mt^moiroH 219 DuTOT. R6flexion8 poiitiquos *263 DoToiguKT. Des classes paiivrcs 2t')0 DuTTON, F. South Austi'alin and its Mi- nes 471 Duval, Alex, ffiuvres 878 Dotal, Amaury. CnthiWIrale de Cliar- trea 422 Duval, O. Souvenirs do la terreur. . . . 427 Duval T^uhazey. H6ri''ditt' des femnies. '.'ol Du Vaubk. Lo faux savant 872 DuVKRDY. Voir I'iSTOYK. DiiVEtuiiEii PE Hauranne. De I'ordre le- gal en I'rance 1 21) Avenir de la Gri'cc 450 Histoiredu gou- vcrnenicnt parlementairc *234 DuvERCiEB, J. R. Dccrets et rtglements du conseil d'dtat 203 Continuation de Toul- lior 205 Revue du droit fran- yais et I'tranger *204 DuvEiiNAY, Ludger. Lti Minerve 141 S DrvKRNOY. Systurne nerveux des mol- lusques 644 DivoisiN. J. B. Di'inonstration dvnng^- lique 45 DuYCKiNCK. Cyclopii'din of Aitieriean Literature 803 DwAitiiis, Sir F. On Statutes 112 West India Qucstiou(P) 1165 Dwelling-houses, Useful Arts relating to. 736 DwioiiT, II. Christiiinily in Turkey... ;!1 DwioHT, T. i'oly.iesian. it other Lan- guages i\'>W DwiGiiT. Timothy. Theology ex])laiued. 48 Life of, by W. B. Spniguo 122(1 Travels in New Kng- land and New- York 1 382 Di/eiii;/, Art of 71.), 728, 747 DvEU, (!. Kngli.^i Constitution, (P) 931, 932, 1097 1736 PAQB Dyeb, O. On Benovolonoo (?) 933, 1082 Dyer, John, Poems gjg Dymond, ,I. Ou the Principles of Mora- "ty 65 Dynamict eoo, 745, 746 EADIE, ,L Life of Kitlo 493 Ear 722 Karl, J. \V. Native Races of the Indian Archipelago 529 Voyages in the ladian Ar- chipelago 589 Earlk, p. Institutions for Insane 244 On the Blooiningdaie Asylum 244 Earnsmaw, S. Dynamics ,580 Statics 580 Karth, FornuUion nnd characteristics of the. . . .206, f 78, 581, 584, 685, 606, 648 The Pro-Adamite '4^, *678 Motion of the 292 732 Jiarthenware A/anufactures 7;j3 Earthquakes ,'j78, 620 East, The, Journal of a Deputation to.. 660 Wanderings in 654 East India CoUegen and Schools. 81-83 (P) 929 India Company, Military Calendar . 408 Register of Civil Servants 400 East Indies and East India Compani/, Law concerning 172-177 East Indies nnd East India Company, Statistics ooncerning 291, 295 East Indies and East hidia Cotiipavi/, Pamphlets concerning. . ii22, 923, 1079, lone, 1098,11114,1118,1119, 1133, 1151,1157 See, also, India, Eastern ^Itchipf/ai/o, sqv Indian Archi- jiddrjo. Eastern Churcht.i 30, 31 Eastlake, C. L. History of Oil Pnintiug. 711 Contributions to Litera- ture of Fine Arts 711 Eastwick. K. B. Hindustani (irannnar. 781 Eaton, O. E. Rome in XIX Century.. 641 Eaton, W. Li fe of, by C. C. Felton ,'. . . 1226 Eanj\ Regime ct piO])ri(''t6 des *20i) EiiKLMEN. Composition du gaz 7t!6 Ecclesinslieal Architecture 378, *4()0, 701 E-ctcsiastlcal IVwijraphy 36, 51 Ecclesiastical hstablishinents, see C/iurch and State, EOC] INDEX.'. [EOL Hecieaiaatical Hintory 22, 286 Ecx. CoDStruotions en poterio et en fcr. 709 Application du fer 709 EoKSTKiN. Philoaopiiio de riiistoire 809 'i.jlairuj/i 766 Eclectisme tiS Eclipses 291, 294. 297, 299, *678 Effi'o do dossin 714 Etoics. Voir Hducalion. Ecoles normalei 8;i, 84 Economic dome»tique 735, 736 Economic politique 249-80») Economic ruralc. Voycz Agriculture. Ecoise. Uistoire H97-40() Q6ographie et voyages 034 Edkn, SirF. M. State of the Poor. . 242 British commerce and manufactures (P) 1092 Population of Great Britain (P) 1149 Eden, W. Principles of Per.iil Law 247 Edciewoutii de I'lRMONT, I'Abbe. Der- niunis liourcB de Louis XVI. 428, 1429 Edokwohth, Maria. Taloa and novels. . 834 Eilinburgh Esi'ivys 834 Edinburi/h, Memorials of •.'!99 Edinburgh licview 916 On its .Jacobinism. (P) 1123 Ediiiluri/h University, History of 81 EiuNdroN. On the Coal Trade *275 Edits ot Ordonuancea concornant le Oa- nadii 161 Edmond. Chs. Voyage dans les niers du nnrd 1661 Edmonds, G. UiiiversiU Language.... 770 EJiuation 74-87, '.tl7, 919 Edueuliun. Pamphlets imd Speeches on, 932, 984-987, 944, 946, 1079, 1087, 1089,1097,1111,1113, 111.5, 1135, 1150, 1154, 115,5 Education, ICurope 76, 77, 84, 86 (ireat Britain, 61, 77, 80, 228, 287, 290, 294 ■ " Angletorre 81 France 88, 84 United StatoH(E;tatsUnis). . . 85 ' Allemiigne 85 Holiande 85 Prusse 86 India 81, 83 Canada 86, 87 (P) 1442-1446 Its Influenee on Crime, . *80, 290, •678, 918 Educalio7i. chcz lea ancieus 74 Education publique *74 Education profcssionuMe *75 Education domestique •75 Education dcsfcmmes 76 Education des aveuglcs 87 Education des sonrds mutts 87 Education dc sol- menu 71 Educational Conference of 1867 *296 Educiitioual Cyclopedia 76 Eduoiitional Exhibition Catalogue SO EnwARn III. Life 872 Edwaeu, Blacl{ Prince. Life 372 Edwardes, II. Year on the Punjab Fron- tier 664 Edvards, Dr. The Mohegan Langunges. 1188 Edwards, Bryan. British Colonies in the West ludie.s 1209 West India trade (P) 1078 On Slave trade... (P) 1105 Edwards, E. Jurisdiction of the Admi- ralty Court 100 Edwards, V. E. Of tlie Mollusca of Eng- land , 627 Edwards, II. Old English Customs 378 Edwards, H. M., &c. Of Britisli Fossil Corals 627 Edwards, Jonathan. Works 49 Life of the Rev, David IJrainerd 1197 Life of, by S. Miller 1226 Edwards, W. II. Voyiige up tiie Amazon 838 EdKUK, II. Description of Grceidaud. . . .532 Description du Groenland.. ri32 Eokdk, p. Dictionarium Gronlandico- Danico Latiniim 784 EdERTON, F. Winter's Tour in India. . . 664 FiOiNUARD. OiUvres 413 K(jlisf. Uistoire de l' 22, 28, 24 1787 EOL-^ INDEX. [KLW ■'! , PAOI EgKse ehrHieime. Monumons del' 25 Eglite gallicane 67, 200, 219, 316, 817 Eglite grccque 30 Eglue d'Angkterre 34, 35, 40 EglUe d'Ecoase 89 Egliie d'Irlamte 40 Egtise <'t Hat *11fi, 281 Egypt, Ancient History, uud AntiquitiuH, 818,771 Modern History.. 4ti8, (P) 1092. 1110 Pyramids and Monmiifnts 81',( Voyages iS. .548, !S.51, 56ii Egypte. Orand ouvrage d' 316, 317, 468 Voir Egypt.'s Lapliind S44 EicniioFK. Etnde sur Ninive 316 Litt6rature du Nord *797 Eikou Basiiike .S83 ElSDKLL, J. 8. Industry of Nations. . . . 251 On Poverty *242 Ejectment, law of 142 Eldon, Lord Chancellor. Life, by Twiss. 487 Election law 118, 117, 128 Elections. Lois des 118, 117, 128 Elections, Coutrunerted. in Canada HS.'i Elections coutestce.1, Cauadn 1435 Electoral. Systeme •281 Elective Franchise, Right of Women to exercise 240 Electric Tdegraph... 294,299, 678, 590, 731 Atlantic Ocean.. 296, *782 Electriciti 690 Voir Elictricity. Elidricity 576, 590, 59.5, »6I4, 727 ApplicatiooB of 293, 678 Medical Application of. . . (P) 1084 Alectro-nirtallurgy 732 Elephant in relation to Man 637 Elgin, James, Earl of. Condition and Prospects of Canada 778 Avenir du Canada 773 Eloi.n, Tiioniiis, Earl of. Pursuits in (rrci'ce 717 Elgin Marbles. Report on the (P) 928 Ei.iOT, J. The Indian Giamniar 1188 Observations on the above, by P. S. Du Ponceau 1188 Life of, by 0. Francis 1226 Elioti II. M. Historians of Mohanune- dan India 902 Eliot, S. History of Early Christians. . 23 Liberty of Koine 222 FAOl Eliot, Samuel A. History of Harvard College 1239 Eliot, W. G. Defence of Portugal . .(p) 1092 Elizaueth DK HoNOBiE, Ste. 8a vie 26 Elizabeth de Valois. Ljfe, by Freer. . "440 Elleey, Wm. T. Life of, by E, T. Ohan- ning 1226 Ellst, C. Contributions to Physical Oeo- grapliy 614 Ellioit, C. Life of H. R. Khan 454 Elliott, J. Debates on the Federal Cons- titution 1288 Ellis Correspondence 39Q Ellis, C. Law of Insurance and Annultiex 146 ProceediugB on Private Bills, no Ellis, O. Early Metrical Romances 858 Ellis, G. E. Life of Wm. Penn 1226 Life of John Miison 1226 Life of Anno Hutchinson, 1226 Ellis, Sir H. Original Letters 374 Letters of Literary Men. 376 Ellis, H. Voyage to Hudson's Bay. ... 529 Voynge i\ la Baie d'Hudson. , I405 Ellis, J. U. Social Economy 238 Social Life 288 Ellis, Rev. W. History of Madagascar. 469 Ellis, W. Polynesian Researches 470 Ellis, Win. Plautini; of Lands (P) 1135 Ellswortu, H. L. Illinois in 1837 oai Ellsworth, Oliver. Life of, by Van Sant- voord 1226 Ellwoou, '1'. Autobiography. 437 El-Mas'uui. Historical Encyclopedia. .. 463 Elsies, J. Dictionary of Fine Arts 889 Eloquence 8o5, 806, 48,49, 121, (P) 1136 Eloquence aacrec 25, 48 49 Eli'hinstone, M. Ciiubul and Dependen- cies 458 History of India 468 ELSVN(is, H. Manner of Holding Parlia- ments 109 Hlwes, a. Dictionary of Italiiin, English and Krenrh 785 Frencli Dictionary 789 Italian Grammar 785 Spanish Dictionary 786 Qrainniar 786 Elwks, a. Sketcher's Tour round the World 627 Elwes, J. the Miacr. Life of (P) 942 Elwoou, Mrs. Memoirs of English Lite- rary Ladies 479 1738 SMB} INDEX. lENO PAOI Harvard 1239 igal . .(P) 1092 a vie. ... 26 y Freer. . "440 ;. T. Chan- 1226 'sical Goo- 614 tn 454 eral Cons- 1263 390 Aunuitie!< 14S ■at» Bills. 110 auces .... 858 ID 1228 son 1228 utcliinson. 1226 a 374 rary Men . 376 8 Bay.... 529 Hudson. . 1405 238 238 Jilagascar. 469 hes 470 la (P) 1135 1837 «61 Van Sant- 1226 .... 487 opedia... 468 Arts 689 ), 121, (P) 1135 . 25, 48, 49 )ependen- 458 dia 458 ig Parlia- 109 Cuglish 788 789 785 786 785 ound the 527 ..(P) 912 isli Lite- 479 EmbaiiBies and Foreign Oourts 98 Smbaumemenla 784 Ehebiqon. Traits dee assuranoes 209 Ehkbson, a. B. On Common Schools. . . 86 EuERBON, R. W. Representative Men. . 478 EuEBSON, W. Several Branohes of Mathe- matics B98 Principles of Mechanics. . . 745 Emigration 286, 294, 298, 800, 637 Emigration and Emigrants. Parliamen- tary Fftpers concerning, 1803, 1807,1316,1323,1826, 1880,1331, 1883, 1334 — — Other works concerning. 1360, 1427, 1482, 1487-1489 Pamphlets concerning. 1096, 1096, 1098, 1150, 1153 See also Immigration into Unittd States. Emigr PAOB England and FVanee'i Cori'esponrfenoe between, since Trefcty of'AmienB(PH14'J England. Alliance with Fratiee' and the Netherlands urged-. (!') 946 England and Ruma, compared,. (P)' 941'^43 England's Worthies 47o England and Wales. Beatrties of 408 English Language 791-798 English Literature 802, 826-865 English Chronicles 346-S70 English Cyclopedia 908 English Historical Society's Pnbliea- tions. .' 348,849 English Life, considered 835 Englishman's Greek Concordance 16 Englishman's Hebrew and ChaldM Oon- corxlance 16 Englishwoman in Egypt 561 Eu^Iiahwoman in Russia 647 Engraving. Art of 690, 698, 718 Eknemoskk, J. History of Magic 692 Enqui'te relative sV I'entrfie des prodults utrangers 279 Enquete sur les fors 767 Enquute eur Ics houillcs 765 Enquete sur les sucres 279 Enseignement. Methodes d' *75 Liberte de 1' 83 Enseignement agricole 661 Ensor, G. On National Government . . . 226 Entomologie 641-648, 606-616 Entomology 608, 'eU, 683-643 Entozoa. Catalogue of 636 Eothen, or Traces of the East 551 Epaves. Les 887 "Ephemeea" ou Angling *725 Ephraem Syrus. Metrical Hymns and Homilies 28 Repentance of Nineveh ... 26 Select Works 26 EpicTKTrs 810 Epidemic Diseases 675 (P) 942, 1081 See Fevers. Epidemic Pestilences in Ireland. History of 675 Epidemics 676 Epinav, Mnie. d'. M^'Mnoires 487 Episcopacy and Modern Societies. .. .(V) ',1.'i6 Epixcopal Chill (/es. TJiahop of Lincoln d') 922 Answer to, by Eustaoo (P) 923 Bislic.ry. Systunic penitcntiiiire 246 • Inatitutions 1229-1 231 Commerce, tiirif, etc, 283-285, 1231 Travaux publics 754, 756 PAoa Etats-Vnit. Statistiques. .296-800, 1231, 1232 OHmat 1376 G6ographie 1374. 1217 Cartes des o6te8 1874 Paysages, etc 137*7 Voyages. . .1877-1892, 1362-1872 Education 86, 86 Sciences naturelles 61.S-616 G6ologie 621, 622 Litt6rature 803, 826-866 Etats partieuliers. Histoire. 1233 Voyages . 1382 Etching 718, 719 Eternal Punishment 919 Eternity of the World (P) 948 Ethkridoe, J. Syrian Churches 30 Ethuological Journal 628 Ethnologie 510,628-680,606-615, 631 Voir Ethnography et Ethnology. Ethnology 611, •612, 628-630, 776 American 1184-1187 Ethnological Maps *579 Ethnography, Ancient 3C6, 308, 820, 788 IviiENNE et Masson. Manuel du terrassior 739 EriKNNEz, H. Le meilleur ami '881 Etiquette des cours. etc ....... 429 Btoo Demazy, Suicide 680 Etoile, Pierre de 1'. Mtimoires 416 Eton College 402, 478 Ei.ranger. Droit 204 Etrangers. Leur Condition en France. . *196 Etroyat, Ad. d'. Architecture navale. . *710 . Etriiria 320 EuoLiD, by Blakelock 601 by Law 601 On the Books of 294 (Euvrea, en grec, en latin et en tViuifaia 6 01 Eugene, Prince. Autobiogriiphy 488 Memoirs *488 EuLEii, L. Lettrea *573 Euphrates, River 550 Europe. Hiat 326 Voyagea 627, 534, 547 L,iterat\ire , 797, 890-898 Languages 782-793 — Peace of, (P) 1086, 1091, 1092, 109'J, 1101, 1106, 1119, 1120, 1131, 1156 Europe and America compared 1179 Europe et Ainerique comparves 283, 1179 European States. Statistics of 294, 296 EuBiPiuEa 810 17tl sua} INDBX. [FAM EusKBiu». Pamphilus Ecolefliaatical Hia- tory 22 EuTROPiUB 821 EuTTCBii, Ecclcsiio SO Evaaj;ilo», Lea Hiiiut§ 11 Evans, Sir De Lacy. Desigus of Russia. 446 Evans, W. Trait6 d'agriculture 661 Journal d'ogricuUure 660 Canadian Magazine 661 Evans, W. J. Sugar Planter's Manual . 662 EvBLYN, J. Diary and Correspondence Miscellaneoua Writings . . . Life of Mrs. Godolphin . . . Sylva 387 835 489 648 EvKBARn's Const of Assnda 562 EvEBEST, Rev. R Journey through the United States, etc I;t71 EvBBETT, A. H. On Population 256 Life of Jos. Warren 1226 Life of Patrick Henry 1226 EvBRKiT, E. Orations and Speeches . . . 885 Life of Joliu Stark 1226 Evidence. Law of. . . , 182, 133 Evidences of Christianity 43, 44 Evils of England 232 Evliva's Travels 522 EwBANK, T. Machines for raising water 757 Life in Brazil 1356 Excelsior 86".) Excise laws 147 Excise revenues 292 Exchanges. Foreign 268,280, 294 Exchanges. On Foreign, (P) 1125,1126, 1128, 1143, 1157 Exchanges, On (Jomin^Tcial (P) 1124, 1127 Exchange Tables 264 Executors. Law of 142 Exhibition. Paris, Canada at the 1285 Works on 772 New York. Works on 771 — — ^ London, of 1851, Works on, 296, 768-771 Catalogue ofBooks, concerning 901 Yitie Sydenham Palace. ExMOUTii, Admiral, Life, by Osier 488 Exportations, On advantageous (P) 932 Expositions 768-773 Exposition dc Londres (1851) 768, 295 Exposition de New Fork 771 Exposition dc Paris 772 Expropriation 206 1742 Eydodx et SouLKYiT. Zoologie 610 Eye 678, 672 EvMA, Le.1 femmes du Nouveau- Monde 882, 1179 La mansarde de rose *881 Les deux Amfiriques I179 Etre, E. J. Expeditions into Australia 667 Eybius, J. B. et Maltk-Bbun. Nouvelles annalca des voyages 1S47 Eysenbaoh. Hi.stoire du blason 606 Eyzaguibbe, M. L'Abbe. Histoire Ec- cl^siastiquo du Chili 1204 FA BER, a. S. Hora) Mosaica) 45 Vallcnses and Albigenses 41 Fables 869, 826, 845, (P) 1102 Fabliaux et cmUes 866, 897 Fabre d'Eglantink. Drames 871 Fabyan, R. Chronicles of England and France 352 Facoioi-ati, J., etc. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon 783 Facities *868 Factors and Brokers I46 Factory System 242, •263, 727 Faoan. Pieces drnmritiques 871,872 Faillon, L'Abb6. Vie de Mile. Mance . 1196 — — Vie de la Soeur Bourgeoys . , 11 96 Vie de Madame d'Youville. . 1196 Fain. Manuscrit de 1813 430 M6moires des contemporaiiis 430 Manuscrit de I'an III 427 Faibbaikn, W. Conway and Britannia Bridges 761 Fairfax Correspondence 385 Fairs in Europe and America (P) 1108 Falconkb, F. & FiTZHKREBT, E. H. Casos of Controverted Elections 116 Falconkb, T. Voyage of Hauno, ifec, (P.) 1078 Falconer, Capt. Richard. Voyages and Adventures 1188 Falconbr, W. Poems 859 Falconer, W. Dictionary of the Marine 710 Falconet. Sur les Assassins 466 Falise. Cours de Liturgie *29 Falkland Islands 1354, 1358, (P) 1108 Fallot. Recherches sur la langue fran- yaise 787 I Family, The 75, 236, 240 j Family Library 8S5 i Family Worship 29, "fl Famin. C. Crimue, Circassie et Ouorgie. 447 \l^h FAM] INDEX. IFEB Famin, 0. Oolombie et Quyanes 1201 Chili, Paraguay, Uraguay, Ac. 1208 Famine, Irish *402 Faminett prevented (P) 928 Fancourt, Oils. St. John. History of Yucatan 1216 Funtasque, Ic 1414 Far West. Life in the 1388 Early French Travellers in the 1888 Statistics of the 1888 New Homo in the 1888 Faraday, M. On Electricity 591 On Non-Metallic Elements 694 Farces 860, *868 Farcy. Etudes politiques 18(i Farev, J. On the Steiiru Kngine 'TSii Faribaclt, G. B. Catalogue 904 Notes, etc 1276 Voir aussi page 1448. Faeini, L. C. Romnn State 480 Faeis-el Shidiao. Arabic Grammar. . . 780 Farm Produce, soeAijricultural Statistics. Farmer's Almanac, by Johnson and Shaw 057 Farmers' Journal 1417 Farming. See A(jriculture. Farnham, E. W California 1 389 Faenham, T. G. Life and Travels in California 1389 Farquhar. L'Officior en recrutement. . 881 Farren, G. Key to the Statutes 126 Fasts and Festivals 218 Fast Day. Prayers (P) 1123, 1124 Sermons (P) 1078, 1144 Fathers of the Church. Their Lives and Writings 24-26 Fau, J. et Chevalier. Physicien prSpara- teur fi72 ■ and Knox. Anatomy for Artists 714 Fauciier, L6on. Do I'impot sur le revenu 262 ■ Droit au travail 258 Etudes sur I'Angleterre 262 Souscription pour tra- vaux publics 27 1 Banques coloniales . . . 265 Fauchet. Libertos gallicanes 219 Fauna Boreali Americana 637 Fauriel. Croisade centre les Albigeois. 422 Chants de la Gr^ce 898 Hist. delaGaulem6ridiouale. '409 Pot'isie proven^ale '800 Fausse-Lendry. Sur lea journees desep- teinbie 428 Faussktt, G. Sacred Chronology 21 Favart. Pieces dramntiques 871 Favibr. Mouvemeut de traction 680 Favrb, L6on. La Bolivie 1205 Fawkes. Poems 859 Featiikrstonhaugh, G. W. Excursion through the Slave States 1881 Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor 1387 Federalist. The 178 Federhann, N. Voyage en Ani6riquo. 1171 Feejee Islands, Cruise of the Maria in . . 67() Fell, J. and Gale, T. Anglicarum Soriptorum Veterum 346 Fell, H. C. Life of Alderman Kelly. . . 493 Fei.lrr. Biographic universelle 473 CJatfichismo pliiloaophique. . . . '45 Fellowes, R. Universal Suffrage. . .(P) 1140 Fellows, Sir C. Travels in Asia Minor. 549 P'elon. Rhetorique "805 Felton, C. C. Life of W. Eaton 1226 Female Character. On the (V) 1120 Female Hospitals and Lunatic Asylums, On Ladies Visiting ("P) 928 Female Schools (P) 944, 1082 Femmc 50, *71, 75, •286 Fennell's Reprnits from i dd Newspapers *354 Fenelon. Oiuvres conipltstcs 47 Life of 488 Sa vie, par Bausset 488 Fenet. Pothier aiialysfi lys Fenin. Memoires 416 Fenn's Compendium of Funds, Ac 266 Fenton. ■ Poems 859 Fenwick, 8. Algebra and Conic Sections 600 Fenwick,T. Essays (P) 1137 Feodnliti 201, 202 Fer. Industrie du 730, 765-767 Application du 709 Ferrer's Oryctography of Derbyshire . . 625 Fere, Oct. L'orpheline doBomarsund. . *881 Fergus. History of the United States. . 1219 Ferguson, A. On Civil Society 286 Ferguson, J. Autobiography 488 Ferguson, W. D. Common Law Proce- dure Acts, Ireland '131 Fergusson, Adam. Tour in Canada,,.. 1402 Fkrgusson, J. On Beauty in Art 714 Hand-book of Architecture 700 Of Nineveh and Persepolis 815 Ferland, J. B. A. Observation sur I'Histoire du Canada 1274 i;j 17« rcR INDEX. IFIN '" / r h ■y Im*' WW 11 J I I I PAOS Fermented Liquors. Effeota <^. De« uuteU consacK>a au vrai Dieu Oulte d'Wg ' Oainpg do C«''gnr FoNTKYaAUD. Mt'iknges d'l'conumic poli- tique Fonthill Abbey FoNToN. La Ruaiio dam I'Aaie Minoure FoNTaAiLLBB. Rolation Food, and ita adulterntiong. .578, fi96, 6H8, 188, 736, 770, 772 (P.) FoRDRH, A. K. Uinduo AiinaU of Quozerat FoRREB, D. Hindustani Dictionary PorBinn Oramnmr FoBDEH, D. Of the Profftcss of .Science. FoudkA, K. Of Fauna and Flora, and Geoloti^ioal changes '. On fossil Asteriadte and Cyotideiu British Fossils, Docade V . Of Kuohinodornnuta -^— ^ Literary PaporH, with a Me- moir FoRuKs, F. E. Dahomey and the Dalio- mana For 11 EH, J. Memorandums in Ireland.. Physician's Holiday FoRDEs, Sir John. Nature and Art in the Cure of Disease FoRREs, Sir W. Life of Beattie FoRBiN, Comte C. de. M6moiro8 FoRHiN, Cte. L. N. P. A. Voyage i\ Siam F0RBONNAI8. Frinoipes ^conoraiques. . . FoRCADE, Eug. Politique coraraerciale. . ■ Etudes historiques La guerre du socialisine. Institutions de credit. . . Olias. Lamb, sa vie iu- time Tlionias Moore Force, Laws of, see Mechanical Philoso- phy. Force, Peter. Tracts on Araericau Colo- nies Ford, J. Dramatic Works Compositor's Hand-book Ford, R. Hand-book for Spain (iatherings from Spain Ford, Gov. Thos. History of Illinois. . . Ford's Australian Almanac 788 27 SB 4(19 •>6i 877 447 417 982 •468 781 948 870 618 6 19 •619 627 676 664 6:t8 642 •667 481 417 .566 260 278 •886 2:i7 265 • 493 496 1217 859 732 227 838 1267 286 Foreign Policy of Great Britain, 281, 278 (P.) 1097, 1110, 1186 FoBtHT. Voyage aux Moluques 660 Fore»t»am\ Forest LawH l;iH, 648, 679 (F) 1076 Sec also Treei. Formtaller; Pamphlets on. . 1077, 1079, 1086, 1146, 1149 F0RK8TKR, T. Rambles in Norway 642 ' Scenery of Norway 642 PoBOKoT. Placet draraiitiques 871 Furr/ei, Forgtroni 780, 766 Voir Fer. FoaouEs. Litt6rature anglaiie 808 Formota, Account of 667 Formiilaire dei notairen 211 FoiiRY. Climate of United States •686 FouiiEHTKR, J. J. On Portugal 279 FoiisiKR, 0. Historical Geography of Arabia. 8I4 Letter to Lord Lyndhurst. 18 — Life, Ac, of Bishop Jebb.. 492 Mahometauiem Unveiled. 66 The One Primeval Lan- guage 777 FoRsTEB, Ch, La Pologne 444 FoBsTER, H. Stowe Catalogue 718 FoRsii'.B, J. British Statesmen 477 Life of Goldsmith 489 FoRSTER, J. R. Of Discoveries in the North 528. 1365 F0R8TKE, T. Atmospheric Phenomena. . 586 Ai'Hal and Alpine Voyages 686 Forstkr's Travels in Persia 662 FoRsiTF, R. Beauties of Scotland . ... 403 Political fragments 230 F0R8VTU, W. History of Trial by Jury. 136 Hortensius 180 On the Custody of Infants 139 Statutes relative to Scot- land •160 FoRTEScuE, Lord Chancellor. Politique Lawes of England 128 Portia's Travels in Sweden 543 FoRTiA d'Urban. Histoiie du Portugal . . ♦441 Fortifications, vide Military/ Science ; Art Militaire. FoRTouL, A. Litterature provenyale , . . 801 De Part grec 693 FoHTiTNE, H. Journey to China 556 Wanderings in China 666 D. Encyclopedia on Anti- 811 ^*ii' F08BBOKE, T. quities WW 1747 tvsj muBx. IPMA i? m 1 i m WAon FoHHRORR, T. n. ni'itikli Miiiinvlildn.. .. :i7H FiiHCdI.o. Kiucial'cia Hill Fotw, K. Ju< iir KiiKlitixl 477 — — — Oninduiir ipf ilio Liiw •477 FoHIATI. MlllllK'l (l(^ pliri'licilo^ifl illIU Fomilr, «1'7, tUMl-rtlB, tlHH FoHniltn, I'liiHiuinn tUO Fi'UHi, nee Pii/irontoloii)/. FoHTKR. A. LiTo uiiil Vo^at^cs of Ain«ri- •■ui V'cHpiiciiiH 1 117 FosriK, H. K. On Dimblc Entry 2tl7 FosTKii, (1. J. I'U'iiit'iitHof .Iiiiidpniiluiico 88 FotiTKii, (1. L. (.'iMiinuirciiil Kx('lmii^(>!<(l') 11*24 FoHTCn, II. R('|iiirt breii 421) UtJviilution tVan(niHO. . ..284, 2:1s, 42rt V^oir Fmirft lieualulion, Rtiiliiuruliiin 4:11 ItiWolutidii (It! 1848 432 CnrtiH 689, 610 Gtjdxritpbio ft Voynge*. . . .419, 627, 684, 689 PliiltiHopblo 69 ■— Kducation 7(1, 88, 84 luiluBtrio •. 267 llimrpiUH 2tl8 — — Poiilr* ut mesures 208 Ciuiimerco 288, 278, 279 l).)imn((g 280 Pnuporisrac 200 Htatistiqucs 288 — — — Cliutiiiim do for 764 , Niivigiitioii 768 n.'iuix urtH 693-098 Arcliitccturo 701 Sculpture 710 Mu«i(|uo 721 , 722 Sport 724 ExpimitiouH 708, 772-774 Litti'mture 787, 800-&H7, 1108, 904, 919-\I22 Scicuci'9 pliysitjnes 572, .")7:! Sciencus niituroUos 010 Mut<>vurnm«nt of .(P) 1106, Uii7. 1112, 1147 —— Orjjaiil nation of 124 On the war with (P) 1117 8(it> liuitia. Httulc of •268 Oburoli in 88 Franco. A Tour in. in 1802 (P) 1119 France (la) Comparee ii V Anijlelorre 288, 2WI), !IU4, HU7 France and Kngland evmparcd. .2!».'l, 2l»0, 894, 897 FiiANCMco 8F0RZA. Life and Time* ... . 486 FuANcnKuii, (}. Voyage a In coto nord- ouoRt do I'AniiM'iquu du Nortl.,.. 1890 Nurrativeof a Voyajjoto the North-We»t Coast of Amorioa. 1890 FRANors, 0. Life of Jolm Elliot 1226 Lifii of Sel)a«tian Rale 1226 FaANCifi, O. H, Critical KiograpliieH, ... \%'i OrutorR of tho Ago 123 Fbancih, O. W. Prnctieal Receipts.... 786 Francis, J. Aunnln of Life AsHuranco. . 206 ChronicluM of tho Stock Kx- change 266 History of English Railways 763 History of Bank of Kiiglanil. 206 Francis, P. Common Law Proccduie Acts 181 Francis, Sir P. On Currency (P.) 1146 See also .Ju.niuh. Fkakcklin'h Tour iu Persia 663 Franc(kuu. Gi'odesie ^ 549 Francois. Oisonient et trniteinent dos niiuorais de fer daUH lea Pyr6nues, 706 FnANfoiB do SA1.R8, Saint. (Eurres SO Francois 1 420, 424 Franconi. Le cavalier *724 Franks 'I'lic ... . •:i27 Voir Uaulois. Frank, J. P. De eurandis morbis, etc.. 068 Frank et Marcki,. Tunis 470 Frankmn, H. Complete works.... 182, 1220 Lc bonhoinmc Kicburd, . . 260 Franklin, Sir Jobu. Expedition to the Polar Sea 530 Expedition in searcli of 1406 Life of. *531 Fraiukug. Le?i Abeilles 004 Fkaser, J. B. Constuutinopio to Teheran 556 Eraser, J. P Travels on the Caspian Sea 553 Fraseu, P. Law of Husband and Wife, l&o 1740 iiiii S: '. FRA INDKX. iFsr 'm[ 'J Fraser, S. ProceedingB on Controverted Elections US Fraser's Magazine 916 Frayssinous. Defense du christinnisme. 46 Fredkoaire. Chroniquo 418 Frkderici Se( undi. Historia diploraatica 442 Frederick II. Stratngetieal Instructions 683 Works 444 and his Times 444 L'anti-Machiftvel 222 Son liistoire *444 Free Institutions. See Representative Oovernvient. Free Masonry 242, 806, (P) 1112 Free Trade 255, 277, 278, 285, •263, (P) 936, 1104, 1127, 1426 Freedlev, E. T. On Business 256 Freer, M. W. Life of Marguerite of Na vare 424 Life of Elizabeth do Va- loia 440 Freoieu. Police dc Paris 212 Classes dangereuses 259 Freminville, Gouvernement des biens de ville 201 ^— — Renovation des terriers. . . 202 De la police des villes... 201 Traitfi de la minorite 206 Fremont, Capt. J. C. Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842 1388 .■ Notes of Travels • in California 1889 French, B. F. Historical Collections of ° Louisiana 1 254 French Language 785-789 French Literature 799-801, 866-887 French Revolution. History of the . . 330 426-431 ——' Pamphlets on the. 1081, 1088,1090-1092,1100,1116, 1117, 1122,1123. 1136, 1139,1140- 1142, 1149, 1156, 1168 French Revolution of 1830, Hiftory of 431. 432, (P) 1153 — Pamphlets concerning 1086, 1091 French and English Dictionaries 789 French (the) in Algiers 470 French. Pictures of the 436 Frere, G. Proceedings of Election Com- mittees 114 Private Bills Committees. . .. 110 rial Frkrkt. Mesures longues des anciens. . 268 Histoire et chronologic des Assyrieus 315 Observations sur I'origine des Orecs 321 Sur la chronologic chinoise. . . 465 Cyrop6die de Xenophon 321 Eoriture chinoise 779 Religions des Gaulois et des Oermaius 53 Histoire des Cyclopes 52 i Freron, E. C. Lcttres sur quelqut-s ecrits I de ce temps goo I Freron, L. S. Meinoires 428 Fresnel, Fulgence. L'Arabie 457 Fresnel, Luonor Systi^me dYfclairnge des phares 757 Frey, A. Typogrnphir 733 Freycinet. Voyage autour du mondc. 526 Freytag, G. Debit and Credit »896 Frezibe. Voyage au Chili et au Perou. 1352 Friendly Societies. 145, 242, 294, 295, (P.) 940, 1101 Friess de Colonna. La Corse 440 j Frissard. Notes prises au cours de ports ' de mer 758 ■ Fritot, Alb. Science du publiciste 223 FRonisHER's Voyages 528, 1345 Frodoard. Histoire dereglisede Rheims 413 Chronique 413 Froissart, Joan. C^hroniques . 414 Sa vie 414 Chronicles 352 Froland. Memoires sur les statuts.... *199 Frombkrg, E. O. Art of Painting on Glass 704 Frome, Capt. Method of a Trigonome- trical Survey 748 Fronde 416, *126 Frontier Lands of the Christian and Turk 646 Fhontin. Les 8tr,itiit,'6nic8 821 Frost, John. Trial of 193 Frost, J. Pictorial History of America. . 1179 Remarkable Events in the His- tory of America. 1179 History of the United States. 1218 Frothingham, Richard. Siege of Boston 1264 Froude, .U. H. Remains *49 Froude, J. A. History of England *881 Fruits and Fruit Trees, 664, (P.) 1076,1135 Fruits et arbres frititiers 664 Fry, E. Memoir, by her Daughter 489 1750 FRT] INDEX. Iff AM anciens. . 268 logie deg 315 rigine des 321 liinoise... 466 phon 321 779 :>i8 et dca 63 8 62 quts ecrits 800 428 467 I'ficlairnge 767 733 Li monde. . 826 it *896 au Purou. 1362 294, 296, (P.) 940, 1101 ! 440 T8 de ports 758 cistc 223 , 528, 1345 de RkcimB 413 413 414 414 862 Itatuts.... "199 .iuting oa 704 rigonome- 748 . 416, *-126 and Turk 645 821 193 rnorici.. 1179 in the His- 1179 ed States. 1218 of Boston 1264 '49 and *881 P.) 1076, 1135 664 ter 489 ff-' iil PAttB Fet, H. Artificial Fish Breeding 640 FkYXELL, A. History of Sweden 451 Fuel and Combuttiun, 730, 738, 765, (P.) 1082 See also Goal. FuLKK, W. The B hemes New Testament compared, &a 1 1 Defence of the English Bi- blical Translations 11 FuLLAETON, J. Regulations of Currencies 262 FuLLBE, Revd. Andrew. Works 49 FuLLEE, S. Margaret. Summer ou the Lakes, in 1843 1.^91 See also Ossoli. Fuller, T. Church History of Britain. . 34 Good Tiioughta in B-id Times 48 History o. the Holy War.. 20 History of English Worthies 356 Holy and Profane State 48 McTnorials of, by Russell . . 48 Fullom, S. W. Hijtory of Woman 239 Marvels of Science ... 572 Fl'ltojj, R. Life, his Drawings, &c 748 Life of, by J. Ren wick 1226 Funds, 266, 268, 273,291, 294, CP) 1128, 1130, 1131, 1138 Funeral Ceremonies 813 See also Interments. Fur Trade. History and Account of the 281, 282, 1388, 1339, 1404, 1400, 1427 Furgole, J. B. Traitodcs testaments. . . 200 Sur les douatioua 200 Sur les substitutions. .. . 200 Curi'is primitifs 220 FuaNKAUx, Capt. History of Treiities. . . 100 OABBETT, J. Criminal Law 133 Statute Law. 127 Gabourd, Anu'deo. H istoi re de France. . 411 Gaiuhkl. Nature des pieuves 210 Recueil d'autorites 220 Gacon-Dufoue, Mme. et antres. Manuel du Savonuier 734 Gael, S. H. Legal and General Composi- tion 127 Ooelic Language 790 0(dk Literature 862, 901 Gaete, duo do. Memoires 429 Gaoe.T. NowSurveyofthe West Indies 1349 ^f()uvellc relation de ses voyages 1 349 Gailhahaud. Monumens anciens et mo- deruos 698 rAoa Gaillard. M^moirea sur leg Lombards. 437 Gaihard. Voyage en Isiande 638 Gaius. Institutes 92 Galbbet OS Beitqes. Charles le Bon. . . 413 Gale, T. Court of the Gentiles 67 Galerie fran^aise 434 Galerie morale 71 Galerie des victoires 423 Gales and Seaton. Congressional De- bates 1224 Galiani. Commerce des grains 250 Gai.ibeet, L^on. L'Algerie 434 V6nise •437 Galibeet et PsLLfi. Do I'Augleterra . . . 338 L'Angleterre, I'lr- laiido et L'Ecosse 338 Oalibn. (Euvres *666 Galileo. Life 489 Galitzin. La Russie 447 Description de la Tauride .. 612 Gall. Origino des qualitis morales. .. . 631 Gallakus, Servatius. Oracula Sybillena •52 Dissertatioues de Sibyllis *62 Galland. Les mille et une imits *888 Gallas. Commerce de banque et de change 265 Gallatin, A. Ethnology of Mexico. . . . 629 Mninoir on the North Eastern Boundary 1364 Gallknga, A. History of Piedmont. .. . 437 Gallery of Arts (pictorial) 690 Gal:.kt de Kultube. Le tzar Nicholas . ^446 Gai.lois. Chominsdo fer en Angleterre. 754 Oalli-s 821 Galt, J. Autobiography 489 Diary of the Times of Geo. IV 396 The Reform, and tlio Radical. 836 Galtikr. Toxicologie iu6dicale 674 Galton, F. Art of Travel 510 Galvanism 576, 591, "814 Oalvano, a. Discoveries of the World. 1164 Grtliianoplastie *732 Oama, Vasco do. Voyages 559 Game Law. See Forest Law. Ga^iie Laws. Ou the. by J. Chitty..|P.) 929 On the, by Sir W. Elford.(P) 929 Letters on the ...(P.) 931, 1137 Game Law Tales 243 Games. [landbook of 724 See Sports and Games. Gaming 134, 600, (P.) 1087 1761 ! ; :,1 " ?H m GAM} INDEX. [GAU ^ IF PAOB Oammaoe, R. O. History of the Clmrtist Movement 2;i2 Gammkll, W. Life of Roger Williams. 122fl Life of Samuel Ward. . . 122H Oamon. Mdmoires 416 Gani), Pierre do. Lettre 1171 Gandavo, p. do Jlngiillmi'8 do. Ilistoire du IKsil 1199 GANniLi.oT. Science dcs finances 208 Ganii.ii. Diotionnaire de reconomie poli- tique 219 TliiSorio do I'lSconomie politique 250 Essai aur le rovenu public. .. . 261 — — ■_ Systtrae d't'cononiie politique. 260 Du pouvoir ot de I'opposition . 225 Ganot. Traite de physique 573 Oaols. See Prisons. GAuniTT, E. L. Design in Areliitecturo. . 691) Gahcia. Commcntarii *6()6 Aroraatum historia *66('i Gauoilasso dk la Ve(m. Le commeu- taire royal 1202 The Royal Com- mentaries of Peru 1 202 Oucrres civiles dcs Espagnols dans les Indcs .... 120H Gaecin UK Tassy. La litternture hiudou(! 799 Rudimcnsde lalangue liindoustani 781 lluiliniens de la lauguo hindoui 781 Gardkn, Ccimte de. Talileau de la diplo- mat ie 95 Trait6s de pnix •. 96 Oardcning 603, (P.) 1076 Oardeninff, Lund.icape 646, 665 Gardner, C. K. Dictionary of the Ame- rican Army . 1232 GAnoNKU, 11. H. The Kennebec pur- chase 1210 Qarklla, N. Canal :\ travers risthme de Panama 758 Gabidki.. Voutes en plein cintre 705 Gabneai, F. X, Ilistoi re du Canada. . . 1273 Abr(''gL' di: I'histoire de Canada 1273 I'dt'sies 1407 Garner, R. On Medical Science 667 Garmkk. Voir Vklly. Garnieii, Adolphe. Sur Royer CoUard. 499 ■' Morale Bociale *224 Psycliologie 73, 632 1752 PAOI Oarnier, Adolphe. Trait6 dea facultis de r.line "lyg Oaunikr-Audioer. TapisRier 733 Gaunikr, F. Puits artfisiens 923 Oarnikr, F. X. Traite dea chomina 212 Regime dcs eaux *20fl Garmkr, J. Aunuaire do I'uconomie po- litiipio 288 Garnieh, M. I'abbe. Education civile. . . 74 Les lois militaires dBB Grecs c81 • Sur les ouvrages d'Epicloto 69 — Sur I'laton 59 Gabniek Paoes. DiclionDBire politique. 221 Garrkau. Ba>eB ontologiques dc la sci- ence do I'houune 73 Garrktt, G. Marvels of Instinct *634 Garbai'lt. Le parfait niar6chid 657 Garth. Poeuis 8B9 Garvev, M. a. Silent Revolution, by Steam, Ac 239 Oaa and Gasworks 733, 706 Gascoignb. Poems 869 Gaskell, p. Manufacturing Population. 242 Gastarin, Agenor de. Dea tables tour- iiantoK, du surnatnrel en genfiral et des esprits 593 Affrancliisscment des osclavcB •248 Esclavago et trnite »248 GAs.i"ARiN, Mine. de. Corporations mo- nastiquea 83 Gasparin, Conite do. ('ours d'agrieulture 652 Biens soumis au ni6- tayage 652 Biena ruraux nffer- nics 652 Gasskndi. Memoire sur 61 Gastaldi. LibertC coinmerciale 278 Oabtink, Civiquc de. R6publique dc Uayti 1208 Gaston. Menioires 416 Gatoniie's North West Voyage , 629 Gau, V. C. Aiitiquite.s de la Nubie... 317 Gaudichaud, Ch. Organographle, etc, des vegetanx 647 Botanique 610 Gaupin, A. Trait6 de photognipliie. . . . 719 Gaudky. MucliineB 761 Oaiik 409, 412, 424 OAU} INDEX. OEO] Oanloh 40',), 119, *H27 Gaiii.tier's Uallnrls *869 Gaumk. Histoire do In RociiiW 23(1 Les trois Rume 542 Le pngiinisino dans r6diicntioD. 74 • La ri'volution *431 Gautier, ThL'opliile. Militomi 881 Italia 542 (Euvri'a liuinuuria- tiques 882 Pioverb(!B 884 Po6sie8 882 — — • Uiio journfip u Lon- drcs 884 Les Aifres do la niort 884 Marilliat 884 GiUTiEa, Toussiiint. Uictioiiimirc des confr6rie8 *19 Gaoi'irr de Sioert. Philusuplue do Ci- cfirou 59 llistoire des oi'drtH de Saiut-Lazare 32U Gautier du Tuonuhoy. CainpagDo dos lies de I'Aiuerique 1359 Gavard. Oalei'ies liistoriques 01)7 Gavaiiuet. I'liysique medicale 072 Gay. Poems 859 Gayarre, (Jbs. Uistoiro de la Luuisiaiie 12.'>4 Louisittiia 1 254 Louisiana as a French colony 1254 Gayffikr, J. do. Ponta ef. chauss6c3 . . . 751 Gay-Lu88AC. Coui'8 de eliiiuie .... 697 Oaz 766, 733 Gazetteers 511 Gazetteers of Canada 1 39f>, 1427 Gedoyn, I'abbc'. Extraits de Photius. . . 321 -^——^ Cour80 cllez los anciens 723 Gkkr, Clis. de. M6nioire8 sur le8 insectcs (142 Geki'uoy, a. Le Nord Soandinave 448 Lu Suudo depuia le traite do Paris '452 Gkinoz, I'abbe. Defense d'Horodote. . . 321 rAoa Qenest. P^u61op6 870 Genestb. History of the English Stage. 802 Genie Civil 742-767, 708, 770 Oknin, F. Langnge fran^'iiis 787 Lexique compare 787 Palsgrave et Jules Quez. . , . 781 Vie de Molifiro 495 Genlis, Mme. de. Influence dcs femmes sur la litti'ruturo fran^aise 800 ■ M6moire8 sur lo dix- dute Defense d'Horodote... Observations sur Hi5ro- Origine des Pelages.... 321 321 325 Gkll, Sir W. Topograpliy of Rome . Gems. S(^e Jewels. Genealogi/ and Ileraldr'i 506, *32G Genealogy of American families. . . 1225. 1234 General Warrants 227 huitii^me siocle 429 Di'iounairo des cti- qnettes de la Cour '429 (Euvres diverses .... 876 Genoude. llaisoa du ohrislianisme! ... 48 Litt6i-aturc sacr^e 18 Bidgnmhie sacrce *18 Gent, T. Autobiography 489 Oentil, C. Le. Dissertations juridiques. *211 Gentil Uernari). Poesies 873 Gentleman's Mairaziue and Indexes 916 Gentoo Laws. Code of 91 Geodcsi/ 583, 600, 748, 749 Geokfroy Saint IIilaire. Zoologie ge- nerale 634 Sur riiistoire nalurelle do I'Egypte 637 Histoire des Maminift^res 637 Poissous du 641 Nil Reptiles d'E gyptL' Geokfroy, E.L. Hist, abregee des inseetes Qeokkroy, J. Dietionnaire latin-fran^ais. Dietionnaire franyais-latin. 641 642 784 784 Oeofroy, L. Affaires d'ltalie *436 Ocographi Grasci Minores 810 Geographical Science. .Manual of, aud Atlas 510 Geographical Society's Journal 510 Geographical Discoveries. Table of. . . . 290 Geographie 509 V^oir Geography. Geography, Topography, &c. . . . 509-670, 678 Ancient and Historical.. 814,806 Pliysical 509-512,579 Geological Maps 537, •579 Gcologieal Museum, Fossils and Rock-spe- cimens, Marbles, Building stones. . 618 Geological Society's Journal and Transac- tions 618 175 I' : I ■ I, . k m i OEO} INDEX. iaiL Oeolugical Survey of Qreat Britain. Me- raoira and Maps of 618, 619 Oeologie et Mineralogie, 610-627, 606- •116, 677-681, 696 Geologic appliquie 738 Otology and Mineralogg, 577-681, 596, 606-(>27,9l9 (P.) 1101, 1106 . Specimens, collection of 292 OeomHrie 600-602 Oeometry. See Mathemaliea. Oeorob, A. Memoirs of Queena of Spain 440 Georok III. Sermon on his Jubilee. (P) 1120 Satire on, anil liiH Quoen (P) 1148 Geobqel, rabl)6. MSnioivcs 429 Georgia. History i>f 1260, 1419 Travels in l:J83 OcRAMB. Pi'^lerinnge i\ Jerusalem *.560 Gerando, de. Institutes du droit admi- nistratif fran9ais 211 — — — Histoire des systi^mes de pliilosopliie 67 Perfectionnement moral. 71 Education des sourds- muet.i 87 Bicnfaisnnce publiquc. . . 260 Grf RAUD. Canaux de navigation 7.")8 OcRARD DK Nerval. Les tiUes de feu . . 88;t Le reve et la vie 883 Sylvie 883 Confidences de Ni- colas 886 — Scenes de la vie orientale 885 G«rard, Jules. Le tueur de lions.. .. 881 GeuARD, I'Abb^ L. P. Le conite de Val- mont *67 Essai sur les vrals principes. . t)6 GiiRAUD. Parib sous Philippe le Bel 422 Cartulaires 420 Gerhkt. Esquinsede Roraeclir6tienne. . 60 Considerations sur le dogme. . 46 Gerhardt. Cli. Traito de chimie 597 Gerhardt et Chancel. Analyse chimi- que 597 German Life and War of Liberation .... 442 German Lnngtutge 785 German Literature 798, 894 German IVacts. (Various). . .(?) Il.'i2, 1166 Gerinaiii/. History of 441-444 Travels in 527, 535, 644, 564 Affairs in (P) 1099 1754 Oermany and the Revolution (P) Germany and the War of Independ- ence (P) Gebhond Laviqne. ScBur Marie J'A- greda Autour de Biarritz rAW 984 1092 480 540 527 •800 8.S2 1337 1337 896 895 614 1251 436 82 263 489 325 836 Gkrstaeokkr, v. Journey round the world Gbruzez, E. Litt^rature frangaise Gbrvinus, G. Q. On the History of the 19th Century Gesner. a. Resources of Nova Scotia. New Brunswick Gesner, S. Works QJuvres GiBBus, R. «V. Mosasaurus, etc American Revolution. . . GiANNONB, P. History of Naples GiBBiNo's Index Expurgatoriua Gibbon, A. Political Economy Gibbon, E. Autobiography Roman Empire Miscellaneous Works, by Lord Sheffield M6moire juslificatif en r6- pouse 11 I'exposS de la cour de France 1266 Gibbon, L. Exploration of the Valley I of the Amazon 1368 Gibbons, D. Law of Contracts *146 — — Law of Dilapidations.,.. *\^Z Gibus. Administrations of Washington and Adams 1221 Oibbs, W., and Gknth, F. A. Ammonia Cobalt Bases •615 Gibebt. Habitans de la Gr6ce 321 Gibraltar. History of 440 Siege of 330 Straits of 641 Gibson, Bp. Codex Juris Ecclesiastica Anglieani 217 Gibson, J. Marriige with Deceased Wife's Sister 240 Gibson, John. Literary Garland 1408 Gibson, W. S. Certainties of Geology. 617 GiKKORD, E. Deeds of Naval Daring.. 836 GiFKORD, J. Political Pamphlets, (P) 1090 -1092, 1145 GiFFORD, W. Autobiography 489 GiGUET, P. Campngne d'ltalie 439 GiHON. Annals of San Francisco 1258 GiLBART, J. W. History of Banking... 266 On Ancient Commerce. 272 laiL OIL 2 INDBX. IQLE FAOI ....(p) 984 depend- ....(?) 1092 >ie U'A- 480 Binrritz 840 le world 527 so •800 f of the 832 Scotia. 1837 133'; 896 895 614 Lition . . . 1251 a 436 82 253 489 325 )rk8, by 836 f eu r6- cour de 1265 Viilley 1368 *146 ions. . . . •143 i8hington 1221 k.inmonia •616 821 440 330 641 esiasticn 217 )ecea9e( 240 1408 Jeology 617 )anng. 836 (P)109C -1092 1145 489 429 0. . ,. 1258 itiug.. 266 imerce 272 OiLBART, J. W, Ou Banking.. 264, (P) 1124 Prize Essay on Banking 264 GiLBKST, Sir Humphrey. Voyago to New- foundland 1169 QiLBERT, Joachim. Navigation par la va- peur 758 OiLBERT, M. Sur lea mesures 267 Gilbert, N. J. L. (Euvrctf 872 GiLDBRT, P. jurisprudence du XIXe siScle •203 Giles, Revd. Dr. Writings of the Early Christians •26 GiLFiLLAN, G. Literary Portraits 805 Christianity and oiir Era. '44 Gillespie, W. M. On Land Surveying. 749 On Road-making . . . 751 Gilless, Lieut. J. M. Chili 1354 Gilliam, A.M. Travels in Mexico .... 1S7.S Gillot. Relation 416 GiLLRAY'a Caricatures Explained 'MM) GiLLY, W. Excursion to Piedmont. ... 41 VigilantiuB and his Times. . 27 Waldensian Researches 42 Narratives of Shipwrecks . . '406 Gilpin, H. D. Opinions of Attorneys General of United States 184 Gin, p. L. C. Analyse du droit fran^ais •204 GiNouENB. Histoire littfiraire d'ltalie. . . 797 Dictionnaire de Musique . . . 721 GiQUEL, E. Navigation 686 OiBALDUs Cambriknsis. Itluerarium CambriiB 3.51 GiUAUD, C. Of Freeh Water Fish of Ame- rica 618 GiRARD, P. 8. Agriculture, Industrie ct commerce d'Egypte 468 — Observations 3ur la vallee d'Egypte 616 GiRARDiN, Emile. De I'inatruction pu- blique en France 84 Etudes politiques. . . '234 GiRARDiN, Mme Emile. Th6Atre 878 Marguerite *88l Nouvelles *878 Lettres parisiennes ^878 GiRARDiN, J. Chimie t'l^mentaire 734 GiBARDiN, Saint Marc. Etudes sur I'A- fiique 468 L'Egypte 468 Destin^e des villes 3U8 L'Educatiou de la femme .... 76 Epopee chrStienne 796 rAsa OiRARDiN, S. M. Litterat dramatique. . 801 La vie et les ouvrages de J. J. Rousseau 499 De I'instruction interm6diaire en Allemagne P6 ™ Litt6rature et morale •80l QiBAUO, Chs. Des d^biteurs ohez les Re- mains 93 Le traitc d'Utrecht 97 GiRAUD.J. Systiime de Pestalozzi 76 GiRAUDiERK. La fetme module •662 GiRAULT DuviviER. Grammaire des gram- maires 788 GiRAULT DE St. Farqeau. Bibliographic do la Franco 903 Dictionnaire de la France .... '409 Revue des remans 882 OiRETTE. Marine fran9aiBe 688 OiROD, Amury. Notes sur le Bas-Canada. 1434 Girod-Chantrans. Voyage d'un Suisse. . 1369 OiRONiERE, P. De la. Twenty Years in the Philippines 669 GiSBORNE, J. Unitarian Minister. Case of (P) 1102 Gisborns, Lionel. Isthmua of Darien. . 1360 GtSBORNE, T. Duties of Men in Society. 289 Duties of the Female Sex 289 Gisors. Le Palais du Luxembourg 699 Glaber, Raoul. Chronique 413 Gladstone, W, E. On Church and State 217 Our Colonics 286 Gladstone, T. H. The Englishman in Kansas 1887 Gladwin, F. Dictionary of Mohamme- dan Law 173 Glaire. Ecrituro sainte 16 Encyclop6die eatholique "20 Glance behind the Grilles 88 Glanville, J. Election Cases 115 Glas's Canary Islands 470 Glaia Manufacture 732-734, 747 Olatt, Stained and Painted 708, 704 Glkio, G. R. Life ef Munro 888 LifeofClive 484 Life of Ha-tings 690 The Army at Washington tind New Orleans 838, 1267 Battle of Waterloo 888 Family History of England 837 History ef British India. . 946 1755 ■h 11^ t'r. i'^'tt;' : ! <1 OLE] INDEX. [COB til m Glkio, O. R. Sale's Brigiulc in Affghu- nistau 554 Veteinns of ChelBOft Hos- pital 836 Glenn Y, O. The Flower Garden 663 Gl.iDDOX, O. R. Ancient Egypt 3^ Qlobea. Tcirestnul ami Oeleatial. 293, 583, 1669 Glossai'iuni Infiino) Latiuitatis 783 Gloves, R. Poeiue 859 Gloveb, W. Law of Municipal Corpo- rations ..,.'. 143 Glynn, J. Coustruction of Cranes, etc. "747 On the Power of Water,.,, 757 Glyptique 312 Gmelin, L. Hand-boolt of Chemiatry., 595 Onomoiiique 731 Gob AT, S. Three years in Abyssinia... 31 GooAUu, P. Uistoire de la pommo de terre 661 GoDART, J. B. Inaectes, papillons, etc, , 041 GoDDE, Jules. Catalogue 903 GoDEKROY, Tk Uistoire du marc>cbal de Boucicaut 415 Histoire d'Artus III 415 GoDEFuoY, de Paris. Chronique m6tri- quc 415 GoDESCARD. Vie dea peres, etc 24 GoDFUAY, H. On the Lunar Theory... 583 Oodlkv, J. R. Letters from America. . 1371 GoDoi, Diego de. Relation 1171 GoDOLpniN, Mrs. Life, by Evelyn 489 Godson, R. Law of Patents and Copy ■ rights 148 Godwi.n, W. Lives of the Necromancers. 478 History of the Common- wealth 386 On Political Justice 224 On the Power of Increase of Mankind 255 GoDWYN. Taper-cbiiin Suspension Bridge 761 Goethe, W. J. Life, by Lewes 489 Sa vie, par Blaze 489 Works 895 CEuvreB(texteallemand) 895 Faust 895 Wilhebu Moister 896 Werther 896 Poesies *895 Piiicea dramatiques. .. . 892 GoEz's Travels in India 548 Gogol. Nouvellcs choisies 881 GoQUET. Origiue des lois 88 1751! GoLBERY. Histoire de Suisse et du Tyrol. 438 Gold, see Precious Metals. Ould discoveries 262, 296 626 Gold and the Qospol 215 Golden Dagon. The 665 GoLDONi, C. Autobiography 489 Drames 891 (JoLDSMiTU, 0. Doctrine and Pratice of Equity 139 Goldsmith, O. History of England. ,, . 338 Natural History 606 Life, by Forster 439 Life, by Irving 439 — — Poems 869 Works 830 Lea mtjpriaes d'une nuit. 891 GoMABA, Lopez de. Historia della Indie Occidentali ms QoNDREcouRT, A.dc. M6nioiros d'un vieux garden "sgl Le prix du aang. . . 'SSI — ^— Lea pretendants de Catherine »881 Le Baron La Ga- zette *881 Mademoiselle de Cardonne '881 Uuevraiefemme. . *88l Gonzales's England and Scotland 536 Gonzales, Em. Le vengeur dumari.,. ♦882 Les deux , favorites *882 Esaii le lepreux *882 Oood Friday Observance (P) 1124 GooDELL, W American Slave Code. . .. 179 Goodbiuh, C. a. History of the United States 1219 Goodrich, C. B. Science of Govern- ment 179 Goodrich, S. G. Recollections of a life time *489 Etats-Uuis d'Amdrique 1218 Goodsih's Arctic Voyage 531 Goodwin, F. Domestic Architecture. ,. 706 Goodwin, T. Latin Grammar 783 Latin Dictionary 783 GooKiN, D. Indians in New-England.. 1188 Gordon, J. F. History of New Jersey. 1247 Gordon, T. History of the Greek Revo- lution 460 Gore, M. Disturbances in Canada.. (P) 1484 Goboei, a. Life and Acts in Hungary. 443 GoROEs, Sir Ferd. Brief Narration 1240 aoB] INDEX. [OMA PAOI OoRiNO, 0. R. Micrographia "SSB Microscopic phenomena. '589 GoRRiE. L(iW8 of letting and hiring. .(P) 1441 GonroN, J. llioufraphical Dictionary... 472 OOETON, S. Life of, by J. M. Mackie.. 226 GossE, P. H. Aquarium 1C39 ABsyrin 316 Birds of Jamuica 639 British Ornithology 689 Canadian Naturalist 612 Zoology *634 Devonshire coast *639 . Omphalos *6n ■ History of tht ^vr* 20 GossKLiN. Systcimes mtStriqucs des An- cions 268 Geographio ancienne 611,547 GossELiN, M. Power of the Pope in the Middle Ages 216 Gotthold's Emblems *61 Goi'BEAU. Traite do I'arbitnige 21)8 Gouge, Wra. M. Fiscal history of Texas. 1266 GouoET et Mergbk. Dictiounaire du droit commercial 208 Gouon, J. B. Autobiography 241 Goci.D, J. Pleading iu Civil Actious. . . 132 GouLU.John. Birds of the Himalayas. . *639 Birds of Australia *639 Mammals of Australia. . . *639 Birds of Asia *639 Raiu^hastidK, or Toucans. *639 Odontophorinaj, or Partrid- ges of America •639 Troehiliros et bourgeoises *269 — — ^ Classes no- bles 'JSO —— Voyage Bux Antilles 1360 Grant Medical College, Bombay 678, 679 Grant, C. History of Mauritius 464 Grant, J. Law of Corporations 143 Law of Banking *l-t5 Grant, R. History of Physical Astrono- my 688 GRANVBLtE Papiers d'6tat 422 Granville, A. B. Spaa of England 670 Spas of Germany. . . . 670 Gbapel. On the Civil Law *92 Gras. Statistique mintiralogique 624 Granges 646 GRATins Falisous 821 Gratry. Do la connaissance de Dieu. . 46, 07 — — ^— De la coauaissance de I'ftme. . *46 ■ Logique 69 Grattan, Rt. Hon. H. Life and Times. . 4(i2 Speeches 121 1758 Grattan, W. Conoaught Rangers «408 Graves, R. Spiritual Quixote •828 Gravikr, le p(ire J. Relation ngj Gravitation gijg Graimre 718, rt89-698 Gray, Mrs. History of Etruria 820 P^mpiro and the Church ... "27 Gray, A. Planted Texauo Neo-Mexicante 614 Botany of the Northern and Western States •bso Gray, Hugh. Letters from Canada .... 1401 Gray, J. Nature and Use of Money ... , 267 Gray, J. F. Trait76 GREENWoon, G. Rain and Rivers *(\\1 (iREENWooD, J. Sailor's Sca-Book 687 G-iKENWOOD, T. Cnthedra Petri '81 GuEo, W. R. On Political and Social Science 233 Oreooirk. Perfectionnement des scien- ces politiques 223 Histoire dcs seotes religieu- Kes 27 Gregoiue, Gasp. Theorie des couieurs, 689, 716 Greqoire DE ToDRS M6moircs 413 Histoire eccl^sias- tique des Francs 417 GttEiioiEE DE Naziance, St. Extraits de ses a>uvrc8 25 GuKcoRy, St. Morals on the Book of Job 26 GsEiiORY. Sardaigne 440 Grehory VII. Life and Pontificate. ... 31 Grec.ouy, C. W. Public Opinion of the Titled 233 Gkeoory, O. Animal Magnetism 692 Mathematics 600 On the Christian Religion. 44 Oration [P] 933 Grei.lmann, H. M. O. On the Gipsies. . 306 GkAm ILLIKT. Theorie du calcul 267 NouvoUe thfiorie du calcul 602 Orencuia and the Grenadines. Laws of. . 172 Grenada, Insurrection in (?) 1094 Grknibb. Des donations 201 Hypothdques 208 Oonservation des hypotbiiques. 198 Grenville Papers 398 GREsnAH, Sir T. Life 490 GRS«srr. CEuvres 878 Gresbwbll, W. P. Annals of Parisian Typography 900 Oretna Green Marriagee "898 Gretry. U^-moires Bur la musique 721 Grey, Earl. Colonial Policy of Russell's Administi'ation 166 On Parliamentary Govern- ment "108 Grey, Sir G. Polynesian Mythology. . . 470 Dialects of 8. W. Australia 794 Journals of Discovery in AuBtrnlia 6U6 Grry, Lady June. Memoirs, by Nicolas. 490 Qrey-houmh. Tn-atise on (P) 929 Geibaldi Matlmt'i 91 Grievances in Canada 168 See also Canada. Griffin, W. N. Motion of a Rigid Body 601 On Optics 589 Griffith, J. Life and Labours *41 Griffith, J. W. and Hfnfbey. Micros- copic Dictionary 689 Gbiffith, T. W. History of Maryh»nd.. 1249 Griffiths, J. W. Marine Architecture. 710 Ship-Builder's Manual 710 GuiFFiTHs, T. Chemistry of the Seasons 007 GaiuNON, Aug. Recollections of Wis- consin 1387 GaiJALVi)., Juan de. His Expedition to Yucatan 1213 Voyage A Yucatan 1171 Gbimarest. Vie de Moli^re 496 Grimulot, p. Letters of William III and Louis XIV 890 D£mul Charle! . 867 eiitalea . . . 778 yptiena. . . 778 Ie3 aneiena . 58 . 58 s chrutiens . 42 ii religion .. 55 OiioyKS, Jod. de. Siirlcn ppiipl(>s hnrlmroii qui ont eiivahi ronipiic mnmin. . . !l!27 — Oommor(H) des Fran\'ai8 en Kj^ypto, ct en iSyricj 272 Conjmcroe dcfl Roinains. . . 272 . ' Coinmcrco doH Oliinois. . . . 272 . Siir les «nnalt!.s clnnoiBos, . 4(1B OuiONM, 0. L. J. dfi. DIotiimiiaii'o chinoig 770 QuKiNlAULT. Ilocnfiil des Idatoriena. . . . *413 OiiKit'KT. Dentin linoniro 147 OL'ii.iiitnT. Histoiro dos ville>< de France 483 Oi'iLi-AUME, Acliillo Rnilroutcs 212 GuiLLAUMB LB CoNgc^RANT. Sa tIo. .414, S72 OuitLAUMK dkTvr. Histoire dog oroisfldeH 832 GuiLLAUMK DK JuMiKdK. Histoire dCH NiirmiindR 414 GuiLLAUMK nic I'diTiKas. Viij de Ouil- laumo le Coiiqu^rant 414 GuiLLii, Dr. Instruction dcsjounes ovcu- gles 87 ^— ^~— Instruction dcs aveufjles. . 87 OuiLi.oN. Bibliotheque clioisiodes p6rcs de I'd'gliae ?6 Guii.i.oT LC'gislation militnire 681 Ouiltotim History of the 831, •429 OiiLiotii), J. J. V. Physique appliquee aux arts ot metiers 7!U Guiiiie. Histoire 4fi8 (NouTclle.) D<''Couvcrtes dnns la *568 OuiKAL'D, liaron Alexandre. (Euvrcs com- plotes 880 Guise, Lo due de. M6nioires 415 Gl'istisian. Court of Henry VIII 870 QuizoT. Histoire de la r(>publique d'An gleterre 386 SirR. Peel *230 Dictionnniro dcs synonymes. . . . "788 Etudes 9ur Ics beaux-arts *fi90 Etudes historiqucs sur Washing- ton 1221 Oouvernement reprc^entatif 101 Milmoires relatifs a I'histoire de France 413 Monk 886 R^vidution d'Angleterre .'>85 De la democratic en France 234 Cruillaurae-le-Conqueraut 372 ' Civilisation on Europe 286 Civilisation en Frnnco 230, 412 Essais sur I'liistoire de France . . 412 Do la peine de mort en matitire politi(juo 247 OnzoT. M«'"''ltttions oti' tildes morales. . . M. ens do gouvcrnmcnt ■ F'/i raits ptditlques Edouard Til L'ainonr dans le nuiriage Le graudo cliurto Mt''Conipte8 ct ('spi'rances CoiTiellle et sou temps Shakespeare ct son toinp.t History of Civilization History of the Cotnnionwrnlth. . History of the Engliah Ki'voliitioii On the Fine Arts Representative Oovornnieni. .... (luizoT, Mmo, Coiiseils clo morale ■ Lettres sur I'oducation. . . — — Cuntes pour la jeuncsso . . GttizoT, M. ct Mmo. Abulard et H^loise (I'lijdrat. History of OuMiLLA, lo P. J. Histfjiro do TOrtjiio- qtio OuNNiNo, Mrs. and her Family, fP.) 1148, Gitut, see Fire-aimK. Gunpowder 002, Ounjiowdcr Plot GunnoM, T. High Court of Parliament, QuttNKY, J. J. Memoirs, by Draithwaito. — — Visits to Prisons witli Mrs. Fry (P.) On the Society of Friends. OunowsKi, A. G. do. America and Eu- rope Guuwooi), Lt. Col. chea Wellington's Dispat- WoUinglon's General )f 71 123 886 872 880 102 300 870 868 286 886 886 600 101 71 76 880 888 A64 1206 1140 , 686 •382 102 400 034 41 1170 *331 •408 451 451 *758 •673 1 ' t ) II Orders Odstavus AnoLPnus. History Ol'8t\vus Vasa, History of Guthrie, A. On Sti^am-boiler Explosions OuTiiaiK, G. J. Surgery of the War . . . GuTuuiE, T. The City, its Sins and Sor- rows *-2Zii GuTTESinERO, par Lamartine 490 Gui/ane. Histoire 1201 Gijographie et Voyages ISSe GuYMONn i>E la Touche. Iphigi5nio en Tauride 870 GuvoN, Madame. Life, by Upham 490 GuvoN, I'Abbd. Los Araazones 1205 GiiYOT, G. A. Des fiefs 202 GuYOT, P. J. J. R6pertoire do jurispru- dence 196 1761 ■ I I' ovr] INliKX. [UAL ■ill kP I ' If h'hl Mi «l i rial OuYOT DC MiRviLLi. Le coiiienteui«Dt forod 812 OuYTON Die MoavKAC. Plttlj89 Hall, B. 7. Republican Party 1226 Hall, Capt. Basil. Travels in North America 1369 Voyages dans leg Etats-Unis 1369 Vie maritime 881 Forty Etchings from Skotehcs made iu North America. i;i69 Fragments of Voy- ages and Travels 624 Voyage au Chili, au P6rou, itc 1350 Hall, C. Effects of Civilization 236 Hall, Col. Francis. Columbia 1368 Travels in Canada and the United States 1363 Hall, J. Palajontology of New York . . (il3 — — Geological Map of Middle and Western States 621 Hall, James. Indians of North America 1187 Hall, J. Life of Thomas Posey 1226 Hall, Hon. Judge. Letters from the West 1379 Hall, J. 0. Natural History of Man . . 628 Hall, N. Laud of the Forum and Vati- can 32 Hall, R. Memoir, by Gregory 490 On Liberty (P.) 1087 U4L} INDBX. iMAM Ham., It. Wiirkti nn>l Ucnmini 40 Kali,, H. Uonoriil Atloa fil2 Mali., Mm. M. Quoeni of KiiKlniul .... 888 rrincoinos of KinjIar.J.. ,. •3!H) IIali., S. C. Scnnory, Ac, of Irulund, . . 6U8 Uall, Mrh. 8. 0. 8kut<'liei of Iriih Cha- racter 880 Hallam, H. Hiotory of Knglnnd 879 On tlio Liloriiluro of Europe, lot ■ Stat« of Europe in tlio M'uUIle AgB» 829 LitornryKsiiiyg and Cliaractort Do lY'ducntion 74 Hali.kur, O.C. H. Art of I'hotography 719 IlAi.i.k:r, Dr. Ou CoraotH nN:i Dos Juifs on France 42:) Hali.iuay, a. Hidtory of tliu House of Ouelph :i38 Hai.i.iday, Sir Andrew. The West ludies llilO IIalmkax, 8. Kdinnn Civil Law OU HALLiwEi.r,, J. 0. Dictixiiary of Arcbuio and Provincial Words 701 — Letters of the Kings of England 376 I'rices, between 1650 and 1760 263 Progress of Science in England 671 .. Life of Shakespeare . . 600 Halhtrd, C. a. Life of llichanl II F ,S76 Halsteb. Digest of the Lh a i Evich nco 13! IlAMiti,. Facteur d'orgu , 73tf Hamei.'h Shipwreck, ni'l A ccount of Korea 667 Hamel, F. (I. Laws, III iliv Customs. .. . 147 Uamel, Theopbil*. Poitraits 1656 Hamilton. Letr.«-r- on Coast of Ireland. 138 A>^v\»aut of the East Indies. . 663 Hamilton, Count Fairy Tales and Ro- mnMi-«8 837 Memoircs du chevalier deQrammont 946 Uajiiltov, Lady. Courts of George TIL and George IV 396 IIamiltox, Alex. Duel with Burr, &o. . . 1002 Uauimon, A. Sixteen months in Den- mark 613 IIamilto.s, G. E. Designs for Rural (churches 702 Hamilton, H. 0. Greek Grammar 782 Hamilton, II. R. Greek Lexicon 782 Hamilton, P. S. Union of tlie British North Amerioan Coloniea 1209 Hamilton, Robert. On tho National Debt 201 Hamilton, R. Ainpbiliious Carnivuru, tlic. Whales, Att 008 Ilriti»b Fished 009 Hamilt Roi Robert 415 Helms, A. Z. Voyage dans I'Amerique Mcridionale 1353, 1662 Helps, A. Claims of Labour 887 Companions of my Solitude. 837 Essays 837 Friends in Council 837 The Spanish Conquest in America 1177 Helvetius. De I'eduoation 74 CEuvres completes Hi Heltot. Histoire des ordrcs monastiques 83 Hemans, Mrs. Memorials, by Chorlcy., 491 Poems 869 HiMMiNO, E. J. Chemistry in Farming, . 666 HEN 2 INDEX. ZITEB HeNAULT, le Pf^st. Abr^g^a chronolo- giques 802 Abrfigc chronolo- gique de I'histoire de France 410 Hendkrson, J. History of Brazil 1200 Heney, Hughea. Constitution du Canada 160 Henfbey, a. On the Vegetation of Europe 646 HENGSTENBEao, E. W. On the Lord's Day 241 Hennepin, R. P. Louis. Voyage d'un pais plus grand que TKurope, etc 1366 New Discovery, 1366 et Labobde. Nou- vcau voyage 1366 — Description de la Louisiane 1884 IIennin. Manuel de numistnatique *S)2 Uenninqsen. Revelations of Russia. .. . ''^546 Eastern Europe *446 Henbi IV 424 Henri"n de Panskt. Qiuvres judiciaires 212 Du pouvoir muni- 212 24 Hen- u'on. Histoire do I'eglise. Histoiredes missions catholiquea 42 Histoire de la pa- piiut6 31 Codeeccl^siastiquo. 219 HKNimn-'EL DuroNT. Trfisor do numia- matique 312 Henriqukz. Code des seigneurs 202 HiiNEv VIIL Love Letters to Anua Boleyu 361, 358, (P) 939 Heniiv op Huntingdon'!- Clironicle 350 Hexky, A. Travels iu Canada, (fee 1867 Henry, G. Histoire de la laugue fran- yaise *787 Henry, J. B. Oours de de«sin 714 Uknuy, Paul. Life of Calvin. *87 Hex UY, Patrick. Life, by A. H. Everett. . 1226 Sketches of his Life, by Wm. Wirt 1228 He.vry, J.J. Campaign against Quebec 1279 Henry, II. History of Qreat Britain. . . 337 Henry, Walter. Military Life 491 Habits of the Salmon Family 1412 Henry, William. Experimental Chemistry 503 Henry?. CEuvres 200 Henwood, O. On Geology and Mining. . 625 Heptameron of Queen Margaret 868 Hequ et. Madame de Maintenon 426 Heraldigue, Art 606 Heraldry and Genealogy 606 Hebafath, J. Mathematical Physics. . . 579 Herbanqes. La Jaguerre 885 Prosper 886 Herbarium 292 Hesbe. Histoire des beaus arts 692 Herbelot, d'. BibliothSque orientale. . 452 Hebbeestein. Notes on Ru-sia 446 Herbert, A. Britannia after the Romans 883 Herbert, G. Works 47 Herbert, H. W. Frank Forester's Fish- ing of United States, Red River Territory, Ac. .♦1406 tliND, J. R. The Comets 533 Astronomical Vocabulary.. . .583 . Comet of 1856 "sss HiNDMARCii, W. M. Law of Pateut Pri- Tileges 148 Hindostan. See India. Hindu Architecture 700 Hindu Law 91, 172 Hindustani Languages 781 Hindustani Literature 798, 799, 889 HiNMAN, R. R. Historical Collection... 1239 niNTON, J. H. and other;.. History aud Topography of the Uuitcu States. . . 1219 HiouEN-Tn.sANG. Voyages dans I'lnde . 553 IlrprocRATE. lEuvrcs . . ; 665 liiRZEL. Astrcnoniie de I'amatcur 584 Histoire du congrtis de Vienna 882 Histoire des niigociations diplomntiques. 480 Histoire des trois d^membremouts dp la Pologne 444 Histoire ancienne 314 Histoire moderne 826 Histoire romaine 324-326 Histoire universelle 304 Histoire de I'Eglise 22, 28 nis"] INDEX. iHOL PAOB Hlstoire naturelle 606-61 6 Jliiioire de la littiratnre 194-804 Uisloire Ultiraire de la France 799 Histoire. Philosophie ile 1' 308 Hiitologv 607 Historiffi Augustas Soriptores 821 HUtory. Ancieut S14 Modern 326 Philosophy of 808 Universal 304, 369 Historical Magaziue, (Am«rican) 1182 Historical Register of European Transac- tions 307 Historicorura Gracorum Fragmeuta .... 812 HllCHOOCK, E. Outline of Geology of the Globe eSl ■ lU'ligion of Geology 617 Ou Surface Geology "CIS Geology of Massaohusettf. *C21 . Ou Man's Creation (P) 1428 HoADLY, C. J. Kccords of New Haven. *188 HoDART, Bisliop. Life of, by J. McVicar 1198 Ilobarton. Magnetical Observations at. 687 HoBBES, T. SInglish Works 61 Opera Philosophica (Latine). 62 History of England , . . 884 — Memoires sur *61 HoDuousE, J. 0. Journey through Alba- nia 645 EocoE. Sa vie 491 Hoelielaga DopictA, by N. Bosworth. . . . 1400 HoDiiBtt, Dr. Harbours on Lake Ontario. 1395 HocoK, Chs. Tlie Presbyterian Church. 1193 HoDGiNs, .1. G. History of B.itish Ame- rica 12C9 The School-House *87 HoDQiNS, T. Cumula Educational Direc- tory... 1416 HoDGSKiN, T. Po'iticivl Economy 252 Hodgson, Adiun. Letters from Nortli America. . 1369 HuuGsoN, H. J. Law as applied to Kut- iug of Hi.ilways 1 i4 HoixisoN, J. S. On the Inaian Array . . . *6S4 iioKFEa Afriqne Austrnle '4C8 Etiits Napolitaius 470 Ciialdoe, Assyrie, etc 315 Ruinos de Ninive 316 Dictiounaire d'agriculture 650 HoFKUAUKR. Mi'decine legale 680 Hoffman, C. F. Life of Jacob Leister. . 1226 Hoffman, D. Course of Legal Study. . , 89 Hoffman, E. T. W. (Euvres (eu alle- mand) 896 HoFFUAN, M. Law of Episcopal Church in United States 219 Hoffman, S. F. G. Lesicoa biblicgra- phicum 899 HoFLAND, T. C. Angler's Manual 726 Hofwyl. Etablissemtnts de M. Fellen- berg "S* HoGAN exploded (P) 1128 HoQAN, J. S. On Canada 773 Hog ARD. Arpentage 749 Hogarth, G. Memoirs of the Musical Drama 721 —— Memoirs of the Opera 721 — Musical History 721 HooG, J. On the Microscope 689 HoHE.vLOHB, Prince. Extraordinary cure (P) 940 HoLBERo, L. Autobiography 491 HoLBRooK, J. E. Worth American Her- petology 689 HoLcounK, J. P. Law of Debtor & Cre- ditor 36 HoLDEif , W. 0. History of Notal 469 Hole, G. On Mechanics' Institutions. . . 77 HoLUATE, J. B. American Genealogy. .. 1226 Holinsued's Chronicles 853 Holkham, its Agriculture, &c (P) 933 Holland, (fiollande) Hist 438 (P) 1141 Voyages 584, 644 Jurisprudence 90 Education 86 Sue Belgium, HoLLAiND, O. C. On Structural Appen- dages of the Animal Creation .... *634 Holland, H, Medical Notes and Reflec- tions 667 Holland, J. Manufacturers in Metal.. . 730 Holland, J. O. History of Western Mass'ichusctts 1237 Holland, H. Lord. Foreign Runiinisceu- ces 491 Memoirs of the Whig Party 229 Opinions and Protests. 230 Life of Lopo de Vega. 503 HoLLiE, T. Memoirs 387 HoLLisTKR, G. H. History of Connec- ticut 1 240 HoLLWAV,J. G. A Month ill Norway... 643 Holmes, Abiel. Annuls o'' America. .. . 1178 1769 ^i-^ ^- lit' . ;. S0L2 INDEX. UlOS 1>, 1; i ■? -J It; I m b Holmes, Abiel. French Protestants set- tled »t Oxford 1237 History and Description of Cambridge 1239 Holmes, J. History of the Cimrch of the United Brethren 42 Holmes, \V. R. Sketches on the Shores of the Caspian C56 HoLMKs, I'Abbo. G6ographie n'odorno. . 611 Holt, J. Memoirs 401 HoLTHousK, H. J. Law Dictionary 126 HoLTON, I. F. New Grenada 1358 HoLTZAPFFEL, C. On Tumiog, itc "746 Holy Alliance *281 (P) 936 Hoti/ Lund. Topograpliy, &c, of the .... 1 8, 19 Travels in the 527, 548—551 Holy Communion in both kinds (P) 1086 Hoti/ Eucharist. See Keble. Holy Sacrament and the Jew (P) 1156 Holy Scripturos 9-15 Sep, also, Bible. HoLYOAKE, G. J. Rudiments of Public Speaking, Ac 806 HoMDuoN I't Jacquinot. Zoologie 61 1 Botanique 611 Home and Coloniiil Librai-y 838 Home, Henry, Lord. Essays 128 Home, J. Works and Life 838 Douglas, (en fran§ais) 891 Homeopathic (Homeopathy) 669, 835, 918 Homeu, Text and various Translations of 813, 814 HOMEBE 814, 59 Homes of American Autliors 804 Homes and Haunts of British Poets 839 Homicide, Law of 184 Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church. . . 34 Homilies, by Ephraem Syrus 26 HoMMAiBE DE Hell. Voyngt; en Turquie *552 Steppes de la mcr Cuspienne *553 Homme. Histoire de 1' 628-630, 606-615 Voyez Ethnologic, et Anthropologic. Honduras. Travels in 1361 Hone, W. Apocryphal New Teataraent. 17 EvcryDuyBook.YerrBook.Ac. 838 Spirit of Despotism (P) 1087 Satiricil Pamphlets (P) 1156 French Revolution of 1830.(P) 1153 Jiotiey lire, 1 ho. 643 Hongrie. Histoire 443 Mineralogie 624 1770 Hooo, C. On Warming Buildings 7o7 Hood, E. p. Lifo of Swedenborg 602 Life of Wordsworth 605 Hood, J. Australia and the East 666 Hood, T. Poems 869,860 Hoon, W. 0. Provision for Criminal Lu- natics 149 Hook, T. The French Stage and People. 802 Life, by Barham 491 Life of Baird 48I Hook, W. F. Church Dictionary 28 History of the Church in America ngg HooKEH, J. D. Rhododendrons of Hima- laya. . 648 565 019 Himalayan .Journals. Vegetation (Fossil) . , Of Stigrcaria and Lepi- dostrobi (519 and Thomson, (T.) Flora Indioa 649 Hooker, R. Ecclesiastical Polity 216 HooKEK, W. J. Botany of the Niger Expedition 647 Flora Boreali Ameri- cana 660 Tour in Iceland 543 Hoofer, R. iledical Dictionary 608 Hope, T. Costume of the Ancients 311 Anastatius b39 Hopitaux 244, 245, 259 Hopkins, E. Connexion of Geology with Magnetism 620 Hopkins, Thomas. Atmospheric Changes 587 Hopkins, T. Economical Enquiries (P). 1129 HoUACE (HORATIUS) 821 HoaoYNSKi, J. I'olirfh Revolution 446 UoBE. Voyase to Newfoundland and Cape Breton 1169 Hoke, M. P. Sketches 1426 Horlogerie 731 HoRNE, R. H. New Spirit of the Ago. . 839 HottNE, T. H. Introduction to Holy Scriptures 17 Study of Bibliogrnphy. 898 HoKNEK, F. Memoirs, by his Brother.. . 491 HouNEB, W. The Nativity of l!o:iapiirte 431 Hon NOT, Ant. Anecdotes americaines. . 1178 Horses and Horsemanship. . 868, 659, 724, 725 (P) 1135 Horse-racing, (tc. Law of 134 Ilorse-2\iming 1440 PAOI ■9 707 g 602 h 605 i 666 860,860 linnl Lu- 149 1 People. 802 491 481 r 28 'burch in 1198 of Ilima- 648 'Dnis.... 665 sail).... 619 nd Lepi- 619 T.) Flora 649 ity 216 he Niger 647 !i Amcri- 660 Qd 648 y 668 euts 311 .... ii39 44, 245, 259 logy with .... 620 Changes 587 ines(I'). 1129 .... 821 ]n 445 and and .... 1169 .... 1426 .... 781 leAgo.. 839 to iloly .... 17 griiphy. 898 other... 491 onaparte 431 caines.. 1178 059,724, 725 (P) 1135 134 1440 BOIfi INDBX. [now UoRSLEY, Bp. On Piactical Mathe- matics 600 Speeches. 120 Horticulture 663, 650-606 Horticultural Society's Journal 000 Tranaactiona . . . . 660 HoRTON, Sir P. W. Correspondence on Cauada 1432 Ireland and Canada. 1432 HoETOP, Job. His Travels in the Bay of Mexico 1372 HoBKiNO, W. Guide to Healthy Homes. 707 IIosKiNs, G. A, Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desert 663 UosKiNS, S. E. Charles II. in the Chan- nel Islands 888 HosKY.Ns, C. \V, Talpa or a Clay Farm. 651 On the History of Agri- culture 650 Hospices •269 Voir Hdpi.aux. Hospitals 244, 245, 259 //(;( Jouriinl of (U'J Indian Archipelagit, Uistuiy, & Travoli In the 601) Indlnn Pontil Codo HU Indiiiii Miiitd, Opcnitioim of 67U Iiidlnn MtMlieiiin (vnrluua paperH on) .... 07U Indium uf North America, tticir Lun- gunge, 40..62U, lUl, 118H, 1870, ItOB, Hll, 10fi2 Origin, Hit- tory, Ac, of, IIHI-IIUO, 1200, 12l/i,12«», 124(>, 12tl, 124!i, 1211, 1240, 1287, 12U6, 1338, 1 101, MOJ, MOO, 1110, 1411, 1420, 1002 _____ MisHionH B- mongstlhe ..,.' IIUO, 11U8 Lawn nilft- tiug to 180 — — Treiitie»be- twoon Unilod Stalosnnd. , 180 Mian IVibfi of Canm/a. .1200, 1272, 1312, 1318, 1321, 133:t, 1370, 1890, 1438, 1440 Mian irarj. History of 1203, 12«5 Trhctice of Modicino "OVl lloinains in Canada West •014 Indiiiiia State Lawo 188 Mia liuhber Manu/acturea '738 Mifnt. Voir Sauvugen. Mien, Kant. Present State of, liy War- ren HastinRs (P) 1116 Indict, Eaul Jc West. Compared ( i") 1096 Indicia. Ont'ulturcof 278 Miatrial Arts 720-741, V70 Induitrial Associations 296 Industrial Instruction and Industrial Life, 727, 728, 731, 770 Industrial Progress, Journal of OKi Industrie agricole el manufitcturibre, 257, 288 Indnstriels. Arts 720, 741, 77() Industry of Nations 251 Infant Institntoa. (Nursery Poetry) ..(P) llu2 Infants. Law coucerniug 1 39 Mortality of 290 Infant liaptism 918 See also Baptists, Infanticide in India 462 Infantry Tactics 683, 685 Infidelity. Its History and Refutation 44, • 40 Information. Proceedings liy (P) 1422 iNOAr.r, Lifliit. St. Maurice and HugDo- nay H<'i(lnnit Mil Ingtnieur, Voir CJinie (,'ivil. Inukuhoi.l, Ciis. J, HlvotulidftliuSoconJ War, liutwotin tho United Btutei and Kngland 1207 iNdKBHoi.L, K. Writ of IIutieaH Corpus. . 185 Inulih, II. I). Cliannol Inlands 880 — Journey tin'ongh Ireland. 638 — Tour tlirough Norway, tico. 643 Ingoldsliy Li'gi'ods •328 iNditAM, J. Meinnriats of Oxford *77 Inobicn. (Euvres •716 iNaiii.i-ii'H Chruniclo S51 Injii iictio7is 135 Ini/utsitioti 32, 300 Insanity. Its Nature and Trpatnicnt.72, 244, 679, (P) 934 Law concerning 160 Innnenpi'of Atniosidicrc on. .(P) 933 Insane Criminals My, 246, 218 Law of MO, 180 Insect Life. Kpisodcs of 041 Insects. See Entomology. Insolvency. Law of 137, *140, (P) 1086 Hcu also Binkrujitcy. Instinct 573 hiBtitut lo);y of tlio Utiito of Mnlii« 022 Jaoknon, J. On WimmI RngraTiiig 710 Jaokmum, J. R. MiiuMiiU mill ttiolr llies (i'H . Triivellur'it Ui'rnenitirunoer 610 Jaokson, J. M. Viuw of Ujipcr Cuniuln. 12H1 Jaoud, Ull)lii>|)liil«, (I'tul Liioroix). La folio d'OrMaoi •882 Vortu et temp^rk- ment *88a QuHMcl j'6t«lijeune. •882 — . Uignorol »SH2 La ninrqulHrt de Cha- tillurd "882 — — Uno nuit dans les boi* *882 Les deux foui "882 Mt'dianoi'bcH •8S2 Lea Fraiics-Tiiupins '882 Do prtis et de loin. . *882 ——^— Il6cit8 liIstori(|ucH, , '882 — Le marchand du liA- Tre •882 Le couvcDt de Baia- no *n82 Simples rdcit ♦882 S(>ir6e8 de Walter Scott A Paris 'SSe Un divorce •882 Jacoii, J. AuQula of the Britiali Kormnn Isles 406 Jacob, N. H. Voir Dourorrv. tlAcon, W. Britiali Agricultiiro (P.) 1078 ■ On tlio Precious Metals 262 View of Germany, &c 644 Jacob, M, de. Science dos finimoes *'.'C3 Jacobi. Cidcul mental "698 Jacotin. Carte d'Egypte 468 Jacotot. Manuel do I'onseignement. .. . •75 JACQ•.'ELI^f. Biogrnphiu 473 Jacquemoht. Voyage dans I'lude 68 Corrcspondance 653 Jac(]uerie, La, ou les insurrections des pnysans 424 Jacqi'es ct Ukrinoq. Manuel dos plantes 647 Jacuuks, A. Mnnuel de pliili)8ophie. . . . •58 Jacques, J, Junius and his works 226 Jacques Ccedr 424 Jacquet. Trait6 des justices des seigneurs 202 Jaoo. Foema 860 jAiiANauEiR. Mfmoirs of 464 Jaon, J. Biblical Antii{uitio« 18 JaiU, See I'ritoni, Jaimr. Muin Wine Duties 279 Jameson, hliL, Characteristics of Women 840 . Coiiinion Place B(H)k .... 840 711 711 712 Sacred and Legendary art — — Legends of Monastic Orik Legends of the Madonna. Memoirs of Early Italian Painters 712 Communion of Labour. . . 244 Sisters of Charity 244 Social Life in Germany. . 544 _ Visits and Sketches ..... 840 Public Galleries of Art . . 627 Jambso.s, R. Chanu'ters of Minerals. . . . 624 1777 'llvl JAM] INDEX. ZJEy l«'fl if V Hi m J 7ri- Jamikson, a. Mechanics of FliiUh 766 Meclianics for Practical uiea 740 Jamikson, J. Ancient Culdees of loua. . 39 Scottish Dictionary 790 Janciony. Japon, Indo-Chiue, Siam, Ccylcin 467 Lc3 Indc's bollandai^es 439 Jancigny et Raymond. Histoire ct dcs- criptiou do I'lude 458 Janix, Jules La Bretngne 483 ■ — La Normandie 433 ————— Les galeries de Versailles. . 697 Les Fraufais peints par eux- memes 435 Litt^rature dramatique . . . 801 — — Gaifttfis ohampetrcs *879 Janson, C. W. Tlie Stranger in America 1379 Janaenimne 47 Jansenisls 3 2 Janssens. Hermcneutica sacra 16 Janvieb. Manuel du capitaiue, etc 686 Maeliines il vapcur appliqu(5es a. I'industrie 751 Japan. History of 406 Travels in 527, 567, 558 United States Expedition to.,.. 558 Japon, Histoire 407 Christianismo au 42 Voyages *558 Jaque, C. de. Voyage aux ludes 1349 Jardinage 602-685 Jaudine, D. Gunpowder Plot *382 Jaudine, Sir W. Naturalist's Library . . 608 And others. Magazine of Nutm-al History 610 Jarman, H. New Practice of Chancery . 137 On Wills 142 Jars. Voyages rattidlurgiques 700 Jarves, J.J. Art Pints 089 History of the Sandwich Isles 470 Jauvis, S. F. Chronological Introduction History of the Church 22 Religion of the Indian Tribes 1187 Jasmin. I'ofisies 878 Jaubert. Voyage en Arm6nie 562 Java. History of 406 Rambles in 558 Jay, Jihn. Life of, by Van Santvoord . . 12i'3 Jay, J. L. Conseils de famillo 206 Justices de pais "212 1778 Jat, Rev. W. Autobiogrr»j)hy *i^1 Jeanne d'Arp . . . .414, 415, 417, 419, 424, 493 Jkannin. Lo Pr^aideiit. Negociations. 416 Jeans, H. W. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy 687 Jedb, Bishop. Correspondence w'th A, Knox 492 ■ Life, by Foster 492 Jebb, llnjorj. Construction, etc., of Pri- sons 246 Jebb, J. N. On Outposts 684 Jebb, R. Criminal and Presentment Cases Reserved 151 Jefferson, T. Writings of 1222 Manual of Parliamentary Practice 112 Life of Capt. Lewis 1390 Notes on the State of Virginia 1249 • Life, by Tucker 1222 Melanges liistoriques, etc. 1223 Jeffeuys. Conduite des Fr.ingais 170 American Atlas 1342 French Dominions in Nortli America 1177 Jeffrey, Lord. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review 840 Life, by Lord Cockburn 492 Jeffreys, Judge. Life, by Woolrych.. . *492 Jehan, L. F. Dictionnaire d'Asironomie, Physique, etc *19 Zoologie *19 Chimie et Minu- ralogie *I9 Botanique +19 — — — • Anthropologie. ,. *19 Apoljgetique. ... *19 Origines du Chris- tianismo ""SO Sciences physi- ques, etc *20 Cosmogonio . et Pal6ontologie '19 Jknkin' , J. Protestant's Appeal to the Douay Bible 61 Jenkins, John S. Jackson and the Gen- erals of the War of 1812 1287 W^ar between the United States and Mexico 1268 Jenki:;son, C. Conduct of Great Britiiiu to i'fcutral States 100 Je.ikinsom's Travels iu Bucharia 664 JEN ill JElfl INDEX. iJOB PAni •492 119,424,493 lit ions. 416 autical 687 nth A. 492 492 , of Pri- 246 68t it Cases , 151 1222 neiitary 112 .vis 1390 Itiite of 1249 1222 [lies, «tc. 1223 170 1342 1 North 1177 to the 840 ockburu 492 rych... *492 onomie, ... "19 ... *19 ; Mine- ... *19 ... *19 ogie... *19 }iie.... "19 u Chris- ... "20 physi- ... '20 . ct ... 'IS 1 to the ... Bl le Gea- ... 1267 n tlie ... 12C8 Bi'it:iiu ... 100 ... 664 h^v.' Jennee, E. Life, by BaroD 492 .Iennings, R. Political Economy 253 . Social Delusions 236 Jennings, S. Evidence de la religion chr6tienne 45 Jenyns. Poems 860 Jeremie. Relation de la Baie d'Hudson. 1387 Jerome, Saint. Extraits de sea CEuvres 25 Jerrold, D. Illuminated Magazine 917 Jerrold, W. B. Imperial Paris 434 Jersp^, He de. Constitutions et Usages. . •151 See Channel Islands. Jerusalem, City of 19, 20 Temple at 455 (P) 1105 Jervis, H. J. W. History of Corfu. ... 451 Jervis, J. On Coroners *138 Jesse, Capt. Russia and the War 448 Jesse, E. Gleanings in Natural History. 609 Jesse, J. H. The Court, from 1688 to George II 389 The Court, under the House ofStuart 389 Selwyu and his contempo JoBsoN. Voyages en Afrique 659 Jocelin of Brakeland. Chronicles of . . . . 876 Jockey Club. A Sketch (P.) 1124 JoouEs, Isaac. Papers, arranged by Shea 1244 Description of New Neth- erlands 1241 JoHNKS, A. J. Unity of the Human Race 777 Church in Wales ... (P) 1088 JoBNS, B, Or. Lands of Silence and Dark- ness "S? Johns, Major, and Nicolas, Lieut. Cal- endar of Victory 408 JouNsoN, C. W. On Fertilizers 661 Agricultural Improve- ments *654 Life of Coke 484 raries 500 Jesuit Estates in Canada , . . . .(P.) 1443 Jesxut Missions in America. .1190-1196, 1204, 1430, 1660 Jesuits. History of the.. 31, 82, 838, (P.) 926 Travels of. 523 Jiauitcs. Relationsdes. 1660,1601, 1190, 1192 Le Pauiguay sous les 1204 Histoire des 31, 32 Jesus Christ. Life of 22 Jeu.i: 723 Jewels and Jewellery 674, 626, 731 Jews. Histoiy of 19-21, 423 Numberof 290 Restoration of 21, 239 See Htbrcxo Language, &c. ; Ten Tribes. Jew (itiil the Miraculous Host (P) 1 155 Jewish Disabilities 918, 1324 (P) 1111 Jewish Literature "20, 888 Joan ok Arc. Life, by Lord Mahon .... 424 See Jeanne d'Arc. Joanne, Ad, Bade ut la Forol noire . . . 534 Spa et ses environs 535 . Itineraire de la Grande Bretagne 634 Itineraire de la Suisse 635 Itiiit'raire de I'AUemagne 635 JoANNis. Campaguc du Luxor 560 Joii 19 Jodert. , Systemo nerveux 668 Farmer's and Planter's H^noyclopaidia 664 ■T iNsoN, E. 0. Tangible Typography. . 738 Johnson, F. Persian and Arabic Dic- tionary 779 Johnson, G. \V. Cottage Gardener's Dic- tionary 663 Dictionary of Gardening 663 ■ Life of Selden 500 Johnson, J. Printer's Instructor 782 JoHNsoit, Dr. S. English Dictionary . . . 792 Plan of his Dictionary(P) 1134 Life, by Boswell 492 Works 840 Debates in Parliament. 119 Johnson, Sir W. Papers 1241 Treaties with the In- dians 1420 JouNSON, W. The Practical Draughts- man's Book 708 Johnston, A. K. Atlas of Astronomy. . . . 533 Dictionary of Geography 511 National Atlas 512 Physical Atlas 579 Johnston, J. F. Relation of Science to Agriculture 665 Scientific Agriculture . . 655 Chimie ugricole, et geo- logic 665 Chemi-try of Common Life "sga Notes on North America 1371 Johnston, W. England in the nineteenth century .... 536 Johnstone, J. Supplement to Jamieson's Dictionary 791 YY J779 M jon INDEX. iJorj C r l>ii Its s"^ PAOI JoioNEAUX. Cbimie du oultivateur .... *656 Joint Stock Companies. Law of 143, 144 See also Partnership. Joint Stock Companies, Pamphlets on, (P) 944, 1128 JoiNviLLR, Lord J. Memoirs 361 JoiNViLLE, Sire de. R6gne de St. Louis. 414 JoiNvitLE, le Prince de, Etat de la Marine 423 JoKAi. Hungarian Sketches 898 JoLiAT. Assurances terrestres *209 JoLiKT, Le Sieur. Voyage et dficouverte 1252 JoLiVET. Syst^me Electoral *231 JoLLOis. ThtJbes 317 Antiquit^s de Denderah . . .. 311 Bas-reliefs aatronomiques des Egyptieus 317 — Antiquit^s gallo-roraaines . . . . 409 JoLY, Claude. Mfimoires 416 JoLY, Guy. Momoires .., 416 JoLY DE St. Valiek. Operations mili- taires 1662 JoMARD. Ville et citadelle du Kaire . .317, 468 Geographie de I'Egypte 317 Deacription des antiquitea de I'Heptanoraide 317 — Population de TEgypte, ancienue et moderne — Syst6uie m6trique des ancieus Egyptieus — Sy line et eatarao.tes — L'lle d'Elephantiue — Thebes Description de Memphis et des Pyramide; JoMARii, E. Coiuraent on revieut de la Califoruio De Paris il Sacramento . . . JoMiN'i, Art de la guerre ■ Prisieipales eombinaisons de la guerre Gui'itH de la revolution GraruloB operations militiiires. . . Jones, A. United Slates Revenue Book. Jones, Alexander. History of the Electric Telegraph JoxES, Alfred. Proper Nam^s in the Old Testament _. Jones, David. Value of Annuities and Reversions Jones, Geo. History of Ancient America JoNKS, H. B. On Animal Electricity. . . 17S0 Jones, J. Of North American Vertebrata Jones, J. T. Wellington's Sieges in Spain JoNKS, J. W. Voyages of Hakhiyt Jones, Owen. Designs for Pavements . . Grammar of Ornament. Jones, Robei-t. History of the French Bar Jones, R. Pamphlets on Words and Lan- guage (P) Jones, T. R. Natural History of Animals Organisation of Animal Kingdom Of Entomostraca Jones, W. Doctrine of the Trinity On the Church (P) Jones, Wm How to make Home happy . Jones, Sir W. Complete Works Indian Poems and Drama Speeches by (P) Memoirs, by Lord Teign- mouth 317 317 317 817 317 317 1389 1389 681 681 *681 •681 *280 73'-j 16 266 1181 031 On Riots 134 (P) Law of Bailments , Poems Persian Grammar Jones's Indian Tales JoNsoN, Ben. Poems Chacun dans son caractere JoPLiN, T. On Banking (P) Jordan. Miv, Life, by Boaden JounAN, i'Vench Revolution (?) Jordan, G. iv'. Slave Registry .... (P) Coinage of Barbados. .(P) JORNANDES JoRTiN. Life of Krasmus Joseph, le Roi (Bonaparte.) Memoires. . Joseph II. Emperor of Germany. Let- ters by (P) JcsEPn, Rabbi. Chi-ouicles of t)'os?:pii, Flavius. ffiuvres Jo.iKPHUs, Flavius. Opera, Graice et Latinc Works translated JossEAii. Credit foncier ... Jos.-^ELVN, J. Voyagei to New England JOTTRAND. D'Aiivers 4 Genes JoUANNiN et Van Gaver. Histoire de Turquie JoL'iiERT, J. Pensfiea Joi'BERT, P. Ch. Tabac . JoLULKAC. Etudes sur Colbert JouKFEOV, le Marquis de. Erreurs sociales 615 682 1170 706 *703 196 1075 634 634 627 50 1102 735 841 889 1189 492 1139 146 860 779 840 860 891 1129 492 1092 1096 1096 821 487 430 937 455 20 20 20 258 1832 •635 449 *72 737 257 »19 JOU} INDEX. [JUN JovFrnoY. lo Marquin de. InventioDB et cIccouverteB *19 JouFFROY, II. Cunstitutiori de I'Angle- terre 108 JouFKROY, T. (Eiivres de Roid 64 Psychologic et physiologio 78 — — Rapport 8ur les ocoles uor- malea priinaires 84 — Oours d'esthutique '66 Cours de droit naturel. .. . *94 JouHANNEAUD, P. Anecdotes chrctiences "19 Indulgences', confreries, 4c *19 JouRDAiN. TraitO des Chnssi-^" *724 JouRDAx, A. J. L. Phariniicopue univer selle '674 Dictionnuire des sci- ences uaturellcs BOG JouRDAN, Q. A. Sbv les journ6es de Sep- tembre 428 JouRDAN, Louis. Ce qu'il y a dans une tabatiire *881 JOURDA.V DE CbUSY ct ISAMBERT. RcCUeil des oucicnDes lois frau;aiecB 197 | Juif Errant. Joy, Bainn. On the Evidences of Ac- complices 1 33 Ontlie Admissibility of Con- fessions 133 Joyce, J. Introduction to the Arts and SoicDoes 571 — Scientific Dialogues 672 JoYCr, J. W, England's Sacred Synods R8 JcARBOs, Don Domingo. History of Qua- teraala 1212 JuBiNAL. Lettre sur Montaigne 71 Danse des morts *714 JocHEREAU DB St. Demyb. Histoiro de I'Empire Ottoman •449 Revolutions JouRDiER, Auguste. Materiel agricole . . 667 JouRGNiAC et autres. Memoires sur les journees de sept. 1792 49.S Journal of Design, &c 729 Journal of Industrial Progress 916 Journal of Social progress 239 Journal of Education, Upper Canada. ... 87 Journal du Palais *190, 203 Journal asiatique 92 1 Journal dca economistes 255 Journal de lY'cole polytechuique 745 Journal du magnctisine 591 Journal de mathomaiiques 921 Journal de rinstructiou publique 1417 Journal de tiu6bi'u . 1414 Jouruau.K du consnil U':gialatif et de I'as- scmbloe legislative, du Hunt et du lias-Canada, et du Canada Uni.lCiO, 101 JoLssE. Nouveau commoutaire 202 Reeueil dea ordoniiauces 198 Do I'administration do la justice 202 Oouvernenient dt'H paroisses. . . 220 Conunentairo sur r«5dit de 1696 22ii JouvK, Eug6ue. Guerre d'Orient 450 JoLVE, E. G. Estht'tique chr(P) 944 1781 'I I "t, \h f JUKj INDEX. iKEl t> 1 \i '^ Juri. Institution du "185 Juridical Society's I'apera 1 27 Juriiprndence 88 Vide Droit. Jttrisprndcnce medicate 680 Jury. Triftlby 136, (P) 1086,1107, 1108 Agreemeut of 127,919,926 JussiKU, A (Jo. Botanique 645 JussiEU, L. (le. Genera plantarura 646 JusTAMOND. Louis XV 426 Juste;.. Recueil de voyages 521 Justices of the Peace, in England 134 in Scotland 150 in Canada 166 in New Yorit State 191 in United States . . *184 in France 212 Jurisdiction, ifec, of (P) 946, 1115 Justin 821 JcsTi.v, Saint. Extraits de sea oeuvres. . 26 JusTiKiANus. Kerum Venctarura *437 JusTiNiEN. Institutes 92 Pandeotes 92 Jdvesal ...821, 822 Juvenile delinquents 246 KAE-MPFER, E. History of Japan Kae.mptz. M6t6orologie , Kaffirs and Kaflir-lanil 469, Kaleidoscope Kalm, Peter. Travels into Nortli Ameri- ca Kairaucli Mungalian, Vocabulary Kalpa Sutra, Ac Eauks, Lord. Life, by Tytler Kamruf. Sea aventures Kamtschatka, Travels in • Account of. Kane, R. K. Grinnell Expeditions. . .631 On an open Polar Sea Kansas Territory, Account of ■ Laws Kant. Critique du jugeraent Critique de la raison pure La religion dans les limites de la raison Philosophie critique Logique Lcyons de ra6taphyeique Doctrine de la vertu .— -— Examen de sa doctrine 466 58(> 664 578 1366 785 54 493 889 1407 633 , 632 *610 1887 189 66 66 65 69 70 711 rAoi Kant. Traitu de pedagogic 75 Critique o' Pure ReasoD 66 Sen histoire par Saintes 65 Karamsin, N. Histoire de la Russie. ... 445 ■ Tales from the Russian. . 898 Kakii, Alplionse. Clotilde ♦ggz Rose et Jean Duche- inin •882 Uu bom me et une femme •882 La famille Alain *882 Feu bressier •882 Une histoire invrai- semblable »882 Jobismo *882 * Vendredi soir *882 Einerley •882 Pour ne pas otre treize *882 Unu vcilto par se- maine »8s2 Kabsten. Des combustibles niiniiraux. . 626 Manuel de motallurgie 766 Kavanaoh, J. Women of Christianity . . 478 Kavanahu, .\i. Science of Languages. . 776 Kay, J. Social condition, and Education ill England and Europe 77 Kaye, J. W. Life of Sir J. Malcolm 459 Life of H. St. George Tucker 450 Life and Correspondence of Lord Metcalfe 160 Administration of the East India Company 459 History of the War in Afghanistan 460 Keating, W, R. Long's Expedition 1391 Keats, J. Life and Remuins, by Milnes . 493 Poems 860 Keule, J. On Marriage and Divorce.. . . "240 On Eucliaristic Adoration *50 Keefeu, T. C. Philosophy of Railroads(P) 270 Montreal and Ottawa. (P) 1431 Map of Canada 1418 Keei.e, W. C. Ml gistrate's Manual lt)6 Index to the Statutes. . . 169 Keeling, W. Liturgiao Britannica; 29 Keiohtlet, T. Fairy Mythology 309 Mythology of Greece and Italy 309 — - History of Rome 324 Life of Milton 495 Kbith, Sir. R. M. Memoirs by Smyth.. . . 493 1782 A'iYJ INDEX. IKiy Kkitii, Sir Wm. History of Virginia.. . 124't KKi.i.*k. mm M- ini: if 1 1 mm Kryi INDEX. [KOS KiNciSLKY, J. L. Life of Eira Stilea. . . 1226 Kingston Chronicle and Oazeh'. (the)... 1414 KiNGST.K, W. H. G. Liiaitiwian Sketches 640 W ■torn Wanderings 1408 KiNNKAB. Law of Bai'miptcy in Sco' lund "ISO KiNSKV, W. M Portugal lilnstrated 4 M Kir, W. J. Ci'.tacoinbs (>; Rome 24 Christmas Ho' itiays in Rome '.'.. Early Jesuit Kwsions IIvjO Kii'PiNG. On Masting Ships 7 Id Kiunv, W. On Animals. SIT and Spkncs. T'ntroductlon to Riitomology 641 Kirk of Br.Aland (P) 1097 3ee also, Stcfland, Vhnrch of. Efi'V., ■(. Koman i'litholic Principles. (P) 9812 Ki. V !■ (. V; uif * . r.iems 860 Km.iL.iNi), Ml, •T'.limpsosoi Vv'estem Life 841 KiRi.LAM). Sivunc' Lii'o of, by S. K. Lit: )'j 1226 KiRRWO'ii. / , (Jultivrtion of Flax 662 Kiuw.sN, R. Elements of Mineralogy. . . 623 Ut'ologiciil Kssays 616 KiTTo, J. Fictoi'isl Hible 10 CycIopjBdia of Biblloal Litera- ture 18 Physical Geography of the Holy Land 551 Scripture L;indii 18 Lost Senses 843 Life, hy E idie . . . . , *49;! Klapka, Geii. War of Iiidupeiidence in Hungiiry 44,S War in the F.aBt 448 Ki-ArH(.Tn. Asia Polyglotta 462 Tubleaux liistoriques de I'A- sle. *452 Supplement au Dietionnairo Cliinois-li.tln du P. Olemona 779 Vocabulaiie Georgion 780 Fossils of Cornwall (P) 1105 Klee. Le Deluge 621 Klopstock. G2uvre« en allcniand 8'J6 La Messiade 896 Knapp, Prof. ii: j'on- .... Oid lingland 01(1 '^tgland's Worthies... Once -ipon a Time 841 Pictorial Gallery of Arts . . 690 Kniqut'r Shilling Mbrary [i'\ Geop'.iphy of theBrtit'!: Em,iire t)6 Kniui.'i, U. 0. Life of JamcK MtiVo- raery '^igg Kmo'!!-, Pi, G. Ecolesiastic.l Vrehitoe- ture of Italy 702 Knighta Tcmjiiarg si^ 329 Sae also Templr Church. Knighton, \V. P)-ivute Life of an East- ern King 461 Knigmton, i'\r W. Memoirs '493 Knilt'tiig. Remarks on (P) 1082 Knollks. ]{. History of Turkey 449 Knowles, T. English Pronouncing Dic- tionary 793 Knowi.ks, John. Of Naval Architecture 709, .T. S. Dramatic Works 860 Know Nothings. See Native Americanism. Knox, a. Correspondence with Bp. Jebb 492 Knox, J. Camjinigns in North America for 1757, '6M, '59 and 60 1260 K.wox, R. Races of Men 628 Knox, ^^ On a Sermon at Rrighton .(P) 1105 Knci'-Bonde. Coi-mierce de la Suede . . 283 KuBEi.L, F. V. Sketche.s from the Miuernl Kingdom 624 Kocn. Tablen genealogiques dee niai- sons royalcs *82(), 'SOti Tableaux des revolutions ('e I'Europt *831 Kocii et ScitoKi.L. Traiti's de paix 96 KoKPPEN. The World in the Middle Ages *326 Koni., J. G. Austrian Empire 644 Koiii.HAUsoii, F. History of Germany, , 441 Koran (le) de >' .hninet, en fraM(;i.i.i 56, The. KoKFP. A' A- ''Ohl: Koiif-^ • r-.f-A )ammed 56 ' .if Niehola.* I *446 ;. de I'Empereur Ni- '446 Select Sjioeches 231 in the United States 1381 KOT'i INDEX. [_LAC .... 1298 .... 403 Bei-t, 841 9 "';') inti ,-8 !,'T \i-. .... 'ub B8. . . . 4/6 841 vts . . 690 :-'\ '.irj,.ire 6)6 ..... "496 elutcu- 702 81,829 i Eaat- 461 '498 , ...(P) 1082 449 ig Die- 793 lecture 709 860 icnnisiii Jebb 492 merica ... 1260 ... 628 (P) 1106 .. 283 luei'al .... 624 niai- •326, '506 n9 <'e .. *331 .. 96 Ages *326 .. 544 lany , . 441 .. 56 .. 56 . . *446 r Ni- .. '446 .. 231 .. 1881 KoTZKDUE, A. Von. Pieces dratnatiques 802 . Life and Plays 894 ^— Autobiography .... 493 KoTZKBUE, Olto. Voyage round the World 626 Krafft. Trait6 des ^chafaudageB 788 Krabinbki, V. On the Religious History of the Slavonic Nations 88 PanslavifDi and German- ism . . 444 . Reformation in Poland. . 38 Krilofk. Fables rusRes *898 KRnDNEii, Mmo. de. Val6tie *876 KausENiiTKRN. Voyogo autour du raonde 626 KtiBALSKi. Tableau de I'Europe *832 KuBECK, Von Kubau. Lord's Prayer in 800 Languages 16 KuoLEB, F. German and other Schools of Art 712 Italian Schools of Art 712 KuiiN. Vie de Ji'sus Christ 22 Kultur". Voir Gallf.t. Kunibara Sambhaya Kalidasoi, &c 58 KuKTZ. The Bible and Astronomy 583 Kyan, J. 11. On the Elements of light. 689 LABANOFF, Le Prince Alex. Mtooires de Marie Stuart La Baure. M6moire8 pour servir a I'his- toire de la religion do la Griice. . . La Barrb du Pabcq. Portraits militai- res La Barthk. Voyage au Senegal Laiiat, J. B. Nouveau voyage aux ilea fi'ttii^aises de I'Amerique La Baumk, M. Warm Air Bath. . . .(P) Labaumk, J. EtutsUnis depuis 1812. . . Labiue. I • divr, .' comedie Litlrraturo dii nord Vie de Ilaynour.vd La BotriE. Voir Bo«tie. Laborde, a. L. J. do. Itiu6naire de 897 62 475 662 1859 1189 1218 797 803 898 ri']«pagne Esprit d'associ- ution 498 Vfi4 Labou, , L. K H.J. ' ,. ■ >nais»i\iice des -., ' i. 1h .!• I'e ! 'ranee C92 Ai'iibia PetViua 318 Voir HenNiJI'IN. LArnRiA. La Guyano Fraufaise Labollayk, C. Dietionnaire des arts et 1201 inauufactures 726 pAoa Laboulaye, 0. Essai aur I'lirt industriel 778 Laboulave, K'l. Histoire po/litique des Etats-Unis 1219 Laboulaye, V. de. Voyage en Norwt'sge . 648 Labottr and Capital 260 Laboubeau. Complabilit^ finnnciSrc. . . 204 Labouring Glasaei. Employment, Ac, of (P)930, 1100, 1109, 1122, 1132, 1136, 1161-1153 Morals of (P) 980 See also Working Classes. Lahoubt. Intemperance 259 Labrador. Geography and Voyaj^es . . . 1403 Account of 1404,1412,1440 Charts and Coasts of. .1892. 1408, 1410 Missions..- 1194, 1195, J, Rudinicns dela constitution, 169 Labkousse. Propulseurs sou.s-niarins . . . La Bruyebe. Caractires Lauctte. Histoire des dues de Norraan- die LAcepEDE. Histoire g6nerale de I'Eu- rope 768 72 433 327 — Histoire naturclle des pois- SUU3 641 Histoire des ci'taces 641 Histoire naturelle . Cliruiiique 414 liAlANDE. Mathuinatiques, hydrauliquo ct astronomic 699 Tables dea logaritlimes 608 Abrog^ de navigation 757 Ijalanne, Lud. Le feu grfigeois 681 Biogruphie univcrselle 473 Biblioth^que de poclie 909 Lai.anne, Leon. Cent traitt-s 909 Patria. 410 Lalannk, L(jon ot Lud. Un million do fails 908 Lalaure. Traitii dea servitudes 201 Lai.aure ot Paii.i.kt. Servitudes r6- ellcs "207 Lalemant, le pere Charles. Lettres au piire lIi6ronme Lalemant 1660 Lai.ehant, le poro J6rome. Relations de la Nouvelle Franco 1660, 1661 Lali.emani), a. On Artilloiy 684 Lallkmanb, F. Education puhlique. . . . '74 Lallkment, Guil. Histdire de la Colombie 1205 Lalou. Money and Morals 257 Xo'w Dureau dk la Malle. La Marche, Olivier do. Memoircs 415 Lamarok, J. B. P. de. Animuux sans vert^bres 64 1 Lamarck, Rob. de. Momoires 416 Lamarck et CANnoM.E. Flore fran^aiso. 649 Lamarck et Poirkt. Botauique 6 i 5 Lamari "'')mte de. Coirespondanee ilirabeau '427 Lamau ,.. Plaisance ot le club de village 2:(."i Lamartine, A. de. (Euvres completes. . 8V7 Lahartink, A. de. dists History of the Oiron- 427 History of the Re- storation 481 History of the Rbto- lution 482 Vie de Christophe Oolomb 1166 LAMAUTiNiiiF.E, BruzBH de. Histoire de I'Asie 462 Introduction k I'histoire de I'Am^rique 1177 Lahd, C. Works, with Life and Letters 841 Bpecimena of Dramatio Poets 86C Final Memorials 841 Lamb, John. Life and Times of, by J. Q. Leake 1265 Lamu, R. Autol^ography 493 Oocurrencea during the late American War 1266 Lamiieht, St. Ange. Pocheu* praticien. . . 723 Lambert, Miss. Hand-book of Needle- work •730 Church Needle work. . . •730 LAMnERT, Mme. do. CEuvrea "869 Lambert, John. Travela in Oai ula and the United States 1868 liiimheth and the Vatican. AnccdM;""! of "'?7 Lambillotte. Chant Qregorien *.' 't Lambredchtsen. iri^tory of New Nethe;- landa 1248 Lame.nnais. Q5uvre8 878 Esquieac d'unc philosophic. 879 Amschaspands et Darvans 879 (Euvres posthumea "879 Livre du peuple *879 Soci6l6 premiere *879 Les Evangiles *879 Politique, eselavage, me- langes ^879 Imitation de Jco •879 La .MoRiciEBE, de. Rapport sur .j iiaras 668 LAMorrE, Uoudurd de. Poesies 873 Inia de Castro . 870 Lamoureu.\. Vers, coquilles, etc 644 Lancaster, J. System of Education. .(P) 1185 Lancaster, Jas. Voyage to Fernambuck, In Brasil 1366 Lance. Encyclopedic d'Architecture. . . *698 Lanckkt. Michel- Ange. L'Isle de Phihe 317 Land. Siilf of, for taxes 186 Land wo Li ve ill 403 1787 n ■A-.. LAifi INDEX. ZLAP 4 ill li J''"' ' a. Lands. Public, in United SliiUs, 188, 296, '2t)9 (wuate). Bncloaurenof (D 1187 Z«n(i 2'a.e .i I') lliil, 1188, 1 187 Landed Prop •' J . /f '' l.t^te; Rtal Pri.,(,fl> OQ, (P)«27, 1008, 11»0,1182 Landair, N.ipoluon. Diotioimaire 788 Orniumaire g^incralo 788 TiANDia, 11. oud J. Jiiurual down tbe Ni({er 861 Landlord and TeHanU. Law of (Engli ' ' '' — — Law of ,.x .leii- can) 'ISe Lanoon, K. Ecclesiastical Dictiutinry . . 28 Lanixiu, W.a. Works 841 Last Fruit oflfau Old Tree 842 Landein. Mauuol (Iu Muitre de Forgo. . 780 Mikuuul du Coutofter 731 Landry. Log Arts eii Belgiquc 603 LANDsnoiioioii, Dr. Uritisdi Zoophytes. . 044 r- Sea-weeds 644 Lane, B. L Mysteries of Tobacco *737 Lank, 0. T. Ou thti CorouiitioiiOatli.(i') 1098 Lank, E. W. Mnnneis and Customs of the Modern Egyptians 5(10 Lank, 11. J. Life at the Water Cure . . . (169 Lank, Miss. Englishwoman in Egypt . . .")60 Lang, J. D. Account of N. S. Wales. . . -171 Langiialb, Hon. C. Memoirs of Mrs. Fiizberbert :196 Lanodalk, Lord. Memoirs, by Hardy . . 493 Lanoevin, H. L. Le Canada, sea Insti- tutions, ifeo 774 Lanohornr. Poems 861 Lanoles. Monnaie des Oiientaux 262 Langlois, K II. Dailies ies raorts GO Lanoi.ois, V. Nuiuisrauvique del'Aii r- uie »813 Lanusdorff, E. de. La Hongrie 448 ^M Trausylvanie . . 443 Lauyuage, Origm of 64, (76, ',117 Languages, see Philologg. Langues 77.'i-r04 Origine des 770, .-tiS Langue hebra'iquo 777 Jjangue igyptienne .77'- 779 Langus chinoUr 779 Langue perse ;7',t, ?89. 778 Langue arabe 7nO Ijungue turque 780 Lamiw algirhnne 780 Langue sdnscrite 781 179S Jjongue hindou»tani 7gi Lanffue greo/ue 782, 788 Laniiue lalinc Ms, 794 Langue danoit* "784 Jjangue midoiie I84 Langue rune 795 Langue allemunde 795 Lanijue ilatienne , 786 TjOnijue eipagnole 786 Langue piirtugnite 78g Langue f rati i:aite 786-789, 419 Lang.u .laeligue 790 Langue anglaise 790-798 Langue irlandaisc 790 Litnguet eanuagex 798, 8U4 Voir aussi Biblet. Lanjuinaw. Constitut' ins do la Franco , V23 Fragment nistorique 429 Lanman, Oil. Adventures in tlie Wilds of the United States 137 J Tour to the River Sagucnay. 1403 Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan .... 1256 La Noue, Francois do. Memoires 416 Lasoue. Maluimot Second 870 Lanote, F. de. L'Tadeoontemporainc. . 468 Voir Harvb. Lanbdowne, Lord. Poems 861 Lnnsdowue Library, CaUiloguo of M.S.S. 814 La.ntaha. Recherches sur CO pcintre. . . . '•718 Lanzi, History of Painting 712 Lao-tsbu Tao-Te-Kino. Le lirre de la voie et de la vertu 68 La Peyrere's Iceliuid 543 Lai'kykou8e. Voyuge autour du mondo. 625 LaI'eyrouse Bonfils. Histoiro de la Marine '423 Latham, J. A. Antiquities of Wisconsin, 616, 1184 LAri.ACE, 0. P. T. Campagne de circum- navigation 626 LAri.Ai:K, P, S. OSuvres .584 Jinpland. Histo; y of 452 Travels in 523, '•527, 542, o44 La Plata. History 1 '.'04, 1205 Voyages 1862, 1358 Lapnnie, Voyages 523, 644 La PoTHi.aiE, M. Uaoqueville de. His- toire de rATi)erJi|uo Scpteutriciinle 1268 Lai'penhero, J. M. England under ihc Saxons 334 England under the Normans *372 ■f I^P] uroxz. ILAT l»>¥ 9A»» 781 ..782, 788 . .'^83, 784 784 784 186 78J 786 786 786 6-789, 419 790 7aO-798 790 , 8U4 raiioo. '.23 429 Wilds lS7a 1403 an 1256 415 870 4B8 861 M.S.S. 814 ••718 712 ! de la 68 543 iioiido . 625 du 111 •423 616, 1184 lircum- 626 584 462 7, 542, 644 ..lL'04,1206 . . 1 352 ,i:m ...S23, 644 His- 'ioimle 1268 .S34 LM- tlie •372 LArnADi, \'. Podmeg dvnng61lque« .... *B19 LiRcnEB, L. J. Lu fumine *71 Labchbr, V. H. Piriodc« utitronomiquoii, etc. dcs FIgyptienH HO'i .^— — Lo* viiHfi* tl)(\ricl(5en» 810 ■ — Mtimoires Bur le« tttea des Oiees 62 . Qiielqiins rpoques des Agsy- riens 816 SurCRiimu* 821 SurPhidon 821 — Ordro my 270 Travail des mc'tnux 780 L*nr>NKa, N'. Wurkn 44 Larenaudieuk. M. do, Mexique 1210 G nutemalft 1801 La RocHit. Dictionniiire de Chirurgie. . 073 LAf.M. iiEKOUOAi'i.n. Maxiine!) 71 Lai -HKFODOArn I.iancourt. Voyage dans Ics Etats-Uiiis 1867 Travt.'l 8 through the United States 1367 LAii"''rig-IlEaoN, C. tie. LeM servantes de Dieii on Canada 1196 — — Catiiolic church in tlio United States 1196 Jonctiiin des deux ociians 1212 La RociiEJACQUKLEiN, la nuirquise de. Mfimoires 428 Laromioiiere. Sur lea mots '• analyse do8 sensations" 02 —— Lemons de |)liilo»(iphio . . "62 IjARrKNT, Sir O. I'euinsular .liMun.d 381 Lakrky, 1). J. Chirurgi(f lailitaire 074 Lahtigue, Moi -igr. Notice biographique 1448 La SAi.r.E A. de. VoyagH de la Bonite. filO La Sali.k, a. E. G. de. L:i Sieile 435 A'ie de M. d'A- griccurt 691 La Sai.i.e, Ilohert de. Voir " Salle." Las Casas, R de. Histoiro de.^ Imles Oe- cideutales M 74 rAM Lab Cabah, 11. de. V(>Tagei dc* Ei- {>agnolB duiB Icb IndeN 1 174 — — Aooount of th« Firnt Hpaninh Voyages 1 174 Son Apologie. Far M. Origoire 1174 (Euvres 1174 Las Camks, de. Hi'iinnrlal deSto. H^I6ne. 431 — — — Souvenirs do Napoleon ler 431 Atlas higtoriquo 304 Voir Lesaok. Lasskrrk, Lebrhn et Lcbov. Jeux de calcul 734 Lah«i^». Catli^'dralo df Ohartros 422 Lahtkybir. J. Ue. Lo Portugal depui« 1820 441 Latakon. Voyage en Afrique 660 Latkna. Etude de I'homine 72 Latekrikki:, P. do Sallcs. Political and Historical account of L. Canada.. . 1282 Latham, J. History of Uirds 638 Latham, \l. d. Etiiuological Di-serta- tioiis 629 Ethnology of British Colonies G29 Man an! his Migrations. 629 Native races of Russia. 029 Natural History of the Vart«'tie8'of Man 629 : — Norway and the Norwe- gians 648 On the English Language 793 Latimku. Bp. Works 47 Latin f'/iurcji. Sf-e Home. Church of. Latin and Orick ('/rirch'S. Diplomatic Corres|>ondence respecting 217 Latin Clatuk-t 819-826 Ouide to the 898 Histoi •. of 794 Latin Lanrinage 788, 786 Latin Trnctn (variou-) (P) 1075, 1166 Latitude and Longitude. '290, 293, 296, 578, 585, 687 Latouche, H. Vie d'Andr6 Ch^nier. . . . 484 Aymar •882 Latour, Mme. Charlotte de. Langago des Flours *6«8 Latour. Etudes sur TEspagne 441 Latreillk. Insectes, papillons, etc 641 liATiionE. Voyage on Afriq\ie 660 LATiionK, Chas. Joseph The Randjier in North America 1370, 1880 1789 ' Jn ,'tll •■<.^ i LAT] INDICX. liAtr '.*»' I Latrobr, .1. Oil Chiircli Miiiio I.ATi DR. Lift' mill liii|irlHi>iiriii^iit cit', .(D Laudirualk, Eiirl uf. Uii Kin»nci>, Ao. . "^— -^ Oo Currency ,(!') 1 l'J7 — — On HiiikiuK Fund, Ac (I') ^— — • Letters to Peer* of 8ootlaii>l (1') ' 8trictin'eH on the Tore- Kiting LutturM, by (iitTonl (!') — - ■——— Il(i|>ly tci liU Iiutler on Curroiioy, hy T. Smitli. . . .(!') Lai'dirii, M. Miiiiui!l doH miircliunils l(i){it' Lo oliomiii do fcr yii){i' Launay, lai.son royale do Saint Oyr. Ui'iij^raplio (le Malte-Hrun.. Lavai.i.ek et QimnouT. Kapagiio La Vali.iekk, Mine dc. Confiti^Bloiis. . . . Lavater. De la ))liy8iiinnniie On Pliyaioi^iuuny »(■• 2« V'i Mi 1144 1127 llStf loul 1144 7:i7 «27 271 1.1611 7!tO lUlfl 1384 17 BIO »4:«) •4;il Lavaysse, J. J. D. Voyage aux ilea de Trinidad, etc Laveaux,J. C. Dictionnaire dca ditH- culttjs ffranimaticales Lavehqne, Alexandre de. La force. . . . 1790 :.ii5 •L'tlO •if)7 •4tl7 197 llt8 198 *4:u 724 411 75 .510 440 •87:j 0H2 632 13C0 «783 »t<80 tknB Lavkrunr, Aleiandre iln, II faut (pie jeuncMe »e paite •881 — — ——— Lttooiirteau cloclier vggi Lavkhiink, L. <1«. Eciinimiie tiirnle du I'Anjjleterre g^s KipBgne 441 ^^— Finiuieua 264 l.eii('crit«nnn* 4> 9 Cri»e do la philotophie olle- niande 66 LcBarroN, riuil. Vie d« Phillppe- AugUMto 418 La I'hilippido, pm^me 418 LiiiauM. lU'volutiou d« I'Ann'^rique ... 1202 Lkbrun, Com£liui. Voyage au Levant. 680 Voyage en Perse . . 668 Lkbkdn, C. Lo miroir do la Franco .... 479 LrnaiiN, D. Trnitu dot nucc^oHHions 201 —^ Traiti' do lu coinniunaut«S. . 201 Lkiiru.n, la. Statittique (let Oanndafi . . , 281 Lkurun, M. Manuel du l)ourrelior et du Hcllier 738 Manuel du inoiduur 789 ■ Manuel du chareutior 786 Manuel du cartoonier .... 788 Manuel du clmrron et ear- roHsicr 739 Lerrun et Mai.kpiyrk, F. M. M. Manuel du ferbluntiei- 738 Lgbrun, P. (Euvre* , 878 Lecanij. Propli6tieH et Miraelen. .,,... *19 Lecari.atte, J. M. Uonfri'rie:! et corpor- ations *19 Leckik. On the Balance of Power in Europe 98 Lrui.erc. Jouinnux chcz Ics Ronmins . . 834 iiECLERcq, Tlu'odore. I'rovcrbeg drama- tique« 87'' LxCLERg, Lo Piire Chreatieo. Relation do la Qiitpc'Hie 1. ' Lecluse. Lexique francaia-grec i LECOcg. Emploi do I'air chaud dans les forges 767 Lec^mtk. J. Venise 693 L coiiNT. P. On Railways 7.58 Loeturca on Education 76 Lectures to Ladies 842 Lectures at a Mechanics' Institute 342 Lectures to Young Men 842 LkDuuv. Manuel de Musique *722 Ledru, a. p. Voyage aux ilea de Tene- riffe, laTrinit6, &c 1359 Ledru-Rollin. Journal du palaia 208 ' Decadence de I'Angleterre *232 Decline of England 232 Lkdic. Industrie cotoiuiiere 2o8 Lkouc. Voir LsonzoN Lkouc. 1791 LED-] INDEX. [LEN mm ^.:m Iff';'/ PAOB Ledyabd, John. Life of, by J. Sparks . . 1226 Lie, Cha. Li', of, by J. Sparks 1226 Lbk, D. Ten Years in Ore^joii 1 891 Lke, E. Baths of Germany in reference to Oliroiiic Disease (>7o On the Climate of Nioe 669 On the Climate of Spain 669 Lke, llsnry. War in the Southern De- partment of the United States ... 1263 Lkk, J. Y. Abstrftota of Title 141 Lee, Mrs. II. Taxidormy 606 Lee, S. Hebrew Grammar 777 Lee, Lieut. S. P. Log of the U. S Brig Dolphin ♦67'.t Lee, T. J. Tablpu anil Korniulu; for Sur- veying, &c 749 Lkki'ii. J. I'icturosof Life and Character 718 LEEriit'oan, Thos. Plain Dealing 12S5 Lee"3, W. H. Rudimentary Architecture 699 Leems. Of Danish Lapland 644 Lkes, J. Laws of Sliipi)ing and Insur- ance 148 Lekebvrk, Arinand. Histoiro des courn del'Europo ;i32 Lefebvrk, Jeuii. Cliroiiiquo 414 Lkkedvrk, St. Mario. Race de Durham . 658 Lf.keuvrk. Voyiigo en Abyssinio 562 Lefkbvue be Bkoodb. Les rapports de la France et de I'Anglctcrre aveo PAmi'Tiquo du sud 1206 ___^_ La quistii.n de Mexique 1216 Lo (U'ux rives do la Plata, Ac 1351 LEFaANC DK POMI'IGNAN. DidoU 870 roosies 878 L'TuoY. I'^ourneaux funiiV'ires 767 Leoark, H,S. Writings »183 LeGeyt. Manuscrits !iur Jersey *151 Li'ijhhilion. Histoiro de In 88 Lcijialation romaine 92 Voir Politique et Leijisla^ 'on. Legislation. Principles of 229 See, also. Political and Social jS ■icirce. LeGlay, Nogociations diplomiitiqui'S. . . 422 Lkgouvs. Morito des fomnics 873 Poesies di verses .... 8'' 8 LEGaA: LEN • PAOI res of. 1180 5U7 ry 5«5 4',)4 89-1 . . . . 63 stralia. 6()ti . ...CU, 615 te.... "18 retoii.. ino ?. HolT- 1226 ■ns do la 0, 1601, 1191 365 U 662 lugisla- 106 dos tii- 160 Rougo . 1135 199 038 on tbo 107 In 1191 ,ti(ina do .. 1001 sur la .. 1203 ... 870 ... 870 ... S"3 ... 873 wise des Angle- .... SI .... 231 U'l'io 231 t ot de 231 231 a pri:- . . . 32S civil.. "iOO y.... 792 pora... *34-t '832 ;o 6C3 lc8 em- ... *325. iJSJV] INDEX. {LF.S PAOB Lknet, Pierre. M6moireB 417 LiNNOX, Mrs. Fdnmlo Quixote , "828 Lgnoib, I'Abbf). Uniiiioaiee do la riiiHon ot de la foi *20 Lenoir, All)t. A.reh'*^ccturo mona8ti(|ue 422 Statistlque ninnumontale 422 Lenormand. Associations relij^ieusoH .. . *2U Le Nobmand, L. S. Cliandell«r 7!!4 Fabricaiit do piipiers 788 Ktoffcsiniprim^aaet papiors-poiuts 788 Le Noumand et Janvikk. Manuel do rhorloger 781 Manuel du PAOII Lbbebourb ct Secbi!Tai.. Photographic. 719 Lb Riciic. Produit oubiquo d.;8 bois . , 738 Lbrius, J. Ilistoria Navigationis iii Braailiam 1865 Lbrminieb. Influence de la pliilosophio du XVIII siSole 61 L6gi8lations compar<>es . . . , 222 Constitutions de la Grt-ce an- tique 122 Philosophie du droit 222 De riisaasaiuat politlcjup . . . 225 Do la presse politique 225 Des theories et des afTaires rclieur 783 Lenoumant, Ch. Tri^sor de nuiuiHinatique 812 LkonIj'Africain. Doscriptiondol'Afrique *559 Lkon X. Sa vie 81 LiiONAED. Poesies 878 Leone, (the Abbate). Jesuit Conspiracy 32 Leonhabd. G'JI ?■' !" de Suez , *7o8 405 Lessino. Drames divers 892 1793 LES-i INDEX. {LEr ' «'J ■ ! , 1 11 PAOI Lesson, U. P. \'oyage autour du monde 625, 1848 Histoire naturelle . . . .610, 674 Mamnmlogie 637 Ornithologiedomestique. 688 Ornithologie 638 Zoophytes ncaltipbes. . 645 Lkstke, C. E. My Consulship *641 Lester, (C. E.) and Foster, (A.) Life and Voyages of Americus Ves- pucius 1167 Lester, P. Voyage autour du monde . . •525 Lestrade. Nuits romaines 872 LeSukur, P. Commercial Tables *269 Lb SuuiK. Le nouveau monde, po^rae. . 1167 Lksoe. Anuuaire liistorique 307 Lethdbidqe. Woman the (ilory of Man 240 Letouknkux, L. O. Revue de legislation 166 Letbonne. L'lsthmv. .3 Suez 271 Oiviiisation egyptienne 316 ludcriptiuns grecques 817 FoBctions des magistrats ap- pel^s mnemous, hifiromnemons, promnemons 89 Diploraes et chartea *420 Le Teosnb. Economie politique 251 Letters from Head-Quarters '448 Letter Writing. History of 796 Lettrcs-Patent. See Patents. Letting and Hiring. Laws of, 1442 Lettres 6diflantes 42, 1192 (uouvolies) 42, 1193 Leuch9, J. Ch. Trait6 des propriet^s des mati(ires tiuctoriales 729 Levaillant, F. Voyage on Afrique 562 Premier et second voyages eu Afrique 562 Levant. Papers relating to the 98 Levasseub, A. Lafayette en Am^rique. . 1379 Levassece, A. F. N. Justice de paix. . . 212 Levasseur, Reue. Mcmoires 427 Lever, C. Charles O'Malley 842 ^ Harry Lorrequcr *842 Knight of Gwynuo 842 O'Donoghue 842 Roland Canhel 842 - JackHinton 842 Tom Burlie 842 Levesque, J. A. Journal du palais i^Oi Levebque, P. Cb. Sur I'histoire romaine. 324 L'uuiversit6 d'AtbJines, et rinstructiou publique en Gruce. 85 FAQI Levesque, P. Ch. Promulgation et abro- gation des lois 4 Athenea 89 Levi. Dogme et rituel de la haute magie 60, *tn Levi, L. Commercial Law I47 Law of Nature and Nations. . 94 Mercantile Law of Britain. . . . 147 Annals of British Legislature. 117 Lkvibn, E. Outlines of the History of Rome 324 Levinoe, E. p. The Irish Justices' Man- ual •184 Lkvot. Biographie bretonne 479 Levy, Michel. Traite d'hygi^ne 668 Lewellin, J. L. Prince Edward Island 1437 Lewes, G. H. Life of Robespierre 427 Life of Goetlie 489 Biographical History of Philosophy 57 Lewin, M. On the Indian Mutiny ..(P) 1161 Lewis, D. On the Royal Supremacy (P) 1158 Lewis, E. J. American Sportsman 726 Lewis, Sir O. C. Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion 226 On Methods of Rea- soning in Politics 225 On Political Terms.. . 225 On the Credibility of Early Roman History 324 On the Government of Dependencies 156 On Local Disturbances in Ireland 243 Lewis, J. Life of Fisher 488 Ltwis, Capt. M. Journal of the Expedi- tion of 1390 Voyage depuis le Mis- souri jusqu'il I'cntrue de la Colum- bia 1390 Historj' of the above Expedition 1290 Life of, by Thos. Jef- ferson 1390 Lewis, M, G. Journal of a Residence iu the West Indies 1360 Lewis, I*. Forests and Forest Laws. ... 402 Lewis, T. Origines Hebrtca; 19 Lewis, W. D. On the Law of Por- pctuity I-IO Lexington Piipe-s, (The) ''91 Leyoen, Dr. J. Malay Annals 464 Memoirs of Baber *467 i^*^l Z£Z] INDEX. [i/S rial ibro- . . . . 89 lagie 60, " 598 . . . • un >nB. . 94 1. . . . U1 ture. 117 ry of 324 Man- »184 479 668 sland 1437 427 489 y of 57 ..(P) 1161 cy(P) 1158 725 liority 225 Rea- 225 ms... 225 ity of 324 ent of 156 )auc(,'3 243 488 xpedi- 1390 folum- 1390 iibiive 1390 . J..f 1390 ice iu 1360 s. . . . 402 19 For 140 191 464 •467 LiEBio, J. Engrais artificiels 666 Lien. Law of 138, 185 Life 607 Life Assurance Companies. See Insurance. Life-Boals 711, 770 Life Insurance and Annuities, 145. 266, 291, 293, 294, 297 Light. Treatises on. .576-578, 588, '614, *616 Lighthouses 727, 733, 742, 760 un American Coast . . . .088, *760 lAghtning 578 LiQNE, le prince Jp. Lettres et pensiSea. 494 LiouoRi, Saint. (Euvres complitt's 46 LiLLiE, A. On Canada 778 Lti.LY, W. Autobiography 494 Introduction to Astrology. . . 68^ On Astrology, by Zadkiel.. . 682 Lima. Tremblemens de terre e Lindsays , . 476 Progression by Anta- gonism. 22."; History of Christian Art 690 Linen Mtintifnctuves 772 See also, Flax and Ilcmp. LiNOAnn J. History ';f Euglr.iu! 337 Hiotoire (i'Angleterre 337 On Anglo-Saxon Antiqui- tifs (P) 928 LiNuuET et Dl'ssaulx. Mcnii.ios 428 Blind Deaf Muto 014 I Li/iyuiHiqut. Voir La-Agues. A Plan of Tliought 1186 ' Linn.bus, C. Tour in Liipland 544 LiEBio, J. Agricultural Cheniietry 05.i , Liiin-tin Society's 'I'ransnctions 009 Cliemistry in its Applications I Linsi nor. Voyage aux Iii .OF] INDEX. [LOB rloi scove- * 610 822 • • • • 842 e of. . 686 Jishop 49 r Cnn- ..(P) 929 ish In- 32 Cftsas . ll'J2 •588 185 V and *181 861 )pine8 . 669 1211 662 nd Mer- 99 ichment 188 tism... 614 842 g 494 224 ^nts . . 74 tion . . 621 rifirition 621 , 1175 62 ish Bill 896 . BOO . 398 . 728 v.... . 423 , , , . 5 !8,751 . 204 .... 206 sh His- . 880 ige... , 507 119 Pf !•• . 475 611 . 1248 . 780 LoFTUs, W. K. Reaearchea iu Chaldiea and SuBinnii *8 1 LoGAiN, J. Poema 861 LoQAN, .1. R. Ethnology uud Philology of the Indo-Piiciflc iBlauds, and of South Eastern Asia "Bia LooAN, (Sir W.) ot Hunt, (T. S.) Esquiase gcologiquo du Canada 773 Sketch of the Geology of Canada 773 Oeologienl Sur- vey of Canada 622 Lorjarithms. Tablea of 293, 603 Scriptorea Logarithmici. . . . 603 Logarilhmea 603. 293 Lngic, Lngiqne 68, 69, 70, 917, 919 Logique de Port Royal 68 Lois. Origine, dfifinitiou, espices 88 Codificfition dea 89 Lois Politique^ de la France 128 Voir Broil. LoiSEAU, AI. Traitc' des enfanta nalnrela *206 LoiBEi.. Inatitutes coutumit^res 198 LoisKLKua Dksi.onqohamps. C6r6ale8 <;t froments 657 LoLMK. V^oir De LoLONOis. Exploits and Adventurea of. Lombard, M. Turif des boia LouiiARD. Le cuisinier et le mfidecin. . . LoMiiNiE, de. Beauiiiarchaia et son temps Oiilcrie dea contcmporaina London. Microcosm of 403 Loiiilon. Murray's IIand-bool<8 of 527 London. Pictorial Hand-bool: of 404 London. Survey of 403 London. (Acke/miinn's) 4(i3 London. (('. Knight's) 403 London. (VVeale'e) 404 London Cfttiiloguo of Books 900, 901 London Institution. Iiiiumural Oration (!') '.t28 Loiiilnn. Improvement of (P) 941,942 Diseased Poor in (P) 1157 City Expenditure ..r.d Corpo- nUioii affairs (P) 1084 St. Katliariues Docks. (P) lost, 1104 1180 738 668 481 4'-o LoNO, .fudge Edw. History of Jamaica 1210 Long, O. Civil Laws of Rome 826 France and its Revolutions , . 411 General J'trisprudence 88 Long, J. Voyages cliez lea Sauvngea de PAraoriquo 1188 LoNo, Major S. H. Expedition to the Rocky Mountaina 1390 Expedition to the Sources of St. Peter's River, Ac. . 1391 LoNGACRE. National Portrait Gallery. . 1226 LoNOEPiBRBK. M^d6e 870 Lonyevity 299, 667 See also, Health a? -i Longevity ; Vital Statistics. LoNGFKLLOW, H. W. PoeticRl Works. . . 861 Poets and Poetry of Europe 797 Prose Works 843 London and lAverpool Road (P) 1084 Lonilon Wurchousing Si/.ilnn (P) 1 Ids London. (Canada W. at) Dirrctoiy 1418 LoMiONnERiiY, Marquees of Piiiiiisular War 831 Lox(j, TucKRR, itc. America and tlic West Indies 1340 Longitude. See Latitude and Longitude. LcvGDEViiLK, Madame de. par Victor Couain *494 Youth of, by Victor Couain 494 LoNowoRTH, J. A. Year among the Cir- cassians 655 LooMis, E. Progress of Astronomy ... . 583 LoosEv. Lois sur les brevets d'invention 89 Lope vi>. Vkoa. Drames divers 890 Life of, by Lord Hol- land 503. Lorain, P. Fundatiou dea Etats-Unis d'Amorique 1216- LoRANiiKR, T. J. J. Plaidoirie devaut la conr scigneiiriale 1()8 Loud, II. Of Two Sects ii- tlie E. Indies 5ft Lord, P. B. Popular Physiology 630 Lord's Bay. See Sabltalh. Lords' Protests. Collection of 118, 230 Lord-', House of. Orders, Reports, &c. li>5-107 JouriTil-i, and Sessional Papers 117 Sessional Papers con- cerning Canada 1287-1807 Appellate Jurisdiction (P) 11.19 LoRh.N/,o DE Medhi, Life, by Roscoe . . 437 Lorclte Villagr 1400 r.ouiRiJX, A. Truite do la prerogative royalc en Aiigleterre 'loS Lorimer, J. Universities of Scotland. . 81 LoRiNO, J. Spear. Boston Orators 1239 . .) 17117 •^Ui' ! »i! i( LOK\ INUEX. iLVC 1 PAOB LonioL, O^'ographio ilc la France 689 LoBBis ct Jean uu Mkuno. Roman do la lioso Sfitl LoHKiEL, G. H. Ilistory of the Misaioii uniung tiio Ituliuug 1198 LoasiNa, lioiiBon J. History of the Uu- itoil Stnteu 1220 .. ■ Our Countiyincii . . . 1227 Pictoriiil Fielil-Book of the Revolution 1264 Lost Souses, by Kitto 843 LoTuituf, S. K, Life of Soiuuel Kirklou-j 1226 Lotteries 239, 724 LoTliN. Astrouoniii", physique, etc till LouAMDBE. La potisie dcpuis 1880 801 ■ Etudes nrchcologiques 410 Du niiiuvenieut catholique. . 3S Loudon, J. C. Encyclopedia of Agri- culture C52 EncyclopiBdia of Cottage Farm, Ac, Architecture and Fur- niture 706 Encyclopojdia of Gar- dening 6t')8 Encyclopwdia of Plants 04(1 -.^— Trees and Shrubs of Great Britain 645 On Cemeteries *665 LouET. Rt'cueil d'urrutB 199 Lough Foyle Base. jMcasuremcut of. . . . 5H8 Louis IX. Memoirs, See Memoirs of Join VILLK. Louis IX. Voir St. Louis. Louis XI 424 Louis Xlll 416, 426 • LouisXIV 425, •42(1 Louis XV 418, 426 Louis XVI 426 (P) 1081 Louis XV II 427 Louis XVIII 4ai Louis Naplleon 4;i2, 433 ffiuvres 235 Louis Pmr.ii'i'B. Men journal 430 Son histoire '432 Louinburii 12C8 Louise DE Savoie. Journal 416 Louisiana. History of 1253,1347 Law lleports 180 State of, in 1803 *154 Travels iu.riSl, 1368, 1884, 1386 State Laws and Codes .... 189 Ou the Peual Code of 1254 1798 Louiiiana. War in 1814-15 1207 Louiniane. Hi. Sec /n- saniti/. Lund, IL Oh the Law of Patents 148 LuBlEu. Colonies agriooloH •250 LusniNUTON. Life of Lord Harris 490 LussAN, Raveneau de. Journal d'un voyage 1 1 80 LuTiTLLAH. Autobiograiihy "494 Li'TiiKR, llnrliii. Scs proijos de table . . . 4(tl Ba vie IJO, 87 Hymns from *61 Ln'TKKLi,. State Affair.s *3&9 LLiwvt'HK, A. J. P. Appeals from the Docit64 Lyncu, Dr. Letter to Sullivan (P) 1 lti7 Lyom, Caleb. Narrative l'JS;i Lvo.N, 0. J. History o( St. Andrews... 39 LvoN, O. E. Voyages of Discovery ... . 53(i Journal of a Residence in Mexico 137o Lyra Uermanica 61 LvTTELTON, L'lrd. Mi'iiioirs 4',i t PoenLs 801 ; On St. Pmil (P) 1115 LvTTiiN, Sir K. L. liulivcr. Novels 843 Tlio Student 843 MABILLON. De re diplomatioa 776 — Correspond iiDce 24 Mablv. Observations sur Thistoire de France 412 Sur lo gouvernemcnt Americain 1217 (Euvrcs coinpliites •221 McAdam. L'nrt d'entretenir Ics routes . . 661 Maoabius's Travels 622 Macart.ney, Earl of. Embassy to China 666 Maoaulav, J. S. On Field Fortification. 684 MuiAULAY, T. B. E-says 843 History of England . . 890 Histoire d'Angleterro. 390 Speeches 121 Macailav, Zaehary. Hniti 1209 iVIoCabk, W. B. CHibolio History of England 886 Macoall, W. National Missions 288 McCallum, D. History of the Culdees. . 39 McCallum, P. F. Travels in Trinidad.. 1360 MoCarthy, J. Dielionnaire de I'ancien droit du Canada 163 MacCarthy, Rev. P. Sermons M? Mi:Clki,lan, Capt.'G. B. Manual of Bay- onet Exercise 686 Report of Mili- tary Commissions to Europe *085 F^xploration of the Red River 1384 McClure, R. North West Passnge *632 Maobae, D. 0. Practice of Insolvency. '140 New Insolvciiey Practice '140 McCaiE, T. Life of Sir A. Agnew 480 McCuiE, T. Lifeo John Knox 89 Reformation in Italy 37 Ileforiiiaticm in Spain .... 38 MuCuM.AOH, W. T Industrial History of Free Nations 251 MoCiiLLocii, J. R. British Empire 273 Dictionary of Com- merce 271 Commercial Diction- ary: Supplement t( IICO Ge'igrapliical Dic- tionary 511 Geographical Dictiou- ary : Supplement I o 1160 Literature of Politieal KcononiY -55 On (Joinincice 272 Essay -i on Economical Policy 265 I ill M H- XfcCI INDEX, [JI/cV m m Mr hilt i M i; ::l . mr-^ MoOui.uicii, J. R. On SucceBsuin to property 141 On Taxation and Funding 261 — . —^ — rriuciplcd of Political Eoonomy 265 PrincipoH d'^conomie politique 266 Maouosneli, a. Colonial Coiuniorce. , . 286 McUo.NNKLL, A. Free Tr"!c 278 Macdoi'oall.U.OoI.P.L. Theory of War •683 MoELi.iaorr, J. N. Amcricnu Debater. . 8()0 Macfari.anb, 0. Account of Japan .... 658 Arniciiiuiis, a Talc .... 843 Popular Cuatonis of Soulh Italy 641 Roiiiiuiee of Travel 519 546 526 Turkey and ita Destiny. Ma(;oii,livrav, J. Voyage of the Rattle- snake Macoilliveay, W. Of Uritisli Quadru- peds , 608 Macqueoor, J. Austrian and Ottoman Empires 444 Commercial Statistics. . 279 History of England 382 Language of Patents . . 741 Law of Ueformutories. . '245 MAcnAui.T. ffiuvres 8G7 McHenry, L. J. A. Spanish Grammar . 786 Machiavkl. CEuvrcs complctea 222, 223 Sou gt'uie ct ses erreurs . . . 223 Works '.'22 MachiKCiii. Economy and I'rogicss of, 728,739, 743,(1') 1137 See also. Mechanics. Uladiines 731, 729, 741,743 Machines a vapcur 7.'Jl MclNTosn, C. Book of tlio Garden 663 The Greenhouse, itc 663 McLvrosH, M. J. Women in America . . *239 Mackay, a. Theory and Practice of find- ing Longitude 585 Mackay, C. Extraordinary Pojjular De- lusions 808 The Western World 1881, T. Civil Co>le 205 McKennei, T. L. Indiana of North America. 1187 Chijip;Wiiy ladiam 1189 Noi'lhernandSoutli- c.'ii IiiJiaiis 11S9 1300 Macke.szik's Ton Years in Australia, Ac. Mackenzie's Account of llirta aud Rona. Maokbnzik, A. Voyage from Montreal to the Pacific Ocean -^— Voyages dans TintCfrieur de I'AmCrique Seplentrionale. , . . Mackenzie, D. L. Dictionary of Syno- nyms Mackenzie, Henry. Man of Feeling. . . . Julia de Roubignu. . Mackenzie, Sir O. 8. Travels in Iceland Mackenzie, Slidoll. Amerieau in Englund Life of Stephen De- catur Mackenzie, Win. Lyon. Sketches of Can- ada and the United States Report on Griev- ances Mackey, a. G. Lexicon of Freemasonry Mackie, J. M. Life of S. Gorton MACKINNON, Oapt. Atlantic and Tiaiif- atlaniie Sketches MACKINNON, D. Coldstream Guards .... MacKinnon, W. A. History of Civilization McKinnon, W. C. The Canadian League Mackintosh, Sir J. Law of Nature and Nations History of England Memoirs, by his son. Miscellaneous Works — Progress of Philoso- 1'1'y MA(-KiNro3u, John. Memorials of Macknioiit, J, Translation of the Apos- tolic Epistles Maokuay, W. D. Manual of British His- torians M', A. Poems Maclean, C. Evils of Quarantine L;iws. — — ^— On Quarantiues aud Pes- tilence (P.) On Quarantine Laws. .(P.) rAsi 667 537 1889 1889 793 •828 *828 643 53G 1226 1370 1282 242 1220 1351 406 •236 1409 94 837 494 844 '64 •494 Plague non-contagious ( 1'.) McLean, J. Twenty five Years" Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory . . . McLeod, a. Trial, aud Case of 165, *183, 1244, 128.3, MacLeod, Sergt. D. Memoirs of Macleod, H. D. On liimkiiig, Rev. N. The Earnest Stiulont. AlcMAnoN, Rev. J. B. Dialogue hetwoen a Gentleraan and a Divine 11 346 1410 675 *930 ♦939 *935 1405 1286 1278 264 *494 1443 Mail] INDEX. IMAI m McMaiion, Joliii V. L. HiHtorical view of ihp Oovornmuut of Miirylnnd . 1260 MauMk'kino. Manilla mid the Philippines 5B9 MoMuLLEN. History u.' u'jada 1274 Maonaoiiten, S. Casus in "Uancery 137 Haonamara, II. Nullities uiid Irrogulari- ties in Law 131 Macnamaha, H. T. Ou Pc-.oo 242 Macomu, a. Practice of Courts Martial . 684 Mafon. Mauuel du 789 MAcriiEHHON, D. Auunls of Commerce. . 272 Maui'iikrson, J. History of Oroat Britain S89 Papers of Secret History 889 MAcriiEasox, W. Law relating to Infants 139 Macquaut. lusectes dipttSres 043 McQl'ekn, J. Statistics of the British Empro 273 Ma'. 'jeen, J. Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords 106 Debates on Life Peerages 107 On Divorce "138 — Law of Husband and Wife 189 Macroiiiu3 822 Mactaggart, John. Tliree years in Canada 1402 McSheury, J. History of Maryland. , . . 1250 McVioAR, J. Life of Bisiiop Hobarl 1198 McViCKAR, J. Political Economy 250 MacWhokteb. Ynhveh Christ 777 MaJatjascar, History of 469 Travels in 560 Madden, II. R. Slirines and Sepulchres, 313 United Irishmen 401 Life of Lady Blessington 482 Twel e Mouths in the Wc^t Indie-i 1360 Phantasnipta '592 Maddock, II. Life and Writings of Somers 501 Clmne-ary Practice '135 Madeira, its Climate and Scenery 541 Madei.aine. TliOorie du chant 722 Minlhouscs. Report on (V) 926 Private (P) 1102 St'C Insanity. Madison, James. Manifeste au peuple Anieiicain 1267 Mauoc. Ancient Voyage and Discovery of the West Indies 1 1 64 Mado.x, T. Exchequer of the Kings of ^•iglaud 105 Madi'iis Exhibition Catalogues 774 Madras. Letters from 554 Madras Medical Records 079 PAoa Madras Meteorological Register 087 Mailras Museums, Minerals, ha 626, 629 Makkei, De I'emploi do I'argent •266 Makfeius, J. P. Historiarum Indicarum. Ills Maoalbanes de Gandavo. Iliatoiru de Sancta Cruz 1171 Magasin pittoresque 921 Magazints. See Pericdical TAtcrature. Magdalen hlanda 1411, 1898 Maoenuie. Pr6cis de physiologic 031 Magic. History and Art of 691 Mucfi'- 691 Magiatratta. Heo Justices of Ihe Peace. .Magna Charta, Jte 102, (P) 1090 Magnetic Survey of India 687 Magnctical and Meteorological Observa- tions in various parts of the World. 586, 010-616 Magnetism 576, •579, 690 See also. Terrestrial Magnetism. Magnetism, Animal. See Animal Mag- netism. Magnetisme 591,610-016 Voir Magnetism. Magnier. Eclairagc au gaz 766 Magnin. Ilistoire dos marionnettei .... 724 Magnv. Science dcs Armoiries *609 Magratii, F. W. Letters from Up)ior Canada 1402 Maguire, J. F. Rome and its Ruler *436 Mahan, a. On Modern Mysteries 693 Mah\n, D. H. Course of Civil Engineer- ing ... 742 Mil ..vausi, etc 64 Mauomi^t 66 M ' .lOMET. Le Koran 58 The Koran 56 — Son histoire et sa religion . . 56 Mahometans and Mahometanism. 800, 66, 439 Mahomctisme .'16 M/ ION, Lord, Hiptory of England 392 Insurrection of 1745. . .. 399 Life of Belisarius 32 j SpauishWarofSuccejsion 440 Historical Essays 832 Life of Conde 486 MaUr'ilta Language 782 MAiLUr.,1 DE CitASSAT. Conimeiitoire du Code civil 206 Traito des statuts *100 Maimo.mdf.s. On the Laws of Moses. . . . 214 JIajn, H, 0)\ the Greenwich Observatory 682 1801 M :, MAn INDEX. [MAI f li'h-. M'-K^ KslSli ',;; P4a« Main*, Stat- " ni.itory 1210 — — • Laws Biiil .Iiuiiiult ... 189 — — Law Roporta 190 Register for 1866-0 .. UlO Uiiles nnd Orders ... . Iim — ^ CoHoctidiiBof the Mniiie UistoriCHl Society 1240 -^— TrniHaotions of Agri- oultiirnl Sooletioa OHO Geology of tlio Stftte . 022 '— Liquor Law. Set- Tem- perance. Mainr DE DiiiAN. (Euvresphilosophiques 00 Maintkicon, Mme. de, ])iir Ht5(iuot 494 Lettres sur 1' u u- cntion 75 — ^— — ^ Entretiona sur IV'diiciitiou 75 — Lettres hiatoriques 809 Mainzer, J. Musiqiie ot clmnt de I'ltalio 722 MaiHoii ruaticiuo du 19e sidele e.5u Maim'Ue, comto JoH. do. Soirocs de St. Petcratjourg 67 Considerations sur la France 67 Du Pape 67 — — De lY'glise gallicane 67 — — D(3 la justice divine 07 .^_-_ ■^(ir 111 pliilogopliie do Bacon 07 — • he'tres et opuscules *67 Mai- !h. Xiivier do. fEuvres completes 876 Miiii.ANn, S. R. On tlio Dark Ages. . .. *27 On the Voluntary Sys- tem 41 Superstition and Sci- ence 5i)3 False Wor.-iiiip .V2 Life of Ch:ittertou . . . 484 Maitreue de Mnisou 736 MAlZEaov. Science do la gueire 081 Cavaleiie grecquo 681 MAJnii, R. H. Select Letters of Colomb. 1 1 ''o Majobiiianks. New South Waics 5ii6 New Zealand 567 MaladitH mentales 079 Malaucti. Le^ous de chimie 590 Malan, S. 0. Who is Go. I in Cliini\ 779 Malay. Travels ir •509 Malay Lmii/iiai/e 782 Malay Litcralur 889 Malayan Family, Memoirs 889 Malcolm, Sir J. Of the Province of Malwa 462 1802 Malcolm, Sia J. History of Persia ... , 467 Poiltioiil History of India 459 — — • Sketches of Persia . . 662 Life of, by Kuye. . . . 459 Malcolm, .T. P. On the .Manners and History of Kuropo 829 Male, A. On Elections US Maledbanuiie. (Kuvres flj Meinoiro 8ur fll Malk.nfant. Dcb oolonies 12O8 Malepbybk. F. Aciiles graa concrots. , . 734 — — ^— — ot MoRiN. L'amidiiiinicr et vermicellior 787 Voir FoNTKNKLLt (JllLIA DE;. Malkville. Discussion dn code civil. . , *208 Malfilatue. (Euvres 873 Mamikbbk. Po(5sips 8(59 Halkin, A, T. Iliatorical Parallels .... 308 Malkin, F. History of Greece ,S22 Malkin's Tour in Walco sst) Mallat. Les Philippines 669 Mallet. Cheniin de fer atmosphiiri- que 764 Mai let, D. Poems 861 Mallet, P. IL Wortheri. Anliquitiea. . . . 310 Hiatoiro lie Danomiirck, . *461 Mallkt du Pan. Meinoires ot Corres- puudancft •429 Malmesbury. Coutroveitcd Election for 110 MALMKsnDRV, Eni'l of. Diaries and Cor- respondence 393 Maloukt. Administration (les eolouies. . 1201 Malouincs {\\os). Histoire 12ri<> Voyages aux *570 Mali'Iere. La Chine 4(']5 Malt Tax (P.) 1097 See, also, Beer. Malti: Chevaliers de 329 Mxltk Bbun. Gtiographie univeraello . . 510 et EvniKS, J. B. .'.'fouvelles auuules dca voyagca 1347 and Baldi. Universal Geoirraphy 510 Maltiius T. R. Definitions in Political Economy 252 On Population 255 Principles of Political Economy 252 (Euvres traduites on franyaia 252 f *A«I ■ .. . 467 y of . .. . 469 ia . . Q62 . * * • 4S0 ami . ... 820 . . . . lis «2 01 .... 1208 t8... 734 nnier .... 787 al... •203 873 8(19 .... SOU 322 63rt 669 plltl),TwoTi-act8ontho Skeleton of a 010 Man. Natural and Physlcixl lIlHtoiy of. ♦48, 678, 658 Chart of tlio Distribtition of, on the Earth •679 Sec iilsK, Unitif of the Human Race. Man. On Duty aud Right in (I ') 11 Man, hU of 400, 406. .*581S — Lox-scripta of ''•'' Mini's Own Power over Insanitii Mauchester Froo Library. First Report tctateur Amtiric^in. 13rt7 Manes. Mt'inoires geologi. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■ 50 ""^^ >;«.i 2.5 2.2 ill 1.8 1.25 M ill >'<^ 11111^^= ^ 6" - ► Hiotographic Sciences Corporation L17 4 iS ,v \ '9) C> '«b 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTEX,N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 C/j ^ MAS'] INDEX. IMAB ) ' Mauchanot, Tristan le voyageur 424 La Gaule poStique 800 Mabch£4e, M. de. Silvio Pellioo 501 Marciimont, Earls of. Papers of S9l Maeoo Polo. Travels of 647, 548 Marco db Nizza. Relation 1168 Maeoou, J. Geological Map of North America 621 Marcus Antoninus 814 Marcus et Duesberg. G^ogrnphie des etats Imrbaresqucs 668 Mabcy, R. B. ExphKittion of Uie Kud River (LouisiaDa) 1884 Marest, Lo p. G. Relation d'un voyage a la Bale d'Hudson 1405 Lettres de rillinois . 1192 ■ Journey through Il- linois 1190 Marett, p. R. On Yacht Building »1lO Maroarrt, Queen of Navarre. The Hep- tameroD 868 . Life, by Frere 424 Mabgolioutu, M. History of Jews in Britain 21 Land of my Fathers. 560 — — Modern Judaism. ... 21 Marquerite d'Angoulume 417, 424 Mariages mixtes '240 Voir Marriage. Marie DE l'Incaenati ON. Lettres. ... 1195 Sa vie 1196 Marie de Lisle, £. U. Manuel dcs niar- chands debois et de charbons 738 Marie Stuart 897 Marillac, Michel de. Memoires 416 Marine 681, 686-688 Marine Franfaise 421, 428, 688 Marines {Royal) of England "408 Marine Insurances. . .148, 267, (P) 1106, 1149 Mariner, W. Account of the Natives of the Tonga lalands 471 Mauinet, M. Case of (P) 1139 Marino 'SSI Mariotti.L. Memoir of Fri Dolcino.. 37 Italy in 1848 486 Italy, Past and Present ... 436 Maritime Geography 516, 579 Maritime Law 99, 148, 279 Marivault. Des cheuiins de fer 754 ■ Agriculture 650 Marivaux. La surprise de I'atnour.... 872 Marivaux. Le legs 872 Les fausses oonfidenoes 872 Lo jeu de ramour ct du hasard 872 L'epreuve 872 Marizv. L'Autriche, ses finances, etc. . 264 Mark Brandon, ou lea d^portSs 4 Van Diemen 'SSI Markiiam, 0. R. Journal to the Ancient Capital of Peru 1387 Markhah, Col. F. Shooting in the Him- alayas *6fi6 Markland, J. H. On English Churches. 701 Marlborough House. Catalogue of Col- lections at 902 Marldorocgb, J. Duke of. Life by Ali- son . . 494 Memoirs, by Coxe .... 494 — — . Letters and Despatches 380 Marlborough, S. Duchess of, Memoirs by Mrs. Thompson 392 Correspoudence 392 Marly. Or the life of a Planter in Jamaica 844, 1860 Maemier, X. Lettres sur le Nord 462 La Russie en 1 842 447 Hiatoire de J'Tslande 452 La Hollande 439 Litturature Islandaise. . . 538 Litteiature Scandinave.. 797 Chants populaires du Nord 879 Lettres sur I'Amerique.. 1351 Marmont, Marechal. Turkish Empire. . 450 M6moireB ♦431, 948 Devant rhistoiro.. *431 Marmontel. (Euvres completes 876 Autul.iography 496 Marmora, A. de la. Voyage en Sar- daigue *641 Maroc 470 Maronites. On the 80 Maroons. History of the 1211 Marot. (Euvros 867 Marquesas Islands 569, 888 Marquet-Vasselot. Systtimecellulairc. "246 Marquette, Rev. P. Voyages et d . 679 . • . 46 088 . • t 26 and ■ • * 699 S17, (I') nil unci , 292 298 , 744-749 mer- • • • • 1197 fir of B. . . 1269 Pea- ■ • • • 1226 1197, 1269 I'OVl- • • • t 1197 Wnr . . . < 1269 rovi- ioD . 592 * > • . 1233 • . . 013 lews 495 e(P) \U\ . • . • 322 .... 442 lois 222 (trie 60 es.. 578 pi'y 637 •y.. 350 8 of .... 850 Lon , . 757 782 era 794 iblic .. . 181 ,, 664 .. •868 r of ., . 148 Mauduit! Inieotea : papilloM, etc 641 MAUDUiT-DuPLESBia. Dcscriptiun de la c6to ()u Labrador 1408 Mauoiiam, K. On Usury Laws (P) 941 Maugin. Manuel du luthier 789 Maulk, (Q.) and Selwtn. Oases in King and Queen's Bench 163 Maunder, S. Treasury of History 806 Maundrell's Journey to Jerusalem 651 Maui'ertius. Of the Polar Circle 629 Maupird. Dieu, rhomme et le monde. . . 18 Maureault, Rev, M. Mission du St Mau- rice 1194 Maurial. Manuel d'agrioulture 668 Poor , Mayiiew, H. Wonders of Science *o72 — — — — London Labor and London 248 Peasant Boy Philosopher,. 672 Popular Education ge Pascal oiji Les tirailleurs au Maybew, L Haynabd. Maynb-Rkid, Le Oapt. Mexique •ggi Les chasseurs de Maurice, F. D. Learning and Working. On the Education Qucb- tioii. . Maurice, T. cient) 79 76 History of Hinilostan (an- History of Hindostan (mod- ern) , On Rich's Ruins of Babylon 468 468 316 Mauritanie 467 Mauritiwt 464, 664, 669 Maubov. Commerce de I'Afrique 272 Agriculture *19 Maiiiiv, rAhbC. Eloquence de la chaire 49 Maury, M. F. Ou Navigation 686 ' Physical GeograpLy of the Sea 679 Maury, L. F. A. La turre ct I'homme . . •680 Histoire dcs for6t« de la Qrtule 689 Maxima of Law 88, 1 26 Maximiancb 822 Maximilian de Wied-Neuwied. Voyage dans I'Am^rique du Nurd 1391 Maximiue.n ler et Marguerite d'Autriche. Correspondence 417 Maximub Tyrids 814 Maxwell, A. M. Run through the United States 1381 Maxwell, H. Plurality of Worlds 681 Maxwell. W. H. Irish Rebellion of 1798 401 May, A. Swedish Grammar 784 May, T. History of the Long Parliament 118 May, T. E. Privileges of Parliament. . . 112 May Flowers 607 Mayer, B. Observations on Mexican His- tory 1186 Mexico, Altec, Ac 1216 Mayhew, E. On Dogs *669 chevelures •ggj Mayne, J. D. Law of Damages •184 Maynootk College. Grant to , , , gjg Mayn7. Elements de droit remain *02 Mato, H. Philosophy of Living 6917 Truths in Popular Superstitions 892 Mavo, R. Eight years in Washington . . 1226 — — — Commercial and Revenue sys- tem of the United States ^284 Mayo, T. On Evidence in Cases of Lunacy I49 Mazade, de. L'Espagne modeme 441 Donoso Cortds 430 L'Amfirique Espagnole... I2O6 Mazarin. Lettrea ^^j parOapeflgue w^gg Maznriuades ^jg Mazzei ot CoNDOBOKT. Rechorchos his- loriques sur les Etats-Unis 1218 .Mazzini, J. Royalty and Republicanism '"Italy 436 Del'Italie 435 Mead, H. The Sepoy Revolt •431 Meadley, G. W, Historical Portraits (P) 936 Meadows, T. T. The Chinese and their Rebellions , 406 On Oivilizalion 286 Mcanuret. See Weightt and Mea»urei. Micanique ggQ MScanique appliquie 739 ijAa MiicHAiNetDELAMBRE. Syst^me mfitriquc 910 Mechanic!, Ac 746-770 See also Arts and Manufactures. Mechanics' Institutes ijh Mechanical Philosophy ....676-580,601 745 Meda, C. A. Evdnemens du 9 thermidor 429 Mtdailles. Voir Numismatique. Medailles des Rois de France *Z\2 Medals illustrative of American History. 1243 Medal of Princess Royal's Marriage #813 .666-680 Medecine . Midecine legale aan Medecine des passions ijg Medical Auecdotes . 827 1W7 MSD} INDKX. IMEU iSnt' PAna Medical Chrunlolo 1415 Medical Soionce. Journal of 1416 Medical Jurinprudence . .160, 21)2, 08O Mtdieal Pro/eiaion. Law ounceriiiDg . . 160 Medical Science. . . ,674, 680, 666-680 (P) i>a2 Medical Slali»tic» 292, e^S See also. Vital Stalistict. Medical Reform (P) 924, 927, 038 Medical Pamphleti, 1076, 1076, 1084, 1100,1101.1114, 1139, 1168 Medical Topography 671, 679 Medico-Chirurgicnl Review. . . *666 Mediterranean Sea (P) 1 167 Meeoii, W. U. On Heat and Light. *614, *616 MiBiiAN, T. Hcndboolc of Orunmentiil Trees •649 MaiLLAN. Mcmoires 428 Meim-euu, Dr. J. B. Grammairo anglaigo *793 Rapporta sur r6du- cation "87 Mbiniiold, W. The Amber Witch 6'.)2 Sidoiiia the Sorceress . . . *692 Meisel. Cours de stylo diplomatique . . 776 Mblboubnb, H. British Army in Spain. (P) 1160 Mblier. Los niarais salauts 667 Meliora, or Better Times to Come 2,6t g6n6ral de la guerro. 681 Memorials of the Knglisli and French Commissioners concerning Acadiu 170 Men and Women of the Time 474 Mknaob. Dictionnnire dtymologique. .. 787 Mknandez, Pedro, Exp<>dition d. la Flo- ride (en 1 666) 1256 Menoiib do Loisnb. Influence de la litte- rature 801 Menoius. Philoaophie de la Chine 66 Vel Mkno-Tseu. Texte chinois. 58 Kn latin .... 68 Mendelssohn, M. Jerusalem »21 MsNunAM. Index Expurgatorius, (bo, .. 82 Index of books prohibited by Gregory XVI 32 Mendicity. See Poor. Mbndoza, Don Antonio de. Instruction.. 1171 — — — — — Lettres i\ Charles V 1171 ' Rapport et avis 1171 Mendoza, Lopez do. M6miire 1172 Menestrikr, le P. Chevalcrie 419 Meneval, Le Baron. Napol6on ct Marie Louise "480 Mkno-tseu, vide Menoius. MENNEoiiE'r. Matin6es littdraires 800 Le Plutarquo frangais 479 Mkronville. N. J. Th. de. Travels to Guoxaea 1870 Mental Arithmetic 294, *600 Mentellb, M. Sur la maisun d'Autriche 441 Gcographio 619 Menuiserie 738 Menzel, W. German Literature 792 History of Germany.. .. 442 Menziics, a. The Dick Bequest 81 Mequet, Fiug. Voyage en Islande 633 Mer. Histoire physique de la 87!) Diplomatic de la 07 Mkroadier, J. B. Ensablcraeuts de ports de luer 75S Mercantile Law of England 147, 279 of France 209 of Lower Canada. . .\63, 1442 of United States 185 of the World 147 Mercby, F. Etudes sur les beaux arts. . Ii89 Los sette oomrauni 886 L« Missouri, Ac 13'Jl Merchant Shi p». Law concerning H7 Sut! Nautical Science. w Mbri Mbri Mbbi Merl 'I Merl i Herl ■V Merl I- Merm Meuu MKtt] INDKX. {MET .... 1111 tavis 1171 1172 ^B- 419 Marie MSO 800 479 • lis to ^^BlS^ 1370 .2*4, *600 ^Ir^^ ,riche 441 619 738 .... 792 .. .. 442 .... 81 .... 633 579 97 purts .... 768 ..147,279 .... 209 .183, 1442 .... 185 .... 147 rts.. «89 .... 886 .... i;nu .... H7 Mbroibr. lugtruotion publique 74 MxRcicR DR LA RiviKRK. Economio poli- tique 261 M eroure Indieii *270 MiBiDiTii, Mrs. 0. Hy Home in Tas- mania n67 ————— Slcetchcs of New South Wales 666 Mbreditii, E. a. The Oregon que8tioD(P) 1481 MiRBWcTiiER, H. A. Case of the Borough of West Looe 116 — — — — — and Stkphrhh. Bo- roughs and Municipal OorporationR 108 MBaaBY, Jena do. M^moircs 41S MisRiLiiou. Essai Bur Miraheau 496 MiaiMiB, Prosper. Romans divers 885 Oolombat •886 Carmen •886 La dnme de pique. , •886 Lo faux D6m£>triu8. •886 Don Quicliotte •881 Tiitterature en Rus- sia 798 _— . Ohronique du rdgne de Charles IX 424 Pointuro de Saint- Savin 422 —> Voyage en Corse.. . 640 Voyogecn Auvergne B40 Voyage dans I'ouest de In France 640 Merin's Mines in Hungary 626 Merivale, C. History of Rome 826 Mbbivale, H. On Colonization 286 Merle. M6moires 416 Meblkt, p. F. Dictionary of Difficulties 789 Le traductcur 789 Merlin. Repertoire de jurisprudence. . 196 Recueil de questions 196 Merlin, Ln Comtesso. La Havnne 1360 Mbrmet, J. D. Poesies 1407 MERRiriELD, Mrs. Ancient Art of Paint- ing 711 Merritt, Hon. W. H. Reveauc and Ex- penditure of Canada (P) 1436 Merrt'h Mercantile Calculator 267 Herruau. Les convicts en Australie. . . 471 Mcrrylnnd described (P) 1184 Mbrrywkatukr, Q. On Gold and Iron, &c 624 Mersey and Irwell. Navigation (P) 1122 Mrrson. ClRHsea ouvriSres 259 rAos Mbrbon. Assurance centre I'incendie. . . 267 MiiRY, d«. Hifltoiro des proverbcs seS- Msby. CoristniUiuople ot In Mer Noire. . 646 M(RY, Jean. Voir Bartiielemy ot MOi, 681-088, 772, (P)986, 1116, 1184 Military Hintory of Oreat Britain. , 406, 082 Military Offieeri' Ineomet (P) 928, 1119 Military Kilabliihmentt of Oreat Bri- tain.. (P) 1079, 1107, 1114, 1146, 1149 See also Army. Militia Service.... "OSS, (P) 924, 1084, 1188 Mill, J. S. On Political Economy .... 268 Uiatory of British India. . . 460 System of Logic 70 Mill, N. History of Moxioo 1216 Hille et uno nuits *888 Miller, 0. U. Philosophy of History . . 820 MiLLin, Hugh. Autobiography 495 Footprints of the Creator 020 Old Ked Sandstone 020 Testimony of the Rocks. 617 Impressions of England . *630 Macaulay on Scotland 1100 MiLLKR, J. View of the English Oovem- ment 102 Miller, J. Principles of Surgery 678 Miller, John. Description of '^ew Yorli 1882 Miller, Jo. Administration of Justice in India (P.) 1161 Miller, S. Equitable Mortgages 140 ■ Life of J. Edwards 1226 Mills, J. History of the Christian Priest- hood 27 Mills, R H. On Currency and Bank- ing *202 Mills, Robert Statistics of South Caro- lina 1261 MiUfAN, Oapt. E. A. Woy-slde Cross. . . "844 Milman, II. H. Fall of Jerusalem 861 anity . Life of Tasso History of Christianity . Li fe and Works of Horace History of Latin Christi- 602 821 31 20 688 Miller, W. A. Elements of Chemistry. 694 Miller, W.H. Elements of Hydrostatics 760 Millet, A. Du cholera 6pid6mique .... 676 Uilletot, B. Puissance des juges s^cu- liers sur les personnes eooldsias- tiquea 210 MiLLBVOTB. (Eurres 872 MiLLiN. Dictionnaire des beaux arta . . . 689 MiLLiNOBN, J. O. Curiosities of Medical Experience 607 Mind and Matter .... 72 Mills and Mill work 742, 747 Mills, Arthur. Colonial Constitutions. . 166 Indiainl868 •401 Mills, A. Poets and the Poetry of the Greeks "806 History of the Jews . . . MilnK'Edwari 8. El^mens do Zoologie Des Crustacds 041 Notions de Zoologie . . 688 Milne, J. On the Valuation of Annui- ties. 266 Milnii, W. 0. Life in China "bit Milker, J. History of the Church 28 Milned, T. Oallery of Nature 679 History of the Crimea 447 Shores of the Baltic 648 Milnes, R. M. Life of Keats 498 Milsand. Les Quakers 41 L'anti-christianisme de Proud- hon 217 MiLTiTZ. Manuel der consuls 07 Miltun, John. Life, by Keightley 496 Poetical Works 861 Works 846 — — Le poradis perdu 861 Charaoter and V/dags of, by Dr. Channing . . . . v. ) ' H> 1 186 On Poetry of ,P) 1078 MiNARO. Lemons sur les ohemins de fer. 763 Cours de construction 767 Mind among the Spindles 844 Mine. Plain-Chant 722 Manuel de rOrganiste 722 Miner, T. American Bee-keeper 642 Minerve, la 141fr Miniralogie. 028-620, 606-622 Miniralogie appliquSe 788, 766 Afineraloc/^. See Oeology and Mineralogy. Minerals, English, French and German names of. (P) 1101 Mineral WaUri 670, (P) 1149 Miniraux 609 Mine*. Law of 149, 189, 206 AAA 1811 ar/y] INDEX. IMOL li i: § Pi i^^. J/in««. EiploiUtlon (lo!i "lOS Jiii'ifiprudanco .213, '20fl Mine$ and Mining. . ..2A7, 618, 022, 02S, 708,726,747,770,(1') 1410 Hinoi, Rocordi of tho School of 618 Mining Enginoora' InBtitute, Transactions 764 Ministerial Amiiaomonts (P) 1122 Minitterial lleiponiibility (P) 026 Minnttola. History of 12A7 Trarolsin 1387 Maturials for tho future His- tory of 1267 Mimtrelti/, English and Foreign. Various Notices of 804 Mints 679, 766 MiNuoius FcLix. Octavius 26 MiRADKAU. (Euvres 284 — ^— — Sa corrospondanoe "427 - Miiruoires des coutemporains 426 ■ — Do la monarohie prussienne sous Fr6d6rio lo Orand *444 M6moiro8 par lui mSnie, son p^re, BOD onde et boo fils adoptif. *496 OoDsid6ratioDB sur I'ordre de Ciucinnatiis 1264 •^— — Recollections of, Ac 426 ■ I A Life-history of 426 MiBDEL. Ocographie botanique 647 MiBECouBT. Lea contemporains 479 Eohec et Mat "881 . — La DucheasedeChevreuse. . '881 MiBKQOND. Hiatoire dea Saaaanidoa .... 457 Hiatoire dea sultaus du Kha- rczm 467 Early Kings of Persia 453 Miroir de la France 470 Mirror for Magiatrates 874 Mirror of Literature, Amusement, &o.... 017 Mirror of Parliament 119 Mirror of the Parliament of Oanada .... 161 MiBviLLK, de. Dea esprits *601 Question dea esprit .... "BOl Miscellaniea. History and Philoaopny (P) 1167 Miiire 260 MissiEBBT. Installation dea vaisseaux . . 688 Arrimage des Taisseuux. ... 688 Miitiont and Miuionariea. 42, 4S, (P) 931, 1088, 1186 Miitioni in America 1190, 1 198 Minions cPAmerique 1 190, 1 198 lUitiissippi. Hist. & Voyages.. 1262, 1266, 1890 1812 MiTPnitL. Amoriean Atlas 1341 MiTotiKi,i., J. Manual of Assaying 7fl6 MiToiiiix, Lt. Col. J. Life of Wiiljcantciu '604 M1TU11R1.L, T. L. Interior of Eastern Aus- . tralia 5^6 Interior of Tropical Aus- *f»litt • 608 MirroRD, MiBS. Our Village 945 Recollections of a Lite- rary Life 846 Mithridatos "j^g MiTBAUD. Nature des soci(3t6s 280 MiTTEBMAiEB, Prof. Effect of Drunken- ness on Oriminal Responsibility. . 241 Mnimoniqus "775 Mocha. Account of 551 ModMos de marbrorle 739 Modules do menuiaerle 739 Modifies de serrurerie 739 MoiUMes d'orffivrerio 731 Modern Orator 121 MonEBTK. Chcrt6 des grains 279 M0DB8TU8 822 Modus tonendi Parltamentum 109 Mcsohialogie par Debreyne 49 MoBBENDOUT. Voyoge dans Ic grand oc6an 6G8 Moffat, J. 0. Study of Esthetics "eSO Moffat, R. Missionary Labours in South Africa 43 MoFBAB, Duflot de. Exploration do rOi'6- ' gon, des Ouliforuiea, Ao 1391 Mohammed Ben Musa's Algebra 600 Mohammedan Umpire in Spain 439 in India. . 464, 467, 902 Mohammedan lato 91, 172 Mobaoimedans' Travels in the 9th Century 648 Mohan Lal'b Travels in tho Puuj&b. . . , 664 MoiQNo. Repertoire d'optique 689 Cosmos 921 MoiNE DK Saint-Oall. Faits et gcstes de CharlcB-Ie-Orand 413 MoiB, D. M. Sketohea of Poetical Liter- ature 802 MolA, Mathieu. M^moires 418 MoLiNBS, de. Femmes potStea 801 Rficita divers 886 Le Chevalier de Trealeur 886 Brioban 886 Histoirea aentimentales.. *883 ^— — — Car&ct^res et r£cit8 883 — La garde mobile 886 MOI.] IlfDBX. ZHOJf MoLKswoi .11, (J. T.,) and Oamot, (T.) M .mtlil Dictionary 782 H0LI8WUUTH, Sir W. On tlie Cnnadu Dill ino Workiof Ilobbei. 61 MoLii:RB and Raoinb, and the Fronoli Drama 801 MoLiJhns. (Euvret 870 8a vie 498 Molina, L'Abb grie 25 IgU r MOJfi ITTDHX. [MOO k:j i 1 ■. , J FTwM L?! M- MONTALEMRIRT. t)oS int8dcla viootdo In litt^rature Amiinmonwealth 238 Uampdan in li " 19th MoBEAU, U. Le Myosotis *879 MoaEAU DE JoNN£8, El^meus de Statis- tique 280 Century 238 MoBOAM, W. Political Tracts (P) 1141 On Annuities and Assu- rances 200 MoBiGR, J. Journey through Persia, j. PhiloBophie 67 M6moires sur Diderot 486 Nain Jnune 921 Nalson, J. ITistorical CoUectiona 383 Names. Family and Christian 608 Nangis, Guil. de. Chronique 413 Napier, Sir C. War in Syria 466 Baltic Campniijn ♦448 Napier, Sir 0. J. Life, by his Brother. . "498 Lights and Shades of Military Life - "683 — Administration of Scinde 460 1818 rAii Napieb, Sir C, J. Defects of the In- dian Government 400 On the Colonies. . . 166 Napier, Glers. Excureions in 8. Africa. 663 Napier, H. E. Florentine History 437 Napier, J. Art of Dyeing >ii% Napieb, M. Montrose and the Covenanters 898 Napier, W. F. P. Conquest of Scinde. . 461 Peninsular War ... , 881 Napieb's Practice of Civil Bill Courts, 4c. 187 Naples. Political, Social, Ac, by Lord B. *642 Naples. Hist 486,437, (P) 941 Travels in 628, 841 Napol*on Bonaparte 429-481 ' — Diacours et opinions 234 Conversations reli- gieuses 430 — — Lettresetprocliima' tions 2S4 Bonaparte au Caire 430 History of 430 Court and Camp of 489 Historic Doubts of 431, (?) 944 ■' ■ ■ Translation do ses restes mortels •431 His imprisonment. (F) 9a2 On board the Belle- rophon, in 1816 (P) 1164 ond the Bourbons (P) 924 Character of, by Channing (F) 946 Character of, by General Dumouriez (P) 1147 in Egypt and the East (F) 1090 in the Wfiit la- dies (F) 1091 Invasion of Ru8sia(F) 1092 On his Coronation by the Poiie (F) 1118 Correspondoncc of- ficielle *430 Napoleon II. Voir Reiohstadt. Napol«on in. CEuvres 235 Prisoner of Ham 482 Sketch of, by Wikoff. . . 432 Letters of an English- man, on "^33 Life and Writings •435 His Times, by De Puy , . 431 NAP] INDEX. [NSA ^4= Nafolcon III. Political and Histori- oal Works 483 Nafolcon, le Prince. Voyage dans lea mers du nord 166t Narks, E. Life of Lord Burleigh 880 Nabrten, J. Astronomy and Oeodeay . . 688 * Origin and Progress of As- tronomy 683 Nassau, ttuil. de. Entrctiens avec le 06n€ral Montgomery 1263 Natal. History of 469 Natation. Voir Gymnattiqut. Natchez. Maosacro des 1108 National Debt of Great Britain. 261, (?) 98t5, 937-989, 1086, 1087, 1110, 1116, 1116, 1121,1122, 1125, 1129- 1181,1138,1141,1162 National Agricultural Banking Com- pany (P) 1125 National Defence (P) 1099, 1 107 National Drawing Master 714 National Institution. Report of (P) 1109 National Monum-ents, Ac. Free admis- sion to (P) 1097 National Prejudices (P) 929 National Property (P) 1110 National Portrait Gallery 476 National Society. Report of. (P) 928 Native Americanism ^49, *179 Natural History. . . .623, 577, •579, 606- 616, 824, 947 Natural History. AnnaU of, or Magazine of Zoology CIO Natural History Society of Montreal.. . . 1446 Natural History. Calcutta Journal of . . 610 Naturalization Lauis. Of England 138 — United States 186, 285, 297 Natural Philosophy 290, 570-698, 606 (P)....1077, 1084, 1101 Natural Tlieology 43 Naturalist. Observations of a 290, 303 Nature. Etudes de la 60fi Nature Printing. Specimens of . . . .640, 663 Naudet. Du prCt tl int<5r6t 267 lustruotion publique chez lea ancicns 94 Les r6compense8 chez les Ro- Riains 324 _ De I'assistance publique 2C0 Naddin, Th. Trait6 demn6raonique..,. *775 Nauf rages. Histoirc dea 1846 Nautical Almanac 290, 687 Nautical Science 676, 677, 699, 604, 686-688, 767, 768 Nauzs, de la. Dissertation aur Pythagore 69 Calendrier (igyptien 802 Les peuples de I'Eplro avant laguerre do Trole 821 Chansons d« la Grdce 796 Naval Annuitant Society (P) 1101 JVo»aZ . 881 1247, 1420 190 • • • • *62I ilSo- , , , , •1247 260 642 . . • . 253 . . . . •324 /hris .... 33 73 806 a . . . 1267 Newport, 0. Voyage to Dominiqua, Porto Rico, Ac 1349 Now Quarterly Review 918 New South Walts. History of . 471(P) 1158 ' Travels in 666 Newspaper Record •QH Jfewtpapers, see Periodical Literature. Newtpaperi. Reprint* of Old Englisli. . •864 Now Testament, in various languages. . . 11 Nbwtow, Sir I. Opera Omnia 574 Prinoipia 575 '- Prinoipia demonstrated. 676 Review of Prinoipia. . . 576 ■ Oorroapondence with Professor Ootes, 4c 676 Sa vie et ses Merits. ... 676 Memoirs, by Brewster, ■'. d -1 ■: S > t m Parint, Rtieniie. Diieour* fft leotui'M. . U4S L« Oiinadien MIS Pahkto, R. Irrigation 067 Pan* 488, B8W Pnrii illimtn''. mm hiatniro, bo A8B Parl8. lu Diiily Jcrrold 484 Pnrid iiiul it» cnviroim •689 pARts, E. Dii mfpanlume iV vnpeur 781 Ounstniotioii nnvnlfl 710 Parih, Loiiia. X6g(irlationB 422 Pahih i)k Ii'EriNAnii. Mrmoircn , 42H Parih, Mntliiou. Ln iii<'(|ucrio 421 Pari*, Paulin. MnnuNOrits frnni,'niii .... 90!) PiUiHRT, Mine. MiiitruxHc dn iimirioa . . . 78B Pauihm, a. Sen OHiee'r'H Miuiuiil "887 Pakibii, H. Diploiimtic History "f Ort'cce 480 Parish, Sir W. Buenos Ayres and Rio dolal'lfttn 1'.'06 Parish Lair and Paroi-liial yystem. .'SO. 184, 218, 220 Park, Muiigo. Travela in Africa S63 — — — Voyaged en Afi'ique . . . r)")ii>pinicy of ['nntiac... —^ Prairie and Rocky Mmni- tain Life 1.S88 Parkyns, M. Lift- iu AijyBsinia BUS Parliamnil, History of 102, 108, 117 Septennial. History, Ac, of the i ■ 1828 /'arliaiimtlarv ttrform. Paniphlctit and Hpi>nahri on 922, 92;;, 927, 929, 989, 941, 1078, 107rl, 1079, 1084, 108H, 1091,1098, llOi*. "llj, 1118,1117,1119,1122.1182,1188, 1189, 1144, 1146, 1149, 1182, 1168 Parliiimenlnrii mid I'olitiinl PnmphlrU, (\nroi\t Britain and Ireland. Worka rclatini,' to 789-741 — in Franco 741 in tlic United Stiitos 741 (P) 1 125 Patents. Lii of. 89, U8 in the United States, 180, 299 Sec also, fnternationa/ Copitrn/lil. Paterculus . 823 Patehson, .I.,Ac. Common Law Practicu 'ISl Patebson, W. Central America 1361 PATifuiiKiu Ktablii^scmous thcrinaux. . . . 670 Patmorb, p. J. My Friends, Ac 805 Patna. Account of the Materia Medica of 679 Patois «788 Paton. a. a. Aoccnnl of Servia 545 — ^- I Miglilands and Llands <>f the Adriatic 644 Paton, a a Huni^ry und TntnuyWiiniii iH4 TliB (ioth Slid iIy.) Hun .. 448 I'atrin. I* France aiioiennv »t moderns. 410 Pathicr, a. ' in>m' OaoimU Uootoitsd Elections 117 Pan, (JKAtMii df MOO Paul, Katlwr On Kecl«iilfti>tioiil Beuelioea, and Kovenunt' 210 RlRht* of 8oT«r<)i«pii udA Subjfcu ate Paul, Adrieii. Loch ivalierdtFlcHidtignao •881 Illanche Mortimer •881 Paul, R. n. Canterbury, New Zealand. ♦fiflS Paulkt. Uoa <'ii|;(raifi 668 Pahli. Life of Alfred the Great 860 Paulin-Dwormkaux, a. O. Mnnuel de I'armurier 781 — — — — ^— — — Mnuuet du fiibrioant il'objets en patinagu , 'i»"Utehoao. . lunuel du M uiuel du 738 728 tonnelier 739 '- M» uel du treillaxeur 664 Paulin, Gustavo. Manuel du i|> ur- pompier ... 731 Pauli.s, Niooliis. Proous-vorbul, v . Hi»- toiro dn hi Ligua ... 410 PAULiN-PAais. .ManuHcritK fian^ais 903, le P. Voyage aux Indes *66S Paull, J. On Burdett and J. H. Took. iP) 1088 Paiiperitine 242, 260 Pausanias 815 Pautkt uu Paroi3. niasoa 506 Pautkt, J. F. J. Eoonomio politique. 250 Padtiiieh. Lea livrea aacriis di' '"Orient 66 Pautiiiku ct Basin. Hiatuiro ct descrif tion de la Oliine lo^ Pauw, M. de. Uccherohca sur lo.- Atnei'icains 181 Pavik, Til. Ri'cits divers •^86 — — — — Yu-ki Ic mogicien 'S80 — ■ Uosita •■(80 - - Souvenirs atlantiques 1j70 Pavements 294 See also, Mosaic Pavements. Pavy, L. a. Celibat ecdeaiiiatiquo .... 2'i 1 Pa.xton, P. A Stray Yankee in Texas. . 18s; Paxton (J.) and Lindley, Botanical dic- tionary 645 Paykn, A. Dea substances alimentaires. 668 1888 li i " % PAY] INDEX. [PEL V\>^ rAoa Paykn, A. Maladies des ponimes de terre 661 Chiinie iudustrioUe 784 '- La cbimie onseignee en 26 lefona 697 D^veloppement des v^getaux 647 Patbn et Chkvai.iee. Traite des r^aotifs 597 Paykn, J. F. Notice bio bibiiograpliique 8ur la Boetie 71 Payment, Rev. M. Mission du St. Mau- rice , 1194 Payne, C. W. Ooylon *558 Payne, John. Table for valuing Labor and Stores "267 Pays, (!e) 1414 Paysant. Histoire des 827, 424 Pays Baa. Histoire des 439 Peabody,0. W 3. Life of John Sullivan 1226 Pkabody, W. B. O. Life of Alexander Wilson 1226 Life of Cotton Mnther 1226 Life of Israel Put- nam 1226 Life of David Brainerd 1226 Life of James Ogle- thorpe 1226 Peace Question 242 Pkake, J. On Naval Architecture 710 Peale, Rembrandt. Skeleton of the Mammoth 1183 Pearce, R. R. History of the Inns and Courts of Chancery 135 Pbabson, H. Common Law Procedure 1:51 Pearson, J. Exposition of the Creed .. . 28 Pkaeson, W. Introduction to Astronomy 582 Peat-Bogs. Cultivation (P) 929 PKBREa, P. Finance of Great Britain .. . 261 Histoire finanoiore de la Orande Bret.ngne 261 Pecchio. Economie politique en Italic. . 249 Peche 723-725 Pecheries 281, 1336 Peck, J. H. Trial on Impeachment. .. . "194 Peok, J. M. Life of Daniel Boone 1226 Peokwell, R. H. Controverted Election Cases 115 Peclet. Traite do physique 573 Traite de la chaleur 590, 766 Trait6 de roolairage 766 Peddik, a. Of Delirium Tremens 669 Pedettrianism (P) 1 186 1830 PAOI Pedroni, Ills. Falsitication des drogues. 674 L'art du souffleur d la lampe. 739 Peel, Sir R. Speeches 121 Life and Times 231 Life by Doubleday 231 Memoirs J30 Opinions 231 And his Era 231 Etude d'histoire contem- poraine, par Guizot •230 Peers. See Lords, House of. Peers for Life. On the Creating of. 107 (P) 1121 Peer's Son. (Scottish), Parliamentary qualification of ( P) 983 Peerage Reform (?) 1121 Peerages of Great Britain and Ireland . , 607 Peoob, S. Of the English Language. ... 791 Pkggs, J. India's Cries to British Hu- manity 461 Peine de tnort 247, 948 Peintres. Histoire des •712 Pein/«re( Beaux Arts). .711-716, 689-698, 847 Voir Painting. Peintare (Arts industriels) 788 Pcittture • 421 ■ ■ . • 639 )leon 429 • • • • 429 des .... 1218 p081- * • . • 662 • • . • 737 ng.. 704 . . • . 657 dix- • . . • 69 .281 282 • • • • 588 894 s . . 894 i. . . 891 • * t • 868 rgc3 767 3 au 766 .... 766 PAS. Pelouzk et Tbehert. Notions de chimie 697 Pklbart. Voyage to Australasia 666 Peltier. Dictionnaire des Conciles . . . . *18 Pemderton, T. Privilege of the House of CommoDB Ill Pembroke, Earl of. Account of his seat, Wilton House (P) 1076 Penal, Droit 210, 211 Penal Codes in Europe 90, 229 Penal Codes in England 133, (P) 935, 936 Penal Codes in France 204, 210 Penal Codes of Louisiana 189 Penal Code for India 173 Reports of Law Commissioners on 173 Sir L. Peel on 173 Penal Colonies 254 Penal Jurisprudence 246 Penal Law. See Criminal Law. Peninmlar War 331, 682 Peninsule. Guerre de la 331, 682 Penitentiaries 246 See Houses of Correction ; Prisons. Pbnn, Admiral. Memorials, by G. Penn. 497 Penn, W. Biography, by Dixon 497, 1227 Life of, by G. E. Ellis 1226 Vie de, par J. Marsillac .... 1227 Memoirs and Writings of . . . . 1246 Pennant's Tours in Scotland 537 Pennsylvania. Hist. . .1245-1247, 1220, 1420 Voyages 1382,1383 State Laws 190 Records and Archives. . 1245 Present state of, (1857) . *274 Iron and Coal in *625 Pennsylvania Historical Society. Me- moirs of the 1246 Penny Cyclopasdia 908 Pknonvillk. Mu96e frangais 693 Peuscellwood Papers 248 Pensylvanie. Voir Pennsylvania. Pepe, Liout-Oen. Scenes and Events in Italy 436 Pepperrkli,, Sir Wm. Life of, by Usher Parsons 1227 Pepys, S. Diary, etc., by Lord Br^iybrook 388 Perception. On (P) 925 1'euoeval, Rt. Hon. S. Life and .Admini- stration 895 Speech on Catlu)- lic Question 1 20 Percy Anecdotes 828 FA.l Perot, £p. Reliquea of old Enslish Poetry 862 Pbrdonnit. Des ohemins de fer 763 Pereiba, J. Materia Medica and Thera- peutics 671 On Food and Diet 668 On Polarized Light 688 Perennjs. Biographic chrStienne *19 Pires de PSglise 26, 26 Perfectionnement moral 71 Perfumery 737 Peuier, Oasimir. Opinions et diacours. . "234 Pkri£s, J. Traduction de Machiavel . . . 222 Perigal, H. Contributions to Kinematics 601 Perils of the Nation 282 Perin, Reno. L'Incendie du cap 1208 Periodical Literature 912-922 History of, 297, 802. 914, 1179 Index to 914 (Canadian.) 1413- 1418, 1663 Periodiques 912-922 Perkins, E. T. Rovingson the Pacif.c. . 670 Perkins, James H. Annals of the West. 1256 Perley, M. H. On the Fisheries 281 Pernetti, rAbb6. De I'Anierique et des Am^ricaina 1181 — — Voyage aux lies Ma- louines '670 Pkro de Magalhanes dk Gandavo. His- toire dela Province de Santa-Cruz 1171 Pkrodeauo. Lois de navigation 278 I'kron. Voyage aux terres australes . . . 568 Voyage to Southern Lands .... 666 Ptrou. Histoire 1202 Antiquitfis 1188 Missions 1193 Voyages 1357, 1350-1863 Perpetual Motion (P) 939 Perrault, 0. Oontes *869 Perrault, J. F. Plan d'6ducation 1411 Questions et rfiponses sur le droit crirainel 168 Pkrret. Catacombes de Rome *24 Pkbrin, M. L. Code des constructions . . 207 Pkrrin, J. B. Trait6 des nullitfis de droit 210 Peruin du Lac. Voyage dans les deux Louiaianes 1384 Perring, J. E. Pyramids of Gizeh .... 819 PRRRonii.. Dictionnnire des heresies. . . 27 Pkruon. Le Naceri i)88 1831 ■ \l\ 1«J I ( m Pbbbot, a. p.' Pbery, Sir E. Pbrbot, a. M. Coastruotion dcs cartes gcographiquoa 738 Manuel du graveur .... 719 Ordres de chevalerie . . . 608 Dictionnaire de voirie . . 201 Bird's Eye View in India. 654 Oriental Oases "177 Perrt, (H, J.) and Enafp. Oases of Oon- troverted Elections 116 Perry, Commodore M. 0. Japan Expe- dition *6B8 Pkury, S. French Revolution, &c. . .(P) 1140 Perry, W. 0. History of the Franlta. . •827 Ptrte. Hi^oire 99, 453, 458 Voyages 652 Econoiuie politique 249 Pertia. History of 99, 463, 466 Travels in 652, 558, 556 Languages of 778, 779, 948 Persian Gardening 660 Persian Literature 889 Peesiony. Entrepiisede L.N. Bonaparte *432 PiBSiL, E. Des sooiutds commerciales. . 209 De la lettre de change 200 Pebsil, J. C. Rd-gime hypoth6oaire 208 Questions sur les privilt>ges 208 Pbbbius 828 Personal Property 141 Prrsoz,J. Impression des tissus 729 Perspective 714 Pebt, Thos. Voyage to Brazil, &c 1348 Perthes, F. Memoirs, by 0. T. Perthes 497 Peru. History of 12ii2 Antiquities of 1188 Oeograpliy and Voyages. .1350- 1353, 1357 PbssonMaisonnkuvb. Manuel du pecheur 723 Pestilences and Pestilential Fevers, 245, 88S, 07o, 679, (P) 980, 93r), 942 See also Cholera. Pktachia, Rabbi. TiMvels... *"il Pkter THE Qbkat. Mcuioir i)f 416 His Policy 231 Peter Lanotokt's Chronicle 363 Peterborough. Charles Mordaimt, Earl of. Memoir, by Wurburton 497 Peteukin, a. Laws of Church of Scot- land L'18 Petkrmann, Dr. A. Oeogrnphical Com- munications 1343 Pkikr.s, R. Digest of Dociaious in United States Courts 185 18;I2 Peters, Dr. S. A. History of Connecticut 1239 PsTERSnoRFF, 0. Abridgment of Common Law ; with supplement 152 Peterson, Rev. E. History of Rhode Island and Newport 1280 Petit, M. Traits des surenchdres 208 Petit, E. Droit public, ou gouvernement des colonies 1 54 — ^— ^ Dissertations sur le droit ues colonies 154, 1207 Pbtit-Radel. Denis d'Halicarnasso .... 821 Anciennes villes d'Espagne 439 Fbtitot. M6moirea, Idro. et 2de. s^iries 414,416 Petits poiites franyais 878 Petraroa, Rime di 892 Petrarch. Life, by Campbell 497 Petrauquk. Po6sic8 892 Petri E, G. Round Towers of Ireland. . . *400 Pktrie, S. Report of the Cricklade case 116 Petrifactions 628 Petronius 823 Pettigrew, T. J. History of Egyptian Mummies 818 Pettus, Sir J. Fodina) Regales 149 Petvt, W. Lex Parliamentaria , 110 Right of the Commons 110 Petzholdt, J. On Agricultural Chemistry 655 Peuchet et Tbemerv. Manuel du Ban- quier 265 Peuchet. Commerce europfien dans les Indes 1176 Pkyrard. Commentaires sur Aichim6de 580 Oommentaires sur Eucllde . . 601 Pkyre, A. F. Antiquit^s de Treves .... 324 Peyrkt Lallier. Legislation Ae» mines. *206 Pn^KDRUs 823 Phariiiavic 674 Pharinaciipirias 674, 679, 735 Piiklax, W. Heinains 40 Ph(iiionu'neg (^conomiques 254 Phoriix, The; A revival of scarce pieces 375 Pliil;i(lolphia, Magnctical Observations . . 587 Phila.klphk. Histoire 1247 Philip Miisf^rave ; or, Memoirs of a Mis- sionary 1 1 '-'8 PniLirrK Auguste *'126 Pnii-irrE. Jean. MOmoircs 415 PhilijipiiK Islands 560 PiiiLii'Po, Rev. J. .M. Jamaica 1210 PniLUM'S, J. Election Casi's H" Pnii.irrs, Capt. Voyage to Barbadoes.. 1369 '4 li, PHI1 INDBX. [WC PaiLiFPBOHN, L. Lectures on Judaism . 21 Philips, A. Poemg 862 Philips, J. Poems 862 Philips, Miles. Voyage to Mexico .... 1872 Phillimobe, J. 0. Law of Evidence. . . 132 Principles and Max- ima of Jurisprudence 88 PHiLLiuoaB, B. Life of Lord Lyttleton. 494 -—^ Law of Domicil 98 — ^ On International Law... 96 Phillipps, S. M. State Trials 198 Phillipps, (S. M.), and Arnold. On the 0/] INDEX. iPOP FoissoN. L'iroproraptu de campagne . . . 871 ' Sur la mticonique 680 PoiTEAO. Le bon jnrdioier 664 PoiTETiN, P. Petits pontes fran; ail .... 873 Orammaire 788 Homonymes 788 PoiTou. Sur Saiot-SimoD 500 Poland. History of 444 On Diaraemberment of ... (P) 1189 Polar Regions. Account of the 1843 Charts of the 1892 Polar Voyages 528-633, 1846, 1406-1407 Poles. Voyages aux 628-683, 1406 PoLEHAMPTON, E. GftUory of Nature and Art .• 578 PoLKNvs. Theaaiirui) antiquitatum 823 Police de roulage 760 Police Force, 134, 212, 290, (P) 924, 938, 939, 1079, 1115, 1140 Political Dictionary 224, (P) 1078 Political Economy. . . . 249-266, 286, (P) 1156 — ^— Opinions of Ricardo and A. Smith . .(F) 941, 944, 1129, 1142 Lecture by Senior, (P) 945 Political Literature. History of 222 Political and Social Science 6: Legislation 221-249 Political System of Europe 330 Political Unions (P) 1079 Politics for the People 225 Politique et morale 223, *879 Politique et Legislation 221-249 Politique constitutionnelle 123 PoiLocK, C. E. Power of Courts of Com- mon Law 131 Practice of County Courts 137 Pologne. Histoire 444. ' Geographie et voyages 584 PoLONCKAU. Ponts eu fonte 761 PoLsoN, A. Law of Nations 99 POLTBIUS 817 General History, by Hampton 328 Polyglott Lexicon 785 Polynesian History 470 Travels 669 Polyncsie. Histoire 470 Polyleclntii/ue. .lournal de I'Bcole 921 Polyzoa, Marino. British Museum Ca- talogue of C3i> PoMFEF.T. Poems 862 PouHEBEUL. Dictioiinaire iiniversel. . . . 57 —— Art militaire 681 1836 Pomvus d« terre 661 PoHFADouB, Mme. de. Lcllres 498 Pompeii. Its Destruction and Discovery, 828 Vide Herculanum. PoHFEius Festus 824 PoMFONiuB Mela 824 Ponce de LCO PeAvmt, H. Stonograpliie 776 Pa'TosT, J. J. L'IrlandeauXIXe«i6ole 688 Pb«vo8t d'Exii.e8, a. K. Histoire g6a6- ralo 'leg voyages 1847 LaooluiiieroobeloiHO. . 881 Manou Lescaut •876 Prevoyance. Soci^t^s de 260 Pruui.x, O. QuestioDoa MogHicoB 19 Priok, B. Oil iDfiniteaimal Calculus. . . 601 Prick, D. Kssay lownrdg tlio Hlgtory of Arabia 467 Memoirg of Malioiumudaii History 467 Pbioe, Dr. U. Present State of Population 'IIH Political and Econonucal TraoU (P) UHl Prick, G. On Iron Safes, Locks and Keys, &c •728 Prick, T. Physiognomy and Physiology of Great Britain 632 Prior, U. Ou the Picturesque 666 Prices. History of. 263, 291, 298 (P) 1181, 1132, 1187, 1146, 1166 Prices m Europe. Rise of is (P) 926 Pricdard, J. C. Rthnogi'iiphical Maps. 628 Natural History of Mau 628 — — Physical History of Mankind I128 Eastern origin of Celtic Nations 628 PaiuKAUX, C. G. Churchwarden's Guide 218 Priueaux, F. Precedents of Oouveyan- oing 141 Prideaux, H. Cumiectiun of Old and New Testaments 21 Pridkaux, T. S. On the Fuel of Furnaces 730 Priouah, C. Account of Ceylon 464 Account of Mauritius. . . . 464 Priest, Josiah. Araerican Antiquities . 1182 Priestley, J. Navigable Rivers, Canals, &a 758 Priebtlby, Dr. On First Principles of Government 224 Prime. Travels in Europe, and the East 549 Primogeniture 141, 918 Prince, P. A. Parallel History 306 Prince, Thos. Annals of New England. 1235 Prince Edward's Island. Account of 286, 1338, 1437, (P) 1096 — — — Journals and Laws 171 CharU of.... 1393 Prinoston Essays 847 Principiil and Agent. Law of. . 146, (P) 1095 Prinoipes d'artillerie 681 Principes des fortiflcatlons 682 Prinoipes favorables au progri^s de I'in- dustrie 268 PnmoLE, T. Residence in South Africa 663 Prinskp, E. a. Sanscrit Vocabulary. ... 781 PttiNSKp, H. T. Tibet, Tartary, and Mon Jfolia 667 I'rinting. Art of. ...232, 678, 782, 772, 841 See iilso, Bibliography. Printing for the Blind 87, 783 Printing in Colours 782 Pri/iting in Anierica. History of 1179 Prior, J. Life of Burke 482 Prior, M. Poems 862 Pribcianus 817 Prisons 246-247, 298, 706 Prisons (British) and Prison Discipline, 246, (P) 934-988, 940, 1077, 1086, 1116 Prisons in Spain and Portugal (Pj 940 in France (P) 942 Prison Discipline in India \l\ Pritchakd, a. Microscopic t;abinet. . . . •689 Micrographitt •689 Private Bills, Proceedings on. 110, (P) 1082 Privileges of Parliament. See Parliament. Privy Council Proceedings, &c 344 See also. Appeals. Probabilities 266 "682 See also. Life Insurance, Procedure administrative *213 Procedure civile 202, 204, 210 Procedure criminelle 202, 204, 210 Proclus 817 Proctor, Col. History of Italy 486 Proctor, F. History of the Book of Common Prayer 29 Progress of the Human Race 1427 Promissory Notes. See Bills of Exchange. PaoMrsAUtT. Dictionnaire de droit. .. . *19 Prony, R. de. MScanique analytique . . 746 Des mouvemens circulaires. . .. 746 Architecture hydraulique 767 PaoPERTius 824 Property. Law of 140 Property and Property Tax, (P) 929, 1096, 1135 Prophiities 27 Propriete 287 Voir Socialisme. Propriiti. Traite de la 206, 211 1' IPSO INDEX. IPUB mi I , Bib J w: .!! '»:;<,: ;. ^'ii ProprUU. DoDittine de 200 Fropriiti indu»tritltt *100 PropriSte dei arbrei 81 PuLszKY, T. Memoirs of a Hungarian Lady 443 Punctuation 793 Punishments. See Death ; Penal Code; and Prisons, PuucuAs, S. His PilBrimage 621 1170 I i! fr/«] INDBX. [QW Puritanittn 1287 Puritan$. HiHinry of the 88 PuHSii, F. Flora of North Anierirn. . . . «49 Pu»Kr, B. D. Collegialu and I'rofcsRorlal Teaching M Evidence of the Rtnte of the Law of Mwrio^e MO On the lUiyal Supromaoy. 217 PoTNiM, G. P. Tho World's ProgreiB . , 802 Putnam, leraol. Life of, by W. B. O. Peabody 1226 Putnam's Mngnzino 916 Puy-Laubens, Ouil. ' t- r'!' Qui^iBT, KHgRr. (Kinl« ^__^__-^ Litt^rnture* modernnii 7U6 _^__ — Lot iloumiklat 440 ^ Philonophie d« I'hU- toire *^^ ?oM« Aplque 79fi QuiNiT, Jrtromo. Variations m«gn6tique» 680 QUINTILIAN 824 QlIINTtIt OURTIUS 824 QoiTA, Don Domingo. Inex ile Oostro. . 897 QuiTABD. Dictionimire dos proverbes , . 8ft8 Quito. Hidtory of 1206, 1868 Histoire ilea pyramidea de 1868 Quotalionii. Olasaioat '. . . 784 Poetical 866 RA.BBE, A. and Duncan. Hintory of RuMia 44A Rabklai.s, F. (Euvreg 867 Works 868 Rabutb. Poids 8pitti. Livre de jostioe Kapiiail. Sa vie et ses ouvrages Rafuall, M. Post-biblical History of the Jewa Rapin de Thoyrat. History of England. Rapport tur lea op^irations militnii-es. . . . Rask, E. Danish Orammar Rasle, le P. Seb. R6cit de sa mort — — ^ Lettres tur loi Abd- naquis His Wanderings and Death Raspail, F. V. Domestic Medicine. . ■ Physiologic animate uma 649 828 418 810 8ia 824 4S0 •881 087 201 498 20 880 682 784 1192 1192 1190 669 et T6g6, 267 Real Estate. History of Settlements of. . 127 Real Properly Laui (English) 140 See also, Conveyancing ; Mortgages, &e. Real Property Law (in United States) 1 88, 189 Reaping Machines 740 Reasoning. Art of 917, 919 See also, Logic. Reaumur, F. de. MSmoires sur les inseetes 642 RKAY.Miss. Caseof (P) 1108 Rebel et Juos. La legislation et la juris- prudence des cl^emins de fer 212 REnouL. Poesies 879 Rebodlleau, E. F. Peinture sur verre . 715 Roccnsement des Canadas, 1851-52 287 Record Commission. Pamphlets concern- ing the 1159 Reeorda, Public. Guides to the. 292, 298, 345 Records of England and Wales S39-344 Records of Ireland 345, 846 Records of Scotland 344, 845 Recucil (lo3 programmes des coars de I'dcule des (Mnts et chausaeos .... 746 Recueil de 239 dessins relatifs k I'art de riug£nieur 746 Rid Jaoket. The Life aad Times of . . . . 11 88 Red River Settlement. Trials in the. . , . 164 ' Papers, &c. on, ISIO, 1339 See also, Hudson's Bay. RiDARi:s. Lo chasseur taupier 723 Reddik, J. On the Science of Law 88 Reddino, 0. History and Description of Modern Wines 738 Rbdrn, de. Legislation des obemina de fer en Allemagne 212 Redpielo, I. F. Law of Railways *]44 RsKon. Machines k vapeur 768 Reed, U. Introduction to English Litera- ture ...» 803 Rebd, Joseph. Life of, by H. Reed.... 1226 Reb3, A. Cyclopwdia 907 Rbes, J. F. Art and Mystery of a Cord- wainer 737 Rbess, Lxbtibnne et Tbrmkry. Corres- pondance commerciale 267 Rbevb, OUra. Old English Baron *828 Reeve, L. Conohologia Iconica 644 Reeve, T. Law of Baron and Femme ... 139 — On the Law of Descents, U. S. 186 Rebve's Popular Works on Natural His- tory 609 See their respective Author's Names. Reeves, Chief Justice J. History of New- foundland 1337 Rrbves, J. History of English Law.,.. 129 Thoughts on the English Go- vernment (P) 1146 ■ On the Ooronation Oath and the Roman Catholics (P) 1146 Reform (political) and Reformers. . .183, 229, 225, 233 Reformatories 246 (P) 1168 R'-formation, ProtetUnt 36-38 •228 Reformation in Church of England 35-37 Reforme protestante 35-38 Reformateurs 237 Refractions 290 Regency. On the (P) 1080, 1090, 1122 Regiam Majcstatem (P) 942 Regicides. Lives of the 47S Regiments, British. Histories of. 406-408, 682 Registration and Marriage Acts 292 Registration of Births, Deaths, and ifar- riages 293 (P) 984 Registry of Property in United States. . 186 — .. in Upper and Lower Canada , . , . ♦lee, "ISe 18M BSO] INOBX. iRSP rAOJl Rtgittry Ofieet (on Real Property) . .(P) 982, 1019, 1088 RiONAKO. CEuvres BIO — — — Vuyage en Laponie 644 ■ Travels 644 Reonadlt, E, Oump6tence dea m^deoins 680 — — ^-^-^— Higtoire criminelle du goiiTernement anglais 396 — — Histoire de huit ana . . 482 — -^__ Histotre dea Antilles. . 1207 Etats-Unia depuia 1812. 1218 RcoNAULT, J. Machines & vapeur 761 Manuel des aspirants , . . 746 RsGNAULT, V. Oours de ehimie 597 Reonisr, Mathuriu. CEuvrea *868 Reiobsnbech, K. ReaearchcB in Ma;' gnetism, Electricity, Heat, ifrc . . . 691 RuonsTADT, Due de. Son histoire 431 Rkio, a. English Dictionary 793 Rkid, D. B. On Ventilation 707 Rkid, Mrs. H, Plea for Woman 240 Reio, 11. S. Education in India 82 Reid, J. Account of Gaelic Books 901 Reid, T. On Clock and Watch Moking. 728 REiD.Th. Works 63 CEuvres 64 Reid, Lieut Col. W. Law of Storma. . . 687 Reid, W. Temperance Cyclopeedia .... 242 Reiff, 0. P. English-Russian Grammar 766 Reiniiard, 0. de. Trial 164 Relation* de» Jisuite». . 1660, 1661, 1190-1192 Religion 9-66,tP) 1077, 1085, 1086, 1088, 1102, 1103, 1105, 1111, 1112, 1116,1124, 1190-1199 Voir Canada, (Religion.) Religion «t politique 221 Religion* and Denomination*. Hist... 27, 28 Religions Houses in France. Olanee at 83 Reliure 788 Rehaole. Enfans trouvSs *269 Remedies for the " Pei-iU of the Xation," 282 Remembrancer. The 1262 Rkmubat, Abel. Ecriture Chinoise 779 Sur Lao-taeu 68 . lu-Kaioli •890 Remusat, Oh. de. L'Angleterre au 18dme si^cle 396 Junius 226 Abailard 60 — ^— — — ^ Le P6re Ventura 67 Philosophie de I'ora- toire 07 Rehusat, Oh. do. Bolingbroke 482 —• Burke 488 Fox 488 Remusat, Paul de. Vie d'HIppocrate . . 491 — Newton, sa vie, etc. 675 Rehusat, La Oomtesse da Education des femmes •76 Rbnaw, E. Etudes d'histoiru rcligieuse. *20> Rbhabd. Histoire de I'Espagne 489 Rendu, Amb. Code universitaire 88 Rendu, Eug. Education populaire 86 De rinstructiou primaire it, Londres 81 Rendu, V. Agriculture 662 Renieb. Melanges d'6pigraphie 810 Reniosb and Borby. Voyage to Brasil 1364 Rennell, J. Memoir of a Map of Plin- doostnn 553 Geography of Western Asia 647 — — Topography of the Plain of Troy 320 Notice Bur sa vie . 496 Renneil, R. T. Life and Writings.. (P) 1136 Rennie, G. Modern Tools and Machines 748 Rkmnib, John. Account of the Plymouth Breakwater 759 Harbours of Great Britain 759 Rennib, James. Bird Architecture 638 Bird Miscellanies 638 Insect Architecture . . . 642 Renny, Dr. Report on the Plague in Gurhwal 679 Rgnouabd, a. 0. Brevets d'invention. . . 89 Rekouabd, p. V. Histoire de la m^decine 666 ■■ Lettres sur la m^decine 666 Rensselaer, M. Van, French and Indian Expedition 1244 RENasELABR, S. VaB. Geological Survey of District adjoining Erie Canal. . 621 Renusson. CEuvres 200 Rbnwiok, J. Life of David Rittenhouse 1226 Life of Robert Pulton 1226 Lifeof Count Rumford.... 1226 Rbnzi, de. Histoire de Jeanne d' Are... '424 Repertoire National 1407 Repertorium Bibliographicum 901 R^ponses aux lettres provinciales 46 Report*, Law. English 152 American, 188, 189-192 — ^— — ^— Canadian 166 ___ East Indian 176 Reporter*, Lav. Ohronologioally arranged 16S 1845 ■m ■ m- - flJTP] INDEX. ZBHO ,t',i VAOI Hepreunlation, Parliamentary .... 1 1 0, 108 Repretentative Oovernment . , .*\2Z, 101, 179, 286 See also, Oovernment ; Cabinet Council. Reptile* 688-646, 613, 606-616 Reptok, H, On Landscape Ourdening. . 666 Sbresoy, Sir J- Travels, and Memoirs of 329 Risidences royalet *4S4 Reeponsible Oovernment in Canada. 1823, 1484 Rkstb, B. de. EtAblissementB des Hollan- dais 438 Restoration of Belief 44 Retrospective Review 804 Rktz, leoardina I de. Memoirea 416 Rbtzor, M. Illustrations of Sliaicspeare VIS Outlines to Schiller and Goethe 718 Rbdmont, a. de. Carafas of Maddaloni . 487 Rbvbillc Parisb. Hygiene des hommes de lettres 668 Guide dea goutteux ct des rhumatieans 668 Hygifine ocnlaire 668 Trait6 de la vieilles8e.78, "668 Etudes surl'horame. 78, •668 Reiienu publie 261 278 Revenue and Expenditure of British Em- pire 261, 273 (P) 1180 Revenue and Expenditure of United States. 299, 1230-1282 Revenue and Expenditure of All Nations. 266 See also, Statistics. Revenue System in India 277 Revebe, J. W. Tour of Duty in Califor- nia 1888 Reviews and Magazines in 1761. On. (P) 1134 Odd Numbers, 1139, 1140, 1141, 1164, 1166, 1168 See Periodical Literature. Revolt of the Bees 286 Revolution Franfaise. Voir France. Revolution of 1638 390, (P) 1078, 1118 Revolution Amerieaine 1261, 1419, 1426 Revolutions. Causes of 226 Pamphlets on ...933, 1081, 1132 Rei-olutions of 1830 (P) 1086, 1121 Kevolving-slorms, Remarits on 688 Revue de legislation (France) 204 Revue de legislation et de jurisprudence du Bos-Canada 166 Revue etrang. et frBQ9aise de legislation. *204 VAOB Revue de droit fran^ais, et stranger *204 Revue dea deux mondes 922 Revue contemporaine 922 Revue archSologique 811 Revue des romans 882 Revue des arts *689 Rev, Joseph. Institutions judieiaires. . . 233 Ret, J. Histoire des Chftles *728 Rbtbaud, Mme. Romans divers 886 La dernidre boh6mi- enne *881 Clementine "SSI Marie d'Ernambuo . . . 886 Le dernier Oblat 886 Mis6-Brun 886 — — Lea anoiens couvens de Paris 886 Retbaud, Ch. Un hiver en Corse 886 Le Brfisil 120O Retbaud, Louis. Lea reformateura mo- demes 23? Economic politique , , 268 EcoDomiates contempo- rains 264 Nouvelle Z61ande .... 285 Marine 423 Jerome Paturot 882 — — La vie de Temployfi.. •882 La Polynt'sie 669 Des asBociatioaa entre patrons et ouvriers 269 Les aventures d'un fifre tSSl La comtesae de Mau- 16on *881 Le num6ro vingt *881 Reynard the Fox, translated by Arnold. . 893 translated by Rosooe. . 895 Rbtnaud, Jeun. Philosophic religieuse. 63 Retnadd, L^once. Traits d'architecture 705 Retnieb, L. Economie des Peraes 249 Economie publique des Celtea, des Germains, dec 249 Reynolds, H. R. Ou Prohibited Mar- riages *...(?) 1085 Reynolds, Sir J. Literary Works. 716 Rbtnolob, J. N. Voyage of the Frigate Potomac 1S48 Reynolds, R. Memorial to (P) 1116 Retnolds, T. Life, by his Son 498 Rham, W. L. Dictionary of the Farm. . 661 Rhetoric (RhStorigue) 806, 806, 808,917 Rhode Island State papers l"'i^ 1M6 RHO KBOl INDBX. iBID r '204 922 922 811 882 "BSa res. . . 233 •728 886 oh6ini- •881 •881 )U0 . . . 886 t 886 886 rens de 886 irs mo- B-'-' que . . 253 264 423 ■p 882 )loy6.. •882 a entre 'un fifre •881 e Mau- •881 rnold.. 895 m'l ' oscoe.. 895 W' ' gieuse. 68 lecture 705 !8 249 249 d Mar- .♦...(P) 1085 8 716 Frigate ...(P) 1116 Wf^^ j"arm.. 661 806,808,917 1236 Mode Iiland. History of 1239 War 1289 Common Schools in 1239 RiANOBT. loatruotioD publique 83 Histoire du Monde. •306 RiBAULD, J. La Floride 1172 Life of, by J. Sparks 1226 RiOABD. Traits des donations 201 RiOABDo, D. Works 261 (EavreseomplStes 261 On Bank Notes (P) 930 On Currency (?) 1124 On the Bullion Question (P) 1143 RiOABDO, J. L. On the Navigation Laws 279 RiooonoNi, Mme. de. Ernestine 881 RiOH, 0. J. Journey to the Site of Baby- lon 816 Residence in Eoordistan 663 Rich, O. Catalogue of Books relating to America 904 General View of the United States of America 1225 Richard L Life of, by 0. P. R. James. 372 Richard. Guide en France et en Belgique 634 Guide du voyageur en Eu- rope 684 Guide aux Pyr^n^es 634 Guide en Belgique 634 Guide dans la Gran'^e-Breta- gne 534 Guide en HoUande 634 Itiu6raire de Paris A Marseil- les 634 Bains d'Europe. 684 RiCHABD et HocQUART. Guido dans la France monumeutale 634 Richard et Quetin, Guide en Espagne. 634 Richard, A. Conformation du cheTaL. , 658 ■ Dictionnairo d'agriculture 660 Histoire naturelle m6di- cale 609 Botanique de I'Abyssinie, 611 Richard, T. Jeuz enseignant la science. 724 Art d'eztraire le fer 766 Richard's History of Toquin 467 Richards, T. A. Handbook of Ameri- can Travel 1364 Richards, W. C. Day at New York Crystal Palace 771 Richards, W. F Manual of Method .. . 81 Riohabdson, Mrs. Memoirs of Louisa, Queen of Fred. Wm. Ill 444 Richardson, Major. Spain British Legion in 441 War of 1812 1206 Eight Years in Canada ] 402 Richardson, C. English Dictionary.... 792 Richardson, 0. F. On Geology, Mine- ralogy, . BARD. (Euvres cholsies •867 R0N8SEUB. De Mognis Hippocratis Lieni- bus "eee Roofing by Paper (P) HOS RooRBAOa, 0. A. Catalogue of American Publications 905 Roos, Hon. F. F. de. Travels in the United States and Canada 1369 RoosE, E. M. The Church, her Schools, and her Clergy 89 RoosMALEN, de. L'Orateur 806 RopEa'e Life of Sir T. More 868 Roquefort. Olossalre 787 RoquETTE. Diotionnaire portugais-fron- fais 786 RoQUETTB, M. de la. Voir NAVAaaETB. Voir RoBEaxsoN, W. (Histoire de I'Amcrique.) RoRDANs, J. Law Directory 164 R08A8 and the Argentine Republic 1206 Rosas. The Dictator of Buenos Ayres. . 1206 RosciiKR. Commerce de grains •279 RosuoB, H. Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases 133 RoscoE, T. Itahan Novelist 892 German Novelists 896 RoscoE, W. On Penal Jurisdiction 246 LeoX 31 LorenEO de Medici 437 On Literature, «tc (P) 931 Roscommon, Lord. Poems 862 Rose, Gust EWments de cristallographie 626 RosB, Rt. Hon. G. Political PampliletsCP) 1131 rJ noa] INDBX. IBUD 848 848 848 848 . . .786, 787 .ogou- 480 lite . . *208 499 unish- 7, (P) 1086 ..(P) 1086 706 208 . ... 729 366 (le la 288 •867 Lieni- •666 ..(P) 1103 ericaa 906 in the 1369 !hoola, . 89 . 806 . 368 . 787 fran- . 786 TK. ■ w. ... 164 ... 1206 ■res.. 1206 ... ^279 ainal . 133 . 892 . 896 . 246 . 31 . 437 .(P) 931 , 862 )hie 626 i(P) 1131 RoBK, a. H. Afghans, the Ten Tribes. . Rose, H. J. Biographical Dictionary. . . Jioiet. Amateurs dcs Voir Fleuri. RoBKLLT de LoRouKs. Vie ct Voyages de Chriatopbo Colomb RosKNSTKiH. On Uomceopatby RoMtta Stone RosNEt, P. de. Le Mercure Indien Rosa, Alexander. Red River Settlement Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oreg^i or Columbia River . Ross, G. Cases in Commerci J Law. . . . Robs, Sir John. North West Passage. . . Second Voyage Ross, Sir J. C. Voyage in Antarctic Seas RoBSEL, Contre-amiral de. Oompte rendu au ministre Rossi, Oio, Le courtisan Rossi, P. Cours d'^oonomie politique. . . Rossini. Sa vie par Stendhal RosTAiNO, Jules. Le jeu de barres RoTROu. (Euvres Venceslas Rotuli Parliamentorum RoDBAUD. Des h6pitauz — Le Chiffunoior-m^deoin RouLiN. Le coucou d' Europe Questions d'histoire naturelle . . ■ Du syst^me Electoral anglais . . . Roumania, Songs, &c., of Round Totoert of Ireland Rouse, R. Practical Conveyancer Rouse, W. Doctrine of Chances Rousseau, J. B. CEuvres RoussKAU, J. J. (Euvres Sa vie RoussEL, N. Les nations catholiques et les nations protestantes — — Catholic and Protestant Na- tions compared RoussEL, r. Allumettes chimiques RoussELiN. Vie de Hoche RoussELOT DG SuBOf. Ilistoire naturelle et politique de la Pensylvanie. . . . RoussET, Camille. La grande charte . . . RoDBSET DE MissT, J. Supplement au corps diplomatique C6remonial diplomatique. . . . Routes royales et d^partcmentales Routes. Construction des 21 472 668 1166 660 779 •270 1SS9 1391 147 630 681 666 688 891 263 499 •880 869 870 117 269 •880 639 638 281 898 •400 141 600 869 874 499 238 238 734 491 1247 102 96 96 750 750 rial Roux, Ain^. Herculanum et Pomp^i . . . 828 Roux-FxRRAifa Histoire de la civiliza- tion en Europe *236 RoDx et Flourkns. Cours de physiologie 631 RouxEL, R6v. H. Lectures, (bo 1430 Rows. Jane Shore 891 Poems 862 Rowland, A. On Human Hair 632 RoWTON, F. The Debator 806 RoT,T. Practice of Road-making.760, (P) 1440 Rot, Jennett History of Canada 1273 Royal Academicians. On Painting 716 Royal Agricultural Society's Journal. . . . 669 Royal Gallery of Art 718 Royal Irish Academy's Transacliuns .... 911 Royal Navy of England 886 Royal Residence* in England 402 Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transac- tions 911 Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions 911 History of the 671 Royal Society of Literature. Transac- tions of 912 Royal Supremacy in the English Church, 217 (P)1168 Royauti. Hist, de la 226 RorER. Institutions de credit foncier. . . 268 Roter, Alp. Les arts en Hollande 693 RoTER-CoLLARD. Fragmens de philoso- phie 64 RoTLE, J. F. Botany, die. of the Hima- lays : 608 Culture of Cotton in India. 276 Fibrous Plants of India . . . 276 Production of Isinglass in India 276 — -^— ^ Productive Resources of India 276 RozET. Voyages dans la R6genced' Alger 661 RozET et C ARETTE. Algcric 470 RoziER, I'Abbe. Cours complet d'agri- oulture •660 RoziERE, de. Constitution physique de I'Egypte 616 RoziERE (Eug. de) et Chatbl (Eug.) Ta- ble dos memoires de raoademie. . 910 RuBicHoN. De I'Angleterre ^397 Rubriquib's Travels 648 Ruche litt^raire. La 1408 RuDiNO, R. Annals of the Coinage 313 RuosET. Voyage to Baya in Brazil .... Iii64 18S1 ^ fl I ■],l sua] IXDEX. ZSAB fjt ! Ml WAMm Rugby Rcgieter 79 RuooL«8, T. History of the Poor 242 Roiz, H. Sobre la Raiz, 4o (P) 1076 Rules of the Society of Frlenda 41 Rules and Regulations for Oolonial Ser- t!co 166 Rules aud Regulations of Vice-Admiralty Courts abroad 100 RvLDiEBE. (Euvres 876 RuMFOBD, Count. Life of, by J. Ron- wick 1226 Essays (P) 1082 RoMSKV, H. W. On State Medicine.... 676 RuMBBY, J. Case of the King va. West- wood 143 R T»KLE, J. D. On Planetary Motion ... *616 Rupert's Land, Christianity in 40 Sural, Code 201 Voir Chemina. Rush, Dr. B. Medical Inquiries 668 Rush, R. Geo. Waphington in domestic life 1221 RusuwoBTH, J. Historical Collections . . 884 RosKiN, J. Modern Painters 716 Notes on the Turner Gallery 716 On Architecture and Painting 701 On construction of Sheepfolds 60 Pre-Raphaelitisni 716 Seven Lamps of Architecture 701 Stones of Venice 701 RussKL, R. Use of Sea Water in Dis- eases of the Glands 669 RussKLL, A. T. Life of Fuller 489 Russell, E. History of North Yarmouth 1240 Russell, F. Law of A rbitration 139 Russell, Lord J. Causes of the French Revolution 426 History of English Government and Constitution .... 108 Life if Moore 496 Memoirs of Affairs of Europe 330 • On the Reform... (P) 1114 Rusoell, J. A. Laws of Factors and Bro- kers 146 RossELL, Right Rev. M. Polynesia . . . 470 ^ Connection of Sacred and Profane History 22 ■ Education in Scotland (P) 1087 Russell, Lady Rachel. Letters 499 Russell, R. North America 1372 18JS2 Russell, W. History of Modern Europe 826 History of America 1178 Russell, Lord W. Life, by Lord J. Russell 498 Russell, W. H. Letters from the Cri- mea 448 Russell, Sir W. O. Crimes and Misde- meaoours 182 and Rtan. Crown Gases reserved 161 Rusiia and France. On Political rela- tions between (P) 1088 Ruseia. History of 445 History of lost War with, in 1866 448,919, (P) 108$ Travels in 628 646 —— Language of 786 Literature of 798 897 Navigation and Discoveries of. . 632 Prophecies concerning (P) 1077 French War with, in 1813. . .(P) 1092 Rusaie. Histoire 446 ' Dernidre guerre 448 Voyages 648 Guogrsphie 636 RuTHERFoaD, W. CalculuB 600 RuTiLiuB 824 Rutlkdge, J. Life of, by Van Santvoord 1228 RuTTEE, J. O. N. Human Electricity . . 631 RuxTON, G. F. Adventures in Mexico, 1373, 1391 Life in the Far West. . 1388 Ryak, Carrol. Oscar and other Poems. . 1410 Ryerson, (Dr. E.,) and Bbut^e, (Rev. J. M.) Controversy between. . . . 1444 Rteeson, Rev. John. Hudaon's Bay . . . 1198 Rtlanp, H. W. Memoir, Correspondence, Ac, of 1274 Ryle, T. On American Liberty 179 Ryme, A. L'Egypte 468 Rtmrb'b Fcedera S40 Ryswick. Of the Treaty of 830 SAAVEDRA. Insurrection do Naples. 437 SaavkdraFaxardo, Don Diego. Royal Politician 223 Sabatiee. On the North A.iierionn Colo- nies 281 Sabbath Obaervanee Qv^iiien, 61, liO, 847, 918,919 (P)944, 1144 Sabine, E. Pendulum Experiments 686 Sabinb, Lorenzo. On Duelling 241 a At 2 INOBX [St, J 'AM Europe 826 im 3rd J. 490 e Cri- 448 Misde- 182 Crown 161 I rela- ..(P) 1088 445 ith, in 9. (P) 1088 ...628 646 786 ...•798 897 es of. . 632 ..(P) 1077 ...(P) 1092 445 448 646 536 600 824 tvoord 1228 !ity . . 681 [exico, 1873, 1391 ''eat.. 1888 ems. . 1410 (Rev. Q.... 1444 y... 1198 lence, 1274 179 468 340 830 pics. 437 loyal ■ • • • 223 • • • • 281 ,M1, 1944, 1144 665 .... 241 Sabine, Lorenco. Fiiherlea of the Ame- rican Seas 1281 ' ' ' The American Loyalists 1266 Lifeof Edward Preble 1228 SAtiLi, Ude. du. Par Oousin 600 SAOnoT, 0. Monuments antiques dans I'Amgriqne Oentrale 1212 Exploration des sources de la riviere Rouge, (Louisiane) .... 1384 Sackbodbb (the Esquimaux Indian) 1190 Saoi, LeMaiatre de. Bible Sacred Poetry 61 HaoriUge 30, 860 Saot. Di^'tionnaire universe! 67 Saot, Silvestro de. Sur les livres religi- eux des Drazes 66 ■ SurleDjavidanKhired, etc 68 — — — ^— Dynastic des Assassins 4u6 ■ Antiquit^a de la Perso 466 Abd Allatifa Monu- ments of Egypt, with Notes 319 Du droit de j>roprii;te en Egypt € 91 ___ Histoire des Arabcs. . 816 Grammaire arabo .... 780 — — Commentaire sur I'Al- fyya 780 Sadik IsFAiiANi. Qeographical Works . . 622 Sadlib, M. T. Law of Population 266 ————— Memoirs 266 Badlbb, Sir R. State Papers and Letters 379 Safety Lampi 678, •748 Sngamos illustres (les) 1187 Saoabd. Dictionnaire huron 794 Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons 1191 Saqe et Pertuis. Art de fabriquer le ealin 766 Saqra, Ramon de la. Cuba 1211 Saguenay (le) en 1851 1408 Sajruenoy River and Country 1408, 1410 Sahaoun. Hintoria universal 1182 Universal History 1182 Saiilstedt, a, Grammai^ suednise . . . 784 Sailing Directions, issued by theAdmiralty 614 S.mnt-Aguet, Maurice. Lucienne "881 S M M • A 1 1; A > 3, Duchess of. Life by Mrs. C. B.Wilson "mi Saint-Allais. Art de verifier les dates 801 Saint- Voyngo en Californie, 1!)89 St. Andrews. History of 89 Saint- Anoi. H^tallurgle du fer 700 Saintakd. Roman politique 1S17 Saini-Auoustinb. Life, by Schaff •24 Voir AuouBTiN, St. Saint- AcLAiBB. Demiers Valoia ^424 Saint-Bonnet. AfTaiblissemeot de lu rai- 80n 67 Saint Christopher, Acts of Asieinbly of. 172 Saint-Cbnib, M. Alexandrie 817 St. Domingo. History of 1208 Saint Dimingue. Histoire 1207,1188 Voyages 1869 SAiNT-EoMiC, B. Dictionnaire de la p6- nalit6 89 Repertoire des causes cel^bk'ea *196 Saint-FAlix, J. de. Aventures do Cagli- ostro 881 Saint'Fibbeol. Systdme des douanes.. 280 Saint- Foix. L'Oraole 872 Saint-Geiikz. Assistance publique 260 Saint Gboegb, H. de. Un mystire .... ^881 Saint Helena. Magnetical Observations. 580 History of 470 Saint-Hkbmii, E. de. Pie IX 81 Saint-Hiiaibe, Aug. de. Voyage 4 Rio de Janeiro, <{ec .... 1856 Voyage dans le district des diamants et sur le littoral du Bresil 1365 Saint-Hilaibk, Barthfilemi. Su' la philo- sophic sansorite 68 Rapport eur la question de I'dcole d' Alexandrie 60 De la vraie democratic 284 Egypt fc'uez Canal "660 Vdir Abistotb. Saint-Hiiaibe, Qeoffroy. Voir Geoffbot St. Hilaibb. Saint-Hilaibe, Marco de. Anecdotes du temps de Napol6on I 4SI — Histoire de Napoleon III 481 Histoire de Nnpoieon et de la grande arm6e. . *480 St. John, B. Adventures in Libya .... 568 Sub- Alpine Kingdom.... 641 The Louvre 717 Village Life in Egypt. ... 660 Montaigne the Essayist. . . •490 18SS , .:■: 1 1 m St. J] INDEX. [SAJ ,V} m ill m St. JoDN, 0. Highland Sporti 726 St. Joun, II. tiritiah Oonqueiita In India 469 St. Joun, Mri. U, Adventuroi of Au- dubon 1229 —————— Hiitory of Indiiin Archin^'sgo 484 St. John, J. A. Nemesis of Power 226 The Hellenes 822 St. John dk Cbbtkxidb, J. H. Voyage duns la haute Pensylvanie 1883 —— Letters from an American Farmer 1878 — — ^^ Lettres d'uu oultivateur Amiricain 1878 St. John, J. R. Lake Superior Copper- mines, Ao 622 St. John, P. B. ThreeDaysof Feb. 1848, 482 Saint-Josefu, Anthoiae de. Concordance des codes de oonimeroe *90 Concordance des codes civils *90 Saint-Julien. Littdrature en Russie... 798 -^^-^— — Voyage en Russie 640 Saint-Lambert. Les saisons 878 -^-^— Poesies fugitives 873 8(. Lawrence. Plans of the Gulf and River 1893 - Sailing Directions 1896 Maps, Reports, Ac, con- cerning 1389, 1440 St. Lbonabds, Lord, see Siiodbn. Saint-Leu. Documents bistoriques sur la Hollaude 438 Saint Louis. Son Uistoire 414, 4?4 Ses Institutions 198 Expedition to Egypt .... 828 Sle. Lucie. M^moires sur I'lle de.l336, 1363 Saint-Mabo Giuabdin, Voir Oibabdin. Saint-Mabtin, (dit le " Philosopbe incon- nu,") Sa doctrine ■68 Saint-Mabtin, J. A. Syst^me d'H^rodote et de Diodore 321 — — Fragmens d'une histoire des Arsacides 467 Saint Maurice. Mission du 11 94 Saint-Meby. Voir Mobbau de S. M. St. Paul's Cathedral. Account of. . .(P) 1083 Saint-Piebbb, Bernti.din de. (Euvres.. 876 Saint-Piebbb, L'Abbd de. (Euvres poli- tiques •223 Saint Pbiebt. Fall of the Jesuits *31 Histoire de la royaut^. .. 226 Saint Pbicst. Etudes diplomatiquei. . . 048 Saint-Pbix. Voir Ubbriat. Saint-Hkal, I'Abb^ do. (Euvres *8«9 Saint-Simon. Mcmoirea 426 Le regent et la oour de France 42S ' Louis XIV et «a cour 426 Salnt-Thikbet, Guil d«. Vie de St. Ber- nard 481 Saint- V ALLIES, Hgr. de. Etat de TEglise 1192 Saint- Victob, Niepce de. Rechercbes photographiques 719 Saint-Viotob. Manuel du fabricant de cadres 7S3 St. Vincent, Earl of. Life, by Brenton. 602 St. Vincent hland. History of 1209, 1210 ■- Colonial Practice of, 171 and Slavery (P) 1094 Sainte-Bedve. Po^sie fran^aise 801 Critiques et portraits lit- tvraires 801 Cauaeries du lundi 801 Derniers portraits 801 Portraits de femmes. . . 801 Volupt6 879 Poesies completes *879 Sainte-Ceoix, de. Legislation de la Gri'ce 90 — — Anoiennes lois de la Sicile 122 Histoire desMesseniens 321 ^— — ^— Recherches sur le paga- niame 27 SAiNTE-TuGsisE. (Euvres 60 Saintks, a. De la vie et de la philoso- phie de Kant 66 Saintinc. Picciola 882 — La femme baromfitre *881 Saint*. Vie des 24 Saints Evangiloa 1 1 Saisset, E. Le Socialrsme 237 Philosophie du clerge 68 — — — Renaissance du Voltairia- nifnie 68 Le Christianisme et la philo- sophie ^ 89 Eexais sur la philosophie . . . *69 De 1ft philosophie positive. . 6? Michel Servet 69 Etat moral de notre (Spoque 69 Eooles philosophiques de la France ^9 Logique du P6re Gralry. . . 69 aAi] INDBX. [BAIf Sahrit, B. Mnnuel de phlloiophia *S8 Saliqut. Loi 196 Ballk, Robert Caveller de la. Life of, by J. Sparki 1226 ^— ^— — — — ^— — — Memoir on the Mississippi 1262 Jouroalof his last Voyage to Mexico 1262 His Will, made at Montreal 12S2 Last Ex. pcditioii in Nortli America 1262 SiLLi. Esprit des ordonnances 198 Oommissaircs du ChAtelet 202 Code des our6s 220 SALLENoaic. Thesaurus Antiquitatum. . . 323 Sall.'Ib, L'abbe. R6publique do Platon 222 L'lHle de D61o« 821 Histoire primitive de Rome. . . . 324 M^moires Bur Platon 69 —— DIssertatioDS sur Clcfiron et Plu- tarque 69 Sallustiub 824 Salm;i% and Salmon Fiihing 726, 1412 Salmon, G. On Conic Sections 601 Salomon. Islands of 666 Snlt 276, 626 Duties on (P) 930, 1083 S\LT, II. Life, by Hall 600 On Young's and Champollion's System of Hieroglyphics 779 Salt Range in the Punjab C22 Salvaino. Traitu de I'usage des fiefs. . . 202 Salvandt, Paul de. Des gains de survie 207 Saltandy, N. a. de. Revolution de 1830 MSI ——^^ Histoire du Roi J. Sobieslti "444 — — Don Aionso 880 Salverti. Noms d'hommeg, de peuples et de lieux 308 Salvut. Trait6 de I'usu fruit 607 Samoiedia. Account of P29 SAHrsoN, W. Autobiography 401 Sanohoniatho's Plioenician History 320 Sand, George. (Euvres 882, 886 Histoire de ma vie . 'eOO, •882 La mare au dinble 881 Andr6 •882 Mauprat •882 Le corapagnon du tour de France *882 Metella •882 Sand, G -orge. La petite Fadette "882 Le p6ch6 de Monsieur A \tolno ^882 Pauline '882 — — Valentine •882 Francois le Champl .... •882 — — Monsieur Rousset •882 ___ LeB raaitres Moeiaistes . . '882 • Les sauvages de Paris. . "882 Indiana ^882 Melchior •882 • Las Mississipieng •882 Jeanne •882 Le Meunierd'Augibault. •882 Cora •882 Toverino •882 Horace ^882 — — — — Lesmdres de famillo. . . , •882 — — — . — Loono-Leoui *882 Quelques reflexions sur J. J. Rousseau ^882 — — Lucrezia Floriani "882 Le Chateau des D munihip 709 Samdcrsom, J. P. Rcpublicau Laud- iimrkH 178 SANOvaun, I). K. lUse aaJ progreu of Literature „ •707 SAHorouD, F. Ilifltory of Kiiiga, Queens, &c., of Roglitnd 338 Sandicieh hlimdt. Ano, '-ni, 670, 13J8, 1892 Sandwith, n. Sii'go of Karg 418 Sandys, C. CuHtoiriH of Kent, and Ilintory of Oiivclkind 406 SANroBP, IL S. Penal Oudos of Europe . 90 Sanoekmano. Ortlie liurinese Kuipiro.. 407 Sanqbtkr, 0. Poem* 848 ■ Tho St. Lawrence and tbe Snguenay 1410 Sanhita of the Bonia Veda 68 Sanilari/ Reguhi iont. See Health, Public, Saiikliya Karika 64 Santkrit Language 781 Literature 798, 889 Sansom, Jos. Sketches of Lower Canada 1401 Sanson, S. L'Am^rique en pluaieurs cartes 1340 Santabrm, Le Vicomte. Ruchercbcs bis- toriques sur Amurio Venpuco . Kosoarches 1167 re- ■peoting Americug Vespucius. ... 1 167 Santk et maladie 73 Santkuil, a. do. Lo port du mnriagc.. *881 Saxto's History of Ethiopia 470 Safinaud, Mmo de. M6iuoires 428 Saracent. History of the 456 See also, Arabs, Saraeenia ArchittelHre 699 Sarazjn. Ilistoire desdiMsde Normandie 417 Sardaigne. Histoire 487 Voyages •641 Sardinia 437, 527, 534, 541 Sarqbnt. Social opulcnco 261 Saefi. Uistoire du Concile de Treote. . 28 Sarrasin. Notice sur 1430 SAuaAziN. Conspiration do Walstein. . . 604 Sasrus. Calcul des variations 606 Sartiqer, Cte. de. Souvenirs dea r£pu- bliques de 1' Am^rique du Sud . , . 1864 Sasianidet, History of 467 18M >A«I .Saukrwkin, 0. Turkish Dictionary ... . 780 Saumuhk')) Ascent of Mount llluno 64S Saulcy, F. de. Voyago aus villes man- ditea S60 ^-^—^— Voyage autour de la mor morte 660 ■ ■ — Dead Sea and DibleLanda 660 — — Nuniismatiquo punique . 812 et Micron. Catalogue dcs plantes en Syrlo 649 Saulniib, Anatole. Reoherches sur lc« droilK do douano 280 Saulx, Oiispard do. Mumoires 416 Saulx, Guil. de. Mf'imoircs 416 Saumaubz, Admiral. Memoirs, by Ross . 600 Saundkrs' Portraits of Political Re- formers 229 Saunokbh, J. English Life and Mannurs. 873 Saunukub, T. W. Law of Municipal Ilo- gistrntlon and Elections 116 — — Practice of Magistrates' Courts "ISI Counties Police Act . . •134 Saurin. BpartacuB 870 DIanche et Ouisoard 870 Bevorlei 872 L'Anglomane 871 — — Leg nuiiurs du temps 872 Sautayba, 0. Assurance control'inccndie 208 Sauvaoe. Explosions dans les bauts- fourneaux 707 Su)iHtitution du boisauoharbon 767 Sauvagei de I'Amirigue. , . . 1181, 1296, 1812, 1818, 1838 . — Querros areoles, 1269 Voyex Indian!. Sautole, M. de. Etablisscmcnt des Fran- 9ttis d la Lonisiano 1263 Sav aoe, J. Irish Revolutionary History, Ac '401 Savaqe, James. Oleauings for New Eng- land History 1236 Sataoe, R. Poems 862 Savaue, W. Diotionary of tho Art of Printing 782 Hints on Decorative Print- ing 782 Savabi. Dictionnaire du commerce .... 271 Savart, General. Vindication of his political conduct (P) »29 Obser- TBtions on the foregoing (P) 931 MAVi INDIX. {BOB Saviowt, Huron Vod. Vocation of our A^i' for Lrgiglation, (fee 224 ' On I'imtoiiioii . . . OJ — Analysinof 93 ^— — — — — De In poKnouion . 98 - Du droit roninin. 08 Sationt, J. C. Oiflonux i)o I'Egypto. . . . 680 Df« nsoidiiis 641 — — — ■ Aniunus Hunit vert^brci. 041 Savin(i» Hankt 2flfl, 290, 292, (P) 938 Savonarola. Life and Tinici of 87 Saxon iu Ireland 6<18 Saxon Lamjuaget 784 Bee nUo, Anglo-Saxon, Saxtny. Kingdom of (P) 928 Say, Uoracti. Etudes lur la villo de I'urU 288 — — ^— ^ RuliitionHCommcrcinles entro U Franco ut lo Br^sil 283 Sat, J. B. (Kuvro* 280 '■ — Cat6cliiBme d'Scouomie poli- tique 250 Catechism of Political EcoDO- my 260 LettrcB d Malthas 260 Political Economy (P) 986 Say, Louis. Industrie et It^gislntion 268 IlichesBB des natiuDs 264 Sav, T. Anicricou Entomoloirv "642 Savkh, Capt. War witi " .^a,., •448 Saykii, K. DIsquisif » (P) 1106 Scandinavia, ' LitetMure of 798, 890 T AVftls iu 623, 642 See als" Steeiim. Scarce Tract* Coll'ection of 227 SoARBOH. »£uvr»is *869 Jodelet, ou lo maitre'.Tolet . . 870 — — — Don Jnpbet d'Arm6nie 870 SoiiAOUT, 11. On the Microscope 689 St'HAKp, Life of St. Augustine *24 ScuAMTL Account of *6&2 ScuKFKR, L. Married Life of Albert Durer *896 SriHirrER, J. History of Lapland 462 Scheldt. Kxpeditiou to the (P) 1081, 1107, 1122 SnHELLEB, J. O. Latin Orammar *783 ScMEi.LiNO. Syat^nie da I'idoaUsme trans- cendental 60 SoHcuEB, U. Ilistoire du commerce. . . . 271 SonERER, J, B. Reoberchea sur le nou- veau monde 1 167 SoiiXBZCR, Dp, Carl. Travels in Central Amorioa 1861 SciiiirKB, J. V. Explnnatjon of 'he Prac- tice of Law mo HuiiiLLCR, F, (Euvros, en Allutnnnd. .,. 896 ^— ^— ^— (Euvret dramntiqnos 896 Works, Historical, Ac 8»« — — Qucrre de trenle ans 442 Poesies "896 —~—~——. Currcspondcnce with Kor- nor 896 — — — — — Correspondonco withOa'the •896 Life, by Carlyle 600 SoniNAS. Oroniniairo grecque.. . , 788 SouLKOEL, F. L'histuiro mode rno 807 — — — - Languo et philosophie des IndicDi 66 06 308 8U8 00 896 SCBLEORI., W, Boccace 707 Lectures on Dramsitio Art, and Literature 802 SrnLEiDKN, M. J. Scientific Botany .... 646 Tho Plant 046 rhilosophio dc In vie ... . Philosophic dc rhietoire . On Philosophy of History On Philosophy of Life, ic. Miscellaneous Works.... Sur Dante, Putrarque et ScBLiPF. Manuel d'agricultui ' 652 ScuLossEB, F. C. Histories uf 18th and 1 9th centurios 830 ScBUiDEL, U. Histoirc d'uii voyage .... 1866 Schmidt. Sur lt> mysticisme allcmand. , 60 ScuMiDT, Qco. L'orgnniste praticien. . . . 722 SoiiuiT, J. P. D^corateur ornemeutiste 719 A rchitocte des monuments religieux 701 ScHMiTi, (E.) JuiiKy, (0. E.,) et nutres. Manuel de l'ing6nieur civil 742 ScBNiTKLEB, J. H. Russia uuder Alexan- der I . .d Nichohw 446 ScBfELOHKR. Life of Hnndel *721 ScBosLL. Littdrature romaioe 796 Histoire des traitos de paix. . . 96 SciioMBCBwK, Sir R. H. Fislies of Guiana 609 History of Bar- badoes 621, 1210 School of Manners, from the Periiian. ... 66 ScBOOLCBAKT, H. R. Lead Mines of Mis- souri 621 ■ ■ On 6 Grave mound, Virginia 629 1867 SCff] INDBX. ISOS 1 eae, J. Hindustani Dictionary. 781 Grammar.. 781 SiiAKKsrKARE, W. Pocms and Plays... 863 Oiuvres 8S3 Concordance to 868 Life, by Halliwell ... 500 Outlineato, by Retzsch 863 Tales from, by Charles and He&ter Lamb 863 Monument to (P) 940 Gallery (P) 1 103 Character of (?) 1105 Suakspeare et son temps, par Guizot. . . 863 Shari', G. Prize Essay on Banking.. 264 Sharp, J. A. Index to Ordnance Maps . 538 Sharp. Voyage 524 Sharpe, D. Of Fuasil Molluaca 627 Sharpe, S. Egyptian iHacriptions 320 History of Egypt 320 Sharswooi), Judge. Profiasional Etliics. 185 Shaw, G. J. Law of Bankers Clieques . 145 Shaw, (G.) and Noddeu. Naturalist's Miscellany 608 Shaw, H. Encyclopaidia of Ornameuts. 703 Sh\w, L. Poems 864 Shaw, P. Pharmacopcuia 674 Shaw, Pringle. llamblinga in California 1662 Shaw, T. U. Outlines of English Litera- ture 803 SuAw'a Travels in Barbary 062 SHA'\ INDEX. [SIC • 3say. 1483 inCa- 1411 otioii . 762 riff.. 138 65 143 825 als of 1231 rces.. .* 1389 Black 54T ipping 148 f Flax 662 700 •718 sties of 68 onary . 781 imar. . 781 863 863 868 well . . . 500 Retzscb 863 diaries 863 . . . (P) 940 . . . (P) 1103 ...(P) 1105 863 ikiiig.. 264 Maps . 538 524 627 s 320 320 Kthica 185 eques 145 u'alist'e 608 lueiita 703 864 074 Litera - 803 562 Shaw's West of England 686 Shea, J. G. History of the Catholic Mis- sions 1191 • — Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley 1262 See LaRociik Heron, (Catholic Church ) V(yi/ez niissi les Relations des PP. GttAviEn et Bigot. Shearman, F. W. Public Instruction in Michigan 85 Sheep 275, 294, 659 Sheffield, John, Lord. Commerce of the American States 1231 — — — Commerce des Etats-Uuis 1231 State of Great Britain and the U. S. of America. 1231 A letter from an American on his pamphlet 1231 Pamphlets by (P) 1145 Sn^.FFiELD, Duke of Buckinghamshire. ''nems 864 ?:' ■ y. Life and Manners in Persia 552 S ;. • . 'A. Legal and Political Sket- ches 477 Speeches 121 Memoirs, by McCnllagh.. 500 Sheifoud, L. Law of Lunatics 180 Law of Marriage and Di- vorce 1 38 Law (if Mortmain 142 Law of Railways 144 Shells. British Museum Catalogues of . . 636 SuELLEv, P. B. Poems 864 Shenstone. Poems 864 Shepiiard, Chs. Island of St. Vincent. . 1210 Shepiiakd's Memoir of his Life 1233 SuEPiiEBD, H. I. Law relative to Elec- tions 113 SiiEPHERii, W. A. Bombay to Bnshire. . '552 SilEPPAun, F. Constitutional Text-book of the United States ^ns Sheppaui<, J. The ForoIgH Sacred Lyre *51 SuEPPARi), \Vm. Essays on Canadian Botany 1410-1412 SnEBBUUNE. Poems 864 Shebidan, R. B. Dramatic Works 864 Memoirs, by Moore . . 500 Speeches 120 Eoole do la niedisanco S'.tl Sheridan, T. English Dictionary 793 On Elocution (P) 1135 Sheriff law 138 (P) 1144 Sberley, Sir A. Voyage to San Jago, Dominica, ibc 1869 Sheblock. Resurrection de J^sus-Christ 46 Sherwood, T. On Private Bills 110 Shillinglaw, J. J. Narrative of Arctic Discovery 628 Ships. See Naval Architecture. Ships. Propulsion of, by Windmill SailsCP) 933 Decay in (P) 1164 See also. Timber, (Dry Hot). Shipmaster's Assistant. .' 279 Suipp, Lieut. J. Autobiography POO Shipping. Law of 147 See also Seamen. Shipping and Shipmasters. On 279, (P) 1104, 1142, 1152, 1153 Shipwrecks. Narratives of ...... . *406 (P)1083, 1119, 1136, 1142 Preservation of Life and Property at (P) 941, 942, 1109 Shireff, A. Topographical Notices. .. . 1411 SiiiBLEV, Major Gen. Ilis Conduct 1420 SuoBERL, F. War in Germany. . . . . (P) 1092 Short, T. History of Churcli of England 35 On English Mineral Wuters. 670 Shortland, T. Description of New Zea- land 568 Shortt, W. p. Gesta Anglo Americans. 1273 Siege of Quebec in 1775. 1279 Druidical Remains in De- von 404 Shrewsbury, Duke of. Correspondence 391 SnttEWsiiDRY, J. Earl of. Third Letter to A. L. Pbillipps 230 SuuCKFORD, S. Sacred and Profane His- tory 21 SuuRREEF, J. Customs of Indian Moo- sulmaus 457 SnuTTLEWouTH, Sir J. K. Public Educa- tion 80 Siam. 655,656, »612, 466 Siberia (Sibcrie) 533, 5B6 SiBORNE, Capt. W. War In France and Belgium 331 SiuouB, Monacigneur. Sa vie *501 SiBTHoup, J. Flori. Qra>ca 647 SiuTuoRP, Rev, R. W. Case of. . . . (P) 1114 Sihyllvs •52 SiCARD. Instruction des sourds-mueta. . 87 Sur les journees de septembre. 428 Hicile (Siciltj). Hist 436, 437 1861 if' i SIC] INDEX. ISIS WilH I! Hi 'i Wi m ili PAQI Sicile, {Sicilif.) Xoya^ea . . . 627, 628, 684, 642 SiDDONs, H. liluetrutioijs uf Rhetorical Gesture 806 SiDDONS, Mrs. Life by Campbell 601 SiDMouTu, Lord. Life aud Correspoudenee 395 Sidney, V Diary of Times of Charles IL 388 Sidney, ' 1 p. Memoirs, by Zouch 601 Sidney, S (luoge Evidence, ifeo 270 Three Colouies of Australia. 567 Siedold et SvANius. Anatoinie coinparOe (iSl SiEiioLD. Voyage au Japou *558 Sierra Leoiie Company (P) 1118 Sierra lAione 564 Sieves, L' Abbe. Life of (P) 1 140 Sikhs. llisUiry of the 461 SiuEsiBoM, P. A. Educational lustitu- tioDs of United States 85 SiLius Italicus 825 Silk Manufacture 275, 772 Silk-worms 643 SiLLERY. Etudes biiigrnjihiqueg sur le Chev. Noel Brulart de Sillery 1192 Silliman, ]?,, Jr. Chemistry 593 SlLUMAN, ]3eii.j. Remarks on a Tour bet- ! ween Ilnrlfurd and (iuebec 1361) j >'i8it to Europe iu 1851 535 \ Sili-imanV Aniericuu Journal of Scieneea I and Arts itU SiLVKSTUK, J. B. Paleographio Uuiver- selle 774 Silvester du Saoy. Voir Saly. Silvio Pellico. Voir Pellico. SiMOOK, Lt. Col. J. G. Military Journal. 1265 S1.ME0N, C. Memoir by Cams 501 Simeon, J. Law of Elections 1^3 SiMMONDS; P. L. Commercial Products of the Vogotable Kingdom 276 Oolbl Kiiig.ioni of Oui'c. . . . *461 Sleep CfiV, 808 pAei Sleigh, Lieut. Col. Pine Forests, Ac. . . 1404 Slidell, Lieut. Year in Spain 640 Spain Revisited 640 Small Books on Great Subjects 849 Small Debts Laws 186 (P) 1086 Small Pox. Reports, Ac, relating to. . . 679 See also Vnc; 'nation. Smallet, D S. Phonetic Dictionary. . . *793 Smart, B. H. New School of Metaphysics 70 Thought and Language ... 62 Smart, C. Poems 884 Smlaton, J. On Edystone Lighthouse. . 760 Civil Engineering Reports 742 Smedley, E. History of France 411 Smee, a. Electro-Metallurgy 782 ■ Instinct and Reason 684 Electro-Biology 670 Manuel de ("alvanoplaatie . . . *782 Electrieit6 m6dicale 670 S.MET, R. P. de. Voyages aux montagnes rocheuses 1391 Smibert, T. Highland Clans 899 Smith. Military Operations in North America 1260 S.vrni, Adam. Life of 501 Wealth of Nations 250 Richesse dcs nations ... . 260 Theory of Alorol Senti- ments 64 Smfth, Alb. Ascent of Mont, Blanc .... 542 Wnsgail Bowl for Christmas 849 Smith, Charlotte. Old Manor House. . . *828 Smith, C. H. Natural History of the Human Species 628 Introduction to Mammalia 608 Dogs and Horses 608 Smith, C. H. J. Parks and I'leasure Grounds *665 Smith, C. J. Hi.-*torical and Literary Curi witics 849 Smith, C. M. Curiosities of London Life 849 —— Law of Master an I Servant 139 Working Man's Way ill the World '. 606 Smith, Edmund. Poems 864 Smith, E. Botanv 577 Smith, E. F. On (Anieri-an) Statute and Constitutioiiiil Law 184 Smith, E. P. New York Law Reports. +191 Smith. E. R. The .\rauoiinians 1367 Smith, O. Doetriui- of the Cliprut>!;n ... 21 Ri'ligii.n of .'iiieient Britain. . 34 18C3 I ft '' sMi:\ INDEX. [SNO rAoi Smith, G. Sacred Annals of tho World . . 22 History of Methodism *41 Smith, Geo. Visit to Cities in China, Ac. 667 Smith, G. L. Ireland, Historical and Statistical 402 Smith, 0. V. Nineveh and the Assyrians *816 Smith, H. S. ParliameDts of England . . 108 Smith, Capt. John. Lifeof.byG.S.Dillard 1226 Travels in Europe, America, Asia. Ac 1344, 1383 Description of New England 1383 History of Virginia, Ao 1346, 1388 Smith, J. Memoirs of the Wool Trade. . 276 Smith, .John. Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul 22 Smith, J. A. Prelections connected with Science 581 Smith, Sir J. E. Correspondence of Lin- nnus, Ac C46 Smith (J. E.) and Abbott (J.) Insects of Georgia U43 Smith, J. G. Principles of Forensic Me- dicine 160 Smith, (J. J.) and Watson (J. F.) Ame- rican Historical and Literary Cu- riosities 1266 Smith, J. and H. Rejected Addresses. . 864 SMrrn, J. Pye. Geology and Scripture . . 617 _ Memoirs of, by Med way. 501 Smith, J. R. Bibliotheca Cantiana 901 Smith, J. 8. Practice of Court of Chan- cery 137 Smith, J. Toulmin. On Government by Commissions 230 Smith, J. T. On the Management of Mints 765 Smith, J. W. Compendium of Mercantile Law 147 Law of Contracts 146 Law of Real and Personal Property 141 Leading Caees 152 Equity Jurisprudence .. . 136 Proceedings in an Action at Law 131 Smith, M. Oeogr.iphical View of the British Pos-iessiuns iu North Anie- lica 1395 Smith, R. A. Lifi' »( D.iltoii,nnd Atomic ThtM.ry "SBS I8M piai Smith, R. B. Italian Irrigation 760 Smith, Sir S. Life, by Barrow 601 Smith, Southwood. Philosophy of Health 667 Smith, Sidney. Works 849 Moral Philosophy 64 Memoir of, by his Daugh- ter 501 — Peter Plymliy's Letters, and a Reply thereto (P) 1147 Smith, T. The Parish 218 Smith, T. L. Elements of the Laws 186 Smith, W. Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology, and Geography 806 Greek and Roman Geography 806 Smith, Wm. History of Canada 1278 History of the Province of New York 1242 Hiatoire de la Nouvelh York 1242 Smith, Rev. W. British DiatoraaceaB. . . *644 Smith, Sir W.O. Political Allegories (P) 93^ Smith, Barou W. C. Grand Jury Charg*, (P) 935 Smith, W. 0. Hindostaiice Interpreter. 781 Smith, W. H. Canada, past, present and future 1396 Canadian Gazetteer 1396 Smithsonian Catalogue System 1428 Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge 614, P15 Smithsonian Institution. Annual Reports of •614 Smoke, in London Atmosphere (P) 984 Smoi-lktt, T. History of England 386 Miscellaneous Works .. . 860 Smucker, S. M. Catharipfl II of Russia. 446 Smyth, Coke. Sketches in ^he Canadas. 1899 Smytb, C. P. Teneriflfe "SeO Smtth, D. W. Topographical Def.crip- tion of Upper Canada 1398 Smtth, J. F. D. Tour in the United States 1378 Smyth, T. Unity of Human Races 628 Smyth, Pr(ff. W. On Modern History . . 326 On the French Revolu- tion 381 Smyth, W. H. Cycleof Celestial Objects 582 St.ito of Sardinia 437 Tlio Mediterranean 579 Smyth W, W. Mines, Mining, &c. .618, 619 Smyth, W. Warrington. Year with the Turks 546 Snakes. British Mu?euin Catalogue of . . 636 Snoduhaks, Major Burmese War 467 SlfO] INDEX. isou rAai 769 601 [oalth 667 849 64 ftiigh- 601 147 218 186 781 . 850 . 446 iM. 1899 , 'seo 326 437 , , 579 18, 619 the ^ , 546 636 467 VAa« Snow, Oalob. History of Bolton 1288 Snow, W. p. Arctic Voyiige 481 — — Cruise in the South Seas. . 1S68 SoAMKs, H, History of Anglo-Saxon Church Latin Ohurcli in Anglo- Saxon times Soap and Candlet. . . .596, 735 , sec also Social Science 238-249, 263, ■ Association for Promotiou of 34 33 578 919 '295 919 Soeialinn "49, 238-237, 918, SocUte domtitique 236 Sociith iecreUt 306 Society, its condition, history, and pros- pects 101, •214, 232, 286, 288 SOOBATES 818, 815 SocBATES ScHOLABTious' History of the Church 28 SoEFVE, Lucien. Re^^uell do questions no- tableB 199 Sceurt de la Chariti 1196 SoQLiA, Joannis Cardinalis. Institutioned juris privati "216 Solar Syttem (P) 1098 See Planetary System. * Solitude 73 SoLia, Antoine de. Conquute du Mcxique 1214 Conquest of Mexico . 1214 SoLLOHouB, Comte. Nouvelles choisies . . 881 Solly, E. Introduction to Rural Che- mistry 666 Solon. iixJo.-ic dc la nullity 210 Trait6 (i - ^rvitudes 207 SoMEBS, Lord. Life and Writings of 501 Defence of the Constitu- tion (P) 930 Tructa 354 SoHEBEKT, Duke of. Properties of the Eclipse 601 SoMERViLK, W. Poems 834 SoMEBviLLK, Mrs. Connexion of the Physical Sciences 570 — — Mechanism of the Heavens 582 Physical Geography 679 SoMEBviLLE, T. England from the Ues- torntion, &c 389 England under Queen Ainu- 389 Soniinc de St. Thomas 25 Sound, see Acoustics. SoHMEBABD. Lc8 Brts Bu moyen Tigo . . . 691 SoHMEBs' Voyage to the West Indies. . . 1340 Somnambuliime 670 Sonnini. Voir Azaba. Sons of the Sires "Vli SOPHOCLKS 817 SopwiTH, T. Award of Dean Forest Mining Commissioners 626 SOBEN, J. Narrative of (P) 1186 SoRioNET. Cosmogonie du la Bible ... . 18 SoTHEDY, W. Odyssey of Homer *814 Soto, Hernando de. Conqu6te de la Floride 1266 Conquest of Flo- rida 1266 SouBEiBAN, E. Traits de pharmacie, . . . 674 SoucHAY, I'abbd'. Discours sur l'616gie. . 796 Sur les hyrancs des anciens 796 M6moire sur les sectea philosophiques 69 Soudan. Voyage au *560 SouLAviB. Higtoiro de la decadence de- In mouarchie fran^aise 412 Tableau de Vhistoire de la decadence 412 SouLi! and others. Annals of San Fran- cisco 1268 SouLfi. F. Revolution de I'AmSrique Anglaise 1262 SocLi*, Frederic. Le lion amoureux . . 881 La premiere loterie. . *881 .30ULLIKR. Dictionnaire de musique . . . 721 SouLT, (Due de Dalmatie.) M^moires.. 480 SouQUET. M6troIogie franjaise 268 Sourds-mucts. Education dee 87 South, R. Sermons 48 South Carolina. See Carolina. South Holland, Ac. Family Tour in . . . 544 South Seas. Voyages to the. .565, 1206, 1368 SouTHET, R. Book of the Church 36 History of Brazil 1200 Chronicle of the Cid 440 Common Place Book 860 Cromwell and Bunyan . . . 476 Doctor 880 Essays 860 Life of Wesley 41 Life and Correspondence . 601 Life of Bell 481 Lives of Uneducated Poets 478 On Society 288 1S65 f! i a lii I 'i«if mn 1 1 SOU] INDEX. [SPI Kffr if SouiiiKY, R. Poniujular War asi Poetical Works 864 80UTIIKY, T. On Colouial Wools 276 SoiiTiiuATE, H. Tour through Armenia, «fec. 652 BoiTHOATE, Wm. S. llistory of Scarbo- rough 1240 SouvsSTKK, K. (Euvres 882, 886 Uiclie ct Pai^vre •882 L'l^chelle (Ie8 femmcH. . *882 R^cits (Jo la muse popu- laire '881 Lu uvorot (I'uue fortune. '881 Brittany et La Vend6o . 882 SouzA, Mnilamo do. (Kuvres 868 Sovf-rcigns of Europr. Lints of ... .290, 294 SoWKUDY, G, 13. Br'jsh Conoholojjy . . , 614 _ Conclu>l(f);ioal Manual . 644 The Atiuarium "eStt SowERDT, H. Po])ular Mineralogy .... 624 SowEUBY, J. British Mineralogy 625 SoYKit. MoiloU's (rnrfi'vreric 731 SoYEii, A. Culinary Campaign at Solms- tojwl '448 Hidtory of Food 7;ift Sozomkn's Ecclesiastical History 23 Spa 535 »Sp8, lO'j Staunton, Sir G. T. Penal Code of Oliinn 90 -^-^ Notices relating to China 46(1 Staunton, H. Chesn Player's Companion 726 Hand-book 724 Chess Tournament 725 Stavorincs. Of the Indian Islands. . . . 468 Steam Boat Explosiont 297, •763 See also, Railway Aceidentt. Steam Engino. Construction of, (fee, 298, 678, 710, 727, 742-747, 761- 768, 764 (P) 1122, 1187, 1426 Steam Navigation. History and Statistics 292, 296, 298, 678, 710 Stkbbino, H. Lives of Italian Poets. . . 478 Continuation of Milncr'a Church History 23 Stedman, C. Americon War 1262 Steohan, Capt. J. G. Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam. 1200 Stekl, David. Shipmaster's Assistant . . 279 Stkel (David) and Knowlks (John). On Naval Architecture 709 SiKER. Parish Law *218 Steffkn's Adventures on the Road to Paris 442 SxieGALL, J. H. Autobiography *502 Steinitz, F. Origin and Progress of the Ship 709 Steinmetz, A. The Novitiate 32 King Alfred, or Moderate Monarchy .'i34 Ou Tobacc( •737 STEiNscuNEiDkR. JcwIsh Literature. .. . "20 1868 »Atl Stellar Photography •300 Stellar Uni>-er»e .')78, 382 See also, Celettial Globe ; Plurality of World: Stendhal. (Kuvres 880 Stinographie, (Stenography) 776 HtKriiANua. Thesaurus Graicoj Linguw. 947, 948 Stephkn, Sir G. Digest of County Court Cases 188 ^— Principles of Commerce and Commercial Law 147 Anti-Slavery ReeoUoo- tions 249 Stephen, H. J. Commentaries 129 Summary of Criminal Law 188 Stephen, Sir J. Essays 88 On the History of France 411 West Indian Slavery . . 248 Stephen, ThomaH. History of I he Epis- copal Church of Scotland 89 Stephen, T. liook of the Constitution. . 'lOS Stephen dk la Hadelsink. Un jeune homme de Province •881 Stephkn'h War in Disguise .... .99, (P) 1103 Stephens, A. J. Eucicsiasticnl Statutes. 218 English Constitution.. »103 Stephens, H. Hook of the Farm 661 Deep Limd Culture 681 Stephens, J. L. Travels in Egypt, &o. . 549 Trovels in Yucatan .. . 1378 Travels in Central Amerioa 1361 Travels in Russia and Turkey 846 Stephenson, G. Life *748 Stephenson, R. M. On Railways 782 Stepney. Poems 864 Stereoscope 678, 719 Sterling, J. Esiuys and Tales 861 Life, by Carlyle 802 Sternbekq, The Breughel Brotliers. . .. *894 Sterne, L. Works 861 Voyage en Franco 540 Steuart, H. The Planter's Guide 648 Steuden, Bavon. Life of, by F. Bowen. . 1226 Stevens, U. Calologue of English Li- brary 899 Stevens, Paul. Fables 1446 Stevenson, A. Bell Rock Liulitliouse . . 760 Skerryvore Lighthouse . 760 BTM] INDHX. l»TU — -^ fMI "SOO ..ai8, 58!i rality • • * • 880 775 DgU(B. 947, 048 Court 188 mercc 147 eoUoo- 249 129 inunnl 138 86 France 411 ery . . 248 ! Epis- 89 iitioii . . •108 jeuni! •881 99, (P) 1103 iitutes. 218 itiou . . •103 661 651 ., ko.. 649 an... 1378 1361 ia and 646 •748 762 864 ...57$ 1,719 861 502 •894 861 640 648 1226 h Li- 899 t • . . ■ 1445 sc .. 760 luse . 760 rAai 760 1353 5901 1433 1366 64 Stivknbon, a. History of Lightlioiii>t<9. Stevknson, W. R. Twi'uty Vonrs' Koii- (k'i)Cc in Noutli Anierion Stbtenson, W. F. CunipuBltiuii of Hy- drogen Stewart, Rev. C. View of th« Eastern Townnliips Stkwart, 0. H. ^Jrazi! and La I'lnta . . . Stiwaut, D. Oollectud Works Phllo»opliie do I'eitprit hu main 64 Stewaut, John. Accunt of Prince Ed wftrd'n {eland 1338 Stilkh, Kzru. Life of, hy J. L. Kiugi- ley 1220 Stilkh, W. 11. Austria in 1H48-9 448 Stillinoflekt, U. Life and Works .... 861 Stiiiphon. Of Marine Invortebrata 616 Stirlino, A. Earl of Case and ' urativo 1836 SiiaLLNO, Jaiuex Letters from tlie Slave States 1382 1*. J. On Gold Discoveries. . . 262 Pliilosophy of Trade... 278 Stirling, W. Cloiater Life of Charles V. 329 Vclasquea and his Work . . "712, Major W. Rivers of Paradise. 19 Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of. Pooms 864 Stirling, Major General W. A., Earl of. Life of, by Alexander Duer. .1228, 1247 Stith, W. History of the First Discovery of Virginia 1249 Storo, Major U. Memoirs 1260 Stockdalk, J. History of Inquisition ... 32 Stockdali VII. Hansard. Case of. . . Ill (P) 1114, 1085 Stock Exchangi'. Triuitactioni. Law of . *145 Stocks and Slock-jobbinf/ . . .200, 300, (P) 1130 Stockiiardt, J. A. Agricultural Chem- istry 666 — — Principles of Chem- istry 593 Stocqukler, J. H. Uri'lsh Officer 684 Life of Wolliugtou. . 606 Life of Sir W. Nott . '460 Stoddard, J. Philosophy of Language. . 776 Stoddart, Mnjor Amos, Louisiana ... . 1254 Stoihiaut, T. 'r. Angler's Cnmpanioii. . . *725 Stoke Damerel. Burial Uround (P) 1079 Stokes, A. Constitution of Hritidh Colo- nies in North America 155. 1261 Stokes, J. L. Discoveries in Australia, .ied paub Stores, W. Diagnoiis of Dlieaios of the ChcHt, (to 672 Sroi.iiKBG. De I'amour de Dion 45 Stone, F. Pamphlets by (P) 1102 Stone, W. On noDuflt HuildingSociKtiei 144 Stone, W. L. Life and Times of lied .lacket 1188 — ■ Life oi Joseph Brant .. . 1188, 1265 Stone, Mrs. Chrnniclei of I'anhion. ... 861 Stoney, Capt. H. B. Residence in Tas- mania 667 Storch. Cours dY'cononiie politicpie.. . . 261 Stork, Win. Account of East Florida. . 1420 Storms. See Windi and Storms. rfroRV, J. On Conflict of Laws 188 Equity Jurisprudence 139 On the History, State anil Pros- pects of the Law 129 Law of Agency 146 Law of Dailmenti 146 Law of Bills of Exchani;e. . . 146 On Law of Promissory Notes, 146 On United States Constitution 178 Constitution dcs Etats-Unis. . 178 Life and Letters of, by his Son 1229 Story, W. W. Sales of Personal Pro- perty *14I ■ - Law of Contracts 'Me ■ Lifo of Joseph Story.. . 1229 Stotiiard, T. Life, by Bray 602 Stow, D. Training System 80 Stow, J. Chrouiolc of England 336 Survey of London 403 Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Uncle Tom's Cobin. 862 La Case de I'oncle Tom 862 - — Dred 862 Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands 635 Stowe Sale. Catalogue of the 718 Stowell, Lord. Judgment in a Slave Case (P) 1164 Strabisme 673 Strabo 817 Steachan, Bishop. Sketch of his Life . . 86 Stbacbey, W. History of Travaile into Virginia 1388 Papham Colony 1240 Strahlenuebg. Description of Russia, Ac. 445 Stbaitii. On Fortification, &e 684 ■Steangk, hir R. Memoirs, by Dennistoun 502 1809 STKl INDKX. [SUO ^'i ■'■ ■■ i * I'll 1 1 m I I 1^ '*j^r IS-' urn* HTaANOK, T, MiiKlii Law 17'i 8TiATtN'Pi)NTiioz, Lo Comto Auk. Van- iler. Lu Kuil^et du lir^^iil I'iOO Btraum, D. K. Vio (le J6tu» Obrist. ... 23 Strai'm, F. HuIum'm I'ilgrinmfio lil Stbauh*, (). L. Krciicli Urniiiinnr 780 ■' < icnnnn (h-nniiniir 78ft Mofldrii and Turk 827 Stkauu-Dubckkih. Tbt'ologio i. LIvvi of Queeni of Kni^liind 8S8 — — — • Lire» of Qiierui Hug- Hub 878 — — Euj^IIh)! SpiirtK ami I'attiiiies 846 Stri'it, J. O. Syivii Hritiiiiuica tH8 Stryi'i, John. Work* Mft 8TRZKI.ECKI. 1'. K. DoDOi'iptlon of Now Soiitb VViilfx B60 Oolil and Silver ; » SuppU'iiient to f(iri'i,'iiiut( Work. . . Btl6 Stvart, a. NdteH oil till' Satfueimy Country 1410 Ontiiidiaii Ktyniolojfios. . . . 1412 KiidowineiitH for Education. 1448 Stuaut, C. KxpeditiiiimiiitoH. AiiHtniliii 711 SlUAiiT, C. U. Naval and Mail Steanu i-h of tbo United Stali.s 711 Sil'art, O. 0. Cases in Lower Caunda Courts 105 Stuart, Sir .las. Skitch of lii^ Lift- 1274 — — Case of Ills SimpeiiHiiiri from Office 12SI — — ^ CorrcHpondencc. &c. . . I2H1 Stuart, J. Tlirce Years in Nortb Anieiiua USO Refutation (if As|)er!tions. .. . 13S() Stuaut, (Jj and Uevktt, (N.) Antiqui- ties of Atbcns •609 Stuart, M. Hebrew Oiiruitomatby. .. . 778 Stuarts. Courts of tlio 320, .S82 Stuart I'apers 399 See also Pretender (The.) Stud Book fran^ais npli'».sis *8«0 Les onfaiiU lie ramonr •880 ■ he* sept pi'ebi^s capitaux . . •881 Martin, rmfaiit tronv6 •881 nilbert pt dilberti' •SSI lift bonne avonture •SSI AUr (lull '882 I. a Haluiimndio •882 Le iMurquii d. L6t<>rit>io . . . •882 Arthur *»»'< Tberj^no Dunoycr •882 Deux bistoires *882 — — — Lulreauniiint ^882 {Jiinifidies sneialoH ^882 Jean Cavalier »S82 La Coucaratcha '882 Le (^iniinaiiileur duMalto. . ■882 Li! Juif errant •SSi riik et Plok *882 Paula Monti '882 Lei Mystiirea do Paris '882 Deleytar ^882 Mntbildc •882 Le .Moiiif au UiiiMe •882 La Viijio de Koat-Von •882 Sufide Histoire 481 Voyages 643 Cominerco 283 SUKTONIUS 826 Siif-z. istlimuft 271, •4tl7, •50o, 768 Siiffar and the Siu/nr Cane. Orowtli and Manufacture of 662, 733, 7:i7, HH (P) 1426 .Statistics of 276, 2l»3, 2\t8 Duties (P) 1096, 1007 SuoDK.N, Sir E. H. Law of Property 140 1 New Statutes relating to LimilatioiiM HO On Sales 14" Treatise on Powers.. 140 On Cliancerv Court (P) 942 »V0] INORX [HHTA HuoDBN, Hir K, M. Oil Rill., of Interrnt, nnd kudeenmlilu Aiiiiiiilit'ii (!') U27, llHd -— Oil Vendors nnd I'ur- oliiuer* 'Ml '■- tliindy lx)()k on I'ro- |>H 885, 842 • IV'iimcriititf •124 Sidti'n il UufKoN. Voir In note munusorlte, pftKB »noo Soi.MVAN, 1'". S. Coimtilulioii iiml Lrwh of Knifliiiid in;i Sullivan, •Jiiint'R lINtory of tliu DIh liict o( Main 1240 Hi'MTVAN, .John. Mfo of, by O. W. II. 122tl Sui.i.ifAN, II, Uiciloiiiiry of Derivationii 7»2 Sullivan, VV. K Jotiriml of I'roifresn.. 727 Hui.LivANT. MoMKCR of tlio United SlntcD "OriO HuLLv. M6ni<)iri>s 410 Sui.ric'iA 82ft Siiiiiiitrd. History of 4i\5 Si'MNKR, Abp. Oil Population, Ac 28fi Sun (till') anil Siinr,>'niiif..r>lH, BOD, •514, *ni". Sii>iila>i Ohsi-riinnce. .Sot! Stlibnl/i Question. Sn,i,l,ii/ Schooh 77 (P) 1088, 1102, 1 1 M) Siinsirnii' on Diiily Piith* 8ft2 Siiperiialiiral Appfarnncr. Alleged. .(P) 1083 Siipfralilion 28 Sinrli/. Law of 14(1 Surgooim Coll i't;o. Orntions (P) 9,^3 107.'i Sitrijn;/ nnd Hurfiical Operulinnn. . . .07!1, 298 Siirijerii BUI. Letter on ii prii|)oaed. .(P) 9H1 SiRov. Fiimiict's 2fl3 Siirhwm. DcBcription of ISBii KwAiNHfN, W. Of riyC»tolierH.-Oft»i«- Dink of Woiturn Afk-loa 008 Strttlloin. On the (P) 028 SWA.N, .1. O. Tlie Noith Wont Poiint .... 1897 HwAKTx.C. J', MeiiiolrH, by I'l'iiriton. . . . 802 Swnirhi; 874 S«fl hIro, Oafht. SmtiUn. lliHtory of 4ftl Triiv.dH in 62!l, •627, 843 Littrnturo of 708, 80tl fiwriliiih l.anijHng« 784 8wKD».ifM0R(^ K. Life, by Hood 802 Life, by Wilkihson. . . •802 On iho Aninml Kiii};- dom 634 Sif' tlfitborf/inniam 882 Swerpinif Ch' ,inUl hi/ Ii "i. Report nnd Piimphlets on (I itSO, 940 SwEKT, O. Liniitod Liability Act 144 Hw ifT, Jonnthnn. Life, by Seotl 602 Life nnd Writings, by Lord Orrery 'nO'. \V ,rk« 8.T> (P) 1184 I'lieliis 804 V'oyntfo d.Ciiillivor. . "881 HwiNnuENk, U. Coiirtf< of Eiiio|).. 'aSO Swindell, J. O. On \Vel|.r)i«}riiiif 787 SwiMd, the Riok-b, ••ner. Life and Di-utli i of (P) 1078 SwiTZBH, S. Hydro8tntlck9 •78f. Switzerland. History of 438 Travels in 627, 5:!.'), .")42 On Affairs of (P) 1090 HvDKNHAM, Lord. Life nnd Administra- tion in Cnimdn 169 Si/'lenham Pnlacr. Onido to tlie 771 Views of 771 SvLS. , '.v. R. On Appeals to the Lords 10(5 SvLVAi.v-EvMAnn. Politiconinnie 23.') Surnnuifs .3,16, 608 SuniiRY, (Howard) Karl of, Poems. . . . SfiO Stmks' Knibnssy to Ava 5."u5 Surrei/. County of. History 406 I ''v.monds, A. .Mechanics of Lnw-SIaking 110 Siirrei/iuij nnd Snyvei/ors. . .RW, 748 (P) 1101 | Svmo.ns, J. School Economy 80 Survri/ing. Nautical fiSii 8uTv«\ji of England 292 Seo also, Ordnnnrc Survey. Susae.x Emigrants. Letters from 1402 SuTiiKnLANi), .1. C. C. On the Hindu Law of Adoptions , 1 '/2 Suttee in India 4(12 Sutton, T. Photography on Paper 719 SuzANNKT. Les Provinces du Caucnsc. Sv.\tON9, ,J. C. On Reforinataries 243 On Sir R. Peel '"SO Symons, J. C. Tactics for the Times . . . 245 Synoe. Caiinda in 1848 . 286 Synodnlin. a Journal of Convocation .... 38 Si/uoni/me>, (Si/norii/mi) "788, 793 Syria, (Si/rie) 466, 651 See also Holy Land, 447 1 Si/rian Qiien/ion (P) 1096, 1097 SwAisso.v, W. On New Zealand 285 | Svrus 826 1871 SYR INDBX. [TAR w w S!tv 1- PAOL SzABAD, £. Hungary 443 State Policy of Modern Europe *330 TAAFE, J. History of the Order of St. John i)f Jerusaleni 31, 329 Tabac. Ses effeta .' *668 Fabrication 737 Voir Tobacco. Tabago. Island of. History 1420,1210 Tabari. Cbroniquo 453 Table cbronologique des diplumes 420 Table Talk. Book of 862 Dramatic 827 Table Talker. Tbe 852 Table-turning 592 Tables tournantea 593 Taboada. Dictionnaire espaguol 786 Tache, J. C. Plan de commutation. ... 167 -^— Esquissc sur le Canada . . 773 Le Canada et I'expoBitiou universello 773 Canada at tbe Universal Exbibition 771 Courrier du Canada 1414 Confederation des provin- ces 1446 Tacub, ilgr. LettresdelaRiviiire houge 1491 Taciti's 825 Tahci.n-Uddin. Aventures de Kamrup. . 889 Taillandike, S. H. Sur I'Alk'niagne. . . 442 — L'utliOisuie et le so- cialisme 237 Pbilosophie bdgeli- eniie 66 Scot Erigiine 60 LittCrature en Allc- uiagno 798 Tain£. Pbilosoplios du XIXe git^cle. . . . *69 Tait, P. G. and Stkel. D_>uamic3 of a Particle Ool Tait, W. Magdalen! sin 244 J'.'.i'i. Leslies 471 iALABtT. Le canal de Suez 271 Talbot, C. Duko of Shrew.sbury. Cor- r 'spondence, by Coxe 391 Talbot, Edw. A. Five Years in C.iinidii 1369 Cinqannees ftu Uiuiadu 1309 Talbot, Major O. Selection of Psalms.. 721 Talbot, H. F. Pencil of Nature 719 Talbot Divorce Case »i:i8 Talfourd, T. N. Vacation llanibles . . "Silo On Poetry (P) 926 1872 PAOI Talfourd, T. N. Spcecb on Slielley's Works (P) 1086 Tallf.mant DS8 Rkaux. Les bistoriettes 426 TALLKYRAND-PeRiGoaD. Projct d'organi sation dune instruction publique. 83 Commerce des Etats-Unis aveo I'Angleterre .... 273 Avantuges des colonies nouvelles. 284 On l^ited States and Great Britain (P) 925 Par Capefigue. 478 Reiniuisceuces of, by Colmaebe *602 Sa biographic, par Micbaud 502 Kotice, par Mi- guet 502 Tallon, A. La caravane 881 Talon, 0. Momoires 417, (Mrs. Robinson.) Colonization of America 1177 Tamisier. Voyage en Arabia 562 Tamlyn. On Evidence 130 Tancred Of Ropresentiitiou in England 108 Tanev, R. B. Life of, by Van Santvoord 1226 Tapiks. La France et I'Angleterre .... 397 Tapping, T. Writ of Mandamus 135 I'ar. On tlic Manufacture of 735 Tar-vater. Virtues of 63 Taubi?, M. Poids et mesures 268, 269 VOriiication 269 TAiiiif, C. Langage et patois de Cliam- pague 867 Notes, rccbcrches, glossairos, etc SOi), S67 Tardieu. Diotiouimired'liygiene publique 666 Manuel do palbologie 666 Tabdiku, Amudeo. Sent'^ranibie et Guiuce 468 Tjrif. British 279, 280, 293-295 Tariffs and Customs in Caitada. . . . 280, 1325 Tariff of U^nileJ States. 26», 291, 298, 299, *300 Tariffs of Various Countries 279, 280 Tariffs of Jul J i and and France compared 292 Tariffs of China 294 Tariffs of Mexico 299 Tauletoa', Lieut. Col. Campaign of 1780-'81, in North Aniorica 12C3 Tar'^rian Nations. Dialects of 554 Tartarii. Travels in 554, 357 Ta.sciiereai;. Vie etcuvrages do P. Cor- neille ■185 TAR TAS] INDEX. ITEI PAal elloy'B ...(P) 1085 riottes 425 Di'gftni jlique . b3 je des •e 273 ea dea 284 Statea ....(P) 925 efigue. 475 ucea of, 4 502 jraphie, 502 par Mi- 502 881 417 sfttiou of 1177 562 13fi England 108 uitvoord 1226 rre .... 397 135 735 63 269 269 e Clmni- 867 ossairog, . . . SCi' . *67 publique cot; (166 , Guiuoe 468 '280, 2y:)-2',i5 . . . '280, 1325 !9«, 299 '300 ....27'. , 280 iiipared 293 294 299 ign of :n 12Ca 854 ...55-1, 557 485 TABCHSftEAU. Vie de Moliftre 495 Tasuan's Discoveries of Southern Ooun- triea 655 Tasmania. See Van IJiemen's Land. Tasso. Life, by Miltcau 502 La Juruaalem delivree 893 — — Jeruaalem delivered 893 Tatk, T. Philosophy of Education 81 Mental Arithmetic •600 Tatk, W. Modern Cumbiat 268 Tatuam.E, On the National Debt, Ac. (P) 1131 Tatischeff, J. Dictionnaire Franjais ct Ruaao 786 Tauleb, Dr. Jubn. Life and Sermons. . *51 Tavannes, Gaap. de. Voir Saul-k. Taxation... 251, 261, (P) 1100, 1181, 1132, 1141, 1142, 1145 I'axea on Knowledge (P) 1097, 1121 Tatlke, W. E. Geology 617 Tayler, G. Consolidatiou Acta *143 Taylor, A. Glory of Regality 104 Taylok, A. S. Medical Jurisprudence. . 150 Taylob, Bayard. Travels 527 Eldorado 1388 Taylok, E. Book of Rights 102 Taylor, UuNuy. Notes from Books ... , 853 Notes from Life 853 Edwin the Fair, &c. . . 864 Philip Van Artevelde 864 The Statesman 225 Taylob, H. System of Creation of our Globe 581 Confederation of the Pro- vinces 1432 Condition of Canada 281 On the Union of the Cauadas 159 Taylor, Mr. II Tlieological Tracts (P) 1105 Taylor, Hugh. Manual of a Justice of the Peace 160 Taylor, 1. Elements of Thoughts 05 60 75 50 Tayloe, J. P. Law of Evidence 132 Taylor, J, W, History of Ohio 1257 Taylob, R. New Zealand and its Inha- bitants 471 Taylob, Richard. Scientific Memoirs. . 571 Taylor, R. C. Statistics of Coal 625 Taylor, T. Edition of Aristotle 807 On the Philosophy of Aris- totle — — Eleusinian and Bacchic Mys- teries (P) Political Fragments from the 808 928 Gr«ek 816 Miscellanies 817 Taylor, T. G. Catalogue of Fixed Stars 683 Taylor, W. Memoir of, by Robberds.. 502 Survey of German Poetry . 798 Tayloe, W. B. History of Dublin Uni- versity 81 Manual of Fresco Paint- ing, &c 711 Taylor, W. C. Manual of Ancient His- tory 315 Manual of Modern History 326 Memoirs of House of Or- leans 423 History of Mohamme- danism Ancient and Modern India Natural History of Society Tour in Manufacturing 66 458 236 Fanaticism Home Education Natural History of Enthusiasm Physical Theory of Another Life. 60 Saturday Eveuing 50 Taylor, Bp. Jemery. Life of Christ. . . 22 Whole Works 48 Tavlob, J. Political Economy 253 Taylor, J. G. United States and Cuba 1371 Taylor, J. N. Law of Landlord and Tenant *186 Districts 536 TaYLOR, NoDiEB et Cailleux. Voyage pittoresquo dans I'ancieimo France. 539 Tea. Growth and manufacture of. .275, 661,733 See also Fobtcne's Works on China. Tea trade (P) 1098 Tedds, H. On Adultery and Divorce. . . 240 Technologic 726 Tecico, Father N. del. History of Para- guay 1204 Tecumskii. Life of 1188 Notices of 1281 Life of, by Tupper 1281 Teed, J. Report of the Case of 163 Teqq , T. Dictionary of Chronology 303 Tkoneb, E. Axel and Svea 896 Teooborskl Forces produotivcs de la Rusaie 447 Teh iiantepec. Isthmus of 1374 Tbiqnmoutu, Lord. Coasts and I(>land8 of Scotland and Isle of Man 400 1873 TEI] INDEX. [TUA \ V III "if li: •a mm PAOI TsioNMouTH, Lord. Life of Sir W. Jonos 4«2 Memoirs, by his Son 602 Teintures 730 Teisskrkno. Rapport sur lea cheniins de fer 764 TaissiEii. Agriculture 650 Tilcgraphcs 781, 294, 2i)9, 578, 690 Telescopes 689, 299, 745 Tklforu, T. Life ; with a descriptive Atlaa of Jiis Works 748 Temiscaminij. Mission de 1 195 Temminck. Ornitbologie 638 Temperance Question. .. .iil, *236, 241, 269, 290, 296-298, 609, 917, 918, (P) 1440, 1443, 1446 See also Drunkenness ; Public House Licensing. Tempestini. Philologie sacroe *18 Templars, (Tcmpliers) 329, 422 Temple Churcii, Lomloii. Accounts of. , 704 Temi-le, Sir W. Wurks 853 Memoirs, by Courtenay 502 Temtlk, le Chev. Mi-inoires 417 Tenanl Rights (P) llu7 See Landlord and Tenant. Tenci.v, Mme. do. Giuvrea 8118 Tennhmann, W. O. Manunlof Philosopliy 58 Tknnent, Sir J. E. CJirifitinnity in Coylou 42 History of Modern Greece 450 Taxation of Wine... 279 Travels in Belgium. . 544 Tennessee. History of 1261 Tennyson, Alfred. Poenia 865 Ten Tribes of Israel 18, 21, 48 in America 1182 Tenue del livres 267, 279, 60 Tenure Seignauriale 167, 168 Tenures 128, 129 See also Seigniorial Tenure. Tkrentius 825 Ternaux Compans. 'liblioth^que asiati- que 904 — — Bibliotht'iiuo ameri- caine 904 La Guiane 1201 — — — Archives des vo- yages 522, 1172 Voyages, relations et mftraoires 1171 Recueil de pieces sur le iMoxiquo 1372 1874 PAOI Ternaux Compans. Recueil de pieces sur la Floride 1 386 Ternay. Traite de Tactique *681 Terquem. Alg^bre 600 Gres 72 Therapeutiijuc 671, 597 TiiERESE, Sainte. CEuvres 60 Thrr. diameters 290, 676, 678 Thery. Profession d'instituteiir 75 Thesaurus Grojca) LinguiB 94", 948 THKVg^fARD. Menioiresrelatifaaiamarine 688 TiiEVGNOT Dessaulbs. Dictionuaire du dlgesto 92 Thevenot. Recueil de voyages 621 Thevbt. Cosmographie universelle . . . 609 SingularitCs de la France An- tarctique 1178 Thoaudeau, A. 0. Mfiraoires sur la Con- vention et le Directoire 428 Le consulat et I'em- pire '429 Thibault, Jean A. Traits des cri6e8. . . 201 Thibault, Rev. M. Mission de la Ri- viere Rouge 1194 TinnAULT. ClmnsonB 867 Thibet. Travels in 56t Thekbaut DE Berneaud, a. Manuel du cultivateur 662 Manuel du vigneron 736 Manuel de la laiterie 668 TaiEhiY^, Am6d6e. Histoire d'Attila. . . 326 Histoire des Oaulois 409 Thierry, Aug. Temps mfiroviiigieng . 412 — • Lettres sur I'histoire de France 412 Histoire de la conquete d'Angleterre 372 Dix ana d'etudes 372 Monuinens du tiers 6tiit 421 Histoire du tiers etat. . 41'i History of the Norman Conquest 372 Thiers. Histoire de la revolution fran- 9a'8e 426 Le consulat et I'empire 429 De la proprieto 237 Law et son systenie *263 Thiers, and his Histories, by Oroker . . . *429 Thiersch, F. Greek Grammar 782 Thiersch, K. W. J. History of the Church in the Apostolic Age *23 Thillayk. Manuel du fabricnnt d'indi- ennes 730 Produits chiiniques 734 Thirlwali., C. History of Greece 323 Thistle and Cedar of Lebanon 56I Thouk'k, F. Guido and Julius 44 TiioM, W. J. Book of the Court 104 Thomas a Kemims. De Imitatione Christi, 50 Thomas d'Aquin, Saint. Ln cliaiue d'or. 25 £j£J£j 1875 » Treyg T1I0\ INDEX. ITIM n m n'-\:\ TuouAB d' Aqcin, Saint. La aotnmo catho- lique 24 Thomas HiBERNious. Florca dociorutn . . 48 Tuo.«A8, Alexandre. Sur !a Pologno . . . 44B Thomas, Antoino, ffiuvi'es 875 Thomas, E. Science donomique 264 Thomas, K. S. History of Public De- partments 345 Hand book to the Public Records 345 Historical Notes •344 Tho.ma3, Oabriel. Historical Account of tbe Province of Poiisylvania 1246 Thomas, Isaiah. History of Printing in America 1179 Thomas, J. Guzotteer of the United States 1376 Thomas, J. J. American Fruit Culturist 664 Thomas, K. Modern Practice of Physic, 666 Thomaso.n, J. Minutes and Despatches. . *463 Thomassin. Discipline eccluslastique . . *20 Thomassy. Pecheriea 281 Lc Maroc et ses crtvavaues. . 470 Thompson, H. German Tlieiitre 894 Thompson, E. P. History of Austria. . . 443 Passions of Animals. . 634 Thomp.~on, Ooo. Voyages en Afrique . . 560 Thompson, I'll Systemc de cliiinie f)')l Princlpc's lie chlniie. . . . 597 Thompson, T. P. Politii-al Kxercises, itc. 230 Fallacies cm Rent, Tithes, Taxes, »..281, 1328-1330, 1428 (P) 036 TiUBSRLAND, 1'.. History and Proceedinga of the House of Lords 1 18 Tiiins, J. Year-book of Facts 571 Time. Account of B78 Differences in 291, 294 On employment of (P) 1185 Time's Telescope, or Quideto the Alma- nac 803 Times. The London 914 Essays from ... 853, 854 TiMKOWSKi, G. Travels through Mongolia 556 TiMON. Orators of P'ranco *879 Voir CORMKNIN. TiMouu the Great. Institutes of 91 Memoirs of 454 TiMPKRLKY, C. H. Literary and Typo- grapliical AnecJotcs 732 TiNNHY, J. P. On Rights of the Sove- reignty (P) 1119 TlPu, Sultan. History of 455 TisoN, Thos. Voyage to the West Indies 1348 TissiNOTON, S. Collection of Epitaphs . . '701 TissoT, P. A. Les dnuze livros ducodo. *93 TiTE Live 822, 222 Tithes and Tithe Si/stem. . .61, 215, 216, 219, 220, 264 (P) 1086, 1112, 1114, 1130, 1146 Tithes. History of (P) 934, 1111, 1112 Tithes. Commutation of . . (P) 927, 928, 932, 1105, 1312, 1130, 1151 Tobacco, it3 Proiluctiou and Manufacture, 7.i3, 737 its Use and Abuse 737 Tobacco Trade 298 Tobago. Hist 1120, 1210 ToBiN Lune de mid 891 T6i:u(>:<. MOdailles dcs uomcB 312 TcctjiiEvii-LE, A. de. Doniooratic ea Am6rique '""O, 1224 TocQUKVinE. A. de, Coup d'oeil sur le r«igne de Louis XVI »426 Vide Beaumont et dk Tocquevillb. Tod, J. Annals and Antiquities of Ra- jaathau 468 Todd, Alfred. Index to the Upper Can- ada Assembly Journals 161 Index to the Legislative Assembly Journals 161 Todd, Alpheus. Parliamentary Practice. 112 VoDD, H. On the Office of Churchwarden 218 Todd, 11. J. Life of Walton 504 Todd, J. H. Historical Tablets 802 Todd, R. B. Cyclopiedia of Anatomy and Physiology 631 T-jDD, (R. 15.) and Bowman. Physiological Anatomy 631 Tofut-ul-mujahideen 464 ToLAND, J. Miscellaneous Works 44 Tolhausen et Gaedissai. Dictionnaire tcchnologique 7'^0 ToLLEMER, A. Resuinfi do psychologic. 73 ToLL.'5NAaE. Essai sur le commerce ... . 278 ToLLEB, Sir S. Law of Executors and Admiuistrators 142 ToM Brown's School Days *864 ToMASSEO. Arabassadeurs Venif'-jna. . . 422 ToMLiNS, T. E. Cases before 'lef*ion Comn .ers ... 116 Law D.c.ionary 126 ToMLiNSON, 0. Construction of Locks. . 728 Cycloprediaof 'Tseful Arts 747 Mechanics 745 •• On Natural Philosophy. 571 On Warming and Venti- Douiocracv America 179 French Society b-forc 1789 426 L'ancien regime et la rovolutiou *-l26 Histoiro du ro- gue de Louis XV "426 lation 707 Pneumatics 586 ToMLiNsoN, Rev. ' Astronomic aniu- sante 584 TcNK, T. Wolfe. Autobiography ...... 40 1 System of Cavalry 685 Tontine.i 267 ToNTY. Relation de la Louisiane 1347 Toiiqueen. Descrijjtion of 557 TooKK, J II. Memoirs, by Stephens... 503 TooKE, ". On the Currency 263 History of Prices 268 On Currency ^^; 1127 TooKE, W. Life of Catherine 11, of Russia 446 Monarchy in Frauce 411 ToROY. Memoires 417 1877 ' '« '^^t^'S' f; i> ■ i7 Trait6 du gr^ement des vaisseaux 757 Trait6 (Ic) de Paris, du 30 mars 1856 ... 97 Trait6 des petrifications 628 Trait6s, Recueil do 96-99 Traites de I'Autriche •443 Traiiiuclions, d'c, of Learned Societies . . 1 Transportation. Ought it to be abul- ished? 918 ThansportatioH System and Laws, (P) 1087, 1140 Travail. Lois do 256-2C8 . n du 25('.-258 742-767,702 T/irf Travels. , , (P) 9.S9 08 of 298,678 and abuse of tiio. ..iP) 940, 1109, 1168 Organisr Travaux publics . Travels. See P. Travellers. Ga'i". TravelL ., «*: Tread-wfi- ' TRB-] INDEX. ITBU Trtasury Department. United States. { IHaL Its history, operations and Reports *284 ; Treaties, Collections of 96-99, 279 | List of principal 291 ~ Between East Indian Company and Native Princes 174 Treaty of Ryawick. Acts and negotia- tions of the 330 TttKDQOLD, T. On Steam Engines 752 On Warming and Ventila- tion.. 707 Strength of Cast Iron, »feo. 708 Trees 21)8, «.l5-649, 657 See also, Forests and J-brest Laws. Trkgelles, 8. The Jansenists 82 Tbemaux. Voyage au Soudan *660 TaEMBLAY. Manuel du moraliste 72 Tremkniieerk, H. S. Coustitutions of United States and England com- pared 178 Political Experi- ence of thu Ancients 222 Notes on Public Subjects in tile United States, &c. Trkmkry. Arithnii'tique complfimentairo 599 Manuel du teneur do livres. . . 267 Rccherehes sur I'ecoulement de hi vapeui 767 Manuel de I'oi .hograpliiste 788 Trench, V. Faith nud "''eatures of Scot- land 537 Trench, F. W. Improvoinent of the Thames Quay 702 Tiiencii, R. C. Kn^'lisli Past and Present 791 Studv of Words 791 Capt. Jekyll and Col . Steivart (P) 1103 G. Rose (P) 1107 Capt. Atchison (P) 1112 Vice-Admiral Cornwalli*. , . .(P) 1117 J. Holloway and 0. HRggerty(P) 1118 Robert Emmet (P) 1119 E. Mooru; Capt. Molloy (P) 1142 S. F. Waddington (P) 1149 Sir A. Paget; T. Theaker. . .(P) 1156 Creighton vs. Townsend . . . .(P) 1150 Relative to the Red-River Settle- ment 164 Trials, Celebrated. See State Trials. Trinidad. Laws 172 Geology of "61^ State ofthe Government of (P) 1094 Slavery in (I') 1155 Voyages 1360 Trinity. Doctrine of the 50, 917 Trinity College, Dublin. History of. . . 81 Trinity College, Toronto. Ilietory of. . . 80 Tripier. Les codes franjais 204 Triomphe du nouveou monde 1167 1371 \ Trobriand, Regis de. Le R6belle 1444 TiiouNOX. Fragment de I'histoire de France 413 Trolley. De la hi^rarchie administrative 211 TuoLLOPE, W. History of Christ's Hos- pital 79 Trollopk, Mrs. Domestic .Manners of the Americans 1380 Domestic Manners of the Americans, Criticisms tlicreon.(P) 1426 Voyage au.x Etata-Unis 1345 Troost, G. Old Remains in Tennessee. . 629 Poem -i 805 ; Troplono. Tar-c-K. Aveutures du baron do 503 2'rent, Council of. (Canons, Ac 210 Vide Concili' de Tiente. Droit civil expliquo 205 De la propri^te 237 Influence du ehrisiianismc sur le droit civil 92 Trosor do numisinalique 312 ! TaouDAT, F J. Law of Partnership . . . 186 Physique et llydrogrnphio. . . 610 Trousseau et I'inoux. Traito de thera- Tressan, Lo Comte de. (Euvres *8C9 i peutique 671 Trevor, A. Life nod Times of William j Troy. Siege of (P) 1078 III 39u i Troy, P. Questions des cer6ale3 279 TasvoH, Cr. ilid '>\y of Convocation . . . 217 Trover, A. Hois de Kaehmer 453 ■!'cv^.i.v iJictioiiuaice dc 784 ' Troves, Jean do. Chronique scnndaleuse 415 rriah. i'<. Sterne (P) y27 Capt. Doi i;. 'ly and Sir II. Pop- bam, Lieut. Gen. Wliiteloc'h . .(I , 1081. lOHS Uiipt. Powell and Lieuta. Si-toii and Hall (P) Uoi Tri'bxkr's Tetraglot Dictionary *785 Trumbull, Henry. Ijidiaii Wars 1259 TiiUMnuLL, J. H. ilevords of Connecti- cut, 18S, 1239 Truran. lion Vtaiiutacture of Great Britain 730 1870 'Aii'v TBUi INDEX. [TIT Tbuv. Police de France 212 TscHAOOBNY. Commorco c!e la Franco . . 283 TsoiiuDi, J, J. Peruvian Antiquities. ... 1188 Travels in Peru 1367 TuBDEG, Okali. His Life 1440 Tucker, A. Light of Nature 63 TucKEU, G. Life of Jefferson 1222 History of the United States 1219 Tucker, H. St. Oeorgo. Memorials of Indian Government 4&9 Life of, by Kaye 459 Tucker, Josiah. Political Tracts, &o, . , 226 American Tracts 1426 Tucker, and others. America and the West Indies 1340 TuoKERMAN, H. T. Sicily 642 Essays •864 TucKKTT, J. D. History of the Laboring Population 242 TucKEV, J. H. Maritime Geography. . . . 616 TuDOB, H. Memoirs of a Christian Fa- mily •61 — — ^— Tour in North America, Mex- ico, Ac 1370 TuDOB, 0. D. Equity Statutes 136 Tunnel, Thames. Memoir of the 743, 761 Tunnels. Ventilation and Lighting of. . 743 TuoMEY. Geology of South Carolina. . . •621 TupiNiER. Marino et budget 688 TuppEii, F. Br(rt!k. Life of Brock 1281 Family Records 1281 TuiTKii, M. F. Complete Works 864 Ballads for the Times . . 865 TuRBERViLE. Poems 865 TuRENNE, Vte. de. M6inoires 415 Turf, The 'een, 724, 725 TcROAN. Les ballons 588 TuRGoT. CEuvres 251 Turk. Trait6 de la goutto 672 Turkey. Its History nud Progress, 99, 449, 455 Memoirs concerning 523 Travels in 628, .545 Pamphlets on the State of . . . . 1 1 lo Turkish Lingimge 780 Literature 889 TURXBUI.I., 1). Cub.i 1211 Tuunkr, D Miscellanies on Trade and Ci)miiierce 282 Piiin|>h!et» on Trade and Commeree 282 Turner, J. M. Harbour- of England .. 715 issn Tubheb, 0. History of the Holland pur- chase of Western New York 1242 Turner, Sam. Embassy to Court of the Lama 667 Turner, Sharon. History of Anglo-Saxons 834 — History of England .... 876 Sacred History of the 22 629 World Turner, W. W. On Himyaritic Inscrip tions TuBNEBELLi, E. T. RuBsiaon the borders of Asia 447 Emperor Nicholas and his family 446 Turning. Artof 747 Turnpike Roads. Law of 143 See Roads. TuBNUB .. 825 TuBi'iN. Fermentation alcoolique 697 TuRQUKTY. Po68ics 879 Turquie. Histoire 449, 460 Voyages •562 TuRRBAU, Le G6n. Situation politique des Etats-Unis 1226 TuRTON, Sir T. On Dealers in Corn .(P) 1082 Tuscany. History of 437 TusoN. British Consul's Manual 99 TussAUD, Madame. Memoirs *429 TussER, T. Points of Good Husbandry . 663 Twiss, H. Life of Eldon 487 Twiss, T. Letters Apostolic of Pope Pius IX 217 Political Economy 250 Of the Duclii ;« of Schleswig and Holstciu 98 On the Oregon Question 1258 Tyler, J. E. On Oaths 239 Tyndalk. J. W. Island of Sardinia 437 Typographie, {Typography) 733 See Printing. Tyrol. Hist 438 See also Switzerland. Tyruki.i., J. History of England 873 Tyson, J. Lottery System *239 TvsoN, J. R. Writings 1246 Tvti-er, a. F. Elements of General His- tory Universal History ... . Life of Lord Kames, P. F. England under Edward 305 3C5 493 VI. and Mary II History of .?oo 'and 380 397 TYT] IKDfiX. ZVBB • * • • 22 crip- . • > • 629 'ders . , , , 447 sand • ■ ■ • 446 . • ■ ■ 747 — 143 .... 826 ■ ■ ■ • 697 . . • • 879 ..449 ,460 . ■ • • •562 tique . • • • 1225 .(p) 1082 .... 487 99 ■ • . • *429 dry. 6F3 . . . i 487 Pope .... 217 . . . ■ 250 swig . • t • 98 ■ • . . 1258 • . • • 289 . . • • 487 733 488 873 •289 1246 305 3C6 493 380 397 Tttlkr, p. F. Lives of Scottish Wor- thies 476 — ^— Remarks on a Memoir of Sebastian Cabot 1168 — — ^— Progress of Discovery on North Coasts of America 628 UBICINI. La Turquie actuelle 460 UoHAED, Mario. La fiainmina *881 Ullman, 0. Iluformcrs bofore the Refor- mation 87 UtiOA, Franjois do. Relation 1 168 UtLOA, Don Juan and Antonio do. Voy- age to South America 1852 UMFaKViLLK. State of Hudson's Bay . . 1838 Unoebuill, Capt. John. History of the Poquot war 1259 Un million de faits 908 Unokwitteb, F. H. Europe, Past and Present 332 Union of Britiah American Provinces, see British North American Colo- nici. Union of the Cunadas, see Canadas, Union of the. Union of Knglaiid and Scotland. History of 391 Unitarian Relief (P) 923, 1 102, 1112 United Stales. History of the, 180, 471, 1216, 1283 Coa.Ht Survey, with Charts 1374 Statistics and Resources of tlie 283,289, 291, 291-300 — — — Political Statistics of the 296-300 Debts and Defalcations in tliu 298 Consular System 99 ■• Treasury Department . *284 Lives of the Presidents of the 1220 Geography and Travels in the 567, 1302-1392, 1426, 1062 Finances (P) 1421 Institutions of (P) 1426 Uoniniei'cial policy .(P) 1427 Protestant Episcopal Church in 2',9 • Naval and Military Iii- Uiuctions, Roguliitious, &c 085 Maps of the. 1376, 1364, 1340 *AM United States Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere 1364 United States Japan Expedition 6S8 United Status Official Register, 1866. ... 180 United States Registers 1282, 1288 United States Exploring Expedition in the South Seas 666 United States Statutes at Large 188 United Brethren History of the, 42, 1 198, 140t United Irithmen 401 (P) 1 140 Unity of the Human Race 628, 777 Univers, (1'), Histoire de tons les peupbs 804 Univerial Hittory, ancient and modern, 21, 22, . 306 Universal History, on ^zripture Principles 806 Universal Language 776 Univenal Suffrage 917 {P 942, iUO Universities. History and Management of 77 On the opening of, to Dis- senters 918 Select Notices of (P) 1089 their right to books pub- lished (P) 1107 University Education. Papers illustrating 78 University of Oxford .77, (P) 939, 1105, 1106, 1112, 1138 Cam6r8(i'(/e77,':') 938, 1087, I'll. 1184 Dublin 81 f'dinburgh, &o 1, u ) 1087 Loudon (P) 1103, 1109, 1110 Toronto, Examination Pa- pers, and Report on 87 Virginia 86 Harvard 86 of Calcutta 88 Upcott, \V. Account of Works relating to English Topography 586 Upham. Life of Madame Quyon 490 Upper Canada Agriculturo, Journal of. . 660 Upper Canada Gazette ... 169 Upper Canada Jurist 166 Upper Canada Law Journal 1415 Upper Canada Law Reports 166 Upper Canada College, Report on 87 Upper Canada. Emigration to, (P) 1095, 1006 See also, Canada. Upper Ten Thousand *864 Uraguni/. Hist 1208 Uee, a. Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain 275 Dictionary i>f Arts, Ac 726 1881 VMM} INDEX. IVAP mm 111 mi'- if VAaa Urk, A. Philoaophy of MKiiufactiiroa, . 7'2l — — - Dictionuuire (|e oliimiu 696 Ublino, R. W. 7.1 iViv,"^'** in Fo. reign C"Miii,ri >: 8t UuguUABT, I* I'lilnrn <)' ifurculeH 640 ■ — I'rngress of Russiii 446 Spirit of tlH) Bust 546 Houndfti'y ilifToreiicci be- twcun ilront Brilaiu and the United Htotee 13tl4 Uni, UART, D. H. On OliiDHlcnl Lonw.iri; Uugi uAttT, W. P. Frain'CKCo Sfm/.a . . . 436 Vte/ul Kno\i7 Valade, F. X. Gnido dc rinatituciii'. . . 1445 Valcon.shil. Rev II. .h ^ rommi.-i '801 Valoolrt. \Iemoire8 sur I'Agriculture. 653 Vai.|.;nciknnes, .\. Voir Cuviku. Valenoiknnks. Clironiquecii' Vil- lebarilouiii Ill VAifKio. Kliotoriqiio du pivdicH'' .. *i'J VaLKUIUS I''l,ACCts --5 Valkril's Ma.xi.miis. . . 8: ''i Valcrv. Correflpondanee do iliiliillon . 21 Valette. Ktfots d. I'iniicriptioii »210 Rfvue di' droit I'ran^ais et otianirci- *204 Valicourt, K. de. Manuel du tounieur. I'M lSb2 Voir OLRnq et Vallat. Du RIii'iiio et du lacde Qeni^vo 7S8 Tract? doH uh?iiiin)t do fer do Paris 00 Dolgiquc, etc 764 Vallbk, Oscar do. F.loquoucejudiciaire '806 Vallknoky, 0. ProspeotuB of a Diction ary of ADciont Irish 790 Vallkrocx. De I'lisHiitanoe Bocialo. . . . 260 Vallkt d'Artois. Manuel du fabricant de gantn 737 .uLKT nK Vibivillk. Instruotion pu- biitpiu en Europe 76 Valmont, le conite de. Ou leg ^garoinens de la raisoi •67 Valois, Mnrguirite do. M^nioires 416 Valois. Le catalogue dos medailles ioi- jirriales 8\V, IK-floxioiis siir (juclqiioH in6- dailies 312 Protniiire et seconde guerrea sa- creea 821 Dissertation sur les nnipliiotyons 89 Valon, a. de. La Turijuie 449 Matte 450 Rciinaiis divers 887 Cnla'.'ua j Ph'auso •881 Valory. Precis bistoiiijuo 428 Valpy's trip lo Pari.s (P) ()24 Vancol'vkr, Lo capitaiiK' 0. Voyage dins I'dcean ])aciti(iiio 526 Vancouvkh, J. On poverty. . . (P) 1082, 11 87 Vancouver's Island 1334, 1838 Mission de 1193-1196 Vandakl. Manuel (hi tailleur 737 Van dkr Donck's Description of Now Motherlands 1243 Ili.stiiiie de .Joan Bart 481 Vandbkkkmi', Rev. J. Life of (P) 1136 Va.n iiRR IvKssKL, D. G. Law9 of ll(d- l^^'iil and if^eclaiid 90 Van deb Lindbs, J. luntitutes of Laws of n.dlan! 90 Van de Veldk, C. W. Journey through Syria and Puli-.tiiio 651 Van Diemens Land. History of 471 Travels in 56i), 5ti7 Van Mildert, r![). Refutation of Infi- delity 44 Van Santvoord. Livesoft^hicf Justices of the United States 1228 Vam-.xem, L. Oeolo','y »( New York. . . 613 Vapexir. Application de la ''''■' »A«I !nivo 188 ur do 154 cioire •805 ctioii TUO e, . . . 260 ricant 187 )n pu- 16 9inonB •67 416 38 IIU- 812 » in6- 812 68 m- 821 utyoiirt 80 449 450 887 •RSI 428 ..(P) 924 oyiigo f)25 1082, 1137 .1334, 1338 .1193 -1196 737 Xow 1243 481 .. (P) 1130 Ilol- 90 Liiws 90 ■Olll5 His Voyage along I the Coast of North America 1865 431 ! Vkrdieu. Miitniel de marine 086 421 . Vkrdikb et ('attois. Architecture civile I et doMiestique 701 413 Vkroenne", M. de. Memoire sur la 696 Louisiana 1254 765 Vergier. Le songc du 220 11 ' Vkiuhru. Poesies 813 Vkrqnaud, a. D. Alt militaire (>81 L'nrtificier et le pou- drier 682 Ciiimie 596 Chimio amusante. . . 598 ET Janvier. I'erspectivc do 603 261 811 313 1017 261 dessiniiteur 713 Mi5caniquc ap- pliqu^e a I'industrio 746 Veronaui), P. Manuel des jeunes gens. . 15 Vekicour, G. R. de. Modern French Literature 801 Vermin. Receipts for killin- (P) 1017 Ver.misac. Voyage du Luxor 560 Vermuiit State. School System 86 1888 rxM] INDBX. [rw r i I m \'.r Ji 't ilti ..M " H, 't, 1' ' "ii » r K»rm(m/ A«a<#. Hiitory of 1240 ^— ■^-^— — Journal! niiil T awi. ... 102 - Law Ilo|H>rtn 19',! Nulural lliatory of fl'il — — Offioiul I'uporH 191 — — — ^ HoporU on Otiology of, 821 Vkhnruil, H. (le. Voir NAVAaam. Viunkv. Notes ill iliB Long Parliament. 118 V«riioti (»all(uy of Britluh Art 718 ViRNON, J. liCttora to tlio Duke of 8'i • ■ wslmry SHO ViaoN, ^e Dr. L. MSmoirei d'un boiir- gcoia do I'nria fioit — -^-^ Cinq cent niillo frnuei "Id ronto •881 Vkrri. Meditations Rur I'lJconomie poli tique 264 Veriaillet. Oaloriec biatoriquet 42H Vnii_Hi-ation franfaite '800 Vkutot, L'AI)Ih'. llde 461 Diidicu Irmiusul. ... 68 Vertu 71 Vfisruciua, A. NavigiitiuucB 1167 — Viiiggi del. Padre S. Cano vai 1 1 ti7 Life aud Voyuges, by C. Lester anil A.Foster 1167 •— — Rechcrclios liisturiquea Hur, par lo Vicomto Santarera. ... 1167 —^—^-^— Rcscarclics respecting, by Viscount Siintarcin 1167 Vettalet. llistoire dos 63 Vestiges of Natural History of Creation. 681 Vkdili.ot, L, Sccines Bocialistes 887 Philosopbio •(i8 Les librcs pcuscurs *68 Le droit du seigneur au inoyen iige •327 Rome et Lorotto *87l> Vial dk Claiiidois Dictionnitire do marine 086 69.3 09.S t;!l3 693 1198 724 ViARDOT, Louis. Li musi'fes do Franco. . Les musses d'Kspagne. . Li's nuisres d'ltalie. . . . Lea inusLcsd'Anglotcrrc Li's niust'iesd'Allcniiigne — ^— Souvenirs de ohasse, , . 1884 ViAHUOT, Louii, Pan TwardoWHki *H80 ViUARi, Captain limlloy. Memorials... *608 ViCAui, .1. Kngland's Wortbiea :)88 ViuAi'. lloclicrcbosHur les pierresilolmeut 767 ■ Rechcrolies lur U fabrioatlou du mortier 787 VioAT et GuKTMARi). Kxp6rienceH iur lea enduits 767 Viet- Admiralty Oourti. Rulea for 100 VictChancillor. Un creating a. ... (P) 022 Vice. Proooedlugs of Booiety for aup- prosalonof (P) 1149 Vice* ridhibitoire* *208 Vico. La sciuuoo nouvcllo 308 Viog u'AzYR. Syatitme auatomique. . . . 681 Victoria. Portrait of Her Miijoaty 1666 Victoria Rtgia, or American Water Lily '660 Victoria. Votes, do., uf L. Council .... 172 Statutes of 172 Almanac and .StutiHtios of. .. . 283 Viclorici of the h'nytiah Arini/ 408 Vietoriei of the French Army 423 ViDA, J.'Tomo "SSI V^ipart. Ilydrothurapie 669 ViDocg, E, F. Autobiography 608 Vie. Dur6e do la 286, 287 Moauro de la *631 Art dc gagner »a vie »726 Vie priv6c de Louis XV 466 Vie* de* Saint* 24 Vieilletie. Trait6 do la 78 Viiiii.LKviLLK, Le sire de. Mumoires. . . 416 ViKiLLoT, M. L. Ornitliologie 039 Oiseuux do I'AnH'rique Scptentrionale 639 ViBL. Dcplacement et stabilito liydro- statique dus biitiments do mer . . . 767 Vibl-Castkl. Sir Hudson Lowo 481 Vienna. Sieges of, by the Turkd 838 Viennc. Congros de 332 ViENNKT. Fables 881 Vier'je, la Sle. Son Histoirc 22 ViKUHSEUx. History of Switzerland. .. . 438 View of South America and Mexico .... 1179 ViKvaA, A. Portuguese Dictionary . . . 786 Oranimar 788 Vkier, ]). H. Bro.liures divei'sca 1428 Lii crise ministerielle. . . . 169 ViuKtt, .lucquos. Autograi)be8 dcs Oou- vcrueurs 1286 Brochuios divcrses . . . 1429 VioNK, 0. T. Six Months in America. . 1370 rro] INDKX. [F« •H80 kU. . . •so» »88 ilmput 707 oil du 767 lur le« 767 100 .. (P) 022 p »iip- 1140 *208 308 681 166C r Lily il . . . . •680 172 172 of . . . . 286 408 423 •881 1)60 508 . .286, 287 •()31 •726 466 24 78 rc8 . . . 416 039 L'riquo B39 lydi'o- ur . . . 757 481 888 332 • • t > * 881 22 1.... 438 1179 • . t 786 . • • • 786 1428 ;, . . . 169 Oou- .... 1286 f . . . 1429 cu. . 1370 VioN<, ,1. n. D« In niort iippftrutite .... 670 •^—— — Danger <]oh iiihuiiintlonK pr<)oiplt£e fl7t» VloNOtK. OInq ordrm d'nroliitnotiiro . . . •608 '— KtiidftH il'iircliitccture •69H Viowow. RxpoHidun don beaux urU •716 8«londol882 •718 Hnlon do 188!) 'TIS VioNv, Alfrod lie. ThCAtre 878 Sitrvitiidn ut gi'un- dcnr inilitairm 878 Sk'ttohon ol Military Life •688 PotVmeii 878 Cliui-Mnrs H7H Stollo H7H ViLATE. FiBK iiiynt('ireH do In inttre do Dion d.'voil/'* 429 ViLi.AUKT. Voir Vk.m.v Vii.i.AiiKT, I', Mni.UL'l flu collTour 737 ViLLARH, liC iiiaroclml do. Mi'nioiros .. 416 ViLi,AUi.T i>K Dkllekund. Vovogon on Afri(|uo 669 Vii.i.i:. RccborRhoa mir los cnux d'Ornn 623 ViLLKOAONON, Clipv. (lu Lcttroa Biir In nnTigntioii do 1854 ViLLK-nARDouiK. Coiiqui'ito do Congtnnti- iioplo 326 ViLLEMAiN. LItti'MMturo nu Mioyoii-Atfe. . 800 LiU6rntiironuXVino«i(icle 800 — — ^ EtiiiloH d'hiittoirn moderno . 307 Visile il IVicole normale on 1812 84 i — Motif d'tiii j)rojet do loi Bur I'liiHtrt'otion publiquc 84 SouvcnirB coutcmpornitig . . 430 Etudi's (Ic liltorntiire "800 Uisicours ot iiK^langea ■ 800 ViLi.KNEUVK, Ouil. do. Memoiros 416 VitLENEuvK-BAU(7KMONT. Higtoiro do rCconomio pi>iitiquo 249 ViLLENKUVE (Pk) ot MaSSK. CoHtOIllioUX CDiniiicruiiil 208 ViLlERME. AHAociutioriB ouvniros* .... 260 Lcs (IniinneB ct In coiitrc- bande 280 ■.—— Elftt pbysique ct moral den ouvriers , 269 ViLLKROY. Md'inoiro'i d'etnt 416 Vlt.i.KVAULT. Ordoniiftiicea dos rois .... 197 V11.1.IKR8, A. (!«. (u'ognipliie 610 V'lLLOTKAu. L'art muBicnl on Egypte . . 408 MM Vii.Momi*. Le l)()n jardlni^r 664 MuKiqiif (ifl rnntlqiio Kgypt« 720 ViMONT, 0. H. Hi«toiro d'liii imvlrn . . 881 ViMONT, JoH. Trait<^ do phrCmologio 682 ViMoNT, lo Rov. P. Bnrt. Rolntloiw do In Nouvollc Krnnoe 1101, 1660 I'ln. Knbricnllon du 786, 737 ViNCEMDOK-DuMOOLin. Ilydrogmphlo . . 868 Pliynlquo 611 IloHTniti 471 ViNCiNH, Kiiillo. Don BociiHoH par notimiB 208 Kxpnnition do la ICigiiln- tion oommoroinle 200 Viii(!ENT, H. Cntalogue of Library of tlie lloynl InHtlliition •006 Vincent, P. I'.qudt Wnr 1280 Vincent, W. CoiiuiiGrce of tbo Ancients 272 PoripluB, jto Bll Vincent UK Paul. Ha Vio 24 ViNi'i, Leonard Da. On Painting; with nn Account of IiIh Works, Ac 716 Triiitodolapointuro 712 Vi>(KT, A. Libert6 roligieuBo 221 CbroHtonmtliic fran^alno .... ♦788 l/itt<^raturo frnn(;iii»o 800 ViNNlun. Opora 02 Vioi.ETTE. H. Nouvclles mniiipulatiouB cbiiniqufis BiinplifiooB 606 et AuciiAMnAt;i.T. Diction- naire des annlyH'n chimiques i VioLLET-i.E-mic, E. Dictionnairo ilf" rn** cbitooturo franvaiso ... '>' Avchiteclure inilita''' au moycn-i'igo VioLLET-LE-»cc, M. Ancieo '.h^fHtm t; ir jais ViEEV. PhiloBopbie do I'liistoiro niitu- roUe 806 Virgiti hlamh. Slavo I'roporty in . .(P) 1094 Virginia. History of 1244, 1247-1240 1 Travels in 1888 State Journals and Laws . . . 102 Virginia Illustrated 1383 Virginia University, History of 85 VlROlLIUS ^26 Vinivn.l,E, Vali-et de. Universitds, &c , au nioyon-iige 'i^ Uistoiro de riiis- truotion publiquc 76 ViscoNTi, K. Q. Icoiiograpbio grecquo . 321 Musi'c frnni^ais 693 Vishnu Puiana, by Wilson 54 1885 VIS] INDEX. IWAL im '■;'■; i r. ■ 1 'L;; It tfji' iii iJl m.' ,^^'^' P*'. Kwi'on 588, 598, (P) 982 See also Fye. Vital Btalittics 293, 678 See also, Mortality, Eatei of; £on- gevity. 'ViTALBs, OaoERious. Higtoiro deH dues de Normandie 414 ' Historia Kcclesias- tica 417 ViTET. Euctache Lesueur 494 Lea 6tat8 d'Orlenus . . . 887 Notre-Dame de Noyon 422 ViTBuvius 826 On A r hitecture, by Gwilt . . . 700 ViTuy, J. de. Histoire des Croisades . . 328 ViTiiv, Philippe de. CEuvres 8H7 ViTU, Auguate. Un Maudarin *881 Vivien. Etudes administrati 'es 2.S.T VoET. Conimentariua ad Piuideclas *92 Vooel's Niger Flora, and Life, by Hookor (147 Voice and Ear. Art of improving 722 See also Deaf and fhtmh. Voiric 201 V^oyez C/ieniins. VoiuoN. Histoire de I'aatronoinie 584 VoiTURE. ffiiivrcs 868 Volcanoes 57H, oSl, fi20 VoLXEv, C. F. (Kuvres ST.'i Tableau dos Etuts-Uuis . Kllti Voi.T.MKK. ffiuvres 874 t?a vie 504 Auttibiogriipliy .i04 Voi.TZ. A|)piiriMl il cliauffor le voiit. . . . 707 Voluiitiirii S(/f,lcin 11, It 18 Von Thoil's Letters fioiii Iceliiud 543 VouLx, A do. Notes sar I'uiicie^uo tv- pfeneo d'Alger *4;i4 Voyiigo pitiorosque dans Ics Pyioiiefti . . ,")42 Voyage nuHalluigiiiue t'li Arigloterre . . . 766 Voyayes. Oollcetiiin;i .. ,52I-.)';."i, 1340-1347 Voiiaijdi (luliiur (1(1 n(ond« .... 5. l-.')27, 1348 Voij(i(jes UKj- riff ions pnUiirci . .528 r>33, ll U), mi7 Voyages en Afrique s"i'.i Voyages au Xord. Uecueil de 1346 Vo(i(i(jcs pnur dicouvrir un passnye uu nord (meat .... 52S-633, 14ii0, 14o7 Vues des champs de bataillo do Xap(- k'dll 4-^',l VuiLi.Ai'MK, F. Uouimetitairi' du Coili' Xapiilt'oii *'jii I Vulijar h'rron (;."i 1M On a latf Court Martial . . . 149 Une fantaisie el sos suites . *883 Wauton, J. Poems 8ti5 AVarto.n, T. History of English Poetry . 804 On Sponsor's Fairy Quoon. n04 Poems sea Life of Sir T. Pope 498 Wasudi'u.n. Diguet. of Vermont Rejmrts 192 Washington, G. Writings of. . . 181, 290, 297 Life, by Washington Irving 1220 Life, by .Jolui Marshall 122o Life, by Jarcd .Sparks. 1220 llistoirt de, par Cor- nelius Do Witt 1221 Etude historique sur, par Guizot ... 1221 Correspondunceetecrils 1221 1888 FAoa Wasuihoton, G. In Domeatic Life, by R. Rush 1221 and AoAMB. Me- moirs of the Administrations of. . 1221 Letter to him on his retirement (P) 1089 Letters from (P) 1108 Washington Territory 1387 Waste Lands (P) 1 137 Watches. See Clocks and Watches. Watelet. Dietionuaire des arts 689 Water Cure 669 Waters and Water Conrtes. Law of . . . 144 Water Supj,ly..2i Speeoli on the Norlh- Easttrn Boundary 1 244 WfinsTER, N. Dietionary 792 Webstku, T. Eciuilibriuui of Fluid;". . . . 756 Webster, (T.) and I'arkes. Encvclotiodia of Douii'stie Koonomy 735 Webster, W. H. Voyago to the South Atlantic 565 Webster, W. 1L B. Atmospheric Periods "586 Weddelt,, H. A. Voyai^o dans le nord enf« in !iis Life 296 Is his Character Worthy of Admiration ? 918 Wkllinoton and Peel. Sketches of. . . . 505 Wells, S. Revenue of the United Kingdont 261 Wells, S. S. Drainage of the Bedford Level 759 Wr.LLS, W. B. Canadiana 1282 Wells, W. W. Explorations, itc, in Honduras. IT, "1 Wells. Walker's Expedition to Nicara- gua 1213 Wellstead, J. R. Travels in Arabia. .. . 551 Travels to the City of the Caliphs 651 Welbby, W. N. Lives of Eminent Judges "477 1880 nsfi INDEX. I was ill P) • PAor Welbford, H. Mithridates Minor 776 Ou the Euglisb LnDguago 791 WiLSH, J. Meteorological Observations . 685 Welsh, See Wales. Wklwood, J. Century preceding the Revolution of 1 688 890 Wkmtm, T. Job and hi» Times 19 Wentwortk, W. 0. Dencription of N. S. Wiile8 471 Wkrne, F. Expedition to the Source of the White Nile 661 WKttNKE. Drames 892 Wcrnerian Natural History Society. Me- moirs of. 009 Wksley, J. Compendium of Natural Philosophy 572 — Life of, liy Southey 41 Life of, by Smith *41 Sermons by (P) Mil Wesleyun Methodists. History of thii.41, 1 198 ■ Doctrines, in In Wilson, Jos. French Dictionary 781) Wilson, Josepli. History of Mountains . (120 Wilson, Joshua. Eiri»li\ On the. (P) 1130 Wines, E.G. Laws of the Hebrews. .. . *214 Winged Wnnls on Chantrey's Woodcocks. 'SfiS WlNsi.ow's Journal 1233 Brief Relation 1238 WiNSLow, F. Aiuitomy of Suicide 679 Lectures on Insanity 679 Pleaof Insanity in Crimiiiai Oases 149 Wt.NTKii's Voyage to the Sontii Sea .56.5 WixTEiiBOTnAjf, W. European Settle- ments in America 1 "40 ' " History of Anieri.-?a, 1173, 1217 WiMiiRor, John. History of N'ew Eng- land 1233 WiNTiiRin", R. C. AdilressesandSpoeehoa *183 WiNWooi), Sir. R. Affairs of StatJ 382 WiuT, Win. Letters of the British Spy. 182 Sketches of the Life of Patrick Henry 1228 WUfomin. Account of thv State of, 1257, 1387 Collections of the State His- torical Society of 1 257 WisR, K. Law velatinf; to Riots 1 34 WrsE, T. A. On Hintlu .Medicine 07S Wiseman, Cardinal. Ks'says 32 rAoa Wiseman, Cardinal. Reiencoand Relisiion 43 ■ — Rocollections of the four last Popes *43rt Witchcraft 591 Cases of, in Bristol (P) 1136 In New EBj;Iand 123i>, Mil With, E. On Railroad Accidents *753 WiTiiuiNOTON, &o. Southerly Voya^jo.. f)U5 Witnessex in Civil Actions. On remuner- lltin^' (P) 927 AViT, Jean do. M ''moires *223 See also, De Witt, J. WiTTicii, W. Curiosities of Ooogrnphy. SIO Visit to Worwriy .543 WoiiLEa, P. Inorganic Anal -ysis 594 WoLFK, C. Memoir and Remains by Russell 505 WoLKF, E. Danish-Eni);U?h Dictionary. . 784 WoLKK, J. Journal of his Missionary La- l)ours 43 Mission to Bokhara 554 Researches 43 WoLFf, O. Dictionnaire Danois 784 WoLLSTONECiiAFT, M. On tlic rights of Women 240 Woi.owsKi. Economie polilique 280 Revue de loLjislation 92'J WoLSKV, Cardinal. Biographies of. . .379, 380 WoLZOGUE, Louis do. Diciionnnire de la languo sainte *1S Women. Laws concerning 240 Their History, Duties and Rights.... 51, ''»7l, 217, 239, 918, 1179 Lives of Celebrated 478, 1220 Education of 75 See also, Sisters of Chavitij. Women of the Time, Sketches cf 474 Women, Characteristics of, by Mrs. Jameson 840 Wood. Voyage a travera le Detroit de Magellan 52 1 Wool), J. On English Punctuation, ^e. . 793 Wood, N. On Railroads 751 Wood, S. V. Crag MoUusea of England. 627 Wood, T. Primitive Inhabitants of Ire- land 400 Woon, Wni. On the Pica of Insanity . . 149 Wood, W. Descriptio.i of Massachusetts 1283 Wood. See Timber ; Trees ; Forests. WoodCnnnnp 710. '.27, 770 Wood- Kn'irn ■■'■'7 718 i WoOD'ii'uv, Levi. Writings * 183 WOO] INDEX. [wry I tel ' I, n\: II i \\ Woodcock, II. J. Laws, ito., UritUli West ItiiliuH 171 Woouoitorr, B. Hoi-o of Alexiiiulriii . . , 756 ■ Oil Stt'UMi Niiviifatiiiii. . 71U Puloutu of Gt. Brituin. 7;!0-741 WoouuKflsoN, R. Oa the Lawa of Eug- liimJ 130 WooDrAi,!., \V. Liw of Lauillord uiid Toniint 112 AVooDiiotsK, J. Iiitorest Tiibl> 207 WooiJM, J. Two Yum-a iu tlio llliuDia. . . 1887 WoonwARit, I?. B. Hiatoiy of Wiiles... 331 Tourist in Wiik-s . . . 63tl WooDWARii. S, 1'. Miimiiil of Mollnsca. 614 iVoots and Woollen Trade and Manufac- two 27."), 728,772. (I') 924, 925, ;»n, ios_', n4.>, 1152 AVooLiiousK ami otlu'is. Oq Dilferoutittl and [iiti'ijnil CiIciiUh 601 VViK>i.iiYt'ii, II. W. Law of Party Walla and Kuiicca 14:i ; Li fo (if .Jclfi oya . . . . •492 Liw of WutoM .... 144 Liiw of AViiys 143 Treatise of Legal Time 130 Woolwich Military Aoiulouiy'a Matho- matics 600 W^OKDSWOHTU, C. Diary in Franco .... 83 — — Ecclesiastical Uiogra- piiy 30 Grouoo, Pii.'toriiil, De- scriptive, oud Historical 545 On Eikon IJasiliko . . 383 WoRuswoKTU, 0. F. Dij,'est of Election Reports 110 Law and Practice of Electiona 113 Law of Joint Stock Coni|)anius 143 Law of Railway Com- panies, i&e 143 WooDSWOBTu, W. Biography, by Uood 5U5 ■■■ — Memoirs, by C.Wc)»d8- Wurth 505 i Poetical Works SOo The Prelude 800 Wnrkin'j Clas.^ea 242, 257-259, 917 Health of the 293 Lectures to the.. 79, 238 Workiut; Man. Memoir of a 606 lS9t Working Mail's Way in the World 60a Workin;; Men's CoUeKO Lectures 70 World. History of the. 21, 22, 80.5 Voyages round the 521-627 WoBNUM, R. P>r. Catalogue of Library of Art ut Marlborough House 002 Epochs of Painting... , 711 Woiisi.RY, H. Juvenile Depravity 246 Life of Luther 38 WoRTUiNOTON, G. Precodcut* for Wills 1 12 WoH'ri.icr, Lady E. Stuart. 'I'ravela in America 1861 Wbanuki.l, F. Expedition to tlio Polar Sea 633 Voyage ou Sib6rie 633 Wkaxai.i,, L. Naval and Military Ro- Bourcea of Nations 683 Wraxall, N. W. Posthumous Memoirs 394 I , Memoira of his Own Time '*394 Travels in Italy. (P) 1117 Wrav, L. Practical Sugar Planter 06a Wrkn, (Sir C.^ and his Times 605 Wriout, A. Court Hand Restored 775 WuiouT, F. Views of Society and Mun- Dcra in America 1370 WniouT, a. N. Lifoof William IV. ... 396 WuiouT, J. Christianity, and the Pro- gress of Railways 239 Wrioui', J. B. Manual of Universal His- tory 308 Wbjoiit, M. Ou tlie Law of Tenures ... 128 Wbiuut, T. Biographia Britauuiott Lite- raria 803 ■ Early Inhabitants of Britain 884 Ou the Supjiression of Mo- nasteries 37 England under the House of Hanover 396 Wriuhtbon, R. H. History of Modern Italy 430 Writing. Art of 775, 805 WvAT, Sir T. Poems 800 Wyatt, M. D. Indu.strial Arts of tho Nineteenth Century 770 — Views of Sydenham Pa- lace 771 Wyman, J, Anatomy of certain Nerves. 614 Wv.SN, C. W. W. On the Jurisdiction of the House of Commons 110 WvNXE, K Ou the Law and Coustitution of England 10* hi>\ PAH 509 ■ . • 79 1, 22 805 .r.2i -627 f of ■ • • 003 711 • ■ • 215 • ■ • »» 'ills 112 4 n\ • • • 1861 ulur • > ■ 533 • • • 5^3 Ku- . • • 6S:i oira 8Ui Jwn •81>4 (P) 1117 . . . eea ■ . • 6U5 ■ • ■ 775 klan- . • • 1370 Pro- 896 . * . 239 lis- • • • 806 128 .ue- 803 :uiii 334 Mo- 37 IWO 396 cm ■ • • 436 776 ,806 . , 806 tho , , 770 ■ii- , , 771 !3. 611 of no Ull 104 wr»] INDEX. [ZOO rAM Wthk, Kiliioinlon Ilfifiipin 80 Wytklikt. Histnii-o iloD luileH 468, 1174 XKNOPIION 818 Xknoi'ron's Mei;. ^liliik. Mornlit of.CP) 1133 Xkui^i, Frs. Cunqucte du P6roa, liio.. . . 1171 YACura "710 Yiiona, lo. Kx|jliqui'i pur Barnouf 66 Viikkiiii Niittaiiiiawu 54 Yalden. PouiiiH 866 Yanoski. Ciirtliii;^o 407 L'Afriquc clir ToaONTO: PRINTKI) BY JOHM LOVHLf., COttNUll OF YO.VOK AXD MKLINDA 8TaBET8, tn uma ... 108 trie ... 1215 ... 788 llufH L11, 1214 11 uo ... 648