IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // >..0^ ^.Wf-w •f y ^>*? ^» ^^ STANDING RULES I'OU TllK CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT OF THE NEWFOUNDLAND CHURCH SOCIETY. I.— This Society shall bo called " The Newfoiwdlanp Church Society." II. — Tho Officers of this Society shall consist of a Patron, a President, Vice-Presidents (being the Rural Deans) a Treasurer and Secretary. The Committee of Manaj^oment shall consist of the Officers of the Society, and of seventeen Lay Members of tho Society, exclusive of the said Officers, of whom four shall bo elected by Members of the Society resident in the Deanery of Avalon ; three by Members resident in tho Deanery of Conception Bay ; three by Members resident in the Deanery of Trinity Bay ; three by Members resident in the Deanery of I^otreDame Bay ; two by Members resident in the Deanery of Placen- tia ; and two by Members resident in the Deanery of Fortune Bay, of whom seven shall be a quorum. The election of the Lay Members of the Committee shall be as follows: — On Easter Tuesday in the year 1855, and on Easter Tuesday in ever}' succec'iling fourth year, a racet'ug of Electors resident in each Decinery shall bo convened by the Senior Clergyman (or in tho event of his omission so to do, by public notice) at some convenient hour and place. 6 of which notice sliall bo given during fJivino K^ervioo in caeli Church in the Deanery, at least 7 days jirevlousiy ; at which nicciin;^ the Senior Clergyman, or in his absence Bonio other persun then to bo chosen by tho Members, shall preside, and at which mcctin;j; the Members present, ■wlii'ther in ] crson or by proxies, Members of tho i^ocicty, and constiUitc'd by writin;:, shall elect, Beriatim^ their ro- j.rescMtutives to tho Coimnittco ; provided that tho jicrsons elected may he resident in any other Deanrry than that •wliich they may bo chosen to represent. The I'residciit, or in his absence, the Archdeacon of tho Diocese, or ]Jishop\s Coumiissary, shall bo Chairman of tho Committee ; and in addition to his vote as Member eliall, v.hen tho votes on any question are equal, have a castin;; vote. All Clergymen of the Diocese shall bo ex-ojjldo honorary Members of the Committee, >vith tho ri;^ht of speakinji^, but not, with tho excep- tion of the said ollicers, of voting at its meetings. As often as it shall become necessary, from tho death, absence fiom the Colony, resignation, or refusal to serve, of any of tho said Lay Members, (o appoint others or another in their or his places or place, a 8pec;:ii meeting of Members of the Society, in such Deanery \Yritteu requisition addressed to the Secretary. X. — All Meetings shall bo opened and closed "with tho Prayers recommended to bo used at tho Meetings of tho Society for tho I*ropagation of tho Gospel in I'orcign Parts. XI. — Tho Members of tho Church in every part of tho Island, shall bo invited to co-operate by forming Local Committees under the direction of tho Clergy in each Ission or Parish. XII. — No Mission or Clergyman of any Mission shall receivo any allowance or assistance from the Society unless at least a list of the contributions, made in such fc 8 Mission to the funds of the Soc'oty in the prccccdlng year, shall hare been duly forwarded to tho President or to the Secretary, together ■with a return of al! payments or oft'er- ing5f of money, not being fees for occasional S^jrvices. Note. — While It is lioped that every Clergyraan in the colony will make a yearly cjllection for the promotion of the objects of the Church Society, and impress upon every individual under his Pastoral charge, tho obligations by which he is bound to contribute thereto, year by year, tho system of the Church Society does not require any Clergy- man to withhold the ordinances of tho Church in any case of refusal or neglect to pay towards his support. I I '\ ' l** ^ ] ^f PEOCEEDINGS At the Thirteenth Anniversary of " The Newfoundland CiiuiiCH Society," held at St. John's^ 2Qth Jiine^ 1854. The llight Reveiend the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, President, in the Chair. The Report of the Committee, having been read by the llev. J. Ji. Freer, Secretary, and the Treasurer's Ac- count, submitted, — It was Proposed by the Rev. G. M. Johnson, and seconded by T. K. Smith, Esq. : — 1 • — That the Report be received, adopted, and printed with the Treasurer's account. Proposed by the Rev. J. G. Mountain, M.A., and secondsd by the Rav. T. M. Wood :~ 2. — That this Meeting desires to testify its gratitude to Almighfy God, Who, although He hos suHered the Church Society to undergo some trials, has continued to bless its exertions, and to extend the sphere of its operations. Proposed by B. Robinson, Esq., and seconded by the Venerable Archdeacon Bridge : — 3.— -That this Meeting has every hope that (with the blessing of Almighty God) the revision of the Society's constitution and rules ujay give rise to an increase of its prosperity and usefulness. Proposed by C. D. Newman, Esq., and seconded by the Rev. Martin Blackmore : — 4. — That this meeting, recognising the Etkication of the children of the poorer members of our Comniuuion as one of the most im- portant objects of the Society, would be thankful for any means put at the disposal of the Committee for the special assistance of the oohools in the difHcultics caused by the late refusal of Supplies. u 10 IVoposcd \)v tlie Rev. J. C Harvey, anJ seconded by Charles t'KOWDY, l''h(l : — 5. — Tliat the thanks of tlio Newfoundland Church Society be plven to the llight Kcv. the President for his counsel and assistance ; to the TreaHUier and Committee, for their services during the past year ;— that the Hev. J. B. Frkkr be requested to accept the ollico nf Secretary, and (r. T. Brooking, Esq., that of Treasurer ;— that J. B. Wood, H. Ai.sop, T. K. Smith, and N. IMudgl:, Ksqrs., he appointed on ihu Committee in the place of those gentlemen who retire by rotation, until the new system come into operation. Proposed by V. G. TicssiER, Esq., and seconded by Eugexius IIauvkv, Esq.; — fi, — That the cordial thanlcs of the Meeting be given to the Right Uev. the Chairman lor Lis kindness in ' presiding on the present occasion. ILE9 ■ ^ y be nee ; past iflifo (liat ., 1)0 wLo I us light sent REPORT. Your Committee present the Report of their proceed- ings during the past year, with mingled and conflicting feelings : for while, on the one hand, there is abundant cause for satisfaction and thankfulness for the progress, (both in St. John's, and the Out-harbors) of the New- foundland Church Society, events have occurred which have caused considerable difficulty and anxiety. It is not to be expected that an Institution of the nature, and with the objects of this Society, should pursue its course without its trials, difficulties, ai.d impediments. Were it so, associations of Christian people, as in the case of individual Christians in such circumstances, would run the risk " of settling down on their lees" or of forget- ting that they can accomplish notiung by mere human instrumentality, apart from the Divine grace and favor. The past year has brought its trials to the Church Society. Into a detail of what they have been, your Committee deem it unnecessary to enter here : the result which they report with sincere regret, is the vacancy of the office of Patron, by the resignation of His Excellency the Gover- nor on the 12th of November last. Your Committee would avail themselves of this opportunity of expressing their regret at any proceeding of theirs, which may have led to such a step on the part of His Excellency : at the same time, they hope and believe, that the Society will give them credit for having simply and sincerely desired to keep in view the vindication of its principles, and the preservation of its interests. In reviewing the Ecclesiastical incidents of the past year, not the least important has been the Visitation of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, which extended along i:. 12 tne Labratlor from Blanc Sablon to the Seal Islaiulii, toge- ther with St. John's Island and St. Barbe Bay on the opposite side of the Straits, and thence along the N. E. coast from Quirpon to Trinity. His Lordship was absent on his voyage between three and four months, liaving sailed from St. John's on tho evening of the lotli June, and returned on the '2[)t\\ of September. Confirmation was given to 693 persons in 26 different places, 4 Churches and 6 graveyards were consecrated, and among the former was one, at St. Francis Harbour, the first ever built on the dreary coast of the Labrador. The Bishop subsequently held confirmations in Concep- tion Bay, where 466 young persons ratified their Baptis- mal vows, and lately his Lordship has administered the Holy and Apostolic rite to 82 persons in the mission of Heart's Content, on the South shore of Trinity Bay, and to 2o6 persons at the following places in the n'^ighbour- hood o'i St. John's, viz.. Petty Harbour, Fox Trap, Pouch Cove, Torbay, and tho Mission of Portugal Cove, — making a total 1477 persons during tho year. In the course of the Visitation in 18c 3, the Lord Bishop held a general Ordination on the Sunday after the Ember week in September, in tho Parish Church of St. Paul, Trinity. The Rev'd. Messrs. Boland, of St. George's Bay, and Walsh, of Upper Island Cove, were admitted to the Priest- hood, and Messrs. Darrell, an Exhibitioner of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel at the Theological In- stitution, and John Moreton, Literate, were ordained Deacons. At the latfi Ordination in the Cathedral Church on Trinity Sunday, Messrs. Coombe and Meek, Society's Exhibitioners, were admitted to the Holy Order of Deacons ; and on last Sunday the Rev'd. Messrs. Crouch, of Trinity, Elder, of Fogo, and Colloy, of Grole, were ad- mitted to the Holy Order of Priests. On St. John Baptist's Day, the Bishop held his fourth Visitation of the Clergy, and dehvered his triennial charge. Your Committee have great pleasure in introducing into their Report the following extracts from letters of Clergy- •IT-' : ^' men {i(lJi*es30(l to the ^Jccrctary, only regretting that such communications arc not more numoi^us and general. St. Jolin's. The Vcnerabll^ the Archilcacon v/ritcs : Rev. and Dicau Sin, I wish that ill rcplyirifj to your roqtur^ to bo furiiishri] with soma information rcspocting tins I'arish ami IMi*: ion, for ir.s(>rt!on in tho Repoi't of our Church Society, I could Lope to suj)p!y any that would interest its numerous IMembers and kind Iricnds. liut in a settled charge lik3 that of St. John's", we have seldom, if ever, prttscnted to us in the course of our Pastoral work, any novel features which it would be worth while to delineate for the above purpose. Amidst our constant employ miMit amon<^ the sick and the poor, you are well aware that we (iiid much to interest ourselves, and to encourage us, and to fill our hearts with thankfulness to Ilini Who alone gives any increase to our unworthy attempts to glorify Him, and to serve our Hocks; but I do uot know that the details would be suitable for the Report. I may mention, however, that there has been a considerable addition during the past year to the number of our Communicants ia the Cathedral — that I do not remember any year since I have been connected with this Pariah, wheliier as Curate or Rector, within which so many children have boon baptized — and that the atten- dance at the Sunday School during' the past winter — especially of girls,— has been larger and more regular than before. These may, I hope, be regarded as some tokens that the good liand of God is upon us. To Him be all the glory I There havo been several instances of good-will to the Church Society, some of which I cannot forbear mentioning. A fisherman to whom I had not applied, brougiit me 20s., and when I said to him, in my aurp-iso at his generous free-will otfering, •' I thank you," — ho' rejoined at once, " O ! Sir, I deserve no thanks ; thank God, Who has given me the heart to give it ! — I only wish it were more." who v/as formerly in the Sunday School, but in growing from a b .y to a man, had grown out of my knowledge, called this spring at my house, sending in word that lie wished ta see mo. On my going out to him, he greeted me very warmly, I must confess to an uneomlortable feeling at my not recognisi.ig him. I enquired his nau'.e and his busineas, when he presented to mo a fiovereig!?, saying, " Tliis Sir, is for the Church: I luve made a good bill at the iic." I'lie last case I will mention, though not the last 1 could mention, is that of an apprentice. Ho was about 'to leave St. John's, ami called to pay mc a farewell vitit. Having given him some advice as to his future course and conduct, I was V^ u r.'iout (o (liduiiss liitii, when he said that *• hfc coulil not leave with- out pacing tomethiiig to the Church Society," and gave me a dollar. Fortune Bay. The Rev. J. G. Mountain, Kural Dean of Fortune Bay, thus Tvriios, from his mission (Harbor Briton and its neighbourhood) — I Ini. L I may report amid much coldness and indillerence in some p!."i.cs, a progressive improvement on the whole, in the rclijiious life of the people, and in thtir di-sire for the Sacraments and ordinanet'S oi liie Church. I may naMition as one instance ot improvement, I'uit the custom of drinking to excess at tho " setllinp time," when numbers are conjircuatetl at the Merchants' store has greatly de- « rcased, and on this occasion List year there was a very }»ood at- liMithuici at tho morni'in and evening daily prayers in tho Church. The number of Marriages in the Church was double that of any fonier year, a sign that the s'jandalou.s practice hitherto so frequent, of parties being married, or rather coupled, by any fisherman who Caii read has been discontinued. Tho number of Communicants in some of the settlements has reached to a majority of the iidiabitants, and there is every appearance, in increas3d earnestness of life, that th( y are " meet partakers of that Holy Feast." It ought not to bo omitted that those who are connected with the Merchants' establish- ments, and therefore have, by their position, most influence with the jien|)lc, are in peneral an example to all in their lives, in attendance at rrnyera and Communion, in support of the Church, and personal kindness and attention to the MLssionarics. The outward tokens of advancement are more easily denoted : a dwelling house At Pushthrounh is so far completed that the School- master, (a very excellent and worthy man from England) is enabled to live ill it ; the Mission house at Grole has been nearly completed. The frame of a School house at Sagona (where a teacher is much needed) has been set up and boarded in. The funds for these purposes have been supplied from various sources ; mainly private, partly also with the aid of the Board of Education, and of the Mem- ber for the Bay. The chief and most gratifying feature,* however, iu this respect, is the erection of a handsome brick Church with stono I'acines at the sole expense of Thomas Hunt, Esq., a Merchant of a long established and respected house in the Bay. The style is early English : thi whole length, including chancel, yo feet, breadth 30 icet. The fittings, pulpit, &c,, arc of wainscot, substantial and in good taste. The building was nearly completed in the Autumn of 18/53. The severe winter which followed caused some con- siderable, but not permanent injury, and it is expected that it will be completed with ihe sittings, '&c., this year. A small but comfortable Parsonage is also in course of erection, and it is hoped will be completed this year. The funds for this house are rafsed by friends in England : and assistance Irom the 15 Society, or any other source, I3 rauoli ilosired. The collection for the last exceeded that df any former year, aniountinji to full .'ClOO cur- rency, and it is hoped that intorodt has been cxcitccl and iiifornia- tion conveyed, by tl»« Branch M '(.'liiijjs of the Churcli Society, two of which have been held duriii'^ the past year. Sf) icu will not allow of my adding the dt'tails 1 sliould desire rospoctinj' tliu other Missions in this Di-anery. At Iiulleurain, Grole and (jarnish the fame improvement is evinced in the increased niunbor ot Com- umnirants, and in the atta'-hmcnt of the people to their laborious niini-sters and teachers. This is still more evident, thouf^h tiol; perhaps greater in proportion at Hiiroeo, which owing to the rapid inlliix of families from oilier parli ot Fortune Bay, nnd their con- centration in one spot, is now the most important settlement on the shore. The number of Communicants in the two Bur^eos is about 13i). There, if any where it may be said " the multitude of them that believe are of one, lieart and one soul," bickerings and jealousies seem almost unknown, and the people are much attached to their Clergyman, though I must add that they have not in some cases tho same advai>tagc of a good exampio iVom those who have most inllu- cnce over thein. The Church is found insuiUcient for the accom- modation of the incrosing riuniberfi. and tho people have already raised a considerable sum towards building a new and larr;er one, on a better plan, for which they are anxious to obtain assistance. A still greater difliculty is tho want of carpenters which has hitherto prevented the work being begun. Portugal Cove. Tho event of the year in Portn;^d Cove, is of course the erection of a new Church which is jus! tinished, and is to be consecrated (D.V.^ on St. I'eter's Day. i^rrantrements had been made for this undertaking by my predecessor tlie llev. Wm. Grey, who had raised from friends in England, the sum of £117 steriinir, which produced in currency, about .f.l-lO. lie had al^o received a dona- tion from the Bishop of the Diocese of £50 currency, and a vote had boon procured by him for the same amount from your excellent Society. VV^ith this sum in hand, I deemed myself warranted in entering into a contract for £308 currency for the whole building, with Messrs. Southcott, of St. John's, having first obtained the consent of the Bishop of the Diocese to take down the old Church for the sake of much valuablu board it contained. Of a misfortune that occurred to us on the last night of the year 1S53, I need not speak further than to express my gratitude tor the sympathy and assistance of both the Bishop of the Diocese and tho Church Society, suffice it to say, that though for the time, a heavj' discouragement, it did not break down our determination, but, I believe, incited the contractors, people and myself to greater zeal, the result of our combined labour being a Church, which I (rust will be found second to none in this Island, save the Cathedral, in every requi>ite i I 16 a Cliurch should possess. It is duo to the people of the place tosay^ that all, with very few exceptions, cheerfully contributed both mate- rial and labour to the full extent required of tlicm. The Church, as it is at present hid out, will accommodate about luo uiore than the old building, and room, should it be required, could be made for another fifty. At present the amount expended has been £360 currency. The collection for the present year has been £37 currency, an increase of £1G on the preceding year. Greenepond. Mr. Moreton writes from Greenspond — If you please I will adopt the 7th of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel's recent enquiries as expressing); the rrish ot the Committee for information, viz. : — " Are you satisfied that your congregation are contributing to the best of their ability ?" 1 have already replied to this, " Yes ; ro far as I am able to bnng home the duty to individuals." But if the question means, " Does my whole Flock contribute what may fairly be required from them *," or even, " Do I obtain what might be obtained ;'' I must pay decidedly, " No : very far from it.' Perhaps most of my BrctliLii in the Diocese would make the same reply. I will endeavour to statu the reasons which appear to roe for this deficiency. The success of the IFn'icty in the outport Missions generally, seems to depend, speaking only of human means, wholly upon the Missionary's persuasions and exhortations, and the information con- veyed by the yearly Report. I am convinced that these means are very insuHicicnt. I cannot hope that they will ever work such success for the Society, that it may be fairly called prosperous. '1 his may appear from a state- ment of some particulars of my Mission. Among my Flock are Planters who are doing very large business, free from debt, and keeping money at interest in St. John's, with very great influence over their many servants and less wealthy neighbours, who give mo for the Society each a dollar yearly, and do no mure. Some of the same class, give nothing. From the young men, sons of Planters, and servants, I get, with a few excep- tions, nothing. What I do obtain from any is given very much irom good will to myself, and therefore may suddenly ceasn at any momeut when they conceive some offence in their Clergyman. Yet, I fully believe, that the large majority of my Flock really value the services of the Caurch, and would rather make some sacrifice th^n lose them.' Their very large alms-giving to the poor proves to me that they are not wholly selfish and illiberal. The subscriptions to the Church now building at Pincbard's Island, where one family has given more than £50, another nearly £40, and others in proportion, prove their willingness to support iho Church, in some cases ; so ■■p IT at might it/ (loos llio repeated dooliuaiion of a Planfer in another part of tlio Mission, that ha will gladly give £lOi» towards building a nuw Chiiirh. And the.'P are not solitary caseg. Tiie falling is not in the pcoj)l'.', but, as I have spid, in the moans, or lack of moans, to innuonco tluiin. My Mi-ision inuludi'sa popu- lation of about 3,r>00, distributed in 21 scltlemcniB. Sixteen of IhesR settlements, besides Clrcenspond, are regularly visited for tho purpose of ]io!ding Service, and 1 usually stay at least one day and night in each. One or two ot tliem I visit often ; most of them about four times in a year; some less; some but once. Upon these rare visits there must always be much to do ; each family to ho visited, if possible, some services for tho sick and infirm, privato baptinms (or children, besides public ministration at Church. Kvcn if at any onn visit, I could be sure of meeting all tho pcrsonb in a settlement from whom I should obtain contributions, which is never the ease, 1 have little strength and spirit left for the collection after these duties are ended. But all arc not to be met in many visitf, and so, to clFec^ a general collection, I must speak o( it, and ask for it at every visit ; and this I am sure is trying and liurtfui to both Clergyman and people. I could point to many individual acts of great self-denial in almi- giving and brotherly-kindness, and great firmness in right conduct, amid ditlioulty and discouragement ; all showing these a right-minded and right-hearted people, and giving sure hope of thc'r not being wanting in this grace aUo, whenever they can bo fairly tC8t«d. Tho past year showed some improvement upon former years, at least in the manner of tho people's offerings ; I never before received nearly so many unasked contributions for tho Society. A most encourag- ing circumstance. 1 would, therefore, pray the Committee to consi- der what menns can be devised and employed be&idcs, and in aid of, tho limited efforts of the Clergy. If I may presume to suggest what occurs to myself, I would pro- pose the preparation and circulation of some papers, frequently issued, and in large number, much more familiar in language and interesting in manner and matter than perhaps the annual licport can bo made — an " Occasional Taper," or Periodical Magazine, not limited to the subject of the Collection, but containing general Church information, and made as attractive as possible. It could be Tridely circulated through our lending Libraries, and would be very much sought by the people. By such means tho fishermen might become piuch better informed, they might be inffuenced by example, in the narratives contained in .such papers, and could be strongly urged and exhorted by a mode in which no direct personal interest could be suspected. I am aware that much expense would be involved in this, but as an endeavour to work for Christ's Church, made in faith, I could not fear the result. Probably funds to mret the first outlay would be cheerfully contributed by the Clergy and olber friends of the r I 18 Society— I am willing to contribute as far as I am able. But I fear I am presuming upon the liberty given me. You will believe me only anxious to serve the Society m my proper province. Believe me, Bev. and dear Sir, Your's very faithfully, JULIAN MORETON. I ought to say that the return does not show the whole amount contributed to the service of the Church in Greenspond. The Churchwardens collect an assessment upon the sittings in the Church yearly, to meet local expenses. The amount collected last year was £U 2 2. The sales at the Depository since the last return hare been as follows : 137 Bibles, 117 Testaments, 680 Books of Common Prayer, 1122 Religious Books and other Publications, thus affording pleasing evidence of the utility of the Institution, and of the appreciation in which it is held. Whilst your Committee refer for full and particular in- formation respecting the funds of the Society to the ac- count of the Treasurer annexed to this Report, they would state here in general terms that the receipts of the year 1858, as far as they are exhibited by the Returns which have been received, have amounted to £981 19 6. And during the same period your Committee have voted in ac- cordance with Rule YI, the total sum of J£894 9 3. And the total sum that has been in the Treasurer's hands this year, including the balance of the previous year, is JS1876 8 9. As compared with last year the following Missions show an increase in the amount of collections made in them : St. John's, Pouch Cove, Portugal Cove, South Shore, Bonavista, Moreton's Harbour, Harbour Buffet, Harbour Briton, and Grole. The great and momentous question of Education is, your Committee regret to say, still unsettled. The late Act expired with the last Session of th£ Assembly, and no new measure has been adopted. The consequences which majr be appre- hended from the suspension of the Colonial Schools » • at le !h us 7 is m « • 19 throughout the Island can scarcely be other than injurloui : and the time seems at last arrived at which eiforts should be renewed to secure for the children of the Church of England the advantages of which they have been too long deprived. What steps should be taken your Committee are not now prepared to recommend : but they trust that the subject will engage the serious attention of all their Brethren : and that some plan may be devised, and some united action carried out, which may confer lasting bencSt upon the youth of our Communion. Acting on the suggestion of the Lord Bishop conveyed in a letter to them under date of April 6, 1854, your Committee appointed the following Members : Archdeacon Bridge, and Messrs. Robinson, Uoyles, Bayly, T. Row, and U. Thomas, a Sub-Committee to revise the .rules of the Society. Those Gentlemen brought in the following Report : — " The Sub-Committee appointed on the 7th of April to revise the Rules of the Society, beg to submit the following Recommendations : — II. — The OfScers of this Society shall consist of a Patron, a President, Vice-Presidents (being the Rural Deans) a Treasurer and Secretary. The Committee of Management shall consist of the Officers of the Society, and of seventeen Lay Members of the Society, exclusive of the said Officers, of whom four shall be elected by Members of the Society resident in the Deanery of Avalon ; three by Members resident in the Deanery of Conception Bay ; three by Members resident in the Deanery of Trinity Bay ; three by Members resident in the Deanery of Notre Dame Bay ; two by Members resident in the Deanery of Placen- tia ; and two by Members resident in the Deanery of Fortune Bay, of whom seven shall be a quorum. The election of the Lay Members of the Committee shall be as follows : — On Easter Tuesday in the year 1855, and on Easter Tuesday in every succeeding fourth year, a meetii^ of Electors resident in each Deanery shall be convened by the Senior Clergyman (or in the event of his omission so to do, by public notice) at some convenient hour and place, of which notice shall be given during Divine Service in 20 each Ohurcli in the Deanery, nt lonst T ilays f rcviou?ly ; at wliicli meeting; the Senior Clergynmn, or in lii^j al)SCh'.'o Bomo other person tlicn to ho chosen hy ihc Mcinhcrs, shall preside, and at which meetin;^ the Mcinheia present, whether in j)crson or hy proxies, Mcni'jers of the {^dciety, and constituted hy writing, shall elect, gcn'tttini, their re- presentatives to the Comiuiitee ; provided that the persons elected may ho resident in any other J^cancry than that ■which they may ho chosen to represent. The Tresident, or in his absence, the Arelideacon of the Diocese, or Bishop's Commissary, shall bo ex-ajficlo Chairman of the Committee ; and in addition to his vote as Member shall, when tho votes on any question are c(iual, have a castin-; voto. All Clergymen of tho Diocoso shall he e:c-o[lic{o honorary Members of tho Committee, with tho right of speaking, but not, with tho excep- tion of the said officers, of voting at 'its meetings. As often as it shall become necessary, from tho death, absence from tho Colony, resigtiation, or refusal to serve, of any of the said Lay Members, to appoint others or another in their or hU places or place, a special meeting of Members of the Society, in sucli Deanery whero tho vacancy shall arise, shall bo convened in like manner as tho Easter Meeting ; and the like notice shall he given of such special meeting, when the necessary number of Members, to re- place those required, shall be in like manner elected. III. — His Excellency the Governor for tho time being shall be requested to accept the offico of Patron : the Lord Bishop shall be President, and tho Ptural Deans Vice- Presidents of the Society. V. — It shall bo the duty of the Committee to determine from time to time on tho appropriation of tho funds, to the furtherance of the Gospel in this Island, under tho recom- mendation and sanction of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese —the objects to which such appropriation shall be mado shall be as follows : — 1st towards the maintenance of the Clergy and licensed Lay-Ueaders — 2nd, the erection, en- largement or repairs of Churches, Parsonages, and School- «» ■f- «» f ^ SI rooms — Mrtl, tho mipi-l / of liibl,'(», Prayer Looks, School Books and Ilcli^ious Woil.- ami Tr. '-ts. "Whilo it is liopcd that every Cicr^'ymnii in tlio colony will ni.ike a yearly collection I'or the | rouiotion ot" the ohj'Cts of tho Church Society, and iiiijr'Sb upon every individual under his Pastoral cliar;j;e, iLu obligations l..y ^\hich ho ia bouml to contrihuto thereto, year by y^wv, tho system of tiie Church b^ocioty does not re(iuiro any Ch'r/^y- man to withhold tho ordinances of the Church in any caso of refusal or neglect to pay tnwaids his support. VI. — Tho Committee shall meet on tho first Monday of every quarter at ISt. John'a. VII. — Tho Committee shall appoint, each year, t^YO of their Members to audit the Treasurer's Account. VIII. — A Monthly Meeting of tlio Members of tho Society shall bo held on tho 2nd Wednesday in every Month, at 7 o'clock : and a General Annual Mooting of tho Society on tho 2nd \Vednosflay after Trinity Sunday, or as soon thereafter as tho Bi;''i.p may appoint. IX. — No existing law shall l.j repealed or altered, nor any new rule established, exrcjit at a General Meeting of tho Society, tho proposed cliaii>;;o liiiving been first recom- mended by tho President or tho Committee, and in tho latter case, approved by the President. A Special d Almighty God to shew many tokens upon it for good, aud who can doubt that if all Churchmen will pray for the Divine Blessing upon it, and combine in heart and hand to uphold it, the Newfoundland Church Society will be in an ever increasing measure, an instrument in extending year by year, by all, and duly constituted agencies, the inesti- mable blessings of the Gospel and of the Church. ^Htir Dr. June — 'IV) Mii.s sum paiil cxirfi forpaliif-"! jiig tlio C'liui'cli at Qiiidi Vidi | ovt-r amount voled by Com- f inittco J Jul/ 1 — " Paid Vcn. Arclidoacon liiidqe's^ oidor lavcr of llio I'roprictor.s | of tlift Nowftjuiidland Expi'cs!^ J.- jiajjcr, for ])riiitini» and making | up 000 copies of Kopoiis . ,J Nj^vfolndland Church Society i!f Aug. 16— Oct. 4— " J'nid ditto ditto favour of tlie"» J'lxccutiix of the late llev, C. r Ijlackinnii . . • • ) -" J'aid I/Ord Bishop's order favor"] licv. G. I\I. Johnson beini ' ;> Account witu Geouge T. Brooking, TnEAsuncn. Cr. ofTreaO JUt {\iV-> wi 1853. June 8 — By Balance in hands of Trea- surer as per accou nisbed this date " The following sums receiv- ed on account of Collec- tions at the undermention- ed places for 1852 . J Brigus, per Kev. W. Shan- non St. Thomas's Church, per ) Rev. G. M. Johnson . ) King's Cove, per Rev. B. > Smith . . .| Port Aux Basque, per> Rev. T. Boland . . { 1854. •:\ 3 12 2 10 20 7 7 30 9 4- -«V> Juno 2G — " The following sums re-"| ceived on account of Col- | Ip.ctions at the undermen- ^ tioncd places for 1853 .J St. Jolin's, per Ven. Arch- f koc a deacon Bridge . . $ ^^^ ^ Wood . . . ; Broad Cove, per Rev. B. > Fleet . . .> South Shore, per ditto Petty Harbour, per Rev. > qi /- a J. F. Phelps . . J *il G 14 13 12 2 5 21 Id 1 3 6 5 Pouch Cove, per ditto Torbay, per ditto Flat Rock, per ditto Portugal Cove, per Rev. > G. M. Johnson . . ) Bay-de- Verde, per Rev. ) O. Rouse . . . t Brigus, per Rev.W. Shan- non .... Harbor Briton, por Rev, J. G. Mountain 17 7 3 10 1 9 31 15 9 22 1 6 50 7 11 69 1 6- 772 7 6 -56 19 5 ■805 10 3 I ii- Amount carriei forward £l034 16 7 I r Dr. Newfoundland Church Society iii 1854. Amount brousbt forward March 14—" PaidVen. Arclideacon Bridge's" order for Kenewal ot Poliiy Ho. 130086 against Fire m the Alliance AssuranceCompanj's Oiiice for one year, from 2 2d inst., £650 at 2^ per cent . . 1 7 — " Paid J. C. Withers, for printing ) 450 Circulars . . . ^ Aprils — "Paid Lord Bishop's order fa-" vor of the loUowiiig as voted by the Committee from Collec- tion of 1853, viz.: — Rev. T.M.Wood . . 12 10 " W. K. White . . . 47 15 " A. Giffbrd . . . 30 7 6 " W. Grey . . . . 15 " G. M. Johnson . . . 15 C *' Henry Tuck>vell . . . 20 " Ditto ditto as Precentor .10 " A. E. C. Bayly . . . 18 18 Mr. Bishop as Reader. . .4 0— 11— Rev. J. F.Phelps . . . 20 " E. Colley . . . . 25 . " B. Fleet . . . . 17 17 " J. G. Mountain . . . 60 " W. Shann n . . . 40 " J. Marshall . . . .17 0- 13— Executrix of the late Rev. C. "^ Blackman , . . \ May 2 — Ven. Archdeacon Bridge • 8— Rev. J. B. Freer, as Curate .37 10 " G. M. Johnston, being an "1 additional sum voted towards ! .« ^ q the erection of Portugal Cove f £ a. d. 265 11 3 14 12 6 18 -173 10 « -179 17 12 10 200 -47 10 Church Amount carried forward £804 9 3 Account with Gkorgk T. Brookiko, Treasurer. Cr. 1854. £ a. d. Amount brought forward 1634 16 7 >' 17 6 June 26—" Belloram, per Rev. J. \ Marshall . • > Grole, per Rev. E. CoUey 29 Bonavista, per Rev. A ^ Bayly Belle Isle Straits, per Rev A Gifford Harbor Buffett, per Rev, W. K. White Herring Neck, per Rev S. Cross Greenspond, per Rev. J Moreton King's Cove, per Rev. B Smith Moreton's Harbor, per Rev. J. Kingwell Bishop's Cove, per Rev. 7 07 C.Walsh . . .; "*' " This sum received fromi Rev. G. M. Johnson, on } account of Depository ot \ Books at Bay Roberts, | furnished by the Society J Amount carried forward -269 19 8 5 £1909 1$ 8 Tr. Newfoundland Church Sociktv i.v June 26— Balance Amount brought furward £894 9 3 1017 7 £1909 16 3 •f • Note— DISPOSED OF BUT NOT YET PAID, DEBITED IN FOKMEH ACCOUNT. Bev. Tbos. Boland towards the purchase of Church at Channel Rev. W. K. White } 25 39 £64 <^^' • r We have examined the above Accounts, and find that there is a balance to the credit of the Society, amounting to One Thousand and Seventeen Pounds and Seven Shillings, exclusive of the sum of Sixty-four pounds voted to the Bev. Mr. Boland, and Rev. W. K. White, but not yet paid over to those gentlemeii. JNO. TUNBRIDGE,> . ,., W. H. MARE. '^Auditors. t^ py 1854. Amount brought forward £1909 16 3 June 20— By Balance brought down 1017 7 ■* • <^ • t Errors and Omissions Excepted, St. John's, Newfoundland, 26th June, 1854. GEORGE T. BROOKING, Treasurer. Per J. L. NOONAN. 4 » y Si %> I ^2> 4 » y ^ *> APPENDIX. SUBSCRIBERS.— St. JoHN'ji. £ «. A £ «. d. 'g, T. Foote, Mrs. Ford. J. French, J. French, S. Fursc, John G Gardner, George Gill, J^. Gill, Henry Golf, William £ 1 u 1 5. (/. 5 6 5 5 U 10 15 3 12 5 1 4 10 10 5 5 5 5 \) 10 Gofi; Richard Gofl; E. Goldsworthy, John Goldsworthy, J. Goodrid{;e, J. Gould, W. (Pouch Grieve, Joseph Grimstcad, J. Graham, A. (iruham, Thomas Grey, Goorgo II Hepburn, F. K. Hamlin, II. Hamlm, Richard Haniner, J. Harris, George ^ I Harris, N. Harris, J. Harris, Miiis Hart, George Hatchett, James Harvey, Eugcnius Harvey, James Harvey, Richard Harvey, J. Hayward, G. J. Hay ward, G. F. Hayward, J. V. Ilellyer, John Hill, N. Hiscock, Roger Hingston, W. Hitciiins, Mis3 Hogsett, John HoUett, Thomas HoUett, James Hooper, James V *« ^. Hooper, John 10 Woyles, II. 5 ()|Hoyles, Mrs. Sr. y y (jjHunt, Robert |Hutcliii>g8, Miss 5 Ollutchins, Philip 1 OJHodson, R. R. 10 llHyes, John 1 uiUoward, William £ ». d. 6 C 5 5 10 1 Cove)0 5 10 10 1 5 15 5 5 5 10 10 1 10 5 U 10 10 5 5 4 10 10 5 5 15 (. 5 1 10 'i. 10 10 10 10 10 U 10 10 10 1 1 (» u 10 1 4 5 10 2 4 2 2 8 2 5 5 15 15 2 1 1 4 3 5 1 10 I V '»t* >./ o 8 u > • I » ) ) 3 •>l« 4 % J £ i. il. X J. d. Jamfs, T. C. 2 » Jny, S. Ji'iikiDS, W. 5 OtTcrtorv, Trinity Su-^day 1 17 10 1 " 24th June, 1854 11 1 S Jocutlyn, J. 1 '♦ 25 th " " 4 s Jillurd, J. 1 4 (' Oliver, J. 10 JoliDson, Mrs. 0. E. 6 V JurvoiH, Cuptaiti K. E. K 2 c Palfrev, Jlrs. 10 Pac-lc, P. 15 Kcllond, Gfif^rjje 12 8 Pallc, George 1 Kt'llijirew, William 15 o' i\krnell, John 10 Kiiiidall, Mrs. li. 5 (' Parsons, W. 5 L Ptach, J. 10 Langflton, G. 7 6 l\'ckham, J. 5 LasI), (iioorgo 10 Penny, Samuel 5 LrhIi, J- 10 lVter8, J. 5 Layman, Goorpo 6 Po t-en, Jospph 10 Lo MessuricT, W. 3 c Pickard, Henry 5 liO Rk'SsuriiT, M. 1 Piercey, W. 5 Lo Mt'fsurier, P. 1 Pinnock, J. 5 Litton, J. 5 Pitts, J. (Lance Cove) 10 Lonp, liobert 1 Pope, Matthew 3 JiOnf!, Thoinari 1 Pope, T. 10 Lovers, (Jcor-jo 2 Pryor, E. 1 Luscoiiib, P. 5 Pryor, John 5 l^ucas, Junics 10 Pryor, W. 5 M Pryte, F. IL 1 10 Mt'Larty, James 1 {) Prowse, J. W. 1 Mt'Lt-ntion, J. 1 Pillv. M. 5 M;i;;ill, William 3 *^Pvnn. Levi 5 Mare, W. H. 5 R Mabin, Thomas 5 Road, James 10 Martin, Jonathan 5 Uondell, Elias 1 5 Mitclirll, II. 5 UcMidell, Mrs. Sr. 10 ]Mitt;lii-ll,U.( Portugal C' >o 5 (. Uendell, W. & G. 5 MiiU'y, yolomon 5 licndle, James 1 4 Mosdalf, (icorj^o 5 Ivobinson, 13. 15 Morris, George 5 How, Thomas 10 Mullings, J. N 1 L " (additional lor 1853) I 5 Newman & Co. 5 U Row, W. B. 5 Newman, C. D. 5 Roberts, Mark 5 Newman, W'. IL 1 C Roscoe. John 6 Noon, John 1 {. Rofiers, Henry 10 Noon, William 5 ( Rvland. J. D. 1 Noonan, James 1 Ryall, William 5 Nurse, John 9 S Normore, W. 10 c Sago, C. 5 Neldcr, W. 5 c Scott, W . 5 Northcott, ^V. . 5 t Scot^, Jaraet 10 e Slippher'l, T.-'im Siinin*, J.»'iu'-i SiHvinr, Jo-i'ph Skiiiiii'r, iMrs. Skhnuir, S. 8itml«, John Smiih, T. II. Smith, J. Smith, J. W. Snow, John Snow, llfiiry Southcott, J. SouUicott. J. Stabb, Kvmn Steer, Kmma Stono, Henry Stevens, .Jolin Sweetlanil,.) (Petty IIr.)0 Sqiiarry, Robert Sr<, Il.'nry JO G *) 'i 'Vii I r«. Ili'pli n 5 Warrni, Mrs. R 5 5 (»|\V.'bbfr, (;.•<». ..o 10 2 Wibbcr, William 6 5 O' White. J.. III! 10 8 o'Wc.ttiott, Thomas Sr. 10 10 OU'twolt, Thomas Jr. 10 10 Wem-oir, W. k Sou 15 12 C! White w;iy, W. V. 2 12 G Whillciii, (Jtiori^Q 1.5 2 I) OlWhiltoii, (Icnrjio 10 5 OWhitton, William 10 12 oiWhitton, J(*!iu 10 1 Whittoii, Jo^iali 10 5 Whit^oii, ll.biMt 10 5 o| Whittoii, William 10 5 OjWhitton, IliJiiry 6 1.5 WilliaiuH, Jfimes 10 12 OWiHiainx, James 6 5 oi Williams, Walter 10 o' Wills, J. 1 10 Wills, Uiehard 12 OiWilhers, J. C. 4 I With) comb, G. 1 Withvcomh, F. 10 (' Witirvcoiub, T. 11) Wvatr, F. 10 WylJe, C. J. 10 6 £537 6 7 0: ' B Kaf^'tone, John 1 I^;itstone, Zacharlas 1 i Brace, Thomas Sr. 1 1 O'lirace, ^. ^ 15 O.liracp, William 1 5 olHrown, J. 1 iButt, G. i 5 C 15 OCadwell, J. ^ 8 10 .'> 5 5 Qr;iDi Vri)!. Fish, qtls. Andrews, James ^« FU»i, 'I''*' W r.cio. ^Y llcrinr^'U-y, •' ' \ iiiMiurbut" . * '•"•^': tjievicr, Tuoni.-^a Lcis rrciji^it Cash. U lloale, Jl'^>'v llo''wooiU ''• llorwooJ, Iv. I i 1 i, I A jC *. <^- ai 1 v 1 I 1 1 B I, iiiMl 'Im !!• ' ' ■■'• 5 10 10 li) U 10 5 i I c c I .n-2 i>^ .0 «• 10 o ■' r, I 5 5 10 5 1 10 U li> ClriJ'i', M'^ J. ,',i,.; u...,.,v <'.72» ,(;i,;.iv, (;>'"';i^^ 7* (Ml iff N illt;(iu<'l - cU u..'-K n..u...) 10 Ici^lo, .!..•-•. •'•• 10 (,;i;i,ahs( *nr^M ^q 10 —'dull.', n'"'T ''-'-^'^^""^ :»'l)o>lo, Mrs. \] 10 10 T>ETTY U A l'^^' OLTt. rub, (Hi3. c Chafe, IHiilip i ^ Kdilieolt, Wilii-m , Grant, ^Yaliam ^^ lloare, Cnristoi-Uer Ti'Lcc, Thomas JLec, AVilUaux 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 \ u Milld, Julm MilU, Thomas, Sr. 1' Fearce, llicbanl & Josiab R Keail, George S Sarelt, Aaron bweellaiid, Jolm W TToir, Thomas ■Willian.s, Mrs. B. Williams, I'liilij) AVilliatiis, 'J'ho aas AVilliams, Joiiii, Jr. "Williauis, John "Willianis, VaU.'ntino AVjlliaics, llicliard ■\Vhite, Kic-hard W'itttjn, Thomas Witten, AVilhara AVitteii, El ward Witten, IJcbert Witten, Samuel Witten, John Witteu, Charles w I 1 oIWitt.Mi, lltnry 10 \ViUt-», Wiiliaui a *. d 1 10 10 5 5 10 5 15 10 10 15 10 li> 10 5 5 10 10 10 5 o £4 5 o roIJC'II COVK. Hahhvin, Edward ^y^^ liiwiii, John (vlJahiwiii, JJivid (i'l)i-a;.'^', WiHiain r.Mviv''j, JMiit'S Oi„ „ . . ^ -■I Cox, Ijorijanun . 'i ^', Could, Gcnr^a !J Gi ubi.v, Philip ^'i K <' Kirby, Isaac L Langmead, James Laiigmead, Gt'orjie Lanomead, Edward 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 £30 15 5 5 (After Sealing Voyage^ 1854. B Bendle, William Bowden, William C Chafe, Jacob Chafe, Henry Chafe, Emmanuel Chate, Robert ) 5 5 10 6 5 Ciiafe, Edward (Thoma8)0 Chafe, Samuel Chafe, Thoniag Chafe, Jacob (Henry) Chafe, Edwaru, Jr. ' U Bead, John S Sarell, James boul^ove, TLomai Ijangmead, William M — Moulten, Georgo o'Moulteii, Thomas — iMoulteti, Samuel Mundav, Kobert 1 N Newell, Mrs. (Williams) K Raines, Samuel Raines, William Xi Raines, John, Sr. Q Raints, George Q Raines, James Q Raines, James Rogers, Thomas S ^'Speaiing, John Q Sniij^ncll, John Sullivan, Edward 5 Sullivaii, Francis Sullivan, Tiiomas Sullivan, John 0, Sullivan, John, Jr 10 10 o o o o o 5 5 5 O o 15 O O O O » O o o 10 O 10 o 7 o 10 o 10 o 15 o 5 o 10 o 6 o 10 o 10 o 7 6 10 o 10 o 10 o 5 o 5 o :l ... p* i> w Welis, WuW^m "Willicims, N.uliinltil Williams, Mrs. Virtue \Villiaiii9, Jolin By bum lead than oi. i s. J. rOKTUGxVL COVK. Fisb, qds 1 7 (I :, u " liinuljury, /.liraliam *' l-5ra(!!.ii.7, Kivlunl ^* l}radbury,Nuah K £15 KJ (After Siolii'g ]'(»i>i'/r.. ISJl L ■ ' L'lngraeail, George 5 Muiiclav, Abiabain 5 — Karlo, Jo'"opli <' Eaik", Kubert I'lV, ^Vi!lialu ■'' Fiy, John II i 5 llainraord, ^V'ul. ix Sons I 1 Raines, 'William UairiL'S, Saiiiucl 5 5 \V Williani?, Xarnanii;! By suius lo£:; tbaii a:J. m 11 ToiUJAY. r. Bishop, John 5 C Codncr, Samuel, Jr. '> Codncr, Uriah fj Codnor, \\ni. (Collins) 5 Codnor, Joliu 10 C'olt3. Thouiaa & lirothers 1 i; Eustace, Richard .") T Thorne, William, Sr. in W White, William 5 " i\Ii!Icr, Robert ii ;Son3 A Miller, Jolm r ^iTioot, William & bona ()' ^ „ Souurtoii, Geortic Jr. () '" (> ~ ( A' ;i. ' A - Allen, Robert ^i 15 i '} (f) 5 5 5 a ii. o o o o o £••? 10 Flat Rock. G Gosse, Solomon lO W Waterman, William 10 iRradhury, Jaoob 8r. Uiadbury, John Sr. J-' Ijradluiry, J.'iccb tU'. Jr Bradbury, John Jr. Churchill, William CliiU'cl'.ill, Kd-.vard .('liurchill, Geor;::;i5 jl Churchiil, Nathan & John Churchill, Henry Churchill, Robert _iCouk, Thomas n __ Davev, Robert Earlc, James (; (^j Grcaley, James iSt Sons 10 n {Giealey, ilohn 5 o OGrcalev, William 5 o — ! ' H ft 6 < 5 5 10 15 6 Jtl 0: Hammond, Thoma.i Jr. 6 o ilJurdino, Ih'.ury u JO o f Harditig, Edward Harvoy, .lainca Iiir%'t!), William Ilibbii,, lluiiry & Sons liibbs, Sainuul J Jllllngs, Ilein-y II Mi', Jamea Milli;r, J iim;:H i^ Song Mill ;r, IjtMiry 1^1 i I lor, r.'tcr Willur, (iiDT'/o. l\lilcli(;ll, Hi: liinl Mitchull, M.8. \V. MitcLcil, Fetor (» Oke, Roly-rti Oke, Austin I' Picot, Abraliam Picof, (.'iiaik'fl & Song ricot, Jamos 8c Son Picot, William Jr. S Somcrs, Jolm Soincrs, Vn'iirrrQ Sr. kjoim'.rf/riniaias SoiiierH, William Somerri, .Jiines Sr. SomurH, lliiiiry IStauuonibo, i.saac V Venatlcs, John i s. G 5 5 10 10 8 ,/ 1 Fish, qtifl. I' I '1' (, TiU'ktT, C-hnrli's ^ (, riu'k.-r. \l>U,r> 1} {) { iitki'i , lt;ijii». Pfjuires, I'mijainin Sr. tSmtire.t, iu-()rj;ii tJnuircfi, Jospjili Sr. SfjiMrci*, Jost[i!i Jr. Squires, I'eter '^r. Squires, I'ulcr tJr. Cash. B X s. \'V,nrso\\, WMhm ,1 Duller, Join ^'! C "iC'lark, Jolm ^^ Clii'k, William N"xboll^!, JonaJliari S .Sqniros, T'ciijaniin Sciiiin-H, Ki'.-iianI iSciuircs, Soloiiion l^quiri'S, (lauu'.s *^':S(i'iivc-s, \ViHi-i.m ^.SiniiifS, Tlioophilus I ' . . '^' ^'iTrpp, I'eniaaiin ^Turker, Kichard Sr. I I ii-jker, James ^'jTuikor, John ^-'jTuiikcr, Kathan 10 10 o 5 5 o 10 o n 10 10 o 5 o 5 o 5 o 10 o 5 13 o 10 o 10 10 o 10 Fag 13 c £G 13 O LAScr. CovR Axi) Bklt. Isle Bkacu. I', Rcnno't, Jolm & Sons Uickford, Ilcni v *C Clement^, William CooDcr, Jaui'js II rialoy, William lliscock, Geor'ro Normore, Thomas R Recs, Alfred .Uccs, Cieorge 10 o 10 o 5 o 10 o 5 o 5 o 5 5 5 o %^^ 9 Re?9, Solomon KiM'S, Tiiomas IIl'c'3, William Si»arle J.imeg Suancs, Kobert £ $. d. 5 5 5 5 () 10 o u 10 o Davfl Work. Sticks. G' ■\ Grcaley, James & Sitiis Grealey, John 11 IlammonJ, Tlioiuaa ^ llainmoiid, Wm. ) gi and Song \ * Harding, IJenry & ? jq Sons > larding, Edhrard Accnvnt of free Luhnur and Mate ,,,^,^,,,,. rial contrihnted hif llie peop'e «/" iiardilig^ Kobert Por(u;,al Cove, towardn '^'e erec'i^^rdina, John Sr. tion of their A'c>o Church. gj^j Xliomas Days Work. Sticks. Harding, John A Allen, Robert 2i B Bradbury, A. Si Sons 7 Bra'Ibury, Jacob 4 JBradbiuy, Noah, } „ Isaao & John <^ Bradbury, Jacob Jr. 3]- Bradbury, John ,)i'. 1 C Churchill, Wm. & } Soil3 ^ Churchill, Edward 5 Churchill, Gcoiye 4 Churchill, Nathan | „ and Jolin ^ Churclii!!, Ilon'-y 4|- Churchill, 'I'homas 3^ Chjrchill, IJobort 1 Churchill, Jacob 3 CI. u. chill, Sulouion 5 ChurcliiP, John 5 Cook, Thomaa 3 D E Davcy, Robert EarlL% James Earli'., hVihert Earlc, Ji)-''ph Earl»>, Jul ward & ^ Joha ^ F Fry, Willinm F'-y, William Fry, John 2 h 2 18 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 4 9 3 3 o O } Harvey, James & I Sons Ilibbs, Henry & I Sons Hibbs, Samuel J Jilling.s, Henry M Maddor]:. .]. M. McLel! :;, James Mearlcf- Tiionias Miller, ^'i'illiani Miller, li/' f. & Sons 3 4 4 1 11} 4 Si 2 * 3 1 1 6 } Miller, .laincd & Sons 6 Miller, Thomas Miller, John Miller, Henry & Geoipe Miller, Peter .Mitchell, Richard .Mitchell, William Mitchell, Peter O Oke, Robert | jOke, Auilin t I P Pifot, Abraiiam Sr. ,1'icot, Abraiiain Jr. IPicot, William &) 4 3 2 1 3 3 4} 3 2\ So:i3 l"i 16 9 S 9 8 3 S 3 3 C 7 6 4 2 2 9 9 S 3 8 4 5 r) 8 I ^Afknowlridfjenieiit is due to Mr. i.MsuliIock, tVir ;!*.> ist'iiico aiid labour lennal to many days nork, given from itime to tim ■, but not in a. manner of M-!iic!i each account could be taken. 10 'in I Days Work, Slicks. Ficot, Cburlesand > „. Sons ; ^^ Picot, James 6 Picot, William Jr. 2^ S Somern, Thomas & | ,, Joflej)h ) Somer.^, George Sr. > ,. i & James Jr. ) 11 4 Somers, George Jr. Somers, Thomas Somers, William & ) Edward y Somers, James Somers, Henry Stancomb, Isaac T Thorn, Richard V Venables, John W Wright, John 2 3 3 n 3 3 3 4 3 1} 3 6 253 3-2.3 Horse and Cart Work — free. Days. H 4 Cook, Tbotpas Davey, Robert Ilibbs, Samuel D H Jillings, Henry Miller, Robert & James Miller, Peter, lleury ) & George ^ Okc, Austin V Venables, John 2 19i HAUBOL'K GTvACE, (No return.) CARBONEAR, (No return.) UPPER ISLAND COVK. £ s. d. B Bishop, Mary 5 o Bishop, Joseph (Solomon)O 5 o C Clark, William 5 o Clark, Robert 5 o Cooniljs, James 5 o Coombs, John (Richard) 5 o Crane, Jane 1 o Crane, John 10 o Crane, George 10 o Crane, Jaaies 10 o Crane, Wm. (William) 5 o Crane, Henry (William) 5 o D Drover, Thomas Sr. 10 o Drover, Joseph !Sr. 10 o Drover, James Sr. lO o Drover, Joseph (Thos.) 10 o Drover. Tliomas ('riio?.) 5 o Drover, James (Joseph) 5 o Drover, Thomas (James) 5 o Drover, Aaron 5 o Drover, Joiiii (William) 5 O Drover, John (John) 5 o Drover, Hannah 5 o I( Hussey, Jonathan 10 o Ilus^ey, Joseph (Jonth.) 5 o llussey, James (Jonth.) 9 5 o I lussey, John (Robert) 5 O Uussey, Joseph I r.(Jon.)() 5 o James, William 5 o Jones, Solomon 5 o L Landrigiin, George 5 o Landrigan, Robt. (Wm ) 5 o i ^^ lAfercer, Thomas (Thos.) 5 o iMeroer, Charles (Chas.) 5 o :Mercer, Jonathan (Cha!'.)0 5 o :J T 11 o o o o o o o o o o o o lU o 10 o 5 5 o 5 5 o 5 o 5 10 5 5 o 5 o 5 o 5 5 o 5 5 5 o 5 o 5 o Mercer, Henry (llcnry) O Osborne, James Osborne, Thomas R Reed. Joseph lleoJ, Joliii S Siiarp, Tlioinas Jr. Sharp, John Y Younj», John Young, John (Ann) 5 5 10 5 £'M 2 Bi8noi''s Covn. FisI), qtlg. T5 Biirrett, John (W'lu.) Lanctt, laiacl M Mcnoians, Tliomas Sr. Mciic'iant!, Matthew S Smith, Abrahara Sr. 3. 4 -I. n £2 8 Cash. B Bubb, Thomas Bakor, William Barrott, Jacob Sr. Barrett, Nathaniel Sr. Barrett, .Jujin Barrett, N;iih. (.losepli) Barrett, John (Jacob) Barrett, Piovidi^noe Barrett, Jacob Jr. Barrett, Joseph G Gosse, Israel Gosse, Thomas Gosse, Richard Mencians, Thomas Jr. Peddle, Job.i 5 10 ir> 10 10 10 10 8 5 5 1 1 10 5 5 5 ol i 0^ j P £ t. d. Peddla, Elijah 5 Peddle, Caleb S Smith, Jacob Sr. 5 10 Smith, William 10 Smith, Isaac 10 Sniitli, Jacob (Ji^cob) 5 Smith, Isaac (Wm.) 5 .Smith, Isaac (Thomas) 5 Smith, David 5 Smitii, Abraham (Abra.] 5 Smith, Henry 5 Smith, \\illiam (Thos.) 5 By sum less than 53. 2 6 £10 11 G SPA^'IAUI)^s Bay. B iBap;^:, "William 10 DuLt, CIi..»lL-; 10 iDcar, "Williiuii 5 i G |(jo,s5;c, I\Io.«'.?3 Sr. (losse, lloli'irt (fOSSO, £ s. 10 10 ,, Solomon 5 jf.iosso, Jonathan (Rich.) 10 r)'(ioise, iMoses (Win.) 5 _ (;i), Richard (Wm.) 5 j(io:-se, iM()si;s (iHi-atl) 5 (/. V.I0.SSC, Robert (fsraf"!) 5 I Gosse, — (Wm.) 18J2 5 0' _ ir Ilutchings, Georjia Oj_ 1' 0! Peddle, John ol , s QJSi'vmour, Ilcnry () Sheppard, John C 5 5 5 10 V'okey, Georgo (1852) 5 £6 15 Bit Y ant's Cove. B BrifTett, Elial 7 N Nuseworlhy, J.jii.c9 10 J!»Jose worthy, William 10 12 \1 t^ a Noseworthy, Charles Nose worthy, Js. (Thos.) Parsons, Edward Fottle, Martin Y Yclman, Thomas Sr. Yctman, Thomas Jr. Yetman, Henry (Thos.) By sum less than 5s. s. 10 5 5 D £3 9 BAY ROBERTS. Apse J , J. F. B Badcock, Nathaniel Badcock, Stephen Baggs, Richard Bartlott, Isaac Bartlets William Bartlett, Robert Beasant, John Beasanf, Henry Blackmore, Rev. M. Blackler, Thomas Black ler, Thomas Jr. Bowring, James Bowring, Richard Bradbury, Eli Bradbury, Jonathan Bradbury, Richard Bradbury, Joshua Bradbury, William Bishop, Christopher Brown, AVilliam C Calpin, Charles Cave, George Cave, Henry Ck"ano, George Crane, William Crane, Henry Crane, Stephen Churchill, William Cburuhill, Robert Churchill, James 1 15 5 5 5 1 10 5 5 5 5 5 7 10 10 J.: i Ojnalft, John Daw, Elijah jDaw, Nathaniel Daw, Widow Dear, Henry E 5 r> 5 1 7 G 1 7 G 5 10 Elms, Henry OJElms, John o'Elms, William G F — Fox, Henry 6 jFrench, Benjamin French, John (John) French, John (Samuel) French, Samuel (Nath.) G Godden, John Green, W. S. Greenland, George II Hardy, Thomas Hedderson, Thomas Hooper, Jesse J (J Jackson, George ^ K Q Kearly, Charles Kearly, Thomas Kearly, Solomon Qi Kearly Joseph Q! Kearly, William o'Kearly, William (Sol.) ol Kelly, John Sr. Kelly, John Jr. 1 Kelly, Richard 1 1 2 1 u OiMcStravick, John QiMercer, Jonathan (Jas.) I Mercer, Abraham Sr. Mercer, Isaac (John) Mercer, James (John) 0, Mercer, Samuel (Simon) 0|Mercer, Wm. (Jas) 0;Mercer, Joseph 0|Mtrcer, James (Wm.) OjMercer, Stafford OJMercer, Richard fJohn) OjMercer, John Mercer, Charles (Robt.) 5 15 5 15 5 8 7 12 15 4 10 5 1 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 7 G 5 15 G 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 « v..j {) G « £ s. Mercer, Eobert 5 Mercer, Samuel (Isaac) 5 Mercer, Isaac (Samuel) 10 Mercer, Jonathan (Saui.) 5 Mercer, Zebudee AIor<»"r,, Abrahaua Morgan, Isaacs Moore, Joseph N Norman, Abraliam Norman, Jolm Norman, Tliomas Norman, Jetliro Norman, Samuel 1' Pack, GoHSC Si Fryer 2 Parsons, .Tonatban (11.^ Parsons, Moses Parsons, IJutblehom Parsons, Kobeit fUobt.) Parsons, (Jeorge Parsons, Stephen Parsons, James Parsons, Esau I*arsons, Jonathan Parsons, Elijuli Parsons, (Jeo. (JordanJ Pepper, llobert 1 R Roussell, Henry Russell, Henry 1 Kussell, Edward (Henry) 10 Kusscll, Stephen (Hen) 5 Kussell, Jcilin o 10 Kussell, Abram. (Parsons) 10 Kussell, Isaac (Joseph) Oil Kussell, Stephen (Isaac) 2 5 10 11 9 7 C 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 Kussell, Isaac Kussell, Wm. (Joseph) Kussell, Abraham (A.) K u sse 1 1 , E d wa t d ( A .) Kussell, Edward Sr. 1 Russell, Stephen 1 Russell, Isaac (Stephen) Russell, Wm. (Isaac) Roach, Edward S Skelton, Joseph 1 Snow, Edward l 9 5 5 5 5 16 10 5 10 5 Snow, Henry OSnow, George Sparkes, William Sparkes, James Sjjarkes, Joseph 01 Spencer, Harris Oi W ^Wilcox, Edward I Wilcox, lienjamin 0,\Vood, William ol V 0| Vey, William (I By suias less than 53. C id s. d. 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 10 1 9 3 £58 14 JJ PORT DE GRAVE. qI A 6J Andrews, Sarah Cj Andrews, Uubecca 3[ Andrews, Mar^' A. Andrews, Henry 01 Andrews, llobert 0| B Batten, William Hoach, John oHishop, George |Hislio[), Rachel O.Hishop, Joseph Ojliishop, Nathaniel Uishop, John Tiishop, HiMiry 0| Bishop, Henry Jr. 0|Htirs(ill, (iforge O.Bussey, William D o'Daw, Rethel o'Daw, William Daw, Jacob o'Daw, Emma oJDaw, Samuel o'lDiw, Isaac Daw, Joseph Daw, Henry Daw, George Daw, William Daw, Nathaniel Daw, Zechariai 10 15 10 5 5 5 10 10 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 5 & 5 5 f\J' 14 S^- £ s. d £ s. (/. Daw, William 6 p Daw, Henry 5 Pctton, Edward 10 Daw, Joseph 5 PetlOJ), John 7 3 Daw, Jonathan 5 Petton, William 5 Daw, Joseph 5 I'ortcr, Richard 5 Daw, Mrs. Joseph 5 I'orfer, John 6 Daw, Nicholas 5 I'orter, Israel 5 Daw, John 5 I'orter, Charles 5 Daw, Nicholas 5 (1 I'orter, Joseph 5 Daw, Samuel 5 Porter, Jacob 5 Daw, Kobert 10 Porter, John 5 Daw, John (Church) 5 Porter, William 5 Daw, Samuel 10 11 Daw, Mrs. Samuel 5 Uolfo, Cli.nrios 5 Daw, Samuel Jr. 10 I Rolf'e, William s 5 Earle, Solomon 5 Spcnco, John Stacev, Edwin 7 5 Eftbrd, George 5 T ElFord, John 5 Taylor, Jrcob 10 F Fisher, Robert li GarlanJ, John 5 Taylor, Henry Taylor, Mrs. llcnry 5 5 5 Taylor, Robert Taylor, Jacob 5 5 Jacob, Hannah 10 Taylor, William 5 K Tucker, Abraham 5 u Keeping, James 1 W Kelligrew, Frederick 6 Warfcrd, Jacob 6 Kennedy, John I. ") 5 Warford, Henry Wilcox, John 5 10 Lear, Henry XI 30 6 3 Morgan, Isaac Sr. Morgan, Samuel 5 Bakksekd. Morgan, John u 5 15 Morgan, Joseph Bartlcit, Goorge 10 Morgan, Isaac 5 Barllett, William 5 Morgan, Edward 5 Hartlett, Samuel 5 Morgan, Grace 5 Bartlott, Thomas 5 Morgan, George 5 Bartlelt, Wm. (Elijah) 5 Morgan, Joseph 5 Batten, John 10 Morgan, Jacob 5 Batten, Samuel 10 Morgan, Henry 5 a Batten, Samuel Sr> 1 Morgan, John 5 Batten, Mrs. Samuel 5 Mugtbrd, Charles 10 Batten, Benjamin 15 Mugford, William 6 Batten, B. Jr. 5 Mugford, Samuel & } 14 Batten, John Sr. 10 Brothers) j Baftt'n, John Jr. 10 Ifugford, Cbarles 17 Batten, William & 5 5 5 5 £ Button, Tiiomas IJatteUjJimioiJ Ijatteii, Isaac BeaucLamp, .Tolin IJoonc, Cliarlijs Boone, Joseph Boono, John Boono, John (Thomas^ 5 Boone, Thomas 5 JJoone, Thomas Jr. 5 Bradbury, John 5 C Curlew, Simon 5 Curlew, John Sr. 5 D Paw, Benjamin 5 Daw, John Sr. 10 ])aw, John 5 Daw, George 5 Daw, Joshua 5 Daw, Isaac 5 Daw, William 5 Day, William 5 French, Abraham 5 French, Joseph Q French, William 5 H Hampton, William 5 K Kelligrew, Edward 7 Lacey, Dioclesian 5 Lyons, Thomas 5 U Marten, Thomas Mercer, Amy N Newell, James Newell, Bichard Newell, John Newell, Richard (John) Norman, William P Pearce, Edmund 5 Pearce, John 5 Pearce, John Jr. 5 R Richards, William 5 Richards, John 5 '/■I liichards, Abrah:;m Bicliards, John (John t'JIiohard.s, William Hichards, John (Wm Richards, A\'illiam Richards, Mrs. A. 1 Richards, Isaac (): S Scalcy, John 0;Snow, William Stevens, William iStcvens, John Stevens, Benjamin Stevens, Charles i T Thompson, George Thompson, William £ s. d. <') i) ; b la .) 5 5 1 5 5 c a 5 5 6 5 £23 11 6 2 5 5 5 14 5 5 BRIGUS. B Bartlett, John JJjBartlett, Mrs. John Bartlett, Mrs. A. Bartlett, Miss Bartlett, Miss Jane i Bartlett, Miss Emma Bartlett, Mose« Bartlett, Abraham Bartlett, William Bartlett, Samuel Bartlett, Mrs. Samuel Bartlett, John Jr. H Harvey, Job Uatchfiefd, George Mayes, Isaac J Janes, Nicholas L Lock, William JI Mitchell, Manuel Moran, Dr. Mosdell, James N Norman, Mrs. Joha 6 1 10 3 15 15 5 1 10 15 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 'T" 16 a s. f/ Faync, Tlionns j'nyno, flolm riowman, Jobn n llulbitts, William llahbittd, William (Jno.) Kabbitts, Nathamel Koberts, Alfred Koborts, Jobn Koberts, Esau Smith, William Smith, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. James Stirling, Edgar Stone, John \V Washer, William Washer, Samuel Willcox, James Willcox, Thomas Willcocks, William Willoocks, John Wheian, J )hn Walker, William By sum less than 53. 15 1 3 5 1 1« 10 10 5 u 10 1 1 1 7 10 5 15 .1 5 WtJls, lllchard 01 By sums less than 59. !C s. ,1. 10 1 12 10 iJG 1'-' 10 0! Burnt IIe.vd. . 15 q' Bishop, Elijah (j'Bishoj), Henry o'Bishop, Mrtt. Henry liishop, Jolin Bishop, Reuben Bishop, Joseph By sums less than 5g. 10 5 10 1 5 1 5 u 6 5 5 3 2 if) 'J 2 SOUTH SHORE. Seals Covk. Fish, qtls Daw, Isaac Morgan, Abraham £38 5 G Salmon Cove. A Adams, James Andrews, Nathan Andrews, Mrs. Nathan Anthony, James H Hussy, Thomas Hussy, William 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 h Lance Cove. Fish, qtls. K Kelly, Geor^^o 1 1 04 Snow, John 5 W Wells, Henry Wells, William Wells, John "Wells, Samuel (James) W^ells, Robert Wells, Thomas 10 Casu. W Warford, Jacob By sum less than 59. X ». d. 5 2 5 1 5 10 5 01 6 UrrER Gully. Fish qtls. A Andrews, John 1 Coats, Charles 1 Coats, Charles (Charles) i M Morgan, J^oseph ^ £0 7 IT Visli, (j(l«<. Morgan, William ^ Scott, William i I'tilten, Kdwanl T Klab, ql!i. Cash. S. AndrowH, ficiiry (Joliii) 5 AmJriiWji, 11)'. ({i.irland) 5 D Daw, Isaac 10 Taylor, J.u'oh Taylor, Abr.-iliam Trtvlor, William Taylor, (Jeorgo JCi Lower Cii.t.Y. Fisb, qtls. 1) Daw, Clirihtoplior Daw, Silas i i Cash. IJi^liop, TJohert & Son rmflcr, William l>ullt;r, iJoscph Butler, Jaaios liiitlor, Cliurlcs iJutlor, Henry Farmitcr, llicLarJ 3* 5 10 10 5 5 'i 7 c £2 7 G Cash. I) £ s. ill Fox Trap. Fish, Daw, Abraham l>aw, John 5 5 li £0 10 Keluguews. Fish, qtld. II Hennesy, Patience lloUgc, Jaoo Cash. w Wells, James By sum less than 5s. J_ 1 £ s. 5 4 JjiMutler, William _| Butler, James ()' Butler, John _l n Delaney, William Delauey, Elias F Fagan, Michael Fagan, Charles P Porter, Nathaniel Porter, George d. £0 9 Middle Bicnr, Fish, qtis. K Kennedy, John ^ Kennedy, John (John) A Cash. qtls. i 1 £ s. d. Porter, Theo^h I'erriu, Charles li llidout, Richard Kidout, Edward liidout, Robert 5 5 10 5 5 i » IS llidout, UculjQn Uidout, Uichard liy luuis less than Os. U 5 & 5 n Ciiamui:ri.a/nm. Fiab, 4tlrt. 11 [liscock, Edward LONO PONI>. It Beard, William E EaBon, Jobn (i Greenslade, Matthew (jiruenslade, William Grecuslade, Thomati J Ji'fieries, Thomas K Kennedy, Absalom Kennedy, Jacob Kennedy, John M Morgan, James N Noseworlhy, Jacob Noseworthy, Edward h Stanley, Charles Stanley, John T Taylor, Joseph W Widdicomb, John By sum less than 5?. 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 6 2 Manurls. Fisb, qtls. W 'Williams, William Cash. S Smith, William Smith, John W Williams, John Chator, Ueorgo Dowden, James Cash. D c Topsail. U Barnes, John C Churchill, Samuel Churchill, Emme 1 1 K s. if. 5 5 .£0 10 5 £0 15 5 BAY-DE-VERDE. £4 2 1 1 £ 8. 10 7 d. 5 £12 B £ Barter. William Sr. Barter, William Jr. Blundon, William Ulundou, Henry Blundon, Thomas Blundon, Charles Brine, James C Crifch, Thomas Critch, Gcorgo Cosh, Robert Cosh, Thomas Cosh, Richard Cosh, James D Dnflett, James Uullett, John Sr. Duffelt, John Jr. Dufiett, George E Emberley, Wm. & Sons Emberley, John Emberley, Stephen H liutchings, Thomas 10 s. (I. 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 « u (I "o i) 10 .1 •lacobg, Ilcn ry Ji. J.ii;ob3, William Jncobs, iloiiii tJncob;!, 1 ii(jiiia« Jaf(jl)s, Stcplitn Jaoobrf, Jub 6c Son L JiOckycr, .Joliti Lockyer, Josonli N Norujoro, Henry I' rrcndorgast, Stephen It Riggs, William S Steplions, William Steplicna, John Sr. Sleplieiis, John Jr. Stephens, 'riioiiiuj Stephens, llcnry i: ». lU !0 1(» (» 10 10 1(1 lu 1 U n 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 (» 10 Jl>'0 12 OUATKS CoVf. A Atkins, Jaiues Aveiy, Thomas n Birison, Isaac Hinson, William Jjinson, Tliomaa IJinson, David l^inson, Joseph Brewer, James (J Churchill, John Chnrehill, William Churchill, Absalom 11 Iloddcn, Thomatj M Martin, Absalom Martin, Noah Meadiis, William Meadus, Henry Piose, liobcrt 9 10 10 10 U 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 10 10 8 Saiidtonl, John ( aaiidlord, William oi V N'ysie, Jamos \'ardy, Goorgo W \\ aldron, Jamos Warren, James Warren, William 01 Uy sum less than Os. ( V (I (< Ol a .V. ti 5 o 7 « U 10 O 10 o 10 O 10 u 10 o 3 O £11 10 B TRINITY, (No. return ) CATALINA. 0| A Aahfurd, William 01 , 11 ((Barter, Joseph (). Hn'mncr, Alexander _ Bremner, Mrs. l'>r(!inMer, Miss — iJreniuer, ^Villiam j Bremner, Dugald 'liiumer, Uoburt C ii ■ !i: Ic, I\Irg. ( .outer, Henry Jr. ( louter, Gcorgo C "uago, Joseph D |)ri\ke, Thomas ODuUett, James & Co. ()| E U Kady, Thomas iKdwards, Samusl 01 I' 0|(Jain, Thomas Oi'jould, Thomas iGuUage, .Joseph 01 H Uliscock, Frederick Hiscock, Kdward OiHumby, .loscph OjHuxter, 2sathanicl Jeans, Stephen Jeans, ^lijs 10 O 10 I 5 o 10 o 5 o 5 o 10 o 10 5 5 o 5 o 5 10 o 1 o b o 5 o 5 o 5 o 3 {» 1 (\ a <) b o 5 o 5 o b o M Manuel, Joseph 15 Manuel, John Sr. 1 ^lanuel, Thomas 15 Manuel, John Jr. 10 Martin, L\ ik Thos. 5 N Newhook, "William U Eaynioud, James 15 9 7 c Kussell, James 5 llussell, George S Slaile, lloherl & Co. 5 3 (; Snelgrovc, Isaac 5 ( JSweet, Mrs. 5 ( W "White, Stephen 5 "Wiltshire, ITenry 5 By sums under 5s. 5 llEAilT'S CONTENT. B Butler, Samuel Butten, James Button, Charles Button, Jolin Button, llicliard Button, William II Hepburn, Frederick Hopkins, Thomas Hopkins, Kithard Hopkins, AV'illiam Hopkins, Jonathan Hopkins, AU'red Hopkins, Edward Hopkins, Joseph Hopkins, John Hopkins, Ann & Sons Howell, Nathaniel J Janes, J. & Sons L Legge, William M Moore, James Moore, Moses >0 I p 0;Pearcey, .Tames 10 o Pcarcey, William 10 o Pearcey, Simeon 10 o Pearcey, John 10 o Pearcey, Levi 5 o Piles, Francis & Wm. 10 o Pitcher, Edward 10 o R Pvandall, Charles 10 o Hock wood, llichard 10 o Rock wood, Adam 10 O Pock wood, Jonas 10 O Uockwood, Mark 10 O Rockwood, Adam & "] Bros. 5G0 feet lum- L 5 q ber towards finishing { " Church - - J Rowe, Noah 5 o Rowe, William 10 o Rowe, Henry 10 o Rowe, Martin 10 o Rowe, Obadiah 5 o Rowe, Nathaniel 10 o S Sinyarl, Jacob 10 o toward, Thomas 10 o W Warren, Elias -^^ £24 3 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 '5 15 5 10 10 10 O £22 O New Feulican. Fish, qtls. C Calahan, Cornelius' H Hefford, John r <^i Pcarcey, Robert Oj ^ S I Snook, Morgan Snook, Joseph Jr 0, Warren, William I 1- 01 Ueiuish 11 -hi) II nol)i)j, liii']n;d llobbs, iSamuel J[ IMitcham, Samuel Mitchain, Georgo N Kortliovcr, Matthew 1' riiison, William I'lltnian, Charlea ritta, John S Snook, James Snook, l>enj,i».nin Sowaii.1, ^V'iiliaIn W Warren, James Warrnn, Tliomns AVhito, Stephen & Phllij White, Jacob 1 o 5 o 5 () r; o £7 SciLLY Cove, &c. A Antle, Joseph Avcrly, A.ianias C Coates, James D Downey, Martin F French, John Trench, Francis (} George, Nicliohis Green, Georgo Green, iJaspcr Green, John II Ilannum, Robert llarnum, John llf'iHJy, Jesso llendy, llobert IJendy, John IJiscoek, Robert K KuHanJ, James 10 j 3 ^\ llEAU'i'6 DkLIGUT, I _ Fish, qtl,^. "i'rom various 2'orsond r>Se <) — ^ B Bryant, Thomna ''k ()! ^'ilFscock, William ^'iSooley, William II 5 o "^ ^ Wiseman, Jamoa v: 10 5 5 5 /5 5 5 5 10 5 .J 10 5 J o 5 o .'. o 0, , I BONAVISTA, 'I A •J Ak'Tman, Josejih <'|Avnot, Archibald OjAyles, James ■Ayles, George '^1 r. ^yjrown, Mrs. & Sons (' IJrowu, Francis ('I I) O^Domoncy, John (1 Ct (Joodland, William Jr. OGoodland, Joseph ;i U o .- o 1,> o .") o o o 1 o J o o 8 U j 22 £ s. Green, WilUam Linlborne,15enjamin Mtfflen, Edward MitBen, Thomas MUHcn, George Jr. Mifilcn, Joseph MilHcn, Jaraca Miles, John br. Miles, Thomas Miles, Samuel Miles, Jamca ^ rillman, Miss ,^ lloUs, Joseph Jr. llyder, George ^ Skelton, John Skelton,Mr3. Sharp, Obadiali {Shears, Mrs. Sweetland, William gveetland, Samuel Squires, Simon ^ Temp'.eman, Thomas Templeman, James Tilley, William Tilled Thomas ^^ Way William -Wells, Henry By sums less than 53. Brown, Thomas Brown, James Curtis, Henry Casu. IJ £ s. d. 15 15 O o C II 5 o 10 Hancock, William CH.) Hancock, John Jr. Hancock, Henry Jr. Hancock, James Jr. Hancock, Kicbard Jr. ,Sam8on, William Samson, Joscpn Qi IvEELS. ' Wheeler, HenryVf) 10 VVbeeler, Jobn (18J-1J 5 sundries, througU ^^7 iQ the Collector at { (\ Keels - " -^ IrThe Collector's List") '^ ' of Names was un- > fortunately lost) ) o o £19 o 4 10 £20 c 11 Coflin, John Coffin, Samuel Hancock, William Jr. Hancock, McB. J. Sundries Tickle Cove. c ;Candow,Mrs. ' Candow, Miss "Cross .'ohn Cross, Wilham ^ Greening, Thomas Greening, John Greening, Wilham Jr. Greening, John Jr. iGreening, Wilham \Humby, Henry >Uumby, James 10 5 7 5 5 5 10 5 5 o o o o o o o o o 5 o o o o o o o o o o o 10 o 5 7 5 o 5 o 5 o 5 o 5 o » 10 o ) 5 o 3 5 o IF 23 4 £ s. Huaiby, Richard 5 M Matthews, William 10 jMuckridjje, Bartholomew 5 cl Salvage. B £ s. d. Muckridge, llichard P Prince, John Sr. Prince, Samuel Prince, Hubert R Russell, Robert T Taylor, WilUam Tavlor, John Taylor, Robert C 5 5 10 10 Brown, Henry Oi Brown, Joseph Jr. 0| Brown, Richard I D Dunn, Joseph 01 H OjHabgood, Richard I Oldford, John 5 5 £6 17 5 5 5 5 5 5 £1 10 Red Clifp Island. B .. Thomas Bow Bow 'f "I'-am Bowtn Bowei ^ ues II Holloway, James Q Quinton, Charles Sr. Quinton, William Quinton, Joseph Quinton, John Quinton, Christopher Quinton, John 10 5 7 10 GREENSPOND. A Allen, Eli 5 Allen, George 10 Allen, Rachel 5 B 10 5 5 10 b 5 Open Hall. B Batt, Jamea P Fitzgerald, John M Moss, Luke Moss, William S Shears, John W Warren, William Warren, John 5 8 5 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 1 10 10 10 7 5 5 Q Barber, Thomas Barnes, John o! Barnes, William |Bland(ord, Walter Boorne, John |Brooking& Son Burry, Benjamin OjBurr>', Joseph Oj Burry, Thomas Butler, George Jr. C Carter, James Carter, William £3 17 D Daw, Margaret F Froome, Hugh (1852) G jGenge, Charles 0;Green, Edward & Co. [Green, John 0|„ H 0, House, George o 10 0Lockyer,JohnS.Vl852) 10 0|MussoM, John 10 N -Neville, John 10 -! Osmond, Thomas 6 5 5 10 5 5 1 4 5 £2 18 Pond, EJwavd Pond, John rritcLolt, James li liaindle, John s Saunders, Georgo Skelton, Gcorgo Sparks, James Stark, James Stone, Benjamin Stone, Martin Sweelapnle, John W White, John (1862) ■\Vhite, Stephen "VVliite, William "Whitemarsh, Ambrose Y Younjr, George Young, Wilham Jiy sum less than 5s. I s. 6 r> 5 1 b 5 10 5 6 5 5 5 10 24 d. Paine, Robert s Sweetapple, Edward o' Wells, Francis Jr. Wells, Simon Jr. 6 £ ,5. d. 5 5 5 £3 Pools Island. A Attwood, Thomas 5 5 10 5 3 £27 Plat Island. II Ilallett, Jonas niscock, AVilHam li Kogera, Timothy Sansom, John Sanson), Thomas Jr. Saosom, William Jr. 10 r, 0| Browne, Henry ^^ fJKnee, Philip & Sons i S ^jSpMrrcll, John & Sons 10 Aby sums less than 5s. 3 ^ £1 13 Swain li's Island. ^Y Windsor, David 5 Windsor, Samuel and 1 i iq n Brothers - > £l 15 £1 17 Gooseberry Island. H Hayward, Joseph Hay ward, Thomaa House, Charles House, James House, Joseph House, AVilliam J Jacobs, William 5 5 10 5 5 10 I Pinciiaud's Island. ^'i B 5!;Dlackmore,John&Co. 20 Cj D - Davis, William & Sons 20 6j G -Gill, John & Co. 17 11 Green, Kobert & Co. 5 U ^ Hall, John & Co. 15 $.Ilounsel, Richard Sr. 1 10 0| L OjLusb.John 5 01 P o' Parsons, James and 1 3 o Brothers i 5 OiSainibury, John Sr. 115 25 Tuff, William & Sons Talk, Mavy (1851) Andrews, John Andrews, Tcter II:j\v,"], ilicLard II M £ *•. d. 2 :) £72 11 Islands. 5 5 5 w Ware, William By sum Icsa than 53. £ s. d. 10 3 6 £2 17 6 Melondv, ThotVias V Vincent, William £1 MiDDLK Bill Cove. 11 Ridout, John Sr. 10 llidout, Mrs, John Sr. 10 llidout, John & Diana 10 S Stoke*, Malachi 5 W Ward, Benjamin 5 FllOXT IlAUBOn. B Ballet, llonrv C Colbourno, John Sr. Colljouriie, ilrs. John Q Colbourne, Josiah |Colbourne, Mrs. Josiah (, Colbournc, Mrs. Deborah _ Colbourno, John Jr. » _ Dudcr, Edmond I i E J Edmonds, Charles 10 i i'' Fudi^e, Robert 10 10 Fowler, Charles Guy, Mrs. O'Leverich, J. M. G L M Yetoian, AVilllara 5 £2 6 TWILLINGATE. Back Harbor. E Elliott, John 10 II House, GoorsG House, "W'illiaiH Jeyncs, George Luther, Job I ritman, William K Eossiter, Bcnjaiuin 5 G Q i\lanucl, ]\Irs. James jMunden, Joseph oMoors, Eliz. & Sons - Meadus, John 8| N Newman, Fanny Newman, Mrs. Newman, Charles Newman, Samuel Newman, George Newman, John P Prowse, Samuel Pride, Thomas R Pioberts, James Roberts, George S Sinnott, Anne Stirling, William V Vallis, Joseph 5 10 5 10 5 o 10 10 (1 5 5 7 1 .•) 10 10 1 10 5 5 5 7 5 5 1 5 10 5 10 1 11 6 5 • 26 Verge, William By sums less than 5s. Arms. c Churchill, Isaac D Davis, William P Fond, Adam £ s. d. 10 7 8 Leading Tickles. Fiih, qtls. £1G 3 2 £1 10 11 5 6 6 6 Alcock, Jamca Alcock, Robert R Rowsell, Thomas W Ward, Simon 1 1 1 1 4 Tritox Harbor. w Wiseman, Stephen JL FOGO, (No return.) MORETON'S HARBOR. Mills, John 8 B Russell, Thomas 7 By sums less than 5s. 14 6 £19 6 TizzARD's Harbor. F Forward, John Sr. 10 Forward, John Jr. 10 AVards Harbor. B Burton, Absalom Morey, George P Paddiek, Jane R Rowsell, John Sr. Rowsell, Joseph W Wett, Joseph Wett, William £10 Exploits Burnt Island. F Foole, John 1 0|King^ j^^^^ Mcnchenton, William Three Arm Islands. B Barllett, Robert K ^ Strong, Solomon ^2 0; Wells, John W New Bay Head. c Cox, Elizabeth 5 S Snow, Jasper 5 i } Stockino Harbor. K King, William ^ £0 10 i 27 Nippet/s HAnui Fish r. iJalstone, CLarK'S D Dollit^g, John Li 1 Cash. B Button, Richard Button, Henry W Wicker, John Tilt Cove. £ s. 5 5 5 d. Langflown, John ^0 15 Cash. N w Windsor, Charles i Noble, William 10 i tSlarks, Thomas 13 6 Shoe Cove. Fish, B Budgel, Giles Bounze, John C Chipp, Isaac Campbell, Daniel Dioks, George Foster, Henry Foster, John K Knight, Henry M Miller, Thomas R Mitchel, Reuben N Newbury, William T Tours, Robert Tours, Jacob Tilly, Thomas W Witcher, WiUiaoi qtls. t £1 3 (J Indian Bukying I 'lace. Fish, H May, John Prole, Robert Prole, George S Stoodly, Thomas W White, Levi White, James Jr. qtls. i. 4 i i a 4 1 1 11 i Cash, W White, James Sr. 15 1 £0 15 Round HAnuoR. Fish G Collins, Charles Conib.^, John Y Younga, John qtls. i 1 i 2 Cash. G Grey, James W Welshman, John 12 12 1 1 £1 4 2 28 • For tie Erection of a Church at the Leading Tickles. A Alcock, James Alcock, Kobert Alcouk, Thomas Andrews, Stephen B Blake, lionry C Carson, George H Haggett, John HorwooJ, Mr. M Martin, Samuel Martin, Uriah Mortimer, James N Noseworthy, James Nosaworthy, George Peddle, WiHiam Peddle, John ■ S Snow, Jasper Sparks, John Shepherd, George Stevenson, John W Ward, Simon Webber, Jonathan Whelan, John £ 8. d 5 1 Squires, John Saunders, Ilunry Thompson, Silas T Fish, qtls. i W u 5 OWarren, Samuel Warren, John Warren, James 2 10 6 01 5 5 5 11 5 Castle, Abraham Jones, James Warren, Elias Cask. C J w 1 1 1 13^ £ $. 5 5 d. 1 £1 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 £16 6 HERRING NECK. Salt Harbor. Fish, qtls. 2 B Blandford, Esau Bennett, Joseph M Mentorn, George Miles, Isaac Miles, Stephen R Riddeck, John S Steel, John Starve Harbor. Fish, qtls. B Blandford, Mrs. Sarah 1 Hlmdlbrd, Joseph 1 Barnes, James 1 F Farthing, Joseph Jr. ^ Flaurcnce, George * H Hayter, Charles { R Roberts, John i S, James 1 Sqow, William 1 W Way, John ^ Woodford, George J Woodford, Thomaa 1 Woodford, William Sr. i Watkins, William H 1 1 Cash. 6 Blandford, Paniel Baker, William 1 £ 3. d. 11 8 5 29 s. d. 5 5 i i 1 1 1 I 1 11 8 5 £ f. 5 5 10 15 Castle, John O Grimes, William Oxford, Thomas Oxford, Henry P Ph'llpotts, Richard W Watkins, William Way, John Marriott's Harbor. Fish, qlla. d.\ FERUYLAND. 5 5 £3 8 Card, William Card, Mrs. Hicks, Joseph Powell, Robert H Cash. B 2 1 i 2 £ s. 5 Barnes, Elias F FoUett, John By sum less than Ss. Ship Cove. Fish, qtls. C Carlej, James i Oxford, James ^ Green's Cove, B £ i. d, 5 5 5 5 1 £0 11 Bennett; John H. C Carter, Mrs. Robert S», Carter, James II, 2 Carter, Robert 1 Clow, Marmaduko F Frampton, William Goodridgo, Henry C. 1 *l Jennings, Daniel Johnstone, James Johnstone, William K KoUigrew, William 1 il Mead, George Morry, Henry S. Morry, John 1 Morry, Benjamin S. Morry, Matthew Sr. 2 Morry, Matthew Jr. N Norrig, Thomas Norris, Willi* m P Payne, Peter Stephenson, John Stephenson, Major Wm. Stephenson, Rupert G. White, John Winser, Jacob Winser, Henry 5 10 15 lU 6 5 6 5 15 5 15 5 5 15 10 5 Blake, Robert £ s. 10 £0 10 d. £16 5 BURIN, (No return.) HARBOR BUFFETT. Fish, qtls. B Bendle, Thomas Sr. { .Bendle, Thomas Jr. 1 <3endle, John ^ 80 I Fisb, ii^U. I C'ASJI. Bendlc, William 1 B X s. (/. liugdeii, Benjamin i IJondlc, Mrs. Bridgel Ik'tidlc, Ruth 5 liurtun, Cliarlcs 1 5 Burton, Edwar 1 1 lirown, William 5 D []i'Own, Kuth 5 Donty, Edward i 7 [Jul lor, Jainos 1 Dicks, Ilobort 1 liuUon, James 5 Dicks, James 1 C Dicks, William 1 Curtis, Thomas 5 Dicks, Georgo 1 II Drake, Ann i Hann, Tliomas 1 K llann, I\lrs. ;•> Bhnberly, Mrs. G Gilbert, Samuel r ^ llann, George Peevy, Sophia IJ Head, Benjamin 5 i 5 Ingram, Georgo 1 10 J Roberts, Stephen Jarvis, John 1 P Sheave, James 5 Taford, Samuel 1 T R Tulk, John 5 Read, Henry j Uy sum leds than 6s, 1 Bead, John ^ . „ ... .— — Bead, Thomas 1 (J PEAT Pl-ACKX £3 11 Sheave, William TIA. T li Tulk, Charles u 1 1 Bradshaw, W'illiam 1 Upshall, Peter £1 Upshall, Elizabeth h "^"'' Upshall, Janu i Spenceu's Covio. W Fisl 1, qtls. Wrigley, Isaac 3 19| A Allen, William B ' 1 Butcher, George Butcher, Widow 1 I Oil, gals. D B Dunn, Samuel i Burton, Mrs. 1 R J Rod way, Richard 1 Jarvis, Mrs. s Sheave, Margaret h Rod way, James S Slade, James ^ 2 1 U W Upshall, Mrs. 1 4^ Wareham, John C -7 I. (/. 5 .0 5 5 U 5 5 L 2 ry' CAPn. 14 l'>utclicr, WiHiaiu .C .". U I'J JtO 10 AlCN'OKl»'S COVK. Fisli, cjUs. n I5ii(cl»cr, John JJrothers 2 G (!iiy, Ambrose 1 (luy, John 1 SI Saxdy Il.vunon. (/. Fish, litis. I" — jFoot, Thomas J 0; U — 11.131109, .lohil llullam!, Gc'orgo ■i C\sn, . I' Foot, IJeniriinm n 10 no 10 AVOODY Isi-ANP. A Allen, Kichard II llusspy, Ilonry Casfi. IJ Ijarratt, llobcrt C Crabb, San-mel 10 5 Lsr.K 01- Vai.en, Fuh, (itla li 'Best, George 2 i ^' (Jrccn, AVilllum 1 J.ookycar, Joseph iLockycar. V.'illiaai Warren. .Tohn ^i Williams, John Oi 1 £0 IJ Tack's BrAcii. Fish, qtls i; Brown, ^\iaili'y, William {) [Jrown, John — Brown, Henry 0: ^ — Chick, William 1 1 1 1 1 I 82 -< T Ohlclc, Mrs. (Marlce, Thomas Clarke, iJoim Collins, Captain I Fowler, Tlioinas Fowlci', Williaiu Smilb, John Fish, (jtls. 1 1 1 i iSmitb, Joseph Smith, PhUip T Travors, John Travcrs, John Jr. Flib, qtlf. i 1 !wv^^ L(thi>r and Malariah givan in the M'lsmn of Tlurhor BufjfcH^ PUic'nIia Bat/, on behalf of tha Church nf Knyland, (lurirnj the oirti,' iSfiM x^n Clapboard. ^ ^ - No. c: Boards. year 1853. No Planks l]inch. s Lum- ber. 18 Smith, John Sr. Smilh, John Jr. Smith, Joseph Smith, J'hilip Smith, Snniuel Collins, Captain 7^ Bniloy, Tlioiuas \ Uailey, Joseph ' liailey, Nolson \ Erown, James Brown, John Brown, C ha lies ( JJrown, Ilonry J Chick, William Chiuk, Samuel Slade, John Sr. Slade, Thos. Jr. Rodway, Rich. Clarke, Thomas > Clarke, John > Clftrkc, Joseph ) Travers, John ^ Travers, James ^ Dcnty, Thomas Kin^, Robert Fowler, William WilHaras, Thos. Spicer, Stephen Miles, William 81 29 11 16 8 13 8 8 29 8 187 60 S2 61 CO 24 82 22 24 20 24 359 IC 16 S2 18 16 9 16 9 18 10 16 Smith & Brown, 1 Flag Staff, 42 feet long. Fowler, William 1 Spar, 22 feet. Smilb, John Sr. 12 lbs. Kails. 14 8 jM. ^M. ^M. 144 81 IM. Days Free Labor. 8 8 16 12 7 16 6 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 14 14 7 8 16 8 T t 14 8 304 # f i 88 he ;o % St PAiniCK'-J I-*LANI). Suitb,JuLn 10 d\ R I'ow, William 0|HiiJout, Citiorgo £ t. d. Stone, Jaiaua Flat Island. D K Dicks, Ilftnry Drake, Widow Kippcn, Mrs. Senior, Joseph S SinilL, William S T 1 1 1 I 4 £ s. J Troo'}, John 'rtowiisoii, (joorge T.'u lor, .f. linos Ta; lur, liicliaril liy liums less Mian 53. IIardor. F Framp, W il''rani[), J.uikjs ^^ I'lamp, llobort (; :* u 5 1 2 10 1 8 1 1» 6 ;2G 1 6 10 5 0* 5 ^ Ilarri.-i, Potor LAM ALINE, (N'o return.) nAllHOll lUUION. li Biumore, William 10 U Cliapman, Duiijaniin 10 Cox, Qeorna o 5 Cupper, Charlea K Ellis, Arxlrfiw y Elston, Uichard 5 il Ilolman, Francis 5 liutchins, Samuel lu J Janscn, Jens l o I- Langmoad, KleLard 1 Lcwia, David (j [, N Newman, Hunt & Co. 10 o Peters, John n Ho i'l , Jolin 'lio.ii;, I5(.'iy(imln 'Kutc, lienjamiu H R 10 10 10 > 5 5 5 £;i CoN'NAiaUK. c Crew, Samuel 10 W iWillj, Koberc j o O' Hi) 15 ^'1 LiTi.v. Bay. 0| I) Draku, uiobert 6 . ri Hanling, (Jporge 10 llardiiijir, Wil!i;un 5 Harding, Pucljard 5 Keepitig, (ic jrito 5 L Le Roy, CLarlei 5 f Osmond, James O R Rose, George Sr. Rose, Georf^e Jr. Rose, ^^'illiun^ 84 £ s. d. £ s. d. 10 Osmond, Uhciiljon 10 I P 10 OiPrice, Su?an 5 5 Price, James 10 10 S Scott, Richard ii £3 10 0' T ;TboruLill, William 10 Millers Passage. I: Ridgeley, JonatLau £0 5 U £2 10 Wreck Cove. Bird, Elizabeth IlERMirAGE Cove 11 Harris, George I K 'Rose, John 10 2Q Rose, James Rose, James Coombs Cove. K Keeping, William £-0 10 Rose, Henry IRose, Robert jRose, Benjamin jRose, Benjamin 10 0_i>ose, John Jr. 10 10 10 10 10 5 r> £0 10 01 Sagona. A Ashford, Charles B Bungy, Robert Clerke, George J Jarvis, Thomas K Keeping, William Keeping, John Keeping, Benjamin Petitte, Jeremiah .S Skinner, Thomas Skinner, John Skinner, Charles BrL'NET. r, Barnstable. Mark Gauitois. C Bussell, John D Doddridge, Robert ^ ^jFishwick, Fairfax I G S (^i Gallop, William I II S OjiJowe, Samuel 5 Oj House, James 10 jj ['arsons, Henry Hv. 12 c, 7 Anderson, Edward a (J I'icot, George 10 C ' Porter, James 12 6 Cain?, John I ^K T ^' Cains, Georgo 12 Q hose, Jamo3 1 2 Casswell, John 10 (1 Hose, John 12 G Cosser, Lot Cox, IJoMJamin Collier, Charles Sr 12 f Sorsoliel. rhilio' 10 10 11 u .Stroud, John T Taylor, William 12 U Collier, John D 11 10 Dabbidjre, John 10 V Vatcher, Stephen 1 5 Daw, llobcrt 10 ^'' Vatcher, Joseph 12 G Daw, Mrs. 10 ^' Vatcher, Widow 1 Dicks, Christopher 1 5 v'atcher, Emanuel 1 Dicks, Henry 1 :> ■ Vatehcr, James 10 Dicks, Henry 11 ^ 25 Otis, fish 15 3 9 Dicks, Charles 11 1 10 X Dicks, Joseph F £bi 6 y Ford, Walter Ford, Ja.ueg H St. GEORGE'S BAY. Furneaux, John 2 A G Gruchv. Peter Guy, William 10 12 Alexander, Elwin Allez, Nicholas 7 I Guy, John IT 12 B Bagg, John 1 10 11 Hare, John 10 Butt, Solomon 1 4 llara, Ivobert 10 iJutt, Georpo 1 Hatcher, Robert 12 6 Butt, Ann Matilda 10 I Butt, James 5 In;Tram, Joseph 12 g' Butt, Susanna 5 J liamfield, William 7 James, Joseph 10 C Iv Chin, Sophia 15 Kmslow, William 12 C Chaflcy, Joseph 10 liinslow, Dennis 15 Chaliey, Thomai 5 s 40 D Dc:- is, riiillp iSx'. Dennis, Fliilip Jr. Dennis, John Dennis, William F Forrest, 11. II. G Gale, John Gill, John Gourd, "William (Juillara, Cliarl«3 Guillam, William II Ilulin, Moses Hulin, Edward Ilulin, Edward Ilulin, Philip Ilulin, rUilip Ilulin, James Hulin, Jeremiah Hulin, William Hulifl, Samuel Ilulin, John Hoarc, Philip L Legg, Thomas s. 10 15 5 1 15 10 U 10 5 15 12 10 10 10 10 ilMorriy, '^Villiam Morris, Thomas 01 2 Ozone:, Jolm 10' ' 1' ! Parsons, Mary Parsons, Georgo I Parsons, John 0| Parsons, Caroline I'arbon?, John llenry S Parsons, (ieorgo 'J'hos. Parsons, William 3:Pcnnell, Philip jPennell, John Piorroi, O.or<;o jPierroi, Phili]) P. Le Grande, Le Filatre, Francis Lo Filatre, Samuel Le Filatre, Edmond Longmirc, Matilda Messervey, Johr. Messervey, Philip Sr. Messervey, "W'illiam Messervey, Abraham Messervey, George Sr. Messervey, George Jr. Messervey, Susan Llesservey, Jesse Messervey, Wm. Henry 10 Messervey, Philip Jr. 10 Messervey, Samuel MeCoy, Samuel Marshall, Maria Morris, Kobert Sr. Morris, Robert Jr. MorriSi Joba O.Renouir, John OiRonoufi", Ann O|llenoiiir, Isaac 10 OiRenouIi; Philip 10 0, enouft", Sarah 10 Tiomaiu, Ernest 5 Oj S 5 10, Shears, Stephen 'shears, Moseg- 10 0, Shears, John 18 4 Sawyer, Sumuel 15 10 Shaw, Thomas 5 10 Shaw, William 5 lO By sums less than Ds. 10 Ol 2 1 5 15 15 10 5 5 11 £ S. ( /. ] 5 . 10 1 1 10 1 5 2 15 0. 6 10 10 6 5 10 1 9 4 15 11 8 1 5 5 5 10 15 10 18 4 10 6 10 10 10 10 9 4 10 ii:59 10 BELLE ISLE STRAIT. (Labrador Shore.) FORTEAU. D 8 Davis, George & family Dii lleaume, George E 5 1 5 10 Elworthv, Wm. It. 1 4 : Ellis, E.'H. 1 5 0,Ewing, A. 15 0| F 10 OiFowles, Stephen 10 15 OiFumiiS, James 5 10 5 5 41 15 10 1 1 10 1 5 2 15 0. 5 10 10 6 5 10 \ 9 4 15 11 8 1 5 5 5 10 15 10 18 4 10 6 10 10 10 10 9 4 10 59 10 UIT. ^E.) 5 1 10 1 5 5 10 5 Cnibons, T. G II llussey, William ij Le Boulillicr, Messrs. ii Muygridge, P. Terry, John & s. \^ 7 Soiitli Slioro <( B. Ficat 13 « G \z\ Eay de Verdo (( (). Bou-o G2 2 G Catalma u W. Nettcn 21 .T .'5 Heart's Content « H. Bind 39 r, 5} Bonaviuta (i A. ]■:. C. Bayly 20 Kin[;'s Covo <( B. Smith 30 2 'I- Grecnspond (( J. More ton 111 13 8 Twilliiigate (( T. Boono 20 7 2 !Morctou's Ilarboui" u J. King'.vell 25 3 2 22'' Herring iS'cck u S. C!ros3 .') 17 8 ;;u i Terryhnd u H. Ilaridlton 10 5 Harbour IjiifFct (( W. K. ^Vhitc ].T 11 1] 59] Harbour Jiritaia l< J. G. Mountain (iO G Grole « E. Col ley •i\) t BcUeoram u J. I\IarsLall 17 1 Burj^eo (( John Cunningham b\ 9 St. George's Bay « T. Boland 59 JO Fortean, Labrador (( A. Giflbrd ao 7 G £1151 11 NAMES, &c., OF THE CLERGY OF NEWFOUND- LAND AND LABRADOR. Bisiior. Eigbt Kov. EDWARD FEILD, D.D. A15CIIDEAC0N. Vuicrablo T. F. H. BRIDGE, m.a. Kir.AL DEANS. Blackmorc, Martin — Deanery of Concnpllon Bay. Boprio, Tijomas Kolro Dame Bay, Lritl^o, Thoiuas F. 11. m.a. Ai'dhn. Mountain, Jacob G. M.A. Forlvne Bay. £ii;ilh, r>Gnj'vmin Trinity. Kami:. Rlsidence!. Bajly, Augtistin E. C. St. John's. 3^1 iok'mor«, M.-^.i'tiu Ijriy ivoberts. IJolaiiu, Thomas St. George's Bay. Bcoao, 'i lioniasi Twillingate. ]inJ<>e, 'iiioniaa F. II. M.A. St. John's. CoUey, Edward Hermitage Cove. Urui-s, JjJitid Jlcrritig Neck. Crouch, W. G. Trinity. Cui'iiin^lMin, Joha Burgoo. DuiTo.ll, .Tosliu.v DaVal, Joshu.v i;.A, - LaP'Oile. Dyer, Robert \V. Greenspondt Jilder, AV. A. Fogo Fleet, Benjamin Topsail. Freer, John B* - - St. John's. Gathercole, John C. - liurin. Gilford, Algernon Fortcau, Labrador. Hamilton, 11. H. n.A. Ferryland. Harvey, James C. - - Port-de-Grave. Uoyles, William J. - Carbonear. [brador. Xiuiohinson, George m.a. St. Francis Harbor, La- NAMES, ic, OF THE CLERr.Y OF NEWFOUI'D^ LxVND AND LXBRX'DOJl.-^i^CuHUnucJO Johnson, Gcorf^o M. iji/ucs, liortrniii Kin;(wull, Jobii liiiul, Ilcnrjr Mar&lialliJohn Meek, William F. Moreton, Julian Alorotor, Jolin Mountain, Jauub G. M.A. Nctten, William rijclps, Josopli F. House, Oliver Uozicr, William Sail, Krnrst A. Shannon, William Smith, iit;njamia Walsh, Charles Whito, William K. Wood, Thomas M. Porlii<:','\l Cove, i tiii uoi' (.^racUt Moreton's Harbor. Ilcarl'tf Content. BoUoram. Circcngpontl. Ki iq's Cove, llai' ••' 'iritain. Catahna. St. John's. ]'»ay-(I"Vei'Jo. I.nnnlini'. lionaviata. JIlii;U3. Trinity. Uishop'3 C'^vc. Harbor Jjuliett. St. John's. THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. rnixcirAi. Rov. JACOB G. MOUNTAIN, ma. VICEPRIXCIPAT. Rev. JOSEni F. PilELP-S. STUDKNTS. Dubic, Robert T. J looper, Georgo H. Johndon, Reginald M. Kirby, William lif^Gallai', Wiillam Aiarctt-, Klias NVilliauis, Fred. Syme* ■ I i Erhatum. Appendix, p. 0, last line, for " each," road " exact." 1 THE DEPOSITORY OF THE SOCIETr FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE For the Sale of BIBLES, FEAIER-SOOKS, TESTAMENTS, TRACTS, and RELIOIOIS aiMl ISEFIL .-'■■'-^7/. ■^?^&. BOOKS Is kept at Mr. McCOUBREY'S, Book-seller, Water Street, St, John's, A similar DEPOSITORY has been established at Mr. GODDEN'S, Watch-maker, * Water-Streetf Barhor Grace, A Stock of IVIiAPS $c PRINTS KEPT CONSTANTLY OIJ HAND. '