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Opposing pages with varying colouration or discokxirattons are filmed twice to ensure the best possible image / Les pages s'opposant ayant das cotorattons variables ou des dteotorations sont fiim^es deux fois afin d'obtenir la meiVeurB image possible. ot ■I aw lOX 14x ISx 22X 2ft( SOX 1 1 J U tax 1*1 UK Tht 9MiMi MHMlilMfiit Mm canMiOT M4 tofibMfy •f tlM MtflMi Mpy Mri In iiMpint wiMi ilM itf hniH WW IMBS wMl ■ Ml Mm Imc ps9* wWi • TlMlW TWWWn. Of tfn ly m fcil T (nMMinfl "limi. tooiarMtab* intfw TIW IHMM QOnMf , Isfi ta f( flIiiiA fat grioaila OMMRMaa MolailaM ^la la rinoM within th« Iwt three jtmrn, it v '-onght d««irabl(^ to publieh » ' Catalogue of the Marina Invertabmu of feiaeton. Canada.' The obJe«. of thia CaUlogue is to give a raooinot idea of the praaant aUte of our knowledge of thaaa inrertabrata, ao far aa the identidoatioa of apeoiea, their geographioal dUtribation, and bathymetrioal^anga in the northern portion of the waatem aide of the Atlantic are conoomed. It ia hoped that thia publioation will aot aa a atimalua to r- iewed aotiWtx in thv atudy of marine aoologjr, and that it will be of oae not only to aooiogiata, but alao to itndenta of the foaaila of the poat-tertiaiy depoaiU of the eaatem portion of the Dominion. ROBERT BjSLL. Omlooioal Scrvit Oirioi 0tta>-4, June 26 1901. t. :-.iX)GICAL SURVEY OF CANy A. CATALOrUE Oi^ THE MARINE INVEHTEBRATA EASTKRJ^ CANADA J. F. WHITEAVES. ThU Culogue nMjr b« r«K>trdMi m m report on the prwwit .tate of our knowledKe of the M»rin« Invtrtebr.u of tha B«7 of Fundy, AtUu»i« coMt of Nov* 8ooti», Md (iulf and moath of th« River 8t. Uwr.nw, m U, to th« northward m the Strait of B«,l« M.. Incidentally and p.r»nth.lically, however, it «Im include, (he uune. of • few .pecie. that have been foaod on the coMt of Ubrador or in Hudson dtrait or Bay, but not yet aa far •outh a« the Uulf of 8t. I^wrence. It con«i«tt of a ly.tematic liit of all the specie* from the eastern t'*n» lunata. Nadfta (IlyanaKsa) obsoleta. Xeptunea decemcoatata. Tomatiua canaliculata. 'Lyonsia hyalina. It will be noticed that, with the exception of the Dentalium and possibly of the Tnrhonilhi aud the two Crepidulie, all uf these are purely American * U. 9. Fish Commiseion, Report for lWl-72, publii.hed in 1873, p. 782. •I»ri-, that .pp«,ntly do mm oocar on th. Eu«,«m ride of tb. Korth to E„tl!i V •.'**! '^ "'"tythr^ .p«,i,. of ..Bo,«.l ri.,,,, conioK),^ "BltTof'li SSl^r''-" - P^ »«« --O »»» <- Wood..H-. iJ^rT^' '*'* *^ *^' ■^" "'^•' «>«'«'•«*«<'«'. "hethor the water be ««t.c but perb.p, ««roelr .rotic or polar laun^ which gr^lually menje. faito a p««yarcUo .«.«blag. near the A«tic Circle. ThU cold J^ l»»M occupiM not only the deeper parU of the Bay of Pundv the colder A^ Of -d »o»th of the River St. Lawreooe, b«t mIk., appart-ntTthe ^h.«tic coaat of Ubj^lor. Hud«,n 8t«it, and n.o.t of tb. coLTof Hudl «V. At any «te, the marine invertebrate of the three la,t mentioned -O^ «i^»*T " °7' *? ""•"'"'''y »*»"•' to «h«-of the River and Labrwlorthat have not yet been found in the Gulf of St. Wnce V™ Aem de by the Stearns expedition to the Labrador coast, by Dr Bell ana 5Ir^i..r, .how also that .some species that have been dodged in the Gulf of St. Uwrence m comparatively deep water, occur to the S^th ward m much shallower water. Th, ,, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence PecZ Oranlandieui was dredged in «bund*nce, living, by the writer, in 1871, 1873 •nd 1873, at depths of from about 100to313 fathoms; but on the east ooMt of Hudson Bay, in Richmond Gulf, large living examples of the rtopoda ; to the Kev. Canon Norman for the identification of several species of Polyzoa ; to Dr. W. H. Dall for an expression of bis views on itome species of MolluRca ; to Professor Verrill and Miss Bush for recent re-determinations of the diflBcult species of the mollttscan genus Bda ; and to the Natural History Society of New Bruns- wick, per Dr. O. F. Matthew, and Pi-ofessor O. T. Kennrdy, for the loan of specimens of Diollu»ca, kc, from the Bay of Kundy. t PROTOZOA KETICULARIA (FORAMINIFERA). In all dredgingR upon sandy or muddy bottoms in this region, the shells of foraminifra are very abundant, though the habits of their living occupants have yet (o be studied. Most of these shells occur at all depths, but in the Gulf of St. Lawrence Uvigeriiia awjiilom, Cristellaria rotulala, Vagih iHna tpinigera, Biilimina acnleata, Valvulina coniea, Shabdamn,ina ahyuorum, and Bilocnlina Monga have as yet only been found in very deep water. The types of Lituolafindetis (now called Rmpha.r Jindens), of Lituola eamg {now known as I/apfophragmiiim caagit), and of ffippocrtpina indivisa, described by Parker in the Canadian Naturalist and Geologist for June, 1870, and in the American Journal of Science and Arts for June, 1873, are all from Gaspe Bay and its immediate vicinity. The following is a list of ths species that have so far been recognized as having been collected in the (Julf of St. Lawrence : Family A'uminutinid(r. Polyatomrlla striatopimctata, F. and M. | I'oljsti.mella arctica, V. and .J. Xdiiioninn scapha, F. and M. «h 10 Family SoUdidat. Fulvinuliiia KMitcni, IUiim. TrunestuliM kitetula, W. and J. Paicllin* eorrogatk, WilliuiMua. Fainilr OlobigtrtnUa. tiloUK«rina bulloidrn, d'OrU Family Laytnidv. Uvifcrin* p^gnu**, d'Orh. •ngnliiwt, VVilld. Polymorphina Incte*, W, aiid J. II «)ni|irea*s, d'Orb. CrutolUrU rotuUta, Lam. II lituua, d'Urb. II onpiduls, ¥. and M. *V*|aDuliiM npinigrn, Brady. NodoHiu (Dentalinit) commnnii, d'Orb, II II pituperata, d'Orlx ((flandulina) liavigata, d'Orb. LngviM Klu)iuaa, W. and J. II a(-iculata, Kviim. II Iwvii, Montagu. H diitoma, P. and J. II nilcaia, P. and J. •Miiiitriata, WillianMon. II itriatopunrtata, P. and J. II Kitutmoaa, Montagu. II nirlu, d'Urb. niarginato, W. and B. II omata, Willdrnow. iTamily Textularidte. Caafidulina Iwvigata, d'Orb. II crana, d'Orb. Bolivina punctata, d'Orb. Virgulina •quamoM, d'Orb. Bulimina aeulnta, d'Orb. II elpgantiwinia, d'Orb. Bulimina pyrula, d'Orb. Valvuliua cunica, P. and J. Vemtuilina |ioly>tropha, Raun. Spirnplecta bifomiin, P. and J. Textularia variabilia, Willd. II Agghitinani, d'Orb. Family Lituolidit. Trochammina inflata, Mont. Ammodiwui inoertui, d'Orb. Hippocrepina indiviio, Parker. Haplophragmium Canariensv, d'Orb, Haplophraginiur' cnMii, Parker. Kiuru«, Mnntfort. II tinden*, Parker. Family A$lrorhizidit. I Rhabdammina discreta, Brady. Rhabdammina abyworum, M. Sar>. Family iiUioHdn. Comuipira foliacea, Philippi. Miliolina agt^lutinans, d'Orb. I, Ferumacii, d'Orb. ,1 bicomia, W. and J. •I iiubrotunda, Mont. II xicana, d'Orb. Miliolina tricarinata, d'Orb. II trigoniila, d'Orb. II oblonga, Mont. II seminulum, L. Biloculina oblonga, Mont. II ringena, Lam. * Hana Kiwr, in hia aynopaia of the Xorwcgian Marine Thalanophora (Kriatiania, 1900), aaya that thia ie a aynonym of Uanjinutini api'noaa, M. Sai«, with which the writer had identified it in 1872. I t BBOi 11 RADIOLARIii!. Family Dietyoehitia. DiiiTRPBA!iUH ACULiATua (Ehranberg). Dietitoelia aeulttUa, Zhrenborit (tMaU). DiitipkanHt arultalu; Htedutl (IMMT) Spaoimcns that were referred to thii tpeciea, with ■ query, bv Sir J. W. Dawton (in bii Haodbook of Zoology, publiNhed in 1H70) ar« said to have been "obtained from a depth of 3l:i fathom^ m the Uulf of Ht. Lawrence by Captain Urlebur, R.N." Himilar ipocimeni have since been found by the writer in a sponge (Hcdichondria panicua) and in the pt-iaaohof the common ■ea urchin (Strongloeantrottu drobaehientu), both fron. very shallow water oflf Cap (lea Rosieri. Three or fojr additional species of radiolarians are now known to occur in the Gulf of Ht, Lawrence, but they have not yet been critically studied. POBIFERA (SPONGES)* CALCAREA. Family A»conxda. Lbccosolexia caxccllata, Verrill. 1h:4. Proc. Am Amna Adv. So. for 1873, p. ."MW. Orphan Bank, off the entrance to the Bale des Chaleurt, 1S7.3, Whiteavee ( Verrill ). Strait of Belle Isle, off Normans Light, 60 fathoms, rocky bottom, A. M. Rodger, 1892; Davis Htrait, off Cape Raper, four miles south, 60 fathoms, bottom of stoni 8 and sand, A. M. Rodger, 1893, and at Cape Aston, in 60 fathoms. Captain Phillips, ISQ.*) (Lambe). 1' Family Sycettidn. SvcoN pR0'i£CTU!d, Lamb«. 18!)fi. Tnin>, Ruysl Soc. Canada, Second Serien, vol. ii., »ec. iv., p. 204. Gulf of St. Lawrence, eight miles south-east of Bonaventure Island, in 56 fathoms, stones and coarse sand, dredged by the writer in 1873. Strait of Belle Isle, off Norman's Light, 60 fathoms, rocky bottom, A. M. Rodger, 1892 ; and Upemavik, west coast, of Greenland, 1892 (Lambe). • Nearly all the aix ngei in thin li> ' have iK-n identified or deacribed and ligur«d by Mr. Ii. M. Lamlie ; most of them in the ' -ansactiona of the Hoyal Society of Cauada for 1896, Second Series, voL li , sect, iv., pp. 181-211, |>Iates i, ii and iii. SvooM AaruL n, LMobe. urn. ibM., p, mt, Gulf of St. LawrMMe, off BoMrmtura Iilrad, In H fotboma, with the pnMdiim ipMiM, oollaotad by tii* writw in 1H73. Family Ontntitr. OlAKTU CAXADnu, LMsba. iW«. IMd.. p.106. NorthnnWland Htrait, l-rtween Piotou Wunn and Cap* Bear, P.E.I., in 33 tathomt; Unit of St. Lawrtniw, 08 Bonarentara Itland, in 04 fathom*, dndged by the writer in 1873 ; and M^tit, Sir J. W. Dawion (Umbe). Family H*l*ropii^a. HiTBROPU RoDOEBi, Lambe. lUOO. Tnuw. Rojral Hiw. CanaHai, 8«ooiiri StriM, *oL vi., •ret. iv., i>. 3n. Strait of Belle I«le, off Normim'i Light, 60 fatbomt, rocky bottom, A. M. Rodger, 1893(.«mbe). Family Amphoritcida. • Amphoribcus TuoNPaoNi, Lambe. 1900. Up. cit aupr*. p. 3tl. Strait of B^lle Tsle, off Norman's Light. 60 fathoms, rocky bottom, A. M. Rodger, 1802 (Lambe). DEMOSPONGIiE. TETRACTISILLID.E. Family TetilHdtr. (Craniella cranium (Mailer). Richmond Gulf, Hudson Bay, from 20 to 30 fathoms, on a soft mud bottom, A. P. Low, 1899, (L. M. Lambe) ; east and west coasts of Greenland (Fristed). The Tethta Logani of Sir A. W. Dawson, which is so abundant in the Leda clay of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa valleys, would seem to be identical with this species). r I \9 Wmnilj nHtMn. Thixe* mvmoata (BowerlMnk). ObW of 8» Uwrnto*, batwMn AaUcMti mmI tb« UMp«« prninni n aaO falboiM dndRwl by tb* writer in 1«7.1 ; MWt UrwnUnd, in 350 fMt; .o., A. M. Rodgtr, l(l»4 (LmbU). (Mi)NAXONlDA). HAOROMUIJIA. Family Sl^oeord^idir, MTTI.OCOItDYU WRKALIII (Lovm). H. M. 8. Ch»ll«ngpr, Sution 49 (M«y 30, 1873) «.utlt .,f HnlUmx, So^ Scotia, in 85 fathoms, gt^.vel and itone*. !JrMlg»i ibe writer > 1873, in tha Onlf of 8t Lawrcnca, about half wny tnn«*.ti •« tha Oaap^ paninaula, in from 300 to 220 faihooi^ ^ut « Aumen vpecimana). Family Clionidee. Cliosa celata, Urant. Xorth Rhora oi Prince E<)ward Iiland, two uptnws,, tafiwviw (MM oyiter ihe'U, collected by Dr. James Fletcher in HWi- and »u*m»^tmallr identified with tbia apeciei by Mr. Lambe. Family Polynuuliidve. POLTMAITIA RODUaTA, Bowerfce! If H. M. 8. Challenger, Station 49, (May 20, ISTIi ^th af i»*«te. Nov* Scotta, in 85 fathoms, gravel and itonm (RidU l>nd» ■. Th^- ~ tfurf Island, south of Cow Head, in 1 2 fathomx, >« piecet part of one specimen, which formed a bright rw; thin crust foot in its greatest dl '.meter ; collected by the writer in ' identified with thisspevies by Mr. Lambe. . arP t'ro«n a ' >nc« POLVM.WTIA ^AXILLARIS (Mllller). Gulf of St. Lawrence, die0, 1873) io«th of Halifax, Nova Bootla, in 83 (atltoiiM grav«| and atonM, fourtaan itpaoiiiMni, all attaobad to pabblaa by a »tani or paduoola (Kidlay nnd Dandy). TiiiTOMtvii iiiinoiiRKiTU (Hchmidt). Tkmipkom irmitiiUru.-$ nohniklt |ltt7li| s mul WIiIimvm (IMT4I. Tkte.,t>kora Mt, W) ,i\ir rhi ki$pida, Bow>>rl>Mik (ll«!4). SiiUritf kitpidu; L«iii)ip (181)7). Golf of St. Lawrence, twenty-four miles 8. by W. of Eaat Cape, Anticosti, in 212 fathoms, mud, oue specimen, dredged i)y the writer in 1871. (ScBERiTKs tioifTALRiDt's. Carter. Richmond Qulf, eatt coast of Hudson Bay, iu from 20 to 30 fathoms, soft mud bottom, A. P. Low, 1899 (Lambe). Greenland (Fristedt.) 15 Pk iiPjr Uaflotdrridtt. Cmaliiia ocvuta (PhllM). Fiva IiUnds MinM B«*in, B«y of Fandy. C. W. WilKmot, 1893 ; JoRgiiw, N.8 , T. C. WMton, 180S ; Neva OcotU •nd Rivi^r* tin Loup, Hir J. W. DawMM (Umb»). Gulf of 8l. Uwrenea, onllcctMl \>y Dr. Bell in 1M8. H*t,ICHO!inRIA P*»ICKA, JollMIOIi. Comuim throughout th« •ntira rFxion, aouthward to New KiikUiuI and northward to UreenUnd. Macuun hiM oullMtml it on the louth ooMt of Princ* Edward Iiland ; the writar betwetm Fictou Iila»d, N.H,, and Cap* BMr, P.E.I., in 23fathuint, andoffCapdm lioaiorK in 7 fathi.nii ; Mr. W. B. Lambe lwtwu«n Unmie Grt-rc, Uaup^ Bay and Mhip Haail (Cnpe flaspt') ; and Sir J. W, Dawion at Kivierr du Loup and &Iurray Bay. RixiiRA Hururisa, Larobe. 1D93. TrMu. K'lj'ul Sic. CanwU tut \mri. ml. x,, wet. iv., p. 7B. Orphan Bank, off the entrance to the Bale dea Chnieurt, one Hpecimen, dredged bjr the writer in lt*73 ; and Gai|ie const eight Hpecimen*, Sir J. W. Dawton (Lamlie). The type* of R. ru/t$ettn were coll«ct<>d at Petropaul- owiki, KanititGbatka, by Dr. G. U. Dawiton in 1801. RlKIBRA MnLLII, Laiiil)e. IMM. Idem, vol. xi., wet. iv., p. 'jx. Orphan Bank, two fragnieuta, dredged by the writer ^r ^ .S73 ; eoaat of Labrador, one specimen, in Sir J. W. Daw^on'ii collection ; Wakohatn Bay, Hudwn Strait, A. P. I^w, 1897; DavU Strait, Reef Coal Hill, bearing S.E., twenty miles, in 30 falhoinii, rocky bottom,— und off Cape Raper, four miles south, in 60 fathom*, stunen and sand, A. M. Hotjger, li492 (Lambe). The types of this species nre from Vancouver Island. Ei'MASTiA HiTiiixs, <). Schmidt. Yarirouth, Nova Scotia Profeswr Mncoun, 1884 ; l*tween Piciou IsUnd, N.S. and Cape Ijear, P.E.I , in 22 fathoms, dretlged by the writer in 1873 ; Gasp^, Metis and Uiviiru du T/)U|i, .Sir J. W. Dawson (LRiuue). Greenland <0. Schmidt, and Frietedt). 18 OiLLiua ABcopincs, Vo«iii»er. bjr th. wnter in 1872 ( Qreenl.nd "uii or Ht. lAwrence, betwe fathoms, stones, dredged by (Fristedt). ' Ofc .108 riAUELtirEB, Ridley «nd Dendy. .l«>atne.rlythe.a«elo..,";;«^7/ J;;'S ^"""'.r*'' '" '"' ^ specie., in 1872 (Lambe). """•"'*• ""'•> »»'«^ preceding Oellius Lalrrstinis, Ijimbe. 1901. Tnmfc Royal Soe. of Can.vl.'. for linn «. ^ ^ ■"ct. iv.. p. 20. ' ''**• *^'"' ■'<*"«,, vol. vi.. fair 1^:;- t;r:TT'Lt; ".^ :vr ^-''-^ ^--^ 'oo of Belle Isle, off Xor^.n-LS tn , u^'"^' '^^'' " *■•»«■»•">»' Rodger, 9th of April. 1892 a fTalJft 'd ^"^ "^^' '*''**"•• A- M. fflouth of Coutta Inlet, isi fa^Il' f T" ''"■'"'• *''"* '""«' ^~« '»>• July, 1802, two -pecim n thltre^t^ wl^r*' t ''• ^'^«"-' '''^ <" 1-5 thiclc, and parVof « th rd thlth " "•*"' ^ "•"»• »«^d and P « ot « third that ha, grown around a wor™ tube " ( Family P'teUotelerido!. EsPKBELLA LI.VOUA (Bowerbank). ffT!!,'"'''" ''"'""'• B"""l»nk (18.W). Rk„ph,odt„u. Ii„„„.,, Bowerbank (1874 . £'.^rtff„f,„j„,«, U,nb^„^j,yj ' ."^^^^^ '^^' ^°'^" •"'' Cape (Jasp« i„ 75 .„ «« f u .pecimens and some fragments, drV • alsrnnT "'*'°"'' ^'"'"''^ »*«> J. F. Whiteave,, 1872. One sJi^el T r"'""'" P'"*'*'-^*^ '« «)«»hoI. (I*«be). North-east coast of'^^ru'nS s"^' ''" '^""»"' ^-«'° " (Fristedt). '^-^ ^""-^ «t»tes (Verrill); Greenland ESPERELLA M0DE8TA, Lambe. 1*95. Tran.. K..y«l .S«,. Ca„«,la f„r IS94 v,.l .„ 0-^ coas,, one .pecmon, d,v, .Sir NV.Ui,.. l^aws-n - (i::^; B3 17 Dmmaclla Peachi. (Bowerbank), var. OHffiNLASD.cA, Fri.tedt. m.n^rvTp^ iSr" ""'• **" ^'"P' P*"'"*"'*' •« 200 fathom,, one speci- Soriln/" .*?:?'.''"• ''"*'**"''' 'P-'-- '«•» the east r^t of Greenland waa dredged in 130 fathoms " (Lambe). Cl^OORHIZA ABY88IC0LA, M. Sani. The specimen of this species that is figure,l by Mr. Lambe* was dred..ed the 8 W t^ :° ]'?• '" ''' ^"'^ "' «'^ ^-™-. about h^f way W^l the 8.W. Pomt of Ant.costi and the Oaspe peninsula, in 200 fathoms, mud. Cladoriiiza GRASDig. Verrill. 1879. Pnx:. U.S. Nat. Mu.., vol. ii., p. 204. Deep water fishing jjronnds off Nova Scotia ( Verrill). . Cladoriiiza Nohdenskioldii. Fristedt. '•A portion of a sponge, evidently the root, which agrees perfectly in the shape and size of the spicules, with Fristedfs specime„7rom the east coa^t of Greenland, was dredged by Mr. VVhiteavesri873. bZeen A^i cost, and the Gasp^ peninsula," i„ 200 fathoms, mud (Lambe). The S Lawrence specimen is figured on Plate 1. figs. 9. a-f, of the second volume of the second senes of Transitions of the Royal Society of Canada. suBEBiTOiDEa. Vosmaer. Scotia, in 85 fathoms gravel and stones (Ridley and Dendy). Dbsmacidox (HoM-EODicTVA) PALMATA, (Johns ,n). '■ Jfova Scotia^ one specimen, and Sable Island one specimen, flabellate in form, dry, S.r William Dawson ; Five Islands, Minas fi'asin, B;y of Fu^dy twenty specimens and . number of fragments, dry, C. W. Willimot, 1892 " (Lambe). North-east of the United States (Verrill). loPHos chelifer, Ridley and Dendy. Gulf of St. Lawrence, twenty miles north by west of St. Paul's Island, 100 fathoms, rocky bottom, A. JI. Rodger. 1892 ; Gaspe, Sir J. W. Dawson • o IS EgUnton Fjord, DavU Strait, Captain Phillipt, 1893 ; Vancouver Iiland, Dr. O. M. Dawson (Lambe). Mtxilla inorustars (Johnvton). Balidumdria ineruttatu, Johniton (1842). Myxilla tnenutonj, Lambe (ISffT). Oasp^ eoast, two •peoimens, Sir J. W. Daw3), CotT/morpha pmdula, L. A^uiii (18(>2). Monoeaulut flaeialit, Allnun (1864). Grand Manan, "off West Quoddy Head, a hundred or more were Uken at a single haul of the dredge. It also occurs at Welsh Pool and near Low Duck Island. It lives on a sandy bottom, in from 4 to 15 fathoms" (Stimpson). Common in Casco Bay and the Bay of Fundy (Verrill). Rodger's Island, Oak Bay, Charlotte County, N.B., at a very low tide dinging to the woodwork of a weir (Ganong, 1889). Murray Bay, Sir J W. Dawson, (fide Verrill). Incertcf Sedis. AcAULis PRiHARius, Stimpson. 1863. Synopa. Marine Invert. Grand Manan, p. 10. Grand Magan, " dredged in the laminarian zone, from 5 to 15 fathoms, attached to various Rhodoeperms, as I'tilota, Chondnts and R]u>dytn»nia" (Stimpson). LBPT0HEDU8.E. (a.) Medusoid Scheme. Family Cannotidit. Pttchooena LACTE.t, A. Agassiz. Around Pendleton's Island, east side of Passamaquoddy Bay (Ganong). Family Eucopidoe. TiABOPSIS DIADEMATA, L. AgaSsiz. Bay of Fundy (Verrill). Pbuudium uxoniDVM (L. AgMaiz). OmwuVi n (18SS) ; fido Wrrill. Ifydraliuuinui fnkain, Hinckt (lf)6N). Orand Manan, "taken often in 35 fathoms in the Hake Ground" {P. faleata) and "common in 25 fiitlioms, shelly bottom, off the northern point of Duck Island" (P. ttnerrima) ; Stimpson. "Very abundant in Casco Bay and the Bay of Fundy, low- water to 110 fathoms" (Verrill). Le Have Bank, N.S., in 60 fathoms ; and off Chrbucto Head, Halifax Harbour, in 20 fathoms (Smith and liarger) ; Sable Island, N.S., '>asp^ and Metis (Sir J. W. Dawson) ; Antieoati and the Mingan ' ds (Verrill). Dredged by the writer also at many localities in the Gull of ht. Lawrence, and apparently common throughout the entire region. ii * fmilj Ormmmmridm. OtAUIUUA AMITIIfA, M. f •. Obammabu oraoiuis StimpMa. 0«-H M "** ■'"'^ ^""^ '"'^- "'^ M.««. p. fc ThWOCAIPVI MYIII0PHTLLt7M (L) *rtirf«rfa «i,frK^^»„. L (17*7). .it'nvl>*nia m^^^^^ I-mw,n«w (WW). '*«'»"'Vitixni!ia (L.) JbHu/urM •MftuniiM, U (ITM). 4H«(iiaM» Invertebrate of Labrador," but no exact localities are mentioned at which it occur,. I 3, 'i DISCOUEOUH;!;. Fam'"!v < .-/■ "riait. Cvanka arct I a, IVroD Slid Lfj'i lur. JUfduta capUata, Fabrici. (ir-<)i; fid. L. Agu li)!. CiiaHta aretiea, Peron nix f • s,'... r (Hi.'i, Cjianra PoiMtii, Gould (1S41). The common large, claret, red, or liver-coloured jelly fi.h of the Gulf of Bt. Lawrence, which ranges from Long Island Sound to CWnland It is known to occur m the Bay of Fundy, on the Atlantic coa,t of Nova Scotia, throughout the Gulf of St. I^wrence. and in the Strait of Belle Isle Family Ulmaridve. AiRBLiA flavidlla, Peron and Lesueur. Utduta tturitn, Fabriciuii (17H0). AureliaJlariJula. Peron and Lwuwir ,'809). Aurelia niiritu, Stiniinum (1S.J3). Floating at or near the surface, almost everywhere in the region under «.ns.derat.on. Sfmpson and \errill have found it in the Bay of Fundy • Ganong m Passamaquoddy Bay ; Sir J. W. Dawson. Verrill, the writer and ^tJaTofRTlV^ ^^'t u *'" ^"" °* '"'• ^'""-^ Packard in the Strait of Belle Isle ; and Fabricius ofif the coast of Greenland. m ALCYONARIA. ANTHOZOA. STOLONIPEIIA. Family Corviilariidtf. COHNT'LARIELLA MODESTA, Verrill. lHr4. Anier. .Tourn. Sc. an.mll (1869). Ammothm L'tllcuu, Marenzeller (1878). Alciionium Lutkeni, Vprrill ( 18"!t). " Several .pecimew of a speciei agreeing perfectly with Greenland speci- men, sent to me under the" M.S. n..m^ Alcyoniu,n ,j!o,neratum, "by Dr. Ohr. Lutken, wert» dredged in 52 fathoms. oflF Halifax, X.S., by the U S P»h Co-nm^aion, in 1877 " (Verrill, XdU). « Several g.>ud specimens have been obtained and predated to the U. S. Fish Commis.,ion by the Gloucester fishermen, from the deep-fi,hing banks oflF Nova Scotia • (Verrill, 11^83). PSECDAXOSI.\. Family Briareiiiie. ANTHOTHEC.V fiUA.VDIFLOHA (SaPs). BriartHm ). Pennatula (PtiUUaj borralis, Verrill (1882). " A fine large specimen of this species, taken on a trawl line between Sable Island and Banquereau, N.S., was presented to the U.S. Fish Commission by Captain J. W. Collins, of th', schooner Marion (Verrill, 1878). Several additional specimens of this species havo been received from off Nova Scotia (Verrill, 1879). Taken by the Gloucester fishermen "in 120 to 350 fathoms, on the outer Mlopes of the Grand Bank, St. Peter'* Bank, Western Bank, Banquereau, Saole Island Bank, Le Have Bank and ' eorge's Bank, and presented to the U.S. Fish Commission " (Verrill, 1882). H 36 ZOANTHARIA. CBRIAMTUIDBA. Family Cvnanthidf. Cbriaxthus BOREALia, Verrill. 1873. Amer. Journ. 80. uid Art», Third Hirien, voL v., p. fl. East of Grand Manan Island, in 28 futhoms, two Urge speci mens, dredged by Profewor Verrill in 1872. Large tubes of tbia species were dredged by the writer, in 1871, 1872 and 1873, in the Oulf ot St. Lawrence, between Anticoeti and the Oasp^ {-ninsula, in 200 fathomi. mud, but only one small living specimen, about an inch long, was taken. ZOANTniDEA. Family Zoanthxdw. Epizoanthus INCBUSTATC8 (Duben and Koren). MammiUifera ineruMtata, Duben and Koren (1847). XoatUkut inenutadw, Sara (1880). SpizoantKut Amtrintnut, Verrill (1864). Xpizoanthut eaneriKciui, Hertwig (1888) ; not of Studer (1878). Xpizoanthiu ineruilatia, Haddon and Sbackleton (1891). Taken by the U. 8. Fish Commission, in 1872, in the Bay of Fundy, in 40 to 109 fathoms ; in 1877, off Nova Scotia, in 50 to 190 fathoms. The Gloucester fishermen often brought it in from the various fishing banks off" Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, in 100 to 300 fathoms, 1878-80. Off Grand Manan, in 40 to 50 fathoms, on shells covering Eupagurus, and in 109 fathoms, on rocks (Verrill). By the Challenger Expedition it was dredged in 1873, at Station 49, off Nova Scotia, in 85 fathoms. In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, one specimen of the inoru«ting variety waH dredged by the writer off Charleton Point, Anticosti, on a small atone, in 1871 ; and one, also on a small atone, off Cape Gaspe, in 30 fathoms, in 1872. Epizoanthus PAr.uRiPHiLUs, Verrill. 1882. Amer. .lourn. Sc. and .Vrts, Third St'ries, vol. Sxilt., p. 137. " A few specimens taken by the Gloucester halibut fishermen, in deep water, off Nova Scotia, and by ouraelves in 1880. The coenenchyma of this species at first invests small univalve shells, occupied by Parapagunts pilotimanua, but finally grows far larger than the shell, and eventually absorbs it" (Verrill). S7 EDWAB08IIDBA. Family Edwardtiadir. Edwardsia SIPUHCULOIDES, Htimpson. Aetinia tiputumloulti, Stiiiiiamn (18A3). Sdwanltia tipimeuloidf (Stiminun M. S.) ; Vrrrill I1KA4). Gr»nd]Manao, " at low-water mark, adheriAg by its very omall base to a large atone; only one specimen " (StimpMon). 8.S.W. of the east point of Prince Edward Island ; one specimen, dredged by the writer in 1873, and sinoe determined by Professor Verrill. Henley Harbour, Strait of Belle Isle, in 4 fathoms (Packard). EnwARDsiA FARiNACBA, Verrill. 186U. Amer..Touni. iic. and Art*, Second Serim, vol. ILVIII., p. IIH. " Bay of Fundy, 8 to 90 fathoms " (Verrill). ACTINIIDBA. Malactiniffi. Family Ilyanlhida. Peachia PARASITICA, Verrill. 1866. Proc. Boaton Sue. Nat. Hitt., vol. X., |>. 338. " Capo Cod to Bay of Fundy, on Cyanea arclica ' (Verrill). Family Actinidtr. Metridium dianthus (Ellis). Aetinia iliarUhm, Ellin (17ti7) ; and .Tuhnstoi (1847). - Aetinia pluinom, MuUer (177G). iletridiuiadianthut, Oken (181.5). Actinia marginata^ l^esueur (1817). Metridium umrginatum, Milne Kdwards (1857). Actinia dianthut, StimpHon (18&J) ; and Dawson (1858). Actinoloba dianthui, (iosne (1860). Metridium dianthus, Verrill (1883). Professor Verrill, who calls this species the " Fringed Actinia," says that it is the " most abundant species along the whole coatit of New England and the provinces of New Brunswick and Nova .Scotia." It io also by far the commonest species of sea anemone in the (>ulf of St. Lawrence, and according to Packard, it occurs as far to the northward as Hquare Island, on the ■I ss M in depth, from low w.f r to 90 f.thom.. I- the .ynonymy of ihi. .Li^ Saoartia acahiula, Venill. 1888. Bull. Miu. Comii. Zool., vol. ii, p. 4fl. " A 8m.ll orangeKjoIoured ipeoie., with numerous long .lender tentacW many lo«liti.. on the E«t CW ..* the United Sute. in deep w.ter " and Srnd"Z:'^;?LV "''"^ V-n..o.N„v.Scoti.«df.„the CHONORACTiNtA NODOHA, (Fabrioius). ^rtm« Wa«, O. KAbriciu, (1780) , but n,.t UrOrina n„do^ VerriU (1»7S„ nor ^fhnai-" '^ Maine AcTiNACOR Verrillii, McMurrich. Vriicina nodosa, Verrill (1873). Aetinauffe nodoKi, Vprrill (!--!.•!). Actinauj/e rerrillii, McMiirncii (18M). Taken by the U. S. Fish Comminsion in the Bay of Fundy. in 50 to 150 fathoms, and off Nova 8cotia. in 50 to 1 10 fathoms. " The Gloucester fisher men have brought ,t in from a large number of localities, on all the f^hi' banks, from Georges to the Grand Bank, in 30 to .JOO fathoms. It is pa « cularly common on the stony bottom, of the Le Have Bank. Western Bank' and Banquereau, off No« Scotia" (Verrill. 188,.). Specimens that hT^ been identified Actinia nodosa, Fabrioius, by Verrill, but that a" •pp»rrntly identical with othere that have lince been deacribed by McMu."- rich under the name A. VtrriUii, were dredged 'nii», Khrenlierg (1834) ; et aiict. Ttnlia fnu$ieornii, Uime (1858). Le Have Bank, N.S., in 45 fathoms, U.S. Fish Commission, 1872 (Smith and Harger). Specimens that were identified with this species, in 1873, by Professor Verrill, were dredgetl by the writer in 1871, 1872, and 1873, at several localities in the northern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, at depths of from 30 to 1 1 2 fathoms. * 111 a letter to the writer, datwl April 8. KtOl. t In the same letter. 40 F»mUy Pnraclidn. SronrMU oabkbou (Rtimpwm). Attinia rnrntola, HlimtMiii 1 18ft3|. iUoiiarditHi Daritni, V«mll (IWH). BUmpkui raneola, Vrrrill (IWW). OfMd M.n.n, "dmlg«l i„ 35 fathom, on the Hake Ground. Tho ^!j.n 'Jl'^.'t^^' "' *^ •""" P«''W-"^8timi«on);B.y „f Fund, O^ I.Und in 8 f«hoa.m gr-vell, b«tto,n. .nd .t 8<,o.« l.Und " thick, .hort, Wunt Untile.. e«h with th.^ r«J oircal.r b.nd^ the ouUid, LnnTs^^r'f'*'^ •""*'*'' "'"' "•-•'•">' d-p ml on .corneoa. ground. Small ipeoiueni were wholly, red " (Packard). AcrnronoLA callosa, Verrill. Vrtleitia tallota, Verrill (1H82). Aeiiimtola eaUota, Verrill (1883). Dredged by the U. 8. FUh Commi«ion off Nova Scotia in 1877 "It ^ alw been taken on George'. Bank and the variou. fi.hint bankx off Nova 8cot«. .„ 46 to 300 fathom., by the Gloucter fl.hermen. in con.ider able number. "(Verrill. 1883). v«u.iuer AcnxERNUB NOBiLis, VerrilL 1879. Amer. Joum. He. and Art., Third Serie., v<,l. xvii., p. 474. (*5^r^lf?87*r"r '' '• I'l''-"^^^'- '■ W- Collins, schooner Irion" 1885)^ "t-o-mon off Nova Scotia in 200 to 300 fathomn- (Verrill SvNANTiius MiHAuiLis, Verrill. 1879. Op. cit. nupra., p. 474. in 2M°5ol!th*'"' P'r^'"V'^'««' by Captain Collins, off Sable Island. «n 200.250 fathoms, and on Banque««u, N.S., in about 200 fathom. ■ and fZ^rnt ^- "^'-- '" '«-■ "^ ^- «-- ^" -0 to S 4t P«lllily Btdoe*ridir. BOLOTRRA TURUI.R (Johiuton). ^rtiitxi TuMur, .UMmUrn (IH82). AiUhm THHliif, .lohn>lF. (MaDREPORARIA). Family Turbinolido: Flabilluh Uoodbi, Verrill. IH78. Amrr. .luum. He. and .Vrta, Thinl .'^rin, viil. xvi., |i. 377. "Taken by Gloucester fishermen from near the Urand Bank, Hanquereau, Sable Island Bank and east uf George's Bank, in 160 to 400 fathoms," and presented to the I'. S. Fish Commission (Verrill). In 1873, two dead, blenched and very imperfect specimens of a possibly undescribed species of Flahdlum were dredged by the writer at two different and widely distant localities in the Uulf of St. Lawrence. One of these specimens was taken between the 8.W. Point of Anticosti and the Gasp^^ peninsula, in 200 fathoms, mud ; and the other about half way between East Cnpe, Anticosti, and the Bird Hocks, in 31.') fathoms, mud. Flaiirllum anodlark, Moseley. 1876. ISMO. Pnw. Ruysl Srti<, '/.mtVi^y, veil, ii., p. lf!4. H.M.3. Challenger, Station 50, off Nova .«lcotiu, in l,2r)0 fathoms (Moseley). Since dredged by the SS. Albatross, of the U. .S. Fish Com- 1 I 4S T^' .^Jlir '*'**^'" oo-t ol ib. Uuitrf gUlM, i. 906 to 1,467 fotWi ( Verrillx b.t not yrt Uk.n io U,« .m mnhm,^ withl. (b. limit. of tbia |M|wr). DuHopRTiLt'H woHiL*, Varrill. im. Aiwr. Juarn. Mo. uid Art.. Third MwiM, vol. mviii., p. Iflo. "The onljr •pMiiMii known wm uli.n July IS, 1««4. on the Hton. Penw. M. iton.,u«rMa, N.S.. in about 300 frthon.., by Michel CMpbell. of Olouo«.t«r, Mm.." (V«rrill). "^ ^ Fitniiljr Oentinidm. LoPHOiuuA OCUI.IFEHA, Edfr«rdi and Haime. •' A fr«gin«nt of a I..--., dmd but nwly frwh .|>eo. jen of tbi. coral Uk«n about thirty-nine milM 8.H.W. fro. the N.W. Ught of HabU' WM F-^nUMl" to th« U.S. Fi-A CommiMion "by Denni. Thelnemy', .choonor Wu, Thon.p«,„ " (V.rrill. 1878). "Two »p«,iu,en. have iJn obuined by th^ Oloucter fl^hermen in deep water off the coMt of Nova Scotia, and by them painted to the U. 8 Fi.h CominiMion ■ (Verrill, CTENOPHOUA. CTDIPPIUKA. F^amily MerUnndtr. Mektkn-.ia ovum (Fabriciud). iliriwocMBi, (). Kiibrioiiiii(l7Ka). MrrttHna eueullut, L. AfpM'ix (ISfli)). McHrniia uvum, M.irch (1857) ; anil Huckurrt (1H»I7). "Thi* species wm extremely abundant fn.m the Strait of Belle Tile where there was flouting ice on the l»at of June " (1864) " to a. far north « Hopedale," Labrador, in lat. 5.V 30'. "It waa not comu.only met with in waters from which the ice had di«appear.>d " (Packard). Family Pleurobrarfiiu/tr. Plburoorachia hhododactvla, L. Agassiz. B^ntpUtui, C). Kabriciu. (1780) : mm MulK t"«teL. Agunn. Pleiiruhraehia thndodartyla, I,. Agamiz (18.%). Grand Manan (Stironson) ; " very abundant in Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy and Oulf of St. Uwrence" (Verrill, 1873). « Very abundant alx,ut East Point, Anticosti. in July, 1861 " (Verrill); "observed but rarely at Little Alecttttina Island, Oulf of St. Lawrence" (Packard). 4S LOHATA. FMnily Itulinidt*, WOUtK ALATA, AgWMix. Orwiil Manan (Htimpwn) ; B«]r ol Kuinly (L AgMniz). Bay, AnticMti, Jum- 2», 1861. Vory Mbundant" (Verrill). ' »ny (HHhcr north ward " tb*n Antironti (Packard). "N«ar Fo« ' Not obaervtd Family fioroiUir. luYU lUNiRoLA, T^ Afituith. Bay of Kuiiily (L Agannii); "very ubuntlant in the Hay of Fundy and Gulf of St. Uwrenw " (Verrill. 1873). " Kiut Point, Anlicodti, »ery abundant the flr«t of July," |M61 (Verrill). Abundant aloiiff the Labrador cottMt, from Salmon Bay, on the north ithorf of the Oulf of H(. Lawrence, ju»t insldn of the Strait of Belle Isle, to Cafie Webuc (Harrison) on the AtUntic .■oMt (Packard). EOHINODBRMATA. CUFNOIDKA. Family Autedunidti. Antedon tenella (Retzius). Ai-hriat tentlla, H«-Uiii« (17N3) ; Mf V. H. f 'ari.'iit.r. Alertro lirntala, 8uy (Hi'i). Alerlu Sumii, Ihiln-n imrf Kiinn (1.M4K). AitlrHiiii tmrllii, V. H. Cartit-ntfr (INHN). Kiom variouN localitii-s olf Nova Scotia, on tho fishinc grounds ( Verrill 1882). A-ntkdon Ebchkiciitii (^Iiiller). AUrIa fcV*riM«i, MuUw (1841 1, Aninion Knchrirktii, l^jvtii {Wfi), (irand Manan, "in 25 fathoms, on a shelly jfround, near Duck IsUnd " (Stiuipson, one small upccimen, which Dr. P. H. Carpent..r thinks may have been A. -/mdr'tla). I1..M.H. Challenaor, Station 48 (May 8, 187.1, on the Le Have Bank, N.S., in 51 fathoms rock ; several specimens (Carpenter). Dredged by the SS. Speedwell, of the U. S. Fish Commission, in 1877, about 44 thirty miles wuth from Halifax V «J in inn « ^l •«dy mud (VerrilJ. 1878) ' ' '*^ ''*''°""' *"•' «'">P«'*. 1884. AiTTBDos dUADKATA, P. H. Carpenter. ' 1888. ^' S^^ ^ ^i"''- '"' '*^' P"*- »'»-'»"• IMS. H.M.8. Challenger RepB., Zool., vol.. xxvi., ^ 149. JIM.8. Challenger, Sution 48, on the Le Have Bank, N8 with the P«K*d,ng .pecie^ «,veral specimens (Carpenter). ' HOLOTHURIOIDEA. AOTINOPODA. Family Cucumarida:. ' Uriat Sba Cdcohber." Pbotacta trovdma (Jaeger). f^l^'tilr**'; O™™"" (1767) : Md O. F.briciu. ,1780). Pentacta/rondou, J«eger (18S3) ; ,nd Stimp«m (1863). Cr«««««rv,/,„«|„«^ Forbei (1841) ; «.d H. Theel (1886). 0«nd Manan. « Nothing can exceed the profusion in which this specie. JZH;^"!!, •^"'"^^^ -^ -««"y occc^lpied b/th?m The Iwgest observed was mne inches in length and three wide. They arTusualll met " ; ""f" ''°^*' •""' •"'•' '"^'"^ - y""-"" below CTj^'f. Ta!^ K K"f°™"'"«'''y*"'°"- They always adhere by 0^^,^^ ix^T'' 7 ^*P''«' ^*<«»»" hghthoase, in 7 fathoms, on a rockv bottom (Whjteaves); and near Caribou Island (Packard^ AtUnf f Hudson St^it at Po. B^rwell. Cape cZtCtu ^. '"'"""^ ^ Pbntacta minuta (Fabricius). Cuenmaria minuta, O. Fabriciiu (1780). been wnt by the Gloucester fi.hermen, from several localities on the various bank, off Nova Scotia, in 60 to 230 fathoms" (Verrill, 1878). Family Pentagoniatteritke. TOSIA ORAMDLABiS (Retziwi). Aitcriat ffranularit, Retaiiu (1783). AUrogonium i;mnularr. Mailer uul TroKhel (1842). Pentagonatter ffnmularii, Perrier (1876). Tona granularit, Verrill ( Off Halifax. Nova ScotU (Si. J. W. Dawson, 1870). Dredged by the 88. Speedwell, in 1877, with the two preceding species, and taken also by Gloucester fishermen on the banks off Nova Scotia (VerriU). It seems to be a circnmpolar species, as a fine specimen was dredged by Dr. G. M. Dawson in 1885. in 40 fathoms, off the mouth of the Qualicum Hiver, in the Strait of Georgia, B.C. To«A RxmiA, Verrill. Ptnlngonatler eximitu, Verrill (1894). Toiia eximia, Verrill (1899). "This species was taken by the SS. AlUtPoss." of the U S Fish Com mission, "in 1883. off Le Have Bank, at Station 2064." in 122 fathoms; ii M Md in 1888 off Nov* SootU, at StaUon 2507, N. Ut 44" 27' 30" W long f^',"' „T^*" ^ '"*'"""•• "-^ ""«'« "'*«''»•" ^ obtidned .t e.cb locality" (Veirill, 1894). Family ilntr equftru, Torim {\Hn). Attrogonium pkr/vianum, Mullerand Trowbfl (1842). BippaMeria pkrtigiana, ARuaii (18«8]. Grand Manan, "a large tpt^m^n wa. taken off Duck Island, in the corallme zone " (Stimpson). The speoies has since been dredged at the same tecriity by Dr. J. W. Fewkes, in 1889. Sir J. W. Dawson, in his Hand- book of Zoology (1870) records its occurrence on the coast of Nova 3cotia, ?f 7T ! *" ^*" '*"**• *•"* ** "" ^^«^ ^y »»«' S8. Speedwell of the U. 8. Fish Commission, "in 1877, about thirty miles south of Hall- ««,in 100 fathoms.':* Still later, in 1895, he says that its bathymetrical range w from 20 to 224 fathoms ; in one instenco, off Georges Bank, in 471 fathoms, but that it U most common from 50 to 150 fathoms. He adds that it ha.s been "taken at numerous stations in Massachusetts Bay, off Cape Ann, Gulf of Maine, Bay of Fundy, and off Nova Scotia, on hard bottoms. It occurs also on the European coasts and in the Arctic Ocean. "No other species of the genus is known."t Family Asterinidoe. Tremastbr nirabilir, Verrill. 1879. Pioc. U. S. N»t. Mu«., vol. ii., p. 201. "Bathymetrical range. 150 to 250 fathoms, rare. Known only from the banks of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, frc^i N. lat. 47° 6' to near Georges Bank. " All the specimens have been r* ived from the Gloucester fishermen. No other species of this remarkable genus is known " (Verrill 1896). * • American Journal of Science and Arta, Third tieriet, vol. xvi., p. 373 t Idem., Third Seriei, vol. xux., p. 137. 51 CBTPTOZONIA. Family SoUuteridtr. SOLABTBR BSDBCA (Retxius). " PuRPLB SUK 8tAR." AUerUu etideea, KaUiua (1783). SMater endtea, Forbe* (1839) ; et »nct. Grand Manui, " abundant on the rocks at low-water mark in tha summer, at some locaUtias, but the specimrna are always small and never more than half grown. The large individuals, some of which are a foot in diameter, are found only in deep water, chiefly in the laminarian lone" (Stimpson). Common in the Bay of Fundy, from low-watcr to 80 fathoms and oflF Cape Cod, in 26 to 50 fathoms (Verrill). Pendleton's Island reefs, and Bar Island, at the mouth of L'Etang Harbour, N.B. (Oanong). Taken on all the fishing banks off Nova Scotia, in 40 to 160 fathoms (Verrill). Common at many localities in the Gulf and mouth of the River St. Lawrence, where it has been collected by Sir J. W. Dawson, the writer, and others. Long Island, Cateau Bay, Ubrador, in 15 fathoms, rare, with Crossaiter pappoM (Packard^. It occurs on the coast of Greenland and northern Europe and is probably circumpolar (Verrill). SOLASTBR Sybtkkcii;,, Verrill. 1894. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.. v,.| xvii., p. 271. "Taken by the U. S. Fish Commission off Cape Cod (Sta. 264) in 80 fathoms; and off Cape Sable, N.S., in 101 f»thoms (Sta. 85, 86, 1877). " Several specimens, received from the Gloucester fishermen, were taken on the fishing banks from George's to Banquereau, N.S." (Verrill, 1895). SoLASTBR Earlii, Verrill. 1879. Amer. Jonm. Sc. and Art.<, Third Series, vol. xvir., p. 473; and (1896) ibid., vol. XLix., p. 200. "Brought by the Gloucester fishermen from several of the banks off Nova Scotia and Newfoundlanl, from N. lat. 45° 25' to George's Bank ; taken mostly in 170 to 300 fathoms " (Verrill, 1895). The species " U allied to S. Dawtoni, Verrill," which was described in the Report of Progress of the Geological Survey of Canada for 1878-79, p. 193b, from a 'i^imen dredged by Dr. G. M. Dawwjn in 1878, at Virago Sound, Graham IsUnd, B.C., in from 8 to 16 fathoms. 4i SI Cromaitu pappmui (O. F*brioiu»). " Oomxon Svn Star." -4»ter»o«^|i|«o«, O. F»hriciiu(17N0). tolaltr poppoiin, Forlw* ( 1830). 0roua4l»r pa/ipuiu, MulUr and Tnwhel (VHO). The Common Sun SUr, with iu twelve to fifteen n,,. i. widely diatrib- uted on both -ide. of the North AtWtic. On the North Americn .ide of tl»t ooeM It it known to range from MMwchuietU fi., to Greenland and to depth from low-water mark to 179 fathom^ u.ually. if not alwayt, on a hard bottom. Stimpmn found it, but not very abundantly, at Grand Manan ; Ganong on the reef, around Pendleton'. Island, in PaeMmaquoddv Bay, and at L'Btang Harboar. Charlotte Co., N.B. ; and Verrill Jy. that it has been found on all the fishtog ground, off Nova Scotia. In the Gulf and mouth o« the River St. Lawrenoe it ha. been oolleoted at or near low- water m-rk, or dredged, at many localities by ^ir J. W. DawK>u OM, Packard, and the writer , and in the Strait of fielle lale and Atiaatio ooaet of Labrador by Packard and the Stearn. expedition Sir J. W. Dawion wya that it h«i been found foMil in the Le la cUy at Montreal, and in the Pleietooene at Grawia Creek, near OtUwa. LopHAaru pobcipbb (Duben and Konn). SoUuttr ftmiftr, Dubai >nd Konm (1844). tofkater furtifer, Verrill (1878). •• Bathymetrical range. 234 to 640 fathom." (180 fathom^ 1883, George'. BMk). <• IUr« ; chiefly northern ; it occur, in moderate depth, in the Gulf Of Maine and off the Nova Scotia coaet " (Verrill, 1896). Family Ptereutm-ido'. PrutAnKR PDLVILLU8, M. Sar* " ^y »' Fundy, 20 &.thom. ; " and " banks off Nova Scotia «»d New- fonndland " (Verrill, 1895). PTkrasteb militaris (Muller). Ateriai mUitarit, Miiller (1776). Pteraiter mUUaru, Muller and Tronohel (1842). Firrt diMovered on the American side of the Atlantic by Dr. Stimpwn who dredged three specimen, in the Hake Bay, Grand Manan, in 35 fathoms, shelly ground, in 1852. Verrill, in 1806, wy, that the specie, is common in the Bay of Fundy, in 10 to 50 fathoms. In the Gulf of St Lawrence specimens of it wer« dredged by the writer in 1871, on the north 8hore, offSawhill Point, in 69 fathom.; in 1872, eight miles wuth-east of Bonaventure Island, in 56 fathoms ; and in 1873, on the Orphan Bank 09 FMniljr Eehinaittridir. Cribrblla pkctikata, VwrilL 1894. Proc. r. 8. N»t. Mu«.. vol. .xvii., ji. 27t<. B*jr of Fund J, in •hallow water, aboat 2C fathonii (Verrill, 1895). Criiirilla SASouiNOLim-A (Miiller). " Evbd Cbibrrlla." Aitmnt lanffaiiiotejUa, Mull«r (l"7fl). Aiteriai oculata, l*i>iin>nt (1777). AUtriai i,MHffiom, O. F«brieiu» (17W) ; and Uiiuld (1841). Liniia oeulnta, Furbea (183i») ; uid .Stiiiipwin (1863). CriUUa oeulata, Forbvii (1841). Mehincuter otmlalMt, Mullvr and Trnachel (1842). Linkia ptrtuta, Htimjmm ilWiS). grkinauter mnt/uinolentut, M. San (1861). CribrtUa tanguitmltnla, LiitliKn (I8iM*). Oribrtlla amlata, IVrrier (1876). Dr. Stimpaon found this species at Grand Manan at low-water mark and at a depth of 30 fathoms, on rocks, in 1862 ; and Professor Uanong says that it is abundant everywhere on the southern coast of New Brunswick. It has been collected or dredged by the wiiter in Northumberland Strait ; by Sir J. W. Dawson, Dr. Bell, Dr. Packard, Profe.ssor Verrill and the writer at many localities in the Gulf and mouth of the River St. Lawrence, and by Packard and the oteams expedition in the Strait of Belle Isle and on the Atlantic coast of Labrador. On the western side of the North Atlantic the species is known to range from Cape Hatteras to Greenland, and from low-water mark to a depth of 471 fathoms. Dr. J. W. Gregory says* that Cribrg/la, Agassiz, is a synonym of Htnrxcia, Gray. Family Pediceflaiteridtr. Pedicellartrr tvpicus, M. Sars. A few specimens that have been identified with this Norwegian species by Professor Verrill, were dredged by the writer in 1872, in the northern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, oflf Cape Gaspe and Cap des Roeiers, in 75 to 80 fathoms. •On page a-W, of Part III., of Dr. E. Ray IjknkmtHrB " Treatise on Zoology." Mi Family SHeAtultrida. SnCHAirai ALBVLl.t (StimpMii). Attrtuantkim mOuliu, 8lim|iK«i {t$m tUeh—ler albulut, Vnrrill (18*6 and 1«86). mtpkanmtUHM alhulm, Verrill ( 1871). Oniid Mmu. "They oooamd moat frwjnently •noax bnnobing nnl- lipoTM, in 4 or fl (athomt, on tb« eMt lidaof thei«Und« "(Htimpww). '• E««t- poct, M*., Mid Onnd Mmm, in 10 to 20 fatbomi, rocky bottomt, and •monif n«UiporM; alio fraqneat at low-water of iprinx tide* among rockt.- "Common from low water mark to 100 fatboa.8 in th« Bay of Fundy and off th« ooaat of Nova Scotia " ( Vwrill). Th« .p«,i<» U know., to range from CapeHatterai to " Greenland, loeland and other parti of the Antio Ooean, and the northern ooaat of Europe," from to 435 fntbomi. Family Atttriida. AiTiMAB FoBsnii (Desor). ^*<«fiK!aiilAwii torbfii, Omut (184H). Arieriat amiailn, Htimpwai (1882). AMcnuanlMon btrplmu$, (L. A«., M. 8.) A. A». (188S). Alerimi Farbai, Verrill (18M). Doaoette hUnd, St Croix River; and shore, of the large inland (tRosers Itland) in Oak Bay, N.B. (Oanong, 1888 and 1889). Ambhia* vtL0ABi8(Stimpson) Verrill. "Stabfish, FivE-rwoM, Cko«8FI8h," AUrraeanthion rubtni, Stiuipion (1«3). Aittria, rulgari,, {Stimrmm. M.S. Packard (1863). No .le«cription AUframntkioH pnjlidu, (L. Ag.. M. 8.) A. Ag. (188S). N„ d«criptioB. Attnat tmlgarii, VerriJl (1866). Dencription. This common large flveraycd starflBh, which, according to 8timp«,n attaint to a diameter of a foot or more, is widely and abundantly distributed throughout the whole of the region now under consideration. It is pre- emmently the common .tariish of the Gulf of St. Uwrenca At Gmnd Manan it has been collected by Stimpson ; in the "Bay of Fundy from above low-water mark to 60 fathoms," by Verrill; in P»8s,traaquoddy Bay by Ganong ; and in Northumberland Strait by the writer. At many localities in the Gulf and mouth of the River St. Lawrence it has been collected by Sir J. W. Dawson, Bell. Packard and Verrill and the writer In the Strait of Belle Isle and Atlantic coast of I^vbrador it has been collected by Packard and the Stearns expedition ; and at the entrance to Hudson Strait by Bell. " Bathymetrical range, to 368 " fathoms • ■KMt •boadanl in 1 u 60 fathoow. " Baloag* to UmooM m«m. " ffiBttmu fwt ci Long laknd to Labrador, in iballow watM* ; in dMp waUr it rang« ■oathward a* far aa off Cap* Hattoraa " ( VanrUl, 1«9»). Arruui niLLiOKViiA, Pnriar. Atlenumitlhi»n ttlluMmra, Pnrivr (IMtt). A^na$ tteHumura, Vtnin (IHT») i and VHrrlll ( 1H7H). " Thii Urge and renMrlcabla apueitm, pnvimtnlj known only from Iceland to Orwnland, was drcdfted by our party on th« iteamar HpMdwell, of th* U.S. PUh Cbmmiaiion, "in 1877, at several localitiea off Nova Scotia, in large numben. "It wa* eapooially abundant off Cape Sable, in 88 to 92 fathoma, Hne compact wind ; and off Halifax, in 100 tathoma, landy mud, where it wai aaaooiated with Artrogonium yranutan, Ilippatltria phrygiana, ArekatUir Partlii, Archaiter arctieut, AtUtdon Saraii, and many other arctic ipecieM " (Verrill, 1878). * Arbrias iiroPLA, Verrill. 1H9B. Amer. .luurn. He. and Art», Third Smv, vol. xtix., p. 90a Off Nova 8cotia, in 63 to 100 fatbonit, two ipecimens (Verrill). A11TBIIU8 POLARIS (MuUer and TrtNchel). AtteraeatUkionpolari; M\xUfr»miTn»eiu^). Attrriat polari; Verrill (INtiO). Ottsp^ Basin, "some small dpecimeos, probably young of this species" (Sir J. W. Dawson, 1858) ; " very abundant along the whole coast " (of the Gusp«5 peninsula) "below Riroouski" (Bell, 1858). Near Cbribou iHland (Packard, 1860); from low water to 20 fathoms, at Anticosti Island, also dredged in 1 5 fathoms on a rocky bottom at Mingan Inland, by the Anticosti expedition in 1861 (Verrill). Square Txland anH Hopedale, on the Atlantic coast of Labrador (Packard) 1864. This common, large and six-rayed northern species has since been found at many localities in the Gulf and mouth of the River St. Lawrence by Sir J. W. Dawson and the writer. Verrii; says that it ranges from George's Bank to Greenland, in from to 60 fathoms, and that it i is been taken by the Gloucester fishermen "on all the banks " foff Nova Scotia, >' Gr,mlandica " (Verrill, 1895). ^ ^ """^ '" ^■ ' A.«erica., .(ouraal of .Scient* .nd A^. .M«rch, 18«i, Thir.1 Srri^voTi^x 1- P 211. 'I, if OuiiiiA AmiitcAiiA, ViKRiti, Britittga Amerintivi, V *ft4). OpKiof/lypK*i fill rati, Lyniai <1H<}5' Qraad Manan. Thia ■peci)>» in luach larger than" O. rohutla, "of a bluiah-gray colour «>▼• and white bek>w." "It ia alM very differpiit in atation, being found d by the writer in 1871. In fresh specimens taken at this locality the upper surface of the diitk varied in colour from grayiah or ash coloured, to greenish, purplish, ur even liright red. Packard found this •pecies at Catenu ;!ay, Ivong Island, r i the Atlantic onst of Labrador, of large size, in 15 fathoms, on a sandy (H>ttom. Mib Bush says that two specimens were taken in 10 fathoms iit Henley Hiirbciur (Chateau liay, on the north side of the Strait of Belle Isle) byth«' steams expedition in 1882 ; Dr. Bell collected it at Port Burweli, Hud» • Strait, in 1884, and it b^a been found at (Greenland. Professor Verrili jiys that he hu* seen a few four-armed speeiuien^ of it from off Nova Si'tmu. According to Sir J. W. l»aws()ri, it has been found fiiMsil in the Ledu clay of St. John, N.B , by Dr. O. F. Matt^«w. i 58 Ophiooitpha BOB08TA (Ayres). Ophiopkolit nlmta, Aym (1888). Ofkiogli/rka nbuta, Lyman (186ft). B.y, in 20 to 50 fathouu^ in 187? llurB„!h . ■**"* *" ^"^ marlc to 220 fathoms or more P**^ '~°' '»"-''•*•' r I Opkiooltpba Stdwitzi (Lutken). Ophiura StuwiUi, T.utkeii (1KW>. Ophioglnpha Uum'.., Lyman (18B5). Dat ""*!! "'^"'I' '*"^»^ """"^ J"^" »^' ''^ Murray Bay bv Sir J W Daw«>n. ha, been identified with this .pecie. by P,«W VerriU OpHiontYPHA NODOSA (Lutkpn). Ophiura nodoia, Lutken (1857). Ofkioglypha nodota, Lyman (1886). not occur in Sti™p«,„., ...Synopsis of the M •lrw;eb"u To '"!! Manan." nor in (ianong's .. Echin.xiermata af New BrunsSc"^ ^*' Ophioolvpiia 8I0XATA, V'errill. 1882. Amer. Ha and Art.. Third Seri™. vol. xx>.i.. p. 230. " Bay of Pundy, and off Nova Scotia ' (Vorrill). 09 Familjr Ampkiuridte. Amphiura Scitdbvalli (Muller and Troschnl). Opkioltpu SundevaUi, MuUitr and Trowhel (1842). Amplnum BolMli, Lit Icxn (18U). Amfkiura SundetvUi, Ljungnuui (1866). "Found in 15 fathoms at Cateau Baj," Long Island, ^^brador, "on a Mutdy bottom," in 1864 (Packard) ; and by the Stearns expedition at Henley Harbour, Chateau Bay, in 10 to 15 fathoms (Miss Bush). A very slender and fragile brittle star, dredged abundantly in the deep sea mud (180-300 fathoms) to the south and south-east of the Island of Anticosti, was referred to A. HothoUi, by the writer, in 1871, but Professor Verrill, in 1873, thought it " near Ophiopeltit borealU, San," which Lyman says is an Amphiura. Verrill, however, in 1899, gives the Gulf of St. Lawrence aa the locality for A. Sundevalli. Amphiura exigua, Verrill. 1899. TniM. Conn. Ac. Art* and So., vol. x., p. 311. Gulf of St. Lawrence (Verrill). Amphiura Canadensis, Verrill. 1899. Idem, p. 311. Gulf of >t. Lawrence (Verrill). AMPiiiPiioua BLEnANB (Leach). Ofhiura elegant, Leacli (1816). OfKioeunui tieijlerta, Fnrbeii (1841). Opkiolepit teniiii, Ayres (18fi2). Amphiura trnuit, Lyman (1860). Amphium tquaiiuUn, Lyman (1865) non Delia Chiage, trste Ljungman. Amphipholit dttj(in$, Vprrill (1873). Grand Manan, " among nullipore.s l)elow low-water mark, frequent" (Htimp- ■on) ; " Bay of Fuudy, low-water to 60 fathomH, common " (Verrill 1872). Gulf of 8t. Lawrence, between Anticosti and the Oasp^ peninsula, in 210 fathoms, one specimen (Whiteaves, 1873). "Off New Jersey to the Arctic Ocean "(Verrill, 1872). I •0 Ophiophouh ACULBATA (L). A^, «,jrf^„, ,L) om-lin (1788) , ad. Lynun. AMtrvu o/ktura, O. F»briciM (1780). <^wni Wiif, Fleming (1828). (^ioMma 4e«M, Forbe. (1841). 2*'0<9« «c been dodged or oth.rwi« coll«,te; b^Z. B Bell, the writer and others. ' OoRGONocBPHALO. Lamabckii (Muller and Trowhel). Atropki/tm Umankii, Muller and TroKhel (1848). OorgotuxtfKaliu Lanartkii, Lyman (1882). - Family Aatronyeid• '•*• "' 3' N., long. 63- (LyLt °' ""•"*"> •" *** ***^°»-' K^^-l ^d 'ton- ECHINOIDEA. DIAOBMOIDA. Family Strongyloeentrotidoe. STBOKOrLOCBNTKOTUS DHOBAQHIMIStt (Miiller). Eckinw Drobaehientit, Miiller (1776). Eekirmt negltclut, Lamarck (1816). tekinw, gnnHlari,, Say (1827) ; non Umarck. Sekinut ffranulatut, Gould (1841). TncnpneutUt Droharkin$i,, L. Agaaeix (1846). Xuryeekimu Dnbackirruii, Verrill (1866). Strtmgvlotentntut IhnhackicntU, A. AgaiiM (1872). The common »» urchin of the Bay of Pundy and Oulf of St Uwrence which ., abundi^t throughout the whole region. e.pecially in very ZZ water. In the Bay of Fundy. Profe«or Verrill «y.'that i't ran^^ifde^th f«.m low-water mark to 109 fathom., and in the Oulf of St. liTrence ift very common a little below low-water mark or in le« thaTlO "^1; thongh * few very amall but living ■peoinMna wen dredged by the writar at vMioos looalitiee, in 20, 30, 56, 60, 7ft to 80 and 110 fathoms, in 1872. The speoiee ia oironmpolar, and, on the western side of the Atlantic, ranges from New Jersey to the Arotio Ocean. Sir J. W. Dawson says that it oconrs rai'ely as a fossil in the Lieda clay of Riviire da Loup, Beauport, St. Nicholas and Montreal. CHATHOSTOMATA. Family Seutetlidae. EcHiiTARACHHiDB PABHA (Lamarck). Seutella parma, Lainarek, (181(>). Sekinaraehniu$ parma, Onjr (182.')). Sehinaraehniui dUantieu$ (Gny) 8tiiupM>n (1853). Common in the Bay of Fundy, Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Gulf and mouth of the River St Lawrence, and Strait of Belle Isle, from a little below low-water mark to 15 fathoms, usually upon sabdy bottoms. South- ward, it is known to range to Chesapeake Bay, and to 100 fathoms or more in depth. It u common also on both sides of the north Pacific. ATBL08T0MATA. Family Spatangidte. SoHiZAaTBR PRA0ILI8 (Duben and Koren). Dredged by the S& Bache, of the U. S. Fish Commission, in 1872, "in the centre of the Bay of Fundy, east of Grand Manan, in 95 to 106 fathoms " { Verrill). In the Gulf of St Lawrence adult and living specimens of it were dredged by the writer in 1871, : 372 and 1873, at several localities to the north-east, south-east anJ south of the Island of Anticosti, in from 100 to 300 fathoms. PLATYHELMINTHBS. TURBELLARIA (PLANARIANS).* DBNDROCiELA. Family Leptoplanidm. Leptoplaka bllipsoidbs, Oirard. Grand Manan, " found at low-water, under stones, in 4 fathoms, nulli- pores, and in 30 fathoms shelly bottom " (Stimpson). Le Have Bank, Nova 'Extracted klmo«t exduaively from Profeuor VerrillV paper on the " Marine PUnarians of New England," in the Truiaactiong of the Connecticut Academy of Arti and Science*, ToL vni., pp. 459-Sao, publiihed in December, 1892. ?n!!^J".i" ^^}T^ «~^"y "«' 'tony bottom, U. 8. Fid, CommiMkm, 1873 (Smith and Harger). "™— wu, •• Oulf of at Lawrwc to Cmco B.y, low-w.ter to 60 fathom.. Common »t BMtport, Me.. Md Grand Manan, N.B., 1862 to 1872. at low-water mark under Mone^ in tide-pooU and at all depth, down to 40 fathom., on .toav bottom.. Halifax, N.S., 8 to 10 fathom., 1877 " (Verrill). Family Planaridm. Fovu ArriiTM ((Er.ted). doubtfully to thu .peoie.) at Eaatport, Me., and Grand Manan, N B dnr- ing many seasomi spent in .tudying the fauna of that region " ( VerrUl). Procbrodu olv* ((Enttid). "New Haren to Bay of Fundy. Found near low-water mark, under .tones and m tide-pooU, amouK algas" (Verrill). ACaCLA. Family Aphtmogtoma. Doubffvl Sp«eus. TrpHLocoLAx ACVTV. (Girard). T^pkMepla acuta (Oiraid) Stimpnn (1853). Tifphoeolax aeutut, Verrill (1892). Grand Manan, "found in considerable number, creeping over the surface of Chxrodota lam* " (StimpKin). NEMBRTEA.* E»OPLA. Family AmpAiporUke. Amphipobus akoulatus (Fabricins). flateiola angulata, O. Fabricina, in O. F. MuUer (1774). Ptanaria angutala (Falwioiu.) MiUler (177Int<,h (1873) , .nd VerriU (1879). ««co»nK,nonthe«h«.«oftheBayofFundy"(Verri;iT " Amphipobus R08KC8 (Miiller). fiuetola rcKa, Muller (I774). «OFior»o nMM, Muller (1776). .4mp4i|M>ruj rtMnu, Vnrill (1882). 112 """Jvef^fn*" ?!' °' '"-'"^■' '" ^•"-' '-»>■•»■-' 'o-ater to lai^noms (Vernll). The specimen- described in Pi«f««i„. i- -n. paper ve« taken „ff Grand ManaTin 112 t.Zu^iaJ^''^ '•'™"' Amphipobub A01U8, VerriU. Opkionemerte, agilit, VerriU (1873). •^ wp* iporan oj/i/,'., VerriU ( 1879 1. " Bay of Pundy. 10 to 90 fathoms " (VerriU). AMPHiPOBUsa) suPBBBus (Giranl). Hareda tuprrba (Oirarrt) Stiinp«on (18M) AmiJi,ponu(?) mperliut, VerriU (1802). ':rand Manan, "dredged in 35 fathoms in the Hake Bav " h, «..■ but not since met with at this locality by Verrill ^' ^ •*""' Tbtbastemma c^-„n., « Fabricius?) M'lntoeh :..v«™«f -■ ^SgViBSS»tf&iVm«aSrJD I ( TRMtriHitA tumminiM (Oiiwii) 8tim|mm. ^PjoB^b.1 Dot iaol.d«d b, Vtrtll to hi. pi4»r «, th. N.w EngUnd TmAtmiMA riTTATUM, Varrill. Fanilj DrtpanopKorida. DurARoraoBua LAVKnTCRi, Habnobt. H.1L8. ChMiXngmr. Sution 49 (M.jr 20, 1878), mixth of HJif*,. Not. oootia, la 80 fothoaw, gnrtl knd stonM (Hnbraobt). AiroriA. Fcmiljr LintitUt. LiNivs viRiDis (FabrioiM). ««.n. -•^••1*"»WW».) Mtllhr(im«K! 1777), .vd F.brid . (17«0). iWia o6kii» (OitMd) Stimima (18U) , no daoriptii n. Lmeut viridit, Johiuton (186S) j et maet ,„'.'**'*"*' ^^ ««""'« "^ *•» «"t •»b«gion c- the litb.nJ »ne " ^umknt «d Urg. at E«itport, Me., «,d »t all loclitiea .boat the B.y of Jfundy where the shore u oompoeed of rooki " (Verrill). Lisfivs SAxauiMRDs (Rsthke/. nnuria mnguiiua, Ssthke (1799). Lineui mnguinetu Mlntoah (1873). " Grand Mmm, between tide^ in 1870 and 1872, common " (Verrill). Lisna aocuLM (Leidy). ITemtrtet toeia/u, Leidjr (1866). Lineui kkMu, ^'errill (1898). Bay of Fundy, a - .trictly littoral .pecies," which " occurs abundantly and usually gr^nou^ly under stones, among living mu.«,l., between the roots of gr««s and ^ig«, etc., from near low-water mark nearly up to high-water mark of mediun: tides " (Verrill). 17 (Ummt mmoATut (Habndit). OintrMuhu (nMMlM^ Habneht (UK). **•««« Inmcadu, VwriU (ugt). dM«ripttoa of C«..Ar.ha« ,runcatus to dUtingutah it fra. Lin^ viridi^ wbioh oftMt oontneti into th* mom fom.) HioBUBA Amni (Oinud). '*•«<*'»<• qjlnii (Oinrd) Stimpwn (US». Jr«»i«rfMn|ri»<«, V«rrill (1874). Mitrum ^fini4, VmrUl (1879). OfMd M«M^ "in the iMinariM -m." (Stiapwi.). " V«y comnwn from off Cpa Cod Md MM«ohumu 8.7 to Kov. 8ooti«, in 8 to 100 fathonu or morvon O^llj ««1 .tony bottom.. It i. pwtioulTly common in th. Bay of Fuady. th, Wbour of E-tport. M...'^^ th, other cold .W'1vtSu7"^ ''"" Jt i. .bo offn found nt low-wfr mark under HiCRURA BUBKA, VerrilL CUBBRATCLCa FUiODS (Fkbridui). nmana/utea, O. Fabridiu (1780). UeeUia olivaeta, Rtthkc (18«S). C«(v6ni(u{iu^i aiMoifw dwcribed .bore." (Verrill.) FMnily Ctphdoihrieidtr. CiPRALOTHBU UHURM (Rathke). rtwMW* liimru, Rathk* (ITIB). Cil*a/»*M 6iwMi«rMi ImMiMi FloBiBt, ot kuot. (VMrill). Onuid Mmuui, "ioand ohMy on HartvUria mmI oUMreoratliiiM " (SUmp- ■on) ; B«7 of Fundjr, 10 toSOfathooM, oa bydroidi (Varrill) ; Lt Hsr* BmUi. M.S., in 45 {•thooM, U. U. FUh Oommiwion. 1873, (Smith and Hftrgw) ; Oulf of 8t. LawrMuw, at Oaap^ B»y mm! inanj other loMlitiM, oollaotMl hy Bir J. W. Drwmii, Dr. R. B«ll Mid tha writ«r ; Hanley Harbour, Strait of B«ll« Ial«^ at a depth of 4 fathom/i, on algw (Packard). Foatil in the Pleiatooen* deponita at Riviira du Loup, oa tba iniida of •halU (8ir J. W. Dawiou). This iiprcies fornu tinall, traniluoent, gloaay, re^enad spiral tubaa. oollad in an al^vatad spira, the last whurU uaually turned up, or even erect and fiee(Verrill).» Spirokiu TiTRBi's (Fabriciui). aerpula ritrta, O. Fkbrieiiu (1780). SpirorHi vilreuM, Dawnn (IWO) ; et kimt. Unvnd Manan, on a J'eottn in 20 faUioow (Stimpaon) ; Oaaptf (Bell), Little M^tii (Sir J. W. Dawson), Strait <>f Belle lalp, in 40 to SO fathoma, and along the whole ooaat of Labrador (Packard) ; Qreeuland (Fabriciua). Aa a Pleiatocene fosail thii Hpecies haa been found at Riviire dn Loup, Murray Bay, Beanport and Montreiil (Hir J. W. Dawaon). **S. vitrtu* ii like S. nni$trortu§" (now called S. vUtmu), "a rcTeraecl q)ecie«, but is thick, wmi-traDsparent, and ha* the whoria oloaely crowded, and in adult shells turned up and aomewhat narrowed and thickened at the mouth, A group of these Hhells looks like a number of small drops of glaaa that had fallen on a stone and cooled there " (Sir J. W. Dawson) t Spisorbh CANCBLLATC8 (Fabricius). Serpula eaneeUata, O. F»briciiu (ITHO). Spirorbil eanetUala, Dswiod (IBflO). Abundant at depths of leas than 100 fathoms at many localities in the Oulf and mouth of the River St. Lawrence, where it has been dredged by Sir J. W. Dawson, Dr. R. Bell and the writer. Strait of Belle lale, on a atony bottom, —and common on the whole coast of Labrador (Packard) ; Ureenlaad, (Fabricius). * U. H. Fish Commiwion, Raport for 1871 imA 1872 (187S), page 022. t Cluuuliiui Nstunliit and Oeologiit (1880), vol v., p. 26. ^^rt't^'^'^.'' '\'^^. ***^ ^J-^-u^ •».«>. ^ b^ BrtMuit osAiniLATVi (Mttlhr). *rM. ffrun-zM^ turn, (i7T«) ; mrI o. r»htitim iirm. Am dMTp .lerMMi ridg- on tbe uppr .1,1. • - p.brioli -h. found itln •Ulk, ud dx r**pirMof7 B«iii«i»U."« j-i^ «■ • non SnMOKBM nABixATfa, Moiit*«(u. J» (UaO). "jJrfwW. ««r.-nato (Moot.) i. . d«,p w.t«r ,peoiw, ..ic«,ly .lUed t« .v --^-aufaOf not . r«4.ty of it. It - dtotioguinhcl .. . L^l 7r rid.e 8 T^rnn^ruct 8ti«p«», Young .helK on the L. handT-^no -/^"t^ «-ooll«^lo„.o* Mr. Bell of the (,«.,ogl»i 8„r..v, J 1 riMlUwdHon,.. ItWMfo«,d.tUb«dorbyMr.Crpenter. I .!«, h^e |too » .tone fkm up fn«. th. B«k. of Newfoundland by . li.herm.n'. J«k. «d printed to «• by A. Dick«,n. E.q." (Sir J. W. D.w«.n 1860, Canad. Nat. and Oeol., vol. t.. p 26) """on, More r«*ntly, in 1893. Sir J. W. D.w«» «y. of this .pecie. : Thi. ■• i. S. i^^' «»«/ortup/i<»tk(> VALiDva, Varrill. IWl Tima*. Oam. Aoad. Arta and Ma, vnl. ill., f, 44. 1« Hava Bank, naar C»pa Habia, Nova 8«otia, in 4S and 80 fathoaa, U. H. Fiah Oommiaaion, 1872 (Haith and Uargar). Vbbnilia aiBRULA, Stinpaon. 18SI. SjmoiM. M*rine Inrnt. iSrsnd Maabn, p. 39. Grand Manan, " fraqaent on the taat of Aieidia ecUUta, and loaietimaa oa Paotena from daap water " (Stinpaon). Since drt^ged at many localitiea in tha Oalf and mouth of the River St Lawrence, at moderate depths, attached to itonea, shelli, Jcc, by 8ir J. W. Dawson, Dr. R. Bell and the writer ; alio in t':< Htrait of Belle lale, at a depth of 50 fathomti, by Packard. e'oitiil al Utvi6re >^\i Loup, on sheila, Sir J. W. Dawson ; who thinks that it ia '' •<<.■'-: ti^.>ly the Greenland speciea identified by Fabrioiua with Stryula Protdla media, Stimpson. '.J&. Synopi. Msrine Invert. OnnH Manan. p. .tO. '':r..{''' lu Ml "on muddy and gravelly bottoms in the coralline zone, »^U.'-;'t .'inont invariably to dead valves of Pwten Magdlanicui" (Stimp- lon). Off Uranii Manan, 30 to ttd fathomii (Verrill). Protdla Americana, M'Intosh. 18X&. H.M.a Clulltingsr Reporta, Zoolagy, vol. xii., p. 513. H.M.S. Challenger, Station 49 (May 20, 1873) south of Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 85 fathom-, gravel and stoneti. n Fudly StMiUm. Sabuxa patorira, Savigny. Orwid Muun (Stimpwa) ; Oalf of St Lswnmoe. off Ckn A^ B~- Sabblla zobaui, Stimpwn. 1868. Synoia. Marine In»m. Qnwd Muiu, p. aa OfMd M.nan, "in four f.thom« wnong nulliporw, the mecimw. t^» Uvmg th«r tab« thickly coated with mud " (StimpTn). ^^"™" **^" PoTAMiLLA ocoLiFBBA (Leidy). SabOla oexdiftn, Leidy(18B6). PatamiUa aeulifim,, Vsrrill (1873). " ^y o' Fundy, from lowwater mark to 60 fathoms " (Verrill • -h« ^^ that t i. "clo«ly reUted to/'. «,i/.r.i.of northern l^^^S^ll Identical with it)." Le Have Bank, off Cape Sable. N 8 ^„ iv/T ^ U. a Pi.h Commi«ion, 1872 (Smith and H^^^^ ^ ' " *' ''"•"""^ PoTAMiLLA iTBOLrciA, Malmgnsn. abundant, U. 8. Puh Commi«ion, 1872 (Smith and Hai^r). PoTAMiLLA ToBBLti, Malmgren. H.Bta Challenger. Station 49 (May 20, 1873) wnth of Halifk, v„.. Scotia, in 8S fathom., gravel and .tone. (M-IntoehV Chobb iRFUHDtBuuroBMU, KrOyer. Dredged by the writer in 1872, in the Gulf of St. T.iiwr.».w. Rby 8.ofC.pd. Rosier., inllOfathou..clfL^Jd.rnrT:i: from Cap dee Rosier., in 160 to 170 fathom., mud and .tone.. Family Terebellidte. TsBBBFLLiDB. Stbouiii, M. Sars. Bayof Pnndy, 10 to 90 fathoms, muddy bottom (Verrill) • Onlf of 8t Lawrence, dredged by the writer in 1871 at variou. localTil L th/ LI .outh and .outh^east of the Land of Antiocti, in f^^Xt Ua fLro^t' 73 AkTACAMA PH0B08C0IDBA, MalmglWIl. Dnxlged by the writer in 1873, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, a little to the north of the Bue des Chalenra, between Cap D'Eipoir and Grand Paboo, in 60 fathoms. Tbilbpds cmciifiiAToa (Fabricius). AmtkilriU tinnnnata, O. Fabrioiiu (1780). Lumarajlam, Stimpmn (18M) ; fide Verrill. Tkekput cineinnatiu, Mklmgren (1867). Grand Manan, "dredged in 35 fatboms in the Hake Bay. Tube* thin, of a light-yellowiih colour, usually with pebbles attached to the outer surface " (8timp«)n). Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, in 45 to 60 fathoms ; U. 8. Fish Commiasion, 1872 (Smih and Harger). Gulf of St. Lawrence, north, south and south-east of the Island of Anticosti, in from 100 to 1 1 2 fathoms, dredged by the writer in 1871. Thubpdb oihoinmatus, var. CAKADRmis, M'Intosh. H.M.S. ClwUentter ReporU, Zuoiugy, vul. x.'i.. p. 46H. H.M.S. Challenger, Sution 48 (May 8, 1873) near Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, 01 fathoms, rock (M'Intosh). Tbrbbblla brurnea, Stimpson. 186R. Synopa. Marine Invert Kmnd Msnui, p. 31. Grand Manan. " It inhabits thick-walled tubes, formed of mud a >•] und, which are found in great numbers on the under xurfacea of large sto^-cs, near low-water mark " (Stimpaon). Amphitrite cirriiata (Muller) Packard. "Caribou Island, Strait of Belle Isle, eight fathoms, sandy bottom. Catean Harbour, Long Island. Common along the whole coast " of Labra- dor. " It constructa ita tubes of fine sand " (Packard). GRVM.CA SPIRALIS, Verrill. 1874. Amer. Journ. 8c. snd ArU, Third Serien, vol. vii., p 407. " Dredged in 1872, off Grand Manan Island, Bay of Fundy, in 60 fathoms " (Verrill). :i '] H nmUy An^hnrHUIm. MuMirA omwTATA (San). a^itllidfM eriMata, M. Sui (I8M). JfefiniM criilala, Halmirmn (186S). B»y al Fondy, on muddy bottoms, in 10 to 90 &tbrmi (V«rrill). AifPHABni Geobxi, Maimgren. Henley H.rbour, 8tr«t of Belle We. in 4 fothoM, not nnoommon (Packard). Ahprarbtb graciur, Malmgreu. Bay o« Fundy, 10 to 90 fathoma < Verrill;. Family Amphietenida. ClrrSNIDU OKANOLATA (L). PteUnaria Oranhndiea, Orube. Common throughout the entire region, and northward, fr«m near low- water mark to a depth of 50 fathoms, or mor«>. CigTRNiDU BTPUBOREA, Malmgren. Dredged by the writer, in 1873, in the Gulf of St. Lawmnce, a little to ttie north of the Baie de« Chaleurs, between Cap D'Eepoir (Despair) and Grand Pabou, in 50 fathoms, also between Antioosti and the Gasp,? peninsula in from 110 to 220 fathoms. i««"nsuja, Family Ammoehartdee. OwMfiA (or AiiMocHARis) FILIF0R1II8, Delia ChiaJH. Dredged by the writer, in 1873, to the S.S.W. of the e^t point of . ^"^^ '"^ '''°'* ' '**'"*'' ^'"■* H"^ .j of fine sand, a little more than a line in thickness and two and a half inches long" (Packard). AxiOTRBA catb<;ata, Malmgren. Dredged by the writer, on the Bradelle Bank, in 1873. Clthinklla torquata (Leidy). CTymene lorquata, Leidjr (1805). Cl^metuUa lorqttalo, Verrill (1873). Bay of Fundy, low-water to 60 fathoms (Verrill). Maldanb Sabsii, Malmxren. Gulf of St. Lawrence, dredged by the writer and determined by Professor M'Intosh. ; ! '?! 7« Family CimUulidm. OnBATOLDs oiMHATDi (Fabrioiiu). Zmmkritut eirratUM, O. Fahrioim (1780). TtrtbtUa eirrata, StimpwD (18SS). OirratMlut eimla, Paokwd (1867). r.s„r" °"^ "^ «» *"- *--■ ?^) rjTjs Family Sjnonidai. ScoLBcoLiPw ciBRATA (Sara). Var. Serine eirrata, M. San (1886). SeoUeottpit eirrata, MalmKren (186ft) PRI0S08PI0 SittHgTRDPi, MalmgrBn. Dredged by the writer in the deep «•« mud (from 110 to 220 #.»i. . between Antieoeti«»d the Oa,p^ ^ninaul., in ms L^ ?» u ^ Bradelle Bank and Mi«»n I,Und^ ^45 fath^ m^uTaLd liTma^ POLTDAEA COIfCHARCH, Verrill. 1880. Proc. U.S. Nat Muwnim, vol. i,., p. 174. loiT'J **""""? *"*'°"«*'''"*"'''"""<^P« Cod '«»» 10 to 100 fathoms, m tortuou., narrow galleries ex«vaf«l in .». ,,'*'"' ^^ ^ C^na fslandica . alao in decayrj^ dZ^ ii 3, S "^f '^ "' C^ Collected by the writer in the Bav oTS^J i^^f ""^f ,^r 18'- and subsequently at various localities whirJrSJi^'^i^the U J Commusion in 1872. 1875. 1^77. 1878 «.d 1879" (Ve,^,,). ^ *"• Family Cheetoptgritke. 8wocH«TOPTBBU8 TTPicus, Sars. Chateau Bay. Strait of Belle Isle, in 30 to 40 fathoma h»«l . -i u "Several fragments of tube, were llao found fo^Tn^ T ^ '*'*°"'' at Caribou Island " (Packard). ^ q^ternwy beds 77 Funily TaUthuia. Abcmioola pucatobom, Lunarck. Orwid M»n»n, " oommon on »ndy shore* above low-water mwk, especially where there are scattered boulders » (Stimpson). "A specimen was foand in the st03iach of a codfish, taken in 16 to 20 fathom^ at Belles Amours," on the northern side of the Strait of Belle Isle (Packard). Familj CMwamidas. SiPHONOsTOMUM ASPKRUM, Stimpson. 1863. Synop*. Marine Invert. Grand Manan, p. 31. Grand Manan Island, "dredged in the Hake Bay, on a shelly bottom, in 25 fathoms " (Stimpson). Salmon Bay, east of Esquimaux Bay, on the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, just insideof the Strait of Belle Isle, " at a depth of 10 fathoms, on a muddy bottom " (Packard). TlCTUBELLA FLACCIDA, StimptiOn. 1853. 3yno|w. Marine Invert. Grand Manan, p. 32. Grand Manan TsUnd, "among nullipores and sheik in 3-16 fathoms. A few specimens, which must be very closel)' allied to, if not identical with the Siphonottonmm vagini/erum of Ralhke, described at length by R. Leuokart, in Wiegman's Archiv. for 1849, vol. i., p. 1P4 " (Stimpson). Brada grakosa, Stimpson. IS.T.T Synope. Marine Invert. Grand Manan, p. 32. Grand Manan, " on sandy bottoms in 4-6 fathoms " (Stimpson). Brada 8VBL.i;vi8, Stimpson. 1863. Op. cit„ p. 32. Grand Manan, "dredged on nullipore and muddy bottoms in the lami narian zone" (Stimpson). Trophovia plumosa (Miiller). AmphitrUe plumaa. Milliter (1770): and f). FabrioiuH (1780). Trovkonui plumnm, Johnatnn (I8«i,"i). Hiplmiiubmium plumoium, P.ickanl (18«7). Off Cap dea lUwiers lighthouce, in 125 fathoms, dredged by the writer in 1871. 'Dredged at Caribou Islam!, in 8 fathoms of water, on a sandy bottom," by Dr. A. «. PackarrI in 1860, and determined by the late Dr. Stimpson. rmMj Spharodoridm. EmMIA OBAOIUl, IUtbk«L Oulf of St. UwTMuw, off Cq> dM Romra lighthooM, in 1S6 UOtoaiM, drtdgad by the writer with the preoeding epeoiea. Another ipeciei ofX/AMia (appkrently from the writer's dredging* in the Oelf of St I^wrenoe) i* mentioned ont not doMsribed, under the nune X. CmmidtniU, by ProieeMir M'Intoeh, on page 362, of the twelfth volame of the Zoological Reporto ol H.H.S. Challenger. Family SealU>rtgmida. EnMuu OU88A, CEnted. Dredged by the writer, in 1878, between Antioosti and the Oatp^ penin- rala, in from 110 to 230 fathome. SoAUBBIOItA IRFLATUM, Rathke. Dredged by the writer, with the preceding ipeoies, in deep water, between ▲ntiooati and the Qaap^ penineola, in 1872 ; aUo, on the Orphan Bank, in 1873. Family OpMiida. AmioTRTPANC AULOoAsrut, Rathke. Oulf of 8t Lawrence, off Cap dea Rosiera lightbouae, in 125 fathoms, and at oeveral localitiee to the north, south and south-east of the Island of Anticosti, in from 100 to 113 fathoms, dredged by the writer in 1871. AmmotrtI'ave fimbriata, Verrill. 1873. V. a Fi•^ Ocanm. Rep. for 1871-72, p. 004. Bay of Pundy, 10 to 9') fathoms mud (Verrill). Ophelia limaciha, Rathke. N.N.E. of ShediM Island, N.B.. in 5 fathoms, sand, dradged by the writer in 1873. Opbblia olabka, Stimpaon. 1868. Syoopa. Murina Invert. Uruid Muun, p. TO. Grand Manan, " dredged on muddy bottoms in deep water " (Stimpgon). 79 FsBily Arieiida. NAtooimiii qcAOMcuspiiu, fiUinvUU (Ada Yerrill). ArMm pia i H n ufi t {f) Onib* i Ada 8tim|Moii (IMS). Onnd Mmimi, "the imAll upeoimra taken wm too naob injoNd for ««tMnt7 ai reference " (StimpMu). SooMPLoa OAXADiiran, M'Intoab. (M. &) Off Ptort Hood, G«pe Breton lalMd, dredged by the writar in 1873. Family Glyetrida. Rbtnchobolob capitatui ((Ersted). Wyctm eapiUla, (Ented (1»IS) ; and 8tiin|Mou (WW). JtfcjnwAoMiM capitatui, Verrill (1874). Orutd Manan, "at lev- water mark, under atonea, on aandy ahoraa " (Stimpaon). Family Goniattidot. GoiriADA MACULATA, (Ented. aiimera viridtteetu, Stin.^iMn (I8fi3) ; fid* Verrill. Grand Manan (8timp«on) ; Bay of Fundy, 20 to 70 fathoma (Verrill) ; off Chebucto Head, Halifax 20 fatboma, U. 8. Fish Commiaaion, 1873 (Smith and Harger). Gulf of .St. Lawrrnoe, at aeveral localitiea to the north, south and south-east of the Island of Anticosti, in from 100 to 112 fathoma, dredged by the writer in 1871. Family OnupMida. Lbodice vivida (Stiinpnon). Kuniec vivula, 9timpn (1W3)s «dr Vmill. Grand Manan, "at low-wat«r, under large itonea " (Stimpion). New Haven, at low-water, northward to I^brador (Verrill). Nrrkib abvuicou, Stimpeon. 186S. Hynupk Marine Invert. Unnd Muuui, p. 8S. Urand Maiwn, in 40 fathoma mud, ofif Long IMand (Stimpson). Nrhiii irii, .Stiropaon. 1868. Op. cit., |). S3. Grand Manan, in 20 fatbomt, north of Ducic Iiland. " It wa« found in a thin leathery tube, encased with small pebbles " (Stimpson). Nbhbis dbkticulata, Stimpaon. 1863. Op. cit., p. SS. Grand Manan, at low-water mark (Stimpaon). Family Syllidm. ED»ri.U8 TUBinx, Gosae. H.M.8. Challenger, dredged near Station 48 (May 8, 1873)off Le Have Bank, Nova Sootia, on a rocky bottom, in 61 bthoms (M'Intoah). Family Pk^llodocidtr. Etbonb ctundrica, (Ersted. North shore of the dtrait of Belle Isle, at Belles Amours, in 6 fathoms of water, on a mudr'y bottom ^Packard). 6 M Prtuoooci Umiiilavdioa, CEntod Orand Mmmii, "not «iM)oaiiiH» in 3ft fetbonM, •bally bouaa, bMk of Vuek Iriutd, A l»rg» fariKht git>Mi (poeiM" (SUmpMia). Pn>qMnt At OMibov lalMid, in 8 fothoma Mnd ; M Uelle* AaMwra, in ft fsUMnia, mud : •nd •! Hquara Iiland, Uhr»dor, in 10 to 30 ImIhmm, on • aholW >«tloai (FMkard). Phtllooocii catkkula, Verrill. 1WS, V. H. Kirfi C<«iBi. Kop. dw Wt Mil IdTa, |>, BUT. '* Vary common in Uie Etejr u( Fundjr, from Kiw-wntor to 60 fathom*" (Vwrill). Fnmily A'epthpdidir. Nkphthti ciliata (Mtiller). JTertii rilinla. O, K. MulW (l~6). Ittrktkf korralit, (Kntort (IIMS). Sepktkm cUMn, IUtlikr|ta«). Grand Msnui, dredxad in Sft fathom* mud, n^«r Ilxck Taland, and in 40 iRtboma mud, off Long laland. "The Kpeciraon* found were mo*tly jot bUch ;8timp«on). (Julf of 8t Uwrenco, abundant, dredfued hj the writer and identiflod hj Profe*wr M'Intosh. NcPiiTHva o*.<;a (Fabriciu*). Nrrtit mca. <). Fkbridiu (1780). Kepktk), eina, (KihUkI (IHtt) ; et »uct. Gulf of St. Lawrence, dredged by the writer and identified by Pnifesaor M'lntoah. " Abundant on the whole ooaat " (of the north ahore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, ju»t initide of the Strait of Belle Isle, and of Ijibrador). "eapecially the young, which were dredged in deep, soft mud, in Halmon Bay and Belles Amour*," P. Q., "in from fi to 20 fathoms, and at Cateau Harbour,' Labrador, " in 16 fathoms, aand. Chateau Bay, 30 fathom*, hard «andy bottom " (Packard). Nrphthtr LOMOiaBTOHA, (Ented. "Off Anticosti, Mr. Whiteaves" (M'lntosh): and dredged by Packard at B«'lles Amours, at a depth of 6 fathoms, on a muddy Ijottoro. MRnmin iscim, MAlagnw. Sifklkf Mfxu, HtinpHia i U> VvniU. OrMMl Manaa, in d««p w»t«r, ona ipraimen (Httafwoa). Baf of Fundf, 10 to 60 fatboma, Vorrill ; whv My* that it ii ib« "moat oommon and abundant aparitta on muddy bottoma along the whola Nair Kogland cuaal" It oocura at all daptba from 3 to 430 fathom*." NcPHTHYi riOTA, Khieni. Dradgf^ I7 th« writar, in the (iulf of Ht. I^wmnco, ofTCap Bon Ami, ais miles from tA\att, on k atony bottom, in SO fathunu, in 1 87 1 ; alao Iwtwaan Cape Uaap^ and Cap dea Rotii-^ra, in 7A to 80 fathom*, Mtonrv, in 1972. NapiiTHTa CANADBNaiH, M'lntoah. 19un. Ann. and MaH. Nat. HKt,, iVr. vii., viil. v., p. SB4. Dredged by the writer, in the UuK of 8t. I^nrranoe, between Capu (ta«p4 and Cap doa Roaiera, in 7n to 60 fathoma, and right inilaa KV.. of Honavan- tare laland, in 06 fathoma, in 1873 , alao, on the Bradalle Bank, in 1873 ; and deacribed from thrae looalitiea by Profaaitor U'Intceh. NirTHTM Lawhhcii, M'lntoah. iwm. (>|i. cit.. p. 'iits. Deaoribad from apecimana drodgad by the writer in tba Gulf of St. Law- rence 08 Cap(> Caap^ and Cap dea Uoaien, in 1 872 ; alao on tha Bradelle Bank, and off Port Hood, Cape Breton, in 1873. Family •'>\galionidir. PHOLOii Mini-TA (Fabrioiua). AfkmiiH minuia, U. FaliruiiM (I'HO). Pttoloif minula, (Kntod (1M.1I. Uttlf of St Lawrence, Whiteavt^ (M'lntoah) ; and north aliore of the Gulf, at Hellea Araoura Harbour, Uradore Bay, juat inaide the Strait of Belle lale, on a muddy bottom, in eight fathnini (Packard). Pholoe tecta, Stimpaon. 1MS3. f4ynu|jii. Marinx Invrit. tinnd M^nan, p. 3tl. Grand Manan, " dredged in 4 fathoma, on a bottom of coane aand and nulliporea " (.Stimpaon). 6* mm ■MiikMMI ■IIW immmt mato c en mmuition tht chait (ANSI and ISO TtST CHAKT 1^. 2) 1.0 1.1 ■ai2J us Itt u 133 IM L2.5 12.2 12.0 |g|U jA i^PPLEDJV^MGE Ine '»53 EoM ttain StrM "^ "ort 143. A single small specimen, about a quarter of an inch lung, dredged between Anticosti and the Gasp^ peninsula, in 110 to 220 fathoms, was detected in one of the collections forwarded to Professor M'Intosh by the writer. Lagisca rarispina (.Sars). Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, U. 8. Tish Commission, 1872, Smith and Harger (Verrill). 86 Laoisca BARtSPiNA, var. occidextalis, M'Intosh. 1874. Op. cit., p. 382. Golf of St. Lawrence, collected by the writer and described by Profeisor M'Intusb, EuNOA NODOSA, (Sars). Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, in 4.5 and CO fathoms, U. S. Fish Comniiti- ■ion, 1872, Smith and Harder (Verrill) ; Gulf of St. Lawrence, Whiteaves (M'Intosh). Eu.voA CEritbdi, Malmgren. Dredged by the writer on the Orphan Bank, opposite the mouth of the Bale des Chaleurs, in 1872. !t EuROA SPINUL08A, Verrill. 1880. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mtueuni, vol. ii., p. l(5!l. " Sable Island Bank, off Nova Scotia, Captain McPhee, schooner Carl Schurz, November, 1878 (U. S. Fish CommiKsion)," Verrill. NvciiiA CIRRU08A (Pallas). Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, in Af) fathoms, U. S. Fish Commixsion, 1872, Smith and Harger (Verrill). Gulf of St. Lawrence, abundant in the writer's dredgings (M'Intosh). Nychia Amosdseni, MaImL>ren. Gulf of St. Lawrence, rather plentiful in the writer's collections. " A specimen of Selenium poli/noe^, Kroyer, was attached to the ventral aspect of a foot of one " (M'Intosh). LePIDONOTCS 8QUAUATU8 (L.). Aphrodita tquantata, h. (1767). Aphrtjditt pwncUita^ Miiller (1776). Poliinoe Ujuamata, ttimld (1841). Lepidonote punetata, (Ersted (184.'!). LepidoJWtHS tquamatuSf Malmgren (1665). Throughout the entire region, abundant, from above low-water mark to a depth of SO fathoms. 87 Family Aphroditida. L-ETMOKICE FILIC0HXI8, Kinberg. One or two examples of thU species were recognized by Professor M'lntosh in the writer's Oulf of St. Lawrence dredgin)^ ir 1871-73. L-ETMosiCE ARMATA, Verrlll. WJ. I'nic. U. S. Nat. Mu8«>uni, vol. ii., p. 1B!I. " Common on muddy bottoms in the Hay of Fundy and Oulf of Maine, in 5C to 150 fathoms. Collected first in 1864, 186.') and 1868, ' by Professor Verrill and S. I. Smith, " and sul)se. filiconiia, with which it was iormerly identified by me, not only in ha\ing a much smaller median anUmna, but also in the character of the s<-U', etpecially those of the ventral fascicule. Whether the Oulf of St. Lawrence specimens, recorded by M'lntosh as L. filieomii, belong to this species, is uncertain" (Verrill). L.ETM0NICB PROUUOTA, Orube, var. assimilis, M'lntosh. 18S5. H.M.S. Chal!ung«T Reports, Zhrosynidl^. Spisther ciTBisi's (Stimpson), Crijplontita vitrina, Stiniii«on (l!*5.'l). Spiiilher ci(rin«», M'lntonh (1S*74). Grand Manan, " dredged on a gravelly and somewhat muddy bottom, in 35 fathoms in the Hake Bay " (Stimpson). 88 Et-paRosrxi borralis, (Enied. Gt*nd Mwaa, "it £n>qnente muddy bottoms" (Stimpson). H.M8 Chjdlenger. Sution 4»(M.y 20. 1873) south of Halifax. Nova Scotia, in 85 fathom., gravel and stone.. Not in Mr. Whiteave.' dredging. " (M'Intosh). (Ineerta $«di$). BiroifiLLA RiCAHiNATA. Stimpson. IHM. Sjmopi. Marine InTrrt. (}r»nd Manan, p. 84. T,""^,^"""* "'*""'*'''"''•'* •* low-water mark, at High Duck •Uland (StimpMn). OEPHYREA. CH.«nFERA. Stbrnaspis fossor, Stimpwn. 1S6S. 8ynop*. Marine Invert. Gr. Manan, p. 29. Grand Manan, on muddy bottom, in the coralline zone (Stimpwn) Com- mon in the Bay of Fundy in 10 to 90 fathom^ mnd (Verrill, 1873). VI ACH^ETA. Pbasoolosoma cxhrntarium (DeQuatrefages). Phateolotoma Bemkardiu, Pourtalea (1852). Bipuneviv Semkardu; Stiniiiron (1863) ; non Forbes. SipunciUui cametUariut, De Quatrefagvi (1866). Phafeolotoitta cametUarium, Verrill (18731. Grand Manan, "common in the coralline zone, in sheila of Dmtalium eepecially " (Stimpson). Bay of Fundy, 2 to 90 fathoms, abundant ( Verrill) Le Have Bank, N.S., in 45 fathoms (Smith and Harger). Common in the shells of small gasteropoda, such as Lunatia, Bda, and especially Kas»a tnvtUata, everywhere between Prince Edward and Cape Breton islands and throughout NorthumberUnd Strait. Dredged by the writer in 1873 and determined by Profeuor Verrill. ' Phascolosoha hamulatcm. Packard. T867. Mem. Boaton Soc. Nat. Hi«t., vol. i., p. 290. "But one specimen was taken in eight fathoms. Caribou Island, Strait of Belle Isle, inhabiting a dead shell of Aporrhais occidentalu" (Packard) " Perhaps the same as P. cmnentarinm " (Verrill). I! i 89 FIIA8C0L080MA BORBALB, Kcfersteio. 1H74. Pnw. Amer. Auoc. Adv. 8c. for 1873, |i. S87. "Gulf of St. Lawrence '. Fish Coiiimissiou, 1872 (Verrill). .Specimens dredged by the writer off Port Hood, Cafie Breton, which seems to differ from those here i-eferred, with doubt, to /'. cauJatun, may be referable to /'. jnfijmoeHt. BRACHIOPODA ARTICtIL.\TA. Family TerebratnlMr. Terehrati'lisa (Couthouy). Terelmtula srptcntriotutlin, Couthouy (18.S9). Tcnhiiituta enput tcrftnlit, (Jould (1811). Tfrehmtulinu tep!mtrimuilit, (iould (1870). Grand Manan, common (Stimpson) ; Passamaquoddy Hay, dredged in IC fathoms in Friars Cove, and Beaver Harbour (Charlotte County) N.B. (Ganong). Halifax Harbour, common (Willis, — and J. M. Jones) ; It, and off Chebucto Head, Halifax Harbour, in 20 fathoms (Smith and Harger) ; H.M.S. Challenger, Statim 49, south of Halifax, in 85 fathoms (Davidson, 1880). In the Gulf < . 5t. Lawrence, a M few Hpeciniena wrre dredged by the writer, off Cliarleton Point, Antico»ti, io 120f«thonn,aii 91 Family Khj/nckonHll '•({•> HeMITIIYHIi* PhlTTAOKA ( CillU'lill). • Annmia i:iiiltii>i hO or 60 fathomn, but on th- Ijibrador ooa»t it has l)een dredgwl in as shallow water aH one fathom. In IM9C, Mr. A. P. Uw collectod large iind perfect valves of it on the lie nil at lliehmond (iulf, on the east coast of Hwlson Bay. It has long Ijeen known to tie n circuuipoiar ipecies, with a very wide di-.tribu- lion on both side.s of the nottli Atlantic and PaciHc. In eastern Canada //. paittaeea has iieen fouml fassil in the Pleist()Ci'ne of Anticosti, Uivi.'>re du Loup, Beauport and Montreal ; also at Tertiary Bay, Ijibrador, by Packaid ; at CajMi Hope ( Drexler) and Mill Point, near Moose Factory, .fames Bay, by Bell : and at the Limestone Uapids of the Fawn Branch of the Severn Kiver, Ke.-w.itin, by Low in 1886. On page 1248 of the Appendix to Dr. Paul Fischer's " Manuel de Con- chyliolr !ie " Dr. fEhlert gires " Kst du Can tda " as one of the loculitiea for CUtella cislelMd (siearles Wood), but does not state exactly where, when or by whom, it was collected. He also, on the same page, cites Labrador as a locality for A tret la i/nomon, though he subsctjuently states, on page VVJS of the same volume, that Deslongchamps considers Atretia to be the try of RhynchoneUa (HfmithjrtK) pxii.lncn. POLYZOA. CHEILOSTOMATA. Family Eucrnliid Uemellaria loricata (L. ) Srrtnhria torifftttt, \t. (I75.S). tiniulUtrin fortvattt. Hunk (1K*)2). fi'evtflhtrin tt'iUiiii, !)iiwcon (I.Stk "Very common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, low-water to 1 10 fathoms" (Verrill, 1873). Sable Island {O: WillUii) : Sir .1. W. Dawson. Dredged at many localities in theGulf of St. Lawrence by the writer in 1871-73. It occurs also on the coast of British Columbia, and is probably circujnpolur. 93 OmibLAau LomoATA, r«r. Ambeioaka. (UnuUarUi Hmmom, Stimpnun (IMIS). W«wrf/«rta loHenla, rar. Aitrieatia |L*ni. 409. Bank off Caribou Island, P.Q.; Belles Amours, on the north side of the Strait of Belle Isle, in 8 fathoms ; and Square Island, Labrador, in 10 to 30 fathoms ; common (Packard). * British Marine Polyzoa. vol. i., pp. 39and 40. + Prooe«lini« of the I'nitwl States National Muaeum, vol. ii., (1880) p. lito. U3 HcRVPucBLLAHu iTAiiiu ( Van Btnedea). Ump^ Bajt (Hinoka); Orphan Bank, dredged by the writer in 187.1, and idrntia< I by the Rov. Canon Noruian. AcconliiiK toHiuitt, tbb in Sertnlari» Meeina of O. Fabricioa. Cahrrka Ellmii (Fleming). Fluilra Kllitti. KIriiiing. Cahertu Bmiiri, Btuk (IM'.',. Cnhtna SUini, Hniitt (IW). " Very < ommon in Cuco Bay. Bay of Fundy, and St. George's Bank, 6 to 100 fathoms "(Verrill). Between Pjctou Uland and Ciipe Bear, P. E. I., abundant ; Orphan Bank and elsewliere, at many localities in the Oulf of St. Lawrence, in 10 to 60 fathoms common. Caribou laland, Packard, who »aya that it in abundant on the Labrador ooaat In the north Pacific it hai been dredged at Vancouver and the Queen Charlotte Iilandi by Dr. O. M. Dawson. Family BietUariiilir, BiCELLARIA CILIATA (L). North Shore of the Oulf of St. Lawrence, half way between Pointe dee MonU and the west end of Trinity Bay, in 96 fathoms, stonet and coane sand, dredged by the writer in 1871. Bi'(.jLA MuHRAYAXA (Joknston). ifmipea/nificom, Psclurd (1M3). Flutin tmtuata, Atimfoa (1»68) ; fide V.irill. Grand Manan, " common in 4 fathoms, on nullipore bottoms, among the rmaller islands" (Stimpson). Very common throughout the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where it has ht^a dredged by Sir J. W. Dawnon, Packard, Bell and the writer. The t,. is known also to occur off the coast of Green- land and in Davis Stra nd it has been dredged at Vancouver and the Queen Charlotte Islands by Dr. O. M. Dawson. Bugula/astigiata, L. ( = Aca,narehii plumota (Palhw) Busk) which accord- ing to Verrill, ranges from Massachusetts Bay to Labrador, and which Fabricius found in Greenland, is recorded by Packard at having been dredged by him on the Atlantic cocjt of Labrador, at Thomas Bay, in 16 fathoms. The St. Lawrence specimen that the writer referred to Acamarchit ftumo$a in 1871 and 1872 is Kineto$kitu arbtretceru. U4 KiKKTOMKiAD Mhittii, L)«nieUi<«ii. MmrnM jlnriitt, WrrilKtHTA). K'mlntkiui.llrrili; Vi-rrill I tl<7»l. KiM-iutUuSniiUii, Vrrrill (IM7U|. Kintlatkuii (Buflulopm) ittrilia, Vrrrill (INMAI " It ocean in d«fp water (1U4 fHthoim) oH' tlie cuMtt of Maine and Nova » x)ti« " Vcrrill (Nomtan). KiNKTOHKIAH ARIIOHKItCKNH, DaiiieliuH-n. Hviiuln umMlii, Hiiiitt (1l*H*|. Oulf of St, liawrrnoe, lietween the ea«t mud at the Titlamiof Anticoetiand the Bird Rock*, in 212 fathoms, mud; one Hpecimnn (on n small atone) dredged by the writer in IMTI and iiu(>-)e<]uenti)' idt-ntifleORKI.I.A TINUI*, HinckM. Mm. Ann. and Mag, Nat. Hiit., 8oly»«" (vol. 1, p. li'O), Hiackn imonU f. UKHritTtm; VM%t (F. tniiu-aUi, L.) bh occurring frwiuently in Soutli I^bra- dor, on tlie authurity of PhiIcukI Hut, Verrili »imXm» ''i«t HtinipMm'x /'. trunrala in Hiirf.t/ii .Vurrntftrnti, nnil it nmy ho thiit Pkoku iV* in hIhh, Fli'ntha nolioa, 8rinipiion. IfiVI. SyiiM|i«. M*riii> liiv.Tt. liraiiil Miuiaii. p. 11'. K»fharii ful'mittil, Sntf* |IM»t7l. t'lHulrimn'plM mliili, Vrrrill i IN7.I). (irand Msnan, "dredgad in 2") fi*thom», off the northern point of Duck Uland '' (Htinipoon). One line »p ' nen wbh dnijgpil by the writer, in |f*7t, in the Uulf of Ht. Lawrence, off i;; -r Head, Anticoati, in 120 futhonn. Flunra mkrrulata, Baik. " Murray Buy (8ir J. W. l>awBon). An arctic •p«'c>'» collected by Nares" (Hinoki). Fluhtra ahviwicola, U. O. Sarx. (Julf of St. Lawrence, H.W. by H. of the S.W. Point of Anticosti, in T20 fathnmH, mud ; one adult iipecinien, dredged by the writer in lH7;t. Family Mfmhranipurid(r. ElKCTRA fILOHA (L) Fluntra i,ilom. \.. (K'ltt. Mimfimniiiom pihmi, Faru' (1H371! >-t »uc . Elertrn fiiUita, Niirnian (IXIM). Atlantic coast of Nova ScotiH (.Sir J. W. Oanson) ; Bay of Fundy (Verrill). Betwocu Cape Breton and Prince Edwiird Island, dredged by the writer in 1873, and det«-rinine(l by Rev. Canon Norman. Northern portion of the Oulf of St. Liwrence, at severiil localitifH, collected by Sir J. W. Dawson, and the writer. Cnribou I«lnnd, " especially nhundant encir- cling frond.t of De»inarralia just Itelow low-water mark ' (Packard). Foesil at St. John, N.B. (.Matthew). ll ' H Elbctiu catervlaria (Jameton). Tubipara eatenularia, JknuMon. Bipfotkaa eatenularia, Fleming (1822). BitpoUua rngota, Stinipwn (18S3) ; flde VerrilL Btetra eatmulana, NormMi (IMH). Common throughout the entire region. Professor Verrill thinks that it i* only a variety of E. pUma. Fossil in the Pleistocene of Riviere du Lnup, Beauport and Labrador (Sir J. W. Dawson). ii Mrmbranipora rtTMBiFORMis, Hincks. 1888. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hiat., Ser. vi., vol. i., p. 217. Gulf of St. Lawrence, "in small patches incrusting Hydroids and Polyzoa " (Hincks). Specimens that have been identified with this species by the Rev. Canon Norman, were dredged by the writer between Cape Breton and Prince Edward Tsland, on the Orphan Bank, and in Uasp^ Bay. Mbmbranipora lineata, L. Bay of Fundy ( Verrill) ; Oasp^ Bay, and other localities in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Sii J. W. Dawson, and the writer). " Frequent in from 10 to 50 fathoms. Strait of Belle Itile" (Packard) Voosil in the Pleistocene deposits of Riviere du Loup (Sir J. W. Dawson). Mkhuranifora CRATicuLA, Alder. Oasp^ Bay, on shells, dredged by Sir J. W. Dawson, and the writer, and identified by Rev. T. Hincks and Canon Norman. Off Cap des Rosiers, in 38 fathoms, Whiteaves (Norman) ; Metis, Sir J. W. Dawson (fide Norman); Mrhbranipora UNicoRVia, Fleming. Gulf of St Lawrence (Norman) ; Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., Dr. G. M. Dawson (Hincks). Mehbranipora Ddmbrilii (Audouin). Gasp^ Bay, Sir J. W. Dawson (Norman). Mb.mbranipora Sophia, Busk. Gasp^ Bay, on dead shells, &c., collected by Sir J. W. Dawson, and Uie writer; and Mdtis, Sir J. W. Dawson (1877) fide Norman. 97 MlMBRANIPORA SoPHIA, Y*r. ARMlriRA. Mtmbranipora armifera, Hindu (1880, Ann. and Maf(. Nat Hiat., 8or. v., vol. VI., p. 82.) Gulf of St. Lawrence, "on. shell and stones, and incrusting Fluttra membraTMCeo-trunoata, Hmitt." (Hincks). Eight mile* S.E. of Bonaventure Island, in 56 fathoms, Whiteaves ; and M^tis, Sir J. W. Dawson ; (tide Norman). HiMBRAKiFORA Lacroixii (Audouitt). Marsouin, on the " north coast of Gasp^," in about 30 fathoms, attached to dead shells and stones ; dredged by Dr. R. Bell in 1858, and determined b/ Sir J. W. Dawson. Gulf of St Lawrence, Whiteaves (Hincks). MlMBRANIPORA TRIFOLIUM (Searles Wood). nuHra trifoliun, Searles Wood (I860). Membranipora mlida, Packard (1863). Itembntnipora iae:ulata, Norman (1864). Membranipora Flemiugii, forma trifolium, Smitt (1867). Gulf of "St. Lawrence, Dawson" (Hincks); Gasp^ Bay, Whiteaves (Norman) ; near Caribou Island (types of M. tolida) Packard. Ramphonotus minax (Busk). ttentbrampora minax. Busk (1860). Membranipora Ftemingii, forma minax, Smitt (1867). Sampkonotut minax, Norman (1894). '■Gulf of St. Lawrence, Whiteaves" (Norman). Family Cribrilinidie. Cribrilina puxctata (Hassall). Lepralia punctata, Haasall (1841) ; and Johnston (1840). First identified by Sir J. W. Dawson in 1859, from specimens dredged at Marsouin by Dr. R. Bell in 1868. Uasp^ Bay, and elsewhere in the Gulf of St. Jjiwrenoe, in from 30 to 50 fathoms, dredged by the writer in 1869, and 1871-73. Gulf of St. Lawrence, "frequent on dead shells of Ceronia deaurata, &c., associated with C. anntUata, Sehizoporella hyalina, and Membranipone " (Hincks). Fossil in the Pleistocene deposits at Riviere du Loup (Sir J. W, Dawson). 7 Cb»uuiia arwdlata (Fkbrioiu). il ' Ctttepon atuudata, O. Fafarioiiu (1780). ttprcUia anmUata, Johniton (IMS). Mieharipora anniUala, Smitt (1868). Oi»nd MMwn, "dredged in deep water, eacrusting ihelli, 4c." (8timpK)n). Qulf of St. Lawrence, at Oaap^ Bay and elMwbere, dredged by Sir J, W. Dawwn, and the writer. " A group of three cells, with two spinet on each side of the distal margin, occurred in the Strait of Belle Isle ; also in Cateaa Harbour, Long Island " (Labrador coast)" in 16 fathoms" (Packard). Mbmbrariporblla oramicobta, Hincks. 1888. Ann. and Hsg. Nat Hi»t, Ser. vi., voL i., p. 2J6. Gulf of St Uwrenoe. "Spreads in reddish-brown patches over variona kinds of Polyzoa, UmAaroide* Sarrii, 4c." (Hincks). A. W. Waters regards this species as a Mmnbranipora and places it in the family Membraniporidw.* Family Jtieropordlidtn. MiCROPOBBLLA OILIATA (Pallas). lepnlia cUiata (Johnston) Packard (1867). PorcUiiut tiliata (Smitt) Verrill (1879). Oasp^ Bay, Sir J. W. Dawson, fide Norman (but with a querf). Family PorinUa. PoRiNA TUBUL08A, Norman. Lepralia luhuloia, Norman (1868). CflindroporeUa tubiUota, Hindu (1877). Not uncommon at many localities in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where it has been dredged by Sir J. W. Dawson, and the writer. M^tis (Sir J. W. Dawson, fide Norman). Laobnipora 8PINUL0SA, Hincks. 1893. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, Ser. vi., toI. ii., p. 166. " This very interesting form occurs abundantly. It has only been noticed previously amongst Dr. O. M. Dawson's dredgings from the Queen Charlotte Islands. It is probably an Arctic form. The St. Liwrence specimens hither- to met with are all crustaceous in habit, overspreading the stems of Hydroida. The erect branching form obtained at the Queen Chariotte Islands has not occurred " (Hincks). *Obnrvationa on Membraniporidie, .Toum. Linn. Soc., Zool., vol. xivi., p. 670. 99 Family Myriotoidai. Mtriozoum buboracilb, D'Orbigny. l/Ulepora truneala, Fabriciiu (fide Fackwd). Myrioioum tutgraeile (Orbigny) Packard (1863). Leiaokarr nibffraeUt (Noniwn) Verrill (lli79). Abundant and fine at many localities in the Oulf of St. Lawrence, at moderate depths, especially on Ashing banks, and often aiaooiated with Eschiroid^i Sarni, Porella elegantula and Celleporaria lurcularit. It was first recognized as a Canadian species by Packard, who dredged specimens on the bank off Caribou Island, in 1862, and who says that it occurs also in the Bay of Fundy and on the Banks of Newfoundland. Fossil in the Pleistocene of Rivi6re du Loup (Sir J. W. Dawson). Mtriozoum planum (Dawson). Lepralia plana, Oawion (18S9). Uyrioioum oruttaeram, Smitt (1867)^ fide Mincki (1892).' The types of L. plana were dredged at Marsouin, by Dr. Bell in ISrS, and the !ipeciefi has since been found to be quite common in the Oulf of St. Law- rence. It has also been found fossil in the Pleistocene of Riviire du Loup by Sir J. W. Dawson. Mtriozoum coarotatum (Sars). LeitKhara coarctata, San. Mffriozoum coarctatum, Smitt (1867). Le Have Bank, N.S., in 45 fathomi, gravelly and stony bottom, common, U. S. Fish Commission, 1872 (Smith and Harger). On the Pacific Coast this species has been dredged at Vancouver and the Queen Charlotte Islands, by Dr. U. M. Dawson, in 1878. SCHIZOPORELLA LINEARIS (HaSSall). Lepralia lintarii, Haaaall (1841). Lepralia liiuata (Hossall) Packard (1863.) Near Caribou Island, rare (Packard). In the Proceedings of the U. S National Museum for 1879 (vol. ii., p. 193) Professor Verrill says thi Uincks' genus Schizoporella (1879) is synonymous with Etcharina, Eidwards (1835). * But, in the Annali and Maganne of Natural History for January, 1894, p. 137, (foot note), the R«t. Canon Norman aaya that L. plana n the aame as U. roarctatum, Smitt. 71 100 f I Ir- ScHizopOBiLLA BiAPBBTA (Miohelin). A spMrimen dredgad by the writer in 1872, in the Gulf of 8t. Lawrence, eight mile« to the 8.E. of fionaventore Island, in B6 fathoms, has been identified with thit specieii by the Ber. Canon Xorman. SCHIZOPOBBLLA ADRICULATA (HaMall). Gulf of 8t Lawrence (Hinoks). Gaep^ Bay, Dawson (Norman). Pift«m miles 8.8.E. of Bonaventure Island, in 50 fathoms, Whiteaves, 1872 (Norman). Verrill regards this species as a SmiUia. SCHIZOPORBLLA SINCOSA (Buslc). "Golfof St. Lawrence, normal and var. o, Dawson " (Hincks) ; Gasp^ Bay, Dawson (Norman). ScBizoPORRLLA CRUBITTA (Norman). St. Lawrence (Hincks). Eight miles 8.E of Bonaventure Island, in 66 fathoms, Whiteaves, 1872; Gasp^ Bay, and M^tis, Sir J. W. Dawson, 1877 (Norman). SCHIZOPOBBLLA HYALINA (L.), CtUtpara hpalina, L. (1767). CeUqnm lit tii, O. F»briciu« (1780). LtimUta Ajn/«no, W. Thomp»oti ; and Johmttm. Abundant at many localities in the Gulf and mouth of the River St. Lawrence, usually at moderate depths ; but a specimen dredged by the writer in the deepest part of the Gulf, about half way between the Island of Antioosti and the Bird Rocks, in 313 fathoms, has been identified with this species by the Rev. Canon Norman. Sir J. W. Dawson records S. hyalina as occurring, in a fossil state, in the Pleistocene of St. John, N.B, ; of Riviere du Loup, and Beauport (P.Q.). ScHizopoRELLA ciKCTA, Hiucks. (Var.) 1892. Ann. ^nd Jlag. N«t. HiBt, Ser. vi . vol. ix., p. 154. Gulf of St. Lawrence (Hincks). HiPPOTHOA DivAHicATA, Lamouroux. Hipfothm lortalit (d'Orbigny) PMkard. Common in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and on the coast of Labrador, where it has been dredged at many lf«alities by Dr. Bell, Sir J. W. Dawson, 101 Paoluud, and the writer. Thia and the next twoapeoiea wemflnt raoogaiied M CanadiMi hj Sir J. W. Dawion in 1859, from ipecimen* dredged by Bell, off MarMuin, in 1808. HiPPOTiioA KXPANSA, Dawaon. Hippothoa dimrieata, var. expatua, Verritl (1879). The tjrpea of thi& apeoiea (or variety) are from Maraouin, and aimilar apeoimena have aince been collected at many other localitiea in the Quif of St. Lawrence, and in the Strait of Belle lale, by Sir J. W. Dawaon, Packard and the writer. Sir J. W. Dawaon aajrs that H. expanta haa been found foatil in the Pleiatocene of Riviire du Loup and Beauport. Family Eicharidai. Lbpbalia pbrtusa (Eaper). Specimen!) dredged at Marsouin, off Anticoati and the Mingnn lalands, near Caribou lalaad, on the Labrador coast, and at various localities in the Gulf of St. Lawience, have been identified with thia species by Sir J. W. Dawaon in 1859, by Verrill in 1863, by Packard in 1863 and 1867, and by the writer in 1872. More recently (in 1892) Hincka has refigured the species from a St. Lawrence specimen, and Sir J. \V. Dawson has recorded the occurrence of L. pertuta in the Pleistocene deposits of Riviere du Loup, Beauport and Labrador. But, on the other banc, m 1879, Verrill writes : — " there appears to be grent confusion in regard to the identification of L. pertusa, and doubtless several species have been confounded under that name. American writers have referred several distinct species to perluoa, and I am not sure that the genuine pertusa inhabits our coaat. The species thus named by Dawson, on examination of specimens kindly furnished by him, proves to be Smittia porifera. Probably S. Candida has also been identified as pertusa by some writers."* Lepralia bippopus, Smitt. " Gulf of St. Lawrence, Dr. Dawson " ; and " Postpliocene, Canada, — Dawson " (Hincks, 1880). I LbPRaLiA 8PATHULIFERA, Smitt. Drtxlged by the writer in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, — eight miles S. E. of Bonaventure Island, in 56 fathoms, in 1872 ; off Grande Grfeve, Gasp^ Bay, * Proceedings of th« U. 8. N»tion«l Museum for 1879, vol. ii., p. 194. 101 in 1869; ud off Cap da* Hotien, in 98 fottiomi, in 1871. Home of th* ■peoimenii from theie looalitiea were identified with this ipeeiee by the writer, and others, qaite independently, by the Rev. Canon Morman. LiPBAUA (Discopora) mboaitoma, Smitt. Gulf of St. Lawrence (Norman). Umbomola tbrruoosa (Eaper). t OtUtpora nrrueou, Eiper. Ltpralia vtrrueota, W. ThomptoD ; at wwt. Ducopora vtrrueon, Ony (184B). l^mtoniUa vtrrueoia, Hinolu (1880). Oaap^ Bay, Sir J. W. Dawson (Norman) ; Greenland (Lutken). Ebcharoidu Sarsii, Smitt Cdltfora etTvieornu, itt., M. Sut, S$eluira roiacta, M. San (1802). S$chara Sariii, Biitk. Mtehara lohata (Lamoaroux) Psokard. Kteharopnt tobala (Laniouruux) Verrill. Very abundant throughout the Gulf of St. Lawrence, often associHled with Myriozonm aubgracile, Pordla (CelUporaria) $urcularu, Pordla ehgantula, ko. 'It was first recorded as a Canadian species by Packard and Verrill, in the "Canadian Naturalist and Geologist" for December, 1863. Packard (who ways that it occurs also in the Bay of Fundy) dredged it in from 10 to 20 fathoms in Salmon Bay, and in 00 fathoois on the bank off Caribou Island, in 1860; and Verrill off Anticosti and the Mingan Islands in 1861. Since then, it has been taken at many other localities in the Gulf of St. Lawrence by Sir J. W. Dawson, and the writer, and on the Le Have Bank by the U. S. Fish Commission (Smith and Harger). Hincks, in 1892, described it as forming "large coral-like growths composed of many massive branching segments, springing from a common base, foliated, contorted, expanding upwards and terminating above in numerous smaller segments."* POHBLLA CONCINRA (Busk). Ltpralia eonem..., Busk (18.52). Ltpralia BtUi, Dawson (1859). Portlla eoneinna, Hincka (1880). Extremely abundant throughout the Gulf of St. Lawrence, at depths of from about 10 to 50 or 60 fathoms, or more, attached to shells, stones, A-c. * AnnaU and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. vi., vol. i., p. 220. liM 103 Th« typM of L. Btlli were dredged at Martoain, in about 30 fatliomi, bj Dr. Bell, in 1858. In the Annala and Magazine of Natural History for January, 1894, (p. 137) the Rev. Canon Norman «ayt that " Dawion'e /^. Bdlx ■■- Porella eoneintia, not P. Mia, as aiaerted by Uinoks in hii later paper." Un the PaoiSo ooaat uf Canada, F. eoneinna haa been dredged at the Queen Charlotte Island* by Dr. O. M. Dawson. In a fossil state, it has been found in the Leda day at Riviere du Loup by Sir J. W. Dawson. Porella mindta (Norman). Lqfralia minute, Norman (IMtt). Portlla minuta, Hinoki (1880). A speoimen from Oaap^ has been identified with this species by the Rer. Canon Norman. PORBLLA BELLA (Bubk). LtpnUia bella, Bujk (1Mnaju»cula. Gulf of St. Lawrence, Sir J. W. Dawson ; forma mint(»ci//a, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Whiteaves " (Norman, 1894). Orphan Bank, (lasp^ Bay, cki(18tl0). Thin ■{«. M WM flnt rMWgninMl m CsuKliMt by Sir J. ^f. Dawton, in lSft9, from •peoimena drwigwl by Dr. B«ll, in I8S8. oiT M«noain. Packard found nimilAr tpMimMi off Caribou IiUnd, in 1800, and Verrill at the Afingan Iilandi and off Antiooati in 1861. S. tritpinaia ii now linown to bo common throughout the Oulf of St. Lawrence, and Sir I. W. Dawion collected apacimena of it a« far up the river aa Mnrray day. It aliw occura in the north Paoiflc, and Dr. O. M. Dawaon haa dredged it at thi •» localitiea in the Queen Charlotte Iilanda. It haa been found fcMsil in the Leda clay at Biviire dn Loup. Sy Sir J. W. Dawaon. *^ Smittia prodiiota (Packard). Itpralia prorlufia, P*elurd (ia«S(. AriMm pnduela, Hinrki (IWW). The type* of L. produela are from near Caribou Island, and the species has since been found at many localities in the Oulf of St. Lawrenre by Sir J. W. Dawson, and the writer, and a« far up the river as Murray Bay. The Hpeoies was first des^.ibed and figured by Packard, as a Ltpralia, in the Oanadion Naturalisi, and Geologist for December, 1863; and was subne- quenely reirenz. " Smitt bM naked under hii typical Cillepora teabra the present form, which ha< Iwen rightly treated an a distinct species by Lorpnz. It is abundant among the St. Lawrence dredgings, in company with B. plicata, Saiitt, and R. bUaininata, Hincks" (Hincks, in Annals and Magazine of Natural History for May, 1889, p. 426). Hpecimens dredged by the writer on the Orphan Bank ; fifteen miles H.S.E. of Bonaventure Island ; in Oaspv Bay ; and off Cap des Hosiers, have been labelled R. cotUUa by the Rev. Canon Norman. RHAMPHOSTOMEtLA PLICATA, Smitt. " Oulf of St. Lawrence, in company with R. eottata and R. bilaminata " (Hincks). Meti", Dawson, 1877 (Sonunn). Rhahpiiobtohella bilaminata, Hincks. Oulf of St. Lawrence (Hincks). Uaspti Bay, Dawson ; Orphan Bnnk, and off Cap des Roeiers, in 38 fathoms, Whiteaves (Norma. ). 10* RlT«ra>A ILOmuTA, Mwitl. Dndgwi 17 th« writer in iIm OM ,A 81. Uwpmmw, iuklf way IwCwmb PWftU dM Monta Mtd th« w««t end of Trinitj Bay, in M (athiHn*, rimII ■tonaa and ooafMi Mnd, in IN71 ; and aifht milaa S.E. of Honaventara Iiland, in M fathom*, atonao ami coarw «and, ib 1873. It it tba RtUpora WMiekUma of Bntk and tlinoki. Family CM*poridi*. ClLlBPORA PUMjROa* (L) aUtfof Mrrx'oM (!*)(». *'»liriciii« (17HU„ OtUtparu t»:rU, ZtnAugy, toI. x., pt 1, p. 3M. " Thia apaoiea aeama to be not uncommon " in the Oulf of 8t. Lawrence. " It forma amall nodular maiaea, which enorunt the atema of Hydroida. It wa« lirat obUined on the Challenger voyage in the neighbourhood of Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 61 fathomi " (Hinckn, in Annali and Magazine of Natural History fur February, 1892, p. 186). Crllbpora contioua, Smitt. lAprnlia vilna, Loreni (1880). Oasp^ Bay. in a valve of Mya truncata, Dawran (Norman). CYCLOSTOMATA. Family Criiii^tr. Criria rburnea (L.) ■' Very common in Canio Bay and Bay of Fundy, low-water to 80 fathoms ' (Verrill). OffChebuoto Head, Halifax Harbour, in 20 fathoms, »oft mud 110 md fine Mud with decaying »e» weed, U. 8. FUh OommiMion, 1872 (Smith •nd H»rger). (Jul! of St Lawrence, on Area peetuneuloidu, in 150 to 200 fathonik, rare; half way between Pointedeg MonU and the west end of Trinity Bay, in 96 fathoms ; and oommon at other localitiea in from 10 to 60 fathoms ; dredged by the writer in 1871-73. But, in a letter received many years ago, the Rev. Canon Norman says that " the common St. Lawrence form is C. ebumeo-dentieulata, Smitt." Henley Harbour (Strait of Belle Isle) in 4 fathoms ; and Hopedale, Labrador, in 10 fathoms, rocky Iwttom (Packard). Specimens dredged by Dr. O. M. Dawson at the Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., have been identified with this species by Hincks. Cbuu ibdrrba, var. cbibraria, Stimpson. CIritia tribraria, Stinipaon (18ft3). Criiia eiuitKa, vn. crihraria, Verrill (1879). Grand Manan, taken in 20 fathoms, east of Duck Island (Stimpson). Cbisia dknticulata (Lamarck). Grand Manan, >' on a sponge, taken in 10 fathoms, off Cheney's Head " (Stimpson). This species has also been recognized by Hincks among specimens dredged at the Queen Charlotte Islands by Dr. O. M. Dawson. Family Jitbuliporidct. Stomatopora oranulata (Milne Edwards). Ateeto gmnulata, Milne Edwards, /•rokojcino incrauata (Hmitt) Verrill (1879). Specimens that the Rev. Canon Norman has identified with this species were dredged by the writer on the Orphan Bank ; and at the entrance to Oasp^ Bay, in 50 fathoms, inside dead valves of Cardium Idandicum. Stomatopoba PKSiciiLATA (Fabrfcius). Tubipora ptnicillata, O. Fabriciun (1780). Proboieina penicillala (Smitt) Verrill (1879). Gulf of St. Lawrence, eight miles S.E. of Bouaventure Island, Gasp^ Bay, Ac, on stones and shells, very common ; dredged by the writer and deter- mined by Canon Norman. Stomatopora diastoporoides (Norman). Aleeto diattoporo. StoMatopora diatloporoidti, Hincks (1880). With the preceding species, and equally abundant. " Gulf of St. Lawrence, Dawson" (Hincks). • 111 TUBULIPOBA LOBULATA, HuMlll. Specimen* dredged by Sir J. W. Dawson at Oawp^ B»y been identified with T. lobulata by Canon Norman. ano M^lia, have TuBULiPOBA FLABiLLARis oro.«a»<«nni, O. FabriciiM (1780). TubtUipara phalangea. Couch ; and Johnaton. " Bay of Fundy, and northward " ( Verrill) ; Mamouin, Bell (Dawson). in 30 fathoms, TuBDLlPORA FIMKRIA, T^amarck. T«buUpora fimbria, Lanwrck. TvbtJiporn JIabeUarit, Johnston (1849). Dredged by Sir J. W. Dawson, and the writer, in the Gulf of St. Lawr«n«e, at tJasp^ Bay and elsewhere, also by Packard off Caribou Island. If the same as T. palmata. Wood, and as T. dicita, Stimpson (which Verrill regards as a synonym of T. palmata) it has been found also at Grand Manan by Stimpsou, and on stones in the Strait of Belle Isle, in 50 fathom.s, by Packard. Fossil at Riviere da Loup and Beauport (Sir J. W. Dawson). TuBCLiP0RA,EXPAN8A (Packard). Stomapora expa-iia, Packard (1863). Ttibulipora txpantn, Verrill (1879). Near Caribou Island (Packard). Idmonba Atlantica (Forbes) Johnston. Idmanta Atlantica (Forbes M. S.) .lohnxton (184!»). Idnumra pruinoia, Stimpnon (fide Verrill). Grand Manan, "in deep water, eapacially on shelly bottoms "(Stimpson). Dredged by the writer in 1871 and 1872 at two localities in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, north of the Baie de^ Chaleurs. Fossil at Riviere du Loup (Sir J. W. Dawson). Idmonea serpens (L.) Tubipora terpeni, L. (1707). Ttibulipora urpen; Fleming (1822). Idmonea terptnt. Van Ueneden. Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1872 (Whiteaves) ; Henley Harlwur, Strait of Belle Isle, common, — and " in long twisted masses on Bugula Murrayana at Square Island," Labrador, " in 30 fathoms," (Packard). 112 DiAROPORA PATIKA (LkHMrok). Tvliulipora patina, lismarck, and Johniton. Long Inland Sound to the Arctic Ocean ; very common in Ca«!0 Bay, B»y of Fundy and northward (Verrill). Grand Manan, "mo.tIy found on aes weeds in shallow water " (Stimpson) ; Anticoeti (Verrill) ; near Caribou Island; and common at Domino Harbour, Labrador, in 7 fathoms (Packard). D1A8TOPOBA OBBLiA, Johnston. Marsouin, attached to dead shells and stones, from a depth of about 30 fathoms, Bell, 1858 (Sir J. W. Dawson). Dredged by the writer in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, half way between Pointe des Montaand the west end of Trinity Bay, in 96 fathoms ; ofif SawhiU Point, in 30 fathoms; off Cap des Rosiers, in 38 fathoms ; collection, the other (figured by Hincks) in my own." LiCHEXOPORA CLYPEIF0RMI8 (Orbigny). niiroporelh rbiiteifurmh, .Sinitt (1H71). Three specimens, which the Rev. Canon Norman identified with this species in 1876, were dredged by the writer to the north-east, and north-east by east, of Cape George, N.S., in 1873. In reference to them Canon Norman wrote as follows: " DUcoporella clypeiformis. Orb.— I have not that author's work here to refer to, Imt consider this the species thus named by Smitt in Floridan Bryozoa, Ft. 1, p. 12, PI. 4, fig. 3." Fasciporina flexuosa (Orbigny). Bradelle Bank, and Gaspe Bay, a few specimens, that were .ir.i^ed by the writer ami determined by the Rev. Canon Norman. DiSCOFASClGKRA LUCEHNARIA (.Sars). Dcfranria hii; rnnrin, M. S.-in< (18(e). Diseofaaciiieni luci'iiuria, V'irrill (lS7.'i). Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, one specimen (.Sir .f. W. Dawson). Gulf of St. Lawrence, one line specimen dr.'dged by tlie writer on the north hhore, between Pointe des Monts and tlie west end of Trinity Bay. in 06 fathoms! in 1871 ; and one imperfect but characteristic specimen dredged off Bona- ture Island, in .'JO fathom^;, in 1872. 8 114 CTEN080MATA. » Family Aleyonidiida, AlCTOHIDIVH niLATINOBDM (L.) AUijtoniumgelatinontm, L. (1767) ; and O. Fabriciut (1780). Alej/onidium gtlalinoium, Johnaton (1849). Gulf of 8t. Lawrence, dredged by the writer on the Orphan Bank, and between Pointe des Monts and the west end of Trinity Bay, in 96 fathoms Vernll aays that A. hirtiUum (Fleming) and A. partuiticum (Fleming) extend, the one from Long Island Sound, the other from Rhode Island,— to the Arctic Ocean ; so that both are to be looked for in the Gulf of St. Uw- rence. Flustbella HI8PIDA (Fabricius). Fluitra hitpida, O. Fabricius (1780). fluttr^Ua hitpida, Uray (1848). Aleyonidmm hitpidum, Johiuton (1819). " Long Island Sound to Greenland," . ..." Bay of Fundy, 4c. (VerriU) Encrusting stems of Fuciu nodosut on the south side of Cape Blomidon. N. S., (Prof. G. T. Kennedy, 1875). HOLOBRANCHI.A.. Family Ptd' .midce. Pedicel ...a n 'tans, Dalyell. " The form which I have identified with Dalyell's species occurs plentifully and of large size in the St. Lawrence " (Hincks, 1889 ; Ann. and Mag. Nat Hist., Ser. vi., vol. in., p. 432). Barentsia major, Hincks. 1888. Ann. and Miiff. Nat. Hist. Ser. vi., vol. r., p. 220. "The Pedicillinidie abound in the northern seas. The St. Lawrence dredgings have already yielded /' nulans, Pallas,* Battnfsia major," and B. gracilis, Sars " (Hicks, under the heading P. nutans ; op. cit. vol. lii. p. 432. * Barrntsia gracilis, M. Sars. Gulf of St. Lawrence (Hincks). •Probably written inadverteutly for Ualyell. lis MOLLUSOA. PELECYPODA. Family Aiwmiadae. Anomu AcutBATA, Miiller. Anomia aeulatia, MUlIer (KWi) ; timeliii (17W2) ; et auot. Widely diitributed in and to the north and south of the Gulf of 8t. Lawrence, at depths of less than 100 fathoms. The little smooth Anomia of this region that has been hitherto referred to A. ephippium, is regarded by Verrill as most probably a form of A. aauleata in which the aculeate scales are more or less abortive. Anohia simplex, Orbigny. Anomia limplex, Orbigny (1845, 8i«ni8h edition ; 1«68) ; tMte D»ll. Anomia tlectrica, Gould (IWl and 1870) ; non L. (Dall). Anomia nquamuta, Gould (1841 and 1870) ; non L. (Dall). Anomia glabra, Verrill (1872 and 1875). Southern coast of Nova Scotia, ofif Cape Sable, 8 fathoms, but not observed in the Bay of Fundy ( Verrill). Fiimily Oatreidr> between Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island, nor in any other part of Northumberland Strait where the bottom is deeper than five or six fathoms, that is to say, not in any of the open parts " (Whiteavee).* The exterior of the sholl of the shorter and more rounded variety of the Canadian oyster is not unlike that of some forms of the English species, but the muscular impression in the interior of each valve is always dark in the former, and white in the latter. Dall, also, has recently shown that the English oyster is a typical 0»trea, which ii monwcious and produces " large embryos which are incubated for a considerable period in the parental gill lamina," mid that the common oyster of Canada and the north-eastern United States belongs to a " group characterizeil by being diuxious and discharging the seminal products directly into the water, which must take the name Crataoitrea, 8acoo. " This is typified by Ostrea Yirginiana, Omel., and represented in the present European fauna by Ostrea angulata, Lam., known there as the Portuguese oyster."'}' Family Pectinidn-. Pecten (Chlamts) Islandiccs, MUller. Otlrta Itlandita, Miiller (177fi) ; and O. Fabricius (17S0). Pfcten Ulandiciii, Chemnitz (1"H4) ; Lamarck, ft auct. Pecten Pcaltii, Conrad (1831). Chlamj/i Itliindiea, Fiwher (ISfXJ) ; and Verrill (1897). A common species in the north Atlantic, the type of Bolten's genus or subgenus Chlamyt. On the American side it is known to range from Cape Cod to Hudson Bay and Strait, and Greenland, from low-water mark to 100 fathoms in depth. Off the Nova Scotian contt it is said by Willis to be common at Halifax Harbour, St. Mari^arel's Bay, and Kable Island ; on the Bay of Fundy side Verkruzen found it at Annapolis Basin. From New Brunswick it is recorde<-i»arttiu'iit of Marine and Ficlu-ricH for 1S73, (Jttjiwa. 1S74. + Transactiona of tlu' Wugner Free Iiistituti^ of .Scii'iice of Philadelphi:!, vol. ni., p. 671. j^ 117 FcCTBlf GIBBUS, V«r. BORBALIB, S«]r. Pnlen hnreali; Say (1832) ; teste Dili. Prclm eimenUrinti, (iould 11841) ; «a of S«y. Prelrii irradutnt, (I^marck) Stimpaon (IMl) ; GouM (1870) ; i-t «uct. C*;r((M) .rruJianj, ViTrill (18W). PicUh iPiai/ioctenium) iiMut, v»r. Inirtalin, Dall (1898). Specimen* of this well known New England -cies were collected at Sable Island, off the coost of Nova Scotia, many years i»go by Willis, and more recently (in 1899) by ProfesHor Macoun. " This is the large, thin, dark-coloured form of the New England coast, ordinarily known as irradiani Lama: ck. It usually has fewer rilw than the typical irradianf, a thinner shell, and more conspicuous concentric lamellffi. It is also rather more compressed. Of seventeen specimens two had sixteen, eleven seventeen, and the remainder eighteen ribs. It may be variegated with orange, gray, dark brown, or olive and white, but, on the whole, constantly averages darker than the southern specimens. It lives in the open bays on weedy or pebbly bottom "* (Dall). Of the typical P. irradiani { = eoiieenlrictis), which he regards also as a variety of P. gibbua, Dall writes ; " This is the southern and typical form of which boreaiis is the northern geographical race. It extend? from New Jersey, which is Say's typical locality, south to Georgia and Texas, t Pecten (Placopectbn) MAOELLAJfictja (Gmelin). 0$lrea MagrUanica, Umelin (1792) ; and Dillwyn (1817). Otlrm ijmndit, Solander (178«) : fide Humphrey (Dall). Prctnt grmuiig, Humphrey (1797) ; fide Dall. Ptcten UagiUanicui, Lamarck (1819) ; ed. Uesh., (1834) ; Gould (1841 and 1870) ; et auct. Ftctrn tenuicottatut, Mif^hels and Adams (1841 and 1842) ; et auot. Am. Chlamim (Plamptrtrn) CliiUaniui, V'errill, ex parte (1897) ; Dall. Prctcn {Pinenpectm) mageUanicus, Dall (1898). The large edible scallop of the Maritime Provinces and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, which is said to be especially abundant in Passamaquoddy Bay, and the Bay of Fundy. The most northerly locality at which it has been recorded is on the north shore of the Gulf, just inside of the Strait of Belle Isle, off Caribou Island, P.Q., where Packard says that it is most abundant on asandybottomatafathom depth, the young onlybeinj; dredged in 15fathoms. In Northumberlain, Strait, and in Gaspe Bay, it seems also to be most abundant in shallow water near the shore, whereas throughout the Gulf P. Idandicut is more common in a little deeper water and on banks at some distance from land. * Tranaactions of the Wagner Free Iniititute of Science of Philadelphia, vol. -748. 747-748 t Idem, p. 748. III., pp. 118 i i Although known to nstuntiatt (or mort than • oentury, thsiw U j'.iU tome differenoe of opinion m to which of the (peoifio xuuotm that h»v.. lieen pro- po««d for thin iheli ahould (mi retained. Magillanicut ia oltut^y the oldest, but it hM been objected to by aome naturalitts ou the ground that it contra- veneti that rule of the British Asuociation which nays that no specific name ■hould be retained that tendi to perpetuate error. Verrill (in a recent Study of the Family Pectinidap, publiilied in 1897*) xaya that P. Mageltanieui ia a " bad and mialeading name, if applied to thi8 upeciea," which he identi- fiea with the Miocene P. Clintonim described by Say in 1824, and calla CUamyi {Plaeopeclen) Clinloniui. Dall, on the other hand, in 1898, has espresited the opinion that the recent shell is distinct from P. Clititontui, and " sees no reason why Omelin'H name (Magellanic u») " given in error as to the true habitat of thia Hpecies, but universally familiar, should not continue to be used. If, however," he adds, " an exaggerat«d puriain demands a change, the next most appropriate name is that of Solander {Ortrea grandit) given without description in the Portland Catalogue, descritted in the Bunk- aian M.S.S., and cited by Humphrey aa Peclen grandU, ' the Great Compasa shell from Newfoundland, with nearly equal valveN,' remarks which cannot possibly apply to any other species." t Sir J. W. Dawson statea that Dr. U. F. Matthew has found specimens of P. Jlagellanicus in the Leda clay of St. John, N.B. Prctbh (Camptonbctes) Orcemlandicus, Sowerby. Pmitn Orimlnndicu; Sowerby (18481 ; and (;. O. a»rt(187»). Cnmptmtcttt OratUandica, Verrill (1897). Dredged by the writer in 1871, 1872 and 187.3, in considerable cumbers living, but of rather small size, in the deep-sea mud, at depths of from 200 to 313 fathoms, in the Oulf of St. T^wrence, to the north, south-east and south of the Island of Anticosti. As many as fifty or sixty living specimens were picked at a time from one weighted hempen tangle, or " swab," as the sailors would call it, that was used as well as the dredge. It was quite common to find individuals each clasping a single fibre of the swab between its valves transversely, at about the mid-length of the animal, and so tightly that one had to cut the fibre on each side of the shell, in order to save the specimen. In the summer of 1899, a few similar but much larger specimens of thia shell were dredged by Mr. A. P. Low, in from 16 to 25 fathoms, mud, in Richmond Gulf, Hudson Bay. According to Sir J. \V. Dawson, P. Grnenlandims has been found fossil in the Pleistocene deposits of Maine, but not in those of Canada. * Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. x., p. 78. • Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia, vol. iir., pp. 726 and 727. 11» Pbctkn (CAMiTowECTEi) viTKKUi (Chemiiita). fPirtfH viln un, (Inielin (17lt2) ; anil t>illwyn (1H17) ; U»ll. Prtirn rilrtiit (Chfnmits) (J. «>. Sam (IHTH). Camplmurlii iPntlinlitm] rilnum, Wrrill (ItW). CamflunrrUt vitnui, Ihill (IN'.W). " Common on the (le<-p-water lishing grounds off Nov* Scotia and No? foumlland, In o7 to 400 fathoms " (Verrill). PiCTES (CvCtOPBCTEN) Pl'gTULOSUS, Vemll. Pirtrn puiitHloiui, Vfirill (1H73). Pretnt Binkunti, Verrill (1H82) ; but not of (J. (). Hart. Picti II imiiri/ir. Hall (in |i»rtl \HM\ ; Iwt not of I^iven. C^/rln/M rliit /iiittHlinuM, Vnrrill (1H«7|. " The original specimens " of F. piutiilotun were " from south of George's Bank, 430 fathoms, and Gulf of Maine, 150 fathoms," where they were dredged by the U. 8. Fish Commission in 1872. "It was afterwards dredged by us, in 1877, in the (Julf of Maine, 11") fathoms, and off Nova Scotia, in 190 fathoms, associated with the non-pustulose form " (Verrill). Family Limid(t. T.iMATULA 8UBADRICULATA (Montagu). Pictrn rn'miiriciilula, Moiita|^l (180M). Ontria tulmnriruliita, Turton llSIO), Lima KutMurieiilittu, Turton (IHi*,'). Lima lulcatn, Brown (1H27) ; and Miiller (1W2). Limatula tulxiiiricuhtu, Scarlus Wood (183!i). North shore of ihe Gaspe peninsula at (St. Anne dos Monts (Bell, 1858). Off Cap des Hosiers in 38 fathoms, stones, one living adult specimen; and about half way between East Cape, Anticosti, and the Bird Rocks, in 313 fathoms mud, a fragment of one of the valves; both dredged by the writer, the former in 1871 and the latter in 1872. Limatula suleiilm, the Lima aulculus (Leach) M()ller, is stated by Willis to be very rare at Sambro and Sable Island, N.8. ; and Packard says that he dredged several specimens of it near Caribou Island, in 16 to 50 fathoms. But, it is not quite clear that the Canadian shells which have been referred to L. sulcuhig are really distinct from those that have been identified with L. subauriculala. Jeffreys unites L. sulcuhit with L. mbauricu/ata. 110 Vmilj MytUidm. Mttilvi ■dulii, L. OomiDon •rvtjwhm, at or ■ little above low-water nwrk. Aa • CaiwdUa PleUtooene foMil it luw been found iu Lawlor'a Uke, new St John, N.B. ; at Anticoeti, Riviere du Loup, Quebec and Montreal, P.Q. ; at OtUwa ; and on the ooaat of Jjabrador. MOUIOLA HODIOLU* (L.). Not nearljr m common aa the preoedinx apeciea, and found in a little deeper water. Like y. tdulit it ia oiroumpolar and widely diatriboted on both aidea of the North AtUntic and North Pacific. In a foaail atate, M. tnodiolut ia recorded by Sir J. W. Uawaonaa being Tary rare in the Pleiatocene depoaita of Montreal. MoDioLA (Bbachvdohtir) DiMisaA (Dillwyn). jrjtd/wdrmiutii (HoUnder) Dillwyn (1817); twto I>»11. Modioln pticatula, Uunarck (1H3A); rtauct. Anwr. Minaa Baain (O. T. Kennedy, 1875) ; Wallace, Traoadie, Sable laland, Piotott, 4c., not scarce (Willia). Prince Edward laland (Sir J. W. Dawson, 1871); Charlottetown Harlniur (F. Bain, 1876); Shediao (L M. Lambe, 1893); and mouth of the Douglaatown River, Oaap^ Bay (Bell, 1858). Dacrtoicm vitkkum (M6ller). iforliofa;' n(rra, Mdllerl 1842). Daerydium ritrrum, Tnrell (IHiW) ; et auct. upecimena of thia apeciea wore dredged in the deepeat parU of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in from 100 to 313 fathoma, by the writer in 1871, 1872 and 1873 ; alao aubaequently, in 1877, according to Verrill, off Nova Scotia, in 102 fathoma, by the U. S. Fiah Commiaaion MODIOLARIA DI8C0R8 (L.) Mj/tilui diteon, li. (1767); and Stimpaon (1861). Mgtilui diicrtpan; Montagu (1803). Modiola lavigata, (iray (1824). ModHila diterepant, Lamarck (183S). Uodiolaria diieor$, Loven (1846) et auct. Common on both aidea of the north Atlantic, from low-water to 100 fathoma in " nesta formed of varioua marine aubstancea," as Dr. Stimpaon observea. In the Bay of Fundy it has been collected by Stimpaon and the C7. S. Fiah Commiaaion ; in Annapolis Baain by Verkruzen ; on the Atlantic m ooMt of NoT« Hoolia bjr WUIU aiHl J. Matthaw Jonai ; at Mvaral localitiaa in the Uult and mouth of the Kiver Ht I7) ; mkI (icHild (l'<70). The geographical diatribution and liathymetricnl ran|{e of thin ipetipH in eastern Canada are ewientially the laiiie a* th>Mt> of J/. di*cor: it. eornigata has hwn found foHil in the Plxittocene depoaita oi Hiviore du Loup (en ban), by Hir J. W. Dawaun. MoDioLAHiA ifinRA (Gray). tf'x/iVrfrt nijm, (irny (IW'.'ll Mmliiila nrxa, (tiMild ll~lU. Yining. Modiularitt niyra, liuvcn ( lMu, Mtiuiiwin (littl) ! not u( Kuniiwan •utiion. Modtotaria diterrpant, Pftckaril 41H67). Ha« been taken in the Bay of Fundy, in Annapolii Baitin ; in Halifax Harbour, N.S.; at several localities in the Oulf and mouth of the River St Lawrence ; on the Atlantic coaxt of Labrador, and more recently, at Port Burwell, and Ashe Inlet, Hudson Strait. It has been collected also in the Pleistocene deposits at KennelMtck, Maine; at Black Point, N.B. ; at Rivit-redu Loup, Montreal ; and Labrador. Ckli'ella faba (.Mailer). MftilMfaba, Muller (177«) : and O. Fabriciua (1780). Crtnrlla falia, Htiminon (ISfiO). Henley Harbour, Strait of Belle Isle, in 4 fathoms (Packard). L'AiiNe au Loup, 10 to 15 fathoms; Fox Harlwur, St. Lewis Island, 1 to 4 fathoms; and Dead Island, near Square Island, in shallow water ; .Stearns expedition (Miss Bush). Common on the Labrador reef, near Fort Chimo, Ungavu Bay, L. M. Turner, 1885 (Dall). Greenland (Fabricius). Crenblla pbctinula (Goidd). JUixliola peatinula, Gould (1841). Ilvtitut perlinulut, StiuiiwMin (1K>1). Crenelln prflintiln, Stinip«on ( IHUO). Gulf of St. Lawrence, Mighels (Gould). Gaspt^ Bay and off Cap des Rosiers lighthouse, dredged by the writer ; Ruisgeau V'all^ and Marsouin lis (B«ll) ; MinK»n I.lMtd* (J. Rfc -Jmo) ; !klarr»7 Baj, •bvadMt (Sir J. W. !»•»«»). Prufe«M>r Vwril' grnrd* V. pteUnulm m lynoayiiioiu with C. M>, bat thb opinkm ' .nand by Dr. IMII, who, in • l«tt«r to th« wrii«r, m f.>6a. " f. ptlinula M light yellow brown, with oosrMricalptuiw ami more rotund form thnn the purple C. f»ha. hut C. ptctinula tpptmn to U. very r»r« and I li»ve wen only the typ«i, while C. /aA.. in oomuion in the Arctic." ClllNKLt.A (ILANDCLA (Totten). Slodioln glnmlultt, Tiittcn (IHM). Mulilntilrruiittui, mirii|iBi>ti (tNAII ; ni\\rt{\Xi2). rrtLtlla lireiumta, Uivcn (1M6); «t sact. Bay of Fundy, common (V«rrill); AnnapolU Basin (Varknizen); off CJiiitidt* OWve, OhmihI Bay, and oth«r localitiex in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in from 20 to 60 fathoms, dredged by the writer ; Greenland (Moller). Family X^ueiUidn. NucDLA TENUIS (Montagu). a. Forma ttwca. Area tenuii, M(inta((U (IH08). yiieula Itnuit, Turton (1H22) ; et auct. Njewla linuit, funua liipica, (>. O. iSan (1878). b. Forma iiolata. yuevta tenuit, Miillpr (1842). Nuiutii inilata, HanoKk (1846). JVurifta Miqunttt. Beck (1847) : teste Mnroli. ITuculn Ifmii; fnnna itijirita, (J. O. Sara (1S78). Both varieties of this shell are widely distributed on the European as well a« on the American side <-f the north Atlantic, in fi.m 4 to 100 lit fathom*. (>n tht* nut ooMt at Nnrth Amr % tbv iiiaoiM ia kmiwn to nui||e (ram C«pa Cod •ml th*) Muritimi- Pn..incM tu th«i Oultf uuim1 rditiiin o( UouldV liivart«brnta u( MaMHii'liiiiM. Jftumta ftiTutnM, Itci'Ve ( IHA). ITucult JklliMii, Ailmiin (IWitl). North xhore o( the r. Ntinipium " has identified our tpecimeni an being thix befuro douiit(ul npeeiei. " Little M^tia and Murniy Bny (Sir J. W. IlawMiii)' Anhe Inlet and Port Kurwell, Cape Chudluigh, Iludiion Strait (littll, I8K4) ; ufT Churchill, Keewatin, in 3U fathom.) (Comuiiindnr Wakeham, Uiaiia Exploriuf; expedition, 18'JT). \» a ((Mnil .v. fxpaiiia in recorded an having iHten collected in tlio Leda clay at WeHtbrooke, Duck Cove, St. John, N.B.; iind iit Hivicre du Ix)up, P.Q. O. O. Sars, hti«e\er, thinks that aV. fj-panm it identicnl with .V. leniiiM var. inflatii, and Sir J. \V. DawHoii that tlie furuier ia probably u " large and well developed northern form o( X lenuia." NucuiA PROXIMA, 8«y, var tbusculi'h, Dall. 1S9H. Trann. \V.i(fniT Kr. In«t. Sc. Fhilwl., »<.'. in., \<. 574. Grand Mnnan, "in 4 (tithoms sand off I»uck Island Weir" (StimptlH (IKIL'). Niieula cortiaitu, (Holbiill) .\I.;ll..r (1S42) ; fide Miirch. Grand Manan, 25 fathoms mud on the Hake ground (Stimpson) ; " Bay of Fundy, and Eastport Harljour, 10 to 100 fathoms, mud, common" (Ver- rill) ; Annapolis Basin, N.S., rather abundant (Verkruzen) ; fishing banks off Halifax (Willis). Northumberiand Strait, and off Orande Greve, Gasp^ Bay, in 50 fathoms, mud, dredged by the writer. Family Ledidtf. Leda minuta (Miiller). Anaminufa, MuIIer ( IZrfi) ; ami O. "ibriciuii (1780). Leila mitrnta, Mnller (1842); et auct. Fishing banks off Halifax, rare (Willis). Off Orande Greve, (Jaapi^ Bay in 50 fathoms, mud (1869) and off Cap des Rosiers village (1869) dredged by the writer ; Little M^tis and Kamouraska (Sir J. W. Dawson). Labrador coast, at Long Island, 15 fathoms ; Henley Harbour, 20 fathoms : Chateau Bay, ."JO fathoms ; and Square Island, 30 fathoms (Packard). Greenland (Fabricius). Also, fossil in the Leda clay at St. John, N.B. ; Riviere du Loup and Montreal. Lkda pernula (Miiller). Area prmula, Mttller (l"7i») ; fide I»ven. Ana ruKtrata, Uniclin (17U2) ; lid.' I<,ii,nlWl compelled to believe that it could not have been Y. gtacialis, whatever Gray's JC. arctica was."* And in a foot note to this last sentence he adds : " In this also I agree with Hanley and Smith in referring Gray's species to the hypeiborea group rather than to that of truncata, Brown, as supposed by Torell, Jeffreys and Morch)." Meoayoldia thraci.bformis (Storer). Nueula thn, torer (1838); and (limid (1841). Nuciila Mvk thouy(18;i«); yimng. Yoltlia nntiiiliir .^.ler (1842) ; test* Milrcli. .Veiiaiiuldia thnicmfnrviii, Verrill and liusli (1S97). Grand Manan, " in 25 fathoms, mud, off Duck Island " (Stimpson) ; Ray of Fur. . ,, 10 to 100 fathoms (Verrill) ; fishing banks off Hrtlifax (Willis) ; Ha)!L^x Harbour (J. M. Jones). Off the north west coast of Cape Breton Island (dead specimens), and Gulf of St. Lawrence, about half way between Anticosti and the Gasp^ peninsula, in 200 fathoms, mud, rare and small, but living, dredged by the writer. Greenland (Miiller— IVrfiVi angularia). * Tr«nMction» of the W4Kner 594 and 095. .nititute of Science of Philadelphia, vol. HI., pp. 138 Family Arcidct. Abca (BATuyARCA) PRCTUNcuLOiDBs, ScacohL Arra peetuiiculoirlfHf Scocchi (1834) ; fide Nyst. Arm niridtntata, Sesrles WiKid (1(M0(. , ilhynrm fiectuticuloiilei, Verrill and Buth (18*J8). Living in deep water (200 to 313 fathoms) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, to the north, south and south-east > i tho Island of Anticosti, where speci- meno, are known to inhabit the coast of Labiailor, Hudson Bay and Greenland, and to extend their range south- ward ti> Cap Cod. In a fossd state C. cilintum has l)een found in the Pleistocene deposits of Portland, Me. ; of Lawlor's Lake, near St. John, N.B. ; of Little Metis, Riviere du Loup, the .Saguenay and Murray Bay, P.Q. ; also of two or three miles up Whale River, Hudson Bay (Bell, 1877); of near Moose Factory, JamiisBay (Bell, 18"."), and A. S. Cochrane, 1*^77) ; of the Limestone rapids of tlie Fawn Branch of tlie Severn River, Keewatin yA. P. Low, 1886); and of Vancouver Island, B.C. 129 Cabdium (Cbras-todbrma) piwnulatom, Conrad. C«rr/.i<« pinnulalum, Conra.1 (1831 1 ; ,t aiiore,UU (= A. arctica), is mi.- placed. It was intended to refer to the species which Sir William calls Astarte arotusa, var. lactea, and not to that which ho identifies with A elhptica. In a fossil state, A. compr«s$a has been found at Portland, Alaine, the Saguenay and Labrador. ASTARTE INDATA, Gould. Attiirte undnta, fJould (1841) ; prnvisional iiaun,. Aatnrtf tulcatn. Could (1841 and 1870) ; nut of Kuropean writers. Cratiimi lalimira, Hanley (1M43). Attarl- umlala, Pliilippi (1850) ; and V.-rriIl (1872). Var. LDTBA : Aft.irl, Intra, Perkins (IWiUi. Grand Manau, "common in deep water on muddy bottoms," (.Stimpson as A. sulcata, Fleming); "very coi.mion in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, 5 to 100 fathoms" (Verrill) ; Minas Basin (G. T. Kennedy) : Passamaquoddy Bay(Ganong); Ainapolis Basin, abundant (Verkruzen) ; Halifax Harbour (J. M. Jones, as A. sulcata, Fleminjj); Northumberland Sirait (Whiteaves). Not known to occur as far to the northward us Miramiclii Bay. It has long been known that there are two well marked 'forms of this species, though they pass insensibly into oicli „tii>,r. The typical form, upon which Hanley baseutline, the Fin- markians are very uniform. I have put a mark against a shell on your tablet, that would make a good crebricostala. I should take your shells to be the A. lubequilatera of Sowerby, junior, as I think was your opinion. One of your transverse ones, which I have ulso marked, would do suUiciently well for A. oblonga, Sowerby, junior, were it not that the ribs do not evanesce as there descrilted. Every one finds Astartos puzzling." Professor Verrill thinks that the shell described and figured by CJould as A. crebricoKtata, in the second edition of the Invertebrata of .Vla-ssachusetts, is not the A. crehricnut/ita of Forbes, and that the former should be called A. letm, Stimpson. The shell that Gould identifies with A. crehricostata is said to have been collected off Halifax, N.8., ("young specimens in abundance ") by Willis ; at Anticosti Island (Stimpson) ; and ivt Dauphin Harbour, Ijabrador, by Packard. Verrill says that .4. term occurs in the Bay of Fundy on soft bottoms in 30 to 130 fathoms. AsTARTE CBENATA, Gray. Off Bear Head, Anticosti, in 120 fathoms; two living specimens, which were dredged by the writer in 1871 and identified with this species by Jeffreys in 1877. Three very similar specimens have since been dredged 1.13 (living) in Richmond (luif, Hudson Buy, in 15 to ir, fathomt, muddy bottom, by A. P. I. ni» coarsely and irregularly stria concentrically. The largPHt Ht. La« icncc specimen of A. rrenata th-t i » -iter has seen is :;5 mm. long, and ■ n its outer Hurface there are about I .ncpntric ribs in the upper half of ra. li valve. The three comparatively siuall sjieciinens from Hml.son iJay are irnKularly striated All over. ASTARTE CA4TANEA, Say. Vriiut Mutnttfrtt Say (1.S22). Ailartr rtitliiiun, Siiy ilXtOl; ft Hiict. Bay of Fundy, 5 to --'n fathoms, not common ( Verrill) ; AnnaiMilis Basin, N.8., rare (Verkruzen) ; Indian Sptinns, cast side of Cape Ulomidon, Minas Basin, IS;.*) (G. T. Kennedy); Halifax Harlnmr (Willis): off Cape' Sable, N.S. (Verrill); Sable Island, 1899 (Prof. .Macoun). A New Kngland species, which docs not seem to range farther to the northword than the Bay of I.indy and Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. ASTARTE QCAPRANS, Gould. Attitrt€ qHiidnini, tiouM (1841 nnd 1S70). A^lartt Poitlniiilica, .Mit,'htl« (1S43) ; variety. (Jrand Manan, "occurs very rarely here" (Stimpson) ; Bay of Fundy, in 6 to 40 fathoms, not uncommon (Verrill) ; north shore of the St. Lawrence, off Esquimaux Point (J. Kichardson, Jun.) The " van /' ' uiiliat ticcurs, with intermediate form.s, in Ca.sco Bay and Bay of Fundy, lo u> i') fathoms, not common ;" (V'errill). AsTARTE Banksii (Leach). Typical form. Vrnu> rnmfrmw. >l.nit.agn (180.S): nun L. rid,. S. Wrnxl. ami (i. <). Sam. Veimn Mimlaniti, I'illwyii (1X17). yiraniii Bunk.'-ii, Liavh (1819) : and Sabine (1824) tesH. M.ilW. t'lnui Moiiliinui, W. WiKid (182,">). Afliirte Jimdiii, Mul'er (1S42). ytraiiiii Hinkiiii, forma liipifn, (!. (). Sam (1878). Off Halifax, N.S. (Stimpson, tide Packard) ; Le Have Bank, N.S., U. S. Fish Commission, 1872, (Smith and Harger). Common in the northern and I IM colder parte of the Oulf »nd inontb y the writer in 1871. ASTARTE BaKKSII, var. 8TH1AT.\. Vidinia itriala, heach (IH19). Crantinn itriala. Brown (1827). Ailarit tfriata. Brown (1844) ; Miillpr (1842) ; »t »uct., but not A. ilriiila, Sowerliy (1H22) tciste Loven. AMarte Banktii, var. striala, (i. <). Sar!( (1S7.SJ, Specimens that have been identified with A. atrialahavo been recorded as having been collected from the fishing bunks off Halifax, by Willis, in Gaspti Bay by the writer, at Murray Bay by .Sir J. W. Dawson, on tlie Labrador coast at Hopedale by Packard, and on the Greenland coast l.y Jlt-ller. Packard has expwssed the opinion that A. Laiuviitiina, Lyell, from the Pleistocene deposits ut Beaupoit, is identical with A. Bank.Kii. aml^ir 3. W. Dawson that it is the same as A. striata. In the writnr's judgment, no living specimens that he has seen, from the Gulf of St. Lawrence or else- where, are exactly similar to A. Laurentiana. 139 Family Carditidit. Vknkhk'ardia bokkaliu (Conrnd). CnrHiItt hmnlit. Ctmnul (IKIK ; knil (;rfilit, H. ami A. A'Unn (l«68|. Vfnrrieanliii Immilit, I 'arin'iitar (11*13). C,wtoraftliit iMtrrahtf Vwrrill (1H73). Uenerally distribuU-d tr^m Conn«cticut to fluHson Strait. Tt >im been drpdged at many localitioi in tho iUy of Kundy, Atlantic coaHt of Nova Sootia, and Oulf and muuth of th« iiiver Mt. I.iawrimce, in deptlis of from 3 to 50 fathom*. Htiinjwon nays tiiat at Ducic Island, (irand Manan, it is found " at low water, under ntunei*, attached i>y u inlnutn liyisuit." Fine large iipeciineni of thin iihell, in tlio Mu»euui of the Survey, were dredged at Ashe Inlet, Hud»on Strait, by l)r K. Itel! in \h>H, The iipeciev lia» long been known to occur on the Puciflc coant of North America, oa far Mouth as Catalina Lsland, California, and it has been dredgMJ at several localities in the Queen Charlotte Inlands by Dr. O. M Dawuon. Accordins to Verrill,* the Actinobolut (Cyclocardia) .Xumni/liir of Morse, appears to bo only an'tnt variety of the common V. horealin, and han a range coeitensive with the latter. In n fossil state V. borea/i» hm bt'en obtained from the Pleistocene beds of the littbrador coast, by Packard in 1804. Family Vfitiridir. Vknus mbiicknahu, L. IVntjx wcrrfii./rMi. L. (17(17): «'t. alict. Mererifiriii rinluren, Scliiiiiiariicr I1.S17). Mfreemtna nii iT(n>iri«w«m); lihediae H»y (Whit«<»v«.ii) ; Oreen Iiluid, nuulh shore of th« mouth of th«> River Mt. Ijiwrence (Flell); and Indian Uarlwur, liitbrador, at low water (Packard). Cytmkrka convrxa, Hajr. Cfithtrtn ronrrm, S»y i IH24I fiawil ; (KniH (imi and 1870) raofinl. Cjtllirrraliafiiinii, C'ihiiimI (IMKI) i ivcfnt. V«ll ita rtmrrj;), M, itml A. Aduiiii ( ISfiH). Cfitlttnti Sajtii, I'urkiiM (ImiW), Oak Bay, N.H. (Uanon'^j); Ht. Mary'i May, N.R, at low ti.les, rare (Verkruzen); Sablw Island, rare (VVilli») ; Shediac B«y,_Northuinl*rl«ml Strait,— and Magdalen Islands (Wliiteavea) ; Prince Edward Island (.Sir J. W. DawBon). LlOCYMA rLl'CTU08A (CJould). rrniu.rfurtuoM, (iiiuld (Kmi. Kfnlli iinlnrluiilrt, Ilrck (imiM. TnprtHucluofa, 'iolihl (IM'O). LiucjimaJluelKdia, Dall (1S7I»). Widely distributed from the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia to Ijibrador and Ore«'nland, in from 10 to about 5o fathoms, but apparently i>tni. »hough usually abundant where found. Willis quotes it as rare on the fishing banks off Halifax ; and the writer has dredged it abundantly, living, both on the Bradelle Bank and in (ia«p<'> Bay. Piu-kard says that he dredgelu(<». Fetrioula piiuLADiroHMiii, Ijtmi»r<-k. frlr,r,J„ ,,kiil-nlii,irmn. UtnKnk (IfllH)) ■mi H«y (IMO. filriivlii forniriilt, .Hit> (IM23l. P,lr irolii >/.i.'f .«'»•, Say itHM) : *ii>l (tmilil I tliti am) IM'O). St. M»r;'a Biiy, N'.H. ( Verlcruzpn) : 8alile Ixlunil, rare (Willis); Roalh ooMt of Prinw! Kdwnnl InIhikI, huTDwitiK in t»-U n( r«l idmUtonp and •hale (Hir J. W. DitWNim. itnii V. Hnin) ; Shxiioc B»y, ami elaowht-re in NorlhuinbdrlanU Mraii (\S'liit«'iv«K). Family DiftlDiionlidir Ckyptodo!! Uouliiii, Pliillippi. huritvt
  • , liinilil (IHIll; iiiiii .\liilita|ril, »\'. t'triiui llmilitii. I'liilipiH lIMi'il. Tk uimltti Ihmhhi. Stiliil»«ili llHMI. i'r,,pfoil,i,i liiiiihlii. H. iiiiil A. A.liiii.* (IHW) ; ft «i«» Widely but apparently very sparingly distriliutccl through the whole r«((ion, from the Uay of Kunily, Atlantiu t'oiist uf Nuva Scotia and ('ulf and mooth of the Hivor St. Liiwrencn, to Lal)rii. ThU. " Found in M to lOO fathoms, north of Ciipe Cod, in the Gulf of Maine, Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy and Halifax M»rb..jr, 187-', 1885" (Verrill and Bush). 1S8 Crtptodon (Axikulus) frbruoinoscb (Forbes). Cruptodon rotundatvm, S. Wood (ItMO). Xelliaferruffinom, Forbet (1848). iximu ffrruirinoiiu, G. O. San (1878). Cryftodonftrruginotvt, Verrill (1882). Cryftodon {Axinulut)/ernigitu>tu$, Verrill and Bu(h (1898). on^"i! ,*'/!' ^^"""^' «'"*•' ""d «>"*»' ««t Of the Island of Antico«ti, in 200-313 fathoms, mud, dredged by the writer in 1873 ; a few small but hvmg specimens, which are believed to be referable to thi» species. Chyptodon (Axindlus) insqualis. Verrill and Bush. 1898. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mm., vol. \x., p. T91. "A few specimens have been found in 14 to 49 fathoms at about eleven •tetioiis north of Cape Cod, in Casco Bay, and in Halifax Harbour. 1873- 79 " (Verrill and Bush). AxiHTOPsis OBBicoLATA, G. O. Sars, var. ik^qcalis, Verrill and Bush. 1898. Op. cit., vol. XX., p. "94. Bay of Fundy (Verrill and Bush). Family Leptonidai. Kbllia suBORBinutARis (Montagu). Mya tulmrbicuUtrit, Mnntami (1804). Kdlin niborbicularit, Turton (1822) ; et auct. "Sable Island, Willis," in J. Matthew Jones' "List of the Mollusca of Nova Scotia," published in 1877, though the writer has failed to find the name of this specie, in Willis' 1863 list, as republished rn vol. vii. of the Transactions of the Nova Scotia Institute of Natural Science. I ROCHEFORTIA MoLLERI (M.irch). Montaetila rlrrata. Moroh (187.5) ; not .Stimp«>n (1851). Mytellii Uottrri (Holbiill) .Miirch. Jtorhefortia MMcti, Dall (I'JOO). Halifax Harbour, in ISfathoms, U. S. Fish Commission, 1877 (Miss Bush). It is doubtful whether the specimens from Sable Island that Willis Identified with the KelHa vlatmlata of Stimpson. should be referred to Rocheforlia plamdata or to R. Molleri. IS9 Family KellUmda: TcRTOsiA MiNDTA (Fftbricius). Vtttiu mt'nula, O. FRbriciu* (1780). Letcf I minula, Miillw (1842). Tiirlonia minuta, Aldrr (IftW) ; and Stimpaon (1851). Turtonia nitida, Verrill (1872). Sable Island, common (Willis); Greenland (Fabricius, and MoUer Family Mactridir. Sfisula (Hkmimactra) souDiaaiMA (Dillwyn). Maetra totidhtima, Dillwyn (1817) ; tide Dall. Uaetra timili$. Say (1822). Maetra gi'jantca, Lamarck ( 1830). Uaclra tolidiitima, (Jould (1H411. Maetra pondrrom, Philipi>i (1844). Hemititartra foUdiainm^ Conrad (18(i8). Spifuta iffcmimactra) ttotidUsiiiutt Dall (1H1I5). An inhabitant of sandy stretches or bays, living at depths of from low- water to ten fathomt. It is common in the Bay of Fundy, on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, and in Northumberland Strait, and it is also foand, though much more sparingly, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, northward to the Strait of Belle Isle. Spisula (Hemimactra) polysyma (Stimpson). M«c>ra timitit, Gray (1842); non .Say. Maetra omlh, (Jould (1841 and 1870); noii .T. Sowi-rby (1817). Maetra ponderom, Stiiniwon (ISal). Miietra poliimi'""' Stimpson (18ii(l). Spimd-'i (Heminiaetni) pofi/iitinut^ I>aU (WO.'i). A scarcer shell than the pncedinj,'. of which it maybe only a variety. It has a similar habitat and the same geographical liislriljution. MULINIA LATERALIS (Say). Mnelrii latintlh. Say (18221. Miiliiiia laliralit, (irity (1837). Utandclla Menilin, H. and A. .Adami" (IS.W). About ten miles north of Slietliac, N.B.. in 10 fathoms, sand; one cpecimen, dredged b • the writer in 1873. 1 1 1 i;i h^ .1. 1^ k it 140 Family Mttodesmatidtr^. MlaODEHMA DRAURATUH (Turton). Mactra deannUa, Turton (1822). Mtudema Jaumil. De Jo«nnU (1834) j and Gould (1841) Cerotua dtaurala, H. and A. Adam. (1888) j and Gould (1870). Under the generic name Ceronia, botl. M. deauralum, and Af arctatum Conrad) are «id to be «re on the fishing banks ofl SabI Island Z^Z n :: TT'^^ '"' "* ^"^'^ ''^*'* ^•'^»* 0° ^he authon^ 'of d Dr^ould Dr. R. Bel. referred to M. arctatum the specimen/that he cLt 1858. On the other hand, Dr. Packani identified y,itl. M. JauresiiU •ynonymof if on of ^. arctatum ; whereas adult and aged specimens, with only a nanow strip "XZ^liSV^'T' TT''': ^''"'■'^' »"«-.— pond he's with that of i/. deauratum. Judging by the figures in the second edition of SL tit "*'u"*' '*' ^•-«=^'-»^. ^he principal diffe^nce between th««3 two forms would seem to be that in i^. arcta<«.. the short posterior end IS so abruptly subtnincate that the beaks are almost terminal ; where*, in jr. deanraium the same part of the shell is somewhat produced. I„ this particular all the Canadian specimens that the writer has seen, ag,^ ViZ with the figure of If arctatum than with that of if. deauratum ' ^^ In a let^r dated Feb 18th, 1901, Dr. Dall writes ,« follows on this point In regard to the Mesodesmas Stimpson recognizes thi-ee forms : ' 3iea - c/a- not oimes .on of arctatum, Conrad (1831), Anterior end more pointed. Flattened. Posterior end shorter. Straw yellow. Rather thin. Kadial lines obvious. Shell broad. <;in«r«a,8timpson(M.S.) jfcaura/um,Turton(l822) do. tur^d. shorter. ashy. very thick. obsolete. broad. more rounded. flattened. longtT and more angular. yellowish. thin. do. narrower. 141 " I am not dogmatic about them, bat would be dispoeed to recogniie two, at leaat, one turgid and short in front, the other flatter and longer." " They are very close to each other at beat, and all found in the Oalf " of St. Lawrence. Family Serobieulariida. CcMiNuiA TELLiNoiDEs (Conrad). Maetrti Uh.noidei, Conrad (1831). Cumhujui teUinoidet^ Holmes (18AU) ; Verrill (1876). Prince Edwaui Island, only one specimen seen (Sir J. W. Dawson, 1871) ; south shore of P.E.I. (F. Bain, 1875). Family Tellinidee. TRLLiy.i (Anouluh) tenbba. Say. TelUna (en^i{m« tcntr, Verrill (1872). Bay of Fundy (Verrill) ; St. Mary's Bay, N.8. (Verkruzen); fishing banks ofl" Halifax, scarce (Willis). Shediac Bay, at or t- little below low- water mark (Whiteavas) ; south coast of Prince Edward island (F. Bain) ; and Oaspe Bay (Sir J . W. Dawson). M.iCOMA BAlTHIf'A (L) TfHtna BaUkica. L. (17.'>8) ; fide Dall. Ffiiu»/ro;;i7i.<. O. Fabriciu9(1780)i non L. Pmmmtbiii fiiixa. Say (1827) ; tide Dall. Satyiuinolaria fu/i-a, Conrad (1831) ; and (Joidd (1841). Triiiiut i,r,iitlifulirtt (Beck) Ly.U (lUSil). Trilinafrmjiiif, Jlnll.T (1842) ; "■'" L- TiUiiui (M'H-oMii) li lura, M^ircti (18.">r) ; iion Say ; fide Dall. Miii-omn friiiiilis, 11. and .\. .\ilains (1858). Maeoma fiitra, Packard (1807). Common throu;»hout the entire region, usually at or a little below low- water mark. It is abundant on thi^ shores of the Maritime Provinces, and Dall says that it ranges "in cool water south to (Jeorgia." In the Gulf of St. Lawrence it is widely distribute2). Name only. Macoma iiijtata, Verrill and Biuh (1H9H). Figured, but not deacrilied. Murray Bay, P.Q. (Sir J. W. Dawson). The writer has dredged living specimens of this shell off Urande Greve, Uasp^ Bay, in 1869 ; off Cap des Hosiers, in 38 fathoms, and six miles off Cap des Hosiers, in 125 fathoms, in 1871 ; and eleven miles from Perce, in 60 fathoms, in 1872. M. xnjlala ho; also been found in the Pleistocene deposits of Riviere du Loop and Montreal. "This species was named by Stimpsun in manuscript, and the name published by Dawson, but the first real definition of " itn " name is by Verrill and Bush " * (Dall). Family Solenidir. Ensis dikrltus (Conrad). Solen tniii, Conrad {IM2) ; nnn Linne. * Solen Jirrctiu, Conrad (IH43) : t»te Dall Solen Americttnut, Onuld (1S70). Bnmtdla Americana, VeiTill (1H72). Entii ilirectui, Call (1900). Grand Manan (SLmpson) ; Bay of Fundy, low-water mark to 40 fathoms, sand (Verrill) ; Hospital Island, Passuma(|uoddy Bay (Oanong) ; Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia and Sable Island, common (Willis). Shediac Bay (Whiteaves); near Charlottetown, P. K.I., Professor Mucoun ; Gaspi? Bay and Little Metis (Sir J. W. Dawson) ; Bic, Uimouski, and numerous locali- ties on the Gaspe coast (Bell) ; near (Caribou Island, P.Q. (Packard). SiLKjuA cosT.AT.iv (Say). St>len Cfiitalns, Shv (1K22). 3Iarhr,ra coftnta, (Jould (l!*41 and 1K70). Siliqwi coilata, H. and A. Adams (18,")S). Fishing banks off Halifax (Willis) ; beach at Amherst Harbour, Magdalen Islands (Whiteaves) ; (iaspe Bay (dead t) ; pt anct. Grand Manan (Stimpicn); Bliu Harbour, N.B. (danong). Off Pictou Island, N.y., in 12 fathoms (alive) ; Pointe du Ch^nv. Shediac Bay (dead and empty but large and perfect shells, thrown up un or near the beach by a storm) ; and off Orande Urive, Oasp^ Bay, (Whiteaves). One small speci- men was dredged off Caribou Island (Packard). This specie;), Verrill says, " burrows so deeply in the mud or sand, that it is seldom taken alive in the dredge." Thbacia MTOPau (Beok) Mbller. Thracia mi/optit, (Beck) Moller (IMS) ; «t suut. Tkmeitt Couthoiijii, Stinipiion(1851). Grand Manan Stimpson) ; Halifax Harbour (Smith and Harger) ; off Grand Orive, Oaap<^ Bay, in 50 fathoms mud (Whiteaven) ; Salmon Bay (on the north shore of the Gulf, just inside of the Strait ot Belle Isle) in 10 fathoms mud ("a tine large specimen"), and Long Island (Sandwich Bay, Labrador) in 1-5 fathoms sand (Packard) ; Greenland (Moller). The late Dr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys was of the opinion that this shell is the Am/thidtitma Iruneatum, Brown (Illustr. Conch. Gt. Britain, 1827) and that it should be called Thracia Iruneala (Brown). G. O. San, in his Mollusca Regionis Arcticte Norvegicie, published in lf^T8, adopts this view, niid regards T. myo/nia as a synonym of T. truncata. Thracia truncata, Mighels and Adams. Thraeiii trunmUi, Migheli and AdaniH (1IM3) ; and Ruuld (IX'O). Grand Manan, "in 10 fathoms coarse sand off Cheney's Head" (Stimp- son); Bay of Fundy (Verrill); fishing banks off Halifax, scarce (Willis) ; Greenland, in 60 fathoms (Morch). Dr. Jeffreys has suggested that as the specific name given to this shell by Mighels and Adams is preoccupied, it should be changed to T. teptenlrionalit. i^-^ UT Fkinily CutpitlaridiM. CD8PIDARIA CILACULM, O. O. 8«n. Jfttm tlaeialU. U. O. S«n {Wl»)\ et Allot. ihtMindann gUuMii, Dall (IMgS). (Supularia arelita, T»r. gUteiali; Dall (I8H9). A few living •pecimens of a shell which JeSraya, Verrill, Mid the writer formerly identified with Xtirra aretiea, M. Skra, but which Verrill now calls Cu$pidaria ylaeialit, were dredged by the writer in 1871, 1872 and 1873, frooi the deep sea mud (170-313 fathonH) in the Uulf of St. Lawrence, at Mveral localities to the north, und more especially to the south and south- east of the Island of Anticosti. Verrill ha* dredged similar specimens in the Bay of Fundy, and says that the npecies is " common on muddy bottoms, in SO to 192 fathoms, ofiE the coasts of New England and Nova Scotia." Jeffreys has expressed the opinion that Neatra (or, as it is now called, Cutpidaria) glacialit, is only a variety of Ntatra obesa, Loven ; but Dall regards the former as a variety of A', arctira. CuBPiDARiA ARCTICA (M. Sars). JTtara aretiea, M. Saia (1872) ; Mid G. O. San (1878). Cuipidaria aniifa, Dall (1880). " A single imperfect valve from station 70, south of Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 190 fathoms, is referred to this speciex. Though worn and slightly broken, it agrees closely with Sars' figure, but it cannot be fully grown, for it meatures but 14 mm. in length, and 11 mm. in height " (Verrill).* CuspiDARiA PBLLi;oiDA (Stimpson). Ifeara ptlluelda, Stimpaon (18,'i3'i. Cutpidaria pellueiJa, Verrill (1898). Grand Manan, " off Long Island, in 40 fathoms, on a muddy bottom " (Stimpson) ; the specimen from which the original description was made. Professor Verrill states that similar specimens have since been obtained at nearly the same locality by the U. S. Fish Commission. In 1871 the writer dredged a few shells, which were then identified with Vetera ob«i* Saxicava sand and Leda clay, at Portland, Maine ; New Bruns- wick ; New Richmond, Antiuosti, Uiviere du I»iip, Riviere des Outardes, Quebec, and Montreal, P.Q. - and Labra'lor ; also in the Pleistocene deposits of Greenland and northern Europe. In eastern Canada it is much more abundant as h cost-tertiary fossil than as a recent shell. * Pruceedii.. f the U. S. National Muwum, vol. ix., |i. 804. ■Hi / 14» « Hazicava RDooaA (L). Mm antin, L (1787). H).l. N»l., «t. »ii., v.>L I., pfc 2, p. in& thlen minitlui. h. (17)17). (>|i. cit., |i. 1115. MnlHiu nifiMiu; L. (17ti7). <»|«. cit., p. IIM. Ulitilut pkiAiidii, U ( 1771 1. Una aretita, (). Kabriciui ( 17H0). Una h^uiftni, (). Kaliriciiu (l7tM>). Saxiritva rugnm, I^Kiuank (IMIM) ) ft aiict. t Sajtiearii ditlitria. Say ilMK). Both Verr.ll and Doll include S. rugota nautng the •ynonym« of S. aretica, mad it now tieemi to be generally conceded thir. there is but onti Npeoit-i of Sojeieava in the north Atlantic and Pnciflc. The nsinn iVya aretv-a k^mH to have been ipven by Linnii>u.'< to young or half-grown ahelU, or upeoimeni of a Hiniill variety, with wxll definod IuiiuIh and posterior area, the latter nitually marked with two Hpinuiie longitudinitl ridK<**t ineitch valvf ; and that of .Vj/tiiut ruyoiitt to large, adult individual!) of tlip name specie*, with the lunule and posterior area obialete. \» the Itev. (>. W. Taylor hait Maid : — "aretien ii the e.irlietgo»n» wna :;ivuii to the typical rock- boring form, /'hd/aitin, n utill later name, was given to unother v/irifty " . . . "that han the «hell giiping widely in front and to which Jvflroyit (Brit. Conch., vol. iii., p. 82) rentricts the name /ihn/ai/iii."* S. rngota (including S. aivtl-a) is equally common in the north Atlantic «nd north Pacilic. On the weiitern side of the Atl'inti' '%, u known to range from I»ng Island Sound (and pt^rhapt from Onorgia and South Carolina) to Greenland and the Arctic ( >cean ; and, in depth, from low water mark to 90 fathoms or more. Shells of iliis aporieM, as stated by Dall, are found "burrowing, or nostliug in ij.avel or briken .'•hells, or perforating rocks, corallines, or deiid shells, like pholad fathoms, Verrill says that he has found specimens " perforating recent ami sound shells of Cypriiia I»landica." The species is widely distributed throughout the whole of the rejjiou now under consideration, excopt periiaps in the very deepest parts of tiie Uulf of St. Lawrence, wher* the bott'jin d-xis not seem to suit it, and northward to the Atlantic coast of Labrador, Hudson Strait anil Bay. In Hudson Strait, living specimens h.»ve been dredged at Ashe Inlet by Bell in 1884 ; and between King Georgo Sound and the bottom of Ungava Bay l)y Low in 1897. On the west coa-st of Hudson Bay similar specimens have lieen dredged twenty miles o.T Fort Churchill, in 30 fathoms, I ly ( Viiiiiniinder Wakeham in 1897 : and on the east coast of Hudson Bay, by Mr. Ixjw, ni'ar the mouth of Povungnitnk Uiver in 18!)« ; and in Kichmond Oulf, in 1899. * Tranuctiona of tli» R'\v»i .Stiuifty of I'aiuxla for 1HB5, Hrcond Svrin, vol i., iwct. IV. IBO Aa • foMil, S. ntfo-a i« tiOMilingiy kbttodant in the PMiIoomm dapotit* tt MaiiMs S»m Bruo wlrk, mkI Um vallejpi at the Ht. LawreoM aad OtUwa rivan. It Iw* *4*o ' t fonnd in ilnilar d«po«iu at • few localiiiM in Ungnra, northaraOn' > io, tCaawatin, and on Vanooovar Infamd. At Ungava, it haa baen collaotail 17 i tell 00 the aait ooait of Hudion Bay, two or tbrea milaa «tp Little MUl Point, near M baan oollaoted t fh. River, by Mr. In » , ■ of Cheaterfleld In i S. rugota, mlmt, , ■ of Europe, and, ac< abundant in the thi ■ than in the Oulf J Whiil. ' 111 , t n Jill,' 'I L.. River, iu 1877 ; and in northern Uiitario, at ■ y, Jamaa Bay, in 1875. In Keewatin it haa t Rapid* of tike Pawn Branch of the Sev'n «r d at Uluttonj Bay, Baker Litica, at the bead T Hanbury in 1900. • .ir in the Miocene, Pliowne and Plfi»too«ne Si J. W, D'.wion, it is "reUtively much mora 1 " of thi pruvinoes of Quebec nud Ontario^ OvRTv IV .1 iiLiqUA, T>audin. liliicimtr' »iA7ii/i, L»iii»rik M-IH): MiiH!nul'e Island beach, deu. #i<-/)r'i '-rii^ta, Orny (IKMl. Mirplu*! iritfHtla (••nyi Lnwh llMttl; ami i>( milHniurnt authon. Wi(li>ly distributed throw((bout the north AtUntio, but r«r« in Um HuU o( St. L»wrence und ""m of tno Maritime Provincfs. 80 tmr mi known, ita bstKymRtric»l ritoge, ou tha North A ttierioMt ■idc uf th* Atlaotio, ia (ro« loir-wattr m»rk to 70 (•thoin*. Htinip'-»» it «i yr» very r«r«l» at OnmJ M»n«n, and Verrill that he hB« drwi|{«d it in tHs B»} '»* Fun.i>, in 8 to TO fathom*, hanl clay. Willi, iibaUM that he ha* r- -. ed Urge •petimeiis from 8*We Inland, the writer lia* dr«da«d it i'.*t "the Xirftnttrom tiie nortk west coMt uf AnM'r» and northward." • Xvlaphaoa DOBRALia, Turton. In waterlojijed wood, (Jtmp^ Bay, dretlged iiy Hir J. W. ttawson in 1869, and identified with this specien by the writer in 1872, Family Ttrrdinidf. TiRBOO KAVAI.IH, L. Marine slip limbers at Pictou, !<'.«.; St. John, N.B., in part of a ship* hull (Whiteaves). Tbhp.uo ulLATATA, Stimpson. " Very large specimens have Vx-en rr<-eived from Sable loland take>i from wreck timber" (Willig). The specieb is said to be i»-ry r'.owly allied to T m'ifotara, Hanley. • TranmictiDii" "f 'hf Waifii""'' Krw Institnt? cjf Sci»nw jf Philad*"!!!)!!*, vol. ill., p. K18, -^> ■— mm»».m \\h \ ! ■ ' If 152 80APH0P0DA. Family BmtaliideB. ) DlMTALIDH >HTALU, L. DenUUium eiUali$ (L.) Higheli (1843). JTndi/u ttriolala, Stimiaon (1861). Denialittm enlalu (L.) Pil»bry (1897). Grand Manan, " very common on muddy bottoms in the coralline zone " (Stimptton). Paauunaquoddy Bay and abundant almost everywhere on muddy bottoms on the southern coast of New Brunswick (Ganong); Arnapolis Basin, two examples ( Verkruzen). Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, 46 fiithoms gravelly and stony bottom, — and 60 fathoms, coarse gravel, stones and sponges, abundant,— U. S. Fish Commission, 1872 (Smith and Harger). " D. entalu is an abundant species on the coast of Maine ; and William Stimpson, comparing with the European D. xndgare and finding differences, distinguished the American shells as D. striolatum, under which name the specie* is generally known in American collections. Had he compared with D. entalis, the identity of the two would no doubt have been recognized. There is no difference, not even varietal, between English and Maine specimens. D. striolatum, or Sntalit striokUa of Jeffreys, Sars and Watson, is 2). ocddenUUe, Stimpson " (Pilsbry).* Dhitaucn aoilb, M. Sars. Between Halifax and Le Have Bank, U. S. Fish Commission (Pilsbry). Dbntaliuh occiDKSTALB, Stimpson. Dentalium eUnbUii, (}ould (1841). Dmtalium Meidmtale, Stimpson (18S1). Dentalium abyttorum, M Saw (1858, Ijentalium dtntalt, (loiild (1870). Living spenmens of this shell were dredged by the writer in 1871, 1872 •nd 1873 in the deep-sea mud (l.?0-31.3 fathoms) at several localities in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, to the north and more especially to the south and •outh-east of the Island of Antioosti. Writing in 1881, Prof. Verrill says that it is "abundant on muddy bottoms, in 50 to 300 fathoms, all along the coast of New England and Nova Scotia." • Manuftl ot Corchology, vol. xvii., pp. 43-44. 16S Family SiphonodenlcUiida). SiPHONODBNTALIUM LOBATUM (Sowerby). Dtnuaiun mtrtum, M. S«r. (1861 > ; n..t D. vitreum, Gmelin. atpkonodmliUiiim rilrrnm, M. San (llCiit). />oKn has found fossil specimens of it in the Leda clay of Murray Bay. SiPHONODBNTALIUM AFFINE, M. Sars. "A specimen smaller and more .slender than the preceding species and which I refer to A', ajine, was dredged by " our party in the SS. Speedwell of the U. S. Fish Commission " in 1877, in Bedford Basin, near Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 36 fathoms, soft mud " (Verrill ; Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. lii. p. 395). ' '' GASTEROPODA. AH ACOPHOBA. Family Cha-todermatidte. Ch.£todkbma siTiDiLUM, Loven. Passamaquoddy Bay, 30 fathoms (1872) ; and common in lO-lOO fathoms, muddy bottom, off southern New England and Nova Scotia (Verrill). POLVPLACOPHOHA. Family Lepidopleiiridir. Lbpidopleurcs cancellatus (Sowerby). Chiton cnncdlatM. Sowerhy (lM!tl ; pt aiict. LeiUorhiton mncelUitui, H. Hnd A. Adams (IMl) ; rad Dall (1878| LepiJopleHnit Mtirdlattn, G. (J. Sam (18781. Off Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 95 fathoms, U.S. Fish Comrais.sion 1877- an immature specimen identified by Dall as probably of this species. MMB '( ! 1B4 Lbpidopucbus alvbolu.s M. San. Ckilon alvalut (M. Stm, M.S.) Loven (1M6). LtpidopUunu alvnlu$. O. O. San (1878). Leploehiton alvtolut, Dkll (1878). " Gnlf of St. Lawrence, in 220 fathom*, between Oap des Rorien and the S.W. point of Antiooeti Itland, Whiteavee " (Da)l). One specimen. Hamlitia mbvdicakia (Mighels and Ad^ms). Ckitim mendimritu, Migheb knd Aduni (1842). MatUet/ui ntcndimria, DM (1878) Orand Manan, " 35 fathoms in the Hake Bay, a few fine specimens of this rare species " (Stimpson). Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, 60 fathoms, coarse gravel, sand and sponges, U. S. Fish Commission, 1872 (Smith and Harger). Family I$chnoehitonidir. ToxicsLLA mabmobka (Fabricius). Chiton murnunrwi, O. Fabriciim (1780). CkitoH fulmiuatiu, Couthnuy (1838). TonictUa marmnren, Carpenter (1873); »nil Dall (1878). Common in the Bay of Fandy, on the coast of Nova Scotia, and in the Onlf of St. Lawrence northward to Greenland, living on stones, shells, nullipores, Jsc, from low-water to fifty fathom;. In June, 1899, Mr. Low collected a small specimen of this species in Richmond Oulf, Hudson Bay. I ! Tbachvdermok albub (L.). Chiton nlbu$, L. (1766) ; O. Fabriciu. (1780) j et auct. Trachiidrrmm allms. Carpenter (1873) ; and Dall (1878). iKhnochilon (Traehftlfrmon) albiu, Pilsbry (1892). The geographical and batbymetrical distribution of this species is essentially similar to that of the preceding. Trachvdbrhon rvbbr (L.). Chiton ruber, L. (1766) ; et auct. Chiton cinirfu; O. Fabricius (1780) ; non L., nee auc . Traehydermon rubrr, Carpenter (1873). Itehnoehiton ruhtr, Pilsbry (1892). Grand Manan, "excessively abundant just below low-water mark, on rocky bottoms, especially on the vnrious species of XMxpora " (Stimpson). " Very common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy from low-water mark to 40 t h i! -!1 I5S fathomi " (Varrill). FUidleton's Island, loath-eatt tide of PaMunaquoddy Bay, N.B. (Ganong). Halifax Harbour (J. M. Jones). Not yet reported u occurring in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, though if Moller, Dall and other writers are correct in assuming that the Chiton einaraui of O. Fabricius is this speoies, it has been found also in Greenland. Family Aeanthoehitidai. Amicdla vutita (Broderip and Sowerby). Chiton Vfititu$, Broderip »nd Sowerby (1829) ; et iiuct. Vhilon Smenouii, Coathouy [IS:»), Amieula rtitilu, Uray (1K47) ; et «act. Aoiicula Enurtonii, (>rmy (1IM7) ; et auct. StimjmmitUa Emcnonii, Carpenter (1873). Widely distributed hut apparently very local. Willis nays that it is com- mon at Bedford Basin, Halifax ; and the writer found it to be both large and abundant on the Orphan Bank. Sir J. W. Dawson has dredged it in Gasp^ Bay, at Little M^tis, Riviere du Loup and Murray Bay ; and Mr. Low found one small specimen of it on the beach at Woody Point, between Sandwich Bay and Hamilton Inlet, on the Atlantic coast of Labrador. PROBOBRAHCHIATA. DoTootoasA. Family Ltpetidir. Lbpbta c«ca (O. F. Miiller). Patrlla area, O. F. MUUer (176B). PattUa Candida, Coutliouy (1838). PaUUa eerea, Moller (1842). Lepela coca. Gray (1847) ; et auct. " Not unfrequent at Grand Manan, in the coralline zone " (Stimpson) ; fishing banks off Halifax, Will'. Marsouin, ^Bell) ; Gasp^ Bay, from stomach of cod (Sir J W. Dawsr f ; Gaspd Bay, off Grand Greve, in 20 to 50 fathoms (Whiteaves) ; Greenland (Moller). Shells of this littla limpet have been found fossil in the Pleistocene of Riviere du Loup, Quebec, Montreal, Labrador and Europe. AcM.«A TRSTrmiHALis (Miiller). Pataia tettudinalit, Miiller (1776). Lottia Uttudinalit, (iuuld (1841). Antimi UHudinaUt, Forben and Hanley. Tertum tettudinnUt, Gould (1870). Frequent; everywhere at or near low water mark, on stones, 4c. Packard has dredged young shells in 15 fathoms off Caribou Island. On the BMM w u n l! 156 north Americui coast the spooies baa long been known to range from Long Island Honnd to Qreenland. It is common in Norway and Scotland, and on the aoast of BritUh Oolambia paaMS imperceptibly into A. patina, Ev-thitcholez. Specimens of the var. n (1851). Cemoria IToaekijia, Gould (1841 and 1870). Grand Manan. " During a low spring tide in August " (1852) " I obtained a large number of this species from the under surface of large stones, near low-water mark. It has been hitherto found, both here and in Europe, only in deep water " (Stimpson). Willis records it as having been obtained from the fishing banks off Nova Scotia, and as having been dredged in Halifax Harbour in 10 fathoms. It has been dredged at many localities in the Gulf and mouth of the River St. I,awreace, at moderate depthn, by Sir J. W. Dawson, Bell, and the writer; also at the Strait of Belle Isile, in 10 to 50 fathoms, by Packard. On the Atlantic of Labrador it has been taken off Square Island, in 30 fathoms, by Packard ; and Miss Bush records it as having been collected at Henley Harbour, and Dead Island, near Square Ia'»nd. oy -ha Steams expedition. It it be the same as the P. ouciUlata, Gould, as i r.-Ti-'d by Pilsbry, it is found also on the coast of British Columbia. Sir J. W. Dawson says that P. NoachixM has been found fossil at Riviere du Loup, Quebec ; and on the Clyde, Scotland. imm Fsniiljr Sei$»urdl%dee. SoHsuBELLA CKWPATA, Fleming. ata)by8.rj W.Dawson m sand examined for foraminifera. The 5r«. Tgolth* """k rr *".'"*'"*^' ^""^ ^'"' ^"«''"''^ »° "«*"'»"d in fr.,„, 4- Family Trichidce. MOLLBRU COSTULATA (Moller). tlnrgnrila eottttlnta, Miiller (IS421. Adrorhh mtluliUn, .Stiinpjon (IR5]). tfolteriii loituluUi, Jeffreys (lmr>). »^ZL ^"T^f Nantucket Island. 4 fathon,«, coar.e sand, dead .pecmen^and m deep water off Cape Ann (.Stimp«,n). (Ja.p^ Bay (Whi- S/p^r ^"^"^ '^^'"'^'" ^•^- "'^"""-- ■^-■^■'- ^-^^ " FoMil-Montreal ; Clyde beds ; Uddevalia " (Sir J. W. Dawson.) -Mahgabita (Fabrioius). THrhoMiriiiut, O. Fahricius (1780). JfoiT/nr*. arrtica, Uach (181!)) ; and ttoiild (1841) Margariu, kclmna, MulJer (1842) ; et auct. Margnrita mmpanulttta, .Morw (1«W). abSr?owwr°' 'TT"" "^ '*•' '""'"" P''"*- *''-*' cover the rocks stTil-WStT r ; ' r P-'^^-'-'y "'--dant on the I.„g Island krul/ E : hT"' '^■"' ""'•• ""'^^^■''^'y abundant "(Ver- kruzen). Harbour, common" (Willis). , ^r ar.d Gulf of St nidi I .fu . ""• ^"' '^'^'•""' '*"' *"'" -""l °tl'"s. In offNoUi!r T ". TT""'*-' "^A^'^-Tnl^tbyJ.W.Tyrrellin 18.r.: McK ^^Mt .Hred^ed clin«inK to kelp and of l^r.e size) by .1. Ingava Bay by A. P. Lo*. i„ the SS. [>ian». i„ 1897 "Fossil-Murray Ba;, ; Montreal " (Sir J. W. Dawson). 1 IM Maboakita umbilicalib, Broderip and Sowerby. A few fine living tpeoimeM of thia arotio shell haTe been dredged at Ashe Inlet and Port Burwell, by Dr. R. BeU in 1884 and J. W. Tyrrell in 1885; also offNottingham Island, Hudson Strait, by J. MoKenne in 1886. The specimens from Port Burwell referred to on page 60do of the Report of Progress of this Survey for 1882-83-84, as very large individuals of U. kelieina, have since been identified with this species by the writer. Dall says that two specimens of M. umbUiealU were taken from the stomach of a codfish, caught in Nachvak Bay or Inlet (Ungava) by L. M. Tamer in 1883. " The locality is about 90 miles south of Hudson Strait." "This well distinguished 8peoies"(Dall adds)"is more northern in ita southern limits than M. helieina, and ha» been taken at Point Barrow, Cumberland Inlet, Melville Peninanla, and East Greenland ; the latter locality from specimens sent by the second German Polar expedition and catalogued in their report as Trochui helieinut.")* Margarita olivacba (Brown). I 1 Turbo olivaceiu. Blown (1827 and 1844). Margarita argtntata, Gould (1841 »nd 1870). Mari/arita fflauca, Moller (1842). Grand Manan, " taken alive in four fathoms, coarse sand, off Duck Island boat moorings " (Stimpson). A few living specimens were dredged by the writer off Grande Greve, Gasp^ Bay, in 20-60 fathoms, in 1869; on the north ahore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off Sawhill Point, in 30 fathoms sand, and off the St. John River, near the West Point of Anticosti, in 60 fathoms sand, in 1 871. Little M^tis, Riviere du Loup and Mui^ ray Bay (Sir J. W. DawHon). " Fossil— Montreal, rare " (Sir J. W. Dawson). Margarita acuminata (Sowerby !) MigheU and Adams. Margan'lii acuiMtnitaf Sowerby (1838). Murijarita acuminata, Mighela and Adams (1842). " Gulf of St. Lawrence, token from thf stomach of a codfish, by Mr. Foster, in the summer of lti41. Only a sinicle specimen was found, which is in the cabinet of J. W. Mighels." Grand Muuan, " in 40 fathoms on a soft muddy bottom off the Swallow's Tail " (Stimpson). Not found of late years by any collectors in the Bay of Fundy or Gulf of St. Lawrence. ' Arctic Ocean " (Pilsbry). • Prooeedingi of tlie U. S. National Miueum, vol. ix., (1886), p. 2U6. IM Masoarita undulata, 8ow«rbj. Troehut Uranlandiriu umbilieahu, 4kc.. Chflmniu (1781) ; but not binomikl. TnrhH, tintmrin; O. Katirioiiit (17K)); non L. (IW). Uiiryiirita ttrinla, Liiuh (IHIU). Manmrila undulata, Howrrliy (183H) ; st auct. Turho inearmilui, Couthouy (183M-3U). Utaryarita tintnUindira, U. <). 8ar» (1878). Grand Manan, "on weedy, nwky andnulipore U.ttom., in shallow water " (SUmpwn); L'Etang Harbour and PaHsainaquoddy Bay (Ganong) • Annapoli. Bwin (Verkriizen). Fishing Unks off Halifax (Willi*); Le Have Bank, Nova Scotiu, in 4;") f»^ gravelly and .tony bottom, U. 8. Fwh ComniiMion. 1872 (Smith and«er). Oulf of St. Lawrence, at Oa.p4 Bay, in 30 to 50 fatlioms, and at several other localitie* (Whiteaves) ; St Anne and Ruiueau Vallde(B«.ll); near Caribou Island, "common in 15-20 fathoms, «nd " (Packard). Atlantic coast of Labrador, Iwtween Sandwich Bay and Hamilton Inlet, dead but perfect shells on the beach (A. P Low 1894). ^ ' The name of this species is not included in Sir J. W. Dawson's list of Pleiatocene fossils in the "Canadian Ice Age." Margarita cinbrba (Couthouy) ; and var. obandib. . Maryantn ,lriata, Broderip and Sowerby (1829) ; non Leach (ISlfl), which, however, m wii to lie the mnie as U. undulata, Sowerby TuTho eintrrni, Couthouy (1838-39). Margarita ehierca, (iould (1841) ; et auct. Margarita tino-ta, var. -ji-findii (Miirch) (J. O. Sar» (1878). Bay of Fundy (Stimpson, and Verrili) ; Passamaquoddy Bay (Ganong) ; Annapolis Basin (Verkruzen) ; Atlantic coast of Nova Scitia (Willis,— and Smith and Harger). Gulf and mouth of the Hiver St. I^wrence at' many localities, dredged l.y .sir J. W. Dawson, Bell, Packard, and the writer; Atlantic coast of Labrador (Packard, an.l A. P. Low); Hud.son Strait (Bell) : and Greenland (MoII.t); from !ow-«aler mark to 100 fathoms, but apparently most abundant in from al«>ut 10 to 60 fathoms. Specimens from the Gulf of >St. Lawrence and I^ibrador ccast, average about 16 mm. in their l)a«al diameter, and 1,S mm. in height. Fossil at Portland, and H viere du Loup (Sir J. W. Dawson). SotABIKI.I.A OH.SCUR.\ (CoUthouV). Turho iilif.iiniii, r.iuth'Miy (IXter.ll). Miiriinrita iii,n-uni, (ii.uld (1X41 i : .t auct. .VachirorAij- almti,-ii, fi. (). S»r« (IST.'O. Sn'arirlla „li>f,irii. I'ilsliry (Is.sil). With the preceding, but not, >«•„ r.coiH.-il as having been collected in Greenland. <'t 1 1 i lie MarfnrilabM,, V«.kru«m (1878) ; bo H«crip,i«,. ZZl"'^'^'"' *'"•''' <'*^"" ""' "• "• »"..18T»). ««*'rr»pfa«o6«mm. vw. WM, Verrill (18H2) MaruUn obuura, v»r. Wii, Pibbry ( 188»l. A««.polu&„in(V.rkru«„); off Cape Nov. Scoti.. in 90 fathom, u. a. tint) OummMmon, 1877 ^Vpprilh tk„ <. ^ . "'_'"'"'"«'"•. minMtfortn «t li^t™,^ m • ^ ^'"' ^- ^'"' " ^^'^ty W/o » the predo- SoLABiBtLA VARIC08A (MixheU and Adams). ^^-VnWfe, r«r.W«,, Mighel. and Ad»m. (IMS); ,t «M. Solartrl/a Mrieom, Pilibry (1888). Btearns expedition in 1889 n n «J._> a , . "y in« CAttKOTOMA occiDESTAtK (Mighels and Adama). Trocku,oeci^rHla,i,, Mighels Riid Ad.mi. (18411 Martmrtln ahljnitrum. Heck (1846>. CnUiottoma ornUrntni it, Pilshri' (1S89). Grand Manan, in 25 to 40 fathoms in the Hake R»v .'Ti. we« ver, Wge and beauHful. especial., wtn a, ve- ihe .„'' a;*::";;; irarya n» obtained " ^all 1889).* ^ ' OooaroifiA tripida (Totten). Artmm Irijidu; Totten (1834). OdoUomia trijlda, Gould (1841) ; et auct. Am. Pointe du Chtee, Shediac Bay, at low-water, one specimen, collected by the wnter in 1873 ; abundant at Cocagne and Bedeque (Rev. H. W. Winkley, 1887). Odostomia 8BMINUDA (Adams). Jaminia temintidn, C. B. AdanM (183!t). OdoiHmia teminudn, ffiiuld (1841) ; ct auct. CheiH'iUzia lemmudii, Stimpmn (18;"il). Turb<,mna ttminuda, H. and A. Adams (1858). Abundant on the oyster beds at .Summerside, P.E.I (Rev. H. W Winklev 1887). ■'' * Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. xviii. p. 33a IM Ommtomia rvKA (AcUim). FlMmmit futea. 0. B. Aiianiii < IBM). OdoHomia fMKa, (iould (1H41 »m\ 187M) ; et auct. Hare on tb« ojriUr bed* »t IMeitue (Ilav. H. W. Winklejr, 1887). Oduotomu bisutubalii (Say). ]l Turriltlln biintunilii, Huy (IXW). Jiim'nui txiguit, CoutUauy {imtli), (Mnatmuii exitjyui, Uuiild (IH41). ChimtuIZM himtiim'h, 8tiin|aiun (tlUl). From the mud nt ttyut*r hiirreU which camp fn>m the Uulf of 8t. Lawren.-e (OanoiiK, 1891). In the ■ Nautilui " for March, 1901, however, the lie/. H. W. Winkley expresHOs the opinion that 0. tritida, 0. biruluralU and 0, imprema will probably have to be united under uno name. ''i I'll Mbjushtiio albula (Fabriciuk). riir6aa/(>i(iu<. O. Fabriciu« (I'HCI). MrmMo albula, Moller (1842). Thfl young (probably of thin »|»*ciea) were frequent iu 2- (5 fathomc, sand, off Caribiiu Inland (Packard). "Ono young, living, at I/Auj au Loup" (Strait of D«lle Isle) " 10 fathoms, mud and ke.'p. Tii-.d '•r-t imen does not agree precisely with Greenland examples" (Miss Bush, in Catalogue of the Mollusca, etu., obtained by the 8l«*ariis Labrador expedition in 1883). Dr. Paul Fischer regard* Mr-n^'tho (Moller) and Liottomia (G. O. San) as only subgenera of Eulinulta (Forljen), and this view is adopted by Tryon in the eighth voluueof his Manual of Citnchology. Verrill, however, thinks that Lioft'iinia is a synonym uf Mrwulho. Menghtiio stkiatula (Couthouy). fgnmit ttriiilula, Cout'-oiiy (1838). H$rnt»thonlljnhi^ Irtnild (1870) ; non Mdlltr. Uiltulomiu ttriiilnia, Verrill (1880). Grand Manan Island, "in the laminarian and coralline zones" (Stimpson) ; Biy of Ku.idy (Verrill) ; fishing banks. >ff Halifax, rare (Willis) ; off Grande Oreve, Gaxpe Bay, on »tone.s, in ulmut 20 fathoms, three living adult apecimuns, dredged by the writer iu 1867. ■ IM Lmmtumia iBimxtA (SUoipion). AiMoa (titnua, Btiai|Mou|1WI). itu««(/a c&«niM. tkiDi|M>ii IIIIH3). ^WutSMM Hmnum, U. O. Hm« (tUTH*. Onnd M.DM ItlMid, in 28 fothom., tholljr bottom (Stimp^n) ; north •hoi* of the Oulf of St. Uwrenoe, ,,B village, in 70 f.tbm MieoiJtt, Johutun (tf)3S). yatiai tnmitirulatn, 'ioulil (IMO). tratiea comtn, MiiUer (1842). AiMtHropM Kttitoiiet, Htimpnon (1802). Anaurofit Idatutifi (Ooiclin) G. O. Stm (1878). Sable Island, flthing banks (Willis) ; Marrauin (Dr. R. Bell). Very rare in good oondition. Specimens from the Pleistocene depoeita at Montreal that were at flnt identified with thU species, are the types of the since described ChoritUit tlegani, Carpenter. AcRruiA PLAVA (Gould). WatKo.^am, (Joiild (1840). ITalica Smitkii, Brown (1844). Bitlbui flarut, 8tiui|wm (1862), Orand Manan, "Uken in 50 fathcms, mud, some miles off the Swallow's Tail" (Stimp«)n) ;:8able luland and fishing banks off Halifax (Willis) Rimouski, Les Islets an d Claude gtelQ^Also rare, in good condition. * U.S. FUh CummiMioD, Keport for 1871-72 (1873), p. 660. ~ m LUHAIIA INMAriJUtTA (Tott«o), /tmiei imm-icHlntn. T(itl»ii (IHSB). ^umiltfi iiK«ii...M/.i»n, H. Mid A. \ Unii (IHfiX). Mnmma (/) imvufeuhiiii, Hti>n|>«'ii IMS). Oitnd Mi4>iM, " rathor cotumon on tha unrjs nf VIshfr't Oor« M low- w»t#r, ard tuore raroly occurring «t vtrioui dnptha, to 29 fatboioi " (8tiuipBon). llay of Kundy, ft l<> ^0 fatli«.ni», ooiniiMin,— and oftfn found U low w«t*r mark in the JUy ..f Kumly (V«irill). PaaMmmiuoddy B»y, and L Bung llnrbtiur. N. B.(< Jiinnng) ; Aonitpolia >iuin ( VerkruMn); S«W» Iiland •ivdlUhing bankn off Hallfa\ (Wlllia). Dr(HlK.-!traitniirt Crn al.niH. HoU dredged it at Ashe Inlet in 1}I84, and I*w fomui de>ni "peoimunH of it on the beach between Hamilton Inlet and Hni\d»icli I'ly, Labrador, in 1806. As a Pleistocene fo»«il the ii|iv('ie8 hm Ixien f> Jii.l .H Main, ut Anticooti, Riviure da Loup, tjtiebw:, and Montreal, as well «- ,ii England, Scotlaod and Norway. LUNATIA MA.VA (Ali'ller). Sitltfn mn«, Mtillw (1M2), Ltn-ilm niiivi, (>. <>. Han ilH7H). Ijb Have Bank, Nova Hcutin, in 45 fatlKims, U. S. Fish ConimiMion, 1872 (Smith ttii'l Harger) ; Uaspt' lUty, 18t)7). Orand Manan (Stimpson) : fishing banks oif Halifax (Willis) ; Halifax Harbour (J. M. Jones) ; Gatpe Bay (Whiteaves) ; Little M^tisand Kamou- raska (Sir J. W. Dawson). " Fossil,— Beauport and Montreal " (Sir J. W. Dawson) ; Ottawa (Dr. H. M. Ami, lyOO). Velutrlla cryptospira, Middendorf. "A good living example of this shell was taken by us on the Speedwell," of the U. 8. Fish Commission, 'in 1877, off Halifax, Nova Scotia, in ^>7 fathoms." It had previously been obtained in northern Norway (Sars) and in the north Pacific and Herinjj's Straits * (Verrill). MARSkXINA GLABRA (Couthouy). Oriinnr fffahni, Couthouy (WWi. Siitin«ioiluM, Middendorf (1861). Capulaemaa radiala, M. 8 .n. PUueutpniut, Loven (1838). PUitcvB emnmotliu, Verrill (1885). Capulus iCapulatmcfa) ndUila, Tryon (1886). Off Nova SootU, in 150 fathom*, U. 8. Pi,h CommUwon. SS. AlbatroM dredging, of 1883 (Verrill). • ^ AioatroM Rare in the Leda clay at Pointe UvU and Montreal CbIPIDULA FORiriCATA (L.) PnUlla fornieala, L. (176;). Crepidula fomicata, Lamarck (1799) ; et auct. Abundant on oysters throughout the whole oyster region northwarf to Caraquette Bay al«., on other shells, etc., in Northumberlandl^aiT VemU says thatit ha, not been found in the Bay of Fundy, but O T Kennedy has dredged it aUve in Mina. Basin. Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia common (Willis). Dead shelU of this species were collected by ?^w: Macoun iu 1S99 on the beach at Sable Island ^ "~' A ,m.ll specimen of it wa. found fossil in the Saxicava «.nd at the Mile End, Montreal, by Baron de Geer in 1891 (Sir J. W Dawson) (^reindula glauca. Say. which was included by WUlis in his latest list of Crepidula plana. Say. Crepidula ungui/ormin ? Lamarek U--.,. Crti,iduln plana. Say (1822) ; et auct. Am. r«pM/ui» «nflrui/onw.», Stimp«on (1861). Found al*. throughout the oyster region ; off Sable Island, and in North- A difference of opinion exists as to whether the C. plana of Sav is or i. not .dentical with C. u,>guiformu> of Lamarck. In the U. S Fish ComLL sjon Report for 1871-72 p. 650, Vernll says that the nite!: Jrs3 C. ungm/ormi,, Lamarck, is a distinct species. On the other hanH s,* «>n. in 1851. identi«ed New England shells wi.h Lamarck 'speti:' l^Z, 169 »l«o, in the eighth volume of hU Manual of Concbology, publuhed in 1886 (page 130), writes aa follows :—" Some authors have contended that the European C. unguiformii is a different species from our C. plana : the com- parison of large suites of both will demonstrate their identity to any one." Cbkhdula cortbza, SaT. Crrpid>Ua eoitvexa. Say (1823) ; et auct. Sable Island (Willis). The form of this shell is said to oe " due to its atUchment on the crustacean Eupagurui fongicarpui and the gastropod Ilyanatsa obtdeta " (Tryon). CRCCIBDf,DM STRIATUM (Say). Oalgptraa {Difalaa) Iriata, S»y (1836). CracibuCum. (Ditpolim) tlrintum, H. and A. Adam> (1858). Grand Manan (Stimpson) ; Bay of Fundy, common, low-water mark to 30 fathoms (Verrill) ; L'Eteng Harbour, Charlotte Co., N.B., in 7 to 10 fathoms, very abundant (Ganong); Annapolis Basin, N.S., "not abundant" (Ver- kruzen). Family Rittoida. CwouLA MiSDTA (Totten). Tftrio minvitu, Totten (1834). Cingiila minuta, Uould (IMl). LMorinr/lii minuta, Stimpaon (1866). Bigtwt iiiinutti, ti The land. Mr. i^i xzz^,7;:z:^:iTii; ^•^-^r'-^^-- Oeor«e Sound and the bottom ffT^lvX on th "T "f '*"'° ''"''«, in 1897 ; and on the sh. ™ T» u ? "'"^ "*' °^ ""^son H«d«,n Bay, i.; 1899 '"''^' "" *'" «"' «>-' «* n^^'^lt,X^^J ^n coUected in the Piei.ooone deposit, at UddevalU, in Zll '^'"^""' '' "'"^ '" ''' ^'y''' '-d^ -d at LiTOHINA PALLIATA (Say). Turf„ lUtomli,, O. F.brioiu. (1780,. ^iirlHiiMillMitHii, .Say (1822). Liltorifut palliain, GouM (1841 and 1870) LtUorimi nnlirn, Moller (1842). Litlorinn lillomlit, Stini|«oii (18fll) on tij; authority of 8ir J. \V. Dawson h,,t th^ '"'•*'"/ ™«"'atBeauport, LlTORIXA LITORBA (L.). Tarlyi litlanun, L. (1707;. Ziltoniu, tittorfa, .FnhnHton ; et aiict. Whole coast of Nova Scotia (WiUis) but this probably ,„ean, onlv .1. ^^■^^t-^^i^Ac^^^^in^ wa., di;:::e";^„:;^ *.\iiimcanNatiirali«tfor.\ov«nber, IH^i. ~ ' ^— 173 fax, by Willis, in 1857 ; bnt Sir J, W. Dawwn, writing in 1871, wyt, "it oocnn Abundantly and of large lize off different parU of the coaat " of Prince Edward laland " a« it doe» also on the opposite shore of Nora Scotia, where I have collected the species more than forty yean ago."* Abundant in the watem of the Charlotte County coast, N.B. (Oanong). Sonris and Charlotte- town, P.EI , (Whiteave^). Miss Bush includes the name of this species in her list of the Labrador mollusca obtained by the Steam's expedition in 1882,"t and adds that it is '• very rare at so northern a latitude." It is still doubtful whether this is an indigenous species or one introduced from Europe, but the balance of evidence would seem to be in favour of the latter hypothesis. Lacuna nrhitoidea, Oould. Grand Manan Island (Verrill); Greenland (Moller, as Lacuna pallidula). If this shell is the same an the Xerita pallidiila of Da Coeta (1778), as stated by Moller, G. O. Siirs, andTryon, it should be called iocttno fw^/irfjt/a (DaCosta). Lacuna vincta (Montagu). Trorhutdirarinntut, O. F»l>riciu» (17S0) ; mm Linnti. Twrto rinctiK, >r<)nUjpi (1803). Ijmrnna rinetn, Turton (18S7) ; et auct. i.<'«una divarintta, Lovttn (!84l>) ; ft auct. Grand Manau Island. " The variety common here is strong, broad, pale brown, with one white h^nd under the suture " (Stimpson). Very abundant in the Bay of Fundy (Verrill); Annapolis Baain (Verkruien). Fi.Khing banks off Halifax, coir.mon (Willis) ; whole coast of Nova Heotia (J. M. Jones). Gaspe Gay, very common on fronds of Laminaria (Sir J. W. Daw- son) and on sea weeus in nhallow water (Whiteaves) ; Anticoeti (Verrilli Whiteaves, and Macouu) ; whole coast below (Bell) ; Caribou Island, where the " plain and banded varieties were common" (Packard). Square Island, Atlantic of Labrador, in .30 fathoms (Packard) ; com- mon on the north shore of the strait of Belln Isle, at Forteau Bay, 20 fathoms, and at L'Anse an Loup in 8-15 fathoms ; also on the Atlantic coaat of Labrador, at Fox Harlxjur, St. Lewis Sound, in 1 to 4 fathoms, and at Dead Island, near Square Island, in 1 to 4 fathoms, Stearns expedition (Miss Bush) ; Atlantic coast of Labra. no. t l'iMC«HUn!J.i of theU. .S. Natitt<'n (1835) ; noa Da Conta. CeritKium Saiiii, Menke (1841). Bittium nigrum, StiniiMcin (I860). Halifax (Willis) : whole Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (J. M. Jones) ; on eel gross, Pictou, and south shore of Prince Edward f Island (Sir J. W. * Tnuaactiona of the Connecticut Acsdemy of ArtH and 8ciencei', vol. v., p. 51!>. 17« B^. P.1I.. ~--«« (lUr. H. W. Wink.,,), wi" fo. J on tlT:::!; o# M.iii^ nor in th« B.y of F., „.ly r VmUl). In the Bulietin d th« M««,ni «F°!!f*ir*''^ ^^"^y " C,„briag^ Mm... for April. 180!), vol. xrii. n 887, Dr. Ddl my, tb.t thi. •h.U i. identical with th« 7V.m/W/« ail,rJL of My. OBRiTHiopan oosTuiATA (M«Jlle->. Turritrlla f eottulala, MiiU'tiXHta.) Crrilkium nrrtitum, Murvli (1067). Ctrilkioptit ntttvlata, U. O. Hun (IH78). i> " -^^ '•"'"- «»«>P'« »' tWt .r»tk spMini *«. .dged br ma, in th« Bajrof Fundy in 1870. It m.jr be ea...y ,li.ti„,n„«i.«d by th. elev.t«l •piw, Unng the whorig oroMed by regular .nd .trong, -oumKi rib,, newly •a m Scalarvi, with • b»Ml crina, in line with the outer lip. and with revolving lue. eroeaing the furrow, between the riba. The can-I i« .hort, but deeply cut and .lightly recurved " • ( Verrill). The two .pemmen. from the deep m* mad in the Gulf of St. Uwr.noe, that we,* identified with thi. apecie. by the writer in ld73, are the type, „f Verrill'a Zot*n«//« WhUtay^ni described in 1880, the name of which ha. «„ce be-n changed to CtrithitUa WhtUavtrii, CiRiraiopiH (tRMMit (Adam.). Crrilkium Orttnii, C. B. Adami (1838). Biltiiim Orniiii, II. and A. AJam« (1H(W). Ctrithiopiit (irrenii, Verrill (IS7S!. According to the Rev. H. W. Winkley, t tl,i, -pecieai. not infre,,uent on the oyster bed. at 8unin,er«de, P.E.I., and it oocur« alw at Bedeque. Okritiiiella WiiiTiAvtsii, Verrill. Otrilhiopt,, c,uil„l„tu;€.»vM(lH7S): no. Turriutta vortul«ta, Milller. LovtntUn Whitiairsii, Verrill lll-Hi). CtrilhitUn Whittatttii, Vtrrill (1(W2I. Two living example, of this shell were dredged by the writer in 1873, in the Oulf of St. Lawrence, between the Island of Anticoati and the Gasp^ peninsula, one in 110 and the other in 200 fathoms. • TranBactiMii.- .,f the Connecticut Aca.l..,„y ,.f Art, «n.l™, vol. v., p. 5!B t Bulletin of th.. Natur.) History Society of New lirunswick, \o. Vli. (18881 p. 70. ■m 177 ANIiaBAU OGCIOBXTALI*, Bcck. BottMnrUi {Aporrkait) aettdtnlali$, B«ek (UOH). Mailtllana itrriiltnt»li; <> anet. Arrki/f ooekUnlalit, ()»tib (IIMN). B*7 of Fundy, Atlantio ooMt ot Nov* Seoti*, OuU itnd moaih of Um RWor St. Lawrence, at m«iijr localitiei, northward to Uopedkie, on th* AtUatic coMt of Lftbmdor, abundant, livinK, in from 10 to 60 fathoms. In 18V 1 a living and adult exampU of a thin, inflated variety of this itbell waa dndged bjr the writer, N.E. of the laland of Anticotti, in 120 fathoma, mod. Oa Mndy or noddy bottonu the ahelli of thia tpeoiee are beautifully perfect and their leulpture ia well preaerved. Hut, upon rooky bottom*, or bottom* of looK itonea, the ihell*, even of living ipeoimene, are muoh brokec, and thair turfaee marking* almoat or quite obliterated. Packard has found A. oeeidentalu fossil at Tertiary Bay, Ijkbrador. RnACBIOLOSSA. Family Murieidir. Urosalpihz ciNERiA (Say). /VuHj rinrmu. Say (1X33 wifi 1831). Untulfinx cinrrta, 8tim|i«>n (IHBS). Prince Edward Island (Sir J. W. Dawson, 1871); Charlottetown Harw hour, F.E.I. (F. Bain, 187S). TRoraoir trcncatus (Strom). rritoniuM eUakratun, O. Falirioiuii (irso) ; but nun L., twte O. O. 8»n. Bueeinum trunentum, Striini ; fide .Feffrt-yi and iJ. O. Han. Fmui Bantfflui (Donovan) Uoiild (IMl). Tritonium dalhratum, .Stim|w>n(lHA3). Tropkua clnlkratui, Stiii,i«ion(WiO) j and (iould (1«70). Tmpkim Iruitotlui (Strom) O. O. San (1878). Grand Manan, "on a patch of shelly botUim, atiout two miles north cf Duck Island " (.Stimpson) ; .\nnapolis Baam (Verkruzen). Fishing banks oflf Halifax (Willis) ; Halifax Harbour (J. M. Jones). Gulf of St. Lawrence, Oaspi Bay, in about 30 fathoiua ( Whiteaves) ; Ruisseau de la Grand Vall^, (Bell). Probably a small and finely ribbed form of the next species. 12 !■■• ««IOW00rY RBOIUnON TBT OUIT (ANSI and SO Tisr CHART f4o. 2) 1.0 1.1 lit U j IM |lj25 lu 1.8 1.6 A y'PPUEU MHGE Inc 1«U Edit Uuin «nM RochMw. Nm rorti t4«0g us* (7t«) «»2 - 0300 - PlKm. (71») m - »m - Fo. 178 Trofhom clatbhatcs (L). Uurae elalhratut, L. (1767). Futut tcalarifonaii, (Jould (1838 and 1841). Trophon mlariformit, Stinipsnn (1860) ; and Gould (1870). Trophon elalhratut, U. O. Sara (1878). Fishing banks ofif Halifax (Willis); Halifax Harbour (J. M. Jones). Between Cape Oasp^ and Cap des Rosiers, in 75-80 fathoms, stones ; and north shore of the 8t. Lawrence, off St. John River and near the west point of ADticoBti, in 60 fathoms, sand (Whiteaves) ; Little M^tis, Rivi6re du Loup and Murray Bay, (Sir J. W. D.iwson) ; Peter River, St. Anne and Marsouin (Bell); bank off Caribou Island (Packard). Chateau Bay, Labrador, 50 fathoms ; and Henley Harbour, 20 fathoms (Packard). It is not quite clear to the writer whether the " Triton' -m elathratum, Miill.." of Stinipson's Synopsis of the Marine Invertebrata< ' Orand Manan ; or the Trophon elathratum, (Linn^) Moller," of Miss Bush's list of the moUusca dredged on the coast of Labrador by the Steam* expedition, should be referred to this or to the preceding species. In a fossil state, T. elathralui, as here defined, has been found in Pleisto- cene deposits at Riviere du Loup, Murray Bay, Montreal, and Labrador. Trophon clathratub, var Gunnbri. Tritonium Ounneri, hovia (1846). Murex {rrophon) Ounneri, Miirch (1867). Tmpkon Ounneri, H. and A. Adanu (1858). Trophon clathratua, var Ounneri, G. O. San (1878). Bay of Fundy, off (irand Manan (Verrill); Le Have Bank, in 45 and 60 fathoms, U.S. Fish Commission, 187S (Smith and Harger); off Cape Sable, N.S., .")9 fathoms,— and mouth of Halifax Harbour, 16 and 18 fathoms, 1877, U.S. Fish Commission SS. Speedwell (Verrill). Gasp^ Bay, living, in about 30 fathoms (Whiteaves); M^tis (Sir J. W. Dawson). Gould's T. tcalariforme was based upon specimens in which the thin laminar varices of the shell are almost obliterate ' So far as the writer's experience goes, this obliteration of the varice :e to the fact that such specimens are usually found on rough bottoms )se stones or rock at some distance from land. In T. Gunruiri, whii is generally found on muHdy or sandy bottoms, in sheltered bays, the varices are well developed and beautifully preserved. 179 Tropbon Fabricii (Beck) MoUer. TWtoniim craticulatum, O. F»briciua (1780) ; non L. Tropkm Fabricii (B«ck) Mnller (1842). Tn^on craliculatut, O. O. San (1878). Fishing banks o£F Halifax (Willis). Orphan Bank ; off Cap Bon Ami, P.Q.; between Cape Gasp^ and Cup des Hosiers, in 38 fathomi, iton«>s ; and north shor of the St. Lawrence, off the St. John River, and near the West Point of the Island of Anticosti, in 60 fathoms, sand ( Whiteaves) ; Miogan (J. Richardson, Jun). Ashe Inlet, Hudson Strait (Bell); Oreenland (Fabricius). Family Purpurida. Purpura lapillui (L.) Buecinum lapiUu$, L. (1767). Purpura lapUlut, Lamuclc (1822) ; et auct. This species is said to be common at low-water in the Bay of Fondy and Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, but its exact range in the River and Gulf of St. Lawrence has yet to be ascertained. In the latter region it has long been known to occur on the Uasp^ coast, from Oasp^ Bay to M^tis, and all round the Island of Anticosti, but there are no records of its having been taken on the north shore. Although recorded as a Greenland shell by Fabricius and Moller, Packard failed to find it on the north shore of the Gulf, near the Strait of Belle Isle, or on the Labrador coast. Its name is not included in Miss Bush's list of the Mollusca dredged on the Labrador coast by the Stearns expedition, and there are no specimens of it in the collections made of late years in Hudson Bay and Strait. In a fossil state P. lapillm is common in the English Pliocene. It is found also in the Fleistocetie of Scandinavia and Maine, but its name does not occur in Sir J. W. Dawson's latest list of Canadian Pleistocene fossils. Family Columhellidm. ASTTRIS ROSACEA (Gould). Bueeitium rotaeeum, Gould (1840). ColumUlla roiacea, Stimpson (1851). Attyrit rotacea, U. and A. Adamii (185S). Sparingly distributed throughout the entire region, in depths of from 8 to 60 fathoms. Miss Bush says that a few good specimens were taken at 12i 180 L'Anie au Loup, in 18 fathoms, and at Henley Harbour, in 3 to 8 fathonw, by the Stearni Labrador expedition in 1882. The specie* has been collected in the Pleistocene beds of Riviere du Loup, and in gUcial deposits in Scotland. Living examples of this shell, from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, have been referred to Aifyris Uolbollii (=zFu»m HdboUii, Beck, in Mbller) on th* authority of Jeffreys, but Verrill thinks that A. rotaeea is probably distinct from A. Uolbollii, and even if the two shells should prove to be identical, the former is much the older name. Artvbis lunata (Say). ITaua tunata, Say (1836). Bveeinwn tunalum, C. B. Adams (1838). Cdlutitbtlta lunata, Gould (1870). Ail!in$ lunula, Dall (1870). Shediac Bay (Whiteaves, Winkley, 1888). 1873); Summerside, RRL (Rev. H. W. Ill nil I i AaTTRig Z0NALI8 (Linsley). Buctinum zonati; Liniley (1846) ; no deKription ; and Gould (1848). Columbella Mumilit, Stimpson (1861). A$tyritzonali; Verrill (1872). " This species occurred only once, but then in great numbers, at a haul of the dredge on a sandy spot in 8 fathoms, about two miles north east of Cheney's Head," Grand Manan Island (Stimpson). Dall, however, says that Stimpson's C. dissimUit is a " rude purplish brown rather large northern form of A. lunata," and that Linsley's Buccinnm zonalis is " a form in which the brown coloration of the original lunata coalesces to form two or mor« dark bands with lighter interspaces."* Anachis HALiiETi (Jeffreys). Columbella Balineti, Jeffrej-s (1867). Anatkit Halutti, Verrill (1874). Pi/rene cottulata, G. O. Sars (1878) ; but not Fur i cotlulatui, Cantraine, fide Dall, and Norman. Attachiteottulatu, Verrill (1880). Anaehii htilmti, Dall (1889) ; and Norman (1899). "South of Halifax, N.S., 9.T fathoma, 1877, and off Cape Cod, 67 to 96 fathoms, 1879,— U.S. Fish Commission SS. Speedwell" (Verrill). * Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (1889) vol. xviii., pp. 189 and 190. 181 Family Xantido!. N^SBA ^IlTANA88A) OB80LRTA, Say. JTatM dbtoleta, Say (1822) ; et auct. nyattaua ol/toieta, SHmpwn (1866). bt. Msry'H Bay, N.S. ( Verkrazeii) ; Annapolis Basin (J. M. Joneti) ; Minas Basin (Ganong) ; North-west Arm, Halifax Harbour, — Pictou, Ac. (Willis). Beach at Pointe du Chdne, N.B. (VVhiU-aveg) ; Sumaieraide, P.E.I. (Rev. H. W. Wiokley); vicinity of Cape tiivsp^ (Bell). Verrill says that this species has not been found in the Bay of Fundy, and it has not been found in the Canadian Pleistocene. Nassa (Tbitia) tkivittata. Say. I/aua trivittata, Say (1822). Tritia trivittata, H. and A. Adanu (18S8). Bay of Fundy and Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, from low-water mark to a depth of 60 fathoms. In the Gulf of St. Lawrence the species has been taken at .several localities on both sides of Northumberland Strait, in the Baie dea Cbaleurs as far up as Dalhousie, northward to Gasp^ Bay, where Sir J. W. Dawson dredged specimens of it in 4 fathoms sand, near the shore, in 1858. The writer has collecled similar specimens a little above the village of Gaap^ Basin, where the water is brackish. Family Biuxinidee. BUCCINUM fNDATUM, L. Buccinum vndatum, L. (1761) ; et auot. Buccinum undulatum, Mollor (1842). Buccinum Labradorense, Reeve (184ti). Living specimens of a shell that i'4 practically indistinguishable from the B. undatum of the British Islands and northern Europe, are not uncommon locally throughout the entire region, at low-wat«r mark, and at depths down to 170 fathoms or more. Some of these shells, too, attain to as large a size as the largest British or Norwegian specimens. Similar specimens have been dredged as far to the southward as the coast of New Jersey, and on the Labrador coast Packard finds B. undatum " most abundant just below low-water mark, where fine specimens, 3J inches long, are frequent." Miss Bush, in her list of the Mollusca and Echinodermata obtained by the Stearns expedition, says that it occurs abundantly along the coast of Labrador in 1 to 15 fathoms ; and Dall, that several living specimens were collected at Davis Inlet, Labrador, by L. M. Turner in 1882. 18S Sir J. W. Dawioa, who haa made a ipeoial wtndj '!cription, Dr. Stimpson says of B. ToUenii that it is " allied to £. Humphrfynianum, but differs in its plicated and more convex whurls, deeper transverse sculpture and want of colour. It might be taken for a thin and delicate form of B. undulatum, but is easily distinguished by the number and straightness of the longitudi- nal plications of the spire-whorls, the more numerous and sharply cut trans- verse ridges, and the wider mouth. From B. eiliatum it differs very much, both in shape and in the want of a tooth-like fold on the columella. "f Verrill, however, thi t1si) ; nou Bennett. Baeeinum kyt^ropAunum, }Uncock ( IMS). Bmeinum tericntum, Hancock (lH4ti). Buecinum tenebrotum, Hancock |ltM*l) ; mm Miillvr. BuKinum undijalum, Hancuck (1M4<>I ; nun Mullvr. Trilonium Uritnlandtcum, Aliirch (11*57). Buecinum cjKinnim, Stimi«on (IW'iS) ; on whue authority the previoiu ■ynonynii are given. Buecinum (Iranlnndieuta, l>. O. 8ar» (1878) ; non Stimpnon. Specimens of this species are recorded as having been dredged on the Le Have Bunk, N.S., in 45 fathoms, on the U.S. Fish Commission SS. liache in 1872, by Professor 8. I. Smith and Mr. O. Harger. Other records for 3. eyaneum on the coast of Nova Scotia are as follows : " Off Cape Sable, N.S., in 82 to 91 fathoms, fine compact sand, where it was common, and off Halifax, in 100 fathoms " ; dredged by the 88. Speedwell, of the U.S. Fish Commission, in the summer of 1877. " It has oft«n been brought in from the banks off Nova Scotia " (Verrill, 1882; in Catalogue of Marine Mol- lusca added to the Fauna of New England, etc , — in Trans. Conn. Acaawson says that B. cyanemn is abundant fossil in the Pleisto- cene deposits at Uivitre dn Ixtup. In reference to the specific name of this shell, Professor Verrill makes the following remarks. " Mtirch, in adopting Grrtnfamlicnm for this .species, simply took up a part of the polynomial name used by Chemnitz, which has no claims to priority under the ordinary rules of binomiy Gould (ed. 1), and described as B. Humphrey»innum by Dr. .Stimi>.sori. It differs from the European species, of that name, as already mentioiK'tl by Jeffreys and others, in having a ciliated epidermis and in other ch.iracters. " This shell is remarkable for its swollen, rounded whorls, the deep excavation of the columella-Iip, the anterior expansion of the rounded outer lip, and the thinness and nearly smooth surface of the ishell. " This shell may, perhaps, prove to be only a variety of some previously known species. In that case Gouldii may still be used as a variety name, ' Canadian Naturalist and Oeologist, New Serien, vol. ii,, p. 374. :'hS ' ii 3 ii •f: 186 to dMiffuU Um form. It dow not »| pMr to oorrMpond with My o( Um fomu dflMrilMd bjr Eu;x>peMt writera. " A •pocimni that I tappoM to bo th« yonng of tbb ipaciet U • mmUI, Tory thin, tnuuluomt, p«l« y«llow, (inooth ■bell, with on acuu ipire, • very •maX\, rogul*rly spiral nncleaa, Ave oonrex whorU, imprt.. -d lutur*, and "xeoTated oolumella-Hp. The whorl* are evenly rounded and with faint tracw of »hallow spiral lii.-«, no undulatiomk Thi» waa dredgpd by MeMn. Smith and Harger, on Le Have Bank, 60 fathoni, in 1872. Thi» may be the young of B. AyoropAonum." (Varrill; op. dt., pp. 497 and BuccIIfCM OLACULI, L. Btutinum glofiale, L. (17M); etkoct. Bueetnum rarinntwM, Phipr« (1774). rritoniuM glMialr, O. i'kbriciui (17801 Off Little M.iti^ and Murray Bay, .Sir J. W. Dawson ; Bonaventare laland, off Pdrcr, at low- water, one upecimen collected by T. Curry, in 1872- Aihe Inlet, Hudwn Strait, one speoinien of the doable-keeled variety, drwlged by Dr. R. Bell in !S84; Greenland, Fabriciui; Alatka, Dall. In a foL 1 Htate B. glaeialt has been found in the Pleiiitocene depoaita at Black Point, N.B.; at Anticoeti, Riviere da Loup, and Montreal, P.Q.; and at Labrador. According to Sir J. \V. Dawion, B. glaeialt "has the aperture somewhat like that of B. ciliatum, and a very peculiar scalp^ure of spiral itnn with intervening band marketinguiMhed from B. undalum by the character of the apiral grooving, the diatinction between the primary and aecondary groovea being far more atrongly marked than in that apeoies. The Buennum DonmHtni in Mr. Bella Hat of the shells of the Gulf of St. Lawrence ia the Fmim Kroytri of MOeller " * (Stimpson, 1866). NXPTUNRA DK8PKCTA, var. TOBNATA, Uould. i>'uju< torna u>. liuulrl (I83!l, 1H41 awl 11*70). Ifrptiinea drtiKr'n (Ij.) fumia tiipien, (J. O. 3ar» (187*). Ifei^HMn deipnia, vm. tontala, Verrill (1882). Gulf of St. Lawrence north of the B lie des Chaleur<, and mouth of the P' -r St. Lawreno*-, in from 10 to 60 fathoms. The writer has dr<'dge,mci>,la>u, " of the wriUr'i li.t of mollu«» dr«Jg«l off Or.nde Orive in 1867 i. crUinly not th.t .pMie. bt.1 A. i^*imta, r.r. tomato, and it U mo«t probabl. that th« jp^iimeiw collwt«l ^ LogM "••r Omp< i„ 1844 .nd ref.rrwl by Bell to Futu, decmcc Mu», »re .Iw Jir. tornala. Verkruxe i ..y. th.t he found r.rietie. of X a«MmcoH»la, with nine, eleven Md* rib., .t AnnapolU fiaiin. N 8 bot th.t tbw. .re very -. • •. VoLVTonii NoHVBoicA (Cbemnlu). /\tnu ( roluloiuiHi) norrfffieu$, Miirch (1M7). ralutoptiii Homgiea, O. O. H«n {1«78) i t ituet. One living but immiturespeoiuien of tbii very ihell wu dr«laed by the writer on th. Br.delle Bank in 1873; .„d.n«lult. br, very much water worn example wm token off Bonaventure Iiland in 187'> In the Proceeding, of the U. 8. National Mu«,um for 1880 (page 303) D.U clatm. that the generic name Stro,nM/a, Gray, should be preferred to th. of '»'»*»;'•;«'. Morch. (,ince changed to Vclutopsu), but V^rfU «y. that Strombella " bad been preoccupied." SiPHo STiiii>«>si (Morch). rciiiii, Verrill. IfefluHn prnfinijva, V«-rrill (WHIi r.(Hi .\ld»r. Jfrplunen {Sipho) finpiitqtM, Wrrill (IHMI). Sipho pdbttettu, Vrnill (IHH'.M. "Off Cape Sable, N.8., in 8H to 01 fathom*, flne rompact land, where it ocean in ro /rlerable nunibera, living ; and off Halifax, 43 fathom*, dead"; U. 8. FUh c omtiuion 8.8. Speedw«-)l, 1H77 (Verrill). North ihore of the (}ulf of 8t. Lawrence, off Ekx Island (between Pointede* Monts and Seven Idanil Bay) in 70-80 fathouus aandy mud, one adult living iipecimen, dredged by the writer in 1871. 8ipno pvoN.r.UB (Uould). Fiuui Ittandifiii, su. pwwrut, llnulH (1811). Tritiinium pjitiMiium, Htiiiii>a<>n (IHftl). tffpliinm (.iiphn) i,)/ff)nmi, il. and A. Aduna (tMSR). Fi'Kit puifnurui, Oi>«lil (W70). yeptunm ( KrpliiHilla), Verrill (1873). Hiphn pj^gwitiit, Wrrill (IHH'.'). Bay of Fundy, Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, ' Gulf of St. lAwrence as far to the north-vard at least /ts Ga). A few living specimens of this shell were dredge ' by the writer in Oasp^ Bay in 1871 ; in CO fiitliuins oS Bunnventure Island, in 1872 ; and un the 190 Orphan brak in 1873. Sir J. W. Dkwaon hM dredgMl fine living exunplM of the same Mhell at Murray Bay and M^tis. Mis* Bash saya that " two good though dead, specimens were found at Henley Harbour in 8 fathoms, and Dead Island, near Square Island, in 1 to 4 fathoms " by the Steams Labrador expedition in 1882. T)all, also, sUtes that " one imperfect speci- men " was found by L. M. Turner in 1883 "on the upland near FortChimo, Ungava Bay," where it bad doubtless been carried by the ravens as is their wont" Sir J. W. Dawson states that a single small specimen of this shell has been found in the Pleistocene deposits at Montreal. SiPHo VBNTRicoscs (Gray). r>uu$ verUriconu, Ony (18S9) ; and Gould (1841 ud 1870). Septunta vcntricon. Verrill (1879). Sipko rentricotu$, Tryon (1881) ; and Verrill (1882). Bay of Fundy, one specimen (Verkruien) ; Sable Island, Willis (Gould, 1870;. Tritonofubub Kbotibi (M6ller). ftuut Kroyeri, MoUer (1842) ; tMte Stimpson (1865). FtMu(Tritoitofutu$) Kroyeri, Morch (1857). Bueeinum erttaeeum (Reeve) Packard (1863). Bueeinofttnu Kroyeri, Wfaitearra (1869). TriUmo/utui Kroftri, Whiteave* (1872) ; aln Verrill (1879 and 1882). Northern portion of the Gulf and mouth of the River St Lawrence, at depths of from about 10 to 60 or 60 fathoms; also coast of Labrador in from 3 to 10 fathoms. In the former region it has been dredged on the Orphan Bank and in Gasp^ Bay by the writer; in Salmon Bay (on the north shore of the Gulf, just inside of the Strait of Belle Isle) by Packard ; oflF Little M^tis, by Sir J. W. Dawson ; and Dr. Bell (who referred his specimens to Bttocinum Donowmi) says that the 8pecie8 occurs at "several localities" (on the Gasp^ coast) "below St Flavie." On the Labrador coast, Miss Bush says that specimens were dredged in Henley Harbour and Temple Bay, in 3 to 10 fathoms, by the Steams expedi tion ; and two immature and dead examples of this shell were collected on the beach between Hamilton Inlet and Sandwich Bay, by Mr. Low in 1894. In a fossil state the species has been recorded by Sir J. W. Dawson as occurring in the Pleistocene deposits of New Richmona and River Charles N.B.; of Riviere du Lonp, P.Q.; and Labrador. 191 TRrroHorosus latbbioiub (Moller). r\uui laterieeut, MoU«r (1843). fuMut (TriUmofitnu) l tr> be identical with the true B. harpularia. " His shell has a different aperture, the whorls are more decidedly and squarely shouldered, and the ribs fewer and more Mstant. It is possibly the shell mentioned above as probably B. Woodiana" (VerriU, 1882; op. cit, pp. 474 A 475.) Bbla rabpclaria (Couthouy. Futui harpularitti, Couthouy (1838) ; and Gould (1841). Btla harpularia, H. snd A. Adams (lC"i8) ; and Gould (1870) ; no.i G. O. San. According to Professor Verrill " this species ranges from Long Island Sound to Nova Scotia, but is less common northward. It becomes compara- tively rare in the Bay of Fundy and off Nova Scotia, where it is mostly replaced by B. cancellata, B. scalaris and other more arctic forms." Pro- fessor Verrill also says ttiat it has been taken by the U. S. Fish Commission at Eastport, Me., and in the Bay of Fundy, in from 10 to 50 fathoms in 1870 and 1872 ; at Halifax harbour, N.S., in 20 fathoms, and off Halifax. 190 fathoms, in 1877 ; and by Smith and Harger, on the Bache in 1872, o the Le Have Bank, N.S. As already stated, the specimens dredged off Grande Grive and formerly referred to B, sealarit by the writer, have been 13i 106 identified with B. harptUaria by ProfeMor Verhll. In the writer's judg- ment, alio, moet if not all of the specimens referred to B. harpularia by Sir J. W. Dawson, in his list of Pleintocene fossils in the " Canadian loe Age," are the shell now called B. eincelleUa, var. Caruxdemit, by Professor Verrill and Miss Bukh. Bujk ROSEA, Sars. U. O. Smn (1878). Beta karpHtarinf var. Stln roK», Verrill (1882). " Halifax Harbour, 15 to 20 fathoms ; off Halifax, nine miles, 57 fathoms ; U.S. Fish Commission, 1877 " (Verrill, who, however, regards it, with B. elegaiu and B. angtUoia, ar species that are " atill doubtful "). Forteau Bay, 20 fathoms; L'Anse au Loup, 10 fathoms; Henley Harbour, 10 t 15 fathoms ; Temple Bay, 10 fathoms ; and Dead Island, near Square Island, Labrador, 2 to 4 fathoms ; Stearns expedition (Miss Bush). Bela AuauLOSA, Sara. " From Principal J. W. Dawson I have received a shell dredged by him off M^tis, mouth of the St. Lawrence River, which agrees very closely n-itb Sars' description and figure of this species " (Verrill, 1882 ; op. cit., p. 480). Bbla Oculdii, Verrill. f Btta rugiilata, U. O. Sara (1878) ; non Reeve. Belli ruijuUitn, Verrill (1880). Beh Umtldii, Verrill (1882). " Taken by the U.S. Fish Commission at Halifax Harbour and Bedford Basin, in 16 to 41 fathoms, 187'/. " I have seen no specimen from further north" (Verrill, lfS-2; op. cit, p. 466). Quite recently, however, Pro- fessor Verrill has recognized a single specimen of a variety of B. (j'ouldii, among sp3cimens dredged by the writer off Grande Greve, Gaip^ Bay, in 1867. Bbla Pinoelii (Moller). Dtfraneiii Pin;ieUi, Moller (1842). Bcia Phii/elii, H. and A. Adams (1858) ; G. O. Sara 1878 ; et auct. '• One specimen was dredged by ^M. S. I. Smith and O. Harger, of the United States Fish Commission, in 1872, on I.* Have Bank, off Nova Scotia, in 43 fathoms." "It appears to be a very rare species, however, and none of my specimens have the animals preserved" (Verrill, 1882; op. cit., p. 465). The occurrence of this species in Canadian waters, on the authority of Jeffreys, had previously been recorded in the Canadian 197 N»tur»U«t Md Gflologitt for March, 1870. Th« ipMimen Knt to Dr. Jeffrey! wm dredged by the writer off Grande OrAve, Gaep^ Bay, ia 1867 or 1869. Bkla cancbixata (Mighela). « /St in 1870, «nd by Verrill and Miw duih in 1H98 or 1899, wm dredged by the writer off Grande Orkve, Owp^ B«y, in 1867 or 1869. BiLA PLBDBOTOMARIA (CoUthoUy). Fiitut pifurotomariat, Cimthouy (t83H). Jt'uniJ m/u», (louW (IIMI) ; nun Mcntmni. Mangtlia iinramiilttHi, StimpBon (IWl). Brltt lUtunMontaria, H. »inl A. AJ»iii« (1868). B«y of Fundy, in 15 to 60 fathoms ; mid Halifox Hartour, in 20 to 28 fathoms (Verrill, who nays that the »pecie« ia found off Martha's Vineyard to Labrador). Fishing Ui.ks off Sable Island (Willu). Between Cape B»ar, P.K.I., and Pictou Island, N.S. (Whiteaves). Gulf and mouth of the River St. Lawrense, at Gasp^ Bay, Hiviere du Loup, Murray l»ay, and Kamoura«ka(8ir J. W. Dawson) ; and at Salmon Bay, near Caribou Island (Packard). Labrador coast, at Square Island, in 30 fathoms, and Sandwich Bay, in 4 fathoms (Packard) ; at L'Anse au Loup, in 10 to 15 fathoms ; Henley Harbour, in 10 to 15 fathoms ; Temple Bay, in 10 fathoms ; and Dead Island, near Square Island, in 1 to 4 fathoms ; Stearns expedition, (Miss Bush). Fossil in the Leda clay at Montreal (Sir J. W, Dawson). Bbla bicarinata (Couthouy). PUuratonuiria biairintUa, Couthouy (1830). Btla birarinatit, yr«midiih, Htrbm (A p/#uroto.miria, BtimpiMn); Ma B*eki%, Mttller ; and Btla Trtvdyama, Torton ;-aa oocarr- inf at AnnapolU Baain, N.S.; and deacribw, from that locality, three new ■peoiaa, which he calls B. Oilpini, B. multico$lata, and B. ut%dala.* OniTIIOBIUIfOBIATA. TKCTIBnASCHIATA. Family Pkilinida. Fhilinb lima (Brown). Utricului lima. Brown (1827). ByUa Uneolata, Couthouy (1889) ; imd (iould (1841). Pkiline litualaia, Stimp** (1860) ; sod Gould (1870). PkUiiu limn, O. O. Um (1878) : and Pil.bry (1896). Urand Manar, "common in the shallows among the lower islands" (Stimpson). Fishing banks off Halifax, rare (Willis). Gulf of 8t. Lawrence, at Qaap^ Bay (Sir J. W. Dawson) ; and near Caribou Island, just inside of the Strait of Belle Isle, in 10 to IB fathoms, sand (Packard). Rare in the Leda clay of Montreal (Sir J. W. Dawson). PuiLiNii QUADRATA, Scarlcs Wood. Philint qvadnta, 8. Wood (1830) ; «ua Stiinp«j:i (lH60). PliUiM formota, Btimpaon (18&0). Fishing banks off Halifax, rare (Willis). In the Gulf of St. Lawrence a few specimens were dredged by the writer in 1871 and 1873, in deep water (180 to 220 fathoms), to the north, south, and south-east of the Island of Anticosti. • Jahibueber der Deutwhen Malakonxdofpichen (J«Mll«ch»ft, vol. v 201 FiiiLi» FiiiiiAKonicA, M. Sftrt. rhi'int IHtmartku,, (M. Hm.) «1. <» Hm. (1W») I t«.t» Vmill (WW). DrAoiLU, O. O. timn. naine frngilii, (1. O. (ten (IHW) ! •nd WrriU ( IWO). With the p-.(««ding. PhILIHI CWOCtATA, O. O. 8»ni. i>*i7iM cupufalfl, O. O. I4»n (1878) ; »nd Verrill (IH88). Taken by the U.S. Fiih Commiwion in 1877. with the two preoedinf •peciet (VeiriU). Family Aktridm, Hamihba houtaria (-^ay). Bulla tolilaria, 8*y (1H33) ; rt MKt. Bullii intenlptn, Totteti (183B). ffiimi'iMa Krfitaria, Wliit<«VHi (1)174) ; et auct. Beach at Pointe du Ch«ne, Shediac Bay, N.B., collected by the writer in 1873. According to Sir J. W. Dawson, it is rather common in the Leda clay at Montreal. Family Seaphandridir. Scaphander puNcrogTRiATCs (Mighela). BuV'i puwto-tlTintn, Mi'holt and Adama (1841 and 1842). SeapKandtr lihrariu; l«ivcn (1840). Se(ij)An (ISfiOi. Scaphander punelo-Uruit 'i, Gould (1H70). Fishing banks off Halifax (Wilis). Gulf of St. Lawrence, alwut half way between Cap des Rosiers and the S.W. Point of Anticosti, in 2C j fathoms mud, one living specimen, an inch and an eighth long, dredged by the writer in 1872. 309 DUPMAXA DIMIU (OmM). ' «it«t kfmlimi, Turtoa ( MMI, »-%m Joffrnya i Mm liawlig (17W). Bnttm ibkUit, lUmlA ICMO). Aktm ntl»»o»tata, Mo||w(tlM»| Iwki Pibhry. Al«« ttllmkta, BiuwK | IM4). ^«f>*t4p*jm p,(>M««/,«, I^„rn (IMS), IMn^nwi (Mi/k, Mipiiami (INWI) ; Mwi lluulil (1»70). AmphutkfmdtMi; V»frill(Jl»W). tlrwid Manu, " ukaii alive in 6 hthoms, otMriK mdiI, off Duck ItUnd ■•ooringt " (8t!io|Mon). » Not unnmimnn In C*k» B«y and B«y of Kundy, •nd northward, in 6 to SO fathom* " ( Verrill). Fishing banks off Haiifai ( Wlllii). (Jmp< Bay ( but iipwimrat very small and identlAoation doubtful); •nd north short of the Oulf of 8t. r-awronw, at Trinity Bay, in 2ft fathoms, •*nd (Whltaavai). Foisll in the Leda clay at Montreal (Sir J. W, Dawson). DiAMiANA MiiMALis (Couthony). BhUu kitmtlit, Couthunjr (183U). bmfhmi A. A.Uiu- (J*W) i ud Viwrill (WTlt). Cfltehim Ktinktinli. I,rcl»< tlMT^i). CoMt trf Ubr«dor (P»ok»nl). " Norway, »pit«»)er((en •nd On^nUnd, •oath to Main*" (Pil«l>ry), though it ba** not yet Ijeen found inaide of the limita tmbrnoed within the acoiN' of thi« paper.) Family Tonintinidir. Rktuha fKHTBNt'iii (MigheU). Btilitt ptrteiiit, MiglielndMS). l'lri<'../"»/»r(oi,.i., Stiii,ii*«i(lHMO)t UuuUUlHTO)! «« aoot. biapluina prrfrnuii, Vrrrill iWi). Rrlumi ptrltHuii, i'ibbry (IMtl). Grand Manan, " in 10 fathomi land, off Cheney'a Head " (Stimpwn). Fishing bwiki off Halifax, rar« (WillU). Northumberland Strait, and Oaap^ Bay (Whiteavee). Vicinity of Bell.^ Amour, P.Q., juit in«ide of the Strait of Belle lile, in 8 fathonu muddy bottom (Packard). KoMil in the Leda clay of Montreal (Sir J. W. Dawaon). RnVRA HITIDI'LA (Loven). C^iektM Hiliilulii. U>vf\ ,llM*m (1860) ; sml (J.niUl (1M70). Ciilichna Uauhlv, Verrill (ISSO). Utricuint (Rttutn) (louldii. Dull (IKS'J). Ttrttio- fioulilii, riUbry (IWO). Annapolis Basin, N.8., seldom (Verkruzen). • 204 TOBXATINA CANALICULATA (Smy). Volvaria ennalieulala, Say (1822). Bullirm eannlieutata. Say (1832). BtiUa obUricta, Uonld (1840). Bulla mnaliculata, Gould (1841). rorno«,M „nnliculata, A. Adama (1860) j Verrill (1879) i et auct. oineulut oanUicuUttut, Stimpmn (1860); and Gould (1870). riH?"p^r,T" ^'^"'""' ^'""■'^ ^'^""^ ^^- ^"•») ■' «=<"»ionally at Summer- «ae, i-.Ji.!.; and Cocagne, N.B., one specimen (Rev. W. H. Winkley). MDOIBRANCBIATA. Family Hermaidae. Aldbbia Harvaroiensh (Agasaiz). CatUhoptit Barvarditrui,, AgawiMlSBO) ; and Stimjwn (1853); but in each cue with no deaoription. Aldrria Sarmnlitnti,. Gould (1870) j with deacription and (igurea. Grand Manan Island, " very common in sheltered muddy bays in this region, feeding on filamentous chlorosperms about low-water mark " (Stimp- 80n). ^ '^ Family Dotoidir.. DoTo CORONATA (Gmelin). Dorit toronala, Gmelin (1792). Doto coronatti, Loven (1846) ; et auct. Near Duck Island, Grand Manan, on rocks in 15 fathoms (Stimpson). Doto Formosa, Verrill. 1875. Amer. .Tourn. Sc. and Arta, Third Seriea, vol. x., p. 41. " l^^ to" species at Enstport, Maine, and on the coast of Nova Scotia in 1861 (Verrill, 1882). Family .Eolidn-. MOLK PAPILL08.A (L). Limaxpapilloaut. L. (1767). DoritpapilloM, O. F. .Miiller (1776) ; and O. Fabriciua (1780). jEolidia Bodoengu, Miiller (1S42). ^tisfarinacca, (Gould M. S.) Stimi»on (1853); and Gould (1870). Grand Manan, "very numerous, spawning on the rocks above low-water mark in August" (Stimpsbn). Very common in the Bay of Fundy from 305 above low-water mark to 20 fathoms (Verrill). Ai the species is known to occur on the coast of Greenland it is probably also a native of the Oulf of St. Lawrence. .^OLIS BTILLATA, StimpSOH. Kolis itttlata, Stimpmn (1853). Jiilit tttUata, Stimiwon (1860) ; and GuuM (1870). Grand Manan, "found under stones at low-water mark, and when disturbed rolls itself up so that its branchiw project in all directions like the rays of a star '' (Stimpson). ifJoLis PURPUREA, Stimpson. Eolit purpurtr., Stiin|won (1863). .KAU purpurea, (iould (1870). Grand Manan, "found at Duck Island, under stones, at low-water" (Stimpson). COKVPHRLLA DIVBR8A (Couthouy). Eolit diicrm, Coutliouy (1838). AMit diverui, .Stiinimn (18(i0) ; and Guuld (1870). Corypkelld diverm (Couthouy) Verrill (1870). Grand Manan, " in four fathoDia on Laminaria " (Stimpson); L'Anae au Loup, two specimens, Stearns expedition (Miss Bush). CoRVPHELLA Mananensis (Stimpson). £i>fi.i Manatienlii, StimpHon (18.58). ^Eolii Sianantimit, .Stimptwin (1H4}0). ConiphelUi Mannncnsit, Verrill (ISXO). Grand Manan, in 35 fathoitis, on iv gravelly bottom in the Hake Bay (Stimpson). "TliLs species sometimes occurs at low-water mark at Eastport, Me., and Grand Manan, but it is usually an inhabitant of rather deep water, OP rocky bottoms. We have dredged it at many localities from off Fisher's Island and Black Island to Halifax, N.S., in 20 to 90 fathoms, among hydroids. It is the most common species at such depths " (Verrill, 1882 ; Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts, and Sc, vol., v., pp. •">52 and 553). CoRVPHELLA Stimpsosi, Verrill. Cuthona Stiinpmni, Verrill (187'J). Coryphelta SlimpKini, Verrill (1880). " This species occurs from Massachusetts Bay and Salem Harliour, Mass., to Halifax, Nova Scotia ; and from low- water at Eastport, Me., to 51 fathoms at Jeffreys' Ledge" (Verrill, 1882; op. cit., p. 552). I i i I' 9M Family Deadronolida, Dbrdrokotus ARB0RE8CBNS (MuUer). Doriiarborttctia, O. F. MuUer(1776) ; and O. Fabriciiu (1780). Trilonia arbortieent, Cuvier ; and Gould (184S). Trilmia Reynoldiii, Couthouy (1838). />niar6or«e«u (Alder and Hancock, 18S0); (lould (1870). Dendrmuitui Sepnoidnt, Stimpson (1860). Grand Manan. " Fine large specimens are taken at lo«r water, and in all parts of the laminarian zone, on rocky bottoms." "The most common variety is white or colourless." "The ova were deposited in August" ^Stimpson). Le Have Bank, N.S., in 45 fathoms, U.S. Fish Commission, 1872 (Smith and Harger); Halifax Harbour, 1877 (J. M.Jones). Strait of Belle Isle, 30 to 40 fathoms. (Dr. J. W. Deeks) ; Henley Harbour, Ch&teau Bay, Labrador, in 4 fathoms, 1864 (Packard). DiNORONOTUs BOBU8TC8, Verrill. Dendnmottu nbuilm, Verrill (1870 ; also 1879 and 1983). Lendronotut vtlifer, G. O. Sars (1878) ; fide Verrill. The type of J), robuttut is a single specimen found at " Whale v e, Orand Manan, on sea weeds in a pool near low- water mark," by Mr. Oscar Harger in 1870, and Professor Verrill says that the species is now known to occur from " Vineyard Sound to Nova Scotia " from low-water mark to 98 fathoms. J. M. Jones, in his List of the Mollusc, v of Nova Scotia, cites the species as having been taken thirty miles south-east from Chebucto Head, N.S., in 110 fathoms. Family Polyeeridve, PoLTCBRA Lrssonii, Orbigny. folftsera Letunii, Orbigny (1837) j and Gould (1870). * Dorit illuminata, Gould (1841). Polgtet-a iUumitutta, Stimpson (1860). Common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, from low-water mark to 20 fathoms (Verrill). ISSA LACBKA (Miiller). Triopa lacer, Miiller (non L.) teste Loven (1846) ; et auct. lua Incera, Bergh (1880) ; and Verrill (1882). " Off Halifax, Nova Scotia, 90 to 92 fathoms," U. S. Fish Commission, 1877 (Verrill). 207 Anccla sulpbubka, Stimpaon. 18&3. Synopa. Muine Invert. Grand Msnan, p. 26. Grand Manan, " very conimon nnder itonei at low-water and in the laminarian zone " (Stimpson). Family Doridoe. D0BI8 PLANULATA, Stimpson. 1853. Synops. Marine Invert. Grand Manan, p. 26. Grand Manan (Stimpson) ; and " on stones at low-water, Passamaqnoddy Bay, in July " (Gould). Stimpson says that it "differs but slightly from D. repanda, A. and H." OWCHIDORIS MCBICATA (Muller). Lamellidarit murie-in (^luller) G. O. 8ar» (1878). Onehicbmt muricata, V'errill (1882). According to Verrill, "specimens dredged at many localities, in 3 to 21 fathoms, from Block Island to Halifax, Nova Scotia, appear to belong to this species." Okchidoris pallida (Stimpson). Dorit pallida ( Aga»iu M. .S. ) ; Stim|»on (1853) ; and Gould (1870). OHckidorii pallida, Verrill (1870). Grand Manan, " off the northern point of Duck Island, in 25 fathoms gravel " (Stimpson) ; common in the Bay of Fundy (Verrill). " This species, if distinct from Doris fusca, Fabricius, and D. diaphana, Alder and Hancock, was first properly described, as well as figured, by Gould in 1870. All that Stimpson bad previously said about it was that it is remarkable for the large size of the tubercles of the cloak " (Verrill). G. O. Sars, however, distinctly states the ; J' impson's Doria pallida is a synonym of 0. muricata, which he calls Lat.^^didoris muricata. PULMONATA. Family AuricuUdfr. Melampus bioektatus. Say. Melamput bidtiUattu, Say (1822). Auricula bidentata, Gould (1841). Melamput comeiii, 8tiui|i«on (1861). Marsh on West or Elliot River, near Charlottetown, P.E.I. ; (F. Bain, 1885). MS Aluia IIT08OT18 (Draparnkud). Auricula mjKMoh'i, DimpaniBr.H. Auritula deiUieulala, Gould (IIUI) ; not Montfort. AUxia mgototii, Pfeiffer (1856). Recorded by Willis, with a query, as common in Halifax Harbour. " Probably an imported species, as Stimpson remarks (Shells of New England) being found only in the Atlantic seaports " (Gould, second edition). PTEBOPODA. Thbcosomata. 'It il ! il Family Limacinidre. LixACiNA OoDLDii (Stimpson). Spirialit Oouldii, Stiinimon (1861). Settro/uius baka and B. rttrovtrna, Binney' (1870) ; but, BOCordinK to Verrill, not of Eurf)pe«n wiitera. Limttina Govldii, Verrill (1879). Two or three dead shells of this minute pteropod were dredge-I y the writer in 1872, in the deepest spot in the Oulf of St Lawrence, about half- way between East Cape, Island of Anticosti, and the Bird Rocks, in 313 fathoms, black mud, w 'i a few angular and rounded stones. Stimpson says that 5. Govldii r .^ on the " whole coast of New England north of Cape Cod." Verrill, iu 1873, says that the " identity of this species with the Limacina btUea, MoUer, of Greenland, U very questionable." " The description of the latter is brief, and no mention is made of the spiral sculpture, which is an important character of S. Gculdii."^ On the other hand, Binney, in 1870, makes 5. Gorddii, Stimpson, and Liinacina balea, Moller, = He,,erofu»us balea, Morch, and regards the latter as distinct from It. retroversm (Fleming) ; and G. O. Sars, in 1878, comes to the same conclmion.t Dr. Paul Pelseneer, in 1888,S includes both Spiri- alis Gouldii and Limacina balea among the synonyms, of Heterofums retro- versus, which he calls Limctcina retroversa. {Limacinii lielicina (Phipps) is recorded as having been taken abundantly off the Labrador coast by Packard in 1864 and by L. M. Turner in 1882, also in Hudson Strait ; but it has not yet been found so far south as the Gulf of St. Lawrence. • 111 thi' Second Kdition of tloulrt's Kfiwrt on the Invertebrata of XlaiisachuM^tts, p. .509. tl'.S. Fish Conmiiiwion, Rei«rt for 1871-72, p. 66y. J XlulUisca RegioniB Arctieae Norvcgiote (Christiania), pp. 329 and 330. S H.M..S. Challenger Ripfirts, Zoology, vol. xxiil, p. 27 and 2S. 209 The types of Ptyeke globulota, Rang, of the family Cymbulidie, nlso, are from St Pierre and Miqaelon, off the south coast of Newfoundland, ju^t outside of the area embraced by this paper.) GVMSOSOMATA. Family CHonidm. Clione limacina (Phipps). CVto Ihitaelna, Phipps (1774). CItofie papifionarea^ Pallari (1774). Clio return, (». K. MUller {ITilW ; anil (). Fabricitin (1780). Clio l/omilir, BruguitTf (17iKJ) ; ''t »uct. Clione limaeinn, StinipBon (1800) ; and O. O. Sam (1878). Clione MiqiielonemiH, Rant; (1825). Near Caribou Island, F.Q., just inside of the Strait of Belle Isle, Packard, 1860; " seen frequently floating near the surface in calm weather." Strait of Belle Isle, surface, forming a large piirt of the food of herrings (Dr. J. W. Deeks). Tiiken by L. M. Turner " on the voyage to Ungava Pay in north latitude 56°, aud westt longitude 60°, off the Labrador coas*, Oaly 13, 1882, swimmiDg at the surface" (Dall). The species has also been collected or observed from New York to Newfoundland, Hudson Strait, Davis Strait,' Baffin Bay and Greenland. CEPH.\LOPjDA. DIBR.\y3HI.\T.\. DE3AP0DA. Family Taonotenthi. HiSTiOTEHTnis Cor.Lixsii, Verrill. l«7',l. Amer. Joiirn. Sc. and Art*, Third Serim , vnl. xvii., |>. 241. 1880. Ttans. Conn. Acail. Arta and .Sc, vol. v., p. 234. 1881. Idem, p|). 300, 4l)» and 431. " Taken from the stomach of Alepidosav\is ferox, lat. 42' 49, long. 62° 57, off" ( ^anquereau), "Nova Scotia, by Capt. .1. W. Collins and crew, of the schooner Marion, 1879. West;ern bank, off Nova Scotia," another specimen, "represented by the jaws alone" (Verrill ; Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sc, vol. v., pp. 238 it 300). 14 210 Chibotiuthm lacutma, VerriU. 18A1. Tnuu. Conn. Aoad. Arti and Sc, vuL v., p. 408. " Brown's Bank, off Nova Sootia, taken from the atomach of a cod (lot •W). Praeented to the U. S. Fish CommiMion by Capt. Wm. Dempaey and orew, of the sohooner Clara F. Friend " ( Veirill, op. oit., p. 41 1). ii- I 'I Family Onyekii. OoNATua Fabricii (Lichtenstein). Sepia loligo, O. Fabriniui (1780). Onyckoteutkii Fabrien, Lichtenatein (1818) ; and MtiUpr (1842), Oonuliu Fabricii, Steenitrup (1880). LttMeuthit tHbricii, VerriU (1881). "A yoang specimen of this apeoies, in nearly perfect preeervation, was recently presented to the U. 8. Fish Commishion by Capt. William Dempeey and crew, of the schooner Clara F. Friend. It was taken from the stomach of a cod off Seal Island, Nova Scotia" (VerriU ; op. oit, p. 292). . Family Omnuutrephida. {ArehiteutKit Harveyi (Kent) has been found at Logic Bay and Portugal Cove, near St. Johns, Newfoundland, and on the Grand B .nka ; and A. frineeps, Verrill, at CaUlina, Trinity Bay. Newfoundland, alsoon the Grand Bank« ; but as yet there is no satisfactory evidence of the occurrence of dther off the coast of eastern Canada). Illix illscebrosus (Lesueur). Loliffo ilUeelirota, Lesueur (1821). Ommnilrepkci iUtcehrona, Verrill (1872). lUex illeccbroiut, Steenstnip (1880). The "common squid" of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Maritime Provinces, though, owing to its active merle of life, as a free swimmer, it is rarely (if ever) taken in the dredge. Living or fresh specimens, however, are not infrequently thrown on the beach by storms. Squids school in rammer, like mackerel and herring, and are caught by the Gaspd fishermen *>y "jigging." *nd used as bait for cod. Kumlien says that this species occurs in Cumberiand Gulf (Baffin Land) ; and Verrill (op. cit., p. 281) that "it extends as far south as Newptrt, R.I.," and that it is "veryabundunt iu Massachusetts Bay, the Bay of Fundy and northward to Newfoundland." til OmtAiTRiPHn NiOAPTERUB (Veirill). Arrkittulkii ntgapttm, Wmll (1878). Shenotiulkii nugnptera, Verrill (1880). Ommattrtphei mtyapterui, Stwiwlru)) (1880). The tpeoiroeo upon which thU tpecies is bued wm " cast ashoK, daring a levere gale, near Ca^.. Sable, Nova Scotia, and was secured for the Pro- yincial MuMsum at Halifax by J. Matthew Jones, Esq. Itia preserved entice, in alcohol, and is still in good condition." " I refer, doubtfully, to this species, an entire beak, with the odontophore, presented by Capt. Geo. A. Johnson and crew, of the schooner A. H. Johnson. It was taken at Sable Island Bank, Nova Scotia, in 280-300 fathoms, Sept., 1878" (Verrill ; op. cit, p. 227). The " terminal part of a tentacular arm " of a specimen which Professor Verrill (op. cit., p. 193) thinks may also be referable to this species, was taken " from the stomach of a large and voracious fish (Ahpido»auru$ ferox)" ctught on a halibut lino off Banquereau, N.S., in 1S79. Family Sepiolini. RoBsiA HyATTi, Verrill. 1878. Amer. Journ. So. and Arts, Third Seriw, vol. xvii., p. 208. 1880. Idem., Third S«rie», vol. six., p. 2»l. 1881. Tranii. Conn. Ac»d. Art» and Sc., vol. v., p. 351. " Off Cape .Sable, N.8., 82-92 fathoms ; off Halifax, N.8.. 57-100 fathoms, on a fine compact sand and mud bottom." " It has also been received through the Gloucester halibut fishermen, from the banks of Nova Scotia " (Verrill ; op. cit., p. 353). RossiA 8VBLEVI8, Verrill. 1878. Ainf r. .Journ. Se. and Arts. Tliird .Serien, vol., xvi, p. 209. 188!. Trans. Conn. Acad. Artn and Sc., vol. v., p. Kil. Taken by the dredging parties of the U. S. Fish Conimission, in 1877, in the trawl-net off Halifax. N.S., in 42 and 101 fathoms, fine sand. It has also been brought in by Capt. J. W. Co'lins and crew, of the schooner Marion, from the banks off Nova Scotia (Verrill ; op. cit., p. 356). Rev. Canon Norman, however, in the first part of his recent " Revision of British Mollusca," (pulilished in tiie Annals and Magazine of Natural History for Juni;, 1890) thinks that B. subhvU is not distiii'?t from R. glaueopit, Loven (1846). 14J SIS RoniA -. ( Vvrrill). BtlenteMlkii Unera, Vnrill (IHHO). Houin (t) (nwm, Hnjrlo (IMM). H. M. S. Chall«ng«r, SUtioii 49 (May 10, 1873), sottth of '' , Nov* Bootia, 8S fathomt, gravel and atonet ; one specimen. {Botna megaplem, Verrill, has been taken off the Muthe i^ ■ j^.at ot New- foundland, in 150 fathoms; but not yet, so far m the writer uan learn, in the seas of eastern Canada.) OCTOPODA. Family Octopodirlir. Ocropus ARCTicuB, Prosch. Oeloput arrlieu; Praich (1M9) ; (lcl« Nornum (1W»). Uctoput Buirdii, Vemll (1873). Taken by the U. 8. Fish Commission, in 1872, off Grand Manan Ivland, in 97-100 faihoms, and ut thret) localities in the Bay of Fundy, in 6O'-80 fathoms; also in 1887, thirty mileti otf Cape ISab'.e, N'..S , in 91 fathouiM, and twenty-three miles off Halifax, in 101 fathoms. "The Gloucester fishermen have brought in several specimens from the banks of Nova tScotia and New- foundland " (Verrill ; Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and 8c., vol. v., pp. 370 and 371). 1879. 1881. Octopus piscatorum, Verrill. AiDPr. .louni. Sc. and Arts, Third Seriw, vol. xviii., p. 470. Tram. Conn. .\cad. ArfH and Sc., vol. v., p. .178. " Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, in 120 fathoms, taken by Captain John McTnnis and crew, of the schooner M. H. Perkins, October, 1879," and presented to the U. 8. Fish Commission (Verrill; op. cit., p. 378). One female. l«;*». 1881. Octopus obesuh, Verrill. Amer. Juum. He. and Arm, Third Serien, vol. xix., p. Triuw. Conn. Acad. .\rt8 and .Sc., vol. v., p. 37U. isr. " Taken from the stomach of a halibut, 36 miles east from the N.E. Light of Sable Island, in 160 to 300 fathoms, by Charles Buckley, of the schooner H. A. Duncan, and presented by hioi to the U. S. Fish Commission, 1879. " A smaller, mutilated specimen was also taken from the stomach of a hali- but, from Banquereau, off N.S., in 1.% fathoms, (lot 678) and presented to the U. 8. Fish Commission, by Captain Charles .Vlarkuson and crew, of the iiiiM •ohuoner Notice, April, 1880. "The Utter specimen wm, howerer, in too poor condition to afford »ny additional character!, and may, perhaps, belong to 0. UhIui" (Verrill ; op. oit., p. 380). OcTOPiTP LRXTCi, Verrill. tMMO. Amer. .foiirn. Ha. am) Aru. Third St-rim, vol. xix., p. 198. 1881. Tnint. Cirnn. Acml. Artnind Nc., vol. v., p. 87». The firat specimen of this species was taken off Nova Hootia, near Le Have Bank, in 120 fathoms, by Captain Samuel Peeples mid crew of the schooner M. H. Perkins, and presented to the U. 8. Fish Commission. " A few others have since been brought in by the Ulouoester fishermen, from th« Bank Fifheries. Mr. A. Agassiz dredged it on the 'Blake', in 1»80, as far south as N. lat. 33' 42' 15". It ranges in depth from 120 to 603 fathoms " (Verrill ; op. cit., p. .377). Family Ptaroti, Stauroteu-his STRTBxais, Verrill. 187!l. Ainrr. .roiirii. Sc. and AtU, Third SeriM, vol. xviii., p. 468. 1881. Tranx. Conn. Acad. Art> and He., vol. v., p. 383, "The only known example of this remarkable species was taken by Capt. r«!«lvin Oilpatrick and crew, schconer ' Polar Wave ', in N. lat. i3° 54 ; W. long. 58° 44', on Banquereau, abo-jt 3 miles E. of Sable Island, N.S., in 250 fathoms. Presented to* the U. S. Fish Commission, Sept., 1879 (lot 472)" Verrill ; op. cit., p. 384. ARTHROPODA. CRUSTACEA. Serieii A. KXTUMO.STRACA. cirrhipedi.^. (Rhizocephala). Peltooaster paouri, Rathke. Henley Harbour, Chateau Bay, Labrador, one specimen on Eupagurtm pHbetcens from shallow water, Stearns expedition (S. I. Smith, who says that " Packard recorded the species from Maine, not Labrador" ). (TaoiuacA.) Familj Ltpadidm. LtPAS rAKicvLARM, Ellia Md Solnnder. "Fwquently Uk«n in the Buy of Fundjr in Angutt" (Verrill, 1873). In hi. 1863 "Li»t of Nov* SootUn Shells. " WillU m/i th«t "Anatifa viltta, L»m. (I)" hM bara found "•bout Sable IiUnd;" and that A. hrmt U "oommon." Sir J. W. Dawwn, alw, in hi> Hand fiook of Zoology, publithed in 18)0, quote* Ltpat dtnMa, (Jould, a^ "oommon on the Atlantic ooaat." But, AtuUi/a Imvii is laid to be a synonym of Lepat anali/*ra, L.; and Ittptu dentala, of L. peetinala, Spenglnr. ScALPirxuM StROitiii, M. Sara. H.M.8. ChalUnger, 8 ation 49 (May 20, 1873), Muth of Halifax, Nova Seotia, dredged in 85 fatho.-ni, gravel and stone*. Family Balanithf. Balanvs INPR0VISU8, Darwin. Nova Sootia (Darwin, 1841). Balaxui bala.<(oidis (L) LtpaM Manoulr; L. (1787) I U»te IMrwin. Biilaniii otulari; Guiild (1841). Baliinui clongntiit, Gould (IWX). Bttlnnut balanoide; StiniiMon (185^). Grand Manan, "found abundantly, and generally of large sire, on the rocks in the littoral zone. Several fine specimens were found attached to living examples of Littorina liiioralit " (Stimpson). " Extramely abundant between tides. It inhabits the whole North Atlantic" (V\rrill) Near Caribou Island (Packard). BAtAxrs orbxatus, Brugui^re. BalanuM ertnalut, Brugui^re {179H) f tette Dsrwin. Balanui ruf/onit, Cionld (1841), Gasp^ Bay, "common on stones near the shore" (Sir J. W. Dawson, 1858). "The common beach 'acorn shell,' which appears abundantly on all rocky coasts" (Sir J. W. Daw«)n, Hand Book of Zoology, 1870). "A common species, found along the whole coast " on the north side of the Strait of «5 Balle III*, and of Ubndor (PKokard). Dr. Ball dradgwl tpMimMu, that appaar to be rafarabia to thU ipaoiaa, at Aahe Inlat, Hodaon Strait, in 1884. Hir J. V.'. DawMM) (who nayt that "it Mema to be L«pat balnmaru of Fabrioius") •tatua that B. ertnaitu hpeci«>a recent. It ia B. UddevalUntiM uf lista i>f Scandinavian foiiiils and B. tulipa of Miiller. It ia a widely diffused Arctic anti Xorth Atlantic species." " Fol bouUlers in the boulder clay." " Very ftne apecimens are aUo obtained at River Beaudette, about 34 miles west (' Montreal. This locality ix noteworthy aa bt-iug furthttr weat than the othera mentioned. The Bpecimon.4 are also interesting from their remar- kable perfection and the large mnsaes which thvy form, mime of which contain as many as a dozen individuals attnche'l to each other. They were collected by Mr. A. W. MoNown, of Riviirre Beaudette, and by Mr. Stanton, C.E., of Lancaster " (Sir J, W. Daw»on).t The names of Balantu miner, Lamarck, and B. geniculatui, Stimpson, are also included by Willis, in 1863, in his List of Nova Hcotian Shells. CORONULA UIADRMA, L. Oosptt Bay, on skin of whales (Sir J. W. Dawson, 1858). "Sable Island, whale's back " (Willis, 1863). Near Caribuu Island, un the grampus ; and " taken quite frequently from the skin of whales caught in the Gulf of St. Lawrence " (Packard). * The Canadian Ice A(?e, Ac, p. 2fi3. t Idem, vp. 202 and 263. 91« CoBORULA >ioi>A, Darwin. ■ t n ■hrmb of tba tkin o( Um humpback whalo in one of liui wImI« houM* " (in iimnpi Bay) " »• found a ■pooinien whicb ourrMpomit sxaetly with Darwin'* daaoripliun ol thi* tpcviMt, hitharto uUtaincd only from Um t'aeiUc. It ia full Ki^wn, baing naarly two inaiiaa in diamator, and wm imljaddad naarly to the ■amiuit in tha (kin. It may ba easily dlitin^uinbail from tba oominon whale liarnaola, C. tliadenm, l>y it* Hattanad form, ita low and •mouth rib* delicately marked wilh radiation* and tranaveraa rib* with ■inuta tubercle* at the intpmeotion*, »nd by tha thitine** of it* radial plate*. It would kia intaraating to know if thla Coronula ia peculiar to tba hump, back, which ia vary probably an Arctic *pecie« viaiting both the Paoific and Atlantic" (riir J. W. Dawaon, in the CaiMdian Naturalist and Ueolo)oatfur OetoUr, 185M). COPRPODA. LnxAA iiRAsruiALii), L. £eri«dM hranekiatit^ L. i ft auct. Ltrmrt hmnthialit, vitr. niyntuxira (.StmiMtru|i »ml Liitkra) ». I. l4inith(IH«3). A few Rpacimeni that 8timp«on referred to ihi* specie*, with a query, ware " found flxad in the flesh of the neck in young cod-fishes " at (Jrand Manan ; and Verrill *ay* that L. hranehitUi* is '* found attached to the gills of tlia cod, in the Bay of Fundy." 1'rofeaaor S. I. Smith says that one specimen of the var, tigtmritUa, without apaoial locality, is among the specimens obtainnd by the Stearns expedition. Packard, he adds, gives no special locality for his specimens, ami stiys that thay were " attached to the akin of the ciKitua, w: t i makes it a'tnitst certain that he obaerved some entirely different parasite." Calious curtum, Miiller. OtIiguM t>trtv, Mtitler (17N5) ; «t aiict. Calvjut Anuticanut, PirkurinK ami Uaiw (1838). "Abundant upon the codfish of our coast nnd of Europe. It is probably the CcUigu* jtiicinu* of Gould and other American writers," which Stinipson lays is "found in great abundance on the surface of the halibut" at Grand Manan; S.I.Smith (Verrill, 1873; Rep. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1871-1872, p. .■575). ARocLua. (Species undetermined.) On G<.3tero»teui and other small flsl -s taken in a towing net off Pictou Island, N.8., by the writer in 1873. i I IS IIT Im vt Patuiomi, Tamptotea. fitrM*\ ■pwliMiw «>f a »M«ll oofwpod, Uken Ijy thi> writer in • towing net in the Uolf of 8t Uwrww, In 1873, wei* idtntiAml with thi« ipMla* by ProfcMor a. I. Smith. Other .ppoimenii of • co|)epod, Uk«n by the writer in • towing net, ne»r the Magdalen UUndi And iit other loc»litie»wion, the writer, end othcn., up to 1869, were identified by Mr. O. 8. Bntdy, wnd recorde■ Cytiw-i* leiiKlrtiiin, NuriiittU. ,. Iiit4>it, Miillrr, IH-lliiciiU, Ikiirl. HiiiitrKiiUitii, San, ap. (iiiii'innii, .limi'K i> tulwrculuU, H«ra II CKni»li'n»i». iii>> ^p. ,1 villowti H*r". .. l>uiw-lnii'ii«i», Nornian, •!>. I. iHwthiiiif iviv. i*|i. I, aliyiuiixilit, Sunt, «!>. r Wliitfi, Itoinl, .p. oimtiita, Brxly. Cythfrirtt-tt |»|iill<«i», Bmiqiirt. The writer's sul>«e<|U8nt dred^injjx in 1871-72-73 »fldei *t«r«. "p. Ix>xiici>ni-hA, 'p. Xl1lt(l^'tl*'nl* iU-|»rf«iin, Hara. Cytlwmr* imilata, Sar< (var). Iinmila, C, II.. hikI K. (M.S.). (?Ktjnci-ntru'ii.('.,H.,» KitM.S.I. Cytlirniptiiroii ikiiIimiiiii, tWn>\y. BythiieytliiTi- tiiruida. Sura. Cytlit-ri'li i< fmwiliila, iinv. ap. I'hil intirpuiiuta, lluiril, up. HnMlycillrtua, ap. I Cyth<'r"p»«"riin iircuutum, Itr. ami Koli. i It niiKulutum. Hr. antl Koli. vea(»'rlilit»? Kt'iii*.!. ScI»*nK.'liiIuN ctiiititrCUH, Nunnan. Cytliiw limicola. Nuniiaii. I, iKwIia? Nonnaii. Krithe(llyol>aU'») lUrUminaia, Joiifa. CytluTtira SiraiiMtraily. crialata, Hraily uml Cro» koy. ' Of tliese, Vythfrt Dawnoni, C'yth«rid''a papil/om, V. punrtillata, C. Sorby- ana and Encythtre Arijn», have also lieen found fossil in the l^eda clay of Montreal. The typoa of the recent Cyjiridina ereiitt, Stimpson, an- from Oraiid Mannn, among nullipores in 4 or 5 fathom?- and specimens that are supposed to be referable to this species have been dredged in the (Julf of St. liAwrence by the writer, and on the Labrador coast by Packard. 218 Serie« H. MALACOHTRACA. LBHT08TRACA (OF PHVLLOCARIDa). Nebalia BIPR8 (Faltricius). CanetT biptt, O. Fabriciua (17H0). Nebalia bipt; Packard (1807). Specimens that have been identified with this species by Pmfessor S. I. Smith, were dredged by the writer on the Bradelh- Bunk, and about half way ,«>tf tlii' IIimUiii Siial .Miik^iiiii, voL vi., pp. 22ft-230. 319 been recorded as having been "found, with numerous young, in the stomach- cavity of Cyanea aretiea, at Domino Harbour, Labrador, in 1864, by Packard. Paratiiemisto OHLiviA (Kniyer). •I'lt ^" <«"-'!ia, Kni.wiT (lt*38). Pitnitlttm '■■■••> .-''/.■■••'(. H»r»(18!Xl). Found in tl,c bag .t' tl-. dredge, by the writer, while dredging in 30 fathoms, ix .ules RN B. i Cape Oaspt-, in 1872; and in 210 fathoms, about ha,' Vi v tw^t veon Oap des Hosiers and South-west Point, Anti- costi ; but in both cases ^-obably taken near the surface, or at some distance from the bottom. EUTIIRMISTO LIllKLtULA (Mandt). Bradelle Bank, dredged by the writer in 187.3 ; young specimens, perhaps also caught at or near the surface. The species has since been taken at Davis Strait and Greenland, by H.M.S. Valorous, in 1875. (EUTIIEMISTO BISPINOSA (Boeck). Taken by H.fti j. Challenger in 1873, at Stations 46 and M, south of Halifax, Nova Scotia, but at so great a distance from tiie coast as to be practically outside of the area embraceorg (1852). Paeudopkthalnius pelagicui, Stimpsun (1853). AmpeliKa pelagiea, Packard (1863 and 1867); fide S. I. Smith. " Taken on a soft muddy bottom in 35-50 fathoms off Long Island, Grand Manan, and in 30 fathoms sand in the Hake Bay " (Stimpson). Dredged by the writer in 1873, between Cape Bear, P.E.I., and Pictou Island ; also in Northumberland Strait, between Kiohibucto and Miramichi. Carilwu Island, F.Q., in 8 fathoms sand ; Chateau Buy, (opposite Belle Isle) in 30 fathoms ; Stag Bay (Labrador), in 10 fathoms ; Long Island, in 15 fathoms ; nd near Strawberry Harbour, in 14 fathoms (Packard). Haploops tdbicola, Lilljelwrg. Bay of Pundy (S. I. Smith). Gasp^ Lay, 30 fathoms (Whiteaves). Cateau Harbor, Long Island, ten miles above Domino Harbour, l^abrador, in 15 fathoms (Packard). il iLi 323 Haploops aETOsA, fioeck. " I have received specimens under this name from Prof. 8. I. Smith, which were Ulcen in the Bay of Fundy, N.E. Ameriofc I am inclined, however, to think that th«y ahould be referred to Ilaploopi robuata, O. O. Hars " (Rev. Canon Norman).* Similar specimens were dredged by the writer in 1872 and 1873, off Cape George, N.S. ; Port Hood, C.B. j and the east point of Prince Edward Island ; on the Bradelle Bank ; in Gaspe Ba ; off Cape Gaspe and Cap des Rosiers ; in from 30 to 110 fathoms. Byblis Oaimahdii (Kriiyer). Amptliiea Oaimardi, Packard (18«7». ByUf Oaimardii (Kriiyer) S. I. Smith (18«3). Casco Bay and the Bay of Fundy, on muddy bottoms, in 10 to 60 fathoms (S. I. Smith, 1872). In the same year the writer dredged specimens of it in the Gulf of 8t. Lawrence five miles and a quarter to the E.8.E. of Bonaven- ture Island ; and in 1873, on the Bradelle Bank ; and between it and Miscou Island, in 45 fathoms ; also between Cap d'Espoir (Despair) and Grand Pabou, in 50 and 70 fathoms. Packard says that it was not uncommon in Chateau Bay, Labrador, in 30 fathoms, and at Cateau Harbour, Long Island, in 15 fathoms, sand. Family Gammi rid'H. Gamharcs locusta (L.?) J. C. Fabricius. Oamnmrui lixutta, J. C. Fabriciu,* (1775). (hiiKui paler, O. Fabriciua (17f<0). Oammarut ornofin, Milno Kdwardu (1830). Oammarut pulex, Stimpaon (1863). UnmmarHt m«7). iin:nnutni$ purpuralut, Stiminton (IH.'U)}. Utlita dtntttta, n<>«cl( (1870). Jrand Manan, " taken on a sanily Iwttom, in 12 fathom!, off Cheney's Head " (Stimpsim). Common in the Bay of Fundy (S. I. Smith). Dredged by the writer in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off Bonaventare Island, in SO fathoms, in 1872 ; and lietween the Bradelle Bank and Miscou Island, in 45 fathomn ; also in Gasp^ Bay, in ."50 fathoms, in 1873. Strait of Belle Isle, 15 fathoms, mud; Chateau Bay, 20 to 30 fathoms; and Square Island, Labrador, in 15 to 30 fathoms (Packard). Melita Goesii, Hansen. Dredged by the writer, in 1873, between Port Hood, C.B., and the east point of Prince Edward Island ; off Cape George, N.S.; nnd between Cap d'Espoir and Grand Pabou, in 70 fathoms. Figured by Goes as a form of Afelita dentata (S. I. Smith). m «■■■■ 335 Melphidippa, (SiMuiM undetermined.) About half way between Anticouti and the Oaap^ peninaula, in 22^ fathoms ; aUo (a fragment) off Richibuoto, N.B., in U fathoms ; dredged by the writer in 1873. LBPTOCiiBiRt;8 piNociB (Htimpson). Ptiloektirut piniiuit, .StimpKn (18B3). t-fptockeinu pinguit. Htabljing (1888). " Thin species is abundant on the whole coast of New England, as well as at Grand Manan. It is most abundant on sandy bottoms in the laminarian zone ; although sometimes occurring at low- water mark, as at Fisher's Cove ; or in the coralline zone, as in 2.') fathoms, off Duck Island " (Stimpson). "Common on the whole coast of New England upon muddy bottoms and north to Labrador. In depth it extends down to 160 fathoms, and probably much farther" (S. I. Hmilh). In the «ulf of St. Lawrence, it has been dredged by the writer on the Bradelle Bank, and between it and Miscou Island ; also between Cape Bear, RE. I., and Pictou Island, N.S.; and at two localities in Northumberland Strait. Family Pardalitcidee. Pardallsca cuspidata, Kr6yer. Off Cape Bon Ami, Oasp^, in 30 fathoms, dredged by the writer in 1873. Family Eusiridae. Bdsirl's CU8P1DATU.S, Kroyer. One lurpe specimen was dredged by the writer on the Orphan Bank, in 187.3, and others, in the northern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in 1871. RiiAcoTROPis AciiLEATUs (Lepechin). Oni>c«« ticuUatiit, Leprchin (1780). Amphitanotui KdimnUii, Packard (18f>7). Tritropit anileatn, B<)«;k (1870). Ehucotropii aeuUiila, Smith (1883). Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, in 4.5 and 60 fathoms, U. S. Fish Commission. 1872 (Smith and Harger) ; and H.M.S. Challenger, Station 49 (May 20, 187.3) south of Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 85 fathoms. Gulf of St. I^awrence, on the Orphan and Bradelle banks ; in 56 fathom.s, 8 miles S.R of Bona- venture Island ; and in 30 fathoms, off Cape Bon Ami, Ooape,— dredged by 15 I '■>: 336 ^ writer. Square InlMid, Ubrvlor, »t a deptli ol 30 fothomi (Packard). Henley Harbonr, 10-18 fathoms ; and Temple Bay, Labrador, In 10 fatbomt. Bteamt expedition {». I. Smith). Family Atylida, HALiRAnu rtiLvociNcTua (M. Sbm). Amfkitkoc futmeincia, M. Man (1800). Unliragrt falvoeinrtut, Hfwck (1870). Off Chebuoto He«l, Halifax Harbour. N.8., in 20 fathom^ loft inud'and fine sand, with decaying »ea-weed, U. 8. Fish Commission, 1872 (Smith ami Harger); and H.M.H. Challenger, Sution 49, (May 20, 1873) south of Hali- fax, in 85 fathoms. Oulf of St. Uwrenoe, at Oasp^ Bay, in 30 fathoms • and between Antioosti and the Oasp^ peninsula, in 220 fathoms,— dredged by the writer. Henley Harbour, Strait of Belle Isle, 10 to 20 fathoms, hard, weedy bottom (Packard). Haliragbs BIBPIN081I8 (Spence Bate). Dcxamine bitpinom, Hiwnov B»t« (1867). Paramphitkoe flcgatu, Bruzeliuii ( 1869). Atglu$ bifinom; Hfiencii B«te (18ti2). Ualiraim biipinotu; Boeck (1870). Henley Harbour, north side of the Strait of Belle Isle (Packard). PojfTOOENEIA INERMIS (Krtiyer). Amphitkot inrrmit and crtnuUttn, Kriiyef (1838). Ipkimoiia rulgaru, Stimimon (1863). Pontogmeia inermit, Bueck (1880). Ais/lui vulyan; Packard (1867). Grand Manan. Specimens of this species " may always be found in the greatest abundance in the little pools left by the tide among the rooks near low-water mark. They are very active, swimming about in all directions, and seldom resting long in one p!«ce " (Stimp..on). The species " is abundant in company with Catliopius l,rviu8cuh,s, about the Biy of Fundy in pools left by the tide, and ranges north to Labrador and Greenland " (S. I. Smith). Packard says that he has collected specimens of it at Henley Harbour in 4 fathoms ; Square Island, Labrador, in 15 fathoms; and Stag Bay, Labrador, n " 16 fathoms, on a hard, weedy bottom " SS7 Calliopii;! lxviuiculdi (Krdyer). AmphillMt Ittriitieulii, Ivrriyrr (IXMt. i\illioft turiuieula, Sppnvo Bat« (1862). (ViUi'ofiHi frrri'uwu/uf, huvck dST"*. Tinejard Sound and northward to Greenland, northern Europe and Spitzbergen. In the Bay of Fundy speciroena of this apecicH have been taken, with the preceding ipeciet, by the U.S. Fiah Coinini.'"'ion. In the Oulf of St. Lawrence, similar specimens were collected by the Anticosti expedition of Ir<61, at the Magdalen Islands (where they are said to be "abundai it the surface of the water in the caverns under eroded .-,-,ociated with Ponlogewia inermU. Family IphinuSidas. Lafystiis 8T0KI0NI8, KrOyer. A specimen which Professor S. I. Smith thinks is probably referable to this speciei), was taken by the U.S. Fish Commission in 1871, "from the back of a skate (Rata lin'i$) in the Bay of Fundy." "Parasitic on Cottwi, Halifax, May, 187.)" (H.M.S. Challenger Reports, Zoology, vol. XXIX., t«xt, second half, p. 899). Family Epimeridif. Epimeria loricata, O. O. Sars. Eptmtria eonij/tr (eonnqtm) S. I. Smith ; Whlteave* (18T2). Epimcria eami'iera, VerriU ; Smith ! and WhitcaveK (1874). Epimerui lurieata, G. O. (187»): and Smith (ll»l). H. NT. S. Challenger, Station 49, (May 20, 187;i) south of Halifax, Nova Scotia, lii 8.5 fathoms. Dredged by the writer in 1871, in 12-5 fathoms, mud, six niile-i from shore, immediately opposite Cap des ilosiers lighthouse; and in 212 fathoms, mud, off the east point of Anticosti, bearing S. by W., twenty-four miles distant. Also, in 1872 and 187;*, about half way between Anticosti and the Oaspe peninsula, in 200 fathoms. A brilliant coloured species, and one of the most characteristic amphipods of the greatest depths in the northern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Sars says of it, " colour a gorgeous red;" and again, "colour a magniflcent coral-red, a trifle more vivid on the posterior margin of each segment" (Htebbing). 15J *» Fwiiiljr tltutlidw. m PtBUiTU PAXorLui (KrtJyer). Amfkitkot intu^, Kniyer (IMM). fhuttn /lanoplu; Hfmnw U«t«(lWK>). AntitkitMmutui eataphniiu; Packvd (lHa7). H. M. H. Challenger, Stetion 49, (M«y 80, 1873) louth of H.IifM, Nov» SootU, in 88 (athon» " "Ilonlcjr Harbour, at • depth of 4 fathoinn, aiuong ir«eda. Not unoomuion " (Packard). L'Anie au Loup, Strait of Belle lale, in 10 fathoiiM, one ipeoinieii, Steama expedition (8. I. Smith) Port Bur- well. Cape Chudleigb, Hudiion Strait, Iteil (S. I. Smith). Pliuitu Hicuapis (Khiyer). " A single specimen of this ipeoies wag iient, with Atyiui ( PammphU/un} tn»rmu" " to the Museum of Yale College by Packard." " No special tooahty was giren for (he specimens, but th^y were most likely from Henley Harbour, as that U the only locality given by Packard for the Alylus" IS I Smith ; Proc. U. S. Nat. Mua, vol. vi., p. 2M). Family Oediceridn. OlOICEBOS LTNCKUV, M. 8«r», iMlierrot hmrruii, M. San (ISfiil). Uono^utodet nuhilalut, I'ackarcl (18(17) ; fide S. I. Sniiti, H- M. a Challenger, Station 49, (May 20, 1873) south of Halifax, N„v» Scotia, m 8i) fHthomH. " We drcdjjerrt Orand Mmiiui, |i. M. Grand Manan, " dredged in 4 fathoms, un a coarae mnil and nullipore bottom, off Duok Taland boat-uiooringa " (Stiiiipaon), MoNOrULODK* IIOHEALIS, llocclc. Ortlirrroi afinit, (icxHi (IM'i.*) ; mm llrtiioliiia. Uonnfulodti limnht {\S>i>-ck) 8. I. Smith (11*74). Off Chcbucto Head, Halifax Harbour, in 20 fathonm, xoft mud and fine land, with decaying neii-wetnl, U. S. Fish Comiiiinsion, 1872 (Smith and Hnrgpr). An undeteriainoil upecie* of Monnniloden wiis dredged liy the writer in 1872, in 60 fathoms, five mile* and a quarter E.H.E. of IJonavonture Island. AcEiioa PiiYLi.ojiYX, M. Sars. (Julf of St. Lawrenct, a little norih of the ISaie des Chalou>s, l)etween Cap d'Eapoir and Orand Pabou, in 70 and ."lO fathoms, drrdge 1 the writer in 1872. PARAMPHITIIOK CATAPHBACTA (Stimpson). Am/tlMho wtin cifl'iiilinwlic, Stiiiiiiwm (IH53). Piiniiiiphilhof oitaphnirli, S. I. Smith (IH74). (irand Manan, " in 10 fiitlioras, on a sandy bottom, inside of Duck Island ledge" (Btimpson). Hay of Kundy, S-.oO fathoms (S. I. Smith). I^ Have Bank, Nova Scotia, in 45 fathoiii.s, U. S. Fish Coniinission, 1872 (Smith and Harger). Mouth of thi^ St. Lawrence River, nt Murray Hay. Sir. J. W- Dawson (S. I. Smith). "Taken at Henley Ilarlour, Strait of lielle Isle at a di.'Pth of 4 fathoms, among weeds. " Not uncommon" (Packartl). Paramphithoe pulchella (Kroyer). Off Casco Bay and in the Bay of Fundy. on hard bottoms, in from 40 to 90 fathoms (S. I. Smith). Gulf of St. Lawrence, on the Bradelle Bank, in 25 fathoms, dredged by the writer in 1873. : »i AoA!rriio!(OTOioiiA MiiiiATrii (Fabricitt*). HniVm ,rrr««, o. F»»iriciiM{ IT*)). AmpkUhoe trn, Kr>>yrr (IIW). AnntkomilHt trrnita., Htiffliwin (IHM). rrpfumniw Mrra(.ia. H. I Mtiiilh (IMTJ). AennlkomMiKnm* Krmfum, Him:!-, (IhTD). Or.nd M.n.„. "In 33 f«tho...« ..„ • gravelly totto.u. north.e«st ..f Nan- T^'L.T ^'*""'P'""> = " " '» ""' "n«^«n.»..." ..n h.rd Ix^ttom. in fr..u. 6 to 60 fathom, m th« lUy o( Fundy " ,S. I. Snuth). .JuU of Ht. Uwrenc, on the Br«Ielle U.„k, luul ju.t inside ,.£ (Jwp.; Bay in .10 f«tho„.,, ^UM by tb. wnter .„ 1873 iH-nd I l.nd. c...«t ot Ubrndor. .hall.w water, fn, ■p«ciiiien ; mearnii exiieditioii (S. I. Smith), AcAifTiioTozoMA ixrLATVM (Kriiyer). Aranlk(mo>u$ injtutut, Kri.i, one ipecimen ; Htpanis expedition (S. I. Smith). ' AcAXTiiozoNB runpiDATA (f.«pechin). Onifut futpiJatu; Lt'iicchiii (I7H0). Arnrtlkoiriiu: riit/iHlfil,!, |to».|< (IHTni. " Thi. >pecie« iH quite coi>..„on on hard, and especially on ,pon«v lx>ttorn, in 6 to 40 f.tho.„, in the Bay of Fundy. although it's ■..t'^Zid"; StimpHon m hi8 work on Urand Manan " (S. I. H,mth, 187l'> Le Have Bank Nova Scotia, in 60 fathoms, U.S. Fish Oommission, 187-, fSmith and HarKer). (;ulf of St. Uwren,. ; dredged by the writer in l«rroff Cap de. Rosiers, in 70 to 80 fatho.ns ; and in 1873 on the Orphan Bank where it wm fine and fr.,,uent. T.-n.ple IW", Ubrador, in 10 fathom, one •peoinien ; Stearns expedition(S. I. Smith). A species of Acanlhozone, which P,-ofessor Smith thinks is undescribed wa. dredged by the writer in 1873, just inside of (Jasp^ Bay, i„ 30 fathoms! Family /'untoporeidn'. PosTOPOBEiA FKMORATA, Kroyer. Oulf of St. Lawrence, five jjiles and a quarter E.S.E. of Bonaventure Island m 60 fathoms, dred^^ by th.- writer in 1872. Belles Amours, .Strait of Belle Isle, abundant in .5 to S fathoms, muddy bottom (Packard) Fox Harbour, Labrador, 1-4 fathoms; Stearns expedition (H. I. Smith) iil Family I'Kojtoefpkaluliv. PHOxocBrHALca HotaotLi (Krtyer). /•(■■ATM. HoUnlli. Kr..ytr (li»«), PHvlut Knigtri, MtilulwJII lIMUI. PknTorfphfilui MutMli. «i. O. HandWI). Ownd Mannn, " tr.kcn lit low w»t»T murk, on « »«ndy »lior««, »t lli«h Dack lilaml " (Ktiiiipron). " l<>w water to JO fi«tlioiiin in the Hay of Fundy "— coiuinoii (8. I. Hmith, \KT1). Oulf of Ht. l-awrence, thirty mile* northcait of Cap de» Ko»i.m. 'J<»0 fallioiiw, mud ; dr«lg«Hl by th« writer in 1872. L'Anw »u Uup, Strait of il«lle I«le, in 15 fathom., one i>peeiiiien ; Hteurni expedition (H. I. Smiili). Harpijiia ruMiroHMn (StimpKii). Phitru* fiitifiirtiit*, HlltiiJiiMili I lKSa>. Unrpinia funiUmtii, H. I. Smith (1872'. Uraiid Manan, "dredgiKl on coarw) nanily iwttoniii, in the laminnrian iind Doralline 7X>m'»" (Stinipwin). Hay of Fundy, in 20 to CO fatlioiin mw'Ay bottom (S. I. Smith), tiulf of St. Ijiwrenc, dieil«ed l.y ih.' writer in 187-', Hve mile* and a quarter E.S.E. of Fkinaventure Island, in tiO fatliomM ; and in 1873, on the Bradelle Bank ; ulso eightei-n luilen eiit.t of Cape Oanp.', in 320 fathoms. In the ChallonKer Heports, however, (Zoology, vol. %\\\., text, iimt half, p. 279) Slebbing kays that •' rho.rm J-nifomni, is identified by Spence liute with I'hoxui idiimo$u», Kroyer, whith Boeck places in his genus llarpinia. Family Syrrhoidir. Syrriioe chkmulata, Ooes. Ofr Grand Manan in 90 to 100 fathom", 1872 (S. I. Smith). Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, in 45 fathomn, U.S. Fish Commission. 1872 (Smith and Hargei ). Oulf of St. Lawrence, just inside of Giisp»: Bay, in 30 fathoms, dredged by the writer in 1873. TiRON ACAiiTHURi'H, Lilljel)org. Stirrhnt hinttpi; (itw* (1H65). Tirtm iietiiUhuriii, Lillj' Uinf (IHR'i). Le Have Bank, Nova Scotia, in 45 fathoms, U.S. Fish Commission, 1872, (Smith and Harger). 232 Funil/ Lextcothoida. LiDCOTHoa 0RANDIMANU8, Stimpaoo. 18BS. Synopfc Marine Invert. Orand Mmuui, p. 61 Family Stenothoidce. Stknothob clypeata, Stimpson. 1863. Op. dt., p. 61. Bar X^^)."'"^''^ '" '' '"''°°"' °" * ■**"' '°*'*"°-^'* *'"' ^'^' Mbtopa GLACtALis (KrOyer). Ltueoikoe glaeiiUii. Kriiyer (1842). Metopa fflacialit, Bueck (1870). Between the inner and outer integumenfai of specimens of Ascidiopsis S:;tnTnMn'm3'' ''" ''"^^ ^" ^'^ «"" °^ ^^^ ^~' ^ *•»« Family Sfegoeephalida: Stkoocepbalus inflatus, Kroyer. H. M. S. Challenger, Station 49, (May 20, 1873) south of Halifax in 85 fathom,. Gulf of St. Law^nce, dodged by the writer, in 1872, eigh; miles 8.E. of,Bonaventure Island m 56 fathoms ; also, in 1873, on the Bradelle Bank ; a little to the north of the Baie desChaleurs, in 50 and 70 fathoms • and due east of Mai Baie, in 1 10 fathoms. ' In 1883 Professors. I. Smith expressed the opinion th^t Stegoce/Mu* xnHat,» (Kroyer, 1842) is the same as Cancer ampulla (Phipps, 1774) 3 that the proper name for the species is Slegoeephalm ampulla Rev. Thos. R R Stebbing, however, in his Report upon the Challenger Amph.poda, published in 1888, adopts the namo 5. injlatus (Kroyer) althoughlhe includes Cancer ampulla as one of its synonym.. On page 599 of that report, he says that, aeootding to Dr. Hansen, " Phipps' species must be the same as Stegocephalus kesderi, Stuxborg." Rev. Cunon Norman, in one of his recent papers on the British Amphiooda* adopts the name S. injlatus (Kroyer) for this species, and says that it Tnot the Cancer ampulla of Phipfw. • Annals and Magazine of Natural History for July, 19«u, p. 32. MS Family Lynianasiida. LruiAyAX hpimifbba (Stimpson). Lytianatm ipini/tra, Stimiwnn (1863). Lytianaat ipini/era, Stebbing (1888). Grand Manan, " dredged in 40 fathoms on a soft muddy bottom, off Long Island" (Stimpson). Obchohene minctus (Krbyer). Anwiyx minulut, Kroyer (1846). Onkamenc minvlut, Boeck (1870). Henley Harbour, Strait of Belle Isle, in 10 to 15 fathoms, one specimen ; Stearns expedition, 1882. "Not mentioned by Packard, but all the specimens sent to the Museum of Yale College as ' A^wnyx Uorringii' are apparently of this species, which occurs upon the New England coast, and is sometimes very abundant in Vineyard Sound in winter " (S. 1. Smith, 1883). (Onibimus Edwabdsii (Kroyer). Animyx EJimrdtii, Kroyer (1840). • Ottitimut Edvardiii, Boeck (1870). " Atlantic coast " of Labrador "(Packard's collection). This species is not mentioned by Packard, but a single specimen of it was sent, with Anonyx nugax, by him to the Museum of Yale (College" ; S. I. Smith, 1883.) Tbyphosa Horrisoii, Boeck. ? "AnoHyx Hiirringii, fide IVieck," Packard (Ixi.Tj. Tryphom Hurni-ffii, Boc-ck (1870) ; fide S. I. .Smith. " Boeck undoubtedly had specimens of this species from Packai'dV collec- tions, for he (Skandinaviske og Arktiske Amphipoder, p. 184) distinctly mentions it as having been found in Labrador by Packard, but " "all the specimens sent by Packard under the above name to the Museum of Yale College belong to Boeck's genus Orchomene, so that it is doubtful if the • common form occurring abundantly on the coast of Maine,' was the same species as the specimens sent to Boeck " (S. I. Smith, 1883, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mu-., vol. VI, p. 227). 3S4 Anontx mvoAx (Phippa). Cmnetr nunax, Phippi (1774). Anon;^ lat/mu, Krdjrer (1838). Ahoh^x appendieulafa, Kroyer (1888). Ayumifx hoW», 8timp«,i, (1863) ; fide Stubbing. Anongx ampulla (Phipp.) Paclurd (1867). Anonyx laijt«a, Packard (1807). tgiianatm appendieulala, Packaid (18«7). flau"£°tfrr^^- v*''"^*'''''" *" conside^ble number, on the «„dy bottr^l! M '•"'^ """''^^ Harbour, in 40 fathom., on a iy f^S *'"*''^°"''«' ^'^»' '""d (^- a;,/W.V„;„to); and Atlantic coms.»nd(^.74^ : Packard. Henley Harbour. 10-15 fathoms; and Fox Harbour 3 fZ^Zi by Kroyer to be th.s specie,, but it really belong, to Kroyer', «nu8 appear donbtfu what ,pecie. Packa.d included under • ,nyx ampulla (Phipp.) were .t not that he *»y, that it wa, ' compai^ , , ara.cTlli mens received from Copenhagen.' which seem, to leav^. , .i. AJ ^ e^ had m view An. M. Grand Manan, "dredged on .sandy bottoms in 8-15 fathoms, esist of the Passage, and off Cheney's Head " (Stimpson). Family Orelitstidw. HvALE LITTORAL' (Stimpson). Atlonkeite$ litlornlii, StimiMon (ift53). HiiaU liltomli; S. I. Suiith (1873). " Taken abundantly on stones in the second subregion of the littoral zone; especially where the Fitcus nodouus and F. vtnieulosut flourish. It occurs on our whole coast, from Massachusetts Bay to Grand Miinan " (Stimpson). " Common in the Bay of Fundy " (S. I. Smith). Orchkstia oryllus, Gould. Orch«»2) emW tm J'X'r!^ : '"^'^f '^ ""'^ '' ''''"-'. fl- -d. Sept. r », lo/ / , also on H. spxmis. About thirty miles south of H.i;f Chudleigh, Hudson Stra I S ™« "^ ' '"'^ ^°''' ^'"•"''"' C«P« Dajcs Mysidib, Kroyer. ^V'tts Slutidis, Kroyer (184;)). Bopuru» Ui/tidHin, Packard (IHCT). Labrador (Packard). " Packard do.-s not say from what Dart nf fK his specimens came, but thev were un^nnW^ii T ""»'?»« of the coast he says is abundant along LILeltfi:""" "'" """""'• "'''^'' of the L.S. Fish Commission fc.r ISTS, pi> 2H7-4«2. »n,i .. v r ^. , ' " "" '*'"!'^* published in 1880, in the Proceeding S^hTi* J T- • f"""" ^^*' *^°K'»°'1 I»<'Pod«," 167-103. of the I . ,S. >,ti„„al jiusenn. for 1879, vol. „ pp 287 Fkinily Aitellidoe, JjCKA AI^IFRONB, I^acb. Jam albifron; Lcaoh (1813-14). Jam eopiota, StiniiMon (18R3) ; and Packard (1863). Jam nimlu, Packard (1S67). Aullui OnenlandieUM, Packard (1867). " Found in great numbers on our whole New England coast north of Cape Cod, living on the under surfaces of stones in the first (upper) subregion of the littoral zone." " At Grand Manan it was most frequent in sheltered situations " (Stimpson). Long Island Sound to Labrador (Harger). Gulf of St. Lawrence, off Caribou Island ; and Sandwich Bay, Square Island, Indian Tickle, and Hopedale, Labrador (Packard). Fox Harbour, Labrador, Steams expedition (S. I. Smith ; op. cit, p. 231). Jaxiba alta (Stimpson). AHUodti alta, StimpKin (18S3). Janimalta, Harger (1879). " Dredged in soft mud in 40 fathoms, off Long Island, Grand Manan " (Stimpson). " A northern species not as yet found south of Massachusetts Bay, occasionally collected in tide pools, but usually dredged, and extending to a depth of 190 fathoms " (Harger). Janira SPINOSA, Harger. "The only specimen? yet known are two females, which were taken adhering to the cable of the schooner Marion, by Captain J. W. Collins, at Btnquereau (Nova Scotia) August 25, 1878 " (Harger). MusXA Fabricii, Kriiyer. Casco Bay, Buy of Fuiidy ; and in .')3 fathoms, Brown's Bank, o£t Nova Scotia (Harger). Family MunnojMiidd;. , Mu\xopsi8 TYFiCA, M. Sars. " Bay of Fundy, between Head Harlxjur and the Wolves, in GO fathoms, muddy bottom, U. S. Fish Commission, August 16, 1872" (Harger). Gulf of St. Lawrence, Iwtween Anticosti and the Gaspe peninsula, in 125 to 220 fathoms, dredged by the writer in 1S71 and 1872. Baffin Bay, in 100 fathoms, Valorous expedition (Norman) ; off Cape Napoleon, Grinnell Land, in 2.^ to 50 fathonu (Miers). I 9S8 EuRTCOPk ROBuiTA, Hkrger. 1878. Amer. Jonrn. So. uid ArU, Third Seriea, vol. it., p. 370. The type or typet of this specie* was or were dredged by the writer in 1873 in the Gulf of St. lAwrence, about half way between Cap des Roeiert and the South-west Point of the Island of Anticosti, in 'J20 fathoms, mud- In 1879 Mr. Harger said that it bad not yet been "found south of the Gulf of St. Lawrence." Family Jdotnda. Chiridotba c«'- ^Hce M. t 341 Family Limnoriida. LmifORU uoKOiiDM (lUthke). Ctimothoa liffnorum, Itethke(17W). Limnotia Itrthratu, Lcaoh (1813-14), ttmnoria lignorum, Whit* (Itwr). Found by the U. 8. Ftah Commiision, boring in tabmerged wood, in the B*y of Fundy, in 1872 ; and at Halifax, N.8., in 1877 (Harger). It bad previoualy been taken by the writer (in 1869) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, in waterlogged wood dredged in Oaap^ Bay. Family CiroloHida. CiROLAMA POLiTA (Stimpaon). Jlga polita, 8tim|Moii (1MB3). Conilrra polita Harger (1874). Cirolana polila, Huger(lg79). " Dr. StimpMMi's specimens were found on the fine sands at low-water mark on High Duck Island in the Bay of Fundy, and the specimens that I have examined are from Cape Cod Bay, from near ii^alem, Mass ; Georges Banks, and easttrf Banquereau, or Queresu, latitude 4U* 36' north, longitude 57° 12' west, where seven fine specimens were taknn from a halibut (Hippoglouu*), June 2, 1879, by Capt. J. W. Collins. It appears to replace C. eoncliarum at the north " (Harger). Family jEgida. Max PSORA (L.). (MiKuj ptora, L. (1781) ; Pennant (1777) ; and O. Fabricina (1780). .tiga {OniKut ptora) Kriiyer (lf<38). .Ega ptora, LiUjeborK (1860) ; et auct. Banquereau, N.S., on halibut and codfish, schooners Marion and Rebecca Bartlett, 1878; Grand Manan Bank, schooner Peter D. Smith, and U. 8. Fixh Commission, 1878 ; Brown's Bank, N.8., on codfish, 1878 and 1879 (Harger). North shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, collected by Mr. W. Couper in 1872, and identified at the time by the writer. It is probably the species referred to by Packard as '■ ^£ga, sp. On the belly of cod taken at Caribou Island".* Port Burwell, Cape Chudleigh, Hudson Strait, Bell, 1884 ; two specimens (S. I. Smith). West coast of Hudson Bay, oflf the mouth of the Churchill River, in about 20 fathoms. Low, 1897 (Diana exploring expedition). * Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, voL vni., p. 419. 16 ■■■liii S49 WuMj Anikmridm. Oalathpba BIAOHUTA (Stim|MM). Antkftf hrackiala, StlBpKin (lIHtS). Paranlkur» knukimta, H»ift {IWlt). CaUtkuf* 6rwkMa, BMbiBg (IWO). Onuid Mmuui, "dradgad ob • thelly wid •omewh*t muddy bottom in 30 fathomt, off the norttMni point of Doek Isbuid " (Stimpwrn). Bay of Fund/, down to 80 fathoms on :anddy, ihelly Mid Mndy bottoma ; and off Nom Bootia, eightMn to twenty-two milM »oath-e<«*t from Cape Sable, in A6 to 09 fathooM (EMfgH). Uttlf of St Lawrenee, dredgod by the writer in 1873, off Cap dee Roeiere, in 110 fathom* ; and in 1873, about half way between the Qaapi penineula and the Iiland of Antiooeti, in 300 ^thoma, mud. PriLAXTHURA TBXVH, Hafgar. Taken by Prof. A. E. Verrill, in 1870, at Grand Manan, in the Bay of Fundy (Harger). Family OneUhiieUr. Omathia CHINA (Stimpaon). fraKittt eeritui, Stimpaon (18SS). Anetvi Americanu; Stimpmii (18SS). Onatkia etrina, HkrgFr (1879). Grand Manan, "dredged on a aandy bottom, in 10 fathomi, off Chenejr'a Head " (Stimpaon). Bay of Fundy, in many looalitiea, 10 to 60 fathomn, rooks, stonea and mud, and young specimesa have been taken adhering to oodiish and the aoulpin; off Sable Island, N.S., in 1*'^ fathoms, U. 8. Fish Commission, 187d (Harger). Gulf of Ht. Lawrem 'ghteen miles eaat of Cape Oasp^, in 220 fathoms, mud, dredged by the ^ in 1873. Chateau Bay, Long Inland, Labrador, at a depth of 15 fa \' aa, on a sandy bottom (Packard). Family Tanavke. Lbftochbua filum (Stimpaon). TanniifUtm, Stimpwn (18SS); snd Paokard (1887). Lepby t^ia/Uuwi, Harger (1879). Grand Manan, " dredged among Aieidia calloia, in 20 fathoms, in the H I Bay " (Stimpson). " Dredged at Caribou Island, in 8 fathoms, on a eauuy bottom. Rare " (Packard). Mt nioBAOotnuoA. With Um MOtpMon <4 tb* AaMrioM lolwtor, Um CmUtmru, MumUop»i» utd Ckianee mlM , all o( tht itelk-f^ enutMM tUt war* dmiffwl bjr tb* writw in 1871, 1872 Mid 1878 ia tha Onlf of St. Uwmot, wmdatarmiiiMl or dMoribad ibmij yawt ago bjr P ro f awor 8. I. Smith. In th* following pagM moat of the qnoUtion* to which Profanur Smith's nmno i* appendad, or aUtamanU mada on hi* aatboritj, araastmotad from hit mamoir on "Tha Stalk-ayed Cnutaoaana of tha AtUntio ooaat of North Amarioa north ol Capa Ckid," pnbliahad in tha Tmntactioni of tha Oonnaotievt Aoadamjr of ArU and Seianeaa fbivMay 1879 (rol. ▼., pp. 37-130). Tha ranwinder of thaia quotation*, which n^ar azelaairaly to tha ipeeia* collected by Dr. Pkokaid and tha Staaqia axpedition, are taken from ProfeMor Hmith's "Liat of tha Cnutaeaa dradgvd on the coast of Labrador under tha direction of W. A. Steams, in 1882 ;" and "Reriaw of tha Marine Crnstaoaaof Labrador," both published in 1883, in the sixth volume of Prooeadingi of the U. S. National Museum. Professor Smith's " Report on the Decapod Crustacea in the Albatross dredgings o8 the east coa«t of the United StatM daring the Hummer and autumn of 1684, published in 1886, in the Report of the U. 8. Fish Commis^n for 1380, contains some interesting additional notaa on the genus Muniehpn*. OCMAjBA. Family Laueonidee. Leucok X Alices, Krbyer. Qulf of St. Lawrence, between Grand Pabou and Cap d'Espoir, in 00 fathoms ; also between Cap d'Espoir and the south side of Bonaventure Island, in 70 fathoms, dredged by the writer in 1873 (S. I. Hmitb). Greenland (KrOyer). LiDCOH HA8ICOIDE8, Lilljeborg. Gulf of St. Lawrence, dredged by the writer in 1873 ; one female (S. I. Smith). EuDORBLLA iMAROiirATA (Kroyer). "0£F Halifax, Nova Scotia, 02 fathoms, fine sandy mud," U.S. Fish Com- mission, 1877, — "two specimens, male and female. Entrance of Gaaptf Bay, SO fathoms," dredged by the writer in 1873 (S. I. Smith). IH 344 BOOOMLLA HltriDA, U. O. HmK «Bm <>< ?>«dy," D. a. Ftoh CommU«km, 187«, " »bttnd«nt in 1 to 4 CktbooM. yxy H..f» ■ud.-bot.h buUm •«1 tonuU*" <». I. Smith. J870). • I*' 4 fo< : > Lkwt > r.f b'ur d ', •J EUDOtBLLA rOMLLA, U. O. Smt*. • U. 8. FUh Commimion, 1873, "very abundMi in 1 to t mud, •Uoln 10 to 1ft faihomi, mud ; " •ml nd He., vol v., p. 118. . V -u«, " U.8. Fwh CommiMion, 1877 ; " fem»l«» cwry- ing egfe cmm. , ■ . ithom», fine Muid, and 62 f«thom«, wndj mod ; »Uo twofrun'Mfroi ■.: hom.. Ptone*, sponge. »nd r«l »lgi.'. About thirty milM f uth of -iUUU^ 1 10 .tbomn, «ne i*ndy mud. Gulf of 8t. Uwrenoe, 1873 (J. V. Whiteives) both bmIm "nd female*, south of the eantern part of Prmce Edward I»l«ii'i, and in 70 fathom*, off the Bay of Ohal^uw' (8. 1. Bmitli, 1879 ; op. oit. •upns p. 118). Family Diatlylida. DiAsTYLM LOcirRRCa (Kniyer). Cuma luei/tra, Khijr»r (1H41). DiatHilit tucifrra, Ctenirlawn ^iX^'*l. " Bay of Fnndy, 60 and 77 fathomi m.i.l, off Head Harbour, Augurt 16," U. 8. Fiah Commiimiou, 1872. " About ten miles north of Shediac, Onlf of at Lawrence," in 10 fathom*, sand, J. F. Whiteave*. 1873 (8. I. Smith, 1879; op. cit., p. 112). DusTVLM Bathkii (Kroyer). Cuma Katkkii, KrilyOT (ItMl). Dmttiilit Ratkkii, Bate (IHMl. Alauna Goal fir i. P»ck»rd (IWu). "Off Halifax, Nova Hcotia," U. 8. Finh ComroiMion, 1877, "42 fathoms, fine sand, Jive males, six females ; 62 fathoms, fine sandy mud,— one male, .even female. ; 57 fathoms, gravel and stones,— one specimen. Also just off Chebuoto Head, Halifax, 1872, 20 fathoms, soft mud and fine sand— young only. Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1871, 1872 and 1873. Wliiteavw. " (8. L Smith, 1879 ; op. cit., p. 107). Belle. Amours, (on the northern side of the Strait of IMIa lata) ia 6 fstbom* ; HmUy Hsrbonr, » hthotu* ; Ht|mr« ItUnd (L»- brador) IB to 30 fathom* ; Cumw Bay, Long ItUiid. ID fatiiom*. Mml ; and Thumaii Bay, IS fathoma mud (Paokard). Fox Harbour, Labrador, in S fathnou, Hlearn* •spMlition, (8. I Hmith). UuiTVLin qUAomiipiiKNiua, U. O.Hara. Cuwn Utpiniita, Htiin|itutnmmi,. <;. o, )ten ( {NTDi Oraud MaDHn, " dr« it wan alio dredged in vait numb»T» m Eel Coxre, Orand Mitnnti. in K to lU fitthoais, •and, by Prof. H. E. WoltatDr Off Cape ."« J Novn Scotia, 7B fathoms, line mild nnd mud, IH77 In aad oMf Halifk. ti«rliuar. Nova Houtia. 1872, 1877 : 30 fathoms, Hoft m«d nnd wsnd : IH and 18 fathoniit, Ane Hanri and red al||(p: 21 fatliomi, saai ■unnet aii>i alnn> -. JJ fatliomii, fine itand ; 52 Attboio', Ane lutiidy mud. Also, a>)out 12U miles south of ilalifax, 190 fathouM, gravel and pebbU-n 1877" (». I. Hmith, 187'J ; op. oit., p. I I.I). Northumberland Htrait, at several localities ; and eight mile* N.E. of Cap* Uertffe, Nova Scotia, in 10 fathoms, sanci. dredged by the writer in 1873. " Upon tb> coast of northern New Enifland, this is by far the moat abuo daiit specie* of the genus. It is undoubt<^ly the spetnea which Htimpsoa called Cuma hi»pinoia, but his description is wholly insufflcient U> charaoteriaa the species, and I therefore prefer to retain the more appropriate name proposed by n Strait, ^^sU, fragmentt of a single specimen (S. I. Smith). <• Stimpaon (Marine InvertebraU of Grand Manan, p. 68) reporU this species' (with an t) as " very abundant in the waters of the Bay of Fundy, swimiiiing near the surface in swarms." " I have nnver seen specimens from the Bay of Eandy, and, during several seasons spent there, I have never observed any sy^iee of Myti* swimming at the surface, as desc.ibed by Stimpson. Thytanopoda Norvegiea and ituirmii, however, were found in vast numbers in precisely the same way as the Jtyiit is said by Stimpson to occur, and it is possible that Stimpson, without making a special examination, mistook the v««t swarms of Thytanopoda for ilyi* octdata " (S. I. Smith, 1879 ; op. cit., p. 106). * MvBis STBMULKPIB, S. I. Si::lih. 1873. Rep. U. 8. Fi»h Comm. for 1871 acd 1872, p. 66L l(ff9. Tn^ Conn. Acad. Art* and 8c., vol. v., p. 103. '• Halifax, Kova Scotia, U. S. FUh Commission, 1877 : " Outer Harbour, 16 to 21 fathoms, mud and fine sand, stones and red algB ; also 18 fathoms, mud and fine sand " (8. I. Smith, 1879). 347 PlBVDOailA ROtBOM, O. O. 8«n. Oalf of St Lawrence, twenty-eight milei E.N.E. of Cape OMpe, ia 110 tathoma ; and twenty-ftve mile* E. by K.of Cape Oatp^ in 310 fathom* ; Mveral ■pecimena froiu each of theee localities, dredged by the writer in 1873. Fbbcdohha thdncatuh, S. I. Smith. 1J79. TnuM. Conn. Acad. Aru and So., vol. v., p. 981 Oalf of St. Lawrence, about half-way between the Bradelle Bank and Mieoou Island, in 45 fathom*, one male ; al*o a little to the north of the Baie de* Chaleun, betweun Grand Paboa and Cap d'Eapoir, in 50 and ''0 fathoms, — between 20 and 30 apeoimens ; dredged by the writer in 1873. Mbtkrvthrops bobdita, S. I. Smith. 1879. Tnuik. Conn. And. ArU Mid Sc., vol. v., p. 118. Oalf of St. Lawrence, a little to the north of the Baie de* Chaleun, with the preceding, in 50 and 70 fathoms ; an adalt male and two females, dredged by the writer in 1873. Two young males and a young female of this species have since been dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission in Massachusetts Bay, off Salem, in 33 fathoms (S. I. Smith). Family Euphaunviai. Nyctiphaubs Nobvkcica (M. Sara). Tk;iianopoda ifonxvico, M. Sttn (IMMi). W^tiphami Jfomt/ica, G. O. Smv (IKS.";). " Bay of Fundy, 1864, 1868, 1870, 1872, 1876 : in great abundance at the surface, and often brought up in the dredge. Off Cape Sable, Nora Scotia, 59, 88 and 115 fathoiiK, sand, gravel and stone*, sandy mud, sand and gravel, 1887 " (S. I. Smith, 1879 ; Trans. Conn. Acad. Sc. and Art*, vol. v., p. 89). Uulf of St. Lawrence, 210 fathoms, mud, S. of the S.W. Point of Antioosti, dredged by the writer in 1873. " Since this, as well as the next species, is essentially pelagic, swimming in vast numbers at the surface, and doubtless at great depths a* well, it is of course somewhat uncertain whether the specimens taken in the dredge raally come from the bottom or from some point between that and the sur- face. It was found in the stomachs of the hake taken in the Bay of Fundy, in 1872, however, which is very good evidence that it lives at the bottom for 1^ part of the time. " In the Bay of Fundy it occur* at the surface in vaat swarms, filling the « ' t«r for miles, and is usually accompanied by schools of mackerel, young S48 poUook, and other flsh, utd in the autnmn by immenee flocks of gnlle ; the fish and mwller gulU appearing to feed almoHt exc.uiively upon the Thy$a- nopoda at nch times. It not infrequently occurs in this way in the harbour of Eaatport, Maine, and with a hand-net, may be caught by the quart even from the wharrea. I have obeerved it only in August, September and October, but Measrt. Merriam and Wilson found it in abundance in April. Professor Verrill observed it in 1869, swarming in myriads at the " Rip( 'ings," in the centreof the Bay of Fundy " (8. 1. Smith, 1879 ; op. cit., pp. 8J nnd 90). In a letter from Professor Smith, received October 6, 1891 , ho says, also, that he has had both this and the next species " from the stomachs of herring, mackerel and other fish." Four specimens, which Professor Smith has identified with X. A'artissrtca, were sent to the writer in !89I by Lieut. Gordon, R.N., (per Colonel Tilton) labelled as crustxceans, " which to a great extent form the food uf the herring in the Bay of Fundy." Rboda IKEBMI8 (K.r6yer). ThfttnopoJa inermit, Kroyxr (1S49). Akoda iMrBiif, Stebbing (18113). Bay of Fundy, at the surface, 1864, 1868, 1872 ; dredged in 4C to 50 fathoms, rocky, 1868 ; and found in the stomachu of poll>oms, and between Grand Pabou and Cap d'Espoir, in 50 and 70 fathoms, dredged by the writer in 1873. Coast of Labrador,— "a rare form, dredged at Square Island at a depth of 10 to 30 fathoms" (Packard). 100 HiPPOLTTi PBOJiCTA, Spenc* Bate. 1818. H.M.& ChallM«a Report*, Zoology, voL zxiv., p. 004. H.M.S. Cbkllragar, Sution 49 (May 20, 1873) wuth of Hftlifu, in 85 fathom* (Bate). Spuontocabu BPiNoa (Sowerbj). Ocmcer tpinmt, Sowarbjr {\9i<.% Btppoliih Somrlai, Leach (1817). MiKPolpIt tpt'nw, Owen (183fi) ; Mid 8. 1. Smith (1879). Bifpoliite SomHini, IS. Edwwda (1837). Hippolutt tenrifrotu, Nomum (1861) ; fide Bate. apiroRtoearit qn'mt. Bate (1888). According to Professor Smith, this species has been dredged at Grand Manan and elsewhere in the Bay of Fundy by Professor Verrill and the U. S. Fish Commission ; also at thre<> localitiea on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, and on the Le Have Bank by the U. S. Fish Commission. It has also been dredged south of H&iifaz (Station 49) by H.M.S. Challenger. In the Gulf of Si. Lawrence S. ipinu» has bene dredged at many localities by thkt writer ; and in the Strait of Belle Isle and Atlantic coast of Labrador, by Packard and the Stearns expedition. On the east coast of North America it is known to range from off Salem, Massachusetts Bay, northward to Labrador, Greenland (Valorous and Porcupine expeditions) Grinnell Land and as far north as lat. 81* 44' (Miers), and in depth from 5 to 90 fathoms. Professor Smith also says that Hippolyte tpinut is " by far the most abundant species of the genus on the New England coast." Spirovtocabis Grceklanoica (J. C. Fabricius). Ailacuii OrtnUandieiu, J. C. Fabridiu (1776). Cancer neulmtut, O. Fabrioius (1780). Bifpoliite acuUata, J. C. Roes (1836) ; and Gould (1841). BifpUgU Oranlandictt, Mien (1877) ; and 8. I. Smith (187»). 6ptrone()iM i. known to nmge from Mmrn^ iuItulSIy to tJ- weet oo-t of DavU ««1 Or.«»U«d ; «d. in depth. from 15 to 85 frthomi. SABinA 8AMII, 8. 1. Smith. Itn Tnuu. Coon. AoA. Art. «iid So., vol. v., i», <». ..8t. Oeorw'. Banki, 60 fathom.. ri«U. wd wid. 1872,-one young ss. Nov. B-j;;; j^f ^^;f/lrt;r? tm.^ "nr -i^ fathom^ gravel, Angu»t iv, iou,—om wui— Have^reO fathom., coar-e gravel, .tone, and 'f^f^^^ ^J . female. 47 mm. in length, carrying egg., and '''^^'^^^^^ LtiUtei. Lofoten Lland^ coat of Norway (O O. 8»").- -» *»• females, 62 and 63 mm. in length " (S. I. Smith, op. «t. .npra., p. 60). H.M. B^SunJ^r. Sution 49. 1873. «mth of Halifax, in 86 fathom. (Spenoe L^) oTSova Scotia. 122 to 160 fathom.. 8S. Albatro« dredg»g. of '1!lt'Crt tn the Cru.t«.a Macrura obtained on the Challen^r iLlnXtr vol x«y ) Spence Bate includes S. Sarrii among the ;;„Cr ■bout OM and • half tinif« tho natural nia. lai; OriginU deacription of tba genus uid ipeciet. " Munidopii, eurvirostra, nov. gen. et sp. External •uteniw kbout equal io length to the CM«pMe and iu roatram ; internal onw very abort, not reaching farther than about one-fourth the length of the beak. Evea rudxnuntary, longitudinally oval, light yellowish in colour; eonua devoid of farttt. Carapace squarish, but longer than broad, with an outwardly directed straight spine on each of the front angles. Unper surface of the Mrapace granulate, hispid, transverwly irregularly plica**. In the centre* there are two dorsal spines, placed one above the other, but at some dUtancn apart. These, as are two similar spines on the tail segments, are all exactly in a line with the rostrum, and the whole four point forward. Rostrum ixmpU (without the spine on aach side of the base so characteristic of liunida) eon,picum>,ly curved up,.,ard, stout at the base and gradually tapering to a Bne point A single spine in the centre of the first ar..l second tail segnienU the rest devoid of any. ^A^^^r pait^Jegs about as long a.^ but not . Orj rath«r,-ni«li«n line ; and in the i.Hrt line.lir^ tlivT" i»d-in advMw! tM loagw. tiMka fraa tb* apM o« th* mtram to Ih* twl o! th» uU, MMMiiBfl • UMl«lMjoadUMti|»o(tlM«od with this >poei«o by Prolo««>r 8. 1. Bmith, woro lubMqoently diodgod by tho 88. AlbotroM, of tho U. 8. Pi»h Co«miaUoa. ia 1883 and 1H84, in very doop wator (75 to 1390 (athoBt) off tho aorth-oaot ooaot ol tho Unitod Stato*. Aoooidiac to ProlMMm 8»itht. aod J. R. HoBiio»oB,t Oo/ocon'Ao, OnUahodm and OropHorK^nckut ol A. Milno Bdwardi, are •ynonym. o| Family Pufuridn. EuPAGuaoa Buxhardc* (L.). I i Pagmm Bernkardui. J. C. F«hriciii. (17M) I iM OomW (mi). Suparirut JmUanhM, Bnadt (IWt). 3imkmr*u trMtrnfa (Dwa) 8iin|Maa (18B8). Long ItUnd Soand to Halifax, N.8., Irom low-wator mark to a dopth of 8« fathom* (a I. Smith). Grand Manan (8timp*>n). "In tho Bay ol Fnady, 1864, 18«8, 1870 and 1873, it wa* oooauonally tound at low water, and was common at tho same dapths and on aimUar bottoms a* in Oaooo Bay ; also drodgwl off Whito Htad, Grand Manan, in 40 to 60 fathoms, 1878. '• In and noar Halif« Harboor, Nova Scotia, 18 to 38 fathoms, sand, grarol •tones and sand and red alg«, 1877. I hay* never eeon ipeoimon* from tho Golf of St. Lawrence nor Labrador, and can ftnd no record of iu occurrence on our ea*tom coast north of Halifas. I have litUe doubt, however, that it occur* in the •outhom part of tho Gulf of St Lawrence " (S. I. Smith, 1679; op. cit, p. 46 and 47). • Or, more oocwoUy,— th» dMpMt |»rU ot the Gulf of St. L»wTeiice. t PiDoeedingi of tJw U. 8. NittkMwl MuMum for 1884, vol vil., p. 488. t H.H.S. Ch»Urngtr Reporti, Zoola«y, toI. iivii., p. 148. KvPAOoios PDBMcma (fCr<^). *iWtrtupuh,tMni, Bnwdt (IMl). Thitrnthct lb, ««r. nwkHi, fro. low-.Ur Mrk to lOA fotboiM. iu BopAorwui kaoriM, SUmpiion. th«pf*»dlag j«.o«. Pr„f«s«,r 8. I Smith. f.ow«v«r, who ramnl. it «. J. R. HMMknOB, in hi. Report .,« th» CWlengw Anomurm qooto. ^ PABAfAOOBt'B PltOBIBAHUa, 8. I. SlDlUl. 1879. TimM. Conn. Anrf. Arto wkJ 8c.. vol. V, p. 61. fcthwn^ h«d bottom, off the co«t of Nov. SootU. n^l, duo ;o;th of H.hf«, Md«noethen. f.w«|ditioniJ.peoiB..n.h«v. been b«H.ght in bjrfl.hen«enfro«d.epw.t«:offNovA8ootii. " In .11 the .p«riZ! -^ arrt dewnbrf. Some of the young .p«,imen. .bew very pbdnly the^tro- pod d>.ll, which ^e. .. A nuoleu. .bout which the JlL^ c^^nt U built" (8 I. Smith. ,881; P«.. U. 8. N.t. ^^.^T^.'^^Z .I«c« ha. b«.„ dredged by the 8.8. R,h Hawk, of the U. 8. Fii Com nu«on. off the «,uth ooaat of New EngUnd. in f«,m 260 to 372 fathon,m in ^880; and by the aS. Albatrc, a little farther to the ^uth-CMtw^ U from 863 to 2.031 fathom*, in 1884. «»»»wara, in • rorh»DdIui,»r VidenilcU-SeWcta ChriHUni., No. 18. p. 42. t An».h ADd Mxuin. of NMurU Hiitory. S«. vi... »ol. v.. p. 6. f I : SM Funily LUhodiJji lilTHOOn MAIA (L). In 1878, fine tpeoimena of L. maia were obtained from off Sable laluid, Nov* Sootia, in 260 fkthoma rooky bottom, by Philip MerohantHidThomM Oinnevan, of the eohooner Marion, and preeented to the 17. S. ¥vlk Oommie- sion (S. I. Smith, 1879; Trans. Conn. Aoad. Arte and So., vol. v., pp. 4& and 46). BBAOHTDRA. Family Maituke, Htab araxbdb (L). Caneer arantut, L. (1768). ffytu arawM, Leach (1814) ; et WKst. On the Nova Sootian ooaat this species has been dredged by the U. S. Fish Commision, on the Le Have Bank, in 60 fathoms, and off Ghebnoto- Head, in 20 fathoms, in 1872 ; also in and near Halifax Harbonr, in from 16 to 25 fathoms, in 1877. In the Oulf of St. Lawrence, it was found abund- antly at Caribou Island by Packard in 1860 ; in Ellis Bay, Anticoeti, in 8 fathoms, rocky bottom, by the Anticoeti expedition of 1861 ; and on the Orphan Bank, entrance to Oasp^ Bay, etc., by the writer in 1872 and 1873. On the Atlantic coast of Labrador it was collected by Packard in 1864, and by the Stearns expedition in 1882. HTA'i ooabctatob, Iieach. Grand Manan, not uncommon in the laminarian zone (Stimpson). " Bay of Fundy, 1864, 1868, 1870 and 1872, rarely taken among rocks at low- water mark, and not uncommon in 10 to 77 fathoms " (S. I. Smith, 1879 ; op. cit., p. 44). Off Nova Scotia it has been dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission, on the Le Have Bank in 45 and 60 fathoms in 1872 ; off Cape Negro and off Shelburne, in 47 and 59 fathoms ; also in and near Halifax Harbour, in 18 to 67 fathoms ; in 1877. In the Qulf of St Lawrence, where it is a favourite morsel for cod, it has been dredged at Caribou Island by Packard in 1864, and at many other localities by the writer in 1871-73. It has also been collected on the Atlantic coast of Labrador, by Packard and the Stearns e> pedition. The Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing, in a paper on Arctic Crustacea, published in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for January, 1900, doubts whether H. coarctalus is more than a variety of H. araneut. Ml CBioRCTCim opiuo (O. PabriolM). C^ l>*a<<»Vi««. o. F.brid« (1780) j not of J. 0. FiOirieiai (177S) 0«»cr cpaio, O. FiArioia. (1870) , (..t. Krtyer. '' CkMHiawtat arUio, ICrdrw (1838). OK°K yi?*^ ^■^■' ^ '* '^'^"" ' «"• •*«>» twenty^x mile, .oath of 1879, op. at., p. 41 ). The .peciee i. widely di.tribut«l throughout the Gulf tt th r '^* ^'^."'•" ^~"'*'^ "J'* *»»* "• n««-b.rTe« taken fo»m the .ton.«,h. of cod from the b«k » off Caribou Islaad. in 1860 ; iJ^ Jr«^r TT "^T """«""°°'» *" »he Strait of Belle Lie, inlO to 6(^ fathoms ; and at Chateau Bay. Labrador, in 30 to 60 fathom!." Family Portunida. NBPTUifus Sayi, Milne Edwatda. LupapOagica, Say (1817) ; nee Linni Wertumu Sapi, A. MUne Edward* (1861). H M. 8. Ch^Ienger, Station 49 (May 20. 1873), wuth of Halifax. Nov. m^^) " * «»1« of "thi. common pelagic specie," FamUy Canerida. Canceb am-bhcs, Herbst. Cmteeramamu. Herbrt (1799) ; te«e 8. I. Smith.* Concer imratu; Say (1817) ; male* only. Cmietr Sapi, Gould <1841). Caneer boreali,, P«.k,rd (1887) ; not Stimiaon. waST'W^'"^ "^*''°«'^ "^7 "-'^ •" '*^*''' *"'>°8 »»"« "X'ks at low- water Stimpsoa). Bay of Fundy, 1864. 1868, 1870 and 1872. but 3Tn ""t •";'""'^"* *»»- « I-°« I-'-nd Sound, and on thesouth o»s.t ^ Now England ; and at several localities in and near Halifax Har- ^"' ^r ^"^ «» »« to 21 fathoms. 1872, 1877 (8. I. Smith. 1879; op c. p. 38) The common crab of the Golf of St. Lawrence, which has been coUected at many localities in that region by Bell. Packarf, the Cambridge Anticost. exploring expedition of 1862. S ir J. W. Daw*,n, the writer, and ^^•^Annual Report of the V. S. Fi*h Com»i.*io„ for 1886. W.*hingto„, 1886. p^ . (l MS othws. Ffeokard nootda iU oocominoe at Oariboa laUnd, and itatoa that he was informed that it wai fonnd at Hamilton Inlet (Labrador). It ie eaid to ocenr as far to the Muthward a« South Carolina, where it ia "apparently rare." Cahou bobiaui, Btimpaon. Canctr irroradM, 8>7 (1817) ; fmaim only. CmnetT irnratut, Oonld (1841) ; and atim|iaoa (1863). Omeer barmlU, Stimpwn (18W). Bay of Fuady and Nora Scotia (Stimpeon), ■oath««rd to near Noank, Gonnecticat (S. I. Smith). ARACHNIDA. PTciroooinDA (partopoda). Family Pyenogonidce. PrcNoaoHOM littorai,! (Strom). Pkaianoifim tiUoraU, Strtim (1782). Pyetuvonum litlorale, U. Fkbriciiu (1780). P^cnoffonnm pdagieun, StimpKm (ISES). " On our coast " this species " ranges, so far as now known, from Long Island Sound to the Gulf of St Lawrence (Whiteaves), though ita occurrence south of Cape Cod ii exceptional. In the Bay of Fundy it is not uncommon under stones at low-«ater mwk, and it extends down to 430 fathoms. It is sometimes found clinging to actinias ; at Eastport, Maine, seventeen specimens were taken from Bunotht ttella, growing on the rocks near low- water mark ; and off Cape Sable, N.8., they were found in considerable numbers attached to the base of Bcloeera Tuedioe " (Dr. R B. Wilson).* In the Oulf of St. Lawrence seven specimens of P. liUorale were dredged by the writer, in 1871, off Kast Cape, Anticosti, bearing 8. by W., twenty-four .niles distant, in 212 fathoms, mud. Family Aehelidce, Acbblia 8PIK08A (Stimpson). Xele$ tpinoM, Stimpaon (1853). AoMia tpinota, Wilion (1878). Oronii Manan, •' in the lamioarisn rone, one specimen " (Stimpson). ' Report on the Pycnogonid* of New EngUnd uid adjaoent water*," U. S. Fuh Com- miMion Report for 1878, Wariiing-ton. 1880, pp. 463-608, from which ate eitntcted all the other quotations to which Dr. Wilwm'i name i* here appended. 288 Family PalUnida. FBiuDOPALuns BispiDA (Stimpaon). Pa/lene hi^fida, StimpMB (186S). Ptudcfmllnt hitpida, Wa»on (1878). G«ndMan«^Uk«. by 8Ump«>n in 1852 ".mong J.c«i« «„/Wr. in faSfo™ ^ ®' '^'"'' Con.mi«ion in 1872. in 60 to 66 Fboxicbilidiom maxillabe, Stimpwn. Grand Man« " Uk- i. t«gled g^up. of a do«« or more. attach«l to fsVIl f'.K rr.** W-water" by 8ti.„p«,n in 1862 ; and in 60- 65 fathom, by the U. S. Fish Commi«ion in 1872. H.lif«i. N.8., on pile, at low water. U. 8. FUh CommiMioo. 1877 (WiI«on). Family Nymphonida. Ammothba ach«lioid«8, Wilson. 1878. TtMfc Conn. A, Buka, W fathoiM ; common off Halifax, 16 to B.y. common, St Q^rge^ttM^ ^ ^^ ^^^ 101 fatboma; Bedford Baain, naiiwx i»»ru«i.., . _ lo ♦« iin -«L.^w!^k mud In depth the ohaerved range w from 12 to 110 fr Si Sr^ore^dinTlp^iea, it i. found upon neeriy all bottom^ r^enitt leLTt^^ttom .peciea, and i. more often «.en %':SX^^i.'SJe:r^X.- Sution 4,.o.h oIlSS^ S ^thoma. ^kard dredged it, in 1860, at Salmon Bay 1^^'^d ; «Ki m 1864. at Square l^i. Labrador, u. from IB toSOfathoma. Ntmphoh hibtcm, J. C. Fabriciua. y^pkan *.X«». J. C. F.briciu. (1794) , fide Wil»n. ..TJren in «e.t numbers off Halifax by the V. 8. Fish CommUrion in "Taken in great nuu. „ bottoms, down to BO fathoms. ZS/tL'^Jv" "LvTrS^iiTi^'^Sax. L BO fathoms, muddy bottom S:grU.'em.p b;tndrede, clinging to the m.he. of the traw.-net" ng Island " (Stimpaon). Family CyrUhiadfe. Ulandula PIBB08A, Stimpaon. Urar.J Manan, " dredged in considerable numbers on muddy bottoms in the coralline zone. " They appear like bard balls of mud, about the size of an ounce bullet " (Stimpson). Between Cape George, N.S., and Port Hood, Cape Breton; dredged by the writer in 1873 (Verrill). Glahdula mollis, Stimpaon. Grand Manan, " in 10 fathoms, sand (Stimpson) ; Buy of Fundy ( ferrill). Olandula abehicola, Verrill. 1872. Amer. Joum. Sc. »nd ArU, Third rieriea, vol. Ill, p. 288. Murray Bay, Sir J. W. Dawson (Verrill) ; and since dredged on St Georges Bank, in 28 fathoms sand, by Professor S. I. Smith. li' SM HALOOTimiA BURIOA (L.) AmMt nuHM, L. i and a ttiaMm. Aim* moDCttnt, MttUw (IMt). On(k<« wwrfyhW". PMkard (UST). JSb72, eight miles S.E. of Bonaventure Island, in 56 {athoius, three specimens, eighteen inches long, when alive, — and fifteen miles S.8.E. of Bonaventure Island, in 50 fathoms, two specimens nearly two feet long ; and in 1673, at :he entrance to Gasp^ Bay, and off Cape Bon Ami, P.Q , in 30 fathomis. Bank cf Curibou Island, Packard, who bays thai » "comparison with specimens from Green- land shows that this common species is found along our north-pastern coast from the Bay of Fundy to Greenland." BOLTUU OIIUTA, MdilM-. Boilmw eUiaU, Molhr (UMt). ArflMMi AirMwAt, Oaald ( ISTO). Onlf hanus" read DitUphm nm t . Vmge 14. Lin* flfteen from top, (or " Point " resd Point*. On p«g** 18(lin**ight (rom tit* bottom) and 29 (lin* •l*ven (ron IIm bottom) th* word* HYDROM£Dt;s.E knd ttCYPHUMEUUH.« ihould b* in ft littl* Urg*r cftpit*!*, in th* tjrp* •liewhare uHcd (or oImmi, not tiib •.!.'» («• Pag* 30. (or P»g*44. Page 61. Page 64. TypUoeoUtx. Page 13S. Pag* 1&9. Macharoplax. Line* i*n and nine (rom the bottom : " ALCYONARIA. ^^ ANTHOZOA. .NTHOZOA." ALCYONARIA. Line eleven from the top, for "Jaeger" read Unnnenu. Line two (rom the top, a(ter \!*d3 insert a comma. Jin* MTonteen from the bottom, (or " Typhoociax " Line three (rom the top, (or '< 1647 " read 1841. Lin* four from th* bottom, (or " Maehaoplax " read read