% ^. \\ 1^ ^ Sr IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^/ ^XL a 85 ■%^, CATALOG0E . OF THE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY ■ . ^ • or ■ THE CATHEDRAL OHUBCH FREDilRlCTON, " Omaia autem probate } quod bonntti est, tenete !" — 1 Thesa. v. S^ rRiRTKD BT J. SIMPaOK, PRINTin TO THE <}V£IM'S HOST EXCKLLBNT MAJSSTT. MDOCCLUI. M" .■^f ' >v 0, 1 -»»4 -t 1 '■'* " , T /•■*! , %^i V \ \ I DIOCESJI 1461 1 M MM 5a.i~ CATAI06UE OF THE BOOKS IN TBE LIBRARY or THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH * OF FREDERICTON, 1853. " Omnia autem probate ; quod bonuin est, tenete i" — 1 Thesi. t. II. PRIRTID BT 3. SIKrSOR, PBIRTIB TO THK QVEBH'S MOST BXCILLIITT MAilSTT. IIDCCGLUI. 1. II DIOCESAN BOOK ROOM ^"' 1461 UniTanity St MONnuUIL RULES. 1. The Books to be for the use of the Clergy of the Churcb of England, and Students in Divinity. 2. No Book to be kept longer than a month, without special leave of the Bishop, 3. Books to be entered when taken out, and when returned, in a Book kept in the Library for this purpose. # 4. Borrower to be responsible for the Book, whifst in hi» possession. 5. A subscription of two shillings and six pence per annum to provide fresh Books. * 6. Books to be ordered at the Meetings of the Church So^ ciety in each year, with the concurrence of a majority of sub* scribers present. RICHARD H. PODMORE, M.A. Of Tnnity College, Cambridge, Librarian. '"f^'m^^-: m^w :.f'mtni'(?( '■m 1 Abraham^s (Rev. C. J.) Festival and Lenten Lec- tures delivered at St. George's Chapel, Windsor, in 1848-49. 2 Acland's (A. H. D.) Liturgia Domestica. Ser- vices for every Morning and Evening of the week. For the use of Families. 3 Adams's (Rev. W.) Sacred Allegories, with Me- moir of the Author. 4 Aids to Catechetical Teaching ; being the Church ^ Catechism illustrated by Parables and Anecdotes. By a Clergyman. <5 Allies's (T. W.) Church of England cleared from the charge of Schism. 6 Allix's (Dr. P.) Remarks upon the Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont. 7 Judgnier>c of the Ancient Jewish Church against the L{;U3rians. 8 Analecta 'Christiana in usum Tironum. Edidit C. Marriott, M. A. 9-13 Andrewes's (Bp.) Ninety six Sermons. 14-18 Another copy. 19 Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine, and other minor works. 20 Another copy. 21 Responsio ad Apologiam Cardinalis Bel- larmini. 22 Another copy. 23 TorturaTortisiveadMatthaeiTortijibrum responsio. 24 Another copy. 25 Opuscula Qusedam Posthuma. 26 Private Devotions and Manual for the sick. Translated by Rev. Peter Hall. 27 Apocryphal Scriptures. 28 Apology for Cathedral Service. 29-42 Aquinatis (Divi Thomee) Opera. 43-50 Aquinas's (St. Thomas) Catena Aurea. Com- mentary on the Four Gospels collected out of ^ the works of the Fathers. I ■■il I 51^58 59 eo 61 62 68 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 78 74 75-76 77-84 35 86 97 88 Another copy. Arden's (Rev. G.) Manual of Catechetical In- struction. Armstrong's (Rev. John) Sermoni on the Festi- vals. Arnold's (Rev. T. K.) Theological Critic. Vol. i. 1851. Articles of Religion in the Reigns of Edward VI. and Q. Elizabeth. Articles and Canons, Sec. in the Reigns of Ed. VI. Q. Elizabeth, James, and Charles I. Atterbury (Francis) on Convocation, in answer to Dr. Wake. Fourteen Sermons. Avrillon's Guide for passing Advent holily, trans- lated and adapted to the use of the English Church. Guide for passing Lent holily, translated and adapted. Year of Affections. Translated and adapted. Badeley's (E.) Speech in Gorham v. Bp. of Exe- ter, before the Judicial Committee of Privy Council in December 1849. Bailey's (Rev. H. J.) Liturgy compared with the Bible. Another copy. Bailey's (Rev. Henry) Rituale Anglo-Catholicum ; or the testimony of the Catholic Church to the Book of Common Prayer. Barnes's (Ralph) Liber Pontificalis of Edmund Lacy, Bishop of Exeter. Printed from the ori- ginal manuscript. Barrington's (Archibald) Manual for Students of British Architecture : with a Table and Glossary. Barrow's (Dr. Isaac) Works. Another copy. Barter's ( W. B.) Tracts in defence of the Chris- tian Sabbath, the Church, her Priesthood and Sacraments. Bather's (Edward) Hints on the Art of Catechis- ing : with a Charge on Education. Baxter's (Richard) Saints' Everlasting Rest. Edited by Rev. W. Orme. — — - Reformed Pastor. 80-100 Bede's (Venerable) Works in the original Latin, with an Engliah translation and Life of the Author, by Dr. J. A. Giles. 101 BEDiG Historia Ecclcsiastica Gentis Anglorum. Cura R. Hussey, B. D. 102 Bedell's (William) Life, by Dr. Mason. 103 Bedford's (Arthur) Scripture Chronology. 104 Bell, the : its origin, history^ and uses. By A.G. 105 Bellarmine's Notes of the Church confuted. 106 Steps of Ascension to God, translated into English. 107-110 Benedicti XIV. de Synodo Diocesana Libri Tre- decim. Ill Bengel (J. A.) Memoir of his Life and Writings. By Burk. Translated from the German by Rev. R. F. Walker. 112-113 Bengelii Gnomon Novi Testamenti. 114 Bennet's (Thomas) Answer to the Dissenters' 1^ Pleas for separation. Abridgement of the Lon- don cases. Discourse of Schism. 115 116 117 118 1J9 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 IS 129 130-131 132-134 135-136 137-138 Another copy. Confutation of Popery. * Another copy. Brief History of Set Forms of Prayer. Discourse of Joint Prayer. Confutation of Quakerism. Another copy. Paraphrase upon the Book of Common Prayer. Another copy. Letter to Robinson on the case of Litur- gies. On the Rights of the Clergy of the Chris- tian Church. Directions for studying Divinity, &c. Bennett's (Rev. W. J. E.) Lecture-Sermons on the Distinctive Errors of Romanism. ■ Lecture-Sermons on the Principles of the Book of Common Prayer. . — Guide to the Holy Eucharist. Lives of certain Fathers in the Fourth Century. Letters to my Children on Church Subjects. Cousin Eustace, or Conversations on the y xy Prayer Book. ^ •^ 189 140^142 143 144 145 140 147-158 159-170 171-176 177-178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185-186 187-188 189 190 191-192 193 194 195 196-197 198-206 207 208-209 210 211-212 213 214 Benson's (Christopher) Discourics. Berkeley's (George) Works, with an account of his Life. Bernard's (S.) Life and Times, by Dr. Neander. Translnted by M. Wrench. Bernardi (S.) Flores. Best's (Rev. S.) Catechism on the Collects, Epis- tles, an(i Gospels. BETiiELL's(Cliri8topher)6eneraiyiew of Baptismal Regeneration. Beveridge's (William) Theological Works. Another copy. Another copy, with account of the Author'! Life and Writings. Thesaurus Theologicus, or a complete System of Divinity. Private Thoughts upon Religion. » Another copy. On the 39 Articles. ■ Sermons on the Church. The Church Catechism explained. Bible, Holy. Cambridge 1668. Biblia Hebraica. Vander Hooght. Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Another copy. Michaolis. Another copy. Vander Hooght. Prefatus est G. Rosenmullor. Bilson's (Thomas) Survey of Christ's Sufferings. Perpetual Government of Christ's Church, with Biographical notice by Rev. R. Eden. Bingham's (Joseph) Works. Antiquities of the Christian Church and other Works. Bisse's (Thomas) Beauty of Holiness in the Com- mon Prayer, with Notes by F. P. Pocock. ^ Blackmore's (A.) Ecclesiae Primitivse Noftia, being an abridgment of Bingham. Blair's (Hugh) Sermons, with Life by Finlayson. Bloomfi eld's (Dr. S. T.) Greek Testament with Notes. Bloxam's (M. H.) Principles of Gothic Ecclesias- tical Architecture. Blunt's (Rev. J. J.) Sermons on the Church of the first two Centuries. 215 • 217 218 210-220 221-223 224 225 226 227 228 220-231 232-234 235 236 237 238-243 244r-245 246-248 240-253 254-258 250 260-261 262-263 264 265 266 267-260 270 271 .272 Blunt's (Rev. J. J.) Four Sermons on the Chureh of England. Sketch of the Reformation in England^ Another copy. Blunt's {Rev. Henry) Lectures upon the History of Jacob. Lectures upon the History of St. Paul. ' Lectures upon tho History of our Lord Jesus Christ. — — — Lectures upon the History of Abraham.* Lectures upon the lltstory of Elisha. Practical Exposition of the Epistles to the Seven Churches of Asia. Discourses on some of the Doctrinal Arti-* cles. — — — Sermons. Family Exposition of the Pentateuch. — — — Posthumous Sermons. Blunt's (Rev. Wulter) Dissenters' Baptisms and Church Burials. BoERNERi (C. F.) Institutiones Theologio; Sym^ boliciB. Borrome'e (S. Charles) La Vie, par A. Godeau^ BouRDALOUE, (Euvres de. Bowden's (J. W.) Life and Pontificate of Gregory VII. Boyle Lectures from 1601 to 1732. Bramh all's (John) Works, with Life of the Authorr Another copy. Bray's (Dr. Thomas) Catechetical Lectures. Books given to the Diocese by the Asso- ciates of Dr. Bray, in 1832 : — Abernethy's (John) Discourses. AUwood's (Rev. Philip) Key to the Revelation of St. John. Altham's (Roger) Sermons. . Articles XXXIX, Constitutions, and Canons of the Church of England. Balguy's (John) Practical Discourses. Brady's (Nicholas) Sermoifs. Burnet's (Gilbert) Abridgment of History of Reformation. Abridgment of History of his own times, by Stackhouse. Burnet (Dr.) on the state of the Dead, trans- lated from the Latin. fi 273-274 Burton's (Ilezekiah) Discourses. 275 Butler's (Joseph) Works, by Bishop Halifax. 276-277 Chapman's (John) Eusebius. 278 Cheyne's (George) Essay of Health and Long Life. 279-281 Churchman Armed against the Errors of the Time. 282 Clarke's (Samuel) Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God. 283-284 ' Paraphrase on the Four Evangelists. 285 Clayton (Bishop R.) On the coming of the Mes' slab, and the Restoration of the Jews. 286 Clergyman's Instructor. 287 Cocceii (Johannis) Evangelium sec. Johannem cum Commentario. 288-290 . Collier's (Jeremy) Essays on Moral Subjects. 291 Conybcare'a (John) Defence of RevealedReligion. 292-2g.' • Sermons. 294 Culverwell's (Nathaniel) Discourse of the Light of Nature. 295 Daubeny's (Rev. Charles) Discourses on con- nection between the Old and New Testaments, with a Discourse addressed to the younger Clergy. 296-297 Guide to the Church, and Appendix, with Life of Author. 298 Dawson's (Benjamin) Sermons. 299 Decay of Piety. By the Author of the Whole Duty of Man. 300 Derham's (W.) Physico-Theology, being the substance of sixteen Sermons. 301 Ditton's (Humphry) Discourse on the Resur- rection. 302 Dodwell's (William) Reply to Middleton. 303-304 ' Discourses on Moral Subjects. * 305 Duty (Whole) of Man. 306-308 Elsley's Annotations on the Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. 309 Fiddes's (Richard) Treatise of Morality. 310 Fowler's (Edward) Design of Christianity. 811 Grale's (Thomas) Sermons for several Holy Days of the Church of England* 312 Gastrell's (Francis) Lecture-Sermons. 313 Gilpin's (William) Lectures on the Church Cate- chism. 314 Gray's and Percy's Key to the Holy Bible. 315 316-319 320^21 32^-323 324 325-326 327 328 829 330 331 332 333 334-337 338 339-341 342 343 344 345-350 351 352-357 358-359 360 361 362-364 365-366 367 368 359 370-371 372-377 378 379 380 381 382-383 384 Hickman's (Charles) Sermons. Home's (Hartwell) Introduction to the Holy Scriptures. Hug's (J.L.) Introduction to the New Testament, translated bj Dr. Wait. Ibbot's (Benjamin) Discourses on Practical Subjects. Boyle Lectures. Josephus' (Flavins) Works, by William Whiston. Kennett's (Basil) Romce Antiquse Notitia. Kettlewell's (John) Christian Obedience. Knight's (James) Lady Moyer Lectures. Law's (Edmund) Considerations on the Theory of Religion. Leng's (John) Boyle Lectures. Lloyd's (Richard) Christian Theology. Lucas' (R.) Practical Christianity. Macknight (James) on the Epistles, y iddleton (T. F.) on the Greek Article, revised by Scholefield. Moore's (Charles) Sermons. Moore's (John) Sermons. Mose»' Principia, by J. H. Moseft Sine Principio, by J. H. Mosheim's (J. L.) Ecclesiastical History. Natural History of the Bible. Paley's ( William)Work8, with Life of the Author. Parker's (William) Discourses. Parkeri (Samuelis) de rebus sui temporis com- mentaria. Parsons' Christian Directory. Prideaux's (Humphrey) Old and New Testa- ment connected. Psalmorum Liber, in versiculos metrice divisus, edidit F. Hare. Ray (John) on the Wisdom of God. Rogers' (John) Sermons. Rutherford's (T.) Tracts on Prophecy. Scholar armed against the Errors of the Time. Scott's (John) Works. Seneca's Morals, by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Sheridan's (William) Discourses. SherIock's(William)DiscourseconcerningDeath. Sherlock's (Thomas) Sermons. Slade's (James) Annotations on the Epistles. Smalridgc's (George) Sermons. 2 Wm 385 Staynoe (Thomas) on Salvation. *386 Stabbing (Henry) on Prayer and other Religiouf Duties. 387 Steele's (Sir Richard) Account of the Roman Catholic Religion, &.c. 388 The Christian Hero. 389^-390 Stephens' (William) Sermons. 391 Sykes (A. A.) on Natural and Revealed Religion. 393 Thesaurus Linguae Sanctse. 393 Tillotson's (John) Rule of Faith, by Ed. Stil- lingfleet, D. D. 394-397 Townsend's (George) Arrangement of the Old and New Testaments. 398 Wake's (William) Sermons and Discourses. 399-400 Warren's (John) Sermons, with account of the Author. 401 Webster's (Rev. W.) Discourses. 402 Wilkins' (John) Sermons. 403 Worthington's (John) Select Discourses, with the Author's Character by Abp. Tillotson. 404 Hammond's (Henry) Paraphrase and Annota- tions on New Testament, fol. 405 Mant's (Richard) Common Prayer, with Notes, 4to. 406 Stel^bing's (Henry) Polemical Tracts, fol. 407-409 Tillotson's (John) Works, by Ralph Barker, fol. 410 Brett's (Thomas) Collection of Liturgies, trans^ lated into English. 411 Brett's (Rev. W. H.) Indian Missions in Guiana. 412 Breviarum Romanum. 413 Bridges' (Charles) Christian Ministry. 414 Exposition of Psalm cxiz. 415-416 Exposition of the Book of Proverbs. 417 Britton's (T. H.) Horee Sacramentales : The Sacramental Articles vindicated from recent misrepresentations. 418-420 Brooden's (James) Illustrations of the Liturgy and Ritual. 421-423 Another copy. 424r^26 Catholic Safe-guards. 427 Browne's (Peter) Letter. 428 Browne's (Sir Thomas) Religio Medici and Christian Morals. Edited by Henry Gardiner, M. Am Exeter College, Oxford. 429 Buck's (Charles) Theological Dictionary, by Rv<)v. E. Henderson. leligiouf I Roman Religion. Ed. Stil- ' the Old urses. nt of the iea, with otson. Annota- th Notes, fol. rker, fol. es, trans' I Guiana. rbs. !s : The n recent Liturgy dici and jardiner, lary, by 490 431 432-439 440-447 448-450 451 452-453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460-463 .464-465 466-467 468-473 474-480 481 482-487 488-489 490^93 494 495 496 497 498, 499 500 501*502 Buckley's (T. A.) Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, literally translated into English. — — — Catechism of the Council of Trent, trans- lated. Bull's (George) Works, by Dr. Burton, with Life by Robert Nelson. Another copy. ■■ Discourses, with Nelson's Life. Opinion of Catholic Church on the Divinity of Jesus Christ, translated by Rev. T. Rankin. HarmoniaApostolioaandExamenCensurae. Defensio Fidei Nicsense, translated. Bulley's (Frederic) Tabular View of Variations in the Communion and Baptismal Offices of the Church of England, from 1549 to 1662. Bullinger's (Henry) Sermons on the Sacraments. Bunyan's (John) Pilgrim's Progress. (London Art Union Edition.) Burder's (William) Religious Ceremonies and Customs. Burgess' (Bp.) Tracts on the Origin and Inde- pendence of the Ancient British Church. Burn's (Richard) Ecclesiastical Law, by Robert Phillimore. Burkitt's (William) Expository Notes on the New Testament. Burnet's (Bp.) History of His Own Time. Another Edition. History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Another Edition as abridged by Bp. Burnet and his Son, by G. £. Corrie, for the use of Students in the University. — — —— History of the Reformation. Another Edition abridged. — — — Boyle Lectures abridged. Exposition of the Articles of the Church of England. Another Edition, with Notes, by J. R. Page. Vindication of English Ordination, other Tracts. Exposition of the Church Catechism. Discourse on the Pastoral Care. and Another copy. Another, with Preface, by Rev. T. Dale. Burnet's (Dr. Thomas) Sacred Theoty of the Earth. 503 504 505-506 507-508 509-^10 511-512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520-624 525 526-529 530-541 542 543 544-547 548 549 550-554 555-558 559-^560 561 562 Burscough's (Robert) Discourse on Unity. Burton's (Edward) Testimonies of the Anti- Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Christ. — -— — Lectures upon the Ecclesiastical History of the first Three Centuries. Butler's (Bp.) Works, with Preface, by Bp. Halifax. Another copy. Another copy. Analogy of Religion. Another Edition. Analogy of Religion, with Preface, by Bp. Halifax. Analysis of the Analogy, by John Wilkinson. Another copy. Butler's (W. A.) Sermons, Doctrinal and Prac- tical, with Memoir of the Author's Life, by Rev. T. Woodward. Letters on the Developement of Christian Doctrine, in reply to Mr. Newman's Essay, by Rev. T. Woodward. Butler's (Charles) Philological and Biographical Works. ■ ■■ Reminiscensies, with a Letter on Ancient and Modern Music. Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish, and Scottish Catholics since the Reformation, and other matters. Butler's (Alban) Lives of the Saints. Bythneri (Victorini) Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis. Translated into English by Rev. T. Dee. Edi- ' ted by N. L. Benmohel. Calamy's (Edmund) Abridgment of Baxter's His- tory of his Life and Times, with an account of ejected Ministers. Calendar of the Anglican Church, illustrated. Calendar, Cambridge University for 1843. Calmet's (Augustine) Dictionary of the Holy Bible, with the Biblical Fragments, by Charles Taylor. Campbell's (George) Four Gospels translated, with Notes. Another Edition. Canones et Decreta Concilii Tridentini. Cardwell's (Edward) History of Conferences connected with the revision of the Book of Common Prayer, from 1558 to 1690. ity. I 563 he Anti- I • ist. 1 564-565 1 History 1 566-567 568-573 574 575^76 577 578 579 580 581 582-589 590 591 592 593 594-595 596 597 598 599 600-601 602-604 605-616 617-619 620^21 Two Books of Common Prayer set forth in the Reign of Edward VI. compared and edited. Synodalia. A collection of Articles, Canons, and proceedings of Convocations in the Pro- vince of Canterbury, from 1547 to 1717. Documentary Annals of the Church of England, being a collection of Injunctions, &c., from 1546 to 1716, with Notes. Another copy. Carpenter's (Richard) Experience, Historic, and Divinitie. Carwithen's (J. B. S.) History of the Church of England. Caswall's (Henry) City of the Mormons, or three days at Nauvoo in 1842. The Prophet of the Nineteenth Century, or the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Mormons, with an analysis of the Book of Mormon. America and the American Church. Catechetical Series, by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Catechism on the Incarnation, from Bp. Bull and Archdeacon Wilberforce. CatensB Graecorum Patrum in Novum Testamen- tum, edidit J. A. Cramer. Catena Chronological, on the Doctrine of Regene- ration in Baptism. Cave's (William) Apostolici, or Lives of the Pri- mitive Fathers. Chamberlain's (Rev. T.) Selected Letters. The Theory of Christian Worship. Chandler's (Samuel) Critical History of the Life of David. Chanter's (J. M.) Sermons. Charles I. Works of. Life and Martyrdom. Chilcot's (William) Practical Treatise concern- ing Evil Thoughts. Chillingworth's (William) Works. Christian Remembrancer, for 1842. Churchman Armed against the Errors of the Time. Churchman's Companion. The first twelve Vols. Clapham's (Samuel) Sermons, selected and abridged for the use of Families. Clarendon's (Edward Earl of) Religion and Policy. / 622 623 624 625 —.626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633-634 635-636 637-638 639-640 641 642 643-646 647-653 654-660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669-672 673-676 Clarke's (Dr.) Observations on Waterland. Claude's Essay on the Composition of a Sef mon, by Rev. C. Simeon. Clergy List for 1847. Clergyman's Assistant: a collection of Acts of Parliament, with the Articles and Canons. Clergyman's Instructor, a Collection of Tracts on the Ministerial Duties. Coleridge's (Rev. John) Dissertations on Judges xvii. and xviii. Coleridge's (William Hart) Charges, Prayers, and Addresses. Coleridge's (James Duke) Practical Advice to the Young Parish Priest. Companion to the First Lessons. Collection of Cases to recover Dissenters to the Church of England. Collects, their Scriptural origin proved by a selec- tion of Texts. Collier's (Jeremy) Ecclesiastical History. Another copy. Essays on the Scriptures of the Old Tes- tament. Essays on Moral Subjects. Sermons. Colombo, Journal of t!ie Bishop of. Colonial Church Chronicle. Comber's (Thomas) Companion to the Temple. Another copy. Common Place Book to the Holy Bible. Common Prayer Book, reprinted from the edition of 1662, according to' the sealed copy in the Tower of London. Companion to the Prayer Book, compiled from the best sources. Compton's (Henry) Episcopalian or Letters to his Clergy, with Memoir, by Sydney W.Cornish, D.D., Vicar of the Collegiate Church of Ottery, St. Mary. Confirmation, Manual of Devotions for, and First Communion. Contentment, The Art of. CoPLESTON (Edward^ on Predestination. Cornish's (George James) Sermons and Poetical Remains. Cosin's (John) Works. Another copy. 677 Cosin's (John) Devotions. 678 Cotten's (H.) Explanation of some obsolete words in the Bible. 679 Cuurayer's (Pierre Francois Le) Dissertation on English Ordinations, Sec. 680 Coxe's (Arthur Cleveland) Christian Ballads and Poems. 681 Sympathies of the Continent by John Bap- tist Von Hirscher, translated, with Notes and Introduction. ^ 682 CRAKANTHORP's(R.)DefensioEccle8i»AnglicantB. 683 Another copy. 684 Cramp's (J. M.) Text Book of Popery. 685 Cross, The Doctrine of the, illustrated in a Memo' rial of a humble follower of Christ. 686 Cruden's (Alexander) Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 687 Cudworth's (R.) Intellectual System. 688 Discourse concerning the True Notion of the Lord's Supper, with Two Sermons. 689-690 Dansey's (William) Horse Decanicae Rurales. 691 Davison's (John) Discourses on Prophecy. 692 Another copy. 693 Remains and occasional publications. 694 Daily Steps towards Heaven. 695 Days and Seasons, or Church Poetry for the year. 696-698 D. C. L. Letters on Church matters by. 699-700 Dehon's (Theodore) Sermons on the Public means of Grace, &>c. 701 DiODATi's (John) Annotations upon the Bible. 702 Dodd's (William) Discourses to Young Men. 703-706 Doddridge's (Philip) Family Expositor, with Life by Andrew Kippis. 707 Another Edition. 708 — — — Sermons. 709 Douglas' (John) Criterion, or Rules by which the true Miracles of the New Testament are distinguished from spurious Miracles. Abridged by Rev. W. Marsh. 710 DuPiN(L.E.)DissertationPreliminairesurlaBible. 711 The same done into English. 712 DURANDUS (William) on Symbolism, with an In- troduction and Notes by John Ma^n Neale and Benjamin Webb. 713 Durel's (John) View of the Government and Public Worship of God in the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas. 714 7J5-718 719 720 721 722 723-724 725 726 727-731 732-733 734 735 736 737 738-741 742 743-744 745 746 747-748 749 750-753 754 Durie's (John Henry) Will of our Lord Jesus Christ, translated from the Italian, and adapted to the use of the English Church. Duty of Man's Works. Government of the Tongue. Eastern Churches, or Sketches of the Nestorian, Armenian, Jacobite, Coptic, and Abyssinian Communities. Edmonstone's (Sir Archibald) Christian Gentle- man's Daily Walk. Eoan's (Charles) Status of the Jews in England, from the time of the Normans, impartially con- sidered. Elsley's Annotations on the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles. Ely's (Thomas Bp. of) Discourses on the Four Last Things. Emillianne's (Gabriel) Short History of Monas- tical Orders. Enchiridion Theologicum, a Manual for students in Divinity by John Randolph, Bishop of Loudon. Another Edition. Enchiridion Theologicum anti-Romanum, Miscel- laneous Tracts. English Hexapla : Six important English transla- tions of the New Testament, with the Greek Text after Scholz, and an historical account of the English translations. Ephrem's (S. the Syrian) Select Works, translated with Notes by Rev. J. B. Morris. Erasmus' Life, by Samuel Knight, D. D. EsTii (Guilielmi) in omnes B. Pauli Epistolas, item in Catholicas Commentarii, curavit Fran- ciscus Sausen. EusEBii (Pamphili) &c.. Historic Ecclesiasticae. >■■ Historise Ecclesiasticse. Libri decern, recensuit Edvardus Burton. Another Edition. Translated by Rev. C. F. Cruse, with Life by Valesius, translated by Parker. Historise Ecclesiasticae. Annotationes variorum. —. — - EclogaB Propheticae, editit ThomasGaisford. Evangelicse Preparationis Libri XV., re- censuit Thomas Gaisford. Life of the Emperor Constantino in four Books. rd Jesus ■ 755 adapted I 756 « I 757 estorian, H byssinian ■ 758-759 1 Gentle- I 760 El ngland, 1 761-762 ally con- H * ■ 763-765 1 Acts of ^B he Four I I 766-769 Monas- H 1 #"» I 771 students Loudon. Miscel- I I 772 transla- ^B e Greek I icount of ■ I 773-774 anslated I 1 775 I 776 Ipistolas, it Fran- I 777 1 778-781 I 7^^782-783 siasticae. I decern. 1 784-785 1 '186-787 vith Life I 1 788-789 ttationes ■ 790 ■ .791 iraisford. ■ XV., re- I 792 in four 1 EvAORii EcclesiasticsB HistorisB Libri sex, ex re- censione H. Valesii. ■ EvAGRius' History of the Church, in Six Books, with an account of the Author and his Writings. Evans' (John) Sketch of the Denominations of the Christian World. Evans' (Robert Wilson) Biography of the Early Church. Evidences of Christianity by Watson, Jenyns, West, and Lyttelton. Faber's (George Stanley) Apostolicity of Trinita- rianism. Faith of Catholics confirmed by Scripture and attested by the Fathers of the first five Centuries, con^piled by Berrington and Kirk, revised and . enlarged by Rev. James Waterworth. Farinodon's (Anthony) Sermons, with Life by Jackson. Farmer's (Hugh) Essay on Demoniacs of the New Testament. Fathers, Book of the, containing the Lives of cele- brated Fathers of the Christian Church, and the spirit of their Writings. Fathers, Church of the. Fathers, a Library of, in the Holy Catholic Church, anterior to the divishn of the East and the West, translated into English : Athanasius' (St.) Select Treatises in contro- versy with the Arians. I Historical Tracts. Augustine's (St.) Confessions. Short Treatises. ' Exposition of the Book of Psalms. Sermons on selected Lessons of the -^ v New Testament. Homilies on St. John's Gospel and First — y Epistle. Chrysostom's (St. John) Homi^s on the Gos- pel of St. ?«Aatthew. ' Homilies on the Gospel of St. John. — — — Homilies on the Epistle to the Romans. Homilies to the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Homilies to the Second Epistle to the X' Corinthians. 798 704 795 796 797 798 799 800-803 804 805 806 807 808 809-812 813 814 815 816 817 818-827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 Chrysostom's (St. John) Commentary on the Epistle to (he Galatians, and Homilies on the Epistle to the Ephesians. — —— Homilies on the Epistles to the Phil- lipians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. Homilies on the Epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Homilies on the Statues. Cyprian's (St. Ceecilius) Treatises. — Epistles, and St. Pacian's Works. Cyril's (St.) Catechetical Lectures. Gregory's (St. the Great) Morals on the Book of Job. Tertullian's Apologetic &; Practical Treatises. Fell's (Bp.) Paraphrase and Annotations upon all St. Paul's Epistles, by eminent men at Ox- ford, corrected and improved. Felltham's (Owen) Resolves, Divine, Mgral, Political. d^. Fenelon's (Francois) Life, by Ramsay. ^^ ■ Letter on Frequent Communion, edited by Rev. W. J. E. Bennett. Field's (Richard) Of the Church, Five Books. Fitzgerald's (Augustus O.) Short Lectures on the Church Catechism. ' Flavell's (John) Husbandry Spiritualized. Fleck's (Ferdinand F.) Novum Testamentum Yulgatae editionis. Fleetwood's (William) Essay upon Miracles. Fleming's (Robert) Rise and Fall of Rome Papal, with Notes, Preface, and Memoir of the Author. Fletcher's (John) Works. Forbes' (William) Considerationes Modestee et Pacificse Controversiarum. Another copy. Forbes' (A. P.) Short Explanation of the Nicene C^reed. i Commentary on Te Deum, from ancient sources. Ford's (James) Gospel of St. Matthew illustrated, from ancient and modern Authors. Another copy. -— — The Gospel of St. Mark illustrated, from ancient and modern Authors. Another copy. The Gospel of St. Luke illustrated, from ancient and modern Authors. 637 Another copy. 888 Ford's (James) The Gospel of St. John illustra- ted, from ancient and modern Authors. 889 Another copy. 840 Formularies of Faith, put forth by Authority during the Reign of Henry VIII. 841 Forster's (John) Churchman's Guide. 842 Forster's (Charles) Apostolical Authority of the Epistle to the Hebrews.- 848 FouLKES' (E. S.) Manual of Ecclesiastical History from the first to the twelfth Century inclusive. 844-846 Fox's (John) Martyrs, with Life of the Author. 847-848 Frank's (Mark) Sermons. 849-850 Another copy. 851 Fredericton's (John, Bishop of) Sermons, pub- lished at the request of many of his late Pa- rishioners. 852 Sermons and Charges. 853 Fredericton, Annals of the Diocese of, by Earnest Hawkins, B. D. 854 French's (Gilbert J.) Practical Remarks on the ■ minor accessories to the Services of the Church. 855 Friendly Debate between a Conformist and a Non- Conformist. 856-859 Froude's (Richard Hurrell) Remains. 860 Fulke's (William) Rhenish New Testament, cor- rected and enlarged. 861-862 Fuller's (Thomas) Church History of Britain from the Birth of Jesus Christ to the year 1648, with a Preface and Notes by James Nichols. 864 The Holy State and the Profane State. 865-867 The History of the Worthies of England, with notices of Worthies since the time of Fuller, by P. A. Nuttall. History of the University of Cambridge ./ 868 869-874 875 876 ■ 877-879 880 and Waltham Abbey. Church History of Britain, by Rev. J. S. Brewer. Full wood's (Fr.) Roma Ruit, revised by Charles Hard wick. Gatty's (Alfred) Sermons. Geddes' (Michael) Miscellaneous Tracts. GiBSON^s (Bp.) Synodus Anglicana, or the Con- stitution and Proceedings of an English Convo- cation shown from its Acts to be agreeable to the principles of an Episcopal Church. 881-862 883 884 885 886 887 888-880 890 801 802 808 804 805-806 807-800 900 001 002 003 004 005 006-007 008 000 010 Oil 012-016 017-021 02^ 023 024 Gibson's (Bp.) Preierratire against Popery ; a collection of Discouriei by Divinei of the Church of England in the Reign of Jamei II. •~~^—~ Paitoral Lettere. — — The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Familiar Survey of the explained. Gibborne's (Thomai) Christian Religion. Another copy. Another copy. ^ — — — Sermons. Glasbii (Salom.) Philologise SacrsB. Godden's (T.) Catholicks no Idolaters. GoDWiNi (Thomte) Moses et Aaron. Goodman's (J.) Penitent Pardoned. Goodwin's (Harvey) Parish Sermons. Grabius' (J. E.) Spicelegium SS. Patrum et Hoereticorum. Grant's (Johnson) Summary of the History of the English Church, and of the Sects which have departed from its Communion. Graves' (Richard) Discourses on Calvinistic Predestination. — — — Lectures on the Fjur last Books of the Pentateuch. Gray's (Robert) Key to the Old Testament and Apocrypha. Another copy. Gray's (Robert, Bishop of Capetown) Journals of Two Visitations. Green's (T. S.) Treatise on the Grammar of the New Testament Dialect. Gregorii (Vulgo Nazianzeni) Opera Omnia. — — Orationes Novem elegantissimse, &c. Gresley's (William) Ecclesiastes Anglicanus : a Treatise on Preaching, in a series of Letters to a young Clergyman. Practical Sermons. — — — Ordinance pf Confession. Greswell's (Edward) Dissertations upon the Principles and Arrangement of a Harmony of the Gospels. Another copy. — — — — Prolegomena ad Har moniam E vangelicam . Harmonia Evangelica. Grier's (Richard) Answer to Dr. Milner's Vindi- cation, of Popery. atrum et 9S5 026 027 028 020-^30 081 082 03a-036 037-048 040-051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 050-060 061-062 063-066 067 068 060 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 Grier's (Richard) Epitome of the OoneralCouneils of the Church. Grotius (H.) De Veritate Religionii Chriitiana>. — — — The Truth of the Christian Religion, done into English by John Clark, D. D. Another copy. Gueranoer's (Proiper) Inititutiont Liturgiques. Gunning's (Peter) Paschal or Lent Fast. Another copy. Hales' (William) Analysis of Chronology and Geography, History and Prophecy. Hall's (Joseph) Works, with some account of his Life and Sufferings, written uy himself. Contemplations on Historical Passages of the Bible. Hall's (J. C.) Sermons on our Lord's Temptation. Hall's (Robert) Select Works. Halton's (Thomas) Exposition of the Church Catechism. Hammond's (H.) Paraphrase and Annotations on the New Testament. Another copy. Practical Catechism, with Life of the Author, by John Fell, D. D. Another copy. Sermons. Another copy. Paraphrase and Annotations on the New Testament. Miscellaneous Theological Works. Hampden^ (R.D.),Report of his Case, by Richard Jebb. Harper's (T.N.) Steps to the Cross: nine Sermons. Harringtov's (E. C.) Brief Notes on the Church of Scotland from 1555 to 1842. — — — Apostolical Succession and Episcopal Ordination. Another copy. Rite of Consecration of Churches. Another copy. Harrison's (Benjamin) Historical Inquiry into the Rubrics respecting the Sermon and the Com- munion Service. Hart's (Richard) Ecclesiastical Records of Eng- land, Ireland, and Scotland, from the fifth Cen- tury till the Reformation. % 077-978 979 980-981 982-987 988 989-990 991 992-995 ^6-997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 lOOa-1005 1006-1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 Haverfield's (T. T.) Sprmons on Doctrine and Practice. Feriie Sacrae : Short notes on the Festivals, with appropriate Chants and Hymns. Heber's (Reginald) Life, selection from his Works and Journal. Henry's (Matthew) Exposition of the Bible, with Prefatory Remarks by Rev. Edward Bickersteth. Henshaw's (Joseph) MeditatioriS, with additions by Richard Kidder. Herbert's (George) Works in Prose and Verse. Heurtley's (Charles A.) Parochial Sermons. Hey's (John) Lectures in Divinity. Another Edition. Heygate's (W. E.) Care of the Soul; or Sermons on Christian Prudence. Heylyn's (Peter) Cyprian us Anglicanus, or the History of the Life and Death of Archbishop Laud. Ecclesia Restaurata; or the History of the Reformation. Aerius Redivivus ; or the History of the Presbyterians. Doctrine and Discipline of the English Church. HiCKEs' (George) Treatises on the Christian Priesthood and the Dignity of the Episcopal Order. Another copy. Hicks' (James) Catechetical Lectures on the In- carnation and Childhood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hildyard's (James) Sermons on the Parable of Dives and Lazarus. Historia Sacra ; an account of all the Feasts and Fasts of the Church of England. Historical Accompaniment to the Scriptures, in the form of Stories. Another copy. Hobart's (Bp.) Life, by John McVicar, with a Preface containing a History of the Church in America, by W. F. Hook, D. D. Hodgson's (Christopher) Instructions for the Clergy, with Acts of Parliament. Another copy. Hody's (Humphrey) History of English Councils and Convocations. 1017 Homilies appointed in the time of Q. Elizabeth, with the XXXIX Articles. 1018 Another Edition. 1019 Homilies for Holy Days and Seasons, from Advent to Whitsuntide, translated from the Writings of the Saints, with Biographical notices of the Writers. Hook's (W. F.) Sermons on various Sul^ects. Church Dictionary. The Christian taught by the Church Ser- vices. Year. 1020 1021 1022-1023 1024-1029 1030 — 1031 — Death and Passion. 1032-1034 Hooker's (Richard) Works, with his Life, by Isaac Walton, arranged by Rev. John Keble. 1035-1037 Another Edition. 1038-1040 Another copy. 1041 Ecclesiastical Polity, abridged for the use Short Meditations for every Day in the A Church School Hymn-Book. The Crossof Christ, or Meditations on His 1042 1043 1044 1045-1046 1047 1048 1049 1050-1051 1052 1053 1054 1055-1059 1060 1061 1062 of Families, by Rev. Matthew Hemmings. Hooper's (George) Works. Hopkins' (Ezekiel) Vanity of the World and other Sermons. Hopkins' (John Henry) Church of Rome, in her primitive purity, compared with the Church of Rome at the present day, with an Introduction by Rev. Henry Melvill. Horbery's (Matthew) Works. Horne's (George) Letters on Infidelity, and Life and Death of John the Baptist. Life and Death of Abel, Life and transla- tion of Enoch, and Life of Noah. Discourses on several subjects & occasions. Another Edition. 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For the Week and for the Seasons, trans- lated from the Latin. For little Children. For Public or Private use. 1066-1078 1079 1080 • 1081-1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092-1093 1094 1095 1096-1107 1108-1119 1120 1121 >C 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127-1128 1129^.1130 1131 1132 Hymnal Noted, Words of. A short Commentary on the above. iKEMU'i' (C.) Antiquitates Hebraicte. Ireland, Church History of, by Robert King. iRENiEUS (S.) Account of his Life a«d Writings, by James Beaven. Irons* (William J.) Discourse on Heresy and open Questions, with the Judgments of Baptismal Regeneration. Jackson's (Thomas) Works. Another copy. Jackson's (John) Sermons on the sinfulness of little sins. Jacobson's (William) Sermons. Jahn's (John) Archaeologia Biblica, translated by T. C. Upham. History of the Hebrew Commonwealth. James' (John) Comment upon the Collects. Another copy. — Short Commentary on the Proper Lessons. Lectures on the Morning and Evening Services. Jameson's (Mrs.) Sacred and Legendary Art. ~~— <— Legends of the Monastic Orders. — — — ' Legends of the Madonna. 1133 ,nd Medi- " Happy 1134 1135 Priestley, [lorsley. ^ian Soul, 1136 1137-1138 rch. Liturgy as 1139^1140 1141 ise of the 1142 1143-1150 alms, and 1151-1152 1153-1154 1155-1156 Jarvis' (Samuel Farmar) Chronological Introduc- tion to the History of the Church, with an original harmony of the Four Gospels. Church of the Redeemed. Vol. I. Jebb's (John) Life, with a selection from his Let- ters, by Rev. C. Forster. Practical Sermons. '. ^ Practical Theology, comprising Discourses, — VL 1157-1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165-1167 1168-1170 1171-1176 1177 1178 1179-1180 1181-1182 1183-1184 1185 1186 1187 Tracts, and a Speech delivered in the House of Peers. Correspondence with Alexander Knox. — — — Piety without Asceticism. Jebbs' (J.) Choral Service inquired into. Jewel's (John) Works, edited byR.W.Jelf,D. D. Johnson's (John) Theological Works. Another copy. Collection of Laws and Canons of the Church of England, translated into English, with Notes. Another copy. Life, by Rev. T. Brett, with Posthumous Tracts. — The Unbloody Sacrifice, vailed and supported. — On Visitation Sermons and Altar, un- and occasional Days and Prayers. Jolly's (Alexander) Sunday Services, with Me- moir by Bp. Walker. On Baptism. — Christian Sacrifice in the Eucharist. Jones' (Jeremiah) Canonical Authority of the New Testament. Another copy. Jones' (William) Works, with short account of his Life and Writings, by William Stephens. Letters from a Tutor to his Pupils. JoHNSTONi (Arturi) Psalmi Davidici cum Argu- mentis et Notis. JosEPHi (Flavii) Opera. Justin Martyr and others. Apologies of, by William Reeves. Justorum Semita ; or the Path of the Just. K aye's (John) Ecclesiastical History of the second and third Centuries, illustrated from the Writings of Tertullian. Keble's (John) Sermons, Academical and Occa- ^ sional. 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Short Sermons on the Lord's Prayer. Another copy. Kennicott's (Benjamin) Dissertation on the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament. Kettlewell (John) Memoir of the Life of, with original Papers. " Kettlewell's (John) Discourse on Christian Obedience. Companion for the Penitent. Kino's (William) Essay on the Origin of Evil. King's (Peter) History of the Apostles' Creed. Knox's (Alexander) Remains. Doctrine of the Sacraments. Koran of Mahommed, translated with Notes and a Preliminary Discourse by George Sale, with a Memoir of the Translator. in Christian 1226-1227 Krasinski*s (Count Valerian) History of the Reformation in Poland. 1228-1230 KuiNOEL's (D. C. T.) Novi Testamenti Libri Historici Grsece, cum commentariis. 1231 Lactantii (L.C.) Opera Quae Extant Omnia. 1232-1241 Lapide*3 (Cornelius A.) Commentaria in libros V. ac N. 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Maskell's (William) Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England, according to the uses of Bangor, York and Hereford, and the Modern Roman Liturgy, arranged in parallel columns. Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesise Anglicanse. Holy Baptism — a Dissertation. Mason's (Francis) Vindication of the Church of England, by John Lindsay. Another copy. 1368 Mason's (John) Treatise on Self-Knowledge. 1369-1371 Massillon Meuvrea de. 1372 Maurice's (Henry) Defence of Diocesan Episco- pacy. 1373-1374 Mede's (Joseph) Works. 1375 Another copy. 1376 Another copy. 1 377 Meditations for a Fortnight by John Gerhard, done into English. 1378 Meek's (R.) Reasons for attachment and confor- mity to the Church of England. 1379-1380 Melvill's (Henry) Sermons. 1381 Mesurier's (Thomas Le) Bampton Lectures, on Schism. 1382 Meyrick's (Frederick) Practical Working of the Church of Spain. 1383-1388 Michaelis' (John David) Introduction to the New Testament, translated, with Notes and a Dissertation by Herbert Marsh. 1389 Middleton (T. F.) On the Greek Article, edited by Hugh James Rose. 1390 Mill's (W. H.) Analysis of Bp. Pearson's Expo- sition of the Creed. 1391 University Sermons on the Nature of Christianity. ^ 1392 Millard's (J. E.) Historical Notices of the Office of Choristers. 1393 MiLLii (Joannis) Novum Testamentum Grsecum. 1394 Millington's (Thos. S.) Words to win Souls : Sermons preached A. D. 1620^1650, by Di- vines of the Church of England, revised. Minutes of the Committee of Council on Educa- tion. First Volume. Missale Romanum Pii Y. Pont. Max. jussu editum, 1631. Moberly's (George) Discourses on the Sayings of the Great Forty Days. Moehler's (John Adam) Symbolism : or Exposi- tion of the Doctrinal Differences between Ca- tholics and Protestants, translated by J. B. Robertson. 1400 Monro's (Edward) Parochial Work. 1401 Sermons, principally on the Responsibili- ties of the Ministerial Office. 1402 MoRE's (Henry) Life, by Richard Ward. 1403 Morton (Thomas) On the Sacrament of the Blessed Body and Blood of Christ. 1395 1396 ^ 1397 1398-1399 < 1404-1409 Mosheim's (J. .L) Ecclesiastical History, trans- lated, with Notes, by Archibald Maclaine,D.D. 1410-1413 Another Edition, translated, with Notes, by James Murdock, edited, with additions by Henry Soames. 1414-1416 Commentaries on the Affairs of the Chris- tians before tne time of Constantino the Great, translated by K. S. Yidall. Mouravieff's (A. N.) History of the Church of Russia, translated by R. W. Blackmore. 1417 1418-1420 1421-1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 142^-1432 1433-1436 1437-1439 1440 1441 1442 Music. Boyce's (Dr. William) Collection of Cathedral Music, by English Masters of the last 200 years, revised by, and now edited by Vincent Novello. Croft's (Dr. William) Musica Sacra ; or Select Anthems in Score, to which is added the Burial Service as performed in Westminster Abbey. Evans' (W. S. S.) Chants and Psalm Tunes. — Goss' Organist's Companion. Hamilton's Dictionary of Musical Terms, by John Bishop. Helmore's (Rev. Thomas) Psalter Noted. Manual of Plain Song ; containing a Brief Directory of the Plain Song used in the Morning and Evening Prayer, Litany, and Holy Communion, with the Canticles and Psalter Noted. Hymnal Noted. Part 1. Accompanying Harmonies to the Psalter and Hymnal Noted. Marcello's (Benedetto) First Fifty Psalms set to Music, and adapted to the English Version, by John Garth. Novello's (Vincent) Select Organ Pieces. Cathedral Choir Book, a Collection of Church Services set to Music, by eminent Composers, Ancient and Modern. Cathedral Voluntaries from the Works of sterling Church Cpmposers of the English School. Fitzwilliam Music, being a Collection of 1443-1446 Sacred Pieces selected from MSS. of Italian Composers, in the Fitzwilliam Museum. Parish Choir or Church Music Book, published by the Society for Promoting Church Music. / / >>< Music. 1447 RimbauU's (E. F.) Order of Chanting the Ca- thedral Service, as published by Edward Lowe, (Organist to Charles II.) A. D. 1664. 1448 Trait§ Theorique et Pratique du Plain-Chant, appelle Gregorien. 1449 Wilhem's Method of Teaching Singing, adapted to English use, under the Stuperintendence of the Committee of Council on Education, by John HuUah. Part 1. 1450^1452 National Society's Monthly Paper for 1849, 1850 and 1851. Neal's (Daniel) History of the Puritans. Neale's (.?. M.) History of the Holy Eastern Church. — — — Tetralogia Liturgica; sive S. Chrysos- tomi, S. Jacobi, S. Marci, Divinee Missee ; quibus accedit Ordo Mozarabicus. Lectures on Church Difficulties. Hierologus : a Church tour through Eng- 1453-1456 1457-1460 1461 1462 1463 land and Wales. 1464-1465 Neander's (Augustus) History of tho Christian Religion and Church, during tho first three Centuries, translated by H. J. Rose. 1466 Emperor Julian and his Generation, trans- lated by G. V. Cox, M. A. 1467 Nelson's (Robert) Companion for the Festivals and Fasts, with Collects and Prayers for each Solemnity. 1468 Another Edition. 1469 Life of Bp. Bull. 1470 Guide to the Holy Communion. 1471 Neve's (Timothy) Animadversions upon Phillips' History of the Life of Cardinal Pole. 1472 Newcome's (William) Historical View of the English Biblical Translations. 1473-1478 Newman's (J. H.) Parochial Sermons. 1479 Restoration of Suffragan Bishops, Letters, and Essay on the early Ecclesiastical Miracles. 1480 Arians of the Fourth Century. 1481 Lectures on Justification. 1482 — i— Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Church. 1483 University Sermons, chiefly on the Theory of Religious Belief. 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490-1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 Newman's (J. H.) Famaj on the Developemoht of Christian Doctrine. Discourses addressed to Mixed Congre- gations. Lectures on Anglican Difficulties. ■ ' On the present position of Catholics in England. Loss and Gain. 1509 1510 1511 1512 Newte's (John) Discourse on the Impiety of Tithe-Stealing. Newton^s (Thomas) Dissertations on the Prophe- cies. * Another Edition. Another Edition. Another Edition. Another, revised by Rev. W. S. Dobson. Nichols* Help to the Bible. "--~^_ Nicholson's (William) Exposition of the Cate- chism of the Church of England. Another copy. Nixon's (Francis-Russell) Lectures, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical, on the Catechism of the Church of England. Nott's (G. F.) Bampton Lectures on Religious Enthusiasm. Nowell's (A.) Catechismus, si ve Prima Institutio, Disciplinaque Pietutis Christiante. Nye's (Stephen) Defence of the Canon of the New Testament. Oakeley's (Frederick) Sermons. Ogilvie's (C. a.) University Sermons. Oliver's (Geo.) Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis, being a Collection of Records illustrating the Ancient Conventual, Collegiate, and Eleemo- synary Fuondations in Cornwall and Devon. Opitii (Henrici) Novum Lexicon Hebrseo-Chaldseo Biblicum. Order of Daily Service, the Litany, and Order of the Administration of the Holy Communion, with Plain-Tune. Origen contra Celsum, OuTRAM (G.) De Sacriflciis. Overall's (Bp.) Convocation Book of 1606, con- cerning the Government of God's Catholic Church and the Kingdojus of the whole World. Another copy. «Tr m- 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517-1521 1522-1523 1524-1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532-1533 1534-1535 1536 1537-1542 1543 1544 1545 1546-1548 1549 1550-1552 1553 1554 1555-1556 1557-1558 1559 Paoet's (F. E.) Sermons on Duties of Daily Life. Sermons for the Saints* Days. Christian's Day. Sursum Corda : Aids to Private Devotion. Pa ley's (William) Works, with illustrations by Paxton. View of the Evidences of Christianity. Another Edition. Another Edition. Another Edition. Evidences of Christianity condensed. Horae Paulioae. Another Edition. Palin's (William) History of the Church of Eng- land from the Revolution to the last Acts of Convocation, A. D. 1688-1717. Palmer's (William) Treatise on the Church of Christ. Origines Liturgicae, or Antiquities of the English Ritual, and a Dissertation on Primi- tive Liturgies. Letters to N. Wiseman, D. D. Pamphlets on Subjects relating to the Church. Parker's (Bp.) Church of England's Wish for Primitive Discipline. Parker's (Franke) Church, with a Chart. Parker Society's Publications of the Works of the Fathers and early Writers of the Reformed English Church : — Bale's (John) Select Works, edited by Rev. H. Christmas. Becon's (Thomas) Works, edited by Rev. John Ayre. Bradford's (John) Writings, edited by Aubrey Townsend. Bullinger's (Henry) Decades, edited by Rev. T. Harding. Calfhill's (James) Answer to Martiall's Treatise of the Cross, .edited by Rev. R. Gibbings. Cooper's (T.) Answer against the Apology of Private Mass, edited by Rev. Wm. Goode. Coverdale's (Myles) Works, edited by Rev. G. Pearson. Cranmer's (Thomas) Works, edited by Rev. J. E. Cox. Fulke'sl[Wil]iam) Defence of the English Trans- lation of the Holy Scriptures, edited by Rev. C. H. Hartshorne. 1560 Fulke's (William) Answer to Staploton, Martiall and Sanders, edited by Rer. R. Gibbings. 1561 Grindal's (Edmund) Remains, edited by Rev. W. Nicholson. 1562 Hooper's (John) Early Writings, edited by Rev. S. Carr. 1563 Hutchinson's (Roger) Works, edited by John Bruce. 1564-1567 Jewel's (John) Works, edited by Rev. J. Ay re. 1568-1569 Latimer's (Hugh) Sermons and Remains, edited by Rev. G. E. Corrie. 1570 Liturgies and other Documents set forth in the Reign of Edward VI., rdited by Rev. J. Ketley. 1571 Liturgical Services set forth in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, edited by W. K. Clay. 1572 Norden's (John) Progress of Piety. 1573-1574 Original Letters relative to the English Refor- mation, chiefly from the Archives of Zurich, translated and edited by Rev. H. Robinson. 1575 Philpot's (John) Examinations and Writings, edited by Rev. R. Eden. 1576 Pilkington's (James) Works, edited by Rev. J. Scholefield. 1577-1578 Poetry, chiefly devotional, of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, collected and edited by Edward Farr. 1579 Private Prayers put forth by authority during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, edited by Rev. W. K. Clay. 1580 Ridley's (Nicholas) Works, edited by Rev. H. Christmas. 1581 Sandys' (Edwin) Sermons and Miscellaneous Pieces, edited by Rev. J. Ay re. 1582 Tigurinee Epistolee de rebus potissimum ad Ecclesiee Anglicanse Reformationem perti- nentibus conscriptae, A. D. 1531-1558. 1583-1585 Tyndale's (William) Works, edited by Rev. Henry Walter. 1586 Whitaker's (William) Disputation on Holy Scrip- ture, edited by Rev. W. Fitzgerald. ' 1587 Whitgift's (John) Works, edited by Rev. J. Ayre. 1588 Wooton's (John) Christian Manual. 1589-1590 Zurich Letters, comprising the Correspondence of English Bishops and others with some of the Helvetian Reformers in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth, edited by Rev. H. Robinson. ■4\ 1591-1592 Parkhurst's (John) Hebrew and English Lexicon to the Old Testament, with Hebrew and Chaldee Grammar, and a Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament, with a Greek Grammar. 1599-1594 Another Edition. 1595 Parsons' Christian Directory, put into English by Dean Stanhope. Patrum Latinorum Opera. Parisiis. 1596-1599 Ambrosii S. Opera Omnia. 1600-1615 Augustini (Aurelii) Opera Omnia. 1616 Chrysologi (Petri) Opera Omnia. 1617 Constantini (Magni) Opera Quee Exstant Uni' versa, &.c. 1618 Cypriani (Thascii CGBcilii) Opera Omnia. 1619 Damasi PapsB et Paciani necnon Luciferi Opera. 1620 Dextri (F. L.) Necnon Paiili Orosii Opera Omnia. 1621 Eusebii, necnon Philastrii Opera Omnia, &.c. 1622-1630 Hieronymi (Eusebii) Opera Omnia. 1631-1632 Hilarii Opera Omnia. 1633 Juvenci, Sedulii, Optatiani, Severi et Faltonise Probse Opera. 1634-1635 Lactantii (L. C. F.) Opera Omnia, Prsecedunt Marcellini, Marcelli, Eusebii, Melchiadis, Anonymi, Celsi, fragmenta. 1636-1638 Leonis (Magni) Opera Omnia. 1639 Pheebadii, &c. Opera, nunc primum in unum corpus digesta. 1640 Sixti, Dionysii, Dionysii Alexandrini Arnobii, &c. Opera. 1641-1642 Tertulliani (Q. S. F.) Opera Omnia. 1643 Minora m Patrum aTertuUiano adCyprianumr et in Primis Minucii Felicis Opera. 1644 Ulfilse Opera Omnia, &c. 1645 Zenonis et Optati Opera Omnia. 1646-1647 Patrum Apostolicorum quae Supersunt S. Clementis Romani, Ignatii, Polycarpi, recensuit G. Ja- cobson, A. M. 1648-1649 Another copy. 1650-1653 Patrick's, Lowth's, Arnold's, Whitby's, Critical Coiiimentary and Paraphrase on the Bible. 1654 Patrick's (Simon) Treatise on^tbe Christian Sa< crifice. 1655 Advice to a Friend. 1656 1657 Another copy. — — Heart's Ease, or a Remedy against all Troubles, with a Consolatory Discourse. et Faltonise 1658 1659 1660 Patrick's (Simon) Parable of the Pilgrim. Discourse concerning Prayer. Patroni Ecclesiarum, or a List of the Patrons of tho Rectories &,c. of the Church of England, with the Valuation annexed. 1661-1662 Pearce's (Zachary) Commentary on the Nevr Testament, and other Works, with account of his Life written by himself, published by John Derby, A. M. 1663 Pearson'o (John) Exposition of the Creed. 1664-1665 Another Edition by Rev. E. Burton, D. D. 1666-1667 Another copy. 16C8~16(»S) Minor Theological Works, with a Memoir of the Author and Notes, by Edward Chur- ton, M. A. Yindicite Epistolarum S. Ignatii. 1670-1671 1672-1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678-1691 1692 Another copy. Five Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1^98 it 1699 170Q 1701 1702 1703 and Annals of St. Paul, edited in English with Notes by J. R. Crowfoot. Peirce's (James) Vindication of Dissenters, translated. Penitential Psalms, Seven. Commentary on, chiefly from ancient sources. Penny Sunday Reader. Percival's (A. P.) Pamphlets relating to the Church. ■ ■ Original Services for the State Holidays, with Documents relating to the same, collected and arranged. Apology for Apostolical Succession. Pereira's (Antonio) TentativaTheologica. Epis- copal Rights and Ultra-Montane Usurpations. Translated with Notes by E. H. Landon. Another copy. Peters' (Charles) Critical Dissertation on the Book of Job. Phillpotts' (Henry) Letters to Charles Butler on his Book of the Roman Catholic Church. Letter on the Coronation Oath. ■ N Letters on Subjects relating to the Church. ' " - Charges, Speeches, and Letters. Pinart's Nourishment of the Christian Soul, translated. Meditations on the Suffering Life on Earth of our Lord and only Saviour, translated. 1704 Finder's (J. H.) Sermons on the Common Prayer and the Feasts and Fasts. 1705 ' Sermons on the Holy Days observed in the Church of England, throughout the year. 1706 Pinto's (Isaac) Translation of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Prayer Book. 1707-1716 Plain Sermons, by Contributors to the Tracts for the Times. 1717 On the latter part of the Catechism, by Rev. Isaac Williams. 1718 • Plummer's (M.) Clergyman's Assistant in Visiting the Sick. 1719 Pontiiicale Romanum dementis YIII. et Urbanee VIII. 1720-1724 PoLi (Matthaei) Synopsis Criticorum aliorumque S. Scripturae Interpretum et Commentatorum. 1725-1726 Poole's (Matthew) Annotations upon the Holv Bible. 1727-1729 Another Edition. 1730 Poole's (G. A.) Life and Times of S. Cyprian. 1731 PoRTEUS (Beilby) and Leslie (Charles) On the Truth of Christianity. 1732-1733 PoRTEUs' (Beilby) Lectures on St. Matthew. 1734 Pott's (Alfred) Confirmation Lectures. 1735 Potter's (John) Discourse of ChurchGovernment. 1736 . Prayers for Little Children and Young Persons. 1737 Preston's (John) Golden Scepter. 1738 Prichard's Sermons. 1739-1741 Prideaux's (Humphrey) Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews and neighbouring Nations. 1742-1745 Another Edition. 1746-1747 Another Edition. 1748-1749 Another Edition. 1750 Directions to Church- Wardens. 1751 Life of Mahomfit, with a Discourse to the Deists. 1752 Prideaux's (John) Doctrine of Prayer, by Sidney W. Cornish, D.D. 1753 Prideaux's (C.G.) Guide to the Duties of Church- Wardens. • 1754 PuGiN's (A. W.) Glossary of Ecclesiastical Orna- ment and Costume. 1755 Puller's (Timothy) Moderation of the Church of England, edited by Rev. R. Eden, with an Introductory Preface. 1756 1757-1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764-1766 1767-1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774-1775 1776-1780 1781 * 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788-1790 1791 1792 1793-1794 1795-1798 PusEY's (E. B.) Historical Enquiry into German Theology, with a Letter from Professor Sack, translated. Letters on subjects relating to the Church. Sermons on various occasions. Sermons during the Season from Advent to Whitsuntide. Another copy. On the Royal Supremacy. Randolph's (Thomas) Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity. Ranke's (Leopold) History of the Reformation in Germany, translated by Sarah Austin. History of the Popes, translated by Sarah Austin. Reading's (William) History of our Lord, with suitable Meditations and Prayers. Readings for every Day in Lent, compiled from the Writings of Jeremy Taylor. Reflections, Meditations and Prayers (with Gospel Harmony) on the most Holy Life and Sacred Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum. Regale>and Pontificat Case stated in a Conference concerning the Church. Renaudotii (Eusebii) Collectio Liturgiarum Ori- entalium. Republique des Hebreux, par Mr. Basnage. Reyner's (Edward) Considerations concerning Marriage. Reynold's (Edward) Sermons. Riddle's (J. E.) Letters from an absent Godfather. Ridley's (Nicholas) Life by Rev.GloucesterRidley. Ridley's (Gloucester) Sermons on the Divinity of the Holy Ghost. Robart's (Fouike) God's Holy House and Service described. Robins' (Sanderson) Church Schoolmaster. Rodriguez's (Alphonsus) Practice of Christian and Religious Perfection, translated from the French copy. Rogers (Thomas) On the Thirty Nine Articles. Ross' (J. L.) Reciprocal Obligations of the Church and the Civil Power. Routh's (M. J.) Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum OpusculaPraecipua Qusedam, recensuit notas- que suas et aliorum addidit. •— — — Reliquiae Sacrse. 1799 1800-1802 1803-1804 1805-1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 18ia-1814 1815-1820 1821-1822 1823-1827 1828-1830 1831-1832 1833 Roinart's (D. T.) Acta Primorum Martyrum. RussELL^s (Michael) Connection of Sacred and Profane History from the Death of Joshua to the Decline of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. History of the Church in Scotland. Sage's (John) Works, with Memoir and Notes. Sanderson (Robert) De Juramenti Promissorii Obligatione. Christian Man a Contented Man. Saravia's (Hadrian) Treatise on the different degrees of the Christian Priesthood. Saurin's (James) Select Sermons. Scandret's (J.) Sacrifice the Divine Service. Scholar armed against the Errors of the Time. Scott's (John) Works. Christian Life. Another Edition. Discourses on Practical Subjects. 1834 1835 1836 1837 Scripture Bi'eviates. Tracts for the Fasts and Festivals. Layman. Natural History. Topography. By a Scudamore's (W. E.) Steps to the Altar. ScupoLi's (Lawrence) Spiritual Combat, and the Path of Paradise, translated for the use of Members of the English Church. 1838-1843 Secker's (Thomas) Works, with a Review of his Life and Character by Beilby Porteus, D.D. 1844^1845 Lectures on the Catechism of the Church of England, with a Discourse on Confirmation. 1846 Another Edition. 1847 Another Edition. 1848 Sermons, Fast, by Drs. Maclaine and Parr, and Charges by Pretyman, Pott, and Bp. Burgess. 1849-1851 Sermons, Various— 1683, 1700, &c. 1852 On Important Occasions — 1680, Sec. 1853 Wedding— 1607 to 1656. 1854 Funeral. 1855 — Various— 1710, Ac. 1856 Various, Modern. 1857 On the Sacraments. 1858 Ordination and Visitation. 1859 On matters relating to the Church. 1860 Preached at the Consecration of the Church . of St. James, Morpeth, by Dr. Hook Sc others. 1861 Sermons on Solemn Subjects, chiefly relating to Repentance and Amendment of Life, preached in S. Saviour's Church, Leeds, during the Consecration Week, by Rer. J. Kcble and others. 1862 Sewell' •" (William) Popular Evidences of Chris- tianity. 1863 Christian Politics. 1864 — ' Sermons addressed to Young Men. 1865-1869 Sharp's (John) Theological Works. 1870-1874 Another copy. 1875 Sharp's (Thomas) Visitation Charges on the Ru- bric in the Book of Common Prayer, and Canons of the Church of England relating to the Parochial Clergy. 1876 Another Edition. 1877 Discourses on Hutchinson's Exposition of Cherubim. 1878-1879 Shepherd's (John) Critical and Practical Eluci- dation of the Book of Common Prayer. 1880 Shepherd's (E. J.) History of the Church of Rome, to the end of the Episcopate of Damarus, A. D. 384. 1881 Shepherd's (W.) Liturgical . onsiderations. 1882 Sheridan's Lecture on the Correct Reading of the Liturgy of the Church of England, with an Introduction and Corrections by a Cler/ry- man. 1883-1887 Sherlock's (Bp.) Works, with some account of his Life, Notes, &c. by Rev. T. S. Hughes, B.D. 1888 Sherlock's (Richard) Paraphrase on the Cate- chism of the Church of England. 1889 Short's (T. V.) History of the Church of England to the Revolution, 1688. 1890 — — — Parochialia ; Papers for the use of the Pa- rish of St. George's, Bloomsbury, during the years 1834-1841. 1891-1892^ Shuckford's (Samuel) Sacred and Profane His- tory of the World connected, with the Treatise on the Creation and Fall of Man. 1893-1894 Another Edition. 1895 Simon's (Father) Critical History of the Religions and Customs of the Eastern Nations, transla- ted by A. Lovell, A. M. 1896 Simpson's (David) Plea for Religion and the Sa- cred Writings. 6 1897-1902 Skelton*s (Philip) Works, with Burdy's Life of the Author, edited by Rev. R. Lyham. Slade's (James) Annotations on the Epistles. Smith's (John, of Cambridge) Select Discourses, with a brief account of his Life and Death, also his Funeral Sermon by Simon Patrick, D.D. Smith's (J>P') Scripture Testimony to the Messiah. Smith's (James) Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul, with Dissertations on the Writings of St. Luke, and the Ships and Navigation of the ' Ancients. Socratis Scholastici et Hermiee Sozomeni Historia Ecclesiastica, Greece et Latine. — — — — Scolastici. Historise Ecclcsiasticee Libri 1903-1904 1905 1906-1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 i' I 1913-1917 1918-1921 1922-1923 1924 1925 1926-1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 Septem ex recensione H. Valesii. Socrates' Ecclesiastical History, translated from the Greek, with some account of the life and writings of the Author. South's (Robert) Sermons. Another Edition. Southey's (Robert) Book of the Church, Another Edition. Vindicise Ecclesiae Anglicanae. — — — Life of Wesley, and Rise and Progress of . Methodism, with Notes by S. T. Coleridge, and Remarks by Alexander Knox, edited by Rev. C C. Southey. Sozomen's History of the Church from A. D. 324 to 440, translated, with a Memoir of the Author. Sparke's, (Edward) Primitive devotion in the Feasts and Fasts of the Church of England. Sparrow's (Anthony) Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. Spelman's (Sir Henry) History and Fateof Sacri^ lege, with The Beginners of a Monastic Life, in Asia, Africa and Europe, by Sir Roger Twisden. Another Edition, with an IntrodiTctory Essay and Additions by two Priests of the Church of England. De non temerandis Ecclesiis. Another Edition. Spinckes' (N.) Sick man visited. Church of England-man's Companion in the Clbset. Another Edition. 1D38 Stackhouse's rThomas) Complete Body of Specu- lative and Practical Divinity. 1939-1940 History of the Bible. 1941-1944 Stanhope's (George) Paraphrase and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels on all Sundays and Holy-days throughout the year. 1945-1948 Another Edition. 1949 Translation of Parsons' Christian Direc- tory, beinsr a Treatise of Holy Resolution. 1950 Staveley's (Thomas) History of Churches in England. 1951-1952 Stephens' (A. J.) Statutes relating to the Eccle- siastical and Eleemosynary jfnstitutions of England, &.C., with the decisions thereon. 1953 Stillingfleet's (Edward) Origines Sacree ; or a Rational Account of the grounds of Christian Faith. 1954-1955 Another Edition. 1956-1957 Another Edition. 1958-1959 Another copy. 1960-1961 Origines BritannicsB ; or, the Antiquities of the British Churches, with an Historical Account of Church Government as first received in Great Britain and Ireland, by W. Lloyd, D. D., edited with notes by the Rev. T. P. Pantin. 1962 Unreasonableness of Separation, with let- ters concerning the nature of our Differences, and the way to compose them. 1963 Discourse concerning the Doctrine of Christ's Satisfaction, with an answer to So- cinian objections. 1964 Discourse in vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity, with an answer to Socinian objections. 1965 Ecclesiastical Cases relating to the Duties and Rights of the Parochial Clergy, stated and resolved. Strype's (John) Works, consisting of — 1966-1972 Annals of the Reformation in Queen Elizabeth's Reign. 1973 Aylmer (John), Historical Collections of his Life and Acts. 1974 Choke's (Sir John) Life, with his Treatise on Superstition. 197^1976 Cranmer's (Thomas) Memorials, illustrating the History of the Church and the Reformation of it. 1977 1078-1983 1984-1986 1987 1988-1990 1991-2015 2016-2017 2018-2019 2020 2021 2022 2023-2024 /^ y 2025 2026 2027 2028 ^^29-2031 2031^-2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040-2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 Grindars (Edmund) History ofhis Life and Acta. Memorials relating chiefly to Religion and the Reformation of it, under K. Henry VHI. Edward VI. and Q. Mary I. Parker's (Alatthew) Life and Acts, with an Ap- pendix. Smith's (Sir Thomas) Life. Whitgift's (John) Life and Acts. Another copy of the Works of Strype. A General Index to his Works. Memorials of Thomas Cranmer. Stuarts' (Moses) Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. SuLi van's (H. W.) Parish Sermons. Sumner's (J. B.) Evidence of Christianity derived from its Nature and Reception. ■ ■ Practical Exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans and the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Surin's (F.) Foundations of the Spiritual Life : drawn from the Book of the Imitation of Jesus Christ, translated and adapted to the use of the English Church. Sutton's (Christopher) Disce Yivere, Learn to Live. Disce Mori, Learn to Die. " Godly meditations upon the Most Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Another Edition of the above set. Synge's (Edward) Works. Tate's (James) Uoree Paulines of William Paley, D. D., carried out and illustrated. Taverner's (Richard) Postils on the Epistles and Gospels, edited by Edward Cardwell, D.D. Taylor's (Jeremy) Collection of Polemical Dis- courses. DuctoT Dubitaittium, or the Rule of Con- science in all her general measures. Whole Works, with a Life of the Author, and a critical examination of his writings by Bishop Heber. Rule and Exercises of Holy Living. Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying. Golden Grove, iicc. Contemplations on Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. 2059-2060 Taylor's (John) Hebrew Concordance adapted to the English Bible. ^ Taylor's (Abraham) Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity. Testamentum Vetus Greecum e'x Versione Sep- tuaginta interpretum juxta exemplar Yatica- num Romae editum. Another Edition. NovumGrcecum. Textu per omnia Milliano, 2061 2062 2063 2064-2065 2066 2067 2068-2069 2070-2071 2072-2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081-2086 2(«7-2092 2093-2097 2098-2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 cum Divisione Pericoparum J. A. Bcngelii. — Miliii. — Stephani. — Textum ad fidem codicumA^rsionum et Patrum recensuit D. Jo. Jac. Grieisbach. — J. J. Griesbachii Symbolw Criticeead sup- plendas et corrigendas Variarum N. T. Lec- tionum collectionea. — Cum Scholiis Theologicis et Philologicis, Samuel Hardy, A. B. — Accarante G. W. Dakinf), L.L.D. — In Ancient and Modern Greek. Londini : S. Bngster. Testament, Cambridge Greek and' English. Theodoriti et Evagrii Historia Ecclesiastica; item excerpta ex Historia Philostorgii et Theodori Lectoris Greece et Latine. Theodoretijs' History of the Church from A. D. 322 to A. D. 427, translated, with a Memoir of the Author. Things after Death. Three chapters on the Intcr- mttdiatc State, with Thoughts on Family Burying Places and Hints for Epitaphs. Thorn dike's (Herbert) Theological Works. Another copy. Tillemont's (LeNain de) Memoires pour seivir A L'Histoire Ecclesiastique dea six premiers siecies. Histoire dea Empereurs et des autres Princes qui ont regne durant Ics six, premiers siecies. Tillotson's (John) Life, by Thomas Birch, M. A. Todd's (J. H.) Discourses on the Prophecies relating to Antichrist in the writings of Daniel and St. Paul. Do. in the Apocalypse of St. John. Toleration discussed in two Dialogues, betwixt a Conformist and Non-Conformist, and betwixt a Presbyterian and an Independent. f 2105 2106 2107 2108-2110 2111 2112-2115 / 2116-2117 2118-2122 2123-2131 2132-2136 2137 2138 213d-2142 2143-2146 2147-2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162' 2163 2164r-2165 2166 2167 Tomline's (George) Elements of Christian The- ology. • ♦ . Refutation of Calvinism. Introduction to the study of the Bible, being the Tenth Edition of the first volume of the Elements of Christian Theology. Towerson's (Gabriel) Explication to the Cate- chism of the Church of England. Another copy of the second Volume. Townsend's (George) Old and New Testament arranged in Chronological order, with Notes and Indexes. Townson's (Thomas) Works, edited by Ralph Churton, M. A. Tracts relating chiefly to Popery, published be- tween the years 1603 and 1689. In controversy with the Church of Rome, published in the Seventeenth Century. For the Times, by Members of the Uni- versity of Oxford. — Theological, by Grinfleld, Warner, Nolan and Pring. '—- Published by the Roman Catholic Institute of Great Britain, and Roman Catholic Letters. — For the Christian Seasons. Second Series. For Parochial use. by Contributors to Tracts for Christian Seasons. For Englishmen, dedicated to Archdeacon Berens. Trapp, (Joseph) on the Doctrine of the Trinity. Trench's (R.C.) Notes on tha Parables of our Lord. Another copy. Notes on the Miracles of our Lord. Another copy. ■ Hulsean Lectures for 1845 and 1846. Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, drawn from the writings of S. Augustine, with observations. S. Augustine as an interpreter of Holy a Scripture. Tryal of the Seven Bishops in 1688. Trollope's (William) Analecta Theologica, Commentary on the New Testament. Trower's (W. J.) Practical Expositions of the Epistles appointed for Sundays and Saints' Days throughout the year. Another copy. 2168 Trower's (W. J.) 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A. 2187-2188 Voice of the Church, or Selections from Church Writers in all ages, on subjects relating to Doctrine, Practice, and History. 2189 Wake's (William) Commentary upon the Church Catechism. 2190 Genuine Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers translated and published, with Preliminary Discourses. 2191 Walker's (G. A.) Elementa Liturgica, or the Charchman's Primer for the scholastic study of the Book of Common Prayer. 2192-2194 Wall's (W.) History of Infant Baptism. 2195-2198 Another Edition, with Mr. Gale's Reflections and Dr. Wall's Defence, by Rev. Henry Cot- ton, D. C. L. 2199-2202 Another copy. 2203 Defence of the History of Infant Baptism. 2204-2205 Walton (Brian) Memoirs ofhis Life and Writings with his own Vindication of the London Poly- glot Bible, by H. J. Todd. .*. /- '4200-2207 2208 2200 2210-2213 2214-2215 2216 22i7 2218 2219 2220 2221-2222 2223 2224-2233 2234 2235 2230-2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 Waltoni (Brinni) In Biblia Polyglotta ProIegO' mena, eHidit F. 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Watson's (Alexander) First Doctrines and Early Practice, or Sermons for Young Churchmon. — — — Devout Churchman, or Daily Meditations, compiled and arranged on the model of the Book o''Cr>mmon Prayer. Sermons for Sundays, &c., contributed by Bishops and other Clergy of the Church ; Third Series. — Sermons on the Beatitudes, adapted to each day in the Holy Week and to Easter Day. Churchman's Sunday Evenings at Home, or Family Readings on the Services for Sun- days and Holydays. Welchman's (E.) XXXIX Articuli Ecclesiee An- glicanee, Textibus Sacrse Scripturse et Patrum primoevorum Testimoniis. confirmati, brevi- busque notii illustratis. Wells' (Edward) Controversial Treatises. 3243 Wells* [Edward] Rich M an*i Dutj to contribute liberally to the building, rebuilding, repairing and beautifying of Churches. 2244-2245 Higtorical Geography of the Old and New Toitament. 2246 Another Edition. 2247 Webb Sketches, chiefly Ecclesiastical, to the eloie of the Twelfth Century. 2248-2249 Wesley's (John) Sermons, with a brief Memoir by S. Drew. 2250 West's (Gilbert) Observations on the History and Evidences of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 2251-2252 Wetstenii (J.J.) Novum Testamentum Grsecum cum lectionibus variantibus necnon Common- tarin Pleniore. 2253 Wheatly's (Charles) Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer, being the substance of every thing Liturgical in all former Rit- ualists. 2254 Another Edition. 2255-2256 Whitby's (Daniel) Paraphrase and Commentary on the New 1 estament. 2257 White's (Joseph) Bampton Lectures for the year 1784. 2258 White's (J.) 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Popes: an Historical Summary, comprising a period of 1784 years from Linu* to Pius IX. 2267 Williams* (Isaac) Thoughts on the Study of the Holy Gospels, intended as an Introduction to a Harmony and Commentary. 7 9308 3269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 3275 2276 2277 2278 2379 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284-2285 228&-3288 2289-2291 2292 2293 2394 2295 Williams' (I.), Harmony of tbeFottrEvanjjfelists. Gospel Narrative of our Lord*8 Nativity harmonized : «^ith Reflections. Gospel Narrative ofourLord*s Ministry (the second year) harmonized : with Reflections. Gospel Narrative of our Lord's Ministry (the third year), harmonized : with Reflections. Gospel Narrative of the Holy Week har- monized : with Reflections. ■ Gospel Narrative of our Lord's Passion harmonized ; with Reflections. — Gospel Narrative of our Lord's Resurrec- tion harmonized ; with Reflections. — Apocalypse, with Notes and Reflections. 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D.), The True Catholic Churchman in his Life and in his Death — Sermons and Poetical Remains, with hit Funeral Sermon, by G. W. Doane, D. D. 2298 WiSE*s (Thomas) Christian Eucharist rightly stated. 2299 Wither's (George) Hymns and Songs of the Church, edited by Rev. H. E. Havergal, M.A. 2300-2301 WiTSius* (Herman) Dissertations on the Apostles* Creed, translated with Notes by Don. Fraser. 2302-2303 Wooan's (William) Essay on the Proper Lessons, with Prefaces, Reflections, and a copious Index. 2304 WoiDii (C. G.) Notitia Codicis Alexandrini-curavit G. L. S|N>hn. 2305 WooDFORD*s (J. R.) Sermons. 2306 ChurchPast and Present, or FourLecturcs on Church History. Woodhouse's (G. W.) Practical Sermons. Woodward's (Henry) Essays; Thoughts and Reflections; and Sermons on various subjects. Sermons, with Three Lectures on the First Chapter of the Book of Ruth. Woodward's (F. B.) Sermons. Woollcombe's ( W.) Sermons on various subjects. Wordworth's (Chr. Master of Trinity College, Cambridge,) *' Who wrote Icon Basilike ?" considered and answered. — — — Christian Institutes; a series of Discourses and Tracts, selected and illustrated with Notes. Wordworth's (Chr. Canon of Westminster,) Letters to M. Gondon, on the Destructive Cha- racter of the Church of Rome, both in Religion and Polity. -— — — On the Canon of the Scriptures. Another Edition. Lectures on the Apocalypse. 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313-2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323-2325 2326 Another copy. Babylon of the Apocalypse. Occasional Sermons. ' Theophilus Anglicanus, or Instructions for the Youni? concerning the Church and the Anglican Branch of it. 2327-2328 Wordsworth's (Charles) Christian Boyhood at a Public School, being a Collection of Sermons and Lectures delivered at Winchester College. 2329 Wokthington's (W.) Discourses on Self-Resig- nation, &.C. 2330 Wykeham (William of) and his Colleges, by M. E. C. Walcott, M. A. s 2 2 2 GENERAL LITERATURE. 2331 Abraham's (Rev. C. J.) Unity of History, or Out- lines of Lectures on Ancient and Modern History, considered on the Principles of the Church of England. Aldine Poets, published by Pickering, consisting of the Poetical Works of — 2332 Akenside (Mark), with Life, by Rev. A. Dyce. 2333 Beattie (James), with Memoir, by Rev. A. Dyce. k 2334 2335 Burns (Robert », with Memoir. 2336-2337 Butler ( Samuel), with Life, by Rev. J. Mitford. 2338-2343 Chaucer (Geoffrey), with Memoir, by Sir Harris Nicolas. 2344-2346 Churchill ( Charley), with copious Notes and a life of the Author, by W. Tooke, F. R. S. 2347 Collins (William), with Memoir and Essay on his Genius and Poems, by Sir Egerton Brydges. 2348-2350 Cowper (William), with Memoir. 2351-2355 Dryden (John ), with Life, by Rev. John Mitford. 2356 Falconer (William), with Life, by Rev.' John Mitford. 2357 Goldsmith (Oliver), with Life, by Rev. John Mitford. 2358 Gray (Thomas), with Life, by Rev. 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Historical, To- pographical, and Antiquarian Notices of Jeru- salem, with an Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, by Professor Willis. 2751 2752 2753 2754-2756 2757-2762 ti768 2764-2765 2766-2767 William's (Isaac) Sacred Verses with Pictures. Willmott's [R. a.] Pleasures, Objects and Advantages of Literature. Wilson's [Charles] Elements of Hebrew Gram> mar, with a Dissertation on the Two Modes of Reading, with or without the Vowel«Points. Winkle's Architectural and Picturesque Illustra- tions of the Cathedral Churches of Enppland and Wales, with Historical and Descriptire Accounts. Wordsworth's [William] Poetical Works. Prelude, or Growtn of a Poet's Mind ; an Autobiographical Poem. Memoirs, by Christop. Wordsworth, D.D. 2768 2769 2770 Wright's p?homas] Biographia Britannica Lite- raria ; or Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in Chronological order. Xenophontis de Cyri Institutione Libri Octo. 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