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o Towa- ■h'D of Harwich, praying to have the benefit of Police regula- tions oooforred on the Village of Blenheim, in tl.o County of K.cnt * Be*it tberrfore enacted, by tho Municipal Oouncil of the County of Kent in Counoil assenabled, by virtue of and under the Munici- pal Corporation Act of 1 849 : , • , ■ . lit. That the Village of Blenheim, as composed witlun the litnlts of the east half of lot number ten in the Township of Hai- wicb and west of the Communication Road, and also the west half of lot number tea east of tho Commu: ^ "^ ''' '" t»i« said Township of Farwioh, shall be from r' Law a Police Village, according to the real tho Statute in that caee provided. 2d. And be it enacted that the first am Trustees shall take place at John B. Gheldou t Village of Blenheim, at ten o'clock in the forenooL , aUo that Arebibald Fletcher, Esq., shall preside at such said meetirg. Ar«QiD»m r , vj , r j^^^g g^lTH, Warden. WILUAM ODS&RAVB, Clerk. ad, in tbe > of this By- leaning of f Police the said *»1 n 1 No. 72. A BY-LAW To authorize and requke the financial accounts of ■ the County of Kent to be kept, rendered, mi made in Decimate. Pamd llth DeotmUr, 1887. Wmbbib it is inconvenient to continue the cu-tom of keeping fteoS recounts of the County of Kent in Hahfax curreney; • Be i h^refore enacted, by the Municipal Corporation of ^ County of Kent, that from and after the fi/J^f ^ of fanuajT. Anno Domini 1868, a^l the pubbc accounts of the Municipal Uor- i^i tMMMMMiiaaMi 8 BY-LAWS. porntion of the County of Keat, in tie Province of Canada, ihall be kepi iu Dollars and Cents. JAMES SMITH, Warden. WILLIAM COaORAVK, Clork. No. 75. A BY-LAW To repeal a certain By-Law, passed the fourth of Juno, 1857, and to confirm the several Rules of of Order of the Municipal Council of the County of Kent, as revised and amended. Passed 27th January, 1858, Wbebuas it is expedient and necessary to repeal a certain By- Law, passed tlie fourth of June, 1857, entitled a By-Law to con- fine the several Ivnies of Order of the Municipal Council of the County of Kent, and to adopt and confirm the standing Rules of Order of this Cf^uncil, as revised an>' amended by the Committee appoinled to revise and amend the .same ; Be it therefore enacted, by the Municipal Council of the County of Kent, in Council assembled, by virtue and under the authority of the Municipal Corporations Act of 1849, and it i^ hereby enacted by the authority of thn same, that the By-Law passed the fourth of June, 1857, entitled a By-Laflr to confirm the seveial Rules of Order of the Municipal Council of the County of Kent, be and the same is hereby repealed; and that the Rules as revised and amended by the Committee be the standing Rules of this Council. JAMES SMITH, Warden. WILLIAM COSGRAVE, Cle.k. Revised ancl Ameaded Ru^es of Order of thejtiumc'' ipal Council of Kent. Ist That the Roll be called over, and, if a quorum of Coun- cillors be present, the business of the day shall be proceeded with. But that the Minutes of the previous Meeting be the Srst maUer to be read, in order that they be corrected or approved of, when they shall be signed by the Warden and Clerk, in presanoa of the Council. .^ BY-LiWa. 9 2d That every notioe, motion, or ro^olatiou b« qivpn 'm writ, ing, and tbat ever} aH)tiou o. rcolu.ion be s.couded before b.n.g "8a!"'lhat .0 member shall ,poak t^ice to the q'f -;«"; jf^' o^itlmo of the Counci:. unless in o.:.«cr s5.ncr.lly to the ob- ^"ir ThtV^he' ":'Dy-La. i, to bo brought in. leave, b, ^^St' thl^ai^Ltr'bofore it p.se.' M.ll b. ,en,l throe timesltho second reading to t.ke pi m, the day f,nu..ng its m- ToZTZ. unL", the CoJ'ncil deem it nocess-.y thnt any p..tto. «lftr TcLftW be read the s^ nd time ou Iho s;uae day- "^\h^ That the'motion., Dy-La.s. nd othe. matters veqmr.n^ a'voteorthe Council, be read ly t ,0 Clerk; a^ter b » g re. . the (juestion shall be put by tho Warden m tho mann.r lollo, ■-,. At the First. Reading: . .j. IB it the pleasure ot tho Council tbui ihi« By-Law he adopted 1 At the Second Keiding: , * , , U ik the pleasure of tho Council that h.s By-Law be adopted! At the Third Readivy: I, it the pleasure of this Council .hat this By-Law do now ^Tth That after loato granted, all noticed of inolion. By Lals'&o he Jut on a roll or order ol thn day. ho that the same i^arbo tak'en up tha n.»t day in regulnr disouasion And that n Hit of such motions. &c.. as remain undisposed ot be put up erory morniDriu Tme co ..,acnou8 plaee in th. Council room, for the X'Snot Councillors, wh.ch li.l shall take preeedenao of any '^^tr'Tbat wbill?'a Councillor is speaking, no one sball inter- '"^9th^''"That when two or more Councillor, rise at the same lime to s^e'ak the Warden shall decide in favor of the one who first '^'^th 'TlXany Councillor on bein, -lied to ''order" shall - de is rom peaking, until the Warden decides the q«e«^o» «f crder after which he .hall be at lioer ty to explain . i hat the Coundl)* 3 shil k«e^ their seals, uni.ss goin. out or coming .a. Tha- "he" about to speak they shall r:se. without, however eav- ine their places, and shall address themselves to the W"dea^ iLt no Co^uncillor shall leave the Council C^nmher dunng the time that the Warden is putting a question. ^^^^^ "^"V'/^Xll hereon is taken. That on a question being put. the 7^a» .b.n ■ .3m^-:fi''^ 1 10 BY-LAWB. rise, ftnd the Warden, first counting them, shall ihen cdunt th« iiayt sitting, and shill decide by iho worda Y^az and Nay^. In cases in wbich the votes shall bu entered by the Olerk in the min utes, he first saying the feia will riae," sJiall take down theif names, and tlun shall do the same with respect to the Nays, and shall afterwards repeat tbe words Carried, or Lost, by minutes of the proceedings. ] 1th. That a motion for adjournment shall be always in order. 12th. That any Councillor shall move for a comraitteo, stat- ing at the same time what kind of a committee ho requires I3th. That the Waiden shall be ex ojfi'-to member of all com-f mittees, and that the mover shall be chairman of the committee appointed, unlo-s it bo otherwise agreed upon among tbe raember« of said committee. 14th. That notice of any motion, &c., to bo brought befora tbe Council shall bo given as soon as possible m the morning, so that the regular Older of the day may not be interrupted in its progress. I5tb. That profane laDguage shall not be made use of by aqy Councillor in b'ession, nor shall disrespectful languago be ad- dressed to tbe Warden, or to, or concerning any member of the Council That spectators who may happen to be intoxicated shall no« be allowed to rtinivn in the Council Chamber ; and that the Messenger shall have full power and authority to keep order bo- low the bar, or in the lobby. 16th. That a standing committee of Finance, or ways and means, shall be appointed, to which all by-l?v7s or orders making money appropriations shall be referred, to report upon to the Council, whic.'i committee shall have power to send for person* and pajters, and to report progress, and ask leave to sit again, ou any particular subject requiring their deliberation. I7th. That all pttitiuns or addresses to be presented to tbe Council shall be introduced by a member thereof, who sball be re- sponsible for the same. 18th. Th:it the Minutes of the Council Proceedings be re- corded in the Record Book of the Cdunoil, and be sigried by tbe Warden and the Clerk. 19th. Thai any of these Rulos may at any future time be altered, amended or rescinded, at the will of the Council. Munioipal Council Chamber of the Co. ) of Kent. CbatQam, Jan. 1858. f BY-LAWS. 11 No. 84. A BY-LAW To ratify and confirm a By-Law passed by the Municipality of Howard, providing for the sale of the Government allowance for road between lota numbers fifteen and sixteen, Town Line from the Howard Town Line to the Town Line between Howard and Harwich. Passed l]th December, 1858. WHaRBAS. the Municipality of Howard, on \\\Q Slst day of AugviBt, 1858, passed a By-tawr providing for the sale of tbo allowance for road bctwreen lots numoers fifieen and sixieen, Towa Line from the Howard line to iho line between Howard an.! Har- wich; and whereas by an Act of the Piovinciid Parliament, passed in the year 1857, chapter 69, anil cniitlod an Act to pro- vide for the disposal of road allowances in the rural municipalities of Upper Canada, it is provided that such By laws befoie they have any force shall be conarmed by a By-Liw of the County Council in which such Township is situated; Be it therefore macted by the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Kent, in Council assemble I, by virtue and under an act of the Provincial Parliament of Canada, passed the present year I8f)8, chapter 99, an I entitled an Act rospesiin:? the municipal institutions ot Upper Canada, that the said By-Law passed as afcrssaid" by the Municipality of Howard, be ratified •nd.copfirmed so far as this Council' can ratify and oontirm the "°*°' JAMES SMITH, Warden. WILLIAM COSGRAVE, Clerk. No. 105. A BY-LAW For taking possession of that portion of the Road r, lafetween the Townships of Dover East and Chat* ham remaining unfinished by the Chatham, Rond- Eau and St. Glair Plank and Gravel Road Com* . pany, and to appoint Pathmasters thereon. ^ ' Faitsd 9th July, 1859. Whbhbas the Chatham, Rond-Eau and St. Clair Plank and Grave) Road Company have failed to complete the said Road, and 12 by-laws; h.V6 in consequence forfeited .heir Cl.»rler .0 far "'^J' ' jj unfinished P"r.ion. .hereof. _aceord,ng 00, ^^^J-j; Vict pedient end necess;i Like possession of *ocU rr'ts'of Te'';;;fi.;U!.e,l ,.«rtin., .I,ire„f ..may belong 10 .hi. Oor- ^ »• ..«,ior fifl Aft 22(1 VicJoiia. chapter Qy; P'b i .Wfo-et ted b; .be MnniLipl Corporation of .. t, .!. Mf iflV „,wp..ib'ed bv virtue of and under tlie BUthonlf rf-rU'ofale-lCt a. Lua.ent of 0^^^^^ gpecting ibe Municipal Instiiutions ot Ur4'er Canada. 22d Vic ''^t^i.^'T'^au'cm and aft.r tho passing of ibis By-Law that por- tion of the road aforesaid, situate between tho 'f«^'\«»"P»,*'f,J^7.f, East and Chatham, shall be and i. hereby resumed, and tha this CorVra ;o.^ clkim and exercise all their r.ghts and pnv.leges in ?id Road, in conformity M the above «« -rec, ed Act ^ 2d That Statute labor, Division numi.er tj'r^yv »''*"J=°™ „,ence at the termination of that part of the ••oa*! between »"! 5 vTJ\r^A Chatham and shall terminate at ihe line between the 7tb and S^h Oonctrns of' C and .hat John Campbell Bhall h^uuA he is hereby appointed Palhmaster thereon. , ^'3d \hatDiSon'Lmher3l shall commence at the term.na .V «4 Tlivision numbi r 30, and thall include and consist of all ha" p'orti^; the said Road' between the Concessions a. afore- SBidandthe line between the Township of Chatham rnd the !\ortb Gore of Chatham, and that Stephen Kenny shall be and he is hereby appointed Pathm.stcr tWoi. ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ WILLIAM COSGRAVE, Clerk. v.-Pij'^rf^ A ?,€' No. 122. A BYLAW arvfii to t To make provision for the preservation of the public morals of the County of Kent. . Patsed Wh June ISeO. WHKR1A8 under the provisioti of an Act passed in the iM veaTof IhrreLn of QueeS Victoria, chapter 54 of the Con.oh. raedSatutea^f Upper Canada, entitled •; An Aet re.p«cttDg tbe Municipal Instititions of Upper Canada," power is g.rwi th»ie dA Bunday within this County. '^ , 4tb. 'i bat it shall not be lawful for any perse li to go out ftsb* log, hunting or shooting, or in quest of or tb take, kill or d«6*roy any deer or other game, or any wild animal, or any wild fowl cf bird or fisii, or use any dog or use or carry any gun or rrflo, oir otiier engine, or ai»y (isb rod, net or trap for the above mentioned ptirposes, on Sunday, within this Couniy 5lh. And bo it further enacted, by the authority aforesBvi, that it shall be unlawful to sell or give intoxicating dHnks of any tort to any apprentice, servant, idiot, insane person or child, within this County, without the consent of the master, legal pro« IMtor, physician or parent bf such person or child. 6ih. Ihat it shall not be lawful for any person to post orcir- eulate any indecent placards, writings or piotares, or write any indecent words, or make any indecent piotures or drawings on any walls or fences, or any other place whatsoever, or to circulate tbd s^me within this County. 7ih. That it shall not be lawful for any person to utter any •rpfana oath or any obscene, indecent, blasphemous or grossly m- Mlting language in any of the streets or public places or high- ways within this County. ' ' i*"7'' ^ bth. That it shall not be kwful for any person to be drunlr, •1: u tiY-LAWS. or guilty of Auy drunkenness or disorderly cnntlucf, in any of th» )iul)lic ftrcef*, higliways, or public places wilhin ihia County 9th. Thai it B hall not be IhwIuI for any person to bathe, or ip- th. decently expose bis or her person by wnsnni^, ... u..y ^^^^^^ in the Ccunty, lying or running near any pubhc r.mbway or 'Iwell- L houhe, between tho hours of sunrise and sunset ot each day, ;der the authority of an Act respecting the Municipal Institution!* of Upper Canada, 22d Victoria, chapter 54., and in conformity with the 22d Viotorm, •hapter 68 : .,..,. r. t .i... t., Ut. That from and after the passing of this By-Law, the In- spector of Weights and Measures for this County ihall hw the 16 BY-LAWS. of th ^ MuttlcipaUty, I «r tV,a atftniUrd #ciizht9 and measures . , . . , a'ff tL Irk stl" «r W»nd marked »ith .b. roysl ,D.ti»l. ?°V°R '• f.r fbe pr^o.- «t marking .uch ....isht. a.d me..»r« •' l? 'X:t '.ban ret: dSl/"-.,, In.pector .o ,UU ,,« tUe Dciween luc in j^ |j,jjj o^q montb m.asnrM oroug I .,,„i„e- „„d stamp all '<">^ weiglits and me«ar«once eve y y"'^Zi\he «.mp Bhould mark thejear in S iAr r: e'd o» tbe weigh, and »-";•.•»" '"»' -" "TtS '"C y„7:;: ;': ^b\''':rrei.t "r-^Lped by ... I„8oS;torb. shall Ventured to have and raoeiyed from .h. oZers of .uch weight, or measure, tbe .am of tea cents for .aob and averv such weight or measure' bo stampod. . , i , 5tb Vhat any person who has in his possession n »t^elTard, or other weigiung mLlnno. which, on examination, .s found .^orreo or othorms. unius.. or who. when thereto '^q^'JJ'^' "^^ ^^/.^^ refuses to produce for such exammalion all weights or measures. B e yard- 0? other weighing machines in bis P0^«««;^<;[»' ^-j.^.V^ otherwise obstructs or hinders such exammal.on. shall bo liable ?or the first offence to a penalty of Five Dollars, and tad^^fpa^y, of Ten Dollars for the (.eoond offence. f,.L^»^]sJ fJ 6tb. That Thomas NichoU is hereby appointed Inspector of Weights and Measures for the County of Kent, to have and to ho d said office until this By-Law is either amended or ^^'P^ff 7th That the Inspector appointed under this By-Law shall be eotitUd to all the P"v4egeB ^nd subject to all the prov..onsp^^ th« Act chanter 68. of the Comsolidated btatutes flt^PP^f Ital being an aU entitled a,, Act respectm., Weights ao^^^ ^X' That all By-Laws prior^tahi. respectin^'^wo^fit/^d' measures or L to the appointment of Inspeolor of such we.ghU and metres, are hereby repealed ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ JAMBS HART, Clerk. BY-LAWfl. u No. 183. A BY-LAW To / , nrovide tor uic payment of rent for the different pE offices in the Town of Chatham, and to authorize the same. i ,<■„, Paaed I9th December, 1888. WnFKEAS it i» neuessnry tUt Bom« of ibe puWio officel of Ail cZT^Tm b« k.pt in L ,»o,. con,enie.t and ba.,«..p.rt of "'BlTt"the,d:o'"enJc.od by tb. Municipal Corpor.tio, of ih. Oo^u^of^'frinO,,-^ ^;;.?JJat'ontiSr; it\ riveting tho Maoioipa, I-tiU- "°?:.:' ?i:i;", 'sut'^of si.ty ao,i.„ be p"^ --i^„,*:, s: dork of tbo Peace and Oonnly A.torney. for tho rent ot nu Bboriff of t Ooun;, for reo^ of bis office, comm.cong from th. in his hands. GEORGK YOUNG, tardea. JAMES HART, Clerk. No. 185. A BY-LAW persons contrayemng it. ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ill J$ BT-LAWfl. uaing the water, for i Hili«)r'efor» enacted by Ihe Municipal Corporation of tiis BT-LAW$. 19 rouatf of Kent. In CoUnoiI Assembled, by virtue of aad under HO Aot, 2 ;;d Victoria, chapter &i, of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada. , , , ,, • ■ r« Wheraas, by a certain By Law, paasod by the Mumcpal Cor. poration of the Township of Howard, in the County of Ker.t. on the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- nine wherein John Atkinson. Donald MoKmfay, and elcTea othe'rfl. petitioned the said Council to open a certain road de. scribed in said By-Law as follows : Commencing at the road aU lowanco between the Block and tho Second Concession, Eastern Range, in Howard, through lot number three m said Block, along the east side of said l.t number throe to the allowance for road between the Block and the Third C.uoession. the w.diU iboroof to be forty feet, and that it be a pubUo highway to all intentg tod purposes^^ it^herefore enacted, that said By-Law, as aforesaid. IS hereby confirmed as tar as this Council has power so to do, and that the same is hereby constituted a p^.^W^^^^^^ JAMES HART. Clerk. ; Ho. 203. A BY-LAW To confirm a By-Law passed by xMunicipal Corpo- ration of the Township of Harwich, on the ninth day of December,' in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, lor the purpose of conveying to John Kelly part oi the Thirteenth Concession. Line from Lake Jirie, l^ the Townbhip of Harwich. Fa$8ed Wh December f 1865, WHBRBAi it is requisite and necessary to confirm the said %ViIthereforeenacted, bythe Municipal O^rporatioa of the County of Kent, in Council assembled, under and by virtue of M iSnid Victoria, chapter 54, of the Consolidated Statutes _of Upper Canada ; ihat the said By-Law be and the same is hereby raS and conarmed, in bo far as this Corporaliou can ratify aod confirm tbe same. GEORGE YOUNtt, Wwdefl. ;rAMBS HART, Clerk, I- ( i-i 20 BT-LAWS. No. 208. A BY-LAW To confirm a By-Law passed by the Municipal Cor- ' porSof the Township, of Ilowarcl, on the first Kf July, one thousand eight hundred and sixty fiTe, for the purpose ot conveying to Neil Camp- bill a certain portion of the original allowance for road or S Line in front of lot number ten, in the Twelfth Concession of Howard. Patted l^th January, 1866. Wheeub it iB requisite and necessary to confirm tho sai* ^?ar ^ThaUhe said By-Law be and tho same is hereby ratified .Bd confirmed, in bo far as this CorporaUon can rat.fy and confirm ^^Sr'^Tbat the By-Law passed by this Corporation, on tho l6th day of Ce-nber. one thousand eight hundred and suty.five, be and the same is hereby repcaled.^^^ MoMICHAEL. Wardon. JAME8 HART, Clerk. No. 210. A BY-LAW To amend and consolidate the several By-Laws reg- ulating the Tolls for crossing the Kent, Tecumseh and Moravia Bridges, and other purposes. Pasted lllh January, 1866. Wmrbas it is necessary and expedient to amend and consoli- dlte the several By-Laws regulating the lolls on tho Kent TecumBeh and Moravia Bridees, and for other purposes connected *^Bet therefore enacted by the ' 'cip.l Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Kent, in .c.l assembled, under and ^J Twue of an Act. 22d Victoria, ch. i 54, of the Consolidated Btatntei of Upper Canada : BY-LAWS. 2\ lit TL»t the following rates of toll, «oil no' more, shall b» collected for crossing the bridges aforesaid, vir: For every waggon or other oarnago drawn by two hcrsos or other beasts of draught, the sum of ten oonls. For every addiiionil horse or beast of draught, the sam of two *'' For every waggon or other vehicle drawn by one horse or other beast of draught, tho sum of five cents. Fo, every horse, gelding, mare, ass or mule, the sum of three *'V0T every ox, steer, bull, cow or heifer the sum of two cents. For every dozen or less than a dozen of sheep, hogs, or olL<^r animals not enumerated, the sum of five cents. ^^u^^.^a «d That the sums hereinbefore mentioned shall be ooUeoted for^croBsina and re-crossing said Bridges, if on t.ie same day but if the nartfes fail to returS on the same d.y. then the collector .. herebyCowered to collect for returning on any other day apart f,om thldav stK5b pa,*y crossed said Bridges, the sum betoremen- o?ed teedra Jays, that nothing herein shall be construed to prevenUbrToli-keeper from compounding with any person or «nr.nn» fnir a less rale by the year or oihorwise. persons for ale rate y^ attending Sabbath Schools or dmne worsbio on Sundays, and funerals on Sundays or any other day of The teTshaU be Uempl from paying toll on said Bridges; and bat the horse and car/.ages of'.uch person or person, attending a KKatK Snhools divine worship and funerals are likewise exempt Sabbath School . divine w j ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^^^^ ^res^'Sat ::CeS and the resident ^Missionary in Mn!!!L Town and his family and horses and carnages are also o^he rete haviog jurUdiolioa «Ubi» .be Corpor.uon of tb. ^Tll^ "Tfaflw persoa or pewoD. driviog or r.ding over the Sjfcot:^;' o'r^b T«« mr-r^oi t.^o .b, ofend.. r-Shrrut-dtuiru^^^^^^^^^^ a'ert""."i»>? of p.y-en. sucb fine .nd eo.t. may b. 23 BY-LAWS. rt ootcrvd by distre.s and sale of the offender's goodi And ohattoli, and if no sufficient diitreis can be found suoh offender or oOena- ers m»y be committed to the common gaol, at hard labor, for any period not leas ti.an three daya nor more th»n twenty uays ; aucb fine and penalties to be paid over to the Comity Trcaiuier, lor the general uaes of the County. ♦ u. „, ftth. That any person or peraonB forcibly evading the tolls, or assaultlDg the Toll-keeper, or any other ^erbon employed by them in the collection of the aaid loUa, shall be subject to the same peualties, and said penalties ahall and may be collected m the same iay as fines under the preceding section of tbi6 By-Law are directed to bo oolleoied. , . .1. u- v » ki i 6lh. That the Tolls shall be rented yearly to the highest bid- det. and due und proper security naali be taken for the payment of the rent and for the tare and aaanagement of the said Undges, §bV\ rent to be paid half yearly. ^. , , . . ^ *• e 7ili 'J hat the Warden and the Clerk of this Corporation for the lime being in each year shall be and they are hereby ap- pointed a Commitieo for renting said Bridges; and that any per- son or persons renting said Bridges are hereby reqmred to im-. mediately notify the Clerk of this Corporation of any sudden oasuality that may occu. "0 said Bridges ; and also that any per- son or persons renting the said Bridges shall not have any pnwer whatever to sublet said Bridges, withotit first obtaining writteu autbority from the Comaluee appointed by this By-Law to lent said Bridges. , , ., . ^ -i • . j hth. That all By Laws paflsed by this Council prior to and conflicting with thit By Law, be now and the stme aie hereby ^'P*'*'^'^ JOHN MrMICHAEL, Wardei^. JAMES HART» Clerk. No. 21% A BY-LAW To authorize the use of a Lever Press Seal bjr this Corporation. Paned Wh Jun* 1866. Wbxrbai it has been thought expedient to proeurt % Ltm Press Seal, with the devioes of th« Seal formwly in um wgrwa* thereon ; BT-LAWS. 13 Be it therefore enactud. bj the Muoioipal Counoil of iha C orpn- yatioD of the County of Kent assembled, uador and by virtue of an Aet of the Provincial Parliament, ohapter 64 of the Consoli- dated Statute! of Upper Xanadu: That the Levor iVess Seel pro- onred by the County Clerk, as instructed by a resolution of dun OouDcil, and now produced by the Clerk, shall be used in all oasea raquirinj? the SunJ of the Corporalion to be attached thereto, in foom and place of the sea), fotmorly in use ; and this By-Law shall take effect imtfiediatoly from and nftei the passing thereof. JOHN McMICnABL, Warden. Iambs hart, curk. No. 217. A BY-LAW To confirm a By-Law jassed by the Municipal Cor- poration of the Township cf Howard, on the 24 ?■ day of March, 1866, for the purpose of closing that portion of the old road leading from the Twelfth Concession Line to within a short dis- tance of the Village of Ridgetown, and running through lots numbers sev^en and eight in the Twelfth Concession, lots eight and nine in the Eleventh Concession, and lot nine in the Tenth Concession ; and to vest in some of the parties ownii^g the land which such road leads through, the portion of laud or road allowance aforesaid. Pasted \4ith December, 1866. Whshrbab it ii neaeseary and requisite to confirm the said T)v T fkw * Be it therefore enacted, by the Manioipal Corporation of tla Cotnty of Kent, in Council assembled, under and by virtue of an |k«t, 22d Victoria, chapter 54, of the Consolidated Statutes of Cpp«r Canada: IB*. That th« said By-Law be and the same iB hereby ratified an j confirmed, in so far as this Ccrporauon can ratify and confirm * **"**■ JOHN MoMICHAEL, Warden. JAMii^S HART, CUrk. 24 -BY-LAWa. i| No. 225. A BY-LAW dred and --ty-^^S' ^^^i ^^^["Xwance for side eertain P°'.''°".f,]^^„\te numbers twelve and road, le'^'?'"g f *J!effth Concession of Howard thirteen in the Twell U L, .^ ^.^ unto annexed. ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ I867. WH«KK.sit.necos..ya.dre,ui.tetoeoafir.thesaidBy. ^^j it therefore en.cted by ^^^ I^^SanWu^^^^^^ County of Kent, m C-n- asset^^^^^^^ J, .^r 51. of Municipal Instituuons Acts ot upp g^^id By-Law bo and 1866. as amended by chapter 5i . 1 oa is hereby confirmed. (.^^EB COATSWOBTH. Warden. JAMES HART, Clerk. Nc. 226. A BY-LAW J /-^v +hf annreliension of Horse -Offering rewards lor tne appic Thieves in this County. ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^g^.^^ :. . «-.f^ the Act respecting the Be it enacted, in ^«,;''^*"^^„;'^^ beinfchapter 51 of the Municipal Institutions ot Upper Canada bei ^^^ ^P p„.ed 29tb and 30th Victoria, as amended Dy m , August, 1866: Munioipality, for the time ,st. That the Treasurer of th ^^^,^^,P^^,^,. the 15th August, 1866 : „r tms wiumoiP»"v — -- . ,st. That the Treasurer of thi ^- rs'out'of the funds of being, shall pay the «"™ f/^^/^^ay pursue and apprehend, this Municipality, to any person who may p BY-LAWSi 2$ ot oaase to be apprehfnded, any persoa or persons guiltr of skeaU ing any horse op ma-e within this Oounty. 2d. All former By-Laws inoonsiatent with this By-LsTr aro hereby repealed. , „ CALEB COATSWORTH, Wardto. JAMES n.iRT. Clerk. No. 229, A BYLAW To confirm a By-Law passed by the Municipal Coun- cil of the Township of Raleigh, on the third day of September, one thousand eight hundred and Bixty-seven, for the purpose of closing the original allowance for road between lots numbers one hun- dred and forty-seven and one hundred and forty- eight, Talbot Road, in said Township of Raleigh, and to vest the same in Phillip A. Toll, of Ra- leigh, in lieu of other lands given for a public road on the west side of the east half of lot num- ber one hundred and forty-seven, a copy of which said By-Law is hereunto annexed. Pan'd 2Ut November, 1867. Whsr^as it is necessary and reqnisito to confirm said By-Law; Bo it therefore enacted, by the Municipnl Council of ihe Cor* poration of the County of Kent, asaorabled, under and by virtue of an Act, chapter 5l, as amended hv chipter 52 of the annual Statutes of l8t)6 ; that the said [3y*La\T be and the same is bere* by confirmed. CALEB COATSWORTH, Warden. JAMES HART, Clerk. 'J:! 26 BY-LAWS. To consoMate thejevera^^^^ ^^ ,^a for .Unt to consolidate the rarioae By-L»w. *''i f Anv Ora'^^ «^ ^'''^^^ i^'y"" Over and Terminer. General 1st Any wr . pyjyg^ Oyer anu (, j- Courti. tbe Courts «f/gX,7se9slons of tbe P«/f '^^^^^/eand be peid ^le'^lSy ofCt, t^^ t:;::fda;re sTaU attend ruch in the '^'0""''J' n^i\„- ner day lor every u*j ^j^^ the «um of One ^^ ^^^P^^ of ton cents fl^^J^J^X^^ said Court, and c! e J^'^^^; j^ f, ^m bis place « /5»^7°22d Vi^^^"*' be .nail "'^c^^^^'y \\^'p ovisions of the said Act 22d V ^^^ eourr. aco-d-.^-^^^^^^^^^^ statutes of Upper Canad «v& too and 1T4.] _^ . ^ .. g^^e^iff shall be paid lor each *^y«i And bo it enacted that tbe »»«"" ^^ ^^d for checking . V-^oinhefore contained, anu lu Jurors as atoresftiai » T.*ntttneD; found inadequate jo pay ^« J^ "^j^^ i^fi.ieney. ffirmV^^^PaThat lu moJey'. "quired to b.p.jd '^ifh. And ^^^* Toi tW, %^aw. .hall be .0 paid by tV aider the proTHicni oi twi / et pce for 8. uftW» jn of il Itt- obap* my of enera\ )ourti. d such ry mile lie eai^ ictorifti , [Set for etch becking ants per reasurer yB, tbat Session* shtU be with tb« 2-2d Vio- e provis- ,tioa •ball aresald, » jncy. to bt p»»d every ye«. Such license not to be transferable, neither «b.ll it aulb.r- •Vd" A licensee S^be granted to any H.wUr or Fedler or Petty Chapman, authorizing bim to sell gnosis, ^ares or merch.n. S^lef not being the growth, produce or manufacture «t Cn.da. by £oioR from place to place or by goi,>g r.,.u Uum.- ... hous.. fn a?y town or township in the County ot K^it. Pr.v..h-d. .Iwa/s. that no license .ball be required tu aut;or.z« ...sale. is al-ore/aid. of goods, ware, or m.rchfndize. the growth, ,.0- duoe or manufacture of Canada. • i ^^, „» ,i,o f„linw- Emy license issued or granted shall bo pHid for at the follow ing rates, and shall be valid lor tbo term of '^^^^'^ ^^^^^ ''Xi .Zring iro» *b« twentyeigbtb day of January, id each and efery year: -mt^-^- 28 BT-LAVB. ,il If travelling on fool with such goods, wares or mftrohindiM, (be win of Five Dollars. . , i. • *. j,.- If travelling with one liorsp. cr otbcr amnal bearir.e or draw- Ip« potdd wares or raeicbandize. the Pura of Ton rollari. If traveling mXh two l.orFcs, or other animals bearing or draw- ing gcodi. wafcB or incrclmndze, the nim of Twenty !>«''«»• M On payment ol any of the foregoing sum, to the Coontr Treasurer, be shall grant a re coipt, in »he fcrm of a icense, to ib« pe.Brn p«;ing for tb'e s«me. auihorlzing him to sell »'^ the »ann. provided for in this 13y-Law, either as auctioneer, hawker, pea- lor or ictiy chapman. , , j'«»/*, 4lb. Any person putting UP goods wares or merchandize for tale nt nublio auction or competition, without having first paid th« niaVu ol ten riollars. ns cfiresaid. and received his license as pro- vided for in this By-Law. shall, upon conviction thereor, lorieii and ray the sum of twenty dulUirs. . 6th. Any Hawker. Pedier or Petty Chapman offering for sale, or 8.11iDff. iods. wares or mercbandize. not being the growth, produ e^or manufacture of Canada, by going from place to p a e Kom bouse to bouse, in the County of Kent, without having first paid the turn required, ns aforesaid, and \fP'^'^^^'ll'l'^l tbere^for. as is provided for by this By-Law. f «» ^°'f«'^,«"^J*y.* lum of not less tlan five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for «aeb offense. ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^.^^^^^ f^, contravening the provisions of tbiB By-Law may be recovered, on conviciioa before »"/ J^^'"" of the Peace wit^bin the County, on tho oath of one credible wit. cess other ihan the informer ; such informer to ^2°^'^'%°"^;^"^ ?^^ ^I fines or forfeitures, the other half to bo by Buob Justice paid to the County Treasurer. , . ..^ _^_ 7.b. An/ Justice of the Peace before whom a '^o^JJ'^ f J ^JJ be made for cont.avening the provisions of this By Law. is l^reby .utborized, if the fine and costs are not paid f«^lbwiih, to i«ue • wairant of distress to distrain the gooda and c»>«*-'^^/ ^/r/l^X 10 offending: and if sufficient dist.eas cannot ^3 t'^^^^; ^® »*^^^^^ commit the offender to the common gaol for any time not exceed- inc twenty days, or until such fine and costs are paid. ^8tb Any ^Constable and every Bailiff of a Division Court or other person within the County, are hereby authomed to demand from any Auctioneer. Hawker. Pedler or Petty Chapman a s^ghl of Vbe license under which be sells the goods. ;«"%«f^";"«*'*^ dise ; and upon bis refusal or neglect to produce the same, « •bill be the duty of aucb Constable, Bailiff or other person to take the party so offending before a Justice of the Peace, m order it BY-LAWS, 20' to VftVA ^'itA L»w 87 3 conTioted a. provided for by this By-Law. [?ce By- itural Societies, o.k \t .l.«n nnd may be lawful for l^o Agricu mcd nfCCsBrtry, to expose an I o\ "V*" rf: '..id sefdt eSor live .lock p«ri,or. to be .oW or ,l,o„ b.ba t ""' "r7;;/„,„,5,i,, of ,„eb /ocitty. lh« officer, or ireinbe". or «»? f '''' V . j „|,|,„„t .ubjeoting the person „ person, eo "P"!' '8 '" '°]^, "', the ..Id A„'ticult„r.l Soeie.e. lOtb. Jlwi/ii Jy bt.L»w ore hereby repealed, wilb Ibe provisi..n. of ibis BJ-i.»w joHN DUCK. W.rdtn. JAMES HART, Clerk. • No. 235. A BY-LAW To .mend and consolidate the several By-Laws now ^°i„ tee relating to the appointment of c^rtam Officers of the Corporation of the County Kent, their duties and salane^^^^^ ^^^^ _^^__^_ ^^^^ wn.«.« 1. i. e.peauM '^ -:t^^t o°o:po«"o:r '""", ^•r mf ctiro:::^' ss. b, »a be . ^^ .p- 1 so VT-LAwa. '\ i\ ill four of ih. »l.ck in Ih. .ftemon. f.r Ih. dwp.lok «« »l» "»"• ""4!:' "TI,rT,.«"« .Ull perform .U .nd .«rr aaty required ,f it by .l!e"ev.r.l Acf of P..li.».ent, tb. Bj-Uw. «d "^"'"TVe'^rdurTngoffico bour. .hall ...fi.e hi»..U '•^;;°'t:°Vri;-rhMr"S fo«r good .nd.ufficie.» *"*•• T? ,1,. Saetion of tl.e Council ) for the faithful per- •ureiiea. (V' '.''V ,' .. Tr«.ur«r nnd for ibe proper disposal •"" "Jfo \r "Jou" t o l°e"gi,e°u bj'.b. T.e'aJurer .ball be .. ^'JlttM^Uk^ I'ud ;e«i;."'Vba\l bo .ocounfod for by biu.. .ud kim"^be«ve™7Ao»of Parliameot. .he By-Law. aud roeo-. lutioM of tho Council of thi. Corporation. . lO.h Tl,.t hpreafter. at the propw time and aeason, the Uer« gX-LikWB. 81 . -♦ thm town of Chavb^m* t be In the buiioeti ?»" of tbe »own oi M««ter "'' .t" "'Y/„d°„o, upon »\d Oo»noJ. J^orC^e"t.^3i,::f;re.=it^^^^^ "r^-"H-?Uh, ..iary of .he K..per of the Court Ho.~ JAMBS HA^» Clerk. ..vE^jsiiiis'PP^' 82 BT-LAWfl. ;V ■ I n 1 No. 236. A B7-LAW To amend and consolidate the various By-Laws reg- ulating the manner of auditing the accounts of the Corporation of the County of Kent. Passed \Qth June, 186S. WiiBBBAS it is czpediont to consolidate tbe Ky-Lavrs rega!At- ing the mantlet of audiiiu^ the accounts of tbe Corporatioa of tbe Co,unty of Kent ; Be it tberefufH enacted, by tho Council of the Oorporation of tbe County of Kent, under and by virtue of the Municipal Insti* tutions Acta cf Upper Canada, as amended by tbe Act of tbe Legislature of tbe Province of Onttwic) : 1st. That the County Auditors shnll meet nt the ofBoe of tb^ County Treasurer, on the third Tuesday in tho monilis of MHrcb. June, September and December, in each and every year, (except from some unavoidable cause Ihpy are unible to meet on the days •foresaid, but in thai case as soon hs may be thereafter,) for the purpose of auditing all accounts chargeable to the County and payable by the Treasurer under any Stutufe uf tho Province, Ky- Law or contract of the County, or any order of the Justiceti of tbe Peace in Quarter Sessions, in force at the date of this By' Law, until altered by proper authority. 2d. The Auditors aforesaid shall make an abstract of all ac- eounts audited by them at each audit, acd sball si^n the same and file it with the Treasurer, and when the sumo is countersis;ned by the Warden it shall be sufficient authority fur the Treasurer to pay the sums set down therein ; and said abstrtiot shall remain on file in the Tieasurer's office, with the receipts of all persons having received paymeat of any sum of money set down therein ; tbe Auditors sball also number and endorse on each account tbe •mount allowed, and certiBy tbe audit and date thereof, and ahsU file a copy of tbe aforesaid abstract with tho Clerk of this Cor* poration, accompanied by a f eport thereon. 3d; AU accounts requiring :o be audited sball be left with the Treasurer, at least two days before the day of audit as aforesaid, and all accounts not required to be paid by any Statute, By-Law, contract or order, as aforesaid, ^ball not be audited or allowed bj the Auditors, but sball be laid before the Council at tbe firit meeting thereof. [See By-Law 100.] 4th. It shall and may be lawful for the 'tretaarer to require from .parties reeeiviog payment of accounts which b»ve been ' -^._ BT-LA.W8. ^n » -««ar aniwt from tbe alitrrtct fiUd p*B.6d, receipt! in tbe usual raauner, apart from wd «gMd by the ^;^^^^^^^^^ of all claims for ga.l -up-lie., 6th. For ite bette.^ ^ Hoofunt, shall be iz future made up furnished under contract, \°« *°°° u j^ne, September, an.l to the fifth day of the months of Ma ch J ^^ ^^P ^.^^ ^s^c^heZri:':^ •^^» '^ ^-^y ^^'■ ^";r^ That all By-La^B or pa.U of By-LawB inconsistent with j;^o JoSs :? th^ By-Law le ^-^^^^^'^^^ Warden. JAMES HAllT, Clerk. No. 237. A BY-LAW To amend and consolidatp the -^^^^^^^^^ provide for the payment of mileaje to s ^^^^ cilors, and for the payment ot their servi acting aa Commissioners. ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ WHK...S. it is expedieat to co^ol^da. ^e .ve.1 Byp^ this Corporation, ^^'^"^I'Z^tSroLiie.ge to said Council- attendance, *<> authorize the payment ^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ MorrfhSr ric^el^S -'^^ as commissioners or t,e County of K.nt-t ,, ,^,,aed by the tutions Acts ot tue ^^o^'r'^ Prnvinoo ol Ontario : Aet of the Legislature of^h^Pro^ o' ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ave Ut. That each and e^e^-.^^^^^^^'^J^^- for each days attend- aud receive the sum f/^°S'nrany Committee of the same ; ;Le in Council, or f^^^^^^^S "Lr each and every Councillor and it is hereby further enacted, ttiaj ^^^^^ ^,i^ Zli be entitled ^^ ^^^^^.t/eS C-"«^^^°"' '° for every mile necessarily traveueu v>y ', .'S 'it 4 u bV-lawb. t« make out a list of the number of days attendance of each Tny md 0? work, undertaken and earned on ,n P"\<>; "»/^,* '%T Th.t »ll By-Law, or p«i. of By-Uw. inoo««t.nt with th. prorUion. of this By-Law are ^"fj^^'^^^f^^ pardon. JAMES HART, Clerk. ! i' >'~%J ii T i -rmiwi .,..„.i»1 -- — ^.