IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) y^o A t/i /- 1.0 I.I 1.25 IM 1^ IM 2.2 1.4 1.6 v: ^> ^3 .p cl ^^./ /; O 7 //a Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTEt.N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^^ iV W^ m \ \ 6^ ^ % n? u -i;US.— Behold the Lasuli of Cma t};,u takclh awav the- sius of thr world. ARIA ALTO, ■ ..MISS DUMOT Ht' was df.-]iisf(l and rcjoftcd of men, a man of si.itows and acquainted wi.b f.Tief. ARIA TENOR, MR. H. BEATON Behold and .=eu, if thc-rt be anv huitow like uiit') hii^ ri.ithw. RECIT. AND AIR. SOPRANO, " MISS J. DOROTHEY Ilf was cut I'fT out of the livin- ; for the tranpirrepwonh of thy jieojilc wmf Ik' xtrickfn. But thou didrt uot lt;avc liih p.uI in hell, nor didst thou hufit-r thy HiOy Cnt t-. see corrujitiun. ("H(>KUS. — Lift v.p youi-hf.-idti. Ciyt ;:uteF ! and Ik yi lifi up, yi- iv.ili tinp u^'ors. aiui the ]\i7ig of (Ilory .'^h.all ('."nie in. Who is t}i>' Kinj.' of Clory ? Tin- Lnrd strong and nnL-hty in hatrlf. Who is the KinG of (Jhrv ? 'J"hf I^i.rd of Hosts : He is the Kiiii: of (.Ilury. ARIA BASS. . .^ '. MR. E. ROWLAND Thou art gone up i.n liii,'h. th'n: h:istled caj'tivity i-:i;.tive, .Tud n-.-eived t-iftf; for njen, yea. evfii for thine eneruies, That the L«rd CtxI iniL-ht dwell juuongst them. CHi iKI'?. - Tlie Lord gave the word : ;rTtat wa** the r..m]i,'.nv of the prrarher?. ARIA SOPRANO, .....;.. MISS J. DORO'J'HEY Hi'W Lrautiful are tlo f'-et of thvrn that i-rcacl; the gi'Fpel of I'tace. and h.-in;: gl.ul tidings of g(iod tilings. CH'.)]\l'S. — Their sor.nil is L^m ,,ut into .'dl l.-'.Tids- ami their wf.rds \into the of the u orld. ni-A-R'TPTTP (MISSES MORGAN and DUMOT. ■ QUAKiEi iii., -^ MESSRS. SANDERS and MORGAN itu. QrAFi. -h-'ince hy man .ai,r CH01;US. -By man e..i:ie uh Quartette.— Misses Raymond & Duraot, Messrs. Johnson & Pluivimer -By man cine also the rehurrtciiou of the dead. QUAI'. -For a."- ir: -Achoii kll ,lif. CHCtKl"?,- £ve>! !••■ in C'lirin ^hHi! ;•!! he niMUe nhv. SOLO. -THE LAST MAN. MR. F. H. COLES All wi.rldly ^^l:alle^ s-h;ill melt in gj'"'n;, the fun him.- rlf must dii. Bcfurr this Tij..rt, 1 ^l"Il Ul HA Flei I . t imie i'.s )inin..rt:ditv i ^; o o o '1 v ' V ''^ ** 1 ( 1 ^! •^ 3 A j X hIi '" 1 /■ 1 ^ V 1 i. ■ v-< ^i c. ..* r^ \' ~> j 1 i ^■^ . ►"^ < -- t^ !^. 1 :i\ .'.ivf 111' ^-piiii ^■(i< 'Kvi-.. ii.»-f: :•■■ in < hri't siiHil .••!; he liiHoe nlu-. ^v I //? r i % o o S %\ f -ft', % SOLO. -THE LAST MAN, IvIR. F. H. COLSS^ Au wi.rMly Hl;a}H■^ s-h.-iU nrelt in gl...,ui, the sun litn.ii'it ^!lal] nt;;r!i ' _ _ Tt' Hiiij iliat t:avc it."- Loivcnly hjiark ; V»'t think not Sun, it slialllic dim \\}ifn"thou ti.y.-tlf art darl: .' '^^l.l•n thou, vlicn tliou, when tlmu ti'ysclf art dark ! Nc! it] liw' Hj.'ain and nliinc. in \atnn'\-, awful wastk. To drink tLi.s lasi aini hitttr cup of ^.'rief tiiat man shfdl tai^te ; ("ro ti.-l] tht ni-rht that hidff thy fact", thou h.-iu-Vt tlic- last of Adam's rait-, (III EariL'f f:cj)uk'lira] dnd. TIk- durk'ning univtrKc defy to cjucnch his imitiortali y. or s'lakt' hi.- trust in Cod : Or shake his trurt in ln>d ! CllOliUS.- -Worthy is tlii' Lamb that was slain, and hath red', emeu us to (Jod hv his Mood, tureceivi- i)ower. and ri'.heti. and wisdom, and strenj.'th. and honor, and trlorv, .ind blessing-. P.lf.-siiii,- and honor, L.'iory and jxiwer lit- unto him that sittethujion the thruUf, aJid unto tut Lauib. for fver an w.)rld isbHconif tiic kinL'doru of our Lunl. and of his ( iirist ; and he siiali reijn for ever and ever. Kin.L' of YJavi,^ : and Jjord of L >rds : HalleJuiaL .' PART II.-JUDAS MACCA3C£US. Recit. and Air, Mr. W. C. Furness I feel thf Dfity vtithin. who the briLdu ehiTid im btt\\>'fi;. }IiF radiant |.dory erst disj'iay'd ' I'o l.^raebs distretisful prayer. He hatli vourhsafd a urr.icious- ear; And iiointf out Maec'alnBUs to tht'ir ai'i. Judas s!jalJt;et the cajaive free, and lead us on t' li'oerty. .\IK. - Arm. .arm ye brave, a noble cause. The cause of Heaven your ze'A demands ; In dffence of your nation. reji:ricin and lawg, Th«- AJnuLdity Jehovah will HtrenL'tben yoiir hand.-. CHlUll't.— Wtr come, we come, in bright array. Jud.aL. thy .sceptre to obey. Air Soprano, Miss J. Dorothey Come, (ver sniiljn^- liberty, and with th<-> brinp thy jocund tr.ain. Recit. and Air, Tenor, \' Mr. H. Beaton O Judas, may tii-sc noble view.= insj.irc, .all Israel with thy tnie hemic fir.;. AI];.-_"Tis liberty : ;re l;...k nioj't Lray. and Juvejy life with pleasxire away. D-st- ^- Misses Dorothey and RaTniond Come, ever !-m;lii!t: liberty, and with thee brini- thy 'uicund train. For thet we j.ant. and si-i; for thee, with %\ho'm eternal plea,-ures reiLli, , CHOKl'S, -Lead on, lead on. Juilah disdains tlie L-aliiii/ load of hostile ch.iins. Trio and Chorus Miss Dumot, Messrs. Johnson and Plummer Idsdainful of ii:in:.'er, Ave'll rusli on tiie foe, 'J'hat thy jiow'r. CJciio\ai., all nations may kie.m. Quintette, Misses Raymond, Rovrland, Strong, Dumot and Master Sanders, See, thi «'ri))^' herc> cimii. sound the tr.anpets, lieat th>- lirums ; Sjioris iirc]iai-e, tlie hiurel brii!-. fu:iL> of tri'imjii; to him sini,-. Quartette, Mrs. Dawson, Misses Moarns, Jepson and McMullen See the CJoddik' \ outh .■advance, irrjithe thi fime.- aii<] the dance. Myrtle wreaths and ruses twine. !■. lieek the herd's br.iw divine. Cll OKI'S, - See. the conoirrin^' iieid coiuob, A:c. Duet, Mis.^es Dorothey and Raymond : lovely peaei. witl) plent> rrown'd, erne, .'i.n'a.l thy l-.les-ii!..- ;d! ;.ri.und ; L' I !leec> fincks tile Idils adorn, and \alleys si;i'il,_. -with \\;n-v crn. * 'Hi 'lU',"^.- H.dlelujali : Amen. (> Judah rej..iee in s.^itrs di'.ine, ^Vitl. ehendii!:: and -■■ra)'hini h:i.i-inonious join, liallebii/ib ! Amen. Rc'served Seats 50 Cents. - - Second Seats 25 Cents. Tiie ]dan of J^■^er\ed S.atrm.My !.■ s. en .it .Mr. \.. .\. ■i-.,v:,,r'«. llonk.stnre. ;.<>■ Tick, t!- can be obtained fr.iin Mi^s-rs. \. .\. 'l',,yl.,r. W. ],. Tarrie, and anv