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Marchaiid, Print. 38 St. Lambert Hill 61143 5 I 'mo COMK Th the n was ^ the A ill th( ed in street with choie( Wl To gorge for a ^ ORAXION ^ F'ronouiicod at the MOUNT HOYAL CEMETEKY MV H. C. SAINT-PIERRE, Esq. Q. C -(CO- ON DKCOKATIOX DAY 30TH MAY 1899. Comrades : Thii'ty-tliree years ago, on this aniversary of the inontli of May, a strange and striking sight was witnessed for the first time in every part of the Ameriean Union ; men, who, then, were yet in the full developement of their menhood, dress- ed in military gavi, were seen filing on througli streets and roadways, escorting chariots bedecked with the national colors, atid loaded with the choicest and freshest iiowers of spring. "Whither were they directing their sleps ? To the stranger or the uninitiated, this gorgeous pageant might have been mistaken for a triomphal ovation prepared for the purpose m.* <'f-I.>insl„„„„. ,„,„„,, ^^i ""';""';■'■ i---' fiiw ,1... „ „f„,o„.o„ "'''',""■"-'""• ''"'.v "•.,-.. ..i,i.c.„.. „.,,„ r. wiioin tlio (lurk An.rol of I)«.,H. i. i • with his wiiiL'-s TJw.;.. 1 • . '"'ucii by the si,,.. „f t,,„..c (,„„i,„ ,1. ""'"'""'• T"-'i-o, flag "n,l to t,,:,,. I,,,;,,""" ''^•™""" '" "»- They «,,„ke „s ift,,„; ,,„, „i„,,^,^, ,|.,i,d ,^^ tiieir jojs. ihey talked as tliev wore wont to do i„oM »■.„.„,.,. H„es,w„e„tl,i; g Ijoro ro(nri)- iH'li, liowevor, '^ A liigher '« of the riR'n " flint moni'-r- -•IH wjio. ,.jj. '« IH't'vioiiKly n^' their ntcps "<1 " wlioriMrj H'irooniradc's 'ia»'J«"co? ^warming multilu ! '""'"'"''• ''««" b"t a bauds of de" !t "°"'' °'' ""<"«-l"i-'"l of their fule L\h''' "'■■'''" "^''''^' i.iMou (008, the scream lie desn.,ir , .• woraou and the tears of children' L r7 , - were Christians soldioi. ^ht^! fo, Th' 7' cause ana like the CVusadors of ^l,,, 4 "IL2 tneir valiant swords in thni,. ^^ . , *«mca -slaved brethren ^l-^':^'^: ;:: f'^ ruthless conqueror., we devoted .11 '^ ''' -mmoued all our'eneri , tt Ik ok'^""!:''-^"' -pieces the shackles .^.^vhi^llrtreniiS:! ( hum I for i for 1 ? whic them ofth iiiul the f IIii Hirttc iirrate word more tliuii worli publi we t in the has I] have will r in th race; repea year, name "oraprirleneHs; -'»c whithoring still as Warm |H(1 coinpaniouH once brouglit natu red epoch ■e divided bet- and the pros- hay j.re])ured U8 pause for G past events, flave We coii- inall, towar.io„o.,hl.,,;r;;;-;;-™.t^^^ that we havp nnf k« i -^ anirmed the same e&hrt fl, Ejpi'blic, and by the ,ove eS S r^ "™;"°"*'" '^"-•"'^ "'• The A,„eHc.n K, i,.t:rr?'-'' ' ■■^'" '•<- •«'-""'::';;;:;:;:;:::"'■'-'-■-■'■ -° V'^-t^ .111(1 tiiat //i6' sourop af nil ,, Athenos a„,l Eome wire b , t''^"'''" "'"^ eighty republics i„ ,h ,h,e T "T'' "' -itho..ofthem,vastho!at„ „"'• '"' '" «"oh as is enjoyed bv 1 T ^^'"■'"'"""'"* Athenes,the{.f.:t:L^t'::x'rr'■ "- ^-ions, each o. .bie:\;:;;;i:,^:: tO\V( ielib ?lar i |orato land ( so at jin di JTher I was i ^and V jbecan Ihibite I in ac |clu.siv Iwliicli land fc I I was iti Ilntiiiggrasps for '> the past with ionsness thni wo ''(Jstho ailrunce- >ess of the gcne- liJive been use- ill s(3cunng the safely affirmed 'ii«intainiiig the public, and by tic i:)rint'iple of hich lies at its whicdi it rests. •St one anion o- Id which was ^^ery man was werandofall le people only. ^e centers of nie, but in government »» people. In fie hands of ^jed all its .power in controling tlie will of the people. Every deliberation in matters of state was held in popu- lar assemblies, wherein the influence of such ^orators as Demosthe.ies, Eschines, Themistodes . land Cimon vei-y often carried the day, a.id oven jso at times when thoir own personal objects wore |in direct conflict with the interest of the nation. jThe result of such a system was th,- the Republic jwas in perpetual quarrels with lu nei^hbonrs Jand when called upon to det\3nd its terHtory, it j became an easy pray to the invador. Rome ex- Ihibited more unity ofpurpose and greater strength I in action, but its government was almost ex- jclusively in the hands of a priviledged class I which was distinct from the rest of the people I and formed a real aristocracy . Its Senate which I was its only deliberative body was composed ex- 1 clusively of that class. The mass of the people *had but the negative power of Veto which lost its authority when opposed by the more potent influence of the Patrlciens. The world owes to the genius of the founders of the American Republic to have framed a system of government based upon the sovereingty of the people and in which the people is called upon to take their shere in the government by ft "m III; means of their Piesidpi.t tv, • , I «»d their house of R "'"''"' Senate jhe; wasthisforn of G '"''"'"""'" ^» Perfection, ^i- the rt:oStr::rr"""^*" "^'^-^i- "- principles upon wh ct • T" ^'.^t.'""™"' h" vol«tioni.ed th! whole the -f ?''''"■ """ and to day with .T """''^"^ ^"rid ; I„ - ..Ota eo';„Ch I"""": "'^'■'^'^'*''-« 'P- Governement IJd *", "'"'■"'" '^'Vonme vho> people, has ;;: °" : "'""^"'^ o^*^ J-'^ p«ti.,t;acti:ro;r;:r''"^-'^'----%(>ons toSr;e"ofr'^''^"''''--"'^'''-e4-^^« founders of th, A ""'*"""" ''™'»«'' ''^ «- ^ *» maintaining tleu„tr"'"" ^^P""'" »", by Ln , that we ha!e l!d th """'^ """'''''""' "'S™ P" " dear to cv , ,o,t ofT T''''"' "''■^'' «« T" ' Dem;cracy ,! h '"'""■"'•"""' based upon der G faceof tlfca '""»" ^^P' away fro„ the -What - have acr, Jr "iHlt'th- '"' 7" ^^"'" Ser-''"'^^''-«''^'"irprr""^^ d:t::::;s:;rtt----'h^^^ rpi ^ "^ •'' 1 strate A"e war once over th^ a^ j^ . i might rank ? strate^ 9 ir elective Senate tives. So perfect found to be, that niout in America, founded have re- ' civilized world ; n of Russia, there lerein responsible overeignty of the id is not actually lave contributed •n framed by tlie ^public and, by ^nfidently affirm pies which are from being cast 3»t based upon away from the 's, is the work ^ this work in hand of Pro- ture which we tily strife once use army from he highest commander down to the drummer >oy, every one returned with joy to his former eacetul occupation, happy and satisfied to have contributed his share in the restoration of peace lid the consolidation of the Republic. In our boyish days we were taught to look ipon Cincinnatus, bcipio and Cato as men ivhorthy of our admiration, because they con- sented to return to their former peaceful occupa- ions after they had vainquished the enemies of ;heir country; but Comrades what else did our eaders do but follow the example set to them hy those great citizens of Rome ? And what say Vou of the magnaminity and the patriotic devo- lon of Mead who but a few months after he had on the greatest battle of the war at the head of he army of the Potomac submitted to serve un- to Grant, who was, by several years, his junior? What say you of Sherman who would not con- sent to be appointed Lieutenant-General,because he wasin^ fear that GeneralGrant, his superiorofficer might be displeased at finding him his equal in rank? What say you of the same officer whose strategic science had contributed more than any- [thing else in bringing the war to a succesful iissue, refusing persistantly to accept for his 10 2 ' '"""'""■'^- ofself sacrifices ilrve ratr.ot,s„, „„ t,,„ „f , „g.,.^ '* ;j ■ f ^ , SHvllZ^ ™'' '" '*'"'<=-«ful issue; Wofe-s '-oriu.uios, — Wc (l,d more — Wo f,rmp.l fV,- l- f Z vi 7""": ™™'"'' "^'^ ■'""' -"h it Ling unfeweh f •"™'«-" -Idi-- In o„,|ostere o' of 'r "; "'' '''' '"'■"'™'"^ asaocia-Lves fon of women know,, as " Tlie Relief Corns " I wv. wh.ch has done so much during the war fo'be I, ass,stance of the sick and wounded, and wh '"r bcnovoe,.ce has often reached even to thver! l''''r hoartot those dreadful prisons whc-ein so na, "1"?'"; ot us had to face sickness, starvation and dmh li' , " '^« Sons of Veterans, the Governn, nt la' I '"'" ^ound read, material for its late war wi" Sp „ If "'^ The, found a whole generation ofyo„ng™e"i* '" 7T'),!rC^^T ~X ' ^'3% ' ^- :' 11 •* ''Ovulation pay :|''^'^ "^ the school of patriotism and eager to ielf sacrifices aii(if*''^'<^ *^^^^^ Country as their fathers had done. In ofiicers and nietf^® Women's Relief Corps, they found u fully ir side during thtri^'PP^^^ ^"'^ thoroughly organised association of epeut : is this alir^"'^'" trained to give assistance ajid relief to the of the Republic ?Jck ^"^ wounded and ready to take the field if "esful issue; Wof^^'^^^'^'T- he principles of Such Comrades has been the work of the varover, we laicl ^rand Army of the Republic. It has perpetuated labors of peace ;Und spread throughout the Countiy thesime all we did? KoJ spirit of patriotism and ^-elf sacrifice which had ^Ve firmed this? listinguished them during the war. It has Grant Army oflnaintainedits military character, and through an 'ityand charity, fcrganisation similar to their own among the bo land with its i-ising generation and more particularly among •petuating itself Ichildren of veterans, they have arouse and Idlers. In ourlfostered the same spirit with which they them- nirable associa- Iselves are animated. the^ ^"^ . /^^^'" i ^^^"^^ ^^'^"^^ their duty to the living, they ^^le war tor the Ihave not forgetten the dead, and through the .^^^ ' ^" ^^^^^^ liuHuence of their organisation, the duty of en o t e very Jvisiting the resting place of their dead comrades in so many l.^n^j ^f decorating their tombs on this aniversarv ion and death li i . ,, •' ucciui. |has become so universally observed and so found- a7w-th"s ^^^^r^ cherished by the whole population that it has wi bpain. I become a national holiday in the Republic, of young men* " ^ n 12 Co,n,,„Ie, wo. „s members of the g' A ]• do.ng honoMo „,. .,0,.,, C„m,.„,le J ll \: -.tfeHugsorinthehouf^X'tt"'""'™'-" '" ""'■ ■■eeolleeti„„H their ,I7'„.^' "' '■""' «et»ot patriotism tor t^-^^^tjitrj-^tl' "es. and brotherly devotion to their cl'i" eloep, never fo wake Jf . ", 7 '"""■ ''^^^ *" let them rest in pea!e '"' ""=""" ^'««' hat we are Canadians, and that we lo fro I'ving m a free country. Let us ..ott T . our first and dearest ^ffJlZeZZ t' - nearer to our hearts, and th:wha'':r£ trLdreSTir-'--- and fidelity are th^ . country. Loyalty ry are the two cardinal virtues of a eoldie ;]>ecte iioart |Tlie s( speak C'lUlCI a gai count 13 of the G. A. n ■^lis {»iou8 duty „ ^'^es. Let us o r throw (,uv mm i-eourcujiipanion. n the moments o: • I^et us revu\ of bravery.^ tbei; try and of kind- ioldier, and nowhere shonltry. Loyalty al virtues of a I country will enjoy prosperity and peace. > • • »• k I » I • • ? 1* t »