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Lea diagrammes suivants illuatrent la m4»thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 CANADIAN NORTH-WEST IRRICJATION COMPANY. 1 Irrigated lands in sou*-.hern Alberta, ' 1899. imRKlAiED«L \N 0^ XWUMinMP i. 7. -IN^ S6iJTH^RN '— OFFER— : A PR()rifSlNQ I^IELa*. r-AND— ' ^" \ QREAIP^ XJPPORT'flNITV^ — FO*— PWNTBD AT .♦'Ti& LRTH^RIDOK NBWS" OpJflC^ LbtBbpidoe, Albebta. y I sn r5 » ■ k^ - '■' *"- ...t; .1 ^TTV^aiedi £»axvdis... -vxv- So\x\Ww 'SVVbtTVa >vrni -NoTKs ox The Climate, Crops, Markets and Values, Railroad Facilities, Agricultural Opportunities, — AND The Field for Employment of Labour. % ISQ© t f ■'■f*v. ■!•'. » » ,v ¥ f ^ ^ i rpn KUIj T Hi Tilt' Lrtlil)ii<|ot. I'lniiis, (»)• tliat jioitioii of tlifin liroiioht iimlt-r ctiltiNMtioii hy iiicaiis of iirioMtioii, aiv about -!•() iiiil.'s s(|uaic. ami iiiiiiiciliatcly adjoin the town of Lctli- Ix'itiov. Alhci'ta. cij.M.rrK. Tlic cliinalic coiKlitioiis arc most faxoiii'aWlc the district l»ciii^' iiiarkfd l>y an ri|ual)l(' tt-nipfi-atniv. with IVr'-doni ti'oMi rapid an«l cxd-cnic fhictiiations in tlic urow in"' season Tlif |ir(M|()iiiiiiant iVaturr is tin- o-rcat dryness and clearness. Tlie altsence of laird'all in the sununi')- months accounts I'oi- \\\r application ol' iri-iea(ion to ani'icidture, and a certaiiitv o! cro|)s is assin-ed hy reliance on the steady, uniform and ahundant supply of water in the St. Marys Kive)-. With tile e\ce])tion of that portion of }-)i-itish Columhin. situated alon;;' the I'aciMc ( '(jast. Souihei-n Alheita enjo\-s the mildest climate in ('anada. What nn"elit he tei'i i "Winter" rarely sets in hefoi-e the end of Decemher, lastino' aliout six weeks. re\alent in Southern Alherta. .\s a coiise(|Uence waeous ai'e used durino' the entire vear, and it is oidy occassional seasons that sleio'hsare neccssarw e\cn for a few weeks. In .January and the early part of Kehi'uary the rolit l>y a Hysteiii t)l MTieation. While the artiiiciul application oi' water to oi-(»\\ in^j^crops increuHes the oj'i^inal cost ol' fariiiino' and adds to the labour ol' the I'armer, it assures cn-tainty of ci'ops, and the quantity and (juality ol' the |>rodnct I'ar more than eom- pensates for the added cost and lal)our. Jrrjt^'ation j)rovid<'H a continual Tertiii/in^' a^cnt without added expense. The alluvial deposit carried in suspension in the waters oi* the i-ivers in sprino' and early summer are deposited on the soil an\i)i, wliere cultivation has l)een continued for centuries, the lands tindine- elements of renewing- strene^th in the proper- ties of the nuiddy watei's of that <;re}it liver. In'i<;'ation, where tlie source of supply, as in this in- stance, is a never-fuilin^' stream like the St. Mary s liixcr, ^•ivcs certainty of croj), pi-otects ae;ainst drouth, places the farmer in the position of re^ulatino- the rainfall. There is no aoricultural reeion, e\ en in disti"icts of noi'uial rainfall, wheiv the possihilitv of resortine; to iri'ieation wouhl n(jt be occasionally beneticial, foi', even in such countries, drouth is not unknown. In the most faxored at^ricultural disti'icts of Manitoba an I '• 5 \i :'i^ < « lilt' vi'o]) ^Towiiii:' stt'iidilw witli no sct-ljiicks, rcsultiii''' in )\ iiijiyiiificciit yicM ; wliilc tlici-c arc otlirr .sciisomm with too iMiK'li, too littlr, or rain disd-ihutcd at times wliru least re- <|uire(|, prodiiciuo- jiejit and damaged o'ops. In the in'ieated sections oi' Sonthej'n Alherta }^a»od crops .shonld he as,sM'ed anuualK', heeausc thore are no snnnnei' i'rosts, pfaetically no rainfall, and th(> I'arnier can aj)j)ly tlie watei' to his land as eii-cunistances demand. And, in tlie sense ol" j-eu-ulatinir the elements, iiTie'iititai assui'es a lareci- yield .•md, in neaily all crops, a better (jnality. The Tnited States ( 'ensns Ileport ol' l.S!)0 shows theaver- a<;(' production ol' wheat under in-ie-ation in Montana and Colorado to have ]>;• -n .">() p •!• cent, more than in the Slat"s ol* Illinois, Iowa and Indiana, which are recoi>ni/.ed as heinii' amone-st the In'st wheat producers in the Vnited States, The c()m))arison is ver,\ instructive, and clearly indicates the n'l'eat inci'ease «)1" pi'oduction under irri*i;ati(ai an in- les, and \ coctahles like celei'y, ttanatoes, «!s:c.. are \eiy superior. The I'ai'mei- not familiar with irrio-ation and irrieation methods would l>e sin"[)rised at the simj>licity of its a])pli- cation. The method iisually employed in Westei'u America, whei'e\'ej" irrioation is practised, is known as the "Hoodine' sN'stem." The water is ])rou<>"ht from the main canal to the Ine'hest point of the farm oi' land to he irrieated by a lateral ditch, from the end of which it is carr-ied oxer the \arit)us fields in small distributine' laterals. The last nu-n- tioiinl InttTals Mil' siiii|»l\ \ n |ilii\\, or Ihh-. of spiulr. iiml till' water is jillnwiti to How oii( ol' tlii'iii aii'l s|»n'alow. This is often necessary for the easier oper- ation of the reaj)inii' machine. The "furrow methol is also emj)|oyed, thoueh niost fre- i|Uently for root crops, as corn, potatoes or other Nee'etahles. as Well as in orchunls. \ ine\aids. ami in small fruit •'•ardcns 'IMie water is allowed to follow down the fnrrow made l»y t!lC '■sho\'el-J)|oW hetWeen tile jdWs of SC^^et al ties. and. seepino' downwards and sideways, rapidly reaches the roots to he helietittcd, IWinilNt; SKASON. The fannin\"' j( MM'ccssriil criiii, tliininli SiiriiiLi wlioU is lit |)n'sciit till' iiiii\ I rsdl cmp, No rrtofts Iui\i' hrrii uimiIi' t<>\V;i|(|s thr cii || i \ ,it ii m of IViiits, tli<»iioIi it is ;i rcrtjiiiity tlinl small I'niits will t!iri\c In |H'cr<'('tioii, MIKJ tli< iistaiitly iiicivjisiiiu' (jciiiainls (iT the iiicivMsiiiuly ]M»|iiil()iis tdwils ill ihciiiiiiiiiM- i',.M'i(,ii-> ailj.iciiil to this sK'tiuii will |ia\r a liiidciiry to st iniiilatr i»i'<,(|i:ct loii oral! classi's ul' IViiits ami \ d-'i. tables. • >f #< STOC IIAISINC, Sontlicni Allicrta is luoki'd upon as itosM'ssiii;^' tlir finest raiie'e for stock raisjnu' in Ainericn. Tlie erasses aiv most miti'itio>is, aixi euies on the stem, n|ion which cattle rceij thi-oue-h the eiiliiv winler. At least L>()(>,0()<) heml ol" horned stock and lai'^iv hands of horses are iiiiinini:' at Jai'^v holh sMiiimcr and winter, never lia\iii;^' heen mider shelter of nny kind. Thou^iii the hr linn' of cattle is \cry in'olitalile, still a new lield I'or de\c|o|)||lelll will i)e opened up h\- the pj-,,- duc'tion of cnltixated hay. The raiiche)' will th.Mi he eii- alileil to care Tor yonnn' ami weak slock durin,^ jieriods ol' cold weathei', and the sprine' markets which alwiu s pa\ hio'her pl'ices can he siippli-d with steers at least three months earlier than unod I'at ran^e slock can he taken Irom the new erass. MAUKKTS, \W the eomjiletioii of the Crow's Nest I'ass hranch ol" I he <'amnli;in i'acilic llailway. Lethhi'idee is praetieall\- the "(Jnleway town and distrihutine' point to the important and rapidly de\c|opine' mountain iniiiine- reuions of Kast and West Kooienay,in Ihit ish ( 'olumhia, some <•' the towns heiiiM' iM.niic. (Vanhrook, j-'ort Steele, Ainsworth. Slccan ('ity, New |)en\ei', Sandon, Kaslo, TiMil, Nelson and Hoss land, ami an idea of the rapidity of the deNclopnient oI' the minin;;' interests o',' th(jse dist)-icls imiy he n-atlured I'rom s tilt' I'Mt't that Hosshi'.id, n town o!' !il» )iit live ycjtrs' cxvst- riicc, lijis a ])(>|)ulati()n ol' aVwrnt S, ()()(). Tlu'sr rcy^'ions aiv I'oi'ecd to tlcrivc tlicir principal supply o'' atii'icultural ])ro(luet' from tlu* State of Washin^^ton, ly- iuM- iiMMiodiatelv to the south, notwithstantlini"' the hie-h taritr duties (rererred to behnv) levied aj^'ainst I'ann ])i'o- ducts eoniin<'' into Canada. The irriiiat* d lands in the neiuld^orhood of Lethbi'ido'e are the nearest and most favorably situated for su))j)lyine- the constantly increasin^^' demand of the mining' districts named, and in addition to t!ie [)i'.)tection ofh'ivd by a hiii'h tai'ltl', tlie IVeie'lit rates on the (^i-ow's Nest Pass branch are verv low, thereb\' assurino; tile markets of South- Eastern i^ritish I'ohnnbia to the fai'mers of South* rn All)erta. The local nwu'ket is also of some im[)ortance. J^ethbj'idee with a po])ulation of ovei" 2, ()()(), imports larji;ely in eej;s, butter. Hour, ['vvd, ]>ork, etc. Over SIO. ()()() in each year is piiid foi' freie'ht on ])()rk alone, shipped mostly from the Ignited States. The fi-eiuht on Hour shipped into Leth- bridy;c from Manitoba, which sup])lie:, the entire consump- tion of Southern Alberta, runs fr(»m Si. So to Si 40 jx'r car- load. The importation of eoes .i,,,,mi,(^^ t,, about 120 cases monthly, while about 1,000 tons of native (wild) hay is consumed anniially, at prices i-anj^ine; fi-ou) SlO to Si 4 per ton. There is practically an unlimited exi)ort market for cultivated hay, as will be seen IVom the following-, wdnch a[)peared in the Kdmonton Bulletin, Maich '27th, ItSOi): *' oO.OOO tons of hav wanted anini;,l\' foi 'l"nKS ON AMKIIICAX Pl{()i)('(TS ^^•■'t'^ I<><-. \n'V I>usIh'1 I»;ii-Icy, WO ,,|, iiKirkct \nlih' ^M'P''"'^ •^•ic. p.T banvl. ( ";il (liaise •>'> < iraiii . . 20 ''"^t''' 4f. |HT IIk ''•"•'< -ic. prr 11... Poultry and (iaiiic . . . . 20 ' < );itm»'al o() Di'iiiiical 25 •'•■'y i^2 per tdii ^Vltcat I 2c. ]„.r hiisln.l. I'otatocs . . |.-,(', |),.r laisli.-h •'^^X^ •'{<•. i»:t do/cn I'^loui' (;()(., p,.,. hai-ivl' ^''"''■^'- oc. i.(>r II.' ImvsIi Meats. . . .;>,(.. p.-r II) Mutton \' Limb . . , . :i.5 Huel>;\vli(\it .Meal ami Klour'. 20 ■ ( ' '•''"">^ • • . ■ \'n: |...i- laishcl, j |!,.;,,i 207 TH.\.\SI'()HTAT1()\ KA('I(JTI|.X 'IV imu-at.MJ lan.lsor this ('o,„,.a..y a.v w.ll situated l,,r trails]... i-tatioi! I'acilitics. ''''"■ <'''"--"lian l'a<-;hV HaiKv.y .-..ters Let l,l.ri.|ov fn.n, 11"' ''.-'St, witl, all-rail .•..i.uiiui.irat ion IV-.m (,)u(.|)ec" .M,,,,- "■'■'■'I. To.'cnt.., VVinilipeo', etr. The (V.,Nvs Nest I'ass ^;:'""*'''""^"''^ ^''" ':"^^" '••■ ",ewest.pla,-iu^tl,et<.un'in •lin'.-t eonH,.UMM-ati..n with theun-at Kuoteuav miuin- ,|is- t n.-ts t<. the west, and with Caloary, Kdn.untnn. and 'other ;:•'•""■••" l-i"<- TheA|l...rta K.ilway ^ ( 'oaK l enn^a^vd in farmin- on th.. Lethhrid-e plains. " I'lJK'K OK LANO.S. ''"'"■ ''""1''"'^ ^^'" -" l''""'""'- ''''■■■■ '" '-"■.pi,-d annual instalments' uith in "■'''"^"' ""■'•"t-'l«ip.'rcTnt, p.rannnnrtol,epaid with ''•■"■II instalment, on t ''•i''<'l"i>'i'^ will he allowed t.. p;iy' in \\ "' I""'<'il'al aiiK.unt oiKsiandinu- ■■'t ■•lll\ time he- 10 fore tlic cxpirntittn (>.' t!u' pin'rliasc ps'riod, at wliifli tiiin* iiitt-rcst c'iis;'s aiul a deed issues to tlic pui'cliasd'. In addition lo the jxircltasc |)ric(' of the laud, the owner oi' occupier will he reijuii'eii to pay an annual water rate ol' Sl.OO per acre durin;^' the iiTi<;'atin;j,' season. As an aci'e of irrieated land usually javxhu.H's at least ')0 pel- cent, nioi'e than an arr<' de])endini;' entirely on raiuiall. this ciwu'e-e o'," Si 00 per acre I'oi' w'lat uiie'ht he termed 'crop insurance, ' is a protitaMe inNcstnient I'oi' tlu- i'a.nuer and necessary to t'le Inieatioii ("oun);iny I'or the [)r;)p; r care and uiaiiilenance oT t;u' canad system. In the irrieuted pialions o- the Ciiited Stales, miini- pi'o\-ed lands sell at from Si.'). 00 to S.IO.OO per e raise(l hy t!ie st'tthrs th.eui- selves. TAXKS. The North-West ( Jowriuiient has witlidrawn the Muni- eipal s\steiii, with its cosily macliinei'y. friaii fa; min<4' com- munities and replac'd it \)y a \cry simple and ine\peusi\e law. known as "Local lm])i'o\ement < )nlinance, hy which I'istricts are or-'ani/ed coutainiu''' not more tlian two town- ships, with an o\ci'seer duly electi'd hy tlie pi'o])le, who are taxed S2.r)() for each HIO acres owned -ir occupied. The tax ma\' he conninite'le roof, with ijoors and windows, can he ]»ut U]) i'oi' Slot), and upwards. .\s '•'ood a hou'^e as could he desired, includiiie' all material and lahoi' can he huilt for ^'l^^i). This would re])r(\sent a main huildine' Idxii^ feet, with !> ft. wall, par- titioned into two rooms, with a lean-to kitchen I Ox Hi feet. The walls of the main huildine' W()\]|d he sided and ])apered <»n the outside, and ceile(l on the inside. 12 ( Jood-surliictMl coiiinioii linnlx'i' co^ts Sl7 pel' tliouHainl li'ct. Best c'<'(|;ir sliiiiu'It's cost 'r^'A ])('!• tlionsaiid. ScMiiiliii^. 5^17 yti'V tliousaiid Ifct. Nails, per [louiid hy tlu- kc*;', A-v. A t>'()()(l tram of lioi'scs, Sl2.') to Sl")(). A o-iiicli ("anadiaii wao'j^'on, IVoiii S!)(> iipwartls. A set ol' (loul)l(' lianicss costs >(i2() to S:^;"). I'lows cost IVoiii S:^4. Harrows, S I .">. Shovels and Sj)adcs, !)()c. each. .Mowinj,;' Macliiucs cost So:{. Uiiid- I'l'H, S?I4.5, and Horse luikes, srU) each. All these ju'ices are net cost at Lethhridu'e. "(lalt Coal," IVoiii the J>ethl)i'ide(- Collieries, is iiiiiver- sally known throu^^hont Manitoba and the North-West as an excellent domestic anil steani-piodncine- hitiniiinons coal. 'I'he hest eTade of this fuel (•.•in he had at the mini's for s-> per t on. 'Die Alberta Hailway «.V ( "oal Coiiij)any now employ about SOO men, pi-incipally in connection with the operation of tlu'ir mines at Lethl)ridi,^e, and, as this Com])any works in harmony with the Canadian Noi'tli-West Iri'ieation Com- |)any, op])o)"tunity is presented foi^ employment to early s* ttl( ei's in the mines aixl on the railroad at such periods o! tlie yeai- when farming- opeiations an at a standstill. It is also the ,>olicy of the li'i^i^ation Company to endea\oui' to use the settlers foi' al the canal s\-stem. work of rejK-ni's oi- extension ol Irrijxation she