1^, %. V\^, ^^^.\ n- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 7'^ // ^ .-^z ^ A^ .^4 1.0 ^1^ 11^ 1= 11.25 Ki 2.2 16' ____ t m ^ It i:& 112.0 1.4 1.6

. PiU ^+^ Ui ^ iiUlUgidpiUL Sciences Corporation 4. s^ /^ w <^ '<^^ ^^^ ^(<^ ^>. ^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ?-^^'^ ^ ^(j~ ^^* ^ .K PEU HOUR I'En IIOnBE-POWER OIVEN IN THIS TABLE IB THAT ACTUALLY CON8LT«ED BY THE ENOINK, CONDITIOMR. No. of Test. Duration of tei>t In niins. Averam mean eftec- ilvo pres sure in lbs., per square 20 69 20.78 20.89 20.78 20.72 Indicated horse- power. h'eam per liour per horse- power. Special valve bo arranged aa to compress the cushion .steam to the initial pressure. 4 n Ha 6 6a 60 100 40 120 60 92.63 22.68 22.78 22.71 28.62 S8.1 38.3 38.2 38.1 38.2 Average, not includin>; partial runs mar ked a 20.75 22.87 38.2 Ordinary valve. Nearly the same mean ef- fective pressure as for the iipcclal valve when allowance is made for differences in the points of release. <;u8hion steam compreesed to about two-thirds the iuitial pressure. 2 2a 7 8 80 40 60 60 18.66 18.71 18.48 18.31 20.75 20.89 20.13 19.77 40.2 40.2 40.8 40.0 Average, not including partial runs marl ied a 18.48 20.22 40.1 Ordinary valve. Same point of cut-off as for the special valve. Cushion steiim compressed to flve-eighths the initial pressure. 1 1« 3 3« 105 60 75 45 25. £9 25.99 25.23 25.08 27.98 28.01 28.15 27.99 37.9 37.9 37.5 37.8 Average, not including partial runs marl 1 ied a 26.61 88.06 87.7 The averages marked a are for the first portions of the corresponding tests. These averages are used in calculating the pevformances for the first portions of the runs, which are shown not to vary over one fourth of one per cent, from the results deduced for the entire runs. This indi- cates that the runs were of sufficient length. For comparative figures see Table V. The Barrua calorimeter was attached in the main steam pipe about three feet from the steam chest. The waste stoam was carried off a short distance through a three-quarter-inch pipe, which produced a slight back-pressure, so that the lower ther- mometer read 213° when the exit steam was saturated. The various percents of priming are given along with the average data for the tests in Table III. Table IV. gives the average heights of the indicator cards, and Table V. the mean effective pressures and calculations of horse- power. Table VI. gives the data observed, and Table VII. the measurements of the indicator cards for one of the tests. The indicator spring was tested over the entire range of the indicator cards, and ill variations in the scale were corrected for (I EXrEIllMENTH TO DETEIIMINK THE INFLUKNCE OF C0MPBE8H10N. by oni ploying tho wcalo corronpoudiiig to each ordinate oi tlio forward and l)a('k proswuro linoH, aso\plainod at thcs lant nicoting of tliis Society in a paper on the (voinpariHon of IndicatorH. Cards for each mtt of conditionn were taken, and it wan found that th(^ differences in tlie (Mjuivaliuit Hcah^y corrected for all variation between tho cards under the several sets of conditions, and between the largest and smallest cards of a set, were within the limits of pra'.itical errors. Tho average of the scales, or 58.2 lbs. per inch, was, therefore, used in computing the horse-power- The calculation of the equivalent scales for one of the cards is given in Table VIII. TAHLK III. AVKRAOE DATA OK TEBT8 AND WKIQHT OF HI BAM I,K8H KNTKAINKI) WATER. i h iu O Date. tf W g va 1 March 10 irt •• 10 o " ];i 2rt " 13 » " 15 Hd " 15 4 " Id 5 April 3 5a 3 (i 4 6rt 4 7 4 8 4 Conditions. Equal ciit-off Equal M.E.I', Equal cut-off Special valve it .1 Equal M.E.P. 10,5 GO HO 40 75 4,5 60 100 60 120 60 «0 60 .2 3 o S a 3 o ao,i8i( 14,U;(! ao.60() 10,343 i«,8rr ll,62!l 1,5.30.-1 35,3H0 15,148 30.383 1.5,i;,5 15,136 15,015 ni 111 o < TO. 8 70.8 73.1 73.1 71.3 71.0 71.8 71.7 71.8 73,3 71.7 73.1 71. S la o T! -I c « 1,8HU 1.076 1.116 5761 i,3ia^ 7I)3J 870 1,4751 S88J 1.741 J 868 i 8341 70«J ■ • w a y> ••" ^ 2> a c2i d x. i 1.3 .* an •si 11 |l > 3.53 1.4 1,060.2 353 1.4 1,060.9 337 8.1) 831.6 334 3.0 8.S8.H 376 0.1 1,0,56.7 271 O.t 1,0,53.8 351) 1.0 861.3 344 1.8 86!). 4 343 3.0 870.5 368 0.6 8H5.5 368 0.6 ;!63.0 34S 1.7 810.3 2tk5 0.7 790.7 A small variation in the amount of vv^ork done will cause a greater discrepancy in the results than the difference between the economy at full and for partial compression ; so that unless the greatest care be exercised in performing the experiments, the comparative results may be misleading. EXPEIUMENT8 TO DETEllMINE THE INFLUENCE OF UOMl'llEHSION. 7 TABLE IV. INDICATon CAHD MKASUHEMKNTH. NiMiiFn OK Tk»t. I., 1» ».. iia 3.. 3rt 4.. 5,. 5a «.. na I • . H.. MrAN IlKltlllT op INIIICATOH C'AltDR IN Inciikh. MkAN KkpKCTIVR PuKfllCIIKll IN Lm. I'Kit HijUAiiK Inch. H(;Ai.r - 58.i). Ileud End. C'ranli ( Knd. Ilend End. loorncted Crank End. {^oiTcctcd Corrcctfd Corrected Actual. for Avtiml. for Actual. f )r Actual. for ruloage. releuxe. r uMo. releate. 0.40S 0,50.5 0.4W 0.4U3 87.24 2tl.80 24.74 20.80 0.4(iH • • • 0.4!J5 27.24 24.74 O..S80 0.3UU 0..3(CJ 6.38i 1!».73 21.48 17. .58 lU.2(t 0.340 . 0.30} lo.rit 17. fa O.ICO 0.601 0.401 0.187 27.12 211.10 23.84 25.43 0.4(14 , 0.80N 27.00 23.10 O..S70 0.3:8 0..341 0.342 21.. 53 21.71 10.85 10.00 0. 31111 0.3Ta 0.34.5 0.31(5 21 .18 21.05 20.08 80.14 0.3T1 . 0.347 . 21.511 20.20 0.3IW 0.37t 0.810 6.. 347 21 42 81 .50 20.14 80.20 0.3(IJ 1 0..345 81.3(1 , 20.08 0.3.'« 0.3(12 0.303 6.382 • 10.32 21. (i7 17.);3 10.32 O.A-H) o.a'ju 1 0.800 1 0. 3-.il) 10.15 20.81) 17.4(1 10.15 TABLE V. I'ALCUIiATIONS OP INDICATED IIORSE-POWKll AND STEAM PER HOUU PER llORSK- POWEU. 7 NC'M- IIKIt OK TK8T. 1 la.... ii.'.'.'. 3 ■i'J. . . . 4. ... 5 5a. . . . 6 (ia.... S..'.'.'. Ttvn- ATlON REVB. IN 1"KU MIN- JdlN- rXEH. UTE. 105 240.4 (10 241). 80 2.57. e 40 8.58. (i 75 8.58.4 46 2.5«<.4 eo 2.53.4 UK) 2.52.8 40 252.5 120 253.2 eo 252.0 m 2.52.3 60 850.2 Indicated Howii'' wf!''- Acliiiil. Head Crank end. end. Total. 14.82 13.16 2;'. 98 14.84 13,17 28.01 11.09 9.66 20. 15 11.17 9. 72 '.;o.s9 15.29 12.86 2->.15 10.22 12.77 27.1)9 11.90 10.73 22.(13 11.85 lO.Si 22.68 11.90 10.88 22.18 11.83 10.88 22.71 11.79 10.' 1 22.62 10.64 0.41) 20.13 10.45 9.32 19.77 15 18 i(i 12 11, .99 or M oi) ,94 11.98 .60 .40 14.30 i(J!58 14>2 i6!76 10.86 10.91 10.40 10.28 30.89 82.65 aJi-iej 22!i6i 22.80 88!84l 82.00 21.62 Steam per hour lesH en- trained moisture. 1,0 1.10 M.« 0.07 O.HA 0.60 0..H7 (>.y« o.a) 0.18 0.01 0.00 SH.H W.3 5«.8 M.H 50. H ftfi.H 00, H 00.0 Area Mcalu. 1)0.51 1H.90 ia..S5 o.i; 0.8a ft. 11 8. its i.r, o.aa 0.00 78.84 DivlDlon Mean Height. Corn- Am of cgrd. Aren. kkIo. •cale. m 0.3« o.m M.S 11.68 B8 0.10 0.81 56.8 5.68 m 0.05 0.11 ftfl.8 3.84 114 0.005 o.oa 56.8 0.98 H5 0.00 0.00 56.8 0.00 H6 0.00 o.oo 50.8 00 Br. . .. 0.00 0.00 56.8 O.OO B8 0.00 0.00 .VI. 8 0.00 H9 0.00 0.00 56.8 0.00 BIO o.uo 0.00 56.8 0.00 Totalt... 0.8SA 90.46 Equivalent scale = (78 64 - 3048) + (1 864 - 0.CS5) = S6.D