IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) /. €^ LO I.I 1.25 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.4 1.6 6" S I This equals the total number exhibited at Montreal during the Caxton Celebration in 1877. Of Elzevir editions, we find twenty volumes, or sixteen works ; and the Stephens press of i'aris is represented by sixteen volumes. Chronological class-lists of all these have been prejjared and will be found in the Subject Catalogue. This seemed to be desirable, considering the character of the libnry. Besides these, the shelves bear works from the presses of Jenson at \'enice, Kobcrgeror Cober- ger at Nuremberg, Froben at Basel, Plantin at Antwerp, Badius at Pans Wechel at Paris and Frankfort, Cryphius, and many other printers who were X :l (o ^ IV I'llEFACE. distint,Hiislied for the beauty, excellence, and literary value of their work. Consultation of the ruithor-cataloi,Hie will reveal these. Many of the oldest specimens are more or less rubricated by hand, and in some cases the initials have been inserted by the illuminator, and appear in gold and colours. The collection of Bibles is very fine. It includes among many other rare volumes, a perfect copy of the first Coberger (Koberger) edition of 1475, which, according to the late T. 15. Akins, Esq., D. C. L., is perhaps the oldest coijy of the Latin liililc in th'j Dominion of Canada, and possibly older than any in the United .States. Me says that in 1S61 there was no edition so old in the library of Harvard College, Cambridge. It consists of two folio vol- umes, jirinted in (ioihic-lettcr, with the fccfo of the first leaf illuminated and the text bearing manuscri])t rubricalious. The binding is calf, finely tooled. Besides this, we find the Jenson edition of 1476 and the Coberger of 1478, together with an extremely beautiful manuscript cojjy which is described on page 33 of the catalogue. The earliest English liible is the cditio princcps of the Bishops' Bible, 156S, with wood-cuts. More than £60 has been jiaid for a complete copy. Macklin's cdition-dc-luxc should also be mentioned. Two complete " loyal copies '' of Walton's Bihlia Polyiilotta stand side by side, each set accom])anied by Castell's Lexicon Hcf'fdi^lottofi^wxlhox.W. which it would lose half its \alue. The price of this polyglot is daily increasing. Some of the old bindings are very excellent, and those in stamped pig- skin are often of p.iriicular beauty. Notable examples of the last arc Eder's Uiiomiinia Jii/'Itcrn)i,\ Luther's CoIliMjuia, dud Cahp'mo s DiL//o/!fi>-i.'n/i Oc to L//!i^''it/iru///. in some cases a lose joint rexeals a strip of parchment covered with rubricated manuscript which the ancient binder had cut as the m dern craftsman does his waste-papers. It might profit the curious to inspect these. A small Hebrew Hible, edited by Jablonski, is bound by Roger Payne, the renowned English bookbinder of the last century. 1 have been struck by the excellent cjuality of the paper used by the more noted i^rintcrs, as well as by the appearance of the type employed at a period but shortly after the invention of the art. (iood materials were used, and the result puts to shame the tawdry and ephemeral qualities of some modern works of pretension, whose paper, ink, and binding are all of a poor or per- ishable nature. Thirty-eiyht entries ap|K;ar in the chronological class-list of Incunabula (see page 401,1, making a total of about forty-four volumes ! The oldest work is the Spcatlu»t \'itic Hiiiiurmr by Rodericus, Bishop of Zamora, from the press of Cunther Zainer, and bearing date 3id. Jan., 1471. It is a folio, in monastic binding with clasps, without signatures, catchwords, or pagination, printed in the peculiar, broad (iothic-typc of Zainer, thirty-fi\'e lines on a jxige, with initial letters added in manuscript It contains a hundred and twcntv-tive Icas'es together with three leaves bear- ^ I'llEFACK. ing the index (sec page 22 ij. Doubtless there is no older printed book in the Dominion of Canada. The Congregational College of British North America, Montreal, exhibited at the Caxton Celebration, mentioned before a copy of the Speculum Vitir lluiitaiia; but without a surety as to the date. It mav be interesting to know that it was Zainer wno introduced typography into the city of Augsburg (Augusta Vindelicorum), his first work being dated 1468. liesidcs the above volume, two others are also supposed to have issued from the press during the year 1471. They will be found entered on page 401. Next in chronological order comes the beautiful cditio-princeps of the Hcriptorcs Rei Kusliaf, printed in Roman-letter by Jenson in 1472. It is needless to continue these particularizatioiis. The bibliophile is referred to the Catalogue itself, where he will find very many treasures entered, accompanied by such information as seems to be desirable. I have attem|)ted to save him much labour, bv forming lists of the more noted classes, such as the Incunabula, and the Aldine, Elzevir, Stephens, and I'i.intin typographical productions. These groups he will find in the Sub- ject-Catalogue. Several ancient manuscripts, of \ery great beauty and elegance of execu- tion, are jjreserved in the collection, and will be found enumerated and described on pages 458 and 439. The reader will look there for such slight information as I was enabled to gather during the very short time it was possible for me to devote to tliem. They reijuire a more leisurely investi- gation. IJesides these, there are a number of recent date, the most important of which, considered as a whole, are llie Akins' Historical Prize Essays, some of which cry aloud for jjublicntion. The donator of the largest numljcr of old and rare l)ooks, was the late Commissioner of Public Records, Thomas Beamish Akins, Esq., D. C. L., who for man; years had Ijcen an ardent bibliophile. As a collection of the works of early printers. King's College Library owes most of its fame to the munificence of this learned ix-nefactor, whose published works represent but a small portion of his historical and antiquarian knowledge. Many an "anchor and dolphin " has ; ome from his shelves. The Akins' Historical Prize Essays owe their existence to his desire for a further elucidation of the history of this country and for the i)rcservation 'jf such traditions as might otherwise soon become lost. Another lover of old type and jiaper, contributed largely to the same de- partment of the library. This was the Rev. Edmund .Maturin, whose taste for rare and fine editions is known to those whose search leads them to handle embossed oak boards and stamped pigskin. With these two names may be mentioned that of the Rev. George McCawley, D.D., formerly President of the College, whose gifts include many treasures. VI PnEFAC'E. Hesides the above, donations have been received from many other private individuals and various scientific and religious societies. In preparing the catalogue, I have, in the main, followed the canons of cataloguing as laid down by C. A. Cutter,* Librarian of the Boston Athen- ;i'um, departing, howc\er, from his laws when my opinions gave preference to the more conservative ones of the United Kingdom Library Association or those of rhe Bodleian Library of Oxford. It was my original intention to have amalgamated the author- and sub- ject-catalogue, and to have presented them in one aipiialsetical order. This, however, had to be abandoned at the last moment in order to obser\e the conditions of Dr. Cogswell's will. .As a consequence, the subject-catalogue was completed subsequently, and appears as the second portion of the volume. This, however, has its advantages as well as its disadvantages, and at mast will prove of but slight inconvenience. In using the catalogue, the names of authors or subjects should be looked for in their respecti\e lists in exactly the manner in wliich words are sought in a dictionary. It may be well to inform the reader that P'rench surnames are entered under the prefix when it is or contains an article, Le, La, L\ Du, Des ; but under the word following when the prefi.x is u pre- position, (ie, ^mcnt, which would much facilit.ilc reference and increase its usefulness. This can be more easily accomplished, now th;U the works ha\e been catalogued accord- ing to subjects. The work of jircpariiig the catalogue; has been one in which I have been deeply interesteil and which h;is had my whole heart. L cannot hope that it is free from many errors, and in truth no one can be more conscious of its numerous shortcomings. The ditficulty occasioned by my trifling know- ledge and want of experience, has bc(;n augmented by a scarcity of the necessary reference books, many of which arc not to be obtained in the Province. This want of a thoroughly e()uip])ed modern library, h.mdicaps all work of a similar kind and is a great detriment to any literary under- taking whatever. The country is too slow inrecognizing this fact and in aftbrding the necessary means of research. Had more time been a\ailable, an attempt would have been made to eave the work less o]jen to censure, and to have presented more details. Rapidity, however, was necessary, and when the subject-entries were being prepared I was in Halifax and consequently unable to refer to the works with which I was dealing. There was but time to read t.vo proofs ot the matter as it stood in type, and this has allowed a few typographical errors to remain unnoticed. Most of them will be found corrected in an errata sheet. I have only to acknowledge indebtedness to my sister, who assisted me in the correction of the press, and to the Professor of Divinity of King's College, who translated two Hebrew titles and who prepared the his- PHKI'ACK. IX torical introduction. With these exceptions the work is entirely my own. If I have succeeded but in the smallest degree, it w.'A gratify me m.icli, for I have earnestly laboured to make it of use to those whose studies lead them to consult the Library. Even should it meet with no approval, still the plea- sure I have had in examining many rare and magnificent volumes will be sufficient recompense, much as 1 may desire a few words of praise. " S/)ur Town of Windsor, in our said Province of Nova Scotia, there shall be established, from this t uiic Or College, the Mother of an Uni\ersii\-, for the education antl instruction of Youth and Students in Arts and faculties, to continue for ever." A pro- vincial act to incorporate the governors of the college, rciiealing the act of 178S, leceived the roval sanction in 18 3J- •h e origin of tl \. iDrarx' n f King's College is de^icri'ied by the Right Re\-. John Inglis, third Bishop of Nin.i .Scotia, in his Mciitorandt' rcspeciiug K/'/ii^'s C(>//t\i;r itf U'i>i\ ill X(i:'(t Sco/iir, published at Halifax in 1836. ISishop Inglis says :- - "In the lattii- end of the year 1800. the compiler of these Memoranda, who had been educitetl chietlv at Windsor, s,ii!ed for England, lie was entrusted bv the ( iDvernor' of the C .lib the contribiuions of the m- selves. aiu 1 a f th ew other tVicnils of the Institution, to the amoimt nf £2^0, for e inuxhase lu as a f.nnulaiiiin for a Library for the Ci he was honored witii a ( 'iininii'->i(in to take .any me.a-^un^s, which might be a|)pro\ed by the .\iihb>lMp dt' (araeibury y[)v Moore, the IJishoiJs of London ano KiMln^iri- lir-. Iditcus .mil llorslev, and .Sc Estir.. the I'l q Much ih ovinci exei'lion w;is ni.ade to ]ii'oino ciope liernard, ollege. le these interests, in var(>ns was's, uncler il .\'jent. to proniute the mterests of the Kind's C e \erv onor.'ible patronage, w hicb was i-cadilv allorded liu tth IS exertion was niaile under the fullest conviction, that the Churidi and the College were indissoliiIiK- <-oniic( ted The station ;ind oti'tces of the Patrons, under whom con- that exertion was inadt', \\( re a i^iiai'aiitee for such connection hat nectinn was th iilra aiuler w liirh ,i-.-istani'e was solicited ;ind obt: Pxioks to the .miimni of more than live times the sum oii''inall\- subscribed. were collin ted and i'orwardecl regard for the Institution the l^Vi. Ireland .h uas llapi to N( h .Scotia ; ;ind a permanent feidiiv'' of ibll ig a large jjortion of and (_ L'l It the L'ni\a'rsilies in Lf;^laml and .\nd heic it niav be mentioned, that several of the most liberal contributors to the College, withheld their ijif"ts, until thev coitid be s.ilistied of a ri'iil coiiiii'ilioii A'/u'iVv/ ///,' ( '<>/('ii;r on this ))oint, \isits to the I'niver-it ccssful. .Mr. Wilbertorce sou:.;ht lor mor individual, and reipioted a \ i>it of scvc ings of the Mother Country coivniiunicalcd to the distant Regions of North .America ; and from the l'".stal)lishment of this infml College, whi( h, it is hoped, may hereafter become, as the Charter expresses it, "The MoiUl-.R of an UNIV'FRSI'IA'," will anticipate the most important aud bcncficiil EtTects ; the general Difiusion of soiuid Learning, the Promoticui of e\ery liberal Art and Science, and, above all, the firm Sapi)ort of the Christian Religion, as professed and taught by our Reformed Ki)isco])al Church. J-lxperience has abundan'ly proved, that as N;uions ruhance in Wealth and Lu.xury, in Commerce and the Arts, iriilhs, the most universally received * III Williciforcc'i CcirresioiiiUiici' (Vol. 1, p. 'JJ7) tin ip is a lottir tn .Mrs. llaiiii.Tli Momi', dntcd July IH. Isnl, in wliicli lir mivk : " Tlu' snii of tho l'.islu>ii (if N'^.n \ 'rutin is in Ivimliiiiil, ciulenvnur- iiiir to f drill n, liliiiviy Inr iv in w niii\ei>ity, nml 1 hiiv.' In ei; (iisiri'il to usk ,\ mi for a (opy of \oiir Winks fioiii vnniM'lf. It is too iiiinh aliiinsf to lii'i: liuiit \i'!uiiiis, liiit tin- piojtct miiiuars to mo Will woitli> I f L'lu'diiinn II. I lit and I ivt'iiinnu'inl cc nipluiiiLO " ; XII irisToKicAi, IN rn<)i)r(Ti(».\. aiK till' most IuljIiK i'( •ted, arc apt naduallv t(i 1( tlu'ir I'Lstimation 1 li'iicc the I 'sc of Ailiclcs of I'aitli ; liciici^ tlic X'aluc of Scliools and C'olloj^cs, ami other learned I'"oiindations ; iiein e the \'a!iu' of the Instiiatioti for whiih we picsinne an Insiifatioii, w; inestimable lieiielii^ to solicit the Public Siip|)oit. In the Nov World, such jccuhailv necessarv, md is liUelv to b attcntlccl with In tl American Colleyo, for which wc arc now |)leadin>;, the I)octr:ne> and Discipline of the Chmrli of I'aij^land, fixed on tiiin foundations, will iiand dcnvii, from Aj^e to Aj^c, tiic j^cnuinc Principles of the (hiistian l\eli,L;ion in their ori.^inal Purity, as the most \aluablt' 'I'rca- Id !)(• seemed to Posterity l)y the pro\idcnt Wisdom of their sure wincn con Ancestoi s These imixirlant ()bi(cts, howe\er. will b • xtension ol the Palronaue dread V experienced a ■ncious and unniilicei ■ally i)r(ini()tcd liy the d by tlu friendly Aid of W nhi then, m ilic N:ii ne of the ("io\-ernors of this Institution, wc return uUnowledi^ments to |all the SlI'.scRllU'.US and HKNKKAC- >t hel|) earni'Stly rt'questinj^ the .Assist; their Ljratelul l(iKS uc I ai jiromotiui; it-- Welfare, either l)y a Contribution in 1' Subsciiption, m order to en,U)le extensi\c perity of this in the ( io\-ernors to yii: ince of others, in , or by a jjecuniary ciu'e an useful and br ii-\', which must be hiLihiv coniluci\e to tlie Success and Pros- fmt rni\erfitv Sckdl'r. Pl'.KNAKD, M. P. jdM I'll Pl.ANIA. WllllAM WlllUKIOUCI , M. P John WiiAKir. liHiKs; Mis ('iiace the Aichbishop of C'anterbur\', the Lord I'lisho]) of l.oiulon, the Ke\. ilu' hi Ili'.h io|) of Ihuham, the Lord llishop of Meath, the Ki^ht • on the Chaplei' ol W estmms ter, the I'niversitv of <>\foi(l, the Socitiy lor I'ropa-aiion of the Ciospel, Trustees for the Pritish M iiseiuu, Siiciii\' lor bclteruiu; llu' C ondilion ol iht 'oor, the Ki ;ht 11. M l.oni ore 1 W •^irdley. Si rojn" Pcinard, l'Ni|., M. P.. Mr. Haron Maseies, Mis. illiam W ilbeilorci', M. W ilmo t, !•: arille\-, Cull ullinL Smith, l'".si|,, luiiioi', 1 lonourablc )h Plania, l'".si|., Capt. Sykes, K, \., r. (".iilcli, IN'|., |nhn ( 'iiiilk'inarde, l'"si|., Mr. P-dwards, .Sir P. W inen. Dr. i;i,i' P. ■\-. |)i'. Ki|)liii;.;, C'aml)iiil.L;e, Rew Mr. Ciilpii lit. I\. 11, Kev. Mr. Hewlett, Rev. Mr. 11 Mr. ( rav, homas ( ockr.m . 1'. C'li fiord M ''hii'fof Prince Mdwa.rds Uland, C'apl. 'I'albot, John luckw on 1.-. I. 11. 1 rovne K H' M. \e\- Mr. P The Slim of ^"-(oo wms collected throui^h the exertions of the ,neinlemen nanieil abo\e, and thi and Mr, the 1 of books. > placed in the hands of .Scro|)e Bernard, P^q., ibiaiian of the liritish Museum, for the purchase luMc IS now 111 till' 1 ii)iar\' p. lit' a l)cautifiillv e.veculcd manu- sciipt cataloL;ue of the Library by the then Librarian, Benjamin Cerrish dray. It IS iledic ated to I lis l-'.xcei li'iicv .Sir >hn Wentworth, Bart., Lieutenant- (iinernor of the Pro\ ince, and bears the d.ite januarv 1st, iSo;. .Accortiinj. to th is cat.uo'iie, the Lib rai" of the Uni\ersity at that time contained 840 \ oluini's. l'"rom this 1 .leyinnmL the Library i^raduallv increased vear after year. until the room in the I'ol t'lje buildin I hich was set apart for that purpose, could no loiiLier CO ntain the books. In the meantime a handsome stone \ iltsTOlUCAL INTHODUCTION. XIU liu. ise If ir, lie buildini; liad been erected I^y the mcnilDcis of tlie Associated Alumni for a liail and library, and in 1863 theeriCiunia was celebrated in the new structure, which was duly in,ui<4urated in the jiresence of the whole University and .1 large asseniblaj^c of distinguished visitors. Dr. Almon, chairman of the building committee, transferred the key with the use of the hall for the occasion to the governors, and the IJishop replied to his address. In 1870 the collection of books was removed to this Ijuilding where it is now coritained. A very valuable collection of books was added to the library in 1835 '^V the gift of the Record Commission of Great 15ritain. On June 24th of that year thf" X'isitor informed the (Jovcrnors that scven'v-two volumes (folio), anil twelve volumes (octavo) had arrixed at Halifax from the Com- mission. These consisted of collections of public records of tlie United Kingdom, including the Domesday Hook, Rolls ol Parliament, Chancery Rolls, Valor Ecclesiasticus of the reign of Henry VIII, &c., arranged and published by the Royal Commission a|)p()inted for that purpose. Nineteen sets only were distributed in the Colonies and dependencies of the Empire. Each volume of this set has printed upon the fly-leaf the direction that it is " to Ix' perpetually preserved in the Library of King's College, Windsor, .\o\a .Scotia. ' .About 1S57, the Incor])oratcd .Mumni contributed twenty-five pounds' worth of books to the Library, and the ISritish and Foreign Bible .Society presented thirty volumes of the Holy Scriptvuc? in as many dilTerent languages, ami iiromi-^ed more. -Amongst the mine recent bciief.icticms, the first which calls for spccird notice is the .\kins' Library. This consisted in the first place of 153 volumes, nearly all of them rare and sumptuous editions, collected and pre- sented to ti.c College by the late Thomas IS. .\kins, Es(|., I). C. L., in 1872. .Sexeral adilitions were subsec|uently made to this collection. It is unneces- sary to attempt any description of these books here ; but most of them will be found dt'scribed in the notes apiDended to the titles in the following catalogue- It is dduhifiil whether there is to be foinid on this side of the .Atlantic such a valual)le collection of 15th and 16th century books. It is sufficient to say that there are nearK- twenty \'oltnnes from the celebrat<'tl .Aidine press, ar.d many from the printing houses of »he Elzevirs ant! .'-^teijhanus. On the death of Dr. .Akins in 1891, about 250 vohnnes were bequeathed to the College. In 1S72 the Library received another v.aluable collection of l)e)r,ks from the I 'resident of the College, Rev. (ieorgc McCawley, D. D., consisting of 59 volumes, many of them rare editions. Amongst these may be specially noted ten volumes of the works of classical authors printed liefore the year 1 500. On his retirement from the presidency in 1875 Dr. McCawIcy made a further donation to the Library of 140 volumes ; and twenty-seven volumes more were presented by Mrs. McCawley in 18S5. XIV HISTORICAL INTRODITCTIOS. il By the will of the late Rev. George W. Hodgson, M. A., nearly 5cx3 volumes from his well-selected library were left to King's College. These included the ninth edition of Encyclopccdia Britannka,\n twenty-five volumes well bound, a full set of Cornelius a Lapide's Commentary, bound in twenty- one volumes, and some valuable folio editions of the Fathers. Mention should also be made of sixty volumes received in 1880 from the estate of the late C. B. Bowman, Esq. ; of 246 volumes, chiefly old editions of theological and classical works, left by the will of the Rev. G. E. W. Morris, M. A., in 1883; and of 108 volumes, mainly old editions, from the estate of the late Lieut.-Col. James Poyntz For some years the Library has been the recipient from time to time of valuable publications from the Dominion Government, the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, the Institute of Civil Engineers, London, the Royal Society, the Royal Irish Academy, the Geological Survey of Canada, the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Messrs. MacMillan & Co., London and others. There is no special library fund e.xcept the fee from students and the occasional lapsing of prize moneys, and consequently the amount spent in the purchase of books is very small. The greatest care however is exercised in the selection of books, and only such works ,ire bought as are of real use and which are likely to be of permaiient value. H\ EXPLANATION OF LATIN AND OTHER NAMES OF CITIES AND TOWNS. The following list contains the modern equivalents of ancient and obsolete names of plnces which appear in tiie imprints of l)ooks in the Library. They are li' re given in tlie nominative case, whereas the genitive case is used in tlie works themselves. A few others aie likewise included, which are so changed in tlieir English form as to reipiire explanation. Am^tihi'ilamHin, Amntelodrmntm, or AmntArtdamuin, Amsterdam. — Antver- ]iia, ill French .-l^rers, in iSpanisii Ainherex, Antwerp. — Ar'ientoratum or Argentina, Strasburg. — Auf/Wyta Viiuleticorum, Augsburg. — Aurelia Allohroijum, (jc'ii-va. Ldinhfrna, Bamberg. — Bav/ca or Colonia Munaiiana, Basle or Basil. — BiroUinim, lierlin. — lii/xmthun, Ueuxpontsor Zweybrucken. — Bononia, Bologna. — ISntXfWv or BuxfUen, }5i'ussels, Cuntahrii/ia, Cambridge. — Colonia Afirip/mia, Colonia Claudia or Colonta, Cologne. — Colonia AUohroijum, (ieneva. — liooks hearing no place of publication but the imprint ajnid Commelinum ore hihliothecd Coinmdiniuriu, were printed by Cominelin at Heidelberg. Diin Eidin, or Dun-Eudain (Gaelic), Edinburgh. Ehrodimum, Yrerdini, or Iivrdun, an ancient town of Switzerland. — Edin- hunnnn, Ediiihnir/iiinn, w Aiieila, in (iaelij Dtm-Euilain, Edinburgh. — Erjordia or Er/urfitm, Eifurt. Firiifi' (Italian) or F/orevtia, Florence. — Franeofurtumad-Ma-num or Faiirojorliiim, FranUfort-on-tlu'-Maine. — Faiirofurtiim-ad-Odoram or Traji'ctum ail Viailntm, Frankfort-ou-the-Oder. — Franerjutra or Franecara, Franeker. Hal'itia. Copenhagen. — //af/a Comilum, in French La Haye, the Hague. — llula Saxonum or [laid Afai/deburiiica, Halle. — Hamhiir(jum, Haml)urg.— Ih/mt stadium, Hel.iistadt. — //tr/j(/Jo/(.s, Wurtzburg. IiKjoUfadiiim, Ingolstadt. I.iida or Litijdunum Batarorum, Leyden. — Lipaia, Leipsic Louvaiii. - LiiijdiDnuii, Lyons. — Liitilia J'arisionim, I'aris. Mavlovinm, St. .Miiloes. — Maijdi'bunjimi, Magdeburg. Xuiicdum, Xancy. — Xo)'i7nher>ia, Nuremberg. Oxonia or Oxuninm, Oxford. PariHii, I'aris. — Fictariiim, I'oitiers. Homa, Rome. Rochellc. S'ah)ii(riiim, ^nwmuv. — The Savoy, books bearing this imprint were printed in London. Trajir/iim ad Ix'hfiiiim, or Trajeclum In/'eriun, Utrecht. — Tridentmn, Trent. — Tidiiniia, Tubingen, Ulma, IJhn. — Ullrajectum, Utrecht. Vent'tiif, Venice — Viceiitia, Vicenza. — Vindohona or Vienna AustricB, Vienna. Wircehunjum, W'urt/ljurg. Lovamim, Mofjuntia, Mentz. -liottrodamvm, Rotterdam, — Rothoma•> :i * ' ^ AUTHOR - CATALOGUE. M H^ GATALOQXJR, ^TJTI3:OI^3. Bodies of men are considered as the authors of ivorks published in their name or by their authority. Anonymous books are entered under their titles, when the writers' names are not known. Abbadie (.T.iwiues). Traitc' de lu ^''(M•ite dc la Religion Chrt^tienne Nouv. ed. :$ V. Kottcrdain, 1711 I't 17l'8. Abbot (H I ) V' Humphreys (A. A.) Abbott ('lacdb). TIk; '^'i)Uiig Christian ; or Familiar Illustrations of rriuciplos of Christian Duty. Abridf/cd. Lond., n. d. Abel i-'^i.r Frederick Augustus). Mining Accidents and their Preven- tion. N. Y., ISSi). AbercrOHlbie (-lohn). Iu(|uiries concerning Intellectual I'owers and Investigation of Truth. 9th ed. Loud., 1S.3S. riiiioso|i]iy of the Moral Feelings. .")lh ed. Lond., 18159. Aboriiethy (.lohn). Sermons, v. '.). Lond., IT-")!. About (K(lmontl). Roman (^luestion. Tr. from French, liv Annie T. Wood. Fd. liy F. X. Kirk. J'.oston, 18.59. Ahregc d'Anatomie. ("Ca/itiuti '' ). Premiere partie : Osti'ologie. n. t., old. Alircgi' de la Discijiline de I'Fglise, tire il'un grand nomhre de Canons, choisis et dressez pour I'instruction dcs Fcclesiusti([Ues; nvec des Kcilc.vions sur I'etat present du Clergi'. Far M. L. \). D. S. I'aris, 17U1'. Abrege de I'llistoiro (et de la ^Morale) de I'Ancien Testament, . . . avec des Fclaircissemens et des Ki'Hcxions. ( Dadirnf or)/ I'pistJc signed ]f * * ;i; . I,i,i,/cy'f, fii/^. " Abn'iji' di' Mczanyu.') Nouv. ed. 10 v. I'aris, 17-l7-r)2. Abstract of the Loix de I'olice, ov Public Regulations for Peace and Uood Order, that were of force in Province of (Quebec in time of French (lovernmenl. //( Fnnwh. \ v. ( liound with '■'■Abstract of tlir Custom of I'aris, practisfd i» Qitfbce " ). Lond., 1772, Abstract of those parts of the Custom of the Viscounty and Provostship of Paris, which were received and practised in the Province of (Quebec, in the time of the French (government. (In French). ^ V. Lond., 1772. AnHTRACTS. AUTHORS. ADAMS. Abstracts of Mctcoroloi^iciil ()l)st'rv(itions, inado iit Magiietical Oliserva- tory, Toronto, tliiring lS.')4-t)2. 2 v. Toronto, 1864. Alj.'-tracts anrctcorological Observations, ^Magnetic O])servatory, Toronto, 1841-71. Toronto, 1875. Acadeniia^ Cantabrigionsis Lnctus in Obituni fle.orgii II, ot Oratulationes in (Jcorgii III Inaugurationcni. Cantabrigia, 1760. A('a(k'niindar (and Catalogues of OfRcer.s, itc), lr<'(;i-r)L>, 18()3-r,4, 1 806-07, 1869-70, 1871-72, 1887-88, 1888-89, 1889-90, 1891-92. 9 iianiph. Halifax, v. d. Ocncral Catalogue and Historical Records, 1838-88. Pamph. Halifax, 1888. Acadian Magazine, or Literary Mirroi, V. 1 (July, 1826 — June, 1827). Halifax. Acniepio (A. d). See Cnlepino (A). Account of KtUYipean .Settlements in America. Anon. 0th ed. 2 v. Lond., 1777. Accoiuit of Proceedings of British and other Protestant Iidiabitaiits, of Province of (i)ue])eck, X. A., in onUn- to ol)tain an House of Asscmlily in tliat Province, j v. Lond., 1775. See aho addi- tional Papers concerning Provim-e of (^Hiebec . . . ). ACCIIIU (Frederick). Cliemical Amusement, comju'ising Series of Kxperimeiits in Cliemistiy. 4th cd. Lend., 1819. Aclliardi (Antonio d'). I Metalli loro Mincrali e Miniere. 2 v. Milano, 1883. Acliill Missionary Herald, and Western Witness. Incomplete. Achill Islam!, (\i(ifit (if Conmuitihi, 1843-49. Achlliert Ardebeili. Series of Poems containing his Plaints, Conso- lations ami Delights. Tr. into Enijl ink rerse/ji/ C. Fox. iJristol, 1797. Act of Tonnage and Poiuidage, and Pook of Kates ; with Statutes relating to tlie Custoni.s. Lond., 1689. Acta Synodi Nntionalis, in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi, autoritate DD. Ordinuni Oeneralium Fu'derati Pelgii ProviniMaruni, Dor- drechti liabit.T anno 1018 et 1619. Dordrechti, 1020. Acts of Parliament relating to Criminal Law, and Procedure in Criminal Cases. Ottawa, 187."). Acts of Parliaments of Scotland. V. 2-11 (1424-1707). Loml, 1814-24. Adam (Alexander). Roman Antiipiities, or Account of Manners and Customs of the Romans. 11th ed, Lond., 1830. NoTK.— Usually preferred to Kcnnett's Work on the same subject. Adams (Creorge). Lssays on the Microscope . . . Lond , 1787. Adams {Jiec. ,].). Kiements of Reading (sehctions). Lond., 1800. Kleinents of Usiiful Knowledge. 2nd ed. Lond., 1799. Adams (John). Lectiones Sel<'cta:> ; or Select Latin Lessons, in Morality, History, and Piiograjihy. 4th ed. Lond., 1799. ADAMS. AUTHORS. ^lilANUS. Adams (>Iohn (i>niiicy). Tiiauguial Oration, doliveroxl at installation aa rrcifessnr of Klictorick aixl (Jratory at Harvard Univer.sity, 1806. r.ost., 1806. Adnnii^ (William). Essay on Hume's Essay on Miracles. (Ansivering that Work). ^ v. (bound ivitli other reliyiouH pamphlets). Loiul., 1752. Adams ("William Henry Davc^iport). Triumphs of Anfient Archi- tcftun; of (Ircoci! and Uome. Anon. Loiul., 1860. Addison (Ioso})h). Evidences of Christian Religion; to which aro added several Discourses against Atheism and Infidelity, and in Defence of Christian Revelation, occasionally ]iul)lished by him and others. (Oxford, 1801. Same. O.xford, 1827. Keiuarks on Several Parts of Italy, itc, in 1701-3, Lond., 1705, ISce also the Spectator ; and English Re[)rints, v. 3. Additional Articles in Pope Pius's (IV) Creed, no (sic) Articles of the Ciu'istian Faith. ^^ v. (backed " Miscellanies," vol. 6). Loud., 1688. Additional Papers concerning Province of Quebeck : being Appendix to book, entitled " Account of Proceedings of British and other Protestant Inhabitants of (^hiebeck, in order to obtain House of Assembly." f'/. i\) Lond., 1776. Addresses to Candidate's for Ordination, on (Questions in the Ordination Service. IJy Samuel, Lord Bishop of Oxford. 'Jud ed. Oxford iV- Lond., 1860. Addresses presented to H. R. H. Albert I'M ward, Princ(! of Wales, during his visit to British North America, with reidies thereto, July- Sept., 1860. (Lond.,) 1860. Adelllll!? ('Jolui Christopher). See Willicll (A. F. M.) AdoIl>lllIS (•bilni). Biograpliical Memoirs of French Revolution. 2 v. Lond., 17!t9. Adulteration of Food, Kei)ort on, ftir 1876-81. 9 pam{)h. Ottawa, v.d. Adventurer (Tlie)- lij/ S. Johnson, J. 1 1 mckesn'orth , and others. 4 v. Lond., 1770. Adye (^. Piiync). Trratis(; on Courts Martial ; also. Essay on Military Punislniicnts and Kcwanls. 8th cd. Lond., 1810. iEliaiUlS (Claudius). V:iria> Ilistoria' lil)ri XI 111 (.sic). Ex Ileraclide lie r('l)us publicis Conuuentarium ; Polemonis Physio- nomia ; Adaniautii "iiysionomia; Mclampodis ex Palpita- tionibusdivinatio; De Xevis. (6'/-). Rouup, .Jan., 1545. NoTK.— The very scarce editio princefm, in excellent condition, ijuarto. Varia llistoria. ((,'r. <£• Lat.) Tanatiuillus Faber emendavit. Salinurii, UGH. Varia Historia (.illiani); Heraelidis Pontici et Nicolai Daniaseeni qua? supersunt, Lipsia>, 1829. 3 1^ i£LIANUS. AUTHORS. /KSOPU8. f I, f ': ^ .(liliiiANUH (Claudius) — Continued. ?Tuctica, sive do motioiiibus, ac prsBcoptis militaribua, ad Forman- das ct Traiisforniandas Aciea necossariis, lih. {Or. . Elzevir, 16i;J. NoTB.— Some ascrihe thU book to Claiuliiia itilianus, the author of tlio " Varia HiBtoria" and " Ue Natura Anlmaliuiii," while olhurs attlrni that it ig by another writer of the same name. £scllines. ( Work.i in clirnnnhufical order). J^ciiiostlK'iii.s ct .Kscliiiiis ( )|iora (6'er. ik Lat.) Ed. IliL'ronyiim.s WolflllS. Kraiicofniti, C. MarniuH, 1604. {In ;/ood condition, which i.i rnrchj the tvf.v.'). (/KsclniiiH pt 1 )('iii()stlieiiis (Jratidiics. (ir.ti; Lat.) Ed. P. Foulkes «fe.I. Freiiid. Oxonii, 169G. (..K-schiiiis ct J )cini)stlicnis Orationcs. 6V.) Cum aunotatinmuu c Tavloro, Marklniulo, Reislcio. Kd. 2. Oxouii, 1807. Same. VA. 3. U.xonii, 1H14. Orationcs. (Ir. ct • Lat. {Oratores Attici, v. l;i d: 10). 2 v. L<.nd., 18*J8. In Ctesiplionta. {(.'r.) Kd. })v T. Owatkhl iK: Kvclyu S. Shuckbiirg. Loiul . 1890. iEscliylllS. AganicinnnM(6V.)- Z^'*^. C. -I. Bloillfield. Caiital>rigia?, ISIS, ((/pcra, dr.) FJ .lacoli Hcliolcfleld. CaiitabrigiiP, 182S. SmiH'. i'](l. 2. Cantaliiinia', i S;50. Vov^iv [G'r.) Kd.r..]. liloillfield. Caiitaliri-ia>, ISIS. I'runictlicus Viuctus(r//\). i:;d C. .1. BloillfU'ld. VA. :i. Can- tal)ri-ia', ISl!). ScMtciii contra TlicUas {d'r.). Ivl. C. .]. Bloillfield. Cantal)rit;ia>, 1S17. .Seven against Tliclics. {(irc'h- Tiwt). Kd. l)v A. "W. Vf'irrall ^ M. A. BayHeld. Lnn.l., isss. Tragedies. Tv. liv K. PottOl" (into A'y/'//tnnlry). Lond., Cortifliu.s JJee, IGG.'i. NoTK. — An edition of ({feat excel ence. Traga'dia>, ex editioni' Stanlii, J^atine rcdditas ct ail editioneni Cra'cam Scllllt/ii aicMHir.KidiitJT'. Oxonii, LS19. Ti-aga'dia« {(Jr.). Ed. ('. C. Sclllltz. '-^ v. Lond, 1S23. Ti-agu'dia' ct Fragment a C/;-.) Vv/. (r. Dilldoi'f. O.xonii, 1832. .Xsopus or iEsop. (Fdik's, etc, in Creek). In usum Scliohp. Regiae AVcstnionast. Lond., I(i07. Fables of .Ivsop and other iMiiinent Alytliologists {Ahutemins, Anianuif, JJar/andns, I'dt/i/ins). Kd. by R. L'Fstrange. 2nd ed. Lond., 1(51)4. Fables. Written in Chinese by Man ^looy Secn-Sbang, with a translation by bis jmpil " Sloth " {Robert Thorn). Canton, 1840. 4 vKSOPUH. AT'THORS. AKINS. ^■KsorUH — Cnnlhmpfh (Fa})l('s ill CliiiH'sc.) I'anipli Fahulie. {Lnt.) Loud., 1741. Fahuliiruni di'lt'ctus {Lnt). In usuiti Schol-c Rcgisp Westmon- asterieiisi.s. Kd. altera. Oxiniii, ISIO. MoralisatiLs ; cum bono coinmento. n. ]>., 14H9. NoTK.— This L'ditloTi of the Kabk'H containH 36 unnuinhorcd leaves, 6 of whioh intervLTiu lietween each »i(;riaturc. tiothic li-ttor ; no printer's name ; wooil-eut on rectii nf lnt leaf. Agassiz (Louis .I(!an Roilolplic). Contribution.^ to Natural History of T^iit.'d States of America, v. 1-4., 18,-)7-G-2. CoNTRSTB :— V. 1, Kasay on ("janaitieatlon ; North Ambrlean Testiidiimta; v. 2; Kinhryolojfy of the Turtle ; v. ."i, Acalepha in ifuneral ; CtcMophorao ; v. 4, Discophorse, Ilyilrolilir ; llninolo^ieH (if the liaciata. and Gould (A. A.). Outlines of Comparative Physioloj^y. K(l. l)y Thomas AVrij^'lit. Loud., lsn5. Principles of /oolo^'y : [lart 1, Comparutivo Phy.siology. I'.dston, isni. Agriuiltural Department, 17. S. A. Special Report, Xos. 1-30 (1877-80). •2 V. Wasii., V. d. Aikill (Arthur). Journal of a Tour through North Wales and jiart of Shro|)sliire, with observations in Mineralogy and other branches of Natural History. Lond., 17!I7. Aillger (Alfred). Charles Lamb. N. Y., n. d. Airy ((reorge niddell). (h'avitaiioii : an Elementary Kxplanation of Princijial Perturbations in the Solar System. Lond., IS.'U. Airj' (6'i?' (ieorge r.iddell). ^lathematical Tracts on Lunar and Plane- tary Theories, Figure of tlie Earth, Procession and Nutation, Calculus of Variation.s, and Undulatory Theory of < )ptics. 3rd ed. Cambridge, 1842. On Sound and Atmospheric Vil)ratit)ns, with Matlunnatical Elements of Music. 2nd (;d. Lond., 1871. On the Undulatory Theory of Ojitics, New c^d. Lond., 1877. Popular Astnmomy : a series of Lectures. 10th cd. Lond., 1881. Akber (Tiialeddeen Mahommed). Ayeen Akbery ; or. Institutes of Emjieror .-\kl)ery. Tr. by F. (rladwin from the Persian. 2 v, Lond., 1800. AkillS (Thomas l)camish, 2). C L.). I'rief Account of Origin, Endow- ment and Progress of Uiuversity of Kings' College, Windsor. {lioHud ivith Calenda^^s of the. College.) Halifax, 180,-). Catalogue of Manuscri]it Documents, arranged, bound, and catalogued under direction of the Commissioner of Public Records, Nova Scutia. Halifax, 1877. Same. Halifax, 1886. Sketch of and Progress of Church of England in British North America. Halifax, 1849. I'l i; il ALIJEUT. AUTHORS. ALLEN. Albert {Pn'nrr Canmirf of Kvijlanii). I'rincipiil Six'cclu'saiul Addresses; with Intnidiictioii, ^iviiii,' outlines of liis (diaractcr. 10th tlious. Loud., l,S()i'. " I'rfHi'iiti'il to the of Kinirs' Ciilloi'c, NVinilsor, No>a Scotia, in moiiiorv nf hiT (iri'iit iiiul |,'iiO(l liu>iliiiiul, by his brokuii-luiirtod wiilow, Victoria, K., lS(il. ' (Alllnill-dfl/l). Albertus Mn^IlUS. Coi'i])(Midiuui Thcolojrice vcritutis. Vciietiisj lidliriil. Orassix dr Pa/iia, .hiii. 14, 1 IS:"). NoTi:. liliiil; letter or (iothif t\|io, witli iiiamiscirpt rul)ric;itions ; iil)oiit S't uiiiniiiilicri'il leaves. Scriiioni's ih' 'r('iii|iori' ct Av Sanctis. }, v I'lnia', Jofimiiies Zdinrv, (11 SO). NoTK.— Ijiiiiirto, (iothic Iflter, witliniit slmiatiires, CMtclnvord.-:, or ))aKi'iation ; witli iii.imi.script PMhiiciitimis. Koriiu'ilv in the library of Dr. (io()iu:c Kloss, of Kiaiik- f.iit. liouDil with • i%.\|iosiiioMes lOiii.sto'aniin et Kv.iiicelioruin ;" in .stanipeil i)i;j;sliin (■o\er, \\ ifb ('l;i.-i]is. AlbillllS ( I'lri'ibird SirLcri'i"d). Talih's ol' Skeleton ami Mu.-^cles of Ilunian IJody. Tr. from the Latin, {/.(tiy jh/io ji/afi's; "JS x I'O in.'<., briiulij'i(lJji e.i'criiti'd). .', v. Loud., A'n't/itoii, 1741). Si-r. f(/.s'(/ System of lilnodA'e.s.sels am! Ner'i'e.s. AlbllOnsiSt I>e Chii'in'^ia '^Aialiice et Latine). AV. .lolin Chaniiiuif. •J V. Oxfoiil, 177S. AlCiVllS. Anaci'eoiiti.s ("anniiia; eiiin Sa|i]ilioni.": et Alea'i l''ra,i;'menti.s. (<;r. i't Lat.) /'(t)iip/i. (Ua.s.niup, ISOl. AlcillOllS. Ill i'lalonieam riiilosophiani Intioductio {O'r. ''f Ln (ISl.")) to Accession .olll; N a poll III ( !>■> -'). Allan {\y.). Theory of .\ re lie N. v.. l: Alloil ( i'-than). Keasoii, the only ( trac l-.'iaiid 7. Ivlin., lsr)-J-.")S. Man ; or, ( 'oiiipeiiduoiis System of Natural loliuimi. Ueiiiiin^'lnii, N'erniont, I7S|. Alloil (Orant). Aiiu'lo-Saxon liritaiii. Lond.. n. d. Alton (doel Asa]ih). Hisloiy of Ndrth American I'iiii llpeils M OIIO- ;ra]in o \nicrica. f the \\'alrnses, Sea-Lions. Sea-l!ears, and Seals of North W isli. IS so. ALLEN. AUTHORS. AMERICAN. Allen (K.)- Viiuliciiii Pietiitis, or Vindit'iition of ( iodliiicss from iiiumtiitions of Folly and Fancy, toj^'otlicr witli Directions for a Codly Life. By " K. A." Loiul., KiG-i. Allen (William F. and .losoph II.). Mannal Latin Crammar. l->tli cd. iioston, 18G9. AllKcmcincs l{i'li,L;ions uiid Ki'l)anun';s1)uch fiir Christen ,j(>(ier Confes- sion, vorn ()'.)erconsistorialr,itli Heiiiies. lUirlin, 1N02. Alliance between Clinrch and State ; or, Aecessity and lv[uity of an Kstal)lislied Kelinion and a Test-Law. Atuni. Lond., it.'Ul. Allix (I'i'ter). _ .lud^iineiit of Ancient Jewish Chnrch a^'ainst the I nitarians in Conti'oveisy npon the Holy Trinity and I'ivinity of our Saviour. 2iid ed. Oxford, 1S21 liellections upon the Looks of Holy Scrijiture, t,. estahlish ti.;; Truth of (Jhristian lielinii,n. New cd. Oxf.ird, 1Si>l'. Remarks uiHiu Kcclesiastical History of Ancient Churches of the AUii^cnscs. New cd. Oxford, I Si' 1. Some Remarks npon Kcclesiastical Ihst-ory of Ancient Churclies of J'icdmont. New ed. Oxford, Ls^'l. AIni.ain ('Iac(ines (J?- dacoiius). ]\Ioralia. .', v. {homid irith '' (Jn'ifori- !. Anielotle e/'Anielote (Denis). Vie dc ',l,.sus Christ, composce de toutes Ics I'aroh.s ,|rs Kvan-ciistcs ; ,,u, runitc iV'^ ,,natre, et les 'pialre ivduits en nn, I'aiis. \{'A\\). A-^ .rican A.'ademy of Arts and Sci,.ncc,s .Memoirs, v. I (to end of I '8.?) V, L> (2 parts), and v. M (2 parts). 1 v. .V 1 pamph. (innltil„t>;l). iiost. .V Charlcstowiu I 7^0-]- Annual .Monitor f..r 18(;(); nr, Ohitnarv of Memhers of Society o{ Friends in America, for \^r}\). >s'o. ;5. \. V., 1800. i i! i:i AMKUICAN. AUTHORS. ANCIENT. i: ! I 5 I I ' r ii Aiiiciinin Sociftv. llcpovts, 7tli, IHtli, :i2n(l-'J4tli, 2Glli, 29tli. 7 i.;mi|.li. N. v., IHl'.'M.-). Aiiu'riiMii I'liilicincris ami Naiiticiil Aliiiiiniic, for 1805-07, 1870-71, 1871-75, 1S77-80. 11 V. with 1] suiiplcinciils (y[wo)»y)/(). AVasli., V. .1. Aiiicrifan Institute (if Mining- Kiiniiiccrs Transactions, v. 1(1871) — 19 (ISi.i) +, with indexes ' iM v. Pliila. .V X. V., v. d. AniericMi -Idiiinal of Seicuee I'lul Arts; secdiid series, v. .'57-50 (want.inji; Nds. |L>7, 1-_'1>, l;iS); tliinl series, v. l-i'!) {\va,nt;u«,' N(.s. 8, i;58, li:{. 15;l. Kil, 1 »')(;, l(;,S). l'(K5 pamph. New Haven, 18(M-85. Ameriean riiiloldnicil .Vssdeiatinn. I'meeedin^'s, inr 188;}, 1885-(i. ."? ]i,iin|tii. I'xi-t., V. d. Transactions, fur 18()!)-70 — 1887. 18 ]iain]ili. HarM'oni & I'Miston, V. d. AlllllliilllllS (Seliastian). Ciiristiana Institulio Virtutuni et, Vitiorum. VA. :{. I'arisiis, \W)\. AlllllliailllS MaiTCllillllS. ilistoriarum, . Ehzcr'n-, 1 (KJO. Aliacri'Oll. .Vnacn'nutica, dia'ci'. Kd. Frederic Henri'' Ilotlie. Oxonii. ISj.S. C'arniina (^'y.). e recensione llaxteri. /.W. .Joiiann F. Fischer. I.ipsia', i7li;5. (^aruiina ; cuui Sapphonis ct .Mca'i Fra,L,nnentis (<,'r. it Lttt.) /'iiiii/i/i. cias-ua'. I SOI. . . . ( lihv. All llciiricii Sti'phauo ] hice »V: liatinitate luuu; priniuni dun.ita'. I |''^'/. | Lvtelia'. .Vpud llenricum Stcphanuin. .M. I >. 1,1111. ; i'".\ I'rivilc^io Ke,i;is. NuTK. — 'I'lu' very iiiiv aiul liiu' ittilin iniiiriji.t. Ai'curdiiiy to M.lltiiin', it. was |irlriti'asurv nf His Majesty's I'Aclieipirr. Fd. hy i-V.incis l'id!:;rave. ."{v. Fond., IS.'JO. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Fnuland . . . alsn. .Monumenta Fccles- iastica .\iii,dicaiia. I.nnd.. JSIO. Ancient Faws and Institutes nf Wales, with FaiLtlish Translation of Welsh Text. Fnml., IS 11. 8 i ANDKRSOr. AUTHORS. ANGUS. -19 nmc iriiiii it. was luritch ro."). ;iii('s. ■stv's III ol '4 Anderson (.V. Anderson ('lames S. M.). History of Chnrcli of Kngland in Colonies and Foreign Dependencies of IJritisli Knijiire. .'} v. Loml., 1H15. Anderson (William). System of Surgical Anatomy: jiart tirst, On Structure of (iroin, I'elvis, and I'erinemu, as connected with Inguinal ami iMMuoral Hernia, tyeing the Iliac Arteries, and the 1 1) wtri t ii iTi lit' T ) t lif a I iDi \' \' \^ I .K'*'' Inguuiai <(iiii I'l-iiiwiai iii'iiiui, L\i'iii^ til ojicration (if Litliotomy. N. Y., XX'l'l. AndOCides. Orationes. Or. et Lat. {Orafonts AfficI, r. / <{' /-/). 2 v. Loud., l.Si>,S. Andree ('lolm). Considerations on liiliuus Diseases, iW. 2nd ed. I'amnii. Loud., 1790. 1 am|in. i.oud., i / yu. Andrew (dames). Astronomical and Nautical Tallies. Load., ISO"). Andrews (Lilian .\llen) aial StoddsU'd (S.). Crammarof Latin Lan- guage, inth ed. I'xiston, ISHt. Andrews ('lames rcttit). HistoiT of (Ireat Ihitain, cijuuccted with Ciiroiiology of I'!,uro|>(-. 2 v. in 1. Loud., 17'.M. Andrews (Laucdot, lih-Jioji). Devotions. Tr. from Creek, liy C.eorge Stanho]ie. Mewed. .', \. {hound a-lf/iMi'hnofks '' finnf, Inipoi'faarc of J^i/lt/ious Lij'c'') T,ond., ISIJ Manual of Private Devotions' with Manual of Directions for tlic Sii'kc. T.ond.. ICiS-'. the Sicke. Lond., 1 (iS2. Manual for Sick, with otlwr devotitais. ."{nl ed. Lond., 1S7! Xinety-six Sermons. [ToirJih'Ji is ajipoidcf/ Nci'mon |ireaclied at I''uiu'ral of rishop .Vn.hvws, hv the Dishop of Llv, Lond., Ifl2<>). 2n.. ed. Lond., Iti.'n'. Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine at i.,arge ; or Lxjiosition of the 10 ConiMiandments. .'?ril ed. Loud., I(i7."). Andrews (Rohert). Works of Virgil, Knglislied (jrcsv). Iliriningham 17(>(;. Andronions h'/io'.'his l-'.thicorum Nicomacheomm I'arajihrasis (T//-. <(• ) /,(/. Daniel lleinsius. Ox.iini. ISO!) iiiiiiruiiii'iiM n/ai'uiis cMuicorum .Mcouiacneorum i arajiurasis (^r,/-. Lat.) Ad. Daniel lleinsius. Ox.mii, 1S09. Anecdotes of Heiny IV. of l-^'ance. (Tr. from the Frnir/i). 2 Lond.. u d. Komi., u. (I. Anecdotes, on Ilistoirc Seerette de la .Mai.son Oltomane. Ano}i. v AmstcrdiMii. 17'J'2. 1. An^US (.lose]ih). r.ihle Hand-llook : an Introduction to Study of Scripture. Lond., n. d. ANGUS. AUTHORS. ANTIPHON. t I 1 ! fl i ; -I Angus (Joseph) — Continiied. Hand-Hook of Pjiglish Tongue. Lond., 18G9. Same. Loud., Hiindbof)k of S])ocinieii.s of EngHsli Literature : selected from liritish Author.^. Lond., n. d. Annals of Astronomical Observatory, Ilarvani College, v. 2, ])t 2; v. 3, "), 7. 1 V. Cambridge, 18G7-71. CdNTRNTs :— V. 2, pt. 2, Zono C'atalotrne of 4484 Stars, observed in 1854-r)5 ; 3, Ac'foiiiit of Comet of 18.')S, by 0. l*. liotKl ; :<. ObHervations on (Jreat Nelmla of Orion, liy G. 1' Hoiid ; 7, Obser>;'tioiis on Solar Spots, 18t7-4!), by Wni. Craiich Honil. Allliaild (William). Spcodies and Public Letters of Joseph How. Edited. 2 V. lloston, 1("<.jS. Annual Kegister, or View of History, I'c^litics, and Literature, for 1758- 180(1, 180(), 1S20 (2 parts), iS23, 1838-47. 57 v. Lond., v. d. AllSellll {Sa'nil, Arc/ihis/iDj) of Canterbur'i). Cur Deiu; Homo. Ed. Hugo Laemmer. }, v. (Ixnoid tritli ,S. C/irj/sosfoin's " De Sacer- dafio" IS.Jo.) IJei'olini, 1857. Alisted (I'avid Thomas). Elementary (jourse of Ceology, Mineralogy, and I'liysical (U'ography. 2ud ed. Lond., 1850-69 (.s'ic). Answer to sduu' considerations on tlie Spirit .>f ^lartin Luther and Original of the Keformatiiai, printed at Oxforrs. Tr. bv A. Kobeits, J. Donaldson, and F. Crombie. Kdin., 1867. Anthologia I )eytera ; sive Poi-matum ( Jr.Tcorum minorum delectus, {dr.) In usum Srdiohe l\egi;e Westmonasteriensis, Kd. alti.'ra. Lond., 17()9. Anthologia' Ora'ca' a Constantino Cephala conditif libri 3. {d'r. et Lat.) (K<1. .1. J. Keiske). O.vonii, 1766. AutliOll (Cliarle.<). Cla.ssical Dictionary, n. t., 18-13 (?) Same. X. \'., 1N55. Select (>r,itiouij nf Cicero with an Kn^iish Commentarv. I'M. bv J. Hoyd. Lond., IS 12. AutllOIlillS (Arelili!s/i(>/>nf /■/orenre). Coiifcssiouaic domini Anthonini. (i'lorcncc?) J4S7 {'■n/nphd/i). Xi.iK. Siimll 4to ; title ;- in-* leiives - :< (T< in reil iunl bine. In old nioiiiistic bindin;,', ., Itti clasp.s. Antichila Italiche. Audh. Milaiio, 17SS. Anti-Jacobin Kevii'w and .M.ig.izine : or -Montlily Political and Literary Censor. Vols. 2(1799) s (1,^01). 7 v. Lond., v d. N.iTK.— tiilbird, I'rere, and L'annin;:, were eontribiit'irs to this periodieal. AlltipllOll. (h'ationes. Or. ctLat. {Oratores Attic!, r. I ,(• l-l). 2 V. Lond., 1828. 10 , ..,'! ANTOINE. AUTHORS. APPIANUS. literary Alltoilie (Paul Oahricl). Theoldgia Movalis IJnivcrtia, coniplectens Otiiiiia riorum IMreccpta, et JVinciiiia Deci.-ionis omnium CoiiscicutiiP Casuuin, suis ([ua.i([ue iiioiiiontis staljilita. 4 v. Nanceii, 1731. Some. 4 v. Parisiis, 1745. Sinne. 4 v, (uytbouiid). Paris, \7 -in & \7 40 (different ])ri')itcr J'roDi that <>f other J'avis edition). Tlio()lo,L,na T'liivcrsa, S|i('('ulative ct l)tudv of (lernian Languaj^'e according to vicw.s of Dr. llecker. Loud., 1S42. Apocryphal New Testament, lacing all the (iospids, Lpistles, and otiier pieces now i xtant, attriljuted, in first f', J'ii'tor ti' E. Ratdolt, 1177. NorK.— Kroin the Uhrary of the !':iriiiiUtc Coiiveiitftt K:itisl)nii. A heautiful, large- iiiarj:inei. enpy, iHiiiiui in wood ami leather with clanps. " Kilition furt ln'Hi'. Or) renianpie snri e premier feuille nne hunhire jrravt^o en hois, et e'est la premiere iiu'on :iit eniiiloyce." llnim I, Sditlaihlcr, ,lc. Komanarum Historiarum ; t'eitica, Libyca, lllyi'ica, Syriaca, Parthica. Mithridatica, Civilis ; A' libris distincta. (rlnci})s of the Greek frastncnts. It is l)Oiin(t in vellum, and ib in excellent condition. Thiir i« dUn a iliiplioatf cuinj. 11 .^' AQUINAS. AUTHORS. ARISTOPHANES. ■I ?! l\^ Aquinas {ISuint Thomus). Kxpositio Cuntinuii super Qiiiitor Kviiiige- listiis . . . Catena A urea. /iV/. .Joannes Nicolai. Ilerbi- Imli, 1704. Sunnna Thenldjjjica. Luj^duni, 1702. Same. S v. 15arri-l)uci.s (?), 187-3. VcMierablo Saerenient of the. Altar : a TlieoIoi^Mcal and Devotional Treati.^e. Tr. by -I. M. Nealc Ku. lly W. J. K. Bennett. Lond., 1871. AratllS "/' Soles 'Imiruun'n Kai Sinm/ityJa . . . I'arisiis, (ruU. ^fnrp/ms, 15.^)1). NoTK.— The two (olio wooil-cuta «ro iiiissin;;, l)iit otliorwise it is perfect. Arber (Kdward). see Kn,ij;lisli li('i>riiits, and a/no Knj;lish Seholar'.s Liltrary. Al'blltllliot (Jolin, .]/■. /).). MiscellancMnH Works. 2 v. {a. supple- nienfarij vohinic icas alxo IssiK'd). (riasi^dw, 17.")1. .N'OTE. — Arbiithnot's son pul)licaly iiroihuiMoeil these vohimus to lie a jjruss im- imsitioii, and not the works of hi^i father. Kose, however, in his Hioijraphical Dictionary, says that " positive as is this assnrance, ami thmi^h some few may he spurious, the style ami character of many fiill.r prove them to he j^emiine.'' Tables of Aneicnt Coins, \Wi_L;lits ami Measures, e.\|)laine.d and exemplifyed (xlc). Loml., 17l'7. Archer (.Vndrew). History of Canada. Lond, ISSl. Arcllilliodes. \>ua^supersuHt Omnia; ciiiii luitocii .Vscalonita'conimen- tariis (^r'/'. plius Torellus. Oxonii. 179i*. NoTK.— Pronounced hy Lowndes to be the most complete and nagnilicent edition of this authrr's works. Ar('hiv<'s iieports, Dominion of Canada. '/'o In' foini'l in. Scssiotui/ /'apcrs of tJie Doinliiinii. Arillglli (I'aulus). Roma Suliterranea novissima in ipia post IJosium et alios antii[ua Cliristianoriim ct pra'cipue niartyruin cirmeteiia . . . illustrantur. '2 v. in 1. ('nlonia', Ki.l!). AriostO (Ludovico) Orlando Fiiiidsn, Tr. by .1. Iloolc. .") v. Lond., 178:>. Spceinieii of a translation of tlie Orlandu I'^urioso, Tr. liy .). Iloole lloiiinl irifit //oo/i''s Daiitf. Lmid., 178."). AristsriietllS. KpistoUe. (ira'ra' : rum Latina lnt('r[pretatiom' et Xntis {Josi(f }fi'rc(>ri). I'arisiis, 1 (i.'i'.t, AristarcllUS'.'/'.'iVf/N'W. De Maunitudinibusct Distantiis .Sdlis et Luiue lib., nunc ]irimuni (Jnecc editus cum Fivderiei Coiiimandini versione Latina . . . (l'".t) I'appi .\li'\'aiidrini secundi libri mathematiea' (•(illccliniiis . . . ( txonia', HisS. Aristeas. Ilistoria (^'z-, e (L') Moderne. {Sur le ('oinDifrc' 4. Comedies. Tr. into J:ii(//is/i verse liy T. Milclirll. Y. I {T/u' AvJiarniiius, and Tin Kn'xjhls). Loud., 18i*0. 12 ARISTOPHANES. AUTHORS. ARISTOTELES. Not is Luna) laniliiii i lihri irtit)!'', * * * Ciivy. (Tin Aristopuanes — Continued. Coinoedic-e {Gr. d: Lai.) Ed. R. F. W IJruuck. 4 v. Oxonii, 1810. Atm«. V. 1 {(Ir.) Loiul., 1S2;}. Coiiia>(li!P ; accediiiit iK'nlitariui. fiil)ulartiin fragmonta. {Ot.) Ed. C. Din.lorf. 2 v. Oxoiiii, 1S;3."). Coma'dias (6'r.) Kd. Tlit'odonis liergk. Jul. altera. 2 v. in 1. Lipsia', 1S.07. ARISTOTELES or ARISTOTLE. 1. — C()i.i.i;iirt), 5. Venetii.s, Aldax, 14<)5-«8. NoTK.— This in the ran: ami fine ftiitin priiiri'ps, toV\o, of thu Greek text. The \o1iiiiius have not been collateil paijo by paifu, but the followitij; partieulars may be useful : — \'iil. 1. ronii)U'te (coMt-aitiinn ■_';! I niiiuinibereil leaves). Veil., N'liv,. 148."). Vol. .'). Watitiii;: 1st leaf anil a few at the end (or otlierwise, contains leaves 2-4.i."i. iinr.ibLreil). In ori^'iiial boards ; paiier larne. Vol.4. 1st portion, confalnini,' 'lln'tiiiliraxli tic llixt'•) Ed. William Wilkinson. Kd. 3. ()xonii, 1809. Sdiiw. VA. \. Oxouii, 1818. Nieomachean Ktliies. Tr. into EiKjlii^h. 'M\\ ed. Oxford, 1885. Nieoniacheaii Ktliics. Tr. into Eiiijlinh with notes, by R. W. Browne. Lond., 1853. Introduction to Aristotle's Kthies, books 1-4 ; book 10, eli. 6-9 in a]i]H'ndix ; with Analysis and Notes by E. MoOrC. {Contains the (irr>-k fr.H). 'ind ed. Loml, 1878. Kthies (^'?v) Illustrated with (Knglish) JOssavs ..nd Notes, bv A. Grant. Uli ed. 2 v. Lond., 1885. AiidrouicnK :\'/n)din.s. I'lthieorum Nicoinariieorum Paraphrasis. {(.'r. ,C- Lat.) Ed. 1 ). Helnsins. Oxonii, 18(M). Ilintoriu AniimdUun. llistoria Aiiimalium. {(!r.) Li])sia', 1831. I)r, I'oeficit. De J'oetica ill). ; Lafinr ronversus et analytira metliodo illustratus (a Theodor Oonlston). l v. {(>(>ii.)nl ivitli (imdstnn'.^ (> ali.soliitely Hniiilelli^;ihlt' to any person not ;i('iiii:iintcil wiili tlie oriiriiial." CoiitaiiK, also, I'.xtrncts «oticrrriiii^' the lini'k Theatii' nml M:islis, translatuii Itoiii Julius I'ollnx. De Poetica lib. ((h: .J- L((t.), ex versjone T. Goulstoni. Ed. Winsljini<\v. ( txonii, 1780. Do Poetica lib. {( ir. C)- IaU.) /.V/. Thomas Tj'rwhitt. Oxonii, Ito, \VH. XoTH. — .\ii t'k'!;ant and accwrato cdilion. Sitmr, Svo. ( )xonii. I Tit 1. >'ou books of Tobit, Judith, l>arueli, History of Susanna, and Del and tlu! Draj^'on; with Dissertations on Maccaliees and Msdras. Jieinf/ confinuntion of the Coiiiitit'iitdrlcs of S. l\itrick and W. Loirf/i (i/. v) J V. Loud, 17")2. Critical Connnentary upon book nf Wisdom of desus, the Sou of Sirach. /ifiiu/ a ro)i(uin}n>d ivith tlie uHtho''s Cr. Com. o)i Tohit, lyo.) Lnn, Rudimenta ; aceessit Soiutio Sophisnmtum. Anon. Oxonii, 1S;$7. Aschaill (Roger). The Scholemaster : a riain and Perfect Way of Teaching the Learned Languages. Rev. l)y J. L^pton. Lond., 1743. :See (tlso English R(^[)rints, v. 3 uintus). Commentationes in M. Tullii Ciccronis unitiones. Lugduni Batavoruni, 107'). Ash (dohn) Dictionary of the Knglisli Language, with Grammar. 2 v. Lond., 1775. NoTK.— I'scful chiefly because of the obsolete, provincial and cant words which it contains. AsllWCll (George). J)e Mcclesia Roiiiiinii. J v. {bound ivith Lang- bainrti Jfoinnx TrlitniiihauK, etc.) Oxford, 16)^8. Fides .Vpostohca ; or Discdiu'se asserting tlie received Autliors and Autliority of the Apostles Creeil . . . with A]ipendix toucliing the Atlianasian and tlie Nicene Creed. Oxford, IG53. Asiatic Amuial Register, or A'iew of History of Hindustan, and I'oHtics, Coniuierce, and Literature of Asia, for 1800. {Contains scvi'.rnl III i.'ecimus ^lagnus). Opera. {Latin poems.) Ed. Jacob ToUius. Amstelredami, 1669. Ojiera. {Latin poems.) Amstelredami, 1750. Authority of Councils and Rule of Faith. Hy a Person of (.Quality. i\i V. {bnck-ed ''Miscellanies, Vol. 6.") Lond., 1687. Aveling (P:dward h.) Physiological Tables. Lond., 1877. 17 ,. ■.„ IIAIIIN. AUTIIOKS. lUOHTEHH. :! ■ IW. ■■'\'M Kc('lt''siiisti(|iics (In l)ii)et'8o Hi'scrvcs, tt'iiuos oil 1711-1'J. Babill (Kninrois?). CoiifcTeiiccs d'Aiij^ors, sur !cs Cas Ndiiv. (ill. V. I. Aiij,'('is, 17").'). Cunft'rf'iiics K(tclt'siasti(ni('s du Dincm! (rAiif,'(M's, sur low Ct'iisiiros, t<'iuit's 1711-lL'. Nouv. ('(1. Aii^'crs, 175'). CoiifrrciH't's Mcclt'siiistiiiiU's du JJiociisc d'Aiigcrs, sur Ics t,*oiii- inaiiiiciiii'iis dc Dieii, teinu's 1713-14. Xouv. cd. 2 v. An^'oi!., 175'). iSanifi. V. 2. Aiifi[ers, 1744. Confi'iTiicos Kccl(''.siiisti(|iU's du Diorrso d'An^'crs, sur les Coutrats, tcmii'rt (Ml 1722. Nouv. cil. Aiif,'i'rs, 1755. Conft^'H iKH's K('(l(''.'ii/i'H occur ill the boo/,; iritli curlier dates ; and the. paiiinatinn is somptinwH renewed). Sylva Sylvaiuni, or Natural History ; (and) History, Natural and Kxperimeiital, of Life and Death; whereunto is added Articles of Knq..iry, touching Metals and ^Hnerals, and the New Atlantis. 10th ed. Lond., 1677. Works ; with Life, hy D. Mallet. 4 v. Lond., 1740. Works. 10 V. L(ind., 1819. Hee also English Reprints, v. 13. Bacon (John). Liber Regis, vel Thesaurus Rerum Fcclesiasticaruin. Lond., 1786. Bagster's Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. See DavidSOU (B). 18 •f-.^"- BAILEY. Al'THORS. nANCHOFT. tclWlOS (Ml uul Human. isiasticanuii. Bailey (Alcxiuidcr .Mfiliyn). One luiiidrcd anil six Copiicr Plates of Mechanical Machines ami Iniijlcincnts of llu.shandrv, iii(])rnv<)(l and adoptod by the (Society for Encouraj,'(Mnent of Arts, Manu- facturr' and ('oiiiincrce ; with (lescri[itions. 2 v. in 1. Lond., 17.S-'. Ruiley (•'■) "-"' Clllley (*'■) flc.ioral View of Agriculture of County of yorthnnilu'rlaiul. Newcastle, 1797. Bailey (l.orin^'; W.) Report on Mines and Minerals of New IJruns- wick. I'ani|ih. Kredericton, IHCiA. tniil Jack (Kilward). Woods and Minerals of New IJruns- wick. I'ainph. Freilericton, 1S70. Bailey (Nath;in). iMiL^lish Dictionary. 11th "A. v. 1. Lond., 174"). !Sanie. 'MA ed. v. '1. Lond., 1737. Baillet (.Vdrien). Vies des Saints . . . Nouv. ed. 4 v. Pari.s, 1724. Bain (Alexander). Lon;ii. ; jjint 1, Deduction ; [lart 2, Induction. 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., 187.3. Baker {Sir Richard). Chronicle of Kings of Kngland, unto death of .lames (I); uhereunto is added the Reign of Charles], witli continuation to (,'oronation of Charles II, by Kdward I'hillips. 4th ed. i,ond, lOfi"). Sdim; with i'hillips' continuation to l.'Hh year of reign of diaries II. Loud., ir.S4. Baker (Thomas). Retlcctioiis upon Learning . . . to tivince us(!fulne.s.s and necessity of Keyelation. Jiy " A (lentleman."' Loud., 170U.' V. NoTK— At one time this work was one of tlie most ijopular books in the Kiigliah laiiu'ua.u'e. Bakowcll (Frederick ( '.) Natural Kyideuce of a Future. Life, deriyed from the ]ir()perties and actions of animate and inanimate matter. Loud., IS:}"). Bakewell (liohert). Introduction to (ieology. 2nd ed. Loml., 181.5. Bakill8 (Rcinhardus). Mart. Lutheri Catechcsis ^liuor, hrevis.sinui Aualysi it,i Lxjiosita ... ^ y. {hnttwl with LndantiiDi' '' Ue Miirliljiiri fi-rsrritt(iriii,i"). "NVitteherga', 1(j80. Bale (dohn. I). D.) Select AVorks, containing the Fxaminations of Lonl Coliham, William Thorpif, aiid Anne Askowe, and the Image of linth Churches. Kd. hy II. Christmas. Cambridge, I'dihtrr .Soc, 1849. Balfour (.lolm Huttou) Outlines of Botany. Kdin., 18-54. Ballllglieill (Antoine de). Scriptura Sacra in Lt)cos Connnunes . . . dig(.'sta. 2 y. in 1. Colouite, l(j.o9. Ball {Sir Rol)ert Stiiwell). The Story of the Heavens {Astruiiomij). Lond., I88f). NoTK.— A very excellent work, which should be consulted by the student of Astronomy. Bancroft (Ceorge). History of the United States. G y. Bost., 18.")7. 19 ^tT i :!' i! IIANCKOKT. AITIIOHS. HAIlltlNOTON. lluiivroft (lluhfi't Howe). I'opuliir Jlistory i>f the. Mexican Pi'Dple. San Kraiicisco, 1SS7. Bairhcri (•!. I'li.) Dictinnnairi' l'(M'tatif Kninvais -Italioii ct. Italioii- iMaiirnis. -2 v. I'aris, l.s-J'J. »ai ■ Hai . liarcla) iMaiirnis. 2 V. I'ans, l.S-J'J. rcliiiaiii "' Karkliam (lolin). .svr (juilliin (,).) ircIaiiiN (.1.) .S'< Jtarclay (-1.) irclay (.lolni). Ari^fcnis. n. /., Lii^dimi liatavonini, Klzi rir, KJ.SO, {roll )j)/i( III). NoTR. -Coiiiiiloto, with excoptiiiii of title puK"- The work in an uiimsitiK political IjM'Clay ('t(iiv'tni'i's to a Couivsc of Anatomy. Kdin., 1827. (arclay (linlxTt). AiioioLjy fur Trnc Clnistian Divinity, a.s iicid foitli and incaclicd liy tlif |ii'ti|il(' called in scorn (^naker.-<. HIi ed. Lond.. 1701. B> Itan liai'i Lond., 1701. rOCroff (•'., />. P.) -Vrs ('oncionandi, or ln. '( f H It f f . lil'IIVI.^ 111-.! s,'o ahii Noiiiiiaia (il.) IJari (Marcello Kerdinaiidi de). Srr Fei'diliaiKU lie Bai'i (Marc(>il(0. Barlow (derome). Sir JMiLclish lieii-'ints. v. II. BarUnv (I'c'.er). i'liementarv InvestiLjation of 'riiecnv of Niind)ers. 1,011.1., ISll. K.ssay on Magnetic .\ttractions, and on Laws of 'Terrestrial and Licet Id Ma,niiet ism. L'nd ed. Lmid., ISl'L Barnabas {Saint). S, Ij^nalii Lpistola' . . . ad iuec ,S, ISarnah.T Ki>istola ((/r tv /,(j/.) /v/. Isaac Vossi us. ed. •_'. Lond., ' O.SO. Barnard (Henrv). Scjioul .Airhiteeture ; or I 'oiitrilnitioiis to Iniprove- nient of .Sfiiiiiilil.iuses in I'liited Slates. ."^itli ed, N. Y., isr).|. Baron (Kohert). Metajihysica ( iener ili.- .OIKl ifii/ilifli'fif< 17/Ii crii/iiri/. Barrenie (!• rancois ). ('ompte-K.iit. oil Tarif ( I'ari.s, 17'_'(). Barrett (Solomon). Principles of (Jrammar: hein^ Compel Treat on the lan^'uage; lish, Latin, (Irei ■k. ( uiious rernian, Spanish and French. Kev. ed. lioston, ISCi.'^ Barri (Ciraldus de). ^c^ Barry (C) Barrin^ton (Daims). ( liservations on the more Ancient Statnti from MaL'iia C'harta *o 'Jlst .lames L Modelling the Statuti ith I r)th ed. Lond., 17!)l). witn I'roposal lor m 1 f. 20 i 1 Lil;i> INCITON. m People. I'l Itiilion- //•/;•, Ki.'W, U8iii(? politiiml idl'l'Il, r>'ll- 11., lf<-27. s lu'lil fni'tli ;. 4tll t'tl. I to Young rniviTsity, oi't Yit-w of si cciituni's. I'd liigli'sc. iinsistinj;' of MUthovs (//* (Miiir.'Uo)- f Nuiulu'i's. •rest rial iinil Is. liai'iialw .oiul., T^SO. to lin|ii'ovc- |l. N. v., /,//»'.s',s' mil I Paris, 17-Jt). foiii]u'iuiii>us |k, (ri'rman, I'lit rttatuti's Isal for new HAUUOMEU. AUTMOHS. HASli.E l)E 8OIH«0NS. liarrOllK^O {San Carlo, Archhishnp <■/ Milan). lustnictions do S. Ciiarlfs lioroiiu'M". . . . Tr. (I'ltalicn. Paris, 1657. Barrow (Isaiic). Kiffhtocn Sermons, .selected. Lond., 1849. Theolojrical Works. (K)i,j/i-arri. Itinerary of Archhishop (Thomas) lialihvin tlirough Wales, 1 18N. {Main/ ropper-ji/afi'x). Tr., with i,ife of (;'.Mal(lus, l.y IL (". lloaiv." L> v. Lond., 1806. Bai'ry (Martin). Hesearchcs in iMiilirvologv ; tirst .series. I'ampli. Loud., \M\;. Bartll '"• Barthius (Casp ,r). .\dversariornni Commeulariorum ; lihri LX. . . cum lndi<'ihus. (.■{ rn//frfi' Wccliflianitt, 16l>L Bartheleiliy (-S/cj/r) ? Perpetuiti' de la Koy de TKglise Catlioli(pie touchaiit rKucharistie. Paris, 1664. Bartlielomy (-lean .laci(ues). Caritcand Polydorus ; to which is pre- ti.Ked a on AL)rals. Loud., 1799. Bartlioli or Bartoli (IVtro Sancte), ''iiiinirrr. Antiquissimi Vjrgiliani Codicis Fragmenta et I'ictura' ex Hil)liotlieca Vaticana, ad priscas imaginum foriiias a Petro Sancte liartlioli iiicisa?. Roma', 1741. Bartholomew (.L) Klementarv School Atlas. Pamiili. Loud., 1888 (?). Bartlett (William Henry) mni Brookedoii (W.) s>'i' Boattie's (W.) Wal.") •21 "•^IP ; ■ "I! I 1 BASIMUS. Al'THDKS. BEATTIE. Basilius fhf Groat (Saint). Opera Omnia (Gr. cf Lat.) 2 v. in 3. Parisiis, M. SonniuK, IfilS {flu' 2tiil roL itirorrpcfli/ ihifr.d 1518). Basnage (.Tacquos). Extrotiens sur la Roligidn. Ed. 3. v. 2. Kdttcrdani, 1713. Histoire ilo la Religion des Eglises Kefonnees. . . . Xouv. od. V. n. Rotterdam, 1721, Bastille (La) Pevoih'e, on Kecueil de I'ieces Autheiitiques pour servir a son Histnire. Avon. v. 3. Paris, 1790. Bate ((u'orge). Elenclii Motnuni niqieroruni in Anglia, jiars prima (et seeunda) simul ac.Iuris Ivegii et I'arlamentarii Brevis Enarratio. 2 parts in 1 v. Lond., KiG.'?. Baudraiul "'■ Baiidrant (Miilnl .Antoinc). .svv Ferrarius (T) Li'xienu ( ieograpiiium. Baxter (Kidiard). Methodus Tlieologia' Ciiristiana'. Loud., 1081, J'a.i'aplirase on the New Tesf;niient ; ".\i(ii advertisement of Diffi- eulties in the Ilevelatinns. IJIacklmrn, 179S. Bayard (Rohert). luideni'es of hehisionsof IJoiiKeopatliy. Pamph St. -lolni, N. 11, isr Bayle (Pierre). 1 )iclinnnaire llist(iri(|ue <'t ("rit (e-z). Amstei'dain, 1730. iiiue. ed. V. (Eiivres Diveast's. A'. ,'!. (I'ensees Diverses eerites a un Doetenr de Soi'honne. a I'oeeasion de ii 1 eomete (pn parut an mois de Dee. jOSO ; d, Reponse aux (jliiestlons d'nn Provineial). La Have, 1 I J. I. Bayley (Corn<>]ius). Entrance into tlie Sacred Language ; containing the rules (jf llelirew (lianiniar, in English. Lond., 1782. Beattie (dames). Essay on Nature and Imniutahilil y of Trutli, in iposition to So|'histry and Scepticism. 4th ed. Lond., 1773. Saixi'. ^th ed. 1 onii 81->. The Miii->lrel and other I'oems hv .lames 1 eattie : to which iire added Lond., 17!t9. M iseelianies hv .1 Ulie 11 IV Lcsittie, -' V. St'c aluo Loetic A'oices of Eighti'enth (,,'entury. Beattie (dames Hay). The ^linstrel and other poems hy .1. lleattie : to which are added Miscellanies hy d. II. lieattie, with Account of his Life. 2 v. Lond., 17!>!t.' Beattie (^Villiam). doumal of a Residence in ( It rniany, during pn fessioiial attendance mi in 1S22, 18i.'r>-2(;. (he Didic and Duchess of Clarence, ,ond 1S3I, The "NValdeiises, or Protestant Vj'Ueys of Piedmont, Dauphiny, and the L!an de la Roche. ('o|iiously illustrateil hy W. IL I'artlett and W. l>r< keclon. {Thin irark ?s' cliiijjij i/i'urri/itiiv nf flif sfi'iicri/, hiif if also (■unfdiit.'i infoniiation n-i/K rilivii till' xrrf). Lond., 1S38. i^ii BEATTIE. BEAUJOUH. AUTHORS. BKIJ,. Beailjoiir (Felix dc)- rtkotch of TInited States of America, from ISOO to 1810. Tr. l.y Wm. Walton. Lond., 1814. A^iew of Commerce of (rreece, 1787-97. Tr. hij T. H. Homo. Loiid., 1800. lieanillOIlt (Francis) and Flctclier (•!.) Fine.'^t Scenes, Lyrics and nther Deautie.s, selected from their AVorks ; with preface 1;y Loi£,'h Hunt. ^nd ed. l/.nd., 18G2. Scf aho J0II8OII (I Jen). IJCfttlinOIlt (-Iiilin). Considerations on hook, entituled Theory of the Karth, ;)nl)lisht (.svV) l)y Dr. I'.nrnet. Lond., 101)3. lleauties of ^lodern Dramatists {Si'/t'cfiaiis). EiJ. lu/ W. C. Onlton. 2 V. Lond., 1800. Bf^CailllS (/?• P- r^fartin). Siunnia Tlieoloyia', anctore M. iJecano j [)>iol)Us Tractatihns IV-rncuessariis aiula, atithore (i. Ilijo.iio- Kd. nov. J'arisiis, 1089. N0IR.— In 1762 the Parliament at I'aris ordered all of nccainis' worUs to \ie Inirnt- Becker (Wilhelm Adolph). Claricles, or Illustrations of Private Life of Ancient Cr<>eks. Tr. hy F. Metcalfe. 0th e'o/-., I8I:?. Prayers and other (religious) Pii'ces. Kd. hy d. .Vyic. Cam- la'idge. rurhr So,-., |844. jv;'«]^lftes (Thomas) a??'/ Watt (•!.) Considerations on .Medicinal I'se, and on I'rodiiction of Factitious Airs. ."{nl ed. P>ristol, 1790. Bt-«f"* '/ Beda (T/ie Vcni'mhlr). Kcclesiastica' llistoria' (Mentis Aii.uloruui lih. Colonia' .Vgrip|iiiue, Anii)h/ Mt/lnix, lOOl. Boeder (W. Holt). Succe-si'ul Farming, its Fsseiitials, S:v.. 2nd i^d. Lond., 1871. Belia^Iiel ( ed. ^ v. {hound with the 'nit/i(tr\< '■^ Rptienerntini) in Baptism"). Lond., 1816. General View of Doctrine of Kegencration in Bajitism. h v. Lond., 1821. Beiirrier (Paul). Sjn'culuni Ciirlstlansp Religionis, in Triplici Lege Natural!, Mosaica, et Evangelica. 2 v. in 1. Parisii-s, 1666. BtMlvelet (M('tHiieu). Meditations sur les Principales Ycritez Chres- tiennes et Ecclesiastiques. I'aris, IGGl. Bevail (P>). Practical Treatise on the Sliding Rule. Lond., 1822. Beveridge (William, Jj. /).). (lodex Canonuiii Kcclesiie Priniitivae A'iiidicatus ac lllu.stratus. Lonil., 1678. Kcclesia Anglicana Kcclcsia Cathnlica ; or, Ddctrine of Church of England ((Hisonant to Scripture, Reason, and the Father.^ ; in 1 )iscourse u]K.n XXXIX Articles. 2 v. O.xford, 1840. Private Thduglits upon Religion, with Practical Resohition.s fdrm'd thercupdu. Tth ed. Lond., 171.'5. Sermons on the .Ministry and Ordinances of the Church of England. ( )xfnrd. 18.S7. Theological Wdrks. 10 v. Oxford, 1844-47. Twenty-six Sermons, selected. Lond., 1850. AVorks (tlifoJiii/ira/). 2 v. Lond., 1720. BIBLE, AND PORTIONS OF BIBLE. Arraniji'il nrcfirifin'j tn lanijUdf/i'M, with chi'iDioln'iicul t^nh-ontiT. l'olj/lillati(>nil)us, Indicihus, A'c. . . . Edidit Hrianus WaltoiHIS ... (i V. Lnnd., Thomd^ Jidiirroff, 16.")7. With: Castell (Edmund). Lexicon lleptaglotton ... 2 V. Lond., Thi)iti<(x Riii/croft, lOGlJ. ^^^Tliuic luc t>iii I'dtnjiUtr ni'ts of this rare iioly^lott liililu, e.icli necom- |KUiieil liy CastcH's I.oxiciiii lIu|itat;liittori, without which thi'.v would lose h.ilf their \alue. liotli are " Loyal Copies," in excellent oouditimi, wanting tilt two leaves Jiitsiiiiiijf the dedicalion to Charles— whieh are contained in very fow. 26 niBLE. AUTHORS. BIBLE. EiBLE — Poh/(il(>tf. — ContinitPfl. Bibliii Sacra Polvdottn. {Hchrew, Grt'i'l\ Latin [viihinfr\ Enr/li.t/i, (Jfnnan, Ifniinii, FrnicJi nml Spanish, f(i;/ii/icr iritli :s>,rian New Ti'xtainfnt). FA. Samuel Lee. 1 V. Loud., Iia/!/])fian. Novuui Tcstauicutuui .Efjyiitiuui vulgo ("o]iti('Uui ex MSS. I'ddlciauis dcscrijisit, cuiu Vaticauis et I'arisipusilnis coutulit, ct iu Latinuui seriiionoui couvertit. 1)1 IVKl Wilk I us. Oxouii, 1710. Ap] oudix ad Xovi Tcstauicuti fJra'i'i c Codicc ^IS. Alcx- audriuo a ("arolo (iodofri^do Woidc doscrijitv, iu qua coutiuputur Fraf;uiputa Novi Tostamonti juxta iutorjirc- tatioucui Dialccti Sujicrioris ^Ey Tlicod. Beza ; with liricfc Suiuuiarics and cxpositious upou the liard- plac(>s hy th aid AuM lor, loac C'aiiior. and V. Loseler oyctlier witli th YillerUlS. Kn<,'lishcd by L, Toiiisoii. the Annotations nf Fr. Jlllliu8 upmi the Revelation of S John. Lond., liohni B'sf.) Ilolv IJililc, newly tmnslated (with prmjer-hook hound in front). Lond, ^Rolwrt liarlcrr 4' John' Bill, 1630. (11(^1}- I'.il.lf). 11. t., Lond., liolwrt Bar/rer, 1632 (from title-])aj,'u (if Mew Test.) Ildly 1)11)11', newly triinsliited (w;//// IJook of Coniinnn Prayer, Lond., IJarkcr. Ki.'U), hound in front). Lond., liol/ert Barh'r, 1634. llolv Lihlt', ncwlv translated. Lond., lintieri Barlrer, folio, 1634. Note. — Ulack-letter with map and (tencalogical tables prefixed. Holy I!i1,le. Lond., 1684, 12 ino. Holv liilile ; (u-itlt Boo/,- of Oiunniui Prayer hound in front, mutil'(fed). Oxford, .^^, 1770. Holy Itilile with Coinnientary and revision of translation by liishops and other clerj^y. Ed. liv F. (J. Cook. 10 v. in 11 (v. 1 in •_> pts.) Lond., 1871-81. Holy IJihle. Caml)ridt,a', ./. Archdearon, 1789. Four Gospels (Tile), translated froinOn-eek with Dissertatioii.s and Notes hv (leor^o Campbell. 2 v. Lond., 1789. Holy r.ihle. Camhridye, 4to, 1798. Holy liiltlc, eniliellished witii Kiiiiravinf;s from Pictures and Desieiis l)v Kni;lish artists. G v. (folio). Lond., Tliomai^ Mar/din, 1800. NdTK. — A very beautiful fditinii de-luxe ; plates b.v Sharp, Bartolozzi and others. Holy Lon.l, 1806. Xew Ti'stainent. imiimved vei'sion, upon liasis of Archbishop NeWCOllie's Translation, with notes Lond., 1808. Holv J'.il)le. O.xford, 1810. Holv liilile. ('aiiiliridge. a/>out 1812. Holy liible. O.xford, 1812. J-', no,. ^'ew Te.stani.Mit. < ).\ ford. 1812. ,.'-'^ iiiu. Holy llible. Oxford, S vo., 1812. Holv J!il)le, with Xote-^, Majis, iVc. Kd. by (leorjfe D'Oyly and Kichard Mailt. ••< V. Oxford,' 1817. Isaiah : ne\v translation, with dissertation and notes. II. Lowtll. Xewed. 1' V. (llas..ow. 1822. ^«ow Testament arranj,'ed in (.'lironoio.L'ii'al and Historial Order, with (.'opious Ndtes liv Oeorge Towiiseiul. - v. Lond., 1825. F'ive Hooks of Maccaliees. with Notes aniJ Uut'x). 2 v. Cambridge, the Pitt /'resx, 1837. Four C4osi)elsand Acts of Apostli's, with Notes by I Manil. New ed. L..nd., 1838. English Hexapla, exhibiting the six important English Translations of New Testament Scrijitures, Wirt if, Tijiiilalf, Cnanvr, (icni'mti, Arii/lo-Iiliiinix/t, Aiithorisi."!, (with) the Greek niU'r Sc/ml;: ; I'receded by an Historical Account of the Kngiish Translations. Lend., 1841. Saint!. Another ed. I.ond., n. d. Holy Jiible (with Rsalnis, nd., 1884. New Testament. New translation from a revi.sed text of the (rreek original. 'M\\ ed. Loud., 1884. Four Gosjiels and Acts of Apo.stles with Notes. L Maun. New ed. Lond., n il. Holy l)ible, arranged in paragraphs and sections, with emendations of tlui text, majis, iScv. Ed. by F. W. (jotcll and G. A. Jacol). Loml , IL T. ,s'., n. d. Holy liible. Cambiiilge, 12 mo., n. d. New Testament. Cambridge, S vo., n. d. New Testament printed t'or tllC BHud. v. 4 it 5 (67. John cj' .4t7.s'). n. p., n. d. Er^e. See Ir/.-^h, Finn. liil)lia, .se on Tyhii Kaaniattu, Wanha ja Uusi Testa- menti. Stockhohnjsa, lNr)2. French. Les Doiiy.c IVtits I'rophetcs (0.vy% — Molxchie) aw^c Explication du sens litteral et du sens .spiritual. Pari.s, 167«. Eccle.siaste de Saloman, avec une Exiilication. Pari.s, 1681.. 29 •r^ tt It 't . ;ll .1 li . I (■ I I, ' ♦ IIIHi.K. AIJTIIOUS. IIIKLK. Iiiui.K Fniich. (,'iiiiii imi'il. ( Ii'iii'sc, tr;i(luitr I'll l''niii<,-(iis, iivcc rcxpliciitiiHi dii sens littci'Ml ft. (Ill si'iis s|piriliii'l, tinV dcs SS. I'crcs (sl dt's A utciii's '<]cfli'siiistii|iu's. '1 \. I. Vnll, \{\H'i. l'",('rlcsiMstii|ii(' l.riuliiit cii Kraiirois, iivcc iiik^ Mxiilicatioii tin'o Aiitciirs Kccl('siii>ti(|U r ins, (Ic^ Saints I'crcs, ct Nduvcaii 'rcstMiiiciit, ; avcc Ndtcs par Ic li. 1'. I ). Alliclote. aris, 1(»SH. Saiiitc I'.ihlc. tr.uliiitc cm Kraiicnis, Ic Latin do la vulf,'at(' a cutV', ct cdiicdidc dcs (,>uatrc^fclistcs en Latin ut en l< I'anciiis. X (iiiv. ci J V. Ill 4. Li. 1701. N'diivcaii 'I'cstaiiicnt, avcs dcs Kciiianiiics lilcralcs ct cri- tiijiics siir Ics piincipalcs dillicultc/. v. 1 {S. MattliiPii — /|(7rs ilrn A/K'/rrs). Trcvoiix, 170'i. Saiiilc I'.il.!.'. (Version d'OsterVJlld.) I'ai'is, 1834. Saiiitc liililc. Talis, 1H50. Sam tc I ilhic ans. (!((!'! i 1S50. louinai pics la version revue par V. Ostervjild. ii Xnadli. {Nrin Tf.-itdiiinit.) Tr. l)y •! UlH'.S Slowart. I >uii-I'!udain (Kdiii.), 17()7, Tioi una N iiadli (in Ih (I (//n.iriiin/). Tr. hi/ Ifuilliam () I liniiiil (Will. O'DoilIloll. SliacklewcU, L^IO. 'rioiiin.idli Nuadii. Loud., L'^IO. I.caMiraiclicau an 'r-Seaun 'I'ioiiiuaiilh a^'us an rioiuuaidii Nuaidli. Loud., L'^")7. (>'< niKiii. Iiihlia {Martin Lulhor's r I'rftioii : iri fh irniii l-riils), Ma,!j;delioi'cli, \\'(i/il]/ii//'j Kirrlnii'r, 157S. NciiK. I!i':\\it,iriilly liiiiirul in >t:iiiipi'il Icatlicr, of ii ile.-inu similar ti) tliiit of li. I''r'n iIvMiiiiiiiiii liililiiiniiM, ,iji(l Luther's I 'olloinii.-v. Iiihlia ; iiacn tier 'I'cut scneu I coel'si IzuiiK .Martin Llltliei'N. rfiiid' run linnm i'ttrl llihli hrdit'l run Cir-v Krie llciizol. ( >iionii, 17.-)0. (t'rcik. Novum 'restanientuiii. Lntctiiv, llohrrf Stfphan IIX, 1549. ;w + niKMi;. ArTIloRS. lillil.E. iDiiuiaiilli iJim.K — (ireck. — ('otU'uiin'd. l^aiiit'. Liitctia', H. Sfi-/i/iiiiiii'<, 1550. rsiiliuoMiiii, lilicr ([iiaitus. {J.n/in, J/r/nnr, rnul (42 ; /nnjc />i/io). NoTB.— This edition wiis C'Oin|iiltMi iit tlic ru(|iRst of Ciirdiiuil Mnzariii. ]Vovuiii Tostatiiciituiu (iia'ciiiii, cuiii vul^ata iiil('r|irctatiniu! Laliiia (inuci contt'xtus linois iiiscrti^ JOi. I!. A. Moiitniiiis. apsuv 1057. (Vctus Tcstaiueutuni) ; Sfptua^'iMta lutcriJictuui, ex (^'ndicc. Alcxaudriuo. AV/. />// Joliaiin Krust Ol'Jlbbo. - v. in 1. _()x(.nii. 1707-19. Xovuui Tcstanicutuni, cuiu Lci.'tinuilius \'ariantil)us, iVrc, ,l(ianuis Millii (John 3Iill). -t''/. /ji/ Luddiplius Kus- teriis. Koti'iddauii, 1710. (New Tt'staiiit'iit, liuuiid witli IJililia Hcliraica accurantc C. Kciucccio, 17L'.")). n. t. Xovuiu Tcstaiiu'iitinu. .luxta I'.xciMpIai' Milliauuui. Lvpis .loanuis l!askcrvill('. < )\(iuii, 170.J. Novum Tt'stamcut um. Dulilinii, 1775. Codex 'riicodori I'c/.a' ( 'aiilalirigicnsis, lOvan^'clia ct Aposto- lorum Acta complcctciis, ([uadratis latcris ( Ira'cu-Latiuus. Kd., U(itas(iuc adjccit, Tiiomas KiplillfJ:. jHipi'i). Cant llHliJlil', 1793. {/'irt/f NdTK.-A far-i 18,i3. S and 'lacdh Parsons. ;? ,ii Canoncs. Oxmiii N i8o; Kd. 1. ovum Tcstamentum : I.ectioucs Yaiianti doscpli Wllitc. 'v. -J. Uxonii, 1808. ^l'ovum Teslameiitum, juxta exi'mjilar .Milliauuui. ( )xonii, 1813. (Novum Tcstamentum) Novum Foedus, cum versione Latii la. /;s/»'/x ami Artx). Oxford, 1831. Snnip. (>, 1835. Nnvimi TestanientMin. Oxonii, 12 mo., 1836. New Testament in (rretik and Kn^'lisli {[Hiralh'l), with inarj^inal liarnionv. 'to. Kd. liv Edward Clll'dwell. •2 V. U.^cf-.rd, 1837. Harmunia Evan^^elica, sive tjnatnor Evani V.. UreHWell. Ed. -i. Oxcnii, 1845. lera Hil)lia. (>xi)ni(i, 1850-51. Vetus Testanientiim Gra-ce juxta I^XX Interpietes. Ed. Frederick Field. nx„nii, 1859. New Testament, with Intrndnctions and Notes. C. Woi'ds- worth. Eond, 1801-62. ScHif. V. '1. Lond, 187'). Stii.'e. '2. V. Lond., 1877. Sanir. V. 1. Lond., 1881. (New) Testament. Ed. 1>V Henrv AlfOl'd. •")t]i ed. t V. L..nd., 1863. (tospel according to St, Matthew. Rev. by Drs. WestCOtt and Hort, witli Notes by Arthur Hloniatl. Lond., 1890. (New Testament in (4reek, with interlinear Latin interfire- tation. Benedict Arias MoiltnilUS). Bound with Montanus' Biblia Hebraiea (q. r.) Hi'hrnr. (iiibiia Hel)raica). Venice. 1). Bombcrf/, 293 (A. 1). 1533). NoTB.—This is one n( the celebiiiteii Boniberg Bibles, which are exceed- inirly rare. The first editiun appeared in IfilT. (Great Rabl)inical liible. ."ird Boillberg od.) 4 v. in 2 (foUo). Venice, Jo. dr (iara, .•{28 (/. c , A. I). 1568). I'salmornm, liber (jiiartus (Latin, J/rhmr, anil (tmk. In jtandlel rolanui.t). liasilese, Ilcnric Pctrina, 1569 {(•olojiliotl). Bil)lia Ifebraica, eorundem Latina Interpretatio Xantis Fagllilli Lxicen.sis, 15enedi(!ti Arite Moutaili ot quorun- dam alioruni eollato studio . . . {i)ld Ti'stanictit in Hehrein. icitli Interlintar Latin inferpretafion, hound ivi^/i Nfic Tt'stanirnt in Greek, irifh like inferprefation). Antyerpiff", ex ofHcina Christophori Plantini, 1584. All 32 niiii.E. AI'THOHS. BIBI.E. IJilu.E — Ihhfnr. — Coiitinudl. liililiii l./iivfii'sa t'tHi'l.i'ii'ca iniidctii, cum Latinii intcipreta- tiono Xiiiitis Pacini. Kr,7). Li]isias 1057. Biblia Sacra Huliriua. Ainstcloilaini, /'>>■. Athlax, 1061. NoTK..— Fine und scarce. In excellent condition. I!il)lia llcliraica, noii-piiiictata. E<1. .1). K. Jabloiiski. Dcrolini, 1711. XoTK.— H'2 nio ; "tiill copy," 4* >: 2 iim. liotmii hii lliyer I'aiine, the noted Eri(;lish bookbinder uf tlic lajt century. liiblia Holiraica. E!l E. mil '/''I- HoOp^llt, irif/i (I'ldifiniiH In/ J. '/'AlieinaiUl). Lend., 1848. (IJililia. cum aiinotatiouihus, iVc, .loliann David Micliaelis). V. 2 (/'ri'p/utd' PnsfrriDre/i). u. t. Jlini'/iiriaii. Hzcnt lUblia. Tr. In/ Karoli (Ja.spar. K6zcf?cn, ■l8r)L>. Iri/'fi or />.<". (liiolila). Dublin, 1827. NoTK. -Tile old Testament Is the translation of William Bedell, and the Ntw Testament that of William Uomhnvill, Italian. Siicia l]il)l)ia. Tr. ila (liovaiiiii Diinlati. Lond., 1850. Latin. {WWAhx Latiiia). This i.s a beautiful MANUSCRIPT oil vellum, with linely illuminated initial-letters ; size G| X I.', ins. It i.s (if uncertain ar,'e, but no doubt wa.s written!! between A. I). 1240 and 1440. The volume formerly lielon<,'ed to W. Hole, Archdeacon of iiamstaple, Prebendary of E.veter, and Vicar of Menheniott in Corn- wall, who died Oct iber 26, 1791, aged 82. In the bcffinning are la ])ages of modern manu.fcript, signed " \V. C, 10 March, 1776," and entitled, "The Kesult of a collation of the Kev. Mr. Archdeacon Holes Manuscript Copy of thd Vulgate with the jirinted Clementine Edition ; wherein their Variations, as far as they relate to the Division of the several Books into Chapters, are particularly noted ; with Observations on such other Particulars as occur'd to me in the (,'ourse of this Colla- tion, and which, if attended to, may help to facilitate the Task of any future Examinant of this Manuscript." In the collation are noted such leaves as arc missing. Pre- sented by Rev. K. H. Bullock. 33 nini-E. AUTHORS. BIBLE. ! >i ' :! I 'i ; i ( Bible — Latin. — Continued. (Bihliti Latiiiii). Xov. 16, 1475. V. Xurmberg, Antunius Coherrjer, XoTB. — This is the first Coberger edition. Kolio, containing about 244 (Ist V.) +2;t!) (2nd V.) uiinuinbored leaves, without signatures or catchwords ; Gothic-letter. 2 columns, 48 lines; nianutcript rubrioations, rcc^o of first leaf illuminated with arold and (olours. A perfect copy in excellent pre- servation ; hound in calf, and finely tooled. Accordirifr to the late T. H. Akiiis, D.C.L., the donor, this is perhaps the oldest copy of the Latin Bible in the Dominion of Oanada, and possibly also olilir than any in the I'nited States. He sa>8 that in l.Sfil there W!\8 no edition as old in the library of Harvard College, Cambridge, U. .S. A. (Bil)liii Latiiia.) Venoliis, Nirolaun Jenson, 1476. NOTR.— Probably a perfect copy of this fine and rare edition. Folio, fiothic-lctter, p:igi'(;vi ai' IVrsiiicua Kxplicationo illustrata . . . Lucas Osiailder. -i v. {old trsfameut). 'rubingae, apucl Geon/inni Gni,i>pfnhac/iiinii, 1589. Tpstamoutum NdViim, cujus (Ira'cci contextui rcsiioiident intci'iiretati(iiu'.s(lua> : una, vetus ; altera, Thctnluri BezSB, nunc (piartd diligciitcr ab cti rocngnita ; oju.sdcni Annota- tidiics . . . (Lutclia', //. Sirp/noni.-^), 1589. Jiiblia Sacra . . . Scholiis illustrati al) Immannplc Treiliellio, ct Franci.sco Jiiiiio (''/ Thcodoro Beza). Sancti ( Jcrva.->f(tfe Papers). Lond., 1807 (1). Bibliotlioca Patrum Ecclosi.T' CatliolioiP. v. 1, 8. Augustini Coufo?- siuno.s. ( >xonii, 1838. Bibliotlioca Sussoxiaiia : the Library of (H. 1{. IL, Augustus Frederick) Duko of Sussex. {Catahujne). G parts in 1 v. Lond., 1844-45. Bibliotliecai Vetoruni Patrum, sen Soriptorum Kcclosiasticorum, . . . {lir. et Lot.). Ed. Margarinus do la Higno. 'f v. 1, 2 A^ 8. Parisiis, 1624, (title ntisniinj from one roluiiie). Bickerstaff (Isaac), pneud. See Steele {Sir R.). Bickersteth (pAlward). Treatise on Prayer. Lond., 1828. 3C HIEI- ArXllORS. BLACKAM,. ',s' " Lexicon Istini Coiifci?- Biel (Johaiin Christian). See ScllIeilSUei' (J. F) Biglie (Miirgariaus de la), ed. l>il)lit)thera! Veteruin Patniin, sen Scrip- toruiu Ecclosiiisticoruni, . . . ((h: ct. Laf.) 1 v. 1, 2 & 8. Parisiis, 1G24, {title mifi.iiiifi froni. oni' volume). BijOllillS ((iervasius). See Becauus' (M.) Stiinina Thoologiaj Schol- asticse, ^v. Billings (Klkaiiali). Catalogiu':= of Silurian Fossils of Island of Aiiticosti. {(Jeo. Survey nf Canada). I'aniph. Mont., 1866. I'ala'ozoic Fossils, v. 1 k v. 2, pt. 1. {Geo. Survei/ of Canada). 2 I'aiiipli. Mont., 1865-74. Billillgsley (-John). (General View of Agriculture of County of iSonieiset. 2nd eil., Diitli, 1798. Billgllillll (.losei)!!). Origines Kcclesiastica?, or Antiquities of the Christian Church. 2nd ed. 10 v. Lond., 1710-22. See also Blirtoil's (-1.) edition of'' Pentahvjia." BioUt Calliniachi hynnii . . . et separatini Mosclii et Bionis idyllia. {Cr. et Lot.). Eil. lionaventur Vulcanius. Antverpise, C. riantinns, 1584. Poette l)UC()Ii('i (Irivci : sivc Theocriti, I»ioni.s, et Mosclii ([uae supersunt ; cum notis variorum. {^''>'.). Ed. Thomas IJriggs. Cantalirigiiv, 1821. Biot (Jean IJaptiste). Traite Eli'iuciitaire d'Astrononiie Physique. Avec additions relatives a rAstroiioniie Nautiipie, par M. de Rossel. Fd. 2. Paris, 1811. Birckbek (Simon). Protestants Kvideiice, taken out of Ciood Records ; shevring that f(jr tifteen hundred years after Christ, divers worthy (iuides of (Jod's Church have . . . taught as the Church of now doth. Fond., 1635. BiscllOp (Simon). See EpisCOIMlS (Simon). Biscoe (Richard). History of the .Acts of tiie AjHrntles eonfirmeil from other authors, and considered as evid(!iice of Truth of Chris- tianity. Oxford, 1829. Bishop (Thoiiiiis). Plain and I'lactical Exposition of (Catechism of Church of Fngland. Fond , 1740. Bisse (Thomas). IScauty of Holiness in the Common Prayer; four sermons. Fond., 17 16. Decency and Order in Public Worship recommended in three discourses. .\ v. (Ilointd iritJi the (infhor'n " /iationdle on Cat lied val Wor^hi />.'') Fond,, 172.'5. Rationale on ("athedral Worship or Choir-service: a Sermon. 2iid cd. }, v. F(.nd., 1721. Bisset(Rol)crt). Lifcof Kdmund I'.urke. 2nd ed. 2 v. Fond., 1000. Bitanbc (Paul dercmie). .loseph : poinie en ncuf chants. Fd. 2. Paris, 176S. Black (William). Coldsmith. \. V. n d. lilack's ( )uidc to Sussex, l'".Mg. {'".din., ]8il2 Blaekall (Ofspring, 1). D). \\'ov\is{t/i.'(,lo;/ica/). 2 V. Fond., 1723. ^T BI.ACKBUKN. AUTHORS. BLUNT. ■ I! i i » l-l 1 ■ I, ■I . ' ! ■, '«'■ 3 V. iMlni.. 17.')1 I'.lnck wood's K(liii])urj,'li ^fagazino. v. 74. {Jk/ij-Di'c, 185:i). N. Y., 1853. Blair (Hugli). Lccturos (jh Klietoric and Belles Lettros. 2 v. Blackburn (Henry), editor. Aciulomy Notes, 1887, with illustrations of principal ])icturcs at Burlinj,'ton House. Lond., 1887. Blackstone ('Vtr William). Connnentaries on Laws of England. 13th ed. Ed. by Edward Christian. 4 v. Lond., \mi). Same. 18th cd. Ed. by John Williams. 4 v. Lond., 1823. Blackwell (Thomas). Memoirs of the Court of Augustus. Edin.. 17r)3. \\ Blaii Lond., 1783. Same. 9th ed. 3 v. Lond., 1803. S'(l. Pentateuchus Hebrieo-Samaritanus charac- tcre Ii(d)neo-Chalinvanni). Novolle Scelte ed Altre Prose. Publicatc da A. i'.uttura. Parigi, \^'lh. Bode ('lohann Kieit). Vorstellung der Cestirne. . . . Berlin. 17S2. liodv of Divinitv, extracted from the best Ancient and Modem Writers. Loud.,' 1729. Boerhaave (Herman). Institutiones Medica'. Lugduni liatavorum, 1727. Boetllius (Anicius Manlius Tn^iuatus Severinus). l)e Con.solatione Philosopjiie. Daveiitrie, Jtd-obns dr Jireda, 1502. NoTK. -LarKe 8 vo., HO iiimuniherecl leaves with aifrnatiiri's ; hlack-letter, with iiiamisc ript inil)ruatioiis ami a nuiiiticr of annotations written in a very old hand. I'roni tlie Library of tlie Duke of Sussex, wliose hook-plate it eontains. Bogatzky (Carl Heinrich von). Nolhige "Warnung vor scliiidlichen Selhsttietiuge . . . Halle, 175,*?. B0£;iie (David) and Beillictt (•!.). Historv of 1) nter.'^, from the Kevolution t.) 1.S08. 2nd ed. 2 v. Loud., 1S3;?. Bohll (Henry (!.). Catalogue of Collection of P. Weiske's Pleonasmi Lingiia- ( Ira'i'M'. and C. llei'mann's Dissertatio de Flli[isi et IMcnnasuio in (!iicia Lingua. Oxonii, 18l;L BosaiiqilOt (K. 11. M.). Flcnicntary Treatise on .Musical Intervals and Temii' lament. Lond.. I87<). BOSSII (Kene ]<■). " >''•'' L«' BoSSU (K.). BoSSIlt (Ahlir). l''rcnch and luigiisli Fxciciscs with Syntactical Rules. New .mI. Lond., 1819. ' Bossiict (•Iac(pies Itenigne. liinhnjt nf Miini.r). Discoi'-^, sui' I'llistoire T'niveiselle. {SmnKl port I'lititlnl, " Suite dr F llixtn'ur, f,'nircr- si'f/r (ft' M. /' h'n't/iii- (/r Mi'itiix"). Xouv. l']d. 2 V, Palis; v, 1, 17:iO : V. :.•, 1720. Si'icct Scrmonsand I'lue'ral ( >ratioiis, trans'atcd from the l'"rencii ; with an Fssav on tlie i'llo(iucnce of tlie Pulpit in Fngland (//// !■:. ./) ':b'd .'.I. Loud , 1801. BOSWOII (-lames). Life nf Samuel .lolmsnii. 8tii ed. -t v, Lond,, I81(i, J'otany Sinijiliiied on tlu' Natural System. P>y " .\doxa." f-ond,, 1871. BoiU'liarlat (dean Louis), E cmcnesde Cah'ul 1 )illVrcntiel et di- Calcul Integral, Kd, 2. I'ari.s, 182(». 40 nOL'CIlKH. AUTHOKS. noYER. lloiicher (-lohn). Sermons. 2n(l ed. Loinl., 1821. Itoilfflipr ('I.). Traitr Complct de la Navigtatioii. n. t., old. Boililloil-Lagrailge (-lean Haptiste). Manual of Course of Chemistry. Tr. from tlic French. 2 v. Lond., 1800. Boillj?er (.lolin). Master-key to Public; Offices {showing places to seek, fpiftlificd finis, salaries, etc., etc.). Lonil., I860. Boiirdalone {H P- Louis). Exhortations et Instru(!tions Chrotiennes. Js'ouv. eil. 2 V. Lyon, 1750. Retraite Hpirituelle, ii I'Usage des Communautes Religieuses. Lyon, 1754. Sermons [Fr.). Nouv. ed. v. 1. Lyon, 1750. Sermons pour le Caresme. Nouv. ed. 2 v. Lyon, 1750. Sermons ]iour les Dinianehes. Neuv. ed. v. 2-4. Lyon, 1750. Sermons ])our les Festes des Saints ct pour des Vetures et Pro- fessions religieuses. Nouv. ed. v. Lyon, 1750. Bonree (Kdme Bernard), Diseours ; ou Conferenees de Deux Retraites, poiu' i)reparer les jeunes Ecelesiastiques aux Ordres Sacrez. V. 2. I'aris, 1703.' Boiiriliot (.lohn (leorge). Manual of Constitutional Hi.story of Canada, to 1S8S. Montreal, 1888. BoiII'ke ('I'lhn (i.) Notes and Memoranda bearing upon Us(> of Human Ordure and L'line in Rites of various nations. Paniph. Washington, 1888. BoiIITieillie (Louis Antoinc Fauvel(!t de). Memoirs of Na])oleon lionaparte. Fn^m the French. Fd. bv Dr. Channing. Lond., 1839. Boweil (T. .1.). (irammar and Dictionary of the YoruVia Language, with I)escri])lion of (,'ountry and People Wash., 1858. XoTR — Voruln, or V»riil);i, as it is sometimes spelt, is a district near the Slave Coast, (!iiH of (Juiiica, Afriea. Boweil ( ThdUias). Companion for the Prisoner : btjing a Selection of Sermons, Exhortations, etc., for use of imjiiisoned oHenders. 2iid ed. I.(.nd., 1809. Howies' Tud-Sheet Plan of London. Lond., 1814. Bowles (•lohn) {(('flections on Political State of Societv at commence- ment of 1800. Lond., 1800. Retrospect : or Collection of Tracts pid)lished at various periods of the "War i^x-ith France). Lond., 1798. BoViliail (E. A.). Wood-Eil)re for I'aper-making. Pamph. Mon- treal, 18»9. Boyd ( II envy.) Translation of the Inferno of Dante .\lighieri, in English verse ; with a specimen of a transhition oi the Orlando Eurioso of Aiiixto, 2 v. I.ond., 178."). Boydcll (.Idliii 'Hff/ .losiali). Si;> si'-ri'us editiov I III; P'i ::!| i I .: 'J^l ■ .lilt' r'li yii liOYI.H!. AUTHORS. llltACOK. Iloylc {Hon. Kdlu'it). Christian Virtuoso, showing tliat by \ivm^ adilii'tcii to lOxiuM'iiiH iital I'iiilosopliy, a man is ratiior assisUui than iM(lis|)osi'(|, to 1)(> a ( lood (Jhristiaii {First Part) ; to whinh is siilii )inr(l, (1) A Discourse' aliout Tiling's al)ov(' Reason, hut not Ciintrary to Rt^ison, ("2) (ircalncss of Mind promoted by Christianity. Lond., KiDO. I'lxci'lli'iicy of 'I'iicology ('ompaicd with Natural PliiloHophy ; to wliich ai'c annexed, 'l'iiou;.;hts about l^'AceUency and (irnundsof Mechanical Ilypotiiesis. Lond.. 1674. iOxpeiiments and Considerations about I'orosity of llodies. ,•, v. (/xiiuh/ /rit/i t/ir iiiitliitr's h'.isiii/ on llio lliiiiitoi JiJood). Lund.. I»;S|. Kxpeiinienls rhysico-Mechanicid, louclnn^,' liie Air; wlionuinto. is ;id(h'd, Ihd'ince of titc i'Aperiments, against objections .f V. 1 inus and T. llolil)s. Loud., UitSi'. Memoirs foi' Natural History nf Humane (.swV) lilood, especially the ys (dolm). (Jeneral View of .\oricuhure of ('(Uiidy of Kent, Lne;. L(Uid.. 179(1. JJoys ('rimmas). .\ word for the llil>le. I'amph. Lond., l!<;?L\ Itnuibliry (doim). Travels in Interior of America, in ISO'J-IL Jiradford (. Liverpool, ISi7. onn Writ in<'s : Sermons, .Meditations, Kxannnations, Letteis, T leatbes, anit l>einains. I'M. bv A. Townsen* Cambrid.'c, /'>tr/>rr Soc, lS4S-r);<. llradloy (dames). .Vstrononncai Ol)servations made at Royal OltstU'V- atory at (ireenwicii. 1 7r)0 (11'. l> v. Oxford, 17!»S- 180."). MisctdlaiH'ous (tisfroiioiiiicii/) Works and Correspondeni'c, Oxford, 1S;?L'. Brady (doim). Clavis CahMidaria : or Compendicais .Analy-is of tl w Calendar, iihistrated with Keclesiastical. Historical and JJnuly (N Classi cal .Vnecdott ."bd ed. 2 V. Loud., ISl"). icjiolas "lid Tate (N). New \'ersion of the Psalms of Oavid. lilted to the tunes used in church 1741). Lond. Brady (Robert). Introduction to old Hi.story ; with Olossary ol worils nsei 1 in our .\ncient Records. Lond., l(tS4. BragJ*e (Francis). Practical |) upon the Parables of Savioiu', with Praycis annex(>d. Lond., 1()94. ^Xork^ (f/i<'o!,>i/i,;i/).' New ed. f) v. in ."i. O.xford, 18,'?;}, 4l' ou. liUAMHAM.. AUTllOKS. iminoE. Brainliall (.'olm, A />.). Works. T) V. Oxford, 1842-45. Itraiul (F. ''•), I'diUir. Scltict Dissertations (by various authors) from the AiiHi'nitatf's Aradeniica' ; a supphiiin'iit to Stiiliiif,'flcet's Tracts relating,' to Natural History. v. 1. Loiul., 1781. Itriliul (•loiiii). ( )l)scrvatioiis on I'ojiular Antiijuitics of (Jrcat ]5ritain, iihistratin^' Origin 'A Customs, Coremonies aiul Superstitions. Jin: % Sir II.'KIHs. .'? v. Lond., 1853. Brailde (William Thomas). .Manual of Cluimistry. 2 v. Lond., 1848, ''»'/ Taylor (A. S.) Chomistry. I'hila'., 1803. BraSSP (-lohn). (Ircok (Iradus ; or (Ircck, Latin, and Kurdish {""roso- dial Lexicon. Kd. fn/ .1. \{. Major and F. K .1. Valpv. Lond., 1842. UrOSSlail (M. II.). Compendinus llelirew (li'ammar. Lond., 1871. Ilelircw and Kurdish Dictionary, llililical and Haldtinical. Lond., 1855. lireviaiinm Minoritarum. n. t, ^' J'riri/i'i/c dit Ro)/" dated 170!). ISreviarinm rarisicnse. Pars .l-lstiva et .Vutuninalis. 2 v. I'arisiis, I73tl. Ihcviarium Itomannni i\. \., Antrrrpm, cv offu-hnt l'l'iiit'uii)'f/I. 1()2I {r]t(iii). i'. Lars .Kslivalis. Ln,i,'dnni, 1718. S((nii'. Partes .Vutumnalis, et llienialis. 2 v. Parisiis, 1724. Siinii'. Lu^iluni, 172(5. ^V»*>'. Partes Verna, Autumnalis, t Hiemalis. ."i v. Parisiis, 1734. Sanir. 4 parts, in 4 v. Mecldinia>, 1872. Brewster (''>'''■ David). Life of sir Isaac Newton. Ld. by ^V. T. Lynn. Lond. it Kdin., n. d. More "Worlds than One, the creed of the philosopher and tliP hope of the idiristian. 8th thous. Lond., 1858. on Mai^nietism. Kdin., 1837. Treatise on the .Microscope. Kdin., 1837. Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments for various in the Arts and Sciences ; with experiments on ligl>t and colours. Kdin., 1813. Treatise on Optics. New ed. {Lurdnfr's C'ltbiiwf Cycloprcdia). Lond, 1831. S''i' ((/so Ferguson's (d.) Lectures on Select Subjects. Brewster (.Ii)hn). Prai'tical Reflections on Ordination Services for 1 )eacons and Priests, in United Church of Kngland and Ireland : to which are added, Api)ropriate Prayers for clerjfy- nieii, Lond., l^^"- Brice (A.). Scriptural, Kacts and Annotations on the Divinity of the ^le.ssiah. Bungay, Kng., 1799. Bridge (Bewick). Klementary Treatise on Algebra. 4th ed. Lor;d., 1818. Treatise (Ui .Me(hanics. Lond., 1814. 43 : 1u ■ 1 ^'1 k m V' II ' BRIDGES. AUTIKJRS. BUOWN. Bridges (Charles). The Christiuii Ministry ; with Inquiry into causes of its Inotficioncy. 8th cd. Lond., 18.54. liridgewatcr Treatises on Power, Wisdom, and (Joodneas of (lod, as manifested in Creation. 12 v. Loml., 1834-37. (I.) Chalmers (T.) Adaptation of external nature to moral and intellectural constitution uf Man. 2 v. (2.) Kidd (J.) Adaptation of external nature to physical condition o( man. (3 ) Wliewell (W.) Astronomy an 1 (ieneral Physics, with referencu' to natural theolo(fy, (4.) Bell (C) The Hand as cvincini; desi'jn. (f).) Kojtet (P. .M.) Animal and Vegetable Physiology with reference to natural theology. 2 v. (8) iluckland(W.) (Jeoloiry and MineralOify with reference to natural theology. (7.) Kirby (W.) Power, wisdom, and i.'ooduo«8 of Ood in the Creation of Aninials, and in tlieir history, habit' and instim^ts (S.) Prout (W ) Chemistry, .Meteorolojfy, and Digestion, with reference to natural theoloj^y. BrigstOCke (Frederick Hervev Jolm, Canon). History of Trinitv Cinirch, St. John, \. H, I7i)l 1891. St. John', 1892. Brillkley (-lohn). Elements of Astronomy. 2nd ed. J)nl)lin, 1819. BritailllllN (Robert). Orationes diia», Burde^'alix; quondam ab eodcm haliitie, altera de I'aee, altera de i" ilosopiiia. | v. {bound loifh tn'o other books, (Oid 4.") leaves of old manu.seript). Parisiis, C. WWh^/, l.-)38. Ih'itish C'yclopii'da. Kd. hy C. F. Partington. 2 v. Lond , 1835. JJritish and Foreign liihh^ Society, London. Report for 180.5 ( — 30, 1832-35, 1837-()1, 18G3, 186.5-G7 (63rd). 54 pamph. Lond., V. d. British Meteorological Societv, Limdon. Proceedings, Xos., 17-24, 3.3-34. 10 pamph. ' Lond., 180.5-08. liritish National Society for Aid to the Sick and Wounded in War. Report of Operations of the Society during the Franeo- Cerman War, 1870-71 (with cpiestions on the operations of the Society and replies thereto). {Hten Stiinile. Coiiver.sations Lexicon. Ote luitlage, v. 1-2, 4-10. Leipzig, 1824. Bromley (Fleury). Catalogue of Kngraved Ih'itish Portraits, from Kgl)ert the Great. Lond., 1793. Brooks (Phillil)s). Lectures on Preaching, delivered liefoiv Divinity School of Vale (College, IS77. .\. ^'.. li^77. Brooks (Thomas). Precious Remeilies against .Satan's Devices. Lond., n. d. Brooksillitll (J- "nd K. J.). .Vrithmetic for Beginners. Loud., 1889. Brown (J.). Arathematical Tal)les; containing Logarithms of N'umlier.s, Logarithniii! Sines, Tangents, and Sei'ants. X.ilural Sines, and Traverse Talde, and vai'ious tallies useful in liusiness. 5th ed., lev. l.y J. Wallace. Kdiii.. IS3(). 44 'I'll JIKOWN. AUTHORS. nitYANT. Brown (•'"•lni). Kssays on tliii Charactoristics {of the Etirl of Shaftes- buvjj : Jiidicn/a an a Tent of Truth, Motives to Virtue, Revealed Reliyion and Chrititiimity). 3r(l cd. Load., 17r)2. BrOM'n {Her. .Iciliii). Kssay towanls .in easy, practii^al, and extensive Kxplicatiiin of tlic (I'<'rian) Assembly's Shorter Cate- (tliisiii. N(;w ed. Edin., IS.HO. Brown (•loseidi). Idolatry, Su|>erstition, and Corruption of Christians of Turkey, (Jreece and Russia, cxiioscd and considered. Load., 1877. Brown (Richard). Coal Fields and (,'oal Traile of Lsland of Cape Hrelon. Lond., 1S71. Brown (Rohert). Ceueral View of A<,'ricuIturo of West Riding of Yorkshire. Kdin., 1799. Brown (T. i). ^<^e Tottenham (K ). Browne (Edward Harold). E.x|)osition of the Thirty-nine Articles, historical and doctrinal. 4th ed. Lond., 1858. Browne (Patrick). Civil and Natural Ilistorv of Jamaica. Lond., 1 789. Browne (•*>"■ Tiiomas). Rehgio Medici, r)tli edition ; with annota- tions upon all obscure passages therein ; also observations by Sir Kenelm l>igby. Lond., 1659. Religio Medici ; to which is added, Hydriotaphia or Urn- ]>urial, a Discourse on Sepulchral I'rns. Ed. l)y J. A. St. John. Lond,, 1838. Religio Modici, Trn Burial, Christian Morals, and other Es.says. Ed. by J. A. Symonds. Lond., 188(5. BrOWninf; (Robert) Selections from Poetical "Works. X. Y.. 188G(?) Brneys (David Augustiu de). Keponse au.x. I'laintes des Protestans contra Ics movens (pie Ton emplovc en France pour les reunir i\ I'Eglise. . .' . Ed. 2. Paris, i()8f). Brnnck (Richard Franz Philippe). Scholia (Irfeca in Sophocleni, ex editione lirunckiana. ( )xonii, 1810. Brnnet (Monoratus Jose|)hus). Manuductio ad Sa(!ram Scripturam, Methodo Dialogistica (!xhil)ens Prologomenu Piiblica, cum Appendice de A'erbo Dei tradito. Anon. 2v. in L Parisiis, 1701. Erunn (N. von). Das Reich trottes nach den I ehren Jesu Christi besonders .seinen Crleichnissreden erkliirt. Basel, 1831. Brnsll ((fcorge ,].). Manual of DetiMMuinative Mineralogy, with intro- duction on Blow-Pipe Analysis. 2nd ed. X. Y., 1875. Brnyere (Jean [?] de la). Les Caracteres de Tlieo|)hraste traduits du Crec, avec les Caracteres ou les Mceurs de ce Siecle. Xouv. ed. 2 V. Pari.s, 1700-1708. Bryant (Charles). Flora Disetetica, or History of Esculent Plants., Lond.. 1783. 45 TPin» T r 4 * iil m 1 " r 1 ■ 6 1 ! 1 Hi*- , ■:(. » k \','i' '.;?!: ( ■ , i, : 'A ■■ i, ■ ■," ;''ri 1 ■ } ■ ^^i';;|j -i s i'' ifl a pip HUCH. ArTHOKS. HUriF-ETIV. finch (Lct'pold v(tii). Mi!i('riiloj,'iciiI I)('scri|iU(iu of cnvirnnH Lniidcck, ill county of (Uatz. I'r. froiii Frciicli, Ity Char Aiidcrsoii. Kiliii., INK) Blicliail (NVilliiiiii.) DoiiHistic Mi'iliciiic. .Snl cd. Lmid., 1774. filK'liaiiaill (Claudius). Cliristiaii Ht'scarrlics in Asia, with iioticos of Translation of tlii' Scriptures into Oriental Lan^'uaj,'es. C:uinl)ridj,'e, 1S| 1. fiiicliniiiiii (David). .bVc Smith (A). filichaiiail (dcor^'c). I'araplirasis I'salinoruni Davidis I'neticn. (llas')if>''>■). J^fcudt's. {Col/ecfion ()/ SpnnoHs). Tr. Ity. H. I., and ed. by T. Ilardiiij,'. 5 ])iirts in 4 v. Ciunhrid},'o, I'urker Soc, lK4'9-r)-i. Bullock (William). Practical Luctnrcs n|Kin tlic; Story of Joscpli and iiis HretiuTii. Lon.l., ISiiC. Sonj,' of David, written in imitation of Smart. Lond., 1822. Sony's of the (.'Inirch. Halifax, IH")!. Blllwer-Lytton (Kdward (leorj^e Kario Lyttoii.) .&'«« Lyttoil (K. (1. K. L 15-L., liaron). Bunyail (.rolm). Entiro Works. Kd. hy Uonry Stobhinjf. 4 v. Toronto {jiriiited in London), n. d. Blircklinrdt (.lolm Lewis). Not(^s on tlie liedouins and Waluihys. 2 V. Lond., 183L Travels in Arai)ia. 2 v. London., 182'J. Travels in Nubia. Lond , 1819. Bureau of Kducation, United State.s. Circulars of Information, 1885, No.s. 2-5 ; 1886, No.s. 1-2; 1887, Xo.s. l-;5 ; 1888. \os. 1, 3-5, 7 ; 1889, No.s. 1-2 ; 1890, Noa. 1-2 ; 1891, No.s. 1, 3. 7. 21 ])aini)li. Wash., v. d. S])eeial Report of Kducational Kxhiliit.s, itc, at Exposition at New Orlean.s, 1884-85. 3 parts in 1 v. Wash., 1880. Bureau of Etlmolotry, U. S. A. Annual Rejiort. Wash., 1881. BlirgersdicillS (Franco 07' Franei.skus). Idea IMiilo.sophia; Moralis. Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Elaeviriana, 1629. Burgersdyck (F.). See previotiK entry. Burgess (Richard). (ireece and the Levant, in 1834. v. 2 Lond., 1835. Burgh (X. P.). Link-Motion and Expansion-Ciear, practically con- sidered. Lond, 1881. BurgOU ('lohn William). Letters from Kome to Friends in Enj^land. Lond., 1862. The Revision Revised: tin.' new (ireek text, the new Enj^dish version, Westcott and Hort's New Textual Theorv. Lond., 1883 Burke {Sir Bernard). *'ee Burke (-1.) Burke (Edmund). Philo.sophical Enquiry into the origin of our Lleas of the Sulilime and 15eautiful. Loud., 1787. Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on Proc(!edinj,'s in certain Societies in London relative to that event. 12th ed. Lond., 1793. Burke (John). Oenealogical and Herahlic Dictionary of Peeraj,'c and Baronetage of British Empire. Gtli ed. Loud., 1840. and Burke {sir I'x'rnard). EncYclopa?dia of Heraldry, or (iencral Armory of Eiiglaml, Scotland and Ireland, from earliest to pre.sent time. 3rd ed. Lond., 1851. Burke (Ulick Ralph). Handbook of Sewage Utilization. 2nd ed. Lond., 1873. 47 WW ^1 1 (i ! 1 i , t n M i{ ? ^ I i 'ill 9 1 1 ^ i I Mi' I 1. 'II ':il !'t I =1 I !! 'i:'! 'i ; V ', 'I I i '; ' I' 1 I il i"^ ill ^ij ill BURKITT. AL'THOKS. BUIITOX. Burkitt ( Kxpositorv Notes, with Practical Observations, on tlie New 'IVstaniont. ITtli ed Lend., 1772. S<(nie. Lond., 1797. lli'l]) anil (Jnidt! to Cliristian Families. 41st ed. I v (bound ii'itli WUsdh's " I'rinciples and Duties of Christidiiifi/"). Lond., 181-_>. Nt!W Ti'staniont with ( ihscrvations and Practical Instructions. Aw ahriiljfeniont l)y Samuel (rlassc. 2 v. Lond., 1806. Blirlailiaqiil Clean Jac4Ues). Principles of Natural Law. Tr. by T. Nu<.';t'iit. .Srd ed. Lond., 1780. Btiril (Kichard). Kcclesiastical Law, [id phabeticalhj arranffed). 2 v. r.ond., 17().'?. Smnt'. Kd. hy Sinion Fraser. 7th ed. 4 v. Lond., 1809. (iiid Burn (dohn). Justice of the Peace, and Parish OiHcer. 19th ed. 1 V. Lond., 1800. Burnell (Ce-.r^'e K.). ;>v Swindell (d. r,.). Burnet, ((Jilbert, D. J).). Abrid<>inent of History of the Kefornnition of Church of Kn<,dand. New ed. Oxford, 1808. Disccurseof the PastoraU'are. l.'khed. Lond., 1818. Kx]iositi(..i of tli(! Thirty-niiie Articles of Church of England. 2nd e.l. Lond., 1700. Siiiii''. Lond., 1720. Sinnr. { txford. 179r). :S((ni''. ( >xford, 18."U. l[ist'..rv of His Own Time {ir,f^')-l71-'>). Kd. by Farl of Dart- ' wunWh. rt ,ii;i. 2nd ed. fi v. ()xford,'l833. Histdi'v of Reformation of Church of England (1500-1507). ' 2nd cd. ;? V. Lond,, 1()8I-1715. SiUH'-. :'. \. ill ('). ( Ixfonl , 1829. Sunn. Ilhistfiifcd III/ nntnij ji()rtr/ Dnrhain). Analogy of ReUgi.-n, Natural and Revealeil, to the Constitution and (,'ourse of Nature ; with Two Dissertatiiuis (on Personal Identity, and on Nature of Virtue). Lond., 1824-. Sanii. Lond., 1848. Analogy of KeliLiion, to the Constitution and Coiuse of Nature. ' K-l. by Howard Mah^oni. 16th ed. Phila., 1872. Fifteen Si'i'nions ]treached at Rolls Chaiiel ; to which are added Six Sermons. 6th ed. Lond., 1792. Works. New od. 2 v. Oxford, 1807. Works. New ed. 1860. Butler (Samuel, PIL'-ltiSO). Hudibras. Kd. by /aehary Orey. Lond., 1X(;9. Butler (Samuel. 177^-lS.'/l). Sketch of Modern and Ancient Geogra- phy. ;b-.l ed. Lond., 1814. Buttniaun (I'hiliii])). (hvek (o'ammar. Revised by A. JUittnuuui, and tr. iiy L. Kol)iiison. N. V., 18."),"), Lexilogus, o ler lleilriige /ur (irieehi.schen AVort-Krkliirung, liauptsiirldich fiir Homer und llcsiod. 2 v. in 1. lierlin, 18(;.". X- 1S60. Buxtorf ('lohann). Kpitome (rraiuniatien:i llebra'a'. Ed. Johanu Leu.' lllll ! :l| i.Twi ■ I If ft m ^? .i' 1 r*^:. 1 'ill-';i' l! ..' ;!■ ! 1 1| nil' frf :: !;^: ..'■i nUXTORF. AUTHORS. CESAR. adjecta BuxTORF. — Continued. Manuale Hehraicuni et Chaldaicum. Oxonii, 1807. Thesaurus Granimaticu.s LiiiguiB Sauctai Hebrsefe . Prosodia Metrica. . . Kd. o. Basilea, 1651 Byg^e (Thomas). Travels iu Freucli Repubhc. Tr. by J. Jones. Loud., 1801. Byron (( Joorfjc (rordou Xoel, 6th Baron). Bride of Abydos : a Turkish talc J V. {bound with other of Byron's poems, and hacked '' Works." Lond., 1813. Corsair (The) : a Talo. 9th nd. J v. (bound tvith other of his ])oems.) I.ond., 181.5. < liaour (The; : a Fratfrnent of a Turkish Tale. 13th ed. L(md., 1815. iv. Hebrew Melodies. J v. Load., 1815. I V. Loud., 1817, 5th ed. 1 V. Loud., 1816. J.ara : a tale, Poems, n. t. Poetieal AVoiks. Lond., n. d. Poetieal AVorks. Lond., 1874. Siege of Corinth, (and) Parisiua. 3rd ed. Bysslie (Kdward). Art of English I'oetry. (Rideo, didionartj of rkjpnes, and co/hrfion nf thoiujliix froDi Eiujlisli poets.) 2nd ed. Loud., 1705. Bytlmer (Vieturinus). Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis, sive Analysis Critico-Practiea Psalmorum . . . cui ad caleem addita est Brevis Institutis Liiiguie llel)ra>0e et Chaldsea'. Loud., 1679. CaballerO (Fernan), jiseud. .S'w AlTOIll (C. B, de F.). CsulalialsO (.losepli). Cartas Mamiecas. Madrid, 1793. Ca'Sar (Cains .Julius.) C/n-on(>/o(/lcal nrrani/enient. (Opera) ; mini selectis Variorum Commentariis (containing the suppfimentary books attributed to Aulas J/irtius, on fhe Alexandrian, African, and Spanish Wars). Ed. Arnold Moiltail, y^ .)osei)h Scaligar. Amsteloilanu, ex o(ficina Eheririana, 1670. De Bello(;"allieo et Civili Commentarii. Ed, Joseph Scaliger. Cadomi, 1673. Commentaries (if War in (raid and Civil AVar with Pompey ; to which is added Aulas Hirtius' supplement of Alexandrian, African and AVars. Tr. into Emjlish by Martin Bladen. 2'"l ed. Lond., 1706. De Bellis CaUico, Civili, Pompeiano, Alexandrino (Anli llirtii), Africaiio {Anli llirtli), et Hisiianiensi {Aidi Ilirtii), cdmmentarii. Juxta editidnem Ondcntlorpii. Oxonii, 17H0. (Opera) (pia? extant. Kd. Joannes Oodvim S. In usum Deliihini. Kd. 5. Lond., 17ft5. Commentarii de iiello Gallico. Kx. recensione F. Onden- dorpii. K.l. liy Cliarles AntllOH. New ed. Lond., 1845. 50 C/ESAR. AUTHORS. CALMET. C-KS All. — Co7il inued. De Bcllo Clallieo Conimentarinruni 7. Ed. by John Bond & Arthur S. Walpole. Loudon., 1887. Do Bello (lallico Coniincntarioruin 5-0. Ed. by C. Colbeck. 2 V. Lond., 1887-89. Pe Bcllo Civili Connnentariorum lib. Ed. by i\[. MontgOmrey. Lond., 1891. Cain (William). Practical Theory of Voussoir Archf;.s. X. Y., 1874. Calaniy (B)cnjaniin). Sermons ; to which is added a Sermon preached at his Funeral by AVni. Sherlock. London , 1726. €alderon de la Barca (Pedro). Life and (lenius, with Specimens of his Plays (Life's a Dream, tfr The Great Theatre of the Wnrld, translated into Ea(jlinh verse). R. C. Trench. X. Y., 1856. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, East Indies, China and -Fapan, 1513-1621, preserved in l'u])Hc Record Office, &c. Ed. by W. Noel Sainsbury. Lond., 1862-70. Calemlariuni Impiisitionum i^)st Mortem, sive Escaetarum, tem))oribus Regum Hen. Ill—Ric. III. (Ed. bv J. Caley and J. Bayley). 4 V. Lond., 1S06-28. NOTR.— "Calendars to the inqnisitiotH, sometimes called Eaeheats, which were taken on the de.iths of individuals, to inquire of what lands they died seized, hy what service tliey were held, whether tliey were attainted of treason or aliens, and the name and .ajie of their heirs ; and they are the best evidence which is extant of the descent of families and property." Calendars of Ancient Cliarters and of ^Vel(!h and Scottish Rolls, now in Tower of London ; also Calendars oi Treaties of Peace between England and Scotland, together with Catalogues of Record.s from Royal Treasury at Edinburgh, and Memoranda concerning Aii'airs of Ireland. Ed. by .Joseph Ayloii'e. Lond., 1774. Calendars of Proceedings in Chancery, in Reign of Elizalu'th ; to which are preiixed examples of earlier ])roceedings from Reign of Richard II. to that of Elizabeth, inclusive. 3 v. Lond., 1827. Calepiuo "'• d'Acalepio (.\nd)rogio). Dictionarium Octo Linguarum . . . respondent autein vocal i lis Latinis, Ilebraica, (irtecta, Oallica, Italica, Oermanica, lielgica, Hispanica. Basilete, S. JJenricpetrl, Se[itember, 1584. NoTK.- llevitifuUy I ind in stamped leather. Amon;,' other embellishments of the binder, it bears on iit an embossen, Paris, 1855. Toronto, 1856. Canadian Econoniics ; being papers prepared for Economical Section of Ihitisli Association for Advancement of Science, 188'!. Mon- treal, 1885. Canadian Monlhlv. v. 7, no 6 ; v. 8, nos. 2-5. 5 pamph. Toronto, 1881-82. Canadian Parliamentary Compnnian, for 1878-80. Ed. by C. H. ]\IackintoRh. ' 3 v. Ottawa, 1878-80. Canadian Parliamentary Comiiaiiiaii, for 1874 i^ 1876. Ed. by H. J. :\lorgan. 2 v. Ottawa, 1874 .V' 1876. Cflllllill^ (lit- Ifoii- (leorge). Speech relative to ameliorating the con- dition of Negro Slaves in West Indienjainin). The microscope and its revelatioms. 2nd ed. Lond., 1857. Sep ahn Correlatif)!! and Conservation of Forces. Carpenter (Stephen Cullen). Narrative of Extraordinary Adventures of Donald Cam])hell (/;,w«r/.). 4th ed. Lond., 1801. Carr (Samuel), Sermons on Practical Subjects. 2nd ed. v. 2-4., 1797-1801. Carrauza de la Mirande (Lartolomeo or Barthelemy). Des Sept Sacremeiis de I'Eglise, et des Dis])ositions necessaires pour les rec«!V()ir avec fruit. Nouv. trailuction. Paris, 1692. Carrieres (Louis de) Commentaire Litteral sur la Genese, avec le Tcxte Latin a la marge Paris, 171-5. Commentaire Litteral ,sur les Pseaumes de David, insere dans la traduction Francoise, avec; le Texte Latin ii la marge. . . Paris, 1714. Commentaire Litteral {mr la Sainie Bihle). Bound as 22 v. Paris, 1711. A'c. Cartwri^llt (Thomas). Commeutarii succincti et dilucidi in Proverbia SaloiiKinis. .', v. Amstelrodami, 16.32 IMetajilirasis et Homilia' in lilirum Salomonis (|ui inscribitur Ecclesiastes. \ v. {haiivd iritli fho anthor'i^ Comvien- farii. . . ). Amstelodanii, 16.32. Carwitlien (-1. l>. S.). History of Ciiurch of England. 2 v. Lond. 1829. Cary (Henry Francis), 'liie Ilirds ((( cinucdii) of Aristophanes, trans- lated into English verse. Lond., 1N24. Casanbon (Isaac). Sci' Historiiv AugustfB Scrijjtores VI, and Tlieoplirastlis' Notationes ]\Iorum. Casanbon (Meric). De (,)uatuor Linguis Commentationis : Pars prior, I)i' Lingua lleliraica, et De Lingua Saxonica- Lond., 1650. A'indication of the Loi'cls Prayer as a formal prayer. \ v. Lond., 1660. Cases of Polygamy, Concubinage, Adultery, Divorce, &c. Aiion. Loud., 17;32. 54 f'ASSIODORUS. AUTHOKS. CATALOGUS. revelations. See Eusebius Pamphili, CaSSiodoniS (>[agniis Aurelius). " ("lirnnicon." Castell (Eilimind). Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hebraicuni, Clialdaicum, Syria(;uiii, Samaritanuni, vEthioi)icuni, Arabicuni. et Persicuni. . '. . 2 V. Lend, T/mii'ifi Royrmft, 1669. NoTS.— This accompanies Walton's Biblia Sacra Polyglotta (q.e.). Two copies. Catalogue of ]>o(iks relating to British (including Welsh, .Scottish and Irish) Topography, and Saxon and Northern Literature, ])eiiueathed to Bodleian Library, 1799, by Richard (lough. Oxford, 1814. Catalogue of Books, King's College Library. Manuscript ; not dated, old. Catalogue of Books, King's College Library. 1856. Mainiscript. Catalogue of Books, Legislative Library of Xova Scotia {amal'iamuted with fliat of f/if. N. S. /lixforiml Socifty) : authors, titles and subjects. 'HaHfax, 1890. Catalogue of Books in Library of Queen's College, Belfast. Belfast, 1809. Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets in Lil)rary of School of Mines, Columbia College. X. Y., 1870. Catalogue of California State Museum : Ixung collections made by State ^Mining lUireau. Sacramento, 1882. Catalogue of Early Knglish Poetiy and other miscellaneous works illustrating tlie British Drama, collected by Edward ^lalone. {Bdillilaii Librari/, Oxford.) \ v. (hoiiiuJ irif/i " Cafaloijus JJ/tiUf'i'fafioninii Araiic>in'cai'ii7n"). (Oxford, 1836. Catalogue of (Cerald E.) Hart collection, Montreal : library, autographs, majts, i\:v. Boston, 1890. Catalogue of liltrary of Dr. Kloss of Franckfort a ]\L, in(!luding MSS., ami Printed Books with ]\IS. annotations by Philip Mclancthon. L(md., 1835. Catalogue of Librarv of Parliament, Ottawa ; part 2 : general li1)rary, 1879. Ottawa, 1879. Catalogue of Musical Instruments, jn'incipally illustrative of History of Pianoforte ; the ])roperty of Henry Boddington, formerly the collection of J. Kendrick Pyne. I/fustrated. Afanchester, 1888. iii(jiu'd CO])}/, no. Q9 ; 06 printed. Catalogue of Nova Scotian Dei)artment, Internatinnal Exhibiiion, 1862. I v. {f>arl,rd ''Nova brotia in 1862"). Halifax, 1862. Catalogue of Publications of (ieological and (Jeographical Survey of Lerritoru V. S. A. 1' iimpli. W isli 1879. Catalogus BibliotheccTJ llarleianoe. {Caialoi/ne of Ilorlcian Lilirarij.) v. 2-5. Loiul, 1743-44. (Jatalogus Bibliiitliecie Harvardianoe, CantabrigiiP, Nov Anglorum. .V v. lio.stoni.T, 1790. Catalogus criticus et historico-literarius Codicum CLII ^[anuscriptorum pnecipue IslaudiciV originis, (pn nunc in Bibliothcca Bodleiana ad.scrvantur ; auctore Fiiino Maguicn, Lslando. Oxoiiii, 1832. 65 i '■ CATAI-OGUS. AUTHORS. CELSUS. I ' i'ir in i ' Ciitalogus Dissertatioiium Aoadcmicaruni. (Bodleian Librari/, Oxford.) J V. Oxonii, 1834. Catalogus Iniprpssorum Libroruni IJibliothecsp Boillcianoe. 2 v. (.)xonii, 1738. Catcott (A. S). Sermons. Loiul, 1753. Catcott (Ali'xuudcr). Troatiso on the Deluge (with explication of phenomenti in Nature). L'nd ed. Lond., 1788. Catei'liisnuis, ... | v. (hound with jniblication of A. Lohwasser.) :Marlmrg und Frankfurt, 1803. Catf'(;lnsnuis. iw dccicto Concilii TridiMitini. . . . Roinae, 1871. Cak'chisnius ex docreto Concilii Tridcntini ad Parodies. Ed. P. D. L. II. P. I'.irisiis, 1650. Catechisnnis ad Ordinandos jnxta Doctrinam Catechismi Concilii Tridcntini. Parisiis, 1717. Cato (Marcus Porcius.) (Jpera Agrieolationum. >SVv' Scriptoros Roi Rustica'. (^atullllS (Cains Valerius). Catullus, Tilmllus, Propertiu.s, cuin C. (ialli, Fragnientis serio castigati. Amst.Teledaini, 1086. Caiissill (Xicolas). l)e Ekuiuentia Sacra et Humana lib. Kd. 2. Coloni.T Agripiuiiie, 1626. Syniljolica ^Kgyptioruni Sapientia (et J'oiybistor Symbolicus). ]^■u■isiis, 1647. Cave (William). Anti((uitatos ('liristiani« ; or History of Life of Jesu.s (by J. Toijlor), as also I.ivcs, Acts, and ^lartyrdonis of His Apostles {liij Caiy), Lond., 1678. Ajjostolici ; or History of Lives, Acts, Deatli, and ^Martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the Apostles, as also the most eminent Primitive Fathers for the first three hundred years. 4th eil. Lond, 1716. Chartophyiax Kcdesiasticus. . . . Lond., 1685. Note.— This is an abritljrmciit of his HUtoria Literaria. I'riniitive Christianity; or Religion of Ancient Christiiins in first ages of the (!ospel. 6th ed. Lond., 1702. Caxtoil (Wilham). //•. >'w English Scholar's Library, No. 1. Caxton -Moinoria! edition, " I )oniiiuon Printer." Pamph. Montreal, 1877. Cay (John). Al)ridgmeiit of Pulilick Statutes, from Magna Charta to 11 Ceo. IF." 2 V. Loml., 173!). Cebes. Kiticteti Enchiridion ; Cebetis Tabula ; Prodici Hor(!ules. . . . (l/r. t)- Lot.). Kit. A. Simpson. Oxonii, 1739. Same. Ed. 5. Oxonii, 1804. Epicteti maimaie ; et Cebetis Tabula, (dr. ij- Lrd.) Ed. J. Scliweiglia'user. Lipsia', 1798. Celsus ('lulins) De Vita et Reims ' iestis C. Julii Ca^saris. Iterata ,on(hin 169 );m. NiiTK.— Sinitli, in hi.s Dictioiiftr.v of (iivel; anil niojfraphy (1S49), says that, " .liilius CilsiiM lias been nsiiall.v reijarded as the autlior of the life of L'a'sar .... iiniliT the title of .lulii Celsi Connnetit rii ile Vita Ca'saris ; hnt tnis work has been proved l).v ('. V.. (!h. Sthntider (I'etrareba-, Historia Julii {.'iesaiis, Lips. lS-27)tol)ea work of Fetrardi's." 56 CENSURE. AUTHORS. CHAMBERS. istuins m Censure des Vices et dcs Manieres du Monde ; avec les Entretien.s de Poh'inon et d'Aristiiniue, sur la Critifiue du Mauvais Laiigan Proper Methoeing Several Discourses upon Divine Subjects, v. 2. {Backed " Works, v. 1 "). Lond., 1684. Charron (I'lerre). Of Wisdom. Tr. bv George Stanhope. 3rd ed. 3 V. Lond., 1729. Chase (D. l'.). First Logic I5ook. Oxford, 1875, Chase (Pliny Earle). Elements of ^Meteorology : part 1, practical instructions. Phila., 1884 (?). Chateaubriand (Ri'ne Francois Augiuste, Viscomte de). Genie du Christianisme et Defense du (^enie du Christianisme. Nouv. V. Paris, 1876. Nouv. Les Martyr.s, ou lo Triomphe de la Religion Chretienne. ed. Paris, n. d. Chatham {Rt. Hon. William Pitt, Earl of). Anecdot(>s of his Life anph(.'\v, Thomas Pitt (Loiij Camelford). Lond., 1810. Chatriau (Alexandre). See Erckniann(E). Chaucer (CreoHVey). Canterbury Tales ; with Essay on his Language and Versitiiation l)y T. Tvrwhitt 2nd ed. 2 v. Oxford, 1798. Works of our Ancient, Learned, and Excellent English Poet {wifli life) ; to which is adjoyn'd The Story of the Siege of Thebes, Ijy -John Lidgate. Ed. hy T. Speght. Lond., 1687. Gothic-letter. 58 CHAUVENET. AUTHORS. CHIIY8OST0MU8. Cliauvenet ("William). Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy. ,')tli 0(1. 2 V. I'hila, 1887. Cheyne (C. II. H.). Earth's Motion of Rotation, including Theory of Precession and Nutation, l.ond., 18(17. P^lementarv Treatise on the Planetary Theory, with Prohlems. Caiii])ridge, 1802. Chief Signal Ofticer of United States. Antniid Report to Secretary of War, for 1877 Si 1879. 2 v. Wash.. 1877 »"k 1880. Childe (f>- P-)- Singular Properties of the Kllijisoid, and associated surfaces of the N'*' Degree. Canihridge, 1861. CllillillgWOrtll (William). Religion of Protestants, a Safe way to Salvation ; to which are added, the Ajiostolical Institution of Kjiiscopacy, and 9 Sermons. Lond., 1G()4. Work.s' (fheuIoty for distribution of Tracts in Defence of I'nited Church of England and Ireland." 3 v. Lond., 1814. Churcliman's Monthly Magazine. Eil. by Committee of Episcopal Church of Connecticut, v. 1-3, in 2 v. New Haven, 1804-(). Cliurtoil (^Y. R ). Uncanonical and Apocryphal Scriptures . . . with Introductions, 2sotes and References Lond., 1884. CICERO (Marcus Tullius). 1. — Collected "Works Opera ; cum indicibus et variis lectionibus. 10 v. Oxonii, 1783. 4 to. NOTB.— Only a hundred copies of this editidii are said to have been 8trucl< off. 2. — Partial Collections. (Arranged according to dates.) Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium lib., iiicerto auctore ; Ciceronis De Inventione HI)., De ( )ratore . . . lib., lirutus .sive de claris oratoril)Us lib., ( )rator ad I'nitum, Topica ad Treliatium, I'tr. Corrigeiiti Paulo Maiiutio, Aldi lilio. 4 parts in 1 v. (Iiarli-cil " Cicfroiiis Opera Rhcforlca.') A'eiietii.^, . I/'// /////', 154-6. Small 8 yo. 60 ' lii. a : CICERO. AUTHORS. CICERO. Cicero — Continued. Said to have Ed De Finilius Konoruiii et Malonim lib.; ct Paratloxon lib. Tlifiinns Bentley. CantabrigiP, 1718. De Oftieiis lib.; (Jito Afajor, Lailius, Paradoxa, ot Scipioiiis. Lon.l,, 1789. Oratioiics (sclocta') ; ciiiii notis in usum Dolpliini editit P. Carnlus Merouille ; tinibus acci'sscrunt ]3o Scnoctuto et De Aiiiic.itia dialogi. Nevi F^boraci {New Vur/i-), 1804-, i^'OiK'. Loud., 1,S17, Smir. E>/. .}. Owoy. I,ond,lH21. Samr. AV. ,1. Carey. Lond , l.^.'W De Oratoro lib.: de Claris ( )ratoril)Us, OratDriiC Partitioiies, et Topica. Ed Alexander Stewart Kdin., 1812. Opuscula. Lond., 1813. Tiiree i)uoks of OtHces. or Moral Duties ; also Cato Major, an essay on old a<,'e ; L.-elius, an essay on friendsliip ; Paradoxes ; Seipio's Dream ; and Letter to (j)uintus on Duties oi a Maf,nstrate. Literallv translated by Cvrus R. Edmonds. N. V., 1858. De OlKeiis, J)e Seneetute, et De Ainieitia. Oxonii, 1877. .'5. — SiNCii.E WoKKS. (Arranj,'ed by titles and sub-arranged by dates.) (a) Epinfiilo'. (Kpistohe ; euni eoniment.iriis Philetiei). n. p., n. d. NdTK.— Lnrtfe 8 vo,, Hoiimri t.vpc, 170 leaves, without sitrnaturci, catchwords, or paKiiintioii, nnd witii lilniil 0^r//s. i)e Oflicii.s lil). Kd. Ziicharias Peai'Ce. n. t., 1745 (?). Same. Oxonii, 1811. J)o. OtKuiis lil). Ex rcccnsionc J. ^l. ot J. F. Heiisillgeroruui. Oxonii, 1821. S'wv. Ed. C. Ileusiii-,"'!-. Loud., 1824. Do Otllciis lil). From text of ZuiUpt. Loud., 1847. (e) Orafiouex. (Oratioiios l'liili]i])i(:a\ Cuiii cnaiTatioiiihiis Francisci ^Nlatiirantii.) Vicciitiii', /{t'iiricntf dr S. Ur-sio, -Inn. 9., 1488. NoTB. — Folio, without panniation ; with )ll!lIm^cript robrications. Oratioiios. n. /., Vcnctiis, A/diiif I'uidux Mnntdiiis, Ahli F., 1565 {ro/iijj/i(iii). Oratioiics ([ua'daiii sulccta', cuid Xotis. . . . E(/. Carolus Mei'ouille. Kl. <". Loud., 1750. Orations (-cli'ct) : with Kn^dish coninicutarv l)y C. AutllOIl. {Ldtiii t<'.,i.) Kd. by .lames Boyd, l.ond., 184'-i. Orations (sclcit) ; witii noti's. {Ldt'm text.) Kd. l)y K. A. Johnson. N. V., 1H57. ( )ratinncs .Sclcita'. ( )xoMii, 187."$. Same. ( )xonii, 1878. (f) /)>' Oriifnn: Dc Onitoro lili, Kx cditiom" do. .\u<;'. Ernesti, cum Notis. Oxonii, 1819. S'inifi. Ed. .]. (JroenWOOd. Loud., 1824. Smne. /i"^/. J. ( Irccnwdod. Lond., 1838. (,n) h'/ieforicii. (Khctorica ; I'lnii comnicidariis Mai'ii Kaliii \ictorini). ViMictiis, /;. de 7'nrfls, ,laii. 2 J, 1481. NiiTK. — Folio ; nioiiiistic biiidimt, \viio(lti\ roiurs anil 8ta)i)iieil lenther ; witli- out imL'ijiatioii ; iiibiicatod, and tbicu patea illuiiiiiuited witli gold and colours. Kht'toiiiornm ad Hcrcnniiim lil),, etc. (sire Opera Rlit'torici). Vcnciiis, Aliiiix, iMai., ir)14. Lari.;i,' 8 vo, NoTK. - " Hl)ctori('Oiimi ad Ilcreiiniun) libri 4," is believed to be a spurious work. (li) Tus(id(i}i;ects relative to the F)ein(f and Attributes of ' iod and His Works in Creation, Providence, andOrace. v. 3. Lond., 1830. (Hu/ Clarke (J. V>. 15.). View of Succession of Sacred Liteiature, in a Chronological Arrangement of Autliors and their Works, from Invention of Al|ihabetical Characters to A. D. 1300 {Inc.orrcctl i/ lJ,.>f'> in vol J). 2 V Lond., 1830-32. Clarke (C. P.). Class-Book of (ieography. Lond., 188S». Clarke (Kdward Daniel). Travels in Various Countries of Kurope, Asia, and Africa. {Ii'itftsia, Tartar i/, Tarkci/, (iri'cre, Eyj/jit, HaJjf Linal, i}' Srandiaaria). 1th ed. 11 v. I^ond , 181'3. Clarke (Kdward Goodman) jNledicina^ Praxeos Compendium : symptomata, causas, diagnosin, prognosis, et luedendi ratioiicm exhiiiens. \ v. Lond., 1799. Clarke (James). Survey of Lakes of Cnnd)erland, Westmorland, and Lancashire ; with Account, historical, topogva| hral. and des- criptive, of Adjacent Coiuitry ; to which is addeii, Sketch of Border Laws and Customs. Lond., 1787. Clarke (Samuel). concerir'ng the Being and .Attrilmtes of (iod; the Obligations of Niitund Heligiou, ami Truth and (.'ertaintv of Christian Revelation. {J'rintfd toi/ifhir.) 3 ed. Lond, 1711. Sermons. 10 v. Loud, 1730-.31. Works (fh>-()l()(/i<-a/). 4 v. Lond., 1738. Clarke (W.). ^v/Lewis (M. , Clarke (W. B.) Lays of Leisure. Lond., 182',). Claude (-lean). K.ssay on Composition of a Senuon. Tr. from French with Notes liy Roliert Robinson. 3rd ed. 2 v. Lond., n. d. Kxi)lication de l.i Secti(jn 03 du (Jatcchisni (hoinul irith the lUahors '■' Parabitle drs Aocc.v cxpliqaie.") Charenton, 1()83. I'aialioh' des Noces, expli(|in''e en •") Sermon.s, avec trois autres Sermons. .', v. Sainuer, 1(')83. Sermon ,sur le Vers. 11 du Chapit 7 de TKcclesiaste. .', v. (bound irith the author's " J'araboledes Aotv.s' fxplujin'e,") Lond., 1680. 'f '1' ' 1;. ,S 03 u •Wf^W^V" V r i^i'jv' i|.!t ■'!i I" I i I .i CLAUDE D ABBEVILLE. AUTHORS. CLUVERIUS. Claude «l'Abbeville (Claude Foullon). Histniro de la Mission dcs Peres Capuciiis en I'lsle de Maragnan et terves cireomioisines. . . . Talis, I (114. Claudillll8 (Claudius). ()]n'rd. {Latin jxiems.) Va\. Jdliu Carey. Loud., 1819. (>|)US('ula. I'arisiis, Siiiimi Co/iiiirus, 1530. Clemens A/fxnudrinns. Opera. {G'r. ft Lat.). Ed. Daniel lleiiisius t^- Friedriili Sylljurg, (Paris), dt/e luutiUtfed ; /iniitir's rh/ufttc, a ,s7//y> nnd''r sail ; folia, probiibhi edit ion of 1(L>!>. Opera, {(,'r. rf Lat.) Ed. -lolm Potter. Oxoiiii, 171 H. Clemens /»*"/'("/* ".s' nr Clement I (»S"(/(0- .\d Cnrinthids Kpistdla. {(.'r. ft LlaMluie. {(j' Lat.). Ed. Henry Wottoii. Canta1)ri^na\ 171S. S. Clenieiitis Kouiani, S. I<_;ii,itii, S. Polycarpi, ((ua- snpersunt (Epistolrc, '< Le Clere (.lea.,) Clergy List (of rhureli of Kii^'' iid) for iSl.H. Loud., 1N|3. ('ler,^ymau'> .Vssistau' ; 1 ein,u a ( 'ollectidn of Statule.s ( (rdinanee.s, and ••"onus, with Notes, relating' to Kii^dits, Duties, and Lialiilities iif the Clern'V : with ('oiistitiitinn aii<' Canons of t'hureh of Kr,i;ia:id. ' (K.l. hy Charles KUi -y. New ed. Oxford, 182,-^-. CliM\L;TMiaii's instruetor, or (,'olleetion of Traets (Ay <:',"(. r//^; I/frlifrf, and (/////'/•,s') (111 the Ministerial Duties. ( >x;ord, JS07. S'liiif. tithed. ( Ixford, L^r);"). Clerii-al (uiide and Churehnian's Pdreetory {Ani/llf(i)i}, for [f<77 i^ I.'-":*, Kd. hy C V. Forster I'.liss.' :> v.' t)ttawa. Clericns (.loaunes). .sV',- L^ Clerc (dean). Clinton (Henry Fynes). Fasti Helleniei : the Civil and Literary Chronology of (ireeee. v. 1 (from eailiest a( counts to ootli (dynipiad), and v .'5 (from 12-tth ( Hympiad to death of Au-,nistus). Oxford, IS.'U. Clonf?ll (dames ('ressu(dl). On the Fxistanee of .^Hxed Languages. Lond., 1.^7(). Cluverins <»■ Clnvier (Pldlip). Introduetio in Univer.sam fJeograph- iam tam \'eterem (piani Novani . . . Ed, Joluinu Bunoii. Ani.stekedami, iOS.'J. 64 SRIU8. (OAST. AlTlloKS. IDIIKN. iion dea noisines. :i Ciiivy. Daniel It f tinted : difion of Kpistolii. • Wotton. s\iiH'rsunt V. in I. tti'i's ; to itiMl from isitioiiK of His, 1870. >[oy('r's 111 s-'iiulccii uici's, ami LiaMlitii's 'liurcli of ,nl,, IS-JH'. IS77 .t Literary i to ii^yih (loath of .anyiiiii^'''--^' 'p""r' iJeof^rai >h- Const ami (ii'"'l"tie Survey, I'. S. A. I'.iiUetiii, .\d>. 1 1 L'. I l-Ji', 24. •_2 paiuiili. Wash., l.S,SS-l)i. Keport, for 1852, lf<7.'i-90. IK v. W'asli., v. (j, Cobbeit (-laiiies i'aiil). Hide of Ki.nlil lliiiidreil Miles in Kraiicc. ■_'iHle(l. A V. {Iiiiinid irith W. ('iiJihi'tf'." " An'tricdit d'ardiiicr"). l,(ui(l., 1S24. Cobbett (William). .\iiiene.aii (lardeiier. ^, v. I.oiid.. 1821. I'civiiiiiiie's Work.s, containing writings on riiite(l States of Anieriea. 12 v. l.oiid., 1801. Tiiatisc on Coliliett's I ;oni. 1/iiid.. 1828. In Bunon. ('(M'lirilH ('I' ■)• History of Liinenhnrg ( 'ouiity. .N. S. Mniin.srrijif : sill, folio. Norn.— t'oiuiittt'd ff r Akins' Historical I'riiK of KS(i'<. COitdillgtOIl (lieiiiy). 'Ireatist'on Hellexioii and Hefractioii ol' 1-igiit : heing part 1 of a system of optics, ('amhridge, 182i>. ( ode Napoleon (The), or I'^reneh ('i\il (Jo(l( . Tr. from Freneli edition cf 1804, hy a Barrister of the liiie-r 'reiiiiilc Lond., 1824. Code.x ( anoiium Kcelesia' (pd ex Anti(pio -lure adliiiiic us(pi(' vigent et ex ("oneilii Tridentini deeretis , . Xeapoli, [STA. l.'odiccs .Maiiuscriiiti, et Impressi cum Xotis Nraiinscri])tis, oliin (r( )rvilliaiii, (pii in l le commcnce- iiient de rem]iire d'Aiigiiste jus(pics h cehiy de t'oiistantin le (Irand : avcc rKjiitome de L. Floius, Paris, ir)21 : nnitihitt'd. Fur rintliiniiil'nni, .ice Muiill^rO (<'■)■ ('(»;?SWoll (Cliarles, .1/. // ). .\iiiliit ion's 1 Ireaiii, in Two Fyttes. {/'(irnt). I, olid., 1877. Sdiiii', Lond., 18711. Siinit'. Lond., 18!»(). Kxperinieiilal i']ssay mi relative Pliysiological and .Meilicinal Properties of Iodine and it-- ( 'oni|iouiids. Ldiii., 18."{7. ('(•Vrswol! (Henry II ). \'ie\vs relati\-e to construction of liailway from Halilax to (jhiciicc. Painpli. Halifax, 18.")2. Coirswcll (Williaiii). Sermons preached in Parish Cliuicli of St. Paul, Halifax, N. S.. chicllv duiini; 181."). Second series. Lond. 18 17. Seven Lecluresdli t,iie .Vets , if tile .\pi Kt les, deli Veieil in ( 'liurcll of St. Paul, Halifax. Lent. 18:'i7 (lieing part 2 of t lie series),, llalila.v, 18:57. Si\ I.i'clures on the .Vets (if the .\po4-;3(;, Colbert (■lean I'.aptistc, Marqiii)^ dc Torrt/). Mciiinirs : llistoirc dcs Xi'gdciatiniis dcpuis K' Tiaiti' dc Riswick jusqu'a In Paix dTtivclit. V. 1-:$. La Have, I7.")(i. Ti'staiiifiit I'iiliti(HU' (cii]}tv. Coleridge (Henry .lanu's). Life and Litters df St. Fran,-is Xavicr. ' lind (m1. ' -1 V. Ldiid.. IS7 t. Coleridge (Sanmrl 'I'ayldr). l''i'iend ('He') : .i scries df Kssays to aid in fiirniaiidn df lixcd |irinci|ilcs in pdlities, nidrals and religion, l-diid.. is(;r). Select I'dctieal Works. Lond.. \^'rl. S|iecinicns df his Talile Talk. New ed. Lund., \^^rl. Cdllectidn df .\iti<'lcs, Caiidus, hijnn(:ti(!i:>. iVe.. with .\''ts of I'avlianu^nt cdncei'uin.L,' Kcclesiastieal Matter-. Loi\d., IG'.H). Collet (P.). .>vr U Pfk'tic Voic(»s of Light. ■(■nth (."eiitury. 66 ■^'■K^ mm (Ol.l.lN.-'ON. AlTlloKS. (■(i.mi'i;m HOI'S. ICtlifontury CollillSOll (•Ii'lin). Analysis of lldokcr's Ki^^'lit limiks (if l'"r('lcsi;isti(;al I'nlit.N. LdlKl.'lSlO. (.'ollycr ('li'S''!''!)- ''^''''' Feiiiiiiif!: (I>.). i/tii)in )ii'>rsj)(i/ii'r. j huiicnhnru ImrL'. N. S. ('(iliHiial ('liiivcliiiiaii. (//'•// 1 s:]S--M). Colonic ' •'/• '!'■ !''• -'/'"■'''//'"' '/'■ C'liii/i (I'-s Aniii'rK df i' /^/"rfiiir da litirin-i'). Mi'iiioii's V. •_'. llrussols, 17.'57. ColsOll (I''- ll-j- .Stofics aiK I Lc^iviid : a First < lively li cailcr, Willi til NnlcS etc. Loud., ISSS. i'olllllicllns ( l.iii'iiis .liiuiiis Modcratiis). ( )])i'ra A,L;riciiiati(uiuiii. •SW- >ITl|itiil(' ••■'I CoinlM' (Will Kfi Rustic lain j |)< ir Syntax' I' ircc I nlirs. ill sciM'rll dl t!l( th l'ii'tur('S(|Uf, ( 'niisolatidii, and a ^VilV : a I'licm Ldiid., n. d. Coillhrr (Tli'iina-). ( 'oniiiaiiidii tn Tciuplc and Closet ; or llidp to Pnl ilH'k am 1 I'livatc Devotion. Loud.. Hi7; Comes (Xatalis) Mvth i,L;ia'. sive Kxnlieationis Fahiilaniiu ; ejusilcm 1 )e N'eiiatioiie. i^ii^'duiii. ,S. t'risjilii, ICiO."). NoTK. — lioiiiiil in ataiiiixd loatlipr, licariti;;- the lettors M. I. It. annts. l". S. .\. j-venort fnv [sn^: ALrrieultiire \V 1S.-)1». ( 'oniinissidiiers a|i|ioiiitrd to eni|iiii'e into l'"ees, ( Iratuities, l\'ri[iii ites and I'aiioiniiient<. in I'ulilie ( )|liee<5. Ilepoit pre>('nted to Coiii- lliolis, I ( '.».".. Loud., 170.S. ( oiiiini>sioners a|i]iiiin1ed to in(|uir(! into ]-te\-eiiues and Mana^eiiiput of certain ("olle^a's ami Schools, and .Studies pursued and Instiuctidii ,i,dveii ihei'.'in. Report with apjieiidix and e\iilelice. \ . •2-\. Lond., lS(i4. ('(illlllioli I'lMN'cl', iiMok o f. Oxford, I7<)!». Siiiiic. I 'aiiiliridi^e, IS.'?S: tol Siiiiii'. i.ond.. IS")"). lo. < nmiiion l'ia\er. Rook of, with I'salms. {En(//in/i avil Lair Dutch III 1)11 I'll III! rolitiinix.) ."ird ed. Dordrechl. i7'_'S. <'oiiinioii I'rayer. Rook of. with I'salms. (In Irish /ii)ii/ii(i(/e.) •Uliilll, 1 s:v. ( 'oiiiiiiunications to Roard of A^ri(ailture (Kngland) on Subjects I'elative lo the llushandrv and Internal Improvemeiil of the country. •-' V. RoikI., 171»'7-1S00. < iiiii|icndio,sa' Institutiones Theolo^dca' ad usiuii Semiiiarii RictavicMicis (Pni/irrs). 7) V. Rictavii, 1720. >fpsnii>ii(i/ J'ufn'rs »/ F. S. Corps iif EiKjiriPcrs, no. .!.'f). Wash., 1882. Coiiailt (dohn). Sei'iuons on Several Oeeasions, Ldud., l(l!>.'{, Coneiones et < Iratioues e.\ Historicis (Ini'cis exccirptpp. {Cr.) n.vonii, 1 8U(i. Coneiones et < (ratioiies ex Historicis Latinis e.xcerptiT. O.xonii, ISO"), NoTB.-CiintainB orations from Sallust, LiviiiB, Tacitus, Q. Ciirtius, &c. Concordance to Canonical Books of Old anil New Testament: to which are ad(h'd. a (,'oncordance of tlie .Vpocrypha and to the I'salter containeil in the Hook of Common I'raver. I"'d liv. T. !>. .M, Lond., N. /'. C. A'., 18r)<>(?). Condillac (Ktienne lionnet (h', -lA/'^w/i* Miir>(iiij-). Princijies de la <«ran\uiaire Fran<;oise, .Nonv. eil. l' v. Nantes, n. d. Couduite (h's ( "onfesseurs (hins le Tribunal de la Penitence, sidon les instructions de S. Charles Harromee, et la Doctrine de S. F'ran^ois de Sales. Anon. Paris. 174'J. Siinir. Kd. •_'. I'aris. 17K). I'OllPy (Thomas). Devout Soui, consistiu.L; of Meditations, P,)ems, Hymns, and Prayers; with Kssays on Devotioi\al Hooks, and Divine I'oetry. landed. Loud., 17.'51. Twenty-live Sermons, to wliich is annexed a shoit Cliaracter of Dr. ( ieor<,'e lIoo|ier. Lond.. 17.S0. Conference between Soul, and IJody concerning' the Present and Future State {anon.), 2nd ed.; to winch are addeij .Morning' and Kveninj,' Myniiis by Dr. (Thomas) Kenn. Pond., 17()o. ( 'onfei'ences Kc(desiasti(pies du Diocese de Pu{;on. \ . 1 iV •"). Paris, I(i84-Sr). Conferences Iv'cli'siastiijues de Pari.~-. sur le .Maria^e, oil I'on Coiicilie la Discip]ii\e (le I' avec la durisprudenee du Hoyaunie de l'"rance. .Nou\ ed .") v. P.iris, \~'.\'). Confei'ences Kcciesiasii(|ues de Pari.-, sur ITsni'e et la Itestitution. nii I'on ('oneilie la 1 >iscipline de ri\L;iise a\ec la durisprudenee dn iioyauiue de I'"rance. 2nd ed. \\. Paris, 1721. Confession of Faith, witii siuu of Saviii;^- knowledj^'e, and Directory for Family Worship, in < dnirch of Scotland. Fdin., 18:U). ronfiicius \('hini.-!r K'lumi Fou^'Immi, or Koun^'-Tseej. .Vc Medliurst (W. II.) €011^r<'V(M^^'i"ii>"i)- Woik.-. \. 1 (co/z^/nn'/zy The old llatclielor. The Doutile Deaji'i', iiml Lo\e foi' Love.) Pond., 1710. Consid('rations sur I'Etat Pnsent du Canada. Mt moire sur I'Etat Pn'seiit du (.'anada. Anon. 2 pam]i., in 1. n, \\., n. d. (iS mil llUNS. iNSIIlKHAIUiN.- AlTlloi; coiM-;, ((,"0111- F..I. Uy ilatioii nil |ii('scnl (1801) Statr (if KuiMjpc, with ivsju'ct ti I'carr 111 \y Alinil aiiip Loud., ISO], ( ■(.iisnllihl ted .Statuti's of Canada (iiroviinc) Toronto, 18")!). ('(Histailt (licnjaniin). I'liiloM)|iliiral Miscellanies transiatcd from the ImcH'Ii of Cousin, .iouliioy, and Con.stant. Tr. Iiy < I. Ki|ilcy. V. -'. ( JoiijI'nii/ <(• Cnustaii/}. JMist., is:}," ('(mslailtine VII., J'nr/i/ii/rnt/r„l/iis Opcra. ((/r. >'/ Lilt.) Ed. I Oil 111 II I CI 7. - .M rllisms .ir'iluiii i\ iiniiii, »■,/• II f. Klz I'l'iridiiii, ( 'Miiti'iiijilatn r I'hiln.^opl jiliiT ; or Mioi t I'SS, ivs on ( )l)jc(ts of Xatun tlimui'liout till' vrar. .\iion. L' v. l.oiul., 1800. ( Hiiiciii|ioiaiv Ki'vii'W V .1. \'ols. L'-J (I87.S) to f7 (1S8.')). lT) v. 1 Olid NciiK. -There U :i tnlio .M.S. indcv iiccoiiipanv iii^ this* .set. ("ollh'JU'tns (IIiTiiiann). Si;- Horiliailll C'liifrariit Coinvcll (Hn- (! 1; ( lirat JMrc III Sam t .loll 11, -luni' ('Olivbojiro (•Inlir.). Mysteries of the Christian Ke I'jioii inereiiiiiie : a sermon hefol'i 'CI th •' A' rh iiner.^i Ihi \\ of D.xford. ] \'. (j.iiiii/)/i., IkiuhiI ii )iiiir/>'s (III 1 1 II nil' s K'iKlllj'' <(•( (lxf( \7-2X ('olIvboanM^^'i"'""! dohn) 'U/^/HoM'SOII (d. S.). Life and Kpi.stle; if St. I'anl. New ed. 1 8.")'.». Cook (.\. -M.). Latin : Second I'art. I.oiul , l8i)0. ("ook ( F. C.). Holy llilile with Kxplanatory and Critical Coiiimentai'v. 10 V. ill 11 (v I in 2 pts). Loud., 1871-81. Cook (Cii/it. dame.-) ""'/KiJIff (d.) N'oyaj^e to I'acitic Ocean. 177<)-80. .'5 v., >V 1 V. (/ii/in) of Majis and Plates. Loud . 1781. \iiTK. 'I'hU is wliat is known as Cdok's Tliiril \oliimes 1 and '2 wtro Hrirtfn li.v Cook : voliiiiri' :i is the «iirli of Kiiii;. Coopc r (Kilwai'd). Practical and Familiar Sermons deniLjiied for v. :*. X- I. I'aiMchial and hnmestjc Institution. Itli ed Lond., ISlC. Siinir. 10th ed. V. ■_', !■<;. Lmid., 1 8i>-_'--_':'). CooiKM* ((ieort^e). Letters mi the Irish Nation, written durine visit to that Kiii,i;dwei in hefeiiceof Truth a^'aiiist the .\]io|(iey df Private Mass ; 1(1 whiidi is pretixed the work answered, entitled .\po|ony of Private Mass. Fd. hy W. Cooile. ( 'amhrid;,'!', I'arkir Snoirti/, 1850. Thesaiirus 1, inline Puniana' et Ihitannica' . . . Lond., I'lS-l. .NoiK. Hiigpd on Sir ThoinaH Klioi's dictionar.v, and Robert Stereiis's thesaurus. Cope (Fdward 1 >. ). Coiitriliutions t(( Canadian Pala'ontolo;,'y, vol. '.\ : < 111 \"eMel, rata finni Tertiary and Cietaceons Kocks of North West Territory: |it. I. {fi'iii. i(- ^nf. His. Sn r. nf ('ininiln.) P.iiiiph. .Montreal. I S'l | . = ='! ■! . 'I J i; f C'.t V )■ w •! m>r 's1itii I'liitcil Stales; liiiiik 1. Miiiiji jilnfi'fs. (T. S. friii/i)i/iriil Surn'i/ nj" Territnrii's, r. '.'.) Wasli.. ltX(inii lialiitiT'. ( txoiiii. ISl."?. Coriioilh' (Pii'iic). (]'',iivrc's. aviM' h- ( '(iiiinicntairi' dc Vnltaivt' .-ur lo I'icccs (|c 'riic;itl'c . . . Tvlitiiiii i'nlii|ili'tc. \'l V. I'ai'is, ISO). ""'/ CoI'IKmIIo ('riioiiias). 'I'hcalrc. avcc Notes. J v. in 1. Pari.-. ISC, 1 (;oriioIiiis NopoK. .sv Nopos (<'.). (.'iii'l'iis Juris Caiiiiiiici . . . i-nii'iidatmu I't iinti.-; illiistratui!i. riim L;liissi> di\('is(ii'iiiii. ( ii't'L;iii'ii XIII .jiissu cditiiin. l-.d. iin\issiiiia. Lu,L;-diini, ,/. ('.irii Liclii;^'. and W !!. ( 'arjientei'. Intnidiietinn and llin- ^rapliieal .Xuiic..., liv l-'iiward I,. \'[i(indeni'e relati\e to I'"islierii'S '..luestiiill, 1SS."»-S7. ranipli. < »ttaua. JSST. ('(H'respnndiiiee (if 'riiiMiiln-iii> ami ('mistantia. Lond., 1 "'.•!•. Corresi (indent (Tlie), a .Scjcitii'n nf'crs fr^m llest .Authors. t(, f nan ei'istnlary st vie nf ynutli. l' v. I.dnd.. I "iM'i. Cottll ( liernliai'd vmi). Koeks. cjassilied and descrilied : a treatise (in I.ithclnev. '['i. l.y Phili|i H. Lawience. Loml.. I StlC. Cotllo (.lanie-) nil'/ ■if/ii'i's. Sume .Vecmint nf ('Imicl: nl' St. Mary Ma;,'Jnlene, 'raniitcii, Snnier-ei. and I!e-t(ir itinn tlieredt', L(ind.. lsi:i. Cofflf (d(i.".L'. i.i-t el rdilh ns'if ilif I'lililes and [larl^ lie'renf in i-"n;ilish. IVdni j.'ioriiii Isi'd; with .Vjipendix cdiitainin'^ S]icriiii(i,~ nt I'lMh-iati'iis and lli!ilidL;rajihiial I )e>eri|it inns. \t'drd, ls;;i. \iit ■. CotitaiiK :in( ieiit .mil oIimi1> t» naiiios nf plains, » itli their iiKnlorii iM(iiii.i lent-, :iiicl :iWi) iiiiich historii'.^! inf.iriiKitidn rt'traniiii^' cavlv t.\ii(ii,'i">p''> ■ ("ottoil ( lliilirr 1 l,\neli. /). />.}. I,eetnres (in the jldlv Sacrament df th' l.drd's SupiKT. (txfdrd. is HI. ('(nircelles (Si,.|,hen de). >'" CuiYi'lIa'iiM (S,). CoiirlciiaV (di'hn ). I'deti(al Mevifw df I iteraiT and .Moral < "liaractei if S.innKd .Idhnsoii. 'Jnvi {liiiiinil irif/i W'lili'iitt s riii'tirn! Ei.isfl,' tn Jiliiirs liusifiH). I.dud.. ITSti 70 COl'llTKNAV, AlTilolJS. (KAMI' CourteilJiy (lit- Hon. Tlionias l'ti'ci,'riiic). Mciiinirs nf Life, Works anil 1 s:?(i ( 'oiri'spdndi'iicc of Sir Williaiii Tci lUill' Lnlid. ('out ic (* if'ir^'i'). Word l"!xiinsili)i' aiiil S]icllini,'-(lui(l('. Lmul.. ISdt. rovordalo (Mylcs). Rcinaius {t/tro/ni/ini/). Ivl. Ity < i. I'carson. ( 'aiiit>riil,L;i'. I'ltrkcr Sac, ISM) Writ iiiu- am 1 'I'raiislaliniis (t/iKi/oi/icK/) Ivl. liy (I. I'c.u's nil. ("OWClI "' C'liinlirid^c. J'<< riiiilaiiiiiiL; Sii^iiilicatinn nf W'cirds . . . iiii'iit idiicd ill Law Writers. Lniid., Wm. -'Iii'fi /''■f. I (i;!7. NoiK 'llic lirvt rdidoii w;is ii\ihlii.|n;il in I'l'iT. It was callcil in ; and on .March 'ti, li'l'i. a |M''i.'liini:itiiin was i-isiidl iiL'ainst it, " as :> i)c'rnii ioiis linol; iiifidc iiL'aln-t tllO \i' indiii' M.rid ] 1 iH'niuati*" of thf kin;,', iinil thi: (li;;nitv of the coninion law of tliis lanil." As ,v c'onsi'i|m'rice. it w.i.s I'lihli'Mlly liurni'il. ('(nvley (Aliraham). Worlds. iL'tlicij. •_> v. I.oiid.. 17'J1. COWIKT (William). Orii/iiinl ''/■( M'nr^ir \\'.\. < irllrlal lli.-~tiirv nf (iriM^rc, tn dratll nf .VlcX- andci' tlir (IriMt, witn skctidi ii\ >ulisci|urm hi.^tnry. New cd. ,iiM(l NSCi Cox (■Iii-c]iii ( 'lillivliill). 1 lisl'irv Hani- ('(Uinlv, N. S. .1/ miK- rijit : t'lilid, II 11' .NcTi'. ■■( till.' Aliiiih' llislorii'a! I'ri/,e Kasava of \^iV, Cox (Saiiiuri). i; d|< dl iM-rlc qasli //W/ J>ll',n,l.) N. '\'.. IMIO (0 (.1 // r,i'pi>si/ Kill /ri th '/ 'I II -w COXC I Wiliiaiii). 'IVa\-i'l- into I'idand, IJu-.-ia, Sweden, ami l>riiiiiark. ■ >ri i ed. I V. MUl.. [ I >l . r I vcl> in > .^ it/,rrland .nnil 17.^1). Crakoll (VV Eiitick ( 1). Criiinor (-Idlin .\iiiiiMn\). .\ni'"d'i1a (ir;\MM c r,u]> I iMi'iiliii .iruiii I K.MiH ii-iiiiii. (fr'r.) I \-. n\(iiin. iiiiH('ri)iti.- :ir, ;!7. t 'aicna in .\' I I SS. .\|,(.-i I '!'-!. >:iiiiMii a- I.I IjriM I l.i',-tid;ii-; \ arii^n- lati'. (/;/ fi'r"/..} ( » .Xdllll. I>.i^ ( i!MLrra]iliiial and Ili.-tdrK .d I ii'-'ii|ilidn d|' .Vnricnl i IrciTr. '■'> w ( Isfdld. I. < i"duiM;ilni'a I and Ili.-tdii,;,| j) I'sriipiidii d', Anciriii Ital\ •J V. ( >\ldri I iiM i^i.ajhirai and 1 1 i-;tdi irni I i. .-i-ri| .t i' 'ii nf .\i,i .Miiidr. 'J \' ( ixf.iid. |: Crani('/<'l " 7/' r.i/ n r I ir;. Ill .|i i'^:i'. 1 1 ( VuillS I I I'irrs '/r nil U \v < dlir di I ll>'ll!llli'. \'. I iiinn ). IJi'linrs. I t ■>•'!. Cramp 'Idlin .Mnrkcit). '[< k\ ild.'.kdl I'dju-rv. i-din)iri>in;.' liriit' liistiiry ami (nnii.jrli' \ irw o ■t ( ' aiiicil df TiiMit hrdi^.-y, L'nd rd. Ldnd., 1 S.'V.l. S'(nn . .".id cd 1/Mld , IS.'d. r I! iliiali < atlidll( [ 1 mm 'If- (I. i.i'l* !'■■ il:' Ml t ; i '.HI?' r^ 'i' :!J ■' M ,.:.f ( 'i' n 1 ■!;■ 111 iiA 1 1 it' li' CUANMKH. AlTIlOliS. CKOKK. i'railllicr (Tlimiias, An-hlnxhup). Defence nf True iiiul CJiitlioIick Ddctiine nf Sacreiiieiit of l!(»(ly iiiid HIikki of (lur Savimir ; with Inli'oiliictiiin liv Doetdrs Liii^'anl and Milner, mid Cliarles r.ntter. Kd. l),v Ilc'iirv .Inhii Todd. I.ond., 1825. Misrellanedus (conti'oxfrsal and lelij^qou.s) Writings, ahd Lettei's. Kd. l)y .1. K. C'lix. ( 'and)iidj,'e, I'ufkcf Har., ISKJ. IJeniaiiis. Kd. liy I[enry denkyns. 4 v. Oxford, I8."5."l Slioit Instruction into Cliristian I{eli,i,'inn, lieini,' (.'ateciiisni set forth ill 154S: to^rether with same in Latin, translated from ( lerman liy dustiis donas in l");!!). ()xford, ISi'i). Writin;;s and I tisjnitations ndative to Sa<'ram('nt of tlie Lord's Siipiier. Kd. liv .]. K. ("ox. ( 'ainliridjfe, Parkrr Sor., 1S44. Crauflird (nintin). Researches cnnceniing .Vncient and Modi-rn India. •_' v. in 1. Lond.. 1817 Creasy {Sir Kdwanl Siie]i]ierd). Fifteen Di'cisive I'.atth^s of tlio World, from Marathon to Waterloo. !»tii ed. Koiid., 18;")!). (reed of l'o]ie Pills l\ , or a I'msiiect of I'o|iery. .\non. ,',- v. {hnckecf " Jflscfilhmlfx, vitl.ii"). Loud., 1()87. C'resSWOlI (Daniel). Klenieiitary Treatise on ( leoiiietrical ami Algeiiraical Investigation of Maxima and Minima. L'nd ed, ( 'aiiiiiridge, 1817 Treatise on Sjiherics, comiirisiii^ Kleinents of S|jliei'ical ( ieonietry, ami of Plane and Spherical Trigoiionictrv. ('.imi)ridi.;c, iSlC). 4'lTsy (Kdward). Kiicycjo] a'dia of Civil Kii.u'ineeriii;^. Xew eil. LoikI.. isni;. ( 'ritici Saci'i. sive Aniiotala I )nctis,-imorum in N'etiis ac Novum Testaiiieiitiim. Kd. nova. '.• v. Amstela'dami. It)'.t8. Crot'foil (Francis Pjake). Il.diliiirton : the Man and the Writer. ( ll'il ilntrtini c^rrii's. Kim/'s (\il}riji\ nn. 1 .) Pain]ili. Windsor. ISS'l. d'Oist't (dean). Kxeriice- de Picti'. |ionr tons les Itimaiiehes (It; raniice \. I. I, Noll, I7l.'l. €rok(M Alexander). IJemarks on ^Ir. Schlee-el's work u|ion N'isitation of Neutral N'cssels under Convoy. 1801. lieport (d' ( ase of lloriier ai.iaiiisl Liddiard, U]inn the i(iiestion of What Consent is necessary to the Marriai,'!' of Illej^dtimatc Minors, deterinined May 1799; with Intiddiictoiy Kssay. r,oiid., 1800. i'rokc (Sir .Vlexander). Ks>ay> mi < (lij^'in, Proj,'ress, ami Deidineof Phymin^ Latin \'erse, with S|iecimens. ( Ixford. 18:28. I{e,uiiiien Saiiitatis Salernitanuni : a Poem on Preservation of Health, ill rhymiii;;' Latin verse ; addressed hy the School id' Salerno to Ifohei't of Normandy: with ancient trans- lation : introduction and notes 1)\ .Sir .\. ( 'roke. ( txford, ls:!(i. 7--' I'Udl.l,. AlTHofiS. (L'l.LKV. ('roll (''^'iiK'^)- Cliiiiiiti' iuul Tiiiii', ill tlii'ir (Icdldj^qcjil Kclatimis. X. v.. is::.. Crookos (Williiiiii)- Seloct Mclli 'Is in Cli lIKi rpmii'. 1. 1 mil , 1S71. Aiialy sis. cllU'tlV H\ i'rooksliailk (William). llistiiiT of State iiid SutrciiiiLjs of (lliurcli of Scotlaiiil. t'roiu tlio Kcfunnatidii ti Lnml., 1740. the i;i'Viilutiiiii NOTB.- MiK'li of thin work is ahridmd froii: \Vo(ii'( CrOfSSIIiail (H-)' Intnuluciioii to kiKiwU'il.^i' nf (.'liristi.iu Ucli^'ioii \vi th shdit fi onus () t ,..■ IViT, N cw (■(! V. {I'linijili. Iiiiinid iritli Lf.irin'x ^'C/nirc/i C<>/i'chlsiii I'.i'p/aliit'd.") Ldiul. II. il Crostliwaito (Cliailos). Syni'Iiniiidlnoy : a Troafisc on History, CliroiioioLfy, and .Mytiiolo^'y of Aiuii'iit lO^yptiaiis, ( ri'('(Ovw, ami IMuriiii'ians, and llariiioii\- lu'twccii tliis ( 'liroiioloiiv and (rowUior (Sa at of Holy Srii]itun'. Camliridyc', 1S."5!). IIUIC N'ocaliulaiv of the V unlia l,an''ua,uc, with < M'aiiimatical KliMiicnts of tlic Laiiguai^f. Lond., 1S4.S. NoTR.— Yoniha.or Yarrilia at> it is now spelt, is a distrit't near thv Slave Coast, Gulf of (iuirioii, Africa. Croyancc (N't-ritaldc) ile I'K^disc (Jatlioli(|uc ct Ifs rvciivcs dc tniis Ics joints dc Sa Doctriiii', fondi'os sur rK(.ritiii'i' Saintc A)n>ti. Nouv. cd. Paris, 1720. Cl'lldeil (.Vli'xandcr). Concordance to Holy S(ri|)l lire • itli t;d Lend.. 1794. iSanii'. lOtli cd. Lond., ISii.s. Cl'llikKliauk (William). Aiiatoiiiv of Alisorliin^' Vessels of Human 15ody. L'lid cd. Loml,, 1790. Crilll (■J(j(loeiis). Aiiticnt and I'rc'icnt .State of Mu.scovv. Lond., 1»)9M. ("riisius (Lowis). Lives of the Roman I'ot'ts. :.' v. Loml., 17;?.'?. Cruttwell (Ci(iiient). Concordance of Tarallels (/iih/ici/). Lond., 1790. CubaS (Antonio (rarcia). Kcpiililic of Mexico in 1(S7(). Tr. from tlic Sjianisli, by ( Ico. K. Henderson. Mexico, IS7(>. Ciulworth (Kalph.) True Intellectual Sy.stPiii of the rniveise : First iilosopiiv IS con futetl I'ait, wherein all the Reason and Pli Lond., 1678. NoTii. — The secomi part was iie\er publisheil. Srt'ulsi) Jebb's (d.) Piety witiioiit .\sceticism. f'ui»liel (Francis .loseph). Ah.stract of Several Royal Fdicts and ! clarations, and Provincial Rei,nilations jiiid Ordinances, that Were in force in Province of (.hicliei' in time of French ( io\oi'iiment. {/ti Fi'fittcli. th. {hound trifh ^'AhxfntrJ of sf(i)ii (if Piiriii, jirar.tiri'd ni Qin'li:'i\") LoikI., 177! Culli'y (<:.'.'ri,r,.). .v.V'' Bailev (.L). u ■1 r % 1 '? I f 1 I m !t R- iU I ' u Si IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /y O ^ A. h V. ^ v.. 1.0 I I.I 12.2 1.8 1-25 jj!i.4 |||||L6 ^ 6" ^ ► <5^ /W ^1 ">. <% > 'V .'^ ^ /4 ^ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-45C3 ^ yr <^ '<^ \'i iii lir»|: t'U.MBKKI.AXh. Al'TIMKS. CVI'UIAMS. Climbeiiaild (Riduml, I). I).). Dp r.(!gilins Xatni'fe I)is(|uisitio Pliilo.s(i]>hica . . . (luiiictiam P^Icnu'iita IMiilosojiiHn' HnhluiiiifK CDiisidcraiitur ct rofutaiitur. Lomi., 1072 Origiiu's (iiMitimii Anti(|uissiiiipp ; nr, Attcmjits for Dis(;ov(!riiig tlic Tiiin's of Uic tiivt IMantiii^f of Nations. Loud., 1721. SaiK'lioiiiatlio's IMui'iiician History. l.ranslati;(l from first hook of Kus('l)ius Dc, J'r.'Eijaratioiio l'A-aii<;('lica, with (v^ntiimation of History 1)y Krato^thciies CyriMiiPUs. I.oiul.. 1720. CllIIIIIlillK (LiiHi!iM;s). Iiitroductiuu to Tlicorv of Kloctricitv. Loud., 187G. Cnilll ('^•■nniiol). luiiliil's Klcniciits of (M'omolry. from Latin transla- tion of Commandinc ; Additions liy ("unn. Loud., \7f^^.. ClU^re (L 15.). Italian Convcrsation-Crammai' on Otto's System. Itli ed. N. Y., 11. d. ClircelljPUS nr Courcelles (Sti'pli,dci, (H'ornni ])ars pra'cipiia histitutio Riditfionis Christiannn. .Vnistidodami, JDanifil Ehrrir, 1^75. Currie (James). Medical Reports on KH'ecis of Water, cold and warm, as a licniedy in Fever and other Diseases, 2nd ed, Liverpool. 179S. Clirrie (William Wallace), .Memoir of Life. Writinj-'s. ani. Olirtois (.\rtlinr .NL). iviscof .Ma Laiian JMnpire, ('• Kpochs of Aiicieei, History "). 4th ed Loud, ISSO. ( (l. Historia .\lexandri .^L•l;J;^i : .■um notis Kaderi, Freinsheniii, Locceiiii, L.lancardi. A'c. Anistelodami. D. J'!fz<'rir, ]C)7^. Histori.irnni lili. .\mst,elodami, hlhirir, U)70. ('litter (('harles .\mmi). Hides for a Dictionary C^italogne. 2nd ed. (S/iPciii/ Ri'jKirt itf V. S. Iliimni of F.diiriit'nnt.) Lamph. Wash., iXSi). Clivicr (' Jeorn'cs Leojiold ( 'InV'tii'n FrediTic Da^'nlicr'. /l<(roii). .Vnimal Kini^dom. .^^anv coloiiiTd plates hy JL A. Latreille. 4 v. Lond.. 18;M-:5(i. JMsccn's sur !es l!c\nlutions i\n (llnlie, a\'ec iioti>s et nn a|ipenilicc par le Di'. ILm'I'ci-. Paris, IS.'iS. CypriailUS or CyiU'iail (Thascius Ca^cilin.s, S'liuf). ()|ieri. I'arisijs, y)//i(>. ViVy/a, 1721). Treaiiscs. I'r. with notc-s, mainly hy Charles Thornton. (fjf>r/ of Fitthfvs of I lot if t'nthnlic C/inirh, r. .J.) (>xforln(lami, Clmrch iif Cvril ('*>'on(l •08. >H)tll'. Kd. hv Ceorge Dunbar. .^ v. Kdin., 1821. !^(v.n<\ Kd. by I)uid)ar. W v. Kdin., 1821-25 Daillin (Christia.n Tobias). Lexicon (irajcum, etymologicum et reale, cui jtro basi substrata^ sinit, concordautia' ot e!ueiunean. (ilasgua-, 1824. (T) !l I f< i\ » i- ■)■ I'll il l| i|B|i>i Vh il ■1 i II Si I ■!IT1 'it ^5! i OANA. Al'THOKS. UAVIES. Dana (lulwai'il Saliahui'V ktu/ J. I).). Toxt-l»ook of Minemlogv. N. Y., 1877. Dana (Janu's Dwij^ht). Corals and Coral Inlands. I.oiul., 1872. Manual of (Icology. 3r(l ed. X. Y., 1880. Manual of Mineralof,'}'. 5th ed. (wifli iiiul apppndix in pamphlH farm, 1875). Lond., ISoS. Manual of Mineralogy and hitbolocr.y. 3rd od. X. Y., 1878, Text-Hook of (Ecology. Phila., 1864. iset' alM) Dana (K. S.). Danet (Pierre). Dietionnaire bram^oi.-* (4 Latin. X'ouv. ed. Lyon, 1721. Same. 2 od. Toulouse, 1728. Magnum Dictionanum Latinuin et (lallieuin. Lugduni, 1712. Dansey (William). Horsp Decanicne Rurale.s, being an atte,mi^)t to illascrate the X'ame and Title, the Origin, Appointment, and Funetion.s, jieri^onal and capitular, of Rural Deans. 2 v. Lond., 183.5. Dante Alighieri. La Divina Comedia. Vinegia, I). Farri, l.')69. Translation of Inferno into l)y Henry lioyd. 2 v. Dublin, 1785. D'Anville (Jean Bantiste IJourguignon). Compendium oi Ancient Geugraphy. 2 v. Loud., 1791. Darell (William). " History of Dover Ca.stie. Lond.. 1786. Darlington (lohn). See Phillips (I. A). Dart (John, D. C. L.). Companion to the Prayer Hook P.salter. X. Y., 1884. Darwiil (Charles Rol)ert). Origin of Species by means of X'atural Selection. Xew ed. X. Y., 1880. Darwin (Era.snuis). The Hotanic (Jarden ; a Poem, witii ]|)iiical notes. Pt. 1, Economy of Vegetation ; Pt. 2, The Loves of the Plants. 2 v. in 1.' Lond., 1791 \- 1794. Sftnic. 3rd ed. L' V. Lond.. 1795. Danbeny (Charles). Xature, Progress, and Conseipiem cs of Schism, with immediate reference to present state of Religious AH'airs in this Country. Lond., 1818. Vindiciai Kcclesinp Anglican.!'. Lond., 1803. NoTK. — An, in John Overton'B "True Churciiuian asceitaincd." D'Aubigne (L H. Merh ). .sv; Merle d'Aubigne (i IL). Daubree (Uabriel Auguste) Etudes Synthi'tiipics de (ieologie Iv\peri- nientale. 1 v. in 2. Pari,-, 1879. Dandet (Alphonse). .Sapho, muMirs Parisieiincs. Paris, 1887. Tartarin de Tarasci.n Paris, 1887. Davidson (Henjamin). Analytical Hebrew and ( 'liaidee Lexicon {Banxfer'K). Lond., 1848. Davies (Charles). Elementary .Mgelira. .\. V., "862. Davies (D. C). Metalliferous Deposits of Flintshire and Denlagh- sliire, Wales. Pamph. ii. t., I.'~«S3. ii, ^ f Ii ^' i DAVII.A. AITHORS. DAY. Davila (Arra}:;o [(•;• Heiiricto] (Jattarino). Histury of Civil Wars of France. From Italian. 2ii(l (m1. Lond., 167)^. Davis (K. F.). See Milne (-1. J.). Davison (C). See Levett (K.). Davison (-lohn). Discourse.'! on Prophecy, in which arc consiilerod its Structure,, ami Inspiration. {Wnrbiirtnn Lrrtitres.) 4th ed. O.vfonl, 1839. Davy (Sir Hunii)liry). Collected VVcn'ks. Kd., with Life, by John Davy. 6 v. Loud., 1839-40. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. 2nd ed. Lond., 1814. Researclies, Chemical and Fhilosophical. chiefly concerning ^Jitrous Oxide and its res})iration Lond., 1800. Davy (-lohn). Memoirs of Life of Sir Humphry Davy. 2 v. Lond., 1836. DPWeS (Richard). Miscellanea Critica. Eti. Thomas Ki(M. Kd. 2. Lund., 1827. NoTB. — The best edition of this work. Dawliins (W. Boyd). Cave Hunting : researches on evidence of Caves respecting Early Inhabitants of Europe. Lond., 1874. Dawson (George M.). See Selwj^n (A. R. C), and also Tolmie (W. F.). Dawson {sir John William). Acadian Geology {Nova Snofia, New lirunsirich, and Prince Edward Inland). Edin , 1855. Same. 2nd ed. (with Supplement in pamphlet form, Lond., 1878). Lond., 1868. NoTB.— Of much use to the student of geology in this province. Air-Hreathers of tha Coal Period of Nova Scotia. Pamph. Montreal, 1863. Archaia ; or Studies of Cosmogony and Natural History ot Hebrew Scriptures. Mont., 1860. Contributions toward Impiovementof Agricidture in Nova Scotia. 2nded. Malifa.x, 1856. Fossil Plants of Devonian and Upper Silurian P'ormations of Canada. {G'enfof/ica/ Surrey of Canada.) Pam|)li. Mont., 1871. i^eport on Fossil Plant- of Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit Formations of Canada. {(Jeohgical Siirrei/ i>J Canai/a ) Pamph. Mont., 1873. "'(f/ Harrington (l>. . I.). Report on Geological Structure and .Mineral Resources of Prince Edward Island. Mont., 1871. Dawson (S. E ). A Study, with critical and explanatory note.s, of Lord Tenny.son's ])oem The Princess. 2nd ed. Lond., 1884. Day (David T.), editor. Mineral Resources of United States, 1885-87. 3 V., 1886-88. Day (Xlice of Church according to Kalendar of Cluirch of Kngland. Lond., 1871. 77 *;■;".■ Mlf tl I S tl i '? I : X T Dli JUUK. ArTHORS. DK.MAL'S. l)e .litre Coloiiiiis intur ft Mcti'iipdlcn ii]»U(l I'ri.scns. Aitnti. I'aiu|)li. (, 1777. Deukill (Rupert). Rider Piijiers on Kuclid, hook.s I 2, with iulrodiie- tit)n. Lund., 1891. Dealtry ( William). Principles of tiuxiuns. -ud ed. (.^imbridf^e, 1816. Oeliates of House of Coiiunons, Canada. 1880-81. t v. Ottawa. Debates of Senate, Canada, 1880-81. 2 v. Ottawa. Debrett ('lohnV RamnetaLreof Kn>:land. Srd ed. 2 v. Loud., 18ir». Decision.'^ in High Court of Adniiraltv, Michaehna.s Term, 1776, to Feh., 1779. Lond. {]), n. t. Decker (Thomas). ^'(V' Knglish Scholar's Library, No. 7. Declaration of Princif)le,s, Constitution, Re<,'ulatioiis, Order of Rroceed- ing.s, l^'(^, of Diocesan Synod of iS'ova Scotia. {/ioiiin/ irif/i Jonniah nf iWi-lOth Srssiunx, tS0(l7,i). Halifax, v. d. (Decretaliuni Libri cum coinmeutariis). 5 parts in 2 v. Niiremberg, Avfoniii.K K<>hi'r(/i'i; 1485-86. XoTB.— Kolia, hi ick -letter, with nihrications and other illui'iinations ; printed in two columns ; without si^jnatures. catehworOs, or paifiriaticm. J (efeiice of Christianity from Rro]ihecies of Ohl Testament. Edwaid, Lord liishop of Coventry and Lichfield. Lond., 1725. Defence of Natural and ReV' iiled Religion : being (."ollection of Sermons (/>// iJl rleri/i/tiii'u) preached at Lecture founded l)y Hon. Robert Royle, from' 1691 to 1732. 3 v. Loml., 1739.' Skiiu'. Abridgement, -t v. Lond., 1737. Defence of Scripture History. Anon. | v. (himml >cifh fracfn a'jaiiixf TlionniK W(iohtiin). Lond.. 1730. Definitions of the Catliolic Pailh, and Canons of Discipline of the four general councils of the Universal Church. In Greek and Knglish. Oxford i'^- Loud., 1867. De Foe (Daniel). Political Historv of the Devil. v. 10 of work.s. Oxford, 1840. De La Beehe (.b'V Henrv Thomas). The (leojogical Olwerver. Phila., 1851. Delamer {Lord), .^vr Warrington (/voV nf). Delany (Patrick). .sixteen Discourses upon Doctrines and Duties, more peculiarly (yhristian ; and againsi, Reigning Vanities of the Age. Lond., 1754. DelarOChe (Peter). Doctrinal and Practical Commentary on the New IVstament, intended for of unlearned, especially, v. 2 ik 3. Manuscript, dateil, Lunenl)urg, N. S., 1782. NoTK.— yuarto, 350 (v. 2) + OIU (v. 3) pages. Del Mar. isce Mnr (K. «lel). Demades. Oratio,i-lU ti" I')-16.) 9 V. Lwd., 1828. Denayroiize (L-)' The Aerophorc and its application to the mining industry. Pamph. Lond., 1S73. Deilliaill (^'''r John). Poems and Translafcioii-s, with the Sophy, etc. 4th ed. r,ond. 1703. Department oi Agriculture, 17. S. A. h'eports for 1S75-80. G v. Wash., V. d. De QllillCey (Thomas). Autobiographic Sketches. Bost., 1861. Avenger (Tlie), a narrative ; and other l*apers. Bost., 1859. Biographical Essays. {S/ialc^/ji'in-f, Popr, Lamb, Gnihc, mitl Skillvr.) i'.ost., 18()0. C;i«sars (The)., 1860. Confessions of an iMiglish < )i)iuni-Kater : and Suspiria de Pro- fundis. Best., 1859. Essays on Philosophical Writt>rs and other Men of Letters. 2 V. I'.ost., 1862. CoNTBSTH.— Hamilton, Mackintosh, Kant, Hei'der, Riohter, Let8ins<, Beiitlev, and Parr. Essays on the Poets ami other Knglish AVriters. Bo-t., 1859. CoNTRNTB.— WonUvvortli, Shelly, Kcuts, Goldsnilth, Pope, Godwin, Hazlitt, and Landor. Historical and Critical Essays. 2 v. Host, 1862. CoSTKNTs— Philosophy of Roman History. The Essencs, Philosophy of Herodotus Plato's Republic. Homer and the Homfridiv, Cicero. Ht)le. Rhetoric. Secret Societies. Letters to a Young Man ; and otlier Papers. Bost., 1861. C0NTBNT.S.- Letters to a Young Man. Greek Traaredy. OonNtrsation. Language. French and Knglish Maimers. L'alifornia and the Gold Mania. Ceylon. Presence of Mind. 79 t-.-: H. 1 "flT 1 - : i \i !!. Hi ;:. il !■ .if If l)K yUlNCEY. AUTIiOKS. DESC'Kll'TIVE. I )k (i>uiNf'EY — Continued. Litorary Reminiscences. 2 v. B)sl., 1861. CoNTBNTH.— Literary Novitiate. Sir Humphry Davy. William Godwin. Mrs. Grant. Kecollections of Charles Lamb. Walladnior.' Coleridge. Wor Bworth. Wordsworth and Southev. Southey, Wordsworth and Coleridge. Recollections ot Grasnicre. The Saracen's Head. Society of the Lakes. Charles Lloyd. Walking Stewart. Edward Irving. Wordsworth. Talfourd. The London Magazine. Julius C are Cunningham. Libellous Attack by a London Journal. Duelling. Meinoiials, and Other Papers. 2 v. Bost., 1860. Cos TKNU.— Explanatory Notices. Orphan Heiress. Oxford. Pagan Oracles. Revoluii 11 of Greece. Klosterheim. The Sphinx's Kiddle. Templar's Dialogues on Politic.*! K 'ononiy. Narrative! and Miscellaneons Papers. 2 v. Bost., 1859. CoNTBNTS.- Household Wreck. Spanish Nun. Flight of a Tartar Tribe, as revealed by Rosse's Telescopes. .Modern Superstitions. Cobridge an Eating. Temperance Movement. War. Last Days of Kant. Tlieological Essays, and other Papers. 2 v. Bost., 1854. CoNTRXTS. -V. 1. Christianity a.san ortff.n of Political Movement. Protestantism. Supposed Scriptural Expression for Eternity. Judas Iscariot. Hume's Argument against Miracles. Casuistry. Greece under the Romans. \'. 2. Secession from Church of Scotland. Toilette of th.- Hebrew Lady, Milton. Charlemagne. Modern Greece. Ix)rd Carlisle on Pope. Derby (Edward Geoflrey Smith Stanley, Uth Earl of). Iliad of Homer rendered into English blank verse. 2nd ed. 2 v. N. Y., 1865. NoTR. - The profits of this well-known translation were devoted to the foundation of a scholarship at Wellington College, Euj^land. Derliain (William). Astro-Theology; or Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of (Jod, from a Survey of the Heavens. Lond., 1715. Sa»i(\ 8th ed. Lund., 1741. Physico-Tlieology, or Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of Ood from His wnrks of Creation. (Boi/lc Lecture.) 4th od. Lond., 1716. Derniody (Thomas). Poems, moral and de.scriptive. Lond., 1800. Des Brisay (Mather Byles). History of Lunenburg County, N. S. MuHKKcript ; folio. NoTB.— Competed for Akins' Historical Prize of 1S08. History of County of Lunenburg. Halifax, 1870. Deschanel (A. Privat). Elementary 'J' on Natural Philosophy. Tr. by ,1. D. Everett. 9tii'thous. Lond., 1876. Descriptive Catalogue of Collaction of Economic .Minerals of Canada and of its crystalline rocks, .sent to London International Kxhibitioii, 1862. {Geo. i^- Nat. Histaru Surcei/ of Canada.) Pamph Mont., 1862 (?). ])escriptive Catalogue of Collection of Economic Minerals of ('anada by Ceological Corps; Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886. {Geo. and Nat. Hist. Snrreij of Canada.) Pamph. Loml., 1886. 80 } \ DESPAUTEH. AUTHORS. DICTIONAIIIUM. the foundation Despailter '»' Van Pauteren (Jan or John). Latina? (jrammatiiros t'pitoine. Ell. Joannes Jk'hourt. Cadonii, J. I'aixson, dnnhf- Aw 17 fh crntimi. I)cutsL'li(' Hiunllunj,'.shriL'fe niit Kn<,'listht.-n KrkliirungL'n , . . Aixm. Kiankfurt-iiin-Main, 1821. Devai'is or Devarius (MatUiew). Do Clravio Liii<,niPP I'articulif! lib. Ndiibcrgas 1700. Devis (Ellin). Miscellaneous Lesson.s extracted from diflerent author.'^, to iii'uiiHitf! acquaintance with use of Words and Idioms. .'5rd ed. Loud., 1794. DeWoIf-Fraser(H.). .SV« Fraser (K DeW.). Deylillg (Salomon). Institutioiies Prndcntia> Pastoralis . . . Lipsia", 1739. Dlumimapada : being Footprints in the Way of Life, the system of KthicXaw becjueathed by Gautama Huddha . . . with other observations, s[)iritual and i)hilo.sophical, bv J. P. C Parnpli. IJoston, 1890 C?). Diaper (William) and Joues (John). Opjjian's Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes and Fishinj,' of the Ancients {tmu'^lated into L'lKjIin/t i-frtf). Oxford, 1722. Diary of Wreck of H. M.S. Challenger on Western Coast of South America, 1835. Anon. Loud., 1836. Diatessaron ; or History of Jesus Christ comi)ileil from the Four Go.s- pei.s. (Ed. by T. Thirlwall ; rev. by Macl)ride). .^ v. Oxford, 1837. Diatessaron ; Sive Integra Hi.storia Domini Nostri Jesu Christi ox IV. Evangeliis . . . {In Uri-eh:) Ed. J. White. Ed. 7. Oxonii. 182G. Dibdill (Thomas l""rognall). Introduction to Knowledge of Rare and Valuaijle iulitiuns of Greek and Latin ('lassies, together with account of Polyglot Bibles, Polyglot Psalters, Hebrew and (iroek Biblv's, the (Jreek and Latin Fathers. 4th ed. 2 v, Lond., 1827. N'oTK.— This edition was entirely rewritten, and therefore contains much that is not in the three former ones. It omits, however, the lexicography, i^rammars, col- lect ons, and lists of oUssics by Tariuus printers, which were previouely given. Diccionaiio Frances-Espanol y Espanol- Frances. Pur Nunez y Taboada. V. 2 (Esi)anol-France.s). Paris, 1812. Diccionario de la Lengua (Jastellana, compucsto por la Real Academia Esi)anola. F:d. 2. Madrid, 1791. Dickens (Charles). Old Curiosity Shop. N. Y., 1872 (^). Our Mutual Friend. N. Y., 1875. Personal History of David (Jojiperlield. N. Y., n. d. Posthumous Pa[)ers of the Pickwick Club. 2 v. Host., n. d. Dickerson (Edward N.). Joseph Henry and the Magnetic Telegraph ; an address. N. Y., 1885. Dictioiiarium Gra^co-Latinuin . . . {cammouhj railed " Lexicon scptcm- vimlt"). Basilese, S. Henncpetri, \b8A, folio. 81 I ■.) n! « i'ii 1 if' ■>' ;;■ ^1 DIOTIONAUIUM. AUTHORS. DION CASSIU8. Dictioiinriuin Medicnni ... ex Hijipocmte, Arctseo, Galeno . . . (&c.,) cnin Latiiiii intorpretatioiie. (Paris]), HenriciiH Sf^phanm, 1564. l)ietionariuin Universale Lutino-Gallicum . . . Paris, 1739. Dictionary for Hook of Oonnnon Prajor. Anon. Panipli. 1793. ])ii;tioiniaire Francois, con tenant tons les mots de la science. v. 3 (D, K, F). n. t., (ale/, niitch »nitilat«fl). l)icti<)nnaire »le Tri'voux. Hae Dictionnaire Universe] Francois et Latin. Dictionnairt! Universel Fran(,5ois et Latin {vn'qairi'inevt appelle Diction- uaire ,le. Trh'vux). v. 1 (A-P>), 2 (C-Dez), .t 6 (Pis-Tez). Paris, piiblislied by '' La Coitipaiinle dex Librairea Associe's," 1752. Didliani (R. '"uniiingliani) New Translation of the Psalms; with Plea for iJevisa! of our Versions, v. 1. Lond., 1869. Digby (S//- Kenelm). for //«« Observations upon " Religio Medici," we Browne (Sir T.), Religio Medici, 1659. Digby (Kenelm Henry). Broad Stone of Honour, or Rules for the Gentlemen ol JMigland. (2nd ed.) Lond, 1823. Dillon (Henry Augustus). Short View of Catholic Question. Pampli. Lond., 1801. Dinat'Chns. Oratiom-s. (Jr. et Lilt. (Oratorcs Attiri, v. 4 4' ^4-) 2 V. Lond.. 1828.' Dindort' ^Williehn or (iuliehnus). Ad Sophoclis Tragoedias annota- tiones. Oxonii, 1836. Diocesan (.'iiurdi Society of New lh'uns\vick (foi'mo'ly the Church SorieJij of Archthaconrij iif N. li.). Reports, 1-15, 15 Pamph. in 1 V. Frederi(!ton, 1837-51. Diocese of Iowa, -lournal of 39th annual convention. Pamph. Des Moines, 1892. DiodorUS Sieidus. Ril)liotheca' Historical lil)ri quindecini do ([uatlraginta . . . ((rr.). (Paris,) Hcnricus Stephanus, 1559. NoTR. — Books 1-5 and U-15 were published for the first time in this edition. The volume contains old manuscript annotations sij^ned W. There is a duplicate copy also in the Librar.v. BibliothecsR Historic* lib. Lugduni, hivred. S. Grijphin>i, 1559. (Opera ; a Poggio in Lat. tradiu-ti). i v. Venetiis, J. dc Cereto di: Tridino, aliax Tacuinuis, ik't. 12 kal., 1496. Folio; RoiiKiv fypf. Diogenes Laertius. Vita? et Sententice eorum qui in Philo.sophia probati fuerunt. Venetiis, Philipviis Pinzins, Jun. 22, 1497. XiiTE.— Folio, 05 + (1) leaves. Title on reeto of leaf 3. Same. Parisiis, J. Parvus (Petit), n. 1. NoTB,— Small ;ito, (7) + 137 + (1) leaves The title is on leaf 3, bearinj,' signature a Hi. There is a pencil note on one of the fly leaves, which dates this book 1.103-5 ; see I'anzer 4, p. 292 tc. Dion CassiuS. Romanarum Historiavum HI). (Gr.) Lutetian, R. StrphniniH, 1548. iia»u'. Gr. I'k Lat. (Paris,) H. Stephamis, 1591. 82 V ■ DIONYSIUM. AUTHORS. DODDRIDGE. Dionysius IhiUcarniisxcnxix. Scripta qua; exstant omnia, ot Historica ct Rhetorioa. {i4,'. ^ Luf.). Ed. F. Sylburgius. 2 v. Francofurdi, hcri'ihs A. Wechetii, 1586. Dionysius Pericneten. l)e Situ Orhis lihellus. {Or.) Eu.stathii TliossalonicoiLsis Archie] li.scopi commentariis illustratus. LuU'tiu', U. Sti'^)haims, 1047. Orlii.s Desciiptio {Or. >•( Lot.); annutationibus KusUithii at Honrici Stephaui, nocnoii (luilic-lnii Hill eoniinentario i-ritico pt gcographico at; tabulis illustrata. Lond., 1G88. niiccli'ur tlaiis los Yoyo.'s tlu Salut, sur lu.s Priiicipo.'^ (1(3 S. Charh^s liarronuV. Anon. Ed. 4. Paris, 1744. Same. Pari.s, 1718. niicctory of I'ritish Columbia for 1882-83, with descriptive appendix by Alexander Caulfield Ander.son, Victoria, B. C, 1882. I )is(; concerning Merit of Good Works. Anon. ^ v. {hacketl Mi8cellnuieti, vol. C"). Lond., 1688. Anon. \ V. Lond., 1732. (bounil (hacked du S. Concile de TB Discourse on (.)ur Saviour's Power of Healing. ivif/i tracts aijaind Thomas Woohtoii). \ )iscourse concprning Nature of Idolatry. Anon. •' Misa-Iianics, cul G "). Lond.," 1688. Dimnal du lireviaire Roniain suivant la R('forniation Tnuito. Paris, 1742. Diurnale Parisiense ; pars Hiemalis. Parisiis, 1736. Dixon (Henry). English Instructor, or Art of Spelling Improved. .")2mred. \\. {hound with Fisher's "Child's Education"). Lnnd., 1811," Dixon (William Hepworth). New .Vmerica. 3nl (hI. Phila., 1867. Dobbin (Leonard) and Walker (-I-)- Cliemi(;al Theory for heginner.s. Loud., 1892. Dobson (William). Solomon de Mundi Vanitatc : poema ^latthsei I'rior, Latine redditum. 3 pts. in 1 v. ( >xoni8e, 1734-36. I •ocuiiieiits and Records illustrating History of Scotland and Trans- actions between Scotland and England, ju'eserved in Treasury of H. M. Exchequer. Ed. by Francis Palgiave. v. 1. Loud., 1837. l>ocuuientsof U.S. Sanitary Commis.sion, I'nit(id States. 2 v. N.V.,1866. Dodd (William). Heauties of Hi.story, or Pi(;tures of Virtue and Vice, drawn from examples of eminent men. 3rd ed. Loud., 1800. Sermon.'! to Young .Men 3 v. Loud., 1771. Doddridge (Pliilijt). Fanuly ExjxKsitor, or Paraphrase and Version of Xew Testament, with Xote.s. 8th ed. v. 2 it 4-6. L(md., — . ISamr. II. t. Keden an die .lugend. Tr. hi/ F. E. Raml)ach, from the Ewjlish. Magdeluirg und Leijizig, 1752. Rise and I'rogress of Religion in the Soul ; with a Sermon on Care of the Soul 17th ed. Lond., 1808. Same. Lond., 1822. Same. Lond., 1854. 83 IF :-; fil ' h :ii iii l!i UoltWKLI.. AITIIOKS. DON. Dodwell (Ht'iii'v). Concf'rniiii,' Marriages in DittV'reiit Cdiiiiiuiiuoiis : u sermon. Lond., ITU'J. De >«ni)er() Scliisniate Anglican^ I'aripnesi.s ad Kxterns . . . Lond., 1704. Diseounse eoneerning use nf Incense in Divine ( Xlices, Lond., 1711. Dissertutiones (,'v|>rianici'. Uxoniae, 1(584. !)issertati()ne.s in rreniuiuii. ( )xonia', 1089. Kjii.stolarv Discourse proving that tiie Soul is a iirinci|)l(' naturally Mortal, but Ininiortalized actually, by pleasure of (rod tn L'unishiiient, or to Keward by its union with the !)ivine l)a|itisnial Spirit, liiid I'd, Loud., 1700. NoTB.—Tliin work, Hays Oiiiie, is very curious, as a Niiecitiien of the torture to which a corrupted creed or system is capable of mi'tlnu the scriptures. It was aiiawered by H, Clarl/.(!"). Lond.. 1G8S. Dodwell (William). Kree Answer to Middleton's Free Kn(|uiry into Miraculous Powers of Primitive (Jhurch. "Jnd ed. .^ v. (bduti'l iriffi nflicr n'li'/iniiK /)aiiij>/ili'f,i.) l.oiid., 1749. Practical discourses on Moral Subjects. 2 v. Loud., 1748-49. Re])ly to TolTs Defence of Middleton's Free Inipiiry . . , Lond., 1751. (Sermon on P.sal. XXXllI, 13-1").) n. t. Si^rmons. Oxford, 1745-62. Short Paraphrase upon l^ook of P.salnis. (^rautham, 1817. Short Para]) upon New Testament. (Irantham, 1825. Doniat (-lean). Civil Law in its Natural Order ; together with Private Law. Tr. by AVilliam Strahan. 2nil ed. 2 v. Lond., 1737. Domesday Book, sisu Lil)or Cen.sualis Willelmi Primi, Regis Anglipe, inter Archives Regni in Domo (Japitulari "Westmonasterii a.s.scrvatus. {WIfh UinKcrfuliiin (ti/if Iiidf.i:) 4 v. Lond., 1783-1816. NoTR.— "The noiiieBday Hooli is the most ancient record in tlic I'itJi.'doin, and the re(;ister from which judEtneiit was to tie (jiven upon the value, tenure, and services of the lands therein descrilied. It wai made in consequence of a survey ordered by William the Conqueror, and completed in 108U. Hume calls it the most '.aluable piece of anticjuity possessed by any nation.' Lowmien. Dominic {Saint). (Book containing a (collection of monastic rules ami regulations in l^atin. Black letter. Very rare.) PerLazuruni do Soardis aecuiratissime in clarissima Venetiaruiu urbe feliciter expli('iunt tlie 2, Octobri.s, M. D. 7. {Vcnic<', h')07 ; from rohiplmii). Don ((Tcorge). (Jeneral Sy.stem of (hardening and liotitny, founded u]ion Miller's (rardener's Dictionary, and arrangiul according ta the Natural System. v. 3-4. Ll)nd., 1834. 84 ? :i4.::. V * 1 11 n ItONAMWOX. Al'TlI )RS. IlKAriilt. DoilllldsOll ('I'lliii Williiiiu). (Jrotik ( irainniar. 2n(l od. Ciunbrid^i.', isr)i>. N'cw Cratylns, or Coiitrilmtions towards a more aiTuratt; kiiit\T- ledj,'c of tlio (ireek Lanjiuagc. 4tli cd. Loud., IH6H. Theatre of the (In.'cks : seric* of ] papers relating to History and (.'ritieisiii of (Ireek Drama, (th ed. Cambridge, 18:16. DoiialdisOIl (Thomas 1..). lland-liook of Specifieations ; or Pracitieal (luide to Arcliitect, Engineer, Surveyor, and Builder, in draw- ing u]i specilieations ami eontraets for works ; with Review of r,aw of Contraets. by W. C. (Ihn. '2 v. Loud, 1859 (?). DoHSlldsOIl (William). New Formulas for the Loads and Detleetion.-i of Solid JJeanis anneral View of .Vgriculture in counties of Rox- liurgh and Selkirk. Kilin., 17!)8. DowlillJ? (-'"hn (ioulter). Introduction to Critical Study of Kcclo.s- iastical Histor\ . Lond., 1S:18. Ih.iiaatic Pieces, as performed at Tiie;itres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent (larden. Ih/ ntrioiin (tufhors. 2 v. Lond., 1795. Draper (.lolm William). History of Intellectual Development of Kuro]ie 2nd ed. N. V., 18()4. Human Phy.siology. N. V., 1858. Text P.O.. k i.n Chemi.stry. New i-d. N. Y., 1858. DraiMT (Tlmma.s F.). History of Hants County, N. S. Maniixn-ipf ; sill, folio ; 18r'//• William). Sre Seidell (•!.). 80 DUKE. AUTHORS. KHEKT. Dllkd (William). Course of Plain and Familiar Lectures on the Chris- tian Covenant, on the Articles of Christian Faith, and On Baptism and the Lord's Supjjer. 3rd ed. L«nd., 1794. Dlllard (Paul[?] Alexandre [?] ). La Crandeur de Dieu dans Ics Merveilles de la Nature ; poeine. Paris, 17o0. DnilCan (Francis). Royal Province of New Scotland (N'ora iScoflK) and her Baronets. I'amph. Loud., 1878. Duncan (William). Klements of Loj^Miik. 6th ed. Lond , 1770. Same. Kdin., 1807. Dll Pill (Lewis Lilies). Histo-v of Kcclesiastical Writers ; containing' account of Authors Ci tooks of Old and New Testament, and Lives and Writing's oi the Primitive Fathers . . . Tr. from the French (hv M'. Wotton). 3rd ed. 15 v. in 7. Lmul , 1696-1706. Same. Another ed. 10 v. in 3. 1692-98. Dll Pleix (Scipion). Loi:jique on Art de Discouiir et Haisonner : Physi(iue, ou Science des Choses Naturelles : Les Causes de l:i Veille, et du Somnu'i!, des Soiij^es, et de la Vie, et do la .Mort : La Curiosite Natnrelle. n. t., old, mutilatfd. Durham I'niversity. Calendar, 1877. Durham, Kn^'. l)u.sselthal Ahhey ; Coinit Von dev Recke's Institution for Destitute Orphans iinil . I ewish Proselytes. 2ud e(l. Loud., 1836. DuVCl'liey (dosepli (luichard). See System of lUood-Ve.ssels and Nerves. Eadie (-lohu). r.iiy.ical Cyclopa>dia. 22nynamics, or Treatise on Motion ; to which is added a short Treatise on .Vttractions. 2iid ed. ('aiiil)rid^(', 1839. Treatise on Statics. 3rd ed. (yand)rid},'e, 1815. Kin'tii([uakes Improved ; or Solemn Warniu},' to the World, liy the trenuMidous Karthijuake which ha|)pened on 18tli Xovemher, 175.'). {In rrrsr.) Anon. n. d., sold by J. < ireeu. Siiujli' xlwet. Eaton (Amos) and Wright (•!.). North American IJotauy ; compris- in^f native and connnon cultivated plants, nortli of Mexico. 8th ed. Troy, N. V,, 1810. Eaton (Arthur Wentwortii). Church i^t Ku,!;lauil in Xnv.i Scotia and Tmy Cler^'v of the Revolution. N. V., 1891. Nom.-AlBii contains biOKraphirnl Hketchos of the Kovt'riior.s of Nova Soutiu. Eaton (Daniel Cady). Ferin of Xortli .Vmerica. Coloreil plates hy Parts 1-19, -l-l-'l-i .^aleni. .Mi •lames II. Kmerton. 1879-80 (?). ElKU't (Frederic Adolpiius). Oeneral I!ililio^':,i[ihical Dictionary. Tr. from the (lerman. 4 v. in 2. O.xford, 1837. NoTK.—Tliis is the best tiil)lioKra|)lii('nI worlt iti the r.ihrnr.v, ami tlie lioolicol- lector will find it of very ifrcat use in his resrarches. 87 ;JJ>f t ' ' J •"ii 1 if: Ml :. W & I:. » i i ;i , i|! »# ^; i. >■: i •!■' •-f . ECCM5SIA. ArXHORS. KDWARUS. Kcc-loiiT ,\ii<{Iiriiii'.' Viiulox Catliolicus, sivc Artii'.ulni'oiii Kcclosii« An^li(!iiiui' cuin Scriptis SS. Patnini Xovii CoUatio. Cura (Jiilii'liiii "Wi^Mii Havvoy. 3 v. (!aiitahrinin(iue (cum) I'artitioiies (lati cliismi Catholici Cal Colonla' A;^ri|)|)ina', hjukI ( ii'fniitn\nn 'I'liiiiin, (('• /iii'r''i/i's Jnlmnitix Qiicitfi'lii. L")(;,s. NoTK.— This volumo is be.iutifull.v liimrul in sttiiii|)t'il leatlier. It coiitaiii.s ;i suli- titlc-paifo for the " I'arlifioiies (Jatecliisiiii Cathnlici," and the |iii;inatioii l)e;rir)s anew. EdPrslloilll (.Mfred). K.Kodus (The), and Wanderings in the Wilder- II ness. Lond., 1S7() (?). l>tnrV ot .Iiidah and Isivud from ISirtli of Sdlnindii Id l{eiy;n o Ahab. Lon.l., 1S.SO(0. ( 'aiiaan under dosliua and t Israel in Canaan under dosliua and the.IudL^es. Lninl.. 1S77 (0- 'reiiiiile (The). it-< Miui.-^trv and Services, as they were at time of l,'>U- ( 'liri>t I.nnd.. ii. W (irlil heliirc L EdircMvortli (M I he V '/ 1 nod, ami History oi tln' latriandi f th Lond. lai'ia iiii'l liichanl l.nvi 1 I. i.onil N n. Kdiul airyh l{e\ie\v, or ('I'itical Inurnai Kssav on Practical I'Mucalion Xos. 1!)-.*)]. .-.;{-.-)8. r)0-()4. r)7-S0. Sl* {rol. .'/I jxirt >). •![) V. Kd -■''/ lilt I I' in., ■f 1, ISI ".), .ill jiarl il-,i.' .l.'j-i" t-l'.i. Ivliiibui-h I'nivrrsitv. Calendar. lS(;;)-70 to 1871-7l'. b'<7.'5-74 SS. -S... ]SS.")-St'), 1SS7-SS •tO-'.> 1 , .'(» V, vim.. V. 1 EdwsU'ds ( lh'\ ai;) IlisIor\ , ri\il and commeivial. of I'.ritish colonii Edwards ( Edwards (i in West Indies. (ienr-v). K.S.- alMMiUs Subject- • ir.l cii. :avs Ulinli .oinl .omi ISdl Nat ui'ai listoi'v. ami ntiiei' Mi oiial lian, ///' '■/./,,•). History of Work roni|iri.'-in,u' an (Uitline of chuich history, N. V of Uedeiiiptioii Edwards (W. F.), lull Uelicr n MVSIC .V-el Its (III I, lie With ajiiiemliN. .omi 1 s;{: r. Ii'i'iii rreucli. hy SS ! >r. Ilodukiii ami I M: Fisher. r n jlkl'! KGEH'IUX. ATTTHORS. EI-SI.EV. Egertoii (Francis). Scf Ellesmere {J^arl of). Kij,'litv Vt'ars' I'vo^rcssof British North Animim (1781-1861). P.y 11. Y. Hind, et a/ii. Toronto, 18G4. EldertOll (AVilliam A.). Maps and Map Drawing. Lond., 1890. Klcnicnta LogicT ; suhjicitur apixindix dc usu higicae, et (ronspuctiis Oigani Aristott'Iis Kd. 4. < )xonii, 179."). Elements of (rrcek (Grammar. Anon. New ed. Lond., 1830. Kh"nionts of Latin (Jraniinar. Anon. New ed. Lond., 18.30. Eliot (/), nl. Cuide to Northern Archtpology. Pam))h. Lond., 1848. Ellicotl (Charles .lames). St I'aul's Epi.stle to Fphesians (Gr. text): with Critical and ( Iramiuatical Commentary, and Revised Translation. 4th ed. Lond., 1808. Si'i' also " Modern .Scepticism." Ellis (Alexandei' .).). Algel)ra ideiitilied with (ieometry. Pamiih. l.oiid.. 1871. Ellis (Cl:arles). rjit. C'lergyman's A.ssislant ; being collection of Statutes, Ordinances, and Forms, with Notes, relating to Rights, Duties, iiiui Liahilities of Clergy; witli constitution and canons of Cliurch of England. New ed. Oxford, 1828. Ellis (Henry), Voyage de la P>ayc de Hudson, 1746-47, pour la D(''couverte du Passage de Nord-Ouest. 'Jr. fmiii f/ic Enqlish. V. '1. Pari.s, 1749. Ellis (•■>■'"'• Henry). Extracts from Proceedings of Privy Council, l."t4.')-')8. (Front Archtfohvjid.) Lond., 1815. Oeiieral Introduction to Domesday Book, accompanied bv Inde.Kes. •-' V. Lont maxime ex S. Jiernado. \ v. {bound irith " Methodnx Confessionis ''). J^irisii.s, 1531. Kiicyclop.TPdia Piritannica. 3rd ed. 18 v. Kdin., 1797. Same. Supplement to 3rd ed. (l)v lip. ( Heig). 2 v. Kdin., 180L Satne. Supplement to 4tli, oth, and ()th cds. v. 1-0. Kdin.. 1824. Same. 9tli ed. 24 v., and Index. Kiliii., 1878-89. Kncvi'lopiedia Metropolitaiia. Kd. bv Kdward Sniedlev and H. J. Rose. 27 V. Lond., 1829-45. NniK.— The treatises in this work arc arrarjjfed under the following: (tcKeral divisions : Pure Sciences, Mixed Sciences, History and Uioirraphy, Miscellaneous, and Lcxicojj'raphical. The ireneral Index will be found of much use in consulting the volunicH. Kncyclopc'die. n. t., old (]irobably 17th century). En^elniann (Wilhclm). lUbliotheca Scriptorum ('<'orum et ( li'R'conim et Latiiioruiii. Leipzig, 1847. Kngiiieer I (cpMi'tment, W S. .\. Rcjiort of Chief nf Kngiiieeis, for lS78-8(). 28 V. Wash, 1878-86. England (Kdwiu !>. ). Kxcrciscs in Latin Syntax and Idiom, ari'angcd witli relVreiice to lioliy's School Latin ( Irammar. Lond., 188]. Knglisli ('omiiendium ; or Rudiments of Honour nt lining Cenealogies of Xobilitv of KiiifJand. Anon. 1 Ith ed. .3 v. Lowd., 1760. Knglish ill India, and oIIht skctciic.; I 835. r>v a Traveller. jOIKl... 90 KXGl-ISH. AUTHORS. EOBANU8-HESSU8. Kiiglisli ^Ic'ii of Letters. Kd. by John Morley. Hentley, by K. C. Jobl). Cowpor, l)y (t. Smitl). (libboii, liy J. C. Morrison, (luldsiiiitli"^, by W. Black. Hiiwthoriu', by H. James, lliune, by T. H. Huxley. Lamb, by A. Aiiifjer. Macaulay, by J. C. Morisou. Milton, by M. Pattison. Pope, by L. Stejtlien Scott, l;y K. H. Hutton. Sheridan, by Mrs. (.)liphant. Spenser, by R. W. Church. Swift, by L. Ste])hen. Thackeray, by A. Trollope. Chaucer, by A. W. AVard. Knglish Reprints. lul. by Edward Arber. 14 v. IGv. X.Y., n. d. Loud., 1868-71. C0NTKNT8. — Vol. 1. Milton (J), Areopigitica. hotimtr (//.). Sermon on the liUiiiKhcrs. (ron>i()n{S.), Schoole ot Abuse. 2. Sidney (P.), ApolOKie for poetrie. HV()fc (/>;.), HiBTravailes. .ScWeji (y.), Table-talk. 3'. ./I ic/iam (Yf.), Toxophilus. .l(/(/i»«« (■/.), Criticism on Milton 8 Paradise Lost. 4. Lylii (y.), Euphues ; the Anatomy jf wit; Eu)>hucs and his England. 6. Villiem (G.), The Rehearsal. tiancitiqne (G.). The Steele glas, and other pip'-os. F.arle (J ), Miero-cosniORraphie. 6. I.atiiiivr (II.), Seven (sermons before Edw. VI. Mure (Sir T.), Utopia. 7. I'tittfiiliam ((r.), Arte of Enjtlish poesie. 8. IlowfiU (J.), nistruotion for forreine travell. fdn/i (A'.), Kointer Doiater. Kevelation to the Monk of Evesham. Jmiien VI. (j/Scdtlantl {I. of Eniilaiid). The Essayes of a Prentise ; a oounterblaste to Toliacfo. 9. Maunton (Sir /£.), Eraijmenta rejraliii. H'atton (T.), Poems. 10. tlubiiijiton (W.), Castara. Ast-hani (7^.), The Scholemaster. 11. Tottlt'n Miscel- lany: nones and sotmets by the Earl of Surrey, Sir T. Wyatt, N. Grimald, and others. 12. /-rt'cr (?'.). Sermons- UVfc((i»(ir.), Discourse on Enftlish poetry. 13. Harmony of Lord Bacon's Essays, four te.xts. 14, lioii ( W.) and Harlow (J.), Rede me and be nott wrothe ; Projier dyaloKe between a ({entillnian and a husbandman, Ac. ; a compendious treatise, &c, Italeiqh (Sir H'.), Markliam (G.). it' Linschoten (./. //. van), Last Fi|,'ht of the Revenge at sea. Oooife (C), Eclogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes Kir^lisli Scholar's Libiarv of Old and Modern Work.s. Kd. by PMwavd Arber. 8 ])aniph. Lond., 1878-79. CoNTKNTS — No. 1. Ueynnrd the Kox, translated and printed by William Caxton, 14S1. 2. Knox (./.), First Ula^t ot the Trumpet asrainst the ii'onstrous reuiment of Women, lii,'i8. 3. Itohinson {€.) and others. Handful of Pleasant Delights. 1584. 4. /•'I'i/i (.v.), Hupplicution for lie^gars, 152i). 6. Ildall (,/.), Diotrophcs, 1,5S8. 6. Heturn from Parn.issus, 160(1. 7. Decker (T.), Seven Deadly Sins of London, 1806, 8. Introdui'tory Sketch to the Martin .Marprelnte Controversy, 1588-1590. Entick <'/■ Elltiuck (John), (Latin and Kn<,dish J)ictionarv). Kd. by William Crakeit. Lond., 18-20. Kiitirc and Comiijeti' llistdry, Political and Personal, of the l>orou[;hs of (ircat Hritaiii. tofj;ether with the Ciiuiue I'orts. Anon. I'nd ed. L> V. Lond., 1794. Kntninoloifical Commission of I'liited States, .'b'd and 4th Reports, '(U. S. Ih'pf. of Af/ricn/furti.) 2 v,,, 188;V8."), EohainiS-HesSUS (lIi'Hus), Tiieocriti Syracusani Kidyllia (,sic), Latino carmine I'tMlditn, llelio Kobano llcsso inter[irete . . . Ijasilcic, And. ('rafi(li'i\ 1 ;"),'{ 1. :■ ■«" ; ''"i ( 1 1 ! PI ' 'f 91 if: I '' l-t EPICTETUS. AITHOHS. KnASMUS. m>i iv :|:, ,.,/rr m. ill EpictetllS. Epii'toti Kuchiriilinn ; Ct^liotis Tabula ; Prodici Hovfiiles . . . {(I'r. d' Lat.) Ell. .loscpli Siniii^ion. Oxoiiii, 17.39. Same. Ed 5. Oxonii, 1804. NoTR.— The edition of 1739 ia oonsiderod to 1)0 more correct tlian the later ones. Mamialo {(r'r. gic'a. Kd. 2. Aiiistoliedami, 1G78. Sanir. I'ar.'^ altera. Aiiistela'daini, 106"). Epistolaruin < Miscuroruiu Viroriiiii ad Dm. (sir) M. ( (rtuiiiuni (iratium, voliiniiiia II. Loud , 1710. XoTK. " Valu ilile ns exliiliitiiiK a lively iiiiiirossion of the state of society anil opinions, .it a time when Europe was tapidiy approaehinp one of its most important convulsions. It is (fenerally aitriliuted to I'Iricus Ilutteiius, and was by a decree of Leo X. condemned to tlie tianies." — liointiles. Epitai)lis, collected from Holy AVrit, and our l)e«it Authors on Sacreil Subjects. Hv II. L" S. and L. S. M. Ed. by (1. I!. ( 'iialoner. Eoiid., 11. d. ErrtSIllllS Jintfroilunn (Desiderius). Colloiiuia Faniiliaria, cum iiotis. Amsterodaiui, IG.'i"). Sanu'. EiJ. Samuel Patrick. I.ond., 177^5. Collonuia kSelecta ; or Select (lolloi|uie.s witii Eii,:ilish Translation ])y .h)lin Clarke. IHtli e(|. Loud., 17rjy. Enchiridion Militis Christiani. .', v. [bomi'l irit/i aitfhur'.i " Ratio ...,"" Ari/inifi)iii, I'h.'.l.). Ai'gentoratuni, ■/. Knolifiic/iiis, 1 .")2.'). Ivicomium Moriie; sive Decianiatio in laudem Stulticia>. Ed. 4. LeydiP, Ki-JJ. De Interdictii esu carniu. dcii., similil)us liominuiii I'onstitution- ibus ... J; V. {hiniiul irif/i tin' mit/iDr's " Ratio, (('v.''). Colonia', J. Sntcr, l.")'_'."i Gloria' Encomium, cum (icrardi Eistrii commcntariis . . . Oxoniic, ItKiS. VdTR.—This inifeninus sitire, dircc'c I cliicily ai;Mitibt the nii)nk.s, is s:iid to liavc be ^n w ritten l)y the author in seven day,'*. (I'araiilirase of the Xi'W Ti'stamcnt). \-. 1, i,i '2 v. (ihr fuur Gospefs <(• Arts). Loiid.. l''.'hv■_';{. Sani<'. .', \'. Aiuclitilia, ./. /\'ikiI)/iii'/iiis. I OL'.'i. Ml' i EKCKMANX. AUTHORS. Euri,ii). C(tl<>gii(', Erckmanil (Kmilf) and Chatrian (A.). (,'ontos et RoniiUis Popu- laiir-s : I.'lllustrc Doctcur Matlu'iis — Iiiif,'U(;s-lc-Louj> — Maitre Daiiii'l Kook — -Coiites des Hords du Rliin — -L'Ami Fritz — ContidciK't's (I'liii Joiieur de Clarinette — La Maisou Forcstii've — Le Jiiif Polouaift. Paris, u. d. IlisU.ired'un Paysan, 1789-181"). Paris, 1873. Ktiiiians Xatioiiaux : Le Conscrit dc 18i.S— Watorloo — .Madauus TIk'ti'si! ou Ics Volontaires dcyii—U Invasion, — L'Honinio (In I'('n])I(( — La (hierre — La lilocns. 2 v. Paris, 1867. Krliardt (Thonuis [A(ininas]). Ars MeiiioriiB, sive Clara ct Persjjicna Mi'tliodns excerjiendi Nnclenni rornm ex nnininm Scientiaruin Mdnniuentis. 3 pts. in 1 v. An<,Mista» Vindelicorum, 1715. Erskine (Tliomas). Brazen Soriieiit ; or, Life coniini,' throngh Doatli. Kdin., 1831. Kssay on Faith. 2nd cd. Kdin., 1822. Kcniarks on Internal Kvidenee for Tr.itli of Revealed Religion. •Jth e.l. Kdin, 1829. Kspiun dans les Conrs iles Princes Chretiens, on Lettres et Memoires d'nn Knvove secret de la Porte dans les Conrs dc I'Knrope . . . Par * * * Tr. de I'Anglois. v. 2-3, r)-G. 1715-16. Espy (James Pollard). Fonrth Meteorological R( port, l'. S. A. Wash., 1857. Ks(|nisse (leologi(inc dn Canada, snivie tl'un CataU)gne descrijitif de la collection de Cartt.'s et Coupes ( reologicpies, Roches, &c., envoyee a I'Kxposition I'niverselles de 1867. Pamph. Paris. 1867. Kssais (rKxhortations avant et afires rAdniinistration du Tres-Saint Viati(pie, des .Sacreniens de liatenie, de rKxtrenie-Onction, et du ^lariage, avec Divers Motifs et Actcs pour la Consolation des Malades et des Mourans . . . Par un Pretre de !'( h'atoire. Paris, 1744. Kssay concerning Preaching, \vritten for the Direction of a Young Divine. Loud., 1678. Kssay on the JlajJiiincss and Advantages of a Well-ordered Family. Kxtracted from an ancient writer on this subject. 2nd ed. Lond., 1795. iSaine. 3rd ed. \ v. {hound with Potts' " Eleinentary IHsco arses"). Lond., 1808. Kssays 1)\ a Society of (ientlenien at Kxeter. Exeter, Kng., 1796 (?). Este (Charles). Journey in 1793 through Flanders, lirabant, and (Jeriiiany, to Switzerland. Lond., 1795. Kthices Com]>endinm in nsum Juventutis Academicoe : cui accedit Methodus Argunientandi Aristotelica. A7ion. Oxonii, 1795. Etienue or Stephauus. ^"^ee Stephens. Euclid or Eucleides. Andrete 'I'acipiet Klementa Euclidea Geometrise plan* ac solida? ; et Selecta ex Arclu;inede Theoreniata.. AW. AVilliani Whiston. Kd. 3. Cantahrigi*, 1722. 93 m I :.;. ) ! n II I t U'\ il W' T m i I , h.:^!« H'-^ 1 ■ N ■ i-i i ! I. ■': I k KUCLIU. AUTHORS. EUlllPlDEM. KucMi) — Continued. Datorum liher, cum fulditamento, iioi;iioii tractatus alii ad f^eoiuc- triam pertinoutcs. Ed. Sanmol, Episcopus Asai>hoiisis. Oxoiiii, 1803. Klenienta, first book. Eil. by J. B. Lock. Loiul., 1892. Elcinentorum, libri 15... Eif. Chrisloplioriis Clavius. •_' v. Franeofurti, 10)04. Elpmentoruiii, libri 12 ; e.K Commaiuli ot Gre<,'orii versionil)ii,s Latinis. Ed. Saimicl, epi-scopus Rolleiisi.s. Oxonii, 1802. (Ek'iiients of (reometry ; with preface by John Dec, dated 1570). n t., old. Folio ; 650 — ])a<^cs. Elcinonts of (reometry. From Latin tran.slatioii of Commendino. Ed. by S. Curiu. Loiul, 1782. Elements of rxeomotry ; containing Fir.'^t Six Books of E, with supplement by J. I'layfair. N. V., 1S4-7. Plane (leoniptrv according to E., with additions. Ed. by A. r.ell. Loud., 18G1. Eucologe, ou Livre d'Eglise a I'usage du Diocese de Rouen, pour les Lai(iues . . . Partie d'Hiver. Rouen, 1729. Elller (Leonard). Elements of .Vlgebra. Tr. from French, witii 2 V. Loud,, notes l)v Hernoulli and 1 )e Lii (Jrangc. 179( % Elemens d'Algelu'c. Revue par d. (r. (Jarnier. 2 v. Paris, 1807. Letters to a (lerman Princess, on ilitt'en.'ut subjects in Physics and Philosophy. Tr. bv II. Hunter. 2 y. l.ond., 1795. Euripides. Alcestis (O'r.). Ed. ,]. H. Monk. Accedit (Jeorgii Buchanani Versio Metrica [Lut.) Cantal)rigi{e, 181G. Saitif. Ed. .'i. .', V. (/iciind ivith Jfnuk's I'ditioti of Enri- /liden' " H ippol i/t an;' 1SJ9). (.'antalu'igias 182(). Alcestis. ((,'r.). Ed. by M. A. IJayHeld. Lon.l., 1890. Andromache. (^'''O, <'um variis lectionilnis. In usum Scholar Regiai Westmonasteriensis. .', y. {honml iritlt Enri/tidfs' " Efectru;' IS(iti). O.Nonii, 1807. Hacchpp. (6'?-.). Ed. P. Elmsley. Oxonii, 1821. Electra (O'r.), ex editione Musgrayii. In usum Schoja' Rcgia> Westmonasteriensis. .' y. Oxonii. 1800. Hecuba (O'r.). Ed. Richard I'orson. }, y. (Iioiuid with "■ Pent. {^V''.). Ed. S. Musgravo. Oxoiiii, 1809. IIipi»olytus. {(jr'r.). Ed. .lacobus Flonricus Monk. Kd. 4. I, V. Lond., 1829. Modea (6'r.). Kd. by M. A. Bayfield. Lond., 1892. (Opera) (lUii! extant Onniia. {(ir. (t Lat ). Ed. J().<X(inii, 1845. Tragoedia'. {G>'.) Oxoni' Id mo., 1859. EllsebillS Paiuphili. Ciironicon . . . ad 1512, Ku.sebii Paniphil. . . ., Hieronynii, Pros])ori Afiuitanici, M. Aurelii Cassiodorii Henuanni Contracti, ^Littba-i Palinerii, Mattliiap Palinerii, Ha-silese, J/enricus I'etrus, 1529. Kt-'jlesiastical History Tr. from (Iroek, l)v C. F. Cru.'^t'. LDiid., 1868. Eusebii Pamphili, RulHni, . . . Kcelesiastica Hi.storia. Ed. .1. Jacob ( Iryiianis. ISa.'iilciv, A' E])iscopinii, 1570. Eusebius Pampbili, Socratis Scbola.stici, Herniia; Sozoiiifiii, Tbeodoriti ct Evagrii, bistoriie eccle.sia.'^tica; (pue extant. {(j'r. ly Lut.). Ed. Henry Vale.sias ^ William Reading. 3 V. Cantabrigia', 1720. Historian Ecclesiasticii^ lib. ((»r.). Kd. Edward lUirton. 2 v. Oxonii: 1838. Pnvjiaratio Evangelica {Gv. e.t Lat.). Ed. Francois Vigcr. F>d. nova, (.'oloiiia', 1688. isoii cd.w Ciiiiiberlaiid (R). Eustace (-bilin Clictwode). Clas.sical Tour tliroiigli Italv, 1802. 3r(l ed. 2 V. Lond., 1819. EustacIliU8 (Bartolomco). Src System of Hlood-Vcs.sels and Nerves. Eutropius. Ili.storiiv .Romamc lireviarium ; or Abridg(!ment of tlic Roman Hi.storv. {In Lathi.) Ed. witli ailditions, bv flolin Stirling. lOtb ed. Lond., 1810. tiame. Ed. C. H. Lip.siiu, 1843. name. Hooks 1 and 2. Ed. W . Welch and (". O. DuUield Lond., 1892. 95 --'-I! '.>'0 :1 11! ^''Pf I ' '1 J' Ui SI ^» >l' ; ! ij )■ : . 1 ^ '4 \ m 1 1'#' If .1 ' •ill. ii * ■ y^M» U^H f '- 111 KVAUKIUS. AUTHORS. FABIUCIUS. EvagrillH ScholnKtlcm^. Kuwhii I'limpliili . . . Evagrii, ct Dorothei, KtH'losiiisticii Histoi'ia. AW. .1. .lacol) (irvmeus. IJa.silcsB, K. Kiiixi-opiuii, 1570. Thi'otUiriti et Kvagrii Historia Kcclesiastica . . . {dr. d: Lat.). Ed. H. Valcsius. MoguiitiiP, 1G79. EvailN (Jnlin). Ski'tch of tlio Doiinminations of tho Chvistian World ; to wliieli is ]irf.tix»!(l an ( Mitline of Athoisiii, Doisni, Tliuophi- laiiflii'opisiii, MalioiiKttaiiisiii, .liulai.siii, and Christianity. l.ltli r,l. Lund., 1827. NoTK. • Ttiu accounts (jiveii o( the (iifforont sects, are Baiil to have been compiled from documents furnishtd by a meniber of each sect. ' Lutvndex. Evans (Marian). ^et; Lewes (M.)- Eveleigll (•loln,). Si-mions l)eforo University of Oxford, 1792, at lecture fdunded 1)y John IJainpton ; to whicli are snl>joino(l Four Sermons l)ef(irt^ University of Oxforil, 1791-94. Oxford, 1794. Evelyn (-lolin). Silva, or Discourse of Forest Trees, and propagation of tindjer . . . oth ed. Lond., 1729. Everard (doannes Secundus),/m/?<«?(y/// (•«//«/ Joannes Secundum. opera. {Latui jxioitn). Lugduni l>atavoruui, 1G51, Everett (Kdward) Oration.s and Speeelies. IJo.ston, 1836. Everett (Joseph 1).). I'hihisophy of Teaching. I^unph. Lond., 1858. Ewald (Oeorge Heinrieh August). (iranniiar of llehrew Language of ( (Id Te.stanieut Tr. l)y John Nicliolson. ISurlington, 1836. lieliriiische Spracldelire. Leipzig, 1842. Samp. Lei]i/,ig, 1855. Kxaniinatioii of (Wni.) Warl)urton"s Second Proposition in his projected Deinon.stration of The Divine Legation of Mose-s. Anon. I v. (/Miiiijth., huiniil trith ''^ Hemarks on Jhinie's Essai/," ttc). Lond., 1744. Kxcerjita e KotuHs Finiuiii in 'airri a.sservati.«, Henrico III Kego, 1210-1272. Ed. C. Kol)ert;^. v. 2 (124G-1272). l.ond., 183G. Kxplication du livre de la ( .Vnon. v. I'ari.s, 1732. (K.xiiositione.s Ki)istolaruni et Kvangeliornni). .', v. n. t, old. NoTg.— (Quarto, Gothic-letter, two columns; from leaf ■J43 to end, missing- Hound with Albertus Magnus' " Sernionts de Tempore et de Sanctis," 1480. Kxtrait du Kituel de Lyi>n, avec dcs Instructions sur tons les Sacreniens, iVc. Lyon, 1724. Faber ((reorge Stanley). liKpiiry into the History and Tlieology of the Ancient and Lond., 1838. l-'j'iniitive JJoctrine of Regeneration ; .sought for in Holy Scrip- ture. Lond., 1840. Fabre (dean Claude). See Fleury's (C.) Histoiro Kcclosiastii[U'-'. Fabricius (George). Justi Lipsii Roniii Illustrata ; et Georgii Fabricii Chenniicensis Yeteris Romse cum Nova Collatio. . . Lond.> 1 698. 96 KABniriUH. AUTHORS. FAWKES. ■iiicreiueii.s, Fabricius ^.Tnliiinn Alhrocht o?* Albertus). Biblintheci Latina . . . Haiul>tir<^i. 1708. Facciolati (Giiioomo or .lacobu.s). Totiua Latinitfttis Lexicon. Ed. /Kgitlius P'orcellinus, Ik -laenl) Hailoy. 2 v. Lontl, 1828. NoTK.— The beet edition of thin (aii'ed lexicon. Alioiif 20,000 worrig h»ve been insertull''c.tfddi(ri)i(/ Sir John Franklin^s northern land expedition ; n-itli plates, mostly roloared.) 4 v. Loud., 1829-37. Ciii'ti'iils : -\. 1, (,nmdrinie(la, by .1. ISichardson ; v. 2, Birda, by W. Swainson & J. Hiciurdsnn ; v ;i, I'ish, l)y J. iticii.irilson ; v. 4, Insects, by W. Kirby. Faveiitius (Menglms). S'-i- MeilJl^llllS Faventiu.s. Fawkes (Francis). Argonauties of .\p(ill(,tiius Rliodiu.s. (Tr. into Knylish verse. } Ed. and completed bv Rev. Henry ^leen. Lond., 1780. Idylliums of Therdoritus, translated into English verse, with notes. Lond., 17G7. Works of Anacreon, Sajipho, Bion, Moschus and Musaeus (trans- lated into English oerse). Lond., 1760. 97 m i ■'.V ill'! *i ]i ^ i, WW Bff FEI.DEX. AUTHORS. FEHRIER. 'I >' p: 1=1; i t, i! I ■,,;!U Felden (Joliannos a). Aiinotatii in Ilug. Grotiuiu Do Jure Belli et I'iicis. h V. Ainstolodarni, 10r)3. Fell (John, D. /)., 'lfUr,-lf;sti). Llf.i of Rev. H. Hammoml, D. D. ■^ V. {Bonndwith Burnett's Life of Hale.) Oxford, 1806. Pell (•lohn, 17->o-1707). Doenioniacs : an Enquiry into the Heathen and the Seripture Doctrine of ]).Temons. Loud., 1779. NoT«. — This work treats largely of the hypothesis of Rev. Hugh Farnier, and others. FelloweS (Rol)ert). Address on the Present Relative Situations of Kngland and France ; with Reflections on the Genius of Democracy, and on Parliamentary Reform. Loud., 1799. Body uf Theolof,'y, ])rinci])ally practical. 2 v. Lond., 1807. Picture of Christian Philosophy. 3rd ed. Lond., 1800. Fenerty ((^reorf,'e Edward). Political Notes and Observations, or Glance at Leading M(;asures that have been discussed in House of Assem])ly of New P)runswi(\k. . . for twenty-live years. v. 1. Kredericton, N. B., 1867. Feiin (dohn). <)rij{inal Letters, written during Reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III, hy various Persons of Rank or Conseiiuence, relative to that period of Historv ; with notes. 2nus). Lexition Geoj;rapliicuni. Ed. M. A. Baudrand. Parisii.s, 1670. NoTB,— Baudrand enlarsjsd this work hy about one-half. The present copy once bL'lon^;ed to Hon. Dailies Harrington, and bears his autograph. FerreS (N. M.). Elementary Treatise on Trilinear Co-Ordinate.s, the Method of Reciprocal Polars, and the Theory of Projections. 2nd ed. Lond., 1866. Ferrier (James Frederick). Philo.sophical "Works: vol. 2, Lectures on Greek Philo.sophy. New ed. Edin., 1881. 98 bsent copy once KKURIEBE. AUTHORS. FI-EETWOOD. Ferriere (Claude Joseph tie). Introduction k la Priitique ; contenant rKxplication des Termes de I'ratiiiuo, de JJroit, Sc de Coutumes, avec les .Jurisdictions de France. v. 2. Paris, 1729. Fessenden (C. E ). Elements of I'hysica. Loud , 1892. Ft'sta et Oflicia l'roj)ria Sanctorum Dioeoe.sis Macloviensia. Francisci de Villemontcc, Macloviensis Episcopi, iussu (sic) edita. h v. Maclovii, 1669. Fevret (Charles). Traitc de I'Abus, ct du vrai sujet des appellations qualilices du nom d'Abus. Nouv. ed. v. 1. Lyon, 1736. Field (H. Kush, j^/. D.) Me.lical Thoughts of Shakespeare. 2nd ed. fti,,-...j ICaston, Pa., 1885. Field Exercise and Evolutions of Infantry. Lond., 1859. Figures and J)escriptionH of Canadian Organic Remains. Docailes 1-4. {Geo. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Canada.) 4 paniph. Mont., 1859. Filippi (O- A.). Dizionario Italiano-Tedesco o Tedesco-Italiano. 4 V. Vienna it Lipsia, 1817. '.L V Avignon, Lond., 1831. Fillassier (AhM). Eraste, an I'Ami de la Jeuncsse. 1807. Finch (Ceurge). Sketch of tlio Romish Controversy. Same. Supplement. Lond., 1836. Fines, sive Pedes Finium ; sive Finales Concordia} in curia Domini Rogi.s, 1195-1211. Ed. Jo.seph Hunter. v. 1. Lond., 183.5. FirillicUS MaterilUS (Julius). M. ]Minucii Fclicis Octavius . . . ai'cedit i)ra>terca liber .lulii Firmici Materni De Errore Profan- arum Religionum. Lugduni iJatavorum, 1652. Fisclier (E. G.). Physique Mecani(iue. Notes bv Hiot. Ed. 3. Paris, 1819. Fisll (Simon). See English Scholar's Library, No. 4. FisllCr (A''-''". ). Child's Christian Education; or, Spoiling and ii'eading made easy ; Ijeing Introduction to profitable reading the I5il)le. 16th ed. ."v. Lond., 1809. Fisher {^f)•s. Arabella P..), —'vr>' A. 15. Blickley. History of England, for Peginners. Lond., 1887. Fisher or Fischer (Johann). See Piscator (J.)- Fivas (Alain lie). Classic French Reader. Vocabulary by J. L. Jewctt. N. Y., 1866. Flanimarioil (Camille). See Vlalie'S (J. F.) Astronomical Myths. Fhivel (-iohn). A Saint Indeed, (jr the Croat Work of a Christian, opened and jiressed. Lond., n. d. Flechier (Esprit, BUhop of Nimes). Lottres Choisies ; avec une Relation des Fanatiijues du Vivarez ; et des Reflexions sur les Differens Caractcres des Homines, v. 2 {Lettres et liejlexions). Title tnutilaii'd. Fleetwood (John). Life of Jesus Christ, together with Lives of Apostle.s, Evangelists and others. Burslem, 1814. 99 11% I- i!f;' iiH m I; : •. I ' I' ill fel, i' I FLEETWOOD. AUTHORS. F(EDERA. Fleetwood (William, Z>. 0.). Coraplcit (sir) Collection of Sermons, Tracts, and Pieces of all kituLs. Lond., 1737. Fleming (Fiancis). Southeni Africa, a Oeograjiliy and Natural Ilistorv of tlie Country, Colonies, and Inhabitants. Loud., 1856. " Fleming (Robert). Rise and Fall of Papacy. Ed. by Thomas Thomson, h v. {bound with Ronqe's " Holy Coat of Treves "). Lond., 1848!" Fleming (Sandford). The Intercolonial : a Ilistoric.d Sketch of the Railway uniting tiie Inland and Atlantic Provinces of the Dominion (of Canada). ^Tontreal, 1876. Fleming (William). Vocabulary of Philo.sophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ; with quotations and references. 3rd ed., rev. l)y Henry Calderwood. Lond., 1876. Fletcher (dohn). .see Beanmont (F.) and Jonson (B). Catt'cliisme Historique, contenant en Abrcge Nouv. ed. V. 2. Fletcher {Rev. John). Works. v. 2. Lond., 1829. Fleury (Claude, Ahhv). I'Histoire Sainte ct la Doctrine Chretienne. Paris, 1730. Histoire Kcclcsiastique (jusqu'en 1414 ; avcc la continuation jusijuVn 15J5, par J. Claude Fabre). 36 v. Paris> 1724-38. Same. v. 20-21. Paris, 1740. Institution au Droit Ecclcsiasticpie. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1721. Flora Danica. See (Eder (C C ). Flores Sacrorum lUblionim ; sivc^ Loci Coinmunes omnium fere materi- arum Veteris et Novi Teslamenti, ordine Alphabetico digesti ])er F. Thomam llibcrnicuni. Parisiis, 1G62. Florian (dean Pierre Claris de). Fables, selected and edited by Charles Yel.l. Loud., 1888. "Works {contaiuiny (iaJntea and other romances). Tr. by T P. Robinson. 2 v. Loud., 178G. Florus (Lucius Annan.s). liellorum Romanorum Fiiitoines lib . . . {Ed. J. Caiiier). ^ v. (hound ivilh Justhius' "Iliatorica , . ." 1517). Vienna^ Pannonia', ./. tSiiit/reiihc^, L^IS. (K]iiti)iiii' Rerum Romanarum, cum Notis integris Cl[audi] Sal- masii et selectissimiis Variorum, accurantc S. M. D. C. [C(n-n.. Schrfvelio, Med. Doct.] ; additus etiam L. Ampe- iius . . . Amstelndami, L. tfc D. Elzevir, 1660. NoTB,— Contains Freinrheim's index. Same. Ed. Carol Andrea Duker. Ed. nova. Oxonii, 1807. Same. n. t., probably a school edition. Feeder:!, (yonvcntioncs, Littene, et cujusciUKpic generis Acta Publica, inter Regcs Angliaj et alios (piosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pon- tilices, Piincipes, vel Communitates ; ab 1066 nd nostra usijuo tempora habita aut tractata. {Record Commission, England.) 3 V. in 6. Lend., 1816-30. 100 FONTENELLE. AUTHORS. FOR'^IS. Foilteiielle (Bprnard le ]<> dde). Conversations withLady, on tlie Plurality of Worlds, translated by (John) Glanvill ; also Discourse concerninf? Ancionts and Moderns, translated by (John) Hughes. Loud., 1719. Dialogues des ^lorts. La Haye, 1709. Foote (-Samuel). Dramatic Works. 4 v. Lund., n. d. Forbes of Come (John). Instructiones Historico Theologicse . . , Amstelodami, Liidovic Elzevir, 1645. Ford (James). Acts of Apostles Illustrated. Lond., 1856 Gospel of St. John, illustrated from Ancient and Modern Authors. Lond., \%r,l. Same. 2nd ed. Loud., 1872. Gospel of St. Luke, illustrated from Ancient and Modern Authors. Lond., 1851. Same. 2nd ed. Lond., 1871. Gospel of St. Mark, illustrated from Ancient and ^lodern Author.s. Lond., 18 19. Same. 2nd ed. Lond., 1 804. Gospel of St. Matthew, illustrated from Ancient and Modern Authors. Loiid., 1848. Same. 2nd ed. Lond., 1859. Saint Paul's Kjiistle to Romrjis, illustrated. Lond., 1862. Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining and Consecrating of I'ishops, Priests, and Deacons, according to Church of England. Oxford, 1787. Forms of Prayers for the X(>\v Year (in Hebrew), with translations and interpretations. Lond., Jewish year 558G [i. e., A. D. 1826), Formularies of Faith, ])ut fortli liy authority during reign of Henry VIII, viz., Articles about liidigion, 1536; Institution of a Christian Man, 1537 ; Neces.sary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man, 1543. Ed. by C. Lloy.l Oxford, 1825. Forster (Charles). Life of Joiiii Jebb, 1). D., Pishoji of Limerick, with selection from letters. 2 v. Lond., 1836. Forster (George). Journey from Bengal to England, through north of India, Kashinire, Afghanistan, and Persia, and into Russia, by Caspian Sea. 2 v. Lond., 1798. Forster (H. P.). Vocabulary, English and Bengalee, v. 1. {English- lieni/alee). Calciitta, 1830. Forster (•lolm T.). Conuuercial Code of Signals for use of all nations, with Vocabulary. Lond., 1857, Fortifications of To- 1 )ay : Fire against Models of Coast Batteries and ]*arados ; Horizontal and Ciirvnl Fire in Defence of Coasts. {( S. Board of EtujineerH for Fnrtijicalions.) Wash., 1883, Fortis {Abhr .Vllierto). Travels into Dalmatia. Tr. froui Italian. Load., 1778. NiiTR.-".\(';'nn!iiiK to.I. I.nvrich (" Os.survatioiii 8npra divcrsi Pczzi dol Vi!ii.'((io in naln.n/.ia," Vtiiuzia. 177li). thjM work is full (if errors. It treats of tlie atitii|uitioa, natural history, and iiiliaUituiits of the uountrv. m i\: 101 '•I ■'*! ! FORUM. AUTHORS. FRA PAOLO. Forum (The), Law Review, vol. 2, no. 3. Baltimore, 1874. Fouchecour (Comtcsse de), — nee Grant. Les Saisons pour I'Enfance et la Premiere Jeunesse. Loud., 180L FowiiCS (George). Manual of Elementary Clicmistry. 11th ed., rev. bv Henry Watts. Lend., 1873. Fox (Charles). Series of Poems, containing the Plain^s, Consolations, and Delights of 4chmed Ardebeili, a Persian e:'ile. Bristol, 1797. Fox (Geor{;e). Journal, or Historical Account of his Life ... in AVork of the Ministry. (Preface by Wm. Penn.) 3rd ed. Loud., 17G5. Fox or Foxe (John). Acts and Monunionts of matters most special and memorable, happening in the Church, with an univeru^.ll Historie of the same ; wherein is set forth . . . the Persecu- tions against the true Martyrs of Christ . . . 8th ed. Lond., 1G41. Acts and Monuments of the Church ; containing the History and Suffering of the Martyrs ; wherein is set forth the race and course of the Church (from A. D. 36-1574) ', with Preliminary Dissertation on Church of Rome. New ed. Ed. by M. Hobart Seymour. Lond., 1838 (?). NOTB,— This does not contain the complete text. Ecclesiasticall Historie, containing the Acts and Monuments of Martyrs ... 2 v. Lond , John Bay, 1583. NoTB. — Folio, printed chiefly in black-letter, with many quaint wood-cuts. The copy is somewhat imperiect, and the titlc-pa^'e is a manuscript (ac-simile. Fracastorihs (Geronimo or rlieronymus). Operum, \nirs prior (et pars i)osterior) ; philosophica et medica continens. 2 pts. in 1 V. Geneva?, 1621. Frame (Elizabeth). Descriptive Sketches of Nova Scotia, in Prose and Verse. By "A Nova Scotian." Halifax, 1864. List of Micmac Names of Places, Rivers, (tc, in Nova Scotia. Cdinpiled. Pamph. Cambridge, U. S. A., 1892. Francke (Augustus Hermann). Die (tradus, oder Stull'en der ewigen Herrlichkeit aus :Nratth. XX, 20-23. Pamjdi. Halle, 1716. Francklill (William). History of Reign of Shah-Aulum, Emperor of Hindostaun (.m); containing transactions of Court of Delhi and Neighbouring States, during thirty-six years Lond., 1798. FranCCBlir (Louis Benjamin). Cours Complet de Mi>thcmati<[ues Pures. Ed. 2. 2 v. Pari.'^, 1819. Traite 6lementaire de M('cani(pie. Ed. 4. Paris, 1 807. Frankland (E). Experimental Researches in Pure, A[)plied, and Physical Chemistry. Lond., 1877. Franklin (Uenjamin). Experiences et Observations .sur E'llectricit^ faites a Philadelphie Tr. from the Enijlish. Paris, 1752, Private Correspondence. 2nd ed. v. 2. Lond., 1817. Works {with autobioifraphy). Chiswick, Eng., 1824. Fra Paolo, ^wewd See Sarpi (P.). 102 FRA8ER. AUTHORS. FULKE. Fr.iser (Benjamin DeWolf). Do Causis Mortis in Febribus Acutis, et de optimis remediis ad earn evitandam. Bound paihph. Giessae, 1834. Fream (William). Report on Canada and its Agricultural Resources. Pamph. Ottawa, 1885. Frend ("William). Account of Proceedings in University of Cam- bridge against "Wm. Frend, for publishing a pamphlet entitled Peace and Union, &c. Cambridge, 1793. Princijjles of Algebra. Lond., 1796. Fresenius (Carl Remigins). Instruction in Chemical Analysis ((jualitative). Va\. by J. L. P-.iUock. 3rd ed. Lond., 1850. System of Instruction in Quantitiitive Chemical Analysis. Ed. by J. L. Bullock. 3rd ed. Lond., 1860. Freylinghausen (Johann Anastasius). Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, den Kern alter und ueuer Lieder in sich haltentl : . . . auch die Xoten aller alten und ueuen Melodeyeu beygefiiget worden, und mit einem Vorbcricht herausgegeben von Gotthilf August Francken. Halle, 1741. Froger (Frarifois). Relation d'un Voyage fait en 1695-97 aux Cotes d'Afrique, Detroit de JNIagellan, Brezil, Cayenne, and Isles Antilles. Paris, 1699. Froissai't (Sir John). Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. {Condensed.) v. 2. Lond., n. d. Fronie {Gen. Edward). Outline of Method of conducting a Trigono- metrical Survey, for the formation of Geographical and Topo- grajihical Maps and Plans, Military Reconnaissance, ifec. 4th ed., rev. by Charles Warren. Lond., 1873. Fromenticres (Jean Louis de). (Euvres Melees, sur plusieurs Oraisons Funebres, et d'autres Matieres Morales. Paris, 1695. Frost (Percival). Materials for Latin Prose. {English selections for translaiion into Latin.) New ed. Lond., 1886. Solid Geometry. New ed. v. 1. Lond., 1875. and Wolstenholme (J.). Treatise on Solid Geometry. Cambridge, 1863. Fronde (James Anthony). Caasar : a sketch. New ed. Lond., 1886. Froude {Rev. Richard Hurrell). Remains. 4 v. Lond., 1838-39. Flllke (William). Defen<^e of the Sincere and True Translations of the Holy Scriptures into the English Tongue, against the Cavils of Gregory Martin. Ed by C. H. Hartshorne. Cam- bridge, Parker Soc, 1843. Stapleton's Fortress Overthrown ; Rejoinder to Martiail's Reply ; and a Discovery of the Dangerous Rock of the Popish Church commended l)y Sanders. Ed. by R. Gibbings. Cambridge, Parker Soc, 1848. Si t 103 l» ymiimT FULLER. AUTHORS. OALLUS. ;fl i f: ■ ii Fuller (Andrew). Calvinistic and Socinian Systems Examined and Compared us to their Moral Tendercy, with Postscript against exceptions of Dr. Toidmin, Mr. Belsham, &c. New ed. Lond., 1802. Fuller (i"'..iiiuel). Defense of Version of King James I, " tlie Spirits in Prison," against Westminster Revision. Pamph. N. Y., 188"). Fuller (Thomas). Cliurch History of Britain, from Birth of Jesus Christ until 1648. New ed. 3 v. Lond., 18-37. Fulton (John). Index Canonum, the Greek text, an English trans- lation, and a Comjilete Digest of the Entire Code of Canon Law of the Undivided Primitive Church. 2nd ed. Lond., 1872 (?). Furnivjlll (Frederick J.). Teena Rochfort-Smith : a Memoir, n. p., 1883. Gaisford (Thomas). Catalogns sive Notitia Manuscriptorum qui a C3l. Edward Daniel Clerke coniparati in Hibliotheca Bodleiana adscrvantur. Part 1. Oxonii, 1812. ^aroMinograjthi Cra^'i. (f'r.) Oxonii, 1836. Scriptores Latini Rei Metrica?. Oxonii, 1837. Galbraith (Joseph A.) and? , Houghton (S.) Manual of Algebra, l)art 1. 2nd thous. Lond., 1860. Manual of Arithmetic. 3rd ed. Lond., 1858. ^lanual of Euclid : hooks 4-6. 2nd thous. Lond., 1859. Manual of Mathematical Tab'es. Lond , 1860. Manual of Optics 5th ed. Lond., 1861. Manual of Plane Trigonometry. 6th ed. Lond., 1861. Gale (John). History of Infant Bajitism, by William Wall ; together with Gale's Reflections and Wall's Defence. New ed., ed. by Henry Cotton. 4 v. Oxford, 1836. Gale (Thomas) Certaiue Workes of Chirurgerie. (1, Institution of Chirurgcrie ; 2, An Enchiridion containing cure of wounds, fractures, and dislocations ; .3, An excellent treatise of the wound made with gonneshote ; 4, An Antidotarie conteyning the i)rincipfil, s of the Science. Lond., 1864. GalluS (Ciieus or Publius Cornelius). Catullus, Tiballus, Propertius, cum C. Galli. Fragmentis serio castigati. AmstOBledami, 1686. 104 \ ': f GAMBLE. AUTHORS. GENERAL. Gamble (John). Jlssay on Different Modes of Communication. by- Signals. Loml., 1797. Onn^anelii (Giovanni Vinccnzio Antonio). See Clement XIV. Gard (T.). Guide to the Turf. (Odds and Chances.) Lond., 1786. Garnett (Thoma.s). Observations on a Tour through he Highlands and part of We.'stern Isles of Scotland, particularly fitatta and Icolnikill. {With many aquativta.) 2v.ini. Lond., 1800. Garnier (Jean Guillaume). Elumens d'Algebre : premiere section. Ed. 3. Paris, 1811. Lefons de Calcul Ditfurentiel. Kd. 3. Paris, 1811. Levons (le Calcul Int«?gral. Ed. 3. Paris, 1812. GaSCOiglie (George). See English Reprints, v. ^ Gastrell (Francis, D. D.). Certainty and Necessity of Religion in Gf^neral ; or First Grounds and Princi{)l(>s of Humane Duty established. {Boyle Lectures.) Lond., 1697. Christian Institutes, being an Account of the -whole Faith and Duty of a Christian, collected from Old and Xew Testa, nient, and digested under proper heads 14th ed. Lond., 18 J 2. Gataker (Thomas). Ciunus, sive Adversaria Miscellanea. Lond., ICwl. Gaulmill ((xilbert). DeVita et Morte Mosis. {Latin and Hebrew.) Parisiis, 1629. Gay (John). Fable.^^. {Inverse.) Lond., i 793. Same. Lond., 1805. Poetical Works. Lond., 1811. Gee (W. \v. Haidone). See Stewart (B.). Geikie (Archibald). Elementary Geography of British Isles. Lond., 1888. Teaching of Geography ; suggestions regarding principles and methods for use of teachers. Lend., 1887. Geikie (James). The Great Ice Age, and its relation to the Antiquity of Man. N. Y., 1879. Gellius (Aulus.) Noctes Attics. n. t., 1592 (?). Stories ; being Selections and Adaptations from the Noctes AtticiB. {Latin text.) Ed. by G. H. Nail. Lond., 1888. NoTB.— " Nootes AtticsD " ii a miscellaneous annotated collection of extracts from the classical writers. Geiiiiniano (Joannis de Sancto). See Sancto Geminiano (J. de). Geiu'f' liidgraphical Dictionary. . . of the Most Eminent Persons of every Njition, particularly the British and Irish. 12 v. Lond., 1761-67. Same. 15 v. Lond., 1798. See also Chalmers (A.). .), Contri- butions to Fcssil Flora of Western Territories ; Cretaceous and Terti»ry Floras, Wash., 1883, 12, Leidy (J.). Fresh- Water Rhizopods of North America, Wash., 1879. Geological Survey of the Territories, U. S A. Reports for 1867-69, 1872,1877-78. 5 v. with maps. AVash, 1873-83. Geological Survey of the L^nited Kingdom. Memoirs : Figures and Descriptions illustrative of British t)rganic Remains. 9 l)amph. (decade 1-9). Lond., 1849-58. Geological Survey of United States. Report of Director, J. W. Powell, for 1885-86. {Report of Secretary of Interior ; 18S5, v. 5; 1S80, V. 3.). 2 V. Wash., 1886-87. George (Henry). Progress and Poverty; an Inquiry into cause of Industrial Depression.s, and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth. Lond., 1883. Social Proltiems. Chicago, 1884. 106 r GEORGES. AUTHORS. GIFFORD. Georges (K. E.). AusfUhrliches Lateinisch-Dcutsch es Handwbrter- bucli. 2 V. in 1. Leipzig, 18G9. Gerard (Alexander, D. D.). The Pastoral Care. Loml., 1799. Gerhard (Joliann). Geistliche Gcdanken . . . rrcdruckt, 1759. Gerhardt (Charles). Traite de Chimie Organiqiie. 4 v. Paris, 1853-56. Germanise Historicorum Ilhistrium, quorum itlericj. ; ab Henrico IV, usque ad annum Christi 1400 . . . Ed. Christian Urstis, Easiliensis. Francofurdi, Andreas Wi'chel, 1585. Gerson (Joan or Joannes, 13G3-1429). De Iniitatioiie Christi lib. Lugduni, 1585. NoTK.— Recent researches have proved that the Imitation of Chrint was written by Thomas & Konipis, Geschichte des Rabbi Jeschua ben Josscf hanootzri genannt Jesus Christus. 4 v. in 2. Altona, 1853-5G. Geseilius (Friedrich Heinrich "Wilhelm). Der Prophet Jesaia. iNeu Ubersctzt. Leipzig, 1829. Hebraisches und Clialdiiisches Handworterbuch liber das Alte Testament. Leipzig, 1828. Hebrew and Chaidee Lexicon to Old Testament Scriptures. Tr., with additions, by Samuel P. Tregelles. Lond., 1846. Hebrew Grammar. Tr. from German, with Exercises and a Hebrew Chrestomathy, l)y T. J. Conant. Lond., n. d. (reprinted from Am. ed. of 1830). Gesner (Abraham). New Brunswick. Lond., 1847. Remarks on Geology and Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1836. Gibbon (Edward). History of Decline and Fall of Roman Empire. 12 V. Lond., 1813. Miscellaneous "Works, with Memoir. 5 v. Lond., 1814. Gibbons (Thomas, D. D.). Rhetoric. Lond., 1767. Gibert (E) Sermon sur ces paroles de Jesus Christ, ]trechez I'Evangilo, tirees de St. Marc, XVI, 15. Gucrnesey, 1802. Gibson (Edmund, D. D.). Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anghcani ; or Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Rubricks and Articles of Church of England . . . 2nd ed. 2 v. Oxford, 1761. Same. 2 v. Lond., 1713. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper explained. New ed. Lond., 1807. Three Pastoral Letters in defense of Gospel Revelation, and against the late Writings in favour of Infidelity. (These letters were occasioned by Woulston's Discourses on Miracles). 7tli ed. Lond., 1735. Gifford (William). Satires of 1). Junius Ju;enalis, and of A. Persius Flaccus, translated into English Verse, with Notes. 3rd ed. 2 V. Loud., 1817. ?l^ M ■-.'•' '■ I 107 %m a- ;'l ill ,1; 1 1 ,. 1 ■ ^ 1 ''■ 1 '1 { 1 1 r, ' If ' ' 'i \ i tfi oir.nBKT. AUTHORS. GLADSTONE. Gilbert (G. K.). Repoit on Go()loji[y of tlio Henry Mountains (Utivh). 'Jntl 0.1. Wash., 1880. Gilbert (Thomas). Voyago from New South Wales to Canton, in 1788, with viuws of ialaiuls discovoreil. Lond., 1789. Gilchrist (.lolm). Colli-ction of Dialogues, English anil Hindoostanee, to facilitate colionuial intercourse of Europeans with the Natives. Calcutta, 1804. Gillotte or Gllotte (Collomban). Directeur des Consciences Scrupu- leuses . . . Nouv. cd. Paris, 1740. Gilpin (Edwin). Mines ai;;I Mineral Lands of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1880. Gilpin (William). Exposition of New Testament. 3rd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1798. Lectures on Catechism of Church of England. 5th cd. Lond., 1799. Moral Contrasts ; or the Power of Keligion exemplitied under iliiievent characters. 2nd ed. Lond., 1799. Sermons preached to a Country Congregation ; with a few Hints for Sermons. 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1800. Girnldi or Gyraldi (^-ilio C'i't'K*>rio). Hicrocles L)e Proviilentia et Fato ; et Lilii Gyraldi interpretatione Symbolorum I'ythagorae. A V. (bound tinth tlierocles' *^ Commentarius . . ."). Lond., 105,'). (^pcrum (picT extant omnium. 2 v. in 1. Basilese, 2'. Guarinus, 1 580. Girdlestone (Charles). Now Testament with Commentary. Now ed. 2 V Lond., 1835. Old Testament with Commentary. 2 v. Lond., 1837. Tw(>nty Parochia' Sermons : P'irst Series. 3rd ed. Lond., 1837. Twenty Parochial Sermons ; Seitond Series. 2nd ed. Lond., 1833 Gisborne (Thomas). En.iuirv into Duties of Female Sex. 5th ed. Lond, 1801. Enquiry into Duties of Men. 5th ed. 2 v. Lond., 1800. Familiar Survey of Christian Religion, and of History as con- nected with Christianity. 2nd ed. Lond., 1799. Principles of Moral Philosophy, investigated and applied to con- stitution of civil society (4tli ed.) ; with Remarks on Decision of House of Commons respecting Abolition of Slave Trade (5th ed.) Lond., 1798. Gladstone (William Ewart). Church Principles considered in their Results. Lond.. 1840. Homeric Synchronism : Enquiry into Time and Place of Homer. Lond., 187t>. The State in its Relations witli the Church. 3rd ed. Loud., 1839. 108 GLADWIN. AUTHORS. GOJZEN. if V. (bound l".oiui, 1809. Glndwin (Francis). Ayeen Akbery ; or Institutes of Emperor Akber, trunsliited from the (original Persian. 2 v. Lond., 1800. Glanville or Glanvil (Ranulph de). Tractatus de Legibus et Con- suetudinibus Kogni Aiiglise, tempore Regis Heiirici II. Lond., 1780. NoTK.— It is not certain that tliis work was by Glanvillc, but it is usually ascribed to him. G1b88 (Charles Gordon). Stray Leaves from Scotch and English History, with Life of Sir William Wallace. 2nd ed. Mont., 1876. GlilSSe (Samuel). Course of Lectures on Holy Festivals, with remarks on each, and exortations to a more devout and solemn obser- vance of them. Lond., 1797. Plain and Practical P]x})osition of the Commandments. ^ v. {bound with the 2nd ed. of the author's " Lectures on the Catechism"). Lond., 1801. Six Lectures on the Church Catechism. 4th ed with Kenn's " Practice of Divine Love "). Same. 2nd ed. | v. Lond., 1801. Gleig (George Robert). School History of England, abridged from his Family History of England. 3rd ed. Lond., 1850. Glen (W. Cunningham). See Donaldsou's (T. L.) Handbook of Specifications, A-c. Gleilie (-lames). Antecedental Calculus. | v. (bound with the author's "Doctrine of Universal Comparison "). Loud., 179.3. Doctrine of Universal Comparison or General Proi)ortiou. (Mathematical.) Lond., 1789. Glover (Robert Mortimer). Manual of Lond., 1855. Gobat (Samuel). Journal of Three Years' Loud., 1834. GodeaU (Antoine). Discours sur les ()rdics Sacrez ; ou toutes les Ceremonies de TUrdination scion le Pontifical Romain sont expliqut'cs. Lyon, 1680. GodelevJeUS (Wilhclmus). in Titus Livii Hi.storiarum lib., obser- vationes ex variis auctorum lucubrationibus collects. h v. (bound with Livius' " Historia" ed. G'ruter, 1619). Frauco- furti, 1619. Godfray (Hugh). Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory. 4th ed. Lond., 1885. Treatise on Astronomy. 3rd ed. Lond., 1880. Goethe (Johann "Wolfgang von). Poetische und Prosaischc Werke. 2 v. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1837. AVerke. 40 v. in 20. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1840. GcBZen (Jolmnn Melchior). Eetrachtungen liber den Zustand der Welt, und der Menschen, nach dem Jungsten Gerichte, . . . Breslau & Leipzig, 1753. 109 Elementary Chemistry. Residence in Abyssinia. i ' )\ \4, '•■* i!.lj,; I 1 1: , t?. GOLDSMITH. AUTHORS. GOUSSEL. Goldsmith (Oliver). Beauties of Goldsmith. (Extracts.) Lond., 1801. Grecian Historv, to Death of Alexander. New ed. 2 v. Lond., 1790. Miscellaneous Works. v. 2-6. Lond., 1823. Roman History. New ed. 2 v. Lond., 1793. The Traveller, and the Deserted Village. Ed. Avith notes by A. Barrett. Lond., 1888. Gonibei'Ville (Maria leRoi, Simr de). La Doctrine des Moeurs, tirt^e do la j)hilosoj)hic des Stoiques, representee en cent tableaux, et exi)li(|uee en cent discours. [Plates by Pfter Daret from designs by Otho Vcrnins.) Paris, 1646. Goode (William). Divine Rule of Faith and Practice. 2 v. Lond., 1842. Goodrich (Frank B.) awo? Howland (E.). Ocean's Story : Adventure, Inventions, Sliip-Buildinj,', Diving, Dredging, etc. n. p., 1873 (?). Goodwin (Daniel R.). Notes on the Late Revision of the New Testa- ment Version. N. Y., 1883. Goodwin (Harvey). Collection of Problems and Examples, adapted to his " Elementary Course of Mathematics." Pnmph. Cam- l)ridge, 1847. \ Elementary Course of Mathematics. 2nd ed. Cambridge, 1847. Goodwin or Goodwyn (Thomas). English Exposition of Roman Anti(iuities. Now ed. Lond., 1661. Moses and Aaron : Ci\ il and Ecclesiastical Rites used by the ancient He])re\vs, observed and at large opened. 3rd ed. Lond., 1628. GoOge (Barnabe) See English Reprints, v. 14. Gori (Antonio Francesco). Dactyliotheca Smithiana ; vol. i, Gemmnrum ectypa et enarrationes complectens ; vol. 2, Historia (jrly[)to- graphica. 2 v. (containiiKj many jiates). Venetiis, 1767. GoSSe (Philip Henry). Assyria ; her maimers and customs, arts and arms : restored from her monuments. Lond., 1852. Monuments of Ancient P^gypt, and their relation to the Word of God. Lond., 18.55. Gosson (Stephen). See English Reprints, v. 1. Gougll (Henry), compiler. Cieneral Index to Publications of Parker Societv. Cambridge, Parker Society, 185.5. Goiljet (Claude Pierre). Bil)liotheque Francoise, on liistoire de la Litterature Franyoise. 4 v. Paris, 1740-41. Gould {Ahhi'' de S. Laon de Thuuars). Entretiens ou Ton Explique la Doctrine de I'Eglise Catholique par la Sainte Ecrituie. Paris, Ih: Gould (Augustus Addison). See Agassiz (L. J. R.). Goussel (J. B.). Eliimens de Langue Frau^aise. 2nd ed. bridge, 1815. 110 Cam- r GRADU8. AUTHORS. GRAY. Scholae Ktonensis. libera. Gradus ad Parnassus, sive Xovus Synonymorum, Epitlictorum, riirasium Poeticarum, ac Yersuuiu Tliesaunis. Alj " Uno o Societato Jesi.." Ed. T. Morell. Lond., 1782. Same. Another ed. n. t. Same. Lond., 1817. GrsecsB Gramniaticas Conipondiuni. Anon. Lond., 1798. Same. Lond., 1810. Gra?cDe Gramniatices Rudinienta. In usuin RegisB Anon. Ed. nova. Etonre, 1819. Graniniatica ITebraica a I'unctis aliis(jue inventis Massorcthicis Paris, 1716. Grammatical Fij^ures, and a System of Rhetoric, ilhistratetl by classical authority. By G. W. Lond., 1796. Granger (James). Biogra])hical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution ; adapted to a Methodical Catalogue of Engraved British Heads. ( With manuscript notes.) 2nd ed. 4 V. Lond., 1775. Same. Continuation to (and including) George I's Reign, by Mark Noble. 3 v. Lond., 1806. Orant (Sir Alexander). Ethics of Aristotle (Or.), illustrated with Essay and Notes (in Englisli). 4th ed. 2 v. Lond., 18S5. Grant (Geoige Monroe). Ocean to Ocean : Sandford Fleming's Exjjedition through Canada in 1872. Toronto, 1879. Grant (Johnson). Summary of History of English Church, and of Sects which have departeii from its Communion. 2 v. Lond., 1811. Graswinckel (Theodor). Stricturae ad Censuream Joannis a Felden ad libros Hugonis Grotii De Jure Belli ac Pacis. k v. (hound with Felden' s "Annotata in Hug. Grotium.") Amstelee- dami, 1654. Graves (Richard). Lecture? on Four Last Books of the Pentateuch ; designed to show Divine Origin of Jewish Religion. 2nd ed. 2 V. Lond., 1815. Grayesande (Wilhelm Jacob). Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy, confirmed by Experiments ; or an Litroduction to Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. Tr. by J. T. Desaguliers. Lond., 1737. Lond., 1747. 5th ed. Same. 6th ed. Gray (Archibald). Shades of the Hamlet, and other poems. Woburn, Mass., 1852. Gray (Benjamin Gerrish). Catalogue of the books, King's College Library, 1803. Mamiscript. NoTB. — This is a quarto volume of 20 leaves, dtdicatsd to Sir John Wentworth, who was then lieutenant-governor of Nora Scotia. It is particularly interesting on account of the fotit' original water-colour drawings with which it is embellibhed, nil : 1. Krid(;e over the Avon River, near Windsor ; 1803. 2. King's College, from " Saulsbrook Farm" ; 1803. 3. For» (Jnmberland, New Brunswick : 1803. 4. King's College 'roni the Ferry House, Falmouth ; 1803. Ill !) i 'I 1 lit' ^lll.l: wF^ T if j'h I ' i\ !j i iB I'i i^B m fj '"' sr ..:M GRAY. AUTHORS. OKEaO. Gray (J. W. I).). Brief View of Sciijitural Authority and Hintorieal Eviilonco of Infant Baptism ; Rc]>ly to Objections urged in Treatise of K. A. Crawley. Halifax, 1837. Letter to Members of Clrirch of P)ii;.;land, in reply to Letter {Claims of Catholic Church) from Edmund Maturin. St. John/X. B., 1859. Gray (Roliort). 1 )iscourse.s illustrative of tlie Evidence, Litluence, and l)octrine.s of Christianity. Loud, 1793. Key to Old Testament and Apocry])lia. 2nd ed. Lond., 1791. Same. 4th ed. Loud., 1797. Sermons on Princijjles upon which the Reformation of the Church of Phigland w.'is established ; preached before University of Oxford, 1796. Oxford, 1796. Gray (Thomas). Poems. Ed. by John iJradshaw, Lond., 1891. See also Poetic Voices of Eighteenth Century. Great Britivin's Vade Mecum. {Geographical, commercial, legal, and other information.) By G. T., Gent. Lond., 1720. Great Law of Consideration {^^ half-title," religious), n. t., 17th or 18th century. Great Prol)lem (The) ; or Christianity as it is. By a " Student of Science." Lond., n. d. Greaves (-lohn). Statics for' beginners. Lond., 1889. Greek Extracts, chiefly from the Attic Writers, with Vocabulary. 11th ed. Edin., 1864. Greek Grammar, for use of Westminster School. Anon. Lond., 1840. Green (Francis). Dissertation on Art of imparcing Speech and Knowledge of Language to the Deaf and Dumb. By a Parent. Paniph. Lond., 1783. Green (-John Richard). Short History of the Peojile. N, Y., 1875. Same. With Analysis, etc., by C. W. A. Tait. 4 v. Lond., 1888. Green (Sanmel G.). Handbook to Grammar of Greek Testament, together with Vocabulary, and e... inination of New Testament Synonyms. New ed. ijond., l^'SO (?). Greenleaf (Benjamin). Elements ot Plane and Spherical Trigono- metry. Rev. ed. Bost., 1870. Practical Arithmetic, prepared to accomjiany tlie matliematical series of B. Greenleaf, (by H. Maglathlin). Bo.^t., 1870. Greenwell (G. C). Practical Treatise on Mine Engineering. 2nd ed. Lond., 1869. Greg (Percy). Histoi'y of the United States to the Reconstruction of the Union. 2 v. Lond., 1887. Greg (Robert Philips) and LettSOHl (W. G.). Manual of Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. Lend., 1858. Gregg (Tresham D). Methodization of Hebrew Verbs, regular and irregular. 3rd ed. Lond., 1861. 112 (mKOORY. AUTHORS. OnESWEIJ,. Gregory (Saitit, IHshop of Tours). Clir(>ni(|ue, coniproisuit I'Hiwtoire tics Rois Francs, tloimis leur t'taljlisscnient duns lea (lauk's, jus(iu'ii Tail 591. Tr. par J. J. K. Roy. Ed. 3. Tours, 1842. Gregory "'• Gregorins Nazianzeuns (Sniuf). Orationcs Icctissinia? XVI. (('):, L'd. M. Musurus). V( netiis, A/dun, Apr., l')16. 8v(p. Title ;>tt(je xomeivhat nmtilateii, but otherivixe in yood condition. Gregory I, the Great {SAiint). (ircf,'nriaua Siq cr Novum Testanion- tuni ; ex opt-rihus Grcfjorii pape ... i v. Argentine, ./. KnoUnuch, Jul. 28, 151G. NoTK. — Snittll 4to. bound in stamped pij;skin with flai>|i9 ; (8) + ItiC leaves, printed In tilac'k-lcttcr. ConHlHts of extrautg bearing upon thu Nuw Teiitamvnt, collected from Gregory's vurjous works. Opera. .'5 v. Lutotiai Parisioruin, lG7o. Gregory (l>avid). Astronomi*, Physicw, et GcometricaJ elenicnta. Uxoniie, 1702. Gregory ((loorge). History of the Christian Chureh from earliest I)eriods. 2 v. Loud., 1790. Gregory (.ft'lm). Comparative View of State and Faeulties of ^lan, with tho.'^e of the Animal World. New ed. Lond., 1798. Gregory (Olinthus). Letters on Kvideiu'es, DDctrines and Duties of tlic Christian Religion. 9tli ed. Lond., 18-57. Treatise (Hi Meehanies, theoreti(!al, praetieal and descriptive. •1th ed. 3 V. Lond., 182G. Gregory (William). Handbook of Organic Chemi.stry. 3rd ed. Lnlid., 18.') 2. Greil (Fii'deiie Charles). Principles of Modern Chemistry. Tr. from the (Mruian. 2 v. Lond., 1800. Gresley (William). Portrait of an Knglish Churchman. 3rd ed. Lond, 1839. ^'icrmons on sitine of the Social and Political Duties of a Chris- tian. Lond., 1836. Siege of LichHe'd : a Tale illu.strative of the (Jreat Rebellion. Lond., 1840. Greswell (Kdward). l)is.sertations upon Principles and Arrangement of an Harmony of the Gospels. 2nd ed. 4 v, in 5. (.)xford, 1837. Fasti Temjioris Catholic! et Origines Kalendarite. 4 v. Oxford, 1852. General Tallies of the Fasti Catholic! or Fasti Tomporis Perjietui, from A. M. 1 B. C. 400 1 to A. M. G004 A. 1). 2000. (Jxford, 1852. Harmonia Evangelica. (Greek.) Ed. 2. Oxonii, 1834. tiatne, Ed. 4. Oxonii, 1845. 113 '■'Ml ■-> "'Pi 'i'.'l M U\ W' .it mi •I '■■■ ii ii' 'i fi k 1.1. ORESWELL. AUTHORS. GROTIUSf. GiiESWELL — Continued. Origines Kalondariaj Italicoe : Calendars of Ancient Italy, Romulus, Ponipilius, the Decemvirs, Irregular Roman Calendar, and Julian Correction ; Tables of Roman Calendar, B. C. 750— A. I). 355. 4 v. Oxford, 1854. Prolegomena ad Ilarmoniam pA'angelicam . . . Oxonii, 1840. Oreville (Charles Cavendish Fulke). Greville IMomoirs ; Journal of llfligns of (xcorge IV and AVilUam IV. Ed. by II. Reeve. 2 -. X. Y., 1875, Greville iKobcrt Kaye). See Murray (H.). Grey {Lieut.-Gen. the lion. Cliaries). Early Years of H. R. H. the Prince Consort. Compiled under direction of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. 4th ed. Lond., 1867. With Her Majesty's antoijraph. Grey (Riciiard). English Ecclesiastical Law. n. t., 17 — . GrifHil (William K). Treatise on Optics. Candn-idge, 1838. Same. 2nd ed. Cambridge, 1842. Grifflth (Moses). Practical Observations on cure of Hectic and Slow Fevers, and Pulmonary Consumption, it'c. Pamph. Lond., 1795. Griffiths (John). Laws of 'Greek Accents. \ v. (hound with Her- mann's ^^ Elements nf Greek Metres"). Oxford, 1831. Travels in Eurojie, Asia Minor, and Arabia. Lond., 1805. Griinald (Nicholas). See English Reprints, v. 11. Grilldal (Edmund, D. D.). Remains. (Sermons, injunctions, letters, etc). Ed. ])y ^V. Nicholson. Cambridge, Parker Soe., 1843. Grilldoil (Loo Hartley). British and Garden liotany. Lond., 1864. Echoes in Plant and Flower Life. Lond., 1869. Life ; its nature, varieties, and phenomena. 2nd ed. Lond., 1857. Manchester Walks and Wild Flowers . . . with select lists of the birds and other creatures of the neighbourhood. 2nd cd. Lond., n. d. Manual of British and Foreign Plants. (A cataloytie with localities). l.ond., 1801. Griuper (Cliaries F.). Railway Tunnelling in Heavy Ground. 1879. GriSWOld (Alexander Viets, D.D.). meetings. Boston, 1858. Grote (George). History of Greece. Grotius (Hugo). l)e Jure JSelli ac Lond Remarks rm Social Pra^er- >i 1 12 V. L(md., 1854-57. Pacis lib. . . . acco.s.senmt Annotata in Eiiistolam Pauli ad Philemonem, iVc, itc. Eil. nov. Joann. Erid. Gronovii nota3. Amstela'). Conip( ndium Theologi.TB Dogmatica". (it Moralis, ad usuni Seminarii Catalaunensis. Va\. '1. Parisiis, 1719. Pratii[ue du Saerenien.t de Penitence, on Metliode pour I'Admin- istrcr rtilement. Nouv. ed. Paris, 17.'U>. Habill^ton (William). See Knglish Reprints, v. 10. Hacklailder (Fricdcricli Wilhelm). DerXeue Don Qui.xote. 5 v. in •_>. Stuttgart, 18r)8. Haflz (Muhammad Shams ed-din). Persian Lyrics. Wuli transia- fiousl>i/3. n. Hindlev. Lond., 1800.' (Poem). ■ NoTR. This is a Porsian ManuNcript, witli gcvi ral colourod illustrations ; hi/o 10 X ;ij ins. it formerly l)eloii>,'(.'J to Col. Ivlwiird Kent Strttthearri liullor, ami was iiruscntc.d Ijj Mrs. Butli-r. Haggard (IL Rider). t'etywayo and His White Xeighliours ; or, Remarks on Recent Kveiits in Zululand, Xatal, and the Trans- vaal. -Jnd ed. Lond., 1888. Ha&;!?itt ((ieorge). Sermons to Coiintry Congreations. ttli ed. 2 v. Lond.. 1800. Ha^lIC (Arnold) and ElUIIlOIlS (S. p.). Descriptive Geology. (U. S. (,'eo. E.rploratHm of JfOth Parallel, r. J). Wash., 1877. Haj'Ue (.laiiK-s 1).). Mining industry. (U. S. (/eo. Exploratwu of JfGfh Parallel, v. ,i). W' 1870. Hale {Sir Matthew). (,\intem|)lations, Moral and Divine ; to which is luhled Life, l)y Gilbert lUii'iiet. Lond., 1095. Di.scourse of Knowleilge of (lod, and of ourselves, l)y Ij'ght of ^l'alure and by Sacred Scripture; to which are added Abstract of ('hrifritisli Diplomacy and its Fruits. Pamph. Loud., 1872. Haliburtoil (Thomas Chandler), — " Sam Slick." Historical and Statistical Account f>f \ova S(!0tia. 2 v. in 1 (6'4 J>P- ^f '^"^ vol. missimj). Halifax, 1829. '•ame. V. '1. Halifax, 1829. Petter V.w'^ of the Great Western. Lond., 1840. Rule and Misrule of English in America. N. Y., n. d. Hall (H. S.) and Knight (S. R.). Algebra for Beginners. Pond., 1892. Higher Algebra. Lond., 1887. and Stevens (F. H.). T(!xt-Bo(jk of Euclid's P^lcnients : books 1 ife 2. Lond., 1887. Text-Pook of Euclid's Elements: books 1-6. Pond., 1888. Mall (Joseph, D. D.). Contemplations on Historical Passages of Old and New Testaments ; with Life by Raljjh Wardlaw. Glas- gow, n. d. Same. 3 v. Lond., n. d. Contom])lations on Sacred History {altered from his ivorkii). Ed. by George Henry Glasse. 3rd ed. 4 v. Lond., 1799. MecMtations for vSundays and Holy-days, in Selection of Extracts from his Writings. Lond., 1857. Soliloijuies. or Pious Meditations on Various Occasions. New ed. ' Pond., 1820. Hall (Robert), jh'iP.ud. See Heylyn (P.). Hall (T. (t.). Treatise on Dill'erential and Integral Calculus. 2nd ed. Cambridge, 1837. Same. 3rd ed. Caml)ridge, 1841. '( ••'■;>! isc on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 4th ed. Lond., 1848. Hallani ; ■■' ^'). Constituti(mal History of England, from accession ol ;: nry Vll to death of Genrge'll. Pond., 1870. Introduction to Literature of Europe, in the 15th, 16th, and 17tli (:(>nturies. 4 v. Lmid., 1837. A'iew of State of Europe during Middle Ages. 10th ed. 3 v. Lond., 1853. Hallifax (Samuel). Analysis of Roman Civil Law. 2nd cd. Caml»ridge, 1775, Hamilton (C. S.). History of King's County, N. S. Mamiscript ; sm. folio. NoTK,.— Akins' Historical Prize Essay of 1860. Hamilton (Charles). Historii'al Relation of Origin, Progress, and tinal Dissolution of Government of the Rohilla Afgans of Hindostan. Lond., 1787. 117 ^■'■.i'l :|if ^ HAMILTON. AUTHORS. HARMONY. -li'ii 11 Pf - W '» Hamilton (Pierce Stevens). Feast of St. Anne, and other Poems. •2n(l ed. Montreal, 1890. History of Cumberland County, N. S. Manuscript, sm. folio. NoTB.— Aking' Historical Prize Essay of 1880. Hamilton (R.). Duties of a Regimental Surgeon considered. 2nd ed. 2 V. Lond., 1794 (?). Hamilton (William). Exemplary Life and Character of James P)onnell, late accomjitant-general of Ireland. Lond., 1807. Hamilton (Sir AVilliam). Lectures on Logic. Ed. by H. L. Mansel and J. Veitch. Bost., 1860. Hammond (Ilenry). Novum Testamentura, cum Paraphrasi et Adnotationibus. Ex Anglica lingua in Latinam transtullt Joanne-s Clericus (Le Clerc). 2 v. Francofurti, 1714. Practical Catechism ; whereunto is added the Reasonableness of Christian Religion. Lo'id., 1684. Works (fheoloyical). 2nd ed. 4 v. Lond., 1684. Hanna (AVilliam). Our Lord's Life on p:arth. Lond., 1882 (?). Hardy (H. J.). Latin Reader lor Lower Forms in Schools. Lond., 1888. Hardy (Thomas Duffus). Table of Movements of Court of John, King of England, from 1199 to end of reign. Lond., 1828. Hare (Augustus William) Sermons to a Country Congregation. v. 2. Lond., 1836. Hare (Julius Charles). Mission of the Comforter, and other Sermons, with Notes. 2 V. Lond., 1846. Haretll Bei' Hilizza. Moallakah, cum scholiis Zouzenii. (Poem in Arabic, ivHh Latin translation by Wyndham Knatchbull.) Oxonii, 1820. Hargrave (Francis), editor. Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for Higli Treason, and other crimes, 1388-1776. 11 V. Lond., 1776-81. Harkness (Allicrt). Introductory Latin B(;ok. N. Y., 1866. Harkness (Henry). Description of Singular Aboriginal Race inhab- iting the S'eilghorrv Hills or Blue Mountains of Coimbatoor, in India. Lond., 'l832. Harles (Theophilus Christophor). Iiitroductio in Xotitiam Littera- turjp Romante inprimis Scriptorum Latinorum. 2 v. Nori- >)erga>, 1781. Harnier (Thomas). Observations on divers Passages of Scripture ; placing them in a light altogether new, from circumstances mentioned in books of A'oyages, and Travels into the East. 2nd ed. 4 v. Lond., 1776-77. Harmony of Anglican Doctrine with Doctrine of Catholic and Apostolic Churc;h of the East, being a selection of extracts from i)ublic documents of Scottish and Anglican Churches, and from writ- ings of divines. Anon. Lond., 1846. 118 HARRADfiN. AUTHORS. H' Harradeil (R- B.). Cantabrigia Despicta : Engravings of Edifices in University of Cambridge, with Historical and Descriptive Accounts. Cambridge, 1809. Harrington (B. J.). See Dawson {Sir J. W.). Hiirris (-James). Three Treatises, concerning Art, Music, Painting, Poetry, and Hajijnness. 4th ed. Lond., 1783. Harris (Jolm, 1007-1719). Navigantium atc^ue Itinerantiurn Bdjlio- tlu'ca ; or Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2nd ed. 2 V. Lond., 1744 & 1748, NoTR.— This collection is compiled from Hakluyt, Piirehas, Ramusio, Th(Svenot, DeBry, Herrcra, etc. Harris (John, 1S04-1856). Mammon ; or Covetousness the Sin of the Cliristian Church. l"2th thous. Lond., 1836. Harris (Tliaddcus ^lason). Natural History of the Bible. Lond., 1824. Harris (Thaddeus "William). Treatise on some Insects Injurious to Vegetation. "With engravings drawn under supervision of L. Agassiz. Ed. by Charles L. Flint. Bost., 1862. NoTK.— An excellent work, with a somewhat modest title. The Nova Scotian ent). See Ecclesiai Anglicana* A'index Catholicus. HarwOOd (Edward). A'iew of Various Editions of Greek and Roman Classics. 3rd cit. Lond., 1782. Same. Lond , 1775. Hassell (J.)- Tour of the; Isle of Wight. {Plates engraved in aquatint.) 2 v. Lond., 1790. 119 ^ '-m •> 1 ii '' ■ r M.1 1 ^ HASTIXGS. AUTHORS. HEARD. I ■■ it Hastings (Warren). ^NToinoirs rclativo. to State of India. Lond., 1787. Uatfteld (K. Ct.). Tlicf i'.v of Transverse Strains, and its application in ('(instruction f»f lJiiildinas Kaltc Herz. E'l. II. Apel. Paniph. Lond., 1.S43. Hailkal (-^1" Andiuin (mveller of the lO'h centur;/). Oriental (Icd^'apliy of El)n Ilankal. Tr. by AN . (Juseley. Lend., 1800. Haiiy (Rene Just, Abb''). Elementary Treatise on Natural I'liilosopliy. Tr. from Frencli, liy Olintlius (Ircgory. v. 1. Lond,, 1807. Exposition Kaisonnc'c de la Thcorie de TElectricite et du Mag- m'tisme. I'aris, 1787, Haweis (Tliomas.) Evangelical Exjiositor, or Commentary on the Holy l)ilile (irith fhc sacrfid text inserted at larye), 2 v. Lond., 170:-). Hawkeswortll ('Tnhn). See Adventurer (The) Hawkins (Kdward). Discourses upon Principal Objects and T'ses of Historical Scrijitures of Old Testament. Oxford, 1833. Hawkins (Ernest). Rook of Psalms with Headings and Explanatory Notes. Lond., 18.")7. Historical Notices of Missions of Church of England in North American Colonics, pj-ovious to Indepeiulence of United States. Loud., 1845. Hawks (T'rancis Lister.) Contributions to Ecclesiastical History of United States of America. 2 v. {Yirqiida (k Maryland). N. Y., 1836-39. Narrative of Ex]iedition of American S(piadron to China Seas and Japan, 18.^)2-")4. under connnand of M 1 ( ; ; ^ . 3 V. AVash., 18.-)G. Hawthorne (Xathanic!). House (The) of Seven Gables, a romance. Edin.. 1SS3. Scarlet Letter (The), a mmancc Edin., 1883. The Sii,nv-lm;;g(' .■uid otlirr Twice-told Tales. Edin., 1883. Hay (''^'n- C.cnrge) rn,'/ Marriott (.S'/rJ.). Decisions iu High Court of Admiralty. v. 1 (177()-79). Lond., 1801. Haydn (Jdsi'jib), cmD/ioi^i'r. Sacrcil Oratorio, The Creation. {Vocal scorf, H'if/i arc- S. % ' wim ii- ir HELIODORUS. ^ JTHORS. HERMANN. ill V'ljii i ■ HeliodorilS. yEtliiopicovnin lib. (Gr. A; Lett.). Ed. Hieronymus Cominolinus. Lugduui, 1611. Helmholtz (Ilormaii Ludwig Ferdinand). See Correlation and Con- servation of Forces. Helps (Sir Arthur). Friends in Council. 1st and 2nd series. Lond., 1879. Hendy (-Tames). Essay on Glandular Secretion . . . Pamph. Lond., 177o. Heilgstenberg (Krnst "Wilhehn). Christology of Old Testament, and Commentary on jSIessianic Predictions of the Pro[)hets. Abridged from translation of Reuel Keith, by Thomas K. Arnold. Lond., 1847, Henry (^fatthew). Exposition of Old and New Testaments. 8tl) ed. 6 V. Edin., 1772-73. The Pleasantness of a Religious Life opened and proved. 11th ed. Lond., 1817. Henry (Robert). History of Great P>ritain. 2nd ed. 12 v. Lond., 1788-95. Henry (William). Elements of Experimental Chemistry. 9t,i ed. 2 V. Lond., 1823. Epitome of Chemistry. ' X. Y., 1808. HenwOOd (William Jory). Oljservations on ]Metalliferous Dejiosits, and on Subterranean Temperature. 2 v. Penzance, 1871. Heplliestion. Enchiridion (^^rea^/s^ «/' Greek metres) ; accedit Procli Chrestomathia Grammatica. (^^r.) Notis variorum L. Ilotchkis. Ed. Thomas Gaisford. Oxonii, 1810. Herald of Peace, for 1819-26. v. 1-3 ; and New Series, v. 1-5. Lond., V. d. Heraud (J. A.). Digest of Stamp Laws, and Complete Stamp Table . . . with representation of the dies. Lond., 1801. Herculanensium Yoluminum. ( Etu/raved facsimiles of papi/ri found at Hercuhnimni.) 2 jjts. in 1 v. Oxonii, 1824-25. Herder (Johanu Gottfried von). Werke. 40 v. in 20. Stuttgart, 1852-54. Hericourt (Louis de). Les Loix Ecclesiastiques de France . . . Nouv. ed. Paris, 1721. Heringa (J.). See Seller's (G. F.) Biblical Ilermeneutics. Heriot (George). Travels through the Canadas, with . . . view of Manners and Customs of American Indians. Culoiired plates. Lond., 1807. Hermann Contractus. See EuSCbhlS Pampllili, " Chronicon." Hermann (Johann Gottfried Jacob von). Elements of Doctrine of ( Greek) ^Metres. Abridged and Tr. by John Seager. \ v. Lond., 1830 (?). For his I )issertatio de Ellipsi et Pleonasmo in Graica Lingua, see Bos' Ellipses Grsecffi, 1813. 122 I HERMANN. AUTHORS. HERSCHEL. Hermann (Johann Gustav). Griechisch-Dfiutsrhcs Worterbuch des Xenon Testaments. Frankfurt an dcr Odor, 1781. Hermias. S. Justini o[iera ; item . . . Hernii.T Philosophi Trac- tatus . . . (Gr. et Lnt. ) Colonic, 168G. Same. Lutetiie Parisiorun). 1G1.5. Tatiani oratio ad Gruecos ; et Hermise Irrisio Gentilium Philoso- })horum. (G'r. d; Lat.). Ed. AV. Wort};. Oxoniae, 1700. Heme (Samuel). Domus Carthusiana ; or Account of the ^lost Xoble Foundation of the Charter-House in London . . . witli Life and Death of Thomas Sutton, the Founder thereof. Lend., 1077. Herodianns. Historiarum lib. {Gr. i'iitnij,'o ziir IJctoilcMiiiL,' (Ifs liililisclicii ( Icsi'liic'litstinliuiiis, niit Iliiisiclil Frank furl uml inif (lie A|Mil(i^'i(Mlcs (Ilu istciitliiiiiis. 'J v. Leipzig, !7i>l-y_>. ( Jcsclii('lit« Daviils 1111(1 Saloiiiiiiis. 2 v. Till ( ii'si'liicliti- ,li)siii) 1111(1 (Icr liccrfiiiu'or, v 'J, (li'^cliicliti' (Icr KiiniL'c -luda iiiid Israels iiach ilcr Trciiiiuu"' dc 1 78i). )iiigiii, 1 1 'riil)iiiL'cii, 1 7S8. IS. Kcicl (icscliiclitc Mdscs. V. 1. (lescliiclitw dcr Patriai'dicii. Zurich, 17S7. Till Miijfcn, I ( 1. Till '88. )iii<'cii, 178- (Icscliiclitc dcr Ixcyciitcii von .luda iiacli dciii Kxilio. v. 1. Tiil)iii,L,'cii, I71)'J. (Ic.scliirlitc iiud Scliriftcn dcr Apostol Jcsu. 2 v. Tul)iii;,'cii, 1788 (V. I) i\: 1781 (sir, v. 2). Lebc'ns;.;cs('liiclilc .Icsu. (/•'(;)' lircii, Tliatcii uiid Schick sale uiisers esu — II dciii ^'erfasser dcr Lelicii.=iL,'(>scliichte .1 zu derselheii. Tiiliiiii'di, I7'.I.S. err 11 Kill Aid \ (Ml laUL' Hovlpft (doliu). SeriiKins on Various Sulijccts. 4tli ed. Loud. ,1798. Yindicalioii of Authcnticitv of Parian Chronicle (coiifaiiiin;/ (I'vi'ck ti'.ft nf Chnniirh', ?rith Lafin iiiid JiJii;// fntiis- littioiis), ill answer to Dissertation lately puhlislied. Loud,, ]78<). Manual of Instruction and Devotion on the Sa(;rainent nf the Lord's SupjR'r. Loud., 1815 (1). Hey (dohii). Lectures in Divinity delivereil in University of Cani- brid.'e, 1780-9.-). A v. Canihri.k'c, 1790. Sam ml cil ■1 v. ('anihri uire 18-2-J. ,S('ova Scotia. Halifax, I8()f. NuTK.— Cdiitaiiis much rcliitir.K to the uail.v hittory uiid social life of Ilnlifax. Hill (William). hiony.sii orbis dcscriptio . . . nccnoii Ouiliclnii Hill Contnu'ntario Critico ct ( >i'()^'i'apliii'(i. Lond., 1GS8. Hills ((JcorKi' Morgan). History of Churcb in liiirlington, New Jersey. •Jnd fd. Trenton, 188.H. Hind (Henry Vonlc). Kllect of Fisliery Clauses of Treaty of Wasliin<,'- ton on l''islieries and Fisliernien of liritisb North .Vmeriea. (Fisheri/ (Janitnissum, ItalifiKf, 1S77.) '2 parts. Halifax, 1877. Index to Hoeuments eonneeted witb I'roceedinjis of Fishery Com- lui.ssion under Treaty of Washinj^'ton of -May, 1871. Anon. Halifax, 1877. I'reliminary Report on (ieology of Xew Ijrunswick. P.unjih. Frederii'ton, 18()."). I'niversityof KinK''s (Jolle,i,'e, Windsor, N. S., 171)0-1890. {llis- turical xk-etc.h.) >,''. V., 1890. and othern. Fighty Years' I'rogress of Uritish North America (17til-l8(;i'). Toronto, 18(;-t. Himl (dolin). Flements of Algebra, ath ed. Cambridge, 1841. Princijiles and Practice! of Arithmetic, oth od. Cambridge, 1815. Hiiulley (dolm Hadilon). Persian Lyrics, or Scattered Poems from the l)i\van-i-Haliz, with Paraphrases in Verse and Prose, and a Catalogue of the Crazels. Lond., 1800. HiliriellS (Custavus). Flements of Chemistry and Mineralogy. Davenport. IJ. S. A., 1871. HirSCll (Meyer). Integral Tal)les, or Collection of Integral Formulae. Tr. from the Cerman. Lond., 1823. Hirtenatimme (Die) an Alio die dem guten Hirten nachfolgcn oder dio Hni von Herzen suchen. 3 v. Wernigerode ife Berlin, 1821-2G. 125 ;!;»' iHl i' ) s t ^ I m\ ..,:* m.^ m I ^ '■') ■ 1 ■ » ■1' HIIIT1U8. AUTllOliS. HIHTOUY. Hil'tiUH (Aiiliis). .SV,' CiBMlir (C. .lulius), CJo'imu'iitarit's. Ilisloin* (Kis (Jiii(| I'io|M)sitioii.s do ilanseniiis (Ilis/iop of Vpri's). Anon. V. w'. I. IC'T, lO'Jl). Ilistoiro (It- Jt'^Miis ]M'ii(laiit su iiiiinifostatioii cii i^liair, lirrc niot-ii-iiict ilea (j)iiiilr(> Kviiiij,'il('s ndiiits (Ml liuriiKniio. (iiicriu'scy, 1801. llisloiri' (If Nailer (Jliali, conini sdiis Ui ikhii (l(! Tlialiiiias Kuli Kliaii, Kiiilicrcur (l(^ I'crsc, trailiiito d'aii iMaimscrit I'imncIIi, avcc! Tiaiti' sur la I'di'sic Oiiciitali', par (.S'i/* ITz/i.) .loiics. nil V. in .Ollll rc.o. llistoini (1(1 la Sainto Kitriliiri' on rnrmc ilc, Cat(!chisnic (" riiiiniutj title "). n. t., ohf. Iliatoircs Clidisics, on Livrc irKxoniplcs, tircz ilc rKcriturt', dcs I'eros, di's A>il(Mirs l"Vcl('sia>iof;;rapliy of America, v. 1. l>ost., 18r)7. Historical and Poliiical Mercnry ( The). iSer. Present State of Kuroi)e. Histori(al Kci,'ister for 17!)1. (C/iroiiicfe i>/ di»nestu'. and/oreiijn tntns- fti'fidiis.) liOnd., 171l.'5. Historical Uelalion of several ( ;re;it and Learned Romanists who did Indirace {sic) the Protestant Kelij^ion. .Vnon. {Bound n'ith !) <>f/ii'r jxnnp/i., ((nd litic/ci'd ^^ Misci'/fduics, vol. 0".) Lond., 1 t;ss. Historical View of Plans for (iovcrnment of IJritish India and Kegula tion of Trade to Fast Indies Anon. Lond., 17i);5. History of Clmrcli of (!reat P.ritian, from Itirth of our Saviour until l()(i7 ; with an exact Succession of the Bishops. Anon. (;)f<.'*si- hJii 1)1/ John i'/irfn'iii). lA)nd , printrd for Philip Chefivin, lii7l.' History, Deliates and Pmceedin^s of IJoth Houses of Parliiiinent of (Jreat Ihitain, from 174.">to 1774. 7 v. Lond., 170-. History of FuL^land, witli Lives of all Kings and (j>ueens thereof, to dealli of William 111. (.1 collrctinn by rarious authors) 2nd ed. W V. Lond., 1711). History of Kurope, from 1(500 to Treaty of Ximegueu (167G). Auon. 4 V. Lond., 170"). lL'6 IIIHTUUY. AUTHORS. II0I.ME8. History of iMiropt', from KITd-lTUl. (An (tunnnl contiuutitioii of latt- menfioHud ii'urk.) Anon. Lond., l7Ul-l.'i. History of Franco to, nml 'nclutlinj,', the Kovolution. Anon. 3 v. lionil., n (I. History of Krancis-lMij^cnc, I'rini'c of Savoy, containing' military trans- actions in Hunj^ary, Italy, (Icrmany, ami the. Low Countries. liy an Kn^Misli Olliccr. Loml., 1741. History of ( >rigin ami I'ro^M'cs.s of l'rintin1. Holdeil (Kdward S.). lland-Ilook of the Lick ( )l)scivatory of Univer- sity of California. San Francisco, 18S8. HolillshcMl {\i'[)hno\) and otliem. Chro licles of England, Scotland, and Ireland. G v. Lond., 1807. NoTB.— In this reprint tlio castrations are inserted. Holland (Josiah (4ill)ert),— "Timothy Titcoml)." Gold-F'"oil, ham- mered from I'ojiular Proverl)s. 17th ed. X. Y., 1877. Holmes (Ceorge). Sketches of some Southern Counties of Ireland, 1797. Lond., 1801. Holmes (nliver Wendell). Autocrat of the Rreakfast-Table. Elin., 1883. Professor at the Rreakfast-Table. Kdin., 1883. 127 I f-.;^ (. 11 ■'Mi. (■ (i ) "f \:\ \ ii()i;i'. AUTHORS. lIOMKItUH. mV ,r m ll<>n< (.Inim). (Iciicral View of Aj^'rii'ultiint of ('luiiily of LiiiinisfccM'. I, (.11(1., 179r). Ilolv lii(|iiisili(iii ; wlici'ciii is Kcprcsciitcil wliiil. is the Rcli^non of Mm ("linrcli of Ivoiiic, ami li.)\v tlicy un^ dc'ilt witli tliaL dissent from it. iJ.v !-. 15. Loud., uisj. Iloilie (llciirv). >"<'■'■ KaillOS (H. lloiiic, Lortf). Ilouiclics Morales siir Ics Kvani^'ilcs dd tons Ics hiinaiiclics dc r,\iiii('(i ot sill' i(-s l'riiici|ial('s Ki'stcs. Aimn. .Snl cd. 2 v. I'ari.s, less. lloillCrUS "'• lloilior. Carmiua: Ilias ct. ( »dyssca. {(,'r.) FA. (iuilicliP IMlKiorf. -' V. i.oiid , 18'JI. Iliads. 7V. 'n>tn Mii.i//is/i rrrsr /i;/ ./. OfxiWi}'. I/his(ni/ritli it was iiitciiilril 111 iU('jiMi|'ivii.\ , uiwl lluis runii llir .iiitlior'H " HdrUM." It, iiiiiv lu' till' I'llitioii lit l.i'.'l. Iiiit I kimw iiiit. if tlirrc wn.s a >il(i|i|iiiii in tlic Iliitil (if tjml. l^Hni' O'k'"' "•'"< i"i>' ('I ""' OilvhSi'v ) Ari'ordin^ In (■'.ln'rt, tlic lli»a iif l,'iV'4 liui) i!7S liMvcs, wln'ira.s tin' pii'si'ia. riniy Ii.ih '.ITT, tlu' furiniT, limvi'vi'i', limy Iw ii typo^triiph- ii'iil I'lruf. Till' .Militu' liiiul it l:iii't liud no I'liloplKin, lint ii liiul '177 tiiiniinilirri'il It'HH'H. Tlirrr » us iiiiollnr A Mini' I'llilion in l.ilT, lii.t iinl. "i Kliorl, iimiloii niLstakt', it ulsii hail 'JT.s IraviH. i'iilf I'.lirrl, Niw. tflKIl, !P!l:i,"i, and UlWS. (llias. Cr. <('• A(//.). n. t , <>/) pai^'cs. (llias, (;,: ,t l.,it). II t., 17 (/). llias {(•'):). 'J V. Oxonia, 17;i'!. llias (f>';-.). i:,(. (". C. HoyilC. ■- V. Vinloiiia', 1S17. s\ l.diid., tsi;>. Siiitir. •_' V. (hiifki'if " lliniicri i^prrit" r. I <('• ,.'), Oxoiiii is;;i. Siiiir. l.oiid., IS.S'.l. llias, dr. ,t l.,it. Kd. Samuel (Mlll'ke. Kd. 17. v 2. l.oiid., iS-JI. SiDiu-. l.oiid., IS.S'J. llias >V Odyssea. (f/r) 1 v. Oxford, siiia// .',f<), ISOO., (imhin "I «liiili wrri' striirk olT and I'lilariti'd liy thirr pl:,ti's, and wliiih wfli' only distrilniti'd »» prcsi'iitM liy tlie I'dilorn. They arc mu rostly that only four yi'ars attir their piililii'atioii a ropy sold for CM l.'m. at London. Tlii' prioc of a hlI of lliv' ordinary tditioii, of which thoro is also omi in the iihrarv, was only ahuiit £1 10s. llia.s et OdyysiM. {(ir.) 2 v. Oxonii, ,/.^' mo, ISOS. Ody.ssea ; \- Hatrju'liomyomaidiia. {('>'■) -v. Ox;iiiia, 1797. (-tdvssea. {(tntcr I't Ltttiiw.) Ed. Samuel CItirkc. J'-d. 5. 'J V. Loud., ISlo. 128 I!(lMKIU;s. AUTHORS. HOOPER. IIoMHUUH OK IfoMEH -CVm,, N. lirylinijf.r, IHOl. Saiiii:. n. t., Hasiloat, Jiri//hu/t;r, 1.107 (col.). Containa old Ms. attnidaliona. HoilUII (Midiacl Burke). I'tM-sonal Advtintiires of " Our Own Corres- pondtMit " in Italy {dririny period of revolution and witr). N. v., isr)2. IIOOK*'^'*'®*' (lloiiric). I)o(;trina I'articulanini Lin^jua) (rrsecae. {fii(/)ied by author.) 2 v. Lugduni ISatavorum, e typ. Ihtnuneauo, ITG'J. Hook (Walter Kaniuhar). ('liurch Dictionary. 7tli ed. Lond., Kcclcaiastical Biograjjliy. H v. liOnd., 1848-52. Ilooko (Nathaniel). Konian History, to the Ruin of the, Comnion- wt'altli. 1 V. Lonil., 17.'58-71. Same. G v. Lond., 182'5. Hooker (Richard). Digest of Hookers Laws of Jlcclcsia.stical Polity. .1. H. Smith. Lond., 1840. Kccicsiastical Polity and Other Works. Kd. hy 1>. Haidjiiry. W V. Lomi, 18;50. Sfh'ctioMs from Kifth I'ook of Kcck'.«s, with Life hy Isaac Waltoii. 3 v. Oxford, 17'.);$. Same. Kd. hy dolin Kehle. .'$ v. in 4. Oxford, 1836. Same. Kd. hy Kehle. 3 v. Oxford, 1845. Hoole (dohn). -leru.salem Delivered, an Heroic Poem, tran.slated from Italian of Tonpiato 3rd ed. 2 v. I.). Karly V.'ritings. {Theological.) Kd. hy S. Cirr. Candiridge, Parker Soc, 1843. Later Writings {'Iheoloijical) \ together with his Letters and Other Pieces. Kd. hy C. Nevin.son. Candtridge, Parker Soc, 1852. 129 ■. />.). Church of Rome, in her Primitive I'urity, compared with Cliurch of Rome at Present Day ; being an examination of her claims to universal dominion. Burlington, 1837. Same. Lond., 1839. Refutation of Milncr's "End of Controversy." 3rd ed. 2 v. ^'. \., 185tJ. HoppilS (K.). I'ractical Measuring made easv, by a Set of Tables. 8th ed. Loud., 1767. HoriK Diuriia". n. t., Parisiis, C. Onmont, 1726, {colophon). Horatius FlacCUS or Horace ((i)uintus). Carnuna. Ed. S. A. Philippe. Lutetia' Parisiorum, 1746. EpistolaB ad IMsones ct Augustum. With an Pjiglish Comment- ary and >i'otes, (by Richard Kurd). 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1753. Odes of Horace, -tth book. (Lat.) Kd. hy Jchn T. White. Lond., 1877. CEuvres. Tr. en Francois avcc notes, vVc., i)ar (Andreas) Dacier ; avec I'Original Latin. lU v. Paris, 1691. Opera . . . Conimentariis illustrata . . . Basilea?, Sebastian HcnrlrjH'fri, 1580. (Ojiera). Ed. Johannes P)und, kK Corn. Schrevel. Lugduni Batavorum, 16.'>3. Opera. 2 v. Lond., Sandhi/, 1749. (tjiera. Monterosarum, 1803. (Opera). n. t,, 12 mo., 1811. Opera Oiuiua. Ed. by Artliur J. Macleane. 3rd ed.. rev, by HORNB AUTHORS. HOWLAND. Commentary on Book of Psalms. Oxford, 1798. 2 V. V. Oxford, Home (George, D. D.). Oxford, 1776. Same. 6th ed. 2 v. Haine. 2 v. Lond., 18 — . Discourses on Several Subjects and Occasions. 1779. Horn© (Tliomas Hartwell). Compendious Introduction to the Study of the Bible. 11th thous N. Y., n. d. Introduction to .Criti(;al Study and Knowledge of the I[oly Scriptures. 8th ed. 4 v. in .'). Lond., 1839. name. 2 v. Philadelphia, 1841. Horsley (Samuel, Jiishop). Critical Disipiisitions on 18th Chapter of Isaiaii, in letter to E. Kin^'. Lond., 1799. Elementary Treatises on fundimental ])rinciplcs of Practical Mathematics. Oxford, 1801. Some. (Ixford, 180.3. On Prosodies of (rreelc and Latin Languages. Anon. Lond., 1796. Scrmcms. v. 2. Dundee, 1810. Tlieological Works. 8 v. Lond., 1830. Horstius (Jacol) Merlo). Paradisus Animai Christiante. Lugduni, 16 — 8 (inditifinct). Horteiisius (Lambert). Enarrationes in . . . .Eneidos Vergilianae. ( With the text of Virgil.) IJasileie, J. Oporinyis & 11. I'etrus, 15r)9. Hosack (David). Essays on various .subjects, of Medical Science. 2 V. N. Y., 1824. System of Practical Nosology. 2nd ed. X. Y., 1821. Houdry (Vincent). Hibliotheque dcs Predicateurs, qui conticnt les Principaux Sujets de la Morale Chretienne, mis par ordre alphabrtiijue. 8 v. Lyon, 1712-16. Hoil^ll (Franklin Benjamin). Report upon Fore.stry. {U. S. Dept, nf A(/riculfure.) 2 v. Wash., 1878-8(1. " Houfifhton (Samuel). See Galbraitli (J. A. . How (Charles). See Jebb's (J.) Piety witho it Asceticism. How (Henry). Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1869. Sketch of Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. Pamph. Halifax, 1867. NoTK.— A number of Bcientiflc pamplilets by thig imtlior, are also in the Library. They »re mostly cxuorpta (roiii the tranbai'tions o( various societies. Howe (John). Works {theological). Ed. by Henry Rogers. 6 v. Lond., n. d. Howe (Joseph). Poems and Essays. Montreal, 1874. Sj)eeches and Public Lt!tters. Ed. by William Annand. 2 v. Bost(m, 1858. Howe (Midverd A.). Retaining- Walls for Earth ; the theory as developed by Jacob J. Weyi'auch. .N. Y., 1886. Howell (JaiiHis). See English ReJ)rints, v. S. Howlaml (Edward). iVe Goodrich (F. ii.). 131 ti '" I ; 1 1^ 1\4 I , » \ ■ f I *■» ^ .1 I-' Hi-! ■'■,1 .1 •„ * IIOWHON. ATTIlOIiS. IIUMUOM)T. KoH'NOii (■loliii Saul). s,r <'oiiybettro (W. .1.). Hoylnild (.li'lm). Historical Survny of tin- ('ustoms, Hiiliits, ami I'losi'iit, Statf of tlio (iypsics." York, (}. 15., 181G. Itllbor (Kniui'is). Ulwrvntioiis on Natural History of liccs. Srd cd. Kdin., 1S21. llllblM't (Miitthifu). ScruK IIS sur (litl'crtMis .sujt'ts. Nouv. ctl. v. '2-U, A- r>. I'ari.s, 17 If). HlKldt'st'onl ((it'orgf). I'ot'ius. U V Loml., ISOl. lllldHOII (Williaiii). Flora Au^'lica. Loud., 1708. lIll^llSOII (l>iivid). Kjiitomo of Privih'i^'o.s of Loudon, includiu}^ South- wark, as granted by lioyal ('harti-rs, etc. Loud., 181(5. lIll^O (N'iitor Marie, coiiitf). Man (The) who Laii},'lis. Tr. liy Win. Vouug. N. v., 1870. Miscralilcs (1..- \ I'aris, 18()7. Ncilrc 1 >atin' do I'aris. {Tcijithrr ivith hin i>orni>i.) I'aris, 1873. 'rravailli'urs df la Mcr. '_* v. in 1. Paris, 1807. HllglUMlill (Louis). TriMtisc on I'liysica) Kducution. Pauiph. Livt-rpool, 18r)7. Hull (Kd»i>rd). Treat iso on liuildiu}^ and Oruauiental Stones of (Ireat Pritaiu and Koroi^'u' fount ries. Loud., 187'J. Hull (doliu). I'.ritish Klora. •_' j.ts. in 1 v. Manehe.ster, 1709. helenee of the Cesarean Operation, with observations on Kiu- hryulcia, and the .section of the Symphysis Pnhis. Man- chester, 17!'i> (0. Llenients of Itotauy. '1 v. Manchester, 1800. Kssay on Phlegmatia I)olen.s, including,' account of symptoms, lauses, anil cure of I'eritouitis Puerpenilis and (.'onjinu'- tiva, A-c. Manchester, 1800. Ohscrvatious on Mr. Simmons''* Hetection," with hefeuce of tho Cesarean Operation. Manehe.ster, 1700 (!). HlllstoH (Ocorg Karl Anton). Samuduni^ ausgewahlter Stiieke aus den Werken deutscher Pro.saiker luul Dichter, . . . 2te aullage. v. '_'. Dii.s.selihn-f, 1830. Same. 4te autlaj^e. v. 2. Leipzig, I8r)l. Hlllllbor (William), rditor. Record of Progress of Modern Kuginecr- ing, for 18().'?-f)l. '2 v. Loud. Hlllllboldt (Kriedrieh lleiurich Alexander von). Cosnuts : Sketdi of Piiysical l)e.scri|ition of rnivorse. Tr. from (Jernuin, by K. I". Otte. 5 V. Loud., 1840. PolitU'al Ks.sav on the Iviugtlom of New Spain ; Ke.searclies, \\', Tr. by".). Kluk. V. 1 .V •_>. Loml., 1811. and Honpluild (A.). Personal Narrative of Travels to Ktpii- niHtial Kegions of the New Continent in 1700-1804. Tr, 11. M. William.s. v. 1 \- '2 in 1 v. Loud., L^14. 1:5 IIUMK AUTIIOUS. HUTTON. lIllIIIC (I'livitl). Kssiivs tind Troiitisc^s on Several Subjocts. Loiid.y 1 7HH. Historr of Kiij^land from Invasion of Julius Cii;sai' to Revolution ' in HiHH. fi v. Lond., 1702. Same. 8 v. I-ond., ITS!). Sanir. H v. Loud., 1«1H. Nor«. — Sou ODiititniatinii of IhiH history l>y T. Smollott. History of Kn^dand, ahiid^'cd. 2 v. with 1 vofume incontinua- fioii. Lond., 17'.>"). Illllliplll'PyK (.'Vndrcw A.) ''i't). l)('scri|itiv(^ (luide to Museum of Practical CJoology, London. L>iid ed. Lond., 18.^)!). Hunt (Tlionias Sterry). Laurentian Limestones of North America. l'ami)h. Albany, \. V., 1871. rctroleum : its j,'eological relations considered with especial reference to its occurence in (laspe, l*ami)li. (Quebec, 1865. Report on (lold Region of Nova Scotia. {Geological Survey of Canada.) I'amph. Ottawa, 18()8. Special Kcport on Trap Oykcs and A/oic Rocks of South-Kastern I'ennsylvania : part 1, Historical Introduction. {2nd (,'ro. Siirn-i/ i)/ I'tunisi/lratria.) llarrisburg, 1878. 1lllllt(M' (II. St. John). Decimal Approximations. Lond., 1892. HlllltOI* (J. Howard). Public (Icncrai .Vets of Ontario Legislature, relating to Insurance, witli Note.s, itc. Toronto, 1881. IllllltilliXl'ord ((icoi'gc ls;iac, /). /).). Introdu<'tioii to the Writing of (Ircck, after manner of (Marke's Introduction U) Latin. I'art 1. ;b'(l e.l. Oxfonl, l782. Sam,: 2 jits. in 1 v. Oxford, 1800. Thoughts on the Trinity ; Charges, and other Theological Works. Kd. liy 11. lluntingford. Lond., 18.S2. Hlirc (Charles). hictionnaire I'nivcrsel de TKcriture .' ainte. 2 v. Paris. 171.^ HurUUM't (•!. iicaufort). I'hysicil .Vtlas with coloured maps, showing gcograpiiical distriluition of plants yielding food, climates, tlora, soils, regions of summer rains, geological formations and liydrograjiliy of the hominii'U of Canada. n. )>., 1880 (?). llui'witz (llyman). (irammarof Hebrew Language. Lond., 1831. llllh'hillSOn (.loim) rhilosophical and Theological Works. v. 1-4, (ill. Lond.. 1719. Hutchinson (Roger). Works (//i,;,ln;/iral). Kd. by J. Bruce. Cambridge, /'arkrr Sar., ISI2. HllUon(Ciiarles).' Matliematicid Tables .. . .')th ed. Lond, 1811. Sir also Ozananrs (•).) IJecrcations in Mathematics and Natural I'hiKwopliy. w'J n. 1 If \ ( i HUTTON. AUTHORS. ILLUSTIURTE. jf^' Hnttoil (Richard Holt). 8ir Walter Scott. {''English Men of Letters") N. Y., n. il. Huxley (Thomas Henry). Hume. (" English Men of Letters.") X. Y., n. (1. Manual of Anatomy of Vertohrated Animals. N. Y., 1878. Hyde (Edward). See Clarendon {Earl of). Hj'de (Thomas). Synta<,'ma Dis.scrtationuni quic olim .separatim edidit \ acoossorunt noiinulla ojusdem opuscula hacteiuis inedita- {Contains I'frsian astrotiotnical tables and other oriental trorks.) 2 v. ''Ld. by (Jeorjfc^ Sliarpe. (Jxonii, 1707. Hydro.statics, Hydraulics, i.nd Pneumatics. Anon. {Chambers' Educa- tional Course.) Edin., 1840. Hyginns (Cains Julius). Qurp liodic extant. Ed. J. Schoffer. Ham- hurj^i, 1G74. Hyniers (John). Elenu>nts of Theory of Astronomv. 2nd ed. Cam- bridge, 1S40. Treatise on Analytical Cieonietry of Three Dimensions, containing Theory of Curve Surfaces, and of Curves of l)oul)le Cur- vature. 2nd ed. Cand)ridge, 1830 on Conic Sections and Application of Algebra to Geome- try. 2nded KJandmdge, 1810. Saine. 3rd ed.' Cand)ridge, 1845. laniblicIlUS Chalcidmcis. De Vita Pythagor.-B, et Protrepticse Orationes ad Philosophiam lib. (6'r. et Lnt.) Ed. .lohann Arcerius Theodoretus. (Heidelberg), in bibliopolio Couune- liniano, 1098. Ibbot (Benjamin, 1). D.). Thirty Discourses on Practical Subjects, v. 2. Loud., 1720. Ibn-Abl-Osaiba. Abdollatijihi Ragdadensis Vita. With Latin translation by John ^lousley. Oxonii, 1808. Ignatius {Saint, Jiishoj) of Antwch). E]iistola>, (Jemunre ex Biblio- theca Florentina . . . (^V. ij* Lat.) Ed. Isaac Vo.ssius. E.I. 2. Lond., 1080. Polycarpi et Ignatii Epistola> (Or.) una cum veter^ vulgata inter- jiretationtt Latina . . . ipiibus pra'fixa est JacoVii Usserii di.ssertatio. (Jxoni.f, 1044. S. dementis Romani, S. Ignatii, S. Polycarpi, (jua^ sujior^unt {('pisfola', d'c.) ; accedunt S. Ignatii et S. Polycarjji Mar- tyria. iW. "William Jacobson. 2v.ini. Oxonii, 1838. Iline (W.)- Early Rome, to its destruction by the ( lauls. {"Epochs (f Ancient Hisfor;/.") 4tli e(l. Loiid., 1880. Iliff (Frederick), editor. IJiblia Kcclesinp Polyglotta : the Lessons for Sundays, from Old Testament; togetlier with whole of liook of P.salms, in Hebrew, Creek, Latin, and English. Lond., 1843. Same. Lond., n. il. Illustrirte Zeitung. 13 v. Leipzig, 1851-57. 134 IMAGERY. AUTHORS. INTERNATIONAL. Imagery of rort>i<,'n Travel ; or Descriptive P^xtracts from Scenes and Iin]ires.sions in Ej,'yi)t, India, »tc. Anon. Lond , 1838. Inntation of Praver of Abel ; in style of Ea.stern Poety. Anon. 2nd ed. Paniph. Lond., 1802. Indiana Gcolof,Mcal Snrvey. 1st Annual Report, for 1869, with maps. Indianapolis, 1869. Industrial Exhibition in connection with the Royal Dublin Society, 1853. Supplement to Official Cat(;lo{,'ue : Gallery of Old i\iasters, Avith short .sketch of artists. Pampli. Dublin. Ingram (•Tames). Memorials of Oxford {ivitJi manij engrfuiinf/s by J. Le Kmn\ after F. J/((cfcfiiizip.). 3 v. Oxford, 1837. Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Re<:;is Retornatarum, (pirein Publicis Archivis ScotiiP adlnic servantur, abbreviatio. (Record Com- niisnioii, E)i.;/la7id.) 3 v. L()n|iliy, or Science of tlio " Mystery of Clirist," that is. of Deity. Niitnro, iind tJreiiture. Anon. v. 1 (coinplrtn in i/sf//) Lond., n. d. Introduction I la Vii- Devote (" rnninnij title"). n. t., 1008 (?). introdnction to Writiiij; of (Ireek, for use of (Ireek Class in University of ( Jlasj^'ow. Anon. {/'()iisi.hh/ l>}/ (Jron/r, I. IlKntinuf'ord.) 2nd ed. (ilasj,'ow, 1823. lrftllOll> (S(ii)it, liixJiop of Li/ohk). Coiitradninos Il.Treses lih. (^(1)- <(' lAtt.) Ed. A// .Tolm Krnest (Jridie. < txoni.T, 1702. Irish Pursuits of Literature, in ITDSiM). I'.y "An Irish Thoophilan- tro|i Dnhlin. 17'.)!). Iron and Steel institute, London. Journal, v. 1 K' 2 (and iianijihlets). Loud., i8S.S. Irving (i'ldward). For tlie Oracles of Ood, four orations ; For .hidj,'- nient to Oouie, an arj^nnnent N. V., 1825. IrvillX (^Vashin,^'ton). .Mhanihra (T1h>^ \ \. Lond.. ISSO. History of i,ife and Voyages of (yolundms. 2 v. X. V., 18.31. Tales of a Traveller. h v. {hound 8 IsOCralos. <).'"•. O ratioiie 1S2 '/ l.' Lacroix (P.). 136 LtMid., 1797, .TACOBl AUTHORS. JARRY JaCObi (•Tnliaiiii FrifdritOi). Zweytcn Prcdigera an ih'.r Miirktkirqho in iliuinovcr Sanilunj; piiii^'or (IciHtlichon Rodon . . . i v. {houvd wifli Miimr'n HfUi'' Voraffine (.1. «lc). Jaillct (A. Hul)iTt). Sro Sanson (N.). JamblicuN. >SVv; lamblicuN. JainOK 1. of Kiiijhind {VI of Srofhiiid). Sm Enj^lish Rtiprints, v. 8. James II. of EiKiland. Orif^inal I'apiirs ; containing Socret lii.story of Groat Britain from Restoration to Accossion of House of Hannover ; with Extracts from Life of James II., as written 1)V himself. Ed. l)y J. Mucphcrson. 2n(l etl. 2 v. Lond., l'77C. James (Henry). Hawthorne. {^^ EnglUh Men of Letters".) N. Y., n. d. James (Robert). .Medical Dictionary. 3 v. Lend., 1743-45. Memorial of Rev. William Cogswell, I). IX (r.ost.), 1881. System of Mineralogy. 2n(l ed. 3 v. Edin., Jameson (E. o.) Pam])li. Jameson (Robert). 1816. Janiieson (Alexander). Celestial .Vtias. (30 maps with descriptions, C(tt(do(jnes of stars, and exercises). Lond., 1822. Jansenins (Cornelius, Bishop of Ypres). Tetrateuchus, sive Commen- tarins in Sancta Jesu Christi Evangelia. Ed. nova. Lug- duni, 1G97. Jardine {>Sir ^^'illiam), editor. Naturalist's Library Coloured plates. 40 v. Lond. »^ Edin., 18 — . CONTKNTS. KlcphantH, &c. Mursupialla. Seals, &(!. Wliile8. Moiiki'VS. OriiithnliKin, V. 1-14. 1-4. British Birds. fi. Sun HirdH. (IT. HiininiliiK-Hirds. S. (iniiiu lilnls. 0. I'iplOllH. 111. I'arrotH. 1112 Hirdn of Wpstorn Africa. Ki. Kly-catflu'rs. 14. (ialliimoeoiis Birds. .Vaiiimalin, v. Ifi-'JT. ir>. Iiitrodiictiori. Lions, Tiu'ors, fic. Britisli (Quadrupeds. Doirs. 16. 17. isia. 20. 21. 22. 2.'5. 24. 25. 2(1. '■i7. Kiiti>mi)hi<]!i, V. 2S-,'i4. 28. Introduction. 20. Briti-h ButtcrHics. »0. Briti»li .Mollis, kn. 3L. Foreign Butterflies. 32. Foroiifn Moths. ;<». Beetles. 34. Bees. Uhthiiulnijii, V. 3.^-40. 3,'i. Introduction, and Foreign Fishes. 30-37. British Fishes. .18. Peroh. 3n-40. Fishes of British Guiana. Ilc.o' ■», Asacs, &c. Oef, Ai.telopes, Camels, kc. Goals, Shfep, Oxen, &('. Nom.-In the preparation of tliis aeries, Jardine was assisted by .Swainson, Water- house, MaCKillivray, Bushnnn, Sclhy, Sconihur^h, Hamilton .Sndth, Dr. Hamilton, and J. Duncan. Kach volume contains a ..lenioir of a celebrated naturalist. Jarman (• i , ;,: ^ i JASIIAR. AUTHORS. JIJiBOIIm Jashar : Fragiiieiita Archetypa Carininum Hohraicorurn in Masorcthico Votoris Testanienti Tt'xtu passim Tcssellata collegit, ordinavit, restitiiit, in iiniim corpus redt^git. Latine exhihuit, commen- tario instnixit Jolin Williaiu Donaldson. Ed. 2. Lond., ] 8f)0. Jeans (H.AV) Nautical Astronomy and Xavigation. New ed. 2 pts. in 1 V. Lond., 1870 iis : a Manual of Christian Faitli aixl Practice ; selected from AVritings of (Henry) Scougal, (Charles) How, and (Raljih) Ci'd- worth, with Notes, A'c. Lond., 1830 Practical Tiieology. 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., i837. Sacred Literature ; comprising Review of Princijiles of Compo- sition laid down by R()l)ert Lowth, D. 1)., in his Pnelec- tiones and Isaiah ; and a]i]ilication of princi]>les so reviewed to illusth'ation of New Testament. New ed. Lond., 1831. Sermons ; with Aj)pendix relating to Character of Church of England. 5th ed. Lond., 1838. Thirty Years' Correspondence between Jebb and Alexander Knox. Ed. bv Charles Forster. 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1830. Jebb (R. C.) Bentley. {'' English Mm of Letters:') N. Y., 1882. Jefferys (Thomas). Natural and Civil History of French Dominions in North and South America. 2 iits. in 1 v. Lond., 1701. NoTB.— Contains plans of Louiebiirj;, (iuebeo, Montreal, etc. Jenkill (Fleeming). Electricity and ^lagnetism. Lond., 1873. Jeilkill (Robert). Rea.sonabl(!ness and Certainty of Ciiristian Religion. 0th ed. 2 V. Lond., 1734. JephsOll (Robert). Cimfessions of James Raptiste C(niteau, citizen of France, written In' himself, and translated from the French, by R. Jeplison. 2 V. Lond., 1794. XoTK. - This severe s.itire on the deifrivii'd morals of the French, was written by Jeplison, ftltlioutth purportini; to he a tr.inslation. Jeplison (Thomas). Fluxional Calculus. 2 v. Lond., 1820. Jerninj^lmni (Kdward). Poems. 2 V. Louil, 1790. Jerome or Hieronj'niUS Strkhmieusis (Saint). EpistoLne Selectfe . . Parisiis, 1606. See also EusebiuS Panipllili, " Chronicon." Jesse (John Heneage). Memoirs of Life and Reign of King (reorge III. 3 V. Lond., 1807. 138 JEWEL. AUTHORS. JONES. Jewel ('Tf'Iin, Bhthop) A|iologia P^cclo-site AnsHcanfc, Joanne Juello. Ltind., 1637. Aj)ology of Church of England. Tr. from Latin, hy Thos. Chevno. Lond., 171!). Same." X.'w cd. Loud.. 1838. Same. 'l"r. l)y Anno, Lady Bacon. New cd., cd. hy R. ^V. .Iclf. Lond., S. P. C. A'., n. d. AVorks {cm Mr. Wliislmi'.s cliai'mi .>r l)is|,i.;iliMiis, .1 V. ()\t'iinl, IT'.IS. Siinii- W V. I, (Hill., |S'_'7, •loilOS (.It'liii). Mriiiciil, l'liil(>sii|ilii(',il, Mini Knor.'^. ('(Uisiilcri'il ;lllil li'l'iitcil. 1 ,1.11(1., I IWI . •loilOM (.loliu). I.i^l of Wt'lsji MainHcriiil-^ in I.ihniry of .ic.mis Ciilicp', Oxrnnl; I'lir use wi ( ".inil'ri.iii Soricty. ISIS). Miiinisrvipt 111' (i leaves. .loiu»s (.K'liii). s,Y Diiipor (W.). tIoiu»s(.li>liu Maiilu'w). ,(.s'.s'/\7rv//i// W(Ml(l(M'hiirii ('I. \\.)(t>iil lliirdis (,l. I,.). Nal uralisi III heriiiuila. >ii.l.. is:.;». tloilOS (ixieiianl). TeMiis Saeroniiii I'lvaiiL^elioniin versinnis .siiii|iiieis Svriaea-, jiiNla eilititiiiciii Seli.i.iliaiiani, eolJatiis ISO,- Oxoiiii, «I/ltjii/). l'iiiirs(> of Lectures on l"'ie;iiiativi> l,aii,uiia|;(' of the Ucly .'^eri|ilure. witli l.eeliires dii Kelatioii lii't ween ( >1(| aiiil New 'i'esiaiiienls. .is set. furlli in I'liiislle to Mel news. Lecture on Lvideiices df (.'liristianit v. .'ii.l .'.!. Loud . I7S;> Sillllf. l.dlld.. L'^'Jli c.ssav on tlie I liurcli. N( Loud.. ISIS. l'"oin' hiscdui'scs : (1) K'cli,i;ious use , if nutanieal l'liii(i>i>|iliv ; ("J) if N.ilure and i Lconmuv nf Heists ami ( (insiderainui ( ,illl [■ >\ ( hi Nalinal llisidiv ol the I'! irlli and its Minerals; i \) On Natural Kvideiices of I'lirisliaiiitv. N. Loud.. 17;tl>. isdpllV l'hysi(iI(iL;i('al Pis(piisiii(>ns, or |>i,>5('i>\ii'ses on Natural Phil oi \\w i'llenieuts. Loud., 17S1. Sermons on and Kelicious SiilijiM'ts, 'J v. Lond., 17ltO. riici'Iocical. riiilosojijiical, and Miscellam-iins Works. TJv. Loud.. ISOl. t^litor. Scli(ilar .\rmed against the i'lrrors of the 'rime; or, Collccti(m of Tracts on Priiii'iplcs and Lvidenecs of Olu'istianitx, ronstitution o( the rhun-li, and .Vuthoritv >f (.'ivil ( niV('rnnien t. i'uMished hv a Soeie(v for i;ef(*nnatii>n of Principles. 'Jnd cd. _ v. Lond, ISOO. Sniir. 'M\\ ed. 'J v. Loud., 1 S 1 'J. 140 .lONKH. AUTHORS. JOUIlNAr,H, •loilVN ('*^'"" VVilliaiii). Ilisttiirc do Nader Cliali, coniiu hcuih h> notii do TliahiiiaM Kuli Kliaii, Kiii|M'nMir do IN-rsc, traduitcs d'un MamiMi lit I'cr.siin, avci' iiii Traitr siir U Poosie Orioiitalo. 2 V. Ill I. I Dim i7(;o. Work.-. C. V. I,. Mid., 171)1). JoilCN (William). l)(!H'. ik l.nt.) Aureliiv Allohroj^Mim, IGll. Opera Omnia, (liwec- et Latine ; enni Notis ((t Nova V(M's lono loannis llml son I Anislelii'ilami, 17lM). Kd. Sigeliert llavereainp Works. 'I'r. from (ireek, with notes, l>y William Winston. L' V. Lond., 18,-)L Sttm,: 4 V. I'liila., 1859. Joill'froy (Tlieodore). lMiiloso|)liical Miscellanies, translated from the Freiicli of (Cousin, .lonllroy, and Constant. Tr. by tL Ripley. v. '1 [Jouffroif d' CoiLttunt). Host., 1838. Joiirdail ((''riii'vitl ). i'recis des Operations do rArniee dii hamilte, .sous les orders dn (leneral .1. ; extrait dos Memoires .Manuscrits de ee Oeiieral. Paris, 171I1). ilounial of Proceed i 11 j,'s of Hishops, Clergy, and Laity of Protestant Episi'opal Chnrch in I'nited Stites of America, assembled in a general convention held in New York, l!^()8. Hartford, 18(51). 0-li(l, 18l>8-;K), 1 8.^:54)"), 1808-78, 1881-82. Bound in 4(') v. Halifax, v. d. tlounial ami Proceedings of Legislative (,'t>uncil, Nova Scotia, for 1851, 185()-51». 5 V. Halifax, v. d. -lounial of Science (j'onnrH;/ (.,tuar(erlv .lournal of Science), 1804 (no. 1) 188;{ (iio. ill)'), wanting no.-<. G2, 70, 1)8-1)1), 105. 114 pampli. Lond., v. d. .luurnalsof ILmse of Commons, England, l(;05--JLs 1()40-1721, 1724- 1750. 25 V. Lond. tlounial of of Commons, Canada, 1807-70, 1872, 1875, 1877, 1871M)1. 25 V. Ottawa, v. d. Journals of Legislative Assembly, Manitoba, 181)0-91. 2 v. W^innipeg. .lounials of Senate, Canada, 1807-70, 1873-91. 24 v. Ottawa, v. d. 141 •'■•It W 1 •■>', M ■•f'' ml Uit I f.' t' JOYCE. AUTHORS. JUVENALIS. ■■1 , I Joyce (Frwierick). I'ractical Chemical Mineralogy . . mineral suh.stances, their assay, analysis, retluction, ifec. Lond . 1825. Juellus (Joanne). See Jewel (John). Jugements et Deliburations du Conseil Souverain de la Xonvelle-France. V. 1 A 2. (,)uel)oc, 188.5-8G. JuIisUliiS (Flavins Clandins, Emperor). Onera (jua* extant omnia {(rr. d: Lai.), a I'etro Marlinio et Carolo Cantoclaro Latina facta, emend at,., et ancta . . . I'arisiis, D. DitvaUias, 1.583. NoTR. This in the first edition of his collected works. A number of leaves hive been misplaeeil by the bin .er. Jlinillt^, P'lriid. Letters. Lond., 179fi. Jurien (Pierre), ])e riJnite de I'Kglise, on Kefutation du Xouvean Systenie lie ^t. -Inrieu. Ahoh. Paris, 172!). JiiHtiii. See Jnstiuiis. Jnstinianus 1. (Flavins Anicius). Coile.\ . . . liisticlion, l.")28. NOTB. — Folio, 44(i + leaves ; Gothic-letter, nibricafed. JnstinilS {Roman historimi). llistoriis extends lil). Loud., ITIO- De llistoriis Pliilipiiicis, et Totins Mundi ( )ii<.;inilius. K(l- Pcitrus Jhscplius Cantel ; in usuni l)el]ihini. Ed. l- Lond., 1/ 71. Same. Duldin, 1790. Justini historic! in Trn^'uni Poin]ieiiiiii lil) . . . (AW. .1. Canicr). ^ V. {irith Floras). Vieniue Austria", ./. Sit>'/renia.<, 1517. NoTK. — In wooden cover.", with stamped vellum back, and clasps. (Kuvrcs ; cimtenant 41 livres tirez des IIi.stiiires universelle.s de Trogue Pompee, ensend)le un .'Vljhrege dcs Vies et .MoMU's des Kni|ierevirs Roniains. (Frene/i and Latin,). hd. N. DuMont. Paris, C. Micard, 1578. JllstillUS (Saint, the }fartyr). (Ai)olc>gi.i iirimi [>ro Chri.4ianis. (ir. (t Lat). Oxoiua, 1700. Ajmlogia Sciunda pro Christianis, Oi'atio Cohnrtatoria, Oratio ad (rra'co.s, (!t J)e Monarchia lib. [dr. i'k-), rum i.atina Joannis Langi versione. Ed. Samuel .lelili. Lond., 171'.). Opera {dr. el Lat.) . . . Colonial 108(1. Same. l.utetia' Parisiorum, 1(115. Work.s. (Tr. into Enf/li.'ih l)y K K P.). Oxford, 1861. Juvenalin (l>ecimus Junius). Chronolni/ica/ arrani/f'nu'nf. Juvenalis. (Cnni trlbuH e.ot)imcnlariis) .Vnto. 3IllIICi(lielli), Doinici. {hIc), (kor. Val(hw). .Nurnl)erge, A. Kolf r;/er. Dec. (), 1497. L). Juidi .luvenali.s, et A. Persii Flacci Satyne. AW. Cornelius ScIirevelillH. Lugduni Batavorum, 1058. Same. Lugd. liat., 1071. 142 JUVENALIS. AUTHORS. KEITH. JuVENAMs — Continued. Satires. Tr. into English Verse by J. Dryden et alii. Load., 1693. Juvcnalis ot Pcrsii Sutiue. Ed. Liulovicus Prateus. In usum Delpliiui. Kd. 4. Loiul., 1732. Same. Ed. 5. Loud., 1722. iSavie. Aiiothor edition. n. t. 'Same. VA. cS. Lun«iv. ( 11: y^- 'I 1* KclMl (Tliniiiiis). I'riicticiil AriMiiiioticia!!. -Jii.l cd. I.on.l., 171)8. K.'V U> Ml.'. " I'ra.iiciil AriUiim'tii'iiiii." Lund., 17!H). Keltie (-lolm S.). Tlu^ \V(.rksor the I'.ritisli Dramatists, selected, with Notes, Hioj^raphies, and Historical liiliddiKMioii. I'ldiii., 1873. Kcillllis ('riioiiias a). (/iirisliaii's I'attcni ; on Ticatisc of t,lu'. Iiiiita- tioii ol' ('lirist,. Tr. from Latin liy (Icor^fc Stanhoiic. Loud., 1751) Imitation of ('lirist. Tr. from Latin hy .lohii Payne; with In- troduction liy Thomas Chalmers. l!ias^'ow, I8'J|. ,svc iifnd (ilcrsoii (.1.). I'.as, />. />.). (Jonference lietween Sonl and Hodv KtMi <>'• Koiui (' {iiiioii.) ; to which are added Mornin;^' and Mvenin^ Hymns hy l>r. Kenn. Loml., 1 70;"). Manual of Prayers for use of Scliolais of Winchest-er {'ollef,'e, iVe. .'5,ird ed. .', v. {^hoiiiid irlfh (lilisiui's " Sdi'iunnrid of Lnvdx Siipjtfr.") Lond., I8|*J. Practice of Divine Love revised; liein^ an Lxposition of the ( liurch ( atechism. .ond I7()8. K(MIII(Mly (Alexiuider l>. W.). .Mechanics of ALiehinery. Loud, 8S)i KoillU'dy (dohn). Treatise iipon Plantiuf,', ( lardeninj,', and tl w uiamMucnt^ of the Ilot-ll OUMV lul ed •J. V. Lond. Treatise on Plant iiii;-, Pruning,', and on niana^'cmeiit of Kruit ree: Loud., 1777, lie. lioilliott (P>asil). Poma' AntiiiiKv Xotitia, or .Vntiiiuitios of Koi '.Mh ed. Lond., I7:n. S^aiiir. 17th e.l. Lond., \l\r,\. KeillU'tt (White, />. />.). Parochial .\nti(iuities att('m|iti'il in History of .Vmliro.Mleii, Purcester and other adjacent parts in ciainties of O.xford and P.iicks. New ed. 'J v. Oxford, 1818. Kciniicott (Peiijamin). Dissertatio (ieneralis in Vetns Testament nil) llelu'aicuni. Oxonii, 1780. Kemarks on Sidect P iissay;es in the Old Testament ; to whi(di an added Ki<,dit S(>rmons. O.xford, 1787. Ten annual accounts of ('oUation of llehrew MSS. of Old Testa- ment, hegun in 17(iO and comiileted in I7()'.). Oxford, 1770. Koiirick (-lohn). .VhridetMnent of Ziini;it's Latin (Irammar. Lond., I8;U). K(Mlt (■lames). ('ommentaries on American Law. liiid ed. 4 v. N. v.. I8;5l>. Koilt (Nathaniel). Oeneral View i)f .\.j,'ri culture of (.'ounty of Norfolk. Norwich vV Lond . 17'.t(). Hints to (Jeiitlonieii of Landed Propertv {relative to Iliitihandri/). New ed. Loihl., I71)'.». Ill w KKIU.. AUTHORS. KING. Korl (liriiiio). (JriiiidrisH dcr Motiillhiitti^nkmido. 2 v. Leipzig^ 1 KHO. ]M('t,iilliirf^'iscli(^ l'i'()l)irkiiiist. Lcipzij,', 1HS2. Kott (l'»!"i',V)' I'-ltMiH'iits of (liMioral Kiiowlciil^'d ; witli Lists of most ii|)]ni)Vi'il Aiilliors. '2nd o.d. 2 v. Loiul., IM02. Smnr. 7Lh t'll. 2 v. liond , 1S09. History tiM> Intcriirctcr of l'ro|)li('r Koyssh'r (.lohaim (Icorj.;). NiMiestc. Kiuscn (lurch I >('utsclilanil, iloliiiK'n, rn,!j;arn, die Schwci/, Italicu und Lotlirin^'cn, . . . niit Zusatzcn und cincr Vorrcdi^ von doni Lclii'ii dt's \'crf;iss(M's, JM'ffli'itct hat (Jottfricd Scliiitzc. Ncuc aullagc. 2 V. Hannover, 1701. Kidd (doliii). .\daptation of Iv\ternal Nature to I'liysical Condition of Man. {/irlififiiir(if)-r Tvcufisi'.) Lond., IS.'Ul. Kidder (Kiihanl, />. /).). Demonstration of the Me.ssias ; in which tile Trutli of tlie t'hristian Rcli^'ion is proved, especially against the -lews. ;? v. Lond., ir)cS.l-17()(). Siniir. 2iid ('(!. Lond., 172('). Killiclli {liiililii havid). (Joinentar zur (leiiesis. {In Jfehrew.) liv.s.-.l.iirg, IS 12. Klllfi^ (("lareiice). Systeiiiaiie ( 1^ 'logy. {C. S. (!enlo(jicAil Explorn- fion (i/'.',/)f/i 'l'ii,;ill,'l, V. J , ' Wash., 1878. Kin;; (David). Ruling i'lldersliip of the Christian Church. Kdin., 181L Kiliu; (Kdward). Considerations on utility of National Deht ; and on pieseiit alarming crisis. Rampii. Lond., 1793. Kssay on iMiglish Con.stitution and Covernment. 2nd ed. Lond., 1771. llvmiis to tht^ Supreme Being, iu imitation of P^tistern Songs. Lond., 179S. MoiNils of ('riticisni, tending to illustrate some jiassages in the Scri|itures, upon philosophical principles ami an eidarged view of things ; with sup[)lemental part. 2nd ed, 3 v. Lond., 1800. U5 ■lit 4 m i : Mi ii ((■■i'l M e- "i It; fit ,»'• . ' i I On Kixr.. ArTIIORS. KNIGHT. King — CnhtUiiicd. ]\Iuniin('iitii Anti(iua : or Obsorvatidiis on Aiifii'iit Castles; iiifludiiiL: loniarks on wliolo ]ii'(\ui' of Arcliitucture in Cicat r.'iitaiii. v. 1 il" 2. in 1 v! Lond, 1799-1801. (Observations on Ancient ("astles. I'anijih. n. t., read at ,Snc. (if A II f if/ii if i '•><•,■ 1 77(j. Keniaiks on Sij^^ns of the Times. 3r(l cd. Pani]i]i. Lond., 1799 lieniarks coneorninf,' Stones .said to liave fallen from the clouds. ranijih. Lond., 179f). King (James), ,v>t €ook (.1.). Kinj^'ri College, Windsor. Calendar, 1855-92. 2 v. and 1 8 pamphlets. Halifax, V. d. NoTK.— The bound voluinrs also contain Statutes, Reports, Orations, and many other small occasional pamphlets and sheet* relating to the Collcj^e. King's College llecord, vols. 1-14. 14 v. in 5. Wind.sor, 1879-92. King's College Universitv Magazine, vol. 1, no, 1. (Ajiril, 1871.) Pamjih. Halifax, 1871. KiliajZfttt (diaries Thomas). Animal Chemistry, or Relations of Chemistry to I'hysiology and I'athology. Lond., 1878. Kip (William Ingraham). lOonhle AVitness of the Church. 5th ed. X. v., 1851. Sariic. 17th ed. Philadelphia, lS[d {copy rujht date). Kirby (William). Power, Wisdom and of God, as mani- fested in creation of Animals and their history, habits, and instincts. {Hriddncater Treat'me.) 2 v. Loud., 1835. See a/so SWilillHOIl (W.). Kirklaiid (Thomas), see McLellaii (d. A.). Kirwau (Hidiard). ^Manures most advantageously ajiplicahlo to various sorts of soils, and causes of their beneficial ell'ect. 4th ed. Pami h. Lond., 1790. Klaprolll (Martin Fleinricli). Analytical Ks,says towards promoting,' Cliemical Knowledge of Mineial Substances, Tr. from ( Icr- man. Lond., 1801. KU'ill (.lohanii Wilhelm). Lelirlaich zum I'nterrichte der lUindcii, um ilineii ilircn Ziistand zu fileichlern, sic niitzlich zu bescli- iiftigen und sie zur liiiigerlichen Prauchbarkeit zu luldeii. Wien, 1819. Kuiltellbllll (Wyndham). Sen Hiiretll's Moallakah. Kiiljrht (S. R.). See Hall (H. s.). Knight (Samuel). Life of Di'. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's. >'ew .■d. (t.^:fortiorum, Onvcorum et Latinorum ])er luiiversuni terrarum Scrii)torum . . . online alphalietico digesta. Altdorfi, 167S. Kort)».olt (Christian). In -histinum Martyreni, Athenagorani, Theo- ]ihilum Antiochenum, Tatiiuuim Assyrium, Conimentarius. ^ v. [liuiind hi, end of a (ht})lico coUecta et in du|iiic(Mii alphabeticiun ordinem redacta. Lutetia?. I'arisioium, KiTlt. LahlK' ( l'hili]i|ie)- Eruditai I'ronnntiationis Catholici Indices. Ed. Fdward F-eedes. Lond., 1771. La IJcaillllclIo (L'lwrent .\.n<,diviel ile) Memoirs for the History of Mad. line de Maintenon and of the Last Aj^'e. I'r. from the Flench, liy Charlotte Lennox. H v. Lond., 1757. La ItilllU' (.\lar^';irinus de). ^Vv' jti^ne (>[. de la). liabillanliiMT (•'. .luies). Acconnt of ;i Voya.n'e in Search of La I'croiise, in 17111 -IK?. Tr. from the Frencli. 2 v. and 1 v. of plates. Lona]itiste, Henri, ahhr). God : Conferences delivered at xsotre Dame in Paris. Tr. from the French. Lend., 1870. God and Man : Confcronce delivered at Notre Dame in Paris. Tr. from French. X. Y., 1872. Lacroix (Sleii)' de). Xouvelle Metode pour aprendre la Geographie Universele. 3rd ed. v. 2, 4-5. Lyon, 1717. Lacroix (Paul), — " P. L. Jacob, hihliophile." Galerie des Femmes de (4e(irge Sand (!Mme. A. L. A. D. Dudevant) : collection de 24 [xirtrsiits gravc'S sur acier par H. Robinson, avec un texte par le IJibhophile .Jacob. ^ v. (bound with 1st vol. of Buderaiit's '' (IJuvres"). Bruxelles, 1843. Lacroix (Svlvain Francois). Traite Elumentaire d'Arithmetique. Ed. 4. Paris, I^IH. Lacroze. See Veyssiere de la Croze. LactailtillS Firiniailll!^ (Lucius Ccelius). De Mortibus persecutorum lib. Cum Udtis Johannis Columbi. \ v. Aboa>, 1684. Same. Ed. Paulus iJauldri. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1693. Opera Omnia. Ed. J. B. Le Jirun & X. Lenglet du Fresnoy. 2 V. Lutctia' Parisiorum, 1748. Lafltail (Pierre Francois). , Sermons : Carcme. Ed. 2. v. 2-4. Lyon, 17/32, La Fontaine (Jean dc). Fables (/^rencA). Paris, 1818. Lagranji^e (J. T5. Bouillon). See Bouillou-Lagrange (J. B.). La Hode, pseud. See La Mothe. LaliC (Cof. AtwcU). Kars and (,)ur Captivity in Russia ; with Letters from Sir W. F. "Williams, iV'c Loud., 1856. Laniai'tino (Marie Louis Alphonse Prat ile). Chute d'un Ange. Paris, 185."). Harmonies Poi'tiquos et Religieuses. Pari.s, 1853. Histoire des Girondins. 5th ed. 4 v. Bruxelles, 1851. Jocelyn, episode, journal trouve chez un cure de village. Paris, 1854 Xouvelles Meditations Poctiques. Le Dernier Chant du Pcleri- nage d'llarold. Chant du Sacre. Paris, 1853. Premieres ^Icditations PoL'ti([ues. La Mort de Socrate. Paris, 1855. Recueillements Poi'tiques. Paris, 1849. Lamb (John). Historical Account of the Thirty-nine Articles, 1553-71 ; witli Exact Co] lies of the Latin and English Manuscripts, and Facsimiles of signatures of the Archbishops, &c. Cambridge, 1829. Lambert (Johann lleinrich). System of the "World. Tr. from French, by James Jacque. Lond., 1800. i . ^ •■I 'T 148 LAMBERT. AUTHORS. LAPIDB. Lambert (T. S.)- Iluman Anatomy, Phj'siology and Hygiene. Hart- , ford, U. S. A., 1854. Poindar Anatomy and Physiology. [Lamberts' Third Book of I'lii/sidloi/y.) Aidnivn, 1852. Practical Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology ; Hygiene and Tht'ra])eutics. (Lambert's ISecond Book of Plujsiology.) I'ortland, 1852. Lilllii or Lailiy (Bernard). Introduction a TKcrituro Sainte. Lyon, 1711. L.*! Motlie (N., I'ire), — -"Dela llodc." Histoire des Revolutions de France. v. 4 (cnnfimant Irs fisffs dcjiiiis Henri II. jusq^i'a la morl de Louis XIV.). La Haye, 1738. Lailiy (Bernard;. See Lailli (l'>.). Lancaster (Thomas "William). Harmony of the Law and the Gospel witii regard to Doctrine of Future State. (.>xford, 1825. Po])ular Kvidence of Christianity, stated ami examined. [Bamp- toii Lectures). Oxford, 18."31. Lancelot (Claude). New Metliod of learning the Greek Tongue. (" Port-R(jyal Graunnar.") Tr. from tlie French, by Thomas Nugent. New ed. Lond., 17i)7. Landoil (Ivlward IL). Manual of Councils of Holy Catholick Church, comprising substance of most remarkable Canons. Loud., 184G. Laiidor (Waltei Savage). Imaginerv Conversations. Kd. by Have- lock Ellis. Loud., 188(5. Lail^ (.Vndrew). Custom and Myth. 2ud ed. Lond,, 1885. Lailgbaiue (Gerard). ]Momus Trium])hans ; or Plagiaries of the Eng- lish Stage (coufainuiif a cafidoyue of plai/s, ((■<•., unth their autlmrs, volumes and editions, and source of plot). J v. Loud., 1088. LailS^hailsZ (dohnu Luilwig). Suspiria Passionalia, oder Passions Scufzer . . . Berlin, 17L5. Laili^witll (lienjannu). Oliservalions on Dr. Arbuthnot's Dissertatio* (in Coins, Weights and .Mcasiues. I'amph. Loud., 1747. Lantier (K. F) Travels of Antcnor in Greece and Asia, including some account of Egypt. 3 v. Loud., 1799. La Palnelle (lioger ^Vudre d(>). Resolutions des plus importantes • jUiestious de la Coutunu'. et du Barreau, et de plusieurs Cas de Conscience . . . Ed. 3. Rouen, 174G. Lapidc (Cornelius Augustus). Conimentarii in Scripturam Sacrani. lulitio recens. 10 v. in 20. Lugiluni & Parisiis, 1854. '■'m; 149 i '•?; i.Ari,Ati;, M'TIIOKS. I.Al'UKNCH. LupluCC (I'irrrc Sinmn, Mariinis i\v) I';i('iiiciit.UT Illustr.iliniis of the 1' Ci'lcstial Mccliaiiifs o l».(.I<. 1,(111(1., l.'^-Jl. xixisitidii (lu Systi'Miic dii Moiidt i' I.MpIacc : jiart 1., coiniirisiiiif Uic 1st I. 1' III.- I, Mi;?. 'IVaib' (Ic M(^cliani(|ti(' Ci'Icstc. \ V. Paris, an 7-1. '5 (17!)!)- iSOf)). NdTK On vclliim-pii|i('.r, watcr-iiiafkcd with the titlo of the woili, LardllOr (hi'mysius). Ilaiidlldoks dt' Natural i' (isdiiiiv aiK troiioiiiv. Isl ("dill,' .M ('('haiiii's, llvdi'ostalics. I'licuiiiatics, Sdiiiid iV Optics; i*ii(l Cduisc : Heat, .Ma('iicl I As Ivdraiilu's, isiii, Ki. ctru'itv. riiiia., 1^5; Scries dt' Lectures u|idii Locke's Ivssav. I)uliiiii, ISIH. Steam JMigine explained and illustrated. Loud., I8.'{!>. Lardlier (^'i' ''''"'•'')■ ('icdibilitv oi (iospcd History; or {'"acts iikmi- tioned in New 'rcslainent eonfiniied l>y ancient aut.l 1 ('Jnd ed. comi'lete in 1 vol.). Loiid., 17.'>(). Idl'; Tart iS'tini V. •2 (ist ed.). Ldud., 17-J( ISdiiif. I't., 11 in I'J V. witJi Suii|ileiiieiit, in ."{ v. Loud., i7;{i-r)!), LatliaiH (15 ddwin). Sanitary JMii^ineerin^' : (riiide to const met ion of Works of S ewcraire and House l)raiiiai ;('. Loud., 1S7;}. Latham (iloliert (Jdrdon). ' Dictionai y of the Knulisli Laii,L;iiage, founded on tliat of Samuel .lohnson, as e(lite(l liv 11. .1. Todd. V. in 1. Loud., 1S7<">. liandh -f the Kiiu'lish L inu'uaye. N. v., \x: Latllbliry (Thomas). History of JMi.Ljlisii Lpiseopacy, from Period of l.on,!. >ia>tical arliameiit to .\ct of rniformitv ; and review of Kccit'- At airs in iMiL^land troiu l!ef orniatioii. .olid Latimer (!lu-h). s, rmons, (!. K. ( nrrie, 1 .^30, Camluid"c, Sernidiis on the'jidMs and Civil Lilierlies of Kii'dislii •t( td whicli IS |ircti\iil his Llle _ V. I (MUl iieii, 1 7nH. sermons and Ueniain,- (!. K. I'dirie. Cainhridtfc, /'^trkn- S,,r., Si I' iilsit i'amlish li aints, \-. (V (). Latin (Iranmiir for ii>e of Westniinsler School .Anon -Olid 1 s;'>o. Laud (^^'illialn, .l/'cA/'/.v/cyi). Ilclalioii of Conference lietween Laud and (.lohii) I'i.-her the dcsuit, iiy command o .lllL ,1 lines (1): with .\iis\\('r Id sMi'li l'',Nce|itions as A. C. {nii/)/)<>si'fl to he /•■/.v/^cr) laki's apiiiiM it. llvford, 1S.S!». LaUI'CIICO (iiichard. I>. I).). .Vltciejit to ilhistrale tliose articles of I hiirch of i''.ii;_'laiid, which Cal\ini:ts iiniiro]ierly consider as Calvinistical ; in Li^ht Srrnc ns (liitinjilnu Liiiii ns). .'Jrd e(|, ( Kford, l>.'fS. liook of l-'iiocli the rrophct, an apocrvplial |iroilu(iion. su|i|ioscil d in Aliy<-iiiia {iclf/i /'/•<•- to liaV( / e hrell lo: • 1 lUlt discovcri nil ) ml i\ I lissirt'lt h))t. Kofi's, (I'l ord ei 1. ( »xfon l.-.(l LAW. AUTIIOHS. LUCI.KRC. Law (Kilinuiitl). C!()ii>iilci',iti(iiis on Thcoiy of Rcli^inn ; ti> wliiuli arc added Two 1 Jiscoiirsi's on Ijt'c and ( .'liai'ac.'tcr of Christ and on I'xinciit jiroinircil for u.s by IJis JJcatli, with Appondix. 4th ed. Lond., 1759. Law (William). Practical Troatiso upon Christian PerfcMttion. 3ril fd. Lond., 1731. Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. 3rd ed. Lond., 1733. Short hut Suflicicnt Confutation of Dr. ( WiUiam) Warhnrton's Defence of Christianity in his " J)ivine Le^nition of Moses " 1 V. Lond., 17.")7. Laws of Harvard College. h v. {houml ivith ^' Cuta/of/us Jiihliothecrp, Ihirnirdiann-"). "]}ost., 1790. LaW80I) {^fi-K. :Mary .lane),— 7^^' KatzinaiU). History of that part of Halifax County, X. S., comprising Dartmouth, Pre.ston, and Lawrencetown. Mainitirript ; sm. folio; LS87. Nom.— Akiiis' Historical I'rize Kssny of 18s7. Layard (Au.sten Henry). Discoveries among Ruins of Nineveh and l>al>vlon, with Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the iJosert. N. v., IS.'iO. Nineveh and Its ilemains. New ed. N. Y., L'^5C). Layiliailll (A*. /'.Paid.), opera ("Theologia, ^Sloralis," it "Quwstiones Canonical . . ."). Kd. nova. 3 v. in L Lugduni, 1G74. NoTB. — 14 leaves are instrted in luamisirliit. Lays of tho Minnesingei's or (lernian Trouliadours of the 12th and 13tli centuries, ilhistrateil hy specimens of cuntemiiorary lyric poetry; with histiirical and critical notices. Anon. Lond., 1S25. Loan (dohn). Railway Curves . . . Lond., 1S72. Lcavitt (Thomas 11.). Facts ahout I'eat as an Article of Fuel. 3rd ed. Host., 1S(;7. LoKas (Charles \V(>lili). Life of .Archbishop Cranmer. 2 v. Lond., I S33. L(']{l(>iu1 ( ). The .Military Lngineer : or. Treatise on Attack and Defence of all kinds of Fortified Places. Tr. from the French. Lond., 1759. LeBossil (Rem')- Traiti' du Forme K])i([ue. Omo. ed. v. 1. Lailaye. 1711. LcCllPValior (dean F)aptiste). Description of Plain of Trov. Tr. by A. Dalzel. Fdin., 1791. LcClt'I'C (di'an). C.enesis sive .Mosis Propheta' liber 1 ; cum Pura- phrasi Perpetua, Commeiilario Philologico, . . . Anistolo- dami, 1C>93. N'eteris Testanienti Libri llagiographi (Jnhitu — CiDificnni C'liifiriirKn)), cum Cnmmcntario Philologicj in omnes memoratos libi'os, el Paraphrasi in .lobum ac. Psalmos. .Aiiistela'ilami, I "."il. 'i 1 \ W^i '" '■'*. IkCI.EUC. AUTHORS. LbKEUX, LeCi-euc — Continued. Veteris Tcstainenti Libri Ilistorici {Josua — EstJiera), cum Com- iiu'iitiirio riiilologico, Dissertiitifinibtis, . , . Amstolo- (liiiiii, 1708. Ycteris Testanienti Prophotae (Esaia ad Jfa/(tchiam), cum Com- iriciit.'irio I'liilologio vt Pamplirasi in Ksaiam, Jcrcmiam, (•jusLaiiicntatioTies et Abiliain, . . . AmstcluHlaiiii, 1731. LeCOUIlt (Peter). Practical Treatise on Railways, explaining tlieir ciinstructidn and inanageinent. Edin., 1S39. LeCourayer {R. /'. Pierre Francois de). Dissertation on Validity of Ordinations of tlie Knglisli, and of succession of Bishops of Anglican Church. Oxford, 1844. Lediard (Thomas). Xaval History of Kngland, from 1066 to 1734. 2 V. Lond., 173."). Lee (Cr. lier])ert). Historical Sketcli of first fifty years of Church of Engl(Ui(l in >«'e\v lirunswick (1783-1833). Saint John, jS'. E., 1880. Lee (William). Inspiration of Holy Scripture, it< nature and proof. 4th ed. Dublin, 1865. LeedeS (Kdward). Veteres Poetre Citati ad Philippi De Ancipitum OroBcarum Vocalium in priorilius Syllabis ^lensura confirman- dum sententiam ... .1 v. (botind ivith Labbe's " Indices "). Lond. (?), 17—. Leidy (Joseph). Contributions to Extinct A'ln'tebrate Fauna of AVestern Territories, U. S. {U. S. Geo. Surviy of Territories, V. 1). AVash., 1873. Fresh-wntor Khizo]»()ds of North America. {IJ. S. Geo. Survei/ of Territories, v. IfJ.) AVash., 1879. Leigh (Edward). Critica Sacra, or Observations on all Radices or Primitive Hebrew AVords of the Old Testament, in order alphalu'tieal. 2nd ed. Lond., 16.')0. Leightuil (Robert, D. D.). Expository AVoiks, with Other Remains. New ed V. '1. Lond., 1817. •2. V, Practical Commentary ujion First F]j)istle of St. Peter. Lond., 1857. Practical Commentary upon First E}iistle of St. Peter : andotlier Kxpositoiw Works. New I'd. Lond,, 1829. Select AVorks. '2 v. in 1. Lon.l, 1823. AVhole AVorks ; witii Life l)y John Norm.iu Pearson. 2 v. Lond., 18r)r). LeJeniie (Lottin). Letters of Pope Clement XIA'' (Ganganelli), to wliicb are prefixed Anecdotes of his Life. 4th ed. 4 v. Lond., 1777. LeKeilX (John). See Wright (T.), and also \nf*Y'Am. (J.). ir,2 r LBLAND. AUTHORS. LE8SIUB. Leland (-Tolm, D. D.). Advantage ami Xccessity of Christian Revela- tion, shown from State of Rt^ligion in Anticnt IIt>athen AVorld . . . witli Diseonrse on Natund and Revealed Religion. 2 V. Lond., 17G4. Same. 2 v. Lond., ITfiS. View of Principal Deisticid Writers tlial have np]ieared in Knglanil in last and present eenttiry, with some aeconnt of Answers agcunst them. .'ird ed 2 v. Lond., IT")?. Same. otli ed. 2 v. Lond., 1798. Lelniul (Thomas). Historv of Irelainl, from Invasion of Henry 11. 3 V. Dnl.lin, 1814. LcMay (Leon Pamiihile). Piconnoo le Mandit. v. 1. Ci)uel)ce, 1878. Le)Ioyne <>r LeMoilie (Peter). (iallery of Heroick Women. Tr. from French. 7^UI<' mutilated. 0/d. Leiliprioi'P ("NVilHam). Practical ()l)serviitions on Diseases of Army ill daiiKiica, 1702-97. 2 v. L..nd., 1799. Lcil^ (Jnliii). Natural Obligations to Ixdicve tlie Principles of Religion and Divine Revelation, in IG Sermons preaclied, 1717-18, at Lecture founded l)y Robert lioyle. Lond., 1719. Leoillliird (Gustav). Orundziige der Mineralogie. Leipzig Si Heid- elberg, 1800. Loopardi {Cnnnt (liacomo). Opere. v. 1. Lei[izig, 18G1. Lesley (-L P.). Collection of Occasional Surveys of Iron, Coal, and ( )il 1 )istricts in United Stales. Pliila , 1871. Leslie (Charles). Sliort and Lasy ^Method witli tlu; Ueists, wherein the Certaintv (jf Christian Religion is demon.strated. Loud., 1799. Same. New ed. Lond.. 1810. Tiie Snake in the Grass. {Ai/aiuM the Quakers.) .'?rd cd. Loud.. ir>98. Theological AVorks. 2 v. (folio). Lond., 1721. Same. New ed. 7 v. (8vo.). Lond., 18H2. Leslie (-SiV John). Llements of Geometry and Plane Trigonometrv. 3rd ed. Kdin., 1817. See Stewart (D.)- LesquereilX (Leo). Atlas to Coal Flora of Pennsylvania, and of Carboniferous Formation throughout United St.ites, {.'iid Geo. Sarni/ 1)/ /'e/nisi/frcrxia.) Ilarrisburg. 1879. Contriliutiouis to Fossil Flora of Western Territories of T'. S. : Cretaceous and Tertiarv Floras. {F. S. Geo. Sarve>/ of Territnrie.'i, r. S.) Wash., 1883. Lessillg (Gottliold Ephraim). Werke. 10 v. in '). Leipzig, ' 18f)()-C)7. LessillS (Leonard). See Sandapila Silicernio Quinti ac Sexti Evangelii efl'erendo. 153 * Ft TOpir i/'UAM)i;. Al'TlloltS. i,K\vi;s. li'KstraillJC (■'^ir I^|^^|■^). I-'iiMcs nl' .Ki/i/lns, ((y.), with M nr.ils mill Ki'lli rliipiis. L'liil (• i.oimI., if.'.d. Scikmm's MchmIs Ii\- \\;i\' (if .ilislract- ; ti> wliii'li is aijiii'il u I )i~i'nUlsi' llluli'l' till K.l. l.v X. .Iimi.-s. (' III ; I n I>mii|., 17:5; AI'lrrTilullJ'llt. iL'lll I'll. Lfltcr tn Ili-v Mr. Martvn, limiiisli I'rirst, uf Walsall, iiiinii Mn' liulr nf ailh. r.v a Mi'inlirr uf Ihr I irilisii ji'cfiiriiiatiiiii Siirii'tv, L'ihI I'll. .', V. (1)111111'/ irif/i /)ii/fou'x '* Wiird i)f -I'>). (J I'oiH tlf " I'll/lfioil.") Lettres Siiieiises et I'lailines siir les ( )iivra''i's iles Sa vans, et siir dWiitn .Mat lere (i A- S 1. I Have. I I I7.1: Lettsom (William C). s.r (in'i,'ir (i;. v.) Lever ('riiiMii •»■>• iMluilsIl Kepiinls, V. 1: Lcvolf. (K.) """' Davison (<'.) Flements nf Plane 'rrii.;nniimel rv. Lnml., is;i-j. Lt'ViZilC (' I'nlis X'ietnr Leenlll/. ile). 1 )iet inliarv nf l'"n'liell and l''.ll'.^iisll Laiiuua^es. l!e\'. hv ('. (Irns. 11th ed. I.nml., n. I l''iviieli and I''.ii,i;li-li I >ict iniiary. n. 1.. l.nnd., IS-J() (?). (irainmar of l'"reiiili Tnn^iie. 2lsl ed. Wev. li\' -I. C. Taiver. 1 nllll lienretical and I'rarlieal ( Ir.iiiimar n( ]• lelirh 1 niejue S. I'a.Miui.T iV .1. .M nlll i:)lli .\ni I'd. hv N. v.. 1.><1S. LtMIsdoil (•'I'liaiin). ( 'nni]ieiidiuiii llililieiiin. Ilihrnr. I'ltrajerti, I lis.') ((■()/.). LOVVOS (< ienvue llmi'v). riiysinln^y nf ( 'niiinmn Life. V. "J. \. v., 1 S(U). mi r i,i;\VKs. AIJTHOUS. I.IDDON LoWCH (.'/m. Miiriiiii), iii'f, Kviiiis, — "fl('org(! Kliot," Adam iSodo. N. v., 11. .1. Felix Molt, the Ka.lioiil. N. V., ii. .1. Miililli'iiiai'cli : a Stiitly nf I'lovinrial I.). I'mis Muts (l('s (ln'islio|) of St. vV.'iapli and CliidiestfM" : a S(M|iicl of I.iftj of .loliii Wiclif. New cd. .', v. {hoitnd with llii; author's '' Llf<: of Widlf"). Oxford, 1820. Lewis {dipt. jMcriwctlicr) (iml Clai'kc (^V.) Travels to Soiirco of Missouri lliver and across Aiiieri< an Continent to Pacilic Ocean, in 1801-(i. ;J V. I.ond., 181,"). Lewis (Tlioiiias). Ori<,Mnes Ilelira'a' : Aiiti([uities of Ilobrew Ko](ul)lic. New ed. ;} V. Oxford, 18:5."). Lewis (William rallini^ton). Tim Tlicbaid of Statins, translated into iMif^iish Verse, with Xotes. 2 v. Oxford, 1707. Lilier Kcclesiasticiis : StatiMiient of Kevennes of Kstaldished Cliurcli, compiled from iie]iort of Commissioners aiipointod to iiKiuire into those, revenues. i.ond., IS.'i."). Lilir.iry of l-'athers of Holy Catholic Church anterior to division of Kast amnVost 5 V. Oxfor.l, 18;58..'?!). CiiNTKNTH.— Vol, I, Confessions nf St. Aiiitiistiiie, ed. by K. B. PuBcy ; v. 2, Cate- tliLticiil l.rutures of S. Cyril ; v. .'i, TrcatiBos of S. Cii'ciliis Cyjirian ; v. 4 & ."i, Honii- lius of S. John Clirysoston'. l.iliiary of I'sefiil Knowledj^^e : Klectricity, [it. 1; Xewtoii's Optics, ])t. 2; ( »ptic.s, pt. 2 ; houhle Refraction and I'olari.sation of Li^dit, pt. I : (ieometry, yi. ■") \' (5 ; Arithmetic and Algel)ra, pt. 1 ; .Mathematical ( rcoLjraphy. S pamph. I.ond., 1827-.'U). Lihrorum Impressorum (pii in ^luseo liritannico ad.servantur C.italof^ue. 2 V. I.ond., 1787. Liddell (Henry Ocorge) aud Scott (K). (rreek-Kiij^dish Lexicon, liased on (Mrnian work of Francis I'as.sow. Kd. hy II. Drisler. N. Y., 18.-)1. Hume. 6th ed. Oxford, ISfiO. Liddoil (Henry I'arry, Canon). Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour .lesus Christ: eij,dit lectures liefore University of Oxford, iNCiC). 'Jlh ed. ' I.ond., 1S82. Sermons ]ireached liefore I'nivi'rsity of Oxford. 1st series, 18;V.»-(;i). 7tii ed. l.nnd., issl. Some Elements of lii'li^ion. 2iid eil. I.ond., 187."'). AValter Kerr Hamilton, liishop of Salislmry : a sketch. 2nd ed. Loud., ISC)'.). !■•: Iff Mil H \m ; iiii! :■ "-im I .! \mfA I.IDGATE. AUTHOES. LILY. i' I I' ■ ft Lidgntc (Jolin). of St, Mary ]\I>igdaIene of Paz;^i, a Carmelite Xnnn (>^ic). Tr. from Italian, liy Lezin de Saintc Scli(ilasti(|ue, and now clone out of French. 1-lOth y. {bd'-ked '' J/iftr''!f-fi vol.O.") Lond., 1 087. Liglltfoot (.lohn, D. I)., ir>n2-l(;75) Il.M'a' nrl,rai.'a> et Talniudica? ini|iensa' in Kvangelium S, .lolianiiis : nraMiiittitur 1 )is(|uisitio Ciior(M4ra|iliii.M. loc; (juicdam terra'. IsraeliticiC investigans . . . Lond.,' 10)71. Works, witii Life 2 v. Lnnd., 1081. Liglltfoot (do'iin, 1.7.'>r>~17SS). i'lora Scotica, or Native I'lants of Scotland and the Hebrides. 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1789. Liglltfoot (-lo.seiih I'.arlic)-, I). D.). Apostolic Fathers (Tiie) : part 1, S. Clement nf Rome ; ]tart 2, S Ignatius (the Martyr) and S. J'olycarp. ."> v. Loud.. i8SS-90. CainliridLte Sermons. Lon,d.ind, to 1689. 4th ed. 13 v. Lond., 1837-39. Liline "/■ LillliaJlIS (Carl von). liililiotheca Hotaiiiea , . . Kd. nova. }, V. Kiihi Saliciv, 1747. Fundanienta liotaniea . . . Aciedunt Johannis ( rcsneri J )i.-ser- tationes ... 2 j)ts in 1 v. (bound tvith Linufens' '' Bihliuthrra Butiiinra"). Hake, 1747. General Systen> of Xature, tlirougii the three ;,'rand kingdoms of Animals, Veifetahles, and .MiiU'i'als. Tr from (rwelin's edition, and enlarged hv WiUiam T.iiton. 7 v. Lond., 1S02-6. I'hilosophia Ijotanica . . . \'indol)ona% 1770. Linnean Society of London. I'rorci'dings, v 1 (183S-48), and nos. 38- 51 (1848-53). 1 V. A- pampli. Lond., . Transaction.'' ; v. 20, pt. 3 : v. 21, pts. 2-3. 3 [ianii)]i., ([uarto. Lond., 1851-54. Linsclioteil (dan Huygen van). See Knglish lleprints, v. 14. Liutei'U (William). Magnetic Snrvi'ving, and Angular Surveviiig. L(md., 1881. LipsillS (du.'itus). Dc Constantia lili , (pii alliKpiium pra'cipuc conti- nent in Pulilicis malis. Antver|iia:, C/iristop/ier J'/iin'in, 1584. Roma lllu.strata, sivt; Antinuitatum K 'Uianaruni ln'eviaium ; et Georgii Faliricii Chemnicensis Vi^teris linnia' cum Nova Collatio . . . Lond., 1698. List of Mission.s of Church of luigland in ><'e\vfi>undl,ind and Lalirador, with Map of the I) liy J. -L C. n. ])., 1877. List of S| eciniens of I'.irds in IJritis'i Museum. Part 3, Oalliuie, Cralke, and Anseres. Lond., 1814 List of Siit'cimeiis of Crustacc^a in liritish Museum. Loud., 1847. Lister (Martin). Histork'c sive Synopsis M((liiidica> Conchyliorum {loith very many folio /)lates). VA altera. £d William lluddesford. 'onii, 1770. S-). C/irniniliif/icd/ iirrii,iiirnii'iil Uisl, (inaruin ali ui'lic romlita lib. ; cuui I nivi'isa listori.i' pitoiiii.- .\iljiuifti.-; .sclioliis Caroli Sif;G. Foli< (liistoii.iruni lili.) n. t.. I'Vancofiirti ai! Mti'iuiiu, C(irri)ins ((• l'\ jiriihi iiil^ 157iS (rii/o/i/ini)). llisforia' IloiiiauiV HI). /•.''/. .Ian (i|rnl(M% l''i'aiicofui'ti, KJIO. NoiK. Ill tliL' ciid of til H \nlunu' is ImiiiikI " In Thus l.iv 11 llistori.'inmi, ohsi'i-va- tiotii'scx v.'ulis puctiiriiiii 'ucnliiMliiPiilluis ('iilU'ctn per Willifliiiuiii (iiHli'lcv;i'iini," Kiftin'iiliirti, lill'.t. listoriariiiii lili A riM-iMl^lolir Hoinsiiina. I,UL;i'.uni l>ata\oiaiiii, l-'J\- rii\ lUI'i-t-. lli-loriaruia lih. Ani-li loiiami. ,hi iis.ii n'lanini lih. A'/. A. (1. KrncsH. ") V. Liiisi.'c, 1785. V.\ ivi-i'ii-ionc Aril. Dt'ilktMI- borcMi. .VrnMlunl (Imirs ct l''aiiiili:i' Roiii norma, li.-loriaruni i|iia' .sii|ici'.-unt. :ni. lor,, i;,. Slrcinnio ; nt 'Mion l.i\ianriii. (i \. ( Lxinnl, \S{){). Siiiiir. () \. ( )\onii, I ,"< I ,">. Krnt'sti ulo^.^arim II .N.)1K.» I'll,- " Fii.-ili (', 'ItSllUtrrs I'f N- lujin' f 7 ( ■!. I'. I firiii.i !■■ ■I In. .V.7. ili.storiaiiiii Uli. \'.\ ri'ccnsiom' .VriioMi Driikenltorclliic Ilotl- i'. 1 ( rcvicrii, laiiii I ii"ii ( ilo~.-aniii!i I i\ i iiiiiia A'l- Cnil KiMU'sli. /•:'/. (i. II. ScliJi'lVr. v. I. :\ l. l.oml., iS-i."). lli.storiai'mii ali I riic Coinlila lili. {W'fli Kih/Hs/i imfrs'), n. i., Lon.l. (?). (Hi.stoiia), iiook r.'. /.'(tin ti.rt. VA. 1)T .1. K. 31i'IIinisli. i.oliu. 1S. 168 ^ i.ivirs. AlTlKtItS. I. ON I ION. V li I.IVIl'S ( 'nilfilUK'ff. (Ilistoria), Look iM. Lifiu Irx/. Ivl. In' .1. K. Melllllisll I. 1., l;Hteiit\ the MH'iiU]|r.s of ^rciit I'LTio'^^ct without i|iiot;itioii and aiithoritv ; wheru- ii.v 111' hiith ol:- lined amont; liii^ winj; nu'ti, not otiIv ihuc'i.inn'tcr of a ini'Sl iin|iiiil('nt ]iiM.:iar.v, Inita falsi' writur an ' nicer scrilililer. ' Nui urtliclu-s liis work in one of \:iliiu. Lloyd (.Nirholas). Nv S101»!UMIS {('■). Lloyd (Kiriiani). Chiistiaii '!'hroln,L;y. l.oiid . 1 S(ll. Lloyd (\V. I''.). I'riccs (if ( 'orii in ().\l'oi'd hi ho'^iimin;,' of 14th rciitiirv, and al.^^o iVoni l.")S;{ to ( I S.'iU) ; with .Vlisccllancous Notirrsdf i'riccs ill (ilhiT I'laci'.-;. (t.\foi'd, |s;iO. LolMVaSSOr (Amliroisc). Ncii vcriiichrt uiid vollstiiiidint's (Icsang- iJuch Woi'inncn sowoiii die I'salnicn havid.s, iiacli I). Auilirosii I.oliwasscis . . . ( ll'/V// nni.'ilf.) | v. Marlmrj^und luid luankfiirt, \7W. Lock (•!. II). Arithmclii.' for llcj^iiiiiri's. I.oud., I SSS. .Arithmetic for elementary schnols. Loud, JSlJO. i'llenicntary Statics. i,ond.. I SSS, Mechanics for lie^dnnci's : |iait I, 1 >\naniics and Statics. Lond., ISSU. 'l'ri,L,'oihinn'try of ( >ne .\n,L;le. i.ond., ISllj. Locko (dolin). Ivlncatioii lies l'',ni'ans. Tr. de I'.Vn^lois par Coste. V. I. Ainstcnlam, 17"5;V Lssai I'liilosiiiiliiipie concei' ri'lnlendenient Uiimain. /'/■. Iiifd Fi'i iirh III/ .Moii-iciir ('oste. L'nd cd. Anisterilani, 17l".l. I'".ssay conccriiiiiL;- Human rnder.^landiiii; (ii'i//i ntluT pli'cr.ft /ram his irorks). nulled. l' v. ' I.ond.. 17'.t3. S,im'\ -JOth ed. i.ond., 171m;. l'ara|dir.ise .•ind Notes un l'",|iistles of .St. I'aiil ; with Lssay for the rnder>tandinL;' of St. Laul's I'lpistles. Lond., If^Vl. \\oik>. :.>nd ed. :\ V.' Lond.. 17-Jl'. liOdi^O (.Inhn). reer,i,i;v of Ireland. v. •_' \. Loml,, 17.")L l."iid(in I 'alaloLjue of I'.noks, with their si/e>. prices, and luiMishers, 1S0(I-|S. Lond., ISIS. i,"iidMii, i':dinlinr,i;h, and Ihililin i'hilosii|iliieal ]\Li;j,azine and .lournal of Siaeiice. {'"ourth series, V. 27-r)() (wantin,!,' no-;. 'I'M), I'.Vi'i-'.W, •I't^) \ liflh .series, V. L ll'. L>l'S paiuiih. Lond., L^dl-Sl. London Liiivcrsity. Calendar, LSSI. Loml. 159 yf \~. mi wvm \^ vM ■i ■\i , f ]{ I' i 5- i,v.' 1 1 LONG. AUTHORS. LOWMAN. :i.i< i ill f: 4 Long (•!.)• Voyages and Travels of an Indian InteriJrcter and Trader, deseriliinj,' Manners, Customs (and Icuiguai/e) of North Ameri- can Indians. Lond., 1791. NoTR.— Appended to this work is "a vocabulary of tiie Ciiippcway languajfe : names of uirs iind sliins, in Finjjiisli and Freneli : a list of wordn in tile Iroquiw, .Miclii(,'an, Sliawnnee, and Ksiiuiniaiix ton;;ues ; and a table sliowioj; the analogy between the Aljtonltin and Chippevvay litnfiuages." Long (Rii^'or). Astronomy. 2 v. Candn'idgo, 1742-114. Loilgchainps (Buret de). Lcs Fastes Universela, ou Tahlcaux His- tori([U('s, Clironiilogi(iuos, et Cn'ographi([ues. (Folio.) Ed. 2. I!rux('lles, 1822. Longfellow (Henry Wadswortli). Kavanagh and other pieces {Dri/ticood). IW-t, 1872. Poetical Works. Lond., l^aO. Longinus (hiouysins). Omnia ([Uic (!xtant. (6'?-. d' Lot.) Ed. .loa'.ines Tonpins. Accedunt eniendationcs Davidis Rului- kenii. Oxonii, 1778. De Si;l)liiuitate. (^V. <£• Lnf ) Jlchester County, X. S, (Second part.) Manus- cript : sill, folio ; dated .lune, 1878. NoTK.— Akins' Historical I'rizc K«ay of ISOO. Loss of " Spii'rowdlawk " in 1()26 : discovery of the wreck. Anon. liaiiijili. lidst., 180.") (Ini])erfect). Lonet ((rc(irgfs). Ueciieil de I'lusjcurs Ari'ests \ot;d)l(>s dil I'arlemeut de Paris, avec un grand noiiii)re d'Arrcts et de notaliles Dicisioiis. re(aieillis par Julien Ih'iMleau. Nouv. ed. v. 1. Paris, 1712. Louis XIV., Histoire de [!]. (Mnch )unt dated.) v. 1. n. t. Lowe (Robert). Oeiieral View of Agriculture (if County of Xotting- hain. Lond., 1798. Lowinan (.Moses). Di.s.sertation on Civil ( n,,v.'rnnieiit of H(!l)rew.s ; willi Appendix 2nd ed. Lond.. 1740. Paraphrase and Xntes on Revelation of .St. dohii. 2iid eil. Lend., 1745. Rational of Ritual of Hebrew Worshi]) . . . vindicated. Lond., 1748. 160 1,0 WTH. AUTHORS. LUCIAN. Lowth (Koliort). ])e Sucru Poesi Hebrjeoruin ; nocon Joaiinis Davidis Micliaeliis note et t'liiinctra. 2 v. Oxonii, 1810. Isiali : New Translation with Preliminary Dissertation and Notes, critical, i)liilolo^'ical and explanatory. New ed. 2 v. Glasgow, 1822. Lowtll (William). Commentary upon tlio Larger and Lesser Prophets. Jifinr/ a contitiiiation of IS. I'atrick'n Commentary, {q. v.). 4th ed. Lond., 1739. Loyalists' (Jeiit(!niiial Souvenir. (Published by the New Brunswick Historical Society.) St. John, N. 11, 1887. Lubiu (Milli.inl). KpistolrB Apollonii Tyanei, Anacharsidis, Euripidis, Thi'iiiuis, alioruimine ad eo.sdem ; nunc primum editae Graece simul ac Latinc per Kilhardum Luhinum. \ v. {bound with Arnobius^ " Dirtpittdtiom's "). Ek ojicina Comineliniana (of Heidelburg), IGOl. Epistolas IH[)pocratis, Democrati, Hcracliti, Diogenis, Cratetis, alionimque ad oosdcm ; nunc jn'imum editse Greece simul ac Latine per Eilhardun) Lul)inum. \ v. (bound ivith Aniobiiis' " Disjmt'.itiones"). Ex officina Commeliniana (of Heidellmrg), 1601. LllCailllS (Marcus Annanis). (Pharsalia) cum comnuMito. Venetiis, Ji. de Zanis, 1492. NoTK.— Folio, boiind in ureon vellum, with ducal arms on the covers. Pharsalia, translated into Enylish verse by N. Rowc. Lond., 1718. I'liarsalia, .sive I)e PcUo Civili lib. Ad editionem Cortii. (ilasgua-, 1751. Pharsalia ; cum Supplemento Tliomte Maii (Thomas May). Lond., 18—. Lucas (Paul). Voyage, fait en 1714, i^'c, dans la Tunjuie, I'Asie, Souric, Palestine, Haute et Egypte, i^'c. Noiiv. ed. V. 1 S: 2. Koueii, 1724. LlK'ian. Dialogi (sehcti, (Jr. <6 JmI.). Ed, Stock (V;. Dublinii, 1773. < >1 "iM ((t'r. <.)• iiW. Johannes Benedictus. 2 v. Sal- murii, /'. I'icdedius, 1619. NoTR. The first volunio contains the autograph of Thoiras Moore, the poet, dutud .September ^"th, 18U4, with the inscription " noii niovet icstimatione, sed e»t iiv>iiiiiavvii\'." It was presented by him on the occasion of his visit to the t'olleffe. Select Dialogues of L. ((ireek) ; to which is added a literal tran.s- lation in Latin with notes in English, by Edward Mur[ihy. luliu., 1814. Select Dialogues of L. (<» Croniwc'll. l''or the loyalist Kide of the iinestiori, read Lord Clavendon's History of the Kehellion, whicii has heeri descrilied us one of thiJ noblest historical works of the Knifhdi nation. Ludlow (Wiiliaiii). l\('|inrl of R. iniaissaucc of lijaek Hills of Kakola, made in \Xl\. Wash., IS?."). l\i'|iort of iu'connaissam'e from Carroll, Montana Territory, on Cpper Missouri, to Vellowsfoiie .National Park, and return, IS?;"). Wash., 1S7(). Ludovicus finninfi'iixi.f. Introdurtionis ad Syiidiolum Fiilei, e'jni- jiendium, 4 liiiris compreheiisum. Liij^iluni, 1597. Luflu'l' (Martin). .Auserlesene erhauliche Kleine Schrifteii ; mit einer all^^'ineinen \'orrede ; aueh mit. hesonileren I']inleitunj^en von alleihand niit/lichen Matcrien voniials dargeleet von Johann -iacol) K'amhach. L'le ed. lierlin >»L' Halle, 1714. Colloijuia, oder Tisehredeii . . . /v/. In/ .Johannes Aiirifalier. Kraiickfurt am Mayii, I'dcr Sf/uni«'. v., I8r)i. Principles of (leology. 5th ed 4 v. Lond., 1837. Sr. et Lat. {Oratoren Attici, i\ 2 l)servati(ins on Conversion and .\postleslii|i of St. Raul, in letter to Cilbert West. Xew ed. Lond , 1799. Same. Loud., 1748 {see. HVs7, ii.). Same. \ v. Lond,, 1811, KyKoil (Lilward Ceorge Karle Lytton Ruhver-Lytton, Baron).,-— m'' liulwer. Harold, the La.^t of the Saxon Kings. Lond., n. d. Last of the Rarons. Lond., n. d. 163 f 1 \ \ '^- !l ■«'. . I,' t Ill' : •=' r Sf'-:fi n i 1] rt-c. 1 F ' : ' ! r r% I: tf P ^''^^ « ,. 1; :' % f wm' la Itiil I iff * ' '■ 'r ■i' ' *■■' LYTTON. AUTirORS. MACDONAI.D. Ly'itoj — Contiiineil. Lcist Days of Pompeii. Loiul., n. iecps) Amsterdam, Henry Deshordes, 1696. Works. Tr. from the Italian. Loud., 1695. Mackenzie {Sir Alexander). Voyages from Montreal, on River St. Laurence, through Continent of North Auuu'ica, 1789-93 ; with Accoinit of Eur Tra(h'. Lond., 1801. Mackenzie (.S//- (k'orge). Works. 2 V. Edin., 1716. NoTR —Neither the author's romance of Aretiiia nor his tract on the Discovery of the Kanatic Plot, no contained in this edit on. Mackenzie (ii'oderick). sketch of War with Tippoo Sultaun ; or, Detail of Military Operations from Dec. 1789 until b'eh. 1792. 2 V. Calcutta, 'l 793-99, Mackintosh (.S7r James), Histoi'y uf England {Lurdners Cabinet Cyrf.ipfrdid.) v. 1. I.oimI , 1830. .sv^> (if.v) Stewarf ( I ). ). Mackni^ht (James). Hariaouy of the Four Gospel.s ; with Para- ])]jrase and Notes, 2 v, Lond., 17o(), MttCl/inrin (("dlin). Treatise on Algebra, otli ed. Lond,, 1788. McLean /HiiU>v). liKpiiry into Nature ami of (ireat Mortality among 'noojis at St, Domingo, with remarks on Fever of that Island, L.)• Practical Arithmetic, pre]>ai'ed to accompany the mathematical .series of Fienjamin Oreenle.if. IJoslon, i870. Magnall (.l/m Richmal). Historical and .Miscellaneous (Questions. n. t. 166 i 1' I' MAONUM. AUTHORS. MALTIIUS. Mfij^'iiuni Rotulum Sriu'ciirii, vcl Mii^'imin Rotiilum Pi'ilt do anno triccsiiiio-piimo Kcgiii Ilciiiici I. (liccord (Jummixsiun, Entjhmd.) Ed. Jos('.[>li Iliiiitiii". L md., 1^33. Mall'lffy (-riilui Pciitliiiiil). Kiuiiblcs and Stiulitjs in (hvcco. 2nd cd. Lund., 1S78. Social Lil'tj in (Irooco, fioiu IlDnicr to Menander. 5tli ed. Lond., 1883. Msiiinboiir}? (Louis). History of Ariani.sin ; with introductory dis- courses, (Vc, ])y William Wolistcr. 2 v. Lond., 1728-29. History of the Lea^'uc. Tr. liy .lohn Dryden. Lond., 1084. Trait(' Historiiiue dc I'Etalilisscnicnt ct dcs PnTogativos de do Rome ct ile .scs Kvus([U(!S. Kd. 2. Paris, 1685. Mnir (Cliarlos). Tccumsch : a Drama. Toronto, 18SG. Mair (-lohn). Introduction to Latin Syntax ; to which is .suhjoined an K|iitome of Ancient History. IGth ed. Kdin., 1813. Milistre (Xavier de). (Kuvres c.hoi.sies {Le Lrpreux de la citi> d' Aoste, Les PriHonniers dii Cmicasi; La jeune Sihi'rienne, Voyage autmir de ma Chainhre, Le Papillon). Nouv. ed. Paris, 1S72. (Kuvres (Jomplctcs ; ]>r('ci'd('e d'une \otii'(> sur I'Auteur par M. Saintc-lJeuve. >i'ouv. ed. Paris, n. d. Militlnnd (Charles). Church in the Cata<'om]is : Description of I'rimitive Church of Rome, illustrated hy its Sepulchral Remains. l.ond.. 184G. Saine. 2nd ed. Lond., 1847. Mains (T). See May (T.). Malcolm f'''^'"" -lolui). History of Persia to jjrescnt time. 2 v, Lond., 181."). Malehniliclie (Nii-ilas de). De Impiirenda Veritate lib. (JenevfC, 108.'). Malillfrre (Clamle, Sicar de St. Lazare). HistoiM> Kcunainc . . . depui.s Constantin Ir (Irand jusijues a Ferdinauil Hi. 2 v. Paris, ir)30. Mutilated. NoTK —This work is a coiitiiiiiatioii of tlie " llistoire Komaiiio" of N. Cocffeteau ('/• >■'■)■ Malory (-*^''V Thomas). Kiii^i,' Arthur and the (,)uest of tin? Holy Crail (frian the '' MorteU'Art/tur"). Kd. hy Krnest ' Khys. Lond., 188(1. Mallby (Ivhvard) (Jrcek Cradus, (U' Poetical Lexicon of (h'eok i-anguage ; with Latin and Knglisli Translation.s, vV'c. Lond, 1830 See also MorcU's Lexicon. MaltllllS (Thomas Rnliert). Kssay on Principle of Popuhition. Hth eil. 3 V. Lond., 1817. 167 I'M ? ij r' '»f 5 [ i \ ^. IMAGE EVALUAT;0N TEST TARGET (MT-3) .v:.^^* 1.0 I.I ISO "'* "■■ 122 112 2.0 L25 il.4 III :.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. U980 (716) 872-4503 r o z. '^ MANDL. AUTHORS. MANUSCftlPT. ill If I Mandl (L.)- Traits Pratique du Microscope. Paris, 1839. Mangin (Abb/i dc, Archijrri'tre dn Basniyni). Aniionces Doniinicales ; oil Modeles d'liistrnctions sur les Evangilef de tons ]os Dimanches de rAnnec. (Suite de I'lntroduction an Saint Ministere, .). and Rome. 4th ed. Loud., 1851. Course of Lectures, containing Description and Systematic Arrangement of the Several Branches of Divinitv. 2 v. in 1. Cambridge, 1809-16. Horse Pelasgicse, part 1 {^7id jxirt not published [?]), containing In([uiry into Oiigin and Language of Ancient Greece . . . Cambridge, 1815. Marsh (Otliniel Charles). Odontornithes ; a Monograph on Extinct Toothed llirds of North America. {U. !S. Geoloyical Explora- tion of J^Oth Parallel, v. 7.) Wash., 1880. Marshall (William). IMinutes, P^xjieriments, Observations, and General Remarks on Agriculture in tire Southern Counties ; to which is j)refixed a Sketch of Vale of London, and Outline of its Rural Economy. 2 v. Lond., 1799. Planting and Rural Ornament ; being a second edition with additions of Planting and Ornamental Gardening. 2 v. Loud., 1796. Review of " The Ltmdscape, a didactic poem " (by R. P. Knight); also of "An Essay on the Picturescpie " ; tf)gether with Remarks on Rural Ornament. By the author of " Planting and (Jrnamental Gardening.'' Lond, 1795. Rural Economy of Glocestershire ; together with Dairy Manage- ment o* North Wiltshire, and Management of Orchards and Fruit Liquoi' in Herefordshire. 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1796. Rural Economy of the Midland Counties ; including Management of live-stdfk in Leicestershire and its environs. 2nd ed. 2 V. Lond, 1796. Rural Economy of Norfolk. 2nd ed. Rural L' V. Lond., 1795. Economy of the Southern Counties, comprising Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Isle of Wight, chalk hills of Wiltshire, Hami)shire, iV'c. 2 v. Lond., 1798. Rural Economy of West of England: including Devonshire and parts of Somersetshir?, 1 )(ir,setshire and Cornwall. 2 v. Lond., 1796 Rural Economy of Yorkshire. 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1796. Marshall! {Sir Joim). Diatriba Chronologia. {Contains Marsham's autoijrajih.) Lond., 1649. Martialis (Marcus Valerius). Epigrammaton lib. Lugduni, Seb. (iri/jihins, 1 546. Epigrammafca. Lond., 1716. Sa7ne. 2 v. VindobonsB, 1804. 170 MARTIN. AUTHORS. MATHEMATICAL. Martin (Roliert Montgomery). Hif»- Peter), tice. Vemiigli. Maseres (Frauds'). Princi|iles of Doctrine of liife- Annuities. Lond., 17«;}. .Scriptore? Logarithmici ; or Collection of Tracts (by various writers) on Nature and Construction of Logarithms. 4 V. Lond., 1791-lSOl. ami others. Tracts on Kesolution of Affected Algebraick Equetions by iJr. E. lialley's, Mr. Kaphson's and Sir Isaac Newton's Methods of Approximation. Lond., 1800. See also Meilhail (S. de). Mason (C. P.). Englisli Grammar, including Principles of Grammati- cal Analysis. "2 1st ed, Toronto, 1877. Same. 23rd ed. Toronto, 1877. Mason (John). iSelf-KnowIedge : Treatise showing tlie Nature and ISenetit of tliat Important Science and the way to attain it. 5th ed. Lond., 1755. Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections. First Series, v. 1 (for \l*d'l) to V. 10 ; Second Si'ries, v. 2 iV' 3. (Some of these are reprhits.) Vl v. in 7. P)Ost., v. d. Massachusetts Societv for Promoting Agriculture. (Papers on Agricul- ture.) lL>'pamph. in 2 V. P.ost, 1793-1810. MaSSillon (Jean P>aptiste, JJishoj) of C'ermont). Conferences et I)is- cours Synodanx sur les Principaux Oevoirs des Ecclesiastiques. (Mufi/afed.) V. 2. Paris, 1752. Sermons sur Divers Sujects de Morals. Anoti. v. 2. P)ruxelle, 170G. 9IaSS0n (Charles F. P.) ? Secret Memoirs of Court of Petersburg, particularly towards end (jf reign of Catherine II, and com- mencement of that of Paul I. Tr. from French, by W. Tooke. 2nd ed. Lond., 1801. (Mathematical matiiiscrijd in Latin and English). Quarto volume, bearing on the tirst leaf the signature '• D. Owen, Triiin. Coll., A. D. 1775 ■' — probably that of the winter. Mathematical Monthly, v. 1. Ed. by ,Iohn D. Kunkle. Cambridge, 1859. 171 i ^m 1 Hi i:B mI ' ffi^ '"'' ' iK B : f Hi ^Mi MATHEHON. AUTHORS. MAURICE Matheson (Ewinfj). Works in Iron ; Bridge and Roof Structures. Loud., 1873. Matllias (Tliomas James). Pursuits of Literature ; a Satirical Poem. Anon. 6th ed. Lend., 1T98. Same. 11th ed. Lond., 1801. Matthews (-lohn). Voyage to River Sierra-Leone, on Coast of Africa, and residence in that country in 1785-87 ; with Letter ou African Slave Trade. Lond., 1788. Matthias (Augustus). Copious Greek Grammar. Tr. from German, by Edward V. BIomKeld. 2 v. Cambridge, 1820. Greek Grammar for use of Scliools, abridged from Greek Gram- mar of M., by Charles James Blomtield. 3rd ed. Lond., 1830. Matthisson (Frederick). Letters from Various Parts of the Continent, 1785-94. Tr. by Anne Plumtre. Lond., 1799. Maturin (Edmund). Claims of the Catholic Church : a letter to parishioners of St. Paul'.s, Halifax, N. S. ^ v. Halifax, 1859. • Note.— For reply, see Gray (t. W. D.). Defence of Claims of Catholic Church, in Reply to several recent Publications. , ^ v. {bound with the author's " Claims of the Catholic Church "). Halifax, 1859. Thoughts on the Infallibility of the Church, with especial refer- ence to Creed of Pope Pius IV. Pamph. Halifax, 1861. Maiindrell (Henry) Journev from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at Easter, 1697. 5th ed. Ox^ford, 1732. Maurice (Frederick Denison). Old Testament : 19 Sermons. Lond., 1851. Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament : a Series of Sermons. Cambri.lge, 1853. Tiicological Essays. Cambridge, 1853. What is Revelation : Series of Sermons on Epiphany ; to which are added Letters on Bam[)ton Lcictures of Mansel, Cambridge, 1859. Maurice (Henry). Defence of Dioc^esan Episcopacy, in Answer to a |{ook by David Clarkson, entituled (sic) Primitive Episcopacy, 2nd ed.' Lond., 1700. Maurice (Thomas), Dissertation on Oriental Trinities extracted from 4th and 5th vohinies of (the author's) Indian Antiquities, Lond., 1800. Modern lli.-tory of Hindostan, comiircheiiding that of the Greek Empire of Hactria, and otluM- Asiatic Kingdoms on its Western Frontier ; commeMciMg at period rigade. Anon. N. Y., 18C0. Memoirc Justiticatif de la Conduite de la Grande Bretagne, en arretant les Xavires Estranges et les Munitions de (ruerre, de.stinees aux Insurgens de rAmcrique. Ano)!,. Puniph Lond, 1801. Memoires sur le Canada, depuis 1741) jus(|u'a 1700. P>ihlii's sous la dircetlon (hi la Hocirtp Littirdirc et Uisforique de Qii.rhec. (,)uel)ec, 183S. Memoires Cln'onologir|ues et 1 )ogmatinue.s pour servir a I'Histoire E('clesiasti(|ue depuis 1()00 jusciu'en 171(5, avec reflexions et des remanpies criti(iues. Avon.. 4 v. n. p., 1723 {published icithout the ^' J'rivi/e(/e dtc Roy"). Memoires de Due de P>er\vick. v. 1. La Have, 1737. Memoires de Mr. L. C. D. R., contenant ce (^ui s'est de plus particulier sous le Ministere du Cardinal de Richelieu, et du Cardinal Mazarin . . . Ith ed. La Haye, 1G91. Memoire.s secrets. v, 2. n. t., old. ^lemoirs of Admiral Sir .Sidney Smith. Anon. Lond., 1839. Memoirs of House of IJrandenburg, to death of Frederick I ; with Two iJissertations on Superstition, Religion, *V:e. By "the Hand of a Master." Lond., 17r)l. Memoirs of Life of His (Irace Philip, late Duke of Wharton. By an Impartial Hand. Lond., 1731. Memorial of Alexander Lyman Holley. {Piddishedhy Am. Institute of Miuiuf/ Kiujlneers ) N. V., 1884. Memorial of John Hcuuy Hojikin.s, Bishop of Vermont. Anon. N. Y., 18()8. Memorial of Jo.-^eph Henry. Anon. ^Vash., 1880. Memorial of Scuni-Centennial Celeltration of Founding of Theological Seminary at Andover. Andover, 18.")9. MenelailS. Splui;ricorum. Ed. E. Halley. Pra^fationem addidit (j. Costard. Oxoiui, 1758. Menestrier (Claude Francois). Xouvelle Methode Rai.soiuice du Blason. Lyon, 1C96. 174 MENGHUS. AUTHORS. MEYERN. MenghllS Faventhm. In Pi'.nli Vciioti logicain conimontum. Venetiis, Atitonuis de Strata cle Cremona d; Marcus Catanelhts, Nov., 1480. NoTK.— Blaok-lctter, two columnB on a page ; without catchwords or pagination. From Duke of Sussex's library. Menochius (Joannca St('])hanus or Cliovanni Stefano). Conimoiitarii totius S. Scripturae. v. 1 (Geiifisin to Ecdeniattticitu). Lug- duiii, 1703. Mercy (lUanch). Sliort Introduction to English Grammar. v. 1. Lend., 1799. MerOZ ( dc, Prevdt rfe VlJi/h'sp. Cathfdrale (VAlais). Lcs Kntre- tiens d'Arqiu'i! ct do Ntioterc, sur Divers Sujets qui regardent la Religion. Ed. 2. v. 1. Lyon, 1711. ' Merilliee (Prosper). Colomba. p:d. by C. H. Parry. Lond., 1887. Merivale (Charles). General History of Rome, to A. D. 476. New ed. Lond., 1886. Merle d'Allbigne (Jean Henri). History of Reformation of 16th Century {in lii'rmanij, Switzerland, Sfc.) Tr. by H. White. 5 v. Lond., 11. d. Same. White. Ty v. in 1. N. Y., 1854. Wliite. V. 3. Glasgow, 1847. Tr. by David Duiulas Seutt. 2 v. Glasgow, 184."), Anonymous tr. •1 v. Lond., 1840. Same. Same Same. Merrick (dailies). Destruetion of Troy, translated from Greek of Try|ilii(id(irus. Oxford, n. d. Merrill (William K.). Iron Truss Bridges for Railroads. 3rd ed. N. Y., 1875. Merryweatlier (F. Somner). Bililiomania in the Middle Ages, from Anglo Saxon and Xornian Periods to introduction of printing into England. Lond., 1849. Mernla Aiej-andrinvK (Cieorgius). In librum de Homie Galeoti Xar niensis Opus; In Sajjphus Epistolam Interpretatio, etc. Yenetius, 1471 (.^r^- imfe). NoTK.— Snmll fiuarto, with Hit'iiatures, 73 unnmiibercil leaves, 28 .iiid 20 linos on a paso, Roman type Kn'ls " I'ati-. Vriftiis. KnV. .Maitiix. W. CCCC. LXXI." which is (lonlitlts- the ilate of piil)lication, Imt which mav pousihly be that attixed by the author tn his nmnnsrript upon its conip'etion : I he same fi<.'iires will lie found on the 6tli leaf l)efi)re the last. If it is an ordinary cvlnjiliuii, the hook is one of the earliest spociiuens of iirintiti^' with a date. Meteorological Service of Canada. Report for 1872, 1874-87. 15 pampli. Ottawa, v. d. ^Ictliode pour etudier la Geograpliie. Avon. v. 1, 3-4. Paris, 1716. Methodist religion, a number of pamplilets relating to, by various authors. Bound in 1 v. ^Methodus Confessionis, ulii peccata et eorum romedia ])leiiissime conti- nentur. A v. I'aiisii.s, pi'frr (j(nir ISlut-lh'iiiitigam . . . Passions- Betrachtuiigen. Bre.sslau i\j Leipzig, 1746. 175 si' 1 •' li [ 1 1 *•, ^ ■ ' * J !■ I MEZBRAT. AUTHOKS. MIM.HOUHE. Mezeray (Fninrois Kudcs dc). Al)l»ii'f,'('' C'lir(iiioloj^i(juf ou Kxtraict (le rilistoire de Franco. v. l-'J, 5-0, 8. I'iiri.s, 1676. Geuoral Clirnnolojfical History of France, licj,'iiininf,' licforo Kcij,'n of Kin<^ I'liaraniond, and ending witii Kcign uf Henry IV. Tr. by John Hulteel. Lond., 16M3. Michaelis (Johann David). In Roli"rti Lowtli I'rielectinnes do Sacra Poesi Hobraeornin Xotfc et Epinietra. Oxonii, 1763. 2 V. Pari.'* it 4 v., with Atlas. MichaUX (Andre). Flora lioroali-Aniericana . Argentorati, 180.3. Mieliigan (Geological Survey : Upix'r ['(Miinsuht ^'. Y., 1873-81. Mickle (William Julius). Lusiad, or Discovery of India, an ojiie poem by L. do CauKji'ns, tran.slated (into English verse). 2nd ed. Oxford, 1778. Same. 3rd ed. 2 v. Loud., 1798. MiddletOIl (Convevs, D. 1).). Life of Marcus Tulliu.s Cicero. 3 v. I.ond., 1810. Middletou (John). View of Agriculture of Middlesex. Lond., 1798. Middletoil (Thor.ias Fanshaw, I). I).). Doctrine of frreek Article, a])pli(;d to Criticism and Illustration of New Testament. Ed. by II. J. Rose. New e.l. Lond., 1805. Miege (Cuiy?) (vk) Boyer (A.?). Crrammaire Angloise-Francoisc, Eavid). Riiport on Boundaries of Ontario. Toronto, 1873. Milllltlll (Henry Hart). History of Christianity, to abolition of Pai^unism in Konian Empire. 3 v. Lond., 1840. Milne (James). Sectionum Conicarum Flementa nova methodo denionstrata. Oxonia?, 1702. Milne (John .1.) nml Davis (R. F.). Geometrical Conies : part 1, the Parabola. Lond., 1890. Milner (Jolm). End of Religious Controversy, in a Friendly Corres- ])ondence betwcsen a Religious Society of Protestants and a Roman Catholic Divine. N. Y., 1844. NoTB.— For refutation of this work, see IlopkloH (J. H.)' Milner (Joseph). History of Church of Clirist {to IGth century). Ed. Isaac Milner. 5 v. Lond., 1816. Sii})if. 5 V. Lond., 1824. NoTR.— For cuntinuation of this history, ice Stebbing (H.). Practical Sermons ; with Life by Isaac Milner. 5th ed. v. 1. Lond., 1814. Milton (John). Comus. Ed. with notes by W. Bell. Lond., 1890. Eikonoklastes, in answer to book intituled Eikon Dasilike. Amsterdam, 1690. L' Allegro, H Penseroso, Arcades, Lycidas, Sonnets, etc. with notes by W. Bell. Lond., 1889. Paradis Reconquis, avoc quelques autres pieces de Poesies. de I'Angloi.^. Paris.. 1730. NoTK.— A proBC translation. Paradi.'^e Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. Milton. Lond., S. SimmnuK, 1668. Ed. Tr. The author John NoTK. — This is the eilitio-princcpii of 1667, with a, new title-pace and date. "■ " ■ ■ • the The second t'ditioridid not appear until 1674. On the pa)fc bearing the siKnature A 2(l8t) is the following ;— " The Printer to the Header. Courteous Reailer. There was no Argument at first intended to the Book, but for the satisfaction of many that have desired it, I have procur'd it, ond withill a reason of that which stumbled many others, why the Poem Rimes not. S. Simmonii." Paradise Lost. Ed. by Thomas Xewton. 2 v. Lond., 1749. Same. Books 1 ife 2. Ed. with notes by M. Macmillan. Lond., 1887. Poetical Works, with Life by Wm. Ilayley. Illustrations by R. Westal. V. 1 & 2 {folio). Lond., 1794-5. NoTB.— Boydell's cditum-de-hixe. By some, it is considered to be the finest pro- duction of Bulmer's press. Unfortunately the third volume is missing from the p'esent set. Poetical AVorks. Life by Johnson and Critique by Addison. V. 1. Lond., 1796. Samson Agonistes. Ed. with notes by H. M. Percival. Lond., 1890. Works (prose). No place of publication, but possibly Lond., 1697. See also English Reprints, v. 1. 11 ^1 V k Si ' t I'., ■5 ^tt^»fi^ •»» 177 r^pr-^ \i V* MILTON. AUTHORS. MODERN. ^ir 1 1!.,* Milton (Williiim, Viiicoant). History of Sin Juan AViitcr Houncliiry (Question, as affcctiiif,' tlivision of Territory l)ot\voeii Great liritain ami United States. Lond., 1869. Minor (Melcliior Oottlieb). Heilige Betrachtiin;,'en iiber die Lcidena- goscliiehte Jesu ... A v. Hrcsshui Sc Leipzig,', IT.")?. Mincllin (Cleor^e M.). Treatise on Statics. Lond., 1877. 3Iineral Resources of Ontario : Report of Royal Connnission. Toronto, 1890. Mineral Statistics of Victoria, Australia, for 1874. Pamph. Mel- bourne, 1870 (?). Minos Department, Xova Scotia. Rej.orts for 1862-64, 1866-69, 1871- 85, 18"?, 1889-91. {Ah<> in Jounmh of Houses of Amnnhhj, N. S.). 26 pampli, Halifax, 1891. Minslieu (Jolm). Kmendatio, vel a mendis Expurgatio, sou Augnien- tatio sui Ductoris in Linguas : The Cluido into Tongues [viz., English, Low Dutch, Ili(jh Dutch, French, Ifalian, Spanish, Latin, Crrr/,; Ilehirw, ^r.). 2nd ed. Loud., 1627. Minucins-Felix (Marcus), Octavius ; cum integris omnium Notis ac Commentariis, recensioiie .lacobi Ouzelii . . . accedit prneterea liber Julii Firmici ^lal 'rni de Krrore Profanarum Religioiuuii. {With old MS. luites.) Lugduni l>atavorum, 1652. Miracles of Jesus vindicated. Anon. 4tli ed. \ v. {bonnd with tracts arjainst Tlionias Woolston). Lond., 1732. ^Miscellanea Sacra, containing an Abstract of the Scripture-history of tlio Apostles, in a new method ; with four Critical Essays. [liy John Sh/ite, Lord Bar rim it on.) New ed. 3 v. Loiul, 1770. (Missal, in Liitin). A manuscrii'T of the 14th century, beautifully on- grossed on vellum and rubricated throughout ; 3^ x 4ij' ins. ; bound in wooden covers with leather back and brass clasps, From the Jesuits' College at Lovanium (Lou vain). Presenteil by T. B. Akins, I). C. L. Missale Romanum. Dublinii, 1833. Same. Mechlinia?, 1870. Missions-Blatt ; Herau.sgegeben von der Missions-Gesellschaft zu Barmen, fiir 1826, 1828-31, 1834-37. 9 v. Barmen, v. d. Mitcliell (J<:>hn). Manual of Practical Assaying. 4th ed. Ed. by William Crookes. Lond., 1873. Mitcliell (Tliomas). Index Grfecitatis Platonicse. 2 v. in 1. Oxonii, 1832. Mitford (William). Essay upon Harmony of Language. Lond., 1774. History of Greece, 5 v. Lond,, 1808-18. Modena (Leo). History of the Rites, Customcs {sic), and Maimer of Life of the Present Jews throughout the World. Tr. by Edmund Chilmead, from the Italian. Lond., 1650. Modern Scepticism : a Course of Lectures delivered at request of Christian Evidence Society (6y several authors) ; with explana- tory papers by C J. Ellicott. 6th ed. Lond., 1872. 178 ii ill,,!' ' ' '1':: Moim. AUTHORS. MOOHE. Mohr (Francis) and Redwood (T.). Practical Pharmacy : arrange- mcnta, apparatus, ami manipulations of pharmacoutical shcp and ]al)orat()ry. Lend., 1849. MolesWOrth ((luildford L.). Pockct-Book of Usnful FormuliB and Memoranda for Civil and Mechanical Engineers. 17th ed. Lond., 1871. Mollere ('lean liaptiste Pocjuelin). anipli. St.'s .VOIont., 1866-73. Murray (Hugh) Historical and Descriptive Account of Ih-itish -America . . . with Nature 1 Historv bv J. Wilson, R. K. Creville, and T. S. Traill. 3 v. Edin., 1839. Murray (Jolin). EIemei't>' of Chemistry, 2 v. Edin., i810. MuSrt'US (irammntinis. Opu.scuhnn de Amoribus Leandri et Herns, Guilielmo de Mara ])araiihraste ; .1. Vatelli conimentarii.s enarratuni. \ v. {honiid ivitlt /h'itanuus, ^* Oraiione,',"). Parisii,s, Ch. Wechel, ]r)3X. 181 UrM. r';;r!i(.j|: ¥i jk mr MUSiEUS. AUTHORS. NEALK. ii t i' i 1 ^ k i I *l;if MusaBUS (Joliann Carl August). Melechsala, literally translated from the German, by W. S. M. E. LoiuL, 1848. NoTR.— The fly-leaf contains a certified pencil autograph of George Cru'lishank, the artist. MuSgrave {Sir Richard). Memoirs of dilferent Rebellions in Irclai 1, from Arrival of English, with particular detail of that of Miy, 1798. Dublin,. 1801. NoTK.— Lowndes speaks of it as a party work, aboundins in misrepresnntations. Mnsset (Louis Charles Alfred de). Comedies et Proverbes. 2 v. in 1. Paris, 1867. ^li'-langes de Littorature ct de Critique. Paris, 1807. Mynsillger a Fniiuleck (Joachim). Apotolesma, sive Corpus ler- fectum 8ch()liorum ad (piatuor libros Institutionuni Juris Civilis . . . l^asileiP, A^ Epificopins, l.'JaO. Naismitll (John). General View of Agriculture; of County of Clvdes- dale. Glasgow, 1798. Nail (G. 11.) Easv Exercises on " First Greek >Svntax " of W. Gunion Rutherford. Loud., 1892. NalSOn (John). Common Interest of King and People ; showing tlie Original Anti(piity and Excellency of Monarchy, comj)ared with Aristocracy and ] )emocracy . . . Lond., 1G77. Names and Situations of Constellations, with names of principal stars, as laid down on Gary's celestial globes. Anon. Pamph. Lond., lS2r). Napoleon L. Fiic-Siiuiles of all the different Signatures of. Loiul., 1875. Napoleon III. Address presented by City of London to Napoleon III, 1855, with His Majesty's reply thereto. {Facsimile of reply.) n. p., n. d. Ki.stoire de Jules Cesar. v. 1. Paris, 18G5. NareS (Edward). Discourses on the Three Creeds, and on the Homage offered to our Saviour on certain occasions. Lond., 1819. Remarks on Version of New Testament edited by Unitarians ; with Appeal on some of the Doctrines of the Bible. 2iul ed. Lond., 1814. Nares (Robert). Discourses preached before the Honourable Society of Lincoln's-Inn. Lond., 1794. Veracity of the Evangelists demonstrated by a Comparative View of their Histories. Lor.d., 1816. Nailllton {Sir Robert). See English Re[)rints, v. 9. Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris, for 1823, 1825, 1834- 41, 1843-40, 1849-52, 1854-55, 1857-58, 1865. Lond., v. d. Neale (John Mason). History of Holy Eastern Church ; with (lenenl Introduction. 4 v. Lond., 1847-50. Liturgies of S. jNIark, S. James, S. Clement, S. Chrysostom, and the Church of Malabar, translated with Introduction ami Appendices. Lond., 1859. 182 NEALB. AUTHORS. Neale — Continued. Totralogia Liturgica : sivo S. Clirysostome, S. Jacobi, S. Marci Divinse Missfe : ciuibus accedit Onlo ^fozarabicus, Rcceu- suit, pavallelo online digessit, notasque addidit. Lond., 1849. Neale (John I'reston). VioM's of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentle- men in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, {Numerous fine enqraviiuii', with text hij Thomas Mmih.) 6 v. {1st series). Lond.,' 1818-23. Neander (Augustus). (Jreneral History of the Christian Religion and Church. Tr. from German by .1. Torrey. Xew ed., revised by A. J. W. :Morrison. 8 v. ' Lond., 1853. Neailder (Joachim). Kern alter und neuer, in 700 bestohender, Geistreicher Lieder . . . nebst Joachimi Xoandri Bundes- Liodern . . . \ v. {bou7idivith 2))iblication of A. Lobtvasser). ^larburg und Frankfurt, 1797. Necker (Jacques). On the French Revolution. From the French. 2 V. Lond., 1797. Reponse au Discours prononcu par M. do Calonne, a TAssemblee lies Notables. | v. {bound with other of Necker's fubli- cations). Lond., 1787. Same. Tr. into EiujUsh. \ v. Lond., 1787. Report to His Most Ciiristian ^lajesty in Council, announcing Important Changes in French Government. Tr. from the French. | v. {bound with other of Neeker's jmblica- tions). Lond., 1789. Speecli at Meeting of Assembly of Notables, held at Versailles, Nov. 6, 1788 ; to which is added the King's and Keeper's Speeche.s. \ v. Lond., 1788. NeilsOll (William). Greek Exercises in Syntax, Ellipsis, Dialects, Prosodv, and Metaphrasis ; to which is ] prefixed a Syntax. 4th ed." Edin., 1814. Nelson (Robert). Address to Persons of Quality and Estate {on ways and means of doing good, ictionary of Spanish and English Languages 1841. Neumann (Caspar). Chemical Works. Lond., n. d. Lond., Abridged, with additions by William Lewis. 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1773. New Brunswick Public Statutes, passed in 1854, together with those v. 'Z. Fredericton, imrepealed by the Revised Statutes 1854. New Brunswick Revised Statutes. v. 1. Fredericton, 1854. New York State Engineer and Surveyor. Annual Report on Railroads, for 1879. Albany, 1880. New York State Library Trustees. Annual Report (61st) for 1878. Albany, 1^79. " New York State Museum of Natm-al History. 27th-31st Annual Re])orts. 4 panipli. Albany, 1875-79. New York St.itH Universiiv Regents. Annual Report, 88th-92nd. 5 V. All)any, 1875-79. NeWCOnib (Siiimn). S(;(nilar Variations and ^Mutual Relations of Orltits of A.^teroids. Panipb. Cambridge, 1860. NewCOnie (Peter). History of the Al)bey of St. All)an, in Hertford, 79;M5.S9, witli Life of each Al)bot. Lond., 1793 Newlands (-b'hn A. R) Discovery of the Periodic Law, and on Relations among tbe Atomic Weiglits. Lond., 1884. Newman (.lolm Henry, Curdimd). Arians of tlic Fourth Century, tlieir l)(i('trin(>. Temper, and Conduct, chieily as exbibiteil in tbe .■ouncil.s of tbe Church between A. D. 325 and A. D. 381, Lond., 1833. Es.say in aiil of a (Irammar of As.sent. 5rd ed. Lond., 1870. 184 NEWMAN. AUTHORS. NICHOLSON. Newman — Continued. Lectures on Justification. Lond., 1838. Lectures on Prophetical Office of the Church, viewed relatively to Romanism and Popular Protestantism. 2nd ed. Loud., 1838. Parochial Sermons. 2nd ed. v. 2-4. Lond., 1836. Newman (William). Complete Conveyancer, or Theory and Practice of Conveyancing. New ed. v. 1. Lond., 17 — . Newth (Samuel). Jllements of Mechanics, including Hydrostatics. 5th ed Lond., 1871. First Book of Natural Philosophy : an introduction to study of statics, dynamics, hydrostatics, optics, and acoustics. 27th ed. Lond., 1876. Newton {Sir Isaac). Exceri)ta ex Isaaci Newtoni Principiis Naturalis Philosophiae. Ed. Thomse Le Seur et Francisci Jacqaier. Oxonii, 1831. Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy : book first. Tr. with Commentary by Robert Thorp. 2nd ed. Lond., 1802. Opera qure exstant Omnia {English & Latin). Ed. Samuel Horsley. 5 v. Lond., 1779-85. Philosojihife Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Ed. 3. Lond., 1726. Same. Ed. T. Le tSeur & F. Jacquier. 3 v. Genevse, 1739. Principia, first three sections ; with notes by John Carr. Lond., 1821. Principia ; with Notes, &c., by J. M. F. Wright. Cambridge, 1830. Principia, first three sections, with an apjiendix, and the 9th and 11th sections. Ed. by John H. Evans. 3rd ed Cam- bridge, 1843. Newton (7?et'. John). Works. Edin., 1828. Newton (Thomas, D. D.). Dissertations on the Prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in the world. 9th ed Same. llthed. 2 Works, with some Account of his Life, and Anecdotes of several of his Friends, written by himself. 2nd ed. 6 v. Loud.. 17S7. Nlchol (J.) and M'Comiick (W. S.). Questions and Exercises on English Composition. Lond., 1890. Nieliolas ((leorge). Easv Introduction to Latin Orainmar. Lond., 179.1 Nicholson (Henry Alleyne). Report ui)on Pala3ontology of Ontario. 2 v. in 1. Toronto, 1874-75. Seeaho White (C. A.). 185 ">■ v. Lond., 1793. V. Lond., 1811. rU 11 A\ \ \. NICHOLSON. AUTHORS. NOBLE. S-J( 'ill i M « > Nicholson (William). Dictionary of Chemistry. 2 v. Loiul, 1795. First Principles of Chemistry. 2nd ed. Lend., 1792. Nicolas ('S'ic Harris). Chronology of History, containing Tables> Calculations and Statements for use in ascertaining the dates of Historical Events. 2nd ed. Lond., 1838. Nicolaus Damascenus. ^Eliani Varia Historia . . . et Xicolai Daniasceni quse sitpersunt. Lipsiae, 1829. Nicole (Pierre). Essais de ^lorale (avec Continuation). Nouv. ed. V. 1, 4-9 {v. Jf. hclonrjimf to Jfth ed., Paris, 1U87). Paris, 1701-10. Instructions Theologiques et ^Morales sur jiremier coinniandement du Decalogue, on il est Traite de la Foy, de I'Esperance, et de la Charite. 2 v. Paris, 1723. " Instructions Tlieologiciues et Morales sur les Sacremens. Kouv. ed. 2 V. Paris, 1719. Instructions Theologiques et Morales sur le Symbole. 2 v. Pari.s, 1716. ' Nicolle {R- P- Vincent). Syno])sis Variarum Resolutionum in Histo- riani Sacram Veteris ot Novi Testamenti . . . Duaci, 1725. NicolSOll (William). Apology for Discipline of Ancient Church ; intended especially > for that of our Mother, the Church of England. Lond.,' 1659. English Historical Library ; or Short View and Character of most Writers extant, in print or manuscript, which may be serviceable to Undertakers of a General History of this Kingdom. Part 1. Loud., n. d. {probably the 1st ed., 1696.) Nider (Jolunin). T(ra)ctat(us) de Morali Lepra. n. p., n. d. NoTB.— Folio, Gothio-letter, 31 lines on a page, with MS. rubricitions. Commences thus on the recto of the first leaf, " Incipit t(ra)etat(us) de morali lepra fratris Johanis nider . . ." It is supposed that It was printed at jVttremhur;/ by Anthony Koherger in lli71. Niebulir (Barthold Georg). and C. Thirlwall. History of Rome. Tr. by J. C. Hare V. 1. Cambridge, 1828. Niebulir (Carsten). Travels through Arabia, and other Countries in the East. Tr. by R. Heron. v. VA\\\., 1792. NoTK.— "This Eiijflish translation, besides omittin); the most valuiiblo and scienti- fic parts, is, in other respects, totally unworthy of the original." Biblioijraplier'n Manual of Kw/. Lit. Nikitin (Pasil) and SoiIVOl'Off (Prochor) Elements of Plane and Si)herical Trigonometry. Tr. from Russian, by the avichor.s. Lond., 1786(?). Noad (Henry M.). Course of Lectures on Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, and Electro-Magnetism. Lond., 1839. Noble (Mark). Piographical History of England, from the Revolution to end of George r.s Reign ; being Continuation of Rev. J. Granger's work {q. v.). 3 v. Lond., 1806. 186 NOBLE. AUTHORS. NOVA SCOTIA. Noble — Continued. Historical Genecilogy of Royal House of Stuarts, from Reign of Robert II to that of James VI. Loml., 1795. Memoirs of the Illustrious House of Medici, 1428-1737. Lond., 1797. Noehden (George Henry). Rabenhorst's Pocket Dictionary of Ger- man and English Languages. 2nd ed., rev. by H. E. Lloyd. Lond., 1822." and Stoddart (-lolm). Don Carlos translated from Schiller. Lond., 1798. Nolan (Frederick). Inquiry into Integrity of Greek Vulgate, or Received Text of New Testament. Lond., 1815. Nollet (Jean Antoine, Ahbr). Essai sur I'Electricite des Corps. Ed. 5. Paris, 1771. Xonarum In(i[uisitiones in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Edw. III. {Record Commission, Emjland.) Lond., 1807. NoTK. — " Inquisitions talten by the .assessors and venditors in twenty-seven cnnntics, pursuant to the third loniniisoion, dated January '2(i, 1341. to levy the ninth lamb, the ninth fleece, and the ninth uheaf, j^ranted to the King by Stat. 14 Ed. III." NoilIlllS. Dionysiaca {(Jr. ft Lat.) Petri Cunsei animadversionum liber, Danielis Heinsii dissertatio . . . et paraphrasi Josephi Scalingeri conjectanea . . . Hanovise, tyjns Wechelianis, 1610. Nordeil (John). Progress of Piety, whose jesses lead into the Harbour of Heavenly He.irt's Ease. Cambridge, Parker Soc, 1847. Norie (John William). Epitome of Practical Navigation. 6th ed. Lond., 1819. Norris (John). Christian Blessedness, or Discourses ujion the Beati- tudes of Our Saviour ; to which is added. Reflections uj)on an Essay concerning Human Understanding {Lock's). Lond., 1690. Northcote (A. Beauchamp) and ChUFCh (A. H.). Manual of (^.ualitative Analysis. Lond., 1858. North-Western Ontario, its Boundaries, Resources and Communications. I'amph. Toronto, 1879. Nosselt (Friedrich). Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Deutschen. 2te auflage. ■J V. I. eipsig, n. d. Notes on Building Construction, arranged to meet requirements of .sylla- bus of Science and Art Department, Council of Education, South Kensington. Anon. 2nd ed. (v. 1); 3id ed. (v. 2); 1st ed. (v. 3). 3 V. Lond, 1879-87. Notitia Editionum quoad Liljros Hebr., Gr., et Lat., quoa vel primarije, vel s!Bc. XV imj)ressa3, vel Aldinw, in Bibliotheca Bodleiana adservantur. Pamph. Oxonii, 1795. Nova Scotia Commissioners, International Exhibition, 1862. Report, i V. {backed " A^ora Hcotia in 1S62 "). Halifax, 1864. Nova Scotia Historical Society. Collections, vols. 3 & 7. Halifax. 187 NMisr'''^ ■», ■% * .v NOVA 8C0TIAN. AUTHORS. ODENHEIMER. Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, Halifax. Proceedings and Tran.sactions ; v. 2, pt. 1 ; 3, pts. 2-4 ; 4, pts. 1-2 ; 5, pts. 1-3 ; 6, pts. 1, 3-4 ; 7, pts. 1, 3-4. Second Series (N. S. Institute of Science), v. 1, pt. I +. 16 v. Halifax, 1864-91. Nova Scotian Literary and Scientific Society, 1859. Painph. Halifax, 1859. Nova Scotian Revised Statutes. 1st to 4th Series. 5 v. {Ist series bound in 2 pts.). Halifax, 1851-73. Nova Scotian Statutes, 1758-1879. Bound in 9 v., with 4 pamph- Halifax, v. d. Nowell (Alexander). Catechism, Latin and English. Cambridge, Parker Soc, 1853. Catechismus, sive Prima Institutio Discii)linaque Pietatis Chris- tiansB Latine explicata. (English Preface by W. Jacob- son.) Oxonii, 1835. Nugent (Thomas). New Method of learning the Latin Tongue ; with Treatise on Latin Poetry, translated from the French of the Messieurs de Port Royal, and improved. New ed. 2 v. Lond., 1803. Pocket Dictionary of French and English Languages. 14th ed., rev. by J. Ouis,eau. Lond., 1816. See also Lancelot's (C.) Method of Learning Greek. Niitzlicher und lustiger Historien. {Caption.) n. t., subsequent to 1687. Oakeley (Frederick). Sermons. Oxford, 1839. O'Beirne (Thomas Lewis). Sermons ; to which are added Three Charges and an Address on the State of Ireland in 1797. Lond., 1799. O'Brien (Archbishop Cornelius). Philosophy of the Bible vindicated. Charlottetown, P. E. I., 1876. O'Brien (James Thomas, Z>. A). Charge to Clergy of Dioceses of Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin, 1842. 2nd e(l. Lond, 1843. Observations sur les Ecrits Modernes. Aiion. v. 17 iV: 18, in 1 v. Paris, 1739. Observations of the International I'olar Ex])editions, 1882-83 : Fort Kae (on the Great iSLye Lake, Canada). Lond., 1886. Observations on Tithes, by AVm. Hales ; with second editiftn of the Moderate Reformer, by a Friend to the ( 'hurch of Engliuul. \ V. (bound with Irish Pitrsnits of Literature.) LdhiI., 1794. Ochino (Harnardino), Wolseley ('S'u- Charles), and others. Cases of Polygamy, Concubinage, Adultery, Divorce, etc. Lond., 1732. Ockley (Simon). Introductio ad Linguas ( h'ientalcs. \ v. (bound irith Welchnian's ,iU Articn/i). Cantabiigiie, 1706. Octave des jMorts. (8 ser)n()ns.) n. t. Odenlieimer (William llcm'v). origin and Compilation of the Prayer Book. 4th ed". Phila,, 1859. 188 ODIORNE. AUTHORS. OLIVET. Odiorne (Thomas). Progress of Kctiiioinont : a Poem ; to wliieh are added, Poem on Fame, and ISIiscellanies. Boston, 1792. O'Dogherty (Sir William). Ei)itome of History of Europe, from Charlemagne to George III. Lond., 17H8. (Eder (Georg Cliristian), Muller (O. F.), and Vahl (M.). Icones Plaiitarum sponte nascentium in regnis Dania et Norvegia?, et in ducatibus Slesvici, Holsatite et Oldenburg, ad illustrandum opus de iisdetn Plantis, regio jussu oxarantlum, Florae Danicte nomine, inscri})tum. (A set of folio, botanical plates, beauti- fully coloured.) 7 V. Hafniae, 1764-99. OtHcia Propria Sanctorum, partim de prieeepto, partini ver6 ad libitum recitanda ... ^ v. (bound with '■'■ Festa et Officia Projma Sanctorum ..." Maclovii, 1670. Officia Propria Sanctorum per plures Sunimos Pontifices, usque ad banc diem concessa. Mediolani, 1 '39. Official Catalogue of International Fisheries Exhibition, London. Lond., 1883. Officiiia Latinitatis ; seu Novum Dictionarium Latino-Gallicum. Anon. Rouen, 1714. iS'«7ne. Paris, 1722. Same. n. t, (Paris?,) old. Ogilby (-lohn). Homer, his Iliads translatvid {into Enylish verse). Illustrated. Lond., 1669. Ogilvie (John, D. £>.). Poems on Several Subjects. 2 v. Lond., 1769. O'Oormail (Daniel). Intuitive Calculations. 23rd ed. Lond., n. d, Ohio Bureau of Labor Statistics. 3rd Annual Report, for 1879. Pamph. Columl)US, 1880. Ohio Geological Survey. Report ; Geology, 3 v. ; Palaeontology, 2 v. ; with maps. Columbus, 1873-75. Ohio Report on Common Schools for 1880. Columbus, 1881. Ohio School Laws, 1880. Columbus, 1879. Ohio Secretary of State. Annual Rei)ort for 1880. Columbus, 1881. Ohio State Board of Centennial Managers. Final Report. Columbus, 1877. Olander (Edmund). New Method of Graphic Statics ajjplied in construction of AVrought Iron Bridges. Loud., 1880. Oliphant (Laurence). Narrative of Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, in 1857-59. N. Y., 1860. Oliphant {Mrs. Margaret), — nee Wilson. Sheridan. (" English Men of Letters.") N. Y., n. d. Oliver (Peter). Scripture Lexicon ; or Dictionary of Proper Names of Persons and Places in the Bible ; also. Explanation of many Words and Things in the Bible. 4th ed. Lond., 1797. Same. Birmingham, 1784. Olivet {Abbe d'). See Ferdinand! de Bar! (Mircello). 189 &?> ,'H ;.5i,-t- -i 14- - t f-ll IIP' "^1 ;:|(j;:- Ir'. OLLENDOnFF. AUTHORS. ORIENTAL. Ollendorff (Ileinrich Gottfried). New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the Spanish Languat,'e. Appendix by M. Vc'.az(iuez and T. Sinionno. N. Y., 1884. Onderdoilk (Henry Ustick). Episcopacy Examined and Re-examined, comprising tlie tract " Ei)iscopacy tested by Scripture," and the Controversy concerning that publication. Xow York, 1835. Essay on Regeneration. Phihi., 183.5- 1450 Questions on Universal History. l'ami)h. Lond., n. d. Ontario Agricultural Department. Annual Rei)ort for 1872. 1884, 1887-90. 6 V. Toronto, v. d. Ontario Revised Statutes. 2 v. Toronto, 1877. Oppian. De Venatione lib. ; l)e Piscatu HI). {G'r. et Lat.) . . . Ed. Conrad Rittershus. Lugduni liatavorum, Fraitciscns Jiaphel- emjius, 1597. '{From MS. copy of title p*■). Ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkori. 10 v. Oxonii, 182:J-28. CONTK.STH. Oratores Attici. 16 V. Vol. 1, Aiitiphon, Andocidcs, & Lysias ; 2, Isocrates; 3, Useus, Dinar- indea ; 4-7, Dt'mo8theiie3 ; 8-10, Iiidoxes. Ed. by "William Stephan Dobson. chus, Lyeurgus, .'Eit'hinua, & Demndea ; 4-7, Dt'mo8theiie3 ; 8-10, Iiidoxes. {Gr. (t' Lat.) Loud., 181:8. C0NTRNT8.— Vol. 1, Aiitiphoii & Andncirlos ; 2, Lysias ; 3, Isoorates ; 4, Isions, Din- archiis, Lycurjtus, Demadea, &c. ; .'i-U, Dcimisthenes ; 12, .Kiichinos ; 13, Antiphoii, .Xndouides, & Lysias, tr. into Latin ; 14, Isocntcs, Isauus, Din.irchus, Lyour^us, Deniadea, Ac, tr. into Latin ; 15, Ueniosthoncs, tr. into Latin ; 16, Ueniosthenes, & .Eschines, tr. into Latin. Orbits described ])y Bodies revolving in given planes round immoveable centres of forces. Anon. Pamph. Cambridge, ISK). (Order of Prayers for Festivals, according to the use of the Sephardic Jews ; [bound with] Prayers of Jews for use on certain fast davs). Literal translation. Jlehretv. 2 v. in 1. ^'enice, 16'l4(?). Orderly Book, Quarter-master General's (')rtice, Halifax, X. S. ; May 27th, 1812, to March 9th, 1813, and July 2Gth, 1813, to Feb. 26th, 1814 ManuMript. 2 v. Ordinaire (Abbe). Natural Historv of Volcanoes. Tr. by R. C. Dallas. Lond., 1801. Ordonnance de Louis XIV de France, donne a Fontainebleau, 1681, touchant la Marine. Paris, 1682. See also next entry. Ordonnance de la Marine, du niois d'Aout 1681. Paris, 1737. Same, du Mars, 1765. Paris, 1765. Oriental Collections : consisting of Original Essays and Dissertations, Translations, etc., illustrating History, Anti(|uities, Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia. Ed. by Sir "Wm. Ouseley. V. 1 & 2. Lond., 1797-98. 190 ORIOENE8. AUTHORS. OUR. Contra Celsum lib. ; ejusdeiii Philocalia. et alii. Origencs Adamantiua. (Gr. et Lat.) With notes by William Spencer, Cantabrigioe, 1677. Opera. Lat. {Ed. J. Merlin.) 4 pts. in 2 v. (Paris), J. Parvtis, (1512). Origin anil Progress of Language. Anon. 6 v. Edin., 1774-92. Original Letters relative to the English Reformation, written during Reigns of Henry VIII, PMward VI, and Mary (1537-58), chiefly from Arcliives of Zurich. (Zurich Letters.) Tr. by H. Robinson. 2 v. Cambridge, Parker Soc, 1846-47. OrOSiUS (Paulus). Historiarum lib. h v. {bound with Platina^s " Vita Pontijicum "). Vcnetiis, Bernardinus Vhuetus de Vitalibus, Oct. 1 2, 1500. NoTB.— Initial letters Inserted with a brush, in colours. Orrery (John Boyle, Earl of). Letters from Italy, 1754-55. 2nd ed. Loud., 1774. Orthodoxy and Charity united, in several Reconciling Essays on Law and Gospel, Faith and AVorks. Anon. Lond., 1745. Osaiba. See Ibn-Abi-Osaiba. Osbeck (Peter). Voyage to China and East Indies {printed ivith Torren's Suratte, Jlckeberg's Chinese Husbandry, a)ul Fuimula and Flora Sinensis). Tr. by J. R. Forster. 2 v. Lond., 1771. Osiailder (Lucas, IdS^-lOOJf). Sacrorum Bibliorum, Secundum Veterem sou Vulgatam Translationem, ad fontes Hebraic! Textus emendata ; et Brevi ac Persj)icua Explicatione illus- trata, insertis etiam preecipuis Locis Communibus, in lectione sacra observandis ... 2 v. {old testament). TiibingjB, ajnA Ge.orgiuii Gruppenbachium, 1589. Ossian. See Macphersou (J). Ostervald (Jean Fraleric). Arguments of Books and Chapters of Old and New Testament, with Practical Observations. Tr. by John Chamberlayne, from the French. 7th ed. 2 v. Lond., 1811. Lectures on the Exercise of the Sacred Ministry. Tr. from French by T. Stevens. Lond., 1781. Ott (Karl von). Elements of Graphic Statics. Tr. from German, by George S. Clarke. Lond., 1876. Otter (William). Life and Remains of Edward Daniel Clarke. 2 v. Lond., 1825. Oughton (Thomas). Ordo Judiciorum ; sive Methodus Procedendi in Negotii.s et Litibus in Foro Ecclesiastico-Civili Britannico et Hibernico. 2 v. Lond., 1728. Oulton (Walley Chamberlain). Beauties of Modern Dramatists. (^Selections.) 2 v. Lond., 1800. Our Public Schools {Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Rugby, Westminster, Marlborotigh, the Charterhouse, public school education). Anon. Lond., 1881. 191 '. ;il M I Is,, a \l" c OUSEI.EY. AUTHORS. OVIDIUS. Ouseley (Sir William), translator. < )rii'ntfil f W'o^a'iiphy of Khii Hinikiil, an Arabian Traveller of the 10th Century. Loud., 1800. NoTH.— Othur traimlationg by this orientalist, will be found .under the naniea of their original author!), Outlines of (Jreciau History for Families and Schools. Anon. New ed. Pauiph. Lond., 184r). Overman (Frederick). Practical Mineralogy, Assaying and Alining; with description of Useful Minerals. 8th etl. Phila., 1872. OVIDIUS NASO or OVID (Publlns). 1. — Collected Works. (Arranged according to dates.) Opera Omnia ; cum Nicolai Heinsii notis. Studio Eorchardi Cllippingii. 3 v. Lugduni Jktavorum, 1670. Opera. (Ad. Michael Maittaire.) v. 1. Lond., 1715, Oi)era Omnia ; accedit chrestomathia {et J. Massonii vita Ovidii), Ed. Joannes Petrus MillerUS. 4 v. Herolini, 1757. Opera. Ed. J. A. Ainar. 5 v. Parisiis, 1822. 2. — Partial Collections and Selections. Easy Selections in Elegiac Verse. [Latin text.) Ed. by Her- bert Wilkinson. Lond., 1887. Eclogaj Ovidiana3 : b^ing the 5th part of the Lateinisches Ele- mentarbuch, by Jacobs and Doeriug. Ed. by T. K. Arnold. 6th ed. Lond., 1844. 3 — Single Works. (Arranged l»y titles and sub-arranged by dates). (a). Epistolce. (EpistolaB.) n. t., much mutilated, about 18th cetitury. Epistolarum Heroidum lib. Notis Joannis Mill*EIlii. Lond., 1750. Epistolarum Heroidum lib. Ed. Daniel CrispinilS Holvetius. Li usum Delphini. Lond., 1788. (b). Fasti. (Fastorum lib. ; cum interj)retatione P. Marsi.) Venetiis, T. Z. P., Oct. 27, 1492 {colophon). Folio. Fastorum lib. ; cum annotationibus. Oxonii, 1811. (c). Metamorphoses. Metamorphosis ; Englished {'n verse), ^ly hologized, and repre- sented in Figures ... by G(eorge) S(andyN). Lond., 1640. Metamorphoseon lib. Cum annotationibus J. Minellii. Ed. P. Rabus. Roterodami, 1686. Metamorphoses, livre 11-15. Tr. into French prose with origi- nal text. \. 6 of '^ Les (Euvres d'Ovide." n. t., Paris (?), 1697 (?). (Metamorphoseon lib.) n. t., 17 — (?). Metamorphoseon lib. ; notis Anglicis illustrata. EJin., 1813. 192 m-n 'l| I oviDiua. AUTHORS. PAIiAIRET, OviuiUS — ContitniPil. Kontolof>y, or systematic summary of extinct animals and their geological relations. Edin., 1860. Owon (William). Abridgement of Welsh and pjiglish Dictionary. Loml., 1826. (•xfiii'd M<'taphysirs and Ethics adapted to a Natural System. Anon. Edin ■ 1889. Osfni'd Tniversity Calendar, 1825. Oxford, 1825. Oxford University Catalogue of all (Jraduate.s in Divinity, Law, and Medicine, ikn., between 1659 and 1800. Oxford, 1801. name. 1659-1770. Oxford, 1772. tiame. 1800-1810. Oxford, 181 1. Cxford University Commission. Report of H. M. Commissioners ap- pointeil to inquire into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Oxford ; with evidence. Lond., 1852. Oziinani (Jaciiues). Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philoso- ]ihy. Greatly enlarged by J. Stephen Montucla ; and tr., with adtlitions, by C. Huttou. 4 v. Lond., 1803 ISdinfi. 4 v. Lond., 1814. Pa^es (I'l-aucois de). Travels round the World. From the French. 2 V. {T/i(^ 3rd vol. icas not published in this 2nd edition.) Lond., 1793. Pagitt (Kpbraim) Christianogra))hy, or Discription of the multitude and sundry sorts of Christians in the World, not subject to the Pojie. l.ond., 1674. Paliephatus. De Incredibililms. {<'>:) Ed. J. F. Fischer. LipsiiP, 1777. Palairet (-b-au). Nouvelle Methode pour apprendre a Bien Lire et a I>ien Orthographier. *# Nouv. ed, 193 PTf PALEY. AUTHORS. PALMERIU8. I lliiliil i' Ml Paley (William, Z). i).)- Kvidoiu'os of Christianity. Lond, 1824. IJorae J'auliiipe, or Trutli of Scri]iturc History of St. Vnnl evince 1 by coniiiarise u of liis (;[iistU's with the Arts of the Ajiostli's, anil ■with one anotliei". Lond., 1796. Same. 9th cii. Loml, 1816. Same. Kdin., 1820. .SVune. Lond., 1824. iSanw. Lond., 1855. Same. Lond., ii. d. Natural Th('olooic?i((c,s. Kllis .'^ays it is " a very moral Imt very tiresoinc satire, perfectly unconnected with astronomy." Palladium (Kuiilius Taurus .Lmilianus). Opera Agricolatioiuuii. See Scriptores Rei Kusticaei. PallLser (dolm). Furtluu' I'apers relative to I<]x.ploration, hy Caiitaiii I'alliser, of ] ortion of Uriti.'-li Nditli iVnieiica . . . {lllw:- hook.) Lond., 18(50. Pajiers relative to Kx|ilorati(/n liy Captain l^illiser, nf that pnrtiuii of llrilish North. Aiuurica, which lies between Nortlieru Branch of River Saskatchewan ami Frontier of Lnitcil States; and 1)et\>'i'en Red River and Rnckj Mountains, {BlH>'-b(,<,k\) Lond, I85;i. Pjllinor (NiV Roundell). See SeUuH'lie {Karl of). Palmer (William). Oiigines Lilurgi.^e, or .Anti(piities of the Kngiish Ritual, and Dissertation on I'rimilivi' Liturgies. ;5rd ed. 1) V. (I \ ford, 18;}9. on Church of Chiist. .>iid ed. 2 V. .onil I S.'i!). PalnicriuH (Matth.Tus). •S^^ Kiisebiiis Paiiiphili "Clnonicon. Num.— See remark after next entry, I'Jl ■1 PALMERIUS. AUTHORS. PARKER. Pniinerius (Matthias). See Eiisebins Famphili " Chronicon." NoTB.—ThU writer -nust not be confounded with Mattliae'is Palmorius, vho was of a different family and country. Paluelle (Roger AndiV' dc; la). Spa LaPaluellc (R. A. do). (I'aniphlots relative to Coiniiicrcial Regulations with Ireland, 17.*^5, by various authoi.s.) 12 paiuph. hound in 1 v. Lend., 1785. Pauciroli ((iui or Cruidus). Roma Sacra e Moderna. Ed. accrescinta da F. Po.sterla. Roma, 1725. With eery crude ivood-cuts. Pautill (W. E. P.). First Latin Verse P>ook. Loiul, 1890. PanviniO (Onofrio). C(mimentariorn!!i in Fastos Consulares, Appen- dix. .^ V. (hound ivith Jiosz/e/d's " Romanantm Antiqui- tatum ). Yenetiis, ex ofjicina Erasmiana, 1558. De Antiipii.s Romanorum is'ominihus lil)er. ^ v. {hound toith lioszfekVs " Roni(inaru.))i Anf,i which are aune\ed, Theologicall (sif) Miscellanies of Parens, tr. by A. R. Lond., lt)45. PlU'k (Mungo). Travels in Interior Districts of Africa, in 1795-97. Itiieil. Lond., 1800. Parkor (Matthew, Archhis/mp). ("orn-sjiondence, comiirising letters written by and to him, 1535-75. I']d. by J. Pnuce & T. T. Perowne. Cambridge, Parker Soc, 1853. Magnitudinibus et Pappi Alexandrini fragmentum . . . Hi. 1 i ', :(: 195 liiii' 111 i f, ; S , IS' ■H ) ■ I f '■ I 1 9iH ? 1 ■ B HI m 1 * :! r ' .: ^ |.J' '^ ' : 1 1 , .■ ^^ :i&r ili PARKER. AUTHORS. PARTRIDGK. Loud., 1866. from earliost times i V. Loud., 1762. Parker — Continued. De Antiquit.ito Britannicae p]cde.sipp, ot Privilofjiis Ecdo.'sife Can- tuarioiisi.s cuin Archic|ii.scojii.s ojii.'^dfiii LXX. Ji'l. 8amuel Drake. nVith plates.) Lend., 1729. Parker (Richard frrocn). Outlines of Oeneral Hi.story, in torin of question and an.s\ver. X'-w ed. N. Y., 18.^4. Parker (Robert). l)e I'oliteia Ecclesia.sticu Christi et Hierari hia 0])]io.sita. n. p., 1621. Parker (William). Several Discour,«es on Special Subjects, preached before University of Oxford, and upon other occasions. 2 v. Oxford, 1790. Parklllirst (Jolm). Greek and Eiifjlish Lexicon to the New Testa- ment ; to \vhi('h is prefixed a Greek (jraminar. 2nd ed. Lond., 1794. Hebrew and J^n^dish Lexi'/on, "'ithout Points ; to which are ]ire- fixed a Hebrew an I a Chaldee (Jranimar, without Points, 3rd ed. Lond., 1792. Same. 8th ed. Lond , 182.3. Same. Lond., 1829. Parkinson (S.). Treatise on Optics. 2nd ed. Parliamentary or Coiistitntibnal History of Knj,dan( to restoration of Cliarles 11. 2nd ed. L_ __ _ . , _. _. Parliamentary Papers, oonsistin<,' of Speeches, Lords Protests, Rules, i^-e. (chiefly from 1660 to 1796). .3 v. Lond., 1797. Parliamentary Rej^ister, or History of Pr,, .'edinj^s anil Oebates of House of Commons {^ Lords) 1780 to 1800. r)9 v. in 58. Loud., 1781-1801. Parliamentary AVrits and Writs of Military Summons (/i?7J-75^7). Kd. by Francis Palgrave. 2 v. in 4. Lond., 1827-.34. Parry (Charles Henry). Question of Necessity of Existing Corn Laws, considered in relation to Agricndtural Labourer, Tenantry, Landholder, and Country. Lond., 1816. Parry (William Edward). Nautical Astronomy by Night ; compre- hending practical dir.'ctions for knowing and oliserying jirinci- ]ial fixed stars in northern liemis|)here, tK.'c. P)ath it Lond., 1816. Parsons or Persons (Robert). Cliristian Directory, being a Treati.'io of Holy Re,s(d\ition. Put into modern English iiy (ieorge Stanhojie. .^th ed. Loud.. 1727. Parsons (Usher). Life of Sir William I'epiierrell, Part, the only natiye of New England who was ereated a Paronet during our connection with tlie Mother country Boston, 18r)r). Partington (Charles Frederick). Historical and Deseriptiye Account of the Steam Engine. Loud., 1822. Partridge (Francis, D. D.). Thesis 11: liearing of As.syrian Lan- guage and Literatui'c on Criticism and Int(M'pretation of tin' Old Testament. Maunxcviyt ; ihded 1881. 196 PASCAL. AUTHORS PAOL. Pascal (Blaise). Lcttrcs tjcritos ;i un Provincial. Paris, n. d. Pensees. Paris, 1874. NOTB.— Sfc also " Apolcgie (ien Lettres Provinciales de Louis de Montalte, contre la Dcrnicre Rcponae dcs PP. Je»iiit(>g intituli^d Entretiens de Clcandre et d'Eudoxe." Pasilli ((xiusi^ppo). Voca])oliirio Italiano-Latiuo, Lat.-Ital. Anon. 2 V. in 1. Napoli. 1791. Pasor (Georg). P^tynia X(nninuni Propriorum """" '" ^ quae in Novo Tcstainonto u.s|)iaiu occnirnint. .\ v. {hound ivith the author's " Voces Xoi'i Testainenti"). Loud., 1644. Ortliotonia, sive Tiiictatus de (Irtecis Xovi Testanienti Accentihus. ^ V. (bound ivith the author's " Voces Novi Testainenti "). Lond., 1644. Voces Xovi Testanienti. \ v. n. t., 16 — . PsiSSOW (Frai. '. L. C. F.). Doctrine of (ireek Prosody. Tr. from the German. \ v. (bound toith Ilennaniis " Elements of Metres "). Eton, 1831'. Pastoral dn I )ioc('se de Limoges . . . Anon. v. 2 cfe 3. Limoges, 1694. Patrick (Sannud). (Clavis Homerica, sive lexicon vocabulorum om- nium, (lUiTP contincntnr in Ilomeri lliade.) n. t., old. Patrick (Symon, D. D.). Conimentarv upon Plistorical Books of Old Testament. 5th ed. 2 v. ' Lond., 1738. NoTB. — This commentary is continued by W. Lowth, and also by R. Arnold (9. v.). Books of Jol), Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon, paraphrased ; with Arguments to each Chapter, and Annotations. Lond., 1743. Patriotic Fund, e.stalilished at Lloyd's Colfeo-irouse, 1803. Second Report of Committee. Lond., I 805 (?). Pati'oni Kcclesiarum, or List of Patmns of Dignities, Re(!tories, Vicarages, iVc, of Fniteil ('liurcli of England and Ireland, with valuation in 181«. Lond,, 1831. Patterson ((reorge). History of Pictou County, X'. S. Manuscrijit ; sm. folio. NoTB.— AUiiis' Historical Prize Essay of 1874. Memoir of Rev. James Macgregor, D. D., of X'^ova Scotia, with notices of colonization of the Lower Provinces of British America. I'hila.. 1859. Missionary Life among tli(> Cannibals : being the Life of Rev. John ( Jeddie, 1). D., first Missioiiarv to the Xew Hebrides. Toronto, 1882. Patterson (George [G.,] jr.). History of Victoria County, X. S. .]f(iiinscript ; sm. folio. NoTK.— .\kins' Historical Prize Essay of ISS5. Patterson (Robert). Introiluction to Zoologv. 2Cth thous. Lond. 1857, Pattison (Mark). Milton. (" Eni/lish Men of Letters.") X. Y., n. d. Paul (Jean), psrud. See Riclltcr (J. P. F.). 197 Sli "Jl ; l-^ iff¥^ ur\' % 1 ■* PAL'LOING. AUTHORS. PEAUSON. Paulding (James Kiike). Slavery in riiitt'd Stutos. {Defends the tame. Supplement. Lond., 1883 Peacock (Reginald, Bishop). Treatise proving Scrii)lnre to l)e the Rule of Faith. 1-lOtli v. {hacked ''Miscellanies, vol. 6"). Lond , 1(588, Pearce (Zaciiary, B. D.). Commentary w'th Notes on the Four Evangelists and the Acts of the A]iostle.s ; with new Transla- tion of St Paul's 1st Ejiistle to Corinthians, with Paraphrases md Notes; to wliich are added oth(;r Theological Pieces. 2 V. Lond., 1777. Pearson (Ilenrv). Syllabus of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 3rd ed.' Cambridge, 183G. Pearson (Hugh). ^lemoirs of Life and "Writings of Rev. Claudiu.s ]^uch;inan. 2n(l ed v. 2. Oxford, I HIT. Pearson (John, D. D.). Exposition of tiie Creed. 3rd ed. 2 v. Lond., 10)69. >'(i)iie. -ttli ed. Lond., 1G7G Same. Gth ed. Loud., 1G92. Stutie. iL'ih ed Lond., 1741. ,'<(iiin'. 2 v. ( )xford, 1797. Saiuf. Ed. by E. Rurlon. 2 v. Smiii'. Kd. liv E. liurton. 2 v. Oxford, 1833. Oxhu'd, 1847. Ed. Henry Dodwell. Pearson (Jolm, l). 1).). 0| era posthuma. Lond., 1G88. Pearson (John, J/. D). Practical 01)servations on Cancerous Coiu- ])liiiiits . . . Pamph. Lond., 1793. Pearson (William). Introduction to Practical Astronomy. 2 v., with 1 V. of i)lates. Lond., 1821-29. 198 PEAKSON. AUTHORS. fERPETUIT^ PoarsOll (William II.'Iiit). List of CiUiadiaii llc|)atic;e. {Geo. & Nfit. J/ist. Surrcj/ of Caud'la.) I'aiiipli. Alout., 1890. (]V.-raf,'(' of Ivclaiul.) n. t./lTGO (?). Peers (-lohn W.). Miimtiie ; or Littki Things for the Poor of Christ's Flock. Now o.l. Loiul., 1S17. Peers (Richard). Coinpaiiinn for the Agoil ; consisting of Moditation.s, Devotions, etc. 11th wl. \ v. (hound with J'ott's '^ Ele- 7»en(((ri/ Disconrsi's "). L(jn^ Pemble (W.). PeinbeiiOll (Henry). View of .Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. Lon.l., 1728. Peillble (William). T)e Crcatione et Providentia Dei tractatus. J V. Lond., ITtli cent. (?). De Forinarum ( )rigine tractatus. Editio postliunia. ^ v. {hmuid with the dufhor's " De Creatione"). Cantabrigife, 17 cent. ('/). De Sensihus Internis tractatus. ^ v. (bound with the author's " De CreKtione" ). (),>;onia', 1()47. PeilU (William). Collection of Works (fheolni/ici(f) ; to which is pre- fixed a -lournal of his Life. 2 v. Lond , 1726. PeilUailt (Thomas). Literary Life of late Tiiomas Pennant, by him- .self. Lond., 179;5. ' Tour from Downing to Alston-Moor. Loud., 1801. I'cntalogia, sive TragcRdiaruni (ira^carum Delectus (^r'r.), cum adnotatione -lohn Hurton et Thomas liurgess. v. 2. O.Konii, 1779. Same. i v. ( )\onii, 1801. Pepper (.lohn Henry). I'laybook of Metals, with exi)eriments relating to the fifty met:dli(; elements, Lond., n. d. Pepys (Siuiuiel). Memoirs, comprising liis Diary, 1659-69, and Corre- spondence. Ed. by Lord Praybrooke. Lond., ii. d. Percy (Sholto itnd Reuben), pseud. TIk^ Percy Anecdotes, original and .s.'lecti'd. v. 1-2, .:, 8-11, 16-20, 22-24, 26-27. Lond, 1822. NiiTK —SlKilto ami UculioT I'eri-y were tlio peiMmmes of Thomas Byerley " Miiiit lii iitror," Srotlaiiil, am) .losfpli CliMtoii Uol)urt-.oii. '2(iO,000 parts of the \nec(ioti's wutu 80I1I cUiriiii; tlie t'lmt four vi'ur.s fol'oniiiij thuir piiblicatiDi'. Pereira (-lonathan). Lectures on Polarized Light, together with Lecture on the Microscope. 2nd ed., rev. by ISaden Powell. Loniie). Historicd Defence of the or Vaudois, inhabitants of the valleys of Piedmont. Ed. by Thomas Sims, Lond., 1826. Peyrebrillie (Georges de). Lt!s Freres Colombe ; with Frederick C. Sumichrast. P.unph. N. Y., 1888. Pfeiffer (Augustus). Apo.stoli.sche Christen-Schule . . . " Pf<'{f''r's Prediclesiastica ; item Excerpta ex Historiis Philostorgii . . . {Gr. (t Lat.) Ed. H. Valesius. Moguntise, 1679. Philoxenus. See Labbe (C ). Philpot (John, Archdeacon o, Winchester). Examinations and Writing.s. Ed. by R. Eden. Candjridge, Parker Sac, 1842. Physica Vetus et Nova, ad Usum SehoIiT? accomniodat:i {half-title). n. t , old. Pick (Aaron). Iiil)le Student's Concordance. Loml , 1845. Piconio (Bernardino a). See Beruardiii (le Pecquigny. Pictorial History of the Russian War, 1854-6. Anon. Edin., 1856. Picturesque Canada ; the country as it was and is. Va\. by George Monro Grant, and illustrated under supervision of L. R. (^'Brien. •1 v. Toronto, 1882 (?). Piers (Harry) (Painpldets on .scientiiic subjects.) K.r.rcrpts from Trans. N. S. Inst of Nat. Sc. 6 paniph. in 1 v. Halifax, 1888-92. Pike (Zebuloii Miintgomery). Exi)lorat()ry Travels through Western Territories of North America, 1805-7. [..ond., 1811. Pilkillgtoil (dames, Bishop y J. Scholcfield Cand)ri(lge, Parker Soe., 1842. Pilkillgton {Mrs. Mary [?]). Marmontel's Tales, selecbnl and abridged for Y(mtli. Loud., 1799. Pindar. Carmina {(ilr.) Juxta exemplar lieyniaiium ; acces.seruiit paraphrasis Benedictina. et Lexicon Pindaricum. Ed. Henry Huntingford. Loud., 1814. Carmina {('r.) ; cum Versione I.atina. Ed. Chr. (Jottli/t) Ileyne. Oxonii, 1815. Olympia, Pytliia, Nemea, Isthmia, cieteroruni octo Lyricoruni carmina . . . {(Ir. et Lat.) Geneva?, /'. iStepheu, 1626. 202 "(NDAR. AUTHORS. PI.ATINA. PilHlar (P.'tn-), psnid. Sre Wolcott (J.)- Piiulpr (•liiliii If.). Caiidiilato for the Ministry : Course of Kxpository Lectures (.11 1st Kpistle of St. Paul to Tiniotliy. Lonil., 1837. Pine (.loliu) (Dili Rocqiie ('Folm). Al|i]ial)etical Index of .Streets, Squares, Laiuis, iVe., in I'laii of London and Westminster, and Bornugli of Soutliwark. Loiul , 1755. Filipda (Peter). Dietioiiarv :, and English-Spanish. Lond., 1740. PillkertOll (John). History of Scotland from Acee.ssion of House of Stuart to that of Marv. V. Lond., 1797. :\rodern Geography. v. 2. Pliila., 1804. Sniue. Srd'ed. 2 v. Lond., 1811. Scottish (lallerv ; or Portraits of Eminent Persons of Scotland. Lond., 1799. Pinto (Hector). Opera Omnia {Cnniment. in Esidam et i7i Ezechielem). Coloni.T Agrippiiue, Jonyines Crithiun, 1616. I'idus Country I'arishioner instructed how to spend everyday of his Life in a Religiou.i and Accejitable Manner. Anon. 29th ed. Lond., 1812. Piscator or Fisher (Johann). (Commentarii in Acta Apostoloruni, Epistolas et Apocalypsin.) n. t., 16 — (?), Coniiiientarii in omnes libros Novi Testamenti. HerborniE Nassoviorum, 1613. Pitt (William, the ehlev). See Chatham {Earl of). Pitt (William). Ociieral View of Agriculture of County of Stafford. Lond., 1796. I'lacitu de Quo Warranto, tem|). Edw. I-lII, in Curia Reeeptae Scaccarii Westni. as~ervata. Loud., 1818. riiicitiinim ill Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservatorum abbre- \ iatio ; temj) Rie. I — Eihv. II. [Record Commission, Etujiand.) Lond., 1811. NoTR. — "Consists of abstracts of plpadinjfs before the King in Parliament anil Council, anil before the oonstitutud iiuthorlties ; iinil contains petitions of right, petitions and pioceedinns in parliament." Plain Commentary on the Four Gospels. Anon. v. 1, pt. ii, 9i 2-4, ill 6 V. Lond., 1855. Plaiicl{ (Gottlieb Jacob). Introduction to Sacred Pliilology and Inter- jiretation. Tr. from German with notes liy S. H. Turner. New York, 18;U. Plailta (Josi'|)li.) History of Helvetic Confederacv. 2 v. Lond., 1800. Platilia (liarthelemy ile Sacchi). I.)e Vitis ac Gcstis Romanonini Pontilicum ad Sixtum IV. . . n. p., (in Holland), 1645. NoTB— According to the Elzevir catalogue of 1674, this edition was printed at \m\ den. Liber de Vita Christi ac Pontificum Omnium. . . Xurenburge, A. Kohurtjer, 3 id. Aug., 1481. NiiTK.— Title from redo of leaf 3. Initial letters inserted in colours. Leaves n umbered with the pen, and signatures marked in the same manner. Uotblcletter. 203 iS'^t! ^m m^, \i .' I .!l »! PLATO. AUTHORS. I'hAUTUS. ii -if it.,; i. (ifiti , I fP|1»'' i«i Plato. Chrestoinatliiii Pliitoniiiiia. {Gr. et Lat.) {Ed Fi'vd. Christiiiiuis Muller [?].) Tiirici, 1756. Cratylus, I'luudo, Panneuides, and Tinuuus. Tr. into English \>y Thomas Taylor. Lnnd., 1793. Dialogi. {Gr.ytLat.) ^'/. Nath. Forstcir. Ed. 3. Oxonii, 1765. Same. Oxonii, 1800. Dialogi. (Gr ) . . ex rocognitione Caroli Friderici Hermanni. 6 V. Lipsife, 1873-74. Dialogues. Tr. into English, with analysis, itc, by J. Jowett. V. 1, 2 Si 4. Oxford, 1871. Eiithydeniua et Cnirgias. {Gr. ,do. {Gr.) Ed. Oodofred Stallba. {v. 1, sect. 2, of Plato's " Opera Omnia.") Ootha? et Erfordire, 1834. Platoni(! Dialogues for luiglish Readers. Tr. by William Whewell. 2nd ed. 3 v. Cambridge, 1 860. Sophistes and Politicus. {Greek ti-xt.) Ed., with Englisli notes, by Lewis Cam]tbell. Oxford, 1867. Thea'tetus. {Gr. tej-t.) English notes by Lewis Campl)ell. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1883. Platonisme devoile ; ou Essai touehant le Ver])e Platonicien. Anon. Cologne, 1700. Plattlier (Carl Friedrich). Manual of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis with the iilowpipe. Enlarged by T. Rieliter. Ed. by T. Hugo Cookesley. Lond., 1875. FlailtllH (Aecius or T. ^riccius). Amphitruo. Ed. bv Arthur PaliiuT. Lond., 1890. Captivi. Ed t>y .\. R. S. Hallidie. Loud., 1891. Comedies. Tr. into {EmjHsh) Llank Verse, by 15. Tliorntnii. 2nd <'d. 5 v. Lund., 1769. Ex Plauti Comcediis XX (luarum Cnrmiuii magna ex ])arte in mensum suum restituta sunt. . . Venetiis, Ahhis d' A. Asnianus, 1522 NoTB. — This is a reprint of the Juntine edition. 204 PI,AUTU8. AUTHORS. PLUCHE. I'i.AUTU8 — Continwil, Vigiiiti Coinodifp piiiojulatissiiiicT nun accuratissiiim av. luculcn- tissiiiiix iiiteriira'tiitiono (Inctissiinoriim viroruiii (Joliamiis) IVtri A'allje plafciitini ac et {mic) licriiartli Saraceni Vcnc'ti. 2 parts in 1 v. (folio). Vi'iietii.s, lSi)iton J'api- ensis, 15 cal. Oct. 1499. ((V>/.). NoTK. — W'itho\it p.ijflnation, except in nianuscript. At the end of the first part, on the rfctn of loaf 02, is a separate polophon, " Inipresauiii Venctils i«re et hiipensa criiditi viri Marci Kerinani," without date. Playfair (.Jamos). Atlas, ancit'iit and modern. Lond., 1818. Systoni of Gooifrapliy, ancient and modern. 6 v. Edin., 1808. Playfair (John). Klements of Oeometry. 5th ed. Edin., 1819. Same. Gth ed. Lond., 1822. Same. N. Y., 1847. Outline.s of Natural Phiio.sophy. 3rd ed. 2 v. Edin., 1819. See also Stewart (I).). Plesclieef {Copt. Sergey). Survey of Russian Empire. Tr., from the Ru.'fsian, l)y .1. Smirnove. Lond., 1792. Plillius CaecilillS Secillldus (Cains),— Pliny the YouiKjer. Epistolse et Pancgyricus ; notis illustrata. Oxonii, 168G. Ei>istolarum lib. Ed. (i. Cortius it P. D Longolius dauii, 1734. Ed. Gottlieb Erdmann Gierig. Anistelie- Lipsiap, Ad usum Naturale. Einstolarnni lib 1800. Pauegyricns Trajano dietus. Ed. Jacob de La Baune. Delphini. Lond., 171G. Piiuius 8eciliu1ll8 (Caius),— Pliny the elder. Hi.storia 2 V. Venetii.s, JViroIaus JdHftoii (sir), 1470. NoTK.— Kdlio, Roman type, 50 lines on a pas;e, without signatures, catchwords, or pagination. A fine copy of this beautifid edition ; from the library of King William I\'. of Kngland, with book-pliite. Binding elaborately tooled. llistoricT Mundi lib. Lugduni, Joannes FreUonius, 1563. Ilistoria mundi naturalis. . Francoforti ad Moenum, 1682. Folio irlth iroodciits. HistoritT, Naturalis lib. ; accedit Chrestoiiiathia. Ed. Joannes Petrus Millerus. 5 v. Herolini, 1766. PlotlmiS. Opera Omnia. {(ir. et Laf.) Ed. Fridericus Creuzer. W V. ( ).\onii, 183."). Pluclie (Noi'l Antoiiie) IlislDirc du Ciel, ou Ton Recherche I'Origine de ridolatrie, et ^Sleprises de la Philo.sophie, sur la formation des cor]is (•('■lestes, et de toute la Nature. A'ouv. ed. 2 v. Pari.s 1757. Nature Delineated ; lieing a Translation of those Philosophical convers.'.tinns, entitled '' Specta('le ile la Nature." Tr. by I). Bellamy. 7 v. Loml., 1739-63. Spectacle de la Nature, on Entretiens sur les Particularite.s de I'Histoire Naturelle. . . 8 v. La Ilaye, 1743-53. Same v. 8, pt. 2. Paris, 1751, 205 :f :! ••■ I ■ I , MI'«r" • .' m m U<4 .'■'■^.;1 W pi,i;me. AUTTIOHS. POEMS. Plume {Thoiims). Lifr and Death of Rt. Kcv. John lliirkt-t, Dishop of LidhHel.l. K(l. h,y M. E. C. VViil.;ott Loii.l.. iMCn. Plllllket (I)iivi(l). Life, Li'ttcrs. ntid Spccchos of Lord IMinikct ; hy his f,'r!iiidsoii. 2 v. in 1. Lond., IHflT. Plunket (William Conynghani, Lord). See previonx entry. PLUTARCHUS. 1. — Collected Wuiikh. Unin(a) qure exstant ()]p('r(a), . . . cuiii l.atiiia iiit('i'|)r('tatioii(' Cniscrii ot Xylaiidri . . . ct iiotis Maussaci . . . AW. Joan Rualdns. v. 1. Liitctiii^ Parisiornni, /y/^w rct/iii, 1624. 2. — -Single Wokks and Selections. (a) Vitrp. (Pamlollum [fie] vita; Ronianornni ct (inrcurnni . . . [7V>/»! from Ehert]). n. t., Philipp Junta, '11 Aug., 1517 {from colophon). NoTB.— Thi« is the editin princepa of the Lives. The first two lenvts are Wftntiiijf, but otherwise it is in evcellent nindition. (Vitae). Illu.striuni Virnrum Vitie. n. p., Jm/ocns liadhis Ascensins, 1530. Folio. Parallela • hoc; e.>t, VitfP Illiistrinni A'ii'oniin Gnvci noniiiii.s ao Latini . . . {Gr.) r.a.Hikw, Behrl, 1533. Lives. Tr. into Enf/linh, with Notes, hy ,Iohn an(' William Langhorne. Gth ed. v. 1-4, i^- 6. Lond., 1795. Lives of Galha and Otho. (Greek text.) Kd. hy E. (x. Hardy. Lond., 1890. (1)) Opera. Moral ia. Lihnllus Auro. (luoniodo ah Adulatoro disccrnatur Aniirus. Joanne Laurcntio Vcncto intc'rpn.'te. Roiniv, Jacobus MazochinK, 1514. NoTB.— Octiivo, 34 uniiiiiiibered pages, Roman type. Varia H('ri])ta, ((uoft Moralia vulg' ^-ini^iM . . Kd. Criiilifl- nius Xylander, Augustanus. lia.^iii .e, Eusfihias Epixco- pins, 1574. Moralia, id Opera, cxcoptis Viti.s, reli(pia. {Gr. <0 L'tt.) Aniniadversiones et Indices eopiosos adjecit l)aiii('l Wytteid)aeh. v. 1-6, Sc 8. OxoiM, 1795-1830. Plymlcy (Peter), pseud. See Smith (Sydney). Pocket Peerage of England, Scotland and Ireland. v. 2 (contaiuiii!; Seotlan.\onii, 1S0(). Poems hy Various Hands. v. 1-4, 6. Lond., 1758. 206 *«i i POEHIAS. AUTHORS. rOLYDIUS. rm'siiiH (Ic la Aiii('ri(;a Mcridioiiiil, colocfiioiiadaH pnr Anita J. do Witts- leiii, COM Xoticias liiof,'rafica.s dv. Idh Autorcs. Lcipzij,'. 1870. ['rx'ta; flr.Tci, sivc Sclccta ex Honipri, Hosiodo, Tlicocrito, dr.., d'c. (Or. <6 /aU ) In nsnni Rugioe Scholiu Ktonensis. Ktonse, IHOG. IVtetae Gnrci Vi'tcros, tmj,'i(!i, coniici, lyrici, epij,'raniinataiii, additis Frag- nu'iitis cxpriii.atis auth'iriluis coUectis, nnnc priniuni (Inpcc et I.atina in nnuni rodacti c<)r[m.s. ColoniiB AUolirogiun, 1'. de fa /iorinr, IGU. FoL I'dctii' Miimros (lra>ci {Gr. <6 Lat.) . . . acccdunt Observation's R. AVinlcrton in IIe^i'tatio, Oxoiiias l()-!4. S. Ck'iiieutis Roiiiaiii, S, Ijriiatii, S. l'(>lyi'ai'|ii, ([WW supt>rsiuit {pjmtaJa', tj'c.) ; acccduui, S. I<,niatii ot S. Polycai'iii islartvria. Ed. AVilliam Jacciljsoii. 2 v. in 1. Oxoiiii, 1 8;38'. Ponsard (Francois). L'llonnciir ct TArgont : coiiu'die cu vers, ^'o-.iv. 0(1. Paris, 18G8. Same. Witli notes by Frcdorick C. Sumichrast. Painpli. N. Y., 1890. PoiltanUS Mnannos Jovianns). Opora. i v. {hound trith Diodorun Sic'i/u.'^, 140(>). Venotiis, Bern<:n-dinii,i Verce/leiisis, kal. J Mar,, 1501. Poiltas (Joan). Dictionnairc de Cas do Conscionco, on Docisions dcs plus C(msidoral)los ditHcaltoz toiidiant la Moralo ot la l)isci- l)lino Kc('l('siasti({U(! . . . Xouv. od. 3 v. Paris, 1734. Poole (Oonrgo, Aylifi'o). Testimony of Saint Cyprian aj^ainst Ronio ; an essay towards doterniining tlie judgment of Saint Cyprian touching Papal Supremac.'. Loud., 1838. Poole (Henry). Roiiort of Journey to Palestine, 18r)."). I'ampli, Lond., n. d. Poole or Pool (Matthew). Synnjisis Criticorum alioruin(pie S(. Rull'head. 5 V. Lond., 1709. Works, ooinplote. Lond., n. d. Porcupine (Peter), p^pud. Sfii' Cobbef, (W.). Porny (AFark Antony). Klements of Heraldry. 5th ed. Loinl., 1795. PorSOll (Ricliard). Adversaria : Xota? et Kmendationes in Poetas (Jrwcos . . . Cantabrigi.T, 1812. Porst (Johann) Compendium Tlieohigia' Viatorum ot Regenitoiiiiii Pra;'ticiP. {In G'ennan.) Hallo, 1721. Port Royal (Jrammar.s. Now Method of learning the (Ireek Tiingue. C. Lancelot. Tr. l)y T. Xugeiit. N<'\v vd. Lond., 17'.'7. >'o\v Method of learning the i^atin Tongue. Tr. frnm the French, ])y T. Nugent. Lond.. 180.3. t 208 PORTER. AUTHORS. POTTS. Porter (Charles T.). Treatise on the Richards Steam Engine Indica- tor, and the Development and Application of Force in the Steam-P:ngine. 3rd ed. Lond., 1874 (?). Porter {'^ir Robert Ker). Narrative of Campaign in Russia, 1812. 3rdcd. Lond., 1814. Porter (Tiiomas C.) and Coulter (John M.). Synopsis of Flora of Colorado {U. S. tiurvey of Territories.) Pamph. Wash., 1874. Porteus (Beilby, D. D.). Lectures on Gospel of St. Matthew. 2 v. Lond., 1815. Sermons. v. 2. Lond , 1794. Sermons. 10th ed. {Not the same as " Hermons, Lond., 1794-") Lond., 1806. Saine. 8th ed. 2 v. Lond., 1797. Summary of Principal Evidences for Truth and Divine Origin of Christian Revelation. 6th ed. Lond., 1801. Same. Lond., 1814. Works (theological) ; with Life by Robert Hodgson. New ed. 6 v. Loud., 1816. PortllS (.^milius). Dictionarium lonicum Grseco-Latinum, quod Indiccm in omnes Herodoti libros continet . . . Ed. nova. Oxonii, 1818. Postgate (J. P.). Sermo Latinus : Short Guide to Latin Prose Cora- ])Osition. Lond., 1889. Pott '.Joseph llo'den). Elementary Discourses for Yoinig Persona after Confirmation ; with Devotions. 3rd ed. \- v. Lond., 1812. Potter (Henry C). Trinitv College Baccalaureate Sermon, 1891. I^imph. Hartford, U. S. A., 1891. Potter (John, D. I).). Arclueologiii Griuca ; or Antiquities of Greece. New I'd , with apjuMidix by (r. Dunbar. 2 v. Edin., 1818. Discourse of Church-Government, wherein the rights of the Cliurch and Supremacy of Christian Princes arc vindi- cated and adjusted. Lond., 1707. Same, 2nd o \ Lond., 1711. Sa7ne. 3rd ed. Loud., 1724. Theological Works. (Sermons, Otarc/es, Discourse on Chttrch- Goreriiment, and JHviniti/ Lecturea.) 3 v. Oxford, 1753-54. Potter (Rob(u-t). Tragedies of .'E^chylus, translated (into blank verse). New ed. Loud., I SI 9. Tnigt'dit's of Sophocles translated into English blank verse. New ed. Oxford, 1819. Same. Loud., 1820. Potts (Rf)bert). Lil)er Cantabrigiensis : Account of Aids to Poor Students, Encouragements to Diligent Students, iuul Rewards conferred on Successful Students, in University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 18ri5. ** 209 ■I '■kf it,!'"! m Rf™ T'TT"!' 1X4 iil !|f^-' i 1' I I ' 1l,- t , 1 ' i POUILLET. AUTHORS. PRICE. Elemens de Physique Ex- 1 v., with Atlas {])laten). Pouillet (Claude Servais Matthia? [?]). perimeutale et de Muteorologie. Bruxelles, 1836. Powell (Baden). Elementary Treatise on the Geometry of Curves and Curved Surfaces, investigated by ai)i)lication of ditferential and integral calculus. i v. {hvund with the author's " Ele- ments of Curves"). Oxford, 1830. Elements of Curves. Anon. \ v. Oxford, 1828. Short Treatise on Principles of Diffential and Integral Calculus. 2 pts. in 1 V. Oxford, 1829-30. Powell (James W.). Rej)ort on Lands of Arid Region of United States, with more detailed account of lands of Utah. 2nd ed. Wash., 1879. Practical T"';atise on Painting in Oil-Colours. Anon. Lond., 1795. Pratique du Sacrement de Penitence, ou Methode pour I'Administrer Utilement. Imprimee par ordre de I'Eveque. Ed. 3. Paris, 1694. Pratt (John H.). Treatisi- on Attractions, LaPlace's Functions, and the Figure of the Earth. 3rd ed. Cambridge, 1865. Pratt (Samuel Jackson). Miscellanies {prose and verse). 4 v. Lond., 1785. (Prayers and extracts from Scri|)ture, in Hebrew.) n. t. Precis des Operations do TAruiee du Danube, sons les orders du General Jourdan. Paris, 1799. Prejugez Legiti:iics contre les Calvinistes. Anon. Paris, 1671. PresCOtt (William Henry). History of Conquest of Mexico, ed. 3 V. K. Y., 1852. History of Conquest of Peru. v. 2. Bo,st., 1855. History of Reign of Ferdinand and Isal)ella the Catholic. ' ed. 3 V. J5ost., 1856. History of Reign of Philip II, King of Spain. v. 1 Bost., 1855. Present State of Eurojje ; or the Historical and Political Monthly Merciu'v, giving Publick and Private (.)c(!urences in every Court, for 1708. {From f/ie original published at the Hague hy autlioriiij of IloUand and West-Friesland.) v. 19. Lond., 1707 («(.•). Preservative against Popery, in several select Discourses uj)on Principal Heads of Controv(!rsy between Protestants and Papists, written by Eminent Divines of Churcli of England, chiefly in reiga of James II. 3 v. Lond,, 1738. Price (Richard). Review of Princij)al Questions and Difficulties in Morals. 2nd ed. Lond., 1769. Price (Uvedale). Dialogue on Distinct Characters of the Picturescpie and the Beautiful ; in answer to objections of Mr. Knight. Hereford, 1801. 210 00 _'1KI 11th S: 2, PRICE. AUTHORS. PROCESSIONALE. Pi! ICE — Continued. Essay on the Picturesque, as compared with the SuhHnie and the Beautiful ; and on the use of studying Pictures for the purpose of improving Keal Landscape. (With sujiple- nient : Letter to H. Kepton.) New ed. 3 v. Loud, and Hareford, 1796-98. Prichard (Rees or Rys). Y Seren Foreu, neu Gan yll y Cymry. {]\'els}i poemx.) Llanymddyfri, Carniarthenshiro, 184L PrideaUX (Humphrey). Directions to Church-wardens for the dis- charge of their duty. 9th ed. Ed. by R, P. Tyrwliitt. Lond., 1833. Old and New Testament connected in history of Jews and neigh- l)ouring nations, from declension of kingdoms of Israel and Judah to time of Christ. 6th ed. v. 1. Loud., 1719. Same. 7th ed. 2 v. Lond., 1720. ■nne. 8th ed. 2 v. in 3. Lond., 1720. >Smi,H. Oxford, 1838. True Nature of Imposture fully displayed in the Life of Mahomet, with Discourse annex'd, for Vindicating of Christianity from this charge. Lond, 1698. Priestley (Joseph). History and Present State of Electricity. 3rd ed. 2 V. Lond, 1775. Prince (Philiji). ^Monthly Examinations in History, Ceography, Chronology, and other Vu'anches of humane letters. Lond., 1841. Principles of the Jesuits, d&vclopcd in a collei,tion of Extracts from tlii'ir own authors ; with Account of Origin of the Order. .Vnon. Lond , 1839. Prior (.Mattiicw). Pciems on Several Occasions. otii ed. 2 v. Lnii.l., 1733. Sdloiunii d( Mi!ndi Yanitate : jioema. Latine rcdditum per Crui'. i'llvn. 3 pts. in 1 v. Oxonia', 1734-36. I'livatc and Locid ,\. i.; i' \ova Scotia. Halifax, 18r)l. Private i'rayers put f'tt by authority during Kcign of Elizabeth : Primer of l,^.>i;, Orarium of 1.160, Preces Privatae of 1564, iSook of Christian l^rayers of 1578, and Litany of 1544. Ed, by \V. K. Clay. Cambridge, Parker Sac, 1851. I'mrccdi.igs in Convocation relating to Samuel Clarke's writing (" Scrip- ture Doctrine of the Trinity "). Pamph. ^ v. {ban nd with (if/nr frarts on same subject). Lond., 1714. rrciicedings of International Temperance and I'roliibition Convention, London, 1862. Ed. by J. C. Street, F. R. Loe.s, Si D. Burns. Lond., 1862. i'riiciH'ilings a. id Ordinances of Privy Council of England, 1386-1542, Ed by Ilarri.s Nicohus. 7 v. Lond., 1834. Prnccssioiiaie usibus ac ritibus Romanse Ecclesiae accomniodatum ; rcsponsoria, hymnos, antijihonas, etc. {7vith music). Parisiis, 1722. 211 Li* i ,i : • '^- 't .1.;;: ■ '1' ■ ; iFiflff • ■ ■ i |» 'it'"' PROCLUS. AUTHORS. pnouT PrOClus. Hej)h£Bstionis enchiridion ; accedit Procli Clirestomathirt Grammatica (Gr.). Ed. T. Gaisford. Oxonii, 1810. Philosoiihical and Mathematical Commentaries on First Book of Euclid's Elements ; with Life by Marinus. Tr. from Greek, with Preliminary Dissertation, by T. Taylor. 2 v. Loud., 1788. Same. 2 V. PrOCOpillS. KvEKSnra : Lond., 1792. Arcana Historia, qui est liber nonus His- toriaruni. {Gr. d; Lat.) Nicolaus Alemannus protulit, Latine reddidit, Notis illustravit. Lugduni, Brugiotti, 1623. NOTK. — The cditio Two copiea in the library. Historiarum lib. {Gr.) Accessit liber de sedificiis Justiniani, fera duple quam antea 'luctior. Ed. David Hoeschelius. Augusta Vindelicorum, D. Francus, 1607. NoTB.— The editio princepi.—Ebert. Proctor (Richard Anthony). Transits of Venus : a Popular Account of Past an i It iiJ^ iV'-' *. \ i , 1 ., Pfw^v 11 I m rp ■,- ' i' f" •'* 1 r !■ •1 Jiliii PUSEY. AUTHORS. QUINTILIANUS. PusEY — Continued. ])aiu('l the Propliot : iiiii'^ lectures. 3nl thous, Oxford, 1864. Doctrine of the Kcul Presence, as contained in the Fatliers. Oxford, 1855. Historical Ku(Hiiry into Probable Causes of Rationalist Character lately predominant in the Theology of Germany ; to which is ])refixed a letter from (CharLs Henry) Sack. 2 V. Lond., 1828 & 1830. Minor Prophets {Ilosi'.a to Malaclii), with (extensive) Commen- tary and lutroiluctions. Oxford, 18G0. Smue. Oxford, 1877. Remark on Prospective and Past lienefits of Cathedral Institutions, in iiromotioii of sound religious knowledge and of Clerical Education. 2nd ed. Loud., 1833. Plltteuhaill (Ocorge). See P:nglish Reprints, v. 7. Pyiie (George). Practical Rules on Drawing, for operative builder and young student in architecture. 2nd cd. Lond., 18G-1. (j>uarterly doiu'ual of Science; See Journal of Science. (,)uarterly Review. Vols. 12, no. 24 ; 14, no. 28 ; 15-17 ; 18, no. 36 ; " 19 ; 21-20 ; 27, no. 54 ; 28-31. 32 nos. (hound arid unbound). Lund., 1815-25. , (.j>ueen's R(>gulations and Orders for tlie Army. 3rd ed. Lond., 1855. (,>ueen's University, Kingston. Calendar, 1892-93. Kingston. (.,>uestions, sur les([Uelk's on souliaite de .'^^•avoir les Ri'sponses de Mon- sitnu' Adhemar, et de Monsieur De Lisle, et d'autres Habitants de la Piovince de (.^hieljec. \ v. {bound irifh ^* Account (if I'ro-err/ini/.s in (Jurbcc in order to obtain House of A.-ii)oiiti, 1784. (OlK'ra.) Ed. X. K. Lcmaire. 7 v. Parisiis, 1821-25. 2. — SlNdl.K AVoRKS. (a.) Di'chnnutlones. Di'clainationum lib. ; cum Dialogode Causis Corrupta3 Il)lo([uenti*. (1).) I)i.'ititnfio)u:i Oratorio'. fu.stitutionuni Oraturiarum lib, Parisiis, li. Step}, an, 1642. De Institutione Oratoria lib. Lond., 1714. Jle Oratnria Institutione lili. rkl, Claudius Capperonnerius. Parisii.^, 1725. 214 QUINTILIANUS. AUTHORS. RAMSAY. QuiNTiLiANUH — Continued. Iiistitutionum Oratorianim lib. Notis illustrati a Carolo RoUin. 2 V. Parisiis, 1741. Same. Loiul., 17?". Same. 'J v. Paiisiis, 1754. Institutos of Eloquence ; or Art of speaking in public. Tr. into Emjlish by William (lutlirie. v. 2. Lond., 1756. De Institutioiio Oratoria lib. Ed. Johann Matthias Gesner. 2 V. Oxonii, 1806. L)e Institutione Oratoria lib., with Literal English Translation. Cambridge, 1834. l)e Institutione Oratoria lib. 2 v. Lipsiaj, 1866. <}llilltns ClirtillS. See CurtiU8 Rufus (Q ), and add thereto tne followin;/ : — De la Vie d' Alexandre ; avec Supplemens de Jean FreinshemiuH ; en Latin et en Franc^'ois. Ed. M. Mignot. 2 V. Paris, 1781. Rabenhorst's Pocket Dictionary of German and English Languages. By G. H. Noehden. 2nd ed., ed. by 11. E. Lloyd. LoHd., 1822. finblltill (Roger de, Comte de Bnssy). Lettres. v. 4. Paris, 1714. Racine (Jean). ((Euvres.) ii. t. NoTB.— Folio ; each pa(;c divided into nine sub-iu-vires of text. Would probably be unfolded " forms," if it were not that the pages of text follow each other, in order, on uiie Bide of th;' sheet. Theatre coniplet. Paris, 1867. Kiicilie (Louis). La Grace : poi'iue. i v. (hound with " La Iiffi(/in)/.") n. t. La Religion : poi'ine. 5tli ed. }, v. Paris, 1747. Radcliffc ('lohu). Practii-al Disiieusatory, containing a body of Prescriptions. Ed. bv Edward Strother. 5th ed. Lond., 17.W. Rnlci^ll "'• Rale^ll (sir Walter). Historic of the World (to time of J'hi/i/) o/ Afacedon). 1st ed. Lond., 1614. Works, with Lives of the author, by Wni. Oldys and Tho. P>irch. 8 V. Oxford, 1829. NoTB.— This edition is aubjent to censure, because it is jsaid i,o blend spurious writings with those which are (jeiuiinc. See also English Repiiuts, v. 14. Killllbach (Johann Jacob). Ilcilsame Worte des Ilerrn . . , Magdeburg, 1763. S>-<' (dso Luther's (M.) Klciue Schrifton. Raillllielsberg (G F.). Handbuch der Mineralchomie. 2 v. Lcij'/i;', 1875. RaillNiiy (Alexander;), Rudiments of Mineralogy. Lond., 1868. Ramsay (Andrew Miciii'.'d, usual h/ sti/led the Chevalier.) Travels of Cyrus, with a Discourse upon the Theology and Mythology of the Pagans. Lond., 1752. 215 m RAND. AUTHORS. RAYMOND. lirit ' M»4» k i n ' > I V' !»,' ifi|i|i|i!!i««- "1 1 i i r Rand (Silas Tertius). Dictionary of Laiif^uage of Micmac Indians. ( English- Micmac.) Halifax, 1888. H; mni Recentes Latini ; translationes et originalcs. {English and Latin.) Halifax, 1888. See also his Micmac translations of the Bible. Randolph (John, D. D.). Enchiridion Theologicum ; or Manual for use of Students in Divinity. Xow ed. 2 v. Oxford, 1812. Ranke (Leopold). Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome during 16th and 17th centuries. Tr. from German, by Sarah Austin. 3 v. Lond., 1840. Ranken (Francis A.). Strains in Trusses comi)uted by means of diagram.s. Lond., 1872. Rankin (James). Anglo-Cimbri and Teutonic Races proved to be the Lost Tribes of Israel. Pamph. Lond., 1871. Rankine (William John Macquorn). Manual of Civil Engineering. 6th ed. Lond., 1869. Ransome (Cyril). Short Studies of Shakespeare's Plots. Loud., 1890. Rapin (Rene). (Euvres. (Comparaisons des Grands Hommes de VAntiquite, Reflexions sur ['Eloquence, la Poetique, i^c). 3 v. Amsterdam, 1709. CEuvres. v. 4 {containing Reflexions sur la Philosophic Ancienne et Moderne, Ac.) n. t., " epitre " dated 1676. Whole Critical Works. Tr. by Basil Kennett. 3rd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1731. Rapin de ThoyraS (Paul). Acta Regia. [hi historical acco^mt of Thomas Rymer's Foedera, etc., from Henry I to Charles I). Tr. by Stephen Whatley. 4 v. Lond., 1726-27. Rapine de Saincte Marie {R. P. Paschal). Le Christianisme Fervent dans la Primitive Egliso, et Languissant dans celle de nos Derniers Siecles. 2 v. Paris {printed at Or/eans), 1671. Le Christianisme Naissant dans la Gentilite ... v. 1. Paris, 1655. Rawlinson (George). Five Great Monarchies of Ancient Eastern World. v. 4 {Persia). Lond., 1867. Isaac and Jacob : their lives and times. X. Y., 1890(?). Ray (John). Handbook of Proverbs, comjirising an entire republica- tion of Ray's Collection of English Proverbs, v/itli additions by H. G. Bohn. {The frst 280 pages are reprinted from Ray's work.) Lond., 1886. Wisdom of God manifested in Works of Creation. 4th ed. Lond., 1704. Raymond (Rossiter Worthington). Mineral Resources of States and Territories west of Rocky Mountains. Wash., 1869. Statistics of Mines and Miping in States and Territories west of Rocky Mountains. Wash., 1873. illl^y 216 RAYNAL. AUTHOKS. RELAND. Raynal (Abbe Guillaume Thomas Francois). Philosophical and Political History of Settlements and Trade of Europeans in East and West In'lies. Tr. by J. Justamond. 3rd ed 5 v. Lond., 1777. (Ste[)lien). Narratio de Josepho o 8acro Codice desumta, Oxonii, 1822. Reciieil des plus belles Ei)igrammes des PoiJtes Francois, dcpuia Marot jus(iu'a present. 2nd ed. v. 1. Paris, 1700. Red Cross Operations in North of France, 1870-72. Lond., 1872. Redwood (Theophilus). See Molir (F.). Reay RegiuOIl (Abbot of Prum). Annales, non tani de Augnstorum Vitis, (|uam aliorum Gernianorum Gestis et docte et compendiose disserentes . . . Moguntia, Joannes Schveffer, Aug., 1521. NoTB. — The editin princepn of this chronicle ; Very rare. Joannes Schcuffer wa8 succtssor to John Fust and Peter SehcoCfer, the first printers at Mentz (Moguntia). Register of liaptisnis. (jVo entries.) Printed at Lond. Register of Burials. (A'b entries.) Printed at Lond. Register of Marriages. (A^o entries.) Printed at Lond. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum in Arehivis Publicis asserva- tum, 1306-1424. {Record Commission.) Lond., 1814. NoTB.— Collection of Koyal Charters of Scotland. Registrum vulgariter nuncupatum, " The Record of Caernarvon." {Record Commission.) Lond., 1838. Regies et Avis sur la Devotion et la Decence qu'on doit aporter dans I'Exercice du Culte Pid)lic ; en particulier dans I'usago des Prieres Communes de I'Eglise Anglicane. Tr. de I'Anglois. ^ v. Lond., 1751. Regulations for the Volunteer Force. {Revised Army Regidations, vol. 9.) War Office, 1881. Lond. Rei Rustics Scriptores. See Scriptores Rei Rustic?". Reid (Hugo). Steam-Engine ; the construction and action of that engine. 2nd ed. Edin., 1840. leid (Thomas). Jlssays on Powers of Human Mind ; with Es,say on Quantity, and an Analysis of Aristotle's Logic. 3 v. Edin , 1812. ReilloldillS (Johannes). Census habitus Nascente Christo. Oxonii, 1738. Reland (Adrian). De Nummis Veterum Hebraiorum dissertationes 5 ; accredit Disscrtatio de Marmoribus Arabicis. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1709. Four Treatises concerning Doctrine, Discipline and Worship of Mahometans : (1) Reland's Mahometan Religion ; (2) Roland's Defence of Mahometans from false charges ; (3) Bobovius' Liturgy of Turks ; (4) Reflections on Maho- metanism and Socinianism, from the French ; with Life of Mahomet. Lond., 1712. 'Hi rU H :^,.tf ni'li ''% 217 lit M RELIGIOUS. AUTHORS. RESULTS. I'd AH ..'jit ^i* Religious Tract Society, London. Annual Re] tort, for 1839(40th)41, 1845-46, 1848, 1851, 1858, 1860-67(68th). {These reports are for the year ending in March.) 10 ])iinii)li. Loud., v. d. Religious Tracts dispersed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 12 v. Loud., 1813. Remarks on (Samuel) Clarke's " Doctrine of the Trinity." Anon. Pamph. \ V. (bound with other tracts on same subject). Loud., 1714. Remarks on David Hume's Essay on Natural History of Religion ; addressed to Dr. Warburton. Anon. | v. {pamph.) Lend,, 1757. ilemarks on (Willianij "Warburton's Account of Sentiments of early Jews concerning the Soul. Anon. .| v. {bound with Lanh " Confutation of Warbnrton's Defence "). Loml., 1757. Reilliell (James). (reogra])hical System of Herodotus examined and explained. L'nd ed. 2 v. Loud., 1830. Reniiell (Tliomas). Discourses. Loud., 1801. Reply to Two J^iscourscs, ]irinted at Oxford, concerning the Adoration of Our lile.s.sed Savior, in the Holy Eucharist. | v. {bound with Laiujbaiuf.'s ^fonius Tri^impJians, etc ). Oxford. lOS". Report on Boundaries of Ontario. Pamph. Toronto, 1877. Report on 15oiuidaries between Ontario and unorganized territories of the Dominion. Ottawa, 1880. Report of Committee of Hoard of Agriculture, appointed to extract in- formation from county reports, itc, concerning Culture and Use of Potatiies. Loud., 1795. Report of Committees of Hous(! of Ass(>ml)ly of Xova Sc^otia on Deep Sea and River Fisheries. Paui])ii. Halifax, 1854. Report of Discussion in Chapel of Roman Catholic College of ])ownsid(>, near Bath, 1834 ; Subjects, "The Rule of Faith " and "The Sacrifice of the Mass." (.4 contruvfrxij beta-een fio) Protestant and three lioinan Catholic ajmiker/i.) Loiid., 183*!. Report of Professional Tour of Otlicers of Roval Artillerv, in 18G5. Loud., 18G6. Report of Sele(;t Committee appointed to ol)tain information as to Geological Surveys. (Canada.) Pamjih. ( )ttawa, 1884. Report of Select Committee of Senate, on Resources of Great Mackenzie Basin; session 18S8. l'aiu]ih. Ottawa, 1888. Reprint from " The Times '' : annual summaries for a quarter of a cen- tury. Loud., 1876. Reprints of "The Times" and other Early English Xmvspapers. {Tni i.'isues relafinr/ to hnportant eve)Us in EnglisJi hidory.) Pamph, Loud. Resolution des Cas de Conscience sur la Vertu de dustice et d'Ecpiite. v. 3 {mutiJated). Paris (?), 1741. Results of Meteorological 01).servations, made under direction of I'. S. Patent OHice and the Smithsonian Institution, 1854-59. v. 2, pt. 1 (Periodical Phenomena, and Storms). Wash., 18.")4. 218 t! RETRAITE. AUTHORS. RIDPATH. Rotraite Chrotionne sur les Veritez du Salut. Aiion. Paris, 1721. Rhegino Prumiensia. See Reginon. Rliyme or Reason ? {Poems.) Anon. Lontl., 1825. Rhys (J.)- Celtic Britain. Loml., 1882. Riccoboili (Antonio). Paraphrasis in Rhetoricam Aristotelis. Oxonii, 1819. Ricej('fohn). Introduction to Art of Reading witli energy and pro- priety. Lond.. 176.5. Rich (Jeremiali). (New Testament in Shorthand). Lond., n. d. (16—). Size2}t X Ih ins. Richardson (A. T.). Gaaduateil Mathematical Exercises. 2 v. Lond., 1891-92. The " Progressive " Euclid, books 1 i^ 2, with notes, etc. Lond., 1891. Richardson (Charles). Dictionary of English Language, combining exjilanations with etymology, and illustrated by Quotations from best authorities. 2 v. Lond., 1875. Richardson (John), Swainson (W.), Kirby (W.). Fauna Boreali- Americana ; or Zoology of Nortl)ern Parts of British America. (With plates, viost/y coloured.) i v. Lond., 1829-37. CosTKXTS.— V. 1, Qiiadrupeils, by Kichard9on ; v. 2. Hirl. Ritchie (•Iiiiiioa Kvviii^,'). r.ifi' ami Disco vcrii-s of David I.iviiigHtoii(>. n V, Lond,, n. tl. Ritter (Ih'inrich). History of Ancient I'liilos()|)liy. Tr. hy Alcxanilci .1. \V. Morrison, from tin; (icrnian. v. 1, [\ Si i. Oxford, 18.SH-39. Hitiialf I'lirisiensc. Parisiis, 1G97. Kitualc llonianuin ; I'auli V I'ontilicis Maxiini jussii cdituni. Kd. nov. (;uni. Acccntibns. (Tcrt and Jintnlc iwrri/iv/icrr nihri- (■(ttod.) I'aris, Jouniiex /inptist Coif/iuird, 17*JIJ. Ritni'l (In DiociW dc l^iicbcc. Paris, 1703. Robbc (Sieiir). Mt'-thodc jiour a|)itrcndre facilcnicnt la (ieoj,'rafu', ct petit traito dc la Navigation. v. 2. Paris, 1678. Robert (William llayward, /). J).). .Tudali Restored : a Poem. 2 V. in 1. Lond., 1774. Roberts (Charles George Donglaa). Orion, and otlier Poems. Phila., IHcSO. R')bert8 (<'. P.). Dizionario Italiano-Ingleso e Inglesu-Italiano. Sesta edizione. Kiretize, 1881. R'^berts (William) Marniorum Oxoniensium Inscriptioiics Oriecie ad Chandleri Exempli r, editie. Oxunii, 1791. Robertson (Abraham). Elements of Conic Sections deduced from the cone. Oxford, 1818. Geometrical Treatise on Conic Sections, ilu;. Oxford, 1802. Robertson (George). (ieneral View of Agricultm-e of County of Mid-Lotluan. Edin., 1795. Robertson (Henry). 'reneral View of Natural History of the Atmos- l)liere, and of its connection witli Medicine and Agriculture. 2 V. Edin., 1808 (1). Robertson (James). Clavis Pentateuclii, .sive Analysis Omnium Vocum llebraicarum suo ordine in Pentateucho Moscos occur- rentium ; una cum versione Latina et Angiica. Edin., 1770. Robertson (AVr. dames). General View of Agriculture in County of Perth. Perth, 1799. Robertson (James Craigie). Historv of the Cliristian Church. New od. v. 2, part 2 (A. 1). 887-1122). Lond., 18()2. Same. v. 2-4 (A. J). 590-1517). Lond., 18G8 Si 18(i6. Robertson (Jose])h Clintt)n) (Hid Byerley (Tliomas), — " Sholto ami Reuben Percv." The Percv Anecdotes, original and .selectod. V. 1-2, 5, 8-14, 16-20, 22-24^ 26-27. Lond., 1822. Robertson (Thomas). History of Shelburno County, N. S. J/iuiu- script ; sm. folio. NoTB.— Competed for Akins' Historical Prize of 1871. History of Digby County, N. S. Manuscript ; 4to., about 80 pp. NoTB.— Akina' Historical Prize Etsay of 1873. 220 i«. UOHEHTHON. AUTHORS. UOOKRH. KobertHOU (Williiun, d. about IHSU). Tli(!sjnirii,s Liiif^iiOB SanctsB ; sivc CdiicDnlantiiilo Lexicon licljni'o-Liiliiio-Hiblicuin. . . Loud, 1()80. Robertson (Willium). Ilistorifial Disquisition concerning India ; prior to discovery of passage by Cape of Good Hope. Gtli ed. Lond., 1809. History of America (<« i^'.W). 4 v. Lond., 1H17. Sinne. 3 v. f.ond., 1H32. History of Reign of Charles V. 14th ed. v. 2-4. Lond , 1817. History of Scotlantl. 5th ed. v. 1. Lond., 1769. iiame. 11th ed. v. 2. Lond., 1787. timm. 20th ed., with Life l)y Dugald Stewart. 3 v. Lonil, 1817. Works. With Life hy Dngald Stewart. Mew ed. 10 v. Loiul., 1821. Works. V. 4-11, (Chnrlen V., America, [iidia). Chiswick, 1824. KobillKOIl (Clement). See English Scholar's Library, No. .'). Robinson (iMlward). (!reek and English Lexicon of New Testament. JS'ew ed. N. Y., 18(53. ' 'nson (H.), I'Hfjravf)'. (Jalerie dea Femmes de (leorge Sand : Col- lection de 24 jiortraits graves sur acier par H. Robinson, avec un texte ])ar le Bibliophile .lacob (1*. Lacroix). \ v. Rruxelles, 1843. Robinson (Robm't). Indices Tres, Vocum fere omnium (piaeoecnrrunt (1) in JJionysii Longini de Sublimitate, (2) in Eunapii de Vitis I'hilosophorum et Sophistarum, (3) et in Hieroclis connnentario in Pytliagonu Aurea Carmina. Dxonii, 1772. Robinson (Thomas). Scriptun; Characters. Xew etl. v. 2. Lond., 1824. Robinson (John). System of Mechanical Philosophy. Ed. by JJavi.l lirewster. 4 v. Edin., 1822 Rodcricns, EpiKi-opw^ ZaDiorcnsis. Speculum Yit!B Humana?. (Augusta Vindelicorum), (iinf/iaro Zaiiier fx Iti'iitliniimi, 3 id. Jan., 1471. NoTR.— AccoriliiiK to the late T. B. Akina, U. C L., who was the (ioiior, this is proliahl.v thu oldest printed bool< in tliu Dominion of Canada. It iH a folio, in nionastiu binding: witli clasps, without si^natMres. catchwords, cr paKiimtion; printed in the peculiar, l)roa leaves + ,S leaves cotitaiiiinjr index (which differs from Kbert's eimmurutloiO I>r. Altins states th .t it is from the press at lllm, This, however, is doubtless a mistake, for the earliest book known to have been printed in that place, bears the date 1473, and was executed by John Zeiner or Zainer, probably a brother of Guntor Zainer. The latter typo){raphcr printed at Autrsburg (Auf;uuta Vindelicorum) Ebert names the latter town as the place of publication. The binder had labelled the vulume ''Ulmm, 1471," which doubtless led to the mistake, for there is apparently ni other evidence. ROf^erS (John). Seventeen Sermons, to which are added two Tracts. 3rd ed. Lond., 1747. Twelve Sermons. 3rd ed. Lond., 1744. AiOgers (John Methuen). Discourse on Divinity of Christ. Rath Si Lend., 1824. 221 { h i,'i n W\- ' I, m m 1m ROGERS. AUTHORS. ROSE. Rogers (Thomas). Catholic Doctrine of Church of England : an Exposition of the 39 articles. Ed. by J. J. S. Perowne. Cambridge, Parlar Hoc, 1854. Roget (Peter Mark). Animal and Vegetable Physiology, considered with reference to Natural Theology. {Bridgcwater Treatise.) 2 V. Lond.. 1834. Treatises on Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, and Electro- Magnetism. Lend., 1832. Rohault (Taci ucs o?' Jacobus). Physica. ^r?. Samuel Clarke. Ed. 3. Lon.r, 1710. System of Natural Philosophy, illustrated witli Samuel Clarke's Notes taken mostly out of Isaac Newton's Philosophy. Tr. by -John Clarke. 3rd ed. v. 1, pt. 1 ; c'fe v. 2, pt. 2. Lond., 1735. RoIIill (Cliarles). Ancient History of Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Maccvlonians, and Grecians From the French. 10 v. Lond., 1800. Histoire Ancienne des Egyjitiens, des Carthaginois, des Assyrien-s^ des Pabylonions, des Medes et Perses, des Macedoniens, des Grecs. Nouv. ed. v. 1-3, 5-9, 11 (in 2 v.), 12 (1739 Si 1743), 13 (1739 Sc 1713). Paris, v. 1, 1740, v. 1.3, 1743. Histoire Romaine . . . i".^(ju'a la Bataille d'Actium. Nouv. ed. V. 1-3. Pari.s, 1740-41. Romaine (William). Treatise upon the Life of Faitli. 9tli ed. Lond., 1817. Twelve I)i.<('()ursos upon the Law and the vio.spel. Romauie Correctionis in Latinis liiliiiis editionis vui/atre et deiiuo aucta a Francisco Luca. n. p., 1657. Romilly {^ir Samud). Memoirs. Ed. bv his sons. Lond., 1840. \icm\Amii {e altre pot'fiif). Anon. (Candiridge), 1838. Rouge (Jolin). The Holy Coau of Treves, and the New-German Catholic Church. i v. N. Y., 1845. RosCOe (Henry Enheld). S]Tectrnm An:ilysis. 3rd ed. Lond., 1873. ROSCOW (^I. E.). History of Kings County, N. S. Manuscript ; 4to. NoTB. — Competed for Akiii's Uistorical I'rize of 1869. Rose (Henry John). Law of Moses viewed in ct)nnection with History and Character of the Jews ; with Defence of Pmok of Joshua against Professor Leo. (Huli^eaii Lecture.'^,) Caml)ri(lge, 1834. Rose (Hugh James). Brief Remarks on dispositions towards Chris- tianity, generated by Prevailing Opinions and Pursuits. Lond., 1830. ChristiaiUty always Progressive. Lond., 1829. Commission and Consequent Duties of Clergy. 2nd ed. Lond., 1831. Eight Sermons before University of Cambridge, 1830-31. 2nd ed. Lond., 1833. Lond., 1760. , . . observata 2nd ed. 3 v. 222 ROSE. AUTHORS. ROTULl. Rose — Continued. Inscriptiones Grsecie vetustissimse. Cantabrigise, ] 825. State of Protestantistn in Germany. 2nd ed. Lend., 1820. Study of Church History reconmiended. 2nd ed. Lond., 1837. Roset (Hipi)onax). Jewelry and Precious Stones Painidi, Phila., 1856. RosinUS (Joannes). See Roszfeld (Joliann). RoSi^ (Tliomas). Second Punick War between Hannibal and the Romanes (sic). Englished from Latine ofjSilius Italicus, with a Continuation from the Triumph of Scipio to JJeatli of Hannibal. Lond., 1661. Ross (William Alexander). Pyrology, or Fire Chemistry. Lond., 1375. Roszfeld or RosilinS (Joliann). Romanarum Anticiaitatum lib. 1 \. Basilose, 1583. NoTB. — Ecclesiastical arms and other tooling upon the covers. Rotheraill (John). Essay on Faith and its connection with Good Works. 4tli ed. Xewcastle-\ipon-Tyne, 1772. Same. Lond., 1801. Essay on Human Liberty. \ v. >sewcastle-upon-Tyne, 1782. Government a Divine Institution : a Sermon. \ v. {bound with his Essay on Liberty). Loud., 1766. Sermon before Infirmary in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. \ v. {bound tvith his Essay on Liberty.) Newcastle, 1771. Three Sermons before University of C)xford \ v. {bound icitlb his Essay on lAberty.) Lond., 1766. Rotier {R. P. F. S.). Responce aux Blasphemateurs de la Saincte Messe ; avec la confutation de la vaine et ridicule Cuene des Calvinistes. | v. {bound with Ij/'s Et L'lHera de du Mornay). Paris, J. Kerner, 1564. Kdtidi Chartarum in Turri Londintmsi asservati. Ed. by T. J). Hardy. {Record CoDimission, England.) v, 1, pt. 1 (1199-1216). Loml, 1837. Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Hen. Ill t*y: Edw. I, in Turr' Lond' et in Curia Rece[ita?. Scaccarii Westm. asscivati. {Record Commis- sion.) 2 v. Loud., 1812-18. Kotiili Litterarum Clausarum in Tiirri Londinensi asservait. Ed. by Thomas Duffus Hanlv. {Record Commission.) v. 1 (1204- 1224). Lond., 1833. Kotuli Xori.ianniie in Turri Londinensi asservati, Johanne et Henrico V Anglia! regibus. Eil. Thomas Dutl'us Hardy. {Record Com- mission.) V. 1. Lond , 1835. Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Londinensi asservati, temi)Ore Regis Johannis. Ed. Thomas Dutl'us Hardy. (Record Com- mission.) Lond., 1835. iti 1 1 1^l* 223 -' f' m^^ fi ROTULI. AUTHORS. ROYAL. Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari Westmonas- teriensi aaservati : temporibus leguni Angliiu Edwardi I — Hen. VIII. (Record Commission.) 2 v. Loud , 1814-19. Rotuli Sclecti ad Res Anglicus et Hibernicas spectantes, ex Archivis in Domo Capitulari West-Monasteriensi dei)ioniti. Ed. Joseph Hunter. {Record Commission.) Lond., 1834. Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii abbreviatio: temp. Hen. Ill — Edw. III. {Record Commissiou.) 2 v. Loud., 1805-10. Rotulus Cancellai'ii, vel Antigrdphum Magni Rotuli PipsB de Tertio Anno Regni Regis Johannis. {Record Commission) Lond., 1833. Rous (Francis). Archfeologiaj Atticae libri septem : SevenBookes {sic) of Attick Antiquities. With additions by Zachary Bogan. 6th ed. Oxford, 1662. Ronsseau (Jean Jacques). Celebrated Discourse, which obtained the prize of Academy of Dijon, 1750. upon the question, " Has the re-establishment of the Arts and Sciences contributed to improvement of morals." Lond., 1779. Eniile, ou de I'Education. Paris, 1864. Julie, ou la Nouvelle Hcloise : (lettres de deux amants). 3 v Paris, 181 9^ Same. v. 1 ct 2. Paris, 1808. Same. Puris, 1878. Rowe (Nicholas). Lucan's Pharsalia, translated into English Verse. Lond., 1718. Rowell's American Newspaper Directory. N. Y., 1883. Same. N. Y., 1890. Roy (AVilliam). See English Reprints, v. 14. Royal Botanic Society of London. Quarterly Journal, nos. 26, 2S, 3l'- 34,37,44-45. 8 [.amph. Lond,, 1886-91. Royal Dublin Society. Cunningham Memoirs, no. 6 {Parker on. Mor- pholojiy of Duck and Auk Tribes) Paiuph. Dublin, 1890. Scientific Proceedings ; new seric,'^, v. 1-4, i\; parts 1-2 of v. 5. 28 pamph. Dublin, 1877-86. Scientific Transactions. New Scries, vol. 1 (25 pts.) ; vol. 2, pts. 1 it 2 ; vol. 3, ])t.s. 1-7, 9-10. 3 bound v. \- 33 pamph. Dublin, 1877-85, Transactions. v. 29, pts. 15-17. 3 pamph. Dublin, 1891. Roj'al Irish Academv. Proceedings, 3rd series, v. 1, and pt. 2 of v. 2, 3 pamph. ' Dublin, 1891-92. Royal Societv of Canada. Proceedings and Transactions, v. 1-8 -I- . Montreal, 1883-91. Royal Society of London. Catalogue of Sciientitic Papers {in various scientific jmhJications), 1800-83 -f-. 9 v. Lond., 1867-91. Philosophical Transactions, from 1665 to 1800, abridged, witli notes, itc, by C. Hutton, C. Shaw, and R. Pearson. 18 V. Lond., 1809. 224 jit; SI UOTAU, AUTHORS. RYMER. KdYAi. Society ok London — Continued. I'rocoedings ; v. 10, 11 (uos. 42-43, 45-48), 12 (nos. 50-51), 13 (1108. 63, Go, 70), 14(iios. 71-77, 79), 15 (nos. 80-84, 86), 16 (nos. 97, 99, 101-104), 17 (iio.s. 105-107, 109-113), 18 (110.S. 114-115, 117-118). 19 (110.S. 125-126, 129), 20 (nos. 130-133, 135-138), 21-25, 26 (wanting no. 179), 27-36, 37 (wiintiiig no. 232), 38-45, 46 (wanting no. 284), 47-49, 50 (wanting no. 307), 51+. 1 bound v. iK; 223 painijh. Loud., 1859-92 -f-. Uudimcnts of Cicology. Anon. [Chanibcrn's E'iucatlonal Course.) New (3d. Lond., 1859. KllfiuU!^ {Tiivauiiiii" or 7'nrraini'.i). Kusoliii Panipliiii, Rufini, Socratis, . . . Ecclcsiat-tica lli.storia. /i>/. .1. Jacob GrynaeiLs. EasiicfB, iJ. E/iifco/iiufi, 1570. Klllhicrc (Ciau('" Curloman dc). History, or Anecdotes, of Revolu- tion in Russia, 1762. Fi-oni tbe French. 2iul ed. Lond., 1797. KllUlford (IVnjaiuin TllOtlipSOIl, Cuiuit). Construction of Kitchen Fire-places, and Kitchen Utensils, with remarks on processes of Cookery. 2n(l ed. Lond., 1800. Fssavs; I'olitical, KcijiKiniical, and Philosophical. 5th ed. 2 v. Lond., 1800. Itiniklo (•'• I)-). 'S'ee Mathematical Mtmthly. Russell (.Michael). Connection of Sacred and Profane History, from death of .Joshua to decline of kingdoms of Israel and -ludah. (Intended to complete the ivorks of Hliuckford and Pridean.c.) 3 V. Lond., 1827. History <'f Churcii in Scotland. 2 v. Lond., 1834. Polynesia : a History of the South Sea Islands, including Xew /t'aland : with narrative of introduction of Christianity. Lond., 1849. Rutherford (.John). Coal-Fields of Xova Scotia. Paiiiph. New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1871. Rutherford (William). View of Antient History, including Progress if Literature and Fine .Vrts. Lond., 178S. Rutherford (W. (xunion). First Creek Crammar. Lond., 1888. First Creek Synta.x. Lond., 1890. Ruyseh (Fredrik). See System of Llood-Vesscls and Nerves. Ryan (i-Mward). Hi.story of Fll'iM'ts of Religion on Mankind. 2 v. Lond., 1788. Ryan (.James). Ditierential and integral Calculus. N. Y., 1828. Rycaut (I'aul). Present State of Ottoman Kiiiiiire ; containing Ma.xims of Turkish Politic, Points of ^lahometan Religion, Military Discipline. Lond, 1668, Ryersoil (Kgerton). Rovalists of America and T'leir Times: from 1620 to 1816. 2 v. Toronto, 1880. Ryiuer (Thomas). Ceneral Representation of Revealed Religion. Lond., 1723. 225 ** 1 11 P i: ™ f il i([/ ir w 'ii '■' |!j,:-'- i i: if'i i^s r:i ;■ ' u- t ' 1.. i !^i Il ! SABINE. AUTHORS. SAINT-PIERUE. Sftbine (Lorenzo). Biof,'ra])hical Sketches of Loyalists of Ameriouii Revolution, with Historical Essay. 2 v. Bust., 1864. Sabrinse Corolla in Hortuiis Regiic Schohe Salopiensis cont(\\uernnt Tros Yiri Floril)Us Le<,'en(lis. Ed. altera. Lond., \M9. Sacred E.\liibition at AVorthin^'ton Hall ; or Select l'uintinf,'s from Scvii)ture History, considered with a view to Religious Iniju'ove- nient. P.y S; S. Lond., 1799. Sacred Meditations and Devotional Hymns, with some Essays in Prose. Anon. '2nd ed. Lond., 1813. Sacy (Antonius L Silvestre de). Specimen Historic Arabum, auctore E. Pocockio ; accessit Historia "N'etcrum Arabum ex Abu'l Feila, cura A. I. S. de Sacy. {Arabic and Lathi,.) Ed. Joseph White. Oxonii, Is'Ofi. Saga Jiitvardar Komings Hinw Helga, udgiven Efter Lslandske ()l(ll)oger af Det Kongeli^e Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Pani|)li. Kjbbenhavn, l(^f32. Sage (iscopal Power and Jurisdiction, ])y wliicli it is made evident that the Kirk of Scotland is .schismatic) ; with Memoir and Notes. (Kd. by Dr. Suther.) 3 v. Edin., 1844. Saint, f^^ Si I 'nits are entered under their distinctive names; e. //., Augustinus, Chrysostomus, etc. Saint. Se/' also Sainte Saint-Benoist (/). Amasis. Tr. from iMvnch by K. A. Kendall. Lond., 1799. Reauties .s(dei;ted from his Studies of Nature. Ed. by K. A. Kendall. Loud., 1799. Indian Cottage (The). Lond., n. d. 226 •I. I ! SAlNT-riERRE AUTHORS. SANDAFILA. Saixt-Pierre — Continued. Paul et A'irginie ; procede d'nn Esyai fur Paul et Virginie par Prevost-Paradol. Nouv ed. Paris, 1883. Voyage to Isle of Frauce, Isle of Bourbon, and Cape of Good lloi)e. Lond., 1800 Saillte-Beuve (Jawpics do). Resolutions de Plusieurs^ Cas de Con- science toucliant Li Morale et la Discipline de TEglisc. 3 v. Paris, 1715. Saillte-Martlie (Scevole de). Paedotrophia, or Art of Nursing and Rearing Children : a Poem. Tr. from the Latin (in English vers(!) with notes and life of author, by H. W. Tytler. Lond., 1797. Sale (George). Tlie Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Moham- med, translated into English, with notes and Preliminary Discour-se. Lond., 1734. SilllllstillS (Caius Crispus). Bellum Catilinarium et Jugurthinum. Cum commentariis Johannis Min-Ellii. Roterodami, 1695. iSamc. Lond., 1730. IJellum Catilinarum et Jugurthinum ; or History of Catiline's Conspiracy and the War with Jugurtha ; with (parallel) EnglUh Translation, and Notes by John Mair. 8th ed. Glasgow, 1814. De Catiliiife Conjuratione, Rellocpie Jugurthino Historife. Ed. C. Anthon and J. Boyd. Lond., 1845. ( >pera ( )mnia : cum commentariis . . . Accedunt Jani Melleri Paliuerii spicilegia in eundera auctorem. Amstelodami, //. Boom, 1690. NoTK. — This is a scarce edition, very much sought after. Opera Omnia. Ed. Daniel Cri.spinus ; in usum Delphini. Lond., 18-20. Salmon ((icoige). Lessons introductory to Modern Higher Algebra. •Ith ed. Dublin, 1885. Treatise on Analvtie Geometry of Three Dimensions. 4th ed. Dul)lin, 188:. 'iVeatise on ("(inic Sections. 6th cd. Lond., 1879. Treatise on Higher Plane Curves ; intended as sequel to Treatise on Conic Sections. 3rd ed. Dublin, 1879. Sal\a (Vicente). Diccionario de la Leiigua Castellana. {Academia Esjxi/'iold.) Ed. 7. Paris, 1865, Salzmailll (C. (r.) Gymnastics for Youtli. Tr. Lond., 1800. Saiu'lioiiiatlioii. See Ciiinberlaiid (R). Sailctu-OeillilliailO (.loannes de). Scrmones Funebres. Ed. by .loiichim Forgemoultius. Parisiis, 1640 SaiHl (George), pseud. .See Dudevailt (A. L. A. D.). ^:iiHla|iila Siliceriiio (,^)uinti ac Sexti Kvangelii eHcreiuhj. {Trent ises by Q. Sejtfinnis E/orenn Tertidlianus, Viticentius JArinensis, Edmund CaiHjdan, t6 Leonard Lessms.) Lugduni, 1622. 227 'ff\4\ f M % id W: ,;!!! \i !J''h ♦■•:'; l« SANDEAU. AUTHORS. SARPI, M rl Sandeaii (Jules). See Ausier (Emilo). 8ail(Ier80Il (F. W ). Ilydmstatics for boginners. Loiul., 1889. Saudersoil (Kol)ert). i)e .luraiiienti l^roiiiissorii r)l)ligatinn(:', pnolof;- tiones sci)toiii lialntrp in SchoUi Theologicu Oxoiiii, 1646. L v. {hound irkh the author's " De Obliqatione Conscientuf.") Loud, 1710. ])e Obliyationc Conscientia?, prfplectioiies decern Oxonii in Scliola Theologicu habit.T, 1647. \ v. Loml., 1710. Juiliciiiiii Univcrsitatis Oxoniensis dc (1) Solcniii Liga ct Fdjdorc, (2) Juramentu Xog.itivo, (3) (_)i'dinationil)ii.s Parlaineiiti circa Uisciplinani ct Cultuni ; 1G47. 5tli ed. ?, v. {hound irith the ' Daniel Keyte). Rules and Exercises in Homeric; and Attic Greek ; to which is addwl a Short System of (rreek Prosody. 2nd ed. Kdin., 1831. Sandford (.!//•«. John). Lives of Kuglish Female Wortliics. v. 1. Lond., 1833. Sandys (Kdwin, 1). /).). Sermons ; with Miscellaneous Pieces. Ed. l)y John Ayre. Caml)ridge, J'arker Soc, 1842. Sandys {Sir Edwin). Euroi'te Speculum ; or, View or Survey of State of Religion in Western parts of the world, wherein the Roi.ian Religion and Policies of Criurch of Rome to support the .same, arc notal)ly displayed. Lond, 1687. Sandys ((jcnrge). Ovid's Metamorphosis, Englished (in verse), ]^Iythologized ; (witn) Essay to (.s'/c) Translation of Virgil's .Eneis. Lond., IGMJ. Sanitarv (Jnmmission, V. S. A Ihilletin, 1863-6."). 3 v. in 1. X. Y., 1866. Sanson (Nicolas). Atlas Francois, v. 2. Paris, 1700 (?). NoTB.— Contains Sanson's nuips, iniblislicd hy A. Hubert Tiiillot. Santa CniZ de 3Iarzenad0 (Alvar. Mxn/iiis). ReHexions ^rilitaircs et Politi4ues. Tr. de I'Espagnol. v. 2. Paris, 1735. SappllQ. Anacreontis Carniina ; cum Sajiphunis et Alcan Fragnientis, (6V. ef Lat.) Pampli. Clasgua". 1801. Sargent (John). 31emoir of Rev. Henry Martyn, chajilain to Kast India Comjiany. 2iid ed. Lond., 1819. Sargent (Winthrop). Life and Career of Major John Andre. ISoston, 1861. Sarpi (Pietro), — " Pietro Soane, Pnlano " (fm«7?'rt?)i); " Fra-Paolo." Disi'ours ]Jogniatiqu(! et Politique, sur I'origine, la nature, les pri'tendnes inununites, et la veritable destination iles Bieiis Ec(d('siasti(iues. Tr. de ITtalien. {Backed " Ilistoire (h Droit, lioin. J/.") Avignon, 1750. 228 SiSJl SARPI. AUTHORS. Sahpi — Contimml. llistorii^ of (Jdiinccl {h'ic) of Trout. Tr., from the Italian, by Sir Xathaiiicl Hreiit. 2iul ed. Lond., 1C29. Siistres (Fi'iiiicis). Saggi sulla (Jran r5rota<,'rio. v. 1. Loiul., 1793. Sillll (Jo>ii'lili)- Tutnr and Scholar's Assistant : being a Treatise on vVritliiuotii-. L'nd ed. Lond., 1797. SaUlldersoil (Xicholas). Elements of Algebra. 2 v. Cambridge, 1740. Saniidersoii (Robert). *c SaiHlcrson (Li ). SsUiriu (dames). Sermons. Tr. 1)y Rnl)ert Robinson, from tlio Krench. Am. ed. Schenertady, 1X13-10. Savary r (t/>jien'li.c to Iiik lexicon, see Scott (1^ )• Scarailielli (-I'lbn l>a|)tist). hirectorium A.sceticnm ; or Clnide In Spiritual Life. Tr. from the Italian. Ed. by Archliishop n{ Wesiminster. 4 v. Dublin, 1870-71. Hearth (IL M.). At[\uv Snlis, or Notices of Roman Rath. {Archno- /ii;/lriil ) With plates and photogiaphs. Lond., 1804. Sclioller (Emmanuel .lohann (rcrhard). Hictionary of Latin Lan- guage. Tr. from ( lermaii, by d. E. Kiddle ( >xfoi'd, 1835. Lateiiii.-cli-Deutsches und 1 )eutsch-Latcinisches Ilandlexilson. Tue auHage, verbesscrt vm (!. H. Liincmann. 2 v. Leipzig, 1822. fSchoilkl (Kail). (Iriechisch-Deutsches Schulworterbuch. Wien, IS07. Sl'lllckhanl (Wilhelm). ITorologinm Hebranim. Lond., 1039. NoiB. -A note in the liandwritini; of (i. McCawloy, I). D., says, "This ia the oriuinal from which the celebrated [Dr.l iiiisby framed the >:reat Westndnster tkbrew endall. 2 \. Lontl., 1874-77. Die Spraciien Europas in systematischer Uebersicht. Bonn, 1850. Schleil^'lier (Jobann Friedricb). Novus Thesaurus Philologi<'o-Criti- cut' : sive. Lexicon in LXX et Reliiiuos Interpretes Gra'cos, ai' Scri])tores A]ioerviibos Yeteris Testamenti, post (J. C.) l>ie!iuni, el al. :\ v. Lond., 1829. Novum Lexicon (hwco-Latinum in Novum Testamentuiii, con- gessit et vai'iis ob.servationibus Philologicis illustravit 2 V. Lond., 1829. Same. v. 2. Edin., 1814. Schniid (Cbr. von). Heinri<',b von Eichenfels, with notes and voca- bulary liy G. Eugene Fasnaclit. Lond., 1889. Scholar Armed the Errors of the Time ; or Collection of Tracts y ^^. F. M. [jHiKxihli/ Mrs. Miirif I'^iirhij Mniidc). !Jtli ed. I.nnil., S. /'. C. A'., n. il. Scripture TopOL;ra])liy : a<'ciiinit nf places mentioned in Scripture, ,!:^iv('u principally in extracts from \V(irks uf travellers. Palestine, and the (ientile World. Aikhi. 2 v. Lnnd., .S. l\ C. A'., n. d. Scriver <"• Scrivern (Christian.) Die Neue Preatur, . . . (pnl,. fis/inl III/ /lis son-i)i-fSrH Everard (.loannes Sccundns). Second School Poetry i'ook, Kd. liy M. A. Woods. Lond., 1SS7. Secret History of Conrt and Heij^n of Cbarles 11, by a Member of hi.s I'rivy Council ; with Sketches of Period front accession of danii's 1. 2 v. Lond., 179L'. Secrets (l)es) de Nature (" Cdptioii.") n. t., o/d. SoClllldus (Joannes). >See Evei'Jird (-1. S.). Sedgwick (Adam). Synopsis of Classitication of Ihitish I'aheozoie Kocks . . . 2 v. Lond., ]^r>'). Seed (•lerenuah). Postiiumous Works, consisting' of Sermons, Letter.s, Essays, \'c. Kd. liy doscph Hall. '2 v. Lond., 17r)0. Soeley (!>.). Stowc : a l)escri]ition of tlie nia^,'nificent House and (lardens of tiie Kt. Hon. Richard (.'■'enville T(.'niiile, Karl Temple. Loml., 177)5. 8('^0. SCjt?Ul' (Louis Philippe, Comtc d(>). Histoire des Principaux Evene- meiis du He^iu! de F. (luillaume 11, de Prusse ; et Tableau Politique de rEurojie, 17S(;-!)t;. W v. Paris, ISUO. History of Principal Kvents of Keij,'n of Frederick "William IT of i'russia, and Summary of Pevolutions of l>ral)ant, Holland, Poland, and France. Tr. from the French. '\ v. Lond., ISOI. Seilftl" (deor^'e Frederic). P.ililical llermeneutics, oi Art of Scripturo Interpretation; ■with notes liy .1. llerin^'a. Tr. fromdermau and Dutch, with aihlitional notes, by William AVright. Lond., is;?;-). Selboriie (Koumlell Palmer, A'"''' '/). Ancient Facts and Fictions (■oncerning CliiU'ches and Tithes. Lond., 1^*88. Defence of (Jhurcli of Kntiland a^ Disestablishminit. 1th ed. Lond , LS.-^S. Soldon (dohn). P>iief I)is;5 % 233 8EI-WVN. AUTHORS. HKWEI,. It i Selwyil (Alfn'd K. C). Notes 1111(1 Oliscrviitioiis on (lold Fields of (^iK^lu'c iiiitl Nova S(U)tia. I'ainiili. Halifax, 1H72. and DaWHOIl ((1. M.)- l)('scrii)livc Sk<'tcli of IMiysical (Ico- t5ra|)liy and (Icology of Doininiiui of Canada. I'aiiiiili. Mont, 1884 Soinaine (Funo Maisdn d'Ediioatioii dc Londrcs ; coiitcnant nn ahivj,'!' Historiiiue des Coii'-nok's dii Moxinuc v.i dn IVroii . . . Lond., 1798. Seilliscll (Cliarliis). Justin Martvr ; his Life, Writiii<,'s, and Opinions. Tr. l)y J. K. Ryland. v! '2. Kdiii , 1843. 8eilCCa (Lucius Annaeus). .Morals (in Knglisli) liy way of alwtract ; to wliich is added a Diseourse l»y K. L'Kstraii;,'t!. 12tli ed. Ed. by N. James. Lond., 1735. (Opera.) L. Aniifei .SeneeiP, et M. AniuTi Scnoofe, Opera extant omnia ; cum commentariis . . . (nMiova', H)27(!). Opera ... 3 v. Anistelodami, D.). S.Tinoiis. 7 v. l-nmi., 1709. '55 Tl li'iiliii'liMl \\ nrK I \V Ai'W (Ml. ;) V. Ill 5. ( »x xliii'd, 1 .S-J9. Sliai'p ( liDiiia'-'c (il'-lnliii Sliaiji, Vfcliliislidp of \'(ii'l<. I'",(l. hy 'riinllM,-; NcWidlllC. ■_' V. 1.(111(1.. 1S2" Hiiiiiic in r>ii(ik ol' ('(1111111(111 I'raycr and ( 'aiidiis of riuirch of l'",iii,'ian(l, so far as tlicy rdalc to rarocliial (Mcri^'y, cou- rses oil I'rcacliiiiij,-. (K'ford, iN.'U. sidcrcd ; \vi1li ' >isc(Hi SIllir|K (( lr(';,^ory). .\r;^'iiiiii'iit in 1 )('f('iic(' of (IlirisMaiiity, taken ft ciinccssions oi niosi .Vnlieiit .Vdversaries, .lews, I'aeans, IM oni Uloso- I'll Hi CIS, ami llisioriaiis I.imd., I7"ir). Second .\rL;iiiiieiil in Defence of ( "lirisliaiiitv, lakeii fioiii tli Amieiit Prop •les, a|(| ijied to most remarkalple I'lvciits in Lite and ( 'ii.iracter of .lestis ("lirist. I.ond . I 7(>"J. SliaW (doliii). Manna! l'< r the Student it .Viialoiiiw !• It. hv \\ 111 W .\ micrson. T.'ov. iN-jri. Shaw (Kicliavd Norman). .\irliiteelural Skelciies from the ( "oiitineiit. I.ond. IS7J. SiH'phcnl (.lolin). ('•■ilicai and I'ractieal I''.lnci(latioii of Itook of ( 'ommon I'lavev of '. 'linrch ol I'.imlaiul .oiKl ('rilical and I'raetieal i'!lnci(lali( M on ol .MoniiiiL;' ainl r.venur. I laxiT o f t liurcli of Mic'land. liOiid., 17!H) Siniii'. L'nd (Ml .omi., I / Its. Shi'phcrd (Peter). llandliook descriliiiit;- .Vids for < 'ases of 1 iijiirK or Nnildeii nine: ( l.oIKl Siicrulaii ( rh oma^ ( 'oiii'se if I.ect nres on I'llocntioii, with hisser latioiisoii I.aimiianv. I.ond.. 17',*S. ShorhX'k (Thoi las. />. />.}. hiseonr. es preacjieil o n Several (• cca -lons V ."). Oxford. I7lt; 1> isconrses jireaciied a! Ihe Temple I'linrcli, (Vc.. with niscoiir> on I se and Intent ol I'l 0\f Mold SI: ((pliecy New ed. \ St^\-ei'al Miscoiirses nreaclie(l ,it llie Temple ('lllircll. .Srd ed. •J I. i.ond., I7:(it (V. •_'), 17"):. o. •■!). ITnS (V. 1). rial ol Wit 1 leases of Ki'siil reel ion of .I(wu LllOll. l.olKl I SCO. Null-:. .\ii iiii:iL,'j(i;ii'v iri:il aiiicnii; smin' iri'iitj 'iiicn of Uw liiiis of I'onit, Shoi'iock (William). Case of Ke-^i^taiice of the Siiprenie Powers. rdiiiL; t'l the liolv Scriptures. 'Jud Mated ,and Kesolv eii acco .olHl (!'.M). I ie fence and Colli inna lion of I )iscoiirse concern iim KiiowledL' • cf ^iis Chri-^t md.. pi/."). hiscoiir-c com crniiiL; lM\inc Providence. Itli ed, I.ond. 1 7 1 :<. his course coiicermn.L;' Happiness ot (lood Men and Punishment ot P the W ickcd 111 the Next W orld : par t I. the Proofs Iniiiiorlalit V of the Soul, and Immortal Life. I 1701. Practical I tisconrse conecrniiiL;' heath. n. t OIKl !SHKKI,0(;i\. AIJTIIOKS. SIMCOX. Siiuui.ocK — CoiUiimed. I*ra«;ticiil Discourse (Minccriiin;,' Futiin' .liulj^'iiiciit. 11th od- Loud., I7.1l). Scniioiis ])y JicMijiiiuiii C.iliiiiiy ; to wliicli is aildoil a ScriiK)!! IH'caclii'tl at liis Funeral liy W. Slici'loc'k. Lonil., 172G. Sllicis (Andrew). AViteli of the Westcot, a Talc of Nova Scotia ; and other Waste L(>aves of Literature. {In verse.) Halifax, IHiU. Shipley (*^*i'hy). ( Glossary of Keelesiastical Terms. Lond., 1872. Theory al)out Sin in relation to some facts of ilaily life : Lent Lectures on the Seven Deadly Sins. Lf)nd., lf<7.'). Short (Thomas Vowler). Sketch of History of Church of Kn<,dand, to KiSS. 2nd ed. Lond., 183H. Shreve (Charles J.). Diviiu! ()rij,nn and rninterru])ted Succession of Kpiscopacy ^Liintained, in answer to A. W. McLeod's '• Metho- dist Minister Defended." Faniph. Halifax, 1S40. Shreve (Kiehmonil). Seven Lenten Addresses on the Dying Words of .lesu.s. I'amiih. Saint -lohn, >>'. 1!., 1882. Shnckford (Samuel). Sacred an. I Profane History of the World con- nectad. v. 2. Lond., 17;5U. Sacred and I'rofane History of tiu' World iMumected ; with Treatise on Creation and Fall of Man. New ed. 2 v. Oxford, ISIO. Shllttleworth (Philip Xi(!holas). Consistency of whole S<'hcme of Revelation with itself and with Human Reason. Lond., 1832. I'araphrastic Translntion of the Ajxistolical Kjiistles, with Notes. Oxford, 1829. Sibbs (^iV'c. Richard). Works. 3 v. Aberdeen, 1809. NoTK, — TliiH edition, which imrporta to he the entire worlia of Siblis, is incomplete' incorreetl.v printed, and containa iieitlier the prefacea, dedications, nor tallies. Siboriie {Cupt. William). History of War in France and Belgium in 181.-). 2nd ed. 2 v. Loud., 1814. Sidney {Sir Phili])). ^Vv Knglish Reprints, v. 2. Siu;OIlillS (Carolus or Carlo). (Fasti Consulares ac Trium[ilii .\cti, a Romulo Rege u.s(pie ad Ti. ('a'.sarem ; ejusdem in Fastos et Triumiiho.-^, id est in Universam Romanam Historiam, Com- nientarius). (Foriim vol. 7 of fArj/'n " /lititorlarioti lih.", O.vfonl ]S00.) Oxonii, 1800. Saute. ( txonii, 1801. SilillS Italians (Cains). Punica. (AV/. by Kiehurd Ihher, when tS i/ears (if' (i(/e.) 2 v. Lond., 1792. Punicoruiii lib. (AV/. .L Carey [!].) L. comprising its Antiquities, Biography, (leographv, and Natural History. 3 v. l>osto:i, 1H63. Dictionary of Creek and Roman Antiipiities. 2nd ed Lonil., 1870. Dictionary of Creek and Roman Hiography and Mythology. v. 2 (A'— A'). Lond, 184G. Smith's Classical Atlas. Lond.. 1820. Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Annual Report, 1850-59. 18G1, 18t)3-7(), 1878-80, 1882, 1884, 1885 pt. 1, 1880 pt. 1, 1887- 89 + . 29 y. Wash., v. d. Catalogue of Scientific and Teclmical Periodicals. {Mlsci;Un- ■ni'oHs CoJl.,.No. of'.) H. C. Rolton. Wash., 1885. Smithsonian Ctintrilmtions to Knowledge. y. l-2.'?-f- Wash., 1848-81, Smithsonian ]\liscellane()Us Collections, y. 1-27 -f. Wash., 1802-8:?. Xoi'K.— Both the Coiitriliiitions to Knowleiiifo nnd the Miscellaneous Collections contain numerous very important monograplM, by various writers on Hcieiitilie suli- jects, mostly reUtin^ lo America. The naturalist should not tail to examine them, Smollett (Tohias (u'orge). History of England to 1748 (2nd eil), with continuation to 17()5. 10 y. Lond., 1758-05. History of Eiiiil.nid from tiie Revolution to death of (ieorue 11 (((('si.(/ni'(l as a confinitKfioii, of llunii''ft /liatori/). 5 v. Loiiii., 1818. Miscellaneous Works ; with Life by Rohert Anderson. 5tli ed. y. Ediii., 1817. Trayids tiiroiigli Franci; ami Italy. 2nd cd. 2 y. Loud., 1700. ' Works, sidcctcd ; witii Life liy Daviil Hcrlicrt. Lond., 187S. Smyth (It. r.roiigh). (lold iMidds and Mineral Districts of \'ictori.i. Australia. Mejlxnirne, 1809. Smyth (Warrington Wilkinson). liudimentary Treatise on Coal and Coal-Mining. 2nd eil. Lond., 1872. SdDKi. 4th ed. Lond., 1875. Smyth (William). Lectures on Modern History from irruittion of Xorlhern Nations to close of American Reyolution. 2 v. Lond., 1840. Snowball (dohn Charles). Elements of Mechanics. 2nd od. Caml)ridge, 1845. 240 SOAVE. AUTHORS. SONGS. Soave (Francesco). Novelle Morali, ad uso de'Fimciulli . . . Yenezia, 1823. Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor, London. Rejiorts, v. 1-2. Lond., 1798-1800. Sn7ne. v. 1-6. Lond., 1811-li5. Society for Conversion and Religious Instru(!tion and Eihication of Xegro Slaves in British West India Island.s. Reports for 1828-31. 4 paniph. Lond. Society of Phigineers. Transactions for 1862-71. 10 v. Lond., 1863-73. S(jLiety of I'liysical Research, London. Proceedings, v. 1, pts. 2-3. 2 pampli. Lond., 1883. Society for Promoting Cliristian Knowledge, London. Account of Origin, Objects, and General Proceeilings. Pamph. Lond., 1839. (ieneral Account of the Society. Pam]ih. Loud., 1818. Report for 1816-17, 1828-35," 1839, 1841, 1847-48, 1851-53, 1873. 18 pami)h. Lond., v. d. Society for the Proi)agation of th(^ Gospel m Foreign Parts. Jubilee Ytar, comprising "Verses for 1851," and several additional poems (bi/ various writers), in commemoration of 3rd Julnlee of the Society. Lond., 1852. Reports (with Sermon.s) for 1709, 1711-12, 1717-19, 1721-24, 1726-33, 173.5-45, 1747-50, 1752-58, 1760-72, 1774-75, 1778-81, 1783-84, 1786-87, 1789-1802, 1812, 1815-37, 1839-41, 184.3-54, 1856-73, 1875-76, 1879-88. 7 v. & 74 pamph. Lond., v. d. Socrates Sc/iohisflcus. Eusebii Pamphili, Rufhni, Socrati.s, . . . Kcclesiastica IListoria. I'kl. J. .Jacob (jryuitus. Basileie, E. K])isc,oard of Agriculture, fuither illustrat(!d ; with Dissertations on growth and produce of Slicep W(.ol . . . Lonv "Eliza." Lond., 1821. Sproule (John). Klements of Practical Agriculture. 3rd ed. Loud, 1844. Spry (William J. ,L). Cruise of H. M. S. "Challenger." N. Y., 1877. StaC'kllOIIse (John). Uiustrationes Theophra.sti in usum Botanicorum pnecipue peregrinatium. O.xonii, 1811. Privately printed. 243 ■,%'! :tet'^^'' r^ I ■4 H, STAEL-H0L8TBIN. AUTHORS. STEBBING ii I Stael-Holstein (Anno Louise Oennaine, Jiaronm de), — m'l: Necker. Coriiine, ou I'ltalie. {Prvfattirif noten hi/ Mine. Necker do Snussnre, ami Sainte-Beiire.) Piiris, n. tl. Delphine ; precoili'e ile (juelfjues ol)servations par Sainto-lJouve. Paris, n. d. Stanhope (Goorye, D. />.). Paraplirase and Comment ujion tiie Epistles and (iospels. 4 v. Lond., n. d. Smiie. 4 V. Loud., 1715. Stanley (Arthur Peurhyn, Dkiu). Life and Correspondence of Tliomas Arnold. 2 v. I'oston, 1860. Stanley (Henry M.), — 111' John Rowlands. How I found Livingstone ; Trnvels, Adventures, and Discoveries in Central Africa. Montreal, 1872. Stanyan (Tem])le). Grecian History, from Original of Greect, to Death of Philip of Maoedon. "? v. Lond., 1766. Statistica della Emigrazione Italiana nell'anno 1887. Pamph. Itoniii, 1888. Statistica Giudiziaria Civile e Conimerciale per I'anno 1886 ; introdu- zione. {Italij.) Pamph. Roma, 1888. Statistica Giudiziaria Ponale i)er I'anno 1886 ; introduzione. {Itabj.) Pamph. Roma, 1888. Statistical Abstract and Record for 1888. (Dominion of Canada) Ottawa, 1889. Statins (i^iblius Papinius). Opera. doannes 15ernartius scholiis illustravit. Antv(!rpiie, M. Niitiati, 1607. Opera. Ruthomagi, 1613. The Thebaid. Tr. into EimUali Versi' with Notes, by William L. Lewis. 2 v. Oxford, 1767. Statutes of Canada : 1867, j.t. 1 ; 1868, pt. 2 : 1871-73 ; 1875, i)t. 1 ; 1876, pt. 1 ; 1877, pt. 1 ; 1878 ; 1879, pt. 1. 10 v. Ottawa, V. d. Statutes, Documents and Papers bearing on discussion respectiuf,' Northern and AVcstern Boundaries of Ontario. Toronto, 1878. Statutes of the Realm (1101-1713). (England.) 9 v. in 10, and 'l indices. Loii.l., 1^10-24. Staunton ('S//- (Jeorge) Authentic Account of Eml)assy from (Jrciit Britain to China. 2 v. with 1 v. (fol.) of plates. Loml, 1797. Stebbin^ (Henry). Brief Account of Prayer and Sacrament of tho Lord's Sujiper, and other Religious Duties, with ou Speech and the Abuses of it. 4th ed. Lond., 1771. Christianity justified upon Scripture Foundation, being Sunnniuy View of Controversy between Christians and Deists. Lond., 1750. History of Church of Christ from 1530 to 18th century, in con- tinuation of Milner's History of Church of Christ. v. 1 ^ 2. Lond., 1839. 244 STECKEL. AUTHORS. STERNE. Steckel (U-). Essay on tlio Contractod Liiiuid Vein affecting the present theory of Hydraulics. Panipli. Ottawa, 1884. Steele {Sir Richard). Christian Hero : An argument proving that No Princi])le.s but tiiose of Religion are sufficient to make a Great Man. New cd. Oxford, 1802. Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstatl', Es(|. (Thn Tatlcr.) 4 v. Lond., 1733. See (iIko " The Spectator." Steele (William John). See Tait (P. O.). SteiU (Ciu'istian (lottfried Daniel). Handbuch der Georgraphie und Statistik. 5te autlage. 3 v. Leipzig, 1824-26. Kleine Geogra))hie fiir (iymnasien utid ydiulen. 20ste auflage. Durchgesehen von Ferdinand Hor.scaelmann i^ Karl Vogel. Leipzig, 183(5. Steplian (Carol). See Stephens (Charie.^^). StopliailllS ^^^~"«ca' Lingua*. Ed. nova. 8 v. Lond., 1816-25. For appe)i(fix to his " 77ies(iu7'us Grave LAmjnn'" see Scott (D.). See also note nnder Scapnla ('l-). Stephens or Stephanns (Ivobert, ir,().',.1.550). Thesaurus Lingua' Latina". Ed. nova. 4 v. Lond., i734-3.'5 Stephens (William). Sermons. 2 v. < )xf(>rd, 1737, Sterne (Laurence). Letters, with Memoirs of Life and Family. 3 v. Loud., 1776. Life and ()]iinions of Tristram Shandy. 9th ed. 6 v. Lond., 1773. Sermons of ]\rr. Yorick. 11th cd. 7 v. Lond., 1773 (v. 1), 1769 (v. 7). n-i* \' H mm^'-' hrsv''^^-^' 24.") t'M ^! fPW^PI tit STKHNHOKn. ArXIlOKS. STlMJNia-'I.EEl'. Sternhohl (Thomas), Hopkins (J.) (iwlnthfirx. Whole Bookc (,s/V;; of I'salniuri, {'olhutcd into Kiij,'lish incclur, witli apt Notes to sing thciu witliall. \ V. {liuuad iritti the JiiUe printed bif R. Jhtrker, Loud.. I'nOtl.) L«m\. ,J<>/in Windrf, 1GU4. Same. (With liihle, /iarkn', 1H30.) Loud, 1639. Stevens (-Tohii). lirief History of Spiiu . . collected from the best lS[)aiiish Authors. Loiul., 1701. Stevens. See Steplianus. Stevenson (-lolm Hall). Works. (I>„ftir,(l.) v. 1 \- 2. Loiid., 1795. Stewart (.Mexnndcr). Com|i(iidium of Modern (!eo<;raj)hv. 20th ed. Kdin., 18G4. Stewart (lialfuur) and Gee (W. W. II.)- Lessons in Klemeutiiry Tractical l''s : vol. 2, Klectrieity and M i^'netisni. Loinl., kss7. Practical Physics : vol. 1, KIcctricity and Ma;^'netism. Louil., 18SS.' Stewart (I >n^Ml(l). Klemcnts of Philosophv of Human Mind. 2 v. Lon.l., 1792, iV: Kdin., ISll. Mackintosh {sir f), Phiyfair ( i), " ' Leslie sh- .].). J Hsscrtations on History of Metaph ical and Kthical, and of Mjithematical and Physical Science. {Funninij Preliminarji Dissrrfafiim.i to Eitci/c/i)/i«lMlS (.loannen). Florilcgiuni. {(-ff.) Ed. Thomas Gaisford. -t V. Oxonii, 1822. Note.— This is a valuable collection of extracts from Greek writers. Stoddard (Solomon). Sep. Andrews (E. A.). StOCVer(l>. H.). Li fo of Sir ("harlcs Liiuupus, with List of AVork.s, and Ski'tcli of Life of his Son {(Jhrn-lHt^ Liiiii'i'ii-t), Tr. from (German liy -•. Trapi). Loud., 1794. StOllOy (ISindon 1!.). Theory of Strains in (Hrdors and Similar Structun.'s. New ed. Lond., 1873. Thoory of Stresses in Girders and Similar Structures, with pi'acti- cal observatioii.s on Sti'i'iij^th and other properties oi Mate- rials. New ed. Lond., 18is0. Stories from Italian writers, with Literal Interlinear Translation on )ilaii recommended bv Mr. Locke. Anon. 2nd ed. Loud., 18:]."). Storr (Gottlol) christian). Confirmationspredi^'t idier das gewolinliche I'vanj^'elium. .\ v. (p>imp/i., Imiiitd irith Sf<>rre7i.'t< IS Pn'dirj- tf)i). Tiibinj^'en, 1779. Zwo J*redil from the r>il)le Psalms, with HeHections, and Family and Priv;ite i^rayers from the Liturgy. Loud., 1840. Tlinughts on liook of Common Prayer used in Church of Eng- land. Anon. 2 v. Loud., 18r)0-r)(). Thoughts on the Gos|)el of .lesus Clirist. (Co)n)iiP.!iinri/ on Sf. Muttlii'ir.) l!y a "Lay-member of Church of Kngland." Greenwich, 1846. Versinn of the Psalms {incfrira/). .Anon. 3rd ed. Lond., 1842. 247 • s " ! ' i lii "i'l 1. STOWB. AUTHORS. 8TUBBB. )^ i I Stowe (il/rs. Hiinict Eliziibcth),— n/e Beecher. La Case do VOiwh Tom. Tr. par Lt'uii I'ilatte. Nouv. ed. v. 2. Paris, 1808. Strabo. (l(MiHra|iliy. Tr. by H. C. Hamilton and W. Falconor. 2 V. Loud., 1854. li'crum (!('()i^ni|ihiciirum HI). (Gr. y A. F. M. Willich. Lond., 1801. Strype (John). Annals of the Reformation and Fstaltlishment of Reli<,aon. and other occiirrencos in Ghnrch of Fnj,'la!id, ihirin<,' Klizal.eth's roirrn (1558-1607). 2nd ed. 4 v. Loml, 1725. tSdiiie. New ed. 4 v. in 7. Oxford, 1824. Kcclesiastical jNlemorial.s- relatinj^ chiefly to Kelirjion nnd Reforma- tion of it, nnd Fmer of ' (.'anterhury. Oxford, 1821. Life and Acts of Matthew Parker, 1st Archbishop of Canterl)urv. ;i V. Oxford, 1821. Life and Acts of -loim Wliitgift, Archbishop of (.'anterburv. .'} V. Oxford, 1822. Memorials of Thomas Craniner, Archbishop of Canterbury. New ed. 2 V. Oxford. 1812. Stllbbe (irenry). Deliciit^ Poetarum .Anglicanorum in ftra?cuni Vers.T : ipiibus accedunt Elotrj;! Ronue et Venctiarum. Oxonia', 1058. Ilorai Sul>seeiviP. ^ v. {hannd icith his " DeHci(p Poeturnm Au French. -^^^ v. {hacM "■ MiHce.lhniii'x, vol. (;.''). Loud., IHSS. SlirenhllS '"• SlinMlllllHiuS I'Wiilcni). I'.iMoe Catalla^'ee in (|uo Secundum Veterum Taeologorum HeliraMirum formulas aiic- j^andi, et Modos interpretandi conciliautur loca ex A', in X. T. allegata. .Vmst/'la'dauii. 171 (last figure of date is olilit- erated). Surgical treatise in French. AIam scuii'r of G.'};! pages ; size fi| X 1- ins. ; date unknown, [lossiiily 17th century. Surrey (Henry Howard, AVf>7 nf.). S,,' Fnglish Reprints, v. 11 Slirtees (Roliert). History and Antiquities of (jmnty Palatine of l)urham. (Aliriih/ni'iif.) iiound ] amph. Survey of Piooke (sic) of Common Prayer, liv way of l',)7 (.,)uau'es . , . that they may he syncerely answered, or els ott'ences religiously renio\'ed. h V. [hainir/ irifh (Jui^(iiili(i)i^ " \'hii/ic'ifiini '_//' //ir I.oiil'x Prajfir "). n. p., 1010. Sur\'ey of A\'isdom of ( loil in ('reation, or Comiieudiuni of Xiitui'al Philosophy. Anon. ^ I'nd e(l. v. 'J-.'i. P>ristol, 1770. Su/illlllO (P. H-). 'rrait(' d'Education puhli(iue et Priv/'c d.ins uiic Monarchic Constitutionnelle. 2 v. Paris, 1820. Swabey (Maurice). A'oices from Al«'gweet : or Home of the Wave, ( /'iii'iHf, ntaiiji of irln'r/i ri'lulc tn the Mdrilimc I'roi'iiici's.) Lond,, 1878. ' Swaiiisoii (William). Srr Iticlianlsoii (.1.). Swil'tOll (Cerhard, liiinni von) ( 'ouimenlai'ies upon Poerhaavc's Aphori.sms concealing Knowledge and Cure of hiseases. Tr. froui Latin. 18v. Ivlin., 1770. Swift (Jonathan). Historv of Four Last Years of the (Jueen {Aum'). Lond., 1758. Tah' of a Tuh, to which is added .Account of Lattle I'.et^vn^ii Ani'ient and Modern Pook^ in St. .lames's Liln.irv. Lond., 1811. 200 SWIFT. AUTHORS. TACITUS SWIIT Continued. \V ni'Ks, S( lfct('/. t. Tacitus (Cains Cornelius). I )e Mmilius (iermannrum et 1 >e Vita Agricoliv. Kx editimie (lalirielis llrotier ; ed. Richanl Relhan. Kd. altera. ( "antahrigia", 1S1;5. ( >pera ( )mnia. Lugduni iiatavorum. Main; 1G19. Opera. /.'(/.. I ustus Lipsius, iV C'. N'elleins raterculus. Anlver- piii", ex ufficiiiii J'/i'i, Iti'JT. Opera: ex recensione do. Augusti JMiiesti, cum notis dusti Lipsii et .1. F. Oronovii. Lipsiu', l~'>'2. (»]iera. /'M. d. August Krnest. v. 2. Li]isi;p, 17-')2. Opera. AV/. (;aliri(d iirotier. 2 v. Warringtonia", 178], Opera Onnua. 2 v, ( txonii, 18(11. ttjiere. {/(i(/l?t,s',yi», 1581 [colophon). Same. 2 v. Parij,'i, 1819. Jerusalem Delivered. Tr. bv J. lloole. ."ird ed. 2 v. Loud., 17G7. Tate (Xahum). See Brady (N.). Tatliaill (William). Historical and i'racticnl Kssay on Cultii e and Connnerce of Tobacco. Loud., 1800, National Irrigation, or Various Methods of Watc'ing Meadows. Loud., 1801. TatiailllS. S, Justiui opera ; item . . . Tatiani Assvr-i . . . Tracia- tus . . . (G'r. et Laf.). Colonia, lOSC). Same. Lutetia> Parisiorum, IGl;" Tatiani < >ratio ad (Inecos ; et Ilerniia> irrisio (lentiiium jihiloso- ]»liorum. {(rf. ij* Laf.) Ed. W. Wortli. *)xonia', 1700. Tatler (The). See Steele {Sir R.). Tattaill ( Henry). Duodecim Iroplietarum Minonim Lilims in Lingr.a .Egyjitiaca, vulgo Coptica, sen .Meuijihitica. {Coptic and Latin.) ().\on'i, 18;)(). Lexicon .Egyptiaco-Latinuiu, ex vetci'iltiis iingure .llgyptiara' monumeiitis, 't ex ojiiTJlius La Crozii, Woidii, e' aliorum cong(!stuui ; cum index vocum Latinarum. Oxonii, 183."). Taylor (Alfred Swaine). Poisons in relation to Meilical Jurisprudeiirc and Mediciiic. 2nd .\ui. ed. I'hila., 1 8r)9. See also Braiide (W. T.). Taylor (Charles). Sre Callliet'.S (.\ ) Dictionary of tlic jlihle. Taylor (Feiuiings). 11(11. Thos. D'.Arcv Mcllee : Ski'trh of Lifi'. Montreal, 1808 Taylor (Jeremy) iVntiipiitales Christiaiwe : or History of Life and Death of .lesus (Ay '/'ai//nr). as ;dso Liviv. .Vrts, and .Martyr- doms of His AposUrs (A// ir. Can'). Lond, 1(>78. ,r TAYLOR. AUTHOK8. TERENTIUS. Taylor — Continued. ( rolden Grove . . . alsd Festival Hymns according to Manner of Ancient Clmrcli. 15111 ed. Lond , 1685. Rule and Exercises of J Inly Living ; Rule and Exercises of Holy J)ying. ITth ed. " i v. in 1. Lond., 1695. Suadrant. Preface hy Ne\il Maskelyne. Lond., 1792. Taylor (Thoma ). See dissertation (u Proclus' Commen- taries on Endid. Teif?niJIOUtJl (dohu Shore, Lord). Memoirs of Life, Writings and Corres|iond.'nce of Sir William Jones. 6th ed, Loiul, 1815. Teissier (Antoine). See Thou (.1. A. de). T»'!2;iier (Isaie or Esaias). Kleinert! (iedichte in einer Answalii, Aus dem Sch\\(;disclien iiliertragen von (iustav Zeller. Stuttgart, 1862. Teillllie (Conrad Ferdinan^>r William). \Vorks, roi]i|ilctc. 4 v. Loud., ISI I. TeUf:;VSOn (Alfred, Lord\ Avlmer's Fidd. Ed. hv W. T. Webl). Lond., 1S91. Connug of Artliur and I'assing of .Artliur. Ed. with notes hy F. .1. Howe. Liaid., 1891. Enocli Arden. Ed. liy \\ . T. Wehh, Lond., 1891. (lareth and Lynettc. VA. hy(i. C. Macaulay. Loud,, 1S9L'. (.(•ueen Mary : a Oraiua. Toronto, 1875. Poetical Works. I'.oston, IStid. Princess (Tlie) : a niedlev. Ed. hv Percy .M, Wallace. Lond., 1892. Selections. Ed. with notes liv F. .1. Lowe and W. T. Webb. Lond., l^SS. Terentius At'er "/• Tereuce (Pulilius). Andria et Heautontimoru- menos. I'M. by .lanu's Davies. Lond., 1858, Comedies Tr. into l-lnijlisli Prose, liy S. Patrick {nnth Lutin f>'.rf). 2nd e.j. " v. 2. Lomi., ] 750 Como'diiP. Cum > i)tie Douati, Euprraphii, i^'c, ^'c. Am- stelodami iK; Lugd. liatavonim, KJi^ti. Comu'diie. Kd. Richard Ueutley. Ed. altera. AmstelfB- dami, 1727. Comu'diJi'. V. 1. Lond., Kuajiton d: '"^aiidhi/^ 1751. NoTK..— This is the m all bvo. edition. 1.r !?■» 25.} flPPP^PfF IP TEllENTlUrt. ArTIIOKS. THEOCUITUS. I ! i«il! ! :■ I 1 : v K. St. .Idliii PjUTJ'. Luiid., 1 S57. TcrciuMiis pocta ciini I'dinciito doiiati graiiiiiiatici. ii. p., n. d. (ITitli crnturv). NurK.-Tliis is No. •I'lS'M of Kliert's liihIiotfrapliicMl Dictionary. It la a 4to vohiine, withmit pa^'iiiatiiin, lioiiml in wood witli|i. aiul |iiinti'il in (iothic-iettur. Hears the signatures A- Z and :i— s, UTid at the end in t'iiiia. Some of the initial hitters are inserfeil with ;• pen or hrn.sli, and tlie " \ita Terentii,"at the Ijeniniiini;, ii roiiirhly rnliriiated in tlie same manner. TerrasSOIl {Ii- P. Andn''). Scriuon.s iiiiiir Ic CaitJiia.' (ct .sur Difciciis SuJL't.;). V. 1, L> X- 4. I'aiis 17JG. TertulIiainiS {^i- Septimu.'^ Flnrcns). ,Sw Sandapila Silii'criiiii (^)uiiiti ac Si'.xti I'^vaiinclii cH'cri'iidd. Tc.-^ta dc Ni'vill, .-^ivi' l,ilu»r I'^ciMldrum in Cui'ia Scaccarii, ti'in[i. Hru. J 1 1 it Kdw. I. { Jiii'i'iiid Cdiiinnssloii.) Ldiid., 1SU7. NoTK- "This vohinie contains Nomina Villarnin, lands h Id li,v Serjeantry and Knij;lits' fees, liolden either immediately of the Crown, (jr under individuals who themselves held of the Kinj: in eapite ; whether de antiipio or de niiva ; estates hy frankalmoi^'iie ; marriaues, aids and scuta:,'es, Ae. Tnese were taken in ini|iiisiti'jn in the times of Henr\ 111 and Edward I. Wherein they derived the name of Nevill is iineertairi." TllJU'lUT (daiiic-^). Aiiicricaii 1 )is|icii,satdrv, cdiitaiiiiii^n' I'rini'iiilc-; of I'liannaccutir Cliciiii.strv, Materia Mediea, >V-e. Jidstoii, ISlU. TllSU'korJiy (William .Makeiieaei'). (Jdiuplete Works. 10 v. Jiostdii 11 <1. Tliam (Karl l<;natz), HdlnMiiiaii ( Irammar. (/// drniuii/.) -Itli eil. I'ra.H'Ue, iS()4. Tliailler (ddhu;. Kxeivitia de Vita et I'a.-^sidne Salvatdi'is N'd.sfri desu Cliristi, pietati et devotidni ma.xime iuservieiitia. Colonia', lt)()7. TlielwaU (Al.ueriidn Syilney). I.ettiTs to a Friend, on Olijectieiis the Cliiireh of Kiigland. Loud., F^.H;"). Scriptural Keftitation df Irvine s Hf-resy. Fdiid., \f<'M. Sermdii.s (on ,iJ'ili,nis of th<> Clmrrli to f/o' Wor/i/). Ldiul., ISH.'i. ,svv <,AsY, EUaby (F.v TlieoerUuS {"hnnioloijicul iirnoii/riiirn/. (Idyllia.) (;,: ft L,tt. Tlir L'ltiii !riti,^l,(fi,ni In/ EoliailUS" HesSUS. na.ueuda', ./. >MV'/7'//.s'. i.?)HO. Fidyjiia (sir). I.atiiid earmiiie reildita, lleiio K(J)ailO'H('SSO, iiiii'i'prete . . . l',.is\U'A; And. CnifmiJu; 1581. (< 'pci'a) (|iK" extant lY//'. tj- /.«/.); cum (liuuiis Sclidliis (edeiitc Ui'l' West). (Ixduia, 1«»M). L'r)4 KaKjt; THEiWHITUS. AT'THDKS. Tinuoux. Theocbitus — Continued. Idylliuiiis Tr. iiiti) E?i>/li.s/i verse, with notes, 1)V F. Fawkes. Loi;a., 1767. Puetai Bucolici (Ira'ri ; sivo Tlieocriti, lUouis ot Mosclii ([ii;e suiiersunt ; cuiu notis Viirioruin. (^V/'.) AV. Thomas Brig^S. Caiitabri^'ia', 18'^1. Th^oHoVi^txlH {l^i''li"l> '>f t'l/nis). Eusfhii l^aiiiphili, . . . Theothjriti . . . Kcelesiastie;! llistoi'ia. i:,''/. .1. Jaeoli ( irviuens. I'asih'a>, E. E])iKcopbiK, XUIO. Theodoriti ct Kvagrii llistoiia Kcch'siastiea ; item (,'xcei'|ita ex llistoriis I'hilostorgii et 'rheo(h)i'i iectoris. {(Ir. , l()7i). Tliodtlosius and Constantia, Correspdudeiiee of. Lond., 1799. Tli('in;'ony : a ( renealojjiical MvtlioloLjy (i» tahidati'il fiinn) i^l Ancient ( Ireeee and Ikome. .\non. Lond., 1S44. TlU'OplliluS {>'^((irtt, JVisIiop of Autioclt). Ad Autolyenm lili. {(,'r. et Lilt.) Oxonii, 1()84. S. Jiistini opei'a ; item . . . Tiieo|iliili Antioclieni . . . Tract- atus . . . ((r' Lat ) C'olonia', 1G8G. S(t)in'. Lutetia' Parisionun, IGlo. TllCOplirastllS. NotationesMoinm {Clmnictirix Etltiri : dr. p.t Lnt. ); Isaaeus Casauhonus reeensuit, et Lilii'o (•oniinentario ilUislravit. Lngduni, 1G."5S. Epicteti Kuehii'idion . . . et Theophrasti Cliaraeteres Klhiei. {Gr. d: Lat.) Ed. •\. Simpson Uxonii, 1739. bdnie. Kd. '). Oxonii, 18U4. TlieopliylactllS {Archhi>^h(ip of linhjaria). ()]M>ra ( )nniia, {Couuii u- tuiii, (iy. it Lat.) 4 v. ^'enetiis, 17")4. Theory and Praetit.'c of Malting and lirewing. I!y a Praetiral ISrewer. Kdin., 179.'5. ^ v. {bound irif/i ot/n'r /laiiiphlets, mid bacned " Triirf.'^ OH Coal Diifi/ "). TllickllCSse (I'liilip). ()l)servations on Customs and Manners of Kreneh Nation (nndirafini/ Fruin'i- froi.i crti-.' ■ l.-'/v^^/yw/'- tiitiunx). Didilin, 17G7. Year's Journev througli Franee and pari of Spain. IJrd ed. •J V. 'Pon.l., 1789. Tliieine-Prensser : Critical Dictionary of Fnglisji and (lernian Langnages. Fd. liy il. iireithaupt. ( iotha ^Ic rKglise touchant les l^enefiees et les Ijencfieiers, e.xtraite de la I)isci]ilin(' (lu R. 1*. Thomassin. Par un Prestre de la mesme Congregation. Paris, 1702. La Metliode tl'etudier et d'Kns(>igner Chretiennement et solide- nient, la Philosoi)hie jiar Rajijiort a la Religion Cliretienne et au.K Ecritures. Paris. 1(»93. Traite de rAumone, on du l>on Isage des Riens Temporels, tant jiour les Lai([ues, que pour les Ki'elesiastiijues, Paris, Thompson (P.enjamin, Coimf Rumford). &'e Ruuiford. Thompson (Rohert Anclior). Christian Theism : Testimony of Reason and Revelation to Kxistente and Character of the Supreme lieing. 2 v. Lond., 185.'). Principles of Natural Theology. Loud., 1857. Thomson ((Jeorge). Spirit nf Ceneral History, 8th to 18th century. 2ud ed. Lond., 1792. Tliomson (Henry Hyerley). Military Forces and Institutions of (Ireat liritain and Ireland; their constitution, administration, and government, military and civil. Lond., 1855. Thomson (.lames). Wiu'ks (political). 2 v. Lond., 1788. /SV" also Poetic Vc ices of Kighteenth Century. Thomson (•lolm). (reneral A'iew of Agriiidture (jf Cimnty of Fife. Fdiu., 1800. Thomson (Thomas). History of Chemistry 2 V. Lond., 1830. <)utlines of Sciences of Heat and Klectricity. Lond., 1830. Svsteni of Chemistry of Inorijanic Rodies. 7th ed, 2 v. Loud., 183!. ' Thomson (M'illiam, JJ.IJ.). Outline nf Necessary Laws of Thouglit : a Treatise on Pure and Applied Logic 7tii thous. Lond., 18(54. Thomson (William). Introduction to J )eternunants, with example.'!. Kdin., 1882. Thorburn (Crant). Lfe amMViitings. P.y hini.self. N. V., 1852. Tliorn (W. H.). Reul's Kngineers' Hand-Book to Local Marine I'oaid Kxaminations for Certihi'ates of Comp(.'tency as First and Second Class Kngineers. 10th ed. Sunderland, 1883 (?). Thorndike (Herhert). .lust "Weights and Mea.suriis ; that i.s, the Present State of Religion weighed in the Pialance . , . 2uil ed. Lond, 1G80, TJlOrnton (lionnell). Comedies of Plautus, translatinl into (English) iJlank 2nd ed. 5 v. Lond,, 17(J9. 25G TIIORXTOX. AUTHORS. TIIL'CYDIDES. Tlioriltoil (•! ). rriiucr on ]>Oi)]<.-Kv('\>\n'^. [.ond., 1S90. Thornton (Knbcrt -Idlm). I'xitanical Kxtracts ; or Pliilosopliy of n.itaiiy. -iv. ill 1 (folio), ^V- 1 v. of plates. Lond, INIO. Thorp (Kiilx'it). Matliciiiatii'al I'rinci])l('s of Xatural IMulosophy l>y Sir I. N,'c\vtoii, IjcMik lirst, traiislat(Ml with a Coiiuut'iitary by K. T. 2ii(l c.l. 2 V. (/('./•/ mi./ Pl(tt'.<). Lniul., 1802.' Thorpe (I>eiijaiiii;i). Lihri Psiiliuorum : Vcrsio Aiiti((ua Latiiia, cum l^araplirasi Aiii^lo-Saxoincii. E cod. ^[S. in lUlil. Kegia I'iiiisii'usi adscrvato. Oxoiiii, 1835. Thou ('la(;(pics Auguste do). Klogcs des lloiiniu's Scavaiis tircz do rUistoiro, avc'c additions par Aiitoinc Teissier, v. 2. Utroclit, 1()90. lli.stuire dcs Clmscs arrivt'cs de Sou Teiujis. Miso en Franf;ois par P. J)uKye.'. 3 v. Paris, 1659. Ilistnire rniversolie, 1543-1007. {With p.vtensivp Life of the (Uithor.) Tr. snr roditi(jn Latiiie de Londre.s. 16 v. Lond., 1734. Thoughts in Retirement. IJy Throe Clcrgynion. Loiul, 1831. Tlii'-'u Month's A'isitatifin, by R., Pishop of Capetown, in 1855, with Aecdunt nf Vovage to Island of Tristan d"Acuiiha, in 1850. Lond., 1850. Tlivee Primers ]iut forth in Reign of Henry VIII (1535, 1539, I'v: 1545). Chitirh uf Enijlaiid. Ed. by Kdward Purton. Oxford, 1834. Tliuanus (J. A.). &« Thou (,I. A. do). Thiicydides. (.irii;k (ir Latin Tixt. I'e iieljo I'eliipiiiinosiaeo lib. {fir. ((.'• Lnt.) Kd. Ilenricus Stephanus. Franeofnrti .4. HVc/;^/, 1594. l)e Hello Peldpomiesiaeo lib. ((//'. iV Lnt.) FaI. J. Wasse, et C. A. Duker. 6 v. (c. l inutiJatrd). liiponti, 1788-89. 1 )e llelld Peldpiiiinesiaeo lib. {Or.): ad edilidiieiu Dukfil'i expressi. 2 v. {Un'pk part oiil ij ; Lntin vol iiim's niissiiKi). Ox.mii, 1809. Pe Pelld relopdiinesiaeo lib. {(,'r. <(• Lat.) Kx editione •Idaiiiiis Christ(j[>linri Gottlcbcri, ot Caroli Ludovici Itaveri. 4 v. Lend., 1819. Histdi'V df Peldpdunesian War. {ililii)tl]i'i'a Tiii'ologica, ct aliie disscltationcs. Trajecti ad Hlii'num, 171 7. TillclllOllt (Louis S(''bastian Ic Nain dc). Ecclesiastical Mcnmirs of six iirst centuries. Tr. from tlie French. 2 v. Luiul, 1731-35. TillolsOll (.Tohn, I). /).). Ride of P'aitli ; or Answer to Treatise nf ^Ir. I. S. (Sci'geant) entitled Siiiv-footing ; to wliirli is adjoined, R(;ply tn 1. H, l)y E. Stillingfleet. 2nd ed. Lond., 1(;7G. Scrnidns and Discourses. 3rd ed. y. 3. Lond,, ItiDl. Works {tJieol(>//ic(d) Ed. by Ralph Barker. 3 y. Lond., 173-"), Works (.tiruKDis). 12 y. l.ond., 1743. Tirill {li- ^^- diicoli.) In S. Srri|ituram Commentarius. 2 y. Aiu- yerpia>, 164;"). Same, 2 y. Lngduni, 173t. Titcomb (Timothy), yAsv'/J. Sr,- Holland (J. O.). TocqilOt (J. F.). Royal Pocket l>iclionary, Frcnrh-Engli-li and English-Frencdi. Lond., 171)5. Same. 1808. 258 r T(JI)D. AUTHORS. TOOKE. Todd (Aliilieus). Piirliainontiiry (roveruinont hi British Colonies. ]5c)stoii, 1880. Todd (JaiiKis Hcnthorn). Discourses on Propiiecios relating to Anti- christ in Writings of Daniel and St. Paul. Dublin, 1840. Todllliutci* (Isaac). Examples of Analytical (leonictry of Three Dimensions. L'nd ed. Cambridge, 1864. History of Mathematical Theory of Probal)ility, from time of Pascal to tliat of Laplace. Cambriilge it Lond., 1805. History of Progress (;f Calculus of Variations during 19th century. 'Cambridge, LSGl. Treatise on i )itlerential Calculus. 4th cd. Cambridge, 18G4. Treatise on Integral C.dculus. 2nd ed. Caml)ridge, 18G2. Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate (Jeometry as ajjplied to the straight line and the conic sections. 4th ed. Lond., 1807. Toll (I'l'i^'leri^'k). Defence of Middleton's Free J]n([uiry, against (W.) Doilweli's I'ret! Answer. ^ v. (baiDid ivith other rell(jioiis jxnnji/t/efs). Loud., 1749. Tollllie (^V• Fraser) nii'/ Dawsoil (G. M.). Comparative Vocabularies of Indian Tril)es of liritish (Columbia. ((leo. & Nat. Hist. JSiircri/ of Cauada.) Pamph. ^lontreal, 1884. TomlillO (Ceorge, D. J).),—>ir Pretyiliail. Elements of Christian Theologv. 2 V. Lond., LSI 2. Stmt''. •1 V. Loud., 1818. d. V. Refutation of Calvinism. Olh ed. Lond., 1812. Same. 7tli ed. Li»nd., 1817. Ha\ni\ 8lii ed. Lond., 1823. TonilillS (Sir Thomas Edlvie>), Law Dictionavv. 3rd Lond., 1820. Toogood (Jdlin). (Vnlmue containing the following i)amphlets :) (1) Scrmnii prrarlii'il at Kington Ma'/iia, Dorset, 1800; Sher- borne, n. d. ; (2) Dictinnary for Hook of Common Prayer; Slirrborne. 1793; (3) Discourse on Wisdom and (ioodness of • lod in formation of M;ui ; Sherljorne, 1796; (4) liook of Xaturc : on Wisdom of ( !od ; Slici'lforne, 1792 ; (Ji) Causesof Coulmnpt of CliTgy : Lond., 1796. o pampli. in 1 v. (.\ndicw). Pantheon : representing Faliulous Histories of Heathen ( loils and Heroes. Rev. ed. Lond, 17^4. ^■(ohn Home). "K-'*; ~ri{)inv7ti, or the Diversions of Purley. 2/)d e/l. 2 V. Lond., 1798. Saui> VA. by K. Taylor. Lond., 1840. rooke (H'illiam). History of Rus^ia from foundation to Accession of Tooke To«;(i<' Cat I larnii' 11. 2 V, l,OII/| 1800. Life of Catharine J L of Ru.s,sia. 3rd ed. 3 v. Lond., 1799. Secret Memoirs of Court of Petersburg, particularly towards end of Reign i:s. TOWNHKM) \'i('\v nl' K'lissiiiii l'',iii|iiiv, ilmiiiL; K'ci^ii ul' ( 'illiarim- || mihI id cliisc (if I'li^'lili'i'iilli Cnitiirv. "Jinl cil. ;{ v. I.dinl., |S(»(l TorOCIl (• Hi'l). \'mV;il^c In Sliriltlr. {/'riilf''/ il-ilh (»s1icc1v'm ('liiii,i, l'",i'k('lM'rL;'s ('liiiirsc II iisl);miliv, Kiid l''immilii .'iml l''li>r,i Sinensis.) 'I'l'. Iiy.l. I». I'"i>is|(r. "J v. Lniul,, 1771. Tnioiiln I'liivrrsity. ( 'ilriKhr, ISSiS'J, ISSI.SC, ISSS-KO, |S!)|.l)i). (> |i;iin|ill. 'rnlnlllii, V. i|. 'rotlcll's Misci'll.niy. S, !• l'',iiL;lish lu'|iiiiits, v. II. 'roHcillllilll (!'',' I w, Mil), HnnVII (T. ■'.), ^(iS. TtMip ('loiiallian). iMiicndal iniics 111 Suidaiii cf l('s\cliiiiiii, ct aiids C |('\i('ii''r:i|'Miis y iva'ciis I V. (»\(inii, I7!l(>. Toiiriioly (ll'MKircor llniKirald). ria'lcctidiics riicdlddica' dc I) ci) lie hivmis .\ttiiliulis. v. 1. 1' irisii- ;i(i. I ra'lcclidiH's 'riicdldLjica' i\f Sciitcin l''.cclcsia' Sacraiiiciilis. Tansiis. 17;!-^. - V. Toill (T. i'"l Shdit Analysis df I'jidlisli llistdiy. l.diid . ISDl. Town" i'^- ''••^- ll('|idrl n|Hin rraclicc in l''.ui(i|i(' with Heavy \ riii- ■^IrdiiL;, Wddlwii'li, and Krii|i|i Killed (inns. (/'nif'cssituKil /' i/>i rs i>f ( i>r/i. w ('/ I'lin/i iii'i rs, r. s., .\o. ::,.) w, 1 ss;i. lIUl, Town (Salem. /,/.. ID. I'durlli K'eader fdr Sehddls. I'dill ISM. TOWIIO (ddliii). Ar^uincnt df llie hivine LcL;alidn fairly slaled, in which is shdwn ihat t he answers L^iven In il are sneh as neillicr lielieveis iidi' unlielie\(i's can make nse df. I'.y an " Impaiiial Hand. " .'. \'. (/imiiii/ ivitli Wtirhii limi'n " Ixnihirks on Orr'i- SIl'IOI I l\< ihclioiis "l l.diiiL, I 7")l. NiMK. 'I'liis liiiiik H;is l)^lllli^ln•lt (luiiiii;- llu' ciuitri'Vi-r.^y roj;:iiiliii;,' \V;iiliurtM lii\iiu' l.cK'ttion of .Muses i'/i("i/ vuii). TowIlU'.V (dames). Ilhislraiidns df Hililical Literature, exhiiiilii -idi'v and fate df ihe Saered Writ uiLjs ; inelU(liii,i;' liid^rapln- eal Ndliees (if 'rransiatdfs. etc. ."? v. Lend., ISlM. TOWIISOIUI (Cicdi-ee). .Veeusatidiis df 1 listdry a^'aiust riiufeii y^i \\ Milt' '\aniined, in Kemarks dii Charles I'lUtlei's " lUuik oi KmiKiii (,'athdlie ("hureh." I.diid., ISlT). New Testament jiiTan^'cd in Chr (inolduieal a nd Hisldi'ieal Order, with L'd|iidus Notes on l'rinei|ial Snlijeets in Thedlei;y. •J V. I.diul.. IMT). 260 ImWNSON. AUTHORS. TIIKNCII. TOHIISOII (Tlmiiiii ;, P. /).). Wulks, witli Ai'i'iiinil of Alltlinr liy i;:il|>li ('limt<.ii. 2 V. l.oml., |S|(). Tiail.itus |M>{i| iiiiiis (sic) iV imiiiifiliiis cxiitis ,1 (Mill, ii'iliiis. I .itiis n trill !<• .I;ic(iliu . . . Ciiiitanix Ihi' I'tilhiirlii.ii roliijiliitii,, " KiiiiH ini'si'iitis ()|ius(uli iiM|in'ssmii in indita civit.ili' I'lituvitiii .i Sul) iiiiiio iliii. Milli'siiiHi ({ii;ii|i'iii,!j;riil('-.iino i)('lu;i<^'('sini() hcciiimIii I 1 ISl'I niiilcci;! \xi<'\ ili<' sc|iti'iiiliris," NiiiK. 11(1., 1(1 iiiiiiniiilicrid l('(H(H, Iplii.'k-lcti r, TiMcis inr I lie Tiiiic (li,i:,ili,„x) ; vol. 1 for |s:5;{.;m. t,, \n\. -) fop |s:?s-i(). r.v Mciiilicis of I'liivci'sitv of (),\fiir v. in 1. I.oinl., |s;{s 10. Norn. .1. il. Ni'Miimii iiml |ir. Puhcv witi' t.lic priiifipiil cnriLriliiitdrs to tlii« Kciii'M. Two iiiiiiilicrs of vcildiiii' (iaci'f piilvljilicil, liiit. tlicy wurc iitli'ruiiriU hii|i- JUTHHCll . Trail! (' '''"',-''' Willimii). I'llciiiciilniv Tic;itis(; on (,)ii;irl/. mid ()|i;il. New cd. Ivliii., 1S7(I. Traill crii-nins sicwnrf |'(|). Srr Murray (H.). Ti iil.' di' 111 I Mviiiilc dc Noire Sciniiciii' .Icsus (;iirisl. Aimn. liottci'- diiiii, If.H!). Tr.iil'' di' riv^iisc coiifrc Ics ll('ri'ti(|Ucs, |iriiici|.id('iiic(i1 confrc \v~\ (Jul- vinislcs. Anon. (/>)/ Lains Firridnl !). I'mis, ICiS"). Tiiili (!(■■< I'riiicipc^ dc 111 l''oi ( "lir('li('iiii('. Avon. 'J v. I'niis, 17.'57. Tiiiili' dc !'( 'rtlio!;r,i|ilic l''riiii(;oisc, cii forme de, I )i('tioniiiiire. Aihdi. Noiiv. cd. I'oitiers, 17 17. Trap|> (.losepli). Works of \'irL;il Irniilnteil in Ku^disli Hlunk Verse, uitii Notes ."ird ('(1. .'5 V. I.oiid.. 17.'i."t. TrailhvilU' (dtilin (".). i^'idd I'mctiee of LiiyiiiL; out. ('ivciiliir (.'urve.s for Kailroiids, l.'itli ed. N. V.. |SS7.' Mi'tlioil of ( 'idciiliitin.u liic ('iiliie ("onteiits of I'Aeiiviitions mid i'",iiiliiinknieiits, l)v iiid nf din^i'miis. Dili ed. N. V., 1 SS7. Tnali^e on Iliip|iiness. .\noii. 'J v. l.oiid., IS3,'?. Tnalise of rnieticid MMtiieiniilies, |im't, second. (C/nnnhfrs's Kdiicn- liiiihil Course.) I'.din.. IS.").'}. TiTcliniaiiii {liniil). s,r ItoJiai^licI (<».). Trt'irollcs (Sanuiel I'rideimx). .Aceoimt, of TimitiMl Text, of Creek New Testmiient ; with Collation of (Jritii'id Texts of Cries- liaeli, Seliolz, Laclinimm, mid Tisclieiidorf, with that iu coni- luoii use. I.ond., 1S54. Troucll (Kiehard Clieiie\ix, A ir/ihisJio/)). Caldoron, liis Life mid Ceniiis, with S|ieeiiiieiis of his Vhiy^ {trdus/dicd into L'n;/Iii/i n-rsr). N. ^■., \^')C). Coniiiieiitiirv (Ml the Mpistles to tlie Seven (^Miurclies in Asia, Kev'eliition i ', III. ;{rd ed. Loud., 18»;7. Notes on Miracles of (Uir Lord. Sth (mI. Loud., 186G. Notes on the I'maliles of Oiir Lord. fitli ed. Lond., 1805. Siuiii: lOMi ed. Lond.. 18()G. -i il ■ ; ;\ A'- is -'t^,i 2r)i ^, rMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) ^ f/i fA 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ 12.2 Ui Hi I 1^ 12.0 II Ik U 11.6 6" ~ VJ ■># ''^ 7 / Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. I4S80 (716) 872-4503 I/a wt. St }i jli) f ^^^ IN* f ' I I t f V. TUENCH. AUTHORS. TRONEON Trench — Continued. Oil the Lessons in Proverbs. N. Y., 1860. Studies in the Gospels. K Y., 1867. Synonyms of tlie ls''ew Testament. !N". Y., 1860. Same. Lond., 1865. Trescho or Treschow (Sebastian Friedrich). Ermunterungen zuiii Glauben' mid zur Heiligung wiihrend der Leidenszeit Jesu Christi ni IJetraclitungeii luid Liedern. Danzig, 1767. Uebcr die Gescliichte nnd Lchre von der iUiferstehung des ErliJsers. Danzig, 1778, TreSSail (Abbe dc) Mytliology coiniiarod with History, for the use of the young ; with I^nquiry into Religion of First Inhabitants of Great Britain. Tr. by H. Xortli. Lond, 1797. Trial of Dr. (Jolni William) (Jolenso, bishop of Xatal, for Erroneous Teaching. Cape Town, 1863. Trial of Joseph Fowke, Francis Fowkc, ^laha Rr.jah Nundocomar, and Roy Rada Churn, for conspiracy agiinst W. Hastings ; and that of J. Fowke, Malia Rajah Xundocomar, and Roy Rada Churn, for conspiracv against R. Barwell. Lond., 1776. [Trial] Tryal of Tliomas (Parker, 1st) Ei\v\ of :\Iaccle.sfield, in House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, 1725. Lond., 1725. Trigonometrical Survey of India. Account of Operations, v. 1-14 + DehraDoon,' 1870-90. Trimmer (Mrs. Sarah),— Jt^'e Kirby. Abridgment of Xew Testa- ment. New ed. Lond., n. il. Prayers and Meditations. Loiu'., 1816. Scripture Catechism, containing ICxplanation of Lessons selected fi'om (Jld and Xew Testament. 2 jits. in 1 v. Lond., 1811. Trinity College, Hartfurd, Conn. Catalogue of Officers and Studonis, 1880-81, 1882-85, 1886-92. 10 pampii. Trinity College, Toronto. Calendar, 1884-87. 4 Troil (Uno von). Letters on Iceland. 2nd ed. Trollope (Anthonv). Thackeray. (" Eiujlish X. Y., n. d. Trollope (William). Es.say on Connection between Jewish and Hartford, v. d. V. Toronto, v. d. Lond., 1780. Men of Letters.'") Lond., 1822. Christian Disjiensations. Expedients to which (Jentile Philosoidiers resorted in opposing,' ])rogress of the Gospel, in illu.^tration of the truth of Christiiui Religion. Lond., 1822. Pentaloj. of tSop/ TronsOil or Troncoil (Louis). Examens Particuliers sur Divers Sujets, proprt's aux Ecclesia ti(|ues, et a toutes les Personnes ([ui veulent s'avancer dans la perfection. Nouv. cd. v. 2, Paris, 1725. 262 L-hristiiUi Keligion. Jxmd., l^2\i. 3gia Gra'ca. J'j'f. {The Greek t^xt of some of the trar/edh! of Sophocles, F/urijndes, and u£schyhis.) Lond., 1825. -rroneous TROTTER. AUTHORS. TURRBTINI. Cuentos Campesinos. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, Works of William Hogarth, with Descriptions. Trotter (Alexander). Observations on Financial Position and Credit of such States of North American Union as have contracted Public Debts. Lond., 1839. True Briton (The). i v. (bound with Memoirs of Duke of Wharton)- n. t. Triieba (Antonio de). 1875. Tl'USler {Rev. John). Xew ed. 2 v. Loml., 1821. TryphiodorUS. Destruction of Troy. Tr. into English verse by J. Merrick. Oxford, n. d. Tllke (Henry). Die Religious-Grundsiitze zu welchen die Gesellschaft der Christen, die man gewohnlich Quiiker nennet sich bekennt. Au.s dem Englischen. Lond., 1818 Tuke (John). General View of Agriculture of North Riding of York- shire, lond., 1800. Tupper (Martin Farquhar). Complete Poetical Works. N. Y., 1855. TnriibiiU (George). See Heineccius (J. G.). Tlll'lier (Samuel Hulbeart). liiographical Notices of the most distin- guished Jewish Rabbics, and Translations of portions of their Comi.ibntaries and other wt.rks. N. Y., 1847. Turner (Sliaron). History of Anglo-Saxons (from their appearance^ to Norman Conqtwst). v. 1-3. Lond., 1799 &: 1801. Sacred History of the World. 6th ed. 3 v. Lond., 1836. Turretiui (Fran(;ois). Comp(>ndium Thoologise Didactioo-Elenctici© ex Tlieologorum Nostrorum Institutionibus Theologicis auctum ot illustratum. Amstelodami, 1695. Institutio Tlieologioe Elenctica? ... v. 2-3. GencvfP, 1682-85. De Necessaria Secessione nostra ab Ecclesia Romana, et Impossi- bili cum ea Syncretismo, Disputationes ; accessit ojusdeni Disputationum Miscellanearum l^ecas. h v. {bound ivith the author's " De Satifactione . . . "). Genevae, 1687. De Satisfactione Christi Disputationes ; adjectae sunt dujc Dis- putationes (1) De Circulo Pontificio (2) Do Concordia Jacobi et Pauli in articulo Jnstiftcationis. h v. Gonevse, 1666. Turretini (Jean Aljihonse). Theses {jmcses) : de Theologia Naturali in geiiere ; d(! Kxistentia Dei ; de Dei Adtributis ; de Provi- dciitia Divimw ; de Modo Providentise Divina^ ; de Libertate Humana ; de Legibus Naturalibus {4 pts.) ; de Animorum lmnu>rt;litate et Vita Futura. Bound in 1 v. GenevsB, 1729-37. (10 Orationes : De Sacrarum Antiiiuitatum, i^c, &o.) 10 v. in 1. Geneva;, 1706-11. 263 ill i' til IPI'-'' TURSELLINUS. AUTHORS. TYRWHITT. W- •■ ;ki:'^ Tursellinus or Tlirselill (Horatius). Epitome Historiai'um ab ori^'ine muiuli ad 1598 ; accessit continuotio ad 1645. Rot- honiagi, 1656. Same. Cum supplemonto ad 1650. Cadonii, 1687. Same, without continuation. Franequerae, 1695. Saine, without continuation, Uitrajecti, 1718. Poiyonynia, De Particulis Latinse Locutionis. Rothomagi, 1655. Twining ^William). Practical Account of Epidemic Cholera, and Treatment. Lond., 18o.3. Twiss (Richard). Travels through Portugal and Spain, 1772-73. Lo)h1., 1775. Two Boohs of Common Prayer (C/mrch of Enc/land) set forth in Reign of Edward YI, compared with each other. Ed. by Edward Cardwell. Oxford, 1838. Two Liturgies, 1549 and 1552, M'ith other Documents set forth by authority in Reign of Edward VI : viz.. Order of Communion, 1548 ; the Primer, 1553 ; Catechism and Articles, 1553 ; Cateclusmus Erevis, 1553. Ed. by J. Ketley. Cambridge, Parker Soc, 1844. Tyier (James Endell). Image- Worship of Church of Rome proved to be contrary to Poly Scri-iturc and the Faith and Discipline of the Primitive Church. Lond., 1847. Primitive Christian Worship ; or Evidence of Holy Scripture and the Church against the invocation of Saints and Angels and the Virgin ]\Iary. 2nd ed. Loud., 1847. Worship of the Virgin ^lary in the Church of Rome, proved to to be contrary to Moly Scripture and to the Faith and Practice of the Church of Christ. New ed. Lond., 1851. Tyndale (Tlumms William). See Tyrwliitt (R. P.). Tyndale (William). Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue, The Sup|ier of the Lord after the true meaning of John VI and 1 Cor. Xr, and Wm. Tracv's Testament E.\])ounded. Ed. by H. Walter. Cambridge," /Vr?-A-er Soc, 1850. Doctrinal Treatises and Introductions to diiferent ])arts of the Scriptures. Ed. l)v H. Walter. Cambridge, Parker Soc, 1848. Expositions and Notes on Sundry Portions of the Scriptures (Keif Testximeiit) ; together with the Practice of Prelates. Ed. In- H. Walter. Cambridge, Parker Soc, 1849, Tyndall (John). Fragments of Science : a .series of detached essays, a(l(lr('s,'ie.s and reviews. 5th ed. N. Y., 1880. Tyrius (Maximus). See Maximus Tyrius. Tyrwliitt (Robert Philip) and Tyndale (T. W.). Digest of Pul)lic (reneral Statutes, from 1224 to 1821 ; with Supplement. 3 v. Lond.. 1822-26. 264 TYTLER. AUTHORS. VAHL. Tytler (H. W.). Psedotrophia, or Art of Nursing and Roaring Child- ren : a Poem, trajislated (into English verse) from the Latin of S. de Sainte-Marthe, with Notes, Sic. Lond., 1797. Tytler (P.itrick Fraser). England under reigns of Ed\yard VI and 2 Lond., Mary, with contemporary historj' of Europe. 1839. Udclll (John). See English Scholars Library, no. 5. Ulrich (E. O.). Contributions to Micro-Palaeontology of Cambro- Silurian Rocks of Canada : part 2. (Geo. & Nat. Hist. Pur- vey of Canada.) Pamph. Montreal, 1889. Ulldall (Nicholas). See English Reprints, v. 8. Underhill (H. G.). Easy Exercises in Greek Accidence. Lond., 1888. Universal History, compiled. Ancient Part. 18 v. Lond., 1779-8L Same. Modern Part. 42 v. Lond., 1780-84. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. Calendar, 1883-84, 1884- 85, 1887-88. 3 pamph. Fredericton, v. d. Ure (Andrew). Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. Lond., 1839. Ursinus (Zacharias). Sumnie {sic) of Christian Religion, tr. by Henry Parry ; to which are annexed, Theologicall {sic) Miscellanies of D. Pareu.s. Lond., 1645. Ussher or Usher (James, Archbishop). Annals of the World . . . containing Historic (sic) of Old and New Testament, with that of the Macchabees . . . Lond., 1658. Answer to a -Jesuit ( William Malone) ; with other Tracts on Popery. Cambridge, 1835. Body of Divinity, or Summe {sic) and Substance of Christian Reli- gion, catechistically propounded and explained . . . where- unto is adjoyned, Immanuel or the Mystery of the Incar- nation of the Son of God. Lond., 1648. Britannicarum Ecclesiaruni Antiquitates . . . accedit Gravissimse Qusestionis de Christianarium Ecclesiaruni Successione et Statu Historica explicatio. Lond., 1687. Discourse on the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. Dublin, 1815. Polycarpi et Ignatii EpistrlsB . . . quibus jirjefixa est . . . Jacobi Usserii dissertatio. Oxonise, 1644. Sermons. Lond., 1837. tJtassy (G. d') ajifi? Collet (P.). Silhouettes Contemporaines {Camille Cavour, Ange Brofferio, Charlotte Marchionni, Urbain Rattazzi, Princesse Marie de Solms). Premiere serie. Turin, n. d. Uvedale (Robert). Remarks on translation of Hebrew Names of the Antediluvian Patriarchs. Pamph. Lond, 1844. Vadot (Napoleon). Le Creusot son Histoire, son Industrie, Le Creusot, 1875. Vahl (Martin). See (Eder (G. C). 265 til! VALENTIA. AUTHORS. VENTUROLr. I'i. :*■'": m Yalentia (George Annesley, Viscount.) Voyages and Travels to India^ Ceylon, Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in 1802-6. 4 v. Lond., 1811. Valerius FlaCCns (Caius). Argonaut ica. £d, Nicolaus Heinsius. Trajecti Batavorum, 1702. Valerius Maximus (Marcus or Publius). Dictorum Factorumquo Meniorabilium lib. Anistelodami, D. Elzevir, 1671. Same. Ed. J. Minelliiis. 1 v. in 2. Roterodami, 1671. Valor Ec'C'lesiasticus temp. Henr. VIII auctoritate Regia institutus. 6 v. Loud., 1810-34. NoTK. — " Printed by authority of the CommiMioners of the Public Records. It is the report of an ecclesiastical survey made pursuant to statute 26, Henry VIII, 1534, fnr ascertainini; the yearly values of all the possessions, manors, lands, &c., within Ent'land, Wales. Calais, Berwick, and the Marshes. At the end of each volume are map-i of the diflEereiit dioceses, and a lis' of Peculiars in each, signed by the respec- tive bishops. Vol. 1 contains the dioceses of Canterbury, Rochester, Bath and Wells, Bristol, Chichester, and London. Vol. 2, Winchester, Salisbury, Oxford, Exeter, and Gloucester. Vol. 3, Hereford, Coventry and Lichfield, Worcester, Norwich, and Ely. Vol. 4, Lincoln, Peterborough, Landaff, St. David's, Bangor, and St. Asaph. Vol. 5, York, Chester, Carlisle, and Durham. Vol. 6, Valor Eccles. Hen. VIII. pp. XLV. Index, p. XLVl to LX. Indices Generales p. 1— 34-1."— Ijotiindeii. Vancouver (George). Voyage of Discovery to North Pacific Ocean and round the "World, 1790-95. 3 v. and folio atlas. Lond, 1798. Van Dyke (Jo.'^ei^h S.). Popery the Foe of the Church and of the Republic. Phila., 1872. Van Mildert (William, D.D.). Historical View of Rise and Progress of Infidelity, with Refutation of its Principles and Reasonings, in a .«erie.s of Sermons. {Boyle lectures.) 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1808. Review of Life and Writings of Daniel Waterland, D. D. {Formincf volume i, pt. 1, of Waterland's " Works, &€.") Oxford, 1823. Theological Works. 6 v. Oxford, 1838. Varenius (Bernhardus). Geographia Generalis. Ed. Isaac Newton, Cantabrigise, 1672. Varieties of Literature from Foreign Literary Journals and Original MSS. Ed. by Wm. Tooke. 2 v. Loud., 1795. VarrO (Marcus Terentius). Opera Agricolationum. See Scriptoros Rei Rusticffi. Vattel (Emmeric de). Law of Nations. Lond., 1797. Vaudoncourt {Gen. GuiUaume de). Memoii., of Ionian Islands, in a Commercial, Political, and Military Point of View, with Life of Ali Pacha. Tr. by Wm. Walton. Lond., 1816. Venetus (Paulus), See Paulus Venetus. Venturoli (Giusepiie). Elements of theory of Mechanics. Tr. from Italian, by D. Cresswcll. 1 v. & plates. Cambridge, 1822. Same. Cambridge, 1823. 266 VERGANI. AUTHORS. VIOER. Vergani (A.). Raconti Istorici. Ed. 3. Parigi, 1817. Veritable Croyance de I'Eglisc Catholique et les Preuves de tons les points de Sa Doctrine, fond(ies sur I'Ecriture Sainte. Anon. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1726. Vermigli or Vermili (Pietro Martire, Peter Martyr). In librura Judicum commentarius. ^ v. (bound with St. Cyril's " Cate- cheses," 166 Jf). n. t , old. Loci Communes, ex variis ipsius authoris scriptis, in unumlibrum collecti. Triguri, in officinia Froschoviana, 1 587. Yerne (Jnlcs). Voyages et Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras : les Anglais an Pole Nord, Ic Desett de Glace. Paris, n. d. Vertot d'Allbeuf (Rene Aubert, Able de). Histoire des Revolution? de Suede. Xouv. ed. v. 1-2. Paris, 1778. History of Revolutions in Sweden, occasioned by change of Religion and Alteration of Government. Tr. by J. Mitchel. Lond., 1696. History of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, styled afterwards Knights of Rhodes, and at present Knights of Malta. 5 v. Edin., 1757. Vcterum Scriptoruni, qui Caesarum et Imperatorum Germanicorum Res per aliquot Secula Gestas, literis maudarunt, tonnis unus . . , Francofurti, Andreas Wechel, 1584. Veysierre de la Croze (Mathurin). Lexicon /Egyptiaco-Latinum. Ed. by C. Scholtz, with notes by C. G. Woide. Oxonii, 1775. Victor (Scxtua Aurolius). Historic Romana3breviarium ; cum Schotti, Machanei, Vineti, Lipsii, Casauboni, Gruteri, &c., integris Xotis. Lugduni Batavorum & Amstelodami, 1670 Historic Ronianae breviariuni. Cum commontariis. Ed. Samuel Pitiscus. Trnjecti ad Rhenum, 1696. Victoria (Queen of the United Kinridom of Great Britain and Ireland). Early Years of His Royal Highness, the Prince Consort. Compiled, under direction of Her Majesty, by Hon. C. Grey. 4th ed. Lond., 1867. Contains Her ^fajesty's autograph. Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, 1848-61. Ed. by Arthur Helps. 2nd ed. Lond., 1868. Con- tains Her Majesty's autograph. Vie d'Adele Coulombe, Religieuse Hosjjitali^re de I'Hotel-Dieu de Mon- treal, en Canada. Anon. Montreal, 1863. Vie de Camille (Princess des Ursins-Borghese). Anon. Paris, 1737. Vierstimmige Gesiinge der evangelischen Kirchc, in einzelnen Stimmen. Erste Stimme. Stuttgart, 1826. VieilSSens (Raymond). See System of Blood-Vessels and Nerves. Viger (Francois or Francisciis). De Prrecipuis Grsecfc Dictionis Idiotismis libellus. Ed. Henric Hoogeveen. Ed. 3. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1766 Same. Cum animadvcr.sionibus H. Hoogeveeni et Joannis Caroli Zeunii. Ed. Godofred Hermann. Lipsise, 1802, 267 ,u«.i« mi '•i-/ VIGER. AUTHORS. VIRGILIUS. ViGEU — Continued. Greek Idioms. Abridged and tr. into English from Hermann's edition, with Notes, by John Seager. 2nd ed. Lond., 18—. Yignola (Giacomo Barozzi da). Theory atid Practice of Architecture, or Vitrnvius and Vignola abridged, the first by Perrault, the other by Joseph ^loxon. 5th ed. Lond., 1703. Villars {Mrs.). See Cooper (M. S.). VillierS (George). See English Reprints, v. 5. Vilice (SanuK'l). Complete System of Astronomy. 2nd ed. 3 v. Lond., 1 ^14-23. Vincent (William, D. D.). Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in Indian Ocean. 2 v. Lond., 1807. Tincentius Lirinensis or Vincent de Lerins. See Sandapila Silicernio C^uinti ac Sexti Evangclii etferendo. Vindicias Pietatis, or Vindication of Godliness from imputations of Folly and Fancy, together with Directions for a Godly Life. Bv "R. A" (R. Allen). Lond., 10C4. Vine Disease : Reports on its Effect on the Commerce of Countries. {Blue-book.) L9nd., 1859. Virey (J- J-). Histoire Naturelle du Genre Humain. 3 V. Bruxelles, 1834. VIRGILIUS MARO or VIRGIL (Publius). 1. — Collected Wokks. Latin Text. {CJironoIoyical arranyement ) (Ojiera, cum commentariis Mauri Servii Honorati.) Antunius Bartolameo, (Jet., 148G. NoTB.— Folio, without paj^ination. Initial-letters are inserte is the finest. The first leaf o( form a, is waiitini;. Opera. (Cum Mauri Servii Honorati commentariis.) FA. Joannes Pierius Valerianus. Parisiis, Rohertus Step- haiius, 1532. -Folio, with tooling; and arms on covers, and inscription " Collegium Grasai. Nouv. til. VenetiLs, NOTB.- nsium." (Opera), codex antiquissimus a Rufio Turcio Aproniano V. C. distinctus et emendatus, qui nunc Florentine in bibliotheca MedicooLaurentiana adservatur . . . Florentiae, typis Manni'anis, 1741. iVntiquissimi Virgiliani Codicis Fragmenta et Picturse ex Biblio- theca Vaticana, ad priscas imaginum formas a Petro Sancte-Bartholi incisae. Romse, 1741. Bucolica, Georgica, et i-Enei.s. 1750. Bucolica, Georgica, et iEneis. Glasgure, 1784. 268 V. 2. Lond., Knajdon 4' Sanby, Ex editione Petri Burmanni. VIRGILIU8. AUTHORS. VIR0ILIU8. ViROiLius — Continued. Opera, ex editiono C. G. Hoyne, cum notis in usum Delphini. Ed. 2. Load., n. d. Opera. Ed. Christian Gottlob Hcyne. 4 v. Loiul, 1793. Opera, locis parallelis ex anticpiis scriptoribus et aimotationum delectu illustrata. Oxonii, 1795. Opera. Ed. Jounnis Hunter. 2 v. Cui)ri Fifanorum {St. Andrews [?], ;Scot.), 1810. (Opera.) n. t., Edin. (?), 1823 (?). Opera. Oxonii, J 834. Opera, with Commentary by John Conington. 3rd od. 2 v. Lond., 1872. Opera Omnia, Oxonii, 1875. 16mo. English translations. (Chronological arrangement.) Works : Pastorals, Georgics, and ^Eneis. Tr. into English verse by J. Dryden. 2nd ed., with very many plates, (Backed " Bryden's Works vol. IV.") Lond., 1698. NoTg.— A well-known translation which Pnpe considered one of the moat noble in any language, buc of whiuh the Quarterly held a le^s hish opinion. Works. Tr. into English blank verse, with notes, by J. Trapp, 3rded, 3 v. Lond, 1735. NOTB.— This is a very poor translation, and, according to the Quarterly Review, its annotations only withold it from oblivion. Works. Tr. into English verse by Robert Andrews. Birming- ham, 1766. 2. — Single Works. (Arranged by titles and sub-arranged by dates.) (a.) jEneid. (.(Eneis ; cum Lamberti Hortensii enarrationibus.) Basileae, J. Oporinus & Ilenricus Petrus, 1559. Ovid's Metamorphosis Englished . . . (with) Essay to Transla- tion of Virgil's -tEueis (book 1, in English verse). G. Sandys. Lond., 1640. (^-Eneid, Lat., with English notes by Charles Anthon.) n. t., Lond., 1846 (?). ^.neidos lib. 2-3, ife 6. Ed. by T. E. Page. 3 v. Lond., 1888, 1889, 1890. .Eneidos lib. 4 i% 9. Ed. by H. M. Stephenson. 2 v. Lond., 1888. .Eneidos lib. 7-S. Ed. Arthur Calvert. 2 v. Lond., 1889-91, yEneidos lib. 10. Ed. by S. G. Owen. Lond., 1890. (b) Bucolica. Bucolica. Ed. by T. E. Page. Lond., 1891, (c) Georgica. Georgicks, with English Translation and (extensive English), Notes by John Martyn, (Coloured plates.) Lond,, 1741. Georgica, From text of Forbiger. Lond., 1846. Georgicon lib. 1. Ed. by T. E. Page. Loud., 1889. 269 VITUINOA. AUTHORS. VOIiTAIRK. CoininoiiUrius in librum I'rophetia- LcovariHiP, 1714. Titriuii^a (Campef^e or Kompe). rum .Jcsuiiu ... 2 v, Vitruvius Pollio (Marciw). Theory and Practices of Architecture, or Vitruvius and Vignola abridf^otl, the first by Perrault, the ()th(;r by tloseph Moxon. 5th ed. Lond., 1703. See nho Aldrich (H.). Vocabulary of Sea I'hra^tss and Terms of Art used in Seamanship and Naval Archit(H;ture. Part 1, English and Frei\ch ; Part II, French and Knj,'li,sh. liy a Captain of tlu; British Navy. 2 V. Lond., 1799. Voice from the Bac^k Pews to the Pulpit and Front Seats, in answer to " What think ye of Christ ? " By a " Backpewman." Lond., 1872. Voice of Jacob, a publication of the Anglo-Jewish periodical press. {ImiwrfKt.) Lond., 1844-47. Volney (Constantine Francois Chasseboeuf de). The Ruins : or Sur- vey of Revolutions of Empires ; with The Law of Nature. L(md., 1823. 2 v. Lond,, Travels through Syria and Egypt in 1783-85. 1787. View of Climate and Soil of United States of America ; with accounts of Florida, French Colony on the Scioto, Certain Canadian Colonies, and the Savages. From the French. Loud., 1804. Voltaire (Fran(;ois Marie Arouet de). Abrege de I'Histoire Univer- selle depuis Charlemagne jusqucs a Charle V. 2 v. Lond., 1754. Age of Louis XV being Sequel to Age of Louis XIV. •Z V. Lond., 1770, Contes, Satires, Epitres, Poesies Diverses, Odes, Stances, Poesies Melt!es, Traductions et Imitations. Paris, 1850. Essay on Crimes and Punishments, translated from the Italian ; with a Commentary atti'il)uted to M. de Voltaire, translated from the French. 4th ed. Lond., 1775. La Henriade, poeme. Paris, 1853. Histoire de Charles XII, et Ilistoire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. Paris, 1854. Ilistoire de I'Empire de Russie, sous Pierre-le-Criuid. 2 v. Paris, 18 i 5 History of Charles XII, of Sweden. Edin., 1769. Romans. v. 2, L'Ingenu, L'Hommc aux quarante ecus. La Prince.sse de Babylone, Le Blanc et le Noir, Jeannot et Colin ; v 3, Les Lettrcs d'Amabed, Histoire de Jeuni, Le Oreilles du Conite de Cliesterfield et le Chapelain Goud- man, Le Taureau Blanc, Cosi-Sancta, Songe de Platen, Bababec et les Fakirs, Aventuro de la Memoire, Les Aveugles Juges des Couleurs, Aventuro Indiemie, Voyage d"^ la Raison. Paris, 1816. 270 VOLTAIRE. AUTHORS. V0S8IUS. VoLTAinE — Continued. Si6cle dc Louis XIV. 2 v. Leipsick, 1753. Same. Paris, 1854. Theatre. Paris, 1853. Volume containing the following jjiimphlcts : — (1) W. P. Alison, On Single and Correct Vision, Edin., 1836. (2) Louis Reynault, Dis.sertation sur Ics FoUicules de la Mucjucuse Gastro-Intesti- nale, leurs maladies, et sur la nature do la Fiivro Typhoide, Paris, 1832. (3) Jackson Jiolton, These i)our Doctorat tn Mudecine, Paris, 1838. (4) L(!.s Tracasserics des Ilonimes Studieux . . . , 1838. (5) P. F. CheviUot, Recherches sur Ics Gaz de I'Estomac et des Intestins de rHomnie a I'etat de Maladie, Paris, 1833. (6) G. Dubost, Essai sur le Cholera- Morbus Epideniique observe a Palis en 1832, Paris, 1832. (7) E. Miguet, Essai Chemitiue et Medical sur la Creosote, Paris, 1834. (8) Aly-Heybah, Quelques Mots sur les trois principales Maladies Endemiques de I'Egypte, Pari.^ 1833. (9) P. Jiretonneau, De I'Utilite de la Compression . . . , Paris, 1815. Volume containing the following pamphlets on religious .subjects : — (1) Observations on (Middleton's) Introductory Discourse, LoiuL, 1747 ; (2) Remarks on pamphlets against Middleton's Intro- ductory Discourse, itc, Lond., 1748; (3) Queries concerning Miracles, Loud., 1748 ; (4) VVm. Dod well's Free Answer to to Middleton, Lond., 1749 ; (5) F. Toll's Defence of Middle- ton, Lond., 1749 ; (6) 2 Epistles to Brooke on his defence of the Primitive Fathers, Loud., 1748 & 1750; (7) W. Adams' Essay on Hume's Essay on Miracles, Lond., 1752. (Volume of Plates, backed " Gothic Monuments, Antiiiuities, and Churches." Contains Monuments of Kings of England with their ej)itaphs, Ac.) n. t., folio. Toragine (Jacob de). Sermones Quadragesimales. Venetiis, 1589. Tose (George L.). Manual for Railroad Engineers and Engineering Students Boston, 1875. Vossius (Gerhard Joliann). Chronologise Sacraj Isagogc, sive de Ultiniis Mundi Antiquitatibus, ac imprimis de Temjjoribus Rerum Hebroearum dissertatioues 8. ^ v. (bound with the author's " Dissertationes de IWibus Symbolis "). Hagae- Comitis, 1659. De Historicis Grsecis lib. Ed. nova. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1677. Dc Historicis Latinis lib. YA. altera. Lugduni Batavorum, 1651. Dissertatio Gemina : Una, De Jesu Cristi Geuealogia ; altera, De Annis, quibus Kiitus, Baptizatus, Mortuus. \ v. (bound with the author's ^^Dissertationes de Tribns Symbolis "). Amsterdami, 1643. 271 VOSSIU8. AUTHORS. WALKER. t t nn ^^)ss^u.s — Continued, Dissertationes tros de Tribus Symbolia, Apostolico, Athannsittno, ot Constaiitinopolitano. Ed. 2. \ v. Amstehedami, 1662. Rhetoriccs Contractae, sive Partitionum Oratoriarum lib. Oxoniae, 1672. Vox EcclesicB ; or iJoctrine of Protestant E|)iscopal Church on Epiflco- jiacy and ApostoUcal Succoa-sion, embracing a refutation of the work kiKnvn as (Rev. William) " Goode on Orders." Anon. Phil., lcS66. Voyage ^'ittorescjue de la Grece. ( With many fine jilates.) Anon. V. 1. Paris, 1782. Voyages Historique.« de I'Europe. Par M. De B. F. v. 1. Brusselles, 1704. Waenen (Cornelius van). SententiJB Ali Ebn Abi Talebi, Arabice et Latine, e codicibus Manuscriptis descripsit, Latine vcrtit et Annotationibus illuatravit. (Jxford, 1806. Wagner (Rudolf). Hi idbook of Chemical Technology. Tr. from 8th German ed., by W. Crookes. Lond , 1872. Waite (Thomas). Sermons on the XXXIX Articles of Church of England. hond., 1826. Wake (William, D. D.j. Genuine Epistles of Apostolical Fathers, Saints Clement, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, and the Pastor of Hennas ; with Account of Martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp. Tr. with Preliminary Discourses. 7th ed. Lond., 1840. Principles of Christian Religion explained, in Commentary upon Church Catechism. 13th ed. J v. Lond., 1812. Walcott (Mackenzie Edward Charles). Cathedralia : a Constitutional History of Cathedrals of the Western Church. Lond., 1865. Guide to Coast of Sussex. Lond., 1859. Walker (Adam). System of Familiar (Natural) Philosophy. Newed. 2 V. Lond., 1802. Walker (James), iiee Dobbin (L.). Walker (John). Key to Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names ; to which are added Terminational VocaVmlaries of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Proper Names ; with Observations on Accent and Quantity. 7th ed. Loud., 1822. Elements of Elocution ; with a complete System of the Passions, showing how they affect countenance, tone, and gesture. 2nd ed. Lond., 1799. Universal Gazetteer. Ed. by A. Kershaw. 3rd ed. Lond., 1801. Walker (Joseph Cooper). Historical Memoir on Italian Tragedy to present time, with specimens . . . and Biographical Notices of principal Tragic Writers of Italy. Lond., 1799, 272 WA)iK Elt. AUTHORS. WARBURTON. Walker (William Si(liioy), eil. Corpus Poetiirum Latinorum. {An unthology of the Latin jmeta.) Loud., 1839. Sanii:. Lond., 1890. Wall (William). Couforeuco liotween Two Men that had doubts about Infant Bai»ti.sMi. 10th ed. Pam|»h. Lond., 1812. D ofence of " the History of," against reflectionn of Gale and others. Lond., 1720. History of Infant Baptism. 3rdod. 2 v. Lond, 1720. Savic. Together witli (John) Gale's Reflections and Wall's Defence. New ed., rev. by Henry Cotton. 4 v. Oxford, 1836. Wallace (Alfred Russell). Malay Archipelago, v. 2 {imperfect), n. t. Wallace (Robert). Practical Matlieinatician's Pocket Guide ; a set of tables. 8th thous. Glasgow, 1849. Waller (Edmund). Works in Verse and Prose. Lond., 1730. Wallis (John). Grammatica Lingxise Anglicanse ; cui prsefigitur, De Loquela sive Sonorum Formatione, traotatus Grammatico- Pliysicus ; et subjungitur. Praxis Grammatica. Ed. 4. OxoniiP, 1674. Institufcio Logicop. 3rd ed. Oxford, 1702. Walter (Ridiard). Voyage round the World in 1740-44, by Lord Anson. 12th ed. Limd., 1767. Walton (Brian). Riblia Polyglotta Prolegomena. Praefatus est J. A. Dathe. Lipsife, 1777. Introductio ad Lnctioneni Linguarum Oricntaliam Hebraicae, Chaldaicse, Samaritanse, Syriacse, Arabicse, Persicee, /Ethiopicffi Armenie, Coptse. Ed. 2. Lond., 1655. See also Bible, Polyfjlott. Walton (Izaak). Lives of l)onne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, and Samler.son. 2 v. Oxford, 1805. Wanklyn (J. Alfred) and Chapman (E. T.). Water Analysis. 4th ed. Lond., 1876. Wanley (Hmnphrey). Catalogue ^f Harleian Collection of Manuscripts preserved in British Museum. 2 v. Lond., 1759. Same, with Indexes. 4 v. Lond., 1808-12. Warburton (William, D.D.). Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated on principles of a Religious Deist ... v. 2 in 2 v. Lond., 1741. name. 3 y. (Containin;/ 6 of the proposed 9 books ; books 7 and S were never published). Lond., 1742. NoTB.— Perhaps no other book in English theology has been the oocaaion of more discussion t'lan The Divine Legation of Moses. For tvorks published during the controversy occasioned by " The Divine Legation," see Towne's (J.) Argument of the Divine Legation fairly stated, Remarks on Warburton's Account of Sentiments of Jews, Examination of Warbur- ton's Second Proposition, and Law's (W.) Confutation of Warburton. *^ 273 I H i^'N k \ WARBURTON. AUTHORS. WATERLAND. Warburton — Continued. Julian, or Discourse concernitig the Earthquake and Fiery P]rui)- tion whicli defeated that emperor's attempt to rebuild the Temple at Jerusale'si. I^ond , 1750. Keiuarks on Several Occasional Reflections, in answer to Dr. Middleton, Dr. Pococke, r.nd others ; serving to explain and justify pas.sages in the Divine Legation ; with General View of Argument of Divine Legation as far as yet advanced. ... ^ v. Lond., 1744. Remarks on several (Occasional Reflections (part 2), in answer to Dr. Stebbhig and Dr. Sykes ; s<',rving to explain an^l justify two dissertations in the Divine Legation. J v. (bound ivith the J st port). Loud., 1745. Ward (Adolphus William). Chaucer. {'' English Men of Letters.") N. Y., n. d. Ward (Henry A.). Catalogue of Casts of Fossils from Principal Museums of Eurojje and America, witli short descriptions and illustrations Rochester, 1866. Ward (Michael). English K^y to Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates, literally translating the dilhcult passages and explain- ing their (Iranimatical Construction. 2nd od. Lond., 1892. Wardlaw (Ralph). Discourses on Principal Points of the Socinian Controversy. 4th ed. Lond., 1828. National Church Estal)Iishm('nt.s exnmincd. Lond., 1839. Wart) (Isanc). Complete Body of Architetiture. Many I'/ates. Lond., 1768. Warner (Hichanl). Literary Recollections. 2 v. Lond., 18;50. Warren (John Collins). Comi)arativ(! View of Sensorial and Nervous Systems in .Men and Animals. Boston, 1822. Warrington (Henry Booth, Earl of). Works, containing Advice to his Children, S]K'('ch('s and Discourses on Aflairs of lust two Reigns. Lond., 1694. Washington (Oeorge). Letters to Sir •Tohn Sinclair, on Agricultural and other Topics. (Fac-siinih^s.) Lond., 1800. Waterland (Daniel). Critical History of the Athanasian Creed, representing ojiinions of ancients and nio(hn'ns concerning it Loml., 1850. Eight Seruions in Defense of I Ik; Divinity of Jesus Christ; with Preface containing Remarks u|ion two ]iain]ililets intitled "Modest I'lea,' Ac." and "Unity of Cod not inconsistent wi<:h the divinity of Christ." 2n'| ed. Cand)ridge, 1720. Importance of L'octrine of Holy Trinity asserted, in veidy to some pamphlets. 3rd ed. Cand)ridge, 1800. Review of Doctrine of the Euc.'harist as laid down in Scripture and Anti(iuity. Cand)ridge, 1737. 274 WATERI^AND. AUTHORS. WKBSTBB. Watert^and — Continved. Works (theological) ; to which is prefixed, Review of author's Life and Writings by W. Van Mildert. iO v. in 6. Oxford, 1823. Watson (J. Yelloly). The Tendring Hundred in the Olden Time. 2nd ed. Colchester, Pjig., 1878. Watson (John). Memoirs of the Ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey and their Descendants to Present Time. 2 v. Warrington, 1782. Watson (Richard, D. D.). Anecdotes of his Life. 2nd ed. 2 v. Lond., 1818. Collection of Theological Trac a. 2nd ed. 6 v. Lond., 1791. Two Apologies, for Christianity and for the Bible ; to which are added Two Sermonf and a chargt in Defence of Revealed Religion. Lond., 1816. Watson (Sereno), and others. Botany. {U. S. Geological Explora- tion oj 40fh Parallel, v. 5.) Wash., 1871. Watson (Thomas). Poems. See English Reprints, v. 9. Popular P]vidonces of Natural Religion and Lond., 1808. Children of the Sun, and Miscellaneous Poems. Springfield, U. S. A., 1886. Watt (-lames), tiee Beddoes (T.). Watts (Henry). Dictionary of Chemistry (with three supplements). New ed. 8 v. Lond., 1874-79. Watts (Isaac, D. D.). Improvement of the Mind, or Supplement to Art of Logic ; also Posthumous Works. Lond., 1800. Logic, or the Riglit use of Reason in the Inquiry after Truth. Chis\vi(!k, 1828. Miscellaneous Thoughts in Prose and Verso. Lond., 1789. Pnilosophical Essays on Various Subjects ; with Remarks on Locke's Essay on Human Understanding, and a Scheme of Ontology, or Science of Being in general, with its affec- tions. 6th ed. Lond., 1794. Poems. 7th ed. Lond., 1737. Sermons iind Practical Works. A v. n. p., 1806. Treatis" on Education of Children and Youth. 2nd ed. 1769. Webb (H. S Beresford). Manual of (na'tnan Composition. 1887. Watson (Thomas). Christianity. Watson (W F [?]). By " Wat." Lond., Lond., Webbe (Edward). Webbe (William). V/ebber (H. IL). Webst«r (Thomas; See English Reprints, v. 2. Hei' English Reprint.'^, v. 12. See Bolton (E. C). ElemrMits of Physics. Lond., 1837, Principles of Hydrostatics, an elenuuitary treatise on law of fluids. 2nd ed." Camlu-idge, 1838. Theory of Eipiilil)rium and Motion of Fluids. Cambridge, 1836. » ' ; 1- !7.') MS ' Is m f0V., : ':;;■! -.h WEEKS. AUTHORS. WE8LBTAN. Weeks (-losepli I).). Rt^port on Mfinufacturo of Coke. ramph. Wash., 1885. Report on Manufacture, of (Mass. Pamph. Wasli , i884. Weiske (Benjamin). For /tin I'leonasnii Linguae Oraeoa', see Bos^ Ellipses GriecfP, 181.3. Welch (Vr.) and DllfHeld (C. (l.). Latin Accidence uml Kxeicises, for Beginners. Lond., 1888. Welchman (PMward). Samuel Clarke's " Doctrine of the Trinity" examined. Panipli. jf v. (bound with other tracts on same subject). O.xford, 1714. XXXIX Articuli Ecclesia> AnglicanfB, Textibus e Sacra Scriptura deprompt.. conHrmati . . . {et Ajrpeniiix). Ed. 3. i V. O.xonii, 1718. Thirty-Nine Articles of Church of England, confirmed by Texts of Scripture and Testimonies of Primitive Fathers. Lond., 1842 (?). Welilon (Halil)urton). Specimens of China brouglit to the Colonies by the Early Settlers, ])artictdarly the Loyalists, collected for the Museum of King's College, Windsor, and presented in ^^omory of II. Weldon, by his Mother. {Catahxjue.) Pani]ili. Kredericton, N. H., 1880. Wellington (Arthur 'Wellesley, Dnke of) Despatches during his Cinnpaigns from 1799 to 181.0. 12 v. with index. Lend., 18:57-38. Wells (David Ames). Ainiual of Scientific Discovery, or Year-book of Facts in Science and Art, for 18;"').'). Poston, 1855. Wells (Edward). Historical (Jeography of (.)ld and New Testament. 2 V. Oxford, 1801. Same. 2 V. Oxford, 1809. Wells (T. spencer). Surgery, \rdst, present, and future, and excessive mortalitv after surgical operations. Lond., 1877. Wells (Walter). " Water-Power of Maine, U. S. A. Augusta, 1869. Wells (William Charles). Two Essays : one upon Single Vision with Two Eyes, the otiier on Dew ; a Letter to Lord Keiiyon ; and an Account of a Fctmale of the white race, part of whose skin resembles that of a Negro. Lond., 1818. Wernicke (C ). Leitfaden fiir die Piograiihische Vorstufe dps 'ieschichtsunt(!rricht.s. Perlin, 1875. Wesley (-lohn). Doctrine of Original Sin, ac(!ording to Scripture, Reason, and Experience. Bristol, 1757. Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament. Lond., 1755. Sermons. 7th ed. v. 2 \- 5. Lond., 1820-21. Sernu)ns ; with Lifii l)y John Beecham. v. 1-2. Lond., 1838. Sermons on Si'veral Occasions. v. 3. Lond., 1838. Works 3rd ed. 16 v. Lond., 1818. Wesleyan-Methodist Missionary Society, Lomlon. Report for 1818 (lst)-24, 182G-GG. {Theae reports are for the year endimj in Ajn'il.) 47 jiamph. Lond., v. d. 276 : t; I excessive WEST. AUTHORS. WHATELY. West (Gilbert). Defence of Christian Revelation : (being .West's " Observations on, History and Evidences of Resurrection of Jesus Christ" awl Lord Lyttleton's " Observations on Conver- sion and Apnstleship of St. Paul " ). Lond., 1748. dissertation on the (Olympic (jlanies. {Bound separately, hut formerly subjoined to " Odes of Pindar in Enylish prose.") Oxford, 1824. West {Mrs. Jane). Poems .aid Plays. 2 v. Lond., 1799. West (Nathaniel). Analysis of the Holy Bil)le ; or How to Compre- hend Holy Writ from its own Interpretation. N. Y., 1869. West (Richard). Kn(iniry into Origin and Manner of Creating Peers. Lond., 1782. NOTK.— This in compiled chiefly from William Pettyt's MS., entitled I)e Crtatione Nobiliuni, 2 v., fol. Westall (Richard, B. A.). ISee Ilayley's Edition f>/*Milton. Westcott (Brooke Foss). (ri^neral Snrvey of History of the Canon of New Testament. 4th ed. Lond., 1 87;). Same. 5th ed. Cambridge it Lond., 1881. General View of lli.story of Kngiisli Bible. 2nd ed. Lond., 1872, Wetstein (Johatui Jacol)), Novnm Testamentum Grfficum editionis recepta^ cum Lectionilius Variantibus Codiinnn MSS., et . . . Cominentiirio. {Contains his Prolfyomena.) 2 v. Amstelaj- dami, 1701-52. Prolegomena ad Novi Tostamenti Grwci. {Tliis is the first, anonymous edition. Afterwards in his Greek Testament, see I)ible. ) Am.steUpdami, 1730. What saith tiie Serijjtnre ", Bible Difficulties : their teaching value. Anon. Lond., 1869. Whately (Kiclianl, D.D.) Charges and other Tra.'ts. Lond , 1836- Klements of Rhetoric. 5th ed. Lond., 1836. Sam,'. N. Y., 1875. Krrors of Romanism traced to their Origin in Human Nature. Lcmd., 1830. K.s.says, first .series, on some Pecndiarities of the Christian Religion. 4tli ed. Lond., 1837. Ks.says on Some Dangers to Chiistian Faith, wliich may arise fr-)in teaching or conduct of its profe.^sor.s. Lond., 1839. E.s.siiys on Soni" Diliiculties in Wi'itings of St Paul, and in other parts of New Testament. 3rd cd. Lond., 1833. Sermons. Lond., 1835. and of Party-feeling in Matters of Religion, considered in Eight Sermons, {lianiptini Lecfan'x.) Oxford, 1822. Wliately (Thomas). Olwervations on Home's treatment of Strictures of the Urethra ; witli treatment. Painpli. Lond., 1801. l^ractical Observations on cure of ^Vounds and Ulcers on the Legs. Lond., 1799. 277 ';!■ 11 . [ *" ■•I i. i i^'\ t)*'U. U:S i ,:l li :h ; ^ '■• * :W - ;■; J- ' , 1 .'t rji WHEATLt. AUTHORS. WHITE Wheatly (Charles), Rational Illustration of Book of Common Prayer, ami administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites ami Ceremonies of Church of England. 3ril ed. Lond., 1720 ii'anie. Oxford, 1802. Same. Oxford, 1810. Wheeler (J. Talboys). College History of India ; Asiatic and European. Lond., 1888. Whelan (Edward). Union of Pritish Provinces : account of confer- ences held in 1864 on Proposed Confederation of the Provinces, with report of speeches. Charlottetown, P. E. I., 1865. Whewell (William). Astronomy an/fvnnin.) Harrisburg, 1881. Geology of Mercer County, {^nd Geo. Survey of Pennsylvania.) Harrisburg, 1880.' White (John). .lournal of Voyage to New South Wales. Coloured 2}hxtes of natural productions. Lond., 1790. 278 Tcsta- V. WHITE!. AUTHORS. WILflEiRPORCB!. White (John T.). English-Latin Dictionary, founded on White and Riddle's Latin-English Dictionary. New ed. Boston, 1882. White (Joseph, D. D.). Diatessaron, sive Integra Historia Jesu Christi Gruece ex 4 Evangeliis inter se collatis ipsisque Evan- gelistarum Verbis apte et ordinate disi)Ositis confecta . . . Oxonii, 18C0. Same. 4th ed. Oxonii, 1808. Same. 7th ed. Oxonii, 1826. Sermons preached at lecture founded by Rev. John Bampton. n. t White (Josejih Blanco) Practical and Internal Evidence against (Roman) Catholicism, with strictures on Butler's Book of Roman Catholic Church. Cambridge, U. S. A., 1835. White (Robert). Practical Surgery. 2nd ed. Lond., 1796. White (William, D. D.). Memorials of Protestant Episcopal Church in United States of America. 2nd ed. N. Y., 1836. Whiteaves (J. F.). Contributions to Canadian PaUuontology. Parts 1-3 -t- (pamph.). Montreal, 1885-91. Whitehead (William). Poems, with Memoirs of Life and Writings by W. Mason. v. 3. York, Eng., 1788. Whitfield (Peter). Dissertation on the Hebrew Vowel-Points. Liverpool, printi'd by the author, 1748. Whitgift (John, D. l>.). Works (controversal aiid theological). Ed. by J. Ayre. 3 v. Cambridge, Parker Soc, 1851. Whitney (William Dwigbt). Life and (h'owth of Language. Lond., 1875. Whittier (.John Greenleaf) Ros.setti. Lond.. n. Whole Duty of Man, with Loud., 1810. Same. 18th ed. Poetical Works, d. Private Devotions. Ed. by W. M. Anon. New ed. Lond , n. d. >'fie also Works of the author of The Whole Duty of Man. Ni)T«.— TAc Whole Duty nf Man hat been attributed to Abp. Samroft ; Abp. Frewen ; Abp. Sterne ; liishop Fell ; William Chapel (Bishop of Cork and Rouh) ; Dr. Alleatry : Abraham Woodhetd ; William Kulnian, amanuensis to Dr. Hammond ; and Dorothy, wife of Sir John \'a,ck\ng\,o\\.— Lowndes. Wlckeilden (J. Frederic). Seven Davs in Attica, 1852. Lond.. 1S53. Wicksteed (Thomas). Exiilanation of Plates of Cornish and Boulton and Watt Engines erected at East London Water Works, Old Ford. {With the jilates.) Loml, 1842. Wieland (Chvistoph Martin). Poetische Werke. Paris, 1839. Wilherforce (Samuel, D. D.). Hi.story of Protestant Epi-scopal Church in America. X. Y., 1849. Wilberforce (William). Correspondence. Kd. by R. I. .V5 S. Wil- berforce. 2 v. Lond., 1840. !79 ii il V, I W.\\ ifl^'l .-'* i;::.ii \. ■'% -A: .1 It iiji : I' WILCOCKS. AUTHORS. WII.LICH. '^\ ' 4 HM " I- •* I'i .! '>J ;.( Wilcocks (Joseph). Roman Conversations ; or Short Description of Antiquities of Rome, with Characters of Eminent Romans, and Reflections on Roman History. 2 v. 2nd ed. Lond., 1797. Wilkie (William). The Epigoniad : a jioem. Anon. Edin., 1757. Wilkins (A. S.). Roman Liturature. Lond., 1890. Wilkins (Henry Musgrave). Manual of Latin Prose Composition. 12th ed. Lond., 1879. Wilkins (John, B. D.). Discourse concerning the Gift of Prayer ; to which is added Ecclesiastes, or Discourse concerning Gift of Preaching. Lond., 1690. Discovery of a New World ; or discourse tending to prove that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon, with discourse concerning the probability of a passage thither ; unto which is added a discourse con- cerning a New Planet . . . 4th ed. Lond., 1684. Wilkins (Lewis Morris). Abrahamic Sacrifice, in connection with Pilate's Question, " What is Truth," discussed by an Ortho- dox Old Judge and a Sceptical Young Lawyer. {With author's MS. additions.) | v. (pamph , bound toith the author's brochure on the Lord's Supper). Halifax, 1883. " Lord'.s Supper " as He instituted it. (With author's MS. addi tions. ) By a " Retired Justice of H. M. Supreme Court of Nova Scotia " h v. {bound pamph.). Halifax, 1881. Wilkinson (Charles Henry). I'Ulements of Galvanism. 2 v. Loiul, 1804. Wilks (Samuel Charles). Correlative Claims and Duties ; or the Necessity of a Church Establishment in a Christian Country. Lond., 1821. Williams (John, D. D., 16,U-170Q). Brief Exposition of the Church Catecliism. 28th ed. \ v. (bound with Kenu's " Practice of Divine Love"). Lond., 1804. Williams (John, 1796-1S39). Narrative of Mis.sionary Enterprise in South Sea Islands, with Remarks on the Islands. 6th thous. Lond., 1837. Williams (Thomas). Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations, Ancient and Modern ; also of Ecclesiastical History ; with two essays and sketch of Missionary Geography. 3rd ed. Loud., ii. d. Williams (Thomas Walter). Compendious Law Dictionary. Loud , 1816. Williamson (R. S ). On use of Barometer on Surveys and Recon- naissances (with Appendix). {Professional Papers of U. S. Corps of Engineers, JVo. lo a ... 4 v. Haiii- l)urgi i*k LipsiiB, 1715-33. Curai Philol(jgicie (it Criticne in iV SS. Evangelia ct Actus .Apo.'*- tolicos. Ed. 3. 1 V. in 2. Mamburgi, 1739. Cur« Philological et Criticiu in IV Priores S. Pauli P^pistoias. Ed. 2 Hainl)urgi, 1737. Curte Philologicfs et Critical in X Posteriores S. Paali Epistolii.';. Ed. 2. Haml)urgi, 1738. Wolff (J. F.). Manual of Hebrew (iramiiiar with jtoints. Pampli. Lond., 1866. WoUastoil (William). Religion of Nature dide8 ends, to the battle of Mantineia, K. C. 362. Oxonii, 1819. Hi.storioB Crrsenaj lib. Oxonii, 18l0. Sauic. History of Affairs of Greece. ed. Lond., 1812 Historia Gritci. {Gr.) 1824. Hellenics, books 1 & 2. Lond., 1886. (d), {Gr.) Ed. J. (Jottlob Schneider. Tr. by William Smith. New Ed. Ludovicus Dindorflus. Loiul., {Gr.) Ed. by Herbert Hailstone. Iliero. Hieron. {Gr.) 1888. Ed. by Hubert A. Holden. Srd (mI. Lt)ii(l., (c). Memorabilia, & Apologia. NoTB.— The memorabilia dcfctids the memory o, Socrates against tho charge of irreligion, etc. The Apologia treats of the reasons which induced the great phiioso- phcr to choose death instead .^f life. English Key to Xeuxphon's Mcincrabilia of Socrates, literally tran.slatiu},' ditticult passiiges md explaining grammatical coiiHtruction. M. Ward. 2nd e. E.) Elementary Lessons in Heat, Light and Sound. Lond., 1891. See also Physics. Acridida;. lliomas (C.) Synopsis of A. of North America. Wash., 1873. Acts of tue Apostles. See Bible ; — Bible Commentaries. AuMiKALTY Court. Decisions in High Court of Admiralty, Michaelmas Term, 1770, to Feb. 1779. Lond (?), n. t. Hay {fi.) and Marriott {J.) Deci<5ions in High Court of Admiralty. V. 1 (1776-79). Lond., 180 . Adultery. Ochino {li.), Wolseley {Sir C), and others. Ca-ses of Polygamy, Concubinage, A., Divorce, etc. Lond., 1732. /Esorus {Greek fabulist). Jientley {li.). Dissertation upon Epistles of Phalari.s, etc., and the Fables of ^Esop. Lond., 1697. /EsTiiKTics. Burke {E.) Philosophical Enquiry into origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and lieautiful. Lond., 1787. PrxM {U.) Distinct t'haracters of the Picturesque and the Beau- tiful. Hereford, 1801. The l'ictures(jue as compared with the Sublime and Beautiful ; and of studying Pictures for the purpose of improving Real Landscapes. 3 v. 1796-98. Afghanistan. Forster {G.) Journey from Bengal to England, through India, Kashmire, A., etc. 2 v. Lond., 179S. 291 \m I ■'«:!■ li,!;* ■!• 1 •W: AFRICA. SUBJECTS. AGRICULTURAL. Africa. (1797-98). iip«i Barrow (J.) Travels iu interior of Southern A. 2 V. Lond., 1806. Clarke {E. D.) Travels in Various Countries of Europe, Asia, and A. 11 v. Lond., 1816. Fleming (/'.) Southern A., a geography and natural history of the country, colonies, and inhabitants. Lond., 1856. Froger (F.) Relation d'un Voyage fait en 1695-97 aux Coies d'Afri(iue, Detroit do Magellan, Brezil, Cayenne, et Isles Antilles. Paris, 1699. Livinf/stone (D.) Missionary i ravels and Researches in South A. X. Y., 1858. Jfartiii (.ff. Af.) History of Colonies of British Empire in A,, etc. Lond., 1843. l^ark (M.) Travels in Interior Districts of A., 1795-97. Lone'.. 1800. Piirchas (S.) Pilgrimage. (Pt. 1 : Asia, Africa, and Americ?..) Lond, 1614. Sketches of African Kingdoms and Peoples. Anon. Loud., S. P. C. K., n. d. Stanley {II. M.) How I found Livingstone. Montreal, 1872. See also Abyssinia ; — liARHARY ; — Egypt ; — Natal ; — Tuass- VAAL ; — Zululanu ; — Yoruba. Agricultural Chemistry. Hodges (J. F.) First Book of Lessons iu Chemistry, in its application to Agriculture. Belfast, 1872. Johnston {J. F. W.) Ap[)licaiion of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture. N. Y., n. d. Liebig {J. J. von, baron). Chemistry in its application to Agricul- ture and Physiology. Cambridge, 1842. Agricultural Survey of Great Britain. Bailey (J.) and Culley ((?.) Agriculture of Northumberland. Newcastle, 1797. Billingsley (J.) A. of Somersetshire. Bath., 1798. Boys (J.) A. of Kent. Lond , J 796. Brown (H.) A. of West Riding of Yorkshire. Kdin., 1799. Communications to Board of Agr. on Husbandry and Internal Improvement of the Country. 2 v. Lond., 1797-1800. Douglas (E.) A. in counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk. Edin., 1798. Holt (J.) A. of CO. of Lancaster. Lond., 1795. A'e7it (J.) A. of CO. of Norfolk. Norwich, 1796. Loioe (H.) A. of CO. of Nottingham. Lond., 1798. Middleton (J.) A. of Middlesex. Lond., 1798. Naismith (J.) A. of co. of Clydesdale. Glasgow, 1798. Pitt (IK.) A. of CO. of Stafford. Lond., 1796. Report of Board of Agriculture, concerning Potatoes. Lond, 1795 Robertson {G.) A. of co. of Midlothian. Edin., 1795. A. of CO. of Perth. Perth, 1799. of CO. of Argyll. Edin., 1798. A. of CO. of Fife. Edin., 1800. Mobertson {J.) Smith (J.) A. Thompson, (J.) 292 AGRICULTURAL. SUBJECTS. AGRICULTURK. AciiucuLTURAL SuRVEY OF G. B. — Continued. Tuke (J.) A. of North Riding of Yorkshire. Lond., 1800. Young (A.) A. of co. of Lincoln. Lond., 1799. A. of CO. of Suffolk. Lond., 1797. See also Somerville (Lord). Agriculture. Bailey {A. M.) 106 Copper Plates of Mechanical Machines and Imi)lcments of Husbandry, with descriptions. 2 V. in 1. Ix)nd., 1782. Beever ( W. H.) Successful Farming, its essentials, &c. Lond., 1 871 Cato (M. P.) See " Scriptores Rei Rusticae." Corbett (W.) Trer'ise on Corbett's Corn. \ v. '.,1828. Columella {L. M.) See " Scrijjtores Rei Rusticfe." Commissioner of Patents, U. S. A. Report for 1858 : Agriculture. Wash., 1859. Communications to Board of Agriculture (England) on subjects relative to Husbandry and Internal Improvement of the Country. 2 v. Lond., 1797-1800. Davi/ (11.) Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. Lond., 1814. Dawson (J. W.). Contributions towards Improvement of A. in Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1856. Department of Agriculture, U. S. A. Reports for 1875-80. 6 v. Wash., V. d. Special Report, nos. 1-30 (1877-80). 2 v. Wash., v. d. Eckeberg (C. G.) Account of Chinese Husbandry. {Appended to Osbeck's China.) 2 v. Lond., 1771. Johnston (J. F. W.) Repoi't on Agricultural Capabilities of New Brunswick. Pamph. Fredericton, 1850. I{ent (A^.) Hints to Gentlpmen of Landed Proi)crty (relative to husbandry). Lond., 1799. Kirivan (R.) Manures most advantageously applicable to various sorts of soils, and causes of their beneficial effect. Pamph. Lond., 1796. Marshall ( ir.) See author-entry, p. 170. Massachusetts Soi^iety for Promoting Agriculture. (Papers on Agriculture.) 12 ])ami>h. in 2 v. Boston, 1793-1810. Monk (J.) Agricultural Dictionary. 3 v. Lond., 1794. Monroy {P. de.) Foreign A. Pamph. Lond., 1796. Ontario Aqricultural Department. Annual Report, for 1872, 1884, '1887-90. 6 v. Toronto, v. d. Kep'. Lof Board of Agriculture, concerning Culture and Use of Potatoes. Lond., 1795. Scrijitores Bci Rusticae. Cato, Yarro, Columella, et Palladius. A'onetiis, K. Jenson, 1472. NoTB.— See remark! under title-entry (p. 232). Somerville (J., lord). System followed during 2 last years by Board of A., further illu.strated. Lond., 1800. Same. Lond., 1800. 293 AGiucur;ruKK. SUBJECTS. AKINS. ■''■^f--i >V-i 'iti ■is: ■! ■ * Agriculture — Continued. Spronle (J.) Kleiueuts of Practical A. Loiul., 1844. Tathani ( \V.) National Irrigation, or Metliotls of Watering Meadow.s. Loud., 1801. Varro (J/. T.) See " Scriptoros Kei Rusticac." VirijUius Maro (P.) Georgica. See author-entry {pp. 26S-,lO[l) for various editioris. \VorHd(ie (J.) 2ntl parts of Sy.steina Agricultur?e ami Vinetuni JSrittaniciim or Treatise of Cider. Lond., 1689. Yoniiij (D.) National Inipruvcnuuits upon A. Edin., 1785. See also AoiucuLTUUAh Chemistry ; — Aguioultural Survey OF Creat Britain; — Horticulture; — Ohcuaros ;— PuMoi.oc.y. Akins' Historical Prize Essays. Ni.TB.— The Akiiis' Historical I'rizc of Kincr's Collcee was founded by the Iftte Coinniissioiior of Public Kcpords of Nov:i Scotia, Thomas Beamish Akiiis, IOk|., D. C. L., who i;ave a sum of money sutficicnt to found an annual prize for tiie b*8t usBay on the county history of the Province. Calneck (IF. .^1.) History of Annapolis County. Manuscript; sin. folio ; 2 parts. NoTB.— Prize of 1875. Campbell [J. /i'.) Jlistory of Yarmouth County, N. S. Manu- script ; sin. folio. Note.— Prize of 1872. Cochran ( /. C.) History of Luncnliurg County. Manuscript; sm. folio. NoTK.— Ciimiietcd for prize of ISCS. Cox {J. C.) History of Hants County, \. S. Manuscript ; sni. folio, 44 pp. NoTi.— One of the prize eiMys of 1805. DesBrisay [M. li.) History of Lunenburg County, N. S. Manu- scipt ; sin. folio. NoT».— Competed for prize of 1868. Draper {2\ F.) History of Hants County, N. S. Manuscript; sm. folio ; 1881. NoTR. — Prize Essay of 1881. Hamilton {C. S.) History of Kings County, X. S. Manuscript ; sm. folio Non.— Prize Esiay of 18G9. Hamilton (P. S.) History of Cumberland County, X. S. Manu- script ; sm. folio. NoTB.— Prize Essay of 1880. Hart (Mrs. J. E.) History of Guysborougli County. Manuscript; sm. folio. NOTi.— Prize Essay of 1877. Lau'son {Mary J.) History of that part of Halifax County, com- prising Dartmouth, Preston, and Lawrencetown. Manuscript ; sm. folio; 1887. NoTi.— Prize Essay of 1887. Longworth {I. M.) History of Colchester County. {First part.) Manuscript ; sm. folio. NoTB.— Prize Essay of 1866. 294 AKINS. SUBJECTS. ALCESTE. Akinh' Pbize Essays — Continued. History of Colchester County. (Second part.) Manuscrijit ; sill, folio; dated June, 1878. NoTB.— Prize Essay of 1878. ^facdonald {J. W.) History of Antigonish County, .\fannscript ; H\o., 223 pp. NoTR— I'rize Essay of 1876. Oice7i, {E. II.) History of Lunenburg County. Jfanuscript ; sni. folio. NoTK.— Prize Essiy of 1868. Patterson {G.) History of Pictou County. Afamiscript ; sm. folio. NoTB.— Prize Essay of 1874. Patterson (G. G.) History of Victoria County, C. B. Manuscript ; sill, folio. Note.— Prize P's'ay of 1885. Itohertson {T.) History of Bigby County. Manuscript; 4to., about 80 Pit. NoTB.— Prize Essay of 1873. History of Shelburne County. Manuscript ; sm. folio. NoTK.— Competed for Prize of 1871. Poscow (M. E.) History of King's County. Mamiscript ; 4to. NoTB.— Competed (or Prize of 18G9. Smith (P.) Coniniercc and Progress of Settlements in Hants County. Manuscript ; sm. folio. NoTB.— One of the Prize Essays of 1865. Smith (T. ir.) History of Sliclburnc County. Manuscript ; sm. folio. NoTB— Prize Essay of 1871. Wilsoii (J.) History of Digby County, Manuscript ; 4to. N«TB.— Competed (or Prize of 187.S. Albemarle (George Henry Monk, Duke of). See Biography (Ind.). Albert (Prince Consort). See Biography (Ind.). ALBiiitT Edward (Prince of Wales). Addresses presented to H. R. H. during his visit to B. N. A., -with replic.'', Julv-Scpt., 18G0. (Loud.), 1860. Aldigenses. NoTB — Tlie Albigenses were separatists from the Church of Rome in the 12th century. Allix (P.) Ecclesiastical History of Ancient Churches of the A. Oxford, 1821. Faber (G. S.) History and Theology of Ancient Vallenses and Albigenses. Loud., 1838. See also Waldenses. " Alceste," H. M. S. McLeod (J.) Voyage of H. M. S. Alceste along coast of Coroa to Island of Lcwchew ; with account of ship- wreck. Lond., 1818. J il ■iti 295 :.hi' f'tf hi 1' r ALDINE. SUBJECTS. ALDINE. ; Thecphrasti de Venetiis, Aldus, ^lAint IPvjCSS, The following books are from the famous press of the Manutian or Aldine family, noted for the elegance and cor- rectness of its productions. The office was opened about 1^90, and 14^4 was the date of the first volume known to be from its type — the Erolemata of Lascaris. It continued in operation until 1597. Chronological arrangement. Aristotelet. (Aristotelis opera ; Tlieophrasti de historia plantarum lib. 70, &c. Gr. d: Lat.) v. 1, 3, 4 {in part), 5. Venetiis, Aldus. 1495-98. NoTB,— S«e nute in Author Cutalogue : AristOteles (p. 13). Aristotelis do Xatura Aniiiialium lib., de Partibus Animal- ium lib., de Generatioiie Aninialium lib Histioria (sic) Plantarum lib., etc. (Lnt.) 1513. Folio. Plati> (Omnia opera. Gr.) Venetiis, in oidib. Aldi et Andrece soceri, nieuse Septembri, 1513. Folio. NoTi.— See note under author-entry (p. 204). Cicero {M. T.) Rhetoricorum ad Hercnnium lib., etc. {sive Opera Rhetoricia). Venetiis, Aldus, Mar. 1514. Large Six. Petrarca (/'.) (Sonetti, Canzoni, e Trionfi). Vinegia, Aldus, Agosto, 1514. ; Note. -See reroarki under author-entry, p. 301. Gregorius Nazianzenus. Orationes lectissimse XVI. {Gr.) Venetiis, Aldus, Apr., 1516. NoTB.— Octavo. Title-page somewhat mutilated, but otherwise in good con- dition. Nervse et Trajani atque Adrian! vitse ex Dione, G. Merula inter- prete. ^-Elius Spartianus, Jul. Cai)itolinus etc. Heliogabali ad meretrioes oratio. J. Bt. Kgnatii de Ca^sarib. lib. III. l^usd. in Spartiani Lampridiique vitas et reliquor. annotationos. Aristidis oratio le laudib. urbis RoniiE a Scip. Carteromacho iu lat. versa. Contlagratio Vesevi montis ex Dione, G. Merula interprete. {Histuria- Autjusto' Scriptores). Venetiis, Aldus et And. Asuhmu.'i, ni. Aug., 1519. Plautns {A. or T. M.) Kx Plauti Comoediis XX. quarum Carmina magna ex parte in monsuni snum restituta sunt ... Venetiis, Aldus (k A. Aftulanns, 1522. Homenis. Ilias. (6'r.) (Venetiis,) Aldus, n. d. Note. -See remarks under author-entry, p. 128. (Opera; (t;-.) Venetii.s, Aldus ^- A. Asulanns, Apr., 1524. Sco. Cicero {M. T.) Rlieturicorupi ad C. Hercnnium lib., incerto auctore ; Ciceronis de Invcntione lib., de Oratore . . . lib., Brutus sive de claris oratoribus lib., ( )rator ad Brutuni, Topica ad Trol)atium, dr. Corrigejiti Paulo Manutio, Aldi lilio. 4 part.s in 1 v. {backed " Cicennds Opera. Rhetorica.") Venetiis, Ahlii fdii. 1546. St)i. Svo. Manutins ( Aldus, the elder, founder of the press). Grammaticaruiu In.stitutioiiuni lib. Venetii.s Aldus, 1559. Small Sru. 296 in. i ! !:• ALDINE. SUBJECTS. ALGEBRA. Aldine Press — Continued. Cicero {M. T.) Epistolae Familiares. Vcnetiis, Aldus, 1561. Orationes. n. t. ; Venetiis, Aldus Paulus Manutius, Aldi F., 1565 {colophon). Livius {T.) Historiarum ab urbe condita lib. ; cum Universse llistorite Epitoniis. Venetiis, Paulus Manutius, Aldi F., 1566. Folio. Alexander the Great. See BiooRAfHY {Ind.) Algebra. Bonnycastle (J.) Introduction to A. Lond., 1818. Same. Lond., 1850. Key to 10th edition of " Introduction to Algebra." Lond., 1816. Treatise on A. 2 v. Lond., 1820. Boole (O.) Treatise on Differential Equations. Cambridge, 1865. Same. Supplementary volume. Cambridge, 1865. Bridge (B.) Elementary Treatise on A. Lond., 1818 Colenso {J. W.) Elements of A., part 1. Lond., 1849. Bavies (C.) Elementary A. N. Y., 1862. Flits (A. J.) Algebra identified with Geometry. Pamph. Loud., 1874. Fuler (L.) Elements of A. 2 v. Lond., 1797. [Siemens d'Alg^'bre. 2 v. Paris, 1807. Penning {D.) Young Algebraists Companion. Lond., 1772. Frend{W.) Principles of A. Lond., 1796. Gulbraith [J. A.) <& Houghton (S.) Manual of A., part 1. 1860. Gamier {J. G.) Elumens d'Algebre : premiere section. 1811. Hall (H. S.) (t Knight (S. P.) Algebra lor beginners. 1892. Higher A. Lond., 1887. Hind (J.) Elements of A. Cambridge, 1841. Jarman (J. A.) Algebraic Factors classified and applied. 1892. Maclaurin (C.) Treatise on A. Lond., 1788. Maseres {F.) and others. Tracts on Resolution of Attectod Algc- braick {sic) Equations by Halley's, Rajthson's, and Newton's methods of approximation. Lond., 1800. Pryde {J.) Algebra, theoretical and practical. Lond., n. d. Salmon {G.) Lessons introductory to Modern Higher A. Dublin, 1885. Saunderson {N.) Elements of A. 2 v. Cambridge, 1740. Smith {B.) Arithmetic and A. Cambridge, 186.3. iimith (C.) Treatise on A. Lond., 1888. Wood {J.) Elements of A. Cambridge, 1820. 297 Lond., Paris, Lond., Lond., VA W^^-' i .-l ALMAXACS. SUBJECTS. ANATOMY, Almanacs. (Almanac in Gorman, for 1438 ; with treatises attached.) ManiiKcript. Almanac for use of Navigators, from the American Ephomcris and Nautical Almanac for 187-t. Wash., 1873. American Ei)hemeris and Nautical A., for 18G5-67, 1870-71, 1874-75, 1877-80. 11 v. with 2 suj)plements (painph.) Wash., V. (1. Belcher'.s Farmer's A., for 1852-Gl, 1864, and 18G8. 12 v. Halifax, V. d. See (tlKo Calendar. America. Account of J^uropean Settlements in A. Anon. 2 v Lund, 1777. Bradhiirii (J.) Travels in Interior of A., 1809-1 1. Liverfool, 1817. Gentij {Ai/hr). Influence de la Decouverte de rAmeri([ue sur k iSoidieur du Genre-Humain. Paris, 1788. Iforii {(f.) De Originilms Ann ricanis lih. Hagic Comitis, 1652. llamholJt (F. If. A. vou) and lionplamJ {A.) Travels to Ecpiinoctial Regions of the New Continent, 1799-1804. v. 1 and 2 in 1 v. Lond., 1814. Jefferijs (7'.) Natural and Civil History of French Dominions in North and Soutli A. 2 pts. in 1 v. Lond.. 1761. NoTi.— CenUiifi plant of Louisburfc, Quebec, Montreal, etc. Martin {It. M.) History of Colonies of Britisli Empire in "West Indies, South America, North America, etc. Lond., 1843. Mors^p. (J.) American Gazetteer. Boston it Lond., 1798. Furehas (S.) Pilgrimage. (Pt. 1 : Asia, Africa, and America). Lond., 1614. JRuhertifon (W.) History of A. (To 16SS). 4 v. Lond., 1817. Same. 2 v. Lond , 1832. i^'ee alio North America ; — South America. American I^oetry. See Enqlish Poetry unth which it is incorporated. American Kevoi.ution. Fair Account of the Unhappy Disturbance at Boston, New England, fn^n depositions made concerning it by the people of all parties. Anon. ^ v. Lond., 1770. NoTB— In 1770 a riot took place in Hositon, upon which the m»in-(;uard turnoil out under Captain Preston ; blows ensued, and the uiei' tired upun tlie people. See also United States ok America. Amiiaric Language (Abyssinia). For an example of this languarje, see Bible (4mbraric), p. '27 of catalogue. Amos. See Bible ;— Bible Commentaries. Analysis (lilow-Pipe). See Blow-Pipe. Analysis (Chemical). See Chemical Analysis. Analysis (Spectrum). See Spectroscope. Anatomy. Abrege d'Anatomie. (" Caption.") Premiere partie : Osteologie. n. t., old. Albinus (B. S.) Tables of Skeleton and Muscles of Human Body. Tr. from the Latin, h v. Lond., 1749. Note.— Large folio platee, beautifully execHted. 298 ANATOMY. SUBJECTS. ANGERS. Anatomy — Coiitinuah Anderson {W.) System of Surgical A. : part first, on Structure of Groin, I'elvis, aud I'eriueuni, as connected with Inquinal and Femoral Hernia, tying tlie Iliac Arteries and the operation of Lithotomy. N. Y., 1822. Barclay (J.) Introductory Lectures to a Course of A. Kdin., 1827. Crui/cshanks (W.) Anatomy of Absorbing Vessels of Human Body. Lond, 1790. Hitchcock (E. d' E., jr.) Elementary Anatomy and Physiology. K Y., 18G1. Lambert (T. S.) Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene- Hartford, 18r)4. Popular A. and Phy.siologj. Auburn, 18o2. Practical A., Physiology, and Pathology; etc. Portland, 1852. i>haw (J.) Manual lor student of A. Troy, 1825. System of Blood-Ves.fels and Nerves, taken from Albinus's edition of Eustachiua, also from Ruysch, Vieussens, etc. ; beautifully engraved on large ^folio) copper plates, with explanations con- taining text of iui-stacliiuR, Albinus, etc. h v. Lond., 1750. See also Comparative Physioi.cgy ; — Osteology ; -Surgery- Andes. Richard (E. I.) Mining Journey across the Great A. Lond.> 18G3. Andover. Memorial of Semi-Centennial Celebration of Founding of Theological Seminary at A. Andover, 1859. Andr£ {^fajor John). See Biography (Ind.). Anecdotes. AJmon (J.) Biographical, Literary, and Political A. 3 v. Lond., 1797. Anecdotes of Henry IV. of France. (Tr. from the French). 2 v. Lond., n. d. Percy Anecdotes. By " Sholto and licuben Percy " (T. Byerley 'and J. C. Robertson), v. 1-2, 5, S-U, lG-20, 22-24, 26-27. Lond., 1822. Angers, France, Ecclesiastical Conferences of. Rabin (/'.) Conft'rences Fccli'siasticpies, du Diocese d'Angers, sur les Cas Kesorves, tenues en 1711-12. v. 1. Angers, 1755. Conferences Ecclesiastiques du Diocese d'Angers, sur les Censures, tenues 1711-12. Angers, 1755. Conferences Ecclesiastiques du Diccese d'Angers, sur les (,'omman- demens de Dieu, tenues 1713-14. 2 v. Angers, 1755. Same. v. 2. Angers, 1744. Conferences Ecclesiastiques du Diocese d'Angers, sur les Contrats, terues en 1722. Angers, 1755. Conferences Ecclesiastiques du Diocese d'Angers, sur le Mariage, Comme Sacrament et Comme Contrat Civil ; tenues en 1724- 25. 2 V. in 1. i'S ! ■• ■)■ ', il m. M' Angers, 1755. 299 ' :' < i I ANGERS. SUBJECTS. AP0L00BTIC8. Sill! ^^:,:( '^i Anqers — Conti'nim\. Conforencps Ecclcsiastiqiics du Diccoac tl'Angcrs, sur Ic Sacreinent lie I't'aiitonce {teuues 1717). v. 1. Angers, 1746. Conferences Ecclosiaatiques du Diocc'so d'Angers, sur le Sacremoiit de rOrdre, tenues 1709. Angers, 1755. Anglo-Saxon Language. Sec HelfeDHtein (J.), p. 121. For an example of this lampia'je, ^■«e liiBiiB (Anglo-Saxon), p. 27 of Catahxjufi. Anglo-Saxons. Allen {G.) Anglo-Saxon Britain. Lond., n. d. Turner (S.) History of A. S. v. 1-3. Lond., 1799-1801. See also England. Animals. See Zoology. Annapolis County, iT. 5. Calneck (W. A.) Hi-story of A. Manu- script ; sni, folio ; 2 jiarts. N«Ti.- AkluB' lUitorical Prize of 1875. Annuities. Maseres (F.) Principles of Doctrine of Life Annuities Lond., 1783. Proposal for establishing Life-Annuities in Parishes for Benefit of Industrious Poor. } v. Lond., 1772-73. See also Insurance. Anson (George, Lord). Walter (/?.) Voyage round the World, 174044, by Lonl Anson. Lond., 1767. Anti-Christ. I'odd (J. J/.) Discourses on Prophecies relating to Antichrist in Writings of Daniel and St. Paul. Dublin, 1840. Anticosti Island, liillinys (E.) Catalogues of Silurian Fossils of Island of A. Paniph. Montreal, 1866. Antigonisii County, A'. »9. Macdonald {J. W.) History of A. Mann- script ; 8vo, 223 pp. NoTK.— Akins' Historical Prize Essay of 1876. Antilles. Froyer (/•'.) Relation d'un Voyage fait en 169.')-97 aux Cotes d'Afrit]ue, Drtroit de Magellan, Brezil, Cayenne, et Isles Antilles. Pari.s, 1699. Antiquities. See Arcilkology. Apocrypha. .See Bible ; Bible Commektaries. Apocryphal Gospels, etc. Aj)ocryphal Xew Testament. Tr. with notes (by W. Hone). Boston, n. d. Book of Enoch the Prophet, an apcjcryphal production, supposed to have been lost but discovered in Abyssinia. Ed. by R. Laurence. Oxford, 1838. Churton, (W. R.) Uncanonical and Apocryphal Scriptures, with Intnidu(',tion.s, t'^r. Lond., 1884. Apologetics. Blunt (J. J.) Veracity of the Gospels and Acts. Lond.. 1831. Defence of Scripture History. Anon. | v. Lond., 1730. Erskine (7\) Remarks on Internal Evidence for Truth of Revealed Religion. Edin., 1829. 300 '» V APOLOGETICS. SUBJECTS. ARABIA. Apologetics — Continned. Gibson (E.) Letters in defence of (roapcl Revelation, and against lato writings in favor of Infidelity. Loud., 1735. NoTi!.--The6e Intters were occulonad by Woolaton's DiKOuraei on Miraoleg. Jonea (J.) Method of settling the canoiiical authority of the Neiv Te tnniont ; to which is subjoined a Vindication of St. Matthew's ( Jospel from Winston's charge of J >islocations. 3 v. Oxford, 1798. Smne. 3 v. Lond., 1827. Lardner (N.) Credibility of tiospel History, or Facts mentioned in New Testament coiiHrmed by ancient authors. Part I. (2nd ed. complete in 1 vol.) Lond., 1730, Sartie. Part I., v. 2 (1st ed.) Lond., 1727. Hame. Part 11. in 12 v. with supplement in 3 v. Lond., 1734-57. Lee {W.) Inspiration of Holy Scripture, its nature and proof. Dublin, 1865. Miller (J.) JOIvine Authority of Holy Scripture asserted, etc. Oxford, 1838. Xares (Ji.) Veracity of the Evangelists demonstrated. Lond., 1816. O'Jirien {C.) Philosophy of the Bible vindicated. Charlottetown, 1876. See also Christianity (Evidences of). Apostles. (See Biography (Coll.) : Cave, Lives of Apostles. Apostles Creed. Ashwell {G.) Fides Apostolica ; or discourse assert- ing the received authors and authority of the A. C. Oxford, 1653 Pearson (J.) Exposition of the Creed. NoTR. — For various editions see author-entry, p. 198. Apostolic Fathers. See Fathers ok the Church ; also Barnabas, Clement of Rome, Hennas, Ignatius, Polycarp. AuABiA. Burckhardt (T. L.) Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. 2 v. Lond., 1831. Travels in A. 2 v. Lond., 1829. Griffiths (J.) Travels in Europe, Asia Minor, and A. Lond., 1805. Niehuhr (C) Travels through A., and other Countries in the East. 2 v. Edin., 1792. NoTR.— See remark under author-entry, p. 186. Pocock (E.) Specimen Historiai Arabum, etc. {Arabic ;i . I, ', ■ ! Arabia — Continued. Sacy {A. I. S. de), ed. Specimen Historine Ar;ibuin, auctore Pocockio ; accessit. Historia Voterum Araburu ex Alni'l Feda, cura A. I. S. do Sacy. {Arabic and Lathi). Oxonii, J80G. (See afso Arabic Language ; Arabic Liteuaturb ; Arabs. Arabic Language. Castell {E.) Lexicon Heptaj^'lotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacuni, Saniaritanum, /Ethiopicum, Arabicum, ct Per.siuuin ... 2 v. Lond., 16G9. NoTK.— Accompanies Walton's Biblia Sacra Polyglotta (7. v.) For ' li example of this laiujuaye, see Bible (Arabic), p. 27 of of catalogue; also references under Arabic Literature. Arabic Literature. .S'ee in author m^u/oyjie, Albucasis ; — Jeilia- leddin ;— Haretli Ben Uilizza ;— Hiiukal ;— Ibii-Abl- Osaiba ;— Waenen (C. von) [editor of Sontentis Ali Ebn Abi Talebi]. Arabs. Burckhardt {J. L.) Xotes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. •2 V. Lond., 1831. See also Arabia. ArbuthisOT (Job.n.) Langwith (B.) Observations on A.'s Dissertation on Coins, Weights and Measures. Panipli. Lond., 1717. Archaeology. Adam (A.) Koman Antiquities. Lond., 1830. NoTB.— Usually preferred to Kennctt's work on same subject. Antichita Italiche. Anon. 2 v. Milano, 1788. Aringhi {P.) Roma Subterranea novissima in qua post Bosium et alios antiqua Cliristianorum et prspcipue Alartyrum coeinetcria . . . illustrantur. 2 v. in 1. Colonite, 1G59. Brand (J.) Observations on Popular Anti(piities of Great Britain. 3 v. Lond., 1853. Chandler (R.) Marmora Oxiensia. {Many plates by J. Miller). Oxonii, 1763. MoTR. — Description of the famous Arundolian Marbles, containing the chrono- logy of ancient history from B. C. 1582 to B. C. 355. Also l , 1 n 41. ■ff^'i, ' lii 1 g. . f'« i. ih' i it , I, ft' H ARCHITECTURE. SUBJECTS. ARITHMETIC. Architecture — Continued, Pyne (G.) Practical Rules on Drawing, for operative builder anil student of A. Lond., 1 S64. Jiickman (T.) Attempt to discriminate Styles of A. in England, from Conquest to Reformation ; with Sketch of Grecian and Roman Orders. Oxford, 1881. Shmv {R. N.) Architectural Sketches from the Continent. Lond., 1872. Viynohi {G. D. da). Theory and Practice of A., or Vitruvius and Vignola abridged. Lond., 1703. Vitmvius Pollio {M.) Tlieory and Practice of A., or Vitvuvius and Vignola abridged. Lond., 1703. Ware (I.) Complete liody of A. Many plates. Lond, 1768. See alio Arches ; — Bridges ; — Building Construction ; — Castles ; — Strength and Resistance op Materials. Arctic Regions. Barrow (J.) Voyages of Discovery and Research within A. R., from 1818. Lond., 1846. McClintuck {Sir F. L.) Discovery of Fate of Sir J. Erancklin. Boston, 1860. See also North-West Passage. Aretin (Pierre). See BioGRAPiii' (Ind.). Argyle, Scotland. Smith (J.) General View of Agriculture of A. Edin., 1798. Arianism. Maimhourg (L.) History of A. 2 v. Lond., 1728-29. Neivman (J. H ) Arians of the 4th century, their doctrine, etc, Lond., 1833. Aristophanes {Athenian comic poei,). Cnravella {J.) Index Aristo- l)hanicus, ex codice Bodleiano. Oxonii, 1822. Aristoteles {Greek Pldlosopher). Andronicus lihodins. Ethicorum Nicomacheorum Paraphrasis. (Gr. ^ Lat.). Oxonii, 1809. Magirus {J.) Corona Virtutuin Moralium, universam Aristotelis summi Philosoi)lii Ethicen exactc enucleans . . . adjecto Aristotelis contextu CJrieco-Latino. Francofurte, 1628. More {E.) Introductior to A.'s p]thics, books 1-4. Lond., 1878. Jiiccohoni {A.) Paraphrasis in Rhetoricam Aristotelis. Oxonii, 1819. Arithmetic. Harlow {P.) Elementary Investigation of Theory of Numbers. Lond., 1811. Bonnycastle (J.) Introduction to A. Lond., 1810. Brooksmith {J. & E. J.) Arithmetic for beginners. Lond., 1889. Colenso {J. W.) Arithmetic. Lond., 1860. Galbraith {J. A.) tj- Hom/hton {S.) Manual 0' A. Lond., 1858. Hayes {li). (Interest Tables, etc.). n. t. Hind (■/.) Principles and Practice of A. Cambridge, 1845. Keith {T.) Practical A. Lond., 1798. Key to " Practical A." Lond., 1790. Lacroix {S. F.) Traite Elementaire d'Arithmetique. Paris, 1818. S04 ARITHMETIC. SUBJECTS. ASIA. Akitiimetic — Continued. Lock {J. B.) Aritliinetic. Lornl., 1888. Arithmetic for eleinentiiry schools. Lond., 1890. McLellan [J. A.) and Kirkland [T.) Examination Papers in A. Toronto, 1877. Maqlathlln {H. B.) Practical A. Boston, 1870. O'Gorman (D.) Intuitive Calculations. Jond., n. d. tiavA {J.) Tutor and Scholar's Assistant; being a Treatise on A. Lond., 1797. Smith (B.) Arithmetic and Algebra. Cambridge, 1863. Arithmetic for Beginners. Lond, 1892. Smith {E. C). Practical and Mental A. Boston, 1831. Ahmexia. Luj/ard {A. JI.) Discoveries among Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, with Travels in A., etc. N. Y., 1856. Armenian Language. For an cxani/ile of this lanyuar/e, see Biblz ^Armenian), 2>- ^1' of catalorjac wMiNiAMSM. Limborch (/'. von). Theolugia Christiana. AmstelsB- dami, 169.5. Note.— "Tlie fullest delineation of the Arir.inian scheme."— WaHam. Army List. See Hart's Army List, p. 110. Arnold, (Thomas). See Biography {Lid.) Arthur {Kiwj). Malory {Sir T.) King Arthur and the Quest of the Holy (Irail. {From tlw " Morte d' Arthur"). Lond, 1886. Arts (Fine). Harris {J.) Tre.itises concerning Art, Music, Painting, Poetry, and lla])i)iness. Lond., 1783. See also Aruhiteci'ure ; — Drawincj ; — Painting ; — ^Sculp- TUintain& the Grccic text of the chronicle, with Latin and English '•■ alu' 'onH. Roberta V ) Marniuium Oxonieiisium Inscriptiones Grjecai ad Ch;iiHii(/'i exemplar edila>. Oxonii, 1791. Asia. Asiatit; Annual Register, or view of History of Hindustan, and Politics, Commerce, and Literature of A., for 1800. Lond., 1801, NoTR.— Was editei by Lawrence Dundas CAmpbell. Contains several miicellan. eoua tracts of interest. Buchanan (C.) Christian Re-earches in Asia, with notices of Tr.inslation of the Scriptures into Oriental Lang'.'ages. Cam- bridge, 1811. Clarke {F. D.) Travels in various Countries of Europe, A., and Africa. 11 v. Loud., 1816. Lantier {E. [or iS.] /'.) Travels of Antenor in Greece and Asia, etc. 3 V, Lond., 1799. NoTR.— Tlifso are ilctitious travels, similar to liartholemy's "Voyage of Aimch^riiis." ** 306 - I !■ t. i wm li' r f r^^m[ IIm ll. ASIA. SLinjKCTS. AHTIIONOMV. Asia - Continued. Lucas (P.) Voyii},'(', fait cii 1711 \-i:., diina la Tiinmie, TAsio^ Soiirio, Piili'stino, Haute ct ISassc Kj^'yptc, itc. v. 1-2. Rouen, 1721. Mavtiu {K. M.) History or Coloiiios of lirilish Kmpirc in West liiiiics, America, A., etc. Loud., 1843. Oriental Coileittion.s : (X)nsisting of Original Kssay.s and Disserta- tions, Tran.slation.s, etc., iliustratiii<; Antiijuities, Arts. Sciences, and Literature of A. Ed. by Sir W. Ouseley. v. 1-2. Lond., 1797-98. Purcltas (S.) Pilgriniajre. (Pt. ! : .V.sia, Africa, and America). Loud., 1614. .S'w (»/,w ArciiiANisTA.v ; Ai!auia ;- -Asia Mi.Nou ; — I>lai;k Ska ; l>ri{... \ii ; l'asiimeiuo ; — ("iii.n'a ; Kaht (The) ; Ka«t In'dies ; — India ; .Iai'an ; Kukdistan ; — etc. Asia ^lixou. Chandler (li.) Travelt-- in A. M. Lond., 177G. Travels in .\. M. and (ireece. 2 v. Oxf(.rd, 1825. NoTK. - I'liamiU'i- was m-iit l>v the Dilettanti Sociot.v in 17o4 to travel in Asia .Minor ami (Jreece. IliMlesenbes with K'ear acciiraty the ruins of the lities lie visited, the temples, theatres and other olijeetaof fireut interest to the antiiiiiarian. Cramer {J. A.) ( Jeographical and Ilis^torical Description uf A. iM. 2 V. O.xfonl, 18;}2. Criffltliii (J.) Travels in Kuroix', A. .M., and Aral)ia. Lond., ISOo. ^Vr ii'."!) Ti'hKKY ; KA^ir (The). AsKKWK (.Anne, Kiiijlit^li I'rotiKltuit iiiarfi/r, hiinit I.'k'^Ci.) Hale (J.) Select Works, containing Kx:miinations of Lord (,'oliiiaiii, \V. Til )rpe, and A. Askewe, and th(> Image of lioth Cliurche.s. Caii.:)ridge, 1849. AssAYi.NG. Jojjee (/'.) Practical ('luiinical Mineralogy : mineral sub- stances, tiieir a.ssay, analysis, etc. Lond., 182-'). Kerl (//.) Metallurgische Proliirkunst. Leipzig, 1882. Mitrhell {J.) Manual of Practical A. Lond., 187.1 Overmavii (F.) i'ractical Mineialogv, A., and Mining. I'liiia., 1872. P/ii//ip.^ (J. A.) Cold Hilling and A. Lond., 18r)2. AssYUiA. Gii!iferlin, 1782. Bradley (J.) Astronomical Obscr^■ations made at Royal Observatory at (rrcenwich, 1750-62. 2 v. Oxford, 1798-1805. .di.scellancous (astronomical) Works and Correspondence. Oxford, 1832. lireivstcr (D.) More Worlds than ()ne, the creed of the pliiloso- ]ihiu" and the hope of the iJhristian. Lond., 1858. lirhMei/ (J.) Khimcnts of .\. Dublin, 1819. Chahiiem (?'.) Discourses on Christian Revelation, viewed in connection with Modern A. Kdin., 1818. Same, (llasgow, 1822. {W.) Manual of Kjiherit-al and Practical A. 2 v. Phila., 1887. Cheync (C. If. If.) Earth's Motion of Rotation, including Theory of PretM'ssion and Nutatiiui. Lond., 1867. Elementary Treatise of the Planetary Theory, with problem.s. Cambridge, 1862. DerJtam ( H'.) Astro-Theology; or Demonstration of Being and -Attributes of Cod, from a Survey of the Heaven.s. Lond., 1715. Same. Lond., 1 741. FonfeneUe {fi. le fi. de,. Conversations with a Ladv, on the Plurality of Worlds. Loud., 1719. Ferf/nson (J.) Astronomy, exi)lained upon Sir I. Newton's princi- l.les. 2 V. Edin., 1S21. 307 i 1: 'Hi: 1 f li ■ i H- ''*•«« :.„: ,L ASTRONOMY. SUBJECTS. ASTRONOMY. '■' I h Astronomy — Continued. God/rai/ {II.) Eiemeutiiry Treatise on the Lunar Theory. Lond., Ib8y. Treatise on A. Lond., 1880. Gregory (D.) Astrononii£B, Physicae, et Geonietricai elenienta. Oxoniio, 1702. Holden {E S.) Hand-lJook of the Lick Observatory. San Francisco, 1888. Ilymers (./.) Elements of Theory of A. Cambridge, 18-40. Jamieson (A.) Celestial Atlas. Lond., 1822. NoTR.— 30 maps withkdeaoriptions, catalogues of stars, and exercises. Jeans {II. W.) Xautical Astronomy and Navigation. 2 pts. in 1 v. Lond., 1870 (i>t. 1), 1868 (pt. 2). Jonei-- (ir.) I)e.scrii>tion and use of portable Orrery. Paniph. Lond., 1812. Lambert (J. II.) System of the "World. (Astronomical). Lend., 1800. Laplace {P. S., marquis de). Elementary Illustration of the Celestial Mecluinics of Laplace : part 1, comprising Lst book. Loml, 1821. Exposition du ^Systeme du Monde. Paris, 1813. Note. — This elucidates what is abstruse in the author's " Mdcanique Ct5Ieste." Vraite de Mecanicpie Celeste. 4 v. Paris, an 7-1:} (1799-180.5). NoTR. — A beautiful edition of this noted work ; printed on vellum-paper, water- marked with the title. Lo7i(j {li.) A.stronomy. 2 v. Cambridge, 1742-64. Moseley (//.) Lectures on A. Lnnii., 1839. Names and Situations of Constellations. Painph. Lond., 1825. Nautical Almanac ami Astromunical Ephemeris, for 1823, 1825, 1834-41, 1843-46, 1849-52, 18o-i-55, 1857-58, 1865. Lond., V. d. Naval Oh.'^ervafory, U. S. A.. Astronomical and Meteorological Observation.^ 1871. Wash., 1873. Neivcomb (S.) Secular Variations and Mutual Relations of Orbits of Asteroids. Pamph. Cambiidge, 1860. Papers relating to Transit of Venus in 1874. Part 2. (Published by autliority of /Secretary of A'fuv/, U. H. A.) "Wash., 1872. Parry (IK F.) Nautical A.stronomy by Night. Eath, 1816. Pearson ( \V.) Introduction to I'ractical A. 2 v., with 1 v. of plates. Lond., 1824-29. Phiche {N. A.) Histoire du Ciel. 2 v. Paris, 1757. Proctor [R. A.) Transits of Venus. Lond., 1874. Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Astronomical Observations, 1861- 62. 2 v. Lond., 1863-64. iSimjJson {T.) Tracts on Mechanic^, Physical- A., and Speculative iMathematic*. h v. Lond., 1757. Vince (S.) System of A. 3 V. 308 Lond., 1814-23. ASTRONOMY. SUBJECTS. ATLASES. AsTUoxoMY — Contimied. Whewell {W.) Astronomy and General Physics considered with relation to Natural Theology. Lond., 1834. Same. Lomt., 1847, Wilkins (,/.) Discovery of a New World ; or discourse tending to prove that 'tis probable there may he another Hal)itable World in the moon, with discourse concerning the probability of a passage thither : unto whii'h is added a discourse concerning a New Planet, hond., 1084. See also Spectroscoi'e and Spectrum Analysis. Athanasian Creed. Ashwell (G.) Fides Apostolica ; with Appendix touching the A. and the Nicene Creeds. Oxford, 353. Waterland (Z>.) Critical History of the A. C. Lond., 1850. See also Creeds. Atheism. Addison (J) Evidences of Christian Religion; with dis- courses against A. and Infidelity. (Oxford, 1801. Same. ' Oxford, 1827. Cudworth {R.) True Intellectual System of the Universe : Part First, wherein all Reason and Philosophy is confuted . . . Loml., 1678. NoTii.— This masterly work was published in order to controvert he mis- chievous theories advanced hy Hobbes in the Leviathan. With siich fairness did Cudworth state the atheistic diiftrines which he intended to refute, that like Sir Thomas Browne, he found himself sometimes doubted when he came to prove their fallacy. The second part never appeared. Evans (J.) Denominations of Christian World ; to which is pre- fixed an Outlino r-f A., Deism, etc. Lond., 1827. Sulh'an (R. J.) View of Nature, with Reflections on Atheistical Philosophy noM- exemplified in France. G v. Lond., 1794. See also Scepticism. Atiienagoras (Greek philoshoplier). KorthoU (C.) ^lartyrem, Athenagoram, etc., Commentariu; cofurti & Li])sia>, 1686. Athens and Attica, Drnmmond (ir.) Goveriniicnts of Sparta and Athens. Lond., 1794. Wickenden {J. F.) Seven Days in Attica, 1852. Lond , 1853. Young (Sir W.) History of Athens. Lond. 1786. Se« also Greece. Atlases. Arrowsmith (A.) Orbis Tcrrarum Yeteribus Noti descriptio ; Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography. Lond., 1828. London Atlas of Universal Geography. Lond., 1840 (*?). Bartholomeiv (J.) Elementary School Atlas. Pamph. Lond., 1888 (?). Johnston (A. K.) Atlas of Classical Geography. Edin., 1866. Royal Atlas of Modern Geography. Edin., 1888. i'OTB.— The best atlas in the Library. Johnston (]y & A. A".) Biblical Atlas nid Scripture Gazetteer. Lond., n. d. Play^fair (J.) Atlas, ancient and modern. Lond., 1818. 309 In X Justinum V. Fran- ' r^i! ,i; li I !i ATLASES. SITIUKCT.S. BAPTISM. Atlases- — Cnnfinufd. Sanson {N.) Atliis Franrois. v. ■>. Paris, 1700 {!,). NoTK.— Contains Saiiaon's intps, published by A. Hubert Jaillot. Smith's Classical Atlas. Loud., 1820. Australia. Murtin {It. M.) History of Colonips of liritisli Empire in A., etc.. Loiul., 184:i. See nl.s() Nkw Soui'ii Wales. AvA. Si/tnes (Af.) to Kingdom of A., 1795. I? v. S:. 1 v. of I.latfs. Loud., IsbO. Aylmeh (•ioliii). See IWoGHAiMiv (Ind.) Aztecs. See Me.xico. Babylon. Lai/anf (A. H.) Di.scovcrics among Ruins of Nineveh and k X. Y., 1856. Baldwin (Thomas, ArrJihixfmfi). Barry (G.) Itinerary of Archbishop r.ald\vin through "Wales, 1188. 2 v. Loud., 1806. Bampton Lectuhes. This series of leoturcs was founded by Rev. John Bampton, who gave his estates to the University of Oxford, for the endowment of annual divinity lectures. Cnrtrla l^(r II.) Disscut ill its relation to the Church of E: glaml, Lond., 1874. Eveleiiilt (./.) Sermons before University of Oxford, 1792. ( )xforil, 1794. Jlcher (It.) Personality and Oflice of Christian Comforter asserted and explained. Oxford, 1816. Ketf (//.) Sermoms, 1790. Lond. 1792. Lancaster ('/'. IF.) Pojjular Evid ice of Christianity, stated and examined. (Jxford, IS.'H. Laiiroicc {!{.) Attenii)t to illustrate those articles of Church of England, wliiili Calvinists iuijiroperly consider as Calvinistical. Oxford, 1838. Liihlnn {II. I'.) Divinity of Christ. Lond., 1882. Miller (./) l)ivi!ie authoritv of Holv Scripture as.scrted. Oxford, 18;?8. Wft'ifr/j/ (R.) I'se and .A of Party-feeling in Matters of pJligion. Oxford, 1822. Wln'fc (J.) Sermons preached at 1>. L. n. t. Baptism. BeiiKtm, {(J.) Theological Enquiry into Sacrament of 15., and Nature of r)a]»tismal Kcgeneratioii. Lond., 1817. Betliell {(].) Geneial View of Doctrine of Regeneration in P.. \ v. Lond., 1821. Duke {W.) Lectures on Christian Covenant, etc., and on 15. and the Lord's Supper. I.ond., 1794. Gale (J.) History of Infaiit-I5., bv W. Wall : togetlier with dale's Petlectiinis anilWall's Defence. 4 v. Oxford. 18:56. (Jraij (I. W. I).) lirief View of Scriptural Authority and Historical Evidence of Infant 15. ; and Reply to objections urged in Treatise of E. A. Crawley. Halifax,'^ 18:57. ;5io I ^i,i BAPTISM. SURIECTS. BEVERAGES. Reconnaissances. 2 v. X. Y., 186S. l'..M'TisM ■— Cinitinurd, Wall {W.) Conforoncc, botwoon two men tliat had iloubts about [nfant P.. rampli. Lon(l,1812. Defence of " History of Infant 1'.," aj^ainst reflections of Gale and otliers. Lond., 1720. History .of Infant B. 2 v. Lond., 1720. name. With (J.) CaleV Reflections and Walls Defence. 4 V. Oxford, 183G. Wilson (li.) Infant l>a])tisni a .scriptural .service and dipjiing unnecessary to its right administration. Lond., 1848. Woodn (L.) Lectures on Infant 1 J. Andover, 1828. Dakhahv. Letters from H., France, ctr. V>y an English oflicer. 2 v. Lond., 1788. Uarometer. WilUaimnn {R. S.) On Use of 15. on Surveys and v. Baho.netage. ibVr Peerage. Bauuch. Scj- P)Ibi.e ; — Bible Commentaries : Apocrypha. Hath, Eiuj. ticarth {II. M.) A(|Ui» Solis, or Notices of Roman Path. {Arrli(('(i!()(iical). Lond, 1864. Crni;.^!/ {E. S.) Fifteen Decisive Patties of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo. Lond., 18.59. CoNTiiKTS :- Marathon, B. C. 400; Syracine, B. C. 413 ; Arbela, B. C. 831 ; Metaiinis, B. C. 207 ; Arniinius, A. U. !) ; Chalons, A. O. 451 ; Tours, A. D. 732 ; HastinjfS, A. D. 1060; Orleans, A. L). 1429; Armado, A. 1). l.-iSS; Blenheim, A. D. 1704 ; Piiltowa, A. D. 1709 ; Saratoga, A. D. 1777 ; Valniy, A. D. 1792 ; Waterloo, A. D. 1815. lialc'ifjh (IF.), Markliam {G.), tj* IJiischoten {J. H. van). Last Fight of the Revenge at .sea. ib'ee English Reprints, v. 14. Sec also Navai, History. ISeal'TV. Ihirkf {K.) Philosophical Enquiry into origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Peautiful. Lond., 1787. See also J^sthetics. Dedouixs. Ihirrh-hardf (J. L.) Notes on the B. and Wahabys. 2 v. Lond., 1831. Sec also Arabia. Bees. Hnhfr{F.) Observations on Natural History of B. Edin., 1821. Bel and the Dragon. See Pibi.e ; — Bible Commentaries : Apocrypha. Belgium. Este {C.) Journey in 1793 through Flanders, Brabant, f^c, to Switzerland. Lond., 1795. NoTB.— Flanders and Brabant are now parts of Belgium. Sihornc{W.) History of War in France and P>. 2 v. Lond., 1844. Bengalee Languacie. F'n-ster [II. P.) Vocabular}, English and Bengalee, v. 1. (Eni/lis/i-Iicm/alee). Calcutta, 1830. Bentlev (Richard). Ser Biograimiv (Ind.) Bermuda. Jonts (./. M.) in P. Lond., 1859. BKiiwirK {/)nke of). S-e Piograpiiv {I/kL) Beveh.ujis. — .SVp Prewing :- Cider ; — Perry. 311 'I .1 '•■U 'fl * ' JiLJiLi__L_LJ: bibi.f:. SUBJECrS. BIBLE. BIBLE. (1). Biblical Bihlloymphy and Literary History. Anderson (C.) Annals of tlio Kn^'lish 15. 2 v. Loiul, 1845. Same. Kd. by I£. Aiiderson. Lond., 1862. Cotton (//.) List of Editions of I»i})Io.sand jiarts thcroof in English^ 1505-1820; with Specimens of Translations and IMbliograpliical Descriptions; Oxford, 1821. Stouyhton [J.) Our English 1!. : its translations and translators. "Lond , 18—. Townhy (J.) Illustrations of IJiblical Literature ; exhibiting history of Sacred Writings ; including liiographical Notices of Translators, etc. 'i v. Loud., 1821. Westcott (B. F.) General Vii^w of History of English B. Lond., 1872. (2). Dictionaries. Biblical Reason Why : Hamlbook for l>iblical Students. Cabnet (A.) Dictionary of the Holy Bible ; with Biblical Eragmentsby C Taylor. 4 v., with 1 v. of plates. Lond., 1841. Eadie {J.) Biblical Cyclopsedia. Lond., 1881. Hermann {J. G.) Gricchisch-Deutsches Wbrterbuch des Xeuen Testaments. Erankfurt-an-der-()der, 1781. (le TEcriture Sainte. •S V. Unrc (C.) Dictionnairo Universel Paris, 1715. Oliver (P.) Scri])ture Lexicon. Lond., 1797. Same. Birmingham, 1784. Pasor (G.) Voces Novo Te.stamenti. .\ v. n. t., 16 — . Robertson {W.) Thesaurus Linguae Sanctte ; sive Concordantiale Lexicon Hebrseo-Latino-Biblicum . . . Lond., 1680. Scldeiis)ier {J. F.) Novus Thesaurus IMiilologico-Criticus : sive Lexicon in LXX ot Koli([uos Interpretes Grrecos, ac Scriptores Apocryphos Veteris Testamenti, post (J. C. ) Bielium, et al. 3 V. Lond., 18-29. Novum Lexicon (Jr-ion. 1785. Boi/s (T.) A word for the 15. I'amph. Lond., 1832. Britixh (iiul Forcif/n Jiifile Socirfij, London. IJeiKirt for 180.5 (1st) —30, 1832-.3r), 1837-61, 1863, 1865-67 (63rd). 54 pamph. Lond., V. d. Brunet (//. J.) >ranuductio ad Sacram Scripturam, Methodo Dialogistica exhibens Prulogonienu Biblica, cum Appendice de com[)rc- Lond., versions, Oxford, Prolego- Verbo Dei tradito. Anon. 2 v. in 1. Parisiis, 1701. Bnrgon {J. W.) The Revision IJevised : the new (Ireek text, the new Knglish version, AVestcott and Ilort's New Textual Theory. Loml, 1883. Butler (C.) Horse liiblica? ; notes on original text, early and printed editions of Uld and New Testament. 1799. Calmet (A.) Dissertations ([ui Penvent Servir de menes do I'Kcriture Sainte. v. 1. Paris, 1720. Cox (a.) Hook of Kcclesiastes. (An pxposltion iinth a new trans- lation). N. Y., 1890 (]). Diilliam (R. C.) New Translation of I'salms ; Kevisal of (jur Aversions, v. 1. Lond., 1869 JJodnrll (ir. ) Short Paraphrase uj>on ISook of tham, 1817. Short Paraphrase upon New Testament. Crantham, 1825. iJii Pin (L. E.) History of Ecclesiastical AA^'riters ; containing account of authors of books of Uld and New Testament. 15 V. in 7. Lond., 1696-1706. Same. 10 v. in 3. 1692-9S. 313 witli Plea for Psahns Gran- ii • lil HI Sft B v ''tl'l- i ill! :| .. I. ir li^ l:j|.|. iiiiir,!-: SUIUKCTS. iiini.K. Tfi,.w: j f ••,' ■■> t IJiFii.K — Continued. Krai^iiius {!).) (l*aia|ihra.s(' of tin- New Tcstaiuoiit). v. 1 in 2 v. (the four ( idspclfl and Acts). LoiuL, Kilward W/tifchuirlir, n. d. NoTB. Seo remark iinilor author riitry, p. i>i, FiH/it'r ( — ). Cliilil's CliriHtian Education ; licin;,' Introduction to lUMlitablo rcadini,' of tlic IJ. h v. I.ond., 1H()9. Florcs Sacrornni Itihlioruni ; sivo l.oi^i Conminncs omnium fcrc matoiiaruin Vctoris ct Novi Testament i, ordino Al])hal)otR'o di;,'('sti JILT K. Tlioniain llilicrnicuni. I'arisiis, 1002. Fiil/i-c ( ir.) Defence of tlie Translations of the Scri[(tures into the En<;lish Tonj,'ue a<,'ainst the Cavils of (}rec,'ory Martin (a Roman CatltoUr irrifrr). Camhridf;e, 1H43. Fiil/rr (S.) Defence of Version of Kinj,' -lames I. "The Sjarits in I'rison," af;;ainst Westminster Kuvisioti I'ainph. N. Y., 1885. Gooilwin {/). li.) Notes on tlie Late Revision of tiic Xew Testa- ment Version. N. V., 1S8;{. Oral/ (li.) Key to Old Testament ami Apocrypha. Loud., 1791. iSawr'. Lond., 1797. Gregonj /, tlie Great {St.) (Jrefjoriana Super Novum Testanientum ; ex operihus (iregorii papo ... .', v. Arj^entine, Knobloui'h, dul. 28, 1")1G. NoTR.— Sec rcinurks under author entry (p. ll:i). Harmer (T.) Oliservations on I'assajfes of Scrijiture, jilacinf; them in a light altoffcther new, from circumstances mentioned in books of voyages and trnvcis. 1 v. Lond., 1770-77. Ha>rhiiis (E.) Object-* and Dses of Historical Scripture of ()lil Testament. Oxford. lS:?;i. Histoirc do 1:^ Sainte Ecriture en forme de Catcichisnie. (^^ RunniiKj title "). n. t , o/ v. Lond., 1827. 314 niDi.E. Si:i].JKCTS. inni.K r)!ni-K — Continued. JoiH'H {11.) 'J'oxtus Sii(i'()r\ini Kvaii<,'(>li(iruni vcrsionis siin])lici8 Syriiicap, juxtii cditioiicin Scliaatiaii.ini, collatiis . . . Oxonii, 180r,. Jones (T.) Scripture l)iro(!torv. Ldiid., 1813. J<)7ie8 (W.) Lectures ou Fif,Mirative l.aiif,'uaf,'c of Holy Scriptures, witli Lectures on Relation between ( )lil and New Testaments as s(!l fiirtli in Kpistlo to Hol)rc\vs, ttc. Lond., 1789. iSniiie. Lond., 1826. Kcnnifiift (li.) Dissertatio (reneralis in Vetus Testanientum Ilchraicuni. Oxonii, 1780. Ten annual accounts of Collation of Ilclirew 'MSS. of Old Testament, lie^'un in 1760 nnd ('umplcted in 1769. Oxford, 1770. Liviii (li.) Introduction ii TKcriturc Sainte. Lyon, 1711. Lowth {It.) De Sacra I'oesi Hel)rieorum. 2 v. Oxonii, 1810. Manricr {F. I).) Old Testament : 19 Sermons. I.oml., 1851. rro])liets and Kings of Old Testament. Cambridge, 1853. Middleton {T. F.) Doctrine of Creek Article a|tplie(l lO Criticism and Illustration of New Tes:ament. Lond, 185."). Ikirritxjton (J. Hhiitc, viscounf). Miscellanea Sacra, containing Abstract of Scripture History of the Apostles, with Critical Es.says. .3 v. Lond., 1770. Nare,i {F.) Remarks on Version of Xew Testament edited by Unitarians ; with ai)]>eal (tn some Doctrines of tlie Rible. Lond., 1814. Ntcolle {V.) Synopsis Yariarum IJesolutiontuTi in Historiam Sacram Yeteris et Novi Testanuinti. Duaci, 1725. Nolan {F.) Inquiry into Integrity of (ireek Yulgate or Received Text of New testament. Lond , 1815. O'Brien (C.) Philosophy of 15. vindicated. Charlottetown, 1876. Paley (IF.) Ilora' I'aulin.f. Note.— For v.'irioiis editions, see author entry, p. 194. Pwiridfjc (/<'.) Thesis II : Bearing of Assyrian Language and Literature on Criticism and Interpictation of the Old Testa- ment. Manuscript ; dated 1 884. Pasor ((t.) Ktyma Nominum Propriorum (]ua? in Nova Testamento uspiajv. occurrunt. ?, v. Lond., 1644. Orthotonia, sive Tractatus do Cnvcis Novi Testamenti Accentibus. i v. Lond, 1644. Pla7ir/> {(7. J.) Sacred Philology and Interpretation. N. Y., 1834. Priiimnx (H.) Old and New Testament connected in history of Jews. v. 1. Lond., 1719. Sanir. 2 v. Lond., 1720. NoTR. — For other elitions, see author entry. Komana> Correctionis in Latinis i)ii)liis editionis vulgativ . . . observata et denuo aucta a Francisco Luca. n. p., 1657. 315 UIBLE. SUBJECTS. BIBLE. ■i)\ • 1 i'rit nssihl>/ Mrs. M. Fdwleij Mawie). Lond., n. d. Seiley {G. F.) Biblicid Hermeneutics, or Art of Scripture Inter- pretation. Lond., 1835. Shutthioorth (P. N.) Paraphrastic Translation of the Apostolical E]>istles, with notes. Oxford, 1829. Simcux (W. H.) Writers of the New Testament, their style and characteristics N. Y., 18 — . ISimonix (J.) Onomasticuni Veteris Testamenti. Halse Magdebur- gica?, 1741. Tm/el/es {S. P.) Account of Printed Text of Greek New Testa- ment, etc. Lond., 1854. Trench (R. C.) Synonyms of New Testament. N. Y., 1860. *S'«wr^ Lond., 1865. Trimmer (S.) Abridgement of New Testament. Lond., n. d. Tijndale (W.) I)oc;rinal Treatises and Introductions to par*;s of the Scriptures. Cambridge, 1848. Walton (B.) Biblia Polyglutta Prolegomena. Lip.sise, 1777. Watson (/?.) Two Apologies : for Christianiiy and for the B. Lond., 1816. ' Weslri/ (./.) Explanatory Notes upon New Testament. Lond., 1755. What saith the Scripture 1 Bible Difficulties : their teaching value. Anon. Loiul.. 1869. Wi:t.itein {J. J.) Prolegomena ad Novi Testamenti Grajci. AmsteLiedami, 1730. Wliaiclij (II.) Essays on Some Difficulties in Writings of St. Paul, and other parts of New Testament. Lond., 1833. West (If.) Analysis of the B. N. Y., 1869. Wilson (IF.) Method of Exiilaining the New Testament by early o|)inions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. Cam- bridge, 1838. ir/«(,'/' (G. B.) Grammar of New Testament Diction, intended as Introduction to critical study of New Testament. Edin., 1860. Wolf {J. C.) Cur* PhiiologiciT3 et Critica? in IV. SS. Evalgelia et Actus Apostolicos. 1 v. in 2. Hamburgi, 1739. Carte Philologicis et Critica? in X. Posteriores S. Pauli Epistola-s. Hamburgi, 1738. Wriglit {C. II. H.) Introduction to Old Testament. N. Y., 1890. Wordsworth (0.) Letters to G. Sharp on Uses of Definite Article in Greek Text of New Testament. Anon. Lond., 1802. Inspiration of Holy Scripture. Lond., 1851. Sm also BlllLlCAL CoMMENTAUIliS ; — BlBLICAL CoNCOUD- ANCEs ;— Hebbew and Chaloee Languages. C^ ^^'^^ BlBLKS AND I'OUTIONS OK BiBLE {pp. 26-30). 316 BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES. .SUBJlilCTS. BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES. BIBLICAL COMMENTAKIES. See also the loUec.ted worJcn of cnmnicntalont. Also various annotated editions of the Bible, oi' ports thereif. Butler (C.) Horse r>iblic8B ; Notes on Original Text, Early Versions, etc., of Old and New Testament. Oxford, 1799. Carrieres {L. de.) Connuentaire Litteral (sur la Sainte Bible). Bound as 22 v. Paris, 1711 &c. Cook (F. C.) Holv Bible with Explanatory and Critical Comment- ary. 10 V. ill 11 (v. 1 in 2 pts.). Loiul., 1871-81. Critici Sacri ; sivo Aiinotata Dortissimorum Viroruin in Vetus ac Novum Testainentum 9 v. Amstelaidanii, 1098. Jfall (J.) Contemplations on Historical Passages of Old and New Testaments. (Jlasgow, n, d, iSante. 3 v. Lend., n. d. Iknceis (T.) Evangelical Expositor, or Commentary on Holy Bible. 2 V. Lond., 1765. Jlenri/ (M.) Exposition of Old and New Testament?. 6 v. Edin., 1772-73. Kiu(/ (E.) Morsels of Criticism, tending to illustrate some passages in tlie Scriptures, upon piiilosophical principles, etc, 3 v. Lond., 1800. Lapide (C. A.) Commcntarii in Scripturam Hacram. 10 v. in 20. Lugduni vfe Parisiis, 1854. Leiyhtim (/?.) Expository Works, with other remains, v. 2. Lond., 1817. Lightfoot {S.) See his collerted Works. Osferirald {J. F.) Arguments of Books and Chapters of Old and New Testament, with Practical Observations. 2 v. Lond., 18n. Poole (M.) Synopsis Criticorum alioriinupie S. Scripturis Interpre- tum. 4 V. in 5. Lond., 1669-76. Thcojihi/lacfiis. Opera Omnia. {Covnnentarii, Gr. i?* Lot.) 4 v. Venetiis, 1754. J'mw (.1.) In S. Scripturam Commontarius. 2 v. Antverpia>, 1645. Same. 2 v. Lugduni, 1734. OLD TESTAMENT. [See also names of indiuidual //oo/rs.] Gidlcstone (C.) Old Testament with Commentary. 2 v. Lond., 1837. Graces (R.) Lectures on Four last Books of the I'entateuch. 2 v. Loud., 1815. Kennicott {B.) Remarks on Select Passages in OKI Testament; to which are adiled 8 sermons. (Oxford, 1787. 317 11 iK' I I'M '■■I' I '* t ' ,1 ■ ' i^ ' 'tti Blilt.lCAL COMMBNTARIBS. SUBJECTS. BIBLICAIi COMMENTAKIE8. Biblical Commentaries — Continued. LnClerc (J.) Veteris Testanieiiti Libri Hagio'^raphi (Johns — Canti- aim Oanticurnm) ciiin Comiiientario Philologico in omnes inemoratos libros, et Paraphrasi in Jobum ac Psalmos. Ainstel«!(lami, 1731. Votei'is Testanieiiti Libri Tlistorici {Josua-Esthet'o), cum Com- iiientario Philologico, Dissertationibus . . . Amstelodami, 1708. Veteris Testanieiiti Prophetaj (Ennia ad Malar.hlam) cum Com- iiieiitario Philologico et Paraplirasi in Esaiam, Jereniiam, ejus Lainentationes et Abdiam . . . Anisteloedaini, 1731. Luict/i ( \\\) Commentary upon the Larger and Lesser Prophets. Lond., 1739. NoTg. — A continuation of Patricl<'8 Commentary (q. v.). Meno'-ltins (J. S.) Comnieiitarii totius S. Scriiitiva?. v. 1 {(knesis to Erdcsiastlattt.) Lugduni, 1703. Osiamlfii' (L.) Sacrorum liibliorum, Secundum Veterum seu Vuk^ltalll Translatioiiem, ad foiites Hebraici Textus emendata ; et lirevi ac Perspicua Kxplicatione illustrata, insertis etiam pitecipuis Locis Comnninibus, in lectione sacra observandis ... 2 V. (oh^ testanirnt). Tubingw, 1589. Pafn'rJ: (S.) Commentary upon Historical Buoiis of Old Testament. 2 V. Lond., 1738. NoTK.— This eonniientary is continuoil by W. Lowtli, and also by R. Arnold(ij.w.) Hooks of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Kcclesiastes, and Song of Solomon jjarapliiased ; with Arguments and Annotations. Lond., 1743. rnnci/ (A'. B.) ]\liiior Prophets {Ilosea to Malndii) with Coni- ineiitary. Oxford, 1860. Same. Oxford, 1877. Ecclesiastes. Cart(cri(/lit {T.) Metaphrasis et, HoiniliiC in Libruiii Salominis qui insctribitur Ecclesiastes. \ v. Amstelodami, 1632. Claude (J.) Sermon sur le vers. 14 du Chapit 7 fovi Testamenta. Lond., 1862. Burlatt (11'.) Exjjository Nott.'s, with Practical Notes, on the New Testament. lA)nd., 1772. Same. Lond., 1797. New Testament with Observations and Practical Instructions. Abridged by S. 2 v. lond., 1806. 319 tm •;*» ■M-! f:\\ W't !i •< 1/1 'i .1 '■ .«. I I 1 ; I i '» BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES. SUBJECTS, BIBLICAL COMMENTARIES. Biblical Commentarie;) — Continued. Burton (E.) Greek (New) Testament with English Notes. 2 v. Oxford, 1835. Delaroche (P.) Doctrinal and Practical Commentary on New Testament, intended for use of unlearned, especially, v. 2 & 3. Manuscript ; dated, Lunenburg, N. S., 1782. NOTK.— Quarto, 350 (v. 2) + 631 (v. 3) pages, Doddridge (P.) Family Expositor, or Paraphrase and Version of New Testament with Notes, v. 2, 4-6. Lend,, , iSame. n t Elsleij (J.) Annotations on the Gospels and Acts. 3 v. Lond., 1821, Samp. 3 V. Lond,, 1824, Same. 3 v. Loud,, 1827, For continu .on see Sl'e nnfhor-entrij {p]i. 240-'ii5Q.) Trench {It. C.) Commentary on the Epistles to tlie 7 Churches iii Asia. Revelation II, IIL Lond., 1867. Tyndde ( W.) Expositions and Xote.«i on Poraons of the Scripturos {Xew Testament). (J imbridge, 1 849. 320 BIBLICAL COMMENTAUIES. SUBJECTS. BtBLICAri 00MMEWTAKIE3. 2 V. New i&3. Biblical Commentaries — Continued. Wetdinn {J. J.) Xovuin Tostamentum Gnecum editioniy rcceptae cum Lectionibus Yavi.intibu.s Codicum M8S., et . . . Com- luontario. {Contains his PolHrjomena.) 2 v. AmstelseJami. 1751-52. Wliithij (D.) Paraiihrase ami Comniontary oii New Testament, 2 V. Loml., 1744. Acts of the Apostles. [See also New Testament.] CofjfiveJl (W.) Seven Lectures on Acts of Apostles (being part 2 of the series). Halifax, 1837. Six Lectures on tlic Acta of the Apostles, delivered at Halifax, 1836. Halifax, 1836. Ford (J.) Acts of Apostles illustrated. Lond., 185G. Apocalypse. a^'i Revelation. Epistles. [See also New Testament.] Bcrnardin ile Pncqiiignii. Epistolarnm Beati Pauli Apostoli, Triplex Expositio ; Analysi, Taraphrasi, (atiiue) Commentario . . . Parisiis, 1703. Chrijsostomns (J., sf.) Homilies on 1st Epistle of St. Paul to Corinthians. Oxford, 1839. Dailli'- (J.) Exposition de I'Epitre Deuxieme de S. Paul a Tiiiiothee. 2 v. Geneve, 1659. Exposition de la Premiere E[iitre de S. Paul a Timothee. 2 v. (Jeneve, 1661. Exposition de I'Epitre de S. Paul a Tito Charanton, 1655. 21 Sermons sur le 10 chapitn; de la 1 Epitre de S. Paul aux Corinthien.s. Geneve, 1667. EUifoft (C. J.) St. Paul's E[)istle to Ephesians, with Critical nnd Grammatical Connnentary. Lond., 1868. Ford ( concordantia. Manuscript. Note.— See note under Manuscripts. Concordance to Canonical iiooks of Old and New Testament ; to which are added. Concordance of Apociypha and Psalter con- tained in Book of Common Prayer. Ed. bv T. B. M. Lond., .S'. r. a A'., 1859(1). Cnidni (A.) Concordance. Lond., 1794. Sanif. Lond., 1828. Crutu'eU (C.) (Concordance of (lUblical) Parallels. Lond., 1790. Flores Sacrorum Uibliorum ; sive Loci Communes omnium fere materiarum Veteris et Novi Testamenti ; ordine Alphabetico digesti i)er F. Thomam Hibernicum. Parisiis, 1662. Pick (A.) Bible Student's Concordance. Lond., 1845. Zaniora (6'. da). Sacorum Bil)li(n'um Concordantii?. Romae, 1627. BiULioGRAPHY. Clarke {A. d; J. B. B.) Concise View of Succession of Sacred Literature, in a Chronological Arrangement of Aulhois and their Works, from Invention of Alphabetical (Characters to A. D. 1300 (incorrectly IJfJfO in vol, 1). 2 v. Lond., 1830-32. Cuttoii (//.) List of Editions of the liibles and parts thereof in Knglish, 1505-1820; with appendix containing specimens of Translations and Bibliographical Descriptions. Oxford, 1821. Tyi'igraphical (Jazetteer. Oxford, 1831. Note.— Contains ancient anti obsulete nances of places with their modern equivalents, and much hietorical information ri'(jardin(f early typoKraphy. The appendices consiHt of, (1) an index of flctitious names of places which appear Id imprints, (2) a list of Academies with the places to which they belong, (3) an enumeration of books printed on vellum preserved in the Bodleian Library. (4) a chronolOKicul arrangement of places. 323 mb- BIBLIOORAPHY. SUBJECTS. niOGBAPHY. ■ '.), ~ ii Pamph. Bibliography — Continued. Cutter {C. A.) Rulos for a Dictionary Catalogue. AVash., 1 889. Dihdin (T. F.) Introduction to Knowledge of Hare and Valuable Kditions of (Ireelc and Latin Classics, togotlier with account of l'olygli)t Bibles, Polyglot Psalters, Ilelirew ami Greek Bibles, the Greek and Latin Fathers. 4th ed. 2 v. LonJ., 18-J7. N'oTR.— This edition wag entirely rewritten, and oontnins much that is not in the three former ones. It omits, however, the le\icoKraphy, grammars, collections, and libts of classics by varir)\is print^jra, which were previously given. Ehcrt {/''. A.) (Jeneral Biljliogiaphical Dictionary. 4 v. in 2. Oxford, 1837. Norn. —The best bibliojrraphical worlt in the Library. Arranered alphabetically, Willbe found iif i,'reat use to the book-collector. Lists of Aldine, Juntine, and Elzevir typoifrapbical productions, are appended to the fourth " volume." Eiiijehnann ( W.) Bil)liotlieoa Scrii)toruin Classicorum et Griecorum ct Latiimruin. Leipzig, 1847. Faliriclii>i (./. A.) Bibliutheca Latina. Hainburgi, 1708. Harirooii {E.) View of Various Editions of Greek and Roman Classics. Lond., 1775. SiDiie. Lond , 1782. Kceniii {G. M.) Bibliotln-ca Vetus et Nova, in qua Hebra^nruin, Clialdii'oniiii, Syroruni, Arabuiu, Per.saruni, .^Egyptioruni, (ira?corum et Latiiioruin per universuni teriarum Scriptorum . . . ordine aliihabetico digest;'.. Aitdorti, 1678. Liiinanis (C. van). Bibliotheca Botanica. i v. Halse Salicae, 1747. Me.rnjii-eaffier (/'. ,S.) liililioniaiiia in ^liddle Ages. Lond., 1849, Morijdu {II. J.) Bil)liotheca Canadensis, or Manual of Canadian Literature. Ottawa, 1857. NoTP,.— The best work relating to Canadian bibliography. Sord (C.) La Bi'.jliotlieque Eraiu^ois, etc. Paris, 1664. Til (S. mil). !Methodus Concionandi . . . quibus additw sunt J-)il)liotlieca Theob^gica, et aliic dissertationes. Trajecte ad libenuin, 1717. White (C. .4.) c)'- Nii:hi)hoa (If. A.) BibHography of North Ameri- can Invertebrate l'alaM)nto]ogy. Panq)h. Wash., 1878. Wolf (J. C.) Bibliotheca liebriea. 4 v, Ilaiuburgi ^ Lipsiee, 1715-33. 5ff I filliy^'' n BIOGRAPHY.— Part T: Collective Works. Arramjuiient. — (1) General Biojfraphical Dictionaries, (2) American Bintrraphy, (3) Ancient or Classical, (4) Kiiglisli, (:'>) Kngravers, (0) European, (7) Miscellaneous, (s) Naturalists, (!)) Kelitfious, (10) Scottish. General Biographical Dictionaries. Bayh (P.) Dictionnaire llistorit[ue et Critique, v. 2-4 (C-Z). Amsterdam, 1730. Chalmers {A.) General l)iograi)hical Dictionary of Most Eminent Persons in every Nation, particularly British and Irish. 32 v, Lond., 1812-17.' NoTB.— This is a very useful work,— the best biographical dictionary in the Library. It devotes much attention to the writing's of authors, and therefore is of interest to the biblioj^rapher. 324 nioouArny. SUBJECTS. BIOGUAPHY. BiociiAi'iiv (Collective) — Continued. (lencnil l>ioj,'rai)hical Dictionary of Persons of every nation, parti- cularly Jiritish and Irish. 12 V. Lund., 17G1-67. Same. 15 v. Lond., 1798. American Biography. American Annual Monitor for 1860; or Obituary of Members of Society of Friends in America, for 1859. ]S^o. 3. N. Y., 1860. Eliot (J.) Biographical Dictionary, containing l?rief Account of First Settlers ar.d other Eminent Characters in New England. Salem ^^. Eoston, 1809. liilirson {E.) Loyalists of America and their times, 1620-181G. 2 V. Toronto, 1880. Sahine (L) Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of American Revolution. 2 v. Boston, 18G4. Ancient or Classical. Cnii^iuf! (L.) Lives of the Roman Poets. 2 v. Lond., 1733. Diiii/i^iii:s Luertius. Vita3 et Sententise eorum qui in Philosophia ))robati fuerunt. Venetiis, 1497. Sanic. Parisiis, J. Parvus (PcHf), ii. d. 4to. Xt'/jii,'^ {(J.) De Yitis Exccllentium Imperatorum. NoTK.— For various editions, see author entry, p. li<4. I'lafarchiix. Yita*. XuTK. — For various editions, see anther entry, p. 20(i SidUJi (IK.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biographv. v. 2 {E—N). Lond., 1846. English. from Broiiilfi/ (H.) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, Egbert the Creat. Inters] )ers("d with Notices, IMographical and (renealogicMl. Loud., 1793. Cli'ilnwrs {A.) History of ... T^niversity of O.xford, including Lives of the Founders. (.)xford, 1810. Kiiiinent Persons : Biographies reprinted from the " Times," 1870-79. Lond., 1880. Knglish Men of Letters. Ed. by J. ^lorley. 16 v. X. Y., n. d. Content ti : Maoaulay, hy J. C. Morison. Milton, by M. Pattison. Pope, V)V L. Stephen. Seott, by K. II. Hutton. Sheiidan, by Mrs. Oliphant. Spenser, by'll. W. Chureli. Swift, by L. Stephen, 'li^ickeray, l)y A. Trollopo. (•'muf/cr (J,) I'.iogiaiihical Ili.story of England, from Egbert the (Jreat to the Revolution : adapted to a Methodical Catalogue of Engraved Ih'itish Heads. 4 v. Lond., 1775. XoTK. — Contains manuscript notes. lianw. Continuation to (and including) Cieorge I's reign, by Mark Noble. 3 v. Lond., 180C. 325 Rentlev, by R. (J. Jebb. Chiiueer, l)y A. \V. Ward. (-'ow))er, by (J. Smith. Oiljlion, by ,1. C. .Morison. Ooldsmitli, by W. lilack. Hawthorne, bv H. James. Hume, l)y T. 11. Huxley. Lamb, by A. Ainjrer. '!.': '■: I- . : ^ I .iH. ». M niOGRAPUV. SUBJKCTS. BIOOnAPHY. -:'H "^ , BioGUAi'UY (Collective) — Continued. JoJniaon (S.) Lives of most eminent Knglish Poets. 4 v. Lund., 17S1. JJi)i/d {!).) State Worthies, or StatesnicMi and Favourites of En<,'laii(l from Keforniation to K(!Volntion. 2 v. Lond., 1766. NoTK. — See remark under utitlior entry, p. liJU. Mai'or {]V.) llritish Nepos. {Select lives of illustrioufi Britons). Lond.. 1800. NoUe (M.) liiographieal History of Kn<;land, from the Revolution to end of (ieori^'e I's Keiyn. 3 v. Lond., 180G. XoTK.— A continuation of Rev. J. aranger's work (7. «.) Sandt'ord [Mra. J.) Lives of English Femah; Worthies, v, 3. Lond.. LS3.3. Walton {[.) Lives of (.John) Donne, (Richard) Hooker, (George) Herhort, and (Kohert) Sanderson. 2 v. Oxford, 1805. Watson {J.) Memoirs of Ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey and their Descendants to I'resent Ti'ne. 2 v. Warrnigton, 1782. Engravers. Sfriitf (J.) lUographical Dictionary of Fnrjravers, thoir works, cyphers, etc. 2 v. in 1. Lond., 178.5-86. European. Noble (M) Menioirsof House of Medi(;i, 1428-1737. Lend., 1797. Utassy {G. d') d; Collet (P.) Silhouettes Contemporaines. Pre- miere serie. Turin, n. d. C0NTRST.S.— Can'ille Cavour, AiiKe BrofTerio. Charlotte Marchlonni, Urbain Hattnzzi, I'rincess Marie iographic,al Notices of Tragic Writers of Italy. Lond., 1799. Miscellaneous. DeQuincjf [T.) liiograpliical Essays. P)oston, 18C0. C0NTRST8.— Shakspeare, Pope, Lamb. Ooetho, and ShiPer. LeJfoi)ie (!'.) Gallery of Heroick Women. Title mnf Hated; old. Naturalists. Consult Jardine's Xaturalist's Library, each volume of which con- tains a memoir of a (celebrated naturalist, viz. : (1) Sir W. Sibbald, (2) \V. Snicllie, (3) .1. Walker, (4) A. Wilson, (5) U. Willoii'.'lib.v, (6) Linna'us, (7) Fcntiant, (8) Sir T. !■'. Kalfles, (D) IMin.v, (10) T. Berwick. (11) •!. Bruce, (1-2) F. LeVaillant, (K!) liaron Haller, (U) Aristotle, (U)) 1). l)nir.v,(10) Cuvier, (17) A. Aldrovaridi, (IS) V. S. Pallas, (Ii>) V. d' Azara, ('.'0) C. Ciesner, (21) P. Camper, (22) J. Hunter, (2.i) H. Sloane, (24) . I. Barclay. (25) F. Perron, (26) Laciipi'de, (27) Button. (2h) Swanuiierdani and DcOer, (21)) Werner, (80) .M. S. Merian, (31) Laniark, (32) Latreille, (;«) Bay, (34) Hnher, (3.'>) H. Salvinni, (-lO) «• Rondelet, (37) A. von Humboldt, (,'(8) Sir J. Banks, (30) R. H. .Schomborn, (40) J. Ij. Burtkhardt. Religious. Baillet {A.) Vies des Saints ... 4 v. Paris, 1724. Barecroft (./.) Ars Concionandi ; to which is added, Short View of Lives, etc., of the Eatliers (of the cliurch) in the three tirst centuries. Lond., 1715. 32(5 [lAPHY. nioonAriiY. SUJUECTS. BJOORAPHY. . Lond., luritea of lid., 1766. Jiritons). Icvolution les. V. 3. i", (George) 805. nd Surrey k'urrhigton, loir works, .oncl., 1797. lies. Pre- hioiini, I'rbain getly, with .uiui., 1799. lilah'd : old. icli con- Wll 1 K. Will.)\i>,'hb.v, Wwick,(U) .1. , 1). Driiry, (IC) I C. Ciesner, (21) I V. Perron, (-26) Iner, (HO) M. S. |;alviaiii,(:i6)\\' liomberif, (W)J- khort Vie"' Ift three Hrst I'lKxiKAPiiY (Colk'ctive) — Confimterl. Cave (W.) Aiitii]uitato.s Chri.stiiuiii! ; or History of Life of Jesus {by J. Taylor), as i\Uo lAwn, Acts', and Martyrdoms of His Apo-stlcs {by Cnve). Loud., 167H. Apostolici ; or History of Lives, Acts, Death, and Martyrdoms of those who were eoiiti.'iii]iorary witli, or immediately .succeeded tlie Apostles, as also tlie most eminent Primativo Fatliers for tlie first three hundred years. Lond., 1716. Lht Pin {L. K.) History of Kcelcsiastical Writers ; containing account of Authors of Old and New Testament, and Lives and Writiiif^s of the Primativo Fathers ... 15 v. in 7. Lond., 1C96-1706. Samp. 10 V. ill 3. 1692-98. Fleetwood (J.) Life of Jesus, together with Lives of the Apostles, Kvang(^lists and others. liursleni, 1814. Ifook { IV. F.) Ecclesiastical JJio^'raphy. 8 v. Lond., 1846-52. Liijliffooil {J. li.) Ajiostolic Fathers : part 1, 8. Clement of Koine ; part 2, S. Ignatius (the martyr) and S. Polycarp. 5 v. Lond., 1888-90. Leaders in the Northern Church. Lond., 1891. Lives of British Reformers, from Wickliff to Foxe. Anon. Lond., n. d. Newcome {P.) History of Abbey of St. Alban, in Hertford, with Life of each Abbot. Lond., 1793. J'iatina {li. de Sacchi.) Lilier de Vita Christi ac Pontificum Omnium. Nurenburge, Kobunjer, 3 id. Aug., 1481. De Vitis ac Gestis Ilomanorum Pontificum ad Sixtum IV. n. p. (in Holland), 1645. lianhe {L.) History of Popes of Rome : 16th-l 7th centuries. 3 v. Lond., 1840. Robliiison {T.) Scripture Characters, v. 2. Lond., 1824. Taylor {J.) & Cave {W.) Aiiticpiitates Christianae ; or History of Life of Je.«!us {by Taylor), as also Lives, Acts and Martyr- doms of His Apostles {by Cave). Lond., 1678. Turner {S. H.) liiographical Notices of Jewish Ral)bie?, with Translations of jiortioiis of their coiiimentarie.s, etc. N. Y., 1847. Wordsworth (C.) Ecelesiiistical I'iography ; or Lives of Eminent ^leii connected with Religion in England, from Reformation to Revolution. 4 v. Lond., 1839. Scottish. Nohle {M.) Historical Genealogy of Royal House of Stunrts, from reign of Rolicrt II. to that of James VI. Lond., 1795. Piiih'rtoii (./.) Scottish (lalleiy. Lond,, 1799. 1 ' ''• ^ ; I. Ml m 327 :^ ' i;?'' i« •'^ ,'.'< ';i,f : ( .A \ i ' ( r; fi DIOUIIAPIIV. SUli.1 KCTS. HIOORAPIIY. BIOGRAPHY.— Part 2 : Individual BiottRAPHiES. ^^Kt'otiers arc reminded that lii'es of many ivriters will he found prefacing their uwrks. The lives of kini^^s will also be found in histories of the countries over which they ruled. AlKloUatiph or Alxlolliitif {Aralnan pltyslcian., 11G2-1231). Ibn- AbiOsaiha. AlMlnlliitiplii ISagdiuioiisis Vita. (Willi Latin translation by Monsluv.) Oxonii, 1S08. Albein.irlc (Ckm)!-.! Ilcnrv Mmik, D}ikp nf, restnrfr of Charles 11^ 1608-1670). Gitizot (/•'. /'. G.) Monk. Loml., n. il. AWwvi {Prince Consort, 18I9-18G1). f/rr;/{C.) Karly Years of the Princt' Consort. Coinpilcil iindvr direction of Her Majesty. Lund., 1807. Alexander (he Great, (founder (f the Jfacedonian empire, 306-32.3 Ji.C.) Arrianus of Xiconiedia. Kxpeditono, sive rebus gistis Alcxandri Maeedoniun Kei^'ia lib. v. 1 (]), (j'reek t>'xt. iJasilccT, ir)39 (?). CiO'tius Ilufus (u). De Rebus Gestis Alexaudri Magni lib. Lund., 1716. Norn.— I'or other editions see Curtius Rufut (y.), p. 74. Andre {Major John, British officer i)i Anieriean revolution, exec uti'd by th e rebels, 170 1-1780). Sa njent {W.) I.i f e o f J . A. Ijoston, 186U Aretin (Pierre). Iloispreniix ( de.) La Vie de P. Aretin- La Have, 1750. Arnold (Thomas, master of Rnyby School, 179o-1842). Staideij {A. ]\) Life and Corrcspondenee of T. A. 2 v. I'oston, 1860. Arthur (King, //^co of romance and chivalry, 0th centnry). See Arthur (Kiny) in i/oo'cal idphabet. Ayhiior (.lohn. liisJiop of London, ■ J"»2i-ir)9-l). Strype (J.) Histoi'ieal Collei'tidus of Life and Acts of .1. A. Oxford, 182'. Bentlev (Richard, Em/, divine mid philoloyist, 1662-17-12 ) Jehb (Ji'. C.) Lentlev. N. Y., 1882. Monk (J. If.) Life of R. P.. 2 v. Lond., 1833. Berwick (James Fitz-.lames, Duke of, son of 'James II, 1670-1734), Menioircs do Due de Lerwick, v. 1. La Have, 1737. I'onnell (James, accomptnnt-yeneral of Ireland, 16.')3-1699.) Hamilton {]V.) Exemplary Life of J. 1!. Lond., 1807, Brocklcsby (Jolin,P/v//"m'o»- in Trinitii Coller/e, //arlford,\8U-\St<^). Hart (S.) Address commemorative of J. ]>. Pampli. Hartford, 1889, Buchanan (Claudius, Scotch divine, 1766-181.')). Pearson (II,) Life ami Writings of C. I!, v, 2. Oxfor.l, 1817. Bull ((ieorge. Bishop of St. David's, 16.34-1710). Xelson {B.} Life of Bull, with history of controversies in -whicdi he was engaged. {Prefixed to Bull's Sermons). Lond., 1714. Same. Loud,, 1827, 328 fiiH: BIOGKArHY. SUaiECTS. niOOUAPHY. liKKiitAi'iiY (Individual) — Continued. Ihiiko (Ediiiuiid, EnijUxh utatesman, 1730-1797). Buset {R.) Lifo. 2 V. T.oii'd., ISOO. Copsar (Cains Julius, Jio)n(tn (ji'uerdl, historian, etc., 100-44 Ji. C). CrlsuH (./.)'! I)(^ Vita ot Jkclnia (Icstis C. Julii Csesnris. Loud., 1097. NoTU.— Thii work hat been uttrlbuted to Petrarch. See remark under CeUiu (p. 5(1). Fronde {J. A.) f ;a>sar : a sketch. Loud., 1S8G. Xapo/eon 111. Ilistoire de .Iidcs Ci'sar. v. 1. Pavi-s 1805. Caldcrou d(i la Haroa (l't>din, .S'/wnis/t dramatist and poet, 1001-1087). Trench (li. C.) Caldoron, his Life and (li'uius, with ypeciniens of his I'la.vs X. Y., 1850. Cnthorim'. II {Empress of Jin ssia, 1729-1790). Tooke {W.) Lifo of C. II. ;} V. Loud, 1799. Cervantes Saavedni (.Miijnel de, Spa'nish novelist and poet, 1547- 1010). Jarvis (C.) Don Qui.xoto : witli Life of Author (by darvi.s). 4 v. Loud., ISOl. Charles XII, (Kin;/ of Sweden, 1082-171S). Voltaire {F. Jf. Aroiiet de). History of Charles XII. A'din., 1709. Tlistoire de Charles XII ; rf,-. Paris, 1854. Ciiathani (lit. lion. William Pitt, Earl of, Entjlish statesman and orator, 1708-1778). Almon (J.) Anecdotes of Life and liriiicijial evi.'uts of Time, witli his speeches from 1730-78. Anon. 3 v. Loud., 1810. Chaucer (fleoflrey, Em/Ush poet, 13-28-1400). Ward {A. IF.) Chaucer. N. Y., n. d. Works... (with Lile). Kd by T. Spe<;ht. Loud., 1087. Cicero (M:ircus Tiillius, Roman orator, jihilosopJier, and statesman, 100-43 Ji. C). Middleton (C.) Life of Cicero. 3 v. L(.nd., 1810. Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Jst Earl of, ford chancellor of Enr/land, and historian, ]G0SAG7 A). Life, by liim.>ielf. 0.\ ford, 1759. Lister {T. M.) Lite and AdniiniHtiation of Earl of Clarendon. 3 v. Loud., 1838. Clarke (Kdward Daniel, traveller, 1709-1822). Ot/er (IL.) Lifo and K.'niains of E. D. C. 2 v. Lond., 1825. Clement XI V(y^V'«, nrG. V. Canganelli, 1705-1774). LeJeane{L.) Letters of C, to which are prefixed Anecdotes of his Life. 4 V. L'.ii d., 1777. Cogswell (Rev. William). Jameson (E. 0.) Memorial of W. Cogswell. Pamph. (Lost.,) 1881. Colet (John. Bean of St. Paul's, 1400-1519). Kni;/ht (S.) Life of ,1. C. Oxford," 1823. Colonie (J/, de la, Marichal de Canvp des Armies de FElectenr de Jiaviere). Memoirs, v. 2. Brussels, 1737. Columbus (Cliristo[iher, discoverer of America, 1440-1500). Jrvinf/ (ir.) Life and Voyages of C' 2 v. X. Y., 1831. 329 f a BIOGRAPHY. SUBJECTS. BIOGRAPHY. Biography (Individual) — Continued. Couloinbe {Sister Adole). Vie d'Adule Coulombe, ileligieu.«e Hospitaliuro de I'Hotel-Dieu de Montreal, en Canada. Anon. Montreal. 1863. Cowper (William, English poet, 1731-1800). Smith (G.) Cowper. N. Y., 1880. Cranmer (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, protestant martyr, 1489-1556). LeBas{C.W}) Life of Cranmer. 2 v. LonJ., 1833. Strype{J.) Memorials of T. C. 2 v. O.^ford, 1812. Cromwell (Oliver, lord protector of the commomvealth of England, 1599-1658). Carlyle (T.) ' Oliver Cromnell's Letters and Speeches, with Ehicidations. 5 v. Lond., 1871-72. Currie (James, Jf.i)., 1756-180.")). Ciirrie {IV. IF.) Memoir of Life, "Writings, and Correspondence of J. Carrie. 2 v. Lond., 1831. ' Davy {Sir Humphry, English chemist, 1778-1829). Davy (/.) Memoirs of Life of Sir K. Davy. 2 v. Lond, 1836. DeQuincey (Th yUias, English author, 1786-1859). Autobiographic sketches. Boston, 1861. Erasmus (Desidcriijis, Dutch scholar, philosopher, and reformer, 1467-1536). Tortin (J.) Life of Erasmus. Lond., 1758. Fairbanks (/?e!;. Joshua Newton). (Memorial Volume). N. Y., 1872, Fo.^ {Gaori^e, founder of Society of Friends, 1624-1690). Journal, or Historical Account of his Life ... in Work of the Ministry. {Preface by Wm. Penn). Lond., 1765. Francis Eugene {Prince of Savoy). History of F. E., containing military transactions in Hungary, Italy, Germany, and the Low Countries. By an English OtHcer. Lond., 1741. Frederi(!k IE, the Great {King ii {jencral dlphdhrt. Johnson (Samuel, Enqlixlt lexiccx/rnpher, fssai/ist, etc., 1709-1784). Iio.vr,'/i (J.) Life. 4 v. Lond., 1816." Jones (.Si/' Willian, EnyJinh oricntnlint, 1740-1794). Teignmouth {J. SJtore, (nrd). ^lemoirs of Life of Sir AV. J. Loud., 1815. JustinuR ]Martyr {one of the fathers of the church, 91-165). Semisch (C.) Justin .M.irtyr ; his Life, Writings, and Opinions. V. 2. Edin., 1843. Knighton (Sir William, prirate-secreiar)/ and ]mv!/-])urse to George IV., 1777-1836). Knighton (/>., lady). Memoirs of Sir W. K. 2 V. Lond., 1838. Laml) (Ciiarics. English hnmorist, 1775-1834). Ainger (A.) Charles Lmil). N. Y., n. d. Latimer (Hugh, Iviu/Iish reformer, 1490 [lj-1555). Demaus (R.) Hugh Latimer. ' Lond.," (1881 ). Lightfoot (John, EnglisJi dirine, 1602-1675). Works witli Life. 2 V. Lond., 1(584. Linni' or Linna'tis (Carl von, Swedish natnralist, 1707-1778). Stoerer (D. II.) Life of Sir Charles Linnanis, and Sketch of Lif(! of \\\f^ Hon (Charles Linnif lis). Lond., 1798. Livingstone (David. African trare/ler (tnd laissionary, 1815-1873). Ritchie (J. E.) Life and Dise.iveries (.f ]). L. 5 v. Lond., n. d. Ludlow (EdinunJ, English repnhlican gener(d, 1620-1693). Memoirs. (In FrencJi). Amsterdam, 1699. Macaulay (Thomas I'.ahington, Lord, Eng. historiayi, poet and s^r/e.swa?i, 1800-1859). Morisoa (J. C.) Macaulay. N. Y., n. d. Maedonald (Rt. Han. Sir -lohn Alexander, Canadian statesman, 1815-1891) Collins {J. E.) I.ife and Timys of Sir J. A. Maedonald. Toronto, 1883 McGe(! (lloii. Thomas IVXvcy, Irish-American jonrnalist, 1825- 1868). Taylor (F.) Thomas D'Aicy Met iee.' Montreal, 1808. Maegregor (Rer. James, I'resbyterian clergyman of Pictou, N. S., 1759-1830). Patterson '((1.) MemcJir of J. >[., with Notices of Colonization of Lower Provinces of British America. Phila., 1859. 332 BIOGRAPHY. SUnJECTS. BIOGRAPHY. Biography (Individual) — Continued. Mahomet. Nee Mohaiimied. Maintetion (Framboise d'Aubij^nit' Marquis", do, Consort of Louis XIV. of Fram-e. 1635-1719) La lieaumelk {L. A. de). Memoirs for the History of Madame de Maintenon and of tiie Last Age 5 v. Lond., 1757. Marsh {C. M.) Marsh {Ei'v. William, rector of Ueddin'/ton.) Life of W. Marsh. Lond.. 1874.' Martyn (Henry, viissionaay in India and Persia, 1781-1812). Sargent {J.) Memoir of H. ^I. Lond., 1819. Mary Magdalene of Pazzi (St., a Carinelite Nun, h. at Florence, Ap. 2, 1566). Life. Tr. from Italian. ])y Lezin de Sainte Scholas- tique, and now done out of French. -^ v. Lond., 1687. Milton (John, Fniary, 1659-69, and Correspondence. Loud., n. d. Plunket (William Conyngham, Lord, Irish statesman, 1764-1854). Phuilxet {]).) Life, Letters, and Speeches of Lord Plunket. 2 V. in 1. Lond., 1867. Pope (Alexander, ii//r///*7i poet, \Q8S-17ii). Stephen (L) Pope. N. Y., n. d. Porteus (ISeilhy, Bishop of London, 1731-1808). Hodgson (R.) Life of B. P. (/;. 1 of Porteus Works). Lond., 1816. Pythagoras [Greek phitosoplier, Gtli cenfurg, B. 0.) lamhlichus Chakidencis. ])e Vita Pythagoraj et Protrepticae Orationes ad Philosopliiam lib. {Gr. ij* Lat.) (Heidelberg), in bihliopolio Commeliniano, 1C98. Komilly (»S'//' Samuel, English jurist and orator, 1757-1818). Memoirs. 3 v. Lond., 1840. Komulus. See Tiieseus, p. S35. S;iint-Simon (Chuulc Henri, Comte de, French socialistic philosopher, 1700-1825). Jiijof/i (A. J.) Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonisra. Lond., 1871. Scott (Sir Walter, novelist and poet, 1771-1832). Jfutton (i?. //.) Sir VV. Scott. N. Y., n. d. Sharp (John, Archbishop of York; 1644-1714). Sharp (T.) Life of J. S. 2 V. Lond., 1825. Sheridan (Richard Brinsley Butler, English dramatist and states- man, 1751-1816). Oliphant (J/.) " Sheridan. N. Y., n. d. Smith (Toena Kochfort). Fnrnivall [F. J.) Tecna Kochfort- Smith : a Menuiir. n. p., 1883. Smith {Sir AViiliam Sidney, English admiral, 1704-1840). Ilou'ard (A'.) ^leiuoirs of Admiral Smitli. Aium. 2 v. Lond , 1839. Socrates {Greek philosopher, 468-399 B. C.) Cooper {J. G.) Life of S. Lcmd., 1750. Zeller {E.) Socrates ;uid the Socratic School. Lond., 1885. NoTB.— See aUo suliject-entry in general alphabet. Spenser (Edmund, English port, 1553-1599). Church {R. W.) Spenser. N. Y., n. d. Stei)henson (George, Em/lish improver of the locomotive, 1781- 1848). Smiles {S.) ' Life of (J. S. Lond., 1858. 334 I ; ) BIOGRAPHY. SUBJECl'S.' BIRDS. IJiOGRAPHY (Iiulividual) — Continued. Sterne (Lawrence, Eiujlish hu^nourht and divine, 1713-1768). Letters with Memoirs of Life and Family. 3 v. Lend., 1776. Sutton (Thomas, founder of the Charter House School, 1532-1611). Heme (i^',.) Domus Carthusiana ; with Life of T. Sutton. Loud., 1677. Swift (donatlian, Emtlish wit and poet, 1667-1745). Stephen (L.) Swift. N. Y., "n d. Temjile (Sir William, E7if//i,sh statesman and author, 1628-1699). Cnurtenaii {'/'. P.) Memoirs of Life, Works and Correspond- ence of Sir W. Temjile. 2 v. Lond., 1836. Thackeray (AVilliam ^Makepeace, Enqlish novelist, humoriat, etc., 1811-1803). Troll,>pe {A.) Thackeray. N. Y., n. d. Theseus. Phifarclnis. (Thesei et Roniuli vita?.) NOTK.— Latin iiiaiiVKcript <>t Kith century. Octavo. 60 leaves. Lound in vellum, Recto of 4tli leaf bejfin , •' The^ei Vita . . . ;" and that of the 29th, " liomuli vita . . ." See entry on patre 100 of cutalogiie. "Seems to be a very free and somewhat condensed translation of Plutarch."— F. W. V. Thorburn (draiit, Aruprican scfdsinan, ate, hero of John Gait's '' Lawrie Todd," \773-\8(i3). Lile and Writings. By him- self. N. Y., 1852. L'^rsin.s-Borgh^se (Camille, Princess des). Vie de Camille. Anon. Paris, 1737. AYallace (Sir William, Scottish hero, 1 270 [?]-1305). Glass (C. G.) Stray Loaves from Scotch and English History, with Life of SirW. Wallace. Montreal, 1876. Waterland (Daniel, Em/lish divine, 1683-1740). Van Mildert (ir.) Life and Writings of D. \V. {Formimj vol. l,pt. 1, of Waierland's'' Wurl.-s"). Oxford, 1823. Watson (Richard, Bishop of LlnndaJ^, 1737-1816). Anecdotes of his Life. 2 v. Lond., 1818. Wharton (Plii!ii> Wharton, Dahr of, English poet, 1698-1731). Memoirs of Duke of Wharton. l>v an Impartial Hand. .', v. Lond., 1731. Whitgift (John. Archbishop of Canferhnri/, 1530-1604). Stri/ije (J.) Life of J. W. 3 V. Oxford, 1822. Wvcliffe (John. Enqlish rr former, 1324 [1]-1 384). Lewis (J.) History of Life and Sutferings of AV. h v. Oxford, 1820. Xavier (S«//// Erancis, Jcsnit, '' Apostle to the Indies," 1509-1552). Colcridije {II. J.) Life ami Letters. 2 v. Lond., 1874. Jliui.OGV. Parclntj (J.) Inquiry into opinions, ancient and modern, concerning Life and Organization. Edin., 1822. Grindon (L. //.) Life ; its iiatuic, varieties, and jilienomena. Lond., 1859. DiRUs. S'Y' Ornithology. ;{36 k ■ t ■ i'Vn^ Hi:; m 1^1 i m:m i[p^ i^t.^ S' .. .•■fKi I 1. If . I Mi:l 'I i: I BLACK SEA. SUnJKCTS. BODLEIAN LIBHARY. Black Ska. Arn'iuui-., espeeially the sjiirit of that li(iuor. I v. Lund, 168^'. JIarvri/ (W.) Kxercitationes de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis. Ediii., 1S24. NoTB.— This is the famous treatise on tlie " CircuLition of the Blood." Sre aim Physiology. BLO\v-PirE AND Blow-Pipe Analysis. Brush (G. J.) Determinative Mineralogy, witli introduetion on B. V. A. N. Y., 1875. Plattncr (C. F.) (^u:ditativc and (Quantitative Analysis witii the Iihiw Pipe. Lond., 1875. Blyth (^S. C.) Letter to Blytli, occasioned ])y his Narrative of iiis Conversion to Roman Faith. By a "Catholic Christian." Montreal, 1822. BoDDiNGTON Hleury). Catalogue of Musical Instruments, the jiroperty of H. I'.o'diHngton. Mani-,hc^ter, 1888. Note— -Slyiieil copy, No. 29 ; Ofl printed. Bodleian LiiinAitY, O.Kford. Catalogue of liooks relating to Ihitisli Topographv and Saxon und Northern Literature, bequeathed to !!. L., 1799, by K. (iough, Oxfonl, 1814. Catalogue of Early English Poetry and otlier svorks illustrating the I'ritish Drama, collected by Edward Malone. .1, v. Oxford, 183G. Catalogus criticus et historico-literarins Codicum CLIII. Manuscrip- torum liorealium ])rfecipue Lslandicie origini.s, cpii nunc in Bibliotheca P>odlciana !>dservantur ; auctoro Finno Magnffio, Islando. Oxonii, 18.31:. Catalogus Dissertiitionuin Academicarum. h v. Catalogus Impressorum Librorum Bibliothccse Oxonii, 17.38. NoTK.—Coinpiled by Robert Fygher Codices Manuscri|)ti, et Iinpressi cum Notis Manuscriptis, ohm d'Orvilliani, qui in Bibliotheca Bodleiana adservantur. O.xonii, 180G. Codicum Manuseriptorum Orientalium Catalogi, Part 1, compilod bv J. ^Vri ; part 2, compiled by A. N'icoll. 2 v. Oxonii, l'787-1821. 330 O.xonii, 1834. liodleianue. 2 v. feoDI.EtAN t.ihrary. SXir.JPXTS. BOTANY. lii)l)l,ElAN LiBUAUY — Confiuiird. OaiHt'ord (T.) Catalo^nis sive Xotitia ]\riimis''ri|it()vuin (|ui a col. Kdwaid Daniel Ciark(! (■()iii])avati in lliliiiotluMia Hodloiana adsorvantur. J'art 1. Oxonii, 1812. Xdtitia Kditionnni ((iioad Librns ir(.'l)r., dr., ct Lit, (|ria> vet priniariw, vol sa'c. XV. iniprcs.sie, vel Alilinii', in liibliollieca J>(Klleiana ad.sorvantur. Paniph. Oxonii, 1795. HoEiuiAAVE (Horniann). Hiuieten ((/.) Coninicntarios u[)on H.'s Aphor- i.sms concorning Disoasos. 18 v. Kdin., 1770. Bohemian Language. Thnm {K. I.) Bohemian (Jrannnar. Piaf,nio, 1804. For (in (!xinii]>/(' of tliis /(Dnjiia'j'', f/'e Bible (Bohoniiaiii), p. 27 nf Cataloi/iic, UoiLiOKS. Miinjdim (]V.) Criticisms tm Stationary J^toani 15. Lond., 1881. Wilson (11) Steam Boilers. Lond., 187;"5. lloMiiEKG Biiiijc. .SVy; I'inEE (He])re\v), ]>. ,12 of Cafolof/in: ISoNEs. Si'c Osteology. BoNNELE (James). Scr BifXiRAPiiY (Inrf.) ItooK-KEEriN'i. Tlioviilon (J.) Primer of ]>.-K. Lond., L'^'JU. BoituoMEO (San Curio). Directour dans los A'oyes du .Saint, sur les Principes de, S. (Jliarles Barroniee (sir). Anon. Paris, 1718. SiiDir. Paris, 1744. Boston. Fair Account of the Lnhappy Disturbance at B , Xew Knglaiul, from depositions made eoneerniii<( it by I'crsons of all parties Anon. J V. Lond., 1770. Notk.— In 1770 a riot took iilaco in lioston, upon which tho nisin pfu.ird turnud out ; blows ensued, and the men lircd upon the ijeople. Botany. Balfour [J. II) Outlines of B. I'Min., 18.54. l)Otanv Simplified on the X'utural Sv.stcni. By " Adoxa " Loii'l., 1874. Bri/ant (C.) Flora Diijetetica, or Historv of Esculent Plants. Loud., 178.3. Daruu'n {E.) Botanic Oardeu ; a [loem, witli Piiilosophical X^)tes. Pt„ 1, Kconomy of Veotanica. Acccdunt J. (iesneri Dissertatinnes. 2 i)ts. in 1 V. llala", 1747. IMiilosophia liotanica. Vim'.ohon.T, 1770. Macoiin (J.) Catalogne of Canadian Plants. Parts 1-0 + (/w;»/)/^) Montreal, 1SS;V92. Mu']iaux{A.) Flora Uorculi-Aniericana. 2 v. Paris it Argentorati, 1803. Miller (P.) (Jardnor's and liotaidst'.'s Dictionary, ivith enumeration and dcscriplion of ail plants known, v. 1 hound, v. 2 in 13 parts uidioun !, folio. Lond., 1798. S/. octavo coloured plates). 30 V. Lond., 1790-1814. NoTR— III cormiiltini; tills uiaBiiiitifent^work, tliu inclex in the last voliinie will be found to hv iticiispensiblc. ISiae/ihoiise (,/,) lllustiationcs Theophrasti", in' usnm" iJotiiiiiconim pra'cipue puregiinatium. O-xoiiii, 1811. 338 BOTAN'V. SUBJECTS. BRIDOIiS. Botany — Continued. Thnnifon [R. J.) P.otaiiioal Kxtraots. 2 v. in 1 (folio), ami 1 v. of plates. Loud, 1810. Watfion (S.), and othrs. Botany {uf U. S. (Jeo. Exp. of 40t/t. Pard/lr/). Wash., 1871. Sec also Pai-.ix)ntoi.ogy'. " Bounty," //. M. S. Dligh {W.) Voyage to South Sea in H. M. S. Bounty, including Account of Mutiny. Lon 1 , 1792. BoVLK (Charles). Ben f hi/ (It.) Dissertation u])on Epistles of Phalari."), with Answer to Objections of C. Boyle. Loml., 1699. llovi-E Lkctukks. Defence of Natural and lievealed Keligion : being (Collection of Sermons (hi/ ;.'! rferiji/mcn} ])reached at Ee(!ture founded by Hon. liobert Boyle, from 1G91 to 1732. 3 v. Lend., 1739. Siniic. Abridgment. -1 v. Lond., 1737. Note.— These lectures were "tlesi^n^d to prove the truth of the Christian Reli^fion amonj; Inftilols." Bentleij (li.) Eight Sermons, 1G92 ; to which are added three Sermons. Oxford, 1809. NOTR.— Tlii3 was the first Boyle lecture. Der/imii (W.) I'hysico-Theology. Loud., 171 G. (Jasfrell (/'.) Certainty and N(!ccssity of IJeligion in (u'lieral. Lond., 1G97. Leng (J.) Natural Obligations to ludieve the princiijles of Religion and Divine Revelation. Lond., 1719. Ou:en {If.) Intent and Pr(i]iriety of Scripture ^liracles considered and explained. 2 v. Lond., 1773. Van MUdcrt {W.) Historical View of Infidelity. 2 v. Lond., 1808. RiUBANT {now })aH of Belijinm). Enfe (C) Journey in 1793 through Flanders, B., and Germany, to Switzerland. Lond., J 795. ISee ahn Belgium. Brandenburg (House of). See Prussia. Brazil. Froijrr (F.) Pelation d'un Voyage fait en 1695-97 aux Cotes (rAfri(pie, Detroit de Magellan, Brezil, Cayenne, et Isles Antilles. Paris, 1G99. Kosfer {//.) Travels in B. v. 1. Lond., 1817. Breton Dialect {Brittany, France). For an exanqile oj tliis dialect, aee liible (Breton), 7*. 27 of Catalogue. Breviary. See Roman Catholicism. Brewing. Atkinson {R. W.) Chemistry of Sake-Brewing. Pamph. TAkiA, 1881. Theory and Practice of Malting and B. Bv a Practical Brewer. I V. Edin., 1793. Bridges. Cargill {T.) Strains u]ton Bridge Girders and Roof Trusses. Lond., 1873. Grover {J. W.) Estimates and Diagrams of Railway P>. for Turn- pike, Public, ami (.)ccui)ation Roads ; etc. Lond,, 1870. 389 'i,:' ■t M,, ; : 1 1 t "■,1'! ;!•.'! ^^■■^;^ ml . I •! I :i" 111 I •■I! , i /iiiiiu!';s. liiiliMiios Continiirci. si'iuKirrs. mri,i)i\r,. Afaf/'ii'so)!. (/'<'.) W(.i'ks ill Imii ; liridj^o uiid Jioof Slnictiiii'. Litiid., 1S7.'5. .Uair ( ir. //.) 'rri// (ir. /;.) Irnii Truss I',, for l^iilnxids. N. V.. 1875. Olitudrr (A'.) Xcw Mclliod of (iraidiii' Staties a|>|ili('(| in c'.on.-Liiic- tion of \Vroiij,'lit Iron Hiidf^cs. Lond., I8SU. i'ltllMIKWAI'lOU TUKATISKS. Si'r p. JfJ^ of' C. IJiUTisii Coi.CMniA. l)iroc;ii>ry of 1). C. for ISiS-J-S."'?, with d('scri])tivc n[i]i('ndix. Victoria, 1S82. 7W»iiV ( ir. F.) <(: Ddu'son (G. .]f.) Comparalivi! Vocalmlaries of Indian Trilii's of l;. (:. Panipli. Montreal, ISSI. HuiTisii MusKiiM. List of S|icciiii(Mis of I'.irds in 15. .M. Part .'i, dallina", dralla'. and .\nscrcs. Loud., 1811. I.islof Spcfiincns of ( 'rustacca in 15. M. Lond., 1817. .Synopsis of ( "onti'iits of I!. .M. Loinl., 181" Sdiiir. Lond , ISKi. Sir U(irKi-Ksi!Y (.lohn). Srr IhocuAriiY (Iiul.) liUi'llANAN (h'rr. Claudius). Srr liioiiUAl'llV (Ind.) Hurtl.NGliAMsiilUK, Imii,'. Kmiuff (W.) raroehial .\iiti(|uitie.-- alteiiiiilcil in History of .Vmlirosden, JUircester and other adjacent parts in counties of t l.xford and I5u(ks. 2 v. Oxford, 1818. iiLlMMlls.M. I )haniinapada : lieing Footjirints in the. Way of J afe, the System of Kthic Law lie(|neatlicd hy (iantaina Uuddha, etc. rami)h. I'.oston, 1890 (!)• IluDUi'.M ANi> Cxinrs. Further paper.s res]iecting Kxcavation.s at 15. and C. I'ainph. (Jirifis/i hliie-luiok). Lond.", 1859. 15rii,i)iN(; CoNSTurcrioN. Ilaffulil {R. (•'.) Theory oi Transverse Strains, and its aiijilication in Construction of Buildings. :^. Y., 1877. 340 :.■; ) . ts \nv- to till' iilStli sol.l nil itOll tp arts fo, tl.o lii, c^c. 1 iuul C nsvcvse BUII.PINO. suniKcrs. CAI.CrMS. ]*>uii-niNO CoNHTUUirnoN — Conlinneil. Notes oil 1). (1, , iirniii}^i'(l to meet i'('(jiiii'i'iii('iits of syllalnis of S(;i(!iice and Art I)e|iiiitiiieiit, (,'oiiiiIM,I, ((!eorj,'C, Jlis/in/i nf Sf. DuKidx). .SVv rioiiliAI'llY (Illil.) liuitiAi. l'sA(ii:s. Jirairnr (7\) IJelij^'io Medici ; to svliieii is added, llydiiotaplna or I'rii-I'.iirial. Loud., l(S;Jt<. Itelijiio Medi treat i)f tlie fuiiural rites of all natioiiH, uiid liaH eiuleavoreil to tiace theHe rites to the ]iriiicipl(!^ and feeliiii,'s wliieh u'uve rise to them." Varrair (If. ().) Introihictioii to Study !r). r.lKi,i.N(;tox llorsK. /l/(ir/,-ljlini (II) Academy Notes, ISS7, witli illustrations ol |irin(i|ial lui'tiires a t 1!. H. !. \^X't ilniMAir. lilaul'iird {II. F.) Klumentary (!co>,'ia|)liy of India, I5un iia. rlr. I oinl ISDO. Ulii.NKT ('riiomas). lii'aiiiiiniil (,/.) ( 'onsidcratioiis on book entituled Tiieoiy of the Kartli, inihli>ht (>/'•) l)y Dr. lUirnet I.ond., IG'Jii. I'.iTi.Uk (.loscpji). Chalinrrt^ ('/'.) I're'ectioiis on Iluth'r's Analogy, r illeV s I'.VKleiices, t ■Ir. Kdin., IN" ('.KSAit (Cains dulius). »•<• UioditAiniY (Iiiri.) C.rsAKKAN OrKliATloN. >>'« CksAUKAN ( >l'i;i{Ari()N. ('Ai.("i.'i,rs. /ioii/i- {(i.) Treatise on C. of Finite I)iirei'ences. Cuiii- hriilge, ISliO. Funti-lmrlat (./. L.) Eli'inens de Cajciil I>itrei'entiei et dc Cah'iil Integrcl. Paris. ISL'O. (•'(iriiiur {J. a.) Lecons de Calcid Ditrrrentiel. Paris, ISll. Leeoiis tie Calciil Integral. I'aris, 1S12. Ilall{T.(L) Dillerential and Integral C. Cambridge, 1S;57. S(tm^. Camliriilge, 1S41. IIi')\Surfai:o.s, invcstigateil by application of I>ill'ereiitial and Integral C. .', v. Oxford, I'SMO. Principles of DiU'ereiitial and Iiite-'ral C. O.xford, ]S29-:30. fw' I? If fit! M » Ijli! i i' .1 i; h ¥. 341 m rAT.ruu's. STTBJKPTS. rAMBRinr.K. m < f ■; ' > mm I t Calculus — Continued. Hi/an (J.) Dilloreiitial and Tiite<,'riil C. N. Y., 1S28 Syllabus of Diircroiitial and Iiit('j,'ral ( '. Anon. Cambridge, 1825. Tudhnntcr {I.) IHU'i-rcsntial C. Candu'ldgo, 1HG4. Jnti'gral C. Caniliridpi', 1SG2. CaLDERO.N DE la r.AXlCA (IVdlo). Si'i' IJlOGllAl'llY {lud.) Calendau. lirady (./.) Clavi.s Calcndaria ; or analysis of tlio C, with anocdotes. 2 v. Lond., 1815. Grexwell (E.) Fasti 'IVniporis Catliolici ot Origini's Kalc?idai'ia}. 4 V. Oxford, 1852. Origines KalcndaritP ItalicPR ... 4 v. O.vford, 185t. California. State!iiiiL (,"atal(>,L,'ui'. SacranHsnto, 1882. Calvinism. Culrin (J.) lustitutcs of the Clirislian Religion. 2 v. Lond.. 1838. Ferrand {L.)'\ Traitr di; I'K^^diso contri' It's Ilcrctiiim's, |)rin(:i|ialc- nuMit I'ontre li's Calvinistcs. A)iiin. Paris, 1085. Fuller [A.) Caivinistic and Socinian .Systems compired as to their Moral Tendoiiey. Lond., 1802. Jarvij (./, ahhi'' dn). Diseours sur la vraye KLjlise (t sur ^e^tatllre- sent du Calvi'nisme. \ v. Paris, 1G88 Prejngez Legitimes contre les Calvinistcs. Aiuni. Pari.. JT i>f Cafnhxpie. Cambridok University, Kngland. Aeademia- Cantal)rigieiisis Luctu.s in ()])itum (Jeorgii II. , et (Iratulationes in (ieorgii III. Inaug- urationem. {Eaylisli and Latin). Cantabrigia, 1760. Aceount of Proeeedings in University of C. against William Frend, for publishing a pampldet entitled Peaee and I'liioii, etc. Cambridge, 1793. Calendar, 18G1. Camljridge. Cambridge Problems ; ([uestions for degnse of 15. A., 1801-20. Cambridge, 1821. Harradeii (/?. B.) Cantabrigia Depieta : Engravings of Edifices in University of Cambridge, with bistorical and descrijitivc accounts. Cambridge, 1809. Potts {R.) Liber Cantabrigionsis : aiils to poor stmlents, encourage, munts, and rewards, in C. IJ'. (Cambridge, 185"). Wri(jht (T.), (me of 1880-1. 4 v. Ottawa, 1882-83. 3. Description, Geography, Travels. Unint {rien. 2 v. Toronto, 1882 {1). 4. Ecclesiastical History, etc. Akins [T. />.) Sketch of liise and Progress of Cluirch of England in Britisli Nortii America. Halifax, 1849. Provincial Synod of Church of England and Ireland in C. Jour- nal of Proceedings, 9th session. Pamph. Quebec, 1877. 5. Government, Politics, Parliament, etc. Bolton (E. C.) ik Webber (//. //.) Confederation of British North America. Lond., 1806. Bourinut (J. O.) Manual of Cnnstitutional History of Canada, to 1888. Montreal, 1888. Canadian Parliamentary Companion, for 1874-76, 1878-80. 5 v. Ottawa, 1874-80. IIoHse of Coiumons. Deltate.s, 1880-81. 4 v. Ottawa. .lournals, 1867-70. 1872, 1875, 1877, 1879-91. 2.5 v. Ottawa, V. d. Senate. Debates, 1 880-8 1 . ' 2 v. Ottawa. Journals, 1867-70, 1873-91. 24 v. Ottawa, v. d ! ; I lANAllA, sun.n<:cT8 CANADA. U!^.\ flit' . Canada (1 )iiiiiiiii(iii) i'oiitutitrd. Si'ssii>ii;i! Piipi'i's (if l';irli;rniMit uf ( '. ; " vdluiiics," I (want in;,' Xd. 1). -l-W I (w. Xi.. 6). .J (w. Xd. -J), t; (w. Xos. 1 \- ■>), 7-i), 10 (w. X(i. 1), II (w. No. 11), rj-i;;. ii (w. x..s. w .v 7), ir. (w. Xos. 'J \-, :5). if) (w. Xo. I -J), l7-*-H), -J! (No. T) iml.niiiul, Jn-///,v,s). L'U, L>;} (w. Xos. 1 .V :\\ -J I (w. Xo !•) i- ISCJ 'Jl -\- 'JlCt V. (iiicliKliiij; maps)- Hltawa, v. d. U'/irhm { /■'.) I'nioii of I'.iitisli I'roviiici's ; accoiiul. of ( "oiifrriMU'i', lS')l,on |iro])osi'il ( "oiifcilrralioM. ( "liarloUi'town, 1 S(i."). (». History and Profjross. Ari'/i,r (A.) History of ( '. I.oii.l., I SSI. .■\ri'lii\('s I\(']ioi1s. 'I'/iiS'' rdhiitlili- rrriir'/s icill Iw fmniil 'in tin' SismoiKt/ J'djiiTs (if' f/if l)':iiini Kill . IHikI (II. Y.) and . 1 , IMIS, pt. -J ; 1S7I 7;! : !S7r). ],t. 1 ; 1S7C.. pi. 1 : 1 : Is7s ; IS7' I. lOv. Ottawa, \. .1. S. Itlisccllaiiooiis i\\u\ (ii(Mi(>ral. ('anailaat llif (In'.r. Kishnirs l'',xiiiliilioii. Loihloib ISS;!, I'ainpli. ( Mlawa. ISSI. ('auaila; its ilisioiv, I'roiliii'tioiH. ami Nalurai lu'sourcrs. I'lv parcii niulcr ilirt'ction of Minislci' of A^riiMiitin'o. Ottawa, ISSCi. ('anaila at tlio I'liivcrsal i'Aliiiiilion. I'.iris, lSi")r). Toronto, iS.'id. ('anailiaii I'.roiioniirs ; licinu' pajicrs pn'panil for I'.coiioMiiral Section of iUitisli .\<.--oi iation lor .Vci\anccnicnl of Scicnci'. ISSl. M.mtival. ISS.'). Canadian .Monthly. \'ol. 7, No. G : vol. S, Xos. •_'•"■). ") paiiipli. Toi.aito, ISSIS-J. Coi/str,// (II, II,) N'if'ws v,.I;itivc to constnictimi of iJailway iVoiii Halifax to (.jiiclicc. I'aniiili. Halifax, iS.'rJ. ('orrcsponili'iicc rcjatixo to l'"i.--lua'ics (.,Micstioii, lSS.''i-S7. I'aiiipli. (»ttawa, 1SS7. Fleiiiliiij (S.) The Inturcolonial : Historical .Sketch of K'ailwav niiitinu Inlainl ami .Vtlanlic Provinces of the I )oiiiiiiicii. Montieal, [S7t!. Uniil (11. y.) Ivltect of l-'i-heiT C'lanses of Treaty of Wasliiii-teii on iM-lerie."* ami l''i-heinien of liiitisli X'orlli .\iiii'iira. [ I'i.-i/ifrif ('(iiiitiii.sidii, llii/if'ii.i\ /Si'i). '2 parts. Halifax, 1877. rANAOA. ST^BJECTM. CANAPA. •dllOMlliMl Canada (I)iiiniiiioii) Cniifiininf. liiilox to 1 'iK'iiinciits (•(imicitcil with I'mccctliiii^'s of Kishcry ("oiiiiiiissidii uiidi'i' Treaty I'l' W'asliiiiglon ol' May, 1N7I. Aiidii. Halifax, 1877. Library of rai'liaiiiciit, ()tta\vii. Catalo^'iio ; part 2: j^'i'Sii'i'al liitrary, lS7i). ( Miawa. 1S7!). .}f(>7irn (A.) I'liitcd States ami 1 )iiiiiiiiiiiM nf Canada : tlieii' Future. St. .loliii, 1H7'.». Mnrraii (II.) Ili-tnric.d and I )esi'ii|)trive .Acrouut of liriti.sli .Aiucriciv . . . with Natural History liy d. Wilson, I.'. K. (Ircvilie, and T. S. 'I'raill. W v. Kdin.. I's.'SU. i\e]i(irt (in .Adulteiatinn of ImkhI, IS7(iS|. '.) |>aiii|>h. (Htaw.i. v.d. lioijal tSiirirfj/ cf' ('f(ii'i'/(i. I'mceediu'^s and 'IVansaetinns, v. 1-S + . Montreal, I^S.". Dj. S/ii'iic'r (J. ir.) !''.le\ atinns in < 'anida. i'anijih Wash., iSSt. U. Nahinil History, Nadinil Kosoiirces, Cliiiiate. Iiilliitii.< (K.) I'ida'ti/nic l''(!s. V, i A- v. "_', |il. I (- iiani|ih.) .M..ntrea!, I Stlf) 71. Ihtirmni {.I. W.) ]'"(is>il I'lants nf hevciiiiaii and rpper Silurian l'"iinuatinn of ( '. i'aniph Mnnti'ral, IS71. He|i(irl()n l''nssil I'lants nt Lower ( 'arlmnifeinus and Millstnni> (Irit I'\irniatidns of Cmaila, i'ani|ih. Montreal, \^~'.\ Desrripi i\e ( 'atalo'^'ne of ('olleclion of i'',eniioniii^ .Mimra's of ('., :uid of its ersslaliine rocks, si nt to I,ondS(). (Hio. S/irri'i/ iif f'iniii'lii). Lanijih. Loud, 1 SS(). Fnaiii (ir. ) Report on ('. and its .\L,'i'ienhural liesourees. I'.iniph. Ottawa, ISS,"). ( JeoloL^ieal NLip of ( '. (('onipiled from works of .L W. 1 lawson, .1. llall. W. L. Lo-an, Ac) ISCC. (li'iiliKjiiuil (Uiil Niitnrul llin/ar;/ Surrri/. Lsipiissp < Irolon'iipie du Canada, suivie d'un Catalogue de-eriptif de lu eolleetion de Cartes et Coupes yeoloi^i(pies, L'oehes, (ite,, en\oyeea I'Lxposi- tioii Cniversidle de !S(i7. I'aniph. I'aris. 1S()7. l'\:4ures and I )eseriplioirs of Canadian (>i',L;anii' Iveniaiiis. I teeades 1 L 1 jianipli. .Montreal, 1S;V,). Reports of Progress, i'rom eoniineneeini'nt (ISIiJ) to L'^tl.'J ( 1 v.), L^fi.'LOO (1 v.), lS(i(i-SO + . Ill V. and maps. Montreal, v. il. ^(iiiii\ foi' ISIL I S.'i'J ."iS, 5 jianipli. Montreal, v. d. llntHurt (■/. /)'.) I' .Vila L'eoLrranliieal dislrilmlion of s wiiu ro loui'ed niajis, si low lU'. ]itinls yielding food, eliinales, riiiation> flora, soils, regions ol siuniner rams, geoiogieal to and hyilrogiMpliy of the Doniiiiion of Canada. \\. p., 1880 (1). Mb Bfl'^ W' I i m ' 'tH \'r PANADA. sriuF.CTs. TANON*. Canada (Doiuiiiidii) -- Coiifhinrd. Maroiin (./.) (~!atal(i[,'iio of Caiiiuliaii Plants. I'arts 1-0 + . (i i)aiii|.li. M(. Ill real. ISS.'i-il-J. Mt'k'dioluj^'ical Service. Iit'iMiit lur liS7"J, l(ST4 S7. If) paiiipli. OUawa, V. d. Monjan (./. //.) Rejioii (Hi Fdrest.s of C l'aiii|ili. Ottawa, 188(1, Pcditioii {]['. 11.) List iif ('anatiiaii Ile]i,itiea',. (^Vv*. (uid Nat. I/ist. Siiriri/ of C.) raiiiph. Montreal, 181)0. Report of Coininitteo ainioiiited to olitaiu iiifoniiation as to (Ico- Ioj,M'al Surveys. Paiiipli. ()tta\va, 18SI. Report of Coininittec; of Senate, mi Resources of (Ire, it Ma(:i\enzi(! I'.asiii. I'aiiiiili. Ottawa, I8SS. Jiic/iari/sDu (,/.), t'^ir-.tinann (11'.), (p. '2111). Solwijn {A. R. C), (J- l)'.) Canadian Forests, Forest Trees, Tlnilier, and Forest J'rodiicts. r.uniih. Montreal. 188."). Vlrifh {K. ().) Contributions ;,ii Micro- I'ala';^'}' of Camliro- Silurian K'ocks of C. : jkuI l'. I'ainph. Montreal, 1889. ]\'hifrarr{i (,/. F.) Contrilmtions to (';inadian I'aheontulo^'y, Parts 1-3-1- {pamph.) Montreal, >88r)-«)l. Canada (Lower). See Quehhc (Province). Canada (Province). Consolidated Statutes of ('aiiiiUft. Toronto, 18,")'.). .SVe also ONTAitio ■,--(.,)ui:iu;('. Canada (Upp-'r). Si'c Ontahih. Can.\i>ian Pdhtuv. .sVv Fn(!i,is? Poetiiv. ivith irhii-h it is iiicoi'/iDi-dlt'd. Canon Law. Heirriilyc (IT.) Codex Canonum Fcclesiu Priiiiiliva' A'indicatus ac lllu.stiatus. Load., lt)78. Cordex Caiioinuu Fcclesia> ipii ex Antiquo ,Iure adliuiii usipii' vii^ent et ex Concilii TridentMii decretis .... Xeapoli, 1873. Corpus .luri- Caiionici ... einondatuin et notis illustratuiii, emu .Uio.ssi,- .ssis diver.soruni, (Ire^'orii XIII jussii ediluiii. Lut,'tluiii. KJl'L (Decretaliuin Liliri, cum conimentariis). .') parts in *J v. Niiirin- lierg, 14S.')-8i;. Dolinilions of Catliolic Faith, ,and Canons of hisciplme of First 4 ^'eiieral councils of riiiversal Church. In Creek and Fn^'lisli. Oxford &: Lond., 1807. Fiilfon (J.) Index Canonum, the (iicek text, an Kn. I...nd., 1871. Cai'UCIIINK Fkfaus. Claudi- (CAhlfi'milb' (C. Foiilton). Ilistoiie dc la Mission dcs I'crcs Ca|im-ins on i'lsU; dc, Mara<;naii ct tcnos circoniioiJiinrs Paris, IGU. Carmsi.e (Fi'i'dciick Howard, -J/A Kurl o/). Aur/da7id{]\'. h'dcu, Lor.!). LcttiTH to I'-aii ol' Car ISIC. Lond., 1780. ('AiiriiAdtc. Siiil/li {I}. /)'.) Ilnnu' and C. : llic Punic Waiw. Fond. ISS/ Casiimkh /''orxfrr ((,'.) fioni i»cnj;al to F,n,t,'laiid, thi'on;.^l» luilia, Ka^liiini'c Caspian S ca. .Afyiiiinistan, and I'cisia, and int i-. ' ;.ond., 17!I8. o Russia, ))y .1,1' ;s. Darr/I (\V.) I listory lI' 1 )ovci' Ca.sth . Fond., 178G. Kill'/ (Ay.) Muninicnla .\nti(|ua ; or Oliscrvitioh'^ lai .Vncicnt C. ; incjuilint,' remarks (in wliolc |iio_t,'rcss of Arcliitcclnrc in (Ji'eat I'.ritain.' v. 1-2, in 1 v. Fond", I7'.tt)-180l. )scrvations on Ancinil Ca-tlis. Fanioli. n. t., rtuil Ix^f irr. (») .^("•. nj' A iili(/iii/ II ■<, I77(). ('.\siis'iiiV. Aii/iii'ii'' {/'. (,'.) 'I'licologia Moralis Fnivcrsa, coniiilccLSi IS (•ninia Moruni 1 ra'ccpta, ct I rincqaa Dccisionis oninuuM ('onscicntia' Casuiini, suis <|uu'i|nc nionicnlis staliilita. 1 v. N'aiiccii, 17.'$1. Sdiiii •1 V. F iirisii.^, Hi). I V. Paris, 1710 ct J 740. (ii'iiif (/■'.) Tlicold^ic Morale, on Pcsolutiim dcs ("as dc Conscience s(don rFciiture Sainli', les Canons, ct les Sainle Peres. A)inti. G- Paris, 171;-). (lillath'(C.) Dire 171(1. cleur (|i ■s (,'onscieni'cs Scrn|iulcuscs Paris Licurs CasdcConscicncc. Ron en, 171ti Poiilii.-< (./.) Dictionnaire dc Cas de ( F (■solution ( les Cas kW ( onsen'ncc sur 'oiiscicnce. 3 v. Paris, 17iU. la \'ertu dc -iusticu ct d'F.(|uitc. \.\\ {uiulilattit). Paris (?), 1711. Sdinti'/ii'iirc {,/. i/f). Resolutions dc Plusiours Cas di^ Conscience loucliant la Morale, et la 1 Mscipli 17F plUK Use. ari.s, Saiiili rr.'e ()lili''atione Coiiscicnti; I ond 1710. I'.MAcoMiis. MdHluNil (('.) Cliui'cli in the C. : Description of Primi- tive (.'liurcli of RdU Fond., 1811) ic. Illustrated hv 1 ts Sciiulchral lu'Uiains iSaiiic. Fond., 1817. 347 «■" ;'! Ti mh '' " ( if «. M ir ,.. \i>' C'ATAI-OGIJEH. STTB,TI<:CTM. CIIAKITY. Catai.ool'es. Cntfrr (C. A.) Kulos for n nict.ioimrv Catalogue. raiiipli, \Va.sli., 1SS9. NoTK. The stuiuiiiril work nii this subject in Auiork'a. The rulcx of the Amuvicaii I.ihr.iry Assdriatioii, the (■iln'.i.iy AsMni'iiitioii uf the L'tiited Kiiitfdoni, anil the liodleian Mbrary lire inserted as an appendix. Sfi.' ((/.■«i lliitish ^ru.somn Lil)ra.ry ; — Hodleian Librar' ;_ l>(lllIl ; — Cdhiiiiluii ('iillcj,^' ; — California (i^tausilo\vne Manuscripts ;--(^U(H'n"s Coilcj^'c (lii'l- fast) ; -Koyal Institution ol' (Ireat ISritain ; — >Sus,sc.k (l)ukc of) ; — Smithsonian Institution. Cathakim; II uf Rit>isia. Sen liiiRiiiArnv {Iiul.) CATUKUiiALS. Walcott {M. E. C.) CaLlicilralia : Constitutional History of Catlioilrals of AVe-storn Church. Lon.l, 180'). Ca.xton (\Villiani). Caxton Memorial c(lition, " Dominion Printer." Pamph. [Montreal, 1877. Cayenne. Fnn/iT (/•'.) Ivelation (rui; A'oya^'e fait en 1095-1)7 mux Cotes d'Afriiiue, Detroit Je Maueilan, iirezii, Cayenne, et Isles .\ntille>. i>aris, 1G99.; LANcii'AiiK. .Specimen of all i*".tyniol<\ij;ieal Vocabulary ; or Essay to retrieve the Ancient Celtic. Loml., 17^00. Videntia {G. Annt'slnj, risconiif). Vova^es and Travels to hulia, C, etc., lSUL'-(i. 4 V. Loud., 1811'.';.': LANtiUAoi;. See Hehkew and Chai.iu;!; LAN"(irAoKs. " CiiAi.!.EN(;i;u"(I[. M. S.) Spr)/{\V. J. J.) Ci iiisc of the "("hallengcr.' N. v.. 1877. CiiANci-i.i.uiis (LiM'd). S'',' Soldeii (•!.) CiiANcioiiY Colin'. Af/:i/ii!^- (-/. 7.) Peports of Cases ai-gued lunl Deternnned in High ( 'ourt of (,'haiicei'y, in tiiui .i" Lenl Chancellor Hardwicke ; c lUected and methodized. '.'■> v. Loud., 1705-68. Calendars of Proceedings in I'haneery, in iii'ign of Kli/.abetli ; to which are prefixed earlier proceedings from licign of Riclianl 11 to thrit of Kli/abeth, iuclus've. .'$ v. Loml., 1827. C'UANCKS. S>'i: OuIMI i'V-), p. It>0 ()/' < 'tt/ of C<.il'li«ju''. U48 niAHLES. SUBJECTS. CtlEMIStRY. (JiAHLics I [Kiny of Enijhnid). Mi/ tun {J.) Kikonoklastes, in answer to Eikon Hasiliko. Anistcnlani, 169U. NoTK.— Tho PHhm Basiliki' is the portraiture of Charles I, and is now admitted to have heen written by John Oauden, although onre attributed to the kinj; iiimself. CUAlUiKS XII, King of Sirrdni. See BioGUAPllY (Ind.) CiiARTEU-HousE S('i[o(.ii. AN[> HospitaIj, Londoii. llrrnc (S.) ])oniu3 Carthusiaiia, or Account of t'.iO Most Noble Foundation of the ('hartcr-Ilouse, with Life of Thomas Suttan, tlie Fonniler llieivof. r.uaiititative C. A. l.ond., 1860. ll(irlle)/ {W. N.) (Jourse of C^Uiantitative vVnalysis. Lond., 1887. Liehlif {J. J. roll, iiaroii). Handbook of Organic Analysis. Lond., 'i8n:i. Norfhcufe {A. B.) ly Clnireh {A. II.) .Manual of (.Quantitative Analysi.-^. Lond., 18.")8. Platfuer (C. F.) (^>iialitive and (^hiantitative Analysis with the Blow-pipe. Lond.. 1875. Wi'ilder (F.) Hand-book of Inorganic Analysis. Lond., 1851. (J1I:.M1STIIY. Diefionarie.'f. Nie,io/.-<(iii (V/.) Dictionary of C. 2 v. Lond., 1795. Watf.-i (//.) Hiclionary of C (with .'? supplements). 8 v. Lond., 1874-79. MiKcella neons Wo /'Avv. Aeciaii (F.) ('hemi(!al Amusement. Lond., 181'.). Ilrr/reii/iovf {,/.) l-'irst Lines of Theory and Practice of Philo.sophieal ('. Loud., 1788. Jleruin/^t L-\. J.) Household (/. ; or rudiments of the science applied to every-day life. Lond., 1854. li>r:.rliiin [J. J.) Analysis of Inorganic liodites. Lond., 1833. Tiaite de L'liimie. 8 v. B"uxelle.'^, 1835. nuiiillon-Laqruniie {J. />'. ) ^lanual of Course of V. '2 v. Lond., 1800. llrande {W: T.) .Manual of C. 2 v. Lond, 1848. and Ta>//or {A. S.) Chemistry. Phila., 1863. Cleninif (/■/.) Symbolic C ; showing decompositions of inoiganic >ub.stanees, with test tables annexetl. Leeds, 1870. 349 v.) '■ »r ■ in < H i! :1 CHEM1.STRY. SUBJECTS. ClIEMISTuy. Chemistry — Continued. Cohen (./. /)'.) Owciis College Cmirsit nf I'lactical Organic C. Load., IS87. Dary (11.) Colloctnl Works*. (> v. J-ond., 1839-10. Kioiiiouts of Agrii'.iiltiuMl C. Loiul., 1814. llf'soarclii's, Cliciiiical and Philosophical, chicHy concerning Nitrons Oxide and its vospiration. Lond., 1800. Dobbin. (L.) 4* ]]'a//,yr (./) ('homioal Theory for l)eginii(;rs, Lond., 1892. Draper (J. W.) Text-l'.ook of C. N. Y., 1858. Foiimc^ {(1.) Manual of Islenientary C. Lond., 1873. Franklainl (A'.) Kxperiniental Kescarciies in Pure, .Viiplied anil rhysical C. Lond., 1877. Galliuraii (R.) Second Ste|) in C. Lond., 1801. (Ivrltnn'n {(].) TraiU' di' Chiniie Organi(iiir. 1 v. Paris, 1853-r)G. Uluve {R. M.) iManual of Kleuieiitary (J. Lond., 18r)5. lii':itioii to aariculturo ami ' iihy-iolnxv. Animal ulieniiBtry : jiliysioloify and patholoi^y. l,L'ttcr,s on ClidMiBtry and its relations to coinmerce, |)hysioloj;y ami airriciilture. .Motion of tiie jviioes in tlio animal body. I'otatoe iliscase. Cliemistry in relation to pliysiology and iiatholouy. TFandhook of (.)rganic Analysis, Lond., 1853. Maci/ncr (P. J.) Elements of Theory and Practice of C. Kdiii., 1777. Miller (W. A.) Klements of C. : part 1, Chemical Physics. Lond., 18G3. Mohr {F.) lb Red/rood (7'.) Practical Pharmacy: in inipuliitiniis of pharmaceutical shop and laboratory. Lond., 1849. 350 rilKMWTRV. SIIJIJKCTS. CHINA. onccrniu"' H>i;itlllCM'S. CilKMisiRV Continwd. Miirmii {.J.) Klcincnls of c;. 2 v. Ediii., ISIO. Npii iiKinu (C.) Chciiiical Works. 2 v. Loiul, 1773. Nicholxoii ( ir.) First l'iiiici|iloR of C. Loml., 170: I'rp/iir (J. If.) I'layliook of .Motals, with ox|icriiiieut.s. Loud., n.d. Pniiif (W.) (.'liciiiisti y, ^rctcoroloj^'y, and function of Digestion, considered with reference to natural lhoolnf,'y. Loud., 1834. Ji'i)s.-i (ir. .1.). l*yrolot,fy, or Fire Clieniistry. Lund,, 1S75. Sr//((rs (./. ('.) Cheniistianity, jiopular knowledge of C. : a Poem ; also oratorical Verso on each ( "henucal Fllenient. ISirkenlioad, n. (1. 'J/, iiutixou ('/'.) Clicniislrv of Inorganic liodies. 'J v. Lonil, L^^Sl. History of ('. 2 v. i.ond., 1S30. WiKjxrr {R.) Handhook of Cheniical 'reclmoiogy. Loud., 1872. Wil-'idii {(!.) Inorganic ('. Loud., IS ir//77,v (.1.) At ic Theory. X. Y., ISSL ,SV''' nhi, .Aomcn.Tin.M, Ciikmistiiy ; -liLow-I'irK A\.\lysis ; CniOMKAI- A.N.M.YSIS. CnKMisriiv (.\gi'ieullural). Srr .\(;uici:i.ri:uAi, Ciik.mistkv. '.'nii'iiKSTKH, Fug. HpIIu'II {('.) Cliarge to (."lergv of juri.sdiction of Ileaii of ('., KSKi. ], V. Lond., 1810. (.'nii.niuoN. ^iiiHlr-}fartlir (N. i]r). I'a'dotropliia, or Art of Nursing and Hearing (,'hildrcn : a ]ioeni. Tr. (into Fnglisli verse) with notes, hv H. \V. Tvt cr. I Ollll ('.'(. CniNA. .\iiitiT!<(iii (A.) Narrative of I'.ritish lMnl)assy t(j C,'., 171)2-91. Lond.. I7!»r). Jlif (L.) Narrative of Karl of KIgin's ^Mission to C. and .lapan, lSr)7-r)!). N. Y., ISGO. (hlurl,- (P.) Voyage to C. and Last Indies. {Priiif'-d iriti, Torren's Siu'atte, c/c.) 2 V. Lond., 1771. Prrri/ {M. C.) aS'c^ Ifairks (F. L.), nhnrc Sniiinhiiri/ (IF. iV.) Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, Fast Indies, C. and -lapan. ir)l3-l<)21, preserved in Puhlic Record Ollice. 2 v. Lond , l8()2-70. M a5i ) \ ', i. • ■■I h\ '.Hi ■1 CHINA. STlliJECTS. CFtniSTIANiTV. China — Continued. Sf anil full (.S'/V (r.) Aiitliciitic Account of Kinbassy from (Iroat IW'itaiii to (). 2 v., Avitli 1 v. (tnl.) of jdatt's. Loud., 1797. |i]i. Fables. Written in Cbinese by Mini .Mooy S(!en-Shaii<,', with translation 1)V liis [iMpil " Sloth " (//oA'/'^ Tlumi). Canton, 1S40. (Chinese book ; subject not known. Svo., unbound). (Chinese (Christian Almanac for IS.Ol. Paiuijli ) Lasting' liesentmcnt of Miss iveaou Lwaii Wanj,' : a Ciiine.«e Talc. Tr. from Chinese, by " Sh)tli " (/»'. 'llimii). Pamjili. Canton, 1 8:vj. CnivAi.uv. Jh'i/hi/ (A'. //.) liroad Stunc of iloiioui', or llules for tin; (iontleiiii'u nf I'",u^'land. Loud., IS'J.^. .SV/' (i/.fo KNUillTllooD. NoTR. --Scott's " Ivaiihoc," " Talisman," etc., slionU he read as illustrative of this s\il)ject. Cer\ antes " Don (jMiixotc' witirize.s the oxtravasaiizas of chivalry. Choi.kha. .sVv Mkdr'ini;. Chhi^jt. /SVy JksL'.S CiimsT. CiiiusTiANiry. Alilntilir (,/.) Traitt' de la Veriti' de l.i Kiili^ion Chn'tienne. .") v. Kottcrdam. 1711 >t 17l.'S. Ahlxill (J.) The Young Cliristian ; nr familiar illustratinns nf jirinciples (if ('hristian Hiity. Aliri'h/raii {II.) Introduction to knowledge of Christian Religion. 1 V. Lond , n. d. Defence of Cliristianity from Prophecies of Old Testament. l>v Kdward, Lord IJi.-hnp of ( Joventrv and Lichfield. Loud., 1725. l)')ii(/las (J.) InHuence of C'iiristian Religion in Civil Society. 'Lond., 1792. Ditko (11'.) Course of Lectures on the (Christian Covenant, on the Articles of C'lnistian Faith, c/c. I.oiid., 17'JL FrlloiV''.< (11.) Picture of Christian Philosophy. Lond., 1800. (i'astrrll (F.) Christian Institutes, etc. Loiul., 1812. (j'inhorni' (T.) Survey of Christian Religion, and of History as connected with Cliri.stianity. Lond., 1799. draji (K.) Discourses illustrative of the Evidence, Infliience, and ' Doctrines of C. Lond , 179-3. (Jreat Prohlem (The); or C. as it is. T)? a "Student of Science." Lond., n. d. (/rco'iri/ (0.) Letters on Lvidcnces, Doctrines and Duties of Christian Religion. Lond., 1857. (rrpsley {W.) Sermons on the Social and Political Duties of a Christian Lond., 1836. J/iniiiiioiid (If.) Practical Catecthism ; whereunto is added tho Reasonal)Ienc.s.'< of Christian Religion. Lond., 1681. Jil//ir/i IH) Reasonableness and Certaintv of Christian Religion. 2 v. Lond., 1734. ./oluifio?! (S.) 36 I >i.-*'onrses, upon Christian Religion. v. 2. Loud., 1740. Jani's (]\'.), /il. Scholar Armed tho Errors of the Time ; or Collection of Tracts on Principles »iid Evidences of Chris- tianity, rtc. 2 V. Lond., 1800. ISauir. 2 v. Lond., 1812. ** 363 I'u ■'• t II If;.;''! i'i|i^|rf 'till 'i : ! rtllllSTtANlTY. SUlUKCtS. rllUISTIAXITY, Christianity — Contimird. Keith (A.) Dcinonstnitioii of Truth of (.'hristiiin lu'liutinn. Kdin,, Law (jr.) Confutation of (\V.) Warbuiton's Defence of C. iu liis "Divino Li!f,'iition of Moses." i v. Loml., 1757. I'ractical Treatise iijioii Christian reifoctiDn. Loud., 17."M. Nemc8{T. S,), corts nf Christiaii.s in the Wurld, not subject to the I'oiie. Loud., 107 t. Rose (//. J.) Christianity always Proj^'re.ssive. Lond., 18'J9. Remarks on Dispositions towards (;., j^'enerated hy iirevailiiij,' opinions and pursuits. Lond., 1S3U. Sharpe (G.) Argument in Defence of C. TiOnd., 1755. Second Argument in ])efence of (,'. Lond., 17()L'. Stebhiiuj {II.) Christianity justified upon Scripture Foundation. Lond., 1750. Traitedes Princijies de la Foi Cliretieiine. Anon. 2 v. I'aris, 17.37. Wake (W.) I'rinciples (if Christian Religion e.\[ilainc(l. .V v. Lond., 1812. Watson {R.) Two A]iologies, for C. and for the Bilile ; etc. Lond., 1816. Wilson {T.) Chri.stianitv made easy to meanest capacities. Lond., 1811. Essay towards Instruction for Indian.'-', exiilaining most e.s.sential doctrines of C. Loml., 1740. Principles and Duties of C. Lund., n. d. tSaina. I v. I^ond., 1811. Woolton {J.) Christian Manual. Cambridge, 1851. Wordsworth {€'.) Christian Institiites. -l^ v. Lond., 1837. See also Chuistiamtv (Fvidcnees of); Jesus Ciiitisr: Theology. CnniSTlAXlTY (Evidences of). Ihdln'{.I.) Analogy of Religion. I'liila., 1872. N»TK.— For other editions, see p. 49. Chahners {T.) Prelections on l-lutler's Analogy, Paley's Fvideiices of Christianity, and ilill's Lectures in Divinity. Ediii., l''^52. Erslnne {2\) Eemarks on Internal Evidence forTiuth of Revcalcil Religion. Edin., 1829. Gregory (0.) Letter.'^ on Kvideuces, Doctrines and Duties el Cliri.stian Religion. Lond., 1857. 354 I r ' • . I (CHRISTIANITY. SUBJECTS. CfiRONOLOOV. J' ('IIHISTIAN'ITY (Kvidcnci's of) Continued. (irofinn {II.) Dc Vcritute Roligionis ' 'liristiana' '>. n. t., old. Smnr. < )X()H., 1700. Saini'. Loud., 1755. .SVtm«. Oxun., 1807. Stnne. Loiul., 1849. Tiuth of Christiiiii licli;;inii , etc. 1/iml., 1800. Joiif.'< ir. Lpctui'(!s on l''ij,'urative Lunguagu of Scripture ; Li'itiMc uii Ndturul Kvideucos of Cliri.stiaiiity. Loud., 1789. Savie. i.oiul., 1826. Kiiilh (A.) Deiiioiislr.itioii of Truth (if Cliri.stiau Kfligioii. Ivliu., 18:3,^. Kvidcnce of Cluistiau Religion, dcrivod from litfial fullilnient of projiliccy. Kdiii., 1838. Lancasiiif (T. W.) ropular Kvidoncu of C, .stated and exaniined. Oxford, 1.^.31. I\dey i^W.) Kvideiices of Christianity. Fur various edifiotis, sen ^: ckiiols-oLoGV. SUBJECTS. cliuncti. r I Chronology — Continued. Oi'igines KalendariiB ItalicfB : Calentlars of Ancient Italy, Jfomulus, Pompilius, the De('eulvir^<, Irregular Roman Cal- endar, and J ulian Correction ; Tables of Roman Calendar, I). C. 750— A. D. 355. 4 v. Oxford, 1854. LnngrJiamps {B. de). l,es Faste.s Universela, on Tableaux His-, Cllronologiques, et Geographi(|ue.s. l^ruxelles, 1822. Marsliam {Sir J.) Diatriba Chronologia. Lond., 1649. Nicolnti (Sh' If.) Chronology of History, etc. Lond., 1838 retail or Fetaviiis (D.) Rationarium Tcn\j"'0rum lib. 2 \>tn. 'w 1 v. Franequerse, 1694. Note.— An abridgment of hlg Doctrina Toiporvm. Siijonius (C.) (Fasti Consulares. ^fr.) [v. 7 of I.ivy's lli.storia]. Oxonii, 1800. iSanic. Oxonii, 1801. U'isher (J.) Annals of the World, containing Historic (sir) of Old and Xew Testament with that of Macchabecs. I.i0i)d., 1658. Note.— I'ssher's chronology usually appears on the margins of Bibles. Vos.itus {G. J.) Chrontjlogia' Sacra' Isagogc, slve de Ultiiuis ]\(undi Antiquitatibus, ac iini)rimis de 'iemporibus Koruni Hcbri'carum dissertationcs j8. J v. Hagie-Comitis, 1659. See aho Calendar ; — History. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. See also Euchaisist ; — Thirty-Nine ALio Kekor- .MATION. Book of Common Frai;cr. Bissn {T.) Beauty of Holiness in the Common-Prayer. Lond., 1716. Bliuif {J. //.) Annotated I'ook of Comnun-Prayer. 2 v. Lond., 1866. Cardwell (E.) History of Conferences and other proceedings con- nected with revision of Book of Conimon-Prayer, 1558-1690. Oxford, 1841. Common Prayer, Book of. Oxford, 1799. Same. Cambridge, 1838, folio. Same. Lond., 1855. Common J-rayer, Book of ; with Psalms. {EtKjUsh and Loir Dutch in parallel coIwiiiik), I)ordrecht, 1728. Common Prayer, 15ook of ; with Psalm.s. {hi Irinh kmi/uaijc). Dublin, 1832. Pictionary for IJook of Commoil Prayer. Anon. Pamph. 1793. Ma7it {li.) Book of Common ''rayer, with Notes. Lond., 1850. Odenheimer (If. //.) Origin and Compilation of the Prayer Book. Phila., 1859. 350 fllURCH. SUTUECTK. CHURCH. Church ok Engi-a>?d — Continued, '. Shqiherd (J.) IMucidation of IJook of Common Prayer of C of E. 2 V. Lond., 1817. Stmv (J.) Thoughts on Iiook of Common Prayer used in C. of E. Anon. 2 v. Lond., 1850-56. Survey of Booke (sic) of Common Prayer, by way of 197 Quaeres . . . that they may be. synceiely answered, or els offences religiously removed. Anon, i v. n. p., 1610. Two P)Ooks of Common Prayer set fortli in IJeign of Edward YI., compared. Uxford, 1838. Whmthj (C.) Rational Illustration of Rook of Common Prayer, and administration of Sacraments and other Rites and Cere- monies of C. of E. Lond.> 1720. ,Same. Oxford, 1802. ^amf. Oxford, 1810. Canons, etc. Collection of Articles, Canons, Injunctions, &c., with Acts of Parlianu'nt concerning Ecclesiastical Matters. Lond.. 1699. Ellis (C), ed. (Clergy man'?; Assi.stant ; being Statutes, etc., relating to the Clergy ; with Constitution an(l Canons of C. of E. Oxford, 1828. Gibson (A'.) Codex Juiis Ecclesiastici Anglicani ; or Statutes, Con.stitutions, Canon.s, etc., of C. of E. 2 v. Lond., 1713. Same. 2 v. C)xford, 1761. Catechism. Bi)d[ i»^ 'I ,4 \(\ 2 V. Loud., 1841. Reformed C. of K LoikI, 1829. Scotia, and Tory Church of England — Continued. History. Alcins (T. B.) Rise and Progress of C. of E. in British North America. Halifax, 1849. Anderson {J. S, M.) History of C. of E. in Colonies and Foreign Dependencies of Dritish Empire. 3 v. Lond., 1845. Burnet (G.) History of Reformation of C. of E. 3 v. Lond., 1681-1715. Sa7)iP. 3 V. in 6. Oxford, 1829. Same. Illustrated by many portraits. Same. Abridged. Oxford, 1808. Cardwell (E.) Documentary Annals of 1546-1716. 2 V. Oxfoid, 1839. Cancithen {J. B. S.) Hi-story of C. of E. 2 v. Eaton {A. W.) Church of England in Nova Clergy of tht Revolution. N. Y., 1891. Grant (J.) Summary of History of English (yhnrch and of Sects which have departed from its Communion. 2 v. Lond., 1811. Hawlcim (E.) Historical Notices of Mission.s of C. of E. in Xortli American Colonics, previous to hulependence of Uaitcd States. Lond., 1845. Lathhiiry (T.) History of English Ejnscopacy, from Long Parliament to Act of Uniformity ; and review of fllcelesia.s- tical Affairs in England from Reformation. Lond., 1836. Lee {G. //.) Historical Sketch of first fifty years of C. of E. in New Brunswick (1783-1833). Saint Jolin, 1880. Parker (M.) De Antiquitate BritannicjB Ecdesite, ct Priviligiis Ecclesieei Cantuariensis cum Archiepiscopis cjusdem LXX. Lend., 1729. Short {T. V.) History of C. of E., to 1688. Lond., 1838. Sleidan (J.) History of Reformation of C. of E., 1517-56 ; with continuation to 1562, by E. Bohn. Lond , 1689. Southey {R.) Book of the Church, v. 1. Lond., 1825. Strype (J.) Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion, and other occurrences in C. of E., during Elizabeth's reign (1558-1607). 4 v. Lond., 1725. Satne. 4 v. in 7. Oxford, 1824. Ecclesiastical Memorials relating chiefly to Religion and Refor- mation of it, and Emergencies of C. of E., under Henry YIIL, Edward VL, and Mary (1*) 1 3-58). 3 v. Loud., 1733. Sayne. 3 v, in 6. Oxford, 1822. Consult also his other tvorks {p. i'4S <>/ Catalogue). 368 ciiuncH. SUBJECTS. CaURCH. CnuRcii OF r^NGLAND — Continued. Liturgy. [av (Jffice of Church according to Kalendar of C. of E. Lond., 1871. Miscellaneous. Becon {T.) Catechism, with other (religious) Pieces written by him in reign of Edward YI. Cambridge, 1844. Note.— fur contents, see TuBOLOar. Beveridge {W.) Ecclesia Anglicana Ecclesia Catholica ; or Doctrine of C. of E. consonant to Scripture, Reason, and the Fathers ; in Discourse upon the xxxix Articles. 2 v. Oxford, 1840. Sermons on the Ministry ami Ordinances of C. of E. Oxford, 1837. Birckbek (S.) Protestants Evidence ; shewing that for 1500 yeares (.sic) after Cliirst, divers Guides of God's Church have . . . taught as the C. of E. now doth. Lond., 1635. Bhint (J. //.) Directorium Pastorale : Principles and Practice of Pastoral AVork of Church of England. Lond., 1865. Brewster (J.) Practical Reflections on Ordination Services for Deacons and Priests, in United Church of England and Ireland. Lend., 1817. Church of England and in America, comj)ared. Anon. N. Y., 1841. Church Psalter and Hymn Huok. Ed. by VV. Mercer and J. Goss. Lond., 1862. Churchman Armc! against the Errors of the Time. (A collection of traet» hy vnrions authors). Published by the " Society for dis*^:ibution of Tracts in Defence of L^nited Church of England and Ireland. 3 v. Lond., 1814. L'lergy List for 1843. Lond., 1843. Clerical Guide and Churchman's Directory, for 1877 & .'.879, 2 v. rntawa. Onrfeis {G. H.) Dissent in its relation to the C. of E. Lond,, 1874. 359 i']-\\ OHUnOH. SUBJKCTS. THURrH. Church of England — Continued. i ! i 4 ' ' 1 ti Danbcny (C.) Nature, ] 'rogrcs-*, ami Consequences of Schism, witli iinniodiate refcn'euce to ]ireseiit state of religious attairs in this country. Lond., 1818. Vindicife Ecclesise Anglicanae. liOnd , 1803. NoTR.— 4n answer, in English, to John Overton's "True Churchnian ascertained." Diocesan Church Society of New Jirunawick {formerly Church Society of Archdeaconry of N. Ji.) Reports 1-15. lopampli. in 1 V. Fredericton, 1837-51. Ecclesiae Anglicanse Yinde.^c Catholicus, .sive Articuloruni Eeclesire Anglicanae cum Scriptis 8S. Patruni Nova CoUatio. Cura Gulielmi Wigan Harvey. 3 v. Cantabrigiw, 1841. Enchiridion Theologicuni Anti-Ronianuin : Tracts on Points at Lssue between Churche.'^of EnL'land and Rome 3 v. Oxford, 1836-37. NoTB. — For contents, see Rom in Catholicism. Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishop.s, Priests, and Deacon.s, according to C. of E. Oxford, 1787. Formularies of Faith put forth by authority during reign of Henry YIII, viz., Articles about Religion, 1536 ; Institution of a Christian Man, 1537 ; Neces.sary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man, 1543. Oxford, 1825. Gray (H.) Sermons on Principles upon which the Reformation of the C. of E. was established. Oxford, 1796. Gresley ( W.) Portrait of an English Churchman. Lond., 1839. Harmony of Anglican Doctrine with Doctrine of Catholic ami Apostolic Church of the Kast : being a selection of extracts from jmblic documents of Scottish and Anglican Churches. and from writings of divines. .Anon. Lonil., 1846. lIook('r{R.) Ecclesiastical Polity. For rarionx editions.,see p.l2'J. Jebh (J.) Sermons ; with appendix relating to character of C. of K. Loml, 1838. Jetvel (J.) Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicana". Lond., 1637. Apology of C. of E. Lond., 1719. Same. Lond., 1838. Same Lond , n. d. NOTB.— Advances reasons for separation from Church of Rome. Works. 4v Cambridge, 18 '5. NoTB.— Contains the Apology of Church of England, Defence of the Apology, Controversies with the Jesuit (Thomas Harding), etc. Jones (W.) Essay on the Church. Lond., 1818. £d. Scholar Armed against the Errors of the Time ; or Collec- tion of Tracts on Principles and Evidences of Christianity, Constitution of the Church, efr. 2 v. Lond., 1800. Same. 2 v. Lond., 1812. Kaleudar of English Church, for 1868. Lond. 360 mm cnuncH. ST1UECT«. f'HUUCH. Church or England — Cotitinued. Laurencp {R.) Attempt to illuslratti tlioso avtirles of C. of E, \vhi(!li Calvinists iiiiiirojMi'ly oonsiilcr as Calviiiistical. ( )xfor(l, 1838. Le CoHvayer {P. F. de). Dissertation on Validity of Ordinations of tlie English, and of succession of iiisliops of Anglican Cluu-di. Oxfonl, 1844. Letters concerning separation of C. of E. into two Communions. Anon. n. |)., 1746. Liber Ecclesiasticus : .Stat-,',ment of Revenues of the Established Church. I.ond., 1835. List of Missions of Cliurcli of England in Newfoundland and Labrador. By J. •). C. n. p., 1877. Marsh {II.) Comparative View of Churches of England and Rome. Loud., 1851. Xehon {R.) Festivals and Prists of C. of E. Lond., 1800. Same. Lond., 1811. Same. Loud., 1823. Nicholiion {W.) Apology for Discipline of Ancient Church; intended especially for that of the C. of E. Lond., 1G59. Parent's and Schonhiiastcr's Spiritual Assistant for grounding Children in Christian I'rinciples, according to C of E. ... to Wiiich is added account of Ruth I'ieice who dropped dead, 1753, on repeating a rash wish. Anon. L(jnd.. 17fil. Patroni Ecdesiarum, or List of Patrons of Dignities, Rectoii(!s, Vicarages, etc, of United Chiu'ch of P^ngland and Freland, with valuation in 1818. Lond., 1831. Private Prayers put forth by authority during Reign of Elizabetl), ptc, with Litany of 1544. ('and)ridge, 18.")1. Provincial Si/nod n/C. of E. and Ireland in Canada. Journal of Proceeiiing.s, 0th .-fcssion. Pamph. Quebec, 1877. Punp}/ (E. />*.) Church of E. a portion of Clirist's one Holy Catholic Church, etc. O.xfcn'd, 18G5. Regies et Avis -sur la Devotion ct la Dccence qii'on doit aporter dans rKxercise du Cults Public ; en particulier dans I'usage des Priercs Communes de I'Eglisc Anglicune. \ v. Lond., 1751. Selborne (P. Palmer, t-arl of.) Defence of (J. of E. against Dises- tablishment. Lond., 1888. Sermons appointed to be read in Churches in time of Elizabetli ; to which are added Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical and 39 Articles. Oxford, 1810. NoTK.— For other editions, see title-entry (p. 2.'?4). Sinclair {J) Dissertations vindicating C. of E., with regard to Polity and Doctrine. Lond., 1833. Stillimifieet (E.) Unreasonableness of Separation, or account of l)r(!sent separation from C. of E. Loud., 1081. 361 m^^' ¥ J 1. CHURCH. SUBJKCTS. CHURCH. Church of England — Continued. ThelwaU (A. S.) I.cttev.s on Objections against C. of K. Lond., 18.35. Three I'rinicr.s put forth in Kcign of Hoiirv VIII (153.'), 1539, k 1545). Oxford, 1834. Wordsworth (C) Tlieophihis Anghcanns ; or instrnction for student, ooncorning tho Churdi and tin' Anglican iSrancli of it. Lend., 1845. Same. Lend., 1840. lardlei/ (E.) Exposition of offices of Uaptisni and Conflrniation, and on Communion Service of C. of E. h v. Lond., 1811. Y'ate'i (i?.) Tlie Cliurch in Danger. Lond., 1815. Patronage of C. of E, considered. Lond., 1823. Year-Book of C. of E., for 1888. Lond. Periodicals. Churdi Magazine, v. 1. Lond., 1839. Cliurcli Review. Ed. l)y IL M. Baum. v 1 (1848)— 20 (1874), and 55 (1889) 59 (1890). 12 v. ^K: pamph. Xew Iluven, & X. Y., V. d. Churchnian'.s 'Nlonthlv Magazine. v. 1-3, in 2 v. Xew Haven, 1804-0. Thirty-nine ArticJes. Jlrotvne (E. If.) Exi)osition of 39 Artich^s. Lond., 1858. Unmet {(J.) Exposition of 39 Articles. Lond., 1700. Same. Lond., 1720. Same. Oxford, 179(5. Same. Oxford, 1831. Rogers [T.) Catholic Doctrine of C. of K : an exposition of the 39 Articles. Cambridge, 1854. (JnuRCH OF iREi./Nn. Mniii (It.) History nf C, of F., from Reforma- tion to Revolulion. with Preliminary Survey from 12th to IGtli century. Lond., 1840. History of C. of L, from Revolution to I'nion of Churches of England and Ireland, 1801 ; with (Catalogue of Archljishop.s and Bishops, to 1840. Lond., 1840. Church of Scotland. See J^RESHVTKiiiAS Cnuiicii. Church and State. Alliance lietween Church and State : or Necocsity and E([uity of an Establislunl Religion and a Test Law. Anon. Lond., 1730. Gladatone {W. E.) The Stati' in its relations with the Churcli. Lond., 1839. Jack (LA.) Church, State, and School. Pamph. St. John, 1875. Church Union. ('hurch Reunion discussed on Basis of Lambeth Proi)ositions of 1888. N. Y., 1890. Notr.— A collection of iirticles by various writers, repriiited from the Church Review. 302 CHURCH. RTl^JF.C I'S. CLYDEfiDALE. Chuhch Union — Confinueit. Morrian [H. D.) Survey of Platform of Christian Church, with SugK<''''ti'm^ for its Consolidation. Oxford, 1816. Churchwardens. Priiicaiw {II.) Directions to C. for tho discharge of their duty. Loud., 1833. Cicero (Marcus Tullius). Aticonius Pediainis (Q.) Comnientationes in M. Tullii Circeronis orationes. Lugduiii Batavoruiu, 1675. For Life, see Biography (Iml.) Cidbr-Makino. Kiiifjht {T. A.) Culture of Apple and Pear, and Manufacture of Cider and Perry. I v. Loiul., 1818. WorUilije (,/.) 2nd part of Systenia Agricultune, and Vinetuni Britannicuin or Treatise of Cider. Lond., 1G99. "Vinetuni Britainiicuni or Treatise of Cider and other drinks, etc. Lond., 1691. CiXQUE Ports. History of the Boroughs of Croat Britain, together with i\w Cinque Ports. Anon. 2 v. Lond., 1794. NoTB.— The Cinque Ports are Hastings, Roinnc y, Hythe, Dover, nnd Sandwich. Circulation of the Blood. Sec Blood. Civil Engineering, ticf Kngineerinc;. CiTiL or Law. Sec Law. Civil Service, lionhjcr (./.) Master-key to Public Offices {sJkiic/'h;/ places to ser/,; qnaHticatldiif, t^alartcs, cfr.) Lond., 1860. Civilization and Progress. Buckle {H. '/'.) History of C. in England. V. 1. Toronto, 1878. Ci.ARESDON (Edward Hyde, Jd Earl of). See IjIOGRaphy (hid.) Clarke (Kdward Daniel). Oais/hrd (7'.) Cutalogus sive Notitia Manuscriptoruni (]ui a eel. E. D. Clarke coiiiparate in Biblio- th(!ca Boclleiana adservantur. I'art 1. ( )xonii, 1812. For Life, see Biography (Iml.) Ci.AiiKK (Samuel) Nelsmi (li.) Scrijiture Doclrine of the Trinity vindicated against S. Clarke, j^ v. Lond., 171+. Proceedings in Convocation relating to Clarke's writing ("Scrip- ture DoctriiMi of the Trinity "). Lond. 1714. Anon. v. liemarks on Clarke's "Doctrine of the Trinity. Loud., 1714. Cr.ARKSON (David). Maurice (//.) Defencis of Diocesan Episcojjacy, in answer to (Jlarkson's " Primitive Episcopacy." Lond., 1700. Ci.KMENS Alexandrinus. Kin/e (./.) Account of Writings and Opinions of Clement of Alexandria. Lond., 1835. Clement XIV. (Pope) — iir G. V. A. Canganelli. See Biography {[nd.) Climatology. Croll (J.) Climate and Time, in their Geological Pelations. N. Y., 1875. See alfio Meteorology. Clydesdale. Naismifli {J.) Agriculture of C. Glasgow, 1798. 363 ll COAL. SnJJKCTS. COLORADO. Coal. AniJi'r»on {J.) ()l)sorvatii>ns on Coal Duty. \ \. Eilin., 1792. Bi'oicii (R.) Coal Fields iiiid CualTriuic of 'Ciip(! JJirtoii. l/uid., 1871. Lf'ttJt'if {J. /'.) Collection of ()(■(• isioiial Surveys of Iron, C, and Oil Districts in United States. IMiila , 1874. linflifr/vri/ (J.) Coal-Fi(dds of Xovn Scotia. Painpli. Xewcastlo- upou-Tyhe, 1871. Smi/fh {W. \V.) Kndinientaiy Treatise on C. ami ( '.-Mininj,'. Lond., 1872. Saw: Lond., 1875. St II Ills (T.) Coal and Iron Trades. Loud., 1881. isfr also CoKK. CoBHAM [Lin'il). linh; {./.) Seloct Works, coutainiuj,' Kicaniinatioiis of Lord C , W. Thorpe, and Anne Askewe, and the Iniaj^i; of J'otli Churches. Canil)ridi,'e, 184!). CooswEM; {Hit. William). Si'r ItKXiUAi'iiY (///(/.) Coins. Spc Nu.mismatics. CoKK. Wcrf,:-^ {./. /).) Manufacture of C. Paniph. Wash., 188."). Coi.cuESTKii County, N. S. Lniiijirnrt/i (/. J/.) History of Coldiestcr County. {First j^art). Alaiuisrri/if : sni. folio. NuTK. A|^ins' Trize KiS-iy of 180(i. History of Colchester Co\nity. {Scrniid jKirt). Afaiui.irrlpt ; sin. folio; dated June, 1878. N(jTB.— .\kiii8' Historical Prize Essny of 1S7S. CoLKNSo (.John Wiilian), Bis/mp (if Natal). Trial of C, for errono(ais Teaching. Cape Town, 1803. NoTK. " Coleiiso'a " I'entateiicli .iiid llnoli of .loshiiii criticilly oxatnined," 18ti2. S.1VU iimch offciico, ainl he itonsi (|iie'itl.v (li'))Osc(l from his eec, but was rt'liiriiucl by a decision of tlie I'rivy roiiiicil in 18(i'i. Col.KT Molui). See BiociRAPllY {/lid.) Col.LKOES. Sec rXlVKIiSlTIKS. Collins (Anthony). Bi'iithy {R.) L'ema/ks upon a Dis<'ourse of Frcc- 'Y\\\\\V\\vj, {hi/ CoIUhk). I v. Caniltridge, 1743. Cliandin- {E.) Vindication of the " Defence of Christianity from ihe Prophecies of the Old Testament." 2 v. Lond, 1728. NoTK.— This work was \vi ittcii in answ cr to the Scliciiic of Literal J'ruphfcij by Collins, the freethinker. Colonial AM) Inoian KxHinrnoN, Lond., 1880. De.scriptive Catalo<];uo of Collection of Kcoiioini<' Minerals of Canada. {G'l-o. Snrmj of Canada). I'amph. Lond., 1880. CoLONiK {.\f. dc. la, Afari'clial do Cam)) di's Annri's de VEIecteiir de Baviere). Sec ISKKiUAi'liY {Iiul.) Colonies (British). Todd {A.) Parliamentary (iovernment in 1!. C. Boston, 1880. Srf also till' naiin's of tin' Davioiis nilonli's. Colorado. Porter {T. C.) d- Coulter {J. M.) Synopsis of Flora of C. l\mph. Wash., 1874. 3C4 ci'i'oiu'ous f'orX'MHIA. srillKCTS. CONiC. Cdi.umhia C<)i,r.K(iK. ("atulnj^Mic of I'ooks iiiid I'am|plilt'ts in J.ibriiry of Sc] KtOl (I f Mines, (.'oluiiiliiii ('(illcuc. N. Y , 187"). ('oi.UMBiA KiVEU, r. S. A. ,Si/ni<))is ('/'. ir.) Kxiuiiiiialion ("f rppor C. K.. Ii'^Sl, to (Ictoi'iniiic its iiuvij,'al)ility. Wasli., 1882. Coi.UMHUs (Cliristoplicr). .S'w DiiuiUAi'iiv {Ind.) Cu.Mic Works. Sec Wit and Himour. CoMMAND.MKNTs ('I1i(! Ti'ii). Andri'?rn (/>.) Pattern of Catorhisticiil HfR'tvinc at Litl' or I< xposition of tlici T. C. Lond, 1075. G'hme (S.) Kx|iosition of tiic C. A v. T.ontl., 1801. CoMMKN'l'AIUKH (l)il)lical). Si'f l>ini,l('AIi CoMMKNTAIUES. CoM.MKiK'H. Aiidi'ruon (A.) Historical and (Jlironolo<;iciil Doduclion of ( )ri<'in of C, containing liistory of .) Corals and Coral Islands. Lond., 1872. CoKEA. M'Leod (J.) Voyaj^o of H. M. S. Al'-osti; alon<,' coast of C. to Island of Lcwdu'W ; with account of shipwreck. Lond., 1818. CoHN. Lloijd [W. /•'.) I'ricc's if C. in Oxfonl in hcc^inninp; of 14tli (tcntury, also from 1553 to (1830). Oxford, 1830. Corn-Laws. Parrif {C. Jl.) (^)u('stion of Nec(;ssity of Existinf? C. L., considered in rtdation to A<,'ricultural Labourer, Tenantry, Landlord, and Country. Lond., 181G. CoRRESPONDENfE. See LETTERS. Cosmogony avi> Cosmoi.oov. liurnet {T.) Telluris Theoria Hacru : Orh.s Xostri ( h'ij^'incni et Mutationes ^'enorales, quas aut jam subiit, aut olini subiturus est, coniplectens. 2 i)ts. in 1 v. Lond., U)89. NoTK.— .More noted for its style, than for tlic Houndness of its philosophr. Cheyne (C. 11. 11.) Earth's Motion of Rotation, including Theory of rrecession and Nutation. Lond., 1867. Dtuvnon {J. W.) Archaia ; or Studies of Cosmogony and Natural History of Hebrew Scrijituros. Montreal, 1800. Humboldt {A. F. It. von). Cosmos. 5 v. Lond., 1849. Wood {7\) ^losaic Creation ; (with) Cosmogony of the Ancients. Lond., 1811. See also Astronomv ; — Creation ; -Deluge ; — Geograpiiy; — Geology ; — Physical Geoorapiiy ; — Volcanoes. Council op Trent. See Trent. Councils (Ecclesiastical). Landon (E. If.) Manual of Councils of Holy Catliolic Church, comprising substance of most remark- able Canons. Lond., 1846. Court of Admiralty. See Admiralty Court. Court Martial. Adi/e [S. P.) Treatise on Courts Martial ; also Essay on Military Punishments aiitl Rewards. Lond., 1810. CovETOUSNEss. Elhibi/ (F.) dk T'hehmll {A. S.) Anti-Mammon, or P^xpusure of Unscriptural Statements of Mammon. Lond., 1837. Note.— This work censures Kev. John Harris' well-linown essay, " Covetousness the Sin of the Christian Church." See next entry. Harris (J.) Mammon ; or Covelousness the Sin of the Christian Church, Lond., 1836. CowPER (William). See Biography (Ind.) Craig {Sir James Henry). Christie (R.) Admini.stration of Colonial Government of Lower Canada (Quebec), 1)y Sir J. H. Craig and Sir George Prevost, 1807-15, etc. \ v. Quebec, 1818. 366 CHASM Kit. IL'IUKCTS. cViius. CuANMKU (Tlioiiias). Srr lliorntArilY (Ind.) CuAWt.KY (K. A.) (/rai/il. IT. />.) Authority mul Historical Kvidi'iKM- of liil'iiiit liiiptisui ; iunl lit'l'ly to olijcctiuiis urged in Trt-iitise of K. A. Crawley. Halifax, 1837. CmcATiox (The). Wood (■/.) Mosaic Creation ; (with) (.'osinugony of AiKMciits. Loiul., 1811. CitKicns. JVarps (E.) Discourses on the Thrct' C, etc. Lond., 1819. Vosi^mfi {(r. J.) Disscrtationcs trcs (Ic Trihus Syniholis, Apostoli(;o, Athanasiano, ot Coiistautino[iolitano. 1G02. Auistola'dami St'C Al'OSTI.Kls' CHKKI> ; — AtHANA8IAX ChKEI) ; — NiCENE (Jhkkd. L (JnKUZOT or (JitEUHOT, (1a', (( (oivH ill France). Vmhd (N.) Crtnisot sdu Histoiro, son Inihistrii'. Lc Crcnisot, 1875 Crime an'd Punisd-Ment. Kssays on Crimes and Tunishiiicnts, translated from the Italian ; with a Commentary attrihuted to (F. M. An met) de Voltaire, translatt'd from the French. Lond., 177"). CitiMEA, ANU THE ('m.MEAN \Vah, 1 85 l-.")(i. (intkrie (JA.) Tour, in 17yr)-96, througli the Taurida oi C., etc. Lond., 1802. Pictorial History of Russian War, ISr^-'jG. Anon. Fdin., 18r)G. Sec ahn Russia. Curncis.M. Kauifs (If. Home, lord). Klemont-s of C. v. 1. Edin., 1785. Same. 2 v. Kdin., 1817. CiioMWEix (Oliver). Carli/fe (T.) Olivei Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, with Klucidatioiis. 5 v. Lond., 1871-72. Ckl'stacea. Uritish Museum. List of Siiecimens of C. Lond., 1847. Sec also Natuhai, Historv ;~4'Ai..>:oNTc)r.o(iv ; — ^Zdology. Clmbeulaxd, Eng. Clarb' (J.) Survey of Lakes of C, Westmoreland, and Lancashire ; with Account, historical, toiiographical, and descriptive, of Adjacent Country ; to which is added Sketch of Ijorder Laws and Customs. Lond., 1787. CiMBEiu.ANi) County, N. S. Hamilton {P. S.) History of C. C. Manuscript ; sm. folio. NOTB.— Akitia' HiBtotical Prize Essay of IbSO. (,'L'NEiroRM LN.sriurTioNs. *St'^ Assyria :— Assyrian Language. L'uiiuiE (James, M. D.) See Biography (Iml.) CvrniANUS (Sai7it). J)(i!!iiort of RccoiuiaisKancc of Black Hills of I)., 1874. Wash., 1875. Dalhousie College, Halifax. Calendar, 1871-72, 1874-77. 1878-79, 1884-8G, 1887-88, 1889-90, 1892-93. 11 panrph. Halifax. Dalmatia. For/is {A.) Travels into D. Lond., 1778. BAyiEh, the prophet. Pusmj {E. B.) Daniel. Oxford, 1864. Daniel (l!ook of). See llinLE ; -IJfislical Commentaries. Danish LANGifAOE. See Helfeiisteill (-1.) }>. 121. Dartmouth, N. S. Lawson {Marij J.) History of that part of Halifax County, X. S., coiii[)risiiip; 1)., Freston, and Lawrencctown. Manuscript : sni. folio ; 1887. Note.- Atkin's Historipi.. Prize Essay of 1887. Darwinian Theory. See Evolution. Davy {Sir Humphry). See liiouRAi'iiv (Ind.) Deak and Dumb. Bel/ (A. G.) lleadinaune. ' ond., 1716. K^i>i, Delusions axd Erkors. Jones (J.) Medical, Philosnpliical and Vulgar Error.*, consid(!rod and refutetl. Loiul, 1797. Dkmonoi.ogv. Fell (J.) DiBuioniacs : an Enijuiry into the Heathen and the Scripture Doctrine of Da'mons. Lond., 1779. NoTK.— This worlv tre.its lar!jely of the hypothesis of Rev, Hugh Ku'-irer and othei'D, nhieh Fell opi>oscd. iSee also 3ui'ERNATURalis.m. Dk.smark. (ir.) Travelc into Poland, Russia, Sweden and I). 4 V. Lond., 1787. (Eder (G. €.), Midler {0. F.), ^- Vahl (M.) Icones Plantarum sponte nascentium in regnis Danife et DorvegiiP, et in ducatihus Slesvici, Hol.*ali{p et ( )ldenburg, ad ilhistrandiin\ opus de iisdem Phinti.s, regio ju.ssu exarandiim, Floras Danica^ nomine inscrip- tum. 7 V. HavnicT, 1764-99. ])ExoMtNATioNs AND Sects. See Relkjions, Denominations, and Sects. Dicsi'OTis.M. MachiuveUi {X.) Le Prince ; etc. Amsterdam, 1696. Die (^)uiNCKY (Thomas). Ser Biograi'HY {Iml.) Deuteronomy. 6Ve Bihi.e ; — Pini.icAi, Commentaries. Devil. De Foe (D.) Tolitical History of t!ie D. v. 10 of works. Oxford, 1840. See also Theology. Devotional Works. Andrew.-- (L.) Manual of Private Devotions : with Manual of Directions for the Sicke (sir). Lond., 1682. Manual for Sick, with other Devotions. Lond., 1874. IJcron (T.) Prayers and other pieces. Cambridge, 1844. NOTB.— For contents, see TiiKoiiOov. Comber {T.) Companion to Temple and Clo.set. Lond., 1672. ** 3C9 )■• m DfiVOTIONAI,. SUP.JKCT.S. DIATICSKAIIONS. ] )evotionai, Works — Continued. Coiit'ii (T.) Di'vout Soul, coiisistiii},' of M(!(litiiti(H:s, locins, Ilyniiis, ami I'l'Jiycrs ; with Kssays on Dovotioiipl Hooks, and J)iviue I'oetry. Loiul., 17:51. Crourt (,/.) Kxci'cicoR tic. Pictc, pour toin leu Dimanchos dc raniu'o. {Roman Catholic), v. 1. l^yon, 1721. Ilohart (J. II.) Coiiipanion to the Alt^'r. N. Y., 1816. K''mpli< {T. a). Christian's Pattern ; or Imitation of Christ. Lond., 1759. Same. (Masgow, 1S24. S3. .S>(' (Jems and Phkcious Stonks. DiATH-ssAHONs. Ami'lolto or Aviclofi' (D.) Vie dc Jesus Christ, com- jiosec do toutes les Paroles des Kvangelistes : on, I'unitc dcs <|uatre, et Ics qiiatre reiluits en un. Paris, 1669. Creswell (E.) Dis.sertations u[ion Principles and Arrangement of an Harmony of the Gospel.'^. 4 v. in 5. Oxford, 1837. Harmonia Kvangelica. {(''r.) (\\onii, 1834. iSamc. ( )\'onii, 1845. Prolegomena ad Ilarmoniam Kvangelicam, Oxonii, 1840. Machride (J. D.) Lectures explanatorv of the Diate.s.saron. .', v, Oxford, 18:58. .]f(tck>ii(/ht (J.) Harmony of the (iospels. 2 v. Lond.. 1750. Thirhv'aU {T.) Diatcs,f of tliost; sniijects. For dictioiiaricfi of any kaxjuaye, see that latKjnaije. DiuHY County, N. 8. Itoherttion (T.) History of 1). C. Manuscript ; 4to, about 80 pp. NoTR.— Akins' HiBtorieal Prize Kssay of 1873. Wilbon (/.) History of D. C. Manuscrij)t ; 4to. NoTR.— Competed for Akins' Historical Prize of 1873. DiSKASES. Hee Mkdicink. DiHSENTKHS. Bo()ue {/).) and Uenndt (J.) History of I)., from tlit; Kovolution to 1808. 2 v. Loiul., 1833. ' Divinity. See Tiikoi.ogy. Divorce. Ochino (li.), Wolseleu {Sir C.) Mothers. Cuses of Polygamy Coiicuhiiiiigo, Adultery, J)., etc. Loiul., 1732. DoDWEi.L (William). Toll (f.) l).«f(!nce of (C.) Middlctou's Froo EiKpiiry, against DodweU's Freo Answer. ^ v. Lond., 1749. Domesday Dook. Domesday JJook, sen Liber Censualis Willulmi I, Kegis Aiiglia?, inter Areliivos llegni in Doino Caoitulari monastorii asscrvatus. ( Witli JJissertation and Iiulex). 4 v. Lond., 1783-1816. NoTf .— See remark under title-entry, p, 84. Ellis {II) General Introduction to 1). 15. '1 v. 1. n. Lond., 1833. I)().Mi':sTic KcoNOMV. Ihimford. {li. Thumpsan, count). Construction of Kitclicn Fire-[)laces, and Kitchen I'tensils, with remarks on processes of cookery. Lond , 1800. Willich {A. F. M.) Domestic Encyclopedia, v Xenophon. (Ecoiioniicus. {Management of Domestic affairs) See aiithor-e)itrf/, p. 287. Domestic Happiness, (Jiiido to. Anon. Lend., 1819. Dominican Order. Dominic (Saint). (Collection of monastic rules and regulations, in Latin). I'er Lazarum de Soardis accura- tissime impre.ssa in clarissima Veneti^rum url)o feliciter expliciunt die 2, Octobris, M.D.7. {Venice, I'td? : from coloplion). Black letter ; rare. DoiuiRECllT or DoiiT. ActaSynodi Xntionalis, in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi . . . Dordrecliti habiti« anno 1018 et 1G19. Dordrcchti, 1G20. Dover, Eng. Darell {W.) History of Dover Ca.stle. Loml., 178G. Downside Discussion, 1834. Report of Di.scussion in Koman Catholi'- College of Downside, near Datli, 1 834 ; subjects, " Tlie Rule of Faith " and "The Sacrilice of the Mass." " Lond., 1830. NoTK.- A controversy between two Protestant and three Catholic Bpeakcrs. See under the name if the la)>(/iia(/e : as En"(;!ISII Drama, etc. . P>/nc {if.) Rules on I)., for builder and architect. Lond., 1864. 371 DlUMA. Dhawino imii i: :;- ■■ I ilh. y IP"' drummond. StJBJKCTS. EAST. V. Dublin, Congress, held at I)., 1868. Report. Dhummond (Sir Gordon). Christie (R.) Memoirs of Administration of Government of Lower-Canada (Quebec), liy Sir Geori,'c Drummond, Sir John C. Sherbrooke, urt {C. N. S.) '. 'ravels in Upper and Lower E. Lond., ISOO. Valentia {(f. Anncsley, viscouvt). Voyages and Travels to India, E., etc., 1802-G. 4 V. Lond., 1811. Vuhicti {C. F. 0. d>-). Travels through Syria and E., 1783-85. 2 V. Lond., 1787. Wilson ( ir. R.) Travels in 1 loly Land, E., etc. 2 v. Lond., 1847. t'-lce also P'.GYPTiAN Languagk ; — Tanis. Egyi'tian or Coptic Language. Sckoltz (C.) Graiumatica .Egyptiaca utriua(pie dialecti ; etc. Oxonii, 177S. Taltaiit (//.) Lexicon J^gyi>tiaco-Latinum. Oxonii, 1835. Veii^sirrc de la Crn::r. {M.) Lexicon .Egyptia(;o-Latinuin. Oxonii, 1775. Svc also liiblo (Coptic), /). L'7 of Cataloynr. Klectuicitv. Cnmniini] {L.) Introiluction to Theory of E. Lo-vd., 187G. Faraday {M.) Experimental Kosearches in E. Lond., 1839. Franklin (Li.) Experiences (it Observations sur I'Elcctricite faites ii Philadelphie. Paris, 1752. Haiiy {R. J.) Exposition Kaisonnee de la Tlieorie de rElcctricite et du Magnetisme. Paris, 1787. Jcnkin {F.) Electricity and Magnetism. Lond., 1873. Noad {II. M.) Lectures on E., (lalvanisni, vtc. Lond., 1839. Nolh't {J. A.) Essai sur ri'',lectrii'il(' ties Corps. Paris, 1771. Pricsflry {J.) History and Present State of E. 2 v. Lond., 1775. Ro>irf (p. M.) Ti'cat'ises on E., (lalvanii^ni, etc. Loud., 1832. Stewart (Ii.), ,L' Ore {]V. W. II.) Elementary Practical Physics: vol. 2, E. and ^lagnetism. Loud., 1887. Practical I'hyaics : vol. 1, E. and Magnetism. Lond., 1888. Thomson {T.) Heat and E. Lond., 1830. See also Gaia'anism ; — MA(!XiaisM. Ki.Glx (dames i'ruce, Sth Earl of). Oliphant {L.) Narrative of Earl of E.'s INIi.ssion to (Jhina and Japan, 1857-59. N. Y., 18G0. 375 ' I i-'lii'i ■I," I'.i ' :■ I H EI-IZAnKTII. SUBJECTS. EN'CTCLOP.'RDIAS. I ( [i '^^^ ' I' 1 ' if- — ! 1 •S i it V \ ' 5 • I ! 'if in ti t h 4i I ,' yl ^1 mi ■liu^,^^ Elizabeth {Queen of Emjland). Nanton (R.) Fragmonta Regalia. See English Reprints, v. 9. NoTK.— Obaervationion Queen Eliz>ibt'th, her times and fkvouriteg. Elocution. I. Elzevir, 1673. Curcelhnis {S.) Opera Theologica. Amstelodami, B. Elzevir, 167'). Embryolouy. Barn/ (J/.) Researches in E. : first series. Painpli. Loud., 1839. ENCYCLOr.€:DIAS AND DICTIONARIES. lE^ For dictionaries rclatini^ to special subjects, see the names of those subjects. For dictionaries of any language, see that language. Anthon {€'.) Classical Dictionary, n. t., 1843 (?). Same. N. Y., 1855. British Cyclopaedia. 2 v. Lond., 1835. 376 BNCYCLOP/EDUa. SUBJECTS. EXOINBBniNr,. ENCYrLOPJ^DiAS AND DICTIONARIES — Continued. Brockhaua'ii Allf^iiiueiiio Deutsche Roal-Eiicyclopiidie fiir dio gehil- clc'tou Stiiiulc. CouvoiNiitioiis Lexicon, v. 1-2, 4-10. Leiiizig, 1824. Chambers {E.) Cyclopaedia. 2 v. Lond., 1741. Chatnbfnt' Encyclopa'dia. 10 v. Lond., 1877. Encyclopivdia IJiitaiiiiica. 3rd ed. 18 v. Edin., 1797. ISame. Supplement to 3id ed. (by lip. Gleig^ 2 v. Edin., 1801. Same. Supplement to 4tli, 5th and 6th ed.s. v. 1-6. Edin., 1824. Same. 9tli ed. 24 v., and Index. Edin., 1878-89. Ency(;loi>oedia Mctropolitanu. Ed. by E. Smedlev and H. -). Ko.). The ;(eneral index will be (onnd of much use in consulting the volumes. Encycloi»(?die. ji. t., old {'probably 17th century). Manuel Philosophiiiuo, on Precis Universel des Sciences. (fJeogra- phie, Ciii'onologie, Chimie, Anatomio, ^redecino, Hommo). V. 2. Lille, 1748. Stephens (C.) Dictionarium Historicum, Cieographicum, Pocticuin. O.Konii, 1670. Vre (A.) Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. Lond., 1839. Enginkehing. An)erican Tn.^fitufe of Minimj Enginepra. Transactions, V. 1 (1871)-19 ('891)4-, w'ith Indices. '21 v. Phiia. vt N. Y., V. d. Cresy (E.) EiKiyclopix-dia of Civil E. Lond., 1856. Education and Status of Civil Engineers in the United Kingdom and ill Eoreign Countries ; compiled from documents sujjplied to the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1868-70. Lond., 1870. dripper (C. F.) Railway Tunnelling in Heavy Ground. Lond., 1879. Graver {J. W.) Estimates and Diagrams of Railway Bridges for Turnpike, Public, and Occu])ation Roads ; also ('ulverts ; with Diagrams of Station Building.s by 1. K. Brunei and R. J. Ward. Lond., 1870. Insfitntiou of Ciril EiKjinrcri^, London. Excerpts of ^linutes of Proceedings. {ConsLsfinij of venj miuiij pamphlets bearhi;/ .teparafe titles, by various authors, and abstracts of papers i7i fori'i(]n trnnsadions and periodicals, the titles of irhich maij be found in the Calendars of Kimjs Vulleije, under the headimj of "Additions to the Library.- Institute of Civil Enyineers ). Lond., 1873-92 + . Mvlesworth {G. L.) Fornnilre and Memoranda for Engineers. Lend., 1871. 377 m ■ \\\) History.— ((I) Misccllaiicoua. -(") Natural Hi»tory.— (H) Naval lliatory. -(!•) I'arliuinentary IH'l)atO!i ami 1'u|)lt«. — (10) i'oerajfe, etc --(11) Itecorilii. - (12) Travels, Descrip- tions, atul (iooffrai)hy.--{i;i) Trials. (1). Agriciiltiire .and Rural Economy. [See also Aguicui.tuuai, Suuvey oe (Jkeat Uuitain, p. '.^02 oj Cafalo;/nr]. Coiiiinuiiicatioiis to iioard of Agriculture on sultjccts relative to Husbandry and Internal iiiiproviincnt of the country. '2 v. Loud., 1797-1800. MarshaU (W.) Agriculture in the Southern Counties ; vie. 2 v. Lend., 1799. Rural Economy of ( rlocestershire, with Dairy Managoiiieiit of North Wiltshire, and Management of Orchard.s and Emit Li(Iiior in Herefordshire. 2 v. Loud., 1790. Rural Economy of Midlaml Counties. 2 v. Loud., 179G. Rural Economy of Norfolk. 2 v. Loud., 179."). Rural Economy oi the Southern Counties. 2 v. Loiul.. 1798. Rural Economy of AVest of E. 2 v. Loud., 1796. Rural Economy of Yorkshire. 2 v. Lond., 1796. (2). Biography. [.SVy also RioGHAi'iiY (CfiUective) :, //. ->..'--7 of Cafa/oiixr]. (iranijrr (J.) liiographical History of E. 4 v. I.oiid., 1775. Same. Continuation by Mark Noble. ;} v. Loud., 180G. 378 RN'OI.AND. SUBJECTS. ENOLANP. Enoi-and — Continued. Lloijil {/).) State Worthies, nr Statosmnn James I. (1624) ; with Propcsal for New Mo(li!liin«^ the Statutes. Lonil., 1790. Blaclistone {W.) Commentaries on Laws of E. 4 v. I.ontl., 1800. i>amf. Lond, 18-23. Boioles (J.) Reflections on Political State of Society at comnience- mentof 1800. Lond., 1800. Cmipbell (,/.) rolitical Survey of Ilritain. 2 v. Lonil, 1774. Cai/ (J.) Abriilyniont of I'nblick Statutes, from Magna Charta (rjlS) to 11 Ceo. If. (17,1S). 2 V. Lond., 1739. Co/if (A'.) Institutes of Laws of E. 4 parts in 3 v. Lond., 1084 ([.t. 1), 1681 (i)t. 2), 1680 (pt. 3), 1681 (pt. 4). NoTR.— The first part contains the C'oiinneiitary on Uttlcton't Tenures, the aoeond, a Conmiftitary on .Mu^na Charta and other statuteH, tlie thirJ, the Crhni- nnl LaWH or Pleas of tlie Crown, and the fourth, an Aecount of the Jurisdiction of all the Courts in the Kinjtdoni. Compendious Abstract of I'uljlic (lencral Acts of United Kingdom of Creat T.rilain ami Trelaml, 1826-30 (7 Ceo. IV.— 1 AVilliam lY.) Front till' Law Journal. ;") v. Lond., 1826-30. (ilanrillc. {R. ilr). Tiactatus de Legilms et Consuetudinibus Regni Angliu', tempore Regis Ilenrici II. Lond., 1780. NoTR.— SiO remark under Law {OlatiVilU). Ilallani [II.) Constitutional History of E., from accession of Henry YII. to de^th of t leorge II.' {1 485- 17 CO) Lond., 1870. NoTB.— The reader will find a review of the early constitutional history of England in Hallam's " Kurope during the Middle Ages," chapter VII. (E.) Considerations on utility of National Debt; and on present alarming crisis. Pampli. Lond., 1793. Essay on English Constitution and Covornment. Lond., 1771. Montesquiin (0. S., haron iiia', 1001. Collier (./.) Kcclcsiiisticiil History of (Ircat Uritaiii, rliiflly df Knglantl, to cml of roigii of Charles II. {UiSo). '1 v. Loud, 1708. Same. 9 v. Loiul, ISH'J. ' NoTR. — Contaltn much wliU^h is not to le found in Moshoiin'H Kc^fileBiastlcal History, in particular, infurnmtion relative to tlic (iMblications of tlic Ulth conturv theolo);it)t8. Fuller ('/'.) Church History of Uritaiii, from llirtli of Clirist until 1G4S. ;{ V. Loud'., 1837. Hart (It.) Ki'clcsiastical Iv'cconls of K., Ireland, ami Scotland, from nth century till tin; Reformation. Cambridge, 1840 History of (,'hurch of Creat Uritain from l)irth of our Saviour untill (xic) 1007 ; with an e.xact succes-ua'stionis de (Christiana rium Kccli'siarum Siicces- sioni! et Statu Historica explicatio. Loud., 10S7. DLscourse on the Religion aiicienllv jirofessed by the Irish and llritisli. Duldin, 1815. M'ooil (7'.) The Pari?]) Chui'di, or Kdigion in liritiin. Loud., 182"). (5). History. [.See rt/«i Records of Phigland under this snlijecf. For coiisfitii- tiotial hiHtories of EtujUt'id, see prerious siiMiritiiou, Con- stitution. For Kc.c'esiastical Histories, see that subdiviiiun.] Allen ((/.) ^vnglo-Saxon ] ritain. Lond., n. d. Andreirn (J. /'.) Ili.story of ( Ireat llritain, connected witli Chron- ology of Kuropo. 2 '■. in 1. Lond., 1794. Bahrr {Ji.) Chronicle of Kings of H, unto (U-ath of .lames (I); whereunto is added Reign of Charles 1, with continuation to Coronation of Charles II (IGGO), l)y K. Thillips. Loiul, IGCl. iSaiiic, with Phillips' continuation to LHh year of reign of Charles II (1073). Lond., 1G84. Bale {(!.) Klenchi Motuum nuperorum in Anglia, jiars priiua (et .secunda) ; simul ac Juris Regii et Parliamentarii lirevis Ennanatio. 2 pt.s. in 1 v. Lond., 1GG3. 380 KN(!I-AND. sunjECTs. teNaLA>JD. KN(iiiANi) — Coutiiiued. BibliolIii'iM Miiiius('ri|it,i T.iiiisdnvviiiniiii : Catiilnf^'iio of Colloction of ^Manuscripta of William, Maniuis of l-ansilowiu'. 2 v. in I (rontdinhu/ the Jiiirleli/h and the Shelbnrne state jtajjers). Loud., \m (?). liou-lvn (J.) Ki'lio.s|it<(;t ; or Tracts i)ublished at various periods of the War {>oith France). Loud., 1798. lioyi'v {A.) History of K('ij,'u of Queen Anne, digested with Annals. Year Htli. Lond., 1710. Bradjj (Ji.) Introduction to Old iMiglish History ; with Glossary of Wr)rds used in our Ancient IJecord.-*. Lond., 1684. Jhic/:le {ir. T.) History of Civilization in K. v. L Toronto, 1878. Bnrmt (G.) History of His Own Time (1U60-171J). 6 v. Oxford, 1833. Clarendon (E. J/i/de, earl of.) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (JaJS-/(l;^. Ilmffi (./.) (,^liroiiicl('.s of lalv Intcstiiu- War in Kii)i of K., Si'otlaiul and Indaiul ; to wliicli is added a Continuation to Um"), l.y ,l[olin] P[i>illii)s.] l.ond., KhO. Note. — See remark under nuUiorentry, p. 121. Ilnirif {R.) History («f (^.rcat liritain. Vl \. I, ond., 1788-95. Historical Kogistcr, for 1791. {C/iroiiicli' of donirsfic (Oid fori'hjii. transarfi'vis). l.ond., 1793. History of Iv, to[d('atli of William III. (A ro/lrcfiaii f'rom vKrioiis unf/iorK). .'5 v. Loiul., 1719. History, Political and Personal, of the P)oroiii.;lis of (Jreat Ihitain, together with the CiiKjuo Ports. .Anon. 2 v. Loud., 1794. Ilolini^hcit {It) cj* uflirrx. Chronicles df K., Scotland, and Ireland. V. Pond., 1807. Uinnc {/).) History of K., to KiSS. (i v. Loiul,, 17G2. ^aiiir. 8 V. Pond., 1789. Sinnf. 8 V. Pond., 1818. N'oTf .--See eontinuation of this histor.v b.v 'W Siiiollett. History of K., •il)rid<^'(>d. 2 v. /rif/i 1 ri>l. In coiifijiuKdoii. Pond., 1795. NtiTK. -Iliime tends lo view nutters with xlio e.ves of a rovalist. IMh worlj is now eonsidercd snperlieiiil, and it iseliicll.v read on .iccountof its style. Maeaulay's history fellows in ehronolo'^ieal so(Hieiiee. Jesse (J. II.) Pife and Pcign of (Jcorge IIP .'1 v. Pond., 18(57. LiiKjanl {J.) History of p", to 1(;89. ' i:5v. Pond., 1837-;V.». Nom. Hoinan ("alholie view, by a writer of inueli learning. Maoaulay shonid be consulted for the period iLnniediatelv follow inif. LiuJloir (E.) Memoirs, contenant ce iiui s'o.'it de ]ilus reiiianni- iihlo sous 1(> KoLjne de Charles I jusiju';! Charles i I. Aiusterdaiii, 1699. NoTR.-Sce reiiiarli uiiiler author-entry, p. 162. }>faciiu.hiii ('/'. B., lord). Historv of E. from Accession of .lames II ("108.')). 5 V. I ioston, 1849-01. tSanie. Pond.. 1855-50. NOTH. -This work bp|;in» nearly at the peiioil at whch Ilumo and l.inyard ecu- elude. It is noted for the hrilliancy of its st.vlc. Mackinfo.'i/> (Sir J.) Hi.story of P. v. 1. Pond., 1830. Macplier.ton (J.) History of Creat llritain, from Restoration to Accession of House of Haiinovt^r. 2 v. Pond., 177C. Original Pajicrs containing Secret History of (ireat I>rilaiii frum Restoration (IGGO) to Accession of House of IPinuovcr (1714) ; is((iui'.^(', wherein in exaniinetl, "Wlii.i is durini,' Confusions ami Hcvolutions of ( !ov(M'ninent, Ms|)CfiiilIy in the of a Kinj; deserting his Kingdoms (etc.) : AVhether it he Lawful In paying Taxes {'"fc.) : as also AVhether tlu! Nature of War ho Inconsistent with . . . Christian Koligion. i V. Loud., 1089. ?<'()rii. liavolutioii of 16SS, wlu;n the Prinre of Oraiigt laiideil »iid James fled to Krancr. Secret History of Court and lleign of Ciiarles 11, l)y a Memher of his I'rivv ('ouncil ; with Sketches of Period from accession of -lanios I." '2 v. Lond., 17i)2. S]nt)llt'll (T. (<'.) History of Iv, to 1748, with continuation to 1705. 10 V. Kon.l'., 1758-Or.. History of K.,from Kovolution (1089) to death of Ceorge II (1700). r> V. Lond., 1818. NeTR. This is a c'i)iitl:niation of Iluiiio. Snnff (./.) Historv of •! last j(>ars of tlie (^hieon {Aunt'). Lond., ■ 1758. Tout {T. F.) Simrt Analysis of Knglish History. Lond., 1891. Tiirtirr (S.) History of ■Vnglo-Saxons (/o j.V(*?-;»rt/i Coin/iied). v. 1-3. L(uid., 1799-1801. Ti/flcr {P. F.) Kngland under nngns of lOdward YI and Mary {li')Jf7-l')5H), Avith contemporary history of Kuropo. 2 v. Lond., 18:59. Till' /oUiiin'nij uorki of fietion may he read in coimecHiin uith the hinltry nf Kmiland : (Iri'slfii's (W.) Mvgt of l.ichlleld, a talc of the (Ircat Hehollion. — /,l//^))^^ Harold, tiie last of the Saxon KiiipH (time of William the Conqueror), and Last of the liarons (time of Ilanry \'l.)-Scvtrs historit^al novels {me Fiction). .il^KO Shakespeare's historical plan's. ((>.) Misccnaiiooiis. Act of Tonnage and l\>undage, and liook of rates . . Lond., 1689. Aiirigin of Commerce, containing History of great Commercial Interoats of British Kmpire. '2 v. Lond., 170 L /irand{J.) Popular Antiquities of (Jreat I)ritain. .'? v. Lend., 1853. Catalogue of Books relating to British Topography ami Saxon and Northern Literature, ho(iueathed to liodlcian Lihrary, 1799, by K. Cough. Oxford, 1814. 38y I ■' IV" I i, I fiNQLANb. StfejpiCTS. England. '• lif 11 1 , England — Continued. Coininissioners a[)pointe(l to eiuiuire into Fees, Gratuities, Perqui- :iitcs and Emoluments in Public Oll^cos. Report presented to Commons, 1793. Lond., 1793. Coiiuui.ssioners appointed to enquire into Revenues and Management of Certain C'olleges and Schools, and Studies pui'sued and Instruction given therein. Report, v. 1^-4. Lond., 1864. Fellowes (R.) Pre.ient Relative Situations of E. and France ; with Reflections on the Genius of Democracy and on Parliamentary Refiirm. Lond., 1799, Great IJritain's Viide Mecum. {(Ti'()(/rn)>lnral, roninierrial, ler/al, awl. of her information). Ihj G. J., Gent. Lond., 1720. Haliburton {R. G.) British Diplomacy and its Fruits. Pamph. Lond., 1872. Mcmoire Justificatif de la Conduite de la Grande Bretagne, en arrctant les Navires Estranges et les Munitions de Guerre, destinees aux Insurgcns de I'Anierique. Anon. Pamph. Lond., 1801. Our Public Schools. {Eton, Harrow, Winrl;e.itfer, Rnijlnj, Wei). Anon, Lond., 1881. Rirlnnan {T.) Styles of Architecture in E Reformation. Oxford, 1881. Sastres (F.) Saggi sulia Gran Bretagne. v. 1. Seldf'.n {J ) Discourse touching Office of Lord with Catalogue of Lord (]!hancellors from Norman Conquest, by W. Dugdalc. i v. Lond., 1672. from Couijuest to Lond., 1793. Chancellor of P]. ; (7). Natural History. Geological Survo/ of the United Kingdom, Memoirs, Decades i-9. 9 i)amph. Lond., 1849-58. Greg (R. P.), cj- Lett,fom {W. G.) Manual of Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond., 1858. Hudson (W.) Flora Anglica. Lond., 1798. Hull (J.) British Flora. 2 pts, in 1 v. Manchester, 1799. Sedgwick (A.) Synopsis of Classification of British Palaeozoic Rocks. 2 V. Lond., 1855. Smith {Sir J. E.) Flora Britannica. v. 1. Lond., 180C. Sowcrhy {J.) English Botany. 36 v. Lond., 1790-1814. (8). Naval History. Lediard {T.) Naval History of E., from 1066 to 1734. 2 v. Lond., 1735. (9). Parliamentary Debates and Papers. History, Debates, and Proceeding.* of Both Houses of Parliament of Great Britain, from 1743 to 1774. 7 v. Lond., 1792. 384 :.M, ENGLAND. SU1]JECTS. ENGLAND. England — Conthmed. House of Commons. Journals, 1605-28, 1640-1721, 1724-1750. 25 V. Lond. Parliamentary I'apers, consisting of Siteeches, Lords Protests, liules, etc. (chiotty from 1660 to 1796). 3 v. Lond., 1797. Parliamentary Register, or History of Proceedings and Debates of House of Commons (and of Lords), 1780 to 1800. 59 v. in 58. Lend., 1781-1801. (10). Peerage, Baronetage, etc. Burly; (J.) Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of Peerage and 15aronetage. Lond,, 1840. and Ihirkc, {B.) ]'"ncyclopa>dia of Heraldry, or General Armory of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Lond., 1851. Coi.'iiis (A.) Peerage of E. 5 v. in 6. Lond., 1756. Dehri'tf {J.) ISaronetage of E. 2 v. Lond., 1815. English Compendium : or Rudiments of Honour, containing Genealogies of NoLility of E. Anon. 3 v. Lond., 1760. Heijliu (P.) Help to English History, containing Kings of E., Kings and Princes of Wales, Kings aral Lords of JMan, and Isle of Wight, also Dukes, ^larquesses, Earls, itc, itc, to 1671, with Coats of Arms of Noijility. Lond., 1670. NoTK. — The first ctiitioii was published under the pseudonym of Robert Hall. i^aiiu: (Jontinued to 1773. Ed. by P. Wright. Lond., 1773. (11). Records of England (published by the Record Com- mission of (ireat Britain). [See nlfii) full lixf iiiuicr Ri.ronls of Great Britain in r/eneml afplinlirf.'^ Antient Kalendavs and Inventnric-; of Treasury of His Majesty's Kxch.Mpier. VA. l.y F. Palgravc. 3 v. I'.ond , 1836. Ancient Laws and Institutes of E. . . . also, ^lonumenta Ecclosias- tica Anglicaiia. Lot 1 , 1840. Ayhiffi' (./.) Calendars of Ancient Charters and of Welch and iScottish Rolls in Tower of London ; also Calendars of Treaties of I'eace between Kngland and Scotland, rtc. Lond., 1774. Caleiularium hupiisilionuiu I'ost Mortuin, siv(! Esca'tarum ; tem- poribus Re-um Hen. III.— Ric. III. 4 v. Lond., 1806-28. NoTK.-Soe I'ote uiuU'r title-oiitr.v, p. HI. Calendars of Proceeiliiigs in Chancery, in Reign of Elizal)cth ; to wliieli iii'e pielixe(l examples of earlier iiroceodings from Reign of Kii.'hard 11. to that of Elizalietli, inclusive. 3 v. Lond., 1827. Documents and lii'coiiis illustrating History of Scotland and Trans- actions between Scotland and England, preserved in Treasury of II. iM. Kxeheipier. Ed. liy E. Palgrave. v. 1. Lond., 1837. Hi ** 385 .\ :; ENGLAND. SUBJECTS. ENOLAND. V England — Continued. Domesday Book, sen Liber Censualis "Willelmi I., Regis Aiigliae. With Disficrfiifioii anil Imlcc. 1 v. Loud., 1783-1816. NoT».— " The Doiiioitiny Rook is the iiiOHt nnclent reoorii in the K'nudom, and the retflster from which judjfineiit wnf to he (riven upon the vnlui;, tenure, and serviues of the lands therein iltscribed. It wiis made in conseiiuenci; of a survey orderoJ l)y William the Con(|uernr, ar':l completed in loiil Hump calls it the most valuable jiiece of anti(|Uity pOHSissed hy any nation." , uirntlen. Special type was cast fur ihishook, imitatini; the ancient handwriting. DucatiLs Laiicastri : Pars jn'iiiia, Caleiidariuni Jniiui.sitininnii Post Mortem {temp Edio. I.— Cur. I.) ; Par.-> Secunda, Calendar to Pleadings {trmp. Ih.nnj Vll. — Mar.) ; Par.s Tertia, Calundar to Pleading.^, etc., (teviji. Henrij VII. — Eliz.) ; Pars Quarto, Calendar to Pleading.s {temp. Eliz.) W v. Lond., 1823-;5i. Ellis {II.) Ceneral Introdnetion to Domesday Look. 2 v. Loiul., 1833. Exeer[)ta e Rotulis Pinium in Turri Londinensi asservatis, Henrico IIL Kege, 121G-1272. Ed. C. Kolierts. v. 2 {1246-1272). Lond., 1836. Fines, sive Pedes Fininni ; .^ive Finales Concordia? in curia Domini Regis, 1195-1214. Ed. ,1. Hunter, v. 1. Lond., 1835. Foedera, Conventiones, Littera', et cujuscunciue generis Acta Publicai inter Keges AngliiB (it alios qiiosvis liiiporatoros, Reges, Pontilice.y, Princi]ics, vel Comniunitates ; ab 1060 ad nostra us(iue tenipora liabita aut tractata. 3 v. in 6. Loml., 181G-30. General Report from Commissioners on Public Records. Lond., 1837. Magnum Rotulum Scaccarii, vel ^lagnuin Rotubim Pipte do anno trieesimo-primo Regni Heiirici L Lond., 1833. Nonanim Lniuisitiones in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Edw. HI. Lonil., 1807. NoT«.— See note under title-entry, p. 187. Parliameiitary AVrits and "Writs of Military Summons {1273-13,27). Ed. by F. l^dgrave. 2 v. in 4. Lond., 1827-34. Placita itulari Wostnionastoricnsi depvoniti. Ed. J. Hunter. Lond., 1834. Rotnloruni Oiiginaliuni in Curia Scaccarii abbreviatio : temp. Hen. III.— Edw. III. [\y. Lond., 1805-10. Rotulus Cancellarii, vel Aiitigruplmm Magni Kotuli Pipae de Tertio Anno Regni Regis Johannis. Lond., 1833. Testa de Nevill, sive Liber Feodorum in f" -' Soaccarii, temp. Hen. III. et .:d\v. I. Lond., 1807. NoTR. — See remarks under title-entry, p. 254. Valor Ecclesiasticus teni]). Henr. VIII. auctoritatc Eegia institutus. 6 V. Lond., 1810-34. NoTK. — See remarks under title-entry, p. 266. (12). Travels, Description, Jiiid Geography. Geihie {A.) Elementary Geography of British Isles. Lond., 1888. Afcisfer (H.) Letters during a Residence in E. Lond., 1799. Neale {J. P.) Views of Seats of A^obiemen and (Gentlemen in E., Wale.s, etc. 6 v. {Ut serirs). Lond., 181 8-23. NOTR.— Nuiaerous fine enKravint's, witb text by Thomas Moule. Pennant (T.) Tour fiom Downing to Alston-Moor. Lond., 1801. Sulivan {Sir R. J.) Tour through E., tie. "2 v. Lond., 1785. (13). Trials. Hari/rare (F.) Collection of State, Tiials and Proceedings for High Treason and other Crimes, 1388-177G. 11 v. Loud., 1776-81. English Drama. Catalogue of Early I'jiglish Poetry and otlier works illusti'.iting the Ikitisli Drama, collected by Edward Malone. (Bodfeian Lihrari/). h v. Oxford, 183G. Dramatic Pieces, as performed at Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden. Jii/ m/v'oM.« aut/iort^. 2 v. Lond., 1795. (iiixsuu (S.) Schools (.svV') of Abuse. S>'e P]nglish Reprints, v. 1. NoTK. — This is one of the earliest English treatises against the stage. Ki'tfie (J. S.) Works of British Dramatists, selected, with Notes, iSiographie.s, and Historical Introduction. Edin., 1873. Lani/liaine (,/.) Monius Triumpliaiis : ur P', "iarics of the English Stage, ^v. Lond., 1G88. NoTR. — A catalopiie of plays, etc., with their author's names, volumes and editions, arJ sources of plots. Oultou (IF. C.) Beauties of Modern Dramatists. {Sdertions). 2 V. Lond., 1800. See alxo the workKof Beaninont (E,) ;— Coiigreve (W.) ;— Dryden (J) ; — Fletcher (J.);— Foote (S.); — Joiisoii (B.);--Knowles (J. s.)— Mair (C.);— Shakespeare (W.) ;-Udall (X.) ;— Villiers (G.) 387 ! ' :- ! f'ir^lMi; I hh' ENGLISH. SUBJECTS. ENGLISH. English Language. Dictionaries. AsJi (/.) Dictionary of Eii},'lisli Laiif^ua^'c 2 v. Loiul., 177.^. NoTK. — Useful cliieHy because of the obsolete, provincial, and cant works which it contains. Bnilfij (iV.) Knglisli ])i(!tioii:ivy. (v. 1). Loiul., 1745. JSiiiiif. V. 2. Loiul., 1 737. Jolnmni {>S.) Dictioniuy of Kiiglisli Langua<^e. Loiul,, 1785. Laf/iaiti. {It. (t.) Dictionary of tho K. L., fouiuleil on tiiat of .lolinson. 2 v. in 1. Loiul., 187G. llirha)'(U()H (C.) Dictionary of Knj,'lish L. 2 v. Lontl, 1875. Grammar, CoDipositvni., etc. A?i{juti (J.) Haiulbook of English Tongno. LonJ., 18G9. JSamr. LoimI , n. d. Barri'ft {S.) Principles of (Irainniar; being Coiniieiulions on the langnagc.^, Engli.sli, Latin, Greek, etc. IJo.stdii, 18G3. Bernanto (C.) (irainatica Ingleza. Lishoa (Lisbon), 17G2. Comli/ (J.) English (liamniar. Phila., 1810. Dalijleixli (ir. S.) (Jranmiatical Analysis. Eclin., 1875. JJcrix {/<].) Miscellatieons Le.'^sons extracted from ditl'erent author.*!, to promote acipiaintance with nsc of Words and IdioiiLs. Loml, 1794. DIxDit {If.) English Instrnctor, or Art of Spelling improved. \ v. Loiul., 1811. Latham {It. (,'.) Handliook of E. L. N. Y., 1872. MnrCali>' {J. A.) Engli.^h Grammar. Halifax, 187G. Miirsh {(r. /'.) Lectures on E. L. Loml., 1872 M((.iim (('. /'.) English (irammar. Toronto, 1877. N////''. Another ed. Toronto, 1877. M'-mi {li.) English (Jramniar. v. 1 . Loiul., 1799. Mie'/f {('\), ly />"'/•'/• (.1.) Giammaire Angloise-Franyoise. ' 1792. Mif/on/ {W.) Harmony of Language. Loud., 1771. Xirlidl {J.), <.)• M'Lnrmirh- (IT. S.) (^>uestions and ExercLscs uii | English Composition. Lond., 1890. Lvon, 777 // (,/.) Eli'nieiis de la Langne Angloise. Loud., 1790. 'I'diiL-i- {.T. If.) 'ETKi "f/iwrra, or Diversions of I'lirley. 2 v. Loiul, 1798. Same. Loiul., 1810. XuiK— On the etyniology of Knglish words. \V((//is {J.) Graniiiiatica Linguw AnglicaiuT ; '/'■. Uxoiiia', IC'4. 388 ENGLISH. ENGLISH. SUBJECTS. ENGLISH. ,1 Exorcises un English Litkhaturk. AiKjnt^ (J.) Ifandlmok of Specimens of English Litomturo : selootod from British Authors. Lond., n. d. Chanihi-rx (/?.) Cyci()|)a;diii of E. L. Lond. Di'QuiiK'*'!! (T.) Essays on the Poets and other English "Writers. Boston, IHHO. CoNTBNTH.— Wordsworth, Shelley, KcatB, Goldsmith, Pope, Godwin, Hazlitt, and Landor. Literary Reminiscences. 2 v. Boston, 186L NoTB. — For contents, see author-entry, p. 80. English ]Meu of Letters. Ed. by J. Morloy. 16 v. X. Y., n. d. Nuts.— For list of this bio);raphic'a1 aeries, sec p. 01. English Kei.rints. ¥aI by E. Arber. 14 v. Lond., 1868-71. NoTR.— For contents, see p. 91 of Catalogue. English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works. Ed. by E. Arber. 8 jiampb. Lond., 1878-79. NoTK.— For contents, sec p. 91 of Catalogue. Tahie {H. A.) Histoire de la Littcrature Anglaise. Tome 5 et complementaire les contom])orains. Paris, 1874. ^'w alxit English Dkama ; — English Poetry ; — Fiction (/;«,7//.s'//). English Poetry. IhjsxJn' {E.) Art of English Poetry. Lond., 1705. Note. — Rules, dictionary of rhymes, and collection of thoughts from English poets. Favr (A'.), al. Select Poetry, chiefly Devotional, of Re'gn of Elizabeth {155S-100J). [An anfJiofoi/i/, with hioijraphical notices). 2 V. Camln'idgc, 1845. Juhnmn (H.) Art of Criticism, as exemplified in Johnson's Lives uf ilie Poets. Lond., 1789. Notk.— Critical extracts relating to English poets. Pooms by Various Hands, v. 1-4, 6. Lond., 1758. Poetic Voices of the 18th Century. Lond., 1868. Notk.— Poetical works of T. Gray, J. Hoattie, R. IJlair, \V. Collins, J. Thomson, H K. White. Pnif<'iilia/ii {(r.) Arte (.^.'/r) of English Poesie. Srp English Pcprints, v. 7. Sucoiul School Poetry Book. Ed. by M. A. Woods. Lond., 1887. Sdimcts of this Century. Ed. by W. Shav]). Lond., 1887. 7W//r'.s' Miscellany : songs and sonnets of (Henry Howard) Earl of Surrey, Sir T(hoiiias) Wyatt, M(icholas) (irimald, and others. See licpriiits, v. 11. ]\'rli/i(' (ir.) l)i.>sV, nf Ctitaliyue. Fur lirex of Emjlixh /loc/x, i^ee Johnson (S.) 389 m% 1, 11,(1-. H rV i I : EN(!I.Isn. SUIJJKCTS. ENTOMOI-OQY. II m Enomsii Toktry 'Continued. '/'//'' /ii//(iiri/ii/ /i.ff iiic/ai/fs tliitxi' lirifirih (im/ Aiiifn'mu juti'ta irhum irorkx (in- in llir lihrani : - Beattie (•!.) ; -IJIOOIllflclrt (H.) ; UojMl (II.) ; BrowiiiiiR (K ) ; Hiilloek (W.) Burns (K.); Biillcr (s.) ;- -Byron (Aon/) ;-€liaiicer ((i.);- Cliiirchill (C); Clarke (W. I J.) ;— Cogs well (C.);_ Coleridge (S T.) ;- Collins (W), -Combe (W);- Cottle (.1): Cotton (':.); Conrtenay (I); Cowley (A.) ; "Darwin (K.) ; -Denliani (•!.);— Derby {Karl <>;);-- Dernuxly (T.) ; -l)iai»er (W) ; l)ry•); Goo^e (H.) ;-Gray (A.);- Gray ( T) ;- Griniald (N.) , Habinston (W) ;-Hamil- ton (V. s);-H»rrop (K. A.);-Hayley (W.) ; -Hoole (I.) ; Howe (J.) ;--Hnddesford (('<.) ;-Jerninghain (K.);-- Jones (.1.) ;— Jonson (1!.); Lewis (W. I.);- LonKt'cllow {U. W); -Lydsate (I.);— Mair (<);- Mathias (T. J.) ; Merrick (1.) : Mickle {W. D- Milton (I); Moore (1.); Murdoch (W.) ; -Odionie ( ' ) :-Of?ilby (I.) ; Of?ilvie (1) Pollock (U ) ; Pope (A.):- Potter (K)' Pratt (S. .1.);- Prior (M.);- " i;iivnH' or J;e:.s,)ii '/" ; Robert (W. 11.) •— Roberts {v.. G. D.) .-Robinson (C.) ; Ross (T.) ;— Rowe (X); -Sandys ((i.): Scott(F. (1.) : Scott (W.); Shakespeare (W.) ;- Sellars (-1. C ) ; Shiels (A.) ; Southey (K) ; -Spencer (K ) ;— "Si.iritual h'l'civatiuns ;" — Stevenson ('I. H.); — Surrey (A'»// o/) ■ - Swaibey (M ) :-" Swift (•).) ; -Tenny- son (\.) .Thomson (l.); Thornton (1*.).-Trapp (.1.) ;--Tnpper (.M. F.) -.-Tytler (H. W.) ;-Waller (K.); Watson (T.):- Watson (W. K.):- Watts (l.);-West (I ) ; White (II. K ) ; Whitehead (\v.);Whittier (J. (}.) ;- Wilkie ( w.) : - Wolcott (.1.) : - Wood (A.) ; - Wyatt(T.): -Yonns(K-) EnoravI':1!s. .sV/7/// (,/.) l>i<)yrai)hi(!iil J)ii!tiuiuiry of Eiigravnr.-i, tlieir works, cypher.^, cU:, witli Kssav on tho Art. llluxtmtcil. '1 V. ill 1.' Loml, 1785-86. Enoch thk ruoriiKT (liook of). .SVv; ArocuvpiiAL (Idspkls, 'Vc ENTusioi.ociY. J']iif<)ni. I>i.'. \()TK.'-The priiicipieu ot KplciireniiUni arc uxpouiidod in this fatuous didactic poem, Ki'iscoPACY. ('/ii//iii■). Disscrtaiion on Validity of Ordinations of till! iMij^disli, and of Siiiccssion of JJisliops of Anglican Ciniir.h. Oxford, \M4. Mdun'ri' (II.) Defence of Diocesan Kitiscopacy, in an.'^wor to David t;iarkson's " Primitive Kpiscopacy." l^ond., 1700. Oiii/cn/nn/,- (If. (J.) Kpiscopacv Kxamincd and Re-oxamined. X. Y., 1835. ^Iireri' ((J. J.) Divine, Ori^'in and riiint(»rrnptcd Snccession of E. maintained, in aiiswer to A. \V. MeLeod's " Methodist Minister Defen.led." I'atnpli. Halifax, 1S40. Vox KccIesiiB ; or Doctrine of l'rot(!stant Episcopal (,'hurch on Episcopacy and Apostolical .Succession. Anon. I'hila., 1SG6. ^Vv; a/.-<,) ClIUU<;a OK ExiiKANl) ; — I'UOTESTANT El'ISCOPAFj (.'nuKCH. Kl'ISTI.ES (Xrir Ti:y II. L. S. and L. S. M. Lond., n. d. KiiASMUH (Desiderius). Sri'. Ukkjiiaimiy (/»'/.) KiinoKs. Si'f Delusions. KsDKAs. >S'"*' IhniiE ; — BiDMOAii Commentauies : Apocryjjjia. K^iSAVS. ('lia/iiii'r.-< (A.) Ih'itish Essayists, with Historical and l5io- graphic.d Prefaces, v. 1-7, 9-15. Lond., 1817. NdTR.-'fatler— Spectator "(iu.irdUii — li.iiiibler — Adventurer — World — Con- noi«8eur— Idler— Mirror— liOiinifcr— Observer— Looker-on. iii'c aho Adventurer (The) ;— BnCOIl (F.) ;— Card (H.) ;— Carlyle (T.) ; — DeCJllillCey (T.); — Essays by a Society of (.lentlemeii of Exeter ; — (Juardian (Tlie) ; — Helps (A.^ ;— Howe (•'.);— Hume (D.);—Macaiilay (T. P..);— Maistre (X. de) ;-Riinit'or(l (Om.nt);— Smith (S.) :-Spectator (The) ;-Tatk>r (The). KsTllKR (P>ook of). Srr JJlHl.E : — PilIiLICAL CoMMENTAniES. KsTiiETics. Si'f , Esthetics. 391 i!'S ■f ;i (,.,•!.,■'-,, 'ii *f i < t ! 1 il ' 1 ♦: - (1 ETHICS. SUBJECTS. ETTHICS. Ethics. Aln'irrtt)iil>i>'{J.) Pliiloso))liy of Moral Feelings. Lend., 1839. AndniniriiH I{/ini/iiix. Etliiconiin Ni(!oinacheoruiu Pami)hi'asis. {(;r. 4- Lnt.) Oxonii, 1809. AntiniinuK {M. Auffliux). Meditations. Lond., 1887. Ai'Miiti'li'K. Ethicf)runi Niconiaelieoruni lib. For rarioux eiJitinm in'fh trandatioux, xi'e Aurnoii Catalooue : Aristotoles, partial collections (p. KJ) ami Kthicorum Niconiaclieoruin lib. (p 14). Bart III' Ic III 11 {J. J.) Carite and Polydorus ; to wliieh is pretixed a Treatise on Morals. Lond., 1799. Brui/i'rr (J. [?] ih' fa). Caractt^res de Tlieophraste traduits du Grec, avcc les Caracteres on les Moeurs de ce Siecle par de la Bruyerp. 2 V. Palis, 1700-1708. Bur(ii'ritilii'lux{F.) Idea Pliilo.sopliire Moralis. Lugduni Batavorum, ' Kh.erir, 1G29. Censure i>. 00-02). Tusculanarum Disputationum lib. Cantabrigise, 1723. Same. Oxonii, 1805. Coleriiltje (S. T.) Tlie Fri(;nd : Series of Essays to aid in forma- tion of fixed principles in politics, morals, and religion. Lond., 18G5. Ddanij (P.) Sixteen Discourses upon Doctrines and Duties, more peculiarly Cliristian ; and against Reigning Vanities of tlio Age Lond., 1754. Craim'::i'l ( i/e). (Etbologie, ou le Ca'ur de I'llomme. v. 2 {Verfnx et vice.t de /'Ilomiin'). Rennes, 1756. Dham]nai)ada : being Footprints in tbe Way of Life, the system of Ktliic Law bcipieatbed by (Jauiama Buddha . . . with other observations, spiritual and philosophical, by J. P. C. Pampli. Boston, 1890 (?). Eiiiefi'tux. See />. UJ of Catahnjiie. Fraxiiriix {/).) CoUotpiia Familiaria. Amsteiodami, 1635. Same. Fil. S. Patrick. Lond., 1773. Collo([uia Selecta, or Select Colhxpiies, with English translation by J. Clarke. Lond., 1759. Enchiridion ]\Iilitis Cliristiiini. }, v. Argcntoratum, 1525. XoTB.— These works by Erasmus, inculcate Christmii ethics. Ethices Com])cndiuiu in usum .luvcntutis Academicte ; cui acrcdit Methodus Aryumentandi Aristotelica. Aiion. Oxonii, 1795. Fleiiihii/ (II'.) Vocabulary of PliiUwophy, mental, moral, and metajihysical ; with (piotatinns and references. Lond., 1876. Uillotfe ((.'.) Directeur dcs Coii.sciences Scrui)uleuses . . . Paris, 1740. 392 ETHICS. SUBJECTS. ETHICS. Ethics — Continuetl. (rif/nn (W.) ^^o^ll Contrasts, or Power of Rt'ligion excinplifieJ under fo autlior-enfnj, {p :2oJf). 303 iHli »■.:-?! ETiircs. SUBJECTS. EUCHAniBT. ^1 M' ' - ; if U tl Ethics —, Siinh'>< (S.) Character. Js. Y., n. d. . Duty. N. Y., 11. (I. 'riicdphmshin. CaractiTos (1(! Tln'oplirasto tradnits du Oroc, avoc les Caractrres on les Mcjeur.s de co Siecle par (.1.1) do la JU'uyure. 2 V. I'aris, 1700-1708. Charadores Etliici. Srf nnf/inr-f)tfr>/, (p. .'-'o). Ti'omoti (L.) Exaiiieiis Particulicr.s siir Divers Siijets, propres aux Ec('lesiasti([ues, et a toutos les Pursoiiiics (pii veulent savaneer dans lii p Man. .l/xo frarr/.i in rdrionfi'ininfri'", irliirh roittain ili'.'^rrijition.t (if titr iiiliahitaitfx a/ xurh njiiiifrii'x. EucHAiusT. Batiiii'li'iiiii {Sirnr)1. I'crpetuiti' de la Foy de rEglise Catholi(jue touchant lUuieharistie. Paris, 106-1. IMl ( W.) Attempt to ascertain and illustrate the authority, nature, and design of the Communicjii and Lord's Supper. Lond., 1780. Cuffdii (It. L.) Lecture.? on the Lonl's Supper. Oxford, 1849. Cratuiicr (T.) Defence of Crue and Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament, f'/'' Lond., ]''2^). Writings and disputatioa.-^ relative to Sacrament of the Lord's Su|)per. Canibridgi-, 1844. Diikr (W.) Lectures on ('hristian Covenant, '7r., and on Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Lond., 1794. (ribxou (//'.) Sacrament of the Lord's Supper explained. Lond., 1807. Hewlett (J.) Manual of Instruction and I )evotion on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supi)er. Lond., 18ir)(1). Perpetuite de la Foy de I'Eglise ('atholiipie touchant rEucharistio. avec la Refutation de I'Ecrit d'un Ministn; contre ce Traite, Paris, 1664. Reply to two Discourses concerning the Adoration of Our Saviour, in the Holy E. Anon. ;^ v. (J\ford, 1687. 394 EUCHARIST. SUBJECTS. EUROrE. Eucharist — Continued. Sti'hhhiij {II.) Account of Prayer luul Sacrnnient of Lord's Suj)])er, iind otlior relif^ious thitic". Load., 1771. Ti/ndn/c (11'.) AiiHWor to Sir Tlioiim.s Moro'a Dial, ^ue, the Supper of the Lord ; nnd W. Tracy's Testament expounded. Cam- ].rid<,'c, 1850. Waf'rland {I).) Review of Doctrine of the E. Cambridge, 1737. Wilfi'im (L. M.) Lord's Supjier ns He instituted it. {With author'^ MS. m/i/itioux). Hy a " lietired -I'lsticn of H. M. Supremo Court of Nova Scotia." i v. Halifax, 1881. Wilxon (T.) Instruction for Better Understanding of the Lord's Sujiper ; t'fr. Loud., n. d. EuNAPius. llnhiiinon {It.) Lidiccs Tres, Yomnn fere omnium (piaB occurrunt (1) in D. Longini de Suldiinitate, (2) in Eunapii de Vitis Philosophorum et Sopliistarum, (3) et in Ilicroclis com- nientario in Pytliagorie Aurea Carmina. (Jxonii, 1772. EuRiPU)E». liciithnj {!{.) Dissertation upon Tliemistocles, Socrates, E., and otneis. Jvdrell {It. P.) Dlustrations of E., on "Bacchffi." 2 V. Lend., 1781. Epistles of Phalaris, Lond., 1697. the " Ion " and the Europe. (1). History. AUkou {Sir A.) History of E. from connnenceniont of French Revohition (1789) to Kcstoration of Bourbons (I8irj). 10 v. Edin., 1839-44. History of E. from Fall of Napoleon (1815) to Accession of Louis >s'apoleon (1852). v. 1-5 Si 7. Edin., 1852-58. Considerations on present (1801) State of Europe, with respect to l^cace or war. Anon. Pampli. Lond., 1801. Dairkinti (IT. B.) Cave Hunting : researches on evidence of Caves respecting Early Inhaliitants of Europe. Lond., 1874. llaJlani (//.) State of E. during the Middle Ages. 3 v. Lond., 1853. History of E., from IfiOOto Treaty of Nimcguen {1676). Anon. 4 v, Lond., 1705. Hi.story of E., 1G76-1701. {An annual cnntimialion of last-men- tionol n-ork). Anon. Lond., 1701-13. Martin {It. M.) History of Colonies of Britisli Empire in Europe, etc. Lond., 1843. " Mai/o {C.) Chronological History of Euro])ean States, with tlieir Di.scovcries and Settlements, from 1678 to 1792. Bath, 17C3. ifDoijlicrtii {Sir W.) Epitome of History of E., from Charlemagne to George III. Lond., 1788. Present State of E. ; giving public and i)rivate occurrences in every court, for 1708. v. 19. Lond., 1707 {sir). 305 r ): EUROPE. SUBJECTS. EYE. I i ri 1 1 I « I- "''41 • Europe — Continued. (2). Lilerature (Uid Intellectual Development. Draper {J. W.) History of Intellectiml Development of J]. X. Y.^ 1864. Ilallaiii (//.) Literature of E., in loth, 16th, and 17th centuries. 4 V. Lond., 18.37. (.'?). Travels and Description. Clarke (E. D.) Travels in Various Countries of E.urope, Asia, and Africa. (Russia, Tartari/, Turh'i/, Greece, Eijupt, Holy Land, and Scandinaria). 11 v. Lond., 1816. Este (('.) Journey in 1793 through Flanders, Brabant, and Germany, to Switzerland. Lond., 179-"). Note.— Belgium now embraces Flanders and Brabant. (rrifdhs {J.) Travels ii; E., Asia Minor, and Arabia. Lond., 1805. Keijsler {J. (r.) Xeueste Reisen durch Deutsehland, Bohmen, Ungarn, die Schweiz, Italien uiul Lothringen. 2 v. Haiuiover, 1751. NoTK. -Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, etc. Lettres Juives, on Correspondance Philosophi<|ue, Historiijue et Criticpie, entre uu Juif voyageur en dittVrens Etats de I'Europe, et scs Correspondans en divers endroits. Anon. v. 2, 4-6. La Haye, 1742. Saine. v. 5 it 6. La TIaye, 1738. Same. Supplement, ou Tome 7 Lausanne, 1751. Matthissoii (/'.) Letters from Various Parts of the Continent, 178.-1-94. Lond., 1799. Otven{J.) Travels into E.. 1791-92. 2 v. Lond., 1796. Sime (J.) Crcograiihy of E. Lend., 1890. Voyages lIistoriqvi(\s de I'Europe. I'ar Mr. De B. E. v 1. Brusselles, 1704. I'ozm;; {E.) Labor in E. and America. ^Nfoutreal, 1879. See (tisii the names resent8tionsof the evangelists in colours and gold. Bound in morocco, gilt edgta ; size 3J x 21 ins. ; 71 leaves. Presented by G. McCawley, D. D. Evidences ov Ciini.sTiANny. See (JiiHisTiANriY (Evidences of). Evil Si'iiuts. See DKMo.NOLOiiY. EvoLUTio.v. Darwin (C. Ji.) Origin of Species bv means of Natural Selection. N. Y., 1880. Exhibitions. See Colonial and Indian E.xiiibition ; — International E.KiiiniTioN ; — Lnternatioxal Fisuicries E.xiiibition ; — Uni- Vi;i!SAI, E.xuibition. Exodus (Look of). See Hibi.e ; — Hibi.ical Com.mentaries. Expansion-(1i:ai{. See Machinery. Eye. See P.i.indness; — Optics. 390 EZEKIKL. SUBJECTS. FICTION'. EzEKiEL (Book of). (SV-^ Bible ; — Uiulical Commentaries. Ezra (P>ook of). »sVe Bihi.e ;— Biiilical Commkxtauies. Fables. yEndp/i.^^. Fables. Note. — For various editions, see author-entry pp. 4-5. nn/>h'n(J.) Fables. Loih1,1797. Finnan {J. P. C. '). Fubles, .sflerted. {In Frewh). Loud., 1888. Gay {J.) Fables. {In nm-). Lond, 1793. SaiiK'. LoikI., IsO-"). La FonfaiiK' {J. aiH(! 10 v. in 3. 1 092-98. Library of Fathers of Holy ('athdlic Church anterior to division of East and West 5 v.' Oxford, 183 S-.'Ji). Co.NTK.NT8.— Vol. 1, C'l.nfessloiia o( S. Au;,'ustine ; 2, C'atoclietlciil Lc<'tnre3of S. Cyril ; :t, Treatises of S. Cacilus Cyprian ; 4 A; 5, Hoiiiiliea of S. .lohn Clirysoatoni. Liijlif/odf (./. />'.) Apostolic Fathers: part 1, S. Clement of liomo ; part 2, S. Ignatius and S. I'olycarp. ") v. Lond., 1888-90. Sic also I'lblidthecT Veterum ratruni. Alsn BiuoitAPHV (Cllcr/irr). Ferns. S''i' I'otanv. Fe.stivai.s. (Ila.'.) LiH'tures on Hoiy F. Lund., 1797. jXi'lKon (If.) Festivals and b'asts of Church of England. Lond., 1800. Sai.'ii'. Lond., 1811. ,SV////''. Lond., 1823. FICTION ^^ Tranxlntidiia are cnfcvtl lui'lcr lh<' latii/iiai/i- nf tin' nriijiiial. vl/■(■(I(l.';l'/»l'H^— English. — Kronch.—(;eiiiKin. — Italiar..~Spiniali Kii;?lish. D('(.).niiic''ii ('/'.) The Avenger, a narr.itive. lioston, 18.")9. I)i<-l,->-iis (('.) Old Curiosity Sh.ip. N. Y., 1872(.';. Our ]\lutual Kiieiid. X. Y., I87r). I'eisonal History of l>avid Coiijierlield. X. Y., n. d. J'o.-thumous I'apei's ■ f the I'ickwirk Club. 2 v. Boston, n. d. U97 k'X. I ^ ,' I . 1 u FICTIOX. SUKJECTS. FICTION. Fiction (Kn^flish) — Continued. Eliut {(fi'onjf), jiKeuff. See Lewes {M.) KraiiK (.1/.) Sre Lares {M.) llalibnrfon {T. C.) Luttor Hay of tlie C4rL'at W.-stern 1840. Hawtltnrne (iV.) House of Seven Gahles. Edin., 1.883. Scarlet Letter. Edin., 18S:?. The Sunw-Iniage and otlier Twice-told Tales. Edin., 1883. Lond., CuiUents. riell's Biogiopfiy (A.) C.iiitfibury I'ilifrinia. Devil ill MaiiUDcript. Ktlmii liiaiid. Circiit Stone Kaec. .loliii IiijfleHelil's Thanksgivinif. Little l)»ff>ii.jwndlll>. Mniii-Street. »!ajor .Moli;ieir:. Ireiixj ( ir.) Alliiunlira (The). Tales ot" a Traveller, h v. Man nt Adamant. Old News. Old French War. Old Tory. Old Tieondcroga. Hiiow-linajfe. S.Nlph Kthorego. Wives of the Dead. h V. Lond., 1880. Lond., 1877. C(i)i.',^'i(s.— Straiiue Stories by a Nervous (icntleman. Ruckthorne and his yrieiids. Italian Handitti. TheSloney-Diguerg. Hell-Oato. Kidd. the pirate, etc. N. Y.,n.d. Lond., n. d. Lewes (JA), nee Evans, — " George Eliot." Adam Bede. Feli.x Holt. X. Y., n. d. .Middleniiuvh. 2 v. N. Y., n. d. [Mill on the Floss. X. Y., n. d. Komoli . N. Y., n. d. Loniifelloio {/J. ]V.) Kavanagh, etc. Boston, 1872. L^ytton (Lord). Harold, the Last of the Saxoii Kings. Last of the Barons. Lond., n. d. Last Days of Poin]»eii. Lond., n. d. Mv Novel. 2 V. Lond., n. d. What Will lie do with It ? 2 v. Lond., n. d. Scott (^■/V W.) Anticiuary (The). Edin., 1873. NoTK. -Time of Oeor(,'e III. Chief characters,— Jonathan Oldbuck (the antl- (juary). Old Kdic Ochiltree, the Micklcbackets, etc. Chronicles of the Canonjj;ate. h v. (Edin., 1874). Fortunes of Nigel. Edin., 1874. NoTK. - A picture of James T. of Knifland and his time. Chief characters,— Kintf James, Itichie Moiii|)lic8, Lord Nigel Olifaut of Olenvarloch who married Margaret Itamsay, (ieorge Ilcriot, etc. Guy Mannering. Edin., 1873. NoTK — Scotland ; time of (ieorge II., IT.IO-TO. Chief characters, — Guy Mannerina, liandv Uiiiniont, Hick liatturaick the smuggler, Meg Merriles, Dominie Sampson, I'lcyilell. Kenilworth. Edin., 1873, NoTi.- Time of (^ueen Elizabeth. Chief characters,— Klizabeth, Earl of Lei- cester, Ansy Robstart (countess of Leicester). Old Mortality. Edin., 1873. NoTK.— Scotch covenanters: time of Charles II. Chief characters,— "Old Mortality " (the ))rototype was Robert Patterson), Henry Morton who married Eden Bcllcnden, Hurley, etc. 398 FICTION. SUBJECTS. FICTION. Fiction (Knj^'lisli) — Continued. Peveril of tlie Peak. Edin., 1874. NoTK.— Court of Charles II., 16fi0-80. Chief characters,- Sir Geoffrey Peveril (" Peveril of the Peak "), Julian Peveril, and Alice Bridgenorth. Rob Roy. E.]iii., 1873. Ni>TR. — Contain* excellent description* of Hitfhland sesnery. Tin)e of Oeorpel. Chief characters,— Kob Key M'Gretfor the Ouilaw, liailie Nicol Jarvie, Frank Osb.-ldistone, etc. Talisinaii (Tli(i). Edin., '874. NoTB.— The crusades, time of Richard I. Chief characters, -Ritnard Ceour dc Lion, Paladin, Sir Kenneth (David, Karl of Iluntiriifdon), Lady ICdith Planta{;enet. Waverley. Edin., 1873. Nom. — Jacobite rebellion, time of Oeorue II. Chief characters, Chnrles Edward the Pretender, the biron of liradwardine, Kvan Dhu, Capt. Kdwaru Waverley, etc. ISUck {Sam), pxend. See Jlcdiburton {T. C.) Sterne (L.) Tristram Shandy. 6 v. Loud., 1773. Stotve {Mrs. If. E.) La Case de I'Oncle Tom. Tr. par L. I'ilatto. V. 2. Paris, 1868. SiviJ't {J.) Tale of a Tub ; to whicli is added, Battle between the Books, ete. Lond., 1811. NoTR.— Th« Tale of a Tub is a satire on Calvin, Luther, and the pope. Tottenham (G. L.) Charlie Yillars at Cambridge. 2 v. Lond., 1868. ^ French. Chateaubriand {li. F. A., viHComti de). Les Martyrs, ou le Triom])hc de la Religion Chretienne. Paris, n. d. NoTK. — " A sort of prose epic, in which Christianity and paganism contend to the dinadvantiKC of ihe latter." Chntrian {A.) Set'- Erclctnann {E.) DiKlcrant {A. L. A.) La P(!tit(i Eadetto. Paris, 18G9. (Euvres. 3 v. in 2. Bru.xelle.s, 1838-39. Baudot {A.) Tartarin de Tarascon. Paris, 1887. Erckinanii {E.), ^- Cliatriaii {A.) Contes et Romans Populaircs : L'lllustre Doeteur Matlieus — -Hngues-le-Loup — Maitre Daniel Rock — Contes des Bonis du Rhin — •L'Ami Fritz — Confidences d'un Joueur de Clarinotte — La Mai.son Foreiioiere — Le Juif . Polonais. Paris, n. d. Romans Nationaiix : Le Con.serit de 1813 — Waterloo — Madame ThorcVse ou les Volontaires do '92 — L'Invasion— L'liomme du Peuple — La Guerre — La Bloeus. 2 v. Paris, 1867. Elorian {J. P. C. de). Works. {Containhuj " Galatea " and other ro7na7i('.cs). 2 v, Lond., 1786. nuf/o{V. M.) Man who Lauglis. N. Y., 1870. Miserables (Les). Paris, 1807. Notre-Daiue dc Paris. {With his poems). Paris, 1873. Travailieurs de la Mer. 2 v. in 1. Paris, 1867. Le Afay {L. Paviphde). Pieounoo le Maudit. v. 1. Quebec, 1878. Little Mountaineers of Auvergno ; or Adventures of James and G'jorgette ; altered from the French, for youth 399 Lond., 1801. FICTION. SUIUHCTS. FICTION. 1 I Fiction (Fn'iiili) Ciuitinni'd. MannoHtrl {,]. l'\) I'.elisaiiv. Taris, ISIO. i'x'li^iii'ius. {Enyfi.fh). Loud., 17()S. ^r(>^al Tales, v. 2. Loud., 17SL Saiif. Selected and al)i id,i,'ed. liOiid., 1799. Mirivii'f (/'.) Coloiulia. I.ioiid., lStS7. NoTK.- Corsicnri life and iiiamicrs. Lroiueiiade lie St. ("loud, on La ('onlideuee Kin-iprixjUe. v, i. n. t. JioiissfHii (./. ./.) diilie, on la Xoiiveile lli'loisi;. (Lettresde deux auiaiitsl ;5 v. I'aiis, 1819. S'. V. 1--2. I'aris, 1808. Smiw. Paris, 1S7S. Saiiif-I'ifnr. (J /f./ Aiuasis. Loud., 1799. ludian Cottaj^'e (The). Loud., u. d. Paul et Vi.Jiiie. I'ari.s, ISS;?. S(nuf {(I'eori/i), psi'ud. ^Sre Diidcratit (.1. /.. A.) Sciuli'fjf {.]/. (Ic). (^lelie, liisf.oire rouiaiue. v. 10. Paris, H)G1. St<(il-ll(ihtrin {A. I.. 6'., bdVoHne (In). Coriuiic, ou I'llalie. Paris, 11. d. P'eliiliiiie. Pari.s, u. d. Vi'r7i<' (./.) Voyages et Aveiit\ires du ( ',i]iitaiiie h\y, .■\iij,dais a\i J'ole Noni, le hesert de (Jlaee. Pai'is, n. d. I'n/fairc {F. .]f. Arouff (/r). Kouiaus. v. l'-'J. Paris, ISK). (^)XTK.NT.s — Vol. 2, l.'Ini;('nii, l.'llomine alix ininraiit!.' (H'uh, lift rrincossi' do l!;il>\l(me, l.o liliinc ft lo Noir, .IriiiiTiot ct Colin; vol. li, Lcs Lcttrcs d'AiiKilieil, llistoire(li' .1 I'll II i, 1,0 Orcilli'H du ('omtc ne Clii'.sti'riiolil iil Ic Cli iiicliiincCiuulniiiii, I.e Tiiiui'iui Italic, C;osiSat.<'t«, SoTi^fB do I'liitoii, liiilialieo ot les Kaliir.s .\veiiture (Ic In .Miiiiuirc, I.fs Avcu^los .liitfcH Uos couleurs, Avi iiture Imlleniiu, Vo.viiKO de la Kuiaoii. (icrinaii. AiK'rlnir/, (11) Aui'der llr.he : l.'oinau. 'J v. in 1. Stutt;.,^irt.lS(;s. Ildrltliiiiili'i- (/•'. IP.) I>er Xeue Don (,>iii.\ole. o v. ill '1. Stull.uart, 1S.'')S. I/. T. N. (1. \ v. iu 2. Iiarreloiia, is;i(i. NoTK. .\ ti'.'UislatioM of / I'riiiiiot.'n' SpiLii. Sr„n' {/•'.) \ovelle Miu'ali. Veiie/.ia, 1S2;). S|>iiiiisli. Arraui ((_'. It. (Ii- /•'.),—" Feriiaii (.'aliallero." Cleiueiieia ; iiovela de Ciistuinliri s, ^, v. LiMp/.ii;', ISli!). CuiMitos \ Pcu'sias Populares Andaiiices. Leip/.iL,', ISlUi. .NoTK.- -.V collection of .>^]iniiisli popular talcs anil soii;;^. I'^lia, li la Lspana Treiiita Auos Ila, Leipzig, IStll. La Painila lie Alvareda. Lii,L;Tiiiias. jj v. Leip/.i;;-, !S71, La (laviota ; Xovela de Costumtiii's. .', v. Leip/i;^, iSliS. 400 r : ! t I'lrrioN. SUBJECTS. FIFTEENTH. Fiction (Spmiish) Contiiuied. drrniiilfx Sddirilni, {M. i/r), Kl Inj^iiiiioso lli(liil,L,'<) Don Quixote (Ic III Maiiclia. I'l. 2, V. l-(i. Liiipiiiuc, lSO-J-7. Kifo ami Kxploits of Don (jMiixolts iU: la Manoliu. l v. Loiul., KSOI. KiKK, Scollaiid '/'/i(iiiif«iii (./.) (iiMK'ial View of A<4i'i(;iiltui'c of county of V. Kdin., I. SOU. 3*lftccnth (Tcutuvy iSooUs ov incunubttla. The. folhmniuj ivitrkx ici'vf. jirintnl prfininis to I'lOl . They are arrauffed ('}iri)H<)lolius l'",pi.slolani Interprotatio, etc. Vcnotiis, 1171(0. NoTH. '•■oc rcumrkH iinilcr ftuthori .itiy, p. \~ih. Xhh r (./.) 'r(ia)ctat(ns) dc Morali J.cpra. n. p., n. d. NiH K. Sii)ipnso(l to lmv(! licon printed at Nuroniburi; k> Antliony Kolierijer iilxmt 1471. See reniark.s under iintliornntry, p. iHli. Sciiploics Ui'i Rnsticai. (Jato, VaiTo, Coluniclla, ot I'alladins. W'nctii.s, .V. ,/n>s(,)i, II 72. NoTK. Sec renmrkH under title-entry (p. 'J;i'i.) (I'>il>liii l.atiiia). 2 v. .Nmnilicr^, Antoiiuis Coben/er, Nov. 10, 117."). K )? ,S(v )i()te under IV\\)U- (Latin), ]>. -14 of C(tt(doipi,e. (l)ii)iia i.atina). N'l'iicliis, Xleuldiis .lenmni, II7G. Ndtk. — Sec remarks under entry nn p. ;i4 of Catalo;;ue. J'/lit.iiis iu;iito, containing' 18 nmiuinhered leaves; in excellent condition. A/lirr/i/s M(i.//iiis. Scrinoni's dc 'roiii]K)n! cl dc Sanctis, k v. rinia', .Inhdiniex Xiiiinr, (IISU). NoTK. tjiuarto, (iotliicletter, wittiont siKiiatureR, catchwnrdH, or pa^'ination ; with manuscript ruhrications. Kormerlv in the lihrary of Dr. Cieorifc Klogs, of Ktankfor ;. Hound with " K\iiositionea Kpiatolaruni ct Kvant{cliorum ;" in utanipcd pi^'tikin, 'vith elanpH. ** 401 m. bv ' I' Dni ii, ^ l ii!l?l| !♦'■''« Uii Vm'KtiXTH. si "15.1 Hi Ts. I'lnKICMU. FlFTEKNTII CkNTIKY lUo!;!; (>|{ I.NCIINAHUI.A Confl inird. MeiKfhui^ i'aventiiiK, hi I'liuli Vciicti In^iciuii ((iiiinicntiim. Vi'iictiis, Atilouiitsilr ^7)•a^r ilr ( 'irinnint i(' Mari us ( 'ntKiii'/ht.i, Nov., MSO. NoTK. lilnok li'tter. two I'olmnnnon n imfrc ; willuMit ciiti'tivvmilH nr (WKiiiatinii. Krom Duko of Susai>\'n liliriirv. Cicero (.'/. 7'.) (Klictorica ; tiuu coimiit'iitariis Maiii K.iliii \"\r torini). V^'Ilt'lii^ />'. -/' '/'-.///s, .Ian. I'l, I ISl. NoTK. -Kolio; iiioimstii' liimliiiK, wooili'ii I'ovtin and «tiiniin'cl li'ftllipr; willimit imgiimtioii ; rubrU'uU'il, ami throe imni-s illiiini' iitoil wilh koM iiiiil r iloiirs. riatini (H. (/c >'ac<7y/). I-ilicr dc Vita Clui.'^ti ac INinlilicum Omnium. NiUTnlinrgc, .1. Kdlniniii, :\ id. .\nS-] undi'cia [.-/V] die .scpli'mhri.'^." XoTK. Ito, 1(1 uiiiHimhpri'il leaves, lilaok-'ottor. Alhcrfim Afmjunx. ('omiu'iidinm 'riicolo.L^ii'c vcritatis. X'ciicliis, Bahrit'l. (jrassin dr J'apia, ,]\\u. II, II So. NoTK. — "^ce note iindor a.ithorontr.v (l>. ti) (Doi'irtaiium Lihri, cnm commcntariis). 5 parts in '2 v. Niirciii ■■'I 'h' ■•■"•>•■■■'"■■ •• ■ ;/■ • 1 • ■ NoTR.— Folio, l)lin'U-loltiT, with riihrlcatloiia and otlin- ilhiiiiiiiatioiw ; priiitrd in two coluniiia ; without .siuiiaturc.-i, catchwordH, or paifinatioii I'in/i/iiis Maro (/'.) ((>|ii'ra). N'ciu'tii.s, Aiitoiiiiis liitrfo/dinco, ' Oct., 148(;. NoTK. — Si'o remarks uiiilor aiitlio; iMitry (p. 'JOS.) An(lio)iius. CoiitVssionalc! doir.i Aiitlionini. (Kloi'cncc Oi 1 IS7. ((•olo|ilion). NoTK.— Sn.all 4to; titio f l.'t.S U-aves f :> (T"'>iil<')- tioiliic letter, riiliricatnl by hand, initials in red and hliie. In old nionaslic hindinjt, witli claHps. Propcrtius (^'. A.) (Kic^naiuni lili.) N'ciu'tiis, jifr A. df /'d/asci- chis l'iif(irf)isi'iii, K(d). IISS (co/.) Cicero (M. T.) (Oratioiics I'liilii>|iica^ (."urn cnaiMatinniliiis Friuifi.sci Malurantii). N'iccntia', lleiirints ih' S. L'rsio, .Inn. 9, 1488. NoTR.— Folio, without paeinaticm ; with nianuBeript rubrieations. A'Haopiiii. Morali.<5atus ; cum hono commcnto. ii. \k, 1 181). NoTR. -This sdition of the I'nblew eoiitains :i(i nnnunihered loave-i, |l of wliich Interver.e between each 8iKn»ture. (iothie letter ; no printer's nanu' ; wood I'ut on ri'cto of first leaf. Orlliiii^ {Anins). (Xoctium .Vtiicanini Coninicntarii lili.) N'ciictiis, Ji. lie C/ioris ill' Crniinini, i{' -S. ilr Liirm, Aw^. l.'i, J IS!I. Magister (J.) ((^>ua'stionc.s .siiiicr t'ni,s\ini l/i^ficcs I'orpiiyiii). Yeni'tiis, 1490. Hluck li-ttrr. From, lihrini/ of /)>i/:r n/Snssi'j: FJato. (Optira.) Vont'tii.><, lirninriliiiiix ilr Clmrin i]' !<. '/'■ Lin'm, Aug. K?, 1491. till' iioir lo aiillior-i'iiii ij. 402 I ft Mil. u'utinn. HiKliintlon. iliii Vi.' ; witlumt iirs. iUtiUcum ;i. l'",(iilus a iiiis lU'c- icusi S\lll siM'uiiila Vciu'liis, Nuvi'Ui I'ln-KKNTll. StTlUKC^TS. PlNNtsrt. trd (IMS ; prill irtoliiiiii'ii, 0. II' nilirii'utnl llHl'> I'iihts •ratiniiiims jv.'i/c, 'Inn. iif wliii h ITIloJi'Ut Vl'lU'lllS, (SI), •(irplivrii). ifSlt^KI'-l'- Kll'TKI'N I'll ('kmUUY lltXiKS nit 1 NCU N MIIM.A Coufiliumf, l.iirdiuit (M. A.) (I'liarsalia). Ncrctiis, H. i/r Zatiin, l-l!) Niii'ii. I'lillo, IkiviiiiI In Kro'ii vrlliiiii, with diii'nl (krinx on tliii rovoiN, •> Dri./nis Xiiso {/'.) (Kas|,pniin liii.) VtMit-tiis, 7'. Z. /'., Oct,. 'JT, I nil' {rolnf,),,,!,). Fol III. I'lSIHti /''/(ii'i'iis (A.) (Salvia'). N'rin-tiis, /*. ,/. (/(■ (liiamiijix, A|>r. \:\, I l!)r» ((•()/.) Folio. An'slofr/i'fi. (.Vristotclis n|n'ra ; 'I'licDiilirasti di- iilaiiliiniiii lil>. 10, At. (;i: i<- Liis /'inzius, Jiin. •_*■_•, 1 11)7. NiilK. h'olio, ll.i I (l)I('UM'H. Title (in ni7i) of leaf :i. .hill II, il in (/}. ■/.) .liivciialis. (Ciiiu trilnis (•((iiiint'iitariis) AiiIk. Maii(i(iii'lli), |)tiiiiiii. (■"-/'■), (ii'ur. \'al(la'). Niiiiilicr^i^ .1. h'oln'rijir, D.'c. C, I I '.17. Iloraliiix FI,(rrii.-< ( (Idcti.s.siinnriiiii viroi'um I'ftii \'alla> plai'ciitiiii ac ct, (.s/c) IlKrimnli Suracciii W'Mcti ... "J I lis. ill I V. \'ciicl,iis, .S'///(();/ /'ii/>ii'iisi.f, lacal. Oct., I I!*'.) ((•,./.) NoiK. Si'i' ri'iimrk uihIit mitlior iintry (|i. '..'O.'i. ) Oyosiii.'t {/'.) llisldiianiiii lili. .', v. N'ciicMis, /{rniiiriHiiiis Vnir/ii^ ill' \'il. I II ilviiiKilril iiiil iiih. ('in'ro(M. 'I'.) (I'iiiistnla' ; cum cdiiiiiiciitariis IMiil'-t.ici). ii. p., ii d. NiilK l.-unii .S (1., lloin.iii Ivpi', 170 li'in '■ ;, n IMnint, Hi^jiinturcH, cAti'hwnrilH, or liaKiiiiili'iii' "ixl "I'll liliKilii li'K' ''. illso MaM1H(JII11'TS. FiM''. Aivi'w. Sfr Ains (Imiic). l'"iN.NlHll liANouAdK. For itu I'.nnii/ilf of l/ii.t linii/iKnii; nn; liilile (Kiiin), f>. :.'lf of (!Sea and River Fisheries. Pamph. Halifax, 1854. See also Ichtiiyot.ogv. Flanders {erected into the hiiKjdimi of JJeh/lnni in ISot). Fsti: (C.) .Journey in 1793 through F., Brabant, and (ierniiuiy, to Switzerland. Lond., 1795. Florence, Italy. MachiaveUl {N.) llistoire de Florence. 2 v. Amsterdam, 1694. See also Italy. Folkestone, Kent, Eng. Lyon (./.) Subsidence of (iround near Folkestone. Pamph. Lond., 1786. Forestry. Hough {F. B.) Report upon F. 2 v. Wash., 1878-80. See also Trees. Fortifications. Marolois {S.) Artis Mnniendi sive Fdrtiiicalions, pars 1-2. J v. Amstelodami, 1644. .S'w/d"*- " Mathi'inaticma Opus absolutissimum," p. Ki'.J of Cataloyue. See also ^Iilitary Science. Fossils. See Pal.kontology. Fox (George). See Biography {Ind.) France. \_See also EuuorE ; — French Drama : --French LANocAdn; : — French Literature ; — French Poetry; — Cirondists]. (1). Jiioijraphy. Adolphus {J.) Biographical Memoirs of French Revolution. 2 v. Lond., 1799. 404 FRAXCE. SUBJECTS. FRANCE. , I France — Continued. (2). History. liastille (La) DevoiliK', ou Kocucil de Pieces Authentiqvies pour servir a sou Ilistoire. Anon. v. 3. Paris, 179). Bnirles (J.) Kt^trospoct ; or Tracts puljlished at various periods of tliu War (Iji'twam Etuihuvl and Franr;;). Lond., 1798. linrb: (E.) Rotlectioiis on the Revolution in F., etc. Lond., 1793. Collii'ii (J. li.) Memoirs : Histoire iles Xegociations depuis le Traite de Ri.«\vick (76\9?') jusqu' a la Paix d'Utrecht {171S). V. 1-3. Lallaye, 1756. Di(dla {A. C.) History of Civil Wars of F. [1560-981. Lond., 1678. Fr/loircs (R.) Present Relative Situations of England and F., etc. Lon.l., 1799. Froinmrf (J.) Chronicles of England, F., Spain, etc. {Condensed). V. 2. Loud., n. d. ('r'ri!(/(irj/ (Sf.) Chroui(iue, coniprcuaut I'H'.stoire des Rois Francs, (le]uiis leur ('tablisseuieut dans Ics Gaulea, jusqu'a I'an 591. Tours, 1S42. G'nknf (/'. /'. ti.) Popular History of F. Illustrated. 6 v. Boston, n. d. NoTB.— For the general reader this is probably the best history of France. Ilistoire ile Louis XIV. v. 1. u. t., much mntihded. Historical Essay on Ambition ami CoiK^uests of F., with Remarks on French Revolution. Anon. Loud., 1797. History of F. to, aud including, the Revolution. Anon. Loud., Ji. d. Lauiitrtiiic (M. L. A. P. df). Histoire des Girondins. r.ruxelles, 1851. NoTR.— " A prose poem dcifyin'jr the brilliant orators of the Gironde. Probably no work, save possibly Thiers' Histnry, has done so much to make revolution chronic in France."— .J|. I). White. LaMntlic (N.), — "J)c la Hodi'." Histoire des Revolutions de France, v. 4 {coidHnant les fasfcs di'jniis Henri II. jiisqiC a la vwrt de Louis XIV.) Lallaye, 1738. Mainiboiny {L.) History of the League. Lond., 1684. Menioires secrets, v. 2. n. t., old. Mellhau (S. de)1 Du Gouvernement, des nioeurs, et des conditions en France avant la Revolution, avec le Caractere des Princi- paux Persoiinages du Rcgue de Louis XYI. Lond., 1795. Mezeraij (F. K. df). Ahbregt'- Clu ^nologique on Extraict de rilistoire de France, v. 1-3, 5-G. 8. Paris, 1676. Chronological History of F., beginning with reign of Pharamond and ending with Henry IV. [1610], Lond., 1683. Necl-er (J.) Tlie Frei:ch Revolution. 2 v. Lond., 1797. Silior lie (]['.) History of War in F". and Relgium in 1815. Lond., 1844. 405 3 v. 4 V. 2 V. ]i 1 ; ': r ! I iif'l I i \i ' ■ i :i'i< !«■' ■llm m\ ;1 h f FHANCR. SriLIKCl'S. fhance. 4!.'f France (History) — Continued. Tillers (L. A.) Ilistoire Xapoleo.i, or Frcucli Civil Code. Loud., L824. Harreme {F.'l) Coui]>t(!-Kait, ou Tarif (Icucnd. I'.iris, 17"_'r). h'ooth (A. J.) Saiut-Siuii>u aud Saiut-SiMmuisni : a cliajili r in tlu' iustory of Socialism iu K. Loud., 1871. Calouiie (C. .4. ih). ])(• I'Ktat dc la Krauco, prt'scnt ct a vcuir. Loud., 1790. Ferriere {0. J. de). Introduc'tion a la Pratique ; coutouaut ri'AiiJi- cation dos Tonnes do Prati(pi(', ilc Droit, ft di' Coutunios, avec. los Jurisdictions de France, v. i*. Paris, 17"J9. Je.phson (li.) Confessions of .lames i.aptistc (^outeau, citizen of France. 2 v. Loud., 1704. NoTB.~ See remark under author-entry, p. KJH. Louet (G.) Kecueil de Plusieurs Arrets Xotables du Parleiiu'iit de Paris, avec un <,'rand nomine d'Arrets et de notables Decisions, rooueillis par .1. I'rodeau. v. 1. J'aris, 1712. Ordcninance de Louis K., donne a Foutaineliieau, Aou.'it 1081, touchant la Marine. Paris, 1082. See id.-'o niji entnj. Ordoiniance de la Marine, du Mois d'Aoilt, 1081. Paris, 1737. Same, du Mars, 1705. Paris, 1705. Necker (J.) Report to His Most Christian Majesty in Council) announcing Important Changes in French (rovernnient. j v- Loud., 17 . Reponse an Discours prononco jiar M. do Calonne, a l'Asseinl)lee des X'otablcs. ] v. Lond., 1787. Savie. Tr. into English. | v. Lond., 1787. Speech at As.seml)ly of Xotables. Versailles, 1788: to whicli is added the King's and Kee[)er's Speeches | v. Lond., 1788. (4). Travels and Description, and Societij. Bi/ggr (T.) Travels in French Republic. Lend.. 1801. C'obbett {J. P.) Ride of 800 Miles iu F. }, v. Lond., 1824. 400 rriANCR. STTHTKCTS. FREVCn. KnANfic (Tnivt'ls jiuil Description, ami iSooiety) — Continued. I.t'ttci's from liiirhiiry, l\, Spuiii, <'tc. I>y ftn KiikHsIi Ollicer. 2 v. I oikI., I TcSS. Moore (J.) .loiiriiiil iluriii;,' residcmM! in K., 1792. v. 1. Ito.ston, 1791. Snio//rff (T. (1.) Travels tlirouf,'li K. ami Italy. 2 v. Loml., 1766, 'riiirlnii'tiai (/'.) Observations on (Customs ami Manners of French Nation. ( Vliidiratinij Fraiirr from rerfdin iiiisreprene>itallnnii). Dnliiin, 1707. Year's .luiirriey tliroii;,'li V. and ]iart of Spain. 2 v, Lond., 1789. FUANCIS KirciKNK (Priiire of Sdroi/). Srr. 1!|()(;|{A1MCV (Iml.) FitANTKLix (.S'/V .loliii, Arr/i'r I'.r/i/orrr). M 'Ch'»for/,- (F. L.) Di.scovery of l-'ate of Kraneklin and liis Companions, lioston, 1860. KkANKS. Si'i' I''|{A.\i nf Au}?ior (K.) ; -Corneille (I".); CoriKMlle (T.); Molicre (.1. 15. H.);-Musset (L. (. A. le); Poiisaid (I ) ; Rjiciiio (I. ); -Scribe (A. !•:.) ;— Voltiiire (F. M. An.uet de). FhUN'CII LAN(iL'A(ii;. (1). Dirtionarien. liovheri (./. I\) I )ictionnaire I'ortatif Francais-ltalien et Italieu- 'raiirais. i'aris. 1822. /Irntnf (('.) Lecons I'^rancaises, a riisa<,'e des Cnnimonc^ans. N. V., I SIS. Jioj/i'r (A.) Uoyal Dictionary, abridged : French-English, English- l''reiicli. Lond , 1771. Cd/epino (A.) Diclionarium Octo Linguarum . . . respondent autem vocaliiUis Latinis, Ifehraica, (Ira'ca, (lallica, etc. Hasilefe, 1584. D'liirf {/'.) I )ictionnaire Francois et Latin. Lyon, 1721. Same. Toulouse, 1728. Magnum Dictionarium Latinum et (Jallicum. Lugduni, 1712. Diccionario Fnuices-Kspafiol v Fs])anol-F^rances. J'or Nunez y v. 2 (Fspanol- Frances). Paris, 1812. Dictinnnaire Fraiiciis, cnutenant tons le.s mots de la .scienco. v. 3 (1)-!''). n. t., ofif, much mntUat^l. Dictionnaire I'uiversei Francois et Latin {vnJqairement appelle Dietionnitir,' de Trn-ou.v). v. 1 {A-B), 2 \C-Dez), & G {Pis- T<'z). Paris, 1752. Diclionarium l-niversidc Latino (Jallicum. Paris, 1739. L''rl~(ic {J. J'. V. L. de). Dictionary of French and English Languages. Lond., n. d. Sitme. n. t., Lond., 1820('i). Xiif/ent (7'.) Pocket Dictionary of l-'rench and English Languages. ' Lond., ISIG. 407 PnBNCH. SUBJECTS. FHENrit. .• i i'i> II I I h ■ t French Language (TMctionarirs) Coiilinufd. Officina Latinitiitis ; sou ])ictioniiriuiu Latiiii)-( Jalliciiiii. Aiimi. Rouen, 1714. Same. Paris, 1722. Same. n. t., (Pari.s?,) old. Perrin (J.) Practice of V. Pronunciatio;) niplialx'tically exlubitod. Loml, 1795. Tarver (J. C.) Royal Phraseological Ku^lisli-Froncli, Fn-iicli- Knglish Di(;tionary. v. \ {EiiMnisli, imd French. Poston, 180.'). Boximt {abhr). Frcncli and Knglish Kxercises with Svntiv d L Ues. Loud., 1819. Jhiffii-r (C.) Granmiairc Francoisc sur un plan nouveau. Paris, Chambaud (L.) Kxercises to Rules of Construction of Frciidi S|ieoch. Lend., 1772. Grainniai of French Tongue, Lond., 1790. CondUlac (E. B. dc.) Principes ile la (Iranunaire Francoisc. 2 v. Nantes, n. il. Fasnacht (G. E.) Course of Frencli Composition : 1st, Parallel French-English Extracts and I'aralhd English-French Syntax. Lond., 1888. French Readings for Children. Lond., 1891. Fivus {A. de). Classic French Reader. N. Y., 18GG. Goussel (J. B.) Elcmcns de la Langue Francaise. Cambridge, 181."). Hearn {E. D.) French (lenders. ^Manuscript ([)rocess copy); dated London, Jan., 1880. ."^O leaves. French Verb. Maiui.script (process copy) ; 2G leaves ; 18 -. Regies Simples sur la Yariabilite. Manuscript (process coi)y) ; 1881 ; 4 leaves. L('vizac {J. P. V. L. de). (Jramniar of French Tongue Lond., IBSS- Theoretical and Practical Craniinar of Fi'cnch Tongue. X. Y., 1848. Meidinycr (J. V.) Praktische Franzosiche Grammatik. Frankfurt- am- IMain, 1821. Mi'etje (G.) ^ Boijer {A.) Oramniaire Angloise-Francoisc. Lyon, 1792. Mozin ( ). Franzosisclie Siirachlelire. Liibingen, 1807. 408 FRENCH. SriUKCTS. KuKNcii I.A\(iUAf!K ((InnMiiinrs, ctr.) -- Confinnml. I'l-rriii (J.) iMitt'itiiiiiiii^' and Iiistnictivc Kxcrciscs, witli llulcs of Krciirli Syntax-. I.oml.. 1^01. (Iranuniir of I"'. 'I'dni^ruc. I.oiul., ISOO. I'lu'/irin {/'.) Eli'incnts (Ic la (iiiiiniiKiiic Kranraisc. Paris, 1843. Sanif. I'aris, 1S4-1. .^aiiic. I'ari-, IS4'). Etiiilc IJaisduiu'i' lie la Sviitaxf Fraiii'aiso. Paris, IS 12. SfUN^'. I'aris. ISli. (Iraniniairi' (lu Tri'micr Aj^c. I'aris, ISll. WInl.-i-hiKiii (/'". 7'.) Kxcn.'isi s in all parts of l-'rcnrli Syntax. X. v., ISOO. FUKNCII T.ITKUATURK. Ii<-s(,;it {W.) Tiic French FllUlinrists, 12tli to l!)tii ccntiir}. liosun, In74. Cl>/l^■/l^. -The Clmnson. liiituhi'iif thu Trouvc'Te. The Uoniaiice of the rose. Kiistache l)cHchiitii|i.s Haheliiis. .Mniitaiu'iie. Lu Sat.vre MnnipprL'. .Mathuriii HoKiiit'r. Sniiit Aiiuiiit Vuituri! anil lieiisenido. The I'ariisitfH, Scarroii. La I'ontaint'. I!il)iii)tli("M[n(' l''raiirnis(', (111 Ilisldiic ilc la l.itlci'aturt' Krancdisc. I v. I'aris, 17l'»-41. Sanl ((.'.) r.ililidt!ii'(|n(' Franroisc, du Ic CiiDixct I'I'ixanicn dcs I.ivH's F'ranrdis (|iii Irailcnt ili' i"FId(jiicn(,'(\ dc ia l'inldsd]ilnc, dt' la J)t!Vdlidn, i-t At' la C'diiduitc di's Micurs. Talis, Kidl. Si'f ahn |'i!i;.\(H J)iiA.MA ; Fuknch roKTKV. FuE.vcii I'oKiuv. Uccucil dcs plus lullcs F[pii^rainnics dcs i'oetcs FraiK.'dis, dcpiiis .Mai'dt Jus((iia ]ir('si'nt. v. 1. Paris, 1700. ,SV^ (ilxo liw iiot'lirnl in.rkx o/" Dulai'd (F. A.); HllffO (V. NF); Laiiiartiiie (>F F. A. P. do) ; -Racine ( F );-- Voltaire (F. >F Arnuct dc). l"i!i;xi) (William). .Vccdiint of Frdcecdin^s in Pnivi'i'sity df Cainlirid^fo aj^ainst Frcnd, for ]ail>lisliiii;4 a paniplik-t inlitlcd I'oaia' and rnidii, iVc. (.'aniliridj^e, 17!t.'i NoiK. -Having adcipte;! Sociniaii views, Krcnd lesi.iied th" livinj; of MailingU'V, ill 17s7. Fi{II';ni).s (Sdr'icty df). Sr,' (^)lakkhs. FitisiAN LANorACK. St'c Helt'eiisteiii (-F), p. i^i. Fiii'iT (Raisinn;). ,SVr' PoMoi.odv. Fn:',. LmvUt {T. //.) Fa-ts aliont Feat as an Article of Fuel. Poston, 1807. Srt' It/so Coal. Fi'XKiiAL Ii'rrK.s. Si'i: FuiiiAL FsA(;i':s. Fi'TTiiK Iavk Axn iMMOitTALiTY. At/i>'iiaf/'iyiii<. Lc^fatio pro Christianis ; Dc Ki'surrt'ctidiK' ^rortudruni. (f/r. ((• Laf.) Oxoiiia', 170(i. liakm-eU {F. C.) Natural Kvidcncc of a F. L. Ldiid , IS:}."). CdDipht'// (A ) DdctriiK'R df a Middlr State lietwe(>n Death and the Resurrection. Fdiid., 1721. NoTK.— Orn.e s^vs tliat " I'.isliop Caniphell's views arc so like poiiery, thoiij^h he very earnestly disvows it, that very few, it is presumed, out of Uoine will lie (omid to espouse them." 4oy 3, ' l! f- 5^ '\h. \m.iL tm PUTUUE. SFBJECTS. Future Life and Tmmoutamtv — Coiitbuied. ConfcM'ouce hctwoi'ii Soul ami Roily coucci'iiir.j^f the Present and Futuro State. Anon. Loml., 170">. Doibofill {II.) Epistolary Discourse jiroving' tliat the soul is a principle naturally Mortal l)ut Ininiortali/ed actually by pleasure of God to Punishment, oi' to Reward hy its union witli the Divine P)aptismal Spirit. Lond , 1700. NuTK. — .See remark under ;>.uthor-entry, p. 84. Lancaster (T. IC.) narmony of tlu Law and the (lospel with ivi,'ard to Doctrine of a Futiu'e State. O.^fiU'd, 1825. Sherlock (W.) Discourse con erniiiL,' ll.ippiness of (lood Men and Punishment of the Wickeil ; jiait I, Proofs of the Immortality of the Soul, and Lnmorl d liife. Lond., 1704. Practical Discourse concei'nin.n' Future .ludi^nient. Lond., 1739. ,S',7' aho Sou'- ; — TiiKt )!,()( :y, jxisxiiii. (iAEfjr Lanouaok. For c.cniii/'/r uf f/ii'i />n>'f {/'. ^r.) i'.lectricity, G.. Magnetism, c/c. Lond., 183-.'. ir/V/,'//^s''»// {C. II.) Klemei'dsof G. 2 v. Loud, 180L ,S'rc (tl.-i'i Klectiui rrv : Maonkiism ; — Physics. ( Janganem.i (Giovanni A'inceu'io .Vnlouio). Sr'' Ci.emhn't XIV. ( Si'c llouTicui/rriii;. (!asi'E, ((hieliec. limit {'i. S.) Petr.ileuni : its geological relations with reference to its oceurrcui'i' in G. i'ampli. (j)iieliec. 18(),"). Gazetteeks. Miir centiiiy. Jnhnxtn,, {A. K.) Atlas of Classical (b Kdin., 1S66 J^{C.) Ceographia' pars secunda. {Willi iidi/i.i). Cnlonia A^iippiiia, li')i)7. lipinu'll (J.) ( Jeographieal System of Herodotus examiiu^d anil explained. 2 v. Lond., ISSO. Sfi'/i/taiiiis liiizanfiidiK. ! )e I'rbibns. ((//".) Florentie, Junta, Urn. Sirdliii. Sfr aiitlKir-i'iitrij (p. 24S). llV'//v (/■;.) Historical (b'ography of Old ami .\'e\v Testament. 2 V. Oxford, 1801. Same. 2 v. Oxford, 1809. 411 GEOGRAPHY. SUBJECTS. GEOLOGY. : 'r..: I^mM GEOGnAPiiY — Continued. 2. (In)irral Crrdifrdp/ii/. Ari'oir.'i)))it/i (A.) liulex to tli(^ Ktoii Comparative A.tlas of Ancient luiil Moilci'ii ("r. Loud., 1828. Brll (J.) System of G. 6 v. E.liii., 1845. liiiflrr (S.) Modern and Ancient CJeot^rapliy. Lond., 1814. Cii/i])er (IL P.) Oootfrapliical Dictionary. 1-ond., 1813. Clarke {C. B.) Class-Book of (r. Lond.', 1889. Chiverius{P.) I ntrodnctio in Universam (ieograpliiam tam Voterem quam Xovani. Amsti-lipdami, 1G83. Fnniinii {/).), ij- CoUi/,r (J.) System of G. 2 v. Lond., 1771. Sa)nf. 2 V. n. t. Ferrarin>i (P.) Lexicon fJoograiiliicnm. Ed. M. A. Baudrand. Paiisiis, 1G70. Geo). (li'iliic {.{.) Teacliin>f of (r., suggestions reganling }irinciples and nietliods for use of teachers. Loml., 1887. diifhi-i^' ( II'.) .System of Modern G. ( With Atlas). Lond , 1792. Saiit'K .Lond., 1811. Jnhnsfnn {A. K.) Royal Atlas of Modern V,. Kdin., 1888. Note. —The best in the l.ilirary. Ldcrolc ( (hj). Nouvelle Metliode pour appiendi'e la (JeogrMplii(! Universcde. v. 2, 4-5. Lyon, 1717. Metliode pour etudier la Oeograpliie, .Anon. v. 1, .3-4. Paris, 1710. Mill {II. R.) Klementarv Class-I!ook of General G. Lond , 1889. PinLrrtun {J.) .Modern (1. v. 2. I'liila., 1804. Sdii/t;. Lond., 1811. Plaiifair (./.) System of (!., ancient ami moilern. y. Kdiii., ■ 1808. Rohhp. ( , di'ur). Mi'thode ]>onr ajiiirendre faeilemont la (J(''ografle ; etc. v. 2. I'ari.s, 1078. SIciii {C. C /).) Ilandbucli der Geographic und Statistik. 3 y. Leipzig, 1824-2G. Kleine (ieographie. Lei|izig, 1830. Steiriirt (A.) Compendium of Modern G. Kdin., 1804. ]'areiiiiis (li.) (4eographia ( Jeucralis. Cantahrigia?, 1072. ,SVc (il.-<() ; (Ia/iotikkks ; -Mat.s and MAr-DuAW- iNG ; — I'liYSicAi, (Ikogkapiiv. /'(;/■ inir/,-s vi'xtvii'ti'd tit tin' '/''of/rn/ilii/ niid dcscripiinu of jiai'tirtilnr roindrii'i, spf tin' iiatiics of thoxf conutrii's. Geogiupuv (PUysical). Scr PiivsicAr. Groguai'HY. Geoi.ogv. Ai/sti'd {/). T.) Llcmeii(:iry Course of G., Mineralogy, and Physical Geogiaphy. Lond., 18,")0-09 (.-./'•). liah'eircll {11.) Intnxhu'tion to (i. Lond., 1815. 412 GEOLOGY. SUBJECTS. GEOLOGY. Geology — (JonHnued. JJiicJt (L. von). ]\Iiii('raloyic;il 1 )('.scrii)tioii of environs of Landeck, iii County of (Uutz. Edin., 1810. linchiaiul (II'.) Geoloj^'y and Mineralogy considered witli reference to Xatural Theology. 2 v. Lond., 1837. C/iance (H. J/.) (neology of Clarion County. {Jnd Geo. Saivcy of Permni/lvaiiia). Ilarrisburg, 1880. Cole {II.) Popular G. subversive of Divine IJevelation. Lond., 18.'U. Cotia {B. von). Ktjck.';, classified and described. Lond., 1866. CroU (J.) Climate and Tiaic, in their Geological Relations. N. Y., 1875. Citvicr {G. L. C. F. D., baron). Discours sur les Revolution.'? du Glclp. Paris, 1858. Dana (J D.) ^lanual of G. N. Y., 1880. Text-i'ook of G, Phila., 1804. Daulim; ((V. A.) Etudes Svntlietiques do Geologic Experiuientalc. 1 V. in 2. Paris, 1879. I)aiCKf>;i {J. II.) Acadian Geology. (Nijca Scufia, Nor Iirnn>^u;ick, and Prince Kilirjird Inland). Ediu., 1855. ^■(^//(,■. (With suijplenient in pamphlet form, Lond., 1878). Lond., 1808. cj* Ilfirrini/foii, (fS. J.) Report on (icological Structure and Mineral Resources of Prince Edward Island. Montreal, 1871. /> In Jicc/ir (If. T.) GcL.Iogical Observer. Phila., 1851. Goikle {J.) The Great Ice Age. N. Y., 1879, (reoloi/kal J'Jxj/lorafiou of //d/i jmra/lc/, U. S. A. Rejiorts. 7 v. & 2 atlases. Wash., 1870-80. ContcHtx. - Vol. 1, Kiiifi (C ), Systematic (ieolocy, 187S ; 2, lldijue {A .), & l-:iiiiiiiins(S. 1''.), Dcsoriptivc (ieoloi.'v. 1877; 3, Ilaque(J. I).). Miiiiiiir Industry, lh70 ; 4, (a) Mcck(F. II.), Hall (J.), At Whittidtl {R. /'.), I'lihriintoloprv, (h) Uidqirai) (It.), Ornithology, 1877 ; 5, Watson (S.) rt al., Hotaiiy. 1871 ; 6, Hirlccl (P.), Micro- scopical Petrography, ls7(i ; 7, Miiruli (0. C), Odontoriiithcs, extinct tootlied birds, 1880. GeoUxjical and GciHjrapJiici.d Siirrci/ of Tfrritorien, U. IS. A. Cata- logue of Publications. Pamph. Wash., 1879. Geological Map of Canada. (Compiled from works of ,1. W. Daw.son, -I. Hall, W. E. Logan, etc.) 18G0. Geoloijical and. Natural Ill^ilor;/ Siirrfi/ of Canada. IOs(piisse Gi'ologique du Canada, suivie d'un Catalnguo dcscriptif ile la collection de Carles el Coupes giiologiipies, Poches, etc., envoyee a TExpositidii Cniverselle dp 1807. Pamph. Pari.s, 1807. Reports of Progress, from commencement (184;5) to 18015 (1 v.), 180;5-6O (1 v.), 1800-89 +. 19 v. and map.s. Montreal, v. d. Same, for 1844, 1852-58. 5 pami)li. Montreal, v. d. Geological Soriefi/, London. Quarterly Journal ; v. 31, [its. 2 v^' 4 ; 32 ; 33, pts! 1-3 ; 34, pt 1. lO'iianipli. Lond., 1875-78. 413 k .1 It ■■-li 111 I* ' ll, J I i, fjt ) ff ir; GEOLOGY. SUI'JKCTS. OEOLOGV. f' Geology — ('tm/iiiio'i/. (,'r()/n; Wi.sli., lS7:5-S;i. Conli'ntx. \o\. 1, l.cidii (./.), ('(inti-ilmtiniis to Kxtiiu-t VL'itebrate Knuna of Wi'sti'iTi Ti'rritorii's. Wash , lvS7:t. 3, <'"/)»' (/•/'. /'.). Vurtehratii of Tert.arv I'ornm- ticmsof the West, book 1, (many jiiatcs), Waeli., 1H8;!. 5, pt. 1. TliiilnaH (C.) Synojisis of Acridida' c.f North Ainoi'icii, Wasli., IsVli. 8, hes'iiicrfiix (//.), ("on- irilmtions to Kos.sil Kloia of Wostoni Tonitorios : detaccouH and Tertiary Floras, Wash., 1SS3. 12, Ijfidy (J.), Kresh-water Rliizopods of North Amerii'a, Wash' 187!t. ' KopDi'ts for lcSG7-l)0, 1S72, 1877-78. ;") v. witli maps. ^Vasll , 187;5-8.S. (icji/oijica/ Snrri'ii of flic Uiiili'l K/i/i/dnii/. Mcinoirs : Fi^'iires mnl iJcseriptidus of I5ritisli Oi'ifaiiir KiMiiains. 9 paiiipli. ((k'cadf.s 1-9). Loml., lS49-.-)8. (,'i'i,l(),]i,-a/ Snriyi/ nf Uniteil Stutcx. \\t.'\\ov[, of Diroiior, .). W. 1 owcU, for lS8r)-,S(i. {lii'/Kirf of Siu-rrtunj a)' Inferior ; ISSo^ r. .; .■ /iS'cSV;, r. ,?). 2 V. Wash., l88(;-87'. Wi'ti/irr (A.) (icdlo^v and Minoraloj,'y of Nova Scotia. Halifax, I8;j(). iiillierf {(•'. K.) licporl on (icologv of lli'iirv .MOllll i8r)5. Sjxnircr (J. II'.) IVist-lMeistoceuc Subsiilonco vc;i'sus Glacial Dams. rainpli. Kol'Ih'sUt, 1891. Suifaiu' (i. of region about western end of Lake Ontar "'anipli. n. d lO. W/ii/r (/. C.) (ieology of Meru(!r County (I'cini.) Ilarrisburg, 1880. (ieology of Krif and Crawford Counties. Ilarrisburg, 1881. iSi'c also i.rnioi.odv ; MixKit.M.odV ; l'Ai,.i:oNTuL()(iV. ({ko.mutuy. Archiiiici/i:i. i^xui) supersunt Omnia. {O'r. ijl" Luf.) Uxonii, 179L'. /Ml (A.) riane C. Lund., ISGl. Boniiiicdstlc (J.) Introduction to Practical (j. and Mensuration. Lond., 1842. Crcsswcll {/).) Klemeiitary Treatise on (leometrical and Algebraical Investigi'.tion of .Maxima and Minima. Candiridge, 1817. on Spherics, comprising l'",lementsnf Spherical (Jcometry, and of I'lane ami Spherical Trigonometiy. Cambridge, 181(). Dealdn {!{.) Rider Papers on Muclid, books l-"2. Lond., 1891. Euclid. For various cditiaiis a/' t/iis ivritcr, see aiithur-eutri/, pp. !M-'J4. Front {l\) Solid (;. v. I. Lond., 1875. <(• Wolsten/iolhie (./.) Solid (i. Candiridgt^, 18()3. G'alhrailh {J. A.), i(- HoiKjhton (>'.) Manual of Kuclid . books l-fi. Lond,, 1859. (jvei/or;/ (I).) .Astronomia', Physical, et Cieometrica^ olcmeutu. Oxonia', 1702. JIall (//. S.), . of Three Dimensions, etc. Candjridge, 1 830. Lrslii; (./.) Llements of (\. and Plane Trigonometry. Ldin., 1817. McClelland (IP. ./. ) Treati.s(! on C. of the (Jircle and some oxtcu- sions to Conic Sections by mtsthod of reci[)rocation Pond., 1891. McDoitu'll i^J.) i'lxercises on Euclid and in Modern C. Cambridge, 1878. 416 J 1 I >h > •l> ' Hi, L 431 hi I 'iff I f t GEOMETRY, .SU15,IKCTS. GERMAN. Geometry - - Contlnui'd. .] f< (!•<)/ <> I. ■< (^S.) (leoincti'ia, thcnrctira .ic priK'lica. l^ v. Amstclodami, KilV. Si'e /lin " .MatluMiiaticuiii ( )iius aljsoliitissiinuiii," yy. Id!) of CatiiliKjiie. .]f(')f/an'^. Spliiin'icoi'uiii. Oxoiiii, 1758. Play/air {.J.) Klciiu'iits of G. Kiliii., 1819. SciDie. Loud., 1822. ^ame. X. Y., 1847. Poircll {H.) KlonuMits of Curves. Anon. A v. Oxfonl, 1828. I'rochis. Philo.sopliical and Matlieniatical (Joiiinii'iitarics ou 1st, Hook of KuL'lid's Kli'incnts. 2 v. Loud., 1788. >S(tin(:. 2 V. Loud., 1792. I'ri/de {,/.) Kuclid'.s Klemonts of I'lanc (1. ('.Kplicitly ciuuiciattd. Lond., 18G0 Jiic/iardsoii, {A. T.) Tlic " I'lo^i't'ssivc '' iOuclid, hooks 1-2, witli Notos. Lond.. 1891. Salmon {(J.) Analytic G. of Tlirci' DiuuMision.^^. Dublin, 18S2. Simpson (li.) Klcnieuts of Kuuliij, liouks 1-G, 11-12; tlio orrovs corrcctcil. Gla.'^gow, i75G. Smifli ( C.) MliMiuMitaiy Troati.-fo on Solid G. Lond., 188-1:. Solid and S|tlif'i''ical Vr , with Conic Sections. Anon. Lond, 1858. Todlnnitfr (/.) I'lanc and Co-ordinate (1. as applied to the straight line and the coinc sections. Loud., 18G7. Examples of Analytical (!. of Three Dimensions. Caudu'idgc, 18Gt. George II. {Khuj of Eiu/fdiul). Acidemia' i 'antahrigicnsis Lucius in Ohituni (Jeorgii 1 1. . . . Cantahrigia, 1760. George 111 (h'i/i>j of Kinjlaiid). Acadeuiia> Cantahrigiensis Luctus in ol)ituiu Ge(U'gii 1 1, ut gratulatioiu's in Geoigii 111 inauguni- tiouoni. Cantahrigia, 17G0. Svi- ahii ]')UHiRAruY (liid.) German C.VTlloi.if'S. (J hod;/ In Genniun/ n'liluli srpnrKd'd from t/ir Roman Catholic Clivrcli hi 18.'^.'/). nomji' (J.) Holy Coat of Treves, aiul N(nv German-Catholic Church. .\ v. N. Y., 1815. German Language. (1). Dict'unmrii's. Cidepino {A.) Diclionarium Octo Linguaruni . . respondent autem vocahulis Latinis ... Gennanica. lielgica, llis[)anica. r.asilcii^ 1581. FiHp))i{D.A.) Dizionario Italiano-Tedeseo e Tedesco-Italiano. 1 v. Yienna it Lipsia, 1817. O'eor(/es (A'. E.) Ausfiihrliches Lateinisch-Deutsches Ilandwurtcr- buch. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 18(19. Noehden {(/. J/.) Kahenhorst's Pocket Dictionary of C. and Languages. Lond., 1822. Thienie-Prcusser : Critical Dictionary of Kuglish and (Icriiiau Languages. Gotlui &, Hamburg, 18 — . 41C GERMAN. SUBJECTS. OEUMANY. (Ierman Language — Conthmed. (2). Grammars, etc. Apd{I/.) Gramnmr of (1. L. Lund., 1840. liitn)(lu('.tiijn ti) Study of (J. L. Lond., 1842. Barrett {S.) Priuciplos of Gr.iunuiir : Ixiinf^ coinpondious treatise on languagua, English, Latin, Greek, German, etc. Boston, 1863. Beluu/hd {0.) Sjiort Historical Grammar of G. L; Lend., 1891. Faanacht {G. E.) (German Composition : 1st course. Parallel German-Englisli E.xtracts and Parallel English-German Synta.\. Lond., 1890. Smith {F. C.) Introduction to Commercial German. Lond., 1892. Wchb {II. S. li.) Manual of German Comjiosition. Lond., 1887. Witticlt {\V.) German for begiiuKtrs. Lond., 1838. See also Helfeiisteiii (.L), p. 1^1- GicuMAN LiTERATUUE. IliiMttt {G. K. A.),ed. Sammlung ausgewjihlter Stiicke aus den Werken deutscher Prosaiker und Dichter . . . V. 2. Diisseldorf, 18.39. Same. v. 2. Leipzig, 18.51. Kurz {II.) Geschichte der Deutschen Literatur mit ausgewiihlten Stiick(!n aus den Werken der vorguglichstcn Schriftsteller. 4 V. Leipzig, 1^73-74. See alfio (Ierman Poetrv. German Poetry. Lays of the Minnesingers or German Troubadours of th(! 12th and 13th centuries, illustrated by specimens of con- temporary lyric poetry, etc. Lond., 1825. For the ivorks of Go-man poetn, see CliaillissO (A von) ; — Gwthe (.1. W. von) ;— Heine (H.) ;--Herder (J. G. von; ;-Schiller (J. C. F. von) ;-Wielaiid (C. M.) GKRMANy. [See also German Language; — German Literature; — German Poetry. Also Europe]. n ). History. GermaniiB Historicorum Illustrium, ipiorum i)leriq. ; ab Henrico IV ustpie ad annum Christi 1400. Ed. C. Urstis. Francofurdi, 1585. Nnsselt {F.) Lehrbuch der Ge^iehichte der Deutschen. 2 v. Leipzig, n. d. Reyinoii {Abbot of Prum). Annates, non tarn de Augustorum Vitis, quam aliorum Germanorum Gestis et tlocte et eompen- diose disserentus . . . ^loguntia, Schoeffer, 1521. Robertson {W.) History of Reign of Charles V. (emperor of G. and kiruj of Sjmin). v. 2-4. Lond., 1817. Schiller {J. C. F. von.) History of the 30 Years' War {1018-48). 2 v. Lond., 1799. k k 1 1 GERMANY. SUIiJECTS. GOLD. Germany (History) — Continued, Yet' rum Scriptoruin, qui Coeaiinnu ot Iini)ei'!itoruin Gerniuiiicoruin Res per aliquot Secula (Jestiis, literas inandaruut, toinus unus Fraucofurti, Wechel, 1584. (2). Reliyion. Rose {H. J.) State of Protostautisin in G. Loud., 1829. (3). I'ravels, Description, etc. lieattie {W.) Jourual of Uesidcuce in G!, during professional attendance on Duke ami Duchess of Clarence, 1822, 182.5-26. 2 V. Loud., 1831. Este (C.) tlourney in 1793 thiougli Flanders, Brabant, and O., to Switzerland. Loud., '79.5. 2\(citus{C. C.) De Moribus Geruianoruni, eI. A'iisti'f {(J.) Nevada and California I'rocosises of Silver and G. extraction. Lond., 1868. PhiUips {J. A.) Gold-Minin<^ and A-s-t^aying. Lond., 1852. Mi Lond., 186< lining and .Metallurgy of G. and Silvur. Lonil., ieo<, Sehnjii {A. li. C) 2s(ite.s and Observations on G. Fields of Quebec ami Mova Scotia. Piiinph. Halifax, 1872. ISce a/so Assaying; — Metallurgy ;— Mining ; — ^Iiner- ALOOY. Goldsmith (Oliver). See r)ioGRAPiiY (Ind.). GooDE (William). Vox Ecelesiiu ; embracing a refutation of the work known as (W.) " Goode on Orders." Anon. Pliila., 1866. Gospel Haumony. i.'orthcrn Literatuio, be(iueathed to Bodleian Library, 1799, by If. Gough. Oxford, 1814. Government. Arlsfo/e/cs. .S'ee /tt« ?w?*A:s in Author Catalogue, ^^. IS. llobbes {T.) Leviathan ; or matter, form, and power of a coinr.^on- wealth, ecclesiastical and Lond., 1885. Note —The author would keep the "body politic" (or the Leviathan) in chains. The toiideiicv of his doctrine Is to "confound all distinctions l)etween ritfht and wron;;, and indirectly to undermine the foundations of all religion, natural and revealed." He was confuted by R. Cumberland (see p. 74), R. Cudworth, and others. Lowman (J/.) Civil G. of Hebrews. Lond., 1745. Mac/iiaveZ/i [xV.) Le Prince; etc. Amsterdam, 1696. Na/sou (./.) Common of King and People ; showing the Original, Antiquity and Excellency of Monarchy, compared with .Ari.itoca'acy and Democracy, Lond., 1677. Rothentia {J.) Government a Divine Institution : a sermon. ;^ v. Lond., 1766. ^ee a/so Law ; — Political Economy ; — Sociology; — Utopias. Fur the yovernment of jyarticular countriss, see the names of those countries. Gravitation. Airy [G. B.) Gravitation : an elementary explanation of princi|)al pertu:bations in solar system. Lond., 1834. ISee a/so Physics. Great Britain. See England and references thereto. Greece. [6'ee a/so Athens; — Sparta. A/so Biography (CoWec^u'e .• c/assica/) ; — History {Ancient). A/so (^reek I)hama ; — Greek Language ; — Greek Literature ; — Greek Poetry]. Arramiemcnt.—X. Antiquities, Ancient Manners and Customs, and Architec- ture. — 2. liionraphy and Mythology, — 3. History. — 4. MitceUaneoue.— b. Travels and Description. 419 I ill OREECE. SUBJECTS. (iREECE. .'•)' i',! ' iti Greece — Continued. (1). Antiquities, Ancient lUannera and Ctistovia, and Architecture. Adams ( W. II. D.) Triuniplis of Ancient Architocturii of (I. and Rumo. Anon. Lond., 1866. Becker {W. A.) Clmrick's, or Illustrations of Private Life of Ancient Greck.s. Lond., 1882. NoTB.— Thin work, thou^^h iiiib^ciiiative In foriii, is must accurato in Uer.ails, and evinces Kreitt erudition. Cardwell (E.) Lectures on Coinage of Greek and Romans. Oxford, 1832. Mahaffy (J. T.) Social Life in G., from Homer to Meiaiider. Lond., 1883. Potter {J.) Arcliaeologia Grseca, or Anti(iuities of G. 2 v. Edin., 1818. Rose {II. J.) Inscriptiones GrtecfE vetustissiiure. Cautabrigise, 1825. Rous (/''.) Arclipelogiai Atticre lio. : Attick Antiquities. Oxford, 1662. Smith (ir.) Dictionary of Greek and Koman Anticjuities. Lond., 1870. West (O.) Distsertation on the Olympic Games. (J.xford, 1824. See aho Arundelian Mauiu-es. (2). Biogra.jihy and Mythology. Hmith (ir.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, v. 2 {E-N). Lond., 1846. (•i). History. Clinton {H. F.) Fasti Hellenici : Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, v. 1. {from earliest accounts to ooth Olympiad), and V. 3 ( from 12^th Olymjnad to death of Augustus). Oxfoid, 18.34. Cox {&'. ir.) General History of G., to death of Alexander the Great {B. C. 323), with sketch of subse(iuent history. Lond., 1886. Cramer {J. A ) Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient G. 3 V. Oxford, 1828. Goldsmith {O.) (Grecian History, to Deatli of Alexander. 2 v. Lond., 1790. Grote {G.) History of G. 12 v. Lond., 18.74-.")7. NoTB. — "Grote is eminent 08 a viu'orous and independent thinlcer, and for his earnest cliaiiipionship of tlie Greel< democracy." Mitford{W.) Histoiy of G. 5 v. Lond., 1808-18. Outlines of Grecian History. Anon. Pamph. Lond., 184.'). Stanyan {T.) Grecian History, from Original of G., to Death of Philip of Macedon. 2 v. Lond., 1766. Thucydides. De iJelio Peloponnesiaco lib. For various editions, Greek or Latin text, and tran,slations, see 'author entry (pp. 257-258). 420 IV'S GREECE. SUBJECTS. GREEK. Greece (History) — Continued. Xenophon Ilcllenica or History of Clroece. For imrioui^ editions, (j'reek text and lranslation», see author-entry, p. JSd. (4). Miscellaneous. Bmitjonr (F. >le). Commerce of (i., 1787-97. Loud., 1800. Jiroini (J.) Idolatry, Superstition, and Corruption of Christians of Turkey, G., cfr., exposed and considered. Lond., 1877. Marsh {II.) Hor* Polas<,'icw ; part 1, containing Inquiry into Origin and Language of Ancient Greece. Cambridge, 1815. (-'>). Trarcis ami Description. Auhljii (J.) Journal of Visit to Constantinople and some Greek Islands, 1833. Lond., 1835. Jiur;/>'.^s (n.) Cireece and the Levant, 1834. v. 2. Lond., 1835. Chauilhr {H.) Travels in (k Oxford, 1776. Travels in Asia Minor and G. '1 v. (Jxford, 1825. Laidiir [E. [o/- ii.'\ F.) Travels of Antenor in G. ond Asia, dr. 3 v. Lond., 1799. NoTR. — These arc flctitlous travels, similar to BarthtJlemy'g " Voyage of Aiiacliarsls." Mahaffii {J. J'.) Rambles and Studies in G. Lond., 1878. Fausauias. Accurata Grfecipe Descriptio. Francofurti, 1583. Same. Lipsi.e, 1696. Voyage IMttoresque de In Grece. ( 117/// main/ fine folio plates). Anon. V. I. Paris, 1782. Greek or Eastern Churcti. Nenle (J. M.) History of Eastern Church. 4 v. Lond., 1847-50. Greek Drajia. Dimahlson {J. V,'.) Theatre of the Greeks. Cam- bridge, 1836. Heath (Ji.) Xot?p, sive Lectiones ad Tragicorum Gra>corum veteruna ^Escliyli, Sophoclis, Euripidis . . . (Jxonii, 1762. X»TR.- Ths chief object of this well-Iino*n work is to restore the metre of the Greek tragic poets. Peiitalogia, sive Tragcediarum (rra'carum Delectus. (Or.) Fil. J. lUu'ton it T. l)urgess. v. 2. (-)xonii, 1799. Saim: h v. Oxonii, 1801. T ml I (I pi' {W.) I'entalogia Gneca. Lond., 1825. XoTK — The tJreek text of some of the tragedio: of Sophocles, Euripides, and .Kichylus. Fur till' irnr/i's of (•'m'/,- i/ramafisf.i, .sw (i)i aiitJior-cataJogue) J^scliyhis ;— Aristophanes ; — Euripides ; — Sopho- cles. Greek Language, (1). Dictionarieii. Brasse (.7.) Greek Gradus ; or Greek, Latin, and Eiigli-sh Prosodial Lexicon. Lond., 1842. Calepino {A.) Dictionarium Octo Linguaruni respondent auteni vocabulis Latinis, Hcbraica, (irseca, etc. IJasileiip, 1584. 421 r.RKKK. SUIUKCTS. (IIIKKK, r.iiEKK LaN(iua(1K (Dictionaries) — Coutinufd. l)i('tii)niuiiiiii (Irii'cn-Latiimin. Il.isilca', ir»84. NoTK.— TIiIb liictionary U cominoiil.v called " liCxifon Boptcnivlralc," llfderich {li.) Lcxifini ^^am^aI(! (InKcuin. Loud., 1727. NoTR— Kor other eJttloeiH, Hoe nuthor-onlry. llm'tnunn (J. (f.) (Jriocliiscli-Dtnitsclics Wortcrlpiicli ilcs Xciitm Tt'staiiicnts. Fraiikfurt-aii-ilcr-Odcr, \7H\. Lithbr (C.) Cyi'iili, I'liiioxcni, aliormiuiin* vctt'niin (liossaria Latiiio-Cira'ca, ot (Jra'co-Lalina, u C. Laljbiuo coUi'ct.i ct in (lupliccin al|iliali('ti<;uiu onliiii'iii ivdacta. Lutctiiv I'arisioniiii, 1()7!). Liddclf {II. (,'.) ((• Scoff (li.) (Iroek-Kiiglisli Lexicon. N. Y., IHoL Hmne. Oxford, 18(19. Maltb)/ (E.) (!ri'ck (iradus, or I'octical Lexicon of d. L. Loud., I's.'W. Jforell (T.) Lexicon Grajco-Prosoiliacuni. 2 pts. in 1 v. Canta- hrigia', 1815. I'arkhnr.if (J.) (Ireck and KiiL A n. Lond., IfS47. Lawcfof (C.) New .M(^tliod of learning the Greek Tongue. (" Port Royal (h-aiiunar.") Lond., 1797. Maftliid' [A.) (rreek (Jranunar. 2 v. Cambridge, 1820. Saiiii'. Ahridgeil. Lond., 1830. Nal! {(f. H.) Easy Plxerciscs on " First Greek Syntax " of W. G. Rutlierford. Lond., 1892. Xfihon [W.) Crrcek E.xerciscs in .Syntax, Ellipsis, Dialects, etc. Edin., 1814. Pd.for {(r.) Si'c /I. 107 of Cdfd/nijur. Uulhi'rfovil ( ir. G.) First (Jreek Grammar. Lond, 1888. First Greek .Syntax. Lond., 1890. Saiiil/onI (Sir I). A'.) Pules and Exercises in Homeric and Attic Greek ; (with) System of (! reck Pro.sody. Edin., 1831. Undi'rliill (II. G.) in (ireek Accidence. Lond., 1888. 423 n \i I ^Ir■i '■S3 ,, 1 I ^•f I bt I i I ! ' li.. : W. * , I i; r ; I. GREE^. SUBJECTS. GREEK. Greek Language (Graninuirs, etc.) — Continued Viijer (F.) De Praecipiiis Graecse Dictionis Iiliotismis libellus. Lugduni Bal.i . orum, 1766. .Sawp. LipsiEB, 1802. Greek Idioms. Abridged Lond., 18 — . Greek Literature. (1.) Bihlior/rapliii. Eri'jelmann {W.) Bibliothcca Scriptorum Classicorum etGrsecorum et L'Uinorum. Leipzig, 1847. lInr;roo(J (E.) View of Various Editions of Greek and Roman Chis.sics. Lond., 1775. Same. Lond., 1782. (2.) Anfhnloijies. {A.) Analecta Minora. Lond., 1810. Collectanea GrcTca Major. {Or.) 2 v. Lond., 1808. Sawp. 3 V. Edin., 1821. Same. 3 v. Edin., 1821-25. Greek Extracts, chiefly from the Attic "Writers. Edin., 1864. Leirifi {J. D.) Bons Mots dcs Grecs et des Komains, choisis dans les Textes Origiinuix. Paris, 1881. Scriptores (Jra^ci, sive Selectaj (ix Scriptoribus Gmecis. [Gr. tj* Lat.) In usum Kegiae Sclioiu; Ktonensis. Etonpp, 1810. Ndtb.— Contains selections from the writings of Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Plato, Isocrates, and Lucianus. Stoha-us (J.) Eiorilt'gium. {Or.) 4 v. Oxor'i, 1822. Note. —A collection of extracts from Greek writers. See aho Greek Drama ; — Greek Poetry. Greek Poetry. IlepJurxfio)/. Encliiridion ; accedit Procli Clu'esto- mathia Grainmatica. {Or.) Uxonii, 1810. Hermann {J. C. J. von). EUnneuts of Doctrine of {Greek) ^[etres. ,\ V. Lond., 1830(?). Jfdlthij {E.) Greek Gradus, or Poetical Lexicon of Greek Language. Lond., 18.30. l'a.-<.-<(m-{F. L. a F.) Doctrine of Greek Prosody. I v. Eton, 1831. J'(ir. > , 1831. li'ipeos. GREEK. SUBJECTS. HACKET. Greek Poetry — Continued. Epigrainmatuin fJr{ecorum lib. {Gr.), Annotatioiiibus Joannis l^rodsei nnc iion Yincentii Ohsopsei . . . accesscrunt Henrici Stephani in ([uosdam Antliologise cpigranimatum locos Anuo- tationes. Francofurti, 1600. Johnson (T.), ed. Novus (Irsecorum P^pigrainmatum ot Poeinaton delectus, cum nova versionc ot notis. Loiul., 1732. Sa)iie. Eton, 1783. Poetse Grseci, sive Selecta ex Homeri, Hesiodo, Theocrito, etr. {Gr 4- Lot.) Etome, 1806. Poette Grseci Veteres, tragici, coniici, lyrici, epigvaniniatarii, etc. Colonise Allobrogum, 1614. Poetse Minores Giwci. (Gr. tj- Led.) Cantabrigiie, 1652. Satiie. CantabrigioB, 1667. Fo)' the vorks of Greek pnats see {in anthnr-caf'ilogite) Alcaeus ;— Anacreon ;— Apolloniiis Rhodius ;— AiMtiis of Soles ;—Bioii ; — CalIiinachiis ;— Homerns ;— Moschus ;— Musjeiis;— Oppianus ;— Pindar ;— Sappho ;— Theocritus ;— Tryphio- dorus. Greenwich Obseuvatory. Bradley {J.) Astrononucal Observations made at Koval Gbservatorj', Greenwich, 1750-62. 2 v. Oxford, 1798-1805. Astronomical (and Magnetical and Metrological) Oliservations, 1861-62. 2 V. Loud., 1863-64. (iiiEViLLE (Charles Cavendish Fulke). See Biography {Imf.) Ghixdal (Edmund). ISee Biography {Iiid.) Grotius (Hugo). Fehlen {J. a). Annotata in H. Grotium De Jure Belli et Pacis. ^\. Amstelodami, 165i. Grasiriiickel ('/'.) Strictura? ad CcnsuiMm Joiinnis a Fi'lden ad libros H. Grotii tie Jure Belli ac Pacis. ,\ v. Amstchudami, 1654. GuYsiiououGH County, N. S. Hurt {Mn. J. E.) History of G. C. Maii>t!icri))f ; sm. folio. NoTK.— Akins' Historkal Prize Essay of 1877. ( ! ymnastics. Clii(i!'^() {J. ) ( iy innastics, an essential branch of educati' nho Nova Sc(ri'iA. Halliburton {Sir Brenton). Si'p Biogiiapiiy (Tiuh) Hamilton (Walter Kerr). .S'w Bioguaphy {Iii'l.) Hammond (Henry). .Sw Biography {huL) Hammond {Cnpt. M. M.) Si'i' Biography (/«'/.) Hand. Bell {€'.) The 11., as evincinsr design. Lond., 1837. See nlso Anatomy ; — ^I'hysiology. Hants County, X. S. Ow {J. C.) History of H. C. Mamucript ; sm. folio, 44 \i\). NoTK.— One of the Akins' Historical Prize Essays of 1865. Draper {T. F.) History of M. C. MauHscript ; sm. folio ; 1881. NOTB.— Akins' Historical Prize Essay of V;81. Smilli (B.) Essay relating to Commerce and Progress of Settle- ments in H. C. Manuscript ; sm. folio. NoTK.— One of the Akins' Historical Prize Essays of 18(J5. Se.e also Nova Scotia. Happiness, Guide to Domestic. Anon. Lond.. 1819. Treatise on. Anon. 2 v. Loud., 1833. Harleian Library. {Forun'rhi f/n' rnllfi'fiou at Ro'frf Ua>'li'!i, Karl of (b-fonl ami Morfiiii'-r). Catalogus Bibliothecie HarleiiKC. v. 2-5. Loml, 1743-44. NoTK.— The books of this ni;c,'nlrtcent lihrary were piirch^sed by Osborne, tlie London bookseller, who sold them .iirain siiiiriy. lie enip'ov d l)r, .Iohn«on, W. Oldys, and Mattaire, to prepare the prcsfit crv'ixln.'uc. Volumes 1 uml 'i (in Latin) are the work of .Johnson ; Volnm>'s :{ iind 4 an; t,he svine as the two llrst, only in Enjflisb, and were written by oldvs : V iliime fi is only a list of Osborne's old stock. Mattaire prepare I the Latin dedication. TLvRLEiAN Manuscript.s. S'''' infl'-r British .Musrum Lihuauy. Harmony ok the Gospels. Sci' Diatessaron. Hart ((rcrald K.) ('atalogue of Hart C illei'tioii. .Montreal: lilirary, autographs, maps, v^tc. .»(/-' //.bservations on all Radices or Primitive Helirew Words of Old Testament, in order alpha- lieliial. Lond., 16r)0. 427 11 ; : 1 iff " iri, HEBREW. SUBJECTS. HEBREW. ft.! 41 Hebrew and Chaldee Lanouages (Dictionaries.) — Continued. Parklmrxt (J.) Hobrew and English Lexicon, without points; ta whicli are pretixod a Hebrew and a Chaldee Grammar, without points. Lond., 1792. Sa)iie. Lond., 1823. Same. Lond., 1829. RohertiioH [J.) Clavis Pentateuchi, sive Analysis Omnium Vocum H(djraicarum suo online in Pentateucho Moseos occurrentium ; una cum vorsione Latina ct Angliea. Edin., 1770. ItohcrfuDn (W.) Thesaurus Linguae Sanctse sive ConcordanMale Lexicon Hebrieo-Litino-Biblicum ... Lond., 1680. Siiiiofiiti {J.) Lexicon ^Linuale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. 2 v. Hake, 1793. 2. Grammars, etc. AlfiiKj (J.) Fundamenta Punctationis Linguae Saiictae. Franco- fiirti ad ^loenum, 1717. Bnoidau {M. H.) Compemlious H. Grammar, Loud., 1871. Baiilfji (C.) Entrance into the Sacred LaTiguage. Lond., 1762. Benleri {M. I.) HebvJii.schor Wurzelzeiger. Haiuiover, 1833. JJiLt'fort (J.) Epitome Grammaticae Ilebrteae. Lugduui Batavorum, 1761. Manualc Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. Oxonii, 1807. Tiiesaurus Grammaticus Linguae Sanctae Hebrieae . . . adjecta Prosodia Metrica. l>a Hebraicie.) n. t, Lugduui, 1649. I'h'Uijipx (ir. T.) Elements ('if H. Grammar, with Praxis on Book of -lonah. Bristol, 183(1. 428 '1 V. Testa- .'tliicis llialdsea 1(U9. I liook HEBREW. SUBJECTS. IIEUODOTUS. HebrsRa. 4 v. Pa 111 ph. Mon- Hebrew and Chaldee Languages (Graniniars^ etc.) — Continued. Scliichhanl {W.) K(iroloee note to Guillim (J.), heloir. Burke (J.) GenoM logical and Heraldic Dictionary of Peerage and Baronetage of British Empire. Lond., 1840. Burke [J. (j- B.) Encyclopsedia of H., or General Armory of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Lond., 18.')1. Burton {W.) Description of Leicester-Shire, containing Matters of Antitpiitye (•->•/'•), Armorye,and Genealogy. Lond., 1622 C?) Dalhuraji (J.) Origin and Progiess of Science of H. in England. Gloucester, 1793. (ruillini (J.) Display of H. Many illustrations. Lond., 1724. NoTK.— This work was written by John Barchnam, who perujittcd Guillim to publish it under his own name. Heijlin (P.) Help to English Hi.story, containing Kings of England, Kings and Brinces of Wales, Kings and Lords of Man, and Isle of Wight, also the Dukes,, Earls, itc, ttc, to 1671, with Coats of Arms of the Nobility. Lond., 1670. NoTK.— The first edition was published under the pseudonjni of Robert Hall. Same. Continued to 1773. Ed. by V. Wright. Lond., 1773. Menextrivr {(J. F.) Nouvelle Lyon, 1696. Porni/ {M. A.) Elements of H. See a/ni) l^EERAGE. Herculaneum {(li'Ktraijeil A. 1). 70). pts. in 1 V. O.xonii, 1824-25. NoTK.— En^ravtd fao-similes of papyri found at Herculaneum. Hernia. Atn/i^rxon (II'.) System of Surgical Anatomy: pt. 1, On Structure of Groins (etr.), as coiniected with liKjuinal and Femoral H. (etr.) N. Y., 1822. Herodotus. Borheck {A. C.) Apparatus ad Herodotum intelligendum et interi)rotandum. 5 v. Lemgoviic, 1795-98. Partus (A.) Dictionarium lonicum (.iraeco-Latinum, ([uod Indicein in omnes Herodoti lihros continet. O.xonii, 1818. Itennell (J.) Geographical System of H. examined. 2 v. Loud., 1830. 429 Methode Raisonnco du Blason. Lond., 1795. Herculanensium Voluminum. 2 '^ . lii-rl '! •I I ifi, ^ !>' i 'U II il Ji "'!■ »i- i 'I I i(>it , HESIODUS. SUBJECTS. HISTORY. IIesiodus. liuttmann {P.) Le.Kilogus, odor lieitriif^o zur firio'iliiscliou Wort-Erkliirung, hivuptsiichlich fiir Homer uiid Hcsiud. 2 v. in 1. IJerlin, 186") (v. 1), ISGO (v. 2). HiEROCLES. RobiufXin {J{.) Iiulicos Tros, Vociini fovo oiiiiiiiiiii ([luu occurruiit (1) in D. Lonj,'ini ilo Suhlinutiitc', {2) in Kunapii do Vitis Philotsophoruni, (3) ot in Hicrodia coninu'iitario in Pythai.s. IJibliothecfe HistoriwB lib. {(jI'-) (Paris). I[, Sfeiihnniin, 1559. NoTK.— For other editions, see author-entry p. Hi. Falconer (T.) Chronological Tables, reign of Solomon to death of Alexander the Groat (B. C. 323). Oxford, 1796. Herodotus. Historia. For ran'ous edifioiift, i/irhii/in;/ fraiis/afions, xee atiflior-enfri/, p. F^S. Justinus. Historia. See auflior-enfri/, p. lJf2. RulUn{C.) Ancient History of Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyriaii.s, Babylonians, Modes and Persians, Macedonians, and (Jrocian.s. 10 V. Lond., 1800. Histoiro Aiic. -mxe des Egy])tiens, des Carthaginois, des AssyrieiLS, des Babylonians, des Modes et Perses, dos Macedoniens, des Grocs. V. 1-3, 5-9, 11 (in 2 v.), 12-13. Pari.s, 1740 (v. 1) —1743 (v. 13). Rutherford {W.) Antiont Hi.story. 2 v. Lend., 1788. Sleidan (J.) De Quatuor Summis Imperiis lib. n. t., />rohalihj 17th renfuri/. NoTB,— Chronological account of Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, and Roman Empires. Universal History, compiled. Ancient Part. 18 v. Loiul, 1779-81. Fur the Imtory of jiartirular ancient cotmtrie.i, .sv e ///'' natin-ti of those countries. 430 fis), H. ;llth of s7((/ /"»■■-■, ssyrieus, ii'us, d(!S [0 (V. 1) in-oliahhj md Itoinaii Loiul, HI8TOUY. SUJiJKCTS. IIISTOKY. IIisTOUY — Continueil. •al Hi Ecclosiast icai 11 istory< JJiuii/iKiii (J.) Oi'ijfiiu's Kcclivsiiisticai ; or Antiiiuitics ot thu ' ("liristiim (."limcli. 10 v. Loud., 171()-L>L>. ('(If {W.) rriinitivw ('liiistiiiiiitv. l.oiitl., 17C)L*. Clwm/ {F. T., ahhr (i,-). Ilistcin' lU'l'I-yisi.. 1 1 v. I'aris, 1710. Ciillicr (J.) Kl•{•l('siil^^ti(•lll llislorv of (liviit I'lritaiii, to riul of iriKii of Cliarlfs II. {/US.',). •> v. l.oiul., 170S. :Stniii'. 9 V. l.oiul., ISaii. NoTK.- ('ontuiiiH mil. Ii whidi ih not to Ue fniind in MoHhciin'H KcoloHiaMtioal llistiir.v ; in iisrtii'uliir, infornnitiiin ruliitive to tlic imbliiatioiis of tho ICtli ct'iitiiry tlivnlDKlNtji. Jhiro/lii'i/K of 7'i/r. iSfi' Kitto'liiitK J'((/ii/i/iili. Dtiirliiiii {J. (I.) Intnuluctioii to ("liticiil Study of K. II. J.oiitl , lt(;i8. Krlutnl {I..) (MMi.'tMl K. II. V. 1. Loud., 1710. Kilirnnln (,/.) llislorv of Work of Ui'ilfiiiittioii ; (■oiiipri.siuj; iiii Oiitliiie of Cliurdi Ili.^tory. X. Y., IS . Khxi'IiIkk /'(tiii/ilii/i. Clironicoii . . . ad l^TJ, ImiscI)!! I'aiii|>hili . . . Hii'roiiynii, rro.siicri Aiiuitanici, M. Aurtdii t'as.siodorii, llcr- iiiaiini (,'oiitracti, Mattlia'i Taliiu'rii, Matildas raliiicrii. IJa.silca', I *)'_'!>. Kusidiii Paiiiplnli, Kidliiu . . . Ivudcsiastira lli.storia. J'la.silcuj, 1570. Kusid)ii raiiiphili, Socratis S(di(dasti('i, llcniiia' Sozoiiicni, Tlu'odoi'iti ct ICvagrii, liistoria' t'ccli'.sia.stii'H' inia^ extant. {Ur. ij- Ldf.) ;i V. (Jaiital)ri<,da', 1720. liistoria' Kt'clcsia.stii'a' Id). (''''.) Oxoidi, I(S."58. Kcclcsia.stical Ili.story. Tr. l)y C^. K. Cvusv. Loud., 18()8. EviKjnus ScJio/iisfiriis.'l)ii l'aiii]iliili, . . . Kvagrii, vX Dorotlioi, Kfolcsiastica liistoria. lia.silcas ir)70. Tlit'odoriti ct Kvaj^'rii liistoria Kcidcsiastica . . . {d'r. t)|' />"<.) Mogiiiitia', 1()7'J. Flcnrij {(\) llistoirt! Mccli'siasliijiK! (ju.siiu'cM IH'I; avcc la coii- timiatioii jiistni'cn inyf), |iar .1. Clamlu Kabr' ^. iU) v. Paris, 1724-;iS. ' ISainr. V. 20-21. I'aris, 1740. Fnllo- ('/'.). (Jluirch History of IJritaiii, from IJirtli of Clirist until IfilH. 3 V. Loud.', 18:57. (iiri/nr)/ ((/.) History of Cliri.stiau Cliurch from earliest jicriod.s. " 2 "v. Loud., 17ii0. J/arf i^lt.) Kctdt'siastical Records of Kn{.^laud, Indand, and Scot- laud, from 5th century till Kcforniation. Canilirid^rc;^ 184G. Naic/iK {F. L.) Contriliution.s to K. II. of I'uited States of America. 2 V. {Vinjiuid and Mariildud). N. V., 183G-.'{1). llrrnianii Caul ntrtuK. St I'dniphili. History of Church of (Jreat Hritidn from birth of our Saviour initill (.s'/'-) 100)7 ; witli an e,\act Siiccession of the liishops. Anon. {I'ljxxih/i/ 1)1/ Jn/ui('/ti/iriii). Loud., 1G74. 431 i nn III f m 1 i|| ''. 4 ': ; J HISTORY. SUBJECTS. HISTORY. 11.. m : ]\ ■» I ft', f P p. 1 f i 5 |U History (Ecclesiastical) — Continued. Jnrtin (,/.) Remarks on E. 11. o v. in 4. Lond , 1767-73. Kni/i' (J.) Ecclesiastic il History of 2iiil ami 3r.l centuries, ijlus- trated from writings of Tertullian. Cambridge, 1829. Memoires Chronolo!,'i(iiies et Dogmaiiqiies, pour .servir a i'Histoiru Eccl(''siasti(iuo (U'lmis 1600 jusfju'en 171 G. 4 v. u. p , 1723. Mil HIT {J.) History of Cliurch of Christ (to 16fh ceiifun,). 5 v. Lond., 1816. ' Saiiii'. 5 V. Lond., 1824. NoTR.— For continuation, gee Stebbing (H.) MoxJiei))/ {J. L. rnii) Ecclesiastical History, from l)irth of Christ to beginning of 18tli century (continued to end of 18t]i cen- tury by C. Coote). 6 v. Lond.. 1811. Xeaii'/cr (A.) (Jeneral History of Christian Religion and Churcli. 8 V. Lond., 1853. XeiiDian {J. II.) Arians of tlie 4tli Centuiy. Lond., 1833. I'avkfr (J/.) l>e Anti(|uitute l>ritannicae EcclesifB, et Priyilegiis EcclesifP Cantuaiiensis cum Arc]iiepisco[)is ejusdem LXX. Lond., 1720. Phihixtoriiiux. Tlieodoriti et Eyagrii Historia Ecclesiastica : item e.Kerpta ex, Historiis Philostorgii. Moguntife, 1679. Riddle (J. K.) Manual of Chri.stian Antic^uities, particularly during 3rd-5tb centuries. Lond., 1839 liohertKon (./. C.) History of Christian Cliurch. v. 2, part 2 (.-\. D. 887-1122). Lond., 1862. Sawi'. V. 2-4 (.A. I). .'jOO-IoH). Lond., 1866-68. Rnxe (II. J.) Stu, 1679. Easebii Panipliili. ... Theodorili ... Ecclesiastica Historia, liasilea^ 1570. Tilleiixmt (L. ^'. A' Nain df). Ecclesiastical Memoirs of 6 first centuries. 2 y. Lond., 1731-35. Uiixhcr (./.) Ikitannicarum P^cclesiarum Antiquitates, pfr. Lond., 1687. Fur fill' hittorji of [lartinilar drnoiinnafion.^, .•^ee tJieir HniiiP'<. Modern History. Annual Regi.'^ter, or yiew of history, politics, and literature, for 1758-1800, 1806, 1820 (2 parts), 182.3, 1838 47. 57 y. Lond., V. d. 432 HISTORY. SUI5JKCTS. HISTORY. History (Moilern) — Continued. Millot {(!. F. X.) Kl(!iiuMits of Coiieral History : piirt 2, Modern Histfirv. .'? V. Lonil., 1771). Siiii/f/i (ir.) Li'C'tures on ^[ xlorn History, from irruption of Northern Nations to dose of Anierican Revolution. 2 v. Loiul., 1840. Univer.xal Hi.stoiy, compiled. Modern ,' 'art. 42 v. Lor.d., 1780-8',:. NoTK.— For contents, sou entry under rniuKmal llintorii, p. 4S4. For the history nj' particular modern countries, see the names of those countries. See also History (Universal or General); — Naval Histouy. Sacred History. Abivffe dc I'Histoire (et de la morale) de r.Ancient Testament . . . avec des e(!laiiciss(Mnens et dcs reflexions. (J)edirafor>/ epistle sii/iieil M. * * * ,■ hiniler's tith' " Ahrei/e de Meminju.") 10 v. Pari.s, l747-")2 Defenee of ScriptuH! History. Anon. | v. Lond , 1730. Eders1ii'i)n {A.) Kxodus (The), and Wanderings in the Wilderness. hoiul, 187G(1). Israel in Canaan under Jo.shua ami the .Judges. Lond., 1877(?). History of Jmlah and Israel. Lond., 1880(?). World hefoie the Flood, and History of the Patriarclis. Lond., 187- Fleunj (('.) Cateehisme Ilistorique, eontenant en Abrege THistoire Hainte et la Doctrine Chretienne. v. 2. Paris, 17.30. Hall (J.) (Jontemplations un >S. H. (Altered from his irorks). 4 v. Loml., 1799. Jlair/riiis [E.) Princi|)al Objects aii.) I )iscours sur I'Histoire Universelle. 2 v. Paris, v. 1, 1830 ; V. 2, 1720. Du/resunii (L.) Chronological Tables of Universal H. with Method of stmlying II., and catalogue of ISooks. 2 v. Lond., 1762. I.dii'/r/iaiii/is (/)'. '/". ) Les Fastes Universela, on Tableau.^ Histor- iipie.s, Chronologiiiues, et (b'-ographiipies. Bruxelles, 1822. ** 433 't ,4|i' 4\' ! ' ' ' i HISTOItY. Si;j'>.IKCTS. HISTOUY. ,!iJ^ I 4 III ^0i HiSTOKY (Universal or (loiioral) — Confiniu'd. M(t'/u(tlf (It) Historical mid Misct'llano )ii« (.^)iiostii)iis. n. t, P(uini' {J.) Kpitoiiiu of History. •-' V. Loud., 171)"). Pvrrin (/.) L;i I >oniu; More ; Tniits Hi.stori(|U('s ct Ant'clotcs Intt'Ttissmiti's k I'lLSii^^e de la JtiUiicsse. Loud , 1797. Xii-olax (Sir If.) Chronolojfy of II., rfc. \jo\\A., 1S.S8. 1450 Questions on IJiiivorsal II. Panipli. Loud., n. d. Orosina^P.) Ilistoriarum lili. \\. Vfimliis, loOO. Parker (R. G.) Outlines of (Juuoral II. X. V., 1851. Unin (A'.) Atlas of Uuivrvsal II. Loud., n. d. RaU-iiih {Sir IF.) llistorie (.svV) of tiie World {To fino-cf PInlij, of Mncrdoii). Loud.. KU-l. Srr liix )Voi'ks. S/iurk/orf/ {.S.) Sacred aud I'rofauc Ilistnry of the World I'Oll- nocted. v. '2. Loud., 173U. Same. 2 V. ().\f(Md, IS 10. 77/ OIIIKOU {il.) Spirit of K .cr.d Ilistorv. Slli to IStli century. Loud., 179-J. Thou {J. A. nii ; oralis ; Nice and Tra,'Czond ; Ancient .-iiain ; Ou\ils. 17. licrnians ; Itriliiii; .N'onhern .Nalinns; llnnns, etc. ; 0-tr.i)f.ths unil l.oniliards. 18. Turks. Indians, Chinese ; O|iinioiih of ancient pliilosnpheis concerning' the i. reation ; Ktriiscans ; Inde.\. Same, Mnlerii ]iait. 12 v. Lend , 1780-S I. CuntrHtK \, .Mohaninipd. 2-3. Arabs. 3. Turks ; Seljiikians. 4. MOKiils; ,Ient,'hi7. Khan and his descendants ; Timor Hck. 5. ^h dis cf I'ersia ; Kar^zni. .')-6. Ilindu^lan. 7. Kaslern Tartars; China; Japan. 8. Kust Indies; Kast India companies. 9 Kast India conipaniis ; Ottoman Kmpire. 10. (ittonian Empire ; Dispersion of the .lews. 11. Africa (K \pt ; Isl.mds). 12. Ahy-ssinia, etc.; Uotrentots. 13. Kthcpia ; An^'ola ; (j'olil Coast. 14. Wrst '.'oaM_; Harharv ; Jlnrocco ; rtli;ier> I'ortn^'.il. 19. Navarre N.iplei.. 25, Ciern)a. 25-,i?. la. 'I'nnis ; Tripoli ; .Malt.. 16-18. Spain. 18. i9-21. FraiLCc. 22. It.iiv 23-i!4. Venice. 24. Ccrinany. 27. llnlf.nd. 27-28. I>e ark. 29.' Sweden. 30. I'oland. 31. Prussia; lius.-iii. 32. Ilun;;ury ; (ieneva; Modern Kmpire. Swl'l 7. il. Syrians. 2. 4, Mollis ; iiiies; Atheii- 7 (iiui'iaii Ins. 9. As'' kly ; Komaii Liiil Wi'stern Lns ; Mauri- ■ i^anls. 17. ,1 l.oiubarils. l)Tuxrniiii,' tin' 4. Moguls; fsia; Kar.zni. Inili'.s ; Kast 10, ottoman Ali.vs»i"ia. "\\>st''.'oast ; Sjiain. 18. Vctiice. 24. liiMunarli. |ir\ ; lli'ni'^a; 'Milan. 34. lolie witli view Jeriia; Index. 142. IrclanJ : IIISTOHV. SURIECTS. UOHSK. History (Univcsrsal or (loneral) — Continue I. Vdlfdlri' (/•'. ,1/. Annti-t ili'.) Ahrcj^i' dc I'llistniic riiivcisclle tli^imi.s Cliiii'lciiiiij,'nt' jusijiics il C.'liiirlc V. "2 v. Loml., 17.'")4. Si'i' (thi) C'liuoNoi.ucY ; - HisTouY (Aiicii'iit) ; - lIisTOKY (lu'L'lcsiastical) ; --- IIihtouy (Mixlcrn) ; - Histoky (SacKid) ; — Navai, Histokv. ^^^Fur fliv In'i^titfi/ (if /inrfifiiftir ronntrii-*, k'- f/n' iKdiii'--^ <>/' t/ione roiDifrii'K. HonBKS (Tiro.viAs). Cwl worth (R.) Triu! Intt'llt'ctiial Sy.'^ti'iii nt the Uiiivid'sc : ])art, wluTfin all Ki'a.snii ami Phil(i.->n|iiiy i.s coiifutctl. Loud., 1()7S. NoTK. —This work was publishul in uriler to refute the inisehievous theories advanced by llolihes In the Leviathan. VuiiihHrlnuil {R.) Dc Lc^'il>ii.« Xatiine Di,si|uisitio IMiilnsoidiica . . . ([iiiiu'tiaiu KlciiK'iita Pliiluso|iliia^ lIol)l)iaiia> coiL-^idcraiitiiv et I'cfutantur. Loud., 1072. Holland. View of (iiMiiii.'s, (Jharactor, Maiiiu'is, (Jovcriiinciit, and J'olitics of tilt! Diitdi. .Viioii. Loml., 1788. 1I(J[,LKY (A. L.) St'f IJlOGKAlMIY {Iinl .) Holy Land. Scf Palkstine. HoMEHUS {Grepk. poet). Bntiiiaini {P.) Lexiloj^'iis, odcr licitiii^ru zur (rriccliisclit'ii Wort-Krkliiniii^', li.ui]>tsii('hlich fiiv llonicr uml // H.'siod. 2 V. in 1. I'.erlin, 18().') (v. 1), 1800 (v. 2). (dinii {C. T.) I lO.xifon 'iraH'uiii, etvniolo'ficiiin •t real e, ('111 ]iro basi .suli.strata' stmt, concordaiitia' ct t'lucidatioufs Iloniericiu ct IMmlarica". (Uas^'tia', 1821. 0/((f/sf(iiir (ir. A') Iloim'i'ic Syncliruni.siu. Loml., 1870. Il'i/iif {(' (I) Kx('ur.- ndy.^sea (!a'k'i'i.'/ (/,'.) Ce.iius and Writiip^s of IL, ,■/.-. Loml., 1821. lioMILKTirs. Sfi' I'KKAClllNti. lIo.MILIKs'. .S'r" SkkMONS. Ho.McKoi'ATllV. J>t('/(inf (A') Kvidenres of I )i'lusinii.-; of i I, ranipli. St. .fohn. \. l:., 18; >(. Ii(>ui;i:i{ (iiicliard). < 'h/Hi/sdii (J.) Analysis of !l..ol> er s I'.rcle.sui: -tieal 'olilv. .oUil 1810. I Hopkins (.lolin Henry). 'S'''' lliotiUAi'iiv {/»'/.) IIoiiNKij versus LiDDlAKU. Report of Case. Sn- ('rok'r ( \). p . 7 '. IloiisK-IlAciNii (IkviI {'l'.) (Iniile to the Turf. {O^hh unil '■/ki/i'-i"). Loml., 1780 435 |i I I lIOllTICUI.TL'Ur, SUIUKCTS. UVDUODYNAMICS. J 'I IIoHTicui/ruiii:. Cnhhrff [W.) Aiiicrii'iiii ( Iiinlciicr. \\. Loml., 1821. Dull {('.) (IciR'i'al SyslL'iii of (I.irilciiiii^' luul IJutiiiiy. v. ."{-l. Loiul, I8:u. K>'>nn'ih/ (J.) IMaiitiii^', ( ranli'iiiii^', find MaiiagtMiii'iit of tlie llot- ioiisc -' V. Lund. M'I'liail (./.) Tri-atiso on Culture of tho Cu('.uml)fr. I.ond., 1795. Marslnif/ {W) Planting' and HuraK )rnain('nt. 'J v. Lond., 179G. Ke\i('\v of " Tlic Landscaiic, a didactic pocni " (hy R. 1*. Knij^'lit) also o f "An I" ssay on the. I'i(^tui(>.s(jui' toi'(!tl ler with KtMuaiks on Kural ( (nianient. Anon. Lond., 1795. Si'i' (i/s(i /lis otluT inir/,-K, ji. 170 of vufnUujtu'. Mtitir ('J'.) Kvcr Man his own ( hardener. Lond., 17(17. Miller {I' ) (iardcncr's and liotanist's Dictionary. v. 1 l)ound, V. •_' in 1.'5 parts unl)oun( Lond., 179^. Hose; Sdiiif. 2 V. in 4. Lond., li*^07. Hft' a/xd A(iiiici:i,TUi{K ; - Landscai'K (}AKl)E.Ni.\(i ^^'C lilHLK ;— lilliMCAI. CuMMKNTAItlKS. Huuciii (.lohn). .S''' l)ii)(ii{Ai'iiv (/«'/.) Howe (,Iosc|iii). >S|icL'cii(;s and I'uhlic Lutti'i-s. Kd. by W. Annaud. i; V. lioston. 1S58. Hudson's ]!ay. /;///.-•(//.) VoyaK^e). Kdin., 1840. Smith {//.) Hydraulics ; cA-. Lond., 188G. Steckel {If.) Kssay on Contracted Liipiid Vein atl'ecting present theory of H. ' I'amph. Otiawa, 1884. W'hstfr {T.) Theory of K(piililiiiuiu and Motion of Fluiils. Hy Camliridge. 18.'5(). Sfl' olxtl I'lIYSlC'S. DUODYNAMICS. Si'i' 1 IVDKAUI.ICS, ail'l HYDROSTATICS. 43(1 HYDHOSTATICH. suiuKcrs. INDIA. lIvDiiosTATics. lilmiil (M.) I'lli'iiii'iit-i of T[. Ciuiil>ri(lj,'o, 1H27. Hy. Kiiiij (K.) Hymns to tlin Su])rem(! Being, in imitation of Eastern Songs. Loud., 179S. LoliininKi'r (A.) Xeu vermehrt iind vollstiindigo.s Cle.sang-Buch AVorinnen sowohl die IValnien Davids, nacli D. Ambrosii Lohwas.sers. (Wifli niuxir). | v. Marbnrg, 1799. Vierstinunige ('resiin<,'e dor ovangelipchen Kirelie, in cinzelnen Stinimun. Krste Stiinnie. Stuttgart, 1826. Hytiie, Kng. :Si-e Cinque Ports. Iceland. Iroil {U. nm). Letters on I. Lond. 1780. Icelandic Language. See. Helfeiistciu (-L)- }'• ^•'^• Ichthyology. Naturalist's Library, v. 35-40 : Ichthyology. See Jardiiie (AV.), //. l.iT. See ahu Fishemes ; — Naiuual His'Jory ; — Zoology. Idolatry. Diseourse concerning Nature of I. -^^ v. Lond., 1688. Tiller (./. K.) Iniage-AVorshi]' of ('hurch of Rome proved to be contrary to Scrijiture and the Faith and Discipline of the Primitive Church. Lond., 1847. Ignatius (.SVy a Traveller 437 Lond., 1835. w II 1 1 INDIA. SURFKCTS. INOrAN. fl!. India (Histdrv) — Continii/'d. Fraucklin (IT.) History nf Uci^'u of Sliali-Auluiu, Kiiiporor of Iliiidnst.iuii (.s'/V) ; coiiliiiiiiiii,' triiiisiictioiis of Court of Dollu and Xt'i,t,'lil)ouriiij,' Stat(is. (luriiiais. TiOiid., 179^. Jlistorical View of Plans for (lovcriimciit of IJrit'sli I., and ation if trade to Kast Indies. Anon. Loud., 1793. rcKU- Cal- Mach'.Hz'ie {R.) Win \\\{\\ Ixyyoo Sultaun, 17S<)-92. 2 cutta, I 79.^-99. Maiin'i-i' { r.) Modern History of Hindostan, coniprclu'nding tliat of (Iicck Mninirc of liactria, and otiicr Asiatic Kinj^dnnis on its Western Frontier ; coinnienein.ij,' at death of Aiexand(>r and ondiny- at close of ISth ceidnry. 2 v. Lond., 1802-3. Mi// (J) History of I'.ritisli I. {!.',,>: IS' >">) \ with continuation hy II. II \\ilson (ISO.-,..',-,). \) v. Lou,!., 1S40-4S,. R(t/)(;rt!iO)i (W.) Historical Disipiisitioii coni'crninj^ I., ]irior to discovery of |iassa,tie liy ('api' of (lood Ho])e, Lond., 1S09. S7i/iv(i)i (Sir h'. J.) Analysis of I'olitica! History of I. Lond., 17S4. U'lio'/i'r J. T.) College HiNtorv of I. Lond., LSSS. Wood {Sir J/.) Review of late War in My.sore. Lund., K^OO. M i^ci'lhoH nn.< Ak/>ar. Ay een Ak lery : or lllinJiiMdii). Tr. In I'', (dad win. Institntes of .Vkher (K))iji''rii' (II. T.) IHgestof Hindu Law on (jmtracts ami Siie- ci s-ions : with a ( 'oninientary Ky .laganniil'ha Tercapanchi'inana. ;> \-, Lond, ,V Caliiitta. I SO I. Ihiff (A.) India, and India Missi ions, inrludncj sketches of the Systran II inijiiisin in theory and praet ICC Kdin.. is;i9. //"*■/,■//'■>■.< (II., .Siimuliir Alioi'iuinal L'ace inhahiting the Xi'ilgherry Hills or I'.hii' Moiiiitaiiis of ( 'niniliatonr. in I. I OlKl 32. llitKfiiKj.t (W.) Memoirs relative Siillirati (.1.) T to Sl;ite of 1. 1 omi I7s; racts uiion I ndia. ''r/'/ii//niiii'.'rii'(t/ Snrrni nf luili Dehra Douii, IS7()-9(). U'COlllI I 79.-). t of ( Jiii^rations. \. I-M + -i 'V.s a I (, ■irri/if/iiii, (iiiil ( tfiii/riiji/il/. Il/(vi/nr'/ (II. F ) Lleiiientarv ' leography ol •Ir. L llHi 1 S90. F m I Mil ASA, I'. S. A. l/i'h'nna (r''i/ii;iirii/ S/tru/'i/. Ist Annual Report, for ISO'.), with ninps. Iiuli.'Uiapolis, 1869. Imiians. //r/inf [(,'.) Travels through tlu^ Cuiadas, with view of Manners and Custom.-^ of Aniericm Indians. Lond., 1807. L(i)i'j (,/. ) Voyau'es and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, desi'ril»ini^ Manuel's, (Justoins {and laiKjnarji') of North Anieriean Indians. Lond., 1791. NiiTK. Appended to tilis work is " .1 vocubulary of the Chippcwny lan:,'iiaife ; iimiiis of furM and sk'ti-, in ICnjili^'li un'l Krctich ; a liut of words in the Iroquois, Mil hi;.'iin. Shawuioi' ami lv(|uiinanx toniruuM ; and a table shorting the analogy l)ut«feii the Ali,'iinl,in and t hippeway lans;nai{es." Tdiiili' (W. /•'.), iv l)iiir!ii,ii {(r A/.^ ('(iiiiparative Vocahularies of Indian Trilies of i'ritish (Jolunii/ia. Painph. Montreal, 1S84. Ydrnnr {II. (J.) Inti'nduction to Stud}' of Mortuary Customs aiiKUiji; Xortii .Anieriean I. Painjih. AVash., ISf'O. ."^rr a/.-v; .AmKIUCA ninl lln' niriiills riiHIlfrifS ir/iirli riOlsflfllte if. Ah'i fill' iufiiiiliictoni i-liKiifffK (if iifufrnl liisfuries of III!' rNiTKD Statks, Canada, itc. The wnnf votfd lini'iii rrldlitiij fi) tlif IniliniiK /'■< Loiii^'fellow's Hiawatha. Indi'itiox. S<'i' I,()(;i(^ I.NDUCTIVK ScilONCKS. \V/,i'ir,-// (IF.) I'iiilosophy of I. 8. 2 V. Lond , L-iK). Ini'IDKLITV. (,'il)sui/ (/•;.) Pastnral Letters in Defence of (lospel Kevehi- tiiiii, and against Writings in favour of L Lond., 173.^. Van Mihlfii {W.) Ilistorieal A'iew of I., witli L'efutation of its rrinei|iies. li v. Lond., l^OS. Sri' .il.ii, Atiikism ;- Dkism ; -ScKi'TicisM ; — Tiii:.ii.()(;v. Insi:<'|'s. Sri' I'.NiD.Moi.odv. InsI'IHATION ()!•' TIIK lilMl.i;. >V'" Arol.OCK'l ICS. iNsrnANcK llii'itiv (J. II.) I'nlilir Ceiieral Acts of ( )ntario, ndating tn I., wilh Nntes Tnlnl Id, ISSl. ,SV'" iihii ANM'i'riKs. I.VTKM.KCTIAI, I'llll DSol'llV. Srr MkNIAI, I 'II II.( ISOI'II V. Ixi'lvMI'KliANri;. Sir TkMI'KUANCK. i.NIKmol.OMAI. Ii'aII.WAV. Srr FlClllill^ ( ^- ) iNrKRNAl'IONAI. LxilllU TION, Ldtldnii, ISlL'. Cat;do;4Ue i.f XdVa Scotian Dtfpartinent. 1 v. Halifax, ISf!:.*. Descriptive Catalngue iif Cojlertinli I'f LciUinliiic Minerals of Canada, and of its crvstalliiie locks, sent to Ldiidnii Interna- tional Kxliiliitidii, ]S()"_' (dri). Siirrri/ of ('iiiiaaws ok Wau. Cmh-i' (A.) Koinnrks on Mr. Snlilc^fi'l's Work uiioii Visitatinn of Xcutral A'csscls under Cniivoy. Lcind., 1M)1. Fi'hbm {J. a). Antiutatd in H.(iii>tiuin I'o .lure liclli ot Pads. h V. Ainstidddanii, 10.'),"). Graswi>ic/,('/ (T.) Strictuni' a.l Ccnsuiani tl. ii Fcldcii ad liliros II. (Jriitii Dc -luio ])(>lli ao Facis. ,', v. Ani.^ittd.Tdanii, !Gr)4. arnfhi.-^ (//.) l)c Jiuv Hclli ac Tacis'lili Anistcla>dann, 1G80. Piijfi'iulorf (S.) Law of Nature and Nations. OAford, 1703. Vattd (E. (Ii). Law of Nations. Loml , 1797. Inventions, Discoveries, etc. Ih'clnnann (./. ) History of [., I),, and origins. 2 v. Lond., 1S4(). Iowa, U. S. A. ]*'vn>,so of L .Journal of .'39tii annual t'onviiiition. i'aniiih. Dos Moines, lisO'J. Ionian Islands. Vawloncdurt {(!. (h-.) Mc nioir.s of L T. Lond., li^lC. Ireland. L I)esrrijifio» ami llcaiirujilnj. C(>i>j)/'r (a.) Lt'ttt'i's on the Iri^-h Nation, during visit to that kingdom, 1799. Lond., ISOl. Gpildi' {A.) Klonientavy CJ-cography ol ilvitish Islps. Lond., ISt^S. Nealv {J. P.) Yiew.s of Scats of Nohlenien and (Jontleinon, in Kugiand, Wale.s, Scotland and I. fi v. {Iff s'v/w). Lnnd., 181S-2;5. NiiTK — NiimeroUH tliic engravinj;s, with text by Thomas Moule. Hdhnc!^ {(!.) Soin.' Soutluiiii Couiiti(\s of I., 1797. Loud., 1801, EccJi'fiaKllrdl /ftf/nri/. Hart (/?.) Kculcsiastical Kocords c^" Kngland. 1., and Scotland, from 5th coiuury till Kcformatum. Camliridgc, 18 Mi. Miiiit (Ii.) Ilist(U'y of Church of I., from Revolution to L'nioii of (Jhurclu-s of Kngl.ind and i., I.'OI. Lond., 1840. UtisJifr (,/.) Di.scouise on tiie Heligion anciently professed l>y the Irish and llritish. Duhlin, 181"). l^. f/iffnri/. Aiitnff,' (J.) Calendars of Aiu'ient Charters and of Welch and Scottish Kolls in Tower of London . . . with Memoranda con- cerning Atlairs of I. Lond., 1774. HdliiiKhi'il {!{.) c)' i.ssertatione.s in IrenaHUii. Oxoni.T, 1689. Iron. Iron and Stcpl Inxtitnte, London. Journal, v. 1-2 (and panipli- lets). I.ond., 188;L LckIi'ji {J. P.) Collection of Occasional Survey.'! of I., Coal, and Oil Distri.'ts in rnite.l States. Phila,, 1874. StidAf (T.) Coal and I. Trades. Lonil) ]METAI.I,UIUiY ;-MlNERAI,OGy ; — MlNINTr. Ihrkjation or Land. Sn> A(ii{icL'i,Tur{E. IiuiNG (Itrr. Edward). Tlichnti: {A. S.) Scriptural Kefutafcion of Irving's Heresy. Loud., 1834. NoTK. Frvin^', a minister of the Scottish f'liiirch, wuh accuaeil of heresy, in lS:iO, ntid exiiclK ii lionarinm ( )cto Lingu:inim ... i('s|iondent auteni vocalmlis Latinis, Hehraica, (iiivca, (lallie.i, Italica, etc. PasilccT, 1584. Fi/ip/>> (D. A.) Dizionario Italiano-Tedcsco e Te(lesc()-ltaliano. 4 V. Vienna iV Lipsi.i, 1817. .\fil//iuiiyc (./.) English and Italian Pronnuneing and E.Kplanatory Dictionary. 2 v. Lond., I88(i. 441 Ml' I! I (c. |. I ITALIAN. SUBJECTS. JANSKNISM. mi- i \i. i'i' Italian Language (Dic^tionarics) — Coni^mved. Pacini {(1.) Vocaholario Italiano-Liilino, I,at.-Ital. An./ii. 2 v. ill I. Napnli, 1791. liolmrf.t (J. P.) Dizioiuu'io Italiaiio-Lu^K'sc, (> Inglcae-Italiiano. Fireiizo, 1884. 2 Gvamnuir>-\ efr. Bariifi {(r.) Iiitroiluctii ii to most useful Kiiropoaii Laiijfua^'us> coiisistini,' of |)assaj.;i's friwii Kiii^Iisli, Frcncli, Italian and Spanish authors {in jiaralhl ro/uiinis). l.oiul., 1772. Ciior/' {L Ii.) Italian Conversation (Irainiiiar on Otto's System. X. v., 11. .1. It.m-ian Ln'KHAiuni';. Stories from Italian Writers, with Literal Inter- linear 'rranslatioii on plan recomiiuMnleil hy Locke. Loud, 1835. Italian Poutuy. For flu', inirk^ of !(Vi pm-fK, xi'i' {in nnllior-cafnloniu') Ariosto (L.) ; Daiite Alif^liieri : Lt'opanli ((Jonnf) , PellicO (S.);— PetrsirCJl (F.) ;— "lunnanze e. alte poesi.'";— ■ Tasso (T.) I'l'ALY. A'li/iriir). X. Y., lSr)2. Orrrr// {J. /!oi/l''.i'iirl o/'.) Leltcd's from I , not-.")-"). Lnnd., 1774. Snio'l'i'tf{T. (/.) Travels tliroii;4li France and 1. 2 v, l.cuid., 1 7()G. Statistic I della I'",niii,'razioii(' Italiana iieH'anno 1887. I'aiiiph. l.'dina, 18S8. Stati'^tica (lindi/.iaria I'eiiah! per ranun 188li; introduzinne. I'aiiiiili. Koina, 1888. Statistica liiudiziaria ("ivile i' (/Oiiimerciale per ranno I -'>8() ; iritro- duzinne. I'aniph. Hnma, 188S. ,s'cc ol'o Itai.lw I)i!am.\ : --Ir.M.LW L»m;''A(;i; : Iiai.i.w I'oKiKV. Also Iaiuii'i; : Im.muivSck ;--IJomi;; - \'i;nici:. d,\Ci)H, .S'c, !!((m;I!.M'IIV (IiI'I.) .I.\M.AH'A. liroiniP (/'.) Civil and XatuivJ flistorv of .1. Lnnd., 178',). Li'iii/in'iTi' {]V.) Diseases (if .\rniv in .!., 1792-97. 2 v. Lmid., 799. Si'i al.-:o Wks!' In oiks. Jas'si;sis>l ili-t.oire de-; CiiHi L'l'np witiou- de •laiiseuius. .ni'-.i, ^ -^ Lie-e. 1G99. JAPAN. SUBJECTS. JESU3. Japan. IfairL-a (F. L.) KxiKMlitioii to China Sons uml J., 1852-54, under coiiiniaiul of M. C. Perry. .'? v. Wasli., ISHO. OUphfnit (L.) Kurl of P]l<,'in's Mission to Cliina and J., 1857-59. N. Y., 180)0. SaviKliuri/ (IF. N.) Calendars of State Papers, Colonial Scries, East Indies, China, and J., 1513-1621, preserved in Public Office. 2 V. Loud., 1862-70. JasJMU' : Fra<,'nienta Archetypa Carniinuin llebraicoruni in Masore- thico Veteris Testamenti Textu passim Tessellata colle^'it, ordinavit, restituit, in niuuii corpus redi'j^'it. Latina exhibuit, coniinentario instruxit Jolm William Donalilson. Lond., 1860. Jkbu (John, IJ. I).) Si'f PiiooRAriiY (Tm/.) JeBH (John, M. I).) St-r IJlOdKAPHY (/«'/.) Jeremiah (Pook of). .S'w liiULE ; — I'inLicAT. Commentaiues. Jesuits. Apologie des Lettres Provniciales do Lt)uis de Montaltn (lilnixr. Pnnrtil), contre la Dernien; di's PP. Jesuites intituh'e Entretiens dt; Cleandre et d'Eudoxe. v. 1 (2 parts in 1 V.) Pnuen, 1698. Pmral {li.) L(?ttres ecrites a un Provincial. Paris, n. d. NoTR.— See also previous entry. Principles of the .1., devcl()])ed in Extracts from their own .Authors ; "With Account of (»ri^nnof the Order. Anon. Loud., 1839. Si'i' a/xn Roman CATuoi.yrisM. Jesus Ciiiust. lirice (A.) Scii])tural Facts and Annotations on tho Divinity of the Messiah. I>\in^'ay, En^'., 179'.). Burton (E.) Testimonies of the .\nte-Niceni' Fathers to the Divinitv of Ciirist. Oxford, 1826. Some. Oxford, 1829. Cdlvp.rt (A.) Sejiool Reading's in Oreek Testament, beiiii,' outline of Life of our Lord, with notes, \-i\ l.oud., 18S7. Cohen {.J.) Les I)('icides : examen de la 1 'iviniti' de .b'sus-Christ ct de rE,i;'lise Cliretienne a" noint de viie d\i .Fudai'suie. Paris, 1861. ])iscourse on mir Savi(iui''s Pnwei' of Ilealiiiii'. .\nou. \ v. Loud., 17:52. iiilhrrf (E.) Sermon sur ces paroles de .lesns ("hrist, pieidiez I'Evanu'ile, tinges de St. Marc, XVI. 15. Oueriiesey. 1802. I/riti/sf<')ihrr;/ ( E. ir.) Christol(ii,fy of ( )ld Testament, ami Com- nuuitarv on IMessianic Pri'dietions of the Pro] hets. lond. lS.t7. K)wn-lr.-< (T.) 'I'he Passiuii {<,/ Chr'if'f). Loud.. 1796. Late {E.) ( 'on-iderati"ns < n Thenty of ReliL;ion ; In whi(di are added Oiscourses on Life and Charaelei' of ('lii'ist. and on i'enetit procured for us by his Deatli. I > inl., 17."9. L'uhlon {II. I'.) Divinity of 'lesus Chii.-t. I , nd.. |S,^2. Mhiov { .M . (i.) lleili^e ]!etraehtiiii;^eii iil er die l.eideiis la Divinat('' de N("'tie Sei^nieur -lesus Christ. Atiou. Rotterdam, KiSi). ThauJi'r (J) Kxercitia de A'ita et I'nssione Salvatoris Xostri Jesu Christi, pietati ot devotion! )naxinio inservientia. Colonia^, 1(;07. VosKiu:< {(•'. J.) Dissertatio (lemma: I"na, De Jesu Cristi ( lenealoL'ia dtera De Aiiin S, ([Ul ilui.s Natus, liapti/atus. Mortuus. .', V. Amsterdami, Ui4."5. Watcfhnxl {D.) Miyht Sermons in J )efence of Divinity of Jesus. Caml)ridj,'e, 1720 Sue (i/so 1 ilHI.K '.nxiUAi'iiY (f)i(l.) : — CiiaisriANiTV ;— M 11!A("I,ES ; llIKOI.'.KiY, ])(lS.t U)i I! I MTV. Jewelry. Iios>f (//.) J. and Precious Stones. I'amph. I'hila., 185G. Jews. Dusselthal Aliliev : Count Von der Kecke's In.stitution for ( )r]ilians an( Jewisli I'roselvtes. Lond., 18;?r). Jospp/nis ( F.) Works Tr. l)y AVhiston. 2 v. Lond., 1854. >i(nic. 4 V. Pliila., 1859. XoTK.- The chief worllectiones de Sacra Pocsi Hf'bni'orum Nntixi ot Kpim( tra. Oxonii, 1763. Modemi (L.) History of Kites, Customes (xir), and ^fanner of Present J. tliroUj^liout the W(.rld. Lond., 1650. 444 if Life JEWS. SUBJECTS. JUDAISM. Jews — Continued, Ki'inarks ni, (W.) "Warlnii'ton'.s Account of SciiliiiiiMits of Enrly J. conceniiii^f tin: Soul. Anon. \ v. Loml., 1757. I'unicr (6'. //. ) J}io<:;riiplii(.'al Notices of Jiswi.sli Kiihbics ; etc. N. v., 1S47. Voice of >Iacoli, a pulilication nf tlu; An^'lo-Ii'wisli piMMoilical press. {IiiiparfWf). l.ond., 1844-47. iSVv,' (iftid Tkn TiuiiKs OF IsuAKi,. /■''//• rrh'ijii/ii, xre Judaism. Job (Book of). 6f(' liiin.E ; — IJiiii.k^ai, Commk.ntaiues. Joel. .Sw ; — ItiHLiCAL Commentauies. ,J()HN {Saint). Si'c IJiiii.E ; — liiiii.KAi; (.'om.mentaiues. John, Kimi at' Kinihuid. Ildvdij ('/'. I).) Talilc nf .Movements of Court of joiin,'Kin^'of Knjrhmd, 11 William.) Sm lilnGliAIMlY {lliil.) Joshua (I'ook of). .SVv Uim.E ;— I'iiklical Commextaiues. JouiiDAN {(li'iiiral Jean l»a]itiste). I'recis des ( >|ieratiiins de TAi'miM; d 1); inulie. sous h's (ii'dres ( u lu (liiK'ral .lourdan : extr.iit des Memoires Manu.scrits de le (lenerai. l^iris, 17'J1). •Judaism. .4///./' (/'.) Jud^nnent of Ancient Jewish ('hurcti a;,rainst the I'nitarians in conti-oversey upon the Holy Trinity and Divinity of om' Saviour. O.xford, I8:ii. Cohen (,/). Les Deicides: e.xamen de la i )ivinite de .I('sus-{."lirist et de I'Eglise Clirelieiiiie an point ih' vue du Judaisine. Paris, 1 SGI. EccuiK (./.) Denominations of Christian World ; to which is pre- fixed an (Jutline of Aliieism, Deism, J., rfc. Loud., 1827. Forms of Prayers for the New Vear {in //i-/,rrir), with translations and Int('ri)retations Load., -lewish year r).")8G {A. J). ISJU). Gdd'hrin {'/'.) Moses and Aaron : Civil and Ecclesiasticall {f-'ic), Rites used l)y the ancient Hidjrcws. Lond., 1(528 Cirari'.-t {/t.) Lectures on Four last Books of the Pentateuch ; to show Divine ( )rii,nn of .lewish h'elii^'ion. 2 v. Lond,181o. Kifhb'r ( R.) Demonsliatioii of the Mcssias ; in which the 'I'ruth of the Christian Itdi.uion is prove(l esjieeiallv against the Jew.s. ;5 V. Loud.. l(i8-l-17()U. S<(t)ii'. Loud., 172(1. LoiniKui (J/.) Rational of Ritual of llehrew Worsliiji vindicated. Loud., 1748. MrCaiil (A.) Sketches of .1. ami the Jt ws. Lond., ] 8,S8. •(Order of Prayers for l'"esti\'als acrording to the use of tlic Sephardic Jews ; [lioiuid with] Prayers of Jews for use on certain fast davs.) Litirdl ti'ati.tin Maityr. (Jiinil)ri(li,'c, 1S29. Siiiiii'. l,onil., IS,'}(). Kurtlxilt {(\) In .lustiniini Martyrcin. Atiicna<;'irain, rtr., Coni- incntiiriiis. l v. Krancofiirti it Lipsias, 1(580. /''*/• A//C, ,sV'c lilOdliAlMIY (lllif.) Kai.kxdau. .sV'' Cai.k.ndau. Kani' (Inmiaiiiicl, Cfniiuii /i/ii/eiir8. Kasiimiuio. Si;' (_'a8ii.mi;uk. Kknt, lMiLi;laml. Ihnjti (,/.) Agriculture of K. Loml., 1790. Kl.MiS (liook of) Sii' PillU.K : IlllU.ICAI. CoMMKNTAIilKS. KINdS COLLKCK, '^ iM.^ou. Ahinx (T. IL) I'.rief Account of ()ri,,nn, Kndou .iniit ami Pro^'rcs,^ of I'niversity of King's College. llaiil',\. INC."). [l) + St \,\k NuTK. liiminl with ilic I'.iU'iidiirM of the CdIIcu'l'. '^hi,^ .icioiiiit comes down to tlic.M'iir l>ir>. ChtipliT \ I'outaiii!! 'ill hisfoiicMl .skilili uf the Aeideiiiy. Calcmlar, IS.")r)-9l'. 2 v. and IS iiampli. Halifax, v. d. NiiTK. The liim d vnliiiiies nlso eoiiliiin StatMte>, lieports, Orations, and many other »m;>ll turusioiiul ]i.iiM|ihlets and sheets relaliiii; to th-; ('(illo:,'e Tlie first C'aleiidur )iidili>he ('ataldu'm if Looks, King's (.'. datcil, I. Id. IcLje laiu'.irv. .M; nuscript ; not Catalognc oi Looks lu Lihrary. ls.)(i. .Manuscript (•'nil/ {li. (;.) ('at.dogucof lioiik^, Kiii,i;'s C(iI1cl;c Liliraiy, L'^OS. M, ,\oiK. 'I'liis is a c|U itM vnliiini' of -0 leaves, deriieated to Sir .lolili WeiitV'orfh, who was then cf .' the lour oriniiMl water i o on- . I. Hiid^u over the Am'h ';'\ ■J Kmu's i'li le^e, from '■.'sa'.. ia. It is particulaily iiiterestinn iieeailse of ui »ith which il is eiiihellished, I'/z ; ir U ind or ; Iso:), ik I'.ir'ii ;" IMKi. :i. I'l'rt ('niniieriand, New r.ruiiswii k ; I'm'!!. 4. Kiii^ s College from the l-'erry-lloiise, raliiionth ; IS'W. IIinl{lI. Y.) rmvctsitv nf King's Colli-v, i 7i»0-|S;tlJ. (///.■.•A. ii'it I s/,;tr/i). \. \'.. IS'.IU. 1 I'.l l.p, -f •! plate Kiii-'s College i;,r,,rd. vmIs 111 II v, in ."., Windsor. 1 879'.L'. Kind's (.'olleuc L nivcrsit\ Mn^azii vol. I, No, I fApril, 1N71). Paiiiiili. Halifax. 1871. 44tl KINO 8. SUIUECTS. LANDKCK King's CoMiKGH — Contimml. SiKiciiiiriis of (Iliiiiii bniuglit to tin; Colonics liy tlio Kiirly Hnttlors, piii'lictilui'ly tlic. Loviili.sts, collccU'd for tlio Musciiin of Kiii^''s (.'oll(';,'(', Wiiiilsor, iiiid [H'csoiitcd in Memory of Hiilihurtou Wcldon 1)V liis Mother. ('Jafaloi/w'). I'anipli. Freilcrieton, N. 1!., \HHO. Sumir/n-iisf (A' C.) (Jiitiiloc,'U(! of books, King's College Library,. 1871. iSliuius('ri|)t ; 3 v., tliin 4t(). Si'i- alxo Akinh' Histokicai, 1'hizk Kssays {pp. 2UJf-2lfo). KiNci's County, X. S. Ilnmiltnn (C. .S'.) History of K. C. Mainc- srn'pf ; sni folio. NoTK— Akiim' Uistorical Prize KsKay of 18(19. /{'iKcitir (M. K.) History of K. C. Maiiiiscri})f. 4to, NoTB.— Computed (or Akiiia' Historical I'rizo of 1809. Sci' iilxd XoVA Scotia. Ki.oKS ( ) CatiilogiK! of Lilji'iiry of Dr. Kloss of Franekfort ii M., in. binding MSS. and l'riiite(l Hooks with MS. annotations by I'iiilip .Mel.inethon. Lond., 1835. KNKiiiT (Kichard Payne). Marshall (\V.) Review of "The Land- scape, a didaetie poem " (l)y Knight) ; c/c. Anon. Lond., 1795. KnkjiitiiooI). Vlarl,- {II.) (Joncise History of K. 2 v. Lond., 1784. Vcrtot (VAiihriif (It. A. dc). History of Kniglits HospitalliTs of St. flohn of dernsaii'm, styled afterwards Knights of Rhodes, and at present Kniglits of .Malta. {1100-172,')). 5 v. Kdin., 17r)7. ,S'/v' (ihit ("iilVAi.RY and tlic rcfcvcnrcx their i/icen. Knii;ii'I'Vr LnKiitAi'iiv (/«'/.) La.mi:n lATiuNs. Srf Hiiii.i'; ; Ihiu.icAi. Commi;ntai{ii;s. Lancasiiihi:, Kiigl.ind. ( '/nrkc {,/.) Snrvey of Lakes of Ciimlierland, W'estmnrland, and L. ; with Acnuiiit of Adjacent Country ; to whiil)liotli('c,ii Manusi:ripta Lnnsdnwniana : (Jiitaloguo of t.'olloction of Manusi;ripts of William, Mar([nis of Lansdowne 2 v. in 1 {^i-nalitlnlmj thi' liml 'iijh awl. tin; Hhi'lliiiriK' State Ihiitrrx). Loiul., L^OT (^)• Av/t•(.' (/''.), in Scarcli of La Piirousc, 1791-9.'}. '2 v. Si 1 v. of plates. Lon.l., 1800. L.VriMEIl (Hugh). >''■'' LlOGK.UMIY {///'/.) Latin Duama. Fur tic iri)r/c--i of tin' li'iman ati:r T. M.) ; -SeilCCa (L A.) ;^ Tereiitius Ater (I*.) L.UIN Language. nidldiinrii'.-t. C'ali'/)iiio (A.) Dii'.tinnarium Oeto Linguirum . . . respondent autein voeahulis Latinis, IIel)iaiea, rtc. JJasiiea;, l.")"^-!. Cooper (T.) Tiiesaurus Lingiue Komanu' et liritannit'iu . . . Lond., 1584. NoTK.— lia!**! on .SirThomts KMOt'sdiotio'ury and U )l)jrt StephetH' tliu.siurus. Daiiff (P.) Dietionnaire Kraneois et Latin. Lynn, 1721. Siiiiic. Toulouse, 1728. Magnum Dietionarium Latinuin et (lallieum. Lugduni, 1712. Dictionarium (ira'eod.atiiuim. P.asiloie, ir)8|-. NuTK.— Tliia ilittionary is loiiimonly failed " Lexicon septeniviralc." Dietionarium I'niversalti Ivitino-d.iliieum. Paris, 17.'39. 1 Hetionnaire I'liiversd Kr:ineois et Latin (nil(iri'i>i">it 2. Eiitirl: {J.) (Latin and Knglbh Dietionary). Lond., 1820. Farciolati t (t.) Totius Latinitatis Lexieon. /v/. A. Forcellinus it J. i'.ailey. 2 v. Lond., 182S. NoTK -The heat edition of thia faiiieruiii(jue veterum (llossaria Liitiii()-r;i',T('ii, ct (;i'R'(!0-l,atina, a C. Lalibii'o (.-ollocta ot in (luplicciii al|)liabi'tii;uiii onliiKMii rn(Kii;ta. Lutetiie Paiisiorum, 1G79. UfKcina liiitinitatis ; sen Xovmii Dictioiiariuin Latiiio-(Jallicuni. Aiinii. Roi I'll, 1714. Sdiiic. I'aiis, M'l'l. Siviif. 11. t. (Paris i), ahl. Paxiiii (itoiiie. Cadoiiii, doubtless 17tli cruhini. Klenieiils of Latin (iranunar. .Anon. Lond., 1830. Eniilaiul (A'. H.) Exercises in Latin Syntax and Llioin. Lund., 1881. lUmiij {II. J.) Latin L'eader. Lond.. 1888. llitrlnii'ss (.!.; Iiitroiluctoiy Latin Look. N. Y., 1866. Jtitroductiiin to Latin l'onj;ue. Anon. Lton, 1819. S^ <: 4^ % t/.. 1.0 U£ |2^ |2.5 I.I us KS u ,_ 1^ lllllio L25 II 1.4 '.6 V] v^ ^m # 7 HiotDgraphic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14530 (716) 873-4503 ) LATIN. SUBJECTS. LATIN. Latin Language (Grammars, Exercises, eti;.) -— Continued. Latin Grammar for use of Wo-tmiiister School. Loud., 1830. Lilij (W.) Short Introduction of (Latin) Grammar. Loud., 1817. Liiiarre {T.) De Emeiidata Structura Latini sermonis lib. Lond., Pjivmn, Dec, 1-^24. Liirie (JR.) Latin Primer. Portsea, 1797. Mdtlvif/ {J. N.) Latin Gnunmar. Boston, 1870. Afair (J.) Introductioi. to Latin Syntax ; efr. Edin., 1813. Mnnnths {A/iius). GranimniifMnim Jnstitiitionum lil>. Venetiis, Aldus, 1559. New Method of Learning tlie Latin Tongue. Tr. from fc! oFrencli, by T. Nugent, {t'ort Roiinl Granniiar). 2 v. Lond., 1803. Nicholas (G.) Easy Introduction to Latin Grammar. Lond., 1793. Owen {E.) Common Accidence Improved. AVarrington, 1800. Postijats (J. P.) Guide to Latin Prose ('omi)osition. Lond , 1889. Tursnllimis (//.) Polyonyma, l)e Particulis Latinai Locutioiiis. Rothomagi, 18-55. Welch {W.), 4- Duffidd {C. G.) Latin Accidence. Lond., 1888. W ilk ins {H. M.) Latin Composition. Lond., 1879. Zunipt (K. G.) Abridgment of Z.'s Latin Grammar. J. Kcnrick. Lond., 1830. Late'nische Gramniatik. Berlin, 1828. Latin (Roman) Literature. Bihlioi/rnphical ami Critical Treatises. Engelniaim ( W.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et GriEcoruni et Lutinorum. Leipzig, 1 847. Fa.hriciiis{J. A.) iJibliothecjt Latina. Hamhu'-gi, 1708. Harles (7. C.) Introductio in >iotitiam Litleraturie Romanae imprimis Scrii)torum Latinorum. 2 v. >'oriberga', 1781. NoTB.— Ebert censures this work. Harwood {E.) View of Various Editions of Greek and Roman Classics. Lond., 1775. Same. Lond., 1782. Wilkins {A. S.) Roman Literature. Lond., 1890. A7itn(do(jies. Lewis (J. J).) I'ons Mots dfs Grecs et des Romains, choisis dans les Textes Originaux. Paris, 1881. Scriptores Romani ; sive Selecta ex Cicerone, Livio, Tacito, Vellejo- Palerculo, Quinctiliano, Plinio. P^tonie, 1813. See also Latin Drama ;- I/ATIn Poetry. Latin Poetry. Arnold ('/'. A'.) Practical Introduciion to Latin Verse Composition. Lond., 1851. Caret/ (J.) Latin Prosody made Easy ; with Poetic Tieatise of Terentianus Maurus, " De Metris,'' Lond., 1819. Croke (A.) Essay on Origin, Progress, and Decline of Rhyming Latin Verse, with Specimens. 450 Oxford, 1828. L.4Tm. SUBJECTS. LAW. Latin Poetry — Comtinued. Gaia/ord (T.) ycriptores Latini Rei Motric?e. Oxonii, 1837. Ilursle;/ (H.) Prosodies of Greek ami Latin Languages. Anon. Loml, 1796. Pantw {IV. E. P.) Fi)st Latin Verso l!ook. Lond., 1890. Walker {W. S.) Corpns Poetaruin Latinorum. Lond., 1839. Same. Lond., 1890. NoTg.— An anthology. For the work* of the Latin poetn, tee (in author-eatclogue) AUBOnius (D. M.) ; — CatnUns (C. V.);— Clandlanus (C.) ; — Boratlns Fiaoous (QJ;— JuvenallB (D. J.);— Lnoanns (M. A.) ;— liuoretlus Cams (T.):— Mar- tlaliff (M. v.) ; — Ovldlna Naao (P.) ; - Pailngenlus (M.); — Peralns Flaocus (A.) ;-PliaB. Dii'fioni.irlcs. Ciiii:e]l {J.) The Interpreter : or ]>ooks {sic) containing Significa- tion oi Words nil ntioned in Law Writers. Lond., 1637. NoTK.— See runmrk under author-entry, p. 71. Jacob {U.) Law Dictionary. Lond., 1756. Same. 2 V. Lond.', 1797. Tomlvw {Sir T. E.) Law Dictionary. 2 v. Lond., 1820. Wi/liaiiiK {T. \V.) (,'onipendious Law Dictionary. Lond., 1816. 7. English Law. IJlac/i-.ifonf (ir.) Commentaries on Laws of England. 4 v, Loml., 1800. Same. 4 v. Lond., 1823. Coke {E.) Institutes of Laws of England. 4 parts in 3 v. Lond., 1684 (pt. 1), 1681 (pt. 2), 1680 (pt. 3), 1681 (pt, 4). NoiK,— Tlio Hrst |i»rt contains the Coninietitary on Littleton's Tem-.res, tlie second, a cur.iniuMtary on .Ma^rim Charta iind other Stututei, the thiid, Criminal Laws or I'leas of the C'rowei, and tlie fourth, an Account of the Jurisdiction of all the Courts in the K!n);dom. OiKjhttm {T.) (.)rdo Judicioriim ; sivt; Methodiis Procedendi in Ntgotiis et Litibus in Foro Ecclesiastico-Civili Ikitannico et Hibernico. 2 v. Lond., 1728. 452 LAW. SUIUKCTS. liEICKSTEUHHIP.E. Law — Continued. 8. Fnmch Law. Code Napolooii, or Frcndi Civil Codo. Tr. by a liarriHtta' of tlio Inner Teiiiplo, from the French edition of ISiH. Lond., 1824. Ferrierh (C. J. iff). Introduction a la Praticiue ; contenant I'Kxpli- cntion des Ternies de Pratique, de Droit, et de Coutunies, avec les ,hiri.-h'.{K.) Booke (.•l'UIi the itiithor. Hale (iM.) History of Pleas of the I'rown. .nd., 1800. Lil/i/ (./.) Collection of Kntries, or Sehu't IMeadings in Courts of King's Uench, Common Pleas, and Kxchiiquer. Lond., 1771. ;Savi<: 2 v. Lond., 1791. Practical Pegi.ster, or Abridgment of Law relating to jjracticr, of Courts of Chaiic(iry, King's Pencil, Common Pleas, and K.xchequer. Lond., 1745. NririjKdi (W.) Com])lete Convt yanc(!r. v. 1. Lond., 17 — . Wi)oil{K.) Conveyancing in Theory and Practi(;e. 3 v. Lond., 1770. Wood {II.) Decrees by Court of K.xchfcpier in Tithe-Caus'.'.s. 4 v. Lond., 1798. 11. Nora Sfdlidii Lain. Mitidocli {li.) Epitome of Laws of Xova Scotia. 4 v. Halifax, 1832-33. Lawkencetown, N. S. Linrtiiiii. {Murij J.) History of that part of Halifax (Jounty, comprising Dartmouth, Preston, and L. Mannncrijit ; sm. folio; 1887. NOTB.— Akltis' Historical Prize Essay of 1H87. Leicestehhiure, Eiig. Burton (If.) Description of L., containing Matters of Antiiiuitye (nic), Historye, Armorye, and Genealogy. Lond., 1622 (?). 463 v^nPF iiMii;'' LETTERS. SUBJECTS. LITHUANIAN. a Tale illustrative of the Holden (E. S.) Hand- Letturs and I.ktter-Writino. The Correspondent, a selection of Letters irom Hest Authors, to form e()isti)lary style of youth. 2 V. Loud., 1796. See aUo in author-eataiogw, Arlstnnetns :— AnokUmd (Lord) ; — B*riiabaa (St.) ;— Bembo (P.) ;— Bnab«a«la>(A. o^— Cromwell (0.) ;— Cluttli»m(£aHo/);-cioero(M.T.);— Clement XIV;— FrankUn (B.); Igiiatlas(5(.);—Jebb(J.):—"Janias";—Knoz(A.);—"LeUre8do Madame ... i Madame de . . . :"— Manntlus (Pj :— Parker (M.) ;- PbaUtrts :~ Pllnlus CsaoUina Seoundus (C.) ;— Rabutln (R. de, comte de Bu»»y) \— Bterne (L.) ; — WUberforoe (w.) Levant (The). Burgess (R.) Greece and the L., 1834. v. 2. Lond., 1 8.35. JSee also East (The). Levelling. Simms {F. W.) Priiicijdes and Practice of L. Lond., 1875. Hee also Engineering ; — Surveying. Leviticus. See Bible ; — Biblical Commentaries. Liberty. Rotheram (./.) Essay on Human L. \ v. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1782. Liberty of the Press. See Press (Liberty of the). Liberty (Religious). See Religious Liberty. Lichfield, Eng. Gvesley ( W. ) Siege of L, Great Rebellioi^. Lond., 1840. Lick Observatory, of University of California. Book of L. 0. San Francisco, 1888. Light. See Optics. Lincolnshire, Eng. Young (A.) Agriculture of L. Lond., 1799. Link-motion. iSee Machinery. LiNNE or Linnaeus {Carl von). See Biography (Ind.) Literature. Rell (J) View of Universal History, Literature, etc., presented in Chronological Tables, to 1842. Lond., 1842. Berington (J.) Literary History of the Middle Ages, from close of reign of Augustus to revival in 15th century. Lond., 1814. Hallam (H.) Literature of Europe, in 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. 4 v. Lond., 1837. Schlegel (K. W. F. von). History of Literature, ancient and modern. 2 v. in 1. Phila.. 1818. Varieties of Literature from Foreign Literary Journals and Original MSS. Ed. by Wni. Yooke. 2 v. Lond., 1795. For particular literatures, see names of such ; as Engush Literature, French Literature, etc. LiTHOLOGY. Cotta{B.von). Rocks, classiHed and described. Lond., 1866. I>ana (J. D.) Manual of Mineralogy and L. N. Y., 1878. Zirkel (F.) Microscopical Petrography. Wash., 1876. See also Geology. Lithuanian Language. For an example of this language, see Bible (Lithuanian), ji?. t35 of catalogue. 454 LITURGIES. SUBJECTS. LOGIC. Liturgies. Xeah (J. M.) Tetrnlnjfia Liturgica : sive. S. Chrysostom, S. .Iacol)i, S. Marci Divinse Missse ; quibus accedit Ordo Moziirabicus. Loud, 1849. Liturgies of S. Mark, S. James. S. Clement, S. Chrysostom, and the Church of Mahihar. Lond., 1859. Livingstone (David). Stanley (H. M.) How I found L. Montreal, 1872. See also IJiography (Iitdl.) Livius (Titus, Roman historian). Godelevceus (W.) In T. Livii His- toriaium lib. oh^ervationes ex variia auctorum lucubration- ibus collecfse. | v. Francofurti, 1619. Locke (John, Enylish philosopher). Lard tier {D.) Lectures upon Locke's Essay (on w LONDON. subjp:cts. LUNESBUUQ. London. Bowles^ Two-sheet Plan of L. Loml, 1814. Decker {T.) Soveu Deadly Sins of L. ; 160G. See Englisli .Sdiolar's Lihrary, no. 7 {}>. til of rafalof/ue). Ilughson (D.) Kintome of I'iiviiej,'es of L. including Soutliwark as granted ]>y Royal Charters, etc. Lond., 1816. Pint; (J.) io(iiiAi'HY (Iiid.) Maccabees. .s>e Bible ; — Biblical Com men tar i eh : Apocrypha. Macclesfield (Thonias Parker, Jst Eur I of). Tryal Csir-) of Tiionia.s, P^arl of M., in House of Peer-s, 172.'). Lond., 1725. NoTR. — The E«rl of MacclcsflelH, Lord Illjfli Chatirellor of Great Britain, was iiiif>ea('hc(I on ohar;;eii of corruption, ami un conviction woa flned £30,000 and removed from office. Macdonalu (lit. lion Sir Jolm Alexander). See HiogkaI'IIY (Tnd.) Macedonia. Cw-teis (A. M.) Rise of Macedonian Empire. {^^ Epochs of Ancient History." Lond., 1886. See also (Iheece (Ancient) ; — Turkey. McGee (Thomas D'Arcy). See I'.ioghai'hy (Ind.) McGiLL University, Montreal. Calendar ami Examination Papers, 1876-77 to 1879-80, 1887-88, 1891-92, 1892-93. 6 v. Montreal, v. d. ^rAcfiREGOR (.James). See Biography (Ind.) Machinery. IhiUey {A. M.) 106 Plates of ^[echanical Machines and Implements of Husl)andry. 2 v. in 1. Lond., 1782. Jiurifh {X. 1\) Link-Motion and Expansion-CJear. Lond., 1881. Cah'ms (C. E.) Treatise on Teeth of Wheels. Lond., 1868. Donaldson ( IV.) Poiuudet Turbine and Water-Pressure Engine and Pump. Lond., 1883. Kennedy {A. B. W.) Mechanics of M. Lond., 1886. Willis (/?.) Principles of iMechanism. Lond., lf<70. See also I'oiLERS ; — Mechanics ; — Steam-Engine. Magazines. See Periodicals. Magellan (Siraits of). Froner (F.) Relation d'un Voyage fait en 169,'5-97 aux Cotes d'Afrique, Detroit ile Magellan, Brezil, etc. Pari.s, 1699. Magnetism. Barloiv {/'.) E.ssay on Magnetic Attraction-^, and on Laws of Terrestrial and Electro Magnetism. Lond., 1S24. BrefC'iter (D.) Treatise on M. Edin., 1837. l/(de (J/.) Magiietismus Magnus; or Contemplations on the •Magnet or Loadstone. ^ v. Lond., 1695. Ilaiiy {R. J.) Exposition Raisonnec de la Tht'orie de FElectricite et du Magnetisme. Paris. 1787. Jenkin (/'.) Electricity and M. Lond., 1873. Xoad{ll. M.) Lectures on Ehictricity, Oalvanism, M. and Electro- Magnetism. Lond., 1839. Roget {P. M.) Treatises on Electricity, Galvanism, ^L, and Electro- Miignetism. Lond., 1832. Stetvart {li.) & Gee (IF. W. //.) Elementary Practical Physics: vol. 2, Electricity and Magnetisjn. Lond., 1887. Practical Physics. ' vol. 1, Electricity ami M. Lond., 1888. See also Electricity ; — Galvanism ; — Physics. 457 \ ' li R J MAHOMET. SUWECTS. MANUSCRIPTS. Mahomet. See Mohammed. Mahometan'ism. See Mohammedamsm. Maine, U. S. A. Sullivan (,/.) History of District of M. With map. Boston, 1795. Welh ( W.) Water- Power of M. Auf,nistn, 1 869. Mainteno.n {Madame de). See liioniui'iiY (Ind.) Maitland (Sir PeregrineV Christie (If.) Meinoir.s of Aclmini.strution of GovernTiieiit of Lowor-Ciinadii (Quebec), by Sir Creorge Druimnond, Sir Jolin C. Sherbrooke, tbe Duke of Itichmoml, James Monk, and Sir Poregrine Maitland, 1815-20. ^ v. Quebec, 1820 Malay Auchipelaoo. See Eastern Archipelago. Malone (Kdward). Catalogue of Early English Poetry and other works illustrating the British Drama, collected by E. Malone. {Bodleian Library), i v. Oxford, 1836. Malta (Knights of). See Knighthood. Mammalia. Naturalist's Library, v. 15-27 : Mammalia. 137 of Catalog ue. See also Natural History ; — Zoology. Mammon. See Covetousness. Man. Kidd {.J) Adaptation of External Nature to Physical Condition of M. Lond., 1836. Smith {C. //.) Isatural History of Human Species. Lond., 18 — . Hee also Ethnology. Manchester, Eng. G'rindon {L. II.) Manchester Walks and Wild Flowers, with lists of birds and other creatures of the neigh- bourhood. Lond., n. d. Whitaker {J.) History of M. 2 v. Lond., 1771-75. Manitoba. Acts, 1891. Winnipeg. Census, 1885-86. Ottawa, 1887. Leyislative Atisembli/. Journals, 1890-91. 2 v. Winnipeg. Thefolloiving is a list of the i)iannsi'ri}jfs in the Lihrari/. Ancient. (HibliiE concordantia). N"TR. — This concordance is an extremely heaiitifu) spi'dinen of the 13th centur.v, written in minute distinct < haraiter>', and nilihi-ated. It in upun vellum of great fineness, and contains about ■23.'S leaves. Size .I x 3i inn. (Mamiscript on the Four Evangelists). Aliout .A. D. 1300. NoTB.— On vellum ; with representations of the ova'itfelists in Uiilours and cold. Bound in morocco, uilc edges; size 3^x2^ ins.; 71 leaves. Present d liy G. McCawley, D.D. (Micsal, in Latin). Note.— A manuscript of the Nth century, beautifully engrossed on vellnm and rubricated tbrdujfhout ; S.J x 4J ins. ; liound in wooden covers with leather buck and brass di.tps. l''ron. the Jesuits' Collo^jo at Lovanium (l-ouvain). Presented ky T. B. Akins, D. C. L. (Biblia Latiiia.) For desrripfion, snr rnfrii under Bible (Latin), p. Jo of Cafalo'/ue, 458 MANUSCRIPTS. SUIUKCTS. MAKMORA. Manuscripts (Ancient) — Continue<(. (Almanac in Gorman, for 1438 ; with trcatisps attached). NoTB.— Written on vollnm and rubricated throuuhout : bound In wood and leather with claapa ; size x 4^ inches. PrcHen'.cd by T. U. Altlna. Hafiz {Muhammad ShamH fil-iftn.) (Poem). NoTB.— Persian M.S., with aeveral roloured illuatrationg ; aize 10 x 6} int. It formerly belonited to Col, Kdwurd Keiit Strathearn Butler, and wna presented to the Library by Mrs. Butler. (French Manuscript, subject not known). NoTR.— On vellum, rolled in case. The gheeta of parchment are stitched together and form oiio long atrii), about !('} ft. - 6^ ins. Written on both siJei, but a|>|>arently not in the same nundwritini; . (Surgical, in French). MH. of G33 pages ; .size 0| x 4 ins.; date unknown, po.s.sibiy 17th century. Modern. Cowper (W.) Original aufo(jraj>h draff nf "The Needless Alarm : a tale " (in verse) by Cowper. 4 small ijuarto leaves. Delaroche (P.) Doctrinal and Practical Commentary on New Testament, intended for use of unlearned especially, v. 2 Myui of " .Martlti .Marpreiate, gent." It Ih suppO'.ed that John J'enrj and oth'-rs were the authoru. Mauriace. (Jaao.s of Poly;,'amy, Concuhinago, Adultery, Divorce, t^c. Anon. Lond., IT.'^L*. Conferences Kccle.iiastiiiiie." de I'ari.s, sur le Mariage, on Ton Concilie la l)is''i[)line (K; I'! avec la Jurisi)riulence du Royaunic do France. 5 v. I'ari.s, 173.'). Croh' (A.) Report of Case of Horner against Liddiard, upon ([uestion of What Coii.seut is necessary to Marriagi; of Illegiti- mate .Minors, determined May, 179D. Lond., 1800. Doihri'll (//.) (Joiuterning Marriages in Dill'erent Communions. Lond., 1702. Marsh ("William, 1). J).) Sn- IJioGUArHV (Iik/.) Martial (John). L'alfltill (,/ ) \ns\ver to J. Martiall's (.sic) Treatise of the (Jamhridgct 1846. Martin (Cregory). Fnlhr (IT.) Defence of Translations of Scriptures into Knglish Tongue, against Cavils of G. Martin {a Roman ('(ifliofic irn'fcr) Cambridge, 184.'V M.VRTYN (F.) Dniton ( IT.) AVoid of (!od Vindicated, in reply to Rev. F. Martyn, L'omish Pastor at Walsall. \ v. Lond., 1830. Mauty.V (Henry). Srr liiociiAl'llY (/»'/) Mautyhh S<-r Foxe ('T-), /'■ I"''. Mary (Viigin). Kneomiiim deipara> Virginis Marire e.\ sacris scriptoribus, et ma.Kime e.\ S. licriiado. \ v. I'arisiis, 1.531. Tiller (J. E) Primitive Christian Worsjiip ; or Evidence of Scrip- ture and the Church against the invocation of Saints and Angels and the Virgin Mary. Lond., 1847. AVorshi]) of tbe A'iigin in Church of Rome, ]irovedto be contrary to Scripture and to the faith and i)ractice of the Church of Lond, 18oL Mary ^Lvopalene of Pw/d ifarxnlifo nun). Set' BioouArnv (fwl.) Massachu.setts. M(it'rs' Eiiucafumal Course.) Kdin . 1853. Wallacf (It.) Practical iMatlitunatician's Pocket Guide : a set of liihlcs. (Ila8},'n\v, 1849. Youiiij (,/. It.) Klf'iiii'iitary M. I.ond., 18G2. Si-r (tlxi) Ai.oKUKA ; — AitiTHMiyric ; — - Calculus ; — Conic Sections ; — (Jkomktuy ; — Logaiuthm.s ; — Mknsura- Tiox ; — Pkohahh.ities ; — Tuigonometkv. Aho Sur- veying ; — Astronomy ; — Navigation ; — and other apiilicdtioux of Maflieniafii'ii. Matthew {Saint). Si'f Mirle ; — HiiiMOAL Commentaries. Maturin (Kdiniiiid). (rnii/ (f. ]V. D.) Lotto- to Membera of Church of Eniiland. in reply to Letter {('/ai'iix of Catholir Church) from E. Maturin. St. -lohn, N. 1'.., 1859. NoTK. -Maturin waH a scholarly clerKynmn of the Church of England in Nova Scotia, uho in 1850 went ovur to the Romish Church. He subsequently returned to his former faith, Mauritius, ({'apers on Inundation of Port Loui.><, ^Luii'.tius, on Feb. 12, 1 80.'')). Port Loui.s, n. d. Measures See Weights and Measures. Mechanics. Bridije (/y."* Treatise on M. Lond., 1814. Fra)irainr{L. Ji.) Traite Elcim iitaire de Mccani(iue. Paris, 1807. Greijorij (().) Mechanics, theoretical, practical, and descriptive. " 3 "v. Lond., 1826. Kennedii {A. H. W.) Mechanics of Machinery. Loud., 1886. Loch- J. Ji. Mechanics for beginners : pt. I, Dynamics and Statics. Lond., 1891 Moseteii {H.) Illustrati(ms of M. Lond., 1839. Mechanics applied to the Arts. Lond., 1839. Newth (S.) Elements of M., including Hydrostatics. Lond., 1871. I'oUwn (S. I).) Traite de .Meehaniiiue. "^ 2 v. Pari.'*, 1811. iiiiiipKon ('/'.) Trat.'tson M., Physical- Astronomy, etc. Lond., 1757. Snoirlia// (J. C.) Elements of .\L Cambridge, 1845. Venturoli {(,'.) Elements of Theory of M. 1 v. Si plates. Cam- bridge, 1822. Same. Cambildge, 1823. Wheicell ( W.) Elementary Treatise on M Cambridge, 1824. Same. Cambridge, 1847. Meclianical Euclid : elements 'f M. and Hydrostatics demon strated after manner of elements of geoniotry. Cambridge 1837. Same. n. t., 1838 (]). Same. Cambridge. 1849. Wood (J.) Klements of ^L Cambridge, 1841. See aiKo Machinery. 462 MEOICI. SUIUKCTS. MEtlCINE. Bilious Diseases, &c. St. Jolin, Medici (House of). See Bioorapiiy {Coll.) Medicine. Andren (J.) Cousideratioiis on Piui.]ili. I.()Ik1., 1790. Jiai,ar(l (Ji) Kviileiicos of Delusions of Homoeopath v. X. 1!., 1H57. Jiediloeti {T.) and Waff (J.) Considerations on Medininal Use, and on Production of Factitious Airs, liristol, 1796. BoHt'haave {II.) Institutiones Medicw. Lugduni Batavoruni, 1727. BurUan{W.) Donuv-tic M. Lend., 1774. Charli'ton {W.) Sjiiritus Gorgonimis via sua saxipara cxutus ; sive de Causis, Signis, et Si>. iione Litliiaseo.s, diatriba. J v. Luyduni Batavoruni, Kls«'vh\ 1650. Clarhe (A', (/.) Mudicinso Praxeos Coniitendium : symptomata, causas, dingnosin, prognosi's, et inedeUvU rationom exhibens. 1^ V. Lond., 1799. Co(jxiri''l (C.) Kxperinieiital Ks.say on relative Physiological and Mi'diciiial Piopertifs of lodino and its compounds. Edin., 1837. Currie .^/.) Medical Reports on KH'ect- of Water, cold and warm, as a K"niedy in Fever and other Diseases. Liverpool, 1798. Dictionaiiuiii Medicum ... ex liippocrate, Arcteeo, Galeno . . . (itc), cimi Latina interpretatione. {Viuinl), Sfep/iUTius, 1564. Framr {li. DeW.) I)e Causa Mortis in Febrihus Acutis, et de optiniic! remediis ad earn evitandam. Bound pamph. Giessse, 1834. Gale {T) Certaine Workes of Chirurgerie. (1, Institution of Chirurgerie ; 2, An Enchiridion containing euro of wounds, fractures, and dislocations ; 3, An excellent treatise of the Wound made with goni.eshoto ; 4, An Antidotarie conteyning the ])rincipall and secrete mediciiuis, used in art of chirurgerie) Lond., R. Hall, 1563. lilack-letter. Num.— Sea remark under author-entry, p. 104. Griffitii (iW.) Cuie of Hectic and Slow Fevers, and Pulmonary Consum])tion, etc. Pamph. Lond., 1795, Guytori- Morvfuxi (L. Ji., barun). Traite des Moyens de Desinfectcr I'Air, d(! I'levenir la Contagion, et d'cn Arreter les Progres. Paris, 1805. Ilarcey {W.) Opera Omnia; a (Jollegio Medicorum Londinensi edita. (Lond..) 1766. Hendy {J.) Essay on Glandular Secretion. Pamph. Lend., 1775. llosack (D.) Kssays on various sulijects of Medical Science. 2 v. N. Y., 1824. System of Practical Nosology. N. Y., 1821. Hull {J.) Essay on Phlegmatia Dolens, including account of Peritonitis Puerperalis iiiid Conjunctiva, etc. Manchester, 1800. James {R.) M-i'.ical Dictionary. 3 v. Lond , 1 743-45. Jebb {J.) Works ; theological, medical, etc. 3 v. Lond., 1787. Jones {J.) Medical, Philosophical and Vulgar Errors, considered and refuted. Lond., 1797. 463 I. I m MEDICINE. SUBJECTS. MELANCHOLY. Medicine — Continued. Lambert ('/'. S.) Aniitoniy, Physiology, and Pathnlogy ; Hy,yone iuid Tlu'ra|)eutics. Portland, 1^52 Lempriere {W.) Practical Observations on Diseases of A-my in Jamaica, 1792-97. 2 v. Loud., 1799. AVLean (//) Nature and Cau.scs i.f Great Mortality among Troops at St. Domingo, with remarks on Fever of that Island. Lond.. 1797. Medical Fa(;ts and Observation.s {by various writers). (Ed. by Dr. Simmons), v. 8. Lond., 1800. Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta. Transactions, v 1, 3-4. Calcutta, D<2.")-29. Pearson (J.) Practical Observations on Cancerous Complaints. Pamph. Lond., 179.3. Petit (./. L.) Traite des Maladies des Os. v, I'aris, 1723. Qaincy (J.) Lexicon Phy.sico-Medicum ; or Medical Diutionarv. Lond , 1794. Red Operations in North of France, 1870-72. Lond., 1872. altepherd {P.) Aids for of Injuries or Sudden Illness. (Lond.), 1878. Swleten {G., baron rou). Commentaries upon Bnerhaave's A]ihor- isms cou'-erning kiinwledge and cure of Diseases. 18 v. Ellin., 1770. Ttvininy ( 11".) Epidemic Cholera, and its Treatment Lond., 1833. Volume containing the following ])amphlets : — [1] Alison ( IP. /' ), on Singles and Coi'rect Vision, Edin., 183(5. — \^1'\ Reynault (Louis), Dis.sertation sur les Folliculesde la Muijueuse (iastro- Jntestinale, leurs maladies, et sur la nature do la Inevre Typhoide, Paris, 1832. --[3] Bolton (Jackson), These pour Doctoral en Medecine, Paris, 1838.— [4] Les Tracas.series de.s Ilommes Stm'.ieux ,, . , 1838.— I-')] Chevillot (P. F.), Recher- clies sur les (iaz de I'Estomac ot des Intestins de riiomme a I'etat de Maladie, Paris. 183.3.— [6] Dnhost (d.), Essai sur le (-'holera-Morbus E|iidemique observe a I'aris en 1832, Paris, 1832. — [7] Miqnet (J'J.), Essai ('liemiipu^ et Medical .sur la Creosote, I'aris, 1834. — [i^] Aly-Z/ei/ba/i, (.i>uel(]ues .\Io s sur les trois jirincipales Maladies Eiideiiui|ues de I'Egypte, Paris, 1833.— [9 I Iiri!tonneau(P.), De ITtiliteile la Compression . . ., I'aris, 181.-X WImiely ('/'.) Practical Observations on cure of Wounds and Ulcers on tlu' Legs. Lond., 1799. See, also Anatomy ; — Health ; - Midwifery ; — Mixeu.m. SiMiiN(i« ; — PiiAUMACY ; — Physiology ; — Poisons ; — SL:i{(ii;i{V. Melancholy. Burton (R.) Anatomy of M. 2 v. Lond., 1821. Melanchoiv (.4 diyest of tlie "Anatomy of Melancholy.") Lond.', 1801. 404 W MEFjANCTHON. suujp:cts. METEOROLOGY. Melancthon (Pliilip). Catalogue of Library of Dr. Kloss of Franck- fort a M., including MSS., ami Printed IJooks with MS. annotations by P. Alelancthon. Lond., 1835. Mensuration. Bonnycastle (J.) Introduction to Practical Geometry an.l j\I. Lond.. 1842. lloppHs (E.) Practical Measuring made easy, by a set of Tables. Lond., 1767. See also S'.'RVEYING. Mental Philosophy. Abercrombie (J.) Inquiries concerning intellec- tual powers and investigation of truth. Lond., 1838. Baron (Ji. ) Metapliysica ( ieneralis. Lond., doubtless 17th century. Flemintf (W.) Vocabulary of Philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ; with (piotations and refereiices. Lond., 1876. Lardner (D.) Lectures ui)on (J.) Locke's Essay {on the Human Understandinrj). Duldin, 1845. Locke {,].) Kssav concerning Human Understanding; etc. 2 v. Lond., 1793"; Some. Lond., 1796. .NoTK.— This famous work denies that there are innate ideas, and endeavours to prove thiit all notions, and therefore all knowledge, must be the result o( experience. Kssai Philoisophi(iue concernant TEntendement Ilumain. Tr. hi/ Coate. Anistcrdiim, 1729. Jieid{T.) Powers oi Human Mind ; f'»atural History of the Atmosphere, and its con- nection with Medicine and Agriculture. 1 v. Edin., 1808(?), Royal Observatory, Greenwich Astronomical (and Magnetical and Meteorologicfd) OKservations, 1861-62. 2 v. Lond., 1863-64. Smith (R. A.) Air and Rain ; beginnings of Chemical Climatology. Lend., 1872. See also Cmmatology. Methodism. (Pamphlets relating to M., by various authors.) Hound in 1 v. Smith {T. W.) History of .Metluuli.'^t Church of Eastern British America. 2 v. Halifax, 1877-90. Wesley J. See his works, j>. 276 of catalnyue. Wesley an- Methodist Missionari/ Society, London (1st)— 24, 1826-66. 47 pamph. Lond., v Mexico. Bancroft (J/. H.) Popular History of San Francisco, 1887. Ciibas {A. G.) Republic of M. in 1876. Mexico, 1876. Humboldt (F. H. A., von). Political Essay on Kingdom of New Spain; Researches, e Claudius iKIinnus, the .luthor of the " Varia Historia " ; while others affirm that it is bj' another writer of the same name. Creasy (E. S.) Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo. Lond., 1859. CoHfcnf*.— Marnthon. B.C. 490; Syracuse, B. C. 41,1; Arbela, B. C. 331; Metaurus, B. C. 207 ; Arniiniu", A. U. 9 ; Chalons, A. D. 4.'il ; Tours, A. D. 732 ; Ha>^tini{9, A. D. 1006 ; Orleans, A. D. 1429 ; Armada. A. D. IflSS ; Blenheim, A.D. 1704 ; Pultowa, A. D. 1709 ; SaratuKa, A. D. 1777 ; Valmy, A. D. 1792 ; Waterloo, A. D. 1815. Field Exercises and Evolutions of Invantry. Lond., 1859. Fortifications of To-Day : Fire against Models of Coast Batteries and Parados ; Horizontal and Curved Fire in Defence of Coast. [U. S. Board of Engineers for Fortifications). \Va.'eterniinative M., with introduction on Hlow-Pipe Analysis. X. Y., 1875. Biicldand (IF.) Geology and ]\I. considered with reference to Natural Theology. 2 v. Lond., 1837. Batia {E. 6'. «& ,/. D.) Text-l)ook of ^l. N". Y., 1877. Dana {J. D.) Manual of M. ( With ihid appendix in ^Mmphlet form, 187')). Lond., 1853. Manual of M. and Lithology. X. Y., 1878. Day {D. T.), cd. Mineral Resource.? of United States, 1885-87. 3 V. Wash., 1886-88. 468 .' i, MINERALOGY. SUBJECTS. MINING. Mineralogy — Contimied. Descri])tivo Catalogue of Collection of Economic Minerals of Canada, anil of its crystalline rocks, sent to London International Exhibition, 1862. {Geo. Survey of Canada.) Pamph. Montreal, 1862(?). Descriptive Catalogue of Collection of Economic Minerals of Canada ; Colonial and Indian Exhibition, Lond., 1886. {Geo. and Nat. Hist. Survey of C.) Pamph. Loud., 1886. Emanuel {H.) Diamonds and Precious Stones for their identification Lond., 1867. Grey {R. P.) & Lettsom (W. G.) Manual of M. an li: 'inf i : fV^M > MINING. SUHJECTS. MIRACLES. i n Mining — Continued. Overman (F.) Practical Mineralogy, Assaying, and M. Phila., 1872. Phil/ipx {J. A.) i5' iJurliiK/ton {J.) Records of M. and Metallurgy. Phila., 18r)7(?). Rirkartf (F. I.) Mining Journey across the Great Andes. Lend., 1863. Simoiiin (L.) Underground Life. Loud., 1869. Si'f aim Coal ; — Gold ; — Silver. Ministers and the Ministry. Briifgen (C.) The Christian Ministryi with In(iuify into causes of its Inefficiency. Lend., 1854. liuriiff ((>'.) Discourse of Pastoral Care. Lond., 1818. Chri/xostdiincK {i>f.) l)e vSacerdotio lib. (Gr.) | v. Lipsite, 1825 Clergyman's Instructor, or Tracts {hi/ G. Herbert and others) on the Ministerial Duties. Oxford, 1807. Same. Oxford, 1855. Ecclesiastes or the Preacher ; an essay on the Duties of a Public Religious Instructor ; chiefly from Latin treatise on this sub- ject, by Erasmus ; with cliarge to a Missionary. Lond., 1797. Gerard {A) Pastoral Care. Lond., 1799. Ostervahl {J. F.) Exercise of the Sacred Ministry. Lond., 1781. Finder (J. H) Candidate for the Ministry: Lectures on 1st Epi.-^tle of St. Paul to Timothy. Lond., 1837. Rose {/I. J.) Commission and Con3ec|Ueiit Duties of Clergv. Lond.. 1831. Sunuii-r (J. B.) Apostolic Preaching ; also 4 Sermons relating to Christian Ministry. Lond., lt^39. Same. Lond.,'l850. iSee aho Ouoination ;— PREACHING. .^4/6-0 Missions and Missionaries. Minnesingers. Lays of the M. or German Troubadours of the 12th and 13th centuries, eti:. Lond., 1825. Miracles. Aihous {W.) Essay on Hume's Essay on M. {Answering that work). \ v. Lond., 1752. Campbell (G.) Dissertation on M. 2 v. Edin., 1797. NoTB.— Examines principles advanced by Hume. Dodicell (IF.) Free Answer to ((".) Middlcton's Free Inquiry into Miraculous Powers of Primative Church \ v. Lond., 1749. Reply to (F.) Toll's Defence of (C.) -MidiUett.n's Free Luiuiry. Lond., 1751. Dour/Ian {J.) The Criterion ; or Rules by which True M. in Xew Testament are distinguished from Spurious M. of Pagans and Papists. Oxford, lf<32. Miracles of .Jesus vindicated. Anon. ^ v. Lond., 1732. Owen (//.) Intent and Propriety of Scripture M. considered and explained. 2 v. Lond., 1773. Trench {R. C.) Xotes on M. of our Lord. Lond., 1866. See also Jesus Christ ;— Theology, paxxim. 470 MISSIONS. SUBJECTS. MOLLU8CA. MissKixs AND Missionaries. Church Missionary Record, detaiHng Proceedings of Cluirch Missionary Society for 1833 (v. 4), and 18:^6 (v. 7). 2 V. Lond., 1833-36. Chvule iV Ahhi'villf' {C. Foul/on) Histoire de la Mission des Peres Capucins en I'Isle de Maragnan et terres circonuoisines. Paris, 1614. Duff {A.) India and India Missions. Edin., 1839. Ellis (W.) Viiulication of South Sea Missions from misrepresenta- tions of U. von Kotzohue. Lond., 1831. llaividns (E.) Historic^d Notices of Missions of (?hurch of England in North American Colonies, previous to (1783). Lond., 1845. LiviiuidoHf (D.) Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. N. Y., 1858. Missions-lilatt ; Herausgegebi'ii vnn der Mission.s-Gesellschaft zu Barmen, fiir 1826, 1828-31, 1834-'J7. 9 v. Barmen, v. d. PaitevKon (G.) Missionary Life among tlie Cannibals: being Life of Rev. John Geddie, first missionary to the New Hebrides. Toronto, 1882. Societji for Coni'ffsion and lif^lii/inus Iiinfrurfion and Education of Neip'o Slarfii in Jh-ifin/i U'f.s/ India Islandn. Reports for 1828-31. 4 Pami.h. Lond. Wedciian-Metliodisf MiMiaiiani Soriefi/, London. Re[iorts, for 1818 (Lst)— 1824, 1826-6(5. 47 pamp. Lond., v. d. NoTB. — These reports are for the year ending in April. Willia)HH (J.) Missionary Enterprises in South Sea Islands. Lond., 1837. See also flip lipport.-< of tlic Society for the Propogation of the Gnspel in Foreign Parts (yy. 2J^.l). Mississippi River. //iini/>liri'>/n {A. A.) cj- Ahhot (If. L.) Report on Physics ami Ilydrau'lics of M. R,, etc., 1861., 1876. Si'i' a/tin United States f Monmouth, naturnl son of Charli'S II. of Enu'land ; the latter is referred to as " David " ; and " Achitophel " is the traitorous advisor, the Earl of Shaftesbury. Montana, U. S. A. Ludlow (W.) Report of Reconnaissance from (7arrol, Montana, to Yellowstone National Park, and return, 187o., 187G. Montpensier (Anne ^Lirie Louise d'Orleans, Duchesse de). See BiooR.4- PHY (/«'/.) Monuments. (Volume of Plates, backed " (^.othic Monuments, Anti- (]nities, and Churches." (Joutains Monume!-,t3 of Kings of England, with their epitaphs, etc.) n. t., folio. See ((ho ARCii.r.oi.oGY. Moral Pnii.osopiiY. See Ethics. MoRNAY (Philippe de, Sei;pu'it7' dii PJept^iK Marl if). Les Et Ctetera de du Plessis, parsemez de leurs (,)uo Pro (^)uo. ... la ral(',s of 11 RcIif^ioiiH l)uist. v. 2 in 2 v. Loml., 1741. cianif. 3 v., (contiiining of tlit; iiroiioscd 9 l)ooks ; Ijooks 7 and 8 worcf nnviT luiblislied.) Loml., 1742. NoTR.— For tvarku pnhlhhed un the controverty (iccaHiinied hy " The Divine L('(inliiin," nee T(\Mie'H(J.) Att'imiil of the I)ivii.« Lifittlon fairly stated, Keiiiarkx mi Warliurtoii'M Account of SentiiiicntH ct Jewn, Kxaniination of Warburton'g Second i'ropo8itloii, a/'H Confutation of Wurliurton. Remarks on several ReHeotioim, in answer to Middlcton, Pococke, and otliers, serving to explain and justify iia.sagos in the Divine Legation, >tr. ^ v. Lond., 1744. iianir. I'art 2 ; in an.swor to Stel)l)ing and Sykea. J v. Lond., 1745. Sep. alxo lilHI.lC.'M- COMMENTAUIES. MoSKfl. Sl'C P.1O0HAPHY (/«^/.) Muscovy. See Kussia. Museum OF Practical (!e()F,ogy. Hunt {R.) (liiide. Lond., 1859. Music and Musical Instruments. Alrij {G, II) (Jn Sound and Atniositlieric Vibrations, witli Matlieniatical Elements of M. Lond., 1871. liosdiKini'f (R. II. M.) Elementary Treatise on Musical Intervals and Temperament. Lond., 1876. Catalogue of >Iusieal Instruments, principally illustrative of History of Pianoforte, the property of IL Boddington, formerly col- lection of J. K. Pyne. It tmt rated. Manchester, 1888. NoTB. - Signed copy, no. 29 ; 90 printed. I/ariK (J.) Treatises concerning Art, Music, Painting, Poetry, and Ha} Lond., 1783. Ha;/tnre Proper Names ; efr. Lond., 1822. Napoleoh I (J'Jmprror of f he Freueh). Fac-Similes of all the different Signatures of N. Lond., 1875. For Life, .-^ee BlooUAl'HY (Ind) Napoleon III (Km/ieror of Fraiire). Address presented to City of London to Napoleon III, 18.').'), with Keply. n. p., n. d. Natal. Ifa;/ ' ■i . I i'^ 1 1 , « t ^■'. Defence of Naturiil iind Keveiileil Religion. (Boi/le Lectures, IGOU 1732). 3 V. Lond, 17.'^9. Same. Abridgment. 4 v. Lond., 1737. Derhdin {W.) Astro-Theology.- or Denionytration of Being and Attributes of God, from a Survey of the lleaven.s. Lond., 1715. Same. Lond., 174L Physico-Theology, or Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God from lii.s Work.s of Creation. Lond., 1710. Heylipi (J.) Select Discourses on Principal Points of Natural and Revealed K'eligion ; etc. Lond., 1793. Lelaml {J.) Advantage and Necessity of Christian Revelation; with Discourse on Natural anl Revealed Religion. 2 v. Lond., 1764. Same. 2 v. Lond., 1768. Pahy {W.) Natural Theology. Lond., 1813. Same. Lond., n. d. Note.— For illustrations and descrivitiona of tiie " XaturnI Theology," tee next entry. Paxton (J.) Illustr.itions of Paley's Natural Theology ; with Descriptive Letter-Press. , — . Prout ( W.) Chemistry, Meteorology, and function of Digestion, considered with reference to N. T. Lond., 1834. Ray (J.) "\Vi,sdi»m of God manifested in Works of Creation. Lond., 1704. Stuim {C. C.) Reflexions {sic) on Works of God, and His Providence throughout Natui-e. v. 1 Lond., 1804. Thompson {R. A.) Principles of N. T. Lond., 1857. \Vatso)i{T.) Popular Evidences of Natural Religion and Christian- it}. Lond., 1808. Wheivell {W.) Asti'ononiv and Physics considered with relation to N. T. Lond., 1834. Same. Lond., 1847. Wollaston {W.) Religion of Natui'e delineated. Lond., 1731. Naukhatis. Pctrie {W. M. F.) ^•others. Naukratis : jKirt 1, 1884-85. {Snl memoir of EilUpt E.cp}oration Fiiml). Lond., 1886. Naval History. Ledi'ar(l(T.) Naval History of Engl.and, 1066-1734. 2 V. Lond., 1735. Navigation. Andreic (J.) Astronomical and Nautical Tal)lcs. Lond., 1805. IhnujHer (./.) Traite Complet de la Navigation, n. t., old. Jeatis (//. W.) Nautical Astronomy and N. 2 j)ts. in 1 v. Lond.. 1868-70. Moore (J. H.) Pi'actical Navigator. Lond., 1814. Seaman's Daily Assi.-tant. Lond., 1800. Xorie (J. ]]') Epitome of Practical N. Loml, 1819. Pnnhj (J.) ^lemoir to accompany Chart of Atlantic Ocean containing Navigation of that Sea. Lond., 1825. 476 NAVKJATION. subjf:cts. NEW. Navigation — Continued. Seaman's Guitle, and Coaster's C:f Historique de Quebec. guchec, 1838. See also (,'anai)A. New Hebkides. Pallvrson {(r.) ^lissionary Life anionf; the Cannibals : being Life of Ilev. John Geddie, first missionary to the N. H. Toronto, 188li. New Me.kico, U. S. A. Macondi (,/. X.) Report of Exploring Expedi- tion from Santa Fr, New Mexico, to Junction of (rrand and Green Rivers (Utah), 1859 ; with Geological Repoit by J. S. Newlierry. Wash., 1876. New South MVn'lo (J.) Journal of Voyage to N. S. W. Coloured phdes (if nafitral prod act ions. Lond., 1790. New Spain. See iMexico. New Testament. 6'w Hmi.E ; — Ijiui.ical Commentaries. New York. Musenni of Natural llistorij. Annual Reports, 27th-31st. 4 ]iamph. Albany, 1875-79. State Eniiiiii'er. Kepoit on Railroads, for 1879. Albany, 1880. State Lihrani Trustors. Annual Report (61st), for 1878. Albany, 1879. State Unirersitii R''rir)it.-^. Annual Report, 88th-92nd. 5 v. AUmny, 1875-7'.t. Newfoundland. List of Missions of Church of England in N. and Lalirador, with Map. Rv .1. J. C. n. p., 1877. Murrai/ (A.) Report on (n-ology of N., for 1865, 1871-72. 3 pamph. St. John's S: Montreal, 1866-73. Newspapers. Rowell'.^ American Newspaper Diiectory. N. Y., 1883. Same. N. Y.. 1890. See also Reriodicai-s. Newton (W/' I.saac, EiujUsh l''1iiloso))lier). Emerson {W.) Short Com- ment on Ne\vti>n'.>< I'lincipia. Lond., 1770. Peinberton (//.) View of >:i'\vton's Philos()i)hy. Lond., 1728. Fur Life, see BuHiRAiav (Ind.) NiCENE Creed. Ash mil ((t.) Fides Apo.stolica ; with Appendix touch- ing the Athaiui.-'ian and the N. C. Oxford, 1653. See also Creeds. 478 NINEVEH. SUBJECTS. NORTHUMBERLAND. Nineveh. Lai/ard {A. II.) Discoveries among Ruins of N. and Babylon, efr. N. Y., 1856. Nineveh and its Reinains. N. Y., 1856, See aim Assyria. Norfolk, Eng. Kent (N.) Agriculture of N. Norwich, 1796. Mn.-nhaU (W.) Rural P:conomy of N. 2 v. Loud., 1795. Norse Language. See Helfenstein (J-), p- l-H- North America, limilliury (J.) Travels in Interior of A., Liver{)ool, 1817. Church of England and in America, compared. Anon. N. Y., 1841. J'Jafon. (A.) cj- Wri;,ld (./.) N. A. Botnnj. Troy, N. Y. I 1809-11. Paraph. . 1840. J^Jofoii (I). C.) Ferns of N. A. Parts 1-19, 22-27. Salem, Mass., 1879-80(?), Ilaa-kins (E.) Historical Notices of Missions of Church of England in North American Colonies, previous to Independence of United States. Loud., 1845. Historical Magazine, and Notes ai.d (^)ueries concerning Anti(|ui- tios. History, and Biography of Anu*rica. v. 1. Boston, 1857. Hunt {T. S.) Laurentian Limestones of N. A. Pamph. Albany, 1.^71. Jeffenjs (T.) Nati'ral and Civil History of French Dominions in North and South America. 2 pts. in 1 v, Lond., 1761. NoTR.— Contains plans o( Louisburij:, Quebec, Montreal, etc. Leidij (J.) Fresh-water Rhizopods of N. A. (U. S. Geo. Survey of Territories, v. 12.) Wash., 1879. LoiKj (J.) Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing Manners, Customs {and hvKjuage) of N. A. Indians. Lond., 1791. Mackenzie (Sir A.) Voyages from Montreal, through N. A., 17H9-93 ; with Account of Fur Trade. Lond., 1801. Marsh (O. C.) Odontornithes : a Monograph on Extinct Toothed Birds of N. A. Wash., 1880. Michaux (A.) Flora Boreali-Amei ana. 2 v. Paris & Argen- torati, 1803. Pike (Z. M.) Exploratory Travels through Western Territo'-ies of N. A., 1805-7. Lond., Ibll. Pursh (F.) Flora American Septentrionalis. 2 v. Lond., 1814. Thomas (0.) Synopsis of Acrididte of N. A., 1873. Volney (C. F. C. tie.) Climate and Soil of Unitud States; with accounts of Florida, French Colony on the Scioto, certain Canadian Colonies, and the Savages. Lond., 1804. See also America :— Arctic Regions ; — Canada ; — Mexico ; — United States ; — West Indies. Also Indians. Northumberland, England. Baileij {J.) and Culley {G.) Agriculture of N. Newcastle, 1797. 479 iif» NORTH. SUBJECTS. NOVA. il 4 u I' I 1 i' \ Nokth-West Passage. El/is (/7.) Yoyago de la Baye ee Medicine. NoTTiNGHAMs.iiRE, Eug. Lojve (R.) Agriculture of N. Lond., 1798. Nova Scotia. [See also Akins' Historical Prize Essays; — Cape Breton ; — Micmac Language]. 1. Hixtorii (Ciril ami Ecclesiastical). Akins {T. li.) Catalogue of Manuscript Documents, arranged, l)ounil, and catalogued under direction of Commissioners of Public iiecords, N. S. Halifax, 1877. Same. Halifax, J886. Duncan (F.) Royal Province of New Scotland and her baronets Pamph. Lond., 1878. Eaton {A. IF.) Churcli of England in N. S. and Tory Clergy of the Revolution. N. Y., 1891. NOTK— .\lso contains Ijiographiual notices of the governors of Nova Scotia. Haliliurton [T. C.) Historical and Statistical Ace lunt of Nova Scotia. 2 V. in 1 {i'>4 l>l>- of inil ml. inissinf/). Halifax, 18'29. Same. v. l'. Halifax, 1829. Munlorh {B.) History of X. S. 3 v. Halifax, 1805. Nwa Scotia Historical Socictij. Collections, vols. 3 &, 7. 2 v. Halifax, 1883 it 1891. ■t. Laic, ami J'arliaincntari/ Ba/icrs. I/oiisc (if Assenililii. Journal and Proceeding.s, for 1814, 1818, 1820-26, 1828-30, 1833-05, 1868-78, 1881-82. Hound in 46 V. Halifax, v. d. Jji'i/islntice Council. .lournal and Proceedings, for 18")1, 1856-59. 5 V. Halifax, v. d. MnvilochlB.) Epitome of Laws of N. S. 4 v. Halifax, 1832-33. Revised Statutes h.t to 4th Series. 5 v. Halifax, 1851-73. Statutes, 1758-1879. liouiid in 9 v., with 4 pamph. Halifax, v. d. Private and Local Acts of X. S. Halifax, 1851. 480 NOVA. SUBJECTS. NOVA. Nova Scotia — Continued. 3. Mw'cllaneous. Belchor'a Farmer's Aliuiinack, for 18")2-61, 1864, ami 1868. 12 v. Halifax, v. d. Catalogue of Nova Scotian Department, International Exhibition, 1862. I V. Halifax, 1862. Census, March 30, 18C1. Halifax, 1862. Dawson {J. W.) Cuntriljutions toward Improvement of Agriculture in N. S. Halifax, 1856 Declaration of Principles, Constitution, Regulations, Order of Pro- ceedings, (^-c, of Diocusan Synod of N. S. (Bound with Journals of Gth-lOtt Session). Halifax, v. d. Frame (E.) Descrijjtive Sketches of N. S., in Prose and Verse. By a Nova Scotian. Halifax, 1864. List of Micinac Names of Places, Rivers, etc., in Nova Scotia. Compiled. Pumph. Cambridge, U. S. A., 1892. Ilalihurtnn (R. G.) Past and Future <>f N. S. ; an address. \ v. Halifax, (1862). International Show Committee of N. S. Report. {International Exhibition, 1862.) \ v. Halifax, 1863. Knirjht {T. F.) Nova Scotia and her Resources. \ v. Halifax, 1862. Legislative Library (amalgamated icith that of the N. S. Historical Society). Catalogue of Books : authors, titles and subjects. Halifax, 1890. Nova Scotia Commissioners, International Exhibition, 1862. Re- port. \ v. Halifax, 1864. Nova Scoti;iu Literarv and Scientific Society, 1859. Pamph. Halifax, 1859. Provincial (The). See Periodicals. Report of Committee:-; of House of Assembly, N. S., on Shore and River Fisheiies. Pamph. Halifax, 1854. 4- Natural Hisfori/ and Mines. Dawson (Sir J. IT.) Acadian Cleology. JMin., 1855. Same. 2nd ed (with Supplement in pamphlet form, Lend., 1878). Loud., 1868. Note. — Of much use to the student of geology in this Province. Air-Hreathei's of ComI Period of N. S. Pamph. Montreal, 1863. Gesner (A) Ceologv mid Mineralogv of N. S. Halifax, 1836. Gilpin (E.) Minos and .Mineral of N. S. HaUfa.x, 1880. llotv (U.\ Mineralogy of N. S. Halifax, 1869. Sketciiof Mineralogy of N. S. Pamph. Halifax, 1867. Hunt (T. S.) Re|)ort oil Cold Region of N. S. (Geo. Sur. of Canada). Pam[ih. Ottawa, 1868. Heatheriwiton (A.) Gold Yiehl of N. S., 1860-70, 1860-72, 1861-75. 3 pamph. Lond. »^ Halifax, 1871-76. Mining Industries of N. S. Pamph. Loud., 1874. ** 481 '!! 'I' 111!' ii (P :iv*S:-ii!: m. |:!ii!'^ !:• I. Ill NOVA. SURIECTS. ONTAIUO, (', Nova Scotia (Xiitural History iiiul Mines) — Canfinueif. Nora Scofiaii. fim/ifufc of Natural Sn'rnrt', Halifax. I'mcoiidinga aiul Tniiisacliona ; v. 2, pt. 1 ; 3, i)ts. 'l-\ ; 4, pts. 1-2; 5, pts. 1-3; G, i)ts. 1, 3-4; 7, i>ts. 1, 3-4. Smiml Scries (X. S InstituU! of Science), v. 1, pt. 1 -f. 10 v. Hulifax, 1804-91. Mines Depnrtmnit. Keports for 1802-04, 1800-09, 1871-85, 1887, 1889-91. 28 paniph. Halifax, v. d NoTi.— Alto to be found in Joiirnali of lloiisa of Assembly, N. S. Selwyn {A. R C.) Gold Fields of Quebec and N. S. Paiiipli. Halifax, 1872. Jiutherford (./.) Coal Fields of N. S. I'amph. Xewcustle-upon- Tyne, 1871. NuniA. Bnrckhanh (J. L.) Travels in X. Lond., 1819. Madden {R. R.) Travels in Turkev, K^'ypt, N., and I'ale.stiue, 1824-27. 2 V. Lond.. 1829. NuMBEHs {Old Trst.) See Uim.K ; -Hihi.icai, Commkntaries. Numismatics. Arlmthnot (J.) Tables of Ancient Coins, eic. Lond., 1727. CardiVfll [E.) Coinage of (Jroeks and Romans. O.xford, 1832. Laiiywith {Ji.) Observations on Arbntlmot's Di.ssertation on Coins, Weights and Measures. Pani]]!). Lond., 1747. Reland (A.) l)e Nunuins Veternin Hebrseoruni dissertationes 5; etc. Trajectr ad Klieiuun, 1709. OiiAUiAii. See HiBLE ; — Bihlicai. Commentauies. Odstetiucs. See Midwu'Ei-.y. Ocean (The). Uoodrirh {F. li.), ^]- Iloiria,,.! {/•:.) Ocean's Story: adventures, invention.s, ship-building, diving, dredging, etc. n. p., 1873 (?). Mauri/ {M. F.) Physical (}eogra|)liy of the Sea. Lond., 1857. Same. Lond., 1804. Oceania. Gilbert (T.) Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, 1788. Lond., 1789. See also Eastekn Auciiipelago ; — Polynesia. Ohio, U. S. A. Bureau of Lahoiir Statlstirs of O. 3rd Anmial Repcn-t, for 1879. Pampli. Columl)Us, 1880. Geoloyical Surrey. Report : (Jeoloiiy, 3 v. ; Paheontology, 2 v. ; with maps, ("olumbus, 1873-75. Report on Common Scliools, for 1880. Columbus, 1881. School Law.s, 1880. Columbus, 1879. Secretary of State. Annual Report for 1880. State Board of Centennial Manayers. Final 1877. Olympic Games. West (G.) Dissertation on the O. G. O.xford, 1824. Ontario. A(/ricultnral Department. Annual Report, for 1872, 1884, 1887-90. v. Toronto, v. d. Heriot (G.) Travels through the Caiiadas (notv Quebec and Ontario), with view of Manners and Customs of Aiuericau Indians. Coloured jdates. Lend., 1807. Columbus, 1881. Report. Columbus, 482 ONTARIO. SUBJECTS. OHDI NATION'. Ontauio — Contijiued. I/uiifer (./. //.) I'nt)li(; rionoml Acts of O., rcliitiiig to Insurance, with notes. Toronto, 1H81. Linchdj (C) lnvesti<,'iition of unsottloil Houndiiries of O. Toronto, 187.3. Mills (D.) lioport on boundaries of (), Toronto, 1873, Miniiral I^isourcos of (). : Report of Royal ('oiuini.ssion. Toronto, 1890. NicJiohon {//. A.) Report upon Palieontology of (). 2 v. in 1, Toronto, 1874-7r). North-We.stern ()., its Hoinidaries, Resources, and Connnunications. Panipli. Toronto, 1879. Report on Houndaries of (). Panipli. Toronto, 1877. Report on lioundaries Ijetween (). and unorganized territories of the Doniininn. Ottawa, 1880. Revised Statutes. 2 v, Toronto, 1877. ISpeiicer (J. W.) Surface (Jeology of region ahout western end of Lniie Ontario. Rampli. n. d. Statutes, Documents and Pai)ers bearing on Northern and Western Roundaries of (). Toronto, 1878. Sfie aho ('anapa. Optics. Airy {. Lond., 165.'5. ^ee also Joiies' (Sir \V.) Works. Oriental Literature. See Jones' (Sir W.) Works. Ornithology. British Mu.seum. List of Specimens of Birds ; pt. 3, Gallin.'e, Gralhc, and An.seres. Lond., 1844. Buffon [G. L. //., com i de). Natural History of Birds. 9 v. Lond., 1793. Grindon {L. //.) Manchester Walks and Wild Flowers, with Lists of the liirds and.otlier creatures of the neighbourhood. Lond., n. d. Martin ( IF. C. L.) General History of Huniming-Birds or TrochilidfB. Lond., 1861. Naturalist's Library, v. 1-14 : Ornithology. See JardinC (W.), 2h 1S7. Parker ( .) (Mrrjihology of Duck and Auk Tribes). Cunningham Memoirs, No. 6. (Roval Dublin Soc.) Paiuph. Dublin, 1890. Ridytvay {R ) (Jrnithology (of U. S. Geolor/ical Exploi'ation of 40th Parallel ; report, v. 4). Wash., 1877. See aluo Natural History ; — Zo(jlogy. Orthoptera. Thdiiiax (C.) Synopsis of Acrididoe of North America. Wash., 1873. See aho Entomology, Orville (James Philippe d'). Codices Manuscripti, et Impressi cum Notis Manuscriptis, olim d'Orvilliani, (^ui in Bibliotheca Bodleiana adservantur. Oxonii, 1806. Osteology. Abrege d'Anatomie. {''Caption"). Premiere partie : Osteologie. n. t., old. Petit {J. L.) Traitii des Maladies des Os. v. 2. Paris, 1723. See also Anatomy ; — Physiology ; — Surgery. Ottoman Empire. See Turkey. 484 OVERTON. SUBJECTS. PAINTING. Overton (John). Daubeny (C.) ViiuliciiB Ecclesise Anglicanse. Lond., 1803. NoTK,— An aniiwer, in English, to Overton's " True Cliurchmin Ascertained." Oxford University. Ac.ideinitc O.xonit'nsia Coniita Pliilologica in Tlu-'iitro Slicldoniano, July 10, 1713, colebrata, in lionorem serenissiinse reginse Annie Paciticre. Pampli, Oxonii, 1713. Calendar, 1825. Oxford, 1.-25. Catalogue of Graduates in Divinity, Law, and Medicine, etc., between 1G59 and 1800. Oxford, 1801. xnne. 1659-1770. Oxford, 1772. Same. 1800-1810. Oxford, 1811. Clialmers (A) History of the Colleges, Halls, and Public Build- ings attaclied to the University, including Lives of the Founders. Oxford, 1810. Ingram (J.) Memorials of Oxford. (With man;/ engravings hy J. Le Kenx after F. Afackenzie). 3 v. Oxford, 1837. JoncK (J.) List of Welsh jManuscripts in Library of Jesus College, Oxford ; for use of Cambrian Society. 1819. Maniisrript of 6 leaces. Report of H. M. Commissioners appointed to imjuire into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of O. ; with evidence. Loud., 1852. Wood (A. a). History and Anticiuities of Colleges and Halls in Universitv of Oxford ; with continuation by J. Cutch. Oxford, 1786. Same. 2 v. Oxford, 1792-96. See also Bodleian Lihrary. Oxfordshire. Eng. Kennett {W.) Parochial Anti([uities attempted in History of Ambrosden, Burcester and other adjacent parts in counties of Oxford and Bucks. 2 v. Oxford, 1818. Pacific Ocean. Cook (J.) & Kim/ (J.) Voyage to Pacific Ocean, 1 776-80. 3 v., & 1 v. (folio) of Maps and I'late.s. Loud., 1784. NoTK.— Known as Coolce's Tiiird Voyage. Volumes 1 and 2 are by Coolie ; volume li, by King. See also Oceania ; — Polynesia. Painting. Bel/ (J.) View of L^niver.sal History, Literature, and the .several Schools of Painting, presented in 25 Chronological Tables, to 1842. Lond., 1842. Blackhnrn (II). Academy Notes, 1887, with illustrations of principal ])ictures at Burlington House. Loud., 1887. Exhibition in connction with Royal Dublin Society, 1853. Cata- logue of Oallery of ( )ld Masters, with short sketch of artists. Pamph. Dublin. Harris (J.) Treatise concerning Art, Music, Painting, Poetry, and Hiip]iine.s.s. Lond., 1783. Practical Treatise on Painting in Oil-Colours. Anon. Lond., 1795. 485 Im m% :1l ■;:*i PAINTING. SUBJECrS. PAIi.EOXTOIX)GY. m Painting — Continued. liichardmti (,/.) Woiks, containing Theory of Painting, Essay on Art of Criticism as far as it relates to Painting, Science of a Connoisseur, and Essay on Knowledge of Prints. Lend., 1792. i;ee alxo Dbawino. Palaeontology. liUlimjn [K.) Catalogues of Silurian Fossils of Island of Anticosti. Pani[ili. Montreal, 1HG6. Palaeozoic Fossils, v. \, Sc v. 2 i)t. 1 (2 paniph.) Gi'o. Surmy of Canada. Montreal, 1865-74. Cope {E. I).) Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology, vol. 3 ; Yertebrata from Tertiary and Cretaceous Rocks of North West Territory: pt. 1. Painph. Montreal, 1891. Vertelirata of Tertiary Formation of Western United States : book i. Manij plafei^. Wash, 1883. Dawson (Sir J. IF.) Air-Breathers of the Coal Periled of Nova Scotia Pam])h. Montreal, 1 SGS. Fossil Plants of Devonian and Upper Silurian Formations of Canada. Pamph. Montreal, 1871. Re[)ort on Fossil Plants of Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit Formations of Canada. (Geo. Surfet/ of Canada). Pamph. ^loiitreal, 1873. Geoloi/ical Surret/ o}' Canada. Figures and Descri])tions of Canadian Organic Remains. Decades. 1-4. 4 v. Montreal, 1859. iSee also the Reports of' the Surrei/. Leidi/ (J.) Contrilnitions to E.vlinct Vertebrate Fauna of Western Territories, L'. S. A. Wash., 1873. Le.'^(/uereu.c (L.) Atlas to Coal Flora of Peini.sylvania, ami of Car- boniferous Formation throughout United States. Harrisburg, 1879. Contril utions to Fossil Flora of Western Territories of U. S. : Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras. Wash., 188.". McCoy (/•'.) British Palapoz'lic Rocks, by A. Sedgwick ; with Des(;ription of iJritish Paljeozcjic Fo.ssiIs in ]\ruseum of Univer- .*ity (if Cambridge, Ijy ]\rc(Joy. 2 v. Lond , 185.'). Marsh (0. C.) Odontornithes : a Monograph on Extinct Toothed Hir. Is of North America. AVash., 1880. Meek (F. B.\ Hall (J.), ,]• Whitfield (R. P.) Paheontology. (U. S. Geo. E.cp. of Jf.Ofh Paral/eJ, v. 4.) Wash., 1877. Midler (F. ron^. Observations on New Vegetable Fossils of Auriferous Drifts, Victoria, Au.stralia. Melbourne, 1874. Xirhohiin {H. A) Report u[K)n Palaeontology of Ontario. 2 v. in 1. Toronto, 1874-75. Ohio Gi'oloijical Snrnui. Report : Geology, 3 v. ; Palaeontology, 2 v. Columbus, 1873-75. Given (li.) Paheontology. E.lin., 1860. Speneer {.T. M\) Niagara Fossils, pts. 1-3. Pamph. St. Loui^i, 1884. Ulrieh {E. 0.) Contributions to Micro-Palreontologv of Cambro- Silurian Rocks of Canada : part 2. Pamph. Montreal, 1889. 480 PALi!':ON0TOLO0T. SUIMECTS. PARIS. Pai,;Kontoi,ooy — Continued. Ward (// A.) Catuloj,'ue of Casts of Fossils, with descriptions and illustrations. Koclioster, 1866. ir/nV*' {C A.) 1^ NirliolKim (H. A.) liiljliogrixphy of North American Invertobrato l^xlwontolof^y. Pamph. Wash., 1878. WhitmreH {J. F) Contributions to <.'anadian Palaeontology. Parts 1-3 + (pamph.) Montreal, 1885-91. Withavi (H.) (J)ljsorvations on Fossil Vegetables. Edin., 1831. i>ee u/ko Geolouy. Palestine. Afadden (Ji. K.) Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, 1824-27. 2 v. Lond., 1829." Munndrell {II.) .lourney from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at Easter, 1697. Oxford, 1732. Pooh {II.) Journey to Palestine, 18.5.5. Pamph. Lond, n. d. Scripture Topography. Palestine and the Gentile AVorld. Anon. 2 V Lond., n. d. Wilson(W.R.) Travels in Holy Land, Egypt, etc. 2 v. Lond., 1847. Paley (William). Chalmers (?'. ) Prelections on Butler's Analogy, Paley's Evidences of Christianity, etc. Edin., 1852. Papacy. See Popes ; — Roman Catholicism. Paper. Bounnan {F. A.) Wood-Fibre for Paper-Making. Pamph. Montreal, 1889. Paper Trade I'eview. r. 2, nos. 19-26; v. 3; v. 4, nos. 8-9. 37 jiamph. Lond., 1884-85. Papyrl Herculanensium Yoluminum. 2 pts in 1 v. Oxonii, 1824-25. Note.— Engraved fac-Biiniles of papyri found at Herciilaneum. Parables op New Testament. Brayye {F.) Practical Discourses upon Parables of our Saviour. Lond., 1694. Farrer {J.) Sermons on the Parables. Lond., 1801. Trench {Ji. C.) Notes on Parables of Our Lord. Lond., 1855. Same. Lond., 1866. See also Bible ; — Biblical Commentaries. Parian Chronicle. See Arundelian Marblks. Paris. Aufnm'uni {Ahhe.) Deserijition de Paris. V. •^. Lond., 1763. Canada at the Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1855. Toronto, 1856. Conferences Ecclesiastiques de Paris, sur le Mariage, ou Ton Concilie la Discipline de I'Eglise iivec la Jurisprudence du Royaume de France. 5 v. Paris, 1735. Conferences Eccle.siastiipies de Pari.s, sur I'L^sure et la Restitution, ou Ton Concilie la Dis(ii)lino de I'P^glise avec la Jurisprudence du Royaume de Franco. 4 v. Paris, 1724. Peltier {J.) Paris, pendant Tannce 1801. v. 31 (pamph.) Lond., 1801. Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Geohujical and Natural History Siirvei/ of Cunada. Escpiisse Geologique du Canada, suivie d'un Catalogue descriptif de la collection de Cartes et Coupes geologiipies, Roche*, I'C-c, envoyee a I'Exposition Universelle de 1867. Pamph. Pari.s, 1867. 487 I" 1,11 li i\ K,! ^'M' ■' ■ . el 1l^i ■ PAIlKEn. SUBJKCTS. PAUL. iS ! 4 ;r * Parkkii (Mnttl)»>w). See HionuAPHY (fufl.) pAliKEIt SoCIKTY I'flll.K'ATIONH. (" Ilistitllt' li t'of tlio i)>il)liciiti()n of tho works of tlio Fatlicrs ami carlv writiTH of tlie RoforniiMl Kiiglish Clnirch.") r)2 v. Cainl'.ridgo, l8H>-r)r). Cotifenfx. Half (./.) Hc'.vct Works. ranitirUlBe, 1S4I. llrriin ('/'.) CntwhlMiii, wltli other (rclinimih) Pieces. CaiiibridKCi 1844. Karl.v (rollt'loiiH) Works, (.'ainliriilifti. lH4;t I'rnverH and olhi'r I'looes. Cumbriil.'o, 1.S44 lirnilliirii(.l.) Wrltinijh. 2 v. tlniiibfidife, 1H4S-5H lliilliiiniT(ll ) lifcmlfH. .'i partH in 4 V, Caiuliriilifo, 184a-ii2. Ciil/hilK.f.) AnHwiT to .1. .Mortiall's Tri-allBe of tlie <'roH9. ("aiiit)rl(lKO, 1840. Covi>rr ('!'.) Aimwur In Dofeiicc of Truth aKaiiiiit thn " Apolo.ridi.'o, 1843. Himper(J) ICarly '.^'ritintrs. CanibridKc, 184S. Later WritinifS. CaniliriiiKe, 18.^2. lliitrliinson (U.) Works. Cinibrid^'C, 1842. ,>eiirl(,r.) Works. 4 v. Caii. Latiiiirr (H.) .Sermons. Cainlirldife. 1844. Sermons and Iteninin!]. Cambrldpe. 1845. I.itnririi'al Servle. h set forth in Kelfirn of Kii/.abeth. Cambridge, 1847. Xiiirfll(A .) Catechism ('ambriilift, 18.'i3. Xonleii (,/ ) Prnjfress of Piety. Camhridire, 1S47. Original Letters relative to Knglish Keformation, (1537-58), chiefly from Archives of Zurich. 2 V. Cambridirc, 184(1 47. J'hil/iit (J ) Kxaminationsand Writings. Cambridge, 1842. f'UkiwitnniJ.) Works. Cnndiridife, 1842. Private Pravers put forth by authority during Reign of Elizabeth, etc., and Litany of 1544. Cambridge. WA. Hidlen (.V.) Works. Cambridge. 1843. Jliui('r.i{T) Catholic O'lctrine (if Church of England. Cambridge, 1854. Sandii-- {K.) Sermons, cfi-. Cambridge, 1842. Two Liturgies, L^i49 and 1,55', with other Documents. Cambridge, 1844. Ttindalc (w.) Answer to Sir Thomas Wore's Dialogue on the Supper of the Lord, etc. Cainliridurc, IS.'iO. Doctrinal Treati-ics and Intioductioiis to ths Scriptures. Cambridiro. 1848. Expositions ami Notes on the Scriptures ; with the Practice of Prelates. Cambridge, 1849. Whitakfr {W.) Disputation on Uolv Scripture, against the Dupiets. Candiridge, 1841). \Vh\ti}ift(J.) Works, 3 v. Cambridge, 1851. WoiiUim (J.) Christian .Manuil. Cambr due, l.""^';, Zurich Letters, during carlv part of reign of <|..,.n Eli.;;i','.l.!i. 2 v. Cambridge, 1842-45. Samt. Cambridge," 184(1. Parliament. Todd {A.) T'lirliainontarv (lovormnciit in British Colonics. I^ostoii, 1880. Pastoral Work. See Ministers and the Ministry ; — Preaching. Pathology. See ^Medicine. Patriarchs. Um/afe (li.) Ki^niarks on translation of llobrcw Xaiiies of AnttHliluvian Patriarclis. Pampli. Loud., 1844. "Paul {Sai lit). Liittelfon (d., hinl). Oljscrvations on Convcr.sion aiul Apostli'siiip of St. Taul. Loiul., 1799. Saini'. Lond., 1748. Same, i V. Lond., 1811. 488 \l PALI,. SU15.IKCTS. I'EI'l'EUEI.L. Paui, (Saliif) — Continued. Af'Aiilet/ (li.), <6 I'itPUHirt (/?.) Report of CnntrnvcrHial l)i,s,:u.s- sioii upon Supri'iimcy of St. I'aiil, took pliicc hetwpon M'Auley aii.l Sttiwiirt, 1H27, at HallyiU'Mia. Ik-lfast, 1827. Paley {W.) lima! I'aiiliiuH. NoTi. -For v4rlouM u'lltlotii, mie aiithoruntry, p 1U4. For lAfe, nee liiodiiAi'HY (hul.) Vwh (Kpistlcs of Saint). Si't> \',i -HlllMCAl, CoMMKNTAIUKS. pi.stics oi rtainij. .■>'■'' l>M)i,K ; -l>iiiM(,'/\ Peacock or I'ecock (Itc^inald oi' Koynolil, /{ixho})). Hf.e ItiooiiAPiiY {Ind.) Peat. Lpavitl ('/'. //.) P(!at as an Artic.Ii; of Kiuil. Ilostoti, 1807. Peeuaoe a.M) I>aU().\eta(ie. Jinrki' (./.) Ot-ncialogical and lloraldic Dictionary of Pcora^^'o ami Haronetage of IJriti.sli Kinpire. Lond.. 1840. Collins (A.) Peoraf,'() of Kn^'Iand. in C. I.ond., 1750. NoTK. -This Ihlnl u' [J.) Peerage of Ireland, v. 2-4. Lond., 1754. (Peerage of Ireland), n. t., 1700 (?). Pocket Peerage of England, Scotland and Ireland, v. 2 {ronfain- imj 8rof land anil Irrtantl). Lond., 1790. Went (J{.) Origin and Manner f)f creating Peers. Lond., 1782. NoTB— See note under author-entry, p. 277. Pelew Islands. Keatv {(!.) Account of Pelew Islands. Lond., 1789. Penn (William). Sec \\u)v,\\\vh\ {Ind.) Pennant i Thomas). ;See Pioguai'HY (Ind.) Pennsylvania. Chance (II. M.) (leology of (clarion County, {^nd Geo. Snrvei/ of J'enn.iyli'ania). Harrisburg, 1880. Ilimt {T. S.) Special Report on Trap Dykes and Azoic Rocks of South-eastern Pennsylvania; pt. 1, Historical Inlroducti-jn. (S^id G'ao. Sur. of Penn.) Itarrishurg, 187S. Lenquei-enx (L.) .Atlas to Coal Flora of Pennsylvania, etc. Harrisburg, 1879 White (/. C.) Geology of Krie and Crawford Counties (Penn.) Harrisburg, 1881.' Ooulogy of Mercer County {Penn.) Harrisburg, 1880. Wright {W.) Oil Regions of Penn.sylvania. X. Y., 18C5. Pentateuch, c^ee limi.E j — P)Ibmcai. C().mmextaries {Old Testament). Pei'peuei.l {Sir William). See Biocrapiiy {Ind.) 489 il:ii 1: ' PERIODICALS. SUBJECTS. PERIODICALS. PERIODIALS. 1^^ ^or periodical publications of Societies, see names of those Societies, (a list will be found under Societies). Acadian Magazine, or Literary Mirror, v. 1 (July, 1826 — June, 1827;. Halifax. Acliill Missionary Herald. {Incomplete). Achill Island, Coast of Connuught. 1843-49. Adventurer (The). By S. Johnson, J. Hawkesworth, and- others. 4 V. Lond., 1770. American Journal of Science and Arts ; second series, v. 37-50 (wantiii'/ Nos. 127, 129, 138); third seiie.s, v. 1-29 (wanting Nos. 8, i38, 143, 153, 164, 166, 168). 203 pampli. Xew Haven, 1864-85. Annual Register, for 1758-1800, 1806, 1820 (2 parts), 1823, 1838-47. 57 v. Lond., v. d. Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine ; or monthly political and literary censor, vol. 2 (1799)— 8 (1801). 7 v. Lond., v. d. NoTB. — Gifford, Frere, and Canning were contributors to this periodical. riackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. v. 74 {Jalif-Dec.., 185S). N. Y., lt<53 Canadian Monthlv. Vol. 7, No. 6 ; vol. 8, No.^. 2-5. 5 pamph. Toronto, 18ff. 2). 29 v. Edin., 1815-25. Forum (The), Law Review, vol 2, No. 3. IJaltimor.', 1874. Guardian (The). 2 v. Lond., 1756. Note.— Addison and Steele were the chief oontiihutors. Herald of Peace, for 1819-26. v. 1-3; and New Series, v. 1-5. Lonil., V. d. Historical Magazine, and Notes and Queries concerning History, etc., of Ameri(!a. v. 1. Boston, 1857. Historical Registi'r, for 1791. (C/tronicle of domestic ami foreign traiisacfioiifi). Lond., 1793. 4t)0 PERIODICALS. SUBJECTS. PERSIA. Periodicals — Confinued. Illustrirte Zeitniig. 13 v. Leipzig', 1851-57. Jouriiiil nf Scicnice (fornierh/ Quartorlv Journal of Science\ 1864 (No. 1)— 1883 (No. 119), wanting Nos. 62, 70, 98-99, 105. 114 paiii])!!. Loiul., V. d. King's College Record, vols. 1-14. 14 v. in 5. Windsor, 1879-92. King's College Uniyersitv Magazine, vol. 1, No. 1 (April, 1871). Pamph. Halifax, 1871. London, Kdinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Fourth series, v. 27-50 (wanting Nos. 230, 233-34, 278) ; fifth series, v. 1-12. 228 pamph. Lond., 1864-81. Maritime Monthly. Vol. 1, Xos. 1-6 (Jan.— June, 1873). 6 paniiih. St. John A; Halifax, 1873. Mathematical Monthly, vol. 1. Cambridge, 1859. Missions-] !latt ; Herausgegeben von der Missions-Gesellschaft zu Barmen, fur 1826, 1828-31, 1834-37. 9 v. Barmen, v. d. Paper Tra.le Review. Vol. 2, Xos. 19-26 ; v. 3 ; v. 4, Nos. 8-9. 37 pamph. Lond., 1884-85. Protestant Joui'iial, for 1831-36. 6 v. Lond., v. d. Protestant Magazine, v. 1. Lond., 1839. Provincial (The) ; or Halifax ^Monthly Magazine. (Ed. hif M. J. Katzinuiin [Mrs. Win. Lawfio?i]). 2 v. Halifax, 1852-53. Quarterly Journal of Science. Hcc Journal of Science. Quarterly Review. Vols. 12, No. 24 ; 14, No. 28 ; 15-17 ; 18, No. 36: 10; 21-26; 27, No. -H ; 28-31. 1815-25. Record of Progress of Modern Engineering, 1863-64 Humbor. 32 Nos. Lond., Ed. by W. V. Lond. True P»rit)n (The). ^ v. n. t. Voice of Jacob, a publication of the Anglo-Jewish periodical press. {Iiii/.f'r/ect). Lond., 1844-47. Pekry (Mathew Colbiaith) Haicke-i {F. L.) Narrative of Expedition to China Seas and Ja])an, 1852-54, under command of M. C. Perry. ?> v. Wash., 1856. Perry (Manufactuie of). Kni(//if (T. A.) Culture of Ap])le and Pear, and manufacture of Cider and Perry, i v. Lond., 1818. Persia. h'nvKtt'r {(t.) Journey from liengal to England, through India, Kashmire, Afghanistan, and Persia, and into Russia. 2 v. Lond., 1798. Mtih-nlm {Sir J.) History of Persia to present time. 2 v. Lond., 1815. Bawliiimii {(t.) Five Creat Monarchies of Ancient Eastern World. V. 4 (/VwV/). Lond., 1867. aSV'c »'/,sv* /ii.'i. Also H/c of Nadir Shah in Bio- CHAPIIY {Ind.) also Pkrhiax Languacie ; — Pkhsiax Literature. 491 r i;f!fi Willi!:: %W:' S« i^ I! : : \t"\9-i' V\. I PEnSIAN. SUBJECTS. PHILOLOGY. Persian Language. Casfell (FJ.) Lexicon Heptaf^lotton, Hebraicum^ Chixldaicum, Syriaouin, Samaritanum. /Ethiopicum, Arabicum, et Persicuin ... 2 v. Lond., 1669. NoTR.— Accompanies Walton's Biblia Sacra Polyglotta (9. 0.) For an examjde of thu ianijuai/e, sfe Bible (Persian), p. 35 of Catalofjjip. Persian Literature. Spp aho the worktt nf Pprsian vn'ters, Achiued Ardebeili, Akber (Jilaleddeen Maliommed), Haflz, etc. Ahn the works of JoneS {Sir \V.) Perth County, Scotland. Rol>ertson (J.) Agriculture of Perth. Perth. 1799. Peru. Prescott {W. H.) Conquest of Peru, v 2. Boston, 1855. Semaine d'unc Maison d'Education de Londres ; contonant un abrdhy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ; with ((uotations and references. i.,ond.. 1876. Herder {J. G. von). AVerke. 40 v. in 20, Stuttgart, 1852-54. NoTR.— Herder's chief ;-.ro8c worlt is eiititlwl " Ideas on the Philosophy of the History of the Human Kaee." Hittcliinson. (J.) Philosophical and Theological Works, v, 1-4, 6-11. Lond., 1740. 493 I PHILOSOPHY. SUBJECTS. PHYSICS. > > ^1 1. 1 id". . i; ■ i' i H? Philosophy — Confitmeil. Jones (J.) Medical, Philosophical, and Vulgar Errors, considered and refuted. I^)nd., 171)7. Jiniffroy (T.) Philosophical Miscellanies, from the French of Cousin, JouH'roy, and Constant, v. 2 {Jouffroy Sf Constant). Boston, 1838. Lnch-e (J.) Works. 3 v. Lond., 1722. Malehraiiclif {N. tic). De Inquirenda Veritate lib. Genevfe, 16S5. Philosophical Miscellanies translated from Cousin, Joutf'roy, and Constant, v. 2 {Jon ff ran tj* Conslant). Boston, 1838. Plato. See author-entry (p. 204). Platonisine devoile ; on E~;sai touchant la Yerbe Platonicien. Anon. Cologne, 1700. Ritter{H.) History of Ancient Philosophy, v. 1,3 (\; 4. 0.\foid, 1838-39. Stewart (D.), MacMntosh (Sir J.), Plrii/fair (/.), cj- Leslie {Sir J.) Dissertations on History of ^fetajjhysical and Ethical, and of Mathematical and Physical Science, n. p., n. d. Watts (f.) Phih)Sophical 'Essays : etc. Lond., 1794. Willich {A. F. M.) Critical Philosophy of Kant. Loud., 1798. See also Epicuhean Philosophy ; — Ethics ; — Mental Phil- osophy ; — Physics ; — Platonism ; — Sroici.s.M ; — etc. Philosophy (Mental). See Mental Philosophy. Philosophy (Moral). See Ivriiics. Philosophy (Natural). S<'e Physics. Ph(ENICIA. Sanclmniatfion. Pha?uiciau History. Tr. with a contin- uation by Eratosthenes Cyreiifeus ; and chronological remarks by K. Cuh.berland. Lond., 1720. See also HisroiiY (Ancient). Physical Education. See Cy.mnastics. Physical Geography. Ansted {D. T.) Elementary of Geology, Mineralogy, and P. G. Lond., 1856-69 {sic). See also Cosmogony and Cosmology. Physics. Airy {G. B.) On Scnind and Atmosjiheric Vibrations, with Mathematical Elements of Music. Lond., 1871. Bland {M.) Problems in dift'crent branches of (natural) Philosophy. Lond., 1830. Boyle {R.) Christian Virtuoso, showing tliat by being addicted to Experimental Pliilo.sophy, a man is rather assisted than indispo.sed, to be a (Jood Christian. Lond., 1G90. Experiments and Considerations about Porosity of Bodies. ^ v. Lond, 1684. Experiments Physico-Mcchanical, touching the Air. Lond., 1682. See also his " Works." Brewster {D.) Treatise on new Philo.sophical Tn.struments ; with experiments on light and colours. Edin,, 1813. 494 PHYSICis. SUBJECTS. PHYSICS. Physics — CuutinmiL Correlation and Conservation of Forces : a series of expositions by W. R. Grove, H. L. F. Helniholtz, J. R Mayer, M. Faraday, J. von Liebiof, and W. H. Carpenter. N. Y., 1865. Same. N. Y., 1873. Deschvial {A. P.) Klenientary Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Lond., 1876. Euler [L.) Letters to a Gtrman Princess, on ilifferent subjects in Physics and Philo.sdph.v. 2 v. Lond., 1795. Feripmnn (J.) Lectures on select subjects in Mechanics, Hydro- statics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, and Optics ; with use of globes and art of dialling. Lond., 1799. Fi'oienih'u (G. E.) Elen)eiits of Physics. Lond., 1892. Fischer [E. (i.) Physique Mocanique. Paris, 1819. Gravesnnile ( IF. J.) Mathematical Klen;ents of Natural Philosophy, confirmed by experiments. 2 v. Lond., 1737. Sa?iie. 2 V. Lond., 1747. Grefjon/ (D.) Astronomise, Physicse, et Geometricse elementa. * O.xonicB, 1702. Grovfi ( IF. If.) Correlation of Physical Forces etc. Lond., 1874. Gutlirie (F.) Practical Physics, Molecular Physics and Sound. Lond., 1878. Huilii (It. J.) Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy, v. 1. "Lond., 1807. JoncH {/). E.) Elementary Lessons in Heat, Light, and Sound. Lond., 1891. Examples in Physics Lond., 1888. Jones (ir.) Phy.siological Disquisitions; or Discourses on Natural Philosophy of the Elements. Lond., 1781. Laniner {!).} Hand-Books of Natural Philosof)hy and Astronomy. 1st course : Meclianics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Sound and Optics ; 2nd course : Heat, Magnetism, and Electricity, 2 v. Phila., 1853. Newth (.S ) First Book of Natural Philosophy. Lond., 1876. 0::auui)i (J.) Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Additions by Montucla and Hutton. 4 v. Lond., 1803. Same. 4 v. Lond., 1814. Physica Vetus et Nova, ad usum scholse accommodata. {Half-title). n. t., old. rini/fair (J.) Outlines of Natural Philosophy. 2 v. Edin., 1819. Fonillct {C. S. M.) Elcmens de Physique Experimentale et de Meteorologic. 1 v.. with Atlas of plates. BruxcUes, 1836. Ri)himn{J.) Sysu'tn of Mechanical Philosophy. 4 v. Edin., 1822. liohanU (J.) i'hysica. Lond., 1710. System of Natural Philosophy, v. 1, \>t 1 ; v. 2, pt. 2. Lond., 1735. Survey of Wisdom of God in Creation, or Compendium of Natural Philosophy. Anon. v. 2-3. Bristol, 1770. 495 ■ I!. U\i i rnY8ics. SURIKCTS. PIOTOu. Physics — Continncil. i; m Inf 1 K. V Iff V. WaJker {A.) System of Fainilifir (Niitui'iil) I'liilosophy. Loiul., 1802". WebKfer {T.) KloimMits of Pliysics. Loud., IS.'i?. Wlii'iir/I (W.) Astioiioiny ami (leiipral I'liy.iics considcinMl witli relation to Natural Tli(H)loj,'y. Loud., l.S-U. ^'an;-'. Loud , 1847. See afm .Acoustics ; — Dy.vamics ; — Km-xthicity ; — (}ai,- VAXisM ;— IIkat ; — lIvimAUi.ics ; — IIyduostatics ; — Mechanics ; — Optics ; — Pneumatics ; -Statics. l^llYSioi.ooY. Avelimj (E. li.) Pliysii)loi,'i(;al Tables. Loud., 1877. liell (('.) The Hand, its ineclianisni and vital endowments, as evinciiifj design. Loud., 18.'i7. lioijle [li.) Memoirs for Xatnial History of Humane (.svV) Blood, especially the s])irit of that li(iuor. \ v. Lond., lOSj. Draper {J. W.) Human Physiology. N. V., 1858. FAlirarih ( W. F.) Influenee of Physical AgtMits on Life. Lond., 18.32. Harveij (ir.) Kxereitationes de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis. Edin., 1824. NoTK.— This is the (aiuoii') treatise on the " Circulation of the Blood." Hendij {J.) Kssay;on (llandular Secretion. Pamjih. Lond., 177o, Hitrliciu'l,- (K. i\'" A'., jr.) Elementarv Anatomy iind I'hysiologv. N. Y..IS61. Kiiiipeff {(). 7'.) Animal ("hemistry, or Uolations of Chemistry to Physiology and Pathology, Lond., 1878 Lanihirf ('/'. S.) Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. Partford, 1854. J^opular Anatomy and Physiology. Auburn, 1852. ^'ractieal Anatomv, Physiology, and Pathology ; et'-. Portland, 1852. /. Mv-s- {G. H.) Physiology of Common Life. v. N. Y., 1860. Liebiij {J. J. mn, hamn). Animal Chemistry, or Chemistry in its applications to Physiology and Pathology, v. 1. Lond., 1846. Roijet {P. .]/.) Animal and Vegetable Physiology considered with reference to Natural Theology. 2 v. Lond., 1834. See a/xo Anatomy; — Comparative PinsioiiOOY ; — Osteol- oi.v ; — SuKGEUY ; — Vocai, Piiysioi.ohy. AlxollE\i:ni. Physioloot (Comparative). S<-e Comparative Physiology. Pianoforte. Catalogue of Musical Instruments, jirincipally illustrative of Histoi'y of Pianoforte, tlie jiroperty of H. Poddington, formerly collection of J. K Pvne. llliintrateit. Manchester, 1888. NoTR.— Signed copy, no. 21); 90 printed, PiCTou County. X. S. PafterKmi (G.) FHstory of P. C. Manuscript ; sm. folio. NoTK.— AkinV Historical Prize Esiay of 1874. 406 > i: ,s IMNDAUUS. SUIMKCTS. I'OKTUY. PiNi)ARU«. Dmiiiii {(!. T.) Lcxicdii (Ini'cuiii, (■t,viii()lo<,'icmii I't rcalc, cui pro l) ,siil)Ktriitii! sunt,, ('(mcordantiii! ft ehiciiliitiniR's IIoiMciica' ft rindiuica'. (iliis;,'iiie, \V'1\. PiNNli'iciw. Alhni (J. A.) History of Noitli Aiiifi'icaii Piiiuiitetls : moiio^'rapli of Walrusfs, Sca-l.ioiis, Sca-ljfais, and .Seals of ^'oitli Aiiifrica. Wash., 1S80 .SVe (l/so XA'I'UKAIi lIlH'I'OUY' ; — /()()I,()(iY. Pitcaiun's Island. /i/i(//i (W.) Yoyaj,'f to Simtli Son in II. M. 8. i>iMinty, including Account of Mutiny. L. C"j-f' (W.) Travels into l\)laii(l, Ivussia, .Swcdoii, and Dcu- niark. 4 v. Lond., 1787. JiiUi's (.v.) History of roland to (•onnncnccnicnt of 179-"), with at'roinit of conntry, vAc. I'y S. ,J. Lund., 1795. Polish ]-AN(;UA(iK. For an i'.vaiii}>le of this biitijiiaiic, sci' ISible (I'olisli), p. oO of Cii)(iUAi'nv (Colk-ctivc) : riidinn. Aho Roman ( 'A'nlOl.K'ISM, /KIKSUII. Poi'Ui.ATKis. Maltliun ('/'. H.) K.ssay (Ui riiii('i|ili' of I'opuliition. 3 V. Loud., ISIT. NoTR — Thi; Miiltlmsiaii (loctrinc is '■ that iiopulatiun teiida to iiuTeaso faster tliaii sulwistarice." PoltC'UI.AI.V AMI PoTTKHV. S[i(;cilllcIlS (if (Jllillil lll'dUnllt to tlli- ColollioS by till! KiU'ly .Settlors, i)ai'iii:iilaily tlic Loyalists, collcc'tiMl for the Mu>;(Hiiii of Kiii;^''s Collcj^c, Wiiulsor, and iPit'sciittMl in Memory of Halilmrton Woldon, by his mother. [Cataloijtic). I'amiih. Frederictoii, N. 1>., 188U. Pout Royal (Iuammau.s. Site p. liOS of Cd/afoi/ne. PoKTECS (lieilliy, I). D.) !•>''!• liloCiliAl'IIY {I"<1.) PoUTiiAii's. Jirnniffi/ (If.) Catalopend('il to liossiieVs iScled Sermons. Lund., ISOl. Essay coueerning Preaching, written for the Direction of a Young Divine. Anon. Loud., 1678. Gilpin {W) Sermons; with Hints for Sermons. Loud., 1800. iSharp (T.) Kiibrii; iu Pook of Cunnnou Prayer and Canons nf Church of Enghiud, so far as they relate to Parocliial CU,'rgy, considered; with J)iscourses on Preaching. O.xford, 1834. See alxu Ministers and the Ministry ; — Sermons. Precious Stones. Sva Gems. Predestination. Ciiplcaton (E.) Encpiiry into Doctrines of Xeoessity and Predestination. Lond., 1821. Sea also Theology. Presuyterian Church. Broim (J.) Essay towards an explication of the Assembly's Shorter Catecliism F.din., 1830. Confession of Faith, with sum of Saving Knowledge, and Directory for Family Worshi|), iu (Jinuvli of Scotland. Kdin., 1830. Cruoli shall /,• (W.) History of State and Sufferings of Cliurch of Scotland, from Keformatiou. v. 2. Lond., 1749. NoTK.— Much of this work is abri(li,'ui (J). J.) KopfU't (ui ricological Structure anil Mineral llcsoinccs of I'. K I. Montriml, 1871. I'lUNTiNu. Cotton (//.) Tyiio^'raiihical (lazcttcer. O.xford, 1831. Ndtk — ..(intains niicicnt am! nlwolete iiiiiies of places, with thoir modern ei|Mivaleiits, und iimch hijtorii'il infiniutiin reu'inlirig early typography. Tlio ai)peiiilic'e» CO lui'ft of, (1) an index of fiftltioiis names of pluces whinh appear in iTiipriiits, CI) a list of Acailfmie-i, with the )) aces to whieh they helonjf, (3) an CMunieratiDM of liooks printed on vellui\i contained i'l tlio Bodleian Library, (4) a chtonoliiuical arrangement of places. History of ()iij;iii and l'ro<,frt'ss of Printin<,', with Practical Instruc- tions to tiic Tradi'. Anon. Loud,, 1770. Stji' a/so IJini.iOGKAriiY. A/sn the ch(ss-lists under At.uiNE I'nKss ; — Ki.zKviH Phkss ; — Pf.antin Press ; — Stephens Press. pROBABii.rriEs. Tnd/ntnfi'r (I.) Ilistnry of Ma'hematical Theory of Pi'iiljability. Cainl)rid<;t' iV Loud., 18G5. PucKiUEss. S''e Civilization and Puogresss. pRoi'iiECV. Chandhf (E.) Vindication of the " Defence of Christianity from the Proi)lK'cies of tiie ( )ld Testament." 2 v. Lond., 1728. NoTK.— This work was writton in reply to the Scheme of Literal Prophecy by Anthony Co lins, the freethinker. Ddvifion (./.) Discoui'se-i on Prophecy. (,).xford, 1839. Kelt {/I.) History the Interiireter of Proi)hecv, elil/in;(/h'et {E.) Rational Aoeount of Grounds of Protestant Keligion. Loud., lOCu). Si'c, a/.ii> Rkfohmatiox. A/xd flu' >iaiii''.< of tlw rarionx jirdfiatditt I'huri'lnx (ni.e of Ihandenburg, to death of Frederick I ; etc. Py the " Hand of a Master." Lonii!r,E ; — liini.icAL Com.mentaiue.s. Punishment. See Crime and Punishment. Purgatory. See Future Like. Pyne (J. Kendrick). Catalogu(> of Musical Instruments, the jiroperty of K. lioddington, formerly collectiiui of J. K. Pyne. Illnstxited. Manchester, 1888. Note.— Signed copy, no. 29 ; 96 jirinted. F\TnAGon.\H {Greek pIii/osn/)Jiey). Giraldi {L. G.) Tlierocles de Provi- dentia et F'ato ; et Lilii Gyraldi interiiretatione Syniljolorum Pythagoraj. A v. Lond., 1 ()")"). Ilierocles. Commentariiis in aure.t Pythagoreorum carmina. h v. Lend., 1G;"}4. For Life, see PjIography {Ind.) Quakers or Society of F'riends. American ^Monitor for 1860 ; or Obituary of ^lembers or Society of F'riends ii: America, for 1859. Xo. 3. X. Y., 1860. Barcki;/ (/?.) Ajiology for True Cluisti;in Divinity as held forth and preached by (,^)uakers. Lond., 1701. Leslie {C.) The Snake in the Grass. {Ayainst the (liudierx). Loud., 1698. 50? QUAKERS. suiuKcrs. QUOTATIONS. QuAKEHs on Society of FiuExitH — ContinuerL Pnm{\V.) Works ; with Lif.,". 2 v. Lr.ivl., 172G. Tal:i' {It.) Die Kulinioiis — (irmulsjitze zii wi'ldieii uebec, 181S. Memoirs of Administration of Government of Louver-Canada ((^hiebec), by .Sir Gordon Drummond, Sir John C. Sherbrooke, the Duke of llichmoml, .Tames Monk, and Sir Peregrine Maitland, 181.5-20. ,^ v. (^MicIh'c, 1820. Cu'inct (F. J.) Abstract of Several Royal Ldicts and Declarations, and Provincial Kegulitions and Ordinances, that were in force in Province of <). in time of French Government. {In Fri'iic/i). 'j v. Lond., 1772. Horiot {(r.) Travels through the Canadas, with Manners and Customs of .American Indians. CnluKrrd ]ilatv,<. Lond., 1807. Literon/ und H/Kfuriraf Hm-irtii nf iliirhi'c. Transactions, v. 1 (1829); v. :), pts. 2 & 4;' New Series, pts. D (186G-G7), 7 (1869-70^-9 (1871-72). 1 v. i^- G pamph. Quebec, v, d. Petition from IJritish Iidiabitants of Prjvincc of (.)., to (House of) Commons, in (!reat llritain, 1783. \ v. Lond., 178-1. Schcipi (A. R. C.) Gold Fields of (J. and 2s ova Scotia. Pamph. 'Halifax, 1872. ice also Canada (Dominion of). Queen's Coi,LE(iE, ISelfast. Catalogue of Library, llelfast, 1859. Queen's County, N. S. More {J. F.) History of (,). C. Halifax, 1873. Queen's University, Kingston. Calendar, 1892-93. Kingston. Quotations, liijsslie {E.) Art of English Poetry. Lond., 1705. Note.— Contains extracts from Enjflish poets, arranited accorilinfr to subjects. 503 ,i,,|fM M '^■^lii 1 ml 1, [ ill jii nACINO. SUBJECTS. RECORDS. m 1 Racixc;. Sei' Horsk-Kacixg. Kaif-ways. L'ln/ (J.) llnilway Curves. Loud., 1872. LfcoKiif (P.) Prai'ticiil Trcutiso on ]J.. explaining their construc- tion and inanaoement. Kdin., 18.39. Nitii: Yiir/r ^7rt/'' J'Jii'/hicci: Report on Railroads, for 1879. Albany, 1880. Trantwiiir (T. 0.) Field Practiee of Laving out Circnlar Curves for Railroads. ^^ Y., 1887. Viitit' (d. /j.) ^Manual for Railroad Engineers and Engineering Students. IJoston, 1875. Sei' aho IJridoes. Reading (Art of). Rici' (J.) Introduction to Art of Reading with energy and propriety. Lond., 1705. Si'c al.i'i RiiETouic. Records or Gueai Iiimtain, published by the Kecord Commission. Calendariiini iiKiuisitionum Post /Tortem, sive EseaHarum ; t«mp. lien. Ill.-Rie. III. 4 v. Lond., 180G-28. XoTR.— See note under title-entry, p. SI. Calendars of Aneient Charters and of Welch and Scottish Rolls in Tower of London ; also Calendars of Treaties of Pence between England and Scotland, rfc. Ed by J. Ayloil'e. Lond., 1774. Calendars of Proceedings in Chancery, in Reign of I<>lizab"th, to which are prefixed earlier proceedings from Reig.i of Richard II. to that of Elizalieth, inclusive. 3 v. Lond., 1827. Documents and Records illustrating Hist(>ry of Scotland, and Transactions between Scotland ai>d iMigland, jtreserved in Treasurv of H. M. ExcluMpier. E(i bv F. Palgrave. v. 1. Lond., 18.37. Domesdav liook, sen Liber Censualis Willelmi I., Regis Anglite. (117//^ l):.i^('rtati(iu mill Iwl<:r). 4 v. Lond., I78;3-181G.' XoTK. >ioe remark uider title entry, p. 81. JJoiicf {!•'.) cy A7/^s• (//.) Catalogue of l.ansdowne Maiuiscriptf5. [liiitlgh Miif>"niii LIhrai'ii). Lond., 1819. Ducatus Lancastrian : Pars Prima, Calcndarium Inquisitionum Post ]\Iortem {tamp. Kilir. I. — Car. I.) ; Pars Secunda, Calendar to Pleadings {temp. Uminj VII. — Mar.) ; Par? Tertia, Calendar to Pleadings, »\;c , (/t?»/;. Ifi'iiri/ VII.—Eli::.)\ Pars (jhiarto, Calen.lar to Pleadings {ti'nip. Eliz.) 3 v. Lond., 1823-34. Ellis (II.) (bnieral Introduction to Domesdav Book. 2 v. Lend., 1833. Excerpti e Rotulis Finium in Turri Lomlinensi asservati.s, Henrico III. Rege, 121G 1272. El. C. Robert-s. v. 2 {1;>4(1-1,'73). L aid., 1830. Fines, sive Peiles Finiiun ; sive Finales Concordite in curia Domini 119r)-1214. El. J. Hunter. Regis. V. 1. Loud., 1835. 504 ! ^!' I HECORnS, SnUECTS. RECORDS. Records of (Irkat V>niTws — (Jimfh/ui'i/. F(je(lera, Coiivciitioiic^ Littma'. (;r, cujuscunrnio fit'iioris Acbi Pub- lien, inter Kc^'cs Aii^fiiiv ot iilins (jiiosvis Iiii])(!riitnres, Ro<,'os, Poiititlecs, Prinoipi's, vol cnimmuiitates ; ah 1006 ail nostra us(iu(! teinpora liaMta aut Iractata. '^ v. in fi. Lonil., 1816-30. General Ritport from Coiiniiissiiiner.s on Public Kecords. Lend., 18.37. Inquisitionum ad CaiK'lIani Domini Reikis Retornataruni, quoe in Publicis Archivis Scotia^ adhuc scrvantur, ahbreviatio. 3 v. Pond., 1811-16. ^Ia<^num Rotuluni .Scaccarii, vcl iiiajfuuni Rotulum Pipa; de anno tricesinio-primo Rc<,nii Ilcnrioi 1. Loud., 1833. Nonaruni Inquisitioncs in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Ed. III. Lond., 1807. NoTR. — See note under title-entry, p. 1-?". Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons {I,?7-J1327). 2 V. in -i. Lond., 1827-34. Plaeita dt! ()no Wanantn, temp. Ed. I. -III., in Curia ReceptiB Scaccarii Westm. asservati. Pond., 1818. Placitorum in Domo Capitulari asservatorum abbreviatio : temp. Ric. I. — -Edw. 11. Lond., 1811. NoTR.— See note under title-entry, p. 20.'i. Proceedings and Ordinances of Privy Council of England, 1386- ir)42. 7 V. Lond., 1834. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum in Archivis Publici.s as.^ervatum, 1306-1424. Lond., 1814. Rcgistrum vidgariter nuncupatum '• The Record of Caernarvon." Lond., 1838. Rotuli Chartarnm in Turri Londinensi asservati. v. 1, pt. 1 (1199-1216). Lond., 1837. Rotuli llundredorum temit. Hen. 111. ot Edw. I. 2 v. Lend., 1812-18. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi a.s.servati. v. 1. (1204-1224). Lond.. 183.3. Rotuli Normannia> in Tm'ri Loiidinensi a.sservati, Ji.lianno et Henrico A'. Anglia? regibus. v. 1. Lond., 183."). Rotuli do ( )l)latis et Einibus in Turri Londinensi asservati, tem- ]iore regis .lohannis. A''/. T. D. Hardy. Lond., 1(^35. Rotuli Scoti* in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari Wost- monastoriensi a.s.servati. temporibus regum Anglia' Edwardi I — Hen. Vlll. 2 v. L..iid., 1814-19. Rotuli Selocti ad Res Anglicaset Hibernicas spoctante.«, ex Archivis in Domo Capitulari Wostmonasteriensi depromti. AW. J. Hunter. Lond., 1834 Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii abbreviatio, temp. Ilcn. I II.- Edw. III. Lond., 1 800-1 0. Rotulus Cancelliu'ii, vol Antigraphum Magni Rotuli Pi[)£e dc Tertio Anno Regni Regis Johannis. Lond., 1883. 505 ij. ii («:i |.,'^l in itiii Oil i| I ill HECORDS. SUBJECTS. RELIGIONS. 'i rj Hkcords of Great r>HrrAiN — Contbmeil. Testa tie Xevil!, sivc Lihev Feoiloriiiii iu Curia Scaccarii, temp. lien. III. ot Edw. I. Lmul., 1807. NoTK.— See remarks under title-entry, p. 254. Valor Ecclesiasticus toni]). Hear. VIII. auctoritate Regia iiistitutus, Gv. Loud., 1S10-;U. XOTK.— See remarks under title-entry, p. 2ii8. Reformation'. An.swcr to soiiu; Consideiations on tlio Spirit of Martin Lutlier and Ori<,'inal of the li., printed at Oxford. J- v. Oxford, 1687. Basnarjo (J.) Histoire de la Religion dcs Eglises Reforniees . . . V. 5. Rotterdam, 1721. Biinii'f {(t.) History of R. of Cluircli of England. 3 v. Lond., 1G81-1715. Same. 3 V. in G. Oxford, 1829. SaniP. Illustrated Ijy many portraits. 2 v. Lond., 1841. Saiiie. Al)ridged. Oxford, 1808. Grai/ (/?.) Sermons on Principles upon whieli the R. of Church of England was estalilished. (Jxford, 179G. Knox (J.) History of R. in Scotland. (Hasgow, 1836. Lives of Britisii Reformei-s, from "Wicklitl" to Foxe. Anon, Lond., u. d. Merle ii/)ti' (J. II) History of R. of 16th Century (/« Gcr- tnainj. Siritr.crkDnl, rfc.) ."i v. Lond., n. d. Same. 5 v. in 1. N. Y., 1854. Saiif. V. 3. tila.sgo\v, 1847. Smite. 2 V. Ojasgow, 184.5. Sdtufi. 2 V. LiMii'l., 1840. Original Letters relative to Englisli R., written during Reigns of Henry VIIL, Edwanl VI., and Mary, (l.")37-.58), ehieily from Archives of Zurich. 2 v. Camlu'idge, 1846-47. Strijpe (J.) Annals of the I'., ifc. 4 v. Lnud., 1725. ^'a///''. 4 V. in 7. Oxford, 1824. Ecclesiastical Menuirials relating cliietly to Religion and Refor- mation of it. (1513-58). .') V. Lond., 1733. isuiiie. 3 V. in 6. Oxford, 1822. rt8 incht'Io the rrimitive Doctrine of R. See al-n sncli (jeitcral eccles'tantical liiMi tries I'jiorli lit' tin' liet'iinniitiiiii. Regenehation (Doctrine of). Fiilwr {G. S.) Lond., 1840. OiKhrdniiL- {II. U.) Essay (.n R. Ti.ila., 1835. .^V*,' aJfo Theology, pust^im. Religion. See Theology. Religions, Denominations, and Sects. Erans (J.) Sketch of Denomi- nations of Christian Worhl ; to which is ]ireHxeil an (Jutlino of Atheism, Deism, Theophilanthropism,, Judaism, and Cliristianity. Lond., 1827. Note. —The aocouiits jfiv en arc said to have lieen composed by Evans from or (final dotuments prepared specially by a nienilier of ejch denomination. 50G REUGIONS. SUBJECTS. RillZOPODA. Religions, Denominations, and Sects — Continued. WUliamn (T.) Dictionary of All Relif,'ioii.s and Denominations, ancient anil modern ; also of Ecclesiastical History. Lond., n. d. See also the names of the various relif/io7ts, (fenominatioiis, and serfs. Religious Liberty. Latimer {II.) Sermons on Religious and Civil Liberties of Englishmen, etc. 2 v. Lond., 1758. Reproduction. See Ceneration. Resurrection. See Future Life and Immortality. Revelation of St. John. See Bible ; — Biblical Commextari'ss. Rhetoric. Adams {J. Q.) Inaugural Oration delivered at installation as ]>rofessor of Rhetorick and oratory at Harvard University, 1806. lioston, 1806. Aristoteles. De Rlietorica. For various editions tf Greek text irith translations, see (I idhor-entrij, Partial Collections (jkI^) «'"^ Ue Rhetorica {/>. 15). Art of delivering Written Language : an essay on reading. Anon. Lond., 1775. BJair {II.) Lectures on R. and Belles Lettres. 2 v. Lond., 1783. Same. .3 v. Loud., 1803. Same. Lond., 1823. Cdiissin {N.) De EkM|uentia Sacra et Humana lib. ColoniiE Agripjiina?, 1626. Cicero {Al. T.) De Oratore. For various editions, see author-entry {pp. (;0-02). Rhetorica. See aidlior-entrij, (pp. 6.) On the Sul)Iinie (in writing). De Sublimitate. For vai'ious editions, see anthor-entry, ]>. 100. Qaintiliduns {}[. F.) Institutiones Oratnriie. See anthor-entry, {i>.'il4.) liiecolmni {A.) Paraphiasis in Riietoricain Aristotelis. Oxonii, 1819. Sheridan (?'.) Lectures on Elocution, with Dissertations on Language. Lond., 1798. S]ieaker (The). Essay on elocution, ?oith selections, n. t. Vossius {G. J.) Rlietorices Contracta', sive Partitiouuni ( )ratoriaruni lib. Oxonia;, 1672. Wtdker {J.) Elements of Klocuti('), Ity Sir liooi'jio Dniiiiinond, Sir ,lolm C. Slicrlimoki', tlu'. l)iil<(f of KidimoiKl, rfc, 1815-20. h v. Quolmc, 1820. Rhodes (Kni^dits of), oen Kn'kihthood. RO^IAX CATHOLICISM. [Sre u/so Canon Law ;— Cahuisti-y ;— Councils ; — Kathuhs oi- thk Chluch ; — Histoky (Ecclcsias- tieal) ; — Ihsuith ; - ]SL\uy (Vir^'iii) ;— M. Romanist Writings. 1. Anti-Romanist Writings. Bari'Din ([.) Troatise of the Popo's Siiiirciuacy. Loi\(l., L**r»L Cooper (7'.) Aiiswc" "ii Dcfcnco of Truth ai^aiust tlio Ai)olo<,'y of I'riviitc INLiss ; lo wliicii is iirctixcd tlio work answered, entitled Apolo^ny of Private Mass. Cainl)ridjfe, L">r)0. NoTK.— There is some (io\il)t an to Hishop Conper be'iig the author of this work. Sec miss's Wood's Atheiiat Oxmiiciisis. Cramp (J. M.) Text-l>ook of Popcn'y. Loud., L^.'iO. S(())ie. Lontl,, 18r)L Creed of Pope Piua IV ; or I'rospeef of Poperv. Anon. Lond., 1087. Ihtdiri'll {II.) Two Short Di.'sconrsps against the Romanists Loud., 1088. Enchiridion Theoloifieum Anti-Roniannni : Tracts on Points of Lssui' hetweeii Churches of England and Rome. 3 v. ( >.\ford. i8;U)-:?7. Ci'iitoits — \'n\. \, Jfii-iiiii Tiiiil'ir'x Di-isiiasivB from l'o|iery, and Treatise on Heal I'resence and Spirituil ;~'2, ham; Ihimnr's Treatiin on the I'ope's Suprem- acy, and Discourse on I'nit.v of the Cluiroh ;— ;!, Miice lineous Tracts. Ineomium MoriiV> ; sive Deciamatio in tV v. V. t\t audeiu Erasniii.'^ {/).) StulticiiV. Leydiv, l()-22. Moriit' En(H)miuni, cum (ier.irdi Li.strii conmi'Mitariis. Oxoni.T, 1068. Note.- This is an injrcriiou^ satire directed cliitHy ayainst the mendicant orders of .Monl<8. It fs said to liave been written in seven days. Finch (G.) Sketcli of the Romisli Lond., 1831. Sail/''. SupphMuent. Lond., ]8:5ay. Jhirlington, 1837. •Sdiiic. Lond., liS39. /.av'/ (W.J K'elalion of Conference between Issaria Sei;essione nostra ab Ecclesia RomuJi", etc. h V. (Jeneva?, 1G87. Tyler (J. E) Image-Worshij) of Church of Rome proved to bo contrary to Scripture and the Faith and Discipline of the Primitive Church. Lond., 1847. Primitive Cliiistian Worship ; or Evidence of Scripture and the Chunli against the invocation of Saints and Angels and the Virgin Mary. Lond., 1847. "Worsliij) of Virgin Mary in Church of Rome proved to be con- trary to Scripture and the faith and practice of the Church of Christ. Lond., 1851. 509 ' ill m nOMAN. SUIUKCTH BOMAN. Roman Catholicism (Anti-Ronianist Writinifs) — Continued. Uxxht'r (J.) Answer to ii .losuit (Wi/lntni Maloiic) ; witl. other Tracts oil Popery. Cauibriil^'c;, 1835. Van l)>iki' {J. >S.) Poju'ry the Foe of the Churcli and ol the Republic. Phila., 1872. W/iaffh/ (Ii.) Errors of Romanism trai-ed to tlieir ori<;in in Unman Nature. Lond., 1830. ]V/iifti/ir.r{ W.) ])is])utation on Holy Scripture, against the Papi.sts. Camliridge, 1841). Whiti' {J Ii.) Evidence against (Roman) Catholi(;ism, with strictures on lUitler's Rook of Roman Catholic Church. Cand)ridge, I'. S. A., 183a. iSve also Dow.nsiue Discussion'. Also Ciiukch of England. 2. Councils. Laii'fcn (J'j. II.) ^lanual of Councils of Holy Catiiolic Cluircli, comprising substance of most remarkable Canons. Lond., 1 84G. 3. History. Ranlic (L.) Ecclesiastical and Political Ili.story of Po])es of Rome, during IGtli and 17th ciuituries. 3 v. Lond., 1840. See ah'o llisi'ouY (Ecclesiastical). 4. Ritual. lU'cviarium Romanum. u. t., Antverpia;, 1G21 (rolop/ion). ]>reviariuiii Romanum. n. t., Parisii.s, 1G67. ]ireviarium Romanum. Pars Verna. Coloiiia', 1702. ]>reviarium Minoritarum. n. t., '^ Prin'lcijr dn lioi/," dated 17tiU. Breviariuui Romanum. Pars vEstivalis. l^ugduni, 1718. I'artes AutumiuUis et lliemalis. 2 v. Ko Lugduni, 172G. Partes A'eriia, Autumnalis, et lliemalis. /Estiva et Autumnalis. 1' V. Ih'eviarium Romanum. Parisiis, 1724. Iheviariiun Romanum. Rreviarium Romaniun. 3 V. Parisiis, 1734. Rreviarium Parisiense. Partes Parisiis, 173G. Rreviarium Romanum. 4 jiarts, in 4 v. Mochlinine, 1872. Diurnal du Rreviaire Romain suivant la Reformation du S. Concile de Trente. I'aris, 1742. Diurnale Parisiense ; i)ars Hiemalis. Parisiis, 1736. Eucologe, on Livre d'Eglisc i\ I'usage du Diocese de Rouen, pour les Laiques . . . Partie d'lliver. Rouen, 1729. Extrait du Rituel de Lyon, avec des instructions sur tons les Sacremens, etc. Lyon, 1724. llora? Diurna\ n. t., Parisiis, C. Osmont, 1726. Liturgiio, sive Missie Santorum Patrum . . . Ed, F. Claudio de tSainctes. Antverpia^, 1562. (Missal, in Latin). Manuscript of 1 .^th centnnj ; on vellum. NoTB.— See remarks under entry on p. 17S. 510 ROMAN. SUIMKCTS. nOMAN. Roman Catholicism (Ritual) — OmtimieiL jNlissale Koiiiinimii. J)ul)liiii, 1833. Missiilc Koiiiiiuuiii. Mecliliniiv, 1870. Proco.'j.'iioiialo usilms ac ritibii.s KdiiianoB E(!closia> accomniodutuin. {With nmxir) Parisiis, 1722. I'suauticr Dislribiic suivaiit Itj ^^'()uvt'au IJivviairtj de Paris. Paris, 1749. Kitiialo Roiiianuiii ; Pauli V Pontiticis ?.Iaxiiiii jussii editimi. Ed. iiov. .">im Ac(!('iitil)U.s. (7Vv/ and iiruxir I'ri'rijwlit'nt niliii<'ati',f,'iiiatica, ciMiii)loetons onmia dogmata ot singida ([UJCstinnos Tlioolugicas ([ua; in soholis traotari solont. v. 1-2, h-l. Paris, 1742. Thoolugia ^Moralis Univorsa, ooniploctens Omnia Morum Piwcopta, ot Principia Dooisionis Omnium Cunsciontitv Casuum, suis ([ua-quo momontis staliilita. 4 v. Xancijii, 1731. tSame. 4 v. Parisiis, 1740. Same. 4 v. Pari.s, 1745 K' 1740. Anihonins, A]>b. of Florence. Cunfossionalo domini Anthoiuni. (Floronco ?), 1487 {col.) liouri'e (E. li.) iJi.scours ; ou Conforon(;os de Doux Ketraito.s, pour proparor les jounos Ecdosiastiquos aux Ordros 8acroz. v. 2. Paris, 1703. Bahin (/•'.) Confi'roncos KccU'siasticiuos du Diocose d'Angor.s. .See cmf/tor-enfri/, {/i. i6'). Barthclemy {ISieur) 1 I'orpetuito do la Foy de I'Eglise Catholique touchant rEucharistie. Paris, 1(564. Jkcaiius {M.) Sumiiia Theoloyia!. Paiisiis, 1.089. Jiellarmine {II. F. R.) Do Pxuiis <.)poribus in Particular! tribus libris ex])licata. Ingolstadii, 1593. I)isi)Utationes de Contruversiis Cliristiamo Fidoi adversus hujus tomporis Uioroticos. v. 2. Ingolstadii, 1589. Same. Ingolstadii, 1592. Same. v. 3, pt. 2. Lugduni, ICIO. Bona {J., cardinal). Do Sacrificio ^Iiss£e tractatus Asceticus. Parisiis, 1738. 511 ■< r I i: ml Mill!! ! nOMAN. SIJIUKCTS. IIOMAN. Irp Roman Catholicism (Koinaiiist "Writings) — CantluKed. liomd (Ji.) Cours do la Tlirnldnic >ri)ial('. v. L'. Lyon, 1680. Borroini'o (C.) Insbuctinns dc S. ( 'liarli's Boronn'o. Paris, 1657. Brueifs (A A. de). Ki'ikhisc aux Plaiiitc,-* ilt;.s I'rotestans (.'nntia It's niovi'iis (lUc lull ciiiplnyt' en Fi'aiu;(! pour les iviiiiir a I'pyi-^i' • • • l''>''>^ l'''"^'*- Curraiizn de la, Mirandi' {/>.) De Sept Sacreiiit'iis de I'K^disc, ot di's Dispositions lu'iji'ssaiirs pour Ics roccvoir avcc, fruit. Paris, 10!) L'. Cati'diistuus ail Ordiuiiudos juxta Doetriuain Catcchisnii Coticilii Tridi'iitiiii. I'arisiis, 1717. CattThisnius ox docri'to Coucilii Tridi'iitini. Ed. P, D. L. II. P. I'arisiis, 1650. CatocliisnuKi, ox docroto Coucilii Tiidciitiui. Ponuo, 1S71. Conf roncos Eiuilo.siastiipios de Paris, sur I'l'surt' ot la llostitution, (HI I'ou Conoilio la Oisoiiiliuo do rKulist! avoc la .lurisprudouco du Kovauiuo do Fraiiot.'. -I- v. Paris, 17-1. Couforoucos Kcolosiasti([uos do Paris, sur U' Mariagc, ou Ton Coucilio la lUsoiplinn ilo I'lv^liso avoc la Jurisj)rudono(; du Royauiuo do Franco. 5 v. i'aris, 17.'i5. Couforoucos Kcclo-'iastitiuos du jtiocoso di; Lucon. v. 1 k^ 5. Paris, 1684-8.1. Co.upondiosa' lustitutioiios Thoolo;^ica' nl usuni Soniiuarii Pictav- ioucis {/^lUifi's). 5 V. I'ictavii, 17-1). S((ini'. 4 V. I'ictavii. \~^)'.\. Codox Canoinnn Iv'clcsia' (pii ox Auti'(Uo Juro adliuiu; usipio vigont ot ox Coucilii Tridoutiui docrotis . . . Noa[)oli, 1873. Couduito dos Coufossoiu's dans Ic Triluuial do la I'i'uitonco, selou ]os instructions do .S, (/liarles I'.nrroiuoo, ot la Dootrino do .S. Francois do Sales. Anoit. I'aris, 174l*. Same. I'aris, 1742. Croiset {J.) Kxorcicos do Piott'. v. 1. Lyiui, 17L'1. Croyauoo (Vorital)lo) A^' rK^liso ('athuli([Uo ot los I'nuivos de tons los points {\i^ Sa Doctrine, I'ondoos sur I'Fcrituro Sainto. Anon. Paris, 1726. (Deoretaliuni Lihri, cuiu conuuontariis). ') parts in 2 v. Xiiromborg, A. Kobert/er, 148.")-86. Dirootour dans los Voyos du Saint, sur los Prinoi[ios do S. Cliarlos Parrouu'o (xic). Anon. Paris, 171^. ISdiHf. Paris, 1744. Drtjdfu (J.) Hind and I':inthor : a [locni. ,', v. Loud., 1687. XoTR.— This is an allejtoi'y writtfii in (icfeiice of tin; 'Church of l{racIovii (.SV. M: in I r.) Paris, 1719. Introduclion a la Vio Devote. {" Jiunnin;/ fit/n.") n. t., IGOH (?) Dc ITuiti' de I'Mglisc, on Jtct'utation du N( 'ivcau Systcme dc (Pierre) -lurieii. Anon. P.iris, 17:!!). Monyin {Ahhr d'-). Annonees Doniinicales ; ou Modeless d'lnstriic- tion.s sur k's i^vangil(!s dc tous les Dinianclics de TAnncc. (Suitfi di' I' introduclion an Saint Ministtu-c, tonic .'^-H.) 3 v. I'aris, 17r)3. Introduction an Saint Ministcrc. 3 v. Paris, 1753. NoTR. - For continuation, see tlie author's " Aniioiiues Doniinifiiles." Manuel dcs Ceicnioni(!s Roinaincs. Par (iuelnues-uns des Prestrcs SV'; (iKtfior-enfri/, p. 180. Ullicia Pi'diu'ia Sanctoniiii, iiaitim dr. pia'cuptn, partiin veru ad lil)itiiin I'L'citaiida, . . A v. Madovii, KiTO. OlHcia Pro|)ria SaiK'toruni jicr jiIuhjs tSuiiiiiios Pontiticus, u.s((ue ad liaiic diem coiicossa. Mcdiolaiii, 1731). I'astoral du Dioticwe (U; Liinojfi's. ... v. 2-3. Liiiio^rcH, 1()94. I'ei'petuitt' de la Foy de I'Kj^disf Cath()li(|iu' tdiicliaiit riuicliaristic, avoc la licfutatioii du rKci'it d'un Miiiistu' noiitri; ce Traitu. ParLs, 1()G4. Pratique du Sacrcuient ilc PcuiUMicc. Paris, 1()94. liotif'r (/•'. S.) Kcsponco aux lilas|)lu!iiialo.ui's de la Saincto iMoJ.^ A'/'iiii (A.) lioinan Anti(iuilies. Lond., 1830. Aildiim ( II'. //. I).) Triumphs of Ancient Architecture of (Ireeee an(i K. Anon. Lond., 1866. Ariiiij/ii (/'.) Koma Suiiterranea novissima in ijua ]iost pKL-^ium et alios antii|ua Christianonim et prieci|)ue Martyrum cu'iiieteria ... illustrantur. 2 v. in 1. ('oloniie, 1659. lici-licr ( II'. .1.) (iallus, or Roman Scenes of time of Augustus. NoTK— Tills is n work of liij,'!) reimt.iti' .1. It coiit.iiiis a tliread of fiction which adds interest to the farts concernin); the privutc life of tlie Koniatis. 614 -Latin Languauh; -Latin Ahii Europe ; - IIistoky eh:) ttOME. SUBJECTS. RCAli. Rome (Aiiti("[uitins) — Coiitinwd. Var>lirrll (/v.) Lpcturos on Coiiiiigo of (i recks inid Koiiiiuis. Oxford, I.S32. Fahririux {(i.) Ju>li Lipsii Roniii Illiistnita ; vt (Idorgii Fiiliricii Clioniiiiccnsis A'l^tcriK Koiiia) I'Uiii nova collatii). I.ond., 1698. Cfuuilirin {'J'.) Exposition of Konian x\.ntii[niti('.'-. Lund., lOGl. Kt'tiwtf (Ji.) RonicTi Antiquse Xotitia. Lond., 1731. ISaiiii'. Eond., 1793. Jj))Ki/tx (,/.) Roma Illustrata, sive Anli(|iutatuni Konianarurn Iireviaruiu ; et (J. Fabricii Choninicensis Veteris Ronuu cum Xovu Coilatio. I.ond., 1098. lli»t::fi'hl oi' Uoxitinx (./.) Rnmariannn Antitiuitalum HI). \ v. liasilcii', 1583. Siiiifh (IE) Dictionary of (h-eek and Roman Antifpiities. Eond., 1870. Wi/foi'/,->t (./.) Roniiin C,'onv(.'r.sations, i>v Anti(iuities of R., w'tli Characters of Eminent Romans, . 3 v. Edin., I7;i3. Vn'Kur {C J.) Commentaiics of War in (Jaul and ' ivil War witii Eoujpey ; to Avhicli is added Aulus llirtius' suppkniient of Akixandriau, African and Spanisli Wars. Tr. liy .M. Bhuk'n. Eond., 1706. XoTK.- Kor the Latin text and various other editions of the Comnicntarie*, see Caesar, \> h^-iA of Catalo;,'iie. CW/«>'(ir. IE.) Roman History: tl)o Early Kmi)iro from assassina- tion of Julius Caesar to that of Domitian. Eond., 1887. C()('jl'''fi'an (xV.) llistoire Ranaine depuis le (;ommcnci'ment de I'empire d'Auguste justpuis u celuy de Constantin le (-rand ; avec I'Kpitome /iniiit.<, 1548. Sdii/''. {(>'r. ly Laf.) (Paris,) 11. iSfr/Jidiins, 1591. I)i(itui)iiux Jfa/ii-aniaX'O'itxi'^. Scripta ( [UfB ex.'^tant omnia, ct I listoi'ica et Rketorica. {iiiK. TlistDi'ia' Koiuanap, I>rovi;iiiuiii ; or Alu'idf^'inoiit nf Kuiuhh History. {Lntiii). With iulilitioris hy .F. Stirliuj,'. Loud., 1810. Sniiic. Kil. C. H. Woiso. LiiKsiu', 1S43. SauH: I5ooks 1-2. K' anflior-putrii, {/>. 207). Rollin (C.) Histoire Romaine ju.squ'iila I'lataille d'Actium. y. 1-3. Paris, 1740-41. Sa//n.-. :>27). Sniitli {R. li.) Rome and Cartilage : tlie Punic Wars. Lond., 1887. Tar it us (C. C.) Set' hix voritx, p. :ir>l of Catatoijup. Victor {S. Aurcfin.-'). Historia- Rnmanai broyiarium. Lugduiii Latavoruni ik Amstelodanii, 1G70. Sanii'. Trajccti ad Riiiniuni, IGDG. •J. Jfiscellatieoiis. (Fasti, Bioip-aphi/, Mythology, etc.) Panriiiio ((>.) Commentariorum in Pastes Consulare.s, Appendix. I V. Vcnetiis, 15.')8. I)e Antiipiis Romanorum Xoiiiinibus lil). .'j y. Yeiictii.s, 1558. Si(/oniuK {(J.) (Fasti Con.sularcs, i-tr.) [v. 7 of Liyey's lIi.storia.] Oxonii, 1800. Saiiw. Oxonii, 1801. S7)iifli (W.) Dictionary of Greei< and Roman Biogra])hy and Mythology, v. 2 (F-N). Lond., 184G. 516 ROME. SUBJECTS. SACREP. TloMR (City). linn/on (J. W.) Lcttors from R. Lond., 1862. /'toiriru/i (G.) Ri)in;i .Siicm (! M()cret Memoirs of Court of Petersburg ; par- ticularly towards end of reign of (,"atlierine II and eommence- nieiit of that of Paul I. Tr. from French, by W. Tooke. Lond., 1801. Porter (Sir R. K.) Narrative of Campaign in R., 1812. Lond., 1814. liulhiere (C. C. de.) History or Anecdotes of Revolution in R., 1702. Lond., 1797. Tooke {W.) History of K,, to Accession of Catherine H (1702). 2 V. Loud., 1800. Russian Kmi)ire. {17 (U- 1 SOD). .3 v. Lond., 1800. Voltaire {F. M. Arouet de). Histoiro do Charles XII, et Histoire de Riissie sous Pierre leCiand. Paris, 18.54. Histoire de I'Kmpire de Russie, sous Pierrede-Grand. 2 v, Paris, 181."). 2. Travels, Description, etc. Ih'( irn (.7.) Idolatry, Su]iorstition. ami Corruption of Christians of Turkey, (ireece, and R., e.\])0sed and C(msidercd. Lond , 1877. (IF.) Travels into Poland, R., Sweden, and Denmark. 4 v. Lond., 1787. Forster (G.) Journey from Bengal to England, through India, Kashmire, Afghanistan, and Persia, and into Russia, bv Caspian Sea. 2 v. L/<>n {('. ./.) History of .St. Andniws : epi.s'.'opiil, luoiia.stic, iiciulemic, ami civil. 2 v. Etliu., 1843. Saint 1)omin<".o. M'Lean {II.) Nature and Causes of Groat ^lortality among Troops at St. D. Lo?vi., 1797. Saint John, N. B. Bru/stocke {F. 11. J.) History of Trinity Churcli, St. John, 1791-1891. St. John, 1892. Comrell {R. 11.) History of Great Firo, June, 1877. Boston, 1877. Jack (D. IL) I'rize Ivssay on History of City and County of St. John. {Wifli rcproihtdinm^of old maps.) St. Joini, 1883. Saint-Simon (Claude Henri do Kouvroy, ConUr. de). Booth {A. J.) Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonism. Loud., 1871. Saints. Bailht {A.) Vies des Saints. . . . 4 v. Paris, 1724. iSVc aho ivdirhhial Hvna of Saints in V>\ov,\\.\v\\\. SAKK-r>i!i;\viNG. Atkinson. {R. M".) ("iiemistry of S.-l). l^ampli. Tokio. 1S81. S.\i.i;iiN() .Sciiooi, OF Mic'^iciNK (Iraly). Kcj^'imcn Sanitatis SaU'riiitanum ; I'ocia on Preservation of Health, in rliyming Latin verse ; ad(lr(/ssed l)y the School of Sai(.'rno to Kol)ert of Normandy ; with translatiim. Oxford, 1830. Samabitan LAN(iUA(ii:. Caste/l (E.) Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hobraicum, Clialdaicum. Syriaeuni, Saniarit.iiii'.m, e/r. 2 v. Lond., 1009. NoTK. — Acconiiiiinic's Walton's Biblia Sacra Potyulotta (7. ».). Samuel (liocik of). See Jhui.E ; — ilini.icAi, Commkntaiues. San Juan. MUton (IF., viscount). History i^f San Juan Vater liouhdary (^tuostion, as all'ecting ilivision of Territory between (ireat liritain aiid I'nited St:ites. Lond., 1809. Sanciioniathon (Pluenieian historian). Dodwfill (//.) Two letters of Advice ; to whicli is appendeil a DiscouiNc concerning S.'s Pha'iiiciiin History, n. t., Lond., 1091. Sand (George), pseud. See Dudkvant (A. L. A.). Sandwich, Eng. See Cinque Pouts {p. 363). Sanskrit Lanc.uace. Benfey {T.) Handbuch der Sanskritspracho. 2 v. Leipzig, 1852. Kurze Sanskrit-Grammatik. I.,eipzig, 1855. Practical (jrammar of Sanskrit Language. Lond., 1808. Bnvritt {E.) Social Walks and Talks with Young Stuileni.- among the Languages: a Sanskrit Handbook. Lon(',, 1875. Saxon Lanouaije. Casaubou (M.) Do Qnatnor Liiiguis Commenta- tion is ; Pars ])rior, De Lingua Ilebraica, et De Lingua Saxoniea. Lond., 1650. NoTK. -Only th« first part was pulilitiliod. SoEi'TU'isM. lleattir (,/.) Ks.say on Nature and Inimutability of Truth, in opposition to Sojthistry and Scepticism. Lond , 1773, Same. Load., 1812. 618 Iiilll SCEPTICISM. SUBJECTS. SCIENCE. Scepticism — Continued. Bentley {R.) Remarks u[)oii u Discourse of Fi'ee-Tliinkinf;f {by Col/inH). IW " Pliileloutlieius Lii'sieiisis." | v. ('ambriclge, 1743. Bo/itif/hrdki' (//. St. John, viscoimi). See. his Miscellaneous \V()iks. Chandler (E.) Vindication of the " Defence of Christianity from the Prophecies of the ()h\ Testament." Loml, 1728. Nori',.— ThiB work writtuii in answer to the Scheme of Literal Prophecy by Anthony Collins, tlic frec-thinlicr. Modern S. : Lectures delivered at recjucst of Cliristian Kvidciice Society. {By several anthors.) Loud., 1872. VohiPii {C. F. C. (If) The Ruins, or Survey of Revolutions of Kiupires ; with Law of Nature. Lond., 1823, See also Atheism ; — Ini'H)i;mtv. SciiLEOEi. ( ). Crake {A.) Remarks on Mr. .Schlegel's "Work upon Visitation of Neutral Vessels under Convoy. Loud., 1801. SciENCK. American Acddeiny of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs, v. 1 (to end of 17S.3), V. 2 '(2 parts), and v. :) (2 parts). 1 v. and 4 \y,\m\th. {niiUilafed). ISoston , nd Ciiarlestown, 1785 +. Aniericau Journal of S. and Arts ; second series, v. .37-50 (wanting Nos. 127, 129, 138); third series, v. 1-29 (wanting Xos. 8, 1.38, 14.3, l.OS, 1G4, IGG, 108). 203 pamph. Nuw Ha"cn, 18G4-85. Cliainhcrs {E.) (Jyclopjedia : or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 2 v. Loiul., 1741. Journal of Science! ( /o('//i';/'/y (^)narterlv .lournal of Science), 18G4 (No. 1) — 1883 (No. 119), wantiiig Xos. G2, 70,98-99, 10."). 1 14 pampli. Loml,, v. d. London, Kdinburgii, and Duhliii l'hiU)soiiliical Magazine and Journal of Science. 4th series, v. 27-50 (wanting Xos. 230, 233-34, 278): r^th series, v. 1-12. 228 pamph. Lond., 18G4-81. Manuel I'hilosophiipie, ou Precis fniversel des Sciences. {Ceo- i/r((/i/iit'. C/iroiin/di/ir^ (Jhiiiiv', Aiiafoinit', Mr(t<'ci)ii\ Hoinine.) V. 2. Lille, 1748', Xora Scotian Institute of Natural Science, Ifallfax. Proceedings and Transactions ; v. 2, pt. 1 ; 3, pts. 2-4 ; 4, pts. 1-2 ; 5, pts. 1-3 ; G, ]its, 1, 3-4 ; 7, pts. L 3-4. Second Series (X. S. Institute of S.'ieuce), v. 1, jit. 1 -t- IG v. Halifax, 18G4-91. Itoiissi'du {J. J.) Discourse upon tlie ([uestion, "Has the re- estal)lis]inu>ntof the Arts and Sciences contributed to imi)rove- meiit of moi'als ? " Lond., 1779. Itoi/(i/ Diililin Sdi-it'ti/. Scientilic Proceedings ; new .seritis, v. 1-4, anil parts 1-2 of o. 2Spampli. Dul)lin, 1877-86. Scientilic Transactions ; new scri(!s, vol. 1 (2") pis.) ; vol. 2, pts. 1-2 ; vol. 3, pis. 1-7, 9-10. 3 bound v. and 33 pamph. Dublin, 1877-85. 519 I' i II I! jfi it iili i mi SClBNfCE. SUBJECTS. SCOTLAND. I*a|K'v.s (///, V. Lund, #' s '-m'« SciKNCE — Contimied. Ifiii/a/ Snr/r/i/ of Lm/i/oit. ("alalngnc of Scicnfitic rarioiis si'ifiifiiic inililiciilioinf), I SOO-8.3 + fl ISC.T-Ol. Philosojihical Tran.'^actioiis, lGGr)-I800, abridged. Ed. liy C. JIuttoii, and otliurs. 18 v. Lend., 1809. Proceedings; v. 10, 11 (Xns. 12-43, ■ir)-48), 12 (Nns. .50-51), 1:5 (Nos. ()3, 05, 70), U (Xos. 71-77, 79), 15 (Xos. 80-84, 86), Ifi (Nos. 97, 99, 101-104), 17 (Xos. 105-107, 109-113), 18 (Nos. 114-115, 117-118), 19 (Xos. 12.5-1-20, 129), 20 (.\os. 130-133, 135-138). 21-25, 20 (wanting Xo. 179), 27-30, 37 (wanting No. 232), 38-45, 40 (wanting No. 284), 47-49, 50 (wanting No. 307), 51 + 1 liound v. and 223 [)anipli. Lond., 1859-92 -f Smifhsoiiifdi fiisfifitfioN. Annual Report, 1850-59, 1801, 1803-70, 1878-80, 1882, 1884, 1885 pt. 1, 1880 jit. 1, 1887-89 + 29 V. "Wash., V. d. Catalogue of Scientitic and 'rcrhnieal Periodicals. II. ('. Iioltoii. Wash., 1885. ("(lutril)utions to Knowledge v. 1-23 +. Wash, 1848-Sl. Miscellaneous Collections. ' v. 1-27 +. Wasli, 1802-83. %^''riii' jiii/i/ii'(i/i(iiit< //.s' (/). yl.) .Viinual of Scientitie Discovery for 1855 I'.oston, 1 855. See ,v 'Ihonias Moiilc. Snlliran {Sir E. J.) Tour through England, S., and Wales. 2 v. Lond., 1785. Victoria (QiH'cn uf Eiiqland). Leaves from .lournal of ( )ur Life in the, 1848-01. F,d. by A. Helps. Lond., 1808. Willi Her Majtstija aiito'jiniili. 520 SCOTLAND. SIJBJKCTS. SCOTI,ANT), ScoTi-AN'i) — Continued. ?. Krrh'KHiKtirnl Ifisfori/. CriKiksliati/i' (]\'.) Ilisttn'v of Clniri'li of S., fro.n llcforiiiatioii to Kovoltiti on V. JI. M\\i\ 1711). Olll NoTB. Mu..'h o( this work is abiiilgud from Wodrow. Hart (R.) iMH'lcsiii.sticiil Records of F,ii,l,'1'\ii(1, Irolainl, ami S., fr nth century till Kofoniiation. Cauiliridyc, lS4f). Knnx (,/.) llistorv of Reformation of Re]ii,Mon in S (Uasjfow, IB.'^G Li/nH (C. J.) llistorv of St An1)ro\vs, Kiiiscopal, Monastic, Academic, anil Civil ; comprising principal part of Kcclesiasti- ca 1 Histf.rv of S. -1 V. Kdin.. 184;i. Petrrlnii (A.) Records of Kirk of S. v, 1 ( lUiS-.'^). VA\\\., IS.^S. A'u.v.W/ (.1/.) History of Clmrcli in S. 2 v. Lond., ls;54. Sei: alicrvantur, ahhutviutio. {h'lronl Coiiiiin'ssinn.) .3 v. Loud., ISll-lfi. f iii/,-/'rfoii (J.) History of S from accession of House of Stuart to that of Mary. 2 v. Lo '., 1797. Registrum Magni Sigilli Reg m Scotorum in Archivis Puhlicis asservatum, i:50()-llL>l. 1 nd., 1«M. NoTK "Un.val Clmrtwrs of Scotlund. Riiljinfli {(•'.) liorder History fif Lngland ami S,, to union of crowns, i'.ciwick, ISIS, Rnhertnoii (W.) Ili.story of S. v. 1. Loud., 17()9. Sdiif. V. 2. Lond,, 1 7S7. ^'aiiH'. 3 V. Loud., 1S17. l^ltnli Scotiic in Tun i Loiidineiisi et in Domo Capitulari West- nionaslerieiisi asservali ; tem]iorilius regum Anglia> Ldwardi I — lien. VI 11. 2 V. Loud., ISM-ll). ' J'or //liisfraliir/icfi'>colt{Sir'\y .) under ¥lCT\oi'f{2). SOS). 021 II J^ SCOTLAND. SUBJECTS SERMONS. ii^' Scotland — Continueil. Jf. Misri'/Uinrnlis. Act^ of Parliaincius of S. v. 2-11 (1424-1707.) Loii.l., 1814-24. Lif/Iiff'nnf (J.) Flora Scotica, or Native Plants of Scotlaiul ami tlie Hebrides. Lon.l , 1789. Pii/kffioi/ (J.) Scottish (lallerv, or Portraits of Eniinciit Persons of S. l.oml, 1799. Pocket Peerage of Kiiglaiul, S., and Ireland, v. 2 {roiihiining >Srotlnn'i ami Irchind). Lond., 1790. Scott (Sir Walter). See BioouAriiv (Lid.) Scui.i'Tuui';. llmili'ii [W.) Essay on S. («/;(<('//*) ; with Xotes. Lend., 1800. Sea (The). .V Ocean. Sect.s. See Kei.icions, Denominations, and Secxs (//. 500). SiM.noiiNE, Eiig. 117///'' ((r.) Natural History of S. Loud., 1854. Sei.kiiuv (Jouni'V, Scntland. I)»-fln/ (J.) Sernion.s. v. 3. T.ond., 1751. A/lii'i-f/is M((ii)nift. Serniones de Tempore et de Sanc.ti.s. \ v. rhiue, (1 180). Aii'fn'icK (L.) Ninety-six S. Loud., 1631. Jiarroir (/.) Kigliteen S., selected. Lond., 1849. Twenty-two S., selected. Oxford, 1798. Twenty-two Sermons : second selection. Oxford, 1801. litirroiclW.) Eights. {li. Lond., 1714. BnlliiHicf {11.) Decades. (CoUecfinn of S.) 5 pts. in 4 v. Cambridge. 1849-52. Bitrton (J.) ()cc;isional S. before University of Oxford. (i?nd vol. entitled " .Se/v»rn of Protestants; to which aio added ... 9 Sermons. Lnnd , 10(54. C/tri/tiwIoninii (J., st.) ,s'w /tin irorks ( ]>p. 5!)-H0.) Clarke (S.) Sermons. 10 v. Lond., 17;?0-31. Claude (,/.) Parabole des Noces, expli(piee (Mi 5 Sermons, avee trois autres Sermons, j-^ v. Saumer, 1083. Sermon sur le Vers 14 du Chapit 7 de I'Fcclesiaste. \ v, Lond., 1080. C/euieufx (W.) Light S. pleached as I.ady .Moyer's Lectures in 1757, Lond., 1797. Co(/swell (W.) Sermons jireached in Church of St. Paul, Halifax, N. S, chiefly during 1845. Second Series. Lond., 1847. Seven Lectures on tlu! Acts of the Apostles, delivered in (,'liurch of St. Paul, Halifax, 1837 (lieing part 2 of the series). Halifax, 1837. Six Lectures on tin; Acts of the Aiiostlos, delivered in Church of St. Paul, Halifax, lent, 1830. Halifax, 1830. 523 I '!i; Mi 11: I If' i SERMONS. SUBJECTS. SERMONS. Sermons — Continued. wk Lon.l., 1093. Loud., 181 G. Conant (,/.) Soniifuis on Scvcriil (.)f'(';i?«ions Conpy{T) Twouty-tive S. Loud, 1730. Cooper (E.) Pnictic^al and Fiuniliar S. v. 3 iK; 4. Same. v. 2, 4-6. Lond., 1822-23. Du!H('> (J.) Sec author-entrij, j>. Delanij (P.) Sixteen Discourses upon I)octi'in(>.« and Dutio.s, etc. Lond., \~T)i. Dodd {W.) Sornious to Young Men. 3 v. Lond, 1771. Notk. — These sermoiH .ire coinidercd pxcellent, nnd it is )iitial)le that a. man of his abilities should have come to so meluiitholy an end, — ho exetuited in 1777 for forjjing a hoiid for £4200. l)':(Jdr/(li/e (P.) Iieden an die .lugend. Tr. hi/ V. E. Kainbaeli. Magdeburg iimi Leipzig. 17r)2. Doihrell (If.) Concin'uing Marriages in Diilerent Couunuuions : a Sermon. Loud., 1702. Dad well {W.) (Sermon on Psul. XXXI 11, 13-1.').) n. t. Sermons. O.^ford, 174.")-62 Evcleif/h (./ ) Sermons before I'niversity of O.xford, 1792 (l)ampton Lectures) ; in wliicli are subjoined four S. before Lnivursitv of Oxford, 1791-94. Oxford, 1794. Fiirrer (./.) S'-rmons on the Parables. Loud., 1801. Ferdiiiau'li lie linri (J/., idihe d'Olicef). Sermons sur tons les jours de Caresme, distinguez en di^eours Tlieologi(|ues et Moraux preschez h Naples * 2 v. i>aris, 1G18 (v. 1), 1G17 (v. 2). FJei'hrood ( ir. ) Complete Collection of S., Tracts, efr. Loud., 1737. Ci'herf {K.) Sermon sur ces ])ar()les d(> Jesus Christ, jjrechez r^vangile, tiiVrs de St. Marc, XYI, IT), (ruernesey, 1802. Gilpin ( U.) Sermons preaclied to a Country Congregation ; with Hints for Sermons. 2 v. Loud., 1800. GIrilleatiiiie (U.) Twenty Parocliial S. : 1st Series. Lond, 1837. Twenty i^irochial S. : 2nd Scries. Lond., 1S33. Criniii {\V. A.) Sermons and Letter.s. Lond., 1807. Hiii/i/lff {(f.) Sermons to Country Cougregatitins. 2 v. Lond., 1800. Hare (A. W.) S. to a Country Congregation, v. 2. Lond., 183G. //are (J. C.) Mission of tiie Comforter, and other S. 2 v. Lond., 184G. Healli (W.) Miscellaneous S. 2 v. in 1. Stonehoiise, 1839. Heher (11.) Sermons on the Les.sons, thedosppl, or the Epistle, ^'/c. V. 2. Lond., 1838. Sermons preached in England. Loud., 1829. Hrirh-ll (J.) Sermcm.s. Lond., 1798. Homidies Morales sur les Evaugiles de tons l(;s Dimanches de rAnnee et sur les l'rinci[iales Festes Aitou. 2 v. Paris, 1G88. flnnn' [(f.) hi.scourses on seviM'al subjects. 2 v. Oxfor.l, 1779. ILir.-. Paris, 1745. JM (J.) .Sermons. Lond., 1838. 524 SERMONS. SUBJECTS. SERMONS. 'Z V. Sermons — Ctmtinued. Jours (IF.) Sermons on floral mid ]-{eligious Subjects. Luii.l., 1790. Jortlii (J.) Sei'iiKiiis. 7 v. Lontl , 1787. Keif {II.) Sermons before University of Oxford, 1790. Loud., 1792. Ki'ttli'icdl (,/.) Discourses on Practieal Helijrion. Lond., 1696. Lafitaa {P. F.) Sermons : Careme. v. 2-4. Lyon, 17.'>2. Lutimir {II.) Sermon on tlie Ploughens. (b'fi^; Engli.sli Reprints, v. 1 Sermons. Candjridge, 1844. Serm.jiis on lleligious and Civil Liberties of Englishmen, etc V. Lond., 1758. ( 'ambridge, ] S45. Seniions and I^emains. S('^■en S. beftire Ivlward VI. ^I'c English Reprints, v. 6. Leccr (T.) Sermons. See EngHsli Reprints, v. 12. Li(hlon {H. P.) Sermons Ijefore University of <)xford. Lst .series 1859-69. Loud., 188L Lvjhifuot {J. n.) Cand)riilgc S. Lond., 1890. Sermons preached in St. Paul's Cathedral. Lond., 1891. Mnraiiittf{iit.) (lIomili;e quinquaginta). (j'red,: n. t., Parisiis, 1559. Muddar/,- (.S'.) Plain S. on Important Suljjects, chieHy for of Seamtm. Lond., 1825. Masllloii [J. /)'.) Sermons sur Diver.s Sujeets de Morale. Anon. V. 2. ISruxelle, 1706. Meijern (J.) .lesus un.'ier Dlut-liraiiligam . . Passions-Letrach- timgen. Lre.s.sleu, 1746. Milnvr (J.) Sermons, v. 1. Lond., 1814. Mort/dii (J. P.) Sermons. 2 v. in 1. Lond., 1790. Mntlye (Z.) Sermons. Lond., 1739. Newman {J. II.) Parochial Sermons, v. 2-4. Lond., 1836. Oakelnj (/'.) Sermons. Oxford, 1839. U'Jiei'nie {T. L.) Sermons, cic. Lond., 1799. Octave des Morts. {Eitjht hcdhoiih). n. t. Parker (II'.) Several Discourses, preached before University of Oxford, etc. 2 v. Oxford, 1790. P(>rtev!< {li.) Sermons, v. 2. Lond, 1794. Sermons. {iJiffrrentfrnm the aborr). Lond., 1806. ,S(uur. 2 V. Lond., 1797. Reinirll (T.) Di.scourses. Lcmd., 1801. Rieijers {(i. (J.) Pa.ssions Predigten. Stutgart, 1751. Rofjers (J.) Seventeen S. Lond , 1747. Twelve S. Lond., 1744. Rase {11. .J.) Eight S. before I'niversity of Camlu'idge, 1830-31. Loml., 1833. Roihrram (./.) Sermon before Inlirmary in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ^ v. Newcastle, 1771. Threo S. before University of Oxford. \ v. Lond., 1766. ! M \W % ijiP. m I ii I QZO 3EBM0NS. SUmECtS. SERMONS. + ^ fV Skrmons — C(intinat'(L Sancfo-d'f'iiu'iiiruio (./. il".) Scmioncs Fuuebres. Piirisiis, 1640. SmidiTsnti (/{.) Twnlvi' S. prtticlunl ad Clcniui, iid Miigistvatuin, ot ml l'o]'Mlniii, wIuTcunto luv iuldcil two S. Loiiil., 1637. ScDiihjK {F..) Scrnidii^. Cainliridjfe, 1842. Hanriii (./,) .Scniioiis. 8cheiu;clady, 1813-16. Hfch-p.r (T.) &t' author-nitrii {pp. 23.i-,>oS.) yoi'iuoii« bofon; Clnldrcu of Cluirity Schools in and about London and Westminster (with Acit)unt of Society for Promoting Christian iviiMwledgi;;, 1709-94, 1797-1811. ' IJoinul in 13 v. {I)iir.l,-i'(l " AiDiivi'r^arii S''rnii)ii-'<, cjv.") Land., v. d. Sermons or llomilios appointeil to be read in Churches in time of (Jueen Elizabeth; eh: Oxford, 1810. Saiii''. V. 1. Loud., 181;}. S/niw. Loud., 1816. SaiiX'. Lond., 1817. Samr. Loud., 1846. Sharp {.).) Serniouf- 7 v. Loud., 1709-3."). Slwrhich- (T.) Si'i' aiithor-futrii {p. :'Jo(J). Smnfrii/t/i- (G.) Sixty S. Loud., 1727. Sont/i (7>.) Sermons.' 7 v. O.vford, 1823. Sermons. "2 v. Loud., I8;")9. Twelves. {Mntilaf<-r>u' ('/'.) ri'iii(i|il('s of .Moral I'liilosopliy iiivcHtiyatcd ; witli Remarks on Decision of House of Coiiiini ns vespci'tiiig Aholi- tion of Slave Trade. Loud., 17iiS. Jf(tlt/t(')rs (,/.) X'oyage to River Sierra-Loone, with Letter on .African Slave Trade. Lorn!., 1788. ranhllan {J. K.) .Slavery in the I'nitt^d States. >'. Y., 1830. NoTB.— IJefends the Southern view. .>'«« ahi) Akuica ; — I^mtkd Statks ;- -Wkst Inoiks. Si,ii>i.\(i Rri.i:. Hi van {li.) I'ractical Treatise on the S. R. Lund. ,1822. S.Mmi (.Iose]ih). ri {,/.) 1 'aetyliotheca Sinitliiana. {Many plates.) 2 V. Venetiis, 17G7. Sjirni (Teena Rochfoit-). Sfie lilodiiAfUV {lad.). S.Mrrii {Admiral Sir William Sidney). .SV'; liiouHAi'iiv {IinL) Institl'tiox. See )>. L'J/f of Catahxjue. SociAMHM. Jiiioth {A. J.) Saint-Simon and Sainl-Sinionism ; a eliajjter ill th(^ history of Socialism in France. id., 1871. See aho ( 'iovkkn.mknt ; -Sucioi.ouy. SiK'iETlEH. ISee titi' j'o//(iiri)ii/, in A nt/mr-Ca/a/ot/nt' .■ -~ Amcnctin Academy of Arts and Sciences ; .Vmerican liihle Society ; — .\in. Institute of .Minin;^ Kn,L;ineers ;- Am. I'hilolonical ciatioii ; - llrilish and Koreii^n Hilile Society ;-- Jh'itisli Meteorological .Society ; Hritish National Society for .\id to Sick ami Woinuled in War; -Linnein .Society ; — Literary and Historical Sociely of (^tiiehec ; }sdva Scotiaii Historical Sue; — Nova Scotiaii Institute of .Natural Science ; -Royal Iiistitu- tiuii of lireat liiilaiu ; — Royal ilotanii'al Society of London ; — Royal ])uliliii Society; Royal Irish Academy ; -Royal Society of (.'aiiada ; — Royal Society of London ; —Society for Bettering' the Poor ;— Society for Conversion and Kducatiou of Slaves in West Indies; — Society of Kn<;ineers ; -Society 'e (JUAKEHS. Society roK Tho.motino Chuistia.v K.nowi.kikik, London. .Account of ()rigin,()hjects,aiid (ieneral Procci'dings. Paiiqih. Loiid ,1831). ticncval Account of the Societv. I'amph. Lond., 1818. Report, for 181G-17, 1828-3.-), 1831), 1811, 1847-48, 18r)l-r)3, 1873. 18 pampli. Lond., v. d. Sermons before Children of Charity Sclmnls (with .Vccount of S. P. C. K.), 170D-94, 1797-1811. ' P.ound in 13 v. {backeil '' Anni- vemari/ Sermons, <{v."). Loud., v. il. .Society fou thh Pkui'acatiu.n ok ihe (!'kl i.n Fokeion Pauts. .liiljilee Year; ]ioeiiis in ( iimnieiiioration of 3rd jubilee of the Society. Loud., 18r)2. 528 SOCIETY. SUBJECTS. SOUTH. Society for Puopaoation of Go-spel in Fokeion Parts — Continued. Mormons) for 1709, 1711-12, 1717-19, 1721-24, Reports (with 172G-:i.'3, 17.'3r).45, 1747-o0, 1752-58, 1760-72, 1774-70, 1778- 81, 1783-84, 1786-87, 1789-1802, 1812, l81.')-37, 1839-41, 1843-54, 1856-73, 1875-76, 1879-88. 7 v. and 74 panipli. Liiml, V. (1. SociNUN'isM. Fuller (A.) Calvinistic and Sociniau Systems examined anil compared as lo their Moral Tendency, l.ond., 1802. Wardhiio (R.) Discourses on Principal Points of Socinian Con- troversy, l.ond., 1828. Socior.()(iY. Geort/e (//.) Progress and Poverty. Lond., 1883. Social Problems. Chicago, 1884. See also Civilization and Progress ; — Crime and Punish- ment ; — EnurATiiiN ; — PIthics ;— (Iovehnment ; — Politi- cAi. Economy ; — I'oi'ul.^tion ; — Poor; — Slavery ; — SOCI.M.ISM ; — Ptoi'Ias. Socrates (Aflumian /i/n'losD/.Iirr). lientley {li) Dissertation upon Ejjistles of Plialaris, Tliemistocles, Socrates, etc. Lond., 1697. Xenophon. Apologia Socratis. For various editions^ see author- entri/, p. 2S(j Memorabilia Socratis. For various editions, see author-enti'y. Zeller {E.) So(;rates and tlie Socratic Schools. Lond., 1885. For Life, see Piograthy [bid.) SoMERSETsiiiiiE, England. Billinysleii (J.) Agriculture of Somer.set. Path, 1798. Song of Solomon. See Piule ; — Biblical Commentaries. Sophocles {(hftk trmiic poet). Jintuck (R. F. P.) Scholia Graeca in Soplioclcm e.K editioiie Prunckiana. O.xonii, 1810. Dindorf (IT.) Ad >ophoclis Tragcedias annotationes. Oxonii, 1^36. Ellen.dt{F.) Lexicon Sopliocleum. 2 v. Reginujntii Prussoruni, 183.5. Flvix/ei/ (/'.), ''d. Scholia in Sophoclis Tragcedias septem, e Codice MS. Laurentiano. (Jxonii, 1825. Soul (The). /Jmlive/I (//.) Epistolary J)i.scourse proving that the S. is a principle naturally ^S'ortal, but Immortalized actually by pleasure of God to punishment, or to Reward by its union with the Divine Baptismal Spirit. Lond., 1706. Notk.— See remark under author-ciitr.v, p. 84. See alxo PuTURE Life and Immortality ; — Mental Philoso- phy ; — Theology, passim. South America. Diary of Wreck of 11. M. S. Challenger on "Western C(ia.stof S. A., 1835. Anon. Lonil., 1836. Jeffenjs ('/'.) Natural and Civil History of French Dominions in North and S. A. 2 pts. in 1 v. Lond., 1761. See al-io Brazil ; — Peru ; — Magellan (Straits of). Also America. 529 n i SPA. SUHJKCTS. 8PANI8H i, n Spa. Sec MiNKiuL Spring. Spain. Frolsmrt (J.) Clironiclea of Englaiul, Fiance, S., etc. {Con- densed.) V. 2. 1.011(1., n. (1. Lettors from Harljaiy, FiaiicL', S., etc. By an English Officer. 2 V. 1.011.1., 178K Moreaii, de Jonn/x (A.) Estadistica de Espafia. liarcelona, 1835. Preacott (IT. //.) lliatory of Keign of Ferdinaiul and Isabella. 3 V. Bo.stoii, 1850. History of Keign of Philip IF. v. 1 k 2. Boston, 1855. SoHthcji (R.) Letters written during short residence in S. and I'ortugal. Bristol, 1799. Stevens (./.) Ilrief lli.story of S, Loud., 1701. Thic/mexse (/^) Year's .louriiey t..idiigli France and part of S. 2 T. Loud., 17S9. Tniex (R.) Travels through J'ortugal i'fe S,, 1772-3. Lond., 1775. See ulsu Sl^^Nlsll LA.vciUAOB ;— "Spanish Litehature. Spanish LAxciUACuo. 1. Dii'tlomiries. Calepino (A.) Dietionariuin (><'to Liiij,Miaruiii . , . respondent auteiu vocabulis Latiiiis. (iiwca, (lalliea, Itaiica, Germanica, Beigica, llispaniea. liasilerc, l.')84. Diceimiario Franee.s-Espanol y Espanol-Frances. Par Nunez y Tahoada. v. 2 (Kspafiol-iM-aiiees). Paris, 1812. Diccioiiario do la Leiigua Ca.'^tellaiia, coiii|)uesto por la Real Acadeiiiia Espafioia. Madrid, 1791. Neiuiiatt {H.) 1^- liaretti {(I.) Dictionary of Spanish and English Liiiiguages. 2 V. Lond., 1823. Same. 2 v. Lond., ii. d. Same, Lond., 1841. Pineda (P.) Dictionary: Spanish-English and English-Spanish. Lond., 1740. SaJcd {V.) Diccioiiario ih; la Leiigua Ca.stellana. (Academia Kspani)la.) Paris, 1805. ™. O'riiunnar, etc. Bachi (P.) Comjiarativo View of S. and Portuguese Languages. Cainl.ridge, 1'. S, A., 1831. lianfti {(J.) Introduction to European Languages, con.sisting of pa.ssages from English, French, Italian, and Spanisii authors (/// ])avh mas ('('lohrcs l^Hcritorus Esiiafioles ; auinen- tados con notaH. {Select ionn). Lond., 1841. Hve (iln'i Spanihii Poetry. Sre aho works o/' Arroiii (C. B. dc, K.) ;~ Calderon de la Barca ;— Cervantes de Saavedra ;— Hartzen- buch (.1. K.) ;-(iiieverdo {V. ('■ da);— «,■/<•. Also Fiction (Spanisli). Spanish Poetry. Wittstein {A. J de) Poosias {]o la America Meri- dional, colccciiinada.s, con Noticias P>iogndica.'i de los Autores. {St'/edioiis.) Lcijiziff, 1S70. "Sparrow-Hawk." Loss of " Simrrow-TIawk " in 1620: discovery of tlie wieck. Anon. Pamiili. liuston, 18G5. Imperfect. Sparta. Dnunnnnid (U'.) Kevi(!\v of Uovernnients of 8. and Athens. Lond., 1794. Spectroscope, and Spectrum Analysis. Ilo.icoe (//. K) Spectrum Analysis. Lond., 1873. See iihn Astronomy ; — Optics. Speeches. Conciom-s et Urationes e.\ Historicis Gra-cis excorptae. {Ur.) Oxonii, 1806. Condones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis cxcerptpe. Oxonii, 180.->. NoTB.— Contains orationg from Sallust, I,iviu», Tacitue, Q. Curtius, etc. Oratorcis Attici. {Ur.) K>1. \. Bekker. 10 v. Oxonii, 1823-28. NoTB.— For contents, see title-entry, p. 190. Oratores Attici. {(h: 4' Lat.) Ed. W. S. Dobson. 16 v. Lond., 1828. NoTB.- For contents, see title-entry, p. 190. See «/,so Preaching ; — Khetoric ; — Sermons. Set' nhii, in .iuthorCataloniie, the k/isccAcn o/^sohlnes ;- Albert (fn'nce Ciiiixi:!-!) ;- Andooldos ; Antipbon ;-CaiininK (o.) ;-Cliathain (Karl ii.f) ;— Cicero (Jl. T.) ;— Demades ; - Demuatheneit ; — Dlnarchus ;— Kverett (K..):~ Helnslus (D.);— Howe (.1.);— Ia8eus;'-Iaocrates;— Lycurgus ;— Lyslas. Spencer (ivlimind). See Biography (Ind.) Stafforushihe. I'itt {\V.) Aj^'iicuUurt' of S. Lond, 1796. Stamp Laws and Du'iiks. See Heraiul (•'. A.), ;*. 122 State and Church. Sec Church and State. Statics. Earn,*h Physics. Steam-Engine. Farcy {J.) Treatise on the S. E., historical, i)ractical, and de.scri])tive. Lond., 1827. Lardner{D.) Steam-Engine explained and illu.q)lanation of Plates of Corni.*h and Bonlton and Watt Engines erected at East London Water Works, (Jld Ford. {With the Plates). Lond., 1842. *SVe also; — Macuineiiy ; — ^Mechanics. ^tcyft^H* ^XCSS, Piiris. {Managed by the learned Estiennes [Stephens], lo0^-l')98). The foUoicimj books are the produc- tion of this famous 2»'>'ovuni TestauiiMituin. (^''''.) Lutetia', P. Stej^ntaas^ 1550. Appianns Alcrandrinus. Komananun lli-toriaruni, < 'eltioa, l.iliyca, Illyrica, Syriaca, Parthica, Milhrid.itica, Civiiis, V lihiis distincta. {^i'.) Lutetian. C((rolns iStep/ianns, 1551. Anacrean. ( )die. L\h't'\iv {sic), JJenriats Ste/>hanas, 1554. XiiTK.— Aiconliiij,' to Mnttaire, it was printed l)y Estienno (Stephens) wlien lis wus oiii> ttteiit\-»ix jears of at;e. Diodorua Siculus. liibliotheca} Historicre libri ([uindecini de (juad- laginta. {Cr.) {Va\\>i,) //enriras Stephanas, 1559. Ni.TK. — Contains old inanusciipt annotations sij{iied "If"." There is aduplicate copy also in the Library. Dictioniiriuiu Medicuni ... ex Hippocrate, Arcta^o. (laleno ... (iVe.), cum Latina intevprt'tatiitne. (Paris ?,) Ilenrieus Sti'plianns, 15G4. Aini)iiaiiiis Marci'lliiiHs. Historiaruni (piai exstant. 2 v. (Paris,) JJearicus IStephanus, 15G8. Novi Testamenti Catholica expositio Eccle.siastica. ( Lutetias, ) o/ira Ilenrici Kitejihani, 1570. Testanientuin Novum, {^r.) (1-utetia', //. ^-tephanas,) 1589. STEriiEN'soN (deorge). See IJiouiiArilY {hid.) Steune (Laurence). See IJitKiliArnv {Iml.) Stuicis.m. Kplrtetns. Knchiridiop. . . . {Cr. d' Lat.) Oxonii, 1739. Same. ().\onii, 1804. NuTK.—Epiotetus opposed tlio doctrine of suicide held hy the other Stoics. Mannalc ... {Gr. ilc Lat) Lipsia", 1798. See also the irorks <>/' AlltOIlillUS (^L Aurelius) ; — Seueca (L. A.) 532 STUENGTH. SUnJECTS. SURGERY. Strength and Resistance of Materials. Donaldson (W.) New Forimilaa fm' Loads anil Deflections of Solid Beams and Girders. Loud., 1872. Hatfirld (It (/.) Theory of Transverse Strains, and its application in construction of Buildings. X. Y., 1877. Rankfn {F. A.) Strains in Tru.^ses computed by means of diagrams. Lond , 1872. St(»i('j/ (B. B.) Theoiy of Strains in Girders and Similar Structures. Lond., 1873. Theory of Stresses in Girders and Similar Structures, Avith niiservations on Strength of Materials. Lond., 1886. .SVe (i/so Architecture ; — Engixeering. Stuart (Royal House of). Sff- BiooRAiniY {Cull.) Sublime (The). Binhf (F.) I'hilosopliical En((uiry into the origin of our Ideas of tlie Suhlime and Beautiful. Loud., 1787. >V'' n/,sv; .Esthetics ; — Bkacty. Suffolk, Eng. Yniiiig (A.) Agriculture of S. Lond., 1797. Supernaturai.ism. Li(/l/l/()of (J. B.) Essays on the work entitled Supernatural Religion. Loml., 1889. SuRAT. Tnfci'ii [0.) Voyage, to Snratte. (With Oshcch-'s China, etc.) 2 V. Lond., 1771. Surgery. Alhucoxis. He Chirurgia. (Arahice et Latine.) Ed. J, Chaiining. 2 v. Oxford, 1778. Anderson ( IT.) System of Surgir'al Anatomy : part lirsi,, Gn Structure of G-roin, I'elvi.s and l'erineMe Notes whiflie lirietlie sliewcth tlie Natures, imiiilicra anil Names of all the Syini)le niemliers, with the I>i\ersyties of their rse.s ami utilities, whether they In: sperniaMko or sanunyne. Drawen out of ancient /Mi-,taniy8ts hy John i'icUerinir, Clarl i if Surgery — Continued. (Surgical treatise, in Freiioh). Maiuisrripf of 633 pages ; size 6| X 4 ins. ; ilate unknown, possihiy 17tli century. Wdls {T. S.) Surgery, })ast, presoit, and future, aivl excessive mortality after surgical operations. Lond., 1877. Wlinti'li/ (T.) Observations on HoiiieV. treatment of Strictures of the Urethra ; with treatment. Pamph. Lond., 1801. White (II) Practical S. Lond., 1796. See also Anatomy ; — Mehicine; — Osteology ; — Physiology. Surrey (Earls of). Wat.iDU (J.) jMenioirs of Ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey and their Descendants to Present Time. 2 v. Warrington, 1782. Surveying. Cfar/.y {A. /?.) O-^ Oxford, 1880. Coast and lieodefir Snrvt'ii, U. S. A. IkiUetin, iio^. 1-12, 14-22, 24. 22 pamph. Wash., 1888-91. Rejwrt, for 1852, 1873-90. 19 v. <,Vash., v. d. Doiia/d,-inn [T. L.) Handhook of Specitications ; or Practical Gui'.e to Architect, Engineer, Surveyor, e<'-. 2 v. Lond., 18.59(1). Fvony {E.) Outline of Method of conducting a Trigonometrical Survey, foi' the formation of (leographical and Tnpi (graphical .Maps and I'lans, Military Pc'dunaissance, etc. Lontl., 1873. Lintern (11'.) Magnetic Surveying, and Angular Surveying. Lond., 1881. Tranfiriui' {J. C.) Field Practice of Laying out (Jircu' u' Curves for l.'ailroads, >,'. V., 18S7. 'J'ri'/n)in///i'frira/ Snrri'i/ of India. Accouuu of ( Iperations, v. 1-14 -I- . Dciira Donii. 1S70-90. ,SV'(' alxi) E.Nc.iNKr.iUNo : — Okodesy ;— 8URATIO.\. SussE.K (//. R. I/., Augustus Frederick, I)id,-r of). iana. G parts in 1 v. Lond., 1844-45. NoTK.— Sale catalos^iie of Duke of Suasex's lihiary. Sussex, England. 7)V(«7,V (Uiide to S. Litin., 18G2. Walmtf (J/.) Ouide to Coast of S. Lond., 18.")9. Sutton (Thomas). See Diograi-hy {Ind.) Sweden. Caxe (IF,) Travels into Poland, Russia, S., and Oenmark. 4 v. Lond., 1 787. Vertot d^Auhenf (li. A., ahbi'- de). Histoire des Revolutions do Suede, v. 1-2. Pari.s, 1778. History of Revolutions in S. Lond., 1696. Voltaire (F. M. Anmet dr). Histoire de Charles XII ; ef,'. Paris, 1854. History of Charles XII of S. Ldin. , 1 769. Swedish Language. oV'- Helfeiisteill (-L). /'. J:^l. For an e.vample of this !i7i)/Hhlr {S. '1 .) Specimen? of ins T. T. Lond., 1852. Lutlif.r {M.) CoUotjuia, oder Tisclneden. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1571. ' Collo(|uia ISlensalia, or Familiar Discourses at his Table, v. 2. Lond., 1840. Srhhn (J.) Table-talk. S>'f' English Reprints, v, 2. Tactics. anc()furti I'k Li])sia?, 1686. Taunton, Sonuu'.set, Eiig. Coffh' (J.) mid others. Some Account of Cluircli of St. Mary MagdalciK!, Taunton, and Restoration thereof. Lond., 1845. Teaching (Theory and I'r ictice fif). Aschain (/?.) The Scholemaster {sic). Lond., 1743. See also English Reprints, v. 10. Everett {J. D.) Philosophy of T. Pamph. Lond., 18.58. See also Education. TELEGKArii. Dkkerson {E. N.) Josei)h Htmrv and tlie Magnetic T. N. Y., 1885. Temperance. Proceedings of International Temperance ana Prohibition Convention, London, 1862 Lond, 1862. Temple (Richard Crenville Temple, Earl). See/ei/ (B.) Stowe : a description of house and gardens of Earl Temple. Loud., 1773. Temple (Sir William). S<'c IUourapiiy (ftid.) Te.mple (.Jewish). Edi'rslipi))) (A.) The Temple, its ^Ministry and Services, as thev were at time of Christ. Lmul., n. d. 536 TBN. SUBJECTS. THEOLOGY. Tex Commandmknts. See Commandments. Ten Tiudes uf Israel. Rankin (J.) Aiiglo-(Minl)ri and Teutonic Rao.os jirovcd t(i he the Lost Tribes of Israol. raiiipli. Lond., 1871. See (t/so Jews. TENnniNO HuNDUEr). ]Va(so7i (J. Y.) Tlie T. H. in tlie Olden Turn. Colrhcster, IS7S. Tennyson (.'Vlfrcd, Lord). Dawsnn (S. E.) A Stntly, witli critical and oxi'lanatory notes, of Lord Tenny.son's poem Tlie Princes.s. Lond.. 1884. Test Law. Alliance hctwcen Clnucli and State;; or Necessity and Kejuity of an Kstablislied Religion and a Test Law. Anon. Lond., IT.'K). Teutonu; LANGUAciES. Ilelfeni^tt'in (./. ) Comparative (Jranunar of T. L. ; (■onipri-sing (lotliic, Anglo-Saxon, Early Englisli, >rod('rn English, Icelandic (Old X.irse), Danish, vSwedish, Old High rrerman, Middle High (leiiiian, Modern (ii'rman, Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Dulch. Lond.. 1870. TiiACKEUAY (William ^Ld>''''' IUocuapuy {linl.) TuEi.SM. Alli'H {It) VindiciiB Pietati.^ oi Vindication of Godlines.s from imputations of Folly and Fancy. \\y R. A. Lond., 1004. Cliarnnrk (S.) Discourses n|ion Existence and attrii)utes of God. {liarknl " ]ror/,-.s', /,'. .>.") Lond., 108-_>. T/iii)n])Sf))i (R. A.) Christinn T. 2 v. Lond., 1805. See rt/.sv) (Joi) ; — TiiE()i.o(iv, jnisu})!. TllEMisToci.HH. BeiitJcii (R.) Disseitation u[)(Hi Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, c/c. Lond., '097. THEOLOGY. (General and ^Hsce;... neons Works). Albertns Mm/nus. Compendium Theologice veritatis. Venetii.s, 148.-). Aljihonsus de Li'/orio (S.) Tlu'ologia Morali.s. 10 v. in 5. Mich- liniic, 18r)L>' A/iiliri)se (/.) War with Devils; and ministration of, and commu- nion with Angel.s. Glasgow, 1738. Anxelin (St., Ahp. of Ccoiferhuri/). Cur Dens Homo, h v. lierolini, l8r)7. Antuine (P. d'.) Theologia L', speculative et dogniatica. . . V. 1-2, 5-7. Paris, 1742. Aijiihia.-^ (St. T.) Summa Theologica. Lugduni, 1702. Same. 8 v. ISarri-Ducis (?), !873. Venerable Sacrament of the Altar : a Theological and Devotional Treatise. Tr. by J. ^L Neale. Lond,, 1871. ArHiii^'ii.'i (J.) Opera Theologica. Lugduni Patavoruni, 1629. Af/i":tu)^ius (St.). Opera. 4 v. Parisiis, 1842. Aiiyudinus {Aurelius, saint, hialiop of Hippn). See auf/ior-enfri/. Baker (T.) Reflections upon Learning, to eviiice usefulness and necessity of Revelation. P)y a Gentleman. J v. Lond., 17*^0 536 .1 5 THEOLOGY. SUBJECTS. THEOLOGY. Theology — Continved. Bale (J.) Select Works. Cambri(lr of His Holy Word. The dis))layinK of the I'opish mass. The commonplaces of the Holy Scripture. A comparison between the Lord's Supper and tht^ I'ope'w mass. Certain articles of the christian relitfioii proved and confirmed. The diver.s'ty between God's word and man's inventions. Acts of Christ au»,r/,ed " \Vnrk<, r /.") Lond,, 1684, C/ii//in>/irort/i (W.) Works. Lond., 1742. Works. 3 V. Oxford, 1838, Christliches Biitbuch . . , \ v. Mmimrg und Erankfurt, 1803, 538 THKOLOQV. SUBJECTS. THEOLOGY. Theology — Continued. Chrysoiitnmus (J., st.) (Jpera Grsece. 8 v. Etonse, 1613. Opera Omnia. {Gr. Sf Lat.) 12 v. in 5. Francofurti, 1723. Clarke (S.) Works. 4 v. Lond, 1738. Clemens Alexaiidrimis. Opera. {Gr. 4" Led.) Ed. D. Heinsius& F. Sylburg. (Paris,) title mutd(ded ; )iruder^s emblem, a ship under sail ; folio, pruhablf/ edition of 1629. Opera. {Gr. ^ Lat.) Ed.';S. Potter.* Oxonii, 1715. Clemens Romunus. Epistola?. See p. 6J^. Compendiosse Institutiones Tlieolof^icse ad usum Seniinarii Pictavi- encis {Poitiers). 5 v. Pictavii, 1729. Same. 4 v. Pictavii, 1753. Conference lietween Soul and ISody concerning the Present and Future State. Anon. Lond., 1705. Covenkde (M.) Remnins. Cambridge, 1846. Writing.-! and Translations. Cambridge, 1 844. Cranmer {T.) Miscellaneous {coidrocerxial ami relitjiotts) Writings, and Letters. Cambridge, 1846. Remains. 4 v. O.xford, 1833. Short Instruction into Christian Religion, being Catechism set forth in 1548. Oxford, 1829. Cnrcelhi'iis {S.) Opera Thoologica. Amstelodami, 1675. CJyprian {St.) Opera. Parisiis, 1726. Treatises. Oxford, 1839. ■Cyril {H.) Catecheses ... et 5 Mystagogicai. \v. Colonise, 1564. Catechetical Lectures. Oxford. 1838. Opera qute exstant omnia. Venetiis, 1763. Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion : being Collection of Sermons {by 21 clerqymen) i)ieaclied at Lecture founded by Hon. Robert Royle, "from 1691 to 1732. 3 v. Lond., 1739. Same. Abridgment. 4 v. Lonil., 1737. NdTK —This lecture was " designed to prove the truth of the Christian Relijtion to Intldels." DeQuincey {T.) Theological Essays, and other papers. 2 v. Boston, 185L NoTB.— For contents, see author-entry, p. 80. Deyling {S.) Institutiones Prudentia? Pastoralis. Lipsia?, 1739. Discourse concerning Merit of (rood Works. Anon. -^ v. Lond., 1688. Doddridqe {P.) Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. Lond., 1808. Same. Lond., 1822. name. Lond., 1854. Eder {G.) CJ'x'onomia llibliorum, sive Partitionum Theologicarum Libii 5 ... (."olonia^ Agrippinie, 1.t68. Ellis {J.) Knowledge of Divine Things from Revelation, not from Reason or Nature, v. 1. Lond., 1771. 539 i> THEOLOGY. SUBJECTS. THEOLOQT. ».| % V' T . ThE()I,< !Y — Continued. Episcop}is {S.) Opera Tli(M)lo<^i(!a. Anislelrediimi, 1678. Same. Purs iiltcrii. Aiiistultedanii, 16fi5. Erasimis (D.) Ratio sen Metliodus cumiu'iidio \ orveniendi ad vcraiii Theologiam \ v. Colci-ia;, 1523. Same. A v. Ar{,'eii,tiiia, ir)23. Erskine {T.) Brazen Serpent, or Life coming through Death. Kdin, 1831. Essay on Faitii. Edin., 1822. Ensebius Pam/ihifi. Pr;u[)aratio Evangelica. (Gr. tt* Lat.) Ed. F. Viger. Coloniie, 1(588. NoTK. -" A collection of varimis fmts nml quotations from old writers, by which it was aiipposed that thu mind wonld be prepared to receive the evidences, of Christianity. " Fuber ((i. S.) Primitive Doctiine of Regeneration, sought for in Holy Scripture. Lond.. 1810. Fellaives (E.) liody of T., ]prinei[)ally practical. 2 v. Lond., 1807. FirmicuH Materims (,/.) M. Minncii Felicis Octavius . . . aoccdit prietcrea lil>er .1. Firniici Materni de Errore Profanarum Keligionuni. Lugduni liatavorum, 1G52. NoTB.— Demonstfates the errora of pajtanism, etc. Fhivel (J.) A Saint rnde('(l, or the Great Work of a Christian, opened and pressed. Loud., n. d. Fleefivnnd (11'.) Couipleto Collection of Sermons, Tracts, and I'icces of all kinds. Lond., 1737. Francke {A. II.) Ww Cradus, oder Stutlen der ewigen Ilerrlichkeit aus Matth. XX, 20-23. Pamph. Halle, 1710. UastreJl (F) Certainty and Necessity of Relii,'ion in General ; or First Grounds and Principles of Human Duty established. {B()>//e Lectare.-i). Lond., I(»!t7. Gilpin {W.) Moral Contrasts, or Power of Religion exemplified under different characters. Lond., 1799. Goode ( W.) Divine Rule of Faitli and Practice. 2 v. Lond., 1842. XoTK.— "This worit U a defence of the treat Proto-tant principle nf the suffl- cienc.v of holy scripture, in opposition to the doctrine of Dr. I'liscy and his party, who claim for triidition a co-ordinate authority with the written wurd of God." — E. WUliains. Great Law of Consideration. {" Half-Title." Religious), n. t., 17th or 18lh century. Gregory I, the Great {St.) Opera. 3 v. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1675. Grindal (E.) Remains. (^VrHioji.s, injunctions, letters, etc.), Cambridge, 1843. Grotius (IJ.) Opera Omnia Theologica. 3 v. in 4. Lond., 1079. Guevara (A. de.) Mysteries of Mount Calvary. Lond., 1868. Uabert (L.) Comjiendium Tlieologije Dogniaticiu et Mor.dis ; lut usuni Seminarii Catalaunensis. Parisiis, 1719. 540 1^ THEOLOGY. SUBJECTS. THEOLOGY. Caiiihrid^a', 1796. Theology — Contiimcd. Hah (M.) Conteinplatioiis, Moral and Divine. Lond., 1095. Knowledgo nf (Jod. and of (Hirselvcs, by Lij,'lit of Jsature and by Sacri'il Sciipturo ; e„ ^ "^- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 4i J? /<9 W "«^ ^\#.^ /M^:. 1.0 I.I S U 1110 1.8 1-25 1.4 11.6 4 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 4^ JV '<*>. <^ 1*. 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 8724503 THEOLOGY. suiup:cts. THEOLOGY. Theology — Continued. Protestant System : containing Discourses on Principal Doctrines of Natural and Revoaled Keligion. (Compiled j'rom ivorks of Protestant dit>senters.) 2 v. Lond., 1758. Pusey (E. B.) Doctrine of the Real Presence, as contained in the Fathers. Oxford, 1855. Historical En(iuiry into Causes of Rationali-st Character lately predominant in the T. of Germany. 2 v. Lond., 1828-30. Ramhach IJ. J.) Heilsanie Worte des Kerrn Jesu. Magdeburg, 1763. Randolph (./.) Enchiridion Tlieologicuni ; or Manual for use of Students in Divinity. 2 v. (.'xford, 1812. Rapine de Saitiete Marie (Paschal). Le (Jliristianismo Naissant dans la Gentilite ... v. 1. Paris. 1655. Religious Tracts dis|)ersed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1 2 v. Lond., 1813. Retraite Chretienne sur les ""eritez du Salut. Arioti. Paris, 1721. Ridley (G.) Sermons on the Divinity and Operations of the Holy Ghost. Oxfonl, 1802. Ridley (N.) Works. Gunbridge, 1843. Rofnaine (W.) Treatise upon the Life of Faith. Lond., 1817. Twelve Discourses upon the Law and the Gospel. Lond., 1760. Rose {H. J.) Liw of Moses viewed in connection with Hi-story and Character of the .lews ; ftc. Cambridge, 1834. Rotheram(J.) Faith and its connection Avith Good Works. Xbw- castle-upon-Tyne, 1772. Same. Lond., 1801. Ryan {E.) History of EH'ecti of Religion on Mankind. 2 v. Lond., 1788. Rymer {T ) Representation of Revealed Religion. Lond., 1723. IScaramelli [J. B.) Directoriui'i Asceticuni, or Guide to Spiritual Life. 4 v. Dul);in, 1870-71. Science Universelle de la Chaire. Anon. v. 1-4, 6. Paris, 1706-25. Scott [J.) Discourses concerning Obedience and Love of God. v. 2. Lond., 1698. Works. 2 v. Lond., 1718. Works. 6 V. Oxford, 1826. 6cott, {T.) Essay3 on important subjects of Religion. Lond., 1823. Scriver ov !Scrivern {C .) Die Neue Preatur. . . Liineburg. 1740. Seelen Schatz ... 2 v. in 1, Magdeburg & Leipi'ig, 1723. Sharp (J.) Theological Works. 5 v. in 3. Oxford, 1829. Sherlock (H".) Case of Resistance of the Supreme Powers, Stated and!ved according to the Holy Scrii)iures. Lond., 1690. Discourse concerning Divine Providence. Lond., 1713. Practical Discourse concerning Death, n. t. 544 thhologV. StJBJECTS. fHEOLDGT. Theology — Continued. Shipley (0.) Glossary of Ecclesiastical Terms. Lond., 1872. Theory about Sin in relation to some facts of daily life : Lent lectures on the seven deadly sins. Lond., 1875. Shicttleivorth {P. A^.) Consistency of whole Scheme of Revelation with itself and with human reason. Loud., 1832. Sibbs {E.) Works. 3 v. Aberdeen, 1809. •Smith {J. B.) Coiupcndium of Rudiments in T. Lond., 1844. Steele {Sir R.) Tlie Christian Hero. Oxford, 1802. Stillimijleet {E.) Origines Sucrse ; e ci.iled " Stillingfleet'a Hevtaleii lidiglon." Stouyhinn (J.) Introeluction to Historical T. Lond., n. d. Same. Lond , n. d. Simmer {J. li.) Treatise on Records of the Creation and on Moral Attributes of the Creator. Lond., 1850. Sam,: 2 v. Lond., 1833. Synffe {E.) A Oentleman's Religion, with Orounds and Reasons of 'it. Oxford, 1800. Taylor (J.) lluum Neccss.irium ; or Doctrine and Practice of Reiientence. Loud., 1655. Works. 15 V. Lond., 182S. 'I'liont'lilii' {II.) Just Weiglits and Measures: the Present State of Religion weighed. Lond., 1680. Til {S. van). MethoJus Concionandi . . . quibus addit* sunt i!il)liotheca Theologica, et ulijc dissertationes. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1717. Tillotson {J.) Rule of Faitli ; t'o()k of Commju Prayer; Sherborne, 1793; (3) Discoiu'se on Wisdom and CJoodne-ss of God in fornuition of man ; Siierljorne, 1796; (4) Rook of Nature: on Wisdom of God ; Sherborne, 1792; (5) Causes of Contempt of Clergy; Lond., 1796. 5 paiuph. in 1 v. Tournely {II.) Pra>lectiones Theologicte de Deo ac Divinis Attri- butis. V. 1. Parisiis, 1730. Totvmun {T.) Works. 2 v. Lond., 1810. Tracts for the Time ; vol. 1 for 1833-34, to vol. 5 for 1838-40. liy Mendjers of Univtirsity of Oxford. 5 v. in 4. Lond., 1838-40. NoTK.— Sec remarks under title-entry (pi'Jl). ** 545 TUKOLOGY. snBlECTS. TIlEOLUUV. Theology — Continued. Trescho (S. F.) Ju'iiiuntcruntjeii ziiin Gluubeii uml zur Hciligunt,' wahreiul der Leidenszeit Jusu Cliristi in Botraclitungen und Liedern. Danzig, 17G7. Ueber die Oeschichto und Lehre von tier Aufcrstoliung des Erlo- sers. Danzig, 1778. Trollope (W.) Expedients to which Gentile Philosophers resorted in opposing progress of the Gojpel, in ilhistration of truth of Christian Religion. Lond., 1822. l^urretini (J. A.) Theses (pro'ses) : de Theologia Natural! in de Existentia Dei ; do Dei Adtributis ; de I'rov- identia Divinpe ; de Mouo Providentiff" Divinre ; de Libertate Humana ; de Legibus Xaturalibus (^ pts.) ; de Aninionnn Iniinortalitate et Vita Futura. Bound in 1 v. Genevan, 1729-37. Turretini (F.) Conipeudiuni Theologire Didacticu-Elencticpe ex Tlieologorum nostroruni Institutionilnis Tlieologicis auetuni et illustratum. Anistelodanii, 1695. Institutio Theologia Elencticse ... v. 2-3, Gevevre, 1682-85. De Satisfaetione Christi Disputationes ; adjecta sunt duse Dispu- tationes (1) De Circulo Pontificio (2) De Concordia Jacobi el Pauli in Articulo .Tustificationis. I \. Genevcne, 1666. Ursinns {Z.j Sunnne (sic) of Christian lieligion ; to which are aiuiexed, Thoologioall Misfellanies of D. Pareus. l.ond., 1645. Usshrr 1^,1.) JJudy of Divinity . . . whcreunto is adjoyned (.-'/'•), Ininianuel or the Mystery of tiie Incarnation of the Son of God. Lond., 1648." Van Mildert {W.) Theological Works. 6 v. Oxford, 1838. Voice from the Pack I'ews to the Pulpit and Front Seats, in answer to "What think ve of Christ?" By a " Backpewnian." Lond., 1872. Volume containing the following pamphlets on religious subjects : — (1) Oli.scrvation on (Middleton's) Introductory Discourse;, I.ond., 1747 ; (2) Remaiks on pamphlets against Middh^ton's Introductory Discourse, t^-c, Lond., 1748; (3) Queries con- cerning Miracles, Lond.. 1748 ; (4) Wm. Dodwell's Free Answer to Middleton, Lond., 1749 ; (5) F. Toll's Defence of ]\Iiddleton, Lond., 1749; (6) 2 Epistles to Brooke on his defence of the primitive Futhnrs, Lond., 1748 tt 1750 ; (7) W. Adams' Essay on Hume's Essay on Miracles, Lond. 1752. Divine Legation of V. in Warhurton {W.) 1741. Same. 3 v. Lond., 1742. WaterJnnd {D.) Works. 10 v. in 6. Oxford. 1823. Watson (R.) Collection of Theological Tracts. 6 v. Lond Wesley (J.) Doctrine of (.)riginal Sin. Bristol, 1757. 54(i Lond 1701. Theology. SUBJECTS. THKOPHILANTIIROPISM. Theology — - Continued. West (G.) Dcfcnoc oi Christioa Revelation {being West's " Obser- viitions on the Ilesni-nuition of Jesus Christ '' and Lord Little- ton's " Observations on Conversion and Ai-ostleship of St. Paul"). Lond., 1748. WluUJy {Ji.) Essays, 1st series, on some Peculiarities of Chris- tian Religion. Lond., 1837. Essays on .Sonic Dangers to Christian Faith which may arise from teaching or conduct of its professors. Lond., 1839. Cse and Abuse of Party-feeling in Religion. Oxford, 1822. WliiUjift (J.) Work!^ (poleiiiic'il and flieolngical.) 3 v. Cambridge, 18.51. Whole Duty of Man; with Private l^evotions. Anon. Lor.d.,1810. Same. Lond., n. d. See also " Works of the author of the Whole Duty of Man." Note.— See note ur.lor title-entry, p. 284. Wilhlns {L. M.) Abrahamic Sacrifice, in connection with Pilate's -Que.stion, " What is Trutli," discussed by an Orthodox Old Judge and a Sceptical Young Lawyer. [With author's MS. wldilions.) \ v Halifax, 1883. Wilson (T.) >raxims of Piety and Christianity. Lond., 1812. Same. Lond., 1850. Works. 2 v. Bath (*k Lond., 1781. Witsius (//.) Economy of Covenants between God and Man, com- ))rehenilin.g a coniijlote body of Divinity. 2 v. Lond., 1822. Works of the learned and Pious Author of the " Whole Duty of Man." Oxford, 1726. NoTR. -Sec note to " Whole Duty of Man," p. 284 of Catalogue. Yates (li.) (Gospel Kingdom considered, etc. Lond., 1818. .SV'' al-utlinc of Atheism, Deism, T., etc. Loud., 18: 547 THKOPHlMJS. StJBJECt.S, toLI'illATION'. Thkoi' {Sain/, JHs/iop of Antinch). Korlholt (C.) In .histinum Miii'tyrciii, Atlienii^oi'ani, Tlioopliilum Antidclu'iuim, Tatiiuiiim .Assyriuin, (•omiiient.ii'ius. J v. Fi'iiiicv.finti fc Lipsia^, 1G8G. Theopiirahtus. cituckliause (J.) lllustiMtionos Tln'oiiliiasti in usum IJotaniconim priPcipuc perofrriucitiuin. Oxdiiii, 1811. Theosopiiv. Introduction to T., or Science of " .Mystery of Clirist," that is, of JJeity, Nature, and Creature. Anon. v. 1 (i-ain- j)lefG in Itddf). Lond., n. d. TiiiUTY-MNK Articles. limnicft (1\) Directions for Studying, 1. a (Jeneral System of Divinity, 2, tlio 39 Artich's. l.ond., 1715. Beven'd(/(: ( IK.) Ecclesia Anglicana Ecclesia Catliolitia ; or Doctrine of Cluu'cli of England consonant to Scri])ture, Keason, and the Fatliers ; in Discourse upon the 39 Articles. 2 v. Oxford, 1840. Brnnuio. {E. //.) Exposition of the 39 Articles, historical and doctrinal. Lond., 1808. Burnet {G.) Exposition of 39 .Articles. Lond., 1700. tSavK'. Lond., 1720. Same. Oxford, 1796. Same. Oxford, 1H31. Lamb (J.) Historical Account of tlu; 39 Articles, 1553-71 ; witii exact copies of the Latin and English ]\Ianuscri|)ts and Fac- similes of signatures of the .Archliishops, etc. Cambridge, 1829. BDijcrf {'/'.) Ciitholic Doctrine of Church of England: an Exposi- tion of the 39 Articles. Candjiidge, 1854. Waif)' (T.) Sermons on 39 Articles. Lond., 1826. Welcitwan. (I'J.) XXXIX Articuli Ecclesias Anglicana;, Textibus e Sacra Scrijitura depiom])tis confiimati. I v. Oxonii, 1718. Tiiirty-nine Articles, confirmed by Texts of Scripture, etc. i.ond., 1842 (1). Sec also Church ok Exgland. TaoRiiUR.N (Orant). .Sw Biuuraphy (//('/.) TiiRiiT. Sec Smiles (S.), Timber. See Trees. Tithes. //aA-.s ( IT.) Observations on T. ; ^^c. } v. Lond., 1794. Scllioiiti' (/i'. Pa/iiier, Earl of). Ancient Facts and Fictions con- cerning Churches and T. Lond., 1888. Thorpe (William). Bale (./.) Select Works, containing Examinations of Lord Cobhani, W. Thorpe, and Anne Askewe, and the Lnage of both Churches. Cambridge, 1849. Tobacco. Jamex I. {of Enylanil). Counterblaste {ir) of Thomas (Parker, 1st) Earl of .Macclesfield, in House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, 1725. Lond., 1725. See aho Law. Trigonomethy. Boiiiii/aii^lli (.T.) Plane and Spherical T. Lond., 1813. Ciessircll (I).) Treatise on 8|)li(U'ics, comprising Sperical Geometry, and Plane and Sperical T. Cambridge, 1816. 549 TQIOO!*OMBTUY. fSLTHJECTS. TUNNEU.INO. Trigonometry — Continnrd. Galbraith {J. A.) Sf Howihtnn (,V.) Plane T. Loud., ISfil. Grcriilcaf (Ji.) Kleineiits of J'I;mc aiiil Splicrii'iil T. lloston, 1870. HaJI (f. a.) Plane ami Siiin'riciil T. Loud., 1S48. Keill (J.) TrigonuniPtriic, planui et Sitlia'riwe, elcinenta. Oxoiiii, 1806. Leslie (J.) Elements of Oeometvy ami T. Edin.. 1817. Levett (li.) 4- Darmxi (C.) Eic-monts of Plane T. Lond, 1892. Loch {J. B.) Trigonometry of (Jne Angle. Lond., 18G1. Nilcitln (/?.) 4' Souvoraf (P.) Elements of Plane and Spherical T. Loud., 1786 (1). Pearson (H.) Syllabus of Plane and Spliorieal T. Cambridge, 1836. Syllabus of Course of Lectures upon T., ete. Cambridge, 1836. Sfi,aok Sea ; — Crimean War ; — East (The) ; — Macedhnia. Turkish Laxouage. For an exnm/ile of thix lanffitrnfc, see RibIjE (Turkish), p. 36 of Catalogue. TYPonnAPHY. Sec Printing. Ulysses. Witt (C.) Wanderings of U. Lond., 1885. See altto Homer's Odyssey. Union of Churches. See Church Union. Unitarianism. Alh'j; (P.) Judgment of Ancient Jewish Church against the Unitarians in Controversy upon the Holy Trinity and Divinity of our Saviour. Oxford, 1821. United States of America. [See aho America; — North America. Aim the luinies of individual states. Also Biography (Collec- tive .■ Ainericni).] 1. Description, Geoip-apln/, and Travels. Beanjoar (F. de). Sketch of U. S., 1800-10. Lond., 1814. Cwisf and Geodetic Surcy. Bulletin, nos. 1-12, 14-22, 24. 22 pamph. Wash., 1888-91. Report, for 1852, 1873-90. 19 v. Wash., v. d. Cohlietf (W.) Porcu])ine's Works, containing Writings on U. S. 12 V. Lond., 1801. Dixon (IF. //.) ^'e\v America. Phila., 1867. Geo(/riiphtcal Sii7'vei/s West of lOOfh Meridian, U. S. A. Annual " Reports of George M. Wlieeler, 1874, 1877-80. 5 v. and atlases. Wash., v. d. NoTK.—Alao to be found in tht Reports of the Chief of Enj;ln«era. Report. 4, & 6. Wash., 1877-78. Contfnts.—V. 0, Rotanv. Astronomy and Biirotnetric HypBometry ; 4, PaUcontolojry ; Li'wis {M.) iS,- Clarke (W.) Travels to Source of Missouri River and across American Continent to Pacific Ocean, 1804-6. 3 v. Lond., 1815. Poicf'll (J. IF,) Report on Lands of Arid Region of U. S., with detailed account of lands of Utah. Wash., 1879. 3. Ecclesiastical History. Huwkt'x (F. L.) Contrihutions to Ecclesiastical History of U. S. 2 V. {Virginia awl Maryland). N. Y., 1836-39, 551 USlTEn. SUBJECTS. UNITEP. Umteo States ok Amehica - Cnufinin'if. His/ on/. Bawri)ft {(;.) History of W S. v. Hostmi, \S^)7. Chulnici-n {(f.) Political Annals of tho UnitiMl Colnnics (of AuKM'ica) from their Sottlonient to |i('acp of ITO.'l I)ool< 1 {fo JtiSS ; ffn 'if Kccoiid pn/( mil iirn'r }iiililis/ii-il). Loiiil., 17S0. Chrixfie (R) Arenioir of Administration of Ci>lonial (lovcrnment )f Lower-Canada ((jlueliee), liv Sir .lames II. Craij,' and Sir (ieor''e Prevost, 1807-1 f) eonipiclieiKlnii,' Miiit arv ant 1 Naval Operations in the Canadas during War with Ignited States. .1 V. guehec, 1818. dmi (/'.) History of U. S. to Reeonstruetion of the Union. *J v, ' Lond., 1887. llalihiirtiDi ('/'. C.) R\de and iMisnde of Knu'lish in America. N. Y. n. I 1. Pollani {K. A.) Soutliern History of tln' 1st ^V --'nd year.- [1801-0: X. v., 18()1. J/. Mifci/laiiroiis. Ihirraii of Kdiicntiim. Circulars of Intormation ; 1885, nos. •_'-."> 18f^( nos. Wash. ), nos. 1- 188 t, nos. l-;5; ISSS, 1 lOS 1. ;{■; '. I 1 88i). 1--J ; 1890, no.s. 1--J ; 18'J1, no.s. 1, 3, 7. -Jl pamph V. t Siiecial Re|K)rt on Educational Exhihits, Ac, at Expo.-ition at New Orleans. 1884-S"). .'5 parts in l v. Wash., 188r.. Chic/ Siijual <)[lirrr. Annual Report for 1877 A' 1879. 2 v. Wash., 1877-80. Conaulsxi'iner of Kilitcatioii. Ke|toits, 188;i-84 to 1888-89. 7 v. \V ish., V. I'oiiir o/ Pafi'uts. Report for 1858: Aj^'riculture. Wash., 1859. Compendium of 9th Census, June 1870. Ed. hv F. A. Walker. Wash., 1872. Coniptruller of Currency. Report to Congress (L'2nd). AVash., 1884. Conintock (C. li.) ami otlirm. Report upon Primary Triangulation )f U. S. Lake Survey. {Proffusioiinl I'aj/fr.f of U. S. Ciir/>.i if Enij'inevrs., lu 'f)., 1882. Ew]i}u'er Di'/xirfiiiriit. Report of ('hief of Engineers, 1878-86. 28 V. Wash., 1878-86. Monro (A.) United States and Canada : their future. St. John, 1879. Pajiers relating to Foreign AH'airs, accomitanying annual messages of President to 38th, and 1st sessi on o f 39tli Congress. {Dipfoiiuific rorrcsjioiiili'iii'i'). 8 v. Wash., 1861-66. Saiiifiiri/ Coiiiiiiisfiion. P)ulletin, 1863- j V. in 1. N.Y., 1866. Documents :; V. X. Y., 1866. Troffcr (A.) Financial Position and Credit of such States "f X'orth American Union as have contracted Public Debts. Lond., 1839. 662 UNITED. SURTKCTS. UNITKO. Unitki) Status op Amkiik a (\>iifiinii(f. I'i. NahirdI llixfurii, :\[iririilliiri\ C/iimifr, Fi. v. W:isli.,v. d. "Siiecial Hcpdrt. iios. 1 -.'U) (1S77 SO). 2 v. Wiisli., v. .1. liurtttn (>/ Kthunhiijii. First Amuiiil K('|i(>i't. Wasli., 1881. CniiiitiinKiiut (if Fiali (dill Fi.ihrrif.i. Rt'ports, 187."M to 187G-7. 15 V. Wiisli., V. il. Co/ir (K. /).) Vfil('l)iiitii of Tcrtiiirv Koriimtioii of Wcstcni 1'. S. : l)oi>k 1. Miiini /'/iifrs. (!'. S. Ii'io. Surri'ii iii'Ti'rrilorii'!', r.,1), Wa.sli., 18s:t. ■ Pa,'/ (I). T\ ,'il. Mineral Resources of V. S., IS8.")-87. H v. W'asli , l8S(;-88. KntiniKiloiiical Cd/iniiisxidii Ih'il ami 4tli Heports. (I'.S. Ihjif. nf Aiiriritltuir). L' v. AVasli.. 188:{-8r). Ks/"/ (J. /'.) Meteorolo<,'ical IJepoit, r. S. A. (Foiirtlil. Wasli., ' 1857. (•'I'd/iiijird/ J\.f/)/iiri(fitin I)/ tlir Jfdtli I'antlli'l. Iie|iovts. 7 v. iV 2 atlase.s. AViisli., 1870-80. CdiitcnI.i: Vol. 1, /viii./ (C). Svstclimtii' (iinlojrj , 1S7S ; 2, lliKiv ('•.)'(■ h:,iii(if:iis (S /•'.). li(siiipti\t' (;i'ol(ii,'\ . 1S77 : 3, llivnn (./. />.). Miiiinu' li.diistrv, ISTO; 4, (;0.1/'''. (/''■ /■' ) IliilH-l ).v \yiiiltfit(lt. f\ l'.ilir.mtoloj,'v, (li), liiiUimiH (I!.), Ooiillinliiirv. KS77 : C, »'iit.-iiii (S^ rt ,il llntaii.V, ls71 ; fi, Xi>ki'l'(h'.'). .'Iiir()*c' )ii(;il l'itiii:;nii li\, l!>7il ; 7, Mtiri^lt (O. C), (liloiiturnithtrt, sxliiii't foothfd liinU, Isso. (,'i'(i/(i(lic(i/ Siirrij/. Report, of Director, .1. W. I'owfll, for 188r)-8(!. (lii'IKirt (if Si'crt'/itr;/ iij' Iiifrrinr : /SS/J, r. .1 : /S,Stl^ r. .1). ■2 V. AViisii., 1880-87'. (ii'oloi/ifd/ Siirrci/ of ill f Tcrrifurifs, I'. S. A. ; /'. I', //((i/drii in, c/i(ir;/t'. Reports, v. 1, ;5, Tt, pt. i, 8, \'2. Wasli , 187;5-8;]. NoTK ~ For coiitt'iits, sec Gkoi.ikiv. Reports for 18()7-()9, 1872, 1877-78. 5 v. with maps. Wash, 187:5-8:5. Catalofj;\ie of I'Ml)licatioii-'. rainpli. Wash., 1 871K Iftiiiij/i (/•'. /)'.) li'eport upon Forestry. (LL .S'. Drj/f. <>/ A[iiinil- ' fiirr). -2 V., 1878-80. " " " . /\7»v {('.) Systeniati(r (leolo;,'v. F. S. Ilrd. Kf/ifnr. of' J/)tli ' l'(imllil,'r. 1.), 1878. Lt'idji (,/.) C'ontrilmtions to Extinct A'ertelirate Fainia tpf AVestern Territories. {U. S. (ivo. JSiirrci/ of' 'J'erritorirs, r. I.) Wash., 187:5. I.i'filei/ (J. I'.) Collection of Occasional Surveys of iron, (^oal, and ()il Di^tiicts in l'. S. I'hila., 1874. Ltt^ilUfVi'K.r (L.) .\tlas to C' Fhna of Pennsylvania, and of C'.ii'- honiferous Formation thioui,'Iiont 11. S. llarrishurj.;, 1871). Contrihutioiis to Fo.ssil Flora of Western Territories of l'. S. : ( 'retaceons ami 'i'ertiarv Floras. Wash., 188:5. J/'c/,- ( /••, li.). Hall {J.). ,\'\Vluljirhl {II. />.) l'ala'onl(.Ioj,'y. (T. >'. /;. o/ .'/It/i /'anilh'l, r. .}.) Wash., 1877. JS'and OliKfrndorii. Astronomical and Meteorological ( 'Ijservations 1871. Wcvsli., 187:5. 553 UNITED. srijjECTs. VKN'ICE. United States ok Ameiuca — Continued. Uaiinioiid (If. II'.) MiiiiTiil K<'snun'('.'i of StiilcH aiul T(?rritories west (if Hi»'l<_v Mnuiitiiiii-^. Wnsli., isO!). Statistifs iif Mines iiiiil Miiiiiij,' in States ami Torriti,rit'« west of Rocky Mountains. Wasli., 1873. Kcsnlts of M(!tt;uroloi,'ical ( )lis(Tvations, inadi- umlcr (liu'(;tion of U. S. Patent OlHce and Smithsonian Institution, 1854-09. V. 2, pt. 1 (Periodical Plienoniena and Storms). Wash., 1864. liiihliraii {It) Ornitholo^'v (of If S. (it'o. K.i'iilordfion of JfOth ' Parallel : n-iiort, r. .If). Wash., 1877. Volney (C. F. 0. ■.) and <,thn-x. I'.otaiiy. {U. S. (i,„. h'j-p. of J^Ofh Pandlr], r. ,7.) Wash., 187l". Univf'isai, Exhibition, Pari.Ai,nousiE Col- i,EGE ; — Duni-iN T^NivEHsiTY ; --PuiiiiAM University ;— Edinburgh University ; — Harvard University ; — King's Com. EGK ;- T^ondon University ;- -New Bruns- wick T^NivERsri'v ; — Oxford University; — (,)ueen's Coli-ege ; — ToiiONTo University : — Trinity College, Hartford ; -Trinity College, Toronto ; — ^Yale Uni- versity. Utah, I^. S. A. Uillwrt {(t. K.) Report on Ceoloj^fy of Ihiiirv Moun- tains (in Utah). Wash., 1880. Mwniidi (J. X.) Report of Explorinff Expedition from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to Junction of Grand and C.rcen Rivers (in Utah), 18r)9. Wash., 1870. Simpson {J. II.) Report of Explorations across Creat P>a.sin of U., 1859. Wash., 1876. Utopias. na<-ivi{F.) Xew Atlantis. (Suhjoi/ifd to "."^i/Im Sy/ranon"). Eoiid., 1()77. More [Sir T.) Lm^ubrationes : UtopiiR lil)., '/'•. Basil, 1503. Utojtia. See English Reprints, v. 0. See a/so Government ;— 1'olitical Economy. Vegetius Renatus (Flavu.-). Sfru'''rfnii,'< {(-f.) Cominentarius ad F. Vegeti Reiiati lihros (h; ns Militari. Versalia', 1070. Venice. Bemho (P., cardinal). Reruni Yenetaruin Historise lib. Lutctitp, 1551. $ee also Italy. 554 VERSIFICATION. SUHTKCiR. VOYAOKS. VEUsii'-irATioN. Anidll {T. K.) I'racticfil fiitrnilurtion to Latin Verse ('mii|i(isitinii. I.oiid., ISnl. Ihj.^i'lK' (h ) Alt (.f Kiijilisli Poetry, l.nnd.. 170.'». NuTR. Hulft, (lictioiivry of ili.vmc», and rolluctioii of thoughts (rotn ''injlish poets. Cf'ilio [A.) Kssiiv on ( irii^iii, I'm^'icHs, and J)rrliiic of Kliyiiiing Latin Vt'r.M:' Oxford, \>^'1K Sen alia I'oETUY. Vertehhata. Hiu-lni {T. II.) Anatomy of Vortcliratctl Animals. N. v., IS7S. Lciihj (J.) « 'ontriltntions to Kxtinct Vi'rt(d)ratc Fauna of Western "Territorien, V. S. A. Wasl'., IS7.3. So' n/v" ZooLotiV. Victoria, Australia. Mineral Statistics ol V., for 1874. Pampli. Melbourne, 187.") (1i. MiUlrr(F. f'»i). ()l)servations on New Vej^'etalile Fossils of Auri- ferou.s Drifts, Victoria. Meli)ourne, 1N71. Snii/f/t (If. li.) Cold Fields and Mineral Districts of V. M.d- liotu'iie, 1HG9. Victoria Cou.nty, Cape lireton. ruttrrxtin {). l'iasil<'a', ISjIO. Virgin Mary. >Vr Mary (^'ir<,Mn). Visible .Speech. Ili/l {A. M.) Popular Manual of Vocal Phvsioloffy and V. S. X. v., 1S89 (?). .SVc iil.-<(i Deai' AM) Dumb. Volcanoes. Onliiiuiie ( , ciIiIj/'). Natural Hi.story of V. Lond., 1801. PmcfirJ,- (R. A.) Saturated Steam the motive power in V. and Farth(iuakcs ; ^qvat iuiiiortance of Electricity. Lond., 1882. iSanw. Supplennuit. Loud., 1883. Si'f uIk" CoSMtjGONY AND COSMOI.OGY. Voyages and Travels. Cc^ For roijaijcxtn, and trarrh in /larfirn/ar roiinfrfi's (iiti. liarroir (,/.) Voyages of Discovery and Research within Arctic Re^iou.s, fnim 1818. Loud., 18 Hi. lifiijaJiiin, (if Titilcla. Itinerary. 2 v. in 1. Loud., 1840. lili'lli (IP.) Vovaj^e to South Sea in II. M.S. I'ouutv. Lend., 17!t2. Clarki' (K. D.) Travels in Varioiis Countries of Euro[)e, Asia, and Africa. 11 v. Loud., 1816. (.'oinpendium of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages. Anoti. v. I and 2. Lend,, 175G. 650 VOYAGES. SUBJECTS. WAIIArVS. VoYAOES AXD TnAVKi,:; — Contuined. Conk (./.) ,J- K;,i;/ (,/.) VovM-v to I'.c'ilic Occiiii, 177G-80. 3 v. Si 1 V. (/\>/iii) of Miins and I'latfs. Loiid., 1781. N'oTK— Known as Cook's Thiid Voyajfe Volumes 1 and 2 are by Cook! volnnie H, liy King. Diary of Wreck of H. M. S. Cliullcni^'or on W.'st.'rn Coast of South America, 1S3.'). Anon. I.ond , ]S'.]C). Ifair/i'H (/<'. L.) Narrative of Expedition of American S(|u;vdron to Ciiina Sca.s and Japan, lS.")2-">4, under connnand of M. C. Perr.v. 3 v. Wasli., 1850. ifarn',-1 (J.) Navii^antiuni atipu^ Itinerontium llihliotlu'ca ; or Collectic-n of A'oya;.,'e.s and Travel.'*. 2 v. Lond., 1744-18. N'OTK —This collection is compiled from llakluyt, Puruhas, Kaminio, Thi5vcnoti Do Hry, Hcircra, etc, Hoivfll (J.) In.-a-uction for Eorreine Travell (ki'i:). ;Se<; Reprints, v. 8. Froijnr {[<'.) Kelation d"nn Voyaj^e fait en ir)9."')-07 anx Cote.< d'Afrique, I)eti'(jit de Ma'^ellan, lirezil, Cavenne, et l.sle.s Antilles. Paris, 1099. (I'ilht'it (7'.) Voyage from New South Wale.s to Canton, 1788. I ,011(1 1789. A'fi/iihr (./. 6'.) .N'eueste IJeisen durch Dpiitsehland, IJbhm on. l.^ngarn, die Schweiz, Italien uiid I.othriii<,nn nover, 1751, llan NoTK. — Travels thronj;h Germany, lUjlioiiiii, H\ini;ar.\, Switzerlaiul, Italy, etc. Laliilhirdirrc (J. J.) Voyage in Search of La I'erouse, 1791-9.']. \-. .^ 1 v. o f plate: .oiul 1 800. Pdiji't (/•'. (/>'). Travels round tin; World. ■J. v. LonJ., 1793. Ptirrliax (.S). Pilgrimage ; or Relations of the World and Religions ohst'i ^•ell in a 11 A ucs am 1 P aces ( liscovered, from the' Creati on unto this Present; in 4 jiarts ; this First containetli a Theo- ouica 11 (.svV) America, l.oud , 1G14. ami (leogiaphical Ili^u.rie o )f A .sia, Afr ica, am Sainf-F^ii'vre (J. II. li. di'). Voyage to Isle of France, Isle of |)Oiirl)iiii, am 1 C f ( iiie oi ( looi lloi ,nli(l 1 800. SprtJ ( ir. ./. ./.) Cinise of II. M. S. '• Challeiiger." X. V., 1877. 'oyages and Travels to Imlin, Vah'ufia {(i. Aiincslcji, rit^niiint). Vo; Ceylon, IJed Sea, Ahvasinia, and K 1811. O'l it, 1802-(i. Lond. Van rjitiK( rounu •)' (O.) Voyage of Discovery to No'tli Pacific*) cean ami the World, 1790-95. .'. V, Sc fol io atlas '11(1 179.> WnUyr {II) A'oyage round the W(U'ld, 1740-44, hy ((i.-.,rge) Lord ^uison. T .ond 17( Vt)( Wrhhr (/'..) His Travailes (xir). i^r, English Reprint-, v. 2. XoTK - To use his own i|iiniiit words and s|ii^lliiiir, VV'cl)!!!' vi-il. d the cities of .Idusalem, Oaniniaske, licthlcm, and IJalely; and the Landcs m ,lcv rie, E^typt, Grecia, Kdssia, and the Land of I'lester Jolni (Tdrkoetan r,'|). WaHAUYS. Sot' AkA13S, 550 WAI.DENSEh. StlliJKCtS. WATSON. Wai.dknses. NOTK. A sect profossinK prcto>tant principles', wliicli nover sulmiitti-d to the Cliurils of Koiiit;. AIIi.c (A*. ) Mclcsiiistical History of Ancient ( 'linrclic's of rieihnont. O.Nf.'.nl, 18-21. Bcatti' { W.) Tiie Waldonses, or Protestant YiiUoys of Piedmont, ] ).iiiiilnny, iind I>an de la Roche. I.ond., 1838. Note. — This work in chii-fly dcscriptivu o( Bcenory, but it also contains inform- :>tion regarciiiii; the see*. Fahci ((i. ,S.) History Theology cf Ancient YaMcnses and .\ll)ioonses. Loud,, 18.3S. />(// ' (J. It.) Historical Defence of the or Yandois. .omh, 1820. \Vi/li/am.s {J. L.) History of AYaldensian Cliurcli. l/.ml., 1855. Si'i' aho li.uiGiiNSE.s. Wai.i.xji; (.^''V William). See. Bioorapiiy {ImJ.) ^VALLACU1AN Lanuuagk. For ail rMiiujtl'' "/ f/iis /(iiii/iiaf Catalixjuc Wales. Aikin {A.) dournal of Tour throM<.fh North Wales and part ol Shropshire, with observations in Natural Histoiy. Loud., 1797. Ancient Laws and Institutes of W., witii Kn<,di.sli translation of Welsli text. {Record Com.) Loiui., 18-41. Aijloffe (,/.) Calendars of Ancient Charters and of Welch and Scottisli iiulls in Tower of London ; etc Lond., 1774. Barnj {G.) Itinerary of (Thomas) JJaldwin through W., 1188. Mdiiij (•. oj). Wells. SirbideJl (j. G.) ^- Buniell {G. R.) Rudimentary Treatise oh VV. an.) Account of I'elew Islands, composed from .loiirnals of C.'a])t. H. Wilson. Loud.. 1789. Winchester Coi-i.EciK. Psalms, Hymns, i'rajcrs, (Jraocs, and Dulce J)oM)iuii, usod by Scholars of Winchester College. Pamph. Winchester, 1760. WiSDO.M OF yoi.o.MON. See BiBLB ; — I '.iblicalCommentahies : Apocrypha. Wit and Humour. Besant {W.) 'I'he French Humorist*, 12th to 19th century. Boston, 1874. Co?inoni, 1615. Ilalihurton {7\ C.) I.^ctter Dag of the Great Western. Lond., 1840. Lewis i^J. D.) lions ^lots des CrrLCS et des Komains, choisis dans les Textes Originaux. Paris, 1881. t-ee also the comedies o/ Aristoplianes ;— Molicre ('L K P.) ;— Shakespeare {W.y—etc. The icorks of the jhUo^ciiKj tvriters contain more or less ivit and humour [see author-catalo(pie), DJckeilS (C ) ;— Hall- burton (T. C.) ;— Sterne (L., Tristram shandy) ;— Swit't (J ); -Thackeray (W. ^L) WoLSEY (Thomas. Cardinal). Roy (IF.) Rede me and be nott wrothe {sic). See Knglish Reprints, v. 14. NOTB.— This is a poetical satire on Wolsoy and the priests of the Roman church. Women. Gisborue (T.) Enquirv into Duties of Female Sex. Lond., 1801. Guillord (F.) Retraite pour les Dames. Paris, 1684. Knox (■/.) First IMast of the Trumjiet against the .Monsterous Regi- ment of Women ; li)o^. See Engli,>-h Scholar's Library, no. 2, p. 91 of Catahigue. Le Maine (P.) (Jallcry of lleroick Women. Title mutilated ; old. Letters on. the Female Mind, with jiaiticular reference to the dangero's opinions contained in the Writings of Miss H. M. AVilliams. Anon. 2 v. Loud., 1801. Sandford (J/?-s. /.) Lives of English Female Worthies, v. 1. Lond., 1833. World. See Astronom v ; — Cosmoooxt and Cosmology ; — Creati on ; — Deluge ; — Geography ; — Geology ; — Ocean ; — Physical Geography. Wyclu'fe (John). See Biography (Ind.) Xaviek {Saint Francis). See Biography {Ind.) 559 VALHi. SUWECTS. ZUMftiAN'l). Manu- VVf.sL Ki.liny i)f Y. Loiiil., 17!)G. Loiul, 1800. of Y. . 1858. Gnunmiiticai Yalk Univriisitv, Xew Iliivcii. Ciitiiloi:;iii', of Olficors iind Stuilcnts, 18r)6-.">7, 1867-08, 1870-7;i, 1874-75, 1870-77, 1878-80, 1882- 85, 1886-88, 1889-1)0. 15 paiiipli Ntnv llavuii, v. d Yaiimouth County, N. S. Cain/i/n-// (./. li.) Ili.stui'y of Y, srrijif ; sin. folio. NoTR.— Akins" lllatorioal Prize Essay of 1872. YaRRIBA. S>'H YouuiiA. YoRKsiiiuii, Kui,'. liruirii {it.) Agricultiiru of Ellin., 1799. Marxhall ( \V.) Ruriil Ecoiioiiiy of Y. 2 v. Tnlii' (./.) Agi'icnltnreof >i'ovtli Hiding of Y YoRUBA Language. Bowcn ('/'. /) (IriininicU' and Dictionary Laugiiago, with description of countiy and poople. Wash. UroiPth'T (S.) Voeabniary of tin; Y. Langungi!, witli Elonii'iils of tlie Language. Lond., 1843. NoTK.— Yoruba is a district near the Slave Coast, Africa Zechariaii. Srt'. BiuLE ; — Biblical Commentaries. Zephaniah. See Bible ; — Biblical Commentarie.s. Zoology. A^xi-: (L. J. 11 ) ij* Gould {A. A.) rrinci|)les of Z., i)art 1. Comparative Physiology. ]:}o.ston, 1861. Arixfnfp/f'K. Hii toria Aninialiiun. {('i'.) Lipsia>, 1831, Ai'istotelis de Xatura .Aniiiialinm lili., d(^ I'artilms Aniinalinin lib., de Geiierationo Aninialinin lib. ; i'fi\ (Laf.) Venetii.s, Alihiti, 1513. Bunii'ft {('. M.) Power, Wisdom, and (loodiiess of lioil, as dis- played in the .Vniuial Creation Lond., 1838. Cumer{(f. L. C. F. I).. Imnni). Animal Kingdom. Many (n)lonred ]ilates by R. A. Latreille. 4 v. Lond., 1834-36. Grei/ori/ {J.) Comparative View of State and Faculties of Man with those of the .Animal World. Lond., 1798. Kirbi/ (ir.) Power, Wi.sdom and of Cod as manifested in creation of Animals and their history, habits, and instincts. 2 V. Lond., 1835. raftcrxon (li.) Introduction to Z. Lond., 18.")7. Rii'hardnon {J.), Siraiiitiaii (TF.), ij* Kiiliij (IT). Fauna iloreali- Ainei'icaiia ; or Zoology of Northern I'arts of British America. {With jilati'x, montlii ri)li)iiri'il). 4 v, Lond., 1829-37. NoTK -Uespribes natural history speuimonscollei'tuiliiiirinjt Sir Joliii Kranltlin'a northern land expedition. Kor eontentg, see author-entry (p. 21!t). W(JO(l {J. G.) Bil)le Animals. Cmdiih, Canada, 1877. See alxo Comtauative PiiYsioLoaY ; — Conoiiologv ; — Corals;— Crustacea ; — Kvolution ; -Ichthyology ; — ^Iam.mals ; — ]Man ;- ; -Natural History ; — OiiN'iTH- OLOGY ; — PAL.r.ONTOLOGY ; — l^ROTozoA ; — Verteb- rata. ZuLULAND, Africa. HcKjijanl {II. It.) Cetywayo and his Wliite Xeigli- bours ; or Recent Events in Z., Xatal, and the Transvaiih Lond., 1888. 560 TT EI^I^^s^T^?^ ^?^iT:D ^S-IDIDEISriDJk. Paue j, line '28, for iirocession, rend precession. — I'. ,1, 1. ;i.'i, f. Tilalcdiieen, r Jilaleddeen. — P. 7, 1. .!."), f. l,iH;ioio, r. Ligorio. — I'. 10, 1. 15, f. Canterlmi'i;, r. Canterbury. -P. 12, i. 1(>, (. pub- licaly, r. iiiil>licly. -P. 12, 1 2.!, f. ilu (icii, r. Kutiicii. P. l.f, I. I", f. US.i, r. 14!)5.— P. IH, 1. 4i),i. aiiis, r. uliis.- — P. 15, I. U.'i, f iNliK)niuclcii, r. Niconiclia,— P. 17, 1 1, f. Athonaitoris, r. Atlienajroras. P. 17, l.l,f. hajratlo, r. KeKatio.— P. 21, 1. I, f. Barronieti, r. Ilorroinuo.-- P. 22, I. 21, f. Diveases, r. Divers s, -P. 2;t, I. U f. iintliore, r. auctore. - P. 27, 1. 2S,f. Dnnnii, r. Oxonii. P, 28. I. 2, f. [walnies, r. psilnis. — P. .'!'), I. 4;i, f. Oiionii, r. Ox mii.— P.:!:!. I. H'l, f. P.anistaple, r Harn- Btajile. -P. l.'i, 1. 2r>, f. .Moiiici, r. Muiiipi. — P. r>lP, I. :i2, f. Scilisiar, r. Sculicer. — P. .'■|2, I. 20, f. prnici. pils, r. piiiiciplus.— P. .^is, 1. 41, f. (Jliatriau, r. Cliatrian.— P. til, I. 8, t. N'evi, r. Novi. — P. 67, ). 12, f. L'oiiilie, r. t'ijoiMl)e. P. 72, I. 2, f. Siicriincit, r. sacrament. — P. 7.'), I. 18, t. epistre, r. epitre. -P. 78, 1. 2.'), f. ubridfiisini^nt, r. ahri.U'nient; -P. 711, 1. :i7, f. .Shelly, r. .Shelley. —P. 82, I. 4:t, f. ;jto. r. 4to.— P. no, 1. 17, f. enehiridiilion, r. enchiridion.— P. 9:i, I. 1, f. Iloraans, r. roniaiis — P. Ua, I. 47, Archemeile, r. .Srcliiniecie.--P i)'i. I. 24. f. Paniphil, r. Paniphili.— P. l),"), I. 44, f. al)ridi;enient r. al)rid;;inent. P. it7, I. 8, f. cntvniolou'ical, r. etvinolot;ioal.— P. 08, I. 14, f Penertv, r. Keriuti. — P., ln;i, 1, 20, f. and, r. et. — P. luo'. 1. :i,"), f Titus, r. Titi -P. 110. I. 1, f despicta, r. 'depieta.--P. 12(4. 1. 17, f. niL'triccs, r. lucretrice.s. — 1'. 1X2, 1. 4, t Unner, r.lluher -I'. l;((l, I. l.i, f. Ireueus, r. Iren;eu8. — P. 141, I. 20, f. orders, r. ordres.— P. 142, 1. 12, ,lurieu is not an iiuihorentry — P. MS, I. .'>, f. nietode, r, nii'thude, and f, aprendre, r. opprendre. — P. 160. 1. 0, 1. |]iecharii(,ue, r. niecani.pie. — P. 101. 1. ;i, f. Isiah, r. Isaiah. ~P. 102, 1. ;i7, f. Hf)!, r. 1,')71,— P. 104. 1. ,'?7, f, paiiezoio, r. paleozoic. — P. Itifi, I. 28, f. ure r. is— P. 108, 1. ;J0, f. stiched, r stitched - P. 171, 1. 44. f. winter, r. writer. — P. 100, I. 40. f. Pepperrell, r. Pepperell. — P. 2i .'>, I. 27, f. Piinius, r. Pliidus —P. 214, 1. •42. f. 1042, r. 1.'.42 —P. 228, 1. 44, f. .Sonne, r. Soave. — P. 2:52, I. 2:!, f. Norrede, r. Vorrede. P. 2.'i4, 1. 48, f. ir)81, r. 15;n — P. 270, 1. 2;!, f. controvereal, r. controversial. — P. 2;8, 1. 20, f. ubrid^'enient, r. ahridu'nient. Iiifd-rl ml jiiii/i' .',.",'1, nmh-r .Maxihcrihts, thr fiiUini-iiiij entr;/ ■.—I'lutarchii.i. (These! et Roniuli vitie,) Aij(('.— See remarks under subject-entry, p. 335.