IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 1.25 m U 111.6 ^ # # JllC Scmces Corporation ^v % •^ \ :\ \ o"^*. "^^ <^/<^ 6^ -*'^- # > ^^o- 23 WEST MAIN STREET W£BSTER,N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 Pjy L!!«. '■'^n- "^""^c^' ^'r^'r''' ^J"'" York. &c. on the South side ; the Charter being granted with liberty to construct one or more Harbours, with Steam Boats. Ships. &c. &c. and to receive the Port Dues. CAPITAL ^250,000., "" To be held m .50.000 Shares, of £.5. Sterling each ; three-fourths to be subscribed in England, the remainder in Canada ; which last is all subscribed, and deposit of one per cent, per Share paid. An Instalment of 5s. per Share required when taken. CommJttfe in Canalm WSHtit. n"'i'^MS»;^^\P^'"'^V 'i- "• ?',!'.' ^'«^- ■'• ^- Chairraan an,! Prcident. D. S. M'QUEEN, Esq. JiidRe of District Court, Chairman of Quarter Sea «ion« of Brock District, Woodstock tlie Capital. .lAMES CARRALf,. Esq. Sbflriff, Brock District. JOHN S. VAN.SITTART, Eaq. J. P., Src. &o. fcc. GEORGE ALEXANDER, Esq., J. p. Eoiitian Committee. The Shareholders (by the Charter) not to be responsible for any sum beyond the original cost of the share or shares taken, and to be Dossessr.,! of as mf ny votes as shares. Jt will require a Shareholder to take 1 00 shares to be appointed a Director. '^ Directors to be chosen by a majority of voices, by proxy as well as by personal votes Am!!;Tnf"p^''"f'*'!'' °' 'k ^"^'""'^ ?u"°^ ''r "• "'"'^ ''"'^ Company's debts (arrest for debt being abolished in Canada). Amount of Capital may be increased hy application to the Provincial Parliatnent for itIcon'"str°uctbn.°^ '^' ^"'""'"^ """'' *"'°"^' '° ''"'*'' '"'^'^''*"'"'- ^^o have granted ityVe* oj co,t to the Company ; together with the ti^iber It R»ill°Jl'!n Ir Mi'lfs, amounting to 147, and 27 Flour Millers, pledge themselves to proceed bv the Railway to the Company's harbours. receiS'^5 pe^S.^^HJ 'L'lZlZ'ZZ^Z'.tlo:^^^^^^^^ "^ ''' ^^^^ '"''^^'^ ^^'^ "^ ''"^"^ '-P^^^-^- ^"^ «^-''-"'- -'" 140 WalonJ'Tnlni'rt^^'n^nH" f 7f °^ T^^T"^ of 40 miles, together with the expense of the Harbour, two Steam Boats and ' - :>hooners, with 140 ^«f "»■ t° h°'d 5 000 feet of Sawn Timber each 9 Locomotives. Passenger Cars, &c. &c., will cost but little more than £3. - ,hare. reouifri^on thP Anf.ri^i H J'" '' '',^°"'"' °"- *'', ""' °^ ""= P'"^"''^ ■^""^"y *'^°'" Woodstock to Lake Eiie, while 500 daily increasing towns and Oak i»nl W wh nh? ■ " h"""" ^T7' " '/T""''- '"'"""S to the Company an immense traffic, so long as the 1 50,000 acres of the Fine The rlmitt. tvif °'^ """Tr' f ' ^"' '° ^ "' ' *° ^^^ '°""' °f Woodstock, on the Grand rivcr.and to the north on Lake Huron .ho J? Committee, having expended a large sum for information, the Survey, the passing of the Charter. &c. &c. &c.. require 1 per cent ner rSSnted fo^'^TZv alfr"'"-^ *' T'^' T"'* T"^ ""'" '=°"''"Sent expenses' Tlus is to 'be paid upon the shares be' ng taken, bu't wUl be TC counted for. They also conscientiously declare there is no such good investment for capital elsewhere in 'le world. «.« li^r^f-rSTaTYol^rhun^r:;. t't!'^.:^Z '^ZVll^'^t fhT^^^w^yfr^o, 1^ X'T^^ 'H^ "r^ "' " "?"• "' ^ir r "S"'/"" "J '"""'"' »"'• ■"""" 0" included, to he al! of oak. Tlie ties, or cross ba s, riotched every hree feei' a C [ , ml?„ Thi. '" TZ?u'n ™" "P, '""" ^ 'iSL'J' "^ f,' *' £"■ » •"""• '"y'"" ''''»"' £.100. a mile, as tlie line is generally quite flat The iron tTm win hliMnn •, .^ i?" ^J"? " ""''' *' '"• " ml'".— S";' £200. a mile. The RradlnR will ta only quite suflicient for the expenditureythe Woodstock Railway. ^ * '"""• ^'"""^'"S. Culverts ami Bridges, £370. Total, say JEI ,201). currency a^nile will bi- Ti. n .. r-.,.. R KM ARKS, is soTea'sibleTheTr^lsnemrt^r.'',''^ '""h """"'"'""I ^°' the welfare of Western Canada arc able to shew, by letters and surveys, that their plan anrsuTnrt ThPirnhiP^M f ^^^ the whole of their data so secure and satisfactory, as ^^ ill at once comr^and attention (of S the flourishit cani ^l '„"f Wnn .'^' carrying trade of the sawn timber, flour, &c. of the extensive District of Brock and others sou hoN Be Creek or at thfoui C> pI L on h fh r'' *''" T'"^^ 1° " ^'"'^°'"' ^"^ ^ constructed) on the North side of Lake Erie, either at or nea w 11 brconveyed across the La^^ t' "^-"'r^ '''' '"™'"'^ ^^ ''"=*= ^'""^ '" '^"^ ^""»' *«P«i»"y *» «««" timber UfuUy aJ^^iateTwattahelt^lIol^^fu^^^^ Cleveland, New ^ork, and a countless number of other towns in the American States, whkh i thfaluXneTrfy^lf thf ;e"%:und (fee' Mr 'Ne^avesM^Jo^T below)'^""'""' '""" '"' " '"' "' '"'^' »"""'' '^"'* *^°" P^^^"^" "^ ^^^"^ ''-""^ their TiiS^o^^Frr To the°Am:ri^rn Ifde'of it' °" *'^ ''^"■"""" ^"'^' "°' ""^^ *^*" ^^^ "•• '' °' '^' ^"'^ -" ^''^ -"' "" "- '-^Por* Hnii J''^ tZ'fT "^i," ''^ squally benefited by an increased commercial intercourse, as instead of their paying, as is now done 14 16 and 18 atw ^7 t'a^d l7TolUrs't"ol''f^ I'tl' 'a"" '''''" P'""'. """"• ',' '=^" '' ^"PP"^'' *° '»''''"• f'"- ^L ch'apZ ofTs'conV ya e bv Sua&i^h equ'arp'rofit ?o°'S Mm ersThl^leWel'/s ^0"^^^ it"' """^ '* '' '""' ^ '"""" "' ^"^ ""'"P""^'' ''"'•'°"'- "^ ''«"'^'- ^ '"f"'- ,Pn^ TrL'^Wnnf^''^*';" "•"'"» 1'^°''' '■s.'='""|"S"'l a cheap Railway at fint. like the better sort of those adopted in America. A de itation was ':^^^:rszT^^:s\=f:t^\^^,^ ^^r^^ l^ •« -"-'—• -•>'«='> -^ -- ^■^"o- curre„rrmr mi,e:i^n^r :;b=-ier^ l^l^l^^tK i S.:^-^ S^- ^SS - seS^Sr ^^ ^^ ^""^ ™- " work i^^?he'm^n^rf*^[,g"u'strrt•;^r;;'l,?r.'»3i'5 dr^'t!,r^;:r'?;^^Siryieor ^IJ^y'e's""' ""'"^ ''"'' "'«"^'"' «"" '» '^""-- ■""• - »-^ -•"^"O ""•">" ••'''''''^^^SS'?-^rT^""~ .hat 30 more would he esta- With th^e^fmi^f oT^'re'^'oVre-o&rB^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^'^ooo :^t%:^^±^' ^^ "'""•'■'^" ""- '"""« '"-- '" the District. letter iS."'"" ''""' '" *"" ^'^'"' "« "■=^'-''- ^''^ '^ '""y »-obo,ated by Assistan.^l^.'.'^^lie"': m" Wm*! M.Mu^a";s*'.tatement, working in America. See also hi, DEBTOR. Estimate of the Woodstock (called Oxford in the Maps) and Lake Erie Railway, Canada West, (without noticing any of those 30 Mills intended to be erected when the Railway is commenced, or the 6 Steam Mills), there now being in operation 147 Saw Mills in the District near the line of Railway. CURHENCT. To making 40 miles of a cheap but a substantial Railway, to a Harbour at or near the mouth of Big Creek on Lake Erie. The amount (£103,107.) from the cheapness of all the Timber and Land which is offered gratuitously, includes not only the Railway, but the 9 Locomotives, 140 Wagons, 6 Passenger Cars, Iron, Oil, Smiths' Shops, «S'c. and every a.ticle required for such a Railway, costing £2,577. 13s. Gd. currency a mile, or £103,107 Cost of constructing a good Port at Lake Erie. The Harbour r\t Port Dover, which is but a small and indifferent one, costing th? Canadian Government £8,000. The Committee recommend the Company to construct one more than double its dimensions, which the amount now debited will insure, and afford a very superior accommodation for their Vessels 20,000 Price of 16 large Schooners, of from 250 to 300 tons burden, such Craft being fouad very superior to all others for the Lake Timber Trade, at a charge of £1,500. each, to be built where the Oak and Pine Timber is so cheap, of a superior class 24,000 Price of two Light Steam Packets, one to proceed to, and return from Buffalo daily, the other to and from Cleveland, to carry only Passengers and Merchandise across Lake Erie, for 8 summer months, costing £12,000. each, or 24,000 Total Capital required for a direct Railway to the Port, from Wr-^dstock £171,107 Amount of the Yearly Expenses to be deducted from the Profits of the Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway : — Yearly Repairing and Running a Railway 40 miles, including all expenses 10, 1 00 Yearly Repairing the Port constructed by the Company 400 Charges on each Steam Boat a year, costing £12,000. each : — Sinking Fund £900 Wear and Tear 300 Wood Fuel, for Engine 500 Captain, Crew and Provisions 1 ,100 2^0~~0'~0 Multiplied by Steamers 2 5,600 Yearly Charges on each Schooner : — Sinking Fund on each Schooner £150 Wear and Tear 50 Expenses of Captain, Crew and Provisions . . 240 / "440~~o""o Multiplied by Schooners 16 7,040 Total Yearly Expenditure £23,140 N. B. If only a sinp:Ie Railway and one Port be at first constructed, only £Z. of the Capital will be called, as Currency is less than Sterling Money by one-ninth, independently of 10 pCi cent, premium given on Bills drawn on England, which would leave ^£24,000. overplus, to the Company's credit. The Second Estimate, including the side Railway to Port Burwell, the two Steam Boats, 20 Schooners, and the second Port, will clear 30 per cent, per share a year ; the Prospectus of which may be obtained or seen at the Office ; and there will be £43,000. over. ~0~0 CREDITOR. Estimate of Credit on the Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway, computing only 1 47 Saw Mills on the line of road, and 27 Flour Mills, without including the 6 Steam Mills, or the 30 Mills to be erected when the Raihvay begins. —-—-—-—-————-—-—-'•———-—— CURRENCY. Tliese Mills, except four, will cut 6,000 feet of Plank Timber a day, but let 1 ,500 feet of this Plank Timber (or only one quarter of it) be transported to the Harbour by the Railway ; and as the Saw Millers , work 340 days in the year, if not more (according to Mr. Neave's rpport), here will be 1500 feet of sawn timber, multiplied by 147 Mills, 340 days, at 78. 6d. a 1,000 feet for the carri a to the Port— say 75,000,000 feet £28,125 50,000 cubic feet of squared Uak Timber, at 15». per 100 feet 1 ,500 40,000 Barrels of Flour, to be taken to the Port from 20 Flour Mills, at 9d. piir barrel 1,500 250,000 Staves, at £2. per 1,000 500 20,000 Shingle Bolts, at 6d. each, for the making of Shingle Tiles 500 Provisions exported, costinj^ for its carriage to the Port on Lake Erie 500 30,000 Barrels of Salt, carried from the Port inland, costing 1b. per barrel 1,500 1 ,000 Tons of Iron, from and to the Port, at ISs. per ton 750 Transport of Coals from the Port to the interior of Canada, for Forges, imported from American States .'500 Do. of Merchandise from the Port to the interior of Canada by land, from England and American States 2,000 Conveyance of 25 Passengers each way per day, or 50 for 200 days in the year, equal to 10,000, at 78. 6d. each ' '. 3,750 41,12'5"T~0 Transport of 75,000,000 feet of Cut Plank Timber across the Lake Erie to Buffalo and Cleveland, at 7s. 6d. a 1,000 feet £28,125 Do. Merchandise, Salt, Coal, &c. &c. from the Americans, imported by Steam Boats. . 8,000 Transport of Passengers to and from the American States from and to the Company's ,' Port, across Lake Erie, at 128. 6d. per head 3,150 Port Dues, for £20,000. capital invested lu building it, at 5 per cent. This must greatly increase , 1 ,000 38,275 79.390 Deduct the Annual Expenses, as on the Debtor side 23,140 56,250 Deduct foi 15 Saw Mills near the Port 2,53i £53,719 These sums give a profit of above 30 per cent., for only one quarter of the Timber sold. This is a much greater amount of interest than has ever yet been offered to the British Public, as a permanent provision for the capital to be advanced, and which must eventually be more than doul)led. The above Estimate does not include the 6 Steam Mills for cutting plank now in operation, neither the Smelting Mills, of which there are two or three, nor Tanneries, Fulling Mills, and Cloth Factories, .with the working Mines in Raw Terra de Sienna, Burnt Sienna, and a very fine Mineral Brown, supposed to be Estile de Grain; neither does it include the great quantity of Black Walnut Plank sold both in Canada and American States, for the making of furni- ture, equal to Rosewood, especially when speckled or striped ; nor speckled and striped Maple, nor the striped Cherry Tree; a great export of all which yearly occurs, as well as in the inland trade tnrough the Canadas, and only to be obtained in any quantity in the Brock District, and the southern townships of Walsingham, Houghton, and Bayham ; and the 4,500 feet of Pine plank left extra at the Mills, although they may not be takej^ by the Company to either of the Ports, yet as the roads are in general very bad, they will be taken to the towns which n'^w exist or will arise on or near the route, in preference, and thus greatly swell the profits to those above-stated, which, in every probability, will amount to ireble this Estimate in less than five years after the Railway is in operation. And should there be a war, which is not probable, the interior traffic for the supply of timber to the numerous towns which now exist, or that will arise, both on the Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway, and that on the Great Western, will even then pay 15 or 20 per cent, profit, as the Pine and Oak Timber is nowhere else to be obtained at approachable distances, but to the south- ward and north of Woodstock." h\ fact the whole world may be challenged to shew equal traffic, or even the half of it, in so short a line, or to wiuiant such profits for invested Capital. N.B. Take away every adventitious article (and we can send the flour and pork down the St. Lawrence as cheap as can the Americans down the Erie Canal), and give only the profits on one quarter of the Plank Timber alone cut trj iiic uaw' iTiitia, iiic piuiiis ur: tiic ivaih.Tajr aic autjrc iu pci vein. (J. Bradley, Printer, 78, Great Titchneld street, St. Marylebone, toiidon.