V] ant to le par- passiiig in fact )ly, the rjly not le sug- ;re sin- nner in rd was 1 » 1 J Hb» Q r-i f-1 < C4 1 ca ^* Q 1 TT O • • «4 < is 1 I < a , O a « ! u PUi • ' c i. a, Oi •- 3 ^ oo C/) bi rH O C ^ 1^ • • o O H M h O H O Q O W rH CJ O Q 00 O <-• M »0 G^ W fe Q Q < < c 00 r-l CM ^ --^ rH ^ ^ ^ -a (72 • = •*"tj~aja)3 "-^js • ^* •:: • = :r -= 05 co • oj tio J •-■ • T' .= - _c • ;i o ts •i3 ^rj -c -s -r £ : £ O B «B ^= ^ 3 = - g ,2j ^ re — --! c ^ ••5 ^^ 4-> S 1 " ^ C 3 o Q f.i .« ^^ Sm' P- H H H H • • a l^ . oo OS ^ Q 2 w « ^ s 5n 4- r APPEivBix no. a« iii^ Upper Canada, Toronto, 7th July, 1840. At a meeting of Members of the Loyal and Patriotic Society, convened by notice sent to the following Gentlemen, being all the Members of the said Society known to be surviving and remaining in Toronto, namely : — His Lordship the BISHOP OF TORONTO. The Honourable CHIEF JUST/CL ROBINSON. The Honourable WILLIAM ALLAN. The Honourable GEORGE CROOKSHANX. WILLIAM CHEWETT, Esquire. DOCTOR BALDWIN. D'ARCY BOULTON, Sen'r. Esquire Mr. JOHN MURCHISON. EDWARD McMAHON, Esquire. JESSE KETCHUM, Esquire. COLONEL GIVINS. Mr. ALEXANDER LEGG. COLONEL LORING. ANDREW MERCER, Esquire. ALEXANDER WOOD, Esquire. The following Members attended in consequence of the said notice, viz : — His Lordship the BISHOP OF TORONTO. The Honourable CHIEF JUSTICE ROBINSON. The Honourable WILLIAM ALLAN. The Honourable GEORGE CROOKSHANK. COLONEL, GIVINS. ALEXANDER WOOD, Esquire. 4 into ;» 19 840. al and to the of the fling in 4 equencc And the Chief Justice being requested to take the Chair — It was submitted to the meeting, ' y the Honourable William Allan, that a disposition had been recently shewn, to interfere in tlie disposnl of the Medals which had been procured many years agn, and which, for reasons stated at former meetings of the Society, have not been distributed ; and that it is therefore necessary, that the surviving members of the Society should, in execution of the trust committed to them, take measures for carrying into effect, the resolution respecting this subject, which was deliberately entered into at a former meeting. Whereupon, afler recurring to the proceedings of a general meeting of the directors and members of the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, convened by public advertisement, at York, the 22nd day of February, 1820, for the purpose of a final adjustment of the accounts and other business of the Society ; and recurring also to the proceedings of another meeting of the Society, in which certain resolutions of the 6th November, 1819, were adverted to ; and referring to a communication from the late Honourable William McGillivray ; the late Honourable John Richardson ; and Samuel Gerrard, Esquire, dated the 14th June, 1820, copies of all which are appended to the Minutes of this day's proceedings. It is, — Resolved — That the members of the Society now- present, do unanimously concur in the propriety of carrying into effect the resolution of the meeting of 20 the 22nd February, 1820, it being clear, in their opinion, that it belongs to the surviving members of the Loyal and Patriotic Society, and to no other body, or individuals, to direct the appropriation of the re- maining funds and property of the Society ; and that at this late period, after the death of many of the most active members of the Society, vi'ho concurred in the resolution referred to, it would not become the survi- ving members to contravene that disposition of the Medals, which was carefully and deliberately resolved upon, at a full meeting, convened for that particular purpose ; and that neither would it be proper in them to permit the right of varying that disposition, to be assumed by others : And therefore it is — Resolved, secondly — That measures be now taken for carrying into effect the resolution of the meeting of the 22nd February, 1S20, and that Messrs. the Honourable William Allan, and Alexander Wood, Esquire, do accordingly, without delay, dispose of the Medals, for the best price that can be obtained for them, and vest the amount in the Bank of Upper Ca- nada, for the use of the General Hospital, in the same manner, and upon the same terms, as the residue of the funds of the Society were paid over for the like purpose, under the resolution proposed at the same meeting. 21 their ers of ' body, the re- id that le most in the I survi- of the esolved rticular in them , to be r taken neeting srs. the Wood, e of the ned for per Ca- le same sidue of he like le same Copy of the Correspondence and Proceedings referred to in the above Resolutions. York, 29th October, 1819. Sir, The Treasurer of the Loval and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, has reported to the Direc- tors the recent receipt of £4000 sterling from your house in London ; upon which a meeting of the Direc- tors was called, and, it appearing that the accounts of the Society were closed, and that no application had been recently made for more pecuniary relief, it was proposed to apply this sum towards a general fund for the erection of a Provincial Hospital, in which such objects of the original charity as may remain to claim the benefit, may find an asylum. The meeting, however, did not think proper to come to any resolution on the subject, until it should receive your opinion, that such an application of this remittance would fully meet the inclinations of the subscribers in England. Signed, THOMAS SCOTT, President. To the Honourable William McGillivray. York, 30th October, 1819. Sir, 1 have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday, by which it appears that the Directors of the Loyal and Patriotic Society have 22 ,r taken under their consideration, the best mode of dis- posing of the four thousand pounds lately received from London, being the remainder of the subscription made in England, for the relief of sufferers by the late war in Canada; and that they are prevented from coming to any resolution till they are acquainted with my sentiments on the subject. In answer, I beg leave to state, that from my knowledge of the views of the Committee who di- rected and procured the said subscriptions, I am of opinion that if any permanent institution could be devised that would afford aid to such sufferers, and |idmit those that are totally disabled and destitute to certain privileges, it would meet the views of the subscribers and the above-mentioned Committee equally well, if not better, than the m.ode of distribu- tion hitherto adopted, considering the lapse of time since the war. I have the honour to be, With great respect, Sir, Your most obedient servant, Signed, W. McGILLIVRAY. The Honourable Thomas Scott, &c. &c. &c. of dis- ceived ription he late i from ;d with Dm my I'ho di- I am of mid be rs, and ;itute to of the nmittee istribu- of time nt, RAY. i23 At a meeting of the Committee for managing the subscription, collected in London, for the relief of the inhabitants of the British North American Colonies, who were involved in distress by the invasion of those Provinces by the American army, during the late war, held at Great Winchester-street, London, on the 23rd March, 1820, at which were present — ' Mr. INGLIS, in the CHAiti. Mr. McGILLIVRAY, Mr. S. McGILLIVRAY. Mr. veneres. Mr. YEOWARD, for Mr. W. PARKER. Mr. ATCHISON. Mr. McGillivray produced a letter, which he had received from the Hon. and Rev. John Strachan, D.D., of York, in Upper Canada, transmitting certain Resolutions of the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, of the 6th November, 1819, which Resolutions, as well as an extract from the said letter, were read to the Committee, and are as follows, viz. : At a general Meeting of the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, held at York, in the said Province, on the 6th of November, 1819, at which were present — His Excelllency Sir Peregrine Maitland, K.C.B. Lieutenant-Governor, &c. &c. &c. ; the Hon. Thomas Scott, President of the Society; the Hon. Chief- Justice Powell ; the Hon. and Rev. John Strachan, D. D., and a large assemblage of the members of the Society, It was Resolved unanimously — 1st, That oi' the re- maining funds of the Loyal and Patriotic Society, s£2000, be appropriated to the erection of an Hospital at York, in the Home District, and two several sums of £1000 to such other two or more Districts of this Province as shall, within a year, raise the largest sum in aid of such appropriation, for the erection of two other Hospitals. 2nd, That the Directors of the said Hospitals thus erected shall, at all times be prepared to answer the orders of the Treasurer of the Loyal and Patri- otic Society, to the amount of the interest of the sums thus given them. i( i< <( a Extract of a Letter from the Hon, and Rev. Doctor Strachan to William McGillivray, Esq., trans" mitting the said Resolutions, viz. : " You will perceive that these Resolutions in fact fund the money and insure the interest of it, either to be expended in relieving actual distress of suf- ferers by the war, or finding them an asylum within the Hospitals ; and, in order to make the benefit general as well as permanent, other two Hospitals are contemplated ; one, w^e presume, at Niagara, and one at Kingston ; but we did not designate the places in our resolution, for fear of giving offence to the other districts ; as to these two places, as well as here, the Lieutenant-Governor intends giving great assistance ; but the buildings could not be u • < l( It (( l( l( «( I -1 le re- ■ •1 }ciety, ■ i( Dspital 1 <( I sums ■ £t dF this ■ •• St sum 1 11 of two I It ospitals ■ It answer I (( I Patri- 1 (( le sums fl (i Doc/or ., trans' 5 in fact t, either of suf- within benefit ospitals [iagara, late the offence as well 25 erected for many years but for this money. I am persuaded that the subscribers, if the matter was explained to them, would highly approve the plan adopted by the Directors, as it gives a permanency to their benevolence inlinitely more useful than to give it out to promiscuous claimants, by whom we would be deceived. During the war, it was easy to ascertain proper objects ; but, after five years of peace, this is impossible, except those who have been severely wounded, and for such the hospitals afford an asylum ; or if they have families, a small pension can be given them out of the interest." It was thereupon Resolved unanimously — That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the consideration of the above subject be referred to the survivors of the Committee, at Montreal, at whose disposal the money remitted to Canada was placed, and who are requested to concur with the Committee at York, in Upper Canada, in the appropriation of the residue of funds raised here for the relief of those inhabitants of the British North American Colonies, who are in- volved in distress by the invasion of those Provinces, by the American army, during the late war. Signed, NAT. ATCHISON, Secretary. giving not be 26 ■iHi:' it ! H Great Winchester-street, March 28, 1820. Gentlemen, I am requested, by the Committee for managing the subscriptions collected in London for the relief of the inhabitants of the British North Ame- rican Colonies, who were involved in distress by the invasion of those Provinces, by the American army, to transmit to you a copy of their Resolutions, dated the 23rd instant, on the subject of the appropriation of the residue of the subscriptions raised here for the above purpose. I am, Gentlemen, With respect. Your obedient servant. Signed, To the Hon. William McGhlivrat, The Hon John Richardsox, and Samuel Gerrard, Esq. Merchants, Lower Canada. NAT. ATCHISON. Montreal, June 4, 1820. Hon. and Rev. Sir, We have received a letter, dated, in Lon- don, the 23rd of March, 1820, from Nathaniel Atchi- son, Esq., Secretary to the Committee for managing the subscri^^tions, collected there, for the relief of the inhabitants of the British North American Colonies, who were involved in distress by the invasion of those Provinces by the American army. 27 t, ee for Ion for 1 Ame- by the rmy, to ted the ition of for the SON. 1820. in Lon- jl Atchi- lanaging ef of the Jolonies, of those In that letter he transmits a resolution of the said Committee, respecting the appropriation of the residue of the funds raised in London for that object, and which resolution refers the consideration of the same to us, as survivors of the Committee at Montreal, at whose disposal the money remitted to Canada was placed. We, therefore, having taken the subject into con- sideration, are of opinion that, under all the circum- stances of the case, the four thousand pounds last received from London and sent to Upper Canada, yet unexpended, will be now most usefully and benevo- lently applied, as resolved upon at a general mealing of the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada held at York, in that Province, on the 6th of Novem- ber, 1819. And, accordingly, we do Resolve that the said four thousand pounds be so applied, under the di- rection of the said Society ; but, at the same time, we recommend to them a re-consideration of their resolutions at the said meeting, in so far as to enquire and determine, whether the application thereof to one hospital at York would not be a better measure than dividing the sum into three different places ; whereby probably neither could be placed upon an establish- ment conducive of general utility. And this re-con- sideration we are the more especially induced to re- commend, having understood that if an hospital upon a proper and permanent plan be erected at York, the Lieutenant-Governor of your Province is disposed to 28 grant something handsome towards its endowment ; whereas, if" subdivided, the inducement to such a grant may be done away, and so desirable an aid be thereby lost. Herewith we transmit Mr. Atchison's letter, with the minute of the proceedings and resolution above referred to, of the Committee in London, of the 23rd March last, signed by him as Secretary. We have the honour to be, Hon. and Rev. Sir, Your most obedient humble servant, Signed, WILLIAM McGILLIVRAY, JOHN RICHARDSON, S. GERRARD. The Han. and Rev. John Stkachan, D.D. Treasurer, &.c. &c. At a general meeting of the Directors and Members of the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, convened by public advertisement at York, this 22nd day of February, 1820, for the purpose of a final adjustment of the Accounts and other business of the Society, the following Resolutions were adopted, as expressive of the sentiments of the meeting, viz : — Resolved — That although the said Society has, (by the termination of the late war with the United States of America) ceased to exist, as an operative 29 /ment ; such a aid be er, with 1 above be 23rd LAY, [embers Upper jment at , for the Iccounts^ )llowing \q of the lety has, United )erative I Society, for all the purposes of its original institution, yet, as responsible Accountants, and Trustees of its pecuniary means, it must necessarily continue its functions, to the completion of the trust it has under- taken, by a final ap])roj)riatiun of its remaining funds, in such manner, and to such use, as the Rules of the Society will warrant. Resolved — That by the original Rules of the said Society, its funds could only be applied to the following purposes : First — To reward merit, excite emulation, and commemorate glorious exploits, by bestowing Medals, or other honorary marks of public approba- tion and distinction, for extraordinary instances of personal courage or fidelity, in defence of the Pro- vince, during the said war. Secondly — To afford aid and relief to such families of the militia in all parts of the Province, as appeared to experience particular distress, by the death or absence of their relatives, employed on service in defence of the Province ; and Thirdly — To afford like aid and relief to such militia- men as might be disabled from labour, by wounds or otherwise, in course of the said service. Resolved — That it is the opinion of this meeting, that the first of the above stated uses or appropriations, so far as it has not already been carried into effect, remains for further consideration; that the second intended appropriation was merely temporary, and has ceased with the war ; and consequently, that the third appropriation above stated, is the only one thai now remains as the legitimate object of application of the remaining funds of the Society. •'^.. 30 Resolved — That it is the opinion of this meeting, that all persons in this Province who are disabled, or become less able to perform their usual labour, in consequence of wounds or personal disabilities, occa- sioned by actual service in the militia during the late war, have a just claim, if not a legal right, to aid and relief from the remaining funds of the Loyal and Patriotic Society, in proportion to the amount of those remaining funds, and to the number and necessities of the claimants. Resolved — That we, as Directors and Guardians of the Charitable Institution or Society aforesaid, and Trustees for the proper application of its funds, have no power to apply the same to any use or purpose whatever, than such as are warranted by the rules of the Institution ; but that we have, as a necessary consequence of the trust reposed in us, a power to direct the application of the said remaining funds, in such manner as, in our judgment, will best answer the benevolent intentions of the donors and subscribers to the Society, consistent with the said rules. Resolved — That upon inspection of the Treasu- rer's accounts, it appears to us, that a balance of £4000 now remains in his hands, besides some gold and silver medals, to a considerable amount, subject to our appropriation, in such manner as in our opinion may be most beneficial, to persons having a right to claim aid therefrom, as above described. Resolved — That we consider it most eligible, that the said sum of £4000 be placed at interest, in order 31 meeting, ibled, or bour, iti es, occa- the late I aid and )yal and of those 3cessitie3 ruardians said, and nds, have purpose the rules lecessary power to unds, in swer the scriber*? Treasu- llance of »me gold subject opinion right to ible, that in order " I to afford an annual pension to such persons through- out the Province as may be disposed to claim the same, and will sufficiently prove their right thereto, under the rules of the Society — the amount of such pensions to be regulated yearly, by the amount of interest accruing, and the number of admitted claimants. Resolved — That in conformity to the principles above stated, this meeting do approve of the loan of X2000, part of the said balance of ^4000, to the Trustees of a General Hospital or Asylum, intended to be erected at York, as voted by a meeting of Directors of the Loyal and Patriotic Society, held at York, on the 6th day of November last: Provided^ hnreve?; that the Trustees to be appointed for the said Hospital shall, by an Instrument under their hands and seals, sufficiently secure the regular payment of the interest of the said .£2000, to the Directors or Trustees of the Loyal and Patriotic Society, if the same shall be demanded ; and upon like security, we approve of the disposal, by loan, of the remaining part of the said balance of X4000, to the other Districts, for the purpose of an Hospital, always giving prefer- ence to charitable Institutions, paying interest for the same as aforesaid, and for the purposes aforesaid. Resolved — That it is the opinion of this Meeting that, as the said gold and silver Medals cannot now be distributed in any manner to answer the original purpose for which they were designed, it has become expedient that the same be sold as bullion, and the 3'J net proceeds tliereoi' bo put to interest, for the pur- poses above stated. % At a subsequent meeting of the Society, the proceed- ings of the Committee iu London, on the 23rd March, 1820, and the letter from Montreal of the 4th of June, 1820, were submitted to the Society, and it was Resolved as follows: — " The Resolution adopted on the Gth November, " 1819, at a meeting of the Directors of the Loyal and Patriotic Society, as to the disposal of a sum of .£4000, then recently received, has been rescinded, inasmuch as authorised a division of the money and appropriation of it unto any District ; in conformity to the will of the subscribers to that sum, in London, communicated to the Loyal and Patriotic Society, by the managing Committee of the said subscribers, at Montreal, that the whole sum should be applied to " a Provincial Hospital." The above Resolution is copied from a manu- script in the hand-writing of the late Mr. Chief Justice Powell. i day o gold a of Up and ii Ban T R Canad ^ Ion I ' ^ possess among contain APPJBIVDIX No. 3. We, the undersigned, certify, that we have this day opened and examined a certain box, containing gold and silver Medals, which was lodged in the Bank of Upper Canada, for safe keeping, in the year 1822, and find the same to contain as follows : — Gold Medals — small, Sixty-one. Silver Medals — large, Five hundred. Having signed duplicate certificates. W. ALLAN. ALEXANDER WOOD. THOS. G. RIDOUT, Cashier. j Bank of Upper Canada, Toronto, 21st July, 1840. Received from the custody of the Bank of Upper Canada, the aboved Medals, into my own charge. ALEXANDER WOOD. Toronto, 21st July, 1840. J (In addition to the above, a small box placed in my j)ossession by the Honourable William Allan, found ! among the effects of the late Chief Justice Scott, containing 48 Silver Medals. A. W. E 34 Gold and Silver Medals sold by order of a Committee of the Members of the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, at a Meeting held at Toronto, the 7th July, 1&40. PRESENT: His Lordship the BISHOP OF TORONTO. Thb Honourable CHIEF JUSTICL ROBINSON. The Honourable WILLIAM ALLAN. The Honourable GEORGE CROOKSHANK. COLONEL GIVINS. ALEXANDER WOOD, Esquire. 1840. Aug. 17. — 58 gold medals sold to Cha s. Sewell, Watch-maker, Toronto, 33oz. 15dvvt. 20grs. a lis. Id <£ 130 2S, — 60 silver medals sold to Wm. Stennett, Watch-maker, Toronto, lOO/oOZ.« 5s.6d 24. 121 silver medals to Cha's. Sewell, 200/oOZ.flj5s.6d. ■^^y 6.-3 gold medals to the same. 2oz.5dvvt.l2grs.fl77s.ld. 7.^367 silver ditto to W. Sten- nett, C32nVoz- *' ^s. 6d.. 4 9 27 11 lOj 55 6i 8 15 ]J 173 17 1 £ 395 9 4J 35 imittee atriotic held at Broufibt forward. ,i:a95 9 4h 4 9 ' 11 lOj > 6J 5 15 IJ 3 17 1 5 9 4i Charges. Paid by Mr Allan- Man giving notice of meeting to the Mem- bers of the Society, .£0 10 Ditto two letters from Mon- treal — postage .... 2 Ditto P. Bisho}^ «& two men, preparing medals for sale, per receipt, ... 1 5 1 17 4 £ 393 12 OJ CI Gold Medals sold to Charles Sewell. 548 Silver do Charles Sewell and William Stennett. 11th November, 1840. Lank of Upper Canada, Toronto, 11th Novemher, 1840. c£393 : 12 : 1 Cy. Received from the Honourable William Allan, and Alexander Wood, Esquire, the sum o{ three hundred and ninety-three pounds, twelve shillings and one penny, Currency, for account of the Trustees of the Provincial Hospital, Having signed Duplicate Receipts. THOS. G. RIDOUT, Cashier.