IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // /<^ 1.0 Iria IM I.I 11.25 ■- In lU 2.2 ;- ij^ iiiii^ LA. Hill 1.6 e3 ^c5 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 iV iV «■ L1>^ :\ \ %

« » I HALIFAX N S. Printed nv Jamrs Bowes A Sons, 142 Holms Sthekt, 1893. r fayor or P es din^. Councillor when necessary. Such shall state'^place and time of meetino-, and shall be left at the dwellin<. or place of business ot the party notitied. ^ ^ 4. The meetinor shall stand aject to sii(;h dis(Uission before the same is filtered upon, unless notice of such resolution has been given at a previous meeting ; but this rule shall not apply to motions in amendments or subsidiary motions. 13. When a question is regularly under debate, ko other question or motion shall be entertained until it is decided unless it be : — 1st. — A motion in amendment of the original reso- lution. Mt wai L'( Ma> -> whi thei of tl for t j the o 111 i. stakes tuid sio-in'd u wnlmu-, ^oikI'hI r;ui iiKijoi'iiy ol' nail hiu-o a all yn-es'Tve ts ol' order, alien such jMayor or e matter to itiion of the uiioil shall tioii or any of closing voted on at Lced if a 113" 1 discussion )tice of such Goting ; but jndments or r debate, no [I until it is riginal reso- und. -A motion to refer the question to a Special Committee. •-rd. — A motion to postpone the question to some future day or time to be named. 4th. — A motion lo postpone the question indefi- nitely. 5th. — A motion that ihe question he now put. 0th. — A motion to adjourn. 7th. — The previous question. 14. After the division has taken j)lace upon any ([lu'stion or resolution, any member may call for the names on the division and have ih«^ same r'n a \(>l'' is taken, shall vote u[M)n it. unless cxcusim' hy tl!>' Council n[)on some 'jood ^ronnd stated IS. No member shall l('a\'c the room durin-j ihe traiisai'tion of bu.-uness without th" permission of the Mayor or presidinu' ollicer. 11*. Any ui;nnber called to order bv 1 he Chair shall sit down at once. ])ut may l)V leave of th' Chair al'ler- ward rise to explain. lit). The Town Clerk shall, under the direction of the Mayor, make out an arranged list of the business matters which it appears requisite to lay before the Council for their consideration ; the list shall be termed " the order of the day," a copy of which shall be laid on the table for the inspection of the members, and another placed in the hands of the Mayor or Tresiding Councillor. () " 21. Tlio lollowino- shall be tlio order of iho day ns near as may b»\ snl)j(^<'t, however, o alferatioiis hy the Couin'il at any meeting ms tlie exiui'eiiries of business may recjuire : — 1st. — Ivead minutes of urevious meeting"- iind. — Motion to amend minutes. 3rd. — ^Motion to reconsider or rescind any r'solu- lion contained in tlie minutes, notice of the rescinding or reconsideration of which had been given on the day the resolution passed before adiournment. aft.i folll 4th. — Receiving' the report;; of any select or stand- ing Committee. oth. — Heceiving petitions. Oth. — Ordering the payment of accounts. Tth. — Discussing resolutions, of which notice had been given on a previous day, in the regular order. •"^th. — Ueading or discussing the reports of select or standing committees, together with reports of the minutes, if anv. Oth.— Discussing petitions, 10th. — Miscellaneous business. 22. Notice to rescind or rcM-oiisider any resolution passed, must l)e given on the day of the resolution being passed before adjournment, and no resolution passed shall ]>(^ ri^scinded or reconsidered when such notice has not been given, and no such notice shall have the effect of delay inir or im])edinfr the at^tion necessary to o-ive effect to any resolution, unless the Council shall other- wise order. 'A I" tho (lay ;,s tioiis l>y' tho '»r business my i-Msolu- ^tice of the Avhich had 'ion j)asspd t or stand- • COMMITTEES. 2:5. Stiuidinc: Committees shall be appointed as soon after the election in each year as practicable, as follows : — 1st. — Committee on Public Accounts, I'inunct! and Tenders. 2nd.— On Licenses and Police. 8rd. — Public Property, lioads, Streets, and P>rid2'»s. 4th. — Water Works and Fire Department. r)th.— Poor. r,th.— Public Health. Jotico had ^le ro'nilar f select or h n^ ports esolntion on beinij' I passed >tice has he effect to o-i ^-e II other- COMMISSIONERS OF SCHOOLS. The said committees shall each hold a regular meet- ing once in each month and make a report in writing of all matters appertaining to their several departments at the first meeting of Council in each calendar month, and also at any other time when they shall deem it requisite to do so, or when the Council shall call :""»r a report. THE TOWN SEAL. 24. The Seal provided by the Town Cou' oil, and now in the custody of the Clerk, shall be the Common Seal of the Town, until the same shall l)e altered by the Council. 25. Any person requiring the Town Seal to be affixed to any certificate or document for the purpose of authentication or otherwise, shall pay to the Town the following fees : — For affixing the seal to any document to be used out of the Town SI. 50 If to be used within the town only, 1.00 H THE TOWN CLERK AND TREASURER. 20. The Town Clerk and Treasurer .shall Ix; the custodian oT all the ])ul)lie books, accounts, contract.s, jirrretMncnts. and documents of the Town (excei)tintr bonds of olUcers eini)lovod bv the town wliicli shall be in the custody of the mayor,) and shall at all times hnve the same arranged and filed in a convenient manner for use and reference. 21. He shall at the beginning of every y<*ar enter into a bond with a reliable guarautei? company in such .sum as may l)e ])rescribed by the Council conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as Town Clerk and Treasurer for the term of one year. •IS. He shall attend at the Town OUice lor llie transaction r)f jMiblic business during siu-h hours :is may be appointed by the Council, and su«di hours shall be posted up in a cons))icu(nis i)lacc in the ollicc. 20. ill' shall, under the direction of the mayor, make out an arranged list of the business matters \vhich it it appears re([uisile to lay l)eliire the Council for their consideration. The list shall be termed '• the order of the day," a coj>y of which shall be laid on the table for the inspection of the memb(!rs. and another placed in the liands of the Mayor or Presidinu' Coaiicillor. 80. He shall attend all meeetings oi Council, and take correct minutes of the jiroceedinus and matters considered thereat, \vhi<'li he shall ook to be i g-ivc]! by lijig Acts, Jie shall ion of the as practi- ipply the 3r, with a ^mmittee, % I ^2. When acting as Treasurer he shall receive all moneys paya})le to the Town, and he shall n-iyt; and take receipts and vou-uers for all moneys received and paid by him ;];). ]Ie shall pay into bank to the credit of the Town, as ret^eived all moneys whatsoever that may come into his hands for and on ai'count of the Town .■)4. He shall pay out moneys only on the order of tht; Council, and [)aymenfs slinll be made only by che(jne siiiiied by the ^layor or presidinu' Councillor and the Treasurer. •]"j. The l)ank-l)ook shall be open at all times to the insjicction ol'the Mayor or anv Cnuuiillor, ;')•!. lie shall keej) the accounts of the Town in sueh l>o()ks, and after such manner as may be t'i'<'>eribed bv t he finance committee, so as to siiow conveiiientlv. dis- tinctly and Si'parately the income from all .sources and the f'xpendit\ire for each service. The booivs shall be neatly kept and ])ronipily written up, so as ar all times to show the condition ol'the several accounts. '■VI. Jnvojrt'.N or accounts iiiusi he furnished i'.ir supi)lies ami services of any kind. Such accounts must be approved of by a majority ol'the coinmiltec under \\-hose char<4'e they are contracted before hein^' laid before th(» Coun<-il, and no r.ccounts are to be enl(!red in the account books of the Town until pas-<'d bv the Council This regulaiion shall not api)ly to salaries of Town ollicers, or of the i)ay list of laborers emi)loved by any regular committee of the Council or fi> inter- st on bonds or debentures OFFICERS GENERALLY. •is. I'^v-ery ollicer apitointed by the Council, shall, within one week of his being nolilied of his appoint- ment, take and subscribe an oath that he will faithfully perlorm the duties of his othce to tho * "st of his ability, which oath shall be administered by the Mayor or Stipendiary Magistrate or a Councillor. POLICE FORCE. 3!». The Council shall as often as oecasion may require salect a roliceman or Policemen, who shall act as day and ni^^-ht watch of the Tovvn of Wolfville, and in the event of morii than one Policeman beinn' appoii ^jd, may select one of the number to be Chief of the Police. 40 The Policeman and all Special and extra Con- stables, shall be under the authority, direction and control of a Committee of Police, to be composed of the Mayor, Stipendiary Magistrate, and three members of the Council, to be appointed by the Council. 41. The Policeman shall be prompt to obey and carry out, all the orders and directions from time to time given, and shall serve pro(.'esses civil and criminal, and make arrests within the Town, and under the direction of the Committee of Police shall have all the power and authority in all matters criminal, and in case of breach of the peace, and for preserving quiet and good order, which Sherifl's and Constables possess within their jurisdiction, and shall immediately report to the Town Clerk, or some member of the committee of Police, any violation or infraction of the Ai't of Incorporation, or of any by-law or ordinance of the Town, or any case of breach of the peace, or of quiet and good order, and any criminal matter within the municipality, that shall come to his knowledge. 42. He shall always be neat anil clean when on duty, vigilant in the exercise of his functions, strict in the enforcement of all ordt^rs and instructions, and (-ourteous in his intercourse with the public. 4o. lie shall not smoke when on duty, nor enter into conversation with any one except in so far as it may be necessary in the performance of his duty, nor enter any tavern, shop or house, except in the perfornuince of his duty, or when ordered to do so by the Mayor, i ii«ioii may shall act HVille, nnd appoii d, ief of the ixtra Cou- ctioii and sed of the embers of and carry me giveii, a.nd make ou of the )wer and of breach >od order, liu their he Town ^lice, any ion, or of J case of and any lat shall on duty, t in the ourteous jr enter s it may lor enter (Kince of Mayor, 1 li'ecorder, I'olice Committee, or a Councillor, nor shall he remain in su(;h tavern, shop, or house longer than is necessary for the discharge of his duty. 44. He shall be on duty at such times and durinor such hcmrs as the Police Committee may appoint, and shall report himself at the Town Clerk's oiiice daily at such hours as they may require and carry out any orders. 45, lie shall enter each day in a book to be kept for the purpose at the olfice of the Town Clerk : — u. The hours of commencing and leaying duty b. The duties performed during the day c. Any matter that it may be necessniy for the Police Committee to be apprised of, and any complaints that it may be necessary to make iJ. Any contrayentions of the Act and Uy-laws of the Town. t. Any suggestions that he may consider of seryice in the public interests. 40. He shall order the remoyal of any nuisance on the streets or sidewalks together with any obstructions on the same, and in the case of the neglec^t or refusal of the proj)er person to remoye the sann^ he shiill enter a complaint against tlie party. 47. lie shall not without permission of tlie Council enuagc in any l)usiiicss, ( r hi any duty uiit()nnecte"ina)i wh'Mi detailed to ,sci'\-c civil i)i'o- cess and ext-cute writs lor th" ('i\i! Court, shall, before enteriiiii" up-in that duty, !j;"i\c sccurilv in sui'li sums ;is the Council >hall direct, for llo' due and fai;lii'ul accountini:' Ibi". and iiayinu" o\e!' any noMcy that inav be collected l,y liiin. (;]• con;e into his possession or under his cont rol one i'v ea'di (d' them SPECIAL AND OTHER CONSTABLES. ! oo. Special and otlier Constables may be a!'>puinted I'rom time to time in the manner and for th<> purposes provided by the Act oG. Their duties are defined in Section '2oH to Section 251 of the Act, and they are required to make them- selves familiar therewith. his power )veriimeiit fder of the t'ipa] and !^t3 to 1)0 in re^-ard ustodv oT ("n to "(ho tiie di.s- noii shall fi;: ;i)ul paiunc■il. The Superintendent shall ])e sworn before the Mayor, Stipts ol'any nuisance, obstruction or encroachments thereon. 00. The Superintendent shall keep such accounts of his proceedings, as shall be order»^d by the Council or Committee of Streets, and furnish accounts, properly vouched, whenever required to do so by the Committee of Streets. [Jointed urposes Section them- STREETS, BRIDGES, &c. 01. The pul)lic streets, roads, high ways, lane.^, .sidewalks, liridi^L's, s(|imri's and thoroui^htaii's, and all public sewers, (irains and Jitclu.-s, in the Town, and the expenditure thereon and maintenance thereof shall he under the control of the Coinniittee of Streets, to he annually aj)pointed hy the Council. 14 62. The Coinniittt'o i)f Streets shall have and exercise within the limits of the Town all the powers and authority conferred by Section 142 to Section 171 inclusive, of the Towns' Incorporation Act of 1888 and ainenilments thereto; and in respect of the Town's proportion of the Provincial Road and Bridge Grants, they shall have and exercise all the powers ani authority, conferred upon Supervisors or Com- missioners under Chap. 46 Revised Statutes, Fifth Series. (53. The Committee of Streets shall have power to make contracts for the supply of labor and materials for the streets, and for the use of such horses and carts as shall be required for the purpose of the street service. 04. The Committee of Streets shall have power, under upi I tnd exercise I'l authority ^ive, of the its thereto; Provincial rcise all the rs or Corn- Series. 3r to make the streets, be required ^'er, under a private streets of 1 repair, or period of ate agree- ffood and name, for liscretion, i contract )ney shall 'ork done erformed, I hy the ets. iicil shall charge of md after idewalks ir hours that the ess than gleets or dent of ill he at ^hal 1 be 15 Viound under the like penalty to remove the snow so aforesaid within four hours after the beginning of daylight on the follow- ing day. Any person convicted of said oflence who shall not pay the fine forthwith, may be imprisoned in the jail or lock up for a period not exceeding thirty days. 08. No person shall encumber or obstruct a free passage through any street, road, lane or alley, thoroughfare, sidewalk or part of the Town, by exposing for sale^ unpacking or suffer- ing to remain upt)n any street, road, lane, alley, or thorough- fare, or upon the sidewalk or footpath thereof, any lundier, iron, coal, trunk, bale, crate, package, or other article or thing for more than two hours, or leave any such articles at night on the street, road, lane, thoroughfare, or path or sidewalk after six o'clock, under a penalty rf not less than one dollar, nor more than ten dollars or impiisonment in the jail or lock-iip for not more than thirty days, and the continuance of any such (obstruction for one hour after notice given by the Mayor, or a Councillor or any policeman or constable to remove the same shall be decnned a new ottrnce, and for every hotii' it is continued he shall be liable to an additional fine. ()9. Any persons who shall within the Town designedly and unnecessarily drive any carriage, sleigh, sled, cart, or bicycle, or ride on a side path, or obstruct any sidewalk or leave stand- ing thereon any carriage, cart, sleigh, or sled or horse, or roll or place anv heavy articles on the .same to the iniurv or ol)struction of tlie sidewalk, shall for every offence forfeit not less than one dollar nor more than ten dolhirs and on non- payment thereof shall be imprisoned in the jail or lock-up for a period not exceeding thirty days. 70. No person shall drive oi- lead along any sidewalk of the Town any horse, cow, calf, ox, or other neat cattle under a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. 71. Persons shall not stand in a grou[) or near to each other on any street, lane, highway or thoroughfare so as to obstruct a free passage for foot passengers, carriages or vehicles under a penalty of not more than ten dollars on each person so Tending, and on non-payment thereof to imprison- ment in the jail or lock-up for a period not exceeding thirty days, antl any person or persons refusing or neglecting, after the request of the Mayor, any Councillor, Policeman, Con- « If) staltlc, or Watchman, to riMuovo, and uot obstruct such sli't-et, lane, hiuliwav or thoroughfare, shall lie dt'eiiit'd to have coin- inittLd the al)i)Vi- ofloiiCHs, aiid sliall 1)(! liaMe to the penalty. 72. No person or persons shall loiter o.i or about the steps or entranoe ot any stores or shops in cornt the T own, or on any street )'s in the Town under a penalty of not more than t en dollars on '\ieii per.«5on so oifendin^i,' and on lion-payinent thereof to im{)risonment in the jail or lock-up for a period not exceedin;; thirty days, and any person or persons refusin,;,' or ne^lectini.,' after the request of the Mayor, any Councillor, policeman, constable or watchman to remove and not loiter on or al)'>nt such shop, store, or street corner shall I)e deemed to hav(^ Ci/mmittcil t!ie a'love otience and shall be liable to tiio ))enalt3^ 7.*}. No person shall jilay ball oi" throw a ball, .stone, or snow-ball oi' otlu'r missile likely to injure any person or pro- ])erty, in or ovei' any street or public place, nor throw any suljstance against any dwellini^ house or private or pnldic biiildini;, or into any private j^rounds with the intention to injure the same or disturl) th(i inmates thereof, nor write or cause to be written or portrayed any obscene word or tij^'ure, or make anv obscene cliaracters upor' anv fence or buildin" or any puldic place, under a penalty not exceeding' twenty y any policeman, constable, or watchman, and tlie same shall be and beoome ftirfeited to the Town. 7o. No person sliall ride or drive any horse, team, or vehicle at full speed, or in a furious, reckless, violent, or dis- orderly manner, or shall engage in any racing of horses in any jiutdic street or highway, or in any public place in the Town, uniler a penalty on conviction thereof of not more than thirty dollars, or in default of payment imprisonment for a term not excj foul arri| oIIk befl sidt app| obti not] I ct such street, to llHVO COlll- :lio pi^nalty. ^>oni tht; .ste[)s ' on any .street lore than ten ^Kin-pajinent ' a period not IS refusing,' or y Councillor, nd not loiter dl l)e (leeined be liable to 'all, stone, or iers(jn or jtro- V throw any te or pulilic intention to nor write or jrd or ti(,'nre, * ouildin'' or ini,f twenty sontnent in ty ilays. ilel in any walk of the iions of this ten dollars he inipris- ding thirty g down the policeman, md beoouie , team, or ent, or di.s- )rso.s in any I the Town, than thirty a term not 17 exceeding' thirty days in the county jail. Any person found viohitin!:^ this section may on view be for' "i with arrested by any policeman or <'onstabIc or other Town ollicer and lodged in the lock-up or jail until brought, before the Stipendiary Magistrate. TO. No person shall break up the soil of any strei^t or sidewalk, or alter the levid thereof, without making application in writing to the Committee of Streets and obtainivig their permission therefor, uudei a penalty of not exceeding ten dollars for each ollencc, and on non- payment thereof to imprisonment in the jail for a period uot exceeding twenty days. tt. No person shall erect any wood or other awning or projection over any sidewalk without making applica- tion in writing to the Committee of Streets and obtain- ing their permission therefor, subject to such provisos and instructions as they may impose, under a penalty of not ext'eediuu" ten dollars for ea(;h oll'ence, and on non- payment thereof to imprisonment in jail for a p>eriod of not exceeding twenty days. 7^. No person shall throw, place or put any filth, dirt, rul)l)ish, ashes, straw, papers, sweepings, or other things on any street, thoroughfare, or lane, or into any public place in the Town, except under the direction of the Superintendent of Streets. SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER WORKS. 79. The Council may appoint a Superintendent of AVater "Works, to hold oHice until his successor is appointed or until removed by a vote of the Council. The Superintendent shall be sworn before the Mayor, Stipendiary Magistrate or a Councillor to the faithful discharge of his duty. He shall give security in such sum as the Council shall order, and shall receive siich compensation as the Council shall by resolution fix. 80. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to attend to the laying of all water pipes in the streets and 18 idor tlio direction of llie Committee of Water AVorks to make (>onuectiou with the service require 1 by citizens. f^l. Also to keeji iji li'ood c 'dor the reservoir and dam and the service' uenerallv. s-2. Also to report to the Committee of AVater \V(»rks monthly, or oi'tener if necessary, the state or condition of the s''rvi(H! and any work required to ])c done. 83. Also to visit at h'ast oin'c a y<'ar eacli citizen's premises and furnish the Committc*^ with a detailed report of the numbers and kind of service "iirnishedeatdi citiz', u. 84. Also to report new connections at once to the Town Clerk. 85. Also to inspect the hydrants when e\'er required so to do by the Committee and report the condition of same. a I) I an(| i>ui| piel ali'I a III wi- mi\\ obe| Olle ol noi FIRES AND FIREWARDS. SO. The Council shall annually appoint such number of Fi rewards, not exceeding six, as tLey shall deem necessary, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties, and shall have suitable badges of oitice assigned and provided for them by the Council, and the Council may make prevision for the remuneration of members of tire companies. 87. Upon the break out of a lire the Tire wards, taking their badges with them, shall forthwith proceed to the place of the lire, and use their utmost endeavors to ex- tinguish and prevent the spreading of the lire, and to preserve and secure the property of the inhabitants, and any I'ireward may command the assistance of the inhabitants, or of any person present thereat, in extin- guishing said lire and removing any property out of any building actually on fire or in danger thereof, and may I'ater AVorks ■eqniro'l by >ir and d:im ViiU'Y Works (loiiditioii ol" e. ich citixen's !i a detailed rnisliedeach once to the •or required uonditiou oi" ■li number ihall deeiu diseliarge es of olfice 'il, and the neration of irds, taking" •eed to the 'ors to ex- ire, and to itants, and ce of the in extin- out of any and may 1<» ai)l>()int G^uards to Roeure and take charii'e of the same, and mar eommand assistance for tlie pulling down of buililinii's or for other sources relating thereto, and may pi event persons i)assing throu2'h or across any street, alley, hiu'hway, property or premises in the vieinity of a fire either by fencing' or rojiing off the same or other- wise, and due obiMlienee shall be yielded to their com- mands lawfully made at such lire, and any ]-,erson dis- obeymti' such orders or commands shall for each such ollence be lined not more than ten dollars, and in default of payment thereof be imprisoned in the county jail lor not more than twenty days S8. No person other than a Fire ward, or a pi'rson thereto (M>mmanded by a fire ward, shall break oiieu or enter any building or tear down any fence unless with the consent of the owner of such building or fence, pro- \ ided, however, that any Fire ward present at a lire may order any building to be broken open or entered or fence torn down, and no })erson actinu' within th(» scope of such order shall be liable to any suit, action or proceed- ing at law for such acts. 89. Upon the 0(>currence of a lire in the Town the Mre wards present thereat, or a majority of them, may direct any building to be pulled down or blown up or otherwise destroyed, if in their judgment the doing so v,'ill tend to prevent the further spreading of the lire, and if the pullinu' down or destruction of such buildinir shall have the elfect of stopping the lire, or the lire shall stop before it comes to the same, the owner of such build- ing shall receive payment therefor out of the funds of the Town, })y making application to the Council, who, if satisfied of the Justice of the claim, shul^ make an order for the valuation of the same, \A'hereupon the Council shall api)oint -.n arbitrator, and the owner of the build- ing so dest ''v* 'u shall appoint an arbitrator. The two arbitrators ^ ■ pointed shall appoint a third, and if they are unable t^. agree the (lovernor-in-Council shall ai)point such third arbitrator. The three arbitrators so appointed shall be sworn to make a valuation of the damage sus- tained by such applicant, and the same found by the aw^ardofsuch arbitrators, or anv tw^o of them, shall be a I •20 i'\\i\Y'uishmeut of lires or preservation and protection of property thereat, and to establish and make rules aiul regulations for the government of companies so organiz- ed, and all such companies, whether voluntary corn- panics or companies organized under the power herein contained, shall during the ac^tual progress of a iin^ be subject to the exclusive and absolute control of the Fire- wards, provided that the orders and cMnniands of such Firewards shall be communicated to the company through the principal oliicer of such company present at the lire. Provided, however, that in the absence at any fire of all the lire wards, the captains of fire companies, union protection companies and salvage corps shall, until a Firevvard arrives, have all the powers of Firewards. 01. Nothwithstanding anything hereinbefore con- tained, the Council may appoint an engineer for the operating of any fire engine or other machine belonging to the town used for the purpose of extinguishing lires, who shall during the continuance of the fire be subject to the orders and commands of the Firewards. 92. Upon an alarm of fire the firemen shall at once proceed to the place of deposit of the implements used for the purpose of extinguishing fires and bring them to the place where the lire shall have been discovered, and shall then diligently use the same under the direction of the Firewards in such way as may be deemed most use- ful for extinguishinc: the fire. 21 and shall be d paid over to iths after the mipanies now he (joiitrol of in[)aiiies shall ionK and by- trnal economy of their own •il shall have paiiies, for the protection of ike rules and 38 so or^^anix- luntary coni- power herein < of a lire be I of the f'ire- ands of sucli he company ny present at sence at any e companies, ps shall, until /ire wards. iibefore con- ueer for the le belon2:inir iishing lires, be subject Is. diall at once ents used for ; them to the overed, and e direction of ed most use- ^ 'J.'i. The Captain of the company, or in his absence, the next hjf^hcst olliccr, shall have the power of a fireward in eoinniandiri;^ assistance in takin^j; the said in»j)lu!nents and inachiiiLTV to (jr from any firu, and a like penalty shall attach to disoht'dience of orders, lawfully given as to thosti of a tire- ward. 94, The Town Cunn(;il may ap[)()int as many tire eonstaldes as they may deem necessary, who shall be sworn into otHce, and shall at the time of tires, with suitable hadj^'e.s to lie pro- vided for them liy the Coiuicil, attend at the tire and act luider the dirtiction of the tirewards 'p suhdninif the tire, ])rest'rvini^, securing and protecting property, keejiing ordiir, and preventing thefts, and saile whether the animal shall have been impounded or not. 104. The Police ( 'onstal'le or any other person, may impound any horses, asses, mules, oxen, cows and other neat cattle, sheep, swiue, goats, or geese, going at large in any street, lane or other place, within the Town of \Volf\ille. 105. The Slipe'udiaiy Magistrate or per.son presiding at the Police Court, shall on the application of any party, issue a summons or warrant, to biing the party wIiosg aninial has been fouml going at large, before him f(jr trial. 10(), If the owner of any animal foun 1 going at large and impounded, does not pay on conviction the tine impose. I, the Stipendiary Magistrate, or oHicer presiding, .shall onler the animal so fouiei going at large, to be sold at public auction, on the day following such conxiction, unless the; owner shall have previously paid the tine imposed, together witii all the expenses consequent on the seizure and keep of the ainmal, and on the sale, after deducting the tine, the expenses of the seizure anuilly a tax of two dollars for every dog owned by him or them, of k(']>t in his or their possession, such tax to be due t f 25 &C. iw'ker, who t)»f sale, in •'^e, or a My or carry a transient J"4,'obtain- ej'efor, for fioIJars for •succeeding ontinue in in addition >nth. The 1 Licenses, vided that Liiy farmer luce of his tish of his ed further T titles less fjy person exceeding uont may and payable on or before the first day of July in each and every year ; and the owner of every dog shall cause a collar to be placed round the neck of said dog, witli the owner's name thoreou and the number of his registry, and in default of such collar HO placed, shall foi-feit the sum of one dollar, such tax and penalty to l)e sued for and recovered in the Municipal ("ouit of the Town. 112. Any person on being convicted before the Stipendiary Magistrate or [terson presiding in the Police CJourt, of keeping any dog whicli may have injured any person by biting, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar, nor more than ten dollars, and the dog so biting, may be onlered by the Stipendiary Magistrate oi' person presiding, to be forthwith destroyed by a constable. 113. It shall be the special duty of the Police Constable, at all times, to attend to and enforce these Ijydaws. ami to report any infraction of them to the Sti))endiarv Magistrate, Mayor or a Councillor. 11 -i. The Council may make regulations in reference to dogs going at large, or congregating within the limits of the town, and impose penalties ft)r th(3 breach of the same ; and may order any dog going at large, the owner of which cannot be ascertained, to be destroyed, Jwn shall " for, take ind with- ?nse to be ?nses, ff)r the Town id Town ■n, shall by Idni be due EXHIBITIONS. r' 115. No theatrical exhibition or publicshovv, or exhibition .:} or conccM't, tr-xcept such local (.»r charitable entertainments as may be specially licensed iiy the License Connnittee, shall be f" otFered to view, set up. maintaiiitid, carried on or published ,| within the Town, without a license first had therefor, which 1 license u)ay be granted by the Committee on Licenses, on the ^ payment of a fee or sum not less than one dollar, nor more i than one hundred dollars \)er day, the amount to be fixed by I the Committee on Licenses, and expressed in said liceiise. Every license shall express the number of days it is to continue in force, and such license may be renewed on terms to be fixed by the Committee on Licenses. IIT). All such exhibitions and concerts shall be closed at r night by the hour of eleven o'clock. Every person who shall 26 offer to view, or shall set np, set on foot, maintain or carry on. or shall publish, or otherwise assist in any theatrical exhibition or concert, public show, or exhibition of whatever name or nature, without a license previously obtained, a^'reeable to this ordnance, shiill forfeit and pay to the Town for every offence, a tine not excec-dino- two hundred dollars, and in default of payment, sjiall be liable to l)e iniprisone^cribed, shall forfeit his license, and pay a fine not exceeding ten dollars, and in default of payment, shall be imprisoned in the County Jail or Lock-up of the Town, for a period not exceeding twenty days. 118. The Committee on Licenses may withdraw the license and order the exhibition or concert to be at once closed, if it appears to them that it is immoral, i)rofane or indecent. 119. The License Committee may at their discretion grant a license free of charge. the T iindeil time. W ca'icui of lb I Towij time|_ a pt!' DISCHARGING FIRE-ARMS, &c. 12<>. Xo person shall knowingly and uuut'C<;ssarily discharge any fire-arms, spi'ing or air gun, wilhin the Town of Wolfville, except under license, signed by the Mayor or presiding Coun- cillor ami Town Clerk, on the recommendation of the License Committei', for which the sum of ten dollars shall lie paid, which shall be in force for one year from the date thereof, and may be granted to any individual or to any club, company or number of individuals collectively, and shall be limited U) the place deHne^yon(\ t]io I'ay a Hue >t, •'^hali he '^\\M, for a the license osed, if it ent. 'fiscliarfe ^^'olfvijFe, f>^' C'iHjn- ' ^license ''0 paid, ''oof, and 'pany or 'I to the <-"t' sliaJ! :>iind in inection H'suant mclver. fire in tt-es of 27 the Town, except with the written permission of the Council under such regulations as it may prescrilie from time to time. UNUSUAL NOISES, &c. 122. No person shall shout (^r make an}' unusual noise calculated to annoy or disturb the inhal)itants, in or u]ion any of the streets, highways, lanes, squares, or thoroughfares of the Town, under a penalty not exceeding tivc dollars for eacli offence ; and .should such shouting or noise occur in the night- time, after eight o'clock, the person offending shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars for each offence. 123. Any person who shall, by cliallenging to fight, or by using insulting or abusive language or liehaviour, taunting epithets or threatening gestures, attempt to provoke any other person to commit a breach of the peace within the Town, shall be liable to a penalty not excec^ling ten dollars for every such offence. 124. No per.son shall knock or pound on any door of any house or ring any dof)r bell, foi" the pur[)ose of anno} ing the inmates of any house. 125. Any person who shall, on any street, lane, In-idge, wharf, thoroughfare, sidewalk or on the premises or in tlie neighbourhood of any place of worship, use any profane, obscene, lewd or lascivious laniaiaue, or be guilty of anv obscene lewd or lascivious conduct or behaviour, or who, being on any street, lane, liridge, thoroughfare or sidewalk, .shall openly challenge anyone to fight, or shall use abusive or provoking language, or shall make any noise or disturbance thereon, or shall ob.struct any person or persons in their sho])s or houses, or proceeding on their lawful business, or wluj shall ap])ear to be on an}- street, lane, sidewalk or any other pul)lic place in a drunken or intoxicated state, may, on view of the offence, be forthwith arrested and taken into custody, by day or l)y night, by any Constable, Policeman, Watchman or by any person under a erbal warrant from the Mayor, Stipendiary Magis- trate, or any Councillor, and taken to the lock-up and there detained until brought before tlie Stipendiary Magistrate, or the person presiding at the Police Court, and shall be subject i I 2.S to a fine of not les.>> than one dollar, nor more tlian ten dollars, and in default of payment shall be hnpri^ioned for a term not exceeding thirty days. 120. N(j person shall on any public street or lane l;>eat any (hum, or lilow any horn or trumpet or clani^ any cymbal or triangle, or play any musical instrument, oisliont or sing, after having been re(|uired by an householder resident in such street or town, or any Police Constable, to desist from making such .sounds or n^ise, either on account of illness of any inmate of such lujuse or for any other reasonable cau.,e. SMOKING ON STREETS, &c. 127. No person under the age of sij,.teen years shall Ije permitted to smoke tobacco in any form in the puV)lic streets of the Town, and any minor offending against this b3'-la\v shall be liable to a tine not exceeding two dollars, and in default of payment to imprisonment f(jr not more than thirt}^ days. 128. No person shall make, publish, })aste up or exhibit any indecent or immoral placard, picture, drawing, writing, or paint- ing in or near any street, lane, highway, bridge, or any other pu})lic place in the town. I 11 criptij all ^'' shall occn\( i:nl Towij only anv ?\eal \ SLAUGHTERING OF ANIMALS. 120. No person or persons or corporate body shall erect, maintain, continue, use or employ any slaughter house or Viuilding 01- any yard or other place or of killing or slauij-hterinji: animals th(;rein within the limits of 1 __ ■ the Town, without written permission tirst had from the Town Council, which permission when given shall iinlicate the place where .such slaughter house, building, yanl, place or premi'^es sliall be located. 180. There shall be no accumulation of manure or tilth of any description in or about any slaughter house or yards, or other places connected therewith within the limits of the Town, but all such slaughter houses, yards and places within said Town shall at all times be kept clean by the respective owners or occupiers thereof. 20 fen (loJJars, tenn not ''t-afc any kVMibal or hini >>hall be c streets •"* '-»v-]a\v 'in.l in m tliirtj- libit any 01" paint- fiy otJier There shall be no accumulation of filth of anr des- cription in or aliout any butcher .sVop within the Town, but all such butcher shops, and the yards connected therewith, .shall at all times be kept clean by the respective owners or (jccupiers thereof. 182. No person sliall keep any pij^ at any |)lace in tiie Town, without permi.ssion from the Town L'ouncil, and then only at such place as shall be designateil by the Council. 133. It .'^hall be the duty of the sanitary inspector to report any violation of .sections 120-132 inclusive to the Board of Health. 134. Any per.son, or persons, or body corporate, guilty of an infraction of any of tlie provisions of sections 120-132 inclusive, shall upon conviction liefore the Stipendiary Magis- trate, forft.'it and pay nt the discretion of the said .\iaj,istrate a penalty not exceeiiing the sum of Thirty Uollar.s for each ofl'ence, exclusive of costs, and in default of payment thereof, it shall am' i.av be lawful for the said Stipendiary Mao-istrati; to commit the offender or oH'enders to the County Jail or lock- up in the Town for a period of thirty days unless the said penalty anu costs be .sooner paid. II erect, ) or purpose aits of ' Town ' place eiJiise.s 1th of ds, or town, 1 .said vners LOCK-UP. !:>"). The Coutieil m;iy pi'ovide a suitable Lock-ii[>. I3(i. Any p>'r.soii or pei'sons cliai'^^cil on oath with li;i\ini;' connuitted any criminal offence, and whom it shall be lawful and necessHi'V to detain in oi'der that such per.son or per.sons may he examined pivvious to comnntment to jail, to trial or disnnssal. shall be e(jntine(l in the Lock-up or })lace ])ro\i(Ld for that pur[)ose. and all persons convicted hy the Police Court of the town for violation of any hy-l,iw oi- oi'dinance of the '^Pown shall be sentenced to confinement in the Tock-U]) oi" ('(Uinty Jail. 137. All persons found in the streets or public places of the Town in a state of intoxication; all persons found injurinfj, defacing, or destroying any bridge, tree or other property in the Town, and whom it is lawful to arrest on view, and generally all persons convicted on view of the Mayor, Stipen- 30 diary Magistrate, any Councillor, the Police, special or extra Constable, or on the oath of one or more jredible ^vitnesses, shall be detained and confined in the Lock-up. \:iH. The Council shall appoint a suitable person to be the Keeper thei'eof, who shall receive suoh compensation for the keepini:^ of said LocK-up and for the maintenance of pi'isoners and other persons lodged therein, as tl e Council shall from time to time fix. 11^9. Prisoners arrested by the Police or Constables for the breach of any law or Iwdaw of the Town, may be lodged in the Lock-up and detained there until brcnight i)efore the Stipendiary ALagistrate. 140. It shall be the duty of the keeper to see that the whole interior of the Lock-up is constantly clean and well ventilated, and he shall, un'ler the supervision of the Police Committee, do such things as shall be necessary to keep it clean antl in good order, 14L No person lodged in the Lock-iip shall be discharged therefrom vrithout first being brought before the Stipendiary Magistrate, unless discharged by order of the Stipendiary Magistrate, or person acting in his stead. at tl suci puH ten I nnii Noi Ju^ Col TRUCKMEN'S LICENSES. 142, The Council may grant licenses to truckmen under such regulations as the Council may prescribe. AUCTIONEERS' LICENSE. 14o. Xo person shall within the Town of Wolfville exercise the oHice of Auctioneer, or sell at public vendue, any real estate, goods or chattels whatever, without being licensed thereto by the Council, which license may be granted on application to the Committee of Licenses and shall be signed by the Mayor and Town Clerk. 144. The fee for such license shall be five dollars, but may be from time to cime altered by the Council and shall be paid 31 at thi! time of application tlieivfor, an.l if any person, without such licenso, shall sell any real estate, goods or chattels at public auction, he shall forfeit an-l pay a sum not exceednicr ten dollars for each otl'.'nce to bo sued for and recovered in the nnnie of the Town (.f ^VulfviUe and for the use of the lown^ Nothin"- herein contained sriall extend to Sheriffs, or othcers of Justice" sellin'v under process of law or by direction of any Court, AMENDMENT. ^4,7) No repeal, alteration or amendment of any by-law ad<;pted by the Council shall be made unless two weeks' notice in writin-' shall have tirst ))een given to the Council, by the Mayor, or any Councillor, of such intended repeal, alteration, or amendment. 14G. Any by-law, regulation or ordinance may be suspend- ed, wholly or in part, by the unanimous con.sent of all members of the Council present. I Walter Brown, Town Clerk in and for the Town of Woifvilh- do hereby certify that the fojigoing are the by-laws passed bv the Town Council of the Town of Wolfville. WALTER BROWN, I'oum Clerk. Town Clerk's Office, ). 9th (lav of August, A. D. 1893.3 Approved hy the (tovernor-in-C'o\i September, IS!)^. ' ncil, on the 2nd day of H. C'ROSSKILL, (JlevL- of Executive CuiuicU.