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'■^i §t ttritt §:U ^t-(&ifnnnM. hide me In the Bhad ow of His hand. r-^^H^^^f^ 5e icr ^ safe - ly hide me rj*— i— fzzzt: r • -fit-, -a-' — m i In the shad - ow of His hand. ^•— n r-"i No. 5. Enoubh. Ibme, l^^ttj^, '^hm. "I am thine."— Ps. 110: 04. P. P. Bliss, by per. IJ^.A rJ ! 1 1 — -1 — 1 — r— -1 r 1 J ^ r 1 -Tn i5kt-.z^==^ 1 1 1 — /5 . *— 1 -f . t-t—i~ -»-:- ri-i 1. Thine, Je - sus, Thine, No more this hfiart of 2. Thine, Thine a - lone. My joy, m, hope, my 3. Thine, ev - er Thine, For - ev - er to re - 4. Thine, Je - bus, Thine, Soon in Thy crown to mine crown; cline shine, ShoU Now On When t:|j_4_Jg.- p_ — — \- ^ • ^A_g — -t— H -^ ___ L — L — ^— ^-1 _-L. 1 — '^t 1 p — r — 1 — r-" • iSE i ^ § j-j-j- ^ M-J b^ -* ^ i s seek its joy a^- part from Thee; The world earth - ly things ciay ft\de and die. They chtirm love e - tor - nol, fixed and sure, Yes, I from the glo - ry Thou shalt come And with -f - f- ^ f IB cru - ci - my soul no am Thine for Thy saints shall t =F=F i=i m ^ * (Si—- fled to me. And I cun more, for I Am Thine a - ev - er more. Lord, Je - sus, take me home. Lord, Je - bus. i ztut :gt i Thine, lone, Thine, come. And I Am Thine Lord, Je - Lord, Je - i^J ♦ -^ am Thine, a - lona BUS, Thine sus, come. -(2. ^ No. 6. f. 4- For the shin-ing of the Light; Je - sus stands up -on the shore; Naught but sorrow, sin and care; All Thy laws have dis - o- beyed; Guide us by Thine eye di-vine; A : 4- ■*■•■*■•#■•#. ^ i i iPP^P^^^^PP Loug have felt the things we ha -ted. Sink us still in deep-er night And, with ten - der voice, He call-etb, "CometoMe" ''and sin no more!" All with -in, is loathsome vileness. All with -out, is dark de-spair. But Thy goodness now we've tost • ed, In Thy robes we stand or - rayed. Let the Ho - ly Spir - it teach ue, That our light may ev - er shine. ^^g I tr-r^ % r — i^- & &g=: =r I OHORUS. i-^ — .— 5tt=« i=i: E^ — N- f i iEE Efe^fe: 3iz±i m Bless - ed Je - sus, lov ing Saviour! Tender, faith -fol, strong and true, mi^^^m H t: ^ ^. ■^ :e=fc jfL^e i>.v? i r BU. — i;t=E^^B4=^ -X- iS - » ^ ^ Break the let - ters that have bound us, Make us in Thyself a -new. ^#_ ± ^^^^ m m -w — t^- r Fhuxl Chorus. — Blessed Jesus, be Thou near us, Give us of Thy grace to-day; While we're calling, do Thou hear us. Send us, now, Thy peace, we pray. •Written by one reteued/rom itrong drink. No. 7. ^m^ €Mf^ IRhit. * V riord have called the«."— Im. 43: 8. Mrs. 8. A. Coixras. W. H. Doans, by p«r. ;t^lEik=^ ^i^ I :p^f =t=i=f=f ff 1. Jo - BUR, gracious one, call-eth now to thee, "Come, O sinner, come!" 2. Htill He waits for thee, pleading pa-tient-ly, "Come, O come to Me!" \ 3. Weary, sin - sick soul, called so gracious - ly, Canst thou dare re-fuse ? ' 5^3^ BSt # 0—r0 :fc:fc=f: Pf=^ :£ rrt I KS\ i m^m^M :t^=S: ^^ j^Egag Calls so ten-der-ly, calls so lov - ing - ly, "^Toic, O sin-ner, come." " Heavy -la - den one, I thy grief have borne. Come and rest in M&" Mer - cy of-feredthee, free-ly, ten- dcr- ly, Wilt thou still a - buse? ^^m^ f—f g r f- -w p "• p • ^^^lf^ ^m -y — \t rr?c • Y ^* — • — f — ^ Y • ^ * and Dless - ing, Christ's own love con - less - ing; o'er - flow - ing. Life and bliss be - stow - ing; is fly - ing. Haste, thy lamp is dy • ing; Words of peace Words with love Come, for time ^f^^5^^: ^ i ? REFBAIir Hear the sweet voice of Je - sus, Full, ftall of love; m feJ^z^ r*: ^m *=t s ^--^ m ^ h — « — — r Call -ing ten-der I -ly, oall-ing lov -ing -ly, "Come, O sinner, come." 1 1 C ifr ^ ^ No. 8. §R[j) ^tAttwtt* p. p. Bliss. " Lord, my strength, and my redeemer."— Ps. 19: 14. Jambs McGbanahan, by per. ^^ — I — pVnyrH 1 »r -N, J J J^ .^W 'ond'rons lo 1. I will sing of my Bedeem-er And His wond'rons love to me ; 2. I will tell the woud'tous story, How rav lost es - tate to save, 3. I will praise my dear Redeemer, His tri-umph -antpow'r I'll tell, 4. I will sing of my Bedeemer, And His heav'n - ly love to me ; mM J^.M. ms fS^- f--- f t *^ t, J-~4.- On the era - el cross He suifered, From the curfte to set me free. In His boundless love and mer - cy. He the ran - som free - ly gave. How the vie - to - ry He giv - eth O - ver sin, and death, and hell. He from death to life hath bro't me, Son of God, with Him to be. te^i^ rr^ 0BOBI7S. i-l-^ l JCjr. reg-: -iS'-T- #■ Sing, oh! sing, of my Be-deem - er, With His n^n-i-^^ Sing, oh! sing of my Redeemer, Sing, oh! sing of my Bed^omer, With His blood . St m. ^ r-j- r 12^ -S>- blood He purchased me, He purchased me, , blocd He purchased me, ^ ^ Ou the blood Hepurclutsedme, With His blood He purchased me; On the lO ^« m w m IPs §t&tmtt.—(tmatt&ti. J.' J ; ■n=^^ 1- 32: ^ i i :t -<&*-v — ' — 5 ^ cross. 9m i^nt £ fie sealed my par - don, Paid the ^n=^rr^ ^ 3CZjE ^ cross He sealed my pardon, On the cross Ho sealed my pardon, Paid the Repeat pp aJUr last vene. s»-»- ? i #^ ^ -#-^ 1 and made me £ree. debt, and made me free, And made me free, ^ M-- fcjz: t ^ debt, and made me free, m No. 9. ^m^ (SihM x$ ^min^ %. " He heard that it was Jesua of Nazareth."— Mark. 10: 47. J. Drnhah Shitii. Mrs. Jos. F. Ekafp, by per. m ^^ ^ ^^^i-i-^ ^E^^^ 1. Je - sns Christ is passing by, Sin - ner, lift to Him thine eye ; 2. Lo ! He etunds and calls to thee,' '* What wilt thou then have of me?" 3. ''Lord, I would Thy mercy see: Lord, re - veal Thy love to me; 4. Oh, how sweet the touch of power Comes, — and is sal - va - tion's hour ; ^T» f * ^=p: » — • — w — • — H» — » — •■ S 1^ ^^i^^^^^ As the pre - cious moments flee. Cry, be mer - oi - fol to Me ! Bise, and tell Him all Thy need; Bise, He call - eth thee in - deed. < Ivet it pen- e - trate my soul, All my heart and life con-trol." Je - sns gives from guilt re - lease, "Faith hath saved thee, go in peace !" ^^ -• (9~ ^^ zsr. i Li No. 10. €0mt nm p^ " The Lord is nigh ante* them that are of a broken heart ; and sareth snoh u beol'acouti'ite spirit."— Ph. 34: 18. Rev.G. G. Lloyd. Tenderly J. "W. BiBCiioFF, by per. HM 1. Come near me, O my 2. Gome neax me, my Be ' 3. Come near me, bless-ed 4. Be near me, mighty #~n-# r ^ ^ s •+-. — ^ f=r Sav-iour; Thy ten-der-ness re - deem - er, And nev - er leave my Je - 8U8, I need Thee in my Sav - iour. When comes the lut - est i veal; O, side; My joy. No strife; For i — ^1 y let me know the sym - pa - thy Which Thou for me dost feel, bark,whentos8'd on trouble's sea. The storm can - not out - ride, less than when the dir - est ills My hap - pi - ness de - stroy ; Thou hast thro' death's shadows pass'd, And ope'd the gates of life ; "i^—^ m M' t^ ^ t=r I Un- For And N f^^^-N^^ i =P= :tf r-r-£H §Sj5 need Thee ev-ery mo- ment; Thine ab - sence brings dis - may But less Thy word of pow - er Ar - rest the surg - ing wave; No when the sun shines o'er me And flow-ers strew my way, With when among the ran >um'd I stand with crown and palm, To -f— it =5= t=t ert». ^^ N ff^ when the tempter hurls his darts, T'were death with Thee » • way. voice but Thine its rage can quell. No arm but Thine cun save, out Thy wise and guiding hand More eas - i - ly I stray. Thee, Divine, un - failing Friend, I'll raise e - ter ^^ ii > r r r f % r9\ aise 6 - ter - nal psalm. 19 h anoh m per. ■e - veal; O, ny side; My »y joy. No fit strife; For i fefe i ! J feel, I ride, Un - Btroy; For life; And , . S :=i?=?=fc:3 I - may But t wave; No r way, With 1 palm, To ^ ^ ' — - » - way. ciiti save. I stray, nal psalm, ^P ■; No. 11. iiitlm0 in Vmu " My strong rock, for a house of defence."— Ps. 31 : 2. Bey. WiuiAH 0. Gushoig. Ira. D. Sankst, by per^ 1. Hafe to the Bock that is high - er than I, My son! in its 2. In the calm of the. noon-tide, in sor- row's lona hour, In times when tempt- 8. How oft in the con - flict, when press'd by the foe, I have fled to my -» — »- ^ * ^ ^^ ^3 ^fei t5»- # # 2S=lt ^eS con-flictsand sorrc vs woold fly; So sin-ful, so wea-ry, Thine a - tion casts o'er me its power; In the tempests of life, on its ^ Bef-ngo and breathed out my woe; How oft -en when tri - als like is g t r f- *=F m :a=irJ QLi^ _ tz fe g g f =?=p= 1^^ Thine would I be; Thou blest '«, Hiding in Thee,Thou blest "Bock of Ages," I'mhidlng in Theft No. 12. ^ Pgbt npn tJxt f b^ve* " No night there."— Ket. SI : S5. Key. HxmtT Burtok, M. A. Jamhs McGbamahan, by per. 1. We've journey'd many a day Upon an ocean wide, A -mid the mist and 2. We've had oar stormsofdoubtiOarrainsof bittertears,Our fightings fiercewith> 3. O land of calm - est rest, Where suua no mora go down! O haven of the ^P a #— #- J^ P l?=i ^ a^n&S ^^. ^si trtn?- iczjr V L ^J>" U I M n F =»: I 6^ ^ ^ . a — ^ w « - a — ^— ^ ^ J i J J g i =j ^-T-#- •# . # spray Of many a snrgmg tide ; ISat, lo ! the land is near ! For out, With -in ooranxiouH fears; But, lo ! the storms are past. They blest, With bliss and glo - ry crowu'd! No more the storm, the dark. The 1^^ -!•-#- llfcS ^ #-#- ■ a . P — F- ^^ ES5E^ H 1- H» — •- =t:=? ->-: — h «-«r i^ ^^W • -V • m^^^M^^m iust beyond the foam I seeitbrightaudclear,Thelightofh. me,sweethome. cannot reach asmore;We'veBightedlandatlast, The blessed stormless shore, breakers and the foam, No more the wail, for hark! We hear the songs of home. P ^ ^, m^ ji t ■<-fe k #^^ 1 s Fl= E St4E ! P II J u sp f n-' BEFSAin i There's a light np - on the shore, brother, It flash - es from the ^-* *J - .m i f" .f" • . , •— « •_ ^^ m ^^^ I %% I: ^ pgbt npn tht S^lnm.'-mwtinM. strand; The night is almost o'er, brother, The haven's jost at hand. #^#- ^^ f p f E i £ f ~~r~Ti 2± FF^ =P=F==F No. 13. (Siomm^tim. " Te are not yoor own."—! COB. 6: 19. Mits Francbs R. Havbroau t ^ ^ P. T. BU0S, by per. =1: Take my Take my Take my Take my Take my Take my P ^ fcto::* life and let it be Con-se - cra-ted, Lord, to Thee feet and let them be Swift and bean-ti - ful for Thee lips and let them be Fill'd with mes - sages from Thee moments and my days, Let them flow in endless praise will and make it Thine, It shall be no long - er mine love, my God, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store * I J $ -, 1 »9 r- '-i-^t-fe ig| ? l^j^ ^^S i^ i I Take my hands Take my voice Take my sil - Take my in - Take my heart, Take my - self, 1^ 4=f1 and let them move and let me sing ver and my gold, tel - lect and use it is Thine own, and I will be =c: i At the impulse of Thy love. Al-ways— on - ly— for my King. Not a mite would I withhold. Ev - *ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose. It shall be Thy roy - al throne. Ev - er, on - ly, all for Thee. ^ :*=»• $=r- m m m T Chonu, after each itanza. I ^^ ^^ i '-is: ^-- -j^ i=^3=4=i^ •ir All to Thee, all to Thee, Con - se • era - ted, Lord, to Thee. .t=^ 1 ' '- 1 1 I : ■»»- I ^dz r IS No. 14. Ibe (g0!9i)rtt §t\U. ' ■ For Ood so loved the world, that h« gave bis only begotten Son. "—John 3 : Iff. , "W. M. 8. Wmlbt MAHTBt, by par. zn z* — f — c 5? ♦ ■♦ -t- --^ -jsi i ^ f 1. The 2. The 3. Ifte 4. The Gk)8 < Gos. GoS' Gos pel pel pel pel bells nre bellH in - bells give bells are' nng - mg, vite us wnru-ing, joy - ful, O - ver land, from sea to To a feast pre -pared for As they sound ftom day to | m _-. S=rf=lf: £ As they ech far to and V — ^ ±L ^==^A \ — ^ ^y ^m i= ^=i =^ ^ m^\ xi^ ^^ sea: Blessed news of free sal - va - tion Do they of - fer you and me. all; Do not slight the in - vi - ta - tion, Nor re- ject the gracious calL day. Of the fate which doth a - wait them Who for-ev - er will de - lay. wide, Bearing notes of per -feet par 'don, Thro' a Saviour cru-ci-fled. ^^^^^ E ^=S: IZZE l^^l/ 1^ r ' i --' I ¥i \ iiii \ 'h l-^ \ ^ ^ j ji^i-^-^ " For God Qo loved the world That His on -ly Son He gave, Who-so- 'Bp«l bella, tlbe (^ti^pl §t\h—mnnnM. I p ^^ how they ring j Qonpel bells, * ■JBZ m: f?^ 0 \ fS \ — \ JL—k ? -r — r. 1 — itnfii iffi: I jst. R^ TUAHUUii^ ^m The mighty Gk>d, the Ev- er-lasting Father and the Prinoe of Peace. "0- ^ 1^ 17 S: No. 16. fe mmi ht §0m ^m. "Verily, verily, I Bay nnto thno. except a maii bo bom aRftin, ho cannot aee tliu kiuKdom of God."— John 3: 3. W. T. Slkri'Kb. Geo. C. Stebbins, by per. 1?^ iii w 4=S= :S: 4: LA* 2. Ye *3.0 4 A rul - er once came chil - dren of men. to Je - BUS by night, To at - tend toy the word So ye who would en - ter that glo - ri - ous rest, And dear one in heav-en thy heart yearuB to see, At the f: ^ t: S: t: t: te^^^^^ ^^^ ^ FFR ^=t rrtfm qs=K: «r»=? ask Him the way of sal - vation and light; The Master made answer in sol - emn - ly ut - tered by Je • su8,'the Lord, And let not this message to sing with the ransom'd the song of the blest; The life ev - er - lasting if beau- ti - ful gate may be watching for thee; Then list to the note of this ^si I SI ^ r—y 'n till h^^-^ > ^ ' b U V "fcg y W-- g-p^^ =fc gain , f—t words true and plain, <*Te must be bom a - gain, a -gain." you be in vain, "Ye must be bom a - gain, a - gain." ye would ob - tain, "Ye must be bom a - gain, a - gain." sol - emn re - frain, "Ye must be bom a - gain, a -gain." ± ti fl t: OBOBITS. " Ye must be born a - gain, again," Ye must be born a - gain, again, I f £ f , e ]!: ^jt t p ^B^^=f# 4 f I i f r r r =tM=^ FmTrp I CI' 1^ ' Ur s r ; 'I- rrr ST gr ; ^ 18 ::^ m rv\' m t=r. =3 1. I * 1 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 — 1 ^ ver - i - ly, ver - i - ly say un-to thee, Ye must be bom a • gain, ugnin. T^ ^ No. 17. ut it §$wn. p. p. Bubs. Slow. " Gut It down, why oiuab«retb it the gronnd t"— Lukb 13 : 7. P. P. Buss, by per. ^ i i a ^^^ J ^r ' ^ 1. Justice. Gat it down, cut it down, Spare not the frnitless tree ! 2. Mercy. One year more, one year more, Oh, spare the fruitless tree t 3. Justice. Gut it down, cut it down, And bum the worthless tree ! 4. Mercy. One year more, one year more. For mer- oy spare the tree I 5. Still it stands, still it stands, A fair, bat frnit-less tree ! m^:=L^J^:ppf^ £ ^ 1 feij j i tMirN4i4^i4h^ It spreads a harmful shade around. It spoils what else were useful ground. Behold its branches broad and green, Its spreading leaves have hopeful been, For oth • er use the soil prepare, Some oth - er tree will flourish there, An-oth-er year of care bestow, On its fair form some fruit may grow. The Mas-ter, seek-ing fruit thereon Has come— but, griev'd at finding none. ^M" r=^ ^jM. r if r i t\t-kr--r \ r f J g:;=fe-f-^ T I j^-j l J J JHt i No fruit for years on it I've found. Some fruit thereon may yet be sem, And in my vine-yard much fruit bear, If not— then lay the cumb'rer low, Now speaks to Justice— Mer - oy flown— f=^=f=¥ )wn, cut it m down. Gnt it down, One year more, one year more. Gut it down, out it down. ^ One year more, one year more. Cut it down, out it down. 1^=^2:1= m^ :^VhrrT,TfT \ - f I II lO F=F Ho. 18. ehM Ittwmetft. " I will eome again, ud noArt yoa onto Mrself'-Jomr IS: 3. H. L. TuBHiB. Jahks McOramaiiam, by {MT. ' ^S f ^_Lj,Lj_^y 1. It may be at mora, vhen the day is a - waking, When annlight thro' 2. It may be at mid - day, it may be at twilight. It may be per - 3. While its hosta cry HoBamia,ftom heaven descending, With glo - ri • fled 4. Oh, joy lob, delight! should we go withont dying, No sickness, no * dark -ness and shadow is breaking. That Je-sos will come in the ohance,that the blackness of mid-night Will bnrst in-to light in the saints and the an- gels at- tending With grace on His brow, Kke a sad - ness, no dread and no cry • ing, Caaght up thro' the clouds with our ■'ii.n \ ;i^^l\Pi \ Lj full -ness of glo-ry, To re - ceive from the world "His own." blaze of His glo-ry, When Je • sua re -cei^es "His own.'* ha - lo of glo-ry. Will Je- bus te -oeivd "His o'wn." Lord in- to glo-ry. When Je- sub re -ceives "His own." ^M f fVf^ OHOBUS. ^ i^zSi F' tf i r I m^ ii j i ttm^ fci O Lord Jesus, how long, how long Ere we shout the glad song, Christ te - kff i fffif firti i f ff i frfi pjH-M il ' lHi^^ti ^m m tumeth, Hal • le - lujah I hsil - le • l9jah I A- men, Hal - le - lu-jah ! A - men. ^ ? ■#— #■ ¥-¥ rf^ m '9- 9 p »-2- ^ i Iz 2l ? I *y p** ' ilight thro' be per - • ri-fled ne88,D0 m 3 in the in the Kke a » with oar i ^ I own. I own."' I own." I own." big * I A -men. No. 19. O. F. B. "▲ilae,Heoa]lethUiM."— 1{ABK10:49. Ok>. F. BOOT, by per. -^ h l U i'i J J i « — — # m 1. Why do you wait, dear broth - e?r 2. What do you hope, dear broth - er, 3. Do you not feel, dear broth - ar, 4. Why do yon wait, dear broth - er, Oh, why do you To gain by a His Spir - it now The bar- yeet is ^m r F— T-^ ^g m f I I ^m F-^^ff^^F TTtTl1 tar - ry so long? for - ther de ■ lay? striv - ing with . in? pass- ing a • way^ Your Sav-iour is wait -ing to There's no one to save you but Oh, why not ac • eept His sal - Your Sav • iour is long • ing to give you Je - SUB, ya - tion, bless yon. m i A plaoe There's no And throw There's dan m fei U 0H0RU8. t in His sane - ti - fled oth - er way but His off thy bur- den of ■ger and death in de throng, way. sin. lay. J ; g i r'-M H^^ = ri; ;.r^=m Why not? ai i -M=i ^ why not? # • Why not come to Him ^^ now? E3^^ F=f m^m -»- ^F-^-i 3fefeES EE I Why not? iitf ^ why not? If: Why ^: i i' ^. ^ ^ not come to Him m iowT' now f=f ^3 f i ll EKi Jiia ai No. 20. §t §m^ vbU U Idem? " Come onto me all ye thkt Ubor."— Matt. 11 : 98. IfN. A. XL Cousin. , Ira d. 8Aimr, by pw. fc=? ^^Ffrag^jz^^ 1. Is Je - SOS a - ble to re-deem A Biu-ner lost, like me? '\ 2.18 Je - BUS will-ing to for- give A reb - el child, like me? f 3. Is Je - SUB wait • ing to re - liove A wander • er like me^ 4. b Je • BOS read - y now to save A goilt-y one, like me, . -j^ E s p ^ tc ¥*t \ i NjUj i l l iflfifl i T My Bins bo great, bo ma -ny seem 10 sin - ner," come and see." Who would not in His fa - vor live? O re - bel, "come and see." Who chose the Fa • ther's House to leave ? O wond'rer, "come and see." Who brought Him to the cross and grave? Come, guilty one, and see. m ^=^ t i f ^ ;. m H^f-i f ■ II ^^ BEFRAOr, ^ ? The blood that Je - bus shed of old. Was shed for you and me : J-- P I i ^^ J. '^VM-} te m ^^^£i m -I — -t ^ rj^fi I And there is room with -in the fold— "come to Him and see." i L ( ^i S — ^ — ^ — ^"^ — ' — ' — g 1 ^ fe — — ^ 1^ '^ S I ?* eif: I ^^^ ^t aa ^ f «l% f triljj. Ho. 21. " He th*t beUeretb on me haUi ererlMting life."— Jonii : it, Jamib McOranahan. Jaotb McGbakahak, by per. 1. O what a Saviour that He died for me I From coadem - na - tion Ho bith _. _ .__..._ „.„^ .„. «.u . .•. twiu vuuuoui - u~ i i * ^ k • i-ly. 4=h I say uu - to you, FTtft?^ Ver -i-ly, ver - i - ly " message ev * 8?- er new; ?^=^ :?=?: 'v- ^ 2=3 -y — Of i :|-HH^-^ ^-r-j- i 3^J: tifc .j — -fii— J ^ — «■ i--r«>- :5;— 4.— *^ ^* — * — •— » 'He that be - liov-eth on the Son" 'tis true,"//rt//i ev - er - lust-inK life." F^H 5 r-T ^ 5 T — p— ? ^^ aa No. 22. mat §mh U th ICtgfct tkmtt. "And the Lunb is the light thereot"— Bbv. 21 : 5a. > Mrs. W. S. GRiewoLD. Geo. C. Stbbbimb, by per. PU^-i iU-i^^ ^^ 1. If nev - er the gaze of 8un and moon, On the blessed home a - j 2. And thus saith the page of Ho - ly Writ Of the land of song and 3. Then fol - low Him, till the eye grows dim, And the soul, as ark-freed ' i^-rr-f- ^ *A^ — I — ■* 1 — : — I P ^ ^ Mr 5 E ^ IL-J J ^i 5^ 4—U-t ^ ^ 3 » bove. From whence, are its rays of wondrous noon? Oh! "the love, "The glo - ry of God did light - en it. And the dove, Shall speed a • way to realms of day. Where "the f-f-r^r ^ f=F T T -b ^= OHORXTS. ^^ 3t-=i&: 1 =^=^ ^ Lamb is the light thereof." They shall walk in white, there shall ^ ft- ^ •(■.• t: -I -A ' — (- ^ ^^m I s ^^^- ^—m- P=t^ ^ SE ^ be no night In the fade - less home a - bove; And the t-t Ue: :t XZ ? I 1t±ri i /CN /Oi :•-.-•- ■+- t=W- bl out shall ring as the ransomed sing. Oh! "the L\mb is the light thereof." ^ p^^^^^g .,«»_• a4r No. 23. ^m |iap)r!) iau Wt. P.P.R " He that keepetb the law, happy ia he."— Pbot. 39: 18. P. P. Bum, by per. Mj'n^ J^j-|j'lJ^^n /■; 1. Oh, how hap - py are we, Who in Je - bos a - gree, And ex - i 2. When a - nit- ed to Him, We par - take of the stream Ev- er I 3. We re - mem - her the word Of our era - ci - fied Lord, When He 4. Gome, Lord, from the skies And com - mand us to rise To the ^ i ^ ^ > . n-^-i i si ^ i m=Bi^ ^ ^ *=i pect His re - tarn from a - bove; We sit 'neath His vine, and de • flow-ing in peace from the throne. We in Je - sus believe, and the went to pre -pare us a place, "I will come in that day and will mansions of glo - ly a -bove; With Thee to as-cendand e - iS a f«- 3z: .^»-i- a: ^'v pn ^ rff^ ^ i 9 y • light -fal- ly join In the praise of His ex - oel - lent love, spir - it re - ceive, That pi')ce6d8 from the Fa-ther and Son. take yon a • way, And ad - mit to a sight of my fuse." ter - ni - ty spend, In a rap - ture of heav-en-ly love. -^ 1 ia^ fcfe T OHORXTS, Oh, how happy are we Who in Jesus agree, How happy, how happy are we. fi ^ 1^ ^zk as No. 24. §ltmA ii0pe« " That ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope."-lTHiBS. 4 : 13. W. W. D. Jahis McGbanahan, by p«r. m ^H^ j' i i'~rTffTf^ fi w #=r r 1. Bless - ed hope that in Je - sns is giv - en, In our 2. Bless - ed hope in the word God has spok - en. All our 3. Bless - ed hope! how it shines in our sor - row, Like the 4. Bless - ed hope! the bright star of the mom - ing, That shall jrii' & ;i ^#- ^^-^-r tm :tnz:?5: m :^ ix^-r^^ r g=^ sor - row to cheer and sns - tain, That soon in the mansions of peace by that word we ob - tain; And as sure as God's word was ne'er star o - ver Beth- le - hem's plain, That it may be, with Him, ere the her - aid His com - ing to reign; Oh, the glo - ry that waits its fair ^ ♦rr- r H^I-^-^M- 1 lu:^^ I rf5: 5 i 3 mm Heav - en, We shall meet with our lov'd ones a - gain, bro - ken, We shall meet with our lov'd ones a - pain, mor - row, We shall meet with our lov'd ones a - gain, dawn - ing. When we meet with our lov'd ones a - gain. m ^ Ipid: ^ r- P OHOR0S fe^i!^^ PS :t=J-- ^^^ Blessed hope, . . blessed hope, . . . We shall meet with our lov'd ones again. a^g^sl^ -0—0—0—0- ^ ^ ^ — I — H pS ^ ^ blessed hope, hope. Blessed Blessed hope, . . blessed hope, g We shall meet with out lov'd ones again. blessed hope, No. 25. Wk^ n0t l0-»i0U? =ts=l ::3 " How long halt ye between two opinions !— 1 Enras If? : 21. Dr. HoBATius BONAB. Iba D. Sankky, by per. mtn%.n-^mi\4 U=m 1. Oh ! do not let the Word de-part, And close thine eyes against the light; 2. To-morrow's son may nev - er rise, To bless thy long delud - ed sight; 3. The world has nothing left to give — It has no new, no pure de - light; 4. Our blessed Lord re - fus - es none Who would to Him their souls unite; m 9Hfi\i : ^' iirr^4^^^^=rm r Poor sinner, harden not thy heart ; Thou would'st be saved— Why not to-night? This is the time! Oh, then be wise! Thou would'st be saved— Why not to-night? Oh, try, the life which Christians live! Thou would'st be saved — Why not to-night? Then be the work of grace be-gun! Thou would'st be saved— >F7iyno l jH ii f^44^ ver the line," hear the sweet re • frain, An • gels are P. J m^-U-u p-^ m as PB, by per. As He Lo!the And the Press m &^ -^ ine, it is Tust in thy ;ry I may land in Hk ■f — f — 1 H M s -^M- — 1 thee." here" Thee. trust ft; ( - gels are #m tU §kt--(&MuM, !>'■' ; ,M I J J ■' ,i ' ! >■ :: J i i ^ chanting the heav-en- ly strain: "O • ver the line,"— Why 4th V. "O - ver the line,"— I h^tlSMr4 #-T" ^^ ¥'' n' H ^r^:-i ^ shonld I re • main With a step between me and Je - bus? wili not re > main, I'll cross it and go to Je > sns? ^ ^^ ^ f ^ Wo. 27.. Ahow. i: (^»w, ^tm, S^ml 'Lord, Mve me."— Matt. 14; 30. 6x0. C. Stbbbhts. m^ jj 'i^^fe^ m 1. Save, Je • stis, save I Thy blessing now we orove; For ev - ery anx - ions 2. Save, Je - bus, save ! Thy banner o'er us wave, Of love e - ter - nal 3. Save, Je - bos, save I Thou conqueror o'er the grave, Oive ev - ery fet - tered 4. Save, Je • bus, save ! And Thou a - lone shalt have The glo - ry of the rrr r w ^ ^ feH-ti J y J J ;ili : j l ^4.4^i^ sinner here, Oh, let Thy mercy now appear. Lord Jesns, save, Lord JeaoB, save, and divine; O Lord, let each one here be Thine, Lord Jesns, &e. soul release, And to the troubled whisper "Peace." Lord Jesus, &q. work divine, YeBt dndless praises shall be Thine ! Lord Jesus, dso. .fffO ; g^J No. 28. imtrtetf mA ®mi " Knowing this that the trial of your faith \vorketh patience."— jAB. 1 : 3. PRANCE8 K. UaVEKOAL. JAMWS McGllANAHAN, by pOT. 1. Tempted and tried ! Oh ! the ter - ri - ble tide May be rag - ing and 2. Tempted and tried There is One at thy side, And nev - er in | 3. Tempted and tried What - e'er may be - tide, In His se - cret pa - 4 Tempted and tried ! Yet the Lord will a - bide, Thy faith-fal Re - •' g Si i (4^ ^ ti— tr S ^ t' m E tf-r-rt :r^ ■^ ti ^ -^ i ^^ZZK r„h rir deep, ma„ wrathful and wide! vain shall His children con - fide ! Til - ion His children shall hide, nk ^ Yet its fu - ry is vain. For the He shall save and de - feud. For He 'Neath the shadow- ing wing. Of E > deem-er, thy Keep-er, and Guide, Thy Shield and thy Sword, Thine ex. =P=F T-rr ^^ ^ p^^53^^i -I — -S-ls : ^ ^ h I ^ —t *-7 I Lord shall restrain, And for - ev - er anc* ev - er Je - ho - vah shall reign, loves to the end, A - - dor- a -ble Master and glo- ri - ous Friend! ter - ni -ty's King, His children shall trust, and His servants shall sin^ oeed • ing Be-ward, Then e-uough for the servant to be as his Lord. tt . f. f f OHORUS. I !^ V 9 W m :?=? 5=?=f ii fy r m Tempted and tried, Yet the Lord at thy side, Shall guide thee, and iE t f t r ? —?-/! it E i f i •^^ ^ U ' Hatti caUed tl keep thee, Tho' tempted and tried. and tried, Saviour who died, Hatti called thee to suffer and reign by Hi» side; His cross thou shall bear, ~ ^ I 1 1 And His crown thon shalt wear, . I j - * 11 And forever and ever Qb glory Bh»lt shares 80 No. 29. Wxt PawWttj t0 Wi$n. „ " "We are Jonrne) Ing unto the place of which the Lord said, Rev.I. Watts. Iwillg'/eityou."— Num.10:S». Spirited. Eev. R. LOWRY, by per. 1. Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known, Join 2. Let those re - fuse to sing Who nev - er knew our God; But 3. The hill of Zi - on yields A thousand sa - cred sweets, Be - 4. Then let our songs abound. And ev - .eiy tear be dry; Were rft mi ft: m m^ r T T f t \ t i $ m I ^ t—i-i-i ? in a song with sweet ac - cord. Join in a song with sweet accord, And chil-drenof the heav'n-ly King, But children of the heav'nly King, May fore we reach the heav'nly fields, Be - fore we reach the henv'nfy fields. Or inarching thro' Lnmanuel's ground, We're marching thro' Immanuel's ground. To It ^ ttua sur - round the throne. And thus surround the th'rone. speak their joys a - broad. May speak their joys a - broad, walk the gold - en streets, Cr walk the gold - en streets, fair - - er worlds on high. To fair - er worlds on high. i^^^ P Wi thus sur - round the throne. And thus sur - round CHORUS. =F m ^ the throne. We're march - ing to Zi - on, Beau-ti-ful, beau-ti-ful Zi - on; We're ■V — P— J/ i 44Tf4 ■»-* 0- We're marcliiug on to Zi • on, A f=F marching upward to Zi if gE f f f f g if r = on. The beau-ti-ful cit-y of God, Zi-on, m, Zi ■ on, fir 31 No. 30. I mm(i M %m ^ttAm^. " Unto you therefore which belittve he is preoiooa."— 1 PniB 3: 7. Chas. H. Gabiurl. Jauu McGbanahaw, bjr p«r. U^n ^ l^ii^hiWf^^ s 1. I cannot tell how precious The Savioor is to me, Since I have Him ao- 2. I cannot do for Je - sua Aa much as I should like; But I will e'er en • 3. Whene'er I think of Je-sus, I cannot but re - joice; To me He's ev - er | m ::p=p: ? i U rL± ^=p= i=^ P=5: t"tr r — tr-tJ- U t' r^T" ^s P^^^^^^^ cept - ed, And He hath made me free; I oan-not tell His good-ness, E - dear- or To work with all my might; For, was not my dear Say - iour For pre-cioua. For Him I raise my voice : I know He has in glo • ry A .&£^ I i ^R nough to sat - is • fy ; And if you'll only tak< t^V=^ ^m B[ nougn to sat - IS • ly ; Ana u youu only take Him, You'll see the reason why. sin • ners cru-ci -fled?l'or me, then, surely, Je- bus Hung on the cross and died, home prepar'd for me, Where I shall live for-ev - er So happy, and so free. irfrf. E ^^m t \ fcbbk ' ^' g ^ V V V ^ OHORtrS. ^ j J \\i I i t\m I can - not tell how pre • cious The Sav • iour is to me ; ^ I I ^ \ 9 V \/ y^' ^^^ k ■^ is izra # t=*=:* I on • ly can dn • treat yoa 7o ooue, and taste and see. P^ r r r r ^ ,M=^ HE SE! i aa -»•,.. -^ ,byp«r. ^ >Te Him ao- 1 e'er en • 'a ev - er | J=t2=^ i i neas, E - lour For ry A ^ fe on why. and died, so free. m me; f m SI Bee. ^m i No. 31. §autifut falbg 0t Mm. "A roat to tbo people of God."— Hbd. 4: 9. Eev. \7. 0. CiraniNO. Wm. P. Shrrwin, by per. 1. Beau - ti - ful val - ley of E - den ! Sweet is iby noon-tide calm ; 2. O - ver the heart of the mourner Sbineth thy gold - en diiy, 3. There is the home of my Sav - iour; There, with the blood-wash'd throng, ^Ei^a^ Lj2iiz?=:^^ m E1^3E -UC.. 1 -g 1 J fe i-mn^j I'' i^^m 1^ O - ver the hearts of the wea - ry, Breathing thy waves of balm. Wafting the songs of the an - gels Down from the far a - way. O • ver the highlands of glo - ry Boll • eth the great new song. Ej2=3=Jji3 S: m ' w::^ I 5= P ^&^ t^t I REFRAIN. fv±^-f^±-^ sg -M.---v ? ±±^ZI±M fe=fc i ^ i ■<-* *— »— Boau • ti - ful val • ley of E - den, Home of the pure and blest, How ^- ^-b-^-^-^T— T ^ ^ *^ - -^ ' » » !• » » — b h ■ ■ i . H' — ^-t?-^-t? IT I — r^ — g— ^— p— ^Lu-u-, -^-3. the pure aud blent, P»<. :t ^ oft - en a - mid the wild bil - lows I dream of thy rest — sweet rtst ! f.=:r- ? f f f ,f ? f , ? -^ y?: fe :^i-^ :f=Pi^^< i»^:#- t; 5 ■ y-u 1 aa No 32. |1t ^imA trt) f 0tt tilt tht P0min0, Tbi8 Bonfi waa sugj^cstud by a thrilling incident of a wreck and rescne at se». W. W. D. Jahkh McGkanahan, by per. i^^^Mm :it 1. Fierce and wild the storm is rag - ing Bound a belpless bark, 2. Wea - ry, holplese, hopeless sea - men Faint - ing on the deck, 3. On a wild and Htormy o - cean, Sink - ing neath the wave, 4. Dar - ing death thy soul to res - cue, He in love has como, rx. ■■ A f ' -^ ^ • f ' f -' ^P-r(^ ^— — rV-'— f m fe On to doom 'tis swift - ly driv-ing. O'er the wa-ters dark! With what joy they hail their sav - iour, As he hails the wreck ! Souls that per - ish heed the mes - sage, Christ has come to save ! Leave the wreck and in Uim trust-ing. Thou shalt reach thy home I t t^Tu^ CHORUS. Joy, behold the sav • iour, 3 Joy, the message hear, 4 N .^ N Joy, O joy, be - hold the saviour, Joy, O joy, the message hear. IS I I ¥ 'P > > 12: ^ ^ f^^ l^^pi ^^^ -^^ [ ^^ •I'll stand by un -til the morning, I've come to save you, do not fear," Yes, ii^ -• — •- ?f^ #-#- _#_#_ t e^^ i^cxa: v-^ T'grBC'l 84 I'tt Sft&U ing f ott.-0«tMttt4(i ^^fe^fe^ I'll Htaiid by until the momiag, I've come to bath yon, do not fear, do not tear. I S ^i. fcfc ^ ".'*- ^^— *- g c* n_i_«_-»--_»_»_.^ J 'trrr-t r^TiTt i ^ ^ I No. 33. c^aveA Irtj tb^ §tOf0l " The blood of Cbrint oleanaeth as from all ain."— 1 Jonn 1 : 7. Faxny J. Cbosbt. i if. W. H. DoAins, by per. f^ ■z? ^ — i- :i=^j^MJ-^ * 1. We're saved by the blood That was dmwn from the side Of Je - bus our 2. O yea, 'tis the blood Of the Lamb that was slain ; He eontiuered the 3. We're saved by the blood. We are sealed by its power; 'Tis life to the 4. That blood is a fcunt Where the vil- est may go, And wash till their 6. We're saved by the blood, Hal - le - la - jah a • gain; We're saved by the m FF* — ^ — «-+g ' — f~X* — I i'-t' ' ' I* I F=? ^ Lord, When He languished and died. Hal - le - la - jah to God, For re- grave, And He liv - eth a - gain, soul. And its hope ev - ery hour, souls Shall be whi • ter than snow, blood, Hal • le - lu - jah, A - men. ^ 3E f: r ^ & fcti ^ ^^ '— *-i: -^— -*-'-»-t-^ . g , y: ^^^M 3!l demption bo free; Hal - le - lu - jah, Hal - le- lu-jah. Dear Saviour, to Thee. XJ^X ^ f: ^M 95 f ^ ■w- I * No. 34. Ctrme mw MlVx tbe ^0xL "Come now let vr. w. D. nn reaaon together, saith th e Lord." -Iha. I; 19. Jamm McQhanaiian, by per. 1. Come 2. The 3. The 4. Then 5. Of C^* -<■»-• ii -f- ■ -:-:-5=J= sonls that are pleas • ures of pleiis - nres of all who are Je • BUS, thy _....i — 3 — — # — long • ing sin are sin are long - ing choice be !-r _.l -rf — ' for do - all for now plens - nro, cciv - ing, fleet • ing, ploiis - ure, mak - iug, Our They've They Ye Be • ti — !, — : &M=S::^ ■_M P -w ■- r' 1^- ^— — 1 Z :£^^ aggi5 ^=Mr-jb= m i Sav-iourhas pleasures to give; Gome find in His love the rare noth - ing for yes - ter - day's pain. But hope of to - mor-row re - van - ish with life's passing mom; Like dew-drops the morning sun wea - ry, and all who are worn; Come find in the Lord a sure deem-er, and Saviour, and Lord; And soon in the glo - ry a- f: • 2: fj ^ ^ ± irTt- ^ ^. ♦ ♦ fe ^t. ^ ■ " ' r . I -I — u \ . r -1 3:^^l?|y _>-.-J*. ^ ^v \ \\\v u ^^^^^i^^^m treas • ure, ceiv - ing, greet - ing, treas - ure, wak - ing, t That makes eve - ry true plouM • are live. And then, its— To - mor - row— a - gain. They glis - ten and then they are gone. That from you shall nev - er be torn. You'll share in the Saint's blest re - ward. ^ ^^t zrES^b^ ^&: ife: OHOHUS. p4^n' i / g i f^ ^^^^ a Come now saith the Lord, let us reason, Come now and your purpose declare; fctziz^ii^izi ^—^- 5: W— V— i<*— w- se Ih it pluoaures of Bin for a seaaon, Or pleamircH the (;lo - ri-fied Bbaro . No. 35. I'm 0amg §iome« "In my Father'H house aro many nmiisiouii."— John 14: 3. Rev. WiLUAM IIUNTKR. Atr. by Willum Millkr, M. D. death can enter there ; uiuuHion shall be mine. J j My heavenly home in bright and fair; Nor pain, nor< I Its glittering tow'rs the 8un out- shine; Thutheav'nly 2 j My Fa - ther'B house is built on high; Far, far i.bove the starry sky; j When from this earth - ly pris-on free, That heav'nly mansion mine shall be. ) g I Let oth - ers seek a home be - low, Which flames devour, or waves o'erflow, ( Be mine a hap - pier lot, to own A heav'nly mansion near the throne. ' A ( Then fail this earth, let stars decline. And sun and moon refuse to shine, ) (All na - tare sink and cease to be. That heav'nly mansion stands for me. > x-=^ X=i;=ir. -» •— »r r' CHORUS. I'm going home, I'm go - ing ..ome, I'm going home to die no move. ^=^=i :?=;^ ^ ^#.-(22. I 1i=^ ^± g-» I x ^ ^ r^ i l^ i ^^a^^p^' -^-i- -«-?- ^ S i i S To die no more, To die no more, I'm going home to die no more. A ^ ^ 4L 4L JlSl.' -J*-J I F -T- L-g- it I I -i 4=: i^:-^ ^ m 37 No. 36. §mi^ i@n(t). "TboT saw no man, sa^e Jesus only."— Matt. 17: 8. irATTiE M. CoNUKY. Bbv. R. LowRY, by per. 1. W hut tho' clouds are ho v'ring o'er me, Aud I seem to walk a • lone — 2. Wbattho'all my eurtli-ly journey Bringethuaught but weary hours, 3. What tho' all my heart is yearuiiig For the loved of long a - go — 4. When I soar to realms of glo - ry, And an en - trance I a - wait, ^mi^ ->y u r v 5 y ■1^ ^ Jrit-n, ^=^ Longing, 'mid my cares and crosses. And, in gnvsp - ing for life's ros - es, Bit - tcr les - sons sad - Ij' learning If I whis-per, "Je-sus ou-ly!" S For the joys that now are flown — Thorns I lind in - stead of flow'is — From the shadowy page of woe — Wide will opo the pearl - y gate ; x-r-i • •-r*- * — • s s — r* f-^ f ^ztscz: If I've Je - sus, "Jo - sus on-ly," Then my eky will have a gem; If I've Jt - fius. '■ Jo - sus on-ly," I pos-sess a cluster rare; If I've Jo . BUS, "Je-Bus ou-ly," He'll be with me to the end; When I join tho heavenly chorus, And the an - gel hc.-''*a I see. i-^—:-^ 1— L^ i > •I'— H ^ ~a>- lit ->- X — #-^ =^r i 1 He's a Snn of br:ght<^st Kpleudor. And the SUvr of Beth - le - hem. He's tho '-Lil - y of tlie Val-loy,"Aud the-'Rwoof Sha - nn " fair. And. un - soon by mor-tal vis - ion. An - gel b»\n(li' will oor me bend, rrocious Jo - sus, "Jo - tos on - ly,"' Will my thome of rap ture be. •^- i u u ^ ^ ! 5 ^ T^^ :^^=^ ^ 3S No. 37. B. G. H. Moderato—bold, i ? i^ "The Lord is my hoIper."->HBB. 13: 6. =t B. Geo. HALLa,byper. J-^;^i-« 3 ? S i^ Si ■»-5 « « * -»' 1. Whom have I, Lord, in heav'n but Thee? None but Thee! None but Thee! 2.1 en - vy not the rich their joys, ChriKt for mo! Christ forme! 3. Tho' with the poor be cast my lot, Christ for me! Christ forme! 4. Tho' I am now on hos-tile ground, Christ for me! Christ forme! 5. And when my life draws to its close, Christ for me! Christ for me! * • • • i 1 ^jn- 1 -^-TT-J -«- ? 321 X :e=q i^ n It 1 ^ h 1 1 1 , 1 v u J J 1 /L^ff *i _W 1 J __j \ L_ — «l wi ^ — 1 i, i ^ ■ ^J!_j : \ — -i !- i — ^- _j — 5 — S_ •--* — i — «— «/ « m m ^ £< • • • And this my song thro' life shall be, Christ for me! Christ for me! I cov - et not earth's glitt -'ring toys, Christ for me! Christ for me! " He knoweth best,"— I mur ■ ■ mur not, Christ for me! Christ for me! And sin be - set me all a - round.Christ for me! Christ for me! Safe in His arms I shall re - pose, Christ for me! Christ for me! • 1 - , ^ *- *■ ^ J - - t-i'tf « *' * - li f r 1 ^ W fV ^iTir S U U K •* \^ ' ^^^5 r "" r »■ - 1 i ' ^' >• ^ ■ ■■ ff r 1 ' i" " ■ 1/ ^ 1 ' 1 1 r ■ 1 ' i J=^=:gi4z^ =r=i=^« ^ ^S^a He hath for me tho wine-press trod, He hath redeemed me "by His blood," Earth can no last-ing bliss be - stow, "Fading" is stfiraped on all be-low; Tho*"Viueand Figtroe"blightassail, The "la-bor of the 01- ive i'.iil," Let earth her fiercest bat - ties wage. And foes a - gainst my soul engage, When sharpest pains my frame pervade. And all the powers of nature fade, m. £ • » # -# « \ V- « 1 u xJ- -^- #— » « ' \- f? m -#—«>- -i^- r=F It ^ K ! J- P^^^ i ig=Pi=^^^ I m And reo - on-cilcd my soul to God, Mine is a joy no end cjiu know. And death o'er flocks and herds pre-vail. Strong in His strength I scorn their rage, Still will I sing thro' death's cold shade, ^ :t=t Christ for me Christ for me Christ for me Christ for me Christ for mc- 42. -V — ^ f=^^ ^. -r Christ for me! Christ for me! i Christ for me! * Cbrlst for me! Christ for ma! J * ^^ 80 No. 38. Wt\l ^m^ iM m 3l*fatebmg "Watch tbercfero; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."— Matt. 24: ^' Fannt J. Crosbt. "W. H. Doanb, by per. I k ■! J a M « #-^ 4: i^^=R=s=^ =^ — H P> H 1 S3 1. When Je - sus comes to re - ward His servants, Whether it be I 2. If at the dawn of the ear - ly morning, He hliall call us 3. Have we been true to the trust He left us ? Do we seek to i 4. Biesa - ed are those whom the Lord finds watching, In His glo - ry M f- » p p ^ ^_r# ^ ^ p r_# ^ P ^i , X: ^^ I I I a ^ -» — •- t-f v—v $ id i ^:::t 5 r =r=9= a* nocu or night. Faith -ful to Him will He find us watching, one by one. When to the Lord we re - store our talents, do our best ? If in our hearts there is nauf^ht condemns us, they shall share; If He shall come at the dawn or midnight, f I* — r g- ' ■ * ft-i—fi—a ^ ^— r-# * ^— ^- T -• — •- r ^^ ?=¥= REFRAIN. Sit REFRAIN. With our lamps all trimm'd and "bright? Oh, can we say wo are Will He an - swer thee — Well done ? Wd shall have a glo - rious rest Will- He find us watch - ing there ? m^ if: :t -V- ^ '—r-0 — •-: f^ Sees r^ P ^ :s t m — #— -»-. — = — 0— read - y, brother? -# fL-'—» *- ^Z ^=¥= Head - y for the soul's bright home V Say will He =F ^^^^f :^ T «= P gg^ isziit ji=^ -A—- js P — ! M *- u -a^ •—a^ i find you and me still watching, Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come? gifeE -# — »■ i t: %-=^f^ 4?=e: :e=f: 4,<> P S4:4 %' by per. IL IV r • i- &s — 9 it be 1 call us ieek to I No. 39. \kmA §m!^'§mA. ' There remaineth therefore a reat/'—HCB. 4 : 9. Fannt J. Cbobbt. HuBBRT p. Main, by per. ws ■ s : ^ ' 1 ^ 1. 2. 3. 4. ^^"T-rv Gliding o'er life's fit - fill wa - ters, Henv - y siirg - es sometimes Oft we catch a faint re - flee - tion Of its brig'ht and ver-nal To our Fa - ther, and our Sav - iour, To the Spir - it, Three in 'Tis the wea - ry pil - grim's Home-land, Where each throbbing care shall P 4 U ' p~^ m m. rT ^21 ^ ^^ e£ i 3i — r'-» roll; And we sigh for yonder ha - ven, For the Home-land of the soul, bills; And, tho' distant, how we hail it ! How each heart with rapture thrills ! One, We shall sing glad songs of triumph \Vhen our harvest work is done, cease. And our longings and our yearnings. Like a wave, be hushed to peace. i i t-^S^i zl=trJ^z:^=^=$-t'- ^ b— 1>— p^ E •«♦- -9—'-zr I I REFRAIN. ere*. ?S5S=-E3 i -J Cite: A'm. T^ Bless - ed Home-land, ev - er fair! Sin can uev - er en - ter there ; -r=f S^ t : t £ But the soul, to life a - wak - ing, Ev • er • last - lag bloom shall wear. w U 4J. Ho. 40. ®0 ht Mixttt "Having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ."— Pnn,. 1 : 33. Eev, W. O. CU8HING. IBA. D. Sankrt. by per. t i:^ ^^ 1. t have heard of a land for a 2. There are fore - tastes of heav - en be 3. In that noon -tide of glo - ry bo 4. There the ran - Bomed with Je - bus a way, low, fair, bide f-4^ ^ • t: ■+- &±=^ And its There avo In the In the O- * I ^ i^fe ■ > ? » : J- ^ glo - ries no tongue can de - mo - ments like joys of the gleam of the riv - er of shade of the shel - ter - ing i ^ clare; blest; life, fold; 32: • But its beiiu - ty hangs But the splen-dors uo There are joya that the Ev - er - more by Im - % % S :3: S ■ir m ^^tei^^E^ — " i^^ 1 t^=^- f=Ff=^l= ■a>-^ there. ^ o - ver the way. And with Je - sus I long to be mov-tal can know, Of the land where the wea - ry shall rest faithful shall share; O how sweet -ly they rest froji the strife! man-u - el's side. They shall dwell in the glo - ry un - told. £: 5 m 3a I m ^r^TF ^ REFRAIN. JU-: /:-fe': L ^^^^^ ^ P- To be there. It to be there, And with Je - sus I long to be i ^ 'M^~l:^_ i&ifc 5 ^= 1?obe there, to be there, ITS there; To be there, to be there, And with Jesus I long to be there. t±S: Ct? ft* g^l^^^^^ ^Jtr: § tu be there. fS s -#— #- Xu be there, to be there, [ F?=5=f=f=^^ E.;: r. by per. ncl its liere aro 1 the 1 the 3=±::-i — » . • y huiiga lors uo but the )y Im- p- • ■•- ■7*-^ I I tLere. II rest ! strife I I - told. be tnere. No. 41. €x0wn lim* » " Thon BftSt erowned him with glory and honor."— Pa. 8 : 5. Rev. Thob. Kbllt. Arr. by Geo. C. Steubin-s, by per. ^ ^ L^jM 1. 2. 3. 4. Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious, See the "Msvn of sorrows" now, Orovnthe Saviour! Angels crown Him, Rii;h the trophies Je-sus brings, Sin- ners in de - ris-ioncrown'd Him, Mocldnc,' thus the Siivionr's claim. Hark! the bursts of ao - cla-ma-tion! Hiirk! these loud triumphantchords, m ^i-^^ r * ^ m M N ^ ••• f= f^-^ i i -^ From the fight re - turn vio - to - nous, Ev - ery knee to Him shall bow. In the seat of pow'r enthrone Him. While the vault of hetxv - en rings. Saints and an -gels crowd a-round Him, Owu His ti - tie, praise His name. Je - sus takes the high - est sta - tion, Oh what joy the sight af- fords. REFRAIN. Crown Him! crown Him, angels crown Him! Crown the Savionr "King of kings. I E ->^:-V ^B Crown Him! crown Him, angels crown Him! Crown the Saviour "King of kings." ^ -i» -* # — m- -\ f ' ■ ^ — + u I m ■f—9 *- f ^ ±: r a •48 No. 42. |iv pm €p^ up0tt §tm. '• Look uuto W. W. D. ^t^,-^ - H -tM me aud be ye flaved ."•— I8A. 45: 22. 1 James McGrakahan, by per, y\ J> .,.K.-K-:]rrJ— -1"1 ro.8 « — f^— .1 — '- -m — — f - — « l5==i=s==i!i==iM \%^f=^^ •>' 1. Would you lose your load of sin? Fix 2. Would you calm - ly walk the wave? Fix 3. Would you have your cares grow light? Fix 4. Griev-ing, would you com - fort know ? Fix 5. Would you strength in weakness iiave? Fix your eyes up - on Je - bus; eyes up - ou Je - bus; your eyes uj^ - on Je - bus; your eyes up - on Je - bus; your eyes up - ou Je - bus; f f f- e ^* ^' CVi »« ' < 1 I-N 1 « < < • .» W U U ■' B \ p^r r" « « ' 1 -i " r 1 1 L . L • 1 1/. \ 1 • • 1 1 ^ -J Ij Li J -w » 1 1 n 1 -J J J 1 T ■ . ' " * • 1 1 ^^^^^^ i ^ ^^ ^ f#— •- Would you know God's peace within? Fix Would you know His pow'r to save? Fix Would you songs have in the night? Fix Hum - ble be when blessings flow? Fix See a light be - yond the grave? Fix P=r gg^ =f5: your eyes your eyes your eyes your eyes your eyes ■^ ■#■ ■•■ up- on up - on up - on up- on up- on Je Je Je Je Je - bus; - suh; - bus; - bus; - sus; :M: i 0H0RT7S. 1=^ i^ -1^-4- fe^^ ?l=F=f=^ -^ — ^ 9—0-T- Je - SOS who on the cross did die, Je - bub who lives emd reigns on high, ^^ m4^ ft \ ^;m ^ ^ -\ — ■ i '' { ■ U ' \ — 4^^—0 i — m » — •-*■ — S #■ z = =Ep=z— pmc? :^ — i ^ 1 *1 m t-r—r your eyes up - on Je - sos. 5** He a -lone can jus - ti - fy; Fix t m £=£ -^ r f f f- ^^ £ t_i. I l^ b tr"T f • lb .K • IZZEZ" No. 43. %h Pmntlt) €uu% " Thine eyea shall heboid the land that is yory far ofiT'— Iha. 33: 17. Eev. Isaac Watts. 'William Hekry Oaklbt, by pet, P 1. There KlJ ^ ■> -% 4^i= y=i— ^^-^=Fr=<=<=i=f fe^ •:^ is a land of pure delight, Where saints im-mor-tal reign; 2. Sweet fields, be - yond the swelling flood. Stand dress'd in liv - ing green; 3.0 could we make our doubta remove, — Those gloomy doubts that rise, - 5^=? :fe ^ :i F ^ ;:3 ypfrm-Ti^ i^^^ r E - ter - nal day ex -eludes the night. And pleasures ban -ish pain. So to the Jews fair • Ca - noau stood, While Jor-dan rolled between. And see the Ca - naon that we love. With un - be - clouded eyes,— I ^L=U .= n4=^ ^ fcpi -j --^-4i^t #=* There ev - er - last - ing spring a - bides. And nev - er - fad- ing flow'rs But tim - orous mortals start and shrink To cross this nar - row sea, Could we but climb where Mo - ses stood, And view the landscape o'er, — m ^ # ^ fe:^^ m' 1 11% 1^ ^ t r ^ SEiE rrrf-ji :a=i= xvX v^ y ^~TT7? I Death, like a nar • row sea, di - vides That heavenly land from ours. And lin*ger, tremb - ling on the brink. And fear to launch a - way. Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood,Should fright uc from the shore. N ^ ^=^ -V^ J..-JLJ^- 46 ^^ I No. 44. ©b, I »m $0 §iappg in ^t^n^. " nnupy arc Ihy men, happy are theae thy servant*!.'— 1 Kixob 10: 8. AiiTliUH T. riEUsoN. James McQkanaiian, by per. 1. Oh, I nm so happy in Je - hus, His blood has redeem'd me from sin, 2. Oh, I am so happy in Je - bus, He tiught me this .ie - cret of /at/A, 3. Oh, I am bo happy in Je - sua, I lay my whole soul at His feet; 4. Oh, I am so happy in Je • sus, If earth in His lore is so blest, fori g g- J Jf J#q: r- y-r>4— ! g _g-L_g-.>fc_ g=q:pi: ^m &±; :t i T — r ., — I- ^ -t^ — t^ ts^^ V > ^ ^ 4 § 4 # -r-^tf-^4— -#-^W Jl j. ^ 4 I weop aud I sing in my gladness, To know Ho is dwelling with-in. To rest in believing His promise, Aud ti'ust what-so- ev - er 7/e saith. The love He has kindled within me Makes bervice and suf - fer - ing sweet WhatjoyinHis glorided presence, To sit at His feet as His gnest ■bi -rH :?-v=^— /-i^'-V-- - •- • "y — w f ? CHORUS. 5t:J: ite4 -#— • #- -#-T-# I , —I :jr-iizij > N f^ ^ Ob, I am so happy in Je-sus, From sin and from sorrow so free; i^ip ->,— N— 1!\ ■«! — •- :fl=1: 3t=:a=4 fri^^^T J=z;?£jz=5=zj==j=^fzj:l:^-; So happy that He is my Saviour, So hap - py that Je - sus loves me. #- ■0- #—#—#- -• — »- -t i ^ u u u u u u ¥ :^=f= ■tj^ — y — y—y — y- r^ 40 ^J m No. 45. ^b^ (^o^pl ^mm^fi^V^ ^^tttiding* R. 8. TiiAiM, by per. Lbv. S25: &.13. Enoush. ^^ ^ -ak- ^ ^ ^rnM ^£^^g4=j 1. The gos - pel tnimpct's Hounding The year of jn - bi - lee, 2. For -sake your wretched ner- vice, Your master's claims are o'er; 3. A bet - ter Mas-ter's call - ing. In ac- cents true and kind; 4. He of - fors you sal - va - tion, And points to joys a - bove; 6. In liv - ing faith ao - cept Him, Give up all else be - side; ii^ J- n- f=F^ m \?zz 4 ^ x i -i9- t ± ^^ And grace is all A - vail yourselves He aska a lov - And, long - ing, waits While grace is loud ■ ?J-d? fci?: if: a - of ing to ly bound -ing, To set the bond ■ free - dom. Be Sa - tau's slaves ser - vice, And claims a will • make yo»u The ob - jecta of call - ing, Look to the Cru men free. no more, ing mind. His love, ci - fled. :t=t ^m CHORUS. i^ ^^^fep^P?^pE -»- HE f— rr-^-^ :Sz ■^ ^ "^^ W- Be - turn, re • turn. :^ r r ye captives. Re - turn un - to your home, ptfzzrgi r-^- -f- i^ rzziTb: :;: m feizj: i h^ — •- t * i IP 1 — r The gos- pel trum- pet's sound -ing. The ju - bi - lee is come! i?* ^ ^ £ i ;^ -u -a — P- — ^ — f- f i i- I f-F-f-F^ ^ ^ f=P ^gii^^^ The gos- pet tram -pet's sonnd-ing, The jr • bi • lee is come! I i=s m i i fS\ 3t-f: i •A7 r g r r " ^2ZZ I No. 46. %ht §im 0f '§U (gnm^i " If I may but touch hia garment, I nliall bo whole"— MArr. : 21. Cr. F. R. Gko. p. Root, by per. :!s: f- ^SEBEIE^^ tr^nz^ t±^ ^m r 1. She on. - ly toucb'd tbo hem of His gar - mont Aa 2. She came in fear and trem - bliug be - fore Him, She 3. He tarn'd with " daughter be of good com -fort, Thy i ^PPM :fe rt :t i=r i ^ ijt r:-f= :45--=i:t i=i=^==r=i^ =it to His side she knew her Lord had faith hath made thee stole, come, whole,* A • mid the crowd that She felt that from Him And peace that pass • eth 4 1 1- r- ? gn. gatb - er'd a - round Him, And straightway she was whole, vir - toe had healed her, The might - y deed was done, all un - der - stand-ing With glad - ness filled her soul. 1 1 1 — :f= ^^ S^ CHORUS. ^ f ^ 9:i{ Oh, ttuch the hem of His gar -ment And thoo, too, shalt be freT; '^ * #. * ^1. , ^^• f- ^ %^ -^^^- ^ ^ ^-g^ — N- ::^: g— 1 ^ ^ His sav - ing pow'r this ver - y hour Shall give new life to thee. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ± ^ II ¥ i-rnrrrii"ii 4.*i :J=d '^ =tt:q -W ' No. 47. '' ^mt 0f n\t mi »tt «rf %\itC " But Christ iH all and in all."— Col. 3: 11. Epv, Tiiko. Monod, arr. fe# -N-- jAMEtf McOranahak, by per. -fc—i' — r ^^ 1. Oh, the bit - ter pain and Bor - row That a time could ev - er 2. Yot He found me; I be - held Him Bleeding on th'accurs-ed 3. Day by day His ten - der mer - cy Heal - ing, help - ing, full and 4. High - er than the high - bBt heavens, Deep - er than the deepest H^ ^^ m ^^^^^^^^^ 91 ^-^-rt- ^ be. When I proudly said to Je - stis ''All of self, ami none of tree; And my wist - ful heart said faint - ly, " Soi^^a of self, and some of free, Bro't me low - er, while I whispered "Loss of self, and more of sea, Lord, Thy love at last has conquered "JN'tine of self, and a22 of z=i E m J:r=i^=A-_.:fed■i=j ^+-4-^^ ^PfEEg ^ps Thee," All of self and none of Thee, Thee," Some of self and some of Thee, Thee," Less of self and more of Thee, Thee," None of self and aU of Thee, All of self Some of self Less of self None of self s- and none of and some of and more of and aU of mi p itrtr ^ =i^ 4-'=- Thee, When I proud -ly said to Jesus "All of self and none of Thee.** Thee, And my wistful heart said faintly "Some of self and some of Thee." Thee, Bro't me low -er while I whispered "Less of self and more of Thee." Thee, Lord Thy love at last has conquered " None of self and aU of Thee." i^^fcfe^fefc S :v s : ; ;j. 4.9 No. 48. Eev. A. T. PreiwoJf. em it be §i0 " Wherefore didat thoa doubtl"— Matt. 14: 31. fl ,-UJ \ UH^A 1. Can 2. Cau 8. dm 4. Can 6. Con 6. Can - — d d- r j-.--^— - — 4 p. p. Bues, by p«r. M it bo ri^'ht tor me to go it be rifi;ht in doubt to wait^ it be right, such loadn to bear, it be hRht to doubt His pow'r, it be right no soul to seek, it be right with such a Lord, --¥ P' gj ^ ^F-JT'^ i— : r+fc-v = F=Ff-- Cu in this / Wait for the While He saya Both to for- Lost I Bhoold £ • Ten to E S mv^<[iHiJ:i^iH,i^ dark, nn • cer • tain way ? Say, day that tries the heart, Ere ••come, I'll give you rest?" Bid - give and van • quish ein? E • prove nn • fit to guide? Can dread the hour of death? Wait I be • lieve," and yet not I shall learn what is my ding me oast on Him my ven In trials of dark- est He not teach my tongue to ing in fiaith the great re - m ;■• E fSF^ y-~> ^^^^^ ^ know state, care, hour, speak, ward. Wheth-er my sins are Fear - ing the Judge should Lean - ing in love, up • Can not His love give Will He not am • pie Calm - ly I'll yield my I pnt a - say de - on His peace with' strength pro < dy- ing i way? part? breast. in? vide? breath. I m ? t f ^ EZi: I te CHORUS. m^i , ■4 ij.UJ hTsiJ i I ^ '-^r^ ¥ ^.■}.j;i i ja- 4^4 . 4 , 4 I will no longer doubt Thee,0 Lord I T : ' p p I will for-ev - er rest in Thy word BO rWi No. 49. Mt SftxAUm §0^, " They drank of that spiritnal reck that followed them, and that rook was Chrlat"— 1 Cob. 10 : 4. Geo. C. NRKunAM. ^^^^^^m Iba D. Sahkkt, by per. 3t3: qc:^ 1. From the riv - en Book there floweth, Liv - ing wa • ter ot - er clear; 2. *' Without moDey, with-^pnt mer -it," Je - bos calls, "Come unto Mc," 3. FaintiDg in the des • ert* drear-y, Qnilt-y sin-ner, bark! 'tis He! i^ m t' L r c iF=«=^-i-H^-g-g f I p^m i P=t± fczt ^^i^jii ! I i \ f, u 1 \ -m^ Wea-ry pilgrim, joonieying onward, Kuow you not that Ponnt is near? Thirsty traveller, be en-conraged, Know you not the Fount is free? "Tia the Saviour still en - treating, KuowyounotHe call -eth thee? 2i_j m « F5^ t ^^ m *: ^^ F^ 0H0RT7S. S d^f i iJijN lj fN; jj Je-sus is the Book of A • gee— Bmitten, etrioken, lo! He dies; ^ t ^=^ ^^m ^ ^^ ^^ ^njijfjj From His side a liv - ing fountain, Enow you not it eat - is - fies? K>F[fEifif; i f Efni ii. ii at No. 50. il)i0U avt ®0inin0l " Looking for that blessed hope, and the elorions appeurins of the great God and our Saviour, Jesus CliiiBt."— TiTUs 2 : 13. James McGbanahan, by per. Ait. from Frakcks K. Havekoal. ^p f^ ^^-tra i 1. Thou art coming, O my Saviour, Thou art com - ing ! my Kinpr, 2. Thou art coming, not a shadow, Not a mist and not a tear, 3. Thou art coming, we are wait-ing With a hope that can - not fail, *^* - Ev - ery tongue Thy name confess-ing, "WeU may we re - joice and sing; Not a siu, and not a so. - row. On that sun- rise grand and clear; Ask - ing not the day cr I'our, Anchored safe with - in the veil; * ■ f- f- t: t 1 S -*-:- -t^f- i P — ^ ^ 1^ ^m ^ r ^— K m ^533^ ■0 — #■ ^m ^ Thou art coming ! rays of glo - ry. Thro' the veil Thy death has rent, Thou art coming ! Je - bus Saviour, Nuth - ing else seems worth a thought, Thou art coming! at Thy ta - ble We are wit - ness-es lor this, D. a 2 Sou art coming t Thou art coming IJe - sus our he-lov - ed Lord, I i g s^ 5 ? ~t -.ti-zzt. -t^-tr ^ ->j/_ l=Up^kt^^ i 5feN /^^ iFOTB. i s ^=^=^^'^fr-i-f^*^ Gladden now our pil -grim pathway, Glo - ry from Thy presence sent. Oh how mar - vel - ous the glo - ry. And the bliss Thy pain bath bought As we meet Thee in commun - ion, Eam-est of our coming biisti. ths joy to see Thee reigning, Worship'd, alo-ri- fied, a - dored. :£=^ oHoricrs, ^ ^ # ^^ g# D.S. 1 9, »_' 3t:n i i=t J Thou art coming. Thou art coming, We shall meet Thee on Thy way. I ( Thou art coming, we shall see Thee, And be like Thee on that day. I Wo; 51. ©ttljf Im^ting h mjj S^mbm. 'Jesus Christ and him crucified."—! Cob. 2: 2. Famnt J. Crosbt. Wm. F. SHERwm, by per. m^tf*H4^j —Hi-i^ ^I^^fa 1. On - ly trusting in my Saviour, All to Him my soul would leave; 2. On - ly trusting, nothing doubtinr/, This is all that I can do; 3. There are breakers in the distance, Yet no dan-ger will I fear; 4. On - ly trusting, on - ly trusting, This is joy and life to me; BiBi. i ■^=t- | ^1 I 1 1 Ti l ^i '.i' . 'i: " 'iljj.i He has suflfered to redeem me, And His word I now be-lieve. Ev - ery tri - al that be -falls me He will safe - ly bring me thro'. On the Rock my feet are rest- ing, Naught of harm can reach me here. Thou wilt aev - er leave me friendless While I cling, O Christ, to Thee. iiSg H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \- ^3 m RGTRAm. te3 r-x—']: i p^^^E^m -N-4- i=fcr Now to Christ a - lone I'm clinging, Tho' the tempest round me blow; -0—r-0 — — 1 I A a-^—s — ^— T— • — a — •-*- ■T- — 0- 1 ^ r :g: fe^^ 4:: 1=^ #^ fc F :}=* ^ ^1 :tl)i fci^ ^ I m- mm^ Heeding not the clouds a - bove me, Dreading not the waves be - low. ±iE ^^ 9 Ml 3g^i-^-f- ICZZ^ ±£ I ss ,i No. 52. Mhm i^ ^ (^ttm §iin Ut m^. " Aud tbey took Jesua andled him away."— Joini 19: 16. Mrs. Cbcil F. AI4KXANDBR. Geo. C. Stkbdikb, by per. i i ^P 1. There is a green hill far a -way, With-out a cit - y wall; 2. Wo may not know, we can- not tell What pains He had to bear; 3. He died that we might be forgiven, He died to make us good, 4. There was no oth - er good enough, To pay the price of sin; m J::dlS=S: ?= Where the dear Lord was era - ci - fied. Who died to save ns all. But we be-lieve it was for us He bung and suffered there. That we might go at last to heav'n, Sav'd by His precious blood. He on-ly could un- lock the gate Of heav'n and let us in. m 4 i P P LLiH-ri-t^fe£g ^ .OHORXTS, ^^ ^^ 1 *=t j^ Oh dear-ly, dear-ly has He loved, And we must love Him too; te^^^^ ^-•-A i P I. f£ Pi i Rit. i ^ P^ And trust in His re - deeming blood, And try His works to do. P^ ^^l^ j^ ^ P # ^ I i — r= ^ i ^r~:~r~g- t^^ B4. i No. 53. gomtt vMh §m» Vnm* " In my Father's honse ar' nuay manaions."— John 14 : 9. Bev. Abthub T. Fibbbon. Jahks McObasahan, by per. ' Uiill I i l l lj^km^ I 1. In my Father's honse there is many a room, And my Lord has gone to pr&- 2. In my Father's house there is end -less day, With no cloud of sorrow or | 3. In my Father's honse there's no want or woe. And there can be no more 4. In my Father's house there is no more death, For the life of Ck)d we 6. In my Father's house there are bless -ed saints, Who His holy im • age mM t f r f m i i I i ^^^H # ^ feiri tU' * , t rf\ *=^ ^ ^ ^ tspk: -•— #- •rr* 3^ i pare A place for me; O can it be That I shall be with Him there? care, No tearful eyes, no groans or sighs, They know who are with Him ther& pray'r; For what beside can God provide. Since we shall be with Him there, share; No thought of sin can en - ter in. For we shall be with Him there, bear; Theyfiudinthistheirsweetestbliss, ThattheymaybewithHim there. m ■^ ^ nrrv ^ tii PF 1 III OHORVS. ^m ^^^^M^^^sm ^^^^ ■MiiM: ^ sa For - ©V - er with Je - bus there. For - ev - er with Je - sos there; t=t±t±± s ^ V-T I ^m ^^ a rvnm ^^ What grace divine, that He is mine! And I shall be with Him there. ^-^- ^ M ^ t±t=:t JSL t I £ F ^ so No.54. im l&UmmAtm^ ^m "^UmmA. " The nninber of them was ten thoasand times ten thooaand."— Bbv. 5 : 11. Henry Alford, D. D. Iea D. Samkey, by per. I iE^E* i& ^ 4E^ t^i=^ rai - ment bright, earth and bky ! hap - py shore ! 1. Ten thousand times ten thou - sand, 2. What rush of hal - le - lu - jahs 3. 0, then what raptured greet - ings In sparkling Fill all the On Canaan's I ^ ^t-C r t iWr ^^ ^ m. 4: ^■ 5M 5 5^ ^ -•-i — ^ ^ ^ f=ltt The ar - miea of the ransom'd saints Throng up the steeps of light; What ring-iug of a thousand harps Bespeak the tri - umph nigh f What knitting sev - ered friendships up, Where partings are no more I ^ "t: ■t— ^ %m ••-■#- JL #■ I*-. 1^ -x=x. is; T I :i :¥ 3 g !- * X—,~i~t ,- p-a.:^.^ F •Tis O Then * fin - ished, all is fin - ished, Their fight with death and sin ; day of which ere - a - tion And all its tribes wore made ! eyes with joy shall spar- kle, That brimm'd withtearo of late ; '-i=P- i^ It \ t ^ i fccJ m "-«?- Fling o - pen wi Je the gold - en gates, And let the vie - tors in. O joy, for all its form - er woes A thousand-fold re - paid ! Orphans no long - er fa - ther - less, Nor wid - own des - o - late. ^ A :t: t-- zfc t-t-M t X- m I REFRAIN. HP A. St •-^ ri ^= .^tJ-M=J 3 S -6t- Hal - le - lu - jah ! Hal - le - lu - jah .=t^ -t :=: #■ ^ ^^ to the Lamb who once was i 22i ao i^tt ®h0tti8iattd txm^.—mtiUxiM. JBuyU^mdUim ^s^ slain ! Hal-le - lu - jah ! Halle - lu - jah to Him who once was slain ! yTl/- i -^-y- r 1 — ^ Copyright, 1878, by Biglow & Main. O ^^m No. 55. S^m^m^ M th Wxmt. "Then was our month filled with singing."— Ps. 126: 3. Rev. E. P. Hammond. Geo. C. Stkbbins, by pef. I 4- T 1. I feel like sing - ing all the time, My tears are wiped a - way; 2. When on the cross my Lord I saw, Nail'd there by sins of mine; 3. When fierce temp ta - tions try my heart, I sing, Je - sus is mine; 4. The wondrous sto - ry of the Lamb, Tell with that voice of thine, 1^ :^J. ^± =^F=P= ^m ^ % ^ ^- ^ f ^ j=t :J: * i ^5=^=#* E ■(&- W For Je - sus is a friend of mine, I'll serve Him ev - 'ry day. Fast fell the bum-ing tears; but now, I'm singing all the time. And so, though tears at times may start, I'm singing ail the time. Till oth - ers, with the glad new song Go singing all the time. ace was CHORUS. I'm singing, singing, Singing all the time; Singing, singing. Singing all the time. ^fe No. 56. Pitiet "And all mine are thine, and thine are mine"— Joint 17: 10. Arr. from Rev. J. C. Btlb. James MgOranaran, by per. ^^p ff^^^^ t e ^ what rays of glo - ry bright Now ap - on the promise shine ! the prom - ise oft - en read, Now in liv - ing truth impress'd the prom • ise cannot change, Mine ! tho'oft my eyes are dim ; tho' oft my hand may fail. He is strong and holds me fast; when death the bars shall break, 'Mid tboce glo • ties all di - vine. 1. Mine! 2. Mine ! 8. Mine ! 4. Mine I 6. Mine! ^^ ^ E nr: r r n h *=* rF -p— V 5= fcfc ^^^^^^^m ^Tt™ S I have found the Lord my light; I am His, and He is mine. Once 8,0 - knowledg'd in the head, Now a fire with- in the breast Naught can from His love es • trange, Those who place their trust in Him. By Hie blood I shall pre - vail. He shall lead me home at last *'8at - is-fied I shall a- wake, Clasp His feet and call Him mirvb. ^m m t f * *-=- it I =Ff &2 UHOR0S /7\ r- f Mine, oh, mine, Mine, oh, mine, Ze • bob Christ, my Lord and ^ - ^« n»- ■0- btefe 4tF-^{4M^HH--FH ? I k=t FF^ 6«v ioTir, ^ :*: i f i P^^ I am His 0ut — T . <* -1- and He is mine I ►-«- t f P 5S ^ ^=5= s 1 i_ t!= 1 ^ i f I i i Last words of a Mthfol ministef o/ Christ, who ^recently died In the hope of the KospeL Mabt S. Whbslib. p. p. Bubs, by per. — U^. ^S E • ter • ni-ty dawns on my vis • ion Ix) - day, Gather round me my The shadows are past, and the veil is withdrawn, Brightly now does the 2 ^E - ter- ni-ty dawns! Oh, the glo-riesthat rise, How they burst on my E - ter With rapture the gleam of the cit - y h' r^fU '' I see, Where the crown and the t t t & P ^^ ^ CHORUS. A J JJilJjiliii i|| ^ ^ loved ones to sing and to pray; ) 1. f ^ 'g ' ^ ir ^^ mom of e-ter-ni- ty dnwn. f Hal -1 e-lu -jaht Hal-le-lu -jab! Halle soul in its blissful sur-prise; ( man - sion are waiting for me. ) *. ^ ♦.♦ f-r^f^ t- In • jah, we sing ! Je - bus conquered the grave, robbing death of its stiug ; W^Uf B t#:^tt£l£iijfj Ho - san-na 1 a-gain let the glad anthem ring, " Sing and pray! E-temi-ty dawns !" t ^fe ^ JS:!. ITS i» — •■■ a; ^ "Eternity dawns !" There will be no more night, I am nearing the gates of the cit^ of light; The shadows of time are all passing away. Tarry not, O my Saviour, come quickly, I pniy. ; "Eternity dawns !" Earth recedes from ray view; Weeping friends, now farewell, I must bid you adieu; I'm resting in Jesus, His merits I plead, Fear ye not, "for my God shall supply all your need." " Eternity dawns !" 'Tis a source of contout, That in preaching salvation my life has been spent; 'Tis " Jesus my All," anu the Saviour of men. May His grace be upon you forever. Amen. 50 ^ i III No. 58. Sl^hm fe my §0jj to-mjW ? " A foolish son is the heftTlness of his mother."— Puo v. 10: L R. L. Rev. R. LOWRT, by per. With tendemesi. j i #^ ■0—0- ^-xnm m KTHI-K — K- ^t^i==t^ ^^m 1. Where is my wand'riugboy to-night— The boy of my tend'rest ca«'e, The j 2. Ouco he was pure 08 moruiug dew, As he kuelt at his mother's kneo; No 3. O could I see you now, my boy. As fair as in old - en time. When 4. Go for my wand'riugboy to-night; Go, search fo- him where you will; But ^*-- *S^eS ss -H 1-— ' 1 1 -'-tH* '-«—0t- -*f-^ r-0- -?r-«r^i»>— #^ J: ^1?" ^ -#-T- 3? =t= a I I-- S ^v :i=?= :t± 1^ -t^ r$E -*^# boy that was once my joy and light, The child of my love and prayer? face was so bright, no heart more true, And none was so sweet as he. prattle and smile made home a joy, And life was a mer - ry chime! bring him to me with all his blight, And tell him I love him still. /TN ^—f ^^^^^# T:—¥ m .8=J=: t i ^m ^ I ^ ^ I * OHOSTTS. Nol too fatt /7\ ' S ^ :^T^ d: 5 m • b3 IJ.J i :5=^ 1& O where is my boy to - night? where is my boy to-night? My, ' V*. 1/ '• U I 11^ ± -f^j^frf^ -• — » — » — I i m-'-0 — m — •tt-* OO ST, by per. ire, The j nee; No me, When will; But /7S i prayer? he. chime ! stiU. -^ :^ ^?-1 i ight? My, ■(■■ £ • 1^ Ml heart o'erflows, for I love him, he knows; O where is my boy to - night? No. 59. ®n% f0V ^b^^* Ekolibh. "To me to Uve is Christ "»Pbil. 1 : SI. Ja8. McOraicahaw, by per. Pfe^^ f^^ :^=t:X^ f^^^^ J I Precious Saviour, may I live, On-ly for Thee! Spend the powers ■ j Be my spir-it's deep de- sire On-ly for Thee! May my in - tel - n I In my joys may I re-joice, On-ly for Thee! In my choices I Meekly may I suf-fer grief, On-ly for Thee! Grateful -ly ac - „ j Bo my smiles and be my tears. On - ly for Thee! Be my young and jBe my peace and be my strife On-ly for Thee! Be my love and tjife^ r r ^E5 f -f trr }=tn m i u ^ t^ CHORUS. f".fFp^ ^^^ Thou dost give On - ly for Thee! / lect as 1 pire On - ly for Thee! j make my choice, On - ly for Thee! } cept re • lief. On - ly for Thee! J ri - per years. On - ly for Thee! | be my life, On - ly for Thee! j" On-ly Christ who died for me »te=g e=5= f Ee3 ^ ^ ^ ^ Z Z '■'JjJ.'unfTnjTjT^P Paid the price and made me free. Now, and thro' eter-ni-ty, On-ly for Thee! M t t M m V V V V ^ V V V V V ^m No. 60. |t i» littinbedl ""WTiat shall I do to inherit eternal life! "— Lukb 18: 19. Rev. Jamks Pboctob. Ika D. Samkit, by per. ^ ^ ^ mm 1. Noth - ing, eith - er great or small— Noth - ing, sin - ner, no; 2. When He, from His loft - y ttrone, Stooped to do and die, 3. Wea - ry, work - ing, bur - dened one, Wherefore toil you so ? 4. Till to Je • BUS* work yon cling By a sim - pie faith, 6. Cast your dead-ly "do - ing" down— Down at Je - sus' feet;,' i yrrrnTF^ ^ fe^s f £ iv~n u ^ ^ d^± i *^» -tf»- * jS go. Je - sns died and paid it all, Long, long a Ev - ery. thing was fal - ly done: Hearken to His cry! Cease your do - ing; all was done Long, long a • go. **Do - inof" is a dead- ly thing— "Doing" ends in death. Stand in Hun, in Him a - lone, Olo-rious-ly com • plet& ^ p r r r i p : Wh-^ 3 r-^ ^=\ Jbl OHORirS fe^ ^ -»- m «It is fin-ishedl" yee, in • deed, # • • — # p — I — p * p Pin - ished ev '^ry jot; ^ ^ f y t H: ^ m ^ i * *3^ Sin • ner, this is all yon need, Tell me, is te f it not? OttI byp«r. er, no; id die, DU 80 ? le faith, qb' feet; ,' No. 61. ^XfomMtA WmAfi^ $1 gift " The words that I speak nnto yon, thoy are spirit, aad they aw life."— John 6: 01, P.P.B. P. P. Buss, by per. i*rH=H^^^ ^^^ gi-r;-; 3 3 i ^ qz^^: 1 ^ ^ ■0 — :g: 1. Sing them o - ver a - gain to me, Won • der • fol words ol 2. Christ, the bless - ed One gives to all Won - der - ful words of 3. Sweet - ly ech - o the gos - pel call, Won - der • fol words of ^^ ^^i^kf ^ m ^^m \ i^ - go. is cry! • go. death, m - plete. -T-w-d h -(g- -i»- 7 jot; 32: I not? ^ -^ m t ^^ ^ 3=^ n—. ts=at f^— tr ^i ^^ Life, Let me mure of their bean-ty see^ Life; Sin-ner, Hut to the loT - ing call, Life, Of - fer par - don and peace to all. Wonder -ful words of Wonder -ful words of Wonder -ful words of lj ^.|j ifM--^-r:-ii ^-^u^ m Life. Words of life and bean - ty, Teach me faith and du • ty; Lif& All so free - ly giv - en, Woo - ing us to heav - en. Life. Je - bub, on - ly Sav -iour, Sane - ti - fy for - ev - er. r 3 ^--3-^ rrm ^^ 4l=p^ ^^ -?^^«T ut. ^^^^ ^ V 2d. iz^^ji^M m ■y — p — I w • — 9 — m — 9 — rj^ • • -» • " Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life, Life. :Si=E m es No. 62. ^M mmt it ht to h %hm. "Thno Hliall l)i> no luoro duatb, uoithor sorrow, nor crying."— Rkv. 91; 4, UrH, ELizAnETH Millh. Uko. C. Stkiiiiinh, by per. li Diet. -4- ^ M —, J M ^— I 1 :gl ::i: 1. Wo 2. Wo 3. We Bpoak speak speak of of of 4. We spoiik of the its its path - pence of wiiys nnd the of its blOHt, gold, love, free - dora from sin, 5. Do Thou, Lord, luidtit ploaa - ure or woe, ^^^^^$m .::t-= :gt- cona - try so bright aud so ftiir, walla deck'd with jew - els so rare, P A Its The From For J^i M ^ And oft are its Its won - dors and robes which the glo - ri - lied wear, The songs of the. Bor - row tcmpta • tion and care. From tri - als with heav - en our spir - its pre - pare, Then short - ly we I fei ^^ Tiz *-^^5 «; be there, be there, be there, be there, be there. -g; -. 1 glo - ries *con - fest, But what must it be pleasures un - told, But bless - ed a - bove, But out and with -in, But al - so shall know, Aud what must it be what must it be what must it be feel what it is to to to to to ^ RETRAIN. To be there, to be there, Oh what must it be to be there, -V— >- nw p-fff^r^^ i^ ^ to be there, to be there, to be there. 3E3 ■ .ahr 1*^ ^^^^^^m To be there, to be there, Oh what must it be to be there. P isa. SIS to bo there. to be tbere. to be there. by per. P A Ita The From For ita I and the. with ■ we -a- • here, here, here, here, here. ^: I here, to be there, I /CN be then. No. 63. '§'mt p)x wi fo0m Ux ^rn^'i "Behold I stand at the door and knock."— Rev, 3; 90. Arr. by "W. W. D. 0. 0. Williamu, by per. I^^ ^ ^^^^Slg^ 1. Hiive you a - ny room for Je - bub, He who boro your load of Hin; 2. llooiu for ploiisure, room for buHiuess, But for Christ the cm - ci -tied; 3. Have you a - uy time for Je - bus, As in grace He calls a-giiiui 4. Boom and time now give to Je - bus, Soon will pass Qod's day of grace; g|fe P ??- m »■■■ 3Q=i:; SEES I^^^ EEE; ^m^^^m Ah He knocks nnd ftiika ad - misiffon. Sin - ner will you let Him in ? Not a place that Ho can en - ter, In the heart for which He died ? to - day is time ac - C"pt-ed, To-raor - row you may call in vain. Soon thy heart left cold and si - lent. And thy Saviour's pleadings ceoso. i^i|gg 0H0SO8. ^^. 3^^^; Boom for Jesus, King of glo - ry, Has - ten now His word o i bey, ^ ^ *^^^^-t^^ ?==T Lttrrfczzfc *-'— # ?E =^=r=F=? 1^ ■^=^^- ± t—4-. m ^.i-- Swing the heart's dopr widely o - pen. Bid Him en - ter while you may. f-j^ -- r-if *-^\i--^ -=: ^-r-^'- h^ ^ T(^ -ytr:^^ a OS No. 64. ®bm*i8i a W0rlt Ut mh ti % mm "For the Son of man is as » man taking a far jonmey, who left his home, tmd gave anthority to Lis aer\'aat3, aid to every man his work."— Mark 13: 34. A. A. A. James McGkanahan, by per. 1. Our Mas-ter has taken His journey To a country that's far a - Tyay, | 2, In this "little while," doth it matter, Aswework,andwewatch,andwewait, .8, There's only one thing should concern us, To find just the task that is ours; 4. Our Mas - ter is coming most surely. To reckon with every one; -1====-l-, m §iiteS m E^a ■^ T-=^ ■*■ • And has left us the care of the vineyard, To work for Him day by day. If we're filling the place He assigns us, Be its ser - vice small or great And then, having found it, to do it With all our God-gi'-^n pow'rs. Shall viothen, count o ur toil or our sorrow, If His sentence be, " \ . ell done. " 1^ a ^ 3F? iF^=h. i ^==^ OHORirS. i k &^^ r=f: r=^ s fe^ ItzS ttthi^i^ There's a work for me and a work for yoii, Something for each of us now to do. It It Z^TTM^-WZ^ n— tr-ti-g-p I' I I t h ^ ^ n; ;u y y y - [, Yes, a work for me and a work for yon. Something for each of tut now to da t- U44 ^ £ oo fc=tJdf=5 I i \m I tntboritj i>y per. as P ■ way, f id we wait,. it is ours;! one; ! No. 65. §m^f 0ttljj §tm^. L. PiEao. "They saw no man, save Jeaus only."— Matt. 17: I. Geo. C. Stebbinb, by per. g^^^^^il^M^^M^f^ l^i--^^ 1. Be otur joy - ful song to - day, Je - bus, on - ly Je - sus, 2. Once we wander'd far from God, Knowing not of Je - sus, 3. Be our trust thro' years to come, Je - bub, on - ly Je - bus, T dr t t ^ I^ I ;;=t ^^ ^ 3^=? >y day. r great. I pow'rs. lUdone." r i ^ now to do, ^ pit WW to do. «— # ^ KJ—I 1 ^ S i 4r4-yv*^ If He who took our sins a - way, Je - sus, on - ly Je - sua, Tread-ing still the downward road, Lead-ing far from Je - bus, Pass -word to the heav'n-ly home, Je - bus, on - ly Je - bus, r j r. t t £ f: #-i- it-^-i I i^f^a M i ^*- i -«' — ■ g g t^ Name with ev - ery blessing rife. Bo our joy and hope thro' life, Till the spir- it taught us how, 'Neath the Saviour's yoke to bow, When from sin and sor-row free, On thro' all e • ter - ni • ty, ^ ^^ it m i ? ^ I ^ ^. i X M ^ f ^±* m Be our strength in ev - ery strife, Je - bus, on - ly And we fain would fol - low now, Je - bus, on ■ ly This our theme and song shall be, Je - bus, on - ly Je - sua Je • BUS. Je - SUB. Ik: ^ »-*- ^ f^=^^^^m 07 No. 66. ^m^Ai0. "And Jeans said unto him, Verily I say nnto thee, To day tbon shalt be with me in Paradise."— LUKK 23 : 43. W. W. D. Jahbs McORAiTAnAM, by per. ^^^^^==fp^f^f ^4= ^ ^ 1. How sweet the word of Christ the Lord, While on the cross He dies, 2. The dy - ing thief, in full be - lief, On Je - sos fixed his eyes; 3. By man condemu'd, without a friend, Will Je - bus heed his cries^ 4. Tho' vile as he, O sin -ner flee, While Je- sub colls, be wise; Pi I i :it ,5Ul i y, • 7 'II t T m 5fe J .^|J?J 1 ±, r £ 3 *^^-#-s A word to all who on Him call For life in par - a - diae. His on - ly plea,*'Remem - ber me, O Lord in par - a - dise." O bless -ed Lord how quick Thy word, "To-day in par - a - dise." His word be - lieve, and now re • ceive A life in par - a - dise. OHORTTS. rrtTTt-7 T ± ^ ^? ^^ ? 3 f= From the cross the Say - iour cries. Come with Me to par - a - oise; P :k fe f i t T r i ^-JU r^ E t t L fcl- finH^ J-f W# # # J ^ Look to Me, be-lieye and live, Ao - cept the life I free - ly give. am ^ th by per. m dies, eyes; cries^ wise; S5= dlHe. . dise." . dise." - dise. 4& "T'^ ?^t F a - (ise; rfc m &i give. No. 67. $il0m wWk §lt "Rejoice in the Lord alway."— Phil. 4: 4, "Rev. J. B. Atchwbon. P. P. Blibs, byper. 1. Be-joice with me, for now I'm free, I joy in a new pleasure; 2. Once vile with sin, Christ makes me clean. Gone is all con • dem - na - tion; 3. In Christ I live, and He doth give. Great joy where once was sadness; 4. To all pro • claim His woudross name, Bepeat the old, old sto - ry; - — ff — ^ '. T if" m E? P =22= ^i?=^^^ -j^-v-^^ ^ -*— ^ ^rs f-V^^^ From God a - bove, the gift of love Is mine in full - est measure. For I be - lieve and now re - ceive A full and free sal - va - tion. And in this way, fro-^x day to day, My life is filled with gladness. Till work is done and heaven won, Then praise Him more in glo - ry. f r S i 1 — r -itiL^ OHORTTS. V4 ^^ ■■# ^ i LL ^;-fj=T=3= 4— 4i-4^ £S I Be -joice, ra-joice, Christ is my choice, EUs cross a - lone my glo - ry ; ^ f H-v-ff^^^m m ^=F:=j 1 ^^ £ ^ /TN ^— #- '=!=P P m While life shall last, when death is past, I'll sing the joy - ful sto - ry. )^' f| ^ P » » Ie t &=«: »-i do I -» — »• i F^PF ^ s> No. 68. iditmpb §19 mil §y, "I press towaid tue mark."— Phh.. 3 : 14. Dr. C. R. Blackall. t^ I H. R. Palmbb, by per. :=z±: i 1. The prize is set be-fore us, To win, His words im-plore us, The 2. We'll fol -low where He leadeth. We'll pasture where He feed -eth, We'll 3. Our home is bright a - bove us. No tri - als dark to move us, But ii^ W #-Y # # -•-1- =^ i 0-r *-i- ^ ^rfr-S— ^- 'n h -J ^ ^ — h — Ki pi ~i — ^^ w^ V'-!^ -t^4—^ -i|=S ^ •- --# s — .•=fc eye vield Je - -p:-»-- of God to Him BUS dear — • « #- is o'er us who pleadeth to tove OS —g — -#— 1 From on From on There on ~f 17— high, from high, from high, there J ^- CI • on high; on high; on high; J* J His Then We'U -^^ y ■ -^ — u -^ — U — U- =t^t:d -4 ^» m- ^ :a=5t: ?9=^^ fe^ lov - ing tones are call - ii>g While sin is dark, ap - pall-ing, naught from Him shall sev-er, Our hope shall brighten ev - er, give Him best en - deav - or. And praise His name for - ev - erj 'Tis And His a * 5 i=^ l . l^l_U : ^^m f -fi-jf rT' ^ — ^ — r^~~ ~1J" — ^- — ^- —f- — n— - .c . =\ Je - sua gen - faith shall fail precious words tiy us can 4 call - nev . nev - 4" ing, er, er. i He He Nev .. 1 ... is is - er nigh, nigh, die, J I- He nev IS is - er nigh. J 1 rt'C & (* 1* • ' 1 fm f • • • • 1 i'ff m m a • 5 s L 1 J-1 • • f. ^— f — ff f. -- - 1 ^ y y y -^ -V- -L^- -V- -y 1 4^ ■ OHORITS. gE|r^:-»-:=EE li By and by we shall meet Him, By and by we ^ 1^ fe ^ .f^ ^ ^^M v^e shall greet Uim, Anff with 70 M by poT, Iltli^ ns, The eth, We'll us, But ^-T m ;h; His [h; Then [h; WVU ig, 'Tis !r, And !r. His I ] IS nigh, is nigh, er die. ' -Sui i 'Pr- ^ , A*ff with Mm^% §i) mA §t{-^anduM. Je-8us reign in glory, By and by, by and by; Byandby weshaUmeetHim.Byand 5j N ^ S: by we shall greet Him, And with Jesus reign in glo - ry, By and by. -^-^ir-r-t -^ — ^ No. 69. i ant iwting "^hL "Trusting in the Lord."— Ps. 112 : 7. Ml89 Francrb R. Havkrgau Ira D. I: PWl * I -«^ Sanket, by per. N I 1. I am trust - ing Thee, Lord Je - sus, 2. I am trust - ing Thee for par - don, 3. r am trust- ing Thee for cleans -ing 4. I am trust - ing Thee to guide me 5. I am trust - ing Thee for pow - er; 6. I am trust • iug Thee, Lord Je - sus, — w — Trust- At In Thou Thine Nev - --^ ■ing on - ly Thy i. ='t I the .Jim -son a - loae shalt can nev - er er let me m A ^M i Z^l ^=4=^ —a — Thee! bow; flood; lead, fail; fall! i 'Bit n\ f ^^i?=f=f 'JS, -iS' Trust- ing Thee for full sal - va - tion, For Thy grace and ten - der mer - cy Trust -ing Thee to make me ho - ly Ev - ery day and hour sup - ply - ing Words which Thou Thy-self shalt give mo I am trust - ing Thee for - ev - er I t ^=^ — ^r~i ^ MIT. Pr-r-{ 1^ ac reat and free. Trust -ing now. By Thy blood All my need. Must pre - vail. And for all ! ^ 71 i f m No. 70. d free, 2. Good news from heav'n, good news for thee, The Saviour cries," Come uuto Me 3. Good news from heav'n, good news for thee, Has echoed from e-ter-ni-ty; ^ ^ .^ I m A- ^ V I - ^ P ^- ? itit^ia^AJ ? m i ^ gFB^ '^ €--- -^ _f^ , N — ^ 1 ^ m ^ •^T- To guilty sin - nerc, thro' the blood Of the In - car-nate Son of God; All ye who toil, with fears opprest; Come, weary one, oh, come and rest:" And loud shall our ho - san-nas ring. When withtheransom'dthrongwe sing. ^^3 f iS^J^ 1 V—tr I :^ f=FP=S r I N i I ^— ^ 3^^ if^ziiK^ i — i — ^ ■■' 8 ^ jj: :5 8 ■ • • ^ ■ • — * ^ He paid the debt that thou didst owe, He suffered death for thee bo - low, He loves thee with o'er- flow -ing love, He hears thy pray'r in heav'n a-bove; "Worthy the Lamb," whose precious blood Has made us kings and priests to God; ^ ^ ** • -0- ' ■0- -^ •0- -0- *~ P~* — • P T- -h — h — h 4-e-1?^ V ^ \^ ikzzfc ^ ^^ I f-^r-^- 4- I P^^ 4s fi #-!- ^i=^=tj He bore the wrath di - vine for thee. He groan'd and bled on Cal - va - ry. He all thy past - ure shall prepare. And lead thee with a shepherd's care. Our harps we'll tuue to noblest strains, And glo - ry give to Him who reigns. ^5^ -#— #- :S^ '^ :i: '^ V V CHORtJS. +-, •- j ^ L f.^ •F y-^^ I U m I :J: ->.— i ■0~~ -0-^ lf=? Good news from heav'n, good news for thee, There flows a par - don full and free, •^ •0- m . •0- 10- M -f- •0- ._-)•- III: t: fek 79 , by p«r. ax>d free, uuto Me ni-ty; • N iP P of God; mdrest:" Qg we sing, r I )e - low, 'n a-bove; its to God; fe!z±l va-ry. rd's care. 10 reigois. t=tgl= ^ md free, (Sad §i^ur^.-^imrtttM. ^ ^^ ■^^^f^=i=m ^^ ^T^ To guilty sin - ners thro' the blood Of the In - car-nate Son of God. ^N=Ei^ JE^E^ s m^ 1i=^ a No. 71. "Bless me— O my Father."— Gen. 27: 38. J. Edmebtoh. n 1- >- . 1 Geo. C. STiBBi!T8,byper. y 1 /9 1 . 1 1 - iC rt * /^ IT. "*" ^ A fm'' 5 J /5 1 €» J V »^ A '■ V); so <« - , Z..„'.. »• (5 ej -..'(^ 3 w - «/ a o r 1 » • • gj t, — . 1. Sav - iour, 2. Tho' de - 3. Tho" the 4. Should swift breathe Btruc - night death an tion be tiiis e\o - walk dark night f3 ning a - and o'er ■ ^2■ bless - ing, Ere re - round ns, Tho' the drear - y, Dark - ness • take us, And our t)f-4,-2— f» \ — 1 r — ~fe — . — — «« f—w- ^—W-i ^f^^lf^ ^ =K^ -!•— ~t& .., . .... — «> — -M- -i P— 1 1 t 1 I /T\ f E^ :i^ =f ^5— tf-r pose our spir ar - rows past can - not hide couch be - come its us from our ^H f ■ f % ^ ?^^ -ite- seal: fly; Thee; tomb, =^ -<» #=P ^#-* Sm An - Thou May and want gel - guards art He the mom we from who, in 321 '^- g- '-^ -«>- -i9- pEE^ i d ^ rra^gg i /T\- come con - fess - ing, Thee sur - round us, nev - er wca • ry, heaven a - wake us. W — Thou We Watch Clad P canst save and are safe if - est where Thy in bright and Jd—r-f^ ^ is>- -W- ^^^f. ^: t Thou canst Thou art peo - pie death -less m 78 f heal, nigh, be. bloom. -&- i No. 72. S^omA th liigb ^mim* "Worthy ia tbe Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing."— Rbv. 5: 13. Bev. J. C. Rtle. James McQranaiian, by per. :J S|E^nj=y f^ EEEi ^=s -¥»- 1. Sound the high praia - es of Je - sua our 2. Praise to the con - quer - er ! Praise to tbe King, Lord, He The PS3 ^^^ ^5^ -I I f i^ ±^5N^^ V MM =r ^ =r came and He conquer'd, His vie - to - ry ting; Sing for thepow'r of the en - e - my quail'd at the might of His word; In heav'n He ascends and un ^ =^ ife^ fcF^?=f I T=t gS i -I— P ' P P l - l ' I =F=F=P i a Ni i =t=t U ilo^ii^ i^^t:!^ ^ ty - rant is broken, The triumph's complete o- ver death and the grave; folds the glad sto - ry, The hosts of the blessed ex - ult in His fame: In t. ti tL tL :e=e: #-#- ^ « tS:* ^* i^Engpz:^ m -P-=P- rrvvT^ -wl- ^ ^ f 3E 1- J^J U-i-I-i 3=1 SiS Vain is their boasting, Je love He looks down from the ho - vah hath spo - ken, And throne of His glo - ry, And SE £ g g I f ^-i. I £: 12 I & ■•-T- CHORUS. S P % to save. Sound the nigh praises of ^±^ Je - BUS proclaim'd Himself mighty to save, Sound the high praises res -cues the ru - in'd who trust in His name. -(•— ^ ■ ^"rr 74, f I i ^ ^ - ^ IE — r "- jii— : m t m E^ Je - SUB our King, He came and He eonqaer'd, His victo - ry sing. r^FHr— r-ri i rp=r-r— ^^ ' ' ^ ^^ 1 — I — r F=^=5=F ^ No. 73. kmh^ ®tt* :! "There romaineth therefore a rest."— Heb. 4: 9. HoRATlus BoNAR, D. D. „ GEO. C. Stebbws, by per. f^ m^^^si ^^ 1. This is the day of toil Beneath earth's sultry noon, This is the d" f 2. Spendandbespentwouldwe,Whilola8tethtime'8briefday;No tumiugb"cl > 3. On - ward we press in haste, Upward our journey still; Ours is the pt\th tLu 4. The way may rougher grow, The wea-ri - ness increase. We gird our 1 ar -' I 33Esi^ i^^ :t=?t CHORUS. ^ ^^^^^^ ^^ service true. But rest - ing cometh soon. Halle - la - jah ! Hallo - lu-jah ! coward fear. No lingering by the way. Master trod Thro' good report and ill. has -ten on, — The end, the end is peace. t "^ f" r Ff &^ ^ S^tS^* £ •- »- ^^^p There remains a rest for us. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! There remains a rest for us. a:t: No. 74. ^hu b §ti^ am0)X0 the ^n^tU. " There is Joy in the presence of the angels of Qod over one sinner that repeuteth."— LUKK IS: 10. EnwAKD A. BABNK8. C. C. Cabb, by per. ^■ f^ rte -h b P^ ^^=iiH=4 P=^=^^=^^=i^^^ t=ip=J^ 3 ^ I 1. There is joy among the angels, Sing-ing roand the throne n - bove, 2. There is joy among the angels, When a sin - ner heeds the call; 3. There is joy among the angels. When His cause is speed -ing on; r -g-ir i^ £ ^^^^^^^ When re - pentaut tears are flowing, While the ris - en Lord is showing When he turns to Christ believing, And from Him is love re-ceiv-iug, Whentheuotesofpraiseareriugiug, That the gos- pel work is bringing, i ^^^ ^m m All the rich - es of His love, All the rich - es of His love, Grace that saves us one and all, Grace that saves us one and all, Pre - cious sheaves for harvest mom, Pre - cious sheaves for har - vest mom, ifeEE ?=EE: qtt 3?=^ E g3=i^ I P CHORUS. ^^^^^PIP ^ All the rich-cs of His love. Grace that saves us one and all. Precious sheaves for harvest morn. There is joyTT^ . oil ti^ere is joy, glad joy, there is joy, gladjoy, I M^J J J J i 4 ^ ^ i - ^ * J ^M S ■tSh =^ gp^ Joy that never can be told, When a soul that long has J m-^-p. — p-'—m. — • — 0- t: ^ ner • er can he told, n a aonl that long bas ya at 8R, by per. ^ ft - bove, tho call; ■ing on; showing ceiv-iug, bringing, — H- His love, and nil, vest morn, iiP IS joy, joy.gladjoy, t long has -# lUM WJmt H ^$^.-(tmm&t(L wan - der'd, ^ Jii i i jj ^ Comes with - in the Sav - iour b fold. ??5=t:^ ^^ ^a wuu • dur'd, long ha« wan • d«r'd, ^ :(?i »-i- 1 No. 75. ®w tk O^^tt 3llfav^, Anoh. "I wilt give thee the heathen for thine inheritance."— Ps. 9; B, (MISSION ABT.) Wm, B. Bkadbubt, by per. ^ It ilEj ^ ^ :^ -i al ^-- • 9 -^ »— • Of — #-T ^ ;;^ 1. O - ver the o - cean wave, far, far a - way. There tho poor 2. Here in this hap - py land we have the light Shin - ing from 3. Then, while the mia • sion ships glad ti - dings bri.^g. List 1 as that m^ . — * <=t ? UrhTf Chorus. — Pit • y thtin, pit • y them, Christiana at home, Haste with the u I T ijJ_^JL^ zd^^ ^U-i-M ^ hea - then live, wait - ing for day; Groping God's own word, free» pure, and bright; Shall we hea - then baud joy - f ol • ly sing, "O •> ver r in ig - norance, not send to them the o - cean wave, !^^ m^ tei p=^ bread of life, has - ten and come. S. 0. ORORUS. m +4r\\ h \U4^,4 =i^=Um dark as the night, No blessed Bi - ble to Bi - bles .to read. Teachers, and preachers, and oh, see them come, Bringing the bread of life, ma ^ 5 give them the light all that they need? guiding OS home." 77 ■ '1. No. 76. pmari^ d dis^ttln. "These are thoy which came out of great tribulation"— Riv. 7: 14. W. P. Mackay, M. D. Jamrs. McOnANAiiAN, by per. ^ l ^f^ 1. When we reach onr Father's dwelling, On the Stror.n; e -ter - nal hills, '' 2. When the paths of pray'r and du - ty, Antlaf-flic -tion all are trod, ••' 3. All the way by which Ho brought us, All the grievingH that Ho bore, 1^ -rr- TT-r — T r^i te^^i ^^^f^Wf^ And onr praise to Him is swelling Who the vast ere • a - tion fillip And we wake and see the beau - ty Of our Sav - lour and our God, All the pa - tient love that taught us, We'll ro - mem - ber ev - er - more, n^ m m ? t=n: :j=^ kP-t- r r i s fes^ ti- i m 3, Ani tjmm^ Shall wo then re - call the sadness, ^d the clouds that hung so dim, Shall we then re - call tho sto - ry Of our mor - tal griefs and tears, And His rest will be the dear-er, As we think of wea - ry ways, m^ P=P: r~r :3=t: ^2=^ tt r J: r i g i' -} \ fj i: tl^^^fmm When our hearts i^eretum'd from hardness. And our feet from paths of sin ? When on earth we sought the glo - ry Wrestling oft with doubts and feara? And His light will be the clear- er As we muse on cloudy days. iiiii j-t-jj -I 1 • r ? I ^ ^ I i CHORUS. i=4 « » m -JTr m 1 — ^it^ ^^ m Yes we sore - I7 shall re - mem- ber, And His grace we'll free - ly i 8: 9-Tr 78 i i N, byper. ^ al hiUa, j •0 trod, " {o bore, mt )n fill«^ ir God, more, r i :f= I : so dim, ind tears, y ways, ^ ) of sin? H and feara? iy days. f: ^ ^ free - ly own; For the love so strong and tender, That r*^doem'd and bro't us home. a^^ E ^ t=t I No. 77. pu^t I (1^0 mA CSmptt) lianM' C. C. LUTHRR. (Dan. IS: 3.) Geo. C. STEBBnca, by per. After a month only of ChriHtlan life, nearly all of it npon a sick bed, ayonnj? man of nearly I yuftrs lay 'lying. Suildenly a look of HailniisH ci'ohhOv' is face, and to tno qiiory of a fricnil I uxclaini<'d.'"No, laninotafraid, JuHiMaavesmeuow; but ob, mtut I go and empty handedf ^ ^J'^L.^^^.f^ ^ J is_^ ^^ . ^ ,-. ^P^^e^p^^ 1. "Must I go and empty handed," Thus my dear Ro-deem-er meet? 2. Not at death I shrink nor falter, For my Sav- lour saves me now; 3. Oh, the years of sinning wasted, Could I bat ro - call them now, 4. Oh, ye saints, a- rouse, be earnest, Up and work while yet 'tis day, Not one day of ser - vice give Him, Lay no tro - phy at His feet But to meet Him emp - ty hand-ed, Tho't of that now clouds my brow. I would give them to my Sav - iour, To His will I'd glad- ly bow. Ere the mght of death o'er-takes thoo, Strive for souls while still you may. OHORTTl^. ;^ 'Must m q?^ go and emp emp - ty f ^ handed," Must I meet my Say - iour so? m^^^E^I^^^^ m : i ; :r- i*=ls -SI— t^ m ^ * ^ * i £ ^m it ^ ^ 1= ■^^-r I Not one soul with which to greet Him, Must I emp - ty hand - ed gp ? m I f f f g 70 f-r^ ^ No. 78. 1^13 laitti M (Slingn. ' ' Watch, stand fast in the faith."— Bon. 14 : 1. Bev. H. F. COLBt. "W. H. SoJOm, by per. ^^m ^^5?* J i j. :■ I E5 ^3=i^ i=? 1. My sin is great, my strength is weak, My path be - set with snares; 2. The world is dark without Thee, Lord, I turn me from its strife 3. Temptations lure and fears as - sail My frail, in - constant he^; 4. Un-fold Thy pre - cepts to my mind. And cleanse my blinded eyes; fg ; g— H^-^^-F =teg Sfet H± t T=fc F=r^ F "^m s m i^3^=h-f^ *?=f * But Thou, O Christ, hast died for me, And Thou wilt hear my prayers. To find Thy love a sweet re - lief; Thou art the light of life. But precious are Thy promis - es. And they new strength impart. Grant me to work for Thee on earth. Then praise Thee in the skies. PS * t- 1 F 1 1- : ! i fciz; ^ ^iirj^ y V ^ F SEFSAIN. ^ K- L4:^U=U^.^ i ^^ r? ■«s>- -0-i — # To Thee, to Thee, the Cru - cj • fled. The sin - ner's on - ly plea. 4=^ t-t •^- p^^^ it^^aEEE* 4i=fe=k Ek ^t—i. I ^^^^^ I ifcfe: :t=^ I Ue • ly - ing on Thy promised grace, My faith still clings to Thee. 80 by per. m h snnres; 3 strife ut heart; ed eyes; F^ fe ■^-r ^ ly prayers. 3f life, h impart. he skies. o Thee. IH No. 79. Sh^ f^rt 0f (Svatot fti^^» " One pearl of great price. "—Matt. 13: 46. Rev. John Nbwtom. P *: m i :?;^ +- rtt' ^t 1. I've found the pearl of groat - est price ! 2. Christ is my Prophet, Priest, and King; 3. Fur He in - deed is Lord of lords, 4. Christ ia my peace; He died for me, 6. Christ Je-sus is my all in all, ^ ^ p. p. Bliss, by per. (!■ ^^ ^i^rm My heart doth sing for joy; My Prophet full of light, And He the King of kings; For me He shed His blood; My com- fort and my love; ( I hj^ ^^-h f ^- i- r. * ti-ut ±2: -r m ^-^EE=^ f-^ -4-1 v=L. ^^■_iiJq •^4 And sing I must, for Christ is mine! My great High Priest be-fore the throne, He is the Sun of llighteousuess, And as my wond'rous Sac - ri - fice. My life be - low, and He shall be ^ ^ ^ fe ) ^ .^ fe Christ shall my song em - ploy. My King of heavenly might. With heal - ing in His wings. Of - fered Him -self to God. My joy and crown a - bove. * *: * A ^ .. Q' ' >-• 0— -#-^-f ■ • <■ -en ^L_ "' r i" J H ^-v I ^- 1 \;— y~^~~ i r- b-— y ^ CHORUS. ^^^i I've found the pearl of great- est price! My heart doth sing for joy; '^^ tfci4^=fe#=^fe^.£^ -p—~ 1?=p: ^ m fe 5=3 1^ -^: ± /T\ ^m -g-t — jr-"-»-4 And sing I mnst, for Christ is mine! Christ shall my song em -ploy. ^^mmmi^^ ^m^^ 81 No. 80. laint, pt ^mmxwi. (Judges 8 : 4). Mrs. W. E. Griswold. ti!i ^E i Geo. C. STEnBiNS,bypcr. ^^ 3E^r 1. "Faint, yet piir-su - ing," we press our way Up to the glo - ri - ous 2. "'Faiut, yet pur-eu - ing,'' whate'er be - fall, He who has died for us, 3. "Faint, yet pur- 8U - ing," till e-ven-tide, Un - der the cross of the 4. "Faint, yet pur- su - ing," the eye a -far Sees thro' the darkness the i i I 1^^ ^ £^ r-^-rT ^^ gates of day; died for all; Cru - ci - fied; .Mom - ing Star, Fol - low - ing Him who has gone be So should they come, as a might - y Knowing, wnen dark-ly are skies o'er Shed -ding its ray for the wea - ry a*3=3E s =J; S ^ - fore, throng. cast, feet, — at — -- ^^-^ 4=44-- CHORUS. ^Pf^ ^ O - ver the path to the brighter shore. "Faint, yet pur- su - ing, "from Bear ^ing His banner a - loft with song. Sor - row and sighing will end at last. Keeping the way, to the gold - en street ^ =!*=P ^ f: ? i f iJt ^ 1 ^^ 3^3 :» s- i-J^a-J- s ^ *»- O - ^er the sure and the blood-marked way; ^ ^ H-- izzib^til 3^.:l fisa: ? -^- :S=J: ^ Strengthen and keep us, O Saviour, Friend, Ever pursuing, un - to life's end. t-.-l^ ^^^ ^f^^^^ m^ sa BBiNS, byper. j =j=^ o - n - ous ed for us, S8 of the irkuess the ?=5= be - fore, y throng; 'er - cast, ry feet, -ez- t -ts- I X- iiig,"from ^ t: ^ ^ — I ^ rked way; ' No. 81. §i0, mx^ ^m that SfhW^tft* "Como ye, buy and eat."— ISA. 55: 1. Anon. DTTET. I Ik , P. P. Bliss, by per. m 1. Bo - side the well at noon-time, I hear a sad one say, 2. Be - side the pool Be-thes-da, I hear a mournful cry; 3. While seat-ed on the hill - side, The hun-gry ones were fed ^ III fe^^N n ^ ^ I J J'i..^ F^ ^ 2 ^ J ' J.j "I want "No help. By ffim that liv - ing no hope is who said most t wa - ter, Give me of- fered To one tru - ly, "I am ^^m to drink I so weak as the liv - ing ^ r 1 1 i ' m sT^ sa The well Oh, cease 'Tis He, is deep, O thy sad com the heavenly =? pray; I;" bread;' ^^fe pil - grim. But deep - er is my • plaining. The gos - pel gives thee man - na. Who doth our souls re - need; cheer; store; J"- j — n— . 1 1 — ^^ — Tr - tirr i I thirst for life e- Come to the house of By faith of Him par CHORUS. ter - nal, The 'Gift of God' in -deed." mer - cy, For Christ the pool is here. ■ tak- ing We live for-ev - er - more. ^^^^^^^^ Ho, ev - ery one that thirsteth, 'Tis He, the great Phy - si - cian, Ho, ev - ery one that thirsteth, The liv - ing wa - ter buy! Can cure the sin - sick soul; The liv - ing wa - ter buy! Pgi^J^J^SF^^i^Rp--^ %^j^X4^ ^=F=f i Ye bless "Rise up Ye bless §^ J- ■ ed ones that hun - ger, and walk," He bids thee, ■ ed ones that hun - ger. Take, eat and nev - er die. "Thy faith hath made thee whole." Take, eat and nev - er die. S i^^ g=5=tt=:M--=^ I V I t r sa m i No. 82. &n §>nAm'^ ^Um^ §my. " Thine eyes shall behold the land."— Isa. 33: 17. Rev. Samuel Stbnnett. T. C. O'Ease, by per. fid ^ 4: t=i=f §m M 1. On Jor - dan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a •wish - ful eye 2. O'er all those wide-ex - tend -ed plains Shines one e - ter - nal day; 3. When shall I reach that hap - py place, And be for - ev - er blest? 4. Filled with delight, my raptured soul Would here no long-er stay; ^-= f f hM r g i t I ^ te I v^t n t r i rrrr I #-fTTJ t .4- r=;~rn^ ^-v— •- ■«-- i^-r- J- — — -— 1 1 f To Canaan's fair and hap - py land. Where my pos - ses - sions lie. There God the Son for - ev - er reigns. And scat - ters night a - way. When shall I see my Fa-ther's face, And in His bo - som rest ? Tho' Jor - dan's waves around me roll, Fear - less I'd launch a - way. m J=^ m ttTTT g i-f^ I 1 4= ^^ ■fi^- OHORUS. m^ h — N- ->i— ± ■M ^ « A M ^ M M _ ^~ ■ -9r—f — m •■ 1 ' * T g ' IT ^—i-4 9 n-a- We will rest in the fair and hap - py land, Just a - crosa on tho by ™d by, m^P- #■ -f- • - ^ -^ -^ *- ^ # i- ^^ » - . - ^ ♦ . ♦ fcfc i -ryr Ti l ^ ^^ ^-^7=J^ ]E^ i p^ ev - er - green shore Sing the song of Mo - ses and the ev • ir - green shore, ^ m ^ I -I, .)■♦ Hrt J .' I J j »W?TiTg l <^-S- 'm- L.i;nb, ..y and by,- And dwell with Je - sua ev • er • more 84 1= fiL_A ^ NK, by per. ful eye nal day; | er blest? er stay; III. 4S-* m S& <5r-5 ■ Bions lie. a - way. 8om rest? I a - way. a. -LJ— iL -—■#-■ crosi) on the sea and the ,r L 1^ ^ ^^=i 1 more. ^ r No. 83. W^ll ^0tk M §m^ t0mt^. " Thy work shall be rewarded."— JSB. 31 : 10. Mrs. EuzABKTH Mills. Dr. Wu. Miltib. S SS :t r=t~ r-r ^ ^.: ^t 1. O land of rest for thee I sigh, When will the moment come, 2. No tran - quil joys on earth I know, No - peaceful sheltering dome, 3. To Je - BUS Christ I fled for rest; He bade me cease to roam, 4.1 Hoaght at once my Sav - iour's side, No more my steps shall roam; fZ *• *■ *■ "^-^ ■*• -0- d . -0- • -^ -^ -»■ -^ I ^m i=iF=t^^ i 55: ^t^;=4=& i When I shall lay my ar - mor by, And dwell in peace at home ? This world's a wil - der - ness of woe. This world is not my home. And lean for sue - cor on His breast, Till He con-duct me home. With Him I'll bmve death's chilling tide, And reach my heavenly home. ^ ■^. I CHORUS. -^^ m^ i #^ n We'll work till Jesus comes. We'll work till Jesus comes, We'll ■•■•#-£ T- ■<— ■•■J J •«'- • ■«••#■«•'•- -1- # ij- -a— # -» 0- — 0- T- 1 — — -' 1 We'U work till Je • sus comes, We'll work till Je - sus comes L^^=^ 3^ *=a: r f^^ ^. -t-r ^m wovk till Je - 8U8 comefl, And we'll be gathered home. m ^ •#- ^— -I— 4— -^ J -t: 1 1— ri 1 ^ *—0- ^^- We'll work till je - sus comes, S5 ^2=1^ ^m No. 84. §mU% §ml " ^xxowio/i sigbiDg eball fl^ away."-^IaA. 35: 10. Edoab Faoi. Jno. R. Swi^NET, 1»y pqr. ^^^^^P^^^ f ~17-^- 1. I've reach'd the land of corn and wine, And all its rich - es free-ly mine; 2. The Saviour comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we ; 3. A sweet perfume up - on the breeze Is borne from ev - er ver-nal trees, 4. The zephyrs seem to float to me, Sweet sounds of heaven's mel-o-dy, g^ ^ '. 1 1 M-M =)t ^ ij^ ^^ -»—0 p- i * • * :i— H — -J- * J!- i ^ P -• — •- £E -¥-¥- 3^ — ?~^ = -^ ^— — y- Here shines unrlimm'd one blissful day,For all my night has pass'd away. He gent - ly leads me with His hand, For this is heavon's bor - der-land. And flow'rs that rev- er fad- ing grow Where streams of life for-ev - er-flow. As angels, with the white-robed thiong, Join in the sweet redemption song. im^ mMm^^ m CHORUS. 1=^ Beulau land, sweet Beulah land, As on thy highest mount I stand. m^ y^-^-i-- V- ^ f^^n ^^ K_., If:.," ■i^ i-^ ^^^^ I loob a-way a cross the 8oa, WTiere mansions are prepared for me, ^^^^^^^^^m fc fET, by pqr. free-ly mine; here have we; ver-nal trees, 's mel-o-dy, I pa ^d — 5^ — ^ ass'd away, r - der-land. !V - er-flow. aptiou song. dh -» — •- i }iLnt I stand, :ed for me, ^m^i^mM t =^ — N- m And view the shining glo - ry shore, Myheav'n, myhomefor-ev-er-more ! ^ * E P^ fel^ £: 1i=F ferfc* f^ I No. 85. ^h» I ^nA &X& Py f avinuv §M ? "That he, by the grace of God, should taate death for every man."— Heb. 2 : 9. i Eev. Isaac Watts. ■^-ZZI^J fi=r=tr=?=*^ :^i -g- ::!: ^ Silas J. Vail, by per. FINE. =15" ^# W^ a^fe 1. A - las! and did my Saviour bleed ? And did my Sovereign die ? 2. Was it for crimes that I have done, He groaned up-on the tree ? 3. Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glo - rjes in, 4. Thus might I hide my blushing lace While His dear cross ap - pears; 5. But drops of grief can ne'er re - pay The debt of love I owe; D. c. res, Je - sus died for all mankind, Bless God, sai • vation's free. ft 1^ t: 5=f=f tt 3= T »—0~ f Would He de - vote tbat sa - cred head For such a worm as A - maz - ing pit - y ! grace unknown ! And love be - yond de - When Christ, the mighty Mak - er, died, For man the creature's Dis - solve my heart in thankful - ness, And melt mine eyes to Here, Lord, I give my- self a-way,— 'Tis all that I can i —I I? gree! sin. tears. S ?^ f: ■^m T t-n .1111 do. ^ m OEORUS. ^==j i==m^d Je sus died for you. 3(- -^ D.O Je sus died for me, m^ m T L/ — L- J -# — 5j- 97 No. 86. Mart O. Brainabd. Words urangedby P. P. Bubs. P. P. Buss. ^n±¥- t ifEzq^ m £> & =t ES 1. I know not what a - waits me, God kind*Iy yeils mine eyes, * 2. One step I see be - fore me, 'Tis all I need to Bee, » t »=^ n=r=M^^ 3E :^ l=F ^ And o'er each step of my on - ward way He makes new scenes to rise; The light of heav'n more brightly shines, When earth's illusions flee; £ t: tifit. 1^ ■4?--?-- -• •- -V— f:^=l f ^ -yssr^ i b^ — r^i I -K— n ^ J i_ , — ^ ^ H -L-j — t, — 4. ^ m P-)r- r r^^s itzt 1/ ^ And ev - ery joy He sends me, comes A sweot and glad sur-prise. And sweet-ly through the si - lence, came His lov - ing "Follow Me." -i 1 — • — I — I — ■&- 9'* ^f=»- I te -0 — I- I=S=P=t!;:^ ^±r—irr-z=^ CHORUS. - 1? rigg^ji .-ern f 1 \- ft — J J ft «= m 3!!=::ti Where He may lead I'll fol - low, My trust in Him re - pose; £ j5ji*"* =±F=PF E^#s g :^ 8S . p. Buss. m me eyes, Bee, =w i m to rise; flee; ^t §n0m.'-^.^nuM. ^^^^^ ^=hHH^ m And ev • ery hour in per - feet peace I'll sing, He knows, He knows. E / P M -W: I ^ ^ Nf4l 1 — tr P Ife^EE^E^^^^ ^^ ^ And ev - ery hour in per - feet peace I'll sing, He knows. He knows. B^tl? es I t—tJ^- J ^z tii It <7\ % -?_/-^ -7=-W- S St Mir mr-prise. •w Me." '-^ - pose; j4/ter Za«t ocr«« only. fc^^^^ -f-T- He knows. t: t:- ti -#-T- He knows. ^ 5 5 ■««-i — — — J" Z' *■ ^' r He knows I He knows. ^ J^EK ? t=t; ■i ^ ••• •»•• :p 3 blissful lack of wisdom, 'Tis blessed not to know; He holds me with His own right hand, And will not let me go, And lulls my troubled soul to rest In Him who loves me so. 4 So on I go not knowing, I would not if I might; I'd nxther walk in the dark with God Than go alone in the light; I'd rather walk by faith with Him Than go alone by sight 80 I I No. 87, Whm wt 0(t ^0mt 'Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God bath prepared for them that love liim."— 1 Cob. 3: 0. CiiAB. H. Gabriel. Jambs McGranaham, by per. ^i^#E^^ wm T r .ar 1. When we get home from our sor - row and care, And we 2. When we get home to the mansions a - bove, With the 3. When we get home, when the morning is come, And ^Is^^^ * i ^m ^^1 n i U 4^jL=u=J= kf^ }^ * stuud with the an - gels of light, loved ones gone o - vor be - fore, forth from the cit - y Of gold m JL Oh, what a meet-ing in Oh, who can tell what a An - gels of God, coming ^ F^=rr-frTT =t 1^ :^S ■W~i- ^a heav - en there'll be, In that land with - out shad - ow or joy that will be There, to live and re - joice gv - er • down, shall call home All of those who be - long to His ^ ■^ ^ A *. i^ E ^^ £EE; f=r s ^ ^ ^ ^ -tf> night; Sor - row and care, trib - u - la - tion and pain We'll more: An - gela will praise, the Be- deem -er will smile, And fold; Will you be there, broth -er, loved ones to greet, Or ^^^m ISO ^_-i— t J.. k &0 the ^htn Wt 0rt §0mt-€0nt\nM. m m- leave, when we pass thro' tbn tomb Clouds of de - spair, etorms of loved onea we'll clasp by the baud; Free from all pain, far be - will you for - ev - er be lost ? What is thy choice fleet - ing ^ t: t- t: "^ -^ t^ l=l=gij ^: :f=^=P=t ^■ T § -• — ■ or er - His 't J- i ^tt3 f rh- ^\-^==^- ^ 1^ ^ i * tri - al and care Wo shall leave for that beau - ti - ful yond earth - ly stain, We shall dwell in that beau - ti - ful pleas - urea of earth, Or a home when death's riv - er is g rr-r~f -^- ^m ^^^ :| OHORTTS, '^m-^^:^-. m i ^ -I*- f Praia - ea we'll sing f"=P=P^ M homo. When we get home, oh, when we get home. Get land. cross'd. ^ 4^— # 4_, ^ to fe^ ¥ * 5^ ^a a^ Je - sua, our King, A ransomed, a glo - ri - fied band. r T r r \ r -r — p a 91 ^> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I lASlM |2.5 1^ iiii 12.2 £f yg 12.0 1.8 L25 III 1.4 111^ IIIIJ4 '^ ^^ :> > .V Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STRUT WIBSTER.N.Y. 14980 (716)872-4903 No. 88. *'€0mt.'* " Come onto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give yoa rest"— Matt. 11 : 38. Mrs. JAK!ca Gibsom Johnson. ^fep i Jakes McGranahan, by per. UM-^um 3^ m 1. Oh word of words, the sweetest, Oh word, in which there lie 2. Oh soul ! why shouldst thou wander From such a lov - ing Friend? 3. Oh, each time draw me uear-er, That soon the "Gome" may be ± m £ m ? If: ^ -ti^ I ^i ^4ui^ ^ ^ ^^ I All prom-ise, all fol - fill - ment. And end ofmys-ter-y; Cling clo - ser, clo - ser to Him, Stay with Him to the end, Naught but a gen -tie whis-per. To one close, close to Thee; i=^ ^ 1 y u 9 y I — I- -I ) »-T t- ^ -i J . J I i -, i d -tf* ^ I m u La - ment - ing, or re - joio - iug. With doubt ot ter - ror nigh, A - las ! I am so help - less. So ve - ry full of cin. Then, o - ver sea and mountain. Far from, or near my home, mm f- t D f ^ F^ i I ¥ ^ I hear the " Come" of Je • bub, And to His cross I fly. For I am ev - er wand'ring. And com - ing back a - gain. I'll take Thy hand and fol - low, At that sweet whisper "Comer ?=?=?=Fr m ^ t^ ^^ -•-T- oa 'per. he Iriend 9 Ibe REFBAUr, ijiiT^i; Hi ; J 1,1 nj|, :'i m Oome, oh come to me,, ^=^ Oome, oh come to me,. fe b g ^ c ^i b£ ^ ^^^M=j ^a Come, oomoi come, come, come, come, oome, come, Come, come, ^=U-^Fil \l=f=Pta gi Wea - ly, heav - y la t:: t: It ± A I den, Oome, oh come to me, 5 -0 •- i. ^ P .^ l^ U- ^ ^ ^ me. Oh ^^ £ ^^^^ ^ Oome, oh come to me, Oome, oh come to me, #■ -^ . -r- T- T- T- _^ £^ fe i S P==t2 i # come, come, oome, oome, oome. Come, come, come, come, come. ...^ JKt ^ Wea • ry, heav-y la • den come, oh oome to me. *: e * * ^ * 1^ U b I m :f — E 5 u I ►-i— ^ I ea No. 89. p0t P^tf M mt to MA. " And the bailding of the wall of it was of jasper ; and the city was pore gold, like onto dear glass."— Bbv. 81 : 18. Eev. J. B Atchinson. O. P. Peebbbbt, byper. ^ ±1 ^ ^ ^^ 1. I have read of a beau - ti - ful 2. I haye read of bright mansions in 3. I have read of white robes for the 4. I have read of a Christ so for cit - y, Far a - Heav - er , Which the right - eons, Of bright giv - ing, That vile i *: ft t f m ^t3i i i ^ 3E ^ # i way in the kingdom of €k>d; Sav-iour has gone to pre - pare; crowns which the glori ■ fied wear, sin-ners may nsk and re - ceive I have read how its walls are of And the saints who on earth have been When our Fathershall bid them "Gome, Peace and pardon from ev • ery trans- m ~b: «: It: i ^ m 1^-*- I ^-^'C r J'lJ K S « ^=3: ^^ w ^- i jas - per. How its streets are all gold -en and broad. In the faith -ful, Rest for- ev - er with Christ o - ver there; There no en - ter, And niy glo - ry e - ter - nal-ly shate;" How the gres - sion, If when ask - ing they on - ly be - lieve. I have =^= i5*-T- wr i-. J ■ m ^A ^ ^ # — =-# §[iit §l»tf Itaiji «in im ^M,—€»wAnifi. 53. I i h S S i^=j^ ^ E 't^^^^^^ i ^ midst of the street is life's riv - er, Clear us crys - tal and pnre to be - sin ev-er en- ters, nor sor-row, The in - hab - i - tants nev - er grow f righteous are ev - er - more blessed As they walk thro' the streets of pure I read how He'll guide and protect us, If for safe - ty we en - ter His 4r7 % t»- i sore, lame and wea - ry, Your garments stain'd with siu; Gome, then no long - er lin - ger, Come ere it be too lat.; Out - side you've long been stand - ing, Come now and venture in; < _ _ - - '^ £ r , , 1^ * 3 3 P P C m ? fefe ^m — PI r>--»-r 44^-4-4^ --V $=5^ Np i Will you seek the blood of Je - bus To washyour garmeuts white; Will you come and let Him save you, O trust His love and might; Will you heed the ^vipur's prom - ise, And dare to trust Him quite; Pp -fr H f EZZE V u ^^ g h h t-f^ -^ JKt Will you trust His precious promise. Are you coming Home to - night? Will you come while He is calling, Are you coming Home to - night? «^ <• Come un - to me," saith Jesus, Are you coming Home to - night? h [[\[V^n E I ^^ f w ec %tt pa tmivi^ |iouu?.— fanrtuM. ^= CHORUS. i^i^^^t^E^ T— •— - i ^ ^-^i^-^ ■4 #- ^^ Are you coming Home to • night, Axe you ooming Home to-night, W^T- f r: r;-^-^ ^^ ±ii ^ rrri-^ m I w S=a ^;. ;. ^-.^^^ i ^^^ i .Nu-.k.-;- j-^ ^ Are you coming Home to Je - sua, Oat of darkness in - to light? m m P— HP-y lEa ^^^^^m ^=^=^^=M ^^^^ b E£ ^ 3 »-# — # . * Are yon ooming Home to - night, Axe yoa coming Home to-night S f^ ^ ULLU U S i-rkf ^^ ^m To your loving, heavenly Father, Are you coming Home to-night ? WHl\UU^44 4\lfr} fh or No. 91. ^hm b ®Iig i«fug«? " Wbat is u man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul."— Matt. 10: 26. Fannt J. Crosbt. Silas J. Vail, by per. ^^ ^-h "#— # ^^=?-#-^^-J^=?feM 4 1. Say, where is thy refuge, poor sinner, And what is thy prospect to-day ? I 2. The Master is calling thee, sinner. In tones of compassion and love, ' 3. As summer is waning poor sinner, Be- pent, ere the season is past; III yt w &=;££ y3=s ^ t 3 5;=!; ^^ E^ ^ Why toil for the wealth that will perish, The treasures that mst and decay? To feel that sweet rapture of pardon. And lay up thy treasure a - bove: God's goodness to thee is ex - tend-ed, As long as the day-beam shall last; ? 5ci«: ? i^zih ^ Oh! think of thy soul, that forev-er Must live on e - ter- ni-ty's shore, Oh! kneel at the cross where He suffered, To ransom thy soul from the grave; Then slight not the warning repeated With all thebrightmomentsthatroll. u m ^ -fffr^ ; .r-. J. J ■0 — 0- ^z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ iiM tvlien thou, in the dust art for-got- ten, When pleasureoan charm theenomore. The arm of His mercy will hold thee, The arm that is mighty to save. Nor say, when the harvest is eud-ed, That no one hath cared for thy souL OHOSUS. ^ ^^m^^ ^Lf^^i4^ 'Twill profit thee nothing, but fearful the cost, To gain the whole world if thy soul should be lostl To gain the whole world if thy soul should be lost. P fi^ /?^ i i^^ V y V OS No. 92. §vigbt(g (&Um» 0m §mntt. "Lift ye np a banner open the high moontains."— lu. 13: 3. 'per. m Rev. Thomas J. Pottir. Sir ArthubS. Sullitait. 1. Brightly gleams our banner, Pointing to the Bky, Waving wand'rers onward, 2. Je - BUS, Lord and Mas-ter,At Thy eacred feet, Here with hearts rejoicing, 3. All our days di - rect us, In the way we go, Lead us on victorious 4. Then with Saints and Ajigels May we join above. Offering endless prniges m ^^ ■»- t t ^^ * w -& r To their home on high; Journeying o'er the desert, Glad - ly thus we pray, See Thy children meet; Often have we left Thee, Oft - en gone a -stray, O - ver every foe ; Bid Thine angels shield us, When the storm-clouds lower, At Thy throne of love ; When the toil is o - ver, Then comes rest and peace. — » d?^M-^ -*- 4= P f^ ■^-i m w /^ \a^ I m =f * ^^ OHOBUS. I^ mt JM ii u ^ And with hearts u - nit - ed. Take ourheav'nward way. Brightly gleams our Keep us, mighty Saviour, In the nar - row way. Pardon Thou and save us In the last dread hour. Je-sus, in His beau-ty;— Songs that never cease. J ^=^f^^»fif=P"=N^ ^ =^ ^ n £ t E I P banner. Pointing to the sky, Waving wand'rers onward To their home on high. JZl ^ . ^ ^ » ^ J F F^=s 3 m^^ -frr^- "O- -«— F- t; % ■^- ^^^44^=^m 09 No. 93. ^tmf i §0u mktt " Mine are thine and thine are mine."— John 17 : 10. London Hymn Book, 1664. A. J. OoRDOlf, by per. m ^^^^^^p Tt-rn g 1. My Je - BUS, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine, 2. I love Thee, be - cause Thou hast first lov -^d me, 3. I will love Thee in life, I'll love Thee in death, 4. In man-sions of glo - ry and end - less de • light, ^ ^^ i (»- ^ l>^-^j i i \ -^n=^=^tt-f^ For Thee all the And pur - chased my And praise Thee as I'll ev - er a m i=^ fo] - lies of sin I re - sign; par - don on Gal - va • ly's tree; long as Thou lend -est me breath; dore Thee in beav-en so bright; 4=^ 9- g ^S p-pH-i m f t ■0=9^ ^ My gra - cions Be - deem - er, my Bay - lour art Thou, I love Thee for wear - ing the thorns on Thy brow; And say when the death - dew lies cold on my brow, I'll sing with the glit • ter - ing crown on my brow, ^ J ■ J^J -I I , J^J J «! ■ J i J: ^ m ^m 3^ P ^ * If er er lond Thee, my Je - ens. 'tis nov. I -f» m ^U£ ri: i 3z: lOO m m m i No. 94. p. p. B. §l« tHt ^ttkvtOi. "He that belleveth on me hath everlaatlng life."— JoHK 6: 47. P. P. Blihb, by per. J-i-i-itH i^ ^i#^^ 1. Hear yo tho glad Oood News from heav'n? Life to a death-doomed 2. When we were lost, the Bon of Ood Made an a-tone-ment 3. Why not be - lieve the glad Good News? Why still the voice of ^^^^^^ ^ ^ i ^ i ^^ race if! given! by His blood: Ood re - fuse? Christ on the cross for yon and me When we the glad Good News be - lieve, Why not be - lieve, When God hath said, 5^^="^ ^ 5^ i i OHOBTTS. ^^^^ ^m=^=f=i^ Purchased a par Then the a - tone All, nil our guilt don full and free, ment we re - ceive. "on Him" was laid. He that be • liev - eth. ij m fe=to^^=£ ■^ \ \ -fii- f ■t P m ^ ^^ p f t' g ' r he that be - liev - eth, 1«( Utne. I ?^ ^ He that be - liev - eth hath ■^ IM-f- f^^ J f ^ 33 f ev • er-last-ing life; He that be-liev- eth hath ev-er-lasting life. ^ 4^ ■•■ ? ^■ ffi 1^ f ^ «— f- ■» — »■ fcdi v^k'- lOl No. 95. ivAhttf i^k mi) ^mA. " For thy name's sake lead me, and guide me."— Pa. 31 1 3. Bey. U. N. Cobb. S. J. Vao, by per. •^ 1. TEe way u dark, my lather 1 11 j C m -«- B^£^ way IS dark, my lather 1 1| j Cloud upon cloud Ih gathcrinf^ thickly | ( o'er my head, uudjuud The thuuderu | P I la: 5 P p—r r ^a^i [load 3: roar a - bove me, 1 1 j Yet see, I stand like one | ] bewildered! Father, } take my hand, And thro' the gloom srife ly home, safe - ly home, Safe - ly home, Lead safely home Thy child! ^^^^^^^^m 2 The da^ declines, my Fatlicr! || and tlio night Id drawing darkly diiwn. My laitlileHM ttiglit Sees I gliuHtly | viHi(>iiH. || Kearn liku u Hpuctral baud EucoiupuHH niu. Fathtn', | tuko my | Loud, And i'runi the niglit load up tu light, Up to light, nji to liglit, • Lead ui> tu light Thy child! 3 The way is long, my Father! || and my sonl Longs fur the rest and iiuiet | of the | goal; l| ■Wliile yet 1 journey thruugh this weary laiwl, Keep me frum wandering. Father, | take my | hand, And in the way tu endless day, Endless day, endless day, Lead safely uu Thy child! 4 The path is rough, my Father! || Many a thorn Has iiiereed me; an*l my feet, all torn A]id uieeding, | mark the I way. |j Yet Thy command Bids me press forward. I 1^ I No. 99. ft ilt0t«»jl. f . p. Rev. Wm. Hammond. Anr. by Aaron 'Wiluamb. ^i^ 1. A - wake, and sing 2. Sing of His dy .- the song Of Mo • ses and the Lamb; ing love; Sing of His ria - ing power; Mi Wfi $ 'F pM hi Mo Sing of A :^ S #-:r and the Laml ria - ing power; lb: P i ifci -^ -«- 2?: ~a. — er -«f- ^ T^f^ r9\ £ Wake, ev - ery heart and ev - ery tongue, To praise the Saviour's Name. ; Sing how He in- ter- cedes a - bove For those whose sins He bore. rf\ :e f r ff i f •«*- ^^^ -»- M T 3 Ye pilgrims, on the road To Zion's city, sing; Bejoice ye in the Lamb of God,- In Christ, the eternal King. 4 There shall each raptured tonc,ud His endless praise proclaim; And sweeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lumb. No. 100. Mrs. Mart S. B. Dana. I'm a f i{0t:im. Italian Am. 11 ^ ^^^ ^ ^ it ± fc=± I V u < u u 1. I'm a pilgrim and I'm a stranger, I can tarry, I can tarry but a night; 2. Of that cit-y, to which I joxiruey, My Redeemer, my Scdeemer is the light, 3. Therethesuubeamsareevershining, O! my longing heart,my longing heart is [there; =P=^ ■^*- ■*-•- ** ^ t ss Do not detain me, for I am go -ing To where the streamlets are ever flowing. Thereisnosorrow, nor a-iiy sighing, Nor a - ny tears, nora-ny dy-ing. Here in this country,so dark and dreary,Ilonghavewander'dforlom and weary. OHORUS. 1^^^^^^^ i I'm a pilgrim and I'm a stiimger, I can tax-iy, I can tar-ry but a night, y No. 101. Tune— DUKS st. p. 104. L. M. 1 From all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Bedeemor s Name be sung, Thro' every land, by every tongaOo 2 Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends Thy word; Thy praise shall sound from shore to snore. Till suns shall rise and set no more. Rev. Isaac Watts. ios if- J no Tune— G. H. No, 1, p. X04. WO. i\)£. c. M. 1 Am I a soldier of the cross, A follow'r of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? 2 Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease, I Whilf others fought to win the prize, Ai-d sailed through bloody seas? 3 Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem tlie flood ? Is this vile world a trieud to grace. To help me on to God ? 4 3ure I must fight if I would reign. Increase my courage, Lord ; I'll bear ths toil, endure the pain. Supported by Thy word. Isaac Watts. — O— •T J />0 'iL'une— G. H. No. 1, p. 89. No. lUa. c. M. 1 There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. Be?. — Lose all their guilty stains. Lose all their guilty stains; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood. Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see lliat fountain in his day; And therts may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. — Wash, &C. 3 E'er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Bedeeming love has been my theme. And shedl be till I die. — And shall, >T J /> e Tune — winoham. NO. 105. I- M. 1 Sts^, thoh insulted Spirit, stay, ■Tho' I have done Thee such despite. Cast not the sinner quite away, Nor take Thine everlasting flignt 2 Though I have most unfaithful been Of all who e'er Thy grace received; Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times Thy goodness grieved. 3 Yet O, the chief of sinners spare, In honor of My great High Priest; Nor in Thy righteous anger swear I shall not see Thy people's rest 4 O Lord, my weary soul release. Upraise me by Thy gracious hand. Guide me into 'i'hy perfect pcyice. And bring me to the prouiised laud. Charles Wbslby. — O — M J A A Tune— ST. THOMAS. No. 106. S.M. 1 O Holy Spirit come. And Jesus' love declare; Oh tell us of our heavenly home, And guide us safely there, 2 Our unbelief remove By Thine almighty breath; Oh work the wondrous work cf 1ot6» The mighty work of faith. 3 Come with resistless power, Come with almighty grace. Come with the long-expected shower, And fall upon this place. Oswald Aujou — o — m.1 M t\m Tune — dennis. No. 107. s.M. 1 Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian lotre; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne. We pour our ardent prayers; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one— Our comforts and our cares. 3 When we asunder pirt, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joiud in heait. And hope to meet ugain John f awcbtt. 1 loe re, Grigg. espite, gilt been eived; 3SS Been, oodaess re, riest; ear :eat. hand. ce, dlaud. Veslby. f love, hower, ldAujou ds leone— eait. WCBTT. No. 108. Tune— G. H. No. 1, p. io6. 1 Como every joyful heart, That loves tha Saviour's name ! Your uoblast powers exert To celebrate His fame; Tell all abcvg, and all below, The debt of love to Him we owe. 2 He left His starry crown, And lai'? His robes aside; On wings of love came down. And wept, and bled, aid died; What He enduicd, no tongue can tell, To save our souls from death and hell. 3 From the dark grave He rose— The mansion of the dead; And thence His mighty foes In glorious triumph led; Up through the sky the Conqueror rode And reigns on high the Saviour God. 4 From thence He'll quickly come — His chariot will not sUy — And bear our spirits home To realms of endless day; There shall we see His lovely face, And ever he in His embrace. Samuel Stennet. — — No. 109. Tune— G. H. N j. 1, p. 105. 1 My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine; Now hear me while I pray. Take all my guilt away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thiue. 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire; As Thou hast died for ne, O may my love to The.', Pure, warm, and chaugeless be, A living fire. 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefjL- around me spread, Be Thou my guide ; Bid darkness turn to day. Wipe sorrow's tears away. Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 4 When ends life's transient dream, When death's cold sullen stream Shiiil o er me roll; Blest Saviour, then in love, Fear and distrust remove; O, bear mo safe above A ransom'd soul. Ray Palmer. _0 — No. HO. Tune-G. H. No. 1, p. 85. 1 Kock of Ages cleft for me, Let me hido myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, ""v From Thy riven side which flowed. Be of sin the double cure. Save me from its guilt and power. 2 Not the labor of my hands Can fulfil Thy law's demands; Could my zeal no resi)ile know. Could my tears forever flow, All for sin could not atone;. Thou must save, and Thou alone. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyes shall close in death. When I soar to worlds unknown. See Thee on Thy judgment throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. Augustus M. Toplady. — o — No. Ill . Tune— G. H. No. 1, p. 84. 1 Jesus, Lover of my soul. Let me to Thy bosom fly. While the nearer waters roll. While the tempest still is hiph; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide; receive my soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, uh, leave me not alone. Still support and comfort me. All my trust on Thee is stayed. All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 3 Thou, Christ, art all I want; More than all in Thee I find: Baise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just ,nd holy is Thy name ; 1 am all unrighteousness; Vile, and full of sin I am. Thou art full of truth and grace. Charles Weslbv. — O — No. 112. Tune-G. H. No. 1, p. 104. 1 Come Thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heait to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise; ' Teach me some melodious sonnet. Sung by flaming tongues above; Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love. 2 Here I'll raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I'm come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure. Safely to arrive at home: Jesus Bousjflit me, when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. 107 3 to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constmined to be: Let Thy goodusHS like a fetter, Bind my waudering heart to Thee: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here's my heart, O take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above. Robert Robinson. — o— No. Ii3. Tune— G. H. No. 8, p. 87. 1 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren laud; I am weak, but Thou art mighty. Hold me with Thy powerful hand; Bread of heaven, ^ Feed me till I want no more. 2 Ox)en now the crystal fountain. Whence the healing waters flow; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through; Strong deliverer. Be Thou still my strength and shield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Bear me through the swelling current, Jjand me safe on Canaan's side; Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee. William Williams. — o — No. 114. Tune-G. H. No. 1, p. 51. 1 Precious promise God hath given To the weary passer by. On the way from earth to heaven, "I will guide thee with Mine eye." Kef.— I will guide thee, I will guide thee, I will guide thee with Mine eye; On the way from earth to heaven, I will guide thee with Mine eye. 2 When temptations almost win thee, And thy trusted watchers fly; Let ibis promise ring within thee, "I will guide thee with Mine eye." 3 When thy secret hopes have perished, 111 the grave of years gone by ; Let this promise still be cherished, • "I will guide thee with Mine eye." 4 When the shades of life are falling, And the hour has come to die; Hear thy trusty Pilot calling, "I will guide thee with Mine eye." Nathaniel Nilbs. — — No. 115. Tune— G. H. No. 1, p. 18. 1 Free ^rom the law, oh, happy condition, Jesus hath bled, and there is r. mission, Curs'd by the law, and bruised by the fall, Grace hath redeemed us once for all. Cho. — Once for all, oh, sinner receive it, Oace for all, oh, brother, believe it; Cling to the Cross, the burden will fall, Christ hath redeemed us once for all. 2 Now are we free — there's no coudemna> tion, • Jesus provides a perfect salvation; "Come unto Me, oh, hear His sweet call. Come, and He saves us once for all. 3 ' ' Children of God, " oh, glorious calling. Surely His grace will keep us from falling : Passing from death to life at His call, Blessed salvation once for alL P. P. Bliss. No. 116. Tune— G. H., No. 2, p. 25, 1 Repeat the story o'er and o'er, Of grace so full and free; I love to hear it more and more, Since grace hath rescued me. Cho. — The half was never told. The half was never told. Of gmce divine, so wonderful, The half was never told. 2 Of peace I only knew the name. Nor found my soul its rest Until the sweet-voiced angel come To soothe my weary breast 3 My highest place is lying low At my Redeemer's feet; No real jou in life I know, But in His service sweet. 4 And oh, what rapture will it be With all the host above. To sing through all eternity The wonders of His love. P. P. Buss. — 0— No. 117, Tune-G. H., No. 2, p. 61. 1 I gave My life for thee. My precious blood I shed. That thou might'st ransomed be. And quickened from the dead; I gave, I gave My life for thee. What hast thou gr-en for Me? 2 My Father's house of light, My glory-circled throne I left, for earthly night, For wand'rings sad and lone; I left, I left it all for thee. What hast thou left for Me'/ 3 I suffered much for thee, More than thy tongue can tell. Of bitterest agony. To rescue thee from hell; I've borne, I've borne it all for thee, What hast thon borne for Me ? 4 And I have brought to thee, Down from My home above. Salvation full ai^d free. My pardon and My love; I bring, I bring rich gifts to thee. What hast thou brought to Me ? Francbs R. Havbrgal* 108 willfaM, ) for aU. ndemno* veet call, 111. 3 calling, 1 falling: call, ?. Bliss. 25- r, ore, ne. srful, me, b came b. w bbe p. Buss. 6i. dbe, lead; e? ne; tell, )r thee, :e? ve. thee. Me? WBRGAU No. 118. Tune-G. H., No. «, p. 9. 1 "Man of sorrows," what a name For the Son of God, who came Buin'd sinners to reclaim ! Hallelujah, what a Saviour ! 2 Bearing shame and scoffing rude, In my place condemned He stood; Sealed vay pardon with His blood: I Hallelujah, what a Saviour I 8 Guilty, vile and helpless, we; Spotless Lamb of God, was He, •'Full atonement," can it be' Hallelujah, what a Saviour ! 4 Lifted up was He to die, "It is finished," was His cry, J Now in heaven exalted high; Hallelujah, what a Saviour ! 6 When He comes, our glorious King, All His ransomed home to bring, Then anew this song we'll sing: Hallelujah, what a Saviour ! ■p. P. Buss. N0> 119> Tune-G. H.,:No. S, p. 19. 1 Do you see the Hebrew captive kneelingi At morning, noon and night to pray? In his chamber he remembers Zion, Though in exile tea away. Cho.— Are your windows open toward Jerusalem, Tho' as captives here a " little while " we stay? For the coming of the King in His glory, Are you watching day by day? 2 Do not fear to tread the fiery furnace. Nor shrink the lion's den to share; For the God of Daniel will deliver, He will send His angel there. S Children of the living Qod, take courage ; Your great deliverance sweetly sing: Bet your faoes toward the hill of Zion, Thence to hail our coming King. P. P. Buss. — o— No. 120. Tune-G. H., No. S, p. 99- 1 • ' Home at last " on heavenly mountains. Heard the "Come and enter in ; " Saved by life's fair-flowing fountains, Saved from earthly taint and siu, Eef.— < < Home, sweet home, " onr home forever; Weary pilgrimages past; Welcomed home, to wander uever; Saved thro' Jesus — " Saved at last" 2 Free at last from all temptation, No more need of watchful care; Joyful in complete salvation. Given the victor's crown to wear. 8 Saved to greet on hills of glory Loved ones we have missed so long; Saved to tell the sinner's story, Saved to Bing redemption's song. 4 Welcomed at the pearly portal. Ever more a welcome guest: Welcomed to the life immortiil, In the mansions of the blest. Maria P. Alurk Crozibr. — O— No. 121. Tune-G. H., No. S, p. 34. 1 Kescue the perishing. Care for the dying. Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; Weep o'er the erring one, Lift up the fallen. Tell them of Jesus the mighty to save. Cho. — Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. 2 Though they are slighting Him, Still He is waiting. Waiting the penitent child to receive. Plead with them earnestly. Plead with them gently; He will forgive if they only believe. 3 Down in the human heart. Crushed by the tempter. Feelings lie buried that grace can restore: Touched by a loving heart, Wakened by kindness, Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. 4 Rescue the perishing. Duty demands it; Strength for thy labor the Lord will pro- vide; Back to the narrow way Patiently win them; Tell the poor wand'rer a Saviour has died. Fanny J. Crosby. No* 122. Tune— LOOKING homb. 1 Ah, this heart is void and chill, 'Mid earth's noisy thronging; For my Father's mansion, still Earnestly I'm longing. Cho. — ^Looking home, looking home, T'wards the heavenly mansioa Jesus hath prepared for me, In His Father's kingdom. 2 Soon the glorious day will dawn. Heavenly pleasures bringing; Night will be exchanged for mom. Sighs give place to singing. 3 Oh ! to be at home, and gain All for which we're sighing; From all earthly want and pain To be swiftly flying. 4 Blessed home! oh, blessed home! There no more to sever; Soon we'll meet around the throne Praising God forever. C. J. T. Spitta. 100 INDEX. L Titles in Small Caps-First Lines in Roman. A. NO. Ab, tbia bearf; is void and chill V22 Alas ! and did iir Saviour blbbd t.. 85 A LIGHT UPON THE SHORE 12 Ain I a soldier of the Cross f 102 Ark you coming home to-night ? 90 Are you coming Home, ye wanderers? 90 A ruler once came to Jesus 16 Awake, and sing the song 99 B. Beautiful valley of Eden 31 Be our joyful song to-day 65 Beside the well at noon-time 81 Beulah Land 84 Blessed Home Land 39 Blessed Hope 24 Blessed hope that in Jesus is given... 24 Blest be the tie that binds 107 Brightly gleams our banner 92 By faith I view my Saviour dying .... 97 O. Can it BE BioHT ? 48 Christ for he 37 Christ Ketubneth 18 "Come." 88 Come, every joyful heart 108 Comb near Mb 10 Come near me, O my Saviour 10 Comb now, baith the Lord 34 Come souls that are longing for 34 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing.. 112 Come, we that love the Lord 29 Consecration 13 Crown Him 41 CuTiiDowir 17 r>. MO. Do you see the Hebrew captive 119 Eternity dawns on my vision 57 Evening Prayer 71 m. Faint, yet Pursuing 80 Father, take my Hand 95 Fierce and wild the storm is 32 Fix your eyes upon Jesus 42 Forever with Jesus there 53 Free fkom the law, oh, happy 115 From all that dwell below the skies.. 101 From the riven Keck there floweth.. . . 49 C3-. Glidiiig o'er life's fitfiil waters 39 Good News 70 Ooodnews from heaven 70 Gospel Bells - 14 Gospel Trumpets' bounding 45 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah 113 Have you any room for Jesus ? 63 Hear ye the GOOD NEWS from Heaven t 94 Heavenly Canaan 43 Heavenly Father, we beseech Thee. .. 96 He Knows 86 He that Believeth 94 He will Hide he 4 Hiding IN Thee 11 Ho, every ONE that thirsteth 81 Holy, Holy, Holy I Lord, God — 1 " Home at last" on heavenly 120 How happy are we 23 How sweet the word of Christ 66 J J J J J J J J UO NO. 119 57 71 80 95 32 42 53 115 cies.. 101 th.... 49 39 70 70 14 45 113 63 94 43 96 86 94 4 11 81 I 120 a3 66 I- I'm aPilorim 100 I'm a pilgriui, and I'm a stranger 100 I'm Goinq Homb 35 I AH trdstikoThkb 69 I CANNOT TELL HOW PRECIOUS 30 I feel like singing all the time 55 If never the gaze f tlie sun 2-2 I gave My life for thee 117 I've found a Friend 3 I've found tbe p'^arl of greatest 79 1 have heard of a land far away 40 I've reached the land of corn and wine 84 I have read of a beautiful city 89 I know not what awaits me 86 la my Father's house there is many.. . 53 Is Jesus able to Redeem f 20 It IS Finished 60 It may be at morn, when tho'.day 18 I will sing of my Redeemer 8 I'll stand by you till the mobnino. 32 Jesus, and shall it ever be 104 Jksuscalls thee 7 Jesus Christ is passing by 9 Jesus, gracious one, calleth now 7 Jesus, Lover of my soul Ill Jbrus Only 36 Jehus, Only Jesus 65 Joy to the world 15 li. Long in darkness wo have Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious. M. " Han of sorrows," what a name.... Marching to Zion Memories of Earth Mercy's Freb MineI Mine ! what rays of glory bright Must I go, and empty handed 7 My faith looks up to Thee My faith still clings My heavenly home is bright and fair My Jesus, I love Thee My Redeemer My sin is great, my strength 6 41 118 29 76 97 56 56 77 109 78 35 93 8 78 " None op Self and all of Thee.".. Not half has etsr been told Nothing either great or small 47 89 60 ^- Oh, do not let the Word depart 25 Oh, how happy are we 23 Oh, I AM so happy in Jesus 44 O Holy Spirit, come 106 Oh, tend^fr and sweet was the 26 Oh, the bitter pain and sorrow 47 Oh, word of words the sweetest 88 land of rest, for thee I sigh 83 On Jordan's stormy banks 82 Only for thee 59 Only trusting in my Saviour 51 O safe to the Rock that is higher 11 Our Master has taken His journey .... 64 Out of darkness into light 6 ; Over the Line 26 Over the Ocean Wave 75 O what a Saviour,that Hediedfor me 21 I». Paradise 66 r HTiNG Hymn..... 96 Precious promise, God hath given.... 114 Precious Saviour, may I live 59 Pressing on 73 Rejoice with me 67 Rej(»ioe with me, for now I'm free 67 Repeat the story o'er and o'er 116 Rescue the perishing 121 Revive hiy work 2 Rocko/. Ages, cleft for me HO S. Saved BY the blood 33 Save, Jesus, save!. 27 Saviour, breathe an evening 71 Say, where is thy refuge, poor 91 Slie only touched the hem 46 " Sing and Pray ! Eternity dawns !" 57 Singing all the time 55 Sing then* over again to me 61 Sound the high praises 72 Spirit of truth, oh, let me know 98 Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay 105 St. Thomas* S. M 99 T. Take my life and let it be 13 Tempted and Tried 28 Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand 54 The gospel bells are ringing 14 Thi; Gospel Trumpet's Sounding... 45 Tun Heavenly Canaan 43 The Hem of His Garment 46 Thb Lamb is th£ Light thbubov .... 22* ill HO. THE PEARt OF GREATEST PriOB 79 The prize is sot before us 68 Tliere is a Fountain filled with blood.. 103 TiiEitu 18 A Grekn Hill fab away., 52 Tliero is a land of pure delight 43 ThBKE '8 A WOBK FOB BACH OF 08 NOW 64 TlIEBE IS JOY AHONO THE ANOEA 74 The Smitten Rock 49 The way is dark, my Father. 95 Thine, Jesus, Thine 5 This is the day of toll 73 jThOU ART COMINO 60 Thou art comiug, O my Saviour. 60 JTobbThebe 40 Triumph BY AND BY ,. 68 ■V. Vbbily, vbbily. We're Marching to Zion We're sayed by the blood . . SI 29 33 WeVe Journeyed many a day. 12 We apeak of the laud of tlie blest 62 We'll work till Jesds comes 83 What mcst it be to be there, 62 What tho' the clouds are hovorinj^ 36 When Jesus oomes to reward 38 When the storms of life are raging.. . . 4 When weoethoue 87 When we reach our Father's dwelling 76 WhEBE IS HY BOY TO-NIOHT 58 Where is my wandering boy 58 Where is thy bbfcoe 91 Whom have I, Lord, in heaven 37 Why DO YOU wait f 19 Why NOT TO-NIGHT? 25 Will Jesus find us watching ? 38 wondebful wobds of life 61 Would you lose your load of sin t i'i V. Ye MUST BE BORN AGAIN 16 UA HO. 12 62 83 62 36 38 4 87 76 58 58 91 37 19 ii5 38 61 42 16