^'^U IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V A ./ 1.0 f 1^ II 2.5 " lii 2.2 IIM M 2.0 1 8 I.I 1.25 1.4 1.6 V] signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent 6tre film^s d des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul ciich6, il est filmi d partir de i'angle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droite, at de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mdthode. ' 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 CHARTER OF TIIH /Jf i OF MONTHEAL AS PHEP.VUKD I!Y MES.SHS. F. X. CirOQUET, Q.C , A. W. ATNVATER, ,^.0, R. STANLEY WEIR, L.L.D. AND L. 0, DAVID, CITY-CLEIUC, CUM.MISSIOXEKS Ain-OINTED HY TJIE COUXCIL, AVITH THE ASSISTANCE OF MESSRS. II. ROY, Q.C, h J. ETIIIER, Q.C, AND J. L. ARCHAMI5AULT, Q.C.,' AND REVISED BY A SPECIAL COM.MITTEE CO.Ml'OSED OP HIS AVORSIIIP THE MAYOR, R. PREEOXTAINE AND OF ALDERMEN liEAIJSOLEIL, McliRlDE, LAPORTE, AMES, MARTINEAf AND ARCIIAMBATLT Adoj^tcd 1.,/ flu tyundl in the month of Decern' .r, 18!)S, „h,1 mnctioned by the Licutenant-G'Hcninr of the Pen,!, ire of Qnehee, the HONORABLE LOUIS AMABLE JE|TTf] On the UHh of March, ISO'J. QUEBEC " DAILY TELEGRAPH " PRIJ^TING HOUSE 1899 ! INTRODUJriON The city of Montreal was incorporated in 1832, and a council composed of sixteen members was entrusted with the administration of its affairs. It was divided into eight wards, viz. : East, West, St. Ann's, St. Joseph, St. Antoine, St. Lawrence, St. Louis and St. Mary's. Each ward elected two aldermen and the mayor was elect- ed by the council. This first charter of Montreal had been granted for four years, and expired in 1830. From 1830 to 1840, the city was administered as formerly by magistrates, and from 1840 to 1843, by a mayor and aldermen appointed by the Governor-General. The first ma )'or of Montreal was Mr. Jacques V'iger, who ex- ercised the duticci of first magistrate of the city until 183*!. In virtue of an ordinance of the special council passed in the 4th year of the reign of Her Majesty, it was enacted that in the month of December 184:^, the councillors of Montreal were to be elected bv the people, and that six aldermen would be appointed by the memb- ers of the council to assist them in governing the city, which was, at the same time, divided into six wards, each electing two councillors. In 1845, the city was divided into nine wards ; the suburban wards elected two councillors, and the city wards, viz. : East, Centre, and West wards, three. In 1851, the council ceased to elect the mayor, and this privilege was conferred upon the electors ; the distinction l)etween the subur- ban wards and the city wards was abolished, and the number ot aldermen increased to nine. The difterent wards were as follows : East, Centre, West, St. Ann's, St. Antoine, St. Lawrence, St. Louis, St. James, St. Mary's. IV Til 1874, tlie distinction botwuen the aldormoii and tiu' council- lors WHS aholislicd, and all the monibers of the Council wore placed on the same tooting, and were given the title of Alderman. Since the annexation to the City of the municipalities of irochclaga, St. Jean-Baptist(;, St. Gabriel, CALe St, Louis (now St. Henis ward), the inmdx'r of aldermen lias increased, but in 18i)4, it was enacted by the Legislature that each ward of the City should only elect two aldormeii, and this has been sanctioned by the new charter. This charter effected inii)ortant changes in the municipal system of Montreal ; those who i>re[)ared and revised the same have intro- duced tlu'iviu the most useful among the provisions contained in the charters of other cities of this continent. They have performed a con- scientious work which will be appreciated in due course of time. The progress made by the (Jity of Mcjiitreal since its incor- poration has been remarkable. Its i)0[)ulation, which was only about 50,000 souls in 1840, is now from 250,000 to 2(50,000 souls, or 300,000, including the outlying municipalities, which may be con- .sidered as forming part of Montreal. Two thirds of the population are of French origin, the i)ther third is of English and Irish origin and comprises all the other groups belonging to foreign nationalities. llis Worshij) Mayor i'refontaine, wishing to give in his inaugural address, in 1898, an idea of the progress made by Montreal, during the past lo years, expressed iiimself as follows : — " The taxable property, in 1884, was !?. 3,^.84,644 ; in 1897, the same had reached !^141, 190,205 ; increase, $68,205, 5J1. " The property which was exempted from taxation in 1884 was $15,324,084 ; in 1897, it had reached $36,023,295 ; increase, $20,697,111. " In 1884, we had 133 miles of streets opened ; in 1897, we had 178 miles. Increase, 45 miles. " In 1884, we had less than J mile of paved street ; we now have 26 J miles. " The territory of Montreal in 1884 was 3788 square acres ; in 1897, it was 6547 acres ; increase, 2761 square acres. " In 1884, we had about 75 miles of brick sewers ; we now have 104 miles ; increase, 29 miles. " The population increased during the same period of time, from 172,000 to 250,000, taking the lowest estimate of the present popu- lation ; increase, about 78,000." I This marked progress is not astoiiisliing, it' the geographical position of Montreal is ken into account. Situated at the head of ocean navigation, being the terminus of the great Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railway lines, the emporium of the trade of the American West and the Canadian North West, our city is necessarily destined to monopolize the trade of a large portion of North America, and to become the rival of the larger American cities. It extends, expands on all sides, absorbing the outlying villages ; it has nearly reached tlie banks of the Ottawa river, and will soon cover two thirds of the Island of Montreal. "When the canals connecting it with the great Lakes of the West, after being enlarged and deepened, will enable the produce of the West to follow the St. Lawrence route, — its natural outlet — wlien its harbour, after being enlarged and prov- ided with elevators, will afford to Trade and Commerce all desirable advantages, Montreal will make rapid strides and become within a few years a city of 500,000 souls. The two rivers which surround tlie city. Mount Royal which towers over it and has been converted into one of the finest parks in the world, its gardens, palaces, public buildings, universities, colleges, churches, hospitals, educational and charitable institutions give it a special feature, and impress the stranger who visits the metropolis. The town of Maisonneuve, with so glorious an origin, with such heroic traditions, could not be exclusively devoted to trade and mate- rial progress. The devotion which inspired its founders and the spirit of sacrifice which protected its cradle, continue to be mani- fested by admirable works and noble institutions of a philanthropic and benevolent character. nis Im 9mr OHI^K/T.-EI^, np XHK CITV OF MONTREAL 18 9 1) tJ2 VICT. CIfA]\ 58 An Act to revise and con^^oli.late the charter of the city of Montreal. [AssFuleU lo lOlh Ma.rh, 1899.] WIIKREAS it is ..xpe-lient to revise and consolidate »> f!;. fit 1^''^?^'-^''^ ^^ ^l^e several acts of tlL Lo "Ll^ '^^^"''^'^•■ tnre o the Province of Quebec, relating to the citv of \lo»t co^eJt?'?!^? "^l^^^^^y an lit real Cap. 58 8 {n) The words "Superior Court" nu-uii the SupL'rior Suimiior Court 8ittiu«; in and for tlio district of Montreal ; ^'''"'■'' ' {(>) The words 'Mist of electors" shiiU mean the niunicii>al M^i of elect- list of electors. "•'^ ' (ft) The words "lane"' or "alley" 8hidl include idl lanes '•""'«: all«y which are not enclosed at hoth ends from [lublic view. 2, Every roferoiice to an article, without any indication of Hoforunces to the act of which such article to forms part, is deemed to be oI,',"iI[^^i'j,^j'"' a reference to an article of this act. lion. "2' The above clauses apply e([nally to the interpretation Appiicfttion of any by-law of the city lind to the provision-i of this !|[.,'i',X|'"'''"^ charter. The provisions of section iifth of chai'ter two of the Aiiiiii.aiioii preliminary title of the Revised tStatin of the L'''ovince t'|^/i','^^,7'ii.'s. of (Quebec containing; certain declarat«»ry and interi»retative provisions, shall ap[>ly to this act, exc(.[)i in so far as the same may be inconsistent therewith. ;^«. This act shall bo cited as the " Churri •.• of the city of Nuhh' of lu t. Montreal " SKITUIN It ixcouroiiATn-N" levied ally ; inient,"' upon 4. The inhabitants and rate-pavers of the citv of Montreid, ivrsons in- and their successors, shall continue to be a municipal cor- ^•^»i»"'itt''i- poration known and described by and under the name of " The City of Montreal," and as such shall have perpetual X.ime mid succession, and a corporate seal, with all the powers of k"''|'''''^1 legislation, control and administration comnioidy possessed '"^ by municipal cor[iorations, and in addition thereto all powers specially granted to the said city by law and by the provi- sions of this act. The city of Montreal shall moreover power loliohi have power to accept, take, [lurchase, and hold goods and p^upi-ify- '^(•• chattelsjlands and tenements, moveables and immoveables and to grant, sell, alienate, assign, and convey the same ; and to grant, and accept bonds, or other instruments or securities, for the payment, or securing the payment of any monkey due by or to the city of Montreal, and to use and put in operation all other powers that may be necessary for the just and proper fultilment and performance of its obligations, and functions. Gai.. 58 (Jit>j of Montnud G2 Vict. SKi'TKlN III liOL'.MiAKIHS AND .U'lIlSDfin'K iX OF Tlil-: CITV Limi'.s of the city of Mont- real. •5. The territory of the cit}' of Moiitroul is comprisetl within the following honndaries and limits : On the southwest by a line commencing at a [toiiit in the river St. Lawrence on the boundiirv of the village of Vordun, at about 1750 feet southeast ot the Lower Lachino road, and running northwesterly through lot official number 3261 of the parish of Montreal, parallel to and at a distance of 208 feet from the southwest limit of said lot number :)2tDl to the centre of the Lower Lachine Road, thence towards the northeast, along the centre of said road a distance of 58 feet, to the prolongation of the southwest limit of the Monfreal water-works' tail-race, thence towards the northwest, along said limit lastly mentioned to the southwest side of the settling basin of the Montreal water-works ; thence towards the north, along the said last mentioned side, to the northwest side of said basin ; thence toward the southwest, alongsaid northwest side of said basin, a distance of about 120 feet ; thence towards the northwest, along a line perpendicular to the northwest side of said settling basin, to the southern limit of lot official number 34'i0 of the [larish of Montreal ; thence towards the east, along last mentioned limit, to the prolongation of the west- ern alignment of Atwater avenue ; thence towards the north, along said alignment, crossing the Grand Trunk Railway, to the northeast limit of said railway ; thence to the northwest, along the last mentioned limit, to the centre of the Lachino Camd ; thence to the northeast, along the said centre line of the Lachine Canal, to the southeast extremity of the division line between tlie city of Montreal and the city of Sainte- Cunegonde ; thence towards the tiortlnvest, along the said division line, coinciding with the northeast limit of lots offi- cial numbers 2508, 550^557, 555, 554, 508, 509, 507, 500, 406, 467, 405, 404, 461, 400^ 432. 433, 431, 430, 407,408,406-10, 406-0, 400-8, 404-0, 404-8, 4037-1, 403^-2, 304, 305-1, 305 2, 305-3, 306-3, 303,/-!, 3937-2, 303, 302-2, 302-1, 302-3, 301-3. 391-5, 387^/-4, 386-1, 386-2, 386-6, 386-124, 380-137,380-138, 386-130, 386-140, 4700, 386-141, 386-106, 380-107, 380-198, 380-100, 386-201, 386-202, 386-203, 386-204, 386-205, 386- 214, 386-216, 386-210, 380-217, 386-218, 386-210, of the parish of Montreal, to the prolongation of the northwest align- ment of Dorchester street ; thence, still towards tlu* northwest, along the division line between the city of Montreal and the town of Westmount, said line coinciding with the north- east limit of lots official numbers 381,378, 377 and 376 of the parish of Montreal, to the southeast limit of lot official num- ber 170 of the village of La C6te des Neiges ; thence towards '■f'i 1899 Citij of Montreal Cap. 58 the northeast, along said last mentioned limit extended across Cote dcs Neiges Road, to its nortliera alignment ; thence to the northwest, along ssiid alignment, to tlie southeast linnt of lot ollicial number 3 of the village of La CAte des Neiges ; thence, along an irregular lino sei)arating said lot iuiml)er 3 from lot number 1 of said village ; thence towards the north- east, along tlie southeast limit of lot cfHcial number 4 of said village ; tlience towards the northwest, along the northeast limir of said lot iniml>er 4 ; thence towards the northeast, along the southeast limit of lot official number 5 of said village ; thence towards the northwest, along the northeast limits of lots otticial numbers 5, : thence running through lot offi- cial numbi r 100-3 and extending alonii" the northeast limit of lots odirinl numbers 10(1-5. 100-0. 100-7, 100-8, 190-0, 100- 10, 100-11, 1'J0-12. 100-13. 100-14, 100-15, 100-10; thence running through bus official numhers 190-30, 100-32, 190-34; thence along the northeast limits of lots official nmnhei'S 100-30, 100-37. 100-38, i;t0-30, 100-40, 10041, 100-42. 100-43, 100-44, 100-45, 100-40, 100-47: then.H. along the same straight lino through lots official numhers 100-01,100-63, 8, 8', of said village and the Canadian Pacific Railway, to its norrliwest limits; thence running along the same straight line, parallel to and at a distance of 14 feet from the southwest aliii'iiment of Cowan street throuu'h lots official numbers 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4. 8-5. 8-0, 8-7. 8-8, 8-0, 8-10, 8-11, 8-12, 8-13, 8-14. S-15, 8-10, 8-17, S-18, 8-10, 8-iO, 8-21, 8-22, 8-23, 8-21, 8-25, 8-20, 8-27. 8-28, 8-29, 8-30, 8-31, \ I Cap. 58 City of Montreal 62 Vict. I '! lots numbers 154, loo, 153, 152, 11 and 10 of the said village, to tlie northeastern limit of oiHcial lot nunilier 10 of the said village ; thence towards the northwest, follow- ing the limit lastly described, to the southeast limit of lot official number 9 ; thence to the northeast, along the limit lastly mentioned, to the soutliwestern limit of lot num- ber 7 of the said village ; thence, to the southeast, fol- lowing the limit lastly mentioned, to the southeastern limit of the same lot, thence, to the northeast, following the limit lastly mentioned and the southeast limit of otficial lot number 1 of the said village, to the northeast limit of the said lot of the said village, (the jiart of Kachel street, between ]*apineau avenue and the northeast 460 feet north of the northwest limit of lot official number 8- 1U7 ; thence to the northeast, along the division line between the city of Montreal and the parish ctf St. Laurent, the said line being almost perpendicular to the limits lastly described, to the southwest limit of lot official number 2628 of the parish of St. Laurent ; thence towards the southeast, along the limit of said last mentioned lot, to the southeastern limit of the said lot number 2628 ; thence towards the northeast, along the southeast limit of lots official mimbers 2628 and 2629 ci said parish, to the northeast limit of lot official numl)er 26:;9 of the same parish ; thence towards the northwest, along the limit lastly mentioned, to the southeast limit of lot oiiicial number 489-1 of the parish of Sault an Eecollet ; thence to- wards the northeast, along the division line between the city of Montreal and the parish of Sault au RecoUet and coinci- ding Avith the southeast limit of lots official numbers 489-1, 489-12, 489-13, 489-24, 489-25, 489-37, 489-180, to the south- west limit of lot official number 488-74 of the said parish ; thence towards the southeast along the southwest limit of lots official numbers 488-74, 488-73, 488-32, 488-31, 488-1, to the southeast limit of the said lot official number 488-1 ; thence towards the northeast, along the southeast limits of lots official numbers 488-1, 488-26, 488-2rt, 488-167, 488-168, 488-197,488-198,488-476, 488-477, 488-506,488-507, 488- 765, 488-776, 488-791, 485, 484, 483, and 482, of the parish of Sault au Eecollet, to the southwest limit of lot official number 210 of the village of LaC6tede la Visitation ; thence towards the southeast, along the division line between the city of Montreal and the village of La C6te de la Visitation, coinciding with the southwest limit of said lot official num- ber HilO, to the C6te de laVisitation rofid; thence always toward the southeast, following the centre line of Papineau Avenue, as far as the prolongation of the southeastern limit of official lot number 154 of the said village ofC6tede la Visita- tion (De Lorimier village) ; thence, to the northeast, follow- ing the line dividing the city of Montreal from De Lorimier village, coinciding with the southeastern limit of official 1899 City of Montreal Cap. 58 8-32. 8-33, 8-34, 8-35, 8-36, 8-37, 8-38, 8-39, 8-40, 8-41, 8-42, 8-43, 8-44, 8-45, 846, 8-47, 8-48, 8-49, 8-50, 8-51, 8 52, 8-53, 8-54, 8-55, 8-56, 8-57, 8-58, 8-59, 8-60, 8-61, 8-62, 8-63, 8-64, 8-65, 8-66, 8-67, 8-68, 8-69, 8-70, 8-71, 8-72, 8-73, 8-74, 8-75, 8-76, 8-77, 8-78, 8-79, 8-80, 8-81, 8-82, 8-83, 8-84, 8-85, 8-86, 8-87, 8-88, 8-89, 8-90, 8-91, 8-92, 8-93, 8-94, 8-95, 8-96, 8-97, 8-98, 8-99, 8-100, 8-101, 8-102, 8-103, 8-104, 8-105, 8-106, 8-107 ; thence along the same straisjht line, throiiii:h lots numbers 9-68, 9-69, 9-70, 9-71, 9-72, 9-73, 9-74, 9-75, 9-76, 9-77 of the vilhige of La Cote St. Louis and through Sangui- net street, (lot official number 9-67), to a point situate at about of De Lorimier village, as well as that [nirt of Do Loriniier avenue running irom the northwest limit of the city to Rachel street, to form part of the city of Montreal for uiuuicipiil puri)Ose6) ; thence towards the northwest, along ^ the northeast limits of lots ollicial luimbers 1, 2, 2a, 2b, 3, 4, and 6 of the said village, to the eastern alignment of the Cote de la Visitation Road ; thence towards the north, along the said alignment, to the southwest limit of lot official number 172 of said village; thence towards the south- east, along the said last mentioned limit, to the south- east limit of lot official number 172 ; thence towards the nortlieast, southeast and northwest, along a broken line forming the southeast, northeast and northwest limits of lot otHcial number 172, to the southwest limit of lot ollicial number 173 of the said village; thence, in a^ straight line extending towards the northeast, along the southeast limits of lots official numbers 173 and 176- ot the said village, to the southwest limit of lot official number 177 ; thence towards the northeast and the south- east, along a broken line which forms the southeast and part of the southwest limit, to tlie southwest limit of lot official number 178 of said village; thence to the northeast,. along the southeast limit of lots official numbers 178, 179, 180 and 181 of the said village, to the southwest limit of lot official number 18 of the village of llochelaga (now the town of Maisoimeuve) ; thence towards the southeast, along the division line between the city of Montreal and th> town of Maisonneuve, coinciding with he limit lastly mentioned and the southwest limit ot lots official numbers 18-88, 18-87, 1^-07'/, Wmi, 18-66, 18-62, 18-60f, 18-61, 18-17 and 18-14 of the Village of Hochelaga, prolonged, to the southeast align- ment of Xotre-Dame street ; thence in the same direction, and following the southwest limit of lot official number 20 of the said village, to the centre of the river St. Lawrence ; thence turning towards the southwest, and following the centre of the river, to the point of departure. St. Helen's Island, He Ronde and He Verte are comprised Certain is- within the limits of the city. ^^^^^ inlcity. « Cap. 58 City of Monire d 02 Vict. JurisiiiciiiMi O. Tlie city of Montreal shall havejnrisiliction forniunici- foi'lnuniHiwl I*''^ ""*^ policG pui'poses aiifl for tlie exercise of all the and poiifi- powers conferred upon it by this charter, over the whole purjiosfs. Ace. cxtcnt of its territory and also beyond its territory in those cases Avhere special authority is conferred upon it. The juris- diction of the city for municipal and police ]iurposes shall extend to the centre of the river St. L:nvrencc opposite the city. SKCTIdS W'AUI'S (IF THl-: (,1TV Ditision into 7. '^\^i, city of Montreal is divided into seventeen wards Naii'ieso! reK[»cctivcly called : East. Centre, "West, St. Ann, St. An- toine S(Mith, St. Antoinc West, St. Antoiiie East, St. Law- ence, St. Louis, St. James South, St. .lames Xorth., St. Mary West, St. ^Fary East, TIochcla,u'a, St. Jcan-Bainisic. Sf. Gabriel, St. Denis : and each of said wards is (.'onipriscd within the following' boundaries and limits : wurtls. l^ouiidiU'U'? of : 1 m m m Fast W-Avd: T Ivist Ward is boundi'd as I'ollows : Eroni the intcrsedion dI' CraJLi-and l^acroix sirtH't-. extend- iuji" ulonu' ihc middle of Liicroix street and the pioloniia- tion of l^acroix street as far as the river St. Lawrence ; on the southeast by that part t»f the river St. Jj.nvrence, sitxiate ojijiosite to and exlendiuu' from the prolonn'atiou of Lacroix. street to St. (Jabrirl str.'ct : on the southwest, l>y a line oxtendinu' aloiiu' the centre of St. Crabnel stiei't. I'lMm. river St. l^awreiice to Craiu' street : on ih" northwest hyaline exteiidinu' alonu' tln^ centre of Craig street, IVom St. !''rancis Xa\ier street to St Gabriel street. ■W.'si Ward ; .'}. "West AVard is bounded as f)lIow^s: On tht^ nort]ie;ist by a line extending' alonir the ((Mitrt^ of St. Francis Xavier street andCallieres street, from Craig street (o the rivir St. Lawrence : on the southeast by that 1809 C'lf^j of Montreal Cap. 58 9 St. Aiirrs W'anl ; St. Aiitoino W inl S,)iitli ; portion of lln^ rivor St. Lawrouco situutt' opposit*' to and oxtendin2- from Cullit-rt's stroot to McGill stvoot : on iho south\vo.st hy a lino oxtendini>' alonu;' the contro of McGill stiTi't, and of tht' street running' along" the northeast side of Victoria Sf|uare. from the river St. LawrtMioe to (.'raig- street: on the northwe.st hy a line oxtendini:^ aloiin" the (•(Mitre of Craig- street, from Virtoria Square to St. h'raneis Xavi:>r street. 4. St. Ann's Ward is hounded as Ibllows : 0\\ the northeast l)y a line extending- along the centre of McGill street, from Xoire-D.ime street to the river St. Lawrence; on the southeast by that portion of the river St. La wreiu'c situate opposite to and extending- from McGill strei't to th(^ former south .vestern lioundary ol'the city; o)i ilie soutlnvest hy a line extending alouLj- the fornnn- souiliwcstern boundary of the city, from the river St l^awrence to Notred)auie street ; on th(> northwest I)y a liiu' extending- alonu- the icntre of Xotre-Danie street from the southwestern bouiidai-y of the city to INlcGill street. ."). St. Antoiiie AVard South. is br)t\U(led as i'ollows: ( )n llie noviliwes! 1)V till! centre of ."^1. .^ ittoine street from the south westerii botinda-.-y of the city of Mouireal (di'scribed in this charter) as far as Craig- street and follow- ing the centre Hue of the latter as far as Victoria Stjuare, theU'C alonu' the centre of the street \vhi(-h i-uns along tho northeast side of Victoria Square and alonu" the ccuitre of McGill street from Craiu" stn>i't to Xotre-lJanie stri'ct : on the southeast by a line i,:.ilowinu- the centre of Xot re- Dame street, from McGill street to the s(Uilh\\ esl<'rn bouiulary of the city of Montreal ; thence Ibllowini;- the said southwestern Ixnindary lastly nu^itioiu'd, froui Xoti-e-Dame street to St. Antoine stre.'t, at the point of d'partiu-'. <■>. St. .\titoine AVard "West is bounded as f,Vilows: st. .Kntoino Wir.l West ; ( )n the noi-theasi by a line following the inoloim-alion of tlii^ centi-e of Mount aiu street, from the southi-a-tern ])oun(lary of M..uir IJoyal Park as iar as St. Antoine sti-ecM ; thence aloim- the centre of St. Antoiiu» street, I'rom ]\Iount- ain street to the soutlnvest(>rii bouiulary of the city of Montreal as (h'siribed in this chartiu- ; thence along the said boundary of the city from St. Antoine street to the south- eastern boundary of Mr.unt Koyal Park: thence towards the uoi-theast fonowinn' the southeastern boundai'y of Mount Royal Park lastly mentioiUMl to the proloim-ation of the centre ot Mountain street, at the point ol depart uic. Mount Royal Park is comprised in this ward. 10 Cap. 58 City of Montreal 62 Vict. St. Aiitoine Ward East ; St. Louis Ward ; 7. St. Autoine Ward East i.s bounded as Ibllovvs : On the northea.st by a line following the centre of Diiro- c'ler street from the boundary of Mount Royal Park, as in- dicated on the plan mentioned in the act of the Looislature of Quebec, 36 Victoria, chapter 32, section <>, as far as Sherbrooke street ; thence along the centre of Sher- brooke street, from Durocher street to City Councillors' street : thence along- the centre ol City Councillors' street, from Sherbrooke street to St. Catherine street ;. thence alonsy the centre of St. Catherine street, from City CouncilJors' street to St. Alexander street ; thence along the centre of St. Alexander street, from St. Catherine street to Craig street; thence along the, centre of Craig street and of St. Autoine street, from St. Alexander street to Mountain street : thence along the centre of Mountain street, from St. Autoine street as fur as the southeastern bouiulary of Mount Royal Park ; thence I'ollowiug the bouMtlary of Mount Royal Park, from the prolongation of t'le centre line of Mountain street to the middle of Duro- cher street, at the point of departure. H. St Louis "Ward is l)ounded as follows : On the northea.st by a line extending along th' centre of St Denis street, from the former northwestern b undary of the city to Craig street ; on the southeast by a line ex- leiulinu' aiouu' the centre ol Craig street, from St. Denis to St. jjawrence stre»4 : on the southwest by a line ex- tending along the i-entre oi'St. Lawrence street, from Craig street to the former northwestern boundary of the city: on the northwest l)y a line extending along the former north- western boundary of the city, from St. Lawrence street to St. Denis street. St. Lawrence 9. St. Lawreucc Ward is bounded as follows: Ward ; On the northeast by a line extending along the centre of St. Lawrence street, from the former northwestern boundary of the city to Craig street ; on the southeast by a line extending along the centre of Craig street, from St. Law- rence street to St. Alexander street ; on the southwest by a line extending along the centre of St. Alexander street,. from Craig street to St.Catherine street ; thence along the centre ofSt. Catherine street, from St. Alexander street to City Councillors' street ; thence along the centre of City Coun- cillors' street, from St. Catherine street to Sherbrooke street ; thence along the centre of Sherbrooke street, from City Councillors' street to Durocher street ; thence along the centre of Durocher street, from Sherbrooke street to the- southeastern boundary line of Mount lloyal Park, as indi- cated on the plan mentioned in the act of the Legislature 1899 Cliij of Montreal Cap. 68 11 rom the iidi- ture or Quebec 35 Victoria, chapter 32, section <3 ; on the north- west by a line extending along the Mount Koyal Park boundary line, as shown on the i>lan above-mentioned, from the northwestern extremity of Durocher street to a jwint northeast of Park avenue where the said Mount Royal Park boundary line intersects the former northwestern bound- ary of the city ; thence along the former northwestern boundary of the city from Mount lloyal Park to 8t. Law- rence street. 10. St. Mary Ward West is bounded as follows : On the northeast by a line extending along the centre of De Lorimier avenue from the former northwestern boundary of the city of Montreal to the river 8t. Lawrence ; on the southeast by that part of the river 8t. Jjawrcnce situate opposite to and extending from the prolongation of DeLori- mier avenue to Barclay street ; on the southwest by a line extending along the centre of Barclay street, from the river vSt. Lawrence to Notre-Dame street ; thence along the centre of Notre-Dame street, from Barclay street to Visitation street ; thence along the centre of Visitation street, from Notre- Dame street to the former northwestern boundary of the city of Montreal ; and on the northweat by the said former boundary of the city from Visitation street to DeLorimier avenue, at the i)oint of departure. IL St. Mary Ward East is bounded as follows : O'l the noilaeast, by a line extending along the centre oi Iberville street, from the prolongation of the ibrrner northwestern boundary of the city to the river St. Law- rence ; on the southeast,, by that part of the river St. Law- rence, situate opposite to and extending from Iberville street to the prolongation of DeLorimier Avenue ; on the southwest, by a line extending along the centre of DeLor- imier avenue, from the river St. Lawrence to the former northwestern boundary of the city of Montreal ; on the northwest, by the former northwestern boundary of the city to Iberville street, at the point of departure. St. Miiry Ward West St. Mary Ward East 12. St. James Ward South is bounded as follow's On the northeast by a line following the centre of Visitation street and extending from de Montiguy street to Notre-Dame street ; thence following the centre of Notre- Dame street, from Visitation street, to Barclay street; thence along the centre of Barclay street, from Notre-Dame street to the river St. Lawrence ; on the southeast by that part of the river St. Lawrence situate opposite to and extending from Barclay street to the prolongation of Lacroix street ; on the southwest by a line extending along the centre of St. .James , Ward South ; j I' 12 vSt. .lames W'.ml Noil I Ward las. St, .lean l!a IJ-le Wai.l (^ap. 58 Citif of Montreal G2 Vict. tho i)rolon2,'ation of LaiM-oix stroct. from tlu^ river St. Liiw- riMKo to Craig street ; thence alouo- Craig street, from Laeroix street to St. Denis street ; on the simthwest hy a line extendinii' ah)nff the centre of St. iJiMiis street, from Craiii' street to l)e Monliu'ny street ; on the northwest hy aline following the centre of ])i> Montigny street, from St. Denis street to Visitation street, at the point of de- parture. 1-!. St. .Tames Ward North is bounded as follows: ( )n the northea.st hy the prolongation of the cnhe and afterwards hy tho 0(>ntre of Visitation street, from the former northwesfei'n l)Oundary of the city of Montreal to De Montigny street ; on tht- southeast ])y the i i-ntre of De ]Montigny street, from Visitation strei't to St. Denis street ; on the southwest hy the centre of St. Denis stn^et from De ]Montii>ny street to the former northwestei'U hr»undary of the city : and on the north wesr hy the former northwestern boundary of the city, from St. Denis stn^et to the intersec- tion of till' said U()rtliW(\'t hy the norlheaslern ])oundary of the cit •. on the soutlu^ast bv tliat portion of the river St. LawTiMici.' situate ojij^osite to, and extending from the northeastern limit of the city to Iberville street ; on the southwest by a line- extending along the centre of Ib(>r- ville street. iVom the river St. Lawrence to a })oiut where such line intersects the prolongation of the lormcr north- western l)0u\idary of the city ; thence along the line along Iber\ille stiuvit \vhich divides the city from the munici- pality of De Lorimior, from tho intersection above-mentioned to th(Mi(n'thwestern boundary of the city; on tlir- north- west by that portion of tlu^ northwestern bound;. ry of th(> city between the municipnlity ofDeLorimier and the northeastern boundary of the city. 1-") St. .Ti'an-Baptiste AVard is bounded as follows : On til!' northea'-t by lie boundary line alonii' I'ai'ineau Avenue dividinu' llu' city from the nnmicipality of DeLo- rimier. IVoiii Mount Ivoyal Avt'uue to tin' former north- western l)oiimlary of the city ; on the southeast by a line <'xtending along the former northwestern boundary of tho city, from Papinean Avenue to Mount Royal Dark boundary line, as indicati'd on tlu^ plan mentioned in the act of the Leu'islalure of the Province ol' (^uebi^c, ■]') Victtu'ia. cha'pter 82. section li : on thi^ southwest bv the northeastern 1890 Cltff of Montreal Cni.. r>H U boundary oi' Mount Iloyal Park, as iiulicate*! on iho plan abovt,'-uit'nti((n!Ml, iVoui the Ibniior north wivstt'ni houndary ol' the city to Mount Royal Avenue ; on tli.? nortluvt'st by a lino ('xtendinu' alonij^ the northwestern boundary of the city, I'roin Ksphmade Avenue to (.'arrii-rcs street, thence alonii' the centre of Mount Koyal Avenue from Carrieres street to Papijieau AvtMiue. 1(!. St. Gal)riel "Ward is bounded as foHows ; On the northeast by aline extending" alonir tlie former southwestern boundary of the city, from the centre of Lachine Canal to ihe river St. Lawrence ; on the south- east by that portion of ihe river St. Lawrence situate opposite to and extendinu" from the former southwestern boundary of the city to the present southwestern bound- ary of the city ; on (he soutiiwest by a line exteiulinu' along the southwestern boundary of the city, the said boundary being- the division line between the city and the municipalities of Verdun and Cote St. Paul, I'rom the river St. Lawrence to the centre of J.,achine Canul ; on the northwest by a line extending along- the centrii of Lachine Canal, from the municipality of Cdte St. Paul to the former southwestern boundary of the city, the latter line forming' part of the present southwestern boundary of the city IT. St. Denis AYard is bounded as follows : On the northeast l)y a line extending along the bound- ary line bi^tween the city and the municipalities of Petite Cote and DeLorimier, from the division line between the city and Cote St. Michel to Mount Iloyal Avenue ; on the southeast by a line exteiiding along- Mount Koyal Avenue, from Papineau Avenue to Carrieres street ; on the south- west by the boundary line between the city and the munici- pality of the town of St. J^ouis ; on the northwest by that part of the northwestern boundary of the city, which is the boundary line between the city and the parishes of St. Laurent and Sault au llecollet ; the^ whole in accord- ance with the plan of the city to be prepared in virtue of this charter. .St. rial.riol Wan! : St. Denis Wcirl. Jl iT^" >l< 14 Cap. 58 City of Montreal SKlTION V. 02 Vict. ANNEXATION OF MlNICIl'ALITIKS City limits .H. It sliiill be lawful for the city council, by the affirnui- iiiavherx- tjve Vote' of tlio jibsolute maiority of its memberri, to make iiiw. ' by-laws to oxtciul the city limits, by aimexing to the city, for all immicipal purposes, any contiguous city, town, village or municipality or part thereof. (.'niittnis of Every such by-law shall contain a complete description of by-law, &c. ^]n. territory to be annexed, with a plan thereof showing its area and boundaries, and also set forth the terms and condi- tions upon which it shall be so annexed, and shall determine whether the territory so annexed shall form a ward by itself, or be wholly or in part annexed to any existing ward or wards of the city. Uyiaw 11' !K Before the third reading and final passing thereof by i|uiies aj)- ^],p (^.jfy council, such by-law must have been approved of by coiincilotimi- the council of the municipality aft'ected thereby, and have iiicipaliiy af been sanctioned by the electors who are proprietors in the I'leotlirs'who' ^'^^*^ municipality or part of a municipality, as the case may aro jnopric tors. be, in the manner set forth in the follow'ing provisions. I'ui.iicationof IO. A oopy of sucli by-law shall be publislied once a by-law, kc., ^ygg]^ f(jp Q„e month in two English and two French news- aiul ot notice ... iinii ^t ^ i tiiai it will 1)1! papers in the city, and shall also be posted up at tlie door s.iibniiit(ui for of the city-liall, at the door of the parish church of the tei'i'aiii'\lau>. municipality interested, at the door of the hall or building in which the council of such municipality iisually holds its , meetings, and in at least six other public places in the said munici[>ality, or [)art of a municipality, as the case may be, — with a notice signed by the city-clerk, certifying that it is a true copy of the original by-law which Avi 11 betaken into consideration by the city council, after the expiration of thirty days from the date of the last publication thereof, as afore- said ; and stating that, on a day and hour, and at a place in the said municipality, or part of a muncipality, as the case may be, to be fixed by the mayor of the city, and named and designated in the notice, such day not being less than fifteen, nor more than twenty days after such last publication, a general meeting of the electors, who are proprietors in the said nmuicipality or part of a municipality, as the case may be, will be hold for the purpose of considering such by-la\y, and approving or disapproving of the same. Who shall preside at ineetiiii;. 11. At such meeting, the mayor of the municipality in which it is held shall preside or in his absence or refusal to 18!)9 C'ttn of Mont II' al Cni>. 58 16 act, p(i»nie other person to be choaeii by tho mootiiio;, who shall be u meml>er of the council of suoh niinrk-ipiility if any (sUch is iiresciit at anch meeting, and is willinii^ to act. The secretary-treasurer of such nuiniei[)aHty shall attend Soin-taiy- at .such meeting iinu('stioiitoio be whether the majority of the qualified electors being '''■'"'''''• proprietors in the said munieipality, or part of a municipality, as the case may be, pre»«.-!it at the said mooting, do or do not approve of the bydaw. 12. AVhen the qne?rtiotj. aas been put, the person presi- DeiiaiMtion ding shall declare wiietber, in iiis opinion, the majority <»t\','iu!|.''p,u',"'i'M^, the said electors are for the approval or disapjiroval of the i ho i|iu-«ti(iii, by-law ; and his decision, if not appealed from, within an lK)ur shall be final, and, within eight days thereafter, shall be cumraunicated to the mayor of tho city of Montreal, by a certilicate under the hand of the secretary of the meet- ing. IJl. Any tive of the electors present at any such meeting l'"H '»iy i>i' may appeal from the decision of the person presiding, an(l ' ^''" '"" ^'' • demand a poll, and such \}o\\ shall bo granted by the person presiding at the meeting, and shall be immediutol\- taken by him, the secretary-treasurer of the municipality acting as poll-clerk. 14. Each of the electors shall then present himselt in tuiii \',.tcM \vm to the person presiding, and shall give his vote " yoa," or i"'"''!- "nay," tho word "yea" moaning that ho approves of the proposed by-law, and the word '• nay, " that ho disapproves , of the same ; but no person's vote sliall bo received unless he appears by the assessment rolls and electors' list to be an elector in tho said municipality, or part of a niunicipality, as the case may be, duly qualified to vote as a proprietor of immoveable property therein. lo. If, at five o'clock in the afternoon on the day of the i'„iiin<; may meeting, the votes of all the electors present have not been '"■ pl(IVI'(|. liylau'liyi iiy and iippiovai liy I.it'Utcii- lllll(ii)V(!ril or. Lieuleiuiiit- (Jovt'rtiormay rt'(|iiir<> ill- foniMtioii. Dutisiciii of Liculenaiit- GovciKir. Comiiifi into foicc of by- law. HI. At, \\w doso i>t' the poll, (111! |icr;.oii pi't'sidiii;; >liii!I count tlio "yens,"" ami tlu' •• nays,"' jiml aM-iMfiiin wlictlicr tlu! niajofity ot" flic I'lcctors uro lor the ap[ii()val or ilisap- pi'oval of tho said hy-luw. lie sha'l niako ami siijn a fci'titicato statin;^ the n.'sult of the votiiijLi^, ami such ccrtiticuti; shall l)o couiitcrsii^iicil hy lh(> sccictary-tivasnrcf <»t"thc inimli;ipa!ity actiiii;- as si-rrctaiy of the nicotiiio-, ami shall Ije kcitt hy him, with the poll-h(j(jl<, atnouijf the records of his olllce. Tlu^ secretary-trcasiiri'r shall tninsinit to the city-dork, within eitjht days from tin' close of the poll, u duly authci:- ticalele statint^ that smdi hy-lnw has heen approved hy a nnijority of electors ipmlilied as afoi'esaid in the said niimicipality or part of a municipality, as the ease nniy lie, at u mi-etin^" calleil and held in conl'ormitv with the reouirenients ol'this act. Tf, afterwards, tiio l)ydaw he passed hy the council, hy the vote of the majority of its memhors, it shall have etfect, after ajiproval hy the Lieutenant-Governor in council. IS. Th(^ Lioutenant-Oovernor in council may require from the council and i'rom the nuinicipality to he annexcil, in wliole or in i)art, under such hy-law, all such documents and inibrmation as ho shall tliiidc necessary for aseortaininic the expediency or inoxpodii'ncy of such hy-!aw, or smy of tho provisions thereof ; and the ofHcers of the council and of such fimiucipality shall furnisli the same accordingly. The Lieutenant-Governor in council may in his discretioii approve or disaitprovo of such hydaw. Tlie appi'oval gives the hy-law the force of law ; it shall ho ] (resumed and held to he regular and legal ; and the validity thereof ami the sufHciency of ull notices and proceedings relating thereto, and to the passage thereof, shall not th ore- after ho disjtuted hefore any court, nor in any other manner whatever. Anncxeil nni nicipality Buliject to by laws. I!>. So soon as any municii)ality or [>art of a municipal- ity has heen annexed to tho city, according to the provisions of this act, such municipality or part of a municipality shall he sidiject to the provisions of the various acts, rules, hy- laws and ordinances now or which may liereafter ho made and passed in virtue of the powers conferred upon the cor- jtoration of the city l>v its charter or by any amendment thereto, except in so far as such provisions shall he incom- patible with the conditions of the bydaw under the authority whereof such annexation was eU'octed. ]HW Cilif of Montrc(d Cup. 68 17 20. Any inMM'u-i|tiil oiUi-cr, or moiuluT of ii inunitiiial iViii»iivon«»f 1, wilt) HliiiU lu'u'loct or rofurtc to piM-l'onn, or to coiicur ti«.-r r.,f„.in^ ooiiiici ill pe 'loriuiiiL', uny oftiitial act or duty rcfpiirotl of him for (■Hrryiiit; out tlio provisions of thin Hectioii, shall l)o liiihlo to a pi'iinlty of one thousand dollars, wliicli pciuilty nuiy bo Huod for' in the name of Her Mit.i»'?rdiiii; to law, that the provisions of the charter, an well as all by- laws, ndi'a and n-gulations of the (sity, are faitlifully and impartially enforced, and sliali, from time to time, lay before the council such jtroitosals for alterations or ameiidiiivnts as he may deem necessary and advisable, and shall coinnnini- cate to the council such information ami suifircstiHiis as may tend to the iiniM"Ovemoiit of tlie finances, police, health, security, clanliness, (n)mfort and [trwi^ress ot'the (;ity. In the exercise of his functions as the executive lu^ad of I'owcr i.. sus- the municipal administration, the mayor shidi hav(> tin; l'=i"l '>•!';• j''>< ri:;ht, at any time, to suspi>nr<)\ al iiiiil sij^iui- tlll'i!. If liu rofus-c t.s City of Montreal 62 Vict. tract shall he legal and valid as if signed and approved hy Proviso. liim, suhject, nevertheless to any special provisions of this charter hy which a specified majority of the council is re- quir:ed for the api)roval of any hy-law, resolution obligation or contract, or where the a}>proval of (he mayor is specially required. MayorajuK- —4. The mayor shall be ex officio a justice of the peace tiio of tlio for the city and district of Montreal, and shall be entitled Hi's'^ salary. ^" receive out of the funds of the city a .salary not exceeding four thousand dollars per annum. t^ualificalidn uf mayor. —5. Xo person shall he either nominated or elected mayor, unless ho has been resident in the city for one year immediately preceding the nomination, and unless he, during a continuous period of six months immediately preceding the day of his nomination, has been seized of, and has po.-ses,sed as proprietor, in his own name, immoveable property in the city of the value of §10,000, after payment or deduction of all charges im[)Osed thereon ; such qualillcation to be estab- lished by the valuation and assessment roll in force at tiie date of nomination, but this provision shall not api^ly to the mayor eUnted under the provisions of the follcwiiig article. Vacancy iiiof- S^»« If, for any cause whatever, the office of nuiyor be- ficf'of mayor comcs vacant, the city-clerk shall, within eight days after "^^- ' '^' ' such vacancy, call a meeting of the council for the pur^tose of electing one of the members of tlie council to discharge the functions of mayor during the remainder of the term of office ; and the council, at such meeting, shall be hound to elect such mayor ; the acceptance of the office of mayor l)y any member of the council shall have the effect of rendering his seat vacant, and, in such case, a new election to fill such vacancv shall be held. M .A 1 Act'iifl-may- or. 'His powers. •17. The council, at its monthly meeting,, in the months of February, May, August and November, in each year, shall elect one of its members to act as acting mayor, if neces- sary, during the ensuing three months, and the alderman so elected -hall have and exercise all the powers vested by law in the mayor whenever the mayor may be absent from the city, or whenever he may be unable to discharge the duties ot his office. In the event of the office of mayor becoming vacant, the acting mayor shall exercise all the powers of mayor, until the latter's successor is elected. Aldermen to 2iS. Tiic aldermen shall severally be justices of the peace Vhj justices of f^^j. |]jg gj^-y ^f ^[ontreal during their term of office, the peace. 62 Vict. ^proved by ions of this mncil is re- 1 obligation is specially if the peace be entitled t exceeding or elected ii" one year s he, during ecediniT the IS possessed [)erty in the leduetion of to be estab- brce at tau tt apply to .' follcwiiiu: mayor be- days after he pur[)0se scharge the le term of bound to f mayor bv f renderiuiT to fill such the months iach year, )r, if neces- Iderman so Jited by law It from the the duties .'acant, the layer, until the peace 1899 Cltj of Montreal Cap. 58 19 alification lldtTllUMl. iignatioii lUk'tnit'ii. 2». No person shall bo either nominated or elected alder- qu man, unless he has been resident in the city for one year"*"' immediately preceding the nomination, and unless lie, during 11 contiiuious jieriod of six months immediately preceding the day of his nomination, lias been seized of anil lias possessed as proprietor, in his own name, hninoveablo property in the city, of the value of s2,000, after payment or deduction of all charges imposed thereon ; the ([ualification, required by luis article, to be established by the valuation and assess- ment roll in force at the date of nomination. JiO. Any alderman may resign and vacate his seat in the H".' council by transmitting his resignation in writing signed by ' ' ' him, to the city-clerk; but such resignation shall have no eifect until it be accepted by a resolution of the council. J5I. If any vacanc}' occurs i'.i the ollice of alderman, the v.uaiKyiiM.f- mayor, within Hfteendays afier such vacancy, siiall fix a day '''■^' "f 'il'l^T- for the nomination of candidates, and also ibr the election in '"'"'" case of a contest, wliich election shall be held within thirty days after such vacancy. Notice i)f such election shall be given as in the case of N'otictMjf eli-e. geiieralclections ; and such nomination and election shall l>e ^""'• held as in the case of general elections, and the person elected shall hold otHce during the unexpired term of the previous incumbent's tenure of office. li>Uiilili(ati()iis U'SS- full .52. Xo person can act as mavor or alderman, unless he ^"■'"'"■^i" 11 • 1 T ,' " • -111 to 1)1" ]) JSSO possesses at all times the (pialmcation re([Uired by law. ,.,i ,iiiiiii tiiiif. J$3. Any alderman voting at any meeting of the council I'unaity onal- or of anv committee, unless he is at the time duly (lualiticd 'l."''"">^" ^»- as rcfpiired by law, shall be liable toapenalty of oiu' hinnlred iiimiiticd. dollars for each such vote which he gives in council or in committee. 154. In case the mayor or any aldernian has ceded or !f i'i'"i»^'''fy'^'i in anv manner whatever made over the immoveable lu'cui- "'"',',' "">"'' - I'll rr 1 1 • M' 1 i. I '"' i''''''''ii:'" crty on which lie qualihed iumselt, or lias mortgaged or ,jiuilitii- nas encumbereil the same so as to atfect the amount required for > Haiij,'f. Xo person can act us mayor or alderman, until he M'tyorand al- has taken before the citv-clerk the oath of allegiance to Iler ''"'''"^'» to i.e Majesty, Her heirs and successors, and the oath of office, in the form No. 1. 20 Cap. 68 City of Montreal 62 Vict. I' i 11 H Qualitiiaiion U6. No poi'sou caii bc Validly Dominated or t-lceted as to be noniin- niavoi' 01' aldcmiai), who is not a British suhieet, of the full aterl or elect- v a. j. i i i ■ I ^ r • eii mayor or '^^^ o* twenty-oiiG yoars, or who has bec;n convicted oi crime alderman. in any coiirt of law. or who is in holy oi'ders or a ministoror teacher of any relii^ious denomination, or a judge or clerk of any court, or n'ienil)er of the Federal or J^rovincial (Jovern- ment.s, ov who has any contract with thi' city for the [ierf(irm- ance of any Avurk, or who is surety for any such contract, or wlio, as an advocate, conducts a cause airainst the city in any court of law, or in any exprojiriation proceedings, or wlio is a party to or interested in any suit airainst the city, <>r whose firm or any niemhcr thereof (!onducts a case ai^ainst the citv, or who is directlv or indirectly interested in a cause, suit or claim aii'ainst the citv, or who is in anv way accountable for the city revenue, or in the emiiloy of tlu> city, or who is indebted to the city for taxes, assessments on real estate, water-rates (special assessments for local im- provements being excejited.) GiuiMs nfilis Ii7. If any pei'son, holding the otHce of mayor or alder- (jualitiiiition. j|^.|,,^ makes an assignment of his projierty for the benetit of liis creditors, or becomes insolvent, or takes or enters into holy orders, or l)ecomes a minister or teacher of any religious denomination, or a/judgeorclerk of any cer of a firm acting as attorneys or one of the members whereof acts as attorney as aforesaid, or if he has been declared guilty of any corru[ttand fraudulent prat'tiee in the muuici[ial t'lec- tions, as provided in this charter and its amendments. — he sliall thereujion immediately, in each such case, become dis- (jualitied, and shall ceast' to hold such oiiice of mayor or al- derman, as the case mav be. rrei-ciii mav- I*-**- The iiuiyor aiul aldermen who are in otlice, when this or and alder- .^^^.^ eomcs iiito foi'ce, shall Continue in otHce until they shall u,.,| in offii^^e. '>^' replaced acconling to the provisions ot thie charter. 62 Vict. t'lccted as , of the full 0(1 of crime niinistor or or clerk of ial Govorn- he porform- eonlract. or the city in oodiiiu'r', or ist the city, ct* a case ' iutereste^oOO or upwards or of the annual value of S30 or upwards, according to such tax roll ; 4. p]\ery male person, though neither an owner o!' lionse- bolder, who, individiudly or jointly as a copartner with any other person, is entered on the last assessment and valiuition roll or tax roll, in force, as the tenant under lease of any warehouse, counting-house, slio]», olUce, or other phn:e of bnsin(;ss in tln' city : provided that sindi warehouse, count- ing-hou>e, shop, oiKce or otlier [ilace of bu^illess, if occu[>ied by the said ]»erson individually, be assessed at a value not less than s300.00, or, at a yearly assessed value of not less than ^oO.OO: or, if occupied by him as a copartner, tiiat his pro]tortion or sbart' thereof l»e not of less value than iin> amounts aforesaid, respectively, according to the assessed value thereof. Proviso: Xevertheless such qualification granted to co[)ar'jiers or tenants by the above pai'agrapb shall not be held to extend to members of associations of persons usino' or holding the ju'emiscs for social, eduo;ilional, pbilautliropic or other simi- lar objects, nor to employees or agt'Uts of other pci'sons entitled to lie (pialilie(l as ek>ctants of land or l)uildinij;s estimated lint tenant-^. •' , , . ' , ' ,, • .. '^ i .1' on the valuation ami assessment roll in force at an asses>e(l 1809 C'it>j of Montreal Cap. 58 23 than or animal value sutiiciont to qualify each for electoral pur- poses, each of said joint proprietors, joint tenants and joint occupants is (pialiiied as an elector, and to bo entered on the elector's list. •1»>. Persons entitled to vote, as aforesaid, shall vote in Where elect - and for the particular ward in which the property consti- '"■"*''*'''*''"*^'* tuting their ipialification to vote shall be situated ; but when any such person is qualitied as owner or occupant in more than one ward, or tenant in one waril, and at the same time as owner or householder in any other ward, he may vote for the election of ahlernian in any or all of the wards wherein he is qualitied so to do, and he shall be entered in the list of electors for each of such wanls ; jtrovided that. Proviso, for the election of mayor, such person siiall vote once only ; said vote to be cast, if the elector bo qualitied in respect of residence, at tlio polling [»lace nearest his domicile. •Hi. Wlu'U tlie elector is not (jualitied in res|»oct of resi- Where, wlicn . denee, the chairman of the boai'd of assessors shall determine ""'^ i's, iiated. [cssed ■17. The following [i^rsous are not entitlod to have their IVrsons ncit names entered on tlie elect-.rs- list : '''V^'"'^"' ''^> entered mi 1. Salai'ied i>ermanent aiil list is mad" ; 4. Persons whn are guests or loilgers in a liotel. boai'iling- house Ol' i>rivate dwelling, and not otherwise (|ualiiied ; .'). Proprietors or ocen]iants who have not lieeii house- holders in the ward siuee the month of May next preceding, if they are already eiitltleii to vote in another uai'd : (I. Tenants who, at the time ot' the revision ot'tlie electoral lists, are no longer househohlers in the ward, and also tenants ot" any ollicre, (jUalitieil as sueli. who havi^ not actually occupied said ollice since the inonfli of May next precedimr or who have ceased occupying the same al the time of the revision of the electoral lists. -IS. Xo person qualitied to vote as t(;iiant shall bo raymont of entitled to have bis name entered on the electors" list for l^*"''" "''-■"'"''' any ot the wards ot tlie city who. on the lirst Uecemiior pre- dent to ten- ceding the completion of the list, shall bo indebted towards ■»"t''^ "■"'n^' the city t'lr any taxes, assessments on real estate or water- J^I'/'/j^^'"^*''''*^'' rates (special assessments excepted.) 1 wm 24 Cap. 58 City ofMontreal 02 Vict. ^ 2. — Preparation of the I'Jh'clorn' Linfa When elect 4«, Trior to the lirst of I)ocoinl)er of each year,therc shall "prepared." *^ ''<^ prepared by the ohairraan of the ]»oartl of assessors, or uiuler his direction, in the manner hereiniiftornieiitioned, for each of the wards of the city a list of the names of persons entered on the valuation and assessment roll as well as on the tax roll, and qualitied to be entered upon the electors' lists under this charter. What to -(111 tain. 50. Such list shall contain the names and surnames of the electors, their occupations, the streets and street numbers of tlie property in respect of wiiich they are quali- fied to voti', and sliall also indicate in a separate column the nature of the <|Ualitication of such elcctc.r.-j, whether as pro- prietors, tenants (U' occupants Names to Ik- omitted or ri;- moved there- f.oni. ' K.xiimiiiiitioii of lists. ♦»!• In the jdvparation of tin- list the cliiiirman of the board of assessors shall omit therefrom, and shall, from time to time, cause to be removed therefrom, the uaniea of all [tersoiis who cither are or who may become deceas- ed, also the names of minors, of aliens, of non-resiU. The chairman of the board ol" assessors, in prepar- ofwanls into i„j^ the electors' list for each ward of the citv, shall sub- poUlIlt' <». The electors' lists for all the jiolling districts of any Kiec'iorH' li.sis ward of the city shall be considered as being the electors' list ^""" **'*'"'•■''• for such ward itt each election held under this charter. *>7. The eli'ctors' list for each ward shall l»e considered as Kadi list for a separate, and if for aJiy reason the electors' list for any ward ^*"|"Y^/"''* be invalidated, it shall not ath-ct the electors' list for anv other ward. *iS. If the chairman of the board of assessors refuses l'>-nahy on ■or neii'lects to uiake alphalietical lists of the electors accordin a: ''''"''""y' "^ 1 '^ . . . I • 1 -p • 1 • 1 !• ooiinl ot re- to the provisions ol tins charter, or it, in making such lists, visors for ro- be outers tliereon or omits therefrom, knowingly, names f"'*ii i" P«r- ■which should not be eiiteri'd or omitted, and if he thus XJ" -'^ ''^.,.. transmits said list after having certified the same, under fDinKince of oath, be shall be liable to a line not exceeding Jr^TjOO, and, in '•"i"^'''- diifault of payment, to a term of imprisonment not exceed- in ir six months. .>?K If the chairman of the board of assessors, for anv cause If li>t not wiiatever, is unable to certify the said electors' list within "■''"'"'''' _ the delay above-mentioned, tho same may be validly certi- laiii'.ii-iiy, fied by one of the assessors specially ap]ioiiited by the nmy he valid- board for that purpose and transmitted by them to the city- ' ' clerk, without delay. ly lorlitieil lliers'after. WO. The mayor is bound to see that the electors" list for l>utyofinayor each ward of the citv dh to si'o tiiat ist is inaile, is made as aforesaid, and no may dismiss the chairman of the board of assessors in the event &cl^ of the latter refiisino- or neo;lectinr.-5' list which shall be on the sameday delivered by the and to city- latter to the city-treasMj.er. * --asurer. This otKcer shall ex amine it and indicate thereon such Kniries to iw electors us are not disi ualified under article 48, bv writing in '"^'*« f"* ^^^^ „ ] • 1 -i. ^1 • i.' • ii 1 l)V that ofli- red ink opposite tlieir respective names in the column ■ j. T 26 Cap. 58 City of Montreal 62 Vict. roscrvod on the said list for renuirks the letters T. P. or T. E. as the case may be, which shall bear his initials or his Koal, the said letters resiicctively meaning : T. 1'. — luxe fitr- sonnel/r, personal tax, and T. E. — taxes dr. /\; i/i, water-rate ; according as the said elei-tors were indebted for personal tax or for water-rate on the iirst December. Hetuniof lihi ()i; or bel'ore tlu^ twentieth of' December, the city-treasurer \viio kVepsVr f^^ii'll deliver the electors' lists, veriiied as aforesaid, to the for Lxaiiiiim- city-clcrk, wlio shall keej) the same in his office, where it may ^""'- be examined by the parties interested until finally revised. Notiw lo 111- «t». On receipt of the list delivered to him by the city- Uu'li'aftrr, treasurer, the city-clerk sliall cause to be inserted in two anil wiiat In Ereucli aiitl two English newspapers a notice of the revision of the electors' list (as per form 2) stating the day and place where the list for each of said Avards shall be revise "i i ' • • • ■ ■ <■ ' have list for •|Uali lic(l electm' may give iioticc 111 writing to the ollu-c ot anywjipl the citv-clerk that he will applv to the recorder to liiive the aiiii'iKkd. 1- i f ' 1 1 i' 111 -.^1 1 ji 1 i"i" hst ot electors tor any ward amended, eitlier i»y the addition thereto ol' names of [icrsoiis omitted, or by striking there- trom the names of [icrsoiis im[ii'operly insertero the fit'tb of .ranuai'v. ii[)on every elector whose name is sought to bo struck from the ciei'tors' list, by registered letter sent to the addre.-s mentioned on the list. A|)|)liratii)ii <»(». ( )ii the day li.xcd \^o\' the revision of the list '•^( on (lay 'i"*^^'''- electors of t he ward respecting wliicb such ajiplicatioii has been made, the petitioner shall a[)pear, either personally or by bis agent or attoiney, belbro otei ot the ivcordei'.-, ti) niake good his a[>pruatioii. Re'onler «7. (),, tji^ day li.xt'd by article 02, the recorder shall iilanit's a'l'i'.'i' hear the compiaints filed as aforesaid, and shall ttdjourn aiijmirn until from dav to dav iiiiti! all such comi'laiiits have heen 1800 Cihj of Montr' al Cap. 58 27 adjudicated ujioii ; and after hearing such evidence uh, all hoiud, in view of tlic nature of the case, shall l)e deemed sutHcietit ^^'• and reasonable, all witnesses bcini; tirst duly sworn before the parties interested or their representatives, if present, the recorder shall make or cause to be made the necessary additions to or erasures from su<'h list, and shall further correct all misnomers and all clerical errors therein. lotieo > any it.-i' (it c the lition tiici-e- I I '.a auesses may bo secured by sum- AttiMidiinco n)on3 issued under the hand of the recorder. of witnesses. If any ])crson, so summoned neglects or refuses to apiiear Poiialty on at the i)lace and timeapitointed by such summons, or if an- w'ii"-'i;;-* 'i"*- pearing he refuses to be examuietl under oath concerning' "' said enquiry, or to obey any order to jirodiicc [tapers or documents mentioned in such summons, in so far as he is able so to do, he shall bo liidjle to a tine not exceeding twenty dt)llars, aiul. in ilefatdt of payment, to a term of in'iprisonmont not exceeding ten days. 0!>. The recorder may com[)el the olHcials and ein]>loyees Aucndanco of the assessors' office and of the city-treasurer's otHce to "' "'^j'^'^'f' 1)0 present at the sittings held for tiie revision of said ',.t,J,',r,iei\vi tit list, and ti^ give comnnmication of the assessnu'ut and tax 'lomiiientH. rolls and other records, undur pain of the [tcnalty men- tioned in the precef giving to a ])erson or persons tin' right to l)e ontiTod on tlu' i'lcctors" list, he shall, upon a coni[)laint being made in writing tt> tlnit etlect and U]»on evidence under oath luiiig adduced, strike from the said list tlio nain(> of siicli person. ot Hie ■auses hall I'O the htto •Mt t') isr of 111 b as 11 y or crs to •sb all liourn ' Ik; en TI. Eveiy insi'i'tion, era-urt^ or ctM'rci-tion inadi> in the ciruLUousio electors' list, when the same is brinn' fxamincil and t he ''}' "•"tjicn- complaints arc being licard, as at'oresaid, shall lie ecrtitied by the recorder's initials or /j'i rlir written in ink. ticiUC'l. 7'2. At the lime tixed for the revision of the eleetors" list Cimpiiiinis as aforesaid, the city-t'lerk shall lay before the ri-eordei- ■i.^^'Hn/'- list to all the comiilaints tiled in bis olKce, as aforesaid. r'LM'w bv'''' (■ily-i;li'rk. 7ti> The revision of the list of the polling distriets for each wiiuu rcvi- of the said wards of the city shall be coniiileted at least two -i'm i" 'x^ 2 VioT. Kffeit thereof cli'vk, ntid sucli lit^t shall thereuj)on become in f«»rce, and Hhall and not to a Hurt the list. 7.S, Xo informality in the ])repariitioii, completion, revi- sion and putting into force of the list shtdl have the effect of invalidating the same, unless an actual injustice results therefrom. SKiriuN VI 11 MINICII'.M, KLKCIIONS ^ 1. — Dal*' of the Klectionf When eie( 7!K Tho election of the mayor and ablermen of the city lions to be shall bc hold every two years oti the first juridical day of February in accordance with the provisions hereinafter Firsci'.>si(iii under his hand, as piT Ibnn Xo 4, as his cleetion-elerk, to assist him in the dischai'ii^c of his duties. He sliall imireover ifivc public notice, witliin the nania ]ieriod, of the time and place for the nomination ot" can- didates. H2. r.itbre actinf *'loc- clci'k shall take the oath, mentioned in form N'o. 5, before the ^'"" '''■''*• returning olKcer or a justice of the peace, who shall there- upon give him a "-ertiti'-ate thereof according to form Xo. 0. Hli, Shoul 1 the election-clerk die or be }»reventetl from \l.u .luriion. Iterforniing the tluties ot* his ofiice by sickness, absence or '•<;''< "• '^■^r- any other unforeseen <-au.-e, or should he refuse to continue '^'"' '■'''^•""• in such oiHce. or neglect to perform the duties thereof, the rotinning otlicer shall, in the same manner, after annuUiug his tir^t appi»iiitmcnt. appoint another competent person to be his election-clerk. The new election-clerk at'ter being sworn as provided by njs iimic?. article 82 shall be bound to [lerform all the duties and obligations of such office under the same penalties as the ibniier, in case of refusal or neglect on his part. •'►1. Whenever the returning otlicer is incompetent, or wiiu-n iiu- beconies umible to jierform the duties of his otHce or refuses l'1l< lion ( lork to discbarge the same, and has not been rei)laced by ivii<'ther ■^i'^'.^'",'),'',!!^',!"'^^ jierson, the election-ck-rk shall act as returning otHcer for the election in ibe same manner and to the same etl'ect as it be had been (bily appointed to that ofhce, and shall fuHil all the obligations thereof, under the same penalties as those enacted in relation to the returning officer, without being l)0und, however, to take any further oath. H^, In the event of the returning ollicer being rejilaced, it retuniiii« the election-clerk shall continue in oliice, unless he is i'^'" '^i'"'*;', '"^''i ,,. placed by another in tlie discretion of the new returning ['/..oniinui^' ollicer, in the manner above-mentioned. \ii)i''ss i«- § 3. — ytiiuinatioYi of ('(Did'ulatex .Stt. !•] very candidate for the office of mayor and alderman x )niiiiaiioa- ehall be nominated by means of a nomination-paper drawn I'-U"-''- np in accordance with the provisions of this charter and with form Xo. 7. The nomination-papers shall be filed in the otiicc of the wIikh u. \m city-clerk during office hours between the fifteenth day of ^'•''^'j '^"'* January at noon and the twentieth day of January at noon, 1 i 80 Cnp. rtS ('if// iif Mon/rml (52 Vict. in the yoar wlioroiii n sj;oi\eriil cloctioii is to lio lirld, iiiid tlu! vot'mi; at sncli irt'iiiTal t'loctloii tor tlio otlKios of mayor und aldcniiaii »\\:\\\ tako jilucc on the tirst day of bVbruaiy. l).'Mi;;nnti'.n h7» Tlio sonts of tlio aldcrmcii foi* oaoli ward of tlic citv hIS'"'"""''^'"'!! l>i' dosi.t^q.atcMl as Xo. 1 atul Xo. 2, ri-8i.."c'tiv.'ly. N'oiiiiiuti.ni ^^^ Kaoli iioiii'matioii-i)ai)or I'or tlio oll'ici' of mayor shall IKIIM'I' tor . , , ' ' 1. . 1 *' 1 1 niiiyi>i, •»(' signed liy at k'ast ton olectorfi <[uanli clt'ctors' list in force in any of tho wards of (he city, and shall mention tho naiiio and surnanio, rosidonce and profossion of tho candidate. Nnrniiuuion >i)|. l£ii(.], iiomination-]iaiior for the ollico of alderman ('irrnmii." ' «*hall 1)0 sii^iictl by at least ton electors ([naliliod to vote, ami whoso iiamos arc rcsi'istorod on tho electors' list in force for tho ward in which the oloction is to ho hold, and -hall men- tion tho name and snrname, residence and profession of tho candidate. M:irU atiixcd ?MK Tlio mark afHxod upon tho nomination-paitor by any ffiiiiviilcnt ii'elector nnid^o to write shall bo deemed to bo the signature sigiuitiiii-. i.^ifniii't-d^ according to the moaning of this charter. Consent of 1M. Kai'h nomination-paper shall bo acoomi»aniod by the L'iiK'li'tiit*' ""-written consent of the person nomiiiiited, unless such person less absent, i, .,i,,,.„t frcm the I 'rovinco. Aitsenfi'to lie In tho lattor ease, the nomination-paper shall mention statct'. ^,n^.]j i^ijgenco. ihuiiniiMitsio !>!2. With each nomination-paper shall bo fded : vvitVi'iio'iiiTi'ia 1- -^ declaration from tho candidate stating '.mder oath tion-pai)er. that he is a British sid)Ject, and that ho is duly (|ualified under article 25 or 29, as tho case may \n\ and containing a description of tho real estate on which the candidate's quali- iicatiou is based ; 2. A certilicato from the chairman of the board of assess- ors, or his deputy, c^Uiblishiiig the value of the aforesaid real estate, according to tlie assessment and valuation roll in force ; 3. A certificate from the city-treasurer showing that tho candidate is not in the city's debt for taxes, assessments on real estate or water-rates, and that he has deposited the sum of two hundred dollars, as required by law, in the liands of tho said treasurer. The nomination-paper shall also be accompanied by the Bolomn declaration contained in form Xo. 7. 1800 Citif of Montii'(tl Cup. 58 31 Tlio iioiniimtioii-iiapcru, tou^ctluM' wifli the dolivcrt'd to \\u> rotiini- ''''"^''''''i "'• ,,,,., • » 1 !• 1 , I ri'iunimK of- iiiv' oiIirtT ny tho per.-^oii iiomiiiatcil jh ciiinlKlatt', i>r by any ,i,.,.,. one (111 liis lii'lmlf, witliiii tho period iiidicati'd in the [Miblii! notice reterrod to 'v\ artich' 81. IKl. A Slim y each > andichite, previous to the (h-livory of the noniiiiation-i)aper to the returning ofUcer. This sum sliall not be liabU> tosi'i/.iireand shall be returned Ni>i liii'il*' i'> to tho candidate in tlie event of his beint' eiecte" it shall l»cloii<' to the city. ''^''" ' The deposit jirovidcd for by tliis article sJniU also bo tor- rmf.-ituif in foited if the candidate withdraws before the votinu;. uMiain otin-r '^ event. 1M. Kach iioininatioii-[»aper shall also l)e iicconi[)anied by .Mi'uLivits lo one or more atlidavits, as [ler forn\ Xo. 8, sworn Icfore the '"' P""'"'^"*- returning olKcer or a justice ot the peace, and setting forth : 1. Tliat, to the kiiowledgiM)f the deponent, the names of the subscribers to the nomination-paiier, or at least ten thereof, are entered on the electors' list in force; for tlie ward in which the election is to be held, and tliat tho nomination- paper was signed by the subscribing parties thereto in the presence of the di'poin'tit : 2. That the consent of the candidate to Ix- nominated was signed by ?ncb candidate in thepri'senceof tlie dei)onent, or that the person nominated is absent I'rom the Province. 1>»i. The qualifications as electors of the subscribers to the Ani.liivitsas nomination-paper and the signatures or marks of each of t'J'i"'i'i*''"'- tliem, or of at least ten of them, and the consent or absence I',"'!,',,|,s Himi- of the candidate, may be established in one or more separate Iml; iinniina- atUdavits, and by one or more ditl'erent persons. imjm paixT, ?M». If the nomination-paper be produced by the can- o.uh if can- didate personally, tho returning otlicer shall require him to 'j"';^\'-' i"'"". make oath that the signature subscribed to tlie consent pi'O- at'io,r.]w|iei'.'' duced is bis own signature, and such oath shall be written at the bottom or endorsed on such nomination-paiier, and, in Kucb case, no other affidavit shall be required. \V7» Xo nomination-paper shall be valid unless it is made Ke.iui.sites as and delivered in conformity with the formalities prescribed I'L^f'!!!-'^ °^ by this section. pajier. wm 12 Cap. 58 ('i/i/ of MonlrenI 62 Vict. Dtclaiatioii 1>^» At'tcT accepting iuiil exiuniniiig thy iioniiiiatloii-pa{ici', "f,. "■'"'■"'"«■ the ivturniiiic officer sliall forthwith state xvhetlier he eon- sidors tlic same valid or not, and sludl in^ ;ril)0 thereon, niider his si<^nature, the word "admitted, " or the word "rejected", and, in the latter ea;^e, shall .also state his rea- sons for rejecting the same. Corii'Liidii (if Such nominatioii-)iaper may then l)e oorrei-ted or replaeeil """""W"" hv another so long as the delay for receiving nominations luis not exp'.re(l. ii l"l niakc-i jiidof of [)iLSL'nta- tiuii. 0!K The receipt which the returning oilicer shall give on demand, shall be sullicient proof tliat tlie nomination- paper and the written consent of the candidate have 1)C( ii regularly ]iroduced and that the sum required has hecn |iaid. Kiel t i(m (if (iiK! (.-aiidi- (laie. lOO. It', at the expiration of thedelay tixed for the nomi- nation of candidates for any of the said olliees of mayor or alderman, one person only is rei[uired and is jilaeed in nomination for any one ot' the said olliees, such candidate shall '/'>■(> /'(/(•/() l)e elected, and it shall he the duty of the I'etui'uing oilicer to forthwith proelaim such candidate. eU.'cted and to give public notice of such election not later tlian the ibllowinii' dav. T..11 to I'c 101. If more candidates are nominated forany of the s:ii(l grained if ,,|lic,.s than are reiiuircd, it shall !>ethe dutv of the returning .laiLwiliaiiof <^>oicer to grant a poll, l)ut iio [»erson shall be elected who li'cs lo fill, shall not have l>een nominated in the manner lu'i'eiii pi'o- vidi'd. A'(jU's fdi I02. All votes for persons other than those so nominated other, null. j,hall be ntdl. Withdi ot (.'and awal idale, Noli. of. IO;$. Any ciindidate, nominated as mayor or aMi'rmaii, may, at any time bolbrc the closing of the [k)11, withdraw, liy iiling with the city-clerk a written declaration to that etlect, signed by smdi candidate in the iiresi'uce of two witnesses, who shall tilso sign the same : and, in such case, it shall be the duty of the refurinng otHcer, on receiving such declaration, to make known such witlidrawid by pu»lic notice; and, if only one other Ciindidate tor Mich ollice remains, he shall thereu[ion proclaim such candidtite to be duly elected : and in the latter case, ull proceedings in con- nection with such election shall be discontimu^d. Ifoiif of twn lO-l. if two persons are nominated for the ollice of (^aMdidai('s jiiayor or alderman, and on(> of them dies before the closing I'.'ismgdf '^f *^he poll, the city-clei'k shall be bout ' to begin over again poll. without delay the proceedings in connection with such elec- 62 VioT. 1809 City of Maiifreal Cap. 58 83: ition-iia[)er, icr he con- 10 thorc'uii, ' tlie word itc ]ii> rea- or re[ilaee(l lominatioiis shall irivo loniinatioii- havc hcuii lias liodi ■ the immi- i of mayor s })la*-'e(l ill I caiidifhito utv of the caiidifhitc. II Hot later tioii, hy .uc'iviug tlie notice iiuMitionod in article 81, and to fix a day tor the nomination of candit . '- , -111 • I- 1 • 1 '" I'liiUim. V(Umg ; siu'li notice sIiih) speeiiy, at tlie same time, the different jjoHs estal)ii.-lied ai>d the phu'cs where the same are situated, as well as the territorial limits of the polling distriets, according to their respective nunihers. The said notice shall also indicate tlu.' names, domiciles and oi'ciipations of the persons nominated in the order in which they are or will he ].)rinted on the hallot-papers to he v^'Vil at tlu' election, and the order of smdi names shall he alphahetical. The returning o'licer shall, at the same time, j)uldisii and I'Dstiuij; u\> ot post up instructions for the icuidance of electors in vol in Li" '"^!'''"'"<-"'^ and a li-^t of thi' P'pii;y ret urniiig |,„. ^,,^r|, p,>ii_ oftieer at each poll. I07. If a dcpMty rcrurniiig o. fleer dies or is [irc\'eiiteil X.u (!c|iiity from disehari!;ini;tli'e duties of hisoftice hv sickness, absence "ii'.'"'"!,'"'!'- or Other cause, or, it lie retuscs to accept sucli oIiiame penalties as the first in ea^e of relusal or neu'lert. lO.S. I^aeli deputy returning oftieer >liall, l)efore acting <».iili. as such, take and subscribe, hol'ore the returning officer (U' hefore a justice of the peace, the oath st-t forth in form No. 10 ; and a ctu'tificate, at:cording to form Xo. 11 oftlie taking of such oath, signed l)y the returning oftieer or, jus- tice of the peace, shall be deliveretl to him l)y the person administcM'iiig th(> same, lie shall keep tliem and return them with the other election documents as liereinafter [tro- vided. 8 T 34 Cap. 58 City of Montreal 62 Vict. Hetiirning of- 10!K It shall be tlio duty of the returning oflieer to fiir- ticer shall fur- j^jgh |q gacli deputy returning ofiicer a copy or extract from "w-tors. ' *^® electors' list in force, containing the names of the electors entitled to vote at the poll for which ho is ap- pointed. Each copy of and extract from the list shall be certi- fied, either by the returning officer or by the election clerk. electors. To be cerl fied. New list if 1 ost. IIO. If the list, copy or extract in the possession of any deputy returning officer is lost or destroyed, it shall be the duty of the returning ofiicer to providt' another certified copy or extract from the electors' list for such deputy return- ing officer. T.allot-hox. How niiide. III. The returning officer shall, at least two days before the voting, deliver to each deputy returning officer a ballot- box to receive tlie ballot-papers of the electors. Such ballot-box shall have a slit or narrow opening in the top, and be so eoustructed that the ballot-paper may be in- troduced therein, but not withdrawn therefrom without opening the box, and shall be made of durable materials, with lock and key. I |i 'i i f 1 K'imty re- llti. When the returning officer has not sup[ilied the 1"'"'""°"'''''' del lutv returning; officer with a ballot-box within the delay heimidf.if not l^rescnbeil in the preceding article, or if the same is taken fiirtiis-licd. ivway or lost, it shall be the duty of the latter to cause one to be procured at once at the expense of the city. Halloi-paiHTs ' '•5* The returning officer shall furnish the deputy return- to he furnish ing oftlccr of each ]ioll with a number of special and separate •'!.'?«■"!"'" ballot-papers for each contested seat sufticient to supply the number of electors entitled to vote at such poll, and with the necessary materials for the voters to mark their ballot- papers. Description. All ballot-papcrs shall be of the same descri[»tion, and, as nearly as possible, tdike. Form of bal lot paiH'fs. Paper to bo used. 111. The ballot-paper of each elector shall be a printed paper with an annex, drawn up according to form No 12 or other form as the council may select, specifying in al}»ha- betical order the names and designation of the candidates for each seat, as contained in the nomination-paper of each candidate. The ballot-paper must be printed on paper sufficiently thick to prevent the pencil mark from being discernible from the reverse side thereof. 02 YrcT. icer to fur- ctract tVom les of the ho is ap- .1 be certi- le oUx'tiou ^iou of any liall bo tlie )r certitioil utv return- lays l)otbre iv a ballot- ihig in the may bo in- n without materials, p[>liecl the I the (k'Uxy 10 is taken luso one to ty return- id sejiarate upply the witli the 'ir ballov- •n, and, as a printed No 12 or in alitha- •andidates iv of each uftieiently lible from 1809 City of Montreal Cap. 58 35 3 115. A table or desk with a gmooth surface shall be TaMe in com- provided, in the private compartment wliereon the ballot- P*'"'^""""'- paper is to 1)0 marked. no. The same kind of pencil must be used throughout iVMicii. the voting. J 17. If a candidate retires too late to allow of the printing Useof ballots of new ballot-papers, and polling is proceeded with for other ^e'urV(r"in.iu candidates, the deputy returning officer shall make use of the .lue iiioreon. ballot-papers in hand after phiinly striking out, in a uniform manner in ink, the luimo of the candidate who has retired, and such ballot-papers shall validly serve for all the [turposes of the election. IIH. The ballot-papers nmst be bound or stitched so as to isaioisio i.e rm a book and 1 from Xo 1 to 250 form a book and be numbered on the ainiex by the printer ^^'^''"^'1 '" l>ooli and nunihijrod on annex. im. The returning otticer shall also furnish to each Direction?.' deputy returning officer at least ten copies of the printed oint another person competent to act as poll-clerk and cancel his first appoint- ment. The now poll-clerk shall be bound to discharge all the 'l'^ 'l"i'^i- obligations of such office, under the same penalties as the first, in case of refusal or neglect. Every poll-clerk shall, before acting as such, take and oaiii. subscribe, before the returning officer or the deputy return- ing officer who appointed him, or befi)re any justice of the peace, the oath set forth in form No. 14. A certificate of the taking of such oath shall be delivered LV-rtiHiate to him according to form No. 15, by the person admiiuster- ^"'^'"^■'J'- ing the same, and under his hand. , | T 3G Cap. 58 City of Montreal 62 Vict. imiiesof poll The poll-clcrk, at the poll for which lie hIuiII have heen clerk idwiuds ajipoiiitcd, sliall be bound to aid and assist in the execution turn'iiv''^iitii- ot'liifi duties t he deputy returnins^ officer appointeil to keep cer. " the poll at snt;h place, and to obey the orders of such deputy returning officer. Replacing t deputy re turningotlii in ccrtiiin canes. 1„. 122. In the event of the deimty returning offi<'er refusing or neglecting to discharge the duties of his otHce, or " '^ l)ecoming unable to discharge such duties and in the event of no other deputy returning otHcer, appointed instead of the foi-nier, presenting himseU" at the [loll, the poll-clerk shall, under the same penalties as those imposed u[)on a di'imty returning oftieer, act as deputy returning officer, without being obliged for such purpose to take any new oatli, and shall fulfil all the duties and the obligations thereof, in the same UKanner as if he liad been api>()inted deputy returning ol'ficei'. nt 1215. AVhenover any poll-clerk shall act in the case pro- vided for in ibe preceding article, he shall have power to appoint, by commission under his hand, according to form ^«o. JO, another person as })oll-elerk to aid and assist him, and shall administer to such person the oath rc'iuired of a ]ioll-elerk under this charter from a ]»oll-clerk. Duties. Such poll-clerk shall have the same obligations to dis- charge as if he had been appointed by tlie deputy returning oftieer, and shall incur the same penalties in the event of refusal or neglect. \^ 7. — Vol ill ix ApiioinOiic of new j)oll clerk. ; 1 Place uf ting. Compart nients in house. Jtours (I tiiiu. Reieptii votes. vo- 12-!. The voting shall take place in a room or building ot" convenient access, with a door for the admission of the voters, and having, it [)ossible, another for exit. B2»">. One or two eompartments shall be made within the l'"^' room, so arranged that each voter may be screened from observation, and so that he may mark his ballot [lapcr without interference or interruption from any person whom- soever. VI.- Each dejtuty returning officer shall opi'u the poll assigned to him at tiie liour of nine o'clock in the forenoon, and shall keep tlie same open until five o'clock in the afternoon. )g of lie shall, during that time, receive, in the manner herein- after prescribed, the votes of the electors duly rpuditied to vote at such poll and applying to vote thereat. Who niiiy \\ main in the room. 124»* In addition to tlie deputy returning officer and the poll-clerk, no person other than the candidates and tlieir agents, not exceeding two in number for each candidate, shall be permitted to remain in the room where the votes are given during the time the poll remains open. 1899 City of Afontreal Cap. 58 8T lu tlie al)sencc of the agouti of any caiulidato, two elector ■may, on their ap[>lit'ation, represent such cand'uUite, 137. One ofthe agents of each candidate, or, in the ab-sence Oitii of of sueli agent, one of the electors representing a candidate '^^'■"^'*' under the preceding article, shall take tlie oath, in the form No 17, to keep secret the names of the candidates for wlioiu any of the voters may have marked his ballot-paper in their presence, as prescribed by article 141, and no other person except one of the two ofticers in the poll-room can assist at fiuch vote. I3H. At the hour fixed for opening the poll, the deputy Hxamination returning ollicer and the poll-clerk shall, in the presence of "^ t>allot-i)ox. the candidates, their agents, or the electors present, open the ballot-box and ascertain that there are no ballots or other papers in the same. The box shall immediately thereafter be locked, and the l.orking •deputy returning ollicer shall keep the key thereof. ilK-r.-of. 131>. Immediately after the box shall have been locked. Voiing. the deputy returning ollicer shall at nine o'clock in the morning [irecisely, call upon the electors to vote. 130. It shall be the duty of the de[»uty returning ollicer Faciiitvof vo- to faeilitate the admission of every elector into the poll, and till^'. to see that he is not impeded or molested in or about the poll. IIJI. The deputy returning ofticer only can and shall, Infoiniiuioii, when re([uired so to do, sineerely and opeidy give to an '*''■'■• ''^•'"-s^'^'^ elector the information necessary to show him Ikjw to make '" his nuu'k, but without the slightest indication of preference or suggestion to any elector. IJiti. Each elector, on entering the I'oom where the pull Ke.-unlini: of is held, shall declare his name, surname and oeeupation, J'''"!'^' '" l'''"' which shall be at once reciu'ded iu a poll-book to be kept for that purpose by the poll-clerk, in the form Xo. IH, and only one elector at a time shall bi' admitted to each eompartmei\t. |:{'.S. If such nanu' be found on the list of electors for UL.onlini; of such poll, the number of the ballot given to the elector must iHunUnofijal- be entei'cd in the poll-book besiile the name of the voter. " ''" i:fil. The voter shall receive fi'om the de[)Uty returning Delivery of ofticer a special and sei)arate l)allot-paper for each otliee of ''''""'^ •'"''*^''* alderman for which he may be entitled to vote ; and on the back t>f each ballot-pajier the de[)uty returning ofticer , shall [ireviously put his initials. 38 Ca]i. 08 Ciiy of Montreal G2 Vict. Oath of t;i<'. I- 1I**5» Xevertlieloss, any oloctor so proscntiug liimsolf shall, ((fif iL(|uin' /Ae tvr.s-^ miii) he), to answer the truth and nothing but the truth to the ({uestions wliieli will be jtut to you ; iSo help you God : 1. Are you the iterson meant or intended to be meant l)y the name entered as follows (name of lh.v mayor ("/• alderman, ".s thr ci-^r nuii/ fV),at this or any other poll ? r>. Ihis -Mv •'"' -"lise been made to you, or, to votir knowlrdgc. \o yo;^•'^'■ife. or to any of your relations, friends or other persons, to induce you to vote or not to vote at this election ? 0. Have you received anything, either personally or thvouir-h vour wife or throuirli anv member of V' ur familv, or, in any other manner, to induce you to xotv or not to vote at this election, or in relation to your vote at this elec- tion ? " If oiith irii- im*' 111 cases where it is only nei-essary to identify the ivfu. The voter, on receiving the ballot-paper, shall forth- l'ii;i)ar,ition with itrocced into one of the compartments of the ijoll, "^ ''**"'"•■ 11 I 11 1 1 • 1 II 1 • • I I'lpui'- and there shall mark his ballot-iiaper maknig a cross with a pencil, in the sjtace of the ballot opposite the division containing the name of the candidate f^)r whom he intends to vote, after wliich he shall fold it so that the initials en- dorsed thereon may be seen without unfolding it and shall hand it to the deputy returning officer, who shall, by exami- nation of ills initials without unfolding it and of the printed iiumbLM' on the annex, ascertain thaf. such I»allot-paper is that supplied by him to the voter, and, after having (letached the annex, ho shall, inimediately, and in the presence of the voter, place the ballot in the ballot-box. IKK The poll-clerk shall enter in the po'l-V)ook, opposite Kntriosin , th'' name of each elector [)resenting himself to V(.)te : poll i»ook. 1. The word '-voted, " as soon as the elector's ballot-paper has been deposited in the ballot-box : 2. The word "sworn,'' or '■allirmcil,'' if tli" elector ha-> taki'u the oath or atiirmation ; 0. The words "refused to be sworn" or •'■refused to allirm" if till' electfU' has I'cfuscd to take the oatli oralllrnKUlon. 111. The di'pnty returning otUccr alone, on a[)plicatiMii of Vi 1 m prc- an clt'ctor w'.io is unable to I't'ad or wi'itc or is inca[iacitated i>"-i"i»i^ 'O'llot- by bliiidiR'BS or other |ihysical cause, from voting in thei''^'**''''' maiiiu'r prcsc'ihed by this act, shall assist such elector in the following manner : 1. By marking his ballot-paper in favor of til ' <'andidate indicated by the elector in the presi-nce (Uily of tiie sworn agent of each candidate or of one of the sworn electors, who re]>resciit liiin. as the case may be ; u'. Wy placing such ballot-iiaper in tic ballot-box. ! 12. It'tliei'c is any doubt as to the allege. 1 incapacity, or <>>uln(M|iiiiL'. On the prodr.ction of such certificate, such person, if actually and in good faith employed at a ])oll as dei)uty returning ofticer, poll-clei'k or candidate's polling agent, may v(»te in the usual manner at such poll, instead of voting at the [)oll where he would otherwise have been entitled to vote. But the deputy returning ofticer cannot, under penalty of a tine of one hundred dollars for each intVaction, allow more than two agents for each candidate so to vote, undei- such certificate, at the ])oll kept by him. Mention shall be made in the poU-lxuik, opposite the name of such voter, of the fact of his having \'oted in virtue of thiri article under such certificate. 8ucii cortilicate is given only upon the written jiower of attorney of the candidate and forms ])art thereof, and shall be put with the other election doi-umeuts. I4<». If an elector has inadvertently marked, spoiled or tiu'u the ballot-paper given him, in sucli manner that it cannot be conveniently used, he may, on returning the same to the de]iuty returning otHce. obtain another ballot-paper; pro- vided lie has not bv such means disclosed his vote. Knl ly ill poll Ixiok. ("cTliHcilll' wliL'ii Lrivi'ii. Spoili'fl li.-.l lot iiiipcr. Voles triid.T S 47. Ifapcrsoii, representing himself to hi' an elector f. Whenever the dei)uty returning officer may not un- derstand the language spoken by any elector claiming \o vote, he shall swear an interpreter. \\\\o shall be the means of communication between liim and such elector with refer- ence to all matters required to enable such elector t() vote. Delay to '"■ l»>0. Every elector shall V(»te without undue delay, and ■ivi.iiiui. bIuiU (|uit the poll as s >i".i as his ballot-pai>er has boon p:it into the ballot-box. liiU.'iimu r. ] MHO Cilij of Monti-etil Cai'. 58 41 The (Icpiity rclnniin^ oflitcr shall compel the votiM' to quit IVnaliy. the i»i)ll fDi'thwith after votiiijr, and. in tld'ault of so doing, shall be jiersonally liahlc to a tine of twenty (h)llars antl in default of payment to an imprisoiniient of thrc*' months upon sinnmar\- conviction at the 8uit ofanv rati'-paver. 1»>1. Xo elector shall hf allowed to take his l»allot-pap(n"l'.ilal- out of the poll, under the i)enaltv of being i i»aper after he has marked the ■|''"' l"'"'"'"-" same, so as to nudce known tlie name of the candidate, for or against whctm he has so marked his ballot-paper. I'lS. An elector who causes to be madr known the mark Loss uf right on his ballot ipso furlo lost-s his riirht to vote and to iiave it i"^'"^»''"«"^'' depositeil in the ballot-box. Snch ballot is placed among those to be rejecteil and note thereot' is taken in the poll- buok. !♦>!. With the exception of the case provided t"or in iiitfifemice article 141, no person shall interfere with or attempt to in- i""i"'i>"»'il- tert'ere with an elector when prej>aring his ballot-pap(U', or otherwise make any attempt to obtain information at the poll as to the name of the candidate for whom any elci-tor at snch i)oll is abont to vote or has voted, nor endeavor to dis- cover the numlicr of the l)allot and the mark of the elector. I.*."). Hvery election otlicer, candidate, agent and elector Oaili of se- in atttMidance in a i)oll and taking part therein, shall pre- '••■'''>■ j-o ''« viously take the oath of secrecy in the form Xo. !!• before ,!|i. J 'iH.rs.m"!"' the (hpnty returning officer : if they refnsc so t^) do. they shall be excluded troni the poll. They shall maintain and aid in maintaining the secrecy of the voting at such poll : but it shall be lawful for them to give to any candidate or lii< authorized representative the names of tin' electors who ha\e voted or not. !.■><>. Xo election ollicci", candidate, agent, elector, or s.m n-.y as to other juTson shall communicate, at any time, to any person. ^'jI'";-;- any information obtained in a jioU as to the mime of the can- didate for whoin any elector is about to vote or has vote(l. I»5T. Whosoever acts in conti'avention of any of the prt»- IVnalt y for visions of articles lo4, 15.") and 1 5(! shall be liable"to a i)enaltv '■^""'''''*''"" ncit exceeding s200.O0. and imprisonment not exceedinir six months in default ot' payment, or Itotli together, witlioi' with- out hard labor. mm. 42 Chj). iH 'ity oj MuntfCdl 02 Vict. I'liiiilly for tHH. AVll(»SO0VCr (MlUllll Ollill COB. 1. l''r:ni(ltilfiitly [Hits into any lt;illot l)i)x iiny pajior otluT tliaii tin.' hallot-iiajic'r which ho is authori/ccd hy law to ^mt in ; or • 2. Fnuululoiitly takes out of Un' [loll any one or inoro }iall(»t-papors ; or 3. Atto.npts to commit any of the acts si»ccific[>lies any l)allot-paper to any pi-rson or procures the same for himself, in view of the eleetiou : or ">. Attempts, assists, provokes, counsels or t'aeilitates tlio commission of any of the above mcntioni'ii oti'ences ; Shall, ii->v eat'h olt'enee, incui' : If an election offu'cr or otiier person enij;au:ed in the elec- tion, a penalty of .^1,000.00, and inqtrisonmcnt for two years in defarlt of paymeni, or both ton'cther, with or without liard lalior ; or If any other person, a penalty of ?')00.00, and inqiris on- ini'ut lor six months in deliiult of payment, or l»oth loii\.Ther, with or without hard labor. IViriliy |f">!>. Any deputy returninL;' ollieer who deliver^ to any !' iierson, i)resenlinij; himself as an elector at a poll, a ballot- nLiiunsi (Icn ut\- ri'turiiiii « tl'iicr for. ii" ]»aper upon the back of which the saiil deputy rcturniin tain oiini.c.. ofticcr shall not have put his initials, or shall have impi'operly plaecil his initials in contravention of article l-'U. or upon which till,' said dei)uty retnrnini;' offiei'r shall have placed any words oi- marks other than suck as are rciiuirei by the said article l:i4. ill r rei|uircd in ease of resiu'iiatiou x^\' a ibl (•andidate. shall be liable, on summary eoiivirtion, to a pen- ally not exceeiiini^ ten dollars and eosl> tor such otlVMice and in (K'fault of payment to impi'isonment noi exccedin 'j' ti'ii ilays. A'olr uol li b(.' i!i--i.losc(l. B. X lier>on shall, many legal pi'oceediii; lie rcMUirei I to slate tor wliom he has vote(l at anv electii^n. Witiiesst' llfCll not }ii'iir on vo linj,' f Mil. Xo elector, summoned as a witness before any judge '•' or tribunal whate\n'r in this Pi'ovinee, shall he compelled to 1,'iv. be or a|ipear Ix'I'ore suel; Judge or tribunal o:i the day during which Noting takes plaee in the ward in which such elector is entitled to \'ote. Kleilor tiKiv (juil uuik to volt" lielwocii Xii'Jt. On the dav ot'a mniiiei!>:d ^uit his woi'k on which he is einj'loyed in any capacity •tiiui. an\' <■ I or m; ly ter titiiil ,ou^^ what: ;oever from noon to two o click t(M" the purpo.-e (jf regis- 18!»0 Cilif of Montreal C.i t. -M 48 tcriiig hi« vote, iiiul it shall not l)0 lawful for his employer to reiluce his salai'v tlirevtlv or indireotlv on aceoimt of such tbsci ice. § 8. — t'ljuntiii-j the Bnllot-l'e I'S, lOJI. At live o'clock in the eveninf shall lie closetl, the votmjr shall coa.«'e ami an entry tliereol slial he nm*"i'«' and of the candidates or their agents, or, in the absence of any one of the candidates or hi.s agents, in the presence of at least two electors reprt-aenting each candidate, o|ten the box containing the l)allot-papers, and [iroceed to count the number of votes iriven lor each candidate. I<».1. The deputv returninir ot'ticcr, on reading anil count- KciriU'd hal- ing the bnllot-i.apers, shall rejoet ; lai-,mi.«r8. 1. All ballot-papers which arc not similar to (hose sui^jilied by hini ; 2. All those by which it has been attein[)(cd by any mark to voti! for more thajj one candidate on one ballot [taper ; 8. All tliose ujion which there are any wri(i?igs, marks, or indications by which the voter might be idcntilicd ; 4. All those left in blank or marked in an uni'ertain maniu'r : 5. All other ballot-pap-'fs whieh may have been i>rosoiite(l to him but which do not have his initials thereon; H»<». After the remaining ballot-i>aiiers have been counted siniiimut of and a list made of th- nnmbL-r of votes given to each candl- "''"'' ('^'^'''s- date and of the mimber of ballot-i>apers rejected, the deputy returning officer shall place in separate envelopes or par-'cls : 1. The ballot-pai»era ca->t for each candiiiate ; 2. The ballot-[>apet.s rcjr'Ctol by him : -■). The spoiled bal!ot-i>apers and tlior-c; unused ; 4. The annexes. Hi7. All these parcels, after having been endorscil so as i>„i;uiii.'iits to to indicate their contents and initialed. >hall be i). ^ bnck '"" i>l'iii.''l in •,.1111.1 lliu box. into ilie ballot-l)0\-. MIS. The de)>uty returning oftieer shall take a note ol'oi.j.Mtioiis anv objection to anv b.dlot-paper found in the ballot-box, "."J*^'' '^'"^ '*'•'" nuide l,)y any candidate, his agent oi- any elector [ire.sent, and shall decitle at once any «piostii)ii arising out ol the objection. His decision shall be tinal, and shall onlv be reversed on petition, (piestioning the election or return, or on a recount before the Judge. i; K; : 44 Cap. A.M ('it If of Monlreal (•2 Vict. oi.jci.tidtis Id HH>. |*]!i('li ohit'i'tion sliiiU l't> iiuiiibt'i't'il. Mild a (;orni- »>.' iiimiiIkt.mI, spondiiiij inmilifi- phu-fd on tlic l»ackot'tlu' hidlot-iiapcr. and initiidcd Ity tho dopnty ri-turnini^ ot'tlci'r. Khtry in |)..ii An t'ulrvat the end ot tlu' polI-l)(t'»Iv is inadt^ of each oliji'ution and its natuff. Iiiink. .'"itiui'iiiciit nf ITO. The dcpnty rctiirninii' ot'tieor shall niako out a stato- Ullot [uiiMiv j|„,,|^ iiidicatinn- tlio ninnlu'i- of tlu- : ami viitt'^. '^ 1. AccH'pti'd ballot-papers; 2. Votes u'ivi'n to oa(;h candidate; 8. l\('i(H'(i'd liallot-papcrs which can not hi- assiijnc any candK lat( 4. Spoiled and retnnuKl hallot-pai)cr.s ; 5. IJallot-papoi's which have not hocn n.sed and wjiich are returned hv him ; and (I. Xuinl»(M" of 11 uiK's voted upon more than once. i t OiigiiKilio ii" ITI. 'I'his statement shall he written out at loiiiitli and i;, liU.'d III till' )!llt()t-llO\. in lii^ui'i's at the »>nd of tlii' imll-hook. and shall he sio-ned by him and his rlerk, and hy siirh ajjfeiits of the ciindidates who w ish to siijn it ; a similar one, signed in the same manjier, shall be made and dejxisited in the b;illot-l)ox, and another which shall be y-ivi-n to the retnrnin,!.!; oflicer ; and he shall deliver copies thereof, ii'ratuitoiisly, to one of the ai;"ents of each of the candidates, or to one of theeloctons (represenlii'T each candidal!') who took part in tlu' countinii" of thebal' and will" may ask Ibr it. Oaths of ,1, J). ITii. The deputy returninii; ofticer and the poll-clerk shall "\y'''''""l'"- respectivelv take ihe oaths iiccordiui; to forms Xo. 20 and oliifcr and ' • ■ poll -I li.,l. Xo. 21, each takina; the oath proper to him. Hefore wiiMiii Tiie deimt V retiii'iiinir oftlcer inav take such oath before tak tl le I loll-cleiv Dciciiim'iits to I7;i. lie shall also i>lace in the ballot-box all the lists of i.f j.lixcpl in electors used by him, after having' written at the foot of each ln,iresence of the same witnesses, and shall be returned with- out delay to the retnrnins: ofiicer or to the election-clerk by the deputy rcturnin*;- officer pcrsouiiUy or the poll-clerk. B7I. Every election officer, ctmdidiite. au'cnt or elector in attendiince at the counting" of the vote.s, shiiU niiiintaiu ami aid in maintainiiiii' the secrecv ot'the votinu" ; an (■//// ('/ Moiitrcul at. .)? 4i> Hiich pcisoMrt t*hiill lUfenipt t«) asei-rfaiii at siuli counting; tlic iiaiiic () f ll 10 Vtltl'l' WllOSC Vott! IS ii^lVl'll l)V iiiv iiiiriiciiliir Imllot-papcr, or cDiiiiiiunicatc to any luTr^oii wliati-vcr any int'ornmtion Dbtaiiicd at mieh countiiii; in relation th*'rcto. 175.. AV osocvor shall ad in couti'avontion ot' any provi- I'cnahy r»r hii>n ot'tiic l'oi'r!''()inii' article shall he uunishahle hv a penaltv not ox(H'e(liiig i$:iOO.()0 aid an inntrisonnu'Ht not e\coc(rm<^ ►iix months in (Icl'unlt ol'[>aynient. tioii, ITO. The relui-ninii; oIHcit, iniineiliafely alter havinii; re- ()|»i'iiiii(^ of coivcd all the hallot-hoxes, shall |MX)cee(l to o{ien iheni, in the I'"' ''•'"',''", pn'senccof tlioolecition-clci'k and of ono other witness, as also I'.'.Vinim'o'iii mthe presence ot'the candid. ites or their res]n'(,'tive a^'ents ■ 'i iiml <(.iii'- who have hi'cn notilietl hv rciijisterod Iclti'r ot" the dav, hour "".^"' ^''" and place, at. which tin; hoxes shall he opened, and shall add up and ascertain the iiuniher of votes g'iven tor each candidate, t'foin the statements found in the se\eral hallotd)o\e.s relurnc(l hv the dei»utv returnintj oftleiTS in accordance with article 171, and if no statement is found in any ballot hox, then the returnint;; officer shall ascertain the minil.ier of votes given for each i-andidate from the statcinc'Ut ' .rnished him hy the depiitv returniuL'' ofticer in accordancr with article 171 and not hy any other document, saving the following provisions. shall and lefore sts of each I'lect- their lists such licer, tlie with- rk hv toi' m and 10 of ITT. If the hallot-hf>xes, or any of tiiem, have heeii do- l.)s><.f t)oxo^'. stroycd or lost orare not torlhc"ming, lie returinng ofticer shall, without adjourning, unless it is from day to day, ascer- tain, with all [tossible (liligi'nce, the cause of the e verllied on oath taken WTiii.iUion before the returning ofiicer. (.fdocumums. f/H. If, in the case of the preceding article, the lists, M>uuu'..of statements or certiticate.sor copies there(U'cannot be obtained, '^"|'|','|'?",'J('° the returning ofticter shall ascertain, b}' the best evidence v,,ivsj^ivuii in which he may be able to obtain, the total lunubcr of votes ■^m '' '■»•■*«. given to each candidate at the several polls where ballot- boxes or documents are missing. ITO. In the case of the two preceding articles, the Uipoii of ro- returning ofiicer shall state, in his return, the circumstances tmningoUicor attending the disappearance of the boxes and documents, and the means adopted by him to establish the number of votes polled for each candidate. 46 C\'\p. 5S City of Montreal 62 Vict. Candiilate elect etl. IMK The camlidato who, on the final summing up of the votes after the same have been ascertained and determined in the manner hereinbefore provided, shall be found to have a majority of votes, shall be then declared and proclaimed elected. Ciisiiiifi votu l.*il. When, on the iinul addition ot votes, iin equality of of the tctuni Votes is fouud t(» cxist between the caiulidates, and the '"" " "^ ■ addition of a vote would entitle any one of such candidates to be declared elected, it shall be tlie duty of the retnrninf;" officer immediately to give, in presence of the election-clerk and of the witness, such additional or castiuti; vote, by declaring in writing, signed bv himself, for whom he votes. oUierwisclias In uo otlicr Case shall tlie returning offiiM'r have the i-ight norinlit t.. to vote. vols. § 10. — Recount before a Jiuhji: Hecovmi of I.H2. In caso it be made to apjiear, within four days after votes hi'fori; ^jm^^, oil wliicl. the returning officer has made the tiiuil fvi'taiu '^asi"! addition of the voles for the piu-pose of declaring the candi- date elected, upon petition, supported by the affidavit of any credibb; witness, to a jinlge of the su[>erior court in the district of Montreal, that u recount may change the result of the election as announced by the returning otiicer : and in case the applicant deposits, within the sanie period of four days, with the protbonotary of the sui)erior court, the sum of fifty dollars, as security, in respect of the recount, for the costs of the candidate ap[)caring by the addition to lie elected, the said judge shall appoint a time, within four days al'ter the receipt of the said affidavit bv bim. to recount the votes, and to nuikc the final addition thereof. Notice I oian (li(lat('?=, kv. IHW. The judge, shall himself, immediately, give notice in writing, served upon the can 'idtite, in the usual manner or in any manner which he may order, of the day, hour and place at which be will proceed to recount the votes and to tnake siu-h final addition thereof, and shall summon and command the returning oihcer and his election-clerk, and ordi'r them to attend then and tbv>re witli the parcels used at the election ; which command the returning officer and his election-clerk sluUl obey, the whole in the most expe- ditions maimer, so that in any event the recount may be lield. il Persons pros. I.Hl. The judge, the returning officer and his election- ent at recount, elerk, and each candidate and agent autliorized to attend such recount of votes, or, in case any candidate cannot attend, then not more than one agent of such camlidate, and, if tlie candidates and their agents are absent, then at least three electors shall be present at such recount of votes. 1890 City of Montreal Cap. 58 47 1^*5. At the time and place fixed, tlie judgo, commencing i'',)iiiuilitius and [)roceL'ding in alpliabetieal or numerical order of the '^''1"'''''' f«'' polls, recoimt.s all the ballot-papers returned by tlie several "'"'"" • deputy returning officers, and, in the pi-esence of the afore- said persons, iflhey attend, opens the sealed packets con- taining: 1. TliL' used ballot-iiapers which have been a^8igned to each candidate : 2. Tlie rejotttitd ballot-papers ; 3. Tlio spoiled ballot-[nipers. \Hi\. The judge shall, as far as practicable, proceed with Diyan.l hour such recnitit shall and other non-)undu'al days, allownig only tune tor re- ,„kt. place, freshments, and excluding (except so far as he and fhe aforesaid [lersons agree) the houi-s between six o'clock in t;he evening;' and nin(> on the suceeediui; mornini;:. r I.H7. During the excluded time and recess for refresh- Packets to bo inents. the sai'v for the security of such ba11ot-]iai)ers and documents. l.SH. The judge shall pi'oceod to recount the votes accord- iiuUs for tv- ing to the rulV's set forth in article 1 <"- facilitate his decisions ami may admit and count any rejected ballots which by erroi' may have been placed in the parcel of spoiled ballots. IH!I. Cpon tlu' completitin of such recount, or so soon i;.iii,,i.|(.i|H'rs as he has thus ascertained the truu result of the poll, he '" ''" -^'■■'i"''' shall seal up all the said ballot-papers in separate packets, "'' "'"'" ^''" and -hall forthwith certify the result tothe retui'nint!; ot'ticer, who shall then proclaim elected the candidate having the (Vrtiii.atc of liighest number of votes. "■''"''' In case of an ciiuality of votes the returning officer shall Casting vote giye liis casting vote, as provided in article ISl. of reliiriiiiig iSIO. In case the recount or addition does not so alter the (jostsof ro- resnlt of the poll as to attect the election, the judge shall 'uimi. order the costs of the candithite, appearing to be elected, to be paid by tlie applicant ; and the dei)osit shall be paid over sair 48 Cap. 58 City of Montreal 62 Vict. to the said caiuVKlate, on aceouiit thcrcol', so tar as necessary, and tlio jndi>;e shall tax the costs on giving his decision; — if the deposit he insut'licient, the party in whose favor costs are allowed shall have liis right of execution for the l)alance. ■J 11. — M is flld iifovs Dui llllifllts to 1)1.' kfjil l).v If- turiiiii),' (itii- e T for ceitaiii tinK'. Cii|Mos may lie ilt'livercil iiy Iiini of alliloi • uiiit'iils, ex- (joplliallol pa- (uu'i, (111 jiay- nifiit of toes. ( iipirs to 1)0 jiroiif. liH. The city-i-lerk shall retain in his posses>lon all the jiapei's transmitted to him by any deputy returning officer, iVu'at least one year, it'the election or return he not contesteil (hiring that time; and if th<' election or return he contested, tlieu for at li- ist one vear after the termination of such con- testation. I1>!3. He shall deliver, on apjilieation to tluit end, and on payment of a fiic of ten eents [ler hundred words, certified copies of all poll-hooks, ri'poits, return- oi' other (h')cuments, exce[it ballot-papers, in hi-; possi'ssi5$. Xo iicrson shall be allowed to inspect any balhU- papers in the custody of the clty-clerlc, or to olitaii; the pro- diU'lion thereof, except under a rule or ordei- of the su[»erior court (>!• a judge thereof, and subject to the conditions im- posed by him. I1M. Such rule or order shall b • granted by such c()urtor /pnlge, ujion evidence under oath, that the inspection or [»ro- (luction of s\ich ballot-papers is required for the purpose of instituting or maintaining a prosecution tor an otfence in relation lo such ballot-paiuM's, or t'or the purpose of pre- paring or sustaining a [letition (pu'stioning an election or I'cturn. Illf"*. Any order \'ov the inspection or jiroduction of bal'.ot- pajiers iinist \)v made subject to such conditions as to per- sons, time, place and mode of iMspe(.'tion or production, as the court or judge may tbiidc I'xpedient, and llie can(lidales shall be notified of the (hiy and hour tixed for the examiiui- tion, l!MI. Jvich >uch rule or order shall he final and witliout appeal, and shall be obeyed by the clerk under [lain of j)un- isiuncnt for contempt of court. It>7. Xo election shall he declared invalid by reason of: 1. Xon-compliancc with the formalities contained in this act, as to tlie proceedings connected with the voting or the counting or summing np of the votes ; or 2. Anv mistake in the use of the forms annexed to this act. ■iHW Cifi/ of Montreal Q,i\\K 58 40 I1>H. If it aiti>oar to the tribmml having cognizuiicc Klc?. iumi mit of tlio (luostioii. that the election was condiictod in accord- !^° ''"'*,'■'.'''"'*' • 1 1 • • 1 I'll • 1 • I ii i. '" t't^i'tiitu ance with the pnnciplcri laid down in this act and that event. Buch non-compliance or mistake did not aftVct the re:Jnltof the election, the election shall not be set aside. « § 12. — /V(^a*>'j'>/'.s ai>[>Hciihli' lo Uf '•arionx I'Jlcctinit Orticir.s Uallot- i<> por- wii. as iidatcs lunina- l!MI. Any retnrnintif-officer, election clerk, doi)uty return- I'imiuUv for insj; officer, or p(»ll-rlerk, who ivfnses or n'eirlects to perform ''^'f"""' '"' an}- of the obligalions or formalities rcf[iured of him hy this "^ charter, .shall, tor t ach such refusal or neglect, he liable t») a l)onalty of $1^00. 00, and imi)risonment for six months in defuilt of payment, except in the cases otherwise provided for. tiOO. The returning officer, at any election, shall have oiiiiiniiiiiiiis- the power of administerint; all oaths or afHrmation> rcMuired "■'*■'' ''^ ''"" hy tins charter, wifli resp'H't to sueii election. ,.,,,.. liOI. Kveiy (h'puty returning ofliiX'r shall also have the Uy (Ifii- ' ' Iff. ^5>i2. Every returning o(ficel•^vho wilfully dehiy>, neglects l'i'tialt> umo- or refuses to declare and proclaim elected any person by law •iiimn-niij.tjr entitled to be declared and proclaimed I'lected mayor or ,|'!,f?i„i.e,',rn(l'i- alderman, is subject to a ])enalty of .•r the lis act. {$ l;i. — Mil I nlenmice of peace and >JOO(J unler tiiiSi. Every returning officer and every deputy returning K.tuining ..t- officer, from the time they shall respectively have taken the ''"''''""' ''«'f'- oath of oftice until the day after the closing of the v(>ting, ,'I,||',,^).' "I"^'^*"' phall be conservators of the peace, and be invested with all vutor- ot ih- the powers appertaining to a justice of the peace. ixmc.-. 4 60 Cap. 58 ( 'iUf of Montreal 62 Vict. iJoiiiul to 30<». They are empowered and bound to maintain peace maintain j^,„j p-ood order tliroui^hout the citv during the election. Aiaymiiiiiu 307. The returning officer or deputy returning officer coMstluihs.'^'^' "^^-^' ''eqiiire tlie at-sistance of all justices of tlie peace, con- stables or other persons present, to aid him in maintaining peace and good order at such election ; he may also, on a requisition made in writing by any candidate, or ])y hig agent, or by any two electors, swear in such s[)ecial con- stables as he deems necessary. iVrrot ot 30H. The returiung officer or doiJUty retuvnnig officer •offenders. , f , i. i V i i i i may arrest, or cause to be arrested, by verbal order, and placed in the custody of any constables or other persons, any persons disturbing the peace and good order at the election, or may cause such persons to be imprisoned, under an order signed by him, until any period not later than the close of the voting. 201I. The returning officer or deputy returning officer rejuiml tobe jjjrjy^ during the nomination day and polling day, require any person, within half a mile of the place of nomination or of the poll, to deliver to him any weapon, firearm, sword, statt" Idudgeon or other offensive weapon in the hands or possession of such person. Every person refusing to deliver such weapons shall be liable to a penalty of |lOO.OO, and imprisonment for three months in default of payment, and, if there is any danger of their being used to disturb the election, such person may be arrested and treated in accordance with tlie pre- ceding article. Kiiteriiig pol- 31**. No person, who is not domiciled within the limits liPi? division, q£ ^ voting subdivision or ward of the city, shall be permitted * *^ ' ^foii'.id to enter such voting subdivision or ward, with any kind of offensive weapons whatsoever, such as firearms, sworda, staves, bludgeons or other similar weapons. Anirs'jnay Im re<(iiiri'«"'> »"'»• signal, cockade, or any other similar thing, nor shall the same be used as a bainier or party sign within the limits of the city, from the day of nomination until the day after the close of the voting. Vil4. No candidate shall, at any election, nor shall any Treating for- other person, at the expense of such candidate, provide or '»''lfl""- furnish drink, or other refreshments or meal, to any elector, for the purpose of influencing him during such election, or pay for, procure or engage to pay for any such drink or other refreshments or meal. 21 *S* Every person offending against any of the provi- I'onalties. sione of articles 212, 213 and 214, shall incur a fine not exceeding $200.00, and imprisonment, not exceeding six months, in default of payment, or both together. Jlltt. Every bar in any hotel or club, every hotel, tavern, Hotels, &c., shop, or store, whether licensed or not, in which spirituous '" ^ ^''°''*"' or fermented liquors or drinks are ordinarily sold, shall be closed during the daj' of voting up to the closing of the jtoll in the voting subdivisions or wards of the city in •which the polls are held, under penalty of ^200.00 and imprisonment for six months in default of payment. tSI7. No spirituous or fermented li(iuors or drinks shall Sale. &c., of be sold or given to any person whomsoever, within the {I'll'I"^ ^""^ limits of a voting subdivision or ward of the city, during the said period, under a penalty of $200.00 and imprisonment for six months in default of payment. 2IH. On the day of the polling, until the closing of i'i«(uor not to the poll, it is prohibited, within anv ward of the city in which ''" '*."PP''«** an election is held, under a penalty of imprisonment of one tain days, month at least and six months at most, either to sell for a price in money or in exchange for any article whatever, or lend or deliver, or gratuitously supply any quantity what- ever of spirituous or fermented liquor; the only exception Kxuepiion for to this provision, (the burden of proof whereof is upon the ^^^ **>«'<■ accused), is established in favor of the sick, in which case the liquor can only be sold, lent, delivered or supplied upon '1^' 62 Cap. 68 City of Montreal 62 Vict. the ccrtiticate of a priot or minister of some reliiriouH denomination, or of a doctor ; and \vhoever shall give or deliver a false certilicate in respect tliereof shall ho liahle to a fine of !»;100.00 and, in default of paj-nient, to imprisonment of one month. LicjiKir not lo 111- lirouglil into waiil (liiriii;; an oleitiuu. K vcf.'lJlidii fur ini'iiliiiiils, !il!>. Durini; the days and hours mentioned in article *J18, and under the same penalties, hut suhject to the same cxce|i- tioii:" in case of sickness, it is forhidden to cause to l)e hrought or trans])oited, or to hriug or transport, within the limits of any Avard of the city from one jilace to another within the said limits, any 221. it is prohibited to lease or let. as a jdacc of assembly iM'^u'ieci'a'-i ' ' '"'' •'" ''b'<^'tiou committee or election meeting, any house, ]tart of a house or placi^ in Avhich ai'c retailed spirituous or fermi'nted liquors, or in which food or licpior is ordiiuirily sujiplied for jjayment, or to make use of any such houses or ])laees for that purpose, under penalty of a fine of §100.00 and of an im[)risonment of three months in default of pay- metit. v^ 14. — ('oiruj)! l^rdftiiiy^ Drihci'i/ nii'l lllnt'ion 'Exjir^tsix tonnnitt('( loom. iV( . CdllUpt pliii tic.f ili'lint'd. 222. Anv ai-t or offenee ])unishable undei' anv of the pro- visions of articles 22:5, 224, 220, 227, 22S, 221), 231, 2:52.238, 236. 230, 237. 238, 239. 240, 242, 243, 246, or 247, also the payment of money or other valuable consideration, made to any elector to engage him to work, or for working or for having worked as a canvasser, provided the same is made with a corrupt intent with respect of (he election, shall be a corrupt practice within the meaning of this act. Briiipiy. 2211. Every person shall he deemed guilty of bribery and fihall be punishable accordingly : (iift.ioaii.^c., {a). Who, directly or ino!'. with a view of jironioting it and securing vote>, or of interferinu' willi the ti'eedoni and >ineeriiy of the \"oic-: ol lli.' elector.- or of the eK-ctoi'ate. ean.-e-. lemporary woi-k to lie performed by paid eleetors whoni he employ ,-. is guilty olconiipl piaciicc ami liable r.i a title of s-KJO.MO and an im[ifisonment ol -i \ moinli- in ciiig ii person lo vott' or to refrain from voting : (iifl or priiiu- iwe of ottico with AAWW purposi- ; Siinio actn proniolf an fliMt ion ; \\ Dili ,it such (.■lc;lion liy reason (ifsuoli ai-ts : Ailv incc or piymi'm of money to '-nr- iiipt. of \-c)tiiig at that election. I'lii il; y oh pi'lsiMIS 1 Mils- ill},' Work lo Il • pel fiirmi'il « il 11 I crtain nli.'iii. {'••nalty on < ji.-rlol . 2*2.">. XevertheU'ss, the acttiiil personal expenses of any |,,w,ii ,.x,,,,„. candidate, his ex[»enses tor pri)fessioiial services really ren- -^•^. dered, and reasoinddc sums paid in good faith for the actual )» fl ! r ' 1 ■ i . ; M ^^ ■^ 54 Cap. 68 Cifi/ of Montreal 62 Vict. Urilx'ry : Klt'Ltors, iVc. receiving ^'ifls liefore, or iliiriiig till • lection ; Or after an •■lection. Hrihei latioii caiiiliil _V 111 re "to a ale. Kccciviiiii money to lie or not lie can (liilate Is 111 ilieiv. 1 value of necessary priiitinnj and advertisements, the expenses for stationery, poBtages, telegrams ; those for a clerk, writer, copyist, driver employed by him, and the necessary petty di8l)ursemont8 made in cash, of all which he daily keeps an account, shall be deemed to be expenses lawfully incurred, the payment whereof shall not constitute a breach of thi* act ; provided always that they are not made with any cor- rupt intention respecting the election. 23tt. Every i)erson shall be deemed guilty of bribery and shall be punishable accordingly : 1. Who, being an elector or voter, before or during any election, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, takes, receives, agrees or c(jntracts for any money, gift, loan, or valuable consideration, ofticc, phice or employment, for himself or any other person, for voting or au'reeiiiff to vote, or for rofrainiii!'' or agreeinu' to refniin fi'om voting at any election ; 2. AVlio, after any election, directly or indirectly, himself or by any other person on his behalf, takes or receives any money, gift, loan or valuable consideration, office, place or employment, for having voted or refraiiUMl front voting, or having induced any other person to vote or to n'fraiii from votin"- at anv election. ti'-i7« K\ery ]»erson shall be deemed guilty of bribery and shall be iHiiiishablo accordingly, who, tt) induce a per.-*i»n to allow himself to be nominated as a candidate, or to refrain from becoming a candidate, or \o withdraw, if he lias so become : 1. Shall give or lend money or any valuable consideration whatever, or shall agree to give or lend, orshall oflV'r <>i' [iroin- ise, or shall promise ov tiy to procure for such person or for any other [lersoM, any money or valuable consideration Avhatevcr : or 2. Shall give or procure any otHce, place or em[»loynii'nt, or shall agree to give oi- jirocnrt-. or shall oiler or promise. (U* shall promisi' to procure or endeavor to procure such ol'lice, place or emiiloymeut for such or any other person. a*iH. Wlios(K'\er, ill consideration ol any gift, loan, (.iller, promise or agreement, as mentioned in the jireceding article, shall allow himself to be nominated, or refuse to alhiw liimself to be so nominated, or shall agree not to allow himselt'to be iioiniiiateil, or shall withdraw if lie has been so nominated, shall ln' deemed miiltv of briherv ami be itunish- able accordingly. \\av'er> for ilUlK Any elector who takes any bet or wager concerning III. Men. ^-,,. j,^ felation to any election, in the ward where lie is an 1809 ('ilif of Mon/real Cap. 58 55. doctor and any other person who furnishes money for such [turpose, shall be deemed guilty of l)ribery, and shall be punished accordingly. 230. Any person guilty of unv of the acts of brilierv ''»'">»lty, . mentioned in artieles"^ 228, 226, 227, 228 and 22f) shall he liable to a penalty of not less than !5!2O0.OO nur more than $400.00. and imi»risonment for not less than six months nor more than twelve months, with or without hard labor, and also an imprisonment of six months in default of payment. !S!il. Every candidate, who, corruptly, by himself or l»y TiuiUinji i.y or with any person, or by any other ways or means on his " •""'"'"^•?- behalf at any time, either befori', during or after any election, directly or indirectly, gives or provides, or causos to be given or provided, or is accessory to the giving or ]»roviding, or pays, wholly or in part, any expenses incurred for any meat, drink, refri'sliments or ,>rovisions for any person, whether an elector or not, in order to be elected op for being elected, or for the pur|)ose of corruptly inUucneing pueli person to give or refrain from giving his vote at sueli election, shall be deemed guilty of the otfence of treating, I'liuilty. an, >^'-. fine not exceeding SoO.OO and not less than SI 0.00, and an itnprisonment of three months in (h^iuilt of payment. *2H',i. The giving, or causing to be given, to any t'lector ''''•■ i''''- ''y on the nomination day, the day of voting or on the next '^J'^'J '*^''" t'ollowintj dav, on account of such elector havint; vote(l or being about to vote, any meat, drink or relVeshments, or any nioiu'y or ticket to enable such elector to pri)cure refresh- moiits, shall be deemed an at/t of corruption, known as treating. Wbos(H'\cr shall have been guilty of such act of treating IVnulty. shall, t'or (>ach offence, lie liable to a penalty of . 510. 00 and imprisonment of one month in default of [layment, for eacli time and for each elector treated, in addition to the other penalties enacted by this charter. '2til. (>u the trial of an election itetition, there shall be v.>tf. struck otr. from the mmd)er of votes giv«'n for such candi-"" date, one vote I'or every persiui who shall have so voted, and "truck 1* 1 ■ ( \' •>* i i "♦ 1 1 ■j . h r t .5 ■ "i f^ *'• ..; 1. ■ ,( /, h :| f: i 'i ■( '" . >:*l Ill 56 Cui.. .')« f'Ufj of Monlrmtl fi2 VioT. I'tMiiilty oil •«lerisonment for one month in delimit of juiyinent, for each time he was so treated. The penalty is dotd)le if tlie offence is committed at a mectinu; of electors and befori' it has dispersed, .-nbjcct always to all the other i)enalties enacted by this charter. !i;i<». K\ery jicrson. who, corruptly, by himself or by or with any person, oi- by any other way or means, in the int«'rest of any camlidate, at any time, either before, during orafter any election, directly or indirectly, iiives or provides, or causes to be given or provideil, or is accessory to the giving or providing, or pays, wholly oi- in part, any ex|)enses incurred for any meat, di-itdv, ndVeshments or provisions to any person, for the purpose of aiding any candidate to be elected, or because any such candidate was elected, or for the puri)Ose of corruptly iuHuencing such person or any other [)erson, to give or abstain from giving his vote at such election, shall be deemed guilty of the offence ot" treating, and shall be liable to a line ol"s200.00, and an imprisonment of six months in default of ])aymenl, or both together, with or witli(»ut hard labor, in aildition to all oilier jn-naltie.-- en- act t'd by this charter. However, nothing contained in llie live preceding articles shall prevent any person from receiving in his own house, at his table, in the usual mannei', and at his own expense, such electors as Ik- invires to bis house. !£it7. l-'very person ^llall lie deenied to l)e guilty of the otfeiice of " utidiU' intbu-iu-e. '" and shall be punishal)!e accordingly by a jieiialiy nf $200.00. and imprison- ment Ibr six month- in del'ault ol' payment, and of imprisonment liir six ol her nionf lis in aildiiinn in the dis- cretion lit the I otirt, wiih iM' witlioiit lend labor: 1, W'lio, (liiertly ol' indii'ei'fly, \>\ bimsi'lf. ov by any otiRi' per.-Mn i>n bis IhIuiII', make-; u~e o|'. ur threaten-; lo inak'' use ol ;ui\' l'"i'' e, violeiiee. or restraint, or inlliets, or threatens the intlii'tinn, by biui'-elt' ucli [tei-on to vote or retrain iVom voting, or on uccount of such pei'soii liaviiii:' voted nr retraine. I'lverv iierson who a-'recs to take or takes anv such I'.mhIiv ->ii false oath is liable to ti»e same tine and ftenalty, in addition l"''^""" to any other penalty to whieh he isexposed \'o^' .-^ucli offence. \^^\^^. {.^\^^^ oath. ti44K Every person r-liall l>e deenied to be guilty of the I'.imiiv for otfenre of "personation."' and shall be jmnishable ac- l"''*""'^''""- cordiiiirlv bv a itenaltv of $.')00.00. and imiuisonmi^nt lur six mouths in default of payment, in a!' a livinu', dead, oi' lictitinus person : '1. Win), lia\iiig already v.ited at an election, applies iluriiii:' the same election tV»r another ballot-paper in his mwu iiainc Ml' [.re.^cnts himseli atrain t" vnte at tin' >a!iie or any other [loll-hoii^o : :). Who aids, ab<-t«. incite>, counsels or t'acilitat.'- the comiiiis.-ioii. iiy any person whomsoever, ol' any inlVact ion (il'ihc |iio\ isiou- ot'tiii^ article. '2i\. M\cry person who i- u'nilty of any olllic in iVinii-''- Am.-i ..n uii'i'ts un'ntionnl in ii.ira".rra|>li~ 1 and '1 of the foi-c^-oin <>• ^i'""- >'''■'■•• "f arlicic. may ocarr»steil on view oron a wanani hy the ic- .^„.,,,^^, .„.,.. t urniii'.;' oHlcc!-. a ju-ticc oj' the peac-'. an oilicer of the peace or a con>tai)lc, and be tak«-n to and kept in a police station or in the common gaol <»f the district of Montreal, until the election is over or until bail be given that -^iich person so arrested shall appear to answer unto the ehargi- to he brought against hiin respecting such act before the I'ccorder's court. \i Ip'^ 68 Cap. Ci8 ('iff/ of Montieal fi2 Vicrr. Convf-vHrir^ 24!l. TIk' hiririjf or i»romiHin^ to pay or paying for any of votprK. horHf, tt'jini, c'uiriage, cal) or other vi'liicle, hy any caiulidate or by Hiiy uch ai*t, shall, '//'.-(* /''(7m, 1)(. deprived of his riiyht to vote at such election. Voting! w lien til*). I'lvcrv jiorsoii who \oles, oi' induces and causes iiuy ""'-''""'''"■''• other person "t(. vote at any election, knowing that he or such person is not eiititlcij to vote thereat, i.s Li'uilty of a I'tiiali.v. corrupt practice and liable to a tiiu; of .$100. 00, and an ini[U'isonment of one nuuith in default of payment, with, in addition, an imprisonment not exceedint;' one month with or wiiliout hard lal )or, Voifi- su\i,k UMi. At tlietiial of any election petition, one \i)tc I'or ""• each pei'son proved to have \-otcd. after having been guilty of any corrupt practice, at the instigation ot'the candidate or of any other person acting in the name (U- in the interest of such candidate, shall bi> struck fnMii the nund)ei' of votes iriven in favor of .-ucb candidate. I'cii.iliy (111 217. Any pei'son who, bi'lorc or during any b^c' .n, juTsoii |m 1 loiowinulv i)nl)lishes anv false rumor or false si of minor ac lo the Withdrawal ot a candidate at such election, pur- "'■■^'K."''""" "' iiose of promotinii' ami procuring the election iiiotlier candidate, is guilty ol a ct)rrupt practice witlun the ne-ani lc of tliis act. Nevertheless, a candidate shall not be liable for any such corrupt practice provi'led t'or under this article, committed by another person, inu- shall his election be avoidt'(l on ac- count of such corrupt juiu'tice, unless, however, it has evi- dently changi'd the result of the election and fraudulently deceived the electorate. lii not to lie avoide in fcitaiii case 1H«>9 City of Mont real Ca].. 68 50 itiiy or •I •lit, nth lor Ity or I'OSt, i»tos 34M. Evrry contract, jiromise, or midcrhikinc, in any way Nullity of referrinp to, ariwing out of, or depondiiig on any oloction "«'i»'" con- imdcr tills cliartcr, ovun for the payment of lawful expenaoH, or the doing of Honie lawful act, sliall bo void jji law, and no action shall lid even for the nfcovery of the value of any supplies or Hervi(!ert whati^ver. This provision shall not however enable any person to rroviso. recover any money or other eonrtideration paid for lawful expensew eonnected with Huch election. • ltS41l. If it in proved before any court or Judge, for the (Jonseiiuente tri il of election netitionw, that anv corrupt practice has been "♦.'^"'"'>'•'**«|"'^ co.nmitted, by or with the actual knowledge and consent of |,ni,iin,i,y a a 1/ candidate at an election, his election, if he has i»een 'im'li'l'ito. . .'cted, Hhall be void. t{«iO. iSucli <;iindid!ite shall, during the tbri-e years next In ai.i.ity atVer tin; date of such decision, be incaiiable of being elei-ted f"' ''"^i' to, or of sitting in the council, or of voting at any election ot a menil)er f beri'of 351. Il it appears to the saiil court lluit the act commit- Ifo'niiiii ted is under the letter of the law a corrupt practice, but 's ,''',j',|,"„'|,'J,.,i of no gravity and could not have aH'ccleil the result of the i^iKnnmiy. eleclion, and that it is proved that the eaiididute had, in good faith, as far as possible, taken ail reasonable ju'ccau- tions to honestly carry out the election acconliiig to the prescriptions of law, the election of such candidate shall not be annulled. titlti. No person has any right to vote nor shall he vote nuiMcit ily. more than once for the election of mayor or any abler- man, at any election lield in vi-tiie ol'this charter. ti>'>:<. .\ny person, other than a caiididati', found guilty. In. Mi.a.iiyf'.r ill virtue of the iirovisious of this charter, before a competent i ''"•''' y*'"'^ "* ,. ^ . . ; , ,} , porsDiis (., Ill- court, oi any corrupt jiractice m any legal proceeding in vi.tnil ..t ^or- \\'liich, aftei- notice of the charges, he has had an opitortiiuity ini'' l'''^'^- ol' being heard, shall, diirii\g the three years next after thi' '' '"" time when he is so found guilty, be iiieapable ot' lu'ing electi'd to and ot'>ittinu' in the citv council and of voting as an elector t lu'refor. ii»l-l. It', at any time, alter any pei'>ou has bc<'onie tils- ('.s^uiiun of ■jualitied nmler any of the provi>i()ns of article.^ 'Jo" ami 25^5, iiicipa. uy. the witnesses or any of them, on whose toflmony sin-b per- son has so become dis(|ualitied, are convicted of perjury in respect of such ti'slimony, such |)erson nuiy obtain, from the eourt befori> which such convictitui toidx place, an order determining that surh dis([Ualilieation shall cease and end. n"¥ 60 Cap. :)8 ('It II of Montrenl r>2 VioT. Order of tlif Siicli coui't hIiuH, upoii beiiig satisfied that such disqualifi- cmiit. cation would not have been ilechired oxcei)t tV>r such perjury, make such order. Kiifi t tliiTf In pursuance of such order, such disijualiticatiori shall "'■ theticeforth <'ea::e aniili.v. that such jji'rson l>e summoned to appear het'ore such court or judge, at the place, day and hour il.Kcd in the summons tor hearing tlie chargi'. HowiiR-.tfd. 2.»«. Thf summons is effected by a notice signed liy the iudije containini; a summarv statement of the ofreiice. with an indication of the circumstances of time, place and person conceriKMl and served upon the ai'ciised by a bailifi". Tin- delay upon the summons is the .-^ame as in an action beiore the superior court. iK-fuult {> ?i«lT. If, Mt the lime fixed by the summons, the person summoned does not appear, he shall be condemned, on the eviction petition, to pay such tine <>!■ tindi'i'go such imprisonment in default of ]iayment to which be may be liable tor such i-ontraveiition, ill conformitv with ibis charier. .■\|J ilMlil I ^■. i.-ioii tJ»>.H. If. on the contrary, the person so summoned docs ujipcar, the court, after beiiring >ueb person and -ueb (•videiiee as may be a'tduceil, shall give |udgiiient aceoi'ding lo law . lUIIIIKI. . IS^"*!!. TJie proceedings u]ioii the bearing ol' ilie complaint ai'e >iininiaiy. ami made wiibin the es a.- tixed i'V the eoiirl or iii(!;jc. I'l. w liuni i-iiii '^<»4^. All line- l'eco\elC(l UhiKi' arlieles •Jn."). 2.")0, li,')? and !";"""•■'"• l'.'^ I'clon- to the .•it V W'licn IK. !i<»l. N'm line ;liali be impo>ed under article "J-'iT or '2-'>: IM..,.i;ii,.s ,u.- I 1 1 if ;ip|,ears to the ji .|on t'ound guilty of a ci>n'U[it practico '*''-^' shall, \vlieii no other jional ty is enacted l.y this ehai'ter, bo liable to a tine of ^'iOO.OO ami. in (b I'ault i>[' i)ayment, 18f*9 Cily of Mttnircal C^ap. 58 61 to an imprisonment oftliroo months, and moreover, in the ' ollicer, or poll-clerk, or irom any oIIuhm- or person liavnii; the lawful custody thereof, or from the pliice in which tluiv are then lawfully . copy of or extract from any list i>f eleetoi-s, p(»il-I»(i(»k. report, cer- t ilieate, iiiiidavit, or other document ui' paper prepai'e(! or drawn up in conformity with this eliarhr. or in coin[»liatice with any of the pi'ovisions thei'eof ; or (li) Who illcixally or maiicio'.;sly destrovd. injures or dblit- I'Ai-^n] .if crates them, or with deiih' rate iiutiiose or nialit ioiislv ~"''"' """ eausi'S them to be destroyed, injured or obliterated : m- ('■) Who makes, or causes to bi' made any I'rasure, addi- ll!i';,'a! .i.is tion ov internolation of mimes, in anv .>uch doeuinent> or ,",""' '*'■ papers ; or ('/) AViio aitls, abets or i-ontributes to their beinii" taken, Ai.lm^ ami destn>ye(l. injured oi' nbliterated, or to tlu' niakiuL;' t>l' eras- ' "'"'"''• ures, additions, or intcrpolaticas n|' nuincs theiein. ti<»'l. I'lvery returninLT »itticer, di'puty retiirniiiii" i>fti,-er or liiuuiiinL; other person intrusted with the issiu- of copies of Ii>ts of elect- "!''"'.'-• ''!'''■' ors or \\ ho IS the ieijai (Mistodian oi' depositary ol such lists, ^^,. iimI.Ioio who kiiowintiiy nudces any alteration, omission oi* in-ertion pmilis. in such lists or cerliHed copies, or falsities tiieui in any nnuMior, incurs a penalty of s'2<^0.00, and imprisonment for twelve months in default ot' payment , with or without liaid labor. ■j It). I'lUK) oilioihs tma. Mvery prosecution. coneernin<; a ]ienaliy impose(l \\i„. may -uu bv section eighth of this charter, mav he hrouti'lit bv aiiv "1'^ '"'""' i ^ i.' ii -i 1 i- f \ \ . \ f ' \ w li It ■■(lint. oieetor of tlie city, by an act n^n o| (ieht, hetore any court liavinu; civil jui'isdicticui for tiie amount demanded. Xo eleet(U" shall be dis(|ualitied from in>titutiii^- any suil under this charter or any of its provisions, beeau.se of the ilicgaliiy or informality of the electcu's' lists. iSOtt* It shall be sufficient for the plaintilf in such action .vliiuaium.s or prosecution to alh'ge in the declaration that tlu' defendant "'' is indebted to him in the sum of nionev which he demands, that the ofl'enee, for which the action or prosecution is insti- tuted, and which BJiall be fully dcseribed, has been commit- ted, and that the defendant has acted in contravention of this charter. lire iv'.l: I^T 62 AHi(la\it. Cap. 58 Security iimy 111- KM 1 11 i led iiiul piixt'ud- ings sliiyt'il. Citi/ of Montreal 02 Vict. Utt7. No such prosecution slijill be instituted, utiloas, with tlie jjiiirijie or demand of summons, there bf produced an affidavit of tlie plaintiff, drawn up in accordance with form No. -^2. 20m. Thedofen(hint in any suclj prosecution may, before pleading, obtain that all proceedings therein be stayed, until the party i)rosecuting do furnish sucli security as may be deemed necessary, in the discretion of the court or judge, or do dr.posit with the prothonotary of the court such sum of money as shall be fixed by the court or judge to pay the costs to be iiicurred in such suit. I'arol t'vi- deuce. 3611. At the trial of such suit, proof may be nnide by [tarol evidence. To whom tiic !li70. The amount of any penalty, which a defendant shall nenalty simii j,^ condemned to pay, shall beloiig to the prosecutor, without prejudice to article 260. If^persoii proBeciitiMl lia.s already prosecuted acconipllcu. 271. When any person is prosecuted for any offence or violation of the provisions of this charter committed by him together with one or more persons, either as accomplices, abettors or receivers, or in any other manner, and such })er8on lias already itrosecuted such accomplice or accomplicea for the same oflence, no fine, penalty or forfeiture can be pro- nounced or recovered against him for the same offence; but the benefit of this provision shall be denied him if it be shown to the court that such person was the principal in the oftence and that he had commenced it. answer. Protection. Obligation to 272. t;aving the case of article 160, no person shall be ex- cused from answering any question put toliim in any action, suit or other procee pay double costs to tlie other party. 27»5. Every action orprosecution brought in virtue of this r.imitaiioii of section shall be instituted within six montlis next aftiT the '""'^''' proclamation of the candi(hite for offences committed up to that time, and within twelve months for subsecpiont offences, from the dati' when thev were committed and no later, unless the defendant has, by absconiiing, withdrawn himself from the jurisdiction (»f the court. Such action or pr<)9ecution, once l)egun, shall }»e continued Cotitinuaiion and prosecuted without wilful delays, and has precedence. "^ P*"'*^®*^*" 276. In the event of the suspension or delay at any stage Intervention, •of the proceedings, the judge or court, seized of the cause, may permit one or more persons t(» intervene and carry on such proceedings to judgment and execution ; and, in that •case, the penalty and costs shall belong to the intervening party, who shall cause the same to be levied. 277. If it appears, by the return to the writ of execution impriiKJii- or by the subsequent proceer.»«red property, or that his property is insuiticient to satisry the paymenk. judgment, such defendant shall, in virtue of a writ to that end, issued by order of thf court or of any judge, be impris- oned during the whole ;'». riod of time specified in the provision of this section under which the penalty is imposed. Nevertheless, the defendant may, unless lialde to other Dn.iiarne. imprisonment, procure his release, by paying in full the amount of the penalty, together with the costs incurred as well before as after judgment. 27M. When the commission of an infringement of this l'ro*on;ii i;i.i:ii of tcsta'tlon '"". 'T^^.V'"" ""' itt'loirniiii, luav present to any oni' of the jiniti'os of the su[»ci'ioi' court, sit(in<; in term or in vacation, a petition, {ri'ijiirir I'lUeHcr,) complainitig of the election and return of any jicrson as mayor or ahh-rmaii, at whose election he harity ot' legal \-otes at such election ; '1. That he was not (pnililied t<> he elected as such mayor or aMerman, as the case may he ; '■). That he was guilt \- of corrupt pi'actiees proliihit<'d l>y this act, t'ithi-r pi-rsoualiy, or hy an agent, with or without hi* autlioiit\, knowlcd^'e or sanction. Coiitini-of !i,SO. Su'-h petition shall srt t'orth in a su<-einet manner. '" " '"" tlie time, place and i-ircumstances ol' any act, mat ter or thing, I'o !.<• ^up- material to the I'ouelusions of such lu'tition ; and the alleo-a- ....... ...1 I. ,. »li , . » . . tions thereof >liall he supported hy a t'tidavir to the satistin rii'i'.l.v.iti li.lV It. tion ot" the judoe, who shall thereupon cause a writ to \n'. issued, summoning the jierson returned as heing elected to appear on a day named therein to answer tin* said petition. l>(ia\ I" r.' X(i such petition shall he i'eeei\cd after the expiry of "tii'n '" " fliii'ty days from the polling day foi- such election or, it' no i.oll was held, after the e.xpirv of thirtv days from the dav of nominaTu>n. S.runtyior ^^HX. .1 ' pon t he ret urn day of siich writ or within three days thc.vafter, the contestant >hall give seeui'ity for costs, aflcM' notice to the defenchmt, in the form in which >uch security is ordinarily given hefoiv tlie superior court. r>ut Jusnii.iUioii. any sureties ollered shall justify on oath as to their -ut'li- ciency to the extent of s6()0.U0. Suntiis ni.iy Tliev shall also he hound to an.swer liofore tlie Jndge in "'''■' chamher.s all pertinent (luestione put to tliem hv tlie dcfi-nd- Ulll'C III ^ Itcfu I'l- Jiiilj.;' ant. Case U) 1)0 anti. rpon soonrily heing given, the case sliall he pro- cecdeil witli, and disposed of in a bunirnary manner, aners used at the •'''''•-',',','!," \^'|.''"j'„ tion, or to exaiuiiif op dojil witli the {)oII-bo,)ks or otlier i„. .'ximinctl. docuiiieiits coniiectt'd therewith, or to suiniuou the persons who liavc condufted thi' elei-tion or ju-ted thcn-iii in any iiiaiiner wiiatevcr, the eourt or judire Mhall, for sudi pur- poses, or any of thini. have all the jurisdietion, power and.' autliority vc-ted in the court <»r ariyjudirc thereof in sinular • mutters, l»y the liuebee Controverted Klectioiis' Aft, and it.i,, aniendiuents. Wlu'ii any election uutler this charter is c •''''"JJ*- . I • 1 ' ' t.\ i.1 • 1 » ' •' • i I join (kiul fvi- pri>enteil m aceordani-e with this charter, no rec rmunatory ,|,.,„,,. ,„ ,^.^ allc'^ations or cvichnci' >IkiII Ik' allowed on heliali" of the i.uii cici. defiiidant. X<» surh eleetion shall he contested in jiiiy otli.'f inanrnT, Nuoilut or hv anv other proee(lun', than in the manner hereiidiefiirc "i'ii"""i>f provided. 2.S;?. The judLTnieiit reuderccl on a petition under this V" ipi""' act shall not be suhjeet to appeal or re\i>ion hef .re the -npe- '"•'" i'"t-' nor court, sitting- in ivview. n,„, .o-;i- I'ai'- l)e lo n. of no dav ni-ee .stS, -uch Ihit -ntVi- f>' in leli.l- [)ro- d, aa lo all hiarv 'JHl. It >hall he the duty of the eotitt'staiit to e;in->e al) •■^' '^ '■ '■ "^ autheiitie eopy <>\' the jiidi;-ment upon the [ieiiti<>n. to he „,'/.J' , "' j,'," ** served n|ion theeitx', hv leavini;-a cop\- thereof with the eitv- -itN. clerk. If, hy such jud_i,'ment, the election of the defendant is set I'". lin^s aside and some other person deelared duly eleeteij, the latter ''""'*"'' shall he reci'ived and ree(»ir|ii/(.d hy the euuiieil : but if the election contested he iherehy adjudued (<• he aniinlled. the i^eat of the deteinlaiit .•>hall he dealt with as vaiant, and proeeediiiLTs for a new election t' till sueh vacancy sjiall he forthwith taken, in accordance with the pruvisions of thi* charter. «*>. Till' couneil shall meet regularly once a month, to m.hiiIiIv wit : on the sci-ond Monday of each month. ni.t;m>;-. The members rthall he notified thereof in the same manner \, ,!„•<• iiurj^ as hereinafter [irovidcd lor special meetings. "f- The mei'tingij of the council shall bo ojten to the public. .M.iiiii>,"« |iul>!ii'. ItS.HO. The mayor jnay call a special meeting of the conn- Spf.iHl incei. cil when and afi oft»'n as he may deem proper ; such nuoting '"***• may be convened upon verbal or written intimation from t- •66 Cap. 5S f'fV// of Montreal ♦)2 VioT. till' nuiyor to the city-clerk, wlio hIiuII tlioroupoii issue a notice dt' iricotiiig sunuiiJiiily specifying the business to l)o transacted at such meeting, and shall eanse a <^opy of such notice to he servet two days pi'ior to such meeting, and the mailing of a registen' I notice two clear days before sneli meeting shall l>o (leemed fijiiiv;ih'iit to service of sucii notici-. of niiiyor, iiU't'tiii;.' iiiiiv C\\y nn'iiilicr- tJH7. In ease the mayor at any time refuses to call a siieciiU mectinir when (li'emed ne(!essarv bv at least live memlieis ol'the eouncil, it sliall be lawful for such members, by a re(|ui>ition to the city-clerk iiuss ici li.H.H. At such special meetings, no business but that l)B ...ii.hKticl specitied in tlu! notice shall be considered or disposed of, mt^-tiiii,'<. ntde^^ witli the sanction of the mayor and of all the members of the (MiUH'il present. Adi.niinca *-i.S!». It'. :it any iJpecial or monthly meeting, the business iiMoijiig>. cannot be fully disposed of, it shall bi> lawful for the coun- cil to adjourn as olten as may be deemed necessary for the consideration and disposal of the unlinished business ; but, no new business shall be brought before or be considered at anv -ueh adjourned meeting:. ! \\ lio pli snli'S. \'(iti> iif art iiii; niiivuf, !21M>. 'file mayitr shall preside at all nu-etings of the council, and shall have a casting vote in ease of an eqii dity of votes, but shall not otherwise \ote : should the mayor and acting mayor be al)-ent tVoni any meeting, the council shall choose another ot'its mendjers to preside. The actmir mavor or anv memljor pivsidin<; at a moeting of the council shall have the right to vote, but shall not have a casting vote in addition thereto. iiuruni. tJ!H. One-third of the members of the conticil, exclusive ot the mayor, shall constitute a (piornm for the transaction ot business, excei»t as otherwi>e specially jirovided by this charter. M.ijiiiit}' to li!»a. At meetings of the council, the majority of the ' mendiers present shall decide the «piestioii8 and matters t lOll.^i. KM-('|>ti<»ii. irubmitted thereto, except in those cases whore a larger number of concurrent votes may be required by the rulea of u_ » the council or the provisions of this charter. 1899 City of Montreal Cai). 58 67 f the 1 >litv ir UUil ^iKlll H tinj; )t have lusivo suction )v tliis of the nutters hirirer ulo8 of 31i:t. The coiinoil may make and enfbree rules and regii- hifion^ for its internul ij^overnment, and for the niaintenunoe of order dnring its sittinufs. 112114. The mavor shall maintain order and defornni durintc the sittings uf the eoiineil ; ln' may arrest or cansi- to he ;in'.'sti'd. any one wlio may disturl» the I'ouncil during any >itting thereof, and have him |ilaeed in onstody ; and sueh person sjiall, for every offenei', ineur a iine not exeeeding ! wetity ilujlard reeovei'ahle hcfore the recorder's eoiirl 'J!>*>. Thi' minutes of the meetings of eonneil shall he drawn n|i and fairly i-ntered in French and Knglish, in a l)oolv to l)e k( |)t t'or that |inritose hy the city-clerk, and, al'tei- lieing read and confirme(l at the following meeting, >hall he signed l»y the said city-i'lerk and hy the mayor or tlu; memher who |i!"sides at sueh meeting, and they Khali he t)pen to thein- s|>ection of all rate-i)ayers who wish to examine it. *J1M». Ail extracts from the hook re([uired to he kept hy hi' preceding article, and all copies of entries therein, ami, •jeiieraily, all certificates, deeds and papers, eertitied or sijxne(l hy the city-clerk, under the seal t)f the eity, shall, iu all courts of justii;e in the Province, he taki-n aud received as jti iitid jiuii' evideiict' ot' the facts set forth in sueli I'xtracts, eopic!-, certilicates, deeds and [lapi'i's respectively. rcL'uliUioiifl. M.iiiitiMiiiiicti tif (irilcr aii'I ilcroruin. MilnUcs i)f ll|iMl'IM|illi'-i K\lia(t.s fmrii iiiimite!", >.|.ITII>\ \l ti1>7. The city council shall a[>jK)int such officers as it n)ay «leem necessai'v to carry into execution the powers vested in it hy this charter, ami shall grant them such salaiy or otlier compensation as it may think fit, and may j'resci'ihe and regulate hy hy-law the duties of such ollicers respectively, and. upon a vote of the ahsolnte majority of the whole couui il, remove any ehiel of a department and appoint another iu his place, [>rovided that the complrollei or auditor cannot he dismissed t'rom otH(.'e, exi'ept upon a vote of two- thirds of the said eouneil. 'JO.S. The council shall I'xact such security for the due execution id' the duties devolving upon the city-treasurer anii('li by-laws In- imt rcpiiiiiiaiit to the laws tit' this I'i'dviiicc or of Ciiiiada. iinr ciiiitfar V ti> anv K'cial ]ii(ivisi()iis of this «'hartcr. JUII: (lirll «il ((llUli'll KxtiMi of And t'or <;i't'iitci' certainty, hut not s,i;is to fcslrict the >;cnpe (if tilt' foifo'oinn' provision of of any powt-i' otli. rwisi; t'tiiifi-nctl hy this cliiirtii'. nor to cxfcfil the provisos heit'- in ahovf-iiK ntioncMJ. il is herchv dfchiri'tl that the aiitlioritv anil jiirisilietitiii of the saitl eiiy conneil extends, ami shall hereal'fcr extend lo all mattci's eoininir ^vithin antl ullectinif ol" atl'ecled hy the el;l^ses of siihjeets ni'Xt l:ereinat"t ef nifli- lioneil, t hat is to sii v : 1. Tl 10 vaisiiiir of uiouev hv taxation 2. The horrtiwinii' of money on the city's creilit : o. Strtct>, lanes, and hin'hways, ;ind the riiiht t>t' pa^sasre ahtive. aert)ss. ;doii^, or heiieath the same ; -1. Sewers, tirains, ami a(|Uednits ; l'ark= siiuares, anil lerrn I ft ti. liieeiises t'or tradinijc ami jiethllini:" 7. The jinhlie peace and safety ; S. lleali h anil sanitation : It. \ ;icciiiat ion and inociilat ion ]»>. I'lihlic woi'ks and iinpro\ cineiits n .xplosive siil)ftlanees l'_'. Nui-anci's ; I.''. Markets antl ahattoirs : 14. hcciMicy ami ^'ood morals ; 1.'). .\Iasteis and ser\ants ; !(■>. Water, TiLrht, heat, electricity and railways: 17. The ifrantiiiL!; of frani-hises and privilcii-es to persi n.s or companies ; 15. The inspcciion of t'ood. •'"«••' '•' :iOO. And the lity council, for the piirpt>ses and ohjeels laws' n"si.f( t. '"*■'"•'*'<' '" the forcu'oinLT article, hut without limitation of ing: its powers ami authority thereunder, as well as for the pur- por.es and ohjects detailed in the present article, shall have tuifhority : I'scoihirnts, ]_ It, veuidate the use ol' and iirovent ami remove en- crouthments into, upon tu- over streets, alleys, avonuos, puldic uroumls ami public places, miin cijial streams and waters, ami to pnvent injiiiy tliei'oto and pi'oliibit the im- jiroper use thereof ; l'"iltli ill 2. To regulate and prevent the throwing »»r tlepositing of Biretts ; ashes, papi'r. refuse, offal, dirt, garbage or any otteiisive matter or obstruetioii in or upon any street, alley, yards, publie grotimls or places or inunieipnl streams or wateis. 1800 f'ify of Montre d Cap. 5K 60 voiiuos, 3. To require the owner or o('eii|iiiiit of any proiniHos to oi>;,iin. lions koep the sidewalks aloii^ or in front of tin- sunn^ free from '>'> ^nl^-w^'lk". ob^^tr^ctioll^•, and to provide for the removal of the rtairie at ' ' th»' exjtense of sneli owin-r or oeeupani ; 4 To rei^iihite the making ami niiiintuiniiiif td' openiiij^n Kv, ;i\aiioii« and excavations in streets, alleys and pnl)ru; jfrounds and "' ''^'■'-'•"^'*> piildic places for the layinu' of i^as and water mains ami ' ' ])ipes, electric conductors, sid)ways and et)nduits. and for other pur|>osef, and to re«;nlati> the Imildiiii; and maintain- ing of rcwers, tnimels and ilrains. and the coiiiHtrnction an«l iHe of all structures ami conduits of every kind underneath the streets, alloys, sidewalks, piihlic ijrt)unds and piaees* of tlip city, and to ri'iT'datc, ami. if it deem necessary, to pro- liihit the eonstruetion and maintaininir of coalhoh's, mati- holos. hatchways, and other opi'nin»js in sidewalks, streets and alh-ys and coveriiiirs and u,"uarils therefor : to compel all persons or ciunpanics who have, or may licreafier have, the rii^ht to make any excavations ill tiie streets of the city to deposit in the hands of the eity-treasiirer an amount siilli- cicnt to ii'uarantce that ^uch >treels shall hi' put hack to their former slate, or to permit the city to make siu-h exca- vati«ln^ at the exjieiise of such persons or coin[ianies. or to ]»rerent smh excavations andtill u[)the same whenever tliey are made eoutrary to the liy-law> : to jireveiit any jiorson or coiiipjiny from teariiii:" up any paveineiil, sidewalk or eiMs-walk, di'aiii lU' sewer, or from inakini; any hole, .litch or drain in any >lreel. pavement or sidewalk, with- out iirexioiislv seiiiliiur a wrilleii notice to tlie eitv- surveyor with a sketeli showing- the exact location and ol" the propo^eil opi'iiiiiL;". ami olitainiiie' the per- mission of said city--urvey(r il' not pre\ioii>|y aullioi'i/ed, ."iiid. ill any ca->e. wiihoui oliiainini:; his approval of i he place wlli'l'e. ;illd t lie Hl;||iliiT ill whidi. llii' to lie made: to proliihit the depo-it, iienf Iv iiaved si reel, of aiiv Imildiiie hrick or olh(>r artielcs u halexii' rale iiir pavinii'. i>r to ii-Lnilale ihr to make ii-e of ^iieh street- tor ami to exact a sutlieieiit depo.-it ifoihl I itder ; ;. 'I'll rc'iuire t liroiii;-|iout the city or in -mli district or K'-iuoval nf tiisliiet> as the eily eouncil m;iy desi^Miaie. the owner or '"'''" ' ficeupaiit ot any premises, or tli,' pei'^on ha\iiiii' de|i(»sited the same, to loilcet. remove ami ilispo^^c ofashes. swill, offal, relii-e. uaihaiie. manure. di>ad animals. niL''ht-sf)il, and other vil. . unhealthy lU' oiren.-ive muller; to icii-iilate ami pro- vide tor the eoileciion. remoxai ami tlispo.-ial ot the -aim' t liio'i^lioiil tile city or in -ii.'li district-; as the city i-oiim-il may 'le>iw-nale, ami to aiithoii/.e and direct such collection, removal and disposal, eithei' at 'he expense of th • city or ofsiicii owner or occ'ipant, or t lie [ler-on liaviny- i|epo.;iicd the same ; pi'Dpo-cd op 'iiinir IS uj'oii any perma- mateji.iU. lar. lime, stone, lit" ;i nalure to deterio- piinii-.-;ion to lie ^framed the afoie-aid pnrpo-e-, to repla<'e the paximr in i 70 Cjip. r.H 'itif of Mont teat •i2 Vi( r. Hi I Ml' I i i (;►.• ofpiivn. (5. 'Po n'iu;iilat»' tin- use of piiveineiitH, sidewalk-, crosn- """"*"^' • wi.lkK, ciirLsaiMl ^jiittcis; '^'>""'"', 7. To n'i,nilaf»' (ir pivv« III tlic use ni" streets, allev:*, side- walks and puMie u;iouiids lor siifii.-, >i«;ri-posts, awniiiifs, awiiiiiLC-posts, teU\i^rapli, tcjeplione and electric poles, liorse troiiii'lis. tacks and otlier ohstnictions. and to rci.Mdate the p<»stiim; and distriKntini; of haiidd)ill> and aiiverfiFcinents ; iiiHtiffis.iVc. : ^*' I'ciiiove and al)atc aiiv nuisance, olistriiction and cucroaeli- inent npon the sidewalks, streets. idU-vs and piddio irroninls, and prixi'iit tlie encninliciini^ <>i' tin- same with vehicles, boxes, lninher or any other tliniaine in any portion ol the ciiy ; anil the city council shall prohibit, ihe pilniLr ot stiow itreet or alli'v or public place by per-^oiis uwninii" or operatinL'' any >ti'eef railway alouir or aci'oss the sanu' ; roifs, A. .. ..n s. To i'ei.'ulate oi' projiiliit (lie jilaciiiii' i>\' p.tjc- and the '' ' suspenilinu" of \\ ii'i's aloiiii' or aciKs-. mH ^treet.-. alleys and jtublic places, ami to re(|nire any and all wiri's within pre- scribed limit,-, of throiiii-lKMii the city, to be phiceij as it may desiifiiatc, heiiealli the .-n rt'ace nt' the >tri'ets or olsewln-re, an'l to re(|nirc any poles already ciccteil ui- wire> already su.-iieiided Id be rejiioved. and the wire> likewise jilaeed in I'oiidiiits beneath the siirlace ol' the .-Ireet or el>ewlicre. and to conipel any or a!! wire-:. pipe-< and ot her cuiistruetioiis and conduits to lie pl;iced in a coininoii area beiii-alh the -urt";ice or elsewhere, upon -ncli terms as it inav dcsiijnate. mid to reii'idate or prohibit the locatin;:-. coii^t ructiuii' and lUiiintain- inii' of biidij-e- ami st rcet railway track- in. under, of over any >treet, alley or puhlie place ; i:\lr,l)iti, . . . ,|jj^(,.ii,„|i,„,^ ,,,. ilii', ,\\ iiie- orbanin-is. pla« ards. advei tir-euu-nt?^ and lianddiil!- Ol' ntliii articles in. near e ,it' hiH- lioards ami -ii:iis adjacent tour near the -treet-. jdiey- and ]iublii' places, or upon any vacan' lot or other property : Miri'i ,vali>, IP 'I',, re;:-iilate >>v prohibit trailic and .-ales upon the ''■' -treets. -ideualk- and public places; Spei-.!, \f.,.f -jo^ 'IV iv-ulalc ihc -peed ,,f horses aud other animal-, nor.si'.-i, \r. : < . , i • i • i • i lucycie,-. cars ami locianol ivi'S. ami ottier vcincje- witliin the lijuit- ol the .'ity. and to cuipel peisons to fasten their h(»rses or other aiiiinals attached to \ ehielcs or otherwise wiiib' stainlintj in the Htn-ets, alley- ..r public placo : ^V'*''"-'- ^^) To iVijulate and prescribe the witlih of tire- 'in the tiU'K on 1 , ,. 1 • 1 1-1 • 1,1 • -1 whei.Is, fii: ; wliecN ot volliclcs Uf^cd III tile cnv, aUil the inixitllUlli ueii;|it. 1H0<» City of Monfrnil rny^. AS Tlr Ml' IN 1(1 lO l.iU- .mil II tlm I'ii^lit of a Idad t<» !•«• drawn over any stroot in ilu' city, aii drawn, and from what street^*, alleys and |tul)lir jtiafi-.s tin' same tnav bo cxiiinled, and t(» license vdiieles of I'vcrv de- Hcriiition ; 14. To nann- and clian^f the names of streets, allcvs and \aiM"«.)f other piddic i.laces; ' -tn-Hs. \.. : 15. To regulate or prohibit the use of all liriils^i's, \i:i- Im« nt innl ducts, tiitnicb, drains, sewers, privies and ccss-pniils wil bin '''"'• '''^'' • the city, und in such |Nirti«»ii4 (»t*tlie city as it may desiLcnatc: til cause the removal of privies and cess-pools, and to com- pel sewer tronnection in r>iich portions, and to make tlie satne, and to >isses> the co~t th«rcof on the property so cioimected ; It! Til njxulate th<' nnmberinir of houses. buildinu;< and N'miii)iriii«of 11'. lots, and to cnnipel th" Mwiier-; of houses and dtlicr buildinii's |""'""'> > '• '• to have the nund»i'r« i>\' -nu>ly there.»ii .»r udja<-ent thereto : 17. T'l re.piirc railr<>a and other jMibiic places by railway trains, cars or etiirines : 1^. To reL'"ulat»' or i»r-»hihit the riniriu''' of bells and li'"-'"'-; ••> whistliiii;- ot" locomotives, and steamboats and the di^charu'c of "' "•''•• >icaui. I'imlcrs, >parks and .-niokc t bci'cfroui ; 1'.'. To read tra:-ks, so that tilthy or sta^-inint w.itor |.i,ii.-s. \.. -. cannot stand or U>v«>l miicIi lot, it sliull lie foiitpctciit tor tlio coiim-il to liavi' the sanir done, iiti(> a H|uH;ial clmrg*' upon Hiicli lot, and shall have the sutitc |ti'iviU>!^(>s attaidit'd to it, and he (Icalf with and rt'co\»'rahli' in tin' sann- manner ju* a wjMcial tax thereon ; '*•"""' 2'J. To li \ the anionnt, tei-ni-i and manner ol' ii^Hniiij^ iiviisi'-. , .. , |j^.^,,,j^^.j^^ ,,,,, iiicuiisisteni with tin- law and sniijeet to the pro- visions oTthis charter, |)rovided that no Iii;ense shall Ix; issued tor a htnirer timo than one year ; lillli,ll■ll^,A(. : :>,^ To license, re^idate. oi- proliihit hilliards, pool, pi'^eon- liole tallies, ten-pin allevs, howliii'^; alleys, and shootin*^ tralU'ries ; A«.ii'.ii iM. To license anil reels and houses ot puhlio entertainment ; Kxliihiiiuii- :j"). ToliccMM'. I'l'irnlate or |»rohil»it the exhihilions ol'show- .>f sh.»«ni.i,. jij^.jj ,|||^| j^|„,\vsolall kinds, an I the exhibitions of caravan-, inciiairei'ies, circuses, eoncert-halls, (hmee-halls, theatrii-al per- lormances, skatinLC-riid-cs and all phiei's ot' aniusenu'ni and nniM'ums ; HioiK, .Vi . ; '2.\\. To prohiliit, prevent and sup|»ri'ss riots, I'oiits, atl'iays, disturhanees, disonlerly ansejuhlies. doif-lii^hts, pri/e-ti<^htH, lioxinti' or sparrinti" matches, cock-liinhls and all hriital or depraviiiii' exhibitions oi' sports ; 27. To license and reii'ulate auctioneers ])awni)rokcrs, second-hand diali'rs and ,iuid< dealers, ami to compel all siieli persons to keep suih i-ecords of theii- ^raiisaeiiotis as it may direct, ami tnakc report thereof: ■_'S To !ii'< use and reu;ulate keepers of intellieem.,. or emplipyineiit otliee.-, and all persons doinir tin- husiiiess of seekini:; einphtynieut for or turn si lin^; employees to others, and f<» rcijuire >U(li jiersous to keep such record as it m;iy . !<< Tl.i'kiiiiii. 0( • . To ,iecn-e and rei:Milati' hackmcn, diayiueu. express- men, pdi'tei'-. aiid all other per^-ons or corpiu'ations, in. linlini; street railway companies, eiipis^ed in carryitiLT pa-scuu'eis. haii'ifa^'e or freiu'ht in the city, and lo reiiiilat>' their eliaru'es then-tor. ami to pre^ei-iliestandin«^ plaee> orslatioi,s within the rl reels or iK'ar railway stations, where the sun ■ miy reiuain while w aitiii'.:" tor l>n>iness, ami to ]irohihlt the same iVom standiiiLT or wailiiiii' at any other places i han the places so pre-i-rilied ; I'otlilj. rs.\c-. ; ;;(» 'I',, li.cn-e aiid ri'uMilale all peildjers. hook-a^'eiits, nvas>ers, -ireet hawkers. chimney--weep^. vendors and • •a public criers doiu^^ bu:>iiie«s in the city 1 f<4>l« (V/// itf Miinl teal Cui- M 7.J '•')\ To ru'4'Urit' \\\\{\ n>i^iiliitt' lidtclu'is' stalU uidI sli(i|tH, uiitl Uuiciii.irn* HfAiuU fur till' hkIp of naiiic. |timltry, Tiu-iit, ti-*li, tniit mnl '''»"■'•*''• » |M'ri(*lial»li' provisioiiH wlictlicr liy wlioli'snii' ur ri'tuil : M2 To liocrHc utid rt'ifiiliitf tin* k»'t'pin»(()filoirs ; to pn-vt-iit I»m><'«, *<. ; (lous'vr r»fh)'r imiiiiiil?* from nimiititr at liiriri'. ami toaiifhorizo th«' (It'Ktnictioii ilh-rfof in a snrnirmry maimer; :<:•? To ri'iriilah' or [iroliiMf tin- stoniiTi' hihI use of <^uii- ^•»rni{<', *>= , powder, dry |iiteli. resin, coal oil. iM'tiziiie, iiaplif lia. u:usoliiie, ']| ^l*"!.' '"'** tiirpeiifitie. Li'Mii I'oltoii. hit rn-irjyeeriiie and amy prodnet tlieri'of. and other eoml)ii>til)Ie or ixplosive luaieriails within the rity. or within one uiile therefrom : 34 To reirnlate or prohihit the use of fire-erae|lisli pounds nnder supervision and eont rt)I l^'lllMl^,■A ;. ; ot" the (.'(Minril, to resiraiiilhe riinniii<>; at laru'e of horses, mules, eattle, swiiie, sheep. poidt IT, ifeese and ot her animals, ami to a itliori/.e I he dist raiiiinj; and sale of the same, and to fix a tarift" of lilies for siieh inipoiindiiiLr ; '?>>^. 'I'o ostal»li>h, lieeiise or ri'iriilate markets and market- MuU-im, houei»t» : to ehaiiire. eiilari;e or iliininisli the >ite ot" a iiv '''"'• • markot or market-place, or to estahlish any new market or market-place, or to aholisli any market or market-place now in t'xistiMice or hereafter to he in existence in the city, and appropriate the site tliere(.f or aiiv part olsnch siti'. for any other purpose whatever, in the discretion of the council : 'My To provide for the inspection of, and rcLCnlate t laj Sii.'..f l)riM. To provide tor and re;rulate the Inspection of iirals, |im,„.,tt,)ri of jHUi't ly. li-h. u'amc. hiilter, cheese, lard, eL:e">, reiretahli-s. ""•^■♦. *'•• : llour. in«al. milk, dairy ]iroduit-. fruit, ainl other j'ood pi"0(luit< ; to pi'ovide I'or tic seizure. contis.-Mlioii and summary dist rnetioii ol' any -ueh pi-odnit> as are unbound, spi>ili(i or un\vholesiMiie ; 1(1 prohihil llie hriiiLcinir into the ciiy and the having'' or kcepiii'/ ^n'•Il unsound, spoiled or un\vliole-^(Uiie products, and to dcliue thcdulie-, powers and att riliutions ot 1 he in-.pe.M(U'- ap[ioin!ed for ! hai purpose ; H. Toinspeet and liceii-e :'ulale t he phe-e and manner ot'iiiv.ml wei'_:irnnr hay and straw and selline- the -mii'. and mea-uriiii; "iu,,\', : and -ellinrj jircwool. co.d ami lime l-'e To iMifor/e the use hy \-en lor< of pi'opcr WeiudiL^ and \N 'inIUs aii, dul\- te-^ii-d ami soaU'd, and to aurliori/.(f the sei/urci """'^"•■'**'> I M iA r^ vH 74 Cu\<. ')^ Citj/ (•/ Monhnil 62 Vict. I , (y'hiiiiiK'X hi: ; W ill the I'itv a.xl wliitli v\\\\ \w drHcii'iit in iiicasuiv, wriu'lit or ([UHlitv ; 44 To rogiilalo llu' lifiirlit, con-itnu'tioii antl inuti'rial> of all bijil(liii>;>. I'liiiiiMoys. slacks and ((thcr ^tl•uotnIvs, antl to prt'Vi'iit tlif I'ousi ruction ofsni'linot ot'llic rfijnircd >fal)ility. iinuniniarv a^alcrncnl or il and scwcr |iii'cs, 'lie thickncs!*, materials and •on>tniction of jiarfy walls, pailition and oiitsidi' walls, the -i/cand material nf lloor '.cams. i;'ii'drrs, jiicrs. columns, roof-, cliiinn<'V lines a'.d heating' apiiaralns : to rci^nlatc the aril:itccriirc, diim n- sions and ^ymmdrv of liuildinns in certain streets ; to c.im- jiel iIh' |lro|lrietor^ to swhmil the jilnns lIuM'cof ami T<> i>rc- \ion.-l\ obtain a certilieate, in \vrilin<; fiom ili(> Uiiildini;: iti>|ii'cloi' ; to jiiiihiliit llie enlist rih'tiun o| liiiiMiiii;'- and -Hiictiircs ihil I'liiitoriiiiiiL;" to >uiii ic^'iilalinM-. and in direri t lie .siis]n'n>ion at any time ol' tlu' eiei-iion oi" any siu'li Iniild- injf as doe> licit confnrni in -iirli ri'uiilation-.aiid to eaii^c the demornioii of any huilding imi cniilnrmiii;,;' In -iich reii'ula- liniis. if iiiMT-.-arv ; 4-'). To |ire.~criiic lire rimil> wiihin which \i nnden Imihl- 1)11 1 1. 1 hi;;', iii^rs or >iructiircs shall imt in- I'l-ft'icd. |ilac*'d or {•■jtaired, and In diirct that any luiiMiiiL:" within such lir.--limils. when damaged hy liic. decay nr ntherwise. in lhee\feiii i^^ fifty per ceil! of its \;iliie. >hall lie iniii dnwii and reinnvcil, and In jireM'rihc the manner of a-eeriamiiiii' -in-h iKrcnhue, auil In i>rn\ide t'nr iiMjuirim::' the owners of hiiildiiin's or nllier -trnciiiie-. which iia\e \\,-,\\ dc>trnyed or ]iaitially de-^tmyed or ha\e licrnme daiiii'ei'ons hy file or ntherw i>r. to take the same nr any |iarl thereof down ; a. . in c i-r y^f refll-al nr neii-h'cl dt' s.iid nUlH r In sn lake the -aill' dn\\ II when ordere I liy liie council, then lo cau-e ihi'-aiiie 'n ho done at the e\|ieii-e of the owner and tn a^ess ih' cost thereol" hy |iri\ ile^c ii|inii ihr land rij.nii which siicli huildin^ oc st niei lire -tand.-. : Kin.' <"se>-- nf lillildilli;'- yy ■'I.UcI- *'''•• tires In plice ihercoii .-iich lirc-e-.ca|K'- and a|i|i|iaiiies tnv liroieciioii ;iL:'ainst or for cxtiiiLfni-hment of lires as it may ililcel ; l<.ri|..\,il nl 17. 'I'n plrvelll the e. l'-IIM> linli jUld lo e;ill.-e the re'imXiil «^liiiiiiii\ . ,,| dantieinii- chiiiiiieys. Iire-|iiiici'-. hearth-, stoves. -ln\e- |i:|ie>. n\cns, hoilcrs and a|i|iaratns n-ed in or almnt any liuildinij; or si nicluie ; in leiiailaie the <'anyiiiL:' nn oi maiiu- l.ictlire- lialih In ean-e fires: in ji|'e\elit lie dclin-iliii;.' ol a-lu'.- or the aci'iinmlaiinii ol' !diaviiiu;s, rul»l»i>h oi n'her < niidiii>lilile material in nn-ate pho'es. and 'n make provi-- sions to LMiaid airaiiis! jiri' . 1H<»9 ('it If (if Montrral Ciip. •'>>< 75 4H To rogulfttc tlui o|U'mti-)ii ot'hla>ls aiitl Iduhtiiijifs. and lUiisiiii)^, tlu' coiiHtrnctioii, location aid operation of* diTrii-ks. \vin. To aiii c and to ahate .Vui^inm-s, th<' same, and to ini|M)>c lines upon piTsoiis who may create, .v.. ; Continue or sutl'ei- nuisances to e\i>r ; ol. To compel the ivportin;^- ami recording ol' all hirths Unilis .imi and (h'aths within tiie city : •i.miIi''. *' : .')l' To i'ej.';ul'.ite and prevent the hiirial of the th'ad within i;,i,nU, kr. ; tlie city ; to rctrulate and determine the nuiuner in which hodio which have hct'U placed in a vnult or tond* "V ot!ier phne t'or tie- pui'pose (i|' hiirial may he renio\cd : 1i> reirulate and(ontidl >he location o| ecnicterio and cre- matoiifs, and to ciiu.-e the renio\ al ot' hodies inti-rred con- trary to law. and to \a'ale or di^contimje any ci'nietcry and cause the remo\al of any liodii - interred thi i«'in ; iVi. To rciTulatt' or to prohiKit the hication, con~ti'uefion s k >.«r, packiiiu'diouses. icndeiinj; *' ■ • e>tahlisliint'nts. tallow-chandiericv-. >torini;,'-plaei'> tor liides, lione 111' j^lue lioii-e~, i:as \\ > u'k -. -oap-lact(U"les. ii\ediouses, tanneries, sau-au"'' manufactorie- and othei- noxious husi- m'sses within the liinii< ot' tin city, oruiihin a distance clone mile oiit-iilc nf the l.niils fiiertut'; -VJ. To rcMiiljitc I he firal ioii. coiisi I uclioii and use ot hri'W- I ■.!>■" iTii-'M, erie-. slalile-. Iiv.'ry--tahle>, Mack-in.l ii -In-p- and t'oinidiics ■^' '• wit Inn I he Iimit> of t he cii v ; A.'i. 'I'o prohiliii otl'u-^ivc or nn \vli"l">onn' Ici^iinv-se- or '»ii.'ii''i\r e-fahiishnn'nt- wiiliin ; he cit\ or within ..n.. mile of t h<" "■"''''''"''' . Iinnl-^ therci'l ; lo pr^'hihit tli< erection u .-ciiipation oi any olfensive liuildinu'> in anv place (M' -itc w here tin y will diimnu'e thi' iieiLi'hh'irin^' propert \ . and determine i he l.,ca lit ies w f, ere certain manut'actorie> or ociiipai ioi;- mav !» carried .ai ; 6air«' iiianutactory. pi;.r sty. privy m- other unw Indesome or noxion- hoiise or plaie. to cleanse, ahate ier. lire-wood and other ciiihu-tihle niali-rial and ^'"'''•'^'' > tliemaiinei id' pilmir the same ; and to reipiire any pers«in maintainiuir Miiy lumher. -hiiiude or lath piles oi' mill-wood yard> ill the lity to remove the ;»aiue when they hei-oiue dane;crou> to liiiildiiiifs. .-structure-* or other property : .'>S. To ree-idate or pri'\etil the playiiiiT 'd' ltiiics or any i .,uir'», *v. ; etiiet ainu-emeiits on the street--, alley.'., -idewalk-* or pulilie i: I 11 70 Cap. 58 City of Moiif ri'itl. &2 Vifrr. ill! 1'.iit).'iiig «i«IIh, fir. ; City 111.* pluces, and to rcguluto tlio use of l»icyclos aU'l other vel»ii'lo.-4 within the limits of the citv ; /){>. To vc'irnliite or |iri>vcMit tlio rinniiiir <>f 1>''1I^5»ih1 oliimos, the hlowini; ofwhistU's and the nuikiiitc ot" other noises ; to ivijulate or iii-oliil)it tlie ns»- of noisy earts or vehieh's in liie city streets and his^liways ; ♦lO, To ostahlisli and rcLTulate city hospitals and f»e«t- housos. and to make all reirnlatiims which may he necessary and exitedient for the |ireservation of health and the sup- pressiiin <>f disease ; to make reijnlations to prevonl the introduction of contairions, itifcctinns or other diseases into the ciiy, and to m.'kc (jiiarantine laws, uiid to enfor^-e the same witliin tlu' .nty ; to rci^nlate, control or prevent the lanilini; of pcr.-ons. hairgaire. merehandise or other properly iVoin hoats. vess<'ls. cars or other coiivoyaiices infected with contat^ions diseases, and to make snch dis- posal of snch J)erson^ or property as to preserve the health of the city, and to prevent infected hoats, vessi's, t-ars or other conveyances from coinintr within or near the limits ot the city ; til To estiilili
  • i- trough-: hin!:( liirht, heat and power in the city, and lo provide lor tlu' inspection of the same ; 0;». T'l rei;iilate loiliiini:-. tcnemetit atnl apartment hotises r, to jirevcnt the o' i-rciowdinLi,' ot' the same, and to rc(|nir« ilie ratne to he put and kepi in proper .-anitary condition ; ♦M. To re<|uirc ilie places where aiiiimils are kept to he nniintained in h -althtnl condition ; trccl< :;nd pidtTw places, aiid lo irrant liceti-^es and make rc^^nlation lor newspaper earriers ; (I'i To eompcl ihe owner 111' o^vne^' ol \acanl priprrty ' within the cit_\ 1 i lii- to keep iln- -ame clear of any brush or other mati'rial or siihstaiire liaMo lo cimmuni'ate lire ii) adioininsi' prop, iiy : lrcctf, siju iie-i and pa/k-^ ol" i he city ; to coMipel an\ proprietor to plant t I'ci's in from ol" his prop erty. nntier lli.' dire>'tio?i di the city->urvc\ .>r ; !o a'l- thori/.e the ••ily-iitveyor lo ian>'' ^uch p'anialion lo l>e m.nlc, and to e\aet the co^.! thereof from -•i.-h proprietor, in ca-c the latter -hall refill" or neir|,.,| lo comitlv with the ciiv->nr- voyor'- orl 'r; lo pnni'.h ininrie-; lo. ..;• intert'cr'-'nei' with, the oniannnilal ti-i'cs or >hriihliery in lie -iireei-i, park-^ and pnhlic places of tl-e < it v : Kiivi>i.»tit.in.! I»S, 'I'o provide lor the revoeatioii of riecn*»'s ; Pul)li( , 0> I ii|iiii i'lii of llllllul •■ Ml son |,, ,\r. ( 'Ifaniii; nl hriiih oil li>l IIHIIIl'lllill IHW < 'ity of Montreal Cftp. 58 77 »)!«. T(i rr^ulatt' iuul re(jiiiro liccusos tolu; (ihraim-tl for tli<> Uu-uitH:, |iiiisiiit aial |.r(»K('rntioii otjill lu'cuitatioiis or kinds of l)usi- ''"'"""'.*'* : iit'Hs. not ill this section i-xpresslv nli-rrctl to and |>rovid('d for ; 70. To t'stalili>h and maintain w mk-houst's or ivi'iiu'i > in Wuik t)u> »'ity or I'lM'whiTc , Toinaki- rnli's and rc'!iulation> t'nr tin- '"'"'•■'• '^'■' = irovurnint'iit and inanaucintiit of sudi workdiouso* or rt'tui^c-. and to jncsi lilii' llio dnties ot the keepers ami olil- vOTH of the saini' ; 71. 'I'o |>iMvi(|r fur thi' li-jhtinir of tlH> city ; i.uinin;;; 7"J. lo ])ri>\ide for and re'j;nlate the con.-t rn<-tion aiid u-cHi.Acin ol bievcli' jiatlir- upon any >trc(M aUey or pnhlic [thiee : pull-, .*-■. ; 7."{. To esiahli>h, maintain and reg-nhitu u miinieijuil em- i'ii'i'i"\iii.-hi ploynnni l.nreau ; i.unau ; 74. To re^nhite ami citnti'ol. in a manner \\<>t eontrary to I'niili. ii,.ii- anv >i»eeilic i>ro\ i.-it»ns on the snhiect eoutained in ihi^ '"'"'"'. '""' iMiailer. the exercise, \ty any person or curporatiun, ut any iiui..,)t m puhli<' fi-iiiichi-c i>r priv iU'^i'e in any iif the street- i>r puhhc -'"■•'•'* : plan-es in lh»! eity, u he! lier siieh l'raiie m- privih-nc has heert liranted hy th" city or hy the Lei;i>hif nie ; 7."». Ti' mak«' iiih's for the proper observance of Sunday, ^'""'''.^ "'»■ piovifh'd that the powers iriiUileil to t he /,.iii|.>:^ical < iardcii of^'";' ' Montreal nii(h'r tiic act .")7 X'ictoria, chaptt r 77. l>c u.ii re- garded as :;trect«>d hy any such hy-law ; T«t To pn-hihit the scllini;- on Siindav hv >liop-k.cpeis, ^'""'k-' -"""'" peilhirs. hotel-koepiM-s, tavcin-kccpcrs or other pcrsun-, o| _,^ . ifoods, wale-, inert haiidix' or intoxicating Tnpior-', or the pnridia-in<;' or iliinkinu," tliereol'in any hotel, tavern or plai c of piil»lic eiiterlainmeiil : ami also to enforee tho elosiiiLi" ot' •>ftl()ons and taverns, iVoin niidniirhl (Hi Saiiirday uniil Monday moniiiit;' ; to rcc-iiiate the sale ot' iVniis. eiu^Jr-, con- teciionery and lempeiaiicc drinks on Sunday, in the i ity and on St. lL'leii>" Inland Park ; 77. To prevent the di-tiirham'i- nf any eonifretfation Di-tmlmiiiL- assemhled I'nr rclii:ioii> 'vorr-hin, and to prohihit t he distri- "' ''■''*•'""'■' 1 • .• • I 'i I 1 ■' I • 1 1 II ^oi-ieit, >v. nutioii ot printed haiid-hiils or circulars at chureh aonr< on Sunday- : 7M. To liceii>e and reii'iilate the po.-.rniir "^' i>ills and pla.-- r-i.-imi; of ards ; to pruhiliit the |iostinK or t'xhihiiinjr of ohi^eeiie or "'"'• •^' '• ! ofleiihive placards. paiiitini;~, iliawin^s, st.itues or inscriptions, in any street or [tublie placi', or in any store or any '!u'r plaec visible from sueii street or public place ; 7'.» T«i license, it't^iilate or ptohibil musical saloon.- or MuHital e^fablishmellts where intoxicatini;' liipnus are sold ami -''"""-. 'V.. ; wherein instrumental and voeal music are us»m1 as a mean."? of atlnietintr eiistojners ; to license or prohibit the use, by itinerant play«'r> of hand-organs, or other musical instru- ment, for pay (r in expectatiun of pay, in any oi all thu streets or publie planialI-|iox or any other c-ontai^'ions discaso; to isolate patients hibourinic nnder any sueli dis.'ase, whensoever tin- said ot'ti- eers >hall (h'eni it necessary tor the weltare ofsnch patimts, orot'lhe puhlie at la rue ; to cause any pi'rsuii who shall Inive died ot" any siicli disease, to l)e buried within a sliorl delay, ami u'cnerally to t;ik(; sudi measures, as the council may deem nect's-ary, to rcLi'uhitc, conti'ol, previ-nt or arrol, t In- I ro>>;res> of Hinnll-pox or other conta^'ious, cudeinu- or infeetions disease, any law now in force in the conti'ary !iotwith>taiidini.': ; 81. To ciiuipel 111" --uperintondents ol" any cemetery in the eity or in the adjomini;' muuicijialities to pre|)arc and ^iirinl", \i . : deliv^-r to the corporation reijular relurnsof the total number »d'p<'i>on- buried in such *'emetery : to reu'ulaie the manner and i'orm in whicli siu-h return sliall be made; to exact that, ii> all ci'.seri of death occurrimi in the city, a ",.cti(i,.jitt' be (b'jiosiVc'i in the lu'altli oftice. and (hut such ceitilicate be ma in the form and manner determined iiy the board of health ami the council, ami also to adopt means to obtain accurate and sure returns n-speetiny; mortality and tin* causes thert'ol' : to aulhori/e the medieal health oflicer to make such impiiiies as he may deem nt'ceso as tt» e>tabli-h as precis*'Iy a> [)os' inipn'-ts ami the examinatiou of any corpse ; to prevent burial^ in the city. eX'-epi those of prie-^ts and nuns whieli may be eireetcd in the Ivoniaii ('atholio ehiirches and ciuijiels ol' the city ; M2. To compel persons owninir or iisiiiii' sleaiu-eniriiics, steam boih I's. factories, cln'iuical works, or other work.->hoprf or e-cossarv apjiaratus to consume the smoke and i;as eseapiui;' therefrom, til) as to ellectually remove and abate any nuisance aiisini.:; from the Working of such establi->hnu'nt, and to impose a fine of slot). 00 tor the violation of any l»y-law made umh'r t he j)ro\isions of this parau;rapli. and to enact I hat, in defaidt of imnu'tliate payment of the said fine and cost.s by tiic ofli ndor. he shall be coudenmed to an imprisoiunent not exeeedinn- two months, unless the fine and (osts shall havo been paid before the expiration of such ]>eriod. and u t'urtJier tine of s;r>0.00 per S 19 ^'■\. To ctMiiin.'l tin- [•ntprictur t)l' iiiiy vataiit \'<\ ut' laiul in K,M(iii>{ \-a- tlif city to tVtu'C in or (micIos*' tin- -taint', ami to n'i^nliit*^ tin; ' '"' '"'■" "f iR'iglit of cvt'TV such tcncr or cni'lcxiirc ami tlic niatcriaU ' '•' • and construction lln rcot'; S4. To rcirnlatc tlic -ulxlivi-ion into sti'i'cts of any land siiImIimsj.hi tfitnatcil within tiic limits of the citv, and to i.rohiliil any "!'," ■'"""'' siU'li sunuivision wImmu'Vci' the same docs m.t coim-nh- with .v tho -«''"''•'' phin of tin- city , and to conijicl tlic owners of private >ti'cct.s andhiiK':* to indic;ite that the >anie do nol heloiiiT to th«? city. X;'). To retjnlaie, license or prohil»it the teasint;' ol' w^ol. r..i,iii>{<)f liaii. and otht'i' like articles, and tlie collection of ruijrt; s\»<'\,\r. ; >*t». To rcu'iilalt' the r-ale of horse<, mid to impose a tax on s,i,.,,ii„,i-c horses sold or e\ii in tlie citv, -V' : and lo fix tlie rate- to lie paid ihcretoi ; s". To resi-nlatc the kind of vehicles in which urtich',< may \-,.|i,. !.» ..n Ite cx| oscd for sale in or altoiit the nnirkets, and the manner m'lk.-t-, \.-. in v» hi'li they shall lie ihcre locau-d ; to impose a duty on >ilch \«'hlcles," and lo estahlish the luoilc in which such (Intv shall he c(i|lecle''< hoiiL-hi aiul sold in piihlic markets, ihai may hi' hrouvrlit to '^" ""'''"■' ""• the city for >al< . i.r any of them, shall ite »!otivoyed to the piihlic market- and there exposed for >ale ; and that no sii-.-h provisions or pro\tiider shall Ih offered, orex|»ose(l for sale, or he sold or |iiii«hased eUewheii in t In' city, t li;in on the piihlii' markets : hnl th»' conncil may pro\ itlc for i-mpower- iiii; aiiv per-on to r.ell, otfer or ex|iosc for >ale, heyonil the limits ol" said markeir-, meat, vejictahle.s and provision.s u-nallv hoiiirli! and nold on niihlie markets, and K)i i^ranliii;.; him a license for that purpose, upon payment of such >nm, and tlu- perfoi-mance ot"such condition^, as -hall he fixed hy hydaw ; H'.t. To rei^nlati' the maniii'r and ronte in and l»\ which M.iiti,..l . ii horiieil cattle and oilier aniuj.ils -hall he driven in t he city, ''' • •^'- • and the destination ofcutr'c intended for slaiiirl>'' r ; ',Mi '1\) cst!ihli>li. re-i'ulale and manaire pnhlie ahattxirK, rui.ii, ai,it either within or without the eii\ limi(.>, that is to siiy ; '"•"•'■ ut ii distance of three niiies from -ncli limit«i ; provided. In the latter case, that th<' city ha- alr»'a ly ohtaiiied or uhiains. previously, the ecinsent ol'tln unci! of the ni'inici |>ality in which it wishes to estahlish such ahaitoir> ; and to prohiliil the e-taldishment •>\' pri\ai«' ahattoirs in the city ; '•l. To rc^ftilate the width >istri'ets, and to cf.tal»lish «>rui,ltlM»t alter the level of .my r<»adw.iy or si.|i>\valk in any .street ; '"•"i". *•" ; to re»ridut«' all thintf> I'lmcerirmi; the .streetM, parks, (iiiclu- diuc" .Mount Riyal I'ark.St Helen's Island and hinjan's I'ark) squares, hridjre> (>r drali'l^. in th.* city ; to protect the -anie from any encroaclwuenl or iujuij ; und lo tdoM' aiiti disi'oa- ttnuo any street : •! Ill '! . w 8(1 (.'lip. .''H Citij of MontiKil ♦^2 Vict. rrrveniinii ot (•'_'. To iiiiikc siicli }in>vit»i«>iis as tlio tMMHicil may iIihim iir.i.idiiB 111 ii(.,.(.s>Hrv til prcvctit jircidoMts in winr»'r I'roni th<^ aiiiiivinla- tUMi i»I >IU)\V (ir \^•^>. (ill iMc >lilt'\ValKS IIIIU tlic roots lit linilscs nr other l»nililiiii,f> : and for thai jairposc, to (lot«M'iiiiiii' fhf liiamu'r ill w hii-ii such siih-walks ami i-o.ifs ^hall ho ki'pt. Hij^lii .it . ii\ Any iH-rsoii ohlij^jcil Ity law to k»'(p sifh'walks ami roots '"' "'" '." shall lie rt'spoiisiltif t(»\varils liu'citv for the tlaii)a«rt's rcr^iiltiiiLr *.•., ill war troiii his iicijlc»'t to tiillil hi.s obligations in tins ri«>pnt, ainl niay he calh'il in warranty hy tli"' l it toi" ilainaucs ; '.t;;. 'To ilftiMiiiiin' t ln' tlirccfion o| natural watt'r-ioiir.st's pa.-siii'; th'-oiiu-ji pri\ atr pio|i<'rty. anil to rcLiiiialc a"! tnat- tnv ('III u'« I'll in;^' the >anH', \vhflh( r the -ai'l w atcr-f. ■iir-»'s In- coVfjiii or not ; I' J To ii-iriilati' iIk' M'Wi'iatT'' "I 'h«' • ily : with thi' !'ii;lil to iiM' any natuial or \iiliali/.r(l walir-coiirsf in I'liiptytlii' tiltfi't'tl water troin llnir -cwaiLrt' fanns. -a\in^' rf 'oiir-r for «lain;iiXi'- "i" imhinnity it" any tlicic In ; to asscs> proj>rii tors of iiiiiiiovcahh' piojicrty I'or tin- pinposc of dcfrayinii" tlic co.-t of Tiiakiii!^ any foininon scwcr in any stivfl. in A\liich siiih proprirlor- ow II propniy. iiirliidiiin' coniKM-iions hctwcfii i-Hfh (Mniiiion scwcr and tin- prixati' drains '>f Ay\r\i ]iio|iri('tors. .md the ft»\ i>\ >iich ii'palis a^ arr i'.'hd«'i»-'d lu'rcssary in the pfnnaiirnt paviiiL'; on acfoiint of tin- .oii- stnictioii ot' private drains ; and to prorrihc tin' mod*- in which smdi ass<'s>tnt'tit shall he niad.\ cillnr aifi.rdint;' to the iVoiitai;*' of said property or (tlier\vi>e. and the lUiinmr of h'\ \ iiiir -Hell a>.H'ssineiit : riiiii V. Niiiiir.il NMi lcr<<)iii»'-'> A.. : Aiiiiiiii.il \\ Hiiftiv miIm' itt i-cwiTii;;'' rniiiifi I iiii|.-. 'X>. '[ o |iernii I th (ii\ lo nrovide. where u jnas' he • 1 «• lU'ccssarx. -nitalile ai,,oniatie satet v-valves at eonin etionM m , iV II ma sewera^^t tor the drainaiic of any iands. the e\]ieii<.' thereof to ho horiie niie half hy 1 he fit \ . and the other half hy tiu- owner oj' I he property, and >aid eo>L shall he recovef.-d as per >tali nieiii piepareil hy the eity-snrvi-yor. and to ].rovide tor the iii>|u'etioii o| the saiiie hv tin- eitv : hnt tor all oiImm' huildin>:>, the cX|'eii>e shall he iionie eiitiielv h\' the eitv ; I'f'^ >'•• JM; 'I'e r. -iilate the tiiiio wlieii pri\at«' ilrains diall he lade. as al-o the inantier and materials with which the samo y 1k» constriU'tcd, the city makiiiir tli*' «atnc I'roiii 'he line i>f the stre«'t to the eoiinnoii sewer ; and to a>sc>- the (••'^t of the value on the owners ; MHitiMwri- ;i7 'I',, cMcnd it> main >c weir or tunnels in anv adj<>iii- aii. itmnt. . j^^^^ miliiieipality. and to ivcover from >ueli iiuinicipality itn share o|' eoiitrdintioii towarils the eo.-t o|' const riietiun and Tiiainreiianeo of sneh main sewers or tunnels, according ti> t ho area to he drained and in proportion to tiu- l)enotit to he derived hy such municipality The anumnt ot" siieli cou- trihiition to he th'tenniiicd hy appraisers to be appointed n* follows : one hy the council, one hy hucIi imniicipalif y, ami th*' third hy u judge of the superior court ; to compel such ISfM) < 'it If of Montreal Cap. 58 81 nil' Imt III imiMi.-iiiulit'u's to pay tlio tlaiim^es rortiiltiiiij tV.nn tlnir use of tlic oiry (.•^>M^t^lll't iliaiiisiu juivatt' >trct.'ts and lanes whoii i\'(|uii'fs(rictiolis ii.iihvay as the eoiiiieil inav iniiiosi". the track of anv stjvct '"" "^^^ '''^' •• railway or oilier railway to l)e lanl m tlie city; to reii'ulatt; the nunihcr ot passcnifers to he carrieil in each car or Vehicle u>vi\ hy siicji street railway ; lo i'cr anv other motive- power 1)11 any railway in the city; to prescrihe mid rct!;iilate the speed of the ciil's; and to iiupo-;e penalties not to e.\c;eed .■*4iich Ity-iaw ; '.'!'. To l>rc>crihe and dcliiie t he diitii-s and power- ol' I he Ih-ih, i..r ..t spi'cior ol' hnildiiii^-s. and lo anihori/e him, and ^ucli ''"' ''"tS"'*'- ot her oi.licers as may he appointed hy the council for that ]iurp(»,se. to visit ainl examine, in the p<'rfoiinanee ol' their duties, as Well tlu' iiitt'i'loi' a> the e.sterior of any lioii>e or hnildiiiii' I'oiihe pur|iose of adoptinj; any nn asiire^ tendint; to prevent lire-, or deemed iiece-.-ary for piihlic .-cmity ; 100. To rcKulale the erection, use or einploynieiil of -leani- Sti'.im t-n- eiieines and sttamdtoilers. ('lectric dynamos and ol her electric! ^"'^■■'> *^"- » inacliiiics, ami the (lualilieation of the per-ons diarized with t lie w orkini^ ni' i he >aine. t heir exaiiiinat on ami licence ; I'M T- . pi'o\i.le for the oi^ani/.atioii, i'i|uipmeiil. main- i»r^.ini/jii;oii, teiiancc and di-cipliiie ot" a police or CMiistahnlary force in '^''' "'*•"'''■*' the city, with j)ower ttj reinitiate the re>iitication. ' '' '' rank, service, inspecti(»ii and distiihiition o|' >iicli force, and to pi\'>crihe its duties : to authori/e the mayor, in ca>e- ol' eMier!j:ency, to appoint as many tem|iorar\ police ollicer-, at a compensation to he lixed hy the council, as "i" may them iieci'ssnry. jtrovided thrt -ucli appoint nunis shall not continue in force for more than one week without the eon- sent of the eoiiniil ; lo provide for the pnnishinent, hy dis- mis>al. lU' hy line or imprisonment i\\\. kv. ; I'lOVJKO. MilhllTS lllll .s('l'V:uits, iVc. ; Feiryiii'ii, kv. ; Mlpcl'illllllllt' tiijii tiniil. for Dllicors, itc. , ■,)f citV, .tr. ; I'ulilic liatli-, *o. ; I'ulilic lilii'ii lirs, t.-. ; I'liiiiliiiliilii- lilu liiiilditigH, kr.. ; (^'IIHUH, \l . liiiani of Ik'uIiIi : ill ln;l To jiutlioi'izc and rcirulati' tlui yraiitiiii; <»t' lii'i'iisod hi failc'is. (iwiu'is (If tlrivei'8 dt" vcliii'lcs tor hire, (irtn nwiu-rs di" voliicles used iu tljo city tor the (K'iivcry of nifat. iMfad, milk, ifi', \ I'ii'ctalili's, t^roecrics, or any other o'oods, cHorts tir iiH'rihaiidi.-h persons who use sui'h \(hirles and ret'iirc to |iay tlie tare as estahlished hv a taritr; 104. 'To nrevent anv nersim, rosidiiiir hevond the eitv limits, from eaii'vinu,' on his traile oi- hii.-iness within the eity, without takiiiii' out a license and nninlu'r tor I'adi and every vidiiele used in the city for the iiurposes of smd. trade or liiisiness ; ju'ovided that there ho no nnju>t discrimination an'ainst siu'li iieison ; Id.'i 'Po reyidati' tin' respective duties (d" masters, apjireti- tices, servants, domestics. Journeymen ami lahorers ; IOC). To reo-nlate tlie pei'sons jilyiui; as ferrymi'ii to anti from till' city, ami to estahlish a taritl'of rates to be eharued 1)V such ferrvmeii ; 107. To tipuhitions as the coiiin-il may determine, and lo compel the said otfieers and employeesto contribute to the said fund outoftheii- sala- ries in such proportions as the ronm-il shall determine ; 105, To establish and maintain public baths, wash-housed comfort houses and lavatories ; toil. To contribute to the establishment and niaintenanco of public libraries, readinif rooms, museums bir historical, literary, artistic or seientilic; purposes ; 110. To providi' tor the closini-- and demolition of build- inijs within the city wliich are no loni- tation or occupation, and to recover the cost from the owners thereof ; 111. Tti taki', ont;e in evci'y threi' yi>ars, a census ot" tht^ iidiabitants ot"the city, for the piirjiose of ascertainiui; tlu'ir nundur. and of obtainin<; statistics ret:farding their social, economical and sanitary condition ; Wl. To establish a board of health, with such privileges, powers and authority, as the council may deem tit ; which l)oard luay be composed of aldermen or of (pnililied cili/ens outside of tlie council ; to take means to promote the health nl" the city ; to provide j)recaulioiiary measures against the introduction of disoapes ; to make regulations for preventing contairion oi- ii\fection therefrom, and for diminishing tiu; danger thereid' ; and to detim' and regulate the duties, powers and attributions of tlu- health ot"iicera ; 180t) C//,v (>/ Montreal Cap. 68 8a ncial, It'U't'S, lin. To ()i\'. ''^'•. ; with all lU'cossafv aiii'liaiicu's l)y imifliasc or It-a-if ; loa|i|n)iiit nil ot'tii'ors and iiu'ii iieeossary for the rxtincfi-in and mi|i- pr('>>ioii oi" rn('>, t he pruft'ctioii of |iro|ii'rty iVoni lii»', and the jii'cvtMitioii oi' act'idcnis liy lii'i : to piMvidt' lot- tin' ininir-linicnt ol" any itrison ni' persons wlin may intcrl'i'rt' with any mtMnhcr of 1 lie lirt> l)rii:adr in llic p('rl'"rnian('f ol" Ills .jiity, or win. may tainpfi' with, impcdr or olistrncl any nf thcsiiiiial hoxos, wirrs, or apparatus nl' tlu- liri' alai'iu dcpartmt'nt : 111 To aulhori/i! tin* di'niolition ofhuihliiurs iiiid tVnros, Dr noiitian uf wh.n dcciiu'il iicci'ssary t(t arrest the prnii'ress o|" lire; to ';""''''"«"""- ]>rnvi lo tor the ivmoval and keepinsi' at a di^tam.'t' tVom liies ' • ' '• ct any per>on or persons whatever : to empower the maV"!-. the '•hief. or other iij'ticijd:- to e\ei'(i as the eonneil may emuM, to >eiid lire-enL:;iiies, men, Jiiid apparatus to the reliel" of any mnnieipality ont>iil(' of the eily, thiit may hf endani^cred hy tire ; provided howevor that siieh mnnieipality -hall hi' held re^pousiMe lor all expenditure ^n• damau'e whieh may he iut'iirrod in eonneetion therewith ; to provide for I he ereetioii of (ire stations or eni;im> houses, and ihepnrehaso or expropria- tion 111" sites tht'i'id'or, suhjeet to the provisions of this (•harier ; topro\ide I'or the punishnii'nt, hy line or impris- onment, hefore the reeorijer's eourt, ol' any person who shall acfuse to ol)ey the lawful orders of the chief or aelint; chief of the tire de|»artiuont, at any tire in the city. HOI. Xo hy-Iaw, emictecl in virlui' of this seetiou, shall lie i'i-.'i<<.|tii-iti'M Valid uidoss the same he read at a nu'i'tin<; of tlie eoum-il, "^ ,'" )'■''"'">' 1 . . • !• 1 1 • /• 111"' "v Vwy*. nor uidess a iiotiee ot motion tor the adoption ot Hiich i»ydaw shall ha\e Keen depositeil at least thirty ihiys heforeliaml. nor mdoss the saiil hydaw shall receive the at'tii'inative V(>te of a majority of the mendier- y^{' the whole council; nor shall any hy-law ht> valid or hindiiii; ami c(»me into force uniil tlu' same, al'ter appmval hy the council as ator<'said. shall \\\\\y\ heen siijned hy the mayor lUnl the city-clerk, and sealed with the corporati' seal ot' the city, and that piihlic notii'e ot' its pa--inL:' he u'iven. 'MV^. The cily-clcrk shall liavt' the custody of tlie hy-jawn c i,i<).ly of • ol the city, ami shall carefully pii'servc them in a rci,'isfor ''.< '"^*''. ■^'. kept tor tinit purpose, ami he shall annually insue a n-port containiii!^ a synopsis of all the hy-laws emuited. repealed or iimemlod during the year and also of all res(»hitions nf th'^ council havini; force of law. 'My»\. A I'opy of any hy-law duly, enactcil faecording to <'"i'i'-* «>f '>>• the Icnis of this section, shall he received iH evi(h'iic(> in I""""' 'Jl!^* '" ... . II,- -111 1 '"■ oviiten«.o. any court ol iitjlice in the rrovmce, provided that the 84 Chi.. <" Cilif of Sfonlii'ul 6-J Vkt. miiM' li«» hiu:iirtl iiii«l itTiilU'd \)\ till) »'ity-t"loi'k, aiitl lu- si-aU-tl \\'\\\\ llic coriiunil"' xnl of tli«' «ity, wifht'iit uiiy jirt Ik- trivm to tin- city lictwri'ii tin- scrvirc of fin* ^aini' and iI^ iiicM'ntati"ii l<> tlic •.•oint, dejuand tlir :in- nninii ni olanv 1)V law on ilic uiuunil olit> illci;alitv. Y ti|,ii.,ii Till' liiilit to drniand tin' annulin'ni <»|" any l»y-la\v »liall i)f litflii 1" 1)0 iin'.-«fi'iln'd liv t liicf inoiii li- tVoni tin- fmninLr intu t'i'r<'<' ot •"""•''■ till- said l.y law". «'ji|iv "I iiN JSO*"^- A 'Oiiy (d' i'Vi'i-y liy-law niadr nudcr tliis >r. tion lii\v>. I" I"' ^],.,|i i„. imi,,,||,iti,.(l witlioiii dcla\ to ilif Li.iit.-nant-li..vt'rrior ••(•III 1m I.K II . • I 1 • 1 • I ■ . 1 ,• 1 iiiitiiii tiux III '•oiiiH'il. who nniy, wii Inn ilnir nioiillis liom ilu' rn't-utt ot .111.11 MM iiiiii >*n,li .'.niN, disillow till' Itydaw, and iiofitf mI' .-Ufli di-allow- IhLn.l'i* I'l'I''' '''''*' -'"'" '" |'"'''i'li''"l ill il"' *>"''"'■ (nii.n,/ ir,:,tt>. HIUII.-. r.vlaw«t.i ;tOU. '111.' l>y-laws i.r till' .'.Minril shall havi- Inil I'oi'i-i' ImMTiK-.i ..t .,,,,1 ,.|i,.,.t ;,s i.uhli.' laws in llir cilv. aii.l as -ii.-ii y ail jUtlifo ami ''oiiils, wlirthi'i Hju'rialiy jilradcd or not. I Ml I'.iiuliii'- :507. 'I'lir coiiiMil may impose, hy any ot tin' l-y-jaws ^*'"''"V",-^' '"' w hirh ma\ In- .nacird in a-'.'oi'danci' with tin- iiowcrHi \|1 llllsC'll ll\ I ■ • 1 I • I .■ •,•••! i.v l.iw-. i:'ianir(l in il l.y ihis rjiarlfr. lor cviTV mlraclicn ot tiu' liydau> ahoVf-mi nlioiird, litlitr a linr, with or witlioiii .-osts or imp^i^onm(•llt ; and il'a liin'. with or without cost?*, may provide lor iinpiisiaimt'tif in dcl'aidi oi' immediato paymiiit 111' »n othduiM' pinviiK'd in thi- idiaili'f, -Hih Jin.' or impii.-oiinu'nl «hall la- in the tliscrt'iion of tlir .oni't ; and. -av»' whcic dtlu-rwis.' (•xprrs>ly pidsididin tlii- ihaitiT, sindi liin' shall iioi cxi-i'i'd s4tt.0<'. and -inli inipiisoiiincnt sliall not he lor a Inniri-i pi'iii.il than two iiioiitli-': and w Iuto sin-li imprisonmt'nt is (iidt'rcd in ddanlt uf paynn'iit ot the liin', it shall ica-'C on -n.'li payiiicnt. If iiiii.i O'.i - W'Ik'H' t 111' inriaftioii nl' any li\-la\v i> I'ontimiou.-. >iirli .i.iiiiniK.us. iiiiVa.tioii during tach day shall i-oi-tit iitr a scparait- otVriu'c. Wliiii .•.'•'(•' I'l Till' i<'sl> aliovc mi'iitioiiod shall. In all cases, iiu-liid.- rusts iii.lu.l.'. iiieil>if<' :tO.H. Xo olijeciion founded npnn t'ortn, or upon tin .^mi^- ^'""''' Bitaiolany formality. 'I'ven imperative, can he allowed to pre- vail in any action, suit or procecdini; respe.iing municipal matters unless snhsfaiitial injustice w.niM he done hy reject- lfl!»0 Cilif of Mnnh'cal Cap. 58 85 1MU' -iii'li oliifctioii tir uiil»'-i>« till' I'liriimlity omittt'd bo siii-h that its oinissioti. accorilimr to the jirdvi^inn dt'tlii-; rliurtiT, would rcmlcr null tin* jtromMlini;-* or otiu'i' imiii'i iiial :u't-* lU'i'iliii^' -utli roriiialiiy. !t1MI. \o jMMsoii who has u«'.|iiu'S('».'il in that wliiili is I'ithuh- ,i. ■ ivy ii iioti.c. <.r wh.> has. in any mamii'i' wliatsoi-vrr-, 'i'ii'j-'i"U.i"'>t h«'<'oiiii' sullii'icMtly ai'i|iiainti-"l with its ti-iior or ohj»M!t. shall i:ij.!.,Vf iiUkii. tlK'fcat'tt-r avail himsrlt" of the iiisiillicii'iu'y or intoriuality 'it-iiry tiK-n-- ii(li noiici', or of fho oiiiis^iitii ot" its iHihliration or sfi-' vit'i'. JilO. Tlic coiuui! may. at any trfncral flfction t\»r mayor (.unrii m,i\ anil a!(i<'rnii'n iiclil lUKh-r thu provisions of this charter, sub- -"'""" '" • ..., I. , ' I, .1 .1 I'ltM tors iir to mtt to tilt' t'lt'ctor- wIkwc luniu's arc tliily cMitored on tin- ,,.,., ,j„ ,.|,.,., ilf.t.ir.-s' lists in I'ortT, or to the real estate owners only on "i", "i ni i sinh lifts, iinv inat!«'r or <|ii«'".tion atfeetini; the interests (,f «'••"•'•'' *l'''' , . • 1 • , 1 ' 1 1 • 1 • I 1 lioiiN.uiiMint. the .ity, upon whiili tlie eouneil may deem it desiralije to i,„ ,„ ,.1„.^. asoertain tlie opinion «if the eh-etors irtMierally or ot' the real ''"" >iii'tiiii< «'>tatc owners, as the «'iis«' may In* ; but the eouneil simll not """•*• pass any by-law or res^»lution in virtue of any opinion ofl'i.nMo. the electors or real estate owners so aseertained. that shall not be subjeet ill all rospeoth to the pn)visions of thi> charter. •M TlMN MM I'li.M Kill i;i. urspKi TIM; .«*! hMissloN oj li\-I.\\\.> h' IM.VI. F>IArK OWN Kits !tll. Whenever. aceordiii<: to the provisions o| tliisi- .-.liinis chartei, u bv-law ie.iuire> the approval (d' the retil estate '"'"f""'"'' ., , ,' . 1 .• II • !• 1 II 1 . I nil ".lllillllttlllL' cwiier.-. ot tlie city, tlie lollowimr proceed in <^s shall be taken ,,^ |j„^ ,,, I'oi' aM'itainint; such approval. iimI fstnti- :il2. The council >hall. in atid by >ncli by-luw. fix I he (VMnJn.iiivti. ilay tor takiiiLT the votes of the real estate owners whose J"''i^'''l iij'-y; name- ;ire entered Mpor the electors" li>t"i in fi)rce, and sucji day •hali subdivide I'acji ward ot the city liiM>ioii«.f into as iiiaiiv poUiiiij di-tric?:- as he mav deem neeessarv, ' "^' ,'"'" I'""- I 1 »• ' I li- !• • . Ill ' i • I ' '"U iil-ilil' H. ami .a-li ot .-.iicn pollm^r ,||rttriels «liall contain, a-^ nearly as \,,|„i„., ,,t possil)le, the name* of three hundrcil real tistali' owners, mm! i>t iic entitled t(. vote. ..«m-.-i>i IMi ll cll-tlll t. lil I. The city-1 lerk shall also inaki' or cause to be made Kvn ^t ut for cai h poUiiiir district an extract tVom the elector.'^' listd ';'»''i<"»' I'.-'i" then in lore*', -InnviiiLr all the naiiu's ot" real estate owners |'|||^^'"' ' ' '"** in-cribed on said elector-* T^ts and eiitith'd to vote in ea>h ol' Mi \'% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. "<^ s<' c^ # #/- ;/. 4 f/> 1.0 I.I 1.25 m 111^ 1^ " IM III 22 •' IIIM ^ 2.0 1.4 1.8 1.6 0^ Vi .% A '» c^: W p1 'V^ .--W' <%' % Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREbT WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^q\" \ '^0' t i •^ \\ »\^ ^m^ % 6^ 6^ 86 Cap. 58 City of Montreal 62 Vict. the said polling districts, and shall certify the correctness of the same hy his signature and the official seal of the city. Such extract so certified hy him as afo.-esaid shall consti- tute the electors' lis<: for each such polling district for alt for each poll- purposes rctiuircd in accordance with the provisions of this ingdiNtiirt. section. Certitiod ex tract to bo eleftors' list li ^ Riyiu to voti.'. *il»1. Each real estate owner shall have only one vote, and 110 one shall he entitled to vote whose name is not eutered upon such extracts. ]]iillot-j)ai)ers 3ltt. The citv-clerk shall also cause to he printed, at the to hupiiiited. expense of the city, a sufficient quantity of l)allot-pui)ers for the use of the voters, and such ballot-papers sliall bo printed according to the form indicated by form Xo 23 or such other as form the council may adopt. Notice to bo published. ("oiitciils i.f notice. How fiiib- lislied. Fuithr;r cou- teiit.s of iio- tire. Jtl7. The city-clerk diall also, at least one week before the day fixed for th-' pollii.g, publish or cause to be published a notice over his sigi.ataio which shall state : (") The nature oftlu; ly-la\v which is to be submitted for apiiroval ; (/■) The day and hoi.is of polling ; ('■) The places where th<; different polls are to be held, and the territorial limits of each polling district. Such notice phall be published during tlie week preceding the day fixed for the polling in at least two daily news- papers published in the French language and in two news- papers published ' .\ the English language, and shall also be affixed in at least three public places within each of said polling districts. Such notice shidl also contain all instructions necessary for voters. ApiJ.iiiitiiiciit WIS. Eaeli deputy returning officer shall, at least two of deputy re- ,]fjYs Iteforc the • "lay be re- 1 ' , • 1 ■,■,!. ■ ■ i" ,1 .'11 • ,1 (iliued to as agent under article .Jl'.', t«> take the loUowmg oath or /.^i^i., affirmation before voting, and before being allowed to vote must answer, under oath or affirmation, in the allirmative, the questions numbered 1, 2 and 3, and in the negative, the , questions numbered 4 and b. You swear or allirm ("s the ca-» to in- urdess in the opinion of the court such informality, omission ,^.pj!'ii*l'l'"^" or error, has been of such a nature as would atfect the result ivniso. of the vote taken. SKI ri- N XIY riN'ANCRS :t:i2. The civic fiscal year shall begin on the iirst day of rise al year. January, and terminate on the last day of December of each vear. but the annual taxes and assessments, including the school, tax and the water-rate, shall be deemed to be im- Tax year, posed and levied for the year begitining on the first of May of each vear and terminatinij on the same date of the follow- hviL. vear. J*IW. Every year before the first of May, the council Disposal of mav disi»05e of such capital amounts as the city mav Jiave V'*P'''*' ^'.""'' ^ '., \. 1 -^i • xi T •... !• -i. 1 I 1 ' • tor certain at Its disposal witliui tlie limits ot its legal borrowing |„„ .„„,,;,. powers, and only for the purposes mentioned and set forth in article 344 ; provided always that no expenditure of such Proviso, •capital amounts, or an^' part thereof, shall be voted or made, until and unless the details, specifications, and amounts ot ■each of the works or objects for which such special expendi- ture is contemplated, are submitted to the council and a[>- proved l)y two-thirds of its members. JW-i* In the month of December of each year, the Anmial ap- council shall set apart such sums as may be available out of i""l"'''t'""s- the revenues of the city for the needs of the various depart- ments of the city administration during the ensuing fiscal year. In '^o doing the city council shall maintain an equilib- wiiat to pro- Itrium between revenues and expenditures, and shall provide vitlefor. for : ('.') The cost of the collection of the civic revenue ; (''I The interest ui»on the civic debt and anvsinkiuii' fund which may l)e established ; (c) The school tax ; ('/) A reserve of five per cent, for such unforeseen expenses as judgments, epidemics, inundations and damages caused by irresistible force ; , , (p) Other estal)lished charges upon civic revenue : {/} Repairs, maintenance, salaries and. general administra- tion. l)-' I! 90 Cai). 08 Oil/ of Muni ret 1 1 02 Vict. i i tions. ProvJHo for cases of ur- gent nece.s- fiily. Liiiiitiitioii of 3!t*1« Such appropriation sliall never exceed the amount of appropria- ^|jq {,ctnal revouue of the preceding year, added to the unex- pended balance of the said revenue. In cases of urgent necessity, such as epidemics, inunda- tions, damages caused by irresistible force and judgments of courts, the council may, by by-law, make any appropriation it nniy think necessary beyond the amounts at its (lisposal ; provided that, by such b^'-law, an additional assessment shall be imposed, payable during the course of the year in which such by-law is passed, sufficient to cover the amount so appropriated ; which assessment shall be imposed, recovered and collected in the same manner as the ordinary taxes and asssesments imposed and levied in virtue of this act. Xo amount appropriated can be varied or a[>[ilied to any other purpose, exce[»t such change in the appropriation in question is approved by a vote of the whole council. The city is authorized to appropriate and exiiend during ISltO a sum not exceeding .^100,000, being the special pay- ment made to the city during IS'.IK by the >[ontreal Water and Tower Company, say : .$iii>,000 to permit the city to carry on ci'ftain works and jiurcliase certain necessai'v articles for the working ofthe water-works' department, and.S40,000 for ordinary expenses. The unex|)en(lcd ])alance of revenue of 1n (oni- salary, Avages, or other remuneration, without the special jiliiii \Mtii. authorization of the city council or of a committee having a\' the '1""'"'"'''"= ., ,1 , . 1 • 1 1 11 , '.• • "iviL- revenue council, no by-law or reriolutu)n whicli sliall have tor its i,, taiose or I'esult the diminution of the civic revenue ''''■'!■ '•'i^'" sliall be valid or operative during the year for which such ''"^'''^''''^li"" expenditure has been authorized. Ii4tJ. AH f(M's, licenses, fines, revenues, I axes and assess- Tieasuier ments of anv nature whatsoever, accruinij or helono-ino- to the ' .""' {" ''*■■■ city, shall be paid to, and received by the treasurer alone, or k.-.. the ofiicials designated by him for that i)ur[iose ; and no other ofiii'ials shall be entitled, under any [)retext wiiatever, to receive any such W'O!^, taxes, revenues or assessments, unh'ss especially authorized by the council so to do. S':ri'luN w I?0UROU'IN(t POAVER 1511$. In addition to the present consolidated debt of the I'ower of eiiy city, amounting to i5;23,744,401.00 whicli is hereby conlirmcd. ^'' '""'"J^* the city uiay issue bonds, debentures or stock to an amount f„i- eertaul" not exceeding !?3,255,509.00, for the puri)ose only of i'ses. ^h^ i -1 ' » r 1. 1 ' '11 I, i ('iT-f 1 S'N ' ■ i' 1: '■;■ «' ^■.'T ' ' f 1 'p 1' i 1 I. i 02 Cup. 58 Cxi II of Montreal 02 YicT. (Vitain sum . The said loans shall be etlected by the issue of del>on- tures or bonds or inscribed stock payable at a term not to exceed fortv vears from their date, at a rate of interest not 1800 CltiJ of Monf real Cap. 58 0:3 exceeding 4 per cent., ami bIiuII be rcdt'cmed by moans of a pinking t'liiid sullicient to repay tbe capittil at tiie end of the said term. !i4(S« The amounts raised under the two preceding articles How toi)uux- can oidy be expended l)y the allirnmtive vote of two- 1"'"''-'''- thirds of the members of the council, on the recommenda- tion of the finance committee, and not otherwise. HIT. Should the citv, at anv time, decide to dispose of Appliiaiioii and sell (which said safe shall be by public auction) any of its ';[j;™"Jj."^ lauds and buildings, the i)roceeds of such sale shall be immc- i)n>|it' anv part ot ariiclfs! :uti the loans above referred to, to any <'th«>rary loan shall l)e eftected for the following }ear, IjetV.re the comptroller lias furnished the council or any coimniilttiee having juris- diction for the purpose, with a certificate that all such tem- porary bonds pertaining to any one year have been retired. I'owiT to :*{>3. The city may ipsue new bond?, im accordance with iM)nVi-<"to\e- t^'t; provisions of this section, for the puqiose of repaying, piiyoiitstiiiid- from time to time, any loan, outstandiua: at the time of the in;.' loans. eomiui; into force of this charter, or wLk-h mav be hereafter How issued, iggued ill accordance with the provisions thereof. Any loan made for the purpose of thus replacirjii: any |>ortion of the funded debt may be issued (»n the anithorization of a resolution approved by the majority of the «-ouncil. : 'i t II 1 1 ■ i Uj )'o\vti toiioi- nasi. The city is authorized to pntemre by special loan nwikut -halls, ^ sum sufficient to build halls or suitabk" shelters for market tic. purposes at Bonsecours market or in anv central place in the city. Power to :{o4. The city may also issue temporary bonds, signed by '.!*'".'^(\7"i's u *^^^ tnayor and city-treasurer, for the p^iqj»>*€ of ledeeming rcdeeni con- the Consolidated debt as it maturej^, until regular issues of redemption stock or bonds may be decided on by the coun- cil, under the provisions of this section : provided such tem- porary bonds bear the certificate of the city comptroller that they represent retired bonds or stock, and embodying a detail of same, and that they be paid off by the proceeds of the next regular issue. Power to is- 83*5. The city may also issue temporary bonds for the pro- sue tempo- prietors' sharcfe of the cost of street improvements as may be proprietors' decided upou in conformity with this charter, until such time share of co.st as the special assessments levied therefor shall have been solidaleil dt'lii as it matures. Proviso. 1890 Cilf/ of Montreal Cap. 58 9ft colk'ctcil. and it sliiill 1)l' law fill for tlio city t(» coiitimu' or uf suuui im- i'Xteiid thc'MC Ixnids. by renewal, from time to time, until the i»'ovuniciits. said collc»!tion8 shall have been fully realize(l. Such bonds shall be signed by the mtiyor and eity-treas- ilowtniH- urer, and bear a eertijicate iVom the city-comptroller siiowing -ih"»''l. ''^^■. tlie ol»jeet for whielithey ure issued. The funds coUeetetl to repay sueh loans shall be deposit- Delimit cf cmI to the credit of a special fund and dctvoted solely to the [""•'■- '"'• , ,. ,, ^ 11-1 li'cti'.l h)r payment or the temporary bonds so issued. invyiui'nt ot liKins. !t5<». If it hapjtens at any tinu' that tlu' moneys in the t'.-nitiiatc c.f hands of the citv-treasurer, applicable to the iiavment of the "'■■i'^"'* '• . . , i' .1 ••If l- i-l I I i. C Wll"ll lU'V interest or oi the prmcipal or any ot the loans heretoh)re j„ i,;i,„iiiisiit- uuthori/.fd and made, or .if any interest due upon any ti'i>''ii '■) pny stock, in.S( ribcd stock, bonds or debentures issued under this '""■"''^'"'" ... , . . . 1 • 1 11 ''ii'inii lit act, IS not sulliiient to pay such interest or principal, it shall loans. be the duty of the treasurer to calculate the rate upon the assessed value of the immoveable property liable to assess- ment in the city, which will, in his opinion (after making fair allowances for expenses, losses and deliciencies in the collection of such rate,) be required to produce a sum sulli- cieiit, together with the moneys in his hands applicable to tlie purpose, to pay such interest or principal, or both, and to certify such rate under his hand to the city-clerk, for the information of the council. Sueh certificate shall have the ett'ect of a by-law of the |.]iit,,.( „f auch council lawfully imposing the rate therein mentioned, 'eiiiHtaio. and shall be obeyed and acted upon by all olUcials of the city and by all others ; and the said rate shall be forthwith levied and collected accordingly, in addition to any other rates lawfully im[)OEed by any by-law of the council. 357. All the provisions of this charter respecting the (Certain pro- privileges, prescriptions, procedure and remedies applicable visions ap- to ordinary assessments shall apply to the rate provided for P'"'"''^'''^ by this section, 85M. On the issuing of the writ of execution, commanding |.;x,,,uitioii the sherift'to levy any sum of money due by the city for the mayiju levied interest or principal of any loan heretofore made by the city, '•>' '''*'-'^- or for the interest on any stock, inscribed stock, bond or debenture issued under the provisions of this or any previous act, the plaintiff may require, and the court may order, that such execution be levied by rate ; and, if such order is made, (jopy of writ the sheriff shall cause a copy of such writ to be served upon to be served the city-treasurer. "" ^'^''''''^'^^ If the money therein mentioned, with all the lawful inter- Duty of sher- ests and costs, which the sheriff is commanded to levy, is j'^'f "io"«y not paid within one month, from the time of such service, ^'^^ tlrae!*'^' the sheriff shall himself calculate, as nearly as may be, what rate upon the assessed value of the immoveable property liable iii^' )^i ■■>i 96 Sll.Midl cily]ili<:iil () rcl ■ 1(1 ■k. IIIH ,lv. Cap. i)S C'ilif (>/ Monfiail 02 VlOT, to iissofstnt'nt ill the t-ity, will, in hi.s opinion, aftor niakini; fair allo\vaiu:('s tor expenses, losses and delicieni-ies in tlio eoileetion of sueh rae, bo re(piiri'il to protluce a net anionnt e(p;al to the sum, interest and costs he is eonimainled to levy. He shall certify snch rate under his hand to tin; city-clerk for the information nf the council, in thi' manner and form iniitdtis iniifuiidis, presci'ihed for tlu^ certiHcate of th(> tr"as- urcr in the prei-cdiui!; articles ; and thereupon such ccrtili- cate sludl have the same ellcct, in all respects, as the (('rtiii- catc of the treasurer heri'inhcture proviiled for. All the provisions of this .'hai'tcr ri'SfjOi'tin;:; the U-vy and collection of a rate under the ccrtiiicatc of the ti'ca-^urcr, shall alsoa(>ply to the levy and collection of a rate under the certilicate of the sheritf. Duty of ( Olli 'lills, r.Uf. iiv .V.., :i»'>!K It shall he the duty of the treasurer, assessors, and other otHcei's of the city, to produce to the sheriff, on his demand, all assessment rolls, papers and documents rrquisite for I'uabling him to lix the i-ate hereinbefore mcntiouiMl, and to srive him any information or assistance wliich he may rcipiire for the purposes thereof; such otKeer.s shall, for all the purjioses of this ami the precedinii" article, bo dcojned ofllccrs of the couit out of which the writ issued, and amen- able to and imnishable by such court, in case of any failure to pcrl'orm any of the duties assigned to them rrspect- ivelv bv this article. n' i m riiK(f(is (if IHH}. The proceeds of the said rate shall, by the treasurer, nitc to 111' y .,,|j,| ^^y^,^. |^^ tJie sheritf, who shall anplv the same tf) the mid over tu .' , . • i i i . i i ' i i Bheiiii' satislaction ot tlio debt, interi'st and costs he was commanded to levy, and, if thiu'e be a sur[ilus. it shall be paid back to the trca>urcr, and apiilied to the general purposes of the city. sl.( IION w 1 ASSI:s.>.Mi;n is AM.) I'AXArioN ii -. ) >' i What prop. HOI. All immoveable projterty situated within the limits erty liable to of the city of Afoutreal shall be liable to taxation and assess- taxatioii, lu. jj^^^jjj. ^.xcept sucli as may be hereinafter declared exempt therefrom. Immoveable i)roperty shall comprise lands, buildings erect- ed thereon, machinery and other property so lixed or related to any building or land as to form part of the realty, and also all pipes, poles, wires, rails, tunnels and other construc- tions and apparatus of every nature used in connection with the generation or distribution of power, light, heat, water, electricity or for traction purposes, whether any of the same be constructed or placed upon, over or under property, streets highways, or elsewhere within the limits of the city. Whut iiu- nioveabli^ property shall com- prise. 11 1890 Citfi of Moulieul Cup. 58 or Tho ('(miicil iriMv luiike hv-laws to imposo nuil low ;m a-tTssmont on tuxnhlc iiiunovcablo proporry iii tho i-ity, siil)- Joi't tlion'to, jiot to cxfootl one per I'Oiit. of tlio aHSi'sscd value ofsiu'li property; for wliicli nrtsKssmciit hiicIi iininovoal)l(! property shall be liable ami also the owner thoroof personally. :iosc of relii;i<»us uorsliip including the land on \vlii(d» the same arc built, such as churches, parsonages, bishops' palaces, and fabrics. The word ''[)ar,sonagc" sliall apply to any house occupied as a residence by the olHciating |)ricst or minister of any clnii'cdi in the city ; provided, however, that but one parsonage lor eacli church shall have the boueiit of the exemption ; [h). The lands and buildings recogni/ed as cducatiumil establislimeids by the Coimcil of Public Instruction, or sub- sidize I by the Catholic or L'rotestant Scliool Commissioiu'rs of the city ; ((•). Lands and buildings actually oecu[»ied and used as public hospitals . r asylums; ((/). Lands and buildings exclusively oecui)iiHl and used as public libraries, rca(lin<' i-ooms, art galleries, or museums, ]iiT)vided the same arc oi^'ued gratuitously totl.e [lublicand shall not be ke[' lor lottery pu'ntoses ; (c). The lauds and buildings owuimI and exclusively occu- pied as estal»lishmcnts ot" higher education oi- ycn-ntiljc teaching duly incorporated or recognized b}"- the Government. The abovi' exemption shall not apply to sjiccial taxes or assessments, nor ro the water-rate or price of water ; it shall not ap[>ly either to tlie said lands and buildings, or portions thereof, occupied or used for industries or works the prolit wluM-eof is not entirely applied to the support of said in- stituti(^ns ; and the assessors shall nudce, in such case, a special and separate estimation of the value of such lands aiul buihlings, or portions thereof. on iiiiinovti' Ji'ili' |ir()|iiyly liy liy-Iaw. ,4 I'niporty mid M( N(< ll'Al. AM) SUHoiiL JA.V llo[.L~; § 1. — Du'ird of A'Se^'Ois liTli. The council, in December of each year, shall appoint .Xpi'jiiitnient •eight assessors, witii power to increase or diminish tlieir "* •^'^^'■'^or'. number, from time to time, by a resolution adopted by the majority of the whole of its members. The council may dismiss any of them who shall fail in the Tii.ir . The assessors shall, every year, between the first of May and the lirst of September, make tor each ward of the city a valuation and assessment roll of all immoveable property situated in such ward. In valuing such immoveable property the board of assess ors shall divide their labours in such a manner that a^ least two assessors shall act together. Such roll shall contain : 1. The street names and street numbers of immovcal)les, and their cadastral nimibers, distinguishing between assess- able imnio" cables, and those exempt from assessments, and also between tlie lands and buildings, and valuing each lot separately ; '2. Till! full names and occupations of jtroprietors, and their iietual residences, as far as can be ascertaiued ; except in the case ot successions where the name ot the predecessor shall be sutflcient : and where the heirs are not known ac- cording to tlie registrar in tlie registry olficeor do not make known theii' iianies and (jualities to the assessors. '■]. The actual value, as well as the ImvdVilv rent, of such immoveable property, and if the assessors consider that such rent does not rejiresent. or is disproportionate to the annual value ot" such pro[)erty they shall insert, in the assessment roll, the actual annual value thereof; 4. The amount of assessments imposed on immovealile ]iroperty by law and in virtue of any provision ot this charter ; 5. The necessary information for the compilation of the panels for the school-tar ; 6. Anv other inforniatiju required bv law or bv the council. 1899 City of Monlre U S^ Z—Ta.r lio'l Cap. 58 103 !i7 any person refusing to give such information, or who know- 'i''«">»*ora- ingly misleails or deceives any of the assessors, or insults or assaults them, or refuses to allow them, in the dischurge of Pen.vlty for their duties, to enter in oi' upon the pn)perty or premises ' " ''" '^' ' ' ■ owned or occupied by him, shall for each otl'enee, incur a jtenalty not exceeding s20.00. recoverable belbre the record- er's court. Ji7S>. Immediately upon the completion oftlu' tax mil, as well as later, upon the completion oftlie valuation and assess- ment roll, the board of assessors shall give public notice of such completion by advertisement, in two daily newspapers published in the Freiudi and two in the Knglish languages specifying in each advertisement the delay for examining said rolls, as regards the several wards of the city, which delav shall not be less than ei. sary, to Iiear and deteimine sucli complaints, but it sh: U give its decision in the shortest delay possiltle, and sludl in no case go beyond the thirtieth of Novemlier. How coni- plaints against valu alien roll to be made and hearrl, Ac, -and proceed • ingB thereon. Record of pro- ceedings of assessors. Delays. Complaints as to lax roll need not be in writing. Appeal to re- corder's i-onrl from decision and proceed- ings llicrcoi). llHi. All complaints in respect of the valuation and assess- ment rolls must be made in writing, and the board of assessors sliall have power to hear and examine upon oath the parties interested or their agents, in ret:pect of such complaints, and, thereupon conlirm or amend the entries complained of, i<.S:2. The board of assessors shall keep a succinct record of its proceedings upon any verbal or written comphiints, Xo complaints as to any entry in any tax roll, or in any valuation and assessment roll, sliall be received after the ex- ]»iration of the delays lixed as aforesaid for the examination and revision of such rolls. Complaints as to the tax roll need not be made in writing, unless so required by the board ot assessors. IJHJ5. Any rate-payer having duly complained i>f any en- try or omission in the said rolls or either of them, who may think himself aggrieved by the decision of the assessors, may, within eight days, appeal from such decision by peti- tion to the recorder's court, which shall have jurisdiction in all such case.s. All such petitions, together with a copy of the proceedings had in each case before the assessors, duly certilied by the secretary of the board, shall be filed with the clerk of the recorder's court, who shall give each peti- tioner notice of the day and hour when the said court will proceed to hear and determine the merits of the complaint. When the cases are heard, evidence may be adduced by the parties interested upon the matters at issue. iiS4. A iiiud appeal shall lie from any decision rendered by the recorder's court in respect of any entry on the valuation and assessment roll or on the tax roll, to any one of the judges of the superior court, by summary petition, either in term or vacation, within a delay of ten days from and after the decision, and it shall thereupon be lawful for any judge of the superior court to order that the record of the proceed- ings of the recorder's court, together with the complaint itself, be transmitted to him, and, upon receipt thereof, aiul after having heard the parties, either in person or b}' attorney, to give such jiidgnu'iit as to !a\v and justice shall appertain, and such judgment shall be linal. When com- !<,S5. As soon as the Ijoard. of assessors shall have com- ■f^'^'f ,."•■"* 1° pleted tlie revision of the valuation and assessment roll and be delivered ^., ,, ■• i • i n i t ^ .. ,i -^ the tax roll respectively, it shall deliver the same to tlie city- Evideuceniiiy be adduced. -Final ap|H;al to judge of sii |>erior court on summary petition and proceediiiijH thereon. 1899 Cilij of Montreal Chi », i)! 10.: treasuror, '• ^f^''""**' delay therein mentioned, levy the same, with costs and ,.i','„'„',i,'t with interest, by warrant to l)e issued by tlie recorder's court, in <<>^'oods and effects mav be found, saviniT the exemptions provided by law, and no claim of ownership or preference in connection with the same shall prevent the sale thereof, for the payment, out of the proceeds of such sale, of any taxes or assessments due on the premises where the said goods and effects are found. 3^>S. The legal jirivilege of the city for all personal and Kxtfut of busiiit -e taxes and water-rates (bie to it or any interest thereon, ! "-^' ; J"'"'" V |(*i'(» For and costs, shall exteml to all moveable goods, t-battels, and tav^s, \c. effects, that may l""' found upon the [)remisesoccu2:)ied by the debtor on the (hiy of the seizure mentioned in the preceding artich'. and also upon any other goods and chattels that may belong to Jiim, wherever found at the time of their seizure by the city. The 'ity may subrogate io all iis rights and privileges I'ower to auv pi^rson i^ayinti' the taxes of another, with the (^on.seut ""''""y"''' '" ol tfie (lebtor. j .-> JiStl. Before pnK^eeding to the .sale of such goods and Xotir't- to i)e cliattels f(>r tin- pavmeut of taxes, the treasurer shall i^ive ''''^''-'" '*'^f<""« , • ■ ,1 r- \t- no p . 1 I 11 f" 1 '^ 1 I'lo.eeiliiij; to notice, in the form -No. 2S, of tiie day and place of sale, and ^..n. of the name of the debtor in default, which notice shall be posted in a conspicuous jdace at the entrance of the city-hall, and a 'Opy tliereof mailed to the last known address of the j>erson in default, at least three clear days previous to such sale. ■!: Lti 106 Cap. i>8 Cliff of Montreal 62 Vict. I; Quantity of goouch claim is admitted by the person agaiusc whom the seizure is made, such suri)lus shall be ^wiid to such claimant; if such claim be contested, the surplus money shall be retained by the trl. Xo error, omission, orinfonnality in the [)re[iaration, completion, publication and putting into tbrcc of any tax roll or valinition and assessment roll, shall invalidate the same, unless an actual injustice results therefrom. No informality in ihe i-omjilctiou or coniirmation of ill roll not to |]^,,j^^. yf^w^ ^ij.,ji ."iii;,,., ,h,, status of anv elector in anv suit iifU'ct status 11- I 1 ■. 1 ■ 1 • !• 1 of (■l.Mtor, undei' this art whose nam*' is entered thereon a^ qualilied &«'. to vote. Errors, !cr., not to iiival- Mlate roll. Proviso. Illforlllalitil'^ ■ I 11 l-i ii i Power of iStrj. Al! J lowers hercl>y vested in the said l)t)ar(l of hoard mav !»• assessors niav be \alid!v exercised bv amaioritv of the board. t'XLMiisfd l)y inajoriiy. School taxes may be in- iliuled ill register. Revision of panels by treasurer. Supplement- ary rolls and what to (till- tain. IttKi. Tlie roll for school taxes may be included in the register containing the assessment roll for immoveables, and with the same fornialities. The trea>urer may also revi.se the panels of such schotjl roll in the same manner and with the same eliect as if they were in a separate book or roll. J$H8. At any time after the com[)letion of tlie valuation and assessment rolls, and the munici[)al and school tax rolls, the assessors shall make a sup})lenientary roll, containing the names of all persons who have l)een omitted in the lirst loUs, or who have since l)ecome liable for the payment of any assessments, taxes or other munici[tal dues, and such supple- mentary roll >ball he closed on tlu; thirtietli of Xoveml)er and shall not be subject to any revision. Copyofvalu- ;5y the sesl'ii\rn't rolT <'<>"iicil, in January of every second year, commencing with for iiubiica- 1001, cause to be }ire[iared for publication a cojiy oi'the ^'""' valuation and a.-^sessment i^jll then in torce as prepared under w''''lif/.!^?f sirticle :5T5. This roll mav be pul)lished and made accessil)le iS.c., iiieieoi. ... . ' ^, •11111 1 • tor Citizens in sucli manner as the council siiall by resulution provitle. 1899 City of Monlreal sKcrioN will Cap. 08 107 a;!! ■m SALE OF IMMOVEABLES FOH TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS :S1Mi. It is the dut}' of the city-treasurer to prepare, before Trt-iisnrer to the first (lay of May, every year, a schedule ^'7. The citv-treasurer shall then cause to he served at, Noiici.' to be last OWIUT, ilS- or mailed by registered letter to the domicile or place of ^^.^*i!|i business of the last asses.sod owner on the said vahuitionand assessment roll, a statement showing the amount due, with a n(uHi- cicnt Iv (li> s( ril)ci|. \\ Iwn |iro|)- criy lR'li)rii,'s til a siu,M(;S- b )i} suflicient. J$StH. If the anioinitdne is in)t jiaid within the said period Siiaduk. to often davs, the citv-treasurer shall deliver such schedule, ''^"^''T'' . 11 •■/. 1 1 1 • ■ 1 1 -M- ■ 1 1- • ... to shurilt anil only certiiu^d by bun, to the sherm ot the distiiet ol Mont- .-ale hytiuu real, who shall, without the foiinality of a /^'V^' <.>-/•"•//"/ of ""''.■^•'' ^^'f'''' seizure, proceed to the sale of all the immoveables tlescril)ed """"^'' therein, after having published a notice thereot, as provided in the following article. Sc ■p 31' 1 ( 108 Cap. 58 Cilfl < it Montreal 02 VioT. Fcriu of ho- liifhyslicrill :ifMI. Tlu' notice to be given. a« a{oTf^a'u\. by tbe sberitK, may be in tbe form No. 2!» ; it sball c»j>mf>rise as many im- moveables us tlie sberitrbas been rc^iuirecl to sell, for tbe levying of tbe amount due to tbe *:\ty^ with interest and costs. l>f-»iriptionof In tbe HaiMlficient to describe imiiioveaiilts ^^^ immoveables bv tbe cadastral number, or subdivision III not I.e. 1,1 'i f 1 • II 1 ,1. • 1 01 a (tadastral number, ot tlie iinmov*-ali[»' on the ojlicial plau and book of reference, aiul by abiding the word 'part " wlicn such immoveable is only a portion of a lot having a cadastral number or subdivisioji, and by a'Miitg the name of tlie street and tbe contents ; but the sheril!" shall refer, in the said notice, to tbe schedule preparc-d by the city-treasurer, in accordance with article .UM). Such notice sball be publisln-d twj<-«' during one month, reckoning from tbe lirst publicatiou ami before tbe day fixed for the sale, in the i^achcc, Opicial G^iz^fh^ and also in one English newspaper and one French newspaper, published daily in tbe (uty, and it sball also W posted at least lifteen days before the day lixed for tbe sale, on the property to be 8olum of money eqiml to tbe amount of tbe assessments fur %vhich the immos'eable is advertised to be soitl, with tbi;' intercut and costs, and also tbe a[)proximate cost of tbejudi^ra'^tit of distribution to be prei)ared by tbe protbonotarv of the superior court ; nevertheless, if tbe amount bivoaltlos shall ho otH'retl tor sulc sopaniloly in the Mod.' .it pro- order in which they appear in the notice ; and if, on thi' (hiy "''j'"^ •" of the sale, no hid is made, or if all the imnioveahles cannot he (•old i>n tlie day appointed, the sale shall he postponed iinlil the following day, and so on, from day to day, nntil all are sold. Tlu' pnx'ocds of the sale of eacli immoveahle shall he re- I'r.xi'ils of tnrned hv the fiheritfinto the superior court, to he distrihnted ""'" 1'"^ '''"• ,. ' , , ' ' imscil lit. accord muf to law. I'roperty sold for taxe.s may be redeemed hy the pro- lii'rielur or his r.'presentative at any time within two ye;irs '.vi>i"Po.!i.)r. i'rom ihe (hite of sale, on i)aymenl \o the i)ui( haser of the amount paid by him for sut h properly with lo i)er cent, added to sueh amount. 40!<. Xo employee of the city shall direi'tly or ii-.tireetly i':in))l()yeu« hid for, orhocome the i)urchaser ol'anv of such iminoveahles ; "'"'"'>"'•"■ and it he sliall do so, such hid or adjudication snail ht,' vokI. The city-treasurer, or a person named l)y him, may li.»w- '''^ '"^y ''•'' ever hid for and become the [tiirchaser of any immoveables, Uuou"!!', Uy'! for and in the name of the city, in order to protect tlu^ in- inMsiuiT. te rests of the .-ity. 40I. All moneys which, from and after the eominsi; into Momys .lu.' force of this act, become (hu' to the citv, for any tax. spe.'ial ;'^^' t""'^' and annual aspcssmeuts or water-rates, together with iiderest " accrued thereon and costs, are privileged debts, and rank itmU .if such without registration ui)on the [iroceeds ot the movealil(> or t"'^''''^' '• immoveable pro[terty in respect of which such debt is due, in the order lixed and (h^termined in articUis 1004 and 2<)()tt of the Civil Code of Lower Canada ; [)rovided always that sueh i'nivis.j. privilege shall not extend beyond the amounts due for three years and the then current year, that is to say, tor the year when such claim is made, and for the three years next; pre- ceding that year ; nevertheless, if the city, within three years FuiiiuTpr.i to he counted from the time at which sueh tax, special or ^''^"' annual assessment, or water-rates bec(jme due, have taken legal proceedings for the recovery thereof, cither under the provi- sions of this act or bv an ordinarv action, then its nrivileire shall extend and apply to all taxes, special or annual assess- ments and water-rates, which may have become due between the institution of legal proo^Jeding.s and linal Judgment. 403. The special tax or assessment imposed upon the iviviiuuo for portion only of a property shall be payable and exigible by (-LMiainspe- privilege taking the same rank as that given by article 404 "^^''^^ '^'''''"'*^" upon the whole of the said property and, in the case of non- payment, the city may have the immoveable sold. 400. Legal interest accrues on all taxes and assessments, Interest on water-rates and special taxes from the date when such taxes, ^*'"^''- ^eesments and water-rate are respectively due and payable. 'I •4 I.'! I n ' 110 Cai.. r)8 Citf/ of Monlieal «!2 Vict. It hIimII not 1)0 lawful for tho council or any of its oIRcom to remit liny part, ul'tlic intuic«t so iiccniod. Not 1r mi It CI I tm ri'. 107. Siilijcct to the {(roviaionrt of this charter, tho right to recover iiny liix, rtjiecial or antmal assosntncnt, or water-rate un>f latf. Mild project up<»ii proper pliinsor iniips. all Ww strci'ts. i^, imi,,. hinlnviiys, phiri's uiid .stpiiins ol' the fity, with tln-ir act mil limits iiiid (linii'iisiotis, within the whoK; extent of the limits of the city, iiiwl this shall he done lor each ward, separately, hut in such manner so that \\u\ [)laiis or maps of the diUerent war("s of the city shall correspond to each other, and form, when cinnpleted and conJirme\er that this clause applies only to con- tinuaijons of the city plans as honu)louated and now in force. . 41-1. When the said map or plan shall be eomj)leted, Aii|)r(.v.ii niid the city-surveyor shall submit the same to the council and "'ii'j''"'^''"" if thesaid plans or mai)s shall bo iii>i)roved by the council, " ''''"' by a two-thirds nia,)ority of tho council. th(^ city-attorney shall thereupon apply. Ijy summary jietition. to the superior court or any of tho judges thereof, for the (;onlir- mation andratillcatiouof tin.' said plan or map, after havinii' g'iven i)ublic iKjtice of the day and hour at which the said Xotici! ihuro- petition shall be so presented, in four ne\V8))a|)ers. two of "'• which must be jniblislKMl in the French lans^uag'e. and two in the lUnijlish language, in the city, provid*^! that the said notice shall have at least two insertions, in each of the said new^spapers, and that at least twenty days shall elapse between the date of the last insertion of the said notice and that of the i)resentation of the said peti- tion. 415. Xo raodilication or addition to any Judi<'ially con- MoliiicatiDiH firmed plan or map of the (nty shall have any ellect unles.s '"^'^'''j" '^'i' the same shall be approved by two-thirds of the members iioniirmation of the whole council, at a meeting thereof, and thereuix)n, iii.-n'of. the superior court, or any one of the judges thereof, may, upon the petition of the city, of which ])ublit; notice shall be given in the manner indicated in the preceding article, order that the said general plan of the city be modilied, or added to accordingly. 416. A copy of the general plan of the city, certified by Deposit of the city-surveyor shall be deposited in the otiico of the pro- t*''^"> ''*"'• thonotary of the superior court, for the district of Montreal, in the office of the city-clerk and. in each of the registry offices of the city ; and all modilications or alterations of, or additions to the said plan or map shall be certified and deposited in the same manner ; and the said copies of the general plan of the city, and all modifications, alterations, or additions thereto, shall be certified by the prothonotary 11 112 Cai'. oS <) ni w s;ii( l 111 or maj) ol tlii' »ity. iiigs, ,Vc., ot or any modilication thfivoi' or addition thcicro. to carry into ellcct any oix-ning, widcninu' oi' extension pro- jected or indicated therel>y. unless the council .shall •lirectcil ipy so decide, in conionnity Avith tlu; provisions of this charter ; """"■''• nor shall the city lien-ai'icr he liable i'or any indemnity or I'lovi-io as t(j (]iiinagH's whate\'er by reason merely of the conlii'niation ol" >iiia;^( SU< ■h 1)1 plan, or anv alteralion or niodilication ih. Ol- addition thereli City lint liat)le tor (lama gCS, &1.' 4liS. 'Die city shall not be liable lor any indi'Uniily or daniao\'s claimed with respect to any bllildln^■ constructed, or improvements, leases or contracts luadt; by any [xM'son tiiiiiatioii ot \vhate\'er. upon any land or ]>roperty, alter the <'i(iilinna- tioii ol any plan or map. ororan\' niodilication or aliera- I ion ol'. or addition theri'io. after ion )lan, iV; W ll'll cilv iUi. T le tJn- .-amc are t'Ci Iformal-' iiidicateil and projected on the said u'eiieral plan ol' tlu to ijc citv. or some niodilication thereof, or additi(»ii ih'-reto nor unless at least two montlis iiavi^ expiro tl -m'-c the judicial conlirination ofanv suih i)lan or niaii. oi- niodili- cation thereof, or addition thereto ; nor shall an\' cpcnino- w idciiiiiii' or extension be beiiHii, or take pi ICC or lia\e any eU'e.i, unti 1 and ■ribed, relative to the nioi uiiU'ss the formal It les luu'eiiialici' pre h- of c.vpropnatioii. arc sirictlv o )bserved, nor unless i)rovision is made for the ])avinent f the i(,st of said opening', \videninii' or extension, and of all dainao'i's and indemnities that may be pavai>le or exiliible, loo'elher with costs of all pi'oceediiiLi'^ incident thereto. SUt'CtS, .1 ,\;. md cliangi tl leicui, -120. Th e council is lierehy enipowt ■red I o assmii names for the streets, hiohways ami scpiares of the eity, bni if any I'^t. chano'e be made by hii-h' th *^: CO uncil in the name of anv s>reet, Xotire tlii'ic of lloW LliVL'll, way or s([uare, the city-surveyor shall report such chan,2:e withoiit delay to the reii'istrar of each division in the city. Notice of homoloo'ution and of all changes in the plan of the city and all changes of .streets shall be given in the same way as for the passing of a by-law. 1899 City of Montreal Cap. 08 iia >KiTliiN \\ I mi:' ia\" •irtly lU'Ut :iikI li' or any street , such 1)11 ill an of -amy EXPROPRIATIONS, ASSKSSMKXTS FOR SIDKWALKS. SICWEUS,, AND PAVEMKNTS, AND EXPllOPKIATIONS OK PUBLIC FRANCHISES I § 1. — EM/n'o/n-iafioHs in. flit; ixcneruJ Infereat 421. The oouiicil .shiill not authorize or resolve uj)()n HstiuMtiot osL ot cxpio- piiiitioii, be- any exi>roi)riation proi'eeding's i'or i-arryinii' out any im- provement in at'oordanee with the provisions ot" this h)te onkTing <*hartor, unless and until thin' hav(! had a report made to ''''^""^'• them as to tho probable codt ol' tin? said iuii)i<)vement established by two of the assessors and by the rity-sur- veyor. 4'^'i. I'pou suy pur- chase or af>'reement, be acquired by expropriation, and the price or compensation therefor Hxed and determiiu'd as hereinafter \)rovided. 4'Hl. in case the immoveable is ac(|uired by purchase i.iiiiiiotpiin , or aureement. no u'realcr price shall ]n\ paid therefor than :'' {""("-'p.^ '" I he average of its value on the valuation aiul ass(^ssnlent '/iV,'..'.''.!,',!,,,,'; roll for the four years precedinij,' tht! year ui)on which the said expW)i)iiation is determined upon, jijus twenty i)i>r cent, thereof 'Iti-I. In all cases wiuu'e the [)roperty lo ln' expro[»riated Pri.c if prop- consists of vacant laud, the i»nee, imlemnity and eoinpen- '''-^ '^^'^'""'* ,-ation, whicli alone shall be payable to tlii' iii'oprietc)r of such land, shall not exceed the average of the valut^ ot the land to be expropriated according to the valuation aiid assessment rolls lor the tour years preceding the year when such expropriation is determined upon, plus an amount I'oL exceding twenty per cent upon such value. la.!. In all cases where the whcde or a portion of the laml l''i-'i« "'' I'^i •-• expropriated is built upon, the amount to bo paid by the ^'"' i'«'''''"K^- city for tht' land actually expropriated shall be determined, in ace irdanee with the provisions of the i)recediug article.. 8 rtjsjr- ° ! f' I 114 C'diK 58 (Jit)/ of MuiitreaJ 62 Vict. l{y uiioiii Tho iimonnt paid by wa}"" of indemnity tbv the Iniilding' i.iue ilctoi ()]• building's, or so much theri'oi' a.s may 1)0 taken ibr the ltui'l)o.-t'.s ol" the said expropriation, shall be estimated by the exjnopriation commissioners as hert^inal'ter provided. lUICf. Hiyht to lie- 4*-iii. Jn all cases where a portion ofa cadastral lot is recpiir- whole I'lulas ^'^ ^^'>^' th<' pnrposc ofexpropviation, and in cases where a build- tral lot ami iii^' is huilt npoii more than one cadastral lot, the city shall fixing of liiive the right to acqnire by expropriation the whole of tho lot or lots, as may be occupied by the said buildine: attocted by the expropriation, by paying to the proprietor thereof an iinionnt not exceeding the average of the value of the land and of the br.ildings as established by the valuation and assessment roll for the two years preceding the year when the iin]tr()Venient was resolved upon, pins an amount not to ex- cei'd twenty per cent, on the value of the land as so estab- lished and of twenty-five per cent, of the said average value of the buildijiffs. 1127. In all cases where a proprietor whose immove- iimy'rLM|uire i^bb' is lo 1)0 expropriated shall have less than forty feet thecity lo in depth remaining to him of the lot, of which only a pirt buy till- wiiole j^ Toquired. and in all cases when; a proprietor's bui'diim', crtdastiiu lot I , 111 1 • in ceitiiiii constructed npon more than one cadaslral lot, may be in part expropriated he may retjuire the city to take the remainder of his lot or the lots or portions of lots upon whi<'h the residue of the said building is erected and to l>ay therefor in accordance with the provisions of the pre- cedinu' article. ■•api's. 1 1 < ! Limit i>i in- demnity foi tenants. 4'2H. No indemnity, damages or compensation shall be paid to tenants of any land or building. ro(]uired in whole or in part for exproi)riation purposes, beyond an amount w hich shall not exceed the n^mainder of the current year and ofone other years rent of the premises occupied by them; and then only in cases where tho lease is ibr one or more years beyond the year current at the time of the adoption by tho council of the resolution ibr such ex})ropriation. The commissioners nmy award the value of such re- pairs and fittings as may have boon made by a tenant l)rior to tht^ passing by the council of the resolution con- cerning the expropriation, provided that the same are not inchidcd in the valinition of the building. Noirificnmity No indemnity shall be allowed, in any event, to tenants "J "".'""^■'^ '" whoso leases shall have been made or who shall have .s .. ^.^j^gjj pos.session of the premises subsequent to the resolu- tion of the council for the said expropriation. AppoiiituiLiit 4211. For the purpose of ascertaining the compensation of i>oai(t of . 1^ -jj ^^, iijy proprietor whose building mav be expropriation • ' T ,. i i • ■ , .? commission- allocted by such expropriation, and subject to the reserves •"• and rights of the city as hereinbefore provided for the N'ahie of cei- tain improve ments n)ay Ih allowed to tenant. i ! IJ 1809 City of Montreal Cap. 58 n. iKMiuisition of the whole or part ol' the said buildiiii^s aiul tor the purpose of tletcriniiiiiiL;', siihject to tlie al)Ove pro- visions, the rights, if any, of the tenants of such huildinii's, a ];uard ol' expropriation coniniissioncrs shall be appointtnl. Surli board shall consist of one of the recorders of the Cjmpositii.n city, (wbo shall be the i)rcsident and convener of the said °^ '>"«ril. board) two of the assessors of the city to be named by the conncil, and tAVo other commissioners, who shall be named l)y th«> superior court or a judge thereof upon a petition to Petition and in the p^,^„|'^Jj|,','' English language and in two daily papers published in the Flench language durinii' a period of at least two weeks. Tlu' two latter commissioners shall be appointed upon the exclusive suuiiestion of the party to be expropriated. There shall be no appeal from the decision of such com- p.cision of missioners. biian! Hiial. -i:<0. The notice of the aforesaid petition and the peti- Conums of tion itself shall contain a des<'ription of the properties to be ""J^!;'.'^ 'i'"' , 111 pelitioii. expropriated. Tlie court or judge to whom such petition siiall be ore- When boanl sented shall lix a day on whiih the commissioners shall i" < oiiiiuence commence operations and also the day upon which they opLTati'on-. shall make their report, but such times respectively may be extended ibr cause by the court or judge upon i)etitiou made by or on behalf of the erie the commis- sioner who so misconducts himself; and upon such peti- tion, the court or judge, may issue such order as may be deemed conformable to justice. •t;W. In case any of the commissioners dies, or is dis- Keplacfment qualified, or unable to act, the said court, or one of the sioner's'mt^so judges thereof, as the case may be, shall, upon a summary of death, &o. 'S y\ 116 Cap. 58 City of Montreal 62 Vioi. liii petition to that effect, to be presented by the city after two clear days' notice, to be established to the satisfiiction of snch conrt or jndiie, replace such commissioner by another competent and disinterested person, npon whom the said office shall bo l)inding' In the same manner as upon his predecessor. Duty of com- IJJl. In arriving at their decision in connection with TroreeTwiu" ^^^^'^^ expropriation, the said coramissionei's, shall ])roi:eed, after their aj)pointment, with all diligence, to establi>^hihe value of the land and buildings to be expropriated, in accordance with the fort\going articles. They shall, with the exception of the recorder. Ix^lbre l)roceeding, be sworn before ih(> prothonotarv of the sui)erior court lo perform their duties faithfully, diligently and impartially. They shall have pow(.'r loseud for, subpouia and examine under oath witnesses, as well as all jjarties iuteresU'd. and may require the produ expropriat(Ml and shall take a)iy other means which they may see lit lo establish the true aiul correct amount of the indemnity to be paid for the land and buildings to be exprojiriated, and shall report as to thi> cost to the city of the acquisition of the \\ hole l>roperties as henunbefon^ provided, as well as of the [)(>r- tions to be expropriated. Their I'tqiort shall be siuiied and shall esta])iish the anxmnt at \vhich the city shall have the right to accjuire the immuveabU's which ar(,' required for the purposes of the said expropriation. 'fhe rt'poTt may be validly sio'iunl by the majority of the cummis>ioners. s^onco. Oath, of (join - inis-ionerw. I'owcrs. Report and wliat to con taiii. SignatUK; to repoit. Duty of com lltf"!;. 'fhe said expropriation commissioners shall also inis-^ioiicis ]n>.^iy ;iii(i examine any claims of tenants ])retendin. Xo fees for witnesses, stenographers, advocates or counsel ibr any proceedings before the commissioners shall be payable by the city. 'fhe lommissionei's who are not city olficers shall be entitled to fees as follows : For appraising va(.'ant immoveable ])roperty, heaiinu' wit- nesses, and making award: for each immoveable $10 00 For appraising immoveable property containing buildings, hearing witnesses, and making award : for each immoveable |'15 GO For ai)[)raising tenants' claims : for each award $10 00' 1890 Cliy of Mo)^ii'eal Cap. 58 117 also .11 bo 4Ii7. Xo iiidemuity or da mauv .shall \w allowed tor any Noimlfmnity buildniii', structure or inii^roveinetit made upon aiiv ini- '■L'coyuiabiL' 1,1 ri i.- t 1 • • i^i -1 "i- ii '"'■ building's raovoable after uotKM' has been u'lven m the council ol tlie erected after resolution for the purpost* of such exproi)riation, provided notice of ex- that such be followed by proceediiiti's in expropriation ^''"P'"^^'""" within the year. 4!S^». .So .soon as the comniissioners havi' comph'ted and i >eposit of re. siu'ued their report in accordance with the foreii'oinu' i)ro- po't "f om- • ■ 1 1111 ■. ,1 • il /!> !■ 1 • lUISSIOIKTS Visions, thev shall dt^posit the same m the othce ol tlit^ city- ;u,d noiicc. clerk, who shall forthwith liive public notice theri'of and of the day on which snch rejiort will be submitted to the sui)erior court, or to oin' of the judges thert^of, as the case may be, for conhrmation or homoloiration ; and such report shall not be submitted beiore the expiration often days at least from the iirst publication of such notice. 4:i!K On the day specilied in such notice, th(> city shall ironioiai^a- STibmit to the superior court, or to one of thejudg'es there- no'>of>"«port of. the report of the commissioners for confirmation and ho- molouation ; and such court or judge, as the case may be, upon being satisfied that the proce Vng-s and formalities hereinbefore provided have been observed, shall confirm and homolouate the said report ; and such order thereon .shall be final as regards all partit's interested, and shall not be subject to any appetil. 44 city. The by-law shall nieiilioii the purpose I'oi' which t he ('.miciits of moiiev is borrowed, tlie period, manner and place at ''y '■'^"• which it will be repaid, and shall impo>-'e ti special tax, to be levied upon all tlie assessable real and immoveable prop- erty within the city sullicient lo])ro\ide for tlie interest of the said loan, and a sinkinu' fund which shall b' sulli- cient to extinuuish the timoiint of the capital thereot at ilu^ expiration of the period of the loan which shall not in anv case t>x*-eed forty years. Should the council fail to make provisii^i for the cost of ii.Mour-o of such expropiiation as herein required within the period of iiit'i""*'''! .sixty days, the interested [sanies shall have recourse agsiinst ni.a\ot^t',' t'o'^ k ■ r 1 I j > t ; { 1 ■ f ! 1 Citij of Montreal 62 Vict. 118 Cap. 58 ])i.,vi(i<; for th^M■ity lor damag'os and such othov legal r»>modios as arci ]'o|)()sit of in 441. Within thirty days from tho passing- ol'srrhby- superior lourt the amount of thf price or conii^i'nsa- tion, as established by the report of the commissioners and adopted by the council, for the immoveable properties which are to be accjuired by the city under such expropriation proceedings. o{" which deposit the prothonotary shall grant an acknowledgement in writing-. KfTc't rances whatsoever with which sucii immove- ables may be charged ; 1)Ut tin? price or compensation deposited in the hands of the piotlionolary as aforesaid, shall be held to represent such immoveabh\s as regards such mortgages, [)rivileges or encumbrances. th(> rank and priority of w'hiih shall be preserved in the distribu- tion to l)e made of the moneys deposited ons contracting, sellino' or c > ''ig ii^ aforesaid, are hereby iudt^uniiied for and .u - >i' ct of such sale or ces.sion which t ii(\y shall re- :^-. • !y make, without liowevtM' diminishing, in any maiti , whatsoever, the responsibility of such corporations or persons towards those whom they represent as rcQ-aids the i)urchasi» money t^r compensation of siiih sales or convevances. m. 1899 Cifv of Montreal Cap. .')8 119 III such liist'. the price .shall not be paid to the vendor. Authoii/.i- until the nuthority of the court or jud-i-e shall hnve ''•''' "'f <•'"•«■♦ been obtained lor such payment ; and ii'such authority l)e f,',',' " ,u'y,Il'ent not obtained within three months IVom the execution of of jn-i.e. the conveyance, the city may relieve itself i'rom all I'urther responsibility, in respect of such price, by payiniif the same into the hands of the prothonotary of the superior ''ourt for the benelit of whom it may concern. 144. AVhen the money is deposited in the hands of tlie Dimiimtion prothonotary as aforesaid, the superior court, or any of the "' •""'"■ys. judii'es thereof durinu' the vacation and out of term, shall determine Iht^ mode of callinp^ in th-^ creditors ofth • party entitled to such money or his Ico-jij re|)reseiitaiives. and all other jtarties interested, and issue such orders as may h^' deemed advisable and just as rcijards the dcliveiy or rovided always that, when the price oi- compensation and i'l'-vi^o. dainau'cs are paid to the expropriated party himsell'. the amount so i)aid siiall not he subject to the tax imposed by and in virtue of tlie act 12 N'ictoi-ia, ciiapter 1 1'J ; (.See Jievised Statutes of the Province of Quebei-. articles J74!'. 27'Vl and 27">'").) nor to the commission ^vhich the pidihono- taryof the superior court is entitled lo receive, nor to any other tax or commission. If., however, the amount ol' indemnity does not exceed iv lure, if SloO GO. the formalities herein prescribedshall b>' dis;)eus,.(l i'Mi.-mt.i-y with, and such amount shall be d«divere(l foiihwilh by |^,[;]i .IjH,,,!^'^' the prothonotary to the ex[)ropriated parly. '145. The deposits mentioiunl in the precedinii' article ivimsu.-* ure shall be indicial deposits within the nu'aniui'' of section i'"'."''^' '''^" niiu'teen of <'hapter live c>f title four of the Revised Statuti's, (Articles l]'.t2 ami foUowinu'.) !i ; :li x^ -2. ■Exproin-iatioii fur Local InijiroveiiifHh 1 Ki. The council may dctide thai any street or portion i'.nvcroi ola street may be widened or extended, new streets he •""'•'■'' i"' . opened or a square or other open space created or eniari>'ed, i,„p,ove. upon a petition to that etiect siii'ued and presiMited to the inenisupon council bv proprietors rei^resentinu' the majority in niun- •"'^'""'' "^ her and value, according' to the then existini^ assessment orll of the city, of the properties bordering' on the portion of the street proposed to be w'idened, or on the prolonga- tion or extension thereof, or on the new street or square, as the case may be. I IT. Such petition shall set forth the nature of the i m- Conu-nis of luovement asked for, the description of the properties P*-'^'^'""- TX 120 Cap. 58 C'ltu of Montreal 02 Vict. !i bordcriiiii on s'.icli proposed improvt.'inpiit.s and lln- aAorao:p assessed \ alues theieul" I'or the lour preceding- years, ami the aincimt whieh tlie said proprietors, whoso pro{)erty is to be expropriated lor improvements, are willinuto aeei^pt therefor. A|>|Kiiiilniasis i)f \alii .'.a ion. 44H. rp(.n .'.uch petition, the eonncil of the city may, in its diserelion, proceed by resolution, in accordanee with the ])rovisif»ns ol' this section, to appoint commissioners to eslablisli the vahie ol' the immoveables to be expro. l)riated, tlie proprietors whereol' have not joined in the ])elition alore-said. Tliere sliall be paid to the j^roprietor.s who Iiave sii^iicd the petition only the amount which tliey have fixed in tlieir petition, tnul tliis iiniount is deier- niined by the expropriation commission(>rs. Tlie exproprialion commissioners shall also, in accord- ance with till' terms and provision.s in this section set forth, determine the damaj>«'s, it any, due to tenants ofihe ])r()perties io ))•> expropriated, and shall make a report thereon, which shall be deposited and conlirmed and homoioiiated in the manner piovided bv articles 4-"58 and 4po l>»)iosit (ii I'c poll of lolll niissioiii'is. 441>. The lommissioners shall, ujxm the comph'lion of tln'ir report, deposit the same in the oliice oi'tlie cit \ -clerk, and the provisions ol" articles 438, 43ft. 440 and 441 shall apply to the jiroceedings held in accordance with the [)re- ceilmg- article ' ;1 I'tivnient of 450. The (.Y)st ot' sucli expropriation shall be borne cosi by jn-o- exclusively by the proprietors whose lands bordi'r upon lll'riiu'oii ' such portion of a street, the widening whereof i.s provided street. for by such expropriation, or »u<;h new street, prolongatii)n of street or square, as the case may be. The cost shall be distributed upon such proprii'lors by means of a roll which shall be prepared by the ciiy- Aj)])oi'ti( mt'iil of •ost l)ul'tloniiiciit Nolii-e of e\ aniiiiation of sill \('\ (ir. il 1 >V cltv I »c(i.-ic 11 e no ai)i>eal. 1899 Cifi/ of Movti'f'id Cap. 58 121 TIm* amount due under sucli apporlionmout shall ])<» Ki'.ov.mv i>f Collected iVom tlie propritnors owuiii*r such real estate, and 'M'P'""""- shall ]jc recoverahlt' in the same manner as other taxes and ""^" ' assessments. 4»5I. The amount of indemnity to])e ])aid to the ]iroprie- When in.i.'in tor whose property is expropriated in a'cordance with the nKy i^i'^y provisions of this section shall not bo payal)le until the' same shall have been recovered by the ri; "-om the pro- jirietors liable to \)\\\ therefor. No interest shall be i)aid by the city to any proprietors inu-ivst on or tenants indemnilied, unless and until the cost of the '"'••'"'"''>• expropriation has been collected ))y ii. 4.'52. I'^very yjn', al ^uch period as the council shall lix Kxprupiia by by-law or resolution , any i)roprietor of an immoveable, [.',"y"{ }||,'i'|[' who has ert>cled permanent building's on the new homolo- upuna now gated line or whose whole land has been taken bv the lii)m')i..^:it.',i new iine, may have the portion ol hind between the two lines expropriated by cedinu' to ihe city the said portion •of laiul, of which the city-surveyor shall be ])Ound to make a j)lan. Two of the city-;»ssessors shall then bt> ai)pointed by the City assusH- mavor to value the iiortion ceded to the citv. Thev shall <"•*'" ^''^\'" value It at the averau'c price at which tlie jiroperty has been assessed for thrtM' years previ' to froutaire, in equal proportions. The roll of api>oitionment when oertilied by the WIumi a\>\)jv- city-survey(.r and fyled with the city-treasurer shall b*' |i"'^7,li ",!i",Y^ equivalent to and have the same foi'ce and ell'ect as a liual roll T)!' .-pedal asscssHKmt, and the amounts therein shall thereupon become due and payable without furlher delay. The proprietor shall not be paid before the money has When pro|)ii- boiMi collected by the city-treasurer, and shall not be en- titled io any iiit(Me.>t, i)rovid« d he is paid within three veavs from ihe (N>min<>' into I'oi oliif lo l)u pail tile assessinenl ro 11. . — :lssi'ssi)ieit/s lor Sidf n'li//,'-', Drdi )/S (UK: I Se irfra t)e no '1.1J?. It sliall be lawful for the council to order. l)v (.'oiixtent not exceedins'' one-half of .such cost, and the remainder th er(!of to l)e ai>portioned upc m the land situated on the """' I lie cost hy mean-* of a?i .ipjiiirlioii- ' h V 11)0 Cap. :»8 Citij of Montnal 62 Vict. sidf ol' sui'h stro<'l, s(|univ or i)lace oil whi'-h snch sidewalk is coiistrui'tcd. Bfthisnfap Suih iii)poiti()iiMU'iit shall be laa'l** in proportion to tho pcrtK.iiiiitiii. fY,)iit.,rovi iwloptt'd until alter th<' < o'^t of siirh to the couihil by the rity-surveyor, aiul provided ai-*'* ih:ir a notii-o sp(>ei- lyiiig" Iht^ nature aiul cost ol'sui-h <'oii>irn<-tinn be sent by registered nuiil to each of the i»ro]»ri«-ior'»» liable to eontiib- ute as their names may appear o!i the then exiaid sid(.'\valk shall not l)e made. By wIkiiii.ukI -in^l. The apportionment "T the «-o*ls of const ra'pim iidw .qi|"ii ,,|j, permanent sidewalk as aforesaid -sh;ill be rani'- bv the. ,„,^,1j. ctiy-surveyor in accordance with the terms ot article t.jii. Aiipli ntiim The iirovisions of the said artic]-* >h:ill also apply to of urtiilc4r)(». the assessment ill cases of (•((ii'^tru'-tjoii of drain-^ made under and l)y virtue (if any by-law aulhoirize(l in ac'-ord- aiice with ihc pro\ision> of thi^ ch.«ri»T 4— /'"r, »t/* (III { i 5 .' i - : 4 f i arc 1(1 lie piivfil ami Juiw t(i lie paiil f(ir. ots l.>»"5. \o pavint^' of any str(H-t, lane or hn.'hway sliall be laid or ('onstructed. unless ask-'d for by rh'- majority of the proprietors in number and vjuhi-, whose properties abut thereon ; and tin? cost of such 5»arinir shall be paid as follows: — ( )ne-ha!f by the city. :tH(fl ih-' other half by all the proi)rietors whcse properties abui on the street, lanoor hiiihway so paved; subject, h'>wever, lo the {>rovisions con- tained in articles 4;w3 and 454 : f)Ut the council may. by vote of two-thirds of its meml)ers. (I'C'-ule to pave any street or highway in the maniiei' it may jud^c' proper, and to pay for th(> same oui of tin; revenues <4' ih-; city in acC(U"dauce with the provisions of this act. v^ "). — (I'riirr'f Pfuri*Hmi> IKlays ■!»■><». Any by-law or rcsuluiion inulhorizitiii' any e.\prt>- j:iaiiie(l for pviatioii under the pri)\ision< oi' anv of the fore2"oiim" IrlVllR'Hl (it ' . , ^, ' . !• • 1 11* I • .-. =■ 'u^'ossiiii'iiis articles or the construction ol sidewalk*. «irains or sewers, forexjiiopria- may provide that any assessineni whi-h mav be proposed tions.dku. ^^j, j.^,(nijj.,,J [^^y j j^j, ^.^^^{ of the sam<-'. b-,' distributed over a period of not more than ten years, and payable by annual instalments, with intett'st on the impnid balance at a rate of six per cent, per annum. 1890 Cil'l of Moiitt-cul Cai.. 58 128 157. H'wht'H this iH't comes into I'orco or tht-ronltcr, tlnTc AiiMnilinna slioiild exist any elericiil error, omission or inl'ormality i)»any "' ;^'''"''"' .'''"■ pr(uee(linn-s in expropriation, or in tiie makinn' ol'any roll ,,',',,'!.',,MiVij{H' of assessment i)reparetl for the eosi of any impro\e- ni .xpii.iirin- ment. whetlier sueh error, omission or inl'orinality l„. ""n. *^' •• on tile part olthe commissioners or any ol'tlicm. or(»l'iliose who •A^•^^ hy law entrnsted with such proctediiifis, thi^ superior court, or any judi^'o thereoj', may, upon a petition to that etrect. permit, in its dis.retion, the rertiliealion of suiji erroi', omission or informality, upon such conditions as to costs as the court or jiidu'c may order. 4«>.H. When any report or award ma(h'l»y commissioners, .\r\« ivp'.n, uiidt'r ihe provisions of this section, is annulled l)y com- '^'' • '.! 'V'' pelent aulhority. the city may laiise a new reporl or award to hemadeliy a Ixiard of commissioners coiistii uicd in ( on- formity with" article \-l\y All the in'ovisioiis ol' this ''Jiart.'r, with rcstn'rl to the rfovi-ions makini;- and revision of an\' surh award or report and ''"'i '^ , 111 • ■ 1 r 1 1-1 1 I i"'^^' ''I'"!'', and to all matters lucideiita.l thei'eto. sliail apply to siieh ,*,,.. Ui'W I'cport oraward: provided alway.-r is annulled hv coinpeienl aiuhoril v, •''■""^"."■■"' "'' 1 • 1 11 ■ 1 ■ 1 . ■ 1 !■ l" :lI'|iilltlOll- ne shall make another assessment or apportionment lor lle^ wwx, it tirst same purpose in the manner hcreinhtd'ore provided : and niini"''''- the same, when compleicd and I'cxised, ,>hall have full forc(» and ellect. lOO. Whenever a roll of ass(>ssment or ajiport ionnient I'iiyimnis foraiu street impro\ cment shall be annulled and --t a^ide, ""',';''•"'.'■ .■ 1 ■ 1 11 1 • !• 1 11111 ic.ilk'il 11)11 !iir the iiaymeiits made under tlie aulhoiity ol the roll shall,,,,. ,.^,t i,,,. luit thei-ehy l)i> invalidated; hut such paNinents, wit !i i""\'iii' n'^- interest a(ld. uo to the dischar,!-;e of the respective aniounis to l»(^ lixed hy the lU'W assessment roll, suhje.-t to the cily s ri'^ht to ( ompel the rate-payers to in;d\e u'ood any deli- ciency and of the raie-payer to recover any surplus. ac(^ord- inu to the dilfei'eiice that may eventually exist between the old and the new roll of assessment. The present [)rovision shall apply as w ell to sj)t>cial .Vijpli'aiiciu assessment rolls lieri'tofore made as to those which mav he "*'.'"'' l"'^" - vision. madt' herealter. \^ (I. — E.i'pfoiiridlioii of Ptfhiic f'rutnlnses ■Hil. If. when any municipal franchise expires by limi- l'o«er lu e,\- taiion of time, or when any franchise' or riyiit to u^t> ^^^'' mihnv'inMi- f!«treets of the city is not exercised duriii;^- a period (d' live dii.sc, in cer- years after the same has het'ii acquired by any covporalion tain cases. f!!S 124 Cup. 08 r't'/.V 0/ Montreal 02 Vict. or individuiil, it is (ItuMiifd advisiiMo by tin* council tliut tlic city should »i\vu and iiduiiuislcr any or all >uch uiuuici- ]>al IViiuchiscs, riu'liis and |>ri\ ilcycs lor ihc luMtiuu' <»r lii^lifinu' of iht' city or any of the huildiniis tluM'cin by s'as, elect licit y or other au'encies, or lor the use oi" the streets, lanes, or liiyhways ol' the city lor railway, traction, loniluiis. tele^i'aphic, lelephoni"', or any other l»urposes wliatsctever. the said IVanchise, riuhls aiul privi- leyes, no matter by wlioiu tlutv may bt^ possessed, owned or controlled, the council may acciuire the same by pur- chase or other ULireement ; ami. il' they are not ac(iuired by punha-^e or agreement, they may be iicfjuired bv expro- priation, either alter, or without any step or procedin^' ))einu' taken, towards any acijuisilion by ai>'ioeiaent. M.I lliiV \\l WATi:i;-W()l!KS J)()St*. 'ood ami wholesome water, lor the use and supply ol'tho inhabitants of Montreal and parts thereto adjaicut ; improve, alti-r or remove the said water-works, or any part thereof; chang'e the site of the hydraulic wheels, engines or source of sui)ply thereof; luid construct and maintain all buildinu's. wheels, enuines. reservoirs, basins and othci' works necessary to convey water to the city and parts adjacent thereto. Aayinu' or oll'erinu' a reasonable com- |)eusalion fo!' such materials, and by conformiiiii' in all tliiuus to the provisions hereinafter nuule. ii: i';x|ii()[>i'i,i- (ioii. MM. Wlu'ii the parties .'annot come to an amical)le avraiiLiemciil with n abl ■^pe< 1 to till ac(|uisition ol anv uu- movt i>oses nu e property lor water-works or lor anv of [he pur- ntioiied in the pieiedinii' article, either within or m\ lKf»() f'ilj of Mill' I Villi Cnp. r.8 1-J5 williout lilt' lily limits, or for the liylu df way ihiniinh Mi'h piupfily, or any scrvilndi' llii'ioon, thf smum' iria\ hi- iKMjuin'd l»y fxpropriatioii in lli*' maiuuT pro\ itlcd by this charti'V w ith ivhpfft lo oxpropiialioiis ^-I'lHTally. -lUn. Tilt' lily may fiitiT upon any land or properly, ('iiy mny t-n. Ktreot, lant' or hiuliway, lor thf purpose of iayiiiti; or n^pair- !'' !''"'" ill!? ]>ipt's and oilier nt'ffssary works in ••onin'ilion with tlif waler-works. -Ifid. No iit'tion or suit shall lie ;i"Minst llie cily for liiylii "tac- damai'i's it'snllinn' IVom tin' fvivisc ol" tln' powers fon- """ '"'' ''•""• I'frred iiptni it hy the lour prt'c'dinn' artiiles, unloss siieli Miiiu.!. aetit)!! or suit shall hi' insiimicd wiihin six nionlli> ni'Xt al'tt'r till' ad (dinplaiiu'd ol'. •HJ7. ira:!y pi'rs(Mi obslruds oi' [»fc\i'nls ih.- ciiy, or aiiv I'cimIiv i„i- ]iers(^n in its etnpii>y, IVoiu doiniji' any ofthe said works, or "''■*1''"''iiik. i'rom exrri'isinn' aiiv ol' the powers ;ind riLi'lits le'i'i'ln'oi'lori' ' ' "'"'■''• '•ra nli'd. ol' enii»airasses or interrupts them in the exereisi of (sueli rights, or lauses any injury to the waiei-work apparal ns tir the aeeessories I hereof, or ohstruils oi' pievenl.' the \vorkiiiii' the walei'-woiks, or the apparnlus or aeeessories thereto l)elt>ni>'inii', or any poriion thereof. Mieh perst>n shall he liable, in addition to the penalty iniposetl in Airtueofany by-law i»l' the eiiy, to the dnniai^'es ih;it the eily may sutl'er from any sih'h aet. Sueh damages, willi etists. shall be I'ceovered bv eom- II. l)laint t>r suit before the eouils haviiiL^' jurisd mailer. ii'i ion in t In Mis. 'I'he eouneil >hall have full power to make bv-law for the followinu' puri )OSi'S 1. To ]>roliibit anv oeiupanl of a hou>e or biiildiuL;'. I |ii'>iiiiiii .sui)plied with water from the water-works, from l'urni>li- '||''"i'"j'\"' ing' water to others, or from u>ing' it oiju'rwise tluin I'or hi.- owii use, or from iiu'reasing' the supi)ly of waiei' aiireed ^^iu'i' i upon, or from wasting' it I011>f t'lOIII -iiiaiiviii'^ oliu'is, iVl 2. To pre.seribe the si/e, (juality. slrenti'th. and loeation I'o i of th(» pipes, valves, eoeks, cisterns, water-eh^sels, balh> and other apparatus to be usetl in the < ily ; 3. T(» regulate and e.stablish, by a larilf. tin,' rale for r, water, the time ami mt)de of pavment thereof, and iht.' l/,C ,Ulll l|Uill- it \' lit |(i|ics, lix t.lllll' )t I'^li .\:( manner in whieh the same may be imi)osed and levied to provide for liydromett'rs to bo placed in buildings or establishments, for tho purpose of determining and measuring tlu) quantity of water used therein ; to lix tht^ amount to be paid therefor and the manner in whieh the same may be paid ; i , T^H 4. To prevent the pollution of the water in the a(iueduct Td picvouL or reservoirs, and the practising of frauds upon the city, I'uiliaioii of with regard to the supply of water from the water-works ; '^'^^^^' *'•'• ' f-. 126 Ca\\ 58 ('H>/ of Mont real 62 Vict. \\\ To iHovi.lf .'). To provide lluit the water-ralo .shall ho due and toi i)a.viiieiit j)j,y;,})i,. |)y insialuu'iit s ultt'i' thti coiniu"' into force oT the i)y iiwtni ass(',s,sin('iit rolls each yeiiv. and withm smh delays as it nienis. .v< , ; shall deeui |)voi)i'i' to fix : To piovi'l'' 1). To provide that the h'o'al I'ate ol' interest upon tiio tor paviiuMii ;)i-i-j. Ill's ot water-rate shall onlv he dm? at the expiration of lit mU'it-'st on I • 1 1 1 , • 1 ■ YAU-,kr. : sueh said delays respt'ctively ; 7. To proviile lor any other matter, or thing of any nature or kind \vhatsoever, haviny reference to the water-works, which it may l)e necessary to direct, regulate or determine for tile i»roi)er working- ol' such water-works. (k'lu'iul man city is ii'iuly to tini\isli vViUrt. H»!>. As soon as thi^ city is ready to furnish water to any part of the ciiy not already supplied, puhlic notice thereof shall he given; and. after such notice, all persons liahle to the paynu'iit of watei'-rate in such part of the cit v, Avhelher th(\v consent or not to receive the water, shall pav tilt; rat(s fixed hv the tarilf. (,'osl ot iiili'i (liKtiori of wiiU'f into liouses aii'l (Icsciiptioii of pipis. Where lioiisi &o., at a (lis lunre trolil line of .sUei' l'7it. The introduction of the water into houses or otlier buildings shall ])e performed by and at the expense of the city; l)ut the distribution of the water throughout such houses or buildings, after being thus introduced into them, shall be made by and at I he expense of the proprietors or occupants. Ill all cases where such house or building stands at a distance from the line of th(» stn>et. the city shall lay the distribution jupe to the line of the street and shall have the right to exact payment of the water-rate from the l>ro])rietor, although the latter may refust> or negliMt to connect such pipe with such house or building. If jji'opiietoi refus.'s to iiinki" ilistii- l)Mtioii. , W'atei' sup- ])ly riKiy !"• lit otl' in lei iiiin rases. ■171. If any proprietor refuses or neglects to make such distribution, and the council exacts payment of the water- rate from the tenant, then snch tenant may withhold from the ]iroprietor, out of the rents to be paid him for the pro})- erty he ot'iupies, the amount thus paid by him. unless otherwise provided in the lease. 172. ^^ any person causes or allows any water-pipe, valve, CO. A, (>isterii. water-closet. l)ath or other apparatus to be out of repair, or to be so used or contrived that the water supplied JVom the water-works, be wasted, or unduly con- sumed ; or if he refuses or neglects to pay the rate lawfully imposed for the water supplied to him. for thirty days after the same is due and payable, the city may cut oil' the water and discontinue the supply so long as the cause of complaint is not removed ; which shall not, however, ex- empt such person from the i>ayment of such rate, as -i the water had been supplied to him without interruption. 1S!I9 Cil>i of M<)}itreiil Cup. oS 1-27 47iS> Tho city may mako a sperial aurPeuifiit with con- SiKHialagref- jj^ tiiijnts Ml ler- is considcnMl that there is more than the ordiiiafv eoii- sumers loi' the sup]>ly of water, lu spi^eial cases wlierc that t .sumption ol' water. 471. In all cases where a (lwellin,£>' lu. asi- or other huild- .s-paiwi. inu' is tenanted hy two or more tenants, snbtenants or i"'"'' '""'"'' i'amilies. the city may require from tho proprietor, that a ' ' ' separate and distinct service pipe he by liim ]>rovide(l for each sucli tenant, subtenant or family, occupyinn' .S(>parate apartments, so that the city may. at all times have conii'ol over tht> supply of water furnished u> (>aeh such tenant, subtenant or family, as is practised in rases of single ()llli^Mti,.ll of tcMianted houses; and ;f the proprietor, after beiuu' I""I"'''""'• notilied in writiuii' to that ellect by the, superintendtuit of the water-works, refuses or neglects to comply with the requirements of this article, within a rea.sonabh' delay, not to exceed hfteen days, he shall be lia])le to the payment of the rates imposed for the water so supplied to the said tenants, subtenants or families ; such liability, on the part of the iiroi>rietor shall continue so long' as he does not «.'omiily with the n.-cjuinnnents aforesaid. 47'">. Sucli liability shall apply to any i)roprietor of a Liii.iiiiy of row of dwelling" houses or teiumients contiLTuous to oinM'''«>i"'"'i"'; another, who refuses or neii'leols to provide each such '|J,),','J,^,*,^ 1^^, house or teiu'ment with a sei)arate and distiiu't service l>ipe, alter notice yiveii to him, as aforesaid ; such liability alsoapidies to the proprietor in wll cast's wln-re llie numbi'r of tenants, subtenants or families in a dwellini^' house, is snch that it is impossi])le to i>rovide a se[)arate service pipe for each of them ; and it shall be lawlul for the city, in such cases, to exact I'rom the proj^rietor the ordinary prit e of water for each such tenant, subtenant or family. SKi'lMoN \MI recorder's court § 1. — Comlihilion of (he court 4715. There shall be two recorders for the v'\\\ of Mont- Tw ivrur.l- j,,>.j| • ITS foiMity. There' shall be a court of record, to be called the "' Re- il'j< or.lei'.s (•order's Court." over which one of the two recorders shall'"""- preside. The said court may, iu the disiretion of the recorders, wiio pro- be held in two separate divisions, over each of which one ''"''■■'' ''^'^' of the said reeorder.s may preside • The said court shall Where held, have its sittings in the (Mty-hall, or in such other phu'e as m;iy l)e at any time set apart for thepurpose by the council. The said court shall have an ollicial seal. ■*''«'^l- I i>\ i%\ !i i fli Bi 128 Cap. aS Cify of MoiiJrciil B2 Vict. ApjH.iiitmuni 477. The Lieutoiiaut-CrovL'nior in council, by .spet;ia! « f monk-rs. (^omniissiou luuler thi' stnvl ol" the I'rovinc'*', appoints the r<'cordovs, whom he select,'-; IVom amoiiL;' the members of the Bar of the I'rovinee, who shall have practised as such for at least ten years, to be the recorders of the said < ourt. T. 1 111 of otficu Tlu' reiorders shall hold olfice dnrini^ iiood behaviour, and lu.w ix-- j^jjj their commissions as such shall not, be revoked, except upon a jt>int address to the Lieutenant-CTOvernor in council passed by the Legislative Council and Legislative Assi'mbly. Salary of so- The salary of the senior recorder, as well as of the person niorrcconUr. i.ei)lacing him, sluill 1)e !*i4,000 per unnuni. Siilrtiy of The siilary of l he oth(>r recor(ler shall be S->-"00 [)er other rccoiil- •miHiiii. witli an aiuiual increase of s;2')0 nntil it reaches •"'• $4,000. lVii«ioiiiiit! 'if If a recorder of the city, after iiftecii y*^ars service, sliould rcfonicr. vt'sigii his oliice, or b 'come all'ected with any permanent inlirmity pri'venting him from discharging the tluties of his oliice. the said city shall u'rant him a pen^ion e([ual to two-thirds of the salary attached to the oliice held by him at the time of his retirem*mt : and such pension, which shall l)ei:in immeiliiilely upon his vetireuient, shall h ■ paid to him (luring his life-time, and shall i>e exempt from seizure or attachment. 'I'he jM'ovisions of this article shall ai)ply to any recorder liolding oliice at the tinu' of the coming into force of this charter. Ajitiliiiil^KTi of lliiy pro- vis-ion. C'li-rU of n coidfi s (jourl, iV:i-. 47.S. The clerk of i lu* recorders cotirl >hall be apiininted bv the council : he shall be a meml»er of the bar of the ['rovince of (.^luebec. and shall be e.r ol/hi'o a justice nf the peace in and for the distiid of Montreal. He shall be the custodian of the ((llhial seal ol the au I ■ouri Dutii clerk • I7?>. Tile clerk shall [H'cpare an llu^ f'l .>C-. ; wage Stand, in or uiion any the markets, or outside the sanit 2. Anv a-tioii for the recovery of wages or salary arisinii' A-i:o;).sf<>r from the lea>e and hire of work or for the recovery of dam- '''-''■<'\'«rv <.f aii'cs result inu' therefrom or for moneys due hotels, restau- rants or boarding-houses l)y thiMr guests, or for the value of goods therein deposited and thereiii lost or damaL'efl. ]->rovided thai in no cas<> shall the amount claimed e.Kceed Anv action for the euforeem 'lit of anv bv-law. IH.». T II' recoril.M's court has concurrent jurisdiction ii.Hli.r 1)^ nil ii-ri'iit with the ('ircuit court, or with any judge of the superior luris.iirU'jii court, ill matters between lessors and lessees, and lias, to 1" '^''""'"t 1111 1 i I • ■ 1 1 • liflwet.-ii les- ihat end, all luv^essary powers and authority. in<'luding M.rs.inii ics- that of issuing writs of summons, execution and possei?sion, -'-'^"*- aiul (d' lixing and determining th(! costs to be ])aid by the lo>iiig parly, w hich costs, however, .shall not im liule any attorney's fees ; provided, always, that the jurisdiction of I'dvh). the recorder's court shall ])e limited to oases whe.e the amount < laimed shall not exceed !J50, and where the con- 130 Cap. 58 City of Montred (]2 Vict. ^1:1 :! Ill Writ of jios- si'ssion. siilerntion or annual valuo ol" tho immovoablos orciipiod sliiiU not ('X(;i'0(l thi» .suuio['n;100, and that the said iuiniDve- a))lt'.s are situated in the city. 4.SK. After judgment ordering- the eviction of a t»niaut in virtue of the n(>xt preceding article, the plaintilfmay. after the expiration of three days from the service of such judgment on the tenant, ol>tain from the recorders court a warrant or writ of ])ossession which shall be execi\t('d by a bailill' of the superior court or recorder's court, or by a constable or mem])er of the police force, each of whom is vested with all necessary authority to that ell'ect. Mny tiii-o 4H7. The recorder's court may hear and try summarily oiuunim-. ot .^11 oli'cnces mentioned in se(*tion"82 of the act 23 Victoria. chajiter 72, as well as in articles 2783 to 27!)o, both inclusive, of the ]{evised Statutes of the Province of Quebec ; and article 27S2 of the said Revised Statutes shall ai>ply to the r(^('(>rdcr miilalu mutandis. The said court shall also have jurisdiction in all suits for the recovery or imposition of any Fineor penalty result- ing from any infraction of this charter or of any by-law of the city. § 3. — Procedure certain ( tl'en ces. Fines undei' cliaiter anil CdUrl wlu'ii iR'Id. ■|lo.iriiiii ''f sjjfcial . The articles contained in chapter LXIII of the Code <.t riia))tjintli the procedure, judgments and convictions of the court, but a register shall be kept by him, wherein shall be set lorth the name of the defendant, the nature of the de})t or of the oifence, the judgment, and the date thereof; The notes of the procedure endcn'sed on the original summons or complaint shall be sufficient record thereof NolL•^ on original sum inoiis ■-ut- ticier.t reuonl Form of -writs, i\cf. in •J!>1. Every summons, order, writ or warrant of any nature what.soever, issued by the court, shall be in the name of Her Majesty, Her heirs or successors ; they shall be signed by the recorder, by the clerk of the court, or by one of the assistant clerks. 1899 City of Montreal Cap. 58 131 41>2. It shall be lawful for any constable, ofiicor of the I'ownrofcon. peace or bailitrot' the recorder's court, to arrest on view ''\''^'''"* ^" any person coutraveiiiu<>' any law or by-law of the said (nty, v'lnv .it" or. immediately after the commissiou of such utl'ence. upon reliable and sulficieut information as to tlKMiature of the otrence and also as to the persons who committed the same. 4!>;5. In cases tried for drunkenness or where a person Complaints is arn\sted on view by a police olficer or constable, for any *'".' '"'t'l'i' violation of the provisions contained in articles oyg-} "' '^''"■''■' "'•'' 1 • — — - - — _ . ^ . |,,j^ ,,(, ,„ to 2T0.>, inclusive, of the Kevised Statutes of the Province of writing, &c-. Quebec, or in section ;12 of the act 2:1 Victoria, chapter 72, or of the provisions of this act or of any by-law ol' the council, it is not necessary that the complaint be reduced to writing", but a verbal ccjmplaint, iindcr oath, made; be- fore the recorder's court by tlie constable who has ar- rested such person, shall be deemed asuflicient complaint ; Proviso. however, if the accused demands that the com[)laint be reduced to writinii', the (M)urt shall direct the clerk to do so. In the case of habitual and incorriii'ihle drunkards, s,.iiu-iu.c of the recorder in his disi-retion may sentence them to an impri-^""- im])risonment for a term of not less than six mouths nor ""'".^ ''"' ''/''' ^ , itiial (iriuilv- more than one year. ard?.' 494. AVhenever any person is accused of an olfence I'ron'ciingi^ against the provisions of any law. or of any by-law of the ''«;^"'.'^M'^''" council, and such person has not b^en api^reh'Mided on 1,,^ iiviaus^ view, he may bo summoned by a writ to appear before the «'^' • said court, to answer the complaint, which shall be clearly and explicitly set forth in the wni : such writ shall bi' servic- of served upon the defendant l>y any b:iililf or constable ; "lii- provided always that, in all cases of olFences for the com- Proviso, mission whereof a line or imprisonment is imposed under any sucii law or by-law^ it shall be lawful to procet'd against the defendant, either )jy writ, as albresaid, or by warrant of arrest issued by the recorder upon alhdavit made before him. 4tl'>. It sliall be lawful lor any olii -er in charge of a lu-lra.sf on polii'e station befon; whom a [)risoner arrested on view '''"'» ■^' • is brought, or with the autliorization of thi> magistrate \vho siii'ned the w^arrant. if such prisoner is apprehended by warrant, to permit such prisoiu'r to enter into a bond, with or without bail, or Avith a deposit, according to the ''""'l'^'"" "f gravity of the oiFence, wiiereby he shall oblige himself to appear within two days before the recorders court or be- fort^ the recorder. In delimit thereof, the bail shall be forfeited and the Default to dejiosit conliscated for the benefit of the city, and the ^M'l'ear. recorder may order the arrest of such accused. 11 ii ii: 132 Cap. 58 City of Montreal 62 Vict. Strvi.o how 41M». The service of any dormnent i.ssued bj' the record- ..■fl<(t.(l. ^,j.'j. eourt or by the recorder shall be made by delivering^ a copy or duplicate thereof to the defendant or aciMised pers())ially, or at his domicile to a reasonable jierson of his family, or at his place of business to any of his employees in chargti thereof. i!((oi(iuniay jf such servict! cannot l)e so made, the recorder may manmV'tjt order, upon a report to that ellect from the ollicer entrusted htivi(e. with the same, that it be made in some other manner, at his discretion. ^i^ Roluni i)f service liy bailiir. Sfi'vico l>y hailitl of siiiifrior (■(llU't. 4!I7. Every bailill'. beinn' bearer of a writ or d<)c.\ment to ))e served, issued by the recorder's tourt, shall make a return, under his oath of ofUce. of all proceeding's had by him in lelation to such writ or document, and such rcHur}! shall be sullici(>nt proof of such proceeding's i"or all leg'al purposes. ■lil.S. Rt>turns as to th^ lue service of any writ or docu- ment, issued as ai't.ros: ' ■ -m the recorder's court, nuiy also bt> u)ade by any i*. i 1 the superior court : and in all cases so issued IVom the recorder's court, any such V)ailil!"iii the superiorc ,u''t shall have ex ojfirio full power and autliorily to fullil ihc 'nti . 1' a bail ill' of the record- er's c(»urr. in the same inaimev us ,L specially appointed 1)V the iTcordcr for that purpose. I'loofof st;iv •!!>!>. 'J'hc ser\ice of any summons or ol'any other docu- uf 111 o]icii mj.j), in cases oi prosecutions, as aforesaid, mav be i>roved cer ert'ectinn m open court oy tile hailiii, coiistaijie or peace olucer who sfiiiie. shall have made such service. Vvui,i I.rtoK llic (Hint. •>00. lu'^all suits l)rouu'ht before tln> recordi-r's court, ibr the recovery ol'any sum of money or line, or the impo- sition of any jtenalty, proof may be ])y leg'al presumption, ))y writing', or })y testimony, it sludl not be nc-cessary to reduce the leslimonv lo wriliim'. n Oiilcf ill court, &c. i>OI. The jiresidout ol' the court shall cause order to ])e maintained during' the sitting's of the said court, and ht> may also cause to be removed therefrom any i)crson m>t interested in the pi'oc.>edings, and may punish, l)y line or imprisonment, any person g'uilty of contempt of court. »103. In any civil action brought before the said court, including attachments })efore ' 'l'^*^"''- shall render judu'ment. If ho appears. hiMUUst plead to tlie aition within twenty- I'ludfilin^js four hours and his plea shall be entt'red or Hied. ;'"^"J ^IM"'^''- On the followinu' juridieal day or on that lixed by the ivl^j, an.l court, the parties shall proeeed to proof and hearini"'. and li'-titim,'. judtrment shall thereuiion be rendered with due diliu:ence. The eourt may g'rant a delay of not more than two D.i.iy upon months to any defendant who is condemned or confesses "'i>fes«ioii of nid-ment. ' ju.l«nie..t,&c. 503. lu all prosecutions instituted before the recorder's i'io\isiis court or before the recorder, other than civil actions, the ''Pi'''"i'»'« '•• provisions of part LVIII ofthe Criminal Code, ls02. respect- i""''' '^''^*^''- ing" summary j^roceedings before magistrates, shall api)ly to the recorder's court and to the recorder, as regards the modi' of procedure on such j^rosecutions to liiuil conviction or judi-ment, the execution and carrying: out of such con- viction or jiidii'ment. and uenerally as to all rules imposed upon maf?istrates for such object, in so far as they are not ineonsistent with the j)rovisions of this act. and where no express ]")rovision is marie in relation thereto. The several forms <'ontained in the said code may be varied rorm.^i. in so far as it may be nec(>ssary to render them applicable to the said court. SO-l> The court has power to compel witnesses to siiininoiimg appear in any action, prosecution or complaint peiid- "• ^*"-"*-"'*'*'^'*- inu' bt'l'ore it. and to answer all leaal (jucslions j)ut to them, in accordance with the i)rovisioiis of the Code of Civil Pro- cedure. ♦iOot. The said court lia^ power to impose coercive Coiivive im- imiirisoiiment in accordance v.'iih articles 834 to X'M ofthe I'lisoiiinciu. Codi' of Civil Troi-edure. iilM*. Ill all cases, the recoidcr's ci)ur1 may u>>c it-- dis- l)!-iruu»ii ni cretion in awardinii' or u iiliholdiag- costs, or in orderinii" '""''^ '*'',^" the complainant, the plaintill'or tlie defendant to pay their ',!rii^,'„,ii,e.s own costs or those of the opposite ]iarty, and in certain ni certain cases may aAvard damaii'es, not exccM-dinq; *l'o. when su'li '""""'• damau'es shall ai)pe;\r to have been suU'eicd by reason of the matters and thinu's •■omitjaincd of. ■e o »i4>T. The e.Kccution of any Judi>'mei\t iendere(l in anv K\. ution. civil action, as abov(>-mentioned. shall be levied bv seixuii' and sale ofthe u'oods and «-hattels of tlie defendant. Xo writ ()f execution shall be issued luitil llie expiration u iien is«uf-'i, ;■<■/. oOSK The court may issue writs of sabie-nrri'l. before and alter judijinent, in the same manner as oth.'r courts of civil jurisdiction, and shall ol)serve itx relation thereto, the rules and procedure prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure, as rcg-ards the issninu' of the writ, the rduni and juduincnt in matters of i'«/,s7e-"/'/"e7. Deiiositoii »110. 1 n cases of .srt<'.sie-«y/v// issued in the hands of the .s,nv/,^,mVin ^,j^ jj ^}^.^|i y^^ lawful for the citv-treasun>r to deposit in haiida of till! ,, •' ,,. ,. , , , ,. , - , . . ' , ...jty. the olnce ol the court irom whence such saisic-urrf/ has issued, the sum of money whichhe may have in his custody belouning- or owiui^* to the defendant, in order that such sum may be paid to whom it may appertain, as the < ourt may order. Ci'i'taiii iiUe- galion dis- jieiist'il with in suits. 511. In any suit. ad alone, or con- jointly with his Joint i)artners, joint owners or joint occu- piers, in the recorder's court, as may be deemed advisable, as also any tigentof the said ilrm, joint owmn* or occupier, vviiat is suf- In the suit to be instituted, it is sullicient to mention the f^^'^"^ '"'■"'* name of sitch joint partner, owner, or occupier, or of such ' "^ agent, with the addition of the words " and otheis." and the oral testimony of such ownership and 0('cupancy, whether sole or joint, or of such auency, is sulUcient. Wlioiiiaysiif. *5I-1. Savinii' when otherwi-■> •1»15. Tho rotcn'LMy ol' any line, ov ol' any fo^-ts, evoii irowm:()\o:y subsequent to tho eonvietiou or order, or dauiaues im- '|' !'"""* '" posed by the recorder's court, shall be enibrced in areord- '""''• mice with the act or the l)y-la\v imposing the same; but il' the act or by-law does not specii'y any mode of procedure in res]M'ct tiiereol", such re«'Overy shall be eni'orced by im- juisonment I'or a term not excetnlinu' two months, unless the said line, costs as aforesaid, anddamafrcs be paid b.'fore the expiration of the term ol' imprisonment ; and the writs shall be issiitnl in the manner above-mentioui^d. am. In all cases in which a line has b hmi incurred by a itHov.iy of corporation, association, or society recognized by tiie law, '''"^■■'"•^'.'"■*'^ sucli line and costs may be levied l)y the seizure and sale ^ij. . ' of the goods and eUects of the said (corporation, association, or soiiety, in virtue of a writ of execution issued iVoin the said coiirt ; and proceedinu's shall be had upon the said writ ill the manner j)rescribed for seizure and execution in civil matters. •>ST. All lines sued for and recovered in the riMord 'v's 'i'o wiiom court. und«>r this act or any other actor statut»\ or by-law, Hir's iioloiif;. now in lnrct> or to be hereafter passed, shall l)eloiig to the city and ibrin part of its general fund, notwithstanding any law to the contrary. •>I.H. To the council alone appertains th.'rig'ht to remit i{(iiii.-,.-ii)ii <.t the whole i>v part of any line lielonu'inu' to the city, or the '""^■^• costs of the suit in connection with the r'covery of the said line. Such remission is made in each case by a simple resolii- How mailf. tion adopted by the majority of the council, on i)i'tition to that ell'ect. presented to the council by the person liable for such line, and not otherwise. .>lf>, "Whenever, in this or any other act. or in any by- Wlicrc im- law. imprisoiunent is inq^ised. such iinprisonm.'iit is pre- i"'i^"'|"""'"'' sumed and deemed to be in the common g-aolof thedistric.'t ' ' ' ^" of Montreal. Ill >>20. Ill all cases where, in any action or summons in Vitriimce civil or penal matters, there is variance between the alleg-a- '"'t-^^''-'" tion and the proof relating' to the date, the christian name .\\'i"'j^;i|io'„ or surname, the occupation, description, or residence of any suits, &o. party mtni^ioned in such action or summons, or to any other fact alleged in such action or summons, the said court may, at any time before judgment, upon r(^quest to that ell'ect made by an interested party, direct the amend- ilm' of such a "tion or summons, if necessary, and allow the adverse party a sullicient delay to prepare a defence to the action or summons so amended, if the party requires it for the ends of justice. Mi i;!(; Cap. r)8 ('ill/ I if' Moi'tiftjf 62 VjoT. i • I l<'i)rniiii oil 'liJl. X(i ()l)j('(tioil fnnil«l > dom. ))y rijcctiiiL;' sucli objection. !i*2*2. Whi'novcr a pcixm rt'i>ut«'an*'. in the niannor Power (il rv "''!lm^^^^ sot forth m articles S-JI1 and ;JJlJojJ||.- li.-vised Statutes of ugiiiiist |it' K(H1S II iiiM.iiit tile l*rovin(^o of Quebec, as enacted by ihe act ."»" Victoria, ■|iuir(i (.|,.,pter o'\, sections 11) and I'O. or any provi>*if>ns that may re- place the same, is l)rou,i>ht before the ^(e^■or»I^>r. the latter may send him to prison, accordinir 1o form ^rof th"* saiil Statutes, or any form substituted therelur. nr «-onlide him to the care of any person for sucli period r.rtjin»" as may be nec(»s- sary to make thi? en(|uiiies recpun^l by article ••',21- of the said Statutes, i)rovid<'d that such 'oiiUfiement. which may be lenewed, shall not exceed ei'jlit !i<»«»«-[irive day>. •_'. In all Ci.^es of person^ sent n, public institutions as al'oresai>;>«*«-iaI record shall be kepi showinu' the name of the persoji a:i(i his or her domi- cile, and a certiiicat<' stati 12" the narii>.> and domicile of such person shall be for\varde('llt to pillllir ill- sti'iitiiiii»< ti> 1h- i\xv iili il. L'l'i'lilii'uli'. I'owt r cDnli'r son on lul.ilf (•'■ I'll tie i;i.s,aiic. (it rc- if liif trial liiiii i- (1 Ui l.( •>tJI$. If, at the trial of a person •-hafj'ed bid'ore the recorder's court with an oilence against the laws or by- laws, it is established by the certificate of a physician accordiim- to form (' of artiiir»-«.f rhe {..ietilenant- (r()\i')'iior is known. m {■\ 1 : J lii Touci of r(- coxier re- »|)^. .iiif,' fliil- (Ircii l>rini;4hl lii-toro iiirii ! (1 !)(.• t' him to the care t>f a respectable j»«T>*>n. for such pciiod of lime as may be sullicient in make inqniritv^ abuui hi> character and to ])repare the < (»mmiirn»'nt papers, provided that such temporary conlinement. whi^h may be renewed, shall not exceed eitrht consecutive dav*. 1800 Cilfl dl Monti 'III Cap. :)S l:!7 •"i-"'^* Wht'iit'Vt'i' :» fluid, ;i|)piin'iitlv li'ss than sixtt'cu years iv.w.'i to :i|) oM. and hiiviliu' no l>:irfllt and no one else to takt' proper'"^'"",'"',',*"' ,. , . . , 111' ,1 1 1 .1 'nil I'liiMriMi, iai'i' o| liim, IS ln-iiiiu'lii h'lun' t nc I't'cordcr, but cannot of .n,, scut to an iudu.strial or irloi matorv sihool. the rci'ordcr may conlinc siuh child in any institution, of jvlacf liini in ui)prc?itic('ship or in domestic sorvico. (»r i-onlidc him to the cart' of a ri'sp(Mtal)l(' person, tintil lu' is iMuhtocn years of a'jc. •>2<(. Thi' rct'ordcr may, upon satisfactory proof that a^ii-n.Tal p^w child, less than sixti'cn years of au'e. is wilhoui suliicicnt pro- '^'^ of iv.oi-.iiif tecfiuu. cause sudi idiihl t(» hchrouuhl before him and deal I.li||"ui,',"ini- ^vith him as aforesaid. '.' exercised and perl'ormed hy either reconler. ',',)niiT'-'." SKI ridN \.\iii Mlsci:i,!,\Ni;o[-s I'liiiVISIoNrs .»*2S. Th ' city-.lei'k and the cily-ti'easurer may. respect- eityili'ik ivelv. allix their siii'iiatures to the ci'rtilicates and to the '''"' '''>' , . , , . , . 11-1 iii'iisurc'iiniiy notices v.hich they are re(|uir(nl lo n'lve under this charter nuik.- n.-^c r)t by stainpiiiLi' such siu'iiatures then'ou with a stamp to ht^ ^'■I'ni'"'' ^''y- hsihI exclusively for that purpose after having;- been ap'prov- "'^"'"■'' cd l>y I he cotiiicil. The sie-n;iture, so allixed and stampe(l. j,.,,,,., ,1,,,,.,.. shall b '. to all intents and purposes. a> valid as if in the <>f. Jiandwriliuii' of llu' cler]< or trt';isurer. »i!2i*. The ])roduction ol' any documeui or instrument Pi-o.iiutirniof beaiiiiL!' such stami) shall l)e priiiin I'lirii' evidence of the'*";'' -t-;>"'l'- authenticity thi'ri-ol. and ol the authority ol the ollieer to ,,, i,^, p|.^„,f^ allix the same ; and. except the olli((>rs above referred to. \- . all [tersous are prohibited from u.--iiie' tlie said stamped oiIut oilicprs siL!iialures, undei' ihe iteualtv that nuiv be provided bv ""^ '" """■' aiiv b\-iaw ill that l»ehali 1 WKl d. »">;5ur|)()sos, or lor [>i)li»s, wires, hrid^cs. tn'slh^s, \imliicts, inhlcs, pipes, «'(ni(luils or such like jipparutils, uiilt-ss hy uiid ill virtue ol' ii hy-htw duly [)assed hy the ullirjuativo vott'ol' the iihsolute iiiiijority ol'the uujuiherN of the founcil, il'surh rriiiichise, riuht or privilciic he u'riuited I'or a jxTiod Hot loiiiitT tliaii livt! yt'iirs, mid ol' two-thirds cd' the tuunril, il'thesiuiie he ^riUili'd I'or a period loii!;vr th.iii live yt-urs, whether sueh I'ninchise. rii^hl or privilej^e l)e exercised nr is souuhl to 1)0 exercised uiuhu' lellei's-pateut. Rovo.aiicn »'i'>tl. The council niiiy hy hyduwHUsjuMid or revoke auv and siis|Hii ]i,.,,|,s,. n-|-aiUed uiider auv<»rthe pi'ovisions ol this charter, l)y reason ol misconduct, mcompeteuey or violation oi any l)y-law on the j)arl ol'thi! lictuisee. !ii ! { l*"«''''"f iilt'2' ir (|uestions ol" I'act arisi> in matters hefore the 'po?i'i"l()m-''' '■f>ii'<''il- <•!' "iiy ol'its committees, which the inter'^ts ol' the iiiitu-etoiitilil city r»'(|uire t(t he in\'esli<>'ated hy the e.xiimination of wit- iiii|iiiiu'H. ii(..sses on oath, or otherwise ; and it also Ix'come ne('essary, in the like interest, to institute in(|uirie.s into the truth ol" representations which may he made to the council l■espt>c!in^• matters within its jiuisdiction : in any such c'lscs, the coniuiitlee Ijcl'orc which any such (|U"siioii arises, or any committee ajipointed hy the couneil to invt'stiaMle the same, or to make such iiuiuii'y, may issue a summons si^aied hy its chnirniaii re(juirint.'' any person to appeal' het'ore such committee, lor thv' purpose ol" uiviny* evidenci^ touiliiiiii' such (|ueslion oriiujuiry, and, il'judii'cd expedieiii. to j)roducc nny j)apers or documents in his possession, or under hiscoiurol. heariirg'upoii sueli ([Uc^tion or inquiry, or described in such summons rtiiMJiis sum It any i)ersou so summoned neu'lects or rel'uses to appear iHoiifd iim>i ,^^ ,j^^, time and i)lace ai)i)itinted l)v such summons, or. ii' appearin<4\ he reluses to be examined on onth touehiip^' the said iiKiuiry, or to obey any order to produce papers or doi'uments mentioned in such sumiuons, in so far as he is able so to do, a return ol' the issue and service ol' summons and ol' such del'ault or rel'iisal may be made to the nmyor, who may thereui»on compel the attenihinctMil' such person, and compel him to answer all lawl'ul (questions by the like means as are used lor such purposes in the ordinary courts ol" civil Jurisdiction in the Province ol'Queix'c. renaliy. J^lvery person so neulectinu' or rerusini>' to appear, or relusinu" to produce i)apers or be examined as al'oresaid, shall, on conviction tlKn'ool" before th(! recorder's :{»*». Any liailill'of the superior court oi' of the record- ^v''^''.'^' *''•• er' 'urt may serve and post up any noiilicatioii rc((uii'cd '|'^|^"|'j','|"'''' '*' b' i'harter, and make a, valid ri'lurn tlureof under his oat a ol' oijice. aWiim if any i)erson claims or pretends lo have sullc'red iNi-om l)odily injury by any aci-ident or casualty, for wliieh ^i'' |l'|',',l"!!^'.!^ tor intends to claim damages or compensation from the city, injiaius he shall, within lifieeii days li'om the dale of such '""i"'l t"^'^'^ accident or casualty, give notice to the city through tlu' "" ""' tnty-clerk of such intention, c-ontaiiiini;' the particulars of his claim, and stating his own domicile, failing which the city shall be relieved from any liability for any dam- ages or compensation caused l)y such accident or casualty, notwithstanding any artiele or pro\ ision of law to the contrary ; and, in case of any elaim I'or damages to prop- irty. moveable or immoveable, a similar notice shall also be given to the city through the citv-derk. but such notice must also ;;o i>iven within eii>hi days failiuii- which the city shall not be liabh' for any dainaues or compensation, notwithstanding any artii^le or j>rovisiou of law ; but in all cases, no action for such damages or riesuription indemnity shall lie unless such action has been instituted '>f ^^mt-^- within six months after the day the accident happened »»r right of action oriuinated. No such action shall be instituted before the expiration wiu'ii action of fifteen days from the date of the serving' of such notice, i" '^t< instiiu- ■^ -^ ten. I fl >BEe • I 140 Caji. r),s Cifi/ of Montreal 62 Vict. Detiuiit (t no- T\m (Iflaull oi' snoh no!i(^(\ howovor. shall not deprive tKt'incfrt.uii i^iig victim.s of snrh accident ol" their riuhts ot"a<'tion, if they nasBK MO l))ii' 1,1 1 ,. . . 1 . • to action prove that tliey ^vere ]n'evented Irom Liivinu' such notice by irresistible force, or for any other reason deemed valid by the court or Judue. KecourBoi.y The city shall have its recourse in warranty aiiainst laniv""" '^'^y P<'J''^f^'* ^vhose I'ault or neulii^encc ocasioned the acci- dent and damaizes arisinu' therefrom. ?! Pr.M.iii,iiuii ,rj.j7, .^11 ,^,.,i„j,^ suits or claims an-ainst the city, or (liiiiiii^'cs iiiiy ol its oliicers or employees, lor damages resultinu- Irom against ci I, V, ofl'ences or fjuasi-olicnces, or illeu'alities, are prescribed l)y six months from the dav on which the cause of action oriii'inatcd. any article or provision of the law to the con- traiy notwithstanding'. &v.., Uw ot ft'riccs, v'i-c > i' ( 'iTtain rt'inc Ifiii's may 1" <-onv('iti'il iiiio ])ulili< s(|nar('s, iVc. •lifi.S. The city and the trustees of the Mount-Koyal cemetery, upon ;(r(piirinu\ at any lime hereafter, the grounds of the old I'rotestant and military cemeteries situated on l'a})ineau road, may ecu vert the same into a l)ublic s(|uar(\ and make all necessary arrangements, and determint* the conditions upon which the said pieces (»1 U'round may ])cc()iiie tlie i)roperty ol'the city. i'owfr and juris(iiitioii of city l)nlii:i lorcc ii\ci' "l']\l\iliitinn :{!!. The city police force shall have ])ower, authority and jurisdiction, during exhibition time, over that piece of laiul adjoininu' ihi' north-west limits of the city, used for the pnrposes of industrial and auricultural exhibitions, and commonly known as the •j'^xiiihition Clfounds.''and over all streets, roads and ])ro}ierty between the same and the city or adjacent to suih i-xliibition oromids ; and m,iv arrest or cause to b" arrested tiiiy jierson contravenino- the law or the provisions of any by-law of the municipalit ie.s where >iieh Lifeunds. .streets, road.N or properties are situated, or any law Of slatete concerninu' n'ames or gambling or the sale of intoxicatiiiii' drinks ; and mav proceed against sucli ])ersoii befoi'i' I he projier tiiininal. < 'iTlilic.iic r(.'(|niic.l 1)1' fol'c ;,|)('ci il conslalilc i\:. . may act in ciiy, iVc. Hcjii.-tcr ot su
  • as|)ecial eonstahle or (letccl- ive within the limits of the ciiy, without haxiim' lirst obtained m certilicate of 'jood chttrttiiei from the mayor, and beino (Inly s\\ f>rn as sueh Indoic the niavoforthe lecorder. A reoistei' of ;dl siicli special constables or detectives shall l>e kepi in the jiolice departtiieni. and each such constable and detective shall be entitled to receive ji'oiii the siipeiintendex.t a t tM'tilicaie establishiiej that ih" tor- nialities refpiired by this article have been i (implied with Such certilicate shall be snilieient (M idenci' of tie iiuthorilv of such sp(>cial constables or detectives load a^ su( h. 18D0 City of Montreal Cap. 58 141 Each sxich constable or clottH-tive shall wear a l)a(l,!ro to r.adgn for be supplied by the city at his own cost and expense. ^"'^^'' "'I'^'^'i''*' ii-ll. Th'^ city may recover from any abattoir company AiMtioinom- situated in or in the vicinity of the city, in order to i)ay i>'i'ii«-'s to pay thi' salary of iht' health ollicers appointed by the •ouncil i,*;,' ^','i^,!j|!"',,{ to inspect the cattle and othc animals killed at any such IhhIiIi oiii. abattoir, a sum not exci>edin^ S-jOO ihm- annum for each "'""' ''*'^- abattoir operated by any such com[)any. aVi, Th(^ council may. by by-law, allow or jirohihit the >^ii'' "t mi sale, within the limits of llie citv. of evtu'v animal intended ","'', ''"' , lor shiuu'liternui', and may exact a duty on e\t'ry sudi animal that shall be bi'ouhall be levied in the sanu' manner as any tax or assessment may be levied under this charter. »"> III. "When the council, in its discretion, may deem it Privy-vaults expedient to cause privv-vaults or privies in the citv to be "inn t'lii))- emptied by contract, it may sti[>ulate in sucii cohU'aci ,,,j,m..j,,, that the owners of such privy-vaults or })ri\ ies shall lie held to [)ay to the contractor th ■ cost of removinu' tiie con- tents of such. pri\y-vaults or privies, at the i»rice lixed by .--uch contract ; provided such price does noi I'xcecd si'\'eu c 'nt> )-)ei' cubic foot. Such contractoi- has the ri^iht to rciover from the owner lii.'liisdt'ion- of premises the sum due under such contract, before the ''"'"'■ ordinary tribunals. \at.' 1,1 ."ill. Till' power ol the council to assess j)i(tprietors to I'.jwcis a< to defray the cost of the construction of a sewer in Jiny siteet ■'■"'•i. ni pri of the citv may be exerciseil as to any sewer that may be "irdered to l)e constructed by the council in a)iy propo-'^d >lreet or lane nut yet opened to tliepuhlii-. when the coun- eil shall consider sucii sewer necessary in ihe interesi (tf public health. r^-ini. 'fhe cii v-trcasurer ma\ , in all cases ol sei/nre bv I V'laraiious Liai'uishment. dtden'ate an emplovee of hi^ olii.e with ""^^"j-'^^-''''''^''''- iiecessarv instructions to make a tlei'laration m court. iviniuMii »■>!<». The citv shall, in perpet nil y, pri'serve and maintain Mount iN.ya! 'he whole of Mount Ivoval I'ark, accordiiiLi' to its present ''•"'<<"''•• ... , ,. Ill • -11111 Uilit a-J ;i pill). limits, as a puldic i)ark, and the city council shall not ha\e li,- paik, i^.. power to alienate any part or portion t.f said park for anv special rights, privileu'es, or franchises thereon, nor shall the council permit the laying of any tracks, poles, wires or electrical apparatits. forsleam, electric, (u- traction ■I V • 142 Cap. 58 C% of Montreal 62 Vict. Privileyos oertaiii i rent' wed h over. purposes.!))' any person or corporation, notwithstantlinii' any special powers of expropriation, or otherwise, ii'ranted by any u'tMieral or speeial statute to the city of Montreal, or to any person, municipality or corporation whatsoever. save in no far as such special statute may expressly dcroyate from the provisions of this artifle. of Nevertheless, the city shall have the riiiht to renew the '^I'J; privileue.s now uranled to the Mount Royal Park Incline nv- l\*ailway. The city shall, howevt'r, have the riuhf to expropriate it in the manner hereinafter described in similar matters. I>t' worn Peiialtv CVrtaiii uni- »>I7. Xo person or company shall wear or cause to ht- forms not to -^y,,j.jmj^- ,.os.tume Or Uniform similar to that of the citv police or the city lire brigade ; and every ollender shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding $-0 for each ollence, and shall also l)e liable to imprisonment for a j^eriod not exceeding three weeks for each oiFence, upon complaint before tln^ recorder's court. DaniiiL'Ls «K ♦>-l.H. AH i)ersons who shall, by means of any excavation.^. cxMiiK-d by i^ fyy obstructions iipon anv street of the city, not author- in siri'i't.'^. ^^^'^1 '^y ''^^^' "'■ '"'' l)y-iaws ol the city, render such streets unsale foi' travel, or who shall, by negligence in tlie man- agement of any such excavation or obstruction as .shall be authorized, or by failure to maintain [)roper guards or lights tlicreat, render such street insuihcicnt or unsafe for travel, shall b»> liable for all damages, not caused by llic neglia'ence of the party injured, to whomsoever n^sultin"-. by reason of such obstruction or m^gligeiu'e. and im action shall be maintaiiKHl against th(^ rhy forsuclulamaaes. unless such ]-»erson or persons shall be joined as party defendants, if the plaintilf be so required by the city, which shall liivi^ the name. residen(M? and quality of such persons. i -'' [ ' 1 ; .1 JU Kxrciition tlic '•a'xecution shall be returned unsatislied, or in the case of an opposition to or contestation of theseizure for reasons other than matters of form. If the city shall pay such judgment it shall become subrogated in the rights of the plaintiff therein, and may enforce ])ayment of the same from the other deli'iulani and shall be entitled to execution therein against him. ami to take such other proceedings as judgment creditors are entitled to take. I Vict. mdinii' ranted real, or soever. [>ressly ew the liK'liue n'hr to .similar i; to he he citv hall IjV oll'iMU'e. I'iod not m plaint lU'ations anthor- i streets le man- shall bi> lards or ale lor ])y thf suiting. and no imaa'es, party , \vhi»">l. Xo person shall, by reason of his being- an inhabit- citi/cns not ant of the city, be incompetent as a jndjre, or juror in any •i>':"'"i>*'t«'n* proceeding or action in which the said city shall be a iV "'leasjn of party. n'-ilnRc ♦">'">2« The city shall not l)e required in taking any appt>al city not or in suing out any writ or process, or in or al)out the '""ju'lt" fur- prosecution ol' any action or proceedings, to enter into ",1 „',i"y's"i[it in anv Viond or to irive anv seciiritv whatever. ^ii)|)rji, \i. mt ex- of *i^\\. Xol withstanding any 1 \v to the contrary, no judg- iv-Liy in ii^ent rendered auainst the city i'or a ])ecuniarv condem- '.''!"''" ' nation only shall be exe<-utory belore the expiration ol .,.,i7„si ,,n v. thirty days after the date ol' the judgment. »>>>l. Subject to the provisions ol" this charter, no con- No <(,iitra.t tra0() or upwards, at one l''>-i>'t^'' n-n- time ()V annually, shall be entered into or shall be made by i,|;|!„ Jaik*L any < -01111011 te<', unless tenders have beiMi (;allcd for by public advertisements in the new'-ijiapers at least eight days l>vior to the givinu' out of such contract. f55»l» The formalities in <'onnectlon with sui'h tenders l-V'rmuliti.-yf shall be determined hy the committee ha,ving jurisdiction. '•'"''•■•■'• Such tenders shall in all cases })e addressed to the city- '"" '»' 'i'' clerk and shall he puhliclv opened l>v him or the assistant '''.T'i^l",,.-! 1 1 • 1 ■ !• 1 • ■ 1 ■ 1 I ll\ -I li'l KAIKI city-clorK, 111 the preseiire ol the mtenvsled p;irties. at the iiuiilidyuiMi- time and place specilit-d in the notice calling for lenders, '''''y '"'"' and not bid'ore. Xo such contract or aii'recment shall bo valid or binding Citiiifation unless ratilied by the <()uiicil upon report thereon from the "^ '■""^'''''^■^*- coinmittce having jurisdiction. •)>><». It shall be the duty of the <()mptroller to see tlmt (■oinpin.il.-r no indebtedness incurred during anv liscal vear shall be ',",'''''■ ''"^ . charged to or paul out ol the appropriations made for any j.ai.l out of subse(|nent hscal year, unless the council. l)y an allirmative -^ui.-c.,|u.'iit vote of the niiijority of its ineml)ers. shall decide that stiiy ■^,|!'j'.[J,„^j''"^*^ such indebtedness may be so v indirectly, by hiu. s»'ir or l)y any other person on his hehall', accepts, or who promises or aurccs to accept, or who demands or soli( its, iVom or on behall' of any applicant for a i)osition in the mtmicijial service, any money or A'ahiable consider;iiion in return lor his vote. assistance, advice or inllneiue, wlieiher tht' hitter be real or presumed, in older that the al'on'said person may obtain a jiosition in the municipal service, shall, ui>(»n summary conviction l)ei'ore the recorder, be liable to a fine oi' i.">JK Ally person, who, directly or iiuliri'ctly. by him- ncLfpiitig, self or bv aii\' other i^erson on liis i)ehalf, accei)ts or nroiii- &f., to assist ises or au'iecs to accept, or wlio solicits or demniids irom my eniiiloytc anv civic einj)loyee, any money or valuable coiisidcraiion ill retuiii i'or his voti', assistance, advici' or inllueiice, whether tlie latter be re:il or [)resuined. in order that said civic employee may rcci'ivo promotion, preferment, advance in saliirv. boiuis. extra j>ay. or any advanta^'e or l)enelii of a similar I'haiacier. shall, upon summary convid i<»n Icfore the reeorder.be liable to a line of $40 and iinin'isonment not exceediiin' one month, and in case of i-onvictinn one- half of ilu> line shall be due and payable to the informer. I w-'lionid the person thus adjndi^'cd 12,'uilty be a menibi'r of thecouibil. he sliall in addition, //md fiictt), hisi- his v,.at and become ilis(|ualilied for live years. I Should tile atoresaid person be a civic employee, he shall in addition be immedii fely discharged upon order of the mavor and beeonie ineliui])h' for re-eiiLi'auement for ten veals. II sfcuriii pi'oiiioiidii. If (Illl/Uilll iilemlvr I't theiuun 1!. It" (itloiiilur civic ''til [iloyuf. IVii.ilty .KiO. Any applicant for a position in tjie municipal sei- a-.iiiiM|).r^ vice. who. diiecilv or iiulireci ly. by himself, or by any einploVim'iii other i)erson on liis behali', g'ives. lends, or an'rees lo ie i-oii- idderatiou in order to indu>e any pi'rsoii to obtain, or to assist in any niann.'r whatsoever in obtainiiiii' fn the aloresaid applicant any position in the munici[ial si'i'viee, shall, upon nummary conviction before the rei'order, be liabh' to a line of >i40 and imprisonment not exered- inu' one month, and. in the case of such conviction oiu- iiall 111' the line shai^ ^e due and payable t(.» the informer. nioiicy, iVi ., to iiilliifiuu any mi'' lo M.M HIT tllC I'.MKiliy ."iUB. .Vny emi)loyee in the service of the city, wli'-ther at^ainsi 1 in temporary or i>ermanent, who, directly or intlirectly. l>y fn^'Vii'.ney to himself or by any uilier person on his beiialf, gives, lends, intliuiiLO any ov ai^rees to U'ive or lend, or otl'i'rs or promises, any money one to sccurf ^^. y.,] j;., j^],, eonsidcrat ioii in order to induce aiiv person to Ills i>roino , .-',.. ii,„i ol)tain, o\- to assist m any manner whatsoever m obiainin'^- 1800 Citfj of Montreal Cap. 68 145 for the albresaid civic employee any promotion, perlermeiU, advance in salary, bonns, allowaiKo for extra work, or any advanta<>-e or benefit ol' a similar character, shall, upon summary (.'onviction before the recorder, be liable to a fine of $40, and imprisonment not exceedinj^ one month, and in the case of such conviction one-half of the line shall be due and payable to the informer. In addition to the above, he shall be forthwith dis- Dismissal of missed by the mayor from the municipal service, and shall sm ii om- be ineligible for re-eiiirag-ement in niiy capacity for ten '" years. »>(>2« Tlic i)olic(mien or constables of the <;ity shall, in Ccmu-al pow- the performance of their duties, havi> all the powers and ^''■'' "f P"'""'- authority conferred n\\ constables or peace officers by ""''"•-'''■ the common law. The city oi" Montreal shall apjioint special constables, Spiciaic who shall Ix^chariivd v/ith iIk; duty of seeiiin'totheobserv- ^^'^'''^'^ '^l^'" ance of tht^ clauses of the aiireemt.'ut between it and the i.".'!,,*;, ,',',',()' ^f Montreal Street Kailway Company, as well as of all the contra t, wiiU c-lauscsol'all the various acts . »>(»:{. All i>ris()ners brouyht to the police stations, charu-ed I'.usons ropi'r tribitnal without delay to be dealt with accordiiui' to law. 011- tsn- car- iT the ten 1 ser- aiiy . tiivc Con- or to ihe, ivice. •r. i)e X'cc'd- i one- ll h.'iher tly. i)y Icuds, money i>ou to .KM. Xotwithstanding'any law tf a road durinn' the ^""" ' winter on the St. LawnMice river to communicate with the town of Lonuueuil. TIllN \\l\ si'i.ciAi. im;mvi-i '\s f>. All acts, inconsistent with the provisions of thi-; charter, are hereby repealed ibiit the vc|)eal of such acts shall not be understood as alfectiuii" any matter or thinu' done, or rtMjuiied t(» be done, resolutions, decisions, ordeis or other proceediuLis of the couiu'il. debentures, notes, shares, or obliy such acts, until they shall be clianged. altered, replaced or repealed by any proceedings adopted in virtue of this charter, in vi^hich case all such matters and things, resolutions, decisions, orders or proceedings, debent- ures, )U)tes, oliligations and by-hnvs and rolls ot assess- ment or ai)porlio)iment, shall he regulated and controlled by this (;harter. tll4><». Xc> person, company or corporation, exerii.sinu; any IVanchise and havinu' acquired rights, shall carryon any work ill the streets in the city of ^lontreal, or place rails, wires, jioles and conduits therein, without uivinu' notice thereof to ihe city, and unless such works hi) carried on under the direction, in the mannei- and at the places indicated by the city-survcyor ; and the city shall always Inive the riiiht to ol)lit>o such ]iersons or comi)ani<^s to ydace their wii'es un- d<'rLirouud,and the by-law shall be applied simultaneously to nil companies. j i ilili (Vriain con .KiT. N otliiuu' iu i his act contained shall l)i' cousirued tract iiylits ,|^ allowing the citv toviolate tmv of its obliuations under- not allfcted , , ^ , - ,,. . ■ , . a,./ taken by contract or as aliet.'tmg or repealing' any powers spcciallv 'j'ranted bv statute to corporations or companies. Coining inti torct'. .*><».S. This act shall come into Wnw^ on the day of ir? sanction. 1899 City of Afoul, -en/ Cai.. 5S 147 iini SCHElD-CrXjE .A. Debt of the city, including provi.^ions for pending liabilities to 1st January, 1899. |)atL' (,f Ti'i-m. I-s.ic. IS(iS IV'i niancnt. IS7(j-!t i>5 yeius. is;,-)-!) J."> . ( Is;;)!) .".0 " l-isi-di; H» ii. ls;i;; ill - KLXlJKI) DKIIT. H.lU' (if Date ijf ()')ii'(t. InU'i-csl. AJiiturily. ~ !'•'■• ■ WatiT-Work'^. " P'-- liMil 4 AniirxMlioiis. . . '• I'-'-- l"'"fi Coiisuliilulian.. ■''I'-- lli'«-!' Watti- Works. ^ !'■'•• l!lL>l-;iL' (a.iiei.il AliM'llllt •S'lSTjI'Mt ."ill,! MM) 4:i_',4'in ii.!i:!ii,Mi7 ■I'-'- '!'■"•■' Ifiiiiour l,0()i),o(iti 7,(HIS,IMH» I^SS.lMt l'.im..ii..nt. MiM- Cenvvul... 'r.)!:il of oiil..4t;ui(liM,t, fiiiulcd (l,-i,t , <>rifKIM)i;l.l(,.\ linxs. 'IVnipotary l.oiuls aiUiioi i/.fil hy M ,1111! (il N'ictoiia li.ui!; of Miiiitival, a,I\:vii'-cs liaiik <,f Moutieal : S]kvM a.lran.os to l) 4l_'.!)ii| 4iij,|!| :n!),6:{.5 !y-2~,(Hin,(}{){i r ' « 148 Hi , 1^^^ * ■' '(".- Cap. 58 C'ifi/ of Mnntreal JF o R im: s 62 Vict. • No I. Form mentioned in urtule 85. OATH OF MA YOU <)K ALDKKMAX. I. A. B., huviiif)^ boi'u elected mayor, (or ulJorman, r/s the caac ma// be), of the city ol' Montreal, do swear (or allirm) that I will faithful and true allegiaufe hear to Her Majesty (^uet'u Victoria, (or the reii>-nin^' sorereis^'n for (he Unu; hrin'j:), Iler Heirs and Successons, accordinii' to law ; and I further swear that I will laithfully perform and I'uHil. aciordiiii^ to the best of my Judgment and ability, the duties of the olhee to which I have been elected. So hel]) me (.lod. No 2 Form mentioned in nrlirle »j2. N(JTICE TO I:LI-XT0I{S of COMPI.ETION of EfiECTOKs' LIST.S. Public notice is hereby g'iven that the elector.s" lists for the several wards of the city of Montreal have been de- livered to the undiM'signed. and that, within lil'teen davs from th" date hereof, any elector in any ward may give notice in writing to the undersiu'iied, that he will apply to the recorder of the city to have the list of electors tor any ward amended, either by tln^ addition thereto of names of persons omitted, or by strikini:' rherefrom the names of persons improperly inserted. Such notice must specify the ;ition of those sought to be struck oil', and must be served, at the dili<>vnce ol'the applicant, on or before the 5th day of. January 10 — , upon e\ery person whose name issouiiht to he struck I'rom tht' electors" lists, bv ii'iiisteicd letter, sent to the address mentioneiiii.»ij «le«tion-cK'rk ior tilt' :ii>i)ioac]iiiur clcM'tioiis lo !>.• jj-^jj i,i th»* . ify o["M<»iitrf;il uiidtM- llu' provisions oi' ihc . ]jart«-r o{' th.'said ( ity, «lo solriniily swear {or aliirm) that 1 will .ict faillil'ullv in my said ('apacily iis ol(.'<-tio)i-«-k'rk and also as roluriiiny oilifcr il'iv(|uin'(l to act as stich. th.; whole arcordiiiu' to law and wiihoul partiality, loar, inxoT, or atlfctioii : .So ht-lp me God. (iSignatiire) E. R, Eltii ion-clerk. No. 6 Form minliontd in artide ^2. CKItTiriCATR r.F nn; llLKCTIoX-CLKItK HWIXfJ TAKKX THK n.vTlI UK "KJJCE. I, the luidt'iNigiu'd, hiMvby oeriify that, on the day ol' the month of .*1h . E. F., elei-tiou- elerk lor the approadiiuo- edection** lo b»; held in the eity ot Montreal binder the ])rovisioiis of the <>harter of the said city, did laki' and subs.Tilj.' b..'for»> me the oath of olli'O iv(piired ))y the charter of the ciiy of Montreal. In testimony whereof, 1 have deli rer.?d to him ihis cer- tilicate under my hand. (Siirnatnr*?) C. D.. Justice of the Peace, A. \1. Returning- 0//icer. or Cap. 58 180.0 Citi/ of Moiiinul No 7. Fiu'iii nienlioiifd in, ihiiili'*f^^\. m .\<».MINATl(lN-I'APt:n. ■ ii'i 111- MdviKi: \i,. \V;inl So;U \() "\Vl'. tlu' uii(lt'r.si'4ii«'(l, clfi'lors ol' \v;ii• ot al I'M'- innii st-at Xo. I'or llic said war*! imw al«)iit jo he hrld lor I he warrl of the city ol' Montreal. Ill \vi!iii'.-> wluM-i'oi', w ' liavi' .siu'iiod at Moalr.'al, this day ol' 18 . Xain -s. n,,uiiatioli. (ilirniti- llii'r!r.'-l Qualilic;!tion ' ' lint/ii' til'' ''■!■' oral I'runili/^n.) Add rt'ss. Siuiii'd l)y iho said el»'<-tois in piTsi'iici- of 1, thv siiid nomiiiatcd in ili^' I'ort'i^-oiii'j,' nouiiua- heivby (^0!iN''nt to sui'li iioniiuaiiou. tioii-i lapL'v, WilH'-ss inv hand al. Moiil ival, liii- i t i ' 'I Vi'2 Cui.. 58 Ci/// (// M,>nhtal (.'ap. 58 No 8. Fonu mcutionfd in artirif !I4 OATH (•!•' ATTKSTATKiN dk tUK NO.MINATIf »\-IVVI'1:|; AND uF THK CONsr.NTdK THK CA.N'DIDArK. I of the cily (»!' Moulrcal. sok'iimly >\\i'ar (<»;• aHirin) tliat I know and that tht'y arc iiisrvilicd on the t'lcctors' lisl in lone Icm- ^var(l. in th»' «ity of Monln'iil, undfr Ihc pvo- A'isions of the rliiirtcr ol' Miid city, and tlnil they rcspoct- ivcly sinned tlu* ion^uoinii' noniinatiou-pnpcr with their siiiiiatuies in my presence, and Inrlher th.it I know the snid thereby ndniinnled ;ind that lie siuned his consent to this noniinatiun in niv presence. (Siunaturo) Sworn ((»/• aliirnied) hel'ore me. at ) Mon ileal, til is , day of ) *^i 4' liilli No 7'r. No.MIN.VnON-PAPKU KOlt THE ELECTION OF MAVOK. AV(\ the uinh'rsitiiied. duly (|ualilied to vote at muni' i- pal eh'ctions. in the city of IMonlreal, (h) heichy nominate N(j street, as a < andidato at the election ol' mayor of the said city now about to be liejd in tlK'said city of ^lontreal. In witness wheieol', we ha\ e sii'-ned at ^lontreal, this dav of '. IS Namt's. Occnjation. Qualiiication. I.'lrlidi till r li i-l- (.fill /'ritiiilii^c. Address. Signed by tht? said olet tors in i^'esence of, 1899 Cilil III Mont re 1 1 Cap. 5S I, tin- said iiominiUt'il in till' ioii'Lidiiiii' iKtininnlioii-piipcr. hereby «onsi'nl to siu-h noiniiiiitioii. Willi. 'ss iiiv liiiiid ill Monlrt'nl this (hiv t»r IM (Siiiiialnrt') 153 i| 'h Siffiitnl ])y tho said (Siffiiaturi') in piosiMii'O of No. «". OATH (IF AITESTATIcX uF THE NOMIXATIoX-l'AI'F.U' AND OF I'lIF, CONSKNT OF THE ("ANDIDATF. solemnly .swear (or alhrni) that I kno\v ol' the (it V ol' Monlical and that tliey are duly (jualiHed to vote at the election of mayor ahout lo ])e held and that th(3v respectively sinned the 1 oreiiojnii' nonninition-papei' with their siii-natures m niv l)resence. and Inrther that I know the said. 1 , llierebv iiominatt'd, and that he sii>ned Us con^.-nl to till' nomination in my iiro.-oiice (Siu'iiature.) S\\ (1) II [or ;tl[inne(l) hdni'c i .t M ne oiilrcal, I 111: dav of ]s No 9 luiriti iiirnlii Hid. ill iiflu'li' PH). '■'iM.MISSIoN OF A DFITTY-ltKTCl'.MNC OFFICER. To (!. 11. (///.sr/7 /, is oil HjHil iioi iiHil ri'siilrnri .) Know vou, thai in niv capa 'ily of r.-tiirninL; olh.i'i', 1 have appoiiiti'd lid do lii'ii'liv appoint von to lo- dcpuiv- retni'iiiiiu' ollicc 1 for the polling' district No in ward of the city of Montreal, there to lake the votes of the electors by hallot. aci'ordinu' to law. at tlu^poU lohi' by you opened and held for that puriwsc ; and you are herebVau- 154 Cap. 58 ^^lij <'J ^lonlrail (.i2 Vict. ihorizod and rLM[niriHl to opiMi and liold th<' poll lor such • 'K'ii, lor Iho said pulliiii;' distrirt. on day ol' tho mouth ol' insiaur {or lu'xi.) :ii (hanr) ol' thi' «l(iv law, to retui'ii lo nn- Ibrthwiili fh<' halloi-hox, sealed with vour seal, and e!iclo' I he ballots, list of elo'-tors. and other do, 111 II' 'Ills recjiiired b\ law . to'j.'i h'l' \\ ii h i lii> roiiiini^^-ion. ( !i\ en under niv hand, at t liis day of I he nioiiih of , . in the vear 1> . (Sit!'nat ure) A. ];., No 10. f'tirtn III! iiliitih il ill (uiiilf In^. 't.VTi! oi'' DKiM rv-i;i:iT-];M.\' x.leninly swea: , -/' allirm) lliai 1 will act raitht'ully in iiu said cajt.-i -iu- a)id wiUiout l>;;i'iialiiy. tear, lavor or alle.iK.ii : So iielp m.' i:i'ri v-ui;i'!i;.ni.\(; nriicF.i; ii.\vi.\(» i'\Ki:.\ rill-: mmh (,k ofiici: 1 liic undersii^-ned, ii -ri'lty .erliiy ihai on tlii- day Ol' ill" iiioiiih (,| ' IH . (1. II., depiiu -r'-i iirniiu:' ollieer !<>: the polling" diNiric; Xu. \\i w;iril ol ihe.'iiy of Moui real look and !«iU!»cr:')ed hel'ore nie the (»ath oT ollice reipiired in >ui h case. In ie>iicioM\ Wiiereel'. I ha\ c deli vereil |.. hini thiscei- tilicaic uiidc!' inv h.ind. (Siiinatiirc) (• I).. JiKfii e ol /III' PinC. \ II Jii'iiniiirj Ollii'ff. 1890 Cilij of Miintrf.df No. 12. Form iH>nlii)ni:il in urticlc 114. i!Ai,r/)i-i'\i'Ki;. Cap. 58 155 ■ |! i - ' n r: 156 Cai). 58 City of Montreal t I 62 Vict. a ii 1899 City of Monli-ml Cap. 58 No. 13. Form mentioned in ortiiic 121. C<)MM1S.<1<)N OF A rOLL-CLEUK. (To I. J., {insirl his ovcufmlion and reMdence). Know you that, in my rapaM>ri.<.<10X OF A ]'OT,L-Cr,KUK, 15V lH:)LL-Cr,KnK A('TIN'i* the poiiinii" di.strict No ward, in the city of Montri>:d. in conse(|uence of the decease (or incapac- ity to art. IIS fin: nisf^ mil// In) of the deputy retumiuu' olficer lor the said pollinj^' di.strict wlio.^^e ])oll-(lerk 1 wa.s. I have appointed and do hereby ai)point you to be |M)ll-clerk for the poiiini^^district No. , in the said ward. (liven under my hand at this day of (he month of in the year 1^ . (Signat\ire) I. J. Voll-Cln-l- acting a.s Deputy ReturniHi^ Oj/icer 1899 ('if,/ otMnri/mil Cap. 53 No 17. Fi)riti iJtentioficd in ar/ic/e 127. OATH ('F AflF.NT OF A CAXDTD.VTK. OK OF ELKCTol! IIEI'KK- SENTINC^ A ('ANDIDATF. I, the luidcr.signt'd, O. II., :iii't;nt lor Dr I'lodor re[)V('st'iit- ing', as l/ie case man he), J. K., oiio ol' fhf ciindidiili's :it I he cb'rtion now ]iondiiiii'seni'<'. \\\ this election : Ho hej[) me (lod. 159 (SigiKilure) Sworn ((II- affirmed) before me, at , 18 . G. U. , tliiis day of (Signature) A. R. Dfjiiilii lletiiniiiii:- Ojlii rr. or • V. V. J list ice of ihc Peace. ' ■! ^ t < ii t'Sl \ i ,i*'' 160 Cap. 58 4*5 I GO o CV>// o/ Monlreal 62 Vict. •S>[.lBlUtU [lU.Ml.U) •.l0.iTj]0-,oUipiS -,).ld Ol[\ JO ptP .M{} ipiAV j p,).u!iKud saaclrd - MJ[l»'iI SOUUMl .1101{) III p.tK'A pi!l[ sM0l[lO ' •u.iAi.n sojo^Y { lIofUmi.tlKi! .lo \\\vn .Uj( 0>|in 0\ .oIlISUjO.l S.KMO Y : •pouMjip; .lo ti.ioAVs; ■siioi ),),)(■([(•) •s|ui!du,».)() .u) spiiai.tj^ •>'.1.>I[A\() •OOUOp|SO.l JO ,>.)l![d .l[.H(J^ ■iioiii:dn>.»<) •U'Uf^L 1 1 -sa.iioA .M(( JO .t,i<|uni\f It I 1«99 City of Montreal Cap. 58 161 No. 19. Form mentionedin article 155. OATH OF AGKNT OF A CANDIDATE, OR OF ELECT(JK IIEI>KE- SENTINO A CANDIDATE WHO ALONE ACTS IN ASSIr^T- INO AT THE MAIIKINO OF A BALLOT-PAPER. I, the undersigned, (1. H.. auent, by special authorization, lor {or elector representing, us the case ma// be,) J. K., one of the candidates at the election now pending lor alderman lor seat No ol' ward, in the city of Montreal (m- for mayor, as the case ma// he), solemnly swear {or affirm) that I will keep and assist in keeping an 1 maintaining secret the names of the candi- dates for whom any of the voters at the poll in the voting subdivision No of ..ward, in the city ofMont''- treal, has marked his ballot-paper in my presence, at this election, and that I shall not communicate at any time to any person any information obtained in the interior of this poll as to the name of the candidate for whom an elector intends to vote or has voted : So help me CJod. (Signature) Sworn (yr affirmed) before me, at day of , 18 . G. H. this (Signature) A. B. Deputy Returning Officer. or C. P., Justice of the Peace 1 III •1 1G2 Ciip. r.8 ^ V/// (*/' Miiftficd/ 02 Vict. No 20. /v;r«/ iin'ulioncrl in (illicit 172. ,^i OATH I'F Tin-: DEPUTY UETUKMNO-oFFICKR AFTKK TlIK ("I,<)Sh\(l OF TlIK I'OLL. 1. ilir iuid«T,>iuiifuiy id uiiiiiiu olliicr lor tli<- \-oting subdivision No , in the ward ol" the rily ol' Mont- real, do solemnly swear (o/'allirni) ihal, to the best ol"iny kno\vle(lL;e :ind beliel', the poll-lxiok kepi lor sueh voting sub- division, under my direction. ii;is t>een so kept (orreetly ; aiul that the total number ol voles polled, luid ro<-orded in the book is ; and lhai, to the bi'sl ol' my knowledge and beliel'. il contains a true and exact ri'<{)rd <>!' the voles given at the poll in this xotmg subdivision, as tin; said votes were taken thereat ; that 1 have taithlully (ounted the votes iriven tor i ach c.uididate, in the manner by law pro\ided. and perlonned all diUi(\s refpiired nlicn> No. 21. Form int'i}iii)ni'l in oriicle 172. Cap. 58 103 OATH OK THK I'or.h-CI.KUK AFTKR TKK OI.O.SINd (>F Till: I'ol.L. T, the nii(ltM-siu-iii'(l, ])nll-,l,.i'k Inr the volinu- siilKlivisioii ^^<*- "1 ward, ill (ho cily of Moiitiviil, do ^olomnly sw'iir (or iillina) that tlir [)ol"l-l)o()k in and Ibr this votiiiii- su])diviNi(m, k»'i»t. midfr th" dircciioii ol' G-. H., will) has actiHlas dt'puly rt'tuniinii' olhcci- (Iicn-in. has h.-tMi so ki>i)t by mt> corrcitly and to ih.- host oi' iii\ skill ami iudyiuriil ; and that tin- tola! iniinlji'V ol void's poih-d in this hook, is ; ami 'to ih.- In-st .il'iny knowh'dt-'o and hi'lii-i', it contains a true and t'xa •! rccoi'd ol'tho \oti's g'ivL'ii at the poll in this \otin'.;- subdivision, as ih.- \(,ti\s wor.' takiMi at this poll by ihi- d-puty iviiirniii'^- ollicrr. (Signal mcj /'«//- •/«/•/.•. Sworn ((;/• alliraii'd) and .-imn'd bdur.' nu', at ilii'^ day ol till" mouth ol' . in I hr vfar (.Siu'iiatuie) X. Y.. Jiisliii of //it' Peace, ov A. 13, Returning Ql/icer. nr G. H., Depulfj lle/uming Olficer, No. 22. Form mentioned in article 207. CANADA, Province of Quebrc. District of vs. COUKT. ptainliff, defendant. I, M. N., plaintiff' in this cause, bciuu- duly sworn, declare that, in the present cause, I am not acting in col- lusion with the defendant, and that I do not prosecute lor the purpose of preventing such action or prosecution being instituted by any other person, or for the purpose of delay- m 1G4 Cap. 58 Cittf of Montreal 62 Vict. jng or causinq- snch action to miscarry, or for the purpose ol" .saving such dci'endant from the payment of the whole or any part of such penalty, or of procuring for him any advantage, but that I institute such prosecution or action in good fnith, conscientiouisly believing the same to be well founded, and for the purpose of exa* ling and recover- ing the pnyment of such p«'nahy with all practicable celerity. (J ^ rH S !^ efl ^ a> ^ ■*■> fee ^ o >. — c •Si s II 160 Cap. 58 Cily of Moiilred/ 62 Vict. i 4> a B I I. «I1 o I8!t9 Citu nl Mimfma/ Cup. fiS No 24. Form iiicnfiotit.t/ in ar/tch: -I'lO. I. I 111' iiiidiTsiuiifd, A U . Milt'innly \v Milnaiilt'd lor \.\w upprov.il of tlio real cstutt' owin'is (if iliis city. Madi* mid di'claf'd hdor'' iiit". al Moiitn'al, tlii> day ol' »H . A. 15. L. <). 1). Cilif-dcrk. 'Jv A. C. (as Hit: iiisr nniii hr) DrjHilii Ilf'fnriii/iLi Ojli'ir u;7 I " :i ) No. 26 Form iiiniliiiiiril ni tiriir/f ;lS(i NOTICK '!'<' IIATH-I'.n KIW. rublic notiie is h«'r('l)y uivcii. that tli»' \aluatioii and assi'.ssnit'iit roll (il'lhccity ul" Montreal, lur tlu' ward III' till' said city, (or (ax foil, tixf/if: cdsr mm/ he. or mill .\/;rr^// roll of ((sxessno'iil. Sfieri'D/inu' Hot /mr/ios'es for irliii'li sill li roll or rolls lira uint/c) \s complctt'd. and is now (Ii'po^lti'd ill til" (tliirc of the iiiidiTsiiiiicd. in di.' ijiv-liall. .All pt'Tsoiis. whose iiaiut's app«'af thi'i'ciu as lial)li' lor the payuii'iii ol any tax or assc.-ssmcnt, arc licrcKv rcijnircd !o pay the amount tli'MfoT to tjic undcisiti'iicd, at his said ollicc. wiiliin icn (hiys iVoni this day, without i'uither notice. (8ig*nature.) City Hall. Montreal, (date) Citi/'treasurer. M h 1 1G8 Cap. 08 Citi/ 0/ Montreal 62 Vict. No 2e Form mentioned in article 387. NOTICE FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES, &C. Cori'O'jationokMontreal Copy ok Account. Notice S.TVod, $ I UJ.L ■ J1 in k, (Date of Notice.) Costs;; t Notice, CorporationokMontukal Mr. To (he Citif of Montreal. l)r To taxes or assessments, (Here s!i;tr Account.) .Sir, Take notice that, hnviim' laili'd t(» pay theahove-iiien- tioned Slim within the time prescril)ed hy puldif notice, yoii are licrehy rctjuircd, within lilt een days IVom the date hereof, to pay the sanu' to me, at my o||ict>. tosrethcr with the costs ol' thi^ at ice and scrvii'c thcreol', as he- low ; in default whereof, ex- ecution will issue iiiiainsi your 'joods iuit! chat (els. City Hvi-l, M(»ntreal, ^ilatc.) Ntttico, (Si'jjiature." ('ili/-Trrasitrcr. nil I 18«9 at If of Montreal Cap. 58 No. &7. Form mentioned in article 387 Wauiiant ok Skizure. Province of Quebec, \ In thk Recorder's Court of the City of Montreal. \ City oF Montreal. Victoria, By the grave of Gor/, of the United Kingdom of Cheat Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, d'c tfcv., l^c. D.'ht I Ii.iorost Costs Warrant I To any hailill" ol" the HtM'onler's Court of" tin* • itv ol" Mont real. WlIKKEVS. A. V (nnnif and deiiixiinlion of dehtnr) liath ht'cn ro(|uin'(l hy t!it» tity-troasun'r. to pay into his hunds, i"or and on hi'liali" ol" thf city, th<> sum of ht'ijin' tht' amount tluf Uy liim to thf rity. as appears hy tho valuation and as8(»Hstn«'nl ndl, lor tin* year IH ; (m fii.r roll i>r s/in inl assfssnini/ roll, as the ruse iiini/ ht) and whereas tlif said A M. hatli ncij'lcrttMl and rol'us.'d to pay unto tju^ said tn'asnrt'r. within tlif period proscrihcd l)y law. the said sum ol" ; ihesf are therefore to command vnu f'oitliwitli to make distress of the troods and eliallejs nl' ih." s.iid A 11 and il. willim the spac ul" eJLrhl days alter ilit' making- of such um. loudlicr uiih the reasonahle i harii'es ot t ikinu' and keepinu' the sai«> indicated to you l>y tlie city-treasurer. s,-ll ihe u'immI^ and chattt'JN so by yoii detained, and do pa\ ihc iiinii.v arisinir IVum »\vh sale unio ihc (it y-tn-asurcr. thai he may apply thi- same as ]>\ law uch distress can he j'ound. then thai you ci-rtilv the same unto m< to ihe end that such pri» 'eedntu's muv he had therein as to the law doth appertain. ( !iv 'II under the hand .il' ihcilcrki ol the Uccorder's ('oiirt. at Montreal, this dav ol X V Clerk of the III the year ) Ketorder's Court. 169 •i* 170 Cai'. 5« ( 'i/i/ of Moiiirml 02 Vict. No 28. Ftinn iiir.itlit)uf'(l in uilic/c oSH. XoTH'l-, ()]•• S\I-K OF (loni)S \N1) ClI VITKI.S rultlic iinlicc is licit'hy liivi'M. that on nvxl. the ii'dfids iiiid clj.ii ti'ls nl' tlic prrsoiis ii('izurf or n'lU-paynii'ni ol'asscss- lUcnts ((»/• (i/lwr thus or luxes iis /lit; nist: mail br.) \\ ill Itc .»old l»y i)ul)lir auriion. at tli" liours und |)|aiH'.v jicrciuari-'r iiirniioncd, to wit : N \.Mi:s. Amiu'x r I'l.ACM-: OV S\LK No. Srin-.KT. Ilori; OK ,^ £ i I i 6: "T '"^ "^ - E -' ^ i — - E T >■» 'Zl z ■ — 1 1 - ■f. .«*« X w — s iwf t_^ ." o ' r '-^ dS. i i < V •r ? s ^-- i f w" -' "^ • *^ « 1 t: »», '•— *^ — '^ '^ 1 «1 e ^ t i "-" -5 n 0) _ *J ^ £< c " E d p*l '- «- ~ X J? -^ -~ 6 ^ Lj 2 '^ -i ~ ■— _2 = • x> 5; -/. ;- ■«' ^. C ^ _; 1—1 ^ ^ s o •- ■- -3 "r C s !3 1^ - . ■>- - A )>. a n "•- -.^ — " !;^ c^ o S " — r: ~ ^-t •'"•-._ . :. : *'~j^ i -■" 7 ^ ^^ ^-^ 1 ■ C ~ " ~ •-=• .i "" i i>'. — 1. « : « m : : «• O A T^^ LOO-TJE III- GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY SINCE ITS INCORPORATION IN 1S40. 1840, 1841, 1842. Hon. I'ETKK Mc(iiLi,, Mayor. .fiik's Qiiosiu'l, ^'' Adiun Ferric, C. S. Hddior, J. G. Mackenzie, C. S. DcBlcury, .1. M. Tubin, (Hivier IJertiielot, F. liruni'iui, Hypolite (!uy, <2> I John l)()n('j,'aiii, nmvlcs Tait, '^' .1. W. DutiH.oml., <" Thuiuud riiillips, "■'> Colin Campbell, Stanley Bagg, Arcliihttlci Hume, 1). Hamly.side, <«> William Molson. .1. I*. Sexton, City Clerk, appointed 12th Sgit., 1840. , 1843. Joseph Bouuret, K*!., Mayor. ALDEBMEN. ■loseph Masaon, iU'njamin Holmes, William Mnlaou, 1 <'. S. n.Hh'ury, .John Ki'dpatli, Joseph Hoy. (1) Diwl »inl w»H repi«ued by .^ M. I>r«riviikr««, .1r»I Jum, IH42. (2) RfBi^iicti ami raplactxl by .1 iwiph K..urr«t, .♦oili Mari'h, 1842. (:«th, 12th Sept., IH4l Died and watt roplaot'd by Wlllwm Luiin. .'•Hh )un« . 1H4_'. (Ul lKi h\ .|(>hii MathfM'« , l*-h SeptenilM^ 1M4) mti i I 174 <'iiliil()^/tf()J ISitnrnniint of fli>: Citt/ rouNiil.I.dlfs. •Tiuiit'.s FciTicr, I'i' ri'i' .loiluiii, I''ii r I 'mill, Williiuii l.iiiiii, W'illiiiiii Wiilsoii, < )li\i.i i'r.'cliftte, I'lcriv liciiihicii, 1*. A, (I;i;;iii)ii, FniiK'iiis Tiiiilciiu, I'lMii ■n\< I'l rriii. 'IkIiii Minliiwsiiii. J. V. SrxtdU, ('ll,/ Clrrk. JosKPn liiu;i;i;i;r, Ksi|., Mh-k,,-. Ai.ii!;i;.\ir,N. •TdSCjlll Ar.'issoii, i'x'iijiiiiiiii lliiliiii'H, ('. S. DrlU.-urv. Williiiin Wiit.-iuii, .loliii Matlirw .soil, ricric ri('iuil)i(!ii, J-'iMiirtiis Tnulcan, l''i';iiii'iii~i I'i'i'rin, •''isr|.ll li'ipy, • l;iliii\> Icirii'i', IV'it'i Ihuiii. COUNC'I,i,n|;s. Ilfiuy Stiini'i, William I, nun, .'olui 'I'ully, Allrcii I.aliiM'ijiie, Thi)IIia>: jMdIsoU, ricn-i' .loiidiii. .1. i'. Skxtun, CUu Cleric. ]S4r.. .IaMKS FKKUIElt, Ksij., Mtnjur. ai,I)Ki;mi:n', r>i'njiniiin Holmes, <'. S. ])f HliMiry, William Luini, iMunvois 'rnniraii, .Fdsi'ph HouMX't, Tliumas Mulscm. William Watson, riciiv .lidltjii, llrtiry Stuart, .loiiii Tiilly, Allivd La Hoe«iue, CorNciij.nRs. William Footner, I'M'iijamin i.vman, II. L. liuulli, tlolin GliMiiion, I>iuiii'l (lorrie, Fraiii,^oi.s rerriii. J, r. Skxtun, City Clerk. ditluhigue of GorcninuHl cj //w Cifi/ .Iami;- FKi;ii)i;i;, K>^i., Mu,jor^-^ Ar.DriJMKN-. .r<.liii K. Mil!,- Williiiiii 1,111111, rifiri! .Itjiioiii, It.iik i>is I'l rnii, VVilliaiii I'noiiicr, I'icni', HciMiliicii, nanicl < Miiric, \\'illiiiiii CuiiiKilly .lii,s|n'r (i. Sims. ilciirv St;i,i!i. liiiijiiiiiiii Lyiilim, Jos i^li I'.Diirn't. Ci'IN. li.i.iiKs. .Inlill ( IIiIUKill, J. I». <;iM,, Joliii Ttilly, riiiTc Diil'ivsiio, NiH'ci-isi' N'iilois, ( 'iiitii lii I 'nrw ill, .I'.hn Kfllv. '" J. r. Sr.xros, ci/tj cirri-. 175 i I IS 17. -'"lis I'". Mii.i.>, Fs(i., .l/ountt. 'Tiinufd Fcrrioi, Kniiiinis r.'rriii, William I'lKtliicr, r>tiijiimiii l.vmaii, .1. 1). (;i!il., ' 1 ^aiiii'l t lorric, .liispcr ( 1. Siiii.s, Niirrissc X'alois, ('aiilit'M I)mi\viii, I'icrrc I'.faiiliini, .Inlui ( ilcniloll, .'('liii Tiillv, CiMNi II.LhI;.-,. AikIm' dtiiinet 1'.. r. A, (iiiuy, AU'rt'd l.a h'oi'.jm-, .loll II Wanl.W • '. r. Itcullil! V, Patrick I.yMoii, <'. S. |)r IJiciirv. .1. p. Skxtun, Vili) Clerk, ll) ReBignoil ami whh repluued hy Alfred LnR')cr|iic. (2) Died in Kov«iiioei-, ami wns ii'i)lii(i.d hy Jon* ph Bourret, a-! Mayor, and by C. 8. Rodier, as Councillor in the St. Antuinu Ward. (.H) L"ft tl!i-("it>, iitnl was replaced by .1. 15. Hotnior, in De.., |S47. w H 1'' mMV' * Wm'' ; V ft;. '.•* i ML 'Jm * ' "jk; i •' .,■:& 176 Catalogue of (iovernment oj the City 1848. JdSKi'ii HoiKUKi', Esq., Alti!/i>i:''*> ALKKKMKN. •lolin ( ilfiiniiii, .]. I). iiil)l.. '-' Andrr Ouiiutt, Xiirci>.si' Vitloi.s, Allnd LaltocipH', .1. U. iKiimlry, I'atrii-k Lyiicl), .F. 1?. Hiiiiiit'i', Cliiiilcs Wilsim, Williiim Siiuitli, H. C. A. (I.igy, .lolin Tiillv, K. H. F.ihr.-. t'OLNcJlI.LoKS. HiMiiainin liVinan, .lol.ii liull, C. S. IJddi.-r, William Workman, '*• .lnstj)ll (ilVUilT, -losi'iili McNitler, .Ia8|i<'r (1. Sims. .]. r. Skxtun, Oily dr.: 'kf' i ! ;'l«lf II 15 ■ E. R. Fahuk, Esq., Mayor, ALDEHMKN. Joseph r»ourret. AikIu' Ouimet, a C. A. Gugy, ('. S. KodiiT, Cliarkvs Wilson, William Snaith, .loscpli Bell, Joseph Greiiier, Josjjih McNider, Joim Whithiw, P>t'njatiiin Lyman, .Vll'ivd l.altoctiiu', Jasper (1. Sima. COUNCILLORS. John Tiilly, J. U. Heandry, 1 I'. Lvn(;h, J. 15. Homier, Aivhd. Mucfarlanr, Amalile Prevost, Sanil. lienjamin. J. P. Sexton, City Clerk. ( I ) Elect«. Fabi:i;, Ks [., Mayor. ALDEKMKN. Hi'UJilTilili I.yiiiiin, Alfn-d I,fill()i'(|im, (.'liarlts Wilson, • 'if^t'lili I'Miiiricr, til I'.iinck fAiicli, •'. I''. Ilnrni^r, Aiiialili' I*i(;v(»Ht, ■'elm Tiilly, '^» >>. lit'iijaiiiiii, • loliii Wliitliiw. An;litJ. Miiftiiilaiif, •loscph (irciiitT, •'. I'. HoHUflrv. COUNCILL >i;s. Frs. Lccliiin", Airh.l. Hall, Mrnjaiiiin lldlincs, <«• Thoiiius Mc(;mtli, K.lwiii Atwiitcr, I'M. I-aiiiarclif, l>. Mclloiial.l. •I. P. Si;\iuN, ('/•/// Clvd-. 177 IS.M. ('iiAi;i.i:s Wksmn, f-' 34,, Mayor AL!iEI(.MK.\. K. K. Fal>iv, Arclid. Macliirhiii .losepli <;ri'rii<'r. Ainal.Io I'ivvonI, .'(iliii Wliitlaw, Krs. Lcclairc, Aivh.l. llall,'-"" win Alwafci'. •'. li. Hoiiiior, raliitk Lviitli •Mijainin. CiJlNCILLoilS. 0. I'lvrliell,. III. llt'X , Mil K.I. I. i>. MrDnlMl.i, iniaivlii.' K. II. Wliit Alex. Mc( 'aiiiliiHJj^f Patrick I-uikiti, •I. Ii. I'llnll.SiloIl, A. Mnlitlvilil. •'. 1'. >E.\TON, U'// ricik. (I I RociK'iif.i .111.1 rrjilare,! \,y (tlivjof Knohette, M C-'l H«sign,.,| ,ii..l i.placl l.y L. (I. Molt. ,11, .M,iv. ls-)ti. «'., IS.ril (.'<) Rr-^i^ii.'il ^iiicl .1- i6,il;ii; •«! Iiy K I. I'l (») HtHi,,'ii.;(l .Iilli'y, IHII. 12 1 'IIIILSOII, N(,v „ |.S,")|. 178 Cnlnlo'^ne of (iovfrnmrHt of Ihf Cilif 1852. {'IIAHLKS VVlLM»X. K*|., Mayfrr. AU'KBMAN. .I(j8e|ili (lifiiier. j .F.»liii I^'tMiiin^', Kriiiirois I,('c|;iirt', I H. H. Wliitiuiv, .loliii Wlutlitw. I .1. H. Iluiiiitr, Kilwm AtwaitT. j Tatriiik I.yiu-h. O. Vn-'ht-lU'. o<>rsciLi.'»iw, Ali'X. Mr( 'uiiil>ri,'»'. .1. r>. Ilroiisdoii, A. MoiitnMiil, I'/l. Tli()ni|p^nii. ratricl< l.iirkin, ilosi'jili Titliii, Jv. Tnidcuii, M. Ciivillicr. Jlt'iiry StiiMifs, L 1'. SexjhN. f'ittf f'lerk. N. H, Corse, Narcis.sf N'lilois, Holl»> Ciiiiipbc'll, Loiiis Marcliuiul, I'.-triis I,ji1m'IU', Ltmlirit r.li'.ni, AiHtiti Ailiiiii.s, II. (n.V.'tl.-, 1 liitnuM Miissi'ii. .j^4i-.. !» 1853. Hon, CHAKLfcf WiijH'K, Mayor .l(is(']ili (irciiicr, .l(tliii Wliitlaw, I'.dwtii Atwiitcr, Jiiliu l.i'i'iiiing, .Toscpli TilTiii, M. Cuvillicr, lf(iiry Stanic'S, N. M. Cors.', Hollo Caiiijihell, I.. MarcliiUid, V. Laliello. Laiiihort, Blonu, Austin Adams, AII'EKMEN. H. H. Wldtiu V, \\. TrudtMii, N. Valoid, r. Larkiii, Frf», I»-ronsdon, \. Mont re nil, Ed. Thompson, r\ J. (,'oursol, Joseph I'apin. J. P. Sextos. City Clerk. ri. Cola'oiiue of Government of the Citi/ 18". I. WOLKHKO NEL8UK, Ka |., Ma;ior. ALDKUMKK. ay, I.amlxTt 151. -an, Ii'illd < 'aiii|ilpi'll, Xaivis.^c N'aldi.s, •'i>.s('])li Pa). ill. <•. .1. Cnllis,.!. Kil. 'J ii(iiii|is()ii, A. Moiitrciiil, A. Aid aiiiliridi^'c, Austin Adams, r. l.alKdlr, Hi'iirv Staiiics, M. (Jiivill'i'v, •I, I>t'llllSll(l| Henry Starn.vs, A. Met 'aiiiiiiidL;!', Kdwin A (water, Naieisst! \'al()is, 170 CnlNC|(,Lf,|{s. P. Lvnel., A. Moiitreiiil, Kd. Tliomp.son, ('. -T. < 'oursol, Polh. Camphell, LuinltiMt HIeaii, .1. .r. Day, Henry [.ynian, TIionia.s McCJmtli, I-'iiiis Rieard, ■■■ Ashley Ilil.hard, Au.stin Adani.s, Kd. IMassnn, (jeortrt. PldWiiO M. p. Ilya,,, Haniase Ma.s.snn, Anialile .Toiloin, C. K. I},dle, J. P. Sexton, City Clerk. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ':: ™'- iiiM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ■4 6" ► V] ' \\ % V ft <^* V '^Q^ a^ "Ij V* "q) v^ ,..<° c^ s i/.x > 180 Catalogue of Government of the City 185G. Henry Staknes Esq., Mayor. IX. Trudeau, Edwin Atwater, Narcisse Valois. Frs. Leclaire, Lambert Bleau, Heniy Lyman, Thciimd :McGrath, Louis ikiciird, A. HibLrtrd, A. AdHVus, Georj.', Browne, M. r. M Villi, D. Massou, ALDKItMEN. A. McCambrid. BroiissPaii, Cliarles Tuggey, J. B. (ioyette, J. B. Kollaud, G. B. Muir, A. A. Stevenson, Thomas McGrath, D. McNevin, George Bowie, Ferdinand David. Ciis. Glackmeyku, Git'j Clerk. 1862. J. L. Beaujjuv, Esq., Mayor, ALDKRMEN. Edward Tiiompson, Jacqnes Gronier, F. Lee la ire, Henry liulmer, D. Gorrie, E. Belle mare, Frederick T'eiin, William Hodden, J. B. Homier. (,;0UNCII.1.0I!S. Francois Ciisson, Thomas McCreadv, G. L. Holland, J. B. Bronsseau, J. B. Goyette, J. B. Holland, G. B. Muir, A. A. Stevenson, Thomas McGrath, Cms. Glackmeve Daniel McNt^vin, Georoje Bowie, Ferdinand David, Henry Ly;:ian, P. Donovan, J. H. Jironsdon, A. Martin, Joseph rriu])art, F. Contaut,<'> City Clerk. 1863. J. L, Beaudky, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. F. Leclaire, H. Buhner, D. Gorrie, R. I'elleniare, F. Contant Jacques Grenier, Fred. Penn, W. Hodden, H. Lyman, III.! ^i' ! (1) Repluced J. L. Beaudry as Councillor in the St. Janiea' Ward. 184 Catalogue of Government of the City COUNCILLORS. J. B. Goyetti!, J. B. RoUand, G. B. Muir, A. A. Stevenson, Thos. McGrath, Daniel McNevin, George Bowie, Ferd. David, P. Donovan, Ch8, Glackmeyer, City Clerk J. R. Bronsdon, A. Martin, Jos. Poupart, Thos. McCready, A. McGibbon, B. Devlin, A. K. Montraarquet, E. Liimoureux, L. Labelle. '\' !' it •i' '1 18G4. J. L. Bfaud;{Y, Mayor. ALDEKMKN. F. Leclaire, H. Bulmer, D. Gorrie, R. Belleinare, F. Content . COUNCILLORS. Jaciines Grenior, Fred. Penn. W. Rodden, H Lyman. P. Donovan, J. R. Bronsdon, A. Martin, Jos. Poupart, Thos. McCready, A. McGiblion, B. Devlin, E. Lamoureux, L. Labelle, J. B. Govette, J. B. Roiland, A. A. Stevenson, D. McNevin, Geo. Bowie, Ferd. David, T. S. Higginson, S. W. McGauvian, J. Ledue. Chs. Glackmeyer, Citi/ Clerk. 1865. J. L. Beauduy, Mayor at,di:rmex. J. Grenier, Ferd. David, W. Rodden, Geo. Bowie, F. Contant, J. B. Roiland, D. Gorrie, A. A. Stevenson, Thos. Mi'Creadv. Catalogue of Government of the City 185 COKNCILLOKS, A. McCJibbon, B. Devlin, E. Lainoureux, L, Labelle, ■J. B. Goyette, D. McNevin, T. S. Higginson, J. W. McGauvran, J. Leduc, P, Donovan, Jos. Poupart, C. Archambault, C. Alexander, A. W. Ogilvie, David Brown, J. H. Isaacs^ >n, F. Cassidy, B. Bastien. Chs. Glagkmeyek, City Clerk F. Contant, D, Grenier. F. David •Geo. Bowie, 1866. Henrv Starnes, Mayor. ALDERMEN. J. B. Kolland, A. A. Stevenson, W. Rodden <» Tlios. McCready. J. B. Goyette. COrNClLLORS. D. McNevin,('^) T. S. Higginson, J. W. McGauvran, P. Donovan, Jos. Poupart, A. W. Ogilvie, David Brown, J. H. Isaacson, F. Cassidy, Cus. Glackmey B. Bastien, J. 0. Mercier, B. Devlin, L. Labelle, J. Leduc, M. Lanctot, A. Bernard, J. E. MuUin, F. X. St. Charles. ER, City Cleric. 1867. Henkv Starnes, Mayor aldermen. D. Gorrie, W. Rodden, Thos. McCready' F. David, J. Poupart X. Valnis, A. W. Ogilvie, B. Devlin. Bastien, (1) Klected Alderman 13th Martli, 1866. I '■n 180 CcUnlngue of Governiiient of (lie Ci/t/ CdUNCILLOUS. 'ifiil 1). Brown, J. H. IsiiiiL'soii, P. ('assidy, J. 0. Mercier, J. Leclere, L. Lul)elle,('J M. Lauctot,'-) A. Bernaiil, F. X. St. Cliarles, Chs. AU'.\aii(ler, J. W. McGiiUvraii, W. Miihternian, E. Holland, H. A. Nelson, \l. Taylor, .Jos. Dontre, D. ^Iiinro, r. Donovan. ('» Chs. (JL.\CKMEYEIi, CHi/ Clerk. 1808. William "Workman, Esq., Mo/jur, ALDERMEN. ^^. Ir W. Rodden, T. McC:ready, F. Daviil, W. Valois, I). Munro. B. Devlin, Chs. Alexander,. A. Bernard, B. Bastien, COUNCILLORS. J. Leclero, F. X. St. Charles, J. "W. McGauvran, W. Masterman, R. Holland, H. A. Nelson, R. Taylor, J. Doiitre, A. Dubord, Jas. McSliane, T. Wilson, Henry Lyman. R. H. Stephens, T. M. Thompson, G. W. Stephens, W. Henderson, Jos. Siniard, P. Jordan. Chas. Glackmeyer, City Clerk: (1) I)is(Hialitieil and Alexis Dubonl dcclartd L'k'cled l)y (.'cut lOtli Jutie^ 1867. (2) Resigned 12lh March, 1807, and icplaced by Jas. MciShane, Kith April. lS(i7. (3) Deceased December, IStiti. and replaced Iiy P. Jordan, nth March, 1808. Catalogue oj Government of the Cily 1809. William "Workman, Esq., Mayor. ALDKRMEX. F. David, N. Valois, B. Bastien, D. Munro, W. Ma,st(!nnan. W. Rod.kni, B. Devlin, A. Bernard, Chs. Alexander, 187 fl^ COUNCILLOKS, -T. W. McGauvran, H. A. Nelson, E. Taylor, J. Doutre, J. McShane, T. Wilson, Henry Lyman, R. N. Stephens, J. M. Thompson, Geo. W. Stei»henb, W. Henderson, Jos. Simard, Joel Leduc, F. X. St. Charles, P. Jordan, J. A. riiiimu't, W. F. Kay, K. Holland. Ciis. Glackmyei!, city Clerk. 1870. William Workman, Esq., Mayor. B. Bastien, Wm, Rodden, B. Devlin, A. Bernard, ALDERMEN. Jos. Simard. Chs. Alexander. Ferd. David, Wm. Masterman, Thos. Wilson, COUNCILLORS. Jas. IMcSiiane. Henry Lyman, Romeo H. Stephens, R. M. Thompson, W, Henderson, Geo. W. Stephens, W. F. Kay, J. W Mc(Jauvrau, H. A. Nelson, R. Taylor, P. M.' Christie, L. Betoiirnay. •I m . 188 Catalogue of Government of the City F. X. St. Charles, P. Jordan, J. H. Plinguet, S. Rivard, Chs. Desiiiarteau, Joel Leduc. Chs. Glackmeyer, City Clerk. w. 1871. Chas. J. CoURROL, Esq., Mayor. Wra. Eodden, Aldis Bernard, Chs. Alexander, Ferd. David, ALDERMEX. R. Taylor. Wm. Masterman, B. Bastien, Thos. Wilson, Jos, Simard, COUNCILLORS. JoiJl Leduc, F. X. St. Charles, P. Jordan, J. A. Plinguet, W. F. Kay, J. W. McGauvran, H. A. Nelson, P. M. Christie, L. Betournay, S. Rivard, Chs. Desmarteau, James McShane, Geo. W. Stephens, Chs. Garth, T. D. Hood, J. E. Mullin, L. 0. Loranger, Wm. Sache. Chs. Glakmeyer, City Clerk. 1872 Charles J. Coursol, Esq., Mayor. aldermex. F. David, W. Masterman, B, Bastien, S. Wilson, J. W. McGauvran. Jos. Simard, R. Taylor, A, Bernard, C. Alexander, Catalogue of Government of the CUif COUNCILLORS. 189- H, A. Nelson, r. M. Christie, L. Betournay, ''' 8. Kivard, C. Desmarteau, .Tas. McShane, Geo. W, Stepliens, Chs, Garth, T. 1). Hood, J. K Mullin L. 0. Lomugur, \V. F. Kay, J. B. Kolhuul, A. McCanibridge, W. Kennedy, Jos. Brunei, J acq. ( Jrenier, Daniel Munro. C:is. Glackmeyeh, City Clerh.. 187.; '2» FuANCis Cassidy, Es(i., Mayor, ALDEUMBN. A. Bernard, <3) B. Bastien, Jos. Simard, Chs, Alexander, W. F. Kay. COUNCILLORS. F. David, K. Taylor, Thos. Wilson, J. W. McGauvran,. 1 1 Jas. McShane, G. W. Stephens, Chs. Garth, T. D. Hood, J. E. MuUin, L. 0, Loranger, J. B. Kolland, Alex, McCambridge, Wm. Kennedy, Jos, Brunet, Jacq, Grenier, Daniel Munro, H. A. Nelson, S, Rivard, C. Desmarteau, Araable Jodoin, Henry Thomas, C, Bryson. Ciis. Glackmeyek, City Clerk. i, iii 'i' ' (1) Resigiie.l l!)th Nov, 1872 and replaced by Ainable Jodoin, jr., 9th December 187'2. (•2) Deceased June 1873 and replaoed by Aldis Bernard, 23rd June 1873. (3) Elected mayor 23rd June 1873. .'I 190 i'dtaluyve of Oovernment of the Citij 1H74. Aldis Heknaui), Ksii., Manor. ALDEItMKN. (Jlis. AU'Mindei', Ft! 1(1. I>avid, J^ohcrt Tiiylor, .1. W. Mcdaiivran, W. F. Kay, .7. W. Rollaml, A. C M(;('aiiil)ri(l<,'(!, Wrn. KiMineily, J OH. liniiiot, Jac4, (ircnier, Daniel Mimro, H. A. Ncl.^mi, S. niv;inl. C. l)i!8iiiaiteau, Ainablc ilodoin, Henry Thomas, Campbell Hryson, Thoa. Caverhill, Benoit I'astien, Tho9. Wilson, Jas. McSIiane. (Jeo. W. Stephens, Thos. D. Hood, J. K. Miillin, L. O. Loranj,'(!r, 1). K. MoCord. J. W. Crcvier. Ciis. Glackmevkh, Ciiy Clerl: 1875. Wm. H. Kingston, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. Ferd. David, Itol»ert Taylor, J. W. McGauvran, H. A. Nelson. S. Rivard, C. J )e3marteau, A. Jodoin, '*' Henry Thomas, Campbell Bryson, '^' A. Bastien, <■" Tlios. Wilson, Jas. McShane, . W. Stephens, Chs. Gl T. D. Hood, J. E. MuUin, L. 0. Loranger, D. R. McCord. J. W. Crevier, A. McCambridge, Jacq. Grenier, Jos. Brunet, Jos. Dnhamel Richard Holland, Geo. Childs, Thos. E. Foster, J. C. McLaren, Alfred Roy. ACKMEYER, City Clerk. (1) Keaigneil 2()th August, 1875, and replaced by Zepliirin Chapleau, 13th September, 187"). (2) Resigned lltli October, 1875, and replaced by Olivier Robert, 3rd November, 1875. (3) Resigned 4th November, 1875, and replaced by Wm. Clendenning, 15th November, 1875. Catalogue of Oovernment of (he Cilj 1876. Wii.i.UM H. HiNoaioN, Ksti., Mayor, 191 H. A. NclMdii, Ford. Davifl, .factiues Orcnior, 8. Kivard, J, W. Mc(iauvran, Jas McShane, Jos. Brunct. Robert Taylor, I). R. McCord, Thos. Wilson, Geo. W. Stephens, T. 1). Hood, J. E. MuUiu, Ch8. G AI.DEUMEN. J. W. Cnni.T, A, McCanil»ridge, Jo8. Duliaimd, Kieliard Holland, Geo. Cliilds. Thos. E. Foster, J. C. MeLaren, Alfred Roy, O. Robert, Z. Chapleau, W. Clendenninw, J. J. Arriton, Henri Gauthicr L. 0. Iioran,ij;er. LACKMEYEK, City Clerk. 1877. Hon. J. L. Beaudry, Esq,, City Clerk. ALDERMEN. H. A. Nelson, Geo. W. Stephens, Jacq. Grenier, S. Rivard, J. W. McGauvran, R. Holland, Jos. Brunet, ^'^^ Jos. Duhaniel, D. R. McCord, Ferd. David, w Robert Taylor, A. McCambridge, Geo. Child s, Thos. E. Foster, ^^i J. C. McLaren, Alfred Roy, (') W. Clendenniug, Henri Gauthier, Nathan IVIercer, Thos. Wilson, T. D. Hood, J. E. Mnllin, 0. Robert, E. A. Genereux, P. Kennedy, M. Laurent, Chs. Thibault. Chs. Glackmeyir, City Clerk (1) Kesigned G April, 1877, and replaced by Kitouard Chausse on the -J,") April, 1877. (2) Resigned August, 1877, and replaced by Auguste Laberge, jr., on the 28 April, 1877. (3) Resigned 8 May, 1877, and replaced by E. K. Greene, 22 May, 1877. (4) Resigned 1.1 Augiist, 1877, and replaced by C. Melanyon, lOHepi., 1H77. 192 ■Q1 IP' I' '1 Catalogue of Cover nmenl of the City 1878. Hon, J. L. Beauduy, Esq., Mayor. ALUEHMEN. H. A. Nelson, Geo, W. Stephens, ('> J. Grenicr, S. Rivard, P. Donovan, K. Holland, K. A. Genereux, Auj4. Laberge, <^' 1». 'l{. .McConl, Piobert Taylor, \Vm. Clendenning, Henri Gaiithier, Nathan Mercer, Thos. Wilson, T. I). H )od, ,1. E. Mullin, O. Kobert, P. Kennedy, M, lanrent, Chs. Thibanlt, C Melancon, (reo. Childs, E. K. Greene, P. 1'. Martin, -hinies MeShano, Chs. Hagar, H, Jeannotte. Ciis, Glackmayek, City Clerk. 1870. Sf.veke PtiVAKit, Esq., Mayor. ai-hekmen. H. A. Nelson, M. l.aurent, J. Grenier, T. 1). Hood, P. Donovan, Eichard Holland, E. A. Genereux, O. Kobert, Geo. Childs, D. R. McCord, Thos. Wilson, J. E. Mullin, P. Kennedy, Ls. A Hard. Chs. Thibanlt, E. K. (ireene, P. P. Martin, J. McShauc. Chs. Hagar, H. Jeannotte, H. (iauthier, Chs. D. ]»roetor, E. Lavigne, J. C. Watson, F. E. Gilnum, J. H. ]V[ooney, Arthur Dubur, Chs. Glackmevek, City Clerk. ( 1 ) Resigned 12th August 1878 and replaced by Clis. S. Proctor, S)th Sep- t€inher 187H. (2) UiisMted 9th September 1878 and replaced liy E.iiery f.avigiie, •IlirA September 1878 M Catalogue of Oovernment of the City 1880. SfevisRE RiVARD, Esq., Mayor, 19) H. A. Nelson, ^ M. Laurent, Jacq. Grenier, Thos. D. Hood, P. Donovan, Rich Holland, E. A. Genereux, *^ 0. Robert, Louis AUard, E, K. Greene, P. P. Martin, Jas, McShane, Chs. Hagar, ALDERMEN, H. Jeannotte, Henri Gauthier, E. Lavigne, J. C. Watson, F. E. Gilman, J. H, Mooney, Arthur Dubuc, John Fairbairn, Thos. Wilson, David R. McCord, Chs. D. Proctor, Patrick Kennedy, Chs. Thibault, Jas. C. Wilson. Chas. Glackmeykr, City Cleik. 1881. Hon. J. L. Beaudry, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. J. Grenier, M. Laurent, F. E. Gilman, T. D. Hood, P. Donovan, Louis A Hard, J. C. Watson, 0. Robert, G. H. Mooney, Thos. Wilson, Chs. D. Proctor, Henri Gauthier, Arthur Dubuc, Aug. Laberge. David R. McCord, Patrick Kennedy, Chs. Thibault, (^) J. C. Wilson, L. E. Beauchanip,, Jas. McShane, <'> Chs. Hagar, H. Jeannotte, John Fairbairn, Arm and Pnvo.st, W. Farrell, Geo. W. Stepliens, David Bruwn, Chas. Glackmyer, City Chrk. (1) Renigned 14th February and replaced by Geo. W. Stephens, 14th IVlRrcn, lool. (2) Resigned 14th February and replaced by L. K. Beiui-haniD ilst February, 1881. f -^ (3) Unseated, 13th May, 1881 and replaced by Aid. Djnis Tancey, 31st Mfly, 1881. (4) Resigned 13th February, 1882. 13 n i m 'M 194 Catalogue of Government of the City 1882. Hon. J. L. Beiudky, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. J. Grenier, M. Liiurcnt, I*, Keiiiifilv, T. D. Hood, r. Donovan, Ani>. Lal)ei'ut','" H. \\'ilson, ' 0. Robert, J. H. Mnoney, Tlios. AVilson, C. D. Proctor, David K. McCord, Cluirlcs Hagar, A. Hoy, Ciis. Glackmeyer, H, Jeanriotte, John rairlinirn, Arniand PreAM)st, W. Farrell, David ISrown, D. Tansey, ].. E. Bcauclianip, Arthur Dubuc, H. B. Kainvillii, . A, A. Stevenson, II. Holland, (J. Beaiisoleil, J. W. I\Iount, Cii>i Clerk . 1883. Hon. J. L. Biaudrv, Mayor. ALUEIOIEN. J. Grenier, M. Laurent, H. Jeannotte, T. D. Hood, P. Donovan, L. E. P>ea\u'hamp, J. C. Wilson, 0. liobert, J. H. Mooney,('^) Thos. Wilson, Pv. Holland, Chs. Hagar, John Fairbairn, A. Prevost, W. Parrel 1, D. Brown, D. Tansey, A. Dubuc, H. B. Painville, A. A. Stevenson, C. lieausoleil, J, W". Mount, Chs. Berger, A. Koy, E. A. Genereux, W. D. Stroud, Jas. McShane. Chs. Glackmeyer, Cit^ Clerk. It Members for the new Hoohelaga Ward, viz. : Aldermen Pnfontaine, J. D. Holland, and Jos. (Jauthier, sworn in on ihe "iltt Decenibcf, i8S8. 11 (1) Deceased March, 1882, and replaced by Charles Berger, 13th Xovem- ber, 188'i. (2) Resigned, 18th February, 1884. Catalogue of Government of the City 196 Hon. J. J. Grenier, M. Laurent, H. Joan not to, T. D. Hood, P. Donovan, L. E. Ijuanclianip, •T. C. Wilsor, 0. Eobert, J. H. ^loonev, Thos. Wilson, ^ It. Holland, A. Dulnic, H. B. Eainville, A. A. Stevenson, Ciis. 1884. U. BEAUDijy, Esq., Mayor. ALDEIIMEX. C. Beausoleil, J. AV. Monnt, A. lioy, K. A. (renereiix, W. V. Stroud, •Taines McShane, 11. Prof on t; line, J. D. Kolland, John Fairbairn, A. Prevost, '^' \Vni. Farrell, 1>. Tansey, CJis. BerLter, J. S. Arcliiljald, H. R. Gray. r-.VCKMEVKU, C//// C/g/V/. ; 1885. H. Bkaugijaxi., Es Chs. Bender, J. S. Archibald, J. H. ]\L)onev H. B. Painville, P. Prefontaiue, A. A. Stevenson, J. W. Mount, Jereinie Perre.ailt, J. B. Ji. Dufresne, Eucli.le Mathieu, Chs. Glackmeyeh, Cit// Clerk. .s8«*'rj;:'T'S° ?^nJj-„tr5„ttt.x ,rE:r.v.'r "•" "*""■ (1) Resigned 2 Fohruary, ISSo. (2) Resigned February, 1885. 1885.^' """*'"' -'"' N»™ml<«r, 1885, .„,! „,,|„ed by 11,. Malone, 21 s,,y.. fti' 196 Catalogue of Qovernment of the City 1886. . H. Beaugrand, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. Jacques Grenier, M. La II rent, H. Jeaiinotte, A. A. Stevenson, P. Donovan, C. Beausoleil. H. B. Rainville, John Faii'bairn, H. 11. (Jray, Arthur Dubuc, E. Holland, J. (lauthier, W. Farrell, Chs. Berger, J. S. Archibald, J. H. Mooney, L. J, B. Brefontaine, J. W. Mount, Jer^mie Berreault, Euclide Mathieu, M. Malone, James McShane, ♦'> J. 1). Rolland, J. B. R. Dufresmv N. S. Hamelin, Richard White, Daniel Wilson, W. Kennedy, Jos. Brunet, F. Martineau, J. 0. Villeneuve, John Lee, Lamontague. Chs. Giackmeyeu. Citi/ Clerk. 1887. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Esq., Mat/or. allermen. Jacijues Grenier, M. Laurent, H. Jeannotte, A. A. Stevenson, P. Donovan, C. Beausoleil, H. B. Rainville, Richard White, J. \V. Mount, Arthur Dubuc, K. Holland, .1. H. Mooney,* > R. Pr(5fontaiiie A. S. Hamelin, Daniel Wilson, William Kenned v, Jos. Brunet, F. Martineau, J. O. Villeneuve, John Lee, W. Farrell, J. S. Archibald, M. Malone, James McBride, W. H. Cunningham, L. H. Boisseau, (1) Resigned on the 14th March, 1887, and replaced by P. Kennedy, on the '28th Mrtrch, 1887. (2) Resigned, 12th September, 1887, and replaced by JHmes Griffin, 10th October, 1887. Catalogue of Government of the City J^r^inie Perreault, J. D. Rolland, J. B. B. Dufreane. J 0. Dupuis, A. Eou3seau,"> Vital Grenier, . Cennedy. Patrick Chs. GLAcjKMEYEa, Citp Clerk, 197 1888. HoK. J. J. C. Abbott, Esq., Mayor. ALDERMEN. Jacques Grenier, ■«» M. Laurent, H. Jeannotte, A. A. Stevenson, J. S. Archibald, M. Malone, H. B. Rainville, Richard White, Alex. Germain, (•') Art. Dubuc, J. 0, Villeneuve, J. D. Rolland, J. B. R. Dufresne, A. S. Hamelin, Daniel Wilson, William Kennedy, Jos. Brunet, F. Martineau, W. Farrell, James McBride, W. H. Cunningham, L. H. Boisseau, J. 0. Dupuis, (2) Vital Grenier, Patrick Kennedy, Denis Tansey, Olivier Girard, Jos. Gauthier,<'> R. Prdfontaine, Jert5mie Perreault, A. W. Morris, <<' Tlios. Conroy, W. Clendenning, James GrifSn, N. A. Hurteau, J. C. Bobert. Chs. Glackmeyei:, Citp Clerk. by Asl C-aThLto'/ta^^^^ «-"^-- •««:. and replaced Juni'^s'^Ss!'^"'' ''^' '**^' ''''' '^"'' -P'-«^ ^y Mederic Laurier, o„ the 11th (3) DU,ualifiea by Curt and replaced by Aatoine K,us,eau, 11th June, on 1888. the i3th^r.i|u:;! mt ''' '"'^' "''• '''' '•^P'^^^-^ ^^y ^^^^-^ Thompson. 1888.^' ^"'""'"^ °' --'.ISept., 188S, an.l replaced by John Me, 22nd O.t. , (6) Resigned, 8th February, 1889. 198 Catalogue of Government of the City 1889. . Jacq;7ES Grenikk, Esq., Mai/or. '•■ ALDERMEN. J. D. Tfolland, Jl. I'l't'loiihiiiie, H. Jcannotto, A. A. Stevenson, J. S. Aivhiliaia, ]\I. MaloiK', H. B. Eaiiiville, Tlitiiiia.^ ('{jni'dv, A. S. l[aiiu'lin, Geo. \V. Stephens, J. 0. Villcneuvc, Aitlnir Dul)U(,', W. Farrell, James Meliride, W. H. Cunningham, L. 71. I'oi.ssean,' Vital Cri'enier, l)enis Tanscv, , ,T('ivniir Pevveault, W. Ulendinneiig, J^imes Gritiii),' K. A. llnrtea'it, J. C. RoV)crt, M. Laiirier, A. lioussean, Edwin Tliompson, John Lee,'" J. P.. K. Dufnsne, Daniel Wilson, Win. Kennefly, Jos. Drunct, V. iMartiuean, I'atrick Kennedy- Jos. M. l)niVesn(;, .1, li. Siiyiunae, Pieire Dnliiic.. Ciis. Gl.vckmkvi-h, Ci/ij Cicr/,-,. 1890. Jacques Gkeniki:, Esq., M(tyor. aldei;mi:x. J. I). lioUand, IJ. rrefontaine,!, H. Jeanuotte, A. A. Stevenson, Thomas Convoy Daniel Wilson, William Kennedy,- Jos. Bruuet, F. Marti neau, I'atrick Kennedy, Catalogue of Government of the City 199 .Teivijiif! Porrcault, W. (-'loiidiiiiieiig, Juiiios GrilUn, N. A. Hurt<;iiu, <» •T. 0. i:„bert, 'T. 15. Ii. DiiiVe.sne, Vital (irciiicr, J)enis Taiisey, J. M. Out'iosne, Mollis Shoroy, A. I-amiii'clu', Thomas CJaitlliicr CuH. (U.ACKmwFAi, Ciiij Clerk. 18'.) I. •r.VMKS M(;SHAXK. Ks(i., J/,t_yor. AM)i;i;.Mr;x. •r l»..Rol!aii.!, Ji. I'lV'foiitaiiK^, H. •rrauiKitlc!. A. A. Sti'vciisoii, Tliuinas Uoiirov, M. Mai Olio, <-' " ,H. 1). IlaiuvilJo, Edwin Tiiompsoii, A. S. IliMiicliii, <^i'('. \V. SU'iihens, •'". O. \'ill..n(iu{^e, '^ 1>. ft. Dtifi'esne, I'anifl Wilson, William Kennedy, !;l,ti)(l hy jl,lr](rni,.iif, S P I'JtU T 200 Catalogue of Oovernment of the Cify H, Jeannotto, A. A. Stevenson, Thomas Conroy, W. H. Cunningham, H. B. Rainville, Edwin Thompson, Alex. Ciermain, Denis Tansey, J. M. Dufresne, W. Farrell, James McBride, L. H. Boisseau, Vital Grenier, A. Lamarche, Thomas Gauthier, W. Ciendenning, J. Perreault, James Griftiu, Arthur Dubuc, M. V. Nolan, J. 0. Villeneuve, r. Kennedy, D. Wilson, J. Brunet, J. li. Savignac, P. Dubuc, C. Beausoleil, I. H. Stearns, E. Dagenais, L. G. A. Cresse, E. James, A. L. Hurtubise. L. 0. David, C% Cter/c, 1893. Hon. A. Desjardins, Esq., Mat/or. ALDERMEN. I n W I N. A. Hurteau, E. Prefontaine, H. Jeannotte, A. A. Stevenson, Thomas Convoy, M. F. Nolan, H. B. Rainville, Edwin Thompson, Alex. Germain, D. Tansey, L. G, A. Cresse, W. Ciendenning, J. C. Robert, J. Perreault, James Griffin, Arthur Dubuc, J. 0. Villeneuve, P. Kennedv, I). Wilson, J. Brunet, J. R. Savignac, P. Dubuc, C. Beausoleil, I. H. Stearns, E. Dagenais, E. James, A. L. Hurtubise, Wm. Farrell, James McBride, R. W. Smith, G. Marsolais, R. Costigan, Geo. Reneault, N. B. Desniarteau, J, Bumbray, 1'. Leclerc, L. 0. David, Cilj/ Clerk. Catalogue of Oove^'timenf of the City 1894. 'I 0. ViLLKNEUVE, Esq., Mapor. ALDEKMEN. >«\ A. Huiteau, R. Pri'fontaiiie, J. C. Kobert, A. A. Stevenson, K. Costigan, M. F. Nolan, ie.l 1 .Tuly. ,8!,-., and replaced by B. Counaughton on 5th Aug.. (2) Die,) 9 November, and replaced by A. Dupuis o.. 26:h Xov, 189.",. 202 Cutalo(jut' of Goi'ermnent of I lie (''di/ 180(i. i;. Wilson Smith, K.s(|,, Mai/or. ALUKll.MKN, II. R liaiiivilh-, \l. I'l'i'lnlltllillC, V. T. hcl'rl.VlV, A. A; Stcvfiisoii, It. Cusii,L:iiii, L. A, '.liii'([Uc,s. CI. Miii'soliiis, K. Ci. I'niny, F. X. I'l'ciKivi'iiu, L. ( Miiiin't, jr., C. I'.ciifi.solcil, • I. It. SaviLilKK!. .r. .M,'15n.l<-, I). < '(illliaiinlltnll, A. Diipuis, "* .1. r.. \Vi!s,m, • Ids. linilU'l, ( '<. Iti'iicault, T. \. (li'otln', Jt. TuiiK r, T. Killer 11a, T. (Jliai'iK'ntU'r, .1. llai|..T, II. Diii.n', ' A. W. At water. •') T,. (). D.w ID. Cili/ C'h'rl,-. II. W'li.MiN Smith, V.-^\., M,ii/<>r. • .,.*•. ■ .vi,itF,i;.\ii;.\; 11. r.. KainvilK', It. Pu'loiilaiiK', M. T. l,cl\.h IV, (•' A. A. .Sfcvfuson, It. < 'iisli^an, I.. A. .Tai'(|iu's,- • Ids. Ai'i-hanilKUilt, K. Ci. IVmiiiv, V . X. I'tviiovraii, jr., T. ChariKniUcr, L. Ouiini'f, ji',, -1. lUuiiet, (-'. Ik'uu.soleil, ■ I. It. S,i\i,i4Tiac, .lames .Mi'lhide, (I. Marsuhii.s, (Icd, It.incaiilt, 11. TllllliT. 11. l)ll].I(', l'>. ( 'oiiiiaiiLilitoiK T. KiiKscIla, .1. llar|H'r, .1. J'.. Wilson, <;. W. SadK'V, i;. I'r-vnst. <'• L. O. Da VII., Cili/ C/er/.: IS'.lli, 1897 (1) Diotllilli Nov.. |S!M), aiiy .Mil. .\vrli:niili u.ll , 'JTl li Xov., (■2) Ki'sij^iicil l^th .May, IS'.lii. ;ii;. Ames, (I Jieausoleil, Jaiiips Mc'Bride, 1». Tiii'iit'i', H. Dupn', T. Kinscll;!, G. W. Satllor, Jos. Arcliaiuliault, L. Ouiiiict, jr., r. (i. .Mai'tiiuiaii, H. W. Larcmi, 1). Gallery, Jo.s. 1!. (Jlearihuo, H. A. Ekers, V. K. racjiKitte, A. (JagiKdi, K. Oulresne, I'M. liny, J. r,. Wilsuii, (') L. 0. Da\-ii), Cit// Clerk. 1899. v., It). II. Pi;6roNTAiNE, Esq., 3Iayor. H. B. flainvillc, Jos. Bruuet, G. Marsolais, A. A. Stevenson, H. Laporte, L. A. Jacques, F. X. Prenoveau, H. B. Amos, C. Beausoleil, James "* [cBride, R. Turner, H. Dupre, T. Kinsella, ALDEUMEX. G. W. Sadler, Jo.s. Areluunhault, L. Ouiiiiet, jr., P. (r, Martineau, H. W. Lareau, D. Gallery, Jos. B. (.'iariliue, H. A. Ek.Ts, P. E. Paquette, A. Gagnon, .K. DutVesne, Ed Eoy, J. B. Wilson. '!) L. O. David, Cili, Clerk. (\) Ditil 4 April, 1898, and replaced by P. W ilsoi), -US April, 1898. i* I OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CORPORATION X2T 18QQ. Huorneys , I . J. Cojle and E. Tt5trault, assistant attorneys. L. 0. David, city clerk ; Ren^ Bauset, asst. city clerk. Wrn. Robb, city treasurer. O. Dufresne, comptroller and auditor, Chas. Arnoldi, collector of taxes. i^. Muir^J.. . . Lamontagne, Arthur Langevin, V. E A I'attPr •son. J. Hamilton Ferns and Wm. Euard, assessor.; snLZv'^^uZ'^nf^^ surveyor; J. R. JJarlow. deputy-city surveyor , Alfred Britain, asst. city surveyor. Messrs. I'oirier and R. S. Weir, recorders; I. Forget clerk recorders court. ^^'^a^h cierK Lt. Col. Geo. A. Hughes, superintendent of lolice. Silas H. Carpenter, chief of detectives. Z. Benoit, chief of fire department. F. H. Badger, superintendent of fire alarm telegi-upli. ofbui?din'^!"^'^"''''^"'P'''°^' '''"''^'''' ^' T^acroix, inspector J. 0. Alfred Uforest, superintendent, Montreal Water Works. Dr. Louis Laberge, medical health officer; J. E. Don' sanitarv engineer. ^un, sanitary ' u\ h . ^i iNr^Jsx A. ABATTOIR COY.. ACTIKG MAYOR. ^*^— ^ '2 -ti^-L>-.j-..UL.Mt5 how inserted .VI1..N - Qualifications necessa IT.. ■ on o.-, .^ Justices of the Peace " "" ' ' '^^ Salan-of -8 May resign^ ]iow ^^ Vacancy, liow filled ^' ] ^^ Wsqualifieations of ^^ Liable to a ^ne '[] 3[, 3G, 37 Personal responsibility ^^ ; J^i'ible to disqualification ^^^ AKNEXATro Y of n,.fi • ' ' ^0 J^iuancial aspect ^ ro ^U APPROPRIATIONS, AXXUAL • ^^^' ^^^ Por current expenditure.. ASSESSMENT .- ^'^4, 335 Additional for necessary expenditure... ,,, Porsidewalks, drains and sewers. ,! And taxation ^^'^ Roll, how prepared '^^^' ^'- ASSESSORS: 375 When and how appointed Their duties. 373 37J, 395 B BORROWING : Power, permanent , . . , Temporary, $300,000 ^^^ 344, 350 I- y,- m 'I 208 INDEX ARTICLES BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY 5 BRIBERY : To get position or promotion 558, 561 BY-LAWS : Afatters whereon they may be enacted .... 299, 310 How enacted 301 Demand to annul, how made 304, 308 May be disallowed by Lt. Governor 305 Infractions, how punished 30/ How submitted to public vote 310, 331 Must not diminish civic revenue during fiscal year 311, 331 Submission to real estate owners 341 For special loan for improvements 348 To enforce collection of taxes 372 In re water taxes 468 Granting of public franchise 530 Synopsis published annually 302 G CEMETERY of Mount Royal 538 CITY CLERK : The custodian of the By-laws 302 Keeps the minutes and furnishes copies. ... 295, 296 City Surveyor, his duties 410, 413 " Treasurer 368 Claims for damages, to body and to pro- perty LSI, 546, 550 Committees award minor contracts 554, 555 Committees of Council 40, 42 COMPTROLLER : Dismissed only on | vote 297 Must initial warrants 346 Certificate necessary 836 Must not pay old accounts from current year. . . 556 3o8 i50 )55 42 >97 546 536 »56 INDEX ARTICLES COMPTROLLER :-Contin ued. Keeps book of record t>57 Contracts, etc. Invalid unless approved 337 Contracts over $500 by tender only 554, 555 Contracts must be ratified by Council 556 COUNCIL: How composed 21 Meetings of 286, 296! Committees of 40, 4,2 Rules and regulations thereof 293 Ratifies all contracts o55 Disturbing meeting of 295 ID DAMAGES: In case of confirmation or modification of homo- logated plan 417, 418 Claims against the city 5:'>6 Liability for, on part of person leaving street obstructions 54S, 549 DEBT : Consolidation and Limit 343 Arrears, how paid 556 Redemption by sale of civic property 347 DRAINS in a private street, cost of same 412 Assessment for 453, 454, 456 ELECTOR AL LISTS 43 58 ELECTIONS CONTESTED 279, 2<34 EPEMPTIONS FROM TAXATION 362 EXHIBITION GROUNDS, Police authority therein. 539 EXPROPRIATIONS 421, 461 City tree from certain damages 417, 418 Of public franchises 461 14 209 1 210 INDEX ARTICLES EXPROPRIATIOXS :— ('on/i/6*/t'(7. ' ' In tlie general interest 421, 445 For local improvements 446, 454 Annual 452 <' . ■ ■•IP FIXAXCES 332, 342 Finance Committee, its functions 41, 42 Re Loans 346 , FISCAL YEAR 832, 334, 556 FRAXCHISES : Granted by vote of Council 461, 530, 566, 567 Or GARXISHEE: Seizure by City Treasurer 545 HEALTH OFFICERS: Salaries paid by Abattoir Co 511 HOMOLOGATED LINE : Annual expropriations 452 ILLEGAL EXPEXDITURE ; Aldermen liable 338 IXCLIXE RAILWAY: On Mount Royal Park 546 1XC( )RPORATIOX 4 INTERPRETATIVE PROVISIOXS 1 IXVESTIGATIOXS BV COUXCIL 532 or JUDGMENTS AGAIXST THE CITY.... 334, 335, 563 JURISDICTIOX OF THE CITY 6 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE : Mayor and Aldermen 28 ■mil IXDEX . , . articles Xj LIABILITY : Of the City for purcluiBL's , , 337 . Of Aldermen for illegal expenditure 338 LICENSES : How inii)()sed and levied 3(^5 May be suspended and revoked ,331 LOXGUEITIL WIXTER ROAD ,\[[ 5^4 LOANS : Annual, when and how api)ropriated 333 Consolidated debt, seliedulc A. ere ,43 Annual S300,00(» 344 Speeial with .v^ferenduni 34^ For Bonsocours market 353 In anticipation of current I'evcnue 351 Ee issue of bonds to redeem old 352 3 -,4 For proprietors' share of street improvements''. .Boo Is/L MAJORITIES: Necessary in Council on ordinary questions. . . . 29J To dismiss Comptroller and other officials 297 To pass an ordinary by-law 3Q1 To apportion annual special loan 333 To vary an appropriation (unan.) 335 To rftise the annual speeial loan 34^5 To raise special loan lor public works 318 To modify a plan of the city 415 To expropriate in the genl. ints 42^ To pave a street at the ].ublic expense 455 To award a franchise 53A MAYOR, qualilications necessary 25 His approval necessary to resolutions of Council. 23 His salary p , Presiding officer of Council (casting vote) . .290, 294 Hifi powers and duties ^o 211 212 r- IXDEX ARTICLES MEETINGS OF COUI^CIL 285, 29t> Special 286 How Called 28«, 287 No new business \\ 2^8 Adjourned meetings 289 Quorum 291 Miuuteij 2. 5, 296 MINUTES OF COUNCIL 295 Certified copies thereof 29t> MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 528, 564 MONTREAL W. & P. Co., $100,000, how to be spent. 8:^5a IVtOlTNT ROYAL PARK 580, 546 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 79, 278 How contested 279, 284 o OFFICERS OF THE COUNCIL 207 OVERDUE ACCOUNTS— How paid 556 I PAVEMENTS— Cost how met 455 PLAN OF THE CITY 413, 417 POLICE OFFICERS' POWERS 848 rOPl'LAR VOTE ON SPECIAL LOAN 848 PRESCRl PTION— In case of By-laws 304 PRISONERS— No delay -yQ-i PRIVY PITS, may be emptied by contract -43 PROPERTY QUALIFICATIOX for Mayor and Aldermen 25, 2.> PUBLIC : Franchise, how expropriated 641 Xoticos, in general 588 Notices, special 584 PURCHASE : City not bound when irregular 337, 554 Of positions or promotions 558, 561 I INDEX ARTICLES QUALIFICATIOx\ FOR ALDERMEN 29 QUORUM OF COUNCIL '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. i9i RECORDER'S COURT. . .\] 47^ 3,7 Constitution tljereof 47^' 4^.^ Jurisdiction thereof. ^g.^' 4^7 Proceduro 4gg' ^^^ REFERENDUM, in re speciul loan, to proprietors. ' 848 REPEAL OF PREVIOUS ACTS ... REVENUES: Must not be reduced by by-law during current year „ -^ . 341 Receivable by Treasurer only 340 S SALE OF IMMOVABLES FOR TAXES. 395 400 SECURITY: Exigible from civic officials 298 For costs in suits taken against city. ' ' l\,^ SERVICE-When suit taken against city. .'.['..'.'Z'.^ SE\VERS_How paid for-Whcn permanent. 453, 456 544 Cost of ' ^ SIDKWALTvS-IIou- paid for-When permanent". 453," 45fJ SiGNATUREof City Clork and Treasurer, by stamp 528 5^9 fei JXIAL Constables or detectives - ... STREETS : Registered and consi.lered as public and taking V^'''^^'^^^'^ <^f' 410 419 Opening of now streets 44,. 4-,,^ ^., Names of. . 42r Widening of- • ■ • *= 419 Proprietors' shares. . .^, . 4o0 Ubsti-uction and responsibility .-,4,3 -4,, 213 214 TXDEX 4 1 ARTICLES T TAX ROLL of personal, business miuI water taxes • ;57); TAXATION YEAR, begins and .mis. . 'joo ^^q-j TEMI'ORARY P.OXDS ' 3 ^^^ TENDERS" ADVERTISEMENT -isV 5 v-, TREASURER: ." ' " ' ' "'"' Siiall pul)lisli annual report ■. . , ;}o<) I'ersonallj rrsponsihle _ ;;v.9 Mrst receive all rovcniu's ;.)4o ^Just so) apart proceeds of loan :i4f) May issue tempornrv bonds ••;, * • ')0 I I)ele.i,'ate power to garnisbee -,45 TAXATloy : < >n immovable property g,^ 070 < )n mai'binerv. . . o^i •)bl l'il)es, ]K)les, wires, etc ;;,;| Eusiness tax q.-o 070 o-i On botels, saloons, etc g,;;:> On Iiicvcles. etc. . . .),-• i «jD-la Milkmen and bakers ;>,34|^ (carters .,,.1 •)u4c Horses and vebicles SC)4d Stone wagons from outside :),j4^. Real estate agents, pedlars, etc ao4f I')illiard tables, etc g,;4„. Butcher shops 'M'4r Stockbrokers, etc o,. <• ' od41 Bankrupt sales g^j-- Pawn brokers. ... .,,.-1 -^bok Auctioneers .,,. .i Circuses .>,. , Insurance Companies 3 gj[„ g,]4Q Banks 0,31 db4p Detective agencies ^q_^^ Corporations enjoying franchises, 8tj4r »*• rXDEX Distillers and hrewors 3^54, to t Lotteries o,.^ 'M)A\\ Cdllectioii qyo Abattoir foes - *., TJ UNIFORM OF CONSTABLES not to ho worn hy others ' .^y V VALUATION ANJ) ASSESSMENT ROF.LS 375 VARIATION OF APPROPRIATION BY COUN- CIL .,3. VESTED EIGHTS RECOGNIZED .3,;7 VETO POWER OF THE MAYOR ".""." 03 VOTE : Persons entitled to 43 Vote of proprietors on special loan 343 VOTERS' LISTS :-How prepared 49, (J2 Examined and put into forc.e ,;3 73 WARDS and their boundaries 7 WATER : ^^^^''^^ 462, 475 Taxes .nj ,^. 468, 47o Rules regarding use of 472 475 AVINTER ROAD TO LONGUEUIL. . . '554 WIRES TO BE PUT UNDERGROUND .''" 5^^ WOODEN PATH WALKS, special $30,000 .344a YEAR : ^^^^^^ 332, 334, 566 ^"'^^^^0" 332, 367 21;