o ^. %%■ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^/ 4 •^s 4" v'. % A.^ 'A 1.0 I.I |2.5 1^ 1^ M ^ m ¥■' FWUi. 1.8 1.25 i!.4 11.6 ^ A'.f D' RULES OF ORDER •OF THB- Victoria Jfia J apartment VICTORIA, VANCOUVER ISLAND, B. C. ^ PRINTKD AT THE VICTOaiA STANDARD OFFICR. 1873- i A. ' t i^" OmOBI^S OP* THE PawiDENT CHARLES GOWEN Secrmary FRANK SYLVESTER TEKA8URKB THOMAS OEIGER ChiKf Enqinker.. WILLIAM LOHSE Assistant Emoinekr FRANK SAUNPERS BOARD or DELEGATES. Tiger Engine Company, No. 2. CHARLES GOWEN, JOSHUA DAVIES, SAMUEL L. KELLY. "^luge Engine Company, No. 1. . THOMAS GEIGER, JOHN DICKSON, WILLIAM McNIFF. Union Hook & Ladder Company, No. 1. E. GRANCINI, CHARLES HAYWARD. ROBERT JENKINSON. 147411 , V »■ vi .-.i >.ii ■.J fyrsjseags ■-■:'"-• , u iwnn ' i'nmgm:--f "•.N A.3Sr JLOT TO EXTEND AND AMEND THE PR0VI8I0Na 0t THE FIREMEN'S PROTECTION ACT, 1860. ^ Whkrxas, the provtsions of the "Fiwimmn'i Protee* tion Act, 1860," are bjr the eaid Act declared to be iA force for the space of one year only from the pMMge thereof; Ain>, waxBEAS, it it expedient to re^nact and amend the aame-* Be It enacted by the OoYornov oa Bet Majesty*! be;> half, by and with the consent of the 'Legislative Council and Assembly of Yanconrer Inland and its Dependencleci as follows : 1. The Fife Department of the Towv of TIetorIa shall be organised in the manner following. 2. Ihe Fire Department shall consist of the existing Fire Companies^ and such other Companies as way b# from time to time admitted, pnrsilant to the By-Lawi for the time being regulating the Department. 3. The officers of the Fire Department shall consist df ft Chief Engineer, and an Assistant Engineer, a President, a Secretary, and a TfeasUrer. 4. There shall be a Board of Delegates, consisting of three perdons from each Company. Theflrtt Delegate shall be elected Within seven days after the passage of this Kot ; the Delegates shall be afterwards elected an^* finally, on some day to be lixed by a By-Law. 6. Each member of an admitted Company shall hare tbree votes in the election of Delegates, and he may Tots for any three or less nnmber of candidates ; but hii Tote, if given for a less number than three, shall only count as a single rote for each <^nc|idate fot whoitf |Mi totev. i t. F. n. COXSTlTtTION A T«T-LAWg. A. The Uoard of DoloK'tte!) aliall liavu thu power uf p»B«ing By-LAWH fur the rugtilatioii of the Firo Depart- ment, which nftor the apprsval, in wrtting, of theUor- «rnor for tho tinvo hotng, Hhall l^t^biiuUiigHudcouclusiTe on all moniborH of theFirt» 'Dcpartint.'n'f. t. The Do«rd of Delegates Bhall aimifally d'oct « Prcnf" dent, teerotapy and Treanurer of the said Firbr Depart- ment, each member of the Board having one vuto for MudU ofllctfp to be elected. 8. Tlte first election of Prc«id«i>t, S^crotarj au«l Troaflurnr,- shaU take place on tne serenth day after the vlection of the Board of DolegateR. Subseqaen<) •lootioiie ahaU take place on » certain day in oacli year, Xo be flxed by a By-Law. ' 9. Until the election of a Chief Eng^ineor and AMiattnt Engineer,, tho preeont Chief Engineer and AsaistAOvt Sngineer shall continue to hold ofHce. 10. There shall be an annual election for Chiei .^ngi- ■eer and Assistant Engineer, at wbich each member of the Fire Department stiall Ikavo a vote for Chiof Engi- neer^ and aJeo a rote for Assistant Engineer ; and in caso ef an equality of vot«8 for either office,. tUe President ■ball have a custing vote. 11. The President of the Department shall call thfl said election, giving tea days' notice thereof in at least one of Ihe local papers. ' 12. The election shall be held under such regulations as may be contained %. By-Laws to be passed by the Board of Delegates in- that behalf. IS. The election of Chief Engineer and Assistant Engineer shall be subject to the approval of the said Governor. 14. No member of a Fire Company, admitted as afore- said, shall bo liable for damage dont by him to tbe property of any person, in the extinction of, or attempt, ed extlDctioa of Are, or in the removal of any erectioiv, edifice or building vrhich, regard being had to *he safety of adjacent property, may Be ft;aiK7i:ably deemed exped" knt to remoYOt J T. ». D. COXSTITD PION Jt BY-I..\Wi. ■ 10. I'rovlili-.l, nl\rn3'H, that ill tliu lieHtniction or r«- tnoval of property alurttsaid, tho iiniiiuiil>U>H hort-iiibt'rir* given 8huU nut t>:ctcnil tu Any per on who nIiuII net In Huch doHtructlon ur roinnval cuntriiry to or wit out tho unlor of tho Chiuf Kngin««r or AiiHiiifant Kn^int'cr, ur stlnf pcTHonwho bf vJKnn ofioin« U^-Lhw rtmll b« Authorized to direct the aotiunu of tho Vire Uflpnrtniviit. 16 Provided, aim), thiitihe iuimunitieii nforoRiiid Mhall not extend to Any person who HhatI, in tho dfitniction or removal of any property nforenaid, be g«iltfr uf uiulice, wanton misChievouMnetm, or growa ufgliguuce. ^||f ^ 17. In cosn of any tfuit or notion bronght by any pir^ con Against any niombcr of any Kiru (Jumpnny to Ad- mitted aa aforcaaid, in respect of damage d«ne by auch -member, such member may obtain tke Vft«t. "Whimab It fi «xpedi«nt to Alter and amend **Tb« firemen's Protection Act 1861." "Ett it therefore eiuicted by the Qovernor on Hor Majcfftj'e behalfhy and with the adrice aud consent of the iuegislativ* Council and House of AVseembly of Tanconver's Island and its dependencies as tbllews : Itt:— -That imm and after the passing of this Act the ^holeofthe apparatus whether Engine, Iloiie, UooIkb, Ladders or other artiolos used with or belonging to, or in «By way appertaining to the Fire Department of the City of Victoria, Tanoouver's Island, shall be deemed tor the purposes of this act, to be the property of the Victoria Tire Department, subject to the > rder and oontrel of the Bfayer and Corporation of the City of Victoria." 9nd : — That ^m and after the passing of tiis act the ietlYe members of any Fire Con>pany regular!/ attache d to the Fire Department of the City of Victorir*, as bereiQ> after defined, shall be exempt fh>m all Jury duty, other than that of Coroner's inquests ; Prorided ]iH>wever that nothing contained in this section shall be tiken or deem- ed to apply to other Fire Companies than chose now ex- isting and commonly known as the *'Uc Ion Hoot, and Ladder Company No. 1. the Deluge Engine Company No. 1. and the Tiger Engine Company No 2." and such exemptions from Jury duty nhaO not extend to more than sixty-flve active members in each company as •foresaid. 3rd : — That it shall be the duty of each person claim< Ipg exemption team Jury duty under thiiii act to produce to the Sheriff or offlcern serving a Jury Summons, a Certificate of his Active Kiembershlp In tho Fire Depart- Y. F. D. CON'J«TTTUTIO\ A I»Y-LAW8. malit and Company to which he U uttachuU nigueU hy th« ChlNf Kngiuuur and th* Secrotary of tha Dopart- mont. 4tb :— That It thall be the dnty of the Foreman of every Company ou the Third Moodiiy of Junuury, AprU, July, and October iu each u.id every year to dnllver a written list to the ShcrlfTor persou dUcharigiiig the dntleaof Sheriff Tor th( time btdng, of all Active Members is such Juror by reason of being a Fireman entitled to ex- emptioD under this act. 7th : — This Act may be cited for all purposes tm "Tlie Firemen's Act, 1864." Passed the Legislative Assembly 4th Pecomber 1803. (Signed) R. W. T0RREN8, Clerk of Legislative Assembly. Pawed the Legislative Councii 9th June 1864. (Signed) IS. J. NESBITT, Clerk of Legislative Council. Bsebifed my assent this 7th day ef July 1864 (Signed) A. £. KENNEDY, Ooreroor. TO ALTER AND AMEND THE FIREMEN'S PP.OTfiC- TION ACT, 1861. [assented to 21st pkbrtjarv, 1873.] WnKBEAS it is expedient to alter and amend "The fireman's Protection Act, 1861." Tlierofore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and cor^-'ept of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts its follows : — 1. Sections 6, 10, 13 and 14, of the aforesaid Act, aro hereby repealed. 2. The Board of Delegates shall have the power of passing By-Laws for the regulaticn of the Fire Depart- ment, which, after the approval of the CorporotioH of the City of Victoria, to bo given under their common «eal, shall be binding and eoneluslve on all Members of the Fire Department. 3. There shall be an election, biennially, for Chief and Assistant Engineers, at which every member of the Firo Department shall have a rote for Chief Engineer, and also a ^'de for Assistant Engineer, and in case of an equality of votes for either office, the President shall have a casting vote. 4. The election of Chief Engineer and Assistant Engi- ueer shall b« subject to the a,pprovf i of the Corporation of the City of Victoria, to bo given under their common seal. 5. No Member of a Fir« Company, admitted as afore- said, shall be liable for damage done by him to the prop- erty of any other person, in the extinction of, or atterapt- «d extinction of fire, or at a wash or drill regularly oi'dered, and without gross negligence, or in the re- moval of any erection, edifice, or building which, regard being had to the safety of adjacent property, it may ba reasonably deemed expedient to remove. 6. This Act shall be read with and form part of "The Firemen's Protection Act, 1861." 7. This Act may bo cited for all purposes as "Tha Firemen's Protection Amcndnjont A,ct, 1873." •'^"HR.- .c i n ja i iiii "■Mriff^"^]"" mmtmi^miin^Mu N'S PttOTiSC. '3.] aniond "The 10 advice and e Province of isaid Apt, aro the power of Fire Depait- orporotioH of liPir common 11 Members of for Chief and ^er of the Firo !ngineer, and n case of an esident shall sistant Engi- Corporation ;heir common tted as afore- a to the prop- >f, or attempt- ill regularly or in the rft- which, regard ty, it may be part of "The ')Be9 M "The 3." i^E0^rrx..A.TiO3srs- ARTICLE 1. Each and every company shall, at its stated meeting in licptember elect three of its members to the Board of Delegates, which Board shall consist of three represen- tatives from each fire company. They shall assemble on the second Tuesday of September at "^ past 7 o'clock p. m. in the room of the Board of Delegates, and then fcnd there organize by the election of a President, Secretary and Treasurer, whose terms of ofltce shall be for one year or until their successors are elected aitd qualified. They shall make laws for the' govern meUt of the Firt Department, subject to the approval of the Mayor and Council and all laws m?(de by them and approved by the Mayor and Council shall be binding on every Compau^c officer or member of the Depart- toent and any Company, officer or member of the Department, wno shall violate any of the said laws, or any of the provisions of the "Firemen's Protection Act" or who shall refuse to obey the lawful otdefB of i';he Chief or Assistant Engineers, shall uf)on complaint, be tried by the Board , and, if found guilty, be censuriid, suspended; fined, removed frem ofiice, or expelle(' frcra the Fire Department, as a majority of the Board, may in its judgment direct. They shall examine, the returns aud declare the result of all Enginetsrs' elec- tions anct give their certificates of office. The election for Chief and Assistant Engineers shall be held Bieniu- ally, on the first Monday in October. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the ofiRce of Chief or Assistant Engineers, the President of the Department shall order an election to ' All such vacancy for the unexpired term of said office. ARTICLE 2. The Pi 98ident, Secretary and Treasurer elected by the Board of Delegates, shall be styled respectively, the Preuidotit , Secretary and Treaeurer of the Victoria Yiso 10 V. F. D. COXSTTTUTIOX A BY-LAWS. Department. The Pk-<%8ldent and Treasurer shall be elected from among the Delegates, but the Secretary may be elected from the Department at lai^c. ARTICLE 3. A company shall be composed of not more than sixty- five nor less than twenty members, who shall hare $.i' tained the age of eighteen years, all of whom must be duly registered members of the Department. The ofl9cer« of R company shall be a Foreman, at least one Asa!st»nt Foreman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. A corapanr deft* iring admission into the Department must make appli- cation to the Board of Delegates, accompanying suc)i application with a copy of their regulations, signed by at least twenty members who shall hure attained thP age of eighteen years, the names of their officers, and the location they desire ; and, should the Board by .» vote of the majority of all its members decide t« admit such company, the Secretary of the Department shall file with the clerk of the Muuicipai Council the said regula tietiS, and upon the fliing the company shall be deemed admitted into, tiu> Department. ARTICLE 4. Whenerrer a Fire Company, by reason of Deaths, Re«' ignatioas or Expalsions, shall hare reduced its tcW tp less than twenty Active Registered Members, It shall bo the duty of the Chief Engineer to suspend snc^ c-ompanjr until the next stated meeting of the Board of DelegatM when, unless a majority of the members composing thfl same decide to reiastato the company, it shall be .4i«* - banded. ARTICLE 6. The Chief Engineer shall report to the Clerk of th« City Cotinoil la the month of September of each aad cnrery year the dumber, location and condition of the Fire Apparatus and Cisterns, and the state of Fire Com- pany houses, and all property of the City in keeping of ■aid Department. Also, all accidents by Sre which m»¥ kni^e taken place, with the «au8W thereof, and a descrip* -vs. r shall be r Secretary than ■Ixty- lII hare at-* [>ni mvuit be The oiBcera te Asttfstant mpanr de(H lake appli- lylDg auch , signed by :tRinod thp Hcers, and loard by .» e to admit nt shall file said regula i be deemed deaths, Reo' its tcW to it shall bo ')x company Delegates posing the lall be 4U* lerk of th« each and ion of the Fire Corn- keeping of which m»y datiMcsrIp' V. P. D. CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS. 11 tlon of the property destroyed or injured, with the names •of the owuors of tho same ; also such other information, and such recommondations, as ho may deem proper. lie shall furtherraor6 enquire into tho causes of all flres and «ee that all persons criminally connected tlierowitli are diligenty prosecuted by the propoi authorities. :' ARTICIiE 6. All fines imposed by the Board of Delegates iihall bo appropriated to the Fire Department Charitable Fund. They shall be p:iid to tho Treasurer of the Firo Depart- ment who is hereby authorized and instructed to pay over the same to the Treasurer of thv<) Fire Department Charitable Fund.* , ARTICLE 7. ■^. CHIEF ENXnjraEB. ,^. The Chief Engineer shall in all caiaes of flra or alarm thereof have sole and entire control over all apparatus and members 6 f tho Firo Department. He may call' out the Department or part thereof for drill ard by consent >«> of the Board of Delegates, may call out tho wh^ie De- '. partment for Parade. Ho shall have power, and It shall be his duty, to suspend any engineer, company officer or con:g)any, for disobedience of, or unnessary delay in ox- ;y ecuting his orders, or the orders of tho Assistant, or for i., disrespectf^il language ; and he shall report the names, and facts connected therewith to tho Board ef Delegates when next convened for their action. lie shall see that;>; ull fire apparatus, fire company houses, and 'public cia- : , terns are kept in good order and condition, and report to the proper authorities repairs or supplies required by the Department or any cc- »uoroof. lie shall upon learning of any impr«j»er pcaeticein or al>out tKs house of any company, notify the Foreman thereof of the same ^and upon their repetition, report the name or names of the ofiTendurs, and facts connected therewith to j(he Board of Delegates wh«n next convened for their action. IL4 shall sitr" all certificates duly authorized by the Hmnl of D' A'ato*- T Uc shall alse endorse all orders for 12 V. V. D. CONSTlTUTtON & BY-LAWS. Bnppliea required for the use of the Dopartmont, and Hhall perform generally such duties as tlie laws of the IVoviuoo and this Department may require of him. ARTICLE 8. ASSISTANT £NOIX£ER. Tl»» Assistant Engineer shall immediately upon arriv- ing at fires report himself to the Chief Engineer foi his orders. At Area or alarm thereof, Engineers shall con- vey their orders to companies by their respective num- bers, and if practicable, to the ofiBcer in command. Whene^ the Chief Engineer shall bo absent from the City, or shall bo prevented from discharging the duties ofhisoiSce, the Assistant Engineer sliall perform the duties and possess the rights and powers of said office during such disability or absence. ARTICLE 9. PRSSIDENT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMEITT. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Delegates, shall preserve order and decorum, and en- force a strict observance of the Laws of the Department and rules of the Beard. lie shall call special meetings of the Board, when requested in writing by four members of the Board or whenever notified by the Secretary of the Buspeasion by the Chief Engineer of an officer, or com' pany, or whenever he may deem necessary. He shall at tbe commencement of his term of office, appoint Standing Committees, to consist of three (3) members each as follows ; on Judiciary ; on Finance ; He shall sign all orders of the Board upon the Treasurer, and shali perform auch duties as the laws of the Province and this Department may require of him. In casu of his absecR from a meeting, a member may be chosen to preside pro, tem. Section 2. — ^The president shall have power to compel the attendance of all persons (members of the Depart- ment) and the production of all books and papers in their possession in all appeals and cn.«08 which may come before the Board of Dollegates for trial or hearing. yyg. tmont, and laws of the f him. upon arriv- neer foi his ra shall con* )ective num- comtnand. seiit from the ng the duties perform the of said office V. F. D. CONSTITUTION A BY-LAWS. 13 tmr. ;e of the Board 31'um, and en- lie Department ial meetings of four members ecretary of the fficer, orcom- iry. He shall office, appoint « (3) members ice; He shall Treasurer, and f the ProTince m. In caso of iy be chosen to ower to compel s of the Depart- and papers in Res which may ;rial or hearing. Skction 3. — Any member of -the Department refusing or neglecting to obey the warrant of tlio Freuident under seal of the Departiuont shall be liable to suspension or expulsion. ARTICLE 10. SECIIETART OF TUS FIRE DE^iP.TMENT. The Secretary shall keep full fair and accurate minutes of the proceedings of Lhe Boai'd of Delegates. He shall keep a book, in which he shall write out in full the laws and standing resolutions adopted by the Board of Delegates and properly index the same. He shall keep a registry of the Department, which shall contain the names cf all members of the same, arranged under the name and number of the company to which they may severally belong ; and shall show opposite each name 'date of membership (which shall be understood to be the date of his signing the regulations of the company of which he is a member,) transfer (both from and to a company) expulsion, resignation, deaths and remarks. He shall likewise keep a book of alt parsons suspended, disbanded or expellod by the Board of Delegates from the Department. He shall have the custody of the De- partment seal, and affix the same when necessary, to the notices, rcfiolutions, orders and laws of the Board of Delegates. He shall All up and sign certificates of menibership when directed by the Board of Delegates. He shall date certificates of membership in the Depart- ment from the time the same are paid for. He shall re. ceive all monies for the use of the Department and pay the same over to the Treasurer taking his receipt there- for, and report the same at each regular meeting of the Board. He shall in the month of September of each year report the changes that have occurred in the registry of the Department during the preceding 12 months, netting forth the names of the parties, and whether plected, transferred, suspended, expelled, resigned or deceased. Ue shall previous to each Engineer's olectiou 1* V. F. D. OONSTItUTION A BY-LAWff. compare tho retm-ned rolls of the several compauicH with the regietry of the Department, noting In the lat- ter all who have been transferred, suspended or expell- ed or have resigned or deceased, and shall famish the Judges of Election with a certified copy of the voting list ot each company, which shall contain only the names of such persons whose membership shall have b«on re- ported to the Secretn,ry of the Department fifty days immediately preceding such election. lie shall report Hny disorepancies that may appear in the rolls of tho several coini>anies and the register of the Department. Ue ehall require the Foreman and Secretaries of the TariouB coff-panies to certify to the correctness of their volls as returned to the Board of Delegates, and shall endorse and preserve said rolls among the papers of the Deportmont. lie shall whenever any Engineer, com- pany officer or company, shall be suspended by the Chief Engineer, immediately furnish the accused with a cox)y ©f the charges upon which he or they wore suspended, together with notice of the next meeting of the Board of Delegates. Uo shall call meetings of the Board of Delegates when regularly ordered, shall attest all orders ©f said Board upon tho Treasurer, shall furnish tho Chairman of Committes of said Board with the names of their colleagues and copies of the matters respectively referred to them, and shall perform generally such duties as may from timo to time, be imposed on him by the Board of Delegates. He shall within two days after tho approval of the Board, on the election of the Chief and Assistant Engineer, forward their certificates of electiou to the City Council for their approval. Ho shall at tho expiration of his term of office, promptly deliver up all books, papers and other property of the Department to the Board of Delegates. Section 2. — ^The Secretary shall receive for his services Buch remuneration as the Board of Delegates may from ♦ime to timo determine. Sscxws 3»— All ptationory, company notices, accouul AW9. V. F. D. CONSTITUTION A BY-LAWS. 15 il compauies ij; in the Iftt- ded or expell- fnrnish the of the voting nly the names have b«on re- mt fifty days e shall report e rolls of the e Department, etaries of the ctiiees of their tes, and shall I papers of the Inginoer, corn- ed by the Chief ed with a copy jre suspended, ig of the Board f the Board of ittest all orders II furnish the th the names of ers respectively generally such Bd on him by the days after the f the Chief and sates of election lie shall at the [y deliver up all Q Department to 3 for his services )gates may from notices, account '5^ books &c., for i^the use of any company or the Depart- ment shall be furnished by the Secretary of the Depart- ment upon application made to him by the Secretary of the company requiring the same. He shall make a full re- port of all receipts and cxpcndiituros to the Board at their regular meeting in September of each year. lie shall gtvo bonds to the President for the faithful discharge of his duties in the sum of one thousand dollars. ARTICL1511. TREASURER oF THE FIRE DEPARTStEJTT. The Treasurer sliall receive and safely keep all monies belonging to the Fire Department, paying out the sarco upon the order of the Board of Delegates, duly signed by the President, and attested by the Secretary, which shall be his vouchers. lie shall at the stated meeting in September of each and every year submit to the Board of Delegates full reports of his receipts and disburse* nients, together with the amount of monies remaining in the Treasury. His accounts and vouchers shall at all times, be subject to the examination of committees appointed by the Board for that ptirpoae. He shall, bo- fore entering upon the duties of his office, give a bond with on© or more sureties in the sum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars payable to the President of the Fire De- partment, conditional for the faithail discharge of his trust. Ho shall at the expiration of his term of office, promptly deliver up all funds, books, papers and other property of the Department, to the Baard of Dele- gates . ACTICLE 12. Ba\BD OF DELEGATES. Section 1. — The Board of Delegates shall bo composed of such members (not more than three from each com- pany) whose certificates of election by the company shall be certified by the Foreman and Secretary tliereof. Sectiox 2. — ^The stated meetings of the Board shall be held on the recond Tuesday of each month at J-^ past 7 o'clock p. m., from October to March, and at 8 o'clock p. m. from April to September, iuclusivo. ! «E^ 16 V. F. D. CONSTITUTION t BY-LAWS. Section 3. — Special nioetingH of the Board bIuiH be or- deied by the PreBident, and at such moetinga the ouly buaineas in order shall be, roll call, oullectior> of flneH, admission of new members, reception of charges and specification of charges as per Article XVIII and tbo special busincHS for which the meeting was called, Section 4. — At all meetings it shall require a majority of uU members of the Board to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a loss number may call the roll, have the absentees noted, and adjourn to a time stated or without day. Skction 6. — It shall be the duty of the Board to make such laws and regulations as may b« necessary for the government of the oilicers and members of the Depart- ment. They shall, as hereinafter provided, try all charges made by the Chief EnginaAnagainst any ofBcer ^ company or member of the Department and charges made by one c(^ipany against another, or by any officer or member of a company against an offlcor or officers of the Department, or an officer or member of another com- pany, and charges against any member cf the Depart- ment who shall bo guilty of a breach of the peace, or disorderly conduct during a fire, or alarm thereof, or at any Fire Company house. Section 6. — If any officer or member of a company shall appeal from any decision of his company, in which he is directly concerned, and it be shown that the < ;ni, pany have acted in violation of the Department lavs, or their own laws, the Board shall declare such action ille- gal and null, but if the contrary be shown, the Board uhall declare the action of company sustained Section 7.— When a company makes application to be admitted into the Department, it shall be the duty of the Board, before granting admission to ascertain if the eignors of their regulations have attained the age of eighteen: if they or any of them, are expelled mem- beraof the Department, if their rogiilations are in accor- dance with Iiiws of tlie Department, and if their additl^D to the Dex)artmeut is uecossary. Y -LAW8. Board uball be Gr- eetings theouly )llectioii of flues, of charges and > XVIII and tho was called, ■equire a majority tute a quorum for number may call andadjoura to a ■iti. he Board to make necessary for the ers of the Depart- provided, try all against any officer tm»ntaad charges er, or by any officer ofllcw or officers of iber of another com- libercf the Depart- ch of the peace, or alarm thereof, or at mb«r of a company i company, in which ihown that the* ^rti. Department la' vs, or lare such action ille- e shown, the Board ' sustained kes application to be shall be the duty of nissiou to ascertain lave attained the age I, are expelled mem- [ulations are in accor- ;, and if their addition V. F. D. CONSTITUTION A HY-LAWS. 17 ■"IT Suction 8 — It shall bo the duty of the committee on Judiciary to take into consideration such potUions and matters touching Judicial proceedings, as may come in question and be referred to them by tho Board. It shall be their duty to report as to tho law in caHcs of appeal before the Board and for such purpose, they shall have power to send tor mentbers of the Department and papers. They shall, when directed by tlie Board, rcpor' such laws for Provincial, Municipal or Department infor- mation as thev may consider required for tho welfare or government of the Department. Alt their reports shall be in writing. • Section 9. — It shall be the duty of the committee on Finance to examine such bills referred to them by the Board and report tliereon at the earliest opportunity ; and to take into consideration such matters pertaining to the Finances of the Board as may be referred to them or as they may deem the interesta of the Department require. They shall in the month of September examine tho annual reports of the Treaeurer of the Charitable Fund, and shall have power, and it shall be their duty to examine the boeks, vouchers and securieies in the cus- tody of said Treasurer, and they shall report therocu, in writing at the next meeting of the Board. Section 10. — Appeals to the Board shall only bo pre- sented within thirty days aftet proceeding, provided however that in case of the absence of a party iVom the City, a longer time may be granted. Section 11.— ^In addition to cases provided for, the fol- lowing, shall require the votfte ot * majority of all the members of the Board, to disband a. company, to restore any officer, company or member of the Department, be. fore the expiration of the term for which he or they were suspended, and to suspend or expel a Delegate, and the voting shall be Viva Voce, Section 12f. — Any DeIor^a,te absenting himself from a stated or special meeting &f the Board (sickness or ab- setfce from the City only excepted) shall be fined one dollar.. I \' in V. r. D. CONSTITUTION A BY-IAWS. Bkctiox 13. — Thu r«flij;nation of a Dolegnto must bA tondero.'l \n writing to the Board. Upon the rosignaMon of a Volegnte tlie Secretary of tl>o Fire Department shall within tlireo days thereafter, notify hlii company of such resignation. Sbction 14. — When the fines of a Delegate shall amount to the sum of five dollars he shall be liable to expulsion from the Board. Skction 15 — Any Delegate who shall wilfully violate any of the rules or orders of the Board, or shall refusa obedience to the Presiuing Officer, when called to order, shall bo liable to censure or expulsion fsom the Board. 8ECTI0X 16. — The Board of Delegates shall endeavor to furnish all the Department supplies by tender. ARTICLE 13. coMPAxraa. Section 1. — Each and every company shall keep their apparatus in good order and condition, so that the same shall ba ready for Instant service. Section 2. — They shall, during a lire, or alarm thereof have an officer in charge of their apparatus, and if upon the Are, another in charge of their pipe. It shall be the duty of said officers to receive their orders from the Chief and Assistant Engineers, and convey the same to . their company or pipemen, as may be required. Section 3. — Any laws of companies inconsistent with those of the Department, shall be void and o: no effect. ARTICLE U. FOREMEN. Foremen of companies shall report promptly to the Chief Engineer any breakage or disarrangement of the apparatus, or repairs required to the house, under their respective charge, and shall see that the same are kept in good order and condition. They shall, at dres, or alarms thereof, see that the orders of the Chief and As- sistant Engineers are punctually obeyed. They shall certify to the correctness of the annual and voting rolls of their respective companies. They shall in accor(jlaii«3 l\V8. U» muBt bA « roHignnMon rtment ahall pany of such shall amount to expulaion fiilly violate ahull refusa iled to order, 11 the Board. 1 endeavor to ler. nil • ill keep their hat the same ilartn thereof 9, and if upon I; shall be tho jrs from the f the same to . lired. asistent with I o: no effect. mptly to tho emont of the le, under their ame are kept y at fltes, or :;;hief and As- . They shall 1 voting rolls in accortjancj V. F. D. CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS. U with the prorislons of the Amended Protection Act •end to the SlierlfT in the months of January, April, July and October, a full and correct list of all their uctiv* members. In tho absence of the Chief and Assistant Engineers, the foreman first arriving on the ground, wUh the apparatus of the company of which he has charge, shall be entitled to take command. ARTICLE 18. ASSISTANT FOREMEX. Whenever tho Foreman of a company shall be absent from a fire or alarm thereof, or firom sickness or other canses, be unable to attend to the duties of his office, all his rights, powers and responsibilities, in and to the Do- purtment shall devolve upon the Assistant Foreman of such company, during such absence or disability. ARTICLE 16. SECRET ARIKS. Section 1.— Secretaries of companies shall keep ftill, fiiir, and accurate minutes of the proceedings of their respective companies, and shall at the first regular meet- ing of th« Board thereafter, return to the Board of Dele> gates the names of all persons elected, transferred, sus- pended, expelled, resigned or deceased, and the dates thereof. SsoTitoir 2.— They shall in the months of February and August, report t« the Chief Engineer the condition of their reNpective companies, the number of times they have been ( Delegates, and malciag pay- ment as herein stated, receive a duplicate of the same. For a duplicate of Certiflcata of Membership ho shall b« charged one dollar. Section 6. — Noni^ but Certificate Mem'bers of tbeDe* partment, shull, und;;- any ciruiimstances, be pe?mittp prosecU' )F select a rt of an^ ' a charge . acknow- troceed as J or mem- [) their re- oi»ted for opyof the il. In all ' the mem* r member- ih No officer or member of a company shall under this sec- tion, bo convicted of an offence charged until an oppor- tunity has been offered him to defend himself. ARTICLE 20. IMPEACHMENT, 8CSPEN8I0X AND EXPULSION. Section 1. — The Foremen of the several companies of tlie DepartnK nt when called together by a vote of any company thereof, shall have power to impeach any Engineer for neglect of duty, or inability to discharge the duties of his office, or for an unwarnintablo oxeiciso ofpower. If a majority of them shall adopt articles of hnpeachment, a copy of the same shall be forthwith served unon the officer accused, and the same shall seven days thereafter, bo tried by tho Board of Delegates and if they be imstained by said Board, he shall be liable to such further action as said Board may determine. Section 2. — Any Engineer, company officer, company or member of tbe Department, Vho shall be suspended by the Board of Delegates, shall not,, during the period of such sustpension, be allo'^ed any time as a member or 1 lombers ofthe Department nor to vote at any Department .company Ebjction. A party suspended shall only be re- stored to membarship before tho expiration ofthe present period of suspension by the Board of Delegates. Section 'j. — An officer or member of a company who shall be suspended by his company, with the consent of the Board of Delegates, sha 1 not bo permitted to Join another company, nor to have a vote in his own com- pany or the Department. To restore such officer or member to his former rights and privileges, before the expiration ofthe prescribed period of suspension, shall require './Cth the consent of the company and the Board of Delegates. Section 4. — Any officer, company, or membr of the Department who shnll daring his or their suspension by order or Vith the consent of the Board of Delegate's neglect or refuse to perform the duties of active member* fillip, shall upon conviction thereof by suid Board, be expelled from the Depsu-tment. ti V. F. D. CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS. Sections. — Any officer, company, or member of the Department, who, while suspended by the Chief Engineer shall exercise any of the powers or duties from which he or they were suspended, shall if convicted thereof by the Board of Delegates, be expelled from the Department. Section 6.— No ofRcot or member of the Department, while under suspension by the Chief Engineer, Board of Delegates, or his company, shall be pernjitted to reeigu from his company or the Department. Section 7. — A suspended officer, company or member of the Department, wL may havfl been restored to mem- bership therein before the expiration cf the prescribed period of his or their suspension, or by reason of the ex- piration thereof, shall immediately re-enter upon the rights, privileges and immunities from which ho or they were suspended. Section 8. — Any member of a company who shall be absent from the city for the space of three months with- out leave of absence from his company, may bo returned to the Board of Delegates as having resigned or been ex- pelled, aa the company may deem proper. Any member for t tal neglect of duty for throe months, laid down in the (aws of his company, may be expelled without noti- fication. Section 9. — Any officer or member of the Department who shall conduct himself in any manner liable to bring the Department or his company into disrepute, or shall cause dissensions and discord amongst the members, shall be reprimanded, suspended, fined, or expelled. Section 10. — Any officer or member, having been ex- pelled from the Department, shall not, within the spaco of one year thereafter,, be permitted to rejoin the same« or any company thereof, unless restored by the power or powers that expelled him. ARTICLE 21. VICTORIA FIEK DEPABTMENT CIIAaiTABtE BUND. Section 1. — The Board of Delegates shall, at their ctatdd meeting in October, 18G1, elect three Trusteea. ,AWS. uiaM^BMPl niber of the 'hief Ersfrineer Vom which he thereof by the Department. Department, loor, Board of itted to resign ny or member tored to niem- th« prcBcribed iison of the ex- iter upon the Ich ho or they ^ who shall be 3 months with- ay bo returned lod or been ex- , Any member H, laid down in d without noti- ie Department liable to bring •eputo, or shall members, shall elled. iving been ex- ithin the space ?join the same) )y the power or ItE BUND. shall, at their hree Trustees. V. l\ D. CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS. •J5 The peidon recei^'ing the highcat number of votes shall hold ofliCtf for three years, the person receiving the next highest number shall hold office for two years, and the next highest for one year ; pud one annually thereafter for a term of three years. All vacancies in the Board of Trustees shall be filled by the Board of Delegates at the first stated meeting after they occur. No member of thef Board of Delegates shall be eligible to election as a Trustee. Section 2. — The dudos^of the Trustees shall be to re- ceive donations to the Fire Department Charitable Fund, pay all monies eo received to their Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor. All orders on their Treasurer shall be drawn by the Trustees, and unless so drawn no order shall bo valid or paid. They, together vith the Chief Engi- neer, shall be the only i)arties authori«ed to receive and receipt for monies ou beiialf of said fund. They shall personally attend to all applications for the relief of members of the Department, who shall have been dis- abled or injured while in active service and the indigent widowG and orphans of members thereof, and tender them such pecuniary and other aid as they may require, provided the sum so tendered shall not exceed fifty dol- lars per mouth in each case. They may appropriate a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, to defray the funeral expenses of any member of the Department killed, or who shall die from injuries received in active service. Section 3, — Applications for relief from »aid fund shall ba made to one or more of the Trustees by the Fireman of the company of which the applicant, ?r the husband ofthe applicant, or the deceased, is or was a member. The Foreman shall certify in writing that the injured person is, or that the deceased husband or per" son was a duly registered certificate member of the Department, and communicate such other information respecting the sickness, injury, or death, as the case may demand. If each certificate and information be satisfac- tory to the Trustees, they shall draw an order upon their Treasurer for such sum (not exceeding us aforenamed) UK they may deem proper. n. 26 V. F. D. COXSTITUTION & BY-LA 'A'S. Skctio.v 4. — The Board of Ti'ustees shall annuall> iu th« month of October, eitct a Treasurer. lie shall ro.cciva and receipt for all moneys paid to hiiu by the Trustees, Cliief Engineer, or others; keep a correct account of the same in books provided for that purpose ; and p«y all orders properly drawu upon him by the Trustees, which shall be his vouchers for t^^e same. He shall, in the months of February and August of each year, render a report of his receipts and disbursements on behalf of aaid fund to the Board of Delegates. He shall give good and suiiicieut bonds to the I'resident in the sum of ono tho!isand dollars for th^^ faithful discharge of his trust. Section 5. — The Treasurer of the Charitable Fund shall on the receipt of any monies, deposit the same in any reliable bank, or safely invest the same. His books shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Trustees, and the Committee on Finance of the Board of Delegates sud shall be promptly delivered up to his successor iu ofUce . ARTICLE 22. UNIFORMS. Section I. — In order to designate Engineers and com- pany officers at fires, or alarms thereof, the Chief and Assistant Engineers shall wear white caps, with their grade of office paintod thereon, Foremen and Assistant Foremen shall wear white fronts to their caps with the number of the company and their grade of office painted thereon, and if a Hook and Ladder Company, a. Hook and Ladder, or a Hose Company, a coil of hose, in addi- tion to the number of the company and their grade o f office, Sectjon 2.— The uniforms of the Board of Delegates shall consist of a black coat, black pants, black hat, and a belt with grade of office painted thereon. KM nnually iu thw I shall roccive the Trustees, iccouiit of the ; aud pay all istces, which e shall, in the jrear, rondor a on behalf of lall give good ) sum of one of his trust, ble Fund shall same in any lis books shall tho Trustees, i of Delegates successor In eers and com- the Chief and >8, with their and Assistant caps with the f office painted pany, a Hook hose, in addi- their grade of rdof Delegates black hat, and STA,isiaDiisrc3- R-ESpiuXJXJONrs. Bection 1. — Th^t all bills contraoted by the companies shall be sent into tho Board monthly for payment, and further that the Board shall not consider itself bound to pay such bills unless previously authorised by the sup- ply committee and bearing their signature to that effect. • Section 2. — The Treasurer has the power to pay rents, gas, and water bills, Secretary and Steward's salaries, when called upon far payment^ Supply Committee. — The Supply Committee shall con- sist of tho Chief Engineer and President of the Depart- ment, and a meoiber elected from the Board, who shall have power to purchase all articles for the use of the Department, by tenaer or otherwise. Fire Bells. — That the fire bells shall only be rung t,f, alxrms of fire, unless when otbor occasicns should re- quire that they be rung, in which case due notice shall bb given to the Officers of the Companies by the Chief Engineer. Rkfresumen-'s. — No refreshments for the members of tho Department shall be paid for by the Board, unless iiji extreme cases, and then only when under the order of the Chief. Articles te be paid for by the Board : Candles, Gas for houses. Coal oil lor houses, Oil for cleaning, Matches, Cotton waste, Lamj) wicks, Kags, Feather dusters, Broomst, Buckets, Scrub brushes. Materials for cleaning Engines and Trucju. Water, coal, and flr«wood, I ijlffl m 28 V. h\ J). CONSTITXJTION & I*VrLAVVS. Geoeral rep^iiv, Prag and bell rojieB, Oi) aud tallow for hose Blusbicg, Torches and lantcrus, Kopaire to engine and truck houseR, Stationery, Blank books, Circulars, RULES OJ? OKDr.R. 1. At the stated meetings of the Board, the biisinosit •hall be— Ist. Roll call and collection of fines. 2d. Reception of new members. 3d. Reading minutes of last moeting. 4th. Reports of Committees. 5th. Unfinislied business. 6th. Hevf business. 2. The President shall take the Chair precisely at the honr specified in the ca|l ; and, if a quorum be present, proceed with -the business of the meeting. He shall preserve order and decorum, may speak r;o points of or- der In preference to other members — rising from his seat for that purpose — and shall decide questions uf order ■ubject to an appeal to tlie Board by any two members, OB which appeal no member shall speak n^ore than once unless by leave of the Board. He may appoint all Com- mittees by consent of the Baard. When any member is about to speak, or deliver any matter to the Board, he ■hall rise from his seat, and respectfully address himself to the President, and shall confine himself to the quea> tion under debate, and avoid personality. 3. If a member be called to order, he shall immediate- ly sit down, unless permitted to explain, and the Board ■hall, if appealed to, decide on the case, without debate. If there be no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be V. F. D. CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS. 20 the biisinoait submitted to. If the decisioa be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed ; if other, wise, he shall not, in case any member object, without leave of the Board. 4. When two or more members happen to rise at once the President shall name the member who is to speak flrst. 5. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question, without leave of the Board. 6 No member shall vote on any question in the issue of which he is immediately and particularly interested. 7. Every member when a question is put shall give bis vote, unless the Board, fur special reasons, excuse him, which question shall be decided without debate. A motion to excuse can only be made before the house divides, or before the call of the ayes and noes is com* menced. 8. When a moti'^n is made and seconded, it shall be stated by the Chair, or being in writing, it shall be handed to the Chair, and read aloud by the Secretary, without debate. • 9. Every motion shall be reduced to writing, if the Ciiair or any member deaire it. A motion may be with- drawn by consent of the Board, before a decision or amendment. 10. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received, but to adjourn, to Ho on the table, the pre vious question, to postpone to a certain day, to commit or amend, or to pu:itpone indefinitely — which several motions shall have precedence in the order in wh.nh they are arranged, aud no, motion to postpone to a cer- tain day, to commit, or postpone indefinitely, being decided, shall again be allowed at the same meeting, or at the s^me stage ot the question, 11. A motion to a'Mourn, and a motion to fix the day to vrhich the Board shall adjourn, shall be always in order. Those motions, and the motions to lie on the table, and the previous question, tiihall bn decided with- 90. .V, *■ ii tUMe'frii;'i'io*N a uvmwj^, out ii())>u|o. All inciUeotHl quevtiuns uf ur<.«DUiQg such motion, sUaU bu 4ociue«(, wbutUur un u)>|)4)»l or ot^urwiau, without dubutu. I'i. A c^uuHtiua may bu divided, it' it comprebeDds pru}ioBitiouM iu subtitiiucu no diutiuct tbut, out* b()ii% taken uway, a KubutaQtivo prupuaitiou ahall remuiu for th« liecisiou of tbt< Bo»rd. A mutiuu to strilie out »ud iusoirt, Hiiuli bo deeuiwd iuJiviaiblu; but u utotiou to strike out, buiug luut, sbuii prucludu ueitiior amuudutvut nor a motiou to uuike out aud iuduri. 13. JNo motiou ur prupuaitiuu uu a uubjtict ditTertiut from that under cuuiiidcraiiuu, tiUaU bu adutitted uudor color of amaudmuut. 14. A motiou to rtscoutiidur must be male uc the samu ur the next meetiug, aud by a uiuuiber vrho vuted iu t4io majority; aud such motiou uhall lake prcueduuce ul ell Oiher quetitious, exuept a motiua to adjouru. 15. When the reading uf a paper in called for by a member, the Predideut tihail direct the Secretary to raad the tfame. 16. Any member may excuxe himaelf from serving on any Committee, at the time of ni8 appuiutmeui, If ue lu then a memuer of two otuer Oommttueeti. 17. Iu all catiea ot election by th' lioard, Urn votw shall be taReu by Oallot. 18. The v.>es aud uueit oliail be ordered at tlie request of two memuerti. 19. When it has been voted to lay a motiou on the table, it can be taken up at the same meetiug by tlio 'ooBoent ot two-thirds ot me members present. 20. All questioDtf of order not herein »ti*ted shall b* decided in accordance with " Ousbing's Manuel." 21. Any section of the foregoing Kule>3 aud Orders tuay be suspended by a vote ox two-thirds of the mem- bers present ; but such susponsion is not to go beyond the meetiug. 22. Alterations or amendments to these Kules mast be submitted at a stated meeting of the iioard, aud smiil lie over until the succeeding stated meetiug, and sUail Tequire the concarieuce of two-thirds of the members of said Board for thair adoption. •( \ ■,'.'**■') CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OP THE VICTORIA FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION. At a regular meetinu: of the Board of Delegates of the Fire Department held on the 10th day of August, 1875, at the House of Union Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, the following resolution was duly carried : "Wherkas, it is expedient that the Constitution and By-Laws of the Victoria Fire Department should be amended so as to provide for the separate custody, control and management of a Fund known as the ' VicTOBiA Fire Department Charitable Fund,' Therefore be it enacted by the .^oard of Delegates of the Victoria Fire Department, •'That Article 21, together with such other sec- tions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Vic- toria Fire Department, so far as they have reference to the ' Victoria Fire Department Charitable Fund. ' is hereby repealed, and the right, title and interest in all property, real and personal, held by the Trus- tees or Treasurer of the said Fund, is hereby vested in a Society organized (or about to be organized) under the name of the ' Victoria Firk Department Charitable Association. " (Signed) E. GRANCINI, President, V.F.D. Attest: (Signed) FRANK SYLVESTER, j Sechftahy, V.F.I). / L.S. \ iv. m- CiTY Clkbk's Office, Victobia, September 21, 1875. To THE r»OARI» or DRLEaATES, Victoria Fibe Department: Gentlemen, — I have the honor to inform you that tlio allerations iu the Constitution and By-Laws of the Victoria Fire Department, as referred to in the foregoing resohition, have been sanctioned and ap- proved by th>' Mayor and Council. _^ (Signed) J. S. DHUMMOND, j , Q ) Mayor of the •j ^•"- \ Cit> of Victoria, B. C. — -'^ The Corporation Seal attached this 2l8t day of Sept., 1875. (Signed) WM. LEIGH, Clerk Municipal Council. 'iMM BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. This Society shall be known as the "Victoria Fire Department Charitable Association," and sh^U have for its object the establishment of a Fund for the relief of its members who shall have been injured or disabled while in active service in the Fire De- partment, and the indigent widows and orphans of members thereof, and to assist in defraying the funeral expenses of any membe of the Fire Depart- ment killed, or who shall die from injuries received in active service. ARTICLE II. The Society shall consist of all active members of the Victoria Fire DeiJartmant on payment • - j- trance fee of 50 cents. ■"' AUTICLE HI. The buHinesH of this Society shall be conductetl by Five Trustees, two of whom shall be the Chief Engineer and rrosident for the time being of the Victoria Fire Department. The other Trustees shall be elected annuallv : One by each of the three exist- ing Fire Companies at their regular meeting in Jan- uary of each year. Sec. 2. The Trustees shall hold office until the election of their successors, and any member of the Fire Department shall be eligible for Trustee. Sec. 3. In the event of the death or resignation of a Trustee, the remaining Trustees shall nominate a member of the Fire Department to till the unex- pired term. Sec. 4. Joseph Wriglesworth, Esq.; E. Granciai, Esq.; Thos. Shotbolt, Esq.; E. Dickinson, Esq., and '^ocob Sehl, Esq., shall be the first Trustees of this Society, and shall hold office until the election of their successors, as provided in this Article. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to solicit and receive donations to the funds of this Association, and to make such Bules and Begula- tions for the proper and safe custody, distribution and management of the funds as may to them ap- pear desirable. Provided always, that no applica- tion for relief shall be granted, or any distribution of the funds made until an order to that effect be signed by at least three of the Trustees. Sec. 6. The Trustees shall hold all lands now or hereafter the property of this Association, with power to lease, sell, and manage the same as they shall think proper. Skc. 7. In case the objects for which this society is organized shall become incapable of l)eing carried out, it shall be lawful for the Truntees to sell all lands in their possession and pay the amount re- ceived from such sale, together with any personal property, into the general funds of the Victoria Fire Department; to be there dealt with as theLepart ment shall deem best. AHTICLE IV. The PreHident for the time being of the Victoria Fire Department Hlinll be(/hairman of the TrnsteeH. > RTICLE V. The Chairman, or any two of the Trustees, shall call meetings of the Trustees whenever they think proper. ARTICLE VI. Two clays' notice at least shall be given of every such meeting, either personally, or by letter ad- dressed to the Trustees, and posted in the Victoria Post OflRce. I hereby ceitify that under and in pursuance of "The Charitable Associations Act, 1871," I have ap- l^roved of the hereunto annexed Constitution and By-Laws of "The Victoria Fire Department Chari- table Association," and I further certify that a trans- cript of the said Constitution and By-Laws was this day filed in the office of the Registrar General of Titles, pursuant to the provisions of the said Act. --A^-N In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my ( iMiii-l and seal of office, this 11th day L.S. c of October, A.D. 1875, at the City of Virttaria, in the Province of British Co?rm '68. tail ink 9ry ad- ria of ip- nd kri- 118- biis of ny ft.y of sh