CITY OF QUEBEC CIPAL ENGINEER STATISTICS Areas, Lengths of Streets, Streets improved and unimproved, distances between and from Fire *nd Police StatioiiS and New City-Hall to sundry points in and about City and environs, value of City property, etc., etc. SEE INDEX gUFRKC Ueo. Vincent & Fkkrk, City Printki;>*. IS9(i. CITY OF QUEBEC Municipal EiigiiuHmiig Statistics AREAS, LKNdTHS OF STKEKTS, .STKPIETS IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED, Etc., Etc. EXTENT OF CITY. Feet. Miles, l..ength of City jjioper from St. Ourw St. (Kouleviud Liiugeliet) to end of Louise einlmiikment or pier 9,000 1.70,5 Length of St. Sauveur East to West 4.800 0.90l» Length of City from East end of Louise dock or piur to West end of St. Sauveur 13.S00 '2.G15 Breadth or widtl) of City proper along the 8t. Ours St. City line from ('ity limits. Cap lUanc to river St. Charles atCeneral Hospital. , 7,900 L496 Hreadth of St. Sauveur from cime du cap coteau Ste. (.'iinevieve to ri- ver St. Cluirles (greatest extent north to south) 4,S0() 0.909 Width of St. Sauveur along St. Ours St ;^,000 0, ")90 Total widtii of City Nortli to South from Cap Blanc limits on St. Ours St. line to North West end of Hare point 11 , 101) 'i. lU'J Around the City from Chami)lain St. liir.its at Hall's booms, hy Dal- housie, St. Andre, St. Paul, St. .losepli and .St. Valier streets to City limit.x St. Sauveur 22,400 4.252 Perim^er of C'ity proper by Rickell bridge 3"), 700 H.761 Perimeter of St. Sauveur lo.Gi'O 2.955 Total perimeter of iity inclusive of St. Sauveur measuring around Hare Point at Stadacona and around .St. Sauveur by Coteau Ste. (Jenevieve to old City limits at Mt)uut Pleasant and thence follow- ing City line back to Cap Rlaiic 4."),()00 S.H."ti If ever tunnel thrcuigli from Cap Rlanc to foot of cliff at head of .St. Ours St., tlie distance is 4. ."•00 (>.8.''.2 Area of City proper, as bounded l)y the Commissioners line, as per cadastral Map of January 1872. Sq. Miles, 48.203,852 ft. sup. 1.7:! I St, Sauveur annexed in 1SS9 : I(),0(i(),u00 " 0..')7r) (14,354,352 " 2.3()« — 4 — Total extent or lengtli of streets of City proper at above date of 1872 89^ lineal miles, •ifl .streets since opened or prolonged 31 " Streets opened in the St. Sauveiir annex IS " Total length City streets goa n Breadth or widtli of City streets— the average breadth is 30 ft., the streets varying from 24 to 36 ft. : some are but 14 to 15 ft. wliile others reach to 50 and 60, one of them, St. Ours street or Boulevard Langelier between the City proper and St. Sau- veiir, being over 100 ft. The streets are mostly about 30 ft. in City proper and ."{2 ft. in St. Sauveur. Om side\valk.s, while some are only 4 ft. and others 12 ft. are mostly 6 to 8 ft. or an average of 5 ft. ; so that the width of carriage way be taken at an average of 20 ft. ami up to 40 or more in widened streets. AREAS OF tlTY HY WARDS. (Morin cadastre.) Sr. Rooh ward 5,306,352 ft. sup. •I I ilues-Cartier ward 2 962 731 " St. Peter ward 4,795,863 " Ciiamplain ward 4 (-24 530 •' St. Lewis war.l 4,'394,'536 " Palace ward 1,666.666 " St. .Tohn ward 2,823,170 " Montcalm ward 13,808,654 " 40,.382,502 " Add area of streets 394 399 i« .\dd area pul)lic S(|uares, etc 1 ^450 032 " Tiital area of City proper 4S 227 433 " N. H. - The discrepancy Ijetween this total area of old City with that given above as 40.2(13, S52 is supposed to be due to some doubt as to the true position of the Cniiiiiiissioners' line ; but at any rate, no two men could arrive at exactly the same re.stilt in dealing with areas of such irregular outline and differences of level. The total difference is hoM'ever but 66,419 ft. or say only J of one per cent. Add Area St. Sauveur Ward 6,067,800 ft. sup. Add Area St. Valier Ward 9 g()2 700 •« »« Including streets tf)gether \q 0(50 500 " " Adding City area 48 007 4^3 Total area of City 64,287,93 — 5 --- LEN(iTH OF STRKETS IN EACH WARD ANT) AREAS. Length ft. lin. Areaa ft. St. Roch Ward 4.'j,645 1,538,136 Jacques-Cartier Ward St. Peters' " (/hamplain " St. Louis " Palace " St. John " Montcalm " 34,921 1,166,952 23,0'>8 681,380 10,4.-0 256,085 18,218 593,051 14,646 363,805 26,.521 724,823 35,361 1,186,817 208,810 6,510,949 17,160 517,25^ Total in 1872 39^ Miles Since added 3^ " In 1896 Total in City proper 42^ " 225,970 7,028,200 STREETS IN ST. SAUVEUR. 9? Miles St. Sauveur Ward 51,500 1,648,0(X) SJ •' Valier " 43,560 1,393,920 18 " St. Sauveur Sts. average 32' in width 95,060 3,041 ,920 Total streets in City including St. Sauveur 60^ miles or 20J leagues lin 321,030 10,070,120 AREAS AND LENGTHS OF STREETS PAVED, BLOCKED, PLANKED, MACADAMIZED, ETC. Stone block pavement in .some 10 streets and Ft. lin. Miles lin. Ft. s. Yds. portions of streets and hills 11 ,250 2.131 206,800 22,977 Woodblock r,,100 0.966 220,000 24,444 3" Planking 2,975 0.563 57,800 6,422 liowlder pavement 950 JU8() ^ H^50 __1^>^ Total length paved and planked streets 20,275 3.840 499,350 .55,483 Some 42 streets and portions of streets still un- improved or improved and worn out 33,650 6,373 (i73,0(!O 74,777 Streets macadamized 267,^)2 ^0^^97 ^^^^^^ J^f^^ 'Potals 321,077 60.810 6,515,390 723,931 SIDEWALKS. Ft. lin. Miles lin. Ft. a. Yds. Stone S.W. say 9,4(«) 1.780 52,800 5,866 Cement S. W. say :^.955 0.749 23,140 2,571 St7 oo() ''^"^"''* -^-i-'iO*) (i.477 M9,7{H)~13^(7o WATER CHANNELS. Say same as sidewalks in lineal extent, aseiage IS" wide. Ft. lin. Miles lin. Ft. s. Yds. •^^""•^ 14,684 2.781 22,026 2,447 ^^'""•' 572,670 108.450 859,005 95,445 '^^"^'■'^ 587,354 111.231 881,031 ~97JS^ (PULLEY-WELLS. No. of (Julley-wells or Catch hasina for surface water say 670. NO. AND POSITION OF HORSE TROUGHS. 1 Place d'Armes. 2 (Jrande-Allee opposite Dutferin .Avenue. 3 (larden St. near Ann .street. 4 Head of Mountaiii Hill, Port Dauphin street. 5 East end of Chaniplain Market. 6 Corner Dalhousie and .lames streets. 7 Henderson St. coiner of St. Paul street. 8 Montcalm market. 9 Corner Bridge and Fleurie. 1 1 St. Rocii St. near Paul sti eet. 12 St. Ours and St. Valier streets. 13 St. Valier and Massue. 14 St. Pierre market. 15 Hertlielot market. NO. AND POSITION OF CARTERS KIOSKS AT CAB STANDS. 1 Place d'Armes. 2 OrandeAllee Dufferin Avenue. 3 Basilica Scjuare 4 Montcalm Market. 5 Bridge street, corner des Prairies. ('rown St. corner St. Joseph. — 7 — POLES AND WIKKS. No. (i. N. \V. t.'o. Teliigrapli poles, Hay 2>'i) No. Fire Alarm ciiouit-s-poles in City '25(i No. Poles on City Tele])hone to Chateau d'Eau, say 'i'lO No. Telephone poles including guy poles, .say ")S(I Nf). Electric light & ]>ower ('o. poles l(i()(l Total Fire Alarm telegraph wiring about City 48 miles Additionol to Chateau d'eau Lorette, say 10 " 0. N. W. Co's. Telegraph wires, say ")0 " Bell telephone (Vs wires, say TOO " Montmorency light & motor Co's. wires, say. "intt ■" , Total wires for all purposes, say U)iiH " MARKETS. 1. Champlain Market & Hall at N. E. end of Champlain Ward. 2. Finlay Market fc Hall at South West end of St. Peter Ward. 8. St. Paul, Market for hay, live stock, etc., at West end of St. Peter Ward. 4. Montcalm Market dfe Hall at East end of Montcalm Ward. 5. lierthelot Market & Hall towanls centre of length of Montcalm Ward. 6. Jacques-Cartier Market & two Market Halls about centre of .Jacijues-Cartier and St. Roch wards. 7. St. Pierre Market and Hall in St. Valier Ward. FIRE STATIONS No. I. In subhasement of New City-Hall on Fabri(iue .street, in St. Lewis ward and facing on Palace wai'd. No. 2. Montcalm ward at corner of St. Patrick and Urolet streets. No. 3. In .Jacques-Cartiei' ward on Dorchester St. corner of N.-D. des Anges St. No. 4. On St. Paul street, St. Peter ward, opposite the C. P. Rly. Station. No. .'). In St. Peter ward, near Custom House, corner St. Annd Aldermen, will be setforih in the forth coming report on that Department of the ci vie service more especially charged with such details. ~ — Licirnxc. Tlif City is etlicii'iitly lit .it nii^lit iiinl evi-ry iiiglit in tlio year iuid .ill iiigl\t from aim net to 81111 i'i«( aiiilii'rc'sjxHtivt: of liiloiuiiu' or evfii real iium.h light iiiglits, hy lis are ligliis of "JOdO c. p. with ;'..") iiieantleKcent, sei'ies or glow lights of :{•_' e. p. FOUNTAINS. (.IHTS D'EAU.) Of l)iil)lie Fountains, we have one at tlie I'laee d'Arnieb. It is a vei'v modest one: the Hiirrounding circle of nymphs iiaving lieen removed liy a former chief of Police, a very orthodox clerical, on I'epresentation to him tiiat in such a climate, low necked dresaes, were n l>c i)uilt around it as a fitting ornament for this historical spot. There is also a tiny jet d'cau in the Firemen's garden at their old quarters on UrBule street. There are also several private founta'ns about the City as at Mayor P;irent'8 residence on St. Valicr street, i»ilodeau's terrace on (Jiande- Alice and elsewhere. 1)K INKIN( ; FOUNTAINS. No drinking fountains having as yet been erected, as are to be found in other cities ; their w ant has been to some extent sup])lied by a post or standard at each of the horse troughs where a cup is to be found chaineil thereto for the use of the public. The same are provided at each of the City markets and market halls. LATRINES. Though the City is well enough ofT in the way of public "necessaries"; there being a nest of them at the south-west end of the Champlain market, one opposite the Fin- lay market, one at the St. Paul's market, one at the Berthelot adjoining police station, one at the Jacfpies-Cartier market and one at the St. Pierre market adjoining or in basement of lodging of guardian of weigh house. PUBLIC UUIN'ALS. There are as yet no public urinals ; nor can there be until the City can afTord to house them as with the closets at the Jac(iues-Cartier and St. Pierre markets, to prevent freezing and becoming inoperatire during winter ; the expense of heating them and of a guardian for the purpose in each case having also to be entailed on our comparatively ill supplied exchequer. — 10 — X. f). — l'"nr a (k'tailcil list of City pi'operty see stntonu'Tit by ("ity Engineer ap pentled to and jiubli^sluMl with City 'Pivasui'er's yearly report and as also annexed tf> this hill of City or rather nmnieipal at.itisties. PLACKS OK PUBLIC KKSORT AS ti:i;i:a. IS, r.\(M. 4, say (>00 x '200. . . I '20,000 . Teiiace Cap Plane at Halls liooms on St. Lawniice, MOO x .'^0 9,000 Terrace Diamond llarhor at Lam])son"s on St. Lawivnee, ."^OOx .'«). . . 9,000 Teriiice along Heiinine street East of old Marine Hospital facing on the St. Charles, oOO x '20 10,000 St. Ours stieet or Hoidevard Langelier gn-en swar.l, l.SOO x ')0 i'O.COO Ki(dd west of do Salalierry street, on Wolfe street and West of City liiu', I !.-() X 400 400,000 Tlie La<'ros8e giounds on (h.Alh'c ami Claire-Fontaine sts., 700x700 4!)0,000 firaml Lattery Port Dauphin to lleheit street, aOO x '20 10,000 Pvanipart street view, from IL'l.ert street to Palace street, 2,000 x '20. 4O,0C0 City Ramparts from John gate to St. Val er street, 1,000 x 100 1(10,000 Mont Carinel on Carmel .street, old Military Qiuuters, '2."0 x 100 '2r),000 180,000 00,000 80,000 3(5,000 40,000 3-J,400 10-2,000 — 1 1 - Ursuliiics g;irclcn in l>l(ick hctwoeii St. Lewis, Ann, Ursule street:^ av. (ioo \ noo S.'inin.ii,.- Cu.lcii av. .'^OO x 'iOO Hotel- Dicu (lai-.lcii av. 400 x 'JOO City-Hall s<|iiari' on Ann street, 300 x 1'20 (iarden Sisters of CliafitN'. (Jal. Hill, 'JOO x 200 Ciistoin Jfoiise S(|uai(', 180 x 180 Field on Claire I'ontaine str(H't Kast, OOO x 170 Field opijiisite Saere C(eur Mos|)ital, 800 x (100 480,000 Kield of the (General Hosjiital on St. Ours street, (IJoulevard Lange- Tier .IOO x ."iOO 2r)0,000 Field of the Tien. Hospital on Pai'ent and St. Andiroise sts. lOOdx 'M) oOO.OOO Hare point, north liend of river St. Charles betAveeii Maiine Hospital and Uiekell bridge, 1,")00 x 1,000 1 "lOO 000 Total area vacant exclusive of streets and yaiils 14,379,760 Or 330. 1 acres. To this a<\(ling area of streets of old City or exclusive of St. Sauveur. . 0,304,899 Plus l"2i per cent oi- ?, thereof il." the streets since opened 799,362 Area of .squares in old City 1 ,450,032 Taking St. Sauveur streets, as 20 jier cent of whole area) tliey are in fact in excess of this) Jth of l().0()0,r)(JO 3,212,100 Total vacant area in City exclusive of domestic yards et al. 26,236.153 Add for area of yaids, allowing for iiouses, out houses, porches etc., ilj of total aiva exclusive of vacant areas say 12,6(10,000 Total vacnt area in City inclusive of streets and yards 38.836,153 And as total City area is <>4. 354, 3.52, tlicrcforc tlie vacant sj)ace is in excess of that covered by buildings and lii'ucc tlie licilth of tlieCity ; while in ino^t citiis, t)ic vacant areas ar(^ less than one third of the wIupIc. w liilc in poi lions of sii'h large cities as London, New- York, etc., the vacant areas are only ', or 20 per cent <>t' the whole. Again, the vacant ai'eas, exilusi\e of streets anil yarils belugas hricju above si't forth I (,.';79,760 |)e lucting from this the Citadel, such s<|uarcs, gardens, etc., as cannot be utilizeil for building purposes, say 2.450,032 11.929,628 — 12 — ACRVIXc; IXJUSTU'K: (Jkassi s-!Ki> Imtkrial, Fi:i>kk.\i. and Lo( ai, (Jovkkn'mknt's runncKTV ; ako ruoi'KR- TV OK KkMCIOIS InSTITI TIONS : TlIK ASSKSSKD TWO TIIIKUS OK OKU crn/.KNS I'AVlNti KOK AIJ. Till-; l'llIVIlJ-.l)(iK> KN.IOYKl) ItV TllK TNASSKS-^KU OTHKR TIIIUI). Tliore roniain .say \'2 million frot or nearly cental to one third of tiie area built ou and from wiiieh the City derives its revenue. This available spaee is mostly the pro- perty of the Impel ial, l"Y'deralanil Local (ioveiumentsand of Religious instituti<)nH,an(i others ; so that the three ( Jovernments and these institutions aii; actually enjoying eivio life : impioved higinvays, light, police and tire protection at the expense of the other two thirds of the community ; a most unjust and «lisgraceful state of things and !;> the face of this we have sevei-al of these nou j)aying conununities, depriving hunilreds of our pei^ple of work, hy taking in washing or doing laundry work, soap making, printing anilj^lKiok l>inding, making paste hoard boxes l>y the million, and rohhing even to our very artists by j)ainting most of the tableaux now going up in all the churches about the province and elsewhere, antl to the exclusi(ni also of our seams- tresses and florists, making church ornaments, banners for national and other societies, wieaths ami bouijuets in profusion for ball r(M)m decorations, jjublic receptions and socials of eveiy description. TABLE OF APPROXIMATK DLSTAXCKS MK/iWHKX 1»01XT,S IN CITY AX!) VICIXITY. From Rasilica Sijuare. Feet. Miles. To City limits by St. dohii, St. (leorge and St. V'alier streets. II, 200 'J. 121 To St. Sauveur or St. Ours street 6,400 1.212 To Dorchester bridge by I'alace, St. I'aul, St. .)f)seph and Bridge streets u,."!00 1.004 To Dorchester bridge by St. dohu, St. (Jeorge, St. Augustin and Bridge streets To City limits by (Irande- Alice To City limits by St. .lolm street To liickell bridge or Stadacona To (ivueral Hospital by St. Valier and St. Ours streets or Bou- levard Langelier 7,800 1.477 To Marine Hospital or Bon Pasteur by St. .lolm, St. o «5,20O 1.174 10,200 1.932 7,200 l,3fi4 2,700 o.r.m ;i,n(K) 0AV2r, *>,4(H) 1.780 S,4(M» i.nio r»,s(H) 1.0! (9 4,800 0.909 — 1:} — To Levis Ferry, Q. ('. mid I. ('. liUuUMg Dalliousie street . 2,700 0.511 Todrand Trunk ferry, Arthur stre(^t 3,200 0.(iOfi To Quebec it Lake St. .lolm Uly. Station l)y (,'anotterie liiU. . '2,000 0.379 To 0. P. R. teiminus hy Rur.part street or Talaee hi! 2,400 0.45:. N. 15. — From Levis, Q. C. and L ('. ferry landing, a.s wellfrotii (i. T. ferry at foot of Artlnir street, saniwdistauee to Chateau Fron- tena-: hy Mountain Hill as to Uasiliea Ki|uare. Also same distance to Chateau Frontenae as to IJasilica ])laee from <^>. &, L. St. d. ternnnus l)y Canotterie and Rampart street. Basilica square to Cliateau Frontenae, . . 1-0)0 0.190 Tlierefore froiu Chateau Fronten.ic to C. 1'. H ' 3,400 0.G44 KROM liASH.ICA S(,l|- A UK OR rHATKAr KRONTKNAI^ To centre of Citadel 3,400 0.644 To ( ;oyernor (ieiieral's (luaiters 3,000 0. / liO To Carrison Club ^-<^t>0 ^■'^'^ ToUuionClub , ''000 0.303 To Ron 1'a.neur convent -^.'^OO 0.814 r.ASII.K'A SI^IAKK To St. Mathews Church ' '^^ 1<>'^ ^^"J To Sisters of Charity church and convent 2,.)00 4/3 To St. dohn's Church -''^"^^ ''^^ To St. Roeh-s Church ^'"OO ♦'•^'^^ To St. Sauvenr Church «.^'<"> '•««! To La Congregation Church St. Rocth's 6,100 X. B.— If from Chateau Frontenae add in each case 1 ,000 0. 190 St. Sauvenr at St. Ours street, (l!ou]. Lang.) to City lindts. . 4,800 0.909 Around the City fiom Champlain street toll gate or limits, by Dalhousi.., St. Paul, St. Joseph, St. Valier streets to City lindts 22,4.)0 4.2o2 St. Sauvenr SUNDRY DISTAXCKS TO POINTS AP.OUT AND AROUND CITY AND KNYIRONS. lee bridge road to Levis, fron, market pier to ferry pier ,>,.")-o U. OoU on F^evis side TO isi,ASi> oi' Oki.eans. From outer end of Pointe ^ Carey wharf north of C-ustoin House to nearest point ot Islaml ot ( M leans K,o„, outer end ..f Louise embankment to nearest point ot Is- 1 / ,'J(ILt o. JOcS '"" From St. Pvoch street slip to nearest point of Island 21,700 4.110 * — 14 — From P>:i«ilii'a s |uare to Tiol-aii' liotolatS. W. cnrnerof Island of ()rli''a!,,s l)y icv. bridge road from foot of St. Kocli strcot slip, fol- 1 »\ving Ik'MiIs ill road to avoid limmiiot'ks and landing towards North side of Islanil '2\),m) o.^W St. Roch street to end of lionise embankment, say "i/JSO 1.000 TO r.KAl rOKT ANI> KAl.l.S OK Muebec, Montmorency & Ciiai'- levoix railway to Island clitl' O.OO;) 1.705 Across the Island : olitl' to dill" .S,0(K) 0.."i(iS Island to Levis at St. doseph : clitV to difl' "),.'r>0 1.013 Total Reanport to St. Joseph 17,M,")0 'A.2Si] Fiom (,1. vt I>ike St. Jolin bridge over the St. Charles, along I'ailway to w heiv briilgc would abut on tiic Reauport side, say. . . 21,000 '1.077 From Levis fi'i'ry landing to \\ liere briilge wmdil abut at St. > Josei)l» dc Levis, say 1 8,000 ;{.40!) Total from (^>nebee to Lev is by clos^ing at end of Isl.ind of Ork'aiis ,')(), :r)0 10.(57-2 If bridge over St. Lawrence from (i>nebec and Levis be built at C'haufiicie. Quebec tf) opposite Chaudicre liy '^t. l''o,\ or St. Louis road, .say 2.'L70 4.,"iOi) Totid (ihiebec to Lev is by the luoposcd upper site for tiii' bridge ")!(,.")2 > I1.27M If liridge opposite City say at Cove lield or at Teirace, at loO' luailway for vessels and ajipnmch from Quebec side tuinielled — 15 - through cliff frnni imilt-r tTi-acu oi covolicM to come out iit ( oteau Sto. CcMU'vii'V.; luiil follow- down clili'vi. loop iiitoC. I'. T?. at or heyoml St. SiiiivtMu-. C. \\ R. Stiitioi< iu'omid I'j- loo|> line iiprliir and tlirongh tun- nel to St. Lawrt'iKH' on a 1 por cent gradi: '2(),4MO ^^,0(}i) Accros.s th(! riviT clitV to dill' 4,r)(iO ().Sr)2 ClilVou Levis «id.e to lirandi into (Maud Trunk at Lr\ is lower level say, to oveivotne l.-)() feet dif. of lev,d on a one per cent grade lo.COO 2.841 40, 900 8.693 DISTANCKS {ONTlNri';!) TO CITV KWIRONS. -Ai'onnd ( 'ity liy De Sa'.alierry stmt ^iiid liaek to llasilie.., s<|naro or Chateau Fi'ontenae i:?,;"),"!* 2.526 I'asiliea sipiare orCliati'an I'lontenae and liaek hy ( Jrande- AUee, .\ia|)le Avenue and Mount l'le;tsant, St. .lolni street 16,000 ."1.030 Drivearonnd liy St. Louis, l^lvcdcr/ and St. i''oy roads from and hack to Cliateau I'ronienae or llaNilim l>asilit'a sipuire tn Mount I leriuon temeteiy and hack or fr(un and to Cliateau Frontenac 33.2110 6.2S8 Clia>teau l''i'outeuacor liasilica scpiaie (o Spencer wood audliack 27,200 o.I'jO Chateau i'rontcnac oi' liasilica sipiaie liy St. Louis and (ioniiu roails to St. Foy church and ha.k hy St. I'oy road 60,200 11.402 ( 'haieau {'"rontcnac or IJasilica sipiare to I'ointe a i'i/.eau iduu'ch hv '■•I. Jjiuis road and l>aik hy ('hanii>lain sticct 42,440 8.037 Chateau I''iontenac or liasilica square to the " Hohhers" I'avu" near Can Rou^e I'V the St. Louis road, dcwn to Champlain street hy la Cote a (lignae or say hy hill Westward of road leading to St. Fov ihurch to Cave and hack hy Champlain .'itieet and Mountain hill to point ail 3I,(I(;(I 5.682 -10 — Around City iiiul St. Smiveur l)y Crandc-Alh'e, de Salalierry street, St. Ours street liill, Arago, A(|iieduct, St. N'alier, St. (Jcorge and St. .lolin streets fioni and Imuk to l>a.>silii'a iHiir.arc 'J4,ij."0 4.Go5 If return 1)y St. dosi |)li, St. I'aul and J'alaee Iiill, add (K;() 0.114 Or a 4 j miles drive 2'j,\rii 4.7G9 Around City, e.xelusive of ."«^t. Sauveur liy (irande-Allce, de Sa- laberry street, Boidevard Langelier, St. .Jotasilica s(|uare and back ]r),4r)0 L'.'JiG From ]5asilioa xijuare liy St. ValitT .street ami Little River and Lorette road south of tiie .St. CliarU's to IJttk' Hiver village at foot of L'Drmiere road and liack to town hy road on noith .side of St. Charlo.s, Scott's bridge and St. Valier street G.S, laO ll.DoD Hasiliea scjuare to Mayor Parent's !>,3()0 1.701 Or say ^i^ miles there and back. I'rom Hasiliea si|uare by St. Koy roaasiliea :<([narf by St. N'alier street and Scott's l)ridge around by road north of Stadaeona village and baek to town l)y Charlesbourg road and Doreliester V)ridge to jxiint of departure. . . ,30,4X0 0.909 From Hasiliea s(|uare to St. Charles eemetery l)y St. N'alier or St. .losepii street and St. Valier 14,200 2.091 Say 2.ii miles or .")^, miles thei'e and liack, Hasiliea square to Helmont eemetery. . . 18,170 .'{.441 Say 3^ miles nv 7 miles there and baek. Hasiliea square or Chateau {''rontenae to .^t. i'atriek ei:metery Carouge road 1 8,000 3. ."23 Say 'Ah nnles oi' 7 ndles there and liaek. P>asiliea s(|uare to Heanport Luiiatie asylum ; nearly 3 miles or oj there and baek l."),3S0 2.000 Hasiliea square to atjueduet biidge 13,2(K) 2.499 Say 2.V miles or ."> miles tiiere and baek. Bisiliea square to Ciiarleslxnirg eliuieli by Palace, Sr. Paul, St. Josejdi and Dorchester bridge 2.1,420 4. 1^1 4 Or say 9'f miles tiiere ami baek. liasilica s(|uare by Cliai'le.sbourg road to lake Heaujiort 0.'),120 12.333 Hasiliea square to Lake St. Cliailes by CIiarles))o\ug and St. Pierre, say same as to lake Heauport 05,120 12.2.'{3 — 17 — Basilica S(iuai-e ti. liake St. Charles by I'Onniere (elm) road to Lorette and thence l)y ("(."heniin de la Montagne") the mountain road, to wit : P.asili.-a Hcinarc to St. Valier City limits ' 1 1,200 2. 121 St. Valior street limits to junction of nijrth and south roads alony river St. (.Charles at Little River village 19,025 3.717 Thence to the lake say 4''''^2«> •^■<><'<^ Or uiy 1+4 miles nearly. '*^.'^*^ l*-^^*^ Or 2h miles further than hy the Charlesbourg or St Claire roads. Basilica square to Ancienne Lorette Churcli by the Little river road ... 45,:M5 8.58H If go by North side of river St. Charles, add 1 ,^00 0.284 4(i,845 8.872 Basilica snnare to Ancienne Lorette churcli by St. Foy and la . ,„ , , 1 48,57.") 9.200 Suede roads Or h i»il« longer than by north Little River road and 5 mile longer than by south Little river road. Basilica stiuare to St. Ambroise by la Jeune Lorette cliurch by Little River and I'Ormiere road '^2,285 9.902 liasilica sciuare to Chateau d'eau by Charlesbourg or Ste. Claire .... 54,000 10.227 road Basilica siiuare to La Misk-e road by north side of river St. ,W,279 5. / S.» Charlos, say . By Misere road to Indian village ^' '4»'> '■ ^'; Indian village to Chateau d can j 54,239 10.273 N B -La Misere road is a lovely drive, hanlly known to strangers ; our carters to save their horses, taking to lOrmiere w^ich is macadamized. —00-. 10 o-q ?.asilica square to Chateau d'eau by I'Ormiere road • -x,.).^-) K'-'"^ Or it is V, mile further to Chateau d'eau by I'Ormiere roa.l than by la Misere, Charlesbourg an.l St. Claire roads. Basilica square to lac a Peter alias Dugas lake by Charlesbourg road, say nearly 12^ miles NKW CITY PARK. The new Park south branch of S. of river St. Charles at Marine and (Icneral Hospital. ^ ^^^ Breadth north to south, say ^^'^^^ Length east to west, say ..-T— _ 2,400,000 Area 65,020 12.314 -18- • \Mien graded to proper level above high spring tides and builfc out to low water line. Or say r>5 acres or 0") arpents. Present available area or uuflooded ut spring tides say 20 ar- pents. Promenade around it and race course, say one nii'e. Circuit of park peninsula for boat racihg, one mile. New Park to be reached from St. Sauveur by bridge at foot of new street opened accross tlie " Clos de I'Hopital " from the inter- section of Bedard and St. Ambroise streets ; from St. Roch's, by a bridge at Panet street at Marine Hospital. To same point from foot of St, Roch street by water 12,()D0 2. .310 To same point from end of Louise pier by water 17,000 3.220 To same point from Cap Blanc City limits, by water 29,000 5.500 To foot of St. Ambroise street from foot of St. Anselme street 2,000 feet additional. To new park near Hare Point from foot of Crown street by water to foot of Anselme street 9,000 1.705 To new Park from Basilica square .... 7,500 1.4*20 do Chateau Frontenac 8,500 1.610 do Mayor Parent's by new street 3,000 0.568 ilo do by Marine Hospital 5,700 1.080 To new Park from Mount Pleasant by St. Ours street hill and Panet St. Bridge 5^300 i.oco To new Park from Crande-Allee by de Salaberry and St. Ours streets and Panet St. Bridge 7,000 1.326 DISTANCES ■1 Between Police Stations and from Police Stations to sundry points in and about City and Environs. Lin. ft. Miles. From No. 1 Police Station -New ("ty-Hall to No. 2 I'olice Station by .lolin st. etc 4,000 .758 No. 3 do Cove Held stairs ^>.100 .907 No. 7 do St. Real and' St. (ieorge sts 4,400 .833 No. 7 do « St. John and Ste. Marie sts 4,800 .909 No! 8 do * St. Jolin and St. Valier 8,700 1.648 No. 8 do Paul, Joseph and Valier sts 9,100 1.723 No. 4 to No. 3 by Paul and Joseph sts 3,000 .568 No. 4 to No. 5 hy Paul, Sault-au-Matelot and Notre-Dame sts 4,500 .852 No. 5 to No. 6 by Chaniplain street ^^^^ •^[^^ No. 6 to City limits Chaniplain street ^'^^^ • 'J^ No. 3 to No. 7 by Josepli and St. Valier streets ^.^<'0 . / -0 No. 8 to City limits St. Valier street 2'"'"" • ' N. B.-Morissmi street is half way between Police Stations No. 4 and , • .... 2,2o0 .426 5 ; each say . . . . T -1 . •• 7,300 1.382 No. I Police Station to Jail No. 1 do City limits Chaniplain street MOO . ,80 No I do do (Iraude- AUee 6,600 \2o0 No d do St. John street 6,200 1.74 !^" Z .10 St. Valier street 11,200 2.121 No. 1 oo '"' „^ . PI 9 No. 1 do St. Ours street, St. Sauveur MOO . 212 No.l do General Hospital •• .«00 .4. ^,., ao ^7;^f-';rt-_ ;::::i: ^oL No. 1 do Bickell Bridge Stadacona — 20 — No. 1 Police Station to DoichesttT liiidge "),;<(«) 1.004 No. I ilo C'ustoin House :{,.■{()(> A\'2.'f No. 1 tlo End of Louise Enbaiikment (i,U(l() l.l.'i(» No. ") do Custom House 2,(i(l() .4!)'i No. ") do End Louise pier ;),.'{()() L()04 No. 4 do End Louise pier (),(tO() I . \'Mi No. 3 do Marine Hospital '_»,:{0(> AIM) No. 3 do liiokell Jiridge 5,3(10 1 .004 No. 3 do Dorchester Ihidge . . 2,3(iO .43(i No. 4 do Dorchester liridge 2,SoO ..'J40 No. 1 Police Station to IJon Piusteur 4,300 .S14 No. 1 do St. John Churcli 4,400 .833 No. 1 do St. Mattiiews' Church 3,100 ..IST No. 1 do Sisters of Charity 2,()00 .4!)'2 No. 1 do St. Roch Church 3,700 .701 No. I do St. Sauveur Church 7,000 L4i)G No. 1 do (iovernor (Jeneral Citadel 4,(500 .871 No. 1 ilo Sacre Civur Hospit No. 1 do I'^rgerville l(i,(;(M> 3. 144 No. 1 do Notre-Danie de la(iarde Ciiurch 7,800 1.477 No. 1 do Scandinavian Chapel (i, 100 1 . 1 ")5 No. 1 do IJeauport Lunatic Asylum LI, 200 2.879 No* 1 do Aqueduct Uridge 12,700 2.40^') No. 1 do Bellevue Convent 10,5.30 2.!»41 No. 1 do Siliery Convent 10,140 3.(>2r) No. 1 do Finlay Asylum 7,000 1.32t> No. 1 do Spencer Wood 1,'),G00 2.y.")5 No. 1 do Inebriate Asylum 18, 170 3,441 No. 1 do Manrese Church 7,700 1.458 No. 1 do Beauport Church 24,675 4.()73 No. 1 do Beaujiort Brewery 20,075 3.J)1(» No. 1 do St. Columban Ciiurch 20,540 3.800 No 1 do Montmorency Mills 37,075 7. 135 DISTANCES Between Fire Stations and from Fire Stations to certain points in and about City and Environs. Lin. ft. Miles. N©. I to No. 2.— .St. riitrick st. l>y Ann st ;{,70() .701 Jo 2.— do St. .lolmst 4,()()() .758 do ;$. - Doiciieatei- st. and N. 1). D. A r^,rM) 1 .042 do 4. -St. I'iiul .it. oppositu C. P. R 2,200 .417 do 5.-— St. Andiv, st. at Custom House 'AJM) .ti6H do G.— Ciianiplain St. at Milliners Chapel 7,800 .8S2 do 7. — Napoleon, I ioi.s.seau sts. near uluu'oh S,,Sr)0 ..")81 do 8. — Ma.ssiie and Atpieduct streets 9,.joO 1.8011 No. 2 to No. '.).— l>y (itiiievii've and Ahraluini st.s .S,r)00 .063 No. :{ do 4.— l)y St. .losephsc 3,200 .GOB No. 4 do 5.— hy St. Paul or St. Andre .S,400 .(i41) No. 5 do ().— Uallnmsieor St. PeterandCliamplain sts (i,800 1288 No. do 7. — Ciianij)lain, Dalliousie, St. Andit' and St. Joseph sts,. l."),S.iO .■>.002 No. 7 do 8.- Massne .stieet 1,(),jO .'Mli No. 6 do 8.- The remotest Stations 17,r)00 ."5.314 City limits, Cap-I>lane or Chami)lain street to City limits, Valief st. St. Sauveur 22,450 4.252 No. to City limits, Champlain st. Cap-lUanc 4,000 .758 N. H. — The distance from No. I tiie station to foot of Mountain Hill at corner of I'eter st. being 2000 ft.; and the distance thence to No. 5, 1500 ft.; it will he (piicker to reach a lire South Westward of Mountain Hill from No. 5 than from No. 1 . N. ]{. — To reach a tire half way between No. 5 and No. G stations ; not less than ^ miles to travel. N. B. —Same distanco from No. 1 to Paul st. at foot of Dambourges, by Couillard and Canotterie, as from No. I to foot of Mountain Hill at Peter st. namely 2000 ft. ; so that widle the distance from l)ambouri,'es street to No. o is but 1,400 ft. so it is shorter and ([uicker to reach a tire N. Westward of Dand)ourges st. from No. 5 than from No. 1. — 22 — No. 2 Yire Station to City lliiiita (Jrantle-AlU-e 3,800 .720 No. 2 do ,(H)() .947 Reauport Asylum 1A,200 2.879 Aciueduct Inidge 12,700 2.405 Quebec jail ' 7,200 1.3(54 Bellevue Convent 15,."),30 2.941 Sillery Convent, say 19, 140 3.(>25 Bon Pasteur Asylum 4,500 .852 Finlay Asylum, say 7,000 1.326 Spencer Wood, say 15,600 2.955 Inebriate Asylum 18, 170 3.441 Dorchester bridge 5,300 l.(X)4 Bickell bridge 9,7(M) 1.837 Manrese Church ' 7,700 1.458 The Mayor's (S. N. Parent) St. Sauveur 9,400 1.780 End of Louise docks 6,200 1.174 Centre of Maple Avenue 7,800 1.477 Centre of Belvedere Road 11 ,225 2. 126 Bergerville 16,600 3. 144 Marine Hospital 7,200 1.364 Ceneral Hospital 7,8(X) 1.477 City limits, St. Valier st 11 ,2(K) 2 121 Custom House 3,7(X) .701 N. D. de la (iarde Church 7,800 1.477 Bon Pasteur 4,300 .814 Sisters of Cliarity 2,6•> l--^^-' No. I do Chaniplain Market Ifall 2,()r)0 .r.(>2 No. I do Jao(|ue8-(:aitier Market ''».:^<><» l-'X^* No. 1 do St. I'ierre Market Hall H,2()0 l.r,-,;{ No. 1 do Citadel, (iov. ( lenl'rt. (luartera •*. --^^ No. 1 do Scaiulinaviaii ( "liapel «> 1<^> 1 l''-'' No. 1 do St. Colu.nhan SiUery Church 2<».">-l0 :^-«W No. 1 do Beauport Brewery '^O'^"''"' ^-^l*' No. 1 do lieaui)ort Church --^^^''^ ^-^''^ No. 1 do Montmorency Mills, by Railway lower road 37,675 7. 13,> oo o o 5 So > c o o o O C i5 o o o o 50000 po poooooo o I - Ci 'O I'j Tt* -t "-H C5 :o o o (?l o o o e p o p o o o o o O '■'^ O ^- ^^ C"! CI O P P V O O p O O 'O p o C' ,■:: ~. o o -t< o =; c p p p 1-: r; ic ^ Ol -f "M , o p 1 o 'O CI — ' '?! la " e^ OPPPPPPPPOP p CPPPOOPOPP.-=> ic C O P '^ fC >t P 1'^ r— p It' I -f P .-. 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C O u t^ •< -< a •^ r ^ eS CJ^ CC ^ d • s: c-2 » c « i" c I* '-> ^ .2 , s c_( 0) o (H ;r ?» pq 'O-X' W aj 0) 01 o> oj o> -u J-> +-> +-1 -IJ +J >, >, >i >> >-. >i r^' ..C 1-^' >£ -^ rS >1 >> >1 r-. >> >» .M 4^ ^ >3 1^ 4-> r— ' r— ^ r^ i™* r.™* f™^ '3 "5 'S "=* "5 's ft ft ft ft ft ft >^ >> >1 t») >»_>> +J n CO o a to 01 .1-1 +3 ;-. II ft o ;-! ft '3 O 01 3 O H INDEX Areas and extent of City, lengths and l)readths of streets, etc ?, Areas of City l)y wards 4 Areas and lengths of streets by wards o Areas and lengtlis of streets paved, blocked, planked, macadamized, etc. . . . T) Areas and lengths of .sidewalks and how paved, in feet, yards and miles. ... o Areas and lengths of crossings and how paved, in feet, yards and miles (j Areas and lengtlia of surface water channels in feet, yards and miles (} No. of galley wells or catch basins (J No. and position of horse troughs (i No. and position of carters kiosks, at cab standy (i Nos. of Telegraph, Telephone, Fire alarm and Electric light poles and extent of wiring 7 No. and position of City Markets and Halls 7 No. and locality of Fire stations 7 No. and locality of police stations 7 Weigh honses or ])nblic scales 8 Band stands S Quarantine buildings and disiufectors 8 .Stores of materials, tools and plant and foremen's offices, men's quarters, sta- bles, etc 8 Sundry and \V. W. premises, shops and plant. For details of W. W. Statis- tics, see report of M. (lallaghcr, \V. W. Manager and Fngincer 8 No. of arc and glow electric lights 9 Citv fountains or jets d'oau 9 Drinking fountains 9 Pnblic latrines and urinals 9 No. and extent of places of {)ublic rescjrt, as terraces, parks, promenades, gardens, squares, etc., fields and other sanitary areas, exclusive of Markets, pri- vate gardens, cemeteries and vacant lots H' A crying injustice : Unassessed Imperial, Federal and Local (Jovernments property, ami property of religious institutions ; the assessed paying for all the [jriviledges enjoyed by the unassessed 1- Table of approximate distances between points in City and vicinity. . 12 Sundry distances to j)oints about and around City and environs 13 Distances continued to City environs l-^ New City Park— extent of- -distances to, from sundry points 17 Distances between Police Stations and from Police Stations to sundry points in and about City and Environs i*' Distances between Fire Stations and from Fire Stations to certain points in and about City and Environs -^ Location, extent and value of City property, by wards i'.vni.K.u-