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WEBSTER, NY. 14580
(716) ?72-4503
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IH«5 ,
Tabic HhowiiiK number of autopsiifs in tiach year. .
Sproiai. Indkx-
(Jknkhai, F'athoi-ohy.
IiiHanitiiation.s, InfectioiiH and General DiHeases
Injuries, Operations, Violent Deatb, Artifacts. ...
Sl'|.;<;iAi, I'atii()|,o(iy—
VeHsi'JH, Blood
Heart. '.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'. "**
Lymi'hatk' Systkm—
Thymus, Adreiuils, Bono-marrow
Larynx, Upper Air-passaKes, Pharynx
DroioHTivii Systkm—
Stomach and Oesophagus
Liver ^
Gall Bladder .'. .^ .... .....'..'....[[['.', , ]^
Peritoneum, Mesentery
Urinary Systkm—
K'**ney ,02
Bladder, Urethra ,"f
II i !
Mai.k Oknital Syhtkm—
Fallopiiiri Tubes
Skin and AppondageH.
Nkkvouh System—
Drain and MembraneN. .
Spinal Cord
Locomotor System—
KM '
, . 107
. . lOH
.. lOH
f lOH
FROM i8«3 TO 1895.
7(»1 (O.sler)- Female, KK .Tan. 1(», LSKi
SveTwmy;'-T''''''''V''- ':■''''• ^'"'''^ '" '"'«'" '""« : fl'^'-^'d «"<^ fatty
liver, with Liebermeistor s furrows.
702 (0.sler)-FeniaIe, 40. .Jan. 10, 1883.
PKRin.KNT HuoN.HiT.s. Cyst.c broncliocole; cyst at apex of l,.f(
pleura, continuous with l.ronehocele. Sub-peritoneal fibroid of uteruH.
703 (Oaler)— Female, .57. Jan. 14, 1HH;{.
Fbactithk ok Bask ok Sku..,,. .Slight atheroma of mitral and aortic
valves; chronic adhesive pleurisy; calcareous plate in right pleura-
earflHginons looking. fi,„.oid areas of left pleura; meningeal Lmor-'
rhage and multiple eechymoses of pia ; ha-morrhage of pons ; fX
liver; granular kidneys, with cysts. ' '»"y
704 (Osler)-Male, 2.5, private case. .Jan. 24, 1883.
S|.i...;.NU- MYELOdKXous Li.;r( H.KMiA. Hyperplasia of spleen, 7* lbs.;
hyperpasia of mesenteric and retro-peritoneal glands, and bone mar-
row; dilatation (and thrombosis?) of portal and mesenteric veins-
catl.arrhal enterocolitis, hyperplasia of .solitary follicles to OKT8
P. ^
I 'I
70(1 (Osier)— I'Vniiili', 2(!. .Jan, 27, ISS;!.
I'liTiiisis. I'voi'NKU.NOTiioitA.v. IVrfonitic.ii iu'ju- nnlcrior bonier of
upper lobe of left Iuiik ; einpyeina ; extensive tubr'irulosis with eavi-
ties; luilnil and aortic valves tliickened ; a few s|)ot.sof atheroma in
a.:via at lower i)!.rt of areh ; uterine mucosa connestcd ; varicosity of
ovan.vH veins.
707 (Osier) -Female, I. Feb. 2, ISSJ. '
Dii'iiTHKiiiA. 'Iracheotoniy ; diphtheiitic mendmuie over epij^lnitis,
larynx and inicliea, forminKa(om|)lelecast above tracheotomy incision,
below oritUe iriU( osa deeply con^-eslcd ; loft lun^ .;ollai).sed, commeninp;
pneunioiua in ri^ht lung.
7t)S (Osier) -Male. 2(). l''eb. (i, IHK\.
ri,( KitATiVK K.vnot AKurris. Fusion of aortic segments. Thick,
lleshy vegetations on valve; perforation, :< mm from edge of left half of
fused valve ; vegetations extend below base of single segment towards
mitral valve. Hypertrophy and dilatation of heart. I-ungs hyper;emic;
bases oedeniatons. Kidneys large (cyanotic induration) ; show old and
recent infarcts, and numerous Incmorrhagic infarcts in cortices. Spleen
acute enlargement; intestines show infarctions beneath mucosa; tluke
deformity of left- liver lobe ; catarrhal gastritis and ecchymosis. Acute
Inemorrhagic endiolic lepto-meningitis.
7(Kr(Osler) Vemale, Iti. !'"cb. Isth, l,ss;{.
IMniiisis. Numerous cavities ; fibroid change ir both lungs; acute
tuberoilous pleuritis with subpleural luemorrhage ; miliary tubercles
of spleen ; tuberculous ulceration of intestine, most marked in jej-
mum and cacnm ; tuberculosis of vagina. Liver fatty.
710 (Osier)— Male, 2H. Feb. li)th, 18S{.
Pin.MONAUV I'tnuisrs. Fmphysoma ; rupture of aneurism of pulmon-
ary artery ; mesenteric glands enlarged.
711 (Oaler)— Male, (1. Feb. 20, 188;{,
DiPJiTiiKRiA of pharynx and posterior nares ; enlargement of glands of
712 (Oaler)— Private case. March :}, 1883.
FlliHO Mvo.MA ov I'teriw.
7i:{ (Osler)-Male, 27. March 4, 188;<.
At UTE Gknkuai, Mii-iAHV Ti'HEiti I'l.usis. Lungs stutled with miliary
tubercles, caseous nodules at apices ; hyperplasia of spleen (IS times,
normal size) ; a few miliary tubercles in calices of kidneys.
714 (Osier)— Male, 12. March 10, ISSU.
Cauiks oi. Ckuvkai, Vkhlkhh.k. Tuberculosis ; Cavity ii\ lung, apex
(size of walnut) ; fimyloid spleen ; nutmeg liver.
715 (OslcD-Femiile, 5. March (), 1883.
l)iPi:Tiri.;uiA Me.nbmnous laryngiti. and tracl.eitLs ; atelectasis of
loft luiiK, inllatioM of right luiif,'.
71(( (OHlcr)-Male, 1».. March 8, I8,s:{.
CnuoNU) l'AUKNv„YMAT(,us Nkphuitis. Anasarca; chylous ascites
niul hy.lrothorax ; to I pints milky lluid inpentone.nn) ; nu'senteric
and retro-peritoneal lymph glands enlarged ; thoracic duct normal.
717 (Osier) -Male, :{2. March 15, 1SS;{.
SiiM-mfATivK AuTMHiTis (.K n,,. AMD Kmok Joints. Nutmeg liver-
pyifiMia ; icterus ; amyloid kidney. '
718 (Osier) Child, .") months. Private ca.-e.
RoTTNO Oem.ioi) Sah.oma ok Kii.nkv. Sarcomatous thrombosis with
obliteration of right iliac artery and vein and vena cava.
7l!t (Osier) -Female, 5;{. Private case. March 2;{, 1S83.
Cancioh „„■ Vkhvix llTiCHi. Left hydronephrosis; nutmeg liver-
Cancerous inliltration of rectum and bladder.
720 (Osier) Female, (55. March 2(i, ISS.S.
Gliosahcoma ok Hkain- in rc-ion of ;{rd ventricle and infnndibulum -
IJirnvn athroi.hy of heart ; adhesive peritonitis and perihepatitis'.
Dilatation of bile-ducts.
7-21 (Osler)-Ma!e, 7(). March 2(i, imi.
Fif A( Ti'uio OK Uask ok Skui.l (Xotes not entered).
122 (Osler)-Male, 80.
SoKTENiNtJ OK Bkain Multiple atheroma of arteries : miliary aneu-
risms ; atheroma of corollaries ; hypertrophy of left verticle ; atheroma
of heart vai-es. Slight chronic interstitial myocarditis ; emphysema of
margins of lungs ; (vdemaof lungs ; mucopurulent bronchitis; thicKening
of capsule of spleen ; extreme senile athrophy of kidneys with cysts.
723 (Osier) -Private Case, Male. March 27, 1883.
Chhontc Ixtkhstitiai, Nkphhitis. Hypera-mia and .edema of lungs -
fatty liver; hypertrophy of middle lobe of prostate; diverticulum of
bladder; (cdenia of pia mater. l'riemia(0
724 (Osier)— Female, 28. March 28, hSH'J.
Phthisis; UiAKRATivK Endocarditis.
725 (Osier)— I'rivate case, 73. March 22ml, ISSl.
AxKcmsM OK AoHTA, ascending arch. Rupture into pericardium.
72() (Osler> Male .")5. March 2i), 18H;i.
Phthisis. Emphysema of anterior margins of lungs; large cavity in
left lung.
, »
i iii
727 (03ler)-Female, :^9. April 7, 1883.
Chkonic Interstitial Nephritis. Pregnancy. Uraemia. Conges-
tion and cloudy swelling of kidneys ; hyceraemia and oedema of lungs-
punctate ecchymosis of liver. Hii'morrhage of left corpus striatum and
left ventricle ; gestation nearly at term ; ftietus in utero.
728 (Osier) -Male, 65. April 10, 1883.
Cerebral H-emorrha«e.
729 (Osier)— Female,' 50. April 11, 1883.
Acute Broncho-P.veumonia. Atheroma of aortic and mitral valves •
cloudy swelling of kidney ; slight fatty liver ; atheroma of aorta; chronic
bronchitis and emphysema in both lungs.
730 (Osler)-Male, 48. April 12, 1883.
Chronic Tuberculous Peritonitis with Effusion. Perforation
OF Tuberculous ulcer of Intestine. Tuberculous entero-colitis •
extensive tuberculosis with cavities in both lungs. Tubercles in capsule
of spleen. Tuberculous perihepatitis.
. 731 (Osler)-Male, 28. April 14, 1883.
C^no^icVi^cFnATiVE Phthisis of both lungs. Fluke shape deformity
of left lobe of liver ; fatty liver ; one small tuberculous ulcer in ileum.
732 (Osier)— Male, 63. April 11, 1883.'
Chronic Interstitial Nephritis. Dilatation and fatty degeneration
of heart ; emnhysema ; adhesions at apices.
733 (Osler)-Ma]e, 8. April 15, 1883.
Diphtheria. Apical tuberculosis ot lung (both) ; cloudy swelling of
kidneys ; pseudo-membranous pharyngitis.
734 (Osler)-Male, 5;^ April 15, 1883.
Chronic Ulcerative Phthisis of both lungs ; slight insterstitial
nephritis ; several small tuberculous ; ulcers in ileum and colon.
735 (Osier)— Private.
Umbilical Herina.
736 (Osler)-Not entered.
737 (Osier)— Female, 52. April 24, 18g3.
Colloid Cancer of Pancreas. Secondary in lung; no cancer in
738 (Osier)— Male, 3.5. May 1, 1883.
Phthisis. Cavity of left upper lobe ; acute pleurisy over right lower
obe ; tuberculous enteritis; Chyle extravasations in mesentery • en-
larged lymph glands. J > c"
730 (Osier)— Female, (iO. May 9, 1883.
Pernicious An.kmia. Brown atrophy of heart; chronic interstitial
ne^phnt.s ; stomach mucosa, pale thin and tough ; liver elongated left
lobe ; aorta atheromatous ; iliacs rigid ; submucous flbromvoma uteri
740 (08ler)-Male, 8. May 9, 1883.
AcuTK Nephritis followix,. Scarlatina. Anasarca; ascites;
hydrothorax ; atelectasis.
741 (Osier)— Female, 18. May 14, 1883.
Chronic Ulcerative Phthisis of both lungs. Tuberculous pleurisy
adhesive perihepatitis ; eight to ten tuberculous ulcers in ileum • a
single ulcer m colon ; adhesive pelvic peritonitis ; hydrosalpynx.
742 (Osler)-Male, 38. May 30, 1883.
Acute Spinal Myelitis.
743 (Osier)— Male, 60. May 29, 1883.
Hypertrophy and Dilatation of Heart on both sides ; Chronic
mitral endocarditis with stenosis ; presistent foramen ovale ; emphy-
sema; chronic interstitial nephritis ; cirrhosis of liver; ascites • hvdro-
thorax. •'
744 (Osler)-Female, 23. June 3rd, 1883.
General Miliary Tuberculosis. Adhesive pericarditis; miliary
tuberculosis of lungs and kidneys ; extensive adhesive pleurisy ;
caseous bronchial glands. r j ,
745 (Osier)— Female, 85. June 11, 1883.
Cancer of Stomach. Secondary cancer (?) of retroperitoneal glands •
fibroid change of myocardium ; brown atrophy of heart ; atheroma of
aorta ; pigmentation and pseudo tubercles of pleura ; emphysema • chro-
nic bronchitis ; fibroid and fatty liver ; thrombosis of left renal'vein •
papillomatous cyst of left ovary.
746 (Osler)~Male, 6. July 20, 1883.
Acute Tuberculous Meningitis. (Notes not entered).
747 (Osler)-Male, 24. July 16, 1883.
Phthisis Cavities in both lungs ; dilatation of right side of heart;
spleen enlarged, with two supplamentary spleens ; amyloid liver ; gran^
ular kidney with amyloid. Enlarged gland in portal Assure.
748 (Osler)-Male, 32. June 16, 18*3.
Pernicious An.^mia. Lemon yellow tint of skin ; heart hypertrophied ;
(410 gm.) and dilated with fatty degeneration ; redema of lungs • spleen
enlarged and adherent to diphragm ; kidneys ancemic enlarged (200 gm )
capsule adherent ; liver yellowish-brown ; marrow of femur red ; mesen-
teri glands deep red.
749 (Osler)-Male, 52. August 19, 1883.
Typhoid Fever. T> phoid ulceration of Peyer's patches ; enlargement
of mesenteric glands ; enlargement of spleen ; pneumonia of right lung
congestion and cedema at bases of both lungs.
i> i
750 (O.sler)— Male. Aug. 1, ISHS.
Typhoid Ulckuation oi- Intkstinks. Svv«lli„KoC uim.nteric kIhikIs •
Dncin.ioniH al l)aseH „f Luirs ; cloudy Hwollinw of kuiiu-ys anehko«ation and Pkhitonitis. Typlioid ulceration
of intestines ; liyperplesia of spleen and mesenteric glands ; cloudy
swelling of kidneys. '
759 (Osier)— Private case. August 17, 188:1.
Pki.maky Canckh ok Livkr. Secondary in lungs.
7(K» (Osier) Male, 21. August 17, 188;^.
Amyloid kidney, liver and spleen. Ulcerative colitis.
761 September 25, 188;{.
CiiuoMc End,harditis with hypertrophy and dilatation. Chronic
bronchitis; hyperplesia of spleen ; arteriosclerosis; Liebermeister's
furrows of liver ; catarrhal gastritis.
762 (O.sler)— Male, 21). iSeptembor 2:{, IHKJ.
KiMTiiKi.ioMA OF Pknis. Secondary of in«uinal Kliuuls ; infarction
(cancerous {() ) and abscess at base of riKlit lung.
703 (Osier)— Female, 4U. October 1, 1H83.
Typhoid Fevku ; Diphtmkhia oi- Tkaciika and Huonciii. Slight
chronic intc^rstitial nephritis ; hyperplasia of spleen ; t>phoid ulceration
ol intestines.
7«4(Osler)-M ale, 23, October ;{, 1883.
Fhactuhi.; oi- Skull, Internieningeal haMuorrhage and concussion
ecchymoses of brain ; collapse and hypenvniia with (edema of lungs.
765 (Osier) Male. October, 26, IH8.3.
ANintHYs.M OK AiiDOMiNAL AoRTA . Rupture into peritoneum.
76(i. (Osler)-Male, 35. October !), 1883
Phthisis. Tul)erculous peritonitis with ellusion ; cavity in left lung;
gray hepatization of right lung ; hyperplasia of spleen ; catarrhal gastri-
tis ; cirrhosis of liver.
767 (Osier)— Female. October 14, 18H3.
Hknal dmiHosis. Hypertrophy of left ventricle; hypenemia and
u'deniaof lungs; cheesy and calcified nodule at apex ; kidneys 36 grni.
each ; extreme chronic insterstial nephritis with arterio-sclerosis ;
dysenteric ulceration of intestine ; pyosalpyux ; cyst in right broad liga-
ment ; atheronui of aoita ; o'denuv of pia.
7,ss; miliary tuhiTculosiH of lungs, livorund kidneys.
KJ(» (Mowanll-Malii, 20. .\prll II, 1HH.5.
TtrnKinri.ous I'yoi'.nkpmdtiioh vx. {V>llapsi> induration of left In ng
Willi adliesive pleuritls ; liaeniothorax ; nutmeg liver; fatty kitlney ;
ohronie paronehymatous neplirit is.
827 (Howard) Female, i;t. April 12, IHM").
Aii'TK Sioi'Tic I'KitiTONiTiH. Pyosaipin.x. Acute lil)rinous pleurisy.
«2H (Howard) -Male, :M). May 2, 1H«5,
Kiivsii'Ki.As. Hroncho pneumonia ; K>'anular kidneyH.
821t (Howard)-Fenuile, 40. May (I, 1883.
t'HHoNif I'liTiiisis WITH (^vviTY. Amyloid spleen ; lacing lobe of liver;
fatly kidney.
K«l (Howard) -Male, ri2. May 0, 1885.
HitoNciio I'NKiT.MONiA. Slight interstitial nephritis.
Kn (Howard) - l-'emale, 42. May 10, 1880.
(^iiDiti'o H A right lung; parovarian cyst.
Kfci (Howard) Male, 10. May l(i, 1885.
Dii'irrHKiMA. Fatty ilegeneration of heart ; catarrhal laryngitis ; bron-
cho pneumonia (convalescence from diphtheria.)
«J« (Howard) -Male, T.'i. May 21), 1885.
Okhkiihai, Soktknino, size of marble, in pons; atheroma of aortic
valves and aorta ; infarction of spleen ; I'ranular kidneys.
KM (Howard) -Male, 0:{. ,Iune 10, 1S8."».
Canceh ok Hkitim. Secondary in peritoneum, mesenteric and retro-
peritoneal glands ; thrombosis of pelvic veins ; broncho pneumonia.
8;i> (Howard) Male, 10. .lime 18, 1885.
CiOHKHKi.i.Aii AiisiKss, (rupfurc into 4th ventricle); hyperaemia and
acute intlatioii of lungs ; granular condition of lateral ventricles and
choroid plexus.
KIO (Howard) -Female, 50. June IS), 1885.
t^KKKiiRAi, H.KMOinuiAuK iiito pous. Large granular kidney (right);
uterus bicornus; tibro myomata : almost complete atrophy of left kid-
a'17 (Hovviird)- Male, 15. Jmu! 2(>, iHHfi.
T..MicK.:ni.„s.H I'liTMisrM. l!„iv,.r.sHl mUu-slon ofhoth pin.rao ; tuhn-.
cul..UM|,l,.,.rit,is; with nilnireous rhuMKo at 1...II, apiros ai..l
MHliaiy tiilKT.I..H ll.n.i.Kl...»(- l,«th Iiiiikh : „.(lenm of nlottis with tulK-r-
(Milous ulwratioi. of larynx ; miliary tubercluH of trachea ; fatty liver.
KW (Howard) Male. Til'. Jmic :i;j, 1HHiiritis.
812 (Howard) Male. .luly !», 188.5.
Ci.itKiiuAi, S()kti;nin(j.
H13 (Howard)— Female, 52. .Inly !), 1H8.").
SriticTi'Hi.; <)|.' JiKcriiM. Peritonitis from perforation of rectum by a
bougie; Kibrous cicatrix of rectum; microscopically only llbrous
tissue in growth.
844 (Howard)-Male.
FuACTUKK oi' Bask ok Skulk. Slight intermeningeal luvmorrhage.
844 A (Howard)— Female.
CiUHiioTu; Kidney. Atheroma and calcification about heart valves;
brown atrophy ; fracture of left radius.
845 (Howard) -Male. Died after dilatation of urethra.
Srnu riTUK ok Uhi;thra with production passage, lined with smooth
gray membrane.
84(5 (Finley)-Female, 4(5. July 20, 1885.
Pyosam'ynx. Acute purulent peritonitis ; abscess of L. ovary ; gran-
ular contracted kidney ; ulceration and stenosis of rectum.
¥ «
847 (Fl nicy)-- Male.
CiimiioTU KiKNKv ami amyldid kidney ; nmylolci iivcr and .spieeii.
8.18 (Finlt'y) -Malo.
GLANiiims. Farcy iMidn of Hkin.
841) (Finicy)- Mai«', 2'.. July 1(), 1885.
8ii()u*iiiiNy ribs.
Ml A (Finl.-y)-Miile, .'Vi. Sopl. 21>, 18H-|.
Tvi'iioii) Fkviou. I'liNtuiiir fiuptioii ; infcr-stitiil aepliritiH; lar^o
851 IJ (JohnMton)-Male, 20.
GuNHiiOT Wounds oi- Aiidomkn. IVrforatioii of bowels by Snider
iMilJot at .short, range ; fracture of polvi.s ; laceration of rinlit iliac veins ;
broad tlat end of .second right rib, not bifid.
852 (Johnston)— Male, W. Oct. 0, 1885.
IJixUHUKNT AOUTU- E.NDOcAiiDiTi.s and incompetency. Atheroma
and dilatation of aorta ; infarcts in spleen and right lung ; chronic
interstitial nephritis ; embolism of left anterior cerebral artery ; anky-
losis of riglit ankle ; nutmeg liver.
853 (Jolin8ton)-Male, 29. Oct. 9, 1885.
Tvi'HOii) Feveu. Ulceration of intestines in state of healing; perfora-
tion ; peritonitis ; hypostatic pneumonia ; spleen 120 grm.
854 (Johnston)— Private.
DouHLK Fiimo-CvsTif Sarcoma of ovary. Secondary .sai-coma in
peritoneum with adhesive peritonlti.s, and in glands of portal fissure ;
jaundice; icterus and cloudy swelling of kidneys with .slight hydrone-
855 (Johnston)— Male, (iO.
Fatty and CrKRHOTic Liver. CholaMila (?) jaundiee; cholelithiasis.
856 (Johnston)— Male, 21.
Skptic\«mia. Poisoning by chlorate of potassium? Suppuration of deep
inguinal gland ; methivmogloblmemia ; acute parencliymotons neph-
ritis ; infarct of spleen, examination of coversllps for bacteria negative;
prolongation of left lobe of liver.
857 Details not entered.
H5H (Joliniiton) Mule, 1H, Oct. 17, IHS5.
I'MMnii. ir,.,.„:„Ari..N of snmll lntoH»i„e:«rgein..nt of snloen •
.roupouH piuMunonia ..f rlKla upper lol.r ,u..i broncho pneun.oni.i of
liolli lowor lobuN.
HolMJohnHton) -Mall', nt, Oct. 17, 1«HA.
(•nmjN,. |.„n,M.s w.T„ Tuberculous plouri«y ai..lpcrlc»r.ilUH;
|h liMls vvil , cavity at I.ft apex; tll.rol.l broru-hitis and p.-rl-bron!
chitlH; clironir .llllusc I ulH-rculouH pneumonia of left low,. r lob.' • InfarctH
of Hple.'u and kidney; tuberculous pyelitis and .-yHlitlH; .stricture of
WKM-Iolin.sloii) Female, (W. I'liviile. Oct. II), l.'^HT).
INTKSTINAI, OHMTiar,.Tl..N. GanKreue .,f bowel, locallze.l pe.ltonitl« ;
obstrM.tJnneausedby a eoil of intestlneH bemmlng adherent I., a lar«e '
myoma ot the uterus, u„d twist !«« roumlit; niight inter.stitial neph-
801 (.Johnston) -Male, (M). Oct. 23, I HHo
l'KiiK()UAT,vi.: Ai.i.KNi.nms. I'erityj.hlitis fron. perforation of appendix ;
local and Kcnora septic peritonitis; distension of intestines; hyper!
ivmiu of lungs ; ihiclicninK of aortic and nutral valves.
802 (.John.stoiO-Male, 25. Oct. 2;t, l,s,s.-,.
Tv.'iioii. KiovDu. Intestinal hieraorrhaKe ; typhoid ulceration of intes-
tines including the rectum.
8(J.'J (.Johnston) Male, 42. Oct. 24, 188.").
An.kmia. Hron/ing of skin of Hbdomen ; chronic enlargement of liver
and spleen; hyperplasia of bone marrow; atheroma of aorta; slight
fjitty degeneration of heart ; cicatrices of colon apparently from former
8(W (.Johnston)— Female, 40. 0(l.2ii, ISM,*).
CiiHONu: iNTKKSTiTiAi, Nkpiiiutis. Chrouic gastrioentcric catarrh-
acute general peritonitis ; polypus uteri ; atrophy of suprarenals ; fibroid
pleurisy with calcification; hyperi)lasia of spleen; slight mitral and
aortic endocarditis.
805 (Johnston)— Male, 20. Oct. 28, 1SH.5.
Adoison-.s Diskask. Bronzing of skin for some months ; diarrh,ea •
caseous tubercles in i)Oth suprarenals ; enlargement of Peyer's patche.s
and solitary follicles ; caseous bronchial glands ; universal adhesive peri-
carditis ; slight l)roncho-pneumonia ; caseous puckeringsat apices of both
806 (.Johnston)— Female, IH. Nov. 1, 188.5.
Tmhomhosis. Internal saphenous vein and iliac vein; pulmonary
embolism (cause of death.) Apical miliary tuberculosis ; amemia.
tf iA
i-'i\H (.lohnstoiO-Cliild, 5 davs old,
iM'iisTiNAL II.KMOHHiiA*.;;. Alalii'na ; source not discovi-red ; icterus;
urate irfi'vcts ir- hidnoyi*.
H(i!) (Johnston)— Male. Private. Nov. 1. ISS.").
SciKRHUS Caxcki! oi' Rujut Kidnkv. Indltratiu^- retroperitoneal
KJands ; secondary in omentum ; obliterative adhesive appendicitis and
H7(l (John.ston) - Female, 29. Nov, 1, IS«5.
rii.MONAHY TriiKKruLosis. Cavities at each apex; tuberculous
peritironchitis and pleurisy; miliary tubercles in liver spleoi and kid-
neys ; tuberculous alc^'ration of intestines.
S71 (•lohuston)-Male, ;i8. Nov. 5, 188.5.
Laci;hation of Ahoomkn involving spleen, pancreas and left kidney;
Hfeniorrhagic infarction of lower lobe of left lung ; fracture of ribs.
872 (.luhnston)— Male, Xi. Nov. (i, 1885.
FKAi'Tfiu: OK Hask oi' Skuli, through frontal and sphenoid; extra
meningeal hiemorrhage ; broncho-i)neunionia ; Meckel's dvierticuluni ;
fusion of lobes of right lung ; hypertrophy of heart ; thickening of
mitral valve. Shipping accident.
874 (Johnston)— Male, 48. Nov, 5), 1885.
CiinoNic- TriiKHci'i.osis OK Horn LrN(is. Chronic tuberculous pleuritis:
total synechia of pericardium ; caseous tubercle of liver ; caseation and
til)rosi8 of suprarenals; catarrhal enteritis; milky opacity of pia
870 (Johnston)— Male, 44. Nov. 10, 188.5.
CiiKONir Pakknchvmatous Nin'MiiiTis. Commencing interstitial neph-
ritis; fibroid and suppurative orchitis; localized adhesive peritonitis ;
(edema; ascites ; anas uca ; deformity of liver : librinous ])leurisy.
877 (Johnston)— Male, 44. Nov, 12, 18Sii.
FiiArri'KE OK yKTM.i. tlirough left temporal, sphenoid and frontal bones;
intermeningeal h;eniorrhage ; fragilitas ossium.
878 (Johnston)— Female, 20. Nov. 2.5, 1S8.5.
TviMioii) Fkvkh. Perforation of intestines; hypera-mia and ledema of
lungs ; acute septic peritonitis.
87!) (Johnston)— Female. 'M. Nov. 2.S. 188,5.
Phthisis. Amputation of left foot for caries; gt;ieral miliary tuber-
8S0 (.lohnston)— Male. Dec. 4. 188.5.
•*:iTHisis WITH Cavitiks in both lungs. Thrombus of internal saphena
vein , old fracture of second lumbar vertebra.
881 (Johnston)— Female, 26. Dec. 1, 18A5.
TuHOMHOs.s OK Co.u.NAKV Amtkuv. Thron.bosi. of left saphena vein-
niuial tlironibus of lieurt ; tertiary .syphilis. '
i^>^2 (.lohnstoii) Male. "vl. Dec. S, hS,S;i.
P.iT.nsis. LarKeeavitiesof lun-s ; tuberculous ulceration of intestines;
miliary tubercles of kidneys. o>"ii.»,
884 (Johnston)-Fetnale. 71. December i), 1HS,5.
CEdi;.ma ok Pia. Degeneration of .5th nerve.
88.5 (Sutlierhind)-.Male, ;«. Dec. S, issr,.
Svi.HiMTU. Kni)ahti.;>utis of cerebral arteries: l„cali;.eSS,5.
Tv..,„.n, Fkvkh. Perforation ,.f typhoid ulcer of ileum ; acute hvpcr-
plasia ot spleen ; cloudy swelling of kidneys ; broncho-pneumonia. "
1 (Johnston)— Male, :i(). Jan. i:{. ISSd.
RKcuHitKNT Enihuahi.itis. Hypertrophy and dilatation of heart-
brown induration of lungs; induration of spleen and kidneys'
mesenteric glands enlarged and lirm ; pericardial adhesions.
2 (Johnston)— Female, 10. Jan. 4, 1886.
Typhoid Fkvkh. Ulceration of intestines ; fatty degeneration of heart-
thrombosis of left ventricle ; infarct of R kidney ; spleen normal ; heal-
ing typhoid ulcers in intestines ; enlarged mesentric glands.
3 (Johnston)— Male, HO. .Jan. 0, l8S(i.
A(-iTTE Mama. Hypera'uiia and thickening of pia; subarachnoid
(edema ; other organs normal.
4 (Johnston)— Male, 17. Jan. Vi, 188<).
Chkoimo Puriiksis with cavity. Slight amyloid in kidneys and spleen.
.5 (Johnston)— Male, (>1. Jan. 22, 188().
Chkonic Valvui.ak Hkaut Disease. Dilatation and fatty degenera-
tion of heart ; sclerotic endocarditis of mitral and aortic valves ; hydro-
thorax ; right pleuritis: brown induration of lungs ; collapse right lung;
indurative hyperplasia of spleen and kidneys ; cirrhosis of livev : hyper-
trophy of prostate ; anasarca ; icterus.
(i (.Toluisto))— Milk", :tS. .Ian. 2(i, ISiSli.
I'liMTiiKi.ioMA oi' (Ksoi'iiA(ius. Socoiular.v ill luiiK'* ; lioi'Rit' PhwsihI into
luiiK^ fj;iinnrtMU' of liiiiK« ; iiitMirisy ; chronic lihrons; pcriiicp.atitis.
7 (.iDhnstoii) Male, SO. ,lan. 2H, IHSli.
("iiitoNic iNTiOHS'irri.M, neplirilis. Arteriosclerosis; iivpertropliy and
(iilatiilioii of left ventricU' ; fusion an (.lohnston)— Male, iKt. I'Vb. T), ISSli.
Sri'i'i'itATiVK I'voNiM'iiuosis. Ischiorectal iihscess ; hypertropliy of
prostate; ulcerativi> cyst itis ; einphyseina ; se|)t,i( embolic ])n(>umoiiia ;
anomalies of jiscondinjj; colon and liver; obliterative phlebitis of
hepatic veins with atrophy of left lobe of liver; atheroma of aortic
1(1 (.lohnston) Infant.
Si'DDKN DK'rAii. Cause not made out ; orpins appear healthy.
11 (.lohnston) Female, i:t. Feb. i;$, ISSti.
(.'iMiKiuiM. 'riiwoMHiisis ritihl middle cerebral art(>ry. Sclcrotio
endocarditis and stenosis of iiiit nil, tricuspid and aortic valves, with
fusion of coronary segments; h\ |)crtropliy and dilatation of heart;
emphysema; infarcts of spleen ; nutmeg liv;'r; chronic adhesive pelvic
cellulitis and peritonitis ; right ])yeloiieplirilis from uric acid calculus.
12 (.lohnston) Male. (). Feb. IM, ISSti.
Ari'Ti: 'ri'iiinu'iM.ou.s Mkmnoitis. Meningeal ha'inorihage ; acute
miliary tuberculosis of both lungs, with caseous bronchial glands;
miliary tuberculosis of liver, spleen and kidneys; localized tuberculous
pK'uritis and peritonitis; tubi'rculoiis follicular ulceration of intestines.
13 (.Johnston) Private, Mftle, 7 months. I'Vb. 22, ISSti.
Asi'iivxiA I'HOM Iu)o I) in air passages.
11 (.lohnston) Male, U). March 1, ISSCJ.
SiiiiDi; iiY IlKVDi.vioii WOUND OF Skim.i,. Luccration of frontal
lobes; meningeal ha'inorrhage ; acute tuberculous jileurisy ; i)hthisisof
hiiigs ; hyjiostatic imeumonia ; distcndi'd gall bladder; no
l.T (.lohnston) -Female, 75. Feb. 28. ISSO.
TunoMiiosis OK CoHONAHY AnTKHV. Myomalacia cordis; acute
jineurysiii of left ventricle; rupture into pericardium; .•itheroma and
aneuryism of abdo;uiiial aoiia ; lacing deformity of liver ami intestines;
chronic suppurative arthritis right elbow ; cellulitis right arm ; dextro
position of rectum.
1« (.T()lmHton)~-Feni)il(>, .J(). Kd,. i^ ih8((.
Cancku ok Stomach «t pylorus, witl. and Kastreetasia.
17 (.7ohnston)-MHlc, M. March, 7, lHH(i.
Calcum o„- H,,Ai.nKH. Lithotomy incision and sinus i„ porinenm • pyelitis with ..alcnlus : hypertrophy of prostat Ihr .l^
; with sacculation and calculi of bladdc- ; cn,,h>s n ■ hn' Z
pneuaum.a ; perisplenitis ; stcnosiuK phhd.itis of 11. renal vein
18 (Johnston) -Female, 20. March !), 1H80.
I'UKUPKHA, Subinvolution; puerperal state; acute
•n-ulent pentonifci. ; ha.norrhaKic diphtheritic eu.Ion.ctritis u c
li) (Johnston)-Male, (15- March m, l,s,S(i.
FuAcTru.,: ok Skum Meningeal ha-nmrrhaKc ; lateral dislocation of
axis ; .l.verticulum of bladder ; hyperemia of lungs.
20 (Johnston) - Male, ;M. March 1!», imi.
hlnnr "V"'" '^'''•"'^»'*'''''« ^'itl^ perforation ; pylephlebitis and
licpatic abscess.
21 (Johnston)— ATale, 25. March 27, im\.
(^..uoN,r Va,.v,m,au M,.; vkt D.skask. Sclerotic and verrucose mitral
endocarditis; synechia-; hypertrophy of heart. (Partial
22 (Johnston)-Male, 21. March i:5, IHSO.
STHAX(itTLATKi) H. iN.fuiNAi. IIkunia (reduced). Localized septic peri-
tonitis; necrosis of intestine and strauKukC n from constriction of
loop of bowel by old adh.>si,.ns, (loop IS" long) ; left inguinal hernia.
23 (Johnston)— Male, 17. April .•), ISSd.
Ui.n.;uA'rivK Evdocahi.itis of aortic valves ; hypertrophy an.l dilata-
tat ion ot heart ; acute pericanlitis (local) ; acute pneumonia ; infarcts of
lung; acute librinoi)uruleiit (septic) meningitis.
21 (Johnston) Male, 11. Ai)ril (i, ISSti.
llvPEHTiu.pnv AND 1)m,atatu).v OK II.oAHT. Chrouic scIeroti<. aortic
endocarditis; dilatation and atheroma of aorta ; obsolete caseous
apical tubercles ; scar of glans.
25 (Johnston)— Male, ;y,i. April 12, im\.
CnrsK OK Chkst. Dislocation of 1st costal, cartilage ; ecchvmosis of
pericardium ; double pneumonia ; acute right pleurisy.
20 (Johnston)— Male, 28. April II, imi.
ArUTE LoiiAR Pnkumonia. Follicular ulcers of colon.
■ ?
H !
27 (Johnston) -Male, 54. April 17, 188(5.
Carcinoma ok Pancrkas, secondary in liver, lungs, kidneys and
duodenum ; gall-stones ; intestinal hiernorrhage ; cirrhotic kidneys ; old
ulcer of leg.
29 Johnston)— Private, April 26, 1886.
Gliosarcoma of Pituitary Body.
Atrophy of optic nerves ; chronic
28 (Johnston)— Private. April 25, 1886.
TUHKRCULOUS PYONEPHROSIS of right kidney and Ureter ; tuberculous
cystitis; tuberculous right suprarenal ; tuberculous vesicles ; pulmonary
30 (Johnston)— Female. Private. April 26, 1886.
Pulmonary P:mbolism from Uterine Thrombosis. Subinvolution ;
puerperal state ; thrombosis of veins of uterine plexus, pelvic and iliac
veins and inferior vena cava ; pulmonary embolism ; septic endocar-
ditis ; local septic pelvic peritonitis ; acute hyperplasia of spleen ; cloudy
swelling of heart, liver and kidneys.
31 (Johnston)— Female, 22. April 27, 1886.
Puerperal Septic,?5Mia. Mycotic aortic endocarditis ; streptococus
infection ; infarcts of spleen and kidneys : cloudy swelling of liver and
kidneys ; acute hyperplasia of spleen.
33 (Johnston)— Male, 6. April 30, 1886.
Acute Cerebro Spinal Meningitis (non-tuberculous).
34 (Johnston)— Male, 32. May 1, 1886.
Pulmonary Phthisis. Chronic tuberculous pleuritis ; tuberculous
ulceration of intestine ; chronic leptomeningitis with granulomata of
ependyma ; chronic parenchymatous and interstitial nephritis.
35 (Johnston)— Female, 20. May 3, iaS6.
Tuberculous Salpincjitis. General acute purulent tuberculous peri-
tonitis and pleuritis ; milk patch of pericardium ; tuberculosis of lungs
and kidneys.
36 (Johnston)— Female, 26. May 4, 1886.
Acute Tuberculosis of Lungs, Hyaline degeneration of spleen,
liver and kidneys ; fistula in ano and hi^morrhoids ; tuberculous ulcers
of duodenum, jejunum and ctpcum ; chronic purulent otitis media ; bed-
sores ; dilatation of lieart : sclerotic endocarditis of tricuspid valve and
recurrent mitral endocarditis.
37 (Johnston)— Male, 28. May 5, 1886.
Chronic Parenchymatous Nephritis. Fatty and cirrhotic liver •
alcoholism ; atheroma of aorta ; hypenemia of lungs ; anasarca ; ascites ;
38 (Johnston)— Male, 26, May 7, 1886.
Pulmonary Phthisis, larKe cavities in each lung ; tuberculous ulcera-
tion through whole length of intestine; tuberculous kidney ; polypoid
adenoma of duodenum ; tubercles in suprarenals ; verrucos; endocar-
aitis ; tuberculosis of mesenteric glands,
39 (Johnston)— Female, 19. May 7, 1886,
Tuberculous Phthisis of Lunos, large cavities; amyloid spleen
ulZT^}! ""^V "°"T"''" '» vermiform appendix; tuberculous
ulcers of larynx and ascending colon.
40 (Johnston)— Private,
DELiRiaM Tremens, Alcoholism. Subarachnoid (sdema of brain • no
meningitis. (Other organs not examined). '
41 (Johnston)— Male, 50. May 10, 1886
Tuberculosis ok Lungs. Tuberculous pleurisy ; tuberculous ulcera-
tion of intestines, with perforation ; peritonitis ; tubercle of R adrenal-
leucoderma ; inguinal hernia ; tubercles of kidneys. nurenai ,
42 (Johnston)— Male, 40. May 14, 1886.
c2ZZ ^^"^"^"7 Phthisis of lungs, larynx and intestines ; tuber-
culos.sof suprarenals; amyloid liver, spleen, kidneys and intestines-
sclerotic mitral and verrucose aortic endocarditis ; dilatation of tricuspS.'
43 (Johnston)— Female, 50. May 15, 1886.
Embolism R Middle Cerebral artery and softening of right corpus
striatum central lobe and internal capsule ; sclerotic mitral and verru'
cose aortic endocarditis ; chronic parenchymatous nephritis ; InfaSi
of kidney ; amyloid (bacon) spleen ; subperitoneal flbromyoma of uterT'
tSHunT '""' '"" '"' '""""'^ = ^'^^°°'*^^^ ^^"- "f'
44:(Kirkpatrick)-Male, 45. May 17, 1886. *
Acute Lobar Pneumonia both lower lobes ; acute double pleurisy -
atheroma of aortic valves, with fusion ; jau ndice.
45 (Johnston)— Female, 12. May 18, 1886.
Diphtheria of larynx, pharynx and trachea ; tracheotomy ; cellulitis of
46 (Howard)-Male, 65. May 20, 1886.
forH^ ^'''=^^'"^'' ^f^^'^ ^^°d "^^^'"a of lungs ; atheroma of mitral and
aortic valves ; calcified apical tuberculosis,
47 (Howard)— Female, 42, May 23, 188(j,
Granular Kidneys, Ha^orrhage right corpus striatum, hyper-
trophy o heart; arteriosclerosis; acute pleurisy and pneumonia •
retroversion of uterus; rectum on right side.
48 (Howard) -Male, 60. May 24, 1886.
Lymphosarcoma? of right lung and pleura; nodules in kidneys
suprarenals and left lung. •' '
'. i
I. .'
V 1 1'^^l
' i'l
: i.l
I' i«
W (IlowartU M/iU', Irt. Juno 1. imi
CiiiKiNK iNTKK.sTiTiAi. Ni.)i'iiums. 1 lypi'il lopliy of hi'iirl, withdila-
fi() (llowiiid) l''.Miiiili>, ;12. .luiic 1, 1H,S(1.
Ti'Mi.:iuri,()si,s OK l^uNos. with Cavitiks. TuIu'i-cuIouh poHlonitis •
fully liv»«r.
r>l (lIuwanD— Mule, i")?. .Imio 20, ISHlt.
Uni)ii,.vti.;i. STiiUTitnK OK Uhktmha. Uocciit. falsi' pasHago; iiitoiiNo
•lypcru'iiiia of Iuiiks ; liidnoyH onlargiul and congostod.
W (llowHid) l'\-iiiali', :n. .Fnni>2(t, ISHii.
(."iiHOMc I'liTiiisis. Tiihi-rrulous ulc.'ialion of larynx, Iuiikh and intcs-
tint'H; pt'iinn-lliral alwcss; adlu'sivi' porilonilis,
X\ (llowimllMalo. :i(t. .Iuiu> 2(1, im\,
Intkstinai, Omstiumtion. Alroliolism ; Jaundice.
M (Howard)- ,MaI.<. .'M. Sopi. 2;<. IH^O.
II KM».i(iiMA(ii; IJKiiiT SiDK OK HiiAiN. IlaMuorrlmKic infarctH in lunRs;
k">nltp('rifar(lial and .snliculaiicou.s oi'ol»ynuKsin.
iV> (.loliiision) Aliilf, 22. Oct. 21. ISHll.
Tvi'iiom I''i.:vK». I'lccralion of Intestines in late staKe ; hyperi)la.sia of
spleen: sliitht parenchynialous deKeneralion of liver and kidneys;
liieiuorrha.uic pcricjudili.s (w ith miliary tuberculosis).
'*\ (Joliiisioh) Male, 52. Oct. 2(1, ISWl.
I'oi.i.oii) ('A.\ri;i{ OK Hix Ti'M. yeeondary in inguinal uiui retroperitoneal
lilfuuls and in Iuuk ; chronic and acute tulierculosis of IniiKs.
57 (.N>linston» - Keniale, 12. Oct. 27, IS.s'li.
Ckiminai, AiionrioN. Traumatic septic eiulometritis ; suhinvolutioii ;
slants puerpiM-alis; inlaivtion and septic pneunu)nia of lun^s ; acute
lil>iii»oMs ple\M-isy; hyperplasia of spleen; clouily swelliuK i)f liver,
UidMcysaiid heart : suppurative parotitis.
5S (.lohnstoiO Male. ;tr). Ocl, ;t(t, ISSH.
I'liAtrruKiU- Pki.vis. Derrick accident. Laceration of urethra; urinary
inllllration and phictfuumous cystitis ; fracture of rihs : acute jilcurisy ;
50 (.lohnston) Female, inl'anl.
Si:iTi( 11. K.MIA ,' IVicchial rash. Nothing special in appearance of
(H) ^.lolmstt)!!) Male, ;{H. Nov. 1, l,S.S(i.
iNTKSTiNAi. OusTinrrioN. Adhesive local peritonitis; appendix
attached to kinU of ileum ; acule Kastro-enteritis ; gall-stones.
(U (.lohnston)— Female. S days.
Si:i>rn KMiA. I'hihl of Icukaemic mother; gastroenteritis; purpura.
«2 (.lohiiHtDn)— Miilf, i:i. Nov. 1, IHSd.
Ci;ni;itno vSimnai. Miomnoitis; Uroncho piicmiioiiia; dnoiiic catarrhal
HaNtritis; chronic iiiterMtitial iicpluitlM; clrrliosis of liver.
0!J (.loliiiMtoii)— Fcinalf, "lO. Nov. 10, lMH(t.
|[vi'i:i(Ti(()i'iiv AM) Dilatation or I[i:aut, non-valvular; anasarca;
hydroMiora.x ; liydropcricanliuin ; ascites; chronic intcrHMt,ialn('i)liriti.s;
cj'Hl of kidney ; lachiK lobe ot liver; chronic pelvic adhesive peritonitis;
arteriosclerosis ; Meckel's diverticulunj.
04 (.(ohiistoiO- Private. Nov. 12, l.SS(i.
t'lioi.Ki.riiiiAsi.s. Perforation of khII l)lad*tone olwtructinK
conunon liiie duct ; jaundice ; chronic local peritonitis; acute geiu-ral
•septic peritonitis.
(J.') (.lohnstony Male, 27. Nov. 12, 18S(i.
1"'UA( irwi; oi' Ski'I.i,. Derrick uccideni. Laceration and contusion of
scalp; depressed fracture of L. parietal hone ; rupture of left middle
nienin^^eal arlery ; inter and extra meningeal lueinorrhage ; orbital
lueniorrhaKi-; (rdenia of lungs.
(50 (.lohnston)-Pri\ale.
t'AM i;i( OK Si'o.MAcii, with ulceration ; secondary cancer of pancreas
and retroperitoneal Klii'ids ; ."-econdary cancer of right lung and liver;
peritoidtis; cancerous pleurisy.
07 (.Johnston)- Male, l."i. Nov. Hi, ISiSO.
l<]rri'iii:i.ioMA oi' (I'lsoriiAors. Secondary in bronchial glands and left
05 (.Johnston) l''eniale. 71. Nov. Hi, ISSl.
MuoMiio Pmmmoma. Kiiu'oid pleurisy; chronic endocarditis; gull
stone; aliscess of lirain.
Ol) (.lohnston) Female, :!S. Nov. IS, ISSti.
Ai.t onoi.isM ; Pi:hii'iii:kai, Nkukitis.
70 (.Iohnston)-Male, 22. Nov. 2(1, ISSti.
Ti:iu:H(i'i,ous Pvioi.rris. Old right lateral lithotomy and cystitis;
perineal listula ; caseous prostatitis and epididymitis ; acute lnl)erculosi.s
of both lungs ; chronic left pleurisy ; amyloid spleen, liver, kidneys and
71 (.Johnston)— Female, 2i). Nov. 2."), ISSO.
CnuoNMf MvKi.iris. Slaty pigmentation of follicles in jejunum ; cystic
72 (.Johnslon)- Male, .")2. Nov. 2I». ISSti.
SciiMiiioiis CANt Kit OI' PvLoiurs. Dilatation of stoiuach.
73 (.Johnston)— Male, 41. Nov. :«), ISSti.
Non-Vai.vui-aii DiLATArioN' ANit 1 1 vi'KUTitoi'H Y of licart. Slight
fatty change of heart muscle ; acute miliary tuberculosis ot lungs, liver
and kidneys ; tulierculous endocarditis ; tuberculous ulceration of colon.
W 3
I, m
: li'f
Si i
MONTllKAL f bruin ; aciili' piviviiciiyiiiutouH nepliritis.
75 (.I())uiHtoiO Mall', :W. Nov. »), imi
CiiuoNic Pulmonary I'mthisis, cavity loftluiiK; elironle caseous peri-
broiicliilis; tubiTculoiis ri«ht pleurisy; tuluTculous ulcers of intestine.
70 (Jolmslon) Private.
Cam i.K ()!• Pvi.oius. Dilatation of stomacli.
7H (.loliiistoM) Koniale, 10. Dec. l(, 1880.
(JKiiKiiUAi, SoiTiCNiNti aiKt Calcareous cliaiiKe in brain ; calcified nodule
in pons; chronic myelitis.
79 (Johnston)— Male, 24. Dec. (I, IKhO.
CiiuoNic TiMtiCHcn.osis OK LiiN(!s and intestine. Local tuberculous
peritonitis ; amyloid spleen, liver and kidneys.
80 (Johnston)-Male, 2(1. Dee. 7, lfW(».
Aci'TK MiiNiNdiTis and chronic lepto-meningitis ; hyperiemia of lungs
and kidneys.
81 (.Johnston) Male, 54. Dec. 10, IH8(5.
Aci'Ti.; I.OHAH Pmumonia, with interstitial pneumonia. Subacute
pericardii is and pleurisy ; cysts in kidneys ; hypertrophy of middle lobe
of prostate.
82 (.Tohnston)— Male, 10. Dec. 12, 188(),
Tyimioii) Fkvkk. l)n>HTHKuiA. Ulceration of intestines ; acute hyper-
plasia of mesenteric Kliiiida and spleen ; diphtheria of pharynx, larynx
and trachea; broncho-pneumonia of upper lobe of left Iuuk; atrophy
of left inner temporal convolution.
8;t (.Iohnston)~Male, 41. Anhitkysm ok Innominatk Ahtkkv. Erosion of sternum;
obliteration of superior vena cava, with dilatation of veins ; pressure on
right vagus ; bron-ho-pneumonia.
84 (Johnston)— Female, 82. Dec. 28, 1880.
Phthisis. Cavities in both lungs ; amyloid spleen, liver, kidneys and
intestines ; acute parenchymatous nephritis.
85 (Johnston)-Male, 50. Dec. 18, 1880.
Si'i'i'uuATivK Nki'hkitis. Enlarged prostate and abscess of prostate ;
hyperplasia of spleen ; pya-mia.
86 (Johnston)— Male 45. Dec. 10, 1880.
Ankurysm ok Aokta.
87 (Johnston) -Male, 42. Dec. 31, 1886.
1 (.loluiHlon)— Fonmls, (TO. Jan. II, 1HH7.
Kkcuiiuknt Cahcinoma ok Mamma. CaiicerouB tliroinlms in loft sub-
clavian vein ; Mecondury cancer in Iuhkh and livor; cJuonic hydrocepha-
luH Internum ; chronic mitral endocarditis.
2 (.ToluiMton) -Komaie, 11). Jan. 20, 1H87. Maternity.
I'y.1':mia. Acute peritonitis and pleurisy : puerperal state ; subinvolu-
tion ; diphtheritic endometritis ; streptococcus infection ; purulent
arthritis of wrist; cloudy swellinK of liver andspleen ; acute hyperplasia
of spleen; catarrhal entt-ritis; follicular tonsilitis.
3 (Johnston)— Female, 11. Jan. 2(i. 1HH7. IJr. Rohs.
AcuTio TiTHKHciii.oirs Mknino iTis. Solitary tubercle of corebelhun ;
sub-acute tuberculous peritonitis ; slight miliary tuberculosis of lungs,
liver and kidneys ; double ojjtic neuritis ; anchylosis of ankle ; ovarian
cysts ; miliary tubercles of intestines.
4 (Johnston)— Male, 22. Jan. 2(5, 18H7. Dr. Roddick.
Compound Comminijtkd Fhactukk Tiruouoii Lkkt Knkk. Fracture
of R. Femur, tibia and /ibula, R. ulna and raHiu)sis AND H VDHONKi'Hiiosis. Hypertrophy of prostate;
dilatation of bladder; depressed fracture of R. frontal bone (healed).
♦ (iff
JKi (.lolinNton) I'Vnnilo, 12. Pplvfttc.
l'i;uHiUATi\ K Ai'i'KNiiiriTis. I'orUn'fiil (iltNcoNH; luuto pi-ritoiiltlH ;
:M (.lohiiKloiO- l'ViimU>. :«5. May 12, 1HH7. Dr. WIlkliiN.
(.'liHuNif UnKiiAiivi.: I'uTurMis. 'rulicmilouH llhrouH pUmii'IMh; tuber-
(Uliir tilccmlioii cplKlotlls ; liypi'itiDpliy of rlxht. vciilrlcli' ; brown
atropby of lu'iirt ; nutmeg llvi'r; tuborciiloiis ulceration of intcstlnoH;
amyloid Mpb>(>n, llviu', kbinoyNand intoNtlnoN.
:VS (.loiniNton) Malt>, TCt. May Ul, IHH7.
KiMTliKi.ioMA oKlKsni'HAoi'H, inllilralinK traclwa; pressurti on n'cur-
roni ni>rv»>H ; pnr\ili'i»l broiirliills ; clironic adbt'sivt- local ;
calccroiis broiicblal glands ; clironi*- ndlral cndocarditiH : l>rown atropby
of biMU't ; Kranular atropliic kidney.
!kl (.lolinston) Male. 2H. May IS, ISHT.
Piii.KHMitNni's Cia.i.n.rriH and lynipbauKitiN L. arm. UnivcrHai ad-
iu'Hivc K. pb'uriti.s; multiple apoplexy nf Iuuks; sIlKbl .sclerotic mitral
iMidocardiliM ; fatly liver ; cloudy .NweJliuK of liver and kidneys : condy-
lomata of peniN.
;17 (JoluiNton)— Male, !U». May 2:1. 1HS7.
'ri'm:iiii'i.(irs ri,( kha ri\ k Phthisis. Cbroiiic and acute tnbercnlous
pleurisy; Inben-ulous pbarvii«itis^ cbnuiic adbcsive pericarditis; fatty
38 (Jobnston) Female. :«». May 2tl, 18H7. Dr. Wilkins.
Plirin.sis, WITH ('Avirv oi- I, kit I.I'no. Ocbre deKeneratb)n of fat;
U. pleurisy wilb t'tVusion ; acute broncbo piu'umonia ; (cdema of Iuiikh;
abscess and list ula of vulva; iKemorrliolds ; liieiuorrbii;j;ic spot U>»ber-
culuus) on eplKlottis.
;«> (JobnstonV Male, ;Kt. May 27, 1H.S7. Dr. MacDoniu'll.
Pi'i.MtiNAitv Phthisis, cavity in left upper lobo ; tuberculous pleuriti-s ;
adbesive iiericarditis ; tulwrculous iieritoiiitis and enteritis ; amyloid of
spleen, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines and l)ludder.
40 (.lobnston) Female. 17. Nay 27. lf.
4:MJoiiiiHtoM) Male, ri7. .lunc ir.. IHS7. Dr. WllkliiH.
■M (.lolMiHton) Mill.-, Id. .hum 1(1, |«H7. I'rivuU',
Cm.oNir Aoi.ri, am, Minrxi. Kni.o. ai.i.itim. with Stmnosih. ChnmU- |„itiM; liMlumli,,,, .,f spl,.,.,, n,u{ kldnLVH; .•irrhoHlHof
liver; ascltoH; iiiiuNiircH : hydro! Iiorax.
•»5 (.loliiiNloii) KtMimlr, 2(1. .hiMc IH, IW7. Dr. VVilkins.
UiiAMMi.' coma; .IuhmiIc plnirKlN aixl iHTinmlilis; hoKhm-k ki.i-
nov: ii.uK pl..H„Kl,„na of liver; h.m.I.. l.yperplu.sla of Hpleei. ; 1{. hydro-
MHlpiiix ; chronic ailh.,sivr pelvic periloniliH.
40 (.FohnHton)~Malo, fi. .lune IS, IW7. Dr. MucDom.ell.
Dii'ilTiiMiiA of pharynx, larynx and trachea; hronehu-pneuiuunia.
47 (.lohnston) KeinaU'. 22. .Inne 2(1. |sh7. Dr. WilkiiiM.
IViMoNA.n I'MTiMsiH WITH Cav.t.ks. Amyloid of npleen. liver, kid-
ncysand Inle^lincN; Mil...iv»lo„.s lurynKiliN ; round ulcer <.f .stomach.
4H (.lohnsfon) Male, :t:t. .lune 22, ISH7. Dr. Roddick.
K..A.T..I.1.: OK t"|.;uvi, Ai. V..:i.Ti:iiii.K. Acute double pleurlHy; broncho-
40 (John.stoiO—Fi'uuilo, 78. .June 2(1, 1H87.
Co,MM,N,rn,;„ K„,u,y„,. ,„„ Hi.M.r Fi.:.Mru. Chronic bronchitiH with
iMuphysema ; fat inllltration of heart; senile kidney.s; Mebenueister's
furrow.s of liver ; papilloma of bladder.
TiO (Johnston) -Male, 22. Private.
Ai.pKN...,iTi,s, (perforative) with abscess: Rcneral purulent peritonitis-
old adhesive perityphlitis and peritonitis ; fa-cal concretion in appendix.'
rd (Johnston) Male, 21. June 2(», 1H«7. Dr. Wilkins.
IMri.MON.M.v P„T„,si.s CAViTi,.;,. IN Do,,, L,.^,,s. Kmphvsemaand
(cdenni ; tubereulon.s laryiiKitis; enteritis.
52 (Johnston)-Female, 20. .June 21», 1H87. Dr. Wilkins.
CiiHONic Sin.j.irHATivi.: Pkiau' Cki,i,it,.,tis. Subinvolution ; throm-
bosLs^of pelvic and iliac and vena cava ; hypene.uia and .edema of
fW (John8ton)-MaIe. .5(). Julyfl, 1HH7. Dr. MucDonnell.
Typh.)!!, Fkvkh. Ulceration of small and large intestines : perforation •
peritonitis. '
54 (Jolm8ton)-F'^, l'^«"- I>>'- Koddiek.
Aci'Ti; Ti iii:iuri,()sis oi- Both LiNCis. L, enipyienia; tuberculous
abscess in liver, with fistula perforating sternum and leaving sinus.
5f) (liiitleur)— Male, 2X .July !), 1H«7.
FkactimU'; and Dislocation of 5tii Ci:in h ai, VKUTKiiKA.
57 (Johnston)— Male, :{4. July 11, I.SH7. Dr. Wilkins.
Tyi'IIoih Fkviok. Ulceration of bowel; bronchitis and emphysema;
perichondritis ; abscess in spleen.
58 (Johnston)— Male, 27. Aug. 8, 1887.
Tvi'HOii). Ulceration of ileum ; acute hyperplasia of spleen; acute paren-
chymatous nephritis ; p. m. invagination ; cloudy swelling of kidneys.
GO (Johnston) -Female, 25. Sept. (5, 1887. Dr. MacDonnell.
AitsiONU'Ai. ]'oisoNix(i. ilough on rats. Round ulcer of stomach ;
chronic follicular enteritis ; ciironic adhesive peritonitis ; perimetritis
and salpyngitis.
01 (Johnston,— Male, .55. Sept. 14, 1887. Dr. Wilkins.
Athoi'IIU' Ciiuiiiosis OK LivioH. Double pleuritic adhesions ; chronic
gastritis ; apical cicatrices of lungs ; icterus.
02 (Johnstou)-Male, HO. Sept. 10, 1887. Dr. MacDonnell.
TviMioii) Fkvkk, with ulceration and diffuse catarrhal enteritis;
acute localized peritonitis (no perforation) ; acute bronchitis ; hyper-
plasia of spleen.
03 (Johnston)- Male, 43. Sept. 21, 1887. Dr. Wilkins.
Chkoxu' iNTioHsriTiAL Nin'iiKnis. Chronic hypertrophic catarrhal
gastritis ; hypertrophy of heart ; CEdcma of lungs ; R. hydroihorax ;
anasarca ; polypoid adenomata of rectum.
05 (Johnston)— Male, 05. Sept. 22, 1887. Dr. Fenwick.
Laceration and hivmorrhage (extra and inter meningeal) from middle
meningeal artery; slight laceration of brain; atheroma of aorta;
anchylosis of dorsal vertebra'.
00 (Johnston »-Male, 30. Sept. 22, 1887.
Du'HTHKUiA of pharynx and fauces.
07 (Johnston)— Female, 52. Sept. 23, 1887. Dr. Wilkins.
MiTUAi, Stionosis. Dilatation of left auricle ; fatty degeneration
of heart ; emphysema ; ftbromyonia uteri ; granular kidneys ; infarct
of ki-ophy of heart ; acute enlargement and thickening of capsule'
of spleen ; slight interstitial nephritis ; hivmorrrhoids.
75 (Johnston)— Female, .32. Oct. 10, 1887. Dr. Ross.
Ac;cTi'; Fkhitonitis and calcification of omentum ; chronic endome-
tritis ; gallstones ; endocarditis ; old cicatrices from former ulcerations
of colon.
70 (Johnston)— Female, 50. Oct. 10, 1887. Dr. MacDonnell.
('ATAKRHAL DYSMNTERY with follicular ulccrs. Healed typhoid ulcers
of intestine. Previous typhoid fever, ending In recovei-y ; persistent
77 (Johnston)— Male, 35. Oct. 14, 1887. Dr. Ross.
Chronic Pahknchymatoi's and Intkhstitial Nephritis. Chronic
tuberculosis of luigs, with cavity; CEdema of glottis and right lung ;
incipient tuber^-ulosis of ileum ; anasarca ; ascites.
78 (Jolmston>-Malo, 7. Oct. 11, 1HM7. Dr. Ross.
NASdIMl.MIVNiillAl, Dll'IlTlllHilA.
70 (J()hiist()u)-Malo, :tr). Od. 21, 1HH7.
Li;rr K.mi'v.kma, with <'hn)iiic lulln'sivi' jiliMiritis. Ilijj;lit loralizcrt
I)ii'uriHy, witli cHusioii ; ix'iforntioii of sti'iiiuiii by empyii'iim; tubercul-
(niH ulceration of colon ; niiliaiy tuberculosis of lun)j;8, liver aiwl kidm^ys;
amyloid spleen : putrid peritonitis.
80 (.lohuston) -Female, 27. Nov, 1, 1887.
Aci'TK AiisKNitAi, PoisoMNc : Hough on Rats; death in 7 hours.
Chronic nutral endocarditis ; chronic (syphilitic iyniphoniata of intos-
t itu's ; pillstoncs.
81 (.lolmstonV Male, :«». Nov. .5, 1KH7. Dr. Shepherd.
Aci'Ti') TiMKiu'i'i.ors Mkninimtis. Neplu'otomy ; tuberculous cystitis;
right, tuberculous pyoiu'phrosis ; tuluTcuious vesicorectal perineal
(istula; tuberculous peritonitis ; miliary tuberdies in lungs, liver and
kidneys; amyloid liver, spleen and kidneys.
82 iJohnston) Male, :{8. Nov. 10, I.SS7. Dr. MacDonnell.
GnHou- ^^'l,^u)^Aliv I'lrrmsis ; ("avitiks in Doth lifNc's. Miliary
tuberculosis of right, lung, wit li emi)hysenia; acute and chronic tuber-
culous pleurisy ; amyloid spleen, liver, intestines and kidiu'ys; tuber-
c\ilous ulceration of ileum, colon and rectum ; s>ibmucous cyst of blad-
der : angioma of liver
83 (Lalleur) - Male, 2(i. Nov. :«), 1887. Dr. Wilkina.
84 (.FohnstonV-Male. Tm. Dec. 1, 18S7. Dr. Ross.
CiiuoNU' AouTU' KNDot'AKDiTis WITH Iniom I'DTKNc V. Dilatation and
hypertrophy of both sides of heart; universal adhesive i)ericarditis ;
brown induration of l\ings ; cyanotic induration of kidiu'ys; nutmeg
liver ; caleitication of mesenteric glands and one solitary follicle ; hydro-
tliorax ; ( edema.
85 (Johnston)- Female, 10. Dec. ;<, 1887. Dr. Ross.
PiiAitVN(;i;Ai, Dii'iiTUKHiA. I'arenchynuitous degeneration of lieart ;
acute parenchymatous nephritis.
S() (Johnston)— Male, 2;i Dec. ;>, 1887. Dr. Roddick.
Ski'TIc Pnkimunia. IMiMKiMON AND lAKHUNcLK of right side of lip and
face ; multiple pya-niic infarcts of lung ; acute swelling of spleen ; acute
parenchymatous nephritis.
87 (Johnston) -Male, ($0. (Private),
Rin'TUUK OK Lkkt VKNTKiri,K iNTt) Pkku'Akdhtm. Fatty infiltration
of heart ; thrombosis of left anterior coronary artery ; cyanotic indura-
tion of spleen and kidneys ; varicose veins of leg.
I •
«8 (.loluiHton) -Keinalc, ;K Dec. !», 1HH7. Dr. MoKson.
AciiTK Piihi'i,i:nt M|.;NfN (.loluiston)— Male 40. Jan. 12, 1888. Dr. Ross.
Miliary Tubkrculosis. Chronic tuberculous caries lumbar vertebrie ;
iuute miliary tuberculosis of lunjjs kidneys and liver; fatty liver,
chronic hyperplasia of spleen; Calcareous and cystic degeneration of
choroid plexus; Descending sclerosis of spinal cord : tuberculous ulcer
of larynx with adherent slough.
6 (Johnston)— Private case. Jan. 21. 1888. Drs. Schmidt and BuUer.
Acute H-Kmorrhagic pachy- and leptomeningitis. Abscess of frontal
sinus, following mucous cyst ; purulent abscess of left frontal lobe,
acute cerebritis of left frontal lobe ; clironic atrophic rhinitis.
7 (Johnston) "Male, 07. Jan. 23, 1888. Dr. Shepherd.
AcuTK Pyei.onkphrosis. Acute Parenchymatous ; hydronephrosis ;
dilated ureters ; hypertrophy of middle lobe of prostate.
8 (Johnston)— Male, 08. Jan. 26, 1888. Dr. Ross.
A(-UTK Lobar PNKUMONiA, right upper lobe. Acute bronchitis; acute
right pleurisy, adhesions both sides ; slight cirrhosis of liver and kid-
neys ; spleen small.
{) (Johnston)— Male, fw, Jan. 28, 1888.
SoFTENiN(i OK Brain, with sclcrosis ; broncho-pneumonia; frt>tid
bronchitis ; granular condition of fourth ventricle; ependymitis ; soften-
ing in pons.
10. (Johnston)-Male, 40. Jan. 29, 1888.
Acute Lobar pneumonia right upper lobe. Acute pleurisy ; slight gra-
nular kidneys.
11 (Johnston) -Male, 18. Jan. 30, 1888. Dr. Roddick.
Tuberculosis Caries OK Dorsal and lumbar vertebne. Double psoas
abscess ; acute left pleurisy ; chronic adhesive right pleurisy, non-tuber
culous : acute swelling of spleen ; slaty pigmentation of follicles of
12 (Johnston)— Male, 4 hours. Jan. 30, 1888. Dr. J. C. Cameron.
H j:morrhage of longitudinal sinus. Atelectasis of lungs,
13 (Johnston)— Male, 34. Feb. 8, 1888. Dr. Ross.
Cancerous Ulcer of stoaiach, invading left lobe of liver. Amyloid
spleen, intestines and liver.
14 (Johnston)-Male, 24. Feb. 9, 1888. Dr. Bell.
Amputation of left femur sloughing of stump. Secondary hit^morr-
hage ; artery sloughed through at point of ligation ; pysvmic abscess in
left pectoral region ; tibrous anchylosis left hip ; an.einia of org-ms.
15 (JohnNton)-Male, (i. Feb. 10, IHHH. Dr. Ross
I)r.HTHKKiA Of pharynx, larynx and trachea ; broncho-pneun.onia ; infcu-
16 (Johnston)^Fenmle, 4(.. Feb. i:S, im. Drs. Molson and Stewart
ExoPHTHAi^U' GoiTRK thronibosis of left vertebral and inferior cere
aortl'l r'":.^"''"""'"^'"*^^''*^ '" ''""'-^ (lm.maton.a) si « reh;o, n"
aortic endocarditis ; infarction of spleen; cystic bronchocele
17 (.John8ton)--Feniale, 2r,. Feb. 15, 1888. Dr. Molson.
SUBACITTK TUBERt;Uf.OUS MkniNGITI.S. Slight acute bronphnr,.
•nonia; chronic adhesive pleurisy ; gestation. ^roncho-pneu-
18 (Johnston)— Female. Feb. 17, 1888.
AcuTK Aortic and mitkal kni.ocahi.itis. Nutmeg liver • ann«„r.
acute parenchymatous myocarditis. ' ""'^^^'^'''^ :
19 (John8ton)~-Female, 21. Feb. 17, 1888.
Valvular Heart Diskase. Dilatation of right ventrir-l. •
sema; nutmeg liver; hyperannia of intestines; am sac^'vcl^otho'''"
ascites ; chronic adhesive perimetritis. anasaua , hydiothorax ;
20 (Johnston)-Female, 20. Feb. 2n, 1888. Dr. Ross.
. Perforation of ulcer of stomach ; general acute peritonitis ■ two
other ulcers of stomach ; gestation third month. '•'gonitis , two
21 (Johnston)-Male, 20. Feb. 24, 1888. Dr. Bell.
Py.emia. Sutured right patella ; abscess and phleemon ri^lif i«„ •
purulent arthritis right ankle and knee ; acW ^^r ucot '1 T '
endocarditis; miliary abscess of heart; infJ:SonTZnS^
and left corpus striatum ; cyst si.e of walnut in right ^obe of H v^r
superficial ulcer of right shin. ^ '" *''' '
22 (Johnston )-Male, 4a. Feb. 2o, 1888. Dr. Ross.
Acute Lobar Pneumonia right upper lobe. Gummatous hepatitis, old .
2S (Johnston)-Male, Feb. 28, 1888.
Aneurysm ok Abdominal Aorta. Erosion of the body of the 'ivd
lumbar ver ebra ; dilatation of heart ; atheroma of aorta ; genera arte o
"f lung^ ^ ^^ '"'"'^^"''^' '"^'""^ = ^'"•^"'^' ^'■'^-"""^ ^n^ht -dema
24 (Latleur)~Male, IJ. Feb. 28, 1888. Dr. Molson.
Diphtheria of Pharynx, larynx and trachea. Tracheotomy ; intersti-
till, emphysema ; atelectasis ; broncho-pneumonia.
25 (Johnston)-Male, 60. Feb. 28, 1HS8. Dr. Roddick.
Railroad accident. Fracture of Ribs, 7 to 11 right ; laceration of pleura
ana right lung ; traumatic pneumonia ; bronchopneumonia • slight
hamiorrhage into cerebral ventricles. ' ^
20 (Johnston) Female, 45. March 2, 1HS8. Dr. Ross.
Chkonic Parknciiymatous Nei'HRItis. Chronic mitral and tricuspid
endocarditis ; cirrhotic and nutmeg livor ; hii'morrhaKt'.s of Hplcoii ; acute
gastroenteritis ; hypertrophic endometritis.
27 (Johnston)— Male, (K). March 5, 1KH8. Dr. Ross.
Pulmonary Phthisis. Cavity in right lung: emphysema let'i lung;
acute miliary tuberculosis both lungs ; right tuberculous adhesive
pleurisy; tuberculous ulcer of larynx ; tuberculous enteritis ; fatty liver ;
miliary ? *' ■• ''o'is of kidneys and spleen.
28(.fohnstop)— i , HO. March 5, 188H.
Inoculition TuBKRcuLO.siM of 8ul)cutaneous tissue and muscles of left
arm ; of a.xillary glands ; extenaion to left lung ; brown atrophy of heart ;
atheroma of valves ; chronic hypertrophic catarrhal colitis with polypi ;
polypoid gastritis ; annular ulcer of pylorus.
2i» (Johnston)— Female, 4. March 5, 1888, Dr.
DiPHTHKRiA nose, pharynx and larynx (hiemorrhagic), old infarct of
lung ; acute luemorrhagic broncho-pneumonia ; infarct oi spleen ; em-
physema of peritoneum ; epi and endocardial ecchymoses ; chronic
mitral and aortic endocarditis.
:{() (Johnston)— Female, 7. March 7. 1888.
DiPHTHKRiA of pharynx, larynx and trachea. Acute inHation of lunj^s ;
Broncho-pneumonia; cloudy swelling of kidneys; follicular enteritis ;
ascarides .
31 (Johnston)— Female, 5. March, 7, 1888. Dr. Ross.
Diphtheria of pharynx, larynx and trachea atelectasis ; broncho-pneu-
monia ; cloudy swelling of kidneys.
;^2 (Johnston) - Male, .50. March 12, 1888. Dr. Molson.
Pneumonia. Late red hepatization upper and middle lobe right lung ;
acute right pleurisy (Hbrinous) ; acute bronchitis; cloudy swelling of
kidneys and heart.
:i^ (Johnston)— Male, 2.5. March 12, 1888. Dr. Molson.
No organic disease found to account for death.
:M (Larteur)-Male, 43. April 2, 1888. Dr. Bell.
FRAt'TURE OF Rksht Leh. Syncope.
3.5 (Latleur)— Male, 40. April 9, 1888. Dr. Molson.
Phthisis Both Lunos. Tuberculous meningitis.
3(i (Larteur)-Male, 67. April 10, 1888. Dr. Bell.
General Tuherculosis. Right tuberculous pyelitis.
37 (Lafleur)— Male, 65. April 10, 1888. Dr. Shepherd.
Pneumonia base of right lung, commencing pneumonia right upper
lobe ; pyelonephritis purulent ; chronic cystitis ; enlarged prostate ;
infiltration of urine with gangrene of scrotum and perineum.
:W(La(leiir) Malt", 21. April 12, 1S88. Dr. MacDoiiiioll.
I'oTAssiiTM MicHROMATK FoiHONiNd. Acute gastro enteritia; inethai-
89 (Lafleur>-Male, 41. April 15, IHHH. Dr. Hell.
Supi'URATiVE Ai'i'KNDiciTis (chroiilc) with's. ConinienciiiK P^r-
forativi' septic peritonitis ; ahst-esses of liver ; serofibrinous pericardi-
tis ; slight fatty kidney.
40s88. Dr. Roddick.
Scu;ii)i:. Two bullet wounds left auditory canal ; fracture left petrous
boi'e ; acute purulent meningitis ; broncho-pneumonia.
05 (Latleur)- Female. Sept. 18, 1888. Dr. Wilkins.
Syphilis. Gumma of lung and liver ; ulceration of intestine ; amyloid
liver, spleen and kidneys.
m (Latleur) Male, Sept. Dr. Wilkins.
AiUTK Right liOUAU Pnkumoma. Commencing pneumonia left base ;
gangrene of right lung ; purulent thrombus cerebral sinuses ; and veins of
Galen ; superficial encephalitis ; hfeniorrhagic spots in corpus callosum ;
middle ear normal
67 (Larteur)-Male, 16. Sept. 18, 1888. Dr. Wilkins.
Typhoid Fevkr ulceration of intestines.
68 (Larteur)— Male, 70. Sept. 28, 1888. Dr. MaeDonnell.
Hypertrophy and dilatation of heart; fatty degeneration. Hydro-
thorax ; (vdema of lungs ; anasarca ; cyanotic induration of kidneys ;
fatty liver ; old scar on prepuce ; slight double liernia ; external ha'morr-
(H> ([ialleur)— Female, 47. Sept. 21, 1H*«. Dr. Ruddick.
Carcinoma ok Hkctum. Secondary in iiinuiiml glands and liver; clironlc
70 (Larteur)— Male, one week. Sept. 24, IHHH. Maternity.
Cai'ILI.auy Broxciiitis. Asphyxia ; froth in tnichca ; aspiration of
71 (liatleur) .Male, (M». Sept. 21), 1HH8.
Ckhkhkai, n.K.MOHRUAiii: left cor pns striatum ; arteriosclerosis; slight
interstitial nephritis ; slight hypertrophy of left ventricle.
72 (Lalleur) -Male, 10. Oct. 'i, IHHH. Dr. Ross.
AppKNiiicrns. Perforation ; acute general purulent peritonitis ; cloudy
swelling of heart muscle.
7:Uo77 Not entered.
78 (Latleur)- .Male, 17. Nov. U), IHHS. Dr. Molson.
PuiTiiisrs. Cavities both lungs; ana'mia ; fatty liver and kidneys;
brown-atrophy of heart; tuiierculous enteritis; miliary tubercles in
79 (Latleur)— Male, 52. Nov. U), 1H8«. Dr. Bell.
Chronic Abscess of Pancreas. Obstructive jaundice ; serofibrinous
peritonitis; acute fibrinous pericarditis ; calcified nodule lo\>er lobe
right lung; brown-atrophy of heart; sclerosis of valves; abscess of tip
of vermiform appendix.
SO to 82 Not entered.
«^ (Larteur)— Female, :U). Nov. 3(), 1888. Dr. Gardner.
Acute Kid nr lobar pneumonia. SubinvolutionlJof uterus ; parenchyma-
tous myocarditis , slight fatty kidney ; slight muco enteritis.
84 (Larteur) -Femah , .55, Dec. t>, 18HS. Dr. Ross.
Ai;iTTE LoKAH Pneunonia right Upper lobe ; acute diphtlieritic entero-
colitis ; chronic oervical endometritis ; fatty heart.
83 Not entered.
8(5 (Larteur)— Female, 2:i. Dec. 12, 1888. Dr. Ross.
Pharyngeat, Diphtheria. Broncho pneumonia.
87 Not entered.
88 (Larteur)— Male, 05, Dee. 20, 1888. Dr. Ross.
Acute Fihuino purulent peritonitis. Cause not apparent : Sclerosis
aortic valves ; calcification ; fibroid nodule left apex.
\ I
W haHeur)-iromale, 50. .Ian, 11, 18«». Dr. Ross.
Cekebkal Soktenino ok hoth Crura (thrombotic?). SIlRht chronic
interstitiai nephritis; arterio-scierosis ; catarrluil enteritis; clironic ad-
hesive pelvic peritonitis ; brown atrophy of liver ; caseous nodule in left
lung ; polypus of cervix uteri.
2 fLatleur;— Male, 2H. Jan. 25, IHM). l)r. Ross.
Acute Suppuhative NEi'Hurris. Acute hn'morrhagic cystitis ;
acu^e enlarKement of spleen ; acute bronchitis.
:i (T,atleur) Female, :«>. Jan. 2(), 1889.
TiiHERCui.ous Fehitonitis. Acute miliary tuberculosis ; bedsores ;
' eczema about genitals.
4 (Lafleur)-Fenuile, 17. Feb. 25, 1889.
Valvular Heart Dlsease.— Mitral sclerosis ; dilatation and hypertro-
phy of heart ; icterus ; ascites ; bedsore.
5 (Finley> Female, 42. April 5, 1889. Dr. Wilkins.
Cirrhosis OP' Kidnky. Alcoholism; fatty and cirrhotic liver ; fatty
degeneration of heart; atheroma of aorta; ascites; anasarca; u'dema
of pia ; encapsulcd trichinosis of muscle fold).
6 (Flnley)— Female, 40. April 14, 1889. Dr. Wilkins.
Ulcer ok Stomaiii with open artery in base. Fatty and cirrhotic liver
alcoholism; cirrliotic kidneys ; hrt'morrhage in stomach and intestine;
fatty degeneration of heart ; ossifying pachymengitis ; gall stones.
7 (Finley)- Female, 42. April 22, 1889. Dr. Stewart.
Puerperal Septic.kmia. Purulent parametritis ; abscess in both broad
ligaments : no peritonitis ; acute enlargement of spleen with infarct ;
slight interstitial nephritis; cloudy swelling of kidneys and liver;
pyjfmic abscesses in pectoral muscles.
8 /Finley)— Female, 40. April ;«), 1889.
Carholic Acid Poisoninc;. Quantity tmknown ; 48 hours duration ;
punctiform hiemorrhages of stomach ; commencing parenchymatous
(Finley)— Female, 52. April 30, 1889. Dr. Roddick.
Cancer of Ascending Colon intiltrating abdominal wall ; lacing lobe
of liver; thrombosis of iliac veins; acute purulent bronchitis; right
broncho-pneumonia ; acute right pleurisy.
10 (Finley)— Female, 55. April 30, 1889.
Acutk Lobar Pneumonia (left). Slight interstitial nephritis ; hyper-
trophy of heart : lacing lobe of liver; oedema of glottis.
11 (Finley)- Male, 32. April :«». Drs. Ross and SliopJierd.
Adkno cahcinoma of siKiiioid Hexuie with external and vesical fistula' ;
.secondary cancer of liver and retroperitoneal mlands ; old tuberculous
pyelonephritis (rijjtht) ; caseous nodules in lungs.
12 Not entered.
13 (Flnley)-TMale, 45. May H, IHSl). (Coroners case).
RiTPTURE OK Ileum. HruisiuK of abdomen ; general peritonitis.
14 {Finley) - F'emale, 24. May 1», imi Dr. Sutherland.
PY.tiMiA. Retropharyngeal abscess; thrombosis internal jugular and
lateral sinus : abscess of dura mater ; collai^e of lungs ; sclerosis mitral
valve; cloudy swelling of liver and kidneys; acute enlargement of
spleen ; parovarian cysts ; hydrosalpinx.
15 (Finley)-Female, 4(t. May 12, 1881). Dr. Stewart.
CaN('i;h of PvLORirs infiltrating colon ; secondary in liver : fusion of
pulmonary valves; aortic endocarditis with incompetence; angioma of
liver; caseous nodules in apices.
10 (Finley)— Female, 11). May 2H, 1H«!). Dr. Wilkins.
Genkkai, Fuhulknt Fkkitonitis. Extreme cirrhosisof kidneys ; acute
plastic ; hydrosalpinx ; caseous nodules of lungs.
17 (Finley)— Male, 22. .Tune 2, 188H. Dr. Stewart.
Chkonic Phthisis with Cavitihs. Tuberculous enteritis; early
tubercle of larynx; catarrhal gastritis; p.m. digestion and perforation
of (esophagus.
18 (Flnley)-Female, IS. June 2, 1889. Dr. Shepherd.
Stranisulated iNOiriNAi. Hkknia. No gangrene or peritonitis.
1!» (Finley)— Male, 2(). .lune 5, 1881). Dr. Stewart.
AciTTE Parenchymatoks Nephritis. Acute glomerulonephritis; hy-
pertrophy and dilatation of heart ; commencing atheroma of aorta ;
(edema of lungs; hypeiwmia of intestines.
ii't (Finley)— Male, (51. June 5, 1889. Dr. Stewart.
Cirrhosis ok Stomach with ulceration. Cirrhotic kidneys; gall
stones ; tabes dor-salis.
21 (Finlay)— Male, 40. June 9, 1889. Dr. Stewart.
Multiple Lymphosarcoma? of pleura and peritoneum; sub acute
pleurisy and pericarditis with effusion ; tuberculosis?
22 (Finley)- Female, m May 14, 1889. Dr. Wilkins.
Chronic Ulcerative Colitis. Fatty liver; chronic adhesive peri-
2;« (Kinli'y)-MiiU'. (Ml. .luii.' 10. IH^-K. |)r. WilkliiM.
(iKNl'iKAi, Aiii'i':i(it)S('i,i;i«isiH, Oci'IunIoii of vi-nli-icIcK of bruin ;
niilitiry lUU'uryNiiis ; oliliti>nitiv)< cniliirturillH ; liyiicrliophy niui (Ilia-
tut ion of li>fl hriirt. ; sciorosih of vdlvcs; alrophy of livci': illliitiilion of
.stoniiicli ; iiidnoys noriniil.
'M (FinUvv)-Mul>>. I.<|. .Iiint<2(l, 1H8II. Dr. Hiirlainl.
Pkukoiiativk Ai'i'KNiMdTis. I''n'iiil cohcrot ioiiM in iipptMiilix ; luiilc
HOptic piM-itOllitis.
aTMKinlcyl MiiU>. 17. .lunc '.'I, 1H«». Dr. St«'\vnrt.
Anoiosaiu oMA ItidiiT Ciii's Ckhkium.
2H (Kinluy) Miiif, 25. .hino *2I, ISHII. Dr. Wilkins.
Tvi'iioiit l''|.;vK». Ulctn-iition itf iiitoMllncH ; pnrforulioii ; coniiueiicing
KUiu'nil peril oiiit is ; ucutv iMilarKtMitoiit of Nploon.
27 (FInk'y) KcmuiIo. 21. .Inno2r). Dr. WilkiiiH iiiul Sln-pJH-nl.
Kiiiur Kmi'v i;ma. TIjoriu'Oi'iMitt'sis ; colliipMf of Iumk : ri'cont iintl old
pleurisy ; fatty liver.
28 (Kinloy) Male. 27. .lunc 27, \m).
Vai.vui.ah Diskasi; »ti" Hkaut. Aortle Ineonipetencf ; old and reeent
aortic endocarditis ; .sli^fht scilerosis of ndtral value ; U'liversal syinvhiie
of pericardium ; hypertrophy and dilatatiou of heart ; tedeina of liingH ;
Hpleen lar^e and tiriu.
21) (Finley) Male. 2(t. .luly 2, IW). Dr. Stewart.
SrNsritiU\i:. Aleoholisin : fluidity of hlood, well nnirked rigidity in lower
extremities; alisent in upper 17 hours p.m. liranulai' and fatty defen-
eration with acute dilatation of both auricular and ventricular oritle«8 ;
I'unctifonu ha-morrham's heueath eidcardium ; tedeiua and hyperieiniu
of lungs: enlargement of solitary follic'es throughout iiUcstiiies ; early
dei'oinpositiou of organs.
:i(t (Finley) Male, ."iO. July J». ISSSt. Dr. Hell,
iSciiiKiii's Aiu;N(»t'Aiu iNOMA of liepatlc flexure of eoloii. with stricture ;
trichinosis ; fatty liver with secoiulary can Fkvkk. riceratiou of ileum aiHl large intestine ; large soft
spleen: granular degeneration of liver and kidneys ; (edema of lungs;
slight chranic endocarditis of tricuspid and mitral valves.
:M (I'MiiMy) FfiMule, :M. Auk. I:», IHHI. I)i. Stowiirt.
Camkoi'js l'\i;r,MoNiA ; left Iiiiik tavltcs ut upox ; •I'llcinii and ciimojhih
piUMiiiKiiiia iIkIiI Iumk; iiiiIvcinuI plfiiial sviifcliid- ; iiinyloid splci-ii IImt
Hiul kiilru'.VM witliiiiit t'liliii-KiMiuMil ; luiiyloiil inicstiiicM.
:W (l<'liil«'>. Mall', 51. Aug. 2:», |HH1». Dr. MacDoiim-ll,
Atimii'Iiu ('iiiiiiHisis (H- l,ivi;i(. .Iaiiiiiii ; Ki'iiiuliir and fatly (,. Au^. 27, IHHl). Dr. Kenwick.
AiwciiHs (»K I,ivi:ii. DyMcnteric ulceration of larni- intestine ; luonuho-
:n ( Klnley)- Female. «(. Sept. 1, \mi Dr. MacDrninell.
<>,(irri: I'atahiimai, I'lNTKitocoi.rris. Dilatation of stomach ;
brown atropliy of liver ; pleural adiiesions ; calcilled apical nod-
ulcN ; calcilled and caseouH lironchial Klands ; liitly defeneration of heart
with Mlight dilatation of ventricles ; no poison found chemically ; sus-
pected ptomaine poJHon : old perihepati(^ adhesions.
:W (Kiidey)- Male, ;k Sept. Ill, 1S81I. Dr. Kenwick.
I'y.i;mia. Left empyema; rijiht hronchopnenmonia : acute plastic
pleurisy; parenchymatous degeneration of liver and spleen ; commi-
inited fracture of left thJKli : tatty dcKeneration of rlKlit ventricle ; col-
lapse. ; induration and icdemaof left lung.
:«» (Finley)--I"'emale, Ml. Sept. Id, ISHP.
Tvi'icoii) Fkvmk (14th day). Swelling of I'eyer's patches and of .solitary
follicles of large intej-tine to within three inches of rectum; cloudy
swelling of liver; enlargement of spleer; and mesenteric glands;
atelectasis and hypenemia of hase.s of lungs,
40 (I'Mnley) Male 2.5. Dr. itiackader.
Ahsckss ok Bhain, left temporal lolte ; perforation of left .s(|uamous
•11 (Finley)- Male, 4». Sept. 12, imi Dr. VVilkins.
Caskohs Fnkitmonia. Caseous perihronchitis and cavity left lung;
right lung, no cavity; slight tuberculous ulceration of ileum; com-
mencing tuberculosis of larynx.
42 (Finley) Male 2;j. Sept. 14, IHSII.
Tyimioii) FiovKU (Ktth day). Enlargement of intestinal follicles with
reticular ulceration ; enlargement of spleen and niesentric glands.
:< (l''inley)-Male, m. Sept. 15, ISHS). Dr. MacDonnell. llKAiiT DisKAsi;. Hypertrophy of heart, bilateral ; sclerosis
of valves; nutmeg liver; ascites hydrothorax ; (cdema; catarrhal gas-
tritis cyanotic induration of kidneys.
'! I
41 (.fohiiHton) Tiifuiit, 'A wcekH. Sept. 27, 1881).
Makasmhs. No special dmiiKe in oi-Kuns; eczeiKa almiit ImHocks ;
4*") (WilliuniH)— Mule, 25 days. Sept. HO, IKS!).
Mauasmi's. No special eliaiige in orKans.
4G (Wi!HanKs)-\la!e, 1 month. Sept. 28. 1881).
Mauas.mis. HachitiH.
47 (.(olinHton)-Male, 50. ()et, 1, 1880. J)r. MufDonnell.
Cut T ; riiHONic Intkhstitiai, Nui'iiitiTis. Severe urate deposit in
Uidneys; extensive uratie arthritis and tenosynovitis throuKhout the
whole body; tophi; follicular abscess of i)harynx ; enlurKenient of
posterior cervical Klfinds ; acute left pleurisy with ellusion; ecciiyinosis
of mucosa of stomach ; meheiui.
48 (Johnston)— Private case. Oct. 4, 188}).
Mkdii.i.ahv (\\N( Kit oi' Stomach in middle region, Rreater curvature ;
seconn and mesenteric glands; hyper.'emia and par-
tial atelectasis of both lungs at bases ; patency of foramen ovale ; slight
hyaline d(>generation of recti abdominales ; fatty liver: ecchymoses on
(50 (Johnston)- Male, 74. Oct. 14. 188<). Dr. Molson.
Intkhstitim. Nkimiiutis. Acute and chronic bronchitis; dilatation of
heart with fatty degeneration; atheroma; nutmeg liver; chnmic ad-
hesive peritonitis ; old tuberculosis at apices of hings.
51 (.lohnston)— Male. 27. Oct . 15, IHM). Dr. Hoddick.
Fkactitke OF LiiFT OS iNNOMiNATt'M. Dislocation of both sacroiliac
articulations ; I'ott's fracture of left leg ; laceration of intestines.
r>2 Johnston)-l<'emale, 10. Oct. 21, 188J).
Aci'Ti; Lkkp Lokah I'ni:i monia with pleurisy ; multiple broncho-pneu
monia ; large soft spleen ; fatty liver.
53 (John8ton)-]Male, 28. Oct. 27, 188«). Dr. Molson.
Mastoiditis, phlebitis of right lateral sinus and internal .jugular.
Chronic purulent right otitis media. Acute swelling of spleen with
multiple infarcts ; accessory spleen ; acute parenchymatous nephritis ;
acute and chronic local peritonitis; ana-mia ; slight catarrhal enteritis ;
hypera'uiia of lungs with slight pneumonia.
M (.I(.lu..ston)-Female, 1(1. (),.(,. 2i), 188». Dr. MacDonnoIl
A< UTK Mkn.n,mt,s (,. Sabucut. pachymonin^itis with
neuriti" ""^ int., papillary n.u.cles ; opU?
r.r) (.Johnston) -Ma].', 10. Oct. 31, IHHl). {),.. Moji.
FHAtTiMM.; (,K lan.inir of oth an.l (iM, verfhrM.. Laminectoniv • mir.ial
laceration an.l liMMnorrhaK-^ ol .s,,inul cor.l. "in"''ectoniy , partial
5(1 (.»ohn«ton)-Mak., 37. Oct. .•(1, ISW). Dr. MacDonndl.
Scuumovs Canckk ,„.• v.uuuvs ; .secondary cancer of right kidney and
posterior mediastinal Klands. ** Kiunty ana
Fenuile, lo. Nov. I, iKHi), Dr. Molson and Stewart.
Dn.HT,.,.;,nA of pharynx, larynx, trachea and hronchi. Emphysemia
and broncho-pnenn.onia; acnte hH-n.orrhaKic nephritis; n.yla t.tTri
(Johnston) -Male, 27. Nov. ,ith, imi Dr. MacDonnell.
Ar.-TK LoHAH I'N..;,M<.MA. HaMnorrhawic infarction of right lung-
acute pleunsy ; acute croupous tracheitis ; parenchymatous neph is'
foreign body in appendix veriniforinis. "tpnritis,
(.IohnHton)-Privatecuse, No\. l.J, IW). Dr. Browne.
liumnuK OK IIHAHT. Iheinorrhage into pericardium; myomalacia
cordis ; fat mliltration of heart ; atheroma of coronaries. "^°'"''"'''''
(.Iohnston)-Mal«, (i7. Nov. 14, I.S8». Dr. Roddick.
MKLANorn; Sarcoma ok Sk.n ok Lkkt Choin." Secondary in inguinal
glands; uiuversal a.lhesive pericarditis; „>ural .hrombus wit wh to
softening of right ventricle ; grey degeneration of celiac ganglia • pig
mentation o skn. of forehead ; chronic granular kidneys ; thickening of
£:h:;r:;; :^-'"-'"^^->'- °^ ^P^e-^c artery ; ..emorrhoids ; c^i^!
(Johnston >-Female, 27. Nov. lo, im). Dr. Molson.
Ac'.-TK Mn.AHv TrHKKcr..os,s. Ana-mia; broncho-pneumonia • old
apical cavities ; enlarged spleen ; tuberculosis of bronchial glands. '
(Johnston)— Female, (W. Nov. IS, \m>.
ATKOPH.r C.HHH<.sis OK LivKu. Emphysema ; obsolete tubereui.sis of
apices ; brownish rash on legs ; pedunculated cyst of right ovary ; rscites.
(Johnston)— Male, oO. Private case.
CiiKONic iN-rKK-sTiTiAi, Nkphuiti.s. Chronic ulcerative <,atarrLa'
cohtis; enlargement of suprarenal capsules; fibrosis of celiac plexus!
(Johnston)— Female, 22. Nov. 24, IHhU
Tvpiioii) Fkvi.;h (stage of healing with relp.pse). Multiple follicular
ulceration of stomach with Inemorrhagic erosions ; acute parenchy-
matous nephritis; abortion; lactation ; suppurative left mastitis ; fatty
degeneration of intima of aorta; parenchymatous mvn,.arditi« • .!i«ht
laceration of cervix uteri. '
I ^i
f . I |.
(.Iolui.ston)-Kcmak', 10. Nov. ;{0, 188(1. Dr. Miii-Doimell,
AcUTK LoHAH I'Nioi'MONiA. Oliroiiic iiisterstituil piieunionia with
orgiinization of tlu' exudato; chalicosiH ; ucMite purulent bronchitis;
i-ascous Inoiu'iiial glands; brown atrophy <>f heart ; slight t-loudy .swell-
ing of kidneys.
(.Johnston)— Male, lit. Dec. 1, 188!». Dr. Molson.
Athoi'uic CiHiti osis ok Iii\ i:ii. Acute tuberculous pleurisy and perito-
nitis; chronic pulmonary tuberoilosis ; hicniatonia in right iliac fossa
(course not established); brown atrophy •>? heart; atheroma of aorta;
cyanotic induration of kidneys ; lin'monhiS'ric infarction of spleen ;
ulceration of ileum (tuberculous).
(.Johnston) Male, 5."). Dec. 8, 1880. Dr. MacDonnell.
Canckh ok I'vi.oms. Secondary in liver, lymph glaiuls and perito-
neum ; ascites ; chronic hypertrophic cystic gastritis ; chronic fntid
lironehitis ; broiuho pneumonia.
(.Johnston)— Male, U). Dec. 7, 1880. Dr. Bell.
CoMi'oriNi) l<'i{A('i'inKof left tibia and tibula. Exostosis of skull cap;
osteophytes of dura mater.
(.lohnston)-l''enuile, Jl. Dec. 1^, 1880. Dr. MacDonnell.
Thrombosis of femoral vein ; subacute peritonitis ; localized right
adhesive pleurisy : dilatation of both fallopian tubes; interstitial
pancreatitis with cysts; ecchymosis t)f stomach; end-thrond)osis of
gastric veins; erythema nodosum ; ascites.
(.Johnston) Female. 17. Dec. 19, 188!l.
Mii.i'ii'i.K (lAX(ii!i:Ni: OK RuMir LiNc. Chronic mitral and acute
mitral and aortic endocarditis; universal pericardial synechia';
hypertrophy and dilatation of both sides of heart ; obliterative throm-
bosis of left internal jugular, vertebral and innominate veins ; throm-
bosis of left femoral vein ; embolism of pulmonary arteries ; acute
bronchitis ; acute right pleurisy with ell'usion ; red atrophy of liver ;
cyanotic induration of kidneys; ascites; anasarca.
(.Iobnston>-Female, 4. Dec. 20, 1880.
Dii'UiiiKHiA of pharynx, larynx, trachea and main bronchi. Myper-
;emia of both lungs; slight broncho-pneumonia: cloudy swelling of
kidneys; slaty pigmentation of reyer"-* patches.
(.lobnstont Male. ."..",. Dec. 21, 1880. Dr. Molson.
Chronic mitral endocarditis; dilatation and hypertrophy both sides of
heiut ; mural thrombi ; brown induration with multiple infarcts ; double
hydrothornx : cyanotic atrophy of liver ; chronic interstitial nephritis.
f.]ohnston)-Male, 21. Dec. 2H, 1880. Dr. Roddick.
I.AiKH ATiox OF I'KK'niHA behind bulb. Moderate stricture of urethr;-. ;
congestion of kidneys i dovidy swelling of liver ; ecchymoses of sstonjach
and heart ; calcilication of bronchial glan. Dr. MacDonnell.
.\i I TK Doinn.K Pi.Kruisv. I'hi.komon of deep cervical fascia and medi-
astinum ; acute pericarditis; chronic enlargement of spleen; cloudy
swelling of kidneys ; chronic local peritonitis ; caseation and
calciflcalion of bronchial glands.
17 (.Jolinston) Male, 2H, Muivli 7t,li, IS!M(.
AcitTM M|.:,MN(iiTis. WiKlit i.iiriilfiit otitis \uv,\m: ^'oll()n■il(l•,•l ; ciiscji-
tioiiof l.roiioliiaJKliiiKl.s; lo'ilinf tipijoaraiicc of kiciiicys
IH ronchopneunionia ; hypertroi)liv Of heart
with dilatation ; fatty ilegeneration of heart.
21 (Johnston) Male, ol, March 2l(h, l,s!K). Dr. MacDonndl.
Aci'Ti.; LoMAif l'.\i.;i'M()NiA right, lower and nii(hlle lobes, i nronie
interstitial pneumonia; chronic adhesive pleurisy and acute librinous
pleurisy ; hypertroi)hy of heart ; hy|)ert rophy and cirrhosis of kidneys.
22 (.Johnston)— Female, 20, March ;Mst, 1S!)0. Private.
CiiiiONMc Ui.cKii OK yTo.MAcn. Pcrloratiou ; acute peritonitis; anaemia.
2;{ (Johnston) -Female, 02. Dr. Molson.
Canckii ok Stomach at Fundus. Secondary in portal glands; p,.,i-
splenitic abscess ; acute peritoiutis ; bronchopneunionhi ; brown atrophy
of heart ; arteriosclerosis nodosa.
21 (Jolmston)— I<'emale, It, March Mist. 1S!)0. Dr. Bell.
RKTl{OI'HAHVN(iKAI, A.M) Ki;rH(»(i;S()l'll ACIKA 1, t'ASKOrs TUMKKCI'l.OITs
Ahscioss. (Fdema and emphysema about neck ; acute right pleurisy
acute (tuberculous n peritonitis; inllltratiou of sheaths ol"i)neuinogas-
tric nerves; no caries of cervical vertebras constriction of (esophagus.
2;') (Johnston)— Male, oS, April 10th, ISDO. Dr. IJoss.
Ankuhysm OK AoiiTA in asceiuling arch. General arteriosclerosis of
aortic valve ; dilatation and hyiiertrophy with fatty degeneration of
heart; chronic adhesive pleurisy ; interstitial pneumonia; calci/ied
bronchial glands; chronic enlargement of s])leen ; cyanotic induration
of kidney.s and liver ; LiebcnneisterVs furrows ; angioma of liver.
r ,
2(1 (JoliMstmi) IMiilc, (11, Ajjiil KKli, IS'.MI. Dr. lpliyaiul(liliitiitioii ; clnoMic iidlicsivi' pi-ricardilis; cyaiiolic
iiidiiralioii of kidneys and splwii witli tluikeninj; of splcun capsule ;
nntnu'ii liver; clu'oiiie local peritonitis; n.i;lit infj;Minal hernia; rit;ht
hydrocele ; iiecrosinfjc ostitis I. tihia; thronihosis riKht hrauch of hepatic
2!l (•lohnslon) Keniale, April 22nd, IS'.M). Dr.
CiinoNK I'liTiiisis, with cavity, 'rtiherculous laryni;il is and tracheitis;
chronic adhesive pleurisy ami recent tuherculons pleurisy: tuherculous
hrouchial glands; tuherculous ulceration, small and large iutesiine;
miliary tulu-rcles of kidney and liver; amyloid stomach, hiadder,
liver, kidney, and pancreas; iufari't and I uhercle of spleen; hed sores ;
patency of foramen ovale.
:t(t (.lohnston) -Male 'u, Ajiril 2lilli ISIM). Dr. Wilkins.
Doi'iii.K Ai'i'Ti') Pni:iiau».ma, of upper lol)e : acute left pleurisy; slight
chronic eudocardits; slight lirown atrophy of heart; diverticula of
ct)lon ; fatty liver; cloudy swelling of kidneys.
;M (.lohnston) I'Vmale, ;")(!, May :{. IS!)(I.
("A.Nti:i! (•!• rrKUUs, inliltrating sigmoid llexure and rectum ; secondaiT
cancer of liver; chronic pulmonai'y tuherculous, miliary tuberculosis of
liver; tuherculous ])erilonil is ; cancer of |{. ureter H. hydronephrosis :
hrown atroj)hy of heart ; milk patili.
:i2 (Johnston) Male, 22, May .\ ISiHI. Dr. Hoss.
Di'oiiHNAi, lli.i'i:i;, i)erforation, peril onit is and l{. pleurisy.
;« (.lohnston) -I'Vmale. May ."•, 1S!»II. Dr. Shepherd.
Hknai, ('Ai.ti', iu'i)hrectomy left kidiu'y : pyelonephrit is on I!, side,
',U (.lohnston)— Private Case. Dr. Duller.
Saiuoma of I'lii'irAUv (!i,ani), large rouiul celled ; optic neuritis
aiul atrophy.
;{;") (■lohnston) — !']mi'IIVsi,..ia and (odenia of lungs; chnniic and acute bron-
chitis; nut nu'g liver, interstitial nephritis (dilluse): dilatation of heart
with fatty degeneration ; fusion of aort ic cusps aiul sclerosis.
(iKNKIlAr. |-(.ST MOIlTKAl INDEX, 1890 • ") 1
;«i (•foliii8ton)-Kcnmlc ■%
Acirr..: ,,,„,■ K.M.Alt I.n,,„m„.v,a, I,„, I, lob.s ; .ic.le pericarditis ; a.ute
It. pl.-.unsy; puriMu.|.yn.,d,oirs,u.,,luit,isan(l hepulitis; acutoHwoliiMKof
spK-.-.,; sul.M.voluti,.., ; p.K.rp..ral state; h..n,.alh platontal
ti^aUM ""''^'' en.locanliti^ with pe.f.raLion, and long (ibrinous
;J7 (.loliiislon)- Feiiialc, ;i;{.
AT...v,,.,s. Olnuuic a.ul acute paran.ut.iti.s ;
KaiiKrenmis cyst in roKion „r left fallopian tube ; cystonia left ovary •
Iv. pyosalj»ynx. •' '
•W (JoiuiHton) -Male, 10, May, liO, l,Si)(). Private, case.
TuiiKUiiJi,ous Mi.;nim;iti.s. Brain only examined.
;«) (Johnston)- Male. I!), May L'!), lSi)(). Dr. Koss.
CcHKHHAi. PurMiusM. Atrophy of brain cortex ; neun.-retinitis •
haMnorrhaj-v into pons ; eidar^'t'd spleen ; kidneys not .Mrrhotie.
10 (Johnston)- Male, 12, .Fune 5, Ihimi.
CnoNic I'nruisis CAvrrv. Interstitial pnenn.onia; tubercles in
spleen an. wall of intestines. Cyst R. epididymis ; tubercdous Ittrvn-
«.t.s; sl.Kht mitral emlocarditis ; tubercles in liver; .aseous abscess in
Widl of bladder.
11 (.Johnston)— Male, 7 months. Dr. Corsaii.
C.,K.,Nir Tum.:mn,.osis, I'.ur ok K. Lvsr.; chronic pleurisy; acute
m.l.a y t.ibercu bver, .spleen an.l ri^ht, lun^r ; ..aseous epi^^astric and
bronchial glands; tubercul.Ksis of heart muscle and endocardium of
mitral ring.
12 (.lohnstoii) -Male, l;i, .July, 27, IHIHI.
Ri.iiiT I'vixoNKiMiniTis. Nephrotomy, purulent cystitis ; old strict 'ire
of urethra; old mitral endcarditis ; old infract ..f sjileen.
■i.i (Jolinston)— Male, ()7, July ;«), ISJK).
AcUTK LoHAii Pnkumonia. Wed hepatization right i„wer lobe • old
infarcts of lung with emphysema of both lungs; hypertrophy ' ami
dilatation of heart ; fatly liver ; iiifarct,s spleen and kidneys.
44 Female (2t)) August 5. ISiXt. Dr. IJoss.
Ohstkuctivio Jaum.ici;; acute parenchymatous nephritis ; gall .stone.s •
liver 2,7riO grins. ; soft '
4.1 IMale (21) Aug 12, 1S!)1). Dr. Shepherd.
Ki.niT J'vi:i.ONi.;i'iiKms. Left hy.lronephrosis ; stricture of urethra.
W Not entered.
!7 (.Johnston)— Male, 2;{.
TviMioii, Fkvku. Ulceration of solitary follicles in large intestine ami
ol Peyers patches ; acute enlargement of spleen and mesenteric glands •
cloudy swelling of liver. '
IS (.lolinsloh) Mill.', (II. II. ISlKt.
CiiUiiMc I'li'i'iiisis, w illi (Mvil V iiiiliiiiiiiury liii'iiioii'liiiKc ; I'iM'iin'ciil llhro-
Mnciiiiiii III' .vKiii III' iiliiloini'ii.
Ill ( Mule, lid. St-pl. 21. IWMI,
At I'll': l'M:ii,\i(iM A, rijihl lunn ; aiiitf ilimhii' plcmlsy ; hhiiiII liiciimlo
ni.'tlil liciit':il li (Mpsiilc (>r spleen.
:■() (.lolmslMiit Miile. Sepl. lil. IS!I(I. I*i'i\ ate eilse.
("i:ni:iii{ \i. II iiMtninii aim: ; line aiieuiNsiu of iiilVrior eereliellar aflery ;
NJiulil iiilerslil |,'il iieplirilJN; pressiiie iipiiii iiieiliilhi.
r.l i.l.ilinstoii) l''eiiiale, :«». Oct. :>. IS!H). Dr. I!ell.
INI Ai.itiN AN r AiiDNii.MA iti' |{. K 1 1 iM !> aiiil Mipiareiial ; (j;aii|u;reiiiiii.s and
pill rill I!, periiiepliiil is ; iilil apical I iiliereles Imlli liini;.s >\i(li aeiilc
iiiili.'ir.v I iiliei'i'le ape\ ol l{. lung', anil nrnle li. pleni'i.s,v ; e>.slunia l{.
o\ar\. Aiia'Uiia.
.VJ (■lulinston) Male. .".•_'. Oel. S. IS!H). Dr. Hell.
I'^n iniil.ioM A ui' 'I'oNtii'i:. Seeonilarv in lnn,i;>* : exeision nl toiiKUi';
niulliple neei'iisin.u pihMinuinia ; arlei'iiiselernsis.
;.;t (.lolnisiiMi) l'"eniale, (iU, ()i(. I(i. 1,S<)(I. Di-. Wilkins.
C.VNt i;i! »)i' SiiiMAi II, diiriise form with eiriliosis ami iliminulion in
si/.e ; ehronie stenosiiis.;' mili'al emlmarililis ; lirnwti atrophy hear! anil
liver; I'aleuliis of left kiilnev.
.M t.loluislon) Male, :i(i. Del. 22. ISIKI. Dr. Wilkins.
Svi' I'LiiMiArioN oi' IjAitiii': Ini'iistink, ailliesivo perityplililis
fiom uleerof reel urn and deseent of reeluiu on right wide; syphililie
ostitis and perioist itis uf t iWia and eraninm ; ledemaof lungs; lironeho-
pneiimouia ; amyloid kidney ami ehroiue pareneliN nuitous nephritis;
uleeralioii of pharynx ; eirrhosis of 'i\er; fieeal eoneretion in appendix ;
loeal adhesivi' perittuntis.
.V. (.lohnslon* Female. 2;!. Oet. L'S, IS'H). Private ease.
C'linoNir l'i.(i:i! Ol' S'i'DMAcii and iterl'orat ion. Aente pnruleitl per
foi'ative peritonitis. I'arenehymatous swelling of kiduoy.s and liver,
spleen and heart.
.'Ki (.lohnsliui* Male, Nov. 7. ISilO. X'erdnn Asylum.
Dii'irsi') S( i.i:i{osi.s oi thiekening ami opaeity of pia ; snhdnral
noiliile over 11. lieinisj)hei'e ; enlargemiMit of supr;i reiials.
oT (.lohnstoii) Female, r.l. Nov. 20, KSiHl. Dr. (iardner.
iSiAiit o,\i.\ Ol' I'l'iMM's, ahdominal hy.stereetomy ; aeute peritonitis with
serous elViision ; eysts of spleen : arterio sclerosis ; e'ongation left lohe
of liver.
.\s ^.lohnston) Male, .".0. Nov. 20. lS!)tl. Dr. MaeDonnell.
Di Aiii;ii:s. aeetonuria ; chronic iilitliisis ; slight interstitial pleuritis ;
brain normal.
"iK (.loliiisloiO—Miilc, •(((, Nov. 2± I'livalc ciihc.
DiAiiKTiN, ac.'l..mniii; ( lii.kciiiiiK of pia : Inaiii I issue (Inn Iml m. fooul
disease; paiinvas iK.iiiial ; kidneys lai-e and linn, eonlain a few cysts.
(Ht (.loiinsloM) -Mule, Id, Dee. (1, |S!KI. Dr. MaeDoinie!!.
CiiiK.Nic MrniAi, and A.ihtk I'Indim akihtis. l)ii..|ati..i» and liyixT
trophy of lieaH,; iiMiversal adiiesive lu-rieanlilis ; (!yai,oli<' indiiral ii>ii of •
liniKH, liver and kidneys; did infaivis in spleen and ki.lneys; anasarca;
asei(,es ; |{. liydKtl liorax ; elirdiiie left ujilis media.
(II (.lohnslon) Male, I, Dee. (i, ISIK), Dr. ('oisan.
AcnTK Miio.N( in> I'MM'.Mu.MA and eat.irrlia! rliinilis : polypoid (lironi-
Imis (if l{. aiiricde.
(i2 (.lolinsioh) Male. Dee.!). I'ri\ ate e.ise.
Ciinu.sic IMiriirsis, wUU v.ivUy of jefl, Iumk. la'fl, ful.erenlons i.leiirisy
Willi ell'iision ; amyloid s|)leen, liver and kidney.
(>;i (.loliMsion) -J.^ years. Dee. Id. Private ease.
.At'urK HitdNi MoI'MMMdMA, lliromltiis in loiijjiiludinal sinus ,ind riglil
renal xcin.
til (.lolmslon) Male, ;!l. Dee. '.'(). Dr. Molson.
lioNoituimiAi. l!i,ti.:i!ATivi: KMMMAiJiirris of Iriseiispid and aortie
valves involvini;- sepluni meniliianaeenm ; slivilildilatalion ajid liv|)er-
tfopliy of heiirl. ; elijilieosis Innt-s with slafy piRmenlal ion ; ehronie
hnnielntis jind hronelneel;isis ; ehronie interslK iaJ pnennionia .lis
seniinated ; ehionie i)iirnlenl, nrel hril is ; enlar.i^emenl, of spleen, liver and
(•5 (.lohnslon) Male, .-id. Dee. II, ISilO. Dr. Molson.
lO.MiMivsii.MA. Dilatation and hyperl lojihy of lie;irt, ; ey.anotie induration
of kidney ; niidl iple selerosis of lii.iin wil h sijpeiliiial hieniorrha^es.
(id (.lohnslon) Male, Id.
CiiifoMc I'AitKNciivMAidis Xi:iMii!iTis. Hypertrophy of left ven-
tricle; ji'liosis ; old apopleclic cysi ; ura'uua.
dT (h'inlay) -Mal<^ Til.
Sriiicii'iii: oi' ITiuoTMUA ;!(,i;i) I'kosiati; ; eysliiis; hydro
nephrosis ; hyperfrophy of left venlricle ; ra'elH'rmeistei''s furrows.
(is (Finlay) -Male, lil, Dec -J I, l.sdd.
PiiOKoi'Ni) .\.N.i:.\iiA ; dilatation ;ind hyp(>Hrophy of heart : fatly he.irt ;
l)etechia' mucosa of colon.
lid Male, I!», Dec. ;id. !S!M». Dr. MMcDounell.
AiM'ioNnu iris, iierinei)hrilic al)sce-;s ; acute purulent peritonitis; acute
swelliu}.!; of .spleen, kidui'ys and liver.
[1 to ID-Records lost].
20 (Jolinston)- Male, 2H. Marrh 9tn, 1H1)I. Dr. MapDonnell.
Adknoiu CANt'KB OF Ilkum near valvt^ ; cliroiiie adhesive peritonitis
wiMi ulceration and fistula of ileum ; cloudy .swelliuK and slight inter-
stitial nephz-itis.
[21 to 28— Records lost].
2!> (Finley)-Male, fw. April 22nd, 181>1. Dr. Ross.
C'oKTicAi, ll/KMoRUiiAdK OK Bkain. Atrophy and hy(lrone))hrosis of
R. liidiiey ; eniarKenu-at (conipensatorx t of left kidney ; fatty and
cirrhotic liver ; enlarged spleen ; old lihiojd nodules and adhesions of |{.
apex ; calcareous bronchial glands ; ti'denia of lungs ; atheroma of
abdominal aorta.
HO (Finley)-Male. 2:1. May :ird, 1801.
AcUTK Fnkitmonia, lower lobe of R. lung; acute bronchitis ; hyper
trophy of left ventricle.
31 Finley)--Male, m. May 1th, ISOI. Dr. Wilkins.
Primary Rurui.knt Pkuicarditis ; slight tibrinous pleurisy.
32 (Flnley)-Male, 48. May 11th, 1801. Dr. Wilkins.
AciTrio Nephritis. Hyiiertrophy of left ventricle with sliglit fibrosis
tip of papillary muscle ; right hydrothorax : hydropericardiuni ; u'deina
of lungs.
[;}:i— Record lost. |
34 (Finley)-Feniale, 24. May 13th. 1801. Dr. Wilkins.
TuHi:.niii,oiTs Mijninoitis. Caseous nodule in cerebellum ; In-oncho-
pneumonia left lower lobe ; cystoma of ovaries ; no appearance of
miliary tubercles in organs.
:ir> (Fin le.v)— Female. May 11th, 1801. Maternity.
AcuTio KNiNcfiTis of pia and dura over left convohitions ; no spinal
meningitis ; no cause discovered ; cloudy swelling of liver, kidneys and
36 (Finley)-Male, 31. May Kith, 1891. Dr. Wilkins.
AcuTK AscKNniN(! Parai.ysis ; no lesions of organs noted at autopsy ;
brain and cord normal.
37 (Finley)— Male, 42. .June 1st, 1801. Dr. Ross.
Pnkumonia of RiniiT Bast; With Acutk Plkitrisy. Cirriiotic kid-
neys ; hypertrophy of left ventricle ; cirrhosis of liver ; chronic
necrosing ostitis of skull cap (syphilitic ?).
38 (Finley)-Female, 18. .Tune 7th, 1891. Dr. Ross.
AcuTK Mui/riPLE Pnku.monia, Rihht U^-i'KU Lore. Acute swelling of
spleen, liver and kidneys; thrombosis of right iliac vein ; catarrhal
ulceration of large ijitestine ; old thickening of mitral valves ; old
infarcts of kidneys.
:«» (FinU'y)— Child, (IdiijH. May IStli, IHDl. •
Acni.; (^i;iii;iiii.i Simnai, Mkninoitis. Chil.l of No. :Vi, 18l)l'.
40 (Fiiil»»y)-Miile, 52. Juir' 'Mh, iHlil. Dr. Ro«n.
Pmim-okativi; Ai-i-KNiitciTis. l,ocalizc'd purulent porilonitis : unnsnal
Hitt'of a|i|K'iHli\ : pfiicnt, timicu va;j;imiliH with cominuiiifuteii poritoni-
tiH ; i-»'ihilitis of ahdotniiiiil s\ all ; icute riKht plourlny ; slight utheroma
of HOdic VillvCH.
•U) a (Finh'y)- i'N-niidt', ".2. ,f\\w2'2, 181)1. Dr. Ross.
I'liiMAUV tJANCHii ()!• MiiKAST. .Secondary in v.-rtehni', liver, ribs and
41 (Finley) F.-niale, IL .Fiine^H, W)l. Dr. CorRon.
DipriTiriMUA of pha'-ynx, larynx and trachea; bronchopneumonia;
tiloudy swellinii; of liver.
(U (Finl.'y)-Mal(', .")2. .Inly 7, iH'tl. Dr. Arnistronfj;.
i'v.KMi A. UiKht enipyciiia ; acute lefl pIcuiiHy ; nnliiiry abscesses heart
and kidneys; stricture of urethra; chronic dilatatiini au ; .utallstones.
4-A (Finley) Male, ol. .July 27, IHOl. Dr. Molson.
Can.'|.:i{ oy (Ksoimiacmis, (.Vspiratioii pleuropneumonia; acute
general iieritouitis ; seeop.lary cancer of liver, mesentery and omentum;
angioma of liver.
44 (Finley) Female, 22. Inly 2,S, 18{,
ir i
If ;■■
-•(» (l''iiil.'.v> KiMiiiilo. I(». A|Mil:i. IHII2, Hr. AfmHliniiK.
il<>il iiiln ;i imunn iif hiiihII
cyHts lit lis lower t'liil.
'21 (riiilcy) Infiiiil. A|.iil 11. IKf. Mulornlty.
I 'v KM I A. Sii|)|nimllvilililH; pi-iilonlf is ;nml(i|»|,. iii»s«0H
si'm; pnri>iirliyiiialiiMisil)>KfiuM'ulloiior livt'r, Hplooii ami k|(|n,«ys.
■i'i (l''lnh'y> Mal«'. 1(1. April L'l, I,S1>L'. IVivalo.
l''iiiU(>iii IIi.;ai(t. Alhcroiiia of aoria; allioroiiia of coroiiarii's.
:iM (Kinlov Miilf. L'l, April 27. IHlt'. Dr. .1. A. Ilplrliinsoii.
1)1 I'ltiissiiit |''i»A»Tliui: (M' Skiii.i.. Ahsc.'Ns of l<>f| Ironlal loltc ..f iMuin;
slaphyloi'WCUH pyoKoiics aureus liifeflioii.
21 (l""iiiley>- Ki-iualf. .Ml. April 2H. IH)I2. Dr. Uosh.
.\iis. i;ss OK 1,1 villi. Iiiipacli'd KnIlstoiie ; toiitrivfl ion of ^all hlnWiler :
(lilaliil ion of l>il • iluftH ; no .jaundict'.
2.^ (l-'iiiley) Male. (Ml. Ma> II, ISIL'. Dr. W'ilkiiis.
I'v.KMiA. Al»<<'('ss<'s o" nock near (hyroiil ; cirrhosis of liver.
2(i (l''inley> Male. May II, I.Ht'.
SA(riti,Ari;i> .\ni;iiiiv,sm mi- DicstiiNiiiNo Aiit ii oi' AoiirA. liiiplniv
iiilo lesopliaxiis.
27 (Kinley) Male, IS. May ill, ISil2. Dr. Uoss.
Acrri; Ki.iiir I.oiiau I'm;, .mom a, (laleined adlipsious lefl pleura;
milk patchi's ; falty liver.
2S (Kiuley) Kemale. :tl. May 2(i, IS!I2. Dr. l-'inley.
Typiioio Kmvi:u Pkhi-ouation ami l*i.:niTONiTrH. Clomly swellii.n
of liver and kidneys : spleen suuilhC) grins ; coiuineneiiiK atheroma of
251 (l-'iiiley) Male.:!;"). May 27, 1S!>2. Dr. |{oss.
Mii.iAiiV riuKHi'i'i.osis oi' LuNos. (^isooiis tuheivies in opididyini.s
and t'.uh lolie of prosl.ite ; sebaceous cyst of hack.
:t(l (Finley)--Male. ;t{. May :<1. IS!t2. Dr. Hoss.
Am.ina I'ki nmis. Atheroma of jiort!! : allierom.i and stenosis of
coronary .irteries : dilatation ami fatly dencneraliun of heart.
:!l U''iul<'y> Male. 2S. .luiie 2, 1S!»2. Drs. Stewart ami K.iss.
.MrruAi. Stunosis. Uyperirophy ami dilatation of left auricle ; cyanotic
iudurution of lungs.
.'I'J (l''liili'.v> MhIk, :iri. .Mill., s. iHit'. Dr. y\rmM»roiiK.
Hl-INAI. MKNIN..ITIM ANH CoMMtKHMluN MVKI.ITIM. Ciin.imtoi.^ t»,iu,r
'•fnnd : witiiniialiilii I.hIcm. IIv.t. spU and Iiiukh.
:«:i(Fiiil.7) Miilo, (lU. .liiiii' 15, |Htl.i. Dr. UoMM.
PitiMAi.v (!ANn.;u IN Mm,,; Diuis,.... .lary h. Ilvor ..n.l kIuihIm of
||«»ilHl lUsiiiv. iilHo in ivIn.alMlnn.iinil aii.l ii-tro |,|i„ kI,u„|k ■ ja„„.
illn«. ' •
.'•I (l"'liilfy) Komiili', i:.. .Iiiiic Ml, IHliii. D,-, WilkliiM. ,
Ti.MKuriii.usis .,i' Mnni \.vsus, Willi (;avitii.;s. TiiIm-itiiIous Malpln
Kills; MiImmviiIoiis p.TiloniLis ivikI IuIktciiIoiin .ilccnilion .,f liil,.Htin...s •
U^ri' piiciiiiioMi(irax. '
:»r. (Kiiil»\v)-MH|(., (Kl. .Iinif III. |Hi»2. Dr. Uomn.
Ai.KNoiii OAN.Kit (.K ST..M A.ii. S.Toinl.iry !icarditis.
:»S (Kiiiloy) Mali', (il. .Mine 27. IHIf. Dr. Hell .,!|.;i. I'iiostati;; I'vi.i.itis am. lVIm.Tii.|,i.) Aiis,|.;hsrs or Kin-
Ni.;vs. .Siip,.rliclal nocrosis of proslul,. ; liyp,.rf,„phy „f hladd.-r.
:«l (l''inl<'y) l''(.nmli>. 71. .Mint, 28. Isiiii. I'riviilt,.
ll.iiMoiiiMiAoi.' ! ani. Ilu i.TiuiK (.k IIkakt. Sudd.-n d.-al h
C.ilcaiv,.us dt.K.'nonitionof ..(.ronary art.'ricH. willi I iiioinlM.sis ; .senile
ulrophy of UidiwyH ; polypus of rvv\i\ nti'ii.
4(» (Kliiley)- l<\,in.ile, :i2. .Mine :ill. ISi)2. Dis. Duller and Hlewarl,.
I'liMumoNoiis !-;insii.|.:i,As<.K jjoir Mi.:.i ANi.TiiKfii. Aortic sU-nosis-
liypcrtiophy of left, venlricic; allicroin i of aorta ; llhroid testicle (syplii'
U (Finley) -Female, -.. .Inly M, 181U. Dr. Wilkins.
Dii'iiTiiioitiA of larynx .iiul tr.icl.ea; hronclio-pneuinonia ; inllation of
IniiKH ; s|j):;lit. mil ral eiulocanlil is.
12 (Kiiiley* l-Vmale, 2;f. .Mily Id. IS!I2. T'rivatc.
liMi.oi.i IN ViONA Cava am. Piri,M,..vAKv Aktkiuks. Tluomhosis of
left iliiic vein ; (edema of lungs ; anieinia ; recent preKuancy.
8' ■ r
M(t\ ritl'',\l, tiKNi;it\l, IIOHITI \l, HKI'oUl'S
1^ !'
i;i (l''iiil<>.v) Mule, l!». .Inly |:t. ISdU. Di'. Knss.
'TriiioiK |i|,iisis. 'riil)iM'('iilnns (Mcics ol' (Idi' \ crli'lirir ; I iiht'i'clcs of
liiMiXs, li\('r, Uiilncys iiMil spiiril im'mliijmcs ; rDiiipi'cssinti iii.vclil is.
II (l''iiil.>v) Mill.', IS. .Inly lit. ISil..'.
SnnTi! A ri\ i; Nuriiiti ris. .'ilridnn' ol' nrcllir.i,; sliL^liI livpcrl rupliy nl'
Itl.iililiT ; clii'iniic rysl il is ; iil)sci'ss (if mthI inn ; (lln'oiil (csl ii'ics ; cnipliy
scni;!.; Ii\ perl I'upliy ol liciirl ; ill ln>roni;i ol' aorl.i.
t:> (l''inl.->) l'".''. :!;:. July 2:1, I si U. Dr. Wilkins.
Aini'io l'i;ui IDNI IIS 1111(1 pleurisy : biliiiry ( ilciili ; pi'i ion ol' fjiiill
ItlidiliT : o\ iirii's cnlariA't'il iinil (ilir.iiil.
Hi (iMiilcy^ Mill.-. II. .Inly -.'S. IS!!:!. Dr. Wilkins.
'ruiiimri'i.dsis of mi'sciili-rii' v.l.'inils, inlcsiini's junl Inn.LCs ; nciiti' mil r;il
cnilotMi'ilit is
17 (Kinlcy) Miilo. :!:!. Am^. I. lS!t:i. Dr. Shcpli.'nl.
A iM"i';Niiirii'is. I'ch ic ji.lisccss ; lii|)ir-, o(om\ .
IS ({■•iiilcy) l'\-ni;ilc, -Jl. Aii'4. :!, ISS2. Dr. l{oss.
I'll iillsis. Liirtjc ciivilics m Imi li .ipiccs ; ( iilii'rcnlons n Ircrs oC colon:
clll'oliii' iitllit'siv <• pch ic pel i( onil is.
lit (l''inl.'\> iMMiiiilf, ."■(». Alio-, I. isilj. Dr. I''iiilcy.
(ll.Ki.M-, |{. Orric 'I'll \l, AMIS. Ulrrinc (ihroid -. ill ropliy of inKiiiis.
."ill Mall', :!|. Scpl. :t|, IS;l:!. Dr. Sd-Wiirl
l'iM.\ii>\Ai;\ I'liriiisis (IK Morn LiMis, wirii (Vwinis. ("Iiroiiic
pleurisy; si>rons pericardii is : iilropliyol' ri.j,lil shoMlder niuscles; sup
pnriil i>(' ill! Iiril is null! slioiilder.
."il (l''iiiley> I'eniiile. -jl, S(>pl . I. lS!t'. Dr. Wilkins.
I'v i;\iiA. Typlioiil l'e\('r : suppurative inl'iircl ive uepliril is : dil.itjil imi
of l{. ureter: suhinvolut ion ol' iilerns : pnerpei'iil st iite ; ele\ ciil li ilii\
iil'ter inisearriiiii-e (>!j,iM»eriil ion ol lixcr; iiciile I>. pleurisy.
.VJ (l'"inley) l''einiiU', ."ill. Sept. ."), IS!*-. Dr. Slewiirt.
DijoNciio i'NKi'MOMA. Hypertrophy ol' heart with iidhesive peiiciir
(111 is ; iillKM'oiiiii ol' iiort ic \ iil\-es : iit heroin ii ol' iiorlii.
.Vv (i''iiih'y) l''eiiiale. :iS. Sep! . !t, 1S!)_'. Dr. Hoss.
("Alilir MI.Ms ; no ol her jjross lesions.
."il (I'Miiley) l''eiiiiile, IS. .Sep( . Il, ISIIJ. Dr. .Shepherd.
.Mri.'iri.K, .\M:ri!vsMs oi- Siimcuioi; Mi:si:Nri:i!ic Aiiriin, wi'rii
lii'i'i'iMU'; i\ r.i I'Kui idm: m, (V\\ irv. Dissect iiiu iiiieiirysni of iilidomiiiiil
iiorlji; iiiieurysiii of ri^lit. siilicl;i\ iiiii : ciirly interstitial nephritis :
hypertrophy and tihroid ehiiniic of left v cnliiclc.
OIONKIIAI, I'nsr Mnli||.;\| TNDKV, ISO.'?
'n> (Kiiil«'y)-|<'(.iiml.', r.H. Scpl. II, IHlf. |»,.. AriiislniiiK.
STi(AN(im,AT|.;i. llKitNiA. I lii'monliiiKii' infill ml i(.ii ..f IIimimi uI oiu^
jMiiiil ; /ilJicnMiiR <>r )i,(irl,ic viilvcs.
oil (I.iillciii) l''cmiili', ;!. Ocl. 'JS, ISll'J.
ScAiii.ATiNA. l*s»'iir.)iiclil)il Kldnd.s-
liilfilcnil piinilciil, mI ills (lid.
57 (liiilltMir) iMiilc. :i. Nov. I'J, ISif.
DiiMiTiiKiMA of lonsils. pii.irvnx and uvula, I.irynx an. I Iraclica : Imin-
''■'"l"" "hiaainl Ihuk inllal i(.n ; p.m. in vaginal ion of small Ijowel.
r)H (liallcni) Male, l.t. Niv. '.i'J, ]HU'2.
CiiifoMc iNTiiRsiiTiAi, Nkimikitis. Cluonic ri^lil, pl.-urisy ; ..mpliy
scma and ...(l.-nia or l.nlli hiniAs ; clironic LrasI rilis : chi'Miic piinilcnl
liioiicliili'. ; fat ly liv<'r.
ri!» (Adami) I'\'mal('. Nov. 2'A, 1S!)2.
I 'v. MM I \ l{..-l,a,hi('d sn|)pnr,i,li nw pl,ic<'iila : pyaMuic infairl Iovv.t lol.f
ri.LcliI Innn: i-iKid i-mpyii-ma, ; varicose veins.
t>l» (Adann) li'eniale, ;iL'. Nov. Li:f, ISIL'.
NDcitosis ((iANiiKKM.:^ ..r.' Li.N.;. Old pieniisN with adhesions; inter-
stitial nephritis; dilatat.ion and hyperlrophy of hrarl, with selerosinjr
(M (l''inley) Male, 2(i. Dec. :i, iSit'. Dr. Uidl.
ll.i;,Moi(niiA(iic Panchkatitis. Kat, neerosis ; fatty liver; laiw (inn
Kidneys; a lew ounces of l.rowiiisli (.'oloiired lliiid in peril.oncnm ; no
I t(i Id Kcpoi'ls missiiiL!;.
II (Adainl)— Male, HS. Jan. 2:!, IS!):!. Dr. Mell.
('AiidNOMA (.!• I'in.sTATK cN I cimI ill- t,o the I. ladder, where it presents
cliaractcrsof an alveolar sarcoma, ; dilated hhi.lder; secondary cancer in
left, ini;niiial f'lands and (around coninioii iliac arteries); refro|)erit,oneal
>>;lands; hydr.niepliroHi.s; hydrot,h(n'a,x and .edema of IniiKs ; afh.-ronia
.»f a.)rta, carotids an. I ccrclnal arteries.
Ili (Adami) Male, 17. Fob. li), IS!);!.
SpHl IIJM IIImksh. I'«I'mI.\mIs I,. \r^.
ITi (Ailiniih Miili<, :t."i. l''ol». l!l, l,S!».l, l»r. SIcwiirl,
Altil'iliMiNi l,i;it(isiM. Il.\|it>rlin|iliy ami ililnlaliiiii nl' heart ; eiiilmlle In
larel til' lel'l ventrlile: iiilerstltial ne|thritis: w liile inlari'ls ol I idne.ys.
1(1 (Ailami* l''emale. V:J. I''eli. S, ISICI, Dr. Slewarl.
Il\ I'lHirmii'iiv in' IJKAitr anh CiimiNii' I'Imhx aimh ris tii' MniiAi,
ANii At)iiri( \'ai,\ IIS. llviM>rtr.»|ilile iistitiH imierlahlo of Iroiiliil hone;
l\or,\ eNONtOHJN ol' |{, lu'lroiis hone ; cileareons ehanjie ol' aitcries al hase
of liraiu ; h.vdrollunaA : ealeilleation of conniaries ; eoiineslioii of nIomimcIi
mill inlestiiies ; rll> iiulentat iuiis on liver; ovaries look earlilaKinoiis ;
old frael lire of l«. Mt'd. Illi and .'i| h rilis ; ledenia of Iiiiijas
17 (Adaiiii* l'"eni;ile. (Hi. M,ueh :t(l. |Sli:i. Dr. Molson.
'ruMoi! oi CiiitiM's (' Ai.i.DsiiM I,. l''i;i»Nr A I. |{i:i;iuN. Aliieiom.'i of
iihiloniiutil aoria ; anem ysmal dilalat ion of sinuses of valsalva: lirovvn
atropliv of he.irl.
IS (Ad.iinil Male. 71. April :i. ISIKI.
I'VMI.uxKlMllirris. I'hosphal ie eoncret ions of Madder ; ni-nerjil hyper
Irophy of prostaie; perineal evstotomy ; hvperlr.>ph\ ot : arlerio
III ( Adanii) Male. S years. April S. IS!i:t.
'rriiiciJi 1 i,oiis MiiMNiii lis. Arnte miliary (iihennlosis ; luhiTciiloio:
iiieseiileric tcland ; tiiiliaiv Inli.'irles of spleen and liver .'iiid hums;
liriiiu'lii;il ion ot intestines: slight atheroma of aorta: syplijlitie gnniiua
of cord.
-Jl (Ailanii* Male. 'Jl. 1.!. 1S!»;1.
Aounc Im o\ii'i;ri;N( i;. ("hr.)nie ailhesiv(> perie.irilil is ; dilala
(ation ,iiid hv |)crlropliy of he.irl ; pcrsisiinl for.imcn ov.ile : congestion
and (Cilem.i of Iniigs : mil meg liv cr : liogh.ick kidneys; ;ui;isarc;i.
L'-J (Ad.'imil l''eiiiale. 7:1. April !.">. IS!t;t.
Mii.riiM.i; Soi'ri:MN<: oi ('.n;n:\ «>i I{. IIi:misi'|ii:i;k. Alhcrom.iof
cerehral iirli'ries; hiovvii alr.ipliy of livcr; .lecessory spleen; cirrhosis
of kidneys; ion of snpr.i iciiais (gray mot tied! ; dilated and
atrt>phied stomach.
(IKNKIt.M, l><»M'|' iMu||||.;m indKX, |Kf».'{
i-'a (Admiii) l''cnuili', lis. April 17, IHIKJ.
Mll.lAIIV TlillKK. III.MSIS HI \'\\ AND ("(tllTliX. Old plltllisis liotll
fipiccH; hirK"' I'avil.v uf IcK iip|iri' liilic ; luiilc I nticrciiltnis liniiiflMi piiiMi
inoiiiii; lnlM>iciil((iiM linlii, Niipid iciiul ; iniliar.v dl liver and
'Jl (Adaiiii) Mair, lif.. May I, iHil.l.
Aci'Ti.) {'Niii'MOM A. old piii'uiiKiiiia nf li'fl upper lolie ; >i;iiii(i;rem' ;
e.'ilarrlinl .jaiiiidiee.
li."! ( A'iaiiii) ji'eiiiale, r>r.. May ;i, |S!i;i. Dp, Itlaeluidef.
I'mimm-iiiiiisis. LeK li\ drmieplirnsis willi euimiieiieiii)^ pyoneplinisis ;
iiv,lit. pyiiiieplirdsis willi imdl iple aliseesses and piiridetil periiieplirilis ;
ey.slil is ; mi\ed iirale and oxalate ealeuli ; oliMlniel iuii nl iireler.s.
litl (Adaiiii) [''eiiiale, ;I7. May !t, lS!i;i.
WuHNi) iNi'iiciioN (II' Ikidir \|{,M. SepliciPinia ; einiMesddii .»! lower
l(tl»i of riKld. Iiiiik; eoiii;es( imi o|' kidneys \vi( Ii piireiieliynialuns iii'pli-
I'lliHiuid rally de^!:eneralioii ; Tally li\er; liyperoslosis Ironlal liune.
27 (Ailaini) Male, II. May Mi, Is:);;.
AiiTi'; l'N|.;i':\iiiMA ol lower lolie ol lel'l InhKadvanriiiK in upper lol)e ;
aeiilelell ; early inlerslilJal nephrilis iieiilc pareiieliynia
loii.s neplirit is.
'JS (Adaiid) Male, II. May 17, Isilit. Dr. I!laek,id<'r.
i'lMi'insiiM A. Old (uliereiilo-,js liolli apices; liroiiehilis ; pidnionary
n'denia Jiiid (diiKeslioii ;il liases; dihilalioii and liypeil ropliy ri^ht. heart;
patent, loijinn-M ovale ; nnl sliver; iiil it itil nephritis; conKeslioii
ol npper pari ol' intestines ; eonKesI ion an,M(»ma iii;hl upper ;ind left; .tcnle
liliiinons plenrisy (doidile) ; .k nte |iarenchyinatous ni'phril.JH.
:tll ^lohnsion) Male, (it). May ill, ISiKl.
A.IITI.; LuMMi Pnki.moma ri-ht lun-. Dissenini.i )roneho pneu-
inoiua left luiiK ; alheroni.i and dilatation of aorta ; chroidc inlcrstllidl
inyoe.irdilis; uciite cilari' Kast fit is, eolit is .inil eholeeysi it is ; fatly
liver: ehninie interstitial nephritis; jileoli()lisni.
:i(lA (,\d.inii) Male, :i. Jnne ."i, Isii;!.
ScAin.ATiNA. .Al.seess of neck: snppnr.itive lymphangitis; ae.ite
parenehyniatons nephritis; aente, of spleen ; acnie pliaryn
Kil iH ; acute .and chronic pnrnleni ri;Ah< ft it is nu'ilia- .'Uid interna ; aciitc
rijiht mastoiditis.
;U (Adami) Male, fill, dune liii, iSiCt.
Anuina Ldi.ovK I. Septic.enna ; fatly de.i^eneral ion of heart.
MUNI'IIKAI, UKNI'.n.M. lltiSI'll A I, UM'oll'I's
:IJ (Adainl) Mule, :i!l. .Iuiit« -J^, ISIKI.
IlKitMA. Kinlli-iil iMin> ; I'xlcinul i-IkIiI, illitc iiiickcil miil IIkmI ui«>tl ;
vvdiiiid I'lMiiiiinin^ <>|M>ii iiiiil N(ipinini( inn ; iniintsiiiii.s.
.t:i ( Ailinii) l'"<'m;ilr, .V_'. .Iiiin) Ul. ISlilt. Dr. Illiitkiidci'.
Mil. >\. Mills vNi, I'Imi-iiyhiim A. Sii luuMilc iliiutlciiil is aiiil .jr.jiiiiilis ;
i'\si ill iM'.'iin ; clinmic uillioslvf | ; |UTllic|nidli,s ; (•lii'ii and n'dciiia of lmij.cs ; iKMisorcs.
;U (Atlami^ iM'iirilc, (10. ,lmii':i(t, lS!i:i.
KMi'insiiMA oi It.tiii l.iiNus. Clin.hic liii.iicliiiis; adlir.sions al ap.'x
and I. •II has,-; fally dcn.MH'ialioii III' hcail willi livjicil in|iliy ; allicninia
111 (•oniii.iiii-saiid a. Ilia: ,u,raiiii!Mr Mdii.'vs ; adlicsidiis and calcai- is
d.<|iosil loimd l.-ll ..van; M'liilc alioi.h.v dl' iiilcsliiml wallH ; lia'iiMiir
lia,u'<'.s ol pancreas.
;t."i ..lulniM.iiO Male, :i:i, .iiii\ io, is!i;{.
I''attv am. (•|i!uii..ri( l.ivKn, .laiiiidl.T ; .luiilili' liydn.ili.irax
rlu'onic panMiclivmaloiis.ui.l InlcrM ii i,d iicpliril is ; liypcil ropliy of Iid'l
iu'arl : flinmic miimilar pliaiviiKil is ; liroiirlui pni-imK.iiia ; ..'di-iim of
Hiil.liiliiisi.ini iMMiiaic. .'t. .Inly l.'i, ISlt:).
At I'liv I'riiKia I' Miimnci ri,s. Clininic (.lilis media (piini
lenO: mili.iry I nlierenlosis ,.f Innus. spl.'en and liver; hil.erenli.iis
nil ion of .ulon ; eluimie I iil.eiciili.sis of l.roiieliial glands.
;t7 (.lolinsi,.n> I'emal.', .".il. .Inly i;i, Istct. Dr. Arinslr..iiK.
('llUi.Nir INTKKSTITI VI, N i:ni lilTis. A.iile e.ilarrlial nieer.ilion of
eoloii ; pi.unienlHlion of peril. . iiemii ; nivoina nieri ; .idliesive pleurisy
ami i.erieanlilis: elir..iiie l.r..nelii( is ; sii.nlil liyperl i(.pli\ .iml dilaliitioii
of liearl ; anasarea.
:ts (.l.>lnisi..M) Al.ile. ;fL'. July 1 1. I.sii;!. Di\ l.alleiir.
Aiiri: I,i.HAi{ I'nkimom a, upper and lower rigliMiiiig. Imper
iu>rfei'l s.'paralioii .if lolies; aeiile ri.u,lil lil.rinoiis pl.-iirisy ; sliulii jnler
slilial ehi--:;,. iiepalillH; sliglil .•l.iiidy swelljn.u ..f livcraii.l ki.lney.s;
aeiil." '•nlai>;emeiil ..f sple.Mi ; sliivl.l ealarrlial eolil is ; ,L;all slone.
;i!' (.loliiisl.iiO I'Viiiale. I,S .Inly li;!, ISlHi. Dr. NVilkins.
■|'\i'H.iii) l''i:vKii. rieeralion of ileum si.i^eof healing; perfora'iv,>
.ippeiulieilis; snppnralive perilypldilks wilii perf..ra(ion iiil.i ea'cu!.. ;
.UMile seplie pelvi.' p.-rilotiilis ; ehr.niie adhesive p •imelri'is; acute
parencliymat.nis nei.hrilis and hepatitis.
• lI'lNKIt.M, iMts'l' Mdiri'KM INKK.X. IH!!.'!
Id (.li)liii^l(tii) l'"ciiialc, ;iL'. .Inly lidlli, |S!»;).
(ilOMiUAi, T.iniilK ri.osis. Ilinn.MTliaKc. ul' l.r.ii. .•i.ii,K,.H. ,shMM,.rli
uikI iiilrstlnrs; acMlrliMMnunliuKic I nlHTniJar |.rri(.)iiJliN ; afiilr I nhrr
«Mlar iilrmisv ; Imhioi-rliaKc of inyocanllnin ; clirnni,- I nlirrciilous
ci.d.riliM; acMlr liaMiiorrhaKic cvsl it i.s ; Irll |.v,-l.nir|.liril is ; ,i,rl.<..siH of
livrraml kiiln.vvM; iiiiliHiy Miliciriilosis n|' iivci'; solitiiry ( iilicrclf of
Itrain. riii-|ima.
II (.l(ilmsloh) l''cnialc, l:j. .Inly L'S, ISIKI. I )r. ( iaidrnT.
I'vosAI.I'iNN. I,ii|.ainl(.ni,v ; linnia ol wunn.l ; (.|i..ial ion ruJN.wc.l l.y
< an ''i<'i^i'>'i ; Intal adh.' .i\ <• iMM'ilnnil is ; .lironi, prlvic |..Ti(..nilJs
willMvrlo v.'siral llslnia, ivcclin- I'loin ic-inn of Icll, lallupian ( nhr ■
'■iilairhalcysMlis and .Milciil is ; fally li.ail; clunily sut'llin^ol livrr
ami kidneys.
Ili (.Idhnsliin) Male, ."hi. .Inly lis, 1S!I:|.
(•,ma ,„■ lUuur S...„ml,ny .■..ncr ni liver .ni, I ,Hn,
•"'''"'""•■•'' Kl.inds; iHTihepalilis; ,ys ivcr; sccundaiv rancn- .,1
''■'''' •••'•vnal: mrrosisul ,iM|,| .^ •,,, ,vna,l ; l.ron/in- ,ir skin will:
sli^i,lil li'ncndciina ; hniw n al ni|iliy of licarl.
i:i (.Inhnsl.Mi) l''i'ma,lc, 7. An-nsI ."., iMCj. |)c. Spier.
''"''"'•""'••'^^'^ "I' "i''\'^- '^ ."y InlM.r.le ,.r , rrel.ellun. ; acnie
InI.ercular in.'nin-il is ; rh i,- .•renins! , ..f lii;,l -lands.
II (.l.ilmsiun) h'emale. Id. An-. 7. IS'i;;. Dr. I!l.nk,i,|ei'.
l-'Miv AM. CinnnuTU I,iv..;n. (iallsi..nes ; arnte neen.sin- mv.ulie
enlerilis; a,enle pareneliy malons nephritis; .janmliee.
I.". (.I.ihnsinnt Mai.', ::il. An^usl -Jl, l.s'i;;. Dr. Ai'insl-ron-
CAniKs ,n.' l.i'MnAK am. Sa.1!ai, Vi.;iMi:in<.r:. Saer.. iliae disease •
•■'•linp,.ril..n.'Ml p.-lvi.' and aliseess.vs ; a.iile niili.irv I nl.i'renl.isis •
lnl..-renl,.nsmenin,.;iljs;' Iiy p.-rpla,sia, ..I' ; 'elin.uie par.Mi'
eliyni.'dt.irs n.'phril is ; nnl im'j; li\ei'.
17 ■l'"ennil.', lid. An.^nsi l'S, Isd.'f. Di'. FJIackader.
Oi.i. KMn..i,ir S..i.ri.;Ni\(i ..k (^nu'is SritiAn m am. Kxtkh.nai Cap-
si'u;. h'e.enl en,l.,.lis,n ..I lell mi.l.ll.. e..rel,ral arlerv ; ehn.nie selen-lJe
ami a.'iile verrnens,. .■ is ,.r mitral valve wit li cysl, in valve
"''.«'"''"'= '""^^ Inr.ili,,,, .,1 |„„j,,s: .hr.nii.. Iiyperplasia ..f spleen
wilh.nlarels; eya. • alr..phN„r liver; adhesive perilnnil is ; retro-
llexeil nierns.
IS (.l.ihnstnn) Male, II. Sepl. ||, iSd.'J.
P.MMA,;v (■AmtN..>,A .... L,,,r Uuusnn's. S,..,.n.larv in hn.mhial
wands, h.|( h.n- an.l liv.-; sul.uente l.n.m.l,,. pm. ,nia; eatuernus
J.lenrisyand periear.lil is ; sli-ht paremin nu., ons nephrit is
MUNTHKAI, (iBNI'lH.M-'ll'AI, UKI'iHtrs
111 (Adaiiii) Ki-nial)', lit. Sc|t(. IT., lNi;i.
Piri'iiisis. I'liioiiic lnlii'ifuld.sis of ^i^illt iipcx willi civil. \ ; iiiiliinvt iv«>
rliniiiic liilu'icdlasls of loll. ii|m'X ; thronic iliiU lupliiit i.s ;
iimvloid ki(liu'.v ; inaranlio (IiioiiiImi.s irnal si-ins ; liilieiciilosi.s of iii-
."»() (A(lami) I'Vinalo, (I. Sept. 27. IHllM.
Sc.vHi.ATiNA. MiilaiKfil ^:laii(l.sof ncckwilh purnlt-iit, inllllrulloii, t'x-
ItMiiliiiK roniui larynx ami MuoukI" foiinctlivc M.s.siio to. skin ; laiynufvl
ulcfi-.s; lironclio pntMinionia with miliary ahsccsscs of Innj; ; parcncliy-
malous m-pliiili.s ; fatly (h'KiMicialion of livor; fhlar.^ctl mfscnteric
ni (.\(lanii) Ma U', (»."). Oil. .">, ISIKI.
Std.viai II. I'lct'ialion aii2 (Adami* Female. :{. ();< (Adami) Male, :«). Oct. IS, 1S!);>.
ArnTi': Mama, i.ung.s congested; hrondii full of niucu.s :
anatomical chanurtvs.
no other
51 (Adami)- Female, ;tl. Oct. Ml, I8!t;t.
A( rrK DiiMiriiKiuTU- Fmiomktiu ris. Suliinvolntion of uterus;
Ihromho phlehilis of pelvic veins ; pulmonary emliolisiu wil h nudtipie
pulmonary ahscesses ; tuherenlous nicenition of larynx : luherculosis of
nu-senlorie glaniis ; parenchymatous swelling of spleen, kidneys and
iM (Adami)" Male, tU. Nov. L', 1S!»;{.
I'NKirMOMA. (Jray iu'palizatiou right middle lohe : interslifial right,
upper lobe ; iiliMiiisy ; .slJKlit, a»!Htc ;
nephritis, mixed ,siii)aciilf, pan-iicliyiiialoiis and intcrsl.iiJal.
5H (Adanii) Male, 17. Nov. l!(, JXjCt. Dr. Stewart.
Kimto Saiuoma liponialodcs of pcritoncinn and diapiuaKMi
NimoniatoM.s ploiiriHy with cllusion ; intcrslJtiai myocarditis;
51) (Adami) Maio, 22. Nov. :i(l, i,Si):{.
Dilatation of stomach; lymphatic cnhuxcmcnt. of lolliclcs of jc.jnnum ;
cloudy Hwi'llinKofkidncy.s; fatty liver. Deal h in convulsions," sui)posi'd
cerehral syphilis.
(K) (.Vdiimi) Female. ;«), Nov. 27, I8it;t.
SiTHA(!irTi.; Ttini.;u(iri,(>sis ok Horn Lun(;,s. Ulceration of .csopha-us
(tuherculons); tuhcrcnlons nlcr of ciecum ; amyloid kidneys and in-
testine ; chronic adhesive pleui'isy and peritonil is.
til (Adami)- Female, 5. Nov. 2S, !,S!);i.
Dii'iiTiihiniA of lon.sils instate of healin.L!;; acute kIouumuIo ncphril is ;
renal calculus ; acute catarrhal ^'ast,ro-(uit,crit is ; eonf^est ion of Iuiiks ;
commciiciufj; l)roncho-i)ncnnionia ; abnormal lobulation of ri^'liL luu-;.
(W (Adami)— Male, 15. Nov. ;{l(, l,Si);{.
CllllONtC iNTICkSTITlAI, AN!) I ' A 1{ |;N( II YM AT( ll'.S NkI'IIK niS. .\cute
pericarditis with ednsion ; hypertrophy and dilalat ion of heart ; hydrone-
l)hrosis and dilatation of ureters from the di'velopment of librous
tissue outside base of bladder ; eirrhot ic and fat ty liver.
fl.'l (Adami)— Male, Mil. Dec. I, im\.
ClluONic rAHi:N(iiYMAT()i!s NiciMi iiiTis with e.Mcnsivc laity defenera-
tion ; commencing interstitial nephritis ; f heart ; atheroma of coronaries
and middle sized arteries ; tuberculous nodules at apices of lunj;H ;
tuberculosis of larynx ; infarcts of spleen and kidneys.
21 a (Adam!) Female, UH. .luiie 9, 1H[)4. Dr. Lalkur.
Fi,i;xuuK OK T,\U(iK Intkstink with constriction and diverticula ;
old <:ileeroua aodules at apices of lungs; ecchymoses of peritoneum;
condylomata of vav;ina ; chronic endometritiM : llbro cystic ovarv ;
patent foramen ovale.
22 (Adami)-Female, m. .lune 12, 1804. Dr. Kirkpatrick.
Stkr TUUK oi' Rkctum. Perforative peritonitis following opera! ion.
2;J (Williams)— Female, :J,5. .Tune 18, 18i)4. Dr. Wilkins.
Piri.MoNAiiY TiJHivRciii.osis WITH CAvrrrKS. Tuberculous ulceration of
intestines ; fatty liver with portal cirrhosis.
24 (Williams)— Fenuile, 'M. June 23, 18!)4. Dr. Alloway.
DouHi.E Pyosalpinx. Acute peritonitis; granular endometritis;
small dermoid in right ovary.
25 (Williams)-Male, 23. July 3, 1894. 1~>--. Plaekader.
AcuTi'; Pi;ru AHDiTis with efl'usion ; caseous nodules in apex, calcilled ;
mitral stenosis ; clirouic sclerotic endocarditis.
20 (Williams) Male, 20. July 12, 1894. Dr. Wilkins'.
Hvi'KKTROi'Hv AND Dilatation ok Hkaht. Syphilitic endarteritis;
bedsores ; chronic perisplenitis with calcareous nodules.
27 (Williams) -Female, .tC. July 2(), 1894. Dr. Shepherd.
Biliary Cirrhosis; nutmeg liver; cirrhosis of kidmsys ; aneurysm of
cirrhosis splenic artery and calcified thrombus.
28 (Williams)— Female, 40. Aug. 7th, 1894.
TuBERcx'LOUs BASILAR MioNiNuiTis. Tul)erculosis of lungs; general
miliiary tuberculosis.
23 (Williams)- Female, ;J8. Aug. 7, 1894. Dr. Wilkins.
Lymi'ho-Sarcoma ok Bronchial (Jlands. Compression of right
bronchus and partial compression of trachea ; acute right pleurisy.
30 (Adaini)— Male, 32. Oct. 1894. Dr. KirkpatricJc.
SuppuBATiVK Pachy AND Lki'to.mknin(;itis. Cellulitis of scalp and
frontal region ; enlarged spleen ; fatty degeneration of liver and kidneys;
cloudy swelling of muscles ; suppurat ive ostitis and periostitis of frontal
bone ; no abscess of brain.
(Williams)-Fi.miilc, 70. Oct. 21, l.SiH. Dr. Molson.
fNTRsriNAr, (InsriMurnox vhum Cxsvmuws Stenosis op uppkh part
OK HKCTit.M. Siil.Miucous hinn..rrl.,w.s of dusi-endint; .-olcn ; rhronir
riterHtitial n.-plu-itls ; Hrt(>,i.,.s,-I,,s ; l.n.w., atropl.v of liver und
lu-urt; sliK^.t m-uu- lil.ri.u.iis p.Miu.nitis : rotroperitoiu-alKlands normal;
prcllMiiiiary oiicration, to luiuhur cliolotomy.
(.lohiiston)— Female, .SH. Oct. 21, IHIH. Dr. Finlcy.
Aniouiiyhm ok Tha.vsvkusk Alien ok Aorta. EroMon of Lodies of 4th
and dorsal vertel)n." ; coniprossiori of left hronclms and Iiuik ; ulcer-
ative and bro.ichieotatic cavities of left lung, non-hiheniiloiis with
chronic adhesive pleurisy; ehronic peritonitis and i)eriliepatitis ;
chronic interstitial ne|)liritis: 'Iironic sclerotic mitral and aortic endo
carditis; subperitoneal myoma of uterus.
(Williams)-Femalo, 17. Nov, ! 1, 1801. Dr. Armstrong.
Appkndicitis. Laparotomy , acute septic peritonitis.
(Williams)— Male, Ufi. Nov. 14, 18!)!. Dr. Finley.
TtruKucri.osis. Miliary tulxTculosis and cheesy tubercles in both lunRs;
miliary tuberculosis of kidneys; cloudy swelling of kidneys; broncho'-
pneumoiiia; old amputation of rij (Williams) —Female, la Nov. IH, 18!)4.
Acute left Pi.eukisv ; (cdema of lungs ; acute hyperjjlasia of spleen.
:{7 (Williams)— Male, 44. Nov. 28, IHill. Dr. Finley.
IlYPEHTHOi'iii,' DiMARv Ciiiuitosis. Great enlargement of spleen-
.edema of lungs ; catarrhal gastritis; ascites; general anasarca; no
obstruction of ducts.
.'IS (Williams)— Female, Nov. 24, 1894.
Tvpiioio Fkvi:r. Typhoid ulceration of ileum and colon ; enlargement
of spleen; h, morrhagic infar.tion of lungs; small lymphomata in
(Williams)— Female, 20. Nov. 2(5, 1801.
Typhoid Fkvku. Typhoid ulceration of intestines : acute enlargement
of siileen ; angioma of liver and calcified nodules.
(Williams)— Male, 'VI. Nov. 28, 18!) 1. Dr. Molson.
CmiONic UrxEUATivK Pirrinsis both Lunos. Chronic pleurisy
tuberculous ulceration of ileum and colon.
(Williams)-Female, 1i
MONrUKAl. (IKNKlUl. llMSlMTAI. llr.l'uMTM
i:< (WilliaiiiMt I'Vinnlii, 71. Ih-c. I(i. IHtM. Dm. I'iiilt'v iiiid ArniNtroiiK.
I'lii vsiri':i. \H. AlM'iiiMDii (if thin; ri iil |iiiii itii
Inlly iloKiMiiM'iitioii,
II ( ) I'Vtuiilo. :il. Ih'i. IS, isni.
Iti'pnl'l MlisHJii^.
I'l (WIJjJMIIIs) l''i>iiwili<. (Ul. Dim. ID. IHIM. Dr. MoIniiii.
I''iil liillltr.'ilion III' lii'iirl : inniloialo olii'itnir iiiliTsliliul in'itliril Ih ;
nnlnii'K liver, iini> liiiil : iiii'Kt- sun splctMi : IiiIu'i-i'iiIimih nlcrnil ion Mm
roliiii ; (lii'il rtiiniilosi'. Iiraiii iiol cMiiiiiiifil.
III (WilliaiUN) I'l'inalo. Itci. -Jl. I.SHI. Dr. Ai iiislnui.u:.
Itiporl iiiissiiiic.
I (Williams^ MhIo, 'J'J. Jan. 1 1. lsii.\ Dr. MoImmi.
("iiiioMc MiiiiM. I'lNiiitiAUKi lis Willi Sri'.Nosis. Cliiiinic inloiHl iliiil
iicphrilis : iniliiw^ liver : n'dcina ol' Iuiikh,
•J (M.K.'ii/i.<> Malo. .Ml. .Ian. H. IHlir.. Dr. I'Miiley.
('.MiciNoM A Ol' l,ivi;i{. ('(inni'slinn ami n'dema nf IniiK^ ; oiilaix«''l
Hplecn ; siilinincoiis liieiniirriiu^it's oT I'iaiKIci' ; elirunii' gaslrilis, willi
NJaly piKiiMMiltilion.
:» (.lolmsloni -l-'emale, 'Jtl. .Ian. "JO, l.'^l"). Dr. Molsiin.
II viM.iMKunn AMI Dilatation of lic.irl. witii fatty (lfu;('ni'iation : nut
mcu; liver; lieefy kidneys; t'leeal eoner(>lioii in appendix.
I OVilliains^ Keiiiale, Itt. .Ian. '-'It. I.^IO. Dr. Allo\\ay
Airri; SKrric l'i;in roNi ris Kiiptiired lulml pre>;naiiey ; laparoloiny.
I a i.lolmsttnO Male. IS. I'eli. IS, IS!l.".. Dr. Molson.
I'liuoMi M\ Ki.iris IN DoiisAi. Hikuon. Slounliiiij; iiahmilis ; lied Mtres.
."> (.loimston) I'tMuaie. as. |',>h. p.l, IS'.t."). Dr. Molson.
IM i;i;ri:i;Ai. Si;rrii i:mi a ^ I'ajnilar dermutilis; old eieutrix of epinlot-
lis ; eomenlrii' liyperl ropliy of heart ; aeiite liyperplasia of spleen ; aeiile
parenclis ni.Uons nephritis ; clironie endometritis ; uterine polyp ; recent
Itiegnaney ; puerperiil stale : ehronie gastritis ; aniteelondy Hwellingof
liver ; aeute hnmehitis ; pnennioeoecus infeetion ; history of inllnen/a.
(Johnston^ Male. ;t!'. M.inh I, 1S!»."). Dr. I'Mnley.
At in: Ti iiKiiii i.ois .MKNiNurris ; enlarged heart ; aeiite h.eniorrha,i:;ie
eysi it is. No primary souirc of tuberele diseoveivd.
7 (.lohnsion^ I'em.ile, :i;i. Mareh ;i. Dr. Armstrong.
An- n: Siii-ru IMiin i'onitis. I'yosalpinx ; lapivriitomy.
H (.Ii»iiiis(uii) (!liilliiniiiK.
11 { Miilr, 71. Miinli IS. iSICi. Dr. |i'|ii|,.y.
"' I"'"-""'-: '"'li- f ••"'•.s.'nl..ncait.-ry : K.inKn.n..olil,
12 (.l«.linM(,n.nMp,Mil„.palil,i.s; onlarK.-.l spl..,.,. ; ul.soU.H.rnl apical nivi
lu>M ; coiiK' an.l ..'(icnia .tf Iow.t lolics of InnKs.
i:{ (.ItilinNlon) Kcniulo, 21. March 2;t, IHlCi. Dr. Kinlcy.
VAi.vni.AU IlKAiiT D.sKAsi.;. Hypertrophy an.l .lilalalion of heart-
chronic sIcno.siuK niilral ; mum-nt aortic is •'
l.ariclal throinl.osis in left ventricle; chn.nic eniarKonn-nt of spl,-,-,, •'
cunci-t'tion in vcrinifoini aiijicmiix. '
II (.iDhnston) -I'Vinalc, ;t7. Maicli 27, lKi».-). Dr. Kinlcy.
Svniii.iTK- Km.aktkkitis ok Antkiiiou ani. Midi.i.i.; (Jkkkmum
AitTKitiKs wrrii Tiiu-\mosis. DitluMc sclerosis of brain; eniplivscnia-
brown atrophy of lu-arl, ; elongated left lolie of liver.
ITi (Johnston) Female, 25. March 2H, IHilf). Dr. I'"inlcy.
A,.rn.: Mm.N.m.l'MMMoN.A. Ac.te llhrinonH pleurisy; m-ute peri-
canlilisw.theUnsion; conc.-ntric of heart; acute mitral
emlocanlitis; acute parenchymatous ue|.hriti.s ; cloudy swelling of
liver. .^ h wi
1() (.lohnston)~Malc, 25. March 2H, WXt. Dr. Finley.
A.i'Ti.; I'l.ici'ii.) I>N|.;itM„N,A, riKl.t upper an.l left lower lobes Thick
eniuKaudopaci.yof pia ; sclerosis of brain; lll.rous interstitial „nen'
moniaan.l chronic pleuritis left upper lobe ; concentric hypertrophy of
eft heart: chronic interstitial n.yocarditis ; cnlarKe.J spleen ; hoKl.ack
Kidney. '^
17 (.loluislon) iM'iiiiilc, TiO. Miircli L'lt. lM!i:.. Dr. Molson.
Aci'Ti' (liiKv lli:iv\ri/.,\TioN l.nn Lowkh l,i>m.; ami Hioiri' Miniti.i.:
I.niii:. ("luiniii' lininrliids dtid cmiili.vsiMiia ; loriirrciil mil nil I'luldciti'
ililis, witli sIchosiH; itolypoiil lliioinlMis from mitral v(ilvi> ; allirroMia
(il'a.irlii : U-moii c.ilonr ol' I'm! : aii.i'mla ; sli^,Mil intcrsi IIJul ncplirilis ; suit
|n'i'ilm!ilo. :tl. April I. lS(ri. Dr. Ai mslroiiK-
(ii.MMfAi. Sci'in i:mia. I'lxIrMcl.ioii of loclli; jiannnMioiiH stumal ilin ;
sul>ciilant'()\i,s (>('cliymosi,s : ,sln«plococ('ii.s inlVclioii : adtcrior i-Mrcml-
lies of ribs (\visl(>il ; actilc lia-morrliaKic j^aslrilis ; aciili- colitis ; acnlc
iiepliiilis papillaris ami acute doiiUle luemorrhavtii' pyt-lids; cloudy
s\v(>llinKor livor ami kitlneys ; eul.irKiMnenl of uleriis ; InciM"^ lolie (if
Hmt: acute hyperplasia of spleeu : accessory spleen.
:.*() (•'nlmsi.iiO Male, (it. Aiiril 7. IS!*.".. Dr. I'inley.
t"int.»\K! iNTCusTrnAi, Ni.;piiu!TIs. AnaMuia; dropsy; doulil(> hydi-o
Ihm'as ; liydroperic.arilium ; dilatation and liyperl ropliy of hejirt ; sliij;ht
interstitial ; Itrown atro|.liyof til, res ; no lady in
li(>ar( ; (lil.itadon of aorta; intense o' lema of lung's; emphysema; old
caseous mass al ri.u;ht apex : hrocclio pneumonia ; hyi»erlrophy of rinhf
an;ht uppei- lolie. Ochre coloured ;
hitld CMsiform ; acute t uherculosis of lower and mid(ll<> ; inllalion
of riuht luiiu,-; chlorosis of aorta ; hyperplasia: luowu al rophy of heart;
nut mcii livei .
L'2 (.lohnstoiO I''emiilc, L'l. .April 2(i. IS!I.')..
A( ( Ti: .Si:i>rif I'liinioMris. Laparotomy ; old caseous nodule in uu'h-
eutery: nuuistnial sliile ; cyst of riuhl, ov.iry.
l.':t ( ) Male. 27. April Jti. ISlt,".. Dr. Hi.-K'kader.
Notes not entered.
II (\\'ilii.ims)Maie. II. Ajiril MO, ISlC. Dr. Wilkins.
A( in; Choi roi s l'i,i:iui> I'nsimoma kk I.i:i r J.UNti. Double l(*ff
uret(>r: aneurysm of left ren;il artery; acute dejicneral ive pareiichy-
m.itous nephritis; pneumococcus infection.
(IRNKIlAt. I'dST M(tl«TK^f INHKX, iRDf)
2r. (Willliiiiis) -Mule, m. May IH, IHDii. Dr. Ulackiiilcr.
nriciiiiKiiNT KNrxxAitnrrrs with Mitiiai, Stkndsim. McdHoiv ; •rdcma
of (Vi'l : iiHcilcH ; fliinnic ( iiiTilicpiilil Ih ; .•inlidMiH <,f |iv,.r'; I hiom
lM.sis..f iiorl.'il vein; IrCl, |,y,ln,lli„i„,\ ; l.inwn iiirl ropliy nf liciiii.
L'(l (•loliiisl(tn) Mull', n;i. May H», iHiir,. Dr. WilkiiiH,
I)iMsi:iiimv. Cliroiii;-
IMilji.l liroiMliillsainl liniiiclilcctaNis; lucali/cd Irfl .•inpyipina KaiiKiTii
osa; cliioiiic iiil.Tsliliiil iippliriiis: mliuy, it r>f pinsl'iilf.
:^7 (Williams) Malt-. 111. May 2(1, I, SI (."i. Dr. Wilkiiin.
CiiiioNK ni,(i.;itATivi.: PirTirisis of linni Ij-ncs. Ilnixrinal pl.Miiill,.
aillK'sioMH; I'liroiiic i islitial and arnl.o pan'Moliyinaloiis ni-pliriUH ;
(•lininic iiiliMslitial hepatitis; liliioiis pcrilicrcul.)sis of Iiuikh;
acnlc parencliymatioiis iicplnilis.
(Williams) l-N'malc, 5.-.. May :»l, lK!»r). Dr. VVilkins.
ViM.ois (I'Ani.i.Aitv) (^ANCK ■ IfTKKis, s..<.o..dary in l.imldcr ;
m-lo vcsicovaKinal list,iila: recurrent, mil ral .■ndocardilis ; l.iemorrliaKie
infarelion and hrown indurat ion of hniKs ; clironie interst ilial nephritis-
secondary cancer of inguinal Kl'inds. '
:t2 (.hdinstoM) l''cmale, 'X>. May 25, 181)5.
(lAiiiioi,!,' Acii. I'uis.iMN.i. Tannine of st,omach and ad jaennt, organs •
suh pleural ecchymosis; liiemaloma of riKlit, ovary ; sliKhi Lcranular
;j;{ (.lohiis(on) -Mall', Id. May 21, IH(»5.
l-Ai'MANi'M IV.isoNiN,,. I >ermanKanat c solnticm in hniKs ; .edema of
.•M (Johnston) I'Vmale, 2.1,. .lime (i. 1WI5. Dr. Flntehison.
Ar.riK TtiH,.;u,;,.,,u.:s MKMN.iiT.s. TnI.erculons arthritis left hip joint
with cold aliscess ; left liydroncplirosis.
35 (Johnston)— Male, 19, June 10, 1895. Dr. Blackader.
Chhonic Paukn(^hymatoits Nin'nums. General anasarca ; old ex-
cision of elbow joint ; caries of both elbow joints ; atelectasis and com-
pression of left huiK; left hydrothorax ; left acute pleuritis; diplococcus
infection ; obsolescent tubercle R apex ; milk patch of heart ; ascites and
acute sero fibrinous peritonitis ; chronic catarrhal gastritis.
36 (McKenzie)-Feniaie, 24. June 21, 1895. Dr. Shepherd.
Frac'tubk of Skull, ribs and chavicle ; rupture of spleen ; ha-morr-
hage into peritoneum ; gestation 5th month ; calcified nodules of spleen
and liver capsules.
'M (John8ton)-Female, 60. June 24, 1895. Dr. Hutchison.
Sliuht Bkoncho-Pxeumonia. Old fracture through head of tibia •
old cyst in left frontal lobe of brain ; senile granular kidneys ; («.dema
of lungs ; calciQed plate in heart wall ; chronic local adhesive peritonitis;
old scar in upper part of rectum ; obsolete apical cavities.
38 (Johnston)— Male, 30. July 4, 1895. Dr. Shepherd.
RUPTUKK OF Livjiii; Laoi.;i»ation of Lkft LiTXfi. Compound fractnre
of left leg ; fracture of lower end of R. tibia ; laceration of scalp ; ecchy-
mosis of serosa of ascending colon ; fracture of ribs ; pleuritic adhesions-
hiemorrhage into lung tissue ; laceration of R. kidney ; fracture of
transverse process of lumbar vertebra.
39 (Johnston)— Male, 0,5. July 7, 1895. Dr. Blackader.
Acute Bhoncho-Pnkumonia. Acute pleurisy ; hypertrophy of heart •
atheroma of coronaries ; recurrent aortic endocarditis ; emphysema ;
cheesy nodule in spleen ; cnronic interstitial nephritis with retention
cysts ; enlarged prostate ; cirrhotic and fatty liver; (.'dema of pia.
40 (Johnston)— Male, 53. July S, 1895.
Crush of Chfst. Multiple contusions ; laceration of face ; fracture of
alveolar process ; fracture of ribs ; left ha-mothorax ; laceration of peri-
cardium and heart ; laceration of spleen.
41 (Johnston)— Male, 27. July 13th, 1895. Dr. Hutchison.
Perforated Appendix. Acut" septic peritonitis (slight); septic
perityphlitis; abscess of mesenteric glands ; slaty pigmentation of Peyer's
patches ; acute septic pleurisy (slight) ; .edema and congestion of lungs •
food m bronchi ; cloudy swelling of spleen and kidneys.
42 (Johnston)— Male, 25. July 13th, 189,5. Dr. Armstrong.
Intestinal Ohstriction. Chronic adhesive fibrinous peritonitis
resection of intestines. '
43 (Johnston)-Female, 65. July 15th, 1895. Drs. Wilkins and Kirkpatrick
Chronic Interstitial and Acute Parenchymatous Nei'iirit'is.
Chronic adhesive pericarditis ; chronic mitral endocarditis «ith stenosis-
fatty degeneration of heart. '
44 (Williams) -Female, 44. July 17tli, 1895. Dr. Blackader.
TuHEucuLo.sis WITH Cavitiks IN BoTH LuNos. Ochfe coloured fat ;
chronic mitral endocarditis with .stenosis ; tnherculons mesenteric
glands; chronic interstitial nephritis; nutmeg liver with tuliercles ;
healed tuberculous ulcer of ; subperitoneal myomata uteri-
amyloid kidney (slight).
45 (Williams)-Male, 25. July 17th, 1895. Dr. Blackader.
AcuTK Lobar Pneumonia. Left lower, right lower and middle lobes ;
double acute fibrinous pleurisy ; obsolete tubercles at apex ; enlarged
spleen ; fatty liver.
46 (Williams) Male, 45. July 18th, 1895, Dr. Wilkins.
Phli.;(imo.n()it.s Ehysipelas of right leg; bubo in right groin ; cloudy
swelling of heart and kidneys; old apical tuberculosis; nutmeg liver;
atheroma of aortic valves and coronaries ; streptococcus infection.
47 (John.ston)-Male, 20. July 19th, 1895. Dr. Kirkpatrick.
Ai'PE.N-DiciTi,-, ; Acute Septic Peritonitis. Mixed Infection B. coli
and streptococci ; sinus from behind ca'cum to left side of pelvis ;
brown atrophy of liver ; cloudy swelling of kidney.
48 (Williams) E'emale, 50. July, 1895. Dr. Alloway.
TiTiuoiu in.ovs Salpvnoitis ; Acute Miliary Tuberculosis of lungs
and spleen. Removal of appendages ; hypertrophy of heart ; slight fatty
degeneration ; chronic interstitial and parenchymatous nephritis ; fatty
liver and kidney.
49 (Johnston)- Male, 22. July 22nd, 1895. House of Refuge.
GENEJtAL Tuberculosis. Emaciation ; anasarca ; large caseous
tubercles ; tuberculous periostitis of ribs ; tuberculous carits of dorsal
vertebra- ; prevertebral abscess ; acute pneumonia left upper lobe •
cedema and slight pneumonia of right lung ; fatty degeneration of
heart ; tubercles in spleen ; acute parenchymatous nephritis • tuber
culous infarct of kidney ; cvdema of rectum ; caseous mass in pancreas •
conglomerate tuberch s of liver : tuberculous inguinal glands • old bullet
wound right temple, perforating skull cap, bullet in situ ; exostosis of
right temporal bone ; softening of right motor area of cortex and sub-
jacent white substance.
50 (Johnston)— Female, 22. July 23rd, 1895. Dr. Alloway.
Adenoid Cancer of Skimoid Flexure. Secondary in omentum •
intestinal obstruction and intestinal ha>morrhage ; subacute adhesive
peritonitis ; distention of ileum ; htemorrhagic colitis; dysentery • P M
gastro malacia ; cloudy swellinj of l:idney.
51 (McKenzie)— Male, 68. July 2oth, 1895. Dr. Blackader.
Melanotic Sarcoma left foot ; secondary in inguinal glands ; multiple
cutaneous sarcoma ; secondary growths in liver, heart, stomach and
pancreas ; jaundice ; anasarca.
r.2 (.lulm-(,oii) -Mule. 2^ An«tHt I IMi. lH!»r.. Dr. Wllkiris.
AliscHss AMI I'lii.ictiMON Oh' I'ltosTATi;. Afiitc s('|il ic liroiu'lio inicniiio-
niii ; plilcKiiioii of wall of liiadilcr ; (■iiioiiic fiilfirKciiKMil. of s|ilci«n ;
solildi'v liiiicrcl(> of iiii'sciilt'ry ; st.tiph.vlococciis iiifccdon.
.".:» (WilllamN) I'Vmiilf. 27. A>iKiisMHIli. IS'ir.. Dr. IMiickiidcr.
'i'vnioiit. Olisoh'fc luhtTcIc of liiiijAs ; .siiliiiivoliil ion of iit(>-HH ; iilct>ra
I i'lii of iiilcsliiKvs ; ciiJiUKt'd s]}U>on ; cloiidy swclliiiK of kidneys.
al (.lohnslon) T'cmiili-. :t. AiiKnsl. ^Urd, ISiin. Dr. Armsd-ony;.
'I'niiioifciM.oi's ^D■:MN(il■rIs. Acute miliary tuluMviilosis ; KnuiulaMoiiH
of «'l»fndyin,i : cliroiiic lulu-rciilosis of liver, Iuoks and kidneys; eysl of
broad liganiciil.
r>r» (.lohnstoii) Male, 2:t. August :i()lli. ISiC). Dr. Slieplierd.
Chvsm ok CiiKST. !,aeoralionof ehoek ; fraeUire of alveolar process of
left superior maxilla ; interstitial emphysema: sejiaratioii of liotji
Hlernoclavlcular .joints and eartikiKt's of hoth llrsi rilis ; left h.emo-
tliorax : laceration of lun,us with congest, ion and ma ; ecchymoses
oflarnyx; chronic interstitial nephi'itis ; (>nkux(«d intestinal follicles;
IwemorrhaKc into right tympanic cavity ; laceration of tympanum.
."ill (.lohnston) Male. 2S. Sept. 7th. 18!).-». Dr. Wilkins.
II.KMomniAui; ok MiiAix i!«um Lkim' Sylvian Autkky. Internal
ha'morrhagic pachymeningitis; lia-morrhage external veutricl<> ; old
spot of softening in right inicrnal eupsnie ; iiyp(>r.emla of lungs ; large
lirni spleen ; atheronii of aorta.
ri7 (.loliuston>--Male. 70. Sept. 11, IS!t.\ Dr. llntchi.-.on.
Cui'sii OK I^UKST. Trolley car .accident. Uight. Iwemothorax and
ha'uiof.ericardinm ; laceration of right lung ; fracture of rihs ; ha-mor-
rhage of lesser omentum ; gallstones; abnormal liver,
5!* (.lohnston) Male, SS. Sept lo, IS!),").
butchers cart. Contusion right side of head : luenialoma l»en(>ath scjil) ;
osleo sarcoma .)f orbital plate: contusion ot hrjtin ; atheroma of cere-
bral arteries with aneurysms: fatty rown atrophy of heart j
grauuhvr kidiu'ys; brown .itrophy of liver.
(W) (•Iolinston)-Male, 11. Sept, l(i, LslCi.
KuACTiHi: OK Lkkt I'^KMiii. Multiple contusions; fat embolism of
(il (.lohuslou) Male, M. Sept. I(i, ISlC).
1'1,1-MHisM, Chrouic alcliolism ; hypertrophy of heart ; chronie inter
stitial nephritis: fatly ami cirrhotic liver: general arteriosclerosis-
congestion and .cdem, f lungs ; (cdeiua of larvnx.
(.InlinsloM) Mai,., :il. S..|.t. l(i. IS!);,. I)i^. WilUins aiuli.ud.'ur.
'■''' " '''':\i:i(. T.Vl.liui.l uir.-rs of uijpcndix; coiiKPHtion of bmin ;
wUvv, colonml fut ; cliroiiic miirul (.ndocinliMs ; coiiKcslion of ImiKs
with iipoplcxy : uciilc pHrciuliymiil.oiis iicpliiilisaiui lu'paliUs ; swelliiiu;
of broncliial glands.
(.loliMston) Mai,., 71, Sopt. 21, IS!».-,. Dr. Shcpli.-nl.
l{i;v,.i.vK.( \V,M-NO OK KHiiiT TKMn.i;. '; contnsionofd.ira
uiul ad.jan'iit part, of brain ; pow,U.r grains in l.-rain; sligiit, nul in,.^ livfr-
ucnli) s,|,.roti( kidn.>.v; an! hracosis ; ,u-nU> l.ronchu-pnounionia ; ndlk
patch of lu'ar' ; allicronia of viilvcw. Suicide.
(.loluiHton) hVnii.l,.. (i. Hcpt. ■-';(, lHi»r,. Dr. Mia. kadcr.
TuM|.;u(iti.,,us KNTKifo.oMTis ANM.l>Ki!i.<.i(ATivi.: I >Ki{ir,.N riis. Tnlu.r-
cnloMs ,M,.s,.M(..,i,. t.ihcrculoiis salpinKitis; nlceraMvi. Iui)cr-
cnlosiH liolli luHKs ; Inl.crcidous broMcliial Klan,ls : laK.v liver.
(.lolinston) Male, li.t. S<.p|,. 21, ISU."). Dr. .Vrnislroiif;.
iMiiVN.iKAi, DM-.iTni;i(iA. l>hl,.«nion of neck: (.rmhcoloMiy ; .liph-
(.leritic broMdutis; aciil," iKirencliynialons nepln-JUs and hepatitis-
ciironic niilral endocar.lilis ; ,•on^'esl,i,,.| and ,,.,lenia ,.f hniKs (itspliyxia)J
suli-cndoi-anlial ,',s.
(.lohn.ston) Male, r,;{. Kept. 'ifi. IS!).-,. Dr. VVilkins.
l'|.;itNi,i,>.>,s An.kmia. Dik.tation an,l fatly deneneiaMon of h,.art •
chronic p..ricardit Is ; emanciai .on ; sub-iclerns ; al heronui of coronari,.s •
ctnphysenia : ,.-,lenmof Inn^s ; ..nlarK,.nient of spl.-en ; chroni,' prolifera-
tive wislntis with polypoid oiilKnnvlh; slight, interstltiul nephritis-
l.rown atrophy of liver ; iroii reaction ; fatty d,.gen,.rat i,.n of the .:ent.rai
zones ; slight lymphoid hyiierpiasia of n-d nuurow.
(Johnston) New born child. September 201 h, lH!).j.
MiKTs IN TitAciiKA. Kcdiymosis of pleura and thymus.
II (.lohnston) Male. September 2Sth, 18!).-,. Dr. Armstrong.
FitA, ■irm.; of Huuit Ci.avi, i.k and SiiinNi-M. Kpit-helioma of penis
and i.araphiinosis ; ulcerative balanitis; double hiemothi,rax • ndlk
patch; slight atheroma of a(.rta ; chronic interstitial and parenchv-
matouN nephritis.
(Johnston) Male, 2S. September :t(iih, 18!).'). Dr. Armstrong.
SiHAN,iui.ATioN OF I N TFsTiNKs. (_1hroidc adhesive i)eritonitis • re-
section of intestines; hyperplasia of spleen; f,)lli,.ular uk-erathm of
rect\im ; cryptorehidisnuis ; congestion and apoplexy of lungs.
(.lohns»„n) Male, 27. October It h, ISI).-,. Dr. Armstrong.
Tvi'iioin Kkvku. I'er'oration ; sutur,- of iiit.'stin,. ; acut,. s,.piic p.-ri-
tonitis ; typhokl ulceration ; follicular .lUers of eolon with induration -
acute hyp,.rplasia of splc-u ; slaty pigmentation of rectum ; f.itty de-
geneiation of intima of coronaries ; .edenui of lungs ; subarachnoid
.edema ; liln-inous nodules in pia ; chronic lepton.eningitis ; pure culture
of typhoid bacilli from spleen.
70 (Johtiatok. Mnh', (W. October lOtli, 181)5. Dr. Lalleur.
Ac:iiTi': RnoNciio T'Ni;uMi>NrA. Clirnnir bronchitis aiul oinphystMim ;
interstitial nephritis ; l)rown induration of lungH ; 8li.j;s ; dilluse
interstitial nej)hritis ; acute and chronic K'^stritis ; red atropliy of liver,
with chronic difluse interstitial hepatitis and gunnna ; sclerosis of pan-
. ;ijs
j>2 (Johnston)— Male, 21.
Tvpiioii) Fi;vi;n. Supposed injury of abdomen. Typhoid ulceration of
intestine, early stage ; ascari' as ; enlargement of mesenteric; j^Jands
and spleen ; subpleural ecchymosis ; cloudy svvellinfj; of kidneys and
liver ; slight atheroma of aorta ; acute bronchitis ; caseous and cal-
careous bronchial glands ; typhoid culture from spleen and lungs.
7:i (.Johnston)— Male, H!). Dr. Armstrong.
Al'PiiNDUiTis— Operation. Septic thrombophlebitis of portal and
mesenteric veins; multiple abscesses of liver ; interstitial nephritis;
round ulcer of stomach ; healed tyi)lioid ulcers of intestines ; old tuber-
culosis of lungs; slaty pigmentation, congestion and (edema of lungs;
mixed infection by intestinal bacteria.
74 (Johnston)— Male, 55. October 2()th, 1895. Dr. Hutchison.
Primary Epithi:i,u)ma of Bi.addkk. Calculus of bladder ; suprapubic
cystotomy ; secondary growth in vena cava, renal vi>ins, lumbar ver-
tebras heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and doudenum ; cancerous throm-
bosis of vena cava inferior ; chronic mitral and tricuspid endocarditis ;
round ulcer of duodenum ; diphtheritic pyelonephrosis ; scar of lu-epuce.
75 (Johnston)— Female, 49. October 20th, 18!)5. Dr. Finley.
PuKRPKRAL Fi;vi:r. Laceration of vagina; pelvic abscess ; sei)tic endo-
metritis and phlebitis ; subinvolution ; omental liernia ; chronic
adhesive jieritonitis ; hydropericardium ; hypertrophy and dilatation of,
heart; slight fibroid endocarditis ; acute parenchymatous nej)hritis and
hepatitis ; thrombosis and abscess of left innominate and jugular veins ;
streptococcus infection.
76 (Johnston)-Male, 72. October 2!)th, 1895. Dr. Kirkpatrick.
Fractuhk of Rkuit Fkmi'r. Multiple bruises ; hypertrophy of heart
slight Hi)roid palillary myocarditis; marginal emphysema; granular
(contracted) kidneys ; slight double hydrocele (senile) ; alcoholism
gallstones; cause of death : shock following fracture.
77 (Johnston)-Mali>, T). October llOtli. Dr. MoLson,
(UiUKs OK I)„,,,sA., Vkutk.k.,:. Tuborculous peritonitis ; prevertebral
abscess and snu.s into cavity of ri«ht lun^ ; abscess of\^,ina . ,
transverBe con.pression n.yeiitis witb ascen.iin^ and dcscenlin« d «' .:
erat.on ; tbron.bos s and caseons infection of cerebral sinuses and vefns •
dorsal kyphosis ; bedsores ; bronchitis ; dinsendnated tubercles of la ' n.esenter.c glands ; right caseous pneun.onia ; caseous bronchTal
78 a (Johnston) -Male, 12. November 7lh, 18«J5. Dr. Gardner
S.r,.,.,n^vrm.; K,,u.T Ot,t,s Mk,„a. Ri.,,fc n.astoiditis; septic throm-
bos,sofnghtlateralsinusand.i„.uIar; right multiple necrosing Z^.
mon.a putrid right en.pyaMna ; chalky mass in lower lobe o^ leJt
lung; enlargement r spleen. '^-ui^ oi lert
78 (Jolinston)-Female, 28. Noveinber 4th, 18!».5. Dr. Lockhart.
I'Ai-n,....MATc.irs (;vsT<.A,A „K OvARv ; AcTTK VvMyvo^vns. Old retro-
peritoneal hen.atocele, calcified; laparotomy; slight cloudy swelling
of kidneys ; old partial obliteratJve appendicitis.
71) (John8ton>-Male, Hi. Nov. 12, IS!)"). I),-. Kiidey.
A(-n™ LoHAH Pn..:,;m„.n,a. Aneurysm of ascending arch of aorta-
apical sca.s and tubercles; atheroma of heart valves; cyanotic indura-
tion ot kidney ; nutmeg liver ; chronic enlargement of spleen.
80 (Johnston)-Male, 20. Nov. l:{, WJn. Dr. Molson.
PiiTfiisis Chronic ulcerative tuberculosis of lung and larynx ; tuber-
culosis of appendix; mitral endocarditis and stenosis; atheroma of
coroi-.aries ; acute pneumonia with multiple cavities ; chronic bronchitis
emphysema ; acute tuberculous pleurisy ; tul)erculous i.erichondritis of
arynx; incipient tuberculosis of colon; ascarides; brown atrophy of
liver; thickening of pia. cm .pny or
81 (Johnston)-Male, Jil Nov. U, ISStt. Dr. Kirkpatrick.
C.v.vrKu OK PVLOHiTs (scirrhous); laparotomy; slight mitral sclerosis-
s ,g. m.rous myocarditis; hypenema and a,dema of lungs; adenoma
ol left adrenal ; sclerosis of pia.
82 (Jolinston)-Male, 50. Nov. IS, bso.-,. Dr. Kirkpatrick.
Cuvsn Ol. CiiKST. Klovator acci.lent ; rupture of .liaphragm and hernia
ol stomach and spleen ; no ha'morrhage ; arteriosclerosis ; atheroma of
imlmomu-y artery; .edema of lu.i^s ; fracture of ril>s ; interstitial
8a (Johnston)--Male, 22. Nov. 18, 18!).-). Dr. MoLson.
H.i.M..,;w,.A.n.; int„ Uu.ut Intkhxai. Capsi-,,,.;. Chronic interstitial
nephritis; hypertrophy and dilatation of heart; atheroma of arteries-
arteiio sclerosis; ecchymosis of stomach; sclerosis of pulmonary
arteries ; granular pharyngitis ; pulmonary apoplexy.
«4 (Johnston) Mali', Iti. Nov. 'M, IKJ)."). Dr. ArinstronR.
Chi'sii <)|- Ciikst ank Ahi)()MI;n. Rnptnicof spli-en and displiut'incnt
of friiKniiMilM ; fracture of left femur ; sepanit ion of cjiipliyHis of left
tit)ia ;Kn'enstick fracture of It^ft ulna ; ninltipleconlusions ; lueniorrhaKe
intoperiloneuni; two accessory Hpleens; functional hypertrophy of lieart;
ecchyniosLs of pelvis of kidneys; conj?e8tion and ecehyniosis of lun^s.
85 (.Johnston) Male, .m Nov. 22, 18U5, Dr. Molson.
I'aiiis (iiiKioN I'oisoNiNC!. Ses(|uioxide of iron in hroiu^hi ; sclerosis of
tricuspid and mitral valves ; brown atrophy of heart ; arterio scleiosis ;
brown ecehyniosis beneath pleura; ecehyniosis of spleen; ncnti- catarrhal
gastritis with niatoiiia.
m (.laiulcHon) Male, 2:<. Dec. 11), 1805. Dr. Molsoii.
CiiuoNic IMrrmsis wrrii Oavitiks. Myjlropcricanlimn ; milk pal chcs.
m (JaniieHon) Male, :«l. Dec. 22, IMh"). Dr. AnnstroiiK.
Ckuhii ok U. IiKo. Hallway accident. IIaa ; thickening of ctigen of
aorlic ami milral valvcH ; atheroma of aorta.
i ^-^ : i
OK Airroi>siK.s
Total in each year
Private cases
Hospital cases. . .
Total deaths in
Percentage auto-
psies to death . .
4a 3
1884 1880
1891 1892
4» 01
491 55
159 189 213
;50-8 29- 1:30-9 ;« 5
67 3
39 «
Number recorded by Osier, 87 ; Sutherland, 45 ; Howard, 32 ; Jamleson, 4 ;
Johnston, 457 ; Latleur, 87 ; Flnley, 107 ; Adaml, 73 ; Martin, 4 ; Williams, 35
others, 3.
Anomalies— (Also see organs).
Di 11(1 ribs, 8a, KW; 05, 94 2
DivcrUculum of bladder, 88, 723 ;
H«, 1!» 2
Horseslioo. kidney, 84, mi 1
Uterus bieornus, 85, mi, Hi5() 2
Persistent foramen ovule, 8J»,
7»:) ; 8», 4!) ; OO. 21» , JKI, 21 ;
»■». i« r,
Lun^H, abnormal lobulation, 85,
87-', (ii ; o:». as a
Meekel's diverticulum, 85, 872,
88.1 ; 80. ai; 87,21 4
Open tunica vaginalis, 9t, 40 1
lletroperitoneal hernia, 05, 90 . . . 1
IJitld uvula, 80, 78;} i
Dextroposition of rectum, 80, 1.5,
47 ; »»0, 54 3
Liver, elongation left lobe, 8:i,
7(W, 731, 739; 85. 85li, 87(5 ; 80,
9; 87.4; 00, 57 H
—Liebermeister furrows, 8.'t, 701,
7(51:87,49; 00,25, 07 ",
Accessory spleen, 8;i, 747 ; 8 1.
78;5 ; 87, 94, 95 ; 80, .53 ; Oa, 22, (i
(See under organs of circulatioi.).
Inflammations, Inkhictions a.nmi
Specific Diskasks.
Septichafmia, 85, 85(5 ; 80, 01 ; j
87. 2, 13, 15, 19 ; 03, 26 ; 04, l.", ; I
»6,8 y
I'ya'inia, 8.1, 708, 717 ; 81. 781 ;
H5, 817, H18, 8.50, H8(i ; 80, 9, 2.'J,
58, 85 ; 87, 2, 71, 8(1 ; 8«, 1 1, 50 ;
HO, 7, 11,38; 00, i:i, 15; OI,12;
«>a.-'l,51 21
Infkctionh (Only \inusiuil or speci-
ally well marked cases),
I'yogenic cocci.
S. P. Aureus, 02, 23 ; 05, 52, 93. . . ,')
Streptococcus, 8«, 31 ; 87, 2, 13,
15, 19 ; 00, 15 ; OJJ, 31 ; O-t. 7 ;
10; 05,10,22,4(5,47,73,75,91,9.5. 17
I ''ieuinococcus,04, 13 ; 05, 5, 24, 35 4
Ciller infections, 85, 840, 851 ; 87,
42 ; 88, 37, (i(5 r,
l-'ace, 87, .50 i
Cranium, OO, 20 1
Brain, 80, 08 ; 88, ; 80, 40 ; 02,
23; oa, 64; 04, 13 d
Meningeal, 04, 30 ; 01,35,39,48. 4
Parotid, 80,57 1
Antrum, 00, 26 [ i
Frontal sinus, 88, 6 j
Cerebellum, 85, 8'15 [[[ i
Inguinal glands, 85, 8.50 j
Cervical glands, oa, 25 ; 03, 3Ca ;
05,(55; 00, 16 4
Pleura, 87, 29, 55, 79 .,], 3
Muscles, Pectoral, 88, 14, 50 ; OO, 9. 3
—abdominal, oa, 41 1
-psoas, 85, 822 ; 88, 5, 11 ; 02, 37 ;
03,45; 05,94 e
c %
III 2.0
IL25 mil 1.4
WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580
(7;6) 872-4503
'0" ^ '^
Pree-vertebral.SO . 52 ; 05. 49, 77. 3
Retropharyngeal, 85, 840 ; 80,
14;00, 24 3
Limbs and joints, 84, 781, 8()6 ;
«7. 36, 74 ; 05, 12, 46 ; 80. 15 ;
88.21; 80, 68; 03,26 10
Kidney, 02, 38, 44, 51 ; 80. 2 4
Perinepliritic, 87, 54, 51 ; 03, 25 ;
05,94 3
Splenic, 87, 57 ; 00. 23 2
Pancreatic, 88. 79 1
Perityphilitic (see also appendi-
citis), 88, 33,50 2
Prostatic, 85. 817 ; 86, 85 ; OO, 2. 3
Vesical, OO, 40 l
Perineal, 86 58 l
Pelvic, 84, 781 ; 85. 825 ; 02. 47 ;
87.52 4
Tschiorectal, 86, 9 l
Uterine, 02, 59 i
Broad ligament, 80, 7 l
Ovarian 85. 846 i
Liver, 84, 809 ; 85. 824; 86,20;
88, 39 ; 80. 36 ; 02, 24, 26 ; 05,
7.10 9
Gall-bladder. OO. 19 i
On)phalophlebitis. 02, 21 1
Subdiaphragmatic, 03. 51 l
Vulvar, 87.38 i
Other, 87. 9 ; 8 O, 64; OO, 40, 53. . 4
Ulcers and Sinuses, 80, 3 ; 00,
14; 03, 32 3
Bed Sores, (see skin) 1
Anal Fistulae, 86, 17, 70 ; 87, 5,
42. 87 ; 80 60 (5
Purulent Otitis, 87, 71 ; 88, 1 ;
80, 53 ; 90, 17; 01, 44 5
—pericarditis, 01, 31 1
— peritonitis (see also peritoneum),
87,90; 03, 66; 01,40 3
Laryngeal (see also larynx), 03,
50; 30a, 31 3
Gknekal and Spi'.cific Infections—
Erysipelas, K3, 769 ; 85, 828 ; 86.
15; 02,56; 05, 43 ; 05, 46 6
Puerperal fever, 86. IS, 30, 31 ; 87,
2 13, 15, 19 ; 03, .54 ; 05, 75 ... . 9-
Influenza, 00, 7 : 05, 5 2
Gonorrhoea, 8f>, 73 ; OO. 17, 64 . . . . a
Syphilis, 83, 773, 774 ; 84, 781 ;
85.840,843,84(5,881; 87, 17. SO ;
88, 3. 22, 51, 65 ; 80. 5, 20, 35 ;
90, 54 ;0 1,42; 02, 32 ;03 ,20,
52 04, 26; 05. 71 23
Glanders, 85, 848 1
Tetanu.s, 84, 806 ; 01, 47 '2
Acute Cerebro-spinal Meningitis
(fever), 88. 33 ]_
Typhoid Fever, 83, 749, 7.50, 7.58^
763, 7()7, 779 ; 84, 807, 812 ; 85
Solo,, 853, 858, S62, 878, 887 ; 86.
2. 55, 82 ; 87, .53, 57, .58, 62, 68, 71.
72, 73. 76 ; 88, 67 ; 80, 26, 32, 33,
39, ^''^ 49, 64 00. 47 ; 02, 28, 51 ;
03 ,9 ; 04, 4, 38, 39 ; 05, 53, 62,
Gil'>,90.m 4,;
DiphtluTla, 83. 707, 711, 71.5, 73;^
703, 84, 783, 794, 799 ; 85, 8;^2 ;
86, 45, 82 ; 87, 31a, 46, 66, 78, 92,
94,95; 88,4,15,24,29,30,31,55,
80; 80, .57, 71 ; 91,41 ; 02, 41,
56, 57 ; 03, 01 ; 04, 3 ; 05, 65. . . 35
Scarlatina, 83, 740 ; 02, 56 ; 03,
30o, 50, 52 ' 5_
Purpura, 88, 63 1
Purpura new-born, 86, 61 i
Tuberculosis (general mih'ary), 8,3.
70!», 746, 754, 713, 774 ; 84, 782,
783, 7!)2 : 85, 870, 879, 825, 874
882 ; 86. 12, 34, 73, 35, 38, 41 ; 87!
3, 5, 69, 79, 81 ; 88, 1, 27, 17,
35. 15, 5 ; 80. 27 ; OO, 29, 40, 41,
9,38,31; 01,34;02, 37, 43; O;?.
19, 3(), 23, 43. 45 ; 04. 13, 20, 28,
34 ; J).-, 37, 48, 49, 4-1, 6, 28. 29, .30.'
54, 77, 87
-of luii^s, severe, 83, 701, 706,
710, 713, 724, 726, 730. 731, 734,
738, 741, 744, 709. 746, 754, 7()6,
768; 84, 782; 85. 820, 825, S29,
837, 8;J8, 859. 874, 879, 880, 883 86^
4, 12, 28, 34, 35, 36, ;«, 39, 41, 42
50, 52, 56, 70, 73, 75, 79, 84 ; 7 '
3, 5, 11, 12, 16, 30, 31, 34, 37, :i8, 39,
43, 47, 51, 55, 61, 69, 77, 79, 81, 82
!»3;8«,1.5,11,]7, 27,28, 35,36,
■1/, 49, 52, 78 ; 9, 3, 17, 21 41
fil,66; 90, 5,9, 12, 24, 31, 38,' 4o'
41,58. 62; 02, 2J), 34, 37, 43, 4(i'
48,50; 9a, 19,20, 23, 45, ;«, 36,
40,43,49, 56; 94, 3, 6, 13, 17, 20,
21, 2;^, 28, 40, 42; 95, 6, 28, 29, 30
34, 43, 48, 49, 54, 64, 80, 87, 92, 96*
-of lungs, slight or obsolete-
apical, 83, 714, 732, 733, 767 ; 85
826, 865, 8f56, 885, 886 ; 86 24*
46, 55; 8e, 7, 73, 84; 88,' 60,'
70, H8 ; 89, 1, H, 15, I6, 32, 37,
«0, 65; 90, 48; 91, 29, JM ; 92,
06 ; 93. 28, 54, (30 ; 94, 21, 21«
25, 40; 95, 20, 21, 22,27,37.45,'
o3, 89, 99
Pericardium, 85, 859 ; 86, 55. .''." ^l
Heart muscle, 90, 41 ,
Retropharyngeal, 90, 24 j
Cervical, 87, 73
Pleura (see pleura) .[,,[ 95
Thoracic duct, 87, 12; 95^ 28 " 2
Larynx, 85, 828, 837 ; 86, 39, 42
52; 87, 16, 34, 38, 47, 51, 93 ; 88,'
o, 27 ; 89, 17, 41 ; 90, 29, 40 93
54 ; 94, 21 ; 95, 80.
Pharynx, 87, 37
Stomach, 88, 28
Intestine, 83, 709, 730, 731, 7;i4 m
741; 84, 783; 85, 870, 882;' 86*
12, 34, 26, 38, 39, 41, 42, 52, 55, 73,'
^",'9; 87, 3,5,11, 16,34,39,47
•->!, '7, 82, 84, 93; 88. 27, 47. 49,78 '
80, 17, 41, 68 ; 90, 29, 40 ; 92 34'
46,48; 93,20,36, 5(5,80; 94,' 2o'
23, 40, 45 ; 95, 44, 64, 80
Liver, 83, 754; 84, 782, m': H5
82.5, 870, 874, 879; 86, 12, 73^8?'
3, 5, 69, 79, 81 ; 88, 15, 27 • 9o'
2V^.40,41; 92,37,43; 93, 19,'
23, 36, 40 ; 95, 44, 49, 54
Peritoneum, 83, 730, 766 ; 84, 782,
.798; 85 825; 86, 7, 9, 12, 35 50
«7, 3, 39, 81; 88,1; 89, 66; 00
24, 31 ; 92, :M; 95, 35, 77,87.92,
, 23
-spleen, 83, 709, 754 ; 84, 782, 7a3 •
85, 870, 879; 86, 12; 87 5:88
1,27; 90,29,40, 41; 92, '37;' 93]
19,36,; 95,37,48,49,87,92..,. 20
86,28, 70; 87,68; 88, ;36; 89,
11; 05, 82 ' g
Kidney (mil. tub.), 83,713, 774; 84
782, 783; 85, 825, 870, 879,882-
?„**' J^' 35, ;^8, 41, 73:87,3,5,69;
79,81;88,1,5, 27;90, 29;92
^^;«^ 23; 94. 34; 95, 28,
Ureter, 95,92
Bladder, 83, 754, 759; '8(3.' 28 -87"
81; 90, 40 ' '
Urethra, 87, 5, 81 : 90, 6. .'
Prostate, 86, 70 ; 92, 29 ]
Seminal vesicles, 86, 28
Testes, 85, 822; 86, 70;'8'7,"5-
92,29; 95,92 ' g
Vagina, 83, 719 ,
Uterus, 84, 20 ' " j
Fallopian tubes, 85, 825 : 86 35 •
02, 34 ; 95. 64 ' ' ^
Pia, 83, 746; 84, 782, 792; 86 12
34; 87, 3, 5, 81; 88, 1,17.35;
00, 9, 38; 91, 34; 92, 37, 43-
03, 19, 23,36, 43, 45; 94,13,20'
28; 95, 6. 28, 29, 30, 54, 77. 87, 92..' 31
Solitary (brain), 87,3; 90 9- 91
34; 93,40,43; 95, 29..'...'.....' q
Tuberculosis primary lesion,
Bones, 83, 714; 85, 820,882- 87
8; 02,37,43; 93, 45; 94, 17-
05,49,77 '
Vagina, 83, 709 .'.
Mesenteric, 83, 710 ; "86, ' 38"-
^7'ofL»2.46;93,19, 54;95;
22, 29, 72, 96,
Spiiiiii, MM, :w 1
lidinis. »2, M 1
ToiiKiic.MH , 52 1
(I'lsDplifiKus, H'.\, tM> t
Infection by wound, HH, 28 I
.JolnlN. H7, 711 ; H5, :U, :ir» ; 05, ir>. I
Skin, MM. 20 I
Animai, I'AUAsrns.
Maliiria, M5, S-iN. M«, 10 : »ft. IKi. ... 2
CiKNUKAi. .\Nn Kunci'kinXi. Diskasks.
Dialu'tcs ini'Uitus, UO, 2. :'>^. no ;
»a. ;-.;< I
Ai'i'lonnria, tJO. ."iS, Trfl 2
Ura-niia. Mil, 727, 72:» ; N7, 2;t ; MO,
."), 7.") 5
Toxa>mia. Mt», 7:» 1
Kolanipsia. M7. 15 ; » 1 . 21fr 2
KpiU' ( HH' nt'J'vons sy.sloni) ....
C'hoiva niiyor, M7. II I
AtMilo Hlionniatisui.MO, 1 ; MO.OO;
05, s :»
(!ou(, MO. to :t
KlH'Uinaloid arthritis, (sec uinlor-
Uiclvots, (SIM' under houe.s)
Marasnuis infantile, MO, M, 15,
5(i ; O.'l, ;{2 4
Marasmus senile. 02, 10 1
Addison's disease, see also under-
adrenal s, M5, SOJI, mVi 2
lien (flu 'J'iDiittiirii.
Deeiduonia. MM. 10 1
HypeHropliy (eoniiiensalory) of
Ividney, Mr., S:)0 ; 1 , 20 2
—of proHlali>. MO. 5. 7, 0. 17. Hi, Hfi;
M7, :«2, 7(t ; MM, 7, :I7 ; OO. 07 ; oa.
:«s 12
Osti;()nui(exo.stoNiN)MO,0H; o:i, 10;
Ort, 'ID H
Angioma of liver. M7. 15. OS, S2.
SO; MO. 15; OO. 10. 25; Ol, VA ;
Ol. :to
Lymphoma. M;i, 70-1 1
Mpoma (rectum). O.'l. 55 1
(i!i,iiMa(lirain), oa. 10; O.'l, 17.... 2
I'Mhroma of kidney, M7, I 1
I''il)ro myoma of nterus. Mil, 702,
712, 7;tO: M5, .s;iO, m), .sol; M«,
i:»; M7.07; MM, 10, (i:i; MO, I.. 57;
OO. II : oa. :h». lO; 0:1. ;{7; o-i,
;12; 05,5, 17. 15, 07 2:^
Condyloma of pi'uis. M7. .'Ml 1
of vulva, 01. 2I(( 1
Adenoma (papillomatous) of stom-
.•ich, 05. 00. !Hl 2
j)olyi)oid of reclum. M7. 0;» 1
polypoid duodenum. M(l, :iS . .. I
—of Uidm>y. »0. f)! I
- adreujil in kidney. M7. 7;» ; OO,
51 ; Oft. SI ." • '.\
— sebaeeouH glandH, Oil, 20 1
Adcno cyslonui of ovary, MO, 71 ;
M7, ;i; MM, 10; MO, 02; OO. :»7,
51 ; 01, :tl ; »>ft. 22 S
—of ovary, papillomatous, M.'l, 715;
Oft, 7S." 2
—of ovary, dermoid, OI.2I 1
Parovarian cyst. M.'l, 707 Mft; , K{1 ;
MO, II ; Oft, 51 I
Cyst of fallopian tube, OO, :{7 1
Cyst of epididymis, OO, 10 J
Cystic hronchoccle (see goitre) Mil,
701'; MM, 10 2
Congenital cysts of liver, MM, 21., , I
Maliiftmnl Tumours -
Epithelioma (piimary), i)cnis. Mil,
-■•ladder, 05, 74 i
- (Sccoiidiiry).
- iiiKUiiiul kIhiuIh, HH, 7(12 1
- ImiKM. |iv,«r, vena cavii, liciirl,,
•liiiidciiiiiii )ii:(l ret ro pcriloiiml
KliindH. 115, 71 I
(<.M)llold) lli'nm, 01, 20 s
lir.-imn, H5, M;tl ; 80. r,» (colloid);
K«, il!»; 0»,;tl ,|
UuTu.s, n;», 7l!t; jm), :{1 ; »)5,;il... :<
K idiicy H5, H(il) ; »;t, |2 -j
Hla, 20; colloid |
I'rostalc, j»;«, 11 |
Liver, 8J». 751) ; 84, 7.S,S ; <>2, :);{ ... ;i
LiuiK, 1».*», .18
I'ancrcas, 8:i, 7:17 ; 8«, 27 (Sccomlary).
Liver, 8 'I, 27; 87, 1. H; 88 i;i, ](>
8», II, In. ;«), 18,07 ;J>0.;tl ; IM
40fr, i;{; j»ij, ;i;t, iin ; i>;«, 12. IS. .
7r>i»; 8«. 27, lit;
Luiius. 8;j,
«7. 1 5
l!i;((ld( r. 8.'», 7I!»; JKI, II ; ».-,, ;{l. . ;i
Kidney, 80, 27; 8», no 2
Muscle, 8J>, !) 1
Adrenal, 05, 71 {
Bono murrow, 87,8 i
Hoiie.s, in, Wn i
I'c^riioiuMuti, 80. 07 1
Mesentery, JH , i:t i
Oinenliiin, 85, SOS; 87, S; 1H, I.!;
»5, !)7 ' 1
rieiira, Ol, lOrr [
I'aiicreas, 85, S2:t |
Ui'Ctiiin, 8;», 71i> ; «M>, ;n 2
' StoMiacli, o;i, n 1
Uterus, 05, 137 i
Hroiiciiial «laiHlM, Oil, 48 1
McdIaNl.liial KlaiidH, 80, 5(5; 02.
liiKiiinal, 88, 01); »», 11 2
l'"ilal Kliinds. »(>, 2:1 ; 02, ;«» 2
l'<'lvlc " 00, 20 1
Ui'ti-o-porit.oneal, 85, H08 ; 87 8-
HO, 11,07:02, 11, :<:(, 12; 05, Ifl! H
Siiiiclavian vein, 87, I 1
I line art ery, 0», 1 1 |
Sah(!(»ma -
LyinphoHarconia (lunRand pleura),
HO, JH, (l)ronchial ^land) 04, 2l». 2
l''iliro .sarcoma (skin), 00, 4S |
Osleo sarcoma (Ick, secondary in
luMKH and pliMira), 85, HM, ;
IVonlal hone, 05, no 2
."■'iircoma, iipomalodo.s, perito-
nenm, !»;», ns
M<^lanotic;(skin), 80,00; 04,01 ..
Alveu!,!, m;{, 718; verlehra, »8,
Sniall spindlt! celled, OO, ',7
(ilio sai'coma (brain), 8;{, 720 ;
80, 2!»;87, 2;i;00, :tl; 01,4r,..
(>yH(,o sai-coma (ovary), 85, 8,'54. . .
An^'io sarcoma (brain), 80, 25
I)K(;knki{Ati()n.s -
Necroses (see under organs).
Amyloid kidney, 8:J, 717, 747,
7(K) ; 85, 820, HIO, 847 ; 80, 4, :%
42,70 70,81; 87, ;M, :«), 47, 87, 82 ;
HH, on ; 80, ,{4 ; 00. 20, 54, 02 ;
oa, 40,00 : 05, 41,04 20
-bladder, 87, :«) ; OO, 27; 05, 1)4, ;i
-si)lcen, 8a, 714, 747, 700 ; 85, 820,
820, S47 ; 80, 4, ;{0, 42, 4:1. (IJaeon),
70, 70, 84 ; 87, M, :«», 47, 70, 8L
82, m, 88, 13, on ; 80, :t4 ; OO, 02 ;
05, 04 20
l)ancr(!as, OO, 20 1
liver, 8.-«, 717, 700, 820 ; 85. 820,
810, 817 ; 80, 42, 70, 70 ; 87, :i4,
.•(0,47,81,82; 88, i:{. on; 80, :i4 ;
00,20,02; 01,45; 05, 01 21
Gall-bladder, 05, 94 1
Intestine, 86, 39, 42, 7J, 84 ; 87,
:M, ay, 47, 82, 93 ; 88, 13 ; 89, :J4 ;
051, 00 ; 95, 94 13
Stoiniich 87, 39 ; 90, 29 ; 06, 94. 3
Adrenal, 05, 94 1
Calcified Plates or Nodules.
—brain, 86. 78 1
—liver, 04, 10, ;« 2
—lung (see lun^s)
—pleura, 02, 27 1
- uterus, 05, 78 l
—ovaries, 03, 34
—corpora amylacea, 05, 91. (See
Hyaline degeneration, spleen,
liver and kidneys, 86, 3C 1
Fat neorosis omentum, 87, 75 1
Melanotic pigmentation, 03, 37 . . 1
Cai,ci;li —
Renal, 83, 7fiO ; 84, 804 ; 80, 11,
17; 87, 28; 03, (51,(34 7
Vesical, 88, 58 ; 03, 18 2
Ureter, 03, 25 1
Prostate, 87, 89 ; 89, 35 2
Gall stones, 80, 6, 20 ; Ol, 42 ; 02,
24, 3(5, 45 ; 05, 57, 7() 8
Tophi, 80, 47 1
For other degeneration see under
Fractures (see under bones).
Dislocation (see under joints).
Hteniorrhage longitudinal sinus at
birth, 88, 12 1
Instrumental abortion, 86, 57 . .. 1
Hnllet wounds (abdomen), 85, 851 i 1
-head. 86, 12 ; 88, 64; 80, ;i2 ; 05,
I'J, 03 5
Foreign body foot (tetanus), 84,
800 1
Concussion of brain, 83, 752 1
Burns. 84, Sll ; 93, 90 2
Rupture of pancreas, 8.">, 87) 1
—of (liaplira^ni, 03, 81 1
-rupiure of spleen, 83, 7.57 ; 85,
871 ; 95,3(5, 40 i
-rupture of kidney, 83, 757 ; 85,
871 4
—rupture intestine, 80, 13, 51 ... . 2
—of, 03, 38, 88
Laceration of skin and muscle,
87, 20 ; }>5, 38 ; 04, 43 3
—laceration of heart, 05, 40 1
—laceration of pleura, 87, 20 1
-spinal cord, 80, .55. 1
—urethra 86, 51, ,58 ; 80, 73. . .' 3
— laceration of ureter in forceps
labour, 87, .54 1
Passage of bougie into lung, 86, 6. 1
—peritoneum, 83, 843 ; 04, 22. . . . 1
Laparotomy, 83, 825; 87, 13; 02,
47 ; 93, ()() ; 04, 33 ; 05, 7, 22,
47, 48, 73, 81, 9.5, 97 1
Colotoniy, 04. 31
Suture of intestines, 0.5, 09
Resection of intestines, 03, 42, (58.
Castration, 87, 5, 03, 12
Amputation of breast, 86, 43
—foot, 83, 879
—thigh or leg, 83, 7(59 ; 85, 84()a ;
88, 14; 91, 47 ; 94, 31
—of tongue, 88, 52 ; 90, ,52
—of labia minora, elephantiasis,
84, 781
Excision of knee, 85, 88fl
Cystotomy, OO, 20 ; 03, 18; 05, 74.
Hysterectomy, OO, .57
Radical hernia, 88, 60; Ol, 8; 03,
32 .'
Laminectomy, 80, .55
Nepbro lithotomy, 87, 10; OO, 42 ;
03, 92 '
Nephrectomy, OO, 33
Ovaiectomy, 93, 78
Lithotomy perineal, 86, 17, 70
Opening sub-diaphragmatic ab-
scess, 94, 7
Puncture of pericardium, wound
of coronary vein, 94, 41
Suture of patella, 88, 21
Intubation, 88, 4, 15, 30
51 ....
J5, 74. ;i
3; o;{,
70.... 2
c ab-
Tracheotoniv, «;|, 707, 751 . s4,
794 ; He, 45 ; «7, 94 ; ««, 24 ;
»5, 65 y
TlioracocentesLs, «», 27 1
Trephining sluill, 87, 27 ; »3, 04 ;
»5, «W 3
Trephining mastoid, 95, 10 1
Venesection, «3, loii, 755 ; 01, 4. . 3
Arsenic (rougli on rats), 87, (iO, 80. 2
(Pari.s Green) »5, 85 1
Chlorate of potassium 85, 856.
Potassium bichromate, 88, 38. . . . 1
Carl)olic acid, 80, 8 ; 95, 32 ... . 2
Laudanum, 95, 33 ' . ' j
Ptomaine poisoning, 89, 37 l, 80, 8, 40, 37, 52, 69 ;
»7,7,22; 89,5,20; 93,30; 95,
«1, 70 1^
Phimbism, 95, 61 i
Sunstroke, 89, 29 ' ' ' 1
Sudden death, causes not detected,
85,860,881; 86, 9, 10, 30; 87,
Diseases of new born infants, 85
868; 86,10,59,61 3
Criminal abortion, 86, 57 1
Rupture of ileum from blow, 89,
^^ .' 1
Firearms, 86, 14 ; 88, 64 ; 90, 26;
95,6;} '4
-Poison, Arsenic, 87, 60, 80. . . ... 2
-Carbolic acid, 89, 8 ; 95, 32 2
—Potassium Bichromate, 88, 38. . 1
— Laudanum j
P.M. invagination of intestine,
«3, 792; 87,31a, .58; 95, .57.... 4
P.M. digestion wsophagus, 89, 17. 1
-stomach, *95, 18, 50, 87 3
P.M. digestion lung, 95, 87 1
Aneemia, simple, 85, 863, 866 ; 86,
17, 25 ; 87, 17, 25 ; 89, .53, 61 ;
90, 22; 93,42; 95. 17. 19 12
—secondary, 88, 14, 78 ; 99, ,51 . . . 3
-pernicious, 83, 739, 748 ; 84, 793,
HOI ; 90, ($8 ; 93, 12rr ; 95, m .. 7
Leuchci'mia, 83, 704 ; 94, 1 2
Purpura, 86, 59, 61 ; 94, 4, 5 4
Multiple ecchymoses, 88, 63 ; 94,
Methamioglobinyemia, 85, 8.56 •
88, 38 .......' 2
Fluidity of blood (sunstroke), 89,
Pericardium, 83, 725 ; 87, 87-
94, 41 ; 95 ,57 ' 4
Pleura, 85, 826 ; 87, 21 ; 95, 39,
54,56,68 (5
Per.toneum, 83, 765; 85, 8516;
92, 54 ; 95, 30, 84, 88 6
Pelvic hitniatoma, 89, 6(5 1
Hannoptysis, 83, 710 ; 90, 48 2
Pulmonary apoplexy, 87, 6, 36,
89 3
P^plstaxis, 88, 29 1
CEsophagus, 92, 26 1
Stomach, 84, 783 ; 89, 6 ; 90, 11 ;
94,1 4
Lesser omentum, 95, 56 1
Pancreas, »3, 61 1
Prom spleen, 88, 26 1
From kidney (see kidney)
Longitudinal sinus, 88, 12 1
, ■»
Meningeal, 8», 75« ; «rt, 844 ; H^^,
12, 10, 14, m ; 87, H5 ; 94, 2 8
Cerebral, «5I, 703, 727, 728, 752; H5,
K«; H«, 47, 54; «7, 22; 8«, 2,
l(i, 23,71 ; 00,10; 01,21); 03,
20 ; »4, 8 ; »5, 50, 83 18
Secondary after operation, HH, 14. I
Anasarca, H«, 710, 740, 770 ; 84,
810 ; 85, 821, 870 ; 80, 5, 87, 03 ;
87, 17, 25, 44, «}, 77, 84 ; 88, 18,
1!), 48, 57, 08 ; 80, 5, 43, 70 ; OO,
20, (50 ; »a, 21, -M • 04, 11, 37 ;
05, 20, 25, 35, 40, 80, 91 a5
Ascites, 8a, 71(i, 743 ; 85, 821, 876.
8«, ;J7, 03 ; 87, 25, 44. 77 ; 88, li),
80, 4, 5, 43, 03, 07, 00, 70 ; OO, 3 ;
04, 1 1, 37 ; 05, 25, 3.5, 71 23
Affiles chylous, 83. 737 1
Hydrothorax, 83, 740, 743 ; 84, 810;
85, 821 ; 8«, 5, 03 ; 87, 42, 44, 03,
84 ; OO, 3, 18, 20, fiO ; 1, 32 ; 93,
11, 10, 35, 55 : 04, 11, 18 ; 05, 20,
^ 23
Hydropericardium, 80, 03 ; 88, 57,
80. 5; 00,20; Ol, 32 ; 03, 55 ;
04, 11; 05,20,75,98 10
Phlebitis septic jngular, 05, 75. . 1
—portal, 80, 20 ; 05, 73 2
—umbilical, OO, 21 1
—other, 03, 54 1
Obliteration of Hepatic, 8«, 9;
Vena cava sup., 8«, 83 1
renal, 86, 17 1
" jugular, innominate and
vertebral, 80, 70 i
Cancerous thromb. subclavian, 87;
Inf. cava and renal, 05, 74 1
Wound of r. iliac vein, 85; 851b, 1
Coronary, 04, 41 i
Longitudinal sinus, OO, 03 1
■ Lateral sinus, 87, 88 1
Superior cava (see veins)
Inferior cava, 05, 74 . ]
.1 ngular V., 80, 14, 70 ; 05, 75 ... . It
Subclavian V., 87, 1 i
Pelvic v., 85, 834 ; 87,52!.......' 2
Uterine V., 80, ;«) j
Iliac v., 85 820 ; 80, 9 ; OO, 13 ;
01,38; 02, 42 5
Femoral V., 80, 09, 70 ; OO, 14 , . . 3
Saphena V., 85, 820, 881 ; OO, 14. . 3
Portal v., 83, 704 : 05, 25, 73 3
Renal V., 83, 745 ; OO, 03 2
Coronary arteries, 85, 881 ; 87,
87 ; 02, 39 3
Heart, 80, 2 ; 80, m, 72 ; OO, 18
(globular), 01 (polypoid); 05, 11,
Cerebral arteries, 83, 774 ; 80, 78;
88, 3, 10 ; 80, 1 5
HaMuorrhoidal, Hi\,m; 87, 38, 74. . 3
Cerebral, 85, 852 ; 80, 43, 74 ;
03, 47 4
Abdominal aorta, OO, 18 1
Pulmonary, 85, 80(i ; 80, [V) ; 80,
09, 70 ; 02, 42 ; 03, .54
Spleen, 83, 708, 771, 779 ; 85, 852,
856, 859 ; 80, 11, 31 ; 87, 29, 40,
41, 91 ; 88, 10, 20 ; 80, 7, 35, 53 ;
00, 1, 18, 00 ; 03, 47 ; 04, 9, 11,
21 24
Kidney, 83, 771, 776; 85, 859 ; 80,
2, 30, 413 ; 87, 29. 41 ; 80, 35 ;
00, 18, 60; 01, 38; 03,1.5,46;
04, .5, 21 10
Heart, 03, 30 ; 03, 15 2
LuuK, 83, 762 (cancerous), 778; 85,
852 ; 80, 23, .54 ; 88, 21, 29 ; 80,
35 ; 00, 11 : 04. 5, ;« ; 05, 31. . . 12
Endarteritis syphilitic, 83, 774 ;
85, 885 ; 04, 26 ; 05, 9 4
Endarteritis obliterans, 80, 23 ;
00, 28 (Hepatic) 2
Anomaly, renal, OO, 14 1
Ligation, 04 ; (external iliac), 32. . 1
i ; I ^'r.
A rteriea.
GeiHTuI arterio hcIitosLs, 8:», Ton,
7«1, 707 ; H5, H21 ; 80, 7, -17, (KJ ;
«7, ». 2;{; 8«, 2:(, 71; ««, 1, 2:i,
74 ; »0, 1(», 2.% 25, 52, 57 ; »4, 18,
55; «5, 2, H, in, 21, ;il, 4:^, 61,
71, 82, Kt, H5, 80 ;j2
Atheronm of aorta, 8;», 720, 7:i9,
7«7; 84, 787; 85, 8:«, 852, 8«i:{;
««, 15,24, H7; 87, (5, 12, 42,05;
««, 2;i, 51 ; 8», 5, 11), (iO ; »(),
25; »1,2»; »a, 22, 28, :«), 40, 44,
52 ; »:i, 11, 17, 20, HO, ;J4 ; »4, 5,
10 ; 05, 17, 20. 50, fl8ff, 72, 70, IH). 41
Atlioronm of cerel)ral arteries, Hii,
722; 84,787, 800; 88, 1 ; J»;j, n,
10, 22; »4, 14,21 )>
Atheroma of coronary arteries,
811, 722, 758 ; 84, 787 ; 87, 0, 74 ;
»8, 59 ; »2, 22, W, SO ; JKJ, 11, l(i,
•M ; »5, ao, 4(i, 00, SO, 86, iW 18
Atlieroma pulmonary artery, 05,
82,8:^,04 3
Atheroma of splenic artery, 8J»,
00 1
Sinus of Valsalva, O.'J, 17 1
Arch of aorta, Hii, 725 ; 85, SKi ;
8fl, 80 ; 87, 42; »0, 4, 11, 25 ; 03,
20 ; 04, 82 ; »5, 70 10
Thoracic aorta, 84, 795 l
Abdominal aorta, 8a, 705 ; 8«, 15 ;
88, 28 : 92, 54 (dissecting) 4
Innominate, 8«, 88 i
Subclavian, 02, 54 i
Iliac, 84, 705 (dissecting) i ,
Mesenteric, 93, 54, (dissecting
multiple) I
Splenic, 94, 27 ..'. \
Renal. 95, 24 i
Cerebral, 90, 10 i
" (miliary,) 8;j, 722 ; 84, 787 ;
«o,2;i 3
Cerebellar, 90, 50 l
Pulmonary, 83, 710 ; 90, 48 2
Multiple, 93, 54 i
Traumatic, 90, 11 i
IlH'morrhage, 83, 725; 87, 87;
»4, 41 ; 95,57 4
Pericarditis (acute fibrinous), 84
H08; 85,810; 8«, 81 ; 87,20,25,
29 ; 88, 79 ; OO, 16, 80 ; 9», 57,
48, '51 ; 94, 21 14
Pericarditis, acute sero-tll)rinou8,
8a, 772 ; 88, 80 ; 89, 21 ; 9a, 02;
94, 7, 25,41 ; 95, 18 8
Pericarditis, acute purulent, 91,
ai; 94, (i 2
Pericarditis, hfeniorrhagic, 9a,
8Jto J
—tuberculous, 85, 850 ; 8«, .55;
92, 87 (ha-morrhagic), 95, 9(1 ... 4
Pericarditis, chronic adliesive, 8a,
774 ; 85, 805, 874 ; 8«, 21 ; 87, 28,
87, 89, 84 ; 89, 28, (M), 70; 90, 28,
2. u. 2a. :i(t. jii.Miim. 17. 12; at,
^ iH. at ; uft. II. 2(1, 21, m, Hrt. m,
H7. 1(2, IM , ,
nil.diiii.m. H.'l, 7.V\ 7(11. '771. 77«;
HI. SOI ; H«l. A : M7..|2.'s| ; HM.'
lit. 2.a : Ni». 2i». a7. r^i ; uo. aft ;
»u. ;«»: i»i,(i()
An((i«ililttiati(tn (i-JKlitt. I»ft. ;t(t . .
Dilaindoii of loll umlcl.'. M«, |,h •
»»a. at ■
llvporlrcpliy (iiHi (UlulnMou. HJl.
7f»t\ 7111, 771. 77(1; H-l. 7K7. 7lt7.
H02. .'^lO; Hrt. SKI. H2I ; N(l, I 7
II. 2a. 21. lit. (la. 7a; ht. 12. hi !
HH, .V. (W ; Nl>. I. Ml. 2il. 2H. aft.
•a. 70. 72. 7r»; «M>. t. ;i. i|. jo, o|
2R. 2H, la. (10. (u. (to, (w : on. 2. n.
I a. IH. 20. 2r.. ait. 18, w, ()i.75.\s:»'
H. (i. i",. nj" 7n*
SI .
HiKht hyporlropliy. M7. ai
Mvomaliu'iii. N«, 15; M7, S7 • m»
'>!t ; »a, ;«» '
Hupdnv, H«. l.^ ; H7. ,S7 ; hi>, -rfl
AiMito (iiitMiryMii. loft voiitriolo
M«, 15 '
AiH'Ui-ysni of piii-H mciiibmimciii.
i»o. 1 ,
iMiliiu'v nhscossos. HH, 21 |
liifinvt. »;i. 15 I
rhronic intorstiiijil luyocnnlitis.
H.'l. 722. 715, 770 ; »M . 12 : »'J, 22,
•■<5. .■)! : »a, :io. r,o. ,;;-, ; ,>.|^ n . „.^^
11. 1(5,20. 7(i, SI ' i,{
(tuiniiia of myocardium, »t, 71... i
TuluM-flo of luyocanlium. OO. II . . l
Trauma of hoart. Oft. 10 j
I'uuoturo wouud of oorouary voiii
»4. 11 ; J
h'mtornnhfis ,i. r,„.,|,. . ,„, ,„„,.,^,
I. tiicuspid ; p, puluionacy.
Acuto vt'rni<'o,Ni.. a.7(W. 7(111 ; I,
7ltS..i: «. 71. iii;;iH. 12. a; .|:|. ,i ;
7. Kt, lu ; HO. 70, a; OO, .'Ml. a ;
'M, 1(1. in ; Oft. in. in |;|
UciMirroiit, (cliioiilo and ac»(o)
Nl. SOI : Hft, H52. a; HO. I. 21.'
;K1, m; N7.2lt..|l,m:7l, mandf;
NH, IH. lu ; n7, in ; HO. 2H, u ; 70,
"': "J». 17, m; Ol. 21. m uiid t ;
»rt. lis. luauda; 71, iii and a ;
la, a: 2n, ail; 17, m ; ai. m 21
<'Iuom1o ,s«. -'I ; »l, 25, in ; a2, maud a ;
«>ft. 1. in ; la. in ; 17. in ; IS, m
and a : 25, m ; l.'«, m ; 1 1, m ; 02,
ui: O.'), in ; SI, m : Sit. m and a :
!tlt. III and I ; 71. in and ( ; S.5, m
and t SO. 1)2 ; m. a oo
AlluM'onia of valvos (l»asilar tliioU-
oniuM:). h:i. 7(>;». m and a ; 728. m
and a : HI. 787 ; Hft, i<]i\, a; HI 1, a ;
>* oiidocardilis, h;». 70,s,
721. 771 : HI. 780 ; Hft. SIS ; H«.
:ia. ai : HH, 21 ; J>0. 15. m and a ;
:«t, M. a ; 00. 15, m and a ; ao.
(U a: »1,51 ; Oft, 71 15
Ht'KrfAr, fNr»KX.
lMcoin|ic(cii(«> (if vnlvi'M, H«, 770 •
HI, HIO ; Hrt. Hid, ,„ ; H4I, |, ft ,'
^, a ami m ; 12. 1 ; hi, h|,',i ;'
****, ri7. in ; H», in. u ; 2,S, u ; »o'
an, 11: »:i. Ul.a ; l»5, Hit * II
Sl<-noHiM, HJI, 7i:i; M7, L'l». Id, „,';
". "I : II, rii anil h ; »a, ;il, in •
"'. '" : »l.2.\ni ; on. 17, IT,, , III'
M, Hdni ,,,
IVrf(.rull..ii, N», 7(W; V»n,7l.!!.. 2
l'lltll.vp(,|,| v<;Ko(,atloii (inuNlcal „inr
'••III'), H«, 21 ; »rt. 17 2
'nir..nil.| (M.... MiroMil.l of lnviro"!
I'lcH'liymosiw of <'iMlocai,s. 7(ii>" •
H". H7 ; N7. Id, (IS, 72. T.i ; H»», ill).'
•12. Ill; !>rt, 7I,IIU ir,
— IcMiclin'mla. HJI, Id) I
'■''• I'.vii.Tplasia. H.'l, 7IH ; Hit, 1. 2
••alcidi-adon, u:t,m |
- ultNccNN. »5. II ' I
-tiilMTnilosis. n;i, 710 ; ho, :(,s •
NT, SI ; oa. Id ; O.'l, III, f,.| ; ,,5,'
22, 211, 72. IKI 11
-eliylo e.\(rava.sat,ionM, 8;», 7:{| i
Hccoiidary (•aiiccr, «ft, H.'M • |»|
«•■» ; 2
snppnraMon. 01, i;i |
- lia'MiorTliaK'ic (typhoid). 02, I . . I
—oniarKod. HI. 7.s:i ; oi, (12 . . 2
— lynipho sarcoma, 01, 211 ]
— caMooiiHand tnlM'iHMilouH, M4 7s;t-
«5, Wir, ; ««, 12; H7.:i.-,, (HI-'mh'
•lO.HS; KO. :{7,(ll.dr,, 7.S; 00. Id'
17, 25, 211, n ; 01, ;til; oa, r.(i •
oa, m, 48 ; 01, a, ll ; 05, 2H, 21i,
72.77 ' \,,,
-miliary tuberolo, 04, iKi "]
f.i/ni/i/, f,'/,iiifts.
Mi'diasiliial Hi'c. vnwvA'r, Hit, m-
oa, .'ut ' .,
('t^-vinil lymphadinitis, Hrt, 707 ■
i»:i, :«v,, r,2 ' .^
.•|I).S(U'NS, J»5, ;» J
liilMTcnlonH, «7,7.'{ |
Kotit (lophi), HH, 17 ' I
■ {••tiopliaiyiiKcal, tul.eicnloiiN ab-
NCfSN, 00,24 ,
Axillary (ultcrcuhtns, HH, '2H . . .,, |
I'orlal enlarged, H;|, 7(17 |
Mi'c. caiK-t'i-, 00, 2:t ; 02, ;i;t ....[,', n
sarcoma, H5, K.")|.... ' \
KplKHHtric cani'ons, OO, 41 j
st'c. cahcer, HH, (17 1
Uctio-piTiloncal Iciiclm-mia, Ha
acute swcIIImk, H7, Id '' 1
sec. cuiiccr. Ha, 7ir,; H5, KM, Hdii'-
Ha,H;Ho, ii;o2. :t;^;oa,ll,42•
^^rt,^,l ' ' j^
sec. sarcoma, H5, HMUi " ' ' j
-pi'lvic Hcc. cancer, JK>, 20 1
sarcoma, OO, dO j
- aL.scess. 85, H.-,(( ; 05, Id ..!!..! ' 2
i. i
{-- 1
l.ymph 1
Tiu>iiA<'if l)ti(;T—
TnlioiriilosiM, M7, 12 ; Ml», 2H 2
Siip.'nmiii(>ni;\v. MM, 717 : Ml. 7H;« ;
M7. 111. li:. ; M». ra ; »«. 22 ; »rt,
H>.H4 H
Inl'aivm, MJI, 771, 7711 ; M I. SIO ; Mft.
SItJ, 852. H5(l, h:.I»; MO, II. .•(I ; M7.
2lt. It). Il.ltl ; MM. 1(1.21. 21» ; M».
7, :»5, 5:1. (Ml ; IM>, I. ir., IM, 21t. 12,
«:i; »a, r»l; »:». I7; IM,7. 11.21. .11
Afiil« i'nl(irK»'iiKMit (aculc livp«'r-
pliisiii. m;». 7(W, 7 H». 7.'iS, 7(Hl. 77lt ;
Mft. .Solo. S5S, SK7 ; M. ;ttl. 17. 55, (M,
(ill; »i, ;i5 ; »a. 21 ; »;i. :«im, :i8.
52, 51 ; IM, :J(I. :{H, :«), 15 ; Ort, 5,
lit, 11. 5:1. (H», 71. i»;« (It
Kiilai-KfiiuMil, Mil, 718. 705. 7(MI. 75.1,
7(Ht. 771 ; Ml, 781, 7lHt. 810. 812;
85. 885 ; M»». (11 ; 0<», 11, WW ; O i ,
20; »2, 51 ;»4, 10. :U). ;I7, (i-x-
tremo); »ri, 2, 12, 1(1, 15, (W, H8,
7S(» 2(1
Clironie i>nlar>j;onu'nt (chronic Jiy-
perplaHia). Mil, 717. 701. 77)! ; Mft.
821. 8(i;i. 8(U ; M7. 25 ; MM. 5. 12,
51 ; M», 28 ; JM), 10. 25 ; »;», J.*),
17 ; »5. i:i. 52, 50. 70. 01 17
Fibroid induration, M«, 1.5; «4,
:i :i
Cyanotic induration, M7. 11, 87,
»0, 1.2.8, 00 5
l.euchuMuia. M.**, 7(M ; »l, 1 2
Miliary tuberculosis. M:l, 700, 754 ;
M4, 782. 78;» ; M5. 870, 870 ; M«,
12: M7. 5; MM, 1.27: »0. 20,40,
41 : »2, 37 ; »:i. 10, :i(i ; »«, 48,
40.87.92 21
Tuberc. cheesy nodules, 05, 37 1
Chalky noduicN, l»n, ;«!, IMI sJ
(iuninia, UU. :I2 \
Amyloid (sec dcKoncratinnH), p. K7
AlwcesH, M7, 57 ; IMI, |:i, Z\ i)
CyNtN, DO, 57 I
niiiniitonia(ben«'«th capHule), »0,
'» 1
I'crlMph'nltis. chronic adhoHlve,
Ma, 7:iO, 718 ; M7, 45 ; im, 55; l» I,
7.-'" tJ
ThIckeninK of capsule. MJI. 722,
748; M7. 74; Ml». (M) ; uo. 5.28...
Laceralion (niplure),Ma, 757 ; M5.
871 ; on. 10.81 4
I lieniorrhaKe, MM, 20 l
KcchyiMosis, »rt, 85 [
AceoHNory. iH, )l \
Aberrant, M7, 73 l
MnlarRcd. MO, (i;i ; OO, 5(1 ; Ort, 18. 3
MaliKnant adenoma, OO, 51 I
JleniKn acrosis, OJI. 42 1
Amyloid. Ort. 04 l
THYUOll) (Jl.ANIl -
Inclusion. 01, 11 1
Kxopluhalmic goitre, MM, 10 I
Accessory thyroi,m ... 1
id) hy-
■n\ m. . .i
r,8.... 1
KcchytnoHlM. hh, m ; H», 1 J ; ».%,
■■»2, 07, 72. Ho, 1)2 .' 7
IM.«uriMy (lUMito) HJI, 7;W, im ; HI
.^KJ.HI.'J; Mft,Hm,H27, H7(l; H«, T,,'
<». 2r), II, r.7, i((, ns, («i,hi ; mt, 2,
", la, III; MH, H, Id, ii,;(2, :«(, 'iK-
oo, 2, 2«i, ;«). :i2.:H'H»;im,:ii,;i7.'
10, II, 12 ; l»a, 45. 51 ; »j|, 27, 2»,:W,
«H, r.7;«l,2l», :t ; M»,
27, .'W ; «a, .-,!» ; |»rt, :>(|, 7H„ ' ^
-lurroHliiK, Hl», 51 ; on, 2(1 2
PiitMimolliorux (HC(. pjemu p >
— fliroilic iidhosivt', «}|, 7o;(, 7H() ;
H4, 7H;|; H5, H2(I, H;I7, Mil'; HU
, 41, 51 ; »2, at, .K) ;
»m, :15, 87, )HI 21
Perforative pneuniotliorax, 8;i,
7(X« ; 84, 808 ; 8rt, 82(» ; 80, .54 ;
02. :m 5
Trauma, 87, 48 ; 8«, 25 2
Cancer of, 80, m ; JM , 4()a ; »;i,'48 .a
Sarcoma, (ossifying) 8«, SWa ;
(lympho), 8«, -18 ; 8»>, 41 ; »;|, .58. I
Bronchocele (?) cyst, 8;i, 702 1
H«>motliorax, 85, 82(5 ; 87, 21 ... . 2
ni .
Kibniid psouilo tulioreloH, 8:i. 715.
IHaphniKinatie h.rnla, 85, 851
••"I'llled plale l». 8;i, 7(W. 85'
8(H; »a, 27
caHlliiKlnouN iookluK plate, 8;i,
(Ktlen.a, 8;i, 708, 72H, 727,748, 7 ID.
75(1, 7(H, 7(57, 778 ; 84, 787. 70((,
7ir7 ; 85, 878 ; 8«, Id, (15 ; 87, :18
»(». 51, 52. (W. 77; 88,2:5, 57, 58,'
.|, 2, 12- »5 2'
I-', 18,25,41, d.-,. 7a, HI ;, ' i„
lliemorrhuKie infarction, 8;i, 7d"
778 ; 85, 852 ; 8«, 2a, 51, 57, 87,'
»1, 42; 88.20; 8», :55, .W, (t», 72 ;
»». II, la; ».», .5, 10, m iH
Pulmonary <'m5)o!ism, 85, Hdd ;
HU, aO; 8»>, (II), 70; »0, II; Jj'a,
42 ; Oa, 54 ; »»5, ai «
Fat omlmllsm, »5, do 1
Hrown induration, 8a, 77(5; 8«,
1,5; 87,81; 8«», 72,74; JM), 18,'
(M); »a, ai; oa, 47; »4, 25, ai,
70, 71 I.,
Uiemoptysi.s. 8a, 710 ; JM), 48 2
Pulmonary apoplexy, 8a, 75a; 85,
H71; 8«, .51; 87, «, ;5d, 40, (58, 80 ;
8J», 58 ; J)4, ;W, ;58, ((2, (58 8;), 81,
Inliation, 8a, 715 ; 85, 8:^5 ; 88,
aO; 8J>, .57; 02, 41, 67; J»5, 21,
. HS, 1«) J,
Collapae (atelectasis), 8a, 715, 740,
7, 14, 27, aO,
41); »0, Id; »a, 12; j>4, 11 21
Compression atelectasis, 87, 29 •
04, a2 ' 2
EMi|)liysoma. :*Jt, 710, 722, 720, 72l»,
7-»2; M*. 7S7; H«, », II, 17; M7,
21. la, 'HI, ni, 57, (i7, 74, H2 ; HK,
11>, '.17, IS ; H», 02. 7 J ; «M>, 2, 5,
28, ;».-., i;i, (Ki ; » 1 , 12 ; ttH, I », .-),S ;
0;i, 2H.;<;<,;U, ((.-); »»•»,((. 8, 14, lO;
»5. 1, 17, 2(), 25, ;«», (Mi, 70, 7(1, HO. (()
Kiiiphysi'ma (iiiliTslilini), H7, HI. . I
PiuMiiiio'iiii ()i(\it(> lobar), HJI, /(Ki,
771, 772; HI, 71HI, HOM ; N5, H15,
HIS siii, h;{|, s;{h, s;-vS, ; H«, 2;j, 25,
20. M, 17. SI : H7, !H» ;
HH. H, .0, 22, :l', ;»7, 12, :•«, oo, (W,
H;», hi ; HU, 10, 52, 5S, (i5 • IM). 1.
2. i:{. 21,:m), :{(S. in. .|i(;»M.;to, :t7;
i»a, 27 ; »;«, 21, 27. 20, :u). :w, 55,
5(i. IM, 2, 12; »ft. Hi, 17, IS, 21,
:«». 15, J!), 70 iH)
jiciiti' > roiiclu). H,t. 707. 720, "10,
7.)(); HI, 7H;», 70i», 70(i; H5, ,H2S.
SJIO. S;i», S5S. H05, 872. 880; H«.
17. 02. OS, 82. S;{ ; H7. 0. 2;t, :W. 10.
IS, 71. 72. 7;i. 02 05; HH, 0, 15. 17.
21. 25, 20, MO, .-{I, |;i, .-,5, (W, 01. S(t ;
K», 0, :tO. :ts, .52,57, 01. 07. 70;
»0. 7, 8, 10. 20,2;!. 27, 51,01, 0;{;
JM,:tl, US, I! : uu, II. .52, .-^i, 57;
1>.«, 10, no, :t5 IS. .50, Ol ; ».|. ;{,
, 57 : H7 8(i ; HH, 5.5, 58 ; H».
5.3 ; OS, .".0 ; 0;{. .50. 51 ; tH, 10 ;•
»5, 52 11
— KansrenoiU! (dissectinii), H», 70 ;
tM», 14, 52 ; »5, 2(i, 7Srr, SO (i
tian}j;r«'no, H«, 1 ; HH, (Ui : »2, (K) ;
»Ji, 24 4
Oliioino pliMiiHis with cavitioti, HJI,
701, 7(Mt, 700, 710, 72(3, 7;«l, 7»1, 7:J4,
7^8, 741, 747, 754, -.(lO, 7(IH ; HI.
'<0I, 808 ; H5. 828, K{5, 8;J8, 850,
870, ,874. 870, 880, 882 ; HO, 4, 14,
28, :t4, n5. :i8. :ti), 11, 42, .50, 52. 5((,
75, 70, HI ; H7, H, 12, 1((, :«), m,
;t4, :t7, :i8, ;«), 4:1, 17, 5i, 00, 77, 82,
0;j; HH, 1,27, :i5. 47, 40, 78 ; H»,
17. :14, 41, (Mi ; «M>. (i, », 12. 20. 40.
48, r>H, (i2 ; l>a, ,»4, 10, 48. .50 ; »;|,
20,2;t,40. (10;».|,n, (i, 0, l(i, 20, 21,
2:t, 28, 40; »ft, 21, 27. 44, 54,04,
7;i, 77, so. 80.08 lor
Miliary tnlu'rculosis, Hit, 7;W, 744 ;
H4, 782; H5, .825, 8;i7,. 870 ; HO,
12, nti, 70, 7;> ; H7, :<. 5, ;«», 55, 70,
81,82; S>0. 4!,o1 ; t>a, :i2, n7. W;
»:», 10, :m. .50 ; ui, 5. ;i 1 ; 05, :t,
-'«•.««. 1'^ 30
Local apical tulMTcuiosiw, H:«, 714,
7;i2, 7;U, 7(i7 ; HI, 70(' ; Hr>, 8;»7,
805, .S(kl,HS5. .S,S(i ; HO, 24. 4(1 ; H7,
(II ; HH, 00, 08; HO, 1, 11. 15, l(i,
82, n7, 50, (iO, 74 ; OO, 51 ; Ol, 2i»,
J>:i. 28, :«{. i(i, m ; 0-1, 5, i:{, 10,
2Wr, 25 ; 1>5, 12. 40, 20, 85, 45, 53,
78f^ 70. Oil 44
(not. H5 8.5i) ; H7, 7 ; HH,
28,07; 00, 31,41
LrNos —
SiM'ondiiry cancer, H;i, 737, 750, 7(i2 ;
HO, 27, 5(i. (Mi; O.'J, 48 7
(innima, HH, (ii5 ; oa, 32 2
Secondary sarcoma, H."i, 84(V* 1
I'rimary lymplio sarcoma, HO, IS. , I
Secondary " " HO, 48.. 1
Secondary cpitlicloma, HO, ; OO,
.52; 05. 74 ;{
Tuocrcnlous listula. 05. 77 1
lU-onchiectatic cavities, »»l. 32 1
Imperfect iobnlation. Ho, 872 ; 0;i,
;if^,oi 3
Laceration. HH, 25; 05, ;18. .54, .57. 4
Authracosis. Ha, 745; 04, 42 ; 05,
'« 3
.... 41
.... |,:«);
8»a, 51, 52, 5({ ; «4, 2, 5, 8, i:j ; Oft,
5,72, 77, »;{
-cjipillary, H4, 7H;1; Hft, ««» ; HH,
70; Oft .Mfl 4
HronohiMH chronic, «;», 72)». 745
701, 77H; Hi, 7l!() ; H7, 0, ;r>. 4!),
57. 70, 74 ; HH, 2ii. 5H, 00; «j», 50;
»«, .•«, 2, 5« ; »:», :iH, :«{,
:w,;f7,<«); m, M; »«, 17, 25,70,
HO, HO, (HI ;i„
— l)roiu-hie(!tii8iH, J>0, (14 ; »4, ;i2,
42 ; Oft, 25, 80 ,-,
-chroni<- putrid, HH, ; h», 07 ;
»4, (1. 42 I
- dipthtlieritic, Ma, 7tW ; HU, 70-
OR, (r. .J
Food aHpinitioii, Oft, H8 i
MucuH " Oft, (17 I
Antidote ' Oft, :« ;.'.; j
Secondary epithelioma, 8«, (17. . . . i
Diphtheria, «a, 7(^1 ; «4, 7!«» ; HU,
45, 82 ; H7, 40, 92, 04, 05 ; HH, 4,
24, :<0, ;il; Hit, 70; »1, M ; 02,
41, 5(1, 67 ,7
Croup, 80, 58, (anatoniical). .... l
Uranulomata, Oft, 8;i7 i
IHceration, K7, 10 i
Secondary epithelionui, H7, ;{5. . . l
Compression (aneurism), OO, 4 •
04, 2!», :)2 ' ;^
(Edema of Klottis, Hft, KM; h7
17, 77 ; 80, 8 ; Oft, 01 ' 5
Obstruction by mucus, Oft, (17 [
Asphyxia by food, 8«, i;^ ; 88 70 •
00, 24 ' y
I Nose Phm-ynx mid Tcn»ifft.
UryuKltls catarrhal, 8a, 705 715 •
Hft,8;i2; 87, 17; OO, 27. ...!.... .' 5
—phlegmonous, Oa, ;tl 1
—syphilitic ulceration. 84. 70(t.
»«, •■)(); Oft, 5 ' ' .,
-tuberculous, 8ft, 828, 8:17; 8«
:«»,42,52; 87, 1(5, V, :18, 47, .^1,'
!K«; 88, .5, 27; 80, 17,41; OO, 2().
■10; oa, .-)4; 04, 21; Oft, 80.... 20
-diphtheritic, wa, 707, 715; 84
7»!» ; 8»l, 15, 82 ; 87, 4(1, 02, Ol'
»'">: ««. l'-',2l,20, :t(),:ii,.-,r,;8o,'
■»7, 7((; Ol, 41; oa, 41, 50, .57-
»*-! 22
-croupous, 88, 4 ^H
Rhiniti.s ac, l>a, 50 1
-ch. hypertrophic, J»o, 2(1, 01 .... . 2
ah. atrophic, 88, j
diphtheritic, 8a, 711, 87^:1^1
78; 88, 20 ' ^
Hiarynx dipiilheria, 8a, 707 711
I'haryngitis, oa, ;<0a, ;15 ; J>ft, 8:i. . , .•{
Ulceration tuberculous, 87, IfJ . . 1
Ulceration .syphilitic, 80, 47 . . 1
Diphtheritic, 8a, 707, 711, T.Ui ; 84
7«1>;8«, 4.5, 82; 87, 10, .-Ua, 40!
•f«,7H,8.5, »2,C.:; 88, 1.5, 24, 20.
:«>, ;n,55, 8(1; 80, .57, 70; 01,41 •
»2,5(t,57 ; .^^
Tonsillitis diphtheritic, 8a, 7(17,
711, 7:« ; 84, 78:1 ; 02, .57 ; Oa, 01.' (i
—suppurative, 84, V.i j
—follicular, 87, 2 j
— concri'tion, 00, j
Uvula bifid, 84, 78;} ...... . " i
Parotitis purulent, 80, .57 i
f! t
i '4
Tubennilous ulcer, HH, 52 I
lleniiiitropliy, H»,l\ I
Kpitlu'lioma, »(>, 52 1
Purpuric ewhymosis typhoid, »4,
1 1
(Jangroiious stomatilis, J»5, 1!» 1
^laty pij^nientation, 95, 2 1
Amyloid, 95, 5)4 1
Stomach cancer, 8a, 745 ; 85, 823 ;
8, 25. . 3
<3, 70« . I
71 ; «7,
OR, 41,
lal, Hit,
>, 75, 7(5 ;
;i7, r,:{;
(U ; »4,
; »5, «1. 3
, (Ki, SK) . 2
H», mi ;
55; 0;i,
;le8. 8»,
7, 84 . . . 1
8 1
J^unum and Ileum .
Tuboroulou.H ulceration, M:i, 7()i>
73(), 731, 734, 738, 741 ; 85, 87()i
882 ; 8«, 12, 20, 34, ;^8, 3!», tl, 42,
52, 55, 73, 75, 7!», H7, 3, II, Id, :{4,
31), 47, 51, 77, 82, H4, !)3; HH, Tl,
47, 40, 78; m>, 17, 41. ((8; »0, 2!)]
40 ; »2, 34, 40, 48 ; »;», 20, 50 ; »4,
20, 2.3, 40, 45 ; »5, 44, 04, 80 50
Typhoid ulceration, HH, 741), 750,
758, 1K\, im, 770 ; «4, 812 ; 85,'
851, a'-)3, 850, 802, 878, 887 ; 8«, 2,'
55, 82; 87, 53, 57. 58, 02, 08, 71,'
72; 70 ; 88, 07 : 8J>, 20. 32. :«. 30,
42, 4i». 01 ; JM», 47 ; »2. 28, 51 ;
»:f, 30 ; »4, 4. 38, 31) ; »5, 5:{. (ii),
72, 73, 03
Typhoid perforation, 87, 53. 71 ;
89,20; 92,28: 94,4 ; 95.0!),.' (!
MeciR,42,47 22
Follicular appendicitis, 95, 91 1
Catarrhal " 94,1 1
Obliterative appendicitis, 85
809; 8«,60; 95,78 a
A ppendix.
appendicitis (diliitation), H7, U. I
Absci'SN. HH. 70 1
TypJioid iiioiTs, H», «» ; »5, ((2. ... 2
Tulu'ToilouH ul(!or.s, »«, m 1
t'onci-cMoiiH, ««, ;«) ; H7, 0(1 ; Hl»,
21, 58 ; »M), 5-1 ; »5, a, la 7
Dilutatioii.HT, 11 1
liiobormoiHtcr'.s furrows, H:», 701,
7til ; M7, lit ; »o, 25, (>7 ; »a, !(!,
Ort, 18 7
Kiongafion L. lobe, h:«, 7()S, 7;U^
7.'W ; M5, .S5<(, 87(1 ; ««, 1 ; H7, 5,
7, 14 })
Atrophy left iobo, «0, 1) (obliter-
ation, iiepat ic veins) l
Lacing lobe, H5, 82}) ; H», )», |() ;
»5, 11) .J
KcchynuKsivS. Hit, 727, 75() ; H», 1!) . ;<
Cloudy swelliuK, H'A, 750, 7(5!); H4,
781 ; H«, 8, 18, ;«), ;U, 55, .57 ; H7.
2, 18, 15, ;«i, ()8, iK) ; H», 7, 14, :J2,
;«. :{8, :«), 7;{ ; no, -.m, 17, 55, m,
«(); »l,:i5, ;W, 41; »a, 21, 28, 51 ;
»a, :w, :«), 41, 51 ; j>.4, 15 : un, 15,
02, ()5, 72, 75, !);< .H
l<;atty. H;», 701, 703, 72;{, 729, 731 ;
H4, 812; H5, 821, 8117, 8:W; ««.
TiO; «7, 20, :^(), 37. 73; HH, .5, 27,
3!). 47, 08, 78 ; H», 22, 27, 31. 31),
«), 52 ; !>0, 8, 30, 43 ; »2, 27, 58,
45, 48, (M. 85 ^^
Fatty degeneration central zone,
Hii, 748; t>5, m 2
Cyanotic atrophy, (nutmeg). Ma,
714, 717, 711) ; «4, 707 : H5, 82(i,
852; SO, 11; S7. 34,74,84; HH,
18, 11), 20, 57 ; «», 4;i, 50, 70, 72 ;
»0, 14, 18, 25, 28, ;« ; »a, 21, 28,
45, 47 ; tt4, 27, 45 ; »5, 1, 3, 21, 44,
4(i. »«, 70, 71, 71), 81). 9(5 10
Brown atrophy, «7, 12, 1(5 ; HH.
40 ; Hit, 1, 23, 37 ; »0, .W ; oa,
22 ; 04, 31 ; »5, 9. 47, 59. (5(5, 80, , 14
Liver .
Cirrhotic, Ha, 748, 7(5(5, 778 ; H4,
7iK), 802 ; 8«, 5, (52 ; H7, 41, 44,
(51 ; HH, 8, 2(5 ; H», ,35, (52, 0(5 ; »0,
54; »1, 37; »a, 25; »a, :{5, 38,
40, 44, .W, (52 ; »4, 1. 19, 37; 05,
i2r>, 27, 70, 71 31
Cirrlioti(! and Fatty, Ha, 745, 75:1 ;
H4, 785, 79(5, 804, 810; H5, 855;
H«, 37 ; H», 5, (5 ; » 1 , 29; »4, 23 ;
»r>, 39, (51 14
Hillary currhosis, »4, 27 1
Ilyper'rophic cirrhosis, »5, 91 1
Abscess, H4, 809 ; 85, 824 ; HH, 'Ai ;
»a, 24,;«5; JM, 7 6
multiple a, 37, 43 ; oa, 19. 23. 3(5. 40 ; 05,
■«■».«»,•••> 2»
(Jumma, HH, 22, 51. (55; Ol. 42;
02, .32; 05, 71 (J
Angionui. H7, (5, (is. 82. 89; HO,
15: 00, 10,25; 04, 39 .' 8
Leuclnemia, Ha, 70^1 ; 04, 1 2
Carcinoma (5)rimarv), Ha, 7.")9 ; 02,
■•^^ '. 2
-(secondary), H4. 788 ; HO, 27, (50 ;
H7. 1. 8; HH, 13,(59; HO. 11, 1.5,
30, 48, (57 ; o 1 , 43 : oa, :<;<, :k ; oa,
42, 58 17
Epithelioma, (secondary) 05, 74. . . 1
Sarcoma (secondary), HH, 43 ; 05
^1 2
Cyst8, HH, 21 1
Calcareous (nodules), 04, 10, 31) ;
06,;«i....... a
?7H ; H4,
'. 41, M.
(«(; »0,
I, :«j, :w,
.■<7; »r.,
M5, 75:J ;
«5, H55;
»4, 2:i ;
i, 1>1 . . . . 1
KH, ;« ;
H«, 20;
iHP, »:i,
ma, «a,
»», ;<7 ;
»5, 12,
,55 2
>4 ; «4,
(4, H7!> ;
7», 81 ;
10, 11 ;
10; «5,
M. 42;
l!>; S»,
») ; »2,
27. (50 ;
11, 15,
!5 ; «;j,
i, 74. . . 1
;<; »5,
0, 30 ;
Icterus, «;i, 717; 84, 700, 700;
»5, 851, 855, 8(W ; H«, 5, 37, 44, 5;{,
«4 ; H7, 10, (tl, 70 ; HH, 58 ; H»,
4, .T) ; »0, 44 ; 92, ;W; »«, 24, 35,
44; »4, 11); 1>5, 01 24
-^neonatorum, »5, 8(i8 i
Cholnnniia, »5, 855 i
Rupture, »5, ;«, 88 ' . 2
Ecchymoses, »5, 03 i
Gallstones, H:t, 7.50 ; 85, 8.55 ; »o^
27, (K>, (il, 08 ; «7, 41, 7.5, 80 ; «»,'
«. 20; 1, 42 ; 02, 24, 30, 45 ; »:i,
;W, 42, 44; 05,57 ' ih
Amyloid (see dcKenenition). ,
Cyst, »0, 1 ' J
Bile duct (obstructive dilatation)
»«, 720 ; H4, 700 ; ««, (H ; «»'
70; »2, 24, 3(( (j
Cystic duct, 84, 7!Hi ; 8«. 14 ; 87,
CholecyHtitis oli. obliterative, »2
24,3(5,45 ' .J
- Perforative, 8«, 04 ; »», 10. ... . 2
Ascites, (see circulation, p 00 >
—chylous, »a, 7;j7 ^
Free fibrous body, »(>, 2 i
HtiMnorrhaKi!, 05, 57 i
Ecchymosis, »4, 21a i
Gaseous eniphyseina, 88, 20 i
Omentum fat necrosis, 87, 7.5 i
Carcinoma (sec), 85, 834, 8(«) ; 87,
«; 8», 07 ; »|, 20, 43; »5, 50,'
»7 H
Sarcoma (pritn.), 8rt, 21 ; »:i. 28. . 2
—(sec), 85, 854 ; »5, 51 2
Pleura, 8;», 7(K). 754 ; 84, 782, 78-1,
798 ; .,5, 837, 850, 874 ; 80, 12, 14.'
24,35,41,75; 87,20; 8», 1, (JO ;
OO, 29, 41, 51, ($2 ; 02, 34, .50 ; O.^
40 ; 05, ;i.5, 80, 87, 9(5 Ui
TuberculoaiH. '
Peritonitis acute general. 8;», 772,
780 ; 84, 800 ; 85, 827, 84(5,' 8(50,'
H, .53 ; OO, 10, 23, .37, 57 ;
»t, 43; 02, 2i, ;{o, .39, (50; 04,
24, 31,;«; 05, 4, 7, 22,41,47,(54,
08,78,87,03,5)5,07 47
Acute perforative peritonitis, 8»,
7;U), 758 : 85. 843. 853, 8(51, 878^
887; 8«, 41; 87, .50,53,71; 88,
20, 39, 72; 80, m, 24, 2(5; OO,
22, 32, .55, (59 : 01, 40 ; 02, 28, 45 ;
04, 4, 22; 05,(54,(50,87 29
Sub acute, 80, 21, 80 2
Hiemorrhagic, o;», 40 1
Acute local purulent, Ol, 20 ; 03 J
^1 2
Tuberc. peritonitis, 8», 7:iO, 7(56 ;
84, 782, 798; 85, 825; 80, 7, 9,
12, .35, .50 ; 87, 3, 39, 81 ; 88, 1 ;
80, (SO ; 00, 24, 31 ; 02, 34 ; 05,
;«, 77, 87, 92, 96 2^1
Chronic adhesive peritonitis, 8»,
720 ; 84, 708 ; 85, 854, 8(50, 868,
87(5, 88(5 ; 80, 22, 52, .59, (54 ; 87,
44, 45 ; 88, 49, 51, 79 ; 80, 1, 22,
50, .53 ; 00, 15, 16, 1}), 28, 53, .54 ; .
01, 20; 02, 48; 0», 33, 41, (50 ;
04, ;12 ; 05, 12, 25, 37, 42, 50, 68,
75,91 40
Chronic perihepatitis, 8;i, 730, 741. 2
Chronic pelvic peritonitis, 8JJ, 701 ;
85, 825 ; 80, 11, (53 ; 87, a5 ; 88,
51 ; 02, 48 7
('hronic perisplenitis, 8a, 748 1
Melanotic pigmentation, 08, 37. . . 1
Slaty pigmentation, 87, 40 ; OO, 8 2
Hernia strangulated, 8«, 22 ; 88,
59; 80, 18; 02, 55 4
-inguinal, 8«, 22, 41 ; 87, 21 ; 88,
58, 68 ; 80, 18 ; 00, 8, 28 8
umbilical, 8», 735 ; 88, 89 ; 05,
7" 3
—diaphragmatic, 85, 851 ; 05, 82. 2
-retro peritoneal, 05, 90 1
Omental hernia, 88, 8J) ; 05, 75 . . 2
-alwi'ivsN, IK». I:J 1
MoHtintory (hoc iiIho KlaiuiH iiuihoii-
liiiccriit.iui), »5, S7 j
lla'morrliii>j;ic. IK'I. 2S, ;M 2
Ab.sooss. HH, 711 I
I'aiuToiKitis, (clu-Diiif interstitial
with cy.stK). Hit, (It) 1
— liH^niorrliaKio, WH, ; »a, iM . .
Fat nucrosnH, 02, 51 1
Carcinoma, HH, TM ; HR, H2i\ ; H«,
27,(1(1 i
Kf>illu'lionnv (scconilary), »«, 71 . , . I
Sarconni " »5, 51... i
Amyloid, »«, 21t 1
Iloi-so,slioi>. SI, S(M ; t»:i (trian-
gular). 7S() 2
Mov(«at)li>, »;t. Cm j
Hypoplasia, M5, Km j
llyporaMnia (oxtronu't. M«. 51, S() •
Hit, 7;t ■ .{
Intiurl.s, h:i, 77(i : M5, .S5!» ; HH, 2,
:<1, -I't; N7. 2!l, 11, ()7: HH, 21 ;
»♦».:<".; (»0. IS. l;»; »|,;W; !M,
15. I(i ; nt, .•», 21 " 17
Cloudy sucliinK, H:I, 72i». 7;«, 75(1,
7.")S: K-l , 7!I0: Mn. Si-)i f» ,.s.-,4 , u-t ,.ni.s),
SS7 : H(t, .s, i.s. ;{(), ;n, Tm, .'-,7 : H7.
l:l. 15, ;«!, 5S, (!S, 7.S; 8H, ;<(), HI.
:W; HJ>. 7, U. :«, (J.-.. 71 : IM), KJ,
:«), 55, (M. lit) ; JH, ;{;■;, ;{f. . ^yJ, j^j^
I'S ; »«, :w, 4!, .vj, .-,i) . ,>.| ,) 'j^i !
«>5, 11. »(i, 17, .")(), -»;{, 72 ... . .....' (VI
Acuti' parcniiliynialtnis lu-phritis.
Ha, 710(.srarlatina), 77!>: H5,,S5(5;
M«, 71, til; H7. (}, 2;{. 25, ;V<, 8;-,. 87,
8H, SH) : «H, 7 ; 8», .S. HJ (glom.),
.".i, 5,S. (M ; »<». 2, :U), 14 ; Ol, 20.
.S2 ; »:». ;{()(, (glom.). 41, 4S, .To' .-,2,
«1 ("glomerulo.") ; «4, 7, U), 15,
4."» ; »5, 5, 15, 5M, 25, ;«, 4,% 4}t, 02,
<>*■'. 75 ^^
Acn(i> linMuorrliaKi"' iiepluiti«, HH,
(K» : HI), 57; »l, I
('liroaic (mi.\od> pan-nohymatous
nt'pliritis (larKC white kidney),
Hit, 71ti (chylons ascites) ; H4,
7!Mt, 8i:{ ; H5, 82(i, ,^7(1 ; ««, :M. :^7,
l.< ; H7, 2:{, 25, 77 ; HH, 2(i, 12, 51,
78; »0, 54, m ■ oa, 20, 27, :{5, 45,
57, ((2. (ill, ; IM, 11, 12; »5, ;«, 48,
i'l 28
Ana'mic fatty, H;l, 718 ; H5, 82»;
HH, X\, 78 ; l>;», 12, 2(i ; JM, ;«l, V.i. 8
Amyloid (sei* amyloid de>j;en).
Nephritis, chronic interstitial,
small granular kidney, H.'J, 701,
70:j, 722, 72;{, 727, 7;{2, 7;M, 71:<, 753,
7(W, 707, 70it, 770 ; HI, 78,5, 787,
707, 802; H5, 821, ,828, KW, KK\,
841. .S41(», ><4(), 885, 817, 8."i2, 800,
(sl.). 8(i4. 87(i (large), 8:«i, 851a';
H8, (to : oa. 15, 22, 27, 28, 34, Sb,
8l'K(UAr, INDEX.
H2i\ ; NO,
nn, 71 . . 1
•5,51... 1
itiH, HH,
■a) ; H4,
(i, 12, 51,
7, :<;■), 15,
i, ;i">, 18,
♦5, S2i>;
I, ;«t, »:<.
K.-J, 701,
7I.{, 753,
'S5, 787,
«(), s;«,
ir)2, 8(K).
i, 851 a;
W ; «7,
«7, 74,
51, 57
(i (ext.
(K), (W,
;i5, 50;
, :«), 54,
Kit/ nil/.
37, U), »», 55 (Hon., (\2, (V> ; 1»l,
2, II, IS, 10,27,31.32,42,-15; »5.
I, 7, 0, 20. 20, 27, 31, 35.30, 13. 44.
48, 55, 50, mi, (K{, (U, 70, 82, K«. 37.
70, 32, (10, 73,00 i;j;i
Hok1"ioU, H7. 15 ; »«, (I, 21, 50 ;
»a, 01 ; J»:i, 21 ; »4, 7; »5, 10 , S
Cyanotic indunitionM, H.'l, 708. 771,
778, 770 ; Ml. 810 ; 85, 815 ; ««,
I, 5, 51 ; 87.44.84,87; 88.(18;
HO. 43, (Ml. 70 ; IM>, 1,3.25,28,(10,
05 ; »5, 3, 70 24
Miliary tJilM'rcul{),«i.s. 8;», 7i;j, 77-1 ;
81. 782, 78;< ; 85, 825. 870. 870, 882;
8«, 12,:Ji-., :W,4I,73: 87, 3, 5, «»,
70, 81 ; 88, 1, 5. 27 ; »0, 20 ; U2,
37, 4.3 ; 0,*l, 23, 43 ; J>4, .34 ; »5,
28, 49, 54, 87 21)
ConipcnsatinK hyporbropliy, 85.
««!; Ot,20, 2
Leucha'uila, «.'», 70-1 1
Fibroma. 87, (1 1
Primary .sarcoma, 8a 718 I
Secondary " 8«, 48 l
Primary cancer, 85, 860 ; »0, 51 . . 2
Secondary " 8«, 27 ; 8», 56. . . 2
Cysta, 80, (1.3. 81 ; »2. 20 3
Rupture, 8:». 757 ; 85, 871 ; »5.
i» ;i
Urate dcpcstts, 85, 868 ; 80, 47. . 2
Renal calculua. 8;j, 760 ; 84, 804 ;
««, 11. 17; H7, 28; »0. :W, r^i ■
Oa, 25 (oxalate), 04 »
Adrenal rest.s (.see adrenal, p. 86). .
Hyaline degeneration. OO. 17 I
Purulent peritiephriti.s, 8«. 17 ... . I
Gangrenou.s " j»o, 51... 1
Embolic nepliritia, 8a. 708, 711 ;
80,2; »0. 15; J) I, 42; »2, .51 ;
»3, 25 7
HydronephroHis, 8a. 710 ; 84, 804,
85,817,854; 87,28,32; 88,7;
00,2,20,31,07: 01,20; 02, II.
25, 62, 65 ; 05, ;M, 74 is
Acute bacterial papillary nephritis,
05.17,02 2
Kidni'ij. ,
Acute liH-morrliagic jjyelitJN, 05,
«> I
I', 8a, 760 ; 84, 804 ;
8«, 0, II, 17,85; 87, 10,32,54;
88. 7, 37 ; 00, 2. 5, 0, 3.3, 42, 45 ;
oa, ;W. 44. 51 ; »>a, I8, 25, 40 ; 05,
7'IJM 25
TuberculouM pyj'liti.s, 8a, 754 : 85,
850; 8«. 28. 70; 87, 5,8; 88.
:<6; 80, II ; »5, 1)2 H
Obliteration, 87, 10 |
Dilatation, 88, 7 ; oa. 51 2
Double, 05, 24 1
Tuberculo.siH, 05, 02 • 1
FlHtula, 87, 54 1
Divertiojium, 8a, 78.3 ; 8«, 10 ... . 2
Dilatation, 85. Hm i
Dilatation hypertropby, 87, 32,
70; 01,42 ." n
I fypertrophy , oa, 38, 44 . 2
Fi.stula recto vesical, 80, 11 ; 05
1^ 2
-recto-vesico-vaginal, 05, 31 1
Cyatiti.s (chronic), 8», 705 ; 8«. 0,
17, 58, 70 ; 88, 37 ; J»0, 5, 42 ; oa]
44 ; 03,25, 41 n
—acute haimorrhaKJc. 8«, .57, 63 ;
80, 2 ; »;i, 40 ; 05, 2, 6 ' «
—phlegmonous, 05, .52 1
-diphtl ritic, 8a, 756 ; OO, 6 . . . . 2
— tuberouiou,s, 8a, 7.54 ; 85, 8.50 ;
80,28; 87,81 ; 00.40 5
Papilloma, 87, 40 j
Cyst, (submucous), 87, 82 1
Epithelioma (primary), 05, 74 ... . 1
Primary cancer (colloid), OO, 20. . . 1
Secondary carcinoma, 83, 719 ;
oa, 11 ; 05, 31 ' 4
Vesical calculus, 80, 17 ; 88. ,58 ;
oa, 18 ; 05, 74 4
Fistula, 8a, 754 ; 80, 70 ; OO, 15. . 3
— fistula tuberculous, 87, .5, 81 ;
00, 6 ;^
—laceration, H5, H45 ; ««. 51, B8 ;
89,73 4
— Htricture, 8rt, H17, 845, 850 ; HO,
51 ; H», 78 ; »»0, 5, 15, 45, 07, t>2 ;
01,42; »2, 44 12
Perl urethral abHcens, «5, 817 ; 86,
52, 58 jj
Goiiorrlm>ii, OO, 17, «4 2
Epithelioma, «0, HI l
Scar of Rlans, 8«, 24 ; 88, (J8 : 05,
5(5, 74 ■••• 4
Condylomata, 87, 'M 1
Balanitis, 95, 5, t58a 2
Paraphimosis, 95, (Mkt l
Epithelioma, 8a, 702 ; 95, (58a ... . 2
Hypertrophy, 8a, 72!^ ; 80, 5, 7, «,
17, 81, 85 ; 87, 32, 70 ; 88, 7, 37 ;
90, (J7 ; 92, ;« ; 93, 18 ; 95, 11,
12, 20, 26, 39, 8(), 96 21
Necrosis, 92, 38 ; 84, 817 ; 86, 85. 3
Purulent prostatitis, 90, 1, 2, 5. . 3
Tuberculosis, 86, 70 ; 92, 2{) 2
Copora amylacea, 87, 89 ; 89, 35 •
96,91,96 '4
Primary carcinoma, 93, 11 1
Vesiculitis chronic purulent, 96,
12 1
—tuberculous, 86, 28 1
Atrophic, 90, 9 l
Hydrocele, 87, 21 ; 90, 28 ; 96, 18,
76 4
Cyst of tunica vaginalis, 94, 8 . . . . 1
Cyst of epididymis, 90, 40 1
Cryptorchidismus, 96, 68 i
Orchitis tuberculous, 85, 822 ; 86,
70; 87,5; 92,29; 95,92 5
Orchitis gummatous, 92, 32, 40 ;
95, 71 ;}
-flbrous, 85, 876 ; 92, 44 ; 96, 86. 3
—purulent, 85, 876 l
Castration, 90, 9 ; 95, 12. . . . 2
Abscess, 87, 38 \
(Edema, 89, 3 1
Noma, 84, 784 1
Condylomata, 94, 21a 1
Elephantiasis of labia, 84, 781 1
Fistula, recto-vesico-vaginal, 84,
781 1
—vaginitis tuberculous, 83, 719. . . 1
—diphtheritic, 83, 769 ; 87, 54. . . . 2
—phlegmonous, 94, 10 ; 96, 76. . . . 2
Lacerations parturition, 96, 75 . . , 1
I 5
817 ; 86,
nt, 95,
. 1
95, 18,
i, 8.... 1
Hi; 86,
)2 &
32, 40 ;
95,86. »
A, 84,
. 1
lUerii.s Nfiptij.s. Mft, m\ m) ')
Chronic eiidoniotrili.s, h«, 77H;
«7, n,75; 88, 20, K4; »4, 21u,'
-'■«; 95,5 ^
Diphtlu'iitio, 8«, 18, ;«( ; 'h7, 2, l.V
1">, 1» ; «>«, 54 ; 94, 10 ; 05, 75_ ' „
Putrid ciidoinetrit i.s, 80, :t() 1
Tuberculous I'luidiuclriti.s. 94, 20. l
I'urulont i)eri and paranit'tr'iti.s
«7, l:{, I.'-,; 89, 7, i;{; 90, :{7....' .-,
Pelvic ul).scc!s.s, J>rt, 75 j
Chronic adliesivc |)erinictri(i.s, 8«,
•■<«; 87, I,") ;j2, (iO; 88, l!) ; «()'
37; 9», :«) ' j^
Utcru.s and pelvic thronilx) phle-
biri.s, 89, ;«); »0, .%; 92. W, 54. 4
Fibro myoma, 8.-J, 702, 712, 7:«) •
H5, H:u;, .S(i(t; H„_ ,;,. ^^ ,,.;
H8, 4(1 ; 89, .-,7 ; 90, 14 ; 9:1, 37 ,'
91,:{2; 95. 17, l.5,i)7 15
Polypi, H5, m\- 88, 49; 89 1-
9a,;«); »»r,, 5 '. ' ~
Carcinoma (i)rimary), 8;i, 71!> ; 95^
-(secondary), 9,'>, !)7 j
Sarcoma, 99, 57 j
1 'rcf?nancy, Hii, IT, ■ ' hh, 17,' a) '•
**»,-n; 94,20; 95,4,;«i.. ' 7
—ruptured tubal, 95, 4. j
Pucrj.oral state, 8;j, 727;"8«,ls
;«». "'7; 87, 2, i;{, 15, 19, 41, ^s^
«»,7; 99. 3(5; 92, 42. 51, 59-
95, .5, 75 ' j^
Abortion, 89, H4 2
criminal, 80, 57 1
Puerperal eclampsia, 89, 31. . . .V 1
Subinvolution, 8«, 18, 30 • 87 2
41, 52 ; 88, m ; »o, 3(i ; 02, 51 \
9:», -14; 95. 19,5:1,75
Men.struation, 8JI, 70(i ; »5. 95, . . '2
Ilydramnios, 87, IH |
Fai.i.oi'ian Tihix
Ilvdrosalpynx, 8:*, 741 ; M7 .15.
H9. M, 10, ())) ' " ' .
Pyosalpynx, 8:i, 7(17 ; 85^ 827 81(1 '•
«7,(K);8H.5I; 99,37; »;i, n-
/»«.24 ' • ^
(iauKrcnous, 90, 'M . . . , j
Calci/lcation of (Imbria-. 8:J, 778 l
Tuberculous ^alpiuKiti.s, 85, 825 •
H<», y5 ; 92, 31 ; j,4, ,;| ' ^
Absces.s, 85, 848 ,
Cysiic, 89, 71 ; 94,'21aM>5;"97; 3
I a|)illary cystoma, 8;j, 74.5 ; o5,
"'^ ' ' jj
Cystoma, 87,3; 88, 10; 89,02';
»9, .'{^ 51 ; 91,;j4; »5, 22 7
I)crmoid, 94, 24 ' j
Fibrocystic .sarcoma, 85, 8.54 . . ... \
Chronic fibroid ovaritis, 87 19-
9;j, i(i ' ' ^
Caicareou.s degeneration, 9:1,34 1
Broad ligament cyst, 8:i, 7(i7 ; 87,
Parovarian cyst, 88, ,8.31 : 89 14 •
95, .54 ' '
Retro-j)eritoneaI hiematocele, 95^
Purulent mastitis, 89, 04
Primary cancer, 87, 1 ; « j , 40a . .
■ id
, }■.' • >»
-i : '1
>■ H ■'
- 1
PiiohymeiiiDKitis (acute). »l, ;i5. . . 1
— Niibacnte, 80, i54 1
—chronic mlliesive, 8:i, 77;J ; H7,
21 ; »(), 0(1 ; 1>;|, U l
— lin«m«)rrliaKie,M8, (I; ».5, 5(1, (Wff. .'(
— ossifyiiiK, 8I», (I, (W ; J>.-,, !Ht ;{
— pimilont, 87, 27 ; 8», II ; »4, ;«). .S
HaMiiorrliagc loiiKitudiiial .sinuH
(new horn), 88, 12 l
Extra nicninKcal liifniorrliaKc,85,
M72 ; 8«, (i.-) ; 87, (i5 ;{
Inter meningeal lia'inorrhaKe, 8:i,
7():i, im, 7(M ; 8.^, R»4, 877 ; 8«,
12. 11, li) ; 87, (i5, H() ; »», 40 ;
»4, 2; J»5, .")!» in
Lai KiiAi, Si.virs •
Throniho plilebitis, 88, («i ; «5,
lAi _ 2
liOnKitiuUnal sinns, »rt, 77 1
Hypera'inia, 8«, ;{, K) ; »r>, 62 3
( Edema, 8;|, 728, 7()7 ; 8.->, KS;^ ; 8«,
.•i, 10 ; 8», ,-) ; »o, l.T ; »«, ;}(), («).. y
Melanosis, 8.*l. 70.S i
Chronic leptomeningitis, 8«, 80;
87,21: »4, 2; ».-,,((!) 4
Fil>rons nodnles in pia, 05, (ii) 1
Acute leptomeningitis, 8;i, 7(J8 ;
8.^^, 818, 885 ; 8«, (i, 80 ; 80, rA ;
•31, 35, 48 s
—purulent, 8«, 2:{; OO, 2(i, 88; 01,
04; oa, 2(i; Oa, (54 ; 04, aO; 05,
10 8
Milky thickening, 85, 874 ; 8«, ;^ ;
00, 5(5, 59; 05, 15, 1(5, 49, 80, 81. . 19
Meningitis acute tuberculous, 83,
74(5 ; 84, 782, 792 ; 80, 12, ;54 ;
87, 8, .-,,81; 88, 1, 17. ;W; OO, 9,
:<8; 01, 34; 02, 37; 03, 19, 23,
:«3, 4;i, 45 ; 04, 13, 20, 28 ; 05, (i,
28, 29, 40, .S4, 77, 87, 92 31
Acute cerebro spinal, 80, ;«, 62 ;
»>1, :«> 3
Acute internal hydrocephaluH, 84.
782; 85, 839; 87, I ; 80, 2i) 4
Rupture of abseess into, 0:i, 61. . . I
Obliteration of ventricles, 80, 23.. 1
(Jranular ependyndtis, 85, 8;«> ;
8«, 34 ; 88, 9 ; 05, 54 4
Atrophy of convolutions, 80, 82 ;
87,!>0; 00, 39; 04. 19.... 4
Ila'morrhage, 8:», 70.3, 708, 727, 728,
7.52; 84, 8(M) ; 85, 836; 80, 47,
54 ; 87, 22 ; 88, 2, l(i, 25, 71 ; 8J>.
74; 00, 10, .39, 50, 6(5: 01,29;
!»2, 20 ; 0;», 40 ; 04, 8, 14 ; 05,
n6, 48 o„
Rupture cerebral aneurysmH, OO,
10; 05, .59 2
Multiple ecchymoses, OO, 7, (55 2
Septic " 88, m 1
Embolism. 85, 852 ; 88, 21 ; o;i,
46 ;}
Thrombosis, 83, 774 ; 80, 43 ; 80,
1 ; 05. 9, 14.8(5 (5
Softening, 83, 722, 752; 84,787;
85, 833, HJ2; 80, 43, 74, 78 ; 87,
12 ; 88, ;5, 9 ; 80, 1 ; 03, 12, 22, 47;
04, 2 ; 05, i), 49, 56, 8(5, 87 22
Sclerosis, 00, (55; 05, 14, 15, 16... . 4
Meningo encephalitis, 88, (56 1
Idiocy, 00, 63 j
Mania (no ornganic disease), 88,
•M; 03, 53 2
Epileptic insanity, OO, .5(5 l
Jacksonian epilepsy, 03, 64 I
Tubercle (solitary), 87, 3 ; OO, 9 ;
01, 34 ; 03, 40, 43 ; 05, 29 6
Atheroma vessels, 84, 787 ; 05, 59 2
Gumma, 88, 3 1
Syphilitic endarteritis, 85, 835;
05,9, 14,86 4
Brain abscess, 80, (58 ; 87, 27 ;
88, 6; 80, 40; 01, 44; 02, 23;
03, 64; 04, 13 8
Cystic atrophy corpora striata, 87,
14; 00. 8,(56; 04,2,19 5
—cortex, 03, 33, (54 ; 05, 37 3
Ciilcart'ous ikhIhIph, 80, 7h ; hh, 5. 2
Mullet wound, M«, 14 ; »0, 2(1 2
liHcorat lou, H7, Cm, HI) a
Cojipussion e(:eliyiuo8e«, Mil, 752,
7(11 ; »5, 5!) ;{
Ticphinjiif^ (.lafk.soiilaii epilepsy),
»>••», ((4 1
Gliomii, «0, (Ml ; »a, 41) ; »;», 17. . . ;i
, 2.') ; »<>, ;U ; l> 1 , 45. . H
Ah.sces.s, H5, H'Art j
Solitary tubercles
Guiuma chronic nieningiti.s, »2
^ .'<•-', 43 ; J,
Tuherculou.s abscess (caries), »5
'' '. 1
Acute ccrebro spinal meningitis
««, ;{H,(i2; 01,H5 ;i
MeniuKitis tuberculous, ua, 43.. . . 1
Acute ascend iiifj; paralysis, » I , ;^«. i
Chronicascendiuff (acute myelitis),
«:*, 742; »0, 17; »r>, 4a 3
Paraplef^ia compression, «5, SIO ;
»0, .-)(); j»5, 77 .J
Descending degeneration, HH, 3, 5. 2
A.scending " f^ 71^
78 ; »5, 77 ;j
Oun)nia, »2, 32 : »;j, 20 2
I Pin.
I'ost.-rior lateral sclerosis, «», 12 I
Tabes, H«>, 20 " j
luHular sclerosis, »rt, 17 \ 1
Acute peripheral neuritis, H4, m\-
««,«!); H7,7 ., ' ;,
Degenerative neuritis (trifacial)
H!i,HKi ' J
Celiac ganglia (grey degener-
atlon), M»,(«) _ ^
Fibrosis, HU, (13 ....... 1
Optic neuritis, H7, 3 ; H», 54 • DO
'■'' '....,' 3
atrophy, H«, 20; »0, :« f
Ketinitis luemorrhagic, H4, 801 •
»0, 30 ' 2
— »ll)U(ninuric, 84, 813; H7, 40-
«0,74 ' .,
Chronic purulent otitis media,
«", 36 ; S7, 27, 71, 88 ; 88, 1 ;
«».53; JH,44;»2, 5(i; «5, K),
Purulent mastoiditis, }>5, K) 1
Hiemorrhage into tympanum, «5,
^^ 1
Bullet wound, 88, 04 1
Vagus, ha-morrhageof sheath, »0,
^^ 1
—suppuration of sheath, »0, 24. . . 1
—pressure aneurysm, 8«, 83 ; 87
Purulent ostitis (frontal), 8JI, 780 ;
H8, ; 8», 40 ; OO. 28 ; »ii, nii.
frontal, »4, 30 (j
-periostitis, 8;|, 773 ; »4, 30 (skull) 2
Suppuration anterior (maxilla)
00, 20 ' 1
Sclerosing osteitis (syphilitic), 83,
773; 00,54 2
Necrosing osteitis, Ol, 37 ; 93, (54. 2
.Secondary carcinoma (vertebra").
»7, 8; 01, iOti (vertebrfe), »5,
Sarcoma ossifying, 83, 840 l
Tibia, 88, 43 j
Frontal, »5, .50 j
Tuberculous caries (vertebnt"), 83,
714 ; 83, 820, 882 ; 87, 8 ; 03, 37,
43; 03,45; 05,49,77 9
—ribs, 04, 17 ; 03, 40 2
—kyphosis, 05, 77 1
Pace, 03,40,54 2
Vertebrfe, 8fl, 87 : 87. 48, 5fi ; 05,
Skull. H». 7a'J, 71.M, Tfid; Hft, Kii,
H72; M«, 11), (i:,; H7,27.;i2.(l.-),HI:
HH, (II ; M», -.12 ; »», 2(1 ; IM . 1(1 ;
»a, I'M : «>5, iKi, lit, (u
mim, HJ», 7r.7 ; Mrt, H7I ; Hl». rtH ;
H7, 21 : »:i, 1(1; »ft, :«l. ;«, .10, iV),
fi7,(lHf ».«'.», Kl
ClavicU', HI, 21 ; i»5, ;mi, (is
Arm, Hfi. M71 ; M7, I : Hit, :I2; Oft
I,»'K, MJ», 780 ; H7, I, lit ; K», :W, 51.
nS; IM, 1(1, 17; »M. IS ; »ft, :{7.
:IH, (10. 7(1, HI
relvJH, HO,-)! ; »M, 1(1
Stcriuiin. M7, 21 ; Mft, (IH//
Krosion of Klcnniiii from prcsniiro
of am-urysm, H», Kl ; M7, 7)t •
MM, 2;i ; »-», ;i2
— viMtchrH", JH. ;I2
KxoNlosj.s, »n, 2(t
Hypcm.stosis, »,'|. 2(1
Hypertrophic osteitis, »;», id
Osteophyti's cranium, IM, I
l''raKintiis o-siuin. Ml>, ,s77
Hacliitis, Mft, ,s;ill; m, 17, M ; M»
4(i; »ft, 11)
Fla( p.'lvi.s, M7,M I
HIIks (liiliih, Hft, s:iH ; lift. |t.| 2
111 j Joints
Afulf synovitis, no. IH 1
I'urMlciit arthritis, m;|. 717. 777;
M-4, 7HI ; Hft. m\ ; HO, 15 ; H7.'
'■i. 71 ; HH. 21.55; 02.50 |(|
pt'richondiitrs, H7, 57(lyphoi(l) . |
(lout, HO, 47 1
Anchylosis, Hft, H52 (knt-i'), H7,
a (ankl.'), HH, 14 (hip>, oft. 112
(knot's and hip)
Dislocation, HO, lit, HI (vertebra'),
(stcrno clav) ; H7, 5(1 (vertelira').
'rul)ercniousHrlhrltiN, H7,7i»: Oft,
:{|, ;i5; oa, 45 4
Mtisti,K -
Trichinosis, HO, 5, 21) 2
llyaliiu' (icKi-ncralion, HO, lit i
Abscess pectoral, HO, 17 I
- psoas, Hft, S22 ; oa, :I7 ; Oft, HI . . ;{
Atrophy, 02, 50 i
•Myositis acute parenchymatous,
O4,:io I
Purpura, H4. Mil ; h«, 51, (il ; HH,
(«; H«,41t; IM,4; Oft, ID 7
Sjidaniina, HH, 70 1
Erythema nodosum, HO, (i!) 1
Hums. Oft, IK) 1
Hedsores, H«, ;|(t ; H7, 5 ; HH, 4A ;
HO, », 4; 00. (i, 21); oa, 12, liJW ';
»4, 2« ; Oft, 25, 77, 04, m 14
Ilronzing, Hft, ««, S((5 ; MO, ($1 ;
oa,42 '.. ; 4
Leucoderma, HH, 41 ; oa, 42 2
Gangrene, HH, ;I7, 41 ; OO, IH ;^
Simple ulcer, H«, 27 ; H7, 42 ; HH,
21 ; 00, 14 4
Syphilitic ulcer, MO, 35 ; Ol, 42. . . 2
Tuberculous (lupus), HH, 2H 1
Pustular ec/ema, H5, ^Mo, MO, 3 •
05, 5 ;,
I'Irysipelas. HO. 15, 15; H7, :t(i ; 02.
10; IM, ;tO. l:i ; Oft, 4(i 7
Phlegmon, HH, 21 ; IM), l(i, 24 A
Sinus, Hft, KIO ; 02, 'A 2
('arbunde (diabetes), H7, m ; 02,
^< 2
Farcy, Hft, 8-lH 1
Pemphigus, H4,7«) 1
Psoriasis, H4, 7H1 l
Elephaiitiasis, H4, 781 , 1
Sarcoma, 00, (K) ; HO, 48 ; Ui' r .1
Sebaceous cyst, 02, 29 1
Fat (ochre yellow degeneration),
H7, ;i8; OS, 21, 44,02. 4
Int rstitial emphysema. OO, 24... 1
M 2
17. 777;
'> : M7.
Itliiii(l) . I
•). H7.
(>5, 112
iobrn"). 4
; nn,
ll> 1
5, IM.. :»
> ; <>2,
:4 :<
; »a,
. 1
^ ?1 a
24... 1