,%../^ 0%. ^^^.o. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ^^^IIIIM 115 llitt 1^ " 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► i '/ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ iP \ 4^ :\ \ ^ >> % V^ - signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 llutv<^t« iS^'o jot j i BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA & HISTORICA OR A lATALOGUE OF A NINE DAYS fale of rare & valuable ancient and modern books maps charts manufcripts autograph letters etceterailluftrativeof hiftorical geography & geographical hiftory general and local annals biography gene alogy ftatillics ecclefiaflical hillory poetry profe and mifcellaneous books very many relating to North an<' South America and others to Europe Afia Africa Auftralia and Oceanica Colledled ufed and defcribed With an introduction on the progrefs of geography and notes and annotatiunculz on fundrj- fubje^s together with an (^iTay upon the StcTcns lyftem of pholobibliography By Henry Stevens Gmb Fsa Ma of Yale Etc Ffllnw of the Rr»\al (ieosf & Znoloi^ic^l Socit-tin of I^ndoo k Citizea oi" NovioniafritB Foreiicn M. rnhnr o( tht; Aniericait Antiquarian xuif-iy of Unrre«ttT arid Fellnw of the Amtrioan (ieov^mpliical Sfiriily of Ntw York Corrrspijiiding Meabcr •( Ik* Amteritm* On**!*' SMTi«-lT «ai1 of Ikr HitturictI Sucitticauf MkiaiichuielU New Ynfk V4ia« \Vi«c*«»tft Pv>«»«'l«ania ronnrrticnl New Jtr>fj k VersQai sad Blk Bid AUim C'ib LuoJon Ptolemy's World by Mercator I5"S Part I. To be difperfed by aiid:ion by MelTrs Puttick Sc Simpfon 47 Leicefter Square London the 19th to 29th November 1872 London Henry Stevens at the Nuggetory4 Trafalgar Square July25 1872 Arrangement of the Sale 1872 Tuefday November 19''' N'» I to 321 A — Ben Wednefday November 20"' N"^ 322 to 637 Bcn- -Cha Thurfday November 21"' N" 638 to 973 Cha — -Eng Friday November 22'"' N"* 974 to 1313 Eng- -Han Monday November 25"' N"* 1314 to 1650 Har - - Let Tuefday November 26"' N"" 1651 to 2001 Let — New Wednefda}! November 27"' N"' 2002 to 2373 New- -Rim Thurfday November 28"' N"^ 2374 to 2737 Rip- -Tob Friday November 29"' N"^ 2738 to 3109 Tor — - Zuy > } M PHOTOBIBLIOGRAPHY A WORD ON CATALOGUES AND HOW TO MAKE THEM HE QUESTION OF CATALOGUING OUR BoOKS IS BE- coiniug a very serious ouc. For more than four hundi'ed years the press has teemed, and of late steamed, with books. The dead past hves again in print in our public and private libraries, where to a great extent are garnered up records of laws, manners, customs, history, literature, science and art — the intellectual accumulations of ourselves and our pre- decessors. Hero the past and present hold their school for the instruction of the future. A nation\s books are her vouchei's. Her libraries are her muniments. Her wealth of gold and silver, whether invested in connnerce, or bonds, or banks is always working for her ; hui her stores of golden thoughts, in- 2 n 4 ventions, diacovoricR, and intellectual treasures, invested mainly in print and manuscript, arc too often stored somewhere in limbo unregistered, where, though sleek and well preserved, they rather slumber than fructify. The half of them are not recorded, and the resting places of many are not known. New old books are daily brought to light. All the copies at present known of half the "different works printed by England's five earliest printers may bo counted on our fingers if not on our thumbs. In spite of the recent activity of collectors and librarians it is well known that a largo proportion of all the books that came from the press of Caxton exists as far as we know at present in single copies only, many of which ai'e imperfect. How many have been utterly lost no man can tell. N.ay more, who can lay his hand readily on a single copy of all, or even a considerable part, of the printed ballads that were sent broadcast over the land so lato as the year of the Crimean war ? Books ! to-day they are, to-morrow the half of them are not. The stillborn and infant mortality among them is greater far than the cor- responding death-rate in Dr Farr's tables. Many pass away unrecorded and leave no trace of their existence. From the days of Hipparchus to the present time the stars have been catalogued, and to-day every bird, beast, fish, shell, insect, and living thing ; yea every tree, shrub, flower, rock and gem, as they become known are scientifically, systematically and intelligently named, de- scribed and catalogued. In all these departments of human knowledge there is a well ascertained and gene- rally acknowledged system which is dignified as a science. A man who can correctly describe in a dead language a live beetle, or a fish, or a humming bird is very properly deemed a philosopher, a man of science, becomes a fellow of learned societies with a respectable o p q handle to his name, and may once a year spend a week with other severe philosophers in Scientific Associations. But as yet no such honour awaits the bibliographer. 8 invested 1 stored ^h sleek fructify, ig places ire daily ^n of half earliest t on our 3tors and on of all exists as many of ly lost no 1 readily rt, of the nd so lato they are, born and 1 the cor- any pasB itence. time the d, beast, Ty tree, own aro ed, de- ents of d gene- science, juage a jroperly I a fellow [ndlo to |h other rrapher. the cataloguer of our books, the registrar of our mental off- spring. Tlioro is no acknowledged system of art or scienco to dignify and honour his labors. Bibliography as yet ia a mere jackall, or packhorse, or some other patient beast of burden doomed to work for other arts and sciences, content with small emoluments for itself and smaller praise. This ought not so to be, and will not probably bo so much longer. There will doubtless, as in every thing clso in this rapid age, be a favorable change when- ever the importance of tho subject is fairly so brought home to our business and bosoms as to make it pay and become respectable. We aro accustomed to boast that the literature of the English language is the richest in the world. It may bo so, but just now this is probably more national brag, in- asmuch as we aro unable to back our boast with oven decent catalogues or schedules of it. Of tho ephemeral literature of the past and the floating books of tho present a large part was never booked. It was even worse in our fathers' day than now. Many are saved by drifting by mere chance into some snug harbour. Offer a thousand small English books of the present century to th( British Museum, and full as it already is, the chances are that half of them will be found wanting in that world-re- nowned national repository ^ inhere every human British book has tho inalienable right of recorded citizenship. There are tolerably complete lists of our soldiers, our clergy, our lawyers and our criminals. Why not of all our books ? Who shall say that this class contains more drones or trash than that? or why one list should bo winnowed and another not ? The fact is we have not tho means, notwithstanding our honored and appreciated Herberts and Ameses, our Watts, our Lowudeses and Bohns, of taking stock of our national literature. Wo do not forget our Clarkes, our Dibdins, our Anglia Poeticas, our Grenvilles, our Lea Wilsons, our Ilazlitts or our Lefties. Current trade lists there are indeed, good enough y\ pci-hnps for the pnrpofHO, ami some nicrclmntablo p.Miitc'il catiilogncs, gciioriil unci specinl, for wliicli wcnro thankful, but thoy mostly fall far short of liiblio/:^rapliy. Inilucd it is a fact that no painstaking earnest collector of rare and precious books can find anywhere reliable collations and descriptions of one-half of them, but he is compelled often to take them on trust. The contents of some of our excellent public and pri- vate libraries are each separately scheduled in print or manuscript sufficiently well no doubt to bo used on the premises in face of the books described, but our learned and indefatigable librarians presiding over the best dozen of our libraries each catalogue their books as can^fuUy and elaborately as if they existed nowhere else, and some- times probably, notwithstanding the celebi'ated ninety- ono rules, in as many ways as there are copies. While some books are thus catalogued over and over again, very many are overlooked and altogether neglected. This is inevitable, but no improvement can bo expected so long as there is no standard, no acknowledged general system worthy the name, no co-operatiou or common interest in Universal Bibliography. Now if those twelve Ctcsars ovor books would each thoroughly bibliographizo separate rare and valuable books and exchange results, instead of all half doing tho same work in a dozen different styles, wo might eventu- ally have our literary history and bibliography in a fit state to ti'ansmit satisfactorily to posterity, instead of continuing the present muddle which is manifestly grow- ing muddlier every year as tho hai-vest of the press accu- mulates. It is doubtless as much as each staff can accomplish to keep up with the growth of its own library without regarding others. As there is little hope of any one library ever even approaching completeness, there is no apparent progress whatever made towards that univer- sal and harmonious catalogue raisonne which we have been so long and so devoutly praying for. We are not moving so fast in iliis matter ns tho world nronncl xis, and are tliort'fbre lajj^ging, a circumstance not creditublo to tho (J rout or Groatur Briton. Tho good old fashioned idea and practice of printed catalugiies of largo and rapidly increasing libraries in this country are wo are sorry to say well nigh abandoned as iui- practicable, while in America tho importance and necessity of them are recognized and at present acted upim ; but it is not unlikely that tho curators of the Congress Library at Washington and of tho Tublic Library at Boston may somewhat modify their notions and practice in this respect, when their collections are increased from some- what under 200,000 to 800,000 or a million volumes, like the library of tho British Museum, or the National Library of Paris. It is well known that thedifllculties of producing a printed catalogue of a largo and rapidly growing library vastly increase in proportion to its size. It is hardly therefore to bo expected that a single institu- tion, national, public or private, should take upon itself tho burden of universal bibliography, or tho right of pre- scribing rules and general principles for others. Tho start" of the British ^luseum library for instance may not dictate to that of Bodley or Paris, and as no one of them is afflicted with alHuent misery, or has sufficient money, men or authority to lead off independently, they, like many lesser lights, are compelled to shine under their own bushels. Of consccpiencc tho manuscript catalogue of each library, however excellent it may be, is of little use except to the owners, and it must, like our unlicensed bei-r bo taken on tho premises. It affords the student outside tho library no adequate means of studying tho bibliogra- phy of his subject at lunne, nor can he compare the books of one library with those of another. This isolation and waste of vain repetition, it is believed, is wholly unnecessary. Ono good portrait by a Titian is bettor than a dozen by inferior or less skilled artists. The best can be multiplied easier than new ones made. ■. 6 So a good portrait of a book is good for all time, and re- plicas may be readily supplied to any extent. It would indeed bo difficult to supply portraits, or descriptive titles and collations of all books at once, but a well digested plan, expansive as an indiarubber band, it is believed, might bo devised wliicli in a few years would supply our public and private libraries with titles as fast as they are required, and at the same time educate a bibliographical staff, that yrould eventually post up the ledger of our literature to date, and keep it up. There is now nothing as we have said approaching a complete bibliographical record of the books of the English language, that is, of Great Britain, America, India and Austi'alia. Germany and France are a little better off, but not much. Other book- printing nations are we believe behind even England. So far nothing has been said of trash or natural selec- tion in our works, the bugbear of half tho critics. It is natural that every man should select such books as ho fancies, but it is only fair that he should leave the same right to others. We all know that in books, what is trash to one person is nuggets to another, and that the tastes of mankind in this respect are as varied as in every thing else. Our notion is that every book, big and little, that is published, like every child that is born, should bo registered, without inquiry into its merits or character. We are no Malthusian either in population or books. Who shall pronounce on the progeny of a mother or an author, and declare that this or that should not have been ? Cer- tainly not the registrar, or the cataloguer. A human soul that is once in existence, or a book that is once in print and published, you cannot well put out of existence. You may kill it, or cut it up in a review, but it exists nevertheless, and should be provided for. If villain- ous, watch and impound it. Ask a hundred men who read as they run, to each exclude a hundred of tho worthless volumes from a library of ten thousand, and the chances are that no single book would receive five black balls. You have a perfect right to turn up your noso at my poems and pronounce tliem trash, while I may if I please indulge in the like luxury of calling your ser- mons stuff and nonsense ; yet we are individual critics, and our opinions go exactly for what they are worth, while our books perhaps rival in the rapidity of sale the PrO' verbial Fhilosopliy, proverbially vitupperated annually at twelve and sixpence ppr column by the professed critic who has it in hand. Not every one is robust enough to relish Bacon or in-lulgo pleasantly or profitably in tho Novum Organum, for his mind may be better adapted to enjoy Peter WiUcins or Mother Ooose's Melodies. Indeed it is amazing, looking up and down our streets and mar- kets, to see how light is the mental pabulum that best nourishes some minds, and what dry and hard meat others require. The lighter a balloon the higher it will rise, even so sometimes the thinner the matter of a book tho higher it goes in the estimation of some of our neigh- bours, whose tastes and opinions are to be respected. No man or person ever wrote a book, probably, so weak and wishywashy but that some mental stomach might bo found just strong enough to thrive upon it. We therefore, in view of the general fitness of things, vote for tho cata- loguing of every book printed as it turns up, leaving the selection to the selectors. There is no fear of being papered up if we arrange, sort and systematise our stores. Who does much, of him much is expected, is an old rule in. international affairs by which England may fairly be called upon to give to the world the first instalment of a Universal Printed Catalogue, made on true bibliographical principles, with full titles and collations, not alone of English printed books, but of all the books in all languages existing in our public and private libraries, or likely to be in them. What we want is a full, clear, plain, practical, exact, precise, concise and comprehensive title, collation and description, that is to say a real portrait and intellec- tual photograph of every one of the books in our libraries, T^ 8 true and expressive like the faces of our friends, and as readily distinguishable and recognizable. They should bo so well executed as to become at once standard by the universal law of superiority and value, and to pass current like our coins. Those titles should bo procurable at small dost, and bo so good as to be adopted as a matter of course by all our public and pi'ivate libraries, as fast as their present back stock of titles can bo adapted or disposed of. Made in this way lovers of books would probably make photographic albums of their favorites in the manner they now do of their friends and companions. This brings us then to our long-cherished hope of A Central BiBLioGRAniicAL Bureau, public or private, where librarians, collectors, and ama- teurs may buy these authorized descriptive titles of books as they buy postage stamps, money orders or telegrams, at a tithe the cost of making them, and at the same timo infinitely superior in quality. Such a bureau, under government protection, it is believed, might from the beginning be made self-supporting or even remunerative, like the Post Office. It would soon become a great edu- cator of the educated and an inestimable boou to the historian, or the literary or scientific researcher, by enabling him at once to find, ready at his hands cut and dried, the materials of his subject. It not unfrequcntly happens that students exhaust their energies in mastering the materials of their subjects, before they put pens to paper. Not every historian has the pluck, persistence and toughness jf Gibbon. A well-stocked and methodi- cal Bibliographical Bureau would have relieved that his- torian of three-fourths of the fag and worry of his twenty years mousing for materials. A student now visits the library of the British Museum, and dives into its volumi- nous, manuscript alphabetical catalogues pretty much as the pearl fisher plunges into the sea. Sometimes he brings up a pearl and is rewarded, but oftcner he brings '.T liM B UM W ggW Ml — J W .' i II 9 up nothing though the pearl grounds bo the best, and the catalogues arc acknowledged to bo surpassed by those of no other large public library. Something akin to our scheme, but a distant relation of it, has been attempted by the Royal Society in its extensive Index to the Scien- tific Papers in the periodicals and transactions of all nations ; and by the South Kensington Museum in its Universal Art Catalogue. Both aro printed, and any library or student may have them, but these creditable works lack scope and execution, being mere lists and not bibliographical catalogues. They aro long paces how- ever in the right direction. Bibliography is fast becoming an exact science, and not a whit too soon. It is high time to separate it from mere catalogue making. It is becoming a necessity to both the scholar and the collector (they are not uhvays identical.) Indeed every considerable library should have two distinct catalogues exclusive of its shelf and admin- istrative lists. The one raisonnc or bibliographical, and the other its index, the latter so constructed as to servo all practical purposes in ordinary cases for a finding, record, and common reference catalogue. They should both be alphabetical, and the titles in the one without exception, be under headings the same as in the other. Let the one be full and descriptive, the other small, compact, and full of condensed brevity. By full titles with collations and descriptions is not meant anything so sprawling, irrelevant, slipshod and lumpy as tho sumptuous works of Dr Dibdin, Ander Schiffahrt, or of others more recently published, printed with the samo stupendous nihilities and vacuities ; but tidy, exact, com- pact and comprehensive, showing in a nutshell all tho reader wishes to know or see, short of the books them- selves. It is not well to put a library into its catalogue, but better to put a catalogue into the library. A cum- 10 H ; ii lii bersome catalogue, like a big thick-paper dictionary is a nuisance. A description of a rare and costly book should tell precisely not only what constitutes a perfect copy, but when applied to an imperfect one should indicate exactly what is wanting, and that in the briefest possible terms, eschewing spacings, broken lines and all biblio- graphical quiddling. These last may be left to book- sellers* and auctioneers* catalogues, and to those who have notions to vend and ventilate by catalogues. We have seen a bibliographical work of considerable preten- sions, recently published, wherein many of the titles, long enough perhaps to fill a line or line and a-half, are expanded by broken bits, points and printer's quads into five or six lines, against all the rules of workmanlike printing, thus filling 150 instead of fifty pages. Such printing cannot be too highly condemned, and such cataloguing can have no pretensions to bibhography, especially as in most cases httle information is given beyond the bare intimation of the existence of a particular edition, with name of the printer, place, date and size. What every collector and librarian wish particularly to know is omitted. At length this preliminary flourish brings us to the an- nouncement of our proposed remedy, which for the want of a better name wo call for the present PHOTO-BIBLIOGRAPHY, or a new application of Photography to Bibliography, a higher and better class of catalogues. It is not intended to supersede, but rather to supplement, improve, syste- matize and elevate the present method of cataloguing our libraries and museums, public and private. It is the result of long stu d numberless devices to accom- plish our biblio^.c^liical aim of fulness and perfect accuracy with reasonable cost of money, space and time. We have not -rot solved, we confess, all the difficulties 11 ' that have presented themselves, but we are sufSciently advanced after many months practice to pronounce with considerable confidence, our system of higher class cata- loguing to be safe, simple, easy, accurate, expeditious and cheap. Without going here into unnecessary details suflBce it now to say that we claim as our invention a new application of photography, and apparatus so contrived and constructed as to enable any sharp bibliographer with one photographer and one lens to collect the titles of the rarest and costliest books, of the average sizes, at the rate of from two to three thousand a week, that is to say, from five to ten times as fast as the best cataloguer can do the work by handwriting, and at the same time immeasurably better. The plan is to reduce all the titles, maps, woodcuts, or whatever is desired to copy, by one uniform scale. This reduction is regulated by the printer, who declares from many specimens exhibited to him, that a reduction of two-thirds will give him excellent copy, far better than the average manuscript. Our titles then are precisely one-third the dimensio^^ or one-ninth tho superfices of the originals. Ni^ found by experience to bo the most convenient multiple, as it avoids fractions, and suits the printer. If the printer be pleased, most other readers will not object to the size. To those who cannot see glasses are respectfully recommended, while those who will not see the photograms are referred to the printed titles which accompany them. Our system is to clear up as we go, and make an alphabetical ' card catalogue,* something after tho manner that is now generally adopted in our principal libraries. The photo^;raras every day as they are collected are trimmed and laid down on pieces of common cheap writing paper cut to the exact size of the thin cards, about four by six inches, which we intend to use. The bibliographer then adds in manuscript tho heading of tho title, the translation (if it be desired) the collation, description, list of mans and plates, notes, or A . ' i 12 "wliatcvcr he deems necessary or important. These titles then go to the printer who prints tho whole, both the photogram and the manuscript, in such a manner as to leave room for mounting the photogram, and in the pre- scribed form, in large or small type according to the space required. This method gets rid of all revising and transcribing tho titles, while the cost of printer's correc- tions is greatly reduced. Tho printer then prints as many copies as are required, some on thin cards and others on strong thin paper for laying down in volumes. The photograms printed on very thin paper are then laid down in the blank places left for them on the cards, and the titles are done, well done and quickly. Now there is no reason why these titles should not bo perfect of their kind, and be produced at moderate cost as fast as they are demanded. An alphabetical catalogue so made is always perfect as far as it goes, and may be from time to time enlarged to any extent. Tho titles may be kept separate, or be mixed with the slip titles of any library. They may bo shuffled and arranged in any order, class or subject. Index and cross reference cards may be added in print or manuscript. Press marks and additions in manuscript to adapt the titles to the parti- cular copies of any library may be added by hand. Should a printed catalogue be made, these titles will supply the best copy, on short notice for the greater part of tho work, the rest, in the way of addition or com- pression, may be done in the usual way by hand. By them books in the library can bo compared to a dead certainty with copies in any other library. The photo- grams instead of being laid down on cai'ds may bo used for illustrating catalogues or other books, and as tho negatives are kept may be supplied in large or small quantities. They serve admirably for comparing type, woodcuts, engravings, and general art purposes. They are very beautiful, and may well serve designers and artists for hints and models. But will they bo beautiful H th ori asj eel shl of tit 13 Thcso titles le, both the aannor as to I in the pre- ying to the revising and :er's correc- nts as many i others on lines. The a laid down ^s, and the 3uld not bo derate cost I catalogue iid may bo Tho titles ip titles of fed in any 3nce cards aarks and he parti- d. itles will 'ater part or com- -nd. By a dead photo- bo used as tho ' small type. They rs and ;autilul for ? Will thov not fade ? Wo O" J ever r W 111 tiioy not lade r Wo answer that some of them in twenty, fifty or a hundred ye.irs, if printed by the ordinary silver process may fade. But they may, as well as anything else, be printed l)y one of tho permanent pro- cesses. The negatives are numbered and so arranged on shelves like books that they may be referred to instantly. One shelf eight feet long will hold the negatives of 10,000 titles, as we know by experience. Our collection of photograms already made comprises many of tho rarest books relating to America and the great discoveries of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, such as the works of Marco Polo, Columbus, Vespucci, Varthema, Cortos, Enciso, Peter Martyr, Oviedo, Lopez de Gomara, Las Caeas, and very many others; also tho great collections of voyages, Grjmaeus, Ramusio, Hak- luyt, De Bry, Hulsius, Purchas, Haertgerts, Saeghman, Thevenot; the geographical works of Ptolemy, Gerard Jode, Ortelius, Mercator, Hondius, and others ; rare books on the East and West Indies, tho Indian lan- guages, Mexico, Peru, Brasil, Virginia, New England, Canada, Japan, China, Russia, and other countries ; early Bibles, Psalms, and Testaments. We have also in our portfolio photograms of most of the early editions of Shakspeare, Milton, Bunyan, Raleigh, and others, with a good sprinkling of early English, French, Spanish, and Italian poetry and romances. When we have say 5000 titles relating to America, or any other extensive sxibject, it is proposed to print one-line Alphabetical Index Catalogues in small type, averaging about seventy letters in a line, and seventy lines on a page, no one title to occupy more than a single line, but in all cases to fill that line, with tho name of the author or the heading, the title, the edition, tho name of printer, place, date, and size, or so much as can be compressed into one lino. This catalogue will serve as a price list of our card titles. A single example of these photogi'ams is given in the u frontispiece of this catalogue. Multiplictl by three it will be perceived that Sanuto's Geography is a largo folio. A few copies of Part I of our Bibliotheca Gcographica have bcou printed on thicker paper, and hav.e been illustrated with about four hundred photograms of the chief books, manuscripts and maps to bo sold in the collection. Tho photograms are laid down on about one hundred leaves like that of tho frontispiece, the whole well bound by Pratt, making a thick octavo volume of some pretension and no little interest to the bibliographer. Those who wish to pursue this subject further may perhaps bo aided by procuring'of the author one of these illustrated copies, price five guineas. We shall bo happy to give further information on this subject to any gentleman who is inte- rested in it, or to supply samples of our photogi'ams or photobibliographic cards. An apology is perhaps due to scholars for the many blunders, ignorances and typographical errors scattered through this our catalogue. Some of them are the printer's, and are easily corrected, but most of them are our own, and lie deeper. They escaped us in our one proof. We did not indulge in a revise, but wo neither point them out nor apologize, believing it better to let the generous critic have the pleasure of finding them himself, and crowing. We can find, no doubt, two to his one, but it is only an auction catalogue and is not worth the trouble. Let him that is without errata in his own lifo indulge. Our Part II of this Bibliotheca Geographica is in course of preparation, the pagenation and numbers to be continued on from this. Our Essay on the Progress of Geography will accompany it. Henry Stevens, a m b The Nuogetoey, 4, Trafalgar Square London, October 25, 1872. BIBLIOTHECA GEOGRAPHICA & HISTORICA FIRST DAY'S SALE BBOT (Abiel) History of Andover [Massachu- eetts] from its Settlement to 1829, ^we clean copy. 120 ^lag ^ Qould, Andover, 1829 This important volume of Local History Las becomo very difficult to meet with. It is divided into eight Chapters, I. Topogmphy ; II. Settlement and Settlers ; III. Indians ; IV. Proceedings of the Town from 1656; V. Ecclesiastical and Paro- chial Affairs ; VI. Education, Schools, Academics, with list and Account of Graduates ; VII. Witchcraft ; VIII. Wars, Pauperism, Population, Marriages, Births, Agriculture, etc. Abert (Lieut. J. W.) Report of the Secretary of War com- municating in Answer to a Resolution of the Senate a Report and Map of the Examination op New Mexico, made by Lieut. J. \V. Abert, tcith all the 23 plates and the large and highly interesting map of the Territory of New Mexico, 1816-47, clean copy uncut, very scarce. 8° Washington, 1848 Abyssinia. Presbiteri Johannis, sive Abissinorom Imperii Descriptio, 17 by 14^ inches, a map, mutilated in lower lorder. lAntverpiee, 1570?] Acapulco. A Plan of the Harbour of Acapulco on the Coast of Mexico in y* South Sea. (A view of 2 of the Ladrone Islands. A Plan of Manila,) 15 by 10 inches. H. W. Seale, sculp. Azores Insulae. Has Insulas perlustravit summaque dili- gentia accuratissime descripsit et delineavit Ludovicus Teisera, Lusitanus, Regia) Maiestatis Cosmographus [with Latin description of 3 Islands at the back], 12^ by 13 inches, fine copy, scarce. [Antverpiai], 1583 B i.| I' m. 2 Bihliotheca Oeographiea Acadia. Bemabks on the French Memorials concern- ing the Limits of Acadia, printed at the Boyal Printing- house at Paris, and distributed by the French Ministers at all the Foreign Courts of Europe, with Two Maps exhibit- ing the Limits. One according to the System of the French, the other conformable to the English Rights, etc. To which is added, an Answer to the Summary Discussion, fine clean copy, tcarce) 8" T. Jejferys, London, 1756 There is, we believe, no book of About this dnlc anrl 8i7c that can be compared with this for valuable {geographical and bibUogiapliical infor- mation respecting Canada, Nova Scotia and Acadia. It embraces the whole Territory South of the llivcr and Gulf of St. Lawrence, and East of Lake Champlain and Massachusetts, and includes all the dis- puted tracts and grants of both the English and French Governments. The two valuable maps on the same scale, show clearly what is claimed by each party. 7 AoosTA (Joseph de) Ilistoria Naturalo e Morale dclle Indie, very fine large and clean copy, vellum. d*" Bernardo Basa, Venetia, 159G 8 AcosTA (Joseph de) De NaturaNovi Orbis libri duo, et do Promulgatione Evangolii apud Barbnros sivo de Piocuranda Indorum salute, libri sex, calf. 8° Col. Apr. 1590 9 AoosTA (Joseph de) Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies, translated by E. G[rimstone],^ne copy in limp vellum. 4P London, lGO-i< 10 AcosTA (Joseph de) Historie Natuhael et Morael van de Westorsche Indien. Wt don Spaenschcn overgheset door Jan Huyohen van LiNscnoTEN, woodcuts, a scarce edition 4P Hendrick Laurensz, Amsterdam, 1021) 11 Adam (William, of Canaan, Litchfield County, Connecticut) Genealogy of the Adam Family, by W. Adam of Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn, with many manuscript corrections and additions. 8" Joel Munsel, Albany, 1848 This Adam family goes back only to 1714, and comes from Bowfield, liOcbwinnoch, Renfrewshire, Scotland. 12 Adam (William) Genealogy of the Adam Family, [with MS. additions and corrections, by S. G. Drake] — Another copy. 12" Joel Munsel, Albany, 1848 13 Adams (Charles Francis) The Struggle for Neutrality in America: an Address before the New York Historical Society, Dec. 13, 1870. 8° If. Fork, 1871 14 Adams (Daniel, M.B.) An Oration at Fitchburg, Oct. 12, 1801, by the Appointment and at a Meeting of the Militia OfiBcers of the 4th Eegiment,^«e copy, uncut. 8" Adams if Wilder, Leominster, Mass. 1802 15 Adams (Daniel) The Understanding Reader, or Knowledge before Oratory, being a New Selection of Lessons in Head- ing, the Definition of Words, etc. in a Method wholly different from anything ever before published. Sixth Edition. 8" Isaiah Thomas, Worcester, [1803] Morale doUe Bibliotheoa Iliatoriea 3 16 Adams (John) Oeachiodeuis van bet Qeschil tusschen O root- Britannia on Amcrika, Ecdert deszelfs Oorsprong in 1754 tot op den tegenwoordigen tijd,^n0 copy uncut, tcaree. 8" W. Holtrop, Amst. 1782 This book is sought for pnrticnlarly on account of the fine portrait it contains of tho Second President, John Adarai, painted by Vinlcelei, and engraved by W. Holtrop. 17 Adams (John, President) A Selection of the Patriotic Ad- dres8e8 to the President of the United States, [John Adam»] together witli the President's Answers. Presented in tho year 1799, and the Twenty-Second of the Indepen- dence of Ataorica., Jine copy, calf. 12" John W. FoUom, Bottom, 1798 18 Adams (John, Pretident) The Inadmissible Principles of the King of England's Proclamation, of October 16, 1807, considered by the late President Adams, uncut, scarce. 8° Everett ^ Munroe, Boston, 1809 Important for the origin and objects of tho War of 1812, containing a history of tho British Ivivpreumtnt oj Seamen, and the American Embargo. 19 Adams (John, President) Correspondence of the late Pre- sident Adams, originally published in the Boston Patriot, in a Series of Letters, No. 1 to 10, the original ten numbers uncut, filling ^72 pages, very scarce, a few letters gone from page 97. 8° Everett Sf Munroe, Boston, 1809-10 These important Ijctters firft publislied in the " Boston Patriot," from the 19th May, 1809, to the 8th Feb. 1810, contaui a full history, from the Adatns' point of view, of the Negotiations that terminated in the acknowledgment of American Independence by Great Britain, together with President Adams' defence of his Administration against the charges of Alexander Hamilton. 20 Adams (John Till) An Elegy sacred to tho Memory of that Patron of Virtue tho truly admired and pious J. T. Adams, MB. of Bristol. Whose lloaven-born Soul, leav- ing its Earthly Shrine fled to its native Home, and was received to Host on Monday tho 20th Day of February, Ouc Hour, P.M. or Afternoon, VJ^G, frontispiece toith por- trait, cloth, scarce. 8° E. Sibley, Bristol, 1786 21 Adams (Joseph) A Poetical Sketch of the Rise and Pro- gress of tho IJniversalist Society in Watertown, Mas- sachusetts, uncut^ a few letters gone from the last leaf, scarce. 12° Fur the Author, Newton, 1837 This mild historical Squib consists of about 275 four line stanzas, such as this : — A certain man [Phileman R. Russell] from Winchester, Did Journey on his way ; Ilim they engaged as Minister To preach one Sabbath day. 22 Adams (Moses) The Trial of, before tho Supreme Judicial Court of tho Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on an Indictment for the Murder of his Wife, [Verdict, not Guilty], uncut. 8" E. B. Tileston, Boston, 1815 \r V, 11 i '!i' lii 4 Bibliotheca Ocographica 23 AdnmB (".folm Quincy, l*resident) Corrospondencc between J. Q. AuaiiiH nnd scvoral [131 CitizonH of MassachuHettH, concerning the chnrgo of n deHign to diuBolvo tho Union alleged to Imvo cxiHlod in that State, to which ia now added additional Papers, scarce, and of the highest historical im- portance. 8" J. Elliot, Washington, 1829 2'1) Adams (Zabdicl, of LunenhurgK) Tho HanninoBB and Plea- Hure of Unity in Christian Societies, considerod. A Sermon preached at a Lecture in Bolton, New-Eugland, on August 2Gth, 1112, Jine copy, scarce. 12° Isaiah Thomas, Boston, 1772 25 Adams (Zabdiel, of Lunenhurgh) An Answer to a Pamphlet lately published, intitled, " A. Treatise on Church Oovern- ment," wherein, first, tho Errors of this anonymous Author's Narrative of tho Troubles and Transactions in the Church in Bolton are corrected. Secondly his Cavils against Mr. Adams' Sermon are answered, etc. — Also thirdly, That tho account ho has given of Councils, etc. is partial, otc^ne copy, uncut, scarce. 8" Isaiah Thomas, Boston, 1773 A ralunblo piece of locnl and ecclesinsticnl liigtory. 20 Adams County, Pennsylvania, Map of. Scale 1} inches per mile, 35 by 41 inches, coloured [Fhil., 1802] 27 Adamson (M.) A Friendly Epistle to Neighbour John Taylor, of the City of Norwich, occasioned by looking over his Sermon containing an earnest Invitation to him to join the Quakers and not to attempt to raise up a New Sect, when there are so many already in the world. The 3rd edition, to which is added a Short Dialogue between Mr. Timothy Tell-truth and Obadiali Friendly.^ne and clean. 8" S. Kneeland, Boston, N.E. 1738 28 Addhess and Eecommendations to the States, by the United States in Congress assembled. First edition, fine clean copy, scarce. 8° David C. Claypoole, Philadelphia, 1783 29 Address (An) of Members of tho House of .Kepresentatives of the Congress of the United States to their Constituents, on the subject of the War with Great Britain, uncut. 8° J. Eliot, Jun. Boston, 1812 30 Address of a Minister to the Church under his Pastoral Care in which it is inquired, " Whether a Church is obliged, or authorised by any Precept or Precedent in the New-Testament, to require a publick formal and explicit Confession of some particular Misdemeanors, which is con- sidered by many as previously necessary to a Christian Pro- fession, to Baptism, and to Christian Communion, etc." Wherein "most of the Passages in the New Testament supposed to countenance the Practice are carefully ex- amined, their True Meaning ascertained, and tho Negative side of the Question conclusively established," scarce, ^«e copy. 8° E. BattcUe, Boston, 1784 Bibliolheca Ilittorica 5 .11 AddrcBS to tho I'ooplo of Groat Britain, on the Propriety of Abstaining from Wost-India Su^nr ond Kum, Otn edition 8" Reprinted by Samuel Hill, Jioston, 1702 It is CHtittmtodin this paper that by nhgliviiiing from the use of slivve- ({rown NU|;iir, fi Ihs n week, lor 21 montha, you will pruvont tho eltvcry or murder of one fellow creature. 32 AddroBs (An) to Protestant Diaaentors of all Denomina- tions on the approaching Election of Members of Parlia- ment with respect to tlio state of Public Liberty in General, and of American Alfuird in particular, Jlne copy oj thit aecond and very rare edition. 8" Thomas and John Fleet, Boston, New England, 1771( 33 Aduhkss (An) to tho Public, containing fiemnrks on the present Political State of tho American Itepublicks, etc. by Amicus Keipublica;, [dated at end N — h 11 — n, December, 178G,]7Zwe copy, scarce. 8° Samson and Jtanlet, Exeter, N. II. [178G] 31 Adelphus (Johannks) Sequctiarum luculcta interpre- tatio : nedu scholasticis, sed et ecclesiasticis cognitu nccoa- saria ; p Joan. Adelphu physicu Argetin collocta,_/fnfl copy, scarce. 4" Argent. 1513 Dr. John Atleiphus, of Miilillngcn, wns the editor, or reviser of several of the earliest books relating; to America, primed at Strusburg, such as the Globus Mundi, Cosmographico Introductio, etc. 35 Aden. Historical and Statistical Sketches of Aden, in Arabia Felix, during a Two Years' Residence in that Colony ,.by an Officer in the Queen's Army, plates, scarce. S° liueben Twigg, Madras, 1848 30 Ji!gyptu8 Antiqua [A Map of] mandato serenissimi Del- phiui public! jurisfacta, Auctor D'Anvillo, 12J by \Q\ inches, coloured. Paris, 1765 37 -^neas. Voyage d'Eneo [a Map, comprising portions of Europe, Asia, aud Africa, with tho route of ^neas traced,] clean, 12 by S\ inches. Paris, 1700 '? 38 .Ethiopia (A Map of the Higher and Lower), compre- hending ye several Kingdomes, tho Empire of the Abis- sines, Zanguebar, Nubia, etc. Congo, etc. with the Isles of Madagasca, designed by Mens. Sanson, and rendred into English by Eic. Blome, 10 by 12 inches, Jlne copy London, 1669 39 Africa. Ethiopia Soperior vel Interior, vulgo Abissino- rom sive Presbiteri Joannis Imperium. Ethiopia Inferior vel Exterior, 2 maps, each 19 J by 15 inches,Jine and clean. [Amst. 1660?] 40 Africa, or Libia Ulterior, where are the Countries of Saara Desert, the Countrio of Negroes and Guine, with tho Circunjjacent Countries and Kingdoms, designed by Men- sieur Sanson, and rendered into Eugliah by Kichard Blome, 1(3 by 11 inches, Jine copy. London, 1669 II ll 6 Biblioiheca Oeographica 41 Africa (A New Map of), designed by Mon. Sanson, ren- dered into English by Bichard Blome, 2H hy 15 incheSt fine copy. {^London ^ 1669 42 Africa. Noviasima et Perfectissima Africae Descriptio ex Forniis Caroli Allard,^rte copy, 23 by 19J inches. Atnstelo-Batavis, [1695?] 43 Africa. L'Afrique divisee suivant I'estendue de ses princi- pales parties on sent distingues les Empires, Monarchies, lloyaumes, Estats et Peuples, par le Sr. Sanson, smoked, 34 by 22 inches, coloured. Hubert Jaillot, Paris, 1696 44 Africa. Carte Generale de I'Afrique, lev^e par Ordro Expres des Boys de Portugal sous Qui on en a Fait la De- couverte [including part of Braail,] scarce, clean copy, 34 by 23 inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700 ?] 45 Africa. Carte des Costes de I'Afrique lepuis Cap. de Lopo, jusques a I'lsle Mazira. Levee par Ordre Expres des Boys de Portugal sous qui on en a fait la Decouverte, clean, 19^ by 21 inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700 ?J 46 Africa. Carte Particuliere des Costes do I'Afrique depuis C. del Gado jusques Bio Mocambo et les Isles aux Envi- rons, Levee par Ordrc Expres des Boys de Portugal sous qui on en a fait la Decouverte,^«e, 22^ by 16 inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700 ?] 47 Africa. Cartes des Costes de I'Afrique sur le Mer Medi- terranee, et le Detroit de Gibraltar, les Isles de Maderes et des Canaries, Jusques a Tungarral. Levee par Ordre Expres des Boys de Portugal sous qui on en a fait la Decouverte, ^rtc, 54 by 20 inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700 ?] 48 Africa. Carte Particuliero des Costes de I'Afrique qui comprend le Pays de Cafres, etc. Levee par Ordre Expres des Boys de Portugal sous qui on en a fait Decouverte, fine, 32^ by 22\ inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700 ?] 49 Africa. Carte des Costes de I'Afrique on est corapris une Partie de Guinee, le Boyaume do Benin, I'lsle do St. Thomas, etc. Levee par Ordre Expres des Boys de Por- tugal sous qui on en ^ fait Decouverte, y?«c, 30 by 20 inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700 ?] 50 Africa. Carte Particuliero des Costes de I'Afrique qui comprend le Boyaume de Maroc, etc. Levee par Ordre Expres des Boys de Portugal sous qui on en h. fait la De- couverte, y?«e, 33 by 21 i inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700?] 51 Africa. Carte Particuliero des Costes de I'Afrique qui comprend le Boyaume de Cachao le Province de Gelofo, etc. Levee ])ar Ordre Expres des Boys de Portugal sous qui on en a fait la Decouvorte,.^«e, 30 by 21 \ inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700 ?] Bihliotheca Historica 7 62 Africa. Carte Particuliere des Costes do I'Afrique qui comprend une Partie de Congo, etc. Levee per Ordre Expres des fioys de Portugal sous qui on en ^ fait la De- couverte,^ntf, 17 by 22 5 inches, coloured. Pierre Mbrtier, Amsterdam, [1700 f] 53 Africa. Carte des Costes de I'Afrique depuis Cabo Corso jusques a Omorro. Levee par Ordre Expres des Boys do Portugal sous qui on en a fait la Decouverte,^«c, 17 bt/ 22 ^ inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700 ?] 54 Africa. Carte Particuliere des Costes de I'Afrique depuis Cabo Ledo jusques au Cap de Bone Esperaiice. Levee par Ordre Expres des Eoys de Portugal sous qui on en a fait la Decouverte,_/?wc, 17 by 22|^ inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700 ?] 55 Africa, with all its States, Kingdoms, etc. improved and enlarged from D'Anville's Map, to which have been added a particular Chart of the Gold Coast, wherein are distin- guished all the European Forts and Factories, by S. Boulton, and also a summary Description relative to tlio Trade and Natural Produce, Manners, and Customs of the African Continent uud Islands, ttvo sheets, each 48 hy 20 inches, coloured. Laurie and Whittle, London, 12th May, 179 1 56 Africa. Carte Encyprotype de I'Afriquo reduite de la Carte sur le feuilles du mcme Auteur, Par H. Brue, Jine, 28i by 21 inches, coloured. Paris, [1800 ?] 57 Africa (Map of) Ilerausgegeben von J. C. Ilinrichs, 14 by 12 inches, coloured. Leipzig, 1814 58 ArniCAN Trabe. The National and Private Advantages of the African Trade considered, being an Enquiry how far it concerns the Trading Interests of Great Britain to maintain the Forts and Settlements in Africa belonging to the Koyal African Company of England, with a correct Map of the Coast of Africa and all the European Settle- ments, map, Jine copy, uncut. 8° John and Paul Knapton, London, 174G The object of this book of 128 pages, is to induce Parliament to grant, in the manner it now does to the Cunard Company, a subsidy of £30,000 per annum to the Royal African Company to carry on its trade in Negroes to the Plantations in America, and to supply the surplus ones to the Spanish provinces there. " This trade is the most nationally beneficial of any we carry on. It is also allowed on all hands, that the trade to Africa is the branch which renders our American Colonies and Plantations so advantageous to Great Britain." Only thirty years before the Declaration of American Independence, Parliament is urged to supply the Colonies abundantly with negroes, in order to preserve their dependancy on the British Crown, for the benefit of the British Manufacturer, Merchant, and Landed Gentlemen. The atrocious earnestness of these arguments is equalled only by the greed for money exhibited by this Company, which had for its supporters Tery many of the highest names in the land, whose wealth in the hands of their grandchildren even nowsavors of the Negro. 1 f y I 8 Bihliotheea Qeographica 59 Africa. South Africa, delineated from yarious Documents, by A. Arrowsmith, scarce, 37 by 24 inches, coloured, fine copy. London, March, 1815 60 AtricsB Antiquffl et quariindum Europa^, A siaeq ue, adiacen- tium BegioDum accurata delineatio edita a Nicolas Blan- cardo, Batavo, 21 by 14^ inches, clean. [Amst. 1680?] 61 AfricsB, described, the Manners of their Habits and Build- inge, newly done into English, by S. S. and published at the charges of G. Hunable, 20 by \b\ inches, fine copy, London, 1626 62 Ajpkicje ProprioB Tabula, in qua Punica regna uides ; Tyrios, et Agenoris vrbem. Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrahami Ortelii,^nc large copy, 18?^ by 13i inches. [Aniverpiae,'] 1590 63 Agueros (Pedro Gonzales de) Descripcion Historial de la Provincia y Archipielago de Chile 3 en el Eegno de Chile y Obispado de la Concepcion, with a large and elaborate cop- per-plate map of the Province and Archipelago of Chiloe, on a scale of 20 leagues to a degree, plate at p. 15, fine copy, calf, scarce. 4° Don Benito Cano, [Ziwio,] 1791 A book of very considerable geographical value. To it is appended, pp. 251-314, Noticias Fracticas e individuales de las Islas nombradas Tulgarmente de Otahiti 6 Carolinas, situados en el Liar del Sud, 6 Facifico. 64 Aiken (Solomon, of Dracuft, Ft.) An appeal to the Churches containing animadversions on three Ecclesiastical Councils, with Observations on the Convocation of the Churches, and a suit commenced and charges presented against their representatives forming the said Councils, uncut, 120 pages, scarce. 8° K P. Walton, Montpelier, Vt. 1821 65' Aire (Plnn de la Ville d') et duFort St. Francois Ville Forte du Comte d'Artois situee sur la Lis k trois Lieues de S. Omer, etc. 19 by 15 inches Pierre Husson, La Haye, n. d. 66 Akenside (Dr.) The Pleasures of Imagination ; a Poem, to which is added The Art of Preserving Health, a Poem, by Dr. Armstrong, clean copy on thick paper. 12° Wayland and Davis, JVew York, 1795 67 Albany, etc. A Chorographical Map of the Country between Albany, Oswego, Frontenac, and Les Troia Rivieres, exhibiting all the Grants made by the French Governors on Lake Champlain, and between that Lake and Montreal, by Thomas Jefferys, very fine copy, 20| by 26^ inches, coloured. [London, 1768 ?] This map is of the highest rarity and importance, especially for Ver- mont. The grants of the townships between Lake Champlain and Connecticut River are mostly laid down, both those granted by New York and New Hampihiro, up as far as Banict. The places on the Mohawk Rirer are all indicated, as well as those on the Hudson abore Albany. mbliotheca Ilis/orica n G9 70 71 G8 Albany, New York. Map of the Vicinity of Albany and Troy, by J. C. Sidney, 36 % 39 inches, coloured, mounted on calico. W. II, Young, publisher, 1851 Albany, Early Recohds of the City and County of Albany and Colony of llensselaerswyck, 1G56-1673, trans- lated from the original Dutch, with Notes, by Jonathan Pearson, cloth. imp. 8° J. Munsel, Albany, N. Y. 1SU9 Albeutus Magnus. Habes in hac pagina, Amice lector, Alberti Magni Germaui pricipis philosophi, de natura loco- rum Librum niira eruditione, ct singular! fruge refertu, et iam primum summa diligeda reuisum, in luce reditun:, quern leges diligetius, vel si Cosmographia vel Physica profecisse te voluris, Jine copy, slightly wormed, scahce, [Colophon over the monogram of Alantse of Vienna] 4P Argentoratif Ex Aedibus Matthice Schurerij, Mense Januario, 1515 A very important mediaeval geographical work, editeil by the gcogfaphical fraternity at Vienna. In Chapter VII, in which the author discusses whether or not the land south of the Equator extends to the Southern Pole, and is inhabited, George Tanstctter Collimitius, the editor, adds a nifirginal note on the recto of D, to the effect that Vespucci had sailed as far south as 50", and finding land inhabited, so described it. Albeutus Magnus. Liber secretorum Alberti magni do virtutibus herbarum : et animalium quoruudam. Eius- demq; liber do mirabilibus mundi ; et etiam de quibusdaiu ettectibus causatis a quibusdam animalibus, etc. fine clean copy, very scahce, in double column, with handsome woodcut frontispiece. 4" [Colophon'] Impressum Venetiis per Jo. Bap. Sessa Anno Domini 1502, Dies vero 12 Februarii Albion, Orleans County, New York (Map of the) Village of, by F. French, [with views of Kesidences,] fine clean copy, 43j by 38 inches, coloured, Philadelphia, 1857 Alden (Ebenezer) The early history of the Medical pro- fession in the County of Norfolk, Massachusetts. An Ad- dress before Norfolk District Medical Society, May 10, 1853, tmcut. 8« Boston, 1853 Tliis im]iortant book contains biographical notices of the chief mcilical men, from the earliest to the i)reseut time, who lived in the towns of Weymouth, Quincy, Braiiitree, Randolph, Dorchester, Alilton, Canton, btoughton, Sharon, Foxborough, Dedham, Dover, Med(icl ject, and tend to show that Discovery and Nautical Astronomy advancsd hand in hand. Bibliotheca Hutorica 11 Si Alexandria, vetustissimum ^gypti emporium, Ampliasima civitas, ab Alexandro Magno condita, rouris turrib* et pro- pugnaculia ea forma, qua heic depicta videtur ante Christi udventum Anuis 320 constructa fuit magnifica olini etnunc quoque bene munita conspicitur, sed intra moonia ruinis et ruderib' plenn, Magnitudme Lutetiae Parisiarum respondet. [with Latiu letterpress at the back] 18| by 14^ inches, clean. [^Amst. 1590] 85 Alexandria. A correct account of the Battle of Alexandria, with a sketch of the Campaign in Egypt, under Sir Ealph Abercrombie, uncut. 8° Southicick ami Ilardcastle, New York, 1801 80 Algerii Saracenorum urbis fortissimae in Numidia Africto I'lovincia structa iuxta Balearieos fliictus Maediterranei {rquoris Hispaniam contra, Othmanoz Pricipu jmperio rodacta) imago [with Latin description at the back], 19| by 13^ inches. [Amst. 1580?] 87 Allan (Peter John) The Poetical Remains of P. J. Allan, late of Fredcricton, New Brunswick. AVith a short Bio- graphical Notice, edited by the Kev. H. Christmas, cloth, uncut. &" London, 1853 88 Allen (Col. Ebenezci) A Circular or short Biography of Col. E. Allen, known as Capt. or Major in the New Hamp- shire Grants and its Rangers, a d. 1777, and after, historical and scarce. S" Dated Grand Isle, Vermont, Dec. 1851 With iiiany manuscript notes, aiMitions. and corrections, in the hand- writing of Zailok Tlionii'son, author of the Civil and Natural History of Vermont. 89 Allen (Col. Ebenezer, of Vermont.') Reprint of a Short Biography of Col. E. Allen, known in the New Ilamshiro Grants as Captain or Major, 1777, before and after. Also short Biographies of Lieut. Samuel Allen and Dr. Jacob Roebuck. Some Reminiscences of Lake Champlain, scarce. 8" J. W. Tuttle, Plattsburyh, 1852 90 Allen (Ethan) Narrative of the capture of Tieouderoga, and of his Captivity and treatment by the British, written by himself, fifth edition, with Notes,^He copy, uncut. h" C. Goodrich, Burlington, 1819 This edition contains mnch that is not in any other. 91 Allen (Ethan) Report of the Committee under the Act providing for the erection of a Monument over the grave of Ethan Allen. [J. N. Poineroy and G. P. Marsh, Com- mittee.] 8° Montpelicr, J 858 92 Allen (Ileman) Exposition of the Controversy subsisting between Silas llathway and himself, uncut, scarce, Privately printed. h" {Montpclier ? 1822] 93 Allen (Ilcman) Statement [by the defendants] of the cause of lleiiian Allen v. Hathway and Peirson, [with Judge Bray ton's Report of the Case of Heman Allen v. llathway and I'eir&on, containing all the evidence admitted] Privately jirintal, hhck/, scarce. .S' '^BuiUiiyton, Vermont, 1822] '4 1 ; 12 Bibliotheca Oeographica 91 Allen (TIeman) Remarks of Mr. Allen, Counsel upon tlie Petition of Silas Hathway, praying for a new trial, and drawn up by S. Prentiss, with the Opinion of Daniel Webster upon the validity of the Act of the Vermont Legislature of 1821, granting a new trial in the action of Heman Allen v. S. Hathway and Uziel Pierson, with MS. corrections, Jine copy, uncut, scarce, Privately printed. 8» [Burlington ? 1S22] The question was, Have the Legislature a Constitutional ri}:bt to grunt a new trial in a case where a decision lias been had in the Supreme ur higliest Court? 95 Allen {Oen. Ira) A concise Summary of the second volume of the Olive Branch. A book containing an account of Governor Chittenden's giving written instructions to Gen. Ira Allen in 1795 to purchas Military Stores in Europe for the Militia of the State of Vermont, SCABCE. 8" For the Author, Philadelphia, April, ]S07 9G Allen (John and Thomas Shepard, Pastors of Dedham and Camhridje in New England) Defence of the AnsAver made unto the nine Questions or Positions sent from New England against the Keply thereto, by John Ball, scarce. 4° London, 1648 97 Allen {Bev. Joseph) Topographical and Historical Sketches of the Town of Northborough, with the early history of Marlborough, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,^He copy, uncut, a scarce volume of local and family history. 8" Lincoln and Baldwin, Worcester, 182G 98 Allen (Paul, jun.) An Oration on the Necessity of Political Union at the present day at the Commericement of Ehodo Island College, 1797. 8° Carter and Wilkinson, Providence, 1797 99 Allen (Samuel C.) Eulogy on the Hon. John Wheelock, President of Dartmouth University, who died April 4, 1817, pronounced August 27, 1817, the day of the Anniversary Coanneucemout,^«eco;;y, uncut, biographical and scarce. 8° David Watson, Jr., Hanover, 1817 100 Allen (Stephen T.) An Address in Merrimack, N. H. April 3, ISIO, at the Centennial Celebration of the Incor- poration of the Town. 8° Dickinson and Co., Boston, 1846 A valuable volume of local history, containing besides the history and statistics of the Township, a full genealogical account of its families. 101 Allen (Thomas, of Pittsfield) Submission to the Will of God; a Discourse, occasioned by the death of Thomas Allen, jun., one of the llepresentatives of this town in the General Court, who died 22nd March, 180G, uncut, scarce. 8" Phineas Allen, Pittsfield, April, 180G 102 Allen (Thomas, of Pittsfield) An historical Sketch of the County of Berkshire atid town of Pittsfield, May, 1808, uncut, SCAHCE. 8" B'k'her and Armstrong, Boston, 180S Bibliotheca Ilistorica 13 103 Allen (Thomas) A Sermon preached before James Sullivan, Governor, the Council and Legislature of Massachusetts, on the day of Election, May 25th, 1808. 8° Adams and Ithoadea, Boston, [1808] 1 04. Allen ("William) A Sermon before Caleb Strong, Governor, the Council and Legislature of Massachusetts, May 2Gth, 1813, being the Anniversar}' Election, Jine copy, uncut, a U'ord or two gone from the last leaf. 8" Russell and Cutler, Boston, 1813 105 Allen (William of Northampton, Author of the American Biogr. Dictionary.) An Historical Discourse in Dorchester, Jan. 2, 1848, the fortieth Anniversary of the gathering of the second Church under the care of the late John Codman. 8° T. R. Marvin, Boston, 1848 106 Allen (William) Memoir of John Codman, D.D., vi^ith Eeminisceuces by Joshua Bates, D.D., late President of Middleburg College, Vermont. 8° Marvin and Whipple, Boston, 1853 107 Allen (William, author of the American Biog. Dictionary) Au Address at Northampton, Mass., October 29, 1854, in commemoration of the close of the Second Century since the settlement of the Town [with an historical, statistical, and genealogical Appendix of great value.] 8" Hopkins, Bridgman and Co., Northampton, 1855 108 Allston (Washington, American Painter,) The Sylphs of the Seasons, with other poems, first American edition, SCARCE. 12*> Cummings and Ililliard, Boston, 1813 109 ALMAGRO {El Mariscal Diego de, first the friend and afterwards the rival and enemy of Don Francisco de PiZAiiRo) A long original Autogi-aph Letter to Charles V addressed " f ala. S. C. C. mgt. el enperador Rey don carlos nro S'^''" nearly sixty very closely written lines on two foolscap folio pages, dated in Peru, at Pachacamac, the Ist of January, 1535. This genuine and highly importtint historical document is marked " Diir I'licada," and this may perhaps account for its having found its way nut of the public archives of Spain. It is probably the only original Manuscript Letter of Alniagio that has ever occurred for sale in this country. The Story of Almagro I Is it not well told by Prescott in loo pages of his Conq^iest of Peru? How he was a foundling, a suitlier, and an adventurer. How he su]iplicd the money and joined another ftmndling and adventurer named Pizarro, and went forth from Piinama to conquer the barbaric empire of Peru. How the foundlings ([uturelled, and how Charles V favoured them both. This letter to tlie Emperor recounts his past services, withdraws a former ajijilication for a deputy-governorship under PizaiTo, and asks a governorship of a country which he had partly explored beyond the Territory of Pizarro, where he could follow up the di.«coveries of the Straits and the Spicerics, which Magelan had opened. It has been said that Almagro could no more write his own name than could Charlemagne, but this despatch seems to tell another story. We believe it both genuine and from his own pen, though it is possible tliat iii.< secretary may have written it all save tlic tinishing touch to the flourish of his signature, as was custoniarv. f II Bihliothcca Oeographica 110 Alsatia. Siiporioris Alsatiro ncc non Bn'sigavioc et Simt- gavite Geographica Tabula ex conatibus ^icoloai Visacher, 22 by 18 inches, coloured, fine. [^Amst. 1680 ?] III Alpenlaudcr (Atlaa der) Schweiz, Savoyen, Sixd-Bayern, Tirol, Salzburg, Erzlierzogthum Osterreidi etc. nach den neut'sten Materialien bearbeitct von J. O. Mayn. — Ersto Lieferung: Titel imd tibersichtsblatt, Section I. luid IV. clean, 25 hy 17 inches, coloured, Justus Perthes, Ootha, 1858 112 Alto Velo Island. Eeport of the Secretary of State on tlie Claim of Patterson and Murguicndo, with a further Argument of the Claimaints. S*" Government Printing Office, Washington, ISfiS This valuable publication contains no less than sixteen facsimile copies of early and late maps of St. Dominj^o and adjacent parts, taken from tiie Kohl Collection in the Dei)artnicnt of State at Washington. These facsimile nia])S alone render tliis a book of very consideral)le geo<;ra- ))hical importance outside the small island of Alto Velo, the subject of the controversy. 113 Ambacht. Perfccto Kaerte ran't Berger en Broucborger Aiiibacht mitsgadcrs de Wateringcn cndc do Vicr Dycken, door N. Visschor, clean, 20 J hi/ 10 inches Amst. n. d, 111 America. Insula) AmericaiiiB in Oceano Septentrional!, cum Terris adiacentibus, a sjyicndid map, 20^ hj 15 inches, fine copy, Apnd Joanncm Janssonium, Amst. 1G35 ?j 115 America. Carte Nouvello de I'Ameriquo Angloise con- tenant la Virginie, Mary-Land, Caroline, Pensylvania, Nou- vellc Torek, N. Jarsey.N. Erance,et les Terres Nouvellcmcnt Decouverte, par le Sieur S. \_Parte Orientate^ fine copy, 3G hy 23}i inches, coloured Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700] A very valuable map. The " Porte de St Duluth " is laid down, but some little distance from the present town of that name. New Yoi-k and Connecticut are pretty fully described, as indeed is the most of New England to Lake Cluimi)lain. 110 America. Chart of the N. W. Coast of America, and tho N. E. Coast of Asia explored in the years 1778 and 1779, prepared by Lieut. Ileny. Koberts, under the immediate inspection of Capt. Cook, a splendid'map loith the tracks of various Navigators,fine copy, 2GA by \o\ inches, coloured, 2nd edition. Win. Faden, London, Jan, 1, 1791 117 Ameuica. a New Map of the Whole Continent of Ame- rica, divided into North and South, and West Indies, wherein are exactly described the United States of North America, as well as the several European Possessions according to the Preliminaries of Peace, signed at Ver- sailles, Jan. 20, 17S3, compiled from M. D'Auville'a Maps, with the addition of the Spanish Discoveries in 1775, to tho North of California, and corrected in the several Parts belonging to Great Britain, from the original materials of Gov(!rnor Pownall, 2 sheets, each 4:7 by 20\ inches, coloured, SCAIICK and valuable. Laurie cj- Whittle, London, 12th May, 1791 Bibliotheca lUstorica 15 118 America (Two IVfapa of) Nortli America and South. America, each 9 bi/ 7 inches. J. Fhinn, sculpt. [1750 VJ 119 America. A Map of the BrilJdh Empire iu America, witii tlio French, Spanish, and the Dutch Settlements adjacent tiiereto, by Ilenry Popple [with a view of the Falls of Niagara], fine copy, lU by 19^ inches. Frintedfor T. Covens and C. Mortier, AntslerJam, 1773 120 America (A. Map of) Nord-America und die Autilliacheii Inseln, 13 by 17 inches, coloured clean J. C. Hinrichs, Leipzig, 181 li 121 America. Historisch-Statistischc Notiz der (irossbrit- taunischen Colonien in America mit politisclien Anmcr- kungcn die gegenwilrtigen Americanischen Uuruhen bct- rclVend I'i" Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1770 It WHS upon informatinn such as is contained in this rare boo)?, tlint tlio I'rinccs were induced to sell their Hessians to serve under iiuryoyno and others in America in 1777. 122 America. L'Aiuerique Delivree, Esquis.sc d'un Poemo sur rindepeudance de I'Amerique, 2 woh.finc uncut copy 8° /. A. Crajenschot, Amsterdam, 17S3 Tlie Dedication to John Adams is signed L. C. d. 1. G. Whatever the value of tlie poem may be, the extensive historical notes arc of very great interest, full of incident, anecdote and historical facts. 123 Ameuica. The History of America, iu Two Books, con- taining, I. A General History of America. 11. A Concise llistorv of the late Revolution, extracted from the American Edition of the Encyclopoedia, the second edition, toith two maps, a scarce and valuable book. 12° T. Dobson, Philad. 1795 As Uobson's edition of the Edinburgh Encyclopnedia is not accessible in this country, this edition in separate form is convenient. 121 Amehica. The Late Kegulations respecting the British ■ Colonies on the Continent of America, considered in a Letter from a Grentleman in Philadelphia to hia Friend in London, y?/ie copy, uncut, very rare. 8° William Bradford, Philadelphia, 17G'> 125 America. Die Ankuuft der Deutschcn aus Amerika, eiu Lustspiel in einem Aufzuge, 55 pages, rare and entertaining. 12" Jlof, 17SJf This stupid play is built on the German mercenary soldiers in America, (probably the Ilessians). who were sold to the English by their Princes, and sent off like so many sheep to the slaughter, but who escaped that fate by surrendering with Burgoyne and his Army. Sonic lived to die in America, but some returned home to be laughed at. " Sophia — Ah, we were just talking about the Americans. The Bailie's wife thinks that the man who has been in America is not a hair better than the one who has remained in Germany, and I am quite of her opinion. Bailie — If you women would only not talk about s.icli things ! you understand nothing about it. A man who has been in America deserves esteem, — especially if he is not conceited about it, etc.'' The chief fun of the piece appears to consist in the return of a soldier who was supposed to have been killed, and whose wife had married another husband, and when the soldier wants to know how long she had waited, she tells him that she gave him up for loi^t on the day he started for America. « 10 Billiotheca CJeographica 12G America Soptcntrionalis [noting the vftrious discoveries, but not Inter than James's Voyage, 10J31], early impression before full lettering, 21,i by 18.J inches [Janssen, Amst. 1095] 127 America. Gemma Phrvsius de Principiia Astronomia) et Cosniopraphia) deque Uau Globi ab eodem editi. Item do Orbis Divisione et Insults Rebusque nuper invent is, wood- cuts, VERY HARE. 4" s. I. Sf a. (Antverpia IG.'JO) Tliis edition is not mentioned l)y Ilanissc, wlio (|uote9 one printed at ' Antwerp by J. Graplieus with tlie (Into of 1630, and name of i)rinter on the authority of Maittairo, apparently without having seen a copy. 128 America. Continente Americano Arn;onauta de la3 Costas do Nueva-Eapana y Tierra-Firmo, Islas, y Ba.x08 do csta Navegacion, Lonj^itud, y Altura do Polo, do sus Puertos, y Noticiaa do estaa Ilabitacioncs, ^ne copy in old Spanish red morocco, richly ornamented with gold tooling, gilt edges. 8" s. I. tj" «. circa 1730 A very scarce and interesting work, containing nnicli curious liistorical information. It was apparently privately printed hy the author, who states that he resided five years in America, " cou difforentes ocupacioncs del servicio del Key en Mar y Tierra." 129 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Tenth Meeting, at Albany, N. Y. August 1850, out of print and scarce. 8" Cambridge, 1857 130 American Ceylon Mission. Brief Sketch of the, with an Appendix [historical and biographical] 8° American Mission Press, Jaffna, 1849 131 American Continental Conohess (Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the), held at Philadelphia, 5th Sept. 1774, containing the Bill of Bights, a List of Griev- ances, the Association, an Address to the People of Great Britain, etc. fine clean copy, uncut, the very rare. First edi- tion. 8« Wm. and Thomas Bradford, Fhilad. Oct. 27th, 177 4i 132 American Cookery, or the Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry, and Vegetables, and of making Puff Pastes, Pies, etc. and all kinds of Cakes, by an American Orphan. 12» Elijah Brooks, Walpole, N. II. 1812 Chouder, Iamb pie, Indian pudding, pumpkin pie, hoe cake, slap jacks, election cake, buck wheats, federal pancakes, cookies, molasses-ginger- bread, etc. arc the delicacies herein taught by this Orphan. 133 American's Guide (The). The Constitutions of the United States with the latest Amendments ; also the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, etc. Washing- ton's Farewell Address and the Inaugural Speeches of the several Presidents. 12" J. Fletcher, Fhilad. 1810 130 Ambuican Measures : A further Examination of our present American Measures and of the Reasons and Prin- ciples on which they are founded, by the Author of Con- siderations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America [Matthew Robinson] fine copy, 250 pages. 8" Bath, 1770 Uilliotheca Ilislorica 17 135 AniPricnn Independenco llio Interest nnd Glt)ry of Oreat Britain ; Arguineiita which prove, that not only in Taxation, but in Trade, Manufiictures, and Government, the Colonics are entitled to nn entire Independency on the British Legislature, etc. [by Maj. John Cartwriglit],y/rte copy, halj calf. 8° Robert Bell, Philad. 1770 Tliis is ft reprint of t!ic first London edition of 1774 ; but tlic printer, on piij,'C 121, in udvcrtisinj; for tlic loan of n co[>y of tlic sciond edition of 1775, gives a notice of tlie worii from the Monthly lleview. 13G Aniericiin Mariners (The), or the Atlantic Voynge, a moral poem ; prefixed is a Vindication of the American Character from the Aspersions of the Quarterly Iluviuwers, to which are added Naval Annals, or au impartial summary of tho Actions between the JShips of Great Britain and those of the United States, copious Notes and Illustrations [By — Davis, Author of Travels in America] 8° Brodie and Dowding, Sttlishuri/ Full of incident, anecdote and facts respecting the war of 1812. 137 American Missionaries. An examination of Charges against the American Missionaries at the Sandwich Islands, as alleged in the voyage of the ship Blonde, and in tho Loudon Quarterly lleview, [by Jeremiah Evarts, Esq.] 8" Camhridye, 1827 138 American Naval Battles, being a complete History of tho Battles fought by the Navy of the United States from its establishment in 179J' to the present time, including tho Wars with France and Tripoli ; tho late War with Great Britain, and with Algiers, with an account of the Attack on Baltimore, and of the Battle of New Orleans, plates. 8° C. Oat/lord, Boston, 1837 139 American Orators. Sketches of American Orators, by Anonymous. Written in Washington uncut. 12" F. Lucas Jr. Baltimore, 181G Tlic Orators particularly named are Kandolph, Marshall, Emmet, rinkney, Wirt, etc, 110 American Oriental Society (Journal of the), Vol. I. No. 1, A^ols. II— V. Vol. VII. Vol. VIII. No. 1, {wantinj only Bart 2 of Vol. I. and Vol. VI.) some scarce, parts. 8° JVew Haven, 1813-18G4 111 American Oriental Society (Journal of the), Vol. I. No. 1, second edition, Proceedings, May 2Lst, 1862, and Vol. VIII. No. 1. 8° JVew Haven, 1850-1801 142 American Pioneer (The), A INIonthly Periodical, devoted to the Objects of the Logan Historical Society, Vol. I. No.s. 1 — 4. Vol. II. Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, loith title-pages, cuts, in good clean condition, but not perfect 8° Chillicol/ie, Ohio, lH-i2-i'-\ No Western historical publication is more valuable than this, or more difficult to find complete. 143 American Pioneer (The), A Monthly Periodical, devoted to the Objects of the Logan Historical Society, Vol. I. Part 1, uncut, scarce. 8" Chillicothe, O. 1842 •'.I . r ' rts ; 18 Tiibliotheca Qeographica 144 American Principles. A Review of Works of iMalicrAnjofl, compiled hv a number of liia Friends. [My John Quincy Adams], r irst published in the Boston Patriot, uncut, but cuttini/. 8" Everett and Munroe, Boston, 1801) 145 American Sketches. Farmer's I'ireside, a Poem [to which is added another poem named Cochcco, n river in New Hampshire], scarce b° Hill and Moore, Concord, N. H. 1822 rresentatioii copy to Soniiicl O. Drake from Jacob 11. Moor, A\x\^. 1822. 140 American State Paporn, and Correspondence betwcv^n Messrs. Smith, Pinkncy, Marquis Welleslcy, General Arm- Btronf^, M. Cliarapagny, M. Turroau, Messra. Russell, Monroe, Foster, etc. containing also Papers relative to the Annexation of llolland to France, etc. the Repeal of the Berlin and Milan Decrees, etc. uncut, scarce, and handy. 8" London, 1812 147 American (The) Journal of Science and Arts (Silliman's), Pecond Series, Nos. G, 13-15, C8-G3, 08-73, 92-100, 102-3, 108-15, 117-147, in all 06 numhera, clean and new. 8° New Haven, 1840-1870 148 Ames (Fislier). The Speech of Mr. Ames in the House of Representatives of the United States, April 28, 1790, in support of the following Motion : Resolved, That it is expedient to pass the Laws necessary to carry into cfTect the Treaty lately concluded between the United States and the King of Great Britain, j/?we copy. 8° Russell, Boston, [1790] 149 Ames Family. The Descendants of William Ames, tho Pedigree and Genealogy — In England, 1G05 — New England, 1840 — [Born in Bruton, Somersetshire, 1005, wns in Dux- burg, Mass. 1043] : Printed on an enormous sheet about 5 feet long by two feet wide, and an abstract of the same on a 4to sheet of yellow paper, privately printed, and BCAECE. fol. [Boston, 1847 ?] 150 Amstelodamum Yetus et Novissimum per Carolum AUardt [a Plan of the City], 23 by 19^ inches. AUardt, Amsterdam [1735 ?] 151 Amsterdam (Plan do la Ville d") 10 by 14 inches [1830 ?] 152 Anderson (Mr.) An Adventure in Vermont, or the Story of Mr. Anderson [N. H. Religious Tracts, No. 47]. 12° Q. Hough, Concord, N.H. 1812 153 Andrews (David, of the Toivn of Pepperell) The sure and only Foundation, with historical Notices. A Centennial Discourse in Pepperell, Mass. Jan 29, 1847 [with au his- torical and biographical Appendix] scaroe. S° A. J. Wright, Boston, 1847 Valuable local history. This copy has manuscript correctioDS. 154 Andrews (Erastus, of North Sunderland, Mass.( A histo- rical Discourse at North Leverett, August 18, 1847, in Com- memoration of the 18th Anniversary of the Baptist Church of Leverett and Montague [with an Appendix, historical, biographical, and genealogical]. 8" Adams, Amherst, 1847 •->\l Amofl, ^uincy 'ut, but I, 1801) wliich \ New '[. IH'22 in. IB'-i^- etwoon U Ann- liUSBCll, D to tho 1 of tho m, 1S12 iman'a), , 102-3, llG-1870 e House 1790, in bat it is ito cflcct tatcs and n, [179G] y.nu'S, tlio England, in Diix- et about he same ited, and , 184.7 f] Allardt [1735?] [1830 ?] jlie Story \'U. 1812 sure and ntennial an hia- \ton, 1847 A histo- I, in Coni- t Church istorical, rst, 1847 Sibliolhcca llitforica 10 155 Andrews (John) An Essay on llopublican Principlon, and on tho inconvonioncoH of n Commonwcnlth in a largo Country and Nation, [pertaining incidentally to AmericuJ 8° Lond. 17H3 150 Andrews (Win. of Danbuiy, Conn.) A Mormon at Dan- bury, Nov. 13, 1S17, tho day for tho execution of Amotf Ailatna for Kapo, uncut. S° T. O. Woodward, New-Haven, 1817 157 Andres (Rov. Thomas) A Thansgiving Sermon, delivered before tho Congregational Society in Berkeley, Uoccmber 1, I808,y?/ic copy, uncut. 8° Dunham and Hawkins, Providence, 1809 Snmo of the historical /acts (luutcd in this polilicnl diacourso arc atnrt- liii;;. " A tuii-ynrd was CNtnlilishcd by government, in France, to tuaiiu lentlicr from the sitins of their murdered citizens." — Kett. 158 Anclros (Thomas) The grand Era of liuin to Nations from Foreign Influence. A IJiacourao before the Congregational Society in Berkley [Maasachuaetta], Nov. 20, 1812, uncut. 8" 8. T. Armstrong, Boston, 1312 159 Ankcdotes Americaines, ou llistoire abregeo dos prin- eipaux evenenients arrives dans lo Nouvcau Monde, depuis sa decouverte jusqu'u I'epoquo presonte, scarce. 8° Chez Vincent, Paris, 1770 The aiiovc title gives no just idea of the character and value of this ex- ceedingly useful and handy book of nearly 800 pages. Tho whole history of the Now Continent is arranged in tho form of annals under each year, from 1492 to 1776. There is n good and copious index of 32 pages. The book is a handy compendium of tho chronology, geo- graphy and biography of America. IGO Anson (Com.) Tho History of Commodore Anson's Voy- age round the World at tho commtsncement of tho late Spanish War, 1740-1744, portrait of Anson. 8" A. Manson, London, n. d. 101 Answer (An) to a Pamphlet, call'd The Conduct of the 3Iinistri/ Iinjjartialli/ M.vumined, in which it is proved that neither Imbecility nor Ignorance in tiio M — r have been the causes of the present unhappy Situation of this Nation, by the Author of the Four Letters to the People of Eng- land [Dr. John Shebbeare]. S" M. Cooper, London, 1756 KeJati' cj to the inefficient conduct of the Ministry in the disputes with France, especially in America, on tho Ohio and elsewhere, under Wasiiington, Braddock, 5cc. F"or this and later publications, the Doctor was fined and jiut in the pillory. A change of government brought him a change of sentiment and a pcn.sion. 102 Antilles. Derrotero de las lalaa Antillas, de las Costas do Tierra Eirmo y do las del Seno Mexicano, formado en la Direecion do Trabajos Ilidrograticos para inteligencig. y uao do las Cartas que la pubblicado, fine copy, calf scarce. 4" La Lnprenta Heal, Madrid, 1810 This book of 4G8 clo.scly printed quarto pa;ies is of the highest possible value to the geographical student of the West India Islands and neighbouring coa»ts of old Spanish America. It is a pilot's hydro^ra- phieal hand- book, or coast pilot of the whole Atlantic between Spain and her former jfosaesbions. !Pi! 20 Bihliotheca Oeographica 163 Anticipation, containing the Substance of Ilia M*****y'8 Most Gracious Speech to both 11****8 of p#*l»****t, on the Opening of the approaching Session, with a full Ac- count of the Debate which will take place in the Il***c of C*****8, on the Motion for the Address, etc. with Notes. I'irst published three days before the opening of the Ses- sion, 5th edition, corrected [by Tickell]. S« T. BecTcet, London, 1778 Witty. The Speech of the lion. T. L — 1 (Liittrell ?) is particularly droll, especially when he says, aproiios des bottes, " Noah, Sir, was in my ojiiiiion, the fipBt circumnavigator— (I mean no reflection on the memory of Sir Francis JJruke) — he was therefore, Sir, justly entitled to the highest situation in the naval department of that early period — take him for all in all, we shall not look upon his like again," etc. The ])olitical sarcasm is also first rate and refreshing, even at this late day, when high opinions are asked and given on the Navy. 1G4 Anticipation, or the Voyage of an American to England in the year 1899, in a sorica of Lett era humorously describ- ing the supposed Situation of this Kingdom at that Period, scarce. 8° W. Lane, London, 1781 A good sulijeci is here spoilt in the treatment. The Letters are supposed to have been written 120 years after they were i)ubli8hed, by a young American who came over to visit the old homestead of his ancestors. The Government had been transferred to America, and he found the old farm in a dilapidated condition. The matter is thin and generally wide of the mark, but there are some good hits. " But after passing a jdace called Leicester Square, where the jicdestal ody of an ctiuestrian statue still remained, I find nothing but unroofed buildings" ..." and everything symptomatic of desolation."— p. 25. 105 Antigallican (The), or the Lover of his own Country, in a scries of pieces wherein French Influence and False Patriot- ism are fully and fairly dis])layed, by a Citizen of New England [Papers, signed Leonidas] with the Pseudo Patriot, [signed Ascanius], fine copy, uncut. 8" William Cobiett, Philadelphia, Dec. 1797 166 Antilles. Carte des Antilles Franc^oiscs et des Isles Voi- sines, dressec sur les memoires do Sir. Petit et sur obser- vations par Guilleaume de L'isle, 17 ^ hy 2^ inches, coloured, clean. Covens and Mortier, Amsterdam [1725 ?] 167 Antilles. A Chart of the Antilles or Cliaribbce, or Caribs Islands with the Virgin Isles, by L. S. de La llochettc, 18 hy 20 inches, coloured, JJne copy of a beautiful map. Win. Faden, Charing Cross, March 1, 1784 168 Antilles. A Chart of the Antilles or Charibbee, or Caribs Islands with the Virgin Isles, by L. S. de la liochctte, 18 hy 20 inches, coloured, fine copy. Wm. Faden, Charing Cross, March 1, 178 It 169 Antwerp, Nouvello Carte do la Province d'Anvers, par C. van Baarsel et Fil«, 20 hy 1(5 inches coloured. F. J. Wiyyard, La ILnjc, 1818 *»*y'8 f»t, on lU Ac- 11***0 Notes, le Ses- n, 1778 rticulavly Sir, was 3n on tlio f entitled period — etc. The late day, England describ- ; Period, 'on, 1781 c supposed r a young ancestors, ind the old orally wide ing a place riun statue . . " and ntry, in a Patriot- of New Patriot, \cc. 1797 sles Voi- ir obscr- L coloured, [1725?] or Caribs ihettc, 18 \h I, 1781 or Caribs |chctte, 18 ff/t 1,1781 ivers, par \lai/c, 1818 Bibliotheca Ilisforica 21 170 Antwerp. Nouvelle Carte de la Province d'Anvera dresseo et gravce par C. van Baarsol ct Fils, 20 iy 10 J- inches, coloured. La Ilai/e, 1818 171 Antwerp. Plan do la Ville et Citadelle d'Anvera, 21 bi/ 13 inches, coloured. Manuscript [1830 ?] 172 ApoUoniua (Levinus) Levini Apollonii Gandobrui;ani de PeruuisB, Regionis, inter Noui Orbis prouincias celeberrinia) iuuentione ; & rebus in eadem gcstia Libri V. a few leaves at the end a little mutilated, no map 8° Antverjnae, 15G7 173 Apiakus (Petbus) Qvadhans Apiani Astronomicvs ct iam rccena inventvs et nunc priinum editus. Huic ad- iuncta sunt & alia inetruuicnta obaervatoria perindo nova, adcommodata horis discornendia nocturnia simul, & diurnis idq; ex Solo Luna, StcUisque, etc. Delude altitudinis ctiani, distautia) profunditatisq; Putcorum, Turriuniq; di- menaiones, etc. Ilia omnibus accedit quo pacto per specu- lum altitudines structurarum cognosci qucant, Et quoniodo extcnsia noctu digitia singula) bora; noclis observari jjossint, Jlnc copy, scarce, u'ith many woodcuts, fol. Inyohtadii, 1532 174' Ai'iA>'Us (Petuus) Folium Populi Instrdmentum hoc a P. Apiauo iam recena inventvm, et iuligvrain folii popvli redactum per radios Solis toto orbc horaa coinunea osten- dit, etc. in disoin ncwen Instrument, das die form unnd gcstalt hat einea blats werden durch den Soiincn-scbeyn in der gantzen welt gefundon die gcmaine stundou des Tagcs, etc. (2 pts. Lat. and Germ.),Jine copy, woodcuts, scarce. fol. Ingolstadii, 1533 175 Apianus (Petrus) IIoitoscopiUM Apiani Generalo dig- noscendis horia cviiiscvmqve generis aptissimimi neq; id ex Sole tantum intcrdiu, sod &noctn ex Luna, aliisq; Planetis & Stellis quibusdam fixis, etc. His accedit distantiarum, altitudinum, & profunditatum per idem hoc instrumcntum dimetieudarum ratio longeaccuratissinia Aingcniosa. Noc- turna quoq; adnexa est observatio horaria ex digitis ma- nuum, etc. fine copy, scarce, icith many tcoodcuts. fol. J£xcusum Inyolstadij Anno curr. 1533 170 ApiNAUs (Petkvs) Instrument Bucu, durch P. Apia- num erst von neue beschriben, ist darinno begrilFen ciii newer Quadrant dardurch Tag und Nacht bey don Sonncn Mon, unnd andern Planeten die Stundcn gefundon werden. AV'ie man die hoch der Thihu, etc. durcli die Spigel und Instrument messen soil. Wie man das wasscr absclieu odcr alwcgen soil. Drey Instrument, die mugen in der gant- zen welt bey Tag und bey Nacht gcbraucht werden. \Vio man kiinstlich durch die Fingrr die Stund in der Nacht erklieiinent soil. Ein newer JSlcst^lab dcs glcichcn niaa nciidt den Jacobs stab.y/yjc c'o/*y, scarce, with iiinny woodcuts. fol, Inyohtadii, 1533 .jm iU I ,'■ ill: 22 Bibliotheca Oeographica 177 Apianus (Petuus) Ein newe und wolgegriindte undor- weisung aller Kauftmana Kechnung in drcien Biichern, init schonen Regeln und fragstiicken begriffen. Sundcr- lich was for tel unnd behendigkeit in der Welsclicn Prac- tica unnd ToUeten gebrauch wiirt, des gleichen vormals weder inn Teutscher uocli in Wellischer Spraach nie getruckt. 8» Ch. Egtnolff, Franckfurt, 1537 The influence of the mathematical and geograpiiical writings of Apianus of Lcystrick, sometime student at Vienna, and afterwards Professor of Astronomy at Ingolstadt, had upon Nautical Astronomy and Geogra- phy in the early part of the 16th century, notwithstanding his geogra- phical blunders, must ever give him a prominent rank among writers on the new discoveries in the Western ' ""nisijhere. 178 Apianus (Philippus) Do U* • Tricntia, instrumenti Aatronomici novi libellus ; nu; vimiirn in lucem editus, with four large folded sheets of tvuodcuts representing various astronomical and nautical instruments, fne copy, scarce. 4P Tubing(e,15SQ This Philip was a son of Peter Apianus. A knowledge of these in- struments is in(lisi)cnsable for the study of historical geography, navi- gation, and early discovery. To account for and trace out the blunders of Columbus and his successors, one must necessarily know the instru- ments he and they used in obtaining their latitudes, longitudes, &c. 179 ApPEATi (All) to the Justice and Interest of the People of Great Britain, in the present Dispute with America, by an old Member of Parliament, 4th Edition. 8° Almon, London, 177G 150 Appeal. A Second Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People on the Measures respecting America, by the Author of the First. S" yUmon, London, 1775 181 Appleton (Jesse) A Sermon preached at Boston at the Annual Election, May 25, 1814, before Caleb Strong, Governor, the Council and Legislature of Massachusetts, uncut S° JBosfon,]H14! 182 Appleton (Nathaniel) The right Method of addressing the Divine Majesty in Prayer, so as to support and strengthen our Faith in dark and troublesome Times, set forth in Two Discourses on April 5, 1770, being the Day of General Fasting and Prayer through the Province, fine copy, haff roan, scarce 8° Edes ^ QUI, Boston, 1770 Tlicse discourses were delivered only a month after the Boston Massacr«, when public opinion against the IJritisli soldiers was red hot, " blood lately ran down the streets of our ca]iital, and which is now crying to God from the ground, and waiting for a strict and impartial inquisi- tion." 183 Arabia (A Generall Mapp of), with the Red Sea and cir- cumjacent Lands, designed by IMousieur Sanson, and ren- dered into English by liichard Blome, 15 s bg 11 inches, fine copy. London, 16G9 151 Arch^oloqia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to An- tiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries of London, (> vols. (10 pt. II., 11 pt. I. & 11., 12 pt. I. & II.,43pt. I.) cloth. 1" London (18GG)-1871 Bibliotheca Ilistorica 23 undor- iichern, Sundcr- a Prac- vormals e rA 1537 ■ ApianuB )fe8sor of I Geogra- } geogra- g writers rumenti editus, r various 7. .5?iO feet to an inch. SG by 1^\ inches, fine an*.' ^Lewi,. Philadelphia, 1860 222 Atlas. EncyKlot*. ■-;: . ao Atlas [in 15 Afleoering of 2 leaves each, marked Left and Right, size 23^ by I87 inches, It is really an Encyclopaedic Atlas comprising Sketches of History, Geography, Figures of Agricultural and other implements used by the Ancients, Ships, "Weapons, Ar- mour, etc. etc.] L. Vander Vinn, Amst. [1830 ? ] 223 Atlas Universel, ou Tableaux Historiques, Chronologiquea et Geographiques depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'd nos jours contenant trois grands Tableaux Synoptiques dont le premier indique les noms des Nations et des Peii- ples le deuxieme la division actuelle des cinq parties de la Terre et le troisieme I'ordre successif des Dynasties, la Pormation des fitats, etc. suivis de Quarante Deux Tab- leaux Particulieres comprenant la marche et les mutations des Siecles. ob. fol. Bruxelles, 1828 224 Attenborough, Bristol County, Massachusetts, Map of the Town of, from Surveys by II. P. WaUing, 33^ by 28 inches, coloured and mounted on calico. Phil. 1850 225 Auctions in America. The Auction System ; being a series of numbers published in the Federal Gazette, ad- dressed to the Citizens of Baltimore. Scarce, fine copy. 8" John D. Toy, Baltimore, 1824 HI British e Britiah Treaties rce, with don, 1808 nable. w Bruns- ion, map, linh. 1843 or Atlan- •ica, shew- l from tbe id Vernon, idon, 1740 itinent) — f the Cor- eedings of 1 in Port- in 1, land, 1868 !on Beach mtic City, Com. By L3J inches, phia, 1860 rinff of 2 18^ inches, ketches of and other ipons, Ar- ;. [1830 ?] nologiquea es jusqu'd noptiques des Peii- 'ties de la nasties, la )eux Tab- mutations lies, 1828 ap of the 28 inches, 'hil 1850 ; being a zette, ad- te wre, 1824 Sibliotheca Sistorica 27 226 AuCTioyg in America. An exposition of some of the evils arising from the Auction System. Scarce. ^ 8° Van Pelt and Spear, N. York, [1821] 227 Auctions in America. Reasons wny the present system of Auctions ought to be abolished. Scarce. 8» A. Ming, Jr., New York, 1828 This curioas tract contains the Report of a public meeting of prominent citiiens of New York, of which Thomas H. I^ggett was chairman, and a Catalogue of Nineteen Reasons against the whole system. 228 Auctions in America. Remarks on the Auction System as practised in New York, to which are added numerous facts in illustration. By a plain practical man. Scarce. 8" New York, 1828 229 Australia, etc. (Map of, with many Manuscript additions,) with Van Diemen's Land, New Zealand, New South Wales, etc. 19 by 16 inches, coloured. B. Lizars, Edinburgh, [1830 ?] 230 AustrisB Archiducatus Pars Inferior in omnes ejusdem Quadrantes Ditiones accuratissime delineata per Nicol. Visscher. 23 bg 18 inches. Amst. [1680 ?] 231 Austria. Partie du Cercle d' Austriche sgavoir I'Archi- duche d' Austriche divise en Haute et Basse. Fine, 23^ bg 17^ inches, coloured. II. Jaillot, Paris, 1696 232 fe^SS^ACKUS (Isaac) The Doctrine of Universal Sal- vation examined and refuted, containing a con> cise and distinct Answer to the Writings of Mr. Eelly and Mr. Winchester upon that Sub- ject, good copy. 8° John Carter, Providence [1778] 233 Baden (Atlas von). [Contains 1 Sheet of Letter-Press Ueber die topegraphische Karte von dem G-rossherzogthum Baden in 56 Biattern nach '/^^OOO Maasstab bearbeitet durch den Grossherzoglich Badischen Generalstab ; then an Uebersichts Karte, and Six Sheets of the Map, as follows, Waldleiningen, Mannheim, Eberbach, Phillipsburg, Sinsheim, Neudenau, Moersch]. HumboldCs own copy, on which he has written " Sehr werth^ 18| bg 18f inches, clean and in cover. Carlsruhe, 1839-1838 234 Bagatelle (Plan de) dresse sur les Desseins de M.Bellanger, 4 6y 6 inches, coloured n. d. 235 Baikal (Map of the Province of) Tran^ Baikal, Eastern Siberia, with Head Waters of Amoor, Baikal and Lena. Population, 340,000, drawn by Perry M. D. Collins, to accompany his Report of the Exploration of the Amoor River, Asia. 28 bg 18^ inches Sarony, Major, and Knapp, Lith. Washington, 1858 236 Balie. Kaart der Oostkust van Balie door den Luiteuaut ter zee 2o Klasse G. van Gegh, 24 bg 24 inches Manuscript, 1847 • V r :A !|» 1 1,' 28 Bibliotheca Oeographica 237 Balboa (Vasco Nunez de) Cabta del Rey Catholico a Pedra Arias Davila Governador de Castilla del Oro, por la qual se conocera si pudo cortar la cabeQa a su yerno el Adelautado Basco Nunez de Balboa, o a lo menos sy como lo dize la Hiatoria Pontifical deuiera otorgalle apelacion. 3 pa^es, the fourth blank, fine copy, of the highest rarity and interest. folio A letter, dated the 27th Sept., 1614, from Valladolid, appointing Vasco Nunez de Balboa, the discoverer of the Taciflc, Adelantado of tlio Coast of the South fc'en, wh'cli he discovered, and to the government of Panama and Coyba. After this Letter there are notices of several other J-ctters of the King, in which hcspeal«8 highly of the services of the said Vasco Nunez, and also respecting his ResiJencia. The date of printing these papers is not given, but was probably about 1600, at Madrid. 238 Baldwin (Moaes) The Ungodly Condemned in Judgment. A Sermon at Springfield, December 13th, 1770, On Oc- casiou of the Execution of "William Shaw for Murder. The Third Edition. Fine and uncut. 8° Knceland and Adams, Boston, 1771 239 Baldwinsville, Onondaga County, New York (Map of the A'^illage of), by G. Eobinson and G. Stevens, with views of jResidences in the margins. 35 by 40 inches, fine and clean. Syracuse, ^.Y. 1857 240 Ball (I.saac) An Ana]}tic;il View of the Animal Economy, calculated for Students of Medicine, as well as private Gentlemen, with many Allegories and Moral Eeflections ; etc. 3d Edition, yJ»e copy, calf K'oodcuts. 12" For the Author, New York, 1808 211 Billiard (Kev. Edward) Memorial Volume of the Popham Celebration, August 29, 1862 ; Commemorative of the I'lanting of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino [in the Slate of Maine] August 19, O.S. 1607, establishing t lie Title of Eugland to the Continent, cloth, nfiv. 8" Bailey Sf Noyes, Portland, 1863 An appropriate adjunct to the Collections of the Maine Historical tSociety. 242 Baltic. Steel's Now and Accurate Chart of the Baltic, including particular Plans of the Entrances to Stockholm Wingoo Sound and Gothaborg, Carlshamn, Kiel, Stettin, Itiga, Dantzick, liogerwick or Port Baltic, and Ahus Eoad, ci mpilod from the Surveys made by order of the Govern- ments of Sweden, Denmark, and Russia, and improved from recent Surveys. A new Edition [with many porta, and small charts in the margins]. 47 by 38 inches, mounted on calico. Norie and Co., London, March IZth, 1829 243 Baltic. Nieuwe Caart van de Oost Zee ou Carte de la Mer Baltique conteuant les Bancs, Isles ct Costes, com- ]U'isc8 cntre I'lsle de Zelande et I'Extremite du Golfo do Piulande, 34^ by 23 a inches. Coloured. Jean Cuvcns and Corncillc Murlicr, Amsterdam, n, d. 2 2 21' 2M 24[ 250 251 I 252 253 25J Bibliotheca Ifistorica 20 244 Baltic Sea. Carte de la Mer Baltiquo contenaiit lea Bancs, Isles et Coates comprises entre I'lsle de Zelaude et I'Extremite du Golfe do Tinlande. 34^ bi/ 23J inchea. Coloured, Jine clean copy. Jean Covens and Corneille Mortier, Amsterdam [1700 ?] 2i5 Baltimore. An Exhibit of the Losses sustained at the Office of Discount and Deposit, Baltimore, under the Ad- ministration of James A. Buchanan, President, and James \V". M'CuUoh, Cashier, compiled by the President and Directors of the Bank of the United States, to which is appended a Report of the Conspiracy Cases tried at Harford County Court in Maryland. Fine copy, boards, uncut. 8° T. Murphj/, Baltimore, 1823 246 Baltimore. Scott's Map of the City of Baltimore from the latest records and actual surveys by S. J. Martcnet. Fine clean copy. 00 5y 47 inches. Coloured. Baltimore, 1850 217 Bancroft (Edward) An Essay on the Natural History of Guiana in South America. Fine copy, calf. 8° T. Bechet, London, 17G9 218 Bangs (Nathan) An Examination of the Doctrine of Pre- destination as contained in a Sermon preached in Bur- lington, Vermont, by Daniel Haskel. 12° For the Author, IJew YorJc, 1817 249 Bank of the United States (Tlic War on the) ; or a Review of the Measures of the Administration against that Institution and the Prosperity of the Country. Uncut. 8° Key and Biddle, Philad. 1834 250 Baptism. Two Conferences on Baptism, between a Querist and an Apologist, Fine copy, scarce. 8° George Hough, Concord, 1704 251 Babbadoes. Joint Letter from the most considerable Proprietors of the Island of Barbadoes to Colonel Kichard Scot, Colonel Robert Stewart, Richard Bate, Patrick Mcin, and Thomas FuUerfcon, touching the African trade. Single leaf. folio, 1709 252 Barbadoes. Short and necessary Observations in the Settlement of the African Trade ; with Petition of several Planters and other Inhabitants of the Island of Barbadoes. Tivo pages. folio, 1711 253 Barbadoes. Observations, showing the great esteem had for the Royal African Company ; with Petitions of Robert IIcyBham (in 1693 and 1695) in behalf of his brothers, Giles and William Hey sham, Merchants in the Island of Barbadoes. Two pages. folio, 1712 254 Barluw (Joel) The Political Writings of, containing Ad- vice to the Pj'ivilcged Orders, Letters to the National Con- vention. A new Edition. 12" Molt and Lyon, Xcw Tori; 1796 \ > u: Ill i '' 80 Bihliotheca Oeograpldca 255 Barbadocs. A Short History of, from its first discovery and Settlement to the end of 1767 8" Doddey, Lond. 17()S 256 Barbauld (Anna Lnetitia) Eighteen Hundred and Eleven, a Poem, First American Edition, uncut. 80 A. Finley, Philad. 1812 The war of 1812 was coming on, when tho British princely merchants stand with altered looks " And fold their arms, and watch with anxious breast The tempest blackening in tlio distant West." • « • « • * " Shouts to the mingled tribes from sea to sea, And swears — Thy world, Columbus, shall be free." 257 Barbe-Marbois (M.) Histoire de la Louiaiane ot de la Cession do cette Colonio par la France aux Etats-Unis pre- cedee d'un Uiscours sur la Constitution et le Gouvernement des fitats-Uuia, halfcalj. 8" F. Bidot, Paris, 1829 Attached is a coloured map of the United States, showing the accessions to tho United States I)y the cession of Louisiana, etc. 258 Barclay (Robert) A Catechism and Confession of Faith Approved of and Agreed unto by the General Assembly of the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, Christ himself Chief-Speaker in and among them, which containeth a true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers, etc. 8° Isaac Thompson & Co. Newcastle, 1759 259 Barlacus (Caspar) Brasilianische Geschichto bey Acht- jahriger in selbigen Landea gefiihreter Kegierung Seiner Fiirstlicher Graden Hernn Johann Moritz Fiirstens zu Nassau, etc. in Toutsche Sprache ubergesetzt, fine copy, vellum, maps and plates. 8° Cleve, 1659 260 Barlaeus (Caspar) Rerum Octennium in Brasilia gestarutn sub Prsefectura Comitis S. Mauritii Nassavise, etc. Comitis, Historia. Cui accesserunt G. Pisonis Tractatus De Aeribus, aquis, & locis in Brasilia, De Arundiue saccharifera, etc. frontispiece, maps and plates. 8° Clivis, 1660 On pages 474 — 491 is a Vocabulary of the Indian language of Chili, 261 Barlowe (William) The Natioatoes Supply. Con- teiniug many things of principall importance belonging to Navigation, with the description and use of diverse Instru- ments framed chiefly for that purpose ; but serving also for Hundry other of Cosmography in genorall : the particular Instruments are specified on the next Page [of the Com- pasae, the Compasse of Variation, Traveller's lewell, Pan- tometer, Hemisphere, Traverse-boorde, etc.] fine copy, copper-plates, scahce. 4" B. Newhcry and H. BarJcer, Lotidon, 1597 i (^■''TrajSJXglfMJMISWl* H«»-i«*, Bihliotheca Tlistorica 31 202 Barnard (John, of MarlleheaJ , Mass.) Janu.l Coeloatis, or tlic Mystery of the Gospel in the iSalvatiou of a Sinner, ofered and explained in several Discourses on Acts xvi. 30. gruhly. 8° Rogers and Fowle, Boston, New England, 1750 2G3 Bahnahd (John, of Marhlehead) A New Version of the Psalmes of David fitted to the Tunes used in the Churchcn, with several other Hymns out of the Old and New Testa- ment, of excessive rarity. 8" J. Draper for T. Leverett, Boston, N.E. 1752 2Gli Baihiere (Pierre) Nouvelle Relation do la France Equi- noxialo, coutenant lo description des cotes de la Guiano ; do risle de Cayenne, etc. map and plates, calf. 8° Paris, 1743 The Author of this excellent little book rcbidcd three years in the Countries which he so accurately describes, having been sent out there by the King as a Doctor of Medicine. 265 Barrington (Hon. D.) The Possibility of Approaching the North Pole asserted. A new edition, with an Appendix on a North West Passage by Colonel Beaufoy, second edition, map of the North Pole, hoards, uncut. 8° London, 1818 2GG Bartley (James Avis, of Orange County, Virginia). Lays of Ancient Virginia, and other Poems, cloth, new 12° J. W. Richmond, 1855 Tliis book opens with Pocahontas and closes with Virginia Melodies. 2G7 Barton (William P. C.) Compendium Flora) Philadel- phicae, containing a description of the Indigenous and Naturalized Plants within ten miles around Philadelphia, 2 vols, in 1, VERT RARE. 12" M. Gary ^ Son, Philad. 1818 2G8 Bartram (John) Observations on the Inhabitants, Climate, Rivers, Animals, etc. by Mr. J. Bartram in his Travels to Onondago, Oswego, and Lake Ontario, to which is annex'd a curious account of the Cataracts at Niagara by Mr. Peter Kalm,^ne clean copy, with the map of Oswego, scarce. J. Whiston, London, 1751 John Bartram's Journal among the New York Indians is becoming a work of more and more interest, and Mr. Kalm's appendage is a good continuation of the subject. The Editor claims that Mr. Kalm's scien- tific description of the Falls of Niagara is the first that appeared in our language, though he does not forget those of Hennepin, Charlevoix, and Borussan. 2G9 Bartram (William) Travels through North and South Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee country, the Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Choctaws, portrait of Mico Chlucco, map and plates, good copy, calf. 8° J. Johnson, London, 1792 270 Batailles de I'Age Modernc-Schlachten der Neuern Zeit. [Five Sheets, each 17 by 19 inches, containing Plans of the Battles of Moeckern, one sheet, and Leipsic, three sheets, and the Storming of Warsaw, one sheet] scarce and valuable. B. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1813 271 Batavia. Descriptio Agri Batavi Aliorumque qui hodio eis Rhenum in dicione VII Foederatorum. Auctore Men- sone Alting, 17 by 13 inches. \_Amst. ? n. d.j f *m R2 BiUiotheca Oeoqraphica 272 liiitnvift. Doscriptio veteria Agri Batavi ct Vnm om iiiH(|iie rcRionin quiu hodio ost in iliciono VII Focthiriitorum cis ft ultra Khouuin. Auctoro Mcnsono Altin^, 17 by 12 inchfs, clean. [Amst, ? n. t/.] 273 Batavia. De?criptio Batnvorum, Inaulro ot Coutinoiitis. Aiictore Mcnsone Alting, l()i bt/ 12 inches. [Amiit. ? n. //.] 274 Butavian Republic. Nicuwo Algemeeno Kaart der Biitaafsdio Itcpublick vcrdoclil in VIII Departcmontcn, \\\by 8] inches, coloured, clean. Mortier Covens ^ Zoon, Amsterdam, 1798 275 Bates (Elislin, of Mount Pleasant, Ohio). The Doctrines of Friends ; or the Prineiplca of the Christian Keligiou as lield by the Society of Friends, boards, uncut. 8" Mount Pleasant, Ohio, printed, Leeds, reprinted, 1829 270 Bavaria. Circulus Bavaricua in quo sunt Ducatus, EIl'C- toratus, & Palatinat Bavariro, Arcliiepisc. Salisburgi, etc. per F. do Wit, 22 J by 19 inches. Amstelodami [1700 ?] 277 Bavarife Circulus utoue Electoratua tain cum Adjacontibua quam Insertia llegionibus in suaa quasque Dictiones divisua ])er Nicolaum Viascher, 18 by 22^ inches, coloured, Amst. Bat. n. d. 278 Bavaria) Pars Inferior cum insertia et adjacentibus Ee- pionibus non solum in Ditiones Greneralea sed etiam in I'rrefecturas Particularea divisa par Nicolaum Visscher, 22 by 18^ inches, coloured, clean. Amst. Bat. n. d. 279 Bayard (Mr. oj" Delaware.) Speech on the Bill entitled " Au Act to repeal certain Acta respecting the Organisa- tion of the Courts of the United States," in the House of Eeprcsentativcs, Feb. 19, 20, 1802, ha/f roan. 8" 280 Bazin (Abbe) La Philosophie derilistoire.^neco/jy, crt//, scarce. 12° Utrecht, 17G5 Chaiiter VII treats of the Savngcs of America, and Chapter Vlll of America in general. 281 Beaumont (G-ustavc do) et Tocquovillc (Alexis de) Sys- tome Peniteutiaire aux Etats-Unis ct do son Application en France, suivi d'un Appendice sur lea Colonies Penalea et de Notes Statistiques, Troisieme Edition, euticrement refondue et augmentee d'une Introduction, 2 vols. tmcut. 12° Bruxelles, 1837 282 Beckfort (11.) Vues Pittoresques de la Jamaique, avec une description dotaillee de ses productions, du traitement et dea moeura des Negres, etc. traduit par J. S. P. 2 vols, in \,Jine copy, uncut. 12° Lausanne, 1793 283 Bedford County, Pennsylvania [A War Map of] 33 by 42 inches, coloured, ^ne and clean. [Washinyton, 1863 ?] 281 Bees. A Complete Guide for the Management of Bees, through the Year, by a Farmer of Massachusetts. Mne copy, with copperplate, frontispiece. 12° Isaiah Thomas, Worcester, Mass. 1792 m PriRi'i om l(>rutoriitii 17 by 12 St.? n.il.] •utinoiitia. »t. ? n. ratum Belgium ucc non Dueatud Bre- mensis ac etiam Par.s Fluminis Albis, peraccurate corrccta auctore Carolo Ailard. 22 by 18^ inches. Amst. n. d. 291; Belgium Vet.-Oudt Ncderland en Desself's Bevolkinge [A Map ot']. 10 by ^i\ inches, fine. n.d. 295 Belgium. Foederatum Belgium uec non Ducatus Bro- mensis ac etiam Para Fluminis Albis peraccurate Correcta Auctore Carolo Ailard. 22 by ISJ inches. Amst. n. d. 296 Belgium Foederatum emendnle auclum et novissime per N. Visscher. 22 by 18^ inches, coloured, fine copy [AniKf. n. d.] 297 Belgium. Nouvelle Carte Generalo do la Belgiquo a I'Echelle de 5oi),Vo()' litablissement Geographique de Bruxelles fondo par Ph. Vandcrmaelon [with phins of Brusscl.-*, (liand, and Auvers.] On 4 sheets', each 27 by 21 inches, coloured m 'ss. 1792 i 34 Sibliotfiera Oeographica 298 Belgium. Foedcratum emoinlate aiictuin et noviHsiniti edituni per Nioolaum V^isscher, 22 by IH inches P. Hchenk, Jan. Avist. n. d. 299 Belgium Vet. Oudt Nederland en Desselfs Bevolkinge [A Map in which the places are indicated by figures and letters — «-/, a-z, nnd A-M, the names corresponding being given in the margins.] 10 hi/ lol inches. Amst. n. d. 300 Belgium. XVII. Provincia) Belgii sive Germanise In- ferioris priscis temporib' Circalo Burgundico S. R. I. aunumeratao quarum X hodie maximaui partem TTiapani- arum non nulla; Gallicic Kogis ditioni subjacent VII vero sub nomine rocderatiini I'rovinciar. libertate gaudent Studio et Opera Tobia; Conradi Letter. 23 by I8-J inches, coloured. Aiigtisfn [1740 ?] 301 Belgii Universi seu Tnferioria Germanife quam XV^II Pro- viucise Austriaco-Gailico et Batavio Sceptro parentes con- stituunt nova Tabula, Geographico a Tobia Majero. Cura et Studio Honiannianorum Heredum. A. ] 747. (Carte des XVII. Provinces ou de I'Allemagne Inferieure, dressee suivaut la Projection stereographique, etc. [With the Arms of the Seventeen Provinces.] 20| by 19 inches, coloured. Amst. 1748 302 Belgii Pars Septentrionalis communi nomine Vulgo Hol- laiidia nuncupata continens Statum Potentissima; Batavorum Reipublicre seu provincias VII Foederatas. Cum omnium provinciarum insignibus, additis omnibus nominibus urbium et pagorum. Edidit Cornelius Kribber. [With two little Maps, one of " Niew Neederland " in America, with a view of New York, and the other of tlie East Indies, Batavia, etc.] Scarce and valuable, fine copy, 23 by 19 inches, coloured. Ultrajecti, 1751 303 Belgium. Carte Miniere, ou Carte Typographique des Mines, Minieres, Carriorcs et Usiues de la Belgique en 1841. Dressee par les I ugenieurs des Mines, etc. Scarce and valuable. 4 sheets, each 30 by 30 inches, coloured, with Tables, etc. 304 Belgium. Carte Geologique de la Belgique et des Contree voisines representaut les Terrains qui ^e trouvent au-dessins du Simon llcsbayen et du Table Canipinien par Andre Dumont. 22 by lOJ- inches, coloured, rare and valuable. Brusselles [1854] 305 Bilknap (Jeremy^ An Electfon Sermon before the General Court of New Hampshire, at Portsmouth, June 2, 1785. Fine copy, uncut. H'^ Mflcherand Osborne, Portsmouth, N.II. 17S5 Snl)jcct, " Tlie true interest, and the best means of the prosperity of this State," with iinpoi-tnnt historical notes. 30G Belknap (Jeremy) A Sermon on the 9th May, 1798, the dav of the National Fust recommended by the President of the Unilcil Slaii's. Uncut. S" S. /fall, Boston, 179S Bibliotheca llistorica 85 noviHSime 307 Belknap (Jeremy) Josua Christ the ouly Foundation, u Sermon, on 1 Corinthians, iii. 11. Second edition. Fine copy, uncut. 8° *S^. Hall, Boston, 1792 This discourse by the author of the History of New Ihinpshire was first delivered in 1779 before the Association of Ministers in New Hamp- shire, and was reprinted by tiie Society for I'roiw^ating the Gospel among the Indians for distribution by their Missionaries. 308 Belknap (Jeremy) Uissertiitions on the Character, Death, and Reaurrection of Josiia Christ, and tlio Evidences of bis Gospel ; with Kemnrks on " The Ai^e of Reason." 8" J. Be/knap, Boston, 1795 309 Belknap (Jeremy) Two Sermons, April 27, 1788, on the Institution and Observation of the Sabbath. Uncut. 8" Boston, April, 1801 310 Bell (Benj.) The dilleroiice between tlie present and former days, discourse at Steuben, Au2f. 20, 1812, the day appointed by the President as a day of Fastinj;, etc. Uncut. Scarce. S" Ira Merrell, Utica, 1812 Historical and political, with a preface and appendix of documents. 311 Bellamy (Joseph, of Bethhm in New England), An Essay on the Nature and Griory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as also on the Nature and Consequences of Spiritual Blindness and the Nature and Effects of Divine Illuitiination. 8" S. Kneehmd, Boston, JST.E. 17G2 312 Bellamy (Joseph, of Bethlem.) An Essay on the Nature and Glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, etc. designed as a Supplement to the Author's Letters and Dialogues on the Nature of Love to God, Faith in Christ, etc. Fine clean copy, boards. VI'* Isaiah Thomas, Worcester, 1797 313 Bellgrwe (Henrietta of, a woman born only for calami- ties.) The true and affecting History of, a series of Uncom- mon Adventures by Sea and Land, her Shipwreck, and providentially saved by a Party of Indians. Written by herself. Scarce. 8" S. Fisher, Cler ken well, 1801- If a novel, this little book is not without interest; if fact, it is extra- ordinan-. 31-t Bement (R. B.) Egypt, its monuments and history in harmony with the Bible. 8« S. M. Bement, Adrian, Ohio, 182'4 315 Bemis (Stephen, Congregational Minister.) Two Discourses at Harvard [Mass.] one Aug. 20, 1812, National Fast on Account of the War with Great Britain ; the other May 19, 1813, on the author's taking lea''3 of the people of his charge, with re(juest for dismission, with Result of the Couucil, etc. A scarce piece of Local History. 8" Samuel Parker, ILirvard, ISlt 316 Bengal. A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude, and Allaliabad, with part of Agra and Delhi, exhibiting tlie Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea. 13y James Rennell. 4U by 28 inches, coloured. Wm. Fadcn, London, 1786 36 Bibliotheca Oeographica 317 Bennet (R. G.) and Wijk (J. Van) Verhandeling over do Nederlandsche Ontdekkin{);en in Amcrika, Australitf, de Indien en de Poollanden, en de Namen welke weleer aan dezelve door Nederlanders zijn gegevcn. Vncut. With the Atlas. 8° J. Altheer, Utrecht, 1827 Atlas to the above, 8 sheets, each 17 by 21 inches, being copies of the original maps of Spitzbcrgen, Ncwrddyke Ysec (Nova Zembla and Wmiigats), Nieuw Nederland, Nieuw Holland, JJicuw Guinea, Society Isliinds, Pacific, Japan, etc. The Provincial Utrecht Society gave out the following Prize Question :—" Since in the Maps which are pub- lished in England, France, and elsewhere, respecting America, Australia, the Indies, and Polar Regions, the more and more the names disappear which were given by Netherlanders in the earliest voyages thither to certain lands, seas, bays, rivers, capes, islands, towns, forts, and colonies, the Society wishes for a Treatise whereby the services of the Netherlanders, in these may be duly mentioned, with the circumstance and under what discoverers and travellers the names were originally given, and in what accounts of travels or maps most information thcrc- anent is to be found, as far as possible with the addition of maps whereon the names are corrected." This book is the Prize Treatise, with the Prize Atlas, and is of the highest historical, geographical, and bibliognvphical imjiortance to the student of early Dutch Navigators. 318 Bonnet and Van Wyck. Atlas of the 8 Maps, a duplicate of the above, without the book, in a paper roll. fol. 1827 319 Benson (Egbert) Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New- York, Dec. 31, 1816, [on the Indian Names, chiefly of Places, in the Country originally claimed by the Dutch, that is, between the CoLneeticut and Delaware Rivera.] Second edition, with Notes. Fine copy. ScABCE. 8° //. C. Sleight, Jamaica (L.I.), 1825 Judge Benson died at Jamaica, Long ifsland, the 2.5th Aug., 18.33, in the 87th year of his age. His little book, worked up, with infinite labour and pugnacity under the pressure of ojiposition of the Historical Society, in this second edition, with the manuscript notes of the first edition incorporated, and the personalities elided, is a monumental honour to the author and the country. 320 Benson (Mr.) Love and Money ; or, the Fair Caledonian, a Farce in two acts. As performed in the New York Theatre. [Now first published from the manuscript.] 12" jD. Longworth, New York, March, 321 Bontley (AVilliam) A Sermon in the East Meeting-house, Salem, March 13, occasioned by the death of Jonathan Gardner, Esq. Master of the Marine Society, Salem, who died, March 2, 1791. Uncut. 8° T. C. Cashing, Salem, 1791 SECOND DAY'S SALE 322 |Qfc3s^ENT0N (C.) and Barry (S. F.) A Statistical View of the Number of Sheep iu the several Towns and Counties in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con- necticut, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio ; a Partial Account of the Number of Sheep in Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, and Kentucky, in 1836 ; and an Account of the principal Woollen Manufactories, etc. 12° Cambridge, 1837 323 Benton (Rev. J. A.) California as she was, as she is, as she is to be. A Discourse at the First Church of Clirist in Sixth Street, Sacramento-city ; on the occasion of the Annual Thanksgiving, Nov. 30, 1850. Scarce. Two his- torical pictures and a prospect, 8" Sacramento-City, 1850 324 Benzoni (Hieronymus) Novae Novi Orbis HistoriaB id est Rerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali gestarum Libri tres Urbani Calvetonis opera ex Italicis Latiui facti. Adjnncta est Do Gallorum in Floridam expeditione Ilia- toria. First Latin Edition, fine large copy, vellum, scarce. 8° Apud Eustathium Vignon [^Gcnevae~\, 1578 325 Berkel (Adrian van) Beschreibung seiner Reisen nach Rio de Berbice und Surinam. Aus dem HoUaudischcn Ubersetzt, fine copy, calf. 8° Andres Seyler, Memmingen, 1789 326 Berkley. " Better edification," a Good Plea. Proceedings of an Ecclesiastical Council iu the town of Berkley, Oct. 19, 1831, and the Documents connected therewith, uncut, scarce. 8° James Thurber, Taunton, (Mass.) 1831 327 Berkley (Massachusetts) Review of the Berkley Case [1. Proceedings of the two Ecclesiastical Councils in Berkley. II. Strictures thereon. III. Statement of Pacta], uncut, 8° Allen Danjbrth, Plymouth, (Mass.) 1831 328 Berkshire Jubilee (The), celebrated at PittsUeld, Massa- chusetts, Aug. 22 aud 23, 1811, woodcuts, an impovtanl volume of local hidory. 8" Albany, 1815 "I 38 Bibliutheca Geog raphica 329 Bennondsey Abbey, A General View o» the Kemaius of Berniondsey Abbey, Surrey, as it appeared in the year 1805, with the adjacent Country. Taken from the Steeple of the Church of St. Mary Magdalen, 16 hy 12 inthe», clean. Robert Wilkimon, London, 27 September, 1820 330 Berry (Rev. Lucien W.) Correspondence on Baptism, between the Eev. L. W. Berry and F. W. Emmons, with Marks and Eeiuarks. Trial and expulsion of Mr. Philip Storps, sen., uncut, scarce. 8° C. A. Richards cSf Co. Emaiu, (Ltd.) 1S39 331 Betagh (William) A Voyage Kound the World, being an Account of a Eeniarkable Enterprize begun in 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards iu the great South Ocean, relating the true historical Facts of that whole Aflair, ^ne clean copy, calf, map of the world showint/ the track of Capt. CUppertoti's voyaye. S" London, 1728 On i)agc 2 you will fiiul the keynote of tliis Ixiok. "The following book is a united jourmil ot' twi» !ooks protty well neutralize the lies of each other and should be read together. 332 Bcthunc (Plan de) Ville Forte du Comte d'Artois, situe sur la Pitite Kiviere de Lave, etc. 19 by 1.5 inches. Pierre Ilusson, La Haye, n. d. 333 Beukma (K. Jz.) Bricven van K. Jz. Beukma ; bevorens Landbouwer op de Boerderij Castor, in het Kerspel Zuur- dijk, Gemeente Leans, doch verhuisd naar de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika in 1835 aan deszelfs achterge- laten Familie iu de Proviuoie Groningen, 3 parts, uneut, plate and map. 8" Groningen, 1835-1838 331- Bevaus (William) Sketch of the Trial of Wm. Bevans for the Murder of Peter LunHtrum, on board the L^niteJ States ship Independence, Nov. Gth, 1816, closely cut, but can be read. 8" Thomas G. Bangs, Boston, 1816 335 Beyeb (Hartmanuus) Quaestiones Novae in Libellum do Spitaera Joannis de Sacrobusto recognitae et aucts, fine copy, with the rare folded sheet of diagrams and their expla- nation, scarce. 8° Ex offlcina Petri Brubachij, Franeoforii, 1549 336 Bianco (Anduea) [Photographic] Facsimile dell' Atlante di Andrea Bianco Venezia, 1436. obi. fol. H. F. Sf M. Munster, Venezia, 1869 Comprises 10 Maps and Charts, size 14 by 10 inches, with descriptiTC text in 4to by Prof. I'cschel. 337 Bible (The) needs no Apology ; or Watson's System of Eeligion Refuted ; and the Advocate proved an unfaithful one by the Bible itself ... in Four Letters on AVatson's A pology for the Bible, and Paiuc's Age of fioa«on. Part the Second, uncut. 8" C. Pierce for (S'. Larkin, Portsmouth Buokstorc, 1796 Bibliothe''a Ilisforiea 89 338 Bible. A List of the various Editions ..f the Bible and Parts thereof in English from tlie year ir»2(5. From a Manuseript, No. 1140, in the Arcliiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, much enlarged and improved, scarce. S' li. Cnif/trell, Bath, 1785 339 BiBiiK. The Common English Version. An Argument siis^njning the Common English Version of the Bible, against the project for a revision a.« set forth in a pamphlet issued by Rev. S. IL Cone and Mr. W. H. AVyckotf: em- bracing Proceedings of a Meeting in X.Y. April 1, 1850. To which are added a brief hi.storv of the English Version by C. Anderson, and a Letter bv "NVm. K. Williams. S" X. York, 1850 340 Bible. The Four Gospels of the New Testament in Greek, from the text of Griesbaeh ; with a Lexicon in English of all the Words contained in them, scarce edition. 8" Cummitijs, JfilliarJ «j|- Co. Boston, 1825 341 Bible. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesu3 Christ, translated from the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations diligently compared and revised, Jlne clean copy, red morocco. 12° Silas Andrus, Hartford, 1824 342 Bibliotheca Sacra, and Biblical Kepo.sitorv, Nos. 33 to 52, 63 to G8, 70, 85 to 104, 115 to 120, and 122: 27 Nos. Jan. 1852 to April 1861. 8" Andover There is a double numt^ring. 343 BiBLiOTnEQUE Americaise. Catalogue Raisoune d'une Collection de Livres Precieux sur I'Amerique parus depuis sa Decouverte jusqu'a I'an 1700 en Vente ehez F. A. Brock- haus a Leipzig. Kedige par Paul Triimel, uncut. 8° F. A. Brockhaus, Leipziff, 1S61 This remarkable collection was formal mo»tIy by the entoriirisiiijj; Mr. Freilerick MuUer of Aiiistcrdani, who s<>!.l it to ^Ir. Brockhaus. who in turn had this catalo^'ue iiiatle under the able earcd titles being chiefly taken from Mr. George Aslior's liibliojrraphical K-say. iirefiared for Mr. Miiller, and printed hut not tiicii jmblished. Mr. Henry Stevfii;; of Vermont pur- cluLsed the entire collection of Mr. Brockhaus, witli the exception of three lots, and eiijoyeil the pleasure of dispersing what Mr. Muller took so much pleasure in collecting:. 344 BiDLiCK (xIldkn) Ai)DI!Es.s by A. Bidlack, 22nd IVb. 1889, at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, in vindication of the patriotism and military services of the first settlers of Wyoming, with a view to correct matiy errors in the written and unwritten history of the Settlement, and 3[ass:icre of the Valley, rare and valuable. b" IVashinytun, lsi2 345 Bigelow'(Abij.iii) The Voters' Guide: or the Power, Duty, and Privileges of the Constitutional Voters in the Common- wealth of I\lassachusetts, boards, scarce. 12" S. ^- J. Wilder, Lromiiislt-r, Ma.^.'i 1S07 40 Bibliutheca Geographica 340 BiGELOw (William) History of the Town of Natick, Mass. from the days of tlie Apostolic Eliot, 1650, to the present time, 1830, Jinc copy, scarce. 8° MarsTi, Capen Sf Lyon, Boston, 1830 The brief and painful story of the Natic Indiana, to whom Eliot preached, and for whom he translated the Bible, is told in this volume. The gradiial growth of civilization among this tribe was accompanied by a gradual decrease of its numbers, until the tribe became extinct. This is one of the best of all the American local histories, now out of print and scarce. 347 Billerica. Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the incorporation of Billerica, Massachusetts, May 29, 1855, [including a history of the Town, and an Appendix of his- torical, statistical, and genealogical notes and papers. 8° J. S. Varney, Lowell, 1855 348 Bingham (Caleb) Tlie American Preceptor, being a new Selection of Lessons for Beading and Speaking, for the use of Schools. Second Vermont Edition. 12° Timothy C. Strong, Middlehurg, Vt. 1815 349 Bingley (Rev. William) Travels in South America, from Modern Writers, with Eemarks and Observations. View of the geography and present state of that quarter of the globe, uncut. 12" J. Sharp, London, 1820 350 Bird (Jonathan, candidate for the Gospel Ministry.) The "^ Parable of the unclean Spirit opened and applied in two Discourses. Durham, in Freehold, July 8th, 1792, ttnciit 8" M. Croswell ^ Co. Gatskill, 1792 351 Birkbeck (Morris) Letters from Illinoi3,^rs/ edition, fine uncut copy 8° London, 1818 352 Birkbeck (Morris) Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virgiuia to the Territory of Illinois. The second edition. Map of the United States, tcith the Terri- tory of Illinois on the Ohio, boards, uncut 8" London, 1818 353 Birkbeck (Morris) Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. 3rd edition, coloured map, London, 1818 — Notes on a Journey through France, July-Sept. 1814. The Fifth edition, with an Appendix, Lond. 1818 — Letters from Illinois, Lond. 1818. 3 vols, in 1, all ly Mr. Birkbeck. 8» 354 Bishop (Abraham) Connecticut liepublicanism. An Ora- tion on the extent and power of political Delusion, delivered in Now Haven, Sept. 1800 [with an Appendix historical and statistical] 8° Matheic Carey, Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1800 355 BrsHOP (Abraham) An Oration " On the Extent and Power of Political Delusion," has lately been reprinted and issued from the Press of Citizen Ilaswell : The Public are in turn presented with A Rod for the Fool's Back ; or, Abraham Bishop Unmasked. By a Citizen of Connecticut. Fine copy, uncut, very rare. 12" Wm.8tockwell,and Co. Bennington, Vt. [1800] liibliolhecu Uinturica 41 :J5G BrsHop (Abraliatu) Oration iit Wallinjj;ri>i'il, lltli Ararcli. 1801, before tlu' Kopublioana of the State of Coniiccticut, at tlie General ?'lianl»ship in that Chunh is consideriil. 7th cd. Fine copy, nnciif. S" John Mi/etrll, Neivburii-povt [17110! 351) Blvdes (William) A CataloLjuc of Bo(jks printed by, or ascribed to the Press of William Caxton, in which is in- cluded the Press-mark of every Copy in tiie Library of the British Museum. Clean and uncut. 4" Privnteltf printed, London, ISO-j Onh- 30 copies printed for sale, 1.5 for England, and 15 lor America. SCO Blagge (Samuel) Commonwealth of JLissachusctts. Articles of Impeachmcut by the House of llepresentatives, against S. Blagg, Esq. Justice of the Poace and Notary Public ; together with the llespoudent's Answer. Uncut. b" True and Green, Boston, IS2() 301 Blair (Robert) The Grave, a Poem, 7tli Edition j to which is added An Elegy written in a Country Church- Yard, by Mr. Gray. Uncut, eery scarce. S" John Boyles,for James Foster Condy, Boston, 177'J Tliis is prol)al)ly the earliest American iMlition oiGray's Klejiy. 302 Blair (Samuel, of Xew Londonderry, Pennsylvania) A Short and Faithful Narrative of the late Remarkable Jte- vival of Religion in the Congregation of New Londonderry, and other parts of Pennsylvania, as the same w^as sent in a Letter to Rev. Mr. Prince of Boston. Uncut, clean copy, excessively rare. 8° William Bradford, Philadelphia, 1741. Six of the Uuling Elders of New Londonderry add their attestation at the end, viz., James Cochran, John Kamsay, John Love, John Simpson, and William Boyd. The narrative was written for the second volume of the Christian History, ]>rintcd at Boston under the editorship of Thomas Prince the younger, of whiih work there arc some interesting particulars in the advertisement of this work. 303 Blake (George) An Oration pronounced July Itli, 179.j, at the request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Commemoration of American Imlependeiice. Fine copy, uncut. 8" Benjamin Edi;\', Boston, l7i)o An Oration, historical, political, and truly higli falutiu, according to the standard mixlels of fonrtliotjnly oratory ; licginning, " On this ti.<rirertatio'nalMs, who were the first settlers of New England." lie then gives a long historical disquisition on the early ami late NcwPlngland Church courses, especially in Massachusetts and Connecticut, fortifying the iirinciples of the Baptists. 3G7 Blatchford (Samuel) A Sermon at tlie Ordination of the Rev. Absalom Peters to the care of the Congregational Church iu Bennington, July 5, 1820. Uncut, wants last leaf. 8" Darius Clark, Benninyton, 1820 3G8 Bliss (George) An Address to the ^Members of the Bar of the Counties of Hampshire, Eranklin, and ilainpdcn, iu Mass., at JNorthampton, Sep. 182G. Uncut, scarce. 8" Tannatt and Co. Sprinpfwld, 1827 Contains a succinct account of the lawyers, courts, judges, uml law i)ro- ceedings in those parts of Massachusetts from 1030 to 1826 together with au appendix of inijiortant abstracts from the public records and historical papers. 3G9 Bliss (George) An Address at the Opening of the Town- Hall in Springfield, Massachusetts, March 2 1, 1828, con- taining Sketches of the Early History of that Town and those in its viciuity. Pidjlished at the request of tiie Town. Uncut, scarce. S" Tannatt and Co. Sprinyficld, 1828 Contains an appendix of valuable historical and genealogical papers. 370 Blunt (Joseph) An A tmiversary Discourse before the New York Historical Society, Dec. 3, 1827, [a Keview of the History of the Eiiropc;in Settlements iu America, and their Influence upou the Civilized World.] Uncut, scarce, and valuable. 8° New Tork, 182S 371 Bohemia (A Map of the) Reguum Bohemia? eique Annexte P'ovincia?, etc. Auctore Nicolao A''isschcr. 23 hy I'd inches, (lean. Amstclcedami \ji. rf.] Biiliuthecit Ilistorica 43 372 Docket (Elias) A Poem to the IMemory of Aquila Rose, w!io dy'd at Pliiladelpliia, August 22, 1723, ^tat 28, fine copy, scAncE. S" For the Author, London, 1723-4 Concpining Aquilti Rose, sec Franklin's Autobiopraphy. When the youthful IJoston runaway reached New York in 1723, he calleit tin olil William l{railfnril. who said lie could not give him eni- pluymcnt himself, but referred him to his son Andrew Bradford, in I'liiladelphia, whose ]irinei|ial workman Aqiila Uose had recently tiicil. On reaching Philadel|)hia. Fn.nklin was introduced to Keimer, whom he foimd " at work on an elegy on Aijuila Hose, whom I have mentioned above, an ingenious young nuui, and of im excellent charac- ter, highly esteemed in the town, secretary to the Assembly, and a very tolerable poet." . . . " In a few days Keimer sent for me to print ofl' his elegy," which was Franklin's tirst work in I'hiladelphia. Bocket resided in Ix>ndon, and was a friend o£ Hose. This is probably tiic original of Keimer's l'hiladcl|iliia edition. 373 ho\ion (^Massatichsetts) A II istorieal Sketch of the First Congregational Cluirch in Bolton [with Names of Ministers, Deacons, IMenibcrs, etc. the Covenant, Property, Sketches, [etc. 8" Ballard and Messenger, Clinton (Mass.) 1851 374 Bolton (Robert) Twenty Considerations against Sin, ex- tracted from that judicious Treatise of his entituled, Instructions for a right comforting aftlicted Consciences, fine copij, uncut. S" WiUiani Bradford, Philadelphia, 1753 375 Bolton (AVilliam) A Narrative of the Last Cruise of the U.S. Steam Frigate Missouri, from the Day she left Nor- folk until the arrival of her Crew in Boston, including a detail of the General Conflagration which took place at Gibraltar. 2nd edition. 8° Boston, 1848 370 Bolton (William C.) The Trial of Captain W. C. Bolton, for an alleged violation of Commodore Hull, in returning from the Mediterranean to the U.S., May, 1841. Bare. 8« Pliila. 1841 377 Bonaparte no Universal ISIonarch, and not proved to be Favourably noticed in Prophecy [his pretensions con- sidered.] 'Uncut. 8** Boston, 1809 378 Bonaparte ; with the Storm at Sea, Madaline, and other Poems. Uncut. 8" Ilaly and Thomas, New York, 1820 The youthful author projwses, " should the world judge favourably of this effort, to write a Dramatic Ptwm, in which a portion of the early history of our country will appear in the character and exploits of a native chief." 379 Bone (A) to Gnaw for the Democrats ; or Observations on a Pamphlet entitled, " The Political Progress of Britain.'" 8" Philadelphia, Printed for the Purchasers, 1795 380 Bonner (James) A New Plan for Increasing the Number of Bee-hives in Scotland ; which may be extended with equal success to England, Ireland, America, etc. Boards, uncut. S<' Edinh. 1795 381 Bonner (John) An Essay on the Registry Laws of Lower Canada. Quebec, 1852 3S2 Jiooksoller (Tiie) 55 Numbers. 8" London, 1859-1865 ::,,.* '4 I (•) 1 I I II •14 Bibliotheca Geographica 383 Honlonux. Carte MiiritiiiU! tlcpuia la Kiviere do Bour- (Icaux jusquea a St. HebaHticn ^ I'liHago ilcs Armeca du Roy do la Graiido lJretafj;nc dresseo par Ic ISr. B. de lloogo. 18:i[ by 23 inches, coloured, Jine copy. Scarce. P. Mortier, Amsterdam [ 1703] 381 Borgnum (C.) Bezock in do Verceuidgo Stateu van Noord- Auiorika iu hot yaar 1850, uncut. 8" Oroningen, 1854 385 Jioscli (G. B.) Reizen in Weat-ludic eii door eeu gcdeelto van zuid-cu Noord-Aiucrika, 3 vols, uncut, fine clean co/ti/. S° Vander Monde, Utrecht, 1820-1843 3U8 Boaau (M.) Nouveaux Voyages aux Jiuli's Occidontalos, couti-nant uno Relation dea ditterena Pcuiilea qui habitout lea euvirona du grand Flcuvc ISaint Louiw, appolle vulgaire- moiit le Mississipi, 2 vols, in \,fine copy, calf. \2<> Amtstcrdam, 17G1) 387 Boston in New Enolani). A Vindication of the Minis- k'Ts (jf Boston from the AbuHca and IScandals lately cast upon tlioni in divers Printed Papers. By some of the Pi'ople, Jiiic copy with rough haves, in polished calf, Ly il '. Pratt, of excessive rarity. 8" B. Oreenfor Samuel Oerrish, Boston, 1722 It a]^|)cars that John Williams, tobacconist, nnd muny others, in The lio.fton News Letter and the New England C'onrajit had been libelling, » liunpooning, nnd abusing the Sacred Order of Man, as the writer calls the Icnrnt'd Ministers of Boston. They were charged with going out 1)1' their line of business and interfering with other professions and dcoupations, esi)ccially in reference to sniall-pox and inoculation. The writer gives much interesting gossij), and manfully defends the ministers, I'sjiecially Cotton Mather and his jjroposals to the Physicians to meet and agree upon a method of trcatnieut of small-pox cases. 388 Boston. Trial of the British Soldiers of the 29th Eegi- mcut of Foot, for tlic Murder i()riciil l)iH('()ul^(•H, willi thrir cxtciwive iioli's and tl(H'uiiu'nt8, luv iinn'iii; ilic most valiialili' y'wwa of Aniorii'iin local history wc have. 410 Boutoii (Natliaiiit'l) Tlic 1'iilliors of llio New ll;niii)sliiiv Ministrv, nii hi^loi-ical (lisi'oiirsi>, before tlu* (u'licral Atiscoursc' in Coiii- tnejnoralion of \\w 20()(li Annivci'sary of t!io ScliliMiionl of Norwalk, Ct., in Kit")], ili-livercd in NorwalK', .liilv J), IS.')! [with ftu Appendix of Iiistorioal mid f^onealoj^ieal papers relutivo to tlio firyt settlern of tin* Town] scarce. b" New York, \ S.') 1 Presentation coiiy, witli luitograpli note of the nuthur. An iniporlaiit voliinie of American local liistdry. 412 Bowdcn (Jolni) A Letter from J. Bowdeii, Rector of St. Paul's Cliureli, Norwalk, to the Kev. l']/,ni Stiles, President of Ynlo College, occasioned by ponie i'assages eoiieeiMiing Church Governuient, in an Ordination [of 3Ir. Clianning) Sermon ])reached May 17(li, 17^7, fine and unciif. 8" Thomas ond tSamnel Green, JVciv Haven, 178S 413 Bowen (Ele) The Coal liegions of Pennsylvania, being a general (ieological, Historical, and Slatistical Keviewof the Antiirucite Coal Districts, with coloured maps and ent/ravinff.^, scarce. 8" L\ N. CarraJho and Co., Fottsville, Pa., ISlS Local antl provincial pul)licatii)ns of this da.s.s arc as diflicult to meet with a.s iinpiirtatit when found. They arc generally written on the spot by those who know whereof they write, which is not always the case with metropolitan jnihlications respecting; remote subjects. 414 Brabant (Le Duche de) qui comprend lea Quartiers do Loiivain, Briisselles, Anvers et Bosleduc divisez en knira {irincipales jnrisdiciions, la Signenrie do Malinea et le ^larquisat du Saint Empire. Par leSr. Sanson Parties Merid. et Septentr. Each'dl by \9\ inches, coloured, very fine and clean. Iluhrt Jaillot, Paris, 105)2 415 Brabant. Diicatus Brabantia) divisa) in liispanieam et Batavam in qua sunt Doniinia Lovanii Bruxollaruni, Ant- 'I' i', Sylva?-l)uci8 et Mechlinia> ae in minores ditionea nctw per Carolum Allard, 23 by 19 i inches. Aiiisf. Bat. n. d. 10 ibant [Map of] Lo Duche de Brabant qui eoni])rcnd 1» Quartiers d'Auvers, le Barouie do Breda, la Mairie dv Boia lo Due, etc. par le Sr. Sanson, 30.J bi/ 11) inches, co- loured,, fine and clean Jean Covens ct Corneille Morfier, Amsterdam, [ViOO :j fl ■« . ' ?. .'.'\l dM ■'If Ill;; 48 Bibliothecu Gcographica 417 Brabant, Carto du, drosRi'o Rnr pliisieurs Cartes particu- liores par (iliiillauinc tic L'lslo, 21'.^ by 25 inches, coloured, fine. coj)y, Jean Catena ct Corneille Mortier, Amsterdam, [1695 ?] 418 Brabant. Nouvelle Carte de la Province de Brabant Sop- tentrioual-^Ieridional. Dressee et graveo par C. Van Baarsel et Fila, 20 by 10 inches, coloured. F. J. Wei/fjard, La JIaye, 181 S 410 Brabant. Nouvcllo Carte do la I'roviiieo do Brabant Septentrional, dressee ct graveo |)iir C. van Baarsel et Fils, 20 i by IG.'. inches, coloured, fine. F. J. IVriiifard, La IFaije, 1829 420 Brabantiaj Batavic Tars OccidiMitalis sive Antverpiensis Tetrareiiiie Pars Septoitrioiiiilis eoinpreliendens Biiroiiinni Bredan;iin, Alarcliionatuui Bergeiisin !id Zoinan, aliasque niinorcs dilinnes per Nionlauin Vissclier, 2;i by 19 inches. Pelrum Schen/c, Jr. Jinst. Jinf. n. d. 421 Brackenridi^e (11. II.) History of the late War between the United States and Great Britain, containing; a niinnte Account of the various IMilitaiy and Naval Operations, illustrated with platea. Tiie fourth edition revigod and cor- rected, y?«e original copif. Scarce. 12'' Cashing Sf Jeweff, Baltimore, 181S TliLs is one of the Ix-st histories ol the War of 1812. 422 Bradford (Alden) Bio<];raphy of the Hon. Caleb Strong, several years G ivernor of tho State of ]\[ass.;;or/rfl'<7, uncut. 8" Boston, 1S20 423 BuADFORn (T. G.) A Compreheiuivc Atlas, (ieographieal, Historical and Commercial, Ji'^e copy, half morocco. largo 4" Boston, New York, 18155 423*BBAUFORn ("William the second Govertior of Plymouth Colony). History of Plymouth Plantation, now first ])rinted from the original Manuscript [in tiio Library of the Bishop of London, at Fulham,] for the IMassaobuaetta Historical Society, edited with Notes by Charles Doauo,^«e clean copy, 8" Little iV Brown, Boston, 1850 One of the very few copies sepiirately issuccf, out of print nml now very difficult to obtjiin. 424 Bradford (William) An enquiry how far the punishment of Death is necessary in Pennsylvania, with Notes and Illut<- trationa, to which is added an account of the Gaol and Penitentiary House of Piiiladelphia, and the management thereof, by Caleb Lownes. 8'* J. Dobson, Fhil, 1794 Presentation copy to tlie Chief Justice of Connecticut, by the I'hil. Society for alleviating the Miseries of public I'ri.sons. 425 Bray (Thomas) Apostolick Charity, its Nature and Excel- lence cousider'd, in a Discourse at St Paul's, at the Ordina- tion of some Protestant Missionaries to be sent into the Plantations, to which is Prefixed a General View of the English Colonies in America, /?«f ropn with rough leai^es. 4" E. Holt for William //awes. London, 1700 421 42) 42£ P9 particu- '*, coloured, m, [1695 ?] pabant Sop- iTan Baarscl Tlai/r, 181 S lo Brabant rsel et Fils, Wiije, 1S!20 ilvcrpicnsis s B:ironii)iii in, alia»i|m' '. Jhif. n. if. '^ar botwoeii iji; a niinnlt' C)perationM, 'd and cor- ivwre, IS 18 12. iilcb Strong, Irait, ios/ou, 1S20 •ographioal, York, 1S:}5 I'll/mouth rst j)rinted the Bishop Historical e clean stoii, 1850 .ml now very lunishment iand IWu^- Gaol and Imagemcnt Phil. 17iH ly the rhil. Lnd Excol- le Ordina- into tbo lew of tbt» \ihn, 17hica 437 Bristol County, Rhode fHlaiicl, Map of, from Surveys under II. W. AValliiifr, [lirisiol Village, also] 3G by 24 inches, coloured, viounted on calico. Providence, li. 1. 1851 438 BniTisii Akmy List. A List of the General and Field Officers as they rank in the Army, of the Officers in the several llef^imeiits of Horse, Dragoons and Foot, on tlie British and Irisli Establishments; with the Dates of their Commipsions, etc. ; the Governors, Lieut.-Governors of His Majesty's (Jovernmcnt at Homo and Abroad to No- vember, il(\\, good clean copy. 8" London, [17G1] The imnics and niJiioiiitmciits of tlie Ofllc-ers who servcil in imd snrviveil the French War in America arc rccordinl herein, rendering tlie book indispensable to tlic American historian. 439 British Channel, a Chart of tlie, and the Bay of Biscay, with Part of the North Sen, and the Entrance of St. George's Channel, by Mons. I'Abbe Diqiio'nairo with Addi- tions, etc. by L. S. de la Kochette, IJrd edition 34.j by 20 inches, coloured, fine copy. W. Fadcn, Sept. 17, 1791 440 British Colonies. Considerations on the Measures carry- ing on with respect to the British Colonies in North Ame- rica, The Fourth Edition, y?ne and clean, a scarce edition. 8" Edes <$• Gill, Boxton, 1774 441 BniTisn Empire. The Present State of the British Empire in Europe, America, Africa and Asia, cantaiuing a concise Account of our Possessions in every part of the Globe, piece out of the margin of S 4. 8" W. Griffin, London, 17G8 The Kmpirc in America fills pages 'iSS-lJlM. 442 British Guiana (Sketch Map of) by Kobeit II. Schom- burgh, Esq. 10 by 17 5 inches, coloured . John Arrowsmifh, London, ISIO 443 Britisu Influence on the Aft'airs of the Uiiitid Slates proved and explained, [signed at end Marcus] uncut. S" Young i.f Minns, Boston, 1801- 444 BniTiau Ir.LES, Statistical Map of the. Elucidating the Distribution of Population based on the Census of 1841, compiled and drawn by Augustus Peterniann, F.K.G.S. 21 by 32 inches, fine clean ruooF copy, presented by the compiler to Bauox Ai.kx. ton Humholdt, who has left on it a note in his Autoyraph, scarce. London, 1818 445 British North America, Map of the Easteri) Portion of, including the Gulf of St. Lawrence and part of tlie New England States, compiled by H. F. V. Perley for the Report of I. D. Andrews, to Hon. T, Corwin, Secretary of the Treasury, 40 by 2.')^ inches. Nleic] Y[ork,] 1853 440 Brittaiiia) (^lappi) Faciei Romana* secundum fidem Monu- mefntoruin \\ rveterum depicta, C. Bertramus ipse dcliu. ab orig. Si, sculpsit, 15^ bif 13 inches. U'hile cV Co., Fleet Street, June I. 1800 Bibliothecu Jlintorica 61 Surveys ] 3G by i. 1. 1851 ind Field sra in the ;, on the 13 of their crnors of ad to No- M, [17G1] ml survived ig the book »f Biscay, ce of St. iith Addi- n 31.^ by . 17, 1791 ires carry- :)rth Ame- ston, 177-4 le British ntaiuing a art of the ndon, 1708 1 .. Schom- Mn, ISiO ■d States ton, ISOl. it ins t''^ of IS 11, F.K.O.S. led hif the has left on don, IS 18 ortion of, the New le Report y of the r^^] 1S53 m iMonu- delin. ab If 1. ISOO 117 Brittany. 1"' Carte Partieuliere doa Costes de Bre- taf^ne. . . eomme ello paroist a Basso Mer dans lea Grandea Mareea Fuitto par Ordre E^proz du Roy do France, (2me, 3eme, 4einc, oeino, Gciue, 7eme, Seme, Carte, etc.) 8 sheets, each 31 % 22 inches, coloured, veri/ Jine and clean set. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1695 ?] lis JJiiiTTANv. Carto Nouvello dea Coates do Bretagne, depuia St. Malo jiisquea h remboueheuro de la Riviere de Loire ; ou Ton voitlos Isles Voisines lous les Porta de Mer, Bancs de Sable & Roehers, u I'usaiiio des Arinees de Sa JNIajeste Britani\ique. Dresse j)ar le Sr Romain de Hooge [with beautiful views oi' St. Malo, Brest, Couquerneau and Port Louis.] 37 bi/ 23 inches, coloured, Jine copy of a splendid map. l^ierre Mortier, Amsterdam [1095] 119 Brittany. La Bretagne divi.see en ses neuf Evesches qui font aussi I'estenduo des Jtecvptea de li Oeueralite de Nantes, 23 i hij IS inches, coloured. II. Jaillot, Paris [1092] 150 Brittany. Carte du Gouverueincut de Bretagne, auivant les Observations de Messrs. de rAcadomio Royalo, etc. 10 by 13 inches, fine. Fierre Van der Aa, Leide [1710?] •451 BuiTTiscuE Reich (das) in America; oder kurz gefaszte Besciirt'ibung der Engliindischcn Pflauzstiidto samt iher INIacht, Geschichte und llandlung in Nord America, nobst zuverljisziger Nachricht von den Griinzstreitigkeiten und Kriege mit den Franzossen, durch eine sauber illuminirte Landkarte aller Engliiudischen Provinzen orlautert, Jine ropij, excessively rare. 4" Leipziyer Ostermesse, 1756 This vory iinportiiiit guoj^rapliical work rchitcs to tlie Imandaries in dispute in A\inerica between England and Frauec, tind is illustrated by two execUcnt roluiireil niiips showing the claims of each nation. The Map.s arc by John George Schriibcrs of Leipzig. 452 Bkoeck (M^TUEUa van den) Journael afte Ilistoriaelse Beachrijvingo vau M. van deii Broock. Van't geen hy selfa ghesien ende waerachtigh gebourt is, wegea 't begin endo Revolte van do Portugese in Brasil, als mede de condite en bet ovorgaeu vau do Fortcn aldaer, with the excessively rare map. 1° Oerrit van Ooedesberyen, Amst. 1051 453 Bromley (Walter) An appeal to the virtue and good sense of the inhabitants of Great Britain, cte. in behalf of the Indians of North America, scarce, Jine copij. 12" Edmund Ward, Ilalijax, Nova Scotia, 1820 In the Appendix is a Letter IVoni Mr. 1'. S. l>u Ponceau ujwn tlie Indian Languages, with the conjugation of Micniae and Delaware verbs. 454 Bromine (Tr.) Post- und Reise-Karto der Vereinigteu Staaten von Noid-Araerika, Nebst Angabe aller Kaniile und Eisenbahnen nach Tanner, Mitchell und den Berichten dea (Jeneral-Postamts [with plans of Boston and 11 other towns in the tnaryins]. In case. Leipzig und Baltimore, 1837 155 Bronaou (Asahel) A Plain Exhibition of Metliodist Epis- ro|)acy. 12° C. Goodrich, Burlington, Vt. 1844 i'lt'i'^j Jim ■'' U.-fS ' ;■ li .-i< a .Mi ri » It i f 62 Bibliotheca Oeographica 45G Broukfield {Massachusetts) Decision of the Supreme Cuurt of Massachusetts — in a case relating to the sacramental furniture of a Church in Brookfield : with the entire agree- ments of S. Hoar, Jan. for the Plaintiff, aud of L. Strong for the Defendant, [Octavius Pickering, Reporter], a curious and instructive case, scarce, uncut. 8' Boston, 1S32 457 Brooks (John) An Oration delivered to the Society of the Cincinnati in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, July 4th, 1787. 4" Edmund Freeman, Botton, 1787 -158 Brooks (John) A Discourse delivered before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 9th June, 1795, [with an Appendix of document;?, accounts, members' names, statutes, he.'] fine copy, uncut. 1" T. Fleet, Jr., Boston, 1795 •159 Broome County, New York, Map of, from Surveys by F. Gilford and E. Weuig, 59 by 38 inches, coloured, fine and clean. Philadelphia, 1855 •IGO Brown (C.) Narrative of the Expedition to South America, which sailed from England at the close of 1S17 for the Service of the Sjjanibh Patriots, including the Military and Naval Transactions, and Fate of this Expedition, boards, uncut. 8** London, 1819 401 Brown (Erastus) The Trial of Cain, the first Murderer, in poetry, by Eule of Court ; in which a Predestinarian, a Uuiversalian, aa Arminian, argue as attomies at the bar ; the two former as the prisoner's counsel, the latter as Attorney General, uncut. A rare piece of American poetry. 12° for the Purchasers, Boston, 1827 Tlic witnesses who took the stand at this trial were Mr. Calnn of Geneva, Mr. Peter Martyr, Dr. Twiss, Rev. Samuel Hopkins of Rhode Island, Mr. Historian Hume, Mr. Bolingbroke, " And Mr. Paine will readily advance. And great Voltaire, a gentleman of France." 402 Brown (John) The Christian, the Student, and Pastor exemplified in the Lives of Mess. James Frazer, James Hogg, Thomas Halyburton in Scotland ; Owen Stockton, Matthew Henry, Philip Doddridge in England ; Thomas Shepherd, Cotton Mather, and Jonathan Edwards, in America. 12» Edinb. 1781 403 Brown (John) Divine Help implored under the loss of Godly and Faithful Men : a Funeral Sermon preached at Bradford soon after the death of the Kev. Thomas Symmes, Oct. 0, 1725. To which are added Memoirs of his Life, Ministry, etc. a Monitor for delaying Sinners, by Thomas Svmmes, with a Preface by Increase Mather : fine copy, hoards, uncut. 12" W. B. Allen <5' Co., Newbury Port, 1816 404 Browne (Arthur) Miscellaneous Sketches, or Hints for Essays, 2 voIs.^He copy, ^. rds, uncut. 8" Robinson, London, 1798 In Volnnic Second tlicii^ is an exiTcdinj^iy intori-sliDf; \>a\crienrc, [larticularly aa to Khodc I^lan**. BibUotheca IlUfuriea 53 466 BuowN (Samuel K.) Views of the Campaigns of the North- Western Army, etc. comprising Sketches of the Campaigns of Generals Huil and Ilarritjon, Account of the Naval Conflict ou Lake Erie, Anecdotes, Abuses in the Army, and a View of the Lake Coast from Sandusky to Detroit, scarce. IL" F. AJancourt, Troy, AT. Y. ISl'J* • •4GG Brovvno (Juines A.) The North-AVest Passage and the Fate of Sir John Franklin, eloth. b" Woolwich, 18G0 •4G7 Browne (John) A Discourse delivered on the Day of the Annual Provincial Thanksgiving, December G, 1770, ^ne copy. 8° T. and J. Fleet, Boston, Xew England, 1771 168 Brownists. An Afologie ob Defence of Svch Trve Christians as are commonly but vnjustly called Bronuists, against such imputations as are layd vpon them by the Heads and Doctors of the Vuiversity of Oxford, in their Answer to the humble Petition of the Ministers of the Church of England, desiring refonnation of certayue Cere- luouica and abuses of the Church [signed at the end of the long dedication to James the First " The Overseers, Deacons, and Brethren of the English Church at Amsterdam, in the Low Countreys, exiled for the Truth of the Gospell of Christ], black letttr, good copy, except that the title and next three leaves have been mended and restored ai the bottom, scAncE. 4'^ ^Atntterdam z*] 1604 469 Bruce (C. A.) An Account of the Manufacture of the Black Tea at Suddeya in L^pper Assam by the Chinamen sent thither for that purpose, with Observations on the Culture of the Plant in China, and its Growth in Assam, ivith map and plates. 8' C. 1£. Huttman, Calcutta, 1838 470 BuuNSwicK-LuNENBuno. A New and Exact Map of the Electorate of, and ye rest of ye Kings Dominions in Ger- many, very much improved by ye kind Assistance of severall curious Gentlemen natives of those Countries, 40 by 24 inches, coloured, Jine copy. Herman Moll, [1730 ?] 471 Brunswick-Luueburg. A New Map of the King of Great Britain's Dominions in Germany, or the Electorate of Bruuswick-Luneburg and its Dejiendencies. By Thomas Jeff'erya. 20 by 23 inches, coloured, Jine and clean. IV. Faden, London, 1789 472 Brussells. BruxcUensis Tetrarchia, in omnes ejusdcm subjaocntes ditiones accuratissime divisa per Nicolaum Vissehcr. IS by 22^ inches. Petr. Schenl;jun. A.nst. Bat. [1720 ?] 473 Bryant (Edwin) jNIijne Rcize n;uir en door California. Dagverluial eoner Eniigranten. Kei.s over hot Vasleland van Noord-Airicrika door dc Prairieu, etc. Naar het En- gelsch door G. Fraiickcu. 8" Amsterdam, 1849 fi:. '^^' I' :t fc -i'-^ 1 t. !:-i I 54i Bibliotheca Oeographica 47 i BnvANT (William Cullen) The Embargo ; or, Sketches of the Times. A Satire. The second edition, corrected and enlarged. Together with the Spanish Itevolution, and other ^oQm»,Jine and uncut, scabC£. 8« For the Author, by E. O. House, Boston, 1809 The preface of the first eJition of the Emhartjo was ilated Cummin^- ton, Oct, 25, 1808, when its author was but thirtucn years old. This fact being dunbtcil by some persons, liis friends tiiercforo in the adver- tisement of this edition " assure the public, that Mr. Bryant, the author, K a native of Cummington, in the county of Hampshire, and in the month of November last arrived at the age of fourteen years." The author still lives (Juno 1872), and may he long continue at his Evening Post. 475 Brydono (P.) A Tour through Sicily and Malta, in a Series of Letters to William Beckford, Esq. 2 vols, in !,_/?«eyor, 1804, 10 hy 20i inches, facsimile. Albany, [18 19] 489 Buffalo Harbour. Chart of Buffalo Harbour and Bead of Niagara River, with the Outlet of Lake Erie, compiled in the Bureau of Topographiral Engineers, from the Surveys of Capt. W. O. AVilliani, with recent corrections by Ca])t. Woodruff, 12^ by 21^ inche.?. Washington, 1S50 490 Bulkeley (John) and Cummins (John) A Voyage to the South Seas in 1710-1, containing a faithful Narrative of the Loss of his Majesty's Ship the Wager on a desolate Island in 47° S. Lat. 81" 40' Long. W. with the proceeding and Conduct of the Oflicers and Crew, tnap of the world showiuy the track of Capt. Shelvokc. 8<' J. liobinson, London, 1743 491 Bullock (W.) Six Months' Kesidence and Travels in Mexico, containing Remarks on the present State of New Spain, boards, uncut, fine copy. 8" London, 1S24 492 Bullock (W.) Sketch of a Journey through the Western Stutes of North America, in 1S27, with a Description of the New and Flourishing City of Cincinnati, by Messrs. B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield, map of the United Stales, and j)lan of Bullock's Rural Town, boards, uncut. 12" John Millrr, London, 1S27 493 BuNKKR Hill Battle. An Enquiry into the conduct of Gen. [Israel] Putnam, in relation to the battle of Bunker, or Breed's Hill, and Remarks upon Mr. S. Swett's Skefdi «>f that Battle, /7«r <'(^py, uncut, scarce. S" T. a. lianys, Jio^fou, 1S1J> I rl«( 50 liibliotheea Oeographica iOl Bunker Ilill Momiincnt Association (AddresB of tlie) to llio Select Men of the several Towns in MaasncliUBctts. Scarce. l^'' Boston, 1824 495 BuNTAN (John). The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to como, 2 tth edition, with Ad- ditions of Now Cxxis, portrait, A. W.for J. Clarke, London, 1731; Tho Pilgrim's Progress, the Second Part, I5th edition, with the addition of five cnta, frontispiece, A. W. for J. Clarke, Land. 17^4 ; The Pilgrim's Progress, tho Tliird Part, tho 12tli edition, with Life and Death of John Bunyan, the three parts in one volume, fine copirx, scAncE. 8" A. Bettcsworfh and C. Hitch, Land. 1733 -490 Bunvan (John) The Pilgrim's Progro-is, in two Parts' 12" W. Hunt, Phil. 1820 107 Bunyan (John) The Pilgrim's Progress in two parts, with Notes, and Liib of the Author, by the Ilcv. T. Scott. IG" B. Hunt, Hartford, 1844 498 BuNN (Matthew) Nahuativk of the Life jind Adven- tures of Matthew Bunn, of Providence, R. I. in an Expe- dition against the North Western Indians in 1701-5, 7th edition, revised, 4000 copies, fine copy, uncut, excessiveli/ rare, nottvithstandinq the 4000 copies and the 7th edition. 12» For the Author,bi/ Adams and Thorp, Bat a via, N. Y. 1828 At tho end ia a patrioiic Song by Mr. Bunn, entitled "St Clair's DeSeaV 499 Burbank {Maj. Oen. Caleb) Defence of Moj. Gen. Bur- bank, and the argument of the Complainants, before the General Court-Martial, at AVorcester, Sep. 8, 1818, against Charges preferred against him by Col. Prentice Cushing, and others, fine copy, uncut. 8" W. Manning, Worcester, Jan. 1810 500 Burdick (William) An Oration on the nature and eft'ects of the Art of Printing, delivered in Franklin Hall, July 5, 1802, before the Boston Franklin Association, fine copy, uncut, scarce. 8" Munroe and Francis, Boston, 1802 501 Burges (Bartholomew) A Short Account of tho Solar System, and of Comets in General, with a particular Ac- count of the Comet that will appear in 1789, fine copy, rare, no plate. 12° B. Edes and Son, Boston, 1789 502 Burges (Tristam) Solitude and Society conti-asted, an Oration at tho Annual Meeting of the Philological Society, in Middleborough, 7th June, 1797, a xoord or two yone from the last leaf. 8° Carter and Wilkinson, Providence, 1797 503 Burges (Tristam) War, Necessary, Just, and Beneficial, an Oration pronounced on Commencement at Rhode Island College, Sept. 4th, 1799. 80 Providence, (1799) 504 Burgea (Tristam) Liberty, Glory, and Union, or American Independence, an Oration before the People of Providence, July 4th, 1810,,/?«e, and uncut. '8" OJice,li. I. American, Providence, 1810 Loml. 1733 Bihliotheca Ilittoriea 67 505 Burgoyne (General John) The Substance of Qeneral Burgoyne's Sj)oeche8on Mr. Vyncr's Motion on 20th May, and upon Mr. Hartley's Motion on 28th May, 1778, with General Waahington's Letter to General Burgoyne, etc. the 3r(l edition. 8° J. Almon, London, 1778 COO Burgoyne (Lieut. Gen.) A Letter to his Constituents upon his late Resignation, with the Correspondences be- tween the Secretaries of War and him, relative to his return to America, ith edition. b" Almon, London, 1779 507 Burgundy. Comitatus sive Libera) Burguudias Nova Tabula, vulgo dicta La Frauche Comte, dividitur tain in Prajfecturaa tres Generales quain in pluriuius subaltornas per F. do Witt, 22i bj/ 17 inches, coloured. Amst. n. J. 508 Burgundy. Ducatus Burgvndite Nova Descriptio per F. de Witt, 22 bi/ IS inches, culounJ. Amst. n. d. 509 Burnaby (Rev. Andrew) Travels through tlie Middle Settlement in North America in 1730-17(50, with Observa- tions upon the State of tlic Colonies,y/«e copi), boards, uncut. 12° li. Marchbank, Dublin, 1775 510 Burnet (Mrs. Elizabeth) A Method of Uovotion, or Kuleg for Holy and Devout Living, w ith Prayers S" London, 1738 511 Burnet (Gilbert) Memoires touchant Jean Wilmot, Comte do Kochcster, traduits de I'i^nglaia 12" Amst. 1790 512 Burney (Captain James) A Memoir on the Geography of the North Eastern part of Asia, and on the question whether Asia and America are contiguous, or are separated by the Sea. 4° London, 1818 513 Burnet (Matthias, of Norwich) An Election Sermon preached at Hartford on the Day of the Auniversay Elec- tion,Ma> 12, 1803. 8° Hudson and Godwin, Uartjord, 1803 514 BuBfrs (lioBEET). 8" clean Five lines in the well known handwriting of the great WorUl's Poet (born in Scotland) and Plxciscman, on a srrap 5 by C inches, of Excise, or public paper as follows : — "Iconii>08cd this song as I convoj-ed my Chest 80 far on the road to Greenock, where I wns to embark in a few days for Jamaica. — I meant it a.s my farewell dirge to my native land." — On the back is a note by a later hand, '■ The honie Banks of Ayr, ii the song alluded to on the other isidc, it begins, " The gloomy Night is gathering fivst." johiison's Miss. Miisewn, Vol. Wi.j). 293. 515 Burns (Hobert) The original autograph Manuscript of the Ode on the Ameutcan Wau, iu 02 lines, on 3 leaves, written on one side only ; in good condition, bound in red viorocco, cover by Pratt, and lettered " The American War, By Robert Burns." Commencing : " No Spartan tube, no Attic shell. No lyre Eolian I awake ; 'Tis Liberty's bold note I swell. Thy liarp, Columbia, let mc take." ^ PM ll I ! ti 98 Bibliotheea Oeographica 616 BUHNS (RoDEnr) The Original Autograph Manu- script of a poem " On seeing a LousiE on a young Lady't Bonnet at Church,'^ two pages on foolscap folio excise paper, in all 48 lines. This extraordinary production is perfectly legible, but the paper lias been considerably worn by being K)idcd hnd tarried in the pocket. It has boon neat!" mended, folded onco in the centre, and bound in a limp morocco cover. It is a choice and characteristic relic of the Poet, con- taining at the end, just where one would scarcely expect to find it, a poetic gcni in every body's tuouth, but oftener applied to our neighbours than to ourselvea. The poem opens with — Ha ! whauryegaun ye blostet fairlie ! Your impudence protects yon fairlie ; I canna say but ye strunt rarely Yure gauze an' lace, Tho' faith I fcnr ye feed but sparely In sic a place. And ends with — O wad some Power the giflie gie us, To sec oursel as ithcrs sec us 1 It wad frao monny a blunder free uh, An' foolish notion: What airs in dress an' gait, wad ien'c iw, An' even Devotion. 617 BUllNS (Robert) A long entirely Autograph Letter of three quarto pap[es, with fine bold Signature, addressed to "Mr. Samuel Clarke, Jun. Dumfries," in good order, Hitched in red morocco case by Pratt. Of the highest interest. " Sunday Morning. " Dear Sir. I was, I know, drunk last night, but I am sober this morning. From the expressions Captain Dods made use of to me, had I had nobody's welfare to core for but my own, we should certainly hare come, according to the manners of the world to the necessity of murdering one another about the business. The words were such ns generally, I believe, end in a brace of pistols ; but I am still pleased to think that I did not ruin the |)€ivoc and welfare of a wife and a family of children in a drunken squabble. Farther you know that the report of certain Political opinions being mine, bos already once before brought me to the brink of destruction. I dread lest lost night's business muy be misrepresented in the same way. You, I beg, will take care to prevent it. I tax your wish for Mrs Burns's welfare with the task of waiting as soon as possible on every gentleman who vraa present, and state this to him, and as you please show him this letter. What after after all was the obnoxious toast ? ' May our success in the ])resent war be cmiul to the justice of our cause.' A toast that the most out- rageous fren/.y of loyalty cannot object to. I request and beg that this morning you will wait on the parties present at the foolish dispute. The least delay may be of unlucky conse(]uence to me. I shall only piltl, tliot I »m truly sorry that a man who stood so high in my estimation as Mr. Dods, should use me in the manner in which I conceive he has done. " J am. Sir, Yours Sincerely, RonKhT Burns." C18 Burr (Aaron) An examination of charges against Aaron Burr, Vice-President of tho United States, and a developc- ir>ent of the chnraoters and views of his political opponent.s. By Ariatides. Uncut. 8" For the Author, Philadelphia, 180U Biblioiheea IlUtorica 60 519 BunR (Cofi. Aakon) Rrvobts op tub Thiam of Col. A. Burr, lato Vice-Presitlont of tlio United States, for Treason and Misdemeanor in preparing a Military Expedi- tion against Mexico, in the Circuit Court of the United States, at Riclimond, 1807. To which is added the Argu- ments and Evidence in support of the motion to commit A. Burr, H. Blannerhassett and T. Smith to be sent for Trial to Kentucky for Treason or Misdemeanor, Vol. II. Jine copy, excettivcly rare, half calf. 8" Ilopkim and Earle, Philadelphia, 1808 520 Burt (Rev. Federal) An Address delivered at Durliam, N. II. Sept. 4th 1815, before the Old Hundred Sucred Musick Society, on their First Annual Meeting. 8" John MoHon, Dover, 1815 521 Burton (Asa, D.D. of ThetforJ, Vermont.) A Sermon preached at tlio Ordination of the Rev. Caleb J, Tenney, Newport, R. I. Sept. 12, 1801,, uncut. 8° Newport, 1801. 522 Burton (R.) The General History of Earthquakes, being an Account of the most Remarkable and Tremendou» Earthquakes which have happened in divers parts of tho AVorld from the Creation to this time, etc. particularly those of Naples, Smyrna, Jamaica. By R. B. [i e. Burton] 12" A. Betlesworth, London, 1784 523 Burwell (Wm. M. of Virginia.) Memoir explanatory of the Transunion and Tohuautepec route between Europe and Asia, scarce. 8° Washington, 1851 With a larye Map of tho United States and Mexico, showing; the Trans- union and Tchuuntcpcc- route between Europe and Asia. An imiKjrtant Historical, (ieo;;raphical and Statistical paper. 521 Butcher (Richard) The Survey and Antiquity of the Towns of Stamford in the County of Lincoln and Totten- ham-High-Cross in Middlesex, good copy, calf 8" W. Meares, London, 1717 525 Bui lor (Prof. .Tames Davie) Deficiencies in our history, an Addre.' 520 Butler (James Davie) Addresses on the Battle of Ben- nington, and tho life and services of Col. Seth Warner, before the Legislature of Vermont, Montpelier, Oct. 20, 1818, bv J. D. Butler and George F. Houghton [with an Appendix of important historical documents.] ^Scarce. 8" Burlington, 1849 527 Byram River (Map of, No. 3) fron» its Mouth at " Lyon.s" or Byram Point to the Head of Tide Water, at the Ancient Wading Place, showing tho Boundary Lines proposed by the New York and Connecticut Boundary Commissioners, 18o0, 40 bg 10 inches, clean. Albany, April, 1857 528 Byrne (Oliver) The Calculator's Constant Companion, for Practical Men, Machinibty, Mcchanica and Ennineors, iloth. 12" Phil. 1851 ' ■■■h\ « ■i'i ' ■ 'ik-; 'r-!.; : ■-(' ii 60 liibliotheca Clroqraphica 520 Byron (Commoffore) A Voynpo Kotiiul the Worltl in II. M's Sliip tlio Dolphin, coniintindod by tlio lion. Commo- dore Myron, in which ia contained a DcHcrintion of the Htrcights of Magellan and of the Gignntic Peonlo called PntogonianB. By an Officer on Board the Hoid Ship, calf. 8" J. Newbery, London, 176V C30 Byron {Commodore John) The Narrative of J. Byron con- taining an Account of tl»e Great Distresses sufforod by hiniHelf and his Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, 1740-1740, with a Dewcription of St. Jago de Chili, also a Kolation of the Loss of the Wager IVIan of War, one of Anson's S(|uadron. b" S. Baker, London, 1708 531 ByHsho (Edward) The Art of English Poetry, containing I. liuk's for making Verses. II. A Collection of the most Natural, Agreeable and Sublime Thoughts, viz. AlluHions, Similes, DescriptionH and Characters of Persons and Things that are to bo found in the best English Poets. III. A Dictionary of Bhymes. The Sixth Edition enlarged, 2 vols. 12" O. Loyd, London, 1718 532 Ii^55^^A'iEERA de Novares (Miguel) Memoria sobro cl cstado actuel de las Americas, y medio do paciiicarlesj^nc copy, calf, scarce. 8" Don Josd del Collado, Madrid, 1821 Presentation cc ipy — " A CnbuUero Don Hicardo Bingham el Alitor. Gibrnltar 16 Sept. 1828." 5:J3 Caesar (C. Julius) Do Bello Gnllico, or the first Four Books of Cajsar's Commentaries, with an English Transla- tion as literal as possible and Notes by J. Miiir, the Ninth Edition. 12" Udinh. 181t> 534 Caiuus : qua) olim Babylon ; JE.gy])ii maxima Urbs, [a Plan of]. IS by 13 inches. [1590?] 535 Calet (Jean Jaquos) A true and minute Account of the Destruction of the Bastilo, by J. J. Calet, a French Protes- tant, who had been a prisoner there upwards of twenty years, and in what manner he was taken from his house, and who recovered his Liberty on and who assisted at the demolition of that infamous Prison, y/«e and uncut 8" Printed fur Chapman Uliifcomb, [«. d.] 530 California. Oranata Nova ot California, a map, 11| by 19 inches, a very Jinn copy. [Wyf/Iiet, Lovanii, 1597] Gniiiiitrt Nova here is 'New Mexico. 537 California (Topogi-aphical Sketch of the Gold and Quick- Pilvor Di.«*trict of), J uly 25lh, 1S4S. E. O. C. O. Lt. U. S. A., 15 i^ 21 J inches. 53S Callender (John) An Oration pronounced, July 4, 1797, at the request of the Inliabitants of Honton in Commemo- ration of the Anniversary of American lii(U'|)Cudence,_////f, clean and uncut. 8" Bcnj, Edvs, Jivslun, 1797 liibliolheca Jlittorica ttl 5li0 Catiibriil^o Pliiiform. Con^rc<{ntiunaliMtn, ns oontaiiicd iu tlio ScriptureH, ux|)liiiiiod by tlic Ciiinbritlgo IMiitrorm, and by Approved Authura, or, the Rights ni\d Power of Coti- gri'^iitiorml Churcliea to cIiooho thoir Ollleeru, to exorciHO Discipliiio, and to roinovo tlirir Ollicors from Ollico acoord- inj? to tlio I'lattbrni, u»cut,Ji'ne copy, H" Boston, 171) t GIO Cambridge I'lutforni. A rluttorm of Churcli Diaciplino gntlu'rcd out of tlio Word of Ood, and agrt'od upon by tho Elders and MeBsengors of the Churchoa asaemblcd iu tho Synod at Cumbridg(\ iu New-England : to bo presentod to tho ChurcheH and Oencral Court for their conaideratiou und accoptunco in the Lord, the 8th Month, Anno 1019. 12" True and mtton, Jioston, 1810 Gil Campnu (Mme.) Mi'moirea sur la Vie I'riveo do Mario Antoinette, lieino do Franco et de Navarre suivis do Sou- venira ot Aueedotoa lliatoriquoa sur lea H^gnoa de liouia XIV, do Louia XV, ot do Louia XVI. Troisi^me Edition, 8 vols, uncui, portrait. 8" Paris, 1823 512 Ca.mpaniu8 iloLM (Thomas) Kort Beskbifnino cm I'ltoviNciKN NvA SwEKiOE uti AmcHca, 8om nu fortjden af tho Eugolsko kallaa rensylvania, fine large clean copy in calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt, but unfortunately wants the engraved frontispiece and plate No 4. Map No 1 is neatly restored in the bottom margin, and in No 5 the lower larger half is a tracing. A book of very great rarity and historical importance. 4" J. II. Werner, Stockholm, 1702 043 Camp Jeater (The), or Amusement for the Moas, scarce. 12" Jilackmar, Augusta, Oa. 184G Printed on Confcdcmtc i)ni)er. 544 Campe (J. II.) La Decouvorto do I'Ameriquo pour I'in- struetion & ranmaement des Enfana & dea jcunea gens. Tnuluito do rAllemaud par M. Junker, 3 vols, map and plates. 8" Hambourg, 1782.1784 'J'lic iTsuks of the influence of this book arc iiicnlculable. The niitiior while writing it wiis the first tutor of the boys William and Alexumler von llunibnUlt. Tlio latter never censed toacknowlegc his indebtedness to Cain|)c for inspiiinK him with a love of travel in foreij^n lands. 515 Canipo (J. H.) Columbua or the Discovery, of America, as related by a Father to his Children, translated from tho German by Elizabeth Ilelmc, a new edition, with tho triinslator's last corrections, map. 12" London. 1S2G 540 CvNAOA. ME.\fOinE pouk Messtre F. Bioot, ei-devant Intendant de Justice, Police, Finance, ct Marine en Canadii. Accuse: Cuntre Monsieur le Procureur-tjleiieral du Koi, Aecusateur. Premiere Partie conlenaut I'llistoire do TAcU niinistrat ion du ISieur Bigot dans le Colonic (seconde partie contcnant la diseusiuou ot le detail des Chefs d'accusution). Part I. xvix and ;U)3 pages, Part 1 1. 52 by 780 pag(>s, 2 parta in 1 vol. flic copy, half ctif very ran', and of the highest ■1> i ! • historical interest. P. Al. Le Pricur. Paris, 1703 fm E' i.f.i I G2 Bibliotheca Oeographica 517 Canada, Juoement bendu Soutehainement ct en tier- iiier rosaort, dans I'afFaire du Canada, par Messieurs lea Lieutenant General do Police, Lieutenant Farticulier et CouBcilliers au Chatelet, et Siege Presidial de Paris, Com- niiasairea du Koien cette Partiedu 10 Dec. 1703, 7Hpp.Jine copy, SCARCE AND IMPORTANT. 4" A. Boiidet, Paris, 1703 548 Canada. Principai-es Requctes du Procureur General en la Comraiasion etablie dans Taflaire du Canada, /«? copy, scarce, 52 pages. 4° Antoine Boudet, Paris, [1703] 519 Canada. MfiMOiBE pour Ic Marquis do Vaudueuil, Grand-Croix de I'Ordre Koyal ct Militairo de Saint I ouis, ri-devant Gouverneur et Lieutenant-General du la Nouvello IVance, 4G/>/>.^w« co/jy, scarce, and of the hit/heat historical value. 4" De Morenu, Paris, 1703 550 Canada. MfeMOiHE pour le Sieur Duverfi;er do Saint Blin, Lieutenant d'inlanterie dans Ics trotipes utant ci-devant en Canada. Centre M. lo Procureur General du Koi en la Commission, 2^i pages, Jine copy, scarce and IMPORTANT. 4° De Aloreau, Paris, 1703 551 Canada. MfeMoinE pour lo Sicur Do Boishcbcrt, Capi- taine, Chevalier de Saint Louis, ci-dcvaut Commandant ti I'Acadie, iSO pages, Jine copy, scarce and VALUABLE. 4° De Moreau, Paris, 1703 652 Canada. Rociiemore (Sr. de) Memoire concernant la fi'i; Sr. De Rociiemore, Comniissairc General de la Marino, ('' Jonnateur a la Louisiane, contra lo Sieur de Kerlorec, Gouverneur de la meaic Colonic [pour Dame Marie-Made- leine Gaston, au nom et en (lualite do Veuve de Messiro Vinceut-Gaspard-Pierre de Rociiemore], ^«e clean copy. 4" [Colophon] A. Paris, chez P. O. iiimon, 1705 Tlic (;cogi'H|)hicaI, historical, and biogrnpliical iniportiincc of tlio lust seven rare privntely printdl volumes cannot will bo over-estimated. In tliem Canada is described lidly, and also Old Frciieli Louisiana, tluit vast eountry lying between the tiidf of Mexico and I'anada, boundetl on the ea.st by Florida and tlie Knglish Colonies, with unde- termined western frontiers, comprising the valleys of the Mississijipi, •ho Missouri, the Ohio, the Wabash, the Illinois, and other large rivers, extending' even to the Great Lakes. After Vaudreuil was transferreil, in 1762, from the Government of Louisiana to be Governor-General of Canada, tho Manpiis of Kerlerec was appointed in his jdace, but the Government of Louisiana was dependent upon the Goverimient of Canada, ami hence the imjiortHUic of an open and elenr eommunieiktion. and the necessity of keeping back the Knglish interlopers, iis the Fremh were i)Ieased to call them. Kerieree establisheil a great number of posts and statimis lor trading with the Salvages, and repelling the eiu roaelinicnts of the English. In 1758, the I^trd of Jiochmore arrived at New Orleans, and was made Commissary General of the Marine, and ",(/(>ini((?(ar of Louisiana, and eonseciucntly had under his care the many niul remote ]iost« of l.a Ihilisi', I.a I'ointf t'oi/yir, ^'alcln's, Arhnvlaiii. ^fohilc, I'lii-ti' dcs llliiKiit', Foi't ill' Qiifsiic, &«'. llcnec, ri'S|iceiing ii eciinlry of which so little is known of this early perii>d llicse lupoki .supply nnii>le and 5b t en der- ieurs les culier ct ria, Com- j>pp.Jtne ris, 17G3 General fine copy, 8, [1703] L'DAEUIL, lit T ouis, Nouvello historical trig, 1703 iiiut 131in, levant eu koi cu la iris, 1763 rt, Capi- anilaut h tris, 1703 Drnant la i Marine, Kcrlerec, rie-Matlc- |) Meadiro copy, ion, 1705 tlio last tiinnteil. .oiiisintia, Caiimlii, itii iindc- [issis8i|i|)i, ge rivers, nmcnt of Kcrk-rcc minu was npjrtancc ping hack all tiiom. r trailing; Knglisli. ivaH nintio .uuihiaim, V |«)Sl« of uliich so H'lc and Bibliotheca Historica 68 nnthentic information. Tlioy are the only copies \vc recollect to liavo occnrrcd for sale l>y auction. l)uring the old Seven Years War of the Boandarics in Anieriia bclweon Knpland and Frai'.ce, from Wash- ington's first (kfeat on the .Mnnongahela to the snrrendcr of Canada in I7«0, the French oftiiers in t'anaila sccni to liave possessed an amount of deviltrie in private prahhing and public thieving rarely snrpasscd, even in our days of refined and daring raids on the public treasury. The conM^qnunce was that after the I'eacc, when they were quarrelling among themselves who should be greatest as well as richest, the French Ciovernment decided, after the goo 553 inclusive, will be sold together, or separately, as it nniy be determined on the day of sale. 553 CANADA. THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT PRI- TATE Records of tiik Fuencii Commanders ly Chikp jy Canada during the Old Seven Years War, compriHing the Six Annual Campaigns from 1755 to 17(!0 inclusive, under Baron do Dieskaw, Marquis de INIont- CALM, Chevalier de Levis, etc. tilling about 475 cloyely written folio pages, in excellent preservation, in the original calf binding, unpublislu'd, and wo believe, never edited, or even skimmed by any historian, folio, Canada, 1755-1700 It is not easy to overestimate the historical importance and literary value of original unpublished National Munuscript .Secret Kecf)rdH of this kind. Nor is it possible for us in a brief notice like this to cf the short campaign of Baron Dieskaw in 1755, through Ijike Champlain to Crown Point, Ticonderoga and r,uke George. In volume X of the Doruinents relating to the Colonial lldory of New York, many of the important papers are jjrinted, i)Ut so cooked up by the Uovcmor-General that we lose all sympathy with the nnl'or- tunate Baron de Dieskaw, who was wounded and taken prisoner by Gen. Johnson at the South F.nd of Lake George, the 8th Sept. 17.')5. Besides bis instructions, plans, orders, etc. in this volume are the drafts "^ of two long letters to Vauilreuil, dated at (^irillon (Crown Point i tlio Ist and 4tli of Sept. the bust on the eve of his departure for Ticonderoga and Lake George to meet Johnson in battle, and only three days before his repuNc. The story of the unfortunate Dieskaw has never vet been fairly told. The Campaigns of 175(>, 1757, 1758. 175'.> an'd I7»10. under Montcalm and di. Li. vis. ngainsl the Kngli^h by tin w.iv of r'q illi M "'! nil .iii I 64 Bibliotheca Oeographica I^koB C1inmi>1ain ami George, and Lake Ontario, arc recorded in tliis volume, I75ti in llo page8, 1757 in 87 pages, 1758 in U4 pages, 1759 in 98 pages, and 1760, to the 21th May, ni 47 pages. Tlic instructions, tlie daily orders, the plans of Cunipnign, tlie order of l)attle!>, ilie aiTangenicnts and services of the Indians, arc all noted hca-in, with sometimes the services of spies and the drafts of letters to the Governor. Wc know not the history of the volume, hut it appears to he in the handwriting of two diflert iit scirttarics, wlio worked allernalely under Dii'skaw, ^lontealm, and Ix-vis. The vohiinc came some fifteen years ago from the family of Chevalier de Levis, the General serving at the time of the Surrender. Ihe whole volume, printed in the style of the Now York Documentary History, would fill i)iolial>ly some ."550 large quarto pages. Uy whom.xoever piihlished it wouKI ninko an invalualde companion v(dume to that not half ap])reeiated series of Ilibtorical Papers puhlished hy the State of New York. 554 Canada. Ahre<»e do I'llistoiro Sainto, de I'llistoire do France ot de I'llistoire du Canada, a I'usngc dca Coninien- Cautos. 12" LovrU ^- CHjsoii, JUontrfal, 1815 555 Canada (Oeolopiral Survey of). Keport on the North Slioro of Lake Huron, by W. E. Logan, witfi three maps. S" Monlrtal, 1849 555*Canada (Geological Survey of). Report of Progress for the year IS47-48, by "NV. E. Logan 8" Montreal, 1819 C5G Canada, delation de ce qui n'est parte au Siege do Quebec, et du Canada, par une lieligieuse do riloi)ital General de Quebec: adressc a iiiic Coiniiiunanto do eoa Ordre en Franco, with copperplate Vieir of Quebec, scarce. 8" Inprime au Bureau du JUi rmry, Quebec, 1855 667 Canada (Geological Survey of). Keport of Progress for the year 1858, by W. E. Logan, maps. 8" Montreal, 1859 658 Canada. La Nvova Fnincia, Terra do Nvrvmbega, Isola denioni, Terra Nvova, Hacalaos, 7'erra de Labrador, etc. tery fine tcoodcut map, clean, 11 hy 15 inches. From liamusio. I'ol 3, p. 423, Venetia, 1550 659 Canada. Carte Nouvelle contenant la Partie d'Anieri']ue la plus Septeiitrionale nu sont exaftenient decrites le Canada ou Nouvelle J" ranee, ia Nouvelle K«'08!'t , la Nouvelle Angle- terre, les Nouveaux Pais Ban, la Pfn«ylvanie, la Virginie, la Caroline et I'l^le de Terre Neuve, avec lea Profondeuis le long dcB Cotes et 8ur i«M Haur n, par Nicholas Viaseher, 18 by 23 J inches, coloured, fine copy, scabck. \^Amst. IGtiO?] 6G0 Canada. Nova Francia ot Canada, 11| by Q inches, a very fne map. [Wytfeet, Lovanii, 1597] 681 Canada (Le) ou Partie de la Nimvtlle France contenant Labrador, la Nouvelle France, Les Isles de Terre Neuve, de Nostrc Dame, etc. very fne clean copy, 24 by 18 inches, coloured. 11. Jaillot, Paris, 1G9C Kxtrnds from Lake Su|>erior to Newfonncllan'\ and from a little Itelow Montreal to the North of liiidsou's Hhv, inriuding the whole of Lab- rador. u liihlioihcca Jlistoricn 05 r»C2 Canada. Carte clu Canada on tie la Noiivello Franco ot do8 Ui'couvcrtes qui y ont ete faitcs, dresyec par Quillauino Do YlaXOyJlne clean copy, scarce, 25 i by lOi inches. Paris, 1703 A very viilual)lc nmi>. exU'iuliiiK from Manlund to the north side of Bafliii's Hay, and from Greenlaiid to the l{oeky Mountains. The boun- duries of the Knglisli Colonics nro marked l)y colour. Kastern Canada, the Gulf of St. Lawrenrc, Labrador, Greenland, etc. arc laid down with inucli rare and with historical notes. 503 Canada (Lo) ou Partio do la Nouvollo Franco, contenant la Terrc do Liibrador, la Nouvollo France, Ics Talcs do Terro Nouvo, do No3trc Uamo, etc. 'i\ by 214 inches, colourat, fine copy. Covens ct Mortier, Amsterdam [1710 ?J 5Gli Canada, Louisiano ct Terras Angloiscs, par lo Sr. d'Au- villo, on 3 sheds, each 22| by 18|, coloured, fine clean copy, very important and scarce. \^Paris~\ 1755 Tiie lioundarie.s between the English nnd French Possessions in Americ.n, Hs idaimed l>y the Freneli, are marked in colours, and are rather starl- liiij;. For instance the red line of France extends from liurnct's Field on the Mohawk to the south end of Lake George, tiiencc to a little beloiv White River (K. Hlanchci, across the Conneetieut to NoridRe- walk on the Keunebeck. and thence down tliat river to the sea. Thus chiiniin;.' all North-East New lork, iialf of Vermont, part of New Hampshire, etc. 5G5 Canada. Partie Occidentalo do la Nouvollo Franco ou du Canada, par Mr. Bollin, Inseuieiir du Roy, otc. cominu- niqut'o nu Public par lea Iloritiera do Iloman in 1755, 21 by IGJ inches, fine clean ro/jy, scauck. {^Nuremb. 1755] This important maji has the five praiid lakes for a centre, from tho Adirondacs to Duluth, and from the Ohio Uiver, H'j' to .^1^. 50G Canada. l*artio Oricntalo do la Nouvollo Franco ou du Canada, par Mr. Bollin, Ingoniour du Hoy, 21 J- by 17 inches, clean and large copy, scarce. Par Ics Heritiers de IToman, Nuremh. 1755 Comprehends nil from the east end of Lake Ontario to tho east side of Newfoundlaml, ond from Cape Cod to Hudson's Hay ; very full and important. The Connecticut and Huds m Uiver. Lake Cliumplain, ami the St. Lawrence, are laid down with considerable care. 5G7 CanaD/* a Map of tho Located Districts in tho Pro- vince of -iper Canada, describing all tho Now Sottleinents, Townshi, ., etc. with tho adjacent Frontiers, 41 by 32^ inches, coloured, very fine, clean copy. William Fuden. Charing Cross, IS 13 5G8 Canada. ^M.ip of tho Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, with tho Adjacent Parts of the United States of America, etc. by Joseph Bouchetto, -IS by 29J inches, coloured. W. Faden, London, 1S15 5G9 Canada (A Map of). Tho Province of Canada, by James Wyld, Oeofj;rnnhpr to tlio (^ueon and Jl.IMI. Prince Albert, [shewing tho disputed Boundaries] 30 iy 21 inehc; coloured. London [IS 10] 570 Canada (Map of), with rcferenco to tho ditiputcJ Terri- tories, 21 Ay ID iiichr.'}, coloured. ir. and A. K. Juhiistun. Ediiibiin/h, tic. [ISIO?] K I' ! r ii: i '11 CG BihUotheca Oeographiea 071 Canada West (Smith's Commercial and TrarcHing ATap of), compiled expressed for Smith's Canadian Gazetteer, 1847, 205 *y 15 inchet. II. JRowtell, Toronto, 1817 572 Capel (D.) Vorstellungen des Norden, oder Bericht von oinigenNordlJindern, \ind absonderlich von dem sogenandten (Jriinlande, etc. Ji tie copy, scarce. 4" J[amburg, 1070 This iinimrtnnt work is divided into two books, the first in 1 1 and the second in five cliajiters. Bof>k I. gives an account of all that it known of voya^ca towards the North Pole ; Mercntor'a opinioa ; that of Isaac I'ontJinuH ; the voyn^es of the Hollanders fnmi AmstcnJam, 1594- IC09 ; Spil/.berRcn ; and ch. II, the voyajrea of Captains Winwood, and of Henry Hudson westward to America. liook II. treats of the voyfl({C8 of tlie Zeni, of Dielnmn Blefkens, ISC'), of Grt-cnland, with an ahstrnet of H. Megisser's valuable book of 1613, and O- N. ix-hurU's Narrative. 573 Capk Cod. A Description of the Eastern Coast of the County of Barnstable, from Cape Cod, or Race Point, in Lat. 42° 5', to Ca])o IMnlebarre, or the Sandj Point of Chatham in Lat. 41° 33', uncut, BCAUCE. 8" Jlose and Sprague, Boston, 1802 574 Capo of Good ITopo. Carte Particuliore des Costes du Cap do Bone Espcranco, etc. Levee par Ordre Expres des Koys do Portugal hous qui on en a fait la Decouverte, 31 J by 22\ inches, coloured, very fine clean copy. lUerre Mortier, Amsterdam [1700] 575 Capo of Good Hope, The Dutch Colony of the, [Map] by L. S. do la Itochctte, 12J hy 1Q\ inches, Jine copy. W. laden, London, 1795 570 Cape Verde. Isles du Cap Verd, Ilispanis Islaa de Cabo Verde, Belgis Do Soiito E} landcn, 19 by 144 inches, coloired. Jean Covens et Comeille Mortier, Amst. [1710] 577 Carew (Bampfylde-Moorc) An Apology for the Life of Mr. B.-M. Carew, commonly called the King of the Beg- gars, with his travels twice through great part of America, the Ninth Edition, with the large folded portrait. 8" B. Ooadly, London, 1775 Carew was born at Devon in 1 693, was tried at Exeter about 1 739 or 1740, and hanishcd to Maryland, where he went at the or«t of the |iublic. He (;ivc8 an amusing account of the owntrj, anzled and biv.d Whitfield, Tlios. I'enn, Got. Thomas, and many others of good repute, are amusing, true or not. 578 Carew (Bamplyldo Moor) An Apology for the Life of Mr. Bampfylde-Moor Carew, commonly call'd the King of the Beggars, with his travels twice through great part of America, [with Dedication of 17 pages to Henry Fielding] the second Edition. 8° B. Ooadby, London, n. d. 579 Carew (Bampfyldo Moore) The Life and Adventures of Mr. B. M. Carew, commonly called the King of the Beg- gars, and a Dictionary of the Cant Language. 12" A. Miller, London, 1782 This edition omits the absnrd attack on Fielding's Tom Jones Bibliotkeea Uutoriea 67 580 Carey (Mafciiew) A Short Account of the Malignant Fcvor in Philadelphia, with the Proceedings on tho subject in diflerent parts of the Unite*! States, 2nd Edition, portrait of Dr. 8. L. Mitchell, fine clean copy. 8" Bif the Author, Philadelphia, Nov. 23, 1703 681 Carey (Matthew) The Olive Branch, or Faults on Botii Sides, Federal and Democratic, a serious Appeal on tho Necessity of Mutual Forgiveness and Harmony, Seventh Edition enlarged, a very scarce edition. 8° William Slade, 3IiJJlehurf/, Vt. 181G 582 CA.RLETON (Sro G\j\, Captain General and Governor of Quebec) Autouuapii Letter to Doct4>r Hrocklesby, 2 pages 4", signed and dated " Palais in Belleitle, June 13 — " " All that I shall t<J inrhts, coloured. Joannes ran Keulen, Amslerihnn [IGGO] 588 Carolina. Carte General de la Caroline dre.' Sale two inches to a mile, made for military purpose.* only, kx> I 'fiBni ■si \ im 09 Bibliotheca Oeograpkica COO Cnrtaa Curiosas sobro el Negocio do loa Jcsuitns en Francia. 1", do el Sr. Obispo de San Pons al Procurador Ooncral dol Parlamento do Tolbsa. 2", do ul Misrno al Miamo. 3», do uu Militar a un Parlnmentario do Paris. Traducidaa del Vtox\cg9, fine copy , calf . S" I'uMiplona, [17G3] 591 Carto Chronolof^iquo do I'llistoiro UnivcrHelio formant lo Tableau do tons loa Kcruob connus, dcs principaux Evene- mcna Politicjucs, Militaircs, etc. d'aproa F. Strasa, diviseo cu deux Feuillea ausmenteo «lo rAncicn-Nord, do I'Asic du Moyon Age, do la Fondation d'un grand nombro do Villes, deu plus eclobrca IJataillos do toutes lea ^poques, jumiu'en iH'-iO, ct auivic d'uuo Table Alphabetique, pur F. A. Josscran. fiAio, Amsterdam, 1H30 502 Curtlmgcna. An Account of tlio E'C|)L>dition to Cartha- gona, with Explanatory Notes and Observations, fnc anil elrcn. 8" M. Cooper, London, 1713 503 t'artwriglit (John) Tho Legislative KiglitH of the Com- nionalty Vindicated, orTiikuyour Clioieo ! Representation and liespeet ; Imposition and Conleinpt. Annual Parlia- nieutH and Libertv : Lon" Parlianieiits and ISIuverv, scoond otlition, /r'«6' copy, boards, uncut. W' J. Ahnon, London, 1777 A consiilcnililc |)r()|it)rlii>ii of litis volume rcliitcs directly unil imlircctly fii Anicricii niul tlic tfTorts to preveut its IiKlcpciiiii'iicc of thn Hritisli Crown. In tho Appendix, p. 'i\\-i^9, Mr. Cartwrif^ht reproduces the («ii;;gc.stion lie tlircv out so long njio u.s 1774 and repeated in 1775 and 177C, in liis niionvnious painiilikt entitled. American Indtjpemlence the Interest and (llory of Ureat Uritain. 501 C'aiivkr (Jonatua.v) Tiiavki-s through the Interior Parta of North Ainoriea in 1«00-17G8, ;>/rt/^a and maps, fine copy on i-AROK PAl'EH, bourds, uncut. First Edition, scarce in this state. h" For the Author, London, 177S 505 Casas (BARToroME do Las) Entiik Los hkmkuios cpio fray H. de las Casus riTirio por inandado del Einperador en los nyunlaiiiieiitos en \'!illa(li)lid el ai"io 1512 para rofor- niaeion de las Indiiis El oetavo eu orden ca el siguionte, fine copy, first edition. 4" Sevilta, 1552 500 ''\SA3 (|}autuol»).me de Las) The Staxish Colonie, »)i. HaiEi-E CuuoNicLE OK THE Acts and oestes of Til' Spaniauues i\ tiik \Vi„st Indiks, called tho ncwo World, written in the Castilian tongue, and now first tranMhited into English, by M. M. S. blarh Irtlrr, with 15 curious plates of Spanish cruelties insertid. (title mounted and margins of a leaf or two mended), morocco ejfra, gilt edges. 4" Land, for Wdliam Brome, 1583 A eopy of this rnrc work produced ut iiiution in Mny IM71, £22. 15s. 507 Casaa (H. dalle) iatoriadella Diatruttione dell' Indie Oc- cidental!, Venelia, 1043 — II Supplice Scliiauo Indiano, ivi 1(530 — La Liberia pretesa dal supplioe S«hiauo Indiano, iri 1010 — C"oiH|ui8ta dell' Indie Oeeidcutali, ivt 1045 — fine copies in old gilt calf, in 1 vol. 4" v. y. 'J'lic Spiiiiisli Tex'b of •■;« li of ilif>.c four Wor'n' hy tlic fiinioim Rishop Do l.a»(."a>ii:; are k |uuUil wuli iLt liuliau Wrsiou in parallel toluimi'- l| suitns en 'rocurndor Misrno nl do Paris. ia, [17G3] brtnnnt lo IX Evt'uo- \», diviseo do I'Asic icrmbro do Epoques, ic, pur b\ lam, 1H30 Cartlm- , Jlno and ulon, 17i3 the Com- jsentatioix al I'arlia- rv, 801'ond li/on, 1777 III indirectly tlin British )ro(luce8 tbe in 1775 ami ndependence mor Pftrta ^, fine copy scarce in (Ion, 1778 •:uio3 quo erador en ra rofor- |siguionto, ilia, 1552 Colon iK, RHTEa OF ho nowo )o\v first with !.■) mounted /'Yi, gilt me, 1583 lii. 15s. [ndie Oc- lano, ivi liidiano, 1045 — •1" f. y. IS liishop I ctjlunin> BibJiotheca llitiorica. G9 598 CASAS (Bartolome do las) A lono ENTinELT Auro- ORAPn Lktter of lour very closely written folio pages to the Emperor Ciiarlks the Fifth, " f lllustro v Muy Mag- nifico Scfior," and signed, " bartolomc do las Casaa," with tho necessary and unual Spanish flourishes, in the finest condition, on ttoo folio leaves, stitched in a red morocco cover. folio, not dated, hut 151!) Antoprnph letters of the " Apostle of the Indies," the good Las Castu*, are of the utmost rurity, and tliis is hiotorically im|)ortant as it is rare*. lie had rome home from llispaniola tn work a scheme for improviiif; and civilizinjj tho Indians in Ticrra Firme. A large grant of coa.st from Daricn to Trinidad of .(immi miles liad Iwcn under negotiation. The business was in the hands of Cliarlcs' L'hnncellor, Arhorio do (Jalti- nara, who favonred Las Casas, but he was strongly opposed by tho Conneil of tho Indies. I.ah Ca^aa logins this letter by l>eui)>pc de Sosa has plenty of rich tcrritorv without Cenu "for him to govern and !iis people destroy." He then makes new an E.s|)atinols,y//i«' rojuj, calf. 12 Vheg Andre I'tuluid, Puri^; 1097 ■«Ii 1 't ; "■•'I ..'■',n i^.'tj I ||: 70 Bibliotheca Oeographica 002 Caaas (B. do Lns) Kclatiou dcs Voyages Jcb Dt'couvcrtea quo Ics EHpagtiols out fait dans les ludes Occidcn tales, uvec la Kelatiou dcs Voyages du Sieur do Montauban, Capitaiuodoa Filbustiora en Guineo I'au IGQ5, ffontispiece, fine copy. 12° Louis de Lorme, Paris, 1698 C03 Cabas (Bartholomew do Las) An Account of the First Voyages and Discoveries made by tho Snaniarda in Ame- rica, coiitaiuiug tho most exact Kelation nithcrto published of tlieir unparalleled Cruelties on the Indians in tho destruc- tion of above Forty Millions of Tcoplo. To which is added tho Art of Travelling, culf. 8" J. Darhyfor D. Brown, London, 1G99 GOli Case (The) of Great Hritain and yVmerica addressed to the King and botli Houses of rurliaiiieut, Jlne clean and uncut copy, scauck. 8" William and Thomait Bradford, rhiladelphia, 1709 G05 Case Statkd (Tho) on Philoaophical (i round, between Great Britain and the Colonies. Or the Analo^y between States and Individuals, re><>st8i-ri|)t of 8 |)ii(;es, deiiiundinK innncdiiite ])ciice with tlio Amcricuiis. GOO Cases nnd (Queries submitted to every Citizen of tho United States, and especially tho INIembersof the Adniinis- tration and of both 1 louses of Congress as deserving to bo Impartially Considered by them, uncut. &0 £. Sarycant, New York, 1809 Im|)ortnnt for the History of the early stnjfcs of the war of 1812. G07 Caspian. Carto des Fays voisins do la Mer Caspienno dresseo pour I'usago du lioy 8ur la Carte do cetlo Mer faite par I'Ordrc du Czar, sur les Memoires de Sottkam- Sabbas Frinco de Georgie, etc. par G. Uelisle, 21i by 18 inches, coloured. Jean Covens ft CorneiHc Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700?] COS Casijian Sea. Carto Marino do la Mer Caapienc Icveo Buivant les Ordres de S. M. Czariene par Mr. Carl Vanver- don en 1719-1721 et reduito an Meridien de Faris par Guillaumo de L'Isle, 21 by yt inches, coloured. Covens et Mortier, Amsterdam, [1722 ?] G09 Castile, liegnoruiu CasteilcB Veteris, Legiouis et Galla;- cia) Frincipatuumq" Biscaia; et Asturiarum accuratissima Uescriptio per F. do Wit, 22 i Ity 19i inches, coloured, J. Covens et C, Mortier, Amstelodami, [1715 ?] 010 Castile. Kegnorum CaHtelIre Novoc, Andalusia*, Granada?, \';i!tMitin», et Murcia) Tabula in Fpibcopalua, etc. divisa per FrcJcricum de Wit, 23 by IJ).\ inches, tolourrd. T. Covens et C. Mortier, Amstelodami, [1720 ?] h * W 't'couvcrtes cidcntalcs, lontnubnn, 'ontispieee, ^aris, 1G98 the First 1 in Ame- > publiHird lio (leatruc- ^h is added ndon, 1G99 Jreasod to clean and phia, 17G9 , between y between 1' political tJon, 1777 of ago ami iiithoratld.sii I Amoricniis. DM of tlio ' AdminiH- ■viug to bo ork, 1809 1812. JivHpicnno el to Mor Sosknni- 1 bi/ 18 [1700?] \uc Icveo Vanvcr- 'aria par [1722?] (t Galia-- rutissinia red. I[1715?] Iranadap, jvieia jier 1720 ?1 Bibliothfca Tliiiorica 71 GU Catalogue (Now Select) of Bonininin Oiiild'a Circulating Library, containing principally Novell, Voyages, Travels, Poetry, Periodical Publications, and IJooks oi' Entertain- ment, at the Boston Book-Slore, No. 50, Cornhill,y?we co/>//, uiu'ut, scarce. H" Ji. Guild, Uoslun, 17S9 G12 Catalooce (A.) of Books for Sale or Circulation by William P. Blake at tbe Boston Book-Store. Consisting of tlio most approved Authors in History, Voyages, Travi'ls, Lives, Philosophy, Novels, Divinity, Law, Physic, llus- biindry, Poetry, etc. cic, fine copy, uncut. 8" \V. P. liltke, Boston, 1793 G13 Catalogue of Books for Sale or Circulation by William P. Blake, at the Boston Book-Store, No. 5J>, Cornhill, fine ropy, uncut. 8" W. F. Blake, Boxton, 1790 A wdiiderful collfction of more tliiin 17(iO volumes of Mi.seellnncoiis LiUirntui'o, coniiiieiiciiit; wiili the Alibcy of Sniiit AHiipli, n now!, atul wiiKliii^ up with Ziinmennun on Sditmle. It compriseH the Sorrows of Wvrtcr uiul Mary Woil»toiiccnift'.s Hi|;lits of Women {fan additional Korrow for Werthcr if he hail lived to read it; j Mrs. Uehn's I'lays, and Fordycc's Sermons to You nj; Women ; Tom I'liinc's Ago of Keason, and Madame do (ienlis on Heli^ion ; I'umela, a Novel, and I'aley's Kvidcnces of Christianity, '^tand one aft- lie other ; and the Pupil of I'leasure, a novel, is on the same page n- lieli).'>ou> Courtship. Torn Jones and Watls's Hymns are in it of c-oarse, and Fnizcr's Art of C(X)k- ery and Curric's Diseases of Araeriea may {wssibly be taken together us rause and effect. Sometimes good books get into bad company ; Fivderico, or Memoirs of a Young Lady, is no doubt a very inn(K-cnt novel, but being immediately fi>!lowed by Frederic, or the Libertine, some awkward idca.s arc snggesteil. On the other hand, some of the works which eome together do so with singular propriety, us Friendship and Matrimony, a Novel, followed by Fruitless Repentance ; the very mitural He(|uel to it. The Marriage Act, a novel, seems lo have pro- ilueed a dubious amount of gooil, a-s it is immediately followed by the Married Libertine. One of the most thoroughly busine(«-likc entries we have ever met with is that of I'uradise Lost ; do, Ucgaincd. Wo have not space for more, but if the goo! people of Boston read all tliese bfMtks (and the Store was a Circulating Library), they must havo resenil)lcd Mrs. Mulaprop's Niece, Lydia Ijin!:nish,who told her servant to put the Innocent Adultery into the Whole Duty of Man. We may add that of the l7o6 odd books coatained in the Store, nearly five hundred are Novels. GU Catalogue of Books for Sale or Circulation by W. P. & L. Blako, at the Boston Book-Store, consisting of the most celebrated Authors in History, Voyages, Travels, Lives, Novels, Divinity, Law, Physic, Arts, Sciences, Poetry, Plays, etc. tic. fine copy, uncut. 8" W. P. ^' L. Blake, Boston, 1798 C15 Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Library of the University of Vermont, b" Uarrinyton, Burlington, 1S30 A Library of about lO.ooO volumes, said to be one of the best selected of any of the College libraries ia the United States. GIC Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Library of the New York Hospital, and the Kegulations for the use of the same, scarce. ^o New York, 1829 ^>» -i . 72 Bihliotheca Oeographica 017 CATAT-oorE (A) of nil tho HookH itrintod in tho TTnitcil StnU'H, with Iho l'rifo« nnd IMnoos where j)ul)liHlu>(l nn- iiuxed. Published by iho Booksellers in Boston, yfne copy, BCAQCK, 80 pagen. 12" For the JiookHeUcra, Botton, Jan. 1801. ThiH poor little Ihiti^;, tlui flrHt of ltd kind, tliouRh iiicuKro rnoii|:h, in iiiiliMH-iiHubIc tu tlu> liiHtoriaii of Atiurii'iiii liU'riitiirc niul iU t;ruwtli. On tlii! lace of it in thin note: " Thifl cntulo^uu w inti-nilcd to include nil ixMiks of p'niTikl siilo printed in the United StateR, wlietlier <)ri(;inii! or reprintcili that the public may see tlie rnpid |irof;ri'Hs of liook-jirintin}; in a country whore, twenty years Nincc, scarcely n liook wa« publibkcd. liocul and occoL'ionul tracts arc generally omitted," etc. C18 Catalogue of the Maine State Library, 1802. H" Slevent Sf Sai/ard, Augusta, 1802 010 Catalogue llaisonnc des Livrcn do hi iJibliolhtviuo do M. Aiiibroiae l"'iriiiiii Didot, Toino ler. Livres avi't* I'iguroB sur IJois, Solennitt'H, Koiuaiis do Chovnicrie, Ire. LivraiHon, uncut. 8" JJidot, Paris, Avril, 1HU7 020 rntalo<»uo dea Livros Hare et Prociciix comnosaut la Bibiiothoiiue do M. lo Priuce Sigismoud Kadziwt'll, uncut. ^ 8" Paris, 1805 021 Catalonia. Principnute do CataloRuo ou Ront coinpris les Comtua do Itousiilon, et do Cerdngno divis^a en Icuph Vigueries, 21 by 18 inches, coloured, Jine, scarce. JI. Jaillot, Paris, ICOG 022 Catalonia. Accuratifisiina Prinoipatus Catalonia) ct Co- initatum Iluscinonis ct Corrctanios dowcriptio, per C. Al- lard, 23 by Vd\ inches. Amstclodami [1730] 023 Catkciiihm. The Hhorlor Catechism presented by tho Assembly of Divines at "NVcHtininftter to both Houses of Parlianieat, and by thorn Approved, containing the Prin- ciples of tho Christian lieligion, with Scripture Proofs, Jine and uncut, bcahce. 12" Will tarn Bradford, Philadelphia, 1700 024 Catcchismo Italiano ad Uao dello scuele, dci cafie dello botteghe, tavcrne, bettolc o bettolini, od aucte del casino dei nobli o seiuinarj. Con approvazione e licenza del senso comune. 12" A. Filoteo, Filadelfia, 1830 025 Cattegat. Soe-Kanrt over Kattcgattet med fliid aftreget cfter Skibs Compassen som paa denne tiid har 10" Nord- westrings Misvisning Efter egen og andre Soomoonds Erfa- renhed Samlet og til Trijkken befordret af Comandeur Captain Jens Werner Akeleije, 30 by 22 J inches, scarce. Kicbenhaven, 1770 020 Cayenne. Tableau do Cayenne ou do la Ouiano Fran- (jaiao, contenant des rcnscigneincns exacts sur son climat sea productions, les naturelH du pays, etc. uncut, fine copy. 8" Chez Veuve Tilliard, Paris, An. VJI. [1709] miiHothccd lli»lofica n 1)0 ITnitrtI liulicd nn- , fine copy, Jan. 1801 V (ok-|iriiitii)^ us publiblicU. mata, 1802 iiio tl« M. ' igurcB 8ur Livrni»oii, ivril, 1H07 npouaut In '11, ^aris, 1SG5 .'ompris les 1 en leurn ?ari$, IGOO liro ct Co- per C. K\. %mi [1730] I by tlio "ouses of lie IVin- ro Troofs, phia, 17G0 cafle dello el casino del senso T/fa, 1830 1 aftregct G" Nord- ads Erfa- mondcur ven, 1770 "no Frnn- Q climat nc copy. " [1709] •J27 I'euktkriks. (Ireon Wt>od lllnslraled in a Sorics of Pil'turPHcjuo and MoiiuiiK'ntal Views, from Drawinpn l>v James Hmiliie, tlio liitcrnry Depart ujent by N. (^leavelaiul. (Kural CemeteriuH in America, iiluHtrated), many hiifhlji finished line engravinyg, Mob. 1-7. ^" Xfw y'ork, 18K)-IS|.7 Grecnwon^l m complete in n\\ partii. Part icvun l>cginii Mount Auburn. Query, any mure puliliHlieil ? 628 CervantoH Sanvedra (.Mipnol do) Kl IinjenioHo llidilgo Don Quixote do la IVranclin. Niieva edicion, corregida de nuevo eon nnevas nota», con nucvas Kstainpas. eon nnevo analiHis v con la Vida do el Alitor nuevaiiieiitt' annientadii pop D. Juiin Antonio I'ellicer, Vols. lJ-.'», calf, Vol. I wanlintj. 8° Mmhid, 1707 G20 ('hnikley (Thoman) A Journal or IliHtorieal Account of the Lite, Travt-ln and Christian K.xperienees of that antient, Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, T. CMialkley, who died in Tortola, Oct. 1, 1741, 2nd edition, fine copy, calf, acarre. H" London, 1751 ChalkK-y visitoil Ainci'ifii ill 1C9H, itn /y /A V Photographic Sciences Corporation # % V %."4^ V :\ \ O % V ".i 3il I m : 76 Bibliotheca Geographica 645 Chaunct (Charles) A Letter to a Frieud, contaiuiug Re- marks on certain Passages in a Sermon preached by the Bishop of Landaff before the Society for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, London, Feb. 20, 1767 ; in which the highest Reproach is undeservedly cast upon the American Colonies. With a Supplement con- taining an Answer to the Plea of T. B. Chandler for Ame- rican Bishops, by a Presbyter iu Old England, fine copy, scarce. 8" 8. Bladon, London, 1768 The random statements of the Bishop amounted to charges that the Colonists neglected education and the sujjport of ministers, in fact, " that, with their native soil, they abandoncil their native manners and religion." William Livingston gave the Bishop a hearty drubbing, but this tract docs more. It gives much information respecting Eliot, Mayhew, and others instructing and preachintr to the Indians, as well its to the establishment of Harvard College, iiiid other means of pro- moting Christianity, and supplying ministers. Tiie latter part of the book is important as to the history of Episopacy in New England. 6-46 Chauncy (Isaac) The Divine Institution of Congrega- tional Churches, Ministry, and Ordinances as has bin Professed by those of that Persuasion asserted and Proved from the Word of God, N. Hiller, Land. 1697— A Dis- course concerning Unction and Washing of Feet proving that they be not Instituted Sacraments, 2 vols, in 1, ^ne copies, scarce. 12° N. Ililler, London, 1697 6.l!7 Chautauque County, New York, Map of, from Surveys by S. M. Rea and A. V. Trimble [with many views of residences in the margin] 52 by 52 inches, coloured, fine clean copy. Philadelphia, 1854 648 Chauvenet (William) New Method of correcting Lunar Distances, and Improved Method of finding the Error and Rate of a Chronometer by Equal Altitudes. Reprinted from the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1S55 and 1856 8° Washington, 1853 648*Chauvenet (W.) Three other copies 8° Washington, 1853 649 Checklet (John) A Short and Easy Method with the Deists, London, and Sold by John Checkley over against the Town House, Boston, 1723—11. The Speech of Mr. J. Checkley upon his Tryal at Boston in New England for publishing the Short and Easy Method with the Deists : to which was added a Discourse concerning Episcopacy, etc. : The Jury's Verdict : His Plea in Arrest of Judgment, and the Sentence of Court, J. Wilford, London, 1730 — III. A Discourse shewing who is a true Pastor of the Church of Christ. The Epistle of St. Ignatius to the Trallians ; and Leaf of Errata [Lond. n. rf.] — IV. A Speoi- men of a True Dissenting Catechism, n.d. — 4 in one, _/?«a copy, old calf, scarce. 8" For a f'.ll account of this rare collection and the trials about it; see Stevens's Historical Nuggets, No. 536. II ug Re- l by the •ropaga- ^eb. 20, ily cast snt con- jr Ame- ne copy, on, 1768 8 that the 3. in fact, nncrs and drubbing, ing Eliot, 18, as well ns of pro- lart of the Tland. iongrega- has bin \ Proved -A Dis- ; proving n 1, fine don, 1697 I Surveys ■ views of mred, fine thia, 1854 ig Lunar irror and eprinted lanac for S 1853 iton, 1853 with the ainst the Mr. J. land for Deists : ^iscopacy, idgment, , 1730— ir of the 18 to the A Speoi- I one, fine Ibout it; i>ee Bibliotheca Hiatorica 77 650 Checkley (Samuel) The Character and Hope of the Righteous consider'd in a Sermon preach'd the Lord's-Day after the Funeral of Madam Lydia Hutchinson, the Vir- tuous Consort of the Honourable Edward Hutchinson, Esq. who died July 10, 1748,^n(? copy, calf gilt, hy Pratt, SCAECE. 12° J. Draper, Boston, 1748 651 Chesteb County, Pennsylvania, Map of, published by T. J. Kennedy [with large viewn of residences, etc^ 53 hy 55 inches, coloured, scauce. Philad. 1860 652 Chevalier (Michel) Lettres sur I'Amerique du Nord, avec une arte des Etats-Unia d'Amerique, 2 torn. uncut. 12° Bruxelles, 1837 653 Chicopee and Chicopee Falls, Hampden County, Mass., Map of the Villages of, publishet^ by McKinney and Smith, 51 by 32j inches, coloured, clean copy Philadelphia, 1859 654 Child (Sir Josiah) A New Discourse of Trade, wherein is Recommended several weighty Points relating to Com- panies of Merchants, the Act of Navigation, Naturalization of Strangers, and our Woollen Manufactures, the Ballance of Trade, and the Nature of Plantations, etc. Qic. first edition, fine copy, calf. 8° John JSveringham, London, 1693 655 Child (Sir Josiah) A New Discourse of Trade, wherein is recommended several weighty Points relating to Com- panies of Merchants, the Act of Navigation, Naturalization of Strangers, and our Woolen Manufactures, the Balance Trade, etc. are discussed. 8° T. Sowle, London, 1698 656 Child (Sir Josiah) A New Discourse of Trade, wherein are recommended several weighty Points relating to Com- panies of Merchants, the Act of Navigation, Naturalization of Strangers, our Woollen Manufactures, the Balance of Trade, etc. a neto edition, ^ne clean copy. 12° Richardson, London, 1775 657 Chili. Atlas zu Eduard Poeppig's Reise in Chile, Peru und auf dem Amazoustrorae, 16 splendid Views of Scenery, etc. each 16^ hy W inches. Leipzig, 1835 658 Chili (Map of the Republic of) compiled by the U.S. Astronomical Expedition, from the Surveys of Messrs. Pissis and Allan Campbell, the Maps of Claude Gay, and unpublished Originals from the Archives of Santiago, and from Astronomical Determinations by the Expedition, 3 sheets, each 9| hy 16^ inches. [Washington, 1860 ?] 659 Chili. Typus Geographicus Chili, Paraguay, Freti Ma- gellanici, etc. ex PPbus Alfonso d'Ovalle & Nlcol. Techo, necnon de Brouwer, Narbouroug, de Beauchesne, etc. a Guiliel. de I'lslio descriptus insuperque secundum recen- tiores du Frezier relationes rectificatus cui accedit Ichno- graphi Urb. cap. S. lago Editoribus Homannianis Heredibus, 22i hy 19 inches, coloured, scarce. Homannianis Hcrcdihus, Xorib. 1733 M CfSi 'm m m i ' , ■ f: i': V ' ' li,i I ; t. hi \i.^ 78 Bibliotheca Qeoyraphica 660 China and tue Moluccas. Exacta delineatio cum oraruin maritimarutn turn locorum in China, Cauchinchina, Camboja sive Champa, Syao Malacca, Arracan et Pegu uni cum insularum descriptione ut sunt Samatra, Java utraq. Timora, Molucca), Philippinae, Luconja et de Leqveos dictae, uec non Japan et Corea, etc. very rare, 20J hy 15 inches, coloured. LinscJioten, Amst. 1596 661 China and the Moluccas. Exacta et accurata de- lineatio ciim orarum raaritimarum tum locororum in China, etc. 20| by 15 inches. Another copy, fine and not coloured. Linschoten, Amst. 1596 662 China (The Kingdome of) newly augmented by J. S. Are to be sold in pop's-liead Alley, by G. Humble, 20 by 15| inches, fine copy. Pope's Read Alley, London, G. Huinble, 1626 663 China. Veteribus Sinarum Kegio nunc Incolia Tame dicta [a Map of], 19 1 by 16 inches. Apud Joannem Janssonium \^Amst. 1648] 664 China (A New Map of y^ Empire of), with its severall Provinces or Kingdomes, together with the adjacent Isles of Japon or Niphon, Formosa, Hainan, etc. Rendred into into English and enlarged in the Isles of Japon by Rich. Blonie, 15 by 12 inches. B. Blome, London, 1669 665 China. Carte de la Chine dessiuee d'apres les diverses Observations Astronomiques et les Voyages les plus recants. (Charte von China, etc.), 15| hy 12i inches, coloured. J. E. Hinrichs, Leipzig, 1814 666 Chinese Collection (A Descriptive Catalogue of the), in Philadelphia. With miscellaneous Eeraarks upon the Manners, Customs, Trade, and Government of the Celestial Empire. 8" Philadelphia [1839] 667 Chippeway. Provisional Geological Map of Part of the Chippeway Land District of Wisconsin, with Part of Iowa and of Minnesota Terratory [«c]. To illustrate the fieport of a Geological Eeconuoiasance made in 1847 by David Dale Owen, 25^ by 33^ inches, coloured, an important map. Washington, 1847 668 Chuisxian History (The) containing Accounts of the Eevival and Propagation of Religion in Great Britain and America for the Year 1743 [and for the Tear 1744], 2 vols. fine clean copy, veet eake. 8° Kneeland and Green, Boston, N.E. 1744-1745 These two important historical volumes appeared weekly in 104 nnmbers, under the editorship of the Rev. Thomas Prince, son of the annalist of New England. Complete sets, in good order like the present copy, are uncommon. 669 Chronicle. Our Chronicle of '20. A Satirical Poem [comprising 148 six-liue stanzas, historical, quizzical, and political]. 8" Boston, 1827 satio cum chinchiaa, Pegu unk iva utraq. reos dictw, 15 inches, inist. 1596 3urata de- 1 in China, 5 imst. 1596 by J. S. ble, 20 bi/ mble, 1626 lolia Tame mst. 1648] its severall icent Isles ndred into n by Rich. ndon, 1669 68 diverses us recents. ipziq, 1814 )f the), in upon the le Celestial hia [1839] ""art of the rt of Iowa ;he Report by David tnnt \gton, 1847 its of the ritain and .4], 2 vole. 11744-1745 lo4nninberB, le annalist of Wt copy, are leal Poem jzical, and s/on, 1827 Bibliolheca Historica 79 670 Chisolm (J. Julian, of the Medical College, S. Carolina) A Manual of Military Surgery for the use of the Surgeons in the Confederate Army ; with the Rules and Regulations of the Medical Department of the Confederate Ariiiy. 8° West Sf Johnston, Richmond, Va. 1861 671 Church (Thomas) The History of Philip's War, com- monly called the Great Indian War of 1675 and 1676. Also of the French and Indian Wars, 1689-1704. With Notes to explain the places of Bai;*:le8, the geography of the ravaged country, etc. Also an Appendix containing an account of the treatment of the natives, the Pequot War. narratives of persons carried into captivity, etc. by S. G-. Drake. Second Edition, with flutes, SCARCE. 12" B. Wait ^' Son, Boston, 1827 672 Chytr^us (David) De tribus nostra) ajtatis Cse-saribus Augustis, Carolo V. Ferdinando I. Maximiliauo II. Ora- tiones datte adolescentibus in schola recitandte, excessively scAHCE,^Me clean copy. 8° Witebergce, 1583 This booic deserves to be ranked among works relating to America. Under Charles the Fifth there is given an account of the Discovery of America by Columbus, its name from Vespucci, its growth and develop- ment under Diego Columbus, the foundation of the Church tlierein, &c. together with the discoveries and conquests of Cortes, Tizarro, and others, and the voyages of Magellan, with a summary of the previous Portuguese discoveries in Africa and India. 67{J CHYTRiEUs (Nathan) Variorum in Europa Itiuerum Deliciae, seu ex variis Manu-scriptis Selectiora tantuni Inscriptionum niaxime recentium Monumenta quibus passim in Italia et Germania, Helvetia et Bohemia. Dania et Cimbria, Belgio et Gallia, Anglia et Polonia, &c. Templa, Arae, Scholae, IBibliothecae, museia, arces, palatia, et con- spicua sunt. Prseniissis in clariores iirbes Epigrammatibus J. C. Scaligeri. First edition, fine copy in calf extra, SCARCE. 8° Ilerbornce Nassoviorum, 1594 Great interest attaches to this rai'e book from the fact that the author has recorded, on pages 773-795, the inscriptions on Sebastian Cabot's map of the world, engraved by Clement Adams in 1549. This copy differs from the text given by Ilakluyt, and does not altogether agree with the printed slips on the map which has in our days been acipiired by the National Library of Paris. It is generally asserted that Ciiy- traeus found the map at Oxford, and consequently Americans inive sought for it there; but the careful reader will see that it is by no means certain that the author makes any such assertion. What he records of Cambridge is on 2^ pages, with a break. All he records of Oxford is on one page, followed by another similar break, and on the next page a double line — thus completely separating the Cabot matter from Oxford. 074 Cicero (M. T.) Pro Milone Oratio, Oratio pro C. Kabirio, pro L. Murona Oratio, Oratio pro ]\I. C:ielio [with the Commentaries of Q. Asconius Predianus, F. Silviiis, Phil. Melanchthon, B. Latomns, and Ant. Lnsphus], Fom- ivorks in 1 vol. 4" Pnrisiin, l.'ins ^^2 ',1 :V\ ■'■^fa . m :i i!l':i i!i I 80 BibliotJieca Geoyraphica 075 Cicero (M. T.) Cato Majob, on urs UrscouRSE of Old-Aqe, with Explanatory Notes [translated by Mr. Logan of Philadelphia], calf extra, by Pratt, scarce. 8° Printed and sold by B. Franklin, Philadelphia, 1744 676 Cicero's Cato Major, with explanatory Notes by Benj, Franklin, with both the rare portraits of B. Franklin, uncut. 8° London, 1778 677 CiEZA DE Leon (Pedro de) Parte primera dk la Chronica del Peru, blath lettri, toith very singular wood- cuts. First Edition, extremely rake, a corner wanting from the fop of the title-page, destroying a small piece of the border and coat of arms, very tall copy, bound in dark green velvet. folio, Sevilla, 1553 G78 Cincinnati. Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati lately instituted by the Major-Generals, Briga- dier-Generals, and Officers of the American Army, proving that it creates a Kace of Hereditary Patricians, etc. Addressed to the People of South-Carolina by Cassius. Supposed to be written by ^Edanus Burke, Esq. fine copy, uncut, scarce. 8" Bavil Webster, Hartford, [1783] 679 Cincinnati. Obrervations on a late Pamphlet entituled, "Considerations upon the Society or Order of the Cincinnati,''' clearly evincing the Innocence and Propriety of that re- spetable Institution. By an Obscure Individual. Scarce. 8° Robert Bell, Philadelphia, 1783 680 Cincinnati. Observations on a late Pamphlet entituled, "Considerations on the Society or Order of the Cincinnati,^' clearly evincing the Innocence and Propriety of that Ho- nourable and Ke&pectable Institution. In Answer to Vague Conjectures, False Insinuations, and Ill-founded Objections. By an Obscure Individual, vert scarce. 8° Hudson (J* Goodwin, Hartford, 1784 681 Clark (John) Eecords of the Descendants of Hugh Clark of Watertown, Massachusetts, 1640-1866, with sixteen portraits, fine large copy, cloth. Out of print and scarce. 8° For the Author, Boston, 1866 Few of the many books of American Genealogy and family history sur- pass this in arrangement and good taste. 682 Clark (Thomas) Naval History of the United States from the commencement of the Revolutionary War to the present time, second edition, 2 vols, fine copy, calf, scarce. 12° M. Carey, Philad. 1814 688 Clarke (Jonas) The Use and Excellency of Vocal Music in Public Worship. A Sermon at an occasional Lecture in Lexington, appointed to promote and encourage the divine use of Vocal Music, especially in Public Worship, April 25, 1770, fine clean copy with rough leaves, scarce. 8" Nicholas Bowes, Boston, 1770 Bibliutheva Jlitt/oricii 81 OURSK OF 1 by Mr. CE. phta, 1744 by Benj. /in, idon, 1778 RA. DB LA 'ular toood- ?r wanting nece of (he dark green willa, 155;^ r Order of al8, Briga- ly, proving ciana, etc. )y Cassius. . fine copy, brd, [1783] t entituled, lincinnati" of that re- 1. ^Iphia, 178;^ t entituled, Cincinnati, ^' ^f that Ho- Answer to Ill-founded 'tford, 1784 [^ugh Clark \ith sixteen id \o8ton, 18GG history sur- Jtates from |the present kilad. 1814 il Music in jecture in I the divine ), April 25, \)8ton, 1770 OS-t Clarke (John) A Discourse dolivoreil before the lluuiano Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the Semi-Annual Mooting, 11 June, \7Q^, fine and uncut. 8" Belknap (J- Hall, Boston, 1793 685 Clarke (John) A Sermon at the Church in Brattle-Street, Jauy. 2, 1784, at the Interment of tlic Rev. Samuel Cooper, fine copy, scarce. 8" John Gill, Boston, 1784 The Sornion is followed by ii lon>; biogrnpliicivl sketch of Dr. Coopcri who was a life-long friend of Franklin and John Adams. 686 Clarke (Jonas) A Sermon nroached before His Excellency John Hancock, Governor, tno Couucit and the Seuate, etc. of Massachusetts, May 30, 1781, the Day of Election. 8° J. Gill, Boston, [1781] 687 Clarke (Sa.) A Geographical Description of all the Countries in tlie known World, as also of the greatest and famousest Cities and Fabricks ; unto which is added a De- scription of the rarest Beasts, Fowls, Birds, Fishes, and Serpents, engraved frontispiece, fine copy, imhou7td. fol. R. I. for Thomas Neivberrie, London, 1657 A fair proportion of this work is devoted to tlie geographical descrip- tion of the New Hemisphere. i 088 Clarkson (Thomas) An Essay on the Shivery and Com- merce of the Human Species, particularly the African, trans- lated from a Latin Dissertation wliieli was honoured with the First Prize in the University of Cambridge, 17S5, the second edition, revised and corrected, hds. uncut. 8" J. B. Phillips, London, 1788 689 Clavius (CHiiisTorHouus) Ix Sph^eram Joannis de Sacro Bosco Commentariua nunc tertio ab ipso Auctore ro- cognitus, et plurisque in locis locupletatus, //we clean copy. SCARCE. 4" Ex Officimi Dominici Basts, Rotnce, 1585 This is a most suggestive book to the modern sLadent of historical geography. Clavius was one of the fust mathematicians and astrono- mers of his age. He was called from Germany by Gregory XIII to revise the Calendar. He was alive to the importance of the new dis- coveries of the Spanish and Portuguese, to which he continually al- ludes, but his adherence through thick and thin to the old system of Ptolemy and others, caused him to disregard the Copernican system, and to hold to the old egotistical theory of ourselves being the centre of ti\o world, around which the sun and the whole heavenly .sphere revolve. 690 Clifton (Mr.) Poems, chiefly occasional, to which are pre- fixed Notices of the Life, Character, and Writings of tho Author, portrait by Field, scarce, fine copy, calf . 12° J. W. Fenno, New York, 1800 691 Clinton (Sir Henry) The Narrative of, relatin^' to his conduct during part of his command of the King's Troops in North America, particularly to that which respects the unfortunate Issue of tho Campaign of 1781, with an Ap- pendix, 5th edition. S° London, I78:j m: # : m t 1 1 1' mi I i Il i ■ :i 'I J' IL 82 Bibliotheca Geoyraphica (502 CIub-Koom (The), No. II, IVIarcli, 1820, [witli MS. Poem nt tlio end,] scarce. 8" London, 1820 Tlui " ViJInRP, Grave Ynrd" wns written liy Re *r. Mr. Greenwood, and Calais, liy Dr. I'lilfrcv. 693 Cnbbctt (Williiim) A Treatise on Cobbett's Corn, con- taiiiing InKlruclionH for Pron.ipating and Cnltivnting tho riant, and for Harvesting ana Preserving tbe Crop, etc. itncut. 12° Lo)u/on, 1828 It lins l)eon tlioupht by Rome tliat tlic Amcrienn Indian corn, or maize, mipht liave lieen cultivated in tiiis country, in execptionidly warm seasons, bad not tiic autlior clianf;cd its name in this work to "(^)l)l)ett's Corn."' It is worse tlian dnbbinj; a big tree in California M'cllin(i- toniana, after it had been fairly named in its own bind. G94 Cobbctt (AVilliam) Tlio Emigrant's Guide, in Ten Let- ters .nddressed to tbe Tax- Payers of England, new edition, hoards, xmcnt. 12" Zo7/Jo», 1830 G05 Ccckburn (Jobn) A Jonrney over Land from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South Sea, perfornu'd by J. Cock- burn and Five other Englit-hnien, convaiuing a variety of extraordinary Di.strc.sses and Adventures, etc.; to vvliich is added a I'rief ])iscoveryc of some Things best worth Noteinge in the Travt lis of Nicholas "\Vithington,j^«e clean copjf, srnvcc. 8" London, 1735 00(5 Cockburn (.lohn") A Faithful Account of the Distre^ises aiul Adventures of J. Cockburn, ]\Iariner, and Five other Englishmen, who were taken Prisoners by a Spanish Pyrate, set on shore naked and obliged to Travel over Land from the Gulf of llondur.is to tho (ireat South Sea; to which is added the Travels of Mr. Nicholas AVHiithington, a Factor in tho ]']ast Indies : the second edition; annexed the travels of Nicholas AVhithinpton, ,/7?2e copt/, calf. 8° Iiiviii(/to», London, 1740 007 Coffin CRev. Paul) A Sermon preached before His Honor j\l OSes Gill, Lieutenant Governor, the Council, Senate, etc. of Massachusetts, May 20, 1700, being the Day of Election, fne and clean. 8° Young and ILinns, Boston, 1799 60S (^ogswell iJi\moi>,of Can/erbiny, Conn.) ASermon, preached before the General Assembly of the College of Connecticut, at Hartford, on the Day of their Anniversary Election, May 9th, 1771, nnciit. S° Timothf Green, New-London, 1771 609 Colden (Cadwallader, author of the Ilistori/ of" The Five Lndian Nations,") AuxoGitAPit Letter, one ])age -4to. with fine bold sif/natiire, dated llth April, 1702, and title page to the " Histor}' of the Five Indian Nations," Vol. 2. 7C0 CoLEMAX (Williaiii) An Appeal to the People, being a Eeview of the late Correspondence and Documents relating to the Eejection of the British Minister, including an Exami- nation of the "Arrangement " of April last, historical, po- litical, and important, uncut. 8° New-York, 1810 70.' 709 I. Poem n, 1820 •ood, and n, con- tin g the etc. t was the man who Ih'st took notice of the variation of the compass. Had Cohunbns known nnd compre- hended the reason of it, he might have been sulKciently confirmed in his opinion of a new world " i'. 48. 706 CoLLiHiTicrs Tansteteuus (Georgius) Artificium deAp- plicationo Astrologie ad Modicina, deq; convenientia earun- dem Canones aliquot, et qutedam alia, (luorum Catalogum reperies in proxiina pagcU t,y/«e copy, ivith rough leaves. S° Apud Oeorgiuni Vlricherum, Argcntorati, 1531 Respecting the author of this ijijok sec the learned and pertinent com- ments under Numbers 76, 77, and 7S, 'a the Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima. 707 Colinan (Benjamin) The lleligious llcgarda we owe to our Country, and the Blessing of Heaven assured thereto. A Sermon before His Exceliency Samuel Shute, His Majesty's Council, and the Assembly of Massachusetts-Bay, May 28th, 1718, the Day for the Election of His Majesty's Council there, valuable for its historical and biographical re- ferences, scauce. 12° B. Green, Boston, in N. E. 1718 708 Colman (G. the Younger) Blue Beard, a Dramatic Ro- mance^ as altered for the New York Theatre, with Ad- ditional Songs, by Wm. Duulap, scarce. 12" D. Longtcorth, Xeio YorJc, 1802 709 Cologne. Novissima et Accuratissima Archiepiscopatus etElectoratus ColouicnsisDucatuum Juliacensis et Monten- sis et MeursisB Comitatus Tabula doscripta, per F. de Witt, 23 by 19 inches, coloured. Amstelodami, [LG95] 710 Colton (Rev. Calvin) History and Character of American Revivals of Religion, second edition, cloth. 12" London, 18'62 ty ■( I f 84 Bibliotheca Qeographica 711 Collou's (C. Woolwortli) Series of Railroad Maps, No. 4, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa, with Parts ot adjoining States, torn, 80 by 8GJ inches, coloured. New York, 1858 712 Columbian Songster (The), Being a largo Collection of Fashionablo Songs for Gentlemen and Ladies, in a series of Numbers {VII of ahctit 'dQ pages each) {wanting N i, the first leqf of No. V.) good copy, calf, excessively rare. 12" Printed by Nathaniel IIeaton,jun. [Wrentham] 1700 America's a dandy place, Tnc people all are brotheri, When one he gets a pumpkin pic He shares it 'monK the others. Ymikee Doodle, ntered ethers- om the [1839]^ itiou of ofCon- )wn8 of which 'd, 1842 thority of ttiiy other shall take ) hands of , that it is from the bacco ! ludience mtenant f Kepre- 770, the Council, ;o», 1770 eches on Cooke of Coufede- ml, 18G3 Ibet NO. 9 inches, 1780 ?] Britain f Great merican merican )ire [By m, 1780 [sequently len at this iinst their Bibliofheca llistorica 87 733 Cool Thoughts on tlio I'rosont Situation of our Piiblic Affairs, in a Letter to a Friend in the Country [Signed A. B. and dated at PhihuUlpliia April 12, 170-4] fine, uncut copy, eCAKCi:. S" W. Dunlnp, Philadelphia, 1764 A tract of very considernhlc historical value as to the various questions at that time cropijiiig u]) for dispute and contention between the mother country and the Colonies. 731' Cooley (W.) Gcseliicdcnis der Nordrijkskiindige Ontdek- kingen zoo te Land als ti'r Zco, van do vroegste Tijdon of tot op Heden. Uit het Eugelsch met Aantcekeningen van den Yertaler, 4 vols, nncnf. S" Haarlem, 1835-1837 735 Cooper (J. F.) History of the American Navy, 2 vols. 1839 -Miller (Gen.) iMemoirs, 2 vols. 8" London, 1828 736 Cooper (Rev. Mr.) The History of South America, con- taining the Discoveries of Columbus, the Concjucst of Mexico and Pern, and the other Transactions of the Spaniards in the New World, plates. 12" E. Ncwheni, London, 17S9 737 Cooper (Samuel) A Sermon in the Audience of His Honour Spencer Phi|)s, Lieut. -Governor, the Council and House of lle])re.sentatives of INIassacbufictts Bay, Mny 2Gth, 175G, being the Anniversary for tbe Election of His Majcj^ty's Council, fine copy, niiciit. 8" Green and liusscU, Boston, Xew Enr/land, 1756 738 Cooper (Samuel) A Sermon before bis Excellency Tliojuas Pownall, Governor-in-Chiof, the Council and House of Representatives of 31assacluisetts Bay,()et. lGtb,175l), upon Occasion of the Success of bis JMajesty's Arms in tbe Reduc- tion of Quebec, clean copy. S" Green and liussell, Boston, New England [1750] 739 Cooper (Thomas) Some Information respecting America, large map of the Middle States, fine copi/, uncut. S" J. Johnson, London, 1791 710 Cooper (Thomas) Some Information respecting America. 8" Dublin, 1794 741 Cooper (William) The Doctrine of Predestination unto Life, explained and vindicated in Four Sermons preached in Brattle-Steet, Boston, New JCiigland, with Preface, by the Senior Pastors of Boston [Colinan, Sewell, Prince, Le Mer- cier and Webb], uncut. 12" D. Dilii/, J^oiidon, 1765 712 Considerations moving to a Toleration and Liberty of Conscience, with Arguments inducing to a Cessation of tiie Penal Statutes agaiu.st all Dissenters wbalever upon the Account of Religion, occasioned by an excellent Discouri 1 1 M f ■-: ' ll i 1 • IK fl . 'it a ?' ■ I'D, !« no Billiotheca Oeogrnphieii 759 Coniwallis (Earl) An iNnswcr to tliat part of the Narra- tive of Licut.-Gcn. Sir 11. Clinton, which relates to the Conduct of Lieut.-Gen. Earl Cornwallis durii)g the Cam- paign in North America in 17SI 8" J. Dchrett, Lond 1783 7G0 COETES (IIehnaxdo) A lontr, higlily interesting, and historically important Manuscript Letter to the Emperor Charles the Fifth, not dated, but having the Autograph Signature of the CoNQUEnoK of Mexico under his titlo " Er, Marqs BEL A^ALLE," six closely written folio pages. Autoy:raplis ot tlic Coxqukuoh of AIexico ure of tlic liij^hest degree of rarity. This one is iiii([uestionixl)ly ;;enuinc, but lias I)ecu soniewlint injiirod I)y (laiii]),an(l the !uito;;ri\])h si;,'ii:itiire is rubbed and faded, but may still be read. The Letter was iiianifestly written in 1.541 or 1542, when I^as Casas and the Kniperor were f;ettiiig np their famous JV'e?" Lava oj the Indies, tir>t jiriuteil at Ak'ahi in li)4.'J, whieh in behalf ol* the IiKlians created a j^reat ,«ens:;lion in Mexieo, and a revohition in Peril. The lCmi)erorliad asked Cortes' advieo as to the Evcomicnda.<, the treatment of the Indians, and ('S]ieeially us to en>lavinjT them. This long letter is his reply, lie advises liieir bei..;; taken under the jirotectioii ol'ilic erowii,and that if Spaniards have them in hereditary eneomienda, they must live with liii>m in New Sjiain. lie thinks that taking the Indians away from the Spaniards who already have them, would eanse great indignation and diseontent. He advises diseovcries of new lands, and settling them with the Indians, but in siieh a manner that they will be jiroteeted, jjreserved, and t'hristiauizeil, but only by speeial lieeuso and under experienced discoverers. He .«trougl}- advirres that the C^oiineil of the Indies shall iii(|iiire iiitothc treatment of the Indians In- the Conquistadores, and that in all further eompiests there are to be no more slaves, or property in Indians. 701 Cortes (Heiiiando) The Despatches of H, Cortes, the Con- queror of Mexico, to the Emperor Chailes V. written during the Conquest, and containing a J'arrative of its Events. Now first translated, with an Introduction and Notes by George Eolsom. Fine clean copy, on laeoe PAPER, loards, tincut, rare in this state S" Wileij and Putnnm, JVetr YorJc and London, 1813 7G2 Cotton (John, Pastor of Boston in New Ennland.) True Constitution of a particular A''isible Church proved by Scripture 4° London, lG-12 7G3 Cotton (J.) Doctrine of the Church to wliich is committed the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. ■1° London, IGit 7G4< Cotton. Vindicia> Clavium, being Animadversions on J. Cottcm's Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and on his AVay of the Churches of Christ in New^ E\oiiAND (hy D. Cawdry). Atitoqraph of Thovias Hall. 4" London, 1G15 7G5 Cotton (J ~y of the Churches of Christ in New England,, ' ,.urocco,Tixnv.. 4° Zo??rfoH, IGl.') 7GG Cotton (J.) Singing of Psalms a Gospel Ordinance. 1GJ7 7g7 Cotton (J.) Controversie concerning Liberty of Con- science. 4" London, 1G49 708 Cottot (John) Of the Holinesse of Church-Members, rare. 4" London, Ki.'jO Dedicated to the Mayor. Justices, Aldermen and f'onnnon roiincell of Hostou. liibliothcca Ilistorica 91 7GJ) Cotton (John) Tue Covknant ov Graci:. WlK'reunto are added certain Queries tendini,' to Aeoominodation betvveea the Presbyterian and Cougregational Churches. Also, The Kesult of a Synod at Caiiibrid<:;;o in New England, Anno 161G, Concerning the Power of Magistrates, etc. Jj^ine copy, old calf. 8" M. S./or F. Fgh'ufieU anill. Allen, Lomloii, 1055-54 770 Cotton (J.) Censure upon Mr. llendou of Jienneuden in Kent. -l" London, 1050 771 QoTioy {So[\\\,of PlijmoHth,^.E.) Tlie General Practice of tiie Churches of New-Eiiglaud relating to Baptism further Vindicated ; containing an Answer to the Eev. Chandler llobbins' Iteply, etc. JVith the authors JIS. correc- tionn, vcri/ rare, 155 pagers. 8" Joseph Greenleaf, Uoston, 1773 The book opens with " riyiuoiUli Controverijy hath mado a {^reiit noise in the country." On readinj; it tlirou;;!! wc naturally turned toiliclon}^ list of errata to see if the word noiso had not been emended to nnisance. The subject, Baptism, is soon lost siyht of, while the reverend writers pommel and pulverise each other. They at the same lime give us a pood deal of personal gossij) resi)eeting New England Ministers and their customs and habits, which imparts a pleasant worldly flavour to tlic book not intended, aud renders it both useful and agreeable. 772 Cottle (" Joseph of Bristol, the brother of Amos") Malvern Hills, and other Poems, 3rd Edition, calf. 8" London, 1802 773 Coughlan (llev. L. Missionari/ at Harbour- Grace in Con- ception Bay.) An Account of the Work of God in New- foundland, North America, in a Series of Letters, to which are prefixed a few Choice E'neriences. 12° London, 1770 771 Coxc (Daniel) A Descr' a of the Englisli Province of Carolana, by the Spat' ...ii'd Florida, and by the French La Louisiane, with a curious Preface demonstrating the Eight of the English to tluit Country. No map. 8" Olioe Bai/ne, London, 17-11 775 CoxE (Danikl) A Collection' or Yoyauks and Travels, in Three Parts. Part I. The Dangerous A'oyage of Capt, Thomas James in attempting to discover a Nortii-West Passage to the South iSea, ?»r/^; ; Part 11. The Siiuir Pointis's Voyage to America, with an Account of the taking of Carthagena by the French in 10U7, ';//r?/j ; I'artlJI. A Description of the English Province of Carolana. iMrr/e map of Carolana. S" Olico Pai/iw, j^ondon, 17-11 These three ])arts had all I'ceii ]iuljlisluMl separately, eacli with a map, hut this collection into one thick volume umliroiic Icmg title instead of ihrcc sc])arale()nes isof the hiyhesL rarity, aud is interesting if only for the history of t!ie book. 770 Coxe. Die notion Entdcclamgen der Eussen zwisehen, Aslcu, und America, nebst der Geschichle der Erobcrung Sibcrieus und des llandels der Eiissen uid Cliiiiciser, aus dem Englischcn iibersetzt. With iiiiportd nt maps, shcicing (he routes of tlic liussian Voija;iers to the North and in the Xorlh Vaciflc, between Asia and ^L.n^iica, Jtne co/)//, uncut, half morocco. 8" Franltfort und Leipzii/, 1783 '■'% . \ 1' ' ■ ■ ; 1 , ' ill ii' |i 92 Bihliotheca Oeographica 777 Crane (Jo, Guil. de) Oratio do Joanne Maurltio Nassa- visB Principe cognomino Americano, habita publico in Athenaeo Frisiaco cum Eectoria Magnifici munere abiret, 16 Octobris, 1806. 4° (1806) A publication full of bibliographical and biographical matter, interesting to the American historian especially, relative to the scientific men who accompanied Prince Mauritz to Brazil, such as Barlaeus, Piso,etc. 778 Crawford (Charles, ajlerwards Earl of Crawford and Lindsay) An Essay on the Propagation of the Gospels, in which are numerous Facts adduced to prove that many of the Indians in America are descended from the Ten Tribes, half calf 12« Philad. 1801 779 Crenius (Thomas) Fascis II. Exercitationem Philologico- Historicaruni. 2 vols, calf 8" Lug. Bat. 1698 780 Creswell (Hon. John A. J.) Oration on the Life and Cliaracter of Henry "Winter Davis, delivered in the Hall of the House of Kepresentatives, February 22, 1866. Cloth. 8" Washington, 1866 781 Ceiaiea. Theatre do la Guerre dans la Petite Tartaric, la Crimee, la Mer Noire, &c. (Scconde Partie de la Crimee, la Mer Noire, etc.) par Guillaume de I'lsle. 2 sheets, each 24 by 19 inches. Coloured, very fine xnd clean. Jean Cbnenset Corneille Mortier, Amsterdam [1700?] 782 Crimea. Johnston's New Map of the Crimea, Sevastopol, etc. 26 by 19 inches. Edinburgh [1855 ?J 783 Crisis (The) : On the Orifj;in and Consequences of our Political Dissensions. To which is annexed, the late Treaty between the United States and Great Britain, by a Citizen of Vermont [Daniel Chapman, of Vermont]. Fine copy, uncut, scarce. S" E. and E. llosford, Albany, 1815 A book of no little importance for the history of the War of 1812 between England and the United States. 784 Cbu;soe (Eobinson) The Life and most surprising Adven- tures of [by D. Defoe]. Embellished with copper-plates, a scarce edition. 12" George Foreman, New York, 1810 785 Cuba. Letters from the Havana during 1820, containing an Account of the Present State of the Island of Cuba, and Observations on the Slave Trade, uncut. 8° London, 1821 786 CuLiACANo [Mexico]. Americae Eegionis Descriptio, Hispaniolae, Cvbae, aliarvmqvelnsvlarvmcircvmiacentivm, Delineatio. Two maps on 1 sheet, 19| by 14 inches, coloured, tvith the letterpress in German at the back. Ortelius, Antv. 1579 787 Currie (William) Memoirs of the Yellow Fever in Phila- delpliia, and other parts of America, in the Sumiuer and Autumn of 1798, including Tables of the Weather, and the Daily Returns of the Sick and Dead, the Proceedings of the Board of Health, etc. etc. 8" John Biorcn, Philadelphia. 179S 71 n 79 79 79 'itio Nassa- publice ill lere abiret, 4° (1806) er, interesting iific men who Piso, etc. iwford and Gospels, in at many of Ten Tribes, 'hilad. 1801 Philologico- r. Bat. 1G98 ho Life and in the Hall 18G6. 'ngion, 18GG ite Tartaric, e la Crimee, sheets, each lum [1700?] Sevaatopol, -yh []855?J nces of our I late Treaty jy a Citizen Fine copy, Ihany, 1815 1812 between ling Adven- ter-plates, a York, 181fl containing Cuba, and ndon, 1821 iDescriptio, iacentivm, *, coloured, Intv. 1579 Ir in Phila- Ir^raer and ler, and the leedings of Ihia. 1798 Bihliotheca Tlinlorica 93 788 CuLLUM {Bvt. Major- Oeneral George W.) Biographical Eegister of the Officers and Graduates of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. from its Establishment, March 16, 1802, to the Army Eeorganization of 18G6-G7. 2 thick volumes, cloth, out of print, and scarce. 8" JVew York, 18G8 Of the utmost historical and biogrnpliicnl importance, containing a full notice of every Graduate at West Point Academy. AGGET (David) Sun-Beams may be Extracted from Cucumbers, but the process is tedious. An Oration on the Fourth of July, 1799, at the Bequest of tlie Citizens of New Haven. 2nd edition, scarce, funny and sarcastic. 8° Thomas Green and Son, N^ew Haven, 1799 790 Daggett (David) An Eulogium commemorative of the exalted virtues of his Excellency Roger Griswold, late Governor, written and delivered at the request of the General Assembly, Oct. 29, 1812, fine copy, %incut. 8" Walter and Steele, New Haven, 1812 791 Daggett (David) Argument before tlic General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, Oct. ISOi, in the case of cer- tain Justices of Peace. To which iM prefixed a brief his- tory of the Proceedings of the A.? impropriety and cruelty o\' del)arring ^Mrs. Dana from tlio Communion of the Chureh, etc. By the Impartial Obser- ver, uncut, a scarce hit of Xew I^ni/land local Ecclesiastical history. 8" Herald Press, Kewburi/port, February, l^Ol? 807 Dana (J. Freeman), and Dana (Samuel L.) Outlines of the Mcncralogy uud Geology of Boston and its Vicinity, uncut, scarce. 8" Cumwinys and Hilliard, Boston, ISIS 808 Dana (Samuel) A Discourse on the History of the First Christian Cluirch and Society in Marblehead, delivered to bis people, January 7, 1810, j?«e ««(/ rare ' 8" S. T. Armstrong, Boston, IS 10 An cxocllcnt little book of the local history of New England. 809 Dansville (iNlap of the Town of) North Dansvillo, and Village of Dansville, Livingston County, New Yoi-k, by G. Stevens, 39 by -19 inches, coloured^fne and clean Philadelphia, 1S57 810 Danvers (Jno. Thierry, of Virginia) A Eictiire of a llcpublican Magistrate of tlie New School ; being a full- length Likeness of his Excellency Thomas Jetlerson, I're- sident of the United States. To which is added, a short Criticism on Mr. Madison, INIr. Clinton, and Mr. Pinckney, uncut, 90 pnycs, scarce. 8" B. Saryeut, Xew Yorl; 1S08 • ";■. '3| M m ■1,% h : 1 : ; h : i ■ :!': mm ft ii *'! il 00 Biblictheca Oeographica SI I Dappku (Dr. O.) Dio Unboknnto Weuo Wolt odor Be- schrcibung cles Wolt-toils Amcrika und dos Sud-Landoa dariniion vom Uhrapruiif^e der Amerikor und Sudliinder uud von doii gedonckwiidigor Kt-yson dor Europer darnach KU, maps and plates, vellum fol. Jacob ron Meurs, Amsterdam, 1G73 812 D\niEN. Carte Particuliero d(; Isthmus, ou Darien, qui comprend lo Qolfo do Panama, etc. Cartageno, ot les Islos aux Environs, 33 1 by 2^ inches, coloured, very fine copy. Pierre Morlier, Aimlerdam [1005] 813 Dauphino (Lo Gouvornemoiit General du) divise on Haut et Bas, et subdiviso on ses Sopt Pays, S(;avoir le Grai- sivondan, lo Viennois, otc. par F. do Witt, 23 J by 19 inches, coloured. [Amst. 1005?] 814 Dauphino (Carte du Gouvernemont do) suivant les nou- vollcs Observations do INlessrs. do rAcademie Koyale, etc. 10 % 13 inches. Pierre vander Aa, Leide, [1710?] 815 Daveis (Charles S.) An Address delivered on the Comme- moration at Frycburgh, May 19, 1S25, [the first Centennial Celebration of the " Lovcl Fight'' wilh tho Indians], fine copy, scarce, excellent local history, 04 pages. S" James Adams, jun. Portland, 1825 810 Davenport (Matthew) A Brief Historical Sketch of tlie Town of Boylston, in the County of Worcester ; from its first Settlement to tlie present t\mG, fine copy, uncut, scarce and valuable piece of N.E. local history, {Mass.) 8" Carter, Andrews S,' Co., Lancaster (Mass.) 1831 817 Davenport (Rufus) The Kight Aim. First aim to get First Principles of Eight ; Then Trust prevailing with Pro- gressive Light ; While Freedom, Art, Trade, Debt, take first the ground ; all things for General Good tlie ILight Aim found, uncut, and probably xuiread, [a volume of poetry. 1 8° Boston, 1828 818 David (Enoch) Ofters of Christ no gospel preaching. To which is added, a word of advice to a young Gospel Minister, written in Yer»e, fine copy. 8" For the Author, by Henry Miller, Phil. 1770 819 Davie (John Constance) Letters from Paraguay, describ- ing the Settlements of ftlonte Video and Buenos Ay res ; the Presidencies of Rioja Minor, Nombro de Dies, St. Mary, and St. ZohxLjfine copy, boards, uncut. 8" G. Bobinson, London, 1805 820 Davies (Rev. Samuel) Letters from, showing the State of Religion in Virginia, particularly among the Negroes, the second edition. 12" B. Pardon, London, 1757 821 Davis (A.) A Lecture on the Antiquities of Central Ame- rica, and on the Discovery of New England by tho North- men, Five Hundred Years before Columbus, Qtli edition, with additions, scarce, and ivonderful {if true.) 8" Neio York, 1840 82; 82,- ii lor He- Landos lliioder iarnach », 1073 ien, Qui cs lalea [1095] u Haut e Grai- ) inches, ions?] lea nou- 'ale, etc. [1710?] Coiinne- ntennial is], fine nd, 1825 1 of the from its uf, scarce ^ss.) 1831 m to get ith Pro- 3t, take Hight poclryj] o«,1828 ig. To inister, lil. 1770 describ- Ayres ; t, Mary, m, 1805 Estate of poes, ihe \n, 1757 il Aine- , North- [edition, \k, 1810 liilHuthecn Jlinlorica 97 822 Davia (Asaliel) A Locture on tlio DiMCOVPry of'Ainorica by the Northmen, Five Hundred Years before ColiunbuM, fourth edition, witli AdditionH, scarce. 8" S. Colmaii, Xew Yorl^ 1S39 823 Davis (Charles H. SnncrintendenI of the American Xuu- tical Almanac.) liomarka upon the Establishment of an Ameriean Prime Meridinn. 8" Camhridqe, 1819 When Jefferson drew up tlic Declaration of Independence in 1776, lie forjjot iinionK oilier monopolies and nrrojjnncea oi' old Mother Brituiii to mention her I'rimo Meridian, which Flamsteed had secured for her from Tenerifte; hut this ovcr.sij,'ht having; been pointed out, the Con- fjrcss in 1849 ordered An American Nautical Almanac to be constructcil and permitted Lieut. Davis to make Washington the Centre of tliu World, instead of Grccwich. In this paper, he presented his views, and Washington, as far as lonfjitude is concerned, has stood at ever since — nothing if not independent ! 821 DAVia (Emerf on, of Westfield Academy.) An Historical Sketch of Westfield [Massachusetts], a rare and excellent piece of local history. 80 Joseph Root, Westfield, 1820 825 Davis (Geo. T. M. of Alton, III.) An Authentic Account of the Massacre of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, and Ilyrum Smith his Brother, with a brief History of the Itise and Progress of Mormonism, and all the circumstances which led to their death, very scarce. 8" Chambers and Knapp, St. Louis, 1S41- 820 Davis (Henry, President) A Narrative of the Embarrass- ments and Decline of Hamilton College [Clinton, Oneida County, New York]. 8" n. p. 1833 An interesting series of private petty quarrels, of no use to anybody but the owners, and which ought never to have been printed, ICO closely printed octavo pages of them I 827 Davis (John) Travels in Louisiana and the Floridaa, in 1S02, giving a correct Picture of those Countiies, translated from the French with Notes, etc. by J. 'Da,\ is, hoards, uncut. 12" I. liilcy c^ Co. New York, ISGG 828 Davis (John) A Discourse before the Massachusetts His- torical Society, Boston, Dec. 22, 1313, at their Anniversary Commemoration of the First Landing of our Ancestorii at Plymouth in 1020, fine and scarce. W John Eliot, Boston, IS 11 Ne.irly half of this excellent tract is taken up with valuable historical notes. 829 Davis (Joshua) A Narrative of J. Davis, an American Citizen, who was pressed and served on board Six Ships of the British Navy. He was in Seven Engagemonls. Once wounded, five times confined in irons, and obtained his liberty by desertion, fine copy, uncut. 1205. True, Boston, 181 1 Davis was horn in Boston in 1760. In ,Tune, 1779, be embarked in tlie privateer Jason, and was soon after taken by the enemy. lie returned to Boston in 1787, but did not publish his Narrative till 1811. o 'il i 'H*i' '■m il «, i.V ! Hi U i^ ; ';' 08 Bihliotheca Oeographica 830 Davis {Rev. Nicholaa A, Chaplain of the Fourth Texan Itegiment) Tho CampniRii from Texas to Maryland, with tlio Hatllo of FretlorickHburg, portrait of Oen. li. /food. 8" Oj/ice of the J'tmhi/tfrinn Committee of Publication of the Confederate States, liichmond, 18GU A rare volume, printed on cuurse Cunfudoruto |)ii])cr. 831 Diivid (Wm.) and Morgan ( Josepli) Tlio admirable Travels of, through tho unknown Tracts of Africa, rude woodcuts, uncut. 8" London, n. d. 832 Dawes (Thomas, jun.) An Oration delivered July t, 1787, at tho ]icqu(>8t of the Inhabitants of the Town of Hoaton, in Celebration of the Anniversary of American Indepen- dence, fine copji, uncut. S" Samuel Hall, Boston, 17H7 Till' stvio is fi)iirth()ljulyly — " Frniikliii, like liis own Aurora Borcnlis, still illumes, with new streams of lljjht, llio sky of science," and so on till lie conies to the notes, which arc hi.storieul and prosy cnon;;h. 833 D.vwsox (Henry W.) The Assault on Stony Point, by (loneral Anthony Wayne, July 10, 1770. Prepared for tho Kew York llistorical Society, with a Map, Facsimiles, and Notes [nnd a valuable Index], laiioe rAi'EU, only a few copies printed, hcatick, uncut. 4" [liivcrside Press printed] Morrisania, X.Y. 18G3 This vnlinihle historiciil collection contains many admirable facsimiles of important Autograph Letters. 831 Dawson. Scientillc Contributions toward tho Improve- ment of Agricidturc in Nova ^cotxa, fine copy, uncut. 8" Dawson Sf Son, Pictou, Nova Scotia, 1853 835 Day (Robert) A Genealogical Register of the Descendants in the Male Lino of R. Day, of Hartford, Conn, who died in 1G18 [with IMS. additions and corrections], scAncE. 8" William Storer, New Haven, 1810 836 Day (Robert) A Genealogical Register of the Descendants in the Male Line of R. Day, of Hartford, Conn, second edition, scakce. 8" J. ij* L. Mctcalf Northampton, 1818 This second edition is much improved, and is three times the size of the first. 837 Day (Thotnas) Reflexions upon the Present State of England and the Independence of America. 8" J. Stockdale, London, 1782 838 Dean (Cyrus B.) The Trial of C. B. Dean, for the Murder of Jonathan Ormsby and Asa Marsh, before the Supreme Court of Vermont, at Burlington, Chittenden County, 23 August, 1808, revised and corrected from the minutes of the Judges [Royal Tyler, Herrington, and Galusha]. 8° Samuel Mills, Burlington, 1808 839 Dean (James) An Alphabetical Atlas; or, Gazetteer of Vermont ; aflfording a summary Description of the State, its several counties, towns, and rivers, calculated to supply in some measure the place of a Map, scarce. 8° Samuel Goss, for the Author, Montpelier, January, 1808 811. ! •th Texan and, with ILood. lication of ond, 1863 lie Travels woodcuts, idon, n. d. ly 1, 17H7, if Boston, Indepon- ston, 17S7 )rn norcalis, ' niid 80 on iiout^h. Point, by- red lor tl\o I'aosiiniles, EH, onli; a K Y. 18G3 fncsiinilcs of ) Improve- eofia, 1853 tesccndanta .. who died ven, 1840 Bsceudants second pton, 1818 size of the ; State of le don, 1782 Murder Supreme ounty, 23 ninutes of ha]. , ton, 1808 zetteer of the State, to supply art/, 1808 Bibliotheca Historica 09 840 Dean (John Ward) Sketch of the Life of R«v. Michael Wigglesworth, Author of the Day of Doom. To which is nppcudod a Fragment of hid Autobiography, Bomo of hia Loiters, and a Catalogue of his Library, uncut, scarce. b" J. SLuh.vU, Alhnni/, 1SG3 811 Dean (Silas) A Urief History of tiio Town of Stoncliiiin, ]\la»s. from its first Sutllcmont to tho |)ri'HL'iit time, with an Account of tbo Alurder of Jacob (Jould, Nov. 25, ISI'J, hUturical, bioffraphical, and t/cnealof/icai, scarce. 12" H. It. JLarts, Boston, 1813 842 Doano {^nxn\X(A,of Porthind) A Sermon preached February lUlli, 17U5, being a ibiy of Natioiiiil Tluuiksgiving appoiuted by tho rresideut of the LIniled Stales, uncut. 8" Thomas *S'. Wait, I'orlland, 1705 813 Deano (Silas) Memorial of the Heirs of S. Deanc, formerly Political and Commercial Agent in Europe ; and ono of tho Ambassadors of tho United States iu France in the Revo- lutionary War, uncut, a mclancholjj picture, historical and biographical, cxtremehj rare. 8" 10//i January, 1S35 811 Deano (William Eecd) Brief jMemoirs of John and Walter Deane, two of tho First Settlors of Taunton, Mass,, and of tlie Early General ious of their Descendants, preceded by some remarks on the Origin of tho Name, with incidental notices of other Deancs in England and America [with many MS. additions, corrections, and emendations by John Dean], scabce. 8" Coolidge Sf Wiley, Boston, 1840 845 Deano (Wm. R.) A Genealogical Memoir of tho Leonard Family : containing a full account of the first Three Gene- rations of the Family of James Leonard, an early Settler of Taunton, Massachusetts, personal and scarce. 8" S. O. Drake, Boston, 1851 840 Dearborn (Benjamin) TIio Pupil's Guide, a Collection of the most useful liules in Arithmetic, calculated for the Benefit of Schools, very scarce. 4" Portsmouth, 1782 847 Dearborn (E. B.) Genealogy of the Dearborn Family [Two Articles from the N.E. Historic-Genealogical Register of Jan. and July, 1848], with a portrait of H. Dearborn from the private plate by M. St Memin inserted, and a privately printed sheet also inserted, contahiing a " Record of the descendants of one branch of the Dearborn family." scarce. 8° Boston, 1848 818 Dearborn (Henry A. S.) An Address on 8th October, 1830, the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Roxbury; Change, a Poem pronounced at Roxbury, October 8, 1830, in commemoration of that Town, by Thomas Gray, Jr. M.D. 2 tracts in 1 vol. Valuable pieces of local history. 8" C. P. Emmons, Roxbury, 1830 i } •'r i ■ I ;'| I. ■11 'I f 1 i 100 Bihliotlteca Qeograplnca 849 Dearborn (Henry A. S.) An Oration pronounced at Boston on the Fourth Day of July, 1811, before the Supreme Exe- cutive and in presence of the Bunker-Hill Association, uncut. 8° Munroe ^ Francis, Boston, 1811 850 Dearborn (Henry A. S.) A Sketch of the Life of the Apostle Eliot, prefatory to a Subscription for erectinpj a Monument to his Memory [with the Title-paj^e and Ten Verses of Genesis, Chap. I. of Eliot's Indian Bible, printed in red], with a vieio of the Eliot Monument. 8'' Norfolk County Journal JPress, Boxbury, 1850 Contains not only the history of the translating of the Bible into the Indian language, but tlie printing of it, as well as a history of English Bibles generally. 851 Debates in the Congress of the United States on the Bill for repealing the Law " For the more convenient organization of the Courts of the United States ;" during the First Session of the Seventh Congrcs.'i, and a List of the Yeas and Nays. 8" Whiting, Leavenworth ^- Whitinq, Albany, 1802 S52 Decatur [Commodore) Correspondence between the late Com. Stephen Decatur and Com. James Barron, which led to the fatal meeting on the 22nd March, 1820, scarce. 8^ E. Davis, Richmond, Va, 1820 853 Decatur (Stephen) Correspondence between tho late Commodore S. Decatur and Commodore James Barron, which led to tho Unfortunate Meeting of the Twenty Second of March, [1820], scarce, fine copy. 8" Busscll ^' Gardner, Boston, 1820 851 Decker (Adolf) Diuuxat. rxn IIistorisc'iie Besch- REunuNO dcr Nussawischer Flotten so under dem Admiral Jacob rilermite umb die gantze welt gifshren ist, in 1623, 1G24, 1625, vnd 1626 Jahr.^?ie large and clean copy, first edition, red morocco extra, by Bedford, the original of De Bry's and Ihilsius's reprints. Of the highest rarity, 40 Eberhard Zetzners, Strasburg, 1629 855 DEtLARATioN (The) of Independence, a Poem : accom- jianied by Odes, Songs, etc. adapted to the Day, by a Citizen of Boston, an excessively rare poetical historical tract. 8° Brinted at Faust's Statue, Boston, 1793 The author in hi.s Treface tells us that ''he has handed to the pnblick, every Patriotic Name from New P^ngland to Georgia, who dared to explain the wrongs of America, and pronounce her Independent of Great Britain." A sample brick is the 28th Stanza : " As wheel involving wheel, of Orient light. The chariot by the river Ciiebar glow'd, Thus bright, more bright, ins^nffcrably bright, Name circling name, in boundless splendours flow'd : A Frank MN, Morri.s, Wilson, rise to view, > Come, solemn silence, emphasize their mighty due !" Bihliotheca Uistorica 101 it Boston ;me Exe- 30ciation, ton, 1811 ie of the recting a and Ten B, printed ury, 1850 lie into tbc of English 33 on the onvenient ;" during a List of any. 1802 I the late which led , Va. 1S20 the late ;s Barron, e Twenty ston, 1820 Besch- Admiral in 1623, copy, Jirst al of De Jy. mrff, 1629 accom- )ay, by a historical ton, 1793 he publick, who dared EPENDENT tt'd : luc 856 Declaration (The) by the Eepreaentatives of the United Colonies of North America now met in General Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the Causes and Necessity of taking up Arms. The Letter of the Twelve United Colo- nies to the Inliabitants of Great Britain, their Humble Petition to his Majesty and their Address to the People of Ireland. Collected together for the Use of Serious Thinking Men by Lovers of Peace, ^ne copy, rare. 8" London, 1775 This Collection is commended to the public in an anonymous advertise- ment. There is no name of editor or publisher. 857 De Costa (Kcv. B. F.) Sailing Directions of Henry Hudson prepared for his use in 1608 from the Old Danish of Ivar Bardscn, with an Introduction and Notes, alwo a Dissertation on the Discovery of the Hudson liiver, cloth. 8° Joel Munsel, Albany, 1S69 858 Dcering (Sir Edward) A most worthy Speech in Parlia- ment, concerning the Liturgy of the Church of England, and for a National Synod, scarce. 4° John Franhe, London, 1642 Mr. Speaker, • There is a great difference in objccto between the Abends and Crcdendo ./f a Christ i ii : let us so take care to settle the {juverii- ment, that we do not unsettle the doctrines.'' 859 Delai'Laine. The Autlior turned Critic; or the Ee- viewer reviewed ; being a Keply to a feeble and unfounded Attack on Delaplaine's Repository in the Aiialectie Maga- zine and Naval CMironicle for Sept. 1810, scarce and spicey, signed at end, C. 8" Dated Phil. 23 Sept. 1816 860 Delaware County, New York, Map of, from Surveys by Jay Gould, 55 by 55 inches, coloured, fine clean copy. Philadelphia, 1850 801 Dell (William) The Doctrine of Baptisms reduced from its Ancient and Modern Corruptions, and restored to its Primitive Soundness and Integrity, according to tlie "Word of Truth, the Substance of Faith, and the Nature of Christ's Kingdom, 5th Edition, /?He copy. 8" B. FnANKLiN, and D. Hall, Philadelphia, 1759 802 Doming (Leonard) Catalogue of the principal Offices of Vermont, connected with its political history from 1778 to 1851, with Biographical Notices, scarce. 8" For the Author, Iliddlehury, 1851 863 Denis (Ferdinand) La Guyane, on llistoire, IVLours, Usages et Costumes des Habitans de cetto partio de I'Ame- ricpie, 2 toni. uncut, many plates. 12" Paris, 1823 bO-Ji Denmark [A Map of] The Kingdome of Dcumarke, aug- mcuted by John Speedo, 20 iy 15 J inches. And arc to be sold in Pops head Alley, by G, ILuinblc, London, 1620 M -HI m •'sJ^Bm '.' ^1|8|| ,{,-:M '■■ y,t ';-^'5' ',■ i- ',• i::i n '' H -'a H|< ?,!■■ 1 ii ! i wm f ■! ! i^il nHM|| 102 Bibliotheca Qeographica 865 Denmark (A Mapp of the Kingdome of), with its severall Dioceses or Provinces, designed by Monsieur Sanson and rendered into English and Illustrated by Eichard Blome, 15^ by 12 inches. R. Blome, London, KJli? 866 Denmark. Dania Eegnnm in quo suntDucatus Holsatia et Slesoviutn lutia et Iiisulse dictsD Danicse, Zelaudia, Fionia, etc. per F. de Wit, 23 bi/ 19f inches, coloured. P. Mortier, Amst. [1700 ?] 867 Denmark. A Map to the Kingdome of, with the Duchy of Holstein, by William Faden, very fine copy, 13^ by 27^ inches, coloured. London, Ang. 1, 1740 868 Denmark. Nieuwe Kaart van het Koningrijk Dene- niarken volgens de laatste bepaling van 9 Sept. ]806, \\\ by 18^ inches, coloured. Franqois Bohn, Haarlem, 1807 860 Denmark. Sea Chart of the Danish Admiralty in Nine large Sheets as follows : Sundet og Belterne med Ostersoen til Gland, Oresuud, Kjobenhavn, etc. Kattcgattet, Store Belt, etc. (2 sheets) Lille Belt, Kielcr Bugt and Neustadt Bugten), 39 by 25 inches each. Kjobenhavcn, 1842-1835 iriimboklt's copy marked in his handwriting : " Scekarten dcr Danischcn Adniiralitat. Sehr werthvoll." 870 Description (A) of the Four Parts of the World,— viz. Europe, Asia, Africa, America. With the several King- doms, etc. contained therein. Togetlierwith the Eeligiou, Nature of the Air, Soil and different Traffick of each Pro- vince or Kingdom. To which is added an Introduction for the more easy understanding the Form of the World, iinnit, scarce. 12" Printed and sold in London, [1700 ?] 871 Description des Torres Magellaniques et des Pays adjacena. Traduit de I'Anglois [de M. Falckner] par M. B**. 2 vols, in 1, fine copy, calf. 16° Jean Pierre Ileubach Sf Co., Lausanne, 1787 872 Description du Sol des productions, etc. de cette portion des Etats-Unis, Situee entre Pensylvanie, les rivieres de rOhio et du Scioto, et le lac Erie, half roan, scarce, uncut. 8° Paris, 1789 873 Desltons (J.) Traitez singuliers et nouveaux centre le Paganisme du lloy-Boit, very rare. 8" Paris, 1670 Prefixcii arc Letters from P. C. Chastellain, Missionary to Canada, dateil Qucbcck, 1066 and 1668. 874 Despojo de les Bienes Ecclesiasticos, Apuntes interesantes ])ara la llistoria de la Igle«ia Mexicana, 4° Mexico, 1847 — Bienes Ecclesiasticos, ^/je colics, mostly imcut,ofthe utmost rarity. 4° Mexico, 1842 This cxtrnordinary collection consists of twelve separately published pieces, 1712-47, a coniplclc set, lieinp I'lotests of the Mexican Clergy against the proposed Confiscation of the Convents. 877 878 879 Bihliotheca Historica 103 875 Desperthes (M.) Ilistoire des Naufragea ou Recueil des Eelations lesplus interessantes des Naufrapfea Hivernemena Delaissemens Inrerdies, et autres Eveneraens furestes arrives sur Mer, Nouvelle edition augmentee par J. B. B. Eyries, 3 vols. calf. 8" Paris, 1328 876 i)EUBEE (Dr. u. Prof.) Geschichte der Schiflahrt im- Atlantisclien Ozean ; zum Beweis dasa Amerika schoii lauge vor Chr. Colombo, und auch der Compass, daa Mittel zu grossen Seereisen, vor Flavio Giqjo entdeekt worden sey. Angehangt is Chr. Colombo's eigener Bericht an Kaphael iSauxis deu Schatzmeister des Koenigs von Spanien. ScAHCE. b" C. F. Kunz, JBamherg, 1814 Dr Dcuber's History of Navifration in the Atlantic Ocean ; in proof that long before Columbus America had been (Useovcved, and also the compass, the means for great sea voyages, before Flavio Gioja. An- nexed is Chr. Columbus's own Account to Rnph.acl Sanxis, Treasurer to the King of Spain. The Preface commences thus : " The question whether Christopher Columbus first discovered the Fourth Quarter of the World, or only re-discovered it, is by far not so decided as the pre- vailing opinion supposes ; it belongs rather to the contested points in history on which scientific discussions arc not yet concluded." The Author has collected with true German industry all the passages from an enormous number of works which seem to support his theory, and argues the question well and fairly. As a work on the bibliography of the subject alone it is valuable; but it is more. Notwithst.inding, however, all his research and learned ingenuity, the fame of Columbus as a pioneer and discoverer grows brighter and brighter. For fourteen years before his grand discovery he was derided and insulted by the Church and the Academy as a man out of his senses searching after im- possibilities, and for fourteen years after he had given a new world to Castile, he was ridiculed, ill-treated, and worried almost out of his •senses, and to death, because he pretended and claimed to have dis- covered what everybody knew had been done before. Such was and is too often the justice and gratitndo of the pious and the learned in matters about which they know nothing. 877 Dewey (Sherman) Account of a Hail Storm which fell on part of the Towns of Lebanon, Bozrah, and Franklin [in Connecticut], on tlie 15th of July, 171)9, perhaps never equalled by any other ever known, not even in Egypt,^«e, clean, and uncut copy. 8° David Carlisle, for the Author, Walpole, K II. 1709 878 Dexteu Family. [Pedigree of the Dexters of England and New England.] Dexter lGlO-1857. Prepared and Compiled by C. S. Newman, Goncalogical Secretary of the Blackstone Monument Association, a large handsomely printed sheet, about ^feet hy 2, scarce and unobtainable. folio, Knowles, Anthony, and Co, Providence, li.I. 1857 879 D'HoMBROUE (John) and Duponceau (Peter Stephen) Essays on American Silk, and the best means of rendering it a source of Individual and National AVealth, with Direc- tions to Farmers for raising Silk Worms, fine copy, uncut, scarce. 8° John Origg^ Philadelphia, 1830 i--i M I; •i.u i| lOli Bihliotheca Qeographica 880 DiCKENsox (Jonathan) Ood'a Protecting Providence Man's surest Help and Defence in Times of Greatest Difficulty and most Eminent Danger: Evidenced in the Remarkable Deliverance of Robert BarroWj with divers other Persona, from the Devouring Waves of the Sea, amongst whioh they suffered Shipwreck ; and also from the cruel Devouring Jaws of the Inhuman Canibals of Morida, third edition, fine copy. 12° Printed at Phil. 1700, and Reprinted, Lond. 1720 881 Dickinson (John, Member for the County of Philad.) A Speech in the House of Assembly of Pennsylvania, May 24th, 17G1, on Occasion of a Petition praying his Majesty for a Change of the Government of this Province, with a Preface, fine copy, uncut. 8° William Bradford, Philadelphia, 1704 In the Preface to this important publication Franklin's conduct is handled pretty freely. 882 Dickinson (Jonathan) A Second Vindication of God's sovereijjn free Grace against the Exceptions made by Mr. John Beach in his Discourse, God's Sovereignty and his universal Love to the Souls of Men reconciled. With some Reflections on Dr. Samuel Johnson's Defence of Aristocles' lictter to Authades, begun in a Letter from the said Mr. Dickinson, left unfinished, and on his decease continued in a Letter to the Dr. from Moses Dickinson, of Norwalk.^wtf copy, uncut, sc\ncE 8" Rogers and Fowle, Boston, N.E. 1748 883 Dickinson (Jonathan, of Elizabeth Town, New Jersey.) Familiar Letters to a Gentleman upon a variety of season- able and important Subjects in Religion, /?« J. Phillips, London, 1780 The Author, in his Appendix, hns been tolerably successful in booking Negroes with brains, just as if the question had ever seriously been doubted. 885 DiEPPB. Carte Maritime des Environs de Dieppe depuis Pont Asselane jusquea au Havre de Grace. Dressee par le St. R. de Hooge [with Views of Dieppe and Rouen], 18|- by 23 inches, coloured, fine clean copy. P. Mortier, Amsterdam, 1700 (?) 880 DissENTiNa (The) Gentleman's Answer to the Rev. Mr. White's Three Letters, in which a Separation from the Establishment is fully justified, the Charge of Schism re- futed and retorted, and the Church of England and the Clinrch of Christ are compared and found to be of a quite Diflerent Nature. 5tli edition, scarce. 8° Rogers and Fowle, Boston, N.E. 1743 are lepuis he par 1], 181 )0(?) Mr. tlie |m re- the Iquite 17-18 Bibliotheca Wnfon'cit 105 S87 Diereville (M.) llelation du VoyngL- du Port lloyal de I'Acadie ou de la Notivi'llo France, daus laquelle on voit uu detail dea divers mouvemeus de la iiur, etc. Les Mau- uiL'res des difterentes Nations Sauvages, etc. 12" Fierre Humbert, Amst. 1710 Nothing can surpass the simplicity of this author, except perhaps his thin poetry. He sailed from La Kochelle in August, 1699, for Acadia. In the first 118 pages he describes his voyage out, the climate, the productions of Acadia, and the manners and customs of the inhabitants. Pages 119-206 contain a history of the savages, and pages a07-236 an account of his return home. ISome copies end with page 236, but in otiiers, and this is one of them, the printer has added seven pages from the Gazette of the 25th February, 1708, containing an interesting account of the battles between the French and Acadians with the New Englanders in Acadia, in the Autunm of 1707. The Author first wrote truthfully, he says, his booiv in poetry (the language of the gods), but his friends, much against his will, persuaded him to reduce it to the language of mortals, so he slaughtered 5000 of his innocent children, as he paternally calls his lines, and sandwiched the rest in slices of prose. One scarcely regrets this sacrifice reading the poor lines re- maining, not to name the compensation of Evangeline of the same scene, written a centuiy and a half later. 8S8 Dilworth (\V. H.) The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the celebrated Hernau Cortes, to which is added the Voyage of Vasco de Gama, extracted from Osorio. 12" W. Anderson, London, 1759 889 DiNMOEE (Richard) Select and Fugitive Poetry; a Com- pilation, with Notes, Biographical and Historical, good copy, of considerable rarity, as well as some literary interest. 12° Franklin Fress, Washington City, 1802 This is probably the earliest book of poetry printed at the American seat of Government. Among the subscribers are President Jeiferson, Chief Justice Marshall, James Madison, and others. Most of the poetry is foreign, but the volume contains several American pieces relating to the Indians; and one jjocni, such as it is, never before published, was actually written in Washington. The Poet was a friend of the editor, and the subject a local one, Wldskey. 890 Divine Oracles the true Antidote against Deism, and and False Christianity ; or the Clear Light of KeveJation contrasted to the Darkness of the .Age of lleason, In Letters to a Son, eicjlne and scarce. b° F. Wheeler, Frovidence, F.I. 1797 891 DoBSON (John) Clironological Annals of the "NVar, fr>ni its Beginnins; to the Present Time. In two parts. Part J. from April 2, 1755, to the end of 17G0 ; Part II. 17GI to the signing of the Preliminaries of L'eace,^«e copy. 8" Clarendon Fress, Oxford, 17(33 This book is invaluable for its chronology of the old French War in America, from the time when '• M. de Villiers obliged Mr. Wa.shington to surrender Fort Necessity, in the Great Meadows, upon Articles of Capitulation," in 1754, to the fall of (Quebec, in 1759, and then on to the rc;u'o of Paris, in 17t');}. V VM { i'! ih > >i> 1 ■■ W ^ t| I* '"J • i: ^i' iik: iV i;l( lOG Bihliothecn QeograjMca 892 DoNCK (Aduiaen vandeu) Bksciibtvinqe van Nieuew- Nedeulant, begrijpende do Nature, Aert, gelegentheyt eu vruchtbaerheyt van het selve Lant . . . ala mede de maniere en eiighemeyne eygenschappen vande Wilden of'te Naturellen vanden Lande ; ende eun bysonder verhael vanden wonderlijckeu Aert eude het Weesen der Severs, daer noch by gevoeght is Een Discoura over de gelegen- theyt van Nieuw-Nederlandt, tusachen een Nederlaudts Patriot, ende een Nieuw Nederlander, fine clean copy, in blue morocco, by ¥. Bedfokd, First Edition, with a View of New Amsterdam on page 9. 4° Evert Nieuirenhof, Aemsteldam, 1G55 One of the earliest, scarcest, and most important books relating to New York. 893 DONCK (Aduiaen vandeu) BEScnniviNOE van Nieuw Nedeulant, etc. Deu tweeden Druck. Met een pertinent Kaertje van't zelve Landt ver^iert, etc. very fine copy of the second and hest edition, with the rare map, in best red morocco extra, by Riviere. 4" Evert Nieuwenhof, Amsteldam, 1656 The first editicii nas a View of A^ety Amsterdam o\\ page nine, which is not in this second edition, but on the otlicr hand, this second has the map, of New Netherland and the Hudson liiver, which is not in the first. 894 Dordrecht. Keis en Afstandswijzer van de Arrondisse- nienteu Dordrecht en Goriucheiu. Ver\aardigd volgena de nieuwste van wege het Gouvernenicnt uitgegevene Keia en at'atandawijzer van Zuid- Holland door W. J. de Waai'd, 18^ by 14 inches, coloured. Dort, 1847 895 Douglass (Williau.) A Summary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, progressive improvements, and pre- sent state of the British iSettlenients in North America, map, 2 vols. 8" P. Baldwin, London, 1755 89G DouKO. Map of the Wine District of the Alto-Douro. Improved Edition by Joseph James Forrester, 38 by Yl\ inches, scaece. London [1848 f] A Proof copy presented by the Author to Baron Humboldt. 897 Douay (Carte tres particuliere des Environs de) ou Ton voit lesLiguesde Circouvalation comme aussi 1' Inondation faite par la Scarpe : et lea Ketrenchements de I'Armee des Allies dans la Plaine de Lena le 30 Avril, 1710, 12 by 10 inches. P. Hudson, La Haye [1720 ?] 898 Dowie (James) The Foot and its Covering, with Dr. Camper's Work on the Best Form of Shoe, cloth. 8" London, 1861 899 Draft of a Civil Code for the State of New York, prepared by the Commissioners of the Cv. de, and submitted to the Judges and others for Examination prior to the examina- tion by the Commissioners. 8° Albany, 1802 111' I Bibliotheca Jlislorica 107 900 DRAKE (Sir Francis) and Fenton (Edavard) Viages de Francisco Dracen 1580 y Eduardo Fonton en 1582. Relacion rj dio Juan Drac Ynt^les liallnndose preso en Lima, del viage q liizo suprimo Francisco Drack k la mar del sur porel estrecho de Magallanea el ano 1580, hasta an regreso a Tnglaterra, y de otro viage que hizo el General de la misma Nacion Eduarfc Fonton a la Costas del Brazil y Rio de la Plata el ano de 1582. Esta relacion ae ha deducido delaa declaracionea q hizo Juan Drak estando preso en las Carceles aecretas de la Ynquisicion de Lima, en los dias 8, 0, y 10 de Enero de 1587, ante el Tnquisidor y Licenciado Antonio Gutierrea de Ulloa. 13 vert/ closely tcntten large folio pages, averaging about 35 lines of about 15 words each on a page, in a good Spanish handwriting, early if not contem- porary. This John Drake testifies that he was born in Devon, was a nephew of Sir Francis and had sailed with him. Senor Inquisitor Ulloa seems to have extracted a good deal of valuable information from him respect- ing these two celebrated " Pirates " Drake and Fenton. It will be well for the future historian to look on this picture and then on Hakluyt's. 901 DRAKE (Sir Francis) A long, interesting, and character- istic holograph letter to the Earl of Essex, with splendid signature, Fha. Drake, " Written at Plymouth this IGth of Februarye, 1587." One very large folio page of \1 lines, averaging some 15 ivords to a line, entirely in Drake's hand- writing, in good clean condition, except that the fore edge is fatigued and mended, a few letters gone. folio 902 Drake (Sir Francis) Sir F. Drake Revived. "NViio ia or may be a Pattern to stirre up all Heroicke and active Spirits of these Times to benefit their Countrev and eter- nize their Names. A summary of four several Voyages by the said Sir F. Drake to the West Indies, viz. His dan- gerous adventuring for Gold and Silver, and the surprizing of Nombro de Dies by himself and two and fifty IMeu. His Encompassing the World, etc., etc. Collected out of the Notes of the said Sir F. Drake, Master Philip Nichols, Master Francis Fletcher, Preachers; ami the Notes of divers other Gentlemen, etc., the 4 parts complete, good sound copy, vellum. The portrait which is found in some copies is not here. 4P Nicholas Bourne, London, 1653-52 903 Drake (Sir Francis) The History of Sr. Francis Drake Exprest by Instrumentall and Vocall Musick, and by Art of Perspective iu Scenes, etc. Tiie First Part Represented daily at the Cockpit in Drury Lane at Three aftcu-nooii Punctually, good copy, hf calf, some copies have a frontispiece which this has not. 4° Henry Ilerrengman, London, 1659 901 Drake (Sir F.) Voyages and Travels into the West Indies and round the World, woodcuts, uncut. S" Printed and sold in London, n. d. !i % ,'•' 'I' >■ 'If ; ,'J 1 m I! ■ ,t :l '! 1^1 108 BibUolheca Geographica 905 Drake (Sir Francis) The Englisli Iloro, or, Sir F. Drake Revived, being a full Account of the dangcroua Voyages, Admirable Adventures, Notable Discoveries, and Mngnaiii- moua Atchievments of that Valiant and lienowned Com- mander. The Sixteenth Edition. By R. JJ. Fur/ion of outer corner gone from last leaf. 12" C. Hitch, London, 17G2 00(} Drake (Sir E.) IMc, port. iuipl. 8" 1828 1)07 Drake (Samuel G.) A Particular History of the Five Years' French and Indian War in New Enghind and parts adjacent, from March 15, ITW, to Oct. 10, 1719, sonietimea called Governor Shirley's War, with a Memoir of Major General Shirley, portrait of Gov. Shirley, cloth, uncut. 4" Boston, 1^10 908 Dramatic Piecks, calculated, to esem|)lify the mode of conduct which will render Young Ladies both amiable and happy when their School Education is completed, 3 vols, in 1. 12" Abel Morse, New Haven, 1791 909 Drenthe (Kaart van de Pro vincie), door A. Wernekebz, 21 6^ 17 inches. T. Van Tricht, Assen, 1840 910 Dryden (John) The Indian Emperour, or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Being the Sequel of the Indian Queen. 2nd edition [with a Defence of an Essay of Dramatique Poesie, etc.] hf morocco. 4° H. Herringman, London, 1GG8 911 Dudley Observatory (Annals of the) Vol. 1, cloth. 8" Albany, 1SG6 912 Dufey (P. J. S.) Resume de 1' Histoire des Revolutions de I'Amerique Meridionale, 2 vols. uncut. 12" Achille Jovrdan, Baris, 182G 913 Duhring (Henry) Remarks on the United States of America with regard to the Actual State of Europe, boards, uncut. 8° London, 1833 914 DtJ Lac (Perrin) Voyage dans les deux Loiiisianes, et chez les Nations Sauvages du Missoum, en 1801-1803 Avec un aperqu des Moeurs et des Coutumes des Peuples de ces Contrees,^«e copy, hf. calf, scarce. 8° Capelle et Benand, Paris, 1805 A volume containing " Carte du Missouri levoe on rcctifiee dans toute son etendue I'an 1802 par ¥. Perrin du Lac," of very great intere,st for the names and localities of the many Indian tribes, as then understood. This map made before Jelferson gave his famous instructions to Lewis and Chuk, and to Zebulon Pike, on the basis of a manuscript map given him by Humboldt in 1804, is exceedingly interesting. 915 Dunlap (William) The Voice of Nature, a Drama in Three Acts, translated and altered from a Melo-Drame called the Judgment of Solomon. As performed at the New York Theatre. Printed from the Prompt Book, scarce. J 2" 1>. Lonyworth, New York, 1803 9]( 9i; 919 920 fc, 1803 liibliotheca Ilitt/orica 109 91 G Du>iMEU (.Tcromiali) A Defonco of tlie New England Clinrlera, uncut, except the title mid last leaf, fine copy, sCAncE. S" .S'. Juieelaiidjbr S. Gcrrish, Jiofton, 1721 917 DuNToN (John) Tho Life and Errors of Uunton, Citizen of London, with tho Lives and CharMcters of more than u Thousand Contemporary Divines and other PcrHuna of Lite- rary Eminence, 2 vols, portrait, Jine clean copi/, boarJn, uncut. 8" Lon'/on, 18 IS 918 Du Pouceau (Petei* S.) A Diyeourise on the Enrly History of Pennsylvania, beinp; an Annual Oration before the American Philoaopliieal Society at Pliiladelpliia, Oth June, 1821, boards, scarce. 8" A. Small, Fhila. Is2l 919 Du Ponceau (Peter S.) A Discourse on tlie Early History of Pemisylvania, bei.ig an Annual Oration before tlie American Philosophical JSoeiety, etc. Jlne copy, scarce. 8" A. Small, Phila. 1821 On the title page " Presented to John Pickciing, Esq., by his i'licnd anil humlile servant, Tlie Autlior." 920 Duval (Sieur) Greogra])hia Universalis : the Present State of the Whole AVorld, j;iving an account of the several Keligions, Customs, and Riches of each People, etc. Written for the use of the Dauphin by the Sieur Duval. 2nd edition, corrected and enlarged by K. M. A scarce volume of above '6^0 pages, fine copy , scarce, calf. 8° T. Xewboroufjh, London, 1C91 A good half of this well written geographical volume relates to America in general, Brazil, Canada, Florida, Island, Isles Antilles, Maiuccas, Magellanica, Mexico, New Spain, Virginia, Caiibby Isles, Guayana, Peru, Chili, etc, 921 Dwiglit (Timothy, Pres. Yale College) A Discourse occa- sioned by the Death of his Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esq. Governor of the State of Connecticut, and delivered at the request of the General Assembly in the Brick Church in New Haven, ^«e copy. 8" Steele ^ Co. Neio-Haven, 1809 922 DwiGHT (Timothy) Greenfield Hill : a Poem, in Seven Parts. 1. The Prospect. 2. The Flourishing Village. 3. The Burning of Eairfield. 4. The Destruction of the Pequods. 5. The Clergyman's Advice to the Villagers. G. The Farmer's ditto. 7. The Vision, or Prospect of the Future Happiness of America, larye copy, perfectly uncut, scarce in this state. 8° Childs and Swaine, New York, 1794 923 Dwight (Theodore) Oration at Hartford, Connecticut, on the Anniversary of American Independence, July 4th, 1798, uncut, Political, with historical notes. 8° Hudson and Goodwin, Hartford, 1798 924 Dwight (Timothy). Incidents in the Life of President Dwight, illustrative of his Moral and Religious Character, designed for Young Persons. 12" New Haven, 1831 !i;i i • ■■■■!' ■Vl.ftl f'm,M Hi, w ill ;' ■ f \ : f ,!.> !ll I ■■\ ''Tj'i 110 925 Bibliotheca Oeographica ARLE (Jolin Milton) Report to the Governor and Council [of Massnchusotta] concoruing the Indians of the Commonwenlth, under the Act of April 0, 1859. 8« Boston, 1801 A melancholy picture of the Kriidunl but inevitable melt- ing away of the red men of the forests of New En>^land, in spite of the rum, reason, religion, and civilization of the pale faces. Of the 1610 in- dividuals remaining, still called Indians, our author gives a list of their names, oges, sex, tribe, occupation, residence and property, a degene- rate record. Their names are retained only in their Tribes, as Chap- pequiddick, Marihpee, Natick, Punkapog, llassanamisco, &c. Their lank hair has lost its glossy blackness, their complexion is tinged with white or black, a mixture more disreputable than bad whisky. Of those for whom Kliot translated the Bible, not one is left who knows a word of his own language. Even the glories and jiride of Savage life have been extinguished by caste, by social exclusion, by civil disfran- chisement, by unequal and unchristian laws. Lo, the poor Indian ! He has had no rights among Christians since I'ope Alexander VI. divided his patrimony between two thieves. This book is full of lessons to the Ethnologist. 926 Eauth. a Map of all the Earth, and how after the Flood it was divided anions: the Sons of Noah by J. Moxon, Hydrographer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 17J hy \.2\ inches. Joseph Moxon, London, 1670 ? For once the title is literally correct as it stands, lor since America is assigned to Japhet it is evident that the grant thereof was made by Joseph Moxon, Hydrographer. Thcie arc fourteen curious little pic- tures in the margin intended to illustrate Bible History. The OW Serpent who had climbed the tree of knowledge looks big and sturdy like Original Sin. 927 East India Islands (Chart of the), exhibiting the seve- ral Passages betweeti the Indian and Pacific Oceans, by A. . Arrowsinith [exhibiting the tracks of many navigators], ■4 sheets, each 36^ hv 25 inches, Jine copy, scarce. London, 20 Feb. 1800 928 East Indies (The), with the Roads, by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the King, the Second Edition, 53 by -12 inches, Jine clean copy, coloured. London, 30 April, 1768 929 East Indies. General Karte, von Ostindien, 1G| by llj inches; coloured, fine copy. J. G. Hinrichs, Leipzig, lS14i 930 East Indies. Kaart van Oost Indien behoorende bij Oli- vier Land-en Zeetogten, 14^ by 11 inches, coloured. C. G. SulpJce exctid. 1830 931 East Neebish Rapids. Sketch of the Navigation through East Neebish Rapids, River St. Mary, [between Canada and Michigan] from Surveys under Capt. J. N. Macomb, Corps Topi. Engrs. 19 by 14 inches, fine clean copy. Washington, Feb. 1854 932 Eaton (F. B.) History of [the Township of] Candia [New Hampshire], once known as Charmingfiire ; with Notices of some of the Early Families, icith a large maj} of Candia in 1852, plates, scarce. 8" Charles F. Livingston, Munchcstcr, N. IL 1852 I ► liibliolhi-ca IftHlurica 111 933 Eaton (Tlieopliilus) ]^.:vik\v of Nkw Yohk, or KamliK's througl) the City, original i'ocins, moral, religious, Harciistii", descriptive. Second Kdition, wants all after paye IIJG, with the autograph of " lalamucl G. Drake, Book Jk'o. 45, Jprif 1822" 12° John Low, Nnv York, 1814 This is believed to be one of the rarest books of Aniericnn poetry. Tlie poet describiiij^ the city of New York begins thus : The Lord siiprenic the basis laid For science, commerce, and lor trade ; And sent a wise and diosen race To build and beautify the pluce. And in his rambles coutimies so : Now, cii^;lc-cycd, I skulk about, 'J'o tind the dilVorent people out, And trace them to their secret dens, Tho' they should skulk like mice or wrens. 934 EccLESTON (Thcodor) Au Episllo by way of Enooiirage- ment to Frieiuls to be fretjueut at Wcek-Day Meetings, uncut, and of the highest rarity. b" \Villiam; Beadfobd, iH New York, 1732 935 Economy (The) of Ilumau Life, complete in Two Parts, traushited from an Indian Manuscript written by an ancient Bramin ; to which is prefixed an account of tho manner in which the said Manuscript was discovered : in a I.ett(>r from an English Gentleman residing in China (to) tlie Earl Qf ******* 12" John TrumhuU, Norwich {Conn.) 17J)5 93G Edeu (Fuaxc. Xav.) Deschiptio Pnovixci.i: Mo.vita- > BUM in llegno Periiano qnani expolivit et illustravit Abb. et Consil. Iteg. Maku, toith veri/ curious coj^per i^lates, numbered 1 to J), and a map of the Province of Moxos,fiic clean copy, uncut, large paper, scakce. 8" Typis Universilatis, Budcc, 17!>1 937 Edmundson (William) A Journal of tho Life, Travels, Sufterings, and Labour of Love in the Work of the iNlinis- try of that worthy Elder and faitliful Servant of Jesus Christ, W. Edmundson, second edition, ^h^? copy, scarce. 8° Mary Ilinde, London, 1774 Edmundson was born in 1627, had his ' convincement' in 1053. be- come a friend of George Fox, and after having his eye-teetii cut sharp, made a visit to the West Indies in 1671, and soon after swung round to Maryland, Virginia, New York, Long Island. Rhode Island, and so on to the Hub. In Virginia he called on Governor Berkeley, whom he found " very peevish and brittle." At Rhode Island he met with " one Roger Williams, an old priest and an enemy to truth, had ]iut tbrih fourteen Proiiositions, as he called them, which he would maintain against any of the Quakers that come from Old England, and chal- lenged a dispute of seven of them at Newport in Rhode Island, and the other seven at Providence." When the dispute came on " the bitter old man could make nothing out." He returned to England in 1677. 938 Edwards (Jonathan) Some Thoughts concerning the pre- sent Revival of Eeligion in New-England, and the way in which it ought to be acknowledged and promoted, /rs^ edi- tion, scarce. 12" S. Kneeland, Boston, 1742 i m 1 r^ 'W ... .^' \m \'r. --j \\ '■' 1' ;^t ; i ' :) i; 1^ S' 112 Bibliol livca Ihogi'oplik-a f)3{) KdwiinlH (IJi'Viiii) An llistorinil Survey of the Jnhiiiil of Suiiit Doiiiiiif^o, with nn acooiint of llio Muroon ^icf^rocs in tJamuii'ii, and a History (»f tlie War in tlio Wewt Indies in 17J);M7!M!; al.so a Tour tlirou/^li Harbadoes, ISt. Vincent, Antigua, Toh/ij^o and (iriMiada in 17i»l. 1702, by Sir Wil- liam )Lo\xn^, portrait of Ediourdu, bourdu, uncut. '1" ./. Sfockdnle, London, 1801 iUO Edwards (liov. Jonathan) A Faithful Narrutivo of tlie Surnrisinjr Work of God in tho Convereiion of many Hun- dred tSoula in Northampton and llio Neifj[hbouring Towns and Villages ol New-liampshiro in Now-England, with large Prt face by Dr. Watts and Dr. Ouyse, the first Eng- Hull cdilion, calf 12" Ju/in Ofuvnld, London, 17;J7 J) 11 Edwards (Jonathan, of Northampton) JSonio Thoughts concerning the present Kevival of Iteligion in New-Eng- land, and tho W^ay in which it ought to be acknowledged and promoted, y/HC copi/, uncut. 8" Edinburgh, 1743 912 Edwards (Jonathan) Some Thoughts conoerning the Present Kovivul of Keligion in New England, and tho way in which it ought to bo acknowledged and promoted, calf. 8" T. Liimisden, Edinburgh, 1743 013 Edwards (Jonatliaii) A Eaithful Narrative of the Sur- ])rising Work of Uod in the Conversion of many Hundred Souls in Northampton and neighbouring Towns of New llampaliire, published with a Preface by Dr. Watts and Dr. Guyse, and Ke-published with liecomiuendatory Ad- vortisoiiiont by tho Kev. J. Eawcett, and the Rev. W. Sloadman 12" Halifax, 1808 914 Edwards (Jonathan) Tlie Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God, applied to that uncommon Operation that has lately appeared on the Miuds of many of the People in New^ England, etc. with Preface by W. Cooper, of Boston, and letters from New England, by Dr. Colman, and Jonathan Parsons [not in the original Boston edition], y/«e copi/, scarce. 8° London, 1742 The " Uncommon Opciution " was the general revival in the churches throuf^hout New Enghvnd in 1740 ami 1741 previous to the advent of WhitHeld. 945 Edwakds (Jonathan) A careful and strict Enquiry into the modern prevailing Notions of that Freedom of Will which is supposed to bo essential to Moral Agency, Virtue and Vice, etc. first edition, scarce, fine copy. 8" S. Kneeland, Boston, N.E. 1754 940 Edwards (Jonathan) 'J'he Gccat Christian Doctrine of Original Sin defended. Evidences of its truth produced, and arguments to the contrary answered, fikst edition, fine copij, scarce. 8" S. Kneeland, Boston, N.E. 1758 947 Edwards (Jonathan) The Life of the Eov. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians, new edition, carefully revised. 8" London, 1818 E. 1754 trine of [oduced, piTION, 1758 rainerd, Ivised. In, 1818 liililiolliica //mforira li:i OlS Kdwnrds (JoiialliMii) An A«'couiit (if the Life of tlio Kev. Mr. David Brainord, MiaHioimry to tlio IiidiaiiH, from tlio Honourable Sooioty in Scotland for the Propaj^jntinp; of Christian Kno\vh»Jj,'o and Pantor of a (^hiirch of Christian IndianH in Ntnv Jcrsoy. Mr. Brainard's Journal among the Indians, and Mr. Pomberton'a Sermons and an Ap- pendix on Indian Aflairn. 8" Edinburgh, 1705 040 Edwards (Jonathan, of Northampton, N.l].) Two Disser- tations conccrninp; thu end for which God created the "World, and the Nature of true Virtue. 12" W. Darling, EJinh. 17S3 050 Edwards (Jonathan, of New //ar^w), The Faithful Mani- festation of the Truth, the i)ropor and immediate End of Preaching the Gospel. A Sermon delivered November 5, 1783, at the Ordination of the Keverend Mr. Timothy Dwight, in Greenlield [afterwards poet and President of Yalo College], scarce. 12" T. ^- S. Oreen, New Haven, [17S.S] 051 EdAvards (Jonathan, of New Haven) The Salvation of All Men strictly examined, and the Endless Punishment of those who die impenitent defended n^ainst the lie v. Doctor CImuncy, ot Boston, in his book entitled, " The Salvation of All Men," raf. 8" Ghisgow, 1S(»L' 052 Eells (Edward, of Middletown), Christ the FoumlatiDn ol' the Salvation ot Sinners, and of Civil and Ecclesiastical Government, illiistratod in a Sermon before the General Assembly of Connecticut on the Day of Election, May lllb, VJQ7,fne copy, uncut, scarce. 8° Thomas Green, Hartford, 17(57 053 Egede (Hans) BeBchryving van Oud-Groenland of cigcn- tlyk, van de zoogenaamde Straat Davis, belieizondc Deszelfs Natuurlyke Historic etc. Mitsgaders den ()irs|)rong on Voortgang der Aelondo Noorvveegsche Volkplantingcn in dat Gewest ; benevens den Aart Levenswyz(^ etc. dcr He- dendaagsche Inboorlingen, in de Deensche Taal besclirevcn in nu iu't Nederduitch overgebragt, fine copy, uncut, vel- lum, with a large map of Old Greenland, and plates. 4" Beinier Boitet, Delft, 171G 954 Egede (Hans) Beschreibung und Natur-Geschichte von Gronland, ubersetzet von D. Job. Ge. Kriinitz.^Ke cop!)% uncut. 8" Berlin, 17U3 955 Eggede (Hans) Description et Histoire Naturelle du Greenland, traduite par Mr. D.R.D.P. (Des lioches de Parthenay) fine large copy^ with map of Greenland, and plates. 8" Copenhague, 1703 Chapter XVI is upon tlie language of Greculnnd, with gianiniar, phrases and vocabulary, 956 Egypt. Carte de I'Egypte, de la Nubie, de TAbissinie, etc. par Guillaume de I'lsle, 23 by lOJ inches, coloured. Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier, Amsterdam, [1715 ?] '' 11 1::;: ■ ' ■' i i-r % ■ ^ 'm 1 " ■ " ' JK ■"' '■T-ak irlifl 118 Bibliotlieca Geographica 986 Epaminondaa. The address of Epaminondas to the citi- zens of the State of New York [setting forth the merits of De Witt Clinton and his claims to a re-election as Governor] uncut, scarce. 8° T. HosJcins, Caldwell, N. Y. 1820 987 Eecilla y Zuniga (Alonso de) La Araucana, 4 tom. in 2 vols, half red morocco. 12° Faris, 1824 988 Equiano (Olandah) The Interesting Narrative of the Life of 0. Equiano or Gustavus Vassa the African. Written by himself [relating incidentally to America]. Sixth edition, portrait, fine copy. 12° London, 1793 989 Equiano (Olandah) The Interesting Narrative of the Life of 0. Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by himself, Ninth edition, portrait and plate, calf. 12" For the Author, London, 1794 990 Erie Canal. Facts and Observations relative to the Origin and Completion of the Erie Canal [discussing the author- ship of this project, and explaining the manner in which the canal was proposed to be constructed, the plan which has since been adopted, the disadvantages attending the alteration, &c., giving to Gov. Clinton the credit to which he is entitled, and no more], uncut, scarce, 8° N. B. Holmes, JVew York, 1825 991 Erskine (Eev. Mr. Ealph) Gospel Sonnets, or Spiritual Songs in Six Parts. 1, Believer's Espousals ; 2, Believer's Jointure ; 3, Believer's Riddle, etc. 2nd American edition, from the 26th English edition,^«e clean copy. 12° Isaiah Thomas, Worcester, 1798 992 ESCUDO de ARMAS de Mexico : Celestial Proteccion de esta Ciudad, de la Nueva Espana y de casi todo el Nuevo Muudo, Maria Santissima, en su portentosa luiagen del Mexicauo Guadalupe, milagrosamente apparecida en el Palacio Arzobispal el ano de 1531, y jurada su principal Patrona el passada de 1737, etc, Por Cayetano de Cabrera y Quintero. Fine large clean and perfect copy, with the quaint copperplate frontispiece, designed by Joseph de Ibarra, and engraved by Balthasor Troncoso of Mexico in 1743. 18 prel leaves + 522 pp.-\-Indice, 24 pp. Vellum. folio, Mexico, por la Viuda de J. Bernardo de Hogal, 1746 An extraordinary Book, brimful of the marvellous in Religion, law, medicine, history, and politico. All the authors, native and foreign, who have written on Mexico, are here laid under contribution, the religious elements predominating, but the historical not excluded. There is much respecting the conversion and education of the various tribes of Indians, and the institutions founded for their benefit. 993 Essay on the Warehousing System and Government Credits of the United States [issued by the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, R. Ralston, President]. 8" Philadelphia, 1828 Bihliotliecu HIstoricn 119 sion, foreign, ition, the excluded, of the for their li'Dtnent Idelphia Iff, 1828 994i Erie County, New Tcirk (INf.ap of) from Surveys, by S. Geil 55 hy 35 inches, coloxired, fine clean copy, scarce. Fhiladelpliia, 1855 995 Essays (Occasional) on Various Subjects, chiefly Political and Historical, extracted partly from the Publick News- papers during the present Reign, and partly from Tracts published in the Eeigns of Queen Elizabeth, King Charles I, King Charles II, etc. Jine copy, scarce. 8° E. Wilks, London, 1809 This book is a valuable key to much of the bibliography of the American Revolution, as the editor has reprinted among other pieces many of his own, and added his initials P.M. [Baron Maseres]. His notes are often instructive, as for instance that about Franklin on page 129. 996 Europa [A Map of] herausgegebeu von J. C. Hinricha. 18 hy 14^ inches. Coloured. Leipzig, 1814i 997 Europa (Kaart van) uitgegeven door de Maatschappij tot nut vanhet Algemeen. 21 iy 17 inches. Coloured. Leijden en Oroninqen D, Du Mortier en Zoon, etc. [1730?] 998 Europa. Europa delineata et recena edita per Nicolaum Visscher. 21 iy 17 inches. Coloured. [Amst. 1650] 999 Europe (A Map of) designed by Mounsieur Sanson and rendered into English and Illustrated by Eic. Blome. 21J by 15| inches. R. Blome, London, 1GG9 1000 Europe. Carte Generale dea Costes de I'Europe vsur rOcean comprises depuis Dronthem et Norvege jusques au Destroit de Gibraltar. Levee par Ordre du Eoy. 33 by 24 inches, coloured, very fine copy, scarce. Paris, 1G93 1001 Europe (L') divisee suivant I'estendiie de ses prineipaux Estats subdivises en leurs priocipales Provinces par le Sr. Sanson. 34J by 22^ inches, mutilated and tanned. Alexis Hubert Jaillot, Paris, 1696 1002 Europe. Historische en Geographische Tafel om te leren een kort begrip vande Landen en Staaten in Euro])a, haar grootheyd, Besitting, en alles dat tot enderricht der Lief hebbers van de Land beschryvinge dienen kan op gestelt door C. Specht [with the arms of each State]. 23 by 19 inches. Utrecht, 1704 1003 Europe. Accuratissima Europfe Tabula, niultis locis cor- recta et nuperrime edita. Authore Carolo Allard. 23 by \Q\ inches, coloured. II. Covens and C. Mortier, Amsf. [1730 ?] 1004 Europe [A Map of] exhibiting its Piiiicipal States, etc. 251^ by 20 inches, coloured, fine and clean copy. W. Faden, London, J.Uy ]st, 1791 1005 Europe. Map of Europe drawn from all the Best Sur- veys, and Eectified by Astronomical Observations by A. Arrowsraith, Geographer, Eatlibone Place, London, 1798. 50 by 57 inches, smoked and mounted 1006 Europe. Map of the Seat of War in Europe during 1799. lOi by 13 V inches. Engraved for the Universal Scotch Almanack. , I i- .if-i •i^ \ 5 4'' I P i'ii ■ • r I 'I:' n : 1 : * ' ' ' ■ ' r ■ i; I 120 Bibliotheca Geoyraphica ltX)7 Europe. Cautr Gkneralk et Itineraire de I'Europe divisee en tons sos Etats d'aprea le Congrea do Vieniie ct autrea traitea posterieurs, nouvellemcnt redigee et desainee sur les Cartea et Ouvrages geograpliiquea lea plus accreditea par Max. de Traux, Colonel, etc. 8 sheets each, 22!^ by 18^ inches, coloured, very fine clean copy, scarce. Artaria and Co, Vienne, 1818 1008 Europe. Charte von Europa, entworfen von F. W. Strait. 26 by 21 inches, coloured. Nurnherg, 1818 1009 Europe [A Map of the] Mittel Europaiache Staaten entw. u. gez. v. A. Stieler. 14 6y 11 inches, coloured 1818 1010 Europe. Ueberaichts-Karte der Mittel-Europaischen Staa- ten rebat zwey Scalen iiber Qroaae und Einwohnerzahl allcr P . : ^paisclien und Deutachen Staaten aua Stielers Hand- el, a? entlehnt. Hierbey zwey auafiihrliche Statistiache uiid Geographisebe Tabellen. Justus Perthes, Ootha, 1819 Two Tal)lcson 2 lorgc Sheets; 18 by 15 inches — contaiuhig full Statistics, etc. of Europe. 1011 Eui'opc & America (Map showing the Plan for ahortening the lino of passage of Steam Shipa between) by making St. Tolr.i'iJ, ^^owfoundland, a Port of Call. 344 by 11| inches. JSTew Tork, 185G 1012 Ell,- 'j. The Character of Euaebius, containing Ee- ninj-i-s or. x I'nn nhlet intituled, True Pleasure, Chcarfulnesa and Happiues the immediate Consequence of Religion full" an'i coil' ' t " pi'oved. In a Letter from Atticus to his I'Vie' ,',/;,'.' r., .^ , k-'citt. 8" {Villia'h an., ' '• mas Bradford, Philadelphia, 1767 1013 Eustace (Thomas) The Adventures of S. Eustace, ship- wrecked 18 Jany. 1809 [including hia travela in America]. By a Clergyman. 8" London, 1820 1014 EuxiNE. Pontus Euxinua. ^qure Jasonio pulsatum remige primum. Ex couatibus Abraham! Ortelii, 18| by n\ inches. A. Orteliiis {Antv. 1590 ?] 1015 Evana (W. J.) The Sugar-Planter's Manual: being a Treatise on the Art of obtaining Sugar from tlie Sugar- Cane, cloth. 8° Longmans, London, 1847 1016 Everett (Edward) Eulogy on Thomaa Dowae, of Catn- bridgeport, pronounced before the Massachusetts Historical Society, 9th December, 1858, with the Introductory Ad- dreas by E. C. Winthrop, and an Appendix [reapecting the Dowse Library presented to the Society]. 8° Boston, 1859 1017 Evana (Caleb) A Eeply to the Eev. Mr. Fletcher'a Vin- dication of Mr. Wesley'a Calm Addresa to Our American Colonies, uncut. 12° W. Pine, Bristol (1775) 1018 Explanation (An) of the Ten Commandments, partly composed and partly compiled. By an Aged School-Mia- treaa in the State of Maasachusetts. Fine copy, uncut, scA.ncE. Henry Blake ^ Co., Keene (N. H.) 1794 !iii I'Kurope ieune ct dessinee ccreditea li hy 18i me, 18L8 F. W. ?rg, 1818 Staaten d 1818 lien Staa- zahl alltT ■3 Hand- atistische fha, 1819 1 Statistics, lortenins; akine; St. \ inches. orJc, 185G ning Ee- larfulness Religion Ltticus to Ida, 17G7 ^ace, ship- merica]. Ion, 1820 pulsatum elii, 18^ 1590 ?] Sugar- hn, 1847 of Cam- istorical tory Ad- ding the on, 1859 r's Vin- merican / (1775) partly ool-Mia- uneuf, I.) 1794 liibliothecn Ileraldien 121 1019 Eyaminattox (An) of tlio Commoroial Principloa of the lato Npgociation bc^twecii Great Britain and France in 17Gl,iii which tlie System of that Negotiation with Regard to our Colonies and Coinmerco is considered. Tiie Second Edition. Scarce, and impGrtant for American, espcciallij Canadian History. 8" Dodsley, London, 17G2 This is a review of the nogotiations for Peace after the contests in America, the bartering for Ishinds in botli lieinisphcrcs, and tlic tonus and advanta;^cs of excliangc. The writer seems to think tliat Guadalouijc is of more advantage to Great Hritain tlian Pennsylvania. The whole question seems to turn selfishly upon the pivot of trade for ourselves, tlic interests and wishes of the colonies being secondary considerations. 1020 E.\planation of Terms used in Entomology, 5^7 pages, pri- vately printed, scarce and valuable, without any name of author, place, or date, hut 8« [Phil. ? 1S20 r ) 1021 ExQtJEMELTx (A. O.) De Americaxisciie Zee-Roovers. Behelaendo een pertinento en waerachtige Beschrijving van alle do voornaemste Roveryen, en onmenschelijcke wreed- heden, die do Engelse en Fraiisc Rovers, tegeas do Spaen- jaerden in America, goplceght hebben. Fine laryc clean and licrfect copy, with curious frontispiece, portraits, maps and plates. The Furst Eottiox, very uncommon, bound in best red morocco extra by F. Bedford. 4" Bij Jan ten JLoorn, Amsterdam, 1G7S This Original of the Buccanh;rs of Amkimca is the parent, prohalily, of more hooks of ad /enture than any other. It has appeared in many languages and in many shapes. All its editors and translators seem to exercise the right of buccaneering on each other. This edition does not often occur for s.alc. 1022 ExQUEMELiN (A. O.) Historie der Boeeaniers of Yrey- buytera van America, frontispiece, maps and plates, vellum, scarce. 4° K. ten Iloorn, Amsterdam, 1700 1023 ALCONER (Thomas) On the Discovery of the Mississippi and on the Sonth Western, Oregon, and North-Western Boundary of the United States. With a Translation iVimi the Original MS. of Memoirs, etc. relating to the Discovery of the Mississippi. By Robert Cavelit'r de la Salle, and the Chevalier Henry de Tonty, Jine cop//, map showiny the boundaries. 12" Clarice, London, IS 11. 1024 Falconer (William) The Shipwreck. A Poem, with a Sketch of hia Life. 12" James Watt, Montrose, ISll 1025 Falea (AVilliam R.) Memoir of W. R. Falcs, the Ports- mouth Cripple, calf. 12" Phila. 1851 1026 Falklanda Islands. A Draught of, fine copy, scarce, 27 by 18 inches, coloured. Caring ton Bowles, London, 1770 R i: ' 'V ll ■if:* 5 m :ii I ■ M m 122 Bibliotheca Oeographica 1027 Fall River (Massncliusotts) An Authentic Narrative [containing a history of the Town, and of the affair of Misa Cornell and Rev. E.K. Avery]. By the Author of " Talcs National, Eevolutionarv," etc. etc. 12" Lilly, Wait, and Co., Boston, 1833 1028 Faria y Sousa (Emanuel de) The History of Portugal to the Revolution under Jolin IV. in 1G40. Translated and continued to 1G9S by Capt. John Stevens 8". London, 1098 1029 Farmer (John) and Moore (Jacob B.) A Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire, with an accurate Map of the State, and several engravings by Abel Bowen, fine copy, calf, scarce. 8" Jacob B, 3Ioore, Concord, 1823 1030 Farnhain (Luther) A Glance at Private Libraries [of Boston], j^ne clean copy, scarce. 8" Crocker and Brewster, Boston, 1855 1031 Fashionable Tour (The) A Guide to Travellers visiting the Midland iind Northern States and the Provinces of Canada. Fourth edition, enlarged and improved, many plates. 12" O. M. Davison, Saratoga Sjmnys, 1830 The local geography of this book ia excellent, and the primitive attrac- tions of the various localities descrilicil, read luriouslj' enough in these days when simplicity and comfort ut watering places have ceased to be virtues. 1032 Fast-Sermon preached at Feb. the 10th, 1779. By the Reverend shewing the Tyranny and Oppression of the British King and Parliament respecting the American Colonies. Inscribed to the Congress, Jine copy on thick paper, uncut. Non-committal, intended to please both sides, noplace or date, but. 8" [Phil. 1777 ?] 1033 Faux (W.) INIemorable Days in America, being a Journal of a Tour to the United States to ascertain the Condition and Prospects of British FiUiigrants, including Accounts of Mr. Birkbeck's Settlement in the Illinois, loghouse frontis- piece, boards, uncut. 8" London, 1823 1034 Fayette Cori^fTr, Pennsylvania, IMap of, scale 1 mile to 1 inch, 39 by 32 inches, coloured, fine clean copy, got up for War Purposes, scAncE. [P/a7. 1863] 1035 Fearon (Henry Bradshaw) Sketches of America. A Narrative of a Journey of Five Thousand Miles through the Eastern and Western States of America, 3rd Edition, boards, uncut. 8" Longmans, London, 1819 1036 Federal (The) Ready Reckoner, or Trader's Valuable Guide, from One Mill to Two DoDars, to Avhich are added I. a Table shewing the Value of Cents in Shillings, Pence, and Farthings ; II. a Table shewing the Value of Foreign Gold ; III. a Table of Interest at Six per cent. 12" L. Worcester, Worcester, Blassachusetts, 1795 10 Bibliotheca Jlinlorica 123 1037 Federalism. Royalty of Federalism ! Eend, try, decide on the charge of "VVashington, that leading Federalists are to Monarchy devoted. [The Federalists would change our Bepublic to a form resembling the corrujit aud corrupting system of the British Government.] 8" Printed at the Yankee OJJice, Boston [1817] 1038 Federalist (The) A Collection of Essays written in favour of the New Constitxitiou, as agreed upon by tho Federal Convention, September 17, 1787, 2 vols, in 1. FinsT Edition, scarce. 12° McLean, Neio York, 1788 1039 Fenning (Daniel) Tho Ready Reckoner or Trader's Use- ful Assistant, buying and selling all sorts of commodities, shewing the Amount from Half a Farthing to 20». etc. Eleventh Edition, compared by N. Y\ko.,fine copy, scarce. 8" F. M. Blunt, Newbury Port, 1794 1010 Ferguson (Samuel) Lays of the Western Gael and other Poems, cloth. 8" London, 18G5 1011 Fergusson (Adam) Practical Notes made during a Tour in Canada and a portion of the United States in 1831, cZoM, uncut. 12" Edinh. 1833 1012 Fergusson (Adam) Practical Notes made duriug a Tour in Canada, aud a portion of the United States, in 1831, cloth. 8" Edinb. 1833 1013 Fernandez de Medrano (Sebastian) Breve Tratado do (jieographia, en tres ])artcs quo la una contiene la Descrip- cion del Rio y Imperio de las Amazouas Americanas con su Carta Gcographica ; la otra lo que poscen Franceses y Inglescs, etc. en el nuevo Mundo, y la tercera del Estado presente del Imporio del Gran Mogor y Rcync do Siam, fine clean copy, with the rare map. 12° Lamberto Marchant, Brusselas, 1700 1044 Fernandez (Juan Patricio) Riclacion Historical de las ]\Hssione3 de los Indios que llaman Chiquitos que estan h. cargo do los Padres de la Compafiia do Jesus de la Pro- vincia del Paraguay, vellum, scarce. 4° Por Manuel Fernandez, Madrid, 172G Tliis original edition is as rare as it is important. Within a short time after its pulilication it appeared in German in three different transla- tions, also in Italian and Latin. It is a sort of Continuation of the great work of Teciio, and gives an acconnt not only of the Chiquetos, bnt many other tribes of Indians. The author was a Spanish Jesuit, who lived many years in Paraguay, and became faniiliar with the Indian languages and dialects. Backer and most other bibliographers say that he died in 1672, and that this work was published a long time after. This is a mistake. lie wai most likely born in 1072. Tlio book shows that he was labouring in many lieduccioins between 1699 and 1718. It is the foundation of most of our Paraguay histories between 1680 and 1717. 1015 Field (M.) City Architecture ; or Designs for Dwelling Houses, Stores, Hotels, etc. in 20 plates, with Descriptions, and an Essay on the Piinciples of Design, cloth. 8" New York, 1853 i| III '■::f ■& ' ^^■^ m ■I; ■I,- I- -I I ■'^[••^ 1 V. 124 Bibliotheca Geographica 1046 Fjnk (Ouonce) Nova, et intkoua vnivehsi obbis De- Bt'BivTio OFFEIITMVS TiBi, Cauclido Lector, uuiuoraamorbiB tcrriirum descriptionc, iuxta recoiitiuin Geographorum ac Ilydrographoruin nientem, scriiata turn Aequatoris, turn pa- ralk'lorum ad cas oua) ex ccntria proporlionc, gemina cor- dis bumaui formula in piano coextensam : quarum lajua borealem, dextra uero autstralera Mundi partem complec- titur. Tu igitur munusculum hoc liberaliter excipito: htibetoque gratias Christiano Wecholo, cuius fauore & im- pcnsis ha;c tibi commuuicauiuraus. Vale, 1531, IJetise Julio 'J'his is a facsimile map, slightly reduced liy photo-lithography, printed for Mr. lle:iry Stevens in New York, in 186'.t, of Oronce Fine's iiinions (loiil)lc-licartC{l projection of our entire globe, as he understood it in Jo.'H, compiled from ancient authors and the accounts of recent navi- gators, for the Paris edition of the Novus Oiuus of 1532. Attached to tills facsimile is a translation of Fine's map into Mercator's projec- tion, which at once reveals its weaknesses and errors. Though in many respects far in advance of all other printed maps at this date, yet in other respects it is the culmination of absurdities in speculative geo- graphy. It is easy to trace out the authorities for almost any line of his map, and now to see how he misread them. Cortes' Itelation with his iniip of the Gulf of Mexico, printed in 152-1 gave him Mexico and Cen- tral America; and Marco Polo the name-s of Eastern Asia for the same country. Ucmemhering Marco I'olo, the discovery of the Pacific, the v(jyages of Corsali, Magellan, Varthema, the ancient writers, and the Xurcmburg Chronicle ; and not foigetting the old vague idea of a great Southern Continent, he lays one down, larger than Kurojie, Asia, and Africa together, calling one part llegio Patalis, probably from the J'atas peojilo whose feet were big enough for umbrellas, and other parts from tlie fibled pigmies, or giants, or big birds. The truth seems to bo that the discovery of Australia consisted in eliminating a small continent by actual observation from a big bogus one, and even that long after IS.'Jl, and not by the French as has been inferred partly from this map. As a gcograi)lier, a mathematician, an astronomer, and a calculator of longitudes Fine must hereafter take high rank among authors wlio promoted the progress of discovery. Every one of his works should be studied by the American historian. Born at BriauQOn in Dauphcnu in 1494, he came to Paris early to seek his fortune, edited Martini's Arithmetic, his first book, in 151'.), became Student and Professor in the College of Navarre, revived the study of mathematics in France, ])ublished many books of his own and edited others, and died poor in Paris in 155.'5. — Sec Martini infra. 1017 EiNE (Obonce) Pbotomatiiesis ; Opus variuni, ac scitu non minus utile quam jucuudutn, nunc primum in lucem faelicitor emissuni, very fine large copy in vellum, scAncE. fol. Parisiis, 1532 Evidently the author's pride and magnum opus, a very beautiful volume, bearing throughout numerous marks of his exquisite taste, as well as profound .scholarship. The charming title-page is a study, and a bio- graphy, showing his county, his motto, and his herculean labours. To this he adds •' llanc Author 2>ropio piugehat marte flgieram." The headpieces represent emblems of studies, with his initials O. F., and his own ])ortrait appears in the large picture of the Typus universus Orbis with his beloved Candida by his side, under the name Urania. His initials arc faintly given here also. 1019 Fisk (Oronce) Do his quae mundo mirabiliter cveniunt, Chiudij Cii'lcstini opusculuni. Do inirabili potcstatc Artis i;t Niitura;, EouKitu I^aciionis Anglici, libelliis. llajcduo opusfuhi Oroiitiiia F. rccognoscibatj vellum. 4" Faris, 1542 liibUutheca Historica 125 10A8 FiNfe (Ouonce) Aritumktica Piiactica Libris quatuor absoluta, oninibus qui Mathomatieas ipsas traetare voliint perutilis, aclinodunquc necessaria : ex novissima autlioris rccognitioiio ainplior ac cinciidatior facta, a?clitio tortia, very fine copi/, with beautiful woodcut border to title, head pieces, initial letters, etc. cvident/i/ designed bxj Oronce him- self, as manii of them hear his initials and devices. Ibl. Ex OJJicinn Simonis Colincei, Parisiis, 15i2 1050 FrNt (Oronoe) Orontii Finooi Dclphinatis, etc. Quatlra- tura Circuli, do Circiili nieiisura, et ratloue circul'erentifo ad diametrum. Do invenicnda longitudines locoruin difle- retia. Plaiiisphoeriuin, gc(.graphii'uni,^«tf copy, t:\CKSsi\\u.\ HAUK. fol. Apud Simonus Culinaeum,Lnt. Paris. 1511 One of the neatest ho(jk.s wc know of, tlic tiile within a l)cnutifiil border, and the bend pieces of doliihins, in delicate nllnsion to the iinthor'.s native county. The huge Initial 1) at the bcginnin;; bears the arms of Danphene, surrounded by the author's christian name. 1051 FiNi'. (Ouonce) LiisEa de Goometria Practica sivo do practicis loiigitudinuni, planoruin et solidorum : hoc est linearuin, superticieruni, et corporum mensionibiis aliquis- quo iiiecbauicis ox demonstrntis Eiiclidis elemeutia corolla- rius. Ubiet do Quadrate Geoinotrico, et virgis sen baculis mensoriis. Nunc priinum apud Gennanis iu lucem omissus, fine uncut co/ii/ of(/reat rarity, woodcuts. 4" Ec Officina Knoblochiana, Aryent. mense Martio, 1511 1052 FiNfc (Oronco) Dc solaribus Horologiis et Quadrantibus, Libri quatuor [F, de composito et usu horologioriun. II. do cjoteris liorologiis, III. Planispberiuiii sou Astrololutn iu quadrantcui victore docet. IV. ipsius quadrentos geueralis utilitatctn,] very fine lartie and clean copy, scarce, icith woodcutn. -1" Apud Guliclmam Cavellat, Parisiis, 15G0 This is a posthumous work, edited by John Fine, a son of < )r(>nee, who in the dedication gives a most touching account of his lather's mode of life, his works, his wife, and children, and his death. 1053 Visk (Oiionck) Operk divise in cinque Parti ; Ari- metica, Geometria, Co.smogralia e Oriuoli, tradcjttc da Cosimo Bartoli, et git Specclii tradotti dal Cavab'cr Ercolo Bottrigaro, vellum, scarce. 4;" Franceschi Senese, Venet. 15S7 Indispensable to the student of mathematics, nautical astronomy, and early geography. 105-1 Finland. Nova Tabula INIagni Ducatus Finlandite in Proviucias divisn, luultis locis aucta per F. de Witt, 20 i by 17 inches, coloured. Covens et Mortier, Amst. [1710 r] 1055 Fisher (VVilliain) New Travels among the Indians of North America, being a Compilation from Captains Lewis and Clark, and other Authors who travelled among the various tribes of Indians, containing a variety of very plea- sant Anecdotes, with a Dictionaiiy of tiik Indiax ToxGUE,.////e copy, scarce, 2 portraits. 12" Phil. 1S12 This rare work contains the luimos and accounts of all the various Iniliau tribes, with geographical and statistical particulars. '■\ I! , ■<' W\ •-■Wi A it Hi 12G Biiliotheca Oeographica 1050 Fisher (Alexander) A Journal of a Voyage of Discovery to Iho Arctic Kegions in J[. M's. Ships llccia and Griper, [commanded by Licuts. Purry and Liddon,] in 1819 and \%20, with Chart of the discoveries. 8" London, \%2\ 1057 FiJiMiN (GiLKs) The Keal Christian, or a Treatise of Ell'ectual Calling, to which is added a few words concern- ing Socinianiam, ^00^/ original copi/, scauce. 8" Itogers tj/" Fowle,for J. Edivards in Cornhill, and J. Blanchard, in Dock Square, Boston, 1742 The liistorinn of New Kiigliind who iiCKlcctB this author covora not his tiulJ. Tho ^^Hsip about tho New Kngluiul Fathers is ample and entertaining. Firniin was ii Kullblk man, eMh!o, 25 hy 10 inches, coloured. J. (Mvens et 0. Mortier, Amsterdam, [1710] 1065 Flandera. Coniitatus Fliiiulriro Nova Tabula [with a Decree of I'hilip of Spain in Dutcli at tho back], 20 i hy 10 J inches. U. Ilondius, Amst. 1710 1066 Flanders. Carlo dii Comto do Flandro, Nuivantles Nou- vcllos Observations do MesHrs. do rAcadomio Koyalo, 10/;// 13 inches. Pierre vandcr An, Leide, [1710 ?] 1067 Flandria ct Zoelaiulia Coniitatus [a Map of], 20^ hy 10 inches. Apud Ouiljehnum lilaeuw, [1(518] 1008 Flandria) Partes duo) qiiaruni altera Proj)riotaria altera Imperialia vulgo dicitur. {A Map), 20 J hy 10 inches. Ouil. et Joh. Blaru, Amst. [1050?] 1009 FlandrioB Coinitatua Pars Soptentrionalis, coniproliendcns Franconatuni Brugeiisom, etc. per N. Visscher, 22 hy 1!) inches. Amst. Bat. [iG(\0^ 1070 Flandrisp Coniitatus Pars Aiistrnlis in Castellaniam Insu- lanam, Balliviatuin Duaccnsom, etc. divisa per N. Vissolior, 21 hy 19 inches. Amst. [1(5S0] 1071 Flavel (Kev. John) The Touchstone of Sincerity, or Tri;i I of True and False Kcligion. AVritten anew from tho Ori- ginal second edition. 21" T. Bedlinyton, Boston, iSlS 72 Fleming (Eobcrt, V.DM) SecuUim Davidicimi Kcdivi- vum. The Divine Right of tho lievohition scripturally and rationally evinced and applied, uncut. 8° London. < \1\Y.\) 1073 Flint (James) Letters from America, containing )bscr- vations on tho Western States, etc. boards, uncut. 8" Edinburgh, 1822 1074 Flint (Timothy) Ixdian WAns of the West, contain- ing Biographical Sketches of those Pioneers who headed tho Western Settlers in repelling tho Attacks of tlie Savages, with a View of tlie Character, Manners, Monuments, Anti- quities of the Western Indians, /7??e clean copy in the original binding, scauce. 12" E. II. Flint, Cincinnati, 183:} Inserted in tliis copy arc five pnjj;cs of notes clironolo^ficnlly arraiiiicti, from 1512 to 18II5, rcspcftiiig tlie Indians, being a sort of index to tliis volume, by tliat earnest liistoriiin and indefatigable anticinary S. G. Drake of Boston. 1075 Florida et Apalehe, (a Map), Hi hy 9 inches. TJ^ytJleet, Lovanii, 1597 1076 Florida. Message from the President of tho United States [John Adams] transmitting a Report and Documents relative to the Boundary Line between the United States and East and West Florida, June Pith, 1797, ^ne copy, uncut, scarce.- 8" Phil ad. 1797 ! ... ,t i'. n\ If m i! '( ^4 . r 128 Bihiiothecn Oeoqraphica 1077 Florida. Map of the Territory of Floriila oonnooted \vi( li the Delta of tlio Mississippi, anuexcd to tlio Koport of thi' Board oi' Internal Improvement, Feb. 19th, 1829, relating to the Canal to connect the Atlantic with the Gulf of Mexico ; and describing the Inland Navigation parallel to the Coast from the Mississippi to the Bay of Espiritu Santo, and from St, Mary's Harbour to St. Augustine. Drawn by W. H. Swift, G6 hy 2G^ inihes, mounted on canvas, tery UARE Washington, 1829 1078 Florida. Map of the Seat of War in Florida, compiled by Order of the Honble. Joel II. Poinsett, Secretary of War, under the direction of Col. J. J. Abort, 20^ by 34.^ inches. Washington City, 1838 1079 Fobes (Peres, of Baynham) The Paradise of God opened to a penitent Thief in Answer to his dying Prayer to a dying Saviour, considered and improved in a Sermon at Taunton, Nov. 11, 1784, the Day of the Execution of John Dixon for Burglary, with an Appendix on the Enormity of Burglary, and a Sketch of Dixon's Life.^HC ccrpy, uncut. 8" Bennett Wheeler, Providence, [1784] 1080 FoRSTER (Johann Eeinhold) Geschichto der Entdeck- ungen und Schiftahrtcu im Norden. Mit neuen Original- karteu verschen. 8° Fi-ankfart an der Oder, 1784 The student of northern voyages and gcograpliy by I'orster, should be contented with nothing less than this original edition, with the maps prepared under the author's own eye. The London and Dublin editions do not come up to the mark. 1081 Forstcr (John Eeinhold) History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North. Translated from the Ger- man, with new and original map of the Countries about the North Pole, 1783, half calf. 8" Dublin, 178G 10S2 Foster (Daniel, of New Braintree) Sermon before John Hancock, Governour, the Council, Senate, etc. of Massa- chusetts, May 20, 1790, being the General Election,./??;? andclean^ S" Thomas Adams, Boston, 1790 1083 booster (Rev. Isaac, of Stafford) Christ Jesus a common Saviour, a Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Eev, Joel Foster to the Pastoral Office in New-Salem, 9 June, 1779. 8" I. Thomas, Worcester, 1779 1084 Foster (John Y.) New Jersey and the Eebellion, a History of tlic Services of the Troops and People of New Jersey in aid of the Union Cause. Published by Authority of the ^iviie, cloth, ^12 pages. 8" 21. E. Dennis, Newark, N. J. 186S 1085 Fowler (M.) A General Account of the Calamities occa- sioned by the late tremendous Hurricanes and Earthquakes in the AV''e8t-India Islands, with the Petitions and to Reso- lutions of the House of Commons, etc. 8" Stock-dale, London, 17S1 Bibliotheca Hidorica 129 cted with art of IIk' I, relating ,e Gulf of )arallel to itu Sauto, . Drawn vas, TEBY ',ton, 1829 , compiled cretary of \0\ by 341 City, 1838 od opened to a dying i Taunton, Dixon for Burglary, ice, [1781] Entdeck- 1 Original- Oder, 1781 er, should be ith the maps ibliii editions )yage3 and the Ger- about the tblin, 1786 "ore John of Massa- ction, fine )ston, 1790 a common f the Kov. 9 June, sler, 1779 ELIilON, a e of New Authority ■y. J. 1S6S itiea occa- rthquakcs I to Rcso- 1094 France. Gallia) sou Francia) Tabula qua omnes Pro- viucia) argiaria?, etc. ostenduntur per N. Visscher, 22 by 18 inches, coloured. \_Amat. 1630 ?] 1095 France. Gouvernemcnt General de I'lsle de France, ou sont la France, le Valois, Soissonnoisle Beauvaisis, Laon- nois la Brie, Frangoise I'Hurepoix Noyonnois et les Comtes de Senlis et de Dreux, etc., divisez en xviii Elections, 23 by 19 inches, coloured, \_F, de Witt, D. Covens et E. Ifortier, Amst. [1710 ?] 1096 France. Totius Regni Gallia) s' o Francia), Tabula cum suis Provinciis, Urbibus, Pagis, Angariis, etc. per C. Allard, 2U by 17i inches, [Amst. 1736 ?] 1097 Franco. Laudkaart van 't Oude Gallic ten tyde van Julius Claudius Civilis. Gallia) Votcris typns, etc. 15 by 142 inches. [Amst. 1750 ?] 1098 France. Landkaart van 't Oude Gallic ten tyde van luliua Cajsar. Gallia) Votcris typus, etc. 15 by 14i inches, [Amst, 1750 ?] s 11 14. •!■'■* 'Ill H '1ffl 130 Bihliotheca Geoyruphica 1099 France. Gallia Antiqua ex ^>i Eomani monumentis eruta. Auctor D'Anville, 23 hy 18 inches, coloured, clean. Les Galeries du Louvre, 17G0 1100 France. Gallia Antiqua ex ^vi Komani Monumentis eruta. Auctor D'Anville, 22 1 ly 17| inches, coloured. Noremhergcs, 1783 1101 France (Map of). Franco divided into Provinces, 24 hj 20s inches, coloured. By W. Faden, London, 1790 1102 France (Map of). France divided into Metropolitan Circles, Departments, and Districts, as decreed by the National Assembly, 179D, 24 hy 20 \ inches, coloured. W. Faden, London, Oct. 1, 1792 The General Treaty with France, 1815, is pasted at the back of the Map. 1103 France. A Map of the Northern Part of France, to facilitate the knowledge of the Operations carried on by the Allied Armies against the French Conventional Troops, 30^ by 21 inches, coloured, Jine copy. William Faden, London, May 1st, 1793 1104 France. The Conduct of the Government of France towards the Eepublic of Geneva, translated from the French [of D. Chauvet,] by a Citizen of Trentpu, [New Jersey,] Jine and uncut, dedicated in a long letter to Albert Oalletin, scarce. 8° O. Craft, Trenton, October, 1798 1105 France (Carte de la) ou Ton a essaye de donner la Con- figuration de son Tcrritoire par une Nouvelle Methode do Nivellements. Par I'lngonieur Geographe Dupain-Triel, iine copy, 21-i- by 19 inches, shaded. Paris, An X. [1802] 1100 Franco. Nouvelle Carte de tout rEinpiro Frangais Neueste Karte, etc. von J. E. Hinrichs, 15 by 13^ inches, coloured. Leipzig, 1814 1107 France. Tableau de I'llistoire de France depuis les Gaulois jusqu' a nos jours Eedige d'apres I'Art de verifier les dates, I'Abrege clironologiquc du president Herault, les histoires de France de Mezeray, Velly, etc. par Hocquart, 18^ hy 24^ inches, coloured. Saintin, Paris, 1819 1108 France. Carte de la France pour servir de Tableau d' Assemblage h 1' Atlas Communal par Divisions Militaires. [Atlas Communal, etc. in 21 Maps, but Divisions 4, 11-12, and 21 are wanting, if ever published,] 18 sheets of 20, 24, or 26 by 18, 19, or 21 inches, coloured, fine and clean, scarce. Dandalle, Paris, 1823 1109 France. Carte Itineraire de la France divisee en 80 Departemens oil sont indiquees les routes royales de 1'", 2 et 3 Classes avec la distance en lieues de Poste de Paris h chaque Chef-lieu de Departement, par de Belleyme, 31J hy 25 inches, coloured, fine copy, a splendid map. J. Goitjon, Paris, 1824 Bibliotheca Ilistorica 131 1110 Francisci (Erasmus) Acerra Exoticorum, oder Histo- rischea Rauchfass dariancn mancherley fremde Fiille iind Geschichte nebens audern Erzehlungen, als etlicher Kunst- uud Natur-Wunder aua Sina, Cochinchina, Tunchin, Per- sien, Tiirckey, America, Africa, Eussland, etc. Zusamer gesucht. 8" Franckfurt, 1672 1111 Franck (Augustus Ilermannus) Pietas Halleusis, or a Publick Demonstration of the Foot-Steps of a Divine Being yet in the World, in an Historical Narration of the Orphan-House, and other Charitai^le Institutions at Glaucha, near Hall, in Saxony, done out of High Dutch, 8° James Davidson, Edinburgh, YI27 1112 Franconia. Le Cercle de Franconie divise en tous lea Estats qui le composeut, par II. Jaillot, 24 hj 18j inches, coloured. H. Jaillot, [^Paris, 1690] 1113 Franconia. Circulus Franconicus divisa in Ducatus Coburgi, Franconia;, et Episcopatus Wurtzburgi, etc. Marchionatus Culm, etc. per Ger: et Leou: Valk, 22} by 19^ inches, coloured. [^Amst. 1710 ?] 1114 Frankfort. Neucster Grundriss der Freyen Stadt Frankfurt a/M. uud Sachsenhausen ncbst ihrcn Umge- bungen, size of oval 20by 15i inches, coloured,Jlne copy. Carl Jtiqel, Frankfurt, a/M. n. d. 1115 Fhankliit (Benjamin) An Answer to INlr. Franklin's Kemarks on a late Px'otest, ^we, c/ean, and uncut, VEar BARE. 8" William Bradford, Philadelphia, 1761i Full of bitterness npainst Franklin. The writer begins. " A day or two after Mr. Franklin's departure for England, havinj^ seen his remarks in the hands of a gentleman, 1 gave them a cursory perusal ; but found them so replete with bitter calumnies and gross evasions, that I judged,'' and so on throu J. D Ciishinq, Salem, 1822 1157 Gay (Frederick A.) For Gratuitous Distribution. Sketches of California, an Account of the Life, Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, its History, etc. Also interesting information in relation to the Canchalagua, a Californiun Blant of liare Medicinal Virtues. S" Redding Sf Co., Boston, 1818 1158 Gedenkwaardtoe (de) West-Indise Voyagien gedaaii door C. Columbus, A. Vesputius, en L. Hennepin, etc. Mitsgaders H. Benzoni, Gic, frontispiece and many maps and plates, vellum, scarce. 4" Legden, 1701 1159 Gee (Joshua) Tlie Trade and Navigation of Great Britain co7isidercd, showing that the surest way for a Nation to increase in riches is to prevent the importation of such foreign commodities as may be raised at homo, etc. etc. New edition with Notes by a Merchant, ^ne copy, calf 12" London, 1767 A considerable part of this book relates to colonial and intercolonial trade. 1160 Geisleu (Adam Fuieduicii) KuazE KARAKTEu-und Thatenschilderungen von hundert und siebenfunfzig sich in leztern amerikanischeu Kriege vorziiglich ausgezeichueter brittischer Offiziere wio audi einiger OfBzicre von den deutschen Hiilfstruppen (Short Sketches of the Characters and Acts of one hundred and seventy-five British Officers who especially distinguished themselves in the last American "War ; and also of some German Officers of the Auxiliary Troops), fine copy, uncut, of the highest rarity and biogra- phical importance. 8° Dresden und Leipzig, 178-li Among the Sketches arc the Characters of Andre, Arnold, Asgill, Bur- jjoync, Carlcton, Clinton, (^(iniwallis, Ca^e, ll que ha padecido la Ciudad de Guatemala y su Vecinda x, ih. 1774 — Hazon particular de los Temples, Casas de Comunidndes y Edificios publicos y por Mayor del Numero de los Vccinos de la Capital Guatemala, etc. j)or los Torremontos, ib. 1774 — Demonstracion de las Pro- porciones e Iniproporciones que ofrece cl Pueblo 6 Vallo de Xalapa,»i. 1774 — Demonstracion de las Proporcioncs .- Defectos que ofrece cl Pueblo 6 Valle de la Hermit' '< 1774 folio, in j A Collection of very rare Tracts, and probahly the earliest works pr. J at Mi.xco, a place not ^lentioned by Archdeacon Cotton. 121 121'. 121; a, 155G lieion do lud do •iicia do >,a lie D. la Casa 1774— do los ,tcmala |emplos, Mayor ila, etc. as Pro- 6 Vallo lioncs , it ^ H I Bihliolhcca Illalorica 111 1211 Ooodnlo (Ebonozcr) llocord of tlio rrooopdinq;a of n Ocnoral Court Mnrlial lioldiMi at Iho Court JIouho iu Salem, Sept. 28, 1812, by Ordt-r of hia Excellency CaK>b Stroll}^, Governor, etc. on tbo Complaint of liicur.-Col. Sanuiul IJrimbloconio and otiicrs iif»ainMt l"i, Ooodalc, Miijor General of tlio Second Diviaiini, etc. acarrr, vncut. H" Ifillinrtl and Mr/cilf. Cuiihriilfe, iSl'J 1212 Ooodeil (William) The Jii^lits and llie Wion-s of Kliodo Inland, eompriwinpj views of Liberty and Law, etc. [No. S, Cliristiau Investigator] ficarco b" I'rrss of the Oneida Institute, 1 S 12 121IJ Goodrieb (Elizur, of Durham, Conn.) The l'rinci[)les of civil Union and Happiness considered and n'coimmnded. A Sermon before Sanuiel Huntingdon, Governor, itc. ami tlio General Assembly of Connecticut, at Hartford, on tlio Day of Election, Miiy lOtb, 17H7,, /iiie and uncut. 8" Hudson ^ Clootfwiii, Ifarfford, 17S7 121 1 Goodrieb (Rev. Cbarles A.) A History of llie United States of America, on a plan ada])ted to Ibo Capacity of Youtb, and designed to aid tbe Memory by systematic arrangement and interesting associations, 121 b edition. 12" James /. Cutler &- Co. Jiellown Falls, Vf. 1S27 1215 GonnoN (Hon. Patrick). To tbo Honourable P. Gordon, Esq. Lieutenant Governor of tbo Province of Pennsyl- vania, and Counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware, tbe Address of tbe Mayor and Commonalty of tbe City of Pliiladelpbia in Council tbo Sixteentb Day of the Filtb Montb, July, anno 172G. The Governor's An- swer to tbo Address, a broad sheet, toith the autofjraph of Thos. Pcnn, fine large copy, SCAUCK. folio, Andrew Bradford, Vhiladclphia, 172G 121G GonnON' {Tieo. AVilliam, of Roxbury, Author of the His- tory of the U. S.) A Sermon before tbe House of Keprc- sentativcs on tbe day for tbo Clioico of Counsellors agree- able to tbo Advice of the Continental Congress, fine copy. S° Benjamin Edes, Watertoivn, 1775 This relcbrntcd Sermon w.ns delivered at WnU-rtown on the r.)th July, nbont a month after the buttle of Bunker's Hill, and nearly a year before the Declaration of Independence, while the General Court was in Session there, liavinfi been driven out of Boston by the British troops. The trnly republican text was from Jer. xxx. 20, 21. '^ Ami I tci'Jljuni's/i. all that ojypress thtta; and their nobles shall he of tlichi- selr and their go%lati>3 and (he greater part of this nuc work are copied lioin Hanoi's ViiLriuia. 1 i- ; 1' i, * 144 Bibliotheea Oeographica 1229 Grny (Francis C.) Oration delivered before the Legis- Jaturo of Massachusetts, at their request on the Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, uncut, historical and valuable. 8° Jioston, 1832 1230 Gray (Robert) A Discourse delivered in Dover, Novem- ber 15th, 1708, a day observed as an Anniversary Thanks- giving, clean and fine. 8" Samuel Bragg, Jtin. Dover [1798] 1231 Gray (Thomas) Half Century Sermon, delivered on iSunday Morning, April 24, 1842, at Jamaica Plain, historical and statistical, scarce. 8° Boston, 1842 1232 Great Britain. The Trade and Navigation of Great Britain considered, showing that the surest way for a J«<'ation to increase in liichcs is to prevent the Importation of such Foreign Commoditieu as may be rais'd at Home. [To the Eeader, signed Joshua Geo], 2nd Edition. 8" -S'. BucUrg, London, 1730 A large part relates to the trade and navigation of the English riunta- tioiis in America. 1233 Great Britain. The Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. 8« T. Oadell, London, 1775 1234 Gtieat BniTATN. Les Droits do la Grande Bretagno etablis centre les pretentious des Americainspour servir do Reponse a la Declaration du Congrcs General Ouvrago traduit do I'Anglais par Mr. Freville,^??c and clean, scarce. 8" Pierre Frederic Oosse, La llaije, 177G 1235 Great Britain. Cool Tlioughts on the Consequences to Great Britain of American Independence, or the Expenco of Great ]?ritain in the Settlement and Defence of tl:o American Colonies, on the Value and Importance oftho American Colonics and the West Indies to the British Empire [by Joseph Galloway], half calf. 8" J. Wilkie, London, 1780 This able and plansihle tract, by n turncoat, smells of the pension which its author received. No man tis late as 1780 could advocate the con- tinued dependency of America on the mother country except for pay. 123G Great Brittain (A Generall Mapp of tlie Isles of), de- signed by IMoneicur Sjinson, and Rendered into English by Eic. Blc)n)o, 20 Og 15i inches. London, 1GG9 1237 Great Britain. IVfagna) Britannia) Tabula Angliam, Scotiam, et liibcrniam contiueus, per N. Yisscher, 21 bg 17 }j inches. [ Amst. liJSO?] 123S Great Britain. Ropnorum IVTagna) Britannia) sivo Aiiglia-, Scotifc, noc non llibirnia' niiperrima Delinealio, a Carolo -\llard, 23 />g I'JA iuc/us, coluiard. Jinaleh/iim [1720] i«, 1780 Ion which the con- for pny. |of), tlc- I, 1GG9 |ngliam, 21 by LOSO ?J sivo jiilio, ii i[17U0] Bibliotheca Historica 145 1239 Great Britain. Nieuwe Kaart van Groot Brittanje en lerlaud vol.^fena Pinkerton, 15 by 18^ inches, coloured, fine copy. Francois Bohn, Haarlem, 1807 1240 Great Britain. Neue Karte von Gross-Britannien und Ireland initciner bistor-statist-politischenund militairiscbeu Tabelle, etc. von J. C. Hinriclis, 15 by 17^^ inches, coloured. Leipzig, 1814 1241 Great Britain and Ireland. The Newspaper Map of the United Kingdom, designed by C. Mitchell and Co. as a companion to " The Newspaper Press Directory," 2\ by 29^ inches, coloured. Corrected to Januai'y 1, 186y, London A very useful Map, shewing at a glance every Town in which a Newspaper was published, and distinguishing between those with daily and weekly Papers, etc. 1242 Grecian Colonies. Cbersicht der Ilellenischen Colonien gegen das Jahr 500 v. Chr. [A Map], 20 i by 15 i inches, coloured. Berlin [n.d.\ 1243 Greece. EWac— Greece, revised by John Speed, 19} by 15{ inches, scarce. Oeo. Humble, London, 1G2G 1244 GuEECE. 'EAA'AS, sen Grsecia Universa [A Map of] auctore J. Laurenbergio, 22 by Vi\ inches. a Allard [Amst.'\ 1735 1245 Greece. Griekenland met do Eilanden en Weatkust van Klein Azio uaar de beste berigten, behoorendo tot de gcschicdenis van Griekenland door N. G. van Kauipen, to zamengesteld, etc. door W. C. van Baarsel, 19 by 20J inches, coloured, fine copy. By de Wed, J. Allart, Botterdam [1750?] 1245*Greece, another copy, fine. 1245fGreece, another copy, fine. 124G Greece, Archipelago and Part of Anadoli. By L. S. do la Rochctte, 1790, ^«e clean copy, SO by 21 incites, coloured. William Faden, London, January 1st, 1791 1247 Greece. Kaart van Nieuw Griekenland volgens de jojigste bepalingen. Behooreude by de Geechiedenis van Grieken- land door N. G. Van Kampen, IG by 20 inches. C. L. Schleijer, Amsterdam, 1831 1248 Greece. Topographish-Historischcr Atlas von Ilellas und den Helleuischen Colonien in 24 Blattern ; uuter Mit- wirkuug des Professors Carl Eitter bearbeitet von H. Kiepert. Erstos Ileft enthaltend Blatt 7-10, 13-14, 19, 21. Drittes Heft. enth. Blatt 1-3, G, 11, 19, 22-24, und llaupt Titel, fine clean copy, 17 Maps, ea. average about IG by 12 inches, coloured. Berlin, 1841-184(> 1249 Greece. Das Konigreicli Ilellas oder Griechenland und die Republik der iSieben louischen luseln-Ephtauisoa (Athenrait aeinen II iifen und seiner Niichsteu Cmgebuug), 20 by 21 inches. Verlag des Oeoyraphischen Inst Huts, Weimar, \Hi9 'I! i ,:' I ; I i jin(i 146 liibliotheca Oeograpliiea 1250 GrsDcise Antiquoe Specimen geograpliicum, auctor D'Anville,/«e and clean, 19 by 20.^ inches, coloured. les Oaleries du Louvre, 17C2 1251 Graecise A ntiquae Specimen Geograpliicum, auctor D'An- ville, fine copy, 19 by 20 inches, coloured. Normbergae, 1783 1252 Green (James JJ.) An Oration delivered at Maiden on the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, May 23, 1819, good local History, with an appendix of notes. 8" O. C. Band and Co. Boston, 1850 1253 Green Bav. Head of Green Bay and Entrance to Fox Kiver, Wisconsin, from Surveys under the direction of the War Department, scale go.oOo* ^Gi- by 19? inches. Washington, 1853 1254 Greenbrier River, Map of the Battle Ground of, drawn and published by A. T. Mcltae, C. S. A. Quitman Guards, First Kegt. Ga. Vols. 17 % 11 inches. Bichmond [18G3 ?] 1255 GEEENBUBGn (Town of), West Cheater County, New York, surveyed and drawn by Frank Chambers. Pub- lished by Benj. A. Clark. 41 1 by 38 i inches, coloured, fine clean copy, scarce. Bhiladelphia, 1857 1256 Greene (Benjamin) A Farewell Discourse to the First Church and Society in Medway, [Mass.] March 17th, 1793. 8» T. and J. Fleet, Boston, 1793 1257 Green County, Ohio, Map of, from Surveys by A, E. Eogerson and E. J. Murphy, [with views of private resi- dences and public buildings], 52 by 3G inches, coloured, fine clean copy. Philadelpiha (sic), 1855 1258 Greenland. Historic von Gronland enthaltend die Beschreibung des Landea insbesondere die Gcschichte der dortigen Mission der Evangelischen Briider zu Neu- Herrnhut und Lichtenfels. Door David Cranz, Zweyte Auflage. S* Barby und Leipzig, 1770 1259 Greenleaf (Jonathan) Sketches of the Ecclesiastical History of the State of Maine, from the earliest Settlement to the present time, s*carce. 12° Harrison Gray, Portsmouth, N.H. 1821 12G0 Green's Register for the State of Connecticut : with an Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1794, calculated by Nathan DaboU for the Meridian of New London, scarce. IG" T. Green, New-London, [1793] 12G1 GHiEVius (Joannes Georgius) Catalogus Bibliotheca) luculentissimae cujus Auctio habebitur in aedibus defuncti ad diem,^Me copy, uncut. 12" Trajecti ad Bhenum, [ 17U4 ?] These are the books the great autiquary bad in bis bouse the day of hia death. Dispersed by auction. 1262 Grigsby (Hugh B.) '-e Virginia Convention of 1829-30, a Discourse deliv>..ed before the Virginia His- torical Society, at their Annual Meeting, December 15th, 1853, 104 pages, scarce. 8" Macjarlane and Fcrguison, Bichmond, 1854 Bibliotheca Historica 147 12G3 Gregory (AVilliam; The Second Edition of a Visible Dis- play ot' Divine Providence ; or the Journal of a Captured Missionary, designated to the Southern Pacific Ocean iu the Ship Duff, captured by Le Grand Buonaparte, includ- ing the return home, 1798-1799, to which is added the Tour of the Author through the North of Ireland, 1800, map and plate. 8° XonJon (1801) 1204 Grey-Town {in Nicaragua) Bombardement, et entiere Destruction de Grey-Town. 2me Lettre du Delegu^ de la Population Fran(;aise de Grey-Town, Royaume Moaquite, Amerique Central, au Commerce frangais, britannique, sarde, espagnol, ct allemand, etc. (Recueil a reproduisaut les documents indiquus dans la lettre du 15 Juin, 1856, etc.) 2 pieces in 1, first hco leaves mutilated. 8° Paris, 1856 1205 Grimes (G. an Arrox in Virginia obscrvavit atquo collegit Easdeni jSrcthodo Sexuali dispo- Buit, ad GtMiora propria petulit et descripsit J. F. Grono- vius, 2 parts in 1 volume, calf. 8" Apud Cornelium Ilaak, Lugduni Batamrum, 1739-1743 'llie Title page is twice given, the 1st a little torn. 1271 Grosvonor (H.) Health, an Fssay on its Nature, Value; riiccrtainty, I'lvsorvalion and Hcst Iniprovt monf , Mnl Ivlilioii. 12" D. tj' ■!. Kncclaitd, liustou, 1701 ' ilHi -viil' V M if I ■ : i •> 1 £ ' ■•:'' 148 Bibliutheea Oeographica 1272 Qrosvenor (L.) The Life and Character of Maj. General Putnnm. An Address delivered at a Meeting of the De- scendants of Maj. General Israel Putnam, at Putnam, Conn., Oct. 25, 1855. S" Farwell ^ Co., Boston, 1855 An important tract recording mnch biogrnphical mBterial, and planting many genealogical trees of the Putnom families. Old Put's right posi- tion at the Battle of Bunker's Hill is deflncd and fortified. 1273 GnooT (Olaua de) Toonneel der Noordscho Landen Meteen korte bescliryvingh van Tslandt en Groenlundt door DiTUMABua Blefkenius, beyde uyt het Latijn ver- taelt. 8" Nicl. van Ravesteyn, Amst. 1652 The maps in this Dutch edition of the famous history of Olnus Magnus, ore curious and valnnble, especially the one of the North Polar Re- gions. 'J'he addition of the important work of Blefkens on Greenland renders this altogether a desirable geographical volume on the high north. 1274 Groton {Massachusetts). A Collection of Facts and Documents relating to Ecclesiastical Aflfaira in Groton, Mass. Occasioned by the Publication of the liesult of an Ecclesiastical Council at Groton, July 17, 1820, and in- tended to correct misstatements made, and supply material facts suppressed by the Authors of the Kesult, scarce. 8" Boston, 1827 Scjuabblcs of this sort make good local history and gcucnlogy, but it is hardly fair to dignify them as Eeelcsiastical History, whatever be the names belonging to the reverend participants. 1275 Grund (Francis J.) Handbuch und "Wegweiser filr Auawaudcrer nach den A^crcinigten Staaten von Nord- amerika und Te.\a*». 8" Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1840 1270 Guatemala. Ilislorias del Origen de los Indies do traducidas de la Lenuua Quicue por el K. P. F. Fran- cisco Ximenez. 8" Viena, 1857 1277 GiK'klers. Knart van de Provincio Gelderland, ver- deeld in Arrondissementen en regterlijke Kaiitons, Pro- vince de Gueldre, etc. par F. de Sterbecq, 22 h/ 20 inches, coloured. Amsterdam ^ Bnixelles, n. d. 1278 Gueldcra [Map of] La Gucklre, suivant lea Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de TAcademio Hoyale, 10 by 13 inches, border mutilated. Fierre vander Aa, Leide, [1710] 1270 G Holders. Ducatus Geldriie Tetrachia Arnhcmienaia sive Vehivia, 22 by 18 inches, JJne. Covens and Mortier, Amst. [1730] 1280 Gueldre Espaiinole, ou Quartier de llureinonde, dans le Duclie de Gueldre, avec ses Enclaues dans les Pays cir- coinvnisins, [a JNFap] par ic Sr. yaiison, 21 i by \G\ inches, coloured. }[. Jail/ot, Furis, 1092 12SI Gueldre Espagnoh', oil (Quartier de liuroriionde dans le Duclie de GucKlre, avec ses Encinvcs dans les Pays cir- iiiinvoisiiis, ([reyte par le Sr. '^•Awnow.Jinc copy, 21i by 10^ niches, culuurcd. Ji. versatio would these c( 1307 Hai Condu the Ui uncut. 1308 Hat Condi) the U Prefac vellum 1309 Hai Majes 1790-] 1310 Ha: the R the B hut SOI Namur [esara. do e, [1710] ;meuB et d1 & Fila ■m, [n. rf.] IATI0NE8, ) English ■ypy bound Stevens's L598-1600 Eichard ;ed to the privately don, 1850 —Hunter IndiauH, Line, 8° 1830 Vicinity, inty, from tp, hoards, Hon, 1821 ont ft'om ightcenth ^j)endixeH, ork, 1858 its Dis- ap, cloth, Y. 1868 1800, at oston in ndepen* ton, 1818 le United on, 1818 of 1815, ris, 18IG written ia Natural Leeward their lii- y, maps, on, 1837 Bibliothcca Ilistoriea 161 1305 Hamilton. Die Mcnsdion und die Sitton in den verciuigten Staaten von Nordatnerika. Nnch dor dritten englist'licn Auflago iibersetzt von L. Ilout, 2 vols, in 1, uncut. b» Mannheim, 183J) 1306 HAMILTON (Alexaxder, Late Srcretari/ of the Treasury) Observations on Certain Documents con- tained in No. V. & VL oi^'The History of the United States for the year 1790," in which the charge of Specula- tion against Alexander Hamilton, lato iStcretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted. AVuitten dy Himself. Clean copy on a foul siihject. 8" John Fenno, Philadelphia, 1797 " Written by himself," or tliis little book of 96 pajres would most likely have been pronounced the greatest libel upon the greatest man New York ever jiroduced. It has been claimed to the honor of his friends that they endeavored to su]ipres8 it. It was copyrighted, and never reprinted but once until recently, but scarce as it has become, it is now part of American literature. The author writes on p. 6: " Merely be- cause I retained an opinion once common to me and the most influencial of those who opjwsed me, That the %iuhlic debt might to be jirovided for on the basis of the contract upon ivhich it was created, I have been wickedly accused with wantonly increasing the public burthen many millions, in order to promote a stock-jobbing interest of myself and friends." Having been cleared from all these accusations by Com- mittees of Congress composed mainly of his meat intelligent and active enemies, he was finally charged with *■ a connection with one James Reynolds for purposes of improper pecuniary speculation." To extricate himself from this jimfi.scal corner Mr. Hamilton wrote this book. Clear himself he did, most assuredly, of the charge, but in doing so it has been thought by some that he sawed oiV a leg to cure a corn. *• My real crime," confesses the late Secretary not without a blush, " is un amorous connection with his [Revnolds] wife fur a considerable time, with his i)rivity and connivance.' That was how he came to be the private banker of the husband of Mrs. Keynolds, " from whose con- versation it was quickly apparent that other than pecuniary consolation would be acceptable," p. 18. Truth never appeared so naked as in these confessions of Alexander Hamilton. 1307 Hamilton (Alexander) Letter concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States, tjrd edition, fne, and uncut. 8" John Lang, New York, 1800 1308 Hamilton (Alexander) Letter concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States, written in 1800, new edition with a Preface, fine copy, uncut, lound in vellum. 8° E. G. Rouse, Boston, 1809 1309 Hamilton (George) A Voyage Round the World in His Majesty's Frigate Pandora, under Captain Edwards, iu 1790-1792, boards, uncut, portrait of Hamilton. 8" W. Phorson, Berwick, 1793 1310 Hancock (Hon. John) An Oration, March 5, 1774, at the Eequestof the Inhabitants of Boston to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770, uncut, but some leaves fatigued. 4" Edes i^ Gill, Boston, 1774 1 I.- ;P" u !i 152 Bibliotheea Qeographica 1311 Ilampdon County. Sketches of the Churches and Faators in Hampdon County, Mass. ; also an Address by Rov. T. M. Cooley. By a Committoe of Pastors, cloth. 12" 8. W. Edaon, Weatjfleld, 1854 Historical, ))io|Trnphical, genealogical, and statistical. An important volume of loca! history. 1312 Ilaiinonia. Nova et accurata Hannonia) Comitatus Dcliueatio ; Authore Alexandro Peroz, 22 j by 19 J inches. a Allard, Amst. Bat. [1725 ?] 1313 Hansen (Leonardus) Vita Mirabilis et nr.ors prctioaa vonernbilis Sororia Kossd do Sa Maria Limcnsis, ex Tertio Ordine S. P. Dominici. 12" I'ypia Nicolai Angeli Tinassij, Roma, 1664 Santa Rosa of Lima, bemg tlic only Americon female saint, is a great favourite, and her life has ptussvd through many editions. 1314. 1315 Ila bctwe IIarp( 4th in Co 1798, uncut. 1316 liar Police] Travels Ameri( 1317 Ilari and Tc tvith CO scarce. 13 18 Han Kcepir and Dc Letters 1319 Han Princii: Design 1320 Har Vetusi Americ uncut. For a var work sc< FIFTH DAY'S SALE. 1311 f^^;;^AEPEE (E)bert Goodloe, of South Carolina) An Address to hia Constituents, containinsf Ilia reasons for approving of the Treaty of amity, commerce, and navipjation with Groat Britain, j^ne copi/, uncut, half roan. 12" Toiintf df Minns, Boston, 1790 1315 Harper (Eolierfc Goodloo) Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France, addressed by R. G. Harper of South Carolina to his Constituents, May 1797, 4th American Edition, to which is annexed his Speech in Congress on the Foreign Intercourse Bill, March 2, 1798, not rare, hut excellent, Jine copy, tmcut. 8" For the Subscribers, Boston, April, 1798 1310 Harriott (John, Resident Magistrate of the Thames Police) Struggles through Life exemplified in various Travels and Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, 3rd edition, 3 vols, uncut. 12° London, 1815 1317 Harris (John) The Description and Uses of the Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, and of CoUins's Pocket Quadrant, loith copperplate frontispiece, an armillary Sphere, scarce. 12" Midwinter, London, 1703 1318 Harris (Nicholas) A Complete System of Practical Book- Keeping, exemplified in Eleven Sets of Books, by Single and Double Entry, etc. with the Forms of Bills, Mercantile Letters, etc. 8° //rtr//brliical work sec the Athvni.cum for Oct. 6, 1866. * n, or ]iulilic fh roBpccfc nvcll, Now 1781), wilh Phila. 1791 A nawcr to itiona for a euts of tlio ndon, 1772 a Convcii- comber 15, oston, 1815 ical Obser- 2-53. ridge, 1855 elation to), ^08/on, 1829 in Collogio in ab anno onati sunt, oni(P, 1779 in Univcr- Massaclui- us Gradus onia, 1782 I Universi- ad annum ?iii [toants onto;, 1788 in Univer- Massacbu- U8 GradAs oniee, 1800 ' served in he War of idt/e, 1806 miUothecn Iliatorica 1S5 1332 lUnw.vnD (liov. ]\tr. Lecturer at the Boyal Chanel in Boston) Tlio Fuluosrt of Joy in the Presonco of God; tho Hul)3tanco of a Discour.so proach'd hitely in tlio Koyal Ciiappolat Boston in New Eiij^lai)d,./7/jfl, c/mw, uncut, scarce. 8" li. Orcan, Boston, 1732 1333 Haven (.Tiiaon, of Dedham) A Sermon preached boforo Sir F. Bi'niiird, Governor, lli.s Majesty's Council, etc., of tho Province of tho Srissacluisotts Bay, Miy 3lHt, 1701), being tho Anniversary of tho ICloction of Jlia JNIajesty's Council, ^«o coi);i, uncut, political and historical. b" li. Draper, Boston, New-England, 17G9 1331 Ilavon (Samuel P.) History of Grants under the Great Council for New England : a Lecture delivered before tho Lowell Institute, Jan. 15, 1809 8" B.')ston, 1S09 1335 llaworth (William) Tho (Quaker Converted to Chris- tianity Re-established ; or, a Ke|)ly to a Book ontituled Rebellion rebuked, by John Crook and William Baily. With an account of William l)im8dale,,>7Hecc»/)y. '1" Jonathan Robinson, London, 1071 1330 Hay (John, ofDalgetttj, in Scotland) Do Rebus Japouicia, Indices et PuuirANis Ei'Istol.k Recootii)ro8,^/ie copi/, in pigskin. 8" . • 0/flcina Martin Natij, Antoerpice, 1005 For a full nccoiuU of tl.c contents of tliis diinijiy voluiiio, sec JJc Backer, toiii. i. juigc ;i'.io. 1337 Hay (William) Religio Philosophi, or tho Principles of ]Morality and Christianity illustrated from a View of tho Universe and INIan's Situation iii it, London, 1753 — Rimius (Henry) A Narrative of the Rise aiul Progress of tho Ilerrnhuters, commonly called Moravians or Unitas Fra- trum, 2 vols, in I, calf. H" London, 1753 1338 Hayes (Thomas) A Serious Address on tho dangerous consequences of neglecting couunon Coughs and Colds, with directions for tho prevention and cure of Consump- tions, etc., y/w« <^opi/, sheep. 12" Fessrndcn Sf Nicholls, Wulpolc, N. IL ISOS 1310 IIkath {Mnjor-Gcneral William) Memoirs, containing Anecdotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles, and other Mili- tary Events during tho American War. Written by llim- hqX^, portrait, fine copy, now become exceedingly scarce. 8" /. Thomas and F. T. Andrews, Boston, 179S 1339 IIatti. Almanach Royal d'llayti, pour 1' Annuo 1818, Quinziome do l' Independence ct la Septicmo du regno de Sa Majeste, preaente au Roi, par Buon. 8" A Sans-Soiioi [1817] 1311 Hedge (Lemuel, of Warwicl', Mass.) The Duty and Manner of Singing in Christian Churches considered and illustrated ; in a Sermon preached at a Singing Lecture in Warwick, January 29th, 1112, fine, uncut. 8» It. Draper, Boston, 1772 ,lf 11 ^ ' I .li ■!;; \ti i in 1 vol. fine clean copy with the two large maps, and all the plates. 12° Jaques Dcubordcs, Ainst. 1712 170t 135G IlENTiSBEiiua. liegulaa solvendi sophismata, etc. [Co- lophon."] I'inis cgregij hentisberi regularum et sojilus- matum cxpdnis p exiuuii sophista magisilfi gayetanum do de tieuis emendate p m. Franciscum agiibiensc, etc. p me Andrea, de honetis venctijs ipre-ue 11^3, ix. dccbris, fine clean copy. lul. 1357 Hernandez (Joseph) El Articulo quo so ha introducido por loseph Hernandez, en el plcito (jue contra el Higiio Aparicio Vriue, y Dona Geroniina de Ayllon, so reduce a quo so deue dilatar el pleito que contra el so sigue, sobro que no es hijo do Bartolome Fernandez, ni de la dicha Dofia Geromina, sivo do Joseph do Fuontes, y do Dona Franeisca de Zaspo, hasta quo tcnga 11. anoa coni])Ii(loH, etc. 2 leaves. i'ol. [Madrid, l(!tS)?j 135S Ileures de Nostre Dame ii Tusago de lionie, on Latin et Francois nouuellemeut imprimoes reueues et corrigi'es par M. E. Benoist, 8° Faris, 1588— La IManert d'ouir la JNIessc avec devotion et fruict spirituel, 2 ifoh. in \,folinn 1J.7 and 118 mutilated. S" Paris, 15!S{; The twelve small silver j'lates in the Ciiloiidar are e.xeccdingly delicate and bcaiiuiful; they have the eiij^niverS nnuk, G. L. ii l''l- ii 158 Bihliotlicca Ocographica 1359 Ilowcfi (OcorRo R. T.) A lletroapcct of llio Boston Tca- Party, witli a Memoir of G. It. T. llcwcs, a Survivor of iiv (Tiik) of TiiK Civil. W'Ait IN Amkuka, V«)1. T, [all itiiOlis/icil,] Comprehending tht; Campaigns of 1775, 177<>, and 1777. Jiy an Otiicer of tho Aru\y,Jine co))i/, calj\ ft' I the lari/e anil rare map sliowing the Campai(/ns of 1770 at, 1777, vcrij rare in this cumlifion. 8" T. Pai/ne, London, 1780 1377 Iliatorv ^The^ of tho Western World, the United States. 2 vols. Lard. Cab. Ci/clop. S" London, 1.S30-1837 1378 History (The) of "the United States for 17!)G : including a variety of interesting jiartieiilars relating to the Federal (iovernmeiit i)revi(iiisto that \w\'um\, fine eopji, uncut, scarce. h" Press pfSu'iu-dor ^]' McCorklc, Phtladrlphia, 171)7 Tliis tiook was ]iut)lisliL'il in lumilnTs, i\s a kind nl' idiiiiiiuation, lliounti a scpnnUo work, of tlie Aiiu'rican i\iiiinal l\i'({isl<-'r fi>r ITIMI. In tlio cinly nuniln'rs aiT cimtaini'il thi'-(! tauuuis iliaryc •- of pcciilalioii nv:iiinst iMcxanilcr Hamilton, wlijch linallv indiiccil tlint ili^dngui.sliol Statesman to.-awn leg oil' lo cure a torn. i?ec' liis cxiiiliialion, No. 1306 of tliiK (..'atalo^uc. i^' m -■• i :: - ' h '' % '\ .. M 1 W i| 160 Bibliotheca Oeographica 1379 History (The) of tho Into Minority, exliibiting the Con- duct, Principles and Views of that Party during tho years 17G2-1765, 332 pages, fne copy, calf. S" London, printed in 17(55, and reprinled with some additions in 17G0 1380 Hitchcock (Enos, of Providence.) A Discourse at the Or- dination of tho Eev. Abel Flint to a Christian Church at Hartford, April 20th, 1791. 8" Elisha Bohuch, Hartford, 1791 1381 Hitchcock (Gad) Natural Religion aided by Kevelation and perfected in Christianity. A Discourse in the Chapel of the University at Cambridge, Sept. 1, 1779, at the Lec- ture founded by tho Hon. Paul Dudley, Esq. fine and vncut. S" T. (^ J. Fleet, Boston, 1779 1382 Hittoll (John S.) Mining in the Pacific States of North America, clotli. 12" Bancroft ^ Co. San Francisco, 18G1 1353 Hobart (Rev. John Henry) An Apology for Apostolic Order and its Advocates, occasioned by the strictures and denunciations of tho Christian's Magazine, boards, uncut. 8" T. ^ J. Swords, New York, 1807 1354 Hobart (Noah, of Fairfield, Conn.) A Second Address to the Members of the Episcopal Separation in New England. Occasioned by the Exceptions made by Dr. John- son, Mr. Wetmore, Mr. Beach, and Mr. Cauer. Added an Ap])cndix, a Letter from Mr. Dickinson in Answer, to Mr. Wetmore, 174 pages, half roan, fine copy, uncut, scarce. 8" D. Futvle, Boston, 1751 Tliis I)()<)k is pcrlmps more suggestive than any other one vohime of tho materials for the historian, who contcmphites a liistory of the Estahlish- mcnt of Kpiscopucy, or the Church of Kn;;land, in New Knglanil, from the first, slender gathering in Boston in 1680 to 1750. 1355 ITobbes (Thomas) Elcmens Philosophiques du Citoyen Traicte Politique oil los Pondcmcns dc la Societo civile sont (U'soouvcrts, calf. 8" Amst. 1049 1380 Hoi'kstra (Klans) Dagvcrhaal van het A^crougelukkcn van hot GaljootschipHarliugon in Straat-Davids, DoTogt van do Equipagie mot sloopen ovcrenlangs het ijs, en over- wintering van dezelvein hot Noordlijkgedeelte van Groen- land, uncut, scarce, with a large new chart of Davis Straits, and Biijfin's Bay. 8" Vander IHaais, Jlarlingen, 1828 1387 Holiday ExEUCiSKs, or the Christian A. IJ. C. consist- ing of Sovcn Alphabets, with a Text of Scripture affixed to every Letter, ^ne t^opy, uncut, half roan. 8" Brinted by Kline ^' Bi'ynohls,andsoldby 3Ir. Baley,Mr. Aitkin, Bhilndelphin, and Sam. Loudon,N'ew York, 1785 HesiUes the seven Alphahets of Scripture texts, this very rare volume contains several pieces of American I'octry. 'J"he hook is recommended liy Dr. l{odges, and four other distinguishetl clergymen. After Eliot's liiinnoiiy, aiul Aitkin's American Bildc, this is one of the earliest specimens of printing parts of the liihie in English in America. 138i 138£ 131 Id 13911 liibliuthcca lli,\toviva 101 138S lloLLANi). Niouwc Kfiart vuu Noord llollanil verdteld ill do Hooglieemraadsi'Imppen, van Koniieincrland, Wosl- Friesland en Watorland, b{;nevcna dc drooggemaakto Meeren, aid Purner, Wormcr, Boeinsler, Scheriner, en/, bcvattendo, meodo de Eilandcn Tcxel, Vlieland en Ter- BchcJling zecr nauwkeurig getcckciid, en iu 't licht gogee- rcn door Johannes Covena en Zoon te Amsterdam, 4:} bi/ 22^ inches, mounted and soiled, scarce. [Amst. 1720 ?J 1389 Holland (Nieuwe Kaart van), 15 Ay 12 inches n, d. 1390 Holland. Nieuwe Kaart van Holland tot het Vader- landscli Woordeubock van Kok beliooreude, 15 by 12 inches, coloured, n. d. 1391 Holland. A new Map of y« XVII Provinces of Low Germanic, mended a mow in manic places, 2()i iy IG inches. Qeorge Jiumhlc, in popes head Allei/, 1G2(» 1302 Holland. Belgiunj Foedfratum omendnlo auctum et novissimo cdituni per Nicoliium Yisbclicr, 22 bi/ 18.J inches, coloured, fine copy. \Amst. 1G50] 1303 HoTiriANu. Lc Conito de IloUando drcsse sur lea Memoirea Ic plus Nonncanx par lc Sr. Sanson, 22 by 33 inches, coloured, very fine copy. II. Jailloi, Paris, 1092 1301 Holland. Cnrto Nonvellc dos Cartes de HoUando, Zcclande, Flandre, Picardic et Normandie avcc nuc Partio dcs Coatea d'Angletorro u I'usago di\s Armees de Sa Ma- jcste Britanni(iuc par le b't. liomain do Ilooge, Jine copy, bcauce, 37 by 23 inches, coloured, with beautiful Views of Calais and Dunquerque. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1G9G] 1305 Holland. Carte dos Provinces Unica des Pays baa . . . Rectifiecs par lea Observations do Snellius, etc. par O. de risk', 2I5 bi/ 18J inches, coloured, fne copy, the toivns in gold. ' Paris, 1702 1390 Holland. Tabula Hollandia) Borealis, cognita) olini sub nomine Kennemaria) et Westfrisiae in majores ct miiiorcs ditiones distinctae per Petrum Scheuk, lOi by 22 inches, coloured, fine copy. Peter Schenk, Amsterdam, 1708 1397 Holland. Carte dcs Provinces Uniea des Paja bas, par G, de L'lslc, 21i by ISJ inches, coloured. Jean Cdvens et Corneille diortier, Amsterdam, [1710] 1398 Holland. Polioinetria (lormaniae Inferioris [containing the principal Towns in Holland and the Netherlands, witli their respective distances from one another,] 11 by inches, coloured. [Afnst. 1720] 1309 Holland. Kaart van 't Graafschap Holland naauw- kourig afgedeelt in zyne Heomraadseha|)pen, Baljusschappen en Waarden nevcns de Hocrlykheit Utrecht en gcdeolto van Geldcrlandt, 22i by 20^ inches, coloured. licinier und Josua Ottens, Amnlerdam, [1735 ?J V < I If lira ,' :!!;■ m I! ,1 It i ! ■i III '. \ ■ j t 1 ''i ■ J 1 1G2 Bibliotheca Qeographica 1400 Ilollnnd. Atlas van hot Aloude Holland en dcszellA waare gelegenheid, zno als die was ondcr do Rcgeering der Keyzeren, Koningen, Hortotjcu en Graaven, naukeurig verbeeld in IX, Landkaarten, i) maps, ea. 15 by 14 inches. Pieter de Ilondt, Oraavenshaage, 1745 1401 Holland. Nieuwo Kaart van het zuid Wcstelykste Deel van Holland, bchebzende de Uuljuwscbappen Voorne, Put- ten enz, 15 bj/ 13 inches, Isaak Tirion, Aviaterdam, 1748 1402 Holland. Nouvelle Carte dii Roynume do Hollaiide, on Ton trouvo la route Itiiu'raire, ainsi quo ecilc dos Postea etablies pour la Coniniodile den Voijngeurs. Nicuwc Kaart, etc. 20^ by 17 inches, coloured. E. Maaslcamp, Aiiislerdavi, [1750] 1403 Holland. Los Provinces Unis dcs Pay* Una. Connes sous lo noin do Iloliiiule. Par llomann. liectilie, etc. 21 by IS inches, coloured. liuitHti, l'ori», 1777 1401' Holland. A INFap of the Seven United Provinces, with the Land ol'Dreol and (lie (unenility Lands. By W. Faden, 1781), 21 by 2.S imtn's coloured, 2nd edition. J.oudon, July 1st, 1791 1405 Hoi.fiANJ). Ts'ieuwe Algenieeno Kaart der Vereenij^do Nederlandeil, vervaardigil naarde Nieuwsle AV^aarnemingeu en verrijkt met alio I'ost en andert? (Jrooto Wegen en do atatanden der onderscheideno Post stations, 35 by iio inches. Mounted in quarto. Jfortier, Covens en Zoon, Amsterdam, ISM' 1400 Holland. Nonvello Curte (\v la Province de Hollande. J'artio Se])tonlri()nale. i'lirtio Aleridionale Dresseo et Gravee, par C. Van IJaarsel ot Pils, 2 sheets, ea. 20 by\G inches, coloured. F. J. IJiyyand, La I/aye, ISIH 1407 Hoi.LANO. Carte du lioynunu! cles Pay.s Pas. [With littlo Maps of the Dutch Possessions, the Indies, Luxem- bourg and Limbourg in the jNlargins], 32 by 24 inches, coloured. [1B30J 140^ ''ollando (Nouvelle Carto de Koijaume de), on Ion tionvo la route Itiiieraire ainsi tpio celles dos Postcs, etc. Nic iwe Kaart van, etc. 2i'J //// hW incl'rs, coloured,Jine copy. E. J/aaskavip, Amsterdam [1780] 1409 Jfollande (Xouvelle Carte des Dcpartements dc) ou Ton trouvc hi route It incraire, ainsi (jiie celU's des Postes, etc. Nicuwe Kaart, etc. 2(>J by l()i inches, coloured. K. Mdiishanip, Amsterdam, [17R0?] 1410 Hollande (Carte de la) Couiprcnant loLimbourg llollan- dais et lo G'! Duche de Luxembourg, 20 by 22^ inches, coloured. Bruxelles, IS;JO 1411 llollaiMlia' iMeridionalis, Para II. eontincns uovisiiiiam Insulariim Horilracensia, Aiblasser, Crimper et Clundert, cum acljacentibiis (lescri|itionem, 21 by 17J inches, coloured, ex Typoyr. Geiirdi Vulk et I'etri ISih'uk. Aiiisfplagdanii. [\7\0?] Bibliotheca Uiatonea 103 1412 Holland and the United States. Preparatoirlyk Plan van een Tractaat van Coramorcio ; anu to gaan tusson Ilim Hoog Mop; de Staaten van do Sec von Verccuigde Provin- cien van Holland, on de .Uortien Vcreciiigilo Staaten van Noord-Aineriea ; otn Ingevallen Engeland Ilaar voor Vrye Volkerenorkont, als Dan zulks to brongen tor tavol van Hun Hoog-Moogende, 20 Oct. 1780, uncut, scarce. fol. 1413 HolmcH (Abiel, Annalist) A Sermon preached at Cam- bridge, January 4, iHOl, the First Lord's Day in the Nine- teenth Century, [historical and valuable local history.] S" William Hilliard, Cambridge, 1801 1414 lIoiiMES (Abiel) The History of Cambridge [Massachu- setts], ^hc co/>y. 8" Samuel JIall, Boston, 1801 Oi»c of the riirc-it nnd licst of the Local Histories of New England, l)y the nuthor of American Annals. 1415 Holmes (Rev. John) Historical Sketches of the Missions of the L^nitod lirethren for Propagating llie Gospel among the Heathen, from their commencement to IS 17, the second edition improved, y/«e copi/, boards, uncut. 8" For the Author, London, 1827 The Missions chiefly describeil are in Grccninnil, Labrador, among the Dclawiirc any Joannes a Malo de Vilhi- vici-iicio. ^ 1120 Hooker (Thomae) Tho Soules rrepnration for Christ, or a Treatise of Coutrition, half calf. 4" liobert Baulman, London, 1G32 1421 Hooker (ThoniaH) TheSouloa Exaltation, a TrcatiHO con- tuiiiiiijj; Iho Soulos Union with Christ; tlio Suulos Benefit, etc. ; The Soules Justification. lohn llaviland, Lond. 1G38 — Tho Soules Ingraft inj; into Christ, 2 vols, in 1, old calf. 1" J. II. for Andrew Crookc, London, 1037 1122 lIooKKU (Thomas) Tho Soules Exaltation, a Troatiae containing tho Soules Union with Chri«l,tho Soules Benefit, tho Soules Justification, re;yy?«r.' clean copy, old calf. 4" lohn ILiviland, London, 1G38 1123 lIooKKH (Thomas) The Soules Vocation, or Eiroctual Calling to Christ, [Souls Efectual Calling to Chri.st], tcith loth lilies, GG8 pages. 4" John llaviland, London, 1(138-37 1121 llouKKit (Thomas, of Ilart/ord, in New England) Tho Soules Vocation or Efiectiial Ciilling to Christ, by T. II. GGS pages, fine copy, calf, scarce in /his condition. 4" lohn Haviland,fur A. Croolce. London, 1G38 1425 lIooKEE (Thomas) A Siuvkv of the Sumiiic of Church Discipline, wherein the Way of the Churches of New Eng- laml is warranted out of the Word, and all Exceptions of weight answered, ^«e large and clean copy. 4" A. M.for John Bellamy, London, 1G18 On the fly-lcavcs nt the end is n kind of inilcx probably in the hand-writ- ing of Incnase Mather. On tiio first front fly-leaf arc tho autographs of I'cter Ti\acher, July 1748. Iklow it that of Joshua Gee, i)robahly tlic i^raduate at Harvard, and not the author of the work on Trade. On the next leaf is the autofrraph of (ico. Davie, and inidcrnealh some MS. notes, pmbably as iiuiy as ICGO. On the title are autographs of J. Brook and J. lice, and en the reverse Maiy Tliathcr, 1787. 1120 1Iooki:;h (Thomas) A Survey of tho Sniiimo of Church Discipline, wherein the Way of the Churches of New England is warranted out of the Word, and all Exceptions of weight which are made against it answered, good title, hut some leaves fatigueif. 4'» yt. M.for John Bellamy, Lundoii, l(J48 1427 Hooper (Hohcrt) The Anatomists' Vade-Mecum. 2ud American iVum .Srd Lt)uduii Edition. 12" Published hg Preston and MerrHleld, Farnsworth and Chuivhill, printers. Windsor, 1809 Bibliotheca Ilistorira 105 1428 HooENBEEK (JolianiicH) De Convehsione Inoorum ct Oentilium accessit cjusdein Y'ita,fine copi/, vellum. 4" Apud J. Jansonium, Amst. 1GG9 This copy has what is often wantiii};, the hirgc folili'd portrnit of H()f)ni- iHJck by Santvoort. ntid the Suppicmemu! Chapter XXV. after the Index, relating t<> llic elVorts of Mayiicw, Kliot, Shepurd, and others among the Indians in New Kngliimi. The trniislation of the MiMc, Catechism, and other hoolis into tliu Indian hmguage is spolten of 1429 Hopkins (Joliu Henry, Bishop of Vermont) Christianity Vindicated, ill Seven DiHcourses on the External Evideucea of the Now Testament, boards, uncut. 12" E. Smith, Burlingfon, 77. 1833 1130 Hopkins (Samuel) Memoirs of Miss Susanna Anthony, who died at Newport, llhodo Island, 1701, consistiiifj; chiefly of Extracts from licr Writings. Now edition, with recommeudal ory preface by Ur. Ityland, Mr. EiUlor, and Mr. Sutcliff, boards, uncut. h" J. W. Morris, Clipstone, lS03 1431 Hornius (Georgiiis) Do Originibiis Americanis libri qua- tiior, calf. 12" llarjcB Comitis, 1052 1432 Horiiiua'(Ocor{»in.s) Area Norp, sivo llistoria Imperiorum et Kegnorum Ti Coiulito vrbe ;. nostra Tempora, J?He copy, vellum. 12" Lm/d. Jialav. 1000 Tiiis chil)nnitc and learned Xnwk deserves to he lanked among books rcUiting to America " Planliii, Anfvcrpta; 1593 1434 HosKiNs (James) Tue Pensilvania Buiuii.K bubbled by the Treasurer, or au Account of his admitting Pur- chasers for Shares lodging jt'8478 12s. in the Bank of England and tho Sale of his Lands in Pensilvania to the Company. With an Estimate of how much of the Com- pany's Money ho placed to his own Account, etc. With the Judgment of Seven Arbilniton< in liis Favour, etc. With remarks on tho whole, cxcrni^ivrli/ scarce, 00 closely printed large pages. 4" For the Author, London, 1720 An extraordinary book of personal gossip, aimed chiefly at Thoma.s Story. 1435 Hotchkiss (Frederick AVni.) A Kelrospect on the Minis- try and Church of Saybrook. A Half Century Sermon preached on Lord's Day, September 22, lS3;il, uncut, local histonj and fjencaloyif, b" ./. B. FAdrcdye, Hartford, 183S l?f T W% iif'O ;| ii It "P ir i 166 Bibliotheca Oeographiea 1486 HosMEB (W. ir. C.) Tho Piunoors of Western New Vork : a Pooin nroiiouncod at Geneva, N. Y., before the Literary Societies of Geneva Collope, August let, 1838, Bcaree. 12" Ira Merrcll, Geneva, N. Y. 1838 With an Appendix or liiHtorical notoa respecting the Indians, etc. IW7 llouon (ILoratio GatcH, of Martintburg, N. y.) Diviug» or an Attempt tu doHcribo upon llydmuliu and Hydrostatic PrinciploH a method of Supplying the JJivor with Air under Wiitor,,/J/j£f co»y, uncut. S" J. liussell, Jr., Jfart/ord, 1813 1 138 Houghton (William A.) Our Fathers' Altar ; a Centennial Sermon proachod June 7, 18 1(5, in commemoration of tho Founding of the Firwl Christian Church in Northborough, Maaa., historical, with an appendix of explanatory notes. 8" JL. J. Jlowland, Worcester, 1816 l-t3l) Hours of Childhood and othor Poems, uncut. 12" A. JJoii'inan, Montreal, 1820 MtO HousToUN (Jamca) Works, coutuiiiiiig Memoirs of his Life and Travels in Asia, Alrii-a, America, and most Parta of Europe. Giving a particular Account of tlie Scotch Expedition to Darieu, some Curious Anecdotes of tho Spanish Court, etc. 8" For the Author, London, 1753 I41'l Hovcy (Jis'ovy, of Rochester, Mass.) The Duty and Privi- lege of Aged Saints to leave their dying Testimony behind them to Posterity, a Sermon occasioned by the death of Lieut. John Hammond of liochester, born at Sandwich, Nov. 22, 1GG3, and died April 19, 17H), scarce, half morocco. 12" S. Kneeland, Boston, 1749 l'll!2 Howahd's County, Maryland, IMarteuet'a Map of, Si by 34 inches. Coloured, fine clean copy, scAiicE. jWrt//t»J0>r, [1800?] 1443 Howe {Rev. Nathanael) A Cevtuuy Sermon delivered in Hopkinton [Massachusetts] on Lord's Day, December 24, 1815. 8" Flag and Gould, Andover, 1816 Tiiis is ])crhaps the wittiest, spiciest, keenest, nnd trutlifulest Discourse ever prciielied in New Englund. It lunst be read to be niipreciuted. It is purely liistoriciil and full of home thrusts, but in such perfect simpli- city and gooil fuitii that noue was olTendcd. Mr. Howe had for a long time been pastor over tliis Hopkinton Hook, growing poorer and poorer as the cost of livin<; inereitscd and the currency became depreciated. His cU'orts for increase of salary had failed. The Century at last came round and ho preached to his .sheep from this text, •' 2 I'eter i. 13— Yea I think it meet, os Ion;;; as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up, by putting you in remembrance." Anrl stir them up he did. The Sermon was reviewed in the North American lievietv most favourably, and in a subsequent edition Mr. Howe noticed the reviewer. His sheep did not iucrea.sc his salary, imt immediately alter the sermon they bou;;ht him a new suit of clothes, which he acknowledges in the third edition. 1441 Howe (Nathanael) A Century Sermon delivered in Hop- kinton on Lord's Day, December 21, 1S15. Second edition revised and corrected, S' Flay and Ooul'd, Andover, 1817 ;ern New tefore the Ist, 1838, ". r. 1838 18, etc. .) Diviu^t ^(Iroatatic Air under ford, 1813 'entennial ion uf tho h borough, sler, 18iO real, 1820 lirs of his nost Pnrta lie Scotch L'8 of tho idon, 1753 and Privi- ny behind e death of Sandwich, sfon, 1749 Map of, %[1860?] delivered ►ecember )ver, 1816 it Discourse |-ecitvted. It rfcct sitnpli- 1 for a long and poorer [epreciated. it last came fetcr i. 13— >tir you up, did. The [iuvourably, His sheep [rmon they In the third in IIop- 1 edition vcr, 1817 mill tot heva lltHtorica 1 07 1U5 llowi; (Nathnniu'l) ;\ CVnliiry Sermon, dolivcrod in Hop- kintun, MaHH., on Lord's Day, December 2i, 1815. Third Edition, with NoIck, roviwcd and corrected, uncut. 8" Crocker and Urewttrr, Botton, 1825 1416 II owe (Rev. Natlianacl) The Celebrated Century Sermon of tho Rev. N. Howe of llopkinton, MasH., with a Memoir of hia Life by EliaH Nanon. Fourth edition. 8" J P. Jewett, Boston, 1851 1447 Howell (W. T.) Tlic Ri^ht of tho General (lovcrnment to Lease Mineral Lands within a State, and the Sovereign Right of Micliii^an to the Mines and Minerals within her Bordern. S" y>/ro/7, [INIOJ 1448 Howes (Ebonezer) Some Account of the I'roiecilings on board Sluj) Niagara of Hoston, conunaiuled by one E. Howes, jr. during her passage from Liverpool to UoHt«»n in April and INLay iSJiO. With Remarks on the Rights of Seamen, iincu/, scarce. 8" Joseph S. Hart, Boston, ISHO 1449 llowitt (E.) Selection.s from Letters written during a Tour through i\w L'^iiited States in ISlO, illustrative of the Native Indians and their Descent I'rom the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, as well a.s dosLriptivo of the present situation and Buft'erings of EniiyraulH, iy«/«/«r, itncul. 12" J. Dunn, Xollinjliam, (1820) 1450 Hubbard (Jolin) The Rudiments of Geography, iteing a concise Description of the various Kingdoms, States, Em- pires, Countries, and islands of the World, Second edition, revised and corrected, with map of the lVQrhl,Jine copy, lulu. 12" For Thomas by Geo. W. Mchuls, Walpole, X.IL. lS05 1451 Hubbard (John) The Rudiments of (ieography, with an Introduction explaining the Astronomical I'art of (ieo- graphy, to which is added an enlarged Clironological Table, Sixth Edition, roviseil 12" Joseph Dix, Barnard, Vt. 1814 1852 Huhbaud (William) A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New-England from 1UU7 to lt»77, tvanls part of the last sheet, but has the last U'lrf'. 12" John Boyle, Boiitun, 1775 1453 Hubbard and Ives (^leusrs.) Geological INIap of the Dis- trict, Sub. divided by Messrs Hubbard and Ives, under Contract bearing date Sept. 7th, 1 Sll) [on the Shores of Lake Superior], It bi/ 8 inches. E. irder and Co. Bait. [isW] 1455 IIUBiiiiV (BiiiiXAiU)) TuK Histouv of the American Re- volution, iududiuu; the most imj)ortant events and Resolu- tions of the Honourable Continental Congress during that period, and also the most interesting J.elters and Orders of General Washington, Vol.1, [all ever published], Jinc copy on sized paper, one of (he rarest and most important histories of the American Eei..!iition. 8° For the Author, by .Andrew Kennedy, Northumberland, Bennsyh'ania, ISO-J m m ■I'ij IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V. // I {./ .c 3 Q- y. C/j Ue ^ 1.0 I.I M|||||a IIIII2.5 liiiM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 .« 6" - ► V] <^ //, % '<3 %*■ P? 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ i A. i i 6^ 1 m ''.5l 1G8 Bibliotheca Qeographica 1454 lIuBBEiiL (Seth). a Nahbative of the Sufteiiugs of S. Hubbell and Family iu hia beginning a Settlement in the Town of Wolcott, in the State of Vermont, fine copy, uncut, SOAECE. 120 jp and W. Eaton, Danville, Vt. 1826 "In the latter part of February, 1789, I set out from tho town of Nonvalk in Connecticut, on my journey to Wolcott, to commence a Settlement " — says the author, at which time also he commenced his troubles, adventures, etc. 1456 Hudson's Kivee. A Topographical Map of Hudson's Biver, with the Channels, Depth of VVater.'.Eocks, Shoals, etc. and the Country adjacent from Sandy Hook, New York and Bay to Fort Edward, also the Communication with Canada by Fort George and Lake Champlain as high as Fort Chambly on Sorel Eiver. By Claude Joseph Sauthier. 20*- iy 31 inches, coloured, fine copy, SCABCE. Wm. Faden, London, 1776 1457 Hudson Eiver (An Improved Map of the) with the Post Eoads between N, York and Albany, 5i hy 41 inches Neio York, 1831 1458 HuoQiNS (John Eichard Desborus) Hugginiana ; or Huggins' Fantasy, being a collection of the most esteemed modern Literary Productions, exposing the art of making a noise in the world, without beating r drum or crying oysters ; and shewing how, like Whittington of old, who rose from nothing to be Lord Mayor of London, a mere Barber may become an Emperor, if he has but spirit enough to assume and talents enough to support the title. By J. E. Huggins, Empereur Ju Frisseurs, Eoi du Barbiers, etc. with many woodcuts and copper-plates, fine copy, scarce. 12° H. C. SouthwicTc, New TorJc, 1808 1459 Hughes (William Carter) The American. Miller and Millwright's Assistant, 2 pts. in 1, cloth. 8° Betroit, 1850 1460 Hull (William, late Gov. of the Territory of Michigan, etc.) Memoies of tho Campaign of the North- Western Army of the United State?, 1812, with an Appendix containing a Sketch of the Eevolutionary Services of tlie Author, fine clean copy, with rough edges, out of print, and very scarce. 8° True and Greene, Boston, 1824 1401 Humboldt (Baron A. de) Ensayo Politico sobre la Isia de Cuba. Obra traducida al Casteliano por D. J. B. de V. y M. with Humboldt* s famous map of Cuba, uncut. 8° Benouard, Paris, 1827 1462 Hume (Joseph) The Celebrated Letter of J. Hume, M.P. to Wm. Lyon Mackenzie, Mayor of Toronto, declaratory of a Design to " Free these Provinces from tho banef'il Domina- tion of the Mother Country !" With the Comments of the Press of Upper Canada on tho pernicious and treasonable tendency of that Letter, and the Speeches, Eesolutious, and Amendments of the Common Council of this City, tho result of a Motion to disavow all participation in the senti- ments of Mr, Hume, scarce. S" G. P. Bull, Toronto, 183i lei'iugs of lemeut in fine copy, , Vt. 1826 the town of commence a imenced his Hudson's ks, Shoals, ook. New nunication in as high iC Joseph ndon, 177G h the Post rork, 1831 iniana; or it esteemed f making a Dg oysters ; rose from (arber may to assume ,. Iluggins, with many Yorh, 1808 iller and oit, 1850 Michigan, ;ern Army ntaining a ihor, Jine Iston, 1824 )re la Isla B. de V. aris, 1827 lime, M.P. •atory ofa Bomina- its of the easonahle solutions, City, the the senti- nto, 1831. Bihliotleca Historica 169 1463 Humphreys (David) An Historical Account of the In- corporated Society for the Propagation of the G-ospel in Foreign Parts, in the British Colonies, [in America,] with the two maps of Carolina and New England, etc. scarce. S^'J. Downing, London, 1730 1464 HuMPHEiES (David) The Miscellaneous Works of D. Humphries, late Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the Court of Madrid, portrait, fine original copy, 8° T. and J. Swords, New York, 1804 1465 Humphreys (David) A Valedictory Discourse delivered before the Cincinnati of Connecticut in Hartford, July 4tli, 1804, at the Dissolution of the Society, uncut, half roan, scarce. 8° Gilbert and Dean, Boston, 180i Partly poetical, and with many valuable historical notes. 1466 Hungary. The Mape of Hungari newly augmented by John Speede, 20^ by 15\ inches. George Humble, Pops-head Alley, London, 1626 1467 Hunqahy [Map of] Le Eoyaume de Hongrie (Partie Meridionale de la Hongrie), 2 sheets, ea. 23^ by 19 inches, coloured, fine copy. Covens and Mortier, Amsterdam [1700 ?] 1468 Hungary. [Map of the] Theatre de la Guerre eu Hou- garie, Trausilvanie, etc. 23^ by 18| inches, coloured, J. Covens and G. Moriier, Amsterdam [1700 ?] 1469 Hungary. Totius Eegni Hungari® maximseque partis Danubii Fluminis una cum adjacentibus Eegionibua Novissima Delineatio per C. AUard, 21 iy 17 inches. [Amst. 1725 ?] 1470 Hunt (Gilbert J.) The late "War between the United States and Great Britain; from June 1812 to February 1815, written in the Ancient Historical Style. Containing also a Sketch of the late Algerine War, and the Treaty concluded with the Dey of Algiers, the Treaty with Great Britain, and the Treaty with the Creek Nation of Indians, portrait of Gen. Jackson, and woodcuts, very scarce. 12° For the Author, by D, Longworth, New Yorh, 1816 1471 Hunt (Isaac H.) Astounding Disclosures! Three Tears in a Madhouse, by a Victim, written by himself. A true account of the barbarousj inhuman, and cruel treatment of I. H. Hunt, in the Maine Insfiue Hospital, in 1844, '45, '46 and '47, by Drs. Isaac Eay, James Bates, etc. Also the burning of the Hospital, Dec. 4th, 1850. 8° Isaac IL Hunt, [Boston] 1851 1472 Hunt (John Warren) Wisconsin Gazetteer, containing the names, location and advantages of the counties, cities, towns, villages, post-offices, lakes, water courses, prairies, and public localities in the State of AVisconsin, alphabeti- cally arranged, large coloured map of Wisconsin. 8° Beriah Brown, Madison, Wis. 1853 z il f ( I 170 Biiliotheca Oeographica 1473 Hunt (Isaac H.) Astounding Disclosures ! Three Tears in a Mad House by a Victim, Written by himself. A true account of the barbarous, inhuman, and cruel treatment of I. H. Hunt, in the State of Maine Insane Hopital, in 1844, '45, '4G and '47, by Drs. Isaac Kay, James Bates, etc. Also a short account of the horrid Torture of Miss Elizabeth T. Stone, by Dr. Luther V. Bell, in the McLean Asylum. Also the Burning of the Maine Asylum, Dec. 4th, 1850. Second Edition, with many additions. 8° For theAutJior, I Boston'], 1852 1474 Hunt (Rowland) An Address to the Merchants and Owners of the Mercantile Navy of the United Kingdom on the Advantages of Maritime Volunteer Service, uncut. S° Shrewsbury, 1803 1475 Hunt (William Gibbs) An Address on the Character and Services of De Witt Clinton, delivered at Nashville, March 11, 1828, at the request of the Grand Chapter of Tennessee, hiographical,Jlne and uncut. 8" J. S. Simpson, Nashville, Ki/., 1828 1476 Hunter (Daniel J.) A Sketch of Chili expressly prepared for the use of Emigrants from the United States and Europe. With a map and papers relating to the Mar between that country and Spain, and the position assumed by the United States. 8° J. Hallet, New York, 18GG 1477 Hunter (J.) Collections concerning the Founders of New Plymouth, the Parent Colony of New England 8<» 1854 1478 Huntingdon (Daniel) A Discourse in the North Meeting- House in Bridgewater, Dec. 22, 1820, being the Second Centurial Anniversary of the Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth [containing a History of the Township of Bridge- water, Massachusetts] ^?ie copy, uncut, scarce. 8° Ezra Lincoln, Boston, 1821 1479 Huntington (Joseph, D.D.) God ruling the Nations for the most glorious end. A Sermon in presence of his Ex- cellency [Gov. Trumbull] and both Houses of Assembly, Hartford, May 13th, 1784, ^ne copi/ with rough leaves. 8" Hudson ^ Goodwin, Hartford, 1784 1480 HunsT (M. B.) History of the Fourteenth Eegiment Alabama Volunteers, with a List of the Names of every Man that ever belonged tothe Eegiment, on coarse Confede- rate paper, scarce. 12° Bichmond, 1863 1481 Hutchinson (K. M.) A Memoir of Abijah Hutchinson, a Soldier of the Revolution. By his Grandson 12° William Alliny, Rochester, 1843 Abijah was born in Lebanon, Connecticut, in 175C, was a Connecticut privateer in the beginning of the Revolution, lived half a century in Vermont, and settled in 1833 in Gennessee N.Y., where he died in 1 843, full of years, and historical recollections saved in this little book. 1482 Hutchinson (Thomas) The History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, from 1028 to 1750, 2 vols, clean copy. S" Bichardson, London, 1760-1768 •ee Tears f. A true itment of !opital, in (ates. etc. Elizabeth Asylum, ith, 1850. on], 1852 anta and Kingdom wry, 1803 Character Naahville, Chapter of Ki/., 1828 prepared :ate3 and the war I assumed ork, 18GG :s of New 8° 1851 Meeting- le Second ilgrima at f Bridge- ton, 1821 itions for ' his Ex- Lssembly, ves. brd, 1784) legiment of every Con/ede- md, 1863 hiuson, a ter, 1843 onnecticut century in le died in little book, olony of s, clean too- 1708 Bibliolheca Historica 171 ll!83 Ilntchiuson (Francis) An Historical Essay concerning Witchcraft, with Observations upon Matters of Fact, . . . Also Two Sermons, one in proof of the Christian Religion, the other concerning Good and Evil Angels, fine clean copy, calf. 8° B. Knapton, London, 1720 Chapter V recounts the history of Witchcraft at Salem, Boston and Andover in New England. llSi Hutchinson (Thomas) TIio Speeches of Govtinor Hutchinson to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay, Sixth of January 1773, with the Answers of His Majesty's Council and the House of Kepreseutatives, very fine copy of the or'ujinal edition, half calf, scarce. 8" Edes 'Sf Gill, Boston, 1773 11S5 Hutchinson (Thonuis) Copy of Letters sent to Great Britain by his Excelloncy Thomas Hutchinson, the Hon. Andrew Oliver, and several other Persons Born and Edu- cated Among Us. Which original Letters have been returned to America, and laid before the Honourable House of Representatives of this Province, etc. fine large copy, half calf , scikce. 8° Edes ^ Oill, Boston, 1773 These are the famous Letter.-! which found their way back to Boston it is said through Dr. Franklin, the publication of which by order of the General Court did more i)crhaps to bring matters to a crisis than any previous publication. 1180 Hutchinson (Titus) An Oration delivered at the South Parish in AVoodstock, Vermont, on the Fourth Day of July, A.D. 1800, political and historical, with an Appendix containing an Ode on Science and Liberty, and an account of the Celebration. 8° Serena Wright, Randolph, Vermont, 1806 1187 Hyde (Ell, of Oxford, New York) A Sermon in which the Doctrine of the Lot is stated and applied to Lotteries, Gambling and Card Playiug for Amusement, fine copy, uncut 8" J. B. Johnson, Oxford {New York), 1812 1188 Hymns for the Nation, in 1782, scarce, fine copy. 12° J. Paramore, London, 1781 Among the Hymns given in this scarce little Volume arc the following : " After the Defeat at the Chesapcak ;" " For the Loyal Americans ;" " A Prayer for Congress," four 8 line stanzas ; " For the Conversiou of the French ; " " Tiianksgiving for the Success of the Gospel in America," etc. 11897^^r?]cELAND. Tabula Islandifo Auotore Georgio Carole Flandro, 18f by 15 inches, fine copy, scarce. Judocus ITondius, Amst. [1710] 1490 Iceland. Insulro Icelandia) delineatio, prout haec Solenni meiisurandi negotio sub Auspiciis Potentissimi Regis DanisB facto, et a. 1731 demum per Cnopfium Archit. militai-em ad fioeni perducto debetur, divisfB inquatuor partes, Islandia), Fiordung, etc. 23 by IS^^ inches, coloured, fine copy, scarce. Edita studio et impensis ILomanniunoruin ILcrcdum, Norimb. 1701 TwS, M;^' I P: Hi ilii Hi Hi 172 Bibliotheca Geographica 1491 Impoetanoe (The) of effectually supporting the Royal African Company of England impartially considered, shewing that a Free and Open Trade to Africa and the Preservation of the British Colonies in America depend upon maintaining the Forts and Settlements, etc. First Edition, map, paper boards, fine copy, scarce. 4° M. Cooper, London, 1744 The moncj'-getting earnestness of this book may wcU sliock the sensi- bilities lit the present day of the rich descendants of the Royal African Traders of last century. The key note of the work is found in the following question from page 3, " Will not every British Planter in America, and every West India Merchant in England grant, that the Negro Trade on the Coast of Africa is the chief and fundamental support of the British Colonies and Plantations in America ? Should our most formidable rivals monopolize the whole African Trade to them- selves; will they not naturally furnish their own Colonies with the best of Negroes, and suffer Englishmen to purchase their Kcfuse only ?" Refuse negroes ! for Englishmen ! and that in 1744 ! 1492 India. Indise Orientalis nova Deacriptio [with the Mo- luccas] 19f by 15} inches, scarce. Joannes Jannsonius, Amsfehdami [1635 ?] 1493 India. Description de la partie des Indes orientales qui est sous la domination du grand Mogol [A Map] 14 by 10^ inches. I. de His sculp. \Thevenot, Paris, 1663] 1494 India. A General Mapp of the East-Indies, compre- hending the Estates or Kingdoms of the Great Mogol, the Kingdoms and Estats of Decan, Golconde, Bisnagar, etc. and the Kingdoms and Isles of Pegu, Sian, Malacca, Cochiuchina, etc. Menus'^ Sanson. Rendred into English by Eic: Blome, 13 by 15^ inches, scarce. London, 1667 1495 India. Ad antiquam India) Geographiam Tabula, Auctor D'Anville (Ptolemaicae Tabulje in parte maritima brevis imagol, 15 by 17 inches, coloured, good copy. 1765 1496 India [The Dutch India Company]. Gouvernement de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales tant en ces Provinces que danales Indes [A General Description of the Con- stitution of the Dutch East India Company, on a large sheet, with Plates of the Ten Chambers and Sovereign Company], scarce and handy, 17 by 12 J inches, fine and clean. [Amst. 1780 ?] 1497 India. Hind, Hindostan, or India, by L. S. de la Eo- chette, 20^ by 27 inches, coloured, Jint copy, William Faden, London, Jan. 1st, 1788 1498 India (Sketch Map of the Seat of War in), 17 by 12^ inches, coloured. W. and A. K. Johnston, Edin. 1849 1499 Indian Ocean. Delineantur in hao tabula Orie mari- tinioe Abexise, freti Mecani, ab Maris Eubri, ArabijB, Ormi, Peraiic, supra Sindam usq. Fluminis Indj, Cambaiffi IndiaB ct Malabaris Insula} Ceylon, etc. 20| by 15 inches, fine coyy, SCARCE. Linschoten, Amst, 1596 m Bibliotheca Ilistorica 173 [st, 1788 hi/ 12^ tin. 1849 I'iB inari- 3, Ormi, IndisB l^es, JIne 1596 1500 Indiana, Illinoia, Missouri, and Iowa, with Parts of Adjoining States. G. Woolworth Colton's Eailway Maps, No. 4, 36 bi/ 26^ inches, coloured. New York, 1858 1501 Indians, Stohies of the Indians during the Revolution ; with a Brief Sketch of the Customs of the Suuxcs and Foxes, toith the large woodcut exhibiting John Sloven a pri- soner amour/ the Miamese Indians. 8° New York, 18:36 Though a recent publication, these stories of Indian Captivitica and Narratives have become exceedingly difticult to meet with. 1502 Inga (Atuakasius) West-Inuisciie Spiegel waer inno men sien kan alls de Eylanden, Provintien, Lautschappon, het Machtige Eyck van Mexico en 't Gout en Silvcr-r}cke Lands van Veru, frontispiece and maps, vellum, scahce. 4° Broer Jansz, Amstelredam, 1024 1503 Instructions to the Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the French Republic, their Letters of Credence and Full Powers, and the Dispctches received from them Relative to their Mission. 8° W. Boss, Phila. 1708 1504 IssuLiE Americanas in Oceano Septeutrionali cum Terria adiaceutibus [Southern States, IMexico, Central America, the AVest India Islands, Venezuela, etc.] 201 h/ 15 inches, coloured, fine and clean, with descriptive text on the hack. Guiljehnus Blaeu, [Ajnst. 1610?] 1505 Inteeoceanic Snip Canal (General Sketch of the Survey for an) near the Isthmus of Darien, via the Rivers Atrato and Truando, made in accordance with the Act of Congress of March 3d, 1857, under the direction of the Hon. Secretaries of War and of the Navy, etc. 1858-59 In 17 sheets of various sizes ; the largest 4.5 by 24 inches. A portion of them arc numbered I-X. 1506 Ireland. Carte Generale des Costes d'Irlande, et des Costea Occidentales d'Angleterre avec une Partie de celles d'Ecosse. Levee par Ordre Exprez du Roy, 33^ by 23^ inches, coloured, fine clean copy, scarce. Paris, 1693 1507 Ireland. Carte particuliere des Costes Occidentales d'Irlande qui comprend la Baye de Galloway et la Riviere de Lymerick comma elles paroissent a basso elle dans les prandes Marees. Levee par Ordre du Roy. (Carte du Port deKinsal enlrlande), 33^- by 23| inches, coloured, fine clean copy. Pierre Mortier et Compag. Amsterdam [1696 ?] 1508 Ireland. A New Map of Ireland, having the great Featuresof the Country described and the distances between the Towns and Stages marked in Miles and Furlongs, by Alexander Taylor, Lieut. R.E. 23-^- by 28 inches, coloured, fine copy, scarce. Dublin, and IV. Faden, London, Jan. 1st, 1793 1509 Ireland (Samuel) Miscellaneous Papers and Legal In- struments under the hand and seal of William Shakspeare, including the Tragedy of King Lear and a small Fragment of Hamlet, from the original MSS. iu the possession of S. Ireland, boards, uncut. 8" London, 1796 ■; • i ■iv'. I i r ." (i • 4 i iiii >■ . I. 174 mbliolhcca Oeographica 15iO Italia) Vetoria Specimen [a Map], ISJ by 13J inches. AbrahamuH Ortelius, Anfv. 1570? 1511 Italia in suos quoscunq. Status divisa. lluic ncceduiit Insula) Siciiia, Sardinia, Corsica, etc. auctore Cnrolo Allard, 23 J- bu 19} inches. Amsterdam [1725 ?] 1512 Italia Superior, Khajti.a, Noricum, Pannonia, etc. ; Infe- rior, Siciiia, Sardinia, Corsica [Maps of, with Plana of Konie and its Environs in the corners], 2 maps, ea. 23 bi/ 17tf inches. Norimberga, 1822-23 1513 Italic [a Map of], 13 i by IG inches, coloured. Jlendrik Frijlinh, Amsterdam, 18i8 151 1 Italy. Tabula TTydrop;raphiea ac Geographica, in quu Italia, Illyrifuin, Siciiia, Sardinia, ('orsica ; necnon Gallitc, Africic et Ora^ciio pacs accurala diligentia describunlur; auctore Petro Piaiicio. Compascacrtc, AVaer in Italia, Liburiiia, etc. afgebeeldct worden, scarce, 2\. by 15^ inches. Joannes a Doetecum fecit \_Amst. 1600 ?] 1515 Italy. Italia newly augmouted, by T. Spcedo, and Arc to bee sold in Pops-head alcy by George Humble, 20^ by 15 i- inches. London, 1G21J 1510 Italy. Ti.bula Italije, Corsicte, Sardinia) et adjacentiuni liegnorum, nee non viva prfccipuarum Urbium, Locoruin, Insignium, et Vestituiim delimatio suinma cura et censura Nicolai Johannis A^isscher, 2 1 a- by IS inches. Amst. lG:i3 1517 Italy. Totius Italia) Tabula per Nicolanm Visscher, 22 by 18 inches, coloured. \^Amst. 1G50] 1518 Italy (a Mapj) of) who^e cheifo Estates and Isles are y* Dukedome of Toseania, the Itopublique of Venice, the Estates of y" Church, etc. E»t)signed by Monsieur Sanson and rendred into English by Rich. Blome, IG by 12 inches. London, 1GG7 1519 Italy, Carto Nouvello do I'ltalio distinguce suivant Testenduc de toutes ses Souvorainetcs qui la partagent, qui aont I'Estat de I'Eglise, du lioy-Catholique qui compren- nent les lloyaumes do Naples, de Sicile, etc. par N. Sanson, 2 Maps, ea. 22^ by Id} inches, coloured, very fme copy. Jean Cdvens et Corneille Mortier, Amsterdam [1710?] 1520 Italy. Teatro do la Guerre en Italie on Partie de la Eepublique de Venise, Verone, Mautoue, Modene, Padoue, etc. 18 by 22 inches, coloured, soiled. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam [1G9G] 1521 Italy. L'ltalie drcsseo sur les Observations do M" do I'Academie Iloyalo des Sciences, etc. par G. de I'lsle, 24 by 19 inches, coloured, fine copy. Jean C6vens ci Corneille Mortier, Amsterdam [1710 ?] 1522 Italy. Totius Italic Tabula per Joanuem de Ram, 22 by \7\ inches, coloured. Amst. [1720 ?] 1523 Italy. Tabula Italia) Autiqua) Geographica, auctor D'Anvillc, lOj by 21 inches, colourcd^fine. Paris, 1761 I dnfv. 1570? ic noccduiit irolo A Hard, hm [1725 ?] , etc. ; Inff- h Plans of pa, ea. 23 bi/ -gcB, 1822-2"3 erJam, 1848 lien, in quu ;non Galliio, escribuntur; V in Italia, mst. 1600 ?] lie, and Are nhle, 20^ by ,ondon, 1G2G adjaceutiuui II, Locorurn, a et censura Amst. 1033 k^isscher, 22 imst. 1050] Isles are y* Venice, the leur Sanaoa /12 07ido}), 1GG7 lee suivant rtagcnt, qui li compren- N. Sanson, e im [1710 ?] Partie de la ae, Padoue, (lam [1G9G] de M" de 'Isle, 24 bi/ m [1710 ?] e Ram, 2'2 [1720 ?] ca, auctor Paris, 1764 Bibliotheca Ilislorlca Tabula Italire Antiqiin) geofrrapliica, 175 1524 Italy. i'abula Jtalire Antiqiin) geofrraphica, auctor D'Anville, 19 J by 24! inches, coloured, fine. Norimbergce, 17S4 1525 Italy (A new Map of) including the Islands of Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and Malta, divided into Kingdoms, lie- publics and States, etc. in which are delineated the Cities, Towns, Rivers, Mountains, Post and direct Cross Roads, etc. by John Andrews, 24J- by 30 inches, coloured. Piccadilly, Feb. II, 1794 152G fd-i^i/jS^IACKSON (Gen. Andrew) [Two Coffin hand- bills, or broadsides, being an account of the Execution of the Six JMilitia INIen, with the approval of General Jackson, 21 Feb. 1815, each with the six coffins], with a ballad of 10 stanzas, scarce and oxitrayeous. [Boston, July 4, 1828] Got up by party politicians purely as electioneering documents in the Presidential Campaign, wholly regardless of decency, and with just truth enough for a foundation for round plump party lies. These waifs bad the same kind of influence on the popular mind then that tlie Harrison melodies had some years later. They bear the impress of the times, and are difficult to meet with now. 1527 Jackson ( Genera/ Andrew) Memoirs of, compiled by a Citizen of Massachusetts [Dr. J. V. C. Smith], portrait of Jachson. 12" C. Ewer, Boston, 182S 1528 Jackson (Charles T.) Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State of Rhode-Island, made under a Resolve of Legislature in 1839, out of print and scarce, fine copy, uucut. 8° B. Cranston ^' Co. Providence, 1S40 1529 Jacob (Joseph) A Discourse concerning Faith and Fervency in Prayer, especially respecting the Glorious Visible Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ over all the Earth, with a Vindication of the only true Scriptural Mode of Standing in Singing, [with a long Preface by Inckease Mather], ^we clean copy, scarce. 8° [Boston, N. E. 1710] 1530 Jamaica, America) Septentrionalis ampla Insula a Christophoro Columbo detecta, in suas Gubernationcs peraccurate Distincta per Nicolaum A^isser, j/?we copy, scarce, 23 J by 20i inches, coloured. Amst. [IGGO ?] 1531 Jamaica. The Truest and Largest Account of the late Earthquake in Jamaica, June 7th, 1G92, written by a Rev. Divine there to his Friend in Loudon, with some Improve- ment thereof by another Hand, fine copy, scarce, a few letters restora^ in the title. 4° Thomas Parkhurst, London, 1093 1532 Jamaica. An Account of Jamaica and its Inhabitants, by a Gentleman long resident in the West Indies, calf. 8" London, 1808 1533 Jamaica, Slave Law of, with Proceedings and documents relative thereto, bds. tincut. 8" London, 1828 It i il i III ' '',< i Al 1i ii 17G Bibliolheca Oeograpliica 1534 James (Tliomas, of Oxford) Belluni Papalo, bivo Concor- dia discors Sixti Quinti, et Clemontis Octavi, circa Hiero- nyinianam cditionem. Pretcrea in quibusdam locis gravio- ribus habetur comparatio utriusq; editionis cum postrema et ultima Lovanieusium ubi miriiica industria Clomentia et Cardinalium Buper castigationo Bibliorum deputatorum, riotas duntaxat uiarginalca Lovaniensium in textum assu- mendo clart^ demonstratur. 4" Geo. Bishop, Londini, IGOO 1535 James (Willinm) An Inquiry into tlie Merits of the principal Naval Actions between Great Britain and the United States, comprising an Account of all British and American Ships of War reciprocally captured and destroyed since the 18th of June, 1812, scarce. 4° For the Author, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1816 153G Janeway (James) Memoirs of Mr. John Janeway, by Mr. James Janeway ; and Memoirs of the Kev. S. Pearce, by the li«v. A. Fuller, [with Prefaces by Eobert Hall and li. Baxter], M;iVA two portraits, boards, uncut. 12° Barnes, London, 1824 1537 Japan (Kaart van) behoorende tot dfe door bet Provin- ciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap bekroonde Verhandeling van K. G. Bennet en J. van Wyk Kz. (Kust van bet Kom- pagnies Land \ Myl van den Kruishoek ontdekt door De Vries, 1643), 17|- by 25 inches. \Amst. 1827 ?] 1538 Jefferson (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia, with an Appendix, Ninth American Edition, portrait of Jefferson. 12° H. Sprague, Boston, 1802 1539 Jefferson (Thomas) A Manual of Parliamentary Practice, composed originally for the use of the Senate of the United States, to which are added the Eules of both Houses of Congress, scarce. 12° Washington, 1822 1540 Jeffebsox County, Ohio, Map of, from Survey by J. Keyly, [with public buildings and private residences,] 37 by 55 inches, fine copy, coloured, scaece. Philadelphia, 1856 1541 Jenkins (Capt. Charles) England's Triumph, or Spanish Cowardice expos'd, being a compleat History of the many Signal Victories gain'd by the Eoyal Navy and Merchants Ships of Great Britain for Four Hundred Tears over the insulting and haughty Spaniards. An Account of all ex- peditions, voyages, etc. 8° London, 1739 A large part of this rare volume pertains directly or indirectly to Ame- ricii, containing accounts of the various expeditions of Hawkins, Drake, lialeigh, and many others, from 1567 to 1730. 1542 Jesuits. The Travels of several Learned Missionaries of the Society of Jesus, into divers Parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America, translated from the French, fine copy, old calf. 8° R. Gosling, London, 1714 Pages 230-335 relate to the Missions among tliC Moxos, the Canadians, tlie Acadians, etc. in America. ivo Concor- 'irca lliero- ocis gravio- n postrenia Icmentia et putatorum, ixtum assu- ndmi, IGOO irits of tho in and tho British and d deatroyed kotia, 181G aneway, by . S. Pearce, rt Hall and jndon, 1824 hot Provin- ndeline; van 1 hot Kom- skt door De mst. 1827 ?] rginia, with iof Boston, 1802 'y Practice, the United Houses of ii/ton, 1822 rvey by J. ces,] 37 by Iphia, 1856 [or Spanish the many iMerchants 8 over the of all ex- don, 1739 tly to Arae- ns, Drake, lonaries of rchipelago, ■e French, )fdon, 1714 Canadians, milio/heca Historica 177 1543 Jebsey. a Chart of tho Islands t)f Jersey and Oiicrnsey, Sark, llerm and Alderney, with tlie adjaoont Coast of France, by L. !S. do la Kochctte, 20 by 2.7 inches, coloured, scarce. Loud. 1781 1541 Jesuitks. Eerum a Societate Jesu in Oriento gea- tarum Volurnon. In (jiio ha,'c continentur. Do Kobus Iiuiicis ad Annum 15(58, Cominentarius Enimauuelis Acosta) Lusitani rocognitus et Latinitato donatus. Bo ]{cbus Indicia ad Annum 1570. Epistolarum Liber I. Do Japonii'is Ki'bus ad Annum 1505. Epi.stolarum Libri V. Oinuca rooogniti et in Latinum ex llispanico sermouo convcrsi. Epistola) dua) do Llle Societate Jesu, profido Catholica nupcr occisis. Acccssit Hpecimen quoddam lit- terarum vocumq; Japouicarum, good copy, vellum, very scarce. 4" II. Salvianuin, JVcapoli, 1573 This book is distinguished for its haviii<; at paj^c 224, a very early, if not the earliest s]iei'iiiicu of European printing in Japanese elmrncters. 1545 Jewett (Charles C.) ymithsonian Keport on the Con- struction of Catalogues of Libraries and their Publication by means of separate stereotyped Titles, with liules and Examples, Secoud Edition, scarce and valuable. S" Washington, 1853 The rules for Catalojjueing arc based on those of the IJritish Museum, but with many cliaiitjes, and with the addition of examples. 1540 Jewitt (John R.) Narrative of tho Adventures and Suf- ferings of J. 11. Jewit only survivor of the crew of the Ship Boston, during a Captivity of nearly three years among the Savages of Nootka Sound, [with a list of worda iu the Nootkian Language, the most in uae],frontispiece,yino copy, boards, uncut. 12" Daniel Fenshaw, Neio York, 181G 1547 J EWiXT (John R.) The Adventures and Sufferings of J. R. Jewitt, only survivor jf the Ship Boston, during a Cap- tivity of nearly three years among the Savages of Nootka Sound, with an account of the manners, etc. of the Natives, boards, uncut, scarce. 12° America printed, Edinburgh reprinted 1824 The Ship Boston, from Boston, Massaehusetts, readied Nootka Sound in March, 1803. Jewitt was from Boston in Lincolnshire. The book has already become an important one in the history of British Columbia and the United States possessions on the Xorth West Coast of America. At the end is a War Song of the Nootka tribe, and a list of words iu the Nootkian language. 151S JOHANNES [Peccam] AnciiiEPisconCANTUATtTExsTS Perspectiua communis [per L. Gavricvra Neapolitanvni emendata, handsome large woodcut on thejirst leaf, fine copi/, not dated, but folio, [Faris, 1400?'] This rare scientific English work by Jolin Pcachani, Archbishop of Can- terbury, was written in tlic thirteenth century, and ranks favourably with the other similar works of Koger Bac -iiand Saeroboseo. Itwas first printed at Milan about 1480, and has since passed through numerous editions down to about ICdO. 2 A m f.ff! i 1 •' \ m St'SI iiii:' - ; 1 f ■ :■■ I 178 Bihliothecn Ocograpliica 1510 Jockey Club (Ah Ahriilgmont ofllio),orj\SkoU'li of Uio Manncra of tho Ago,in throo])arlH, copied from ll\o Elovenlh edition. 12" Manning and Lorim/, Jios/on, 1705 A Serioa of tho most infiinious lilicls on I'cors, iMinustcis, lutd Sovereigns ever penned. 1550 Johnson (C. B.) Letters from the British Settlement in Pcnnsylvnnia. To which aro added tho ConHtitutions of tho United States and rcnnisylvaaia, and haws rcHpcclins aliens and nntnrali/ed citizons, toiih map of roads leading to the Town of liritania in t ho British SetllevtcntySmquehanna Count]/, fine copy, hoards, uncut, scarce. 12" Bhila. 1819 1551 Johnson (Daniel) Sketches of Indian J'Meld Sports, with Observations on the A nimals ; also tho Art of Catchinp; Serpents, etc. Second edition, re//*/?;?. 8" Zo«. Odborn, /)(;r//v«/#, cloth. 8° London, 1801 1502 Jossernn (F. A.) Carlo Chrouologiquo do I'Histoiro Universcllo ; fonnant lo Tableau do tous lea Regnca counus, dos principaux Eveiu'mens Politiipies, Militaires, etc. d'apriis F. Straps Diviseo en deux Feuilles; augmentoe do I'Ancion-Nord, do I'Asio, du Moyen-Ago, do la Fondation d'un grand nombro do Villes, do^ jjIus celobres Bataillcs do toutcs lea /^joques, jusqu'en 1S30, et suivio d'uno Table Alphabctiquo par F. A. Joi^scran. fol. Amsterdam, 1830 1503 Josseran (F. A.) Carte dos Origines, Inventions et Ue- couvertes, olTranfc un aper^u general et chrouologiquo doa prinoipalc.s Institutions do tons les temps connus ; conto- naiit les noms des Personnages les plus remarquablc jusqu'on 1830; diviseo en trois feuilles et suivie d'uu Indicateur ou Table Alphabeticpic des Maticres. fol, Amsterdam, 1830 1501 JounNALS of Congress, containing tho Proceedings 1771-1770, 2 voU.Jine copy, hoards, uncut. 8° li. Aitken, Philadelphia, 1777 1505 Journals of tho general Conventions of tho Protestant Episcopal Church in tho United States of America, from 1781 to 1811 inclusive, scarce. i" Philadelphia, 1817 1500 JouTF.i:. (Mr.) A Journal of tho Voyage by Monsr. do la Sale to tho Gulph of Mexico to find out tho Mouth of tho Mississippi llivor, fine clean copy, old calf, map of the Mississippi liiver, tho Great Lakes, etc. 80 A. Bell, London, 1711 1507 Jouy (M. do) L'llermito do la Guiane, ou Observations Bur les UKCurs et les usages Frangais au commencement du XlXc Sioelo, Troisicmo edition, 3 vols, calf, fine copy, with several very neat copper-plates. 12'^ Paris, 181G 1508 Junius. " A Letter to an honourable llrigadier- General, Commander-in-Chief of His Miijosty'a Forces in Canada," London, 17G0, now first ascribed to Junius to which ia added " A Ki'futation of tho Letter, etc. by an Officer." AVith incidental notices of Lords Townsliend and Sackvillc, Sir Philip Francis, and others, edited by N. W. Simons, of tho British Museum, clean copy, scauck. 12" William Pickeriny, London, lb-*! I f- 'M \m If II 'M n III m !' i 180 Bihliotheca Geographica 1509 Judea seu Terra Sancta quso Hebrffiorum sive Isracli- tarum in suas duodecim Tribus divisa ; secretis ab invicein Eegnis Juda et Israel expressis insupersex ultimi temporis ejusdem Terra) provinciia ex conatibus geographicis Gulielmi Sanson, 12^ by 19 inches. Pierre Schenk, Amsterdam [1720?] 1570 i^^ALAMAZOO Cotjntt, MrcnioAN (Map of) Publislicd by Geil and Harley [with viewa of public buildings and private residences], 47 by 4i7 inches, coloured, fine clean copy, SCAIJCE. Philadelphia, 18(51 1571 Keith (William, ivith the Pnyal approbation Lt. Gover- nor of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex, upon Delaivare, in the Province of Penn.) The humble address of the Eepresentatives of the said counties in General As- sembly met at New-Castle the 13th June, 1717 [signed Jasper Tcates, Speaker], 3 pages, fine uncut copy, extremely rare. folio, Andrew Bradford, Phil. 1717 An important historical docnment. At the end is tliis note. "Iiitlic jjrescnt Situation of affuirs it is Judg'd to be of Service, to make tho foregoing Aildrcss more PuLlick — That the Inhabitants of these Coun- ties ma}' review their own Case so justly exhibited by tlieir Representa- tives at that Time, — which continues the same notwithstanding any lleports or Informations to the contrary." These lands having been in the possession of the Dutch as part of New Netherland, afterwards as part of New York, again under the Dutch, and lastly under William Penn, were in an unsettled state as to title, jurisdiction, and boundary. 1572 Kelley (Alexander) The Mental Novelist and Amusing Companion, a collection of histories, essays, and novels, containing Historical Descriptions of the Indians in North America, etc. uncut. 12° W. Lane, London, 1783 1573 Kelley's and Bass Islands, showing tlie Harbors of Ecfuge in their vicinity, being an extract from the Survey of the "West End of Lake Erie, made under the AV^ar Department, scale sq^qqq, 24^ by 19| inches. Washington, 1852 1574 Kent and Essex (A Map of those Parishes in the Counties of) which lie within Twelve Miles of London, 7 by 9 inches. J. Canj. sculp. [1790?] 1575 Kent Cotjnty, Delaware, Map of, published by A. D. Bylcs, 52 by 59 inches, coloured, fne clean copy, scAncE. Philadelphia, 1859 157G Kentucky. Colton's Map of Kentucky and Tennessee, with part of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, and other adjoining States, 2Q\ by 17 inches, coloured. I^ew York, 18G0 1577 KETE (Ono), Otto Ketens kurtzeii Entwurep von New-Nederlaiid und Gvajana Einander cntgegen gesetzt, etc. fine large copy, vert scarce. •1" Ln Ritzschischcn Buchlandcn, Leipzig, 1G72 Bihliotlieca Ilistorica ISl ve IsracH- ab invicem [li temporis is Gulielmi »«[1720?] (Map of) with views esidenceb], dean copy, 'phia, 18G1 Zt. Gover- ussex, upon I address of reneral As- ^17 [signed f, extremchf Phil. 1717 )tc. " In tlic , to make tlio f these Coun- r Represcntii- stunding any having been 1(1, afterwards nder William nd boundary. 1 Amusing lud novels, IS in North ndon, 1783 larbors of he Survey the A\rar 'ton, 1852 |e Counties 9 inches. K [1790?] by A. 1). ICAUCE. >hia, 1850 'cnnessee, |Arkansas, red. \ork, 18G0 fURrp vou gesetzt, Uiy, 1072 1578 Keweenaw Point (Geological Map of), Lake Superior, Michigan, by J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, U.S. Geo- logists, etc. 20 by 10 J inches, coloured. [Fhilad. 1850 ?] 1579 KiDD (Captain William) The Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Captain W. Kidd for Murther and Piracy. To which arc added Captain Kidd's Two Commisaioua [Piracies committed partly in America], half morocco. folio, J. Nkttf, London, 1701 1580 Kiehnanns-Egge (Johannes Adolphus u) Bibliothecaj Kielmanns-EggiausD Pars prima [et Secunda] 2 vols. 1270 pages, uncut, sold hj Auction in April and May, 1718. 8« Ilamlurffi, 1718 To the Catalogue reader and exi)lorcr for historical geogruiihy these volumes must alFord a rich harvest. 1581 Kilbouru (John) The Ohio Gazetteer, or Topographical Dictionary, a description of the Counties, Towns, Villages, Settlements, Eoads, Rivers, Lakes, Springs, Mines, etc. iu the. State of Ohio, alphabetically arranged. Seventh Edition, carefully revised and corrected, loith Map of Ohio in 1821, and another of Muskingum County, scarce, good copy. 8° J. Kilhourn, Cohmbm, 1821 The first edition of this excellent work was published in 1816, when no statistics had been published for si.\ years, an age in rapidly growini? Ohio at that time, but this scventli edition, based on tlie United States Census of 1820 is a rectified and autiientic production down to date. 1582 Kimball (David T. of Ipswich) A Sketch of the Ecclesi- astical History of Ipswich. The substance of a Discourse delivered in that Town, December, 1829, fine and uncut, valuable local history, scarce. 8" Gazette Office, Haverhill, Mass. 1823 1583 Kirkland (John Thornton) A Sermon at the interment of the Kev. Jeremy Belknap [the historian], Minister of the Church iu Eederal Street, Boston, June 22, 1798, fwc and clean. 8" Manning and Loring, Boston, [1798] 1581 Kitchincr (William) The Economy of the Eyes: Pre- cepts for the improvement and preservation of the Sight ; plain Rules which will enable all to judge what Spectacles are best calculated for their Eyes, Observations on Opera Glasses and Theatres, and an Account of the Paucratic Magniiier for Double Stars, etc. boards, uncut, scarce. 12" Boston, 1824 1585 Kleeic (J. de) Van den oorspronk en do kraclit d(>r Vooroordeelen, Door J. T. Als uuhIc eon koort Uyttreksel Uyt do Aantcykeuinge van de Bakon dk Lahontan, ra- kende de Zoden, 't Geloof, en't verstant van de Wilden tot Canada, en de lof der hedeudaagse Eeuw, in vergelykinge, van do voorgaande Eeuwen, En dat er zoo vcele Atheislfu uiet zyu als men doorgaans golooft, Door J. do Klerk. [Also a short Extract irom Pzalnianazar's Formosa], Jhie copy, uncut, scarce. 12" Jan Bloiii, Amst. 1710 8 - I' !■ 182 Bibliotheca Oeograpldca 1580 Kniglit (Ann Cuthbcrt) A Tear in Canada, and otlicr Pooms, uncut. 8" Edinh. ISIG 1587 Kj A. ^ B. Day, Burlington, Vt. 1829 IGIO Lamb (R.) An original and authentic Journal of Occur- rences during the late American AVar, from its commence- ment to 178^3. 8" Wilkinson ^ Cottrlnn/, Dublin, 1809 IGll Lambert (Eev. Nathaniel, of Neioburg, Vt.) A Sermon before Isaac Tichenor, G-overnor, the Council, etc. of Ver- mont, October 8, 1801, at Newbury, it being General Election. 8" Alden Spooner, Windsor, 1801 1G12 Langdon (Samuel, of Portsmouth, If. 11.) A Summary of Christian Faith and Practice, being an attempt to ex- hibit tlie Doctrines and Precepts of the New-Testament in a concise and easy view, chiefly in Scripture Language, for the assistance of Christians of all Denominations in recol- lecting the main Articles of their common Profession, c/ean copy. 8° Kneeland ^ Adams, Boston, New England, 17G8 1G13 Langdon (Samuel, President of Harvard College) Go- ment corrupted by Vice and recovered by Eighteousness. A Sermon preached before the Honorable Congress of the INlassachusetts-Bay, at "Watertown, or. the 31st day of ]May, 1775, being the Anniversary for the Election of Counsellors, historical, fine clean copy, SCARCE. 8" Benjamin Edes, Watertown, 1775 . One of the few books printed nt Watertown, to which town the General Court retired when driven from Boston by the British troops. 1G14 Langsdorff (Lc Chev. G. de. Consul general de Bussie au Bresil) Memoir sur le Bresil pour servir de Guide a ceux qui desirent s'y etablir, 4" Paris, 1820 1G15 Languedoc (Carte du Gouverncment de) suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Mess" de I'Academie Royale, etc. IG by 13 inches. Pierre vander Aa, Leide [1710?] IGIG Lapham (J. A.) A Geographical and Topographical De- scription of Wisconsin, with Sketches of its History, Geology i.ral History, Population, Soil, Productions, Governi • .id Antiquities, etc. with a large coloured map of the Territory of Winconsin, Southern Part, scarce. 8" P. C. Hale, MilwauTcee, 1844 1G17 Lapeer Coijntt, Michigan (Map of), from Special Sur\jys and Public Records, by AV. E. Doughty and T. Grr ^e English Nation, calf. 12" London, 173G 1657 Letters on the existence and character of the Deity and on the Moral State of Man, 2 vols, in one, fine copy on fine paper, uncut, scarce. 12° T. Dobson, Phila. 1799- 1S02 1658 Letters. Original Letters to an Honest Sailor [Ad- miral E. Vernon, respecting the Services of his Squadron at Porto Bello, Carthagena, Panama, and various parts of tlie West Indies against the Spaniards] 8° London [1710] I ! lift I ! ;ii 190 Bibliotheca OeoffrapJtica 1659 Letters of Friendship to those Clergymen who have lately renounced Communion with the Ministers and Churches of Christ in genenal, with Illustrations from re- cent Examples [these chiefly the Venerable Ecclesiastical Council at StockbridgeJ, pioun, ecclesiastical, biographical and valuable. b" Hudson tj" Ooodwin, Hartford, 1780 IGGO Lettebs. Three Letters to the People of England, I. On the present Situation and Conduct of National Affairs. II. On Foreign Subsidies, etc. III. On Liberty, Taxes, and the Application of Public Money. The 6th edition, London, 1756. A Fourth Letter on the Conduct of M rs in Alliances, Fleets and Armies, etc. London, 1756. A Fifth Letter, etc. London, 1757. A Sixth Letter On the Subversion of the Constitution, etc. all in one volume, Jlne tet, calf. 8" London, 1757 1661 Lewis (Daniel V. D. M. of Pembroke, Conn.) The Good Minister. A Sermon preaeh'd at Stoiiington, Connecticut; December 27th, 1732. When the Eev. Mr. Joseph Fish was Ordained Pastor of a Church thero [with Preface by Benjamin Lord of Norwich] fine, clean and uncut, scabce. 12" T. Oreen, N. London, 1733 1662 Lewis (Matthew Gregory) Journal of a West India Proprietor kept during a Kesidence in the Island of Jamaica, boards, uncut. 8" Murray, London, 1834 1663 Lewisburo, Union County, Pennsylvania (Map of) pub- lished by Messrs. Kinney and Bonwill from Surveys by Wood and French [with views of public buildings and private residences] 10 by 40 inches, coloured, fine clean copt/, SCARCE. Philadelphia, 1857 1664 L'Homond (C. F.) De Viris Illustribus Urbis Eom£B a Romulo ad Augustum. Editio secunda Novi-Eboraci. To which is added a Dictionary of all the Words which occur in the Book by James Hardie, scarce. 12" George Long, Neio York, 1820 This second edition contains a bibliographical preface respecting the facilities and means of learning the Latin language, with suggestions worthy the atteution of those devoted to the manufacture of educational books. 1665 Liancourt (Duke de) A Comparative View of Mild and and Sanguinary Laws ; and the Good Effects of the former exhibited in the present economy of the Prisons of Philadelphia, Second Edition, scarce. 12° London, 1796 1666 Liber Precationum quas Carolvs Calvvs Imperator Hludouici Pij CaesariusFilius sibi adolesceuti pro quotidiano vsu ante afios vigintiquinq ; eupra septiugentos in vaum coligi, et Uteris scribi aureis mandauit. In usum Maxi- miliaui Princi])i ae Palatini Rheui, etc. with copper-plates, and each page loithin a neat woodcut border, scarce. 8*^ Ingolstadii, 1583 who have isters aDcI s from re- elesiastical iographical Iford, 1780 :' England, f National )n Liberty, The 6th le Conduct 3. London, ixth Letter all in one mdon, 1757 The Good onuecticut; OBeph I'ish Preface by it, SCAECE. ntdon, 1733 kVest India Island of mdon, ISS-l ;ap of) pub- Surveys by Idings and p clean copi/, Hphia, 1857 EomoB a )oraci. To rhicli occur YorJc, 1820 specting the suggestions )f educatiuDul Mild and s of the Prisons of ndon, 179B Imperator quotidiano in VQum mm Maxi- per-plates, adii, 1583 BUiUolheca Jfiafonca 101 1GG7 Liberia. Map of Liberia, com piled from data in the Office of the American Colonization Societv, by R. Coyle, 24 J by 17i inches. Unit more, lH45 1G68 Liege. Leodiensis Epi.scnpalus in omncs Siibjncontea Provincias distincte divisus per Nicolaum Vi«acher. [With an Alphabetical List for finding all the places in the Map at the back], 22 hy 18 inches. Amst. [1080 ?] 1669 LiLius (ZACiiAitiAs) Oiinis BREViARivM.fide Compendio ordineq. captv: ac nicmoratv facilimvni: Felix et Urntiia legito. Vcncunt in Goriiiotiana libraria e regiono Colegii Coquei'ettici ad insigne geminarum cipparum,/?«e copy. 4" Jehan Gourmont, Paris, 1515 1670 LiLius (ZACCiiEaiAs) Rueve Descuittione del Mondo tradotta per M. Francesco lialdelli. Conl'additione do' noiiii niodorni, very Jine copy, vellum, excessively rare. 8" Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, Vincyia, 1551 Tlie object of tliis curious nnd learned gcogrnphicnl work, originally written just before the discovery of the new Continent, seems to have been to post up into one little book all the knowledge and nil the ignorance respecting our globe that could be collected from the ancients, as well as mediaeval writers, so as to start fair with tlio new light to be let in by Columbus. It is a sort of alphabetical dictionary of Geography, with a good index. The works of Liliun are in Orteliuj'a famous list of geographical authorities published in 1570, 1671 Lima. A True and Particular Kelation of the Dreadful Earthquake at Lima and Callao on 28th October, 1746, translated from the Spanish. To which is added a Descrip- tion of Callao and Lima before their Destruction and of Peru in general with its Inhabitants. The Second Edition. Maps, plans and plates. 8" T. Osborne, London, 1748 1672 Lima. View of Lima, " The City of Kings," before its destruction by the great Earthquake of 1746, 20^ by 14J- inches. New York, 1835 1673 Limbourg (Le) on sont le Duche de Liinbourg, le Comte de Dalem, les Seigneuries de Fauquemont et de Kolduc dresse par le Sr. Sanson, 22 by 17 inches, coloured. II. Jaillott, Paris, 1692 1674 Limbourg divise en Arrondissemens et Cantons de Justice de Paix, par C. Van Baarsel et Fils [A Map from the " Atlas du Royaumme dea Pays-Bas," [22.j by 31 inches, coloured, fine copy. La Ilaye, 1821 1675 Limbourg divise en Arrondissemens et Cantons de de Justice de Paix, par C. Van Baarsel et Fils [A Map from the " Atlas du Royaume des Pays-Bas"] 22^ by 30 inches, coloured. La Ilaye, revu et augmente en 1829 1676 Limburg (Nieuwe Kaart van de Provincie) geteckend II. J. Ileerman van de Hoest, 19 by 16 inches. Te Vento by de Wed. H. Bontamps, 1821 I * m 1 ^ .■ ill rn li i^i- i.\ i! • 192 liibliotheca Qeographica 1077 Linn (William, D.D., of the lleformed Dutch Church, New York) yormotiH IliHtorical and Charncteristic. 12" Vhihh and Sivaine, New York (1791) 1078 LitteroB Societatis Jobu, anno 1002 ct 1003, e Sinis, MoLUCis, .Tnpono datae progrossum Kei Chriatianas in iia oris, aliaquo memoratu jucunda fomplcxiP,_/7He copij, Kcarce. 8" Motfundan, 1007 1075) Livcnnore (George) An Iliatcrical Rcaearch rehpectiug the Opinions of tho Foundorn of tlio Republic on Negroes as (Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers. Read before tho Massacluisetts Historical Society, August 1-A, 1802. The orijinuljlite paper edition, uncut, scarce. 8" J. Wilson and Son, Boston, 1802 1080 Livingston (Robert K.) Essay on Sheep, their Varieties, Account of the Merinocs, licflections on the best method of raising a Flock iu tho United States, etc. 12" D. Cooledje, Concord, NJl. 1813 1081 Livingston. A IMup of the Towns of Livingston, Ger- man town aud Clermont in tho Comity of Columbia, com- ])ilod from actual Surveys in January 1798, John AVigrain, 23 by V)\ inches. Albany, [1850] 10S2 Leycesters Common-wealth : Conceived, Spoken aud Pub- lished with most earnest protestation of all Dutiful! good will and affection towards this Realm, for whoso good onely it is made common to many,^«e large clean copy, scarce. 4*' Printed 1041 1083 Lock Haven, Clinton Couuty, Penaylvania (Map of) from Surveys by Wood aud French, published by McKin- ney and Uonwill, [with views of public buildings aud pri- vate residences], 50 by 37 inches, coloured, fine clean copy, sOAltCE. Philadelphia, 1857 lOSl Locke (John) A Collection of several Pieces of Mr. J. Locke, never before printed or not extant in his Works, [^including The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina], fne copy, calf, 8" London, 1720 1085 Locke (John) An Essay concerning the true original extent and end of Civil Government. 8° Edes Sf Gill, Boston, 1773 1080 Locke (Samuel) A Sermon preached before the Minis- ters of the Province of tho Massachusetts-Bay at their Animal Convention in Boston, May 28, 1772, fine and uncut. 8° jB. Draper, Boston, 1772 1087 LocKEB (Jacobus) In Hoc Libello J. Locker Philo- musi Suevi Infra scripta poematia contintur : Epiodion de morto Plutonis : «fe Demonu : Encomion paupertatis Heroi- cum : Carmen de pace cum variis Epigramatibus Nuthesie tres moralia pcepta continentes e Greco phocylide ad lati- nos elegos traducte, fine copy, calf. 1° Siluanus Othmar impressit Auguste apud edein Diue Vrsule ad Lichum, Anno MDXIII, I Church, <^k (1791) , e Sinis, Mivd in iia iari, 1G07 vhpectiug I Negrooa jcfore tho <02. The ston, 18G2 Varieties, Dt method ^^7/. 1813 iton, Ger- nbia, com- 1 Wigram, ny, [1850] 1 and Pub- ifuU good iioso good m copy. inted 1G41 (Map ol) y McKin- aud pri- lean copy, hia, 1857 )f Mr. J. J Works, Carolina], m, 1720 original \ton, 1773 [le Minis- at their and hon, VJTl \qv Philo- lodion de Heroi- Tuthesie ad lati- oud edem \DXIII. liihUotheca JTistoricn 103 loss TiONDOv DtRF.ci'oiiv. A t'omploto Oiiido toftll I'eraourt who have any l'r:itU> or Coiiocrn with the City of Loudoti and parts adjaooiit. The Kiii;hth Edition ; to which in aihled tho FarcH of Passciiy^ors in tho sovoral Stage Coachoi* throughout (Jrcat \\niwu\,Jlnc cnpo) Konort of the Pro- ceedings against tlio late Rev. J. Smith ot Domerara, who was tried under JNIartial Law, and condemned to death on a charge of aiding and assisting in a Rebellion of the Negro Slaves, boards, uncut. 8" London, l82Ji 1002 Longinus. Liber de Grandi, sive Sublimi Orationis genero nunc primum a Francisco Robortello Utinonsi in luce editus. 4P Patavii, 1551 1G93 Long Island. Tho Seat of Action between tho British and American Forces, or an Authentic Plan of tho Western Part of Long Island, with tho Engagement of the 27tli August 177G, between tho King's Forces and tho Ameri- cans : containing also Staten Island and tho Environs of Amboy and Xew York, with tho Course of lludsons River, from t/onrtliuid tho Great Magazine of tho American Army to Sandy Hook, from the Surveys of Major Holland, very'fine copy, scarce, 15i hif n\ inches, coloured. Sai/er ij- Bcnnet, London, 1770 IGOl LooKixa-GriASs for Presbyterians, or a brief Examina- tion of their Loyalty, Merits and other Qualifications for Government. With some Animadversions on the Quaker unmask'd. Humbly Address'd to tlie Consideration of tho Loyal Freemen of Pennsylvania: [Signed Philo-Libertatis (a'^'c)], cut into the fore murr/ins, bat can he read, excessiveJif scarce. 12° FhiladeJphia, 170 4 Kcliitintr chiefly to the VciTton Boys niul '• the Presbyterians mnnlcring of the liuliiiiis at Luiicaster, luulur the protection of the Government." 1G95 Loomis (Elias, Professor) The recent progress of As- tronomy, especially in tho United States. 12" New York, 1S51 2 c V ' El I' 194 Bihliotheca Qeographica 1696 Lopez (Gregorius) Summarischer Bericbt, was sich in den Philippinischen Insulen, im Jahr 1608, fuernemblich in Geistlicnen sachen und fortpflanzung dess heiligen Ca- tholischen Glaubens denckwuerdigs zugetragen, Genom- men auss der zu Bom. in Italianischer Sprach getruckten Relation K. P. G. Lopes,^we copy, scarce. 4° Augshurff, 1612 1697 LoPKz (Gregory). The Holy Life of Gregory Lopez, a Spanish Hermite in the West Indies, [by Irancis Losa], Done out of Spanish, the Second Edition, Scarce. 8° Printed in the year 1675 Gregory Lopez, one of the most snccessful of the many early Mission- aries among the Indians of New Spain, was bom at Madrid, the 4th of July 1542, aud is said to have been a funchild of Charles Quint. At the ago of 20 he landed at Vera Cruz, and soon after pitched his tent among the Chichimecos Indians. He died on the 20th July 1596, at Santa Fe, six miles from Mexico, where Father Losa wrote his life in 1612. 1698 LoEEAiNE [A. Map of]. La Lorraine qui comprend les Duches de Lorraine et de Bar et les Balliages des Evescbes et des Villas de Metz, Toul, et Verdun. Par H. Jaillot, 24 by 18i inches, scarce. J. Cdvens et C. Mortier, Amsterdam, [1696] 1699 Loraine (Carte de), Suivant les Observations de Messrs. de I'Academie Eoyale, 16 by 13 inches. Pierre vander Ja, Leide, [1710] 1700 Lord (Benjamin) God glorified in his Works of ProTi- dence and Grace. A Eemarkable Instance of it in the various and signal Deliverances that evidently appear to be wrought for Mrs. Mercy Wheeler in Plainfield ; lately restored from extreme Impotence and long Confinement, uncut, and wanting after pape 40. 8° Bogers Sf Fotvle, Boston, 1743 1701 LoBD (Benjamin) The Parable of the Merchant-Man seeking goodly Pearls, etc. Explain'd and Improv'd : (In Substance) as delivered at Norwich, September 27tb, 1772. Revised and now published for Public Benefit, jf?ne copy, scarce. 12° Oreen Sf Spooner, Norwich, Conn. 1773 Spooner became afterwards one of the earliest if not the earUest printer in Vermont. 1702 Lorenzo (Francisco) Per D. Francisco Lorenzo de San Milian, Juez oficial de la Casa de la Contrataciou de Sevilla, y Contador de la Visita del Tribunal de Quentas de la Ciudad de Mexico, y de las caxas Eeales della, y de las de mas del Eeyno de Nucva Espafia. En la Causa que en virtud de Cedula de Su Magestad se ha actuado contra el dicho Don Francisco sobre sus procedimientos en el juizio de visita de las caxas y Minas de la Ciudad de Zaca- tecas, excessively rare. fol. {Mexico, 1672] IS Bicb in rnemblicU iiligen Ca- , Genom- ^etruckten ')urff, 1612 r Lopez, a cis Losa]. year 1675 ,rly Mission- id, the 4th of 8 Quint. At :hed his tent 1 July 1596, vrote his life nprend lea ;8 Evescliea H. Jaillot, am, [1696] de Messrs. nde, [1710] 3 of Proyi- f it in the ppear to be eld ; lately )nfinement, oston, ITJiS cbant-Man rov'd: (In |27th, 1772. Jine copy, nn. 1773 liest printer pzo de San ktacion de ^uentas de Bella, y de I Causa que ido contra >toB en el de Zaca- \ico, 1672] Bibliotheca Ilistorica 193 1703 Loring (James Spear ) The Hundred Boston Orators appointed by the Municipal Authorities and other Public Bodies, from 1770 to 1852, comprising Historical Glean- ings illustrating the principles and progress of our His- torical Institutions. Second Edition enlarji;ed, cloth. 8° J. P. Jewett, Boston, 1853 1704 Losa (Francois, Cure de VEglise Cathedral de Mexico) La Vie du bien heureux Gregorie Lopez. Traduction do M. Arnauld dHhudixWY, portrait, fine copy, calf. 12° Pierre le Petit, Paris, 1684 See No. 1697, under Tjopez. 1705 Louisiana. Accurata delineatio Eegionis Ludovicianes vel Gallice Louisiane et Canadse et rioridse adpellatione de- BcriptsB qujB hodie nomine fluminis Mississippi vel St. Louis per colonias navigationes Gallorum magis magisque in- clarescit. Cura et manu Matthsei Seutteri, 22 J by Id inches, coloured, a splendid historical map, of very great rarity and importance. [Paris, 1690 ?] 1706 Louisiana. Ausfiihrlichehiatorischeund Geographische Beschreibung des an dem MissiMsippi in Nord-America gelegenen Landes Louisiana. In welches die neu-aufgerich- tete Frantzosljche Indianische Compagnie zu schiehten angefangcn ; Worbey zugleich einige Reflexionen uber die Desseins gedachter Compagnie, etc. Andere Auflage, fine clean copy, with the rare map of the Mississippi River and Old Louisiana, including the '* Mohio^^ river, SCAECE. 12° Leipzig, 1720 1707 Louisiana. Carte de la Louisiana par le Sr. D'Anville Dressee en Mai 1732. Publico en 1752, 25 by 20 inches, fine a7id very important, shewing the tallies of the Missis- sippi and Bed rivers. [Paris, 1752] 1708 Louisiana (An Account of), being an Abstract of Docu- ments in the Offices of the Departments of State and of the Treasury,/nea«c?wncM^. S^Wm. Duane, Philadelphia, 1803 1709 Low (C.) Meer oder Seehanen Biich der Konigen von Hispania, Portugal, Engellandt und Frankreich durch welcho Schiffarten ein Newe Welt gegen Nidergang, etc. erfunden und entdeckt sind, etc. etc. ilach letter, with the 3 scarce maps, folio, Colin, 1598 This ExcEbsivELY BARE volumc contains the four Voyages of Colum- bus; the Voyages of Ferdinand Cortcz and Ferdinand Magellan ; the Voyages of Martin Frobisher and Sir Francis Drake ; the Travels of Sir R. Grenville in Virginia, and of Sir Walter Raleigh in Guiana ; the Voyage of Sir John Hawkins to the West Indies, etc. etc. 1710 Lowell (John) Analysis of the late Correspondence be- tween Our Administration and Great Britain and France, with an Attempt to shew what are the Eeal Causes of the Failure of the Negotiation. [By J. Lowell], uncut. 8° Russell and Cutler, Boston, [1811 ?] F' ',.^ I m »;• ■r,J? %' .,'■ ■ 5; \ if l7 ■ f > I I \ ■1 i 196 Bihliotheca OeograpTiica 3711 Lucas County, Ohio (Map of) from Special Surveys and Official Eecorda by the Publishers, J. D. and E. Janney, [with views of public buildings and private resi- dences] 52 ly 39 inches, coloured, fine copy, clean and SCAECE. Fhilad, 18G2 1712 Lulea. Charta Ofver Lulea Lappmark saint Lulea, Eanea, Ofver och Neder Kalix Sockuar i Westerbottens Hofdingedome med derinom belagne Bergs Eiidet Friherre S. G. Hermelins Erucks och Odlings-Districter. Forgattad af Carl M. llobsahm, 23^ by 19 inches, fine copy, coloured, scarce. 1801 1713 Lumen Histoeiaeum per Oricntem illustrandia Biblija Bacris, Martyrologis, et alijs multis, Coucinn. Fran. Hareio, [a fine copper-plate map], 14 by IO3 inches, yood copy, clean and scarce. Antverpice [1580 ?] This very curious and rare map contains the local and historical f;co- gra])hy of the Bible, — that is, the Mediterranean and countries border- ing on it cast of Greece, the Black and Caspian Seas, Asia Minor, and Asia to the East of the Persian Gulf. On the right border is an en- larged and interesting nia]i of Judea, and on the upper side is a small but elaborate map of the World, entitled Tyjiis Orins investigan- dum Opliir, in which the great bogus Southern (Continent or Australia is larger than America and Africa. Madagascar is called Op/ur Orteli, and San Domingo Ophir Stephani. 1714 LuPTON (Donald) The History of the Moderne Protes- tant Divines, . . . with a true Register of all their Treatises and Writings. Faithfully translated out of Latine by D. L(upton), with good impressions of the 45 fine copper- plate portraits printed in the text, SCABCE. 12° Xf. and J. OJces, London, 1037 1715 Luxborough (Lady) Letters written by the late Eight Honourable Lady Luxborough to William Shenstoiie, Esq. [1739-1750], ^ 8° C. Je7iJcin, Dublin, 1770 1710 Luxemburg. Le Duche de Luxembourg devise en Quartier Walon et Allemand dnns chacun desquels sent divisez les Seigneuries, Prevostes et Comtes le Duche de Bouillon, le Comte de Namur, etc. par le Sr. Sanson, 27 ly 22\ inches, coloured, fine copy. M. Juillot, Paris, 1092 1717 Luxemburg. Luxembergensis Ducatus, tam in minores quam Principales Ditiones peraccurate distinctus per Nico- laum Visscher, 23 by 19 inches. Amst. [1700 ?] 1718 Lyon {Captain G. F.) The Private Journal of Capt. G. F. Lyon of H.M.S. Hecla during the recent A^oyage of Discovery under Captain Parry, map and plates, fine copy, boards, uncut. 8° J. Murray, London, 1824 1719 Lyon (Captain G. F.) A Narrative of an Attempt to reach Eepulse Bay through Sir Thomas Howe's " Wel- come" in H.M.S, Griper ml>i2'^, with chart and engrav- ings, boards, uncut. 8" London, 1825 Surveys and E. ite resi- nd id. 18G2 Lulea, rbotteiis Friherre iirgattail coloured, 1801 3 Biblijs Hareio, jy, clean [1580 ?] )rical Kco- es border- linor, and r is an en- side is a nvestitjian- Austrulia Wr Orteli, J Protcs- rreatisea atiue by 3 coi)por- o», 1G37 :e Eight )ne, Esq. lin,yilQ vise en els sout uche de ison, 27 •is, 1G92 tninorea er Nico- 1700 ?] f Capt. yage of le copj/y n, 1824 mpt to " Wei- \e)iffrav- \i, 1825 Bihliotheea Ilistorica 197 1720 Lyell (Charles) Lectures on Geology, delivered at the Broadway Tabernacle in New York. Second edition, re- vised and corrected. With an Introduction. To which is added a L(tcture on the different Kaces of Men, by J. Augustine Smith. Eeported by H. J. Eaymond. 8» N. York, 1848 1721 Lyonnois (Gouvernement General du) Suivant les Estata Generaux tenu a Paris en I'Anneo 1014, (Partie Septen, Partie Meridionale), 2 maps, ea. 22 hxj IG inches. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, [1G9G ?] 1722 Lyonnois (Carte du Gouvernement de) suivant les Nou- velles Observations do Most^rs. de I'Academie Koyalo, 1(5 hi/ 13 inches. Pierre vander Aa, Leide, [1710 r'j 1723 l^^f^ABLT {Able dc) Ecmarks concerning the Go. vernment and tlie Laws of the United Slates of America, from the Erench, with JNotes by the Translator, calf. 8" Dublin, 1785 1721 Wacclintock (Samuel, of Greenland, 2^.11.) Evidences of Christianity. A Sermon delivered at tlie Ordination of the Eev. Jesse Appleton, to the care of the Congregational Society in Hampton, [New Hampshire], Feb. 22, 1797. 8" Charles Pierce, Portsmouth, JV. If. 1797 1725 IMackenzic (Henry) Julia de Eoubigne, a Tale by the Author of the Man of Feeling, [H. IMackenzie]. A New edition, to which is added the Dying Ode of Julia de Eou- bigne, not inserted in any former Edition, 2 vols, in 1, portrait of Julia, a scarce edition. 12" Mathew Carey, Phila. 1809 172G McKinnen (Daniel) A Tour through the British AVest Indies in 1802-1803, giving a particular account of the Bahama Islands, map of the West India Islands and Cen- tral America. 8" London, 1801 1727 McKinnen (Daniel) A Tour through the British West Indies in 1802-1803, giving a particular account of tlio Bahama Islands, map, fine copy, hoards, uncut. 8° J. Wliite, London, 1804 1728 Mackintosh (Duncan, and his two Daughters) A Plain, rational Essay on English Grammar : the main object of which is to point out a plain, rational and permanent stan- dard of Pronunciation, to which is given a Gamut or Key still more simple, plain and easy than that given to Music, by Duncan Mackintosh, and his two Daugliters, fne copy, excessively rare and uncommonly odd. 8° Martinico, 1799 This Grammatical Crazy trio is said to have started in Boston, whore their work was printed. Errata of three pages and a new title were added in Martinico. This copy has many manuscript notes, additions, and cor- rections by the Authors, and a Manuscript Dedication by the AuTJioKS to the Uuiversitv of Oxlbrd. I'M 198 Bibliotheca Oeographica 1729 M'Konochie {Captain, B.N.) A Summary View of the Statistics and Commerce of the Principal Shores of the Pacific Ocean, map of the Pacific Ocean, fine copy, uncut. 8° London, 1818 Treats of the commerce of tlie North Pacific, of what is now California, Oregon, VancouTer, British Columbia, and Alaska, etc. etc. 1730 Macomb and St. Claib, Michigan, Map of the Counties of, from Special Surveys and County Records by Geil and Jones, [with 33 views of public buildings and private residences and plans of the chief villages and cities] 62 hy 53 inches, coloured, clean and scarce. Philadelphia, 1859 1731 MacVickar {Bev. J.) Tribute to the Memory of Sir Walter Scott, [the proceedings of the Meeting of the Citizens of New York, to express their regret at his death, with an Eulogium], scarce. 8° Scott Sf Co., Nero York, 1833 1732 Maceobitjs iNiEaEE nitidus Buoq. decori a Joanne Eiuio restitutus. Cum indicio et amplo et veridico. Colo- phon, Macrobii Aurelii viri consularis et illustris Satur- naliorum iLbri [sic'] nouiter recogniti : infinitisq. erroribus expurgati. q diligetissame nunc ruraum impressi Parrbisiis accuratione Ascensiana. Ad Kalendas Februariaa Calculo Romano M-.Ji.lLY.Jine copy. folio, Venundatur ah Jodoco Badio ^ loanne Parvo, Paris, 1515 With many curious woodcuts and capital letters. On the reverse of Dvii is a large map of the world surrounded by water, with a great boiling ocean between the Northern and Southern Continents. The artist has reversed it, putting India on the left. 1733 MacCuUoh {Prof. R. H) Report to the Secretary of the Treasury, of the Operationa at the Mint of the United States in refining California Gold by his Zinc method. 8° Washington, 1852 1734 Madagascar. Carte Particuliere de I'lsle Dauphine ou Madagascar et St. Laurens, Levee par Ordre Expres des Roys de Portugal sous qui on et a Fait la Decouverte, 33^ ly 22i inches, coloured, fine clean copy, scarce. Jeans Covens et Comeille Mortier, Amsterdam, [1700 ?] 1735 Madison (James, President) Mr. Madison's War. A Dispassionate Inquiry into the Reasons alleged by Mr. Madison for declariug an Offensive and Ruinous "War agaiust Great Britain; together with some suggestions as to a Peaceable and Constitutional Mode of averting that dreadful Calamity. By iv New England Farmer, [John Lowell], uncut and scarce. 8" Charles Spear, Sanover, N. H. 1812 1736 MaflStt (John N.) Tears of Contrition, or Sketches of the Life of J. N. Maffit, with Religious and Moral Reflec- tions, to which are appended Poetic Effusions, written by Himself. 12° Samuel Green, New London, 1821 The Original Poetry fills 10 pages at the end of the volume. 17 Bibliotheca Historica 199 fievr of the jres of the yndon, 1818 ow California, tc. 16 Counties )y Geil and md private litiea] 62 by ilphia, 1859 lory of Sir ting of the it his death, York, 1833 i a Joanne •idico, Colo- atris Satur- q. erroribus si Parrhisiis rias Calculo Venundatur Paris, 1515 he reverse of r, with a great Ltinenta. The stary of the the United ngton, 1852 ►aijphine ou "ilxpres des uverte, 33^ »», [1700?] War. A ed by Mr. nous War ^estions as rting that iner, [John V. H. 1812 ietches of )ral Keflec written by iffon, 1821 umc. 1737 Madison, th© Capital of Wisconsin. Map of Madison and the Four Lake Country, Dane Countv, Wisconsin, 22 by 16i inches. [Madison, 1856 ?] 1738 MA.FFEU8 (Joannes Petrus) Historiarum Indiarum Libri XVI. Selectarum item ex India Epistolarum Libri IV. Accessit Ignatii LoiolsB vita. Omnia ab auctore recognita and emendata,^rte copi/, with all the parts complete, pigskin. 8° In Officina Birkmaunica, Coloniae Agrippinae, 1590 An excellent edition of a book which ought to rank higher than it does in Collections on America. It gives a full history of the early Portu- guese and Spanish voyages and discoveries, particularly in Brasil. 1739 Mahaugne. Plan de la Situation du payx et Lingne Ennemis entre la Rivire Mahangne et Geete Fait le 28me Decembre 170;t [Proffiels du Eetreuchmeut, &c. and Ordre de Battallie le 28 xbre, 1703], scarce, 15 by 18 inches, coloured. La Haie, [1703] 1740 Maine. Documents relating to the North Eastern Boundary of the State of Maine, 275 pages, a volume of the highest historical and geographical importance. 8° button Sf Wentworth, Boston, 1828 These documents extend back some two hundred years, and cover the whole question respecting the disputed territories from the earliest period to this date. The matter was not finally settled till the Ashbur- ton and Webster Treaty of 1840. 1741 Maine. Map of the Northern Part of the State of Maine and of the adjacent British Provinces, showing the portion of that State to which Great Britain lays claim. Reduced from the official Map A, with corrections from the latest surveys by S. L. Dashiell, Washington, 1830, 15i by 16i inches, coloured. W. J. Stone, Sc. Washington [1840] 3742 Maine. Map of the Northern Part of the State of Maine and the adjacent British Provinces, showing the portion of that Stale to which Great Britain lays claim. Reduced from the official Map A, by S. L. Dashiell, 1830, 15f by 16i inches, coloured. a. Chambers, engraver, Washington [1840] An excellent map for showing the disputed claims of both England and the United States in what is called the North-Eastern Boundary question. 1743 Maine. Report of the Commissioners of the Hydro- graphic Survey of the State of Maine, ] 867, cloth. 8" Augusta, 1868 1744 Maine Historical Society (Collections of the), cloth, new, scarce. Vols. 2-6, Vol. 1 has been enlarged and reprinted, and may now be had. 8" Portland, 1847-1857 1745 Maistre (Xavier de) A Journey round my Room, tran- slated from the French, with a notice of the Author's life, by H[enry] A[ttwell], cloth extra, uncut, large hand-made paper, only 200 copies printed. 8" Longmans, Land. 1871 :i m • -via ..IrV ivtJ "r:i 'tcrs and Skinners, Albany, 1817 1750 Manuscript transmitted from St. Helena, by an un- known Channel, translated from the French, boards, uncut. 12" Van Winkle and Wiley, Nciv York, 1817 Bibliotheca Ilislorica 201 are Atlan- il Gapitano lanoscritto ? sheets of ilano, 1811 irious voynge and it is not l)sidize with long ago, to Ipitomisod. , made up 3 of a great jf the Six- 1). jston, 1747 g up to this The writer muel Lee, of try. it accurata IG inches, [1G30?] \ of a Dic- idon, 1848 ler, par le :elles, 1700 shed in the uncut and Hon, 1794] 'ritinga of •eter, 1792 Thomases preached Day ap- the Pro- |4 without iton, 177G [valry; as 7ord, 180G Ithe north Class in It System lictiouary, mi/, 1817 an un- 7rA, 1817 1757 Marcandier (M.) An Abstract of the most useful Parts of a Treatise on Hemp, translated from the French, and in- scribed by the Editor at London, to the laudable Society for promoting Arts, Manufactures, etc. being much recom- mended to the Growers and Manufacturers of that valuable Material, from some Modern Discoveries and Experiments, and apian of the Pennsylvania Hemp Brake. 8" JEdes and Gill, Boston, 17GG The name of the inventor of the Pennsylvania Hemp Brake is not given, but a description of the machine is. 1758 Marcellus ; published in the Virginia Gazette, November and December, 1794, uncut, ij' scarce. S" [liichnond, 1794] 1759 Marini (Juan Ambrosia) Los Desesparados, Novcla imitando a las de Caballeria, escrita en Italiano, traducida al Castellano. La Oxilea, Novela Comica escrita en Itali- ano, traducida al Castellario, 2 pts. in 1 vol. calf, scarce. IG" Don Benito Cano. \^Lima ?'\ 1808 17G0 Mariposas (Las) Estate, Mariposas County, California, [Map of,] containing 70 square miles, 20 by 25 inches, coloured. Broadway, N. T. 1800 17GI Mariposas (Las) Estate, Mariposas County, California, [Map of] containing 70 square miles, 20 by 25 iiiches, coloured and mounted. Lith. of Sarony Major and Knapp, Broadway, N. Y. [18G0] 1762 Mariposas (Las) Estate, Mariposas County, California, containing 70 square miles, 20 by 25 inches, coloured. Another copy, mounted, and on a roller. 17G3 Marmont (Marshal). The Spirit of Military Institu- tions, translated from the last Paris edition (1859), and augmented by Notes, with a new version of General Jomini's celebrated Thirty-fifth Chapter. By Prank St'haller, Colonel, Confederate Army. 12° Evans and Cogswell, Columbia, S. C. 18G4 1764 Maimitott (James) The Case of the Dutch Ships con- sidered, the fourth edition, j^nfl copy on tvritiny paper, very scarce. 8" T. Harrison, London, 1778 Relating to Neutral Rights, and the rights of neutral property during the Old Seven Years War between England and France, 1754-1760, carried on chietly in America. For the Papers on the Dutch side sec the five lots in this catalogue, Nos. 1829-33, under Memorie. These discus- sions on Neutrality have great historic value at the present day. 1765 Marsh (George P.) Address before the New England Society of New York, Dec. 24, 1844, [on the fundamental principles on which our institutions rest, and the inbred traits of character which mark us as a people.] 8° Mw York, 1845 176G Marsh (Hon. George P.) Report made under authority of the Legislature of Vermont, on the Artificial Propaga- tion of Fish. 8° Burliiiy/on, IS57 ' ■■■??'■,!" -\ I 202 BihliotTicea Oeographica 1707 Marsh (Tlon. Gcorgo P.) Tho American Historical School. 8" Troy, 1847 1708 Marsh (Ebenezer Grant) An Oration at "Wethersfield, Feb. 22, 1800, on the death of General George Washing- ton, who died, Dec. 14, 1799, scarce. 8° Hudson and Ooodwin, Hartford, 1800 1709 Matish (John, of Wethersfield, Conn.) Tho great Sin and Danger of striving with God ; a Sermon, at Wethers- field, Dec. 13th, 1782, at the Funeral of Mrs. Lydia Beadle, wife of tho late William Beadle, and their Four Children, who were all murdered by his own hands on tho morning of tho 11th instant. To which is annexed a Letter from a Gentleman in Wethersfield to his Friend, containing a Narrative of the Life of W. Beadle, and tho Particulars of the Massacre of himself and Family, scarce, some leaves torn, but can be read. 8" Hudson and Goodwin, Hartford, (1783) 1770 Marsh (John) A Sermon preached before his Honor Oliver Walcott, Lieut.-Governor, etc. and the General Assembly of tho State of Connecticut, on the Day of the Anniversary Election, May 12th, 1790, uncut, and scarce. 8" Hudson and Ooodwin, Hartford, VlQ^S 1771 Martin (James, Silk-Dyer) An Essay on the Art of Dying, adapted to the general use and information of all classes of People. 8" London, [1790] 1772 Martin (E. Montgomery") History of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, the Sable Islands, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas, Newfoundland, etc. 2 maps, calf 8° London, 1837 1773 Martinico (A Map of the Island of), drawn from the best Authorities, by Geo. EoUes, Geographer, 9^ by 1\ inches. [London, 1701] 1774 Martinique. Carte de I'lsle de la Martinique Colonie FranQoise de I'une des Isles Antilles de rA.merique dressoc par Philippe Buache, Gendrc du S^' Delisle, 23 by 18 inches, coloured, fine copy. J. Covens and C. Mortier,Amst. [1700?] 1775 Martinique. Eepresentation de I'lsle Martinique la pre- miere des lies de I'Amerique Antilles nommees Barlo- vento, 22 by 19 inches, coloured, fine copy. Aux depens de Matthieu Seutter, Augsburg, [1750?] 1770 Martinique. Carte de I'lsle de la Martinique dressee, par Mr. Bellin, 2\\ by 18 inches, coloured, fine copy. Les Heritiers de Homann, Nuremberg, 1702 1777 MAitTYU (Peter) De Eebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe, Decades tres. Item ejusdem de Babylonica Legatione libri III. et item de Eebus J^^thiopicis, Indicis, Lusitanicis do Ilispanicis Opuscula qiioda Damiani A Goes, pigsJciv, SCAECE. 8" Apud Gcruinum Colenium, Colonice, 1574 Bibliolheca Ilistorica 203 ITistoricnl ' Troy, 1847 ^ethersfield, ;o Washing- rtford, 1800 e great Sin at Wetliers- ydia Beadle, ur Children, \\\G morning etter from a :;oiitaining a Particulars of , some leaves tford, (1783) 5 his Honor the General Day of the and artford, 179G the Art of nation of all mdon, [1790] Scotia, Cape rince Edward aps, London, 1837 *vn from the er, 9i bt/ 7i oidon, 1761] iq[ue Colonie que dresBcc bi/ 18 inches, mst. [1700?] Inique la pre- mees Barlo- irg, [1750?] que dressee, e copy, mberg, 1702 Novo Orbe, gatione libri isitanicis do es, pi ff skin, 'olonice, 1574 1778 Martyii, Oviedo et Xebes. Liuro Puimo bella. lIisTOBiA. DE l'Indie Occidentali [by Peter Martyr of Angleria], 79 folioed leaves, the 80M blank, LibroSocondo delle Indio Occidentali, Venezia, 1534 [by Oviedo], 64 folioed leaves, the 65": du Due do Bavict^, Souabe, Eranconie, llesse, Wcsphalie, etc. a map 21 by 21 inches. Covens et Mortier, \_Amst. 1700] 1812 Mayer (Brantz) Histovy, Possessions, and Prospects of tho Maryland Historical Society, Inaugural Discourse, March 7, 1807. b" Baltimore, 1807 On pnge eleven of this historical Inventory one may read : " The Peabudij Index to the Maryland Documents in the State Pa])cr Office, Ixindon," is an invaluable scries of extracts and descriptions of one thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine documents, extcndinf^ from 1026 to 178(),cxhibitinj5 a chronological reference to the complete Colo- nial History of Maryland. " These transcripts were made at the cost of our benefactor, Mr. Geor;;e Peabody, presented to us ])y him enclosed in eleven solandcr cases, and are said to contain an account of every- thing attainable on tho subject in the State pai>cr Otlice in London at the period when they were made." This statement is so unfair that wcare tempted to explain. This elaborate Index was made many years n^'o by Mr. Henry Stevens of Vermont, at his own 8uj,'gostion, cost, and charges, and was lettered on the backs of the (•.•xsos, " The Stevens In- dex of Maryland Documents," &c. It was subse(iuently sold to Mr. George Peabody for the small sum of £100, less than tho cost, and was sent by Mr. Stevens to the Maryland Historical Society, by desire of his i'riend Mr. Peabody, it being between them distinctly understood that it was to be lettered and known as the Steven.i Indev. Mr. I'ca- body should therefore be credited with a gift of £100, and Mr. Stevens with the origin and execution of the Index which bears his name. fc < ' *» ' m +1 :■» 5-1 ii 20S Bibliotheca Qeographiea ISin IMaycr (Brniitz) Calvert and Penii ; or tlie growth of Civil iiiid Religious Liberty in America, as described in tlie ])lanting of Maryland and Pennsylvania. A Discoursei before the Pennsylvania Historical Society, 8 April. 1852. 8" J. D. Toy, Baltimore, [1852] 1811 Mayiiew (Experience). Ixdian Naruatives, containing an Account of the First Native Preacher on Martha's Vineyard, together with Sketches of several Converted Indian Chiefs, and other residents of the same Island, care- fully revised from the London edition, originally printed for Samuel Gerrish in Boston, 1727, Jine and chon copi/, .vcarce. IG" James Loring, lionlon. [1829] 1815 Mayiiew (Jonathan, of Boston.) A Discourse concern- ing nnlimited submission and Non-Iiosistance to the Higher Powers : with Reflections on the Itesislanco made to Charles I. and on the Anniversary of his Death : in which the mysterious doctrine of the Prince's Sninlship and Martyrdom is unriddled, scauce. 8" £>. Fuwle, Boston, 1710, reprinted hy Hall i^ Goss, Boston, 1818 ■\Vliilc the writer in this claborntc Discourse, tlclivcrcd in Boston, on the Centenary of tlic execution of Charles, nilvocatcs iion-rcsistanec to Higher Powers so lonp; as tlicy stand by the law and tlie constitution niid no h)nf;or, he boldly asserts that resistance to tyranny is obedience to God, as well in Ciiurch as in State. He speaks strongly and his- torically a}j;ainst the Saintship and Martyrdom of Charles, with an ir- reverent {rlilmess of tonpuc, akin to the feeling which until recently caused the bells of New ll.avcn in Connecticut to ring a merry peni every year on the 30th of Jan., in honour of the regicides buried there. ISK) INFayhew (Jonathan) Sermons upon Ihe following [ten] Subjects, viz. On hearing the Word ; On receiving it with IMeckness; On renouncing gross Immoralities; Ou the necessity of obeying the Gospel ; etc. veri/ fine large and clean coj)i/, calf. 8" A. Millar, London, 175G 1S17 INFeahes (John) Voyages made in 1788 and 1789 from China to the North- West Coast of America. To which are prefixed an introductory Narrative of a Voyage in 1786 from Peugal in the Ship Nootka ; Observations on the ])robablo Existence of a North-West Passage, etc. fine large copg, maps, and jtlates, Large Baper. 4° London, 1790 Valuable historical and gcograiiliical books, like every thing else, have their ujis and downs in demand and price. This book has long been down, but the recent restless activity of the North Western Americans and IJritish Columbians has at last brought it ii^p. The nmps showing the tracks of the Iphigenia and the Felicvs, and the discoveries of the lioston shi]) Washivfjton, arc of great interest and value, though the controversial and partisan statements of the Author call for vigorous scrutiny. The aeiiuisition of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, and the partial hemming in of IJritish Columbia by the model Kepublic, must give a geographical importance to this book which- it never before possesscil. ] )Wlll of 1 in the 3 before [1852] itaining lartha'a inverted id, care- nted for ,'[1829] :;oncern- to the :'0 made L-ath : ill ship and ). Fowle, on, 1818 on, on the iistnnce to Histitution obedience V and his- kvith nn ir- il recently neriy ponl dcs buried ilirr [ton] it with Oil the '.rge and Ion, 175G 89 from To which in 1786 on the tc. fine \on, 1790 else, have ong been .uioricans sbowins ies of the liough the viperous , and the |blic, must cr before Bihliotheca Ilistorica 209 1818 jMcaso (James) A Geological Account of the Unitetl States, comprehending a description of their Animal, Vege- table, and Mineral Productions, Antiquities, and Curiosi- ties, good clean copy, copper plates. 12" Birch and Small, Phila. 1S07 1819 Medina County, Ohio, Map of, from Surveys by J. ¥. Geil, [with Views of Public Buildinga and Private Eesi- dences], UO bj/ 41 inches, coloured, fine clean copy, scarce. JPhilada. 1857 1820 Mediteriianean. Carte Nouvolle do la Mor Mediter- ranee ou sent exactement remarques tous Ies Ports, Qolfcs, Eochers, Bancs de Sable, etc. : a I'Usago des Armeea du Roy de la Grande Bretagno. Par le Sr. Remain de Hooge, [with Views of many Cities, and enlarged Maps of several important parts] 55 i by 23 inches, coloured, a very impor- tant map. Fierre Mortier, Amsterdam, IGOt 1821 Mediterranean Sea (A Map of the), with the adjacent Regions and Seas in Europe, Asia, and Africa. By Wil- liam Faden, 33 i by 23 i inches, coloured, fine and clean, SCAUCK. London, March 1st, 1785 1822 Mediteukanean. Carte reduite de la Mer l\Iediter- rance et do la Mer Noire dcdiee ct presentee a S. M. L'Einperour et Roi ])ar P. Lapio Inr. Goo. Dressoe d'apres Ies dctcnninalions Aslrononiiques Ics plus reccnlcs, etc. })ar J. A. B. Rizzi-Zanuoni et P. Lapie, i sheets, each 31 by 19 inches, fine clean copy. Far is, 1808 1823 MEmTEUUANEAN. Land und Sceltarte des INlittelUind- ischen Meeres nebst den Angrenzenden Liindern. Nach den neuesten Quellen bearbeitet und gezeichnet von Dr. Ileury Lange, 9 sheets, each 18 A^ 10 inches, and Freface, 1 sheet, coloured, fine clean copy. Triest and Leipziy, 1858 1821 INIela (Po:\ii'ONiis) Lima UE SITU Ouitis tres, adicclirf Juachimi Vailiani llelvotii in coHdeni Scholiis : Addila quO([. in Gcographia Catechesi : et Epistola Vadiani ad Agricolu (ligna loctu. {^Colophon.'] Inipn-Hrfus est Pouiponiiis Viciuiao J'annoniae, cxpensis Liicae Alantso civis el Bililio- pohxe A'icnneH^iti, per Joannoiu Singreniuin ex Deling Baioariae. INIonse Male, INlDXVJli. folio, Vienncv, 1518 The story of ibis Wnuk is too lonu to be told hero, but it, has ]pliiyc'd, iind is still dc'-liiRil lu l>liiy, a piDniineiil part in the i arly f^i'duraiiliicHJ hit'tovy of tbe Western beniispliere. 'I'he edilnr's real naiiic wis •loaeliiui Walt, Imru at St. Uall, in Switzerland, November 'J'.t, 14SI, but edueated I'bietly at Vienna. Akbongli a classical scholar, tben- loi^ian, and pnel, be seems to bave been an aribicius .student ol'^icnj^'ra- ))by. ilc sludieil ^;iM.;^ra|iliy and medicine nmler (ieoriiius t'i)liniilius and Camers, and biinself lei lured to the Students of Vit una before he was ibiity. In I'aci ibe besi ImoUs we have on the gcogiapbical ciVccts (if Ibe ili: valuable historical summary but William Shirley, Governor of Massachusetts. He was well up in the geogra- phy of Now England and Canada, and urged the Home Govcmment as early as J 746, to repel the French encroachments at Lake Champlain, particularly at Fort Frederick at Crown Point. 1836 Memoire sur les Samojedes et les Lappons, Privately printed, n. p. very rare, 12" 17G2 — Voyage d'un Philosophic on Observations sur les niopurs et les arts des peuples do I'Afriquo, de I'Asie et de TAmerique. [Par M. Poivre.], Jine copies, 2 vols, in 1 12" Yverdon, 17GS r ».V^'^ ngolsolio len van lende uit is/. 1758 capturing ie Anti- cde Zuak mst. 1758 oric, which trading to idrcgclcn aring der 1; Over- jseel, van ^an tlczeu nd impor- lam, 1759 the English lies. le discrc- j. Gecom- ' Rapport Lii Hoogst land and ilation of in 1744-, were only •arce and 'uly, 177G last War ica, from [Chapelle. of Kova \lon, 1757 Enjiland It William le gcogra- lovcrnment pbmnplain, ^rivately tlosophie |uple8 de ^oivre.], on, I7U8 mUiotlieca Ilistorica 213 1837 Memoirs of an Unforhinate Young Nobloman, rcturn'd from a Thirteen Years' Slavery in America, wlioro ho had been sent by the Wicked Contrivances of his Cruel Uncle. A Story fonnded on Truth, and address'd equally to tlio Head and Heart, /rte and clean, calf. 12° J. Freeman, London, 1713 1838 Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the last Sixty Years ; with Occasional Keniarks upon the general Occurrences, Character and Spirit, of that eventful Period. [By Gra} don.] First edition, scarce, old calj. 12° John Wyeth, llarrishurgh, ISll 1839 Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within Sixty Y'ears [By Graydon], hoards uncut, best edition. 8" Blachoood, Fdinljuri/Ji, 1822 Of all American Autohiograpliics, that of Franklin stands first, this next, no mean position. 1810 Mknooz.v (Juan Gonzales de) Ilistoiro du Grand lloyaume do la Chine, situee aux hides Orientales, mi«e en rran9oi8 avee des additions en marge par Luc de La Pcirto, Jine cop J/. 8" Chez Icremic Pcrier, Paris, 1589 Tliis first Edition in French contains the Itivcrary to the Nov World and the discoveries in ^Mexico, in 1583. This is so important that it was translated into English by Ilakliiyt, andprinted in his collection of Voyages. 1811 INJendoza (Juan Gonzalez de) Ilistoiro du Grand lloyaume de la Chine, sitiiee aux Indea Orientales, contc- nant la Situation, Fertilite, liehgion, Moeurs, Lois ct autres choses men\orable . . . plus trois voyages en 1577, 1579, and 1581, ensemble vn Iitmeratue nu xouveau 3I0NUE, et lo descouvremeut du Nouveau Mexique en 1583, ^«e large clean copi/, scarce. 8" Four Jean Arnaud, IGOG 1812 Mentz. Plan der Stadt Mainz, gezeichnet, etc. von J. Lehuhardt, 19 ly 14 inches, coloured. Mainz [1840 ?] 1843 Mercer County, Pennsylvania, Map of, from actual Surveys by G. M. Hopkins | with views of public buildings and private residences], GO by 59 indies, coloured and monnted on calico, scarce. Fhiladclphia, 18G0 1844 Merino-Mania (Antidote to the) now progressing l hrough the United States, or the Value of the Merino Breed placed by observation and experience up^n a ])roper basis. (An Essay on the Merino Breed of Shee]) by Caleb Hillar Parry.) 8° Humphreys, Philadelphia, 1810 1845 METEOROLOOTCAii Eeotsteu for Twelve Years, from 1831 to 1842 inclusive. Compiled from Observations made by the Medical De])artment of the Army at the ]\lilitary Posts of the United States, under Brig.-Gen. Th. Lawson, scAitCE. 8" Wasliinyton, 1851 ■'111 Hi in 1-1- I ••;' 214 Bibliotheca OeograpTiica 184C Mexico. [A Plan of the City of Mexico, as it existed when taken by the Spaniards under Cortes in 1520, and the whole of the Gulf of Mexico, as laid down by Cortes, and sent home to the Emperor in his Second Relacion in 1520]. Facsimile of the oriffinal excessively rare icoodcut map and plan Jirst published at Augsburg in 1521', about 12 fjy 18 inches. made for JI. Stevens in London in 1852 The influence of this chnrt of the Gulf of Mexico, coming out in 1524, taken in connection with the account of Magellan's expedition round the world, written bv Maximilian Transilvanus, which appeared about the same time, was immediately apparent not only in the great Seville Maps of 1527 and 1529, but in the wonderful map of Oronce Fine in 1531, the Globe at Nancy, etc., and the subsequent maps of Schoncr. It is the earliest reliable survey of this important part of the American Coast after the publication of Peter Martyr's map in 1511. 1847 Mexico. Nova Hispania et Nova Galicia, 19j by 15 inches, clean. Guiljelmus Blaeuw, Atnst. [1050] 1818 Mexico. Le Golfe de Mexique et Ics Isles Voisine. Archipelaguo du Mexione [sic] ou sont les Isles de Cuba, Espagpola, Jamaica, etc. 38^ by 23,j inches, coloured, fne :J''m ■u,,y. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam \_Hi[)G] 1 i <', >'"-i.co. Map of the Valley of, by E. L. F. Hardcastlo, 2 .d Lieut. Top. Eng. 12 by 17 inches. [181G] 1850 M«? H- ("Battles of) Line of Operations of the U.S. / niiy u' ■ • >Iajor-GeneraI "Wingfield Scott on the 8th, li,Uu,r.'J . -^i' Roptember, 1817. Surveyed by ]\Iaj, Turn- bull, 0.\.t. • v' 3ri..n, and Lieut. Hardcastle [Chapul- TEPEc] 22 by 28 inches. 1851 Mexico (Battles of) Line of Operations of the U.S. Army, under Major-General Wingfield Scott, ou 19th and 20th August, 1847, surveyed by Maj. Turnbull, Cajjt. McClellan and Lieut. Hardcastlo [Cuueubusco] 28 by 23 inches. 1852 Mexico. ]\Tap of Mexico, Texas, Old and New Cali- fornia and Yucatan, showing the principal cities aud Towns, Travelling Eoutes, etc. (Plan of Operations at the Battle of Monterey, 184G) 23 1 by 17 inches, coloured. House and Broivn, Hartford, 1851 1853 Mexico, Japan, and the East. Drey newe Eelationes Erste auss Japon was sich darinn, so wol in Geist-als Weltlichen Sachen in Jahr Christi 160G, denckwiirdigs zugetragen. Andere von Missionibus oder Reisen, so etliche Priester der Societct Jesu, im Jar 1607, in das KoNiQBEiCH Mexico angestelt. Dritte von ableiben des mjichtigen Kouigs Mogor und wienach selbigem in seinem Reich das Religion und Politisch wesen beschaffen. Aus underschidlichen der Societet Jesu Lateinischen Italianis- chen und Portugesischen Schreiben verteutscht, fine clean copy, scarce. 4'^ C. Dabertzhofen, Aiigspury, 1011 I it existed 1520, and by Cortes, ielacion in re woodcut 1<, about 12 hn in 1852 out in 1524, idition round ipcared about great Seville ronce Fine in I of Schoncr. tho American 19i ly 15 mst. [1(550] ea Voisine. 03 de Cuba, ')loured, fine dam [IGOG] Hardcastle, [1840] .f tho U.S. m tho 8th, Maj. Turn- 5 [CnAtUL- f the U.S. lu 19th and bull, Capt. o] 28 by 23 New Cali- citics and ions at the tford, 1851 Eelationes Geist-als elcwiirdigs leisen, so 507, in das jleiben des in seinem iffen. Aus n Italianis- flne clean 'pury, IGll Bihliotheca Iliatorica 215 1854 Mexiquc, Ameriquo Centralo ct Antilles [A Map of, with smaller Plans in the Corners of the Isthmuses of Tehuantepec and Panama and Nicaragua and the Islands of Guadeloupe and Marie Galante and Martinique] 19 j by 13 inches, a beautiful and elaborate map. Paris [1845 ?J 1855 Mifflin (Samuel VV.) Methods of Location, or Modes of Describing and Adjusting Kail way Curves and Tangents as practised by the Engineers of Pennsylvania, revised and extended, cloth, diagrams. 12° E. C. Biddle, Phila. 1837 185G Milan. Status et Ducatus Mediolanensis et Parmeasis, quin etiam Veneti Domiuii ac Ducatus Mantuani Partes Occidcntaliores adliibitis Genua) Eeipublica) finibus, etc, Doniiiiii Veneti ac Ducatus Mantua) Partes Orientaliores, etc.) per Carolum AUard, 2 maps, each 23?, by 1Q\ inches. Amst. Bat. [1720 ?] 1857 MllesbnrG:, Centre County, Penna., Map of, designed and published by J. G. McMecu [with tho Ilistory of Milesburg on the maryin] 2oj by 33 inches, coloured, clean. Bhila. 1859 1858 Miller (Samuel) A Sermon, Dec. 29, 1799, occasioned by the death of General George Washington, late President of the United States and Commander iu Chief of the American Armies, uncut, title a little mutilated. 8" T. and J. Swords, Neio YorJc, 1800 1850 Milton (Cliarles AViUiam) Narrative of the Gracious Dealings of God in the Conversion of \V. Mooney Fitz- gerald and John Clark, two Malefactors who were executed Dec. 18, 178!), at St. Johu'y, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, for Burglary ; iu a Letter to the Countess Dowager of Huntingdon. 12" London, 1790 ISGO Mines. A Scheme for improving tho Mines, tho Mineral and the Battery VV^orks iu New England, very rare, n. d. Mineralia adjuranda, or a Case showing who and what the Mines, the Mineral and Battery Works are, scarce, in 1 vol. 4° circa 1710 1861 Minnesota. Map of the Territory of Minnesota exhibiting the route of the Expedition to the Red lliver of the North, in the Summer of 1819 by Capt. Jolm Pope, Corps. Top. Engineers, Drawn by P. S. Morawski, 25 bij 29 inches, scarce and valuable. TVashington [1850] 18G2 Minturn (Robert B.) From New York to Delhi by way of Rio de Janeiro, Australia and China, map of India, cloth. 8" Longmans, London, 1858 1SG3 Mirabeau (Comte de) Considerations sur I'Ordre do Cincinnatus, ou Imitation d'uu Pam|)hlet A.nglo- American. Siiivies de pliisieiirs Pieces relatives a cetto Institution ; d'uue Lettrc signee du General Washington, etc. scarce. 8" J. Johnson, Londrcs, 1781: III u •I M 1 1 1: ■ ■•• is* J I;!' I: ' illC 210 Bibliotheca Uistorica iSGif Miranda (Don Franciaco dc) The History of Don F. do Miranda's Attempt to elFect a Revolution in Soutli America, by a Gentleman who was an OlBcor under that General, etc. and his friend in the United States, with Life of Miranda and Geographical Notices of Caraccas, the second edition. 12o Edward Oliver, Boston, 1810 1805 Mississippi River. Amplissimae Kegionis Mississipi sou Provincia) LudoviciauJB h. R. P. Ludovico Hennepin amio 1087 dctecta) nunc Gallorum Coloniis celeberrima) Nova Tabula, edita a Jo. Bapt. Homanno, 23 by 19 inches, coloured, fine clean copy. NorimbergcB, [1730 ?] For historical gcogra})hy ot the whole of the United States between the Kooky Mountains and Eastern Maine, and all Canada as far north as 50°, few maps surpass this in importance. It shows at a glance the l)oundarios claimed by the French, Enj^lish, and Spanish. The territorial cliiinis of the French arc well defined by two colours, under the names of Canada and Louisiana, with all the rivers, forts, tribes of Indians, etc. laid down. The boundary line of Eni^lish colonics extends from alidut 4.")^ on the Kennebock river to the nortn end of Lake Champhiin, down the centre of the lake to Ticondcroj;a, or White-Mall, tlience south-westerly across the Mohawk river to the Susnuchanna, near Ilarrisburgh, then down that river to the Maryland line, thence west to the Alleghany Mountains, following that chain down to the Santo jivcr, down that a long distance to the place crossed by de Soto, in 1540, thence South-west to Ediscu river, and down it to the Atlantic ; that is, including all the country on the coast from South Carolina to Maine, cutting oft' uU west of the Mountains in Carolina and Virginia, leaving Lake George .ind all western New York and Pennsylvania in liDuisiana. The Spanish possessions, called Florida, arc defined on tiie North and West by the route of de Soto in 1541), including, besides Florida jiroper, the whole of Georgia and Alabama. Louisiana extends irom Moliile liay to tiie Kio del Norte on the south, including the Mis- sissippi river and all its tributaries cast and west to the Grand Lakes, not to forget half of Lake Cluvniplain and the whole of Lake George. Tlie routes of nuiny travellers arc indicated with their resj)ective dates, as de Soto's in 1539-40, Hennepin's 1087, de Tonty in 16 — , M. Cavelier in 1657, St. Denis in 1713-1715, M. ricnville, of the Spaniards in 1689, La Ilontau in , etc. This map was a long time in print, altered from time to time, .and was no doui)t used as late as the begin- ning of the old French war. There is a view of the Falls of Niagara, the Beavers at work, and a portrait of a Buiralo. ISOO Mississippi Kiver. A Map of a Portion of tho Indian Country East and West of the Mississippi River to 40" N. Lat. 38 by 2^ inches. For the Toijorfrapliical Bureau, Washington, 1S35 1807 Mississippi Rivuu. llydrographical IJasia of tiio Upper Mississippi River, from Observations by J. N. Nicollet in 1830-10, assisted in 1838-40 by Lieiit. J. 0. rremout, authorized by tiic "War Departnieiit. Compiled under the direction of Col. J. J. Abort, etc. 30 hy 35 inches, fine clean copy. Washinyton, IS 13 1808 Missoum. Maps showing tho Lands assigned to Hmi- grant Indians west of Arkansas and INlissonri. JVepured at tho Topographical Eiireuu, Washington, Feb. 23, 1830. 18 6^ 19 inchcn f Don F. in So lit 1 1 iider that ites, with Caraccaa, iton, 1810 Mississipi Hennepin lebcrrimjD 19 inches, ^[1730?] between tho hr north as glance tlio le territorial r the names of Indians, ;tcnds from Chamiihiin, [lull, tlienco lianna, near once west to 3 the Santu de Soto, in le Atlantic ; Carolina to lid Virginia, iisylvania in ifincd on tho ling, besides iatui extends jing tlie Mis- ind Lakes, c George, active dates, 16—, M. Spaniards ine in print, tlie l)egin- of Niagara, 10 ludiaa ■I- to State of) No. H (A.) Aivom- panying Keport ot'UOtli Xov. 1S38, 21 lii 17 inches, scarce. ' Wash. 1S3S 1870 Missouri. Map showing tho Disputed Ijouuchiry of Missouri and Iowa. Albert Milker Lia, Commissioner for U. State,'), 29 hi/ 18 inches, scarce. Ifashinr/lon, Jan. 18, 1839 1871 MrssoL'KT. To])ograpliical j\[ap of tlie Road from Mis- souri to Oregon in ATI. Sections. From the Notes of Capt. J. C. Fremont, by Ch. Preuss, ISIG, by Order of tlio Senate, 7 Sections, each G hi/ 15 inches, a very important map. Washington, 181G 1872 [Mitehell, Dr. John, sometime resident in Virginia.^ Tho Present State of Orcat Britain and North America with regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade, find Manu- factures, verij fine copy, completely uncut, ahout 350 pagea, scarce in this condition. 8" T. liecket, London, 17G7 1873 Mitchell. An Accompaniment to MiteheU's lieferenco and Distance INFap of the United States, containing an Index of all tho Counties, Towns, etc. ; an Index of the Kivers ; also a General View of the United States, etc. ,Jine copy, a volume qf'ii'l pages. 8" Mitchell and Jlinman, Phila. 183G A vcrv convenient C'cjiisnlting Index of the whole of the United States down to 1836, iiiclmlinii tiic Missouri and Oregon Territories. Besides, there is a general view of the Statistics of eacii State. 187-1 Modene (Loon de) Ceremonits et Coustumes qui s'ob- servent aujourd'huy parmy les Juifs, traiinites de I'ltidien. Comparaison dea Ceremonies des Juifs et de la discipline do I'Eglise par le Sieur de Siinonville, calf, 2 parts in 1 vol. 12" La Uaye, 10S2 1S75 Moguutinoriim tnm Archiopiscopatus (piam Electoratus reliquffiquc Eegiones, etc. addito iis Francofurtensi Ter- ritorio per Gerardum Valk, 2oi /;// \^ inches, coloured. [Amst. 1720?] 1870 Moll G.) Verhandelingovor eenige A'^roegere Zeetogten der Nederlanders,_/?//f coj)y, uncut, scarce. S" J. vander Hey et Zoon, Amst. 1825 To the gcograplier and bibliographer tliis nnpreteiidiiig volume is of very great importance, as it contains valuable notices of tlie voyages and jjooks of Liuschoten, Cornelis and Frederick Iloutnnm, I'etcr Plancius, V()yages to tlie Northern Kcjiious, Voyaiics to the racilic, Jacob Mahu, Simon de Cordcs, and Sebald de \Vecrdt, Oliver van Noort, Joris van Spilbergen, Le Mairc, William Schouten, L'llercmite, Koggewicn, Tasman and De Vries. 1877 Molina (Juan Ignacio) Compendio de la Ilistoria Geo- grapliica, Natural y Civil del Eegno de Chile. Tradiicitia por D. D. J. de Arqtiellada Mendoza (y) D. N. de La Cruz y Baharaonde, 2 vols, fine copy, calf, portrait of the author, and three excellent maps, ivith plans of forts, etc. 4" Madrid, 17SS-1795, etc. 2 F (! :! , .Ji 218 Bibliotheca Qeof/rapJtica 1878 MoUien (G.) Travels in llio Eopublic of Colombia in 1822-23. Tranalfttcd from tlio French. With a Map of the Republic of Columbia, formed from the Viceroyalty of New Qranada and Caraccas, boardtt, uncut. 8" C. Knight, London, 1824 This Map, extending down to tlie Amazon and east to the K.HsequHHj River, is a curiosity in 1872. The political changes in that vast terri- tory since 1824 remind one of the innumerable boundary lines of the ducal fanns of Germany, now bniHhed into Prussia, Dates on these political Maps are indispensable. An Almanac without tiie year indi- cated is n nuisance ; so of a map. 1879 Moluccas. Molvccac lusultc celebcrrimee, 19 by 14j inches, fine copy, scarce. lodocns Ilondius, Amst. [IGIO?] 1880 MoNAKDES (Nicolaus) Do Simplicibus Medicamcntia ex Occidentali India delatis, quorum in Modiciiia uaus est. luterpreto C. Cliisio. 8° Plantin, Antverpice, 1574 1881 MoNROB County, Micliigau, Map of, publisbed by Geil, Ilarley and Siverd [with views of public buildings and private residences] G3 iy 45 inches, coloured, fine clean copy, SCABCE. Philadelphia, 1859 1882 MoNEOE (James) A Narrative of a Tour of Observation made during 1817 by J. Monroe, President of the United States, through the North-Eastern and North-Western De- partments, with a view to the examination of their several Military Defences [compiled by Henry and Thomas Penney], calf. 12" Mitchell and Ames, Phila. 1818 Contains on a fly leaf this explanatory autograph inscription : " Mr. Thomas I'enncy, with the affectionate regards of his son Thomas PenneVi the joint compiler, riiiladclphia, Oct. 20, 1818.'' Was the elder Penney or some one else the other joint compiler ? 1883 Monte Carino {Monastery of) Por el Abad, y Monjes del Sacro Monastcrio de Monte Casino, de la Orden do San Benito. Con Don Francisco Tutavila. [Respecting the favours H. M. has conferred on the said Francisco, the title of Duke of the City of San German, as well as the juris- diction of second and mixed causes, to the prejudice of the said monastery.] 18 leaves, hf roan. [Madrid, 1650 ?] 1884 Monthly Anthology (The), and Boston Eeview, con- taining Sketches and Reports of Philosophy, Religion, History, Arts, and Manners, 10 vols, fine set, hf. calf gilt, {wanting vols. 1 and 5). 8" Munroe and Francis, Boston, 1805-1811 Whoever indulges in the History of American Literature must not fail to consult these ieii Muses of the Hub. These ten volumes were the Pioneers of the Old North American Rcvieiu, and did their work well. It is delightful even now to dip for an hour into them and see the mental activity of Boston half a century ago, before a single one of its numerous Brain Clubs had been organized. 1885 Monthly Magazine (The) and American Review from April 1799 to Dec. 1800. [Edited by C. B. Brown the American Novelist.] Fine clean copy, very scarce. 3 vols. 8" T. .y J. Stcordi!, Xew Yorfc, 1800 \li I »iV H ombia in % Map of 'oyalty of don, 1824 1*^HHequil)o t va«t terri- lincs of tlio tcs on tticso B year indi- 9 by U\ . [1010?] mentis ex usus est. 'pice, 1574 d by Geil, dings and )lean copy, phia, 1859 bservation lie United estern De- iir several 3 Penney], *hila. 1818 ption : " Mr. son Thomas " Was the y Monjes Orden do ccting the , the title the juris- ice of the d, 1650 ?] iew, con- Eeligion, calf gilt, .805-1811 |iust not fail ics were the work well. and see the [Ic one of ita new from Jrown the i)i% ISOO Bibliothecn Ilistorica 219 1880 MoNTANUs (Arnohlus) Do Nieuvvo en Onbokeude Weor- eld ; of Beschryving van America en 't Zuid-Land, vervae- tende d'0or8i)rong dor Americacnen en ZuidlandorB,gedenk- •waerdige toj^teu derwaerds, etc. maps and numerous plates, fine copy, calf fol. Jacob Meurs, Amsterdam, 1671 1887 Montgomery (James) The West Indies and other Poems, 3rd edition, uncut. 12" London, 1810 1888 Moon [A Map of the] PIcniluniura Martii 104.9. Tele- Bcopio palmorum 2.1i obHervatum quo minimas et minutissi- mas Lunse maculas scrutatus est. [Also a small figure of the Luna Cresceus 16 January, 1049, four days old, and figures of Saturn observed in 1040-1618, of Venus Corni- gera 5 June, 1649, and of Jupiter 1646-1048 and 1649, 2 figures. The Map is dedicated " Seroniasimo Etrurim jVlagno Duci Ferdinando Secuudo Vit. et Fajlicit," by Eus- tacliius de Diviuis e civitate Sancti Severini in Piceuo.] 14 by 12 inches. Diameter of Moon lOf inches, scarce. 1889 More (Sir Thomas) Tue Common Wealtu of Utopia, contaiiiiug a learned and pleasant Discourse of the best State of a Public Weal, as it is found in the New Island called Utopia. Written by Sir T, Moore, fine clean copy, TNCUT, excessively rare. 8° James Chattin, Philadelphia, 17£3 The fii-st part of Mere's Utopia was originally published in 1516. The author professes to have drawn his information respecting this wonderful Commonwealth from Raphael Ilythloday, through the introduction of his friend Peter Giles at Antwerp. Of Raphael he says, " The patri- mony that he was born unto, he left to his Brethren (for he is a I'ortu. guese bom), and for the desire he had to sec and know the far Countries of the World, he joined himself in Company with Ambricus Vespu- Tn;8 ; and in the three last Voyages of these four that are in Print, [Cosmographiae Introductio, 1507] and abroad in every Man's Hands, he continued still in his Company, saving that in the last Voyage ho came not home again with him. For he made such Means and Shift, what by Intreaty, and what by importunate Suit, that he got Licence of Master Ameuicus (tho' it was sore against his Will) to be one of the twenty-four, which in the end of the last Voyage were left at New- Castile," etc. etc. A recent author to whom all this had been carelessly drizzled in 1868, in the present year gives the full title, and then adds " We cannot, of course, include in a collection of books relating to America Moore's Utopia, although," etc. But he does include many that contain far less in them. 1890 Morgan (Jonathan, Jr. A. B. of Alna, in the District of Maine) Elements of English Grammar with a Postscript, Analysis and an Appendix, /we clean copy. 12" Qooilale and Burton, Hallowell, 1814 1891 Morocco. Fezza?etMarocchillcgna Africae celcberriina, 19 1 by 15-J inches. describebat Abrahamus Ortelius, [^Antverpiae 1570 ?] 1892 Morse (Ebenezer Belknap) An Oration at AVestborough (Mass.) July 4, 1804, in commemoration of American Independence, uncut. 8" S. Croodridge, Worcester, 1804 This Oration created an unnsuiil tempest in the Wcstborough teapot. i; If 3il L 220 BihUolheca (Jroffrajihica 1803 IVForflo (Jcdidiiili) ami I'liriuli (Jiev. Elijah) A Compou- dious History of New Enj,'laii(l, cxliibitiiifj; an intercaliiif» view of tlio I'irst SottlcrH, thoir Chanu-toi', Ihoir tJulVoririRH, aud Uicir ultiinalo ProHMcrity, boardu, uncut. S" Loud. ISOS lSi)J) Morso (Jcdidiah) Tho Amerifan Gazetteer. Third edition revised, with mnp,f,Jinc copy, perfectly uncut, hoards, without the separate Atlan. 8" Thomas ^ Andrcivs, Boston, 1810 Tli'iH volume is rclebrntcd for itscxnrtilcscription of t)ic fine old (jimint uml portly inlmliitiints of Albany, nrcsidium of tlie Dutch. "Thlscity mill suliiirbs, by ciimiicratiou in 17'.»7, contnincti I'Jti.'J buiklin>^8, of which 8().'l were dwellinj,'lion.scs, iind tiii21 iiiliabitaiits. Many of them are in the Gothic style, with tho fjablc end to the Htrect, which custom the first settlers brouuht from Iloliand." Just fancy in our days an Albany Dutchman standiiiy with his gable end to the street, and with- out a pipe in his mouth ! 18t)5 Morso (Jedidiah) Geography Made EaHy, being nn Abridgement of the American Cnivcrnal Geograpliy. Six- teenth Edition and Eourth ot this New Abriduoment, no maps. 12" Thomas t^" Andrews, Boston, 181JJ 1896 Morton (A. C, Civil Enyinecr) Itcport on the Stirvey of the European and North American Itailway, made under the Authority of the State of Maine, loith a larpe and valuable map. 8" Portland, 1851 1897 Morton (Nathanacl) Tho Xew England's Memorial, or a relation of memorable ])assage.s of the Providence of God manifewted to the Planters of Now England in Ame- rica, with special reference to the First Colony thereof called !New Plymouth, j^?je copy, scarce. 12" Allen Danforth, Ph/mouth, il/ff.9s. lS2f 1898 Motley (J. Lothrop, la/e American Minister in London) Department of State. Correspondence relating to tho Eecall of Mr. INIotloy, transmitted to the Senate, January 9, 1871, incompliance with a Eesolution. 8" Government Printing Office, Wnshinyton, 1871 1899 MoUNT.roY. A Map of the Borotigli of INIount joy, Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania, by J. 11. IloiVcr, from Snr- veys made under the auspices of the Town Council. [With views of public buildings aiul private residences] 45 by 33 inches, fine clean copy, coloured. Philadelphia, 1858 19U0 Murat (Aehille) Tho United States of North America, with a Note on Negro Slavery, by Junius Rcdivivus. 2nd edition, boards, uncut. 8" London, 1838 In this purple book the " nephew of my uncle" defends and upholds nejiTO slavery in America, thou<:h perhaps, were it brougiit nearer home to his own business and tiosoin, like many other philosophers, he would have smii; a dilferent tunc. Lest these sciitiinents, so repngnaiit to British feeling:, mijiht give to the book a balclul intincnce, a neii- trali/iiij; appundaj:c by another hand is added, cunil'attiiig the Prince's lai Is, iiirci'cnccs and oiiiiiioiis. »,f H' Compoii- tercaliiijj; ullbrinKH, Olid. I SOS Third /, hoards, ton, 1810 old (|naint '• This tity iiiililin^H, uf iny of them lull custom ur (lays nii t, ami witli- bcing nn iliy. Six- omont, no sfon, 1813 Survey of ado iindiT larije and land, 1851 iiiiorial, or idonce of d in Anic- reof called [ass. 182( London) to tlio January f/ow, 1871 I joy, Lan- IVom Siir- lil. [With 45 hy 33 )hia, 1858 America, us. 2iul hn, 1838 nphoMs tglit nearer ioplicrs, lie ropii^iiaiit liiec, a neti- Iic Trincc's mbliuthcctt Uistorica 2'1\ 1901 ^liiral (Acliillos) Darstidlmij,' dtr (iruiulsiil/c diM- ropiib- likaniHclicn Kcgicruiij;; wio dit-Hclbo in Aincrika vcrvoll- kominnct nordcu int. Aiis dom Fraii/.osiMclien. 12" liraiinschwrif/ uiid Ltipzhj, 1833 1002 MuNSTKii (Skbahtiax) Kl'dimknt.v Matiikm.vtha. HDec in dii08 di^^eruntin) libros qiioruin prior Gooinotrino tradit priiicipiu kcu prima flcnientn, una cinn reruin ft variarinn lif^tn-aru dimcnsionibiia. Posterior vero onuiigc- liuin llorologioruni docet delinoationes, fine copy, with Many icoodcuts, scauck. folio, OJ/ioina Henricln Petri, Basileae, 1551 With illiistrntions of niaiiy niathcniatieal niul iistniiKimioal iiii|)U'iiieiits for takinj? heights and distances by sen and hind, as well as views of sundials and otlicr inventions for keeping;' time. 1903 Miiratori (M.) A Relation of the j\[is«ioiis of Parn<,Miny, wrote in Italian and done into English from the Ffench translation. 8" J. Mavmaduke, London, 1751) 1901 Murray (Lindlcy) An Abridgment of Murray's Eiii^lisli Grammar, Third Worccsler edition, corrected and en- lar{^ed by a Gentleman of ]Massachii3etts, boards. 12" Imiah Thomas, Worcester, 1809 1905 Murray (Liiidley) An English ISpelling Book, with Heading LesMon^^, in three parts. Eirst I'lirlington edition, with Improvement!", in which the principal objection io this viduable work is removed by a more modern :i id ap- proved division of the syllables, y/«fl copy. 12" S. Mills, IJurlinr/fon, 77. 1811 1900 Murray (Lindley) English Gramniiir adapted to the diJlbrent classes of Learners, with au Appendix, etc. From the 18th English edition, improved by the Autiior, Jiue clean copy 12" Goodulc ^' Clieever, l dloivell, lsl2 1907 ]\[urray (Lindley) Introduction to the Eiigli.-sh Header, or a Selection of Pieces in Prose and Poetry, etc. From the seventh English edition, imj)roved by the Author, ^o«J copy. 12" Samuel Mills, Uitrliny/on, Vt, 1817 1908 Murray (Lindley) English (iraiiimar, adapted to tho diflerent Cla.sses of Learners. From the Stereotyj)e edi- tion containing the Author's last Improvements. 12" /. JFindK, JLinovcr, N. 11. 18 10 1909 Murray (Lindley) Abridgment of Murray's English Grammar, with Exercises in Ortli()gra])hy, etc. for tho Younger Classes. Fronj the 2Uth English edition, cor- rected by the Author. 10" E. ^- T. Mills, Tinrlinyfon, Vt. 1S22 1910 Murray's English Reader in Pi-oso and Poetiy, im- ])roved by tho Addition of a Concordant and 8ynoiiymisiiig Vocabulary, tho words pronounced according to tlie prin- ei|)le.'5 of John Walker, by .Icreiniah (Jooilrieli. 12" Htnuvn Lie, H'iiidnor, I'l. iSoIi : ti ■ I. 222 Bihliotheca OeograpJiica 1911 Murray (Liudley) Eiis;lisli Grammar, adapted to the different Classes of Learners, with an Appendix containing liules and Observations for assisting more advanced Stu- dents to write with perspicuity, sheep, clean copy. 12° lile ^ Ooddard, Windsor, Vt. 183* 1912 Slurray (H.) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America, map, 2 vols. 8° 1829 inches. 1911 Namur. 1913 (^^^^AMUE (La Ville de) avec son Chateau et autres Fortifications [a Map of]. De stcrko Stadt Namur, etc. [With a small View of Namur from the Brabant side in the corner, 21 J- bi/ lU^ iV. Visscher, Atmlerdatn, [1670?] [A Map of the] Comte do Namur. Presente k Sa Majcste pour le Service de scs Troupes par le S' Sanson, 32 hi/ 22 inches, coloured, Jine clean cop!/. II. JaiUot, Paris, 1692 1915 Namur. Do Linien om do Stad en Kastcel van Namen, Belegert door den Koning "Willjam de III. Plas des Liguoa de I'Armco du Eoy Guiljaume devant Namur, 22 by 10^ inches. P. Mortier, Amst, [1700 ?] 191G Naples. Carte Nouvelle des Eoyaumos de Naples et de Sicile. Levee par Ordre Expres a I'usiage des Armees en Italic ou sont exactement marquees les Grands Chemins, etc. Par le S'' Sanson, 22^^ by Vi)l inches, coloured, clean. J. Covens et C. Mortier, Amst. [1700?] 1917 Napoleon (A Year of the Life of the Emperor) ; or an Historical Account of all that happened from the Ist of April, ISil, to the 20th of March, 1815, relative to his Majesty and the Brave Men who accompanied him. Trans- lated from the French of A. D. B. INI * * * * *, Lieutenant of Grenadiers, portrait of Buonaparte. 12° Lavid Longworth, Keio Yorh, 1815 1918 Narborough (Sir John) An Account of Several Late Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North by Sir J. Narborough, Captain Jasmen Tasman, Captain John Wood, and Frederick Marten, maps and plates, fine clean copy. 8° kam. Smith, London, 1691 1919 Narbrough (Sir John) An Account of several late Voyages and Discoveries : I. Sir J. Narbrough's Voyage to the Soutli Sea. II. Captain J. Tasman's Discoveries on the Coast of the South Terra Incognita. III. Captain J. Wood's Attempt to Discover a North-East Passage to China. IV. F. Marten's Observations in Greenland and other Northern Countries, maps and plates, 8" D. Brown, London, 1711 \ to the tntaining iced Stu- n. 1834 iries and 8" 1829 lateau et f]. De a small t side ia , [1670 V] Presente par le SS' aris, 1692 n Nam en, Plas des famur, 22 ■, [1700 ?1 Naples el Bs Armees I Chemius, 'J, L [1700?] ir) ; or an the Ist of ive to hi3 Trans- iicutenant ^orh, 1815 reral Late by Sir J. John hie clean I, 1691 reral late [s Voyage )veries on |aptain J. issago to lland nud Uh, 1711 Bibliotheca Historka 223 1920 Naiiiiative op the Capture and Providential Escape of Misses Frances and Almira Hall (Sisters), of the ages of 16 and 18, who were taken prisoners by the Savages at a frontier settlement near Indian Creek. Likewise is added the Narrative of Pliilip Brigdon, a Kentuckian, who fell into the hands of the merciless Savages, etc. with the woodcut frontispiece, excessively scarce, [8" New york], 1832 1921 National Interests and Domestic Manufactures, an Ad- dress of the Philadelphia Society for the promotion of Domestic Industry to the Citizens of the IJuited Sates, uncut, 116 pp. 8° W. W. Clapp, Boston, 1819 1922 Navarre. Kegni Navarre accurata Tabula per Frederi- cum do Wit, 19 hij 15 inches, coloured, clean and fine. ' J. Covens et C. Morticr, Amst. [1700] 1923 NAViaATOR. The Univer.'^al Navigator and Rlodera Tourist, comprehending Authentic Narratives of the most interesting Voyages and Travels to all Parts of the World, by Popular Navigators, Circumnavigators, Commanders and Distinguished Tourists, including complete Descrip- tions of Foreign Countries, their Inhabitants, Manners, etc. with a Variety of curious Incidents, etc. and Re- marks, exhibiting a correct Delineation of every important Object on the Face of the Habitable Globe, toith engravings. 12^ Albion I'ress Printed, London, 1805 This lian(?soiue volume is a pious fraud, being notliinjjj more than sevcnil voyages of Missionaries in 1790-8 to the South Sea Islands ; and an account of the proceedings of the Missionaries. 1924 Navy. A Complete List of the American Navy : shew- ing the Name, number of Guns, Commaiulers' uauies and station of each vess*el, with the names of all the Oificera in the Service, for October, 1813 ; and Steel's List of the Navy of Great Britain for July, 1813, scarce. 1(5" Boston, 1813 1925 Neal (Daniel) The History of New-England, Con- taining an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs Of the Country to the Year of our Lord, 1700. To which is added the Present State of New-England, with a New and Accurate Map of the Country. And an Ap- pendix Containing their Present Cliarter, their Ecclesias- tical Discipline, and their Municipal-Laws, 2 vols. calf. 8" J. Clark, London, 1720 In Vol. I is nn excellent map of New England, i)crhaps the best at that time, shewing the boundaries of the .ieveral colonies. 1926 Neander (Aug.) Karto zur Geschichte des Apostolischen Zeitalters a on Dr. A. Neander zuglcich fiir die crsten Jahrhunderte der Kirchen- Geschichte ausrcichend. Ent- worfeu von I. L. Grimm, 25 ^ by 131 inches, mounted and soiled. Berlin, 1832 il i^': n ri 224 Bihlioiheca O eograj^hica 1027 NEAXDKn (Mii'liacl) Orbia Torrii- Partiuin sucoincta ox- plicatio, sou Simplex Enuincratio distributa in siugularuin jiartium rogxowQ^, fine copt;, scarce. 8" Abrahami Lamherffi, Lipsiee, 1589 III tlic ])rolojiomena of this book is a hmg and interesting; list of authors consulted in tlie compilation, among wliom arc fifty works pertaining to GeoKrajihy and America, some of which arc hardly known. 1928 Xk.vxueu (Michael) Clirouicon sive Synopsis Ilistori- arum. b" Lipsicv, 159(J 1929 Netiiercmft (F.) Autograph Souvenir. A Collection of Autograph Letters, Interesting Documents, etc. exe- cuted in Facsimile by F. G. Nctherclift, with Transcrip- tions and occasional Translations, by 11. Sims, 1st Series, all published, cloth cxlra. 4" London, (l8Gr)) 1930 Netherlands. Groot Tonecl dcs Tegenwoordigen Oor- logs in verschciden Gewesten van Duitschland, Frankryk en do Nedcrlandon, bijzonder langs de Eiviereu Khyn, IRIoesel en Saal, IMaas en Sambre, Schelde, etc. Vertoo- nende deeze Lnndkaart tcflfens Onze Geheele Kepublick in haare Water-Stcrkte en zoo voordeelige Ligging voor do Commercio en Navigatie door middel van alio die bevaar- baare Riviercn welke er in ofnaast aan uitwatercn . . met de daar langs gelcgone Koop-Steden en Commercicereude Landen, etc. 21 by [ii inches, coloured. J. Allart,exciidif, [Amst. n. d.] 1931 Netherlands [A ]\[ap of]. De VII A'ercenidge Neder- landsche Proviucien, 9 sheets, each about IG i_y 12 incites, coloured. 1932 Netherlands. Tafel vande XVII Nederlandzo Provin- cien, vertoncnde der zclver verdeling, grootte van Landen en Stcdcn, mids-gaders haar Ecgering zo Politicq als Kerk-lyk, en veel andore merkwerdige zaken ten nutle vande llistorien en Geographic. Ougestelt door C. Spccht, 222 bi/ ISi" inches, with a coloured map in the corner, 5J bi/ 7 inches. 1933 Netherlands. Kaart van Noord-Ncderland. Ten dienste der Scholen, uitgegeven en gedrukt te Deventer bij T. dc Lange, 1831-, fine clean copy, scarce, 12 sheets, some 12 ly 1H\, and some 17 by I8i inches, coloured. 1931 Netherlands. De Grootc Ilollandse Stedenwyzer, etc. La Grande Echelle des Pays-13as Unies (pii moutre du premier coup d'Oeil, la distcuco de villes principales, on reponce sur 5780 demandes, pour savoir dc quelle distencc une "\'ille est cloignee de I'autre, compose par Jean de Lai . [with a Map of the Netherlands and parts of France and England, 9 by lOi inches, coloured,] 12 iy IS inches. E. Maaskamp, Ainst. \_n. nglnnd and New Nedcr- land extends from the St. Lawrence, through the middle of Lake Champlain to Ticonderaga, and thence a little cast of south to the iicad of Narragansctt Bay ! Connecticnt Kiver is in the right place, bnt Lake Champlain, and Iroquois Lake (Lake George), are east of it. The Mt. Lawrence river bounds both New England and New York on the North. Seneca Lake is about CO miles West of the Hudson, and has an outlet into the Hudson, called Esopus river. There is no Connec- ticut or Khodc Island Colojiy, and Massachvset is laid down as a tribe of Indians. 1904 NEW ENGLAND (A Map of). Tins Plan of the British Dominions of New England in North America, composed from actual SurveyH, i.s dedicated to the several General Assemblies or Legislatures of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, of the Province of New Hampshire, of the Collony of Connecticut, and the CoUony of Khodo Island, by William Douglas, M.D. 40 by 36 inches, mounted, good clean copy, excessively hare. Published by the Executors of Br. William Boughs of Boston in New England, from his original Draft. Engraved by It. TV. Scale, {^London, 1750?] On this rarest of all the early maps of New England all tlie townslii|)s of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Khodc Island, and New Hampshire arc laid down as far as then granted. Maine is designated as I'roviiii'ial un- appropriated Lands of Miussachusetts Bay. In the west of Connecticut is laid down the Oblong. In Vermont only two townships are granted. 1965 New England. Strictures on the Kev. Mr. Thatcher's Pamphlet, entitled Observations upon the State of the Clergy of New Euglaud, with Strictures upon the ]'o\vcr of dismissing them usurped by some Churches. By J. S , a Layman, fine copy, uncut, scarce. 8" Benjamin Edes and Son, Boston, 1784 1966 New England, and her Institutions. By one of her Sons [Jacob Abbot], cloth. 8" Sceley, London, 1S;{5 1967 New Euglaud. The Testimony and jAdvico of a number of Laymen respecting lieligion and the Teachers of it. Addressed to the Pastors of New England [signed by J. F. as Moderator], y?«e copy, uncut. 8'* Boston, 17 13 1968 New Granada and Venezuela. [A Map.] Castilia Avri- fera cvm Viciuis Provinciis, 11 J by inches. H^yffiicf, Lovanii, 1597 ■Mm :;i3l , fr t'r'. '.■J ■ ■ ilir: '.:% 230 Bibliothcca Oeographica 19G9 Newfouttdland. A Chart of the Soa Coast of New Found Land, Now Scotland, Now England, New York, New Jersey, with Virginia and JVlaryland, 22^ by 171 inches. Richard Mount and Tho. Page, London, [1710 ?] 1970 New IlAMrsiiinE. A JouknaIi op Tuayels from New Hampshire to Caratuck on tho Continent of North America. By Gcorgo Keith, very fine large and clean copy, SCAUCE. 4" Joseph Downing, for Brah. Ayltner, London, 17UG 1971 New-Hampshire (Proceedings of tho Legislature of) on tho Important Subjects [the Conduct of llichard Evans and Clifton Clngott, late Justices of the Supreme Court,] re- ferred to in tho Governor's [John Taylor Gilmau's] Speech, at tho Opening of the Special Session, October 27, 1813 : with the Yeas and Nays in both Branches on accepting the Keports of the several Committees, a/cio letters gone, scarce. 12" George Hough, Concord, Nov. 1813 1972 NEWiiA:^iPsninE. An Address to the Inhabitants of tho Towns and Parishes in the State of Kewhanipshire, parti- cularly those which are vacant ; from tho Convention of Ministers at their Annual Meeting at Concord Juno 1791, Jlne clean copy, scarce. 8" George Hough, Concord, 1791 From this curious local production it would appear tliat in New Ilanip- sliiro a town is reckoned vacant when it has not a Congregational Minister settled therein. 1973 NEWHAMrsiiiHE. CATinoLL County, New Hampshire, Topographical Map of, from Surveys under H. F. Walling [with plans of villages and views of i)rivate residences], 3S hyZ^ inches, coloured, fine copy, clean. New York, 1801 1971! New ILvMi'sniuE. Coos CouxiT, New Ilampshire, To- pograjjliical IMap of, from Surveys under U. F, AValling, 41 by 03 inches, coloured, fine clean copy, SCAUCE. Pearl Street, N.Y. 1804 1975 New IIoLTiAND [A Map of]. Hollandia Nova detecta 104-1. (Laudt nan P. Nuijts op gedaan met hot gulden zeepaerdt uau Middelburyh, 10 Januarij, Anno 1027 — Terre de Diemcns decouvertc le 24 Novcmbre, 1012.) 191 by 15 inches, scarce. Thcvenot, Paris, 1003 1970 New Holland. Kaart van Nicuw Holland, Nieuw Guinea, en cmlifrgcndo Eilaiidcii, behoorcnde tot de door lict Proviuciaal Utrechtsch Geuootschap bekrooudo Ver- handcling van li. G. Bonnet cu J. van Wyk, lOi bg 25 inches, fine, and very important. J. De Vos ct Co. Dordrecht [1827 ?] 1977 New Jersey. TorooRAi'iiiCAL Map of the Siatk of New Jersey, with the Vicinities of New York and Phila- delphia, and most of the State of Delaware, from the State Geological Survey and the U.S. Coast Survey, etc. [with plans of cities, towns, and villages] On large sheets, each 2S by 32 inches, coloured, fine clean copy, SCARCE. " //. G. Bond, Minor St. Phila. 1801 it of New rork, New inches. I, [1710 r] from New of North clean copi/, ndon, 17UG ure of) oil Evans and [;!Jourt,] re- 's] Specf'li, 27, 1S13 : ■opting the yonCf Nov. 1813 ants of the lire, parti- vcntion of Funo 1791, cord, 1791 New Ilanip- ngrcgatioual Fampshire, r. Wulliug ?siclcncea], rorJc, ISOl jshirc, To- AValling, IT. 18Gi va tletecta 3t gulden o 1027— re, 1012.) (iris, 1003 d, Nicuw t de door ndo Vcr- , lOi b>/ [1827 ?] St.vtk of nd Phila- tlio State tc. [witli jc sheet. V,\ 190-4 New Touk. Proceedings of tho Corpurntitm of Now York, on supplying the City with Pure and Wholesonio Water : with a Memoir of JoRoph Browne, M D., on the same subject, ffood copy, scarce. S" John Furiiian, New York, 1790 1995 New York (A Map of the State of) By Simeon do Witt, Surveyor General, contracted from his large Map of the State, 27 by 22 inches, coloured, cut and mounted, SCARCE. New York, 1801 199G New York. The Picture of, or the Traveller's Guide through the Commercial Metropolis of the United States. By a Gentleman residing in this City, clean copy, calf, scAncE. 12" /. Riley ^ Co. New York, 1807 With a plan of New York city, engravid by Peter Maverick, and dated 1807. 1997 New York. The Picture of New York, and Stranger's Guide through the (Commercial Emporium of the United States, containing also a Description of the Environs, etc. with plates and an excellent plan of the City, dated 1817. 12" A. T. Goodrich Sf Co. New York, 1818 1998 New York. Clinton County, New York, Map of, from Surveys by A. Ligowsky, [with plana of villages and views of reeidcuccs], 45 by 54 inches, coloured, fine clean copy, scarce. Philadelphia, iSotj 1999 New York (Map of the Rail-Eoads of the State of) pre- pared under the direction of the liail Eoad Commissioners, 185G, 29 by 22 inches. 2000 New York. A Topographical Map of Lewis County, New York, from Surveys by A. Ligowtiky [wilh plans of villages and views of residences] , 48 by 54 inches, coloured, fine clean copy, scarce. Fhila. 18')7 2001 New YorK. No. 2 Map of the Boundary between the States of New York and Connecticut with the adjacent Territory. Samuel D. Backus, J. Tarbell, Commissioners, 21i by 3G iiiches. Albany, 1857 'f 't.'i ■ ,'s 1 1 '-^: 1 :i' '.■ it. n hi SEVENTH DAY'S SALE 2002 liA^^jHEW YOMK (Census of llio Rinio of) lor \Sr>ry Prepared iVom llic ()ri<;iiiiil l{el urns iimlor the Direeliou of lion. Joel T. llendley, Secrelarv of Stnto, by Franklin li. llouij;li, Supcriutcnu- c'ut of llio tVnsuH, half morocco, valuable folio, Albanj/, IS')? 200U New York. Book of ]'\)nn8 adapted to tlio Code of Proeodiiro. S" Albany, 18(U 2001 Now Vork (Colton's Railway and Township Map of tlie Slate of), with I'arts of tlio adjoining Stales and Canada, 'J7 In/ 21 inchm, colourcil. New YorTc, 18(32 200') New Vork. J)raft of a Civil Code for the State of New York, ])ropar('d by tlio Connuishionora of the Code and subiuilleil to the .Judfj;cs and others for Exatnination, ])rior to Ke-oxaniination by tlic Coniinissioners. H" ytlhaiii/, LS(J2 200(5 Ni;w Yoinc Cam;nj)AR of lIisrouiCAri JMAsrsciiii'Ts relating to tlie War of the J^cvolution in tiie Odioo of the Scerctary of State, Albany, 2 vols, cloth. 4" Albany, 18G8 Tlie aliovc title f^ivos a I'mIso idea of tlic iniportnncc nnd valuo of these exirlli'iit 1111(1 liuj;c voimiR's. Insleml of ln'ing a Caldular of the I'lipers aulhoii/.iil In- the Senate ti» lie lu-iiiteil, they arc the papers tbeniselves f;ivcn in full, with many Maps and a glorious index. 2007 New Yi nic City. Longworlh's American Almanack, New Y k Hcgister and City Directory for the Twenty- I'ourth Year of American Independence, ^^'oc^/ // 20 i,ichr.t. J. do I'os 4' Co. Donlrtcht, lS27 20i:{ Noraiiuidio (Lt! Diu'Ik; i-l (JonvornciiiiMit do) diviso on llaulocL Bas80 Normandio, on divers I'aypi ct par Evcehez, avc'c lo (iDUvi'i'MiMMont (Scncral dii lla\ ro ile (Jraco. Par II. Jaillot, 21i bi/ ID inchex, coloured. P. Mortiev, Amsf. [1700 :] 2011 NoiiMANDV. Carlo Nonvel'.e dos Costos do Norniandie ot do IJiTtau;uo dopnis lo Havre do (iraeo jnsiines a Morlaix ou Ton voit lea Isles Voisines, l*or(s do Mur, Bancs do Sable, liotdiers, ete. a rTaage d(^3 Armees dn Koy de la (iraiide Hreta^iie. I'ar K; S' llninuin de lloogo, 37 by 23 inches, coloured, fne and clean, scarce. Pierre Mortier, Amsterdam, 1(593 2015 NoiiMANDY. I. Carte I'arlieuliere des Coste.s do Nor- niandie depnis Diep|)0 justiu'a la |)oinle do la Peroeo en Bedsin. 2'"" Carlo I'ariiculiere, etc. eontenant los Costos dii Coteutin, etc. lea Islea do Jerzey, Orenczey, Cera, et Anrigny, etc. Jlne and clean, scarce, 2 Maps, one 33 by 23, the other 31 by 22 i inches, coloured. Pierre Mortier et Compaynie, Amsterdam, [109(5 ?] 2010 NoftTU Amkuica. Nova Tabula (leographica eomplee- tcna IJorealiorein Anieriojo Varteni, in (pia delineatas aunt Canada, Nova Scotia, Nova Anylia, Novum Beigiutn, l*en- sylvauia, Virginia, Carolina et Terra Nova cum omnibua LittorumPulvinorumquoProfunditatibna,aNicolaoYi8scher, l8i- by 22} inches, coloured, scarce and Jlne copy. Amst. [1075?] A beautifully cngrnvcd map, nnd very elaborate, but all askew. Tlio Lakes and tho St. Lawrence occupy the centre, I/ 14i incites, coloured. Cradock and Joy, London, Oct. 25, 1813 2025 North- America. Carte des Etats-Unis de I'Ameriquo Septentrionale dreasee, par P. Tardieu, 19 % 13 i inches, coloured. Paris, IS 10 2026 North- America, Travels in [by George Philips], woodcuts. 12" Dublin, 1821 2027 North-America (Map of), by J. Calvin Smith, (Map of of the Gold Eegion, California), 19 by 21 inches, coloured. Disturnell, JVeio York, 1850 2028 North-America (Map of), from the latest Authorities, showing the Proposed Railroad Eoutes from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, 22 by 24 inches, coloured. J. H. Colton Sf Co. New York, 1854 2029 North- American (The), and West-Indian Gazetteer, unth two maps, fine copy, calf. 12" O. Robinson, London, 1770 2030 North- American and the West Indian Gazetteer, con- taining an authentic description of the Colonies and Islands in that part of the Globe, 2nd edition, fine copy, calf. 12° London, 1778 This compact litt'd book was a second time printed for the use of officers goin^ over during the American War. If all the book is as reliable as the information given under the heading Bkistol in Rhode Island, it might have afforded more amusement than instruction. " Bristol is remarkable for the King of Spain's having a palace in it, and being killed there." Shade of King Philip of Pokonoket and Mount Hope! The book has two maps, one of North America, with table of the dis- tances, and the other of the West Indies. 2031 Noetii-Ameuican. An Address to the Committee of Correspondence in Barbadocs, occasioned by a late letter from them to their Agent in London. By a North- American, fine copy, uncut, vkut kake. 8" William Bradford, Philadelphia, 17GG 2032 North and South America [A Map of; entitled simply], America noviter delineata, 11 by 11 inches. M. Merian fecit, [Franckfort, 1G20?] A very curious and elaborate map. Cape Horn and tiie Straits of Lcmaire arc laid down, but only one of the great Lakes of North America. 2033 North Carolina. A Compleat Map of, from an actual Survey, by Capt. Collet, Governor of Fort Johnston, en- graved by J. Baily, 28 i by 43 inches, fine copy, SCARCE. S. Hooper, London, May 1, 1770 2034 North Carolina. The Journal of the Proceedings of the Provincial Congress of North Carolina, held at Halifax, on the Fourth day of April, 1776, published by Authority. Nowbem, 1776. Reprinted in pursuance of a resolution, etc. fine copy, scarce. 8" Lawrence and Lemay, Baleigh, 1831 "^1 ^ A 238 Bibliotheca Oeographica 2035 North CAROfiiNA. Eastcra Portion of the Military Depher Muenster, is much behind time, and brings the progress of discovery down only to about 1510. 2019 Nuix (Giovanni) KiflesHioni Imparziali sopra I'llmanitti degli Spagiuioli nell'lndio contro i pretotii Filosofi e Poll- tici per serviro di lume alio Storie do' Signori Kaynal "e Kobertson 12'; rcnezia, 1780 2050 NuMMi Britannic! Ilistoria : or ati historical Account of English Money, from the Conquest to the uniting of the Kingdoms. With popular descriptions of each Piece, with cuts of the more ancient. 8" W. MraJotcs; Lond. 1726 On page 105 begins the descriptions of the New England i)inc tree coin.s, various shillings, sixpences, and threepenny bits, all same date, 1C52, On the next page follows an aeeoimt t>f llie Maryland coins. ■'■fi J' ii 240 Bibliotheca Qeographica 2051 liSGU^^lBOOKlAK (Henry) Memoirs of II. Obookiah, a Native of Owhyhee and a Member of the Foreign Mission School, portrait, calf. 12° Eihon Hart, Elizabeth Town, N. J. 1819 2052 Observations on a Variety of Subjects, Literary, Moral and Religious, in a Series of Original Letters.'by a Gentle- man of Foreign Extraction, who resided sometime in Phila- delphia, [Rev. M. Duche, or Tamoc Caspipina]. 12° John Dunlap, Phil 1774 2053 Observations on the Reflections of the Right Hon. Ed- mund Burke on the Revolution in France, in a Letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Stanhope, [with an American Preface by a Lady]. 8° Thomas Sf Andrews, Boston, 1701 2054! OcAMPO (Diego Gomez de) [^Begin] Senor, El Sargento Major D. Diego Gomez do Ocampo, Primer Castellano del Fuerte y Puerto do la Concepcion, Rio de S. Joan, Provin- cia de Nicaragua dize. [A Petition to the King setting forth his services and praying for further employment and rewards. The Petition is followed by a Certificate from el Capitan Don Lorenzo de Montufar, Sccretario de Camara, etc. recounting and attesting Ocampo's services], 2 leaves of the highest rarity. folio, [Ooatetnala, 1G76] 2055 Occum (Sampson, an Indian) A Sermon at the E.xecu- tion of Moses Paul, an Indian, who was executed at New Haven, ou 2nd Sept. 1772, for the Murder of Mr. Moses Cook, late of Waterbury on 7th Dec. 1771, Preached at the desire of said Paul, uncut. 8° Northampton, (Mass.), 1801 2056 Oceania. Oceanic ou Cinquieme Partie du Monde com- prenant I'Archipel d'Asie, I'Australasie, la Polynesie, etc. par H. Brue, 30^ 6y 21 inches, coloured, fne copy. Paris, 1814 2057 Octavius Cleophilus Phanensis Pocta venusti'-jimus de Coetu Poetarum, cum marginarijs aductamentis, with a woodcut border to title by Urse Qrajf. 4° Apud Joanna Frobenivm, Basil. Feb. 1518 2058 Odessa. An Account of Odessa, from the French, with some reflections showing the benefits of the Trade of the Black Sea to the United States of America, and the advan- tages of a Commercial Treaty with Turkey. By an Ameri- can, ^ne copy, uncut, scarce. 8° William Simons, Neioport, 1819 2059 Oexmclin (Alexandre Olivier) Ilistoiro des Avanturiers qui se sent signaloz ^ 'ns les Indes contenant ce qu'ils out fait de plus renmrqu jle depuis vingt ann^es avec la Vie les ^loBurs, lea Cofitumes des Habitans do Saint Domingue et do la Tfvrin'i^ frontispiece, maps and plates, 2 torn, in 1. 12° Jacques le Febure, Paris, 1688 l| Obookiali, t)er of the V. J. 1819 ry, Moral a Gentle- 5 in Phila- VUl. 1774 lion. Ed- Letter t») American ston, 1791 Sargouto ;ellano del n, Provin- ag setting rracut and eate from le Camara, , 2 leaves ala, 1G76] he Execu- d at New Ir. Moses Preached rM.). 1801 mde com- aesie, etc. aris, 1814 jimus do with a Feb. 1518 nch, with de of the le ad van - n Ameri- ort, 1819 anturiera u'ils ont ec la Vio omingue rw, 1688 Bihiiotheca Jlistorira 241 20C0 OfBco do In Soniainc Sainlc a Tusage do Tronic, on Laiiu et en Francois, avoc IVxplicat ion (U's ('creinonii's do I'Egliso. H" Fan's, 17S;t 20G1 Ofllcers. Bounly Lands to tlio Surviving OfTicerrtot tlio late AVar, the Second of Indepondciicc, and to the widows and cliildrcn of those wlio were killt-d in action or who died in service or subsequent to thu war, scarce. 12" W. Orattan, New York, 182G 20G2 Oiiro. A Topographical Descri[)tio]i of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana. Comprehending the Ohio and Mississippi Kivors, and a concise account of the Indian Tribes ; to which is added the Journal of Mr. Chas. lo Kayo wliile a Captive with the Sioux nation. IJy a late Oiricer in the U. S. Army, scarce, with portraits of two Iii(/ians and a deer. 12" Charles Williams, Boston, 1812 2063 Onio. Asht.vhula County, Ohio, Hakor's Majjof, from Surveys by S. K. Godshalk, [with views of public buildings and private residences], 52 by 52 inches, coloured, Jine copi/, SCAIICE. Philadelphia, 18")(! 2001' Ouro. CoTiUMBiAN-v Couxtt, Orno, Map of, published, surveyed and engraved by Carliart Mead and Co. [with plans of villages and cities, and views of public buildings and pri- vate residences], mounted on calico, IS bi/ 51) inches, coloured. Philadelphia, Fa. ISOO 2065 Omcuos". Carte IMarino des Environs de I'lslc d'Oleron SI Tusagc des Armees du Hoy do la Grande IJrotagiie. Par le S'' liomain de llooge [with coK)ure(l views of La Ilochelle, x'ort du IMarans, and Isle d'Oleron] IS^ bi/ 2'i\ inches, co- loured, fine copy, scarce. F. Morticr, Amst. 169;J 2066 Oliphant (James) A Sacramental Catechism designed for Communicants, Old and Young, wherein it is essayed to explain the Uoctrine of the Two Covenants, etc. The fourth edition. S" Daniel Carpenter, Newry, 177;? 2067 Oliva (Anello) Histoire de Pcroii. Traduite de I'Espagiiol sur le inanuscrit inedit par jNI. II. Ternaux Compans, on fine hand-made paper, cloth, uncut, scarce. 12" F. Jonnet, Paris, 1857 2068 OfiA (t*KDno de, Natuml de los Infantes de Engol en Chile) AiiAUCo uo.mauo, <[ue trata de las Guerras de Cliile, a very rare Poem. S" Madrid, lOU.'i 2069 Oxis (Luis de) Memoir upon the Negotiations between Spain and the United States of America, which led to the Treaty of 1819, with a Statistical Notice of that Country, translated from the Spanish, with Notes by Tobias Watkins, fine copy, boards, scAnci':. S" Pichliny l.ucas, Baltimore, lS2l 2070 OiNTAUio CouJSTV, Ni:w Vohk, Map of, from Surveys by S. N. Beers, C. E. [with |)lan of cities anil villages and views of residences and public "buildings], 50 hy 00 inches, coloured, Jinc clean copy, scAUCi;. Philadelphia, l!S."ilJ 2 1 m .1, V'«, m' t U n \ ■V'h 242 Bihliotheca Oeof/rap/iica 1.'071 Opinions of llio Judf^os oi" the Supreme Court of the United States in tlio Cases of Smitlx vs. Turner, and Norria vs. the City of Boston, delivered at December Term, 18 ts, ^ne copy, uncut. 8" Washington, lS4i) 2072 Opposition (A Short History of the) during tlic last Session of Parliament, the Third edition, half roan. 8" T. CadeU, London, 1779 Relates partly to the Camjiaigns in America in 1777 and 1778, jiarticularly on Long Island, in New York, and tlic Jersies. 207.'i OuDNANCK Instructions for the United States Navy, Part I. The Preparation of Vessels of War for Battles. Part II. The Equipment and Mancouvre of Boats, etc. Part Il[. Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, Fourth edition, plates, half morocco. 8" Washington, 18GG 2074 Oregon. M:ip of the United States Territory of Ore OjtoANS. A Second Edition, with necessary Improve- ments which now render the Sense entirely Plain, of tho Lawfulness, Excellency and Advantage of Instrumental Music in the Public Worship of God, but chiefly of Organs, very scarce. 12" Andrew Steuarf, Philadelphia, 17GU 2077 ORTELIUS (xVijn.vuAM) Tjieatuum Ounis TEimAuuM, [^Colophon.^ Auctoris aire et cura impressum absolutumquu apud ^gid. Coppenium Diesth. Antverpia-, 1570 FuLST AM) Kxciissivici.Y RAUK KDiTioN. Tlicfc wcrc sevcral editions in J^atin, Dnteli and (ierninn, liet\\ecn 1570 and 1600 with new maps, and retouches of the ori)j;iniil ones, some dated, and others not, so that one feels not entirely safe in investi{;atinjx the cnrlie.'it geo^raj^hy of America till he can eye this original Latin edition of 1570. A thorough study of Ortelius is of the hist inijiortanec to the student of the geography of the western hcmisiihore. lie was ti l)il)lio^;niiiher, a cartographer, and an nntiipiarian.as well as a good niatheniaticiau and geographer, and what is of infinite importance to ns now. he gave his autliorilies. .Many ( f the rampant errors that disturhand [inzzle us can he treed and flayed hy the help of Ortelius. It was Ortelius' famous list of authorities that first pave to Ilnmholdl the hint that llylacouiilus and WaMscemnllcr were one ami the same ]ierson, the key to his investigations upon the St. Die fraternity, and the Vespiuci voyages. When in 18t;2 that other valu- able key, Walter Liid's OrbisS2>eculum,\mntc(l in 1507, was discovered hy the writer, and found to disclose the secrets of several of the St. Die bressed our the Abbe Uldfes8t>r8 cics [Six uhn, 1792 Second. llcrs, 1791) im Tribus [22 ly IGJ kulp. n. d. in Sacria and lougi- clies. lami, 1629 tcrraruni Ine r(/(e, 1818 i7 bij 15 7 en Juiii veudo en igo Land, mp onder copy of ti hm, 182H lebrauch Hiilfsniit- ei CI. B. 32iy22i hrjl mm Bibliotheca lUstorica 245 2102 Pahioalina (Karlo voji) nacli *\v\\ nouostcn Qiiollcn, vor- ziiglich nach den JtobinsonschiMi UiitiTsuchungcn bourbci- tct von II. Iviojxji't, hcrausgog(iben von I'rof. Dr. Carl Ritter [with 3 nuirginal Maps and IMans of Arabia LVtnea, IMoiint •Sinai, and Old Jerusalem]. 17 bij 22 ^ inches, colourcil, a beautiful map. Berlin, lSi2 2103 Palfrey (John Gorliam, llidovian of New Enfjland) A Discourse at lJarnstai)lo tlio 3ril So])t. 1839, at the colebra- tion of tiio Second Centennial Anuiversarv of the Settle- ment of Cape Cod [loi-al history] "S" Jtonfon, 18-10 2101 TALMEli (John) Tue Rkvolltion rx Nkw KMiLANO JuSTii'iEO, and till! JVo|)le tiiero Vindicated from the Aspersions cast upon tlieni by Mr. John I'almer in his Pretended Answer to the Declaration pulilislied by the Inhabitants of IJoston, and the Country adjacent, on the day when they secured their late Oppressors, who acted by an Illegal and Arbitrary Commission from the Late King James, ^ne, lurge, clean and uncut copy, in best red morocco cMra, hy W. Fratt, q/'excessivk EAurrr. 4" Joseph Brunning, Boston in New England, 1G91 2105 Palmer (John) A New Scheme of Short-Hand, being an Improvement upon Mr. Byrom'a Universal English Short- lland. 8" London, 1771 Tliis was Grcnvillc SlinqiViopy, ami has many of liis niiiiiuscript notes on the margins, considcraltly eiiliaiiciii^ the value of the book. 2106 Palmer (Stephen of Needham) A Sermon occasioned by the death of Calvin Whiting of Needham, who died at Hartford in the State of Couuocticut, October 17, 1795. Mi. 25, t^ood copy. 8" Samuel Elheridyc, Boston, 1795 2107 Papimau (Letters of) in which the Conduct, present State, and IProspects of the American Congress are ex- amined, half calf. S" J. Wilkie, London, 1779 2108 Pauayba (Urazil) Prajfectura) de Paraiba, et Kio Grjinde, 21 by lOi inches, beautifully coloured, fine copy. Amst. [l(M5?] 2109 Pauayba (in Brazil) Afbeclding der Stadt eu Eortrcs- 8eu van,) a map, 21 Ay 16 inches. Clues Janss. Visscher, Amsterdam, [IGoO ?] 2110 Paragvay, d Prov. tie llio do la Plata cum rcgionibus adiaccntibus locomau et S'". Crvz de la Sierra, 19 by l-lj inches, fine copy. ludocus Ilondius, Amst. [1010?] 211 Paris (Plan de), Nouveau systemc, IMcthode Zugonbuhler with a List of the Streets, etc. in the Margins,] 33i by 22j inches, coloured. A. Bernard, J'aris, 1858 2112 Parish (Sir AVoodbinc) Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of el Rio do la Plata, their present state, trade, and reve- nue, with some account from Original Documents of the progress of Geographical Discovery iu those parts during the last Sixty Years, [Author's own ])roof sheet co|)y, w ith MS. notes.] 8" Murray, London, 1838 '.* \ v-l !'5i ilii m\ i ;■ Hi. !| 'm m 210 Bihliothecn Ocographica 2113 Paur (Mumro) TIu! Kouto of Mr. M. Park from Pisania on the llivor Oaiubiiv, to Silla on the Itiver Jolikn or Niger; with hJH return by the Soutliorn lloutcto Pisanio, compiled Iroiii Mr. Park's Observations, Notes, and Sketches h^ J. Keiiiiell. [rt viap, scarce,'] 254 by 104 inches. J. ifalkcr, sc. [London, «.|iroiii|>ta additis nacliH- sinilH ox(|uisiliHMiiiiiH(]; liy;iiriH. Ii(n» l"'iiio licclor Nam ct lackromasMiisi liipiilciis i'uoris-i.sla tibi excuticiit : ct Haiioli. orem vitam protliuiii iiis|iiral)iii>t. fol. \Colophon\ Mdthiiis JlupJ'ufl' iiiiprimvhat, Argrh Anno ICIIJ This precious volume, wiili 'H\ lull pnvje woodrnts liy rrsc UralV, wiw edited by riiii.i>ii,s KiMiMAN, llie moving spirit of the iittlt; knot of Rcoprnpliicul stiiilciits iit St. Dir in Fiorrniiu', who siij;f{osted that the New World Hhoiild hv nnincd Aniciii'ii. On the title yw^c is a douMo acrostic hy iiini of ton lines, the tirst letters reading Mora Xrinti, and tlie tinai letters of each line readinf^ Vita nonlra. A eolleelioii of I'iii- Icsiiifl' I'oeins issn;it:estoil. There arc inanv of them. 2l2.'{ Peahody Institufo (The) of tho City of ilaltimore. Tlie Founder'H I-cdors, and (lie Papers rt'latiiig to its Dedica- tion and itM Ilisfory, to 1st .lanuary, ISOS. 8" Baltimore, 1S(5S 2124 Peace without Dishonour. War without llopt'. Hoiiig n Calm and Dispntd Kingdom of I Trial], Jlne [resent Test- lislature and ndh. 17S1 liibUuthcca HtHtorica 2-19 2138 PennHylvanin. The Cuso of the InliabitantH of PoiiRil- vnnia [rc'sp('ctinf» the Paper Cnrroiiey, which is Hhown lo havo been iii^hly beneficial, aud the proposed Bill fordoing away with it id strongly objected toj, Hinh Parliament and Ministry; and the several Transactions most grosly misrepreseutcd thereiu Bet in their true light, y/we uncut copi/. b" S, liladon, London, 1755 2111 PKN'SBYrvANrA. Elat Present de la IVnsilvanio, oil I'oii Trouve le Detail de se qui s'y est passe depuis la defaito du Oeneral Uraddock justpi'u la prise d'Oswego, avec unn Carte particulicre de cetfe Colonic, Jino copij, uncut, in the finest possible condition, ivith the excessively rare map of Pcnnsyh'anla. \^(Senevr\ 175t{ 2112 Pennsylvania. An Historical Keview of the Constitution aud trovernment of I'lMin.sylvania, from its Origin so far as regards tho several Points of Controversy which have arisen between tho Governors of that Province and their Assem- blies [By Dr. PratikliM], calf. 8" 11. Gri//iths, London, 17.j1> 21'43 Pknnsyi.v.vnma. Debates of the Convention of tho Slato of Pennsylvania on the Constitution jjroposeil for the Go- vernment of the United States. In two Volumes. Taken iu Short Hand by Thomas ^A^^y^\,Jl'ne copy, uncut. iS" Joseph James, i'hiladclphia, 1788 Tlic sccoiitl volume is of viiy (cnsiiliralilc rarity. 2111 Pennsylvania. An Historical Account of tho Rise, Pro- gress, and Present State of the Canal Navig.it ion in IVini- Hylvania. AVith an A|)pendix containing Abstracts of 1 ho Acts of tho Legislaturo since 17JH), and their (Jranls of IMoney for improving Roads antl Navigable AVaters through- out the State, no map, fine copif, uncut, .\carce. A" Z. I'oulson, Jr. I'hila. 1795 2115 Pennsylvania. Experience tho Test of (Jovi'rnment, vvritlcn ISOo-lSlKJ, lo aid the iii\c>tigalion of the Constilu tjuu and Law si of iVausylvauia, /hie copy, uncut, half roan. ■ 8" /r. Duane, Phila. Ih07 2 K I ■ 250 Billiotheca OeograpMcn 214G Pcnnsylvnnia Kospitiil (Some Account of llie), from its first Eiso to the ]?ep;inning of tlic Fifth Month, called May, 175i, Jine clean copi/, wnuting paqes 5-(!. 4« B. 'Franklin S( 1). Hall, PJiiladrJpJiia, 175 1 2147 Penobscot County, Maine, Topo^rnpliicul Map of, from fcJurvcys under 11. V. Walling [with IMans of villiiges and views of public buildings], (51 Oy Ul inchex, coloured, fine and clean, scarce. I^ew York, 1S59 2148 Pensncola Harbor and Bar surveyed in 1822 by Major James Kearney, U.S.T.E. 23i by 28.^ inches. Ifashington, 1835 2149 Peoria Cointt, Illinois, Map of, compiled and drawn by D. Ballen [with plans of villages and eiticn, and views of residences], 50 6y 51 inches, coloured, fine and cleans scarce. Philadelphia, 18(J1 2150 Peunambuco. PnTfecturai ParanambuctJ pars IJuroalia una cum PnetVctura de Itaiiiaraca, 21 % IGi inches, fjeauli- fully coloured, fine copy, scarce. Amst. 1G45 2151 Pcrnetty (Uom.) Ilistoire d'une Voyage aux Isles Malouines fait en 1703 et 1704, avec des Observations sur lo Detroit de Magellan ot sur les Patagons. Nouvelle J^dition, 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1770 2152 Perpetual War, tlie Policy of Mr. Madison. A candid examination of his late Message to Congress, the pretended negotiations for Peace, the Conscript Militia, and the Establishment of a Standing Army of Guards and Spies under the name of a Local Volunteer Force. By a Mew- England Farmer, uncut. 8° Boston, 1812 2153 Peiiuy, Juniata and Mifflin Counties, Ptnnsylvanin, Map of, from Surveys by (>. M. Hopkins, [with plans of many towns and villages], GO by 59 inches, coloured, fine copy, scarce. Philadelphia, 1803 2154 J'ersia. The Kingdome of Persia with the cheefcittifs and Habites described [in a Map], by John Speede, 20J by 15 i inches fine copy. O. Humble, pops-head alley, London, 162G 2155 Persia sive Sophorum liegiium [Map of], 19 by It:,' inches. [lOUOP] 215G Persia (A Mappc of the Enijjire of the Sophie of), with its Seuoral Prouinccs, designed by ]\Ioncr. Sanson, and Rendered into English by Kichard Blome, 15 V hy 11 inches London, 10C9 2i57 PEBU. CnoROORAPAiA nobilis ei opulcnije Peruaiiie Provincial atque Brasiliio . . . e.x Auctoriiin qui eas I'rovin- cias perliisirarunt ecriptis rccens a Themloro de J3i'y con- cinata, 17i by 14 inches, excessively scarce. Frnncofort. 1(121 TJii.s is tlie .foroiui edition, niutii nlliicil, of J)c Hrv's ]iiii]> in tlaTliir I rnrt, America. / , from il» lied May, Jiia, I75t |) of, from Ingc's and ure(/, fine ^ork, 1K59 by Major gton, 1835 lud drawn and viewa ami clean, phia, ISOI rs Horealia lies, heauti- bmt. 1045 aux Isles ml ions sur Nouvelle Paris, 1770 A candid I pretended I, and the and Spies By a ^'e^v- \oiston, 1812 nnsylvanift, tl) plans of loured, fine ^phia, 1803 •lieef eitli«>8 ede, 20J bi/ mdon, 162G 9 bt/ 11 J [lOGO?] ie of), witli anson, and iidou, IGGO IV Peruuiiie eas I'rovin- IJi'y cou- ^oforf. 1(;2I; ji ill linTliii' 1 Bibliotheca Ilistorica 251 2158 Peru. Porvaui Regni Dcaeriptio, lU by 9 inches. Wyfflict, Lovanii, 1597 2159 Peuu. Pop Dicf:;o Velazquer do Grado con Dona Ana Moutero y Jiartolouie Sanz sa marido, half roan. folio, [Madrid, 1G30 f ] 2100 Pkru (a Map of), 19 by ll.J inches. lodocus Jlondiua, Amst. [1050] 2101 Pkru. Carte do la Torre Perme du Perou du Bresil et du Pays des Amazoiies, dre»s6e eur les Doacriptions de llerrora, de Lnet, et dis PI*. d'Acufia et M. Itodriguoz j)ar Guillaumo Del' Isle, 22 i by 18i inches partly coloured, fine copy. Covens and Mortier, Amst. [1700J 2102 Peru. Carlo do la Torre Ferme du Perou du Breail et du Pays des Ainazones, dresHco sur lea Descriptions do llerrora, do Lael, et des PP. d'Acufia ot ]\[. llodriguez par Ouillaume Del' Isle, 22 i by 18 J inches, coloured, fine copy. Covcnx ^' Morlier, Amst. [1700?] This copy is coloured uiul nioiuitcd difrcieiilly from the otlicr cv>\>y. 2103 Pkru. A Voyage to Peru, performed by tl»e Conde of SI. Malo, in 1715-1749. WriUeii by the Chaplain, to which is added au Appendix, containing the state of Spa- nish Affairs iu America in respect to Mines, Trade and Discoverie,y/«e copy, calf. 12" London, 1753 2lGl! Peters {liev. Samuel) General History of Connecticut, including a Description of the Country, and many curious Anecdotes, to whicii is added a Suppleme?it verifying many important statemeuis, illustrated with 8 iroodcuis, fine clean copy, calf. 8° Loudon, 1781 ; 12" kepuhUshcd by D. Clarhe ^ Co. Xew Haven, 1829 21G5 PiiiLADKLPiiiA. Plan of the City and Environs of Phi- ladelphia, by Matthew Albert Loiter, [with the Klevatioa of the State House]. 18 by 23 inchcn, coloured, fine cop:', SCARCE. 17V / 2100 Philadelphia. A Plan of the Operations of the British and Kebel Army iu the Caiupaigii, 1777, [in the Vicinity of Philadelphia], with a plan of Mud If^huul J^'ort, l().i by Q inches, fine and scarce. J. Lodije, Hculp. I^ond. 1778 2107 PiiiL.vDKLPiirA, INIap of the Vicinity of, from Surveys by D. J. Lake and S. N Beers, etc. 05 by 0<> inchfs; coloured, fine clean copi/, scarce. fhiliuliljihia, 1800 2108 1'irrrAnia.PHrA. I'lan and Pmlllo of the I'hil. \V[il. mington] and Bait [imorc] Rail Uoad, by Ulney llnrkti«'S8, loll by 13, \ inches, scarce, fine and rlfdu. Phil. 1800 2109 Philodelphia. Dea i'risoiis do I'hihuli'lpliio par Uu Europeeu. Quatricme P-dilion, uncut. 8" Chex Madame Hazard, Varin, IS 19 2170 Phillip|M> (.lames M.) Jamaica: its piisi and present state, cloth. S" London, 18 J3 ■■ ''.'Si . <'.:W| l:>' ^:]l> 'I il. H ! m ^ »<• 252 Bibliotheea Oeographica 2171 Philanthropos. A Serious Address to the Clercy by a Minister of the Church of Ihigland ; "Who says, " Give me Leave to address you upon the Subject of your Ministry ," etc. 8° D. Fo'wle, Boston, N.E. 175G 2172 Philltppine Islands. A Chart of the Channel in the rinllippine iHhmds through which the Manila Galleon passes, topeihcr with the adjacent Islands [showing the track of the Manila Galeon] 21 A^ 27 incheg. R. W. Scale, sc. [Land. 1780?] 2173 Piiociox. A Letter from Phocion to the Considerate Citizens of New York, on the Politics of the Day,/;jc copy, uncut, SCARCB. 8" T. and J. Fleet, Boston, 1784 2171 Picardio (Carte du Gouvcrnemcnt de) suivant les Nou- velles Observations dc Mess'*, de TAcadcniio Royale, IG bi/ i:j inches. Pierre vander Aa, Leide, [1710] 2175 Picardy, Nova Picardia* Tabula, 21 i by 15 inches, co- loured, fine copy. [ 1 700 ?] 2170 Pickering (John) A Vocabulary or Collection of Words and Phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to the L^nitcd States of America; to whicli is prefixed an Essay on the present State of the Enj^lish Language in the United States, y/«c clean copy, boards, uncut. 8" Cuniminf/s and llilliard, Boston, 1810 2177 Picket (A. and J. W.) Geographical Grammar, com- bining the Interrogative mode of Instruction with concise Delinitionw, the Use of the Maps and the Terrestrial Globe, map of the U.S., boards. H" Smith and Forman, Xcw Tork, 1810 2178 Pkts MfRANDi'i.A (Joannes) EpiHtole,y/ne coj\i/, vellum, 4" [Colophon] Finis, Jn Burrana Chalcoyraphia, sub natalem Cliristianum awi M.D.XX. These curious UiT^rs nro tinted from 1487 to 1495. Sonic of them arc U) his Mm, the Inenil of l"iiii<-siu8. 2170 PicuR IVIiRANDULA (Joannes Franciscis) J. F. Pioi Mirandulani Prinoipis, Coiicordiaeque Comitis llymni Iteroiei tres. Ad Sanctissimam Trinitatem. Ad Christum et Ad Virginem Mariam, una cum Comnieutariis luculentiss. Ad Jo. Tliomam Filiuni. Additis ab auctore paucu'i'» quo in priori inipressione deerant. Ejusdem Sylvu. E^ .aiiein Staurostichon, Jine copy, excessively scarce. folio [Colophon^ ATatliice Schurerij, Argent. Aug. 1511 Is not the anthor of this hook the snnic ns he whf) rccrivod I'hilesins so kindly un his vi.>iit to Jtnir in 15UC, and presented to liim the (ircek MiinHseript I'foleiny, whieh nfterwnnls was edited hy the Gynmsiuin of StDie and |iutili.>he(l in 1613 at Straslmrg ? 2180 Piedmont. Pedemontium et reliquso Ditiones Italia? Ret^i.i) Celsitudini Subaudica? subditte, cum Regionibua adjacent ibus, 2^' by 20 inches, coloured. Joannes Bluett [1015 ?] / ercy by a " Give me Ministry," N.E.^ 175G inel in tho a Galleon owing the ,d. 1780 ?1 onsiderato , fine copy, )ston, 1784. t les Nou- yale, 16 bi/ idc, [1710] inches, co- [1700?] I of AVortls iliar to the I an Essay the United oston, 1810 iniar, com- 'ith concise rial Globe, rork, 181G y\i/, veil 11)11, nib natalem M.D.XX. of them arc F. Pici IS llymni Christum uculcntiss. aucu'i" quo E^ aviem Aug. 1511 \ I'hilesius so ni the (Jrcek Gyimisium of int\s Italia? Kt'gionibus ni [KVir)'] Bihliotheca llislorica 253 2181 PIGAFETTA (Piltppo) Rklatione pel Reame ni Coxao ct dcllo Circonvicino Coiitrado, tratta dalli Scritti ct ragionamcnti di Odoardo Lopez Portoglieso per F. I'igafetta, etc. fine copy, tcilh all the maps and plates, ve/Innt, EXCESSIVELY iiARE. 4" Bartolomeo Grassi, Itoma [1501] Tliis hook, with its vahinhlc ninps nntl curious platos, is the oii;iinnl of the First Part of Do IJry's C'i)llecli(m of Vojajjcs, India Orieutulis. 2152 Pike (Nicolas) Tlin New Complete System of Arithmetic, composed for the Use of the Citizens of the United Stales. Abridged for the Use of Schools. 3rd Edition, corrci-ted and enlarged. 12" /. Thomas, Worcrster, 1798 2153 Pike County, Ti.i.tnots, IMap of, Pid)lishcd by Holmes and Arnold [with ]\lap of the State of Jllinois, plans of vil- lages and views of resideuccs], 01 hij 51V inches, coloured, fine and clean, scauce. Bujfalo, N. Y. 1800 2lSl Piscataquis Ccjunty, IMaino, IM'ap of, from Surveys under II. F. Walling [with plans of towns and villages nnd views of public buildings], 5:] htj 52 inches, coloured, fine clean copy, scaiicf. JS^ew York, 185S 2185 Pitkin (Tiniotny) A Sermon at New Cambridge, in Bristol, Feb. 12th, 17S!), at tlic Funeral of the liev. Samuel Newell, who departed this Life the 10th of Feb. 1789, in the 75th year of his Age and ■12d of his IVIinistry. S" Jliij A, P. Bobinson. "h" Portland, 1850 An iniiKirtant Geopr.a])liical niul Statistical jiroduction, drawn up chiefly hy the late Hon.. John A. four. 21 "7 Plantations. Case of the Royal African Company, and f the (American British) Plantations, 2 leaves, (1712) — ji'ho Planters' Objections to the African Trade Bill, single leaf. . folio (1712) 2188 Platform (.\) of Church Discipline; gathered out o''tlio Word of (iod, and agreed upon by the Elders and JNlesscn- gers of the Clunvhes asseiiiblcd in The Synod, at Cam- bridge in New-England ; to be presented to the Churches and General Court for their Consideration and Acceptance in tbo Lord, the 8th month, Anno 1010. 12" J. Watson, Reading, (Mass.) 1819 2180 Platform. Feptiblican Campaign Edition for tho Mil- lion, containing The Republican Platfcnii, the Lives of Frenuint and Dayton. Also the Declaration of ludcpon- duncc nnd the Constitution of the United States. 10" Boston. 1S50 'to i >] .li! i i s" 254 Bibliotheca Geograpldca 2190 Plata. America) I'rovincia (Map of) llj hy 9 inches. Wi/tjliet, Lovanii, 1597 2191 PLUMnB (John, jr.) Sketches op Iowa and Wisconsin, taken durirj; a residence of throe years in those Territories ; With a Map of tlio Surveyed Part of Iowa Territory, de- fining; all the Townahips and Counties, and being the only map yet published, exhibiting tlie location of Iowa City, the seat of Government, as eHtablislied May 4, 1839, primitive and rare. 8" Chamber.^, Harris, and Knapp, St. Louis, 1839 Tlio' Winconsin is mentioned on the title, the autlior never reached it, tiic l)0(>k eiidin;^ witii lown, and a jiroinise to do Wisconsin later. The pro^rrcss of the Western States has been so rapiil in growth and dfVLlopnient, that tlios(! early historical wail's have already acquired un importance and money value their author little dreamed of. 2192 PoEM.s fit for a Bishop; wliich two Bishops will read. Ax A.MEUiCAX Pkayer. Address to lieligion. Saul at Endor, and Inscription to the memory of Chatham, 8CABCi;,^«c copy, uncut. 4" J. Almon, Lond. 1780 This American prayer, written in 1777, "on the day appointed for im- jiloriii;^ the divine l>lessin r.V ■ U 'v ■ IT- ?; fl 25C liibliotheca Geograpliica 2211 Pollard (E. A.) The Kivnl Adminislrntions ; KiVhmond and Washington, in December, 1803, scarce, l^rintcd on the coaraeat Confederate paper. 8" For the Author, Hichmond, 18Gi« 2212 Politique Danois (Le) ou I'Ainbition dcs Anglais deniasqut'o par lour Piraterics, Ouvrago dans lequel on recherche huiuello des denx Nations de lu France ou do TAngleterre a derange par sea hustilitea I'harmonie do I'Kuropo, et ou Ton prouve aiix Souverains do quelle im- portance il est ])our eux d'abattro I'orgucil de co Penplo, Jine copi/, scarce, from the Library of Lord Stuart de liolh- say. 12" Coppcnhagtie, 175C The nu'ddlcsomc nrropnncc nnd cncroftclimpnts on tlic rijjlits ami rc|iosc of (ttlicr Niitinns liy tlic l";n};Ii.sli Govi'inincnt arc liurci-ly relinked in this rnie little hook. After stutinjj the a^rreement li"tweeii France and ICni^land in the treaty of Aix In Chapelle, as to tin r pos- sessions in America, the author narrates the ^lrii;;^les lietween their res|icctivc forces on the Monon^iahela in 17')4, hetwcen Coutrccoinr and Jnnionville n;;aiiist \Vasliinj;ton when Fort Kectfsitij was snrren- dercd to the coniinamler of Fort Ihi Ques^ie, 'J'his and many other narratives and references nmst hereafter fjive this rare little book a ])ermanent jiosition anions; works reJntin;;; to America. 2213 PoIhou (Archer) Principles of tlio Liiw of Xations, with notes on the Law of IJlockado and on Contraband of NVar. To which is added. Diplomacy, by T. Hnrtwcll Jlorne, 2iid Edition. ' 8" London, 1851) 2211' Poineroy (.Tonathan L. of irorthinr/fiin.) A Scmmhou at the fuiioral of IMf. .Ic(liili;ih Wilhiir of Woi'thiiiglon, who died 31bt Oct. iSb"), aged 8(), uncut. 8" W. ir. Clop, XorlhamploH, {Mosn) ISlC 2215 PoNTAXUS (Joh. Isaciii!') Diseussiomiui llistoricarum liihri duo, (]tiibus prtecipuo (jiiutcniis et quodnain niaro libcrum vel non liberuni clanstiiiupic acci[)icndiim dispi- citur. Accedit Casparis ^'!ln•erii de Opiiyra regione et «d earn Navigatioiu- C'oiniientariiis, y/;/e coinj, calf, scAUc::, and of yrvnt ijcorjrnphicnl importance. S" yicoltiHH () IMrriiirjen, Ilarderuici Gelrorum, 1037 221(5 Poolo (T.) Deaf as a Post, a fa ire in one act. Printed iVom the acting copy, with Stage Directions. I 2" E. Ji. CUv/ton, Xcic York, n. d. 2217 Poor (John A.") ]\[ciiioir of the Don. Keucl Williams. j)rcparcil for the Maiiu! Jlistorical Sorietv. vorlrait, cloth. S" Privately printed, i/'crtland] ISGt 221s I'ooii M.vx's Advick (The) to hit) I'oor Neighbours ; a J3;illad to tho tune of Chevy-Chace, fine capij, uncut, ex- cexsivciy rare. 8" New York-. Printed in the year 177 li This i>ocm comprises ei;;hty-twQ stanza.'^, the last of which i.s,— . 15iit, OhI (Jod idcss onr honest King, The Lords and ('"nimnns true, And if iic.Nt ( "ongnMi l■^ the thinj: (.'hi l>liB> thalCoiiurcisii ti.'o. n J ; Kii'Iiinoiid IFrintcd on j/nnond, ISGL (Ics Aiif^laia iiH le(|uol on 'ranee on do (lannonie do ilo quelle im- e CO Pciiplo, lart de lioth- nhagiie, 175G lie ri{,'tit8 anil lit are liorci'ly 't'lnoiit l"'t\vccii as to tl'.i I' poN- I liotwiTii ilu'ir I'll CoiitrcccEiir iiy was siirrcn- II 1 many other •e little book a rations, with and of NVar. well J Ionic, [.ondon, 1^59 i Sermon at liiigton, wlio .]f,ss) IS 10 1 istorieariiMi 'iiain maro duin dispi. region et til/, scAuc:;, orum, in:]7 t. Priuted York, «. d. Williauiti, "iiif, /I,i)id] ISGl. liboiird ; :i uiinif, ex. (•year 1771 i-s — Bihliotheca IlUtonca 257 2219 Pope (Alexander) An Essay on Man, in four Epistles to H. St, John, Lord Bolenbroke, with The Universal Prayer, uncut, wants bottom of last leaf of notes. 8» S. Hall, Boston, 1794 2220 Pope (Alexander) An Essay on Man : in Four Epistles, to which is added tho Universal Prayer, a scarce edition. S" iialmon Wilder, Jaffrey, (KH.) 1813 2221 Pophatn Colony (The), a Discussion of its Historical Claims, with a Bibliognipliy of tho Subject, uncut. S" Wif/jin ^- Lunt, Boston, 1800 2222 Popkin (.Tolin Sncllitiff) A Discourse in Haverhill, Mareh 22, 1SU5, at the funeral of Jabez Kimball, A.M., Attorney at Law, who died March 19, yEt. 33, to which is added a short Memoir of his Life. 8" A. Marrh, 2i etch ury port, 1805 2223 Po])kin (John SncUiiig) Sermon, May 4. ISOU, the last time of assembling in the Old Meeting House, in the First Parish in Newbury f IMassaeliusotts], An/jier March, Neiv- luryport, IS06 — A Sermon, Sept. 17, 1800, at the Dedica- tion of the New Meeting House of the First Parish in Newbury. 8" Newburyport, 1800 The pn^inntion of tlic two sermons is continuous. An "Appcndi.v" i'oiitaiiis miK'h local history anil biography. 222 1 PouTAGK CouxTV, Oiiio, Map of, from Surveys by P. J. Brown [with plans of villages and views of prineipal resi- deueesj, 51 by 53 inches, coloured, clean and fine, scarce. Fhilad. 1857 2225 Porter's (INFr.) Two Sennnns, (one on Peace and "War, delivered after the News of President Madison's Declaration of War; and the other On the Present unhappy and perilous nituation of our Country, delivered on the General Fast on Account of tho present War, historical and political, uncut. S" Whidden, Portsmouth, N.JI. 1812 2220 Porter (David, of Catskill) A Dissertation on Infant Baptism, and tho subjects therewith immediately connected, comjirised in a series of sections, uncut and scarce. b'- Nathan Elliot, Catskill, (N. Y.) 1800 2227 Porter (David, of Cat a kill) An Anniversary Discourse oecasioncd by the Death of four ehildren of Daniel Sayro, vlio were eonsiimed by tire on the night of tho 28 Jan. 1802, preached at Cairo, Jan. is, 180J), uncttt. S" Nathan Elliot, Catskill, 1809 2228 Porter (Elephalet, o/'TPt^.f/^"^^) A Discourse at Brooklino and Boxlmry, Otii May, 17'.)S, the ilay recommended by John Adams, President of the I'nited States, for solemn Humiliation, Fasting, auil Prayer, utinit. b" J. liiisscll, Budun, 1798 2 1, .1.0 ■m I mi; i' i if 258 liibliotheca Gfioi/rnphica 2229 Porter (Eliplmlct) A Sermon In Roxbury,.Tinio 10, 1700, occasioned by tlio death of IncroiiHc ISumnur, (Jovcrnor of JMuHsachusetts, who died June 7, 1709, scarce. b" Yoiniff ^ Minna, Boston, 1700 22!iO Porter (Jacob) Poems, scarce, b" (Jleason t^ Co. Ilartfon?, 1818 2231 Porter (Jacob) Topographical Description and historical Sketch of PhiinfieUl, in llampHliire County, MasHachusetts, ]\Iay, 1831, ^CKHi^\t., portrait of the Author, fme copy, uncut. 8" Prince tj* liogers, Greenfield, 183-4 2232 Porter (Noah) A Discourse on tlio Sotllcment and Pro- gress of Mew-England, delivered in Farminj^lon, Dec. 22, 1820 [with llibtoricul luid liiographical Notices], uncut, scarce. 8" Glrason tj" Co. Hartford, 1821 2233 Porter (Noah, Jr.) A Historical Discourse, before the citizens of J'ariiiiii;j;ton, Nov, t, IS 10, in commemoration of the ()rif,nnal Settlement of the Ancient Town in 1010 [with au Appendix of notes, statutes, genealogy, etc. |. 8" L iSkinnrr, Hartford, 1811 A rare volume of American locnl history. 2231 Porter (Samuel, of Sherbourn) A Sermon at Doup;lass, in the County of Worcester, at the Ordination of tlie Kevorend IMr. Williauj Phipps, Dec. IG, 17i7, fine and uncut. 8" Jiof/erM i'f Fowlc, lionton, N.E. 1718 223r> Porter (William A.) Au Essay on the Life, Character, and Writings of John li. Gibson, LL.D. lately Chief Ju.'stico of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. S" Johnson, Phi/ad. 18r)5 2236 PonxuoAr, and Bh.\sil. The Natural and Political His- tory of J'ortugal. To which is added The History of Brazil. l>y Charles Broelvwcll. 8" For the Author, Loudon, 1720 2237 Ponri'G.VL. Carte dcs Costes de Portugal et de Partio d Espagne depuis le Ca|) de I'inisterro juscpies au Detroit de (Jibraltar. Levee par Ordre du lioy, 31 bi/ 33 inches, coloured, fine copij. Paris, 1G03 223S Portugal [Map of]. liO Boyaume do Portugal ot dea Algarves divise en sea Archoveches, Evechya et Territoires, |)ar le Sr. Sanson, 21 J % 30i inches, coloured. 11. Jaillot, Paris, [1700?] 2230 PoHTunvL. Regnorum Portugalliu' et Algarl)ia> Tabula tarn in suas Sacras (puun Profanas Diliones Di8tincta,20 /;»/ 23 i inches. Caret Altard, Amst. [1710?] 22 to I'ortugalliiP et Algarbice Regna [a ]\Iaj) of], per N. \'is> i'artio au Detroit (/ ;{;} inches, rarisy 11303 i^al et (lea Territoires, is, [1700?] l)ia^ Tabula 'mcU\,'20 Inj St. [1710?] ], per N. I.v/ UlOO: Bihliotheca Ilislorica 250 2211 Potomac. Caaip.vi()n ^Iwn, Army of tlio Potoinai*. ]Map No. 1, York Town to Williumsbur);; No. 2, WilliaiUH- bur^ to AVliite House; No. JJ, White House to Harrison's Landing, prepared by Urij^. Gen. A. A. Jluuiphreys, vet'ij valuable, {Xo. 1) 22 hif :U inches, {No. 2) 2.']i by 2(i inclu's, {Xo. 3) 27 by 35 inches. Washington, I8li2-0;J 2212 Potter (C. E.) An Address delivered before tl)e Auios- kea;; Veterans, of Manchester, N. IL, Feb. 22, lS55, witii tho Proceedings of tlio Assoeiation, and tho Constitution and Jiyo Laws, valuable local histoiif. 8" Manchester, X. 11., 1855 2213 Potter (FJani) The Eiver of God. A Sermon at tho Funeral of JNlrs. Martha Horton, Wife of Mr. William Hortou of .Sonthold, Loiijj;- Island, Dec. IS, 1702, scarce, f>liyhtbj mu/ilaffiil. h" Timothy Green, Xew-Lomlon, 1703 2211 Potter (Klisha R) Considerations on tho cpiestionsof tho adoption of a Constitution, and the extension of tho Suf- frau;e in Jthodo It^land, [comprising the constitutional and political history of that IStute.] h' T. H. Webb, Boston, 1812 2245 Pouquovillo (F. C. ii. L.) Travels in Epirus, Albania, Macedonia, and Thessaly, portrait. h'> London, lS20 221U Pouquevillo (F. C. 11. L.) Travels in Southern Epirus, Acarnania, uEtolia, Attica, and Peloponcsus, or the iNlurea, etc. etc. in 1811-lSlO, ;)o/7;-«iV. b» London, 1822 2247 Powers (Edward Epps) Last Will and Testament of, and obituary notice of E. E. Powers, late of Columbus, Oa. 8" C. A. Mi'vick, Greenfield, 1S50 2248 Powers (Michael) Life of M. Powers, now under :ien- tenco of death, for the Murder of Timothy Konu^'dy. Dictated by himself, uncut. S" litixsvll 4* Gardner, Boston, 1820 2219 Powers (^Ochael) The trial of M. Powers for tho Mur- der of Timothy Kennedy, before the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachuselts, IJoston, April 11, ls20, wants last leaf, scarce. 12" T. G. Bangs, Boston, 1820 2250 Pratt (LMiinehas) A Declaration of tho Affairs of tho English People that iirst inhabited New England, edited, with Notes, by Kicliard Frotliingh. m, .Fr. S" Jioston, 1S58 All edition of only Ktn wjiie'S. I'niit \Miit ovtr lo Now llii'^laiiil in tliu Si'annio in lii'i'J. His iiaiTiUivc is ol' ;;rciii liistoiical inti'ivhl. 2251 Prayer Jiook (A) for tho use of Fanwlies, pre|)ared by tho Assoeiation of Mijiisters on Piseataipia Kiver Jiud rccon)monded by them as an As.-istanL to the Social Devo- tions of Fiunilies, boards. 12" C/iatles I'irroc, I'orlsmoulh, X. II. 1790 2252 Preble (Kdward). Jjife of Commodore Pieble, portrait, fui/ravcd htj J. ILirris, scarce. 8" Privatchi j>rin'rd, ;/(> phii'c or date m 7'; '"V :l k» ;-' . 200 Bibliotheca Ocot/rnpfiica 2253 Prentice (Josiali, of Northwood) A Sermon delivered at Pittsfield, N. II., March 21, 1818, at tlio tuiieral of Jtev. Jioniainin Sargent, who departed this life, March 10, 1818, ngea bH, [with an appendix containing Sketches of the Lifo of the liev. Uenjaniiu Sargent], icarce. 8" George Hough, Concord, May, 1818 2251) Prenliss (Charles) New England Freedom: a Poem de- livered before the Washington lienevolont Society, in Brim- field, [Massachusetts], Feb. 22, 1813, [Jiistorical and politi- cal.] 4" E. Merriam ^V Co. Jirookjield, Mch. 1813 2255 Prentiss (Thomas, o/'J/tfrZ/ife/t/,) Death the Last Enemy destroyed. A Discourse in Dedlmm, INIivy 29, 1803, after the interment of the Kev. Jawon Haven, who died on the 17th in the 71at year of hiw ago and 48th of his Ministry, [with an Appendix of Biographical Trait.-*], eearee. 8" //. Mason, Dedham, 1803 2250 Presbyter. AVeighod in the Bulanco and ^i'ouud "Wanting, by a Pro.Mbytor. 12" Printed for the author, Clnrinnafi, 1853 The article wci),'lic(l, &c. is the l'i>|n', aiiii llicic in a riitmv of him Bcntcii in one of a pair Scales, Hhowinj; one eloven foot ami ono with n cross, as near Heaven as he is ever likely to jjet acinrdinj; to this author, with the Itihle in the other Scale prepond'Tutin^; considerably a^rainst him. No caricntnre of this sort cuu well bo wuriie than the paper and print of this work. 2257 Presbytery. An Account of the Proceedings of tho Presbytery, whereof tho liov. jNIr. John Moorhend, etc. arc Members, against tho Kev. Mr. Itohcrt Ahcrcrombie, Minister of tho Gospel at IVlliam, [Maws.] With somo Kemarka on their c.vtraordinnry Conduct, iu Itclutiou to liim, fne copy, uncut, scarce. 12" Fdfje 4- Gill, Jiosion, 1751 Though dated 1754 on the title, .some of the letttsrs antc. 2202 I'rescott (William 11., the Iliatorian) Memoir of Hon. John I'ickerinj?. Camh. 1818 2203 Pbksext (The) State of His Majesties l^«lo^ and Tcrri- torii'H in America, viz. Jaiiuiica, liurbadocs, S. ChriHtophera, Nevis, Aiitego, S. Vincent, Dominica, New-Jcrcey, PciiHiU vania, Monserat, Anguilla, Hcrmudas, Carolina, Virj,'inia, New-England, Tobago, Nrw-Foundhmd, Mary-Land, New- York, [by K. JilomeJ, m(ips,Jine copy, Hcnrce. 8" J[. Clark, London, 1GH7 2201 PuES(iu' Ii.i: B.vY. Oiart of tho Eii.storn Part of Pre8(|u* lie Hay, Hhowitig the cliMngos of Outline of Shore in consc- (|UCiico of tho U. S. Works; 'lO.i by lOJ inchet) — Map exhibiting U. S. Works, 3t)th Sc]). iS3M, (18 //// 1) incheis) — Map of Dunkirk Harbor, (2-1' by It inchca) — Cataraugus Harbor and the Works in Progress, (17 by 13 inchca) — — Portland Harbor, (IS by S)\ inchm) — Map of the United States, (Hi by 11 J inches) — Six Maps, the first Five Ac- companying Annual ]{eport, 183H, W. O. Williams copied in part Irom T. T. S, Brown's Map of 1835, by J. IJ. Simpson. 2205 Preston (W. C.) Eulogy on Hugh Swinton Legar6 ; de- livered at tho retiuost of tho City of Charleston, Nov. 7, 18 13. 8" Charleston, S. C. 1813 2200 Price (Ebenezcr, o/* /?o*frtrj<;" €£•. , X iKO MW ^^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 144 1118 III 2.5 IIIIIM i^ is I 2^ III— 1-4 IIIIII.6 ^' <^ /. e. c*i <5>, .%\^'' '% o ^;; / >!!^ Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 d ^ \ :\ ;v \ ^N^ w ^^ ^i> 6^ .% &? 6^ :; s; » ■ 1 ' ¥ il 1 ,1: IP ■? 2G2 Bibliotheca Oeograpldca 2270 Price (Richard) Obsen'ations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. To which is added an Ap- pendix containing a State of the National Debt, etc. fine copy, uncut. 8" T. and J. Fleet, Boston, (177G) 2271 Price (Richard) A Discourse on the Love of our Country, Nov. 4, 1789, at the Meeting House in the Old Jewry, to the Society for commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain, fine and uncut. 8° E. Powers, Boston, 1790 2272 Price (Richard, Fellow of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Neio England.) Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the AVorld, uncut, a scarce edition. 8" True and Weston, Boston, 1818 2273 Price (Thomas) The Life, Voyages, and Adventures of Bampfylde-Moore Carew, commonly called King of the Beggars. 12° J. Barker, London, n. d. 2274i Price (Thomas) The Life, Voyages, and Adventures of Bampfylde Moore Carew, commonly called King of the Beggars. To which is added a Dictionary of the Cant Lauguage, jwrtraif. 8° J. Barker, London, n. d. For other editions sec this Catalogue um'or Carew. 2275 Priest (William) Travels in the United States of America in 1793-1797, with the Author's Journal of his Two Voyages across the Atlantic. 8" J. Johnson, London, 1802 2276 Priestley (Joseph) Letters to the Philosophers and Poli- ticians of France, to which are prefixed Observations relating to the general prevalence of Infidelity. 8« T. Dobson, Fhilad. 1794 At the end is a Catalogue of Books written by Dr. Priestley, in all 77 different works. 23"'7 Priestley (Joseph) A Continuation of the Letters to the Philosophers and Politicians of France, on the subject of Religion ; and of the Letters to a philosophical Un- believer, in Answer to Paine' s Age of Reason, ^we copy, uncut, scarce edit. 8° Northumierland printed, Salem reprinted, 1795 2278 Priestley (Joseph, F.B.S.) Considerations on the Doctrine of Phlogiston, and the Composition of Water. 8" T. Dobson, Phil. 179G 2279 Priestley (Joseph F.B.S.) Letters to Mr. Volney, occa- sioned by a work of his entitled Buins, and by his Letter to the Author, uncut. 8" T. Dobson, Philad. 1797 2280 Priestley (Joseph, F.B.S.) Socrates and Jesus Compaved, uncut. 8" For the Author, Phi/ad^ 1803 At the end is a list of 25 works l)y this author. 2281 Priestley (Joseph, F.B.S.) A Second Letter to the Rev. J. B. Linn, in reply to his defence of the doctrines of the Divinity of Christ and Atonement. 8" Xorthnmlcrland, Penn. 1803 of Civil istice and )d an Ap- etc. fine n, (177G) Country, Fewry, to in Great ton, 1790 Arts and iportance iking it a ton, 1818 atures of g of the idon, n. d. ntures of ig of the tho Cant ido7i, n. d. ■ America » Voyages don, 1802 and Poli- lervations lad. 1794 , in all 77 S to tlie )ject of ical Un- ine copy, d, 1795 )octrine i7. 1796 ey, occa- s Letter hd. 179? mpaved, id^ 1803 le Eev. rincs of («. 1S03 Bihliotheca Ilistorica 2G3 2282 Priestley (Joseph, P.iB./S.) Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland and its neighbourhood on subjects in- teresting to the Author and to them. Part I. all puhlishcd, scarce, uncut. 8° For the AutJior, hy A. Kennedy, Northumlerland, 1799 Besides being in hot-water at tliia time gcncvally, the author was harassed by the fretful Peter Porcupine. 2283 Prince (Eev. John) A Sermon before the North Church and Society in Salem, October 16, 1814, on the Death of their Pastor, tho Kev. Thomas Barnard, who died Oct. 1, 3814, in the Sixty-seventh year of his Ago, iincut. 8° Thomas C. Cashing, Salem, 1814 2284 Prince (Tliomas) A Sermon on the sorrowful occasion of the death of His late Majesty King George of Blessed Memory, and the Happy Accession of His present Majesty King George W.Jine copy, half roan, scarce. 8" Daniel Henchman, Boston, 1727 2285 Prince (Thomas) The Fulness of Life and Joy in the Presence of God. A Sermon Occasion'd by the Decease of Mrs. Martha Stoddard, late Consort of the Honourable Anthony Stoddard, Esq. Peb. 11, 1747, 8, ^tatis 62,/«e copy, uncut, scarce. 8" Kneeland and Green, Boston, 1748 2286 Prince (Thomas). Six Sermons by T. Prince, one of the Ministers of the South Church in Boston. Published from his MSS. by John Erskine [with an interesting Preface containing an account of tlie Life of Prince]. 12° Bavid Paterson, Edinlurgh, 1785 2287 Problem (The) of Government in the Light of the Past, Present, and the Future. By Analytica. Is respectfully dedicated to the Eulers of the World by the Author. 8° The Author, Eichnond, Va. 18G2 2288 Proclt de Sphaeba Liber. Cleomedis de Muudo, sive circularis iuspectionis meteorum libri duo. Arati Solensis Phajnomena sive Apparentia. Dionysii Afri Descriptio orbis habitabilis. Omnia gra;ce et latin^, very fine clean copy, pigskin. 8" Per Henricum Petri, Basleae, 1547 A valuable compendium of ancient geography. 22S9 Procli de Si>ilt,ea Liber 1. Cleomed-s de Mundo sive circularis iuspectionis meteorum Libri II. Arati Solcn^iis Pha?nomcua sive Apparentia. Dionysii Afri Descriptio Orbis habitabilis. Omnia Giffic^ et Latine .... una cum Jo. Honteri De Cosmographia) rudimentis duplici editione, ligata scilicet et &o\\xtii,fne copy, calf, icoodcuts, and maps, jjigskin. 8" Per Jleiiricvm Petri, Basilia, 1501 Tills edition .ilso.pngcs 803-9-10, contains the woodcut ma]is, follow cd by Jlontcr s Kudinicnts of Cosniogiapiiy. T fr) in iiii ii f ■ . . J. . 1 R 264 Billiolheca Oeographica 2200 FuoCLi DK Sfh^ba Liber I. Cleomedis de Mundo, sive circularis iDspectionia meteorum Libri II. Arati Solensia Phpanomena, sive Apparentia. Dionysii Afri Descriptio Orbis habitabilis. Omnia GrsBC^ et Latine .... una cum Joau. HoDteri de Cosmographise rudimentis duplici editione ligata scilicet et soluta, fine copy, vellum. 8° Sebast. Henric Petri, Basileae, 1585 Pages 645 to 692 are occupied with woodcut maps, the first being a map of the world on the heart projection. The Western hemisphere is tolerably well laid down, but the Northern part is only a continuation of Asia, the Pacific extending up only to about 40°. 2291 PnoaREss (The) of Dulness, Part Second: or An Essay on the Life and Character of Dick Hairbrain, of finical Memory ; Being an Astronomical Calendar, calculated for the Meridian of New-York, etc. [by John Trumbull, author of McFingal], fine copy, hut wanting all after page 21, EX- CESsrvELY scAUCE. 8" Printed in the year 1773 2292 Protest (Second), with a List of the Voters against the Bill to Repeal the American Stamp Act of Last Session. 8° Paris, 1763 2293 Protestant Episcopal Church (Journal of the Proceed- ings of the Bishop, Clergy and Laity of the) in the State of Connecticut, at their Conventions held from 1796 to 1802, together with the Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, y?«e copy, uncut, scarce. 8° Beach ^ Mallory, New York, [1802] 2291 Proudfit (Alexander, q/" (S'aZe?«) A Sermon preached be- fore the Northern Missionary Society in the State of New York, at their First Annual Meeting in Troy, February 8 ; and by particular request in Albany, March 0, 1798, at a special Meeting of the Society. 8" Loring, Andrews ^' Co. Albany, 1798 2295 Provence [Maps of]. La Provence divisee en ses Vigue- ries et Terras adjacentea par K. Jaillot, 24 by I83- inches, coloured. R. Sf J. Ottens, Amst. [1710 ?] 2296 Providence {Rhode Island). A short history of the African Union Meeting and School House, erected in Pro- vidence, in the years 1819, '20, '21 ; with rules for its future government, uncut. 8° Brown ^ Banforth, Providence, 1821 2297 Prudden (Nehemiah, of Enfield) To marry a Wife's Sister not inconsistent with the divine law. To which is added Some Remarks on Dr. Trumbull's late Appeal to the Pub- lic, uncut. 8° Oleason ^ Go. Hartford, 1811 2298 Peussia. General-Karte von dem Prusaischen Staate, in seiner jetzigen Begranzung und Abtheilung nach den von dem Statistischen Bureau zu Berlin mitgetheilteu Nachrichtor, in 21 Bliittern neu cutworfen, 21 sheets, en\ V.n b;i 12 xmhcs. Carl August Jtuiiimil, Ilallc, 1820 iindo, sive i Solensis Oescriptio una cum !i editione leae, 1585 being a map cniisphere is wntiuuation An Essay of finical iulated for uU, author }ge 21, EX- year 1773 gainst the ^aris, 1763 J Proceed- fie State of 16 to 1802, Episcopal opy, uncut, wk, [1802] •cached be- te of New ebruary 8 ; 1798, at a hany, 1798 ses Vigue- \ inches, [1710 ?] ry of the d in Fre- es for its ence, 1821 fe's Sister is added the Pub- ford, 1811 en Staate, nach den getheilteu sheets, crrl allc, 1820 Billiothe.ca Historica 2G5 2299 Prudcntiiis. Aurelii Ciemoutis Prudontii psychomachia, [in Verse']. 4° [Antverpia, 1520?] 2300 Psalms. Doctor "Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David, corrected and enlarged by Joel Barlow, to which is added a Collection of Hymns, 4th Edition. 12° Nathaniel Fatten, Hartford [1785] These Psalms, edited and revised by the author of the Golumbiad, arc of considerable rarity. 2301 Psoautier (Le) en EranQais, traduction nouvelle avec des Notes . . . precedee d'un Discours sur I'esprit dea Livres Saints et le Style des Prophetes par Jean FraiiQois Laliarpe. 12° Paris, 1811 2302 PTOLOjrEus. Liber Qi.ADRTPAnTr Ptolomei id est quattuor tractatuu : in radicanti discretione per stellas de futuris et in hoc mundo costructiois et destructionis con- tingentibus, Jlne, large and clean copy, with the beautiful initial letters coloured. 4° [Colophonl, Lnpressum in Venetijs per Erharduni ratdolt de Augusta, Di»15 mensis Januarij, 1481i 2303 Ptolomeo (C.) Geookafia con alcun Comenti et Ag- giuute fattevi da S. Munstero et J. Gastaldo ridotta in Yolgare Italiano da P. A. Mattiolo, maps, (including those of America and Islands), fine copy in vellum, a very rare edition. Venetia, 1548 {at end 1547) 2304 PvECHAs (Samuel) IIakluttus Posthumus; or Pur- chas his Pilgriraes in five Bookes of Voyages, Peregrina- tions, Circumnavigations, Traffiques, Discoveries and Travels, to which is added, Purchas his Pilgrimage, or Eelacions of the World and the Eeligions observed in all Ages and Places discovered, from the Creation anto tho Present, 5 vols, maps and plates, calf, a good sound working copy with all the titles and maps, hut tcanting some of the table leaves. The engraved title and the map of Virginia are in facsimile. folio. Land. 1625-2G 2305 Putnam's (J. R.) Plan for removing bars at the Mouth of the Mississippi Eiver and other harbours on the Ame- rican Coast and interior, with a full description of his patent Ploughing and dredging Machine, invented by him for that purpose, with drawings, scarce. 8° Neio Orleans, 1841 2300 Ptladae Genealogia, [in Latin verse.] 4° lehan Petit, [Paris, 1520 ?] 2307 Pym (Arthur Gordon) The Narrative of A. G. Pym of Nantucket, North America, comprising the details of a Mutiny, Famine, and Shipwreck, during a Voyage to tlio South Seas, etc. uncut, cloth 8"^ London, 1S3S 2 M 'i-l mm ■ *:• '■'k' i»; m ;: i ^.i- ^ ' 1 1 n- I! 266 Bibliotheca Qeographica 2308 r^IfilSJanUAKER unmask'd ; or Plain Truth : Humbly address'd to the Consideration of all the Freemen of Pennsylvania, [signed at end Philopatrus], excessively scarce. 12" Philadelphia, 1764 Hclating to the troubles at Lancaster, the Indians and the Faxton Boys. 2309 Quaker Unmask'd (Eoinarks on tlie), or Plain Truth found to be Plain Falsehood : Humbly address'd to the Candid [signed at the end Philadelphiensisl, scarce, closely cut. 12° John Morns, Phila. [17G4] The Author's Classical learning by no means equals his zeal, since he has invented the motto, Imjprobis (sic) Jlominis est Mendacio fallere. 2310 Quakers. An Abstract of the Sufferings of the People call'd Quakers for the Testimony of a Good Conscience, from the time of their being first distinguished by that Name, taken from Original Eecords, and other Authen- tick Accounts. Vol. I. From 1650 to 1660, very fine clean copy. 8° Assigns of J. Sowle, London,. 1733 Section XIII pp. 343-400, contain the Sufferings in New England. 2311 Quakers. A Collection of Memorials concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Parts adjacent, from nearly the first Settlement thereof to 1787, Jine copy, calf. 8° J. Phillips, London, 1788 2312 Quebec. A Eeview of the Government and Grievances of the Province of Quebec since the Conquest of it by the British Arms. To which is added an Appendix contain- ing Extracts from Authentic Papers. 8" StocTcdale, London, 1788 2313 Quevedo Villegas (Francisco de) Poesias que publico D. F. de Quevedo con el nombre del Bachiller F. de la Torre. Anadese un Discurso en que se descubre ser el verdadero Autor el mismo Quevedo por D. L. J. Velazquez, fine copy, vellum. 4P Madrid, 1753 2314 Quincy {Bev. Samuel, of Charlestown, South Carolina) Twenty Sermons preached in the Parish of St. Philip, Charles-Town, South Carolina. 8° John Draper, Boston, 1750 2315 Quito. Piano de la Ciudad de Qt'to par D. Tomas Lopez, 15^ by 13J inches. Madrid, 1786 2316 Quivira. Limes Occidentis Quiuira et Anian [i.e. Alaska]. Wytfliet, Lovanii, 1597 2317 I^S^AINSFOED (Marcus) St. Domingo, of het Land der Zwarten in Hayti en deszelf«> Om- wenteling. Naar het Engelsch, 2 -parts in 1 vol. Amsterdam, 1806 i- \h : Humbly )f all the ed at end 'phia, 1764 vxton Boys. >lain Truth is'd to the rce, closely ila. [17C4] , since he has fallere. the People Conscience, ed by that er Authen- ', very fine mrfoM,. 1733 ngland. 'ning divers led Quakers icent, from ! copy, ondon, 1788 Grievances of it by the [ix coutain- ondon, 1788 ue publico jr r. de la ubre ser el Velazquez, adrid, 1753 T% Carolina) St. Philip, \oston, 1750 D. Tomas nd, 1786 \vanih 1597 igo, of het [eszelf? Om- I 2 -parts in \rdamt 1806 Bibliotheca Historica 267 2318 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) Judicious and Select Easayes and Observations upon the first Invention of Shipping. The Misery of Invasive Warre ; The Navy Royall and Sea Service. With his Apologie for his Voyage to Guiana, portrait. IG" T. W.for H. Moselei/, London, 1050 2319 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) Eemains of, viz. Maxims of State. Advice to his Son. His Sceptick. Observations, etc. etc. [with Letters from Guiana], portrait. 12° Henry MortlocTc, London, 1675 2320 Eamel (General) Eelation de la Deportation a Cayenne des Citoyens Barthelemy, Pichegru, Willot, La Eue, etc. a la Suite de la Journee du 18 Fructidor 5me Annee. Contenant plusieura Faits Importans relatifs a cette Journee et au Voyage, Sejour et Evasion de quelquea uns des Deportes,j^«e copy, uncut. 8° Hamhourg, 1799 2321 Eamsay (David) Military Memoirs of Great Britain, or a History of the War, 1755-17G3, no plates. 8° For the Author, Edinlurefh, 1779 2322 Eamusio (Gio Battista) Navigationi et Viaggi, Vol. 1, 1551, Vol. 2, 1559, Vol. 3, 1556, 3 vols, all first editions, vellum. folio, Fenetia, 1554-59 2323 Eamusio (Giovambattista) II Viaggio di Giovan Leone e le Navigazioni di Alvise Da Ca Da Mosto, di Pietro di Cintra, di Annone, di Un Piloto Portoghese e di Vasco di Gama quali si leggono nella Eaccolta di G. B. Eamusio. Nuova edizione, riveduta sopra quelle de' Giunti, portrait of Ramusio, uncut. 4° Venezia, 1837 2324 Eaveneau de Lussan (Sieur) Journal du Voyage fait a la Mer de Sud avec les Flibustiers de I'Amerique en 1684, et Annees suivantes, fine copy in vellum, scarce. 80 Paris, 1690 2325 Batnal (Abbe) A Philosophical and Political History of the British Settlements and Trade in North America. From the French. To which is annexed, an Impartial History of the Present W^ar in America from its com- mencement to the present time, scarce. 12° C. Donovan, Edinh. 1779 Tlic Second part brings the History of tlie War down to June, 1779. 2326 Eaynal (Abbe) The Eevolution of America, //le copy, calf. 8° London, 1781 2327 Eaynal (Abbe) The Eevolution of America, fine copy, calf 12° C. Talhot, Dublin, 1781 2328 Eaynal (Abbe) The Eevolution of America, fi7ie copy, uncut. S° Samuel Hall, Salem, 1782 2329 Eaynal (Abbe) The Eevolution of America, a new edi- tion. 12° Edin. 1783 2330 Eeckoner (The Ecady) or Traders' Companion, showing the value of any commodity from one Quarter of a Cent to Twelve Dollars. In Dollars and Cents. 1G« Paul, Phila. 1838 I '.i III I ll' (it I 1 'III ' 2G8 Billiotheca Oeographica 2331 Read {Ocn. John Meredith, J"''. F.S.A.) A Historical Inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, his Friends, Kclatives, and Early Lite, his Connection with the Muscovy Com- pany, and Discovery of Delaware Bay, vncut. Out of print, and soarce. 8° Joel Munsel, Albani/, 18(i(} 2332 Reasons why the British Colonies in Auicrica should not be charged with Internal Taxes, by Authority of I'ar- liament. Humbly oflered for Consideration in Behalf of the Colony of Connecticut, [by Governor Fitch] Jine copy, very scarce and important. 8"* B. Jlecom, New Haven, 17G1 2333 Rebellion in the North ! ! Extraordinary Disclosures ! Vallandigham's Plan to Overthrow the Government ! The Peace Party Plot ! Full Details of the Organization ; its Declarations, Oaths, Charges, Signs, Signnls, Passwords, Grips, etc. etc. printed on the coarsest Confederate paper, scarce and curious. 8" [Eichtiiond, 186-i] 2334 Reflexions Impartiales sur les Consequences qui doivent resulter pour la Grand Bretagne, de I'lndependance des Ameriquains. Sur les Depenses qti'elle a faites pour rEtablissemcnt ct la Conservation de ses Colonies de Amerique. En Fin sur I'lmportance dont ces memes Co- lonies Ameriquaines et les Indes Occidentales sont pour I'Empire Britannique. Ouvrago traduit de I'Angloia, veri/ Jine copy, uncut, scaiice. 8° Londres, 1780 2335 Reglamento para el Gobicrno del Monte Pio aprobado a Consecuencia de los Establecidos en Nueva-Espaiia, Peru, Santa Fe y Goathemala, plate of the Spanish Itoyal Arms, Charles the Third's copy in Spanish Binding, toith Boyal Arms of Spain in gold on sides, gilt edges. 8" Madrid, m\ 2336 Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans les Isles et Teebe-Feeme de L'AiifeniQUE, pendent la derniere Guerre avec I'Angleterre, et depuis en execution du Traitte de Breda. Avec un Journal du dernier Voyage du S' de la Barre en la Terre-Ferme, et Isle de Cayenne. Le tout reciieilly par J. C. S. D. V. [Jean de Clodore] oil est joint le Journal d'un nouveau Voyage fait en Guynee, 2 vols. fine copy, calf excessively soahce. 8° Gervais Clouzier, Paris, 1671 2337 Relazione de terribili Terremoti accaduti ultimamente neir Isola di S. Domingo, della Giammaica ed altre nell' America, rare. Bessaro, 17o2 2338 Religionskricge (General-Charte i'lber die) des XVI. uud XVII. Jahrhunderts in Teutschland. Fiir Lehrer uud Schuler ein Hiilfsmittel in der Roformationt^eschichte und ins besondere als Gedachtnisstafel des dritten hundert- jahrigeu Jubelfestes der Reformation, entworfcn, et von J. Cai'l Ausfeld, 19 hy 18^ inches, curious and .scarce. SchiiepfcHthal, IS 17 -k BiMiothcca Ilistorica i^ 2G9 Historical i, Kclalives, scovy Com- Oiit of print, Uhany, 18(U5 jrica sliouUl (rity of Par- 3elialfofthe ne copy, very Haven, 1761 Disclosures ! mnent! Tlie lization ; its , Passwords, hrate paper, imond, 186'i] 3 qui doivent pendance des faites pour Colonies de s memos Co- ds BOut pour Anglois, very '.ondres, 1780 o aprobado a jlspana, Peru, Royal Arms, 7, tvith Royal Madriil,mi ,ES ISLKS ET iiiere Guerre Traitte de du S' de la ne. Le tout oil est joint ynee, 2 vols. Paris, 1671 ultimamente altre nell' essaro, 1752 es XVI. uud Lehrer und schicbte und en hundert- en, et von J. rce. fenthal, 1817 2339 Eelly (James) Union ; or a Treatise of the Consanguinity and Adhiity between Christ and his Church, fine copy, uncut, scarce. 8" John Carter, Providence, 1782 2310 Kemauks on the principal Acta of the Thirteenth Par- liament of Great Britain. Vol. I. containing Remarks on the Acts relating to the Colonies, with a Plan of Keconci- liatiou [all ever published] ^/le copy, uncut. 8" T. Payne, London, 1775 Written by John I.ind, a friend of Jeremy Bcntham and I'arr. 231 L Kemakks. General Kemarks on the Proceedings lately had in the adjacent Country, relative to Infidelity. Com- prehending the writings of D. N., the Conduct of the Goshen Printer, with some observations on the Consequence of Persecution, uncut, scarce. 8" David Denniston, Newlurqh, AT. T. 1798 2312 Rengger (J. R.) et Longchamp (Mr.) Essai Historiquo Bur la Revolution du Paraguay ct le Gouvernement Dic- tatorial du Docteur Trancia, half calf. 8° Hector Bossange, Paris, 1827 2343 Rengger (J, R.) The Reign of Doctor Joseph Gaspard Roderick De Francia in Paraguay, an account of six years' residence in that Republic, 1819-1825, boards, uncut. 8° London, 1827 2341 Reponse a la Declaration du Congres Americain. Tra- duite de rAnglois,/ne copy. 8" T. Cadell, Londres, 1777 2345 Report of a Committee of the Linnjean Society of New England relative to a Large Marine Animal supposed to be a Serpent seen near Cape Ann, Massachusetts, in August 1817, loith an engraved Sea Serpent, SCABCE. 8° Cummings Sf Hilliard, Boston, 1817 2346 Review (A) of the Laws of the TTnited States of North America, the British Provinces and West India Islands ; with select Precedents and Observations, and a Comparison of the Courts of Law and Practice there with that of Westminster Hall. 8° ]^. Otridge, London, 1790 2347 Review of the Administration of the Government of the United States of America, since the year Ninety-three ; or the Correspondence between the Secretary of State and the French Minister on that subject, uncut. 8" Benj. Russell, Boston, 1797 2348 Reynell (Carew) The True English Interest ; or an Ac- count of the Chief National Improvements in some Political Observations, demonstrating an Infallible Advance of this Nation to Infinite Wealth and Greatness, Trade and Popu- lacy, with Imployment and Preferment for all Persons. 8" Oiles Widdowes, London, 1074 2319 Rhine. Electoratus et Palatinatus Rheni, Episcopatuuni Spirencis et Wormaceusis Ducatuum Bipontii et Simmcra% etc. Nova Tabula accurate dcscripta per F. dc Wit, 23 by is 2 inches. J. Coccus ct E, Morlicr, Amst. [I09t>l ii 11' r t > ' f^' ' 270 Bihliotheca Oeographica 2350 Rhine. Descriptio Fluminum Rheni, Vahalis et Mosso a Rheuo Berca ad Goricomium usque, comprehendenB Im- perium Noviomagense, Bataviam, Tieho et Bomelii Insulas rogionosque conterminas, 19 hy 14| inches, coloured. Apud Janssonio-Wueshergios, Mosem Pitt et Stephanum Swart [1600 ?] 2351 Rhino [Map of] do Loop van de Rhyn en do Maes, door het vercouigde Nederland, uyt do gomcene Caerten hier 800 verro gebracht ala tot de demonstration dor Seven- bergse Waterkcnners noodig ia etc. Door de Mathema- ticus A. van Luchtenburg, 20J bg 23 inches, scarce. 1G91 2352 Rhine (Lower) Tabula Geographica partem Inferioria Rheni continens in qua sunt Ducatus Clivousis, Archiepis- copatua Colonionsis, Ducatua Montensis, et Comitatua Marchienais, por N. Visschcr, 22 ^ hi/ 18^- inches, coloured. Amat. Bat. [1720 ?] 2353 Rhine [Map of] le Cours du Rhin depuis Worms jusqu'i Bonne, ot lea Pays adjaceus, par Guillaumo de L'Isle, 24^ hi/ 19 inches, coloured. Covens et Mortier, Amst. [1700?] 2351- Rhine [Map of] lo Coura du Rhin depuis Straabourg jusqu'a Worms et lea Pays adjacena par Guillaume de I'lsle, 24^ It/ 19 inches. Covens et Mortier, Amst. [1700 ?] 2355 Rbine [Map of] Le Coura du Rhin au desaus de Stras- bourg et lea Pais adjacens, par Guillaumo de I'lsle, 24,i hi/ 19 inches. Covens et Mortier, Amst. [1700] 235G Rhine (Lower) Circulus Electorum Rheni sivo Rhenanus Inferior complcclens Aocuratam Deacriptionem Arehiepis- copatus Moguntini Colonionsis et Trevirensis, Palatinatua Rheni, etc. per 1\ de Wit, 19^ hi/ 22^ inches, coloured. Amstelodami [1730?] 2357 Rhode Island. Kaart van een Gedeelte van Rhode Eiland, vooratellende de Positio van de Amerikaansche en Engelsche Armeeu by het belcg van Newport, en do vol- gende Actio op den 29 Augustus, 1778, 9J hy \G\ iiiches. lAmst. 1779?] 2358 Rhode Island. Manual, with Rules and Orders for the use of the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island, 1867-68, by J. R. Bartlett. 12° Providence, 1S68 2359 RuoDEs (Alexandre de, Comp. de Jesus) Sommairo dos divers Voyages ot Missions Apostoliques a la Chine & autres Royaumc. de I'Orient, avec son retour de la Chine a Rome depuis 1618 jusques a 1653, _^He copy, vellum, rare. 8° Chez F. Lambert, Paris, 1^53 2360 Ricay Fergel [Pablo Cecina) M(;dula Eutropelica Calcu- latoria que ensefia a jugar a las Dauias con Espada y Bro- quel, dividida en Trea Tratadoa. Sacala a luz un Jugador incognito, aunque nombrado Don P. C. Ricay Eergel, cor- rcgida y Auuieutada, vellum, tvormed. 12° Madrid, 1759 Mnunukiieca jxiitorica 271 3 et Mosso adens Im- lii Insulas ed. cm Pitt et t [1600 ?] laes, door srten hier or Seven- Mathema- (0. 1C91 Inferioria ^rchiepis- ComitatuB I. [1720 ?] tnsjusqu'i ^'Isle, 24 J- «. [1700?] Strasbourg 3 de risle, t. [1700 ?] de Straa- le. 2H bt/ St. [1700] Khenanua Archiepis- 'alatinatus i[l730?] an Rhode ansche en de vol- inches. 1779?] for the de Island, ence, 1S68 mairo dea Chine & la Chine lum, iris, 1('53 ca Calcu- da J Bro- Jugador pgel, cor- hid, 1759 'S 2301 EiiiADENETR\ y Barbientos (Antonio Joachim do) Manual Coinpendio do el liegio Patronato Indiano, para Bu mas facil uso on las matcrias conducentos iLla Practica, Jine copy, calf, scarce, and important 4" Antonio Marin, Madrid, 1755 A book full of original Jocumonts respecting the cstablisliinant of tho Church in the Indies, nnd tho protection of the Imiians, together with all the I'opish bulls referred to, from that of Alexander VI to the time of publication. 23G2 Richards (T. Addison) Guide to the Central Park [New York] cloth, with large plan of the park. 12" J. Miller, New Tori', 18GS 23G3 Richardson (AV.) A PhiloHophical Analysis and Illustra- tion of some of Shakespeare's Ciiaractera ; to which is added an Essay on tho Faults of Shakeapearo. The Fourth Edition, scarce. 12" William Spotswood, Philadelphia, 178S 23G4 RiciiLAifD, Couuty Ohio, Map of, from Surveys by P. O. Eyrue [with plans of villages and views of public buildings] 57 hi/ 38 inches, fine copy, coloured, scakce. Philadelphia, 185G 23G5 RicnLAXD, Oswego County, New York, Map of, from Surveys by J. B. Butler [with plans of villages and views of residences] , 30 bi/ 33 inches, coloured, Jine clean copy [18G0] 2300 Richmond (Map of a part of tho City of), showing tho burnt Districts, published by AVm. Ira Smith, proprietor Richmond Whig, 12 J hi/ S inches. 1804 2307 Rickey (Anna S.) Forest Flowers of the "West [in Verse] calf, portrait and vignette. 8" Phila. 1851 2308 Ricous (M.) Le Bougainville de la Jounesse ou Nouvel Abrege des Voyages dans I'Amerique, contenant la Descrip- tion des Mceurs et Couti .mes des peuples de co vaste con- tinent, et lea Aventures led plus remarquables des voyageurs, etc. uncut. 12" Bruxelles, 1829 23G9 Riego. The Canon Riego's Catalogue of Books in various languages and every Branch of Literature, on Sale at 57, Seymour Street, Euston Square. 12" Lond. [1840?] Canon Iliego was a friend of the late O. Bich, and his was at that time considered a very good collection of Spanish books. 2370 Rights (The) of Great Britain Asserted against the Claims of America : being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. The Tenth Edition. To which is now added a Further Refutation of Dr. Price's State of the National Debt,j/?we copy, half roan. 8" T. Cadell, London, 1776 2371 Rights (The) of Great Britain Asserted against the Claims of America: being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. 2nd Edition, half roan, fine copy. 8" T. Cadell, London, 177G 1. 1 m ■I' 'Ml! '' 'n, 272 Bihliotheca Oeograpltica 2372 Rights (Tho) of Oroat Britain AssertoJ against the Claims of America, being an Answer to the Declaration of tho General Congress. 4th Edition, with Additions, uncut, title soiled 8" T. Cadell, London, 1770 2373 RiMius (Henry) A Candid Narrative of tho Kise and Progress of the Ilerrnhuters, commonly called Moravians, or Unitns Fratrum, London, 1753. 2. A Hupplemont to tho Candid Narrative, etc. ib. 1755. 3. The History of tho ]\[oraviana, collected from tho Public Acts of Budingor, etc. ib. 1751, 4, A True and Authentic Account of An- drew Ferey, containing tho Occasion of his coming among tiio Moravians and the Reasons for which he left them. 5. A Solemn Call on Count Zinzondorf, Author of tho irerrnhutcrs, to answer the Candid Narrative, etc. by H. Rimiua, London, 1751. 0. A Second Solemn Call, etc. vols, in 1, all uncut, a scarce collection. 8" London, 1757 '{ I 23 23 23; 235 236 23S h**' i ' ;ninat tlio urution of »n8, uncut, idon, 1770 Kise and ravians, or int to tlio jry of the Budingor, lilt of Au- ins among left them, lor of tho etc. by H. Call, etc. (5 ndon, 1757 E I C II T II I) AY'S S A LE ^':57i Ki!rii^^|ir.\Ll)A y Astetc. Catociamo do los Padivs Itipalda y Astetc ndoruado cou 151 liamiiiaa Finaa, c iliistrado con otraa tantas csplica- ciones parafrasticas para la mcjor inteligcnoiii do las dogmas des nuestra religion. Cor- rcgido por Don Torquato Torio do la Jliva, Jine copy, calf, 4 torn. 12" Paris Sf Mcjico, 1837 2375 Jiippon (John) A Selection of Hymns from tlio best Anthors ; iuteudcd to bo an Appendix to Ur. Watts'a I'salms and Hymns. Second Edition [with IMS. notes, names of tunes, etc. in the hand of Dr. liippon]. 12" London \n. lish(Hi. 2 N 'Si 4 I,' i^i T: III fi J' 11 Of: I 274 Bihliotheca Cfeographica 2383 EOBERTUS MONACHUS. Belltm CnniSTiANonvM Prikciptm, praecipve Gallortm, contra Saracknos, anno 1088, pro teri-a saucta gestum : autore Eoberto Mo- machu. Carolua Verardus de expugnatione regni Granataj, etc. CURISTOPnORTJS CnLOM DE PRIMA INSULARUM, IN MARI In- DICO SITARUM LUSTllATIONE, Ctc. Dc legatione regis Aetbiopia} ad Clcmentem VII. ac Ecge Portugalliso, etc. Joan. Baptista Egnatius de origine Turcarum. Pomponius Lajtus de exortu Moamethis. Fine copy, calf. folio, Henricus JPetrus, Basileee. 1533 This rare book has hitherto been valued bj' American Collectors, mainly because it contains an early repi'int of the celebrated Letter of Colum- bus, written from Lisbon, in March, 1493, to Kaphael Sanxis, respect- ing his discovery by a western route of certain Islands of India beyond the Ganges. But the collection of these six documents in one volume has a peculiar appropriateness in exhibiting, in a striking manner, the gr.and features of the gigantic struggle of seven hundred years between the Christians and Mohammedans. Mohammedanism withstood the Crusades and tlic subsc(iuent wars, but it yielded after the fall of Granada, when Columbus gave a. new world to Christendom, and the I'ortuguese went forth to explore and Christianize the East. 2384 Rocliefort (Charles) Ilistoire Natiirelle et Morale des lies Antilles de I'Amerique. Avcc \\\\ Vocabulaire Ca- RATBE, fine copy, plates. 4" Chez A. Leers, Boterdam, 1658 "First Edition, of very considerable historical value, though Le Ptre Du Tertre asserts in the preface of his larger work in 1GC7, that ^I. de Rochcfort, a minister of the gospel at Rotterdam, stole his manu- script in 1664 from the printers and pubhshed it as his own." — Stevens's Bihl. Ilistorica, p. 158. 2385 Eochefort (Charles de) Natuurlykc en Zcdelylic Ilis- torie van d'Eylanden de Yoor-Eylanden ran America. Met eenen Caraibaauschen "Woorden-schatjj^ne copy, vellum. 4" Ariiout Leers, Botterdam, 1G02 2386 Eochefort (Cliarles de) Histoire Nalurelle et Morale des lies Antilles do 1' Amerique, Avec un A'ocabulaire Caraibe. Second 'E^Wion, frontispiece and plates, fine copy, vellum. 4° Arnout Leers, Boterdam, 1GG5 23S7 Eogcrs (Eev. Amtni, of Hebron, Conn.) Memoirs of Eev. A. Eogers, a Clergyman of the Episcopal Church, educated at Tale College, ordained in New York, persecuted in Connecticut on account of Eeligion and Politics for almost Twenty Tears, and finally falsely accused and imprisoned in Norwich Jail for two years, on the charge of Crimes said to have been committed in Griswokl when he was not within about one Hundred Miles of the Place. Also an Index to the Holy Bible, and a concise view of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church. 3rd edition, with additions, omis- sions, and alterations, scarce and eccentric. 12" J. W. Copland, Middlebury, Vt. 1830 •.tvij JTIANOnVM 5AIIACEN09, obcrto Mo- ta3, etc. N MAUI In- II. ac Ecge asilece. 1533 lectors, mainly ;tter of Coluiii- iaiixis, rcspect- i£ India beyond , in one volume <^ manner, the I years between , withstood the rtcr the fall of cndom, and the Hast. ; Morale des BTJLAinE Ca- )terdam, 1658 hough Lc Pere n 1GC7, that ^I. stole his nianu- mn."— Stevens's ;edcly];c Ilis- merica. Met 'terdam, 1GG2 Morale des aire Caraibe. Icrdam, IGGu moirs of Kev. rch, educated )ersecuted in ics for almost d imprisoued Crimes said he was not ice. Also an f the Protes- ditions, omis- ,wry, Vt. 1830 Bibliotheca lUstorica 275 23SS Eobiu {Able) Nieiiwe lleize door Noord Amerika in den Jaare 1781. Uit het Franseli, mhcw#. 8" Amst. 1782 2389 Itobson (Josepli) An Account of Six Tears' llcsidonce in Hudson's Bay, 1733-173G, and 171-1-17J;7, 2 viaps and plan, fine copy, calf. 8" J. Fai/ne, Loudon, 1752 2390 Eogera (Rev. E. P.) A Historical Discourse on the Eeformed Prot. Dutch Church of Albany, Nov. 26, 1S57, cloth. 4" New York, 1858 2391 liofTcrs {Major Robert) A concise Account of North America, containing a Description of tlie British Colonics, including Newfoundland, Cape Breton, etc. Also an Ac- count of the several Nations and Tribes of Indians, fine copy, scarce, calf. &" For the Author, London, 17(55 2392 Rogers {Captain AVoodes) A Cruising Voyage round the AVorld to the South Soas,tho East Indies, and homewiirds by the Cape of Good Hope, 1708-1711. Containing a Journal of the taking of Puna and Guia(]uil ; an Account of Alex- ander Selkirk's living alone four Years and four ^Months in an Island, etc. liioiled. 8" A. Bell, London, 1712 2393 Rogers {Captain Woodes) A cruising Voyage round the "World, ilr.st to the South Sea, Ihence to tho East Indies, and homewards by the Cape of Good Hope, 17i)8-17ll, containing a Journal of remarkable Transactions, the taking of Puna and (Juiaquil,ctc. An Account of Alexander Sel- Ivirk's living alone four Tears and four Mouths in an Island. Second edition. Map and plates, fine copy. 8" Bernard Livtot, London, 1726 2391 Roggewein (Mr.) Ilistoire de I'Expeditiou do Troia Vaisseaux aux Torres Australes en 1721. Par Monsieur dc B***. good copy, calf, 2 torn in 1. 12" La Ilaye, 1739 2395 Rolph (Thomas) A Descriptive and Statistical Account of Canada, showing its great adaptation for British Emigra- tion. Preceded by an Ac count of a Tour through portions of the West Indies and tlio United States, second edition. 8" London, IS 11 239G Rolt (R.) A New and Accurate History of South Ame- rica, containing a particular Account of the Discovery of the New AVorld, . . . with a full Description of Cliili, Paraguay, Peru, To-ra Finna, (jiulana, Cayenne, Brazil, etc. tcith a large map of South America, fine copy, calf. 8" T. Gardner, London, 1756 2397 Roman l]mpire. Orbis Romani Pars Orlentalia auctor d'Anville, 21 by 26 inches, coloured. In ofilcina Weiyelio-Schneideriana, 1782 2398 Romani Imperii Imago [a curious JNlap or the Roman Empire. In tho left corner are 13 closely printed lines entitled Originis, Incremeuti, ct Culminis Imperij Romani, breuis enumeratio, and in the right corner is a genealogy of the Seven Kings], 19^ by 13i inches. [Ante. 1580 r"l -^j ■'t t^ ■! ISi 270 Bibliotheca Oeographica 2399 Eoss (Arthur A.) A Discourao embraciug the Civil and Keligious History of Ehode-Island. 120 ^, ji Broivn, Providence, 1S38 2400 Eoss (^Captain John) A Voyage of Discovery made in Hia Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander for Exploring Baffin's Bay, and enquiring into a North-West Passage, second edition, 2 vols, boards, uncut. 8" London, 1819 2101 Eoss (Mr.) The Speeches of Mr. Eoss and Mr. Morris, etc. [in the Senate of the United States on the free navi- gation of the Mississippi Eiver], scarce. 8° Washington, 1803 2402 Eoss (Eobert) The American Grammar, or a Complete Introduction to the English and Latin Languages. The Seventh Edition enlarged, with a Vocabulary containing irregular Nouns and Verbs and the Words used in tho first Forty Colloquies of Cordery, scarce. 8° Nathaniel Patten, Hartford, 1782 2103 Eotheram (John) An Essay on Faith and its Connection with Good Works, third edition. 8" J. Parker, Ncio Torh, 1767 2101 Eoumania [Map of]. Eomanie, Bulgarie et Partie de Moldavie, 23-J- hy 19^ inches, coloured. Covens et Mortier, Amst. [1700 ?] 2405 EovENzox (John) A Treatise of Metallica. But not that which was published by Mr. Simon Sturtevant upou his Patent which is now by order cancelled and made voyd, etc. AVhereupon Priviledge by Patent is granted by the King's most excellent Majesty to J. Eovenzon, Esquire, for the making of Iron and other Mettals and Materials with Sea-cole, Pit-cole, etc. for one and thirty years. Accord- ing to which Patent this Treatise is published in Print and containeth a brief Explanation, Demonstration or Discovery of the Inuentions priuiledged, etc. fine copy, SCARCE. 4" Thomas Thorp, London, 1G13 2400 Eowe (John) Man's Duty in Magnifying God's Work discovered in a Sermon before the Parliament, Oct. 8, 1G5(J. Being appointed as a day of Publick Thanks-giving for the great Victory obtained by a part of the Navy belonging unto this Common-wealth, against the Spanish Fleet, ix ITS RETURN FROM THB WeST InDIES, SCARCE. 4" B. White, London, 1G50 2407 Eowson {Mrs. late of the New Theatre, Philadefj)hiu) Charlotte Temple, a Tale of Truth, boards, tmcut. 12" John Lomax, New York, 1831 2408 Eoy (J.)Histoirc du Canada a I'usage des Ecoles et des Families. 12" //. Ramsey, Montrial, 1854 2409 Eoyce (Andrew) Universalism : a Modern Invention and not accdrding to Godliness. 2nd edition with an Exauiin- aliou of Certain Itevicws. 12" Chronicle Press, Windsor, Vt. Ib'Sd ■m he Civil and viJencc, 1S38 ery made in or Exploring ^est Passage, London, 1819 . Mr. Morris, lie free uavi- Ungton, ISOn a Complete guages. The y containing used iu the 'artfonl, 1782 3 Connection '} York, 1767 et Partie de Imst. [1700?] iCA. But not rtevant upon d made voyd, ■anted by the I, Esquire, for aterials with U's. Accord- in Print and or Discovery London, 1G13 God's Work Oct. 8, 1G5G. iving for the vy belonging ish Elect, IN London, 1G5G 'hiladefj)hiu) lit. I York, 1831 Kcoles et des intrial, 1854) ivention and an Exauiin- m, 77. 1830 Bibliotheca Ilistorica 277 . ; i'^[\ 2110 Rugglos (Samuel B.) The Past and the Present. Semi- centennial Address to tho Alumni of Yale College and Graduates of ISl-i, at their Annual Meeting, July 27, ISGL 8° Appietons, New York, 18()]< 2111 EuLES and Articles for the better Government of the Troops rjiised or to be raised and kept in pay by and at the cxpence of the United States of America, fine copy, uncut, very scarce. 8° John Dunlap, Phila. 1770 2112 KuPERTi Abbatis Monasterii Tuitiensis, Commenta- riorum in Apocalypsim Johanuia Libri XII. [and other works by the same author], ^«e volume, pigskin. fol. Aptidfoplicem Colotiiam, Johannes Soter, 1533-1527 2113 Rush (Benjamin) An Enquiry into tho Effects of Spirituous Liquors upon the Human Body and their In- fluence upon the Happiness of Society, scarce. 12° Thomas Bradford, Fhiladelphia, [1790 ?] 2-11-1 Hush (Dr. Benjamin) Extract of a Letter to Granville Sharp [on enslaving Africans.] 12« James Phillips, London, 1792 2415 Rush (Jacob) Charges and Extracts of Charges on Moral and Religious Subjects, by the Honourable J. Rush, President of the Third District of the Court of Common Pleas, to which is annexed the Act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, respecting Vice and Immorality, boards, uncut. 12" Geo. Forman, New York, May, 1804 241G Rushton (Edward) Expostulatory Letter to George AVashington of Mount Vernon in Virginia on his continu- ing to be a Proprietor of Slaves,,^???^ copy. 12° Liverpool, Printed 1797 Washington upon receiving this letter of volunt.iry advice, retumed it to tlie writer witliout note or comment, so ho sent it to the press. 2117 Russel (John, Jun.^ An Authentic History of the A'cr- mout State Prison, from the passing the Law for its Erection in 3807 to July 1812. Containing a minute description of the Prison, number of Prisoners, their Crimes, etc. with the Rules, Regulations etc. of said Prison and a List of the OlTicers, etc. fine copy, scarce. 12° Preston Merrifield, Windsor, Vt. 1812 This is one of tho very few copies that contain the larfre fokling: cop- per plate view of the Vermont States Prison, engraved by Isaac Eddy, of Wcathersfield, Vermont. One of the earliest and best specimens of engraving in Vermont. 2418. Russia. A Mapp of the Estates of the Great Duke of Russia, Blanch, or Moscovia, Designed by Mounc' Sanson, andRendred into English by Ric. ISlome, 15^ by 11 inches. London, IGGO 2119 Russia. Tabula Moscovia? nunc accuratius conciunata et cdlla a Pctro Sclienk, 23'. hy 19 j inches, coloured. [Amt. 1720 r] m ,jM Mot| i ■ ■l! 1 III ir'i ii 278 Hihliotheca Oeographica 2120 Russia. Spatiosissimum Imperium Eussioe Magnse, juxta recentissimaa Observationes Mappa Geograpliica accura- tissime delineatum opera et sumtibua Tobia) Conradi Lotteri, 22-a- by 19^ inches, coloured. Augusta Vindel. [1720 ? ] 24'21 Bussia. Nieuwe Kaart van het geheele Russiche Eijk, volgens die van den Hecr Poirson verbcterd door den Hcer Edme Melville [with Beliring Straits and Alaska], 29 by l-lii" inches, coloured, fine copy, scarce. C. van Baarsil. [^Amst. 1785 ?] 2-122 EussiA. The European Part of the Eussian Empirei from the Maps published by tiie Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg, with the New Provinces on the Bhick Sea. The Asiatic Part of theEussian Empire with the New Dis- coveries of Capt". Cook, etc. 40^ by 18. j inches, coloured, fine copy, scauce. Laivric iSf Whittle, London, 12th May, 1791 2123 Eussi,v. Nieuwe Kaart van het geheele Eussiohe Eijk volgens die van den Heer Poirson, verbcterd door den lleer Ed"'". Melville, 29 by 14 > inches, coloured, fine and clean. M-anqois Bohn, Haarlem, 1S07 2424 EussiA. Neue Karte vom ganzon Eussischen Eeiche, den Tiirkisclien und Oesterreic'ii . l.en Kaiser-Staaten, Persien, die Konigreiche Schweduii, Da;ne'nark, Prcussen, Italicn, Noapel, Sicilien, Sardinien, die Stnaten des Ehein- burdes, etc. — Diese politische und AV^eg-Kfrte, erstrccht sich von Paris und London bis nacli Amei.ca, China, In- dien, etc. 2 sheets, 11^ by Vd\ inches, coloured. J. C. Ilinrichs, Leipzig, 1812 2425 Eussia, Turkey, the Baltic and Black Seas (Map of) with all the Continental Eailways, and the Lines and Stations of the Submarine and European Electric Tele- graphs and their Extension across the Mediterranean to Tunis in Africa, with Distance Tables of the various Eoutes from London to the S^ats of War, etc. by C. M. Thompson, 28 by 24 inches, colot.-' '• with 5 inch Margins outside the Map containing Names, etc. London, 1854 2126 Eutland and Burlington Eailroad in Vermont, (Map and Profile of tho Tby] W. B. Gilbert, Chii'f Engineer, 54 by 23| inches. Boston, Jan. 1st, 1848 2127 Euxton ^^. ±'.) Adventures in Mexico and the Eoeky Mountains, half morocco. 8" London, 1847 2428 Eyssol (Plan van) zo als hetzelve is versterkt in gesi- tueerd n January, 1791, 12 i by 10^ inches, colourt I. J. Allarl, Amsterdam, 1701 .tH« ignsB, juxta ica accura- ED Conradi 7. [1720 ? ] ssiclie Eijlc, r den Heer ka], 29 by ist. 1785 ?] vn Empire* lemy of St. Black Sea. J New Dis- s, coloured, May, 1791 ssichc Jiijk door deii irlem, 1S07 len Eeidie, er-Staatcn, J Prcusspii, des Rhein- erstrec-ht Cliiua, In- ipzij, 1812 (Map of) Lines and trie Tele- ranean to ic various by C. M. h Margins don, iSui) (Map and eer, 51 by 1st, 18 IS lie Eocky Jon, IS 17 t in gesi- dain, 1791 Bibliotheca Ilistorica 279 24?J I.@-^^'A|AABIJE (Hans E<;cdo) Frajrmcnton nit ocn Dagbock gehouden in Greenland in do Jaren 1770-1778. Uit het Doens in bet lloog- duitseb vertaald door G. Fries, en verrijkt met eene A'oorrede des Hoogdiiitsebcn Vertalers, bevattende eenigc Berigten nopens de Leveuswijzo der Groenlandcrs, etc. Volgens do lloogdviisclie in bet Neder- duitscb overgebragt, uncut. W Groningcn, 1818 2130 Sabellicls (M. Antonius) De rcru et artium iniientori- bus ])oema ad M. O. llieronynium baffuni foro Juliensis j)roiiincie quostorem inei[)it. Venule reperitur in domo Johnnnis Lamhcrti conioran in vico hruncllo ad intersiynium ipsius divi Ctaudij. 1° Paris, 1520 2181 Sabine (Captain Edward) Remarks on tbc Aceonnt of the late Yoynge of Discovery to Ballin's Bay, publisbed by Captain J. lloss, R.N. vncitt, scarce and valuable. 8° London, 1819 2132 Sabine (James) Tlio Fatbers of New England, a Sermon in tlie Cbiircb in Essex Street, Boston, December 20, 1820, being tlie Second Centennial Celebration of tbe Lauding of the Fathers at Plymouth, ^«pi/, scarce, •pice, 1517 ? lleach of e Huron), 37 bi/ 23-1 yton, 1807 lors or St. L8;j mchen, Minj, 1791. air, drawn under tlie Small map ! Commis- nchcs, and f/toti, 1812 jlishcd by of villages 3 a Uirec- ssidences], inois, 1SG3 lie original !\ving also ?ass, 25 bi/ \gton, 1857 [the Com- e Negroc3 being a mbly, 3rd sembly of ith Notes don, 1792 of the which 13 same sub- Natioi.al don, 1792 ort of the ansmitted ap of St. ion, 1871 nd Culti- rescrving ethods iu prosecute ulture in Ion, 1772 OS Bibliothccn Tlisiorica 2Sl 2447 Saint Ililaire (Augusto de) Voyage dans Ics Provinceis do liio de Janeiro et do Minas Gcraes, 2 torn, uncut. 8" Paris, 1830 2418 Saint-Hilaire (Augusto de) Voyage dans lo District des Diamans et sur le Littoral du IJresil, suivi de notes sur quclques plautes caracteristiques et d'un Precis de I'histoire ties Kevolutious do I'Empire Bresilien, 2 vols, uncut. 8" Paris, 1833 2110 Saint John (J. Hector) L.^ttera from an American I'armer describing certain provincial situations, manners, and customs, not generally known [with Maps of Nan- tucket and Martha's Vineyardj.^rtP copj/, calf. 8" T. Bavies, London, 1782 2150 Salem Athenasum (Catalogue of the Books belonging to the), with the By-Laws and Kogulations,^«e copy, nnciit. 8" Thomas C. Casliing, Salem, 1811 2151 Salzbrunn. Umgegend von Salzbruun in Schlesien, ein topographisch-geognestiches Bild von ddm Waldenburger Porpliyr Gebirge mit den augrenzenden Steinkohlen La- gem, von C. Vogol von Ealckenstoin und Cugon von Ilart- wig, 21 \ hj 20 inches. 183S 2152 Samaniego (Josepli Ximenez) Hclacion do la Vida de la Venerable Madrc Sor INIaria de Jesus, Abadesa del Cou- vento de la Purissima Concepciou de la Villa de Agreda. 8° Madrid, '" 3153 SanchoPanza, Ilistoriadel mas famoso Escudero.Sancho Panza desde la gloriosa muerte do Don Quixote de la IMaucha hasta el ultimo dia y postrera hora de sa Vida, 2 vols. 12° Madrid, 1793 2151 Sanders (Daniel Clarke, of Viryennes) A Sermon before his Excellency Isaac Tichenor, Esq. Governor ; the Honor- able the Council, etc. of the State of Vermont, Oct. 11, 1798, in the city of Vergennes, on occasion of General Election, fine copy, uncut. 8" O. ^ a. Waits, Vergennes, 1798 2155 Sanders (Daniel Clarke, President of the University of Vermont^ A Discourse iu Burlington before Washington Lodge, No 7, on the Festival of St. John the Baptist, 21th June, 1811, uncut, fne copy. 8" Samuel Mills, Purlington, 77. ISll 245G Sandusky County, Ohio, Map of, surveyed and published by J. McDonnell [with plans of Fremont Corporation Village], 25 by 4:6 inches, coloured, scarce. Phil. 18(50 2457 San Juan de Nicaragua (Map of the Eiver of). Kiver from W. H. Allen's Original Survey. Maps and Sections by E. G. Squier. (Map of Isthmus between Mouth of Eio Sapoa and Gulf of Bolonas, from the original of Dr. Andres Oersted, 1819), 27 i lnj S.\ inches, proof on thick paper, scarce, yew York, 185 k. 1755 '" !; ft < 11 'I t> ,' 282 Bihliolheca Oeographiea 2458 Sandwich Islands. O ke Anahonua, he mea ia e as ai i ke ana i ua mea a pau [a sort of small geometry with dia- grams]. 4° Mea pia Palapila a na Misunari Oahu, 1833 2459 Sansom (Joseph) Sketches of Lower Canada, during a Tour to Quebec in 1817, [with View of (Quebec], boards, uncut. 12° JCirk and Mercein, New York, 1817 24G0 Santiago. Panoramic View from the summit of Santa Lucia, Santiago [Chili], 67 ly 9} inches. T. Sinclair's Lith. Phila. [1860 ?J 2401 SANUTO (Livio) Geografia distinta in XII libri, ne' quali, oltra I'esplicatione di molti luoghi di Tolomeo e della BusBola, e dell' Aguglia ; si diohiarano le Frouincie, Popoli, Eegni, Citta, Porti, Monti, Fiumi, Laghi e Costumi deir Africa : Con XII tauole di essa Africa in dissegno di rame. Aggiuntini de piu tre Indici da M. Giovan Carlo Saraceni,J?ne clean and perfect copy, in the original vellum, BCAECE. fol. Damiano Zenaro, Vinegia, 1588 As it ia impossible for the thorough student of mediieval geography to budge an inch without having read the works of Making Sanuto, so no thorough student of historical geography, especially African and American of the last half of the sixteenth century, can touch bottom in his subject till he has digested this work of Livio Sanuto. To him more perhaps than to anyone writer wc owe the clearing up of the subject, and the bmshing away the rubbish and blnnders of the inland German and French geographers of the previous half century, such as Schoner, Apianus, Mucnster, Fine and others. Livio was the son of the Senator Francesco Sanuto, of Venice. In youth he visited Germany to study Mathematics. Being of a practical turn, he made many mathematical instruments, according to the precepts of Ptolemy and others, which were preserved in his family. He next applied himself to Cosmography, and collected out of the best autho- rities materials for a Terrestrial Globe in ivhlch he Mas assisted by his brother Giulio, who engraved all the plates with his own hand. Observ- ing that Africa was imperfectly described, he set to work and compiled this Bojk with its 12 large maps drawn by himself and engraved by hi' jrother. He intended to publish descriptions of the other parts of the World, but died about 1585, at the age of fifty-six. The present work is therefore posthumous and was edited by Damiano Zenaro, who dedicated it to Benedetto Zorzi, son of the Signor Aluise. The three excellent Tables of Contents were made by Giovan Carlo Saraceni. The beautiful engraved title page is by Giacomo Franco. Books I & II treat of Cosmography in general, especially of Latitudes and Longitudes, and how to determine them. He speaks frequently of the Piloto maggiore Sebastian Cabot, and says that having learned from Oviedo and others that he had explained to Henry VII the variation of the needle, Sanuto became intensely anxious to know Cabot's point of no variation. He therefore instituted a triangular correspondence through his friend Guido Gianetii daFano, once Venetian Ambassador in England, who wrote to Bartholomew Compagni in London, who obtained for Cabot the necessary inforaiation. At folio 16, he cites Barros, and says it is evident from what he states that Asia cannot be joined to the New World. He goes on to quote Zeno, who makes En- gronelandia bounded by the Ocean. He then blames Oronce Fin6 [see N" 1046 of this Catalogue] and Vopellio for joining Mexico and Cathay, and marvels how they could make such a blunder when Cortes, Gomara, and others had stated that the Mexicans fled at the sight of a horse, an animal which abounds in Asia. In a similar way, in many instances, la e as ai 1 r with dia- :>ahu, 1833 , during a 3c], boards, rork, 1817 it of Santa 3. [I860?] XII libn, Tolomeo e Prouiacie, e Costumi diesegno di ovan Carlo •nal vellum, negia, 1588 geography to o Sanuto, so African and touch bottom iTO. To him ring up of the of the inland itury, such as ce. In youth practical turn, he precepts of ily. He next e best autho- issisted by his land. Observ- and compiled nd engraved le other parts The present Zenaro, who !. The three rio Saraceni. liatitudes and [uently of the ■learned from Ithe variation Jabot's point prrespondence I Ambassador [London, who 16, he cites Isia cannot be lo makes En- ice Fin6 [see I and Cathay, rtes, Gomara, Iht of a horse, \ny instances, Bibliotheca Hiatorica 283 he sets matters right. The rest of tlie volume is a kind of Gazetteer of Africa, arranged in departments. In Book II [ he begins his geographical description of Africa, by giving first its boundaries and divisions, and then commencing with the Islands on the Nnrth-Wcst, he describes the Canaries, the Cape Verde Islands, &c. Book IV commences with Fez; V with Telensin; VI with Nunwdia; VII with Gialofo (between the Rivers Canaga and Gambia) ; VIII contains an account of all the Rivers of Africa ( he makes the Nile to rise from two great I^akes in the Kingdom of Prester John), and he then gives the names of all the peoples in Western Africa ; IX Abyssinia and Egypt; X p]thio|)ia ; XI Bugia, Barnagnes and I'rcster John, and XII Lower Ethiopia. Of course Sanuto describes the manners and customs of Africa in this Ga- zetteer but he does it under the name of each place. Speaking of Cairo, folio 107, he says that they punish a murderer by cutting him in two and fiutting the upper half of the boily with the head upon a dish of quick- imc, where, he states, it remains alive for a quarter of an hour, keeps on talking, and answers any questions put to it ! As to Caitigara, ho is of opinion that previous writers have blundered about it, for that in circumnavigating the globe, nothing was found but sea in the place where Ptolemy and others had placed Cutligiira, and they thought that if it was in that latitude at all, it might be in the longitude of Peru. For some other interesting particulars concerning our author, consult Biddle, p. 31 and 178, and ^lewel, and the Preface of the following work by Marino Sanuto. 2462 SANUTO (Mauino) Liber Secretorvm fidelivm Crvsia Super Terrje SanclsB Kecuperntione et Conservatione, quo et TerrsD Sanctse Hisfcoria ab Origiiie. Eiusdem vicinarum- que Provinciarum Geographica descriptio continetur. Cuius Auctor Maeinvs Sana'tvs dictus Torsellvs Patricius Vene- tus. Nunc primum, cum libello eiusdem augmenti, sine auctoria nomine, ex MSS. veteribus editus. Orientalia His- toria) Tomus secundus, very fine copy in Dutch white vellum, SCABCE. folio, Typia Wechelianis, apud heredes loannis Aubrii {^Francofurti"], 1611 With four copper plate maps, the first of which is Sannto's map of our globe, made 1320, with Jerusalem in the centre, the whole'surrounded by water, here first engraved. For a long and interesting account of Marino Sanuto and his works, see Lelcwel, Sections 1 1 1-128, pages 19-36. 2463 Sardinia. Carte Nouvelle de I'lsle et Eoyaume de Sar- dagne, etc. levee par ordre Expres a I'usage des Armees eu Italie ou sent esactement marquees les Grand Chemins, etc. par le Sr. Sanson, 23| hy 19.j inches, coloured. J. Covens et C. Mbrtier, Amsterdam, [1700] 2464 Sardinia. Carte Geuerale des Etats du Eoi de Sar- daigne reduite d'apres la Grande Carte, 21 by 20 inches, coloured, clean. W. Faden, Feby. 24ith, 1783 2465 Sabdinia. Carta dell' laola e Kegno di Sardegna dedi- cata alia Maesta del He Carlo Alberto Primo dal . . . . Maggior Generale C" Alberto Ferrero della Marmora Commandate la llegiu Scuola di Marina di Geneva, etc. a splendid map, scaece, on four sheets, each 34 by 26^ inches. Parigi e Torino, 1845 Baron Humboldt's own copy, presented lo him by the Author ; an early and choice iniprcssiun. ■; «« «-" !l I !' w 284 Billiotheca Oeojraphka 24G6 SauKdeus (Richard) Palmistry, tho Secrets tliercof DiacloBod, or a Familiar, Eusy and New Method whereby to judge of the most General Accidents of Man's Lifo from the Lines of the Hand withal its dimonHions and sig- riifications. Also ninny Particulars discovering tho Safety and Dan<:cr of Women in Child-bed. With choice Obser- vations of Phisiognomy iind tho Moles of tho Body. As also that Most Useful Piece of Astrology concerning Elec- tions for every Particular OccnHinn, etc. The 2nd Time Imprinted and much lularged by the A \\i\\or, ^fine copy, calf, hy Fratt. 12" II. Bru;/is', London, 1004 SAG? Savoy. Regia) Celsitudinis Sabaudica) Status in quo Du- catus SabaudisD, i'rineipatus Pedemontium et Ducatus Montisferrati in suns qunsq; Ditioncs divisi cum finitimis Regionibus cxhibentur Directione et Suniptibus Jo. Bap- tisto) Ilomanni, 22 hj 19 i inches, coloured. NorimlergcB, [1730 ?] 24G8 Saxony. Le Cercle do la Haute Saxe on sent compris le Duche et Ealectorat de Saxe, les Marquisats de Misuie et de Lusace, etc. par H. Jaillot, 24* by 18 inches, colourerl. Paris [1695 ?] 2469 Saxony. Le Cercle de la Basse Saxe subdivise en tous les Estats et I*rincipautes qui le composent. Par H. Jail- lot, 24 by 18 inches, coloured. [Paris, 1695] 2470 Saxony. Circuli Saxonia) Superioris Pars Meridionalis in qua sunt Ducatus Saxoniie, Comitatus Mansfeldise et Voit- ]andi89, Landgraviat Thuriugia), etc. 221 % l^a inches. ^ms^[1770?] 2471 Saxony. Le Cercle de la Haute Saxe ou sent compris le Duche et I'Eslectorat de Saxe, lea Marquisats de Misiiie et de Lusace, le Landgraviat de Thuriugc, etc. par H. Jaillot, 23. f by 18 J- inches, coloured. a. Sf J. Ottens, Amst. [1730?] 2472 Saxony. Circnlus Saxonire Inferioris in quo sunt Du- catus Holsatia', Meklenburgi, Lauwenburgi, etc. etc. per r. de Witt, 22y hy 19 inches, coloured. It. Sf J. Ottens, Amst. [1730 ?] 2473 Saybrook {Connecticut) Historical Sketch of the J^aptist Church in Saybrook, Connecticut. 12° Hartford, 1849 2474 Scandinavia (A Generall Mappe of) Where are the Estates and Kingdomes of Daiieraark, Norway, and Swe- den. Designed by Monsieur Sanson and rendered into English and Enlarged by Bichard Blome, 15^ Ay 13 inches. London, 1669 2475 Scandinavia. Exaetissima totius ScandinavisD Tabula, qua tam Suecia?, Danise et Norwegise liegna quam alise Regiones adjacentcs ostcnduntur per Nicolaum Visschcr, 21 by 17 inches, culourtd. . Amst. [IGSOr] rets thereof bod whereby Mnn's Life ions and sig- g tlio Safety lioico Obser- ! Body. As 'crning Klce- he 2nd Time •ne copy, coff, LonJun, 10(31 8 in quo Du- et Duoatus cum finitimis ibus lo. Bap- 'ffce, [1730?] nt compris le do Misuie et es, iris [1695 ?] ivise en tous Par H. Jail- [Paris, 1695] ^eridionalis in jldisB et A'^oit- mst. [1770?] sont conipris its de Misnie , etc. par H. mst. [1730?] luo sunt Du- etc. etc. per mst. [1730 ?] f the Baptist artford, 1849 lore are the ay, and Swe- ondered into bij 13 London, 1669 avisD Tabula, a quam alise am Visaclicr, mst. riOSOrl Jiibliotheca llintorica 283 2-470 Scandinavia [Map of]. Scandia or Noandinavia, compro- honding Sweden and Norway, with the Daniah JslandH, to whicli is added the remainder of the PoHsessions of Dcmi- mark. By L. S. Dclarochetto, 19 J btj 27. J inches, coloured, fine copi/. Win. Faden, London, February \Otli, 1791 2177 Sclicller (Imm. Job. Gerb.) Lateinisch-dcutHchos und deutsch-hvtoinisuhos Ilandh'xicon vornohmlich fiir Schulen verbessert und vermehrt durch Q-. II. Liineniann. Erstur oder lateiuiscli-deutscher Tbeil. t* Aullage, 2 vols. 8" Leipzig, 1820 2478 ScnoiiATiTE County, New York, ISTnp of, from Surveys by E. Wenig and W. Lorey, [with plans of vilhigos, and views of churclica and private residences], 30 by 5 1 inches, coloured, fine copy, scarce, li. P. Smith, Fhilade.lphin, 1856 2'479 Scipio'a Eefleetions on INIonroe's View of tlie Conduct of the Executive on the Foreign Affairs of the United States, connected with a Mission to the Erencli Republic in 1794, '95, '90, ^we clean copy, uncut, scarce. 8" Caleb P. Wayne, Boston, 1798 2180 Scotland. Carto de la Mer d'Ecosse contcnant lea Isles et Costes Septentrionales et Occidentales d'Ecosse et les Costes Septentrionales d'Irlando, 33 i- by 23^ inches, coloured, Jlne copy, scakce. [Pierre Mortier, Amst. 1695 ? j 2481 Scotland. JS'ortb Britain, or Scotlaiul dividetl into its Counties, corrected from the boat Surveys and Astrono- mical Observations by Thos. Kitchin, 21 by 26 inches, coloured. Win. Faden, London, Dec. 1st, 1778 2482 Scott (Sir AValter) Autobiography of, nortrait. 12" Carey S,- Lea, Phila. 1831 This very odd volume, or piece of autoljiognipldoiil patchwork, could only have appeared in a country wiicrc the editor was hampered ncitiiur by rights of conscience or copyriglit. lie has, however, i>rodiiccd an iiiterestinb>iry Baptist Association (Minutes of the) held at Schodack the Seventh and Eighth of June, 1809, together with their Circular and Corresponding Letters. 8" Tracy and Bliss, Lansinghurgh, 1809 2512 Sharp (Granville) A Eepresentation of the Injustice and dangerous tendency of Tolerating Slavery, or of admitting the least claim of Private Property in the Persons of Men in Eugland, in Four Parts, hoards, uncut. 8° B. White, London, 17G9 This, wc l)clicve, was the first really big gun fired in England against the slavery of Africans in the British Colonies. 2513 Shattuck (Lemuel) The Vital Statistics of Boston, con- taining an Abstract of the Bills of Mortality for the last 20 years, and a View of the Population and Health of the City at other periods of its History. 8" Phil. 1841 2514 Shehbeare (J.) An Essay on the Origin, Progress and Establishment of National Society; in which the Principles of Government, the Definitions of Liberty in Dr. Price's Observations are examined and refuted, with a Justification of the Legislature in reducing America to Obedience by Force. To which is added an Appendix on the Excellent and Admirable in Mr. Burke's second printed Speech of 22d March, 1775. 8" J. Bew, London, 177G With many manuscript notes on the margins combatting and criticising th« arguments of the Author. M u'^^ eir Annual mont, 1790 eir Annual ton (1791) holden at with their York, 1794 holden at with their ntrgJi, 1795 holden at with their N.Y. 1797 holden at Cth, 1799, ig Letters, sjield, 1799 the) held at 19, together hurffh, 1809 1 justice and f admitting ons of Men melon, 17G9 gland against oston, con- 'or the last alth of the Fhil 1841 •ogress and : Principles Dr. Price's ustification )edience by- Excellent Speech of ndon, 177G nd criticising Bibliolheca Ilislorica 289 2515 Shaw (John, of Bridr/ewatcr, Mass.) The Character of a Pastor according to God's Heart considered. A Sermon preached in liraintree South-Parish at the Ordination of the Eev. Mr. Moses Taft, August 20, 1752, to which arc; annexed Mr. Taft's Confession of Faith ; the Charge, by the Ilev. Mr. Niles ; and the Eight Hand of Fellowship, by the Eev. Mr. Bayley. 8° S. Kneeland, Boston, N.E. 1751} 251G Slieliield (John, Lord) Observations on the Commcrcu of the American States. A new edition, much enlarged. 8" J. Dehrett, London, 1784 2517 ShelTield {Lord) A Brief Examination of Lord Sheffield's Observations on the Commerce of the United States, with two Supplementary Notes on American Manufactures. 8° J. Fhillips, London, 1792 2518 Shepard (Charles Upham) A Eeport on the Geological Survey of Connecticut, uncut, out of print and scarce. 8" li. L. llaviHn, Neio Haven, 1837 2519 Siiepaud (Thomas) New England's Lamentation for Old England's present Errors and Divisions. scahce. 8° London, 1G15 2520 Shepard (Thomas) The Sound Belcever, a Treatise of Evangelicall Conversion,^'we cop>j, scarce. 8" B. Dawhnan, London, 1G19 2521 Shepard (Thomas) Theses Sabbatica), or the Doctrine of the Sabbath, London, 1G50 — Certain Select Cases resolved, specially tending to the right ordering of the heart — Tho First Principles of the Oracles of God, 2 vols, in 1. 8° John Bothwell, London, 1G50 2522 Shepheard (Thomas) The Sincere Convert, discovering the small number of true Beleevers, aud the great difficulty of Saving Conversion. 5th Ed. corrected, Matthew Sim- inonds, London, 1050 — The Sound Belcever, a Treatise of Evangalical Conversion, 2 vols, in 1. 8" B. Daiolman, London, 1049 2523 Shepard (Tliomas, of Camlridrje, N.E.) The Sound Be- lcever, a treatise of Evangelicall Conversion. Discovering tho work of Christ's Spirit in reconciling of a Sinner to God. S" Andrew Crooke, London, 1G53 2524 Shepard (Thomas) Theses Sabbatica;, or tiie Doctrine of the Sabbat}i,/He cnpy. 8" S. G. for John Bothwell, London, 1(555 2525 Shephard (Thomas) Subjection to Christ in nil His Ordi- nances and Appointments the best means to preserve our Liberty. Together with a Treatise of IneHectuul Hearing the Word, good copij. b" aS. O.for John Bothwell, London, 1057 2520 Shepard (Thomas) The Sound Believer, a Treatise of Evangelical Couvcr.iion, yood copi/. S" Andrew Croolr, London, 1059 2 V .■A m 1 it; 1 ■A ;X- li:;; ■^li ml ii'i 290 Bihliotheca Oeographica 2527 Slicppard (Tbomas) The Sincere Convert, discovering the email number of true Beleevers and the great difficulty of Saving Conversion. Whereto is now added the Saints' Jewel and the Soul's Invitation, J. Macock, London, 1G57 — The Sound Beleever, a Treatise of Evangelicall Conver- sion, 2 vols, in \,Jine copies. 8" Andrew Crooke, Lond. 1G53 2528 Shcppard (Thomas) The Sincere Convert, discovering the small number of true Beleevers, and the great difficulty of Saving Conversion, G. D.for John Sweeting, London, 1059 The Sound Beleever, a Treatise of Evangelicall Conversion, Andreio Croohe, London, 1G53 — Theses Sabbaticre, or the Doctrine of the Sabbath, S. Q. for John Hotliwell, London, 1055 — Certain Select Cases resolved, John Bothicel, London, 1055 — Tiie First Principles cf the Oracles, John Eothwel, London, 1055 — Subjection to Christ the best means to pre- serve our Liberty ; all in 1 yoX.Jlne copies, calf. 8** 8. G. for John Hothwel, London, 1057 2529 Shepnrd (Thomas) The Sound Believer, or a Treatise of Evangelical Conversion, discovering the Work of God'a Spirit in reconciling a Sinner to God, a scarce edition. 12" William Buncan, Glasgow, 1737 2530 Sliepard (Thomas) Three valuable Pieces, viz. Select Cases Resolved ; First Princi])les of the Oracles of God, and a private Diary, etc. 8° Eoqers ^ Foiole, Boston, 17-17 2531 Shephard (Thomas) The Sincere Convert and The Sound Believer, to which are added The Saint's Jewel and Tlie Soul's Invitation unto Jesus Christ. A New Edition, with Notes. 12" S. and A. Young, Faislct/, 1812 2532 Sherburne (Andrew) Memoirs of A. Sherburne, a Pen- sioner of the Navy of the Revolution. Written by himself, ,fne copy, scAnCE. 12" William Williams, Utica, 1808 Tliis nutlior was born in Rye, New Ilampsliirc, in 1765, shipped from Portsmouth on board the Congress, ship of war, the Hanger, in 1779, and afterwards served in other public and private war sliips until lie was taken prisoner in 1781 and carried to Portsmouth, in England, where he was tried and committed to i)rison, " for rebellion, piracy, and high treason, on his jMajesty's high seas," etc. 2533 Shirley (Major- General William) The Conduct of Major-Gen. Shirley, late General and Commander-in-Chief of his Majesty's Forces in North America. Briefly Stated, Jine copy, excessiveli/ rare. 8" JR. and J. Dodsley , London, 1758 2531< Shower (John) Practical Reflections on the Earthquakes that have happened in Europe and America, but chiefly in Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, etc. with a particular and historical Account of them and divers other Earthquakes. 2nd Edition, half roan. London, 1750 2535 Shurtleff" (W^illiam, of Portsmouth, KH.) The Obliga- tions upon all Christiana to desire and endeavour the Sal- vation of others. A Sermon, Sept. 18, 1741, On a Monthly Evening Lecture at the North Brick Church, in Middle Street, Boston. 8" D. Henchman, Boston, 1741 r vcriiig the ifficulty of le Saints' ndon, 1G57 ill Conver- Lond. 1G53 jvcring the lifficulty of mdon, 1059 ;)ou version, ;icje, or the dl, London, }el, London, in Hothwel, sans to pre- )ndon, 1057 Treatise of k of God's isgow, 1737 viz. Select les of God, Boston, 17-17 The Sound ^el and Tlie Idition, with kiisJey, 1812 me, a Pen- by himself, Utica, 1808 shipped from njftT, in 1779, sliips until he 1, in England, )n, piracy, and Conduct of lor-in-Chief etly Stated, on'don, 1758 larthquakes t chiefly in •ticular and arthquakes. ondon, 1750 "he Obliga- ir the Sal- a Monthly in Middle oston, 1711 Bibliotheca Ilislorica 291 253G SiAM. [Map of] Le Royaume de Siam avec les Royaumes qui luy sont Tributaires et les Isles de Sumatra, Andeman, etc. Avec les Observations des Six Peres Jesuites envojez par le Roy dans les Indes, etc., 22 by 30 inches, coloured, fine copy, scarce. Pierre Mortier, Amst. [1090 ?] 2537 Siamese Twin Brothers (An historical account of the) from actual observations. 3rd Edit., portraits of the two, who are still living. 8" New York, 1831 2538 Sicily. Carte do I'lsle et Royaume de Sicilo par Guil- laurae Del' Isle, 22 j by 18 j inches, coloured. Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier, Amst. [1700 ?] 2539 Sicily. Insula sive Regnum Sicilia) Urbibus prascipuis exornatum per F. do "Wit, 23 by IQ\ inches. lAmst. 1730?] 2510 Sidons (C.) Do Yereenigde Staten van Noord-Amerika, in hunne Staatkundigo, Godsdienstige en Maatschapelijke Betrekkingen, half morocco, uncut. 8" Leeuwarden, 1828 25 i I Sierra Leone Company (Substance of the Report by the Court of Directors of the) to the General Court of Pro- prietors ou the 27th of March, 1791, with map, uncut. 12" London, 1791 2512 Sillery (Marchioness of) The Child of ^\iture, a Dra- matic Piece in Four Acts. From the French of Madame the Marchioness of Sillery, formerly Countess of Genlis. 12" W. Spotswood, Phila. 1790 2513 Silliman (Benjamin) A Sketch of the Life and Character of President Dwight, delivered as an Eulogium in New JIaven, February 12th, 1817, before the Academic Body of Yale College, composed of the Senatus Academicua, Faculty and Students 8" Maltby, New Haven, 1817 2511 Sketch of Character and Maimers of All Nations em- bellished with a Ropresontativc Cut of Each People 12" li. H. Sherburne ($• Co. Concord, NIL 1830 2515 Skinner (R. C, Surgeon Dentist.) A Treatise on tlio Human Teeth, concisely explaining their structure and cause of disease and decay : to which is added the most beneficial and cll'ectual method of treating all disorders in- cidental to the teeth and gums, etc. uncut. 8" Joh7ison ^ Sfryker, New York, ISOl 2510 Slate Tuade. A short Account of that part of Africa inhabited by the Negroes, with respect to the Fertility of the Country, and the manner by which the Slave Trade is carried on. AVitli Quotations from the Writings of George AVallis, Francis Hutcheson and James Foster, calf 8" U\ linker, London, 1702 2517 Slave Trade. An Abstract of the Evidence delivered before a Select Committee of the House of Commons in 1790-1791, on the part of the Petitioners for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, boards, uncut. 8" J. Phillips, London, 1791 I : "5 " ill ■«■■ '..1 I 202 Bihliothcca Oeograpliica 2518 Slave Trade (A short Sketch of the evidence for the Abolition of the), Delivered before a Committee of the House of Commons, to which is added a Recommendation of the Subject to the Serious Attention of People in General [signed at end by \V. B. C.lfine copy, uncut. 12° Daniel Lawrence, Phila. 1792 The Title of Pt. 2, is An Address to the reoplc of Great Britain, on tlic Tropriety of abstaining from West India Sugar anJ Hum, the lOtli edition, 1792. 254D Slave Trade. Substance of the Debates on a Resolution for Abolishing the Slave Trade, moved in the House of Commons on the lOtli of June, 1806, and in the House of Lords on the 24th of June, 1806. With an Appendix, etc. notes and iUustrations, boards, uncut. 8" London, 1806 2550 Slave Trade (Substance of the Debates on the Bill for abolishing the), which was brought into the House of Lords on the 2ud January, 1807, and into the House of Commons on the 10th ot February, 1807, and which was finally passed into a Law on the 25th of March, 1807, j^we copy, uncut. 8° W. Phillips, London, 1808 2551 Sloane (Hans) Catalogus Plantarum in Insula Jamaica sponte proveuiunt vel vulgo coluntur etc. Adjectis aliis quibusdam quae in Insulia Madiera), Barbados, Nievis, et Sancti Christophori nascuntur etc. fine copy, uncut, scarce. 8° D. Proton, 1096 2552 Smith (Chief Justice) A sketch of the Character of the late Judge Ellis, as delivered to the Grand Jury, at Haverhill, 21 May, 1816,^«e copy, uncut, scarce. 8° Charles Turell, Portsmouth, {KH.) 1810 2533 Smith (Joskph) A DEsciarTivE Catalogue of Pkiends' Books, or Boots written by Members of the Society of Friends, commonly ctilled Quakers, from their first rise to the present time, with critical remarks, and occasional Biographical Notices, etc. 2 thick volumes, Lakge PArEK. Published at £5. bs. Out of print and scarce. 4" London, 18G3 2554! Smith (J. Spear) IMemoir of the Baron de Kalb, read at the meeting of the Maryland Historical Society, 7th Jan. 1858. _ 8" Baltimore, 1858 2555 Smith (Nathaniel, jr.) Family Register of the De- scendants of N. Smith, jr. to which is prefixed some Notices of his Ancestors, scarce. 8° D. Bennett, Utica, 1849 2556 Smith (Rev. Samuel Stanhope.) An Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species, to which are added Strictures on Lord Kaims's Discourse on the Original Diversity of Mankind, fine copy, calf. 8° J. StocMale, London, 1789 2")57 Siuitii (Wiih'ain of Philadelphia), Discourses; on Public Occasions in America [historical and political] ^" A. Millar. London. 17G2 :e for tho cc of the mendation People in Viila. 1792 t Britain, on urn, the lOlh Reaolution House of 3 House of Appendix, ndon, 180G he Bill for House of House of which was , IS07, fne mdon, 1808 la Jamaica iljectis aliis ios, Nievis, opy, iincnf, hoton, 1G9G acter of the d Jury, at KIT.) 181G iLoarE OF ers of the Tom their marks, and volumes, print and mdon, 1803 ialb, read iociety, 7th more, 1858 the De- xed some Utica, 1840 ay ou tho ure in the s on Lord Mankind, mdon, 1781) on Public inJun, 17G2 Sibliotheca Ilistorica 293 2558 Smith ("William) The History of the Province of New York, from the lirst discovery, fine copy, calf, a scarce edition. 8° J. Ahnon, London, 177G 2559 Smith (William R.) The History of Wisconsin, in Three Parts, Historical, Documentary and Descriptive. Part II. Documentary. Vol. III. 8" Beriah Brown, Madison, Wis. 1854 25G0 Smucker (Samuel M.) A History of the Four Georpes Kings of England, cloth. 12° Appletons, Neio York, 18G0 25G1 Snell (Eev. Dr.) A Sermon delivered on the last Sabbath in June, 1838, which completed the Fortieth Tear of his Ministry; containing a brief History of the Town, and especially of the Church and Parish of North Brookficld from 1798 to the present time, a scarce and valuable piece of local history. 8° E. ^' L. Merriam, FrooTcfield, 1838 25G2 Snelling (William J.) Expose of the Vice of Gaming as it lately existed in Massachusetts. Being a series of Essays and Reports originally published in the New England Galaxy, with Notes and Emendations. 12° W. J. Snelling, Boston, 1833 25G3 Snorreson (Odd) SagaOlafs KonungsTryggvasun ar. Kong Olaf Tryggvesors Saga forfattet paa Latin henimod Slut- ningen af det Tolfte Aarhundrede af O. Snorreson ogsiden bearbeidet paa Norsk ; Efter en hidtil ubenyttet Mem bran- codex i det kgl. Bibliothek i Stockholm tilligemed et Anhang indeholdende et Brudstykke af samme Saga, efter en Mcm- brancodex i Upsala Universitets - Bibliothek udgiven af P. A. Munch. 8° Christiania, 1853 25G4 Snow (Edwin M.) Report upon the Census of Rhode Island, 18G5 ; with the Statistics of the Population, Agri- culture, Fisheries and Manufacture of the State, valuable. 8° Providence, 1807 2505 Snowden (Richard) The American Revolution written in Scriptural or Ancient Historical Style. [The Columbiad, or a Poem on the American War], good copy, scabce. Writte7i in Scripture style. 12° W. Pichin, Baltimore, n. d. 25GG Snowden (Richard) The History of North and South America from its Discovery to the Death of General Wash- ington, 2 vols, in 1, icith two inaps. 8° Jacob Johnson, Philadelphia, ISOG 25G7 Soldier's Journal (A), containing a description of tho Descents on the Coast of France last War. with an Account of the Islands of Guadaloupe, Dominique, etc. and of the Isles of Wight and Jersey. To which are annexed Obser- vations on the State of the Army, scarce. Vl" a Billy, London, 1770 2508 Solis (Antonio do) Ilistoirc dc la Conquete du Mexi >i9 11 I 302 liibliothecu Gcographica 2031 Stoddard (A.) An Oration before the CitizerB of Port- laud, and the Sujiremo Judicial Court of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts on the Fourth day of July, 1799, etc. uncut. 8° E. A. JenJcs, Portland, 1799 2U32 Stoddard (Solomon, of Northampton, N.E.) The Safety of Appearing at the i)ay of Judgment in the Eighteous- ness of Christ oifered and applied, a small piece off the corner of the title. 8'^ D. Henchman, Boston, 1729 2033 Stoeflkuus (Joannes) Elucmdatio ftibricae uausque Astrolabii, a J. Stollerino Justingeiisi, viro Germano ; atque totiua Sphcrice doctissimo nuper Ingcnisse cociunata atque in lucem edita, fine copy, with many diagrams and woodcuts, in old stamped calf, A'eby scabck. fol. Jacob Kijbel, Oppenheym, 1513, at end 1515? Stocfflcr and his iiiiineroiis works slioukl be consulted by tbe student of liistorical goo^^iiipby. especially as to tbe niudcs of calculating eclipses, latitude, longitude, etc. He was born in 1452, and watched with an eye of a true astronomer and astrologer tbe progress of discovery by the Portuguese and Spanish ; but, thoufih he lived to a good old age, he went to his rest before Copernicus commanded the sun to stand still and become the centre of the sphere instead of this little earth. 2634 SxoEFLEUus (Joannes) In Puooli Diadochi, authoria gravissimi Spha;ram niuudi, omnibus uumeris longe absolu- tissimus cominentarius. Ante hac nuuquam typis excusua, ^ne copy, with diagrams, scarce. fol. Huldrichi Moshart, Tuhingae, 1534 On the reverse of the title is a list of more than 170 names of geographi- cal, astronomical, and niutbematical writers used by Stocfflcr in editing and annotating this work, among whom are many that are or should be recorded among writers on America or on liistorical geography con- nected with the j)rogress of discovery. At the end is a line wocdcut portrait of Stotller at the age of 79. 2635 Stoflehinus (Joannes) Elucidatio Fabrice ITsusque Astralabii cui multa et diligcus accessit recognitio, 2 leaves mutilated, vellum, scarce. 8° Apud Gulielmum Cauallet, Lutetice, 1553 2636 Stokes (Anthony, Chief Justice of Georgia) A View of the Constitution of the British Colonics in North America and the West Indies at the time the Civil War broke out, 16 + 555 pages. 8" For the Author, London, 17S3 2637 Stone (Isaac, of Douglas) Good People marked in their Foreheads : a short Dissertation on Ezekiel ix. etc. With some Account of Deacon Jeremiah Whiting, who died in Douglas, June 29, 1800, aged 80 years and 11 months. Also Memoirs of Mrs. Deborah Whiting, etc. uncut, fine copy. 8° Printed in the year 1803 2638 Stonington Association (The Sentiments and Plan of the) [signed at end by Isaac Backus and Valentine W. Eathbun], uncut. ^ 8° 1787 2639 Stonington Association (IMinutes of the), convened at Groton, October 18th and 19th, 1700, uncut. 8" s of Port- Commoii- uly, 1799, and, 1799 ?he Safety lighteous- ce off the ston, 1729 uausque &ermano ; cociunata irams and t end 1519. e student of ing eclipses, 1 with an eye overy by the d old age, he tand still and [I, authoria ige absolu- is excusus, Bibliolheca Ilis/orica n03 itigae, 1534 of geographi- ^cr in editing re or should ogrnphy con- tine wocdcut Ususque , 2 leaves 'efite, 1553 K View of h America roko out, 'ENT (Gilbert) Brotherly Love recommended by "'P Argument of the Love of Christ. A Sermon at Phila- delphia, .'anuary, 1747-8, before the Sacramental Solemnity, \,'A\ .. Jtai) Enlargenient,j^ne copy, uncut, SCARCE 8° BE>^JAMrN ¥n\>iKiAy, Philadelphia, 1748 2fi99 Texa^, ''".-^ of, compiled from surveys in the General Lav d OE ,•: the Republic to 1839, 24 iy 81 inches, coLh.cci. Colton, New York 2700 TsxiS. Mii^j Jl reA:aa and the Countries adjacent [in- cluding Mexico and California] compiled for the State Department, 33 fty 21 inches, SCARCE. War Depnrtment, Washington, 1841 2701 Texas. Map of Texas and the Countries adjacent. War Department, compiled for the State Department, under Col. Abort, 33 by 21 inches. Washington, 1844 2702 Thacber Family (Biographical Sketches of the) from their First Settlement in New England. [An Original Paper in the New England Magazine, July, 1834, with Facsimiles of Autograph Letters inserted] with maiiuscript additions. 8° {Boston, 183^) 2703 Thacher (Eev. Moses) Eeport of a Committee of ih-j Church in the North Parish in Wrentham, on the Eeply of the Eev. Moses Thacher to their Eequest to administer to them the Lord's Supper; as published in the Boston Telegraph of Feb. 9, 1831. Also an Appendix, containing a Statement of Facts exhibited in the Ecclesiastical Council in the North Parish, Dec. 14, 1830. go Pierce and ParTcer, Boston, 1831 A very pretty ecclesiastical squabble as it stood. Hard words and Masonry seem to have been at the bottom of it, and petty gossip at the top, which blossomed like a rose. The Neces- Three Ser- Lpril, 1742. vented by noil on tlie rity, with a ttle Foxes, oston, 1743 3 upon the the Sacred kI, and the Iphia, 1744', ^IjjJiia, 1744 nklin's master the two (inest e last century. mended by ou at Phila- : Solemnity, ?lphia, 1748 ;he General inches. New York djacent [iu- :• the State nrjton, 1S44 2cnt. War icut, under Tiff ton, 1844 ) from their al Paper in Facsimiles ot >sfon, 183^") ttee of ili'j the Reply administer he Boston containing :al Council jston, 1831 words and gossip at the Bibliotheca Historica 309 2704 'rhacher (Peter) Man's Frailty practically exhibited in his Life and Death. A Sermon on the Death of that Virtuous Gentlewoman, Mrs. Sanih Gee, the amiable Con- sort of the Eev. Mr. Joshua Gee, who died July 17, 1730, in the Twenty-ninth year of her age,Jine copy, uncut. 8" Kneeland and Green, Boston, 1730 2705 Thacher (Peter, D.B.) A Sermoir to the Society in Brattle Street, Boston, October 20, 1793, and Occa- sioned by the Death of John Hancock, Esq., Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 8° Alex. Youuff, Boston, 1703 On the fly-leaf af the end are two closely written piiptes, it is believed in the handwriting of Bishop Inglis, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, in which lie severely censures this discourse, and draws a very different picture of John Hancock, whom he appears to have known well. These notes considerably enhance the interest of this co\>y. 2706 Thacheu (Tuomas, of Boston) A Fast of God's CiiusiiTG, Plainly opened, for the help of those poor in spirit, whose hearts are set to seek the Lord their God in New England, in the solemn Ordinance of Fast. IIow much this concern God's pcoph; in New England. Preached on a Fast called by public Authority, ou 2Gth J;iu. 1G74. Bed morocco extra, hi/ F. Bedford, ofe.rcessivc rarity. 4" Printed by John Foster, Boston, 1G78 In a long preface by Increase ^Mather wc find tlic.se words, " The Lord knew that Boston, yea, that Xew Enj^'land would have cause fur many days for Humiliation, and therefore stirred u]) the heart of his servant, beforehand [in 1674] to give instructions luid directions," etc. Some " did in shorthand take what was delivered, have importuned the Reverend Author to };ivc way unto its jjublication, unto whose desires he hath at hist conceded." 2707 Thayer (Elihu,o/A7«^s/o?0 The Faithful Watchman. A Sermon at the Ordination of the Eeverend Peter Sanborn, Pastor of the Third Churcli in Eoadinir, June 9, 1790. 8" John Ifijcall, Newhiryport, 1790 2708 Thayer (Nathaniel) A Sermon on the Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, April 2, 1795, fine, clean and uncut. 8" Joseph Belknap, Boston, 1795 2709 Thayer (Nathaniel, of Lancaster) The preaching and practice of the Apostles recommended as a model for the ministers of Christ. A Sermon at the Ordination of the Eev. Elihu AVhitcomb, as Pastor of the Christian Society in Pepperell-borough, 3rd July, 1799, /«e and clean. 8° Portland, 1799 2710 Thomas (David) Travels through the Western Country in the Summer of 181G, including Notices of the Natural History, Topography, Agriculture, etc. ivith map of Tin- cennes District, fine copy, very scarce, calf 12" David Bumsey, Auburn {N. Y.) 1810 I M I' I 310 Bibliotheca Oeographica 2711 TlIEVENOT (MkLCHISEDECH) REIiATIONS DE DIVERS VoxAQES CuBiEUX, qui n'ont point este publiees ov qvi ont este tradvites d'HAKLurr, de Puiichas et d'autres Voyageurs Anglois, Hollaiidois, Portugaia, Allemands, Espagnola, with numerous maps and plates, the four parts complete in 2 vols, all first EniTiONa, scarce. folio, Paris, 1GG3, 1GG1-, 16G6, and 1672 A complete and perfect Tlicvcnot is the pons nsinorum of the book col- lector. De Bry and Ilulsiiis are not more difticult. The present copy is a very good one ; but without any of the mere bibliographical quidities. It comprises the first editions of all the four parts as origi- nally published, together with some of the " J^'rajrwents" of the fifth part, with such additions from the patched up issue of 1696 as were deemed important to fill up the work without adding mere typogra- jthical variations. There were even more titles j>rintcd to work off the original edition than there were in Paradise Lost ; but the titles in this set are confined to the genuine first editions. 2712 T110MA8 (Isaiah) The Massachusetts Spy, or Thomas's Boston Journal, Thursday, August 25, 1774. No. 186 in Vol. IV. in good condition, scauce. folio, 1774 This is a veiy good specimen paper, exhibiting the public feeling just on the eve of the Kcvolutionnry War, hot, calm, impudent, outspoken, and determined. The heading of the Paper is adorned with a coarse woodcut, representing the Colonial Serpent cut into nine pieces, of which the head is New Tngland, the middle Pennsylvania, and the forked tail Georgia, with the eijigraph Join or die. Facing the head 1.9 a devilish winged being, with knotted and barbed tail, intended to represent Mother England worrying the serpent. 2713 Thompson (Daniel) History of the Town of Montpelier [the Capital of Vermont] from the time it was first Cliar- tered in 1781 to 1860, with Biographical Sketches of its most noted Citizens. Portrait of Judge Prentiss, cloth. 8° E. P. Walton, Montpelier, 1860 2714 Thompson (Zadock) A Gazetteer of the State of Vermont, containing a Historical and Topographical Description of all the Counties, Towns, etc. with plates and the map of Vermont, fine copy, calf. 12° E. P. Walton, Montpelier, 1824 2715 Thompson (Zadock) History of the State of Vermont from its earliest Settlement to 1S32. 16° E. Smith, Burlington, 1833 2716 Thompson (Zadock) History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical. In three parts, with a new map of the State, and 200 engravings [with the Appendix of 1853] j^we copy in calf, neio. 8° C. Goodrich, Burlington, 1842 2717 Thompson (Zadock) First Book of Geography for Ver- mont Children, map of Vermont. 12° Burlington, 1 849 2718 Thompson (Zadock) Appendix to the History of Ver- mont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical, 1853, uncut, loith mang woodcuts. 8° By the Author, Burlington, 1853 The work having been partly issued without this, it is now difficult to procure the Appendix separately. 1 S DIVERS 38 ov qvi d'autres llemands, four parts and 1672 le book col- resent copy liogrnphical rt8 as origi- ' of the fifth 896 as were TC typogra- to work off it the titles Thomas's [o. 186 in yio, 1774 ling just on outspoken, ith a coarse le pieces, of lia, and the ; the head is intended to ontpelier irst Cliar- ilies of its ier, 1860 /"ermout, iptioQ of he map of Her, 1824. Vermont ton, 1833 ral, Civil, of the 853] /«c ton, 1842 for Ver- ton, 1 849 of Ver- oith many ton, 1853 difficult to ID BihUotheca Hinforica 311 2719 Thomson (Ignatius) The Patriot's Monitor for New Hampshire ; designed to impress and perpetuate the first principles of the Kevolution on the Minds of Youth, a scarce and sensible school book. 12° Sereno Wright, Randolph, Ver. ISIO 2720 Thomson (James) Letters on the Moral and Ecligious State of South America, written during a residence of nearly seven years in Buenos Ayres, Chili, Peru, and Columbia,j^ne copg, calf. 12° London, 1827 2721 Thomson (John Lewis) Historical Sketches of the late War between the United States and Great Britain, blended with Anecdotes illustrative of the individual bravery of the American Sailors, Soldiers and Citizens, etc. For the Editor, greatly enlarged and improved. Map and many portraits, fine copy, scarce, calf. 12° Thomas Desilver, Philadelphia, 1817 2722 Thomson (Johu Lewis) Historical Sketches of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain. Fifth and an improved edition. Portrait of Oen. Brown, fine copif, calf. 12° Thomas Desilver, Bhila. May, 1818 2723 Thoughts (Some) upon America, and upon the Danger from Komaa Catholicks there. Single sheet. Scarce. folio, [London, 1760 ?] 2724 Thoughts on the Lawfulness of War ; humbly submitted to the Serious Consideration of the Teachers of Every Church or Sect among Christians. By a Clergyman of the Church of England, uncut. 8° L>. Humphreys, Phila. 1796 2725 Thrift (Minton) Memoir of the Eev. Jesse Lee. With Extracts from his Journals,^ne <^opy, calf. 12° Bangs Sf Mason, New Torh, 1823 2726 Thunis inn Africa [A Plan of Tunis with a short Account of the Town in German at the foot], 11^ by 8 J inches. Balthasar Tenichen, October, 1573 2727 Tickle (Timothy, Esq.) The Dolefid Tragedy of the raising of Jo. Burnham, or the " Cat let out of the Bag." In dvo Acts, illustrated with engravings. By Timothy Tickle, Esq. [B. P. Kendall]. 16° W. W. Prescott, Woodstock, Vt. 1832 With five Vermont woodcuts which are difficult to match as is some of the dialogue as well as the poetry. We could give the key to the dramatis pcrsonie of this tragedy, but as the persons are confined to Woodstock, South Woodstock, Reading, Randolph, Cavendish and Windsor, and they are not all quite dead yet we prefer to wait a while. 2728 Ticknor (George, Prof, of Spanish Literature) Syllabus of a course of Lectures on the history and criticism of Spanish Literature, uncut, scarce. 8° Cambridge, 1823 2729 Ticknor (George) Historia de la Literature Espainola traducida al Castellano con Adiciones y Notas criticas por D. Pascual de Gayangos y D. Enrique de Vedia. Tom 2. 8° Madrid, 1851 4 I M 312 Bibliotheca Qeograpliica 2730 TiF.LE (P. A.) Memoiro Bibliographiquo sur los Journaux dea NavigatcuPB ^eerlundais reitnprimos dans les Collec- tions de Do Dry ot de llubiua ct dana los ColIecHims liollandaisos du XVll" Siecle, et sur les A ncierines Editions HollaiuluiHCs dea Journaux do Navigateura Etrangers; la pliipart en la possessioa do Frederick JMuUer. Laeue Papeh, uncut. imp. 8° F. Muller, Amst, 1807 2731 TiMBEULAKK (Lieut. Henry) The Memoirs of Lieut. H. Timbcrlake who accompanied the Three Cherokee Indians to England in 1702, containing whatever he observed re- markable during hia Travels ; also the principal Occurrences during their Ilesidence in London, with portrait of Aug- iistenaco, chief of the Cherokees, map of the Cherokee Country and plate, calf bcahck. b° For the Author, London, 1705 2732 TiooA County, Now York, Map of, from Surveys by S. Geil [with plans of towns and villages, and views of public buiiditiga], 40 hif 58 inches, coloured, Jine clean copij, scarce. Fhiladelpkia, 1855 2733 TioQA County, Pennsylvania, Map of, from Surveys under H. F. Walling [with plans of town and villages], 03 by 55 inches, coloured,fine clean copy, scahce. New York, 1803 2734 Tirolenais Comit. et Brixicnsis Epiac. noviaaimus atque accuratissima Typua complcctena ctiam Coufinia Bavariae, Helvetia), Tridentin. ac Venetiar. 23 by 19 inches, coloured. [1700?] 2735 Tit for Tat : or American Fixings of English Humanity, by a Lady from New Orleans, cloth. 8° London, 1855 2736 Tjassens (Johan) Zee-Politio der Vcreenichde Neder- landen vorthoont in eon Tafel endo twee kleyne Boeckea [pertaining largely to Dutch national alFaira in Brasil, the "West Indies and other parta of America], ^/jc copy, vellum. 4° John Varly, Qraven-Hage, 1652 2737 Tobacco. Ecasons Humbly Offered for not Doubling the Subsidy on Tobacco from Virginia and Maryland, etc. scarce. single sheet, fol. \_London, 1720?] imt ■If f Journoux es CoUec- )ollocti<»nB IS ^ditiontj ingers; la bnst 1867 Lieufc. H. !e Indians served re- jcurrencea t of Aug- Cherokee idon, 1765 voya by S. of public phia, 1855 I Surveys villages], rork, 1863 II us atque I Bavariae, , coloured. [1700?] lumanity, idon, 1855 le Neder- ) Boecken Jrasil, the a/j/e, 1652 Doubling and, etc. n, 1720?] N I NT II DA V'S SA L E 27i)8 ](^^^^t^ ORFiEUS (TiioinroDua) Trirolimn Historieum, sou Dissertatio luHtorii'o-cliroiiolo^it'o-ci'itii'o do tribus potoutissimis Daniao Jxo^'ibus, olc. Jlne cojiy, scarce. 4" Jlaj'/ticc, 1707 With incidental rcforcnrcs to Icclnnil, Giccnlund, Vincland, and the Danish discoveries of the Western Ishuids. 2730 TORllEY (Samuel, of Weymouth, Mass.) A Pi-EA foh TiiK Life of Dvino llEr-ioroN IVoiii Ihu Word of tlio Lord: in a Sermon Preached to the General Assembly of the Colony of Massachusetts, at Boston in New Euf^hind, ^lay 16th, 16S3, being the iJay of Election lherc,y/«6' large clean and perfect copy, in blue morocco extra, hi/ F. Radford, Excessively kaiie. 4" Samuel Orecnfor Samuel Scivell, Boston in New England, IfiSIi Prefixed to this rare l)onk is a Iopl^ Jntroductory Ix-tter to tlie Header of six closely iirinted pajies by Ixcki;asi; Matiikk, in wliicli lliat urcat I'liysieian in Israel administers to the jieople a vnwscr, rcuiiiniinn- liicni of the object of their coniiii}? into tlie Wilderness, and iiow tiny iiad within the past thirty years ik'fjfcnerated in relij;ii)iis eliaracter, unii! n qether on canvas, coloured, a valuable map. 2757 TuiiKEY [Map of] The Turkish Empire, newly aug- mented by John Speed, 20 by 15.J inches. Are to be sold in 2>ops-head Alley by O. Humble, London, 1020 2758 Turkey. Carte do la Turquie de 1' Arabic ct de la Perse par G. de I'lsle, 22 by 18 inches, coloured, fine copy. Jean Covens et Corneille Mortier, Amsterdam [1710 ?] 2759 Turkey. [Map of the] European Dominions of the Otto- mans, or Turkey in Europe, 28 j by 21 inches, coloured. W. Faden, London, August \2th, 1795 2700 Turkey. Carte von der Europaischen Turkey, ein Theil von Polen, Dalmatien, Konige. Neapel und den Vene- tianischen zur Ubersicht des siidlichen Kriegstheater im Jahre 1807, 18 by 21 inches, coloured. 2701 Turkey. Carte do la Turquie d'Europe et d'Asie par Ii. Berthe. [With a Plan in the corner of the Environs of Constantinople], 30 by 21 inches, coloured, Paris, 1828 m t: 316 Bibliotheca Qeographica 2762 Turkish Empire (A Mapp of the Estates of the) in Asia* and Europe, designed by Mon". Sanson, and Bendered into English, etc. by Eichard Blome, 2 copies, 16j by 11 inches. London, 1669 2763 Two Eebellions (The) or Treason Unmasked, by a Vir- ginian. 12" Smith, Baily, Sf Co., Biehmond, 1865 2764 Ttpus orarum maritimarum Guineje, Manicongo, & An- golsB ultra Promentorium Bonro spei usq; cum omnib. por- tubus Insulis, Scopulis veraq; latitudine Oceani Aethiopici ab ortu in occasum ad Fernambucum & promont. S. Augus- tini in ora Brasiliensi, una cum Insulis S. Thoraa, S. Helena Insula Ascensionis, [from Linschot], 20^ by 15^, fine copy. Amoldus F. a Langren delineauit ^ scalpsit, Am^t. 1596 ^'ou KvSi'^^ LLOA (Antonio de) Noticiaa Americanas . Entreteniinientos Phiaicos-Historicos eobro la America Meridional y la Septentrional Oriental, y?He copy, vellum. 4° Madrid, 1772 2766 Ultrajectinua (Episcop.) Auct. Balthazars Florentio a Berkenrodo [A Map], 19 by 14| inches, coloured, Af>ud Petnim SchenJc et Gerardum Valk, Amste. [1720?] 2767 Umfrevillc (Edward) The Present State of Hudson's Bay, containing a full description of that Settlement, the adjacent Country, and the Fur Trade, etc. To which are added Kemarks made in the Inland Parts during a Eesidenco of near four years, a Sj)ecimen of Five Indian Languages ; and a Journal of a Journey from Montreal to New York, calf, fine copy. S" Charles Stalker, London, 1790 2768 Union College, Schenectady (Laws and Kegulations for the Government of), Ordained by the Trustees, December, 1795, fine copy, uncut. 12° Cornelius P. WycTcoff, Schenectady, 1796 2769 Union Covntt, Pennsylvania, Map of, from Surveys by T. II. Paschall and J. Keily [with plans of towns and views of public buildings], 40 by 28^ inches, coloured, fine clean copy, scarce. Philadelphia, 1850 2770 Union County. Topographical Map of Union County, New Jersey, by Ernest L. Meyer and B. Witzel [with views of scenery and Private residences] 57 by 40^ inches, coloured and mounted on calico, scahce. Ferd. Mayer Sf Co. Fulton St. N. Y. 1862 2771 United States (The Constitutions of the) according to the Latest Amendments : to which are annexed the Decla- ration of Indej)cndence, and the Federal Constitution, etc. This Edition contains the Constitution of Vermont [the 11th State] not in any former one, fine cnpi/. calf. V2" Carey, Stewart, ^•' Co. Phila. 1791 Sibliotheca HUtorica 317 I in Asia* ered inta LI Ion, 1669 by a Vir- mrf, 1865 0, & An- inib. por- lethiopici 3. Augus- 3. Helena fine copy, imt. 1596 Bricanaa : ;os Bobro tentrional irid, 1772 orentio a red, . [1720?] Hudson's ment, the which are Kesidence inguagea ; |few York, Ion, 1790 itions for December, adi/, 1790 urveys by and views fine clean hia, 1850 I County, zel [with 0^ inches, Y. 1802 ording to le Decla- tion, etc. lOut [the iih. 1791 2772 United States. TheConatitution or Frame of Govern- ment for the United States of America, as reported by the Convention of Delegates at Phil, in May-Sept. 1787. Toge- ther with the resolutions of the General Court of Massa- chusetts, for calling said Convention agreeable to the recom- mendation of Congress. Published by Order of the Govern- ment, an extremely rare edition, half roan. 8° Adams and Nourse, Boston, 1787 The General Court of Mnssachusetts (Samuel Adams, President of the Senate and John Hancock Governor) ordered 25 Oct. 1787, the Consti- tution and the acconiiianying Correspondence to be printed, and three copies to be distributed to the select-men of each town in the Common- wealth, and tliat the select men certify to the election of Delegates to the States Convention for ratifying the Constitution. 2773 United States of America (A List of Duties payable upon every Article imported into the) : with the Rates of Fees and Tonnage, together with a List of the Governors and Directors of the J3auk of the United States, and Kules for the Ecgulation of the Banks of New York. Also Tables of the Value and AVcislit of the Gold and Silver Coins of Europe, etc. a scarce and curinus record. 12" J. Belcher, Birmingham, 1791- 2774 United States. Ecturn of the "Whole Number of Per- sons within the several Districts of the United States. 8" William Duanc, Washington City, 1802 Tliis first Census of the United States after the adoption of the Con- stitution is a small book, but one of very great historical and statistical importance It has become scarce. 2775 United States, The Constitutions of the United States, according to the latest Amendments. To which are pre- fixed the Declaration of Independence, and the Federal Constitution, a scarce edition. 12° John Conrad ^ Co. Phila. 1804 This edition contains all the Federal Acts, concerning the Government of New States, etc. down to March 1804. •2770 United States. Duties payable by Law on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, Imported into the U.S of America, after the last day of June, 1804. The inward column exhibiting the Rates of Duties payable on those imported in ships or vessels of the United States, and the outer column the Rates if imported in foreign ships or vessels, fine copy, uncut, kxv .•ssively scauck. 12" Washington, 1801 2777 United States. Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, prepared in obedience to the Act* of 10th May, 1800, to which are prefixed the Re- ports of Alexander Hamilton on Public Credit, on a National 15ank, on IManufactures and on the Es-tablishment of a 2s avy. 2 vols. calf. b" Washington, 1828-1829 I 318 Bibliotheca QeograpKica 2778 United States. An Address of Members of the House of Eepresentatives of the Congress of the United States to tlieir Constituents, on the subject of the war with Great Britain, wwew^. S^/Sf. Williams^ Go. Bennington, {Vt.)\^l2, 2779 United States (The) of North America, with the Britisli Territories and those of Spain according to the Treaty of 1781, 24| ly 21 inches, coloured, fine copi/, SCARCE. Wm. Faden, London, 1793 A very important map, showing not only tlie many disputed boundary lines, but giving the dates, and authorities from which the map was compiled. It also gives the twenty leagues line, the French Fislierieii, and tiie lands granted by the Imlians. 2780 United States (Tlie) of North America, with the British Territories and those of Spain according to the Treaty of 1781, 2oj hy 21 inches, coloured, another edition, fine copy. Wm. Fadcn, London, 179G 2781 United States (North East Section of Mellish's Map of the) 22\ hy 17 inches, coloured. [1817?] 27S2 United States (Map of the), U\ hj \\\ inchen. [lS3o ?| 2783 United States. Plielps' Ornamental Map of the United States and Mexico [with coloured portraits, and views, and statistics] 20;} hy 28 inches, coloured. New Yoric, 1817 2781 United States. Skeleton Map, showing tlic Eail Heads completed and in progress in the United States and their connection, as proposed with the Harbor of l\n- sacola. Prepared by Order of the House of lieprescnla- tives, 3G by 48 inches, Jine and clean. Washington, 1817 2785 United States, Map of the U.S. exhibiting the several Collection Districts, 48 hy 31 inches, coloured. [ Washington, 1850 ?] 2786 United States (Table allowing the estimated surface of the Territories of the) North and West of the regularly organized States of the Union, and the portions of Terri- tory thereof situated North and South of the parallel of 39" 30' N. Lat. (Table exhibiting the Areas of the several States and Territories of the U.S. in Square Miles and Acres), [comprising a Map of the whole of tiie U.S.] 33 hy 13^ inches, coloured, valuable. Philad. [1850?] 2787 United States. Map of the liail Eoads in U.S. in operation and progress, to accompany a Eeport from the Treasury Department by Israel D. Andrews. Drawn under direction of the Editor of the American Bail Road tTournal, 49 hy 39 inches, coloured. Broadway, N.Y. I85:j ? 2788 United States (County Map of the) exhibiting the Dis- tributing Post Ofliecs with the Through Koutes connecting the same. Designed to illustrate the United States Post OlKce Guide, by Ely Bowen, 25.1 hy 19.i inche.criu.s hut that the inhabitants of America have their Antii>odcs much more to tliis side. He also says he will write more about the Veruxci in his Annotations {Prmiota- »(wntts) to Pomi)onius. Throughout the treatise he seems well posted in the progress of discovery by the Portuguese and Spanish, and is acquainted with all the books printed relative to them. He adopts without hesitation the suggestion of the Gymnasium of St Die, aud calls the Mvmdvts Norms (that is Brasil) America, without explanation or qualification. It is not a little singular that this original special edition is not noticed by any geographers or bibliographers who have written about America, though Humboldt, D'Aavezac, and many others have used with effect the reprint of it at tlic end of the Pomi^onius ^Icla 1518. Dated 16 Oct, 1514. 2800 Vadijlnus (Joachimus) Epitome Topographica totius Orbis Conferea ad ea potiaaiinu loca qiiorii passim Euage- liste et Apostoli meminere. Accessit peregrinatio Petri ct Pauli Apostolorri cum ratione temporum per Erasmum Boterod. very fine copy of a beautiful little hook. 8° loan. GrapTieum, Antuerpie, 15.35 In his chapter on the Insiilce Oceani there are direct references to America and the newly discovered islands. 2801 Valentinus {Bishop) Seculi a Christo nato Decimi septimi Symbola Eteologica, ei Veteri et Novo Sacroriim Bibliorum Testamento collecta, a rare little book of Chro- nograms. S" loh. Gorman, Wiitchergce, 1G08 An exceedingly curious volume filled with injrenious and pious trilling. There is collected under every year for 100 years, from 1600 to 1700, a large number of texts of Scripture with the references to cha]>ter and verse so printed that the Itoman numerals will correctly express tiic given year. For instance, under the given year 1 C20 there are 49 texts to express that year, for example, DeVs tWs est te GVM. 2 Sam. 14, yer. 17 = 1620. ReX SaLoMon bencDICtVs = 1666. Drop the M, which stands for a thousjiml, by printing the word, Sa Loon, and you have 666 the number of the beast, out of the same text, with less trifling pcrha]is than it tonk Macaulay to derive the same sacred number from the House of Conmions, by counting the members and eight officers. No doubt this industrious trifling kept the Bishop out of the mischief of idleness, a disease worse than chronogramizing. 2802 Varle (Charles) A Complete View of Baltimore, with a Statistical Sketch, etc. to which is added a Statement of an Excursion to the Point of Kocks, etc. map of Baltimore, and woodcuts. 12" S. Young, Baltimore, 1833 2803 Varlo Charles) Nature Displayed, a Miscellany. The work treats on various Subjects interesting to the Legis- lature and People of Property, viz. An Address to the Kt. Hon. W. Pitt, Esq. shewing how he may raise Money on Luxury: On the Rise of Provisions : On Emigration : Cn a Dog Tax : Ou the Author's Tkavels thkolgu America. To which is added Thirteen Lectures on Xatu.'al Philosophy, calf. 8" For the Author, London, 17J)-i Chapter XV, pages 116 to 155, contain our author's travels in America 1784. Having a Claim by Charter from Charles the First to a province in America, called New Albion, or New Jersey, he visited that country first, and afterwards most of the seaport towns to the north and east. He visited Washington at Mount Vernon; but of all the acquaintances he made he speaks as well of Ethan Allen as of anybody. He spent* month with him at a house in New York. 2 T 822 Bihlioiheca Oeographica 2804 Vega (Garcilasso de la) Histoire des Tncaa, Eois du Perou. Traduite de I'Eapagnol par Jean Baudoin, 2 vols. fine copy, calf. 12° Jacques Deshordes, Amsterdam, 1715 2805 Velasco (Alfonso Alberto de) Exaltacion de la Divina Misericordia en la milagrosa renovacion de la Soberana Imagen de Christo Seiior Nuestro crucificado quesevenera en la Iglesia del Convento de Senor San Joseph de Reli- giosas Carmelitas Descalzas de la Antiqua Fundacion de esta Ciudad de Mexico, etc. fine copy, vellum. scarce. 4° Mexico, 1790 2806 Velasquez de Candeeas (Carlos Celedonio) Bueve Peactica y Eegimen del Conpessonaeio de Indios en Mexicano y Castellano ; para Inatruccion del Confessor Principiante, habilitacion, y examen del Penitente, fine copy, scarce. 16° Mexico, 1761 This book is esteemed particularly for its means of teaching the Mexican language, the Confession of the Indians being given in both Spanish and Mexican. No doubt the little book is partly protected by the language in which most of it is buried, but the low, filthy, indecent stuff which converts are made to confess by direct questions of the priests show not so much their own degradation as the perverted minds of those who put such horrid nonsense into the heads of their sheep. Without exception this is the most indecent and foul book we ever saw, and all under the cloak of piety. Lo the poor Indian! and bis beastly missionary who teaches counting by this process ! 2807 Veluwe (La), la Betuwe et le Comte do Zutphe dans le Duche de Gueldre [a Map] pur le S. Sanson, 30 by 22 inches, coloured, fine and clean. H. Jaillot, Paris, 1692 2808 Veluwe (Nieuwe Kaart van't Kwartier de) 14^ by 12^ inches. Izaak Tirion, Amsterdam, 1741 2809 Venegas (Miguel) Noticia de la California y de su Conqnista Temporal y Espiritual hasta el tierapo presente, map, 3 yol^.fine copy, vellum. 4° La Viuda de Manuel Fernandez, Madrid, 1757 2810 Venezuela, cum parte Austral! Novse Andalusiae, 19 by \4:\ inches, fine copy. Iiidocus Hondius, Amst. [1606] 2811 Venezuela. Interesting Official Documents relating to the United Provinces of Venezuela, in Spanish and English, boards, uncut. .8° Longman, London, 1812 2812 Venice. Dominii Veneti cum vicinis ParmsB, Mutinee MantusB et Mirandola) Statibua Nova Descriptio, edita a Joh. Baptista Homanno, 23 by 19 inches, coloured. NoribergcB [1730 ?] 2813 Vera (Gerardo di) The Navigationi fatte dagli Olaudesi e Zelandcsi .nl Settentrione nella Norvegia, IMos- covia e Tartaria verso il Catai, o Regno do' Sini,, dove scopersero il Mare di Veygatz, La Nuova Zembla et un Paese creduta la Groenlaudia,^?jt Britain to revive her Orders in Council and unlawful blockades at pleasure, uor sanction the monstrous princi- ple of British im;pressvient." 2824 Vkrmont. H. C. Denison's Eesolutions calling on the Governor for copies of any Correspondence ho may have had with Military Officers relative to detaching the Militia; etc. fine copy, uncut. 8° Walton and Goss, Montpelier, 1814 This important tract has now become very rare. The correspondence reflects the hi>,'he8t credit upon the Green Mountain Boys, who flocked over to Plattsburg, and joined the small force under the Command of General Macomb. The British fleet soon struck to the gallant Mac- donough, and the " Noble Lads of Canada" soon changed their song according to the ballad soon published, to — " We are too far from Canada, run for life, boys, run." 2825 Vermont. Journal of the Convention of Vermont at their Session at Montpelier, July 7, 1814 [to consider certain proposed alterations and amendments to the Con- stitution, Martin Chittenden, Governor], uncut. 8" E. Eaton, Danville, 1814 2S2G Vermont. Journal of the Council of Censors, at their Sessions in Juno and Oct. 1813, and Jan. 1814 [for Amend- ing the Constitution], fine copy, uncut. 8" Slade and Ferguson. Middlebury, 1814 2827 Vermont. An Address of the Council of Censors to the people of Vermont ; with proposed amendments to the Constitution, uncut. 8" Walton ^ Goss, Montpelier, 1813 2828 Vermont. The Constitutionalist; or Amendments of the Constitution proposed by the Council of Censors, sup- ported by the Writings and opinions of James Wilson, late one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the LF.S. and othcrs,^«e copy, uncut, scarce. 8" Walton and Goss, Montpelier, Vt. 1814 2829 Vermont, Articles of amendment of the Constitution proposed by the Council of Censors, March 24, 1821. With an Address to the People, and an Ordinance for calling a Convention. With Autograph of Horace Everett, uncut. 8" E. F. Walton, {Montpelier], 1821 bly of tlie . 14, 1813 [ Council, tlier, 1843 mbors] of ermont on er to His I, Nov. 10, elier, 1813 the country acquiescence rs in Council itrous princi- ing on the 3 may have he Militia ; oelier, 1814 rrespondence , who flocked Command of gallant Mac- 3d their song ''ermont at o consider o the Con- wille, 1814 ra, at their or Amend - bury, 1814 sors to the nts to the elier, 1813 dments of nsors, 8up- es Wilson, le Court of Ft. 1814 ustitution J21. With >r calling a t, Her], 1821 Bibliotheca Historica 325 I 2830 Vermont. An Address to the Inhabitants of the Stato of Vermont on the Use of Ardent Spirits ; by a Committee appointed for that purpose [Paul Brigham, Chairman], Oct. 1817, uncut. 8° E. F. Walton, Montpelier, 1817 2831 Vermont. An Act for regulating and governing the Militia of Vermont, passed Nov. 10, 1818. 12" J. W. Copeland, Middlebury, Vt. 1819 2832 Vermont. Journal of the Convention of Vermont at Montpelier, Feb. 21, 1822 [for Amending the Constitution], uncut. 8" J. Spooner, Burlington, 1822 2833 Vermont. Journal of the Convention at Montpelier, Jan. G, 183G, agreeable to the ordinance of the Council of Censors made Jan. IG, 1835. With Amendments of the Constitution as adopted, and the whole of the Constitution, as now in force. 8° J. Spooner, St. Albans, 1836 2834 Vorqiont. A review of proceedings iu the Legislature of Vermont, October session, 1847, on the bill granting to the Vermont and Canada liailway Company the right to Bridge Lake Champlain, opposite liouse's Point. 8° Walton, Montpelier, 1847 2835 Vermont. State of Vermont. Biennial Directory for . the use of the General Assembly, containing the Rules and Orders of the Senate and House, the Constitution of the State, etc. and Lists of the Departments and other infor- mation. Prepared by Geo. Nichols, Secretary of State — Manual of Parliamentary Practice, by Henry Clark, map of Verinont, looodcuts, cloth. 8° Montpelier, 1870 2836 VfiBMONT State Papkbs, a (Collection of Records and Documents connected with the Assumption and establish- ment of Government by the People of Vermont, with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the First Constitution, and the Laws from 1779 to 1786, etc. Compiled by William Slade,y?rtc clean copy. 8" J. W. Copland, Middleburg, 1823 2837 Vermont Historical Society (Collections of the), pre- pared and published by the Printing and Publishing Com- mittee. Vol. I. and II. cloth, new. 8° Montpelier, 1870-1871 2838 VESPUCCI (Antonio de, relative op Americus, the Navigator). A Passport, Permit or licence, an original manuscript on parchment, ^\by 2 inches, to Antonius Ber- nardus (son of) Johannes Cambis, an officer of state of Flo- rence dated 1 June 1480. Signed Aktonius, KOT[fln«*. Concerning the Vespucci family of Florence, sec Bandini's Life of Ame- ricus Vcsi)ucci, and Humboldt's Examen Critique. This Antonio was a Notary of Florence, and afterwards Chancellor, living to a great age. Autograjihs of any one of the family are scarce. It is curious to see how, six yems after the death of Americus, Autouio adds in 1518 to bis sii^aature his relationship to Americus. Ik m yi 32G Bibliotheca Oeographica 2839 VESPUCCI (Antonio de, relative of Ameiitcus, the Navigator). Original Manuscript Instrument, on parcli- nient, Cf by 7J inches, appointing certain Citizens of Flo- rence (names given) to the office of Prior and Standard- bearer to the different quarters of the city. Dated 1 May, 1518. Signed by ** ANTCNiua filius Anastasii filii Ame- Kioi de Vesppccits, Canccllarius." 2840 VESPUCCI (Antonio de, relative of the Navigator). Passport (an original manuscript on parchment, 3^ % 3 inches) or licence to go armed in the city of Florence to Laurcutius (son of) Autonius Beruardus de Cambis. Dated 10 Dec. 152G. Signed, Antonius de Vespucciis, Caucel- larius. 2841 Vicars (Capt. Eichard) Eepresontatiou of the State of Government Slaves and Apprentices in the Mauritius, London, 1830 — Calumny Exposed, or Observations on No. XLIV. of the Anti-Slavery Monthly Koporter, 2 vols, in 1, cloth. 8" London, 1831 2842 ViCKSBUEO. Map of the Siege of Vicksburg, Miss, by the U. S. Forces imder the Command of Maj.-Geu. U. S. Grant, 27 bg 29 inches. Aitgt. 20, 18G3, J. Schedler, Pearl St. N. Y. 2843 Vienna. Plan de la Ville de Vieuno, Residence Im- periale et Ville Capitalo en Austriche dedans I'An, 1529, par Soliman et dedans I'An. 1683, par Mahomet le III. Empereurs des Turcs tres rigourousement, mais en vain assiege. [The Title is repeated in German and Dutch. 22 % 19 inches. [Amst. 1680 ?; 2844 Views and Reviews in American Literature, History, anc, Fiction, [by W. G. Sims.] 8° London, 1846 2845 VioiLius, oe] the Awakenbb, making a brief Essay to rebuke first the Natural Sleep which too often proves a Dead Fly in the Devotions oi them that indulge it, and then the Moral Sleep wherein the Souls of Men frequently omit the Duties, and forget the Comforts of Religion in earnest, [by Cotton BIathek,] verg fine copy in green viorocco extra, by W. Pratt. 12° J. Fbanklin, Boston, 1719 This exceedingly scarce piece of Cotton Mather's was printed by Benjamin Franklin while a boy, managing the business of his brother, James Franklin, while he was in ditliculties. He was then in his fourteenth year. It is an unusually neat specimen of Boston Printing. 2846 Villaveta (Diego de) Per el Licenciado D. Diego de Villauete, Comissario proprietario de la lunta, y commission de millones. En el Ployto Con Don Gregorio de Tapia Cauallero de la Orden de Santiago, substituto en dicha Junta, y de don Antonio de Valencia Cauallero de dicha Orden, Comissario assimismo proprietario de la dicha lunta, half morocco, 18 leaves numbered. [1644] The said Licentiate, D. de Villaveta, pretends that the Council has to assist in maintaining him in the employment he holds, in the said •Junto and Commission of the Kingdom, us a inoprictor named in it. % iicus, the (n parch- B of Flo- Standard- sd 1 May, filii Ame- Tavigator). , ^\ hy 3 loronce to )i8. Dated [8, Caucel- Stftto of Mauritius, ms on No. ; vols, in 1, mdon, 1831 T, MisB. by Geu. U. S. I St. N. r. idence Im- I'An, 1529, met le HI. lis en vain ad Dutch.] nst. 1680 ?] listory, and ondon, 1846 ef Essay to !n proves a ilge it, and frequently Eeligiou in yy in green Boston, 1719 1 by Benjamin •other, James lis fourteenth i. Diego do Icommission de Tapia [to en dicha fro de dicha licha lunta, [1644] !ouncil has to ,s, in the said amcd iu it. Bihliotheca Hist or tea 327 2847 Vignoloa (Charles) Observations upon the Florida8,y/'rte copy, uncut, half morocco. 8" Ulisa Sf White, New YorTc, 1823 2848 Virgilius Maro (Publius) La Enoyda truducida en Oc- tava liimay Verso Castellano por el Dotor Gregorio Her- nandez do Velasco, publicada scgun la ultima impresion hecha en Aloald, 1585-1580, rcformada con mucho ostudio del mismo Traductor cuyas son tambieii las Traduciones del Supliiuiento de la Eneyda de Mafeo Veggio, do un Antiquo Estudiante sobre el Testamento do Virgilio de la Letra do Pitagoras y la Declnracion do los Nombros Proprios, etc. (Los Catalectos do Virgilio.) 2 torn. 8° Valencia, 1705 2849 VJEGINIA. BEscunuviNouE van Viuoinia, Jmkuw Nederlandt, Nieuw Enoelandt, en d'Eylanden, Ber- niudea, Berbados, en S. Christoffel. Dienstelijck voor elclc een derwaerts haudeleude, eu alio voort-plauters van nieuw Colonien, with the excessively scarce map and the six copper plates, fine copy, in best red morocco extra, hy F. Bedford. 4" Joost llartgers, Amsterdam, 1051 With the excellent map this is perhaps the riircst of nil the early books on New Netlerlnnd. For a imrticulur description of its true character, see Mr. George Aslier's Bibliographical Kssay, published by Frederick MuUer, Amsterdam, 1854-t>8, in 4°. 2850 ViuGiNiA. Histoire do la Virginio contenant I'liistoiro de son Etablisseraent, etc. les Codtumos des Indicna Natu- rels, etc. par D. S. Natif du Peys, traduit de I'Anglois, frontispiece and plates after those of Hanoi's Virginia by De Bry,fine copy, calf 8" Claude Jordan, Amsterdam, 1712 We usually find II. B., the initials of Robert Beverly onthc title, but this edition, which is uncommon, has D. S. for D. Stevens. 2851 Virginia. A complete Collection of the Laws of Vir- ginia, from 1002 to lUSO, with earlier Laws, 10 tl, etc. iu- serted,^«c copy, but tvanting the title, half roan. folio, London, 1GS3 This is perhaps the rarest of all the early editions of the Laws of Vir- ginia. The dedication to Lord Howard, Lt.-Governor of Virginia is signed J. P. The value of this particular copy is considerably en- hanced by its having about ."JO pages added at the end in manuscript, of the laws in continuation of those printed, viz., from 1C84 to 1(>'.»1, i)r()- bably recorded at the time. The volume belonged to Col. Nathaniel Bacon, of Virginia, and bears his autoj^raph on the second leaf. 2852 Virginia. The Acts of Assembly now in Force in the Colony of Virginia, with tho Titles of such as arc Expired or Repeoled, etc. fne clean copy, scauce. fol. William Hunter, Williatnshirg, 1752 2853 Virginia. The Acts of Assembly now in Force in the Colony of Virginia, scarce. fol, W. Hind, A.Pudie, c]' J. Dixon, WiUiamshtn-fj, 1709 2854 Viuginia. Acts of the General Assembly, 11 Geo. III. 12 Geo. III. with an Index, 2 pai'ts in 1 volume, exces- sively RARE. fol. William Rind, Williamsburg, Va. 1771 I'l. '• iK 208 Bibliolheca Ocograplnca 2855 ViROiNiA. A Collection of all bucIi Public Acts of tho General Assembly and Ordinances of tlio Conventions of Virginia passed einco 170H, as are now in Force, scauck. fol. Thomas Nicohon and William Prenfisa, liichmond, 17 SCi 2856 VinoTNiA. A Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a Public and Permanent Nature, as are now in Force, scahce. fol. Auguatin Davis, Richmond, ITOl 2857 Virginia (Tho State of the Clergy in), before the Ameri- can Eevolution, 1\ pages, scaiice. 8" [1785 P] 2858 Virjiinia. Kevision and Digest of tho Criminal Code of Virginia, commenced by Chapman John«on, Esq. and com- pleted by Eobert G. Scott, Esn. 8" Richmond, 1810 2859 Virginia State Convention (Address delivered before the) by Hon. Fulton Anderson, Commissioner from Mississippi, Hon. Henry L. Benning, from Georgia, and Hon. Jolni S. Preston, from South Carolina, February, 1801. 8" W. M. Elliott, Richmond, 1801 2800 Virginia. Ordinances adopted by tho Convention of Virginia in Secret and adjourned Sessions in April, May, June, and July, 18(11. 8" W. M. Elliott, Richmond, 1801 2861 VIRGINIA [A Map of] America; pars, nunc Virginia dicta, primum ab Anglis inucnta, sumtibus Dn. \V"altori Ealeigh, Equestris, ordinis viri Anno Dni. 1585, rcgni vero Sereniss: nostrre Regina) Elisabethaj 27. (Autore loauuo With Sculptore Theodoro de Bry. Qui et excudit. FinsT ISSUE, before the corrections of Ehesepioc to Chesepioc, EXCESSIVELY SCARCE, ^«ff CO/5//, 10.^ 1))/ 12 inches. Theodorus De Bry, Francoforti, 1590 2802 Virginia. Americeo pars, Nunc Virginia dicta, primum ab Anglis inuenta, sumtibus Dn. Walter! Raleigh, Eques- tris, ordinis viri Anno Dni. M.D.LXXXV, regni vero Here- jiiss: nostrro Reginse Elisabethse XXVII. IIujus vero Historia peculiaro Libro diseripta est additis etiain Indige- narum Iconibus. Another copy, connECTED, lOi by 12 inches, ^ne copy, scarce. Auctore loatmc With. Sculptore Theodoro de Bry, Francoforti, 1590 Tliis n!"^; of Southern Virginia and portion of Nortli Carolina is tlie cnrli ,»: and best we have of that country. It was prepared by Jolin White, wlio was sent out by Queen Elizalicth, in 1 585, as the artist of Raleigh's first Exjiloring Expedition under Sir Kichard Grcnvillc. Do Bry came to London in 1587, and Ilakhiyt induced him to reprint Ilariot's Virgini.i, and illustrate it with Governor White's map and drawings. Nothing can be more authentic. These arc early in" sions of De Bry's map taken from Harlot's Virginia of 1 590. 2803 Virginia. A New Map of Virginia and JNTun Im the Improved Parts of Penn-Sylvania ar revised by J. Senex, [showing the bonm .s ol . Jersey, Pennsylvania, including the Lower C mties n, on Delaware and Maryland,] /wc clean copy, 22 by 19 i hea, coloured, scarce. London, \ 719 I \ot9oftho mentions of SCAHCK. monil, 1785 nt Nature, mond, 1791) the Ameri- 8" [1785 P] nal Code of 1. and com- mond, IS 10 before the) MisBiHwippi, on, John S. 'mond, 1801 invention of April, May, hmond, 1801 inc Virginia Dn. Waltcri 5, rcgni vcro itoro loauno iidit. FinsT 3 Chcsepioc, coforti, 1590 icta, primum cigh, Eques- ni vcro tiere- lujus vcro tiam Indige- lOi by 12 icoforti, 1590 Carolina is the jpared by John B9 the artist of Grcnvillc. De him to reprint hitc's map and •c curly inn : r)'»o. Ini A Ot X nties \\, ^»a by 19 i lies, \ondon, 719 Bibliotheca Watovica 320 2SG1 VinoiNiA and IMarylaml (A Map of), [with doecriptivo Lettor-prc88 nt the back. J F. Lnnib, Bculpsit, 19J by 15 inches. T. Basxrt, Fleet Street, London, [1690? J 28(35 VinaiNrA, I^raryland, I'enusilvania, East and West Now Jersey, ;{2 by lS)i inches. J. Mount Sf T. Vitge, Tower Hill, \ London, 1720 ?] 2SG0 VinaiMA, Marylandiaot Carolina in America Septcntri- onali Uritannoruni induatria oxcultro rcprcscntatro h. Joh. ]kpt. lloiiianii, H. C. ]\[. Oeog. Norimbergso, 23 by 19 inches, coloured, Jlne clean copy, scauck. [1725 ?] A \i\n\i\. curiosity is this map, espiHially in its rcproscntntion of the MLstcrn Imivi's of fxjiul Island und Connecticut. New Jersey is di- vided into Ka.st and VVcht Jersey. Westol' Craven Comity in Carolina is yljitt?ttc/(C I.acuK, between 'M^ and ;15", alwut li)() mdes lony, tlio source of the May Uiver. Simnish Florida extends to LalvO Krie. 2807 VirrniNTA. A ]\Iap of Virginia according to Captain John vSinith'a INIap pulilishcil, 1000. Also of the Adjacent Country, called, by the Dutch, Niow Ncderhvnt, 1030. By John Ht'uex, 10 by 11 J inches, scarce. London, 1735 The design of this map U to show upon what knowlcdpo of the county the (irant to J^ord iSaltiniorc was made in 16.32, and how the various boundary lines of Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York clashed, from ignorance of the geography of the country. 2808 VinaiNTA (A Map of the most Inhabited parts of) con- taining the whole I'rovinco of IMaryland, with Part of ronnsilvaiiia. New Jersey and North Carolina, drawn by Joshua Fry and Peter JelVerson, in 1775, 48i bj/ 31 inchett, coloured, cut into octavo form and mounted on canvas and folded in case, Jlne copy, E.\'ruEJiEriY uade. Hubert Sayer, London, 1775 28(!9 Virginia. Plaii of 10 Valuable Tracts of Land, situate in Scott and Lee Counties, Virginia, to bo sold nt Public Sale on September 20th 1851, at the Philada. Exchange, by order of Simon Stevens, Lancaster, Pcnn. 28 by 21 inches, coloured. 2870 VinoiNiA. IMap and Profde of tho Virginia and Tencs- fice llail-Koad, prejiared by W. AV. Blackford, Scale 5 miles to 1 inch, 42 by 1H\ inches, coloured, Jlne and clean. liichmond, 1850 2871 Virginia (Album of). Contains Eight splendid Views, size, insiile border, IS f/y 11 J inches, as follows : — The High Bridge near Farmville. Stribling Springs, Natural Bridge, Itockbridge Co. ]3urner's White Sulphur Springs, Shenan- doah. 'J'he Druni'y, the Tapestry Koom, and Weyerts Cave, C(>ntral R. R. Augu.sla County. White Sulphur Spring IMoutgoniery, Co. liocklish Gap and the IMountain House, Iliirpor's Fc'iry iVom Jctlcitfon Bock. Taken froiii Nature, by lid. Beyer. liau ij* Son, Lilh. Dresden, [ Richmond, Vu.'] 1S67 2 u M 8S0 Bibliotheea Qeographica 2872 VinoiNiA. Portions of tho Military Departments of Virginia, Washington, Middle and the Susquehanna, pre- prepared in the Engineer Department, July 1863. Scale sUcVou , 41 6y 27 inches, coloured, clean. 2873 ViBGiKiA. Portions of Virginia and North Carolina, em- bracing Richmond and Lynchburg, Va. and Goldsboro and Salisbury, N. C. compiled in the War Department for Military Purposes, 1864, 40 by 33 inches, fine clean copy. J. Schedler, N. Y. [1864] 2874 Virginia. Central Virginia, showing Lieut.-Genl. U. S. Grant's Campaign and Marches of the Armies under his command in 18G4-5, Engineer Bureau War Depart. Scale 1-350,000. 31^ byZi\ inches, coloured, very valuable. Washington, 18G5 2875 Virginia and Florida. Virginiio pnrtis uustralis et Flo- rida partis orientalis, interjaceutiuniq regionum Nova Decrintio, [with letter-prcsa description in German, of Florida at the back], 19^ by 15 inches, coloured. [^»j«;. 1650?]^ 2876 Virginia. Portsmouth Baptist Association, (Minutes of the) Uolden in Portsmouth, May 21st, 24th, 1791, uncut. 4P 2877 Virginia. Minutes of the Baptist General Committee, holden at Muddy-Creek Moeting-House, Powhatan County, Virginia, May, 1793. 8° T. Nicholson, Richmond, Virginia, 1793 2878 Virginia. Portsmouth Baptist Association, (Minutes of the), Uolden at Black-Creek Meeting-House, Southamp- ton County, May 25, etc. 1793. 4° Baxter ^ Wilson, Norfolk, Va. 1793 2879 Virginia. Portsmouth Baptist Association, (Minutes of the), holden at London Bridge Meeting House, Princess Anne County, May 1796. 8" [Richmond] 2880 Virginia. Portsmouth Baptist Association, (Minutes of the), holden at Baokoon Swamp Meeting House, Sussex County, Virginia, Muy 24th, 2Gth, 1806. 8° J. Dickson, Petersburg, Va. 2881 ViscAYA. Escudo de la mas constante Fee y Lealtad. [A curious History and Glorification of Viscaya showing that it was fuunded by Tubal about 2163, that it always followed the True Keligiou and worshipped the Crobs before the coming of Christ, and that it was never conquered. After this fictitious matter there is a long account of its Privileges, Appointment of its own Magistrates, Exemp- tions from certain Taxes and of its disputes with various Spanish Kings on these subjects; together with Boyal Letters and other Documents], Z^Q pages, privately printed, complete but without title. folio, [1700 ?] irg, Ta. "lealtad. showing always bs before nquered. rit of its Exemp- various Royal printed, 17U0 ?] Bibliotheca HUtoriea 831 2882 Vokins (Joan) God's Mighty Power Magnified, as Mani- fested and Revealed in His faithful Handmaid, J. Yokins, who departed this Life the 22iid of the Cth Month, 1C90, Having finished her course and kept her Faith. 12» Thomas Northcott, London, 1691 Joan went to New England in 1680 and travelled tbrongh the country for more than a year, visiting llhode Island, Long Island, New York, etc. 2883 Voorne en Putten (Topographische Kaart van het Land van), 19i hj 14 inches, [1850 ?] 2884 Voyage. A New Voyage to the North, containing a full Account of Norway ; the Laplands, Borandia, Siberia, Samojcdia, Zembla and Iselaud ... to which ia added a Particular Relation of the Court of the Czar, etc. fine copy, plate in 20 compartments, calf, scarce. 8° Thomas Hodgson, London, 1706 2885 Voyngo (Nouveau) vers lo Septeutrion, ou Ton repre- sente lo uaturel, lea cofttumea et la Religion der Norwe- gieus, des Lapons, dcs Kiloppcs, dcs Russiens, dea Boran- diens, des Syberiens, dea Zenibliens, dca Sanio'iedes, etc. frontispiece and plates, fine copy, scarce. 12" Estienne Boger, Amst. 1708 2886 Voyage d'un Philosophe ou Observations sur les moeurs et lea arts des Peuples de I'Afrique, de I'Asie et do I'Ame- rique, [Par Mr. Poivre],yf/j«? copg calf. 12° Yverdon, 1768 2887 Voyagea (A Collection of) undertaken by the l3utcb, East-India Company, for the Improvement of Trade and Navigation ; containing an Account of several Attempts to find out the North-East Passage, and their Discoveries in the East-Indies, and the South Seas, together with an Historical Introduction, giving an A< c >uut of the Rise, Establishment and ProjTress of that great Body. Translated into English, ^«e copy, calf, maps, SCARCE. 8° W. Freeman, London, 1703 The Introduction contains an excellent summary of the early Dutch voyagea to the North, to tho Ku.ft Indies and round the world. Then follow translations of the chief voyages to the Kust both by Cape of Good Hope and by the Strnif^hts of Magellan, such as those of Iloutman, Van Neck, Van Warwick, Kebald de Wecrt, etc. 2888 Vbies (S. de) De Noordsche Weercld vertoond in twee nieuwe Reyscn, d'eene van de Ilccr Martiuiere, d'andero van Frederick Martens, vcrtacld en met Toe-Doeningen verrijckt door S. De Vrics, fne copy, vellum, frontispiece, map and plates. 4P Acrt Dircksz. Poszaen, Amst. 1085 2889 ADSWORTII (Benjamin, of Beaton) It's ITo- nourablf, not Sljanu'l'iil to kSiillVr for Clirist. A Sermon Preached on the Lord's Day, April 11, l'/25, in Boston, N.E. scarce. 12" B. Green, Boston, 1725 '. lit- t it- i; 832 Bibliotheea Oeographica 2890 "Wakefield (John A.) Hibtoet op the War between the United States and the Sac and Fox Nations of Indiana and parts of other disaffected Tribes of Indians, in the years 1827, 1831, and 1832. A very rare hook, doth. 12" Calvin Ooudy, Jacksonville, III. 183 1 2891 "Walcot (James) The New Pilgrim's Progress, or the pious Indian Convert, containing a faithful account of Ilat- tain Gelashmin, a Heathen baptis'd into the Christian Faith by the name of George James ; together with a Nar- RATIVE OF ni8 TbATELS AMONG THE SaVAOE Indians. 12" M. Cooper, London, 1748 2892 Waiker (Adam) A Journal of Two Campaions of the Fourth Kegiment of U.S. Infantry, in the Michigan and Indiana Territories, under the Command of Col. John Boyd, and Lt.-Col. James Miller, during the year.s 1811-12. By Adam Walker, late a Soldier of the 4th Ecgia eut,y7H0 copy, of very great rarity, sherp. 12" Printed at the Sentinel Press, by the Author, Keene,N.n. 181G. 2893 Walker (James) Letters on the West Indies, boards, uncut. 8" Best Fenner, London, 1818 2891 Walter (Nehemiah, of Roxhvry) A Plain Discourse on Vain Thoughts, which are great Hindrances of Men's being Saved (The Great Concern of Man),^;ie copy in the original sheep, the first few leaves toormed, 12" B. Green for B. Eliot, Boston, 1721 2895 Walter (Nehemiah, of Roxbury) Discourses on the whole LVth Chapter of Isaiah. To which is added the Author's Last Sermon. With some Account of his Life [by Thomas Prince and Thomas Foscroft] good copy, scarce. 8" D. Fowle,for T. Henchman, Boston, 1755 2896 Walter (Richard) A Voyage round the World in 1740- 1744. By George Anson, Esq., now Lord Anson. The Sixth Edition, maps. 8" Knapton, London, 1740 2897 Walter (Richard) A Voyage round the World in tho years 1740, 1, 2, 3, 4, by George Anson. Vol. 1, uncut. 12" Edinburgh, 1812 2898 Wansey (Henry) Tho Journal of an Excursion to tho United States of North America in 1794, by H. AVansey, a Wiltshire Clothier, portrait of Washington. 8" J. Easton, Salisbury, 179G 2899 Wansey (Henry) An Excursion to the United States of North America in the Summer of 1794. Second edition, with Additions, portrait of Washington, and view of the State House, Phil, boards, uncut. 12" Salisbury, 179S This book is particularly interesting from its personal description of Wttsliinfiton, wliom tho author personally viHitcd, and for its clia])ter on literature, in which arc given lists of Knglish hooks which it has answered to reprint, and of Original publication since the Declaration of Imlependence. between Indians bo years 7/. 1831. or tlio of Ilat- Miristiaii I a Nae- 'on, 1748 AI0S3 of Siieliigan !ol. Jolm 1811-12. I cut, Jine e Author, n. 181G. oards, don, 1818 course on m's being \e original ifon, 1721 ■a on tbe dded tbe bis Life jton, 1755 in 1740- ion. Tbo don, 1740 d in tbo yh, 1812 :m to tbo Vansey, a ury, 1790 States of edition, 10 of the ay, 1798 cription of its chapter lii'h it has >eclaratic)ii JBihliotheea Ilistorica 333 2900 "Wah of 1812. Analysis of tbe late Correapondcnco between Our Administration and Great Britain and France, witb an attempt to sbew wbat arc tbe lieal Causes of tbe Failure of tbe Nefjociation, uncut, scarce, and valuable. 8° Russell and Cutler, Boston [1810 r] 2901 War of 1812. An Address of Member? of tbe House of llepresentatives of tbo Congress of tbe United States to their Constituents on tbe Subject of tbe "War witb Great Britain, scarce. 8" S. Snowdon, Alexandria, Va. 1812 2902 War witb tbe Devil : or tbo Young Plan's ConHict witb tbe Powers of Darkness, in a Dialogue [in Verse] by lien- jauiin }s\ca.c\\], good copy, very scarce- 8" Benj. Harris, London, lO'^.'i Tliis copy has the rare double frontispiece, one part exliiijitiiip a yoimy; swell ot 16 in the niitiinil state, the other the same converted. Kiocli endeavoured, it is said, to rival John Hunyan, and was cxccediii;:ly mortified that his works never took hold of the public mind like the IMljzrim's I'rogress. 2903 Wau Mai> [of tbo United States] (Tbe Historical) [Pre- fixed is a Cbronologioal liecord of tbe Kebellion from November, 18G0 to January 1805], in covers, folded. Indianapolis, Ind. [18G5] 2904 AVarder (T. ]J.) and Catlett. Battle of Tnunu's liraiub, or Manassas Plain, fougbt July 21, ISGI, witb Maps of tlio Battle Field, etc. Also an Account of tbe Battle. Also the Battle Ground of tbo 18tb July, 18(51, witb Beaure- gard's Report of said Battle, iciihtJ.j two maps of Bull Bun and vicinity, scaeck. 12" Enquirer Press, Bichmond, 18(52 2905 Wauiikn (Kittrell J.) History of tbe Eleventh Giorj^na Volunteers, embracing tbe Muster Bolls witb a special and Buccint Account of tbe Marches, Engagements, etc. scarce. 8" Smith, Baily, and Co. Bichmond, Va. 1SG3 2900 AVAiinEK County, New York, Map of, by J. Chace, Jr. [witb plans of towns and villages], 34 by i7 itiches, coloured, Jine clean copy, scarce. Bhiladelphia, 18')8 2907 Wartenburg (Treifcn boi) den 3ten October. 1813. [A Plan of the Battle of Wartenburg, title in German aud French]. 17 by 13 inches. Lithogrnphie von B. Herder, Freiburg, i. B. 2908 Washburn (James Jan.) A True Narrative of the Voyage and Sufterings of, on board tbe Dclpluisof Buston, together •with au Account of tbe Trial of Washburn vs. Knight, Nov. 1821, ^nc copy, uncut, two woodcuts. H" Wm. S. Spear, Boston, 1822 2909 Washington (George) first president of the United States of America b. 1732, d. 17!»9 A.L.s. 3 pages 4to to Mrs. Macauly Graham, Fhila- delphia, July 19, 1791 '' I often roprct that my Public Du;ics do not allow nic so much time a-; "ly uicliualion craves. t« attend to my private corrcspoudcncies, •I I 334 Bihliotheea Oeographica especinlly with yon, Madam, bnt your goodness will I pennadc myself, lead yon to place the brevity of this letter to its proper account ; par- ticularly when I add that I am but just returned from a tour of near two thousand miles through the Southern States, to perform which took me more than three months. I shall only further add to it, what I know must give you pleasure, which is, that the United States enjoy a scene of prosperity and tranquillity under the new Government that could hardly have been hoped for under the old : — and that, while you in Europe ore troubled with wars and rumours of wars, every one here may sit under his own vine and none to molest or make him afraid," etc. 2910 WASHINGTON (Georqe) A long, beautiful, pbi- VATE, AND ENTinELT AUTOORAPII LeTTEB TO THE ReV. Jonathan Boucher at Annapolis, dated at Mount Vernon, the 9th July, 1771, respecting the education of John Parke Custis his stepson, a youth of 17, the son of Mrd. Washington by her first husband; and in reference to a proposed scheme of travelling in Europe, closely written on three very largo folio pages, on paper measuring 15 by 9J inches, with fil'ty lines on a full page, two leaves, the fourth page blank, and a third louf, with the address and wax seal, having served as the envelope ; all in perfect pre- servation, and stitched in bright red morocco flexible cover, htf William Pratt. folio, 1771 In every respect this is a most charming souvenir of the Great and Good Washington, whom it has been well said the Almighty left Childless that a Nation might call him Father. We know of no Autopraph Letter of Washington comparable with this in almost every point that gives interest to such a document. It is printed in the Life and Writings of Washington, 12- Volume Edition, by Sparks, Vol. 2, pages 361 — 364, but is so different from the original Letter itself that we are temj)ted to give it here entire and verbatim. We do not believe that Mr. Sparks ever altered the letter so much as here appears, and are at a loss how to account for the many changes which probably no editor would venture to make. It is well known that Washington retained tlie rough drafts or copies of almost all his letters, and that in very many instances in copying the letter to send off to his correspon- dent he made many alterations and additions without making the draft to correspond with the letter sent. The printed letter may therefore have been copied correctly from t!ie draft now in the State Department at Washington, where his public and private pai)ers are now preserved, in about 260 folio volumes. This letter reads as follows : — Dear Sir Mount Vernon 9th July 1771 From several concurring causes which have assembled upon the Eve of my departure for Williamsburg, I have both my Heod & my hands too full of business to allow me time to write more than a hasty, un- digested answer t« your letter of the 4tli — this however I shall attempt. In my last I informed you (as well as I can recollect the contents of the Letter) that the Friends (I do not confine myself to the Relations) of Mr Custis, were divided in their opinions of the propriety of his TravellK- not on acct. of the advantages which might result from it, but on ace*- of the Expence; as he w
<>ssiliility if not a proliability, that the whole design may be totally defeated ; and therefore I add. ^M 886 Bihliotheca Oeographiea tiiat before I ever thought myself at liberty to cnconrage this Flan, I jutlg'd it highly reasonable & iicceHsary that the Mother Bhoiild bo consulted. I laid your first letter & proposals before iier, and dcsir'd tlittt, she would ponder well before she resolved ; as an unsteady be- haviour might be a disadvantage to yon. Ilcr determination wa.s, that, if it appeared to be his Inclinatiun to undertake this Tour, and if it shoud bo adjuilg'd fur his Benefit, she would not oppoHO it whnteV- i)ang8 it niij;ht give her to part with him — this declaration tihc still atlhercs to, but in so feint a manner that I think, what with her fears, and his inditt'crenco (if he really is so) it will soon be dcclar'd, that he has no Inclination to go, the consequence of which is too obvious to bo mentioned. I do not say that this will be the case. 1 cannot speak |)ositively — but as this result of my own reflection upon the matter, I thought it but fair to communicate it to you. Several causes 1 believe, have concurrd to make her view his depar- ture, as the time approaches, with more reluctance than she expected. The unhappy Situation of her Daughter has in some degree fixed her Eyes upon him us her only hope ; add to this the doubts of her Prienils &c. to what I liavc already said, I can only add that my warmest wishes are to see him prose«^uto a Plan, at a proper period, which I am sure must redound to his advantage ; and that nothing shall be wanted on my part, to aid and assist him in it. In the Event of his going I should think myself highly favourd, & he much honent at those Waters, I stood in- debted to Mr Mercer for the use of his House. I scarce know wliat answer to give to the Tapers you transmitted to me as an Exr- of the (Will of Col Tho'' Colvill dcc'l the affairs of that Estate arc unha])pily involved with M""- Sempie, to whom Colo Colvill in his life time sold a Tract of Land in Maryland call'd Merry- land, for (I think) i;260() SterK. and from whom we can neither get the money nor Land — till this nuitter is settled the Ex"- are unable to pay of the Legacies in this Country, consequently can answer no demands of the Iksiduary Legatees in England, who only come in for the Sur- jilusagc if any there he. I believe there will be more than suflicient to discharge the Debts & Legacies here, but the overplus will bo tritling. I remain, Dr Sir Yr Most Obedt IIi^lo Servt [Addressed] G"- Washington To the Rcvd Mr. Boucher In Annapolis 2911 Washington (George) Letters from General Washington to several of his FriouJa, iu Juno aud July, 177G ; in which iw set forth an interesting View of American I'olitics at that all-important ])erioJ, fine copy, very rare. ' : b" The Federal Fress, Philadelphia, 1795 These arc the seven spurious letters said to have been found in the \io\i- manteau of Washington's negro iniin Billy. Two volnines of Wash- ington's Ollicial Letters had this year bcc'i published in Boston. Soino enemy of tiie (icneral caused these to be reprinted as a supplement to that cilitioii, knowing thorn to be forgeries, but giving mi siicli intimu- tiim. In 171*7, Washington was forced to publicly proclaim them foigeiics. Sec N" li'Jli' of this Catalogue. f irftgo this Plan, >ther should bo lier, and dcsir'd in unsteady be- irmination was, i this Tour, and not oppoHO it this declaration I thinii, what ) it will soon bo nee of whieh is will be the case. 1 reflection upon you. view his dcpar- iin gho expected, me degree fixed 10 doubts of her ily add that my a proper period, ,nd that nothin;; t. In the Event 10 much hon. Washington ral Washington 177G ; in which ricau Tolitica at •e. Uadelphia, 1793 found in the i)ort- volumcs of Wash- l in IJoston. Hinno as a supplement to n>; no sucli intima- rly piodaini lUcni Jtihliolheca Jlisloriea 887 2012 WAsiTTJinTox (Gcorgp) Epistlos, Donipalio, Confitlontial and Ollicial, written about the Commcnccnii'nt oftlio Ame- rican Contest, tpith a mezzolint portrait painted by Savage, and engraved htj liobiH»oii,Jlne cop;/, calf, scarce. 8« O. Bobinson, New York, 1700 Inserted in this copy is the rare page printed to match the edition oontaiii- iiij; a letter from Washington to Timothy ridicriiifi, Secretary of State, dated Phil. 3, March 17it7, in reference to tiie seven letters saiil to liave l)cen found in BiHj/'s portmanteau, jironouncing them to he base for of the United States. Published for the Washington IJenevolent Society, Thomas M. Pomroy, Windsor, IS 12, with Constitu- tion of the U. S. as proposed by the Convention at Pliiladel- phia, Sept. 17, 1787, 2 vols, in I. 8" T. M. Fomroy, Windsor, IS12 2917 Washington (The Conduct of), compared with that of the present Administration, in a Scries of Letters and Ollicial Documents, with Notes. By a Friend of Truth and of llouorablo Peace, scarce, uncut. 8" True and lioire, Boston, 1813 2918 Washington. Plan of the City of Washington r.)w build- ing for the ^Metropolis of America, Jind estabiisned as the Permanent Kesidenco of Congress after the year ISOO, 13 J- by 10} inches. W. Brent, London, 1793 2919 Wasuinotox. A Skotchoftho Events whieh preceded the Capture of Washington by the liritish, on the 2 1th of August, 181-1!. [By K. 1). Ingrahamj, boards, uncut. 8" Cary and Hart, Philadelphia, 1819 With avalualde map showing tlie Potomac TUvcr, a Sketch of the march ot the Ihitisli Anny umlcr (Jen. Koss, lOtli to llic il'.ttli ot Au};ust, ISM, aiiil a plan ot the Battle ot liladen.sburg. 2 x ■f- 1 V 'f. %i ''■;V. St. it Silliotheea Oeographica 2920 WAflHiXOTON. Tlje Campaigns of the British Anny nt Washington and New Orleans in 1814-1815, by the Author of the Subaltern, 4th edition corrected. 12" Murray, London, 1830 2921 Washikotok County, New York, Map of, by M. Levey, [with plans of villages, views of scenery, and of public build- ings aud private residences], 38 by 57 inchet, coloured, fine and clean, scarce. Philadelphia, 1853 2922 WAsniNGTON County, Pennsylvania, Mop of, from Surveys by S. N. and F. W. Boers. Published by A. Pome- roy and S. W. Treat, [with plans of villages and towns and views of residences and public hv^ldmgs, GO ly 5S inches, coloured,fine and clean copy, scabce. Philadelphia, 18G1 2923 Washington University [Inauguration of] at Saint Louis, Missouri [Addresses by J. D. Low and Edward Everett], 8» Boston, 1857 Presentation copy to" Rev. Dr. Wheeler, with the best respects of Edward Everett, Boston, 3 Nov. 1857." 2924 Washoe. Bancroft's Map of the Washoe Silver Region of Nevada Territory, 20^ by 23 inches, coloured, varnished and mounted. H. H. Bancroft and Company, San Francisco, Cat. 1862 2925 Washtenaw County, Michigan, Map of, from Surveys bv O. B. Bechler and E. Weuig [with plans of towns and villages, and views of public buildings and private resi- dences], 48 by 43f inches, coloured, fine copy, scauce, Philadelphia, 185G 2926 Watch (The), An Ode, humbly inscribed to the Ht. Hon. the Earl of M— E— D. To which is added the Geuius of America to General Carleton, an Ode. 4° J. Bew, London, 1778 2927 Waterhouse (B.) A Synopsis of a Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Medicine. In four parts. Part the First, uncut. 8" Adams and Nourse, Boston, 1786 2928 Waterhouse (Benjamin) Cautions to young persons con- cerning health, in a public lecture at Cambridge, Nov. 10, 1804 . . . shewing the evil tendency of the use of tobacco upon young persons, more especially the pernicious eftccts of smoking cigars, scarce 8" [Camb.\ Unicersify Press, 1805 2929 Waterloo, Seneca County, New York (Map of the Town of) published by J. H. French, [with views of public buildings and private residences], 41 by 50 inches, coloured, fine and clean copy, scarce. Philadelphia, 1855 2930 Watson (George) Description and Use of a Diagnun of Navigation, by which all Problems in Plane, Traverse, Paral- lel, Middle Latitude and Mercator's Sailing maybe instantly and accurately resolved, no diagram, and fine clean copy, scarce. 8° Fellowes and Simpson, Belfast, Maine, 1822 Bibliuthcca IlUtorica 839 2931 Wattorston (George) The Child of Feeling, a Comedy in Five Acts, //to copy, uncut, scabce. 12° Joseph Milligan, George 2bio», B.C. 1809 2932 Watts (Dr. Isaac) Appendix, containing a Number of nyuius,takea chiefly from Dr. Watts's Scriptural Collection. ' 12'* Kneeland and Adamt, Botton, 17G5 This is a scpnrntc nnd conipk-tc l)Ook, intended to be added to any ooU luction of i'balins and litmus. 2933 Watts (Isaac) Logic, or the Right Use of Season in the Inquiry after Truth. Fifth American edition, ca/f. 12° H^ett and Richardson, Botton, 1812 2031 Wat.vk CouxTr, Pennsylvania, Map of, drawn from new Surveys under J. M. Hopkins, jr. [with plans and directories of towns and villai^es, views of scenery and resi- dences, 39 by A inches, coloured, fine copy, scAncK. Philadelphia, 1860 2935 Webster (Daniel) An Address delivered before the Washiujilton Benevolent Society at Portsmouth, July 4, 1812, fine clean copy, uncut 8" The Oracle Press, Portsmouth, N.H. [1812] Ono of the earliest and rarest of all Dauiel Webster's literary pro- ductions. 2930 Webster (John W.) A Description of the Island of St. Michael, comprising an account of its Geological Structure, with Remarks on the otlier Azores, or Western Islands, boards, uncut, three maps and three plates, scarce. 8° Willianu, Boston, 1821 2937 Webster (Noah) A Grammatical Institute of the English Language, in three parts. Part Second, containing a Plain and Comprehensive Grammar. The Third Connec- ticut Edition, scarce and grubby 12° Hudson and Goodwin, Hartford, 1792 2938 Webster (Noah) An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking, calculated to improve the minds of youth, and to instruct them in the geography, history, and politics of the United States. The 8th Connecticut Edi- tion, y/ne copy in the original binding, scarce. 12" Hudson and Goodwin, Hartford, 1703 2939 Webster (Noah, Lexicographer) A Grammatical Insti- tute of the English Language, comprising an Easy Method of Education. For the use of English Schools in America. In three parts. Part Second containing a plain and comprehensive Grammar. Thomas and Andrews' Third Edition with improvements by the Author. 12" Isaiah Thomas, Boston, 1794 29 to Weld (Isaac) Travels throuah the States of North America and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Fourth Edition, illuatrulcd with 8 pUites,//!.? copy, uncut. 8" London, 1800 I * ] : ?:,:. '? 1 '-i: 2913 Wesley Colonies. 29 H AVealey Colouiea. dale. 840 liibliotheca Oeographica 291 1 Wclla (Wnlter, Secretary of the Ifydrogrnphio Survey) rrovisioual lieport upon the Water Power of Maine, map, cloth. 8" Auyusta, 18U8 29A2 WEiiWOD (Wimiam) An Abiitdoement of all Sea- Lawe3; Gathered forth of all Writings and Monuments which are lo be found among any peoi)le or Nation, vpoii the coaHta of the great Ocean and Mediterranean fclea : And Bpecially ordered and disposed for the vse and benefit of all benevolent Soa-furers within liis Maiesties Dominions of Great Brittanno, Ireland, and the adiacout Isles thereof, fne clean copy, very rare and valuable. 4" Humphrey Loicnes, London, 1013 (John) A Culm Address to our Aiiiericnu 12" li. Jlaices, London, 1775 (John) A Calm Address to our Americau Same as the Ed. of 1775 except the 12" It. Jlaices, London [1770 ?] 2915 West (Gilbert) A Defence of the Christian Keveiation, in one Treatise, intituled, Observations on the liesurrcctiou of Jesus Christ, by G. West; and in another, intituled, Obf^ervations on tiie Conversion of St. Paul, by tlie Honour- able George Lyttelton, Esq.y/ne copy, calf, b" l*rinlcd by Voluntary Subscription ; in order to be dispersed in II tn Mojcity^a Colonics and Islands in America, iMud. 171S In 11 riofacc by the I)islio|i of LDndon it i» stated thnt tliis l)ook is sent over to Anierlcii as an Ani'iOn)iQ to tiic Intidcl liuoks scut tu the I'iuntutioiis. 2910 West (Samuel, of New liedford) A Sermon, Dec. 3, 1788, at the ()niiiuition of the Itov, John Allyu, to the Pastoral care of the Ciiinrh in Duxl)urv,y/«e copt/. b" JJabnei/ and Cunhiiu/, Safem, 1780 2917 West (Samuel, of New Bedford, Mag's.) Essays on Liberty and Necessity, in whidi tlie true nature of Liberty is stated and defended; and the princi|)al Arguments used by Mil. EuwAUDs and others for Necessity are Considered, fine copy, uncut, veky scarce. 8" Samuel Hall in Curnhill, Boston, 1793 Whoever is suflieier.tly interested iy Metaplijsics to rend Jonntiiaa Jvlwards ouyiit also to read this sin-cwd and stniifiht forward eritiiiuc. Some of Mr. West's illiistnitions of dilhenlt jioints, such as tiie I'ore- knowU'dge of the Deity's not (h)in;,' away with moral freedom, are i)ar- licuhirly ha|)]>y ; aiul although Seliopeiihauer's rnmous Prize I'lssay on the "Will has j)hiced thatvexata ipia'stio in a totally new li|;ht. yet even after reiulin}^ the German ])liih)soiiher one nnty derive some useful hints from the perusal of this little I'amphlet. 29 IS Westehx Teiiuitohy, [^lap of the] Including Lands ceded by Siou.x, Sacs, Foxes, Oloes, loways, cic. 1825, [the l«)ealiiins of llie various Tribes of Indians] ',M\ by I9J Indus, colound, Jinc copi/- scarce. [Wudhmyton, Ib'tio ?] Bibliotheca llialorica 311 2910 Western Tkruitoiiy, Mnpof tlic [fthowiiifj; tlic loonliticu ot'tlio various tribes of liidiuiiH] 17i by l(5.i inches, culourrJ, Jine copy, valuable map, [Wiuhiiir/ton, IS'M)?] 2050 Wksteun Counthy. A New Map of tiik Wkstkun I'AU'ra of Virginnia, Peunsylvania, Maryland and Nortli Carolina; coniprehendinp; tho Kivcr Uliio and all tlio llivera which fall into it ; Part of tho MissiHsippi, tho wholo of tho Illinois liivor, Lake Erie, Part of Lakoa Huron, iMiehigan, etc. and all tho Country borderinjif on tlicHO Lakoa and llivera. By Thoa. llutchina. Mounted on canvas, in case, 43 by 33i inches, fine copy, exckssivkly 8CAUCE. London, Novemb'' ye 1st, 1778 Tliis Inrjio nnd valnnMe mnp linsnot only the diicf rivers luitl mounlains liiiil (Idwii ; lint is covered with liistoricul uml tu|io;.M'ii|)liic'iil iiutcH uf ureal interest, e^llueially res|K'eting the various trihes of Indians. 2031 Wostcrn Frontier. !Map [Weat of tho INIissiaaippi] illiiatratinp; tho Plan of the Defenoea of tho W. Frontier, lis proposed by Mnj.-Gen. Gainea in 1S3S. Compiled by IJiivid II. Burr, 1-1 i by 23 i inches. Washington, 1838 2052 West India Coloiiiea. Soino Obsorvationa which may contribute to ail'ord a Just Idea of the Nature, Importunce, and Sottk'meut of our New Woat India Colonics, half roan. 8" London, 1701 20.')3 West India INIcrcliants and Plantcra (An Apneal to tho Candour and Justice of tho People of England in Behalf of ilie), Founded on Plain Facta and Ineontrovertiblo Arguments. 8" London, 1702 2051 Wkst Indies [An outline INIap of the, with a Latin] h'tter at tho back to Ximencz, Archbishop and Cardinal, from Peter Martyr in 1510] 11 bj/ 7 inches. Alcala, 1511 This is ft perfcet faesiniilc nn old paper of I'eter Marrvr of An;_'li lia's map of llic discoveries of t'olundiiis, Vespntiiis and otiiers, compiisinn' Kspafuda, ('ui)a, tlic Norlli eoast of Soiitli America and Central America, from Cape de Cm/, to llomlnras, marvellously well laid down. It was printcil in the surreptitious edition of the tir.-t I)eertdc at Aleala in l.')!], a nuip of the liii^iust historical importance, which hy its rarity has escaped most of tlic most active geographers of tlio present century. 2955 AVest iNDfEs. m.d.xxxiti. Del mcso di Diccmbro. Ji.i carta uniuersalo della Icrrai'cnna & laole dcllo Tndio occidelali, cio c del mondo nuouo fatta per dicliiaratiuno delli libri i.ello liulie, cnuata da due carte da nauicaro f.ilto in Sibilia da li pilot i della jMaiesta Cesarea. Con gratia it priuilcj^io della lllustris.sima JSignoria di A^'iietia p anni XX. 17 by 21 inches. I'eiieda, 1531 'J'liis lar;;e wooilcut nnip, by far the most important one ol'tlienew hemi- sphere Ir.an Labrador to the Straits ol' .\Ia;;cilan is a faSt. Christopher. 8" [London, 1785 J BibUothera Iligtoricn 843 andon vnn Dchen met ttten Ocno- )hart with el ti'RBchcn 8 aot. Cabo 1, [1021 ?] nko Hay and Dftko Hajr i:d al)nut tho ^. Tlic snnio son's vuyagi'8 ghennempt Dutch of Ordoniit'z Jacob Lo , eto.'ctc] 'rdam, 1U22 u with an ex- OcCIDIN- jnde par A. A la quelle lo8 mesmcs no do Mor ypy, vellum, trdam, 1022 the preceding t of Lo Moiro. len begry- lea op syu egt, 23^ Ay mst. [1080] h tho Gulf of jmplectens. Isthinutn lographiam isenti statu exortum (Carto autour du ars 1731), gun, Jamaica, Barbados, noc non Inuulu) Uermudes vel ^ommers dioto) sitigulari mappa omnia exhibita ot edita ab iloiimnnianirt Ileredibus (Die Eiiglische Colunie-Lwnder auf deii IuhuIii von America, etc.) 22 by 10 inc/iet, coloured, Jine copy, SCARCE. Nuremb. 1750 ? 2903 VVoat Indische Conipagnio. Dediictio van den Kcpro- sentaut van syne doorlu<{tigHto Huogheid en Dewiudheb- beron van de Geoctroyeerdo Westindiselio Conipagnio ter PrcDsidale Kamer AniBtcrdam, over de Saako vim Iscquobo en Demerari ; overgcgceven in het HoHogne nan de Hcoron haar Iloog Mog. Oodeputccrden, den 28 July, 17G7, yine copy, uncut, scarce, important, fol. [Amaf. 1707] 2904i West Indies. The Traveller's Guide to Madeira and the West Indies, being a Hieroglyphic Representation of Appearances and Incidents during a Voyage out and homewards, with a Treatise explanatory of tho Figures. 8" O. Miller ^ Sons, Haddington [1815?] This is a curiosity in its way, an innocent bit of trifling worth looking into. The journal is kept by putting down from diiy to day n ffw little pictures to represent tho chief incidents. For instance, n picture of a flying fish and tho date, shows what day one flew on board. 2905 West Indies, Six Months in the, in 1S25, 2nd edition, with Additions, boards, uncut, Map of the Caribbee Islands. 8° Murray, London, 1820 2900 Westphalia) (S. R. I.) Circulus in Oinnea eju^de'ii sub- jacentes Provincias exactissirao diatinctus per N. Vipschcr, 19 by 22 J inches. [Amst. 1700?] 2907 Westphalia. S. R. I. Circulus Westphalicus in quo sunt Episcopatus Monasteriensis, Padorborncnsia ct Osnabru- gensis Ducatus Juliaconais, Clivonsia ct Montenaia, Prin- cipatus Mindcnsis, etc. etc. 21 by 18J inches, coloured. F. de Witt, Amst. [1720 ?] 2908 Westphalia) (Circulus) cum Omnibus suis subjaccnlibus Provinciis, Novissima Dclineatio per 11. and (i. Ottcns, 22^ by 19l inches, coloured. Amst. [1720 ?] 2909 Westphalia. Circuli Weatphaliaj in omnca suoa Status ct Provincias accurate divisi Nova et cxacta Tabula edita sumtibug Job. Baptist© Homani. Korilcrga^ [1720r] 2970 What is our Situation ? And wliat our jiruspicts ? a few pages, for Americana, liy an American, [ Jofioph llop- kinson], uncut, scarce. 8" {Phil. 17t)9 ?] 2971 Wheaton (Uoury) Enquiry into tlio Validity of tbo British Claim to a Right of Visitation to Search for American Vessels suspected to be engaged in tlio African Slave Trade, New Edition, cloth. 8" London, 185S % •It 844 miliothrcn Grographira 2072 WlIEF.T.Eii (.Touv, Sreretanj of the. Sociel if of Merchant Adventurers) A Thk.vtise op Commkiici;, wliori-iii mo Hliewed tlio Cinninoditics nrisinpf by a well ordered and ruled Trade, sucli as that of tlio Sociktie op j\[kuchants ADVENTunEHS is proved to bo : AVrittcti principally I'or tlio bettor intbnnation of those who doubt of tho Ncoessari- uoHse of the said Sociotio in tho State of tho Kealnie of Eii7;J WuEEi.Eii (John) A Theatise op Commeuce, wherein are shewed the C'oiuinoditiea arising by a wel ordered niul ruled Trade, such as that of tho Societio of IVrercliaules Adventurers is pmcd to boo, written |)riiuipally for tho better information of thoHc who doubt of the Necesyarieiies of tho said Bocictio in the State of tiie Jieaimo of I'^np;- laiule, fne copy, exlmiicly rare, a s)iiall l/if off the title Imt no letter (jone. 1" /iichard Schilders, ]\[idd(lbHrgh, IGOi This is inolmlily the ori^;iiml cdilion, rc'iniiitoil the samo venr. 2971 "WniTiKinixE (Richaiu)) Discouiise and DrscovEiiY OK New-Found-Lano. With Jjotters from Cajitain Jld- ward Wynne, Governor of tho Colony of l"\'rryhiud, Ae. rrnj rare, perfect , hut slii/hlhj wormed on the few laxt pat/CM, then/ore sold with all faults. 4" Loiidoi, KJ'ili Mr. Iloiloii <''l'\ l-il'o aiitl shed Aine- ace'a Me- ! 840 Bibliolheca OeograpJnca 2S88 WniTEFTELD (George) A Short Address to Persona (»f all Denominations occasioned by tho Alarm of an Intended Invasion, y?«c copi/ in polished calf, by F. Bedford. 8" D. cj- 'Z. Fotvle, Boston, 1750 29S9 Whltefield (Ocorpo) Memoirs of, from liis Original Papers, etc. compiled by the Rev. J. Gillies. Fifth edition, revised with large Additions by Aaron C. Seymour, y/'/js copij, calf. 12" S. T. Armstrong, Boston, 1SI3 2990 Whitcfield (George) Sketches of the Life and Labours of the Kev. G. Whitefield, cloth. 12» London and Edinhtm/h, [1850?] 2991 AVhiting (Willinni) Argument of W. Whiting in tho case of Koss WinaiiH v. Orsamus Eton et al., for an alleged infringement of his Patent for the Eight-Wheel liaihvay Car, cloth. 12" llewes t^ Co. Boston, 1853 2992 WiirxxKT (Asv) A Project fob a ItAir.ROAD to the Pacific, witli lioports of Committees of Congress, lieso- lutions of Stale Legislatures, etc. witli other facts relating thereto, 112 lar*/e and closeh/ printed pages, 2 maps, scarce. 8" George W. Wood, New York, IS 19 Only ft little more than twenty years a;;n, in 1846 and 1847, \\\vi\ Mr. Whitney was agitating the people and lobying tiie Congress lor a niil road from Lake Michigan to tlic I'acifip, to San rrancisto or to I'ujret St>unil, he was ridiculi'il and derided by tho knowing ones as projeetmg a rninous and imi)racticai>le scheme. Like the scheme of Columbus, everybody abused it till success crowned his cflforts, and then every- liotly knew it all before, and declared the rewards dispro])ortii)nate to the success. Whitney's plans have I>'orthaMi|)ton, Sept. 1078, half Morocco, some traces closely rut in the front mav'/ins. 8" Boyers iV F>irlr, lioslou, 1713 300'> WiM,is (Wii.m.vm) Tiii; lliVroiiv ok Poiui.vnu frnm 1('32 to ISOI) with a Notice of Previous Settlenu-nts, Colonial Grants, and Changes of Cfovernmeiit in Maine. Second t'dition, revise I and enlarged, maps, plates and por- trait of the author, cloth, new. 8" Bailey Sf Xoyes. Portland, iSO'-'i 848 Bihliothcca Oeographiea 800G Williamson (Petor) Authentic Narrative of the Life nnd Surprising Adventures of P. Williamson who was kid- napped when un Infant from his Native Place, Aberdeen, and Sold for a tSlavo in America; his Marriage, Pcrilu, hardships and Escapes ; and his great Services to the lilnglish Interest by his intimate ac(]uaintance with the Indian Language and Manners. Written by Himself at Intervals and publislied ai his Cuflee-Koom in IDdinburgli, vneut. 8" Zo«f/o« [181)0?] Tlic iii'Ht edition of this book wn.s orasl, and the Third is now beguu, under which the Seven Vials of Iho Wrath of God are to be poured out upon the Wctrld, beiu}^ tho Substance of two Discourses from Itev. xi. \\, 1.'), 1(5, 17, IS, delivered in Parliament, Feby. 3 and 21, 171)3, fine copjf. b° E. Merriman ^' Co. lirookfield, Mass. ISUO 3019 Winchester. Map of tho Koutes examined and sur- voved for tho W^inchester and Potomac Itail Koad, Slate of Virginia, under the direction of Capt. J. D. Graham, U. S. Top. Eng. 1821 and 1832, 27 6y 20', inches,^ valuable. iVaxhingtun, 1832 3020 AViNCiiESTER. M'lp of the Town of AV'inehester, Mid- vUcsex County, Mass. surveyed by order of tho Town. II. F. Walling, }'ngin(rer, 33J ly 23 inches. Scale 40 rods to an inch, Jinc and clean, scarce, [Phil.?] Is.'jt 3021 Windliam County, Connecticut, (A Plan of Con.>-oci- atiou adopted and recommended by a Convention of Churches in), November, 1S(I0. h" John Ihjrne. Windham, 1800 3022 Wingato (James) Tho Maryland Uegister for iMlO-lil, n Legal, Political, and lUisiiiess Manual, eoutaining the State and County OUices in Maryland, etc. cloth. ' 8" Baltimore, 18(50 302:J WINSLOW (Eowahd, of P^i/mou.'h, in NccEnuhmd) The Danger of Tolerating Levellers in a Civill Slate: or an Historical! Narration of the dangerous penncious prac- tices and opinions, wherewith Svmuki. Gokto.n and his Levillmg Accomplices .so much disturbed and inolostcd tlio Heverall Plantalions in Ntw-England ; (I'aralhl to tlu! positions and proceinlings of the present Lt^vellera in Old England.) Wherein their severall Errors dangerous and very destructive to the peace botli of Church and Stale, their cariago and reviling lan;iuage against ^lagistracy and all I'ivill power, and their blasphemous speeciies against Ih.' holy thiii'^s of (lod: together, with the Cour.^e that WiU there taken for auppreasiiig them, are fully tet forth; 350 liifiliolheca Oeograpluca wUli Ji satiHfactory Answer to their Complaints made to tlio l*arliainent,^rte large and clean copif, the upper outer cor- ners of the last half dozen leaves neatlj/ repaired, in best red morocco extra hy F. lirdford, EXcEssiVKiiY scakok. 1" Rich. Cotes for John JMlamij, London, 1010 Oncnftlic most imixirtniit iiiid autlioritiilivc of all ihu cnrly IxxikH on New Kn^liiiiil. Wiiisiow was in a ]ii)siti(>n to know well wiirreof In- wrote, and linil tlic ul»iliti(!S to write well whereof lie knew. Havin;; (leinolislied (lortoii and his hookfl, lie(;ivcs on p'.i^^cs H.'l-lo.'l, a most in- teresting; uceoiint of the C'liurcli of tho I'il/^rinis at Leydon, iind their )iii^ratiun to New Kn^^land. Much is recorded here which appears no- where else, and must ever ;;ivc to this buukadi.stinj^uishcd ]irceminenee amon^; I uoks on New England. 3021' Wintlu'op (.farnoB) A SyHlt'innlii; Armii^cninnt ofaoveral Neripturo ProplxH-ics rclatiti<» to AnticliriHi nitli tlieir Ap- plication to tho Conrso of J liHtory, /?«<-. and ntici/t. H" T. Jlnllfof the Author, /io-iton, 17 C, 302.') WiNTiiiloi' (Jolm, I'rof of Mathciiin/irn at ('i-id.Wr,v<^ (fiU, Jios-fon, ITOO " 'I'l-avsitu of IVnus arc as rare as they arc ini|iorti\nt. They oernr in cmiples in tFnnc and Decenihcr, ahont ei^hl years apart, and then mil afjain lurstivenvl ^icneralions. Kepler was aware of the phiridnicnon, and MS e^irly as IliiM aniumneed that ane wonlil tak(; pliice in 17(il, liut younj; Ilorrocks, of I/iverpool, with lielli^r tahlfs, ami additionMl dalii, caleuliiltil that Ihere would he, a ^mii.si'ton the fcinrlh of l)ce. |(i;i'.i. Ihj lit a Iricnd into his sei'rot, and ihey two on tiic day named, lor V'enns ua-i piMiclual, were the lirsl ever known t'.>, when Venus passed ner.iss the Sun's di^k very near tin; centre." In 17ii'.)"wasa eonjunelion of planets coincident with the liirih of twelve iiupei'ial men of nature, more nnowiied than tho twelve Ca'SMi's. No other sin;;le yc.ir prohahly, belore or since, ever jirodueeil such men iis Nupolcnn, \Villin;;ton, Sonlt and \ey; IJrnnel, AlehiMuel Aly, Turner ; Sir Thomiis l,awrence, ('h:'ilc;nJiriand, and Ciistlerea^di; Cuvicr, and Humboldt, men who tipturncij the worhl, and S( 1 it rit;hl a^ain ; who revdiutioiil/ed scieiu-e. art, politi(\s, states, and the affairs of niaiiKind."— .iyiMTica)i .hiuvinil uf Science, 1H7(», Anolher transit of Veiiiis will take place in IH7I, Letyiuiin folks lake noiicc ol' th(! date. If it prot it vill be a podseiid to thisrapiil !i'..'e. If the stronnmiiuled will turn their (tiliveuiu),' atleii'.ion to fc(()i.'-/'s instead of ndinij. they may hrin(i al>out inipn>>ed results. The above lee! ure contains laiich valuable iufoniui- tiu:i as to the liibits and resorts uf the planet Venus. ;5020 WlNTnnoi' (Jonv, First Governor of MnHsachmrt Is) A .louiiXAfi of tlio Ti.uisai'lioii.H iiiul Occiu'rcnccs in tlio sct- tlouifnt of MuK.sachiisottHand the .diicr Mew^ Kiiffjand Col- oni(<8, from l()201o 101 1. H" F/i-sha Jtnhrock, lluttford, 171»!> l''iir this lirst iiriiiUil edition of this echbintcd .biiiriiMl we are iinleliid to th e eneri-'N ei (plior. terprise, and liberulity of Noah \V( bster, the l,e\i < *i. V u Mniill cdltiou Wa.-- I'lilllei <1 'pM s iU'c now -eaice lie to llio mter cor- I bent red ion, ir40 y IxKikH on vlicrouf In; r. Iliiviiit; II most iii- , niid tlnir il(|ieurH no- rcciiiiiicncu )r sovoral lliuir Ap- fou, 17 •.■> 'n/, 1 71){» illllclilrll he Ia'nI''ii- ii)\v »cairt! liihliolhem Historica 5351 n027 Wiiillirop (Ri)boi't ('.) Luxury and the Tiiio Arts, in HoiMo of tlioir Moriil and iriHtorical Uoliitions. An Addrc^H in aid of tlu! fund for Ball's K(|ijostrian .Statuo (»f Wusli- itifjton, i;{ May, 1851). K" Littlt-, liroivt) ,S' ('<>• Jioston, IS.VJ nOliS Wintlirop (Uobcrt C) AddrcHscs and Spocolioa on various occasiuUH from 1S52 to ]m\7,rIo/fi,nriij. H" Little, Jirown Sf Co. liosfon, IHCJ 5J020 AV'iiillirop (HolxM't V.) l']ulo;^y pronounced at tlio l"'inu'ral of (Icorgo Pcalxidy, at I'eabody, JMasHachusclts, S i'\-l)ruary, 1S7(). 8" Ju/in IVihon ^- Son, Jionton, ls70 IMKIO \Visc(»nsin. Map of tlio Snrvcyod I'art of Wi;ri!it«'d and su|)pressed in 1802. Now republished, with N-dcn, etc. and an Appendix bv J. II. Sherburne, portrait oj .Inhn Adiniis. ' S" Walker and (UIcK, ritila. XSiii I' ¥ (t; 352 Bibliotheca Oeographica 3039 Wise (John, of Ipswich, N. England.) The CiiuncnKS QuAKHEL Esi'ODSED ; OF a Roply in Sutyro toocrtniii Pro- poHiils made in Answor to tins Question. What further Steps arc to betaken that the Councils may have due Con- fititution and ElUcacy in Supportinpf, l*ro-»ervinf», and Wcll- Orderinfjj the Intcreat of the Churchos in llie Country ? The Becond Edition, yi"/»e copy in pohahed calf, by F. Ukdfoiu), very uncommon. 12" liirhard liooiw, lioHlon, 1715 Tliis is iH'rlia)is the pcrtcst, kcciioht, wittiest, stin;;iiiKeHt little literary prDiliK'iio'i tiiat New- KiifrliuHJ ever i)roiliu<'il, ami, wo venture furllier to 8iiy, tli.it no Anicriciin tloeiiiiient of the kind, the l)ecluratiun of' In- (le|ien(lcucc alone excepted, (and we miess that Jeflerson hail studied Wise,) so completely covers its field and ennrapes its foe. The (K'cn- sion was a t,'rand one. Certain New Knj;land .Ministern, looking out with eyes too sin^'io upon their own line of business, met iu Uoslon ns self-elected Delegates in an Association, on the .')th of Novendier, 170,"), and issued sundry proposals for amending; the New Knijrland rintforni, 8(1 as to f;ivc more etlicicney to the Kacred Oi-dvr cf Men, as well as lo improve the supplies of loaves and lislies, hut all put into plausible anil proper ecclesiastical phrase. These Proposals were printed and well vireiilatcd throuj;huut the country, and were well ni>;h swallowed whole by the Inmiiry Fishcrs-of-men. 'I'hir pinir lish were not eonsulled. Hut the WiHe old man of Ipswich kept the wateh-tower and fell not asleep, so that (he (.'amp was not surprised. Taking' for his mi.tto. Titus I. 1,'», M'heri'fiirK rehuhc tlicin slinrjihj, that thcij mail he sninul in thr ftiith, in 1710 he came lait with the lirst edition of this little book, Willi a niinil full of wise Kaws and modern instances, aided by lo);ie, p;rannnar, and rhetoric, he at onco demolished all these new fan(,;lcd IJoston no- tions of chan(;cs and reforms. This was tlic first attempt at liullilica- tionof the Old I'latforni of K'tt'.i, but not more surely did old Hickory 8tran;ilc the S. C. Serpent of the same kind in 1S:1'2, than did our author with his satyre, wit, and wisdian, choke this 5th of Nov. Nidliticatton of 170.5. The book is very little known, but nuist ever stand out as a beacon of warning; to aspiring ministers. It closes on the I Kith pa^o thus: " Yet wishing they [the MinistersJ may never nmre harlxair such thoughts, or promote such a design as is projected l)y these Pro- }iosal3 ; but licreafler when Tem))tatiou makes its sif^nal, let llietn rather trespass upon Gravitfj, by following the hounds in the forest, or by a more submissive and moderate way, (to batllc tlie Kneniy. and wear oft" the impression,) let them write on the ground, or with tlio famous Vomitian, sfx-nd their time in catchituj flies, rother than con- trive how to subvert or alter the Government in the Churehes, by such despotic measures, especially in an Umpire and jirovincc so channed witli such inehanting Liberties as ours are. For otherwise they inny chance Ui brin}?. if not fin Old, a New House upon their heails, accord- ing to that sayiiiff, Dehile fundamentum, fallit opus. A work if done, and no Foundation laid. Falls on the work-men's heads ; thus they are pnid." 3010 WooDROW (O.) The Biographical Gallery, comprising 21.0 Portraits of Distingui.shed Characters of all Nations, with brief Descriptive Notices. 12" Allen Bell and Co. London, 1834 30U AVoodstock Association (IMinutesof the) Held in Canaan, 1790, September 29. 1" [Bennington, 1790?] y012 AVoodbtock Association (Minutes of the) at their Annual Couventiou held at Woodstock, Vermont, Sept. 175>2. S" Ahlpn Spoouer, Wind-tor, 1702 tain Pro- it further duo (^ni- uid Wcll- itry? Tho HlCDFOUl), Hfon, 1715 itUi literary tuio fmlliiT lUion of In- hiiil stiuliud Tlic (Hcn- lookiiiK out n ItoHton as iiiticr, l"i).'>, 1(1 riutfortii, IH Wl'll 118 to latiKiblc mill ctl anil wfll lowed wliolo lulleil. ISut I not iiMlccp, Tltiis I. i;i, ri till', faith, )k. With 11 ;, (^nuiiiiiiir, liostoii no- at iiullilu'ii- ulil Hickory il our ntitlior S'ulliticiitiuii tuil out a.i i\ I HWli |>nuu on; harbour ■ these Pro- I, lot Ihcni ic forest, or iieniy. iukI or with t!io r than con- s, by Much so channiMl tluy may Ills, uccord- )m prising Nations, hn, ISOt Canann, , 1790 ?J r Annual >fu,, 1792 Bihlioihtfca Hittorica 353 8013 Woodatock Aasociation (Minutes of tho) held at Leba- non, SoDt. 26-20, 1703. 8° [ Windsor, 1793 ?] 0044 Woodstock Association (Minutes of the) hehl nt New London in the State of New Ilampuhire, Sept. SOth and Oct. Ist, 1705, uncut. S" AUen Spoonir, Windmr, 1705 30-15 WoodHtock Aasociation (Minutes of the) held at Newport in the Stote of New JIhainpshirc, Sept. 20 and 27, 1798. 8» [TfVwrfMr, 1798? 3010 Woodstock Association (Minutes of the) holden at the Haptist Mcetin^-ilouHe in Cornish, N.H. Sept. 28 and 29, 1808, with their Circular and Corresponding Letters, uncut. 8" Thomas and Thovias, Walpoh, N.H. 1808 SOI? Woodstock Association (Minutes of the), held at Al- stead, Sept. 20 and 27, 1810; with their Circular and Corresponding Letters, uncut. 8° Cheever Felch, Tf'alpole, N.H. 1810 3018 Woodstock. Map of Woodstock, Vt. drawn by a Coni- niitteo from tho Woodstock Institute [Town incorporated July 10, 1701] 10 bi/ 22 i inchet. Boston, 1832 3010 Woolwich (Plan shewing tlio Ordnance Ground and parts adjacent at) Mar ISIO, 20 by 12 inches. Published 1 Feb. IS II, by Cadelt and Davica [Lcndon'] 3050 Woonsocket. Map of the Vicinity of Woonsocket, Pro- vidence County, lihode Island, from Surveys under II. F. Walling, 30 by 25 .j inches, coloured and mounted on calico, scarce. Phil. 1851 3051 WoncESTEH. Origin and Progress of the late Diflicultiea in tho First Church in AVorccster, Mass., containing all tho Documents relating to the Subject. To which is adde^l 3 greatest } a Pliilo- In which r Rescm- in regard t Value of I of SouIh that the il and all from tho iloti, 1730 n door do o Ileinia- ccl. Also tSouthurn, 7^^i %^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 1141 JIM IIIIIM IIIIU IIIIM IIM 1 2.0 111= 1-4 IIIIII.6 Va n. (The to Hum- )wer one men copy, [no date] intelligent eh dates to is a catch- esiastical 3t Settle- my, 1853 VIOATION or veing Tables of icted and right Ho. fine large ion, 1599 rage, but it red perfect ly, wanting ost always mtures of •trait and ^on, 1755 LEMAIC^ imentario .ucta,_/?Me aci, 1603 rior to any glish and This is the ition. on Fran- itruccion las Se- ine clean ico, 1808 uthoritics. tacle of a t the pre- 3em8 that owing the arms and eupon the it such an the most mortified, who are under the hard noccssity of continually guarding against the torch which threatens to set their very souls on fire. One would scarcely have imagined that holy men were so inflammable, but he downrightly asserts that the sight of Beauty thus unadorned is like setting flame to tow. " La excitacion, les movimientos de eoncupis- cencia lo que sucede generalmente d todos hs que ven d las Senoras de este modo, etc." Whether telling the Mexican Sefioras or Sefioritas that the new fashion rendered them not merely attractive but irresistible was the best way to persuade them to abandon it, seems doubtful and not at all in accordance with a layman's experience of female nature. Of course a Pastoral Charge would not be complete unless it cursed somebody, so towards the conclusion the French get it hot and heavy. The Archbishop calls them " the impious French, abominable abortion of the abyss," and says that it is they, their wives and daughters, their female relations and concubines, who to destroy our faith have intro- duced and propagated in Mexico the pestiferous custom, the abomin- able and poisonous fashion, that the Senoras should go about with naked arms and bosoms, and the men with an article of dress which excites and provokes the women. " These are they who continually increasing in pnde and in malignant inventions, in likeness of the infernal spirits, have introduced with devilish cunning flesh-colowred stockings and diabolical lace," and who are insensibly and gradually " despoiling us of all our temporal goods and our rights to those of Eternity." 3092 [^^^jANKEESpy (The)m Me/oriw o/a catechism, very curious, and probably ivitty, wants title, if it ever had one, uncut. 8" [Boston ?} 179-li 3092 York Town. Official Plan of the Siege of Torktown, Va. under Gen. McClellan, 5 April to 3 May 18G2, prepared under Gen. J. G. Bar- nard, Chief Engr., 28 by 17 inches. Washington, 1802 3093 Young against Chipman. Narrative of the case, and a concise statement of the trial at the Circuit Court, before the Judges Smith, Thompson, and Elijah Ptiine, Oct. 4, 1820, at Kutland. Verdict for the Plaintiff: Damages $8,927,51. 8° Gamaliel Small, Virgennes, 1827 3094 Yriarte (Francisco de) objeto de su suerte, etc. (His claim to be appointed to the office promised him of Equerry and Auditor of the Cavalry of His Highness the Cardinal) half roan. [Madrid, IQ50?} 3095 Yucatan. Ivcatana Eegio et Fondura, a map \\\ by 9 inches. [Wytfliet, Lovanii, 1597] 3096 p^^^^AEATE (Augustin de) Histoiro de la Decou- verte et de la Conquete du Perou. Traduito de I'Espagnol par S. D. C. 2 vols, mavi and plates. 12» Paris, 1716 3097 Zarate (Augustin de) Histoiro de la Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou traduite par S. D. C. 2 vols, map and plates. 8" Paris, 1742 3098 Zarco (F.) Historia del Congreso Estraovdinario Consti- tuyento de 1856 y 1857, 2 vols. Mexico, 1857 3099 Zecland (Kaarte van de Provintie) en dcrselver Stroomen naar de nieuwsto "\Vaarncmingen,29^ byl%\ inches. J. Covens ^- Zoon, Amsl. [1760 ?] f r 860 Bibliotheea Oeograplnca 3100 Zoelande (Le Comte de) dressfe sur les Memoiros les plus nouvoaux par le S"" Sanson, 31i by 22 inches, coloured, fine and dean. H. Jaillot, Paris, 1692 3101 Zelaude (Nouvelle Carte de la Province de) par F. van Baarsel et Fils, 20^ by 16 inches, coloured. F J. Weygand, La Haye, 1818 3102 Zengeii (John Peter) The Case and Tryal of J. P. Zenger of New- York, Printer, who was lately tryed and acquitted for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the • Government, with the Pleadings and Argumer ^s on both Sides, fine copy, half roan. 8° J. Wilford, London, 1750 3103 Zenger (John Peter) The Trial of J. P. Zenger, of New- York, Printer, who was charged \''ith having printed and published a Libel against the Government, and acquitted. With a Narrative of his Case, to which is now added the the Trial of Mr, "William Owen, Bookseller, near Temple Bar, who was also charged with the Publication of a Libel against the Government ; of which he was honourably acquitted by a Jury of Free-born Englishmen, Citizens of Loudon, yfne copy, uncut, half roan. 8° J. Almon, London, 1765 310li Zeno (Cateeino) De i Commentarii del Viaggio in Persia di M. C. Zeno il K. & delia guerre fatte nell' Imperio Persianc dal tempo di Yssuncassano in qui^, Libri due. Et dello Scoprimento dell' Isole Frislanda, Eslanda, Engrouelanda, Estotilanda, et Icaria fatto sotto il Polo Artico da due fratelli Zeni, M. Nicolo il K. e M. Antonio. Libro uno, the rare map in photo lithographic facsimile, fine copy, blue morocco. 8° Francesco Marcolini, Venetia, 1558 No book has, perhaps, puzzled geographers more than this, especially the map, and few books have had more able editors and commentators upon it, yet we are no nearer a definite settlement as to its genuineness than they were two centuries ago. The editor claims that the map was sent by Nicolo Zeno in 1405 to Venice. It was not published till 1558, and the original has never been produced. It seems to us, after re- peated and prolonged studies, that if the map be genuine the most of its geography is false, while a part of it is remarkably accurate. If it be spurious, that is got up at the time of its publication just after the death of Ramusio, it is cleverly done, but the text is so indefinite that the learned may argue about it till doomsday night, and then require candles to see their points. ' '- 3105 Zorgdragers (C. G., Bloeyende Opkomst der Aloude en Hedendaagsche Groenlandsche Visschery. Met byvoeging van de Walvischvangst door Abraham Moubach, valuable maps and plates, fine copy, vellum. 4° Johannes Oosterwyk, Amsterdam, 1720 3106 ZuBLA (Placido) Dissertazione intorno ai Viaggi e Scoperte Settentrionali di Nicol6 ed Antonio Fratelli Zeni, fine copy, uncut, scaecb, with a copy of the Zeno map of 1405. 8° Venezia, 1808 Sec No. 3104 for the original edition of the Zeni's book. Bibliotheca Hiatorica. 361 fioirca lea coloured, trig, 1692 ar F. van 'aye, 1818 of J. P. ryed and gainst the i on both Ion, 1750 , of New- inted and acquitted, tdded the ir Temple >f a Libel Dnourably itizens of don, 1765 iaggio in itte neir ui^, Libri , Eslanda, ) il Polo Antonio. mile, fine \etia, 1558 , especially mcntators cnuineness le map was ■ till 1558, after re- ;he most of irate. If it St after the efinite that len require loude en jvoeging valuable 3107 ZUNIGA (Diego Ontiz de) Annales Eclesiasticos y Socularos de la muy noble y muy leal Ciudad de Sevilla, Metropoli de la Andaluzia.que contienen bus maa princi pales Memorias desdo el Ano de 1240 on que einprendio con- guiatarla del poder de laa Moroa, el glorioaiasimi Rey S. Fernando Tercero de Castilla y Leon haata el de 1G71 en quo la Catolica Iglesia le concedio el culto y titulo de Bienaventurado, with the engraved title also, fine clean copy, , vellum. folio, La Imprentu Real, Madrid, 1077 From the constant nse made of this excellent work by Irving, Prcscott» Ticknor and Bancroft, it is manifest that it should hold high rank among books relating to America, especially as a great deal we know of Columbus and his sons Diego and Ferdinand, his brother Bartholomew, Las Casas, Cortes, and many others, is found only in this volume. It ia almost a necessity that every American historian should have access to it. It seldom occurs for sale. 3108 Zutphani89 (Comitatus) sive Geldria9 Tetrachire Riit- phanienaia correctiasima Deacriptio de novo reviaa per F. de Witt, 21^ by 18^ inches, coloured. Covens and Mortier, Amst. [1710 ?] 3109 Zuyder-Zee. Suite de la Carte du Suyder-Zee depuis riale d'Urck ju^quea h, Amaterdam. [N.B. There is a Second Title in the lower Eight-hand corner as follows] : Carte dea Entrees du Suyder-Zee et de I'Embs avec lea lalea, Bancs et Coates comprisea entre La HoUande et la Eriae Orientale. [Thia 2nd Title ia really the principal one as the Map is complete], 34i by 23 inches, coloured. P. Mortier, Amsterdam [1699 ?] am, 1720 Viaggi e elli Zeni, map of ie'a, 1808 tu lONDON: O. NORMAN AND SON, PKINTBRS, MAIDEN LANK, COVENT QABOEN, * '*I