^ ^' -^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I '' 1132 ,z m 22 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 «l 6" - ► V} <9 /}. 'el e. VI

t out Heiiy inventions." The uprightness of that passage refers to man's moral nature. That is to say, t'lat when , ' which in character corresponded to the outward action. Now the great question before m to-ni>(ht is, doas intoxicating ', liquor influence men to do right or wrong? Does it exercise any i power inwardly, that afleets a man's conduct outwardly ? Dojs it iielp to make a man morally good or morally bad ? Let us look at the man in the text. What was the relation between the wine , I'lin and his morals? Did the liquor which he drank inwardly .so I influence him, that outwardly he acte I more nobly, more wisely, : and more king'y ? VVhen the liquor was not in him how did he ! act? When sober he ruled like a king. When drunk, h ■ com- i niitted an act, which was a great insult to the (iod of heaven. His j father Nebuchadnezzar brought from the Holy Tem;»le at Jerusalem I the golden vessels which were usjd by the priests in the services of the Sanctuary. Nebuchadnezzar had too much reverence for the holy vessels to use them for anything, and kept them carefully guarded in his treasure house. Yes, and si did his son when he i vra,^ sober. Hut there cr.ino an hour when Belshazzar sat down in I the banqueting house, surrounded by a thousand of his lords, each arrayed in court robes bejewelled and costly. The tables groaned beneath the weight of the suiierbly prepared viands, and the silver tankards glistened, and the golden bowls dazzled as they reflected the brilliant, lights of the Candelabra. By the liveried servitors, the ruby liquor was poured from the vessels into the cups, then lifted to the lips of king and courtiers, then of its own free will it crept upward and brainward, till it made the king jolly and jocular. Half drunken men generally like to have some fun, and in tliis state of rollicking frenzy the king thought it would b3 great fun to briny those. Jerusalem vessels, and drink out of them, and pmise his idols And in a fatal ra^miat he jfuve the order to bring those vessels of gola onto the banquet table. With trembling hands the si>rvants place them before the king, and then fliled them with the fire-w.iter ; then the jolly king lifted them to his lip? and quaffed the mocking wine. HA h mded them to his princes, and wives, and his concubines, and all drnnk the health of his gods. That action was a great s.u:rile(j'e ; it was morally a bad dead for it was sinning against the God of heaven, thus to prostitute what He had sanctified, to the low purpo.^es of the debauching banqueteers. When Biflshazzar was sober he would never have thought of using those sacred vessels for suuh a purpo« . With a brain free from the blighting pjwer of strong drink, ha would no more have thought of drinking out of those consecrated cups, than of cutting oft' his right hand. While the carousing monarch was having some "fun" in making a breach in the moral law, the God of the moral law was preparing to execute the penalty on the guilty king. Like a flash of lightning there " appeared the Angers of a man's hand and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the kind's piUcj." •' MEN'E, MK.NE, TEKKL. UPHAllSIN.' " God hath nun-.bered thy king lorn and finished it." " Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wantim;." " Tiiy kingdom is divided'and givien to the Medes and Persians." The king saw the hsiiid that wr Ue : his couiitjiiance changed ; and his thoughts troubltj-.l him ; for he awoke fr.).n his drinking i-everie to a sense of the awfulness of that (lod whom he had so basely insulted, but too late to avoid the doom he merited. Listen to the grand charge which the jzreat Daniel brings against him while translating the mysterious writing. Ueferrin^ to his father's exaltation and hum- iliatio'i, he says to the olfendin.^ king, " .\i)d thou, his son, Bel- sh-.izzar, hast not humb'ed thine heart, though thou knewe.st all this : but hast lifted up thy.self ajrainst the Lord of heaven , and they have brought the vessels of liis House before thee, and thou and thy lords, thy wives, and thy concubines, have drunk wine in them ; and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of bmss, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know : and the (}od in wlio.se ha id thy breath is, and whose are all thv wavs, HAST THOU NOT" GLORIFIED." "IN THAT NKJflT WAS IJELSHAZZAR THE KIN(i OF THE CHALDEANS SLAIN." Now, sirs, what is tlie rolatio.i between intoxicating liquor and man's morals ? Is it not the same relation as that which exists l)etween a fiend and ,in angel : between Christ and Helial : between Heaven and hell ? 'Vho murdered Uelshazzar on that memorable night? D.vrius ? NO. According to the reasoning of a common scliool boy, any one can see that strong drink did it. He was a great man, a mighty man, but the ruby wine laid him low. He was an intelligent man. surrounded by culture and refinement, but the mocking draught turned him into an idiot, and under the spell of its frenzy wrought an evil deed, that like the boomerang returned in destructive force on his own head. But say you, '' He chose to drink the liquor, and therefore he was respo.isible for its ettects on his brain and consequent death." I grant you the correctness of your argument. I never said that Beisha/.zar was not responsible for taking that which he knew would stupify him. 1 know that he who drinks liquor is a suicidisf, while the alcohol is at the same time a murderer. Belshazzar's death was a joint work between his wilt and the wine. What I assert and have proved is this, that liquor so afl'ects a man's brain, that mighty organ of thought, that under its mudling influence, he loses his maiiTiness and all control of his passions, and gives expression to words of the vilest character, conducts himself more like a devil than a man. What I assert and have proved is this, that when u man voluntarily becomes a slave to alcohol, that like a mighty tyrant it lowers the moral tone of his heart, forces his moral trend downwards, and so thoioughly DE- MORALIZES him, ns to move his tongue and handw to Hay and do what we all call IMMO UAL Now I havo proviid n\y raw) wo will illustrate it. In yonder fity of Halifax is a motherless family. Never again will those dear children see their young mother's fane unlesK it be for a moment at the Judgment Bar ofciod. Oaze for a moment on the rountennnce of a once fair girl in her colfin. and with tears streaming down your cheeks, lift up a prayir t) Almighty Ood, that no child of yours may drop into a druiikiird'sgnne, as did poor Kliza Ni.\i>n. What an awful epitaph will he written on her past, "SIIK DltANK HKKSKLF Tt) DKATII," so said the Yarmouth Times olWednes- day last. What is the relation l)etween strung drin!< and the morals of Kliza Nixon Y It robbed her of her womnnhood : it crushed out all the noble instincts of a .Mother ; it withered mid Idi^flited. and blasted all the prospects of that little home, and hin'ed wiiii pitiles.-* tyranny those poor little darling ciiildren on to a cold cold world, to sink or swim in the struggle for existence. There lies in a culprit's cell a man who had a brave biilisli heart. Whoever fled from lield of battle, he never. No danger withered up his courage, before no foe could his martial spirit cower. IjiU' a great -huart he strode the Held intent on victory to the britisharms. IJut when well directed shot mis.'^ed his heart, and tlie tiashing sword could not Huccetd, a glass of liijuor, overpowered his once heroic spirit and turned the british hero into a briti.sii devil. Be,it his poor hard working wife, bruised hi.-* half-starved children, and wound up witii the murder of l-'iank Norgraine. As yon gaze upon that poor victim of strong drink in his cell, anil outline with your mind's eye the scatl'old Irom wliich lie may swing. I iisk you in the name of heaven wiuit is tiie relation between intoxicating liquor and the morals ot William Summers!-' Let the silent corpse of Frank Norgiaine answer. Come with me to Judge Hilton's ollice. In comes the Lawyer, Prosecutor, Witnesses, and the accused, tf iidge reads the cliaige which is that of unlawfully selling intoxicating liquor on or about such and such a date. '' What iiave you to say^ ' asks the .ludfje of the accused, ' I>o you plead guilty or not guilty :-'' Dofemhint says " 1 gave some." " Hut." says tiie .luil;.^'. " Do you plea:h the hall door. What witli ? Liquor, nothing else. Oambling is carried on nearly every night, in that siinie hotel until nearly dav-hreak. S',i ne of our fi lest youua: men are going to hell rapidly just THROUGH THIS COURSE, and I think it is about time that some oni' said soiujlhing " Men and women, fathers an I mothers, 1 appeal to you and ask what is the relation between .strojig drink and that hotel-keeper's MOUALSJ' Under the spell of the lire-water and its revenue, he has turned what might to be a pleasant temporary home for travel- lers, into a pimbling den. Snared by the money advant^ige con- nected with liquor, his morals have become so debased that he has made his ottice a gateway to hell. Under the fascination of this cruel monster rum. he ha» become so demoralized as to daringly bre.k the laws ol the country, tlnit pr )hil)it ganbliug. His in- ward sense of right in the sglit of Almighty (Jod, has iMicome so callous by this iniquitous trallic. that he is regardless oi'iiow many parents hearts, ana wiv^s hearts are racked with agony, as they see their belovoa sons and husbands going to ruin, wlioni his infernal DICE .\NU LK^UOH have damned. F"'ather8 and mothers, men and women, in the light of the disgrace which to-day rests on that hotel, I ask you what ia the relation between strong drink and man's morals ? It is the same relation that exists between heaven and hell ; between Christ and Belial. On Sunday evening Novenilier the 11th, I preached a sermon to unconverted young men. In the course of my add of it b», who einergi^" from the rum holes of water street. T'ls true, the evil is more dis;;ui.sed by the upper class, for some of them go to chiiirh, ha\e a Inisiness standing, and il THEY get drunk, tlieir compaMions see them home safely in a carriage after dark ; but if the pour niiui ^cts drunk, he is sprea I out on a truck, and hauled home i 1 broail divlight. Bit the effects on the moral nature of both rii'li and poor are tiie same. Who has not seen men coming out of 1 he niaiii entrance of a block as we were returning home from Sunday School ^ What do men want in that building on the Lord's L)ay ? Are they not content with six nights dissipation, without desecrating God's Sabbath Y Surely they do not board and lodge ill that billiard hall !-' .N'ow if you take the trouble you can find the same card-playing carried on in the back otllctis of some of our strnvs among a number of our young men. Imagine clerks taking their chums into their eiu;)loyer's olHce and gambling night after night. I suppose this is (lone without the employer's consent, but if he winks at it. he must lie rather generous to afford them fire and gas till two and three in the morning. Now what kind of morals are those young men cultivating under the exciting intliuuice of cards and liquor !' What destinies are their lives going to influence for the great eter- nity Y II )w are they going to fullill the great mission of a human being ? .Vow what is the relation between stiong drink and the morals of our young men ? Look at them. Study them and what do you iwe Y Vea, I might almost say, " what do you smell F" You pur 'eive a studie effort to conceal the EFFECTS of their dissipation, but to a practised eye, accustomed to read men it is clear that thi're are uudisguisable evide ices of their downward trend. O 10 can see that their manhood is fast ebbing away ; the eye droops for an inward unquenchable sense of degradation, is stealing from tlieiu the once pure strAight-outlooking u;lance. They are unstable, for dissipation is frittenng away their old power of will. The blessed habit of nightly praying taught them in boy-hood days, is no longer observed. ti\it creeping upstairs at mid-night in tlieir stocking, feet, they roll into bed like a poor degraded heathen, ashamed of themselves and cursing their lot. The relation between strong drink and the morals of our liquorous " boys," is the same as between heaven and hell, Christ and Belial. dtaM iM lue here utter a wnrniiig voice to pareiitM who hih in the ha- bit of (pving pHrtiea, and tlio awful danger to which they are «x- posinif their dfau^hters. I have two witnenges who will swear that they Know of young men who fi;o to parties, and take «tronjf drii k with them in their piM-ketn, and who butween the da'ice^ '^tt out of the room, and coax (pria to follow them, and ^et them to unite in einptyinu; the contents of the bottle. *' Where" nay yoii, " did they >|fet the fifjuor from P" Perhaps they coaxed a doctor to x:ive tiiem a bo^'UH certificate for 1^ cents, but more likely >jot it from one of the thirty nine porsons in Yarmouth who are selling it on the sly ill violation of the law of the country. Where did thoi>e two drunken boys get it frcin as> they came up from the steainbont wharf the other .Sabbith P I know where they got it fioiii and I will tell you soon. Fathers and mothers, if you have any rejjard for the MUU.-\LS of your ^irls, you had lietter discontinue parties for a .season, or one day ^ou may meet your once fair dHu^iitt-r on Boston's str.'et corners the first step to which, was taken at your last dancing party. All through the ptst summer that steamship " Alpha " has been a veritable curse to this town. Three of its crew liave been flood- ing the place with licjuor on (fod's holy day, and only lately havn we succeeded in convicting the boys, and fined each one fifty dollars and costs. I was present at the trial, and was amazed at the revelations ol this iniquitous trallic, but especially of the fact that whoever touches the liquor business is irrisistably drawn into the whirl -pool of iniquity. I there saw that strong drink I))']- .M()R.\[j|ZES a man, however high lie may bo in othce. It dart s Its venomous sting into his heart mid poisons his whole soul, for it makes a man me, and chkat, and himself with murderers (Ke v. 21. H. ) in the world ttp come, what a lieiidish influMtce licjtior must have over his ninral.o.V And knowing this effect on their conduct what a blinding fascin#tio:i the accursed stud must e.tei'cisu over tliem, when they knowingly cling to it as if it were their life. IVople say the chuiches me not doing inuch to sweep this abom- ination from our midst. I a(\mit that they are not doin^; all thev ought or all they might. But dirve our homes from I the inroads of this great demoralizing curse p They have the I power to do more gixMl and' more harm than any men in this town, in relation to the liquor traHic. I)y a dash of the pen they can I sign the death warrant of the best society young man in town. Or by withholding it, ctn syiiig the letter ot the law P One of the ways of finding out answers to these que', for having done in relation to the licjiior traffic, that for which the damned in hell will have to sutler for ever. What is the relation IxjtwecMi the licjuor tralRc and the morals of our medical men P List year the .Vgent s)ld twelve liundr.;d dol- lars worth, of s;)irituoiis and iiiiill liquors.* I).>es any medical man mean to asseit that all that w.n absolutely necessary for medicintl purposes P If such an one dares ti) s.»y so, I will prove from medi- cal autlioritie.^^d' the highest scientitiv- tvpo, that he is profoundly ignor.int of the c?iarrtcter ol strong drink, and of its real power to 1 aid in the restoritio i of diseased bodies. If the best medical opin- ion proiioiiiice ^120i>.0(J worth of lifjuors twelve times nim-e than "' were absolutely necessary for medicinal piirpo.ses in a small locality like this, then it follows as a logical sequence, that some one or more of our doctm's are guilty of aiding the extension of diunken- iie.ss, the violation of our local law, of making blood money out of the nefarious trallic. or tliiit siicli are nothing more ikm* less than ' profound quacks. Oiie doctor in this town lately said that, " If he did not write a prescription for the drinkers, some one else would, and that he mig'it as well have the fee as another doctor." Now I say that medical man is demoralized by the liquor traffic, and ought to b.> proceeded ag.iinst by our local authorities, and if he will not obey our law, but is determiiii'(l to give bogus prescriptions for the sake of the fee, he ought to lie driiinined out of the town. Do our local authorities menu to tell me that they do not know of a doctor who is deluging the town with lying prescriptions P Who is mak- ing hii otHct? a gatew.iv to hell for sum! of the kindest, and when sober, most considerate I'atliers and husbands in town P If they all declare them.selves innocent ot this fact, all I can say is that they tell a falsishood, for there is circumstantial evidence in the posses- sion ol a hundred peo;>le, that will prove that they must and do know there i,« such a man. .■\re the driii^gists demoralized by the liquor traffic P If there is a business in town that ought to assist in keeping our Law concern- I ing this liquor traffic, it surely is that of a druggist. I understand from a chemist's assisttnt that the frofit on things sold by a drug- : gist is 8) large, that some chemists do not caie to sell things on which the profit does not range from .50 to 100 p !r cent. If this be so, surely they are the last in this town who are tempted by the profits on liquors to sell them. But are they all satisded with tli«t enormous profits their legitimate business brings them P When I have seen a poor ragged fellow charge! with selling liqujr, one is tempted to pity him, and I truly felt sorry for one the other day. when 1 heard the judge say, "Sir, you are fined $.")0.00 and costs." But n ) such feelings can enter a man's heart when he hears of a druggist being fined $-50.00. Poi a man to turn his store intj a sa- loon, who is in a business that makes the largest profit of any in town, deserves the severest public reprimmd, and six months in gaol. Now I ask are any or all of our druggists demoralized by the liquor traffic. Are they violating the S3ott Act P Are they • This was the first year the present agent, but I am informed in correction of the above that last year his sales were $S93.40; ^uiltv of aidinpr the distillern nnd hrowera in tlin innniifnrtiire nf (IrunkardflP Are they m'crutly Rupplying' liquora tn iiioii who nro the fathers nnd hugbaiidi ot our lioiiiea^ Have they no ret^ard for the dear cliildren who xeu their father rome home full of the fiend- ish fire-water? Flavp they bt'ronie rallous to tlie interestH of lliom' noble women, who have Ijeen bruiiied ui'd battered by tiieir drunliun husbands P Have their souls jjeconie so j^frcody for the Aluiifrhty dollar that tiu^y rare not a fl^ what home ^oes to pieces so lonff as theirs is sumptuously furnished, and that with " blood mimi-y P" If it ran be proved tliat thoi"e men whom 1 hav« seen wipiuff their moustache as they have come out of certain drutf stores, have iKiught strong drink in there, then it is one of tht> Haihiest lacts of the iiis- tory of our town. And it in high time that we bet-tirrt'd ourwdves to use the means nececsary for tlie suppression of such pseudo-drug stores. I now nsk are the well-to-do people doing their duty in helping forward the temperance reform P You " gtuitlemen '' who can tide in your carriages, who have lieautifully furnished lionies, well clothed and highly educated sous ami daughters, are YOU demor- alized by this awlul power P or are you bv precept tind example and money aiding the advance of the coming tide of temperance reform P I fear tliat some of you are verily guilty of tipling on the sly. Is it true that such respectable men as you go into certtiiii places, nnd wink at the proprietor, ns a sign that you want a drink P ('an you Iw so unmanly ns to do in a dark dirty rum hole, what you woulil blush to do before your family P Can it Iw that men of high com- mercial standing, as s«ime of yiui are enrournge the sale secretly of that whieh you would not have voiir dnugliter diink for a thousand dollars? lias it come to jass, tli-it when a man is tried for the illi- cit gale of rum, that you look -m with sympathy for the culprit, and chuckle if the defendant catt by some flaw in the law or the accusa- tion, gain the day P Is it true that at the drunken brawl last even- ing, some of you sided with the drunkard, and oppo8»>d the ollicer of the law P Is it true that you well-to-do tipplers laughed in your sleeve when Joseph Hurrill's windows were suuisheil nnd his horse cruelly disfigured, be^'ause of his faithlulness to his ofhce P Is it true tlint many ol you iniport cnses of liquor, which you keep under lock and key u\ your house, and drink it on the sly when neither wife <«• childri'n (ire near ? If this be so, then I h -'e almost Ipst faith in humanity. When tlie ru'.i uml the poor lire banded to de- feat the one object of the Scott .\ct, one is aptVo lose hear,' and give up the struggle, and let sin work out its own ^destruction. And now ye wnini'u, htvo i/"t bjeoiui' de norali/.'d by the liquor frallic? True there are Rome wiio like, and wlio take a glass of wine occasionally, but I hope these are vtry few. I do not know much of the drinkiirg habits ol womi>n here, but I know of some lovely noble christian wives who have sutlered martyrdom at the hands of drunken husbands and the scars of the sorrows will never be erased in time or eternity. As a whole, I think our women must bear a little blame, not for encouraging the sale of the accursed thing, but for doing so little to hinder it. You might do much more individually. Did you ever know where your husbands get liquorP On discovery could you not have done something to arrest the man who sold itP Come, do not fold your h.mds in utter helplessness, but in the strength of your God. band together and form a bi-anch of the " Women s Christiari Tempei-ance Union," and help Joseph Burrill, and Judge Hilton and Lawyer Pelton to chase this vile thing out of town, and make it a lasting disgrace to sell this body- killing and soul-damning fire-water. Finallj'. The outlook for the future of our homes and children is cloudy. When Hotel-keepers vie with druggists as to who shall get most " blood nroney," when some of the crews of the " Alpha " and the "('ity" have In'en competing in landing thelurgest ({uantity of rum ; when the council are inditTerent, and gentlemen import it to keep in their cellars, and borne of the most respectable men will lie to shield the sellers of it, one must admit that the hori/.on is very dark. Tliank Ciod for a band of youiiK christian men and women who are pledged to op)Kwe the enemy through thick .tnd thin. To these Wi- must look. They are the hope of tlie church and the li ope of our town. I think the time has come for the banding together of ALL our temjK'rance people, and temperance workers, and our tennnu-- ance lodges into OS'L great LKNTHAL temple or lodge, with simple and uiutbjectionalile ceremonies of admission that are within the reach of all wiro desire to unite. The kMlges have done a grand wtu'k in the past, but there seems to me just now the need of a little diflenuK kiiiil of work fnuii thnt which they are now doing. And so I think the true-hearted teniprnnce lenders ought to call a graiul iiH'eting to discuss the present situation, and move onwards to do something more practical, and mure substantial than simply nieet- injr in session once a week. A word to the wi.-c; is sutlicient. Any man who dari-H to impute B>ltish motives to the preacher for delivering this stu'iumi, is doing him a )>reat injustice. Before (itod and this largo assembly ol persoi.s, I jieieby declare that this sermon has been preached for the sole purposes of awakening men to si'rions thought fulness over the downward trend of our town. To arouse in drinking husbands a degree of respect fur that Milemn vow which they made, when they declared that they would " Lo\e her, comfort her. a-id honor her,' whom they have so shamefully treated in their dru iken bouts. To warn {larents of the inevitable ruin their song and daughters niU't c(nne to, if they do not exerciser mine diwretiim and pruden?e in the degree of liberty they allow them afler supper time. .\nd to urge upon every christian man the ini- fiortance ot encouraging by precept, example, and money the abso- ntely necessary reform amonj^ the illicit venders in liquors. I'lay- ing is not much good in this work, if you will not put money into the prosecutor's hands to clinse these disguised saloonists from our beautiful towi:. It any of the runisellers or rumdrinkers think me their enemy they are greatly mistaken. When I lead that the Word of (jod pronounces a curse on him who " putteth the bottle to his neighbour's lips," I am doing a kindness in seeking to save the vendor of liquor from the awful eternity, which awaits the im- penitent saloonist. When I read that no " il'runkard shall entnr in- to the kindoii) of heaien," surely [ nui rcDiMriiig nn I'li.iue-ti'i".''' ' favor to any drinker, wiien I strive to diavi him awuy from that 8t«ite, which debars from entrance into eterr.hl blessedness. I know men who have cursed my name, because I am an enemy to their own greatest foe. But sirs, you curse a friend, whom you may yet have to thank God for in days of your future reform. Dear young men, do not gnash your teeth on me because 1 have exposed the many-sided evil of the liquor traflic. You know in your inner- most heart that I love you, and have proved it again and again, btith by my heart and my purse. And believe me, many of yon will yet call on me with tear-filled eyes, and thank me for uttering a warn- ing voice to you in the hour ol your weakness and folly. Hut — but, and if, any man thinks he is doing his town a service by injur- ing me for my faithfulness to my God and my conscience ; it any thinks that my life is not worth anything to this town and this world, he is welcome to take from me the little spark of life, that is roluctantlv lingering in this feeble frame, ONLY HEMEMBEH I SHAtL MEKT YOU AGAIN AT THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF THE ALMIGHTY' CHRIST. P. S. — At close of this sermon, a second collection was taken, araouutiag to twenty dollars, for Scott Act prosecutions. CAREY, PRINTER, YARMOUTH. tfi iH