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TMt itam ii filMad at tna radoction ratio Ca do e wna n ta»t filwi< ao taim da r*dMCtion iwd i qii f ci da w om. 10X n 14X Hit ttn 26X 30X I I I I I I N I : k/ I I I I I 12X 1«X »x 24X »X 32X i tiwMpir / ■^.'.•^'^fll t flit Alt Matropolltaa Toronto Raf«r«nc« Library BusliMM and Social 3clancaa Oapartaant ^t.,M£3-t tbt :V-.^-.V In th wMia MiM oofiCMfi ins syinool ^^^^ TINUIO"!. 6r thi tymbol ▼ COM- 1. 19 In tnn riQiit MM top to mo fONOMinfi iMnod M lof«otolo loft loft to _> 40: Hattopolltan T ai' # H » Itaf aranca Llbraty lualoiM* mmI Social Sdancao DapartaonC .^ PMtt aOMn M OOO* XOIM HO Mltporlf ooltpMlO pMlo ^^B W^^V V^M^^v^V , ^^^^^^^^ ^^P^^ liaft 4^^^ ^^^^i^^j^A^^ MooAhOAdMM Mift^^AflitfttMM Maas iaft IMt VOT VyiflMiOT vUf¥vffiV SppWira MIf W ooo: lo ayMbolo —^ iitnlflo "A SMIVfirMt oynHMio ▼ aipniiio riia . fimioa ■ ooo wm h so lOOTMiion onTOfonn« /LofMhM lo doiiiiinMit 9M ttwi arand nnur iifo ' " ; fvpfwuii vn INI vwi yponva h otv fimiv v psfHv WV f Wf^^V W^WWVV .^WWffWff W..9WVi*V .V. >!■« WWff VI ^v npui vn owt wi pi^nsfTC ^. nvmvfv vHMIMiM M i|MttlOQ9« 1 2 3 "1 .1 L_^',\.__ 32X 1 » » • • /'« 3 1 { Z^'*?*', 1*^ •TfeS ^J)l^ . -V^" ^..^^- ' "fW^^m • T^ , Si h'^- •"K Bod^Mm iL Boyd^s M^ff?;'^ 3 31.5 13 " n PryG< SmaU\ 1 Toronto Puedic Library Reference Departmenb stat; *\ tHIS *00»t MUST NOT BCtAKCN OUT Of THE ROOM. ' -"rf-. use. jhery^ T'ools, > . ERY. ANY HOUSE IN TBEDOMmON. I" - : ■■■.., ■ . .. *%ow Plaices 19 |dl Departments.'* LettBt Orders iMive our Prompt Attention. ; 41 YoDge iSt.; V' TORONTO. \ ■ »■ V *:vr i <■ •,•• V' 'j\', \ -'■ ■ ¥■: A' ^' ' "^ '-/vaV^' DBPABTBONT8. Prints, Woollens, ^ Dress Goods, Gent's Furnishings, Silks, ^^ Blankets, Hosiery, #^ Flannels, --— *AND ■!■ CANADIAN AND AMERICAN S ^F ..A. Z' ZL« ES SI . ORDERS {^oSL-rK^v^.^Ks} SOLICITED 24 & 26 WeUinfirton St West, TORONTO, TACKABERRY, JOSELIN & CO., 10 OOLBORNE STBBBT; * TORONTO. > Importers and Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN American Fancy Dry Goods, ■'■" ■ ' ^ \. :-^ ' AND ■ ■ ■- Canadian Manufactures, Aug. '79. / ON SHORT TIME AT OliOSB PRICES. '^ .,,!., t^- <-^. ./ ^ DOBBIE & CARRIE, 12^ 11 WELLI^OTO^ ST. KJtST, TORONTO.^, .;.. British and Foreign Staple and Fancy - Dry Goods, Mantles, etc. American Staple and Fancy Goods. CANADIAN GOODS -FnU lines. :o: Being the holders of a large, well selected Stock of First-class Goods, they invite the Trade to ' do business with them. Texi|ia_t3 liberal, prices close. DOBBIE & CARRIE, 12 & 14 Wellington Street East, TORONTO. JENNINGS & HAMILTON, ^. -IMPORTKRS or- BRITISH & FOREIGN DRY GOODS. •WTEIOT I'BlBAXilB], . M>: 7 WELLINGTON ST. EAST, TORONTO, ONT. SAMSON. KENIiEOY 1 GEMMEL: WHOLESALE DRY GOODS MERCHANTS ▲■■•■■«• thmt tk«ir ac^ck mt Ij ca-oox>s IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. .5' 44 0COTT and 19 COLBORNK ST. TOI^/OITTO. MoKlNNON, PROCTOR & MoCALL INPORTERS OF MILLINBBT, MANTLES, AND \ -^ ^:L FANCY DRY GOODS. .*' Stock verv laigit and kept well aMorted throushoat the year. Parties who have not done bu»ineat with the House «re cordially invited to call and inspect. 60 FRONT STREET WEST, TORONTO. -# HUQHES BROTHERS. Wholesale Dry Goods, Woollens & Merchant Tailor's Goods, WUliiAry, MaatlMTSilk*. wto. :o: We beg to inform the Trade that we have now added to our already extensive Warehouse the premises lately oc cupted by Messrs. N. & F. Rooney, which will be used specially for MILLINERY, SHAWLS & MANTLES. SILKS & VELVETS, Thus making our premises one of the largest in the Dominibn. We will continue to keep, as usual, every Department well assorted with the Choicest Goods at right prices. 7b Cash and Short Time Buyers we offer Liberal Inducementa. A HUGHK8 BROTHIII8, 60 ^6% Yontie ^. \ ^ irMelindaSt. TORONTO. tS Jordan St. ) eLIJSTON R BRUSH & BRO.. V — — IMPORTBKS AND DEALERS IN MILLINERY ORNAMENTS,' FANCY GQOPS CARDS, &c. ■ » » . iKo 3 Wellington St Ea^t, NBW TOBK, •1 Walfc«r St. TOROJ^TO. ■h \ II >'* ' ' 1- ' r-H ^JI'J***^' ft' J A«-^*v»i f*-,-y;{^^,w>„» rv," <^L.- ^ATATBRLOO HOUSE, 278 TONOE ST., TORONTO/ a ^ Comer of Alioe Street. IMPORTlRANPtMIIUfAUtURei^OF MIlllNERY ANrMlNTLES, Real £uid Imitatioii Lace, HOSIEBT.GI.OVES, S^lowef^, f^ektl^ef^, ^ifebon^, —AND— • . ■ - STAPLE DRY GOODS. Baby Linen and Ladies' Underclothing, WHOIiBSAUB tod RETAIL, \i.^ -It-ljf. a«aiM.y tmmmmmmmlmmmmmmm * 'A ^ j^ i^'' r«i7tB^»^' ^^ ■' -iV Caldecoft, Burton & Co., -WHOLESALE- Dry Goods Importers, ■^-AND— Wanufacni rers' Sellin g Igents. AGENTS FOR J. CHADWICK & BROS.. - Cotton TKread and Small Wares Manirfacturera, BOLTON. Ghadwick's Spools i MOCCASINS, &c.. Have removed from Yonge Sl to their new and magnificent Warehouse, £B ^ SO WELLIXGTQJ^ STBfiET TORpHTU, Augltft, 1879. \i "» , !,"«• ^f^wi* 1^ 8 Jk S dT X» * mS 8f ^iifo r r:r ''A a th« iln^c^ doMf^pt^oiji p^ ^ba alynni «99d^ 1(9 oyda^ «( rwdy mad*. Flon Silk Work in any style or design to order. Children and LadleeP Hand Knitted Goodsln I>re«ei, Jaoketa, Shawls, Caps, Ac, in atty shade. Infanta, ChUdran* JLadiesP and QenUemeo^ Hosiery of every deaoriptlon. OSniBS f:»4>,|.lt tit' n" Shirtd, THi FINEST AND BtSTSHiRT IN THE iJoMlWON. COLLARS AND CTJFFS To oi^er or iQMdy made in 3 or 4 pit. ^* THESR. GOODS ARB ALL MADK At* OALVS, TOtlOllTO SHIRJ MAMUFAGTORT, AND ARK OF A VBRT SyPKRIOR QUALITT. , ^ ^ GALE'S SHOPS: «ViiSKy5^^ HANOTAOIOB?: luA 8 ASMLmM ST. W»r/^ ■ / : ■ ^.^..'.n^MMtwMMMiaiW I^T^.Xi^VfK-^^'^ V^'fl I .S -t iPr^ '"''„nu'^"'" '•'' "»*r fT^r^^'fy^RWBPT' V * ^jjf "■! ,V • ^f LL »» C ^ J. AZJiiJBNV y:s»^ /" Would oordUinj imiu irMtMs to tli* Cltt tk InflpMf^ tliotr » la andlcH-THrkty. and otbitr liacs, whkli aiakci their ■nortaMBt '-^ coapkie. CalluidiMat 46 SnUNG 8TEBBT ILIJSV #- TOBOKTa iMtHiMM i*iMiifei PATENT GARBOUZEI) STEAM FIRE ENGINE HOSE TIM HmI BeMMBridU ^doptadbr Tht (hifcumdm aad lnWw ¥>aBfcrtartog Ognpaay, bfttw Di l i l i i iwiOlMiiite ll ii ril in i iii , MMli>wri»«Mg«ntt» hIm pciaeipal fin •MCMAL AOVANTAOM. , ».— , -*fc «l»wpHa».a» ■ ii lM i if M>l & . i i i wit r w i ftwaim iiii < wy »» %•!>% dfe igj wlUi QMtolte AM. 1Ui«->1ha«a«>ai« ^M*«ilnilMM3r«iMI il r a n liM m , •» m w wmMiftiHir thM Um forca Howttt-ffca «■<■■»■ i i t ai S ii Hr wi p ii , aw W ^ ll iit Af{i!ofi ■sSwijiiii^iMiMy . -_ a laljn alMk w amm smvi^ WISE CLOTH, II BmLDBRS' WROI73HT IRON WORK. r F<»Sfiigp,.Crcptiii|;i» Ac. ^ Wrought IrofiWork^^^ _ Bran PAim •■ni inr nup." "■ranp^martwDNioov. lie Kiira- arE^BODT Tbramto. ^''nrtitT^^ (H<»d of Scott Stieet), .OT^tOHXiT^ ' »-* f% ym^^lf^.j---^^^- WWl«Mt» CMIy. V ■-■#■ ^ff-:. m : il.'iKli - jr"i. ■ "«« , •,» V IMPORTEBS. II M il Tit W^ d :» isstM IK OIVTA»IO. DEALERS IN Hardware; CuHeryf f EAR'HinHR&BB^^^illD fiLlfiSWARE. ,. TcnuniTOb ^ »**7' ^^ <^ ^ 'i'^fv^*- t-t'^'-^-" ift^q I , ' HAND BOOK TO THl CAisFADA Tariff, ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO 1st AUGUST, 1879, EXCHANGE TABLES. worn STERLING, FRANCMARK & FLORIN. ■■.,.■.:# ■ •■':-■-■■■' TABLES FOR COMPUTING SQUARE MEASURE, AND KILOS INTO POUNDS AVORDUPOiS, &c, &c.. *&c. , TOaBTHBR WITH THE CLASSIFICATION OP GOODS UNDER THEIR DIFFERENT HEADINUS, AND MANY OTHER ITEMS USEFUL TO THE • MERCANTILE TRADE. "N* By ROBERT H. SARGANT. ^^-..,- TORONTO: DUDLEY * BURNS, PR|NTER|^ Jl OOLBOHNB tfTREETj %. ■ *1^^^\' A 'fi'^ '^^•t*''^^''' ,^*)'^|-' '"t ".^^^ «■ -¥-^»*«|=^.fs* ^ I ^ . M ' ?^ /. \- •V * huBdiwI Mid ••MBty-pta*. by Bo""" "•■**■""• " Afticultuwi Md BUttatto •» ■ .'^•' '■ ■ ■■ :' ■ . \, , -. L^,.,;,, .....^y^. ;,_•■■, _^^ .,,,^1, .:--:. .-....-^...:V-^ V HiW M»W^Wj <> W !WWW!Bff'^'T«*;-v' . a qo:b3Ah & co. avfMtuTwrs of v/ . ■ ' ■■ ^ ..■■■ .•■■■■■' \' •■■■', , ■ - TUTRHOiMI Aift I PLATE GLASS. CHROMOS. ornitJoiDini JM 71X81 ooooii §^n M^MM^MrxMr A SPXCIAU Mm &^ OB AvpHflito, ivttlt &owwt filM0BBtab « ♦ rmc^tory I 20 tbappaid ttmtjU :,■«*■ oXDMpRO. ^ "Wfj ^ i 'T -^^'^f 5 ^ ■^ 1^ ' mHP^ • V» r.^ QM.-mo'. IlfPORTKlU OP AND . PROl^INSiNT DBa»ARTMENT8. Stmr Goodi, MaaUes ft Mantle Materials, I^^I^AIT Velrett, H^i^^M^ A RlbboM, ' ' i^ ^ Buttons, MiUlnery Ornaments. Knitted Woollen Goodsb ««»«>«. Silks, Velreteenf, > V Trimmings ft Fringes, Feathers, Laces, - .; /a:V' ';«8«pllnWi6l%' V ^ •' ■• ^ » I Ftagertag ft Fleecy Wdols. MENU BOYS' & CHIIJ)REN*8 FEW HATS. TDRON-TO: .y.\ m: ' ,f1 "^ % >■ V \ n. 4 B.MolCaAter I ^i IM POKtSRS 0F< f ' r- BRtTTSH FoMMmnw t wmr Axx THi wtr uim m coTXomsf IXENS / aw W Canadian Manufacture. 12 FRONT ST. WEST. 84 rs tjLNVr i^biiEQk»D'Bi'..' l\iJ s umofMiWHa. -:* ";. ■<%»■ •/!#» -^ ■' "gj* ':*^ ^ » ^m» Rtsolvid, that it it expedient to provider that the value of all bottlei^ flasks, Jan, demijohns, carboys, casks, hogAeads, pipes, barrels, and allV oriier vessels or pa<;kages manufactured of #n, iron, lead, sine, glass, or\ any other material, and capable of holding liqiuds ; crates, biirrels, and A other "packages containing glass, china, crocliery or earthenware, and all . packages in which goods are commonly plated for home conpiumption, including cases in which bottled spirits, wines or malt liquord tre con- tained, and every package being the first receptacle or covering enclosing goods for purpose of sale, shall in all cases not otherwise provided for in which they contain goods subject to an ad v»hr*m duty be taken and held to be part of the fair market value of such goods for duty. And when they contain goods subject to a .specific duty only, such packages diall be charged with a duty of Customs of twenty per centum ad valorem, to be computed upon their original cost or value. And all or any of the above packages described as capable of holding liquids, ^hen containing goods exempt from. duty under this Act, shall be charged with duty of twenty per ctniwm ad valorem. But all packages not herein- before specified, and not specially charged with duty by^ any unrepealed enactment, and being the usual, and ordinary packages in which goods are packed for exportation only, according to the general usage and custom of tiide, shall be free of dutyi f Resolved, That it is expedient to provide that on all goods imported iiito Canada subject under this Act or any other Act to an aid valorem duty upon which a drawback of \duties has^ been allowed by the Govern- ment <^ the country where the suae were purchased, the amount of such' dh^wback shall in all cases be taken and considered to be a part of the fair \ ■* c N' . tu^affcei * v-,)i'''" rf 4-^*i|l:/ ^^ ■ ) i^r V , 'A-i ^I'l^^'pk. ,f ^/ ('"TV-*"/ ,■"«■* TARIFJf.OF CUSTOMS OF I ^^ ■' Y- market value of .uch goods, and duty shall be collected thereon W Z^ when the amount of such drawback shall have been deducted f^m aJvXJo^ such goods upon the face of the '"-ice under which en^ s to be made, the collector oif customs, or proper officer, shall add t^ ^oi^^h deduction and coUect and cause to be paid the law^ S^^ereupon. And the fair market value of aU K°?ds wares ^. meJchandbe imported into Canada shall be understood to be the ordmaj^, XSe price S^which the sami are sold for home consumptionm t^ :^wJere they are purchased, wi^^^^^ of -X k-^;--^ W any drawback paid or to be paid thereon, or _ because of -^ f^«^^ arrangement between the seUer and purchaser havmg reference o the ex- !3^ such goods or the exclusive right to territorial hmtts for the > SXU or b^^ause of any royalty payable upon patent nght., bu rKj. ^ble whin good, are purchased for exportat on or on acxoun^ ofa^ Sther consideration by which a special reduction in price might or could b0 Sn^. Provided rtiat nothing herein shaU be understood to apply t<^ the eeneral fluctuations of market values. „ ,.1. rii«-,5«J LoM, That it is expedient to provide that any or aU of the following; articS tSstosay,ani,Stsof all kinds, green fruit, hay, straw, braji, tt^ and shrubs, coal and coke, salt hops, wheat, peas and beans barley, nre oats, Indian com, buckwheat, and all other grain, flour of wheat and W of .^e^lndian meal and oatmeal and flour, or meal of any other gmin. hutter cheese fish, salted ^r smoked, lard, taUow. meat, fresh, salted oi? sSi^rbe imported into Canadafre. of duty or at a less rate of du^ ;C U Sed by Ais-Act upcin proclamation of the Govemor-.n-Gouncil, SmlT^ issued whenexefit appears to his satisfaction that simile, Trt des from Canada may 1^ imported into the United States free of duty, or Ita rate of duty not exceeding that payable on the same under such proclamation when imported into Canada. . . _^^, ^- Resoiv^d, That it is expedient te provide that if at any time any greater duty of customs should be payable in the United States of Amenca on Stor coffee imported from Canada than on tea or coffee imported from Z other counuy, then the Govemor-in-Council may impose on^tea or coffe^ imported into Canada from the said United States an additional duto c-toms equal to the duty payable in the^United States on ^^or cofee imported from Canada. Provided that ^the tea or cojee imported into C«aa*'<«im any country other than the said United^ States, but : ^i^nd throu^ the United States, shall be taken and rat^ ^a S^ct importation from the coiintry, wherever the tea or coffee was pur- chased. „ ^ t. i!^,./z,MThatiti»expedient to provide that an '^^f^^XJ^^. m adefordeterioration by nat ural d^cay or breakage uponallpenshableand ■4^': j 1 i ..:' „■ fr , ' •Si Jja^ tA''^, ^^- raB-tfOMiNiON or Canada, brittle goods imported into Canada, such as green fruits and vegetables, crockery, china, glass and glassware. Provided such damage is found to exceed 25 per centum of the value thereof upon an examination to be made by an appraiser or proper cfficer of Customs at the first landing, or within three days of such landing. But such allowance shall be only fur the amount of loss in excess of 25 per cintum of the whole quantity of such goods contained or included in any one invoice ; and provided the duty has been paid on the full value thereof, a refund of such duty may be allowed and paid in the proportion or fulfilment of the conditions above specified, . but not otherwise, on application to the Minister .of Customs. , ' Rtselved, That it is ex|aedientto provide that in determining the suit* able value of merchandise ttiere shall be added to the cost or the actual wholesale price, or fair market value at the time of exportation in the prin- cipal markets of the country\from whence the same has been imported into Canada, the cost of inland transportation, shipment and transhipment, with all the expenses included froih the place of growth, production or Manufac- ture, whether by land or wateK to the vessel in which shipment' is mad^ either I* /rtufxiite or direct to Canada. ^«tf/»y -" aPP^'-^ ^^o^ proper officer of Customs, and the proper ra e <>' ^J^^^J '^^^ tr^thenXpaymentonfindingthe evidence to be sufficient and _ satisfactory. t j i Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal all acts^and parts «' ^^J^^^^^V of acVs and all orders in Council, imposing any duties of custbms upon ^ 'wares and merchandise, or providing for the exemption of^goo^ Ws and merchandise from customs duty when^ported mto Canada, and to make the followiAg provisions in lieu thereofi^- ^ / /^ . . Xesoived That it is expedient that the following articles shall be subject tofhet^e^JvL if du?^, or shall be exempt from duty as set opposite to each respectively. ;^ BRYeE &D0 n XMPORTKRSOr BBICTSH l:P v'AMil ^'" FOREIGN^ DRl^^ GOODS I ■ ^N-v-; ■l^'^'^:^^::--''':^:^,-^^'-:^ ■■■;■:■■■■ -? MANUrACTURSRS OF .' .• ■ •■. ...'-.;:' "'T -■•''■"■ ■•/■:-:■;■..:-■.■.•;■:•■■■■.:/..■■ ,: ■\;: LARGE STOCK OF -^ - ..■■■. ■ ^ ■•.■■•■■■■ ■-'■■■ :-.■■;■'"- •'•■- ■<■ ■ , OANAPIAN MANXTFACrrnBBl !■ fMr j.;f t. iiiuit« BRYci Mii^ & CO:y ^>/ ■■,■■■ ■/■ ■'••■■,' •■■/'•r ^j, * ;r , ToMWTOi July a4, 1879. Dkar SiR,-t;p to the prti^t time, we haTe purchased fifty-five No. 8 Wheeler & Wilion Madrinet j tweiity-fi»« *e*^ "^^"^ diswlution ; wt ' have thirty in addition to our pieseiitiaace, York Street, and add frwn eight to ten thi» friOL . i».»jx- i« After a «r trial with the Singer and others we^have M he^fta^^ .ayingthat^h* No, S Wheder ft Wil««4. to «»eri«^o t^ In lact. there i« no compari** hetween the twoi whe» ipeed, durability, economy, and regularity in work & required. It urouM not pay u« to u«j the Singer Machine if we got th«n without charge. ,„ . . •Se N. Y. Singer, which we had we jobbed off for ten dollars each, and woe gUd to get ri4oCthem.»t any price ^ .u. wh^w a We have no ohject In saying anything in fcvor of the Wheeto ft Wilson: ifUierewasanybettermachineinthemaritet wewp^ purchase it,asitwouklnptpayuato^aiiy other thai} **^^^'?!^ which wiU rtto it the greatesrspeed, aad^t the smiKtfane be most durable, we find the cheapest in the end. ' . ^ .ui.uu*i-» We cam to this condusion after four years' test, and we thmk it U the general opmion of corset-makfers. We remain, yours truly, / . Crompt9itC«rutCo^ / ; F. CROMPTON. * p/ S.-Our machines are set, and we run at about 900 stitches per nmn uff, lilt they wiU run at about i/wo per minute. flni te Oixsflltt. «radl St oorQI^^ 85 KINa 8TRBBT west; ■,..;>!t- s! 1.879^ i Bve No. ybn; we / tto add ■ V, tatite in/ t fo VM iach,aiid beder 9c. purchaae machvie ; durable, kitUthe PTON. gpermuH \ r*\ i^^/r **' 'T<-^'^"'»»"»(5yfY^r^. & QOtC i^T^. ^':r-- ■' 3r*' "■',' *f - OGIIVY 4s Ca 1 S'ROlSra? ^X^BIEg? WB sa?j ^ ■»Md >*^'^:s':/4wiiii''»^M'\tj n T«k>|'t|*>5); J 4 « oifonto 4 *-^*^ X I f r '»^- Importers SntnMAi^^ Wholeeale Dealers in *. CANADIAN MAN Uf ACTU RES. » •!■■ »■ WARsdiotjnrV . . I iiii-ri ■■iii'liSi«yfeiiirr'ifri'ii»T.iii ■■ .,■ ^ 1t*^ ' H.^ J .,„ , ' K^ \ ' . '/::.'" '■■:. ■ - -y ■- Mi ' ■."'-■ ' - '■-,.' I ' '-'r ^ •te. ' «• ..^£.^^ V ..r \^■ 'Y \— ■ '>. ■ A .'J ;:S:sin-iGE: «wt* l", ' uf g*--J»'p;yy^*iy»" >•?»'' ^ ^ ji*w*^ . * ' ' ^ ' ^ ?«» I ^ v^k^j / ^.a&tv..- ..X ■\ / ( — . »—)«*— '-^■•-f"* Mul l> .toi> l Mi(l)iilUls, living, of all kinds^ hot elsewhere specified . . Artificial Flowers .. .*. .. .. .. •• !i,v •• Babbit Metal .. .. .. ,. Billiard tables, without pockets, four feet six inches by nine feet, a specific duty of twenty-two dollars and fifty cents CSiCll •• •• •• •• •• •• •■ •• On those of five feet by ten feet, a specffic duty t being ioreign reprints of British copyright works, nor blank account books, nor copy-books, nor boofts to be written or drawn upon, nor Bibles, prayer- boi^s, psalm and hymn-books, atlases with or without letter-press .. *. «. •• -• ;. •. .. British copyright works, reprints of T. TT" V. ^ C p. lb. 13 C p. I, g. aopvct. ?5 P- ct- ■f^M lO c. p\ I. g. 2dkct 30 p\ct. 16 p. $23 5o\ S35 & 10 p. ct. 35 p. ct. . 30 p.' Ct. -b #' 6 c. p. lb. 6 c . p . lb . &i3Kp.ct. .... ^ «* TARIFF Ot^USTOMa OF ^ liiBLKS, prayer-books, ptalm nd hymn-bookt!^ . . . . Books, periodicals and pamphlets linport«f( «Hrough the Post-office, for every two ounces in weig]^ or fraction thereof, otie cent •« *"• •» Blank Books, bound or in sheets Printed, lithographed, or copper, or steel plate bill-heads, cheques, receipts, drafts, p >sters,' cards, temmerdaj blank forms, labels of every description, advertisini^ pic- tures or pictorial show-caWltfOr bills, Sunday school cards and devoti'odal,cafdsjSp'';<.. Advertising Paiiphikts, almin&cs, ciitalo|;ues, and fashion pamphlets, one dollar per hundred. . . . ... Maps and Charts . . . . • • .^ • l • • Printed Music, bound in sheets, six^«ei«ST)er ]pound .. Playing Cards, ..- .... .. •• „ •■ Book-binders' Tools and implements, incRiding ruling machines and binders' cloth This includes implements that are common to other trades -as well as to book-binding, when imported by book- binders only, and declared by affidavit by them to be for their own use— such as cutting machines, perforat- * ing and paging machines, shears, presses, &c Ruling pens are considered as part of ruling machines. Brass, old and scrap ; in bars, bolts and sheets, in wire, round or flat ; seamless drawn tubing and plain and fancy tubing . . Manufactures of brass, not elsewhere specified . . Brass screws, brass wire and rods cut to special lengths. Brass sheets subdivided, such as strips or widths cut to siie or form, are classed, manufactures of brass. Breadstufps, VIZ. : ' Barley.. .. .. •• •• •• Buckwheat . . .... Indian corn . . . . . • • • .... Oats .. .. " .... .. Rice . . .... . . . • . . ' • • • Rye .. . . . • " • • •• •• Wheat .. .. .. •• •• •• Pease . . . - . . • • • • Beans. . . . . • r • ■ • • • • • • • Buckwheat meal or flour. . .. .. .. •• Commeal .. .... .. •• 5 P- ct I c. for a OS. 3$ p. ct lop. ct $1 p. lOO 30 p..Ct ac^ib. 30 p. ct 15 P* ct 10 p. ct 30 p. ct 15c p. bsh. 10 « -a « ID M I C p. lb. 10 C p. bsh. >s « 10 u iS u }( c p. IbJ 40 c p. brl. ( Oatmeal f ' \ ^ c p. lb. ibUsfi^ilJlkti':^ , Sp fMtm. • * - *>■■■< ) >.■ *"*»■ p-^mi-^-***, ^ ■ « M <«IV ^ t , t. ■■■( V • X V \ 1 >v --1 - r- *-■<-»-*— ' j ^y i'i*Mwiii yty» -^-»^*t W«r! r^ "T matfttr "^ : 'y^i^if.* *'.. ^ ?* '*^|M(«N ii tll lHl — • •i^-.'i-r *li__£ffI_£*lJiXJiJ5. *** ,t yf ' S. • kw--* *'**^t*|l|t/" ^ y » ,„__^ jal»f-wii»-~— «- - •-" .--*-—' - ■a * ' ■ , ^1 .-- Miiii^HBr ... ="•" « w -•*-•--*»> -^ 3^&J, * ■HUUC •*>*■■ 7 raw DOMtNwir or oavada. . , 50 c. p. brL M Rye flour «. .^ .. < ... .. .. Whent flour jo Rice *nd sago flour .. .. .. a c. p. lb. j^ Bird Caois, iron At .. ^ .. 35 pi ct' '. " " br«M .. L • .. ..... .. ^p.ct Brick, for building .'^ . . 20 p. ct. Brooms AND Brushes [.. .. *.. .. .. asp. «t Butter.. •• .•• •• *• .. .. .. 4 t p. lb. Buttons uf all kijip And button moulds ,, ,.. 35 p. ci. - Cable, submarine .. V • »• .. ao p. ct ' Candles, tallow,. .. .. ., ,. .. .. ««. p. lb. Candles, parafflne wax .. .. .. 5I&V p. lb.. All other candles, including sperm .. .. .. 35 p. ct. Carriages, waggons, railway cars and carriages, sleighs, wheelbarmws, and other like articles, induding tops, frames, bodies and wheels, and wheels if put up. . . . jo p. ct Cement, raw, or in stone from the quarry, one dollar per ton of thirteen cubic feet (see stone) .... .... $1 p. ton. Cement, burnt and unground, seven and a half cents per one hundred pounds 7lc.p.ioolbi Cement, hydraulic, or water lin^e, ground, including barrels.. ■ 4pc. p: brl. Cement in bulk or in bags .. .. ,, .. .. 9c. p.bsh. Cement, Portland or Roman .. .. .. *.. aop. ct Cheese, .. .. .. .. .... ,. 3c. p. lb. Chicory, raw or green .. .... .. .. 3c *^ Chicory, or other root or vegetable used as a substitute for coflee, kiln dried, roasted or ground ..... .; 4c. p. lb. China and porcelain ware V. . . . . . 20 p. ct Clocks, and paru thereof . . . . . . .... 35 p. ct Coal, anthracite and bituminous, also cbal dust ., .. 50c. p. ton. Coal TAR and coal pitch .. .. ... ,, .. iop.ct Cocoa-nuts.. .. .. .. ., \, ., .. $, p. ,0,, Cocoa-nut dessicated the product of the cocoa nut wheh sweetened, as confectionary .. j. .. ..ic.p.lb&3's^c Cocoa paste and chocolate, not sweetened . . . . 30 p. ct- Cocoa paste and other preparations of coco^ containing* ' sugar.. .. .., .... ,. icp. lb. & 35 p. ct Coffee, gre?n.: .. .. .. ., ., .. .. 2c:p.lb. Coffee, roasted or ground .. .. .. i, .., 3c. p. lb. Coffee substitutes composed of roots or vegetables . . . . 4c. pL lb. .All other substitutes Coke, fifty cents per ton of 3,000 pounds 3c p. lb. .' 50c. p. ton. .'-■V:.: /' ■■ ^'i- /-■';■ "■■ r> I I W', - ^^^^pf-^^itf , >/■ ' 10 TARIFP OF CUSTdMS OF t ■*■ lo p. ct. 30 p. ct. 10 p. ct 20 p. ct. 20 p. ct. s. y. and COPPER. Old and scrap, in pigs, bars, rods, bolts, ingots, Sheets ^^d shcathin/ not planished or coated; copper wire, round or flat : and copper seamless drawn tubing. . . . COPPER rivets and burrs, and all manufactures of copper not elsewhere specified . . .. •• •• " Cordage for ships' purposes .. .. . •• ••- CoRDAGi^aU other.. •• •• , • , *.' , Corks, and other manufactures of cork-wood or cork-bark . . Cotton, Manufactures of, viz. : ^ Grev or unbleached and bleached cottons, shectjh^ dnlls, 1 ,^ ^ ^^&Tcottonorcanton.flannels,notstain^^^^^ ana or "mted,one cent per square yard, and fifteen peri ,5 p. ^t. cent, ad valorem . . ' •• •• ;•,..!! „h5t» This includes cheete cloth, shoe and trunk Imings, white corset jeans, white satteen jeans, piUow cotton, shaker flannel if aU cotton. , ^ r Cotton. Manufactures OF, VIZ : AU cotton jeans, denims, drivings, bedtickiijgs, gingham^ plaids, Votton or canton-flamiels, ducks arid drills, dyed ^ or colored ; checked and striped shirtings, cottonades J-' pantaloQnstufrs,andgoodsoflikede8criptipn,two cents 2C. p. s. y, per square yard and fifteen pe| cent . . \ . . • • « > 5 P- This includes Oxford and Harvard shirtings. Woven Re- gattasandGalateas; Cotton Pruneno,Gambroons, and an Cotiona4es. Tickings fortenls and ayftings; Sat- teens,Lttee" Jeans ; Colored Shoe and Trupk Im.ngs; CheckJd and Striped dtton Winceys 26 inches m width andovV; Colored Shaker flannel if all cotto^. \CaitON Wadping, batting, batts .• " •• j SlorrON wirps, carpet-warps, knitting yam, ^^\^ J^"^ and other cotton yams under number forty, knitting and nending cotton, not bleached, dyed or colored, two ents per pound, •• •• •• "" 1 And iHileached, dyed or colored. -- ^ " • » ' 2c. p. lb. & i5p. ct. CoTToif Warp, on beams, Cotton\seamless Bags, 2C. p. &15 p. &»5 P- lb. ct. lb. ct. ic. p. yd. & IS p. ct This indues cotton bags irrespective of contents. Cotton Shirts and drawers, woven or made on frames, apd all dJtton and imitation merino hosiery, Cotton Sewing Thread, in hanks, 2C. p. &15 p. lb. ct . v' • •». ^ fr- yi„ ^- - ^. -r**.-.. I. ■"kxA.*.-,,. ^., / / - ^ f -• - .-. ,.. - - ' V 1 J T' ■ f.:^>rt *** V / / / f' ^„ " .-, ■^r* m 1»«^ ■*- 1 'S P*S»^ ^: » ■"— „-, ^^ -- — " ■^ M 1 J> .vV 1 >¥-^kK«!5gfe)j|5r'?^i* ^'m'^Ti^'^ J ;*>yt^^ J^''*"'*'«*^r"'"'1'Y^,^fiip'Sj^*L^'^^'**J?'^n'T^^ -^p'-^-fr- i^' t-«WVi»* '^•SW'J*''*' "■ t y i m i fo jt f>T* """"i ** i^i ,:^ 30 p. ct. Whether decorated, sponged, printed bi^ not: I' ^z %^ E»><.i^ 1« TARIFF OF CUSTOMS OF ELECtRO-PLATED Ware, f5"<< plated ware. , "^^ , Electro plated ware is all articlies electro-plated witK gold, silver, or nickel, -but not jewellery to be worn on the person. '' ■ , ;'* » ' ESSENCES, vix : qf apple, pear, pineapple, raspberry, %ijo j Imp. strawberry', and otber fruits and vanilla, • ) gal. at 20 p. ci. Ethers and essential oils such as essence of Old Tom, Scotch or Irish Whiskey,'Jamaica Rum, articles for the same use as Oil of Cognac to make spurious liqdorS, as they cannot be classed with fruit essences . . Essential Oils for manufacturing purposes, ..^ v. Excelsior for upholsterers' use. * ■ . . ' • • . • ■ „ (^ Fans, advertising, .. •■ *••;*•• *' " all other, ... •• •• ••'" •• •• Feaihers, ostrich and vulture, undressed, . .... Feathers, dressed, (including Mtricfi, vulture, wing^, birds, cocques, and eveiy description of fancy fpathers, &c, and feather trimmings), . . ... - Feathers, bed,, ■ .. •• ' -• -v Fire-Bricks or tiles, for lining stoves and furnaces, . . Fish, fresh, salted or smoked, except fish free of duty as provided by the treaty of Washington, .. . . « •• Flax, fibre !icutched, .. •;' •• V- . •• .« Hackled, .. •• > •• ' •• Flax, tow of, scutched or green, '.-,. •• •» , Flaxseed, .. '.. •• •• •• ** " Fruit, dried, vix : apples, ^.. •• ,•• ■ ,, Currants, dates, figs, plum?, prunes, raisins, and^ all other not elsewhere specified, ... •• •• Fruit, Green, vi;. : V * Applet .. ••/ •• '•• •• ** V" . ** BJackberries;gooseberrie«,Taspberries and strawberries . . • Cherries and CMrrants . . ,.. ;• "' '* '* Craidierries, plums and quinces . .. ' . . •;» ; • •Grapes .. ». »; *' " " " Reaches ' .. " .; •• ^^ •* ** - ** granges anddemons .". .• « •• "•• ,•• Fruits in air/ight cans, including cans, three cents per ^ . pound if sWceteiled, and two. cents per pound if npt ) y^h\ 1 sweetened . . • • • • •••*.',', 'a -' FltUlTS; preserved in brandy, or other spirits, one dollar ana -: ninety cents per Imperial gallon . . • ....... ^U90 V-J- fr Fog Signals detonating for railway alarms . '. , ^ .. aop. ct. >■■/'-, * , y ■ ^:j. ■*•■■*■:. 20 p. ct, V ■" 20 p. ic. p. lb. * IOC. p. bsh 1 2C. p. lb. % 25 p. ct r 1 4ocp.brL . % ' 2c.p. qt IC. ■.«;. 4. ; ■■; 30C. p^bsh. icp.lb. 1^ /, 4Dc.p. bsb/^ K 20 p. ct ' T^'Wrtf^-w '»- \ i«i»'.qr* ' i '■i* —i p»n — *t y ■*■ > -p Imp. c 20 p. ct 'ifi-if l-«(^iw-^^Annon and muslcet powder in kegs and barrels, ... Canister POVICDE&, in pound and half pound tins, , .. ! CART:aiDGES of all kinds in copper and paper, ... Percjussion CabSj Copper, gun, rifle and pistol, • .. *'' " for blasting, .. .. GuNPOMTDER AND other Explosives, viz.i,: , Blasting and Mining Powder, h.. .. Giant Powder, daulin, dynamite and other explosives ) 5c p. lb. Nn which nitro-glycerine is St constituent part, .. (&2op.ct Nitro-Glycerine, t; ^. ^..- :; .. ..( |oc p. lb. _ < ■ ^ J&20p.JCt. Gutta-Percha, manufactu^s of, .. .. .. 25p. &,' GUM SHBtXAC bleachedi and drawn, . . .. . . 20 p. ct. jjAlkjCurled — ^ r. T. ^%-. i. 3op. ct. 30 p. ct 20 p. ct 2pp. ct 20 p. ct 5c. p. lb. 4c. p. lb. ISC p. lb. ?5 P- ct 20 p. ct 30 p. ct 3c. p. lb. J4- kr- - 14 TABtWr OF OUSTOUa OF HAT8 'c«p« aod bonnets, not elsewhere specified, . . This includes Glengarry or Scotch caps and bonnets, straw hats, bonnets, bonnet and hat shapes, widow's caps, children's cotton sun hats, and bonnets, Felt Puttovers^ Velveteen Glengarty caps of every description. Hatters' Plush of silk or cotton, .. •• * •• Honey, bees, in the comb or otherwise . . . • • • India Rubber, vix. : boots and shoes, end other manufac- tures of, • • '".".'". This includes coats, leggingi, ladies' cloaks, horse covers, carriage covers, aprons; all kinds of India rubber or waterproof dothirtg, all elastic web braces or suspenders, eUsticS' ?ind elastic webs of aU kinds and widths, water, proof coats lined with tweed, rubber Ussue of every description ; vulcanite or hard rubber goods. Iron and Manufactures or. viz. : ^ Pio> •. •• •• -' •• " " Old and Scrap, . . . . '^ "' '1 "' IN SLABS, BLOOMS. LOOPS, OR BILLETS, puddled or not, and muck and puddled bars of billets, .- IN Bars, rolled or hammered, including flats, rounds, and squares, nail and spike rods, and aU other iron not otherwise provided for, .. •'• • •• •' ROLLED ROUND WIRE RODS, in coUs under half an inch indiameter, .. •• •• •• •' '* IRON RAILS OR RAILWAY BARS for railways or tramways, RAILWAY FISH-PLATES, frogs, frOg^points, chairs and finger- "^bars, .. .. •• • • •• • ''tin Plates, .• •• •• •• ^ y ** BAND AND Hoop, sheet smoothed or polished, coated or galvanised and common or bhick, and boiler plate, nUmber seventeen gauge or thinner, and Canada plates. Iron and Steel Ware, ^vaniied, tinned or coppered or not, .. •• ,''•• . V- •• .. •• " Stoves and other castings, not elsewhere specified, . . Gas, Water and Soil PjPes of cast iron, . , . . Car-Wheels and Axles, . . • * . • • . * * Seat FixtURES, for railway or street cars, of cast iron as castings .. •• '•• -''. *•••'* Rolled BEAMS, channels and angle T iron, •• «: —. Iro n Bridges and structura l iron work, malleable iron 41p>ct. top. ct. 3C. p. lb. 6c p. lb. 3$ p. ct. $2 p. ton. $i p. ton. 13>i p. Ct. ID p. Ct. 15 p. Ct. I7>i p. ct* idp.ct 12?^ p. ct. i5p.ct aSPCt- . ^-r 1 t 25 p. ct. 25 p. ct. ~- -~, aSP-ct. ^, -,— — 15 p. ct ^. ' castings and iron safes, and doors for safes and vaults, 25 p. ct fp. ct. " •- -« i ^ i ji a^i j iw.-.^ •^fc^^^^i^, ' »'"•> m> iu^m0 fif , lop. ct. ,c. p. lb. c p. lb. iSP' ct. $2 p. ton. $1 p. ton. I2}i p. ct. \'wv \ A :? ■?*-n i7)i p. ct. ID p. Ct. 15 p. Ct. 17 H P' *^ lop. Ct 12)4 p. Ct. ISp. Ct 25p. Ct . 25 p. ct 25 p. ct 35p. ct ^ i5p.ct I , 25p.ct / — -trn~- -_^ / ■imf~ *f*«»*dt>*n,-. . -^.kfc-^^^ M»Mr *iili f >M t- — *" Wfc™..*,^«...^«„ „..^ ■"-'•*^i-- ' -w ..^•ijj; . ^Jiiilt ■■.i»i:-^ I ", rf rira Domstoit ow oanapa II Mill-Irons and mlU-crink*/ and wrought forgings, for mills and locomotivei, or parti thereof weighing 35 pounds or morei .. ••. •• •• •• •• Iron and Manuitactures or, viz. :. Sheet Iron, corrugated and galvanized, ' Locomotive Engines and stationary, fire, or other steam engines and boilers, and other machinery composed ifthoUy or in part of iron, . . .-i^^ .. ' • • Locx>ManvB Tires or Steel or Bessemer steel in the - rough, ' •• ..».»• •• •• •• Drawn Boiler TuBiNo, .. .. .. Bedsteads and dther iron furniture and ornamental iron ^work and wire work, semaphore wire and fence wire . . . Skates AND Locks of all kinds, .. ,. ., .. Tinned, Glazed or Enamelled Hollow- Ware, of cast or wrought iron, This comprises t^a kettles, saucepans, round and oval, pots, Scotch bowls, Mashin kettles, frying and stew- pans, and similar articles. hardware, vii.: buildfcrs' cabinet makers' upholsterers' carriage makers', sluldlers') and undertakers', including coffin trimmings of mMal, .. .. .;. • • ^3 Note,— Locks, hinges, windo^ fasteners, and similiu for Raif^'^ way and street railways, and Meel carriage springs, to be classed ""with c^arria^e niakers ^rdware. Curry combs, and curry cards are saddlers' hardware. Bolts, washers and rivets, nuts and bolts, together, . . Tacks, brads and sprigs, Hungarian and clout nails, ,. ' Horse-Shoes and horse-shoernails, ...,.r-' •• •• * Iron Wire Nails, caUed " Polntes de Paris," , ' Iron and Steel Screws, commonly called "wood ' screws," .. .... .. ••/ •• •* Screw Machine, except wood screws, , / • • • • Marine Scj|EWS intehded for holding on wood without /nuts or other iron fixtures; to be daiied as wood ;|* screws, '■ ., . ■.«*■■•-••■■-■■ *•■ ,;.•.■ ; .•■• - •• The same imported m^ nuts are to^w-bolts . . . . ■ Scales, BALANCB^and weighin^p/lkams, steel yards, . . - Chain Cables over half an iftch in diameter, whether shackled or swiveled,oriio^ *• •• •• Nails and Spikes, cut, . . ., .. .. « .. a#pict 17H P- ct 35 p. ct )o p. ct,^ 10 p. ct. 3$ p. ct 30 p. ct. 35 p. ct> 3op. ct Nails and Spikes, wrought and pressed, whether ga - ) X& p. lb. & vanixed or not, ... .. .. .... ) iop.ct 30 p. ct 30 p. ct 30 p. ct 30 p. ct 35 P- ct 30 p. c. 35p.ct 3op. ct jopcct 5p.ct Kc;p.lb.& 10 p. ct. •■J '3 -^rr .".f » ,(/ p4ir TAMirr or cuarom ow COMPOSITION NAILS .nd •?»«• wd .bathing wU., . . JO p. ct. Nuts, .. •» •• , ftiop.ct, Srinfto MACHIK«. wlu,!^ er he«l.or p«rt. of he«l. J^and ; of tewing machine*, • • ' * * ' ' giwmo MACHINES, p«rtt of ylt. : ttandt and i.ble tops and wood work, m manufactures of wood, both, Ink for writing, ». •• •• •• '* ". 1 jr^ERV «»d Sanufitctum. of gold and sum. «.d wauh^ JUTi,manufiicture»ofjute and hemp carpet., bags and bag- ging .. •• •■' *♦ '* Lard, tried or rendered.. vV# •« •• ;• lilS; oTd^^ «:r.p; and In pigs. Ur., iiock. and .hit. . 1 LEAui pipe and lead .hot. and aU manufacture, of lead not otherwi.e .pecified.. .. •• •• •• Leather BOARD ** . /* I'lu., Bot^ AND SHOE CouNTBas, two tip., made from leather board, half-a-cent per pair . . " .*• " " LEATHER, Mle.unned but rough or undressed .. MOROCCO .kin., tanned, but rough or undre.wd .. .. SoUt LEATHER and belting leather, unned, but not ^ , waxed ; and all upper leather, and French kid . . # Leather a. abort, dreed and waxed •. • • • • Japanned, patent or enamelled »«»J»^"'. 'l^ .^V.. All other leather and dtin. unned, oot elKwhere .peci Bocyrs AND SHOES and other manufacture, of leather, including glove, and mitt., belt., baae-ball., leather .hot- poucbe., powder-horn., and leather belting .« * ■■-._• • • MANurACTURES or Linen. ; .. ^ AU manufacture, of Linen -*" "' . **^ .•;,i ^ Thi. includes Iri.h linen, and fronting., (union and a^ ^^'bnen ^rgbbJo^^ ''^'^H^S nr°olafn lEhufkram coat canvas, .triped, checked, or plain £AriS^^r^«cS^lii^n»Wting.. pillow Imen, S^SitjSS, linen collars and c«ff«, (wUj^JJ^'^V & importer that the component part of ch«f value 1. £ . ^n)riinen co.tumes, pinafore., drew l'n«»'^"^ ^ ^' handkerchief., towel. an.,.ta»im^^^ dhe^ns tea-cloth, gla.»K:loth, huckaba,cks, cheek a$p.ct ■ -■■;-■ a5p.ct. 1 aop.ct* ■ ^. -T so p. ct. 1 ac. per lb. iop.eL as p. ct. 3c. per lb. 1 ^ ^^H 4-^^v -(^ ^c. p.pT.• lo p. ct. ^^Kf^^T '^'^^ ■ --lop. ct .-. .,; '.| I5p.ct aop. ct. ♦ ■'■■■■; aop. ct ^H ' aop. ct aSffcCt ct. dusters, Unen ticwng, lonar ^^""^ ko^IciothinK canvas, linen carriage covers and wraps, horse-ciotning «f Unen, thrwuis, binding., upe.. # Jim!,- V « •s—' # .^•' ■i ^a . » iiP i i " ' -m-- v- *»*.''t'*i»**« vw ' ''»^y • V t * * - '«■«• -.<^»*,r»' • I'Pf-''^ y ^r-k'^n^i m- f v-^y— l*»j» '# "fr'« ' ^''Wil' " > . ■ ''*—■ 1 * «* ->!•> fc^»^tyj|gwv*»n»i;Wi -_;ffl ^i jwy ^j|F^--'y<>'-^^ n^_^' >£X <« 1 ik^W ftt-ffy^WU ■%^r ^fn^fSU^^ M V"^'^**''"*^ » 'V* .^' fB# DOIUinON OF OAMADA. IT • • ■ / • • LiTHOORAPHIC STOlfKS, not V^pwtA Malt, .* Machine card cLoisiMa^ Marblb in blockf fin »m the qiumry, in t^ rough, or lawn on two sides only and not specially shaRoi, containing fifteen cubic Met or over, Marble slabs, sawn on not more than two sides. . .. Marble blocks or slabs, sawn on more than two sides Finished marUe, and all manufibctores of marble not else- where specified ..*,,» .. ; ., .. Mkats, fresh or saltet I, on actual weight as recdvedhiCittada, except shouldeis, sides, bacon and hams .* Shoulder^ sides, bscon and hams, finesh, sahed, dried or smoked .. ... ,.*,'» .. ., All other dried or smolwd meats, or meats preserved in ahy oOier way than salted or pickled, not otherwise ^ ■pccified •.. : ■ ".■.■■■ ... ^ ..' ,:■•"»,■; •..■ V •/■ ■ ' MVSTARDSEKD,ungn»und.. ..* ., ,. .. .. Mu^TARi^ ground I. . .. .. ., ..v. "•* pr^rare^ JFroich Mustard, &c, ... . . , . Nuts ofallkiMUyesccqit cocoa nuts .. Ochres, dry, ground or unground, iMsbed or unawshed, not calcined Oils, coal and benaole and shale and Vasseline, ltt1m( as products of Carbolic or 1^' mentS|f«°J^*~J Sch; having over tWo ana not over four «y of Seds fi«ke«i doUar. each : haVihirover four and pot over ^ sets of reeds, twenty dpU*" ««»; «>«]"«^K • aSitioD thereto, ten iw <»ntum «rf«»A»w» on the fiur maf Vet vahie thereof .. •• •• , V, ", ORGANS, Pipe 6rgan«, and teu or parts of seta of reeds for ciibinet oigant •• •• -^ . '' '' \i\^. n«MAifKMTS for ladies head dresses, hats, bonnets. Dews. ORNAij^^for^Wj»e»^^ be rated according to the material . or componenjt part of chief value. . Paintings, drawings, engravingi and prints, . , ^ . . . . Paints and colors, ground in oil or any other li«iuid Piunte and colors not elsewhere spedBed . . .j ' • • Whit* »nd red lead, dry, ptao dry white sine and bismuth, Paper-hangings or waU-paper, paper window-ihades and for lining trunl».< ••' , •• J^** y "' ■ . " ''' PapRR Bags, pUin, asmaaufiictures of paper- - •• " •• «« ** printed.. .% .v »^^ . •• ** PapIer, calendered ..;.. •• •• ,'" ^_.^'^ In its meaning held practically to apply to all wnting fW)«r8mooth tiSi«e piers, whether colored or 5SlrSring-P«P^ *»d SKled paper, but does not . Tn^toOfSy printing paper, known to the trade as paper,' which latter are .> ,••.•• '* '* Paper, of all kinds not elsewhere specified ; . ' Envelopes, and all mannfoctures of paper not otherwise specified .... - I ^V ;• . "^ ** Paper Borders, Cornices, EDOlNG^ftc, for «gar bw«v iSTforateTor embo«iedpaper,coi^onery pap^.J^J^ iu^tags, cards, and cardboart^ photographic maj ^jSmSuSctSes of paper and paper-mache goods. Paper Carpet Lining, ..* .. •* •' ^' .:.'■' \ Paper, union colIar;cloth, to sheets, not shapen.. .. .'* Mill board, not straw board ,. ' .« •• j^* .••. Paper collars, caftand'riiirtiBion^ ... >• »• Pencils, lead, in woo4 or othiarwise* ;. . . • . • • Perfumery* INCLUDING f oilet Preparations, viz. : . Hair oils, tooth and other powders and washea, V^^** >SS and aBodier peffamed prepnratlona used for the fir,'teouthorskin '. ••. •• .;■ \'*. ** This todudes rose water when without spiritj^md Cachous. j,j,i;,,PHOR BRONZBk in blook^i bwi, r*^"^- — » — 3fl6,^ .,■■ $ao $30 & 10 p. ct. 35 p. <^ aopkCt. 25 P rt. ao^'p.ck SP-c*- jop. ct. 20p. ct 30p.ct 33^p.Cft aop.ct 20p. ct. aSP-^t- 3SP-ct. aop. c|, iop.cL iop.ct^ 25p.ct. asp-ct. 3op.ct iop.ct. '•> x .Mt~t.^ "^r~ .. >ii^¥«' 1 I ,^yrm,.^m« f^.*if. H ^i ; ^ ^ H ».»-»W- # «^uM>» * •■-t^i — ' "T •■* Vlt ^-ft^f**.^ » MW •S'VjU ^ . ™ _ l, — — ^i aSP-ct, aop. c^ lo p. ct iop.ct^ 25p.ct. aSP-cL .-*i ■."• _-^ ■ ' ■■■; : .J;' -:'■ l-yS '■.■:' :;S:^ ^ '. '_ •S"-: ^-K ' riKt DodnrioM of uahadjl I I I I .1 T 1 I It ' PiANoiroRTU, VIZ. ; •*..-, • * ' - ^>! All^iquare pianofortes, whether rbund .'SjS - i cert,, semi-concert or pamr grand pianofortes, fmy | dollars cach'iT and inr MfaUHon thereto ten per centv S«> ■ advaionm .. • #. ' ^. ^i • %.. «^; .. ftiop.et a5p.ct aopict. aop.ct. iop.ct' aDp.ct;' aop. ct ^ * Parte of pianos, Cwenty-ifive per cent. «# vahrtm , . . . Brass AoRArrs Fmifftir piknos^^'lo be treated as part of .A I^iin A|ib Ho^KS AND £Yiic4lrresp(^y« of material of #]U^ composed .« > ... , .. '.»: .. '.. .. PBNH^hriai^root andaUother^.. ,, .v^ ; .♦ ,. ; ..TiTCB,(coi^^a9dcoiltJi^>. ^ • ;. . / './ ''^p.'!',,. ;... -' .. 'pLAMT^ vis. Y^l^rvi^^ihiAb Wim ind^ftt^^ tfcc% i^bs -I j^-';."'--M»i|i plaMts.:^.; }■ ^.'^■■::-, „^ , '''•'•\.-'' •• -r"^*'^' !;v* PtAi^ii or, Paris, OTgypsini^i^mi^ . .' ; - • • J P&ASTjPt iw Paris, ciiKcined or muafoctaved* 15, cratfe per > ioo4|o**M*>-^. 45 cents' ^ JbMMrel qf'oioC over joo'" ,-.■.',.'■ ■■• pounds, r.;.-' i»._/' ..'";,.;•.- ,:;■.*«., ■.^..- •■«■■.' ■ »» '-. .. 'V:^''- ■■,■•» 15c. p. loolb " . Pk«i;(l-waie dectn^^plated andplt^of ID kinds . . i ' 30 p. ct. ''J^lTD-WARl^ includes aU^jware dectro*|^ated whh gold, ' -•/.iOvd' joiS nickel, l^^ , PLATisengi av eo on. irood,^and on stec^ or other metiJ- , *. -», PLAYING CARDS,' >■•■ ' ■■■•i».'; ■■..-•:• ■ ■ •.•v'; ' •• ■ ■ ■' •• '•■ •• PLUMBi^ ;/ .r :. .>:,>.;.... • » Plumbago^ aUmiiinufoctures of plu^bago^ not ebewherespe- Pomades, F^ch, or Aower odors preserved in &t or oil for ' the purpose of conservimr the odors of flowers which' do not Bear tlw heat of distulatitniu when impor|ed in tins Of not less than tea pounds qich 1. .f •* ••, PRiNTiift-PRBSSES cS sH fcinds^ ^ . 'ft'- iv-^ - \y PRiNTiNo-PRRSSE^notfo^uteltmetypj^iirriters, electric pens, BumVerin^ madiinefli, ntfon.jandc(Mtiw„aBd woollen nettii^ f for bboi^ shbe^ and f^oives. . v. ••■; •• lopi ct PimicKSTONK, ground or powdcired.. ofUHftf--. ., ...... ..^ 90p.jCt, • • ■ >■• ■•fc' aspect :.»- ^^™ff^fn'. t^/ > •"•^ ,'■■•■. - •• /■ ■■ /V to / , TAMttW or CU8T0M8 OW ^ QUILLS .;* .. • .► / •* '• *»P-**' QuiMiVK, sttlphikte br .. .*. ' .. .. h\ •• *>!>•«• Sails for b<«U and ihlp*, •!» tenu Mid awning* ». «i »5P'C*« Salt (except salt imported from the United Kingdom, or any Britwh poucMion, or imported for the u«« of the tea or gulf fi^kerie% which shall be free of. duty), m bulk, eight .^^^y^ ISenis per one hundred pounds Stp-fdolb SALTnnM .. .. ... •• •• , •• J. .""P"** Sand Paper, twid doth,glaas and emery cloths,glas8 and V cmerypaper. : - ** . V *^ Sbbds, vii.: flower, garden, field and other* swds, for «Fto»»- -^^ ^^uralpurpoeii when i» bulk or in large parcels, fifteen I5p.ct. per cStiJmdvaUnm ; when put up in smaU papers or ^ ^ _ pwcds.. .. ••?•—*•-• V'**^ 2^ ^:'^SXED, mustard, ungrouild;'. ■.^^^/■..: -'T* ;/;';••«-';;>■"' - '^ ^^ ■• " ground . C^ip'. V ■.^. ..:";.•' ,>^^*■■ •'*■*.■..'-••■"' ''• ^ifciiiP-'y The followlMarc not to be classed^ as Agncult^rd «^ Seeds, vii. : Anise, Cawfiunon, Colchicum, Cummm, F^ugreek, Hyoiiamus, Philandri, Stramombm^ ^ Wonn, Caraway, Canary. » Shinolks .. .. ..* » »r —^ ••X .•• **P-*^ ' SHIPS and other vessels, buUt in any foreigtt, country, whetaer steam or saiUng vesseb, on application for Canadian register, on the fair market value Of the hull, ngging, machinery and aU appurtenances. . • • lo p. ci. Silk in the gum, not more advanced th^a si|gies, tra^a, and thrown organsine .. ... .* >%;: »« •• »>?•«• Sbwino Siuc and silk twist, fikwelle and embroidery silk,in». chine siUi and twist.. .. - .- •• •• »5P«- Silk Vblvits and aU maDufactures of silk, or of which silk is the component part of chief vahiei not fisewberespep- fied, ejBCcpt church vestments . . * .. •• »>P'«' ^ This embraces glac<,grMgrain,duca|)e,bi«^ Pojjt de sois Armaifce, Cachmere^ ^^ ^ Naplw, blade and coloured ; black and coloured Turquoise,, s^ins* ««enet*, Pewians, popUnsand aUother pp*«^^ which silk is the component oart of diief value ;aU^ . dSthing, «Pe^^L?5H^ ."d ETte^'JSS ^, terrieTcbenilks, ribbons, silk phish, hat bund^ ydvet ribboM, siflc braids, Japanese, inoire antiqi^, fringes, UcSTttiinminprtaM^^^ ©r tafleta gldves, lace mitts, shawls, liosiery and underclothing, ties, scarft, \ , K««ets>»dkeiAiels.Prussijmbi»drnp,sofa^^^ orris lace, float lace, mantfflas or jackets, boot and sty — — laces, siS warp Paramatta, silk tapes tr y, s Jk w ar p ai - paca,&c. \ ' » • ■:<' / / / ■X „ >i<| J» « t i»ii>- r*#— ' i i i nH iMiiyriii ■ / i 14 *<4»W>«^ i^fc iii* > «"— jWI>Wl«»»Mll ^ iiyi» rf |« » * * |i «.i|.i| i- >-*. n ^-. **h«— .* I i ■ w iiii»(y * i*» ' w* " li i |i[»ni«iiMii hnw i i r iy' i* ,.^*.»— «-■>>.< ■^H^«.«|*.>-' ..W^H-* • ■■HiillU lU li i *'!^' M ii^-^ I liiiiij^ii >ifWi.i w *i ^ wm u mmi^om^m ,t^mm'»H> v '*> - ^<^* " ' " »'i^'' '«* ■ *•■ v w» J* »'>'»*'«'«' Jii? HJfiNN.^ ,i.pi i ,i . ii j .iii H . iy#.i )» |.t > ^ - I. — ^* ^^-.^^ t l llfl l ^ * J ■ ■iHi«.»y. r « > i / ii n .ifi.iii- ■ i '* H '< — »»■ ■■»■•«.** *- . u i-te - iiN i i -y ■■■■>-• ' ""f HjOTS"^ * ^Xt^t^^-tMiv-lt^ ■* •#**-■ ^V " ^tH ■■wy ■i — Tn r—n **t..w "Wt* " * "'! *" ""' *^ — ' JkUK* %. * » .W«|P ■« >»I M .*fVt*»l*> <1 -4 ■ l it * « H I II -» >.,»-,>l— T.. 1*1—1— . •■4-— **-- — . I t M >i ' « y*- ....^i=3; '»».«■( ^.-.■MAklW'«hJ>4

U«A '' i f> iiHlw^» ■ Wfito >„«...,„:: — L~ ■ ■^.»M— W.^ Wi-^i •fM "T^-^ ' ■ , . 4 ..■■-,«,^r.r,M TT^ - ;■■; * ■'; * ■i4».'Mu,:.,: •ry- *"-';•■ ■..-; it . rnt DOMWtoN OF ojmadjL '. It,< ' I ■ ; . L. ^^iLViit, rolled, and german illver, in ihects ' .« .<.. ... Not to indude sUv«r iMtf i>r pi^atan and fiUtn. Slate for roofinf*.>^»* ,v ' ,• ',, „ ^. •• Slati slabii square or in ipedal thapM , » ••• ,* . Slatb mantles • .' ^>' • • • • • • • . School and writimo slatu, porcelain and drawing, and all others .< . ,',*,, .. .. ' »*, Soap, common browi^ and yellow, jpt perflimed .... S04P, caatile and white .,' - .. • ••„^l^« ^SOAP, perfumed or toilet- .--:->» ^*»; j.-..-y^-:- .. : • rf : lOpwCt. aop.ct 90p. Ci as P- ct Icit^lb. tcpulb. L»>p.ct iop.ct.^. aop. ct. iop.ct. ^' Saddlbr^ Soaps, Silver soap Soap, common, soft'^d liquid foapt n(A pisriiuned . . Spbltbr, in btiocks OT piga ... .. ,., .V** -^« Spicis, vis., Riaser and spicef bf all kinds (except nutm^ ahd mac^, unground .. . .. > .... ..-3op.ct. ^PICES, ground .. r .. ..• *. • .♦ .V *. ; 25 p. ct ' Nutmegs and j|nac«.. .. „. ; ..... V >. ^5 p. ct StaAch, including forina, com stardi or flour, and all prepa^ rationshavmg the qualities :■'»»■■ -,-^^w''-:'90P'CL ' Spiritc and strong w!ATtR8 Qot having htkn sweetened ^ or less quantity than f gallon,v^: Geneva gin,rum^ $i.33>i p. ,, whiskey, and unenumerated articles oC'Jike kinds, one Imp. g. dollar and thirty-twq and one-half ceritr per Imperial " > gallon ; brandy, one dollar and forty-five cents per Itai* ^ penal gallon . . .. .. .' .. .. / .. |l:5|5pil.g. "OM Tom* ein, one dollar and thirQi^-Cwo and one^hidf * cents per, Imperial gallon in bulk -"#»..( -^. $i.3;^|< p. I. g. ' Spirits sweetened or mixed so thatthedMnreeofstrehgtlb -cannot be ascertained asaforesaicL vii. i Rum^shrub, coir- dials, schiedany schnapps, tafia, bitters and uitenumer* ^ ated articles of like kura% one d per Imperial gaJlon . . .. ;* ;, ,. ' v.'$i.9op. I. g.- :^ Spirito and strong Craters not elsewhere specified, one dolfiur and ninety .. ., .'. ,.'-..... . . $1.90 p. Lj^. ^ Spirits andv strong waters imported into Canada,' mixed ^ ^/ ' with an)(, ingredient or ingredients, :and although there. ~-^ by coming under tbe denoipinatibn of prttprietaiv medi- " anes, tinctures, essences, extracts or any other oenom^i- natidn not elsewhtte spedfied shall l)e, nevertheless, deemed qurits or stnmg waters, and subject ttf dui as such; one dollar and nin e ty c ents per Imp ei gallon 1.90 p. I. gal TAUwr or cuBTOMi or 40|fc ct ColofDC w»ttr aod perftimed tpiriu In bottlei or <^k« not weigliiny inore than four ounces each Cou»Mi Watkr and peHumed uHriti in bottkt, Including Bay Rum, flasks or other paclottcs weighing more than f 1.90 p. I. g. four punces each, one d<41arandninety cents per Impe- and fialgaiton,a«d thirty per cent <*rfw^wwi .. ;. .. jop. ct. WlMiSof aU kinds except spwUing wines, including. ginger, .,^ ., orange, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, eWer and currant --^^ wines, conuinW twenty-six per cent or less of spints ^^^ of the strength ^ proof by Sykes* hydrometerjmported aje. p I. g. in wood or in bottles (six quart or twelve pmt-l»otlles to & 3c p. 1. be held to conuin an Imperial gallon), twenty-five cents g. for each per Imperiil gallon, and for eadi degree of strength m deme access of twenty-six per cent of niirits as aforesaid, an from ao 19 additional duty of three cenu until the strength reaches to 40, and forty per cent of proof spiriu; and in addition tlwreto, 30 pet thirty per cent «r«M/0rvM. Champaomb and all other sparkling wines in bottles contain- ing each not more than a quirt and more than one prat, ' three doUan per dosen bottles; contaimnfl^ nut more $3.00 p. doi. than a pint each and more than one-half pint, one dollar and Wty cents per doaen bottles ; containing one-half $1.50 p. dog pint each ot lefs, seventy-five cenu per doien bottles ; 75c p. dot. bottles containing mme , than one quart each %haU pay in addition to three ddlars per doten bottle* at the rate of one doUar and fifty cents pier Imperial gallon on the quantity in excess of^one quart per bottle ; il) addition to the above specific duty there sludl be an ad^vttUnm duty of thirty per cent But any liquors importtd under the naihe of wine, ^d co)»- talning more than forty per cent of spirits of the strength of proof fyy Sykes* hydrometer shajl be rated forVdut^ as unenumerated qrints \, . • • * • \ * • StRAW BOAKO, unenumerated. . . * . . . » » . .\^ ^' Stationery of all kinds hot elsewhere specified > . ^ Viz., Penhdders and pencil cases of all kinds, paper bind- ers and fostenen (metal), pencil sharpeners, mucilag^ paper weights and dips, copying pendU. mkstands (ex- cept electro-platedX notaral seab, philosophical and mathematics! instruments, drawing pent, Upe mMsures. ink powder, parchment, chalks and cnyo^s, India and China ink, quills and quill and steel pens, ivory knives and folders, wafers and sti^ps, shue poicils, juvenile and all water cohm for arusts, pink up^ pastiUes, gk>bes, rutes, pen-tmys,^lBey rings «nd chams. Stkbl, an^ manufoctures o^ viz. : On and after the first dayj of January, 1881, steel in incots, bars, riieeu and coils, and railway burs ot rails and fish plates.. . ■ . Stekl in Coils, s uch a s is imported for the m a nuf a ct u re of screirsnnd rake teeth is firee until ist January. 1881 ; but if it be cut to any special length, or bent to shape, it becomes dutiable as a manufiuture of sted ^ $i.$0 p I. g.UH aU over on^ qt p. btL 29p.ct ao p. ct 10 p. ct A ♦ % abjpuct H^fiV ''W','P""<«(P _'fw:"-A>rfTh\ % w» ' " ■■ "■» i » ap« i »#»i>» i M»"« ti « « i< *' >i i< i i ii i i it w ii im ^i - -.- I III i<^^»*-<*iik< iL -?"*••• ♦ - ^{^[N^ "». 4,«^^-">«- • *~im^^ ^-r»* ,w rfo4|V.tb * ••^i»i f*' -"Ji**'Arf**|>-^ nM » u iM»i. ■ti w i Aw rt «., iil J l l i li - -^li^***. .i^«m*i»r ■--.iit*.*-*^-**** >*(»' "V » 10 :-.j£.,.J, -'■^„». HB ♦ '*(» -■^^'•'->- ,^^ *«^«^ •#* .^«. I- -^ • --t^«-' #> * •'#«>f *-<»-•- y ^ iiiBli /( ».i- > •fi^ — -> ittj^naHJlAI^ "-'«r- , ^.^riliKi^ .<%; .- *^ v^Jh^'jf .* ^ .^ ^ ^» • ^XtvA •"«■* V^fr-'W >*> ■■*4k^..^l — ^i* i&a^ -.. - : -7-l—> —'-?-- ~ - -^w MM* '^' 'r*-»*-*i^i-^A^»—k»j» II -^^ — - -* — - — . . i nfci . — -r f fA!^%>*" — « _.-,.** "| i H !li' O ilH[ .i3W>»i^^i,-;«*?i«gE;nii« '•«._£. '. f M ■ii jl P W illi , 3U, ^^-■,.>^i,g&-.»— . ..^.-Mfridfiii^ - mm l . irl «»» «**■■ " *iiM^ '"" * ' " ■ii H iw i i i iili i i ii ^*i* ■ ^ i f l 'pf I I i ..i I n r- 1 i T ■■■"^■"T" mtAfjttifimmimf ttl^ .J ^u -»»...i.*. ■> w .-> - - - % »,- «i .->.»'.. -■ . F <' —'* ■ i | i | ii ' ^ ' "■iS f ' ' ' }•/ " .-.■i«.»«»-*»«a6j«»awww«^; v* ;»|»^w. I iwiii NiMig I' .(I-/ } I MJ DOMttliOM OF 0AM ADA, mt^ ; hay, maaurt and potato fiiwkt ; rakflt } carpiratan', coopora*. cabiaet-mal BMChaaka' topto, inckding ftlet,j daacriptioa, «ua» MTthaa, and kimiK ' raapcrl anvils and vW are dasMd in with tods. If ow«r knd raapcr kaiv«i And cuttar bars, awit of all kinds, jop-et. ■O^ ■■■■■-. ^.«. \tk liW I WW m4 , <^ H I W(i»iii ™._ . .«.-. J. «J _„^. J ■ . > / LlL,.l,lL- . ...•. iatt •f -i . t ■ ■• ^ FiMUUtMS, vix : Muskcta, rMcs, pistols and shot guns : cutlery, ; ,. and all manufacturts of staal, and oi inm and statl, not . elsewhere specified aop.ct. ^tntJERY, includes table, pocket and o«ce cutlery ; sdssort^- and shears, indiMling shMO^ebdars \ butchers' Imivet and steels : shoe, hunting, g^a;^rs' and farriers' knives} knives for horticultural purposes; horjM-dippers; raiorsi I surgical and dental instruments, and other articles fat ^ similar purpMM as the above v KNiFK Blades or knife blanks, in the rough, anhandled, for use by electro-platers . . lo p. ct. Stbreotypes and electrotypes of standard books . . . i % . lo p. ct STKHiarvPKS and electrotyp||Jpr commercial blaftki and advertisements . . i^Sk ao p. ct. Stone, viz : rough freestone, JMliKtone, and all other building stone, except marbl^ one doUiu- per t Cjt .' Dr^wd freestone and all other building stone, except mar- ble, and all manufactures of stone or granite • ». .« > 90 p. Ct. Spectacles and Eye Glasses, of all kinds .a aop.ct. STUDSofall kinds *. ,,i , ,.A .. ; aop.ct. Sugars, Syrups AND Molasses .«—- Sugar above number fourteen, Dutch standard, in color, one j i & p. Ib^ advtUortm. ... ) & 3S P> CI cent per pound and thirty-five per cent Sugar equal to number nine and not above number four- ) ty ,. p teen, Dutch standard, three-fourths of a cent per pound V^ ^ « and thirty per cent Mfmi/(9ryM .. .. ) '^•^ Ct lb. ct -Mi •' ■ rM .^'-•y Sngar bdow number nine, Dutch standard, half-a-cent per ) K c p. lb. pound and thirty per cent, advmhrtm .^ . . . . ( & 90 p. ct Provided, that the tut valatrtm duty shall be levied and orilected on Mgar and meUdo when imported direct from the country of growth and production, upon the foir market value thereof at the |MUi6t of ' purchase, without any addition for the cost of hpgdaeads or other packages, or other charges and expenses prior to sntpment, anything contained in section thiity-fbnr of the Act forty Victoria, chapter ten, to the contrary notwithstanding ; Ae said section nevertheless «-" maining in force as to regulations to be made under it, in cases where the sunr or melado is not imported direct from the country of growth or proauctioa. Vt-.^'-* .'^T~'!' •i^^f^ tfrr it 14 TAMirF or 0UBT0M8 OF SVRVPS, cane juice, refined syrup, wgar-house »yn»P.^»y™R. .. ,^c.p. lb. and 3op.ct >er p«pnd ind ten per cent adi-alorem .* .. ••►,*•*•'* Tim in blocis, pigs^ bars, plates and shecti. . TiiiwARE, stamped and japanned wwe, and all manufartures \ of tin not elsewhere .specified, spouts, hanties. knobs \ and ornannented articlM ., * .•• Thimbles of all kinds .. ... '* ^ '* '' TOYsAccordiagi to value 0^ material, they asl'to be rated. - Tobacco *-■" , Man&kctured tobacco and snuff, tweniyifive cents per polind and in addition thereto twelve and a-half per ctKLadYoiarem .... •• CiQARsVd ciearettes, fifty cento per pound and twenty per^t(fli(?w»i!(v**».* *•->*' ** V* ; ** TURPENTINEV spirits of .. ••<,•' ,••**** TRVSf i», satchels, valises, and carpet-b^ . .' - . . - • Twines, manufactured of flax and not otherwise specified. Type for printiiMt .. *. •• *• >r TYPE metal Varnish not elseiifcere sp^**^. '"<:»"*?« ^T^iJSfin'S pan spirit vanSsh, twenty cento jper Imperial gallon and twenty per <«ntX^f'««r»« •• •• »• Vegetables, vi*.; Potsitoes .. ...v Tomatoes. &3$p.Clt. 1 c p. lb. 2 c. p. lb. & 10 p. ct i c p. lb. & ioper<:t 10 p. ct V 25 p. ct 20p.Ct ' f 25 c. p. lb. tted I2|^>Ct. 50 c p. lb. & 20 p. ct 20 p. ct. 25 p.ct 25 p. ct 20p. ct lop. ct 20c. p; I. g. A( 20 p. ct idc p. bsh. joc p. bsh. ^ ■^■■"if' 20 p.Ct And all other vegetal '^^'i^-' T ,1 , ■■ I I ^ 1 w mm . « — -mr-*mm-'»^' - •" ^tfc,**- ..i.i»4N«|i -ir-- M .*..^*».ji»..«>jy j i n wii*iip|| toJ ^** » i*n wii*iip|| toJ > i <' .^^ >..<4»ri»> ■■♦■■■■ " a ..■.ii.wyi^ '¥' ■ ^' TT— . J >"*> ' ,j ' » i" ' **V' \ ... ■ *•"■■ ■'i-: „_.^-,„t-A *-U^ ~'fi n. iiii " ii i iii I 'i ii ' ii . iii^ I ii .n iii if i ' i i'. i i\if ill li ' . . '■ \-'S ■>■?■ /i: ■ !' ' * > . I K M .,.....^,- •r-'^r^yf— ' -(--■- x^;i.-^ ■\- ■:■ .» i'^- ' ". ' "' ' I ' M W^ff^W^ ■ ' III 1 1 II « ^f _ > I. I , II' J ' « H f -* ■ I ' M ' III • ii i i M i j iip -t i II I , n il « H ii I s ■ -.#-■ - ^■^*r>-.*-Hf— .t--**r#'»'"**-" ■ t-: m?'f ^ mP 'fv^'-^ '^:'fSe9» ^ # m TOM DOMimON OF CAM AD A. M ..&■ ViNioAk, twelve centt per Imperial gaUon Wax Tapers .. .. .... Watcher watch mdiemcnts, watch, materials, ^d watch # ■ cases .. ♦• •. ■ ■■••■ .••■■■■■••; ' '*\t ■' Wire or BRASS and copper *..... .. *W4RE-CL brushes, and other manufac $|> tures f wheels, rough-hewn^or ^im orfy, twenty per cent M valorem . . > If smoothnl and finished as manufActure$ of wood Lumber and tiiiber, not elsewhere specified, twenty per ,V ctxA. ad valorem .. •• •• <••' i \includes lumber and timber of all kinds, otherwise-free T^\ when cut to special lengths, L e., less than the ordinr— .. lacp. I.g. - aop. ct, ccn ... 20 p. ct. .. '10 p. ct. 30 p. ct. 25p.ct. sop. ct. 25 p.'ct. 20p.Ct. commerdid lengths. AND WOQ^lNS, VIZ. inufactures composed wholly w in part of wool, worsted, >the»hair of the alpaca, go^it, or other like animals, vij:— i Siawls, bbnketi[, and flannels of everv description ; cloths, doeskinsjlassimeres, tweeds, coatings, over cpat- „, ings, doakings, felt doth of every description, not else-^ wheie specified ; horse and children's lambs-wooll cashmere and menno shirts and drawers* hose and hatf hose, wool scarfs, mufflers, cravats, clouds, hjindkerchie^ collarettes, Cardigan jackeM^ polkas, knitted shawls, vests, ^cross-overs," chest protectors, knitted mantlM, wck^s, petticoats, wool mitu and gloves, cufi% gaiters, Doots and bootees, hoods, hats, in&atees .... .... • ClothinO, ready-made, and weurihg apparel qf every des- cription, including dmh caps, composed wholly or m part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat or other like animals, made up or manufactured i^hplly or in part fay the tailw, seamstrcEss, or manufactorer, except if^p. lb. &2op.ct ■'^ •■•■:-:J -ir / #'' IOC ■knit goods ,/*f. --,- P. lb. & 25 p. ct -•a fciiwii'iM imtmmmmi''. ■i%4 t^H"^ .^.> H TARIFF OF CUSTOMS OF *>■ -1 ■W T Comprises all ready-made clothing for men and IbbA of cloth^ lusure, russell cords^and such like ; mantlM afid cloaks, of cloth, cashmere, merino, imitation sealskin (of wool) ; ladies' and Children's costumes and dresses ; alpaca, inohair, and felt skirts, Bibhoril skirts ; flannel/ or union shirts/: infants' merinA cloaks and dfcsses ;' cloth gloves, and anv other article of clothing composed ofwool, or wool and cotton, made up or manufactured «% wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress or manufac- turer. Woollen MANurAcruRES, composed wholly or iiT part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat, or other like imimals, not herein otherwise provided for ^. This comprises Orleans, al(Micas,lustres,coboui:gs, baratheas, \ Balmoral Crapes, Persian, Grecian, and sedan cords, russell cords, mohair, melaiu;es, seiges, twills, moreens, - paramattas (not silk warp), Hehriettas, figured alpacas, . debeges, mousselihtf de laines. Trench delaines and French merinob, cadmieres, reps and dunasks, of woot ^ . or wool and cotton, cloth table covers and piano covers, "^ Victoria table colrers, bullion, fancv and all woollen fringes, mohain Ihuna, Russias and 111 other braids and , trimmings, Indiana and cashmere shawls and fichi^ Paisley shawls (unless the largest component part be silk), bunting, all kinds of Bradford dress goods, worsted plush, wodlenbarqgies, tissues and grenadmes, cashmere mufflers, tailors^ padding, mohair smd woi^ted laces, slipper patterns, fire screens, ottoman covert, fender stool patterns, and goods of like description. Winceys, plain or figured, as dress goods ..... . . iBfdudes supers, Aberdeens, costume twills and compounds. Winceys, checked or striped (under 26 inches wide), as 2op. ct. y l-^ 20.p. Ctt Winceys, checked or striped (26 inches widrand as shirtings .. .. Winceys, ciiecked or striped, of wool and cotton, as ) 7;ic p. Ib._& iches wide), asJ clrand over), f 2c. p. sq. yd. .. ..' ) & 15 p. ct. *► ct union shirtings - . . .... . , j ap p. Caapets, treble ingrain, three-ply and two-plv carpets com- posed wholly ... Cocoa, (Jitna, arid Indian mattings .. .. .. > & 20 p. ct 5c. p. sq.yd. &2op.^t aop.ct 2op. ct top . '.- ^^ 'yfym ^.•> t-?* h^> il^W|iiWw*1»Wl -^ y 1;^^ y? ,,»— ..^ifc. I ih/ -''J-w»r fcii w. i »4>.»-'-f«w— ■ ■**«« .■"■■■ '■:■". -';?"", t'^:/'/!-' ' " . ■' * *;. ••- -if^-r- -^—r:--^ ^w «y # \ :.i!i.:, T"^- ;■•'■"' y: 1-. - ■ th-f-l.t^l-l. f » -1H4J' « >»»— « — m^ — « . --.l ^. ■— . .<■ » ; .. ; ■• j'l -. j ; ... im^^M-: • • .. 0-. ^mmrn^m^i*^. jmmt- .<:;r^.'-s%^ ■ , ■ l *":. * ■ :.-i- i%^j,f •r-ii.jlif,-' !*^«,|.;'ri« .1' |, ■■«<»" j 'V ^.■."■^. -^ v-v^irT*,- ^• ^ . * ■ ■■■ :^t --■■l ..... \.,.'|,....,. ;..'.-;- ■ r./ . ... ■•■ *' '.^ .:. ■■ ..?five per cent tut vtUortm Zinc, in pigs, blocks and sheets, ten per cent tfflTvA/tffVM Seamless drawn tubing, ten per cent ad vaUtrtm . ^ Manufactures ofsinc not elsewhere specified / •• •All oth :r goods not enumerated in this Act as (Charged with any dutt of Custom^ I nd not declared free of duty by this Ac^ shall be charged with a duty of twenty per cent ad vdtortm^ when import«d into Canada, or taken out ofwanihouse for consiimption therein. jb ' KATKS or MaNUFACTURKS mot SraCtriKD ok ISFKIAULY XlfUMBltATBD. Brasa.l>.>..3op. ct Jute....c...3oiKct Silk. ..3op.'Ct' Castinksv.-^S " Leather..... 35 " 3teel ....... 3o " Xiead. . .n; ; i ; . 3$ " Tin>.< ...... 3$ Linens....... 90 **-\ Wood....... 35 Paper ......35 Ru]bb9r..,....35 StatioHiery ..ao Cotton 36 tt Chink .,...30 *t Coppfci L .,.'..30 u Glass\ i. . . • .30' m Ckttal )brcha.35 « t •^ ^J ^ ■'■%^ ■:"\ M U Wool 30^ " Wire...... 35 *•* / Zinc, as Agaki^, Agat^ uni Alkanet Aloes, Alumin) Alum, and AlIBERGRIiS, SCHEDUL mufiKtui^, iminous Cake m ■•;**?■ .U ..♦ .h- ■1*n>-. Stic \ / ''»r ■ •*:, Ammonia, cru4_, ,^ „ ANiUNR dyes ffir alnkpi^ Amiunb oil, artidei ^^ I "^ At^lLiNE salts, 1 ^4*^ Animals brougnt into CanadaltcB^porarilv, and for\a period not exceeding ^; Ihree months, for the purpoM; of exhi^tron or competition for prizes i 0fRi9«dl>yiaty agricultunlOrpAerassociatiOh. (But a bond shall be <^ - first giveii in accordance! .^tli ^r^ubitipns to be prescribed by the Minister or Customs, with the condition that the full duty to which s uch animals wo i ild oth e rwi se b e liabl e shall b e paid in cas e of ^their- «ale in Canada, or if notrf-exportied within the time specified in such bond.) \ ... .r~Vi-^ \1. \ . It tAUrr pF CUSTOMS OF Animals for the Improvenfent of stock under regulations to be made' by the Treasury Board and approved by the Governor in Council Annato, liquid or solid, - Ann ATO^ seed, . . •^.' ■ •'■■'-'■:'' i. .:..■.:. :' Anchors, -— n. ;ANTIM0NY, \"'.-^ - AiSHE^ pot, pe»rl and soda, ^^ Apparel^ wearing and other personal and household effects, not merchan- dise, of Brmah aubjecu dying^ abroad, but domiciled in Canada. Argol, dust. Arools, cnide^ Sf .:■■ Arsenic,, ■.■/ ■ ■:■■ Arseniatk of aniline, M'' * Articles for the use of the Governor-G^neraL iy^ "^ Articles for the use of foreign Consulf General, - Articijes imported by and for the use of the Dominfltn Government, or any of the Departments thereof, or for the Senate or House of Com- mons, Army AND Navy juid Canadian MUitia,fortheuse9%yii :— f Anns, . '■■, ' ■ ■' Clothing, - " Musical instruments for band^ I Military stores and munitions of war. '! BAMBOO>«eds, not further manufactured than cut uitoi suitable lengths for walking sticks or canes, or for sticks for um|welV, parasols or sun- shades, , "■^- • ■ ■ \ • ■ ■■■ •^' ■■ ■ ^ ^ '■ Bamboos unmattufiKtured, ' ^ . - Barrels of Cknadian manufacture exported filled with domestic petroleum ' and returned empty, under such regulations as tile Minister of Cus- toms may prescribe, . ,> i "^ .Barilla, -v -V- -^ ^- \ -^ /li^*:.^' . .;■, ■ . '.>A- Barytes, unttianufactured, ' . ' ' ^ ' Bells for churches, V v '. Berries for dyeing or used for composing dyes, > BoLTiNO doths, V • ■»». Bones, crude and irot manufiu:tured, burned, calcined, ground or steamed, BoNiE-DUSfT and bone-ash for manufiicture of phosphates and fertilizers, •Borax,-- '"':■.■>■ ■ :'^-'' BoTANY.;tpecimenso^ , ^L./: ;"'. ■,■■.;.:..■:_.■. :.:• ' 'i Bristles, , ■' ■■^■' .' ■■'- • v ''^■-: ,■;■■■"■.■'.'; BftiMSTONE, crude, or in roJl or flouiy Brim MOULDS, for gold beaters, ' ' ' ' 'Bromine, '. ~" ~~- ~~~- ' ".■■ ■ .. ■ ■ '■ ' .^- , ~^ ~ '■ ~ Broom CORN, ■ : • ■ - * ^ t^ v * '%^' r^f^^^j ili U li M iipii Mj|W> III ' I'i'i' W | .«i in i y i >mi^mm:' .wi^ mi y j , ■m i«m t fcii m n n , att m ' i t vmn 111^, ^^,,.„^,yf„„„^ff^ - ^- ^ ■ " f*' i iii r iiili I iJi » BM| ■— *1* --^ ^«>i<»— m i>fc M # » i . . — — ■^ « ,lf^ ^ w- irt- - V.H. 4 4-— * M 4 •■<• -•w •»«• . fl il in i .4- - ^■WPI^* ' It \9. ■■""^•^■....„ ■^ m 0- • s ■'.W- .«, V. ■«f.:» i^ i *, .§ TBM DOMiNiOit Of CANADA UucHilltcAVCs, ' f Bullion, gold and silver, t Burgundy pitch, - BUKR STONES in bloclu, rough or unmanufiictarcd, and nollttind up Into niillstenet, Carriages of travellers and carriages laden with merchandise, and not to ^ include circus troops nor hawkers, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs, Cabinets of coins, medals and other collections of antiquitltii|~' — ^ Casts, as models for the use of schools of design, ~^ . Cornelian, unmanufactured, Canvas for manufacture of floor oil-cloth, not less than forty-five inches ' '^ TAMirf OF ouaroMM ff n Emery,' Entomoixxjy, •peclmeni of, ESTAKTO, or Spanith grass, aiifd other gnuses, and pulp of, for the manu- facture of paper, Extract of logwood, Fblt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels, FlRl CLAY,. Fibre, Mexfeni, Fibre, vegetable, for manulacturing purposes, FiBRiLLA, ■■/■■'•.,■;.,- .■■ ..:'■':. I ■-' FimaArr, FUH OIL, and fish of all kinds, the produce of the fisheries of the United States (except fish of the inland lakes and of the rivers falling into them, and fish preserved in oil). Fish-hooks, nets and seines, and lines and twines, for the use of the fish- eries, out not to include sporting fishing-Uckte, or hooks with flies or trawling spoons. Fur skins, of aU kinds not dressed in any nianner, FUNT, flints, and ground flint stones, ;; Folia DIGITALIS, ^ Fossils, ^ Fuller's EARTH, — - . Gas-coke, for use of Canadian manufactures only, Gentian root, GiNSENO root. Gold-beaters' moulds and gold-beaters' skins, ^ Grease and grease scrap, for manufacture of aoap, CnAVKli, ^ ^ I maifdfM! Guano and other aiiianal i—- .-„ — ^ —^, Gums, amber, Arabic, Australian, British, copal, damar, mastic, sandarap, likellac and tragacandi, Gumnr cixyni and gunny bags. Gut, and worm gatf manufactured or unmanufactured, for whip and other cord, # Gutta percha, crude, Gykum, crude (sulphate of Utatt\ Hair, ang«>la, bofido and bison, camel, cmT iMg, borse, calf; cow, ^, and human, glfeuied or uncleaned, but not curled or otherwise manufacturMfV ^ Ha tt ers' f urs n o t wh dw sfcia^ — — — -^ — Hemlock bark. Hemp, undressed, \ ^^J. lU M ' I ' li' " ll'l * ■ <<■'■ W W- I 'lWWwiiiiW i y w m ^mk m ^, -^^ . mi^ m t I llll*i»I F' I ^ l ^ f^ iil M -y^ »— \ ■ m lp. l il W i . irW*^- -» 'f- •»«« * - *. *(l*(,^« »;t*w i to ■WW ^ 'i'Nwi'Ww •- ^*^*-f ¥•-- -.* ^.^ '■>■ '' -~4iiii^" ■ ■ ■'■i4-'\,JiUi'' ■ "-- :; '^'.-'j) . '"!! ■'!.'■''"■" '■'"^'^'"''^'"^••T^'H^'''"' ."v---"y--"r" 'r-*J/i»■f4^i>■.Y-»)U>l»^^.l^.-.^. ,.,. M,^,,,.. \ "4 ■>wi»^>i.^*»«i»*5£.:«,.t*^ ■^^ .'j i if . ' ■i iii ( '' . i w | J! ' .j/ -!^ Tr#"*^'^-^i^ ■■*.Wl^ »*J-i»,,i;«;N^y'"--T)'.^ i ».l i» !r *ftm»-'..-^,f ^■.U>.< » ♦^.^«*w,^^ -r**?-^ -^j*-^ ^^P #t » ;'?■;■■ ■'-'--' r . ;. ■/■■■■N ;'^|^^?;i^F^^■■ '.-■ '■'■'■'^^^^t^K/BtK'' ' ■'.•■'■■,•■■''■'' \ ■''' ' ■^'V ■'■■■ ■ :: : W' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■- ' '-■ ' ' ' ] -.>•.: . ■-•.■" ■■m>:- ^- ■.■■■;.;■.' --v- vr,-- ^ ;.;:>^v::;t^ ^;-;;-^s^^'- v.:.-^ .■;... ..^,-,:.. ..-. .^., ^,^.. . ,,,„, \ ■ . ■ v'l.'' 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' 1.,, '■''®. ■ , ■ :■ ^-■■v.^iiv;'.--.:----- '■■-■^ ."~^*' ■ -:^^:--' ■''•#-;-^;^ :.^.v-^!V' S^..'l ■ -'^li ' /^'^ *> * ) : i: ''■^^''''rAr-.''\:.-Aj:AA;::-f ■:/;,, ^^:'^vt-; ^ It' rf. ." ; ■ ■'.'' :V ^'\-;: -.'i.;..-^.. ■,,';.■.::.■■■*,,.:.:■:. .".,■; ^* ' ■*" r. ■"■.!„'.:.!*jU-..- \.:'.'rS~.^...~.v ^ ..■' ..,'■':-:.-■..- ['-^i.. v....!,..-; ......;;..,:,-•'.■;,.. ' V •■<■■>''■'■-.'',•'•;•■• '.' : • ■, •■ [■*^^;;;_^^^^^^^^^, '■..;; ' /.'^^^^^*' ^- 'J-''.'^-'^-" \ * ' .-..--,■ it. v« w 4^ nut DOMurwy <^ Canada lil t i ^ % . %i SI «." < I I I -«»- Hipfi$^ raw, whether dry* salted or pickled,. Hoors, horns i^nd horh tips, Hyoscvamus, or henhane Ie»f, f for niiaiit^cture of corsets ottly. *i tii O >f. y '/ India-rubber, unmama&ct^red, ' ' . ' . - IiU>iAN HEMt>' (crude drug)i • * ■ UoioOf , \ . Iris, ohis roo^ , . * . . "* IstLK or tanjpico fibre, JvoRY 4^d ivory tiuts, unmaivttfiictured, IpHY VEiljSE^s, sawtt oftlr^ il6t planed nor polished, . Iron MASts for ships, or parts t^- * ^ ^ ' ■ • . ' . * Jalap, root, ItTNi&ioM, - ,. JUTE-BUTta^ Kklp» ■■ " "^ , ' KMou-n, ' .... LAc-H]ye, crude, seed, button, stick axt^ sjSeU, Lava, unmanufactured^ » . ' ' V ' • - • ^LiiECHES, LioMiicE root; . , , ' ^' I4THARG1L ' -4 Litmus and all lichens, prepared Afid not prepared^ . ti >. Lemons and rinds of, in brine, for candying, ^ LOQS, and round un^l^ufactured timfaer^^not dsiewhere provide^ f<>r, LUMBlER and- timber, plank and boards, sawn, of boxWood, chen^, walnut, chestnut, mahogany, pitch pine, rosewood, sandalwood, Spanish cedar, oak, hiqkory and «Hbitewae^ not shap^,' planed or otherwise * manufactured, ■ ^ *' V ' . SpaiUsh Cedar of the usual length (about 8 ft.]| ciit by circular l^Ue— not saWi^is held to coine ui|der the item Lumber, &c., Locomotives and railway |tassenger, baggage md friti^ cars, being ,the . pvqgperty of railway comp^inies in the United States, running upon anylineofitoadcrossiittthefrimtier, so Uxalf as Canadian locomo- , tives and cars are admitt^ ft««r undejr similar circumstances in the United States, under rqiulationstto, be p)«scribed.by the Minister ot 'Cnstbms, . - . * Kadprr and oitmjeet, or indiaii madsler, ground or prepared, and all es- , trac^ of. J' t» V 8S •_ ^-.■jm'fs,'K'f^^>^ii-^.t^\f, - TARirr ar customs or I ■■■.■; PAnrriNGS, in oil, by artists of well'known Manilla grass, Mepals of gold, silver or copper . Meerschaum, crude or raw, '^ / Mineralogy, specimens of, MoD&i.s of inventions and other Improvetnoits in the arts ; but no iltiele, , or articles shall be deemed a mod(^| or improvement which cixk be ' fitted /or use, ' Mqss, Icelapd and other mosses, crude. Moss, seaiweed, and. all other vegetable substances used for beds and mat- tresses, intheir natural $tate^ or on|iy cleaned, . . MenageriiCS— horses, cattle, carriages, and harnesses of, under inflation* to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs, Nitrate or Sqda, m cuImc nitre, NutGallSj ' Newspapers received by mail, •Nickel,;' ^^-r-;- :. ■ Oak BAtHC, Oakum, Oil cake, cotton ^eed cake, palm nut cake and meal, Oils, cDcoanut and palm, in their natural istate, ^ Oranges and rinds of, in luine, for candying. Ores j g;^ ■}-:■' i- . -■ n '.*■ -"*■" -: ■ "V. ,? ^jK-ml a-f \-'^-^;'i^ -"fi* c ^ ' ■" /* J£- '-*. i » - -^ »' \, y:^- ^ 1 \- ^w- - " 4:^. . \, \ * * / •„ — i^.fi, u \ II.' / r n ^ z^' ' ' * /" \V fl <3-, * , I' » \ * .'iW THS DOMINION OF CJMADA, S8 Rattans anfi reeds, unmanufactured TlENNET, raw or prepared, ' -■■, Resin, , ■^ ^'i ' Rhubarb root,] .^: v ^ V : Salt, imported from the United Kingdom or any British possession o*' imported for the use of the sea or gulf fisheries^ • v. Saffron and sai^ower, and extract of, \ ' • >• \ Saffron flowsi^ •Sal AiiiMqmM:, lSal' $oda,V._^ ^ ibiod, twisted or id silk waste, Sand, Sea-weed, "not elsewhere specified. Sea-grass, , Seni<}a, in leaves, Si LEX, or crystalized quartz, , Silk, raw or as reeled from tj[ie cocoon, not boieg d advanced in manufacture in any way, silk cocoons Ski^S, undressed, dried) salted or pickled, SObA ASH, ' • , Soda, caustic. , ' " ' ■ * • Soda, silicate of, - - ' , " . -r Settlers' effects, viz. :— Wiearing apparel, ,househdld|fulniture, profes^ sional books, implements and took of trade, occupal on or employe J ' ment, which the settler has had in Actual use for at lea it six months before removal to Canada, nojt to include thachinery, ( r live stock • article^ imported for use in any manufacturing establi hment, or ,sale ; provided that any dutiable' article entered as s jttlers' eif«a shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of without pay nent of dui , "until after two years' actual use in Canada. - Until' the first day of January, 1881, steel in ingots, bars, shtets and coi railway bars or rails and fish-plates, shall bfffree of dity. Sulphur, in (toll or flour, ' * T'AiLS, undressed, ' Tampico, white and bla - Whale-oil^ in casks^from on shipboard, and in the condition in which \J/ w{^ ^t landed, * Willow f(» b;^(it^0iaken, • Wm£ RIGGING for ships and vessels, ^ ' Wool unnoanufactured, hair of th6 alpaca, goat and other Kite animals Woolxen Rag^ ^ YbluW Metal» ih boks, bars, and for sheathing. ./ ' SCHEDTJLE C. .GOODS' fhI:e in the casbs therein mentioned. • ■ .- •>' J ^ The following atticldll when the natural products, or the manufactured of the roJfr - - - coloriy of {Newfoundland, viz : — Fi4h, fresh, dried, salted or smoked^,^ Fish-oil and dXi prodi|C(s iii&s\i,y \ ^ Seal-oil, „ * Animals of all kinds. ", The foHbwing articles shall be prohibited tt> be imported under a penalty of ^ " two hundred doHlacs, together y^rith the forfeiture of the parcel orpack- . ^ age of goods in which the s4me may be found, viz. : — •» . BtJDk^ijgcinted pafeti, drawings, {ttintings/pnnts, photographs or represen- ts tiAiortsof an'ykindof.a treasonaUc^r seditious, or of ^n immorftlor indecent character. ''^* . ' ., ' f ' ' Coin, base or counterfeit. . "' \ " " ' ." '\ i; Y»* '^'i^m X >^ 'n the '^«. > 1 :y of ack- 6en' llor THB Doifiirioy of canada.\ ■ . \ ■■r M '^i-a> EXCISE DUTIES. Malt.. .V . ./ TobaccOv. Spirits.; .. .!. Canada Leaf TobacC4)i . , Foreign ♦• " Vinegar . . Cigars "Wff »• • MelWyrated Spirits $i.oo yfiP ic. p^^ ^ C ,«! Pint do. 30c. " ^" Brandy and WWiskey, in flwks— Flaskii, Casts 2 doten Wch, 30c. per doz. Case- 20c »■ 80c. . A . Half Flasks, Cases 4 dozen each, asc, per dozen, Caie, 20c. » $1.30. Flasks with Cups Cases, 2 dpz. each, 4cx:. per doz., Case,2oc.«$i.oo. Half Cases, 4 dozen each, 30c. per doz., Case, 2oc>'$i4a These Flasks, in former lists, were considerably overvalued. Brandy and Whiskey, Puns. $9.00 ; Hhds. $4.00 j^ttarter Casks, $3.00 ; Octaves, $1.50 ; Half Octaves, f I.00 ; Quart Bottles, i dozen *ach, 4qc, Case, 2o.=6oc, . ^"^'/f?^ $6.«j0^j Hhd^ $4.00; Qujirter Casks, $3.00; Octaves, $1.50; Half Octaves* f^.oo; Red Cases, 80c. each; and Green Cases, ^* each.' ' •', Hams, dry pgck^ tierces, 40c. each. * ^ Hops— Balesi 60c. and $1.00 each, according to sia^ l^liidi hemg always ku-ger than American bales. - ~^ ' /TK^f. TAktWF OF OUBTOMS OF LARb, pails and buckets, I sc. each, i Tins and tin cups, 3 lbs. 5c eacli, and 5 lbs. 7 He. each. Old Tom, Quarter Casks, $3.00; Quart Bottles, 1 dozen, 40c.; Case, 20c. ■•60c. - . , Rum, Puns. $6.00 ; Hhds. i^ott; Quarter Casks, $3,00$ Octaves, $1.50 ; Half Octaves, $i;oq ; Quart Bottles, i doten, 40c. ; Case, 20c. Salt, glass jars, 35c per doz. . - Soap, common, boMS I04^ each. Ca*tile do. loc. each. WiNESt^ns. $6,00 ; Hhd. S«h» i Quarter Casks, $3.90 ; Octaves, $i.to ; Hdf Octaves, $1.00 j .Quart Bottles, 1 dozen each, 40c., Case, aoc- -ooc. Wines, Sparkling, Quajrt Bottles, i dozen, each 60c., Case, 25c. ; Pint Bot- tles, 2 dozen^v^iK;,' Case, 25c. *1 " ' ViKEGAR, Hhds.$4.oo ; Quarter'Ca8ks,$3.oof Xiuart BolUes, i dozeh,each 40c; Case, 20c.=!6fac.; Demijohns, 5 gallons, 35c. eaqh ; sgallons, 20c. each^ 2 gallons^ 1^. each ; i gallon, ipc each ; Half galnn, ^c. each. Al^, Beer anR 1*orter, barrels containing bottled, ale and porter are consideci^d packages for exportation only, and therefore free of duty. MEMO.'S FOR IMPORTERS. AFfli^AviTS^T-In all casd^ in which affidavits ax€ made on an entry to cover lhe«llMissioii ^f goods at special rates for special purposes— such As " ■ coHii^e for ship* purposes, coutille and horn strips lor corset manufac- ture— the Entry Clerk should attsich a metnowyidum of the fact to the invoice for the inrted for such specialises, such as for the " fisheries" for **Aips uie, corset midcing, ate.," the importer's own affidavit should. ded&a« that they will be actually used for. such purpose and none othet.' DiSCOtJNTS FOR Cash.— Invoices of 0ry Goods repreiientine less than a ■ .credit of 66 days shall be considered cash values, and shall be subject i^ to sufch additioti^ as may be necessary to bring th«m to the fair market cre4>.■" -Si 1 ' . .", • , > ' f « ■""..' *'-.r' ' .«« 28 tif brass.' paper, and sl^ich lilce, considerable difficulty and time would be saved by adoptiiig this pl&n. •. ~^ /■ "^"'1 ■WSf*si%'*'B<^'*-'W*** •♦V' < ^ TBS DOMINION Oi OASADA. 8T Making up Charges clearly form part of the value of goods for duty. " Trade DISCOUNTS are those discounts which are allowed to the trade gen- erally and known as such in the acceptation of the termi These are the only discounts allowed by the Customs. Special discounts, or those which are allowed to some importers to induce them to increase their purchase, or which are allowed as discriminating in favor of purchasers from the Dominion are not allowed by the Customs. Numbers on Cases— AlL-cases should be numbered distinctly and the mvoice marked the same. This relates more particularly to American goods coming'in to Canada. ^^ElGHTS.--Importers should be particular and give special instructions^ that the weight of goods is put on th« invoice by the party selling the goods. \i IS »i6t the duty of the Customs officers to weigh the goods for Ute importer before the entry is.made. JFtoREiGN Currencies.— Ift«pices,representingforeigndepreciatedcurrencie» should be accompanie|% an affidavit by the shipper before the British Lonsul at l;he place (Mirchase, as to the fact of^ the purchase having been made tn said cugBrtEV, and a certificate from the Consul as to the , value of said (iurrencf at the time. e SHIPPING GoodstOMani-toba.— (I) Make three copies of invoices. (3) Take one copy of invoice to Custmn-house and have certified on the face tha| the goods are either Canadkin manufacture or duty paid, and be particular to have tj stamped with the Customs' official seal. (3) • bend the certified co^y and otte other by mail to the consignee. (4) Hand the remaining ccrny of the invoice to the company carrying the goods to accpmpany tHim. r j t e, Shipping Goods from Canada. 'to Foreign Ports.— Make a regular outward entry. * RftMANiFESTiNG («oODS.— Duplicate papers are made out, stamped and signed ^ the CuSto>n-hA|e. These papers are then given to the Cus- . toms Officer in charge oT the goods, who send^hem on with the goods. f/ ^T ^'"'Portf « rctunain^ goo^s to the United States for the puipose I "?^'"S anything done to them, and said goods to be returned ; should always have thp Appraiser view them, so that a memo, can be taken, and the goods iden^ifted when they come back. f 6r conlpatiog the' a certain size. • Rule.'— Fihd th^ .'Sgmres below the widl ExAMPLE.-v'Size ||£v. 28 in. The figures unOTtf tiplied by weight of sampled 81m of Skinple. Iiieh«s. «X6 exist 8x18 1SX12 SO 90 21 n I w sa If a 88 a yard when you have the weight of sample the sampleC then^'mttltiplv the weight by the dpd opposite the size of"^ sample, in. hy 12 in., weight 2 oz., width of goods, - and opposite 6 x 12 a.e 14, which mul- 14 X 2a28oz. to yard. *«. '- ■ ■ ' 'U 84 86 86 ar 87 80 M SO » i«L XL 88 a. 88 S^ 84 ii^ 86 ti- M J»- ■u U 8 6 m 18 9 < 14 "I ■3 8U 16 11 2 84} 18 12 8 ■3 27 18 ^, ■ / 'tw-. ft' IP '^* 1 -_ 8^ TARIFF OS CL8T03ISOF I - I .. . ' ' l ip" ■*■ / CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS FOR ENTRIES. SItOWINO THE HCABINGS WHICH GOODS ARE CLASSED UNDER. Ale, Beer and Porter In Bottles • • ; Ctl'i. ** ** CmIcs •' ..■•• , ^er'Ale.; ■ ••••' •••• *•'* Ifng, vli': ,..' !>rneu CattliB .•..«•.••«.. srsefl ,.•.••••••...•..*.......•••.•»...•• fieep. ,....,..,........••.. ' • • Iwine.., mil. other not elaewhore specified.. Baking Powden .... ■•.••••«.......... ^illard Tables, vis.i Without pockets, 4^ by 9 ft . " 5 by 10 ft With pockets, 5>i by 11 ft ...... ^ i^ .^^ •i***..WO. . .... .............. <4 '4 5« by II 6 by 13 ft. ti Blacking (shoe)..... Bhicklead.. ..- • Books, printed ; Periodtdfjs and Pamphlets, bound or in sheets, *c Lbs, British Copyrighyiirorks, reprinu of... Bibles, Prayer B^ks, Psalm and Hymn Books ^ Books, Periodicals, Ac., imported through ihe Post Office. .....Lbfc Blank Books, bound or in sheet..... •• f , Printed, Lithographed or Copper or Steel Plates, Bill-heads, Checques, j ^^ '. Receipts, Drafts, Ac Ac. "*"m Advertising Pamphlets ". Na — — Maps and Charts • •♦ Printed Music e .......... ..Lbs. ' Book-binders' Tools and Implements, including Rulihg Machmex, &c $ 'Brass and ManuGsctnres of : r, ^ OldandSciap. Cwt. Seamless drawn tubing and plain fancy tubing , ^^ Bars, Bolto and Sheets. • • •■■, ,, ' Wire, round or flat". . « Wire Cloth .....,» 9 , Manufactures o ♦ •■♦ — * • i Rice. Rice and Sago Flour. .Lbs. ILV OW CANADA, fy«-; ......I,.*.......,......,.. ....4..........Biuh. •' nc«i r lour . •••••••••*_••••■ •••••••• ^ •••««•» «« ,-, •••ry*>..f ^.-i « « * « • Uiiito All other no^lKwbtre provided for. ..................... .#,.,. . . . .$ Srick and Tiles t rire oricK. .••.•..■..••%,..•..... ........••,... i .»••'........'., «S TIath ** ' • ■ ' ' ii iinff Br! Drainfile, and Drain Pipe* an* Sewer Pipe*........ i^.,U....Uv. Ho.' Roofine and other Tilet ; ..,.....». ^^TT. . . . V . . v . . $ "Brootnt of all kind*. :'^, , , . *,.,,, , •• oru^nes ...•.*...... ..•..•... ...i. •••.«...■...,,,.,., j.,-,". Buttons ' ....A........... ...i... . i o. ,.,..,, •* ^****le»-*Tlailottr. ...,,..,.. -, , . , , .,.,;, ,. , iLbf, , - » aranne wax. ..«..•...•.•.••.•.«.,,,,.,........ ••■■ AH other including Sperm..-.. .'..................,.,<• ■Carriages and parU of Carriages. , .....$ *^" '^ay V'Srs .•■..•.. •..••..•........•.........•....•..••..,,,.... Railway Carriages— passengers , ., •• Sleighs, Waggons, Wheelbarrows and oth •••••••••••• Saunless drawn tubing Wire, round or flat .. . WireCloth ,....; ...,....$ All other Manu&ctures of, not elsewhere specified .$ f rf ■l l »lll * » ■»■■■■■■■■■■■ '■ : — ■•*• •••••••I Cwt • • •••••••< ta •••••• ••*•■'*••*■• a««a. • a • • • • I Cordage for sfaip^s purposes Cordage all other. .. . Corks and Cork-wood, or Cork-bark manufkctuied . . L.bs. Hosiery, shirts and drawers, woven or made on frames , .$ Sewing Thread on spools .,..*. ** Sewing Thread in hanks ................ .... .... " ^ Cotton duck, when to be used for boats' and ships' sails. . .,.'..... " Clothing, or of which cotton is the component part of chief value, in- I ,< eluding corsela ..?.... \ Cotton nettmg for boots, shoes and gloves ..." Pranella for boots and shoes. " All other Manufactures of, not elsewhere specified . .' * Crocibles ^ .................... ^ . No. .Drugs, I^res, Chemicals and Medicines : Acids— _^ ■ , Acetic...........^......... ...^~. Lbs. ASuriA'ic •■•••••••■•■••••••*••••••••■■•■■••*••*•••••■•••■ Nitric " >, Sulphuric *' * - All other not elsewhere specified '* Collodion .......... •* Gellatine and all similar preparations... " Glue •• Glycerine ..!.. ..,.. " Gums : Assafoetida... i~. .............. Lhs. Camphor. ... " Opium " Infants^food ..,, ^ Ldme and Liemon Juice. >. Lime^ Acetate of ......Lbs. Liquorice Juice and' paste 0I' in rolk " Magnesia.... .........* " Mercury ...^v.... :...... " • Morphine .^.. ....^ ••••••• ••• . Or» Opium, prepared for smoking. Lbs. Patent Medicines, in liquid form .$ " „allothernot otherwise provided for... ...." Potassa or Potash : Bicarbonate or Saleratus.. ,.Lbs> . Nitrate of Saltpetre......... " Quinine Sulphate of Qz. %«da— Bircarbonate of . < Lbs. Sumac , •* All other Drugs, Dyes and Chemicals, &c., not otherwise provided for. .( \' ME DOMINION or CANADA. 411 << ■I Earthenware and China : Drown or colored Earthen and Sl:oneware, and KockinRham ware.. ..'9- White Granite or Ironatbne ware, and CC. or Cream culored ware. . • . '* China and Porcelain ware /........ .^j, ^ • • • ** All other Earthenware and Crockery '* Embroideries, not otherwiie providetl for/ .^.. .'^ ..." Ensences, viz. { of Apple, Pear, Pine Apple, &c , . . . .^ Gals. Excelsior for upholsterers' use .....^../... ...$• Fancy Goods, viz. : Alabaster, Spar, Bronze, Terra Cotta, or composition ornaments .9 Beads and Bead ornaments / ;... •.»•• Boxes Fancy, Ornamental /Cases and Writing Desks >**'• Combs and manufactures of Bone, Shell, Horn and Ivory ......." -■ ■ Coral Cut or manufacturer . . . , . ». " Fans' and Fii'e Screens . y •••. . Flowers, Artincial ....i k ,....*..... Feathers, Ostrich and Vulture undressed .' " Do. ^w do. / dressed •••. Gold and Silver Cloth, Tassels, Thread, &c. .....^ ....**° ' Ivory or Bone Dice/Draughts, Chessmen, &c. ......" *. Milhnery not elsewhere provided for ............. . ... ...."" Toys, wooden and other. ......" All other not elsewhere specified t *' Felt for roofing ....••./....... •* •* ..,.';•.'••• • All other not dsewhere specifiew. ...... . «• Lbt. Salted or Smoked \ t^\ ...*..< ...... Oysters iti/Cans— fresh , ,...■,.'.. .-.. " Oysters inresKfrved '* •Lobsteis preserved ^. " Other^reserved in oil.. ....;....'....,,. .....$^ Flax manufactures of, viz. : Canvas of flax or hemp when to be used for boats' and sliips' sails ...... $• . Sail twine " " ' '' Lbs. Fibre, scutched .i , " Fibre, hackled .••••. " .Tow of, scutched or green " Twines manufactured of^ Flax", N. E. S * • • • • " Linens, hrown or bleached Yds.- . Linen Duck, Canvas, Diapers, Huckabacks, or other manufactures | * of Flax, not elsewhere specified •..• ........... .^ 1 Linen, clothing or articles worn by men. Women or children '* Linen thread : ^ Lbs. Fruits, including Nuts : Dried — Apples ;....' Lbi.- Curiants, Zante, or other .. . ** Dates. " Figs " sCcgnes aiid Pluots ^ " Raisins '• • " All other not elsewhere specified ". " Almonds shelled , " " notshelled " Filberts and Walnuts...'. ....... .,.. **' All other not elsewhere specified ....... *•' 4t TARiwr OF ovsrofis of ( '■jf.- rr^^: Buft. it « PnUu— Green, vii. : > Apple* .4 Brb. Bfadcberries, GooNberriek. RMpberriei ami Sirawlwrrics.. Quarts. Cherriet and CarnuiU.... CiaBberriea, Plunu aad Qainces Grapet .....777. , ^**'''** » i •......, Bneh. Orange* and Lemons.... ../. f All cither not elsewhere spiktlfied^. •• Fruiu in air-tight cans, swMtened..,.. Lbs. Ho. dOi not sweetened " « ... . droits prtserred in Brandy or other spirits... .* Gals. Fun and Manufactures of, viz, : Fur Skins drwsed , $ ^. CaiM, Hats, Mu(&, &c., and other maniifiwturtt of fun •• Obtfes and Manufactures of : Carboys, demijohns, pressed bottles, flasks and phials, telegiaph and lightniiv rod insttlatorm froitjars and glass balls.... .7...... ., Lamp and ns-ligbt shades, hwipa and lamp chimneys, globes fol ' . y/ . lanterns, lamps and gas-Ughts .^. • Omaroenlal, f^red and enamelled stained glass Stained, tinted, painted and vitrified glass and sUined glass win. J dows ; figured, enamelled and ob«:ured white glaM ;t Common and colorless window riass. Colored glass, not figured, painted, eMunelled or engrtived. . . . . . Plate-glass, silvered............... ;. . ..^..^^v.... Do, not silvered ....:..<,...,.... ."..... All other glasp and manufactures of glass, not otherwise toiovided for Gold and Silver, manufactures of : Laces, knots, stars, embroideries, Ac, of gold and silver. . . . Manufiictures of Gokl and Silver not otherwise specified Electro-plated ware-and gilt ware of all kinds.'. . . . Silver-rolled ., /! ..'",■:.....'. ..„ . Silver coin of, United Sutis ,•, . . ; Grease, and Grease S^p^ except for the mannfiurture of Soap Gunpowder and other explosives : -'/■ Gun, rifle and sporting powder, in kegs, U keg?, or X kew, Ac . . Cannon and Musket powder in kegs and brls. ..... • ,; Cannister powder, iu pound and half pound tins ....!; •• * Blasting and tnining powder....... |j " «• Giant powder, dualiUf dynamite, and other explosives in which niuo- ) „ ^IjTcerine ^ a constituent part .-, | ..»^. Nitiorglycerine .................... ..,..., «* .-". Gun and pistol cartridges. I No. Gutta Percha and India-rubber, manu&ctuies of : Boots and shoes... . Belting .• Clothing . Hose and tubing ....:..... All Other ,. Hair and manufactures of, not otherwise provided for : Bracelets, braids, chains, &c., &c .. $ x; Curled hair....... ;.. Lbs. Hair-doth and seatings. .........;............ .............. $ Other manufiictures o^ N. E. S ........'. •< Hats, caps and bonnets, not ehiewhere specified : . Be^veri silk or ielt. , v> . ; .......: $ Straw, grass, chip, or other material. ... . '. " Another. ........... . • «• $ Lbs. Ubfc >••••• •••••••••a • t m 9 op. ••• • • ^ • • . , Pairs. . . . • ^ I «... I «r*. u - .,,* / ■i^mM '■^1- • TUBDOMiNION OF CANADA. 41 flatten pluih of silk or cotton • ••$ HoW • ...;.r... >..... ..Lbs. Hops:....... " Ink, writinff ..^...... ..........$ Printing * • • . ** Iron and manufactures of, and Steel and manufactures of : ^ ^* Agricultural Implements not elsewhere specified f AnvUs.,.. ...Cwt. Band and hoop-iron, Na 17 gauge or thinner.. . . do do thicker than No. 1 7 gauge.. . B'%rs, rolled or hammered, including flats, rounds and squares .... 'lt.ir-!roii. other, in slabs blooms, loops, Ac, &c is(iilcr*pMt6 •*•••••.••••••»•*•-•••••••■•'••••••••• ••■ Holts, wrashers and rivets "_ « . Bedsteads and dther iron fumitnie and ornamental iron work ........••«•$ Canada plates • .......... ..Cwt Car wheels and axles.. » •••'•• '•••• " Castings of every description not elsewhere s|iecified. . . , . . .$ Cast iron, gas, water and soil (iipes. ^. ....." Chain cables over % an inch in diam. whether shackle or swivielled | q^^ or not...........'..'..... S .Chains and cables all other..... Cultivators and ploughs.... ,.9 Engines, Locomotive ......>. . . . '. No. . ^Fire.. . ...... " Other and boilers.. • 9 Fire Extinguishers (chemical) • . . ..^ . Na Hardware, vis: Builders, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, Carriage) ^ Makers, Saddlers and Underukers ., S Hardware not elsewhere spiecifred, .......,.;........... HoUow.ware, tiniied, glased or enamelled — ., Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails.- ^^ Iron bridges and sectoral iron-work >.. ..Cwt '^ Iron not otherwise provided for.... ...;..... " I^cks of all kinds ■ .■ .•«$ Machines and Machinery, Ac: Sewing Machines........ ...N«i. Mowing and Reapli^ Machines.. . Threshing Machmw. ..<... ^ •^ Middlings, purifier .4..^*. '.. " All other Machinery composed wholly or in pan of iron, N.E.S..$ Malleable iron Castings. .^. . . • . . Mill-irons and Mill cranks, and wrought forgings for Mills and Loco- 1 „ I ..... , 4( M' 4< it motiv«9»-or fhrts there of, weighing a5.pound& or more. Nail and spike rods. .....»>.. • Nails, Hungwrianandclo9t. Nails, iron wire, " Point4 de Paris,". ^ Nails, spikes and sheathing nails, composition Nails and spikes, wrought and pressed .... Nails and spikes, cut ...'•• i^ lies •••••••• •••••••■••^■•••••••'^•••••••« ••••'•■••• Old 9xA so!ftp*iroii • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••' Railway bars or iron rails for nulways or tramways — Railway fish plates, frogs, frog points, chairs and finger bars. Rolled beams, channels sod angle and T iron. . . ......... . . .Cwt .....Lbc I . . . . (< ' •• • • . . .Tons. t . • . . VrfWl. • rt /' 44 TAMtFF or OUSTOMa 'C^ cwt at Steel, Rolled, raond wire rodii^ ooili, nn^ler >< Jnc^ Safee and doon for Mfet alid vanltt. ..»..../•. Screws, iron and Weel ^ Lbe. Scalea, balances and welkhinff beam....... .....$ Shaet-inm. smoothed or polished, coated or ffalvaniied, and common ) ^ . or black. No. 17 gauge and thinner. \ ^** do do thicker than No. 17 gaoge, *■ Skates, iron or steel.. Pairs. ' Stores..... .^..4... Numher, Tacks, brads and sprigs............ j....... ..........$ I in plates. ..i..^. .....••..«, •,•«.,.,,,, , , Cwt. Tubing, drawn boiler •* Wire, Iron and steel " Wirerope. strand or chain made of Ann wire «• wire work other. ..,...,.,.. ^ I. J AManudsctnrea of iron all other, not otherwise provided fw.. ............" inuftctttres of ^ ' Pen knires, {ack knires, and pocket knives of all kinds- .,. $ - AH other Cutlery. . ............% ^ , .^Ji , ', , •• ' Files and rasps u Locomotive tires of steel or Bessemer steel in the rough Cwt Muskets, rifles, and otii^^iire anns^ $ I • • • • I iJ 't Ivory, Jellies Needles, knitting, and all other Shovels, spadiss, hoes, forks and rakes. . . Sumcal instmmenU. . . ,.....- Tools, edge and mechanics' : Axes. Scythes...... Carpenters, coopers, cabinet makers, and all other mechanics' toob.... , Edge tools, not elsewhere specified. . . . iJ.v KnOSi blades or knife bUnks, in the rough, unhandled, for use by elec- 1 „ wv~pi^*cni •••••••••••••••••■.•••••••«•«•',••«.•,,,,•••••••• J All manufactures of steel and of iron and steel, nof otherwise specified. . " maanfitctuKso^ not otherwise provided for. , •» Jet, mannfiwtures of '•• Jewellery, of gold, silver or other metal, or imiutions 'of . . . ^ , . . •* Jut^ manu&ctures of . . , , j '". Ktead and manufactures of t {^d and scrap. CwL Pigs, bars, blocks and sheets.... U " Shol^ : ; " Manuftctnres.o^ nothiNherwise provklM for. ........... $ Leather and manulactttii^ of : Do Boot an4 Shoe coimters made from....... Pairs. Sole leather, tannM, but rough or undressed . . . Lbsr Sole leather and belting leather, tanned but not waxed ..>... ./)! «• Do do\ dressed and waxed ,.>..'• Upper Leather \ 46 do ...... A... " Upper Leather not dre«sed and waxed... ii .. ♦♦ fapaned, patent, wenaakUed leather. . ■ f M^ncco Skini, tanned, b^t rough and undressed An other leather and skins\t»nned, N. E. S..^. ....... :? / :' c ■.:^' / T- t^mdomL DOMmOK OF OAJTAPA. 4r ' ♦^l-j.' MajtMiCMttum of, vii t '- j '" '* f- Uouti BJid Shoca. Pftin. HanMfif aM Salddlerv * | Glovca kiid Mitia of kid and iMthcr " (.cither Bcltingl •••«• " All other manufpcturet of loilher, not otherwise provided fur " BrU. Lime. Lithographic Stones, notiengrav Macmne card clothinc. .,. . . . . * . Malt......... I Lbt. !» Marble and nuuinlactures of t Blocks from the quarry, in\the fough or sawn on two sides only and not specialty thap^i, cont^Jnins 15 cub. ft or over \ Slabs sawn on not more thate two sides.^ . ; . . ; ** Blocks and Sbba, sawn on i^re than two sides.............. *• ManufiMtures of, not elsewto« specified.... *« Mab and Mating of cocoa or coir, jio^ grass, kc, not otherwise pn^rided for. . . . *• Metal, n6t elsewhere s|}cdified and manu&ctures of I J^DDIC MCIU I ••••••••••••■••■(.••••••«*4*»«a»«sa*»»*4«»««««t««k««* 9 Britannia and manufactures of.... ^.. ..k. <....'.i.. " Bronze or Dutch Metal ..-..>. '* Phosphor broite, in Uodu, bars, sheets luid wire..,. ^.. " " Gas, Coal Oil and Kerosene fixtures or parU thereof. $ Gmrman Sliver, manufactures of.. .... " German Silvdr in sheeu. •• Japanned warw of all kinds, not otherwise provided for. " Stereotype^^and Electrotypes of standard bookn. " Stereotypes and Electro^rpes for commercial blanks and advertisements " Type for print No. \ TVpe metal.... \ .:. " V Pewter, Platina and metal composition, not otherwise provided fur . " Mineral substiinees not otherwise provided for : Meerschaum; madufactures of ^, $ \ Mineral and Utuminpus snbatancet, not otherwise provided for. ........ " \ Plumbago. .\ " V Do manufactures of. " Mineral and Mnttd Waters. . . .\ " Musical Instruments^ vif : 6i]ganii, Cabinet : \ Reed Organs haviiw not more than two sets of Teeda \ i *' h*vin§^ over two and not over four " \ " having ...,,. " Olive or Salad Vwetable Oil, not otherwise specified " Volatile or Essential Oils. '* .AH other oils, not elsewhere specified....*.... *•■■ " Oil Cloth for floors, stamped, painted or printed , Sq. Yds' PMck«g«s • • • • • ••• • $ Paintii^, diteiHnga, engjraVings and prints. '* Paints and Colors : Ground in oil or in any other Hq«id. ^LIm. White immI Red Lead, dry Kivdopes, Paper Mach^, manttfiKturers, articles and wares of, not i ^ otherwise provided for. ) ^ »&< 9 ■ • sV • • 4 '<• « .... I >( PrintiiiK Preaacs of all kiii^s. , all (Hher. «a than ten JL,;,, • • • »L« I J \ Printii Wrap All kmds not elsewhere specified. $ lis and Umbrellas <...... * $ PttMsils^ lend, in wood or otherwise ; .Gross. PMrfitturar, vis: >^ Hair oil, tooth and other powders and washes, pomatums, pastes, &c. . . $ Pickloi i^i^oesaflddipers of all kinds, not otherwise provided for Plants, vis .Fraits, dwde^ lawn and ornamental trees, «hmlM and plants ........ " Plaster of Parff, or Gypmm, ground/.....^. ....^... Lbs. naster of Puis^calciiicd or manufactured. . ..«.....;........... " Plates, engiaved W wood and on steel or on other metal ** PoiMdes, Frendi or flower odors, &&, imported in tins of not less than ten poondseach * ..! '• ■ ■ ■' "V . \ • ' -.r #: . ■■' A ■ • , • .''■■■ .' '•■■ •'* TBM DOMimON or C4NADA. 4J % ^ • ' ' " ' ' • I • .' ' , ■ < ■ ~ Proriiioiu, not otberwiae specified t . Ni^ ^ outier ...,,,, , « , ........,, 4'. , , Lbs. C#ncefle. •••.»••••••••...••»,,»•,,,,.,,,; ., , >,!• Lard, tried or rendered.... ............ ..!!"!!!.! •• mIIuT!^ " • .........: ; - Bacon and Hainsp shoulder and lideff. . .. Lh« \ •■CCl ••*•••■■•••••••••■••»«;•■•••• ••••■'.,' ai***!.* ** grtim^tof meat..... ..V.. '..'.W. $ Mutton ;,.. ,...; ......the. '" i.°. * * *•' •••• t..^.^.. ,'i."..,. ...** Poultry, dre«Md or undr«»ed;. ;. • Prepared Meats, game and poultry, sealed or unsealed, in CUM ) I or otherwise ( ', Otheir Meats not elsewhere specified .•''.''".*.'.*..'..'.'.*.*.. •• Beef imported to be cured or preserved in bond for exportation... '•• " Pork •* ; •♦ 4« '^ ,, Pumice Stone, ground or powdered....^..... ..:........., J.. •* uiiw ., •••••• •....*... f ....... ..^... I, ^^ ••■ atans and Reeds, nMBufactured or partly manufactured ..... . . -, . . VA '- Sails for boata and ships, also tents snd awnings . , ,^l .... ' " * ' <• • Salt, (not imported from Great Britain 01 Hritish posKeKsion oMttjiea or Guff * In*bulk ^..... ...f... .Lbs. - In bags, barrels or other packages .. .' ,. ' « Sand paper, ^glass and emery paper ..9 ., ".....'...'.. C Sausage casings. . _ ' '"" f^ Seed, vizi ........... .^ ^ "** seeti. ..■•...,. .Bush >■ Flower, gardeit, field and other seeds for agricultural purposes, when in bulk or in large parcels.. e to,. 7 «n small papers or paiteb. •* Bulbous roots.. 1r... ^^ " Ships, and other vessels, built in any foreign country. ' " '"" u. ^'ioSts.srS.T- .,.,^:;...::;::::: •. Braids, laces, fringe and gallons. .«• Dress and piece goods .,^ ' .„ J\IDDOnS. 4» Silk in the gum, not more advknced than shingles, tiam^'andVhrQirti or- ganzme. li«^ Sewing silk and sUk twist. .;.v.*.'.;;;. .r onawis ••••••••••. •••.••^•,,,»,,,t,,,,,,,^^ ^^ j^ Silk and all manufactmrers of, not otherwise pMvided for or of which siVk ' J "the component part of chief value ..,....$ Slate and Manubcturers of •••••••••••••••• •••.•'••........... •♦ Roofinirslate '•'j-r""-...^....^..,... •• SlalM, square, or m specja shapes ^^'\ ^ Soap, ^"**''*''^"'«=*»'"'*'»**»«-V-------- ••••..;•.. ^^ »^ „ „ Common brown and yellow, not 6erfumed . . . ' n^ Castile aiwl «rh:»* " |«Jiiuu.BU ••••• •..;^. ....,..*... ..Lbs,. Ferfiimedor toilet.................... ,,.........>..,..; * 1 "V- .^, •"'../ rMirw or ounoiu or 0)ilgtr and tpkw of all klikl* (racvpl hmiimk and mace) ungronnJ, . . Lba. Oiagmrand " grawad " NtttaMaa and BUM .).... < " Jpiriu aMl Winw I SpiriU and *nmg wattn, not kavinf bam awMtamd or miiad with My artick bo thai iha d w aa of ttrttHph tharauf cannot b« aacartaincd r, vu. I hf Svka'a HjrditMMtar, vU. OtMva |{ii aad Old To Gla, •« 4« ^ Spirit* unamiafMrMad, not awfttanad or miMd, ftc. Spirit* iwwtaMd and mlMd a» tkat iIm Miwgtli cannot ba aacartainad ^ Cotdkila, nini*ihntb, hitttra, Ite. . ; . . . G«li«. Spirits and alrotig walcn not ciatwiMrta upacillad " Propria taty ll adidnaa^ 4c, «oiii^ andtr tha dtaigiMitiun of " tpiriU CokgM «al«r and patfaoMd aplriu in bottlaa or ilaalM not waighiaig | ^^)^ Bologna wnlar aad p>rft— ad apirito in bottlaa, flanka, ftc, wdghlag | ^ aaota tluta 4 '«moaa aach ( iRTtaaaofall kinda, ama ^liag wiaaa, inchiding cingar, orange, laofMM, atmwbfrry, mapbarr} "v ?n{ cwnrant wiaaa < Containing lo i, . / apiriu.,...j.. .....Gala. . •«•••«« •••••« •••a ••••••a ■ • ••••••••• war 97 p.c. . . . •9 " ''''' JO " .... 31 " ...• 33" 34" "30 •• •• 0^ •• CluuBpagna and all othar aparKling winca : In bottka, oontaiaiag aach not RMire than • qnait aad more than a plat la bottlaa coBtaiaiag aot bkm« thaa a pint and more than half apfaiti- ••• la bottlaa cootainiag oaa half pint each or Icaa « ' over a6 >c *• it a «• «9 M 30 ♦ • 3» 3« 4< <• 33 • < 34 • • t< 51 <• %i • t 3l • • lA •« « ..... .... ••..■• ...... ......*.....■.......•.. ..... ................. ........a k... . . a . i <4 « It • « « • < M t( •« t< . Dos. I ...... I *' " ~BMreihaaoae quart aa«b....... " fipoagea. > . . i'f ^, v $ fitarra, iaclodingCuiaa, cora atardi, Ae., Ac............... .v. ...... L4>a. jStatJoaary oi all kinda, not auawhcrc apccinad.. . ..9 iUoaa aad ■MaafiKtarca of > Baildiag atoae asoapt nMrbIt t— Drniid IraaHoaa aad all other building atone .............Toaa Rourii " aMdatOMaad " " ...... " Griadatdaeafiaiahad..^:. ...-. " Griadateneaia tha rough.. " Maanfectum of atone oMr graaite, N. E.S. $ i^,!At^.il^uJt^A^ .&«^-t< ./ •. u. k $ «U I TMM DOMimON OF CAMADA, 4» MtnolMtarM dt Mt olhanHN providad l». •muv. Straps and MobuMM > Swnr abov* No 14. !>• S.in qilor . ........ " Mwl to 9 uid not abov* No. 14 B.8. " btlow No. 9. Drii "^ -)M. 8T«p«.a»tj«ko,««ii«l3jr™p.8«g»r-hotti«S7nii»,S3rnipofSugwr( ,. oTSttg^r. Lynipof|ldllMW«orSonhaa» \ Mtl«Hu., ooncmtimtMl MIiUkIo. Qow»itf»t«l Cwm Jule«, coucm- J „ tntcd MoImm*. conomtmtwl B«rf-root Juke and concrete . . . . \ MoImmi, if wm\ for reftnlnf, cUrtfying or rwtifyinc pnrpoMn or 1 or fcr th« RwiraCMtore of Sngwr, when Inportad direct > Gali. from the^oonlry ol growth or production ) *' of growth and production when not imported from the oovntry of growth and production., Molmw, when not m i|Md, when imported from the country or . growth and production yj"":' " oC gro«rth and production when not imported from the • coantry of growth and production. Sugar candy and opoMioaery.... ' 1^ Ghicoae mvp.. . . ... .. t «. . 4. ...,., .;.... .Lw. Tallow....:.- ...........t ...LI* TolMieOO pipes not oUlSn^tM prOiridad fOfe* ee«.e-«ee« eeee *_*.*▼ Tia» Black, itnpdvtcd fiom UjJ|trl<4^ • GrMn and Jii|Mai " ^_ Black, imported " .^Z^Gtmn and Japan ** Tin and Mannbctum of t ^ ^ Btockt, pigJL bar^ plates and iheati ^wt Titairareand all manaGuturesof Tin, N.l^S « .eee •••••9 ■•••••••••• »e«ee eee ae.* • • » • . • • . •• ••aa«,#**ee« •••• •e*»e*e* ••••^••*e^ • •• •■fee* i. •••••! -/• •• •• ••aa«,«'**ee« •••••• •• •••• ••••••♦ ' conntfMSe * 9 1 1»» %•• 9 ••••••••••••• •■^ ••• • ieeeaa*e*ee»a*eae««««e». 14 4« >•«••••• •••••eeei »e**ee»»ee*e**e«< iee*««««< (• •■•• a. •• • ••••». •••••e*««i***«*«e***-**. • Tobacco and nanufacturea of : Cigars and cigarettes DnttH •...'•.*......» All other mannbcturcs of IVpentine, spirits of Tnmlu, satchels, valises and carpet hags. Vnenumerated articles payins ao p.c. ad. valorem duty ▼amish, not elsewhere specified Vcfetablcs, viz. : ^ Potatoes ^^ ■ . Tomatoes ..••••.........•.... SpUt' pease • • nepared or preserved of all kinds, N.E.S. All other not daewheie specified ..........«....••-•••• Lbs. «« , i. ..................... *9 "Gals. !•••■•?•«< BuAh. it vS Via«gar........ .. Gals. vulgar...... . , ...........v'»» v^"'"* ^iTatchM, watch dboVenents and watch cases ;...«.......•.....>.••....• 9 Wax and manufactures of ;^ " 11 Bees-wax, parafine wax, Ac »..LI»». ManufiKtures of, not otherwise provided for. 9 Whipa........; ...•• •*' Woodiuid inanufiwtures of t i rnmitttie, house, cabinet oroiRicc, indoding hair and spring mattraAses, | ., showcases, caskets and coifflna of any material...,. .| Hnbs. spokes, felloes and parU of wheels, rouj^i hewQ or eawn only. . . . " , Shingles.... • ?•. M» Wooucnwan^ pails, tuba and chums. ... ..•• ....9 Manufikctures « olhwwiM provided for,. , , ' Wool, awnnfBctnrct of t ' U^ hluktU • ••••• •••••' *^ CM«i«B«r«, ckKhi, coaltofi, dowkliM, iwitito, «e , ,, FImmU • ••• • „ Hoticry, thiru and dn««n >»*••• Ymii, kiiriilnf jrirn, Bngering jwm, wonttd jam undtr No. ^ . . DrM* mods •... ,,.... <..•...■! a"» All ol&wiMh»f«rt«wi iiinp^ wholly or in |»lt of wool, worued, Ac$ Clothing. r»«dy n»de, incloding ckxh cap* j." •• h^* Carpet*, BnuMto and Tapctlry V V.' ttl"#" Hi" Is-vS. Carpets, two^pIy and ihrtaplr. Ingrain compoacd wholly of woo'-sq- Vda. V r. of which tha warp UcompoMd wholly of cotton „ or other material than wool.- wor»l«d, Ac • ••••I Feh for boot! and ihoct. whenteptHTtcd by the mannlactttrm for o4t in their factories • ••••! ••' Felt for glove linings and ^less felt for paper makers when imported hy the manufacturers for use In their factoilea Woollen netting for boots, shoes and gfoves. . . . ♦ Zinc and Spelter : Spelter in blocks and plg«. „ • • • • • Zinc in pigs blocks ami Kheets •• • ■ Lba. tbs. ...$ .Cwt 14 2inc, icamlcsH drawn tubiM. zinct mannfsctum of, N.E.? ' *• » ■ A y *Y f l-iis ' y " < ' -SDS FOR HOUSE- HOLD USB. V V Fully 20 per cent, saved by dealUig with us. IIVE THE ftSSOCnTIOI A TRIAL r . » » THdS. THOMPtoN & SON; ■jpff mmfummm^ .} illLIiINlJB / Slexki^def ^ %ii; •lOI 31 Ftoot «lrA ii -^s a^sjijiia^ i ^jKt'j^M n.i i - •( ,^»«^w^8f^^«SM!fd4^^«ff swg^fBfry ' W. A. Mu^ Oo.j 17, 1©. 21 and 28 KING STREBTV / * ■ ■ ■ Are the Largest Importers in the Dominion of SiUcs, Velvets, Dress Opods, Mantles, Costumes, Millinery, Flowers, Feathers, Real Laces, Dress and Cloak Trimmiiigs, Hosieiy, Kid Glores, Shawls, ^ Cloakings, Crapes, Family Mourning Goods, and General House „■■■.■■■ ■■ " ■ .■"■•■ Furnishing Goods. ALL GOODS MARKED irt PLAIN FIGURES. ONLY^NE PRICE AND SOLD FOR CASH. -:o:- Country )ief dl^kut^ ^uj)plie(i » With all the above Goods, In any quantities they may require, - -_^. ▲T V\l/ A. MURRAY & GO'S , ■ ' ( • • ^ ■ , r . \ W, 10 21 and 23 KING STRSET EAST, . ■ » Toronto. ' ^* ''■■J:'': i -■ »^ j-'-rw^'^*^ -jj^'p^r^ r#-«|'5*^-"e"iew :^T»»ir- ^i-B i.1 ' ^^'p^i' ~T^ T ■'^s? <^^-r^ •'iir^* * OBNTLBMBN I Who want their OLOTHINQ Made up in the most approved Fashion at reasonable prices, should get it at the ^ EOOKOMIOAIi BOUSE FVBiriSHXBS Should 'not faUTto see the / GAEP5T STOCK Consisting of KIDDIMIN^R, JSUJ^fiJAPESTW. and BRUSSELS CARPETS, LINOLEUM and OIL CLOTH& soi!b IT CASH PRICES. ••--,. ■ ■■ ■ -■•■ ■-■,■-.-..-■■ i . -■...*...! . -. ... h .: :•■ ariND 37 MR6 STREET EAST, TORORTO. '*"T j^''>i"^F^'a^^3q"''^"* "»'»r!';^-,'i>""»?^^fc*i!5rrW* ■tfH'Hi • * *V^ «. I 3IL ^ FRENCH KILOGRAMMES OB KILOS, QmvtrtHLinto Pounds Avordupois—KUo^ 2.21 tbs.—tooo Grammes, i Lb*. Antl i 'Uf. »u«l • Lb^ni. i Lbn. •n 99.45 84 185.64 124 274.04 7 1»'.47 46 101,66, 85 187 85 25 276.26 8 17.68 47 103.8T 86 190 06 126 278.47 ft 19.89 48 106.08 87 192.27 127 2a0.68 10 22.10 49 108.29 88 194.48 128 282,89 11 24.31 50 110.60 89 196.69 129 285.09 12 26.52 61 112.71 90 198.90 13) 287.80 13 28.73 82 114.92 91 201.11 131 289.. M 14 •30.94 53 117.13 92 203.32 132 291.72 18 . 33.16 64 119.34 93 205.63 133 293.93 16 * 3^.36 66 121.65 94 207.74 ^^134 298. -4 17 37.57 56 123.76 95 209.95 136 ''^98. 36 18 39.78 57 126.00 96 212.16 136 300.66 H 41.99 B? . 128.18 97 214.37 137 802.77 • 2(L «r' 44.20 59 130.39 98 216.85 138 304.98 21 46.41 60 132.00 99 218.79 221.00 139 f-' 307.19 22 48.62 61 131.81 100 140 809.40 23 50.83 62 137.01 101 223.21 141 311.61 24 63.04 63 i:«9.23 102 225.42 142 313.82 f6 65.26 64 141. 4)f 103 227,63 143 316.03 26 67.46 65 143. 6& 145.86 104 229 84 144 318.24 27 59 67 66 105 233.05 145 320.45 28 61.88 67 148.07 . 106 234 26 l*f 32.>.66 29 64.00 68 150.28 107 236.47 147 324.87 30 66 30 69 152.49 , 108 23<).68 148 327.08 31 • - 68.61 70 154.70 109 2t0 89 149 329.29 32 76.72 71 . 456.91 110 ^243.10 245.31 16O 331 .50 33 72 93 72 1.9.12 111 160 353.60 -, 34 75.14 73 1«?1.33 112 2t7.52 170 375.70 35 7T.35 74 163.54 113 249.73 ,180 897.80 36 79.^6 75 16-.. 75 114 251.94 I9<) 419.90 37 81.77 76 * 167.98 115 254.15 200 442.00 " 38 83.96 77 170 17 116 256.36 250, 552.60 39 86.19 78 1 172.33 117 25(f.57 300 663.0J 11^ 260,78 ' ■■«^. '*\ ■ Si ■••Jiff": 4u-9» TABtS' Beduoing Lineal Tarda from 1 Jn«k to 4S Inchea Square Tarda for half of 1 ' z«zxr32i^Xi J J 1 S « S • t • • 10 m i SQTTiLZ&ipi .06 .08 .11 .14 .17 .19 .tt .86 .18 .66 . •" .17 .tt .88 .88 .89 .44 .60 .66 111 .17 .t5 .88 .48 .60 .68 .67 .76 .88 L67 .tt .88 .44 .66 .67 .78 .80 1.00 1.11 111 .tt .4t .06 .60 .88 .97 LU 1.86 1J9 178 .SS .60 .67 '.88 1.00 tl7 1.88 1.60 1.61 188 .10 .88 . .78 .07 1.17 1.80 1.66 1.76 1.94 189 .44 .87 ^» 1.11 • 1.88 1.66 1.78 100 111 444 .M .78; l.«» tto. too 1.76 100 186 160 600 !• ■ .«• •n 1.11 L80 1.67 1.94 Itt 160 178 166 n .01 .08 1.8t 1.68 1.88 114 144 ° 176 100 111 It .07 1.00 L88 LW 100 188 167 100 188 167 u •Tt 1.08 1.44 LSI 117 |J8 188 IflK 861 7.11 M .n 1.17. 1.86 L04 188 17t 111 161 189 7.78 U M I.t6 I.* 108 160 198 188 178 417 188 M .80 1.88 . t78 isr 167 Ml 166 400 444 189 17 .M 1.48 L8e 186 . 188 181 178 4. to 471 144 U 1.00 ioo 100 160 100 160 . 4.00 460 100 10.00 19 LIN 1.68 111 164 117 169 4tt 476 118 1166 10 1.11, 1.87 t.tt 178 188 180 . 444 cod 160 11.11 n 1.17 L7< 188 198 160 406 467 1S6 188 U.67 IS Ltt 1.88 144 106 8.67 4t8 480 160 - 111 lltl n Its LOt 166 110 ,188 447 >111 176 180 1178 M M» t.00 t.67 188 ' 4.00 4.67 188 .*00 lex 1188 SB 1.10 106 178 147 4.17 488 166 lt6 104 1180 M 1.44 117/ 180 161 4.88 100 178 160 7.11 1444 ff 1.W Its 100 178 4.60 . 185 100 . 176 7.60 1100 LM 18^ 111 180 467 144 Itt 7.00 t.TS 1166 La S4S Itt 4.08 488 164 144 7.t6 108 1111 « 1.07 s:oo 188 4.17 100 188 167 7.60 188 1167 n l.7t /S.86 144 '4.11 117 ajM 180 7.75 161 17.11 St 1.78 167 166 4.44 6.88 itt 7.U 100 180 17.78 at 1.88 178 167 468 160 14S 7.88 Its 117 1188 M 1.80 ,188 178 4.7t 167 161 7.86 160 9.44 Isio M 1.04/ los 180 *M - 188 181 7.78 176 171 1144 ' M 1.0V 100 4.00 100 100 7.00 100 100 1100 noo tr 19S :;io8 4.U 114 117 7.19 Itt lt6 1118 10.66 » •t^ii 117 4.88 Its 188 7.89 144 960 1186 stn ' » ».» 185 4.88 6.4t 160 7.66 167 ITS 10 p8 11.67 M /*-n 188 4.44 iM 167 7.78 189 1100 11.11 Hit *-'tt ■i'%if 14t > 4.86 160 ISO 7.97 ttii lltS U.89 1178 Sft S.S8 180 4.67 6JB8 7.00 117 188 1100 11.67 ISJS 4S S.80 188 4.78 197 7.17 186 166 > UTS U44 18.89 44 t.44 167 480 &U -7.88 166 178 ILOO lilt 14.44 4» S.80 176 8.00 188 . 7.60 178 UOO 11.16 ^1160, UOO \ N €-J-ua.»a^trhMt' i f'jj ■'f* JSSi ■«^«. ^^.rViiffffS-* (k^ wide to SquATt Yardit any wider iham 45 Inekee, Jind the the vndth and double it. \ %~ YJL-RIDS. ■ - ^ M 40 f» UO too 900 «00 000 1000 ( TJi.'RTiQ. M 1.11 LOO V 170 160 184 11.11 1100 ti.n \.tt tn 170 160 ILll 1107 ml 17.78 6180 lap lao 4.17 100 1107 1100 88.84 4L07 08.88 IM 4.44 IM 11.11 nn . 8004 4140 6160 ULU 4.1T •.M 0LO7 0.04 188 1100 1107 17.78 8184 4L07 6101 6160 00.40 mao a.«o 0100 0184 10167 s>v 7.70 171 1144 8108 6181 77.70 07.11 10144 •.fa 0.00 ILll im 4144 0100 8188 ilLU tun t.M MOO IIW noo 6100 7100 UlOO moo 16100 . S.SI . ILU i&ao 17.70 6160 00 J4 ULll mao 177.78 •.17 list 10 » 0160 0111 nuoo m» 10178 00160 10.00 i&oo 10.07 0000 . 0100 0100 18100 10107 88188 lan 14.44 1100 OIU 7111 unao 14144 10160 80LU. 11.07 M.aa 1144 8180 77.70 UlflO 16167 10440 888.00 M.W MM 1108 41.07 88.84 inoi 10100 M104 4)107 ' IMS 17.70 im 44.44 8188 18181 177.70 m.ti 44144 U17 UlOO tt.01. 47.lt 0144 14L00 188.88 mil 47111 U.00 W.00 nop 6100 100.00 16100 10100 moo 00100 1&8S n.11 noo 6178 10160 168 04 lll.li 100.00 017.00 l&«f7 SISI «.78 6160 ULll 10108 11114 177.70 88160 ' 17.60 i&n 10.17 '6188 11100 17100 188.81 »i.e7 60100 ' 'uai 0444 aiM 01.11 mil mao 14140 80160 ULU uii7 S6je SL04 00.80 117.78 101.07 18160 81140 00100 saM 10.07 88.88. 0107 18188 100.08 ' moo 88184 00107 MlSS 17.78 8171 0144 18188 10181 «n.7o 847.11 00144 tLOT 1&80 8111 7111 14144 moo 18108 801.11 7tt.ll tLSO 00.00 07.60 7100 10100 moo 80100 87100 78100 «.tt.8S 81.11 • 8180 77.78 16160 m.ao 81L14 00100 777.78 «4.17 01.11 4110 8160 181.11 Ml.flO 81114 40170 800JO tt.00 88.80 41.07 88.88 17100 mot 88188 41187 "'88188 tt.8i 84^44 4100 8111 17111 18100 84144 48160 80LU MOT 8S.M 44.44 8180 177.70 10104 mot 44140 ^ 88180 tr.M 08.07 4188 0L07 18184 174M 88108 46104 •1107 s&» 87.78 47.11 0144 mo8 Mill m.7o 47111 041U saii7 88.80 4101 07.11 10144 lOLOO 88188 40111 on-tt ao.00 40.00 6100 10100 moo 80100 400j0O- . 80100 MOIOO . 10.80 4L11 M.ao 10170 10160 80184 411.11 UlOO 1017.78 SL07 4t.lt 61.78 10160 llLll 81108 41114 6«7.78 106180 tLM 48.88 ' ikVt^ 1W.88 11108 anoo 40181 MLOO 108188 n.ss 44 44 6160 ULll mil 88880 44148 86f.80 nii.u 04.17 4kM 6104 11180 117.78 841.07 46160 8014O 1188.80 •100 40.07 6180 11107 08 Jt 840 JO 40104 BUM U0107 . ^ a&ao 47.70 6171 11144 11188 86181 477.70 807.11 1U144 00.07 40.00 OLU mil 14144 80171 48101 OlLll imn^ 07.80 saoo 0100 moo 180.00 87^00 60100 0M.0O IMOjOO .#1 -^^ ^ r /i , ' " « HTMSUjI mu T. Aifiujs m 5 »J or rat Of Hxcna'n 'fl^^ -r ■ - \ r*m^ i ■ «•. «• • » 140 79118 ^ 1 ■\ ' ■ ■ 44 fl4U 07 i 47107 - 160 700.00 \ . A ■ ;• i» \ l-Mi 40 010.00 00 . '^7189 161 701W \ ■ ■ ' \ ' ■'■ M \ i.40| 40 in.87 80 481,00 169 78178 y ■ ■ \ U \ lOS 47 090.70 100 ' «8-«l 160 74100 • \ ' • iv' . \. M . MOi 40 900.00 101 401.60\ 164 74147 \ "^ ■^ ''■• ■ ' \ n «.«! 40 90&47 109 40140 > 166 76108 \ 'i'-: \ '■■ u / 4Ji ■ . » oi&ao 100 601.97 160 76190 \ ■ *■■-.<- ■ i» / *• 01 94&90 104 60110 167 70107 \ jf-. ■■■■.-■■■. . i ■.-.'- » / *« 01 00 960.07 967.00 106 loo OlljOO 61107 168 160 708.08 77180 -A ■ v- *■ / ' ■ • «i- \ " "■ ■ V 4.17 04 900.00 lOT 690^79 100 771« ■ A ■■\ ■[/ Ml 06 907.07 loo 6n.oo 101 78160 . . - -A, aao 60 97160 100 60147 109 78140 * 11147 67 9n.40 no 60100 100 780.« A • . M.as 80 m-ti m 64190 104 70110 . '' \ * ».» 00 907.U 119 64107 106 00100 . A, ■ -#■■ \ ' ' Si«7 00 989.00 110 640.80 100 007.« .■■ ' - A! * »W a 90047 114 664.80 107 ■ 81170 » ■ 4a.w 01 00170 116 660.07 108 817.00 X- -■ ■'■ ]• 4a.tr % 00 000^00 110 604.60 100 88947 a. •ijt 04 ni.47 117 600.40 170 8ff.SS .1 * * . . 4 ■■ ■ ,'U.. i«,40 06 010.00 110 674.97 m 80190 .. , . ■ 'i -.- ". i» UM flo- OtLOO 119 870.10 179 0«.0I M ■ «.»"-:. or 810LO7 190 60100 m 841.08 . '.■■ u :■ 'n.n . OS 000.80 191 60187 174 84180 ■■■ .iw~ ■ 7T^ 00 OOfcOO 199 60170 176 801.« • IT n.ia 7* 040107 190 60100 »« 8B160 -■ , ^ ■ u 17.90 n %*i.a 194' O0147 177 80L40 ■■ ;■»■ , - •^■:, V vX- - ■"■ ■ : , K^ *^! ■|a*.'^^^ >^^, f^r-^l^f^ft 876.00 980 118106 980 1801.07 880 101160 «> 181 060.87 04 1188.80 987 180178 040 1004.67 ■ IBS • ■ !«. ■ . 060.70 600LOO 986 1148.07 1141U 988 140L00 . 140147 ,841 849 106168 1004.40 1000197 ■ .iM. ■ S 000.47 987 116140 , 900 1411«l 8a IM / OOOlOO 916 .. 110197 901 141C1> 844 U74.U . ^ ■186 ■ ' 000.60 986 1168.U 909 1491.07 846 167100 T • 1 ■ - ■ . 1« 010.07 940 110100 986 1486.86 840 168i89' }W OM-00 941 117187 904 148180 847 100178 v.. •. . : - 18B IM • •10.00 OM.67 9tt 1177.78 118100 loo 148107 144168 846 848 108100 • 100147 in OlOH 944 1187.47 907 144140 860 170166 \ ' IM' 06«.M 946 110188 906' . 146197 861 170190 \ ■ . . !•• 00O.«7 940 , 1107.60 900 146118 861 17U.67 \ 1 IM •M.16 947 190107 000 1401JW 868 171706 \ "* .105 OMiOO 948 190109 601 146167 864 179160 \ 106 000.87 '• 940 1911.00 809 140176 666 1797.67 167 000.76 9M 191167 806 1474.60 866 178186, 1TB7.40 106 06160 161 191L68 804 147147 867 -' \ too 600.47 969 199140 806 1464.88 886 174197 \ , ■ \ . ■ ' too' ■ 070.86 986 l9Bl.r 806 1480.90 886 1747.18 \ ^ vl 1 ka. 078160 964 1981U 807 1404.07 880 176100 Y .' 1 Ml 060.07 966 1941.00 806 140106, 870 180167 . \ ■ ■ ■ ■'■ «» 067.06 980 194187 606 160160 880 \ *^ 000.60 967 1980.78 iio 160107 860 , V ooo ■• 007.07 966 196100 811 161166 400 1040.6f \ " ■ «6 100168 960 190047 819 161140 410 100168 • ..*""' \ . ■ ■ ■ m \ MO 1007.48 101S.Z7 900 901 198188 197190 816 814 1688.97 1696.18 m 486 8044.00 9001«7' 1.' \ —WW \ 600 1017.10 901 197107 816 168100 440 9141.86 I ■ \ «0 lOtt.00 908 197006 816 1687.87 4B0 9190.00 --' •. ,' A: , ■ , ill .1010.87 904 19B180 817 16a7S 460 9M67 ' \ - *** 1061.78 986 19Bft«7 818 1647.60 4J0 9987,88 J ■■,>". . . A • ■ • «1 100160 900 1904.66 816 186147, 480 WlOO ■' \ ". ■ Hi 104L47 907 1901411- 880 1867.86 460 9884.0T tu 104188 906 1004.97 891 166190 800 90166 • 416 '. -. tl7 100190 106107 986 9)0 U06.it miooi 899 898 1S07.O7 - 1871.06 .' 600' 640167 . ' IS. ' . ' tl8 1060.00 971 U1167 864 1676J0 600 WHLMB - ■' ■ , ' ■ ' s 100180 979 181178 886 U8Lff7 886 *mtM "r . MO" 1070.07 m 1M160 886 166186 1006 468167 1 on 107168 S74 188147 887 1661.40 ■., , m 100140 176 188186 696 V iM-f ■ M»; 1061>7 976 184190 890 1601.1* ■'. * , . . V SM' 100118 tn 184107 880 100100 . '; ■- ■■■-; ' .-.■■■.:■■• m 100100 976 186106 m 1610J6 ■ ■■'• - 4 ' ■,.:-■.;■:*:, ■ ^. 100187 9I» 1887.86 689 161176 > . tXf • ■ ' -. ' ' ^ ■«■ U04 78 986^ 188167 686 U9160 ^ ^t w 1100.00 9S1 1807.tt >' 884 161147 «» 1114.47 981 187140 888 '166181 - - 111188 mt 187797 886_ 1688.10 1 ■ •^. ■' is " V • • II ^ifeif^.:',. ^ . \ ^ !. , *^^^^S ^ t • 1 ^ lArvJi IJPitWB»BBiPWy7W"W^'*^«»l'3 •rnfv-gftg'%^lii4lt 'nw^m ^' 'T?iT' »r*^#^Tip',ra j^**!* •(■ . JB*(fiaMt J9'€/uk md Smfiss IhuUf S^nisM Pattas^ Gtrman Drachm^ • ■ ■ ' . * . ■, ■ and Italim UrtUj^mkt ip 3-iQ ants Customs Vahe. u*^ • I DollwtB kimI 1 1 ' I- DdllM* ftnd • DnJInni «ad 1 Dfillan «nd DfclmalM. PmIbmIi*. 8 DvciniAlM. Dl-flOMllt. hi h h. fik 1 198. 48 9.6R 99 17.17 350<» 4B^.tO % 889 49 9.R7 90 17. 7. 2600 501. f)0 S 579. 47 9.07 91 17./.6 8:o» 531.10 4 778 48 9.3« 08 17,75 2800 540.40 5 995 49 9.45 98 17.94 2990 569.70 « ■ 1.19 50 9 95 94 19.14 8000 579.00 T 1.89 51 8.84 99 18.38 8100 999.30 t 1.94 58 10.08 96 18.68 8290 617.60 • 1.78 53 10.82 97 •8.72 8800 686.90 10 1.98. 54 10.48 ' »8 18.91 84<0 666.30 IL 8.18 S5 10.91, t«9 19.10 85<>0 675.50 19 a.si 5« 10.90 loo 19.80 8600 , 694.80 18 8.80 57 11.00 800 88.60 »;oo 714.10 U 8.70 58 • 11.19 800 57.90 81100 783.40 15 8.89. 59 11.89 400 77.80 8900 7M.70 1« 8.09 90 11.59 500 96.50 4000 •77 -.00 > 17 8.89. 9i 11.77 600 115.90 410O 791.30 18 8.47 98 11.99 700 185.10 4800 810.60 19 8.99 98 18.15 800 154.40 4800 829.90 to 8.99 94 13.85 900 179.70 4400 f49.20 81 4.05 85 18.54 luoo 193.00 4r,00 868.60 81 4.84 99 18.78 ll«iO 213.89 4C00 887.90 88 4.48 97 18.98 1200 331 .60 4700 907.10 84 4.98 98 18.18 1300 250.90 480O 929.40 85 4.98 89 18.81 1400 170.80 4900 945.70 fli 5.01 79 18.51 1500 899.60 S0<'0 965.00 87 6.81 71 13.70 1900 808.80 5600 1091.60 88 5.40 78 18.89 1700 889.10 9000 1158.00 89 A. 59 73 14.09 1800 347.40 ■ 80 5.T9 74 14.88 1900 866,70 81 5.99 79 14.47 2000 ,386.00 88 9.1T , . W 14.99 2100 405.80 ■ ■ 88 8.89. '77 14.99 8800 424.60 84 .9.S9. 78 15.09 3800 443.90 85 9.t5. 79 16.24 8400 463.80 89 9.94 90 16.44 « n 7«14 81 16.98 ■ 8t 7.88 98 16.98 89 • 7.98 93 19.91 40 7.t8 94 16.81 41 7.91 «5 14.49 49 9;I0 89 19.59 ■ .. 48 8.89. 97 19.79 44 9.49 99 19.99 ■ ,^f^* --*4 'jp'-VJ '%^.'*-- f '^w* f '^'^"^^i ^T^ ^t* ^** J' jf7ijV^„ LORINS OF AUSTRIA, 4S J-io Ctnit Customs Valut. % i iv 7 8 9 10 11 "/ 14 15 \^ It 18 19 20 ai 32 28 24 2ft 26 If 28 Doil«fB and 0«nte. 1.J8S9. ijai. 2/.T1 i.17 .62. /4.07. 4.53. 4.98 ft. 43 5.88 6.34 6.70 7.24 7.70 8.15 8.60 9.06 9.51 9,9rf^ 10 .tl 10.87 11.32 11.71 12.13 12.68 18.13 DolUn«n 362.40 407,70 453.00 M6.00 t 1358.00 1812.09 2265,00 2718.00 ;, 3171.09 8624.00 4077,00 4-^30.09 m 30 13.59 60 27.18 90 40.77 -\ L ■ T^ MARKS OF GERMAN EMPIRE. t m ■m Dollars Mid i a r.:-' ,,B. DolUnaad DMiaaia. 1 polUin and DcciOMla. T Dollanaad Dtrinato. 1 .34 f 81 7.87 61 14.51 91 31.69 3 .49 H3 7.61 63 14.75 93 31.99 * .Tl 88 7.85 68 14.99 98 33.18 . * •M •S4 9.00 64 15.38 94 33.87 JL l.lt 88 9.88 65 15.47 95 33.91 . «• 1.4? 86 9.56'* 66 15.71 96 32.94 t 1.99 87 9.91 67 16.94 97 38.08 9 1.90 88 0.04 68 16 19 99 38.82 .9 344 89 0.39 69 19.41 * 599 38.55 10 t/99 40 9.53 70 16.65 100 38.80 ii 3.«3 41 9.Y6 71 16.98 300 47.90 13 1.99 43 10.00 73 17.14 800 71.40 la 9.09 ^ 48 10.38 7* 17.^7 400 96.30 14 8.88 44 10.47 ^* l%.6t 600 119.00 u 8.8T 45 10.71 75 17.95 600 143.90 19 8.91 49 10.94 ^ ^ 19.09 700 166.60 17 4,09 47 11.19 77 19.83 800 190.40 19 4.39 49 11.43 79 19.50 900 314.20 , *» **M 49 11.96 79 19.79 1000 388.00 SO .i:,/4.79 , 11.90 90 10.04 :ioo 361.90 »t i 4.99 51 ; 13.18 91 19.39 1300 395.60 13 9!V4 53 13.87 93 19;51 1800 800.40 38 Mr 58 13.61 98 19.75 1400 838.20 f4 t 39 29 30 6.TI ,'6.9^ 9P.19 r «.*9 T 14 1 '59v 60 13.95 ^ 18.09-J 18.83 ' .^f.59 . ♦>itfc80 \ ■ • ■ «■-■„- 14.04 14.39 9i 95 99 87 9* 99 90 19.99 30.33 30.49 30.70 30.94 11.19 31.43 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 8000 JJ57.00 880.80 404.60 439.40 483.10 ' 476.00 714.00 4000 953.00 - , 5000 1190.00 ' « 100 PA)imlg*i I lUrk. ^ a *. '■ -iwf '. >■, 1 j-j- _^ -V i^^p ^«, i~7r »•"■•'• m jr . _9 - g^i^ ^ -^ , # ' '4 v/ WILLIAM SCULLY. MANUFACTURERS AGENT PAOiniC BVI^^DINaS, TOBONTO, ' •■ \ • o iv 3sr A. I)- JLv,;:4'gc. ..■..•■-■ 0^R«pretcntAtive in OuuuU for Welcb. Marsctton ft Ca» l^ndon, England. — I — ., II • - .■■i._-,...,-.. . - ,!i ■,■■!■ ■■I... ■ - I ^ 1 I.I ■■■» I. ■i.ii. ■ ■ I "J i| I ■ m i . II - I STKWART, MAODONALD & OO., > GLASGOW, SCOTLAND. B. £DMINSON, ' AGENT, TOBONTO. •THE CANADA SHIRX AND OVERALL MFG. COMPANY T& TBI WHflTilBALl TEAfil 0NXi7» ^ ,. ::.H/\- ..■■.-;■■■■', , : ■■■■ ■ ./ . ^ ■• •1. .1 i^... -t. ), TORONTO, ONT. "'■■&■'■ •^l. A. A. ALLAN & CO., 4141 OBALUW IN— HATS. CAPS. GliOVBS. ROBBk STRAW GOODS. •10 I- Fur MaavftMtwpnu EVERY • . IliPOllTKllS OF .:.■■ ^ illLLIIIWY ■ ■ AMD' ;■•. ■■,:•; .■ Stock on luuid, wd do t^lMge • Tnd«, and do J)QJninjkm. BEfL A TBIAL.*«» ^ pf . TOROJ^TO. DAVID ARNOTT & CO.. ./v •mvoRTiiis or- British and Forewrn Dry Gtooda ' 3uyen wiU find their ttock wdl anorted and at dose prices. CANADIAN GOODS in aU Lines. r^ M ^. ■-.d i ,^u. T*' c HE^IW rk ^ WM. M. COO ' ^ as FROMT BTRKKT WK8T. TOROHTO Aardwarb and ^NOLMH ^AMUFACTURKM* ^INT t \ .»->V v» Guns and RlflM of th« Gatobratod liakais. ■iMJtM-Plat* •■« Storilag MlTar War*. ' AOBNtt FOR W. * G. SCOTT * tOM, Oun Makan, Blrmlnghaiti. % W. iv. 6RKKNKR. Guo Makar, ' •• 1 GKO RGB GIBBS. Gun Makar. Brlatol. ^ jrOSKPH HAYWOOD 4 CO.. CuUara, Shafflald. '_ THdlfAS TURNlfR, Rlfla Makar, Birmingham. ' J. C. * W. Lord, Hardwara A Saddlary, T. H. STEVTARD, Talaapopaa* FialdOlataaa, I.pndon. \ Stta»ltali«« ISTt. James Stanbury. % ^Dry GkM>di» Oonuiiimlaii* iutd Kaaml fMtnrers^ Agent. * 28 FEONT-ST., TORONTO. Advance* made on Coittignmenti. ' Salei of suiplus slock nttjotlated. ■_ ' ^ REFERENCKS.— Whoiewle firipi in Toronto, HamlUon, «nd London ; JOHW MOM, BHm »UN. Biiitow ft Co. N*w York; D. G. Howat&Co, Gl^gow, ScStlindTM^u-as. IWM* RWD, London; Banzwm, Banks* Co., St t. all, SwiUerlaad. ' < C DAVIDSON & CO.. ■■■■"*..- * ---IMPORTERS OF-— ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ : TOBONTO. 'j,> ^A^ ENAMeUED TOP AMDDA8HLEATHEB, RUBBEH CLOW, HOQUETTE, ^ l l ^-.»«ii«^ >iMi oil dfllh. Onritd Htr. MOM Md FMg»; CARRIAGE LAMPS, TRIMMINGS AND FURNISHINGS. NeNRY GRAHAM & PO., .'■-■'_ >■■■-• ' " '' ' .'■■'• Oil dioti\^, M^ttiii^^i M^t^T 3 KINO STREET EAST, TOE-OISTTO. a B. ORSQN, ^ ^^ Plain aund Fancy Paper Box Manufacturer No. 32 COLBORNE ST., TORONTO. f Bvary Description Qf Plain and Fancy Paper Boxes and Sample Gases Made to Order. iPrinters' and - other Cards Cut ' Maavtectiurer «f tlie CsTdboard Safety Egg Career la ao aad' fiO dipsen cases. v{4i«.- ,J- ■'#Sl^ji WM. CKOET & CO.. Vfenv lIANUrACTURBRS OF NEEDLES, iFisia: HOOKS a-istid TJLa:s:jjsi, &o- ''■• ' ■. ^ /..■•.-'. IMPOkTWlB OF ..••:■ ;- '* vThlmblM, Steal Pointed and Qther Hairpins, "-'' Horn and Rubber Combs. PEARL BUTTONS IN GREAT VARIETY. 3^ OOXjBO^lsrE SO?., - TOS^OISTTO. VMUnry : Adiwo9«li1ri» HcedlM. . I .' " I i'"i'' i^ ' ' — i — ■ — ^^^— '■ ■ ■ ■ — IMPORTERS, expor1:ers ■/ AND ENGLAND. iM[a,iiLii.ra.ctui*ei*ia A^gemtet TORONTO, FO. BOX 1318. 53 Aldermanbury, I^^ndon, V 14 Piccadilly » Mancheater. I 40 White Street, New Yorlt. Represented by P. B. BALL. WILLIAM HEWETT, ~~ COMMISSION AGENT . Noa 11 Colbarne Street, (and Door ftom Yonge St) ! . BaftoioeM klBdly permitted te Bta. mn. McMarter, iTMidMrt .daadtaa Baak of OOBuatKoe; MNire. A. B. lldiaetcr ft Bro., OgOtr ft Oo.. tamrwn. Ktaaedj ft awami, trf m, M t mnfA ft Oft. MftM a rte r ft Mooi anc , BngbMyosr aad nvBMBttial and naacOiaTd, Va ttt Broadwar, Vev Terk. Agencies Solicited. P.O. Box, 1056, Toronto. r* '•'^-Wn"^..;,' G R SMITH & HENDERSON, "Whole^e Dry Goods ! ■■■: TORONTO. ^:' .^•■-' v'^' BTTY I'OR o-a.s:h AND SELL to PBOMPT PAYING MfiBOHANTS om^- ■X, y- -'- MANUFACrUBER OF fine mroidered Ladies' White Skirts^ Black I-u«tre Skirts QuUtod. Hamilton, Ont. THOMAS AUSON , z Whirfaaal© Importer of ■ l^fe/is. Tailors^ Trimmings. ^^&^^^^^ 3« FBOWT STBBKrr WEST, TOBONTO. '*r^ DK^S I v*^'"', ■J. H; r i •• .ll- ■I'! '» *i-, "I I ; ^.i M.-,4 1 ''. ' ^>f- 1 ; \M. I\ *• »* ' T ' ' ^ J BAiBIR & Euk j^ .Bookbii)dei^0 ki^d ■^'^ j^Iii,i(td^6ttiri BLmtmsfmms HIDE TO ORDER IM FIRST-CUSS STYLE. 'jn v« BTerj Desoriptiim of Work CAREFULLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTER Comer Jordan & Melihda Sta ^^:5^ ^J ^.1 i^OBOllTCK \ '"'^#>. 4% •\. :■ ^ -■.'"...■,, ' ,»■- '-' '■-■ .. -■■ . ; ■ ■ ■ ,.' . '■■ ■ ■.:_ "-■■■ ■/■ - ■■ ■■■ ■/' 1 f r - , f- :■;.:■■;:*;•:■ .■■•'1. Wt^i ''.--■- .: V ■•^ ■ .V * 1 - ■■"■-'--• - V - < , i^^4 .' ■ '■*'■• ■ ■; •?? ■ ■'■ ■■• ■ -"'■'■':- .:.. 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