STANDARD TIME. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE, American Society of Civil Engineers, ~\T Mil' WASHINGTON CONVENTION. Tlie Special Comiilittoc on Htamliinl 'I'iiiH' Ihm; Icavo to rtillmiit Lbt- following re- IHU't : At the aniuiiil iiifftiiitc of tln' Society on tlui imU J iimavy lant ri'soliitious were pa'^KiM? (liroctini; till' Commiltt'c to take hucIi rttf'i)s:is sdiucfl to tliciii ail^'isal)li' to Olitfliii some exin'i'ssloii of iroiu'ial itnininn on I he 'jiiixii'taar (jacrtti!'.!! o ' tlic os- tabliHliiiic-nt of Stinid ird Time, with t lie view of siilimittiii:{Hoair ili-llaite rccoai- meiKlatloiig as to tho I' it may rti'(Mii oxiii»illcut l.o take. ft) accordance witli these iiisti'iictions the Ciimmittee is-iiicd tho i»anii»hlet Uerc- witli fiulimitted, containing vai-ioiin Jociimcius iKjarins,' on th(> (imvstiou. Tills brorhinr, haw l)ecn widely eircnlati'd. in (>vei'y .State of tiie I'liion. in tlii^ adjoining' Hi'iiisli provinces, ami in Mexi V series of iimstions prepared with the view of elicitin.if all shailes of oi)inion were sent witli the yamphlet, aud attention to them at an early i)eriod was asked . KeplicR have lieen received from many iiromineiit men connected with the pro- fession, with railways, with tele^rraitlis, ami with scifutiilc ltodi(!s, ami additional aii8Wrehensi\c system of Standard Time for North .\nieri<'a I The ri'plies to this ipiestion may lie .sai' must |irimarity look to our own couveiiicncc on this continent, as we are likely to 'le the tlrst to adopt a riM'oi'iued tim<» system. \\c should from tin' tlrst make provision for its universal applicatlou. Five pcre«tit. of tlie answers are adverse. a. * ^1 Qiu-8tl«)n 4. — Kt't'i'iTiiiu lu tlio .Hcliiiiic ftPi- icf,'iilii(ii»it time (pi'J?*'-** "f I'uiiiplilot Is-iiiftl liy tlic Society), diicH it scoiii lo jiomchm iiiiy fcuiiin'.i wliicli ^'cnoriiUy coiri- iiuiid llii'iiiHclvcs t«i ydiu'.liiilfiiiii'iii f About '.(7 per culit. ol' tlic ;iii.swfr.s arc, iu tlio ;i!llriimtiv«3— ;j i>i:r cent in tile. ut'Kit- tivc. QiicMtioii 5.— Do you tiivor the proposiil to liuvr tlic stiiniliirds of tiiin' iliU'criiif; liy interviilH of oiio liour, t'liiH rtMliiciii^' the nuiiilnir of HtuntliinlH for tlic wliolt; of Nortli Auit;rica to four, \iz. : Mcrldiaiih (2, K, S and T ! (Sec 18 to 21, ici.uch :jo ai|d yi.) Seventy-six lu-r cent, of the aufswcrH are in the ulUrnmtive - 24 per ceiii, adverse. (iucKtion (). — Do you favor the KUfr^'cHtion lo reduce tUo uuuil)er of niaudiirdrt in Nortli Anu;ric;i to two, way Meridians U and li f (Set; JI.) .Six i>er cent, lire favorable- -'.I4 per eont. adverne. QiieHtlon 7.— Do you prefer having only one, Continoutal Htandai'il. say Meridian s, and having; mio uniform liiue throughout the wholi- of N.ntli Aiiicriea ! (See '^l prigeyi.) Thirty-six per cent, arc iu tht- iiitirnijitivc— (i4 per cent, in the iiegatlvi:. Question 8— If the scheme set forth in the docnmeut n^fen-cMl to (paf:e 2'S) doe* not Keni^rnlly meet with your api)rovaI, is ther<^ an.\ otlicr sehcuic whicli you pre- fer! PleOflO oxplaiu your pnsfereiiee for the information of the ( Joniiuittee. The scheme Is very gsc iii.Mlillralloii.- ol I lie si'lii'iii(;sill)iiiitt('il. 'I'lic laiK"' iiiajoril \ arr dcciiliilly in favor of icfoini wit lion l delay. Miicliv aliuilile iiifoiiuatioii lia^^ lii'i'it Itroiiglil out wliit'li the Cuiiiniitfcr rui'oiniiit'iiil mIioiiIiI Iiu priutcd. M will be seen from the eliiiraclei' of tlie r >|ilies leeeiveil t lat ii i.'iiiarl.-.ilile itiiaiiiiiiity of oiiiiiioii pi'ovails In eveiy Keetioii of the eomiLi'y heai'il from. The Committee feel uui'iaiited in ri!i»oftJiiiC that .iiidiriii« ft-om the replies i<- ueived tlit'i'e is a stioii^t ({eiiiM'jil feeling in favor of eHtahlishiiif; a eomprelu nsive systetii of Htatidard Time on the lia.sis of the. Hclieine set fortli iu the papei s siili mitled. That an empliatle opinion lia.s been ('..vpressed in favor of havliii; four ina.i . I standard meridi;'i'..s foi' the eonlinent, diHtlnu;itiMhed as (^. U, 8. and T. or l>y .sni II 1,'eovriaphieal name.s as may hereafter Ite adoptc^d and thar a lar^e majority ol .>i)inionH expre.ssed are In favor of iiuniiierini,' the honrs in eaeh day from 1 to 24 eoiiscsentivt ly. The opiidon hat< been ureiierally e\prer*sedMnit while our time system should be in liarniiiny with flint of otln-r nations, the necessity for reforin on this e(inti- iient is HO iir;,'eiit llntt we .should not wait for otln^r mitlons to ino\ e in the matter. That we sbonld as soon an prai'tUiable, inani,'iirare a system, the primary objeet of whii'li would be to ninet our own n-iinir uiu'^ils. Hut that in takiiii; tlie initiative we shoulil Inall means adopt asystiiiu eapablc of e.vtensioii to the wiiole u'lobe, andtliit we slionld to some e.Kteiit Kive. othet nations an opportn nity of co-opor- atiiiK with lis. The coininittce aceovdingly reconiiuend that ntcpx be taken to obtain tlie es- tablUhnu'iit of a zero meridian which would be (iommoii to all nations for fecUon- iuKttiiia aiKl lon«iliidc, and that emieiirreiiee, with this moasure be soii^'ht I'l'oiu as many untioaallties as may be Indiu'ivl to assist in this dctonnluation. That efforts bo inado to lead to thpucocptance of this course ou the other Conti- nents to the fullest extent. That failinjjr In tliis effort the people of tin- Western Continent determine a zero nieridian for their own use and iruidanc'.'. and espeeially with the view of estab lisliinj? a system of Standard Time. HANDI'tMil) KI,KMIX(i. ChairnKtii of Sficrinl ('oiiniiillir. WA8111N(in)N, 17 J/U//, 188.!. liESOl.l'TIOXS I'atiscil till the Aiiirririiii Siitii'hf of Ciril /•:iii/iiiiers. id i.'ie Wimlii union Coiircntioii , Man 17, 188i. Motion b\ Mr. J. U. r'raiiris i^fwood, ('. E. ) Seconded by Mr. F. ('ollin«N llisolecil. That this tneetinjtentlielj e(;neiirs In 'he lecommeiulations contained in the vepoft siibniil ted and thai the Commit I e i>i .-eiinested and is liereb.\ author- ized to eonl'nue their ctrortt* to etf'ect the olije<'ls set forth, and also to petition the (^mKrcsM of 'he ITiiited States to take the neeesstiiy sli'p< to have a prinu: or zero meridian eHtablisiied. ,K)irN BOti.VUT. HecrKtnrji.