%. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (.^T-3) 4 ^ // £/ /A A < sident8 in the County ol Huron, or who go irora place to place to other men's houses on foot, or with, any animal bearing or drawing any sroodf wares, ormerchandise for sale, or in, or with ., any boat, vessel, or other craft, or otherwise cairymg L'ootls wares, or merchandise tor sale, or in, or with any boat, vessel, or other craft, or otherwise carrying "obils wares, or merchandise lor sale withcmt having first.. btain_Hl a license so to do, as is herenialter provided, « nd. He it further enacted. That the Treasurer lor the Comity of Huron, for the .ime being, shall i»>ue the necewairy Licenses, authorising the party or parti.'s therein designatixi to hawk, pwldle, sell, or ex^x-se for sale, any go..ds, wares, or merchandise on receiving the loUowing fees : For every mj>n travelling on ioot $5.00 For every horse or other beast used an ad- ditional sum of ^^^ For every boat or vessel or other era It used... 5.0O 3rd lie it lurther enacted That the said License 8hnll remain in force, Irom the first day of Ja»«»yy to the tlnity-first day ol December m each year both duvs inclusive. 4th Ik? it lurther enacted. That for the conveni- ence ol persons living m rural parts of the » ounty, tlie Comity Treasurer shall from time to time when applied lor, supply the several Township, or villiage t'lerU applyinsr lor the bame with proper Licenses, and the said Clerks shall l)e acconntable to the County Treasurer lor all monies received by them ou account or the said licenses. 5th He it hirt'.ter enacted That for the inl'raction olanv of the provisions ot this By-l^w, the party violaiing the same sliall forfeit and i>ay a penalty not exceeding filty dollars, exclusive ol all legal costs, to he recovered beloro any one, or more Justices of the I'eacc, having jurisdiction witnin the County, the said penalty, and costs, if not paid by a certain time to be designated by the convicting Justice or Justices, to be recovered by distress and lale of the goods and chattels of the oftender ; and in the event of their not being sufficient distress to satisfy the whole or any part of the said penalty and costs, the oftender may be committed to the Common Gaol of ttie said County lor any period not exceeding twenty-one days, with or without hard labor, in the discretion ot the con- victing Justice or Justices, unless the said penalty and all costs are sooner paid. (til. Be it further enacted. That it shall be law- ful lor anyJustide of the Peace, Constable, or Pe^ce Officor having jurisdiction within the Countyi to sciw. and detain any person who shall bo folnd trading as aloresaiA, without a license, contrary to the provisions of this By-Law, or who shall refuse or neglect to produce his license, when required to do Bo'aiid cany liim before the next or any Justice of the Peace within the said County, to be dealt with according to law. 7th. Be it further enacted. Thattlie amount receiv- ed for Licenses, and the moiety of the penalties re- covertnl under this i'.y-Law shall be paid over to the County Treasurer and form part of the funds ot the said County. 8tli. And be it further enacted. That when the pecu- niary penalty imposed by this By-Law has Lcen levied, one moiety thereof shall go to the iiilormer, or prose- cutor, and the other moiety to the Coriwration, unless the prosecution is brought in the name of the Cor- ix>ratioii,then in that case the whole of the pecuniary penally shall be paid to the Corporation. 9th. And bo it further enacted. That By-Law No. 4. 1S67, ot this Corporation be repealed idtor the 31st day ot December next. )1 0th. And be it further enachd. That this By-Law shall come into full lorce and cilect on and alter the lirst day of January next Passed 4th JJecember, 18G8. PETER ADAM^ON, ARCHIBALD BISHOP, County Clerk. Chairman. ^ * *J Printed at the Sigual Office, Goderich.