\ (?) IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ,-v.fef -, A O ^*t* ^?.^ *• **>.^ %^ .^ 1.0 ^lu 1^ ■tt fiii 122 J" U^ MB' 1.1- ?.■« ■" 1!^ nu4 -j^ r* f ^^ // '/ Photographic ^ScMices 4!^ \ «<^. -r* as W«T MAIN stIiwt CarporatiQn WIMTni,N.Y. 145M , (7|6)87a-4503 v\ .»■•*.■ .; -r^y 'W;« ■ %' CJHJVI Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches ' 4 1 y ■ P*tnM ^n aith. 1884. and DeiitUiMr ibth, 1886. WlldHT, IBBO POUNDS. Jiil, A Oi ,.,!, .2 J ^' '^ ■ ^ \J BAuO ;;. 1 mm 'I'his m^chiiic, •s specially adapted tor large shingle factoriclr where a special business of shingles is carried on; Kor threshers and portable engines we can recommend the Small- wood, fs much more simple, and less expensive. 'I'his machine is made in our ustial style of work, thoroughly fitted and'^pjt together, the bMt materials being used.^nd eyery machine is tried aud tested thoroughly before shipment. Our guarantee goes with each m^rbine. THE MACHINE H.\S \ KRICTION FE^D very smooth and positive. With the siw. running at 1,400 revolu- tions per^minute— the fewl for the whole lengtli of cut, or, s.-iy. i«in. shingle, will be 42 cuts per minute. ? THE SEVEN TK.^ UOCS for ^ortcning/the stroke, eacH-iqo?tkcn the !*rbl^ afHiiit f5v»;,stroKes per nijnute, so that at the shortest stroke for qarruw shinalcs the m.athinc will cut from' 7^4o Sj^Aingles g# minute a^ording tb the speed of saw. X-i' ' ■ ' saw. .'fv ,\ VERV? fii^OKT^T Al)VAN/tAGE-By using the foot levor^ihown in froqt of math/he the t<^ jaw of • carriage, tor Urcrng and dogging the block^ can be rJised with the foot, so asto give the operator the free use of both hands tohandl- **- '^— ^ feiw-M ■■■■■■' -■■:■•• -, ■ ■■ •■• 'vis on Tips CAN BE MADE CONTINUOUSLY at ei^jM^f the block, by simply throwing a small trip (2) shown a^llppUnd of cut and within easy reach of the sawyer. This enables iflchbt oif deicct in the trmbor to be run into the points till sawed out, keering shingles first class, while if butts and tips alternately 50 per cent, with the knot in the butt w o ul4 b « ^ulU. THE (• AI'ACITV OIM'HIS MACHINE depends to a very large extent on the" quality of material out of which shingles are being cut, the usual run for ordmary blocks is frcjni jo.ooo.ii) ,?o,oo9, shingles per aTate from frame to < heapcn repairs in case of accident. Seven triivdrtK^ ir»vjUake of six 'giving more range to feed of machine. It is impossible to give all the minpr details, but we can say that this machine is built conscientio usl y tft sustain our re|mfcm0gr^for first " l«ss work aiid can be ihorougWy relieiTonr ^f^^mpioi) Dra^ ^^w /Rael^ii^e. 2e§,t-Ma,c[7;i.9e [0t t^e^^arpose M.li;.6y ii^* 0^.9^.^'#-'.« J Left Hand Machine. SIZE. 14ft. byWt. without the Saw. The fraine islmade of heavy timbers, well franied and bolted to^etj^r. Shear, Pitman and Standaras afe of ash ; Bearings or boxes of Brass, ftudai fastened by straps and keys as 8ho,wn m cut. Saw is made to feed regularlj and smoothly by the action of the double wrist bin, Orank weighs about 36^ pounds, has 40 inch stroke. Pulley 24x8; sp)(ci ~;iu)i't'j/iiiiiiy.' V I Will bull \ s.i|ifr.iiii4 1(1 6,000 l)loiks/i)iTil.i,i- .' CHAMPION KNEE BOLTER«iSAPPER Right Hand Machine. SPACE : 90 to 93 inches. T-HF. Watf.rohs Engi/ne Woi!Ks Co.. l'tc. . I1k.\MIi>k|i, C.XN.MiA, AMI Si. I'aII., .MrNNLsOTA, U. S. .A. I ■ •• ^:.:*.h^ The (Irooved Stoy, shown handle up, is moved to any desired thickness, and turned down and rdler grasped by handle and lun back to it when the roller is the desired distance from saw. When not in wse it is turned down out of th^ way. armors apd JlTr^sl^er^ ^\jj /T\ill , KEEP ^YCUR ENQir^E AT WORK,- .^■•^— ' . '/ . ^ ., ■^•..'increase ycur earnings ■ p 5au/ O^i M .517! r>^le (T^il I or Qra i 9 Ql?opp^r - N90 SAW IRSNS. A Strictly First Class M>ll in every ParticuUr. Ills new Iraiiic and carri.igc was brought out last year to / meet a lonn felt >»;inl of a < heap but a ihorou^hly gpod / saw mill ;ata< hmeiit for fajm ^nd threshing engines, , jwfich would come within the reath ol faruiers and threshers, and at the same time be capable of uianufacturing luml)er e\ W hen desired the mandrel can be length- ened to suit any^spei iaj |K)sition, or tot nable^two engines to be atta« htd tijHhe one saw. The carriage < an be made any desired lem^h and in se< lion, to^ be attached and used when wanted. RRICE No. O Saw Iron.coinpleleasshown^iticut (ttt timbers ir.uk it'ih is l^iil nf Imt iiui ip. lu.lihvi timliii .nnd sills) Willi » Iii^ frame, I'.iifiil >aw (iuidf, iMlrnr TinilH-r <;.iuni', 2 ,«triils, fusl lull, pull) 24\l>jiii. faiiwilili. tij;liliiirr Itaim- anil |iulli\, .-iilitui ami lihfi>"f .1 rounti lii^ l<>p, ainl fr J(lI.1I!Vl scat to hu nuiMil up maror to iirt shiirlir ihan 10 fctt ; \ wi.iidwiiik (.1 catriajji', 26fei.l «( rai:k stick,' J5 feet of^ luck track and iil \ slccl' fnml track plantvl Uue, and screws fcir saniu, all set up <-.Hnpltlc, kniK-ked do*p and delivered f. n. l>. cai», without s.iH,.no main Ik-M aiiH no K*- fr.mii!>oik under t rai-k . . '. . . .^ ' ' >f 4«0 track Ribboji and Sills, as shown in] cut, framed \ in 1211. sections \»ilh ^plicing plate- arr.itiged s,Mh*t it ■■ 'can lie reailily taken up anil rc-sel. 75c. per fisit, or rj\ i;x(fra Mandrel per foot, to etfable a second engine to lie attiieliecl, $1.50 or -.ly 5ft. .iml sill Ixjii liabliiled . 12 Kxtra Tulley, 24x1 oin. face bored and key seated. ' 9 line shows jwsition to Coit to Increase the Length of Carriage caa be BiUmattd from tht following : > eels,boxes and pinion $,55 00 size) . e round tooth, and^bolts. ^^:- l^ach extra log seat, knee piece and I'eel I )og, complete, eat h one Si;;gment, each 3 feet long by 1 , I rack,\' steel track planed tme ianoft lengths, inir foot and screws Mat Irack, drilled and,,co"ht«^n'< ^''^ screws, \^r foot Woodwork of carriage for each extra foot in length I )og Shaft, turned, ii\jlude« couplings, pet foot I'atent Timber 'lauge, small siie same as iised on No. () Irons. . I'atent Timber (lauge, same style, lai'ge size. . I'atent Saw Ciuide, adjustable ■• S 00 Sawdust Carrier, 20 feet cei^tres usihg No. a chain 25 00 if EXTRA FOR SHAWS. 15 00 2 75 75 10 I CO 75 25 00 .?5 00 ./•'■ J I liaineter of .Saws . . 4oin 42in 44in '46in 48in 5oiD C'anadiaif .Soliik .Xnn'.ican Solid 30 Kincrson's flipper. ... 50 Kmerscn"s IManer 75 lloct liisel Tootli . . 85 -XnieTican lirooke Hit 0o $25 $30 :$36 :$4^ $50 $ SS 35 4» 50 55 , 65 57 62 70 80 88 80 85 95 '05 I'S 90 95 105 |I20 140 65 70 |75r9° 100 •Mslcn Chisel Tooth. 75 80 «5 95 ««» ' «'" •■ = 7-';-ai rt. P. . •! ' > ,.i£ \ A NO RACK OR GEAR r^CB. ^dT PATCNT ES S<^^. ^iu\\ or Hta^i^f . In ' SHINGLftS, ao T.iolh Pinion rul» f..r C'lnadbin MalrkWl.^K«Bt M l>ull«, '.r *W|J, If gaHge taws, 3 shingles itiri of i>^ ftiWik |8 TfKitli Pinion culifor Ainciicin Maikv/ |ilum|i )i Imiis. TO CHANCE FOR |ieadi9$ or parallel 5tdff. WHb hRttroTcd Peed VVorki U more Simple thw Before. hoiilile toothJ'inion cul J^ inch thick :£. . HEADING ■lo do I BOXBOARD Ud PICTURB BACK STUFF. Knot Saw Jointer, fhoulu rurt 9,500 rvt IShlngle Packer, ' Makeo Square Bunchet l6.. 22 I U No. I Machine iisc<,36nn(l j8 ini^isawh. ('uii'14 lo 18 inchn Ineg ,j_. ''>■ [4 »ihoulil luii 1,400 to l,6oo levoluliona jjcr miiville. .v^ No. t Machiae u«.s 40 and 42 inth saws ; «|l» 14 to ao inchn kM^fWuh 40 uich h|iwn in cut 2,8i, shoulil run 1,400 to 1,700 remiluliTink |>er ininute. SmaUwood'a No. 1 (emaU vise) Patent Self-ActJuc-LoMr F«ed -«W"tw ■llll--\\iili iniorovKl feed wofksjTiirtipin with the extip- - tioii of three iNraccsi including all late imp>ovenients(nienti mil Ih-Io.> ) makii'B the machine heavier and ntxri duralile an ilhistratnl. We^ % V generalljr unc American shiiiglf nawi of the lien make— Inn )6 inch saw taiiergroiiml to 14 or rsgaugea! rim, with looteeth. Ca|>acity 10,0001020,000 per M- i'^ia i.'. ' .f^^S^ complete, with Jointer and Belt lo Jointer as >hown in cut ... . S2«o 00 NO. 1 Machiac with 38 inch saw, Inetuding jointer ank* on while being UogMi. Uwt 40 inch nw ttwr gVojm.1 to 14, 1^ or 16 guage at rim. lOo teeth. tnclJHBcttto Jointer and \^ NO. > ^lachine with 42 ih1thnui Jointer : weight, 2,400 .« „ If linpiove.1 sgt works .ire ifot wanted in aliove machine dmiuct $«, "Bona" SiungleMaelUae, wiiik 40 inch Mw without Juinier..,; 30000 " Boat •• Sliincle Mackine, wi» mil W.»ve, iX. 20, 22,'"' 25 '"'til*' wi.le! ' Improufjmcijts ii> ti?^ 5mallu/ood 300 00 320 00 aao 00 ' m 00 140 00 5500 ■ -vsw 79 w too 00 35«>0 SO <» 26 00 ,, , ShinBts Machine. Y\''Khavcia i.radeat the oihei end till block is evened up, and •ivbefoTe '^* '"'"' ' '""'''■■ "^ *"'■' ''""•* ^^^ '*'« »"'^f"«ely ^As this .-i/lds ...nsiderably to the cost of making the machine thiunpion Drag .S/iw, iWo saws b% feet x 12 inch, and lightner, without Carriage ..\ .Saw. With plain 140 QO 90 00 120 00 Jack \V<>rk«, nc Carriase, fur^'hampion Urav .straigMSWwd chain... \...._ The same with iHo. teo Giant C&On ; The Waierow Drag .Saw, with earriagfeand last and tiimt Aillw. 6 to 6 M foot saw ,..l:Z ao 00 The Uruce Drag Saw Kig. Illustrate^ almve, Inctadca ( riogc, a« shown and bsi and lo6ae pullMiic bo»«. 5, '4 fool saw ^ r«i|-H S^ , , 70 00 Champion Knee Bolter and JSapper. Includes 50 inch »aw . . . . laoo 00 l.rivl»a lllhn l« PW <» M«d„lo„ o,„U. rf f««« 10 make ™„„«,i„„. ™., ,^ spring^ anaHadMd 10 pauls 10 hold them firmly to place on sei whuli. the price ak aljove. iiiiii i ^5~ -^ %