■■Ipf *. A Centimeter 1 2 3 Ihchei ,« ' ♦ 1 MMIMC mdlOtIO 1100 soi/itr- t 5 6 7 i •^ ♦ 10 11 12 13 14 15 •v/ §' '' s ^ r^-. > .% -^ '- ;: ^^^^f#l,- :- ^A ^ CIHM Microfiche i Series (Monograplie) ICINH Collection de * microfiches (monooraphles) m-i / ^ — 'Hi •v/ .Cenedton IratHuto f^ :'?^^:- TlMlMlitirtilM* iHifhiMMtoin •ftfwiHMpliN «i*ii OV vIMMM^ 9mw d D p □ M^paNliMlte Utilra< ' s. Ml fU «tfMr tfMR Mm or MMkI/ li A MM 4M MiM on •ti^ m^rtraMttM an •milMir' e Uwih M or( I'MMMoiidala li tout* la III lon#i toliBli. mtonn ■ MaM ■/-; '«,'■'•',.■' »U;'' ->■ . «» *?f--i«»-*'i «»• ryrOMUty of print variat/ UU QiialM M^ da I'lmpfauioii Lai_J ^afioation aontiiNia □ Indwlat itMiaii(aa|/ CoinpfaiMl on (daa) Max Titia on liaodar taMn ftonK/ U^lfaia Tan-lliapnwiMt: '' □ TitIa paia of iMoa/ l^da tHra da la livraiion r**1 Caption of ittmf \ man. IwuM aala *tait pmat ■.' ' •■-. ./ ■■^^-. ■■■'■: ■ TMi Ham il fHmai at Ika ittfoailw Ca daaMMnt ait fNni* M tam da Wa.oaapaiMn'ont L-J THfadadipartdalaliwaiMn ' .' ■ t ' ■ ..,'■..■■■ ■"'.'■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ -'■ " • 1 1 Muthaad/ L-J OMfiqM (p*flediqMM> da laliwalion J "• '■ fmvt ^ tpitwc^ MMkn%f bliidiag tap*. .■■;:.:-■./;:-'■■ '■; ',": ■ ■ " .'■ ■ > '.' ■ " ^ ■<■ <' ■ ..;;'• ^ ■■-' /^''^"■•■' ■ •■;"■'■'■■■,;■ '\C'''v'-' * <0X MX ^' Itt " ax »X 30X . ' 2^'' ■' < I " ' - IIX -..sa- . _.,,;. itx ^»-.. .AtiL sx ?«x * 2tX 32X ■■■/■■■ ■ ■. ', :> •■ , ■"■■;. >,,/■'':..:■■■■■ '-"'' ?,.;■';•':, •'';^;-;*:-' ■'. ' ; ;■..■, ■• . ■ ' ♦ « The Mpy flliiMtf hMP* hw b«M r aigniHo "A SUIVRr*. lo eym boie ▼ aigniflo "nii".-^ pnnonoo* tMNOOUii« wtmmt pswwfii vnv fHmi e i doe tatw da f4diictien d I ffM o nte. Lerequa la doeumont eet trop grond pour ttro reproiduit on un eoul elioi«4. U eet fMmd i jwrtir do rengio eupMiour gouelio. do gOfiMio A droite. ot do hout en boo. en pronont lo hombro.\ dl m ogeo ndeoeeoiro. Lee diogrammee ailll^nta illuetront to- methedo. v.;.:i ; .■•-2:-,: ■ "-3.. J? at 1 *^ \ 1 , 'W V, • 32X COMMON i?X.E A8^ '^ M9iti0a, 1906, ol London, Catuida 1Ve9$, ^at^ro f^« Hmt» John WUoan, J. KOOGH *CHA8. W. KENT *> ■ • Tfli R^YAL rNSPANCE COIPANY. r t40 I !' •-—-•,-./ ' t; FUtIi REPORT OF THE O Afll 1. K .1' TBOJm^ATUUhHD, \AUmuif9 md Otwmiyhr FUMfp» jrOJV JOB.\' Jf. CAMERON, q'.C. \ ^ ] ^ n-A-..-.. THOMAS WEhLH. i i CSjimMl md AttonOift/oi' D^fMmU, Mtms. OAITS HENDMSON,) >•*•*••■•••••■••■'«•■• -^* PHI N T B » a't T H E " F R E E P Bi B S S ' ' S T B A U — PBiyTIMg ggTAPl > I B H J iB»T . WOBTH-BT Ba BT. __ _ %] ;t --■II ^ n « 1866. ^ rtwwB !L ■y£.:d?' "m^i o 9^M M o N px b: iL B. JB^r€mg^JMi»49f 18M, a^lAmdmh Canada We9$,b0ft JTOH. John WUmm, J, th0 ..•^ feoS. McDOIlOUGH 4 CHAS. ¥. KENT M. THE EOYAL INSUKANCE COMPA FULL REPORt OF THE > ..■! WILUAM E. MVEXDNR, ) iSSSS/GALTrksNDSBaoy,] 7* Bi yTiiiD AT THE " F R BE P R B S 8 ' ' 8 T B A M ^¥»IVZIHO lilABLIBHMlHt, HO»TH-'iT»IlI. ises. / "4^"ft?|^ ,>rj<»*,¥^««nBS!t>5>.- > V \-- ^. --y^' TBX QBISAT FiBfi AT , . HeBsrs. McDONOUaH ULENT'S BSTABLISHHENT. " ■>»' A MM irUek kM far jmbj bobIIm tielted * good AU\ «f latnvit, both la LondonMd IkMOfkovt tte wMlMm pMt of Uppor Otoada, wm brought boforo th« aAJoorMd slttlsf of tk« MMdkMa BpriBf ilrittt. tho Boa. Mr. Jastloo Joha Wittoa prMldiag, tho €*m la ^•WUOB bolaff tho gnat trial botwMa MMm. MeDMMiagh * Kmt, wholotalt aad rotall Oi^owt aad Drr Ooedt morehMta, of Dnadas Btrnt, Loadoa, aad tho •« Boyal" lasoraaeo Ooapaaj. Tito aotloa waa fbr tha laooTarr af |»,060, bdag tba amoaat of a Flit bMMMapoUoT MtilT bj tha Ddbadaata la favoor of tha Plalatili. la order that tha loador wmj ba lafarMd of tha datalU of tha caM raftntd to, aad thotoagbly vadrntaad tha eraal aatora of tha •ttampts mada bjr tha Tarioaa lasaranoa Compaalaa to blast tha akMMtaN of Maaafa. l^eDoaoagh * Kaat, «ad dafhuid tham 6t tSa anouat* daa to thorn Mdar aartalB poUotea of laaoiaaaa graatad to tha PlalatUb, It ttay ba advlaabla to traar, to aa brlaf apaoa aa poaalbla, tha hlatory «r;|ha elreaattaaeaa ^hleh ltd to tba trial. U ahi»old.ba •»( aUtad that Maa ai i ^| | >i B»oagh * Kant ^ waU-kaown Groeary aad Dry Oooda aarfhaata 0f Loadoa, and hU #rrlad oa boilaaaa la tba priaeipal atreat of that 01^ fbr orar taa jin. Tha piamlaas thay oeeaplad flroatad on Pnndaa Street, aad axlawlad tlu^agh tha bleak to Vorth Straat. Tha atora »n Dandaa Streat oonprliad two from balMlBgs, mA^ late oaa bttildlag by tha dUplaeamant of tha laUrTanlag parUUoni. To tha raar of this woodaa atraetiua waa a oontlaoatloa of tha ihop, oaa atory high, eon. aaattog with tha brick banding altoatad, aa bafora atotad, on North Bt'roat. Such war* tlia pfamiaM. tbo? old fhahtoaad and a frama building, but wall iUaatad ; tha fame i#(uir«d by tha Aral IHKaaUiag gboda at amall proflta had «o axUndad throughout tha country, that owtria tnm all parta of (be country docked to fill thoae old atyle of built ihopi. It nay ^ bate tneldantally ttatad tbatiso great waa the extent of the bniineit tranuetlona of Maiaia. McDonough k Kent, that^ during the twenty montht preceding the fire their •alee etad ta9SM,000, a«y $481.^0 par day. It should be mentioned that, adjoining their pNBlaia to tha aaaf waa Mr. /oha Monla'a grooery and proTUion store. ThU, too, was vm of tha "old Btandards," an old fashioned flrame building of some thirty yests' history. Tha two pravisea did not quite toooh each other, a space of six or eight Inches being left betwaaa thamTwIdeAig up to the top-the iatarf al being caused by a slnk^ of one of the TwmtoSSi to. It is necessvy that this fact should bo careftally horm. In mind, as It Is aMaawSmatarial in forming a correct Judgment aa to the locality of the Are which broke Ml&ohwaa the daorlption of the prembia of the Arm, and their next door peighbour. Tba«M£ieMtainad waia raluabla and extanslTf in amount. Groceries aad dry goods wSaTnSrSyMto the talne of f«8,000 ; business was prosperous; customera poured in fSSStSSSTiohBl, Indeed, that the booka of the firm were sadly behind, and erery- tSl^IsjSkanirihata oontlnu*^ carSer of prosperity would attend^a business so long SutoS/M? M aueoessfully prosecuted, iut this was not to be ; tor on th* wly mom 3^(SS&. Baptambar 3rd, WW. about 3 o'clock, * lira occurred, which destroyed their JcSSr?nd israhandlaej to tha Talua of oTor f46,0Q0. was alswat Inatantanaously ooaaamad i^tlM daTouring aleiDMnt. It MCT taadllt ha l»>ginad that so great a conflagmtfoa cana^ ws l^y j'* !*^ f" — Maliad aalaia aa'LanAMr Dnriag aaraialyaaia prtTloaaly, alnimlng fc*a bad taken plnce \ • ♦^ 1 nf^ite^- r/ "j!5iffi S i M l i^8£M^ * i j c t vni:; M M'DONoiKii * khit VI. vn "i^Ai." tmnuMoi oomvamt. Fyth^ *«. ▲ sort DfonDuuni ot tt Mlhon of OoroMr fw (h* ^ oriftn oT the diiMtar i^d Mate buaiMM mm of tbo cUr MoMrt. J. R. of iwror kirf MiMd tlM etttiMi, ud It ihM K^oUlj i All olbru to diMOTor Um Mtkar tkotratk,tko Mcciblo 4Imvtw kltdlf Jiry of BiMtMB' or tho Moot pwlaoBt Tbo Mlowll^f |f U— — eoaprlMd tho Jary :— if ft Mffktfbl ohMMUr prtvalM la Um oitj. All olbru to 4la«oi llMM Mtrtblo CfM won of ao arail, aad with • vtow to ollolt i M elty, Dr. Mooro/eoaToaod aa laqaoat to laqairo lato, —i If |km looro, ( Dr. Ml JaoluoB, Jowollor ; Tboauo W^bb, Morehaat ; W. Hlf glaooa, Mrrohaat ; Oterloa Prlddlo, Morohaat : Joha BIrroIl, WholoM^o Morobaat; H. B. B. Alio/, Morohaat { Wat. Bogg, Aldorauui; A. J. MeDoaaldjlf orehaat ; Wa; Biaooa, Morohaat: Joha B oa tt ii^ Morohaat: Joha Abrahaa, Morohaat; Wa. 8. Salth, Morehaat; Robort Bold, Moroh*at; ThooMO WUmb, Morohaat; W. T. Bruatoa, Ajiethmoor aad Yalaator; V. A. Mlt«l|ill, DraMtotj B, Wataraaa, Morohaat ; Ada* Hopo, WhokMlo Mivohaat, aad W. Oovioa. Mr. Bogg wao oboooa Ohalmaa. Tho laTootigatloa whioh foUowod waa of tho aoot Marohlag and palnitaMag oharactor, •ztoadlag ovor oovoral daji, aad oadlag f rldar oroaiag tho 0th Boptoabor. Tot aothlag WM olloitod toadlag to throw aay light apoa tho origia of tho flro. Pooolbly it aight havo booB tho work of an iaooadiary, whooo objoot waa plnidor { oortalaly it eoald sot havo boon •adMd by an aooidoat flroa otoTM, for no llfo had* boon otod on olthor MeOoaoicli * Koat'i or Movlo'i proaiioa for aoatha, aad tho orldoaoo ioto forth that thoro wai to ukill- koed that tho ooaiagratioa had ariaaa flroa ■poataaoows ooabaatloa. Bat oao valaaUo Ami was olieitod by tho iaTootigatioo, aad that waa that aot a ohado of nsplote omOd bo lalaad agaiaat tha oharaotar of tho Ira in qnoatioa. Tha oridoaoo addaood waa ao hit ami ■traightforward, tho oxplaaatioas glvonby tho priaeipala and thoir aaolataata woro of to eloar aad MtlsflMtory a oharaetor that tho broath of olaador waa at oaoo ■apprasMd. Not oao of tho Jory who aat oa tho eaao, probably for a aoaMSt inapootod that tka iro waa tho act of anyoao ooaaootod with tho Bra, aad aabooqaoat inqalry groatly ■tiatgt h a a a d that ooaviotion In tbo publlo alnd. Indood, thoro was ao aotlvo Unt ooiUd bo ftraad fhr sooh an aot on thoir part. Tho ftra was woaltht, tholr stock hoaTy and woU-assorta^ thsir orodit of tho Irat class, and thoir bosinsss, largo, laeroasiag, and IncratlTO. Thsy had aothlaf to gain by a Iro, bat, on tha contrary ororythlhg to loso by a loos of bosiasss aad n s p s sti . whoa thoao flwta bacasM gonaraUy kaowa, people osasod to look Ibt any rsass a that ssifhi haTo indaood tbo MoaaDuaiaii ttvm wrrns rathsr thaa flroa winouT. Bat aaothor tIsw of ths qaastlon Qoaplotely dostroyo aay aotivo that adght bo sapposod to aotaats aa nraanHAaiSH m thsir parts. ThoirstookatthotiBoortholrsiaproTOBbytlMirboahS|Mid tho OTldoBco 0^ thoir assistants, to bars boon at llMUt fM,000, whlla tha tnsoraaos oa tho stock was bat $8B,— thas soou $30,000 of Mods woro ontkoly nnt»otootl^la sasa ol ft flro. As it wi^, bat for tho groat oxortions of tho handrcdo of psoplo, •wh^pirMrwflUag hands, roaoTM asany thonsaad dolbtrs wtfrth of goods flroa tho Datafaig pNMsss, Msssis. McDoBoagh A Koat anst hhTO boon tromondoas losors. Thsir loso was aot corosod by tho ousting- poUolos by 980,000, for thoir stock dsstroyod aaooatod to 9M|000. Ths, hypotboSis, then, that tho flro was in any way canaod or instigated by McDonongh ft Kent la attorly bass, as tho abacaco bf Monra alone preelades tho possibility of saoh s ehargo holding the light of, day for a siagla mlnato. It woald be propostaroas to sappoae that a fira of the well-known wealth aad coBaereial standing of Meaars. McDoaoagh A Kaat| and holding a stock of goods insorod bat for aboat 65 cents on ths dollar, shoald caoso tho destraetion of their own property; each an Idsa woald bo sooated by orery intalUgeat la the coaaanlty.^ After the iaqoest, which oeeadbd sereral days, had beea teraiBatod, and McDoaoagh A Koat bad tiae to rsTioV tholr poeitfoa, their next stev^waa natnrally ta la^ aroaad aad see what waa nooessary w be done, tbov fonhd the ooadltieas of the laoMaee poUeieli, except' the Prorineial, reqnired thoa to doliTor an aeoonnt of their loss, la dttaU, within foartsen days after tiie fire. The fldlare to deliver this stateasnt on ths pari or tha insnrod witbin foartsen days woald hoTo tia effect of relsaslag the Goapaales frtna all liability. This aost anfidr and one sided condition, tho Aaerieaa Ooapaaks dobig boslBSSs , hsre nerer take adrantaga of, as it is apparent that whether aa accoant is dellT^^ la 14 or 30 days can in no way tUjhct the aorits of the aeooont, but the Ooavaalss that had Insarod McDoaoagh A Kent 4eteraInod not to waits that eottdltloa of the insnraaea. Oa ths otbsr hand the insarod nsTcr fbr aaoasat saspected that there woald bo aqy hadtatloa oa the part of the Oonipaaiea to settie their loss la a straijghtfbrward aaaiMn aad, least of all, that they woald refoso tbea necossaiy-tbae for the prspatation of their eMia. Bo after the flro, lastsad of taming their attention to the proof of their loss, they wore engafod as witnsssss and otborwise at the Coroner's Fire Inqosst, esUod, no doabt, fflrectiy or udueetly at the iostigatioB of the Insaranee Ooaponies to discoter. If possible, the eaase of the Are, or, aa often happens, to flad soao plaasible reason by which payment of aa InsonOiee aay la«aa« aalaa 1 fnthii •latiai thOBf ■aflot ofthi thagri aajr A raqalr ..I JailM oflaa saoh 4 axtaal hare I tfatii tlMai •oadi vtthli laiiaei Bffwa flroai that] taaor pecflM iasan roadi pMV sales seso( of a( thep axpir of tb be so booTadod. for audaya of the ftmrtooB allowed for tho preparatloa of the panlealan of tho^ loss, the attoatkm of Meaars. MoDoaoagh A Kent was dtvertod to the flro Inqiest, the lasaraaoe Ageats ^Tlag no iatiBatioa that thoj weald hold tbsm strictly to tiao ia ths MtTStrofusIrolalw. y . . % ?.:-^». parti' thai riadt ■'^^'■■■T^*S«' M*Mmtmm * tiirr ▼■. m "iotal" iMtrmA« w l— Id!, U fMf M y — tt < tk»l m I»t— ligaOw If «k* IM WMld k* Mfia kar the Immmms Agrali, bat lk« AgMM i»-4kr M Ik* Mk «r ■ijiirtiffUwy— ItoA m tk«lMMMii,k«tkMlMior Mforiac •f tkiir kaoks, mIm4 aMMrttHM aa to tka mummw tka kaakt ka4 mm kapL of «kM Ikat ka4 alafaMiLiMtokkHr ttoak ftwMtjraMtka), Ikal tka itoak 1, wklak WM aatraa, M tka ftaak ka4 • fNMtly takaa ; tkat M to aasa aTtka itaiM la tka Maak baok tkqr «o«M •«aaft(a«t tka taiMariO tkat tkaartlalM kai kaM laaipa4,Md wMMat atkmranplaaatlaaMtotkab .r ItwakMtakat* lat aaaaa^ad, asd tkat WM tka i OatofMlMHo aroM tka pa|MMt oTtkair laM If yawikli, ai^^ to —aaaM ttef WMdA ka tfiklm ki M l to iat m to tka aaaM tkay adaf tad— aot I a«r Aaakt M totka faai Mtk o# tka laaa, Of tkat It kU Bot kMS aMi M —iHlllfaMi to paf tkolt dabta. It kM aaror k#M dtaf^tad idaja,aM I lalMllaM laA tka i aww ad. Ihntaf tka bitanrtaw, kawavat, bi layly thtoi to Mr.aMHk, baak kaopw lb* tka laauad, M to tka lautk a# UaM tkat 1 ■a avar tka kaoka aad aaba a«t a italatoMt, ttaj w«f* tald vwo M MBM a ... Wltkla aa kaw aUtovanla ■aOowMMk * SMttaailvad » lattar. algaad bj ^ Aga^ta, bMnad vara t iftr wi to tka aaadlttou a ad o w ad oa tkok aalMoa, m to I of tkak alatai fbr laao, aad tkat aa waivav of aay of tka aoadlttaaa wmM ka la dkaat apvUoattoa fbr tlaa to ytawtfa 4 TUB fbat, t Bt H ka r wltk tka naolvt af tka I taf vbattbiykadaaCI af tka Ibmwm OafaaloaHa arold tka f tk^tkoM I, kat Mtbar Awn dioMtad t iWlAtka iMM a a o o OoMpaaka, Moaiw. MePoaawk J iMt ^ tbafr aaaant af laM aflor tka Ira vllklB AMtftaM daja, aad aaak kdiH( tka ooatnal, If tkaf did Ml da M tkaj waald kava ao itokt to aaaiplahi of tka laaaraBM OoMpaalM. Tka daiBi9fMat>MaBgk4i;Mla«BlMttk*OoaipaalMirM$aMMi tka baolaiM tkoy oawtod aa WM oaaaf tkOtoaaiaxlMMlTa la tka Oltj of Loadoaj to wJn Mt an Mooaat la dataO lafalrad tlM% aad tka elraaaataaaM bi oouMttoa wUk It daaiaadad tkat tka oaadlttaM abaald aat ka oalbfaad, fattlaalarir vkM k/ dabg w tka laavad won lik^ to ba bm* JadlaodliwtkaMtlNlaMartkolralaK«BdtkaIaaBnaMOoMpaaiMeaaldkala aa waj boaailtad. If tka daaira WM aal7 to oaaaia tka doUmj af a aomat olala, bat If tka afefaat of laaktlag apoa tka paitetoaaM of tka ooadUlM wm to taka advaataga of tka hmmif nab OMdBot daMirroi yabUe ooadaawatlaat aad lat It ba aadantood tkat laBvaaoa Obbi- paalOMkMMMr iB aoBaaat oaa ka dalifarod wltkla iMrtoaa dam, kava ao oMaotieM tat a«tiBMH|Mt, oa tb* «oal|ai7, wbaia tka aoMaat oaaaot ba daUTarad wltbla tka tiaM, aa aatintti af tbaa wlU aot ba graatad. Bwlj tka gnat ■agltok laaanuiM OoapaalM kara BOt la tbk t^aaMottoa ibowa tkaaualvM to ba tnmblad witb araeb libaralltj. Tla £tb la, tbB gtMt Boval iMofaaM Ooapaaj. aad tba otkar loMar OonpaaiaB, lagUab ngb tkijMra, aftar all tbair mI^^ nflag, partlealarlT m to tkair Ubarall^ la tba Mttla- IMBt of loNba, wUI aot'kMltato to arail tbaaMlTM of a laara inbtaribfa to BTold paj»Mt of a loaa, la flwt Mylag la aflbet, MoMn. MeDoBongb 4 Koat : OaauaBMa— Tba aradltiodi of yoBT poUdM raqalca u aoMnat la detail ot jour Iobl to ba daUraiad to w wltbla foartMB dajra aflar tba flia. Ton bara by tow owb ■liapltaitj iMt six dara at tka laqaMt; oaly algbt dajri reaiaiB to aiaka out a eUfaa, wbleb, wa oadarttaad, wlU raqalra apwarda of tvo noatbi la lU piaparatloa. (Still, giro m tiM MMoat wltbla tbo *l|^t daja, or wo will taka adTaatafta of a ooadltloB in Our poUdM, wblcb will ^naelndo too froai roMToring aBjrthlag. Will My panoB after roadiag tbf latter, of Bapt Ptb, oMUior tkat MoDoaoajh k KMt bad not good raaaoa ft>r aappoalag tbat tba latratlOBi of tbo laianuiM OoapaBiM fron tba flrat appaarad to be to arada payBMBt by laalitlBg npoa tba patfomaBM of ooadHiou tbat ooQld la bo way boaaflt tbeai, MMpt tbat tba bob-, parfWBiaBM by tba iBiaiad would eoutitate a good dalbaM to aa Mtloa brongbt tor tw' uuBiaBM moaay. BmbaoaMBtly, wbM tba aaoouBte ara daUvand, iMda ap, M< •II tM mI^iLm to M«l« hi «»lM»ilM or ito tootoTwui It totoJbfM tk^n^Aftoi-. li«a la tto took! muni to fMinfft nfMnMlM, Mf ■ ■■Hli «m n^«mIM if «M Amh iMvtttoroMi. AfWrltoAfnuli«4«mMlte4towutoMglilto«k.to»wl*«««« •II tto j*-^ to tto iMMMwi.' YM •Aw • tMf ABC ^ .. . ^ tfMMfT «tft«oi, tottaf «tori»4 MOMtt. MoOeM«|k A lost wllh iMfmir •UAMMosi «Su7i itoy 4U ttooif h «C OmmoI Wilkin* a>i w*»m>.«H •k-ij^ **Jf!*!5 •aiirtti bv tto Airato (tol tto ftoi oT tto fnt MMMta t tm itn A ostMilnff te MMtiM iklirMilMfiaaUv naimi. ttoi tlita wao latyto l OM ; tot «toa H li asiMMMi ttot ^v S«*_4tV^ ^ift..!. .w . «* 'Lli L ^w-i-IAcA ff..^ '* ' J;;).^ ^' 99909^'^ """ ▼•» t«B "•OfAI." WVmAUOM OOMfAWr. (Q § a hi 40 I :D^ a 8 I 3 ■■w sea if t • * 4 V * i 1 1I«W J s t $8" S ess «9 .-t O "• ** / g i!r 11 I II {111 111 111 lilt III I a 3 s » 3 13 3 5 -gS safHi;: CO CO 00 o CO a •d s 8 I u o M'OOlfOVOH * KIMT Tl. TBI "lOTAI." umUAKVM OOOAST. s ■ , ■ ■ ft S5f 3S 8?g 228 ^ V4 (ii* i 1 6 6 .J «*-*- «>^« gss *> 1.4 ^ 1 i- 4534 2187 48 1 • • • • ' ' I . iil iA iA p. 111 m 6» a a III sir lis 111 lit lis 111 III 82 S t88 1 1 8- ii I nr { m. ■»-■--. : ■ /-i ■■ :■■ ■••'■- V • . ■ '•m »• A « ■o 00 Ok C< «D O ' 1-1 X p4 a' e 00 «D rri ** A S i i>4 s •^4 ft Mli ? • , ; •«• .^ m "I ■* e *- ■.«4 s <« ^ 00 » aik r^ « »- lO 2 » 00 M •H M O »• •« *- ' 2 - • S s ft r ^ S w 00 lO UQ »- 00 ^ A A A » M **^ 9 MX} *- A S e t-« « '^ S» • . • ■ • » ■ '• ■• • ,•■ • • • . . • . 1 • • • •••t •*■ !*■ •''*-^ III w ill! I :? •■ ri ^1 i ma illl lllf a *• ■* r III''' J 11 -i 9 «• a a «• M ^ ^^ «•«•.«« —5 •• ■• •• * ■• CO "¥ I 3 « if 8 M-S^^^Jt^^let-;*! -.fcJ •'"^^A^^i^A A ^dt «A^.X^ . % I s 3 (0 ■ ' ..J ;a3- f o c« M 0» 82 11 I -A I ■..,> I :| l4 H •0 3 Sr^ f Mpm » 8 t 3 I .' !»?»* ■•;• CO x'soRttmiB * nm ▼§. tbi "botal" mnrBAKoi ooii»amt, 1 s?a 82 P 9 M tH ^ .1^ f : : : ^ • • • • • • . • • • • • • ' I *- * III ! il^i!?^ ill I & I *4 4D s e 00 9 e CO "•m sss «06M et w» f* ^CDO Mm-4) oeao SS9 ^ CO S r^ w* f* *-»-« ^OM «- CO c»e« ' F-»H e* r< iH . CO Ok lO & '• m : : :& : :& ;|il ii! :m Sit • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » •« VIS C t- S 8 1 ^ S 8 I 93 8 00 8 • • • • • • • • ■*■■■ 11 • • • • 5 • • • : M ••I -I 4'SS '1'* ^^^ '^^ SI'S iS i .^ m ,.''-; s; 8 S CD m le CO s flk HH 8Sm SigS ss^ M «0*» ft p§ i S «•« -«•- ••• .10 **8 ••# 881 18? <8i ll*^ ll*^ ll"^ m&h 111 us rat HI 111 111 111 ■Vm<» O CO j^^^uflS^ii^iJS'SlJrt^^''"'^*^'*'' -^ '».' -^■*J**>-aS < Jt*!'""'-''^^* . , i,~-^~,f .^.wS--^ .i,x..y. £isssi.id >^ %i^> 4 *^Sif \9 U'OONAOgH * EBUT VI. Till ''BOTAI." |lWVtt41 1 ■ ?5 ss J2S IP *.* • • • • • • • • • • • • fl |i it I i " I i&» ^» I'll' i <0 ff 5 . r m I * «Q e "5 e Oft *- ■* » • • ft « .' TO .- I Pi ijii ill iif ill I III i?l lilt iS% S.1I 111 111 III 1 ^^ 8 9 3 ife'=:i==4=,V i\ ':W' ^AMT. Mi>Qiiau«« * Kairr vs. Tin "mtai." wnnuiioB oom>ajw« n T( • ■>.--.. Ii Ii it m *^ioTAL*' nmimAiiop ooiirjurr. 3 8 1? a ^ .1^ S 9 IS ■I: 00 S QQ 5 3 3 fj|l*.«^«-k ..*'!. ♦ • *»"i ii\ 1 J "' GOBRBiSPONDENCE BBSPECMa THE FIRE. ■♦•»• London, 8rd BaptMibw, MM. / I'SB& 'Sr ■aSPJ i^ 1 ^ -?i • J- 1- ■•■*)' 1 ■£ j».. O %■ .■•>3. t " '.".D a ■.■*■■ i ■. ,M' «M 1 " 1 O "mr H rx ■■■ ■"!!. m t« th» »of*l iBwnma. Oomp«i7 •»« »« '<>•*•' ■• B«ddoin«, lyi., H«mt.^T«k« iiotf««, ak^ Mmm. MoDoaoofh * lL»ni iMond la jour Oompwij, undw PoUoy No. 100,TI1, JJ5IJi3to»o»U» w»ptfty|MW»d«t»lM»Io«bylJ»,wUchoc«on^ moniaC «f lln tUtd ofBoptMiMr, 1M4. Toon noit rMptotltaUj, MoDOROUOH * KlirT. -•*' London, 9tli 8«pt«mb«r,^lM4. MoDonoagh ft Kent, Ckntltmra :— . ^ , W« tlM nndttfiknad npiMantottTM of niM InsnnuiM ^ — — t— 4^|«,^4^ oppotlto oof nsMoUT* nMBM, h»Tlng oono to thli city for tho -!SLr«r>t««3l«g to tha ndinltwlnt of yonf oUimi, find from OTidcnoo addnoedat tho fZ?iZ«MtlcatloB. tonoUng tho origin and eania of tb* lln la roar pianiMt, that yonr books KMA^atbMB biJlaaeod. If at alL for a nnmbor of tmm, and that yoor ttook hai not bM« tdbnVlaoo lit Jaanaiy. ISeS. And mn tbtn wo aia l«d to taliaTO toij hnpwfcotly. It toSmtow aot in oor poww to rwnata hera whlto yow idato b bftag pit^ iS^yo* ft» Jow gaidMoa to thi oondlUont of tbe Mfaral 7olHU«, wid wo i«qnii« Snt STelaimi iltali be made oat la strict acooidanoe therewith, no wUrer being made in •ay ofthe eoaditloni theiennto attMhed. We are yonr obedient eerrante, . / TaAKK A. Bau for the Lirerpool and London Oo. Jamm DATinaoa fat the Phtonls^Oo. ^ Wm. BM«n for Prorineial. of Oaaada, Oa AuzAHon Datimhm for the B0yal Qo. BaoMAMUi Swinaa for the London 4 Laneaahire Oo. BonaT IfaDMU, resident agent ibr the Oommeroial -^-^ ' Vaimi Oo. otAUt raoaa rouor ao. 800,781. . -HtM We, Thoinas McDonongh' mi To tlje Director, of the Boyal Inm«nce Companyj- ,^^^^ «oDono«gn .»mBOr^ ^^ BBderslgnedrep.esmititite.of theofli«M mentioaad Maittst our respeetire names, interested inyonr olaim fbr loss and damage br «w. hife t«^ iafwm you that we hare come to London for^^ purpose <£j»^,«»>W- ga^onoflt: aadioeasUsusto prooeed With our dutiei; we require J»%Mi«» »"* tostanee. to ftenirti us w tth t he foUo H tog lii fer miti d u and Toueh e w, n a mely • — ^^ * g »g [ Book asat tiM time Stock was last teken pmfcms to tiMfiM; Inroiee. of goodjp«f«a«ea and Mlt«r«diiy«orMS«lidnce said Stock was token; BOl. of Lading; frei|Khtaooonnt; M«Miit of Mm in Urn mm> pwtod, and ail book, eontaining your aeoooiit., and we alM \ ■ \^ 14 M^poiioiniH A xniT vn. tsi "MrAi." iMtuiANqa obnrAinr. JBfqoln ttei tko mvmaI vMehtn. n«h m StMk Book UtoImi, BiUM Book», vi^ all slkw '%eok« ud oeeocBta ihaU b« trwUM bf yoor Mtlia. > ! W« AurthM nqali* you to proenrt aad ftotntab oi ft o«rtlf«»te «id«r tho koad oTom «r ■OM oMfiitntM, twoni notary, or elorgyfluui of thb citj, not ooBOoraod l« yovr Iom, teptrtlattlMt ho or tboyoroMqaoiiiUd i^Uhyoar ehorMttroad oirenutoaoM, oad Imt1b|[ tavwtifSMd Um olrOoastaitOM roloUvo to yoar loot, do kaow or rorily koUn« ttat 70a hoTo rooUyoad by miofortimo witkoat aay Uad of ftand or aril pmottoo^ giiilaiMihp.«ki Iro la fOMtfoa* Iom aad daoulfo to tkt aaKtaat aMatloMd i^ yo«r •Ute* T«« mm,mo nadorttaad tkat no oonno wo may doom it adriaable to tako ia Uw ittallamini of/var olain tkall bo considorod aa a Uralver to any of th« eondltioaa of tho PolleiM of tbo Ooa- paaiM wo roopootiToly ropiMoni, Wo are, (ctntlmnen, •: Yonr obodlont Mrraata, London, 14th Ootobor, 1M4, To AloiaadoM>aTldton, Itq., aad tho Agonta of tho Photniz, (<{TorpooI, Oommerftial UMOh, London aad Laaoaihlro, and tbo ProTiacial :— Qontlemin, , • In r4ply to your lottor of thii day's data, we hof |Mf#ta ion tb tbo intoatlfaUon of onr elaim for Ion onoti^M at \ infbrm yon tbat wo baro no objoction ti'tho intoatlgaUo! ^bo late fire, and we are willing and Mll\render yon all the aaibtaneo in onr power, either i.orotkerwieo. Tan SrooK Book, Imtoiob Bomcs, VT OP 8amb, mentioned ia yonr letter wore all f oha 0. Moredltbt Boq. With reepeet to tho ber. tt the Proviadal Insnraneo Oonpany is the only Editions of the Poliey, to roqnire it; and we did * entof that Company on the 18th lust.; while yet we Mm WW BIT, •aa w« an wiiiiog ana wu by the prodnotioB of onr books and pa|_ Bi^a Of LAOno^ FaaiOB* Boas, Aoooq delivared oa tbo lYth Septesrim laat to tifloan yon roqaire from ns. wo belioTO t Oompaaj that has tho right, andor the proonre s«d dollTor snob a oertlfleato to 1 we do not Mnsider that we sbonld be reqairod to procore the eertifloate again, an willing to do so if the epaditions of the policy so reonlie. , We beg leoTO to inform yon that wo are most ^ons to bare tbo inTestlgatiOn yon refbr to take j^ee, so that hereafter tbeio may bo no misaaderstaadiag. Wo give yen ■etiee that all out books and papers are at yonr serrico,^ ' " Toan,mootrespootftally, #' HeDONOUOH * KiMt. P. 8.-Wm y — w e t , t o th e b ys t of our kpo w iedj t s Md b eHit isroni befen moattlisoity of Loadoa I ^ ^ tBOlUt lioIK»09«M9, ^_ OJU0. w. suar.. Wikmwou * KMrr \n. thk "»orAf.^ iMkinuiMni cohpamt. OAMA0A, OOUMtT or IftDDLBSIX, 11 ; aiid Meotmt of \ ieHb*4w1»€0i» I \ W«, ThQHMl MeDoaoaph and OluurlM W«ltar V KmL of iIm flUj of Lon4 lato ■tof* oa Daadaa-ttnot ia aaid elty of Iioadoa, dMtr«jod hftnom •filflaptMBbor last, botwooa lit Jaaoary, 1868, aadSfd SopUnbtr, 1864, Moopt aaoh fooda Mat oat ai afornald, aad oatond ia booka aarkod ? aad Q, aow bofon tin roproMaUtlTM. ■wofa bilbfo mo at Loadoa, thk 34tli } \ TBOyiB lloDONOt70B, dajofOelobor, 1864. >\ ' , OHAfltiM W. KINT. '^ V Lo»dOBVOetolMrt4, 1864. t9nm»Vwi^aem,Wm^»mdUMtoibnAiMti^ A ^^- . CkaUoaio»— ' ■ \ •■ \ lanplyto yoornqaoot t^two tboiild aako oat v9n of aotUoflMat of oar oUfaai agalaat jroor Oompaaioo for loos ooeaoioatd by tho flro of tjMmlttf ifd, 1864, wo bog loavo to say tbat wo will ntu oar efaim to arUlratlo»— llM doBpaaksto ehooso ooo arbitrator, oorMlrls aaotbor^ aad tko two a thM, and tiw award of aay two of tbo tbioo to bo bladitg. * Toars,\Biost rMpoetfoUy, Toeaauob Hqusoi, Loadon, 94tli Oo Mmot. ird>oaoogh k Xoat, Loadoa, O. W^ OontIoiM«-» ' Yoar BOto of this data boa bMB . la miy tbiroto wo would sUta at tbo outsat tbat wa mado bo roqooot tbat yo poal a sattlapiaat ; aad aa rogarda yoor iuggaatloa, ** to rofltr yoar elaba to — ' Mik ntituMMj daollao to aasoot to Baeb« ooarao. Wa arf, QoatlioMB, yoor obadlaat aarraai MoNTf. MoDoBoagb k Ka^t, Taeamaati Hoaaa, Loadoa 0. W^ nth Oetobar, 1864. jtlamoB** '.mt- ' \ Wo^To JB laform yoB that li la oar lataBtioBfOB lloaday OToaiag or Tooaday moroiag n«zt, toMJooifB tbo AarthariBtaaugatloa of yoor olaiat, tft ordar to aflbrd yoa aa opportwity of prooariag tbo aaTaral atatimatta of aooofuta wo bavo alrMj nqooatod yoa to falaish as with, ibd aa tbay eoaio to haad, yoa will bo good oooagh to aaad than to tha addraaa of Mr. F. Al Ball, Lirarpool It Loadoa ''Ifiarawftt Ofloa, Hamiltoa, Wlw will taka ebarga of aad eoaunoBloato tbam to tbo ' algaad. • ; ■ ■ ' ■ ■ V- : . Toor booka of aceooot will bo at yoar diapoaal bafora wa lakTa towo. We aro, QoBtlaniaa, yotir Obadlaiit aarraa^, Mufanaea Ooatpaay. Oo. orOaaada. Kow Tork, 16th l^oBdbor, 1864. |)OBr'ffir>W' ;.•■ ; ■ i- ■ BaopaotlBff ItoDonoBgh * Keat^ Jvst M I waa laavlBi ToroBto for K aw Ti i I MoaMd a iiiWaiialnalioii Ikon all tha laOonuhoa Oompatdas iate^tad io tho loaa ff ab^o pavtiM, Ik whQttlBBd«rBtMdyov»toaotiog,t«^thoozcMtlooofthoBoTal, «al|i«pi«taMl*r^Mt«loBaBtof thaoUilp. Tha total iBsa>ai|ooiatd8,060, of which lhoBsralha»«t,««8,Md tbo other ObiBpaJiiia* #39,000 aateagtbooi^ I wn aathoriaod W aArih«aMi,,,;,; SSOATOBiBD. nabve, 1884. w in npfy to B J ot bMB seocpta^ maj take for tba udea, azcapt tba LSD OAVBtOir. DaolaMttoB, Mjr BtioBMLwaiAnot !tar tba oeenniag dalirarad to tba S flraaad aada r«^aUMkad or elaim r^fa> od 4ol]an» «id MihonrBlqrtba t to tUrtgMffbt »aaidMaowitor B MidooadhiAB lis thMllMMid n or abont that itMristtonu^. laai, the iWvUj' I. In tba yaw of laigbt bmdiad f 'i ■ ' 'if REPORT GREAT FIRE INSURANCE CASE, McDonough k Kent V. Royal Insnrance Oo. -»*•- TBIKD AT THK HIDDUSSEIt O.W^ ADJOUINID BPIINfi AB^Utt. ^ ^ ^ MAT link, Uth. ttOi * IStlU ^^^ IFMOM THE LONDON ''PMMM PMMaS" MMPOMT.] Tbii ii an action toreooverthoamoraiof »MUc^ontlMirl0iil>yfii««BA8to^, T. "fc . *,'' y*' £ki_ . ...ir ■X was taken whom Ka at; rk would be whiek wera MkedbiyiM ozeept one "T'V"'*"'*^'^"' ' M'SOfiOVaH * KBIT VI. flB "BOTAL " imvAAarai «9iitA«T, llMi, wblok waa earrlad out wrong: tka daduetiou off tka Arr aoods waa 1ft eent, and 124 per oent off the grooeriea : made no examination of Ike iavoieaa : ac,. of the atook waa old, bat not ter^ maoh ; did not keep anv gooda that would Ur on our handa ; do not know when Maaara. MoDoaough and Rant ioeraaaad their insu- ranee ; hare heard since the fire that the insuranoe was inoreaaed ; nerar waa told by ihe pldntiffs how much it waa iooreased ; their avaraM amount of atoek waa ftom 102,000 to #60,000 ; their asaeaament waa for $20,000 ; the list of inroioea la only those reoeired since Januiry '63 } haye cheeked ail of them ; worked at them for about three months ; completed the cheokiag of them, when the aooonnt waa handed in to the oomjiBniea ; the differnnoe in the flrat and aaeond atatemeota waa •28,fi04-8ft ; owing to errora of rarions kinds made by thoae who asalatad to make up the account : there w^re errors in produoe book of $8,080 ; in day book of |4.240| in inroioe list No. 1, t827.00 ; among them waa an inyoioe of goods bought nrom Thoa. Kirkpatrick which I find was entered in day book and inroiee Hat, thua making atook twioe chargeable with the amount of gooda bouri^tjwhieh ahowa the general character of theerrora ; errors in invoice list No. 2, •2,806.00, the errora are the same as in list No. 1 ; the plaintiffs baring purohaaed gooda an inyoiee waa tak^ and a corrected invoice was afterwards sent, and both iuToioaa wereeharged ; the item in invoice list 142 is included in 133 ; the item 143 included aatatemeai „ of a aimilar invoice ^ the invoioea in thia book are from aix diffBrant firma } they are in one handwriting, that they were gooda purohaaed in Montreal by one Mr. Kant, and forwarded by Mr. Orawford, and I believe they are atruek in hia hand- writing ; they came from Lower Canada, and that they are in the aame kandwri- ting I Delieve; there are aome errors in the additiona, for inataaea, 18.60 la carried out aa ^50 ; there were sonjie persons who purdhaaed goods at 5 per eent advaaee ; did not aell any goods at cost, nor do I believe that any one elae aold st eoat, except under apeoial circumstancea : next item in errors aa gooda per approbation book •12,701^43; the bum 112,701.43 is at 5 per oent advance inoluded on it; thia amount waa for goods sent out to customers and were not final aalea, but to aea If they would auit, and if they did not auit they were returned ; they were altered at ,ooat with the 5 per cent added ; the book oommenoea in februaiY, 1864. and eoda on ^el4th of July, 1864; the cntriM are all in the handwriting of Mr. Kent ; theae entriea were not checked in anv other book from the approbation book ; aome of the goods were returned ; did not know before the fire that there waa any appro- bation Dook ; knew that goods were sent out on approbatidn, but thought they were entered in a general book ; these entries do not appear ih any other book againat thoae perjMns ; error, |464<66 was for ^;oods which had arrived at the station after the fire, and waa put in the invoice kst; the difference between the aeomid and third atatementa is $13,067.09, which is made up of errors and wrong additioBs ; the aum of $237,635.66, which is made up of ssles caah and credit sinoe January 1, 1863 ; do not know the amount of cash sales and credit sales ; our credit aalea were aa large aa our cash sales, aa far aa I know ; in January, 1864, the caah aalea wen $4,3OT, and the credit salea $6,462.11, being a total $8,799.11, for the month, and a differenoeof $li 126.11 in favor of credit saiea over cash aalei^ on December 80, 1863. the cash receipta for the da;r were $219, and received on account $663.^ JonnK. McJ>onough's examination continued— The paper now put in and ahown to me is a statement of thia gooda sold at 5 per eeut ; the amount of the goods sold at 5 per cent, profit Arom 1863 to 1864 waa about $60,000; there waa* Jobbingtrade at whieh we sold goods at 10 per oent. profit, the amotint of which waa about $18,000 ; the highest average profit wan 27 per oent, ttnd the loweat^waa 6 per cent ; there were some sales made to special ouatomera at eoat, but I beUeve it waa only augars, ant was included in the $60,000 ; the total amount of aalea waa $260,337 09and the profits ou the gross salea were 42,760.95 ; we diatinguiah the goods which were io'stock in January, 18S3, from the other goods by the priM* marked on them* The average profits marked in the reeapitnlation ia le8» tlian the amount (^profita realised. The same amount of profits is put in the aeoona statement ; thegrossimount of the salM from January^ 1863, down to the time of the fi^ waa I2$7,63&66, and there were speoid sales t» ouatomera' ot $12,70L48, y whieh made a total of over $ 260.000 ; the total lo s s, ai is r d e duetiny 35i>er e eu t . Ifrom the fire, and 20 per oent from otheri, la $4B,24B.48|' $20,000 between the stock reoeived in tke first and thiM »wiBg to iuToioea being diurfMl twioe,^4^ ; do am konw from some jfdods s*' thiare is a difference oi ataiamaii^a^ which ia M - s^ * ^ t % JI*P01I01W«« ▼1. m "loTAi," mviAirai tiMvurr. wktdMT ihMt U M]r BiOTakaadiw MNWoat ; do noi kati^ lh« books ; do not ka th»l ihortt WM aajr lUwk aoeovnt ; iharo wm no aooouBt of thst kind kopt a not think Itera b aaj gMMnU onah Mooant ; ih« uaoaiit of itttDoy rooeiv ' ■11 oooroo o i t WM not nllMlM, it midtt inolada rtnta ; ouinot aUU OMh MlM w«r« kopi diatinot Arom OMh r«o«irfld on aooonnt ; monojr nortfiM noUt wm dopodlMl ia tho buik : don't know wbothor naB,Mi («>*n of it - whon uj aoooont wm Mttlod by note there wm nf moi||i|tio« of it, nad thora wm ao Mtry ooooarninc it ia tho oash aalM V jgMin imil ._ ■oooBot : all aiooay Ukm o?or thooountar wm put in tho tit|a, iuSTWUr oonndnf U^Mrodltad^ojhaoMh aalM^ whon prodooo waa bought fof dMh tho amoaol ti bo **^ - "^ • • bat it WM not t«koa oa thioia WM ao ?j J ""^ ^"^ aaiaa: woon prouooo waa bought lOf 0Mb tno Mid WM drawn flroo; tho aafi, or paidbjr ohoquoon tho baok. bat it fVoBi tho till : don t kaow what aoeoaat was kept of it ia tho books ; rogalar aoeoaat kept of it (o tho bfst of my kaowlodfo : whoa prodaoo wm ouhaagad area thoro wm no onlrjr made of it ; ono item woald balaaoo tho other ; of thoM «M>ds oa approbatioa, thoro wm oono of them sold before Febmary, 1864 ; bafore this, if goods wore giTonoot on approbation they were ohargod ia tho bbttor to tho person, tod if retnraod he wm oreditod with them ; there wm none of the ffoods entered lo'tho approbation book entered in aoy other book ; there mi^t hsTO beeo. bat I doa't know of aay : the msrks in red ia the approbation book mean the salMiadiferMAAoaths ; they were oonaidored m ssIm ; the book wm kept by Mr. Keat, to iMSR Mr. Smith ; noTor remember sMing the book UU after tho flro ; knew that gobds if ((ire going oat in that w»y ) noae of the spMial oastomars *'«* laterMtod la the firm : tho aToraae profits were strnok whoa we were pro- pariag ^0 balaaoo shMt; there was 12 per cent on arooeriM, aad 16 peroent on dry goods, aad this aTersgeporeeatage wm, I belioTO, rather ander than oyer; made a oalenlaUon to Mtisfy myseirand oame to this ooaelnsion ; the reason why tha Mootraal iaTobM ia Crawford's haadwritiaggot iq stoek wm that Mr. Kent b^g in Montreal booghtsomo goods for Mr. Orawford to the amoaot of 13,000, who sold them agaia ; thoM ioToioM were broaaht op here by Mr. Keat, and got b7 a mistake pat iato the ioroioo book ( Mr. Orawfbrd wm a eommission mor- oban^and the r«UMon Mr. Kent bought to sell sgain to Mr. Crawford wm beoaaM Mr. Keat ooold buy more adTaatageonslv ; an satisfied tho iMt statement Hs oorroot ; there are errors of amoaots of ia ^ eaterad ia the first staittoMit m if in Ci . iafoioM between the firKki third sutome maiBly owiag to wrong additions ; tho ioToi raedTod them, and thegr woald not bo ohooL«« u uu* mKuvcu . i.u« iutuhw oqw shown m« IS an En^sh inroioe, bat doM not bear tho Custom Hoon stamp npon It: It It goods parohaaed fh>m John Vanoo and not ineladed in tho third sUtement- l^M Jf>««^ Pfrt of this morning was Uken ap by the witnea explaining (.^in,at«^ how tha errors ooo^rrod. and showing the whole transaotion. The yjgiur^i^araoa •! 1 o'dook fbr half an hoar, in order to giro the Jury timoe to 'iM'eraiMed limbs, sndflll their half itarred stomaehs, and wm Tfij nino^Ufr.M. C.Catterda.-*l^r the eadi booked" had not been in iaada of tliiClmpaniM stiU they had tho Mme informaUon in the daybook — I iBToioe book ; when I arriTod at the fire it WM bamlna Tory rapidly: thoro WM an aplQdoiiwUohoaased the people to loaro tho bnilding belbre mnoh wm Mtad jUMflm waa of short daration ; in makiagap the inyoioMfortiie OompaniM. Mr^lryinahad tho ■aperintandenee ; they werosappoaed to haTo been uken off oorsoetly; whan wafoond them inoorroot wo sent the CompaniM tho eorreoted st a t ai — Ota i know Mr. Beddome,loeal agent fbr the Boyal Inaaranoa Company ; haTo mm hia in the store ; netar saw any one with him in tho store brfore the ^'•LUMtottarnowpatinandshownmals. IbaliaTO, in the handwriting of«r. Frank Poddington, sworn.— Wm in the employment of plaintiib one yMr aad a-half; went to tham in Janaary, '63; left them in Septamber, '63; stook wm toksa wl fi I w ni with tham ; my dnty w ai, nndar Mr. Kent's instmetion, to in Ameriean money, the differtooe iaulwthe . to $iMm, HMm .„ iked by^fnatOTer elerk reoeived : the iOToioa now Mnag»t|Miiloek;dvrfaiff tkadmel wm thara goods to a large qoanti^ weri kml «p iiain ; thair iteok wm always kept ap prettif fall. Qnm iiiaaiiuad.^ABOtbar porterasdttad ia weighing brokan panels ; fuw ttim . ■ ■M oiln g tha goodi. hat did not moMora them myaelf ; ap stairs there wiiaiptly *"' W \ H»- V .* » *^ff^^^j-il!^^ ^mfr^w B ■PlNPVWM W AflHV WW>^ j |Mpi ^ -^^ ^iS « ■ ^^^'IP^^^ifll ' 'r^^^'^^^jBte k*|>i ttPitalrt ; Um sIimI I9 UMytrd wm itorvd vlUi foodt , Um shad wu wMiM WMB I WM th«r«. Joho W- W«ir. iwoni.->Aa in Um ••ploy of tk« sUinUfii, uid iMiri )mm tiam F«brniM7 1882 ; itook wm t«kM in Um bH^aoiiut of 188t ; Mri«l«d in uruimg thf gpodi on Um ih«l?M ; noTor tdaUd »k stooktaUDf •! aoy olkor plao« ; AoflUid Um p*por now prodaeod ud thowad to m; whiol| b • rMoiVodbymo to thttmoaat of $108,581.19 ; Uioy Mr* raoktn of V Bf r. BfoDoBOOfhi ^ stook wm alwtyi Aill; thcf h«# u mut lilt <^ iomoM dlfftr««t to tlM otlMl inVol ifco Umt of th« Are m Umj Ead ia J«a., '(13 ; th#T w«r» ia th* habit of e»]hwij modi for prodaoo with th« fkrmflni ; naver paid auoQey for prodao* ; hive MuaiiMd tho oharfM for frdfht, and foond them oorrwit ; have examinad th« atmV damandai tha fir* ; thoof ht th« appraiMra htfdty liborai to tho i^ainUfi ; Ab MtabluhBMnt WM pratty Tali tha day Wort tha Ira ; noUoad no daeraaaa ; waga| tha flra ; oama inlinadiatfly aAar thaazploalao , it waa oo flra in tha oentra ; thfllp WM lota of foodi ia tha baildiof than. OnMHMzaniiiMd-— Think a larger peroantaga oug^t to haTa boan allowad ; lonm of tha damaiad goodi ha?a boan taken into ato^ ; thay bava baen lold m ai Ktnaral thinf Dalow20per oont diaoouot ; lold theis on Nortt itraat; there a few other goodi ourohaMd ; the gooda aared were dry gooda and grweeriea ; thf g:lro«ariM looked tne larcoat in quanUty; all were damaged' mora or leaa— mort parUoolarl/ teat*; the Iiqaora ware damaged a Trttle ; there wm aot^ a largi> qaanUtT of Iiqaora ; HaTo been theohiaf olerk in tha grooery department for aouit' time ; tnere were a number of ohMta of tea Mved ; lonao lagara were aaved, but mubh damaged by water ; had nothing (o do with tho 4xy gooda ; Mr Aroher, Mr. Ula|honi» and Dr. Farrar were the aporaiMra for tha grooeriM laTod ; hel|ied to prapara a list of damaged gooda saved ; holped to oheok them ;, all the saTod atook WM tntared at ooat prices ; took the pneaa fh>m tiM inTOteea ; oar prioe book would ihow the ooat price ; tho paper now prodaoed and ihown ma u tha liit nraparad by me and is in my handwriUng ; know that lAl tha artidei on thii liit oame into the itore ; oheoked invoioe No. 488 mymlf ; iiiToioe No. 630, amoaaUng tot^30» I.oheekod myielf ; alio invoioa No. S63, amonnting to 144.33: the goodi named wer« molt of thefn from Montreal, aome*f them from Hamilton; thainToioea obwked were from Jan. '63 to 22nd of Angmi-^ ; cannot toU Uie amount of goods Iwoeired in Aagoit. .... - ^ ^ Bi^iamin Hodgini, iwom.— Wm in the employ of the flaintiffi from Ootober, '83, to September, '64 ; oheoked invoioM ofgoodi reeeived into the MUbUalment, to my oertain knowledge to the amoant of 113,900 ; the stock wm not allowM to runlow when I wm there ; have been to the qtatea aince I left tham ; they had aa aTorage itock on at the time of the ire ; naver knew the ezaot amoant of Modi in their itora ; I believe there wm a large porUon of the gooda dMtroyed at ttia in ; arrived there after the ire ; wm in the dry good» depkrtmant. OfOM-examined.— Reeogniie the paper naw ihown mo im the oorreot liat of th e itttoioea of goods oheckad by me ; tha InvoioM ftU bear my mark of beinc oheoked ; WM aware of goodi going oat on approbation ; oannbt tell the exaefe date when ther went out : did not know before I came of^foodi going o«t on ap|»obatio1a, bat uauted in makinc np paroeli ihorUy after goinf there ; never aaw the tnvoitea of the goods , when I aold for CMh the money WM Jpnt into the till ; there w^. two ■eparate tula kept ; one for the dry gfodi and the other for the groewiM. If 1 gave money for produce out of the t(M. I put a votteher in the tiU for the amovnt, and the voucher wm oouated up in the lalei : ^d not make anv entry of the ntoduoe rMeived ; marked in my paMbook all tho mIm made, and the book-keepM mi^eupmybook b the evening; what I lold to Jobbing e«itonieri the book- keeper mvk up the invoice and put my initial! to it ; the general rule Waafor the book-keeper to reoeive all money i>aid on aooount; have seen Mr. Mo]lono«|[h ■end piuruea to the book*keeper when they were gola^ to make paynent on their aooounta* 1 m. E»e»Mrined.^Went with Mr. Kent to get more time allowed »^ PtMgyf jo glToiBtMritatement,whiehwai'refuied;itWMiome time m Sepaember} wo ealled on Mr. Beddome and Mr. Meredith. '^^ , .. 1 ^ Bdwin Kmt. ■wom.~Am nephew of the plaintiff Kent : wm in the tmplqy liaoo ^liUMkiaa, tothepviMDt tine; WM«Mrt »t tho time of Um ire ^«Ui|lf Iff^riM ■ ■■■' ■ ■ ■:' : ■' ■ ■•;■. ^ ■ . .\/' V » ■^!|>«|f*pW*^«|^^ : 1*^ M*W»OtWH * Kmt V«. TBI " ROTAt » nfftJSANOl OOMFAflT. iir«l!f^^^^ oontiaudly brought into the esttbliduneoi : it WMchiefly battw.Mga bMon. Ac. : we kept en eooonnt of produce nSintifc' S^^Te^dTO^T« L=i^7"^ Whethe7itScTt-ed SJn.SI?ISf n!J:^t; ^f "^''2 *"» ••'^^ ; •~»«»e<* •» the are • there waa a very £hl2 iSSrift^'tS'J' «/««»<*■ »>«™' ; wnnot form any opinion of their ralue : SlSlto^tfi'J!!"' ***!"•"/• **•• f^x^' «>r the appVaieer.; then waa an irSSn^Ii «Wk** !i^^ f»«»*» out: tSe book produced le one of the books with Mr rSXJ*n.*''w*'****'^'^ii»H from the fire; they were appraieed by S the^rliS^' Srj-4 '"'! ^''l Art' ' ^"f ""^ I meaaured ind weighed «In-{«£^^?' — °*" °®' P"',"" t^e PriwM •' that time; afterwards the x«mauder of the pnoes were entered. ••wrw.iu. mw mSS'm'!^^dz/h^}il^^ were made up after the goods were appraiwd ; the So?rt^3//?^n!^S Jy''15"i''''^*^ *^~«?'» the stock; the goods were W{I1?.^7!j'iu°°* °\>^' «°^» •PPWwwJ wer^ sold 1 11 after apprauement ; Mr. SSri nniir^"^*' °L»*** *•'* «ntries;the cost price was on the gooJsYif we« in^hS hSSr*"*.*^ **" them we^toofc the price frpiu the price book; tW^ds ™J!L^* """"^ ■"*? ot tell the amount assessed at 9& S wW?h we !D»S^'?2nl'"^^^^^ *^*'*«*^' *°^ •»«^''«« ; «»»°o' «elHhVamount Sm^w2etokKwnSl^'J'*°'''!r°°^ »^* were taken down ; S?y ffnS a miCLu?".''''^^^ tlie damage was chiefly from removal Sfiifir- S2i«rS!n-j ■ ^® «PPearance; the teas were all mixed up with other S ver saW ttfhSff nlS.^^^P'"'*'"^^^^ ' *'°.*^'?<* * '°' ^^ «°*>^« i° «»« ippraiseinent : MrrfJhl.rtiflw'ltf"'^! '°®^®'''\PP5"^^^ reboUection of Sth?iSf«C?-fc?Ai®"''^^®'?™*iS?*' together like candfes; examined some werekSuidS ™!;j th."^^ *°"'^»* ^° ""^ iiandwridng; some of the articles LTth2Z?m.^^»k?*^*°i^''®'°«°'5 8ome even as much as 95 per ceiit; cannot ^ASIi^ni'u''*®*''*''^®*''®^ utterly valueless. v,o.nDoi, inA?„rL^™llS°"'\'"?*™;r4°* »« thegrocpry business ; am noti'n the hWof ?fSXT'"'*fl*°.*"^^''Vo^''»"»°<'0 Companies; maie one for the plaintiffs' Itl5^r«^nl".2S'2!"*^''^¥*.'u"'?^^l' »° » builcfinS partly destroyel by Sri, •:il^JJuS:;2^?E^i%,'Si!?-^ - North/street, at 2((per Wi firf'°.!L?ff/i?!l™**°f *"°''^''"i any of the goods had not been snbjedted to oSVeSiSL?AS?^*'-''?^^?'>«^"^ appraised them Sut S!tm™d^-.?«rffc 'v^® J"l' ¥H *' tl^e'n ; the chests of tea were very much aSrSrif ThmfAf S?*" ''*^>^° ^P«°^ »"'* "J?'"'* *»y ''»*«' ; spent SS S5IlSiS,nite*K*^® appraisement; the artidek appraised at 96lper^ I23i??22L5^'?*r ''^^^P in a heap; had nothing to dowithrSe dry •SK«.iS^«n\li***"'"?'^'»'»?**'»«'^J^ of articles «r StffSLto liiiLJl? appraised^; the paper now produced and shown to ineJs dne I«S^2S . c^S? Jirl*** ^r** wererepresented to me to have been the goods iSEiilnte •^' *^« apprabment 1 signed thelalS??; r»i— \'<-i •iidat«jwi*«*«r«^~:r^*T"™!f"'*" TO lajteine stocK oetore tbe appraiMm( S?M«t »5SS ««n l^t tt th^v f«B TalM,Md the •ppwwi took If ner cent off them j we did not eoniider tiiem worth wythiof } we took itoek ink£dUtel7 eftorihe fire inveetigationrwe wer« •bout two "nj • fcj5L^l."ft it } oftUed the iHiolee oat to others who entered then m the bdok j we ftnt •rtiolVto wSnJo^^ Md ^teen ponndi eeeh , Mr. B. Kententered Oie Sriritry ; nearly ereryt^^ remored dnnni the Sme^% fi^ im goods »Mff«iMd ^e^e hionj(ht into the store from the^«&«et i "™* ^T? ^AyHJyTX^^r. Ml. Wm. MATKknniurli'a stAm dnrina the fire, the p!Sksces were weij^«d ; mQsi of the goods were mixed np with the new stoeki for '*^fflS^;iSS5!^ i wholesde dry good. meroh«it In iW. city , y- emUed by lOMntiffe to apprAise some goods dsmsged »t their fire j the amount 1 2S!iSwMeboutW00;the p^^^ *^?.>* •P>«"*^rf^iS S^MM^Otogether on the whole stock was 3&percent j did not Mgn?W^bfl^ ^*b SS^^r^^s * heliKJd to appraise the diy goods J woBjd^ forS^|thSrwaamidonAem,andother^damage;had^ a bvikrtipt rtoA^Sy would not have beekabte to aeU^them for 13b. m the £. . ■....,.: OroeJiamined.— The goods consisted of cotton, &o.; opened several pieces j^we were about three^uarters of an hour examining them j seemed a smaH quantity tosaveoutof iSttlpgeBtockjitoywerein ^J»tifH!?i^^!«^'*S» "SSe less than 65 cents on the dollar j had nothing to do with the i^oeenes ; they were inl toSckatoieoiiNorth stwet ; o«BOt teU whethw there were numy J-ja^ble SticS MMnrtbem } have suppli**fce. plaintiffs with goods dunnp '63 m4'W. , Ito3S&.-fl»v« been w the plaintiffs' stow frequent^ } they did a Urge wholeSS?toad«)rl38,000 would not have Weao^^ ^ioeej I thinktheir dry gooda were worth 30 to WjOOO. .. -.iii*j „«*„ p5« O.Bttwdr«worn.--Am an auctioneer and appraiser? was csMod upon | by £ itotSL^'th Messre. Birr^^ Gregstoniwe valued them at 85 ?er | cent ; oame touie same conclusion as the others. ' , „^^ \. . .y,^ John Segsten, swom.-Am a dry goods merchant ; was oaUed upou ^ the plSS&to valule thft goods saved from their fipn } appraised them at ^ per oent off : saw the book th«i. ^ I)a^Fmi^ BWO?;.-Am a wholeplie «pcer j woaUedupon with Mewrs. OliiSoni aS Eowland to yalue the plaintilfc' stock ; made an appraisement on Si?a?4 ir^ut da™«V «* wo^^^ lot at » P«r cent^ some. pwcels of JS£ ca^oHe wn^^^ imfforing matoriaf damage; think it a fair ^'crS«amined.-.Buying produce we eredit them with the produce, wjobw themwiS Ar«)ods } Qiis iithe only way I can underntand it oai^i be done SSrfMtwi^; ffhowever, in the retaU business there would be no entry^of an eJttf K?^^ didlSt sigi^ the appraisement; recommended an affidavit of those X£3^Jt^ when^Sed to *!Sgn the appraisement so '«»,tJ,««[S?*^ *^'* UuM vete the very Mods ; there was some small quanUtjr not damaged. . / tKoJ JNfr^.>woro.-Am a praoSsbg attorney in this city ; had the mnMi!t«mden!»SNSland2inv^^ SSHhSTuurchase "co«»biied. -Have^haypme ^ nlyJuffi- "■,■'■'■.■■"'■■■■ . . ' ' " ' ' ' ■' ■ ' ' M M'WNOtrOH * EMIT VS. TM "«OTAl" llfiraAHOl 001«4lfT. ,,^;ZS:'ii!!:^'''^'''' ^*^ *^^^^ »^ *o «>« ''««» *kf infold^ irfWr thiv S Mj,00Or* '^."' "T opimoa Mill if thw. w«.,w»^jf^mr&SS^einlA *h** *hey were lafliv Ihtf noiUy fttmi the inyoioes the da J of I taken off oumeroiii : •nd fonna I the Qpf- e inTOieesi d bj Mnie MIUMOntiTS [eDonovgh. iuy, im, tM taken; waa began Ittoed and ^at time ; waaiiTeiy store waa iTing bem rednetion iiof«,(M)0 7 diortly street waa •07 aUght s and the that the kept «p ; »f of Kerr iinttflb to mined the unination I7 ooneet >ns which probation . >wing the iragh tiie probation ig among had no ned about lot state did not ley were over the ind the^ tLppto- igaged in ~ mine the portanity BO inter* ted'kwT^ ■■ «, which ( ihhedid. M'OQROmiB * ElMV VB. Tin "POTAL" atmtAXOM OOflWMit. J5 the StalMwat te mad* te tte laMiaaoe eompanlM ; thdr books ihowed eTMriUai wa*. MRMt { the third statMSMit I beliete ii in th« main eoiCMt ; ouuot mt aartbUic raiMet- *v w^u. - l-:HaTeBotg»BetototlkeqiwiaoB^proflUjinydatywaito iBTMtifato 2 ttebeokiieiamiBedenlTthetUtdor last tteteoMDt; diaooTend the nme wron wETeh > Mr. Finli^lMd ; liad nothing to do with the books till after Mr. Finlay. Jamei Smith, ■wmv.-^ln boobkecmrorUM plaintilb, and hare bMn for «»• yean ; -^ was awan of iteok haTing been taken by them in Janaary, 1863 ; took no put in it exoept makini the fnt entry end headed the book; thii entry WM not made after the firet Jan.. IMS ; the eommeaeement of taking eto linGial poliCT for |9,000 was a new one: the London and LiTcrpool waa a new one : the application now pnt in ia the application for • policy to the Royal Insurance NOo. : na^aaw this before : this is the handwriting of Mr. McDonough : Mr. Kent attended prindpaUy to the hiToices ; the hiToices wen fint put on the ffle and when they had aeenmulated they wen pasted hi the faiToioe book by Mr.'Kentandifhe waa away I hare frMuentlydpneeo; amaatiafled thattheprieei eotemd ia tbe etoek book were the retail prioaa> hadnethhigto do with the ^flte; Mr. Kent gave me instraetiona to take th% peieeBtageoff;theeteflk ofdrygooile hi Jen. *68 waa $38^839.84. the proflto dedneted were 9UM.96: the nonpclss were $38,814.18, and the proflte dedneted were $4.«8*.W: the net dry goodsstoA uwnntod to«24,088M ; the netumonnt of groeeriea was |84:W4.46 the praflto were^t^ off the atoek by mSUng an average j the amrage proflte weM ISJper eent; the iHPprobiKtion mode emoontfam • ""^ — ' ■'' - -^ '«8:h|^eeentheen«taadr thamf ' th«7 heoame final eeleei thaj weif •PPrabatfoB book to assist m% and when thsf beoama flaal salm hehad th«m entered & the S^7 po^iOSA *how entriM of ttihi deeerlption ; tiie eatiy hi the annobation bodl. *• Ihoe. Kent, 1 ehssli of tee-fl 18.65.'* iaentored hi t^e day hoik; never ehMked e? wSla mSng 7'lSm:^l!^t.''S^^^^.r^ • »>«* w- to sxistsooe; mad; STor tS Invoioea Ikem this beok -Xr. Ksnt told me that it waa to save me mekfaig large entriee in ^^^^J'?*^^.^ ^*^ the approbatlton hook ; then wereaome eotriesof gbods out on •fPMW asmrtUe hook was oomaaeaeed ; kept the prodnee book * P "and ** Q ; *' peeted *" '*^" * ' * " brani^tht * * go into ttf to over $11,000 eomneooed gehig ontheme tfane in in'eSand '64;eemeorthem appemed la the ledfSrwhen W not diath^nlahed hi the ledger; Mr. XeaTKpt the when thsf beoama flaal satae hehad them entered k the •yr"'"* "■■«"• ■•■" ffofm. wmm vnammummM , ■•pi Ml* piuaoee nooK "• r 'antt " w: them mbaaa the day boA; any esehange or berter would not appear : 4f a man Im ateelbtttteronhisaeoeantltwoald be entered aa eaah and the bntterwoald ■JjMkrVkMeiMMywaspdd for pndnoe then was no aoeennt taken of it; m astidae wen bsMfil and aa famiee tafcaB, which, el eeuii^ went faito the inveioa book ItaMHifead it snmnsi ., ., .,„. •QM lo Mr; 'DMaaO. "^ "!*-??* ^ *»* SMstof it had bain bonaht wigtasS / .d>M«k- •-nrt ■.TwbtthtflO,8k>nii;ifbiiiMr told tolif. How ^ lhipUi»» OMld not ihoir th.t tb«f bought tor 1« *** *5^?i™^*^, "J^ |lMilMatotMdif«n4«nti. Both ooauol took • «OB«aer»uo vaavm « »!■• m w»w-«iw ' '1S2il.-U0ll«mtton.d.*ThoMi..lbtoff00dj,^ SS. : 5rp?««»o|?i3«ldid u» tbo fl»t 00* Md t«kon off In "f •^f^JSk^^Sr ^S cSttMiMdMoartQaMt to whom wo sold good. »t •« •*/"/• •'"ft'T?* ^*ti»It^ 2 SImTmm faTwhiah tharo doM not, in fact, appow to h« ■"y«»*»f„Pw **ljf!?*f \I! ES!lSLSSi«- ttwoTohoAod bj Mr. MoPonoofh ; tbo piodnoo »JL.TSlS£l.^ SBto^Soojaditlootnnd omW^^ ' rLjtal 21J3 fa^ toSff bStoUf oS aaaLit ob tbo Slrt of Angott : Ihoro wm notblag «b«MMd to »• ■■"."^i^TL'^^Si-. . JSaii2^iWSto:ih?iS»UwbyUwMnot«bai«d ^^^JfL^STS^ KfSinU-*} tbi good* hnd beon -nt to Tho«M j fa»» oyggt obftfa*.^^ SNii^SSl"biln«wbo«ont«r^ >««.»•/•«? 1868.«wlb«d boonoinitt«di tl rlwS3ng;d«w*kn»**b»t - , , ^^ . Kwt^s initractiono woro to omit fj^*? *»^:^Jf*:"ta"*A. "H^^^ilinm nowmit of into STpcodooo book ; tbo noxt Ittm of *» »*.^'^*2**",*L"^w ' JJ Mmd in of Bilt WM UMranMiafrom fse <« f is» *°* 'TT^^T.'.'X.T mk m Choro wm no toToiM for ; •' i^. I of good! ldl.OOM»- •kthttiai* tlhprofiuif tMkr *7 nodi «*!« ■ipftoiNro«ll'#|Sliir tt HhnnumoB obntAiit* Jt SnoirbfcMrroris flm, tht ib«f .^ i|»fm.M;«k«rM«MiMfhtt °?* '^ *t7*l*? *ri*^_"':jirjt« nrSk>« Ahl tiM OMh m1« •!• dOW» fat fpM.lS, «Wh •••Id giT»«Nditi>r IlMllcrMMf; •■PH**"STi M!L-55NriIrir»i«««Wotki^lhlri«daim i( to aboat ■» gbodaon lMto«»Uoot •Ivane* on leaMit;Mr. lood* w«» Btjin ■one . that* «M kpam or DO lodi 1014 to MbcDdd* it nAivoving Dd tlM it«B fclatbfeor- fhM htlVt pOWSMlNldi tlMMd llNHB Joh iMtWMallM IMBO - WM tMW; tfcb tododno dry Jiood* Md r»*l*2^ «*»■ datwVM . •ndgtoMrii 1 tmoma nl I m i on i d in tff rMil««d, a, no laToiae Km 164.61 Is fitoii DnitoD, » $10.40; the ai«t dt KMi. i toll wbethar 4««rat»6«ght ; dM Mooant tl^ mA, whioh loiBTOlMfor; 'Onttttd; th» ift^iflMdntiDg • dtt- on bl^wMdowA bo trao ftgnrw o^fbSl.m.80 l^/bodk-r/' in tto iMiond riiaMwflBlwg; liidBAcwioaof toktof rhi^ikStttag to do with th, «iktof rf «5^ tUBM la tariMM tiMk IM p«r oont, «• • low mto << f»°*lJ^j;^gy**_ V% '^!j ■ Jthlr Boom, alio Utcxagoood othir «hM|«lt wmwi ■••■JTtJ^ "^J^LTzS . tbo tMOOttk of iSrwMV4M04i tUo woo ta«l«4K»i« *• •»«»»>•»•«» *>«*• •^ ow*ltodoiMlK«a« hour., the pl*ktWVcon«do^ to out the questions ond wcoIto comet Mufwow. HIi LordAip '»*««^V *f*J*^2it^^ Jiffi jSJe'Sf bflS to-night, and «->• JJ"! «J»S*« SS^tSSSf; iSL^S^i?^^ iJr. uTtL^Suor MllinK them goodi; hoTO bw» in tW? ttora fcoq«wi,to} th«r tad » iStaSTitoSrfdSKriid'gro^ .Itiautid their stock wwlhfhm^^ to liurgTb^^ ; toM «w Tory much damaged witb smoko ; it would no^ •vvpriM mV thoj — ^S^nn«w4irtnrof the plaintUBi :a marehaat in the city, for over 30 years; shoold eonsider the stoek daoMged to the asg^ni|t of 80 or 2 IS per eeat^i hare had oonaider- abla axporianea in business ; the arerage profits on the dry goods are 2S per csnt ; am aeeast<»ad to groeeites : some grooeries are sold Kiir wry sinaU profit ; bjpTo been in the stn ^jh* Mth and 16th August last ;■ my opinion was they had in the lower shop from 940,000i;to 900,000 worth of dry gcMftds; suppose th^ gaoeral stock was about 960,000 : am a lIMe aoqnaiatsd with the grooery bosiaosil w« judgo a man's soWeaqr by the amount stodE. * Jamas Btedienson, sworn.— Besido In Montreal; has lited in this city; traTOls for W. Stophsim, wlwlesale dnr gootts merohaat ; have beoii in the business 90 -years ; hare sold the pUtintUb goods ; i^ in their store in August last ; my opinion wai-^thongh it was diSonlt to sar accurately—that the amount of their stock was worth about 960,000 or 970,000 ; think that has been their arerage stock for tin past thre«„yearS. Andraw Jack, sworn.— Beside in Montreal ; am in the boot and shoe business ; am in the employmuit of Ames, Noland * Oo. ; was in the esUUishment of /the plaintUfs La August belteo the firo; was there in the spring; thought they had a tery large stobk, about 960,000 ; norer saw any diflbrenco w^ I was there. JBeside in Hamilton ; am in the commission business ; haTC been frequently in the plalntiiTs store ; hare not been through all the premises; thinks 940,000 was a low estifltate for the goods exposed for retail. Qeorge Hidl, swcnd»r-Amii carpenter; live in this city ; know the plaiatiflk j hare done some work for them ; hoTO bean in their store frequently ; saw what Uiey had after the fire ; tlM stock sared bore a marked deficiency to the stock in the store before the fire ; saw the goods put on shelres ; don't think there was a third sared, at least not of the di^ goods ; tiras at the fire ; sisw the goods burning ; saw parties saaking eflbrts to boto the goods ; thero 'was dot time to get a third of th* goods ; there was over 184 feet of shelving to hold the dry goods stobk before the firsj and after the fire tiie goods were contained on 4T foot of Shslvlag: the shelTOS were fflled up in both cases. Wm^. liWMOy, swMn.— Beside in Montreal ; am a eommerdal traTcUer; un eonneeted idtii a i*r gofds establishmeBt ; hare been in the plaintiff's store frequently ; was there on tha nh ioaa; the last time I think timre was about 94S,000 to 960,000 wortii of dry goods ^ aid gNoarieaxHitiie ground floor; did not see tim etodc up stairs ; judge a lit$le of the •matltr of goods kept in the drawers by the style nt the trade done ; one coidd not see the , wkdaef tha goods, as a^ considerable pOTttoo would be la drawers and uiider eoonteia, not ' onMwd 'to tiew. ^TharyLongtSWom.— HsVe been in businoM here in botti dry goods and groeeries; >tye bin fa tt* iddntiflb' stne; was in their store the second or third OToning prevtoos to the Am; amii^sd they had 960,000 worth of stock; was freqnentiy through the establish- ''iMitt jt)d|i flramthsfr sales tlM^fmiMthaiw X>^--;- M': ■dwlnBo their stock I about theiiti BobertBc eoBsiderabit quantities ol years; saw examiaingtl the store be saTod were lohn Ton connected i inthoiresti iheir stoek opinion, fro this was The Ooui defendants After th< stating tha the case un of tihe line witness hai by theplaii between th lasuraace cottTinced taken plaei total amou say that t demanded the immeo thrown, on retard the Uons to dii theProTin ipplicatidi atl ro,ooo James PhcBoixis loss by fir here befor a further i times; re of OTcr 9' seated ; 1 DaTidson Phosnix ; dated the mentofs weimmw gate sale the plain through i tmnMxti toexami; had been Mr.8mi« number) thought ighi jBagUpb fttuoaii wero4lii mr. ; bar* rwj ntioh of i U dUB«iilt eoQBt ^htmld M0MSM7 to SeDtcmbtr. bualaieM ; the iM ■ho«r,how sk of Um dry rar 30 jnn ; lutd oonaid«r- [Mrctnt; am I b««n In tho • duiill^fodby Dt handlo the" «toek, would ling good* to k to exMniM tk ftom wlwt 9«0,000. whj^t WM on idiwbatincM; or S tiaiM s X'lMlfOVOB if ICM* ▼•• »M "iwTAL" nWimAMOl OOlttAW. \ n $40,( 0: am* UBOont rftvelt for W. n; hftTO lold boagh it wJM m« f60,000or m; amin th« biffa in Angaat eatobk, about MB ; haTe been thinks 940,000 [A J have done I after the fire ; i fire; law the tin ^goods; le good! ; there ig to hold the 1 on 4T jhet of ; am connected r ; yn$ there on tb of dry goods a Iit|ltt of the siddnotteetlw BT coonten, not Kroy the sereral representotlTCS, to (tarnislt us wltt a st^ JinJ^i l2iS5S?''tKSSft complied with the m^^^^^ ^^*^* JS?lr« «! in.Tn.d^^rlbwaii Ui intestigato the books ; nerer saw the book containing the aggre- «to^tJ^Si?Se pj£S. £ thSr CMh b^ok, and tbef •*• *^, fr- ^^^^^S'^Xr^^Sf^^^tT^lJ^^ thnmgh inroloe list No. I item one by one ; foUnd a U*tP^^^ ZT^ tL« JoSeeSd farniAed to the diflbrent Cos. ; the inyoice books were produced, and we^ then P^foeMM to^MtS^ST before 1 commenced I discorcred a larg. »™»»' •' »«SfSLaSS taJbeMTcSSitwioe; in the second statement «»wowroM which I found stBl^«auto^ ShfftniAwM^muoLBurDrlsed that such errors shoiild have occurred ; tt» gj^ MmhSrfSi^srfalnJSMKtog charged twice and in some instances tteae times j g^h inyoioes were withottt t ha Onst a m y««— ia*k neon t he m . n e rer sa w snc n n wa- ^^rtt;?2Srin"lLSn,SS;S^rf^^ 'Siglisirbitoice. , ther. SS5&2?n;Jl&i!!Id%l^^^ to^oto" P- «l««»gh the Custom Pooie thej ^ '. « aOi ru'wamMMM want ▼■. raa '* iotaii DIIUMAIIOB OOVVAVT. , Jt). J OnMlim Boom nwk to about |7.0«0 ; w* dto«OT«r«d » anaibw ,'r i «"'«^« .J* Sr%eZriMtoIdil»peroe.rirouldh»«miUlethe diftw^^ of $13,687.18; made the plaintiA' claim for loM upward! of $28,794.18 le.. tUn thej made it. Otm^,VM»mia»d^lt to not usual to reduce profit, by ^0 per cent ; there to no "J^ "1»^ the^iIwStof profit uauallj aUowed to Ui P«r cent to a retaU stota.! m in OlUcpto k ""fSlrckl^BriioS-i^ Inaurance 00.5 wa. pre- JUTSiiJS^ J w^ch iSTrii,. ha. alluded i W. h««d M.e |to^«ent. ; agr- '*?^i*i!Sf-H;;?e~bffSS:to; to do with metfaatUe bu.to|«i; ha.e ««u.UhI a52toItoSiTMfirra.2ye.perto.ceBOM ^^^-^J^^kT? '^^I'Z.luin totTaUowed ; r^oire cTldence of proflU at the^tttomentf the UghMt ^•^^^^^^^ a MtaU ertaUtotanent to 20 per ee»t. off the mIc. ; thereliaTebeen one or two ca.e. higher j iTloweVt whichwe allowedto hard to mj j theee proflU are the groM profit., not the net ^'waium BUght, .worn—Am the In.pector of\he ProTiielal Oompanjjwaa here with the other agenu ih»ui the te.tlmony ofMr. DaTidepn ; corroborate, hto •▼Mence. OrMli2Sntoed.-We have not regular rule, to allow profit. ; profiU range from between 21 awlM per cent ; the wholeule dealer, are wmettaie. aUowed only 21 per cent; to an eatabltohmen^ like the plaintltt, they would range fronj. 5 to 20 per cent ; to a country .tpre JhTprtfit. Ught beaUowed at 20 pir cent on the .aje7; the profit, betog deducted at 181 per cent. wa. Tery faTorable to the toauranee compantoa. 'TpSderickColeT.worn.-Amln.pecwrforthedommerctolUnlo^ TSu, n.2S««^. ond occaalon in October with the agenU of theother^jonjpanle. ; S*;* »»«•*; "i'-.S*^"?" Satimony; agree fully with him to hto aUtement; do noTknow whether the .ettlemettt of Bterlinir at 60 per cent include, freight. \ \ ., j .4.. SaDaTiaVn,recalled.-The dutiea are toduded to the ed^per cent, allowed on ater- Itog tovoicea ; did not forutoh the platotilBi with a Ifat of my o^i'^tS*"' . . „ „„ ,^„., 5ro«wjxamtoed.-Mr. Smith waaalwaya preaent; when we found anything very compU- KAtttA we told Mr. Smith that htojervicea were not required. _ .^ - x Al«Sder D"\daS; awwB^^ the Inapector of the Royal ;came.heie an»r the tojto inveattoate the plaintift' claim ; Came here agato to Octi^r; • jt^er X^e^i-tbJinyeatlgatlon.'knownothlnS about it; made • propo«J to;«"»«*^? •cWm ; ofifered a compromtoe when wo found the book, to .uch % .toto; »»>• *«no««t •J"** waaW5omprom(«»<)ff6,200; the basU wa. that they had ^^^jpfi^>^' i*1*J S.i5 wSaU right, but iS^iihed to ctftiault his attorney; after he had xonaulted, he aaid that if k could be managed to any way ao that It would not ai^pear to the ^ther companies, ha """^^^l^^'^i^^i^nT reftiacd to extend the time for .endtog i« their clalm^ to glSvJSSSumimt would oJcupy a long time ; d know »^Wetoh of Montreal; neter told blm that wo would hare Mttled^ only for the pffi:' am qSto iure that i nerer «iid wo would settle to full ; don t recoUM .peaking to1?!welSanythingab6ut it,. the income from premium, to 1864 wa. orer *800,000 '**Srt aiUournod for an hour for dinner at quarter pa.t one o'clock. Afler the adjoiirii^ ment. the deftndant'. GounMl eafled : . , „ . ^ » V Ale^derS. Abbot, .wom.-Am city Clerk; MeDonough and Kent are aneased for p e raonalpro^rty $20 , 000; ye a rly T a lne %\;m, ^ JL ^ t-r, >i *k. .ut^tii i i. ^Gn5EeHned.-Aiiotic;7fappearw^^ did^Stweaktomeaboutit; the 'plaintitt would not make a declaration that their stock i3« kSwSin f 20,000 ; tb^ kcDonough appeared and showed that other msrohaats \4 oal^tope property « Tbtofinl Mr. Joh tendtog th neotlon wl .oaplclons booka to tl like mani general c< Inateadof olatoi. T to take nc defendant itthey w^ Mr. John H. Cameron, QO- t»'«^,**f;j^fj!iSd*'L5!S^^ taken in co». tending that the insnrapc. of the pUlntittWMUicijaydt^^^ ^^ ^ neotioir with the <»**itl*''"'T-*rr.rha' h^^^ loubUn mailing np thefr ■awioioof point. There would not hare been ina ^",i"^7. **'{,'' ^ w^_ ken^ina btuineM ZWL th^U d»yi •llowed »ViJ»f»:"S?lirffe"anu£'h^ ^ -icV i?o««^ no ^ike manner. It had been proTed M a jhct that the pl^y*}?!, had kept theae acoonnta, general oaah book, nor eren a merohandiae •ccount " ^f^JV ^J^J to mike np their &atead of their tating np U daya, 'h**"?* «°id^^ coiuSiog th»^ J«t7 ^i* »•» olatm. The learned ffnUeman «'«f'"l J^^r^S^jf j: ?ot aSiJded or aaW for by the to take noUoe of the third •tatement ; it 7"/^^ " d .u^ ^J f'""* •"^ *" defendanU. They were to t^e nottee «'*• "J*^^^^^ moat be Mirraaritr4r^^^^^^^ rE5Sh-i:;-«.si: ?s?i^rerrhoS]^sj^^^ autement, tl.e error, which the in.nr.nce ^^f^V^^^^iJ^^^^^^^oTiS^S^ thia .Utemlht, coupled with the fact of Mr. K«tto»tog^ lo.. nt $23,000, muatconTince the Jury thatttoUaiaon^ ^ ^ :S5?ia" ^oJe'^d pnrcha^^^ tor ^^i^S^cf^^n^^l^ij "mr.i:*"Srto":j.isj^»s^r«d.^ 4rfMUdtt«no..ttJlojom.thto,IttoW»jM0. «»"»|rt«^^^^ toolo.^ «d «iw nn cuatom houae roarka, could there not have Deejj, ne asKeu, ""F"»^ _. -t.:' «iiil XJt notTe of theaTharebeen mialaid and tlM. «»«^P«* «;" P"£5.^iVtoc?to^^^^^ Sfeb..n ao particuUr that they hare brought down the^.^^^^^^^^ of which every article can be P'<>^«d^?lt. jS. iSe^ftteid hi^^ compromiae Jwltionaaud aati«fied themto cTcry retfpect. The d«''««*°*«J[J %"ri.^^^^^^ mmwsmf^mm # •^> atia|inM „U&i.- \ \ ■-**'. 't^'; « It moowxmm « nwr ▼•. »■■ "iqyal"' mmuMCM oomvawt. iutraetkNM to Mr. Irrlng ky Mr. Kmt wm Bot to pal in mt w^WM*- A|«». ■ »» ■•• iMj iB*r it from tto flMt that th« la^oiMi wn aaitMmd. If Im ka»w *^*^|*^** **f* lhb«Mtd pnl than forth m tm., b« wifwUtj of ftmiii wl^y. th.iii««U»f of «»»^«J*5»J» th« policy' Wo m»y Infcr th«t thoir buUitM bogu on « ualll te*!*, for wo do not iad that . thuTwMtty morohandtoo account ; but thto would aot ^fJi'iU^;;^;^.'!^SJ!T!j iatl«8Ml that tho iUTOicM haro boon antortd eorrocUy, and If aH tho oaah %«S«ridlt taMt M •atoroi tor by takiag ono from another wo can arrito at tho amount of ^IMI. .Afafi, If thon waa an o«n barter, If tho/ gain on tho iwoduco, it wm V t^".«»M5r2r!!!LSk bat if tho produco wao oold at a Iom it waa a low to tho Oonpanki^^ ?**'Jr* ?^t5 shown haro waa sold ata loM, tho dofManta would hato roaioa to eonpl«la. Tho plalatin S^haSd with onterin7{nToioo. iwtoo. but thoy ■hew thoy ofton roMltod dnplkate invoiooa, Vhioh mif ht load to tho mUtoko W a groatar J«^«*y •'•*»f*^;f2Srn^ ' than wa. rwilly on hand. and. conaoquonily, *•• •f^«J* ^ jTwS^'SSTb.BlSL ^ waa no anorobaUoa book until 1««4 j tho plaiaUA had hofun to Jpb, and ail it fma »•??•■•• ttaJSLfSTiSdr which thoy could notVall in thalr stoca. to widoaTor to 0011 th« t« thahr cwuIm^wlSchbook wai k^t bT Mr lant: Uio* gmidaln tho approbatton book w«a not •Btafodin tho book of tho arm; tfcia wa. aii l««alarityWbn| it WM not a fraud ^ maMttodafraudthocompani... Itwa.ont!ioaafro«n^lmfular^^yitalthad^fc^ ?» taojaao of tha iSS-SarwhtohUHi defendant. »y to anothor«ound of ft^^^^ tteamS apUcatiou wero irreconcilable, anf ihowod no kBOWl^dfJ^of *»»JJ^«i^J*«w^ ■eaL thi.. the delhndtnto oontend, to another eiroumatonee to .how fraud. Tha dMMMtt knew ofall tho poUetoi having been taken. The plaintUk pat down thoir, low at S4t,00«, thSt ttTd-fcXnSiod that tho plainUn hire only iMt abjIfMiOOO. : Tha »U^^ S« bTMAitorward Mr. Bmith, Mr. McDonough and a numbar o? aecMntanti, to •bow the lite yiff book. 5 witiiOM wenl alw called to proTO the amount of .to^^^ ytirfiirThiyFOTodtheamountoftho.tockuptotheUmeofthotoa. 8o>m of thw hL^ThTd ^onaidmhle azpattonoe in Talulng .took. ; they .peak of tha aaountof ttookat 'horn fa».oOo to |T0,000, the loweet .tatement for tho dry good, only, a. tha l?<>«^,,^ hS toMttaiate: If the .t^tomente wero fUae tha Ju^ would find for tha daftndant. : if t^ iSooSJltSd haw been prOTon .o, they muet give (hair Terdiot forth, amount which tkiy «1SE3 wa. SMtock iMt If they wally thought that tha detonce of tho InautMM was rightTiMd waa in tha Intoreet of the public, they need not giro intei«.t, for intemt waa giTon **ThI J?S^uIo?It »>*tfl««* to" o'o'o*** "* '•tnn«»d in about an hoar. The Terdiot was forthapl2nUlik,fortha fall amount of the policy, $9,000, and tha intere.t, making inall '^ThJ'l^ct wa. lacaiTed with applauwi by many in the court, but wa» to>medlitolj •appceaNd by the Judge wdoffiMr. of tha court. ^ The following is the comctWunt of the ▼hrioiui polioiei on A« |to* of dry ffooda and eroccries of the plaintiiBi eowed hy inwuranoe, for which hotion* ww» Sought. The only case taken up waa that of the « Koyri Ininran«^ Co. r-r Royal Insurance Company. ........'..♦.•.••••• ••■•»•• '^'^^ » *" Conunercial Union do.*.... • ^'JJV!? \ Phoenix do........ *..,.. .,........,, 8,WW Liverpod and London do... London and Lancaahire do... ^Proyincial do .,, /;;; -*) • •• tete*t.a •.*••• ■ •••• •>•.•* •..•••< • •»>•« eecf • • »• •••*•• • e«e»f* f- ■ i •,■.-■. ■; 1 -t ■ . , ■;, mniTID AT THl nn PSIBg »TIAM jo* VBIHTnia ISTAaLUIIllll ■ ' ' • f/ 's , * ..." IT, LMBOK. t r ' « ' M ! ,<**» HM 10^' 'j^'f 4, •«* t>ONeLU0ING RZM ARK8. /4fe >••- aTATKMUJm^i^OSSJpn XMMXWJBUfXXmJf^^^ Dr. laes ■■ -^ . . . . . Ov. I1M4. '1 ' . ' •■ ; Ml I < iiiti , 1164 •*-* Btp. B, To baliDM on hand «t Ar«.$ 40476 It * Bj protvel«d iif4iM( &<• ^ bjr pollfliM MOOO (H I . T« iMl. lott, to lat«nui«t ..• 1T6«> 41 i. lilMT 7ft * .^.__i .-_. • -i • ';■■'•• By UImM. . . Mvi I ^. . . . 4M76 l» ^«. ■VS^.-, *■ 4ISA447 80 , fft*.,-.. : 'A- %'-l*f' «M« proTtd to at ImI aulMt %if BMITII, |l«»olt-lif«|»r, I^ondoB. V ■ , ■ V J\MH it. »le6«»WO00B, Cl«rli, Ui * *40lli-W, WKIR, Ctarkr I'<*<«Hi. '^KBlmllD a 0()LLKTT,Oit)r Awlilof, LodUm. ¥ '^^ ^*: f ACraVD kAlVO, ArouonUAt, l^onduB. . • » , . ' > 7 W. f^f IM M.BY, AeoottniAot, Humiltoa. TlM viMll pvo«66dti|M tt m%m thiit tlit InMnd tried in arcry wny to render an hoMMt claim, aad itat tMr Iota «aa •4«»t60^ wmm WjOOO more ihMn qoverwl by lai.inince. WImb wf • 'atldfr tlie oftrt of MMltMiit iM« V •>» Gom|i«nlM Itt, f 10,000 ; tnd, «U,MO; 8rd,tift,000; 4ili,«ltr'»; durtag Ib^ trial, tfO.OOO ; aA*r tha Tardlct, tha ftill •■OUBt, ItM OOtti, **■ **"- ' fwUowlag tlM iva«U'». «rtlwj«gpt- ha trial ai4 tl* onanilBou* T«rdict rtndered by tba I 'V«« JV Whi«b :'^'n-' %-1l. 1t.^A\W, Merchant. BDWAKO RftORMB, Plumber and Oat Fitter, Gity. iOB.V WMTCKOFF, Builder. :fRRD. AKDRHSON, lntiira»ea AfMt, Woiladamr. JMnrUT BBLT^B. INllder, «iif.. •!. ,. ""'^^ BUBKBt iOOrr, Bullder. ( ALB^. Bl^lit, faniier. t : V^ DAVID IlllOBWCMin, Fawlir :, • / WM.: Mrdqrritr, farwer. ' .•• '. ■ J '■ '■ •/ .. : ; ■,^- BDWABDfOUBAII,FanBcr. 5 1.— That McDoMwfh Aid B«Bt% toM iraa#««,0«i 2. - That tbey did Bot aet fm^dulaBUy, nor wara Ihair aceounta falM or tnuulalaBt. B.->-ThBt tba 0BibMid,-ti . i