.^-^Tc- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /ML// ** 1.0 1.1 I2£ IM 2.0 yw 1^ 1^ IIIIJ4 K ^Au 7 V 07% Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 W« "5i f^r aii,ij .xwiy i^vki 3 , 'W« . v^a i- m j i'-M ItNO A. y 'M ^^• *^1^ r . m FN '• l^ I B R A I . Y or THR ^ . Alt m.: Ait« LIBRARIES THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO LONDON CANADA LS-60t3S II . 1 m . SUPPLEMENT To O. MERCER ADAM'8 ^^iTALOGDE OF THI BOOKS m tl TKt V.'^ i ■i /[• '?i: '^•Vv •*• '.1 » ^^m SUPPLEMENT To G. MEHCER ADAM'.i CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OK THE i ^m 3mtiv of ^\mx (^iiuU : WITH I AN INDEX OF SUBJECTS, I Being a Catalogue of those Books keceived by the Society, subsequent to the f Publication of G. Mercer Adam's Catalogue in the Year 1880. COMPILED BY fee ?iriniam$. TORONTO: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY ROWSELL & HUTCHISON. 1883. \ ,>!.' i Js THE f aw ftfdctg tti mjfT^tt (Janaila. WlSltOXB* The Honoubable the Judges of the Sl'vreme Court of Judicature for Ontabic. JTreaisurer. Hon. Edward Blake, M.A., Q.C., M.P. Untthers. Ex Officio. The PiiGHT Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald, K.C.B., D.C.L., Q.C., M. P., Attorney-General, 1854, Minister of Justice and Attomfy-General of Canada, 1807. Hon. James Patton, LL.D„ Q.C, Solicitor-General, 18G2. Hon. Albert Norton Richards, Q.C, Solicitor-General, 18G4. Hon. Adam Crooks, LL.D., Q.C, M.PP., Attorney-(Jcneral, Ontario, 1871. Hon. Oliver Mowat, LL.D., Q.C, M.PP., Attorney-General, Ontario, 1874. Hon. Edward Blake, M.A., Q.C, M.P., Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of the Dominion, 1874. Sir Alexander Campbell, Q.C, Senator, Minister of Justice and Attorney-Genera of the Dominion, 1878. Hon. Samuel Hume Blake, Q.C, Retired Vice-Chancellor of Ontario, 1881. Elected. (To Easter Term 1SS6.) Henry Corry Ro\ ley Becher, Q.C, London. John Bell, Q.C, Belleville. James Bethune, LL.B., Q.C, Toronto. James Beaty, Q.C, M.P., Toronto. Byron Moffat Britton, M.A., Q.C, Kingston. Hector Cameron, M.A., Q.C, M.P., Toronto. John Crickmore, Toronto. J. Harry Ferguson, Toronto. James Joseph Foy, Q.C, Toronto, Hon, Christopher Finlay Fraser, Q.C, M.PP., Brockville. Donald Guthrie, Q.C, Guelph. Hon. Arthur Sturgis Hardy, Q.C, M.PP., Brantford. John Hoskin, Q.C, Toronto. iv ^tntlitXB -Elected. Adam Hudspeth, Q.C, Lindsay. ^.«iLiu« IKVINO, Q.C. Hamilton James Kirkpatrick Kerr, Q.C. Toronto. Alexander Leitu, Q.C. Toronto. Dalton McCaktuy. Q.C. M.P.. Toronto. Francis MmKeuan. Q.C, Hamilton. Daniel MtM.ciiAEL. LL.D- Q-C, Toronto. James Maclesnan. M.A.. Q.C, Toronto. Edward Marhn. Q.C. Hannlt.n>. William V.alpii Mekedith, M.A., Q.C, M-fC, '^"i^* Charles Moss, Q.C, Toronto. HU.SON W. M. Murray. Toronto. Hon Timothy Blair Pardee. Q.C. M.PP.. Sarma. DAvio Bheakknridue Read. Q.C. Toronto. Thomas Robertson, Q.C. M.P., Hanulton. Larratt William Smith, D.CL., loronto. James Frederick Smith, Toronto. aecvetarg, Sub-JTrcasurer, nnti afbvatian James Hutchison Esten, Barrister-at-Law. LI] Abi Add Ala] Alb; SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OK THE LIBRARY OF THE LAW SOCiKTY OF UPPER CANADA. t.. Abbott (B. V.) Yeai- Book of Jurisitrudence for 1880. A conipend of the most recent Statutes, Leading cases, and general information upon the Progress of the Law. 1vol. Boston, 1880. Dictionary of Terms and Phrases used in American or Knglish Juris- prudence. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1879. — — — (Chas.) (Late Loi'd Chief Justice). A Treatise on the Law relating to Merchant Sliips and Seamen. 12th edition, bv Samuel Prentice, Esq. 1 vol. London, 1881. (Bros.) Re|)orts of Practice Cases determined in the Courts of the State of New York, with a Digest of all points of Practice embraced in the Standard New York Reports, issued durintnd )t' the United In-ow & Honry Now aories : ister, from vol. lies. Philadel- erest decided in Vols. 27 to 42 TIIK LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. A8P:nali, (J. P.) Itoports of Ca.scH relating to Miiritiino Law, containing all tlio (locisioii.s of tlio Courts of Law uiul Ktjuity of the Uiiiied Kiiigiloin, atid Hclfctioiis of tho more important (U'cision.s in tho Colonies and the United State.s. Vol. 4, 1878-82. London. 1883. AvoKnoruNK's Chaiii'cry Practice. Tlio F'racticc; in the Ch. 1). of the H. C. of.], and on Appeal therefrom, 1 0th etlition, l)y B. F. Lock, and C. A. Cook. 1. vol. London, 1880. Balcii (Lewis). A Review of tho Sicond Trial of .Tes.se Billings, Jr., for thf Murder of his Wife, lieing chiefly a review of medical testimony. 1 vol. Syracu.se, 18H1. Baldwin (Ed. T.) A Concise Treatise upon th'i Law of Bankruptcy, con- taining the Bankruptcy Act, 1809 ; tho General Kule.s of 1870, '71, '73, and '78, Lc. 1 vol. London, 1879. Ball (VV. E., LL.D.) Principles of Torts and Contracts; a Short Digest of the Common Law. Chief! \- founded upon tho works of Addison. For the use of Students. 1 vol. London, 1880. (F. Q.) The Law of National Banks, containing tho National Bank Act as amended, witi' ; 'orms of Procedure and Note.s referring to all decisions i-eported lo November 1st, 1880. 1 vol. Chicago, 1881. isive, by Irving as in the United Shipman ; vols. York, 1877-79. iiowledge, edited e with Supple- c, 1881. American Cyclo- Uaudina Conant. porations Aggre- oston, 1382. year, embracing jhe years 1876 to etou & Co., New me and Abroad, 5 vols. Lon jaw of Contracts d edition. 1 vol )f Practice in th( 1 vol. London Baker (T.) The Law of Highways in England and Wales, including bridges and locomotives, comprising a succinct code of the several provi- sions under each head ; the Statutes at length in an Appendix ; with Notes of Cases, Forms, and copious Index. 1 vol. London, 1880. (Sir S.) The Laws relating to Quarantine of il. M. Dominion at Home and Abroad, and of tho [)rincipal Foreign States. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1879. Barugk (W.) Principles of the Law of Insurance, adopted to the Civil Code of the State of California, with notes and references to Cases. 1 vol. San Francisco, 1882. BARR(Dr. L.) International Law ; Private and Criminal. Translated with Notes, by G. R. Gillespie. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 1883. Barron (J no. A.) The Bills of Sale and Chattel Mortyrajre Acts of Ontario ; benig a complete and exhaustive annotation of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, ch. cxix., and of the Morttraffes and Sales of Personal Property Amendment Act, 1880 (43 Vic. c. 15, Ont.), preceded by an Introductory Treatise on the Law of Bills of Sale and Chattel Mortgages, with Appendix of Forms, KO lY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 9 [880, and other I Supreme Court [iondon, 1880. ities of Sureties iiples of Surety- y liable as surety 881. !^hancery and on '■ Jersey. Vols. 3. Jersey City, I Journey from kHx and Photo <80. (Presented BiNMORE (H.) The American Corporation Cases. Chicago, 1882. BissELL (J. H.) Reports of Casps in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the 7th Judicial Circuit. Vols. 7-8. 1874-79, 2 vols. Chicago. Bishop (J. P.) Commentaries on the Written Laws and their Interpretation. For Civil Practice. 1vol. Boston, 1882. Bland (Thco.) Rei)ort,s of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland. 3 vols. Baltimore, 1836-41. BLACKSTONii (Sii- W.) The Coninieiitiiries of the Laws of Etii,'land. Adapted to the present Law.s, hy Robert Malcolm Kt-rr. 4 vols. ; 4th edition. London, 1876. Blatciifoi!D (S.) Elopoi'ts of Cases in the Circuit Court of the IT. S. for the 2nd Circuit. Vols. 15-19. 5 vols. 1878-81. New York, 1880-83. iirt of the U. S. Is. New York, rsonal Property, le French Code, Jennett. 1 vol. Boone (C. T.) A Manual of the Law a))plicable to Corporations generally. Including also, getiei-al miles of the Law peculiar to Banks, Rail- I'oads, Riiligious Societies, Municipal Bodies, and voluntary Asso- ciations, as determined by the leading Courts of England and the United Sta«^es. 1 vol. San Francisco, 1882. BoiiviEK (Jno.) A Law Dictionary adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of the several States of the Union, with i-eferences to Civil and other Svstems of Foreign Law ; 1.5th edition. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1883. C. C. Corbin. 2 jjo^v,.-,. (s. 11.) and Webb (W.) The Electric Lighting Act, 1882, with con- tinuous Conunentary, Expository and Critical ; also, a general introduction, explaining its scope and ])rol)able working, eluci- dating its ])rovisions, with special reference to the evidence given before the Select Committee of the House of ( 'ommnns ; with an A])pendix consisting of the Rules of the Board of Trade issued under the powers thereby granted, etc. 1 vol. London, 1 882. upreme Court of Rep. 1852-55. ourt of Appeals I., 1876-82. 11 BUACTON. De Legihus et Consuotudiuil)us Anglaise. with Elementary s-examination of ons ; 7th edition, 1875. ion of Books and 3. es from Wm. I. . London, 1879. ly the Courts of iton, 1875. Conquest. The 80. Leading Cases ; ;ion in Practice ; Liber (^>uinque in varios betustisimoMim Codicum Sir Travel's Twiss, Q.C the A[)])ollate Courts of 1878-81. 2 vols. tractatus distincti, ad Diversoruni et Oollationem typis vulgati ; edited by Vols. 3-5. London, 1 880-82. BuADWELL (J. B.) Reports of tlie Decisions of Illinois. 7 vols, 1877 81. Chicago. BiUTisH Columbia. Statutes of the Province of — Passed in 1882-83, V'ctoria, 1S82-83. Bkoom (II.) Commentaries on the Common Law designed as introductory to its study. 6th edition. 1 vol. London, 1880. (.') copies.) Brooke (Ct.W.) The Churchwarden's Guide. 10th edition. 1vol. London. 75rown (A.) A Law Dictionary and Institute of the whole Law for the use of Students, the Legal Profession and the Public. 2nd edition. 1 vol. Lond(m, 1880. — The Law of E'ixtures in the principle I'elation between Landlord and Tenant, and in all other or general relations, showing, also, the precise dlTects of the various ^lodern Statutes upon the subject, f ard incorporating the Principal American Decisions. 4th edition. 1 vol. London, 1881. 10 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF hi i I Browne (J. H. B ), and Theobald (H. S.) The Law of Railway Companies Cj Being a collection of the Acts and Orders relating to Railway Cuniiianios, with Notes of Cases, A|)pendix of By-laws, and ^ Stiuuling Orders of the House of Commons. 1vol. London, 1881. , . (Geo.) A Treatise of the Principles and Piactice of the Court for Divoico and ^Matrimony Causes ; with Statutes, Rules, Fees, and Forni.s. 4th edition. 1 vol. London, 1880. — (C.) A Treatise on the Construction of the Statutes of Frauds, as in force in England and the United States. An apj)endix of existing q P^nglisli and American Statutes. 4th edition. 1 vol. Boston, 1880. ■ (G. L.) Narratives of State Trials in the l9th Century. 2 vols 1801-30. 2nd edition. London, 1882. ■ (J, Balfour), and Macnamaua (W. H.) Reports of cases decided by the Railway Court to July, 1882, under the Regulations of RailA'ays Act, 1873, and the Board of Trade Arbitration Act, 1874, being a continuation of Neville and Maonamai-a's Railway and Canal cases. London, 1882. -— BucKLKY (H. B.) The Law and Practice \inder The Companies' Act, 1862 to 1880, The Joint Stock Companies' Arrangement Acts, 1870— The Life Assurance Companies' Acts, 1870 to 1872, with Statutes, Rules, Orders, and Forms. 4th edition. 1 vol. Lon- don, 1883. BuLLEN and Leake's Precedents of Pleading, with notes and rules relating t<: Pleading. 4th edition revi.sed and adapted to the Q. B. D. of tht H. C. J. Part 1 . London, 1882. (2 copies ) BuMi' (O. F.) A Treati.se on Fraudulent Conveyances made by Debtors tc" defraud Creditors. With references to all the cases both EnglisL and American. 3rd edition. 1 vol. Baltimore, 1882. - BuRRiLL (A. M.) A Treatise on the Law and Practici^ of Voluntary Assign ments for the benefit of Creditors, adai)ted to the Laws of tht— — various States. Appendix of Forms. 4th edition by G. L. Sterling^ 1 vol. New York, 1882. Bushuy's Manual of the Practice of Elections for the United Kingdom, witl^ an Appendix of Statutes and the Rules of Procedure ; 5th editioc by Hy. Ilardcastle. 1 vol. London, 1880. Bvr.ES (Sir J. B.) A Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissor Notes, Bank Notes and Cheques ; 13th edition, by B. M. Byles I vol. London, 1879. Oar The same. 7th American edition, by Geo. Sharswood, with Add; tional Notes, illustrating the Law and Practice in the Unite States. 1 vol. Philadelphia, 1883. 4 copies. Oat Cababe (M.) Interpleader and Attachment of Debts in the High Court t Justice, and in the County Courts, together with Forms of Sun mouses, Orders, Affidavits, ifcc, used therein. 1 vol. Londoi- 1881. lRY of THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 11 ilway Companies Cameron (M. G.) A Treatise on the Law of Dower. 1 vol. Toronto, 1882. I ting to Railway G copies. of By-laws, ami c^jy,p,jELL (R.) The Law relating to the Sale of Goods and Commercial I. London, 1881. Agency. 1vol. London, 1881. of the Court for ^j.^ y^ Piinciples of Mercantile Law in the Subjects of Bankruptcy, , Rules, rees, anu Cautionary Obligations, Securities over Moveable.-!, Principal and Agent, Partnership, and the Companies' Acts. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 3 of Frauds, as in 1881. pendix of existing ^^jj^jj^^ sj^^^^j^jjg Passed by the Parliament of the Dominion, during the years 1880 to 1883. 4 vols. Ottawa. 8 copies. Statutes de la Puissance du, depuis 1867, jusqu' a, nos jours — 1879, (Dominion Statutes in French.) 2'< vols, in 13. 8vo. Ottawa. Debates of the House of Commons of the Dominion of. Edited and published by authority of the House of Commons, by T. J. Rich- ardson. 1st Session, 4th Parliament, 42 Vic, 1879. 2 vols, 8vo, Ottawa, 1879. 1 vol. Boston, Century. 2 vols ■ cases decided by le Regulations of itration Act, 1874, ara's Railway and inies' Act, 1862 to mient Acts, 1870- to 1872, witL Lon. 1 vol. Lon_ id rules relating tt _ he Q. B. D. of tht nade by Debtors tc' cases both Englisl; bre, 1882, Voluntary Assign the Laws of the a byG. L. Sterling. Sessional Papers of the House of Commons of the Dominion of. Vols. 13, 14, 15, for the Sessions of 1880-81-82. 31 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, Journals of the Senate of Vols. 14, 15, 16. 3 vols. 8vo. Ottawa. Sessions, 1880-81-82. ;ed Kingdom, witl, iedure ; 5th editioc Journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of. Vols. 14, 15 & 16, 1880-81-82. 3 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1880-82. Appendix to the .same, for the 2nd Session of the 4th Parliament, 1 vol. 8vo. Ottawa, 1880. Law Journal. Vols. 15 to 18, and Current 1879 to 1882. 4 vols. Toronto, 1879-82. 4 copies. Official Gazette of, from January, 1879, to present time. 9 vols. Ottawa, 1879-83. Census of, 1880-81. Vols. 1 ik 3. Ottawa, 1882. Reports of the Supreme Court. Vols. 1 to 6 and Current, 1876 to 83, Geo. Duval Rep. 6 vols. Ottawa, 1878-83. 6 copies. Almanack and Re[)Ository of Useful Knowledge, for the years 1879, 80, 81, 82 & 83. Toronto. 5 vols. Vols. 1, 2, and Current, 1881-82. Toronto, 1881-82. Canadian Law Times change, Promissor 2 copies, by B. M, Byles Oartwkight (J. R.) Cases Decided on the British North America Act, 1867, •tv. \AA ^" ^^^ Privv Council, the Supreme Court of Canada and the swood, with Add; Provincial Courts. 2 vols. Toronto, 1882-83. tice in the Unite Catalogue of Law Books. Including all the Rei»orts in th<^ various Courts of England, Ireland, and Scotland to 1865, with a supplement of works published by Stevens & Haynes between January, 1865 and December 1880, 1 vol, London, 1880, the High Court c with Forma of Sun 1 vol. Londoi- of the Books in the Libraiy of the Law Library Association of St. Louis. Sept. 1681. 1 vol. St. Louis, 1881. I ' 12 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF 'Catalogue of the Law Library of the Chicago Law Institute. 1 vol. Chicago, q 188L Law Books. W. Gould & Sons, Albany, 1881. ] of Law Books. Baker Voorhis & Co., New Yoik, 1882. - Subject Index by N. C. Moak. 1 vol. Albany, 1880. — of Law Books. W. Clowes S: Son, London. C C Cassels (Robt., Jun.) Manual of Procedure in the Supreme and Exchecjuer Courts of Canada, embracing the various Rules and Statutes t relating to such (Jonrts and Practice therein ; including the Britisli "^ North America Act, 18(i7, and Acts amending the same, and the * Petition of Right Act, 1870, itc. 1. vol. 18mo. Toronto, 1877 q Cavanagh (C.) The Law of Money Securities. I. Personal Securities. FT. Securities on Pj-operty. Ill, Miscellaneous. 1 vol. 8vo. l^on don, 1879. Central Law Journal, vols. 4-lG, and current 1877 to 1883. 13 vols Ci St. Louis. Charley (W. T.) The new system of Praftice and Pleading under the — Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873-7;j-77. The Appellate « Jurisdiction Act, 187G, and Rules of the Supreme Court. 3r( edition. 1 vol London, 1877. r<, — (W. T) Rei)orts of cases determined in the Supreme Coui't of Jiidi cature illustrative of the New System of Practice and Pleading 2 vols. London, 187G-77. i Chalmers (M, D.) .\ Digest of the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissor Notes, and Cheques. 2ud edition. 1 vol. London, 1881. Cc Chicago Law Institute Library Catalogue. 1 vol. Chicago, 1881. Chitty's Collection of Statutes of Practical Utility, arranged in Alphabeticii Co and Chronological order : with notes thereon. 4th edition, con taining the Statutes and Cases down to the end of the Secon Co Session of the year 1880, by J. JNI. Lely. 6 vols. London, 1881 Chitty (Jos., jr.) A Treatise on the Law of Contracts and upon the defenc — of Actions thereon. 11th edition, by J. A. Russell. 1 vo: London, 1881. Chitty (.). W.) and Mews (Jno.) An Annual Digest of the Reporte Co Decisions in the House of Lords, Privy Council, and Court Ai)peal, the Chancery, Queen's Bench. Probate, Divorce an Qq Admiralty Divisions of the High Court of Justice. In the Ban! ruptcy and Ecclesiastical Courts, with selections from the Iri.*^ Common Law and Equity Reports, references to the Statnt< Co l)assed and Rules and Ovdeis of the Court promulgated, wit collections of cases Followed, Distinguished, Explained, and Con Co mented on, Overruled and Questioned, for the year 1880 (being continuation of Fisher's Digest.) 1 vol. London, 1881. (Th work is continued by John Mews, see under M.) Churchill (C.) The Law of the Office and Duties of Sheriff, with Wri; and Forms. 2nd edition. 1 vol. London, 1882. Co lART OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CAirADA. 13 1882 380. 1 vol. Chicago, Cincinnati Superior Court Reporter, edited by Chas. P. Taft and Bellamy Storer, Jr. Vols. 1 and 2, from October 1870, to April, 1873. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1872-73. — Reports of Cases adjudged in the Superior Court of, from 1854 to 1860, by Wm. Disney. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1867-71. t Clauk (E. C.) An Analysis of Criminal Liability. 1vol. Cambridge. 1880. , Clarke (S. R.) and Sheppakd (H. P.) A Treatise on the Criminal Law of Mne and Exche(juer Canada. 2ud edition. 1 vol. Toronto, 1882. ult'S and statutes (W. P.) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Iowa. Vols. 7 and 8, 1858-59. Desmuines, 1859-60. lo. Toronto, 1877 Clerke (A. St. J.) and Brett (T.) The Conveyancing and Law of Property nal Securities. IT, -Act, 1881. Together with The Vendor and Purcha.ser Act, 1874, 1 vol. 8vo. L(m *^i'd The Solicitors' Remuneration Act, 1881, with Notes and Introduction. 2nd edition. 1 vol. London, 1882. icluding the British the same, and the to 1883. leading under the (7. The Appellatf ipreme Court. 3r( 13 vols. Clifford (W. H.) Reports of (Sises in the Circuit Court of the United S States, for the First Circuit. 1869-78, vol. 4. Boston, 1880. (F.) and RicKARDS (F. G.) Cases decided during the Sessions 1873, to 1882, by I he Court of Referees, on Private Bills in Parlia- ment. Vols. 1 and 2, and Current. London, 1877-83. •erne Court of Judi actice and Pleading CoE (\V. E.) Practice at the Judges' Chambers, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer Divisions, and in the Distiict Registries, under the Supreme Court ot Judicature Acts, 1873-75, and other ,1 Statutes; with A])pendix of Judicature Acts and the Rules and _ . 1 Orders, to June, 1876. 1 vol. London, 1876. 2 copies, cchange, Promissov iondon 1881. Cohen (M. M.) Admiralty Jurisdiction, Law and Practice; with Appendix of Rules, Statutes, and Forms. 1 vol. Boston, 1883. Hiicago, 1881. ' ' . . . Cole (C. C.) Re))orts of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Iowa. Vols, ged in Alphabetica 4-6 of Iowa Reports. 1850-58, Desmoines 1877-79. 4th edition, coii end of the Secon^ Collins (C. M.) The History, Law, and Practice of Banking ; with Appen- ols. London 188( dix of Statutes. 1 vol.. London, 1882. nd upon the defenc - (J. E.) Life and Times of The Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, Russell. 1 vol K.C.B., D.C.L., Q.C., Premier of the Dominion of Canada. 1vol. Toronto, 1883. Decisions of. For the year, 1881. I. year, 1 vol. it of the Reporte Commissioner of Patents uncil, and Court ( Washington, 1882. obate. Divorce an Connecticut Reports. Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Errors. Vols. stice. In the Banl 44-48, by John Hooker. 1870-81. 5 vols, Hartford, 1878-82. ions from the Iris j, / rr .-, \ v tr i /-i • • i t> .. xr i i -es to the Statutf Conoly (T.) and Vilas (H. C.) iSew York Criminal Reports. Vol. 1, "promulgated,' wit Current. Albany, 188.1 ■Explained, and Coii Conover (O. M ) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the State year 1880 (being of Wisconsin. Vols. 40 to 55. 1879 to 1882. 10 vols. Chicago, andon, 1881. (Th 1880-83. '' CoNROY (Jno.) Custodiam Reports, or a collection of cases relative to Out- SherifF, with Wrii lawries, and the grants thereon, as argued and determined on the 882. T Revenue sides of the Courts of Exchefpier both in England and 1 i 14 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF ( 1 Ireland, with many references, to which i.s [>retixed an introductiorCa consisting of two chapters. The first, containing a short account o; outlawry and the process thereto. The second, the manner o obtaining the grant in Custodiam, the mode of accounting thereon /j„ nnd how the same is dissolved, with an appendix of precedent; never before published, forms (kc. 1vol. Dublin, 1795. Cr CooLEY (T. M.) The General Principles on Constitutional Law in the Unitec States. 1vol. Boston, 18H0. €h ' lii i . ■ (T. M.) A Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations which res: upon the Legislative power of the States of the American Union 5th edition, with considerable additions, giving the results of th recent cases. 1 vol. Boston, 1883. Cooper (T.) Men of the Time. A Dictionary of Contemporaries. Contain ing Biographical Notices of Eminent Characters of both Sexes /;;„ 10th edition, revised and brought down to the present time. 1 vol London, 1879. CooTE (R. H.) A Treatise on the Law of Mortgage. 4th edition, by W. W Mackeson. 1 vol. London, 1880. CopiNGER (W. A.) The Law of Copyright in Works of Art, LiteratuviOui including that of Drama, Music, Engravings, Sculj)ture, Paintini; Photography, and Ornamental and Useful Designs, together witl . the International and Foreign Co2)yright Law. 2nd edition, vol. London, 1881. CoRDEUY (A.) The Law Relating to Solicitors of the Sii|)remc Court c Da: Judicature, with an A])pendix of Statutes and Rules. 1 vo; London, 1878. CouLSON (H. J. W.), and Forbes (U. A.) The Law Relating to AVaters. Tidal, and Inland. 1 vol. London, 1880. Sen CouPER (C. T.) Reports of Cases before the High Court and the Circiii Da: Court of Justiciary in Scotland. 1868-77. 3 vols Edinburgli 1871-79. 2 copies. County Court and Bankruptcy Cases, Reports of the County Court Cases aiv Dai Appeals decided by the Superior Courts, together with cases i: Bankruptcy. Vols. 14 and 15, 1879 to 1882. 2 vols. London Court of Session Cases. See under " Sciov-^i- Cu'/t of Se.ssiona Cases." ^^ Cox (E. W.) The Summary Jurisdictio ■ ' -.., 1879, with Analysis am^^ Practical Notes and The Incorj/or ci Summary Jurisdiction Act 1848, to which areadded, The Ciii...ial Justice Act ; The SummarDiG Proceedings before Justices Act ; The Larceny and Kmbezzlemeii j\^^ Act ; The Penal Servitude Act ; The Prosecution of Offences Act 1879 ; and The Prisons Act, 1879. 1 vol. London, 1879. Criminal Law Cases, 1878-83. Vol. 14, and Current. London. (E, W.) and Gradv (S. G.) New Law and Practice of Registratioi Dix and Elections, and the Law of Election Committees. 13th edition 1 vol. London, 1880. _ lARY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 15 :ed an introductiorCJRABBK (W. H.) Iveports of Cases Decifled in the District Court of the ; a short account o: TJiiitecl States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. 1836 to u\, the manner o 1846. 1 vol. Thiladelphia, 1853. iccounting thereon^j^^^yj ^Y ^(^.,,,^^ ^ rj,y,g j ,^^^ ^^. j^jf^ Insurance, with a Chai)ter on Accident V.'^'^ °LP''®<=®'^®^*^ Insurance. 1 vol. London, 1882. >liii, 1/95. Crawfoud (Geo.) and Dix (E. S.) Al)rid«j;ed Notes of Cases in the several Law m the TJmtec Qj,,,,.^^ of Law and Equity in Ireland : 1837-38, with some deci- sions at Nisi Prius. Vol.1. Diil)lin, 1839. tations which resi^,^jj„jj^L Law Maoazine. A Bi-monthly Poriodical Devoted to the Inter- e American Union p^^^. of the J'.ench and Par in Criminal Cases ; containing Original the results of th. Articles on timely Topics. Full Pteports of all recent Criminal Cases, Ameiican and English. Vols. 1-3, and Current, 1880 to poraries. Contain I'^^S^, Jersey City. ers of both Sexes ^j^UMP (F. 0.) and Ev.vxs (F.) The Practice in the Supreme Court of Judi- I'csent time. 1 vol ^ catnre alphaUetically arranged. The Practice of the Chancery ^ Division of High Court of Justice (including the Winding-up of edition, by W. "W Companies), and on A])peal to the Court of Appeal, and the Hou.se g of Commons. 1 Vol. London, 1881. 2 copies. of Art Literatun Cunningham (Jno.) The Law Relating to Parliamentary and Municipal Iculpture Paintint: Elections and Petitions. 2nd edition. 1 vol. London, 1880. iigns, together wit) _ .,iia Mattinson (M.W.) Precedents of Pleading under the Judicature r. 2nd edition. Acts, in the Common Law Divisions, with Explanatory Notes, 1 .^ vol. Lonlon, 1878. supreme Court o Daniel (Jno. W.) A Treatise on the Law of Negotiable Instruments, includ- ind Rules. 1 vo! ing Pills of Exchange, Piomissory Notes, Negotial)h! Bonds aiid Coii))ons, Checks, Bank Notes, Certificates of De])Osit, ( 'ertiticates of Stock, Bills of Credit, Bills of Lading, Guarantees, Letters of to Waters, Sea Credit and Circular Notes. 2 vols. 3r,l edition. New York, 1S82. t and the Circui Daniel's Chancery Practice of the Chancery Division of High Court of Justice, vols. Edinburgli and on Appeal therefrom. 6th edition, by Leonard Field, E. C. Dunn, and P Ribton. 1 vol. London, 1882. V Court Cases ari' Dart (J. 11. ), assisted by W. Barber. A Treatise on the Law and Practice ler with cases ii relating to the Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. 5th 2 vols. London etiitiou. 2 vols. London, 1876. (2 copies.) DeWitt (E. L.) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court Commission of Ohio. Vols. 32-35, 1876-80. 4 vols. Cincinnati, 1879-80. th f^"%«is anijj^^^g^^ .p^ . An Analysis of Blackstone's Commentaries. 1vol. Loudon. Jurisdiction Act \ , ^ ct ; The Summar Digests. See under subjects. and Kmbezzlemeii Dj^lon (J. F.) Reports of Cases decided in the Circuit Court of the United )n of Offences Act States, for the Eiirhth Circuit. Vols. 4-5, Davenport, 1879-80. ' ' . '■(.J. F.) Commentaries on the Law of Municipal Corporations. 3rd it. London. edition. 2 vols. Boston, 1881. ce of Ref^istratioi Dixon (W. J.) The Law, Practice, and Procedure, in Divorce and other tees. 13th edition Matrimonial Causes. 1 vol. London, 1883. Probate, and Administration Law and Practice in the Common Form and Contention Business. 1 vol. London, 1880. isiona Cases." f\ TT .-'1 1 'M 16 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF -I Dominion Annual Register, v(»l.s. for the years 1878-82, by H. J. Morgan, vols. Montreal, 1879 to 1883. DouTRE (J.) Constitution of Canada. The B. N. A. Act, 1867. Its Interpret; . tion, gathered from the Deci.sions of Courts, the Dicta of Judge and the Opinions of Statesmen and Others, to which is added tl Quebec Resolutions of 18G4 and the Constitution of the Unitt.**" States. 1 vol. Montreal, 1880. Bn( Doyle (J. A.) English Colonies in America, Virginia, Maryland, and tl, Carolinas. 1 vol. New York, 1882, Drewry (S. C.) Forms of Claims and Defences in the Court of the Chancoi*'*^^ Diviision of High Court of Justice, witli an outline of the La relating to each of the SuVjectb Treated. 1 vol. London, 187'Brl DuBREUiL (J. F. ) The Refeience Rook, being a detailed Index of tlBax Statutes, affecting the Province of Quebec, fi-om the Consolidati Statutes of Canada and Lower Canada down to the Confeileratioi and of all Acts ])a.ssed since by the I'arliament of the Dominiui and by the Legislature of the Province of Quebec. 1 vi Montreal, 1879. FalJ DuCauge. Glossary of Middle and Low Latin, enlarg(;d by the Benedictine comprising the Supplements of Carpeiitier and the Additions Adelung and otliers, and Revised by G. A. Henshel. 7 voIFar Paris, 1840-48. Duval (Geo.) Rejjorts of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of CanadFtoi ])ublished pursuant to the Statute, by the Registrar of the Coui Vols. 1 and 6 from 1876 to 1883. 6 vols. Ottawa, 1878-8 6 coi)ies. Pbjjj Edeis (A. S.) Principles of the Administration of Assets in the Payment > Debts. 1 vol. London, 1880. Edwards (Isaac). A Treatise on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Not- Coupon Bonds, and other Negotiable Instruments. 3rd editio: by Dudley, Dennison & Dudley. 2 vols. New York, 1882. Elwell (J.J.) A Medico-Legal Treatise on Malpractice, Medical EvideuFiBfA and Insanity ; comprising the elements of Medical JurisprudenC|j, 4th eilition. I vol. New Yoik, 1881. Ehden (Alf.) The Law Relating to Building Leases and Building Contracts The Improvement of Land by, and the Construction of Buildinj;«t^ With a full collection of Precede->ts of Agreements for Buildir Leases, Contracts for Buikling, Building Grants, Mortgages, ai other Forn\s with respect to Matters connected with Buildinr with Statutes, Notes and v'ases, and Glossary of Architectural ai . Building Terms. 1 vol. London, 1882. 9 A Digest of all Reported Cases not contained in the Law Report Decided by the House of Lords and Privy Council, The Court Appeal, The several Divisions of the High Court of Justice, Tl Court of Bankruptcy, The Court of Crown Cases reserved, Ti Election Petition Judges, etc. ; together with a full selection of t •I* lARY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 17 H. J. Morgan. f imi»ortai)t Decisions from Iii.sh and Scotch Reports, and references to American Re[)orts of sstandinp;. 'J'il»le of Cases overruled or specially considered, and a complete Index to every Reported Case for 1881. 1 vol. London, 1882. 3 copies. 2 copies. 57. Its Interpi'et; ; Dicta of Judge f the Unitfc''^^^^ ^''^'^•) The same lor 1882. 1vol. London, 1883 ^CYCLOP.EDIA BiUTANNiCA. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Generr.l ■ r 1 1 „. 1 +1 Literature. 9th edition. Vols. D to 15, from Fal. to Mem. Maryland, and tl, x. r , i lo-noQ '' Edinburgh, 18/9-83. i. r i.1 ni,.,^«r.,iNDLlcn (G. A.) A Treati.se upon the Law of Building Associations iu the irt ot trie l^nancei n ■. i cs^ j. ^ i t n-* ioqo utline of the La ^"^ted States. 1 v^l. Jersey City, 1882. ol. London, 187'Brle (F. vV.) The Jury Laws and their Amendment 1 vol. London, 1882. led Index of tli^NEST (W.) A Treatise on Marriage and Divorce, with the Practice and mi the Consolidati Troccdure in Dvorce and jNIatrimonial Cases, with Acts, Rules, the Confetleratioi Regulations, Fo'.ms, and Table of Fees. 1 vol. London, 1879. ; of the Dominioi f Quebec. 1 vt Fall (C. G.) Emjdoyers' Liability for Personal Injuries to their Employes, ... jirepared by and written for and under the Direction of the ,y the Benedictine Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Bo.ston, 1883. d the Additions ■ Henshel. 7 voIFarrab (J. A.) Crimes and Punishments, including a new Translation of .M Beccaries Dei Delitte Delle pene'. 1 vol. London, 1880. e Court of Canad-BTOERAL Repouter. Reports of Cases in the Circuit and Distiict Courts of dstrar of the Coui the United States. Peyton Boyle, editor. Vols. 1-16, 1880 to ' Ottawa, 1878-8. 1883, and Current St I'aul. Finn's Compendium of the English and Foreign Funds, Debts, and Revenues ^ of all Nations, with Statistics relating to National Resources and Liabilities, Imports, Exports, Pojjulation, Area, Railway Guar- antees, Municipal Finance and Iudel)te(lness, Banks of all Nations, and all De.scriptions of (iovernnients— Provincial, and all Corporate; Securities held and dealt in by Investors at Home and Abroad. The Law and Regulations of the Stock Exchange. 13th edition, byR. L. Nash. 1vol. London, 1883. Medical EvideinftNANCiAL Reform Almanack for 1881, '82 and '83. London. ical Jurisprudencpj^^GERALD (G. A. R.) The Ballot Act, 1872, with an Introduction. Forming a Guide to the Procedure at Parliamentary and Municipal Elec- iuilding Contracts tions. 2nd edition. 1 vol. London, 1876. uctionof Buildiu.'pjgggj^^j^ A.) Digest of Reported Decisions in Chancerv, Common Law, ments lor Buildii .^,^j ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^.j^^ ^-^.j^ ^ Selection of Cases from the Irish ts, Mortgages, ai Courts ; forming a Supplement to Fisher's Digest, 1870-1880, by ted with Buildinf ^ ^y (.j^-^., ^^^ j^^^^ j^jg,^,^^ ^ j^ 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Lon- f Architectural av . ^^^^ jggO — Annual Digests. A Digest of all the Reported Decisions in the Law Re|)orts; with selections from the Irish Common Law and Equity Reports. With a Collection of Cases followed, distinguished, explained and commented on, overruled and questioned ; (being a continuation of Fisher's Digest,) by T. W.Chitty and John Mews. For the years 1880-82. 3 vols. London, 1881-83. i in the Payment V Promissory Not' ents. 3rd editio: York, 1882. n the Law Report ►uncil. The Court urt of Justice, Tl Cases reserved, Tl full selection of i^ 18 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Flood (J. C. II.) Treatise on the Law concerning Libel and Slander. 1 vol London, 188U. FoAUD (J. T.) A Treatise on the Law of Merchant Shipping and Freight, i vol. London, 1880. FoHD (Chu3.) Handbook on Oaths, for use by the Commissioners for Oaths in tlie Supreme Court of Judicature in Engltiud and Ireland. Srd edition. 1 vol. London, 1879. Freeman (N. L.) Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery, argued and determined in the Suprt-me Court of Illinois, Vols. 31 to 103 Illinois Reports, from 18G3 to 1882. 73 vols. ,8vo. Chicago and Sj^ringtield, 1864-83. Fry (Sir E.) A Treatise on the Specific Performance of Contracts. 2nd edition, by the author and W. D. Kawlings. 1 vol. London, 1881. Geldeut (J. M.) and Oxley (J. M.) Decisions of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. Vols. 1-3. December Term, 18GG-G7, to December Term. 1874-75. 8vo. 3 vols. Halifax, N. S., 1880-83. Geological Survey of Canada Reports for the years 187G to 1880 inclusive, also maps. 4 vols., by Prof. Selwyn. Ot!;awa. Georgia Rkpouts. Ca^cs decided at Law and in Equity in the Supremt Court of Ceoigia. Vols. 67-63. 7 vols. 1876-79. Atlanta and Macon, 1879-81. Gibson. Law Notes. A monthly Magazine for Law Students and others Vol. 1 and current. London, 1882. GiLPEN (H. D.) Reports of Ca.ses decided in the District Court of the Uniteci States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1828-36. 1 vol Philadelphia, 1837. Gladstone (Hon. W. E.) I'olitical Speeches in Scotland, Miirch and April, 1880, containing ad The Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873-'75-'77. The Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, and the Rules. Orders, and Costs thereunder, 2nd edition, embodying all the reported decisions to Michaelmas Term, 1877. 1 vol. Lon- don, 1877. Guy (\V. A.) and Fekrieu (D.) Principles of Forensic Medicine. 5th edition, revised and illustrated. 1 vol. London, 1881. J March and April, ors, and a letter t( Courts of King's 1, 1831-32, chieflj ts. Decisions, y F. P. Tondinson. The Principles of tin* Criminal Law ; a (Nnicise Kxposilion of the Nature of Crime, the Variou.s OflTi^nccs I'unidiahle hy the FiUglish lj;iw, the Law of Criminal Procedure, and th»! Law of Summary tJonv ictions ; with Tahle of Oirences, their Punishiu(!nts, &c. 2iid edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1881. f) copies. (W. M ), and Clarkson (T.) Tho Conveyancing and Law of Property Acts, 1881; and The Venflor and Purchaser Act, 1874; with note.s. 1 vol. London, 1882. Harrison (J. C.) An Epitome of tho Laws of Probate ami Divorce. 1 vol. Lonihtn, 1880. Hastings (David R.) Reports of Cases in Law and Ecpiity determined by the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. (M:iine lieports. Vol. 69-70), 1878-80. 2 vols. 8vo. Portland, 1870-80. Hawkins (F. V.) Concise Treati.se on the Construction of Wills; with Notes and References to American Decisions, by J no. Sword. 1 vol. Philadelphia, 1872. 4 copies. Ha\yley (Jno. G) American Criminal Reports : containing the latest and most important Criminal Cases determined in the Federal and State Courts in the United States, with selected Cases from English, Scotch, Irish, and C-anadian Law Reports. Vols. 1-2. 8vo. Chicago, 1878-80. Hayes (F. B.), and Wicksticed (R. J.) Index to the Acts of the Dominion of Canada, and to the Acts of the Tm[)erial Parliament, Ti-eaties and Her Majesty's Ordeis in Council atft'cting Canada; piinted with the Canadian Statutes ; Prepared according to order of House of Commons. Ottawa, 1882. Haynes (J. F.) The Practice of the Chancery Divisit)u of the High Court of Justice, and on Appeal therefrom. 1 vol. London, 1879. — ^^— Student's Guide to the Jurisdiction and Practice of the Admiralty Sub- Division of the High Court of Justice ; especially prepared for the use of Candidates for the Final and Honor Examinations of the Incorporated Law Society. 1 vol. London, 1880. (F O.) Outlines of Equity; being a Sei'ies of Elementary Lectures on Equity Jurispriulence. 5th edition. 1 vol. London, 1880. Henderson (A. E.), Gillespie (D.), and Johnston (Hy ) An Analytical Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Cou ts of Scotland, and, on Appeal, by the House of Lords, fiom July 20th, 18G7. to July 20th. 1877; compiled from the Session's cases, with References to the Scottish Jurist and Justiciary Reports. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 1878. riH lRY op :«titions, with an Act, IHHH. The ili,'«-H ill Kiigluiul, I. Ion, 18N0. f Conunoti IMens, irt of Justicf, foi 81. 11 vols. 83. 2 vols. I of tho Criminal inio, tho VfuiouH Liiw of Ci'imiiiiil IS ; with Table of 1 vol. 8vo. Luw of Property Act, 1874; with Divorce. 1 vol. otfM'miiied bv the .rts, Vol. 69-70), of Wills; with by J no. Sword. Sf the latest and eileral and State 's from English, Voh. 1-2. Svo, if the Dominion iament, Treaties Canada ; printed order of House e High Court of in, 1871). Admiralty Sub- )reprtred for the mi nations of the ). lentary Lectures London, 1880. An Analytical »f Scotland, and, h, 18G7. to July ih References to ol. Edinburgh, I THE LAW so(;ii;ty of UPPKU (.'ANADA. 21 IlEiiTSLhT (Sir E. ) A Compli'to (collection of thuTniatifs, and (convent ions, and Keciprociil Ijfguliitions at pr«*.s('nt sulisisting betwciui (J'-cat Itritain anilities. 4th American edition, with Notes and References to latest English and American Reports, by Geo. T. liisphanu 1 vol. Philadtdphia, 18G7. HlNE (C. C.) and Nichols (W. S.) Digest of Insurance Decisions, Fire and INlarine ; together with an abstract of the Law on each imjiortant point in Fire and Marine Insurance. A comjdeto Handbook of the Law as establisiied ; the most recent Adjudications in the United Slates and Creat Britain. 1 vol. New York, 1882. HoDGlNS (Thos.) Reports of Election Cases under the Election Law of 1868, and the Controverted Elections Act, 1871. Vol. 1. Toronto, 1883. HoLMK.sTED ((}. S.) A Manual of Practice of the High Court of Justice for r-;{ Ontario under The Ontai'io Judicature Act, 1881 ; with Additional Rules of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, passed since August 2 1st, 1881, and the Rules of the High Court of Justice. 1 vol. Toronto, 1881. 6 copies. Hooker (Jno.) Reports of Cases, in the Supreme Court of Error of Connec- ticut. Vols. 44-48. 187G-81 : Hartford. 1878-82. Houghton (W. R.) A Conspectus of the History of Political Parties and the Federal Government of the United States. 1 vol. Indian- apolis, 1880. Howard (J. N.) Reports of Cases in the Superior Court of New York at Special Terms, with Points of Practice decided from October Term, 1844 to 1883. 64 vols. Albany, 1867-83. iill 'i I 22 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Howell (Alfred). The Law and Practice as to Probate, Administration, and lo Guardianship in the Surrogate Courts in Common Form and Con- tentious Business : including all the Statutes, Rules and Orders to the Present Time, together with a Collection of Forms. 1 vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. 2 copies. HuBBELL (J. H.) (Americati) Legal Directory for Lawyers and Busine.ss Men; containing the Names of leading Attorneys in the Cities and Towns of the United States and Canada, with a Synof)sis of the Collection Laws of each State and Canada, Times for Holding Courts, &c , for 1879. 1 vol. 8vo. New York, 1880. Humphrey (H. M.) Common Precedents in Conveyancing; together with The Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, 1881, and The Soli- citors' Remuneration Act, 1881. 1 vol. London, 1881. Hun (M. T.) Reports of Cases in tlie Supreme Court of the State of New York. (Vols. 25 to 36, S. C. of N. Y. Rep.), 18 to 29, Hun. 1873-83. Albany, 1879-83. Hutchinson (Robt.) A Treatise on the Law of Carriers, as administered in the Courts of the United States and England. 1 vol. 8vo. Chicago, 1879. Ilbeht (C. p.) The Supreme Court of Judicature "Officers" Act, 1879, with Rules and Forms ; with Practical Notes, forming a Supplement to "AVilson'a Judicature Aots." 1 vol. London, 1880. Illinois Reports. Cases in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois- Freeman, Reporter. Vols. 88 to 103, 1878-&J. Chicago, 1879-82. Appeal Reports. Cases in the Appellate Courts of the State of Illinois. Bradwell, Reporter. 7 vols., 1877-81. Chicago. 1878-81. — Incorporated Law Society Calendar for the year 1882. 1 vol. London, 1882. IvDERMAUR (Jiio.) Self Preparation for the Intermediate Examination; as it at present exists on Stephen's Commentaries of the Laws of Eng- land ; containing a Com[)i('te Course of Study, with Statutes, Questions, &c. 1 vol. London, 1880. Ja An Epitome of Leading Conveyancing and Equity Cases, with some Short Notes thereon, chiefly intended as a Guide to Tudor's ~~" " Leading Cases in Conveyancing." and White and Tudor's "Lead- ing Cases in Equity." 4t!i edition, 1 vol. London, 1881. A Manual of the Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature in the Queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions ; intended chiefly for the use of Students. 2nd edition. 1 vol. London, 1881. India Appeals. See under " Moore," and " Law Reports." Innes (Mr. Justice). A Digest of the English Law of Easements. 2nd edition. 1 vol. London, 1880. Inspector of Insurance Report, 1881, with Appendices : 1st. Insurance Laws of Ontario, collected and analysed; 2nd. Provincial Jurisdiction, Judgment of the Privy Council, 26th November, 1881. 1 vol. Toronto, 1882. 2 copies. ARY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 23 dministration, and ^n Form and Con- iles and Orders to )f Forms. 1 vol. nd Business Men; Cities and Towns s of the Collection ig Couits, &c , for orts of Cases determined in the Supreme Court o Missouri. 9 vols., being vols. 22-30 of Mi-ssouri Report? 1855-GO. St. Louis, 1855-GO. (Samuel), and Si'encer (J. C.) Reports of Cases argued and deter IjAJ mined in the Superior Court of New York (N. Y. Sup. Ci Reports, Vols. 33 to 41), from 1871 to 1877. 9 vols. 8vo. Nev York, 1873-77. La^ (T, G.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme (!ourt of Alabama. 6 vols, being vols 52 to 57 of Alabama Reports. 1875-77. Moutgoraerj 1876-79. Journal of Jurisprudence and Scottish Law Magazine. Vol. 26 and current Edinburgh, 1882. of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada. See under Canada of the Legi.slative Assembly of Ontario. See under Ontario. Juridical Society. Papers read before the, from 1863 to 1870. Vol. 3 London, 1871. Kehoe (J. J.) A Treatise on the Law of Choses in Action, with At A})pendix of Forms and Statutes. 1 vol. Torouto, 1881. i copies. Kelke (W. H. H.) a Digest of the Law of Practice under the Judicature Acts and Rules, and the Cases decided in the Chancery and Com mon Law Divisions, from November 1875 to August, 1880. 1 vol. London, 1880. Kelly (J. F.) A Treatise on the Law of Contracts of Married Women, 1 vol. Jersey City, 1882. Kennedy (W. R.), and Raikes (F. W.) The New Practice ; A Digest of the Judicature Acts 1873-75-77. and the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, with Rules, Forms, and Orders relating thereto, with Orders of the House of Lords, with Notes, Index, and Index of Cases. 1 — — vol. London, 1877. Kent (Jas ) Commentaries of American Law. 12tli edition, by O. W, Holmes, jr. 4 vols. Boston, 1873. Kerr (W. W.) A Treatise on the Law and Practice as to Receivers aj»pointed by the High Court of Justice. 2nd Edition. 1 vol. London, 1882. KiRCHNER (F J.) The Law and Practice relating to Offenders flying to or fiom this Country. Including the Extradition Acts and Treaties. 1 vol. London, 1882. _ KiRKPATRiCK (Jno.) Digest of the Scottish Law of Evidence. 1 vol Edinburgh, 1882. RARY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 25 of Canada in 177fj )f tlie British Arm 1, 1882. I Reports of Ca.sf 1 vol., Iteing vo' mis, 1860-G2. Supreme Court c Mi.ssouri Report? argued and deter (N. Y. Sup. Ci 9 vols. 8vo. Nev Alabama. 6 vols, 77. Moutgomerj ol. 26 and current See under Canada Ontario. ) 1870. Vol. 3 IiiSCELLES (F. H.) Horse Warrant)'. Tlie Law relating to the Purchase, Sale, Letting, and Hiring of Horses, and the Rights and Liability of Innkee|ieis, Livery-stahh! Keepers and othei's n.sing Hoisea, with hints ii.s to Piocfdure in Cases of Di.spute. 2nd edition. 1 vol. London, 1881. Latham (R. G. ) A Dictionary of the English Language, founded on that of Dr. Samuel Jolmson as edited by the Rev. H. J. Todd, M. A., with nnineroMs emendations and adilitions, in two double volumes (4 in all). [to. London, 187G. Latiirop (Jn(\) Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts fjom 1874: to 1882. Mass. Rej)orts, vols. 115 to 13-2. 18 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1875-83. Law Journal Reports, The. A Monthly Peiiodical containing Reports of Decisions in the House of Lords, Privy Council, Court of Appeal, and in all the Divisi()ns of the High Court of Justice, The Court of Bankruptcy and the Court of Crown Cases Reserved ; together with Cases reserved, relating to the Duties of Magistiate;'., and an Abi idgenu'ut of the Statutes, from Micliuv^lnias Term, 1878, to the end of Trinity Term, 1882, vols. 48 to 51, N. S., and current. 4 vols, in IG. London, 1879-82. lAction, with Ar. Porouto, 1881. i r the Judicature hancery and Cora August, 1880. 1 larried Women, A Digest of the Jurisdiction Act, eto, with Orders idex of Cases, i tion, by O. W, ceivers aj)pointeci 1 vol. London, lers flying to or ts and Treaties. idence. 1 vol. .i ••1 Journal Reports Digest. An Analytical Digest of the Cases published in the New Series of tlie Law Journal Reports and otiier Contemporary Reports in the House of Lords, Privy Council, Court of Appeal, the Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas. E.vchequer, and Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Divi.sionsof the High Court of Justice. The Court of Pankiii|)icy, Crown Cases Reserved and the Ecclesiastical Court, from Michaelmas Sittings, 1875. to Trinity Sittings, 1880, with references to Statutes passed during the same Period ; by C. C. M. Dale, assisted by G. M, Streeten. 1 vol. London, 1881. Journal Pa))er. A Weekly Publication of Notes of Cases and Legal News. Vols. 14-17 J 1879-82, and current. 4 vols. London, 1879-82. List (English), for 1880. comprising the Judges and Officers of the ditiieient Courts of Justice ; Counsel, Special Pleaders, iScc, in Enghuul and Wales; compiled by W. H. Cousins. 1 vol. 12mo. Londoti, 1880. List. The same for 1882-83. London, 1882-83. List. The Ontario Law List and Solicitors' Agency Book for 1882-83, 9th edition, by J. Rordans. Toronto, 1882. 2 copies. Times Reports. A Weekly Periodical with comjdete Reports of all the Law decided in all tlie Courts. Vols. 40 47. 1879-83, and current. 8 vols. London^ 1879-83. Times Pai)er. A Weekly Periodical. Vols. 66-74. 1879-82 and current. 9 vols. London, 1879-82. Magazine, or Quarterly Review of Juris; irudence ; 4th aeries; vols. 4-8. 1878-83 and current. 5 vols. London, 1879-83. HJ 1 i 26 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Law Reports Continuation of the New Issue, commencing with y^tXA 1876, as follows : Chancery Division Vols. 13-22 1879-83 Queen's Bench Division " 5 1879-80 C'.mmon Pleas " " 5 Exchequer " " 5 " " Probate " " 5 « (Including Probate Division, Admiralty, and Ecclesiastical Ca-jps Appeal Cases Division Vols. 5-8 1879-83 ,kwi| (Including both II. of L. and P. C. Cases.) Public General Statutes Vols. 15-18 1879-83 . Indian Appeals " 1-8 1873-81 New Issue commencing with the year 1881. Queen's Bench Division Vols. 6-10 1880-83 (Including Q. B., C. P., and Ex. Divisions, and on Appeal ther from, and C. C. R.) Probate Division Vols. 6-8 1881-83 (Including Probate and Divorce, Admiralty and Ecclesiastical, iir. on Appeal therefrom.) lotH (4 copies of each ; 2 copies of which we receive curi*ently.) Reports Digest. A Digest of all the Cases Reported in the La Reports, together with a Digest of the Important Statutes froijOBn the commencement of Michaelmas Term, 1865, to the end ( Trinity Sittings, 1880 : Published under the Superintendence an Control of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ent -__jj land and Wales. 2 vols, London, 1882. 8 copies. Law Reports. Ireland. Cases decided in the Court of Appeal of the Hig^^Ei Court of Justice, and the Court of Bankruptcy in Ireland. Vol 1-10. 1878-83. 10 vols. Dublin, 1879-83. ^ Lawyer's Reference Manual of Law Books and Citation?, by C C. Soule. vol. Boston, 1883. Legal News. A Serial published in the Interests of the Legal and Mercantil Community of Canada. Edited by Jas. Kirby, LL. D., D. C. 1 Vols. 1-7, and current. Montreal, 1878-83. Legqett (Eugene) A Treatise on the Law of Bills of Lading, with Appendix 1 vol. London, 1880. tfACA Leproy (A. H. F.) Reports of Cases decided in the Chancery Division o the High Court of Justice for Ontario. (Ontario Reports, Vols. 1-2, Toronto, 1882-83. tfACB Leith (Alex. Q.O.) and Smith (J. F.) Commentaries on the Laws of Englanc applicable to Real Property, by Sir W. Blackstone ; adapted to th^*^^ Present State of the Law in Ontario. 2nd edition. 1 vol. 8vc Toronto, 1880. 6 cojties. (Alex., Q. C.) The Principles of the Law of Real Property, intends as a first book for the use of Students in Conveyancing, by Jo3h"\/i-,T Williams, Esq., Adapted to the Laws in force in the Province c Ontario. 1 vol. Toronto, 1881. 7 copies. BRARY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 27 '0 iiencing with ye^ii,T (J. M.) The Law of Municipal Corporations, containing the Municipal Corporations Act 1882, and the Enactments incorporated there- ■a|L with, with a collection of supplementary enactments, including The Electric Lighting Act, 1882. 1 vol. London, 1882. 2 copies. iBNNARD (T. B.) A Concise Treatise, showing the effect of the Married Woman's Property Act upon the existing Law. 1 vol. Loudon, Ecclesiastical CaiPs ■^^^^• 1879-83 1879-80 It 1879-83 J 879-83 1873-81 1880-83 on Appeal ther 1881-83 i Ecclesiastical, ar currently.) iKWis (F. A.) The Law Relating to Stocks, Bonds, and other Securities in the United States. 1 vol. Philadelphia, 1881. ilftlNCOTT's Gazetteer of the World. A Complete Pi-onouncing Gazetteer or Geographical Dictionary of tlie World, Containing Notices of over i^ 125,000 i)laces. With Kecentand Authentic Information Respecting the ('ountries, Islands, Rivers, Mountains, Cities, Towns, &c., in every Portion of the Globe. New Edition, Thoroughly Revised and Greatly Enlarged, to which is Appended a Series of Supple- mentary Tables of Population, based upon the Most Recent Census Returns. 1 vol. Philadeljihia, 1883. jLOTD (M.) The Law and Practice of the County Courts, Incorporating the Statutes, Rules, and Forms. 8th edition, by C. E. Lloyd. 1 vol. oorted in the La- London, 1880. tant Statutes froLiOBlMER (James ) '^he Institutes of the Law of Nations. A Treatise on the !65, to the end ( Jural Relations of Separate Political Communities in 2 vols, nperintendence an Vol. 1. London, 1883. P ' ^^g lor J^nj^oWNDES (R.) A Practical Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance. 1 vol. London, 1881. ppeal of the Hig^ll^En Canada Jurist. A Collection of the most Interesting Decisions Pro- in Ireland. vol nounced bv the Courts having J tnisdiction in Civil Matters in ., Lower Canada. Vols. 23-26, 1878 to 1882, and current. 4 vols, by C. C. Soule. ' Montreal. 1879-82. ^ , J 1^ ..Iacalpin (D. R.) The Law Relating to Money-Lenders and Borrowers, being ' r T D T^ 'n I ^ Treatise on Bills of Sale, Personal Security, and Monetary Deal- ■' • • J- ings with Expectant Heirs, with an Appendix, containing Statutes bearing upon the Subject, and Precedents of Bills of Sale in use by g, with Appendix Money Lenders, 1vol. London, 1880. iIacaskie (S. C.) a Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administrators, cerv Division o '''"*^ ^^ *''® Administration of Estates of Deceased Pei-sons, with enorts Vols 1-2 A})pendix of Statutes and Forms. I vol. London, 1881. klACKlNTOSU (C. H.) Canadian Parliamentary Companion and Register for T -^ , 1881. 1vol. Ottawa, 1881. Laws of Englam e; adapted to tli^*^^^^'^-^^' (Jas., Q. C.) The Ontario Judicature Act 1881. Rules of the an. 1 vol. 8vc Court and Forms, with the Orders of the Court of Appeal and other Acts, Orders, and Rules relating to the Practice in the Supreme Court of Judicature, with Practical Notes. 1 vol. roperty, intendei Toronto. 1881. 8 copies. rth?Prov*ince')*^^ Newspaper (Toronto.) 18 vols. 1872 to July 1880. Newspaper (London.) 6 vols. 1877-82, and current. f I • il. 28 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY CF Maine (H. S.) Ancient Law: its Cc)nn<>ction witli tbe Early HistoncC Society and its llelation to JModurn Ideas. 9th edition. I London, 1S83. EeportH. Cases in the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine C Portland, lH7!)-8:3. Hastin^'s Vols. 69-70 1878 to 1880 S|.aulding " 71-74 1879 to 1883 Digest. Being a Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial C of Maine from 1820 to 1879, icported in Maine Repoits, cl El 1-08. By A. M. I'Jaisted and F. A. Appleton. 1880. 1 vol. Port! Manitoba Statutes, Acts, passed by the Legishitive Asssembly during years 1876 to 1883. vols. Winnipcig, 1876-83. — Consolidated Statutes of the Province of 1 vol. Wiunijjeg, 1881 Marcy (G. N.) a short Epitome of the Principal Statutes relating to (g— veyancing, extending from 13 Edward I. to e!;d 43 tfe 44 V intended for the use of Students and Practitioners. 3 edition, vol. London, 1881. Maritime Law Cases. (^Vfi Aspinall.) " Mausden (R. G.) a Tieatise on the Law of Collisions at Sea, with A]»pendix, containing extracts from the Merchant Shii)ping .' The International Regulati(ms of 1863 and 1880 for Preveni-^^' Collisions at Sea, and with Rules for the same purpose in fore- the Thames, the Mersey, and elsewhere. 1 vol. London, 188l „j Martin (W. B ) An Index to the Virginia Reports, from Jefferson tc Grattan both included, with complete Tables of Cases. 1 ■ [lS£ Richmond, 1881. Maryland Rkpokts. Cases decided in the Court of A])peals of Maryla Vols. 46-58, by J. S. Stockett. 13 vols. 1876-82. Baltiun 1878-83. Massachusetts Reports. Cases decided in the Supreme Judicial Coin-t Mas.sachusetts. Vols. 126-132, 1878-82, by John Lathrop. vols. Boston, 1880-83. Maude (F. P.) and Pollock (C. E.) A Compendium of the Law of Mercli Shipping, witli an Ajipendix containing all the Statutes, Orden Council, and Forms of Practical utility. 4th edition, by the litis Baron Pollock and G. Bruce. 2 vols. London, 1881. May (J. W.) The Law of Insurance as applied to Fire, Life, and A dent, Guarantee, and other non-Maritime Risks. 2ud edition, [oj vol. Boston, 1882. McCalmont (F. H.) The Parliamentary Poll Book of all Elections, from • passing of the First Reform Act in 1832 to May, 1879 ; witi list of all Candidates within that period. 1 vol. 18mo. Lond 1879. McCarter (T. N.) Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Chancery a on Appeal in the Court of Error and Apj)eal of New Jersey. V 1-2; being vols. 14-15 of the N. J. E. Reps. 1861-63. JeD City, 1879. IPw5!4 LIBRARY CF , TIIK LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 29 the Early HistorvoORARY (< leo. W.) Cases in the Circuit Court of the Unitefl States for 18. 9th edition. 1 the Eiirlith Circuit. 2 vols. 1880-81. Chicago, 1881-82. cDoi'OAi.i. (J. K.) Law Lf'otuips on the Sulijects of Toit.s and Negligence, iirt of Maine 6 \ dflivci-cd lu'ture the Law Students of Toionto, at Osgoode Hall. Rfjiorted by J. P. Mabee. 1 vol. Toronto, 1882. 6 copies. 1S"0* lS8't EWS (Joliii). All Annual Digest of tin; Re])orted Decisions in the House of Lords, Privy Council, and Ci)nrt of Appfal ; the Chancery, (Queen's Su[)reme Judicial r B the Statutes ])assed and Rules and Orders of the Assseniblv durin" Coiiit promulgated: with Collections of Cases Eoliowed, Di.stin- [876-83 * guished, Explained and Commented on, Overruled and Questioned : for the vears 1881-8"J (l)eing a continuation of Fisher's Digest.) 2 I Winnii>eg, 1881 vols. London, 1882-83. 2 copies of 1882. itutes I'f^li'J'ng to t-gYER (W. O.) An Lidex to the Reports of the Supreme Court of the . to e!;d 43&44 \ United States, embracing all the Re[.orted Deci.-itms of the Court itioners. 3 edition, f,.^,„^ ^(^ oiganization to 1878. 1 vol. St. Louis, 1878. JOHIGAN Rkports. Cases decidetl in the Supreme Court of Michigan. Vols. 35-3G, by H. Post, Rep., from 187G to 1877. 2 vols. Lansing, isions at Sea, with 1877-78. lerchant Shipping •'. , . d 1880 for Preveii!-*'''^ (^^- ^-l ^^ Treatise u])an the Law of Eminent Domain. 1 vol. St, ame pur|)o.se in forct Louis, 18/9. vol. London, 188l;jj^^^j^j3 ^C. R.) Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Prerogative in i, from Jefferson tc Ireland, and in the Consistor}' Court of Dublin during the time ibles of Cases. 1 > of the late Rt. Hon. Jno. Radclitf. 1 vol. Dublin, 1847. [isaouRi Ria'ORTS of (Jases decided in the Supreme Court of Missouri. St. Ajipeals of Maryla Louis and Kansas City, 1843-83. 187(3-82. Baltiui Houck (various Reporter.s) No. 1-15 1821 to 18.')2 Bennett " lG-21 1852 to 18.55 me Judicial Court '^^•'"'^ -. " --'^'^ ^^^^ t,o LS-iO JV John LathroD .Luies, Barclav, and Whittelsey . . '• .51 18G0 to 1862 ^^ ^' Whittelsey . .' " 32-41 18')2 to 18G7 Post " 42-64 18(;7 to 1877 if the Law of Mercli Skinker " 65-75 1877 to 1882 the Statutes, Ordet> h eiUtion, by the HtlSSOUUl Appeal Reports. Cases Decided in the St. Louis Court of Appeals don, 1881. of the State of Missouri. Vols. 1-11. 1876-82, by W. Moore r-,. T-i- 1 A Berry, Reporter. St. Louis, 1877-83. J^ire, Lite, and Ai ," i isks. 2nd edition, [oAK (N. C.) Reports of Cases Dei-ided in the English Courts, with Notes and References to kindred Cases and Authorities. Vols. 23-32. all Elections, from ■ 10 vols. Albany, 1879-83. ) May, 1879; wit! , (N". C.) Principles of the Law of Torts, or the Wrongs Independent vol. 18mo. Lond of Contr.ict. 1st Americ.n Edition from 2ud English Edition by A. Uiiderhill a.ssisted by C. C. Phimptie, with American Notes. )urt of Chancery a 1 vol. Albany, 1881. 2 copies. of New Jersey. V (N. C.) Subject, Index. 1 Voh Albany, 1880. bs. 1861-63. Jen \ / j ' w 30 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THL. LIBRARY OF MoRAWETZ (Victor.) A Treatise on the law of Private (orporationH oiJii than Charitable. 1 vol. Boston, 1882. 2 copies. MoRQAN (H. J.) The Dominion Annual Register and Review for the 1; 1.3th, 14th, and 15th years of the Canadian Union. 1878, 79, '81, '82. 4 vols. Montreal, 1879-83. Si Moore (E. F.) Reports of Cases Decided by the Judicial Committee and Lords of Her Majesty's Most Hon. Privy Council on A[)peal t: the Supreme Sudder Dewanny, Adawlut, and the High Conn- Judicature in the East Indies. Vols. 10-14. 1863-72. 5 v London. (E. F.) Reports of Cases Decided by the Judicial Committee the Lords of Her Miijesty's Most Hon. Privy Council, > Series, Morrison (R. S.) in the Vols. 1-2. Vols. 5-9. 1867-73. 5 vols. London. A Series containing the Cases on the Law of Mines fo' _ in the American and English Reports with Notes and Referen-"*^ Chicago, 1883. Morse (A. P.) A Treatise on Citizenship, by Birth and by Naturalization, v reference to the Law of Nations, Roman Law, Civil Law, Law the United States, and the Law of France, including Provisions the Federal Constitution and in the S'iveral State ConvStitutions resjjcct of Citizenship, together witli Decisions thereon of -j ■ Federal and State Courts. 1 vol. Boston, 1881. ^^ (J. O. ) A Treatise on the Law Rehiting to Banks and Banking, v an Appendix containing The National Banking Act of June 1864, and Amendments thereto. 2nd edition. 1 vol. Bost. 1879. MuNGER (G. G.) A Treatise on the Application of Payments by Debtor to Creditor, being a complete compilation of the Law pertaining the Rights of Debtor and Creditor, respectively, and also giving; A'arious Rules for the guidance of the Courts when no Appropr' tion has been made by the Parties. 1 vol. New York, 1879. NlT National Bankruptcy Register Reports, containing Reports of all the Imp tant Bankruptcy Decisions in the United States. Vols, l-i New York, 1874-77. Neville (R), and Macnamara (W. H.) Reports of Cases Decided byt""^ Railway Commissioners under the Regulation of Railways A 1873, and the Board of Trade Arbitration Act, 1874, and Digest of Cases on Railway and Canal Trallic. Vol. 3, a: current. London, 1881. New Brunswick, Statutes of Acts of the General Assembly passed in yea 1876-83. 2 vols. Fredericton, 1876-83. Reports. Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Province. vols. St. John, 1880-82. Pugsley and Burbidge Vols. 3-5. 1879-82. Newfoundland Statutes. Acts of the Legislative Assembly, passed in ti — years 1877 to 1882. 2 vols. St. John's. LIBRARY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 81 ate (orporatioDB uttlTlir Hampshihe Reports. Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Judi- ' copies. cature for Now Ilampshiie. '^ vols. Coiicoid, 1877-82 1 Review for the 1 H«ll 1-2 f>«-57 N.H.R. 1875-76 LTniou. 1878,79, J^-^ks 1 58 N.H.R. 1876-79 N^IW Jersey Law Reports. Capes decided in the Supieme C'ourt and at Law ial Committee and ^" ^^^*' Court of Error and Appeid, for New Jnsey, by W. D. juncil on Appeals Vrooiu, Rt-p. Vols. 41 to 44. l87!)-82. 4 vols. Trenton, 1880-83. d the High Court—— Equity Reports. Cases decided in the Court of Chancery and on 14. 1863-72. 5\ Appeal, in the Court of Error and Appeal for the State of New- Jersey. Vols. 12-33. 1808-81. 22 vol.s. Trenton, 1877-81. Jicial Committee I^^««'^^y 12 12-13 N. J. E. R. I808-GO Privy Council A McCarter 1-2 14-15 N. J. E. K. 1861-63 idon ' ' Creen 1-12 16-27 N. J. E. R. 1863-76 ^ ' , Stewart 1-6 28-33 N. J. E. R. 1877-81 B Law of Mines foi _, !^otes and Referen-^*^ Testament. The Parallel New Testament, Creek and English. The Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, being the Authorized Version set forth in 1611, arranged in Parallel y Naturalization, t Columns with the Revised of 1881, and with the Greek Text fol- w, t-'jvii Law, Law lowed in the Revised version. To which are added the readings x-luding Provisions followed in the Authorized version, and the readings noted in the state Constitutions margin of the Revised version. 1vol. Oxford, 1882. siona thereon of ... 831 NlWTON (A. V.) Patent Law and Practice, showing the Mode of obtaining and of>posing Gi'ants, Disclaimers, Contirniations, and Executions ks and Banking, v ^^ of Patents, with a chapter on Patent Agents. 1 vol. London, utig Act of June 1879. 3n. 1 vol. Bost NlW iToRK Reports. Cases decided in the Courts of the State of New York, comprising Coleman's Cases ; Coleman and Caines's Cases ; ments by Debtor Caines's Cases, 2 vols. ; Yates's Select Case. 1794-1805. 1 vol. he Law pertaining New York, 1883. y, and alsogivinj; when no ADnroir Cases f!eeided in the Courts of Appeal for the State of New York, ^ew York 1879 ^'^''''- ''* *^ ^^' l^^^-^^. Sickel's Rep., vols. 29-45. Albany, 1879- 1883. .J. f 11 ,1 J — — — Sujjreme Court Reports. Cases decided in the Sujjrcme Court for the states. Vols. 1': ?''!'«"' N^ Yo.k. Vol., 25-.3C (M. T. Hun Ee,,. 18.29.) 18/9-83. 12 vols. Albany, 18/9-83. ases Decided by l " Criminal Reports. Edited by I'heodore Conolly and Henry L. Vilas. )n of Railways A ^^l- 1' t-'^nent. Albany, 1883. r" ' -17 I ' Q^"*^ ' Superior Court Rejwrts. Cases determined in the Superior Court of allic. Vol. 3, a: the City of New York. J o.i-s aud Spencer. Vols. 33-41 of the r serie-s. 9 vols., from 1871 to 1877. New York, 1873-77. ^ Practice Reports (See under Abbott and Howard). Howard Vols. 1-64 1844-83 f the Province. Abbott " 1-1 9 O. S. ) , ..r . «c " " 116 N.S. I l^'^'^-'^ 1879-82. W Abbott's New Cases " 1-11 1876-82 nhly, passed in ti -^ Surrogate Court Reports. Vol. 3. A. A. Redfield, Reporter. 1877-79. 1 vol. New York, 1879. 32 SUPPLKMENT lO THK CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Nicholson (J. V>.) A Pnictic il Tmitise on tlie Luw of Piuliurnentdry ElOllj tions in Scotland, incliiditig the Election of Ht'in-csentiitivc Pt" | and INIcmlters of Tail lament, and the Registration of Voters Comities, IJiirglis, and Univeisities, with an Appendix of Statu* and Forms. 2nd edition. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 1871). NoRUis (A. W.) Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvar.< (Penn. State Reports, Vols. 82 to 90) from 1876 to 1880. 15 vc: 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877-83. Nova Scotia Reports. Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Nova Scoti 18()7-81. 8 vols. Halifax, 1879-83. Celdert it Oxley Rus.sell & Chesley llussell iV Geldert Statute.s. Acts ))assed by Legislative Assembly of the Provim during the years 1880 to 1883. 4 vols. Halifax. 3 vols. 18GG-75 3 " 187r)-79 2 '' 1879-81 O'Brien (Henry.) The Division Courts Act of 1880, with numerous practic; and exi>lanatory Notes ; togetlier with appropriate forms ; also reprint of all the Decisions in the Ontario Courts affecting Div; sion Court Law or the Duties of OtHcers, since the publication ( O'Brien's " Division Courts Manual. 1879" : Rules of Novembci"" 1879, Tariff of Fees and Lidex. 1vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. ^ copies. O'Si Odgehs (W. B ) A Digest of the Law of Libel and Slander, with Evidence | Procedure, and Practice both in Civil and Criminal Cases, ai.. Precedents of Pleading. 1 vol. London, 1881. Ovt Ohio State Reports. Cases decided in the Supreme Court Commission c! Ohio. Vols. 32-3.5. 1876-80, by Dewitt, Keporter. 4 vols Cincinnati, 1879 80. Oui Okes Magisterial Formulist. Being a Complete Collection of Forms ana Prec(Hlents for Practical use in all Cases out of Quarter Sessions aiu; in Parochial Matters, by Magistrates and their Clerks, Solicitors Pai and Constables. 6th edition, hf T. W. Saunders. 1 vol. London. 1881. O'Malley (L. L), and Hardcastle (H.) Reports of the Decisions of the Judges for the Trial of Election Petitions in England and Ireland pursuant to the Parliamentary F^lections Act, 1868. Vol. 3, and Pa current. 1874-80. London, 1881. Oliphant (G. H. H.) The Law of Horses, including the Law of Innkeepers, Veterinary Surgeons, and of Hunting, R icing. Wagers, and Gaming. 4th edition, by C. Elphinstone Lloyd. 1 vol. London, 1882. Ontario Statutes. Passed by the Legislative A.ssembly, for the years 1879- _^ 80-81-82-83. 5 vols. Toronto. 8 copies. ^ Sessional Papers of the Legislative Assembly. Vols. 1-14. 1868-82 inclusive, in 52 vols. Toronto. rORARY OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 33 Parliamentary KKOatAHio Ju.i mills of Le<;i.slutivo Assembly. Vols. 1-15. 18G8-82 inclusive. Kcpicseiihitivc fV TuK.iito. ttiJiiion of Voters V|))>eii(lix of Stutu' Ollicial Giizfttt), frouj January, 1879 to 188:3 and current. 4 vols, io :Ii, I87t). ' H. 'J'onuito. urt of Fennsylviir. Reixtrls. lU'iiorts of Cases docided in the Court of Ajjpeal, Superior to to 1880. 15 vo! Courts of Coiuniou Law and Equity, and tlie High Court of Justice for Ontario, ourt of Nova f the Provim New Series : ^^"^^' Ontario Appeal lleports, A. Grant, Reporter. Vol. 7, 1883. j S. J. VaiiKoughnet, | Ontario Reports, < G. F. Harnmn, > Reporters. Vol. 1-2, '82-83. ' ':'>m'';o"s practice ( A. H. F. Lefroy, ) •Mate forms; also Ontario Practice Reports, T. T. Ko p'l, Reporter. Vol. 9, 1882-83. !uts attecting Divi Hodgins's Election Reports, 1871-76. e the publication ( Inles of November Law Directory, for 1882-83, by J. Rordans. 1 vol. Toronto, 1882. 2 Toronto, 1880. i copies. O'SULLIVAN (D. A.) A Manual of Practical Conveyancing, Real and Personal h'r, with Evidence Property, including Wills, with Precedents, Forma, and References, liininal Cases, ai. ^ '■"^' '^"''O'ltt^, 1882. Otto (W. T. ) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the United >i'fc Commission ' States. Vols. 7-1 G, being vols. 97-106 of the series, 1877-82, Reporter. 4 vols ^^ ^'^^^' ^0"''°"' 1879-83. OUTERBUIDGE (A. E.) Reports of Cases decided in the Suprem-' Comt of the 11 of Forms an State of I'ennsylvania. 1 vol., being vol. 97 of the Pennsylvania •arter Sessions aJ Reports, 1881. Philadelphia, 1882. Clerks, Solicitors Paley's Law and Practice of Summary Convictions under the Summary Juris- • 1 vol. London, diction Acts 1848 and 187!', including Proceedings preliminary and sul)sequent to Convictions and the res[)onsibility of Convict- 7~)poi'o.\^T,c ^e ±-L i"S Magistrates and their Othcers, with Forms. 6th edition. W. A-'ecisions or the tj m i i t i i^7,i .. land and Trel 1 Macnamara. 1 vol. London, 1879. 2 copies. '68. Vol. 3, and Palmer (F. R.) Company Precedents for use in relation to Companies subjeit to the Companies' Acts 1862 to l88l), arranged as follows ; ,vy of Innkeen Agreements, Memoranda, and Articles of A.s.sociation. Prospectuses, ", Wao-ers i Resolutions, Notices, Certiticaics, Del)entures, Petitions, Orders, 1 vol *' Lond Winding up, Reconstruction, Amalgamation Arrangements, ' .jK Private Acts, with Copious Notes. 2nd edition. 1 vol. London, ■§ 1881. ' [ ' , ' . The Shareholders' and Directors' Companion. A Manual of everyday M Law and Practice for Promoters, Shareholders, Directors, Secre- 1-14. 1868-82 taries. Creditors, and Solicitors of Companies, under the Com- panies' Acts 1862-67-77. 2ud edition. 1 vol. London, 1880. I 5 ■M> 84 Rl'PPM'iMKNT TO TllK CATALOaUE OF THE MHHAUY OF PAlTltH inicl Itc'foio the Jiuidiciil Society from IHG.'J to 1S70. Vol. 3. Lon- don, 1871. Parsons (Tlioophilns.) A Ticiitisp on the T-aw of Proniifisory Notes and Bills of Kxchuii^'o. 2n(l edition. 2 voIh. 8vo. I'liilndelphia, 1876. Patknt Oflico Decisions. Digest of tliP Decisions of tlio Law and Practice in the Patent Ollice from 18G9 to 1880 by D. H. Kice k L. C. Rice. 1 vol. PnsU.n, 1880. Patehson (W.) The Pntcticiil Htatntes of the Session. 1879, with Introduc- tion, N«)tes, Talilo of Statutes Repealed, niid Subject Altered, Lists of l.oeal.and Personal and Private Acts, with Copious Index. 1 vol. London, 1879. The .same for the yejirii 1880-81-82. 3 vols. London, 1880-82. Pemdeuton (L li.) The Judgments and Orders of the High Court of Justice and Court of Appeal, chiefly in reference to Actions Assigned to the Chancery Division. 3rd edition. 1 vol. Lmdon, 1882. Pennsylvania Reports. Cases deci led in the Supreme Court of the State of IVniisylvatiia. VoLs. 88-97. 1878 to 1881. 10 vol.s. Phila- delphia, 1880-83. Noiris, vols. 7-15 . . Vols, 88 to 96, Penn. Reps. 1878 to 1880. Outei-bridge, vol. I . . Vol. 97 " 1881. Perdue (W. K.), and IvOI.pii (T. T.) Reports of Ca.ses decided in Common Law Chambers. Chancery Chambers, and the Ma.ster's Office. Ontario. Practice Reports. Vol. 8. 1879-81. 1 vol. Toronto. Philadklpiiia Re})or(s or [^egal intelligencer condensed, containin{» the Decisions Published in i\n' Legal Intelligencer from 18.50 to 1875, by H. E. Wallace. Vol. 1-10. Philadelphia, 1874-79. Phillimoue (Sir Robt.) Commentaries upon International Law. 3rd edition. Vols. 1-2. London, 1879-82. Phillips (L. B.) The Dictionary of Biographical Reference, containing 100,000 names; together with a classed Index of Biographical Literature of Eiiroj)e and America. 1 vol. London, 1871. The same. Second edition, with an Appendix continuing the work by an Addenda of Necrology of eminent jiersous, for the last ten years. 1 vol. Philadelphia, 1881. (S. L.) A Treatise on the Law of Mechanics' Liens. Liens or Real and Personal l'ioi)erty. 2nd edition. 1 vol. Boston, 1883. Pierce (E. L.) A Treatise on the Law of Railroads. 1 vol. Boston, 1881. 2 copies. PiGGOTT (F. T.) Foreign Judgments. The effect of an English Judgment abroad. Service on Absent Defendant. Part. 2. London, 1881. Pitt-Lewis (G.) assisted by H. A. DeColyar. A complete Practice of the County Courts, including that in Admiralty and Bankru|)tcy — embodying Acts, Rules, Forms, and Costs, with additional Forms and a full Index. 2 vols. London, 1880. PococK (W. A.) The Piinciples of the Law of Costs under the Judicature Acts. 1 vol. London, 1881. THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 35 Pollock (Fred'k.) The Piinriplps of the Law of Contracts, being a Treatine on the General PiiiuMplea concerning the Vnlidity of Agreenientg in the L/iw of Eiigh»nd. 3nJ edition. 1 vol. London, 188L 6 copies. Poole (W. F.) An Index to Periodionl Literntiire. 3rd edition, brought down to January, 1882. 1vol. Boston, 1882. Post (T. A.) Rei)orts of Oitses determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, being vols. i2-n4 of the Mo. Reports. 18G7 to 1877. 23 vok St. Louis 1869-77. (IToyt). Rei)ort.s c'" Cases determined in the Supreme Court of Michigan. (Mich. Report.s, vols. 23 to 36), from 1871 to 1877. H voh. 8vo Lansing, 1872-78, POWKLL (T. W.) The Law of Appellate Proceedings, in relation to Review, Error, Afipeal. and other Reliefs upon final Judgments. 1 vol. Philadelphia, 1872. Pratt's Law of Highways, Highway Acth and other Statutes, incbiding an Introduction, explanatory of tlu^ Law upon the Subject, with Notes, Ca.ses, and Index ; also The Tramways Act, 1870, 12th edition by Samuel Prentice. 1 vol. London, 1881. Pbideaux (C. G.) a Practical Guide to the Duties of Churchwardens in the Execution of their Office, with Lists of Cases, Statutes, Canoiw, &c , with an A|)pendix and Index, 14th edition, 1 vol. London, 1880. (F.) and Whitcombe (Juo.) Prideaux\s Precedents in Conveyanc- ing, with Dissertations on its Law a.'id Practice. 11th edition. 2 vols. London, 1882. Prince Edward Island Stattites. Passed by the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island, from 1875-83. 8 vcis. Charlottetown. PuGBLEY (W.) and Bnrbidge (G. W.) Reports of Cases in the Sui)reino Court of New Brunswick. Vols. 3-5., being vols. 19-21 under new title of New Brunswick Reports, 1880-82. 3 vols. St. John, 1880-82. PuLSlFER (Josiah D.) Reports of Cases in Law and Equity determined by the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine (Maine Reports. Vols. 65- 68), from 1874 to 1878. 4 vols. 8vo. Portland, 1876-79. QUAIN (Richard.) A Dictionary of Medicine, including General Pathology, General Therapeutics, Hygiene, and the Diseases peculiar to Women and Children. 2 vols. London, 1882. Quebec Law Reports, Piil)F hed by the Bar of the Province of Quebec. Section of the District of Quebec. Vols. 5-8. 1879-82, Quebec, 1879-82. Statutes. Passed by the Legislative Assembly of Quebec. From 1868-1883, Inclusive. 17 vols., Quebec. Decisions. Reports of Cases on Appeal to the Court of Queen's Bench if the Province of Quebec. 2 vols., 1881-82. Montreal 1881-82. II I 36 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Railway and Canal Cases, see under Neville and Macnamara Railway Cases. The American, see under American. Rapalje (St-)wart), and Lawkknce (RoUt. L.) A Tahle of American and Engliish Cases, which hjive been Affirmed, Applied, and Com- mented on, Conipiired, Changed by St ttite, Dt-nied, Disapproved, Doubted, Kx])laine(l, Followed, Limited, Modified, Not Folio a ei, Opposed, OvciTuled. Questioned, Reconciled, Reversed, or other- wise Ciiticised or Cited, in Repoi'ted Decision? of the American, English, Canadian, and Nova Scotian Courts, vol. 1, Governing the Decisions published during the year 1881. Jer.sey City, 1882. Rapalje (Stewart). A Digest of New York Decisions from the earliest Period to July, 1878, comprising all the Cases to be found in the Reporters. 1 vol. 8vo. Jersey City, 1879. Read (D. B., Q. C). Lectures on the Judicature Act, Delivered to the Sttulents at (Xsgoode Hall during the week next before the long Vacation of 1881. 1 vol. Toronto, 1881. 6 Copies. Redfield (A. A.) Reports. Cases Decided in the Surrogate Courts of the State of New York, 1877-79. Vol. 3. New York, 1879. Redman (J. H. ) A Treatise on the Law Affecting Railway Companies as Carriers of Goods and Live Stock. 2nd edition. 1 vol., London, 1880. Reporters, The, Arranged and Characterized with Incidental Remarks by John Wm. Wallace. 4th edition, under the Superintendence of Franklin Fiske Hearc'. 1 vol.. Boston, 1882. Rice (D. H. &. L. C.) Digest of the Decisions of the Law and Practice in the Patent Oifice from, 1869-1880. 1 vol., Boston, 1880. Roberts (W. H.) and Wallace, (G. 11.) A Snmmaiy of the Law on the Lia- bility of Employers foi- the Peisonal Injuries sustained by their Workmen, with an Aj)pendix Containing the Employers' Liabilitj Act, 1880, and Rules thereunder, etc. 1 vol., London, 1881. The same 2nd edition. 1 vol., L(mdon, 1882. Rogers On Elections, Registration, and Election Agency. 13th edition, includ- ing Petitions and Municipal Elections and Registration, Appendix of Statutes and Foims, l)y Jno. C. Caiter. 1 vol., Lordon, 1880. (H. W.) The Law of Expert Testimony. 2 Co[)ies. 1 vol., St. Louis, 1883. 9 th edition, RoRDAl. -: (J.) The Ontario Law List and Solicitors Agency Book for 1882-83. 1 vol., Toronto, 1882. 2 Copie.s. RoWELL (Jno. W.) Reports of Crtses Decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont. Vols. 5-7, being vols. 49-51, New series of Vermont Reports. 1876 79. Montpelier, 1877-79. RUBENSTEIN (J. S.) The Conveyancing and Law of Pr 'i) rty Act, 1881, being an Act to simplify Conveyancing, with Iiitr(»duction, Sum- mary and Pniciical Notf-s and Conveyancing Precedents. An A|)pendix containing Lord Cranworth's Act, 1860. The Vendors and Purshasers Act, 1874. The Settled Estates Act, 1877, and I THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 37 I Rail waj srican and 111(1 Com- iapj»roved, FoJloAei, or other- i^nieiican, Billing the 1882. 9 earliest lid in the i to the the long the State )Hnies as London, larks by ilence of ;e in the the Lia- by their -liability 581. includ- >l»endix I, 1880. I, 1883. edition, of the lies of 188U , Stim- An endors 7, and The Solicitors' Remuneration Act, 1881, with oirefnl cross Re- ferences, and Copious Index, and Foi-nis. :3rd edition. 1 vol London, 1882. '' RuEGG (A. H.) A Treatise upon the Employers' Lialiility Act, 1880. 1 vol Loudon, 1882. Rules of the Supreme Court of Judicature and of the High Court of Justice of Ontario, adopted since tlio passMge of the Judicature Act ; also Tai-iff and Fees and Costs, adopted by the Judges. Toronto, 1883. 6 copies. RUNNELLS (J. S.) Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of Iowa. Vols. 38-50. 1873-79. Des Moines and St. Paul, 1875-80. Russell (Francis), and Russell ( Herbert.) A Treatise on the Power and Duty of an Arbitrator, and the Law of Submissions and Awards, with an Appendix of Forms and of the Statutes relating t.) Arbitration. 6th edition. 1 vol. London, 1882. (B.) and Chksley (S. A.) Keports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. Vols. 1-3. 1875-79. Halifax, 1877-80. (B.) and GtLDERT, (J. M.) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. Vols. 1-2. 1879-81. Halifax. 1881-82. Ryerson (Egerton.) The Loyalists of America and their Times, from 1620 to 1816. 2 vols. 2nd edition. Toronto, 1880. Sanitary Journal. 4 rnal. Devoted to Public Health, Edited by Dr. E. Playter. vols, and 9 [)arts vol. 5. Toronto, 1874-83. Saunders (T. W.) The Practice of Magistrates' Courts, including the Practice under the Summary Jurisdicti(m Acts, 1848, 1879, 1881. The Incidental Offence Act. 1848, The Quarter Sessions Procedure Act, 1849, and The Reformatory and Industrial Schools Acts, 1866, 1872, The Criminal and Civil Practice of Quarter Sessions, A|)peals and other Proceedings in relation to Convictions and Orders in Courts of Summary Jurisdiction. An Appendix of foregoing and other Statutes, Rules, Forms, etc. 5th edition, by James A. Foot. 1 vol. London, 1882. Sawyer (L. S. B.) Reports of Cases decided in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the 9th Circuit. Vols. 5-7. 1877-8??. San Francisco, 1880-82. Schouler (Jas.) A Treatise on the Law of Husband and Wife. Boston, 1883. 1 vol. A Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administrators. Boston, 1883. Scotch Court f Session, Cases decided in, from 1821 to 1838. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834-38. 1 vol. 16 vols. The same, including Cases in the Teind Court, izc , and House of Lords, New series, from 1836-62. 24 vols. Imp. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1839-62. 38 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF The same. Third series, from 1862-73. 11 vols. Imp. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1863 73. The same. Fourth Series, from 1873-82. Vols. 1-!). Imp. Svo. Edinburgh, 1874-8 2. ^^ For other Scotch Reports, see Morrison's Dictionary of Decisions (page 127), (O. C. ), Scotch Ai)peal Cases (page 161, 0. C.) ; and Justiciary Cases, (page 103, 0. C.) Scottish Law Reporter. Vol. 20, Current. ScBATCiiLEY (A.) The Law of Lmd Societies, with withdrawable and trans- ferable Shares, and the Law of Co-operative Banks, and of Co- operative Societies generally, under The Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1876. An alphabetical Digest of Legal Decisions in connection with the Formation and Operations of Land Investment Companies, under the Companies Acts, 1862-1880. 3rd edition. 1 vol., London, 1880. Sedgwick (A. G.,) and Wait (F. S.) A Treatise on the Principles and Practice governing the Trial of Title to Land ; Including Eject- ment; Tiespass to try Title ; Writs of Entry ; Statutory Kemedies for the Recovery of Real Property ; together with the Resulting Claims for Mesne Protits and Improvements, embracing a Cou- sideration of 'Jolor Title, Title in Possession, and Adverse Posses- sion. 1 vol. New York, 1882. (Theodore). A Treatise on the Measure of Damages. 7th edition, by A. G. Sedgwick and G. W. Van Nest. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1880. SKSSioyAL Papers of the Dominion of Canada, completed to the end of 1882. Ottawa. Papers of the Province of Ontario, completed up to the end of 1882. Toronto. Sherman (T. G.), and Redfield (A.. A ) A Treatise on the Law of Negli- gence. 3rd edition, with Addenda, including Decisions to the end of 1879. 1 vol. 8vo. New York, 1880. Sheppard (Jno.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Alabama. 1 vol., 63 Alabama Reports. 1879. Montgomery, 1880. SiCKELs, (H. E.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of Mew York. Vols. 29-15, (being vols. 74-90 of the N. Y. Appeal Reports.) 1878-83. Albany, 1879-83. Sinclair (J. S.), and Wade (E. E.) Division Courts Act, 1880 ; a full and careful Annotation of the Division Courts Act. 1880, with Direc- tions, Instructions, Sic, 1 vol. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. Skinkkr (T. K.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Missouri. Vols. 65-75. 1877-82. 11 vols. Kansas City, 1878-83. Smith (Horace). A Treatise on the Law of Neelieence. 1880. '^ ^ 1 vol., London, (T E.) A Summary of the Law and Practice in the Ecclesiastical Courts. 1 vol., Loudon, 1880. THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 39 ^o. Edin- Imp. 8vo. tij)naiy of Hses (page nd trans- md of Co- '•ovident 5ci.sioiis in vestment dition. 1 pies and Smith (T. E.) A Sumraary of the Law and Practice in Admiralty 1 vol London, 1880. ^ o Ejecfc- lir Remedies Resulting a Cou- ' Poases- t'on, hy w York, )fI882. 'f 1882. Negli- he end na. 1 oi the N. Y. I and )irec- fc of 8-83. don, ileal - Tlie same. Second edition, Londoii, 1882. — A Summary of the Law of Comnauiea. don, 1881. 2nd edition. 1 vol. Lon- (J. W.) A Manual of Equity Jurisprudence, for Practitioners and Students, founded on the W(u-ks of iStory, Spence, and others, and more than a thousand suhHecjuent Cases, couipiising tlie funda- mental Principles and J'oints of Equity usually occurring in General Practice. 13th edition. 1 vol., London, 1880. 4 Uopiea. (T. L.) Elements of the Laws, or Outlines of t!:e System of the Civil and Criminal Laws in Force in the United .States, and in the Several States of the Union. D.^sigued as a Text-Bjok, and for General Use, and to ei;ihle any one to ajpiire a Cj:np3tent knowledge of his Legal Eights and J^rivileges. i vol. Phila- delphia, 18H2. (J. W.) The Law of Landlord and Tenant, being a course of Lectures delivered at the Law Institution. 3rd Edition, by V. T. Thomj)- son. 1 vol. London, 1882. A Manual of Common Law, for Practitioners and Students containing the Fundamental Principles and the Points mo.st unusually occur- ring in Daily Life and Practice. 9th edition. 1 vol. London, 1880. 3 copies. - The Law of Contracts. 7th edition, by V. T. Thompson. 1 vol. London, 1878. 5 copies. ■ A Compendium of Meicantile Law. 9th edition, by G. M. Dowdes- weli. 1 vol. London, 1877. 2 copies. ^^— (IL A.) The Married Women's Property Act, 1882. With an Intro- duction and Critical and E.xplanatory Notes, and Appendix con- taining the Married Women's Projterty Acts, 1870-74, etc. 1 vol. London, 1882. (Edwin B.) Reports of Cases in Law and Equity determined by the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine (Maine Keports, vols. Gl to 04), from 1871 to 1875. 4 vols. 8vo. Portland, 1874-76. (P. F.) Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court ot Pennsylvania (Penu. State Reports, vols. 51 to 81), from 18G5 to 187G. 31 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 18G7-77. Snkll (E. H. T.) Principles of Equity, intemled for the use of Students and the Profession, to which is added an Epitome of Equity Practice. 3rd edition, by A. Brown. 1 vol. London, 1882. 5 copies. Solicitors' Journal and Reporter. Vol. 25 and current. Loudon, 1882. Snow (T.), and WiNSTANLEY (H.) The Annual Chancery Practice, being a collection of the Statutes, Orders, and Rules relating to General Practice, Procedure, aiid Jurisdiction of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, and on Ap[)eal therefrom to the Court of Appeal, with Copious Index. Notes, Forms, ikc. 1 vol. Lon- don, 1882. w 40 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF :| SouLE (J. H.") The United States Blue Book, a Rerrister of Federal Offices and Emp'oyment in eich State and Territory and the District of ColumMa, with their Salaries and Emoluments. 3rd edition. 1 vol. Washinjjton, 1881. (C. C.) The Lawyers' Reference Manual of Law Books and Citations. 1 vol. Boston, 1883. Spaulding (J. W.) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Judicial Court of tlie State of Maine fro.n 1879-83. (Vols. 71-74 of Maine Reports.) Portland, 1881-83. Squarry (F. F.) a Digest of the Jndjyments in Board of Trade enquiries into Shipping.' (^isnalties, t'elivered l)y H. C. Rothery, the Wreck Oonimissioni-r, from 1876 to 1880, with a Chapter on the Procedure of the Court. 1 vol. London, 1882. Starr (M.) Tndex Di'jest of the Wisconsin Reports, embracing all the Decisions of the Supn^me Courts of Wisconsin found in Pinney's, Bennett's, and Chandler's Reports, and in the Wisconsin Reports. Vols. 1-54. 1 vol. Chicago, 1883. Starkie (Thos.) On the Trial hy Jury. 1vol. Boston, 1880. State Trials. Narratives of State Trials in the 19th Century, First Period, 1801 to 1830, by G. Lathom Browne. 2 vols. 2nd edition. London, 1882. A Selection of the State Trials. Trials for Treason 1327 to 1681 by J. W. Willis-Bund. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1879-82. Statutes, Imperial. Statutes. Public General, in the series of "The Law Re))orts," from 1880 to 1882. Vols. 15-18 in 3 vols. London. 4 copies. Cl-ronological Table of, and Index to the Statutes. 7th ediiion, from 1235 to the end of the Second Session of 1880. (43-44 Victoria.) 1 vol. London, 1881. 4 copies. Statutes, Canai;a. Statutes. Passed by the Dominion Parliament from 1880 to 1883. 4 vols. Ottawa, 1880-83. 8 copies. . Passed by the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia for 1882-83. 1 vol. Victoria. • Passed by the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, from 1880 to 1883. 4 vols. Winni|jeg. Consolidated Statutes of Manitoba. 1 vol. Winnipeg, 1881. 2 copies. Passed by the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, from 1873 to to 1883, in 4 vols. St. John. Passed in the Lpgislative Assembly of Nova Scotia. 1880 to 1883. 4 vols. Halifax. THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 41 Statutes. Passed by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. 1 880 to 1 883. 4 vols. Toronto. 8 copies. Passed by the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island, from 1875 to 1883. 9 vols. Charlottetown. Passed by the Legislative Assembly of Quebec, for the yeara 1868 to 1883 inclusive. 17 vols. Quebec, Passed bv the Legislative Assembly of Newfoundland, from 1877 to 1882. 2 vols. St. John. of Canada. Index to classified Table of Public General Statutes of ^ Canada wholly or partially in fdrce at the end of the Session of 1881. With notices of those Repealed and Expired or Effete by the acco'ii])lishment of their purpose, by G. W. Wicksteed, Q.C. Ottawa, 1882. Index to the Acts of the Djniinion of Canada, and to the Acts of the Imperial Parliament, Treaties, and of Her Majesty's Orders in Council atfecting Canada, printed with the Canadian Statutes. Prepared according to Order of the House of Com- mons, by T. B. Hayes and K. J. "Wicksteed. Ottawa. 1882. The Public General which apply exclusivel)' to Upper Canada as revised in the fii'st instance l)y the Commissioners appointed for that part of the Province, and since re^ ised and brought down to the end of the Session of Maich, 1858, by the Chairman of the Commissioners. Toronto, 1859. Of Canada. Public General, being the Public General which apply to the whole Province as Revised and Consolidated by the Commis- sioners appointed for that Purpose. Toronto, 1859. Stephen (Sir Jas. F.), and Stephen (Herbert). Digest of the Law of Criminal Procedure in Indictable Otlences. 1 vol. London, 1883. (Sir. J. F.) A History of the Criminal Law of England. London, 1883. 3 vols. (Mr. Sergeant). New Commentaries on the Laws of England, Partly Founded on Blackstone. 8th edition, by James Stephens. 4 vols. London, 1880. Stephens (C. H.) Tae Law and Practice of Joint Stock Companies, under the Canadian Acts. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Commercial Joint Stock Associations, in the form of a Commentary on the Canadian Joint Stock Companies Act, 1877, with which is included most of the other Companies Acts, both General and Local, also a number of Forms relating to the Management of such Companies. 1 vol. Toronto, 1881. Sterne (S.) Constitutional History and Political Develojjment of the United States. 1 vol. New York, 1882. Stewart (J. H.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Chancery, and on Appeal in the Court of Error, and Appeal for the State of New Jersey. Vols. 1-6, being vols. 28-33. of the N. J., E. K., 1877-81. Trenton, 1877-81. 6 42 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Stiles (E. H.) TJeports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of lowa^ Vols. 22-37. 1867-73. Ottumoa and De.s Moines, 1867-75. St. Louis Law Library Association Catalogue. 1 vol., St. Louis, 1881. Stockett (J. S.) Re|)ort8 (if Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of Mary, land. Vuk 46-58 of Maryland Reports. 1876-M2. 13 vola Baliimore. 1878-83. Stone (S.) The Justices Manual, or Guiile to the Ordinary Duties of a Justice of the Peace, with Tal.le of Cases, Appendix of Forms and Table of ruiiisliuients. 20th edition, by Geo. B. Kennett. 1 vol. London, )88(). Story (Joseph) Commentaries on the Law of Parthenship as a Branch of Couum^rcial and Maritime Jurisprudence, with Occasional Illua- tratious iVou) the Civil and Foreign Law. 7th edition, by W. F. Wharton. 1 vol. Boston, 1881. (Josei)h) Commentiiries on tlie Law of Agency as a Branch of Com- mercial and Maritime Jurisprudence, with Occasional Illustrations from the Ci\ il and Foreign Law. ^^th edition, by Charles P. Greenoiigii ' vol. Boston, 1882. - (Jose[)h.) L( in ies on Equity Jurisprudence as Administered ia Fngland aiu. America. 12th edition, by J. VV. Berry. 2 vola Boston, 1877. 2 copies. Street (E. E.) Hantlboo.^ of .^....jtical Registration, (Parliamentary and Municipal), with ninntuo.ivi Forms and Precedents. 2nd edition. 1 vol. Loiidon, 1880. Supreme Court Reports of United States. (•S'ee under United States and Otto.) Court Reports of Canada. («See under Canada and Duval.) Court Reportei", being a supplement to the " Federal Reporter," and containing all (he current decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2 vols. 1882-83. St. Paul, 1883. Sutherland (J. G.) A Treatise on the Law of Damages, Embi-acing an Elementary Exposition of the Law, also its Application to Par- ticulai- Subjects of Contract and Tort. 3 vols. New York, 1882-3. Sweet (Chas.) A Dictionary of English Law containing Definitions of the Technical Terms in modern use. and a Concise Statement of the Rules of Law affecting the Principal Subjects, with Historical and Etymological Notes. 1 vol. London, 1882. Tarring (0. J.) Chapters on the Law Relating to the Colonies, to which is Appended an Index of Cases in the Privy Council on Appeal from the Colonies, The Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man reported in Action, Knap]), Moore, The Lhw Journal, and The Law Reports to July 1882. 1 vol. London, 1882. Taswell-Langmead (T. P.) English Constitutional History, from the Teutonic Conquest to the Present Time. Second revised edition. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1880. THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 49 Taylor (T. W.) ConiraentarieH on Equity Jurisprudence foumled on Story, 1 vol. Toronto, 1875. 3 copies. luvostigHtion of Titles to Estates in Fee Simple. 2nd edition. 1 vol Toroiito, 1873. 1 copy. (^- ^'i)' «'"^ EwAKT (J. 8.) The Judicature Act and Rules 1881 and other Statutes and Orders lelating to the Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, with Notes. 1 vol. Toronto 1881. 6 copies. ' Theobald (H. S.) A Concise Treatise on the Law of Wills. 2nd edition. 1 vol. London, 1881. 6 copies. Thomas (Abner C.) A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Real and Per- sonal Pro])erty in the State of New York, with an Appendix of Forms. 1 vol. 8vo. New York, 1877. Thompson (S. D.) The Liability of th« Directors and other Officers and Agents of L orporati(.ns. Illustrated by Leading Cases and Notes. 1 vol. St. Louif, 1880. The Law of Carriers of Passengers. Illustrated by Leading Cases, and Notes. 1 vol. St. Louis, 1880. (Isaac G.) Digest of Decisions in the Courts of Last Resort of the several States, contained in the American Reports, from vol, 1 to 34, 1870-79, with an Judex of Notes. 1 vol. 8vo. Albany 1879. ^ (S. D.), and Mirriam (E. G.) A Treatise on the Organization, Custody and Conduct of Juries, including Grand Juries. 1 vol. St. Louis, 1882. Thatcher (E.) A Digest of the Statutes, Rules, and Decisions relative to the Jurisdiction aud Practice of the Supreme Court of the United States. 1 vol. Boston, 1882. Taring (Sir H.) The Law and Practice of Joint Stock and other Companies, including the Companies Acts 1862 to 1880, with Notes, Orders, and Rules in Chancery, &.c. 4th edition, by G. A. R. Fitzgerald, M. A. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1880. Tidy (C. M.) Legal Medicine. Part 1 : Death, The Signs of Death, Identity, The Causes of Death. The Post Mortem, Sex, Mon- strosities, Hermaphrodism, Expectation of Life, Presumption of Death and Survivorship, Heat and Cold, Burns, Lightning, Explosives, Starvation. 1 vol. London, 1882. TlFFANY(Joel.) A Treatise on Government and Constitutional Law, being an enquiry into the Source and Limitation o*' Governmental Authority, according to the American Theory. 1 vol. Albany, 18G7. Tiffany (E. H.) The Law of Registi-ation of Titles in Ontario, being an Annotation of the Registry Act (R. S. O. ch. cxl.), together with a collection of Practical Forms, Tarifi" of Fees, etc. 1 vol. Toronto, 1881. G copies. Toronto. Directory of the City. 1vol. 1883. 4i4 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Trower (0. F.) A Manual of the Previilence of Equity under the 25th sec. of the Judioiituio Act, 1873, anit-nded by the Judicature Act, 1875. 1 vol. London, 187G. TUPPER (J. Stewart). Reports of Cases decided in Common Law Chambers, Chancerv Chambers, and the Master's Ollices. (Vol. 7, Practice Eeports," U. C.) i:^\o. Toronto, 1879. Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Appeal, on Apjteal from the Superior and Couitv Courts, Insolvency and Election Cases. Vols. 1 to G. 1876-81. 8vc. Toronto, r878-82. Turner (E. R.) A Treatise on the Employers' Liability Act, 1880, to which is added a chaptca- on Lord Campbell's Act, and the Act amending the same. 1 vol. London, ] 882. Tyler (R. H. ) Commentaries on the Law of Infancy, including Guardian- Khip and Custody of Infants, and the Law of Coverture, embracing Dower, Marriage, and Divorce, and the Statutory Policy of the several States in i"spect to Husband and Wife. 2nd edition. 1 vol. Albany, 1882. Vi Vi Underhill (A.) assisted by Plumptre (C. C.) A Summary of the Law of Torts or Wrongs, independent of Contract. 3rd edition, including Employers' Liability Act, 1880. 1 vol. London, 1881. The same. 1st American edition, with Notes by N. C. Moak. 1 vol. Albany, 1881. 2 copies. United States Digest. A Digest of the Decisions of the various Courts within the United States, bv G. F. Williams. New series, vols. 11 and 12. Annual, 1880-81. 2voh. Boston, 1881-82. States Supreme Court Reports. Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the United States. By W. T. Otto, Rep. Vols. 97-106. 1877-82. 10 vols. Boston, 1879-83. States Supreme Court. Index to the Reports of the Supreme Court of the United States, embracing all the Reported Decisions from its Organization to the present Date, by W. G. Meyers. 1 vol. St. Louis, 1878. States Blue Book. A Register of Federal Offices and Employments in each State and Territory, and the District of Columbia; with their Salaries and Emoluments. 3rd edition, by J. H. Soule. 1 vol. Washington, 1881. VanKoughnet (S. J.) Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Common Pleas, Couit of Queen's Bench, and the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice for Ontaiio. Toronto, 1865-83. U. C. Commo.i Pleas Reports. Vols. 15-22 1864-73 8 vols. " Queen's Bench " " 43-46 1878-81 4 " Ontario Reports " 1-2 1882-83 2 " Vermont Reports. Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont Vols. 49-51. New series, by Juo. W. Rowell. 3 vols. 1876-79, Montpellier, 1877-79. THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 45 Virginia Reports, Index from Jofffison, to 33 Grattan, with a complete Table of Cases by Wni. B. Martin. 1 vol. Richmond, 1881. ViZAKD (P. E.) A Concise Manna! of Piactice of tlKS Court in Banc, with a Cha])ter on the Praciico of the Court of Appeal. 1 vol. London, 1880. VaoOM (P. D. & G. D. W.) Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court and at Law in the Court of Erioj.s and A])peals of the State of New Jersey. Vok 1-14, hehxy vols. 30-44., N. J., L. R., 1864-1882. 14 vols. Trenton, 1866-83. Wade (W. P.) A Treatise on the Operation and Constnsction of Retroactive Law.s, as affected by Constitutional Liniitatious and Judicial Inter- pretations. 1 vol. St. Louis, 1880, ("W. P.) A Manual of American Mining Law, as Practised in the Western States and Territoiies, embracing a Compilation of the Text of the United Statrs Statutes, Land Office Regulations and Decisions, and the Local Statutes of California, Colorado, Nevada, Dakota, Washington, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Arizona. 1 vol., St. Louis, 1882. Walker (H. H.) The Practice of Signing Judgment in the High Court of Justice, with Forms. 1 vol. London, 1879. (W. G.) Compendium of the Law relating to Executors and Administrators, with an Ajipendix of Statutes Annotated by means of References to the Text. 1 vol., London, 1880. Walpole (C. G.) a Rubric of the Common Law, being a Short Digest of the Common Law, lllusti attd throughout by Leading Cases, with an Appendix and very Copious Index. 1 vol., London, 1880. Wallace (Jno. W.) The Rei)Orters, Arranged and Characterized with Incidental Remarks. 4th edition, under the Su])erinteudence of F. F. Heard. 1 vol. Bo.ston, 1882. (H. E.) Philadelphia Repoits, Containing Deci.^ions Published in "the "Legal Intelligencer," from 1850-1875. Vols., 1-10, Phila- delphia, 1874-79. Walter (Jas.) A Manual of the Statutes of Limitation, showing the time within which the owjierships of property must be asserted and ex- ercised, or actions commenced to i)revent the operation of these statutes, viz :— Baning the Remedy for obtaining or extinguishing the Right to such pri)pHity. 4th ed. 1 vol. London, 1883. . Waple (R.) a Treatise on Proceedings in Rem. 1 vol. Chicago, 1882. Waterman (Thos. W.) A Piactical Treatise on the Law relating to the Specific Performance of Contracts. 1 vol. New York, 1881. Washburn (E.) A Treatise on the American Law of Real Property. 4th edition. 3 vols. Bo.ston, 1876. Webster (T.) Reports and Notes of Cases on Letters Patent for inventions. Vol. 2. Part 1. 46 SUPPLEMENT TO TUE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF I '! IB' Weekly Notes of Cases decided in all tlie English Courts for the years 1880-81-82, and current. 3 vols. London. Notes Digest of Cases not Eejioited in "The Law Reports" from the Commencement Hilary Sittings 18G6, to tlie enu of Michaelmas Sittings, 1879, comitlied by G. M. White. 1 vol. London, 1880. 3 copies. Reporter (The.) A Lepal Peiiodical containing nil the Cnaes decided in all the Courts. Vok 27-30. 1879 to 1882. 4 vols. London, 187982. Weeks (E. P ) A Treatise on the Law of Depositions, comprising also, Abstracts of the Statutory Law pertaining thereto. 1 vol. San Francisco, 1880. Wellbeloved (Robt.) A Treatise on the Law relating to Highways, compre- hending Turni)ike Roads, Public Bridges and Public Footpaths, .8e of Societies establisl)ed for disciissiiifr Political and Social Topics, according to the Utiles and Forms of the House of Commons. 2nd edition. Liverpool, 1880. WiLBERFORCE (E.) Statute Law. The Principles which govern the Construc- tion and Opeiation of the Statutes. 1 voL London, 1881. Williams (Joshua). Principles of the Law of Real Property intended an a First Book for the use of the Students in Conveyancing. 13th edition. 1 vol. London, 1880. The same. 14th edition, bi T. C. Williams. 1 vol. London, 1882. Williams. Peal Proj.erty Adaptcf' to Ontario, by Alex. Leith, Q. C. 1 vol. Toronto, 1881. 7 copies. (Jo.sLua). The Principles of the Law of Personal Property, intended for the UM^ of Students in Convevancing. 11th edition. 1 vol L^n Ion, 1881. A Digest of the Decisions of the New series. Vols. (G. F. ) United States Digest Various Courts within the United States. 11-12. Annual 1880-81, Boston, 1881-82. Willis-Bund (J. W.) A Selection of Cases from the State Trials, Trials for Treason. Vol. 1, and vol. 2, part I. 1327-1681. 2 vols., Cam- bridge, 1879-82. Wilson (Erasmus.) A System of Human Anatomy, General and Special. 10th edition by Geo. Buchanan and H. E. Clark, with 450 Illustrations. 1 Vol. Philadelphia, 1880. (A.) Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, Appellate Jurisdiction Act, 1876, Pules of Court and Forms, with other Acts, Orders, Bule.s, anil Regulations relating to the 8n))reme Court. 3rd edition by M. D. Chalmers. 1 vol. London, 1882. 2 copies. Wisconsin Rep(u-ts, Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the State of "Wisconsin. Vols. 46-55, O. M. Conover Reporter, 1879-1882, Chicago, 1880-83. WiTHROW (T. F.) Reports of Cases Determined in the Suj)-* rae Court of Iowa. Vols. 9-21. 1859 66, Chicago, 1878. American Corporation Cases. Chicago, 1872-81. Wood (W. B.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Circuit Court of the United StHtes, for the 5th Judicial Circuit. Vol 3. 1876-1879, Chicago, 1880. WoODFALL (VV.) A Practical Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant ; with a full Collection of Preceo i'onml the nninlKir of tlio I and (ho date of the lust edition n.^t volmiKi and tl of the Text JJooks. le Acts of Parliamext. See under Countries, and under Statutes. Acts, Judicature. See Latter. Action. Kehoe, (Ohose.s in,) Can., '81. Administration of Assets. EilULs, '80. Administration and Administra- tors. See under Executors. Admiralty-. Law. Cohen, Am., '8.3. Huynes, Eng., '80. Smith, " 'y2, Heports. Asjn'nal], vol. 4, '79-82. Agency. Campbell (Commercial Law) '81 Campbell Mercantile Law) '81 Story, '82. ' Thomj).son, '80. (Agents of Cor- porations.) Wharton, '76. Agreements. See Contracts. 7 Alabama Reports. Jone.s, vols. 51-02, 74-78. Hheppard, vol. 03, '79. Almanacks. Canadian, '8.3. Financial Keform, '8.3. American Appellate Proceedino. Powell, '72. American Hlstory. Doyle, (filnylish Colonie.s in America,) '82. TFonghton, (I'olitical,) '80. Sterne, (Constitutional,) '82. American Constitutional Law. See Constitutional Law. ARIES. American Law Diction Abbott, '79. Bouviei-, '8.3. American Reports. Browne, vols. 27-41, '79-83. American Digests. See Digests. Ancient Law. Maine, '83. Anatomy. WiLson (Human,) Am., '80. ' : 50 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF i I r Appeal Reports. See under Reports, Appellate Proceedings. Powell, 72. Application of Payments. Muuger, Am., '79. Aquatic Rights. See Water and Watercourses. Arbitration and Award. Rus.sell, '82. Architecture— Glossary of. Emdcn, '82. Jenkins & Raymond, '80. Art, Science, and Literature, Annual Cyclopaedia, '81. Anieri'^au '' '81. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9tb Ed. Eal. to Mem. Assets. Administration of. Eddis, '80. Assignments. Burrill, '82. Assurance. See Insurance. Attachments. Cababe, '81. Attorneys. See Solicitors. Auctions. Batemaii, Am., '83. Award. See Arbitration. Ballot Act. Fitzgerald, '76. Banking. Law of. Ball, Am., '81. Collins, '82. Fenn, '83. Grant, '82. Hamilton, '80. Morse, Am., '79. Bankruptcy. Treatises. Baldwin. '79 Campbell,(MercantileLaw),'81. Pitt-Lewis, (Practice), '80. Bankruptcy Reports. National Bankruptcy Register Reports. County Court and Bankruptcy Cases. Bible. Parallel New Testament. Bibliography. Bibliotheca, Americana, '83. Poole, '82. See Catalogues. Bills of Costs. See Costs Bills of Exchange. Biglow, '80. Byles. Eng., '79. Byles, Am., '83. Chalmers, '81. Daniel, '82. Edwards, '82. Parsons, '76. Bills of Lading. Leggett, '80. Bills op Sale. THE LAW SOCIETY ^anon, Can., '80. •Jones, Am., '81. Thomas, Am., 77. Biography. Colliiis, (Sir. J. A. Macdonald ) Phillips, Eng., 71. '' ^''• " Am., '81." Blackstone's Commentaries. Wckson, Analysis. Kerr, 76. J^eith, '80. Blue Book. Soule, (U. S.,) '80. Bonds. Lewis, '81. British Colonies. Dojle, 'S'2. Jones, '82. Byerson, '80. Bridges. Baker, '80. Well beloved, '29. British Columbia. Statutes to '83. British North Am. Act. Cartwright, '82. Doutre, 'SO. Building Contracts. Eniden, '82. Jenkins and Raymond, '80. Building Associations. Endlich, '82. Scratchley, '80. Calendar. Incorporated Law Society, '83. OP UPPER CANADA. Canadian. J^igests. {See Digests.) Reports. '-S'ee under respective heads. Statutes. See under respective heads. Carriers. See also Railways. Goodeve, (passengers, '80 ) ■nutchmson, '70. Bedman, '80. Thompson, (passengers,) '80. Catalogue of Libraries. Chu^ago Law Institute Library, St. Louis Law Library, '81. Moak, Subject Lidex, '80. See also page 11. Casualties— OF Shipping. See also Shipping. Scpiarry, '82. Census. Canada, '81. Chamber Practice. Coe. (Judges' Chamber,) '7(5. Chancery. Practice. Crump and Evans, '81 Daniel, '82. Hayncs, '79. Snow and Winstanlcy, '82. See also Judicature Acts. Chattel Mortgage. Banon, Can., '80. Jones, Am., '81. Thomas, Am., '77. (See also Bills of Sale and Mortgage.) 51 52 SUPPLIMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Cheqles. See Bills of Exchange. Choses in Action. Kehoe. '81. Church Law. Brooke, 10th ed. Pvldeaux, '80. Smith. '80. See also Ecclesiastical Law. Church Wardens. Brooke, lOtli ed. Prideaux, '80. Cincinnati Rrpouts. Disuev, vols. 1-2, '54-60. Taft aud Storer, 1-2, '70-75. Circuit Coirt Eeports, U. S. Bissell, 7 til Circt. vols. 7-8. '74- 79. Blatchfoid. 2ikI Circt. vols. 15- 19. '80-82. Clifford, IstOiict. vols. 4. 'G9-78. Dillon, 8th - " 4-5. ;79-80. McCrary,8th " " 1-2. ;81-82 Sawyer, 9.h " " 5-7. h-82. Wood, 5th " '■ 3. .'6-79. Citizenship. Morse, Am., '81 Claims and Defences. Drewry, '76. Collections of Cases. Allen, (Telegrai.h.) Cartwri-ht 1'. N. A. Act. Charley, (Notes ot" Cases under Judicature Act.) Collisions at Sea. Marsden, '80. Colonial History. Doyle, '82. Jones, '82. Ryersoii, '80. Colonies. Law rehding to. Tarring, '82. Commentaries. Bisho]), (Written Laws,) '82. Blackstone, (Kerr), '76. Broom, (Common Law), '80. Dickson, (Analysis of Black- stone). Kent, (Am. Law), '73. Leiths'(Blackstone, 2nd ed.), '80. Stephens (Laws of England),'80. Common LA^Y. Commentaries on. Broom, '80. Manual of. Smith, '80. Rubric of. Walpole, '80. Companies' Acts, Law kc. Buckley, '83. Campbell, '81. Falmer, (Precedents), '81. Palmer, (Shareholders,) '82. Smith, '81. Stephens. (Can.,) '80. Thompson, (Liability of Direc- tors.) '80. Thring, '80. Commission, Law of. Hill, '79. Conflict of Laws. Wharton, '61 See International Law. THE LAW SOCIETY Connecticut Reports. Hooker,Con. Reps. 44-48. 76-81. Consolidated Statutes. See under Statutes. Constables. See Justice.s of Peace. Constitutional History. Taswell-Langmead, (Eners,) 7b. Crump and Evans, (Chy.,) 81. Griffith and Loveland, (General,) '77. Haynes, (Chy.,) '79. Holmested, (Ontario,) 81. Ilbert, (Otficers,) '80. Indermauv, (Q. B. & Chy.,) 81. Kelke, (General,) '80. Kennedy and Raikes, (General,) '77. Maclennan, (Ontario,) 81. Snow and Winstanley, (Chy.,) '82. Taylor and Ewavt,(Ontario,)'81. Thatcher, (S. C. of U. S.,) '82. Wilson, (General.) '82. 64 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIHRARY OF Princr Edward Island. Statutes up to '83. Pkincii'Al and Agent. Campbell, (Mercantile Law,)'81. See also Agency. Prevalence of Equity. Trower, 76. Private International Law. BaiT, '83. Westlake, '80. Wharton, '81. See also International Law. Probate. Dixon, '80. Harrison, '80. Howell, (Can.) '80. Procedure. Biglow, (History) of '80. Proceedings in Rem. Waples, '82. Promissory Notes. Eiglow, '80. Byles, (Eng.,) '79. Byles, Am., '83. Chalmer.s, '8L Danic:, 'S2. Edwards, "82. Parsons, '86. Property — Real. Leith's Williams, '81. Washburn, '76. Williams, '82. Property — Personal. Williams, '81. Public Funds. Fenn., '83. Public Health. Sanitary Journal. Punishments. Earrai-, '80. See Criminal Law. Quarantine. Baker, '79. Quebec. Statutes up to '83. Reports. Quebec Law Reports io vol 8, '82. Quebec Decisions Reports to vol 2, '82. Lower Canada Jurist to vol. 2^, '82. Questions in Law. Examination. Hallila}^, '82. Quieting Title. Taylor, '73. Railways. Browne and Theobald, '81. Goodeve, '80. Pieice, Am., '81. Redman, '80. »See also Carriers. Railway Reports. Am. Railway Reports to vol. 19, '79. Neville and Macnamara, to vol. 3, '81. Real Property. Leith's Blackstone, '80. Leith's Wilhama, '81. Washbv.rn, '76. Williams, '82. THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 65 to vol. ports to ) vol. 26, '81. to vol. a, to vol. Receiver — (Office of.) Kerr, '82. RBFEnENCE Book. Diibreuil. (Can.,) '79. Soule, '83. RiouTs OF Debtor and Cueditor. Muiigcr, 79. Rivers. Conlson & Forbes, '80. Higgius, '77. Registration of Titles. Titfany, '81. Registration and Election. See Elections. Rem, Proceedings in. Waples, '82. Reporters — The. Wallace, '82. Reports. Enylish. Af!"inall, (Maritime Cases,) 4, '82. Browne iuul Macnamara, (Rail- way anil Canal,) 4, '83. Charley, (Notes of Cases.) Cli flora cV Rickaras' (Locus Standi,) 2, -80. Conroy (Custodian Reports,) '75. County Court and Bankruptcy Cases, 1 5, '82. Indian Appeals, Moore, 14, '72. L. R., 8, '81. Law Reports : Alijx'al Cases 8, '83. Cliancerv Div 22, '83. Q. 15. l)iv 10, '83. JVohate Uiv 8, '83. Statutes 18, '83. Reports, itc. — conthmcd. Indian Appeals.... 8, '81. Com. IMeas, 1) .... f), |8(). E.xchequer Div 5, '80. Monks, En;,disl), 32. Moore, India Apju-als, 14, '72. Moore, Privy Council, 9. '7;?. Neville and Miitnamara, Rail- Wiiv and Canal, 3. CMaUv and Ilardcastle (Elec- tion,') 3, '80. Webster (Patent,) 2, pt. 1. Year Books. Irifih. Alcock, Election, '37. Crawford & Dix, '39. ^ Conroy, (Cu.stodian,) '75. filascock, '32. Irish Law Recorder, '28-38. Law Reports, Irehtnd, Cliy., 9. C. L., 10, Millward, '47. Welsh (Klection,) '40. Scotland. Couper, J usticiary, 3, '77. Couit of Session Cases, 9, '82.. Scottish Law Kei)ortei-, 20. Irvine, 5, '67. Ccaiada. Duval, (Supreme Court,) 6, '83. Nev) JJrufJsuick. Pugsley and Buibidge, Ifova Scoda. Russell and Chesley 5. 'S2. 3, '79. 2, '81. 3, '75. 6, '81. 29, '81. Russell and Geldert Geldert and Uxley Ontario. A])peal Grant, Chancery, . . U. C. Queen's Bench, 40, '81. XT. C. Common Pleas, 32, '81. Practice, ^. '^1- x\'ew Series. Ontario A)>i»eal, 7, '83. Reports, 2, 83, I'lacticr, 9, '83. Ilodgin's Election Cases 66 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Quebec. Quebec Decisions Appeal, 2, '82. Quebec Law Repoi'ts, . . 2, '82. Lower Canada Jurist, . . 26, '82. United States. Abbott,(N. Y.Prac.N.S.) 16,'76. Abbott's, New Cases, (N. Y. Prac.,) 11, '82. Alabama, 63, 79. American Law Register, 20, '81. American Repoits, 42, '83. American Railway Cases, 19, '79. American Corporation Cases, 5, '82. Beasley,(N. J. E.R.,) 12-13,'61. Benedict, (District,) 10, '82. Bennett, (Mo. 16-21,) '55. Berry, (Mo. Appeals,) 11, '82. Binmore, (Am. Cor. Cases,) 5,'88. Bissell, (Cii-cuit,) 8, '79. Bland, (Maryland,) 3, '41. Blatchford, (Circuit,) 19, '81. Bradwell, (111. A pp.,) 7, '81. Browne, (Am. Reports.) Cincinnati, 2, '73. Clarke, (Iowa,) 7-8, '59. Clifford, (Circuit,) 4, '78. Cole, (Iowa,) 4-6, '58. Connecticut, 48, '81. Conoly and Vilas, (N. Y. Crim.,) 1, '83. Conover, (Wis.,) 55, '82. Crabbe, (District.) 1, '46. Dewitt, (Ohio,) 32-35, '80. Dillon, (Circuit,) 5. '80. Freeman, (111.,) 103, '82. Georgia, 63, '79. Oilpin, (District.) 1, '36. Oreen,(N.J. E. R.,) 16-27, '76. Hall, (N. H.,) 57, '76. Hastings, (Me.,) 70. '80. Hawley. (Am. Criminal,) 2, '80. Hooker, (Conn.,) 48, '81. Howard, (N. Y. Practice,) 64, '83. Hun. (N. Y. S. C.,) 29, '83. Illinois, 103, '82. Illinois Apiieals, 7, '81. Iowa, 50, '79. Jackson, (Georgia,) 57-58, '77. Reports, &c. — continued. Jackson and Lumpkin, (Georgia,) 39-64, '79. Jenks, (N. H.,) 5S, '79. Jones, B. & W., (Mo.,) 31, '62. Jones, (Mo.,) 22-30, '60. Jones and Spencer, (N. Y. Superior,) 33-41, 77. Jones, (Ala.,) 52-57, 77. Lathrop, (Ma.ss.,) 115,132, '82. Maine, 74, '83. Maryland, 58 '82. Massachusetts, 132, '82. McCarter, (N. J. E. R.,) 14-16. '63. McCrar>, (Circuit.) 2, '82. Michigan, 36, '77. Missouri, 75-82. Missouri Appeals, 11, '82. National Bauki-uptcy Register, 15, 77. New Hampshire, 58, '79. New Jersey, Law, 44, '82. New Jersey, Equity, 33, '81. New York Reports, 1794-1805. New York Surrogates, 3, '79. New York, Supreme, 36, '83. New York, Criminal, 1, '83. New York Reports, (Appeal,) 90, '83. New York Piactice, '83. Norris, (Penn..) 82-96, '80. Ohio, 35, '80. Otto, (U. S. S. C) 16, '82. Outerbridge, (Penn.,) 97, '81. Pennsylvania, 97, '81. Philadelphia, 10, '75. Post, (Mo..) 42-64, '77. Post, (\lich..) 2:i-36, 77. Pulsifer, (Me.,) G5-68, '78. Railway Cases. (Am.,) 19, '79. Redfield, (N. Y. Surrogates,) 3 79. Rowell, (Vt.,) 49-51, '79. Runnells, (Iowa,) 38-50, '79. Sawyer, (Circuit,) 7, '82. Sheppard, (Ala.,) 63, '79. Sickels, (N. Y. A.,) 74-90, '82. Skinker, (Mo.,) 65-75, 82. Smith, (Maine,) 61-64, '75. Smith, (Penn.,) 51-81, '76. Spaulding, (.Maine,) 71 74, '83. THE LAW SOCISIY OF UPPER CANADA. 67 Reports, &c. — continued. Stewart, (N. J. E. R.,) 28-33, '81. Stiles, (Iowa,) 22-37, '73. Stockett, (Maryland,) 46-58,'82. Supreme Court of U. S. 106,'82. U. S. Supreme Court, 106, '82. Vermont, 5, '79. Vroora, (N. J. L. R. 41-44, '82. Whittelsey, (Mo.,) 32-41, '67. VVithrow, (Iowa,) 9-21, '66. Wisconsin, 55, '82. Wood, (Circuit,) 3, '79. Wright, (l*enn.,) 37-50, '65. Retroactive Laws. Wade, '80. Rules and Orders. Supreme Court Judicature, Out., '83. Cassels' Supreme Court of Canada, ''77. Sales. Benjamin, '83. Scotland and Scotch Law. Dvjest. Henderson, '78. Evidence, Law of. Kirkpatrick, '82. Reports. Couper, (Justiciary,) 1-3, '68-77. Irvine, (Justiciary,) 1-5, '52-67. Court of Session Cases. 1st Series 1-16, '21-38. 2nd " 1-24, '36-62. 3rd " 1-11, '63-73. 4th " 1-9, '73-82. Seamen. See Shipping. Securities. Oanavagh, '79. Servant. See Master and Servant, and Employers' Liability. Settled Estates Act. Rubenstein, '82. Sessional Papers. Dominion Canada to '82. Ontario to '82. Shareholders. Palmer, (Guide,) '80. See Joint Stock Co.'s. Sheriffs— Office of. Churchill, '82. Shipping. Abbott, '81. Foard, '80. Marsden, '80. Maude and Pollock, '81. Squarry, '62. Signing Judgments. Walker, '79. Slander and Libel. Flood, '80. Odgers, '81. Solicitor's Remuneration. Clerke ^.ud Brett, '82. Humi)hry, '81. Rubenstein, '82. Solicitors. Cordery, '78. Societies Co., Operative. Scratchley, '80. Speeches. Gladstone, '80. 8 SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Specific Perfohmance. Fry, '81. Waterman, '81. Stamp Duties. Giiffith, '80. State Trials. Browne, (Nai'i'ativcf;,) '82. Williy-Bund, (Treason,) '82. Statutes. British Columbia, to '8."^, Dominion of Canada, to '83, Dominion of Canada, in French, to '70. Cliitty'.s, '80. Maiiitolja, Consolidated, '81. Manitoba, to '».'?. New Bnitiswick, to '83. Newfcnindland, to '82. Nova .Scotia, ^,o '83. Ontario, to '83. Piince Edward Ldand, to '83. ;