ib^ ■ , ' ■■ ■ V ••■•■- .||t4:.5f #^^5'- \*:-^^-^'^- :- ' ''-■-v.|^^ ■^pi-s'^-:r'?fe; i:he annual •SK^::^;''#v:Nni ,-.'1 Canadian Catalogue -w'''-'"^'v ' "■- - •■' ','i' ■ ' ''I- V ^ - v.;'i-^- ' ~ '■;''-""'. ^ ..■■■'■ ^- .- ■^■'i.]\:'} I 1 /\ M A I ^ I /V \1 I ^ A f|^ A I /^^/^^ TTT7' ■fj' J , /v-^.-;. .;;>' .■•'•;'■:' -.V,':-, •,.';' -^^^ '. iJ,-'' ■ '"' V'.- ■--;■ '^""' ■;?;■. ■'" if-. ■>• , ^> ■ ■■.'•.■••- « : ■ '• ■ ■ ,. '■/>?"- -;;" ^■' • -r'. i:- -■ Jn'^-i .: '-■ •■.■,'U«4i ^.p'V' ■ ,1- ■.'; 'V. ■-. ,'■ - '"■■'W'^f^^ -■■ ^'fe?^'"'BY W. B. HAIGHT ^..-^'''^rX J'i-'^-^,/.:W^% ■'', -^ \■.■■" ■ TORONTO : , f^^^ ' HAIGHT & COMPANY^ ''^ 1898. I .. y ^ ■t ■ " '■: 1. - ' ' -^ ■''-■•- ,,-•■ ■•:..' '!<,' t. -, ■■'..Vv ', . ' . --Ui.? i^ -"•.•'V ■ THE ANNUAL CANADIAN CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AN EDITION OF 500 COPIES PRINTED. 1896 THE ANNUAL CANADIAN CATALOGUE o ,"F' B o o k: s BY W. B. HAIGHT I'l HST .SUri'I.EMKNT TO THK Canadian CATALOciUE of Books, 1791-ifinr). >/VWA. 49-1 pp. i'ul'lished with the Montreal Star by Hugh Graham, Mont- real. ;^5. 39. Paper cover. Contains portraits. ALMAXACH.— L'Almanach du Penple. Illustre. 1897. Tirage: 55,000. 28e annee. KiO pp. C. 0. Beauchmin & Fils. Montreal. 5. 16. Copyright 1890. Paper cover. No title page. ANDREWS. — Swimming and Lifo-Saving. By Captain "\V. D. Andrews, G.C.A^., of the Dominion of Canada Lii'e-Saving Service, etc. Second edition. Ten thousand copies. 160 pp. Toronto : William Briggs. 1890. 25. 59. Contains 100 illustrations. Paper cover. AXXUAL. — Annual and JOncvclopaedia of Useful Information. 1896. 418 pp. Art Tublishing Company. 25. 34. Paper cover. Contains several portraits. AXXUAL. — Annual and Encyclopaedia of Useful Information. 1897. 416 pp. 25. 34. Copyright by the Art Publishing Company, 1896. Contains portraits. Board cover, with the title " The Globe Annual and Encycloposdia, Toronto, 1897." AEETAS. — The Sermon on the ]\Iount and other extracts from the Xew Testament. A faithful rendering of the original notes, by Aretas. Reprinted by permission from the Irish Theosophist. 30 pp. 1896. 10. 20. No title page. Paper cover. ARMOUR.— The Canadian Law Times. Edited by E. Douglas Armour, Q.C., of Osgoode Hall, Barrister-at-Law. Vol. 16. 2+312 pp. Xotcs of Cases and Index-Digest for 1890. Edited by E. Douglas Armour, and E. B. Brown, of Osgoode Hall, Barrister-at- Law. 12-f518 pp. Toronto: The Carswell Co. (Ltd.). 1896. 5.00 year. 49. AR:\ISTR0XG.— Songs of the Xew World. By J. Alexander- Armstrong. 74 pp. Toronto: Imrie, Graham & Co. 1890. 27. Copyright. ASILE. — L'Asile du Bon-Pasteur do Quebec. D'apres les annales do cet institut. 410 pp. Quebec. L. J. Demers & Frere. 1890. 50. Contains portrait. AUDET.— Historique des Journanx d'Ottawa. F. J. xVudet. 40 pp. Ottawa: A. Bureau & Freres. 1890. 25. 41. 4 BERNARD. AUGE. — Le Livre de Miisiquc. Par Claude Ange. 220 gravures. no pp. Montreal: C. 0. Beaucliemin et Fils. 50. 47. Copyright 1896. Board cover. BARE.— A Knight of the Xets. By Amelia E. Barr. G+314 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 1896. BARRISTER-AT-LAW.— Be Your Own Lawyer ; or, Secrets of tlie Law Office. Giving in concise form the Mercantile or Business Laws of Canada, the technical points and main features of the law, with hundreds of hints, cautions, warnings and suggestions, together with all the important legal and business documents, forming a work of ready-reference for magistrates, professional and business men, landowners, contractors, etc. Lawyers will also find it invaluable as a condensation of most vital legal points. By a Barrister-at-Law. 148 pp. Published by W. H. Anger, B.A. Toronto. 1896. 1.00. 69. BARTHE. — Drames de la Vie Reelle Roman Canadien. Par G. I. Barthe. 92 pp. J. A. Chenevert. Sorel, P. Q. 1896. 50. 64. Paper cover. No title page. BATE. — Gems of Hope, i In memory of the faithful departed. Selected and arranged by Fanny Bate. 2+282 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 1896. 75. 7. Contains frontispiece. BAXTER. — Historical Records of the Xew Brunswick Regiment, Canadian Artillery. Compiled by Captain John B. M. Baxter (a mendjer of the X. B. Historical Society), and published by the officers of the corps for ])rivate distribution. 8+260 pp. St. John, X.B. The Sun Printing Company, Limited. 1896. 43. Contains numerous illustrations. BEAUCHAMP.— Almanach Pour Tons, pour I'annee 1897. Con- tenant recettes utiles, notes historiqucs, etc., etc. Public par Jos. Beauchamp. 72 pp. Quebec. C. Darveau. 15. Copyright 1690. Contains portrait. BEAI'''CnA]\IP. — La Revue Legale, piddication mensuolle de droit, de legislation, de critique et de jurisprudence. Redigee par J. J. Beauchani]), B.C.L., C.R., Advocat et Officier Reviseur. Philijipc Demers, B.A., LL.D., Advocat Leandre Belanger, Xotaire. Avec le concours de plusieurs collaboratours. Tome IL, X.S. 4+574 pp. Montreal: C. Theoret. 1896. 5.00 year. 34. BERX^ARD.— Un Manifesto Lil)eral. M. L. 0. David et le Clergo Canadien. P. Bernard. 228+68 pp. Quebec: L. Brousseau. 1896. 36. Paper cover. BRYMNER. 5 BETHUNE.— The Canadian Entomologist. Volmre 28. Edited by the Kev. C. J. S. Bethune, M.A., D.C.L., Port Hope, Ontario. Assisted by J)r. James Eletcher and W. H. Harrington, Ottawa; H. Jri. Lyman, Montreal, and Rev. T. W. Eyles, South Quebec, -i+320 pp. London, Ont.: The London Printing and Lithographing Com- pany, Limited. 189G. 1.00. 57. Contains portraits, plates and numerous wood-cuts. BIBLE.— Bible Illustrations. A series of plates illustrating biblical versions and antiquities, he.'ng an a])pendix to Helps to the Study of the Bible. 40+120 pp. Printed by AVilliam Briggs, To- ronto, for Henry Frowde, Loudon, Eng. 50. 5. Copyrif^ht 1896. BOYLE.— Archaeological Report, 1894-95. By David Boyle. Ap- jieudix to tJie Uej)ort of the ^Minister of Education, Ontario. Printed by order of tlie Legislative Assembly. 80 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Putter. 1896. G4. Contains numerous illustrations. BOYLE.— The Township of Scarboro', 1796-189G. Edited by David Boyle. Printed for the Executive Committee by William Briggs. 4+302 pp. Toronto. 189G. 1.00 49. Contains map, portraits and other illustrations. BRITISH. — The British Empire League in Canada. Its origin constitution and by-laws, including report of special general meeting, held at Ottawa, March 4th, 1896. 22 pp. Toronto: The Carswell Co. (Ltd.). 1896. 50. BRITTAIX.— Teacliers Manual of Xature Lessons for the com- mon schools. By John Brittain, Instructor in Natural Science in the Provincial Normal School, Eredericton, X.B. New Brunswick School Scries. Prescribed by the Board of Education of New Bruns- wick. 8+116 pp. Saint John, N.B.: J. & A. McMillan. 1896. 50. 33. Contains illustrations. [BROWNE (TIIOS. A.).]— Annual Reports of the Poultry and Pet Stock Associations of the Province of Ontario, 1895. Published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto, Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. C4 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. c\: Putter. 1896. 70. Contains illustrations. BRYMNER. — Report on Canadian Archives. By Douglas Brym- nor, LL.D., E.R.S.C, Archivist. 1895. (Being *an appendix to Report of the Minister of Agriculture.) Printed by order of Parlia- ment. 28+354 pp. Ottawa: S. E. Dawson. 1896. 25. 70. Contains folding chart. 6 CANADIAN. BUIES.— La Vallee de la Matapodia. Oiivrage historiquc et de- scriptif. Arthur Buies. 5-i pp. Quebec: Leger Brousseau. 1890. 50. Contains several plates. JiUlES.— Lc Saguenay ct k bassin du Lac Saint-Jean. Ouvrago historiquc et dcseriptif. Arthur Buies. Troisieine edition. 420 pp. Quebec. I-eger Brousseau, Imprimour-Editeur. 1890. 56 Contains several illustrations. BULLETIN.— Bulletin des Recherches Ilistoriques. Areheologic — Histoire — Biogra])hie — Bibliographic — Xuniisniatique. Urgane do la Societc des Etudes Ilistoriques. 2emc volume. 189G. 190 pp. Pierre-Georges Boy, Editeur-Proprietaire. Levis. GO. BUSIXESS.— Business Hints. GO pp. With the compliments of Gordon, Mackay & Co. Toronto. 25. Copyright 1800. CA^dEBOX.— McGill Obstetric Xote Book. By J. C Cameron, M.l)., Prof, of Obstetrics and Diseases of Infancy, McGill Univer- sity. 70 pp. Becord of Children. 84 pp. Montreal: E. M. Eenouf. 1890. 1.00. 44. Contains illustrations and folding record sheets. CAX^ADA.— Canada a Field for Emigration. Reprint of an xVrti- clo from The Haddingtonshire Courier of Xovember 0th, 1890. Specially contributed by Mr. E. Iledley Smith, Factor to the Right Honourable A. J. Balfour, ]\l.P., etc. 8 pp. Ottawa: 1890. 50. CAXADA.— Canada Oirieial Postal Guide, comprising the chief regulations of the Post Ollice, rates of postage and other informa- tion, together with an alphabetical list of Post Offices in Canada. Revised and published annually (with quarterly supplements) by authority of the Postmaster-General. January, 189fi. G+212 pp. Ottawa: S. E. Dawson. Paper. 50. Cloth. GO. Yearly subscription. 75. 51. CAX'^ADxV. — Canada Public Accounts for the fiscal year ended SOtli June, 189G. Printed by order of Parliament. 230 pp. Ot- tawa: S. E. Dawson. 1S9G. 15. TO. C AX ADI AX.— Canadian Architect and Builder. Vol. 9. 2+210 pp. 1890. C. H. Mortimer, Toronto, Canada. 2.00 per year. 81. Contains numerous plates and diagrams. CAXADIAX. — Canadian Magazines and Society Papers. A list of Canada's Magazines, Athletic Papers, Ladies' and Society Jour- nals. Circulation and place of piddication, and special lists for Sjiocial classes of advertising, with rates. 48 pp. Toronto: Canadian Advertising Agency. 1.00. 38. Copyright 1896. CHAMBERLAIN. 7 CAXxVDIAX.— The Canadian Almanac, and Misccllai: .^ous Direc- tory, for the year 1897, heing the first year after leap year. Con- taining full and authentic commercial, statistical, astronomical, (iL'partaiental, ecclesiastical,, educational, financial, and general infor- mation. The astronomical calculations have heen made expressly for this publication at the Magnetic Observatory in Toronto. '6o2 pp. Toronto: The Copp, Clark Company, Limited. JO. 57. Copyright 189(5. Fiftieth year of publication. CANADIAN.— The Canadian Pacific. The New Highway to the Orient, across the mountains, prairies and rivers of Canada. 48 pp. t O. Contains numerous illustrations. Paper cover. [CAEON (ADOLPIIE 1'.).]— lleport of the rostmaster-Gcneral for tlie year ended 30th June, 1895. Printed by order of Parliament. 418 pp. Ottawa: S. E. Dawson. 1896. 25. 70. CASGKAIN.— The Use of Aluminium in Dentistry. New method rendering its use necessary and easy by means of the xVutoinatic I'ressure Apparatus by the inventor and patentee Dr. I'klmund Cas- grain, Surgeon-Dentist, Vice-President Provincial Board of the Dental Association of Quebec. IG+IG pp. Edited by Barthe & Thomp- son, Quebec. 1S9G. 1.00. 31. English and French. CASSELS.— Ontario Assignments Act, with notes. P)y R. S. Cas- sels, of Osgoode Hall, Barristcr-at-Law. Second edition. 1G+13G pp. Toronto: The Carswell Co. (Ltd.). 189G. 1.00. 9. CASSIDY.— The British Columbia Pcports, being Pcports of Cases determined in the Supreme and County Courts and in Ad- miralty, and on api)eal in the fidl court and divisional court. With a table of the cases argued, a table of the cases cited, and a digest of tlie princi])al matters reported under the authority of the Law So- cietv of British Columbia. By Pobert Cassidy, Barristcr-at-Law. ^'olumc HI. IS, 5-044 pp. Volume IV. 20, 7-Gdo, 2G pp. Victoria, B.C. Printed by the Province Publishing Company. 189G. 7.00 in numbers. G2. [CHA^^IBEKLAIN (T. F.)."|— Twenty-eighth Annual Rc])ort of the Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities upon the Common Gaols, Prisons and Reformatories of the Province of Ontario, being for the year ending 30th Se]itember, 1S95. Printed by order of tlie Legis- lative Assembly. 10+llG pp. [James Noxon.] Twenty-second Annual Report of the Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities upon the Central Prison of the Province of Ontario, being for tlie year endiuG' 30th Se]itember, 1805. Printed bv order of the Legislative Assembly. 3G pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter. 189G. 70. Paper cover. 8 COOPER. CITAMPIOX.— History of the 10th Royals and of the Eoyal Grenadiers from tlie formation of tlie Kegiment until 18'JG. J3y Thomas Edward Champion. 2S0 pp. Toronto: The Hunter, Rose Company, Ltd. 181)0. 1.^5. ?i5. Contains colored frontispiece, many portraits and illustrations. ClIAXNELL.— History of Compton County and Sketclies of the Eastern Townships, District of 8t. Francis, and Sherbrooke County. Supplemented with the records of four hundred families. Two hun- dred illustrations of huildinys and leading citizens in the county. Compiled by L. S. Channell. Including biogra])hy of the late Hon. John Henry Pope, by Hon. C. H. Mackintosh, Lieutenant-Governor North-AVest Territories. 296 pp. L. S. Cliannell, Cookshire, Que. ISDG, 4.00. 80. Contains map of Electoral District of Compton, Que. CHIMIE. — La Chimie de la Fermc. Manuel du Fermier. Xo. 1. 224. pp. Levis: Mercier & Cie. 50. 21. CHIXIQUY. — The Perversion of Dr. Xewman to the Church of Rome: in the light of his own explanations, common sense, and the "Word of God. Jiy the Rev. C. Chiniquy, D.D. Third edition. 40 pp. Montreal: Witness Printing House. 1896. 57. England "Catholic." By Martin F. Tapper, printed on third page of cover. [CHlP:\rAX (B. W.).]— Xova Scotia. Provincial Government Crop Report. July, 1896. 90 pp. 43. Paper cover. [CHIP.AIAX (B. W.).]— Xova Scotia. Provincial Government Crop Report. Xovember, 1896. TO pp. 42. COLPITTS.— Baptism, How? and for Whom? By Rev. W. W. Colpitis. 48 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 1896. 15. 28. COXSTITLTIOX.— Constitution and By-laws of The Xational Club. Club House, Bay Street. 20 pp. Toronto: Hart & Riddell, Printers. 1896. 8. COOPER. — The Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature. Edited by John A. Cooper, B.A., LL.B. Vol. 6. Xo- vember, 1895, to April, 1896, inclusive. 4+584 pp. Toronto: The Ontario Publishing Co., Ltd. 1896. 2.50 per annum. 71. Contains numerous illustrations. COOPER. — The Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature. Edited by John A. Cooper, B.A., LL.B. Vol. 7. May, 1896, to October, 1896, inclusive. 4+584 pp. Toronto: The Ontario Publishing Co., Ltd. 1896. 2.50 per annum. 71. Contains numerous illustrations. CUTHBERT. 9 COTE.— rolitical Appointments, rarliamcnts, and the Judicial r.cneh in the Dominion of Canada. 18()7 to 18i)5. Edited by X. Umer Cote (of the Department of the Interior, Canada). 12+50S pp. Ot- tawa: Thoburn & Co. 189G. 4.00. 4t). Supplement, January, IH'JO, to January, 18'J7. Pp. 409 to 507. COTES.— His Honour, and a Lady. By Mrs. Everard Cotes. (Sara Jeannette Duncan.) 4+•^•^'^ pp. Toronto: 0. M. Kose & Sons. 18'JG. Taper. GO. Cloth. 1.25. 28. Contains several illustrations, [COUSE (WM.).]— Annual IJcport of the ]'>ee-Keei)crs" Association for the Trovince ot" Ontario, 181)5. (i'ublished by the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, Toronto.) Printed l)y order of the Legis- lative Assembly. 8+38 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros, c^ Butter. 18l)G. 70. Contains portraits. CROCKETT.— Cleg Kelly, Arab of the City. His progress and ^adventures. By S. K. Crockett. G+388 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 1.25. 33. Copyright 189G. Contains several plates. CRUIKSILVNK.— Battle of Fort George. A paper read on :^rarch 14th, 189G, by Ernest Cruikshank, Capt. 44th Battalion. "Ducit Armor Patriae." Transaction Xo. 1, Niagara Historical Society. 28 pp. Niagara: Pickwcll Bros. 189G. 43. Contains an engraving " The Taking of Fort George." No title page. CRUIKSHANK.- The Documentary History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier in 1814. Edited for the Lundy's Lane His- torical Society. By Capt. E. Cruikshank. 216 pp. Wetland : Printed at the Tribune office. 50. 51. Paper cover. CrSTO]\IS.— Customs, Canada. List of Ports, Outports, and Preventive Stations, January, 189G. 28 pp. 51. Paper cover. No title page. CUTHBERT.— Cuthbert's Arithmetic Exercise Book. No. 2. For use in junior second book classes. 72 pp. The Copp, Clark Co., Limited, Toronto. 5. 63. Copyright 1896. CUTHBERT.— Cuthbert's Arithmetic Exercise Book. No. 3. For use in senior second book classes. 72 pp. The Copp, Clark Co., Limited, Toronto. 5. 63. Copyright 189G. 10 DIRECTORY. CUTIIBERT.— C'lithlicrt's Arithiiiotic Exercise r>ook. Xo. 4. For iiso in junior third book claasoa. 80 pp. The Copp, Clark Co., Limited, Toronto. 5. 67. Copyright 18'JG. CUTIlJilOirr.— Cuthl)ort's Arithmetic Kxcrcinc Book. Xo. 5. For use in senior third book classes. 80 pp. The Copp, Clark Co., Limited, Toronto. 5. 03. Copyright IS'JC. CUT11B1-:UT.— Cutld)crt's Primary Xumbor-Work; and coin- l)anion to the coninion-sense aritlinietical calculator. By W. X. Ciitldjcrt, 'J\)ronto. lO+SO i)p. Toronto: The Copp, Clark Com- pany, Limited. IS'JG. ^5. 5J8. Contains numerous illustrations. CUTIIBKIJT. — Exercises in Arithmetic for nse in the junior classes of public schools. Part 1. A collection of problems suitable for first, second and third book classes, involving the siuiple and compound rules, easy fractions, etc., with answers. Second edition. By W. X. Cuthl)ert, Toronto. 38 pp. Toronto: The Copp, Clark Company, Limited. 189G. 25. 25. DAAVSOX.— Geological Survey of Canada. G. ^I. Dawson, C.M.G., TiL.l)., F.K.S., Director. Annual Report. (Xew series.) "N'oliime 7. Reports A, B, C, F, J, ]\r, P, S. 1894. 1244 pp. Ottawa: S. E. Dawson. 1890. 1.50. 02. "It is accompanied by eleven maps and illustrated by fifteen plates and diafjrams, besides a number of lif^ures in the text." DEBATr]S. — Debates and Proceedings of the House of Assemldy during the Second Session of the Thirty-first Parliament of the Pro- vince of Xova Scotia. 1890. Reported l)y Jojin ^l. Geldert and William B. AVallaco. 0+148 ]ii). Halifax, X.S.: Printed at the Morn- ing Chronicle Office. 1890. 64. Paper cover. DeCELLES. — Los Etats-Unis. Origine— Institutions — Dcvoloppc- ment. Par A. D. DeColles, Conservateur de la P.il)liotlieque du Par- lement federal. 10+438 p]). Ottawa. 1890. 2.00. 01. Contains portraits and illustrations. Paper cover. DIGEST.— Digest of "Bigolow on Torts." 1889 edition. 32 pp. Toronto: Tlic Brough Printing Company. 1890. 50. 57. DIRECTORY.— The Union Publishing Company's (of Incersoll) Farmers' and Business Directorv for the Counties of DufTerin. Peel and York. 1890. Vol X. 8+230+230 pp. Issued bienniallv by the L nion Publishing Co., of Ingersoll. 58. " " FARR. II DOWKOXTT.— ■Murilcrod :Millions. I\v Ocorgo 1). Dowkontt, M.l). Willi introdiRtion l)y tho Kov. Theodore L. Cuylcr, D.l). 88 pp. Toroiitf): Wonuuvs Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, Canada. 17. ID. jji^KW. — TIu' jiurnin«( of tlic Caroline, and other reminiscences of 18:3T-;}S. By Kear-Adiniral Drew, commander of the Kxpedition, and Jud-ro Woods. 2i pp. Chatham: The Jianner Printing Com- pany. ISOG. 51. Paper cover. DrCAS, — L'Oncst Canadien. Sa Decouvertc par lo Sicur de la Verendrye. Son Ivviiloitation ])ar les compagnies (le traiteurs juscpi'a I'annee 18;^"^, L'Ahhe G. Dugas. 414 pp. Montreal: Cadieux & Deroiiie. ISDH. 1.00. 45. Contains maps. DUXCAX.— Tlural miynics and tho Sheep Thief. Jiy Eric Dun- can. (M pp. Toronto: 'William Briggs. 18!)(J. 35. 29. DUXDAS.— Picturesque Dundas. lt)3 pp. 1800. 2. " This souvenir is issued in order to put on record in enduring form some of the attractions of a liistoric Cimadiiin town." Contains 175 phitua. KCOLKS. — l^coles d'Agriculture de la Province de (^uel)ec. I'ro- grannue dVKnseignenient theorique et jiratique lieglenuMits. Puhlie ]iar le departement de TAgriculture ot de la Colonisation, Quebec. Bulletin. 4(5 p]). Queljee: Proulx i!t Proulx. 18 (^lebcc liank Chambers, Toronto. 140 pp. To- ronto: The 'Monetary Times Printing Co., Ltd. 1896. 2.00. 50. ILVBKXESS.— Iroquois High School, 18-15-1895. A story of fifty years. By Adam Harkness. 1G2 pp. Toronto : William Briggs. 1.00. 50. Contains portraits and illustrations. Preface dated January 28th, 1896. HELPS.— Helps to the Study of the Bible, comprising summaries of the several books, with copious explanatory notes and tal)les illus- trative of Scripture history and the characteristics of Jiil)le lands; eml)odying tlie results of the most recent researches, together with a dictionary of proper names, a Bildical index concordance, and a new series of maps. 24+464 pp. Bil)lo Hlustrations; a series of plates illustrating bil)lical versions and antiquities, being an appendix to Helps to the Study of the Bildo. 40+12G pp. Printed by Wil- liam Briggs, Toronto, for Henry Frowde, London, Eng. GO. 5. Copyrifj;ht 1890. HEXDERSOX.— The Clironicles of Kartdale. Our Jeames. Edited bv J. Murdoch Henderson. 344 pp. Montreal: William Drysdale & Co. 189G. 1.25. 29. Contains frontispiece. HEXTY.— Bonnie Prince Cliarlie : A Tale of Fontenoy and Cul- loden. By G. A. Hcnty. With eight full-page illustrations by Gor- don Browne. 384 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto: William Briggs. 1.00 28. Copyrif;ht 1890. HEXTY.— By England's Aid; or. The Freeing of the X^ethor- lands. (1 585-1 G04.) By G. A. Henty. With eight page illustra- tions by Alfred Pearse, and four maps. 384 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto: William Briggs. 1.00. 28." Copyright 1890. HENTY. 15 HEXTY.— By Pike and Dyke: A Tale of the liise of the Dutch Eepublie. By U. A. Henty. With full-page illustrations by May- nard Browne, and four maps. 381 pp. (Jlasgow: Blackie cS: Son, Limited. Toronto: William liriggs. 1.00. 2d. Copyright 18'J6. IIENTY.— By Right of Conquest; or, with Cortcz in Mexico. By CI. A. llenty. With eight page illustrations by W. S. Stacey, and two maps. 384 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto: William Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyriglit 189G. IIEXTY.— Captain Bayley's Heir: A Tale of the Gold Fields of California. By G. A. lienty. With eight full-page illustrations by If. M. Bna-ct. 38(5 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. To- ronto : AVilliam Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 189G. IIEXTY.— For Xame and Fame: or. Through Afghan Passes. By G. A. Henty. With eight full-page illustrations by Gordon Browne. 352 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto: William Briggs. 1.00. " 28. Copyright 1890. IIEXTY.— In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce. By G. A. Henty. With eight fidl-page illustrations by Gordon Browne. 302 pp. Glaso:nw: Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto : William Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 189G. IIEXTY.- In the Eeign of Terror. The xVdventures of a West- minster Bov. By G. A Henty. With eiglit full-page illustrations by J. Schonlierg. 352 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. To- ronto: William Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 1896. IIEXTY.— St. George for England: A Tale of Cressy and Poitiers. By G. A. Henty. With eight full-page illustrations by Gordon Browne. 352 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Lhnited. Toronto : AViniam Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 1896. IIEXTY.— The Bravest of the Brave; or, with. Peterborough in Spain. By G. A. Henty. With eight full-jiage illustrations by II. ]\r. Prget. 352 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto : AYilliam Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 1896. IIEXTY.— The Cat of Bubastos; A Tale of Ancient Egypt. By G. A. Henty. With eight full-page illustrations by J. R. Weguclin. i6 HENTY. 353 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto : William Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 189(;. HEXTY.— The Dragon and the Raven; or, The Days of King Alfred. By G. A. llenty. Witli eight full-page illustrations by C. J. Staniland, R.I. 352 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. To- ronto : AYilliam Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 1896. HENTY.— The Lion of the Xorth: A Tale of the Times of Giis- tavus Adolphns and tlie Wars of Religion. By G. A. Ilenty. With eiglit full-page illustrations, by John Schonberg. 382 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto: William Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 189G. HEXTY.— The Young Carthaginian. A Story of the Times of Hannibal. By G. A. Ilenty. With eight full-])age illnstrations by C. J. Staniland, R.I. 38-± pp. Glasgow. Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto: William Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 1890. IIEXTY.— True to the Old Flag. A tale of the American War of Independence. By G. A. Ilenty. With eight full-page illustrations by Gordon P>rowne, and six maps. 390 pp. Glasgow : Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto : William Briggs. 1.00. 29. Copyright 1890. HEXTY.— Under Drake's Flag: A Tale of the Spanisli Main. By G. A. Ilenty. With eiglit full-page illustrations by Gordon r>rowne. 368 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto: William Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 1890. IIEXTY. — With Clive in India; or, The Beginnings of an Empire. By G. A. Ilenty. With eight full-page illnstrations by Gordon Browne. 3S2 i)p. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. 'Toronto : William Briggs. 1.00. 28. Copyright 1890. IIEXTY. — With Leo in Virginia. A Story of the American Civil War. ]iy G. A. Ilenty. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. 384 ])p. Glasgow : Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto : William Brin-irs. LOO. 28. Copyright 1896. , HEX^TY.— With Wolfe in Canada; or, The Winning of a Continent.. By G. A. Ilenty. With twelve full-page illnstrations by Gordon Browne. 384 pp. Glasgow: Blackie & Son, Limited. Toronto : "\\ illiam Briggs. 1.00. 28. (Copyright 1896. HUGGARD. 17 [IIODSOX (F. W.).]— Report of the Supcrintenaent of Farmers' Institutes of the rrovince of Ontario. 18'J5-0. (Published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. 4+248 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & llutter. ISDG. 70. Contains numerous illustrations. HOPKINS. — Queen A'^ictoria, Her Life and Keign. A Study of British Monarchical Institutions and the Queen's Personal Career, ]''oreign Policy, and Imperial Inlluence. By J. Castell Hopkins. With a preface by tlic ]\larqui's of Dull'erin and Ava, K.P., (i.C.B., etc., late Governor-Oeneral of Canada and Viceroy of India. 514 pp. The Bradley-Ciarretson Company, Limited, Toronto and Brant- ford. 189G. 3.U0. 76. Contains numerous portraits and illustrations. IIOPKIXS. — The Canadian Alhum. Encyclopedic Canada, or the Progress of a Xation in religion, patrioilsm, business, law, medicine, education and agriculture; containing facts and faces of some of Canada's chief business men, statesmen, farmers, men of the learned professions, and others. With pen and picture sketclies of Canadian institutions, industries, and communities. Edited by J. Castell Hop- kins. (Kditor of vols. 1-4, Pev. Wm. Cochrane, D.D.) Vol. 5. '188-fin pp. Tlie l^radley-CJarretson Company, Ltd., Brantford and Toronto, Ontario. 1896. Cloth. 5.00. J.eatlicr. 7.00. 77. Contains numerous portraits. HOPKIXS.— The Sword of Islam; or. Suffering Armenia. Annals of Turkish Power and the Eastern Question. By "J. Castell Hopkins. AVith a preface l)y Hight Reverend A. Sweatman, D.D., D.C.L, Lord Bishop of Toronto. 466 p]). The Bradley-Garretson Co., Ltd., Brantford and Toronto. 1896. 1.75. 32. Contains numerous illustrations. H0RX]':R.— Original and Inlircd Sin. By Rev. Raljih C. Horner, B.O. 148 pp. Ottawa: Rolla L. Crain, Printer. 1896. 50. 29. HUG CARD.— Tlic Western Law Times of Canada. Editor: J. T. Iluggard, Winnipeg, Barristor-at-Law. A^ol. 6. 4+94 pp. Winni- ]X'g, Canada: The Western Law Times Pul)lishing Companv 1896 Times and Reports. 6.00. 50. Contains the numbers January to November, 1805, inclusive. HTTIGARD.— The Western Law Times Reports. Editor- J T iluggard, Winnipeg, Barrister-at-Law. Vol. 6. 16+170 pp Win- m])eg, Canada : Tlie Western Law Times Publisliing Company. 1896 Reports and Times, 6.00. 50. ^ i J • i8 INSTRUCTIONS. HUNT.— roems and Pastels. By William Edward Hunt (Kcppell Strange). 138 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. IS'JG. 1.00. 28. HUTTOX.— First Steps in Composition. Part I. First and second book classes. By W. A. Ilutton, Principal Tilbury Public School, and T. N. Leigh, Principal Tilbury Separate School. G+lOO pp. Toronto: The Copp, Clark Company, Limited. 25. 28. Copyright 1890. IIUTTOX.— First Steps in Composition Exercise Book, No. 1. By Hutton and Leigh. For use in first book classes. 70 pp. The Copp, Clark Company, Limited, Toronto. 10. G8. Copyright 1890. HUTTON. — First Steps in Composition Exercise Book, No. 2. By Hutton and Leigh. For use in junior second book classes. 72 pp. The Co}))), Clark Company, Limited, Toronto. 10. 72. Copyright ibOG. HUTTON.— First Steps in Composition Exercise Book, No. 3. By Hutton & Leigh. For use in senior second book classes. 72 pp. The Copp, Clark Company, Limited, Toronto. 10. G7. Copyright 1S90. HYDE. — A Practical English Grammar for grammar schools, un- graded schools, academies, and the lower grades in high schools. By Mary F. Hyde. Ada])ted to the use of Canadian schools. By l)r. Fred. W. Kelley, of the Protestant High School, and P. J. Leitch, of the Catholic Connnercial Academy, Montreal, (Quebec. 8+270 pp. Toronto: The Cojjp, Clark Company, Limited. 1896. 50. 30. HYDE. — Practical Lessons in the L^se of English. By Mary F. Hyde, formerly Teacher of Composition in the State Normal School, Albany, N.Y. Adapted to the use of Canadian Schools. By Dr. Fred. W. Kelley, of the Protestant High School, and P. J. Leitch, of the Catholic Commercial Academy, ■Montreal, Que. Authorized for use in the Province of Quebec. "l2+160 pp. Toronto: The Copp, Clark Company, Limited. 30. 26. Copyright 180G. Contains illustrations. INSTITUTE.— The Institute of Chartered Accountants of On- tario. Incorporated under Act 4G Victoria, chapter G 4, of Ontario. Charter of Incorporation, by-laws and curriculum, list of members 189G. 5G pp. Toronto: Monetary Times Printing Company, Ltd. 1896. 25. J , o I J, INSTRUCTIONS.— Instmctions to Assessors in Making the As- sessments of Proi)erty in the :Municipalities of the Province of Ontario. Compiled from " The Consolidated Assessment Act," 1892, and As- JOURNALS. 19 sessment Amendment Acts of 1893, 189i, 1895. 33 pp. Toronto : Hart & liiddell. 189G. 15. 48. Paper cover. ISAKD.— Wayside Songs. By Mrs. E. A. Isard. 22-t pp. Printed for the author by The Era Publishing House, Newmarket. 189(J. 1.00. 28. [JAMES (C. C.).]— Annual Report of the Bureau of Industries for tlie Province of Ontario, 1895. Parts 1, 2 and 3. Agricultural Statistics. (Published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture.) Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. 8+148 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Kutter. 189G. 70. [JOHNSOX (GEOKGE).]— The Statistical Year-Book of Can- ada for 1895. Eleventh year of issue. Issued by the lJe})artment of Agriculture. 8+1008 pp. Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau. 189G. 4G. Contains folding sheets of tables and map. [JOLY DE LOTBIXIEIJE (II. 0.).]— Keport, Ecturns and Sta- tistics of the Inland Kevenues of the Dominion of Canada for the Fiscal year ended 30th June, 189G. Part 1. Excise, etc. Printed by order of Parliament. 34+18(5 pp. Ottawa: S. E. Dawson. 189G. 15. TO. JOUKXAL. — Journal and Proceedings of the House of Assembly of the Province of X'ova Scotia. Session 189(i. 159(i pj). Halifax, X.S.: Tlie Commissioner of Public Works and Mines, Queen's Printer. 189G. G4. Contains folding tables. JOURXAL. — Journal and Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Province of X^ova Scotia. Session 189G. 159G pp. Halifax, X.S.: The Commissioner of Public Works and Mines, Queen's Printer. 1896. G4. Contains folding tables. JOUPX'AL.— Journal of the Canadian Bankers' Association. Vol. III., containing October, 1895, to July, 1896. 8+442 pp. Toronto: Monetary Times Printing Company, Limited. 1896. 46. Contains map and portrait. JOURX^ALS. — Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba. From the 6th day of February to the 16th day of April, A.D. 1896 (both days inclusive.) In the fifty-ninth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria. lieing the first session of the ninth Legislature of ^fanitoba. Session 1896. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. Volume 28. 28+112+358 np. AVinnipeg, Man.: David Philip, A.D. 1895: 61. 20 KINGSTON. JOURXALS.— Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Pro- vince of Xew Brunswick, from the 13th Fobrnary to the 20th March, 189G; being the first session of the second Legislative Assembly. 1430 pp. Fredericton: 189G. GO. Contains some views of buildings. JOURXALS.— Journals of the Legislative Assem1)ly of the Pro- vince of Ontario. From 11th February, 189G, to 7th April, 1896 (both days inclusive). In the iifty-ninth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria. Being the second session of the eighth Legislature of Ontario. Session, 189G. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. Vol. XXIX. 451 pp. G4. [KELSO (J. J.).]— Third Report of AVork under the Children's Protection Act, Ontario, for the year ending December 31, 1895. Presented by the Superintendent of Xcglected and Dependent Chdd- ren of Ontario. 4+80 pp. Toronto: "Warwick Bros. & Rutter. 1896. 70. Contains plates. Paper cover. IvERXIGIIAX.— The Khan's Canticles. By R. K. Kcrnighan. 240 pp. Hamilton: Spectator Printing Company. 189G. 1.25. 29. KIXGSFORD.— Commentaries on the Law of Ontario. Being Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England adapted to the Province of Ontario. By R. E. Kingsford, M.A., LL.B., formeriy one of tlio Lecturers of the Law Society of Tpper Canada. Vol. 1. Rights of Persons. 8+458 pp. Toronto: The Carswell Co. (Ltd.). 189G. 5.00. 49. KIXGSFORD.— ^Manual of the Law of Landlord and Tenant, for use in the Province of Ontario. By R. E. Kingsford, M.A., LL.B., Barrister, Toronto. 20+253 pp. Toronto: The Carswell Co. (Ltd.). 1S9G. 1.00. 14. KIXGSLEY.— Stephen, a Soldier of the Cross. By Florence Morse Kingsley. 370 pp. Toronto: AYilliam Briggs. 75. 28. Copyright 1890. Contains portrait. KIXGSTOX. — The Circuit Guide. For the especial use of Judges and Lawyers. S])ring Assizes, 1896. Containing in concise form different arrangements of the Assize Lists. Besides otlicr useful in- formation of interest to the profession. By George Allan Kingston, of Osgoodo Hall, Barrister-at-Law. 60 pp. Toronto: The Bryant Press. 1896. 25. 4. Errata slip inserted. KIXGSTOX.— The Circuit Guide. For the especial use of Judges and Lawyers. Autumn Assizes, 1896. Containing in concise form different arrangements of the Assize Lists. Besides other useful in- formation of interest to the profession. By George Allan Kingston,. LIZARS. 21 of Osgoodo Hall, Barrister-at-Law. GO pp. Toronto: The Brvaut Press. 1896. 25. G. KIRBY.— xVnnals of Xin.sara. By ^Villiam Kir1)y, F.R.S.C. 270 pp. Tribune Presses, Welland, Ontario. 18!)G. Paper. 75. Cloth. 1.00. 57. KIBK. — Part of the Trail Creek ^Mining Camp, West Kootcnay, British Colinnbia. April, 1897. Compiled l)y the nndersigned, J. A. Kirk, Provincial Land Surveyor, Kossland, B.C. Size of map, 3^\34. 2.00. 83. Colored folding; map in cloth case. Copyright 1890. LAMBE. — Iland-hook. Duties and Successions in Province of Quebec, Avith text of statutes in English and French, and forms of declarations. By Wm. B. Lambe, Advocate. 70 pp. Montreal: Wni. Poster Brown & Co. 189G. 50. 57. LAXG. — Elementary Composition Exercise Book, Xo. 1. By S. E. Lang, V)A., Inspector of Schools, X'orth western Division, :Mani- toba. For use in second l)ook classes. Exercises on the paragraph. Part 1, Exercises in unity; Finding and classifying material. Part 2, Exercises in arrangement of narrative. GO pp. The Copp, Clark Company, Limited, Toronto. 10. 68. Copyright 1896. LaPOQUE.— :\Lanuel des Engrais. Par le Dr. G. LaRociue do Quebec. 242 pp. Levis: Mercier & Cie. 35. 21. Copyright 189G. Contains eight woodcuts. [LAPOrSSE]. — X^ouveau Dictionnaire Illustre Historique, Geo- gra])hique, JJiographique et Mythologiquc, comprenant envinui 5,000 articles conccrnant lo Canada. Xouvelle edition (15e). Pevue et corrigee avec soin, considerablement augmentee et contenant 260 portraits des personnages Ics plus celebres du Canada et de Tetran- ger. 4+304 pp. Montreal: C. O. Beauchemin iS: Fils. 189G. 75. 12. LESLIE. — Ehymes of the Kings and Queens of England. By Mary Leslie. Being an account of the Eulers of England from the X'orman Conquest to the reign of Victoria. With numerous illus- trations. 178 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 1896. 1.00. 28. LIVPE. — Livre de Lecture Cnurante. Par les Freres du Sacrc- Coeur. Cours elemeutaire. 1(54 pp. Levis: Mercier & Cie. 20. 24. Copyrifjht 1890. Contains numerous illustrations. LIZAPS.— In the days of the Canada Company: The Story of tlie Settlement of the Huron Tract and a view of the social life of the period. 1825-1850. By Pobina and Kathleen Macfarlane Lizars. With an introduction by G. M. Grant, D.D., LL.D., Principal 22 MACLAREN, Queen's University, Kingston. With portraits and illustrations. 4SM pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 189(). 3.00. 50. LOIUMIKK. — La Eevue de Jurisprudence, ou recueil do deci- sions des divers tribunaux de la Province de Queliec, ])ar une reunion de juges et de jurisconsultes sous la direction de Cliarlcs Chamilly de l^oriniier, Juge de la Cour Superieure pour la Province de Quebec. lU+(i2U pp. Montreal: C. Theoret. o.OO year. 34. Volume 2, 1890. ^[ACADA;M. — The ]\Iaster's Memorial. A Manual on the Lord's Supper. For class and private study. By the Pev. Thomas Mac- adam, late Professor of ^lental and Moral Philosophy and Systematic Theology, ]\lorrin College, Quebec. Fifth edition. 40 pp. Mont- real: W! Drysdale & Co. 189G. 10. IG. MACDOXELL. — The Ontario Boundary Controversy: Legal and Constitutional, Political and Historical: The I'roceedings before the Im])erial Privy Council, witli selections from the documents in evi- dence, a s])ecial ap])endix, and an elaborate illustrative historical map. Edited with critical and explanatory notes, by John P. Macdonell, of the Ontario Civil Service. G+4"^3 p}). Toronto: The Carswell Company. 1890. 1.00. 70. MACKEXZIE.— The Six Nations Indians in Canada. By J. B. Mackenzie. 2+152 pp. The Hunter, Kose Company, Ltd., Toronto. 1.00. 26. Copyright 1896. MACKEXZIE.— Trinity College Year Book, 1895-1896. Pub- lished by order of the Execntive Committee of Convocation, and edited by Michael Alexander ^lackenzie, ^LA., Professor of ^Mathe- matics and Physics, and Arcliil)ald Hope Young, M.A., Lecturer in ^lodorn Languages and Philoloiiy. 8+182 pp. Toronto: Oxford Press. 50. 35. Contains portriiita and illustrations. Paper cover. Preface dated November 14tl), 18'JG. ILVCLAREX.— Banks and Banking. Tlie Bank Act, Canada: with notes, antliorities and decisions, and the Law relating to ware- house receipts, bills of lading, etc. Also the Savings Bank Act, the Winding T']) Act, and extracts from the Criminr.l Code, 1892. By J. J. :\raclaren, Q.C., H.C.L., LL.D., :Mombcr of the Bar of Ontario and of Qno1)ec. With an introduction on Banking in Canada. By B. E. Walker. Esq., General ]\Lnnager of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce. 58+326 pp. Toronto : The Carswell Co., Ltd. 1896. 4.50. 49. MACLAREX.— Bills, X"otes and Cheques. The Bills of Exchange Act, 1890, Canada, and amending Acts, with notes and illustrations from Canadian, English and American decisions, and references to MERCHANT. 23 ancient and modern French Law. By J. J. Maclarcn, Q.C., D.C.L., LJ..1)., .Aleinl)er ol' the Jiar of Ontario and oi' (iueljoc. Second edition. C0+5-i() pp. Toronto: The Carswell Co., Ltd. 1896. 5.50. 50. MAC LKAX.— Canadian Savage Folk. The Native Tribes of Can- ada. JJy John .^hlclean, M.A., Ph.!)., Member of the American Society for the Advancement of Science, etc. Illustrated. (ii2 pp. Toronto: William liriggs. ISUG. 2.b0. 50. ilACLEAX.— The Warden of the Plains, and other Stories of Life in the Canadian Xorth-West. Jiy John :Maclean, ]\1.A., Ph.D. Illus- trated by J. E. Laughlin. 303 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 189G. 1.25. 32. MASSEY. — ILnrt Almerrin ^Massoy; Pioneer farmer, farm imple- n.ient manufacturer, jjuldic-spirited citizen, phihmthropist. Died at his residence in Toronto, Canada, Thursday evening, February 30th, 18i)G. 70 pp. 52. Contains portrait. Lithoj^rapheil cover. Printed on one side of leaf only. !MASSKY. — ^Fasscy's ^lagazine. Volume 1. Januarv to June, 1896. 8+43-1 pp. Toronto: The Massey Press. 1896. 1.00 year. 65. Contains numerous illustrations. :MASSIC0TTE.— Lc Droit Civil Canadien, resume en ta1)lcaux synoptiques. D'apres la metliode de A. Wilhelm. Par 1^. Z. ]\Iassi- cotte, U^.IJ., Avocat, ]\lontreal. 4+128 pp. Montreal: C. Theoret, Editeur, 18!)6. 1.00. 70. MATHIEU. — Eapports Judiciaires Revises de la Province de Que- bec comprenant la revision complete et annotee de toutes les causes ra])])ortees dans les diilV-reutes revues de dnwt de cette I'rovince jus- qu'au ler Janvier, 1892. Amsi que dcs causes jugees par la Cour Supreme et le Conseil Prive sur apjjei de nos tribunaux. Par rilonor- able ]\1. Mathieu, Juue de la Cour Superieure de Montreal. Tome XYL, 8+544 ])]).; XVIL, 8+578 ])]).; XVllL, 10+594 pp. Mont- real: C. 0. Beauchemin & Fils. 1896. 7.00 per volume. 58. Sold to subscribers to the entire work only. ^lEAT. — On ^leat and Milk Ins])oction. Containing tlie Act pro- viding for the inspection of meat and milk sui)])lies of cities ami towns; ]ilans and estimate of cost of a municipal abattoir, and regula- tions of tlie Provincial Board of TTealth regarding the same; also report on ins])cction of meat and milk and regulations relating there- to. Issued bv Provincial Board of TTealtii of Ontario. 34 ]i[). To- ronto: ^Yarwick Bros. & Rutter. 1896. 57. Pamphlet No. 1, 1896. ^fERCTTAXT.— High School Physical Science. Part 2. By F. W. 3Ierchant, ^M.A., Collegiate Institute, London. Authorized by the 34 MULOCK. Department of Ktlucation for Ontario, G+llG pp. Toronto: Tlie Coi)p, Clark Company, Limited. 18l)ti. 75. 2o. Contains 'J8l illustrations. [MIALL (K.).J— Keport, Returns and Statistics of tlic Inland lievenuos of the dominion ot Canada for the iiseal year ended 30th June, 1S9(). I'art 2. Inspection of Weights and Measures, Gas and Klcctric Light. Printed by order of Parliament. G+GO pp. Ottawa. S. L. iJawson. l8!Mi. id. ;u. [MLVLL (EDWAUD). J — Report, Returns ami Statistics of the Inland Revenues of tlie Lominion of Canada for the fiscal year ended 30th June, ISDG. Tart 3. Adulteration of Food. Printed by order of Parliament. G+15G i)p. Ottawa: S. K. Dawson. ISUG. 10. 7L ]\IILLAP. — School ]\Ianagement and the Principles and Practice of Teaching. With an a]»pendix containing the statutory provisions of 18iJG, relating to continuation classes, duties of teachers, agree- ments, etc., and the courses of study for higli and public schools. liy John ^lillar, ]5.A., l)e|)utv ]\Iinister of I'lducation for Ontario. 202 pp. Toronto: AVilliam iVriggs. 1S!)G. LOO. 24. j\rJLLKR.— The Students' ]fistory Note J^ook. liy Pev. J. 0. :Mil- ler, ^l.A., Principal of Pidley College, St. Catharines. 11-f pp. To- ronto: Tlie Cop}), Clark Company, Limited. 2o. 53. Copyrif^ht 18'J(J. Contains maps and colored diat^rams. MOCKRIDGi':.— The Bishops of the Church of England in Can- ada and Xewfoundland, being an illustrated historical sketch of the Church of Enaland in Canada, as traced through her E])iscopate. Pv Hex. Charles IL ]\lockridge, :\I.A., D.l)., Canon of St. Alban's Cathe- dral, Toronto, etc. P^+380 pp. Toronto: F. N. W. Prowne. 3.00. 51. Copyrit^ht 189(5. Contains numerous portraits and illustrations. MOXTIZAMBEPT.— Annual Pcport of the General Superintend- rnt of Canadian Quarantines. Y. ]\[ontizambcrt, M.L)., F.P.C.S., D.C.L. 18 pp. 70. Report dated 31st October, 1800. MOOPE. — Culture des Fruits dans la Province de Quebec et plus particuliercment dans la partie est de la Province. Par George ]\loore. Bulletin Xo. 3 du Dci)artement do 1' Agriculture et de la Colonisation. Deuxieme edition, revue et augnientee ])ar M. J. C. Chapais, xVssistant-Commissaire de Tindustric laitierc, et M. Auguste Dopids, horticulteur. 60 pp. Quebec. Charles Francois Langlois. 189G. 71. Contains folding table. Paper cover. :MUL0CK.— Speech. By :\rr. Mulock at Massey Hall, Toronto, on 22nd of Februan,', 1896, on " Pemcdial Legislation." 8 pp. 57. Maclean. 35 ]\iriilMI\'. — Kt'ixjrl on the Subsidized Kailways ami other Puhlic ^VoI•lvs ill the I'roviiiee of Xova Scotia, for tlie year ending Sepleiuber 30, lSt)5. J5y .Martin .Murpliy, D.Se., rrovinciai Kugineer, ^'.S. Publislied by onk'r. lA'i pii. llalil'ax, X.S.: C()inniis.>;ioner of Tub- lie Works and Klines, (Jueeji's I'riiiter. IS'JII. 'to. [MacC'ALLU]^! ((i. A.).J— J{e])ort of the Ontario (lame and Fi.^^h C'oniiiii^sioners for the year LS'Jo. i'rinted by tiie order of the J.egis- lative Assembly, dti i)J). Toronto: Warwick Jiros. c^ Kulter. l-S^G. Paper cover. McCAl'L.— IJeady Reference Guide to tlie Ordinances of the Xorih- West Territories, including the revised ordinances of l.ScS8 and all subsequent ordinances to 1S95 (inclusive) together witli a complete index to "The Judicature Ordinance"' (1893), and amendments thereto. Com])iled bv C. C. .MeCaul, B.A., one of Her ^hljeter, St. Catharines Collegiate Institnte, and E. 11. Sykes. :\I.A., Ph. 1)., Pro- fessor in tlie Western University of London, Ont. 14-f3-i() pp. Toronto: The Copp, Clark Company, Limited. 1890. 1.25. 35. Contains portrait. :McKEXZIE.— Heartsease ITymns and other verses. By ■William P. ^IcKcnzie. 48 pp. William Tyrrell & Co., Toronto, Canada. 1S9G. 25. 27. Paper cover. MacLEAX". — Appendix to High School Book-Koeping, contain- ing eight short complete sets for beginners, three series of six sets for advanced stndents, illnstrating single and donlile entry methods, also practical hnsiness forms of book-keeping. By IL S. MacLean, Assistant Principal :\ranitoba X'ormal School. 212-300 pp. To- ronto: The Copp, Clark Company, Limited. 20. 38. Copyright 189C. a6 PIONEER. McLEOD. — (icoinetrical Drawing for tho use of Schools and Col- leges. By C. 11. ^IcLeod, .Ma. K., Professor in the Faculty of A[)[)lie(i Science, ^Icdill I'niversity, ^lontreal. '4H pp. l-'oster, Brown &, Co., ^Montreal. 35. 40. Copyright iH'M'i. Paper cover. No title page. Containa numerous diagrams. Dominion HeriuB of drawing books. ^IcXAl'dirrOX. — Overland to Carihoo. An eventful journey of Canadian })ioneers to the gold-ilelds of iiritish Columbia in 18G:!i. Jiy Margaret ]\IcXaughton, wife of one of the pioneers. With por- traits and illustrations. 170 pp. Toronto: William Jiriggs. 18l)(5. 1.00. 2S. XOI'A'KLLIO. — Xouvclle Lyre Canadienne. TJecueil de Chansons, Canadienncs et Franyaises. Xouvclle edition, entieremcnt rel'ondue et considerablement augnientee. 4+45(5 pp. Montreal: C. 0. Beauche- niin & Fils. ISDG. 30. 11. OMUMKX.— Tlie Canada Law Journal. Henry O'P.rien, l^ditor. A'ol. XXXir. From January to Deceiuhcr, 1S!)(;. i-^hS"iO-rl() p]). To- ronto: Canada Law dournal ('omi)any. 5.00 year. (i4. [OCJDKX (AXXli-: L.). J— Cycle of Frayer of the (leneral .Alission- ary Society, tiie Woman's ^lissionary Society, Fpworth Leagues and Sunday Schools of the ^lethodist Church, Canada. Copied largely from the Cycle of Frayer of the Student Volunteer ^Movement for Foreign Missions. IG pj). Toronto. 3. 83. Copyriglit IH'JG. Paper cover. OKDIXAXCFS.— Ordinances of tho X^orth-West Territories passed in tlie Second Session of the Third Legislative Assembly, hegun and holden at L'egina on tiie twenty-ninth day of Sei)teud)er, and closed on the thirteenth day of Octol)er, ISDf!. His Honour Charles Herbert ]\rackintosh, Licutenant-Covei'nor. 310 p^). Kegina, N.W.T. Printed liy John A. l{eid. ISilH. 1.00. 51. FAPFllS. — Piijiers relating to tho a]")]dication of tho Senate of the University of Toronto to the Universities of Oxford and Canil)ridge for tlie grant of special affiliation privileges to tho University of To- ronto. Printed by the order of the Legislative Assemhly of Ontario. 24 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter. 189G. 70.' PARKEP. — The Seats of the !Mighty. Being tho memoirs of Ca]i- tnin Rohert ^Moray, sometime an officer in the A'irginia Regiment and afterwards of Amherst's Regiment. By Gilbert Parker. 10+37G p]i. Toronto: The Copj), Clark Company. iS9G. Paper. 75. Cloth. 1.50. 28. PIOX^EER.— The Pioneer Farm and the Wabigoon Country, Rainy River District. A new section opened for settlement — infor- mation as to the country and its capabilities — an account of the farm REPORT. 27 cstal)li>lK'(l there hy tlio Ontario Government. Pu])lishefl by tlio On- tario Department of Agriculture. 8 pp. Toronto: Warwick liros. & Kuttcr. ]8Ut). 57. Contains map and plates. Paper cover. [rLAXTK (.1. li.).J — Cultures Fourragercs, Paturagcs et rdouses. l!JO+(i [)p. .Mereier & Cie. Levis. 3."). Id. Copyrit^ht 1«',)G. POLITICAL.— I'olitieal Pointers for the Campaign of 18!)(). "Canada for the Canadians.'' b'/i pp. Ottawa: Printed hy Thoburn & Co. (Jo. POWKR.— The (Ireat Commission. Sermon 1. :Mark xvi. 15, 1(1. Tlie Controversy ended: Immersion not I'^ssent ial to a Valid JJai)- tism. Sermon II. Peter and the Keys: AVhat they were and what he did with them. :Matt. xvi. 11). Jiy Mr. Oeorge Power. '32 \)\). To- ronto: Printed for the author by William Briggs. ISDG. 15. 2H. PHOCKKDlXCiS.— Proceedings and Transactions of the Poynl So- ciety ol' Canada. Second series — \'olume 2. fleeting of ^lay, LSlXi. 12G+50+G+lti8^>>S.S-fl8()+l!)^pp. I'rinted by the Cazette Print'ing Co., Montreal. 73. Contains illustrations, plans and diafjrams. PAPJ'OKT. — Deuxiemc IJapport Annuel du Conseil d'llygienc do la l*rovince dc (^U(''l)cc. Pour I'annce (Inissant le ;>0 Juin, .18I)(i. ;^(i(J pp. Quel)ec: Charles-Frangois Langlois. 189G. 71. Paper cover. Coiitiiins illusLiatioiiH. Errata inserted after puRe 40. R].:AD.— The Canadian Pebcllion of 1837. By D. B. Bead, Q.C. 14+3T-t pp. Toronto: C. lilackett Bobinson. 189G. 3.U0. 4'^. Contains portraits. Bl^POBT. — Annnal Beport of the Commissioner of Crown Lands of the Province of Xova Scotia, for the year ending 3()th Sei)tember, 1805. 8 p]i. Halifax, X.S.: Commissioner of Public Works and Mines, Queen's Printer. 189G. 73. BEPOBT. — Annual Beport of the Covernmont Inspector iijjon tlie Public Institutions of ^Manitoba, including the Annual Beports of the Superintendents of the Asylum for the Insane, Selkirk; Asylum for the Insane, Brandon; Homo for Incurables. Portage la Prairie; Deaf and Dumb Institute, Winnipeg: General TIosi)ital, Winnipeg; St. Boniface TTospital; General Ilosi^ital, Brandon; ^Aforden Hospital; Children's Homo. Fort Bouse: Cliildren's Home. St. Boniface; Home for Aged Women. St. Boniface; the "Women's Home, Winnipeg; the Onols of Eastern, Central and Western Judicial Districts and the lanfl titles offices. For the year 189G. OS pp. David Philip. Winnipeg. 1S9G. 70. Paper cover. Contains portrait. 28 REPORT. EEPORT. — Annual Report of the Secretary for Agriculture, Xova Scotia, for the year 1895. 8+208 pp. Halifax, X.S.: Commissioner of Public Works and Mines, Queen's Printer. 70. Contains a folding table. RlvPORT. — Annual Report of the Superintendent of Education on the Public Schools of Xova Scotia, for the year ended 31st July, 1895. 44+153 pp. Halifax, X.S.: Commissioner of Public Works and Mines, Queen's Printer. 1896. 70. Contains two plates. REPORT.— Fifth Annual Report of the Children's Aid Society of Toronto. Septcml)or, 189(5. G4 pp. R. G. McLean. 189(1. 57. Contains numerous illustrations. REPORT. — Eorty-first Annual Report of the Chief Commissioner of Public Works, New Jirunswick, 1895. J^aid before the Le.uislature bv order of His Honor the Jjieutenant-(ioveruor. 113 pji. Krcdcrictou, N.B.: Printed by John T. llawke, Moncton. 189G. 65. Paper cover. REPORT. — General Report of the Commissioner of Public Works of the Province of (Quebec, 1896. Printed by order of the Legislature. 6+148 pp. Quebec: Cliarles Frangois Langiois. 1896. 71. Contains two diagrams. REPORT.— OlTicial Rei)ort of the Debates and Proceedings of the Legislative Council, during tlie Second Session of the Tliirty-first Parliament of the Province of Xova Scotia, 1896. B. Russell, Otlicial Reporter. 56+4 pp. Halifax, X.S.: Printed at the Morning Herald OfHce. 1896. 59. REPORT. — Report of the Commissioner of Agrictdture and Coloni- zation of the Province of Quel)ec, 1896. Comprising the subjects relating to ,\giicultui-e, the Rejjorts of the Dairymen's Association and of the Pom ;.'■., gical and Fruit Growing Society. 210+312+193 pp. Quebec: Charics Francois Langiois. 70. Three separate reports bound in one volume. Contains illustrations and folding; tables. Paper cover. Rl'lPOPiT. — Report of the Conimissione'- of Crown Lands of the ProviiuH' of Ontario for the year 1895. Printed l)y order of the Lesfislative Assembly. 14+104 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter.' 1896. 70. Paper cover. REPORT. — Report of tlic Commissioner of Public Works for the Province of Ontario for the year ending 31st December, 1895. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. 42 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Ruttcr. 1896. 70. Paper cover. REPORTS. 29 EEPORT.— Eeport of the Department of Mines, Xova Scotia, for tlie year ending September 30, 18U5. -i+SS pp. Halifax, X.S.: Com- missioner of Public Workri and Mines, Queen's Printer. ISUG. 7U. EEPORT. — Report of the Honorable the Provincial Treasurer on the working of the Tavern and Shop Licenses xVcts for the year 1S95. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. 108 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter. 1S\)6. G5. REPORT.— Second Annual Report of the Board of Health of the Province of Quebec. For the year ending June 30th, ISDG. (Trans- lation.) 2GG pp. Quebec: Charles- Franc;ois Langlois. 18UG. Tl. Paper cover. Contains illustrations. Errata inserted after pa^e 82. REPORT. — Tenth Annnal Report of the Commissioners for the Queen Victoria ]S;iagara Falls Park, 1895. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. 80 pp. Toronto: V^arwick Bros. & Rutter, Printers. 1S9G. 70. Contains a map of the Niagara River, and nuiucrons plates. REPOPiT.— Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Inspector of Prisons and Puljlic Charities upon the Common Gaols, Prisons and Reformatories of the Province of Ontario, being for the year ending 30th Septomljer, 18!)."). Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. 126 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter. 189G. 65. Paper cover. REPOirr.— Twenty-first xVnnual Report of the Ontario Agricul- tural College and l"]xperimental Farm. Seventeenth Annual Re])()rt of the Agricultural and Exjjerimcntal Lnion 1895. (Pul)lished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Printed liy order of tlie Legislative Assembly. 2-i+43G pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter.' 189G. 70. Contains numerous illustrations. REPORT. — Twenty-second Annual Report of the Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities upon the Central Prison of tlie Province of Ontario, being for the 3'ear ending 30th Septemlior, 1S95. Printed by order of the Lesxislative Assembly. 36 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter. 1S96. 65. Paper cover. REPORTS. — Annual Reports of the Dairj-mon and Creameries^ Associations of the Province of Ontario, 1895. Dairymens' Associa- tion of Eastern Ontario. Dairymens' Association of AVestern On- tario. Creameries' Association of Ontario. (Published by the On- tario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Printed by order of tho TiCdslative Assembly. 4+273 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter. 1896. 70. 30 ROBINSON. EEPORTS. — Annual Eeports of the Live Stock Associations of the Province of Ontario, 1895-0, Dominion Cattle Breeders' Associa- tion. Dominion Swine Breeders' Association, Dominion Sheep Breeders' Association, Dominion Sliorthorn Breeders' Association. Dominion Ayrshire Breeders' Association. Hackney Horse Society, (.'lydesdale Horse Association, Shire Horse Association. Canadian Horse Breeders' Association. (Published by the Ontario Depart- inent of Agriculture, Toronto.) Printed by order of the Legislative Asseml)Iy of Ontario. 4+1 (JS pp. Toronto: "Warwick Bros. & liutter. 1890. 70. Contains illustrations. RKYH^W. — Tlie Dominion Peview. A ^lonthly Kecord of Events and Opinions in I'olitics, Pcligion and Science. Vol. I. March to December, 1890. 4+408 pp. Toronto, Can,: C, M. Ellis. 50. PINERET. — Dictionnaire de Nos Eautes contre la Languo Eran- gaise. Par Paoul Pinfret. (^uatricme millo. 8+300 ])p. Montreal: C. 0. ]ieaucliemin & Eils., Libraries — Imprimeurs. GO. 2'6. Copyright iHiHJ. P0B1<]PTS.— Around the Camp-fire. By Charles (J. D. Poberts, M.A., E.li'.S.C. Illustrated 1)y Charles Copeland. 4+350 p[). To- ronto: William Briggs. 1.25. 32. Copyright 1890. POBERTSOX.— Pobertson's Landmarks of Toronto. A collec- tion of Historical Sketches of the old Town of York from 1792 until 1833, and of Toronto from 1834 to 1895, also nearly two hundred en- gravings of old houses, familiar faces and historic places, with maps and schedules connected with the local history of York and Toronto. Eepid)lishod from the " Toronto Evening Telegram." 10, 504-1128 pp. Toronto: J. Ross Rol)ertson. 1890. Edition, 1,000. 2.00. 57. Secoml volume of tlie •' L mdmarks of Toronto." E0B1«:RTS0X.— High School History of Greece and Rome. By W. J. Robertson, B.A., LL.J^., and John Henderson, M.A. Author- ized by the Education Department of Ontario. 8+530 pp. Toronto: The Copp, Clark Company, Limited. 1890. 75. 25. Contains several colored maps. ROBERTSOX.— Tlie High School Algebra. Part I. By W. J. Roborts(m, B.A., LL.B., ^lathematical ^Master, Collegiate Institute, St. Catharines, and I. J. Birchard, :\[.A., Ph. 1)., Mathematical Mas- ter, Jameson Avenue Collegiate Listitute, Toronto. Second edition. 352 J)]). Toronto: William Briggs. 1890. 75. 32. ROBINSOX.— The True Sphere of the Blind. By E. B. E. Robin- son, B.A., Philoso]ihy Prizeman of Trinity University in 1893. 254 pp. Toronto: Printed for the author by William Briggs. 1896. 1.00. 29, Contains portrait and illustrations. SMILY. 31 ROULl'AU. — L'Kmigration. 8cs Principales Causes. C. E. Kou- leaii. 15U })p. Quebec: Leger Brousseau. 1896. 18. EOY. — Consultations gratuites. Farce en un acte a trois person- nagcs, I'ar JJegis Roy. Suivio du dialogue-boutl'e: Le Sourd. 4:8 pp. Montreal: C. 0. Beaucheniin & Fils. 25. 19. KOY. — On Dcniande nn Acteur. Farce en nn acte. Par Regis Roy. Suivie du I'ameux discours de Baptiste Tranchemontagne: " Qu 'est-ce que la politique? " '3G p}). Montreal: C. 0. Beaucheniin & Fils. 25. 24. Copyi-it^ht 180(j. RUSSELli. — The Xova Scotia Reports, Volume XXVII., contain- ing reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Xova Scotia. With a table of the names of cases argued, a table of cases cited, and a digest of the principal matters. Reported by Ben- jamin Russell, TiF.A.fQ.C, and John ]\l. (reldert, dr., LL.Ji., Barristcrs- at-Law. 14+630 pp. Toronto: The Carswell Company, Ltd. 1896. 5.00 in numbers. 49. SAX KEY. — Sacred Songs, Xo. 1. Compiled and arranged for use in gospel meetings, Sunday schools, prayer meetings and other religi- ous services. By Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan and Geo. C. Stebbins. 208 pp. The Cop}), Clark Company, Limited. 35. 41. Copyritjht l8'Jtl. [SAUXDKRS (W. E.).]— Twenty-Sixth Annual Report of tlie Entomological Society of Ontario, 1895. Published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto. Printed by the order of the Legislative Assembly. 4+102 pp. Toronto: "Warwick Bros. & Rutter. 1896. 70. Contains portraits and illustrations. SHARP.— C^onsolidated Supplement X^o. 1. to Sharp's Civil Code. Containing all statutory enactments and a digest of all reported cases affectino- the civil code of Lower Canada, from the 1st October, 1888, to 14th October, 1895. By William Prcscott Sharp, B.C.L., Advo- cate. ] 0+704 ])p. :Montreal: C. Theoret. 1896. 9.00. 65. SIMS. — Remarkable Xarratives, or, Records of Powerful Revivals, striking ]n'ovidences, wonderful religious experiences, tragic death- bed scenes, and other authentic incidents, to which is added some valuable hints for Christian workers. By Rev. A. Siius. 352 pp. Published and for sale by the Author. Kingston, Ont., Canada. 1896. 1.00. 28. SMILY.— Canadian Summer Resort Guide. Illustrated souvenir and guide book of some of the principal resorts and tourist and ex- cursion routes of Canada. With maps, and tables of railway and steamboat fares and connections, hotel rates, etc. Third edition. 32 SOUVENIR. Edited and published l)y Frederick Sniily, Toronto, S8 pp. Toronto: iJIurray Printing Coni})any. ISLIG. 25. 57. Contains numerous illustrations. Paper cover. SMITH. — A Lover in llomeepun, and otlier stories. By F. ClilTord Smith. Second edition. 202 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 189G. l.OU. 37. SMITH.— The Ontario Digest 1891-1895 of the cases reported in volumes lS-22 Appeal Keports. 20-"^() Ontario He])orts. ll-K) Practice Peports. 18-24 Supreme Court of Canada Peports. 1-3 Exchecpier Court of Canada Pe])orts, and ot: the Caiuidian cases decided by the judicial committee of the Privy Council reported in [1891-1895] appeal cases, with tables of cases contained in the digest, those athrmcd, reversed, or s[)ecially considered, and of statutes re- ferred to. Compiled by order of the Law Society of L^pper Canada. By J. F. Smith, Q.C., E. B. Brown, and P. S. Cassels, Barristers-at- ].aw. 98+528 pp. Toronto: Powsell l^ Hutchison. 189(). Half calf. 5.00. 61. Addendum and errata slip inserted in front of title page. SMITH.— The Ontario Peports. Volume 27. Containing Peports of Cases decided in the Queen's Bench, Chancery, and Common Pleas Divisions of the High Court ol' Justice for Ontario. With a table of the names of cases argued, a table of the names ot cases cited, and a digest of the ])rincipal matters. Editor, James F. Smith, Q.C. Pe- l)orters: G. F, Harman, A. H. F. Lefroy, G. A. Boomer, E. B. Brown^ Barristcrs-at-Law. 32+7G3 p}). Toronto: Powsell & Hutchison. 189(;. Half calf. 5.00. 5n. S]\[ITH. — ]\fabel Gray, and other poems. By L}'man C. Smith. 132 i)p. Toronto: William IJriggs. 18i)(). 1.00. 25*^. SXOV.'. — Tlie Law of Landlord aiul Tenant in the Province of Quebec. (Ivxclusive of I'arm liCases.) ]»y F. Longueville Snow. Editor ]\[onthly Law Digest and Pei)ortcr. 12+138, 152-170 pp. Published by the Author. Printed l)y John Lovell & Son. 1.75. 50. Copyright 18!)(i. [SOT^THWOPTH (THO:\rAS).]— Annual Peport of iho Clerk of Forestry for the Province of Ontario, 1S9G. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. 2+132 pj). Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rut r. 1S9G. 70. Contains illustrations and map. Paper cover. SOT^YEXIP. — A Souvenir of the Intercolonial Railway, the popit- lar and scenic route of Canada. 86 pp. Ottawa: Government Print- ing Bureau. 1896. 1. Contains folding map and numerous illustrations. Paper cover. STATUTES. 33 SPAREOW.— The Lady of Chateau Blanc. An Historical Ro- mance. Jiy Malcolm W. Sparrow. 8+70 pp. Toronto: The Brougli Printing Co. 18'JG. 75. SPEECH. — Speech of the Hon. 11. Harcoiirt, Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, delivered on the nineteenth day of February, IS'JG, in tlie Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, on moving the House into committee of supply. 46 pp. Toronto: War- wick Bros. & Butter. 1896. 50. Paper cover. SPENCE. — The Facts of the Case: A summary of the most im- portant evidence and argument presented in tlio report oC the Koyal Commission on the Liquor Traffic. Compiled under the direction of the Dominion Alliance for the total suppression of the liquor traffic. By F. S. Spence, Secretary. 336 pp. Toronto: Xewton & Treloar. 1896. 35. With compliment? of The Domhiion Alliance. SPENDLOVE.— The Xature of Disease. By F. M. E. Spend- love, M.D. Hlustrated. 32 pp. Montreal: "Witness" Printing House. 1896. 10. 19. Series No. 1. Part I. Paper cover. STALKER.— The Life of Jesus Christ. By James Stalker, D.D. New and revised edition. 156 pp. Fleming H. Revell Company. New York. Chicago. Toronto. 50. 28. Copyri>^ht IBilC). Hand-book for Bible classes. STALKER.— The Life of St. Paul. By James Stalker, D.D. Glasgow. 6,12-149 pp. Fleming H. Revell Company. New York. Chicago. Toronto. 50. 28. Copyright IH'JG. Hand-book for Bible classes. STATUTES.— Statutes of the Province of British Columbia, passed in the session held in the fifty-nintli year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, being the second session of the seventh par- liament of British Columbia, begun and holden at Victoria on the 23rd January, and ending on the 17th April, 1896. His Honour the Honourable E. Dewdney, Lieutenant-Governor. 6+532 pp. Victoria, B.C.: Printed hj Richard Wolfcnden. 1896. 2.50. 75. STATUTES.— Statiites of the Province of Ontario passed in the session held in the fifty-ninth year of the reign of Her ]\Iajesty Queen Victoria, being the second session of the eighth legislature of On- tario, begun and holden at Toronto, on the eleventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. His Honour the Honourable George Airey Kirk]iatriok, Lieutenant- Governor. 8+658 pp. Toronto: Printed by L. K. Cameron. 1896. 1.50. G4. 8 34 TENNYSON. STATUTES.— The Statutes of Nova Scotia, passed in the fifty- ninth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, being the second session of the thirty-first General Assembly convened in tlie said Province. 10+;30G+1G ])}). Halifax, N.S.: Commissioner of Public Worlcs and Mines, Queen's Printer. 189G. 1.25. oO. STI<:VEXSOX.— (Juestions based on Public School History of Eng- land and ('anada. ]}y 1{. B. Stevenson, Baldoon, Ont. 72 pp. 15. 8. Coiiyrii^lit apjjlied lor. ST]':VEXSON.— Questions based on Public School Physiology and Teni})erance, witli the meaning of the principal terms, liy 11. 1>. Stevenson, Baldoon, Ont. 80 pp. 15. 8. STILLAYELL. — Dross, Pride and B(!auty. A plea for plainness and naturalness. By Bev. Beuben Stillwell. IG pp. Toronto: Wil- liam Brisks. 189G. 5. 29. STOCK.— The Stock Investors' Handy Pocket Book of Bates. ,By a Bank Accountant. 52 pp. Toronto: Hart & Biddell. 1896. 50. 8. Copyrif^ht 1885. Printed on one sitle of the leaf only. ST']\nrER. — Summer Tours ,by the Canadian Pacific Railway. Pishing and slionting grouiuls. East(a'n tours. Western tours, ^riscul- laneous tours. Tours to the Orient, tlu^ Tropics, the Antipodes and around the world. Tenth edition. 200 pp. Issued by Passenger TrafTie Department, Canadian Pacific Railway. Montreal. 189G. 5-1. Contain3 maps and nun:ierous illustrations, SUPPLEMENT.— Supplement a I'Antiphonaire. G03-G19, 10 pp. Montreal: C. 0. Beauchemin & Eils. 189G. 40. 59. Paper cover. No title pa<,'e. SrPPLl'"::\[ENT.— Supplement an Craduel. 503-551, 10 pp. Montri'al: C. 0. Beauchemin & Eils. 1896. 40. 59. Paper cover. No title pa<4e. SWAN. — A Stormy Voyager. By Annie S. Swan. (Mrs. Burnett- Smith.) With illustrations by R. H. Mather. 6+346 pp. Toronto, Canada: William Briggs. 1.25. 33. Copyright 1890. SWAN. — Memories of Margaret Grainger, Schoolmistress. By Annie S. Swan (^[rs. Burnett-Smith). With twelve full-page illus- trations by D. Murray Smith. 8x294 pp. Toronto, Canada: William Briggs. i.OO. 33. Copyright 1896. TENNYSON. — The Land of Napioa and other Essays in Prose and Verse. By Bertram Tennyson, Q.C. 14+164 pp. The Spectator Printiug and Publishing Co., Moosomin, N.W.T. 30. 18. Copyrifjht 1896. Paper cover. UNIVERSITIES. 35 TETU. — Ilistoire du Palais Episcopal de Quebec. Par Mgr. Henri Tetii, Prelat de la Maison de sa iSaintete. ^iU-t pp. Quebec: Lib- rairie Moutiuoreiicy-Laval. Pruueau & Kirouac. 1S9G. 50. Contains views, phius and portraits. THOMAS.— History of the Counties of Argcnteuil, Que., and Prescott, Ont., from the Earliest Settlement to the Present. By C. Thomas. GGG pp. Montreal: Printed by John Lovell & Son. 1890. 2.50. 65. Contains portraits and other illustrations THOMPSOX. — Leasehold Arbitrations. How the system of re- newal and awards results in ])raetical c-onfiseation. By Phillips Thomp- son. 24 pp. Toronto: James & AVilliams. 1890. 25. 57. THOMSON.— Walter Gibbs, the Young Boss, and other stories. A book for boys. By Edward William Thomson. 0+302 pp. To- ronto: William Briggs. 1.25. 32. Copyrif^ht 1890. Contains several plates. TOIIOXTO.— The Toronto City Directory, 1896. Vol. 20. Em- bracing an alphabetical list of all business iirms and private citizens; a classilied business directory; a miscellaneous directory — containing a large amoiuit of valuable information, and a complete street giiide. Also suburban directories of Bedford Park, Bracondale, Chester, Cole- man, Davisville, Deer Park, Doncaster, East Toronto, Eglinton, Humbcr Bay, Lanibton Mills, Little York, Mimico, Xew Toronto, X'orth Dovercourt, North Toronto, Xorway, Swansea, Todmorden, Toronto Junction and Wychwood Park. 51-1750 pp. Compiled and published by the Might Directory Company of Toronto, Ltd.: To- ronto, Ont. 1890. 0.00. 59. TOROXTO.— Toronto Public Library. Catalogue of the Books in the Circulating Library. Vol. 2. Central Public Library, corner Church and Adelaide streets. 8+310 pp. 3 890. 50. 57. TRAXSACTIOX^S.- Transactions of the Astronomical and Physi- cal Society of Toronto, for the year 1895, including sixth annual re- port. 10+182+6 pp. Toronto: Rowsell & Hutchison. 1896. 1.00. 46. Paper cover. Contains illustrations. TRUDELLE. — Charlesbourg. Melanges historiographiquos, aussi La Legende d'un Tableau hors texte. Par Joseph Trudello, de la bih- liotheque de la Legislature de la Province de Quebec. 8+256 pp. Quebec: Frs. N. Faveur. 1896. 13. TJNIVERSTTIES.— The Urdversities of Canada. Their history and organization. AYith an outline of British and American Uni- versity Systems. Appendix to the report of the Minister of Educa- tion,, 1896. 8+440 pp. Toronto: Printed by Warwick Bros. & Rutter. 1896. 28. 36 WILSON. [WADE (ITEXRY).]— Fiftieth Annual Report of the Afjricultnre and Arts Association of Ontario, 1895. Printed by order of the Legis- lative Assembly. 4+192 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Butter. 1896. 70. WALKER.— An Itinerant in the British Isles. By Rev. W. W. Walker. 20G pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 1896. 75. 28. Contains numerous illustrations. AVALKER. — By Northern Lakes. Reminiscences of Life in On- tario Mission Fields. By Rev. W. W. Walker. Illustrated. 168 pp. Toronto: William Briggs. 1896. 75. 29. AVALLACE.— Speech of Hon. X. Clarke Wallace, M.P., on the Remedial Bill, Ottawa, Tuesday, 3rd March, 1896. House of Com- mons Debates. Sixth session, seventh Parliament. 8 pp. 65. [WATSON (JOHN).]— Kate Carnegie and Those ^linisters. By Ian Maclaren. 10+358 pp. Toronto: Fleming II. Revell Company. 1896. 1.25. 29. AVATSON. — The Cure of Souls. Lyman Beecher. Lectures on Preaching at Yale University. 1896. By John AA''atson, M.A., D.D. 10+302 pp. Toronto: Fleming II. Revelf Company. 1.25. 29. Copyright 18D6. AA^ATSON.— The IMind of the iMaster. By John AA^atson, D.D. (Ian Maclaren.) 8+338 pp. Toronto: Fleming II. Revell Company. 1.25. 29. Copyright 1896. AAT.THERELL.— Later American Poems. Edited by J. E. AA'ether- ell. B.A. 16+256 pp. Toronto: The Copp, Clark Company, Limited. 1896. Paper. 35. Cloth. 50. 17. Contains numerous portraits. AAILLSON. — The Municipal Act. Consolidated, Condensed, Classi- iied. Text book for the Municipal Law School, Toronto. By Arthur L. AAlllson, B.A., Toronto, Ont. 8+132 pp. Toronto: Printed by the Carswell Co., Ltd. 1896. 1.00. 56. AA'ILSON. — Rays of Light from Bible Lands: embracing historical sketches of The Five Great Empires of Antiquity, Egypt, Nineveh, Babylon, Tyre and Persia, whose remarkable career and complete overthrow attest to the truths of sacred story. By Rev. Robert Wil- son, Ph.D. Also a graphic description of the Harvest Home in Palestine; or, Israel's national thanksgiving festival and its significa- tion. By A. L. 0. N. B. Together with a connected record of Rev. Dr. Talmage's tour to, through, and from the Holy Land. The whole forming a treasury of valuable information designed to assist the WOOLVERTON. 37 Bible reader to a better understanding of the Scriptures. SS+33 pp. St. John, X.B.: K. A. II. Morrow. 189G. 50. 37. Contains several illustrations. WIXTEE.— The Complete Church Choir Kccord. Containing (minutes) of business meetings, record of attendance of members, record of music rendered at church services, programmes of concerts, or song services given, record of cash received and paid out. In one book. Including also a short chapter each on "Hints to Choirs," and " Duties of Ollicers and Members."' 144 pp. Prepared and pub- lished by Charles A. Winter, Organizer and Secretary of the annual gathering of the united choirs of Western Ontario. Preston, Ont. (Late of Waterloo). 1.00. 79. Copyrif^ht IS'JU. WIXTLE.— The Birds of ^lontreal. By Ernest D. Wintle, " As- sociate Mendjcr of the American Ornithologists' Union." Birds ob- served in the vicinity of Montreal, Province of Quebec, Dominion of Canada, with annotations as to whether they are " Permanent Eesi- dents" or those that are found regularly throughout the year; " Winter Visitants," or those that occur only during the winter sea- son, passing north in the spring; " Transient Visitants," or those that occur only during migrations in spring and autumn; " Summer Residents," or those that are known to breed, but which depart south- ward before winter; and " Accidental Visitants," or stragglers from remote districts; giving their relative abundance as to whether they are rare, scarce, common or abundant; data of nests and eggs when found> and especially noting the s])ecies that breed in the City and Slount Royal Park; also data of migratory arrivals and departures, and other notes, all of which are deduced from original observations made during the past fifteen years. 14+283 pp. Montreal: W. Drys- dale & Co 1896. 1.25. 51. Contains map and two plates. Includes original sporting sketclies com- piled by David Denne, 1895. Frontispiece and two plates. Fish and Game Laws, 18{»6. WOODS. — Harrison Hall and its Associations, or a Historj' of the Municipal, Judicial, and Educational Interests of the Western Penin- sula. By P. S. Woods, Q.C., Junior Judge of Kent. 152 pp. Chat- ham Planet Book and Job Dept. 1896. 1.00 55. Contains portrait and view. [WOOLVERTOX (L.).]— Second Annual Report of the Fruit Experiment Stations of Ontario, under the joint control of the On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph, and the Fruit Growers' Associa- tion of Ontario, 1895. (Published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. 124 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Butter. 1896. 70. Contains numerous illustrations. 38 WORTH. [WOOLVERTON (L.).]— Twenty-Seventh Annual Report of the Fruit Growers' Association of Ontario, 1895. (Published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly. 4+138 pp. Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter. 1896. 70. WORTH. — Worth's Burlesque Ritual, includes initiation of a can- didate, opening and closing ceremony, minutes, orders of business, etc., with general instructions, written for the purpose of creating amusement at anniversaries of secret societies and for public enter- tainments, material for over two hours' solid fun. By Edward Worth, Kent Bridge, Ontario. 20 pp. 6 for 5.00. 28. Copyright 1890. TITLE INDEX. Accountants of Ontario, The Institute of Chartered Institute Adrift in the Breatccrs ^ Adrift Agriculture and Arts Association, Ontario, Fiftieth Annual Report. . .Wade Agriculture dans les ecoles, L' Agriculture Agriculture de la Province de Quebec, Ecoles d' Ecoles Agriculture, Nova Scotia, Annual Report of the Secretary for Report Agriculture, Province of Quebec, Report of Commissioners of Report Argenteuil, Que., and Prescott, Ont., History of the Counties of... Thomas Algebra, The High School Robertson Almanac, The Canadian Canadian Almanach du Peuple, L' Almanach Almanach Pour Tons Beauchamp Aluminium in Dentistry, The Use of Casgrain American Poems, Later Wetherell Annals of Niagara Kirby Annual and Encyclopiudia of Useful Information. 1896 Annual Annual and Enrvclop;odia of Useful Information. 1897 Annual Annual Reports, Dairymen and Creameries' Associations, Ontario. . Reports Annual Report, Public Institutions of Manitoba Report Annual Report of the Bureau of Industries James Annual Report of the Clerk of Forestry, Province of Ontario. . .Southworth Annual Report, Superintendent of Education, Nova Scotia Report Annual Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Nova Scotia. .Report Annual Report of the Inland Revenues of the Dominion Aliall Annual Report of the Secretary for Agriculture, Nova Scotia Report Annual Reports of the Live Stock Associations of Ontario Reports Antiphonaire, Supplement a 1' Supplement Appendix to High School Bookkeeping MacLean Arbitrations, Leasehold Thompson Archcxological Report Boyle Architect and Builder, Canadian Canadian Arithmetic Exercise Book, Cuthbert's No. 2 Cuthbert Arithmetic Exercise Book, Cuthbert's No. 3 Cuthbert Arithmetic Exercise Book, Cuthbert's No. 4 Cuthbert Arithmetic Exercise Book, Cuthbert's No. 5 Cuthbert Arithmetic, Exercises in Cuthbert Around the Camp Fire Roberts Assessors, Instructions to Instructions Assignment Act. Ontario Cassels Astronomical and Physical Society, Toronto, Transactions ....Transactions 40 TITLE INDEX. Banks and Banking Maclaren Baptism, ilow? and for Whom? Colpitis Battle of Fort George Cruikshank Beekeepers' Association for the Province of Ontario L'ouse Beliold Your God ! Grubh Bil)le, Helps to the Study of the Helps I'iible Illustrations Bible Bible Lands, Kays of Light from Wilson " Bigelow on Torts," Digest of Digest Bills, Notes and Chc(iues .Maclaren Birds of iMontreal, The Wintle Bishops of the Church of England in Canada Mockridge Blind, The True Sphere of the Robinson Bonnie Prince Charlie Henty Bookkeeping, A New Course of Study in F. T. D. Bookkeeping, Appendix to High School MacLean Books, Canadian Catalogue of Haight Boundary Controvcrsy,The Ontario Macdonell Bravest of the Brave, The Henty British Columbia, Part of the Trail Creek Mining Camp Kirk British Columbia Reports Cassidy British Columbia, Statutes of the Province of Statutes British Empire League in Canada, The British British Isles, An Itinerant in the Walker Bubastes, The Cat of Henty Bureau of Industries, Annual Report of the James Burlesque Ritual, Worth's Worth Burning of the Caroline, The Drew Business Hints Business Canada, Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of. P^irst session Acts Canada, Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of. Sixth session. .. .Acts Canada a Field for Emigration Canada Canada Company, In the Days of the Lizars Canada, Customs. List of Ports Customs Canada Customs Customs Canada, Geological Survey of. Annual Report Dawson Canada Law Journal, The O'Brien Canada Loan Companies and Building Societies Garland Canada Official Postal Guide Canada Canada, Political Appointments, Pa laments, and the Judicial Bench.. Cote Canada, Proceedings and Transactions, Royal Society of Proceedings Canada Public Accounts Canada Canada, Questions on Public School History of England and Stevenson Canada, Report of the Loan Companies and Building Societies of.. Garland Canada, Report of the Superintendent of Insurance Fitzgerald Canada, Report, Returns and Statistics Report Canada, Report, Returns and Statistics of the Inland Revenue of Joly Canada, Report, Returns and Statistics of the Inland Revenues Miall Canada, The Bishops of the Church of England in Mockridge Canada, The Six Nations Indians in Mackenzie Canada, The Universities of Universities Canada, The Western Law Times of Huggard Canada, With Wolfe in Henty Canadian Album, The Hopkins Canadian Almanac, The Canadian TITLE INDEX. 4« Canadian Architect and Builder Canadian Canadian Arcliives, Report on BryiniuT Canadian Catalogue of Books i laiwlit Canadian F.ntonioiogist, The Btthuiie Canadian Law List. The I lardy Canadian Law Times, Tlic Armour Canadien, Le Droit Civil Massicotte Canadian Magazines and Society Papers Canadian Canadian Magazine, The. Vol 6 Cooper Canadian ^L'lRazine, The. Vol. 7 .Cooper Canadian Pacific Railway, Summer Tours by the Summer Canadian Pacific. The Canadian Canadian Quarantines, Annual Report of Montiz.'imhcrt Canadian Savage Folk Maclean Canadian Summer Resort Guide Smily Canadienne, Nouvclle Lyre Nouvelle Captain Bayley's Heir IliiUy Cariboo, Overland to McXaughton Catalogue of Books, Canadian • • 1 laight Catalogue, Toronto Public Library Toronto Central Prison, Ontario, Twenty-second Annual Report upon the... Report Central Prison, Twenty-second Annual Report Chamberlain Charlesbourg Trudelle Chemistry for High Schools, Advanced Ellis Children's Aid Society of Toronto, Fifth Annual Report of the Report Chimie de la Ferme, La Chiniie Chronicles of Kartdale, The Henderson Church Choir Record, The Complete Winter Church of England in Canada, The Bishops of the Mockridge Church of Rome, The Perversion of Dr. Newman to the Chinitiuy Circuit Guide, The. Autumn Assizes Kingston Circuit Guide, The. Spring Assizes Kingston Cleg Kelly Crockett Clive in India, With I lenty College Year Book, Trinity Mackenzie Colon, Guide du Guidt' Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States Foster Commentaries on the Law of Ontario Kingsford Commerce, Nouveau Cours de F. T. D. Complete Church Choir Record, The Winter Composition Exercise Book, Elementary Lang Composition Exercise Book, First Steps in. No. i Hutton Composition Exercise Book, First Steps in. No. 2 Hutton Composition Exercise Book, First Steps in. No. 3 Hutton Composition, First .Steps in 1 1 utton Compton County, History of Channel! Consolidated Supplement No. i. to Sharp's Civil Code Sharp Constitution of the United States, Commentaries on the Foster Consultations Gratuities Roy Crown Lands of the Province of Nov a S :otia Report Crown Lands, Report of the Commissioner of Report Crown Lands. Nova Scotia, Annual Report of the Commissioner cf. .Report Culture des Fruits Moore (Cultures FourraTCres Paturages et Pelouses Plante Cure of Souls, The Watson 42 TITLE INDEX. Customs, Canada Customs Cycle of Prayer Ogden Dairymen and Creameries' Associations, Ontario, Annual Reports. .Reports Days of the Canada Company, In the Lizars Decimal, Le Systeme Metrique Grandpre Demande un Acteur, On Roy Dentistry, The Use of Aluminium in Casgrain Deuxieme Rapport du Conseil d'Hygiene de la Province de Quebec Rapport Dictionnairc de Nos Fautes Contre la Langue Franqaise Rinfret Dictionnaire Illustre, Nouveau Larousse Digest, The Ontario Smith Directory, The Toronto City Toronto Disease, The Nature of Spendlove Dominion Review, The • • . . Review Dragon and the Raven, The Henty Drames de la Vie Reelle Roman Canadien Barthe Drawing for the Use of Schools, Geometrical McLcod Dres.«, Pride and Beauty Stillwell Droit, Civil Canrdien, Le Massicotte Duflferin, Peel and York, Farmers and Business Directory for. .. .Directory Dyjan Fergus. Tisab Ting Ferguson Education, Nova Scotia, Annual Report, Superintendent of ..Report Elementary Composition Exercise Book • Lang Emigration, Canada a Field for Canada Emigration, L' Rouleau England and Canada, Questions on Public School History of. .. .Stevenson England's Aid, By Henty English, Practical Lessons in the Use of Hyde Engrais, Manuel des LaRoque Entomological Society, Ontario, Twenty-sixth Annual Report ...Saunders Entomologist, The Canadian Bcthune Etats-Unis, Les DeCelles Facts of the Case, The Spence Farmers' Institutes, Report of the Superintendent Hodson Ferme, La Chimie de la Chimie Fifth Annual Report of the Children's Aid Society of Toronto Report Fiftieth Annual Report. Agriculture and Arts Association, Ontario. . .Wade First Steps in Composition Exercise Bock. No. i Hutton First Steps in Composition Exercise Book. No. 2 Hutton First Steps in Composition Exercise Book. No. 3 Hutton Forestry, Province of Ontario, Annual Report of the Clerk of. . .Southworth Forty-first Annual Report, Public Works, New Brunswick Report Freedom's Cause, In Henty Fruits, Culture des Moore Fruit Experiment Stations of Ontario, Second Annual Report. .Wool verton Game and Fish Commissioners, Report of the, Ontario MacCallum Gems of Hope Bate General Report, Public Works of the Province of Quebec Report Geological Survey of Canada. Annual Report. 1894 Dawson Geometrical Drawing for the Use of Schools McLeod Graduel, Supplement au Supplement Grainger, Memories of Margaret Swan Grammar, A Practical English Hyde Great Commission, The Power Greece and Rome, High School History of Robertson Greek Prose Composition, Elementary Fletcher TITLE INDEX. 43 Halifax, N.S., The A. B. C. Handbook A. B. C. Harcourt, Speech of the Hon. R Speech Harrison Hall Woods Health, Province of Quebec, Second Annual Report of the Board Report Heartsease Hymns McKenzie High School Algebra, The Robertson High School Bookkeeping, Appendix to MacLean High School History of Greece and Rome Robertson High School Physical Science Merchant Historic du Palais Episcopal de Quebec Tetu Historic Banner, A Fitzfjibbon Historical Records of the New Brunswick Regiment Baxter Historique des Journaux d'Ottawa Audet Historiques. Bulletin des Recherches Bulletin History Note Book, The Student ^ Miller History of Compton County Channell History of England and Canada Stevenson History of Greece and Rome, High School Robertson History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier in 1814 Cruikshank History of the Counties of Argenteuil, Que., and Prescott, Ont. . ..Thomas History of the loth Royals and of the Royal Grenadiers Champion House of Assembly, Journal and Proceedings of the Journal Howe, Life and Times of the Hon. Joseph Fencty Hygiene de la Province dc Quebec Rapport India. With Clive in Henty Indians in Canada. The Six Nations :Mackcnzie Inland Revenues, Report, Returns and Statistics of the Miall Inland Revenues, Report, Returns and Statistics of the Joly Inspection, On Meat and ]MiIk Meat Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, The ., Institute Instructions to Assessors Instructions Insurance, Report of the Superintendent of Fitzgerald Intercolonial Railway, Canada, A Souvenir of the Souvenir Iroquois High School Ilarkness Itinerant in the British Isles, An Walker Jesus Christ, The Life of Stalker Jurisprudence, La Revue de Lorimier Kate Carnegie Watson Khan's Canticles, The Kernighan Knight of the Nets. A Barr Lady of Chateau Blanc, The Sparrow Land of Napioa; The Tennyson Landlord and Tenant in the Province of Quebec. The Law of Snow Landlord and Tenant, Manual of the Law of Kingsford L'Asile du Bon-Pasteur de Quebec Asile Later American Poems Wctherell Law of Canada, A Treatise on the Railway Abbott Law of Landlord and Tenant, Manual of the Kingsford Law Journal, The Canada O' Brien Law of Landlord and Tenant in the Province of Quebec. The Snow Law of Ontario, Commentaries on the Kingsford Law List, The Canadian Hardy Law Times of Canada, The Western Huggard Law Times Reports, The Western Huggard Law Times, The Canadian .\rmour Lawyer, Be Your Own Barristcr-at-Law Leasehold Arbitrations Thompson 44 TITLE INDEX. Lecture Courante, Livre de Livre Lee in Virginia, With Henty Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, Journals of the Journals Legislative Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick Journals Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, Journals of the. .Journals Legislative Council, Journal and Proceedings of the Journal Lcgi.-Iative Council, Nova Scotia, Official Report of Debates Report Life of Jesus Christ, The Stalker Life of St. Paul, The Stalker Lion of the North, The Henty Live Stock Associations of Ontario, Annual Reports of the Reports Loan Companies and Building Societies, Report of the Garland Lover in Homespun, A Smith Lyre Canadienne, Nouvelle Nouvelle IVlabel Gray Smith IMagazine, Alassey's Massey Magazines and Society Papers, Canadian Canadian Making Fate. Pansy Alden Manifeste Liberal, Un Bernard I\lanitoba, Acts of the Legislature of the Province of Acts IManitoba, Annual Report Public Institutions Report Mar'toba, Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Journals M anitoba School Question, Speech on the Foster IManual of the Law of Landlord and Tenant Kmgsford iManuel des Engrais LaRoque Massey. Hart Almerrin Massey jMassey's Magazine. Volume 2 Falls Master's Memorial. The Macadam Alatapedia, La Vallee de la Buies IMemories of Margaret Grainger Swan ]\Iilk Inspection, On Meat and Meat Mind of the Master. The Watson ]\lines, Financial Returns of Department of Financial Mines, Nova Scotia, Report of the Department of •. . .Report Montreal, The Birds of Wintle l^.Tunicipal Act, The Willson Murdered Millions Dowkontt Musique, Le Livre de Auj^e I^tcGill Obstetric Note Book Cameron Name and Fame, For Henty Napioa, The Land of Tennyson National Club, Constitution and By-laws of the Constitution Nature Lessons, Teacher's Manual of Brittain Nature of Disease, The Spendlove New Brunswick, Acts of the General Assemlily Acts New Brunswick, Forty-firs't Annual Report. Public Works Report New Brunswick, Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Journals New Brunswick Regiment Canadian Artillery, Historical Records. . .Baxter Niagara, Annals of Kirby Niagara Frontier in 1814. The Documentary History of Cruikshank Northern Lakes, By Walker North-West Territories, Ordinances of the Ordinances North-We.st Territories, Ready Reference Guide to Ordinances ....McCaul Nouveau Dictionnaire lilustre Larousse Nouvelle Lyre Canadienne Nouvelle Nova Scotia, Annual Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands. .Report TITLE INDEX 45 Nova Scotia, Annual Report of the Secretary for Agriculture Report Nova Scotia, Annual Report, Superintendent of Education Report Nova Scotia, Debates and Proceedings of the House of Assembly. .Debates Nova Scotia, Financial Returns of Department of Mines Financial Nova Scotia, Financial Returns of Expenditure and Revenue Financial Nova Scotia, Journal and Proceedings of the House of Assembly. . .Journal Nova Scotia, Journal and Proceedings of the Legislative Council. . .Journal Nova Scotia, Official Report of Debates, Legislative Council Report Nova Scotia, Provincial Government Crop Report. July, 1896 Chipman Nova Scotia, Provincial Government Crop Report. Nov., 1896 Chipman Nova Scotia, Report of the Department of Mines Report Nova Scotia Reports, The Russell Nova Scotia, Report on the Subsidized Railways Murphy Nova Scotia, The Statutes of Statutes Obstetric Note Book, McGill Cameron Official Report of Debates, Legislative Council, Nova Scotia Report Ontario Agricultural College, Twenty-first Annual Report of the Report Ontario, Annual Report of the Beekeepers' Association Couse Ontario, Annual Report of the Bureau of Industries for the Province. James Ontario, Annual Report of the Clerk of Forestry, Province of. ..Southworth Ontario, Annual Report of the Inspector of Registry Offices. Guthrie Ontario, Annual Reports, Dairymen and Creameries' Associations. .Reports Ontario, Annual Reports of the Live Stock Associations of Reports Ontario Assignment Act Cassels Ontario Boundary Controversy, The Macdonell Ontario, Commentaries on the Law of Kingsford Ontario Digest, The Smith Ontario, Fiftieth Annual Report, Agriculture and Arts Association. . .Wade Ontario Game and Fish Commissioners, Report of the MacCallum Ontario, Instructions to Assessors in Making the Assessments. .Instructions Ontario, Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Journals Ontario, Manual of the Law of Landlord and Tenant Kingsford Ontario, Report of Commissioner of Public Works Report Ontario, Report of the Commissioner Report Ontario, Report of the Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes ( > .... Ontario Reports, The Smith Ontario, Second Annual Report, Fruit Experiment Stations of. .Woolverton Ontario, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Institute Ontario, Third Report of Work Under the Children's Protection Act. Kelso Ontario, Twenty-eighth Annual Report of Prisons Chamberlain Ontario, Twenty-eighth Report, Prisons and Public Charities Report Ontario, Twenty-second Annual Report, Central Prison Chamberlain Ontario, Twenty-second Annual Report, Central Prison Report Ontario, Twenty-sixth Annual Report Entomological Society Saunders Ordinances of the North-West Territories Ordinances Ordinances, Ready Reference Guide to the McCaul Original and Inbred Sin Horner Ottawa, Historique des Journaux d' Audet Ouest Canadien, L'. Dugas Overland to Cariboo McNaughton Papers Relating to the Senate of the University of Toronto Papers Part of the Trail Creek Mining Camp Kirk People's Almanac, The Almanac Perversion of Dr. Newman to the Church of Rome, The Chiniquy Peuple. L'Almanach du Almanach Physiology, Questions Based on Public School Physical Science. .Merchant 46 TITLE INDEX. Pyke and Dyke, By Hcnty Pioneer Farm and the Wabigoon Country, The Pioneer Poems and Pastels Hunt Political Appointments, Parliaments, and the Judicial Bench Cote Political Pointers for the Campaign of 1S96 Political Postal Guide, Canada Official Canada Postmaster-General, Report of the Caron Poultry and Pet Stock Associations of the Province of Ontario. ... Browne Practical English Grammar, A Hyde Practical Lessons in the Use of English Hyde Prayer. Cycle of Ogden Presbyterian Church in Canada, The Acts and Proceedings of Acts Prescott, Ont., History of the Counties of Argentcuil, Que., and. .. .Thomas Primary Number-Work Cuthbert Prince Edward Island, The Acts of the General Assembly of .A-cts Prisons and Public Charities, Ontario, Twenty-eighth Report Report Prisons and Public Charities, Twenty-eighth Annual Report. . .Chamberlain Proceedings and Transactions, Royal Society of Canada Proceedings Public Accounts, Canada Canada Public Works, New Brunswick, Forty-first Annual Report Report Public Works of the Province of Quebec, General Report Report Public Works, Province of Ontario, Report of Commissioner Report Quarantines, Annual Report of the General Superintendent. . .Montizambert Quebec, Culture des Fruits -dans la Province de Moore Quebec, Ecoles d' Agriculture de la Province de Ecoles Quebec, General Report, Public Works of the Province of Report Quebec, Histoire du Palais Episcopal de Tetu Quebec, Province de. Guide du Colon Guide Quebec, Rapports Judiciaires de la Province de Mathieu Quebec, Report of Commissioner of Agriculture, Province of Report Quebec's Adirondacks Fairchild Quebec. Second Annual Reporf of the Board of Health, Province. ..Report Quebec, The Law of Lajidlord and Tenant in the Province of Snow Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park, Tenth Annual Report of the... Report Questions Based on Public School Physiology Stevenson Questions on Public School History of England and Canada Stevenson "Railway. Canada, A Souvenir of the Intercolonial Railway Souvenir Railway Law of Canada, A Treatise on the Abbott Railway. Summer Tours by the Canadian Pacific Summer Railways, Report on the Subsidized Murphy Rapports Judiciaires Revises Mathieu Rays of Light from Bible Lands v/'/?"'! Ready Reference Guide to the Ordinances McCaul Recipes, Gunn's Tested • • Gunn Reclame, La Science de la ^''^"'^'' Registry Offices, Annual Report of the Inspector Guthrie Reign of Terror, In the Henty Remarkable Narratives • • • ^^^^ " Remedial Legislation," Speech on • • • • • Muloclc Report of Commissioner of Agriculture. Provmce of Quebec Report Report of Commissioner of Public Works, Province of Ontario. .. .Report Report of the Department of Mines, Nova Scotia • • • • . .Report Report of General Superintendent of Canadian Quarantines. .Montizambert Report of the Ontario Game and Fish Commissioners MacCallum Report on the Subsidized Railways • • • Murphy Report Provincial Treasurer, on Tavern and Shop Licenses Acts ...Report TITLE INDEX. Al Report, Returns and Statistics of the Inland Revenues Joly Report, Returns and Statistics of the Inland Revenues Miall Reports, The Nova Scotia Russell Reports, The Ontario Smith Review, The Dominion Review Revue Legale, La Beauchamp Rhymes of the Kings and Queens of England Leslie Right of Conquest, By Hcnty Robertson's Landmarks of Toronto Robertson Rod and Canoe, Rifle and Snowshoe, in Quebec's Adirondacks. . Fairchild Rome, High School History of Greece and Robertson Royal Society of Canada, Proceedings and Transactions Proceedings Rural Rhymes Duncan Sabbath Binding upon the Christian Conscience? Is the Haldane Sacred Songs Sankey Saddle, Sled and Snowshoe McDougall Saguenay, Le Buies Scarboro', The Township of Boyle School j\Lanagement Millar Schools, Geometrical Drawing for the Use of McLeod Second Annual Report, Fruit Experiment Stations of Woolverton Second Annual Report of the Board of Health, Province of Quebec. Report Sermon on the Mount, The Aretas Sharp's Civil Code, Consolidated Supplement No. i. to Sharp Six Nations Indians in Canada, The Mackenzie Songs of the New World Armstrong Souvenir of the Intercolonial Railway, Canada, A Souvenir Speech of Hon. N. Clarke Wallace Wallace Speech of the Hon. R. Harcourt Speech S£_eech on " Remedial Legislation " Mulock Star Almanac of Canada, The Almana'j Statutes of Nova Scotia, The Statut js Statutes of the Province of British Columbia Stat'-.tCS Ste. Anne, La Bonne Ghyvekle Stephen, a Soldier of the Cross Kingsley St. George for England Henty Stock Investors' Handy Pocket Book of Rates, The Stock Stormy Voyager, A Swan St. Paul, The Life of Stalker Students' History Note Book. The Miller Summer Resort Guide, Canadian Sniily Summer Tours by the Canadian Pacific Railway Summer Supplement a I'Antiphonaire Supplement Swimming and Life-Saving Andrews Sword of Islam, The Hopkins Tavern and Shop Licenses Acts, Report, Provincial Treasurer Report Teachers' Manual of Nature Lessons Brittain Teeth, School Children's Adams Temiscamingue. District of, The Lake Farr Tenth Annual Report of the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park Report Third Report of Work under the Children's Protection Act Kelso Tisab Ting Ferguson Toronto City Directory, The Toronto Toronto, Fifth Annual Report of the Children's Aid Society of Report Toronto Public Library Catalogue .Toronto Toronto, Robertson's Landmarks of Robertson ^g TITLE INDEX. Toronto, Transactions, Astronomical and Physical Society. .. .Transactions Trail Creek Mining Camp, Part of t»e ; ■ • • x; •• • • • — -;^-y '^ c^^ Transactions, Astronomical and Physical Society, io'^o"^^---- .^i^ckenzie Trinity College Year Book .Robinson True Sphere of the Blind, i he Henty True to the Old Flag I'd iV^yriinritiVV Ontario ..... .Report Under Drake's Flag .• I," :'r;„:;i;;,iinn'of "the Foster United States, Commentaries on the Constitution ot ^"^ •;;;_ Universities Universities of Canada, The ••••••••■•■ l" ••,,'■■ c'''.p ^f the Papers University of Toronto, Papers Relatmg to the Senate ot tne ^y^^^ Virginia, With Lee in ......... • Mclntyre Voyage autour de ma Chambre, J-p . . . .... • ■ • • Pioneer Wabigoon Country, The Pioneer Farm and the ••••■••••• Thomson "Walter Gibbs • • Maclean Warden of the Plains, The • • isard Wayside Songs •'^•"y Vi,« Huggard Western Law Times of Canada 1 he Huggard Western Law Times Reports, ihe Henty Wolfe in Canada, With Worth W'orth's Burlesque Ritual ..Mackenzie Year Book, Trinity College • • ' Henty Young Carthaginian, The INDEX TABLE OF SIZES. Sizes in inches, ivith numbers to correspond. 1 4| X 6J 2 4 J X 7 3 5i X 3i 4 5i X 2| 5 5i x4 6 5 J X 2| 7 5 J X 4 8 5 J X 4i 9 5| X 4i 10 6 X 3f 11 6x4 12 6J X 4 13 6i X 4J 14 6J X 4i 15 6ix4i 16 6ix4J 17 6ix5 18 6| X 4 J 19 6| X 4 J 20 63 X 41 21 63 X 5 22 6f X 5 J 23 7 x4i 24 7 X 4i 25 7 x4| 26 7 x5 27 7ix4i 28 7t X 4| 29 7Jx5 30 7J X J 31 7i X 6 32 7i X 5 33 7i X oj 34 7i X 5i 35 7i X ilj 36 7f x4| 37 7| X 5J 38 7f X 5i 39 73 X 53 40 7| X 9 41 8 X 5i 42 8 X 5i 43 8 X 53 44 8J X 5 45 8J X 5| 46 8J X 5i 47 8i X 6 48 8i X 5 49 Si X 5i 50 8J X 53 51 Six 6 52 Si X 63 53 Si X 7 J 54 83x4i 55 S3 X 5i 56 83 X 53 57 83x6 58 9 X 53 59 9 X 6 60 9 J X 6 61 9i X 6i 62 9i X 6i 63 9i X 7i 64 9i X 6i 65 9ix6i 66 9i X 63 67 9i X 7i 68 9ix7i 69 93 X ej 70 , 93 X 6i 71 93 X 63 72 9|x7i 73 10 x6i 74 10 x63 75 10 x7 76 10 x7i 77 10Jx7i 78 10ix7i 79 103 x6i 80 12Jx9i 81 13 x8i 82 5i X 33 S3 8 X 43 PBBLICATIONS OF HilGHT & CO., TORONTO, ONTARIO. CANADA, Annual Canadian Catalogue of Books, 1896. By W. R. Haight. First Supplement to the Canadian Catalogue of Books (1791-1895). 60 pp. Demy 8vo, paper uncut. Toronto : 1898. Edition 500 copies $2 00 Before The Coming of The Loyalists. U. E. Series. No. 1. By C. Haight, author of " Country Life in Canada Fifty Years Ago "; " Here and There in the Home Land." 24 pp. Demy 8vo, paper uncut. Toronto : 1897. Edition 1000 copies 25 Canadian Catalogue of Books. Part L (1791-1895). By W. R. Haight. 10 + 132 pp. Demy 8vo, paper uncut. Toronto: 1896. Edition 509 copies 2 50 *' ' The Canadian Catalogue of Books,' Part I., has been issued by W. K- Haight, Toronto. It really tills ' a long-felt want,' and is a first instalment of what booksellers have been looking for— a catalogue of all Canadian editions." — Canada Bookseller and Stationer, Toronto, February, 1897. " The publications recorded make up an interesting and heterogeneous collection ranging from the relations of the Jesuit Fathers to government reports, surveys, sermons, society pamphlets, privately-printed poems, Canadian editions of well- known books, and standard works in the various fields of literature. It will be seen that the work as it now stands is far from being a complete catologue of Canadian books ; indeed, this is expressly disclaimed in the preface. It is, how- ever, a beginning toward a systematic Canadian trade bibliography, and as such deserves a cordial welcome." — The Publisherg' Weekly, October 2itli, 1896. In Preparation and to be Issued Shortly. Canadian Catalogue of Books. Part Two $2 50 Annual Canadian Catalogue of Books. 1897. Second Supplement to the Canadian Catalogue of Books 2 00 Annual Canadian Catalogue of Books. 1898. Third Supplement to the Canadian Catalogue of Books 2 00 U. E. SERIES. No. 2. Coming of The Loyalists 25 " 3. A Loyalist's Home 25 " 4. A Loyalists' Township 25 '• 5. Recollections of The American War 25 HAIGHT & CO-. TORONTO. / ,' ■i*. '^••^'' rt^^'V, J;. >' -*,.■•-. ji •■/' V V . -■■■•/'^■:r^-"''^;'" ,!-■ ' ■.'•,'' '' :.' Art -"^ ■ '. -"^ '.'■ ,7 J ,., ':■■,. • ' -.A .. 1 ' ' .. ■ ( ,1 v-v\.J:.r,cr'.6;/*-.;r "■"^■0-.. ^♦.^^ ^ ■^:'^':-.' ■/'■■■■ • f ^7 .-.^ ^' V ' ■>■*!) / T •• .';,,.-.^^>^v. * : ;; ^; '■'({. ■1^ ;■;■/■' r. /. *■*< ■(: