■^^ 5>.S^, IMAGE EVALUATIOK TEST TARGET (MT-S) ^ j?^> ^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 :^ us. 1^ 2.2 2.0 11^ U IIIIII.6 rw^'r 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation ^^•"^ <> ^v ' '^- (meaning "CON- TINUED "), or the symbol V (meaning "END "). whichever applies. Un d EXAMINED AND REFUTED BT 80AXPTURBS OF TRUTB. BV WILLIAM JACKSON, S. B. G. IIINMTBR or THE GOSPEL AT PROVIDENCE MEETIKO HOUSE, HALIFAX, N. t. " And I Stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a B^AST me up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten hornt, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upcn his ilitadt the name of BLASPHEMY."— Rev. xUi. 1. HALIFAX, N. S. FRINTED BT JAMES 8PIKE— OFFICE, fiRANTaXE-STEEBf- • 1637. K s TO THE FmST IXDEPENDKNT HAPTIST CHLRCIf, AT HALIFAX, NOVASCOTIA. Brarlv Brloved in the Lord Jesus Christ, I V. ^''O"™ ' love— and to whom I am bound in Oot- pel-bonda— grace, mercy, and peace, bo multiplied •- Jnong you, through Christ Jesus. As it is likely the following pages will not he very pleasing to many, who would rather believe what men say than hear what God aays, I choose to dedicate them to you : being confident that vou would be better satisfied with one single proof from the mrd of God, than ten thou- sand conjccturcH of wen. The onlv proper reason that can be civen, why any doctrine ought to be preached or believed. 18 it has for its foundation the *^ incorruptibU ivord of God :*' and unto this standard must all our rea- sonings be brought and tried. Controversies respecting matters of Religion may, and will, arise among Chris- tians : and as the Spirit of God. speaking in the Scrip- tures. IS the only infallible judge to whom we can appeal, both parties should come to his tribunal, and abide by hia verdict. But, there is nothing more common than for those wHd' atlvocate error to shuffle away from the decisi- on ol 5criptu!*e; respecting the disputed point, and to ap- peal fro *80i*e.^e!ife ral heads, for the purpose of workinc upon the passiobs—bcwildering the mind, and prepossea- sing the judgement ofthase who differ from them. And ijence it is, that sometiftBr patching up a System of their own ransack the whole Bible for a few texts, which af\er they have hammered; and benf, and twisted, like an iron hoop, may seem to support and hold together their hollow contrivance. . . Prejudice more frequently sways the minds of men l&an TRUTH : notwithstanding prejudice is blind, andcaii- Kl I?;] I W' RCU, in Oot- plied a- e ver/ lEN say, them to tatisficd in thou- on that chccl or rvptibU •ur rea- pecting Chris- Scrip- tippoal, ! by his lian for decisi- I to ap- orking >ossc»- And f their h aflter in iron iiollow >f men dcau- 1 DEDICATION. • # • IH. not Rtand without clinging to old tractitinnt anntim«-wor|i pyHtvniH ; or gropes (urward in contttnnt dangur of ttuiQ* bling upon i\\*i dark mountoins of error, and of failing head-long into the awful gulph beneath. VVe need not marvtl^ or wonder, then, that Lover« of the Irnih have been baniahed — imprisoned — starved — and tortured— ApoHlIcs beheaded — and the Saviour of men crucified — whili; . iipoKtora and dupos have been CQunleDancod, hon* oiired, and their names h(ild up far above the pame of Jf$m. The Christian world, ao called, ha^t become divi- ded, and subdivided, into an innumerable host of uameM, ■cctii, and parties : and each ope having their favorite opinickii formed — and strictly »idhering to their own Rules — Creedf — Canons, or ConfosHiona of Faith, in too many ii;f>tr»jice!», pay greater utiention to what their " f^affe*'' ' uny, '.hnn what tffe Scriptures say. And not- wiii. 'tui.ui.ig iitixi infiiiiid variety of opinions which have hr.ou 'urmed of- tbd vc'cd of (iod, such is tlie art, subtlety — and cuniunj^ of the Htfisl uilli flven heads, that aU w*^o r-'inot boli vc ir , s.pr/t«/ //»« Scripturet Say about PRE DESTLy.iTIO^\ For those who have long groped in the dnrkness of a dungeon to be suddenly u«>hored into the full glare of a noonday's sun, it would be more than they could bear. How, then, can it be expected for those who have hither- to been conteat to read those sulect passages, only, v/hicli seemed to favor the erroneous opinions they had formed of the ward of God, to endure such a flood of light thrown upon them at once, as muut convince every one that their deeds aro evil ? Joh. iii. 19. It is not our business to enquire, on the present occasion, Is the doctrine of iV«- (i(;9(t/iaiio)^ a rational, or irrational, doctrine ? But, Is the doctrine of Prcdeslinalion a Scriptural doctrine '/ If it is wo ought to adhere to it — and, if not we ought to ttbandon it. And as it would swell this pamphkt lur be- yond its intended size, to transcribe, at lull length, nil tiu! passages I would nish to refer you to, as bearing upon this nil-concerning subject ; I hope that every one who reads, will do it with his Ijiblp. before him, and carefully turn to every passage refered to, to see whether tjiose things be so, or not. See Joh. v. 39. Acts xvii. 11. To Predestinate, (according to Walker's Diction- ary of the English language,) is, •' To appoint hefori- MAND by IRREVERSIBLE dccvee," The word is used in Scripture to show the gracious design of God from all eternity, in appointing some certain persons, whom kc A2 :^i- ^ Tilt IlfKii IIRAO* loved in Cliriil, to b« brought by hi* rnrfnuAtm tnV^.iK inlheirtmi •ncMollow their own natural corruntione fhoae ^hom (iocj hath thu» cho.en .re Mid tobe •• P L dnUnal.', unto tho adoption of children Uy Je.u', Cbr II o h,m«elf, according to the good p)c«.ur, ofhi. will -^ •• Doing predfiltnaUd ^coord.nfl f„ the ournn.. If i -/km'' ; 7'" A|'o»tlo allribule. il.« «.l,ation of .//bol,o»,r.. tolLoir mv,r,g -b„„ rppoinud" to e «„I ••tor whom h., did /„,•.<„«,,. |.« .1.0 did p„/.'l/. Vi be con ormod lo .b« ima«c of hi. Soo. lh?t h« n.igU U tl.0 (.r...bo,n among many brechren. Moreover whom ho did ,,.al>.„„aU. .he,n he al.o catUd : .„d whom ,^ r'.«c.ouLu bo unless he Ordained it should be other;ise : and as he did NOT Ordam »t oMmvise, we must either believe that "« Orda.ned It TH.swi.e. or that all fkings are gov- M K^^t'*'"^ ^'^""^'- ^'^ ^«'"g introduced inTo the ro';^tjffi'h'^'"'' Determining'^that hs banefulXt! ahould be felt by man, does not make HIM the Author of either the cause or the effect. ^rmirJans object to this doc rme although it is so plainly revealed, by say! ing '; It niakes God to be tmright^ous, in making such a distinction between hi« creatures " But this objection contains no force, till they can provt that God utm et«i- I Of ARMIMIANtlM. ml !!r« to any of hit fillen creahiret ; tiiil irhi» o%te» it lo none, they munt th«n prove that he hap no righi to «; rt it to amj — and thnt th« feancrtion of a uomx i« eaveittial lu thn equity ol a (««)D. Had no» God a Sovereign right to creatt na many Jlnp^li aa he phaiiod ? And to cutablUh at many of them aa he aaw proper in rtn oturiial itnto of happineia ? Sco I Tim. y. 'i\. Did h© do wrong in per- tnitling other*!, who were oqjally holy and hnppy, to !all from that ctata of happineaa ; and then punish them lot falling f S«e 3 Petor ii. 4. Jude vi. God, in hia Inter- nal purpose, determined to form niilliona of nirn, and t» create thorn, in Adam who rcpreitonttd them, holy and happy — permi* their reprcacn'ative lo t ' into air — and thereby ruin nil hi« poaiority Rom. v. \^ lie. -ertainly knew man would fall ; and by hia (all ll'c .vorl.l xeould ha filled with ovila of everv kind : for nalut\yl evil ia lh« etiect of moral evil, na all evil owoa ^ origm to mii*. Why did God permit man to fall— and Una entail uooiv all hia poaterity unnumbered woea ? Ho could l.avo made him in auch a stalo, had he seen it proper, that it would have becti unpoBniblc Cor him to linvo (alien. "Oh," aay the Ariminians, '* but Adam nnd nfree'toill, and uiid to act us a rHBZ-*^gent.*' But certainly ho who knew ail Ihinj^r^ knew what use man vwuld make of hia ri{v:v.-u'iU : nnd had ho have gi von him such strongtl. of will na would infallibly havo secured his lutppineas, that could not have doprivod him of his Jree-Afremy : Cor God himsielf ia a Free-Jlirent ; though hia will ia nnchnn^eahly diterniinod to that which is good : and good or>/i/. Elect Jingeh are FRKK-Agenta — so are the souls of glorified nttinlp~-and so will both bo when time is ended : and so would our first parents have been had God have boon pleased to make them so. They might havo been ovor happy, in conse- quence of being invariably /lo/i/, ana iijeir Agency have remained /rcr. The most that the doctrine ot Pi-edealinaHcn amounts to ia simply this, That God, before whose Omni«oient eye all thinj^s past, present, and future are exposed aLd' bare, presenting one Eternal now, looking uponth»i Hu- man family as fallen, did ordain the Recovery of an in- numerable multitude of them : ^Rev. vii. 9.) while he was equally pleased to leave the rest in their ruined con- dition. Rom. ix. 18. And thus the Mercy oC God »• glorified in tho Election, Redumption, Sanctificitio'- ^% 8 THE SEVEN HEADS their ir„k-i r , Condemnation of the Vnrethrtd lor Air a/; -^ I? ; ^^'P"' "• ^O »n "'^- According to the -red ■?iir^r„s..-r,,!:.-r te^r,-:: i< nr-,yi«T- .^>j;:i«gf ^jkbbjw--^ L OF ARMfNrANrssr. is Justfcr ^ored. Tor . " But idve it la We are Vaiik »ve it to n iii. 36. ntance — gave re- • 1 Joh. )F God : d be im- ath per- . X. 14. 8 works ' It has nowingr so, Or- Rege- serve t'«»rc is >') nor > world foilow- >o Jess ndtiiat God, 3 them 3, 14. ns put t into, an.vi. from » tiiQ apart n, is 'hose are ilite& 4 I f f I i whom God ehosa from among the Nations of the earth to be his peculiar people, he calls his Elect. Isa. lxv. 9. 2*2. Such ot the Human Family as are Chosen by God, from among all nations, toEternallife and Salvattony arc call- ed •' God's Elect,*' or Chosen people. See Titus i. 1. and 1 Peter i. 4. Arminians believe in a sort of Election ; but according to their Scheme no man is Elected till he has Repented— Believed— and Relumed to God. Thus do they, blindly, put the effect for the cause, and the cause for the Effect. Making it appear that God can not Elect us, till WE have first Chosen him : and have evi- denced our choice by Repenting, Believing, and Obey- ing ; whereas the Scriptures plainly, and positively de- clare, •' We lovthim, because Ae first /ot)«(iM«." 1 Joh. iv. 19. Moreover, the Bible declares that wk have no- thing to DO in this Election : but, that it is an act of God's distlnguiihing love : See Deut. vii. 8. And that it is not on account of any jrood works either foreseen, or don© by the objects of it : but, of Divine Sovereignty. See Rom. ix. 11. 16. The *' Working Party*' say, ** Elec Hon does not take place before Conversion." The Bible says, it took place " before the foundation of the vorld.** See Eph. i. 4. and 2 Thes. ii. 13. Free-Willers say, "It is Conditional— and may be lost after it is obtained." The Scriptures declare it to be Mbsolute^ and irrevocable. Rom k. 11. and 2 Tim. ii. 19. Those on the Doma System say, ** It is general, and all are alike interested in it. But, Christ declares it is /x^rwnoi, and the num- ber definite. Matt. xx. 23. Joh. xvii. 2. It extends to some of the chief of sinners. 1 Tim. i. 16. The mean9^ are Sa.ictification and Holiness : and the End eternal glory. Eph. ii. 10. 1 Thess. v. 9. The Elect being Chosen in Christ, as their Head, are unalterably ordain- ed, and appointed to obtain Eternal life in and through him. See Rom. ix. 23. Acts xiii. 48. Rom. xi. 29. The Beast, with one of hi» Arrainian-Heads, says, " The Elect shall be saved do what they wilU* But seeing he has •• blasphemy" " on his heads,'* we need not be susprised at blasphemy coming out of his mouth. *' Ih what they will." If this expression means any thing, it certainly m3ans the I^ect can get to Heaven without either being personally Sanctified — or practically Obedi- ent. The Scripture positively declares they can never get to Heaven without both Sanctification and Obedience ; i i 10 THE SEVEN HEADS notwilhstandinff their Salvation ia n«* a j •he one or U.e%.her TnoTn both ''fo'^/'Vh''? '''••" «ecB»K ofiiUclion by which thev wlr.' • ' '?" """ ~' t'A Ordained the r Renew.l fn Ri^C'''*' '° '^'"- truo ilolino,,. Epb. i|. 10. 2 Ti™ i ,'' 'tk!""' ""I be .tout a. much good sense inV»Ti„„ The eII!,"'"'"^ who are Cho>en to Eternal l„^T ^^ " P^«»'^"'« "i ««, destined to FaUh'rd Uo „tT' nrad"rhe ''? n'"""- pa-sage. : 2 Thes. ii. ,3. i The, iv 3 T^ '^l .""-"S ' Peter i. 2 And then ■• llirTi,; Jil"^ "■ '4. All were l„., i„ MaL,' (RoJ^ ^/^t^' '"' ""™ "'' ■•• but by Chrisfe intercession and rV,:^ . jt """^ ""■«> ">. : (Joh. ,vi:. 9.) and i?i',fLB.»r "^m""' P"^ ^°' cannot be saved. Heb v i 25 r"'? T!? '?>' """ "'-'• »ak. ^A™/„„. the Father o'a ■• ^^ea.lLF'"'^"' l" according to the ^rminian Mode o/re« ' i^nt "h" ""fj have done so had Abraham have died 'ZZI' ^'JZl' .nr„ed"HmTrbe a'kr; dT"'^*''.^':''- '^"-h bS' fccreed that the Seed ol Abraham »hnj ' '' ""• land of Canaan —and X l.^.v "'^ ''°«^<'?'' ">• «< "I'l ■^""'»«u , — ana Jtimin%ans are r^^nHv »^ Iheo they ,naU have possessed it whether , hi '"^' • left Ea-ypt, or i»ot " 1,. .1.0.- A' ""*'"«' »hey ever tinned to bo sC, in the" Lan?." ,1-^ ""'«*" "^^'-^ "»" -me time, have" b:e:i!-;:i,}:^°'.tT:ndTf'r "' '"t Strange logic ! We snv Tl,. ,? °' *^ana»n r al^o tha, tboy should be brou"™,'r ''":"• ''l'l'"'"'e<» !<• that a„/see Gen xii v' R "h"; 'r*>'iPl' "^^ ^"^e" ^^. /he 4;oneme:/:Fhi?sl^:' i^T!::;^TA'.l;^7f ^^^ o . . ""^ 01 Urace in their sonU PJ,;i ; ^ a / ■I'is .s done ,vi,h the full co 'se". of .L W ,l f "p'i' makes all his DeonU tn i ^ ' ''"'■ ^^t* />o-er. Pa. ex 3 -Oh^ ''":t'''^ in the day of hU ' ^' ^''' says the uubiushing vVork- i HI OF AltMlNIANlKM. 11 on cither lat same to Eter- less and e wouJ(l iCt WILL "They yl Be- ence as »h. i. 4. 'i^, and i)at ALL unaller- liowing ii. J4. I- iii. 4. ! 8UV3c| ray for at ALL eed to and, Would e^ay, DeCcr- ihould It was s the say, ever con- t the aan f God inted Mean who 'Hied J oh. loly the i ail God '* his >rk* (( I monger, •* Then God's people are all rtierft Machines, if thev^aro made wilhnrf.** Did anj one ever ace, or hear of/a WILLING Machine ? /never did. See Isa. r.i. *i. Gen. xxi. 12. Mal.i.2. S. Gen. xxvii.33. Lev.xx.JU. HEAD III. IVhat the Scripturct Say about REPR^n^TIOJS'. A Repiiobate, is ** A Man lost to virtue, a wretch abandoned to wickedness." Walker's Die. Amonjj Melaliats this word is used to signify aTiy metal that wiM not bear the trial, or when tried, discovers itself to he adulterate, or reprobate. Thus it is said of the Wicked whom God has rejected : *' RerRODATE silver shall m( n call them, because the Lord hath rvjeded ihem :" — as useless and worthless. Jer. vi. 30. The Reprobate may glitter as though they had some silver, or good, in them: but they are not refined, and will not pass for current be- fore God. A Reprobate mind is one so hardened in, and blinded by wickedness, that it cannot distinguish between good dind evil. Rom i. 28. Isa. v. 20. REi'ROBATioN is generally understood to be an act of God, in which he a HOLY WISE INDEPENDENT aild RIGHTEOUS SOVEREIGN, Determined to pass by, and leave certain persons of man- kind, in that state of depravity, into which he, from Eter- nity, saw they would faH. Read Isa. lv. 8. 9. and xl. 13. Rom. xi. 33. 34 Job. xi. 6. 7. Matt. xx. 15. Rom. ix. 13. 15-22. Rom. iii. 10-20. Matt. xxiv. 40.41. Eph. ii.3. Job. xiii. 18. 1 Cor. iv. 7. Job. x. 26. Hos. i. 6. 9. All Mankind, by nature, are involved in one com- mon mass of corruption : and the Reprobate are those whom God Determined to abandon to the greatest evils, by not delivering them from that ruin in which all are alike involved, through the fall ; and in. withholding from them those graces which arc necessary to Eternal Hap- piness. But, it should be remembered, that God does not Reprobate Men, by making them wicked ; but, by LEAVING them IN their Wickedness s» "ersthemte remain IN that state of Reprobation into which they brought them- selves. God made them upright — They made themselves CROOKED— and, God, knowing they would do so, Deter- mined not to straighten them again : but to let them re- maii that deformed state. Eccl. vii. 2&. The Sam of (he whol« ^, God did not Elect ihem. - --^^HBHIH .,:^ iW^^^K^^^KK^^^M jwj^jfb^Hl^^^^l^^^l^^^H ■■^■^H I »^ 13 T«K lEVEN HEADS i» Jrawii from the Justice ho o^h«T ['"" ' 0"» God L.. u, look .t Z-Z" ofcur "" '""'^ °' Qucsfirii.''„«7.'r''r7,r *••" ""i. -.. We fe«rle«ly state thai C.^ "°" '" »"' •^''» ^ «ll his/J-rour^ -and indeed Z" "" ""!" ""> '«•"« of God hi., could b^'cld^a ;X"«' -fr^"" ;!,^'«" claim to it as a Debt. Job x. i n tV^"'"'''' '■/ Pbe,„er who vented the '■ 2>» W >r^/' ?old,Blaa- |;erts. .. all other A m,„,V.„^o Th«( G^""""C "' have been just had be have ■• n«...j u *""''' ""^ itiM without HIS crace «, hfi !^ ',? ^y- """^ '•" does without telli„/„' ;*°;fc:'P *' «"• ' -And Ihl, he and if Gcd was«o?t. Debtor r" ?»f »" »'""0' = How God canbe UNJUST i^L-i?^.,?* " '"" »° know, that which does „^'Ll^„;^:''^'';j'''•^['•on. an, Maa than yesterday, an ^™ J„„; ^tS' whom T*" """ nm",?4L-S™' impudently aesert^ tl.r «. n """■ ^BUGfiD to pr„«rf« Salvation fo'r him >■ Ur T' Al£ : and if aWb^'^^rf therHan" '.f ""T" •» "»' i« is plain, that Armi»"^s' ifl ° ^* 5'^'' '"«'• Thu. for the Fee-jru^^TcM^n'A ""*"■ ?'.°''* »' contendinir God. and lay him u„"31r 6». ,n""^ '" *" ^^-^"'"f n.i..ed:hef;"^l!l!;,a'-r'- ""T "fPO^-P"- tben, no weans of BrMe-cat ». '""''"'" fo' 'hem-Jave to Hell_io be e! «l. JTn.. f ^'^ ""? °'^ "•*« ^own ^n»i„.«„. .re nefer ta 3* J m.Tn'"?-|""'' y«' '^- about God's /»>./«e.l"cr«'eV-P«S"' rd""""' of Kindness : while nn* «ni„ J^ariiaiity -^and wani lallen Men-and Jtfea»°of GrL« If"""; 'f '^<*''''«' 'or Salvation of «»«aS^ M Zn! ""'''^ them-but the *oiiarfino Grace of P^/ui, 1°"? " ««««'•'<'. by the a- cause (he Eterna? Hot °5^5r"^"'" *^"'"«'- Bat be- SovEKK,o« perSe?:!^,' menTo'f ^°''' "^ « ^'ghteo,!. only te provide Salvation rZ^ /'l''. ""^ Determined arriigned at the «!« am, ^"'■' "'^ """ ""'»'»•'. be i, ii «i tne B*» ot //«//m».iJea.(.n_tried by fTornu-- and a us 00' iV }59 ni ,i creatii I bute c ^ EXER( m »t any 1 to sav of his i than li i POWE an Ek it seen Sin wi make ' the ni dence the Sii in i2a£ ^ UNJUS' right ! T bate si more t any or one w< Let IVl lett SOI Sanpt'i appeal have b use of justly ' impeni were i 11. 12 '2 Cor. Jude i f sages, that G that w 5 "nm- OP ARMINIANTSM. 13 It bj tht n : One Mercy of hi» DUB. ly Man 1 3 least of ^ff which :ould lay »ld Blaa- w," ai- lild Not and lea i this he debtor : know. nyMan 3r since as con- pD was God ia o save Thus endinjp Willof And If n Con- could \ Gon- — per- -gave down etthe »laint« wani vdiot It the he a- t be- teous 'iined he is et I and a Verdict given, *♦ Gniffy o/'INJUSTFCE." us now glance at the other Objection : his Mercy, Mercy is that esaentinl pcfcction in God, "whereby !s9 pities and relieves the distresses of his afDic ?d ,i creatures. Ps. r. 5. Tit. iii. 5. As Mercy is an At.i- 1 hute of God it must be infinite in its nature — but, in the 1' Exercise of it, it is not''lnfinite in its extent. Nor ill Jt any impeachment of His Infinite Mhncr, his forbearing to save as many souls aa ho might : any more than it is of his Omnipoieni Power, in not Creating more Worlds than he did : and surely the Arminians will not say his Power is limited ? Then why his Mercy ? There is not an Evil in the World but God might have prevented, had it seemed good in liis sight :— And because God pefr)ii//t'rf Sin with all its train of evils to enter the world — Does that make Him the Author of sm and evil ? We see, daily, the many seeming inequal distributions of (he Provi- dence of God : but because it frequently happens that the Sinner is clothed in Robes, while the Saint ^s wrapped in Rags, shall we say that the Disposer of all events is unjust ? " Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right .?" Gen. xviii. 25. The Beast with his third Head says, ** The Repro- bate shall be damned do what they can." This is saying more than what God has said t—nor is it in the power of any one of the Seven-headed fraternity, to prove that anv one was ever damned who did what they cotildio avoid it. Let Men say what they may, it is evident that God halh lett some to perish in their sins. But, What saith the ScHptures ? Read Matt. xi. 20-25. And it will plainly appear that God knet'j the inhabitants of Sodom would have been saved, had he in his Providence have made use of Effectual Means :— and, still those Means were justly withheld : and even those of Capernaum were left impenitent, notwithstanding the superior Means they were lavoured with. Read Matt, xxiii 30-32. Mark iv. 11 12. Joh. viii. 43. Joh. x. 26. and Job. xii. 37-40. 2 Cor. IV. 3. 1 Pet. ii. 8. Joh. xvii. 9. 2 Pet. ii. 12. Jude IV. 2 Thes. iii. 2. Rev. xvii. 8. Let these pas- sages, out of a multitude that might be given, suffice that God has justly left some to perish in their sins : and that without being the Author of their sins. This is what ^^rminians call '^ Deiilism ;"— still it is Bibleism ' B '■•**-— *-lllfc^. u TUK lEVEN JlfcADl IIKAD IV ^Vhal the Scviplures Say about Re nr.MPTioN, signifies " R /-.Kfi«» ^r/-' j« / -•©"•iuro ransom, ir 'r7'"^^ '^*^«"'' '^^^ the doaih of Ch I>ic. TJiere was sucf; »•/•/." Walker's oionstor World, (ill Man c n, Ji.,1 "" ""V"'* <» enter o«r the forLiddefi: ."'"]:?; " i""'' "-/"^'W. to unbar entered the worTdthiv, J In'^'"^^^^^ *"^ ^^«'^ given them admi;;nce ^ '^'^^ Vo]^ unhappy ,.a„ ,vho had mortally wounded -and left L ? 7^''""*^^"-'"""«''^^- ofthe afrdon ,L ^^"^'^"/o'^dead, amongst the "trees ♦i gf.f( en the then unhappy pair Gen iii a t withoul-bu could noT.n,„ r ^'r"« ""? ' ^"-'V «'°<"i until a voice ^a" heard "»/'"l'" ^'"'"'^ 'I'e way- Th. V • '"'~/'"""' « Ransom!'' Job A^■Jiii "i rhe Redeemer o{ Mm enauited o( Jmlice-'XVh I h^,. T""' •■; '^° '^'"'"e.nlt er'"For\.V.rj tnou w»i// save. I must fl#»mo,.,i • /• .1 . *^°^^^'^ihat /.a;,p,„o,-and El"r^ct\^X,li:-''~TZ7 '"' '^''" «a.iaficd the de.nands of 'oflfenrfi'J''r ^^'^ '""■ ■''"'^o"- 1 -i^nmr aA. OF ARMINIANIS.M, rr. TIOJV. sp ; Pur- Walkcr'n stence bc- inge]s into ' enter our L to unbar r was the gate (lew —aide hy ending iu nd Deaik 1 who had tangled — »e "trec8 i. 8. Iu kind, but 3 all the/ )on thenj. »to whicii unhappy ;4. Ana illed with rcy stood »e way — ing down xiii. i>4. ^'bat are ALL that ' — shame for iheir ms were itnessed to patri- ae Gen, ffending •oken — 3ed the » to ALL Christ wen ar« p\n in a far better state than that ot* " Devils" — who never had a ransom ; (1 Tim. ii. G ) arid no man can be lust f«>r Adam'h ain — but for his own actual transgrcsbion. And hcnco it is, that, by iiis removing Original guilt, ho may be said to have '* dud /or all :" (2 Cor. v. 14. 1.0.) and made the salvation of all Children and Idiots sure : seeing they wero not made accountable, having never known the iaW : Itom iv. 15. 1 Joh. iii 4. And thus, '^ Wc SPO Jesus who was made a little lower than tiic Antjc'iH — that he by the graf:c of God should tnstc death for every man .'*' that crfcri/ man might be put into a ne^j state of trial. Hcb. ii. 9. Christ, our Rnnnoni, having RBLEASBD a// men from the punishment due to Adam's tin, became tho '* Saviour of all men : but, RSPKCIALLY of thotc that HEL1E.VE t" for they are not only iaved from original sin, but, also, every adua/ transgree- ■ion. 1 Tim. iv. 10. Rom. v. 1. Hom. viii^, 1. And, that tiie number of those, whose actual transgressions the Ht- deemer bore in his o^vn body, (Isa. Liil. 4. 6. 1 Pet. it. 24,) was Determined from tho beginning, t4ie Scripturei leave us no room to doubt. For the Saviour aa^is, " I know whom 1 have chosen ;** (Joh. xiii. 18.) but was tho number uncertain, he could not know them ; and the most he could jt)o abla to do would be to guess atthem. j^g^in h» says, *' 1 lay dhion my life for the sheep ; And other iheep I have, which are not ot this fold ; them also I MUST bring, &c." Joh x. 15. 16. Surely rf he knew tehere they were — he cerrainly mus/know who they were: and that he could not have done had it been uncertain how mamj there were : And' wee it possible for some of those Sheep to degenerate and become Goats — it would be equally possible for the Goafs to become Sheep — and- in consequence of such' changes the number of both sheep- and goats would always bg uncertain — and the Saviour himself could never knoic that which was not certain. J?ut the Apostle, also, assures us, " The Z/ord know etii them that are his :" (2 Tim. ii. 19.) and, if so, He must certainly know who are not His : And, if who, how many of them. Read Rom. xi. 7. 8. 1 Peier ii. 8-10. Rev. xvii. 8. Ps. xxxiii. 11^ The Beast, with his fourth Jlrminian Head, raises an objection to this Doctrine, by saying, " Then, those for whose actual transgressions Christ did not lay doien his life, must be damned, let Iheiii do, or say, what they Irt THB »|..VEN l|BAD» »i;>.rnvETii i,. /.;,„ should .v„r .'tr^A / ?'/ "' '"*'""'«>• jector.to produce « .i„Vl7i?,.> '"""^ =•''''»•» Ol-- ■' da,n,ud iho did, or soli "?".'!" '" T^ »"" '"""g »>«»o thev.ny proof of anv'm.^'^^ """'^ •" "<''"'" «'.« ever brlieved wl.odid „ ' rl " '/^'•'', P™" """ »">• "Od : (Eph. ii. 8 ) and a"uor„ !!"/""* »' ' '"" f""" there is n^BELiEvmo-sr i .or, ^' "" 'V"' *»••"• • Gospel .en,e) wi^^ou. r^/ ',%:' ' IW "I?, ^"f;""^ On «»''W." Whom ohall we b. evS X ?.'',!''*'"',•, """'•^ BiDLE ? The Bible say. -A,'. *'""• °'' "•• 2 The., iii. a. Let us h^ea'r wJ.m .h "n '""•' '■""'/^i'*. " "/». •• The Son of:\„ ca Je- „''l%^?i.^rr'" ^'"'«"' for MiNv." Matt. XX. 28. Ma,\ x i tLJ"1-' ^"'r" •Imll J„,/i/j, M^«y... i,„ ^fj?'" -'' 4o. Therefore, ■' H« Mu. Lui. 11, 1 J. See Rom. viii. 30. HEAD V. mat th* Scnplurc. Say about the WILL OF MJIJi: the |i.''b;^hLr;eTw?;rrr:r """ '■^^.""^ »' our Modern Dcclaimora J^Ll ■' """S'- J^'any of F»E..„i« ^.u'aXu^,fi';,f:r,\v^''"v^'/-''r' '••• /«e and thi- other bound ■ R,., „ "T", ^:"'. the one in mind, that it is the "cry Na,'ur^„ rT,'" ?^.,r" •<" ''*" toward God, and to iJ/ unvihlr^ .t . """'^ "t" ^'ep God. For the W'iZi V! V "^ "j"' ""» •>« pleasing to does «o a^prove^" "aI rr. ""' ""Sk "'"•^'"•"' *1^» clerstandin'g^ Te Iting^i^" ::e''„^ ' ^Y^"/. .« Uu- /«/ and im awful, (s> Cor iii ,1^ T-.^ ?^ ?"" "'''• '««" to talk about an; oneVe'ng i^ ffiJtA'' '^^ "•'* "'"'"<' which is contrary to their fw^M^ , ' '"' '*'"'»»''^. that, «a/«r« ; but to Will that whi.h • "?!"'»"«•. '« of .n. man V.«-..« choose .ha. wChL ol'^^.tl^ T^ OP ARMINIANISM 17 one tt foved the t tohoaotvev everlanting thoae Ob- boing neither ho did NOT e that any ci*T from ["«, where ieving (m , " nay the ©, if they ," or the ^rf.ith,'* R himself a Ramoin re, "Ha . viii. 30. acuity of Many of bout the the one to bear )eFREE: ' for the ViLL is no step ising to a Mind or Uu- t/, /auj- absurd ', that, in their » is of GIMCE. ) MINJ*^ pn can is op- » ^ I noncrl to ? Thv-.e ifl nnthin« more natural than or thn \aUiral man to follow hii FRKn-wii.t. : And .o bent ih i,., upon having hit own uii.l. that whatever oppose, mii ,ri// ho looksi upon as /.is enemy. And hence it ih, Ho rcsi.t«the Holy Spirit, (Act, v.i. 51.) ^^o.e ofBco .t h to convince of .in : (John xvi. B.) «bake. ofToonviction. (Act« XKiv. ^25.) and rojoctstho /i/e that i« offered him by the Snviour. becauBO it i« a Sinritual life : and remain* in a state of /icai/i, because he will ii"f come unto l.hrut for i.iKr.. John v. 40. There is not a thing belonging to O.ace to which corrupt Nature is not opposed : and therefore, the J^ainml man trt/fincr/y patch.-s up^^».< ol.l ra.rs, rnlhor than wear Grace's Robes. Kom. \. .^ ° When we talk to the unrenewed man about the im- pnted, and imparled Righteousness o^* Christ, he .mme- diately cries out, " What good thing shall I i)( . that f mriy have eternal life." Matt. xi.x. 16. l*«-"-»"g '7^^) •. that the old Covenant of Works made with our old tnthei Adam, is interwoven iu our very no/ure : and thui there never was, can, or wHl, be one found whocamrto Ch nnt till a stronger than they drew (not dragged) them o h m Soo John vi. 41. - So then," ^ay the ^even-headcd Party, " You moan to say, that Man can neither VVir.r. nor Da !" Wo mofin to say no such thmgs ' ;'»f;^^*» will say. The will of man is opposed to the wdl ol Ijoci. and is only free to whatever is sinful, while unrenewed ; and he wills r ..thcr to be a 8/(U'. of the Devi , than h servant of God : (John viii. 44. 2 Tim. ii. 26 ) nor can his WILL ever be frf.i: to do good till Christ makes it ^m. John viii. 36. We say, also. That man was ' ^^orn .n sin, and shapenin um/ua?/," and while in astute of JV«/mc is neither capable of milin^ or i^auiff that which God rr- quires. See Ps. Li. o. (3. Job xiv. 4 Job xxv. 4. All Men are flesh : (Isa. Lviii. 7.) All flesh is corrupted (Gen. vi. 12.) And Our Lord assures us. - That whuli g born ortho flesh is flesh : (John iii. 6.) and the word of God declares, " They that are in the flesh cannot pleas« God." Rom. viii, 8. Tlut, surely, it they could wiir, and no that which was good, God would be pic ised with them. Acts x. 35. How can a Man please God by chmo; that which he Jcnotvs less of than the Ox does of his ^.ns^- ter's crib .? Isa. i. 3. How can he wdl what he does nn understand ? Rom. iii. 11. •^''''»»"jf««,;^'' V-^, ' 'll['^f' - AU men are Conscionabk beings." The Bible telle u:^; 132 t h 18 Tm tEVK?f Ht^u, the confciVncr ofihn \'rii..,-i ft -v. and CMNNOT c" ,"e I ?' 7*"" ''.7 •'» "•" "f A"'-l4 Jer. iv. 22. Thev'i.n ' '""■^/*"^* "'»"» but il is (o £)0 tlicy arc „ Picluro of iho V--„;„/ ' " *^"'''","' Kivc. u* an owlyl " Tho Lord Jookcd dow„ from h" "'" '"""""'« "o^J-. of men, to .eo i( ihor, wor„ ''"V",''l'»n "'« ohildrw -eok God." And who! 1. V."' "'?'.'"'' "'•01;. I'H oooD, ^-„ .. N,.V<,„..' . ,'>^ ,.^,''r, '=1 «•". '•'« othrr. i-l.nd wore o„c„^„r' :»''="," '>> nature thj, ".Lc nor ro„ .\ to »och „?.*"'' ° ""J. '"»' "cither ■'Then they „,„„„„ ^W-.ToS.'" ''«";-^7'""». -ll. A^d eonsAquently, their Wii.i. it curtd of it* forinor ultcr iti. Ability to wii.i. that which m uoon : and a fivod Mvcriion ii wrought in their Will to that which la i.vil. J i'or v. 17. Ks'try Regenerate mail haa a ntw »^)irU rvr wiihin> him ! (Kxek xxivi. ^G.) and that tpirU la cunniootty luating, or atriving, againat the /^t/i - (Gal. v. 17. 1U«) 8o that a conatant war la carried on agninal kitt, by ihoae whoiiu wii 1. 14 renewed. 'I'iio Kentnul man baa a rvnewed Wii.i. which ia in diri?ct conformity to the wtll of Clud • and hence, he ia tciUinff for Uud to cUoote for hiin : (Pa. xtvii 4.) and having God'a hwi put, into hia rrntiriii mind, and writtaii upon hta n.u heart, (Hcb. viii 10.) to regulate hiewti.Lby, it inaltea him to deny biioN«lf, niid denire nothing ao much as to pleare (iod. Hear ihiu language of one whoie Wii.f. ia reneieed : in the follow- tug paaBogos> 3 Bfim. .xxui- ^> Pa. Lxxtii. '^d. Pa. Lxxxiv. I. '2. Pa. ci 3. Phil. iU. 8. Pa. cxix. C3. Phil. iii. 20. 1 Cor. viii. 13. Hab. iii 17-19. I Cor. v. 1. Pa. xxiii. 4. Phil. i. iii. Horn. via. IG-IB. HEAD VI. What the Scripturci Say abcui PERFECT/OX PiRriiCTio?^, ia, '* The nfale of being perfect ; — atlrihute of God.'' Walker's Die. Wo maintain tlu> Doctrine of r#fii/, but Deny that of PinrECT, Samttfica- t ion on liarth t because ncilhor the word of God, nor tli.e Oiiperience of any, who evor know the plague of their own heart, can support it, Notwithatandin;'. we hazard a great deal in saying no ; for there are many belonging to the Beaal that has on hi.s hcudn " the name of IJlau- FiiEMf ," who are ever ready to thrust in ibcir " TUf HORNS," and unmercifully ^orc ail who do not defend the unscriptural Doctrino oi Sin legs Veijection, That whidi i» perfect wants nothing. Deut. xxv. 15. God is abso- lutely perfect : and our Saviour exhorts us, " Be yn therefore perfect, even ui your Father which is in UtavtH if i»KRFECT." But, What are we cxh*orted to be perfect in ^ Let the Saviour explain himcelf. Read trom the 43 verso to the end of tho 5th chapter of Matthew^ and it will appear plain, that wo are to ho perfect in forgiving injuriea — entertaining strangers — aud doing good to our enemies. Our Lord gives a similar cxlK)rtatioi), in Luke I I 90 tm isvRiv riR^Dt " Nunh wi, n jiiit man fitni ppEnrirv •»• /r* . •' ) out It \VB% " in 111^ , . f'inrtrr , fUon \t nipiad In, w,y.'f V'er II |> //' ""''•"/'•* li« ' , i. i i * *• "'• B"'. ■•".» •' Or. Wo^lSi t „.,. t^ ■r-."'::" !.'? ■'^'"- and, that hi« „,.X/ .?„ 'i.^- ",''' ''"*'= ''<'«" the case ; '•=■ Tl'«Apos(lol'„u Uav, .°[v'» '?""■ '^'<"" "«'• -..0 .,„ i„,„ur;i i .hoi^rir/'fTi' :'''"'^' ^^^^ " evident from what (idlow, v'fL Cl.nshanity, as '!•"« io ihe pa/ecl or w.ll ^".^ '"f '"we that was „-i,- n.au , oi ihos« wlio wore u.iiustructed iu J ■L. jhfc. 1 4l.f, CVf I it iiH iiotr (Hon. VI. »ny, when ' tor then it tind cor- ■ Whoii •"oqiiired nnrity ; thoH ;*#r- i rl told Vifig MIC that ho But. Ti Sin- lis ain- casc ; ten ap- III ver. amon<' e vvtif) 7, as 'if.?s to ed in or ARMINIANItlC. rhri*tiimity. I Cor. ii. ^-16. Thn iftine Apo«tle, mil f. id letter to the «am« poopln ■■yN. " at ptrject •nd telM tUc r. bow h« wiih«d» even their fmr.CTiop;. Read the cha|iter, ('i Or. 13.) and ^ ju witt reftdiiy per- eeivn the Apt3 have to throw away tho r" ' 30 THE SEVKN HEADS '/enlh chapter of Romans, by ""blusl.inslj' J«f»""f; ihat " The Aposllo doo8 not mean what ho »a;,» . B«" ,ha 'he i« writine tho nxporienooof ,«.ne other j^T, wha he Uporienoe.1 himself Ae/are h.s (^"^'\-'""l',l]Z. it muMt appear evident to every one who is not •■■""•ecr V h goted' .hat tho writer is, n». only spenk.ng of A «- «V but of his THf-N pynmt e!iper.encfl. R^O'V, ^^^^l^' f e : .he awful length To which '"-« S?- ,-'^" „ts ^e to contraa.cc the opinions they h.ve formed. j\l«*^^;^.^ Lot us Hve to God-die to 8i«w-hang aU our weigni on Chfidt— and hope for glor/. HEAD VII. Wkai the Scriplure. Say about th.FimL PERSEVE^ JiXCE OF THK Saints. TheMaJ, or r.NM. fall of the ««'"»■? f-™t'!l'ot / «^^.^ WphoUevc Is ncona«tent\viHj the U.N ciia.no E lfr,:».,'The'»x;;^the,,«,.-«. t.. w»'--/-: po«.-p.-<.«"«»-«.'«n«»(-a"'l "AT. of Go... W o be Lve, aUo, that Christ is hk.r of cH '''"'f»' (S^.^Jt^ and that .V..L fcc(.e«e,-5. or Sa«,ls «« /"f;""" "f,;;, . . /!-» ••• 1 -v \ ««^;,';-S,'j,',tl io f thrsVui pottage that was oftoied. But as ^^"^ ^^'JJT .x,^. wherever L Aix the work of God, wc are ;^«"^f "^^^.^V 7"'7, he heginn tho work he will complete It. P»^^»- »• ^j ^"'^ Armintans sav «' Not so. For a man may be a Joint- r Jge^"r "™i-.>'e"y - t^ support this .onu. s,s. r;-.^Liii"rr '^^^;^^^^ «- - riiihteoumcss there spoUen ot, is no. "'" 'J,. , . of God (Rom i n.) hutoftheZ,a.«, or as t"'d there Tl„ t reateni,..' is .nade to one who /.««/».« h.s own WyAJorr and takes a licence froiu H.s nght.om no- fcAJSfW" -U'"'"""! OF ARMlNlANlftM. \ '^^-^ Scripture : (Rom. v. 7_) in » /^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^h.le he may be destitute ot ever^ , „„,„p„„rf dotnpi, Scriptures say on »his Head. r- j^eous sjui i ho"'* "The ScKifTURKs say, ' »* "^ en. . „f ,he a«his way ;" (Job xv... ^ •"1 '''"';,sct rf«v .'■ (P'o». J„.. shines more. NO ™o.:c unto the^^^^^^^ ^^-^^_^ .„„ iv. 18.) a-'-l^l'" ..The Lord is round about his people (Prov. x.'iJ.) and ' °L .. p« cxxv 2. The Lord Kom henceforth «»*»^"«^ ^Tbelning (i^«- ".vi. 10.) •has declared the end f'^'^j^,!,, foZt and thehills shall reoyrUealnsa^l ,-.0 N"' ^^'^f-.TdVs" Udepartout^oUhe,rm^^^^^^^^ ^;';.'°nei!her shaU Me, depart Irom ^*- ,■'- j"-; ,!„aH3dece.ved : (MaU.xxv^-4^^^^^ Luke xxii. 3^1, od for them that their taitn ? ^,,i„ . ,„d The s.v.so «--k»/„«f°f has it i7him as a „ :e/( spring- whoever once " the Comforler siuu. Johnxm. 1. 1"°,, ,' /'ornBivF.n : and becamt hx Mdc with them that arc ''«J J J^ ,g ,3 Uc telU «„„ they sH*t^ .-;'- ^»':, g,,,,.. ,„e ; „„. >.^i. THE srVEN HEADS, kc NONE of them is lost : rmd wti.ls that they be with M in glory. John xvii. 12. '20. 24. The Apostle says, "Aa many as were oudainkd to eternal life believed.'''' Acta xiii. 48. How could thoy fall short of that which they were ordained ♦o f" Grace reigns through righteousness unto Eternal life. Rom. v. 21. How can that be, if it ends in timef *' Whom he justijind — them ho also f/lori- Jicd. Horn. viii. 29-39. How could thoy /^crisA and be t/ lor ified too ^ The Saints are said to be, " Vessels of mercii — prepared unto (jlory.*' Rom. i.\. 23, Will not ho who PREPARED thcui unto glory, lead them to (/lory ? It is said, that (Jhrist shall confirm them unto the end. 1 Cor. I. 8. 9. Their holding out to the end, does not de- pend on ^/iiCiV faithfulness, but, onihc fuit/ifulness of Gou, who will take good care that no temptation shall be too great for them. See 1 Cor. x. 13 For the want ol room, 1 shall now be able only to refer you to a feir more, out of the multitude of passages, and which I hope you will attenavoiy read. See 2 Cor. iii. 3. Gal.ii. 20. Zph. i. 13. J 4. Eph. iv. 30. Phil. i. G. and ii. 13. Col. iii. 3. 4. 1 Thes. V. 8. 9. 24. 2 Thes. iii. 3. 2 Tim. ii. 19. Titus ii 14. Heb. vi. 17-19. and vii. 25. 1 Pet. i 5. and ii. 9. 24. 25. Read 1 John ii 19. and iii. 9. 10. Rev. xix. 9. Let us now hear the Sum of the whole Matter : "All things are of God." 2 Cor. v. 18. God is the Air- THOR of every good : and the Wise Plr31itter ot evert/ TAIL. And a Being possessing, (as he does) Infinite Wisdom, can make no mistake ; but mu'='t discern all Consequences ; infinite Powe) can prevent whatever he pleases : while Infinite Goodness must will that which is UEST. The question, then, is, Is this doctrine of Pre- destination scripiurcdhj true ? and not, What are the difaculties connected with the doctrine ^ And whoever takes upon him to bring the legislation of his Creator to the bar of his own understanding, should first be able to measure the length of his etcrmlij, the breadth of hisiw- mtusity, the height of his wisdvni, and the de|)th of his iiECREEs. The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you ail. — Amen. sy he WITH lostle Bays, I'c'f/." Acts vhicb they hteousneas ml bo, ifit ALSO fflori- risk and be * Vessels of Will not ho glory ? It the END. 1 oes not clo- ess of God, hall be too nt ol room, more, out pe you will Zph. i. 13. iii. 3. 4. 1 d. Titus ii unci ii. 9. V. xix, 9. e Matter : ' is the Au- ER of every b) Infinite discern ail hatever he that which ine of PiiE- hat arc the id whoever Creator to be able to I) ot' his im- lcj)th ofhig ist be with ^A#'