i. • CIHM Microfiche Series (lUionographs) » .w. ICMH Collection de/ micFOfiches (monographies) ■" -git ■. , ■ ■; -*' 1:- : . ■ i' Canadian Institut* for Htotorical Microrapfoduetidns /Inttifut Canadian da niicroraproductiona Itistoriquaa y -T ■V ■•■/■■- V'^X. TMiniaal mhI WI|>MoriiiiM* Hvm I Hvm MdmNiyM ft MMioriPHiqtMt TIM Imtltyt* hM ammptMl to obtain th* b«t orififMl . copy aVaiWMy for filmini. FoaturM of this copy whidi may Iw MMiofriphteaHy uni9u«, ««liidi iMv altw any of tiM imafH io ttM raprodnetion, or wrlikli may , ilfnif icantly ehanfa tlia wual itiatlMd of f ibnint, art cihacfcio oaloWa □ Colourad eo«tra/ Co«nNirtur»(la eotilaiir □ Covart damafid/ Couvartiun □ Covart mtorad and/or laminatid/ CoMvartiira«Mtaur4a at/oM patlkitMa P~~| Co««r titia mitskif/ a U titra da eouvartura maM|ua Colourad mapa/ Cartas gtographiquat an aouldur □ GokMirad ink lia. otiiar than Mua or Mask)/ . Encra da eouiaMf (i.a. aM«« qua Maua ou noiraK □ Colou'rad platH and/or illuttratiom/ JPIandiai at/ou illuiUatiom an co^kHir Bound with othar matarial/ Raliil avac d'nitraf dbewmanti "** □ Tight binding may eauM ahadowi or dittiHtion alons intarior margin/ La raliura tarrto paut cautar da I'ombra ou da la diitorsion ki long da la marga intiriaurt D Bfapnk laavat addad during JIntoratiofi imay appaab within tha taxt. Whanavar poMiMa. thaat hava > baan omittad from filming/ II ta paut qua cartakia* pagat Manchat ajoutias lOft d'una rastauratton apparaissant itartt It taxta, mait, Iprsqua cala 4tait ponibla. cas pages n'ont pas M filmdaa. : ^v ./;.:;',';' -, .; * D Additional commanto:7 ^ T Commantairas suppltmantairas: This itam is filrnad at tha raduetion ratio chaekjid bahiw/ Ca docuniant ast f ibn4 au taux da rMuctibn indiqui ci-dastqus. 12X 1CX »x L'Institut a mierofilmA hrmailisur axamplairt qu'Tl lui a *t* potsiMa da sa p^bcurar. Las d*uils da cat- axamplaka qui sont paut4tr* uniquas du point da »ua ' blbUographiqua, qui pauvant modifier wm knaga raproduita. ou qui iMuvant axigar.urta mo«tification dans la mMioda normala da fiknaga sent indk i ui s ci-dassous. ■«, '/■ .; /■ ■ ' -'■■,■'■ ■■■■■■"■*. □ Colourad pagasA HugM da coulaur PBgas damagMv Q □ Pagas rastorad and/or IfMikiatad/ I ■ i ■ - 'v ■ :■'.»"■ ■ ..■■■'' Lat cartat, plan^hat, t^bltauK, ato., pduvant itra . fiim*t A^at taux da rOduotion diffArantt. - — Lortqua la documant aat trap grand pour Atra raprodiiit an un taul cliohA, il att fiim4 A partir. da t'angia tupAriaur gauoha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an bat, 9n pranant ia nombra • d'lmtgtt nAcattalra. Lat diagrammaa tuivanta lliuttrant la mAthodo. " , ~1--'^ ''^1 6 "V jAMMM^aonncHMTN* » A >^PR-I^M<3E Ine ^•S* lQ»l y^n SrM< (>i<)<»-(uoo-nim (nt)m-Hif -ra. I i i ST PATRICK'S DAY SOUVHNlRi •/ ■ . . COMMEMORATING . . / r The GenMlal ot l>ti6 lri§l] TH 1798.1 8 ! STbRY OF IRELRND'S^qfkERT StRUGQLES. | TIIK pnwmiit year will uitnnui in Inlniul* uiniiun wMirittion, lliat <>( lli« cl (ii-ffiit'.Mul llwrBiii liPHlhii ►JiiKn'in'lv "I' III'" li'inli colnliration; f'lr tliB niKM wlu> f«c«(l Hriti»l) bihI Hph hUii Imyoiietn » century «,%» wirn vi«nquiih*'( "f •I" r»'<", liml W\r'ii IjliMiJ miil liyitiii'ntnKiumlN m^h-m/ tlioHH «iicrn Hlf tinui an<) the lieiiiKii ;(rowt|i of civili'iatioii rancor» liiive lieen eradicali-d and rijIiU ?xtcniley| lM>th sidoH to (tie Ntruggle. It w ngt an e»Hy matter tii exaiiii;l»i into the eauseH lliat ■ led to the convulsion of "J» and ifiake them clear to tlie non-sltt'dent of. Irish hl»tory,/for unfortunately lUiiV hitlory, - ha» to deal » i^i the/Sreal eviln of internatioiml relationn- radical and i'e1igj»/iM animositieH: Irivh liiktory .at lickt IM a tragedy i-jjJW long niglitmare of mirnw and of horror— and infused into il is ii whole cataloguit <>f crime, pecitecution, pn»ecution, injUHtice, corruption, nili^ loidation, chicanery and murder, it lias, too, niany )i gliuipse of the nolilest heroi«in di»iiit«'rpnted patriot inui and tiw most ennolilinf; sejtsacriftc^. All ihette'feHand virtuen are the warp aiiif A>qof of the HUiiy of Irefi^wland of I7!l'<. lliey 'no much ai lireallie there uiiltuut lli*< (Mifiiiiyan(.'e itf the goveriiiiiPirJ " /^ The ouUireak of the Ifnincli revoluiii»n put a ttoiiiewhat ditlHrent/compli'xioil on lhiiig'4, 'I'lmt VMinderful demtwra tic criiption tlin^noilH frnKiiii'iimkn eVrry diri'dlnn iiiid tlio HVuilalifiii of Kuropi*. r*»iiliiiciitariiitd tiiiiiliii. totlcrrd on itH Jflirone. AnHhe nuolulioii pn»)jre>*^ed and the pt^inci pteit of lllK-rly, fraternily »nd eiiualily U'caini' more di'^cuM ltd and more appreciiitrd. naturally llieir i'cIhh'n .rciii'lied Ireland, then parliap^ the iiio->t hi^otetl ami iitloleraitl Ita ' lion of pi'ople on the fare of the earth. I'he CatliolicH were ill I'haiiis and (lie farliamenl. the pui'c'liaited tiMil of Kliuiaiid, na«' the jaler Aptly iiidi't'dy did •loliii I'liilpet t.ul%ltn, in itiMri'K'tinK iiiemliern of this •»« IRELAND BEFORE 1798. ^\ tliiri- aneiiili revululioii, the ta-k miulil Im> ea-y in cruMiilia the uniwiiig tpirit hI .iml)onali>!m ill I ri'laiid and holding the country ill political and ronimer rial siihiiiiHHitin. . ' A,rcordingly, III I7'[-, a relief iiieaHure for the I 'iit holies UH>< intriKlureil in the lri^h I'arliitiiient in liolilili * Today ill aii\' land Under the nuii, iti proviiioiiH would Is* regardeil an lin insuli Ky llione »hiiiii il 'l, and »o fearful were they ihiil they miuht lie reijarded Irt their I'lolenlniit rulers an deiiuiiidin|{ their full (lolitieal iiild civil riglittClhat they drew up resolutionn di'dahiiiiig '^Kinliniited mid total eMtancfpation." They only advanrfd •ijour claims; "AdinisKimi to prartite law. tn serve in iiiunty niagistracii^s: the right to serve on juries, and . the right to vote ill counties for IN'otestaiit meiiilnTs of Parliament alone. t >f coursiM he resolution of the Calholi.cs wen* ignored. 'I'lie relii'f hill, however, passed and its nature » ill in a moment. Is- iiifernsl liy the reader Meanwhile the principles of demiH'rai-y and nalioiialisiii '. were taking r^oiit, and what \\as of far iiioi-i' i*ii|iHe4)uence to (he Irish the Krencl^ Vepiililic ilei'lariKl ».u' against; Kngland.. I Kiiglaud was llieii l\vi !(i^af advocate of the divine right of kin^fi to rule. It matters not that the Knixlislif ' nation cut iilf f he head of tJhfti'les I ; no ol lii>r nation \\ as to . hiivn an .e<|ual privilege. ' and naturally when Kngland as the sponsor of kings lieiuime involved tii the continental stru{{g|e il w as purely a matter of prudnnce to Ih' at peace at home liefore eiiga^fiiig in war abroad. And thus intme diately following the French declaration of war a further, liieoHure of Catholic relief was intrisluced in the Irisli Parliament. TIIK IUI?M PAIILJAMENT And liere it may be said, parenthetically, that the^Hsh' Parliament was a fraud. Inlhe.first place the Catholics the majority haii no representation Secondly, the Parliament could nnlq fraliie the heads of billn ]f the ' lord lieutenant disapproved these, the hills were deail; if tence whatever. As late as I T-'i.** the head of the Irish jects; but they were only tleir jailers and the justice of he approve« iiii»l i|iirr|irlnH-nl iitiv* ftiHl III* mini eiirrHpl tlmt lliv liiaUiry hiw r»cfinl«i. TliD ari'iin)) iDMiMurf of rwlicf, liot<»««r, pwntHl It liwl III |W«; If'ir It witii • a'lViHHxnt iii*iwiirr. unil tli« |(iiv»rii, Hwni, wli<-(li*r llin>ui|li lirlliliiii uf nwvX^mtt viiln for I'ni Imtiinl iiiuiiii'ipi|il olljrvra aloiDiip^riiiiU llirmlo Y^»»^f^ arni^ |irii>iiMi tlir* liavf II certain frrrliuiil ami pnrMiiial Mlati-, ami, iiritlwr of whieli I'liniliiinii ap|jlir>l ^ I'nitMtantiii aliiwa tlixni lo nrrvii on jurlcn. Iiut not ■itj/w |>arl>li. vaal rim. anil ailinila Ihrm Ui liulil niilKarv and nav)t I'lHiniilaiilon-. Ilir lifulipr iiiradrii mcrptnl ^ and It null ' jri'M llix mrrciiD) of niiuit of lliw iikm privllruAa In tli« takinn of a iiii»t iniullinu hhVI liuiiiillalinK oalli." TliK n■••n^ut>■, iVHliit'tnl aH It hmuUI l« loday Oonaidx" rril. wan a viuiHlrrful iidvauri' In tolrrntion wonderful in lirW of thin mllutof llm |i<>iia( lawn : " No papjiil nhall lir i'apalil« to liavit or LWp in liii puMiriiiiioii or in'XhdfiM amwloii of aiiv ollior to lilii uw, or at Ida 'di»|Nmition any ' lionu-. iMarn or K»ldlak to offrr Ilia C^lluillt' nri^liliur llin Muin ui *iTt ■ if llm ('atlioliG had jillorMi Worth rvrn ^1.1)00 Iik had to aurrrndvr it aAd (iiiKlit conniilrr hiniarlf luckv if hn didn't liavn In forftit ilia lilwrly or liia lifn at thn annia timr , 'I'liK iii«a»uri>; liowtitrr, I'allril forth liy llm l''r«nch ntvo iution ^avi- li'Kal •■■iaIiincH lo ("Mholica. Ilithrrto llirv eajntnl liy lolxrntion ; niiw thr> atixKluniiin lh« pale of thh law Hul>,j«cl to ita pi^naltii*a lluiunh to a |{rmt drunt ««dudr''■• ko •liriilly, upon ihean thini,'H, if noCalrradv apparent lo llix rradxr. nill iH'inadx Bvlilxnt II lilllx liitrr , ■ CROWTM lOF DEMOCRACY lnllufii<'>-N Ml'lh)- IP'rfiicli liovdliilloii on n Orlalii niiHK of Irlaliineii Meanliiii)*, ai nlrrafly cniil, a nnliohnl apirit waa aprinK ing up ill li-riand. 'I]he •■dmra of tim Krrncli revolution. I|i*ari|ii*( ilgiita, vitril, f»ii|||<'il>le and iiietl)i(l)le I he eruption of i;ii.- XAI'J'KH TANDY, due iif lll•>^> xllii Jlitnl UKIfr f..ili' in r>l.ilill-lilli|; lli« .inltain a «aiinpletn reform in the ).e|{islature, founded on llm prinuiplea of civil, politivnl and religioua lilierty." The firnt hi diaiinion. It wpuld not do to have the Prealiy teriaii of the norih and tIm Catholic join hand>. anil it wiia intolerable to aupptme tlmt a iiienj^lier of the Kataliliah- ed Cliurclf i-liould aid theae in lliei^ aapirnliona. Acoor dingly the convention net of IT'.*'.',- alwolutely forliiddiiig aaaemliliea to which duly accredited tfelegatea were erected .,or appoinlril, wa» paaaeil. It mny lie newa to many, hpt it ia a fact that the Aral legiil convention liehl in Irefand afterward waa the Du liiin convention of the Irish National T^nd I«r);ue on i^iieptemlier I'l, IH,-*!. Thus ifor .'rr w ait executeil for thin offenae at Oarrickfergua,* county Antrim, aUliou}{li it was morally certain tlien and . positively proven- afterward that he waa innocent. ~ The rniika of the United Irishmen^ however, ^rew. Ca- tholica joined them in large numbera for the reaaim that the relief ineaaure in their behalf ' waa ijjnored by the as- cendant party. Their bishopH and priesta opposed the so- ciety with all Uieirenergy. many of them .going to the ex- treme of denying abi^olution to the t'atholic who. was a "T«» IIKI.I. OR C«»V.NAl.'«llir." Meantime. Iiorrllile pr^ecul inna hail lirokrii out In ilia* north of Ireland aK«inal the t'alhohva The Ontn^a Ht> cialy HM orVlv^ tlieie and wilhtii one tnu* In Ihe county of A^/tmnifU 7,0)10 CallHiliiia m»nt driten fnim Ihalr Immaai "III hell or UoAnaughl " ThU ia llw mtmlier a* ||l^«ii liy the authonliea, Mllcli^ll, (f'l'oiinoi. Kinmtt and Mo Neven, lhahl that It »aa a perarculion conmivrd III the hitterneaa of bigotry. I'linird on with tlie moat fenwioua harlairily, liy a iMnditii, who bring of tha religion of the atata ImiI committed villi the ureateat audacity anil ninfldence Ihe iiitMt horrid lAunlet*, and had pn^redml from roliliery and murder III eatrrminalion li'ilially l|.e luagiitralea Ihemaelvea went forced lo r«cng- niuracrful ooctirnnoea. the go vernmeni intrialuced iwn mriiauiea of far reaching coiiae (j'ueiicea. One made the ailminiatration of unlawful oatha Ji crime puniahahle wiih death : the other waa to initenihify magiatratea fnini iiiiy exceaa of llm form and rulea of law Aptly did Oralian remaik that 'llie Utter " divldeil the conntry into two olaaaes : one coii>lal The infanuras becaniH law. Un tlieir merita itioiia tlH>v would have fuiiiiahed-aulhcieRt provocation for the upria- ing which three yeara later came : hut aa it waa, an upria ing had alreiidy lieen determinetl on. Tim conventhin act of I Tti'J virtuitlly forced the United Irixhiiien into revo- lution ; the act nf -I iJi'i only Jiaatened I he iaaue. TIIK I'RKNCII KXl'KDITloN. Ofi Kebniaryd, IT'.Mi, Tone arrive result wim that a Kieiieh force was fitted out for the invasion of Ire- land. The lleet conalated of 17 sail of the line, I. 'I friga tea. .V corvettea, makiuK, with trnuaporte. 4:1 aail. The 'r'^^a^;.^.;:'" • tKN. IIUMMEUT. Comntomlcr of the Trench invadin); force'in Ireland in 17118. troopa numliend Ul,!l7.'i; men, with ll,HiU stand of arnia, 20 piecea of field artillery, !l siege guns : (il,200 barrels of powder ; 7,900,(X)0 ipuf ket cnrtridges and 700,000 Uinta. s > 'W Meik had br i-7y|w oi|i th( iiiaucl hut a i /•tatnm 7 Britiah I he a»i(l / miMt d / ever .gt /■ liiiil H thrilling sound. : Tlicy iiicHnt fully aa much to. n certain Pi'otestant ele- ment in the Irish nation ^- .men who abhorred the base ciirrupliiiii of Parliament and who believed that the only w lytui thnt iiatlirn to attain and retain pn'Mperity was to raemlier.oi the order One of tlioiie who was especially antagonistilk to the society wo-a Father John Kedmond, of Wexford county. He was afterward hanged, and after his death his body was inhumanly tf^eated not by the United Irishmen or their friends, but by tlm Rhglish go verninent t Iiut nn evil fate was over t he expedition. After it left the coiutt of France, the frigate Fraternite, having on board the admiral, Normand detialles, and the commander-in- chief, < Sen. Hoclie, then perhaps Ihe greatest living gene- ral, became separateATIill!K)i l»A>. rl J •y t ■ »^U ilurlliu fiivl »mlh*r liriwmK lUlaetiarl ^nini Ih* l(«vt, Mltill ultliiiktal^' til" forniiiUliIti «i|inI|IIlail WhhHUuii Omuchy, uf ■nliu'llx nmii'try l<> t)>« a>(i«i (•( N*tM>l*tM than In piiniiiMnil •nil r»fu»tNl to ImwI tlm iMwilir tUnmnXUfX (•■|i«>iitiiin All ii( ill* vrKMlU ulllnMUly >uri<«rilril r III* llkhtry IHjr fathm I'un* if rnwl lib •Uanllon til llollitnil, lli*n known m th* IUt«vi*li riipunilf. 'Mm lluti'h «*r« raany lokiil Ami lli*y ■iwniltlnl %n *lipmUlion •ttli* nioUtli of lh« Tmi*I ninnhlinii of ID mII of llin Unr, .)(• frlKnUw, |.'i,» kml NU p|*v*ii of •rtlllary Kor wmik^ MlvHrw » iiiiln pr*v*ntMl th« ilrpartuni of Ih* rap* ditioii Ul Imlaiiil, oiul iiiMHitiiu* a xlnuiK KniflUli Mral iiUiimI off til* T*x*l. Kinallv on <)i;loli*r II til* hutch aixl KnKll*l> III**'' cam* iiit^i ooolact at Canip-nlown •ml tlin Dutelt »Hr* (lafaatiiil. TliU *nilMl anntlinr altxiiifl bt lanil an rfftctlv* foro* in Iralaiiil On the he ot [(uplion. /n •iilalu* tliamaniMiifi'* ill* Ml »( Hnioti olmhovni into vltm^l In I HI I Til* vovvriiaiant liail l>v lHl« llin* rUi.lNNi Iniopa in Irvlaml fiKiluilIni (vuular*. l-hiKlfli itiiil M,iii
  • i|uari*ri>il on lliU |irii)il<> I'll* Kni****! of Inilitfnill** ttani |ira4Hi>iirlu<- wa< iriHlilon wniirr fnol anil no ri|(lit >>> liiiniauiiy wa« rmp*<>tril • I'mhr |irrtr«l ot hImiwIiiii ilifir alUKiaiii'* lo llii- uot *niMi*nt " low Will Hiauiitratcii lormnHl Inolfi-lialt* iiiiin Uy |Mnipl« " On May i'\ In III* iiHinly U*«(oril .' I f» llivri of Ininllira, prlwiiwra. !}« a|irrl*ii ii( liarliarlly prai'tii'fit liy tlii> li ho infurnal lli*ir illnpUalnir* wao (h* |iUrinK of pili'h lapa on th*lr li*aiU In miHivInu iIii*m< niiiuMiiora ill* akin a* w*ll At th* liair »a« torn ulT " VarioiiK oilinr at'U w*r« I'oniniiltpil," «aya Mltvlirll, " no (ar an to tgl away pin'* of iiirn'ii run, *vfin Minitliiuni llm w lioln rar or ■ pail of tliM llin*." (lOVKIlNMKNI KOIICKII TIIK uDlllUKAK. Mrnnlini* ill* li*ail>i of ill* Uniiiil lri»liiii*n, who w*r* •till at larK*, «a*rlRl *ti>ry inllueimi Mi naitrain III* p*o |il* To li* niirn lti*«« l*ail*r» wrr* planniiiit riivolutioii Hnrrfhlt* AlrufHIra HniM'tl4Hi«>riiiii«>iit III Irflniiil. . r ■ - ■ ' ■ Mriknliin* a rr|{ular reiiin of tfiror had l>rok«n out in IrelaiMl ami the year 17^1 witneaMid iihockingoutraKea tlirougli oi|t the ialand. It would Iw impoaaidle ' U aui'h an arliole •« tliia to t(i*ta«nrtti»,« Vln*a»r llilt •iiiilil toda* liatna n** iiifaiilMK l«i \^» •luik-nl of IrMi hIaUirt ami ILilliiiaHiiu k iiiikIii hav* li**n aniilli*r Yorkliion ami aimiln'r \\ a>liiMi(liHi iniuhl liat* Iwvnuiten In III* •■.riil Mm ili* lriliiinl anil »i-ll niHipiml Iriaipa tli«y (i;ll Ilk* Kiai-' lirfor* III* M illii-. KlrsHt op^rfiiioMM hi llio iielil V)V tlik* ItiMiiruL'tiitM And the Outbreak in County Wexford, With lt»* Record of Battles and MavMcrct, Until the Irlth Defeat at Vinegar HUl. Fill llm ri'la'llliHi thilt limk* out In lr*lani| in ITOH ».n,* nf Ih* uauwa i.l »l,icli w* i,»,.„| |„ , ,„„.„|i„,|' jftiil*, III* Kiigliah K<>v*rnm*nt xaa w*|| |,r*|.aml It had at ita dia|Maial in IrwIamI at th* litn*aii iiiiin*na* army of I IT.IHiO lr. of «|| k|„,|,, „„( |,„,|, „, i|^„, ^^^ tlwnilKhH n-a..urri» nl a great iialion Th* I nail on l|i* utli*r hanil Iml i*w niM.urii", and lh*a*i/ur*o( th*ir l*ail*ra on 111* *v* of Ih* outbriak lift ih*ni « ill|out iii*n quahfli'd III niminaml Hi* plana known >f till |irii|Hntil rela-llion w*r* FATIIEK .KJHN MI'Rl'FIY LEADING TIIK' IHI^I I J''OR(?KS AT YINWiAK 1111,1,. but they wanteil to throw away the acablianl at their o»n tiiiiii and nnU at the government's. The governninnt however, waa determined to fore* the outbreak In auil itself, and it succeedeil. The chi«fs of the I'nitrd Irish men, finding they could no longer hold the people in clieck . Kave ordera for,,^ general upriaing on May '.'.'I. The governinent all along waa fully aware of every plan of the Uniteil. Iriahuien. Itii apies were active and thny Mere well posted. On March I'.' preceding, th* delegates of the: aociety for the- province of Iipinater were ar restflj.at tlwihoUHe of Oliver llond in llublin, through information gi«flf1iy one Thomas Ileynohia, a traitor in the order. Tli<^ same day other Cnited Iriali tiKiefa, among them I >r McNeven, and Thomas ,\ddia Kraiiiet, were taken into custody, and warrants Were issued for the arrest of fiOrd Edward Kitz;{erald and other leaders. Kitzgerald as the nmjority of the leuder's of the I'nited Irishmen were, was a Protestant and was art ollicer In the revolutionary war in this i-ountry. May 10 he was arrested in the house of one .M urpby in Dublin after a deaperateflght with his raptors, Cap(. Ityan, Oapt Swan and Maj. >Sirr. All with the exception of dirr were woundedHind later Fitzgerald died of his. wonds. Two days later the brothers John and I lenry Hheares, both high in the cpunpila^'of the United Irishmen, were arrested and hangfd. ' ^ '_L to th* uovi'rniiiriil, ih* pap*N unnlaining ihi-in having U'*ii ariml on the arriwl of ih* Uinatir ilelegati-a In I'uhlin. The governnmiit ilii-rrfur* IiimI the doubl* ailvautag* of knox Inlgii'and auperior ain-iiglli anil the I nileil Iriah men tin' liirriMpoiidtng illaaiKanlagca AiminK th* papera M-iyril on ih* iM'ia.-.. aiim of III* arnnl of l^inl I'JIviard KiU- gerald ami on* of much inl*r*At.wa|i a liat whii h uav* as ,'7ii,.'!iil tlw number of men cnrolhil in the ritnka of th* . I iiited Irial in KiOiruhry, I7',IN Of llic.* I td.'.i'.ili H«ri> in I'mlenlanf Ulster, oviir |IMI,II0U ill Munatiir ami the r**l were distribuU'il over th* real of (h«^ ' country, particularly in ilie countiea la 6| arms aiul iiiunitiona. 'I'lie government acted on the information that thus foHuitousiy was pinceil in its IiiiiiiIh ami » li(i>ipline<| tnsips of Kn- gland. - Hut I lie daily picquei ingn. Iloggiwga and other outragea visiteil on those auspi-cted of dialoyiklty goaded' the peoj>le to revolt. That audi was th* object the go verninent hail in view can hanllv lie deni.Ml Speaking of the condition of things in th* county Wicklow Sir. John Moore, one (if Kiiglatid'H iiioNt diMinuuixhed gene rals and thjehert) of the liattle ol Coiunn, says "Mode. rat« treatment by the generals and th* preventing of the troops froni pillaginu''- and molesting tiie people would sis>n_ restore traiiquillity and th* ptitple would errtainly Ih! quiet if the gentry and yeomen ikould only behave with tolerable decency and not seek to gratify their ill hu innr and reven^'e i^pnn the i Lpoui AWKIJI, BAHBAUITM!.S, It was evidently the intention of the government to goad the people into open revolt in order the better to Thus on the eve of the .outbreak the I'nited Irishmen were deprived of their leaders and to his fact is attribut- able the unorganized and purpiaicless operations in the fleld that followed and useless and ineRectiye shei UAV. ,^' «• ilnuaUy wiHWR th* •iil>M»r^ lt*t«iilii|| with InyMi M i{«a MtiOBi a f il M* tha iniMir»l>l« MMDtry »hi.li tiMf wmmI Ui f»l«M " rlalDtr In p»riUl lnn< ••• >lrtii«ll> lm|i.<«>itl.l», Mid iIh- Uii«.l»r. Hani Mpm M«y i< •• »•«• <••»■ •"» «*•»• U(iiM-r»l rmilt I'lm <.r.l»r ••Bl forth lo Hi* |»<«|»l« •»«' (her* oM waHi uthcrfal In • mnitwr ilrniim of lijiiiirl •! iImhimIiI of i«lii<-t> llw hrarl toility •liuilil*r» ■riiK Hhht \%rrA«'H. dPMATIOill tH THI PIILD IN KaOARI!. DUILIN AND MIATH COUNftlt. Til* >to|i|>lnK of tlm nikil iinmIim vntorliig Itulihii on lbs iiitflit of M»> .'I WM I-. \m III" •(Kn«l lli»l llio r* toluilon IimI IM-Kun. himI lli*t niiflii l|ii> ln *" l/iunlillMntowii, lln» •rtlll«ry Two Ay/lwforr ilm outlirf*li ^lio <-liW[j*«*.n.wrv iiiiHit u' ill* iiui^K^rUirx »• Diiil Hknl •I O'Ooniisll tlw future iiP|i»iicip»tor tif liia (^biIhiIIi! M. I"< li'iwIinK <'> 'h" i'iipit»l wi>ro Htupiml To tM» «iau*l thounwiiN of lUriiiK no-ii fn poiwlwl >nil urroril •illi JiilrlrlorkH und |iikoil ■ml nlhi-r iiiipnivinml wflSlHiiiH ciiilinrkfil in the liloiMly ntrutfuliv ., The firitt attwii wiw iiiiule on the town of Nmk, II nllliw (nim Kuliiiii Tin- pliue »»h ilffemlwl liy «ever»l hunilreil tntopa, »itli two llclil pm-e«. ihi" n»rriH«n lieinu vumnianijetl li\ l^ini ;onet of the trained Holdier lliiil the iwiiie depended on lh«"e neaponn alone, ihe jiea Kant nii(|ht have won . hut the Mil piecet were hrought to liear and moweil dovrii ,l>v |frn|ie aiiil ranivter, the inKur KentH were ili'i«'at«l Tin' (ohi lu ihn Kinn'H triMipn »i»i flwo odicerH And 111 nien killed. \> Idle the relieh li^l III) men. Till-: ATIIOCITV AT I'lK^PKHtJlM Siniullnneouily willi tlii^atlatl. on Nnai there oeuurri'd nil iiBSBuU liii (III" xiirritoii at l'riiH|)<'niu«, a >illii;;i' Ki» inilei lo tlii< iiortliHi-Ml Tlie l'vj,\\i there was otieol almi»it unpariilli-U'd ttlnKily-and waioijeof ihe iim^t l.r«((i.' epi noili'H ill till' «)iolv rfliellioii Pnwpeiou'4 «*» K*rri«oiied lij a ilelm linieiit of North t'orl' trimpM and miollii-r 111' WeMi iiii!ilianii-n known .a< Ancient liriloni TIm- iiiajoritv i.t' ihi' Harrison were lod« eil in (he liiuriul-i ill the tiiiil er of llie town, llie lialanie tiCcupyiiiK lirivalw (|v\i"lh»){-i near! \ All of lliiwe Iroopn, wilh the e«r Kfiiliui;!'. were iisli-ep when in ihei'iirly iiioriiini; lumri the iii»ur){eniH .jiiielly Inleredlhe ulafe To rut down ulii- «i'iitiiiels wiit the work of a iiio nii'iit and then a li>d\ of tlie iiisurf^iits ruilied into the iHirniikv' Tlie I iliiamliT, fiipl. Swayne, «iimli»pat(lie.il)le for the lie*ii'Ked to continue llie'deleii seand tliey lH'f:«ed pileoUHly for iiieroy. They received for ri».e li liidioUK howl of triumph fnini the pikranen out >ide, «hoM' frire>, yrilp'wilh lliB glare of the conllagratioli, Did «lio-e eve". liii>liiii;; the lire of. Iiatn'd, inade them re ihriMili tl» itifikw •< l«Mi»rw>, hut ihay hmmi ibMnwl VIM ninfroalail Jiv aH«tl«l trnig* of jrtlxa furnuNl In a hall ntom aUwt tha «n»fane« Hardly a man of the wholotnaly III tnHi|M •Mapnl t'or Ihu hellUli alroallt On lh> part l>l Iha lM«r«Mita Iherw aan Im ihi |«IUall)Hi It haa liMHi eliarifetl, of «r('»|^ Hwayaa, Ut II • a* Mvaflarjr^ n*rtlwle«« a ' ♦•TMKK jrttWIIATM ANIMHrrBAlIK" Naaa ami PriMpurinia hm imH Iha iHily aoeiiM of earna ye im Ilia inornlliK III M jPil I Tha InonruenU iiiaile an altaeb iih tha nlllaK* of Clan* and lor aavrral houm a fu rlaili* t||ht waa niainlainail. Tli* liwurgvnl* «*ra r*p«lii*Marat y iMaaiMl ami wMli ii«My Waa. fri—tf»Hj lia*a««* tliajr iMMi m* a aiatra laaflar wtw waa iBpBWs ol taminii thatr numerieal y III* Kliin'a triiii|ie, a Ualy ol InaurnenUi a|ip*ar*il aiiil aaiiwl i|uanllll** III pikea and M^arnia whleh had previmi >ly Imiii aurrumJarwi Armlnu tli«in«*l«*a with tli*.* ihfjr mandieil tni Monaaureiren, and hy aaitlnii llratotliaplav** ramlarMt it unUnaliUlnr the defemiara. • I'll* Atlit at t.Wluw waa a on* aitlrd allkir In the rarljr morning of May -'■'• a hialy ol l."i|ia "•> houaea Iniall and Ihe hidlnii lniuat«a «*r« hurniHl I'he Iimv Ui the in aurKenIa waa fully |i)<) kllleil, whil* not a man waa eien woumletj nn thaaida of tlm King'a tnaipa. THK irATTI.K OK TAUA. Whil* Iheae «v*nt«, u*n*rally diaaatniua to ili* lnermitte lire. TIda lieing a few tunea repeated (ieterinined the fate of the day." The following day ^he hoiliea of M.'ill inaurt-'eiiix »ere pickeil up on the Aiild, together n itii a variety of article^ .. aUcli aa ►cyiliei'. niu»k«|'>, fowling piecini, poatoU, >.»ordai reaping liiaikt and pitchfoik", nhowing the kind ol t»eap una Ihe men hiul who hail taken the lleld tudiaputl- the power of Kngland. The priaoneri, tiMi, whom the "in"Ur lienta hud taken at Dunlaiyne were found unharinrd The defeat at Tara was itiaaatrous to the inaurgenta, aii it opened up coininunication between Ihe capital and Ihe north and allownl the aending of royal triMi|M to the cnun- ty of Kildare, I hnneverrun hy Iwiliea lit peasantry . s A.«.ilAHTLY MASSACUK. I n thiH county occurred one of the greatent inaaxacrca nt • the atruji^ie. Kncainped at KniH:kawlin waa a IkmIv of '.',IKXI inauruejitN under the leoilernliip of a mannamed I'er- Idna. May Jii the latter entered into negolintiona uilli den. DundKHlora conditional capitulation. After com- niunicatin)( with the autlioritiea in DuMin (ani»li fort known ae the (iihlnith lUth on the The Iriahnian'a pike wan equal to the cavalrv aal.re, but Curragh of Kildare, and they notifieil (ien. Dunda, that itcouldnotaUcceHHfuliy oppose the volleya of infantry their wer« willing to follJiw the example of Perkins' men, provided lliey were accoroed aiinilar conditions . (Had to '""illany other engagements were fought by the insurgent/ end the struggle in this l>|oodle«s manner, Cen. Uundaa Willi Titlii', KiiHM'll iiil'l NpIImiii loi'iiiiilK llitt I'liiteil tilHli SiKtict.v lit Chvi' Hill, tWdlitsl. of a veoiimn corpi. . There was no evirlence of I|(»lbyn1ly again! lliem. lint the ciimiiiander aHsuiiied that, lieilig Ca tholicN. ih-y naturally wouUl sympiitliize with the reliela, Aci'onliiigly, after the battle, nlieiiil waa determined to alHtiidoirihe place lexl a further attack hy the insurgents lie inaih'. the>>e :1^ men were shot to death in ciSil' hlisal. IIATTI.K (»K KIIXJL'I.I.KN. • < In t ho forenoon rtf May :.'l another engagement was fouuht lit the village of old Kilcullen, in Kildare. A laaly ol |)easttnls had collected there and l.ieut. (Ien. Duiidaa in conimaitd of Kilcullen, led agniiiht them a atroiig forlie. Thrive limes pea«iinls were charged by cavalry and as often the iiilter were hurled back intlisonler. After sustaining a lois of two captains and J I men kil'leil,. and many others nounded, the majority of whom dieil Ironi the lacerating effects of the pike . thrusts, (ien. Duiidaa lieat a retreat. The insurgents, lient in following up their victory, inter cepted him Vn'tween the village g( Kilcullen Kridge and Nans. (ien.T)undasat the heail of a Isjdy of infantry and Meant had liei county ^ Ordiii the |ieo wt*re no in any. island. this wa Catholic \. alike of 3 defence ^ Kiencli Hut t .- Onlera .. ., yeomanr an oath oath, " a * were nei ]■■■ ■i ■ ' tieally tl the Call ni«(ii1iIh a hoit oT IciiioYi*. These nrdiniirily peaceable pea- siint.s hail Miilili-nlv Is'eii transfornn'd. TtioM' lit' the Imrriickt' difeiiders wlioleii|iedout of the window.H toe^cap^■ the increiising heat fell impaleil on the oiitstretchid piki'S lp»'low. Tlio rpniainder formed into a soli:l Isidv aiidiiiiiili' a rush for their liven, hoping to break u- IKr.siH-r.'AIMAUlAV .^OIIVKMIR ST PATRICk".^ HAV IMMI^CANAIMAMltMlVKKJH m l>ATHH Kf 1)*^.. \ ,7 ,. — .,.,i,.-.,. IMMT MTlfwi Ml •M*M«Mbta«yM(M«l «|iiia • h4i»r(lfhtr, f.ir ll>» lUolllna. •■( TIm lrt*l> fMr«*i«>l lu ik* nnxt i4lh« >wtn>i>in>, vlHif* »l||M »Ur»«« »»w lK« itwiii.1 Ur »»>• '•'"•'B4 .!< awnvl ■••|w«ImI |«n<><» •i«l il»>a (lum « bu |> M^ ••• Of lutw llwt I'Htwl ilwli** l>hlwt mi •wlaMkiWHi W h»« ilw hmtiitM f»i »¥,»\ \h*y «»• .trK^bun ifuan l.iu<»la mtm iHMKi luU •ImiiI si ntgltt ••««■ alw t)il«««ry mMft»i|.«lllita ImH • m«*kM ilxH •>! lliviwhMk >«n>«<>«IUng Ihaalwi kniuHiiwMmuit ihal lh»y wwM ni ••.iimimnl " _^ "' Hwut • (. • •.« lk« tnwriMtM •I...I up M«« li> »hi«r* t« •Miiiml tlm ■•l>|r«'l •>! lli» An> ln^l«iitl«, ll|« giiiM ol llio ln«i|W fanii uni •iwi )••• U .Mwa ilwl Mir Jmm* IMr, tt tlia ImnmI mI ■ Mnw** Mi>nHii>Mi Iti fiirtw Ih* ^t|>lti »«!•• •»<>ll. hihI ii n*. nl Iin# >m •ilmiir«l In mmA* IWfi>r« Itw •>ia>)M .i«iM (..ran <>f Infantry, *rllll«r)r aHii MtaJry, liail timw U|> in mI Dimi .,f iI,« many arU iif «Hilmiiv •>*• ilw n>«»>ai-r* rvkwi Iha in«lir|»nu iniartsl y|i..M ilivm lik. an a>alan<)i» III* lnaur||>nl« aMinililMl <•!• Iha (^arrauli Aamwling lu i(«'.rn»» A hxHiUr of ^tiHiri. Iia «•«»«■.(• itl> mM.kf« ami mi<«l>i-t /Mwl ll.a T.iry lii.i.i»lan Mu.Kra»a, wlianHlr laim. I»iil».*.li.r».l |all |I.«» im .M.|»teiMii ..f lii>iii|| hmiIi t ••( |a>~«'..|ii|| arnM Ilw lnfa«lry/WI (w »k«r WDit l*..l ttnly At* «4 -til* lU liwuriianl* Ui •iirrviHlar lliay r»|itla»in| ll»iM> alio ili.l Hwy a ar* I •!.••» •Hit ami nitiwi«>r avakpii alilah li|llailn Uia faoauf It It «miih« ainuni iliat a Umh iif i>i>n *Imi ■Iraaily liaii auatl fiir |iaara wmilil lia«a lawn MWllly of uttah • f Ml hanijr |l«ti aiMl furiltarlnura »a li*«a thaauiliurlty iil IU« Jaiii«« llxnIiMi, a I'rmliy larlan liUlorlan, atxl ^'rawla lM>i*i|an llial Mil«H'a«a'* «aral>t \*tt mttif ul lliair aiMcan M»IU'KI> ni KHiirr OH TAMKM'IMN. Il«l ill*- a|Mn?i|lla>lli(>ii In VVi-tfunl •'•tuiity oa* ilia iHtmini iif llir rallHilV''l>a|>«l irf ih* |Mruli l|i>aii liy lliinlon anil I'lowHan thai Mir .laiiii-. Mult ami oi MonaRwr ainl ll<»lc»liiil it iin any |trvt>'«t Tl prataal iiaina llimuKli Ilia liratailu uf a ri'lial, oliii xalil that if/li« tnaipa wanlixl lii> fiiwllii|f fittr lliay alKiulil nut at Iwvl liava It Inatlvil U liu|NHi Im> illiclifriinl lilo wrapiin In Ilia air, anil tlia liiaioai rv wao llix rvialtX l(at|>aan tOO ami DM) of iha NMuriitmU {mriiliwl Kitr till* liifaimiu* act Mir .IiiAmU IfttIT p-walywl ilia lliinki iif lli'< nrtlan Parlia lU'int In Duliliii, wliilf *'an. |t.in)liti wM uanavrMl fiiroml rtvurlnK tii ami tlia mlivlliiia In ai'oiirJaiifM with lli" , ami Ml anthill* aaa lia Ki praMFiit aii« i|i*lurlMiii i» thai liaaihiirtnl liU |m>pla In ilallvar V|> lln*!' anna an ailviuti lliai **H vitry gi«n« Kailirr ,\lur t)>m raValry ratraaliMi Im Matfiiril, Knnl>«irlhy Mil lliHvy, »ii(nHiHlln|| namariMia ii«itra||tai n«i tbi> aay TIi*m( MU«>tM»t« In llwir rrlrrat • allHl |i*ii|ita in ihrir ilimra Mtal •Imt lliifm ilnan a liarc ilgry •liiml ami In liMlanivvaat lira In lin)t^>, liurnlnit iliHr iminali-4 In ■It'alli / • fi-iir.ii JNiti'iiu»;il Ilia Karrixun iiiaili* a ululilm^n raat* ytnt'c liui Kao fnri'fil in rvtraat, IhhImI !HI man anil\ la«|i||||| iilii* inaii In ill** liamU nl llif* InaurKantu ^ Ami lii^ra lH*iTnnii«« l^vtilatit 'ijil:''-'^ r -■ • 1 «*»,; THB UPRISING IN WBXPOltD, Numerous Bloody Battles and the InsuPffent Defeat at Vineffar Hill ® H*"' aiiain nm- nf ilii> i(f«alMt ilraaliaili< III ilia Iriali mii«i> / niriit lailt nf lt-aiU'l»lii|i \( liat iiaat imln am li l<-«>lar« a< llii- Iriili liail iliil mil liiHix Mitnin wanli-il Inatlai'k una |ila>i-, innii' annlliiii; , lliari' aaa im una i'a|ial>li< nf KUiiliiiK till' inaiiriirnU i'ITnrt> I'lliallv an itilvaiiri* Inwaril Wi'ifnril »»> iniiilo anil tlm iMaurKi'iiia rnni|a'il al ilirv*) lllN'lia, wiiImii llilri* llilli'N nf Ihai'ilt, llrri' a'ili'lailiniia nn III* wai III ri-lii'vi' N\i«hini aaa aiii'iiriiKil anil rniiltil, iIih Imlti iilllii-in la'iiiK alaiii Wi'xfi.iri) llii-n wai "inri'iiilfirril In lln« illaUTKI'llla ami till' w|iitl«> niiinlt uai in I In* Ihtiima nf nitl 'I'lii' llialirili-llla flH>l| ji|i|'<>iilii'il lli'iiiii liiiiii|i llaffrn at lli>ivi'\. Mhniii ilii-\ ri'lra •I'll Irnni ptil, l-tiiMi' iiiliilll KIllliM Ml • lli'lf Hll'j whlll* nnii (mrn nl rlii'iii tii'lil Wfiilnril, ' • iitiiT |iariii>K fnrniiil i*iii-iiinp ' I'liii'iita lit I'Hrriuri-u lltllai.fl l'ari^(i-kliyrnr.llirliilti*ra illi in ait mill-a nf Nl'" Hiiaa Tlll>i|r' main i'nrtiiii|iiiii'iit liiiwi*vnr »iiH ikl \ ini-)(ar Hill, I'lnatt liy l''.iiniai'nrlliy, nil tin* ' rivi*r MIniii'V lli'rr llii-y rrirUMl ' rudi* fnri illi'alinn'a nml uarri annrtl llin Inwii nf KniiiatNiri li\ . ) Inn nt'4linir vamlal acta w^y<■r, lliatlliia aiil uaa unp of Onlvni caiiifl (rom the C»Htl« fur tlip puriflcaiion of (li« Kallinr Murpliv enUrntmi Ilia tminlilini; lliH'k inn piava -fi^iitliation, imira ilnui 'HI Catlinlii- cliurt'lim liayin|( iHMtn ytKHiianry corpa, by rxpcllirtK llioan wlioalinulil not lak« of wo-wllnml anil told lUom that tliny liaii lietli-r ilii< in tlin ilmtmvml in VN'mfunl ciiiinty alona...liy llinir opponnnta. an oath that they ««i;p hot Unite'J Iriahnian, "Tim fl«M than Im Initchnrml in lliair )i^aa Ui the ofrrci that they and th'v iiHHlad little urKing, tii arm tliKimwIvaa with Thli nvxt moyi-ninnl of tli« inaurKHuU waa direotmi ware neithar United Iriahman nor OrnnK«nirn : liul prac- pitchfork') and uliati^ver other weapona they rnnlil procure a^ainat (Jorey. A Itndy of 1.000 of them hail aei|ieiiKion and aminunitii of the two great crilneH-haying arAia or lieing a l/'nilnl . Iriihman; and the merest auapicion or pretenm of auapicion UEIl^. VICTOHY AT (>|T|jAUI> IIII'I'- was quite enough to cauae a man to lie half hanged. flogged almoat to death or Atte a lilondy' criala had Im-n reailied in the- ooujKy if VVnufnrd. Ordinarily I lie relatioiia of the |ieopl« .nf that uouiity wnre ninre liarmoni'iua than in any. lither ahire in: the jalaml, ami an inalnnce nf . thia waa the fiirinatilib hy Callinlica iiliil Proteatanla alike of yeomany corpa for I lie IRKfiAS'D-A wriK IX rVisTV wr.xKniiii, aile againat Newlonnliarry. A atrong ImmIv of inaurgeiit« fniin Vine ger Hill atlackeil the place and Ctirced out the garriaon. The latter uaa rallied a mile outaiile the town and return- ing defeated th« inaurgenta killing '.'00 of them. INSUUOBNT.s AIIAIN VICTOIUOUS. ■,l Bdward Hay, an authority. *' The proclamation having given greater acope to the ingenuity of mngistratea to deviae meana of quelling all aymptoma of reliellion, aa well asoftuing everr exertion U> procure dieooverieii, they aoon fell to the burning of houaea wherein pikea or other Hill, whe^ they encamped. A atmng force of infantry Kent froii Wexford to dinlodge them ami the force waa joined |i^ different troopa of cavalry. With full confidence ••fan may victory they marched againat Uulard Hill. Willie tlie cavklrv Hurroanded the hill ao aa to cut olT I The inaurg.«nta did not give up their intention nf taking jllorey and a conaiderabli* force of them formed an encamp- \ment on Corrigrua Hill. Meantime l.flOO troopa, with iirtlllery, had lieen thrown into that town. The comman- der, (len. lioftua, determined on attacking tlie inauroenfai ^ : JRfSH-rAX.VDlA.V ■MU'VKMr: .s|. P.VTIiU'k.-^.D.VN X INWII-r^NAUIAIt MUUVpill m> MTMUKM lUI. 'T rtgm Hiil Ik* tiMM>r Narf >h*»*minmi m f*lltMK ii|>i« liim M ll.i»y Mtl l»i»h »»»M» l«r»Mi »h«ir iM«»»b •» llw ««••" UiH* riw iNi|«iM 1*11 *n »)•)• *'••( WaIik.Io'4 •tl>M»ii ul 1*11*. «..«♦ •».• |.l*«« ••••^ r«it»l»»H«-»lii|| iw l>MH|b MhI • !•«>»♦•••• Hutu ft«ll..«Ml fj»»l* IH IIb. MI||»»*>" —ft ifn-Kiw ■;*«»► (rt.'»t»»«l • tmllo* III Kl« lirlMl, »ihI •!«*» ••fit« ••» loMHll >Mi I(mi l»»l«l mill hM horwi .l('i« l»«i.l» liim •ml a n«nili«r "I |(ri»»»» ••AM'K ■(mmI •iwI •..uihW rhfinnt'i'x'T' ••r«'i»«r""""t«»'' rvllotlHM I ti«iiwl «•»••' itHilr*>»«li«monl. (I*) I""** *'■• ■I'I'I Muty III llwiW' »'r« »lal>M} ami iiikvil IImi Urflw, li»aHMt 111* r»|»i»f ••! itw iM««krli> «••< •Nii< MiialjUi ii' lirliiB III" arilltery wkim ih»- (Hit l"- »tM> r«ill>'(tt»i"liNII«il awl llial III* (iMiirKi-iii* hail |iHr>ilMt llwiii aa far a- (tory. • IwwM M* i M i m i i > mmI tMi l«t tlM Mil n) IjmUm, «ltM« ton iMl« nt N MMlhalMtlil* InlarMt H.i« lariMHl li» Ilia ayltnl)r, alwfalka l».ni»liia»», r»ikm liilm ami Ml^ia^J %la«|ik|r, M tfca lHaaiganl. Aflar lb* •>>'••>••< ^^ al|iiil» It* liMHrynia >•»> iiaiMiil]! ttmtinttt^M at tJarna-, »li»r»«> ihai .la.al.l (»a«« |iii«»i Ml im awl a^aii llw iwIwIIIihi In Wi*lil«i» i.mhiI) >iiM», lHi*a«ar, lliay liaik ill* iillkiwlva ami hhl lijr lb" t'aillM'a Marylir ili^y a>l«ai|iHiif lit M kIiIoo (uMnn J«h» I* alla,ii<»l IllMli i.iHHii.r »Imi«m ••« ariiMal aliti uaHaAaml ilnHf h*! in ihalr |aaia»«att^>fmfrri^» «al|i«)Ktant hi )iir ^Vnlar fiiril anil Kilki'iinu J una 'i ' iiw iiiKUigi'iil* aiAai'liail ilia |>latv lliiji-iial l/1iirvi-y liaif Mint II NiriiuK l'iii''r liiilriia In -«inil> ilUllaxU of/ ttif allamy Innliiiul III la'iiiK/«ili»ll<'il wllli iMnK lliU till' Irlili ruslii-il tlntH'tuii|i' nt ilic i'n<-ni\''< laviilry, M>i«uil 'miiiic lanni'ii ami InPii ttnii'ii'aniiil maHii^ri of iIim Ii)>iii \\ lull'. ^iiiHi> llf iliii kiiiu'* Inaipa Meil iiii.li>riiiU'«l\ la<\ • ilul llir ri\i'r ihim Kilki'imy, iitlii'r* liiilil lliair Ki'iiuiiil, ami tl)n fiirniiir liavinK rtflliril rHlnniml III ilitii'r aini/lniii 1' iiiiil ilialiRlxiil ^Ih> iiiaUrKi'lii" Tim liUi|>r M'tui^ail 111 llii- II- ' aaulianil »(>rii attain ri-pulki-il Tlil*t mlliiil n'.;«iiiiinil fur llir , ,. ■ lltini itiiil llniil linir wi-tii ' ' . liiirliil link alii'i' In lliuir'a A||tiliiiK rill' iixvii itM'lf »an lliirni'il Hiiil Sir .liiiiiili llariliiHtiiii -nti llint " iiMiri> than ^.iH'ii liiiiiurui'iil>'i »rii' aiihi'r killiil nr ■ i)ii' ..•'aliiml'iilila Sir Hiiliiinl Mu-v'nui', Ihi' liiyali'-l liisKirlan Y*yx "' ilii'ii " 'III*' »■ l< """ 'til' urfhu^in^in lliiil ijiiiuKh whiilii riink'. llf ihini »i'ri' hfaii In Wll ihi'V uiTi' Kiioiwailail \|V-iillii'rii, Mho ^^rnlra liiyiH hy rakliinu iin ogrlriMipH with reilovatril anlor." IKELANU- A .*<<'K\K IS ("ni'siv WKXiuiiri * biyaltai'* mtm %km hat IM* Ittw la W*»Mrf «t IIH t It»»i4aii My* iInM tar>** M^M \*» MiMliar *■ ^t|K aa liai Tlw intth Mill n««w k* k«*i»M NAtTI.N '»P VINRtiAH llll.l. All aWwia vara wxa . w t M aatraml l^ tmtti ^U»a laa Vinagar Mill,* gahll* anilnaHaa ruinu ''"m ih* rltafMlaNajf •ml ii*a>lia>lllHa iIm Iomh >if RnniaMifiliy Mara a«MiiHlil*4 ilta lialk of ilia Iriah armt, if armt u aoMliI I* aajlarf, aa^ ibaitMil in »|ai« II »»r* itl* fnaaaa of lian l«ka, hwft^ aflng o*i»,l '.«»■»• H""!*- Th»» *ji itarlBg ili* Mwkly *tM ralanilr>a •IUHMtfl* iN* I'laK (imva »*r« mil iililx |*>ifly aiatail Mt l*a>l*ii|>w TkianraM no umi man atm •••' iia|ial>l*of i|l>lni| ilimtkin lit ih* fairly nfianlml niHldta i|a, alilaniilki iti* iM*«ihara nf that iiimIiiIna tM knoai iha •.itiMiuaai arilllarv fori'* tliat luul vvr l»l»alii'ailnKili-|HMat| In (ourrnliiinn'* • >nm tit Ihm* aiitaiMii*,\|l»ill amtar It'n Naialliani, «hiiilalanii*i| AikloM^ iliil nni arrlta In tlnia ami ihroaiili lhl'« ||a|l itw ilrfiailail lnaur||i(DU nf VlnaKar Mill mA* adli- In (iiaka lliair *>• a|Ni *li^nili* ■ lay hail l»*an Anally hnl 'I'll* lnaMr|*nta lan« ill* lira lit uliall'' anil M'ufK'H"*"*''' 1^ u|Hin tlii'Hi Miili I'lHiliiai^ itnii liravary Thi'ir |ai,«iliiiii Ihav knaM MAN ili>k|H'rjtlH nml i|ii*.y flMl^lllt« illi ilaaiN'rikiMiii Kyati llm Mimx-n Joinni thni- ho» tainila unit "Olla in ilia lihaaly uttriiKUh* anil iiiNn\ nf iliani Mar* firiinil ilfitil lyinofig III* nian Mlinn lliji ilay'a |aalul Murk Maa nsar , I ■*^rliii t'laija^," >iiyJ Mil rlii'll. " nil>niii'iij Kripliinlly liul xlaaillly U|i Iha hill ill* |M'n»ttiiliy ka|ii U|i llfiair Itr* ^yinil niulnliiint'il llii'ti urnuiiil ; hfii I'nnnon i «*" iifiirly ii la'^M I hair powilar ili'Aciant, lit llia> ilO'll IIkIiiIuu at llli'ir |nnt Al Ixnglh, iiiiv*l<» (Mil in >i Iniranl il Urn thay lirnka anil mnittlil liafaty llirj^iuiili lliK •fiari' Ihitl I Ian Na^lhain hail h'li In Iha nun afrll^Wl of Ilia Liiluinn. 'I'liay Maratt partially t'liar||«>>'axfo^l mill ihiil niulil' iiyiH A MAHSACKK AT sfllj.A IHHirK Allir Ihii ilifi'iil . iha iiiHUrganli ralrrali'il In Carrlik liyciii' Mill anil Ihtc nrriillii'y at .Scullalai({ui', al ilia fcKit if . the hill mrurrt'il uiinlhi'r iiiaxuunalili' Irajjady nl th" -nnila'r ilraiiia. Ihi' lUKitiM'H fmin Nun Koia »arii HinuuliirritiK unn'iinliiiK |iri!ionn«. "Iiich m«h Irua W liari'upon alltarty - nf insufKi'iilH »i'l Hri' In a liarn inntainiiiK l«i) rnyali^l priMiui'm mill liuini'il' tliani In ili'ath. AH 'hi? hiHlnriiiiii III' liic i'ah<-llinn I'Xi't'pt llii" I'nry. Mu''XrBVi',iiiH'»k'< of ihi" . ail iw mil' nf ri'talinlinh, itiiil avpn Hir .11111811 llarriniJton, an I'ji" wiliii'Ht In ilia liatih' nf Ni!n Iton", niiil wholii'hl A hi|;h KiiM'rnuK'iit p. Manntiiiii' in \Vaxloril, of uliiVli tha iiiKiir'^jaiHi /«ara ili p.,i.,,..shin, tlia laltar Warn rarrvinK out nn-aHiiraa nf ralali linn Military axaculioini Mar* iha lirilar mill hiyaliAi nam, put In till' nMor'l. Dna nf (Iiomi liarliaruua acU uaa Mhal ia uilllcil iha ■ mutfaacrn nl tha liriilffii nf W Bxfonl." Am*" nainiil Dimin, uilli tha aaaiiilaiico of a lianil (if iiniui^anta ulioin ha t'irsi niiiHii ilrunk, Iiaik out ami put to ilaalli HT dni- taatunt priioiiarii. Knri.unalaly, liafora thin lilixkl thintly niiMiolar roulil raval in mora lariiH'.'fl ha Maa.atoppail in liiai inliuiiian liutchary, '*' Maanliina, tli« loyal inaipH warn ttinciMitrntinU i" ^^ i** foril rounly for a ifranil ruuni) up of the iiiHUignnta, ami thn innuruantH, Umn wafia Itocklhu lo Itin itxnf at Vinr^ar Mill. '. Kor i;oyali«t wrniiaa war* ttppmachiiiK ill" injnitvanl cauip I'ruin an many quartara, uiular ooinmanila iiHuail liy Ueut. (ien. Ijika. 'I'lie niut« of thnir march coulil lie Irac t; llaH^n"^"^ Han. Kanlinaml llanipi'soh, were ijuilly of irie imiat hallinl outragim ami aveiiai'Conliiig to the navaga la» of (|(p|ia; tioii I hem rould lie no meimUraii of repriaal.V anil any clrcuniHtancen the Iriuli never niadi niiniaii and ihiH'fact i" attenleil by even ihe ini of loyalil^t hiiiuiriana. \\ After Vinegar liilltlie lighting »'aa deaultory.mlin insur genta acattering into \Vick Ion and I'arloM countleH. Tlia yeomanry, lioMever, kept up their atrocitiea, niliirdnring people in their liome^ and on the liigliuayii' Heopla ifere Under all war upon ^eonflrmad fiuitd afl«r ihi^iiiim the hl^thwayn with their "rkulia Hplit anundar, tliair liodiea ripped open anil llieir throaln cut acrona, laoiide iif>me deaid wonieji and children." liVi the to»n of (loray a band of innurgeat'i fouiiil pigH feaxtinc on the iMxIiea of men wlio hail been hanged the day ben That there were retaliatory acta for thene no one canilel^ And mIid will aay that they «'ere not merited t ' * IIM \ pxtonil ^ . - hihI Im j,W Ikh'ii d IKhll f.^.SMXA.VwU'VKNW'^, MAIHH l^m IM,V. M itt|K M I. b (MftMw im ■ Millnl, «n<| ■Ml »kn OM ilml mHlltlli wDrw l**|H iwI«*Ii<'ihI til iiliiiiiii'* I •■•• wflixlolKllll*,! i>>i •rrttr In lailli ilih i|«|i liWiurmDU ipf orri* •(•li' III lt|l« *llfH lIlM llltll) linl ulnirAlli* liri> ri«iMi(Miurt'il i|i l| t>|in lliv l|> iUy'« lAwiul " .«>J Mil ■I Knalunll) illirliili llw t U|i Infip rtrw I tlii'ii uriiuiiil ; I «»» iiciirly iWilrriji'Aciiint, il IlKliliuu nl Ixilglll, IMIV|l|<» 'III 1.1 (lf« lIlH lotii^lil hnfrty IMt't' I lull (ll*ll. (-tl II) till* IMIII ■itluiiin. Tli«y r vlmrgml hy liut wild littlft ipy iftimt til I lull iiiutil ynlUu mill on itiiiN. riKMll^N ■(>!« I'oniiilrtrly liilt H ilr>icri|i 'til' u|x>i> Ui iiiiMt lisllinf] •"■'■•#•'. Unilor «ll war uptiii «it vonflrm)')) y\h* tory,m|ifl iiiMur iimniu-H. Tlif, JAf, nittrdnrinK Peiipui were V WMk Mialt kMMMaa UMiog lM» MimM • UmhI, »i| Im » i i»lfi m « (wtw ihs lMtl*r>lil|i lit I'm!!** JnltH M!^|>t>« tt •Mknl IIm ItilkitooMHfMwtiiilwklMi^ tM Ik* mmmt} kit kXtHy, •twl kllhnl w liwk •*|f^t^M lid H|>t<«Kll)|| ^it»r >• WmIiwiI mtlliM tha |wi>iitMi»<^k«y »(iM»»ti|'4 pitl u> thMy Iwt il»t tM«>M4l kIwiH < CiMIn* tmltt uf ^•itwt Mufj^Jf, Iw U Mtlil, lli»« Mu>ll*» ounl niHiUHlHnl NiiMlKl Ilia lM|«H«lli>tiMl ailiurk •••• ('iMlhAniHilwf <« or* lurnvil '4i> mtnuil •nil •! KillmnNy lh*|i »*rK •vrruitn Imi li i^ •H|ai>liit l>i»i- III tniiitn luiil fiH inl ti> Kulit limy lorM «iiiH|tti»lii-il K* iMr Miir|ili|f iiM iii|i»«>nl, »m Ittml liy niatt NMWiKtl, khiI iiH th* ••»»), lUy »«• lMil||nl •ml ItH lioiiil lltrd imi iIh> HMwkal hiMtMi In fullu*, 'Iw li*a>li|tMi*r» mI Mr Jfw* OnK I'lin lii«lii)l«ii UuriliHi utMn liH Ualy »im «•( ii|»u, iIm hmirt laknn iml •nil rtNiat'il •imI iIm> I«I iih'Iii'iI •hiI ItaWi ll> MMH* ■•( I Iw AHtll-Nt llfll'll^ filO ||ri>«alli|| llMir hMi4*. M»*nlhn« ullinr ••••llvitil ImikI" uf l)iaHiU")ii« liwl |«iir tr*l«il iMiii ill* I'liMnly Kllilati- liny omu ilifralnl »t fhiiiitril mill ilirir Irulrrn nn-t tliw m^uiiI ikanii rtnu lliHi oliilr llwlr li»«il« wntii •liliki'U iM »ii>l iiii|m>».| ihi ii|ir»r« 1 fbm mm •yntpin •>! fnw i|>KirU'r< ItT' uHlti iwhit mMv ^iii iIm> iMoitfi^l Mitil. ihr tn»IO> 'aiiyii IWIInii " iMi |iri tov, \itNtl**i^|ii>rMHil lUNirt Oh' li»»h, >miiii> «ii>n* MmriL Kti'iriii-iiN' fMimk**! llM(H•t|)l^•t )'«ttiriiiitf iitHfiHtakMi* itml IhmkImhU ili>ri'«l)t>l lit tht'li |»*iiift4li|(*ifv, Ml iIh- ««•! V lnMitn iif ilM'lr IiiimIIIi'-. rm ifii' HiiiiMhi iiiiiiiM'nH'til III |i Itttitiil aiiliU'n IIh' iHiiiiiv |Hiii ik iil III iliii><> ilii)* III tit'li ml a ihI«i'i> hiti 111)1 Ui'ii ii|iii|Mt lilt* .iimmUiH' iIm' hum tMlUiiiMi>i iKilkHiiMHl Hm' tfiftliMi't* Uh'm h^IihiIkIm'iI III iIm> «fi>M< lit thf l*lli ■ t'itiio> M Mil m (•> Willi Ji iIm' i>«i> >|i«w< Willi, lN>iriir iIIhI till' Ito'iill alt ki-IK III n-i nil riillilli' ».»a tiiaiirll iHI (•Vl'fV ll|^> mill i'«fi\ iihmIIiIiiii . lli)> t lilkl III U*liii> lh>' nifi'ty (ir Uli- |airi'lll ', lllf Wiri-, tli" laillm'l uf Im'I riHllllHVl iiltiTiliiii; iitnl iIm' l(l»ii)l iiml IiumIk^J' Iiiiv* ((iiiilnil iimli'i iIm> liiali, wIh'm i(u' KriH'KHiH liiMit Mnimil In l«'llll\ llH^'Iffl'llal'll'-a llllitlll'l III Ifb'llll tl miiy liiiM' IriMi iTh' >lii>iii| iliiit ilii- ir IIh- ll'U-llkltl III Mil* aotllll WlMlhi l<-l|VI> lIlM ItOVPIII tll%>|>lf hiHl mM* Uki'WlNx nPkl, aHail I iilMIIIIKVit Mini wiMhiri 111 >»y i irt iim*liim •« i» fnitwri m iM Mflimil^. •'*•'•• I' ••'•^ ^'* MMltl>t III If 1. Itan< Mita \uv. ►■lllHtitKHAI. AKU.fH IMlior lainilaiif lli>HrKVIil-> h*i| lnk'li rlill||>' III lliH Wlikliin iiNilli|l*liia •nil »li«iir>t>r ii|i|an Ittlitty iilfiiml ibry iiiail» ilia i^rala (riitii llll'ir U-llir»rH »i|il •tUfkoil ibii fiiyMllai, inaiiw finally II w^a ilvviilmt In iiuiirli iHi ill* I..HII if r«riM» ILl! ri>yillt»li llla>||a itwlnil knii>«lmlK« nf lliia Mltaiiiii himI 4 alroiig fiirriMif i.*iivali>, kiM'Uii Mt lliii Alirlrnl llilliiit*, Ni|il ■■U|)|iiiilvil liy- X'vrinl ii'itiiiiii ■ Aval^y i'iir|i>, ^rt nut III cut I'll till" IliaurKI'lita TIli'Mi Alu-lilll l.lrilniia, i,r«l III lliK llmaiHit', urriMiiiixl. iililliiiii'il jiy Hn' lil>'l>. (ur tlifiniulraani *i'ii* I'lmny miil lliirrllilt* 1111* ii|ipii«lnil fnnra mini' tiiKrlli<«niui" I'll ill* wry l*nt nmii iIik Aiii'lviii, iTHtuiia win- kiili'il' KH »IL xi-ii' •11 ilm j(ciiiM*nf)' "I"' •"«''< !>»"• In lIlH inHlllicl. Aflnr ilila, liiilr«-fl, afli-r VnM'K*r Mill, lliK pnK^iKiniii'iila KNirii'il nil liy lliH iiiHUri(iiii» vn-ri* riiiiilaita iifil«a|i«ir. Si-|Mr Mti> j^Miiila of iiiKurgfiita fmni tinin'ln Uino p«'r(orni«l|iriHlixii'H iif ralnr liul llirir rfTurta wrni a|iitiii|iiKlii' anil dwtulliiry Viiii-fiar Hill put »n ••nil tn lint rrlwIlliHi in Uiat part uf Irvlanil, tliuiiKJi unfurtuiinli'l\ titil tn llio nutragim aiul' crunllina prntirWl nil ilt-feiiarlinm [KMUjU. INSURRECTION IN THE NOR^H AND ITS "^^T^v- ■^f^mo^^"^'^- r^'i mm^x^^' Itml itH* I kiw II k'lulfr. UiOiMkiH, Mna nMk^ Hr-I miytiMPmciit III Anti'iiH TIIK UHKH.VI AT WtMM. thu' Ural tlKDiii i4 llw AlltrllN IliailltP'llla. w.Wmi IIh* liiwii 111 AiMMiil, allimlitl tiikl^nt triwii-ii lli«< l»i> liii'it iiillltiiit.aiiii>i |alvH>a^lll uf lllU|i|iHl' ll^ IIh' ll|alir||l'llt« ' MiHllil l|.|«i' ii)*i||ll| ll|i inltlllllltllilllkill Hitll till' liHIIItk-'* III |k iiml |ki|ii'u,i|, laMll illviltiijial, iMnl rii rilll* Irnlll lln-ai' iltl.llti'la wmikl |i>i|illl> tlilli* Ik* kiai In iho Mivf>lii1l»iNir> aiiimbtnl ,\« ititilliiiil) 141 IllI) 1 lltf IttaltrKi'tlta Ill/Ill iMaInn iM low II III liiwr' U>|k-«. AlriNMl). linwi'Vi'l. I it'll SlliTHtl.iiiMllllillDtlltM iIh' iii>till>l rmio III iIh< miiiliwnai illatrlil ' lutvliM lli'iinl nf tln'llili'lNli'il nlliM k, lllilltilliil iiii'iiaiin iniinli In iIm' |iIimi> hy Wii> III Ti'lll|ili'|aill II k Va iim> Itiml III iii-nifKt*i)ta ■ ••lli'lial Mil' InWI) li> iHli'liaiil ■ li'lllliHii'llH-llta Inl |Ih> Kiiri'l will (i|)|a>illiat Ml nil n|i|«Mlti> ■ItllMll'ill TIh' ^ IthliriP'tlla IimikIii Mill i{ii''ii viil'ir Itml iiiiri-i| rill' iiiirniii III |Mri )il III!' uiiniiiiii with tlii'ii iirtlll I'ly, \ l'ii«iill'\ I II II ui' Iril llVl'nl. l.lllllll'V lllfillllal tl|i< lll> nl' (nx.ll Ui"i|is «ii« nil l)in »\il> riiilll Ik'll.i-I Mil- Kill;(!>iri'^ lilllii'il iiml llllilllv ijtntn ||h> ilKlllv'i'llti lli'lil till' |ihii'i> II III ilii' iii->(ii|ki'in-> lai'ii |iri( |ail\ ji'il, Ihi' ii'siilt Wfilltil |i|iili'ilily l|:ivi'la'i'iiilitli'|i>|ir; lull tlinir |i'll>|n|'a. Willi I'tiw i<\ri>|illniii,wi'fn iliriilM|a'l<<||l, Il mil riiw.iiilly.iiml riiHi'il in *>ll|i|liil't iilli' IMlnllii'l', III Ihia IIkIiI !!<■' iMSiilli!i'lila liial IkVl MI"U. Til.' ijnnliii'il 1 niiMl> . iiiciit I'li'i* III jiiiiiioli ' iiml (N'lliiijN « iili till- Nairn- iili'iH inns im-iiMiii-s iH ui-ii- jirai'llci-il in llii- sniilli ) lllO ilklllV-clial ill III!' Iinl'lll llliil li-il III Iht- niiilii'i-iik iIm-11'. Kill wlmii'viT ilii-i'iiii^i> ii wiih ii>MiilvriK »i'l>i:i<*, putiili eiiil tn pxtriiilod o|i<>niljniis by Owm in tlio ^M>llltl^t' Iivlaiiil, hihI Imdtlie Bcvoiilics |)iii<:tii(Hl by tlii" KovoiiiinPiit THE RISINO IN ULSTER. av*-. Uack of Kfllclant Laaderahip There an ElaeWhere Cauaed biaaalel t; III IIK cuiiiilirH of Ikiwii iimt Aiill'itil ni'l>- inm:t otii-cft. HiU just w luMi 111!' iiisiirf{(>iit.s wi-ii' ii'iiily to tillviMJH- lli-lii it WilH ilinri)Vi-lt>d Itliit llliiM! ill I)n\\ll Wl'lt- ll>lull>l'lo»>. KlIHScll, llliM'UIIIIIIIIII(it*l'-ill cllil-r, IumI Ih'I'II iilfostoil by Iho f;uvoi'iiiiiPiit miilio liliii> lid'oi-i' liiitj iin|ii'isniii>(I..K<'v, Si(<<;lc Dickson, ii I'i-(;s1iyti>riiiii J* liw'ii dist-oiitinupii, it is |ni>biiblo that rclH>llioii would inliiinter and .an iiiuoiiipi^iiiiiHiii|f fovolutioiiist, was *\ « s ■ 1 : : » 7-« nr n — a» . i i-I rr — i : — : -i t .i - ■ ■ 'r . - tr ^ « -i ■ n iir- . j : j b i -' . -4 I t l« na Ittt'*' ir rt t r;- — . ii- i r . -r r r -t r r g t -ijl. jimit -I}. -f 7? i)ot Imvn bi-okcin out in tlio iioftli. " Itiit tlic MyHlcin imTjJmHl towiiitl the mulcontfiiiLi, " nay.-i ilm liistortiiii, Muxwcll, " w'lui dLsi-oui-iiKiu); and iibNUi-d, Miitili w.an proniiaed, iiothiiiK ottcctually cnrricil nut ; ami the proclamatioii', whl|L-h Lonimcntied b,v onerlnj? uiniiesiy, mcl'Kcd into saniiniinary deniinciiillons iind concluded eli'cliHl (o MUccCi-d lliin, but lie, tiai, UiiN !KX>ll ttl^'Ams uiidd- llmHtixniK bund of tlii* Kovoiiinient. Tbo roin ninnd tinally devolved on II. .1. M^cCnickcn, u coltnii ilianulactiuvi'. While Down, thus irUnifcred witlr.in hcrcholon of toiideiN, uifrml the noc«>«iity of doliiy, Antritfi, whose ll-li-Mt III Alltlllll III! Il-I»'llinll ill Ibllt 'I'Ih- i iiHin'i;i-iilM II- ti'nilnl Inwaiil llallytiiriiii. \\lii-ii> iil.iliy nr'tlii-iii dia ImiiiiIinI. .linliii' nl' iIk'iii iii.'hIi- an iiiisiini-Hsi'iil atlai k . nil I jii'iii' ami aiinilii-r \ti-ak aili-nijii wjih iiindi' nit Itallyraatlr. Finally at Dniii'^ar Mill lliiis<> nl' tlii'iii Mill ill ai'iiiH arr<>|it<-d an ainni''ly finiivllii' pivi-rti. ihcnt iiihI ilis|N-i-M-it III t4ii-li' liniiH-1. 'I'lii-ii' li>ad«'is -xw-lt< nxriiiilial I'l'nin tin- ainiu>sly, linwi'VPl', snni<^tini^; al'n>i' Mil 'nirknii, was liniill.s a|i|ii'i-li<>ndi-i| ami '' Till-; UKUKl.l.ltiX IN |)I»U\. 'I'lii'' lii'sh-nplKi-tni-iil nl' tbn rcla-ls in rniiniy llnwii was at I'nrlali'ii'y v. Iii-iv tlii-> wcit' di-rnaliil by IIm' Kai'i'isiin. <>n 'liino V'a IniimI of insiirp'nis assi-nibli-il ill tho vii inlty nf ."Niintlii^ld and Joiliinl aiflinii with Col. .Slu|ilplon, ulin had lioi'ii ilisjiatrhiHl to disfiprm'. llu'iii. Cnl. .Sta|iti-loir'l'ulHlitoaii ainbiiHradcamt Imfoiv lip rotild I'xii'ii'iitf IWu-<<>H.' Inst till .Vi^ininn. lit* rallini his rot'ces, liowovcr, and.al'ti-i' a Khar|i ronllict was able to i-t^liii' with his rnininami toCoinlHT. The in siirp'iil.s — I'l'll iNick on — Nev\ tow iiaiils, niiirli llicy — - d and wlirrc Iho.v^: s(>i7/!n wen piriiei-cd them and ac(-/>Hsi(MM wretv Imiirly lit>ih); t ■M I r rwifll-CAKAOrAN SOIfVKNIR HT. I'ATKirK'S IMtf. . A f . mad* to ilMir ruuka. On Juno 10 n bodjr of •iitai«d-ltanK«>r »mJ nU\tr L-oBipBllliiK iiumbwi to Jota It fflMKliMl 10 SnlnUteld. Tlw^followliig (Jay «h« Witter Irkh ron«» niHnheil lo Itnliiimhimh near llw center of th« uoutity, wliai« iliey took up a>lro«X ponllton- The wh»l«' wfljn iiiMlpr ili« tipmmaiKl of Ilenry Moww A •hopkceper of LiHbiim. BATTLE iiV HALLINAHINCII. ^ JHiie U' 0811. Nugent miinilied from Itelfiwt mh\, ihatnlRlitcnteiwi the vllla)ite of Halllmihlnch, Th<' Hiime (lay IJcut. Col. Stewart left IJownpntiick and inaahcd to Wlodmili Hill, at Uiilllnahlncji, thuH vlr. tually effcctliiK « Jiinciion wiih (Jen. Nujienl. The inyal forcBH numbered I^KNtniPUi with eight plefea ofartiUpry., - Tlio InwirKenta made a Krave blulid«in)H tills ulght- After the iwyal fonwt under Oeii. NugjKlt had entered IL'tllliiahhrcli the troofw throw di^K.'lprHie and prudoncc' ■ ,io the wind and were itoon In a bemitly stale of Into .NJcallon. Moiuo wiw luRed H> make )i night atlaik < .. rhe town while ihe soldleix wpic drunk iind hud he , done MO a complete vlitory wouW have been awvire(l till idle Ixvwt that the British army was in his power, and this wii.H,caiTled. to oilier iiisurgcn' liodles that liiid assembled at other points. These latter were iiih ertaln vimt to do. It was at one time decided to inoveoji Hallinnliinch and by co-openitioh with Mon«i make the defeat of the IWtish inoi-e'assu- iwi. In anticipation of Monro's sm t'e«s, however, the fatal resolve Was taken to do nothing, but await ihe ■pitssirnied victory ofMonm aikl then press mi to ' Newiy, thus spifadlngllie. insurmllonary movement, «lon(» the Itordeis of Armagh on Iwiilli. - A strange fatuity seems lo have poss-essed' the leaders of the insiiigeiit movement, llonix) neither jittiicked the lU'itishin Itallii)aliiiic|ii4iioron Windmill Hill, and the follow iiig murniii^. >lune IH, Haw the ne jNii'ly iL'tovcred from the effects of ilieir nlght's- ^JebaiMjii and the other from tlie weariness jpf their prcvidlisday's man-li. The battle of the i:ttli W«s, as might liave]l>ecn oxjiectod. a ilefoat (or (lie jel)els. They foii^ht bra- vely, indeed, leaviiifr 4tHi of their' iiiinib«'r on the Hold i> y f f f * » T f T f ■ ♦ T f t » '¥' - ' • . ' '• - ' ■■-.'-■.- . . . ■■;'"■' \A/E l)cg to announce to tljo ladies of Monti-eal .ind the public generally that we have opened a new department 'd^'oted to MlLLIXERY, under the direction oi a flrstdass and highly trained head Milliner ; and that in future we will always lie prepiiit«l 10 tisrn put artistic and hig.i class work in this branch at moderate prices. A full itssoi-tment of Parisian and otiicr Novelties. in Millinery. will always be kept in>tock. John Hurpby Sc Co. ■-"-^—■■- -"'■:■- '■-- — --^j-— ^; Dffy GOOD IMPORTERS ■ ^^-^-^-^-^^^-^^'-0: - ^---^-^ 2343 St. Catherine Street, - - - MONTREAL. I ■ ~, have given notice tliei«of to the commandant of this town such person's house so offending shall be burned and the owner thereof haiiged, " Tift lesson conveyed in these proclamations was itot lost and counties affected were soon pacified.' ' Terms Oetsli. TEL. 3833. AGENTS FOR The Irish Home Industrie's Association. 'T^^v4 IKLSH - CANADIAN HOIIVENIR ST. PATRICK'tt DAY. A wmi. II 41 11 II I iillf .'n opened u iiew y trained head AS Work ill this. ill "stock. '■ - .) EtEAL. 7M€ FRENCH INVASION. townnl Sllfto. At (Vtlooiiy ho cmouiilpriHl it KlIpiinKly pimicd body of inmpH, !MHI In iiiiiiilipr, iimler Co^Vo- reker, nndiirtflr iiu hour'it iirtluii rtnilnl ihcm. Chniiir. iiiK hlHcouniq hodiriMiti'd hlH way titN^iint Miiiiorhii- miltiin, In iho county of l>p||iiiii, mcl ilion iiiruliiit to ihi'iicht ho slj-vuk out with' ilH>il(iln»{ of blood and torture WiiM to be Hllllfuilhei pro. ^ or the |M>o|iU> had otruinHl. lonKcd. Thn iradllionni dUunloiMtf ihe IrUh produced' lllMilMtt'* BucHH (t CattUbar and VubaaquaM Dafaat in L ungluid . - — the l'riKnt<>N'K(iinHiiin and .'Vnilllanl)'- ' Woll'i- Tone, who whh alxianl one of the veiikoK wiwcMptunxl.and taken to Dublin wIiIkmiI delay ^ wliere he wax trlemeiit* from Antrim to Cork and from Dublin to Oalway WHS only a neHet of puriMwelewKkirmiHlioH, mai|Hiicn>H and roprUiiISi • Fortunately forEiiKland, during the brief HlriiKK'*'' of IW the French republic w uh in a Mtale of cIiiioh. Napoleon wiw in l-^yp^ and the Directory was weak, vacilhithiK and liaiikrupt. It wiih williiiK to tii<| ilic Irixh relielH, but it lunl not ihe ineiinH or at leaMt not the enerpy. It dclilieratiHi, w hile an iiriny of riisli, who only lucked a few capable jeiMloiv, witli4KMhiip!i .uitupply of Hiiii.x, was \v\uK liuiwed down an ffiiiSH bofoit) the scyllie. . Fumily in .luly, wlien Iho Irisii letiellioii wiih prac- ticidly crntdied, the Kivncli DiH'clory made ii nuive. ||8 plan fora new ex|K>diiion wii.s to .diMpatcli Knial' delachmenis from dllU'ivnt )K)its niid liicrehy keep alive tlie Haines of war in 'lielaiiil until siicli liilKrs as a Htroii(?,foictMtoul(! 1)0 landed. Foi- this purpose (ien. Humbert with iiNiiii l,iiii*i men, was |M ortlen. Ijike and ("ol. Craw, ford, lietwe^n DrUiiiNluimbo and llalliiianMire, in lj?iti'ini, the latter tell on llumliei'l's rciir, but was driven i>rt". When on .Septeiulier x the Fiviicii arrived at lliil- linaniiick, in county lx>ng|oni, they were so lioily pursued by Uike and ('raw ford that lliey weii* unable to biviik dowiuMlie liridgc at Itiilllullii, ai.nisi the Shannon. .Mea^^P* .Man|uiH<'oi'ii\\allis liiid nitu'vUed to ."Niiiit .loliiistown iu order to iiitorcr|it the (•'rciich ill-front and surroiiinl tlieni with an aniiy i>t'- :ui,iiiiiMl on lln> Irish. The latter Mere excluded t'roiii i|iiai'tei', iiiid tIeeluK in evci'yrtkvction were pursned mid to (lie nnnilM'i' of ."iiKi were put to the sword. 'I'lie siippi-essfon ot' the dying enilK'is of revolution was then cdntiliiiediiiConiiMUglit I'luviiice. 'riieinsiu'- genis were driven out of llalluiii iiiid a nionlli al'ler the laiKling of tlie French at Kiiialla and l.'nttiys after the siirivnder at Itallinamuck the last battle in Con naught was fought at Kiiialla. As usual the reUds lost and there was visited iiixtii them the usual ven- geance of the executive. Tlie hinocent sutlered with Iheguilty and notwiths tanding the exei tioiis of the general and' his otticers the town exhibittJd almost all the .marks of a place takeii by storm. " .Some houses were perforated like a riddle, " says the Protestant bislicip of Killalhi Stock ;" most of them had their doors and windows destroyed, the tremblhig inhabitants scarcely escjiping w itii life by lying on the Hoors ; nor w as it till the close of: the next day that their ears were relieved from the horrid sound of muskets discliarged evol-y minute at lleoing anil powerh-ss rclieis. " Another partial outbreak, to which reference ha.s not licen already made, occuri«d in ..lime in County C\)rk. On the l!)tli of the month near tlic village of litillynascarihy it boidy ot insurgents, armed with pikes, attacked 'J'J^i iT.illitia under Sir Hugh O'Reilly. The combit was stubborn foi- ii time, but superior eipiipment and discipline told aiidtiic insurgents were touted, ieavhig lietween i'lOand U*> men on t|io Held of battle. DEFEAT OF ANOTHER F^tEN'CH EXPEDITION. The isolated action by < Soil. Hiimlx^rt determined the French Diiie<;tory to hiislen its preparations for Outside Castlebar and strongly commanded the ixMid ^ landing it stronger force ih Ireland. .Such was the they supposed Qeii. Humbert would follow. He took sbite of tlip mtvy an i ar«iial, howeve^-i timt it was n diflerent road, however, and on August 27 the oppo- sing forces joined in action. In tlie beginning tlie iwynl troops, confident in their nuiiibers, offered a stubborn resistance to the French and their Irish allies. The advancing French made an attempt to turn the Bri- tish line, where upon the royal troops became panic- stricken and precipitately fled from the field, not stopping until they reached Tuam, 40 miles distant^ while some of them continued their flight iiMtil tiiey arrived in Athlone, 79 n^iles distant, covering the entire distance in 27 hours.The English lost the whole of their artillery— 14 pieces— flve stands of colors A REIQN OF TERROR. and m killed, wounded and prisoners 18 officers and 350 men; Some of the Loogford and Kilkenny militia deserted to the FVench. The baitle is now familiarly known as " the races of Castlebar." FYom Castelbnr Humbert continued his advance not until .September :^') thUt an expeditioii, consisting of one sail of the line and/eiglit frigntes, under Com- modore Botnpart, and ;j,0ix) nien, under ( ieii. Hardy was jieady (of sailing. Refore that time a little bniid of French and Iris under James Napper Tandy landed on the nortli coast of Antrim, but hearing of Humliert's' defeat fled to Holland. Tandy was arrested and wits allowed to transport himself; The expedition under Hardy and Ikimpart arrived offtheentrance to Lough Swilly, County Antrim, October 10. The following day, before the expedition could be landed, a superior Kritlsh fleet under Sir John Borlase Warren bore down upon it. The French were defeatied after a desperate engagement oi^ rather series ofepgageraentB and the only vessels that rea- ched (Yaiioe in safety wei« the sdiooner Biche and Bloody and Hurtibt* Sctnci Kotlow lb* Supprtmon of lh« Rebftlion. The relielllon of IT'.ih nas now extliiguisiipd In b)iKid, but for long afierw aril the scalfolil was liUNy. No man Was secutt' in his lite or pi'o)K>rty. Miserable spies and iierjiiivrs i..vad)>r «.is the sup|Mi|t (if the govrrniiient U'lore and dining rlien'ltellioit; he WHS also its guide and Its aid al'ler its close. In Diibliii the ii'jgii of tlie '' three- iiiaioi-^4, " Sirr, Swaiiii and Sandys, is historlcnl. They leveled In IiIimkI ami the inure iiiiKH-ent the IiIiskI the In-tter they lelj^hed jr. I'niler theiuiinil the army of |H'r|iirers and. ItifornierH they ca|>lii.ined iniKM-ent |ieisons liv the scores iiiid by the hundreds wei'<'> Hogged to iIimiIi iind execiitrd.Tlie govei'iiinelil le^'t itseiu oiir^iKi'luelil to such lulMroants and paid out money— i:o\\ a uiatler of iniiiil for any- one who seeks ti.i. know— to the |ierjiii'('il ereiitilres- ''Tliat the rigid ftimiples of Itritisli law" says the loyalKit historian. Ma-x well, " were grossly departed from ('aiii>t be ili,s|Hiled, and that during ili:it fearful |H'rii»d, llie'j,iiis rtiul nteasiires, jiifaitiiiiis alike, wore If sorted to, inilsf lio adii'iilled. No niiitler how viilainoiis the tii'fiiacter^of tlie wretch, his testimony during these iihhappy times was reciMved Incoiit'tsof justice, Tlie general age.it of condeiiinalloii was the in former." "When it is ivineinlieiwl," sa.vs Sliie.hell. " that scpiie.s similar to lliost' were |>as.shig in every town lis well as in Dublin, that niaii.v bridges ind gallows- hills showed their blackeiiiii'.; cor|>ses swinging in th formed of tiie terror in hvland.'" To In> a United Irishnian even when the iieliellioii laid iiceii sniolhered in I)I(km1 was to iuciir tlK'-fienalty of ileath. TImA declaration was made from the lieiich in Dublin, and any meiiilM>r of a baronial or other committee »vas held accountable for every act of the •IdKly to whicli In' lieionged whetlier the act was done w ithout his knowledge, in liis abwiicr* or even at tlie exttvrhity of tlie land. LORDCORNW^ALIJS TF,s|'IMONV. Hut there is other te-stitniniy regarding tlie condition ofaff.,irs in Ireland, even after, wliith the exception of the eruption in ronnaiiglit, the folxdlion had tieeii crushed. l>ord Cornwallis, the vatuiuislied at Vork- towii, the victor at liailinamiick and tlie loi'd lieiite natit of Ireland, thus wiites under date of .lulyi IVM, "The Irish militia are totiiiiy without disi;ipline, chmi temptibic Ixjfore tli<> enemy when any serious resist- ance is made to them, but cruel and fcriH:ious in Ihe extreme when aiiy |ioor wretches, eitlier with or without arms, comes within their |}ower— in .short, murder appears to lie their favorite piLstiine. ." And these weiv the men who were tiiriied imi«s- ' trained upon the unarmed menand womqiiof Ireland! Again LoixJ CornwiUlis writes: "But ail this is trifling: compared to the immlierless murders that are hourly cominitted by our peopto without any process or examination whatever. These inen (the yeomanry) have saved the country, ,but they now take the lead in rapine and inurder. The Irisii militia, with few olHcers and those chiefly^ of the woi^jt kind, follow clmejy on the heels of the yeomanry lit murder and :£.. 3833. (lATION. 1<» IWMH-OANAUIAN .s«»lIVKNIU ST. PATRICK'S DA V. A TOAST FdR THE DAY 1 J^JjI^^JfU I _ MAY IIKIt WRONCJS HK KKJIITRl) IfKK IKM'KS UK RKAIISKU.— I WVdiink «o iho hi.ppitioMH Hi4„pro«P<>rli.v <>t \m- m\n nml .lauBhtCi's in iho l«.Mt..l hIK ^iiovpiiiuPMiciiporviMiKis n.nii) hEEF. / ! MAY SHE NKVKK \VAN^tT)R* IJ>YAi; HEARTS AND TRrE. Ti r'l-.XJID BEJHIF BEST !{] Ox Slr^nglh In « T», buriuiig*' ' «ii(lraiiixlei->f; which are still cominittM by ihe relwls serve to keep up the >«iiij;"inniy disposition on oin- side. " The convei-siition of Ihe prineipiil peiiwns ot tlie comiiry all lends to en<;ouittf,'e this system of blood; and the convei-sation even at my own table, where voii will siipiioNe I do all I can to ftiippi-ess It. always turns on hiHiffinKs, shooting, ImrninK \c. ; and if a priest has been put to death, the (ireatestjoy isexpres. Hcd by the whole' company. " ' These are extracts from letters written by Loitl rornwallislothe Duke of Portland on .Inly 8, and July 24, n'.»8, and cominj; as tliey tlid from tlie high- est and most i-esponsiblp (fovemtnont ofticial in Ii-eland thev cannot tedisiicfjarded. NOT A CATHOLIC REVOLT. / mST OK THE .STRlfifiLE. ■^Jut the Irish reliellion was crushed! \Yh it it cost in blood and treasure to suppress a movement, whicli uiRler a hi'imane system of government >would have no existeiiio and Wliich as we liave ali-eady seen was actually forced by the government, was enormoas. " Tlie ntimlier of the ainiy lost in this rtSbellion, '' says .lohn Jlitcheli; " amounts to l<.>,7(X) men : and atcordingto the gt»,iiOO, without including women and children, great numlici's o» whom were shot down by the yeoma_i>ry Or burne Caiholic churches were destroyed or tlamaged- ihi-ee .Were damaged, the . itist weie destroyed ! - . In view of these facts the i|iies(ion may seriously ' lie asketl, " who gl^ve a ivligioiistiirn to the reliellioii ill Wexford'/' and, iiicideiifally, it may be remarked th .t (hiring ihe rebellion in Ireland :L^ more Catholic churches were (l(>stroyed, and some of them in 'coun- ties not at all aftifTleii by the reliollion. if then the rellellion had a religious a.spect in Wex- ford, Ihe responsibilities resteUntviioro tli'iii with the " people who I'ONe in revolt For the outrages |ierpetfn- led on them the insurgents naturnlly, though not Justly, retaUated in kind avoiding to their ability. / In the province of Coiinaiight the ivbels perpetrated no lUrocilies. "During the whole time of the civil coMimotioiis, " says Bishop Stouk, theiVotestant Hish- liop of Killahi, " npt a drop of blood was shed by the C\>niiaught rclwls except in the field of war." Tlie differpnce between tlio people ui the south in Wexford and the uprisings that spnmgfrom that rebellion took on a religious character. ' It is true that Catholics rebels killed— murdered — Who fears to s|)eak of Ninny. Kigfit ? Who blushes at the nimc? ^ When cowards mock the patriotic fate. Who hangs his head for shame ?. He's all a knave, or half a'slave, . Who slights his country thus ; But a true man. like you. man. Will till your glass with us. We drink the memory of the brave. Th e f a ithf a l and th e f e w ■ Bod-. Some lie far off beyon(| the wave — Some sleep in Ireland, too ; All — all ate gone — but still lives cut The fame of those who died— AH true men, like you, inen,: Reme^nber them with pride. IBISH-t'ANADIAN .*H,>rVKNIR NX I'ATKrcKS DAY. folic nidi* iw « commlitofi n iipi'iHiiiK hi itrnKi^ of tho (r«tllNO«!.s iKsrpetfa- f, though not heir ability. / Is perpetrated I of the (>ivil 'oteHtant Kisli- s slied by the if war." The ith and West oftljojr trcat- I'd rcl)els and leii. "I have Mr. (iordoii, h iitrary in the iitiful womcit or side. '• I l)i- ny gros.s vagjen t only upon the ion in society gilt hiivc been sars testimony ferocity .VTRKALr»IH(ti Oai>itul I'Hid lip.. ............. .••....,.. lirve K«iimI . .,. • • • • niHi'Tnu: lliiii Ali'ii Diiiu»itiii««. I'rfildtBl / A H, I<»««i.iK. K«| . Vlrf-Pttililmt. Uuuuinil l>*«l<>lrl Hie OunrKonw. " ' Hi Mtiivmr, •• Hi llmrv " null. •• HI .Iran III* Sir Annrilr Id I'arut. (HMHil. Olll HcRilhKrHoiii I'U V.llfyfli-lil , lr««»r»ilk, P l li'Oil ainfr anil lirrmclwli. KOIIKKIS A(1KNT«. . B. Williamson .«ion,o(io . i>iiii,iiiijljj:' -- m cwE .11 1 4 i|iK>i« \>e"i of M. r«nr.) . • ..MllMKKAl. SpwUiliy : - rrLt.TtitJRHfr trtSNKtt iKir. IlKKAKKASI A .SI I'I'K.U ii lii (Vrto, Diwoiiill Itiven by I'liirliilHlii^ 'ri<'ki>tN. 11* It I Piim— I'uiaptJlr National d'Ktcomplii <)• Parlt— t^mlil Lynn- ""'i.oanoi, K»(ii(A«i>~l'«iii|>lolr Nalinhal il' Kacomiita ile ParU— llradll l.voniiail— tlly<>'>. Mllla, I'lirrle A I'o Waw'VoiiK -Tlia Uaiik iif Aiilftii'a —Thn National Park Hank— llaiuivpr National Hank— IMiaw National Hank-National Hank or ' " HoaTOK — Niitional Hank of the INimnionwfalth —National Hank of 111" nfpiil>lli;-M'Tli> in all part* of the world. OMcirlioAi mada In all partt of the Dominion. I3)Ntl Klii^ fi-om M.i'iO. Lady's Silver Wntih .Stem Wintler una- raiitcetl fniin l.'i.ili). (lcnth*men'M Fhie (iolil iiikI Sih ver Watches. (.'liH'ks, KiiKliMJi anil Fiemii, Jii Oak, HriLss, Ac., from »7.00 up. tJrantlfatlier «'locks,('hi. mo 'Clucks, &i: StorliiiK .Silver fcoods in ^rea't variety Electro Plate Ware newest |Nitteriis. .Itnvellcry of every desitription. Wo want you to cjiII anil mh- our piods. N'li Iniu- blctoshow them anil the prices aiv rlicht. IMV nut forftet the address. , . ' J. B. WIIXUMSMI WHOLESALE and RETAIL JEWELLEB 1741 Natra Dan* St. ani > antraaea 144 St. Jaaiaa St.* OPEN FROM 7. 30 ^. M. UNTIt 8 P. M. 'I'bnoiily First Class ri>|itilar I'rItivl (Yili- in the City. TCLC^HONC «i»a Telmones r— JJI Marchania iwr . . . FC)K ... . U^ISHMEN ll|ritawa If 2200 St. Oatharlaa St. MONTRKAI- .SKLF:^f>Y.STER.S OF FAIR IIAV^ STANI>ARDS IN TIHU.OR HY TIIK «!AU/ YoJns Irfland l)y liavan Iiuirjr......... lllilory Irish HrlRailM In I'rance .....v few Ireland liy A. M. SulUvan ■/'he New Irish l.llirary Idlied by Sir C. I). Vttfly I'er Volume The Past llihlory of Ireland Hie Irikhiil Canada a l^ecliire ' Iii>h Song Uook'i eaeh.... ■■■■ Ilavet Uallad'aoflrclanai)! volt, 1/2 calf..'..... •i.So ■• .'-SO .. .:... ■ 35 5" 3" ' "5 BELL, SI HO. • -• 4.00 D. A J. SJrtiUER A CO. teeO. NOTRE DAME STREET ■W When you I'equire .Stationery, Come and sec us , fate. J. K. MacDbnald GENERAL MACHINIST PRACTICAL HOUSE AND .STEAMBOAT' BELL HANCER LOCKMITH AND BLACKSMITH - '^ OMH ttaaaMlalHlAn ■ C'rpenters and Builders Iron ■r OpaOiainraS l yf^g,^^ wrought iron window- Guards and Bars I'last^trers Furnaces, Plasterers Moulds, Ornamen.. . tal Wrought Iron balustors and Stairs. Rta^^Blta ■ ^*'"''es and .Rollers for Packing houses ■■**W*Jf" ". Iron Work for Greeohouset and VentilaUng t ■ " ProdlHOO Hi qanMlssloii Marohants Specialities: BUTTER, CIIEE.SE and B(JMW. Cinitignments solicited and advances made. 472 3T. PAUL St. ', ' 28T Sn 289 COMMISSIONNERS St Itell Telephone 7^ f. r Vi LONDON HOUSE and 67 irwh-^;anauian souvenik ht. pai-rick-ji pay. BRINQ MB — _— • GILT EDGE SOAP , . • S^BtabUsbed 1842. CHABOILLEZ SQUARE. /vyoNTREAL. OPPOSITE O. T. B. DEPOT, AND 6 MIN'UTEIS WALK FROM I WINDSOR STATION. „K.TK- HV H..r VVAT.H. U.arrK;;;^^,™ t"'«». r — ^ R^^ from li)Q TO IJ PER DAY. TJ. LE/\HY. PROPRIETOR. i: DEALBft IN FINE BOOTS. AMP SHOES 2124 Noffe Dam? Street. ■^ ;tBargainaJ*rior to Removal 2093^0TRE D/WE STREET ^ENTLEMS's'FiNE 0OOTS RHD SHQES MRDE TO ORDER 219 St. JAMES Street and 2368 St CATHERINE Street CAKES and PASTRY FRESH DAILY CAHDl&S, BON BOHS & CHOCOLATES ' Oin- own Miiimfiiitnn', JhmtC^ pkxtm cuppfirt. Orders from the country careftilly attended to ^ LUNCHEON a DINING ROOMS Open from 7 ii. in. to 7 p. m. ■j./M. PROCKtER, Swis^ Ens''*'' »••'' American Practical Watcmwiaker Jeweller ...Ml optician ° 25 Yiars Kx,.er|e.»e ¥^#e St. LAWRENCE st; All Work Uiiiirantocd f'>r I- ^'"'"■'l''- . A Hnc ,.-,..rln..-..r ortt,,*!,.-. - ..... / liuniWiV viT} I.'* prill'-. P. ELLIOT DEALER IN • ■ CHOICE i}ROCERlES, TEAS, WINES^, LIQUORS, ;; PROVISIONS, Etc. . Fine Creamery Bdller A SPECIALTY. CORNeR PtiKlHeLet AND BRODIEl HARVIE'S SELF MISINa FLOUR is the Best aDd 4fODly 6eDiIiD^I^PticIe. s/iould as/r for it and aee (hat thei/ ffot It /\1J other? are j>nitation? Of Meats, Poultry, Fish and ° . . .;. Vegetables ALWAYS ON HAND. Po#er & Millens Corner of Bueury St. fflARLES ALEXANDER A: SON Montreal. NOTICE. There is not nidre lionK-like place than CHAS; CREPIN'S 2 VICTORIA. ST. Where you can gel' the BEST 25c MEAL IN TOWN Sabsuntial, Well Cooked, Well Serverf. , Open from 7.30 a.in. till 8 pm. J.S. AYBRAM A late Vineyard (yumer^in the DejMrtrrient of Herault ^ [France] Offers in siilo AViiMw of liih own iniikf, puro < (Jiaj[x> .fuici', wumintrt! fr from \ Malaga ■ Mal/vinsie . . $1.00 1.26 . 1.60 . 1.60 . . 2.00 . . 2.00 CMELIE HOT WINE. the St. Emilic Wines ixx-ommend thenjselvcs bv ;hcir generous and tonic, qualities as \v&K for their molerate priciBs. 4- These Wines are (itiaranteed pure (Jiape .Iitice Iwitliout addition of alcohol], and owing to their nutritive principles, they enrich tlie blood and give vigour to weak pon s ons . JEAN AYBRAM. / viMmyAHDiar. ■ "ST. KMT1.I1 Office and Cellars. 46 St. Oabrtel Ito." — ^«.«o..^« BliUE BOW WETS DAI RY CITY COUNCILLOR'S STS. ** ,^«,«ee: . MONTFiElAIlx. CQr,LAT0UR(S!St.a£NEVlEVE8i8 „ , .,«, Telephone 906. MONTREAL. Tel. 4101. * -^ /I .. lUlsii-CANAUlAX .SOIVKMK ?»r. I'AlUltKj* UA\ lit ' SirMi RY TES reftilly / '■■ MS II 7 p. 111. A:SON rREAL. r s OWN irv from -iiddi- ikos them a i.25 1.50 . 1.50 . 2.00 : 2.00 (1 thei^Ivcs ft iw \ml (Jrape Juice iving to their lo blood and !l«iRtr iin lh# •hotrn nf •lUlilliI Ufiil« .< 'Ifttlr wrniy hv^irl* hiivv liihl, AihI >7 Ih** oiinnuffr** htftllrsK-htiniU 'lliflr^MirJy |{iA«v« wfrr nniil* f . MmI, iImm(|iIi lh«lt il.iy Iw Tir aw»fK ' H«yi)iHl IW Allmiik Mm, t» inw ifi?n, iikt' y«t', mpn, 'Mwir ii|4itr> -till 1^ l^iini*. , / •- '1 hr iliiki I'f itum« U lifah ranh, Amoii^'ilirlr iimii lli«y f«*t i Ami \\\e H.initt Unil ihai ijavr ili^m liitlh llitt cau^lil Ijiriii lit liffi I'lvAM t - Anil wr will |>iay itiat Immm rhtii clity (uil ntiiliy ii r.ii'r "iny Aui, Oflftiv nifn, till* yiiiit iM«n» ' I To nil iiD liLivv u pnil. ' Thy ritsr In ilfiili nnil «vll ilnyn J Tu ll^lil ttlrlr nnltvt Uiiil i Tl)r'y kiiiillrit licrt n Iiv1|i|; liliii« TIhii iiimIiImiI nhall wliltmuitil. Al«» I llill Ml|;lit can vaili|ul»li klijlu — Thty felt "ml ii««««rl ow.iy \ Hut true men, like yi'u, men, _i A'* l'l**>iy lieie ta ilay, I K«t> hei«'« tlitir mriuiiiy — may Jl^lia. t'ur u» a ^ulilhiit liulit. Til cheer iiur siilfe for. lilit rty. Anil tench un to unite. Trough KOVil anil tU, \tt IrelnmlV kllll, 'l1iou|>h Mil an tbclrn )uur fata } Anil Irua men, lie ypu, intii. Like tluMC uf Ninety lilitht. THB 8BQUBU OF fJQS. Destruction of the Irish Parliament and Union of Ireland With BnAland. The lequel to the rebellion was the act af union which ■boliahed the Iri»li Parliament, » Parliament provioi^alv guaranteed to the nation hy the British constitution, No more diagraceful act wmi ever pa«*ed by any niation and no act was ever paiuwd' through more diagraoeful means. The Parliaiment, as siiid in a preceding article, was nn repiesenUti\-e of. the people. The majority had no represent, ation whatever and the minority was composed in the main of manpr-pflBprietorH and their placement, grneralyl alieDM, who had no' perinenant interest in Ireland. The House of Commons contained :lpo members and through, the borough systend Uo individuals returned a majority of that body. The Parliement was thus a fit subject for "roetalio corruption " ai^d neither the English government nor the Irish government was backward in oflSring bribe?, ' Wlien the object of the government to abulish the Irish Parliament became known to the agents of the crown every effort was made to pack the Parliameii^ with tliose favorable to thesoheme of union. And ynt strlenacious was the tittle flicker of natiouiil life in that body that it 6ared " np on the obj^t of the government becoming known and for more than a year held tlio government at ba^. THROUOH COKUtrPTION AND INTIMIDATION. • . ■ I But the govemiuent well understood the class of men whom in the main it had to deal with. Some of them were beyond corrnplion, clIierH w-ere not, and corruption and intimidation were practicrd: In January, 179!', we fluid that Castlereagh, the chief necretary for IreUnd, ac- kuQwIeUged the receipt of 825,000 from the English secret aervioe fund to be used for tlie corruption of members of Pkrliament aiid in the letter of acceptance this Irinh briber ■ays : '^Arrangements with a view to further commnnioa- tionsof the same nature will be highly, advantageous and the4>uke of Poirtland may depend on their being carefully MAYOR RAYMOND PREFX)NTA1NE. he would oppose the anion he ditmissed him from his poai. tion as cliaimellor of the exchiN|uer, "and," he atlded, in writing to the Duke of Portland, "1 shall pursue the same lineof conduct without favor or partiality whenever I may think it will tend to promote theeuccess of the measure"— the union. . The government having thus through unblushing bribery and intimidation supposedly built up a strong I'liqu'e of adiierents invited a test vote in Psj'liament. The govern' ment was defeated, however, the majority for the vppon- enta to the union being six. The result was a surprise to both sides. Knowing the ext<«it to whidi cosruptioti had ' been practiced, the nationalists had natur^ly supposey it. He positively said that he' was never a party to aijy sucli sti. pulation and that the subject had never been bnmchwl to him. Whereupon Pitt resigned, only, howevei^ to accept Castlereagh went fiirtlier than this in nuking friendi (Of. . tlio union -of the kingdoms. He intrisluced a compensatioa bill for those who would lose their seatn by the act of union. "Every aristocrat who returiieil ineiuhem waa- i»"" receive in cash.8'-'>,M0(^ for each ineinlier ; every member who hiul purchased a seat should have his money retilrnad from the'li'ish treasury, and every iiiember who waa in an/ 1 niantier a loser by the union should lie amply repaid^ Th«. amount drawn frmn the people of Ireland in taxes. for thl* shameless. procee or Wke revolution. I' he waa.destined to pUy'a obaspicitdtts pact in the political *.. IRISH -<:ANAniAN .SfMVKNIR >r. I'ATKK Ks DAt.. , . V ,. S:- i Most Sensible People .; . .DO THEIR UHm OH THi FIN HI FOOT WEI A R Ur»ri«Mt«:k KfHnl>l<'il<>.Hk LowoMt piiioH. OtiiiKtv i iitlcniion. * Comer St AntoinA dt Mcyuntain ats RPEGNEM WHOLESALE arte* RETAIL ^ New Williams Machine ^ It U «li«' loailliiK mmlilni' or llic HatWailion. ' Siioli as Cliilts, Family «Jiou|w, fiwictlos at very Ix»v I 'lice etc., etc. . V ' ' ENTRANC^E BY STORE ONLY. Platinum Finish a Specialty CIV« US A CAXL..--' !•( E-A. f..MIII>,»r ,iy^ Jrtow A fnfAL SOLICITED. The Kind ,^y - THAT m Look Well ^^' :^|itWell! WearWill - AND AUK Ih &HOU. RON AYNE BROS. .202!l7 NOTRE DAME .-.• Chaboillcz Square. MONTREAjL MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS L»:».')ti St. Catlifiine stifct. H^s-FUE)!©.*- GANRDIRNRUBBERtO'YS. KNOW ONLY AT '^ _' 1 2204 NOTRE-DAME STREET R||BBER oOOTS AND SHOES They are unsurpassed for Finish, Style and Quality. ' . FACTORIES • -^ PAPINEAU SQUARE. WAREROOMS MONTREAL.. Bpanches : TORONTO & WINNIPEG. UU ST. JAMES ST. All the latest styles in . .... GENT'S FURNISHING ...... at lowest prices. NECKWEAR^ GLOVES, SHIRTS and. everything in the . ..:. It will pay you to give us a. call before going elsewhere. A large assortment of finest CIGARS will he fo%md at • Happis Weisbiipgb, riNE CUSTOM TAItOR. DYIXG.eLEAXiXCJ AXD REPAIRING. .... MODERATE CHARGES . -69 Bleury ST. , Ofhoe and Works 1 Propristor COTE DES NEICES m of Quarries of Red MONTREAL. Yp"^ ^fiTTey granite J. Importer and Ma/nMfii'Cturer of OF ALL DESCRIPTION'S. Work executed on RniWings and in Cenietriesetc. VyMOI.gSAI.g AWP WntAH.. •ESTIMATES CIVEH OH APPLICATIOH MRS- JOHN ALLARLjrsLWHOHE ««« Formerly of Beav^ Hall Terrace (Free cqnnectioti with the City). . 1 116 St. JAMES Strect.^ mWl I AXAIUAX *U VlUVlttHt. I'.VTKMKH |».VV. Ur'*' M KVIDENC^K IS ?5;S"' TALK. HTHE y «p»o- in ttiKHit IHOES ih. style E, INIPEG. Co T. ices. ilRTS f a call xdst 'S EET.' We will Hehd " for th«» asking." a Sealed Lead Sample Packet, contatnfng Enough Tea for an inf\iiiion for tha whole family "SAUDr CEYi^ON TEA PUMt3 AUU TA8TW, IT 18 80 PURE. . ScaM Xeaatitute6 ofteln purchaaed for ttu sake of extra profUf'ivatcli for name "SALADA", tkia ia yov/r safeguard . ' MONTREAL WHOLESALE AGENCY : 318 ST. PAUL ST. TORONTO 25 FRONT ST., EAST arena. In 1^73, lit wm noiiiinstnl an UlMiral cknilidaU for Cliambly. •nd in ■pile i>t iIm fl«re lie ha« been instrumental in carrying out all the great improvements that have maus and timio qualifie., AS well as fi>r their mii(|aratf the keenestimture. Many and. Varieil are the mellioils nlopteil by dinernnt Anns to attract traile, some Guessing oiintests, some I'remiums. soinA priie drawing*. Ai;. Ac. .ltt> C\KK is an insUtntion ill* tliiclly unique It iHilongs Ui no class It sttwls alone without a mlf the stranger's ntleiilioii in Montreal. No matter in n hat department we lisik, tint same livsly atlmlrslion is awakened. 'I'lin lung esteiiilrd.lmr, rot ri'iii'lii'd iM'hiiid which stand itk while uniformiHl sijuail of slerl, omrtfous and ronipe tent servitor., readv I" dispense the flioifesl of earth'* giMid things from clime Imtli near and far, Tlui i^atnioinlied and ca|>»cious cellar, wliose rii-li and ample store lacks iTotliiiiK that 1I141 vonnoisHeur ile|igliln in, or the most foaii- dious might call for. TliH nistaurant, spacious and delighlfiil, with its adjaoent compartmenteil private riHiiiiH, cosy in « inter, cisil in sum mer, niiil always inviting sinl appetising in its iinnmculat* linen and shimmering tal^^wan-, is a v«ril«ble pa'niilise for the epicure. jc The kitchen, to, wheiiis» escapes no preiumilory odor of those amlinniitl ileliuliU it protiiptly Ha|>plleN, wlU iiul only bear the scrutiny of the xcrupUlous; but invites the oilmirtk- tion of all. Superbly appoinlild tliriiughout with the most ' niiHlern appliances, iiiaiht fniiii that purest of insterials, nueen of all liii'lals, aluiiiiniiiii, it »ell deserves the title, *'a paragon." Hero are prepareil those delicious dxt'onl soups, which have won ceiebrily, and that e«i|uisile c(>ni«-,detign- ateil II dream. • -. ' Kacli department has its hrail and corps of assistants, aggregating over fifty persons empliiyi'd on the premises. This elaliorate establishment evolutrd from tl|e old Oxforit across the street, where, sixteen years ago, in a miKlesl, un. pretentious way, this busiiiOKs wss founded liyMr, Wni. Kearney, our genial aiuldeservtdly popular host if today. In his favor we neeil tc employ no hit(hsouiidiiig adjectives His palace aiid his patfon«Kn socak f'lr themselves iruiiipel tongued itnd dn)wn our |*eliy praise. Tlii'i.« are 1 he results of his tlirought, can; and talsir See them for jSiur-elf. Tb^ OJsJopd Cafe •* UNIVERSITY ST. Opposite Clirisl ('huroh Catlieilral, and within-a block uf the leading jewellery and up-town dry g'iixls stores* Close to the Academy of Miisic and the (Queen's Theatre. Can be reached by all lines of the electric car servioiC jCmmeM J2 U 2.30. Vimntr S. SO la 8. Meals (i fa farts -until midnight, .^parate diningruoini for Ijadies. Table Wines a speoialty. . UaOK fBOM PUBI UrAPK JoICB Mr .1. S. Aybram, 45 SC Gabriel St this,pit]r is mana- faotarar of the 8t Einalie Wines; made from pure grape juice and *re guaranteed without addition) of Alcohol. Th* haveau oppu t tuuity o f prov ing i t 's wo rth b e f ore mak - It might pay yoo to drop a piMtal card you liaveau inga purohaMi. for a cample. ' ' " 318 at. Paal St.. Montreal. Address. The "SALADA" Tea Co. or 3.5 Front Ht. East Toronto. o\rej«DGAre. 36, 38 & 40 UNIVERSITY Sl^r MilliTRENL M- in iru.Hll-<'.\X.\HIASst»IIVKNIU HT, I'ATKirKTH IMY. MAX. USHER v. fr^^y^^ itporuaMT Tflii nn alex. miller. n otul tyrlnkle to rcmovi an old ont- ^n M(GILL COLLCfiC /lUC, Mootrtil. :.■■) .•■ -^ -■ -■ LAtest Novelties > ^^ In Suitings. Overcoatings and Fancy Trouserings. For yotip SPRING SUITS. r nmpreilMy invit* .von t\»at. Till! PIUCfcH AMK MODKU.VTK UooHi K.\(!KI.I.KNT, Aii.l • PKUKKCT KIT (lUAHANTKKI). HPKCIAL'I'IKH ; KUkiag ■nd TriniiiiinH for partlM. ■upplyinn )li«ir own ololh. AU.O, CI,KANIN Covrhi >ii all kfiids of ('llllV'HN filMMln. AhmIiik HlimiK<> "INSIJHKD" AWhi|lf(N |)llt ll|l V anil liiki'ii down iliiil liiNitnil at l()w St. GABRIEL St. Ir'otrlerH IHock. Corner of Notii- Ihimn Ntroi>l. Ofllo* and Saiespoom i nn, St. Catherine street. Montrtal. KVKIIY WOMKN hMMff* raii friiiii ihx ay rent. THE 6IRK6ECK hveitment. Security and Saviqus Company Capital Suboptbed. ; , . $2,000,000 Paid Up . ...... . . . 600,000 OFFICE 110 ST. FRANGOiS XAVIER STREET ' <>. W. I'KArHI-:, Local MiuiUKcr Full information on application^ JEWELLER WatcbrRak?p. and Opfician . 1692 NOTR,^ DftME STREET, . ' <>d<»i-h oist of Xotie DamoChiiifh. • MONTICKAl.. lults of all kinds In Season. . Kipc^icl Pricm for f^rge Urdem and to Hotels and Pttiilic Instiiuti«ii». - \' ■ ■ — ^^^r — :.-- — —— — . — - — — St. Lawrence Main St., Montreal. ■ , . ■ ■ , " •■v•'<^,^ , Always on haiid : Prosit llcer.l^Miitton and Lamb, • f^nrnot l Heel a nd . Salt Tonguo g . — GfMIDS DKI.IVKUKD FREE TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. —All orders promptly attended (a Ben Telephone 1160 Itell Telephone «707. IKtMll-rANAIHAK wK'VKNIK Kf. »»A«MII'| i% lf4V, DDC inwl h'Nik ihftmlon unlmikm laUaal of • I inclH, . RIAL. kNCE I ICE 1 1- MP' 1 . . af'hiiifh. •" * • • t. '• ?HER/ 25 ind Lamb, The London House , * m « «I7 rHAHOILLKZ HQI^A - Mr t. J, tiMlty Iho {"iiiiular IhmIi •■( Thu lontlim liM darlnii li<< l*n yfi«ra of l'niprl«ii>r>lilp, mail* l«l iin* of III* Idfiit in ihli Ciiy III lUy Ha h*« many miiilnrii Imprtivfu^nl*, alnin Im •vui|lt •>«« <>( til* , t^iNlmt •iiilm tli* vltitiir *li<> will malm it liln Imiimc ilurlii)| In* wi|'iurii V\ itti it lollt Iriali l'n>priii|c«i|li>lil ''Hiainn, mill aiMUiiiiut pftrliira, w»ll fHriiialiml •nil liantml nHHii* Iravcllrra li»«i> iiiiltilnn morn i» iJMir*, •ntii>ti miiiiny llir Miit«l (ratarnlty ami orir citnano Kfinrraliy MR. JAMES DEVLIN .w^ The ALBION HOTEL. MONTREAL Mil J ttiKH ilKvi.iN dn' iii'iirly a i|;iinrl«r of a ifiilurv Cliiff Kniiiiiiwr of HiMiiiiiion I'micUtntiikrii*') litlVly ItHialml at kiiiKiliin, Out.. Iiai ptireli'kHwl a coniFolliiiH inlwriixl In tliii (.111 i-HlahlialK-il Alliloii Mol*l, Midill Hirwl • Tlin many frioilila of My l»«vi.iM in lliit olty will liii kUiI to know lliiit Ilin Alliioii Uiiili-r lli« nrw niaiiaK)-iii>-nt will aualaln Hh |iHhlliiKli rfputalloii »illi ill" tjiiinilliii|{ pal.li.i. I Thii lloumi li WiiK Ii«litwl llin>u«liout with t-Wiotrio liglit amlotliHT fl)itnn»lvB improvi'iminlt ami «ipt up U> il-i well known repuution ai tliii linit in the city at uan \m attextml liy anyone lirhir li.nvii ,Btiipp«-il at the AI, aulTiTi-ra riiin |aairneaa of thu flliaul iiivaliili i-oiivuhrrnia itnil ImiI ill gMMiiMI How many yniinu uhiliirnn lh>' love iil ihrir pamita. the hope i.f tlio t'ounlry mr prrinaturply ■ lying, owing t.) Ill" wiiiii of l||>llri^lllllg fiHNl. I'iMitivi-ly, fur iiif.inix, llin Mollirra Milk la the nioa) ileair al)l« anil nouri>liiiig f aal fur l|ie Drat Mniillia , put ilKliiiity Wi.akiiraa anil niiiiiy ollii-r ailnirnla iitlrH-preveiit ,Miilln>ra from 'giving ilie iialiirnl liiiiiri>liiii|i|il aiitl olilign ihiini to ritaort to oiIi»ir prt»ct'ii«e^ . ' . ' Wm tllVINKtimtaN IIKtim pKI-lllNlniil TIIK I'KPr.i >N I V I'-. . iiilaina all lli.i nuirilioux ete niiMita piim ami i' >in|il"li< iu^Ik from purinl wliiMtl,ini'|Hirt«^l diroct triHii lltiiiui'y .atirilixHil liy tlin iinMt iiiitlioii. iliurrln'a, voihiliiiK iiilUiiiitlion of ^ lliii liomtli iimi itll oihnr iiifniil iHwaHia ciiiiuiatiiig friini iiiipropi'r fiiN I NH." Thankv to til" pur^A'Df tlin prii|iaratioiii anil the eaay- aaaiinulaliiin, tli'iy ujil hihhi rogain alrength and yigour. Tliia preparatioti ia highly reiniiniiiendi^l iiy the iiuifit ulninent imnlioikl aullioriiiic. Mr M. K. Couraol of .Montreal ia the ((eiicral a;(imt for TIIK PKPI'ONINK, and it in now on aale liy alj i{niceri"H ami liy the lieat Itrug Storea in .the. City ami Country. " Kor >pecial ratea fur the trade adilrem penonally or by letter to,, .M. K. C(H:HSOI, .in .'tn3 Hotel de Ville Avenii" Itell T( BANQUE YIUEMARIE ilir«t> ft* I M AiMliuiKtil Capital tjoo.aoo <'«■"!'■' ' Ktativa - Capilat Kuhaclibcil Ijoo.ooD titt.uoo. v> '' mlo. rtiM.. ;,--^ Mi'*ar* «■>( IVt-.IH l'i..i.l.iil aii.l (i.Mi,i,i| >tiii«,^. i. K 1,11 lirKVIIKIM. Vi.-,l'i.-i.lvn' \ r s WiHiiii r W K|^ Ciiiiiii', Miitj.iiftr , - iiNAM iiN» rHru\('ii _t|i'Kliiri : Ili'rriilcr, N-'I^ofi*'. ^lnifUT riiKMll'lv, .1 II l.tf- ItVrf MiiriMjfi'i . I,iii JHiM'. ■• II Tlii'iM**!, ;Wnrini(rr Iwii'liiitf, I !► rtti-WHti, Miiii»',''V ■ l.ii|trnifM-. T I ltMiii>|tMii, MuMiaer- li'K|iiiiliHtiir, A >lliiri«<|it. MitiiA^r l.n, I. I Nutiiinini, .Ummicrr Mitrifvtllv, O ('iiii4iiiitn(M-tiiii AlaituKt-r .Nlcoli'l, L Ui'liiu. M'liiHtfvr I'lipiiirrtiiv^lli* r l.i'^-'iirJ, \lHnHU>r Ml. I.iiiirciil, II W l.r^Hiill MniiiU'i-f .•'ti'.ilirii'jtr, tJ ItoiilfHt). MiiiHurr rnrn>!4|Hiii<|tiil-< III Nfu-Vnik Tlic NHiinitiil Hunk 4(t'iliP lli'|i(iK)ii and I.Ntlfiiliiii-^, itii'l TlKMiititii \ To. At l<«A)4luii : Hunk of .^ItiiiirtPil . ■ At PiirU : JiH Su('U*l«V < It'iii-rHUv . "» . IWI Toleplurtio iVMO, PATTERSON BI^OS. ITolophoiie Bell 1S>4. J. P.' W H ELA N J H., M. A.. B. C. L, Advocat* and Barrister, THE TEMPLE BUILOINQ : 1 85 ST. JAMES ST. MOMTRBAL. . CUtHCB UEV.F, VEAL MUTrOX AND IVIRK FRUIT, VK- MONTREAL The jlofal-yictofia LlFe INSURANCE CO. • Incolporatfil liy S|iC(ial .Xct iifllif I'aillailiitnt of ( 'an.li|.a, In llu' SiatietlO'c.ir I. f the ren;ij (if licr .;^;' . Majfjiy ijue«M Vlctorl.1. • HEAD OFFICE, - 'aa,iai MpllTREilL. ARTS OF led (o. .Sufi^ir Cured Hams nnd Uttcoii— A Si'Kci^lty. Frankfort mid JPork Snu!)nKtricta not taken* Ubtral contraclb to goml men. Apply to DAVID BURKB, Central Manager. , '*■'•■: ■' /.-, ^-js^ifit.:* ,j *J>^ ..]W MI »^ i . a i'i i H »» fc'' « W '*MW»»#wa^ ii#fc-*i^^ vi#E •4P '48^-^ir-i.) REPRESENTED HERE by B. J. COQHLIN, fATHOr. Hi»N or TIIK SiHI. AMI ALWAYS IN HVMI'ATIIV WITH IIIM KINU) t-^-m^-^m^'mism^- <» ■^ai^: i#i'^>^ti '^ ^ ^ '••'" ■^■^^t&ifi»>.m »i» -^ ^ «,> <^ .^^'.^ ^p- ^n^;^ " Tim .simiiiK>r>) or Ihn '• Wlilri< Minr Um " linvp all hr<«ii btilli In llnirMM, n cliv iliiii li>M itlwuy* phiyttl ii prmnliiriii iwri in iIm- liWorv of ItrlfiiHl. Tlwill»lil« tof Willi ii iiiKi»t>'i'<'*"> '"><' nii'iiK'iiiiy iIh> Utvnt cMiln* liuliN ii pnimliwiii iiliiic In ilii< liUiorx n( tt)oi:oui»iry . < if iIh< iiiiuiy iwIiIoIn w liondorti iIk' |mK< iiorili a( ln>latid hiiN lhi> lioiinr ol' hn v Iiik k< v<*ii lo tli« » "rid "iicli nii'ii iit Wulfn 'IVnm-, KoInti Kiniiiell, Uml l<:il\viiiti KltZK<'i''iliii tlm<>H \«o liiivp NtiirHOl' lh« lliKt iiiiiKiiltiiili< Niicli iiN llio Mnniiilit of Dultt'iiii, l^inl KiiwM'll of KillouoM, iiikI oili*>r iimiim tliitl for KHK'i'Kli'ni'* lonmio \\ III lio lioiioi'cil iiiiil wv«mj.- Hut, wliKt wo wWr til ilenl wiili inoiv |iii|'. liciilarly, iinilor llii> luvuliiiK of IIiIh iirllt Ic, Ih iIi<> Mi|M( ily iiikI abilllv ol' liiMliiiifti tor |ii'iK;tlcjil mid mK'ccNHlHil dovolo|inii'iit of iIm> hvnt liiton»Mt of tho coiinrry TlilHlH|Nirll(iiliirlv<*xciiiplirt(Hl in ilieliiNlory of lliq '• White Htiir IJin> " ImvinK llii'lr iiiiiKillfk»iit tieet of HtCHMioi'', U'lileir liiivu done no iiiiicIi for Iivtnnd, iiii'J uN|io('lnlly for tho Coiiinirivinl MntmpollH bf riio Ncitti nt Ii'idiind, liiillt In HnlfiiMt. Wliilo It Ih to lio roKivttntl ihtitinillioiiHof llu' Irlnh iKwpIn liiivc lieeii, tlit'oiif;h fort'<' of cJivuni' HtJtaM% (xiiiipcllfHl to leiivo their niilivo Hhoi'tpUho ** Willie Star SteaniNliip Co " have lieen over foremotit iveMteriiiK dr the conilVirtNof Ihoxo wIionc fate it wan to lacre tflPlrnalive Innd. There ait>Htili livinKinaiiy pprsoim in .Montreal who can vividly liili to mind tlie fcvor of tH47 and IMm and it.s dire resallM.. TJicne wore cjMiseil Kivatly by tlie luiiliaroim treatment that poor Irish eihiKi'aiilH were Nulijerled to while c'rowiinf; the Atlantit- CKraii in the.'Mdliiifry,' leiiKihof tli<.' voyaf^ were in a jtmit. meaiiire the cjiiis*} of the- fatal Hhip fever. ' /•. ' ' In strikiiiK contrast to this deploraliilij^stal.e of attairH the follow iii); sketch will shew' ; for Transatianttc Steera)?<' paaseiiffi'rs. " It |s now four yean* since the " White .stjir Line"' iiiauf;iirated the pnictice of supplying .stecraf^c Pas- sengers witli Ix^iidin^' and mess utensils, then a new depnrtilre,~wliicli lias materially added to the comfort ef that large and important chi.ss of Transatlantic Passengers. With the oliject of liirthor adding to their comfort. cliNtiti* of lli(tn<)lliigiileni>ll>«diiriiiKlh«|Mt«iuiK<<, wlih'h In iMiw act iMiiplixlied Mlihin xlx days in place of lh«* ohl'llme long vovii)(« of ihrre inoiiiliH." Thr coming levlalhan, ilie mhoihI Oceanic, of n.KNi mid tons gMMH meHHiircmeni, an enicr|irlM> which Im briiigliig Into exlaience the greatent Nleam^hip in the world, Ih that of the cotiifiany, which, unlike siano of the foivign Mieam- idilp liiieH Willi wlilch it hiw to . ciiin|«te, oweit iiihm of llN mii'ceMi to hravy MilMldlet* rec<)iv<>d from the ( lovernment. The wciaid Oieanic will •»• '>74 fi«et longer than her celela-aleHd of a Mingle pro|ieller hIk* w III hiive twin i-crews w lili M>|iaraieiiei« of triple exiMiiiMlon englneN. and like her twIn-HcreW sisters, the 'l'eiitoni<> and .Majmllc, will have tliree iniiNiN iHNtead of liie famlNar four of the older NhifiMof |Im« lino. , The coni|iany are now intltiducing' a Mill nnwAi- typo of vj-Ksel, in the Cymric. ."She is it steamer of ii',nril tons groNM meaHiiremehi, and her dinieni>«, pres- sui*. .She lit the largent caigtK'arrying Htoamer in existence, exceeding In size the Oeoigic, tho iioxt hll'gvst of the Meet by 1',:RNi tons. In aditiuli to her large cargo wi|>acity. the Cymric, is Httwj for the ciaiveyauce of live cattle on two decks well clear of the passenger (iiiarters. In one important feature llie Cyiiiric dill'oi-s from the other cai'go steamers of the line. She is provided with acomnuHlalkai fur a nii.mlier of c^biii passengera. Ilitliertb saloon p years of ser- vice with that Company ho has time and again refused the 6trers of a position a-s repit»sentative of other proverbial rppuiaihai In aiwiiyii lieing In advance of the lime* and always aiillcl|Mling the priignllli llie " White .S|mi ^Jim," freely g(ven lai applkralloii to 'IDE coMPmrPorrict, lo. s mmn 1 1. ._**"■ ■ .. Montra*'. A purer or lietter articio cannot be produi'eferring to continue with his first love. Thi'* Is accounted for, in a great measure, by \\\'> adniiiation of the enterprise and constantly advan- cing iiu|iio\ement8 ui the Com|Niny, as well as tlieir ^v^^B^aov^ v^im^ Circular ami -■; ■ } ^ ^ \\i/^n'» Tea tinooniata. fiT"ii iiiiiik gho rt j/int j-»^»*'"'«^';*,s»«ift> K0* ■■ ■mmutfUmU*^ !■«• i>lvNiif " WliHi. « ilnrliiiHl (\)Kliliii Ik Ip^lMlllllllIK hI, iiihJ III! I'llitn MiMi W. I. I RBAL. Uvi>rpaol HEES riMn in, and 1 nnprinol. Miult«r*t«d i\m oAui 5S .•ed. / ami 20c Tin pM«rt .eWMlTB - • ■ / lut Co. / Royal Mail Steamships »T LAWKtNCL MOU I K Ntt*aw< It *rrll •• •■ II ' I* • M •> ti«IM> • " ■4 •• tl •• I* "■ It • t» •■ ilU*i \» ■• N " i,*iitt«Nr>Aii I".**)*** , Hal >«NriM(ll«Mi lui.iroNKUii. ,. Riiiiiiir*« UliA l» " in ' »»« ;ij-'T 'i» " ninawn «lll lall fram HMilr>al kl *a ■ ua da; af MllMit nmnftn malilny <'luw ruiiiii|jil«n »lili Traliit ilHa la Mnnlna) ai I a m rrim MliinM|iuh% Cblraiu, Tvcanlu, Niv.tutk an>t IkMlua Tll> MliHini aii'l lUOrmimi* •» In lli* onlnl twrl wlirr* III' Wail mM KliTlrli'lll tf MW.I fur tlnhUnu lU >4ilp Ihronlinul Ilia llfhia li«ln( al llw i iiailiiiliiil uT lk« luuwiiilfraal aiil liuUt iiT ll'« nllllll MiMli' MMi«M anil Hifloliinf rimm »» ihr |>riimi>iiaVI Livaipool, London, Olaag ow. Balfaat, Umdondarry ot QuaanaiaiMr taajoiand •*}.!• I'r«|wid /li'liata lu brian Irlaaila rrunilliaolil (!oun(r| al lowaal raua. / ' • Tha Hfamrrt «1 ihU arriira rarr.v all rUH or paaionnari Tho k^liHina and ''iHlariNlftta arf tii Ilia t'ritlfal (lart wtw-ra laaal iMiitliin la fall K,l'<-'rl«lrii> Mail i|illli ajfiill uulAt or badillni anil twlnia Miiaii' fiiuni anil Hni' nl«tll aaiiit('utanaih lor ilic niiyaica fn'a of i'lijir( ordfr liy iha roinpany'a HUwarila. | il-rk T I At irf Whii-b ara ki«iit In Prom (llaafow lA.I.il-.AlSr-ST-A.TPB LINHl. Olaagow, Londondarry and NaW York Barvica. I.ailalion Turall i-laatra uf pancogara. Tlir HaliMina ara furwaril, Stalrnwini near tlw rrnirr iif iha ahlua l*n>manas vntvn'AitiM uami; iiiui.tnv AMI H.HII IN HKAMDN. \ 64 PRINOm ARTHUR BT., ■ILL TILCPHONI 8474 MONTKKAL HARPERS SAUSAGES, HAMS, LARD, a«OMI aa« SAUaMII glEikT aia I'litr 1. 'rtHia, liallalinia, hliangltl giving, |HH>a4«liig i;aniilna ii.aili Wa I'Ulm many yaar* Nf aaiMrlani'a an4 giNMl laputallaM. If ynii wlvh lu ikariMghly tnjay yiiar liia4krl. Anil »tll iln*« Ida aaptiltMail lHW«rkaa|«r khow thai aii tiallai I'ktal*. WHOtlfAt^K PACKINO HOUSR t« h MiiMip'X'aai RETAIL tTALl-a ; 14. «J. id and ay 81. Lawranca MaikM, And a( All Otoaara and Mulchara. ATTCNTION I ATTENTION I Krar.v body wiiiiiHii Ntiw Hut nm ST. PATRICKS DAY ■ Tho Right IMmii to not till' liiti'Ht '■ •'>'KKM, < III N 1 1| . A'I'I-;.H. n Ml ( \,s, Kriili iind ( i.nhn ll..iii.r) KorclKii iind Ikmicallc W liic«, l.kiitoro. \li>«, rorlci'n itlld l,iiKi'l'H. IMhiHTKIi mill lM»\IK.s:i'|<' t'DlAK.^ Kki'i-H X|Nila| llit<« |ji|(i>i. IIkhi In iIh- .Mrnktii, U SHKI{limK>KK «i ilLKIIKY NTH. J^yML V^THE HILL TOP. spaiwQ'^ MEDEeiNE / BUTTERNUT JpVV jT f thr Hkln. Kur aaln nv«irywli(ir« or Mint li\ tiiail on moaipt of prU*. G. B. Sadler, MERCHANT TAILOR. 1696 WOTBE-DAHE STREET, JONTREAL SPRING SHOES \VK mv Hliowin^ II ltni> liiit^ of .s|'|{IS«i KiKnWKAK all till' liiltHii NtyloN mid i^olorH. We have ii H|H-<-liii hIiim> in Hlnck or 'I'mi which wo are w'llinR ut 8:i.ihi a imir. Olhw Mton>» tliink thorn Imi'Kain^i at JK4.(MI. . . ,...'./, LMANSFie 124 ST LftW TIIK IRISH (CANADIAN inilMI.MrrNr, pO.,-TELKPH()NK I!t4-p|.'i-'tCF,S TK.M IINTIN(,S HOirSE, •X\ .ST. NI H . ^ u, U _» i ^[^^Cr^ J, B«ll tal«»lMfi« Mia John, rx 1)1 JNC^AN. 04 di 00 DRUMMOND HtriKil Tin: V\ALI{KIHiORIM)\ LAIIOHATOin' (MK MODiriSD MILK ■ ■ Ii.mIi U.»I. for thf tolcrvtlfio f ••ding of Infants and Invalids. II HI XC,\S |. iIm iHily KvlillrHmii In III* I >iiin|Ml'Hi wIh> prruam M<> liftril Mllli Uit liiUnia *nil •it»lit'«l| Haiti mmI Miir ■'••MiiiU'H. Inn IHii yvkra tun ill" 1(1 rut IMHIIirlly (|| lIlM iihhIii-'iiI micii iif Mf^iiircAl mill III fiwl kII iitvr I'auHiU |wi>k rilw U fur l.lt«lr iwltfiiila VIr Ihinrmi hiM itailjr nriii>T> I Tonifiix. IRUvit Mill) ilJH'r larK* hui^IiIm cIiIiw. TliM iiriHfKi whii'h t* • rtry lalmrmii iiiii- rmull'* III lti« ■Mitrmiitn iif i'iio'd iMilk III ii|i «iiiii« niiiiilKlriiry itn>l i>>M|fttM.i«» iif iiiiilli«r'i> nillk iriliiig to liif«iit<« wliii lil« (II li«v« tliii lii'ritT I'KH'FX. RiDBERfsOi A CO. S33 ST. JAMES ST. MONTREAL KimiHltil t1l« NSUBANCK Cn'Y OF N{)ta??illPCA FIRE Marine . :..0* . . . PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL •3,000,000.00 A88iT$ ' ' •10,023,220,93 Jas. H. McKEOWN, IIAKKK iiml roNFKITIONKB, 87o St. Antotne St and ..... . 2797 St CatheplneSt Willy (IHivi'iy to nil imrtji (if tlio City TKI. IWJH A\n Hit' w ROBERT HAMPSON A SON, Qcnctal A(«nii (or Canada. ".'""^"'"^T^""": ; : •• w. sao^iMMiMt ttPMi; THE WORKINQMAN'S STORE lE'.t.iMiihtil iKM) Hold on *"•'"•••**•'•- «•!• Ill Kn(li>h ami UmiUk lMi«iMB|iitwi MwgM mhI clMtiui*, Ar* Um gmMM- *»tm SUIT rO ORDER 115.00 TR0U9eR9 TO Ml» < $4.00 ■ iHir im«ranlMt warranilnii lartnaiiU l» •Mr •iill»lf»vlnrtly iinti »«ar aMMm* yna Unaal ••lUfarlloH , iir yiivr miillry ImiIi J. G. KENNEDY & CO. one; mjjft cLOTtiieiis. 31^^ ^/\WKeNCe3T. T t THOMAS DEERY i GO. Daalara In rolILTHV. (MiMK, K(JGS ETC. WIKM.I'.H.M.IIanii UKTAII, Kiir lliilvl*. Htr«m>lii|ii mill |<«».iniiraiil» r. 2 & 3 B^tCOUHS MAR un T.II. tn MONTRHAI lull TrI A!I7I F. R POWELL. VtceNeffrtL Ffooreff AM|iliiiJi'*Mml (ViiMul pavliiK. rii|i|HT iiud IIiiIvhiiI- »'<1 i^HW^»"ll*- Ml klll'ln "( UniMllllllK lloiHi. ■"^lii^ft^SfMrt liifiMiiiiilliin ;fivi'ti on AiiiilUiitidi'i. Office: 248 BLEURY St. PflQOETTE S G0DB0(JT7 .M.tNI'K.tl-miKHn llf Doors, Sashes. Blinds, Qarvings of all kinds Scroll work etc etc. ■ ■ ■■ ■ asp«ciait3r. Corner of WILLIflH and St. CflSIMIR St. ^ ^^ -,— ^ JFT IIYACINTHE J0SE:PH O'BRIEN & 00., G OAL & WOOD ^ 09 Inspectoi' Street O. P». OHA.Ca-NO*J Hoccwar lo N. L NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREALr I \ ■ >n(l door Kail of Mouf tain Sliwt. M J. H. HOWilRD, Oroc e r ie a, W i n e a gmd P ro viaio T U, Butter a specialty . (Of St. Oonilnlqde and Roy sts., ' Telephone 6841. MONTREAL. P. JACOBOVITZ ic Go., Merohant Tailcivs* Ho. 93 Blcbry Street, Jtontreal. ...:■. ■•-■■■■:■ ■■■■?>■ ■'i V ;*. '■ ■v'i^^ r^' r . g^ * ... • • '"'^ . • 1. i ,', ' ■ .,4 -■■>■-■• %» ■ ':.: ^S' " ..•■fi'. *if»J ■1 / 125,^