BBI e^:^< V] ^ /}. -*>. -% > ^J 'K4 ^^^^J!> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 ill 1.1 ■^I2i 12.5 2.2 2.0 L8 |50 — - Hi l«o IL25 i u H 1.6 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation « 0m '^ fV \\ ^ IMPROVED TRUSSED GIRDER BRIDGE. % LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA 1875. i m mMKUtmuum t m i n iiii w i n — %-c \\askli;s Kail Tkm' ssi 1'.iI('IiI(mI !)'"l'rl)>' In'):). Br w "cr "Bsr o IS ^-j ^^ Elevation. I'i^.l /4 i' [:>L Half Plan or Lower Chord. '^v<£ Half Plan ofUpper Cho Elevation. Fic». -. Elevation. Fi6 'V iMruovKD Tki;sski) Patented \S^ Oct^ Elevation of Side . TlxM'SSMS A)> In}.'). .F Plan orLlppER Chord. \iiii- X ^r KiC». - End End B Lower Otorrf. C fhs'/ or Jirffrf D 7h roff. E Cfhs'/hff/. r ifou. ' C Shoe. H hWt jainf. TkITSSKI) HlHDKR BhIDGIv ■M- --■■Hi- - Hi f nil . Elevation of Side Truss. Fi^. 4. \Vaskli:s r. I lent -^ A r^ ^ WASELL'S RAIL TRUSSES BRIDGES AND ROOFS IMPROVED TRUSSED GIRDER BRIDGE. LONDON, ONTAEtO, CANADA 1875. WASELL'S RAIL TRUSSES ■♦-*- LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA. Gentlemen : I have the honour to bring to yom notice my " Rail Trusses " for Bridges and Roofs, patented for the Dominion of Canada, 9th February, 1875. It haa long been considered desirable that our railway and road bridges should be built of iron instead of wood, but the item of first cost has prevented the adoption of iron to any large extent in their construction. 'V[y " Rail Trusses," julapted to bridges, puts within our reach the meaur. whereby iron bridges can be built as cheaplj as wooden ones ; and in the neighbourhood of railways, where olu rails can be conveniently got, the cost Avill lie less. When the durability is considered, these * Rail Trusses " must commend themselves to all railway, i-oad and munici|)jil corjwration.t who may need to build new bridges or restore the old ones. The Committee of Investigation of the G. W. Ry. of Canada, in 1874, reports that there are '* 18,000 tons of old rails lying rusting alongside their track," (pp. 7 and 25 of Report,) and judging that other railways are similarly situated in this respect, I would draw your attention to the immense amount of material, otherwise almost useless, that is now available for yom use ; and that as long as railfl are subject to be worn out by the locomotive the supply will continue. I would also draw your attention to n bridge of a very superior d««cription, my "Improved Trussed Girder Bridge," patented 15th October, 1874, and illustrated by figure 4 of accompanying drawings. Greneral descriptions and drawings are herewith attached, so t' ,at engineers of railways, counties, a)\d the different municipalities, and all mechanics may erect my " Rail Trusses," at pleasure, by first pur- chasing the right to do so from ire. Detailed descriptions, plans, working drawings,