V TO THE Corporation of Toronto BOHRD OF TRADE. Sirs : ~" The Intercolonial Exposition of Industry, now opened at King- ston, Jamacia, W. I., is an epoch in our colonial history, and deserves the patronage of British Americans, to assist in consolidating and extending commerce between us, as members ot the Colonial Empire of Britain. . »S The writer of this became a member of our Board of Trade over forty years ago, when we had to struggle for existence, and met over the grocery store of Chas. Robertson, at the market. The late Thos. Clarkson, Hy. Rowsell, T. I). Harris, J. Harrington, P. Ridout, J. G. Worts, and others, who took an interest in those days, are succeeded now by a vigorous army of business men, and the results of this institution, so early established in the capital of Ontario, are seen by the erection of the magnificent building, just completed, on Front and Yonge streets, a photo of which, along with other city buildings, should be sent on to Jamaica Exhibition, so as to brii.g our brethren in those delightful islands up to visit us in summer, and Canadians to return the above in our winters, for health and pleasure, instead of going to California, thereby giving a short sea voyage to us and strengthening the bonds of intercolonial trade and friendship. The year 1893 has been chosen by our American brethren south, to commemorate the landing of Columbus on these western shores, at Chicago, and I beg to suggest, that we as British Americans have equal right to do the same, and specially Decause the French Cana- dian Pioneers penetrated into the interior of the continent via the great lakes and rivers, before civili;^ation began, and erected forts, etc., to trade with the Indians and carry the cross to the benighted heathen. Therefore, we may unite to hold an exposition of British American industry in Toronto during August and September, while the World's Fair is being held at Chicago, and tliereby give visitors from Europe an opportunity of witnessing our progress in the western world, in friendship to " Bro. Jonathan," to l)ring c'tizens of the world to settle upon our inexhaustible supply of vacant territory, and make happy homes for the millions from every land under the sun. The city may send the beautiful case of framed photos and maps which adorns the City Hall, and a few specimens of our portraits, the old artist " Berthon," and the Board of Trade their building same time, with samples of produce. If deemed necessary the writer of this, who was at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, officially, in connection with our manufacturers, would be willing to accompany the above, to renew acquaintance with the commissioners from the West Indies who were at Philadelphia. There is plenty of time for this being done as an extra and complimentary exhibit. Excursion trips are being arranged to take Canadians direct there and return by Halifax or St. Johns, N. B. The late Senator John Macdonald, of our city, took great interest in promoting this colonial enterprise amongst British Canadians, and to his honor and memory we should follow up his philanthropic labors in behalf of union and peace and good-will amongst men. I am, " V Your humble servant, JOHN LAIDLAVT, Sr. Toronto, February, 1891. '