^"^ ^^T^^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) / O .<.^ .%^I^- z III 1.0 I.I 1.25 14. Ill 1.6 6" m e '>> > >J Photographic Sdences Corporation signifie 'A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Lee cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte i dee taux de rMuction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cllchA, il est filmA i partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'Images n^cassaire. Las diagrammes suivants iliustrent la m^thodo. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 / OF FRIENDLY SOCIETY. £iicorporatfb unbcv the ^^nciilJlu .Societies' Jlcts. .«»:S S, H, e. M. BKANTFORD, 1887. CANADA. ANCIENT Of«)£R llNSTITUTEDFRCW >^^ OF FORESTERS riMtlMMEIViaRlflL ! GENSEAL LAWS. Fk firm I nor let corruption hIv Twine round your liearts indisaoluble chains, The flteel of Brutus burst the grosser bands By Caesar oist o'er Rome ; but f-till remained The soft enchanting fetters of the mind, And other Csesirs rose. Dererm ned, hold Your independence ; for that once destroyed. Unfounded freedom is a morning dream, . That fiits lorial from the spreading eye.—lii^soN. -♦♦♦- BRANTFORD : Published and Sold by tfik Executivr Cjuncil. 1 «fi 7 . .... , . ir p. H, 6. BRANTFO a NciENT Order of Foresters FRIENDLY SOCIETY. intorpoiatcb xmin tht ^ttcnJilB cSotietita' Jltis. 1. H. G. M. BRANTFORD, 1887. CANADA. GENEEAL LAWS. Be firm ! nor let corruption sly Twine round your hearts indissoluble ohains, The steel of Brutus burst the grosser bands By Caesar oast o'er Rome ; but still remained The soft enchanting fetters of the mind, And other Caesars rose. Determined, hold Your independence ; for that once destroyed, Unfounded freedom is a morning dream, That flits serial from the spreading eye.— Thomson. -♦♦♦■ BRANTFORD : Published and Sold by the Exbcutivb Council. 1887. OFFICERS OF THE SUBSIDIARY HIGH COURT. cjfifth (^xmxixbe QiomxcW, ^vnntforb. LEVI SECORD, H. C. R. RICHD. WHITLOCK, H. S. C. R JNO. SHAW, H. C. T. CHAS. NEWELL, H. C. S. ALF. PINKHAM, H. C. S. W. WM. BAITERS, H. C. J. W. THOS. AVER, H. C. S. B. W. E. J. TAYLOR, H. C. J. B. ^XXtStttHf. W. P. R. STREET, Q. C, JAS. FOOT, - C. B. HEYD, R. HOWIE, - J. P. WEBSTER. H. CPIICK, J. W. WOONTON, 3ltttiitjjt«. LONDO.N Stratford Brantfore GUKLPIl Ingbrsoli, Toronto London J. S. WILLIAMS, . . OS * 35 Adelaidb-St, w., Toronto (S)mu rrf the €xecttttbc (Eonncxl BRANTFORD, ONTARIO. posseasio good anc 1 ship. Vi right an exemptei and use/ IN written, of the " stitutioi havisg position in the c tion of principl compos Th organiz at the 3rd, 18 Ml becomi abstrac the att standi] Upon 1 pose tl and th Tl togeth of the Order : and sc II confe( ;ouRT. PItEFA.CE. LONDO.N Stratford Brantfore GUBLPIl Ingbrsoli, Toronto London W., Toronto aresters' Hall, 1, 1887. ^' There is no man but God hath put many excellent things into Ms r^osseJionto heused, improved, and managed by him for th^ common Zad and interest - for men are made for Society and mutual fellow Tv "r^o«^ born for ourselves alone but every man has some riTht and Interest in us'and no man can live happily m this ivorld 7xX^edTpriv^^^^^^ being, in his place, some way beneficial and usefuir-^r. Oalamy's Sermons. TN AUGUST, 1834, the last preface of the General Laws was wri Jin It was then thifc the Order was founded under the name ^the - Anciint Order of Foresters," with a wide and liberal con- ^ i ut^on wS has Lod the test of over half a — '^^^^^^^^^^^^ haviBff undergone any material organic change, t or tniB i»™™°" ' Sion due credit must be given to the early and earnest workers ?n the ckre forSeiHudgme*^^ and foresight in laying the founda- •tLf ofX Order*s Conftitution upon broad, just and <»thol.o prTncMes-lso esLtial to the good working of a e<>»J»°° ^^*«;fy ^JmZed of persons of all religious creeds and political opmions. The Subsidiary High Court of the ^=^}^^°;^^^^^^^^^ tXu?^ theliTnl Bo'rough of Northampton, England. ' Much might be said upon the advantages which acojue from becomi'^ rf -iSnl U ano^rtyXeruriWeth-^rSTr rI^?^^mL^^VaieJ:fold ob^cri^i .a-a sW^,™-! Con?heL^Ts^fistnr:tr^^^^^^^^ -^•■ poTtht Ord« sSaU be the healthy andthe.honest-the tenograte ""^ Theloundation of the Society-the tie that binds its member. together-must necessarily be promotive of the 'O?.''! ^^?»f ««' of those within the sphere of its influence: for the obiect of the Order, anTitstomedilte aim and ultimate end, are those of mutual \ and social assistance. n-^^.. ^ It is scarcely possible for a man to be a member of an Oi^er, ^ conf^derSt^S for these praiseworthy purposes, without IT. PREFACE. deriving for himself individual advantages ; not merely of a pecuni- ary kind, when sickness requires the aid of the Funds to which he has contributed, but also of a moral and intellectual nature. To cultivate our kindly sympathies, to inculcate brotherly love, and render it a rule of life to foster feelings of commiseration for all suflfering from affliction or in distress, and to develop the principle of charity in all the relationships of life,muBt be accordant with and promotive of the highest morality. He who as a member learns his lesson aright, and allows the principles on which it is based to have their legitimate influence on his conduct and actions, cannot but be elevated both in a social and moral sense, above those who neglect the opportunities for mutual aid within their reach, and who live as if man was created for himself alone. The lessons of mutual regard and of social aid which contact with the Order can- not but teach, must of necessity render the recipient a better husband, a more intelligent and kindly father, and a more enlicht- ened and useful citizen. The practice of Benovelence can never be promotive of cruelty. The practical inculcation of Charity can never lead to illiberality of soul. Geniality and kindnes in our Court Kooms cannot degenerate into brutality at home ; and the nature which is formed by association and precept to sympathise with Buffenng and distress, can never take delight in, or become the cause of pain and anguish to those whom it is a privilege to protect, and a duty to succor and aid. The social advantages, therefore, of the Order, and such practical teaching of duty must manifest themselves throughout all the ramifications of life The man who has served in the Court-room will know the vikue of obedience to lawful and kindly command, and make a better servant outside, than he who obeys blindly, and renders service un- intelligently ; and the man who has exercised authority in the Court, called to the place of honor and power by the free choice of his brethren will not be the less qualified for positions of responsi- bihty over his fellow-men in the outer world. Forestry therefore, from the very nature of its constitution, its objects. Its duties, and its responsibilities, must encourage the moral, social aiid intellectual interests of those connected with the Order, and it becomes a sacred duty upon all who have its honor in their keeping, to guard that honor with a jealous care, and to be mindful that it receives no tarnish from their actions as Foresters in the Court-room, or from their actions as individuals moving in general society. " «f Jj^«-^5?»«»*0/nt with and tnber learns is based to ons, cannot I those who reach, and ) lessons of Order can- nt a better tore enlight- an never be r^harity can idnes in our le ; and the sympathise or become privilege to advantages, duty must life. The e viirtue of :e a better service un- rity in the ie choice of Df responsi- >nstitution, ourage the d with the ts honor in and to be I Foresters moving in country, who, by enrolling themselves under its expressive watch- iwrord, can exercise the gift of self government and of spontaneous pocial activity of which all citizens of the Dominion are naturally and justly proud, as the birthright of a free people and the best isecurity of its liberties. Of the importance of Friendly Societies generally, we cannot conclude this Preface more appropriately than in the words of one of our great living statesmen, who, in an utter- ance at a Friendly Society gathering, said:— "I attach value to these Societies because they are so thoroughly f and absolutely spontaneous. They represent the character of the *• people, and in one of its best and most pleasing aspects. I would *' almost say— I do not wish to use any language of flattery, or any *' language of exaggeration ; but still I must venture to say— that, ^* so long as societies of this class, justly constituted and honestly ••worked, continue to form a broad and marked future in English ♦•society, the country is not likely to go very far or hopelessly ?* wrong." That the Ancient Order of Foresters, as one of the great family 0f Friendly Societies, may nobly do its part in the great work which lies before it, and be a power of usefulness in disseminating the benefits it has undertaken to bestow, must be the earnest prayer of *very true Forester. ink as one cially com- en of our i fom the s EXTRACTS FROM GENERAL LAWs'"sEcn ike po'ver Authority for Subsidiary High Courts. * *^® ^^*^^ Districts, Section 1.— That Subsidiary High Courts may be formed i^O sanctio any British Colony or Foreign Country, where two or mor^asaword Districts, or one District with any contiguous Courts out of District ander th( may agree to establish the same, provided the sanction of the HigljReturns t Court of the Order ha3 been first obtained. Applications for Subsipwrpose o diary High Courts to be signed by the Officers, and to bear the seal Sect of each District and Court joining in the same ; such applicationfim-ivilege to be sent to the Executive Council of the Order, by the 21st day oiteicts and May, for msertion in the July report, and for consideration at theanv othei next ensuing High Court Meeting. Uknguage Section 2.— That each Subsidiary High Court shall be gov.and shall erned by an Executive Council of eight members, whose title shall^eir Dis be similar to those borne by the Executive Council of the Ordei a»tioas, 1 but with the word "Subsidiary" attached thereto ; and that eachFOCured Subsidiary High Court shall hold a meeting of Delegates from the«ldiary I Districts and Courts comprising the same, annually biennially oMg^^ or fi triennially, aa the Subsidiary High Court may determine. ' but such Section 3 —That the functions of each Subsidiary High Court ^^*^ °* shall be— (1) To make Regulations and Rules for its own govern- *"® ^®°°^ ment and for the election of its Officers. (2) To enact a code of Seci General Laws for the government of the Districts and Courts which own reg may bo connected with such Subsidiary High Court. (3) To adopt Courts c( a system of Final Arbitration for the settlement of any disputes tiguous which may arise amongst the Districts, Courts, and Members con- possible nected with the Subsidiary High Court. (4) To provide for the # draw? representation of the Subsidiar;^ ±lij>h Court at the High Court of ^^e Cleai the Order. (5) To form Funds for the relief of Widows and ©learanc QEj;^9Lns, Societies for Juvenile Foresters, and for any o^Ker purpose Courts ii recognised in the objects of the Order. Subsidia Section 4. -That each Subsidiary High Court shall have ^^^^^ * jurisdiction only over those Districts and Courts which may have P^^ ?." established the same, or may have afterwards joined it, and shall ^^ '®"® have no control and make no interference with any District or ^'^e^® »^ Court m the . ame Colony or Foreign Country, which may not have Sec joined or be connected with the said Subsidiary High Court. to suspe Section 5. -That no District or Court which may have become *?^ ""'^^^ connected w.th a Subsidiary High Court shall afterwards secede ^ ^ * "^^ EXTRACTS FROM GENERAL LAWS. •s. fom the same without the p action of such Subsidiary High Court Meeting, and in accordance *vith the General Laws thereof. LAWS Section 6.— That each Subsidiary High Court shall recognise ike po'vers of the Executive Council and High Court of the Order, B the ibauing of Dispensations for the opening of new Courts and Districts, which each Subsidiary High Court shall have the power be formed in* sanction, and shall recognise all Emblems, Certificates, Lectures, ;wo or mor^aaswords, &c., issued by the Executive Council of the Order It ofDistric^aIlder the authority of the High Court, and shall furnish all a of the HigijReturns to the Executive Council which may be required for the ons for Subsiporpose of the Order. bear the seal Section 7.— That each Subsidiary High Court shall have the applicationgm-ivilege of printing its own General Laws, and the Rules of Dis- le 21st day oifcricts and Courts connected therewith, also the Lecture Books and ration at theany other documents issued by the High Court of the Order, in any Uciguage which may be in use in the Colony or Foreign Country, ahall be cov a»d shall also have the privilege of obtaining goods for the use of se title shalltheir Districts and Courts in the best way they can, except Dispen^ i the Ordei Wtioas, Emblems, Certificates, and Lecture Books, which shall be id that each^ocured only from the Executive Council of the Order. Each Sub- ites from the«ldiary High Court shall also have the privilege of adopting any biennially or^gna or symbols which they may deem necessary for their local use, ne Imt such signs and symbols shall have no recognition outside the xi- u n + limits of the said Subsidiary High Court's jurisdiction, or supersede own ov '^ ***® recognised signs, symbols, and passwords of the Order, ct^a codTof Section 8.— That each Subsidiary High Court may adopt its Courts which own regulations for the granting and accepting of Clearances by (3) To adont Courts connected therewith, or make arrangements with any con- any disputes tiguous SrVsidiary High Court for uniformity of practice, if einbers con- possible ; but members leaving a Colony or Foreign Country, shall, vide for the ^ drawing a Clearance, pay three months' contributions in advance, gh Court of *ii® Clearance to be post-dated accordingly ; and that the recognised Widows and Clearance Form issued by the Executive Council, and granted by SKer purpose Courts in Great Britain and Ireland, shall be acknowledged by all Subsidiary High Courts, the terms of acceptance, however, being ii 11 \y anbject to the Laws which may govern such Subsidiary High Courts. Shall have j^^^ Subsidiary High Court may also adopt any system for aflford- a may have ^ ^^^^^^ ^^ travelling members which may be suited to the country District or ^^®'® ^^"^^ Subsidiary High Court is established. ^y not have Section 9.— That each Subsidiary High Court shall have power yourt. to suspend Districts, Courts, and members connected therewith, L for violation of its Laws, and shall make provision by the creation lave become ^ ^ Ynud for the protection of those members who may vote in the s EXTRACTS FROM GENERAL LAU^S. minority agakst their Courts or DistviVfa k.«. • seceding from such Subsidiary High Court "'"^^ ^^^«Pended _ Certificate of tL Order to^the7rn^nf.-^ adapting the Emblem ac duce and obtain the s^mein^^^^^^ acquirements, and to prr Bidiary High Courts rf'^chcouL^^^^^^^ *^« ««' a regular meeting of their S rmfrf "iP?? ^"^^ » «ou"e £ Council of the Order shallbe fmn.i^ S*/ ^°^ ^^'^^ *^« Executiv Dispensation for the eSshmrtTp"^ *°* '"^5^^ * «P«*^»^1 form < of Subsidiary High Courts "* ^°"'*' "°^^'' *^« J^wdictio moi ^gulati urse J rd. !; I 1 1 ; " m ^'>ng"ii^.r^kT:^tTl^^^I ■"- "o. » 'he progrea, .i primitive inati.uti«„, anrthe"efore th« ^ ^'^^J ""'"'' »' «>''■ hath br«u to review at fit n.r^^^' it '™* wwdom of all ag« ceases that have SiMy crept ntoih^rfM^''"".' •?*'*'=" "d « brush the dust off the wheerSnd on th.r*"'": a^-nioi't^tion : tc advisable, to choose a eetif r ^ one? X^Jl' f°h-' " ",''' ''""^' 18 most easily, and with the leoat ri,«h,?K. "l *^" "formatioi society itself, no single ma^ befn; folh?!? "t' *° *•* ^^^^'e^ % «.end his own mannfrs, aS, S mo~ «n ''^ ?»? ""'^ *'''"' «' UWty to bri.g themselves ^HM^^r Hj--^^ ^-i^K th ARTICLE L Sec 1 T. '"'f^^^^^^^* ^«^«T LOWERS. ^ &EC, 1.— The Subsid ary Hiffh Pnnt-f : *u legitimate authority of the >ATnS«* r. 5* *"* *^® source of alJ Domimon of Canada^ I possesles T*! ^-'^"^ ?f Foresters, m the subject, however, to sucriawr.^ "'^^J""'^^'"*^^"^^^ High Court of the Order ^ ''^'^'■^® ^^'t**'^ "ghte to th. WnlL^ J,rUnt?tL"C^^^^^^^ *^%"-ms. Ceremonies, same, and to provide for the aafe-keenint °^^^' ^^-f^' ^"^ ^^^^^l the dissemination of the same **^®^®®P»"g a^d uniform teaching and Emliei„;,^^12^:^ 'SI^^tt'-Tr ^^^^^^^ ^"Pensation. paraphernalia as may be ^ecessarv L t^f *"/*' °*^^^ «o«d« oi >rder. "^ ^ necessary tor the uniform working of th( >ud su( %ver Si I (i. ,|the ter *to Subi .Distric i . ^* i diary 1 f follow! intend of the ordei e S] delega diary to rep act on T Range cartifi m aot f oi delive or sha upont GENERAL LAWS. 9 'g ^uspeuded re i To provide for the Distribution of passwords, and regulate He mode an^ manner of using the same, and to prescribe such uSns as may be necessary to secure the safe and easy inter- ^ :rse and identification of the brethren. t n ^a. ^tV^^^a (d) To establish the order in the Dominion of Canada, where le same has not been instituted. re J To provide a revenue, by means of a per capita tax ich Subordinate Court, and charges for supphes furnished. ICQ ouuuiut««uv , J «4^^v>..^ i.fi.f.iirn» from eac on uate in Fore*^ le Emblem anj nts, and to pr( tvided the SulAinii tsuborainaxe uourc, »uu i;ua,ig«o w^ ^^^^^ _ mcha course J I //.; To provide for annual and other returns from each Sub- t the Executivirdiuate Court under its jurisdiction. , .^ « , „.T.;f,.ofnra n.!! a special form ( '^ /« ) To hear and determine through its final arbitrators all the jurisdictio jppeals from Subordinate Courts, in accordance with the regula- rs' ^ J To^ laws and regulations of general application to earry into effect the foregoing, and all other Powers reserved by thesl laws, to the Subsidiary High Court or its Executive Council and such as may be necessary to enforce its legitimate authority over Subordinate Courts under its jurisdiction. . j c r^jTo grant commissions to District Chief Rangers ; to define the territorial extent of their jurisdictions ; to grant dispensations to Subordinate Courts not within the tp"itormljunsd^c^ of any District, and to provide a constitution for each Subordinate Court. Seo. 2.-A11 laws, and alterations in laws, made at a^Y ^"»fi; ia reformatio, .diary High Court Meeting, shaUconi^ii^o^^^^^ »e fiflRpof^/1 u. Ifnllowing and other resolutions 01 the touDSiUiary mgu v^uuiu v w Marvel ordered by the meeting. ARTICLE IL he progress c much of thei m of all agei iefects and ex inistration ; tf \ if it be fouhc lis reformatioi source of all Bsters, m th( >n and power rights to thf , Ceremonies, ttd annul the teaching and dispensations 3r goodfi 01 rking of th( HOW CONSTITUTED. Sec. l.-That the Subsidiary High Court shall co^«J?t f delegates from various Courts under the jurisdiction «« t^® Jj?^": diary High Court, and elected at a summoned meeting of the Court to represint the interest of their respective constituents, and to act on their behalf. The representatives shall bring credentials signed by the Ohiet Ranger, Sub-Chief Rmgcr, and Secretary, and Court seal attached cartifying that they have been duly elected by and empowered to Uf.-^.hp.irr«a«ecftive Courts, and that the credentials shall be delivered by Wo o'clock in the afternoon on the S^/j day^« "i^^^^Jf. or shall not be recognized except by a resolu iion of the High Court upon special reasons assigned by the Deleg.*te, or he shall be fined 10 GENERAL LAWS. one dollar. All Hiffh Pn «. /» I e ca5e of new Court, "Afl<^*'"™<>°'h»' standiri?'t5 'i i from t.h. „i... It- •*^'' Con ta within » >„j:.iheld, I and any Court having 300 memVr« '''^^* *° ^^^^^ one dAeaat send two delegates to^eachS rl^'f "^f^' *° ^^^ve the righf the radius of fiftn ^n:. .^^^^.P^"'!* Meeting. n.,..*-"?..*. : id sha ley sh Ig in tl Bend Wo dele^^e r^f erhSh'^Sr^T*' '» ^^^^^^ rX^fe ' V' th? radius of 600 miles from th„".' ^^ee'">«- Courto itlv »»« »* * ••eing lieid, may be rei)reLnf«?j, ^ S'*"* ^''ere tlie Hich Tnnrf •»»* I"' »*^?lthe^C;„K\t'Di&t'lt^ «lelegate 5ll^°"by ', Sec M th» ^'^'^ *^''"*- That a repre8euta«™ » TT'" ^h*" be Paikve Gov a'.the summoned meetintr an/ i„ ?u * """^ alternate be elB^h,3on or being unable to attend,tSf t t^'au'er^ ^Vs^jf ^1 1^ -P-ent^^^ ^b. .hJu""' ^T^^^ ti"e« of the officers offlQ u *^® '"^Preventative Court i Shall be as follows.— ^"'°®'^^ °^ *^e Subsidiary High Court ^e^etai High Chief Ranger fcheBt " Snb.r!Kj"/ti_ . highest High Chief Ranger *• Sub-Chief Ranger. Court Treasurer, Secretary S. Woodward, J. Woodward, S. Beadle, J. Beadle. it (( (C (( (I (( (( ihall o( gjnforce :lkuthori ARTICLE Iir. q I ELECTIONS ihe ac the C( notice being i Buch 1( regula and tt of Dii clearai Order I S: direct by th( S (Joun< quart ■*> i GENERAL LAWS. 11 I Qt^n 9 The Executive Council for the ensuing term shall be e ml n "'"^st District Chief Ranger. :e ^ii'iX '' S-. 3.-In the event of a vacancy taWngPlao^^^^^^^^ Exeou- « shall be pai*lve Council, for the time being- ^yfe death suspen^onp •Date be electecdon, or resignation of one or more of «» ™*"''!",' !r £„„ each ' representatiaali be filled by a f-^^en^d meeting of one de^^^^^^^ ^, representative dourt in the district The H gh g»"'*^t^°g^4TVnger shall ■ry High Courf-tary of *« -etjng; r/batt.^a^^nfe pother receding the SgheBt number of votes shall be declared elected. ARTICLE IV. THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Sec l.-The officers of the High Coart, for the «n|?b«)°8. ro»tr/w^s:5^^i^^ VrrsS?H% the Court should not be suspended, receiving at least 21 days notice of the time and place of such hear ng. In case of a Court being suspended it shall be suspended from »•' benehts, and tor ^:=h%ng?h of time as they refuse to com^^^^^^ gh Court, but any question vote only in Should it be of the High )r the time the date of ifths of the ^ny and all ^ding as if be elected 3t flha)] K« I, '-'B '1 coutinue the lowest such leneth oi time as mey loiuoc um wv,«.t.-j — — rriXr^-utX^e-'^v^^^^^^^^^^^ nf DisMnsations for the opening of Courts, sale of books, laws. :Lr2eroer«ficaLs and Juch^ther goods appertaining to the Order as may be sanctioned by the HiRh Court. Sir 2 -No member of the Executive Council shall be alloAved, direct^^^ or indirectly, to estimate for or Bupply any goods required by the Executive Council, for the purpose of the Order. «.,, a -All aecounts owing by Courts to the Executive CouncU' shall be paid within thirty days after the eua oi eacn qwter; any Court not complying this law shall be fined a 12 GENERAL LAWS. ill 1^ t Pounoif,haIlIe%'STin°i"'^ expenditure of the E«.„f ! order" fo?ex/rf' "P"'". ^"^ ^^^ ""d e "f '"^ *» Purchase a Sk< theoretary at least one month pre v?o„,trt^!f 5'/° *?« ?«■ *»»"»' . Sec. 7.-ThattheE«.„« ^ •'*"<'•" W the date of issue. Perma. » the Ancient Forester aSilJj ^'"""''' 'hall cause to be n.;„i j 'n«et'°i ?Kd%-:s:'SS--^^^^ -^'« t-»t«g to the mem\err,^/tt ol^T'""" *"' -S't' X" S-" ARTICLE V. session. '» "^ "^''^d »t the commenoren^r] ^^TT Sue. 3. -The Hiirh n„„^ ..... . v.l«ge.oftener than onoefat;r;;a^°« ■»«<"« one «»y. town or report The P varioui papers sary ti S ings order inflici paym purai High decis arise qiiea Ehali Rau and GENERAL LA.WS. 13 >s of new Oourif (>ood8 for ne^ its meetingi >i business, the Executive! ;hieh shall be ^ourt meeting, rat ten cents purchase fr.to.^^ °^£ elected at each »«f7t*Xk Court, and in whose names ^e Ss :M?e^^^r^ a^d , P^erUent S^-^^ J^^ ^^ and they shall invest, ^-^seo* *« «>« ^ppr" ^^^,j ^e drawn Council, the surplus '""'^^ »' tv the Tf"«'«" unless by a special g°„ the ■^'S^^^^cZ^tJVor t^^^-^"-^^^ Council, duly u ,, °' t«e shall pay out «ire for the al expenses. ?*'es, in the "^ perform- "O, in case '« shall be of either of ^- shall be or be dis- suspended ^^'t in con- "*»»* some scions ap. h suspen- . - 1. — l-'Vl Jngof *Ae e » P"r«™t to the seco 'd'^"''* meal, ^^^' -nrrf ^^^^^^^^^ coi^W?^^^^^ -S adjudicate upon tL'*'*' ^"^« notice to the Conf^??/ *° ^^ ^eard, livy a appear befo?; thl CoT^ .Jf d also to the plained / f*^'^* ^""^ •PP^""' complaint tn L ^o^imittee. A conv nf +u ^^ defendant to "" Wed two ne ' r^^!^ ^'*h ^ach noS^ f«ok' ^P^^*^' ^^arge or Buchmerberar^fi *° ^-'t* ^»«^ in conductTn. ? -'^^ "^^^^ »>« a°- the ArbiirSn cl'l!! >/^* '""'"^^^^ of the & ^"V^f^'i P^^^^''^^^ death, sickness «,^^'**?^ «° ^""^"loned be un/hl« ^^'^^^^ ^^3^ of another ArbuStorZTiT"' «^ ^^Pulstn! Tanv oth* *^'""«^ fill up such vacancy Tu/nPP^''^ted by the Lec/tiJi r.^'' °*S'^' and from their S o# u ^^"imifctee shall be mf^-? ^°"°°»' to of the case, and'^el^m^'of^^^^^^^ 1%*^« place se e?t"^ forl?/^^^ *« expenses, ocsum'ed S %f?.^.fP^ ^or each dav'« tf^i''! j^^^.^^^aring ecutlve Council" tn"^;r.",';*^'^"^^g and hearing' fi;^^^^';^;* The^E®^ expense to be c further oall for conside] become of the case, and a sum o? $2 ^I l",*''* P'^^o ^eleJteS expenses, ocoqpied " .J?.^^ '<>' eaoh dav-. tf" eoutlve Council to p^yatexpeSfes'"" "'"""S 'he" Se. e Isl icreta GENERAL LAWS. 17 |e time they i I hotel eApen iabors shall vate seal, wit; 7n where it acknowledge^ or the purpos h the Execu '« appoint a »^tp be final held office in [•*. or served aspension, or le Executive *ny appeal, i of this law ?osit of 110 ■ names ap- 'Ce, to hear lecta place be heard, to sit and jfendant to , charge or «ay be al- B provided Jd any of Jt through ler cause, Council to ay fare to e hearinfif ^i iiotei The Ex- ^vo 2 -The functions of the Final Arbitrators shall be to hear a dLidefinX upon any dispute, complaint, or appeal between ^Ltrs of Co^^^^^^^^ District and another member or Court m SS^^e?Dldcrany charge complaint o^a^^^^^^^^^^ a me„.be JCourt against any act of a District done by its otiicer ^i^?^^ *ne SLT^oTo'f aSS'hnUt&Ysucho matterB a, may properly referred to it. . . , • • j:« Sec 3 -The said Final Arbitrators shall have original jurisdic- ^e right to such appeal shall be forfeited. ^vr 4 -No charge, appeal, dispute, claim, or coniplamt shall "^Tec 5 -The Final Arbitrators shall have power to confirm become necessary. ARTICLE X. RETURNS TO THE HIGH COURT. Sec. l.-The Secretary of ever5;Subor_dtaa,te Court shall, n^^^^^ rcrerry^u;oZ'/:rXju:d^ ^ ma7 be required for the purpose of the Order. 1 /> 18 GENERAL L^WS. Sec. 2. — Any Subordinate Court knowingly making an inofll the E rect return, or neglecting to transmit it to the Permanent Sec-liember tary, by the 21st day of January following, shall be fined one doUef all si to be paid to the High Court Fund, such fine to be paid wit ©casting three months after infliction. The Court to be suspended until » fciterest" fine is paid and the return made. ist, the i ily have ARTICLE XI. ^^5jd upOE TERRITORIAL DISTRICTS. ^ olear da y ^e Dis Sec. 1.— That a District shall be constituted of one or mf the Cou Courts under the jurisdiction of the High Court. Sec. 4 Sec. 2.— At each High Court Meeting a District Chief RanA apP®*^ (who shall be a Chief Ringer, Past Chief Ranger, or Past Secretai^^ decide shall be elected, who shall be a resident member of the Distromp^aint over which he has to preside, and be recommended by the de^®^"^*^®' gates from that District, whose duties it shall be to open ne^®*"' ^^ Courts in his District when instructed so to do by the Executi'* officer Council ; to preside over all meetings of the District Arbitrati" *^^' ^*" Committee ; to have a general oversight of the Courts in l^'^^' ^^ District ; to report any irregularity or violation of law, and attet>«i*^^^» * to any matters when instructed by the Executive Council, fnfliroperl shall be paid at the rate of $2 per diem and travelling expens^sdicti when employed in carrying out the instructions of the Executi>r Court Council. All questions from Courts in reference to matters co^-^y ^PP®' cerning the Order, shall first be referred to the District Ch^^"^ P Ranger for his decision. Should any financial member of the OrtF®"^^®^'* have an opportunity of obtaining a sufficient number of members ^' ^"y ^" form a new Court, to the satisfaction of the Executive Council u^'^^^ * the District Chief Ranger, he shall be paid the sum of $3 for hf^^^ ^ services. When the District Chief Ranger is unable to attec^PJ^'^yJ^^ through sickness or other causes, or where interested in any case t'^®^ ^^ be investigated, the District Chief Ranger of the nearest Distric^f ^'^"^" shall be instructed by the Executive Council to act in his steac ^^^' fcihould the office of a District Chief Ranger become vacant froi^*^ ^ ^^^ any cause, it shall be filled by the Executive Council, on the recon®^^"^' ® mendation of the Courts in the District. The Executive Counc*** *^® shall have the power to appoint any of the recommendations i^fc»covei made. ajS^mst, ^ Sec. 3.— An Arbitration and Appeal Committee, consisting ,fn*e^**i eight contributing members, to be selected from, each and ever^^* ^' Court in a District in equal numbers, where practicable, shall iiie con ajppointf^d at each High Court Meeti^. " A^y ^m^^cci^i^g ^ ^*^5 the Committee through death, suspension or expulsion, or remove ^^^^ genehal laws. )d aking an inc,« the Dietrict, shall ^^^^^^^.^.^ ^^^^^ ermanent Sec-liiember belonged ^^« Yttee but shall have no vote, except fined one dol^ aU "^^^^ le^necesTaTf Sho^^^ the District Chief Ranger bo be paid wit e casting vote when necessary. _ uant, defendant, or wit- panded until , interested i^^f^y ^f.^.^Vff Range^r^shall preside, and he shall «!, the nearest District Chief Kan^^^^^ P ^^^^ ^^ ^^^d,. ^ have a casting vote ^^f .°f ^^^V « ^re present, nor unless ,tid upon unless a quorum of ^7, ^^^J^^^^^ served in writing rJear^days' notice of the time of ^earmg ^^^ ^^^J "^^^^^^ Secretary ySxe Dis^ict Chief Ranger, or under his o^^^^^ of one or m| ^e Court to which the P\^^^^*f ,^^^^^^^ shall be to hear Sec. 4 -That the functions of this Commu^^^^ Committee, 3t Chief Ran^l]*ppeals ^^^^ *^« ^^^ c^^: l^^Y d^^^^^^ ^^*!?^» -^ Past Secreta5»4 decide upon the fol^^^^^^ connected with of the Distromp^aint m r««Pf ^^XroSVor Court, against any member, ^d by the dMOrdevhfyreeymemhe^^^ . Ay charge made by be to open ne^er. or ^^urt of the same D^ ^^ .^^ members, or officer >y the Executin ojficer of t^}« ^^f ^^^J violation o^ the rules of the Court or General rict Arbitrating*!^ «ame ^»«*"°*'.^,^^t,:^^^^^^^^^ Laws incurs penalties of sus- Courts in i^f> ^h«^« ?Tnn it^^expeXg $1^ the return of funeral money law, and attet>«ii«ion, f^P^l"^^; ,^ ^^ other penalty not within the summary e Council. I«|roperly obtained o^^^^^^^ J ^ ^y^ member ^ -veiling expen^^«diction of *I^^, ^^^i^i^Hr act of a Court or Court Committee, . the Executi>r Court against thed^c^aion^^^^ ^^ ^ member or member s bo matters co*?? appeal or claim by any ipe^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ withholdmg of a J District Chi^o^ ?^f' ralillowa^^^ ber of the OrdP^^n^ber's funeral ajlowance any^ P^^^ g.^ ^^^ authority, and not r of members ^' an^ *^* ^^ inH^L Jthe E^cutive Council. 4th Any false ive Council aB^«^ \'''''lSarbe yculater^^^ a member to tLe detriment or mm of 13 for hf^o^ "^^^'^ P^aLcterorbus'nesa of a member of his own or any able to atteBSi^ry o* i?" ir Xul^^^^^ Id in any case t^^er Court, ff " ^^^^^^^^^^^^ than a member of the Order. aearest Distri^. Comniittee to a^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ or person on behalf .^ t in his steac. ^^^' t::;:^^^^^ ^ of kin, making a change, complaint,/ j )me vacant froi^a members wi.^^nexi,^^^.^^^^^^^ same m writing / il, on the recoiT^^"?' ''nfJrTof Chief Rlngerf^ three calendar months of the ecutive Councm *h« ^'"Jfle S eg^^offence, or date of the act applied nmendations ^^^r^^^o^^^^ ^^ .e, consisting .gertai^^^^^^^ nor u less tbe^^claim^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ fiflnVi unci Axr*.r*#t maKea » lA^k'^ . ;i;„f mav refiord aeamst him. A copy icable76ha7l i »* «''»"3* S'uirsUneTby'the'DVstrict Chief Kanger shall be .py oocurriug 4 *^« S^theHatalfff and defendant at least fourteen clear days don, or remove "^ ^ 20 GENERAL LAWS. previous to the date upon whi h the Committee are summoned «t. 1 he said deposit to be forfeited to the High Court Managem Fund if the complainant or appellant wilfully neglect to appear j i Ik£ w mill Sec. 6.— That this Committee shall have power to refer a c£««"' ^^°^" back to the Court or Court Committee for a decision upon «•« P'^^^®'' merits, m the event of any informality having prevented it bei*^'^^^ ° tried and that this Committee shall have power to confirm, rescil* Sec. : fiL« ff tS^ -^^'i?" "^^^^ "i?y,^® appealed against and to iEfl-^hi. ^ ^ fines for the violation of the Rules and Laws, and to charge tATllodwar thTonJ\t^''^^''\'^'^^ *^^ "^^""^^ °^ ^°y P»^* of the expenses be ottice fnr nLT /• ' °'' °^ ^J*°e?««s m a case. The expense necessu^^iL ^e^«° lolf ° 5''?,*'°^ *..*^'® Z*'*" ^« provided by the High Court. Eol^Ianaj party shall provide and pay their own witnesses. URrt Ru «« «!^* ^T'^^?* ^^^ ^,'^"'*^ 0P®°®^ o"* of a District as at preset ^^"^^ constituted, be attached to the nearest Territorial District ^ 5^rt. ' Territorial Districts to be as follows (subject to additions)- T^ S Lond^STh^ H^/dt^^^^^^^^^^ ^^-^on'E..t. Londork^hC^^ f^nJto^ifS^^iS-^^^^^^^ ^^ Seafo^rrh!VoultX^es. ^*- '^-^^^ Mitchell -t^L^o Durham and Ontario District— Oshawa and Bowmanville "^^^l* "" York District-Toronto, Parkdale, UttlrY^k Newmarket "''*h^, Richmond Hill, Whitevale, Wexford aid Dovercouft ^*'""*"'°' «»y>»^ g::h^rsi^^onrAt?e"r "" '^' '^''-"'"''^"•«- fe' ^S^^^^S:^^^-;^;^'^ and Orton. |5^e Essex District— Windsor. Brant District— Brantford and Paris Brace District-Kincardine, Tiverton and Paisley. Selkirk District— Winnipeg. ^ Carlton District— Ottawa and Maxville Lincoln District— Niagara Falls. Elgin I)i.k>ct— St. Thnmag eligi ^dinal iny otl irhois ^ the ince, < f}ourt, flange GENERAL LAWS. 21 AHTICLK XII. SUBOHDiNATE COURTS. re summoned >urt Manaeem suBUKUiiiAi** w^^- ...... ^ ^ ^ u« .ct to appear. 1 ^Subordinate Courts exist by DUpens^^^^^^^ ved frivolous ,^^'^- „;:^rronncil of the Order through the High Courr. idgment 8hall»*^^«°^**^^ ^n I lln consist of not less than nine members, tee shall be . Sec. 2. -A Court s^*l\„^^f'f least monthly. Not less than SUCH .e«,.»a ».a,l hoU .^^^^^^ jcision upon ^•P'^*' "^„/*^ vented it bei'*"°°» ~*; „ „, ^ subordinate Conrt shall be as follows: ;oiifirin, rescin* Sec. 3--Tne 0™"=^" °' itlnaei Treasurer, Secretary, Senior lat and to i^Au'- '^f'T'-^'^vilfwarfSeiior Beadle and Junior Beadle, i to charge »''<'^*.. STKl^^er b"nK an office of honor, and the remam- the expenses ht othce of Chief f^""*^*^ ."""J „,, „ho shall form the Committee pense ieces...>2«ven to be subordinate oft.erwn^^^ ^^^^^^ ^j... V aaeh are necessary, but service in wi« j, j Oourt. That additions : j^g folding them to fill office as Chie« f^^nger o a ^ London Wee^ Court'may el-Vl'^--^^^^^ shall -borg. Sc^tlf trp^rf^^^^^^^^^ Court Treasurer during the .ys, Mitchell f^L^oXers shall be ---f ^^^/j^tn^^^^^^^^^^ «iaht in June and December of each y«^'' ^^.^ '^^^^^^^ which ^'"anville. ^feting in July and January ^^y ^^^^^^^^ :, Newmarket ^y have been absent without ^^^^^^^^^ by a vote of the *• . Tssive regular meetings may be declared ^^^^"^JJJ^ motion has Barrie. Oourt, on motion to *bat f ect P^^^^^^^ ^^hat at which the sville. i^en given to the regular '"^f *^^J P'^^Z!?!' ^e filled by election as ^te is taken. Any vacancy ^•J^^,^„?f J^all b^^^^^^^ y .^ji 1 and Orton. «ovided, and members so elected ^b^-J^^be entitleo^ro 6^^^ "* the office provided ^b^ com^ f ^^^^^^^^ ,^f,'J, filled a sub- , eligible to fill the office of Chief ^^^^l^^ ^^^^^^ i„ hjs own or •dinate office for the full *^J^f °*Xr^e eligib to fill any office •y. £y other Court, nor shall any "member be eug^»^«^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ fho is not financial ; and no «J^«"^ber shall^^^^^^ ^.^ ^^^^^ L the night of his initiation or on the night 01 ae^^^ ^^^ ice, excV Buch member^is^ im^t.d^ on t^be J^mng ^ ^^ Chief CrC w^U a^^anroth^r o^ceiSBUch newly opened Oourt. -.^ 22 GENERAL LAW8. p'\ The service in the office of Chief Ranger by a new member anrini. ed upon the opening of a new Court shall also gTvrrquaUfiS the pe to occupy any superior office. ^ iiuduacaii*^ ^^^^^ Seg. 4. -No person shall be initiated into any Court whn**®^^ ^'^^ under eighteen years of age or over forty-fi ve yeafs toent as #^«^^^ honorary member) nor unless he be of gS^^rll charlcter son **' ^^^ m health, and free from disease, that no person be aHIn^^ appe; ber of the Order who is deaf or' dumb pSaUy ^alTz^^ fenng from a rupture -except as an honorary member Anv mpn^^^^etary law sh^TblL^neTirr^^^^ '''ff'l^ ^ can^dida^Tcontra^^to" h>*^^^^ law snail De tined li?o; to be paid to the Hi^h Cmivi- 1?„«^ a aoeepted ' ment Pufd H/r»n' l^ P*^'"^ ?°' •«»' *'""' «5 '« the Mana>e date ~ 0*der or L^ r ffi ''''™ "^ ?'*'™ "■' the funds of the Court odste. !^^ twice of i ing ttriiti>t°^arr™tb:^of''rhe' tode'?f ' ":?' °j: "• "^y^""^ ^"-^ been suspended twelve Z,nth»J.„ .^f i^' J?** '^''° ""^y ''»^'« for two upon the produotirn of T medi^J Z' •«""?*' *''1 ^«? °* ''''^ y««*' the men tiLofthrExeo.^i°e CoundfbenermS^^ with the sane- to do sc new member. "^o«no", Be permitted to jom any Court as a or other during the^"tTm«''hi'^i? f '^^^^l^® Forester lose a leg, arm, or an eye K'd" he desires to enter Sn.h o r ^. ""^ ^""^ members of the Court „f«o !!:^ .V l°:l!r: ^""f application must be entered in thp mJn. gatio^lndiL^^ofXrshnn r°^"*"^^ ^^ *^^^^' for"investi. duty it shaU be to renort on f^" T'^"!"^""^"^ **^"^)' ^^ose / i**ii oe 10 report on the character and qualifications previou after de to whi( broken funera luases fdiared < jay ad ilDkileB o: ©fficer trivilo; 3g tVu fiembe GENKEAL LAWS. 23 ember appoii ,.^. .. ,.;,. „-„! reaulat meeting. The appll- a qualificatil the Pft'too"/'' ** ,C„1ical oertifioate of good health and 'ut shall produce a m«f'f ^XSoian of thi Court, and if r Curt who"""! constltufon ^ro™ the phys.cjan o ^ ^^^ ^^ ■a (except as Sl^t and K^eleoted may be admitted, but it three » more black r. Anrmr^f::[Ulerf?rraminatntmLdiately after the proposition .s irVf Si-p-d ^y^l^^^X.^^^,, court may receive clear.n<>eB^ «- ■ary member i ^ J^^^- ^ ^^T^L and may grant clearances, one year from that the Managethe date of opcmmg, ana may g a Lr?rl.:'^\.o. 9.-Every Court shall ^PPOint •2rtX%S inanoial mem - - - ' ^ v>-' "f kh« Order when residing at a dis- ■r an eye aur financial memoeroi u« v,i..=., -.--^ l.'.fi„a.id bv the C^urt to which ho may have for two weeks which amount shall be repaid by t^ authority e of 4.5 year., the member belongs, b»t -i? Court to pay more w ith the sane to do so. Any Court givmg »»* ""^y l^^l^ltl the amount paid ly Court as a or other allowance shall "P''y*^«?tTirc«r^ecI within one month previous to receiving «"* authority «corr , ^^^^ ^^ ■m or an eye Stter -i^^^d has been made for^h^^^^^^^^^^^ ZC,uo. U the Court Society, he to be pud to the I ourc wm^" ' ■» 1 suspended, expelled, or viUing t^J ac to which th« -«|"^-„^f,X pay the amou'^t from th/sick and broken up, the Jlign '""'"^ """.^f^ A „„_ .1..11 be required in all Funeral Fund. A tre,h ^^"'^""'y 'oj^y f member has been de- «^aes of "°kness which may oocu^^^^^^^^ ^i.k dared off the funds and a settlement mad^^ ^^ sd by the pe , if married, md indorsed 3f the Court [ in the mill- for investi- aim), whose ualifi cations alaredou tne luima "";* " "-""V" Yeside at a distance of three ^y advanced Should ^^^."^^.^^^i^'^^tL assistance of a medical &e8or.morefrom^hi3 0ou^t.a^^^^^^^^ allowed such ©fficerot a I our. m '''^;^i!;\"V"-_uch medical oiHcer, and by pay- frivilcge "P0» ^^'i:.|,^,7£^^ as may bo paid by 24 GENERAL LAWS. pay to the medical officer of his own Court; and everv meml.^ whether he has the services of another Court Surgeorthan^iao^ mr Snce! " '"""'' '"'■"'« '""" *™« "' •"> » »'-g Wond the "Xd"! tr.tff"" "-T^o Peraon shall be initiated or admitted under atoi*H.< CvlTen''mM'"T-T'f ^^"^^ *S" '""'»«<«' <" admLsfon ?ee a SI wife on the ■iok pa J tile reo€ ^„ „ ^jyj Imsines it n°e.tary!°"*°« """^' ""' "^^ "« '■'«™»«* '"-« Court, thiu ^^JZ 18 years, and not exceeding 25 |2 50 q2 " 35 4 00 •^^ •* " 40 5 50 Ages at last birth- day. 18, 19, 20, 21 22, 23, 24 25, 26, 27 28, 29, 30 31, 32 33, 34 35, 36 S. & F. contribution per fortnight. 17 18 19 20 21 22 2" Ages at last birth- day. 37, 38 39, 40 41 42 43 44 S. &F. contribution fortnight. P^ 24 25 26 27 28 29 as nei'sX'rZke's ^thrrat iT^^^^T^^"^^ more than 'i2c?nr^teml^^^^ *^^?i' ''"^'^ t"' -' by Courts for 26 weeks ^4 00 LFf ^^^i^'^^*- Sick pay to be paic until thf nr^b^^Z™' tTn-inSr;^::^,l±^S!!'_*"J'«Pf'< Court Funeral Fund. Atetn"? ot^'J^^^LHy^^ X S lifty ce illnancii »nd le^ funera Court. 4ay of lion, y tnembi kise, 1 who h t)e asB icontri Instat quart fwithi] comp] ^ireturi --charg shall fits a: calen moni ber. presc the c auce GENERAL LAWS. 25. 10 scale of contri a no case be les re Courts thiui ^oTSnM^ contribute the sun. of.$I pa. -"-^.^ J^i^^e S;;;n? his Court rooaeral Fund, when her ^eirs or nominee shall r^c^^^^^ to the mediS« wife's funeral allowance at her ^«**^- ^^^^^"'^f^rried again, beyond the aXd the death ^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to ^ on the PfyP^^^V fund Sve the funeral beneEt in the case of litted under ali^f H- ^- ?• ^J- ^j^'./X wife's age does not exceed 40 years mission fee shM wife's death, Provided the ^^^^^^f^^^'^'^^t h^^e received full ed in the follo^tiithe time o^ ^^^^^^,,1^ c^to^ously before being placed P*y ?' w^Jh CWt S ^F fund? aSy member drawing reduced on the High ^ourt fe. «J. lu ^ J^^^^^^ .^^^^ .iok P-y \«^f JSfil^^pV^^^^^^^^^ until he has resumed his %hiB receipt of tuli sick pay ii"" » ,, . , ^ithm said taBinesB^or ^^TlfZ'Xed t tt' Ime position a. when he ^.rdt'reoeVe'tlck'pafa^d ',haU be pald^the same allowance rt "^ r TatTrSation fee of one dollar be paul for every 4 Sec. 13.--i"at a regis"**""" -, , ^ ^ a levy of «w member returned to '''^ ^f ^tf Lfeaoh Zmb« returne'd as aity cents per member per half V/f^'^p'^X such remstration fee SLa'ncial up\n the return 4\««*^°| *^f «,rs'aWd J^' High Court Vid levy to be placed to the creoK "■ J;" wuneral Fund of the r^rth'c^un *° *^« "'«* fiol, whether married or ^l^f^^' ,^^\4 d^*\\^^^^^^^^^ like- iember that has been admiUed ^;V^,iJ"v^^^^ also those #ise, the names of all members admitted by cleara^^^^ ^^ J^ho have left by clearance or ^P^^^^^^ J^^ ^payment of |,e assigned), and any who ^^ZfZSTwht ma^ave been re- «;ontribution, and any suspended members wtio may ^^^ Instated or single members wh^^ have h^en^n^xn^ xiuarter, such return *« be sent m to *^^^t neglecting to ,|,irithin 15 days of the end o t^ q^*^ ^5^,/° All members not comply with the above shall be ^^^^^^^^d or dead, shall be Iretu^d by ^f^-J^,t^ C^^^iSl^^^^ A member charged m all High ^'0^[\ |®J\° ^ f^U sick and fune^il bene- shall become free and entitled to /^^« ^I;^ !^^" expi-^.tion ot twelve fits and to his wife's full t^^.^^^l.^^^fj'/^to half sad benefits in six calendar mon hs after^his mitjati^3D, and^t^o^hal^^^ ^^^ inonohs after his adin»^«»""'X."MVaVrnuvV Ifuneral Find shall be -sentVrrCmplt^^^^ S. &F. >ntribution fortnight. P^ 24 25 26 27 28 29 J contribution! cents and noi pay to be paic Q weeks to b( / of 12.00 pel from the Higt y shall be paic liteen rnonths, funeral benefil [•on the High ig his widow ^6 GENERAL UWS. dueed sick pay shall make snou .fJ'"^- "'"'"» f"' extended and^^ My C .Tanuary Aprfl, July"? October to ZT*'"''**'^ after the fim'^tio) If the claim be found correct Jhe ml n™''"«=» Secretary, wy«»»>'»>' a rtt'T«:atutr t^^^^^^^'cSki^ claim being n?ade"''com SecreS," ^'''f,' ""^"fi™*' Pn'o" o.P- a««tiJk-nT£H^^^^^^^ ^^-"H this la. »han rSi t^SI feSr? tSt :l^ Sec. 14.~Whpn n »,,« u , ^itled t< fits of his Court throna^ "" becomes suspended from th. i. iP* e^c contributions do not7x^cee5T2^^^"?K'"* ^^ contributions Ind ^Vr^i^ «ame Court, in accorStfe*^ V.?^ *»« rei^ itS in'f f Sec of contributions exceed tweTvl mon^^^^^^^ u* n^^^' ^"* ^^ the arre, ^t of new member only, and in any Court u ^ '^^F '""J'^'^ t^e order a^^^^^n o ing conditions: That no person whn ^ ^^^^P^^^^g with the foUow^^i be . Sc-:E" £ sfei; fS^f .S'iK Si'" laiis m producing satisfactory reasons ViT .u^.""^®^ last belonged under 1 ini th.-^°^ ^^"'* ^^gi^cting to forT/r^T^^. *^'*^ ^'^^^^'^^on is wfth be mix beVshail be 4ed ,Ta 'n **^^ ^^^^^ti^Coun^raB tL'""'" ^'^^"^ Court c thereasonr a ?f® ^^^^^^^ to be paid tn fio ' . ^® ^^^^ "^^y contriV this W shall t°^« ^°."'' knowingly fniHatfnit J ^'l^ ^PP^^^^g ^^' withdr High Coilt i^^'^l«"^ ^ot^exceVS^^ notice With luy d3r H? °^^'^ contributS or fine „r±°''*' ■■",'?""" "«^ <" y deoLion, direction, or order of blclm or oTr^'iT-" '^'' ^ "*''» °^ ot any Arbi way pc GENERAL LAWS. 27 Joart andlf f^allon or Appeal Committee, he shall at the expiration of twelve a cheCe for ?^^^^ be a member of the Order, but may re3om the 9rder ejienTd aL^CrC^^^^ as a new member upon compliance with such decision. y EheTrst&n. or order to the satisfaction of the Court of which he was a it Secretary wM«i»her and of the Executive Council. i,^„,fif« «* reasurerSll . Seo. I6.-N0 member shall be suspended from the benefits of artKurt^t Court unless notice has been sent to his 1^^* kn«^^/««^^f^f .^^ ificate prLr to t*^ Secretary of the time when his arrears must be paid, and m the !y the Permn?/Wt of a member who is suspended from benefits (but whose i the mpm^^^' Ws do not exceed 12 calendar months), desiring to be reinstated, -eWyTete so reinstated upon payment of all arrears due and if >h Court M. mil arrears shall exceed six calendar months, he shall not be en- ' ^*'"'* ^^°^4fd to benefits until three months after such arrears have been paid i fro^ ,. , ^fexcept by a majority vote of the Court He shallalso produce tinn^ A ^^°'> medical certificate that he is m good health. rein«F^f^? • .^ Sfo 17 —During the suspension of a member through non-pay- ^t t^Z^ilii^^orc^triKorS or noncompliance with any resolution or c^- in the orde/^'^^^^ ^^ ^"^ ^^^'*» ^" ^'^ Arbitration Committee, such member shall with the foD^^Tbe entitled to admission into his own or any other Court of the been a m^S^^^r, except for the purpose of paying his dues, lowed to reil SE(^ 18.-Each Court shall adopt a rule clearly defining when 3f the Court ofa member shall become suspended from the benefits «/ bis Court sanction beiiifithrough non payment of contributions, but no rule shall be adopted Council to gran to allow benefits to any member who may owe six months contribu- ing to admit th tions. All fines inflicted upon a member shall be recoverable only 'r last belonged under the General Law, and not be charged to his contributions or notion is with be mixed up with the same. 8 for withhold- Sec. 19.— If any member desires to sever his connection with a the same being Court otherwise than through suspension or by non-payment of his s the case mav contributions, he shall be allowed to do so by serving a notice of 'Y applying for withdrawal upon the Chief Ranger at any Court meeting, such ber contrary to notice to be attested by a member of the Court, and to expire upon >e paid to the the following monthly Court r eeting, up to which date all arrears ssion into the must be paid; then his membership shall be recorded in the minute 'en formerly a bOok as cancelled, and after such record he shall cease to have any ) cancelled uu- olaim upon the funds of the Court. Members who may withdraw d. The fin"« **«»" « rimirf, nnriftr the notice allowed by this S action shall only re- utive Counoi been violated. ^^^,, ^„._^„ er suspension fer in Sec." 1*2, burnothing in this Law shall deter a < 'ourt adopting ndar months gttch other funds as they may desire. The account of each fund •n-compliancc thall be kept separate and distinct; and any Court appropriating ofanyArbi any portion of the Sick and Funeral Fund for any other purpose d. The fines ftpom a Court under the notice allowed by this S action shall only re- utive Council, join the Order as new members. ],p«„ «;^i„..^ ^^^^ 20.— The funds of each Court shall be divided as provided tor in Sec. 12, but nothing in this Law shall deter a < 'ourt adopting 28 GENERAL LAWS. '^^Xnt!^X^^^^^^ ^lai.able under : S.c. i^nus^hl\i:^%^^ ^i-li«^¥I^ at its first meeti..^^- financial member^, five of VhL shi 1***°" Committee of se^f P^' business; they shall try all caTes^ear all T'^'^""^^ ^ ^"O'"""^ ^ partially, and present their rponml ^^P^^^S^^ and appeals i Sec the Court. Should any meX;^f"^h«^ «^^leV fied to act, the Court shaU hSve f^« ^ Committee become disqi regular meeting. Every iotW^r oT' *° ^^l *^** ^^cancy^ complaint, or making an appeal a^^ charge same in writing to the CWef RL.t*''*'^®.'.l^^" ^''^^ ^o«ce of r months after the discovery of thfliW^ ^ ^'"'' ^^*^^° ^^ or such charge, complaint^o? appeft In ^^^'^^'^ ^^^^^ unless the complainant, or appelfant m« t. ^ ^^ .e"*«rtained, n towards any fine or expense that t?!'r^^® ^ "^^P^^^* o^ two dilla verdict against him. A copy of th« ^^"^'^^^^ ^^7 record in X duly signed by the Secte^r^^ anf iS'th^^^Pln* ^^ ^ea shall be served upon the defendant If ^/u? '^^^ °^ *be Court 14 days previous to the date unon Jk-*k^'1 J^«^^^"°«' at lea. summoned to sit. The sLdTpoTto ^ f /^^^^"^"^^**«« ar complaint or appeal be proved^ f'*^^^^^^^ " *1^« charge defendant neglect to appeLrunless ca„Ji!l f ^f^atious; and if 4 J tr^f ?hall be recorded kgainst hTm bv 1}"°^ » ^^^^^ ^^^"^^^ ^^' mittee shall be empowered to fine him in ? ^^^"^*' ^^^ ^^^ Conibh Sect five dollars, for such ne^lpnf f^ *° any sum, not exceG.iir Qirn &,^i?f "' -^^f^f ""t with th" whoJe'or anv l'f°.h° '"'"'S^ eitl,o»^n «n^ * »'• of witueases in a case Wh lu^* expenses of th 'he Co .rL^"^^" appoint any member of the Orde, ?„ i^l" ''*^« "le right tlfSLul counsel on their behalf Th„ t -J" «"'"* standing to aDDear ,:?'•»*'"" writing and signed by the wtets s^The' ri'- ^J-^enXn "- as cliairman and the Secretory shall ^.t*"*!' ^^^S*' "hall act' meetmg and have charge of aKper:ld''HL,^„-»''">'«« of the' Sec ,nell for mown its. balance against the fund or thTfuLT';'* " ^^^ '"""^ ^at there is a A immediate ly make a levy upon 1^1.™^^ C!°"'- "aid Court shal • aay and all such deficiencies "'"''"■« «»««'«"* to make" ^■'c be knon '!^ GENERAL LAWS. 29 aimable under ; Sac. 23.— Should a Court wish to amalgamate with another Court, thall be allowed to do so on receiving the sanction of the Execu- its fir«f «.^«f- e Ctouncil, provided they transfer the whole of their funds and ommmee of se^*P^«P«^*y *° *^® ^°"^*^ which may have agreed to receive 'Ute a quorum ^'*'* Sec. 24 —Order of Business:— 1. Opening of Court. 2. Roll Call of Officers. 3. Reading Minutes previous meeting. 4. Sick and Distressed Report. 5. Reports of Committee on Candidates. 6. Balloting for Candidates. 7. Initiations. 8. Communications received. 9. Accounts. 10. Business relating to Endowment Fund. 11. Reports of Committees. 12. Unfinished Business. 13. New Business. 14. Propositions. 15. Good and Welfare. 16. Closing Court. KoTE.— Courts may transpose the order of business after the ', and' the cTnith Section to suit their own convenience. ;> not exceedici Sec. 25.— That each Subordinate Court shall have the privilege isfactory reasonf making such laws as may be deemed best for the management of charge eithew own Court, providing such are in accordance with the High e expenses of thdourt General Laws, and sanctioned by the Committee on Laws, ; the defendantudiciary and Rslief, to whom all by-laws shall be submitted for ^j'^atjon by thepproval. or fined, j;;^^. 26,--Each new Court hereafter formed shall be required !s and appeals i ecurely sealed, Je become disqua the vacancy at erring a char^re ?ive notice of r ourt within thr appealed againj 5 entertained, d ►sit of two dolla lay record in the plaint or appea >al of the Coun Jsidence, at leas Committee ar id if the charge tious; and if thi as, duly certified ended ! , weal to th^ Ijecome incorporated under the Act respecting Benevolent, Provi- •»a to the Courtieat and other Societies within twelve months after receiving its g to JiS!i* ^dispensation. taken In ^^^ ?^ Sec. 27. -Courts shall have the privilege of admitting married aneer shnn ^V^ ^o*" *heir own benefit only in cases where their wives are in niuutes of th '"^^^"^ ^^^ health or inadmissable to benefits from other causes. ARTICLE XIII. DUTIES OF OFFICERS OF SUBORDINATE COURTS. Sec. 1. Past GhieJ Ranger.— Th.% retiring Chief Ranger shall \ia. that there is a aid Court shall it to make up be llnown as the Past Chief Ranger. It shall be his duty to attend 3C GENERAL LAWS. ^ and perform such othe? S furtwZti.. ih=? * ''T """'«™ * t^ i with his office, and a, ^^^^^r^^XtS^^^^^ the c\^!;f R^'^er?nYhe'^Iforar^e'^'o1 Itf^'' ^T?' ">''" ^'T^'' order and decorum in the 0^7,^^ h° u n''"''*?', ^^ '■» Preservi^V! to the absence of ti: Chief Ra^gS t"" fTthl^r" ?"• "^f^-" vested with the same power aS'thoritvL^\""*u?'"S ''^ same penalties and liaLities arthongh ?«' was tSe ChVef'p'" ' Ha shall assist m the initiation of new memw! . j , '^'"'«' other duties as may be consistent ^?fT S- ^ ™' ^\ Perform s. by the Ritual, General anS Cou?t Ws " "*°'' ""* "' P'"'»<="^ shall provide. ItThall be LcuZ^»t*'''° ^l*^ ^y^"' "^ »"» Co. togs of the Court and to recede f?omTh",''r *° "'^^d »" »»' paid to said court, and givH reoeipmerl^""**"^' "" """^i ^ „ , ceedingso'fefrcSi:„'?LlnH?n'''"". '»'^« "»'« »' *•>« p «ami' I'f "!"--' andT..?^^^^^^^^^^ meeting and L W^l a true, correct and fullrecord tZ.lf ! l"'f ™eeting, and ke. purpose, receive all moneV frnm ™ k " ^°°^ Provided for tii Ld EndowmrnrFu"d rke^t'"*??''''™.°° ''^'•»" »' the Co., pondence, keep true and eor„.f= °°."u'' """d""'* a" e»™ its members, LdHigS Court L.t?S"*° "^'r^? **•« ^»"t ^» each meeting draw X-af"- '--• ^^ members' accounts afh . the seal ther"eto""and ti^ »n „f^ "".i'"^ payment of money, and atli «>"y ofsuchseaCaCairneceXreSt IS mg quarterly returns UDon a fnrr« V« u i- r\^^ ^o\xx%, inclu^ lHati Secretary for the pSJpo^e withT>.« ^^ '"P?^*t? ^^ *^« Permane. Podu J' ne purpose, with the names of all expelled members % sa as ttail ich art imins pUy riKNEilAL LAWS. 31 ^tiona are pror^lth the reasons for their expulsion (such names to^J® Publishr (1 la ding to the^EThrAnnual Report, together with the reasons for their expulsion) S line «it^^^ ^^jj and complete record of the name, age, residence and ief T?nr.«. u „)C(mpation of each member of the Court, date and cause of leaving, ef Ranger shallJ^W^^^^j^^l^rs which may be reciuiredby law, and perform such amtam order .^^^'Ser duties as may be consistent with his office, and aon or violatio.^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ General and Court Laws. He shall give such i all XcumTnts'^'^^^^^^^^^ performance of his duties as the Court shall ?e'£^11f/***S^n Woodwards.-The Woodwards shall each visit the sick may be consist least once in each week, and perform such other duties as may be General and Co^istent with the office, as prescribed by the (Jourt Laws. Sec 7. Beadles.— The Senior Beadle shall be stationed at the Ranger shall a«.POrtal of the inner door, and his duties shall be to attend to the and in nrt;/ Ki and receive the password. When necessary the Junior 3 overalfSlBSdle^obe stationed outside the portal. They shall perform such time beinTbe 9#r d^*i^« ^« *^^ ^^*^^^ ^°^ ^^"^^ "^^^ ^^'^'''^^* . . . n u be subject to 5 Seo. 8. Trustees.-The Trustees (neither of whom shall be ihe Chief Ranei ^retary or Treasurer of the Court) shall have general supervision and perform su vm the funds and properties of the Court, and in conjunction and as prescrib ifch the Chief Ranger, Secretary and Treasurer, shall attend to 9M invest the funds of the Court in such bank or securities as the larffe of thA fn. I^ws of the Court may provide, and the Court may determine, it large ot the fun ^^^ ^^ incumbent upon them to from time to time see that the >per bonds are executed according to law, and that the surety or •eties in the said bonds named is or are of sufficient responsibility, ich bond or bonds shall be retained by them, or depositea in ^ of security. They shall perform such other duties as ou. .'ieir Court may provide or the Court may determine. a Sec ditora.— Three Auditors shall be appointed, who ilall be nv . >ers of the Court. They shall fully and thoroughly examine and audit the accounts of the Court and Endowment Fund id to him for pa danger and Seer shall deposit ti the faithful pe laws of his Cou ) attend all mee taries all monei note of the eetinff. and kee UM yearly, or as often as it may be deemed necessary, and may .. Sjo'uu^et 'W, J „^_' ri :*.4.^^ «* *V,o PrMivf. ThAv fth all make out a St as a Finance Committee of the Court. They shall make out a Stalled report, accompanied with the result of their examination, Uliich the Chairman of such auditing Committee shall read in open 5)art, at the meeting next succeeding the conclusion of their ex- wnination. For the purpose of enabling the said^ Committee^to iftliy perform their duties, all officers of the Court having un^^er tg me impressic «^eir control any books, papers, documents.moneys and other effects h Court inclu<^ ^lative to the accounts and finances of said Court, shall attend and r the Permanen iroduce the same before the said auditors at the time or times named pelled menTberJ ^ said auditors, and on the refusal of any officer or member to rovided for th *lf of the Com iduct all correi a the Court an accounts afte Qoney, and aJi: ig the impressic 32 GENERAL LAWS. li due trfaL^''''''*^' ^' '*^''^ ^' ^'^^^' suspended or expelled .i^J^ft Sec 10. Medical OJlcer.-The duty of the Medical OfBo.^*'lf' ""i who shall be a financial o r honorary member of tL Order shall^*^^^ to examme into the health-CTpI^sical condition of 111 ckndfdat^^'^ ""'^l for admission mto the Court, fill up the medical certificate in 1 ^*^^- ' cordance with the prescribed laws. He shall perlna ly aUeVd >«» "P *^ sick members of the Court at such time or times as the sickn>^^ may neces^tate, and perform such other d^^tiesarmay becons^ ^ with his office, and as the Laws of the Court may ToWde He 8h>^' '"""^ receive such compensation for his services as manra«;.eed u>^^ c JrtS:^^^^^^^^ ^^ «^^" -* ^« ^"«^^^' to ^U^^l^l he same Sec. certificate when sick. irr^r.^^^' ^I'T^.^.^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ additioHS to this Article slJ- consent of hi, assembled brethVet VrouM L ^XaT to nuu"'^"'' ^' vote any proposition that has be™ legaUrmade, or adioum t ! Sec. meeting before the business is finished, withourrjapprovaTofW '^ S d7na?I Co^rt^ttT **? r?4 "' ""less ta trca« Hl,« °' offense be not Tfl. \°'"' 1^ ^'''"''S has arrived, he shall, if th?^^ °°^ be fined wV>.« fi^f"* *° *° 1"'"*^ * """^O" fof tis deposition, Sec. $10 no <.';;!l f„ "? offence 15.00, and for the second offenc Court of tratfon So^iV^ '"''?? °^™"" »''*"''« P-nished as the Arb form th, o^dock nT i T^ determine. Each Court shall close at 1 lance wit mee°t n/'whin thTrort '^^^^''^ ,'>''"•?«»%. or a summonedFund. later o? the rhi.f S */ n\''*g* °P*° *•" 12 p. m., but notaBSe bre ment Fund ^^" '''''" ''^ ^°*'* ^^ '° *•>« Court Manage- W shal Sick^Fund n>~i;f.''p'i''*** financial member be legally declared on the'' 'sec thfcoSrt to wMehZ«' ''"'* r I'^'P' °* ""^ pay. the officer, oltWjmi; pav such a^,^,„t i k"'"'' ^^''"'«'' ^''a" <>«duot from the sick »» th« » m/mber in onmnL "^^ *? ff 1"'"^ f™™ «">• to time to keep the pfpvide^ member beinrVe„rr; r """'"' "'"'" ''* "sponsible for the d« the being e] of the! ARTICLE XIV. CLEARANCES. been ertaWi7h^d tweTvVmoifhf ' A "',?"?•'"'« r'"' " «•«'" '"'^^ be made, either ;eT:i^u7o"rt- ^^XZ %l^rZ7:^. th« Hi^ ■4i f i liNERAL LAWS. '33 opened a.^'iJf^rr^t^g^r^iPJ^T^ « Order, shall ^^10% within three months from its date. )f all candidal ^,,, 2-Anv member drawing his clearance, shall pay hia certificate in a ^'''''\ Z^tni such clearance, and three months' dues in ad- lally attend ^^^jC tSe Court ^^^^^^^ same shall pay all lawful claims as the sickne'*^^^^^^^^^^^ six calendar months from said date ay be consistei^'SL^Lr rules and regulltio as the Court may provide. No •ovide. He shaijtj ?rbe aUowed to^ clearance from members whose age be agreed upc^^,*A5Ve^^^ ^^d«^ *h« jurisdiction of the High to siln his o^^ltcInS, who may accept clearances from members under . . h^meiurisdiction, up to fifty years of age. lis Article, ar'*'** ^ -Should any Court refuse to accept the clearance of a the proper go^ \^'^' ^- . , J?p„-,hpr shall be allowed one calendar month from the -ir without tli„,uich Court shall be bound to receive the same. 3fu8e to putt 4. „Any member holding ^ clearance for a longer period or adjourn thi , ,' ' ftj^\,r,\\ v.p HURnended from the benefits of his uourt, , appival of ^irnoTretmef at XeU oftwelv^ mouths from Us date he V\' r?,^'.^ only be p"mi"ed to join the Order as a new member li. /,*"• 't'"^^ C 5 -When a Court under the jurisdiction of the High sl'^o'nroScWt^^ the Sion »« Canad- -f ^^ 5d as the Arbifonn the Court granting «»* J'|"*°'=l °' ^id to the High Court all close at Jianoe within 30 days or be fined *U to be P^^^ *^ S.^ ,1,^,. • a summonedFnnd. Should the Court {'»■" which tne » ° ^^ ^^^ ^i^k ?ouTt M^l^e"^^^^^^^^^^ tlWh Clurt ^ the six months have ex- leclared on the '""^o ^-^A mem^e. ^osi^^ . the officers o|th» jurisdiction o^ *^%?^ ^he^atic^ ^^ ca kndar months, I from the sick aljthe benefits thereof ^ft^r the expiration o^ six ^^ ne to keep the pi«^vided «^«h c earanc^^^^^^^^ ^eLfi^ces granted to members onsible fo? the 5« the ]^r^\8^,^i*^^^^ accepted by Courts under the as he may be ^-^^^^ Hi^^t ^^beS^-al-^ar months before ^ir^^!^l?l^??^^tstderthe jurisdiction of the^Hi^ Coui. of^e-Dominion of Canada shall '^^^^^^^ f^.^^^S^ i^^^ti^ « if oi, 11 u tht High Court of the Order, or any High ^^^^^'^.^ .^°^^*^f.^" ta j^av 8 It shall have ^ § ^ however, to the foregoing provisions. Courts may earancea shall ■*»*'^' ou^jtsu , , tf and a clear< 34 GENERAL LAWS. Into the Court from which he drew siorolear^nl *. T""*"' P'** tl accepting a clearance from a Court nnd«rft^^' ^°^..*°y < » High Court, .hall not be c^^e^eU^ratU 31''*'°'J.'''' -' ' An entrance fee of 50 cente shall be ch^^ed i !ii '""u "'"'' the H. a, and $1.50 from all foreign cSea" "'*'"'~" ™' S« Sec. 8.— A clearance shall be renewprl i-f i«a* «« J .. , to Mac cidentally. upon satisfactorrevidence b««^ -^^^ destroyed tniit. i holder and applicant to the CouJt An^ nt^ adduced from im^ ab by the Court that issued it wevL« f/l. •*'*°'^ ""*? ^^ ^^^'^^ ^'^^ Court, at any time Lrcause rppeariL and w^^ «*• «^ purpose of impeachment andS^hlt^l'^^^l'^''^^®^ ^«^' w#U-b ance shall be subjecTtrthe Co"rt Lo fL^nT°° holding such cl.tMith ment and trial. Refusal to oo^nL l-?u ^' ^^'^^^f^s said impeac d^te nection shall constitSelnt^^^^^^^^ ""''^ ^'''^'' ^^*^*^°^ ^^ ^hJa c« for mh ber, it'ia'r^e Vth\ p^^^^^^^^^ -fused to a n. ffi dearanceupon the apDlicItLn of « ^f°,"t»Yf, Council to grant su ^If^^i ber, provided thTcou? to which ?he mlT"'S^i*° ^^?\^*^« "^^^ ^^^^ ducing satisfactory reasons whvtH.T^'' ^^^^°«' ^**^« '^ P^ ^ ®^^ Court neglecting to forward thP.V 1 ^^^^^^°^« i« /•fused. I F^en within one calendar Shfrom'?ur^'°°\'°^ -^""'^g a clearart %«" h Executive CoundKfbVS ot^d^::;?^""^^^^^^^^ ^- *>y tt office^^ — — 7 «"-* uiuuKu irom tne same b( Executive Council, shall be fined one dollar ARTICLE XV. DELINQUENT COURTS. i^on '•* Si dlief irtiich «icb For neglecting or refusing tnlnTT / *^® ^'^h Court. Srd M A of duefor levisVo r High C^^^^^ °^ ^^f ^«° P^^-- f ^^ the regular meeting without nrn^l!' it' -J^"^ 'leglecting to hok ^n o stance!. 5th. By irmSp?^^^^^^^ #*«d legal quorum is left ^^""^"^'P diminishing so that less than ; *e fii 8uspetk'i;;mVh^«^^T.^i^ court being unde ^ compliance with tYe deddi^^'refZwon Vf ^^ ^°" ^ Order or the Subsidiary H S Co^rt or n^^^^^ High Court of tb ti*nne. mittee, such Court shaL atte^^^L^n lf''i^t^Xfr.,'.Z So', t^ •4i urisdiction of t the member p ice, and any ( o jurisdiction of i 3 for such memb ill members un it or destroyed dduced from i C3e may be revol icepted by anotl so revoked for t olding such cle; rns said impeat itation in this ca refused to a mei mcil to grant su to admit tjie mei 3ngs fails in pr is refused, h using a clearam pplied for by tt GENERAL LAWS. 35 from the Order, and shall not be re-admitted until they comply with the said resolutions or decisions. ARTICLE XVI. DUTY OF OFFICERS AND DELEGATES, Sec. 1.— In order to make every officer and delegate responsible to his constituents for the becoming and faithful discharge of their tmit, and more readily to check insolent demeanor or to prevent any abuse of power, and remedy any other effect arising from an erroneous choice, where the continuance of an officer in office until the expiration of the term of his election would be adverse to the woU-being of his constituents or the Order generally, it is eracted th«t the assembled High Court, Executive Council, or any Subor- dinate Court, shall have the power of impeaching any of its officers for misdemeanor at any regular or special meeting, and if he or thoy be found guilty, after due trial by the Arbitration Committee, immediately deposing him or them, or may call upon him or them to, fesign immediately, and upon such request being made and the compliance therewith refused, the High Court, Executive Council, or Subordinate Court may, by a two-thirds votes of the members present at the time of such refusal, remove such officer or officers Som his or their respective office or offices and declare his or their office vacant, and shall as soon thereafter as practicable proceed to the election of another officer or officers to fill such vacant po- ison or positions. # Sec. 2.— No High Chief Ranger, District Chief Ranger, or C^ief Ranger shall put or suffer to be put to the vote any motion which can be decided by law, under the penalty of one dollar for each and every offence, without mitigation, to the High Court flind. ^ ARTICLE XVII. ■ % FINES. J Any Court, or member of the Order, violating any Rule fy[ which there is no penalty specified, shall be fined not less ibin one dollar nor more than five dollars, and that all fines in- flicted for violation of laws shall be paid into the Conrt by which tHe fine was inflicted. M ARTICLE XVIIL art being unde; '^ business on Sundays not allowed. ;hs through nou No Court shall be allowed to transact any business whatever igh Court of th einnected with the Order on Sunday, except attendance at funerals rbitration Com and Divine service. Any Court violating this law shall be fined iths be expellee |20, to be paid to the High Court Fund. ispended or di :8 forfeited toti tiproper conduct ihe ritual, laws gh Court. Srd for non paymeii 3glecting to hole uforseen circum that less than i 36 GENERAL LAWS. ARTICLE XIX. NAME OF THE ORDER XOT TO HE USED BY MEMBERS FOR TlIEIi OWN PECUNIARY BENEFIT. No member or members shall use the name, emblems or initial of the Order in connection with fetes or any kind of entertainmen for their own business or pecuniary benefit. Any member violatiuj this law shall be fined not more than $50. ARTICLE XX. r.RINCil.Nft AN OFFrOER, DROTHErt, OR THE ORDER INTO CONTE^li'T Should a Court, oiiicer, or brother, print, publish, or circulatt any article, or by any means whatsoever act so as to bring any Court, officer, member (financial or honorary) of the Order into contempt, unless a suific^ient cause can be shown for so doing, shall, on proof being made thereof, be fined, suspended or expelled at the discretion of the Arbitration Committee, by which the charge maj be heard. ARTICLE XXI. OF VRIVILFOES OF MEMBERS, ETC. Sec. 1.— Any member or members who voted in the minority against their Court breaking up or seceding from the Order or vio lating any law or decision which would suspend their Courh, shall, on satisfactory proof being made thereof, be still recognized as members of the Order, and in the event of their not being able tc olotain admission into any other Court by clearance in consequence of ill health or over age, they shall pay their contributions through the medium of a Court in their locality to the Executive Council, and in case of sickness or death their sick pay and funeral expenses shall be paid from the High Court sick and funeral fund, or in the event of eight members voting in the minority as above sc desiring it, they shall be recognized by the Executive Council as the same Court to which they formerly belonged under a new dis' pensation, bearing the same number which the Executive Coun* il shall have power to grant in such cases, and the granting of which renewed dispensation shall thereby abrogate and cancel all powers and authority conveyed in any dispensation which may have been granted bearing the same number. of over 1 voMike th avthoriz Ooimcil Sec tkli !»''« i^Alces, ■tiustio] tWiedii o^ed fttftdsi] wmy v( itiOr( . Se 'MBidec] SwHi Sieinbc todt iHchn «i con Clourt S: lick £ ^ thi ftdmit lanie And i] kirn, they oonti fiigh thee minority against their Court seceding, &c. , and wishing to avail themselves of the above provisions, shall signify the same within two calendar months to the Permanent Secretary, provided suoli members reside, for tho time being, at the same place in which the 8ion1 from have Iftrlj cons >^im< a nc Btat sha GENERAL LAWS. 37 :RS for TlIEIi lems or initial entertainmen mber violatiuj s'TO COXTE^ll'l jh, or circulatf to bring auj ihe Order into JO doing, shall, ixpelled at tlK he charge maj a the minority e Order or vio ir Courh, shall, recognized as t being able tc in consequence contributions I the Executive >ay and funeral d funeral fund, 'ity as above sc bive Council as der a new dis' icutive Council mting of which ,ncel all powers may have been voted lu. :hc Ishing to avail le same within provided such !e in which the ^^ ra rXiSrp'oproCl'^es!'^-!^^^ ^y the E.ecut.ve orc 3.— Any "nember availing Mmseuu^ as regards tllilaw. neglecting *<> »P? yj'^'l" *'^:iX & except by the SSces, &c. Vu not be^^l °'^Vto all «,»- -I'O'* " Zd jS, re Unction of the High toutt, ana breaking up, "»* "^ '^. !Xd in the minority against nis ^^«^ ^^ j,,„e of the S^ed Ms share of t^e t"f »- ''«J^*^i,ta. and the majority who |^%'?^^ii%Ste:k^g Tortrcourt- shaU be expelled from *• tf; -No Court that may have «e«eded « hav«^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SSh member or members f» sick a^^^^ or members of the High el contributions paid by suoii u *^"ir5-A separate fund, oaUed the High Court >^^^ glek and iZneS^^^ni, shall be '''^^^^f ^.^J^UMw speoifi S Kw, and every "^^^^^^^tw^arcWribute thereto the Smitted to the privileges »J *'^'?, 'Y' i,een paying into his t ourt, »me rate of coutributions *hfj,'i^.^^^^f bene^^^^ be paid to l^d in case of sickness or death th* same d provided Si or his representative a, promUed^m ^^^ ^ Such Sev do not exceed the a™"""* "'X.t dav of each month. The TnUutions shall 'aUf "e^^,X/r,l t\id shall be sustained by fiieh Court Members Sick »"" * "^P'tine to the same. fh"c?oontributions of members «<»t"^»';°8,*°,t p,„d who are six <5,.r 6 —All members of the tt'g'V X„r .hall be suspended «onfts 'in artears with their .contributions, ahaU ^^^./^„,,,, b^m benefits, and "O-'^^rre 'Sn Xtlons have been paid regu^ K t^t^'^f^^ Ccu&tnc&l -a note of the Court witn »c.. -.-^^^^ -- his emplosmcu>. -Kirne iiucy i»»"j ■— »• ..^ \ „m-o-ori n,na a lucvi**.-— --- ^ ^"note of the Court, .^'^^ «^";*. ^^^ble to follow his employ m^u., Btating that n^7X'thTExecutive Council, such note or cert^cate shall beforwa-ded to the J.xei.uui 38 lb. GENERAL LAWS. ^y^Suf ar ^ '-"- ''^y -iurmg the ttae the membe, ARTICLE XXII form to be suppled A^C*,r?. J!.. •'\f ?'^f«"Mve Counoil 00^0 a within the ju?Liot on of the ffij rf fall hereafter be orga£d so opened by and upon the authorit^ J' ^"^^ °^''^^' '^aU *nly b, pose >»ued by thrLgh /nd^u^ntrV/Sifcrt °" '" **"" P"' any Court!Ty^r foltrf :? a'tl '^%'Z ^ ""''P--'- to thief Ranger, information shall h«»w ""■*,• *^"'"«'' "^^ Ofatrict which they will be liable! nor shall a?,?S "'*'"* *° *he costs to chargeable to a new Court in .„ ^ P*""" <"" persons beoomp St-t'^'^'r"' «"<> thTtwooSt;r'r^ r " be^ondX . J^w . ^^^ »ffi«ers to be kllowpTL L"*"""' *» open any new Oounoil. Any Court requiring thI»t^.^^*P*'*''y*''eExeoutivl of an lt„- •I'-?' "•«"<". and then onl^L^?" """"""S- ^°d pursu 01 all liaoilities existintr aca.W H^ P°° P'l^yment by said Court ne^X^r^'f"" ^~ at^S'-th^ee" '"^'J. P^^'-h »«oh Sec 5 Tn th desiring to transfer 7hemsdv«^- "^'^'^ "^ association of nerson. forestry, especially il.1e:^:cVtrtt "g^Ttl^-pef 9 GENERAL LAWS 89 .ns. anything eont^'-f^^nanT pridet h^we^r^Tth^^^Jd ontrary thereof »»t«'!*^»*»»^t"8' PJ"?*^^^^^^^ and aa far as laws in such cases. ' ARTICLE XXIII. COMMUNICATIONS TO THE HIGH COURT. .ent1^rl^r^^.XoS^tJ:^.*C^^^^^^^ V^'T^^'cT'Tl^n^^^'^^^^o^ replied to except, how i ::^er.t to fmb^rfoW Cour't Siek and Funeral Fund. ARTICLE XXIV. WHERE THERE IS NO PROVISION IN THE HIOH COURT LAWS. rZ Z .uestlon or »ubi- ^nllnSroftuituS "or Court or the by-laws of a S"b»rf'?f*« ^^ any prorisions therein be under consideration. ARTICLE XXV. MAKING KNOWN THE SECRETS OF THE ORDER. • r.f o mpmhpr f(om the benefits Sec. l.-During the »°»P»°^°" f „„\?XutL» « non-compli- of hU Court through non-payment of o„„tr^^^^^^^^ P ance witn any ."8ol,"t'°°°L''^^,X member shall not be entitled to or an Arbitration Committee such member sna admission into his own or any other Louri »• initiated SEC. 2.-Should a brother persuade a «a°^'^t,,*t7'„;"osed a* into any Court other than that into which he ^«»^"5^ /d„^i„, for a member, within «'=^ .'"f*''^' XunowS receives such a every such offence, and the Court w^^^^^^ ij i„to S ctt ?':" thi ^f crdidSs L« induced, in consequence Of such solicitation, to leave. ... ^i_- 1,. >..„,> fo otiTT nerson not auiy Sec. 3.-Hhould a broiner rr^K« -— ^ and 40 GENERAL LAWS. password, he shall forever be expelled, or should a brother make known to any person not a member any objection made in a Court to the admission of a candidate, or the name of a brother making such objection, he shall pay a fine of ten dollars or be expelled; and should a brother, except the Chief Ranger and Secretary, gi"e the password to another brother in or out of Court, except the o anior Beadle at the Portal, or to the Senior and Junior Woodward in the Court by special direction of the Chief Ranger, he shall be fined for every such ofifence according to the direction of his Court any sum not exceeding three dollars; and should a brother make known any resolution of or discussion used in any meeting of this Order to any person not being a member of the same, he shall be fined five dollars. Sec, 4. — Any brother attending, visitingor holding office in any other Court than that of which he is a member, he shall conform to all its laws, orders, regulations and usages, and should he knowingly violate either or any of the same he shall be taken cognizance of for such misdemeanor and be held amenable to and suffer the same penalty as it may be customary to impose on anv brother of such Court guilty of a similar irregularity, and shall ..ot be allowed to speak on any subject without the permission of the Chief Ranger or vote of the Court. Sec. 5 —Punishment shall only be inflicted upon a brother after a trial had before and a verdict of guilty rendered by the Arbitra- tion Committee. ARTICLE XXVI. JUVENILE BRANCHES. Sec. L— Courts under the jurisdiction of this Subsidiary High Court shall be permitted to organize and establish Juvenile Fores- ters' Societies for the purpose of securing to youths between the age of five and eighteen years, medical attendance, sick pay, a sum at death, and for paying the entrance fee for admission into the Order. These funds shall in no way interfere with and shall be kept separate and distinct from all other funds, and in no case shall a Court incur any liability from members of a Juvenile Society. Sec. 2.— The Executive Tjouncil shall alone furnish suoh socie- ties with dispensations, leoture books, and regalia suitable therefor. Sec. 3.— Tiiat each existing Juvenile Branch and all Juvenile Branches hereinafter organized, shall procure from the Executive Council a Dispensation, Rituals and Officer's Cards, and be under the junsdiction of the High ( ourt. Sec. granting also trani Order in Sec. ance sha from its the Secri after ace member Court gi up to tv Sec shall be age of 1 accepti Branch cepting into th( from dc W calendi month shall n of mer contril An hoi urer o appUc ble to trict. pensei mean summ nighti "a sj spech whicl GENERAL LAWS. 41 gi"e the le ejanior brd in the fined for any sum lown any er to any bed five ce in any )nform to Qowingly ace of for the same r of such lowed to langer or bher after Arbitra- iry High lie Fores - ween the ly, a sum into the shall be iase shall iety. I oh socie- therefor. Juvenile Executive be under gmntingolearanoea to juvenile members t^^^^^^ Adult Court of the a transfer from the J»J^'l« Branch ^nto ^E^^<,„y^e Council. Order In Canada upon a form «»PPl« ^^ ^^^^-^g ^ clear- Sec. 5.-Any member of the Juvenile era ^^ within six weeks anoe shall deposit it m afO^^jT'^eptSg the same shall notify from its date of issue, ^r^y Co"rt acoeS ^^ ^^^^ the Secretary of the Court »™'°8 *f" «'~^^^ be granted to any after accepting the same. ,^0 olearonceshWl o g ^„„rt. ^^^ member who is not of t''**? S cay tuiiifal claims accruing Court granting the clearance shall pay a'^;» up to twelve months from date "^ »"<"'. ^'**™„. .. ^dult Court* ' SEC. 6.-Tranafers from %J X^'^i^'Cch who are of the shall be granted to members of *« ^^^fby the E, C. Any Court ageof ISyearsonaformtobesugpUeany ^^^ j j^ -Kekr^nd ^::;iSt«.' wUup to six montha from date of such transfer. ARTICLE XXVII. CONSTRUCTION OF TERMS. Wherever the -ord ' 'month" ^curs in these laws^^^^^^^ m- calendar month, ^"^ '^^il °° *f^,tdero^'suspension"^^^^^^^^ it .uonth.and wherever the word '"l?^^*^,^,^, to have the t.nvilege shall mean th.it the person f"' the time oea ^ „ of membership. Jhe words <'financ.-l member ^ ^u^^ance. oontributing to the f-nds of a Court for bioK ^ ^^ An honorary member shall be e"8'"f '", ° .inaular number shall be urer or Medical Officer and » ^"^V^^fh* pw"f also to be applica. applicable to the plural, and » '^f™ '"^^^^^^^^ mean territoria dis- ble to the singular. The word district sna ^^^ hotel ex- trict. Travelling expenses to >"e«' J^X Co«t meeting" shall penses to mean $1.00 per day. „ * '"f "fi^ed by its Rules. "A Lan an ordinary »<> f ,f„ In a meeti' g held o/the regular Court summoned meeting" sha,ll mean a '"e^" |. u„der the Uules, and nights, summoned by ""outa"'' ^"X^^ meeting called for a "a special summoned »eet'ng^^shaU^^Be ^^,^^^ ^^ ^ SXrhVdUTeguirdoTrtnight. or on any other u.g.t. 42 GENERAL LAWS. It If ARTICLE XXVIII. CANVASSIXG PROHIBITED. No member or Court shall circulate any written or printed document canvassing for the election of a town or city as the seat of the High Court and Executive Council, or solicit nominations for the same, and no member shall by canvassing seek to be placed on any Committee, neither shall any brother in any Court of the Order, or anywhere else, canvass either for himself or any one else for any office, or solicit a vote. Any Court or member acting contrary t,o this law shall, upou satisfactory proof thereof, be disqualifier ARTICLE XXIX. PLACE OF MEETING. All nominations for the next place of meeting of the High Court shall be sent to the Permanent Secr;;tary not later than the first day of May in the year of holding the biennial session. Said nomina- tions shall be published in the May number of the Ancient Forester, and no other city or town shall be voted on than those so nominated. ARTICLE XXX. AMENDMENTS. No addition, alteration, or amendment to these laws shall be made, unless presented at a regular High Court meeting, and adopt- ed by a two-thirds vote of all the delegates to the High Court meet- ing. Notice of such amendment must be made under the Court seal, attested by the Secretary and sent to the Executive Council not later than May SOth, otherwise they will not be acted upon ; subject, however, to the right of the Committee on Laws and Super- vision to amend and modify, reconstruct and reject any and all the proposed additions, alterations, amendments, recommendations and suggestions so presented for consideration of High Court meeting, and also to make such further recommendations as in their judg- ment may be conducive to the interest and advantage of the Order. No amendment to the General Laws shall be received by the E. C. unless legibly written in ink. ARTICLE XXXI. MISCELLANEOUS. Sec. 1.— Any Court or member of the Order violating any of Its rules for which there is no penalty specified, shall be fined not less unau $i.uu nor more than $5.00, and all fines inflicted for vio- lation of General Laws shall (except otherwise ordered) be paid into the Subsidiary High Court Fund. Sec. : legalize th fine had b Seo. under the months fi member fi provided, until the Sec. Benevolei aimually, Court, as the Court according Sec. Court be up, assigi which m[ such Coi their Cor tary shal rights an out pre j 13 curred. Sec. trality oi religious in any n or prom section s their caj with am is in aid tarian n\ GENERAL LAWS. 43 printed e seat of bions for laced on le Order, for any trary tio B( - jh Court first day nomina- Forester, niaated. shall be d adopt* rt meet- e Court Council )d upon ; I Super- i all the ons and neeting, lir judg- > Order, e E. C, any of ined not for vio- laid into Sec. 2.— The infliction of fines for the violation of laws does not legalize the act, but the law shall still be carried out as though no fine had been inflicted. Seo 3.— In the event of any fine inflicted under these laws, or under the rules of a Court, not being paid within three calendar months from the date of such fine being inflicted, the Court or member failing to pay within the time specified, except otherwise provided, shall be suspended from all benefits of the Order,or Court, until the fine is paid. Sec 4 —Any Court may subscribe from the Management or Benevolent Funds thereof to any hospital or infirmary such sum, annually, as may be decided upon at a summoned meetmg of the Court, as necessary for the purpose of securing to the members of the Court, so contributing, the benefits of such hospital or infirmary, according to its rules. Sec. 5.-Should any Trustee, Treasurer or Secretary of any Court be removed or resigu his office.and refuse or neglect to deliver up, assign or transfer any money, property or securities for money which may be in his possession, or under his contro, belonging to such Court, upon demand being made by order of the Court, or their Committee of Management, such Trustee Treasurer or Secre- tary shall be expelled from the Order, and shall thereby forfeit all rights and benefits in the branch of which he was a member, with- out prejudice to any liability to prosecution which he may have in- curred. , J J Sec. 6.-For the purpose of preserving the acknowledged neu- trality of the Order in all matters connected with party politics or reSs creeds, no Court or members shall take part, as Foresters [rfny meeting or gathering, or in any other way, for the advocacy or promotion of political or sectarian religious objects; but thic section shall not apply to the customary attendance of members m TetrTpadty as ^F^oJesters at any place of worship in connect, n with anniversary gatherings, or on occasions w^e^.f^^^^.^^^'^f *^^^ is in aid of some public hospital, infirmary or charity, of an unsec- tarian nature. 44 KNIGHTS OF SHERWOOD FOREST. KNIGHTS OF SHERWOOD FOREST. Sec. l.—That this Branch shall be known as the Uniformed Branch of the Ancient Order of Foresters. Sec. 2.— Courts under the jurisdiction of the High Court shall be permitted to organize and establish Conclaves under a charter granted by the Grand Conclave of Canada, but that no Conclaves shall be established without the consent of the Executive Council of the High Court. The management of this Branch shall be kept separate and distinct, and in no case will the Courts or the Order be responsible for its liabilities. 1. ' cisions oi ing doub 2. question it, and i upon it. 3. member) decide q member once. 4. shall pu tained?' 5. lege of { lates an 6. the cha duoed t 7. leave ol out lea' 8. motion subject 9. decide, distinc 10 shall ri RULES OF ORDER. 45 RULES OF ORDER FOR USE OF SUBOKDINATE COURTS. ,EST. liformed urt shall I charter Jonclavea I Council I be kept he Order he sua- 1 The C. R. shall announce all votes and decisions. His de- cision's on points of order shall not be debateable, unless entertain- ing doubts, he shall invite discussion. 2 In putting a vote he shall ask "Is the Court ready for the cmestion^'' Should no member offer to speak, he shall rise and put irand after he has risen no member shall be allowed to speak 1 Whpn an ar>r)eal is made from the decision of the C. R., shall put^^^^^^^ ''Shall the decision of the chair be s. ^^""T' It shall be the duty of the presiding officer, and the privi- lege of any member o^^ Sourt, to Sail a member to order who vio- lates an established rule of order. , ^ , .^a f^nm fi Motions-A motion must be seconded and repealed from the chair'orTad aWbefore it is debated. A motion shall be re- duced to writing if any member require It. 7 Anv member having made a motion, may withdraw it, with leave' of1?s's"ont',beforl it is debated, but not afterwards with- out leave of the Court. , . ^, • 4.„„+;,^v. nf a 8. A« amendment destroying or altering the intention rf^^ motion shall be in order, but an amendment relatmg to a d.tterent an bieot shall not be in order. . . cieciae. iu« v;u.ii •-»" --/i^v -- = - ''^ttebTti-wZtlmber speaks or offers a motion, he ahall r^ae and retpeliX address the C. E., confining attention to 46 RULES OF ORDER. the question under consideration, and avoiding personality or unbe- coming language. 11. When a member is called to order, he shall take his seat until the point is determined. 12 When two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the presiding officer shall decide which is entitled to the floor. 13. No member shall speak more than twice, nor longer than five minutes each time, on any question, without leave of the Court, which leave shall be granted or refused without debate. 14. While a member is speaking no one shall interrupt, except for the purpose of calling him to order, or asking of the presiding officer leave to explain, or call the previous question. A member allowed "to explain" shall only have a right to explain an actual misunderstanding of the language, and be strictly prohibited from going into debate on the merits of the case. 15. For any member in speaking to impeach the motives of a fellow-member, or to treat such with personal disrespect, shall be deemed a violation of order, which may incur the censure of the presiding officer of the Court. 16. If any member feels personally aggrieved by a decision of the chair, he may appeal from such decision. 17. Any conversation by whispering or otherwise which is calculated to disturb a member while speaking, or hinder the trans- action of business, shall be deemed a violation of order, and if per- sisted in shall incur censure. 18. When a motion h postponed indefinitely, it shall not come up again during the session. 19. Adjournment— A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except, 1st, when a member is in possession of the floor; 2nd, while the yeas and nays are being called; 3rd, when the members are voting; 4th, when it has been decided that the previous question shall be taken. 20. A motion to adjourn simply cannot be amended, but a motion to adjourn to a given time shall be open to debate. 21 . The reading of any paper, called for, relating to the subj ect under ^ebat^j, shall always be in order. no taking a vote, no further debate or remark shall be admitted unless a mistake has been made, in which case the mistake may be recti- fied, and the presiding officer shall re-commence taking the vote. RULES OF ORDER. 47 )r unbe- his seat e same le floor. er than 3 Court, , except residing member 1 actual ed from veB of a shall be 9 of the iision of ehich is le traus- l if per- lot come i;'S be in or; 2nd, nembers :][uestion i, but a 3 subject 23. In voting by yeas and nays, all present in regular standing in the Court must vote unless excused by the Court; but no member shall vote who was not in the room at the time the question was put. A motion for excuse shall be decided without debate. 24. Reconsideration and Appeal— A question may be consid- ered any time during the session or the first regular session held thereafter, but a motion for reconsideration being once made and decided in the negative, shall not be renewed before the next regu- lar session. 25. A motion to reconsider must be made and seconded by^ members who voted in the majority. No question shall be recon- sidered more than once, nor shall a vote to consider be considered. To consider a resolution, etc., the decision of which has officially passed out of Court, shall not be in order. 26. A motion to repeal a resolution shall be oflFered in writing, and announced at a regular session, two weeks before action shall be taken on the same, and shall only be in order when the motion to reconsider is no longer available. 27. All reports of committees except reports of progress shall be made in writing and signed by a majority. 28. When a report has been read it shall be considered as pro- perly before the Court, without a motion to accept. loienoed d unless be recti- vote. 4S ENDOWMENT FUND. ENDOWMENT FUND. «♦» '3 PUEAMBLE. The establishment of a Mutual Llelief or Endowment Fund being a rec3gniz8d priaciple in Forestry, it is deemed essential for the protection and support of the widows and orphans of deceased broHiefs^niarsucTi a fund be createcr,lo be known as the A. 0. F. Endowment Fund. It is to be under the exclusive jurisdiction of a Board of Directors, consisting of seven members, who shall be elected at a general meeting of the members to be held bi-annually at the same time and place of S. H. C. meeting; no member to be eligible who is not a member of the Endowment Fund. Sec. 1.— The membership of this fund shall consist of mem- bers of the A. 0. F. who are in good standing in some Subordinate Court, and members of foreign Courts residing within the jurisdic- tion cf the S. H. C. of the Dominion of Canada, and not loss than eighteen^ or more than forty -live years of age. A member shall be considered i-i good stancUng'oniis Court as soon as bis initiation fee is paid, and so long as he is not in arrears 'lo the Court to which he belongs for a period exceeding six months. Sec . 2.— Every member applying for admission to this fund must do so through the Agent or Secretary of his Court, or in the case of a member of a foreign Court through the Court most con- venient, on a blank form supplied for that purpose, and produce a medical certificate of good health from the Surgeon of his Court, or some other regularly qualified physician, both of which will be for- warded to the Board Secretary, together with an entrance fee of $2.00. Honorary members shall be admitted upon the same terms as financial members. If the application is passed by the Surgeon, the applicant shall be supplied with a certificate of membership; if veiected, the entrance fee shall be returned. Sec. 3 —The capital of this fund shall be derived from ad- mission fees, monthly payments, and accumulated interests thereon. ENDOWMENT FUND. 49 Sec. 4.— The following table of rates shall be adopted for the creation and maintenance of this fund, to become due in advance:— TABLE OF MONTHLY RATES FOR DEATH BENEFITS. Between the Ages of * 18 and 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 I! II II II II II *<. :i9.. 20.. 21. 22.. 23.. 24.. 25.. 26.. 27,. 28.. 29.. 30.. 31,. 32.. 33.. 34 . 35 . 36.. 37.. 38.., 39 ., 40 ., 41... 42... 43... 44... imdei 45. $250 ^0 18 19 19 20 -0 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 $500 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 10 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 {!,7 69 72 1750 |0 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 QQ 67 68 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 90 $1000 10 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 07 12000 $1 40 1 42 1 44 1 1 1 1 46 48 50 52 1 54 56 58 60 62 1 64 1 66 1 68 1 70 1 1 1 1 84 1 88 72 76 80 1 1 2 92 96 00 2 04 2 08 2 14 Seo. 5.— -All moneys received for and on behalf of thi« fund shall be deposited in such bank or banks as may be selected by the Board of Directors, in the name of the A. 0. F. Endowment Fund, and ijo payments ghall be made for anything not directly cuiiiievted with this fund. All drafts and cheques must be signed by the Chairman and Secretary, and impressed with the seal of this fund. A copy of this section, together with the signatures of the afore* 50 ENDOWMENT FUND. 4- i '5 mentioned officers, and an impression of such seal, shall be deliver- ed by the Board to each uank or banks in which such funds are de- posited. And that so much of this fund as may not be required for the probable accruing liabilities under the laws of this fund shall be invested by the Board of Directors, in such only of the following ways as the Board may direct, viz:— In the Post Office Savings Bank, in government or municipal debentures, or other government leonritieB, and in regular chartered banks, or incorporated loan ■ooieties. Sec. 6.— The benefits to be paid by this fund shall be paid by cheque or draft, payable to the person or persons legally entitled to receive the same, and be forwarded through the Court Secretary or Agent. Sec. 7.— All remittances to this fund shall be sent by Post Office order, registered letter, or through an express company, to the Secretary of the Board. Sec. 8.— The Secretary shall keep full, complete and accurate books of account in connection with this fund, conduct the corres- pondence, issue all notices, and generally perform all duties apper- taining to his office, and he shall give security for the faithful per- formance of his duties in the sum of $2,000.00, and for his services he shall receive the sum of fifty cents per annum for every member of the fund good on the books at the end of the year. He shall also notify Court Secretaries or Agents of members three mcnths in ar- rears in their respective Courts. Sec. 9.— The Board shall at their first meeting appoint one of their own number as Treasurer, who shall deposit all moneys re- ceived by him within twenty-four hours, as per Sec. 5, and shall also give security for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of $2,000.00, and for his services he shall receive the sum of $10 per annum. Sec. 10. —The books and accounts of this fund shall be audited by three auditors, who shall be appointed at the bi-annual meeting. Sbc. 1 1 . - -Every member of this fund who shall change his place of residence shall notify the Secretary or Agent of his Court within one month, and any failure to comply with this requirement shall be at the risk of the member. Sec. 12.— In each annual report the Board shall give the number of members who have joined this fund during the past year, also the uauies of the members who have died, or nave been sus- pended. S] tioQ, t certifi( same; { and th Secret! the Ban Si or per£ of deat membe of the : correct to be d same, \ proof Se' be SUB] instate( of all d crued u of the C previou be entit the Ore Sec time of stateme ease or claim tc ship she Sec plied by the tera Sec forms ai the sum Sec account oontain i the nan whether .ENDOWMENT FUND. 51 Sec. 13,— Members ehall nominate in writing, on the apnlioa- tioo the person or persons to whom they wish the amount of the certificate paid, and shall have the right at any time to revoke the same; such nomination to be witnessed by a member of the Order. and the seal of the Court attached, the same to be forwarded by th« Secretary or Agent to the Secretary of the Board, who shall cause the same to be entered in a book provided for that purpose. Sec. 14.— Upon the death of a member of this fund the person or persons entitled to receive the benefits shall produce a certmoate of death and burial to the Secretary of the Court to which deceased niember belonged, said certificates to be forwarded to the Secretary of the Board, who will lay the same before the Board, and if found correct, shall issue a draft for payment of the same, the said draft to be drawn m favor of the persons legally entitled to receive the same, provided always that the Board shall have forty days after proof of death in which to settle the claim. Sec. 15.— Any member in arrears for four months* dues shall be suspended from the benefits of this fund, and shall be only re- instated upon producing a medical certificate, and upon payment of all dues at the date of his suspension, and that may have ac- crued up to the time of his reinstatement. The Secretary or Agent of the Court shall notify each member in arrears at least two weeks Erevious to the expiration of the four months. No member shall e entitled to the benefits of this. fund after being expelled from the Order. Sec. 16.— Any member who shall in his declaration and at the time of his admission as a member, knowingly make any false statement as to his health, age, or condition, or conceal any dis- ease or bodily infirmity tending to shorten life, shall forfeit all claim to and benefit in this fund, and his certificate of member- ship shall be cancelled. Sec. 17.— The Secretary or Agent of each Court shall be sup- plied by the Board with all necessary blanks for compliance with the terms of this fund, in accordance with these laws, free of cost. Sec. 18.— Any Secretary or Agent failing to comply with the forms and requirements, as laid down in these laws, shall be fined the sum of one dollar, to be paid into this fund. Sec. 19.— P^ach Court Secretary or Agent shall keep a separate account of membership in his Court of this fund, such account shall contain all nenaHiin.rv infnrmn.f.inn nnnTior>f.A/1 f.ViAt.AnTi4-lt 'nn>4.:/>«i._i~ the name, age, occupation and residence of each member, and whether married or single. [ The;.Secretary or Agent to receive for 11 - V'. \/. 52 ENDOWMENT FUND. fais services the sum of ten cents per annum per member, for every member of his Court belonging to the fund. Sec. 20. — Any member whose original certificate shall be- come torn, lost, or destroyed, on producing satisfactory evidence thereof, shall be supplied with a duplicate on payment of twenty- five cents. Ssc. 21. — Any member of this fund wh) may have taken a beneficiary certificate for $250, $500, $750, or $1,000, and wishing to increase that amount, shall be permitted to do so, provided the combined certificates shall not amount to more than $2,000; the ap- plicant shall be required to pass a second medical examination, and be charged for such increased amount the rate according to his age at the time of making the second application, and that a fee of one dollar be charged to cover the expense of the second application. Sec. 22. — Each Court may appoint one of its members to can- vass the other members for this fund, and for every member he ob- tains and passes he shall receive the sum of one dollar, to be paid from this fund. Sec. 23. — In cases where no person or persons are entitled to the endowment, it will revert to the Endowment Fund. Sec. 24. —The Endowment Board does not hold itself respon- sible for the payment of any endowment if death is brought on by the persistent use of intoxicants. Sec. 25. — These laws shall only be altered after notice in the Ancient Forester has been given of such alteration, at least two months previous to the date at which the next regular or special general meeting may be called. Sec. 26.— a special meeting of the members of the E. F. may be called at any time between the regular meetings on a requisition to that effect being forwarded to the Secretary of the Board, by at least one-third of the members of the Fund, notice of such meeting to be given by the Secretary of the Fund to the Agents or Secre- taries of the Courts at least two weeks before the date on which the meeting is called. Sec. 27. — The Board shall give a report of the proceedings of this Fund to the S. H. C, at each session thereof. CONTENTS. _. Article. Preface Authority for Sub. High CcuVts. .'.'..' *. '. '. .'.'.'.' * Amendments to Laws * ' on Business on Sunday ift Bringing an Officer or Bro'. into Contempt 20 Clearances , V Courts or Societies Joining the S^ H. C 22 Communications to the S. H. C 9-^ Construction of Terms ..:;;;; o? Canvassing *.*.'.. 28 Duties cf Officers of Subordinate Caiirts IS Delinquent Courts " * ^5 Duty of Officers and Delegates. 16 Extracts from Gen. Laws of the Order. Endowment Fund Fines 17 High Courts— Subsidiary^ Authority for . . .' .* .' .' .' ,' .' .' ] " II Powers , . 1 " ft how Constituted 2 " II Officers 2 " II Election of officers 3 " II Executive Council 4 " II Sessions 5 " II Committees " II Duties of H. C. R .*.'.' 7 ti „ H. S. 0. R 7 " 11 It Perm't Secretary 7 •' . 'I It H. C. Secretary.. 7 " II M Treasurer 7 "11 II Trustees 7 " " II Auditors 7 T •' ^ , " Final Arbitrators. . 9 Juvenile Branches 26 Knights of Sherwood Forest ,.....,. Making Known Secrets of the Order. . ........... .25 Miscellaneous . , "... 31 Name of the Order not to be used by Members Ifor Pecuniary Benefit 19 Page. 6 42 35 86 32 38 39 41 42 29 34 35 6 48 35 6 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 ]4 14 15 15 15 15 16 40 44 39 42 36 54 CONTENTS. Article. Page. Privilege of Members, &o 21 36 Place of Meeting of High CJourt 29 42 Returns to the High Court 10 17 Subordinate Courts, how Organized 12 21 Officers 12 , 21 II when Nominated, Elected and Installed 12 21 Vacancy in office, how filled .... 12 21 Initiation of Members 12 22 Application for Initiation 12 22 Receiving Clearances 12 23 Contributions 12 24 Entrance Fees 12 24 Funeral Benefits .12 24 Registration Fee 12 25 Suspended Member 12 26 Division of Court Funds 12 27 Court Arbitration Com 12 28 Order of Business 29 Duties of Officers 13 29 Rules of Order 45 Societies joining the S. H. C 22 38 Territorial Districts 11 18 II District Arbitration Com 11 18 Where there is no Provision in S. H. C, Laws 24 39