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(ifiy-^^I- It;, ; SPECIFICATION fOB TBI v ■ /^ ; . .. - . ■ ■■ ■ . BUILDING AND ERECTIN a OF TWO STEAM - BpILERS FOR THE MONTREAL WATER WORKS ACCORDING TO DR-^WING. . ' The Boilers will be twb (2}m numbe^r and of |he kiiid Description. vt known as the Lancashire' doable furnace single flue, -with ^ 1$ ■^ Gkloway tubes in each boiler, arid according to the ^ drawing furnished with this specification of which there ^ i are four (4) views, viz. Plans, Longitudinal, sections. Front and Rear views. ' The Boilers to be%' 3" diam, outside of shell and 26,' 0" DimensioM. extreme length. • * > , The Shell to be made 7/16 iron Buckley or Wyandotte Shell, boiler i^te charcoal hammer ed, staniped 50,0 00 ; all longi . ^^_ tudinal seams to be doubleiriveted throughout wlHi the **^' best quality | inch rivets, 2 inch Jrona^ntrejo centre, to -^ be chip^ and caulked^Ieaviiigf ' in width outside of^^'^* ^'^T^ rivets and made perfectly steam and water tight. The f'urnaces will be two (2) in number in each boiler, and will be three (3) feet internal diam., made of 7/16" Buckley or Wyandotte fire box plate stamped 50,000. The Furnaces as will be seen by the drawing are 7,' & ' in length, perfectly cylindrical, and at that distance from the junction with one flue running to the back end of the boiler, this flue is flat in top and bottom with'semi-eircular sides: this flue to be made of 7;16' iron Buckley Or Wyandotte boiler plate, charcoal hammered stamped 50,000 and to be stayed throughout its length with 24 Galloway tubes as shown in drawing, s***i^^ ^ *^ ' . The Fumacewill be in three letfgthsTiuialBwgeH and yiv«t«d together, yv}^ * W0^8pl»t ITon ring 1 J' incU hj 4'' iXZiiJy^ i<|jj ii iii ii . i, i j» ii ii H i .n iiii ijtt i r. i ' l " I' l ii j jtl a i i 'V *J» ftMi iii>>< « . i . » i< ),i iMM rffi .j >> \ ' ■:/' '■ f ■ Head Sheet*. mches between each lengthy and riveted to head aheet^M shown on d^wings, in the l>e8t possib^ manner ; the jomti . chipped mi well cinlked. t::ftijrrtej^'-:^^^ At a distance of l^M" frotathe junction of theinTnace witn the #K flae« there will be a 'contrac*tionx>f ihat fine . as shown in the plan of boiler, this ^^ is, l|^" wide and will be contracted at this place tofcj" foy ^ width ^of * 12" in. as 8hown.;«*^^;-r->^ ^-^'^^^^T^' t-/^u^ The Galloway tubes to be same as shown in^'drawingj,^ viz 10*' diam. at top and 6}" diam. at bottom and flangedL^ ^ iu^Ut^' top ami bottom, and made oi f" Buckley or WyandottiBi extra flange plate, stamped 60,Q(M), each tube to be tested/ to 200 lbs per square inch before riveted in place. 7^9" diam of i" », stamped 60,000, tion tt i ehM ti m . -^ *\ The froht head shieefs will Buckley or Wyandotte ejttra. and will be wrati i fiolflrtinSy m staying. ./< Steam Dnimt J.V The back head will be | " plate, same iron as in front head, and flanged and riveted to sh^U and flcie in nsua^ • \, manner: ^ ^' ■?•'- ■ ^^^ 4-' " "v '-■••■■. V- A The head sheets^ f rem t, and back, will be staved to the_^^ h ^(ti shell of boiler, by ftfc (^ giissets stays at Stf end, ffiTy]^^,^. gussets to run woll back in to the sooand sheet of *lw 'ti^ boiler, and fastened with double angle iron^o heiad sheets ■ and shell, as shown. There will also bi^ imm {^ bolts W? /z, ins. diam. rtfn through the entire length of boiler, and fastened to head sheets with ntits and washers inside^nd :. ; . outside as shown. 0-*- */ ^* ^ ^ ^ ^«c*J" K W ^*^>^ steam drums to be -8^" diam. anil V 0^ bight' of 7ili5 " iron, aame brand as that of the shell, -*<- ^^'r*»«'"825' ' { * On the top pf each boiler will; be riveted a cast iron ^"^ Holes manhole, on the top of which will be a cast iron cover, laced, grounds and made steam tight ; each cover to « be bolted with about sixteen (16) on^ (1) inch bolts, - and to be j^rovided with two brass valves and seats ; to be 5 inches inside diainleter, and to be provided with • the necessary joints, levers and weights, to resist a pressure of 75 lbs to the square inch * and the other a lock up safety <^/<<^.> «^'* »-*^ J Valve. Another man hole ,will also be provided in fro|it head sheet of each boiler as sh6wn. /«* A. ^Az,^*^^*^ ^ ^ ^>*»W' lull ad^tion to the abov^^one 6 i^ch brass safety 8|ftfetyy*iTM ralve must be provided and connected to the steam pipe, in such place as th4 Engineer may direct. This valve to be ^ade complete in' every respect. ^ ~ .Bach boiler to be provided and have Jized therein one Qnte Bm •ett of grate bars and bearers, on the AsHcroft principle. *"** ^"*"- i Each boiler to be provided with S^^est brass try cocks, Try cocks and oHe glass y^ater guage, and one steam pressure guage of^" ai»g«s. the Bourdon's patent, y ,/,■ 4|t^ Each f team drum is to be ^ovi^ed with a brass stop gt valve, the same as those on the old bqilers, and connected to the steam pipe in such way that any of the boilers may be shut off. A collapsing brass valve of 2 inch diam. shall also be connected on the top of each drum. The feed valves find feed pipes are to be the same as fsed Pipes those on the old lioilers and connected to the present feed "»<^v*>t««- pipe leading from the Engine room. ' , . ' \ Each boiler to be provided at the front with one blow Blow off oflf valve 4iid pipe, unless than 2| inches diain., the pipe Jp^^* •»* to lead to the outside of the boiler house, as the engineer ^ may -direct „,, . ^ . ' ' In addition, each boiler is to have a surface blow off of the same diameter Im above. Ail valves to be of brass/ SpVslTes. -7h,.*t^ Ar^-^ C^i-Jt^ ^C,^u^&*i^ m^ 2^ ^^r>C^ rf8S*. ^^ / V Bpii^r Front! The boiler fronts to be of the same patern and desigti as those now in front of the cornish boilers; to be of cast iron and not less than | of an inch thick ; the out lUie to be.of the precise form of the brickwork, and to corw the wholeof the brick, and boiler fronts, and thereby protect them frcii all moisture. They shall also be provided with all the strengthening ribs and flanges required to bolt them together, and fastebed^to the boilers in the most mechanical and substantial mailner. These fronts to have ' as littler space as possible between them and the boilers, 'DoOnand Dftmpen. Flue Dmii- pen. and such'space ti be tilled in with fire^clajr^^^^j;^^^^ Each boiler to be provided with two ( 2 ) doors vad'*^^*^ a^ two ( 2 ) dampers of the principal called the Ascroft PatentJ*^'*-*^ -^ Teit. '■-V /^MJ» Bteam Pipei. /' balanced furnace doors. In addition to the above dampers each boiler to be provided at the back flue with a sliding damper, wit^ balance weights, chains and pullies. necessary to lead the chains to some convenient place in front of the boilers. The Boilers! to be constructed after the manner shown on the plans and described in this specification, and stayed in such a manner as to insure uniform >strengtih throughout all parts, so that they will stand a pressure of KD lbs. to the square inch, without deflectiotn or the least deformity, which pressure will be indicated by a proved, guage of the Bourdon's principle. The boiler when completed ar^ to be tested by the City or Government Inspector accordingto theLaw'Tega- lating the inspection of steam boilers. . -' ' - All the steam pipes are to be of cast Iron not lest than f of an inch thick, and of 8 inches inside diam. to be perfectly steam tight and jn'ovided with all the necessary expansion joints and valves which shall be necessary to work all the boilers together, or eftch boiler separately, or either of the Engines. All the joints to be faced and bolted, and connected with the present pipes in such Way as flie Engineer may direct. ^^;;_, ,^ ^,6U^ X>(i. ^ '/i<^'^ 4^ \ \ i I I ■ : .- ■ • ■ ^ .. ■ , ^, ■•'■■■,■■■ . I All the BheeU required in the cointruction of these PnookiagMui txnlere m^it beiur the etemp end be of the thiolmess oalled ^* ^' for in tUle q>9oiiioation, and punched in ■noh way. that ' the holea will be opposite to each other and of the proper diameter for the rivets. In all cases where the holes ^ay require enlarging for the. admission of Uie rivets a hi^lf round irimer shall be used, instead of the drift. AU the riyets to bo of the best quality as called for in^, ^^^^^^^^ this sp^^cificatioUi^in order that the Superintendent and Engineer inay be saiisfied that all thb material and work- manship is in accordance with the fipeciilcation ; the Gon- traptor binds himself to admit them to his shop or wcmtIcs ' . . during working hours, and give ^em any information they may require concerning the a1k)ve works. The boilers are to be delivered, fixed' and completed Deiirery. in every reapect.to fet up|||team> in the boiler house of / / the MontMal Water VITorkii on or before the first of July / neitma All excavation, filling and ramming round the founda- ExcaTsti< ttons of the boilers, and outside flue, shall be done in a proper and satisfoctory manner ; all surplus material shall betakenoutofthebufldiuganddeposited in such place ' > as the Superintendent or Engineer may point out. The foundation beds for t^ boilers .shall be composed Foandatiou of a layer of oonorete one «i||tliicl( wd laid perfectly S^'^'i^^ level under all the boilers ; tiuT bed to be composed of lind^eii ston^ mixed w|ith hy^ulip liine and river sand, in the proportion of 2 of broken stone, 1| ot sand and one ^ of hydraulic lime :4m the top of this bed there shall be a layer of fire bricks of four inches ihick bound together ,:^ with fire clay. , All the briek iHrtflls ronnd tli« bdlen to be siade of . sound hard burnt bricks, lined inside all the flues with fire bricks, four inches thic)^ li^id with fire day for the back and «de fines, end tnth mortar and coarse salt for all other fl«M in tl^ tiBU) ahftpe imd SMWder 49 those of the present ■•f: ' r ^'' / V*"''*' "• ^ '. 'T'^'^V'^'^ii'-^W^l'^ • • i*« T-^ ,"-|[3«3«fr5*" ■ , , . i «'- 6 «i tnil^e Ifaiii Finet. ^; Cold air Fine. PttTingiik . front of the BoUen. OaUide tke baildihgs at the back of the botlerSi.' there shall be built a brick main flae, four by -three feet, with wails in stone masonry outside ^helBue as shown on drawing. ' , The walls of the flues to be twelve inches thicl^, lined inside with four inch fire bricks laid in cement. The outside bricks shall belaid with hydraulic lime, as will ajso the stoiie wall! The foundation of this flue,^to be laid on a bed of ^ concrete one ftiot thick. ^The space left between the ston©^ walls and the flue, to be also filled with oo.ncrete the same > as specilLed for the ibniidations of boilers/^ — ^7—"" r~^ — At the back of eacl^ boilei^, the foundation Wall of the building shall be open(^ to admitf a small fine of two feet ' inside diameter to the main flue. ' ^hese flues shall be " built of fire bricks with cement, and jointed to the main • flue in a workmanlike manner, with their proper openings ' £6r the dampers. The stone wall shall be four feet thick at the base, and will have at its top a frost batter of one half to one, and four feet deep. ^ ' ^ A cold jair flue of two by four feet shallbe built in front of the boilers, similar to the present flue in front of the old boilers to which it is to be jBpnnected. This flue to be coy^d with iron plates; similar to the^present^ne. Alfihe space in frbnt of the boile^ to be paved in ^ brick> 4 inches tjbiick, properly laid on a lied of Hver sand th,ree inches^thickt with a slbpe of two inch^'to the front wall. •* ^ •" . *■ \ ^^'V ii Y GENERA!, CLAUSES. It is to "be undetstood that tbe contract for the boilers is.to include and cover er^y thing required in the cons- tructiionofthe steam boilers, foundations and equipment, and the erection of the same, reiidy for use in the present ""S^- -:,-l. -TT *■ / • * '.4a *«!**•. coftl house, in accordance with this specification and the drawings,' herein referred to. Also the connection betw^if the new and the did boilers, with all the excava- tion and fiUings necessary to accomplish these different objects. *Tt is alBo to be nnderstood that no extras what-' ever shall be allowed or sanctiofted, except on the approval of the Water Gomnittee endorsed by. the Superintendent |!ngineer. The object 4>eing; that the whole work, includ- ing a!^ the pipes, valves or other things riequired to connect the new bpileis and the flne^ to the present boilefs,.flnes and chimney, shall be covered by one Contract at one bulk sum. " '- -"' . • /=•- The contractor is to maintain his««nrork in repair duViug construction, and shall be liable for any damage done to the prese]|it works, or other property of the Cor- poration, thTough his carelessness or, neglect. * An estimate of the w '," ^ • ♦ ' . •■ ' J ! ■'.■ •^WiMiwiiMiiiiitiiiifiiiT' • V •M r*>, ??/ '■I '^% /^% ^a m.^-» IfeMfe^ Hl ^ ^ f1