IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 ifiiSI 1.1 2.5 1^ 1^ II Ui 110 2.2 2.0 m 1 1-25 1 (.4 1.6 ^ 6" > p> /2 > *V'* '> 1 "^Ic/ ^ ^' Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) 873-4503 E R c.f Commrns ^v X: the Siibfrribcri to . ce of Quebec, bwn. bcr 1784. 1 1791.) / --'■'•^- "X* / f [ I 3 ( 23d March 1791. ) SI u, I A M A,";ent from Q^icbcc for tlic SublcriluTs lo the I'ctitions fro;n that ProviniT, now on the 'Table of this Hoiioiir.ible Floull'. 1 h.ui the Honour of .iii)ic.irini!; at this Bar late in the Sell'.Dii of i/^S, a.ul of ll.uini;, for tin- Information of the Honourable Coiiiinituc, the iinliappy Situation of that Provuice. Soon after that IVriotl I went to Q^iebcc ; bur, at the urL;ei!t i'ei)ui(l of the Petitioners, I returned to Britain the fame Year, with new Powers, and more ample Inftruclions, to renew my Application fc^r their Kelief ; and to reprcfenc to the Britidi I.,eij;il1atine thi- prelTini!; NccefTity, for the Peace, the Security, ami Profi'er'iy of the liih.ibit.uus of tiiat Countrv, tliat the Conllitution of the Province lliouUi undergo an immediate and tliorough Reform. l''.very Day new Matter, and further Circumftances arife, which con- firm and tlrengthen the Sentiments of the Petitioners, as exprefled in their Peti:ion<:. And they are now fully convinceii thai, unlefs a proper Contlitution of Govcrnnnent is ellablilhed immediately for that Country, the wiiolc Aflairs of the Province nuilf in-v;tablv fall into fu'.ii extreme C'oniulion as will operate to the entire Ruin of their t'ortunes, and ul- ti nitely the abfdute Deftrudion uf the Province. It is not neceilary to v-nter into any Hetail of the Reafons wliich have induced mc to defer applying to Parliament on thefe Affairs dorui!!; the Two latt Sell'ions, as the Circumftances are within the Recollei"Hon of every Member of this Honourable Houfe. Thefc Petitions were framed and .ij^reed on in public Meetings held A fui- *-| PAPER read at the Bar of the Houfc of Commons, by Mr. Lymburnf.r, Agent for the Subfcribcrs to the Petitions from the Province ot Qur.iiEc, bearing Date the 24th of November 1784. f /7'7/ (.9) [ 2 ] lor I'uii'iill', \\\ the C"iti(s "I' (.Vic'ii-r ;uut Mi):itr<':ii ; an:l Com- mittffs were iIrmi p. iimd aiui ,;,j)()iaic'l liy ti.e IVv^iilc, lo toiu.iul ,i:ul rujijioit tl.iin. l:i tlu'lV l\'t;tio:is, Sir, tii<- Iiiliahit.mis of tlu- Province of (^icbci- li.r.f txpiitcil to this Ilimsiiini'l." I Ionic, t!i;'.r ilirir Si'.iiation ii;is l)i'- oiiu" truly i!.';;1<)im!iL' hv t'u- O" r.itum (>[ r!ip .Sv;lcm nf GovTinw/iir t'll.iblifln.d for rliat. I'' in- t'u- Aii ol tin: Fmiria-nili o( His VJ.i- jcdy, comnioiil\ r.iUeii " i'lu- (^icIm v- ACt." An. I tlu-v ii ivi.- lila-wile tl;oi gilt it tluii Dotv ti) poiiu o .t, for :!ii' C'onluiiTation ol P.irli.inifiu, tlidti' RfrornT; which, in tin ir Ai'prfhrnili)n, will tni.i innll filVdvullv to |>roniotc- the H.ippiiicls a:i I I'lol'pfritv of thi- I'roviiuT, anJ ;U tiic \mw I'iiiu' :.;iv«- iliif St;en;rtl-, I iivrgy, .in.i Siipj).>rt to its (.lovi-rn in-nt. As llis M.i] -ih's M:ni!l'.-r< In. c ruhmirtrJ to tliii I Iiinonr.ililc I I'l'ifc a Bill, jTolt-llcillv iKT'jMif.l t'> iniH'iiy the I'.vils oi tiic piclciu Svllcin, it is iir.iui-clV.irv tor iiir to cnrtr into any Dt'tail ol the J);lhi'lVi-i wliicli thi" l'coi)lc- ot tl'..:t I'roviiu-c li.ur roliVri.'il, fr(;iii the C'onfniion ,i;ui I'li- icrt.iinfv "t the l.,iv,v, .uaI the Want of ik-tcniiinate Rules arul fixed I'rincijiles in li; • t\)ti;ts of jii'ice; tidij^h I .I'li confilent the Det.til \voi:kl alloi. ;fn fee y Member "t thi'.- I loiioiiiabte lloule, as it nuill he Matter of Surpr'/e that l':c!i .; .'■irie'. < f Anarciiy and C)fipre(lii,)n riioiild have ban pei:r.;-:'\l to piev.'.il uiiri: ..' I) !!Vi:u' Years in a l^.i.i'n I'ro- vinee. Ii f .rniltui, hovexer, ;'e i K .irel; ['roof t!i:t e.ii puj'iiily be olllred Ol inMiieu, the t) ,cial I:ii ';i)i.i:i :n Iru.ii that luu^rtiinate I'roviiui Ii is i..-t ben Inch as the Britilh (joverniiient had u K:cl\t to expert i for ii' Parliament Ii.k! been ilnly intornied that tl'.e <^iebec AiJts, by fthieli it was certainly intcndc.l to I'eeuic tlie I'eace, iwd to pronuite the IVofp'T'ty a.d n.iip;iie!s of the I'eople oi' that Piovintc, had jTodiued the \(Tvcontrai, I'.flVifls j, from the Uncertainty of the I .^w, I'uppoletl to be introdined 1)V that A:;, Ills M.ijellv'b Subiecls had been nbli!.;ed to lirpend !or Jullice on the va^;uc aiui iinceitain Idras of the JiulLTes , — we are lure, f'roni tiic Generofitv and Jiillicc of the Britllh Governnn nt, that we niould nave curin^:; the neceflarv Kdief. iiad no Uiinculty in pro- In tills Si.-,:-,e of the Bufincfs I fhall not walle thr Tune of thin ll.mourabL- llone t) explain the Natine of tiu' Civil (loveriiinent of ih'.t Province wlnle it belon;:ed to, nor t> prove to this Honourable Monle, tliac although the (^lebrc A.i has been in lull Force Sixteen Years the Courib in th..t Province hive not yet fettled or aj^reed on whether the Whole of the I'reiuh lliem, conijiofed the Ciilb'.u .4' (.'anada ; a., il , vs, or what Pait of i.-a lo,llct!ine<. adir.lit.'d, at ot^ier i j.^:. i, ,■ h-ile C"od:.b i;i the I'rencii L.w. It is not iiecell'ary to ee.,,.^-/ on ■•.-[._ Sabjets, as tie Bill now ui,vler Con- fideranon fn.,; .-.le:; that the ,ii lent Co.-.t'tUtirion of the Pr )vince is defVcuvi : a',d i '.o,)c ih:s li:.!, before it rec;ues the Sanction of this no!iOiira.>ic : l.iu v.iU lie io nodiliei ,,r,d arianred as to preclude th.t? Nece!!;tv or (.1.; tnrjoii,, , ■. ti': I'.ntilh i .ei'iflature a'Min, to reiorin the Loi.a.'.'jii'jii c-i uuc-.niiici.t o. uiat Luiiuuy. While -»t- •n t!m ^1 If f 3 ] V'hili" tint Provincr- lulnn/-;! .! to r,.incc t!.f Coimtrv w.i? tliiiily in- hihircd ; Aj^riciilturt' niwl Cnnmicrrc were n(;;!c('!i.'f|, dcrrirc,!, nnd ii;f- C( u .iircti ; Crfilii ;'n(l rirriiliiKMi \vm- vctv lonfinn Mticintiii: Tr iiiluitions wtTc ncirlur iiiiii;iT(ni. , < vtcil vc, tidv intiir;:irr, lor the ir.dia Coinp;iny h:n\ liccn pcMiiitnd ti> rcaifi the M.iujjioIv of the 1 III- Trade, wliii'h wns ;ilruoll the o: 'i/ Olii'-''T if I'-timrr duriti-.^ thit i'tTiod iVuin the Proviacf. 'flic r-rnch (if>v:T;in-ivri IcTtns to have Ivin fDt.iliv" iiin-qiiaiiucd with th" M'T( ant:!'.! Ut tliC Codiitry, and to have (Ctt-niid t!u- i'otJfdloM of it nuTt-ly ai bcinj C.iVi.iirahlo to their \'i'j\vs m dnrelii; ; the n'.-i;j;!ibaiirin ; Britilh Co- lonics ; ti.f Inhabitants win- milL-rahly poor, and tin- l'n,vin(c wis a. ikad \Vc'i[',lic on that Kiii;>doin. Hiii, Sir, tl;i- !'ro\in'-c h.v, [rrtatly liunpfd fmiC it was cvdcii to (jrcat Hi -am at the i'c;'.ci' of i ;'; ] ; tli** Ciuninfrriil Spiiit and Genius of t!u ' Kritons who hive rdi la.l to, and fettled in that Country, have liy ; -omotin:; In,ii:(iry and Culiiv.'.- tion ditcovereil tr> th'* \V('rld the V',d,i( of that I'roviiue j and thoii'/Ii tlie I'tVort;. of a few In.lividuuls have i.ot bin tiitl'icient to c.ountera.:l [x\\ the |)ernicious Ci^a.'ciine'uts of .in Svl'.tm of fi'iv t-rninenr, arid an unr'-rt.'.in Adiv.iniHration of 1 aw, yet tht\ have [ uulnctd a v.nndirrnl C!;.':.;_e on tlie I-'aee of that Country i the 1 owns and Viilaj^e'; are greatly encreafid j tiie Number of the I'eople i,> nearly tripled; there is double the (^lantity of 1 .and c ;iltiv.ited ; the l-'.-.riiicrs are mo-c ciiii'.foit.'.bly lod-ed, and a f.',re,u NuiiiiKr ol Siiips are .Xaiuiallv ioaiied with a V.iiiety of Arnclfs the I'rodiiee (jfilie 1'rovini.e: I( iucli aaia/.in<:; l'ro;,-refs has been iii.ide in ilie Period of 25 Ye.iis, u:\i:i'e was l.ibourini^ under Oppredioii, ami t!ic Peopic fcaiicly alliiied ol eniovinj>_ the l-'iiiits of tluir lndullr\ , v.iut may not be ixpeCteii fioni llie Counuv if eiKi;uraeneioi;i Syftein ut (lovcrniiuiit, ,uid aiVilled l)v the fulhTing I land of tire it Britain ' \V lien, in Conleijiicnic 01 ilie People being enlii:;iuened by I'.ilucation and Science, tlie 1- 'Teds of antieiii and narrow Preiutlices are dcllrovLd, and the I'amicrs have bicii iiu'jeed to chan<^e their prelent ure;ehed ^.vH(•ill of Agiuultiiie, I has-e no Doubt, Sir, but t!u- I'rovi'iee will Jr ionfu!>Tid .IS a v.iluable Appendaj'c in the Line of I'r.ide ; .md inluatl of exhibitii)!; a weak Cioverninent and iinpoverifhed Coi:nt;v, it wiil .leipiire th.u Decree of Refpcdabiiitv whiLii irs ^ltuat!'Jn, ■ , and Numbers ou;^lu to command, 1 fliall now retjiiefl the Iiuiulcenc? (sr this I lonourable Iloule v.liile 1 ofl'er a few Oblervations on Ionic of tl.'" Artitles of tiie new Conlliai- non, as tliev appear i;i tlie Udl ; .\r.A fubmit, fur tlieir Conlideraiio:!, furli Kealons for .iltenim; tlulf Clauit;, as have occurred to me in the lli.irt Time liiue 1 iiave liad Comir.i.iiic.ition ot tliC 1];!!. Sir, the Hdl now under tlie Debber.ition of tli;s HcnourabK- lloule Hates, in the Preamble, that the Act oi tiie 14th of Ills .Majrllv, com monlv called the Qiiebcc Ait, " is, in vumv Ref; efts inapplicabl. tJ " the prelent Condition .md Cireumllances of tiie laid I'rovince." This, St, is very true , .ir.vl jullilies the Comp'.iinis of t.'.c Pecvle, [ 4 ] ft) oft.'n fXi-rclTcil in tlicir Petitions niviinll. AtV. Tlicv li.ivc had a loni; ari'l iKiim'ul Ivxperienci" of the Inttrioicncy of t'lc A^t j tlicy li.ivc li virilv fill, ami fnlli iiil, iwulcr ilic Confiifion wlmli that Ai"l inrro- ihiciit inti) tlu' (iovfrniiu'iu of the I'lovinii' , liuy h.ivi- 'ifra fX|v)|r,l to the pi-rnicioiis l l!ci'l!i of iiiuiTt.iiii ami iir.d'-tiMcii l.iws, .iriil to rhi .ir.)i- tr.iry Jiiiii;iiHius ot Courts [;iiiJcil by no lixcil I'rintipics or ci-rtaiii kiilvs i and thi-y have fccn thi-ir I'mpiTty, in confi\]iienif rhi-rcof, ilif- fipaicii, without a l'i)lTil)iiity of iulpinn thi'nifolvcs. It thffc I'.viis which iiiiliKti.1 tl.i'ni to pray ti.-s I loiioiirablf IIoiili-, tliat thf Ail, in- titulril, " An Act for inalviii ; more I'rovifion (or the (jovcrn- «•■ iiKiit of ilu" I'rovii'.LC (if v^ ;.l)ec," nn^ht be lepcaicJ in tote. Hut, Sir, the Hill now lulorc tint 1 lonourable I Ionic, in tiie I-'ir(l enai'^ini; C'laiile, proj-ofes t" iTpt'al oi.iy that Claule of tli" (^lebcc Ail whiili giv(!> I'lAser to the (iovernor and L'oiinol to make ami ena.t Laws ,iiui Ordinal! C3. Sir, that M\ hi- occifuimd lo iini ii 1 rouble in the I'k,. \ine(, that it ii is b^ i mie extrenelv olii omous to that I'art of tiic Iii- h.ib i,.iiri wi w, tioiii I'.dueitiM, are all- to lool; up to the Sonne of tie 1 All, and to coiiii'ieheiul li.)in what Caiife the Cuiifufion has prc- leeihd. Ihex have tonfidered tiiat Ai' !i the Orii'iii of all thei.- Trou- ble; and they llattere 1 theinii Ives, that iii coiifiH]i:eiue ot iheir earndt Sola it.itions it w 'u!d be entirely rrj' ded, lo as tMt to leave ary I'art (if an OliiciJi whitli IkuI [',iveii them lo iiiu«.h L'ntanneU cxpofed to their Viiw, Sir, thouf^h tlu* rnT.nt Hdl I'ei lares, in t!ie Pnaiidile, that tiie Qiiebec Aa I-, '• in many lUlpcifts in.ipplieable to the Comlition and " C'ircuirtKuices of the I'mviiicc," yet it only propofcs t > n peal One t'laufe. \\ \\\ \' be tonlideit i! as doing JiHliee to i,il- Declaration in the I'rcaiTibie, or to the Petitione's, er to the I', to lieclarc thus jnibliciy tliat t;.'.- A."'t i.s pernki.ui, in /.•..•••v Kel'pectb, a:i 1 to <^ivc tiie neceflary Relief onlv in (y.' |\)itir ? 1 ha\ e examined tlie t^iel)ec A^t with a t:,(i()d deal <.f Care, bur iiave not been able to perceive anv powerl'.l li ii liu new IMi. Nur the b'ift.h, w!ii( li ie:Mrd.s ihe 'aai.tiiiL; o, I ..\u<-\ — rhat ii leltled :a t!ic new ihll. Not tiie Si>;tli, wiiu !i ellaliMlies ilie j-'nijiiih Cr!:i.:ii.d 1. iw ; as < xn lie incorjiorated ii; the new Hi!!. Not the .Se\e'K'i, w liich ellabl ihes the i,e;;ill.'.tive Council , .i , tlvn is repealed by tiie F.rll Clatile of t!ic new liill. Not tiie b!;;hih, wliich imposseis !lis M.'.jrlly to crecl Courtsj a^ tliii Ubj(.'(fl uuidi'. to be e\; lelbl; j; .n.dcd for in t.ic new Bill. Nor the Ninth, ■j-e^'s tiie f:triiv. r'cs j ..^ ihev, of ' Not liie I'.'i'.rd I lead, \^!li^.il r-.l iiei to /* ^ L ^ 1 ■I- N'iruli, v/lii(!i tl'.ihlillic . the (ijuT.uiim of ciTt.i';> A'l . ..' r..ili.imer,t j ns iliit is prosidril .'(.;• liyii.i- r.evv Ui'l.— In lln-rr, I raniot pvrrcivf .my UiMloii lor ict;iiiiitio; that A' I as I'm ot tLc novv Conriitutuin. Sir, ( liavi" iindtTll'ioil Cinvcrnnifiit were tuli conviiiinl, vvlnt is calk. I i:i the (^kIut At't " lU Lifu'i of (.'dn.t'i-,' \\m\ nor yet luTn cictint'd ; tliar, tlimi'^ii Si:iti Jii YiMrs !mvc now I'Lij'kd lincf tliit Art bi'.,'.;n id opt-r.Uf, it JM viC to Ik- dfitraniifvl s\l>iit or luiw i;;.>,ny oftht- cf I'raiicf i.dh). poi'fd tlic Syllcin of t .iii.iili :n Jiiril'piiidcnce jircvious to the Conq'icll i or ivfij if I litre wa' an;; ;'('(itivc S^ll in, juri;iii!ai!y fir Co;v.n;i'n!.il 'I ranr.u",i(iiis. Is it intcii led, hy ii..i!.iii^m!ii' (Ju^k-Iut Aci tin- r'ou:? a- non of t!;.' ii'.'-.v Hill, tint wt- iliali tci, in in tla- I'ar.K- .^t.iu-dt Doubt ,uni Ijiiccrt.iiiit} , wimli ills aliiMdv (^ivcii us lb iiuicli 'rroulilc ; or ti;..: we arc, in thf'iicw Ir!-.;!] '.mmt, toconihir the I'rijudicch and I'rcponcjlions ()(■ thofforour I-'rllow Siili'iccts., who li np; iiiiai tiuaiiiti-d wiih the N.iriire, the rr;iu ipk-s, or Cirmmilatu es ol iiu u .intilr and. luTlunil, ari- litilf ii^lnvd to l.u..ur tlifiii .' I init^lit inll.inci- .Scotland in tins p.irti.iilar — how tlrrnuonllv did t!ic I'toplc ol thai Lc.untty coiitmd at the I'nion, to prcl'i-rve tiie Wliok- ot ilicir own I ,iw, - 1 h.licvc ir will Im- .diowfd ihaf the Ucli r\ ation frr. tu>i hccii l.iv(iii;.d)k- to that I'.irt of the K!ir;dum i and the I'ciplc of S ntland wiTf at that l iiiu- much nil. re cilii.dUfiK-vl th.ui ilic C.nidians .irt; now. Sir, this i lonouiabk- Ili.uU- may pcrliaps he told t!iat inanv of tiir III-. \di Ci;;.id;aiis i-llei-in till- (jurbc'C .\i!:t j that lome nt tluiii hut-rx- pi'-lVcd tlifir Approbitiiin of it in Petitions to Hi-. Mai lly ; and tiicri-- fore tint i'r<-at Ki-fpcrt oii^ht to be paid to the I'rinulut •, and i'repoi- It-li'ioiii of thok- I'cople. hir, I have a very l.isih Rcl|)ect fur the I'rem- eliccs (if I-'dueation i every i'erlon, I fuppole, has tele the I'llids uf them i they often pioeeed Iron the moU amiable Motives; and 1 have knosva Men of the bell Hearts and of found Underllandinys ineat!;. inlluen.ed by ihvm , - but becaufe I refpecl thefe naturd Defed-, m iiiv Nei:;hbours, v.uuld it be fair or honourable in me to fotler, cherilh, and eiK:ouraj;c thtiii ? Is it ciuiferrinp; anv I-'avonr on a People to nurle and feed I'rejiolllf- fion ., wl.ii.'h Iroin t'u-'r verv N'aine inulf be conlidered .is laidta (jr Dk-;iiill)es ? No, Sir, tor t!iou;;h it would bt- extremelv wron;; to wour.d the I-'eelinf^. mavle liy oi' Lord Dorcheiler, :n t!ie ■^'c.r- i";S;, into tlic pall Adu.inulration of Jultice in the I'rov cce, and B whicli i# f f " J s, :iJ' r>t mi>', ;inil [Trli.ipi 't]i'r-\w, tl .t C<'aUiiion \:'v ^\ too Lin^; pii'vailcvl in rlie I'nivinci', nl wliiili 11,'. b;ai'.-St ;r,f C'>ii;'.t^ into Hiln'/LvS iii'I nn.Miioni\! much rnt.;i;ili li ...i'.ri'c'^ r.ic I'l'dj.lf. 1 ih.ll h"; '• •:..'.» thii I li;-.<>'.ir.;l)lr 1 1. nte i> ill Pi'i il tlitr VVIioic ot' the ri'JX:'ii!i to tlirin. Onr nr 'i v.ip ll.oit t ivJiitd to i.'.i; nw liill ..1.1 [roviile lor evcrv I'.irt ol Art wlii'li i> ticcflV.iry tit be rfainci. — Wc flull, pi-rii.ips, Cm\ t liiilicu'ntlv Diilknit to (-xijl.iin and limlfrdaml tlic new 1 ,.r.v j luit n.n.l jiiMily ■•'.- our Dirfif iiltu-s ii wc aic oliligf i i > rt\ctt I" tii'- l^ u'iu'c .\:1 tl) ki-.ow I;,.: lull l.x;eiu of iionJ ami i'iil)lcipic-nt enai'ting C'Luiles, to I'epar.ite or \li idc tht; I'rovince inio Two Ijovcrnnn-nts, or oihcrwile to ciect Two ci.Uinct I'lovmci's in liiat fotintrv, nulcpL-n !t in IV It.ivf fn;i:i;;«Hl fomf of t'l-l'f !V(i|'lc, wlu> mul'.t li'ir pi ri.f;ve M\f tiihcr W.iv to ';, I |iijp>r tliis 1 loiiun, ihlt IIdu;-- viU (( nCiiicr, on ;'.n i)()iiil of liic!) v.'l' Imp'^rMiue :ri that ';f' !.-p..ratin^ Icir cvt-r the InrcrciN ami CiMUK'itir)ns .>t" tlif PeopK- of a Cuiin'ry, v.lio linni Situitioii wi'ii' (iTr.tit'lv uilij^dcii bv Nuurcfo remain iiniteil as Onf, iliat ilf liicrilK, ilu' 1« -Imu), and Uilites ii' tlit; I'^-jpIr o: 1 .'iwi r C ait.ula tiiii.'!.t to lir ton: ilrc : ami afcmlc.l f , as \.cll ui t!ie uilil l'i()|(.'aw)r a liiKill lluvly ol IV'o; ;.-, who art* tt.iiilv tcatitroJ ovci the iipptr l'iit> i/l till.' I'rovince, v>\n>' iu>t liail i'.nie to cr.fjuitc into ami rN.iiniiK' tiic:r 1 la'.ivf Sitv:..'.. i;i, aii.l the natural DcpendanLC tshuli tlioir Couiiiry mull liavi- on ilic lower Parts oi'tii- Prr. inrc. Sir. ill till- IVtiiio.'.s now on tlu- Table tV mi mv C<'nriiluf:i:is, Fii- Inbitaiits ot the 1'rovim.e ot (V^tci)c\, tins Honourablf I loulf v.ill ob- h-rvf tlii'v have tompliiiu'd, that the I'mvuKc ii is betii alrculy ijitMtly mir.ilatcili ami t' i!-. Kclonrtcs v.viuKi be i^rca'ly rrd'ntd by the Upiratijii of the Ircitv i>t' I'cicc of 178J. Bur, Sir, thtv could not have the moll dillant Idea of this new nivifiun. They cjiild not u,n- ;\ii;i>n, it would have furnillied tiiem w.tli iiuitli llroiii;ir Keaioiis in i. oinplaiiir, that their IiiterelU wouii! thereby be injureil. Sir, 1 am lure tins nonouraMc I Ionic will a;';'C'.-, liiat a Pro- vincr oii'Ju not to he divuled into Irparate and in.iej '"nilant tiovern- lucnts, l)ut on the moll iirger.t ("JeraHoiis, find after havinj^ ferioully and carefullv weii'Jied ,dl the ConlVquenefs whicli lufh a S'"!'.iration i; likely to produee: l^'ur if fioiii l''xperience tl, • Oiv-fion fhall be liuiid ilan-rroiis to the Security of GoviTiiui'nt, or f) the L^' Inn r.tls of tlu- I'eopir, It eannot a;;^ain be re-u litcd. That ilron;.' Pr nci;ie of Natioiialiry or National Pre'mdiee, wlmh at prrfent e nntvts ili' People of that Province to one another, as heiag Members -f dnc Stat.-, .vho, though fLattereil over an immeide (.''luntrv, vet all liok u;j to Oiu- Centre of (iovrrnmeiu for I'lotCL^ion nd Relief', is of the u'm ill ConlV- (',11. lice to tile Sfi urit;. of ( lovrrn.iient, ; laCou' try wliere the I:i!i.ibi:ant.i arc lo much dil'prrled. It is that polin. .d Coiui'-cUon whicli li,rins i'u'ii ,1 prominent Fearuie in the Cliarafter ol all Nations; bv whi. h we feel .it Pirll Sirht a I1cf';rec of Kiicndlhip ami Atrachn-ent whiih inclines i:s to allbciate with, and to Irrve, a Siil>iect of ilie lame Kiniidoiu; u!iic!i makes OS look on a Perlon froiii the lauifCoun-v or Province as an Aciniaintanci-, and (.">ne Irom the lame 'I'own as a Reluion: ,\iid ir is a fact wh'ch tl.c Millorv afall Countries has ellablilhed beyond the Polfibility o.'' a Doubt, that People arc more united in the ilatiti of Irifiullliip a::J facial I:-.- tvl.OUli.-, [ « ] :j!i:i t'-'icourU-, and nie more rcaily to afiuici imitual Ailwlancc ami Siipporr, flora Iniim coniu'i'^ti'il hv a common Centre of (iovfrr.mtiu, than !>/ ;!r.y other 'i'ie. In I'ma!! States tiiib I'lineiple is very llronj!:; liureven in extenlive I'.nijiire'. .<■- retains a ';reat Deal of its I-orLC; lor, ('■efuies the .'lanir^l 1 reiiuiiee wi.ieh incline., ns to Uvoiir the I'mple iioin our own Country, thole who Vvc at tlv.- l.',xtreinities of an ixtenfiec K;iV!;.iom or i'rovinei; are Compelled ui i.eep up a ConneeHh^;; or Cc.nel|)()ndence with tliolc wiio live near the Centre or, a> t.'iey will neceH'sriiy at TinH-s have (lecaCion to ap-iiv l-'avi-ui:., Jalliee or Right j a'lul tl-i^v will lin.l ;t lonvenient Ui nipieii t!ie Anii'.ance ...i Support ol' thole whole Situation enables the,.i to alljrd ir, I mi<'lir here coinpare the iliiTerent Situation d Scotlaiul, now united to Lngland, aiul I'uverned bv the fame Le^illature, with f.iT.e otl'er of the iJeiien.lencies of the lintilh F.m|>ire; but I eonfider it to be unne- c eflaiv, as the Object mufl.' be ]Meleiit to the RecoUeclion ol every Mem- ber of thi: I lonourabie lloule. I l-;-;; I .eave to iiientiiin, .-.> a Confuieration wdrtl'.y of llie Attention (t tins I ionourabie Houh' ...\i::.ii i:;e Divilion uf thar Country, and ih-' I'.ltablillur.ent c f a new (J;jvern;nent in the u] i er I'.ii: o: u, tl..;! the new I'ro\'i:;!C will t"- entii'ei; cut ot:' Ironi all Coni.iiunieation w;th (•jiat P.rii.iii-.i that tl.eii' d.r.: riur.enr will be eoinplete w iihia itlelf , and r.s lrn;n their Sirnatioii they cannot carrv on an\ l-oreirn Comnu-rec but by tiie Intervention a,;d A.'iillanee c{ ilic Mirchants (jI (^lebee .oul Montreal, t!iey will th<'r(!.n ■ have l:tt!-; Occalion to correlpond witli drea: Britain, and ti w Opui'i ;L:;iitics oi'mixin[;; in the Societ\ ;f Britons. 1 Itnv thel'e '^'irc mrllan. es iv.av ojicr.ite in gradually weal ning their Attailime-it to t!us K;iiL;dom I fl'.all leave to the KcHec on of the 1 lonouralde Meniliers. 1 liele are ConrKlerjtmr.H wiiich I liave no Doubt vv:il '.ve doc \\'u^.iht witli this I lor,ourai)le Houl'e i and theie are many ot rs ot' :» -ei.eral I'olitual Natuie equally lirong, and perhaps n.ur poinietl a;.;aiiill this Innovation, which will uecclVanly occur in rhe Co deration of tlie Sulijii t. l>i:t tlure is One Conlidcrai.op, wh;ili;s<;f" e utmol'l Importance id i!ie IranquilJity of the I'eople iniiabiiin|', all t Parts of th.'.t, and which will alone, I ho|ie, be fuir'cuiit to .'taye this Honourable 1 loul'e to nject t!ie I'lan in a new iinlependia, '•ovcni- meiu. 1 beg Leave to requell that tlie Honourable Meiiibt-rs will recollefl ami a:ii;.d U) the (jeograpliii al Situ ition ol' that Country, from which it will appear evident that no Veltei of any Kind can pro- ceed farther u|) the River St. Lawrence than ilie City of .Montreal, on Accnent of tiie Rafnds, v.h.uli arc immediately above that linvn. Of couiie, as even Art: ^.le ot Netiiruy or I .u,^;ury which the Inhabitants of the upp( r Diilii.tb iave occaf.on for from Britain or any lorcign Country mull lonie to tiiem by tiie River St. Lawrence, they mull be landed at or bi low Montreal, v. i.eie r'lev mult be llored by the N'Urcliant.. of l^iibec or uiitd C.uria;',es ami Hoats arc piovidul to ilnd iliem forwar.l; lihewife, tiiat tvcry .Article of Produce which tiie People of thele I pper DilhiC'.i w:lh to l.•^port, mull be le.'-.t m IJo.its to Mont- ie.d, ^iMM ,iJ# [ 9 1 nr I'crliaps to Oir!i"c, Tir the I'iir|vi|".: of hcin,"; fliippcr) tV)r rt.iiMii j and i:i;u ,ia well tlic Anirh'. (,t'lnv,v)rt r,.s (,; Kxport mulV, ',ve ('ix: ■ r-i (It" ,1 poiiiuil iierat:(iii f utinoll Fan- <>[ ,t;ago tlii-i '•ovcm- iIhts will CoiiiUf ) , i can pro- nirc;il, 0!i own. Of atitb of the 1 Countrv be laiultil cliaiit.. oi in- I'ropli- tu Moiii- ).'.('":h.,' tl'.roiii'li tlie Luivvr C'lm.try, hccoiiic riilvow, luppciintr the Divifiijn to takv.- Dace, 3^ 11 mav I) • e:;pcdi-(l that tlr- lu-w I,e:';ill .Line >)f (^Vichec Ihall, in due 'i'iiiie, I'tovide a HeMiiiic towai'Js ih;- Si:p]inrt of the (^wil (iovern- 11.1-111 of'tliat I'artoftlie I'rovince, it is iivnc- than pt'ilialile that \vh:r- fver M^nev is i lii'cii for tiiat, or any other pnhiie I'urijole, will be thi.-u* bv l)inies pivable on Importations, It is therefore an C^'iieCt tliat (iefcrves il.e moll f'tions lictli'ction of i!;e 1 lonoiiralile Memiier', to conlider how far the I'eople inhaliitinji; tiie Upper (iovernmeiit will np-irove of, and be rontent to pay 'I'.ixes or Diiiies on their Importation^ or !■ xportati )ns, win-:) tlie Produce ni tiuile Taxes uv Doiies is to bi: iipplu d tow irds fnpportiiH^ tlie I''.xpenci-s of the Civil (iovernnient of tlie 1 .ov.c-r ; or ti>r biiikhn!:i; juiblic Edifices, or otlicrwife iin- provinj! or beaiitiiyiii;!; tliat I'ait of ihe ("iinti".' j or (or tlu' I'urpofe of graniin|>; bounties or l'.ncoiira;;ements to piomote Afirieukeirt , or par- ticular I'rades or Minaiac'tures, ot whili tht Feo.'le m the lljiper I'rovinc'- c aaiiot, froin tlieir tiituation, in any Manner participate of the Advaiita!..,es. It is imjiofl'ihle, Sir, if the Province of Qtiebee is divided, for xUc Wildoni of Man to lay down a Plan fur thele Obinfts that will iioc affitsl Matter of Dilpiite, and erea'e Animofities bciweeii the (joverti- meiUb oi the I'wo I'rovinces, which in a few Years may lead to tin- moll lerious Coiifeqiienees. This would be lowing the Seeds of nilfentioii and (_hiarrels, wliieh, however eafy it may be to raife, ;t v.dl be found cxtr(,;,ely difliciilt t.) apj:eale. 1 fre, Sir, that tlu're has fa-en an Amendment made to tlie Rill in thr Conim.ttcc, relative to the Duties whieli may be ordered to be levied by Paibiment for the Kcj^ulaiion of Commerce ; which is, " that Par- " haiiunt may appoint and liirert the Payment of Drawbacks of fuch " Duties fo impoled." This, Sir, 1 fippale is intended to f^ive Draw. backs to the Upper I'art of the Couiiirv, on fuch Coods as are earned there wl.iJi may iiavc paitl Duties of l.iitry on Importation uikj the open a wide Door f)r S )r JimujTi'lins:, it i and in a 1 .ower Country. But this wil Country where there is no Pofilbdity of preventini^ it; and 1 am lare the I'e ijde of the Lower Country will not be plealed to fee lar-e Sums of the Money, levied on the Importations, drawn back by Smui^j^ters, '1 ins will I):- fo'.'tid a very inelleftual Mode of providm:^ a U'eiftdy for an DlijeCt of that Importance, and may have the moii^ ferious Cunfe- fjuenees, by railing Q^icllions of the inoil delicate, and to the Piovinc!: ot the moll intcrcllin^; Nature, In fliort. Sir, this Divilion appears to me dangerovis in every Point of \'iew to the Britifli Intereft in Amerrca, and to the Safety, Tranquillity, ..: d Profperity of t!ie Inhabitants of ever>- Part of the Province of (Yicbec— It may, periiaps, have been alledeed in Favour of dividmir the PioviiKc, tliat the DiHaoce which fonie of the Deputies of the Upiier C I 10 DifliKi.^ will h:ue to tr.u'cl to meet thoff of the LmviT nirtri/ in Ic- f^illatuio v'DiiUl be inonv.-r icnt ami cxpcnrn-f. ii'^r, Sir, In tuc (.'uiivi-- nicnce of I'iftci-n or I' Mfiv.ljcr; of rlu" Lc(i:ll,itiir'- .,n Obint of l'\:cli Mor.u'iir, that t'-.f !i.;n.]iiiility of 'Ju; Whole «>f c-xifiifive Country iiuitl be endanger; J. to afi'uri.' thrir !■ .ilV : Ho liot L^lithlu■|^ .iiul the Orkneys leiui Memhtv-. ro reprefent t'r.ein ;•) this 1 loiuiur.iblf 1 loule ? Ami I will venture to .iluin this Mo;u)ur.U>k' 1 \.'iv.''\ t' it will not be more dillicult to travel in the inhabueel I'.urs d that Country thin i: li Iron i!ie C)rkne\b to I,oc.i!oii. 1 ber; 1 .e.ive, on tlii.s I'oMt, to brmt.; U) tiie K.'olltction of t;.;- llonourable 1 loulc, tiie Dili uue trom Q^;>. U) Niai^ira is .'Jiout 50.1 Miles, and tiuit N'.ii^aia may lie con- (iclereii a& the utmolt l.xtiiu, Wellvvard, uf the Cultivable part ot tiic I'tuviD.e. I'or ahh(HU;h i.iere is a fnal! Seiilement at 1)( troii, wlucli IS and limit be i.()nrKi(.ri\! 01 Importance as a Poll to trade witii the In- dians, vet it nnitl api>ear to this Honourable lh)ule, from its Situation, that It L.m never bceoine ot any gteat Importance .is a Settlement ; tlie Kdlls of Niai'ara arc an t. irnnnountable liar to tne Tranlportation of inch rude Muerials as t!i' Produce ot the Land. As the farmers about Detroit, tiiercfore, will liave only their ouii Setth'inent tor the Con- liimption of their I'roduTe, fuch a confined Market uuiH {greatly iin- (lede tl;e Pii-i'rcls of S ■'li-ment an i CiiUiv.ition tor Aj^a's to tome. Sir, as the greatelt I'.xtent uf the Cultivable part of t.he Province Well- wan! may lie ellimated at 5:0 Miles irom (^lebee, the Dillricti of Galpe and C!ialeur May are aln oil as far l.all of ;hat Cajntal, being about 400 Miles dilhuue; lb th.ic (^lebec is nearly in the Centre of the Cultivable part of t!ie Province, and when t!ie Roads arc properlv made, which will be the Cale in a few Years, tlie Dilhuice of citlier of i!ui'e Places will nor be e^Jiifidered as any material Objeflion. J his Honouraolc Houie svill b'rvewil'e conf'der, that in lueli an cx- tenfive Country it is i.upulnble to fix tlie Kelider.ce of ( iovrrnn"..-n', or the Seat of tlie Legiilaturc and S'lpeiior C'Uirt':, in a:.\' i'Liee when- fome of the Members of Allembly, if they .ire Ref.denf. of the Dil'- tricts for which they are chofen, will not have a threat Oillance to travel, and therefore 2co or joo Miles is not an Obje't of Conl'equence, more particularly when it is confidered that it will be tlirovigh the old fettled !''art ot' tlie Country, v.liere the Roals are toleralily .;ood, Ateommo- lia'.ionf convenient, m\k\ Travellin:-; expeditious. IV fidt'S, it car, not be expected that the new Settlers will b , for lome 'lime, fnlficieiuly ad- vanced in the Cuhlvativi of tiieir PariiS to find it convenient to be abfent from their Ilomej I'lrce or I 1 tir Montlis for the Service of the Public, eitlier to meet tiie I.e'jfl iiuie in tluir own}, or .it (^e- hei- , and it is more prob dde that tiuy would, tor lome Veari at lea;':, prefer ciioofinft for tlicir Deputies Cientle.iien refidini^ in Qiiebrc ■,\ni.\ Mij;., wiio, liciiur coniieded v. it'i tliem in the Line of Bufinet., will I>e futlicientlv mten'lled tlie Prolperiiv of thefe Countries to i'.ein at:envl ti aiv 1 .ui:; tiiat coiuxms the new Settlements. All the Trade of the e L'|-|">er Setilei.ients ii-.nll, from their S'.tu.ition, (iepen i on, and cen'rc in, Q2.iebec and Montreal. Thi' DifTiculties of Co.ii.iumii aiion :n the Mer>aiui!e L.'iC are alieady very ;;reat, and re- ip.iirc ^3,{*f m-. vfc. 1 1 1^. •) [ ■« ] rii in I.c- ' f'il- (.'oilVf. ■ n Olijiit of fxifiilive J.iithiicls and r.ililf 1 loulV ? t will not l)c iiitry til. Ill ic unt, to liri.u; )ill.incc' ti(j:ii may lie con- i- part ot the I troit, winch with the lil- ts Situaliiin, ilcmciu i ilie ilj'ortatiDii of II iiipr> about or thr Con- grtMilv lin- es to come, ivincc U'tli- the Didricts ipita!, being c Centre of art- properly of cither of [in. bieli an cx- ■ frnir.-iu, or I'Lue when- of the Dif- ce to travel , lenre, more f old lettleil Aecomino- It cat, not be Heiemly aJ- cn.ent to be rvic- of the or at (^c- ine Vear^ at ( in Qiiebrc of Bufinel ., oiintnea to riiients. ir Sitn.trion, ifTieuhies ot" •at, aiul re- ijuirc :f: quire much Pcrfeveranre and Inciuflry to overcome tlicm. This in- tended Divifion will ii.ttirally erea'' many nvre OMI.k K> ; ar.d will imniediarely be injurious to, and evr;itually operate t!ie Rj;;i oi", both Countries. Sir, it may have been likewife alTTted, in l''avour of the Dieifion, that the F.oyalills in li'.e DiltrKts mult have a Code oi' 1 avs for I.mded Property and InheriiaMce cKlierent from that of t lie Lower DM- tricts, whue the Tenures are all on the Feudal Syltem ; but tint ia an Ari.Miir.ent whith cannot li ivc any ineat Wei'd^' widi tliis I lonourable Houl'e. The Union of l-ngland a:ul Scotland under One l.etnflatuie iViews tliat though I'vvo Coiintrii-, or Dillricls may have different ! ,uws to ie!i;ulat(' and i^overn their Couits of JuUice, that One L.e;:il"lature mav be fully Inflicient for all the I'urpolcs of legillatinj^ for both, and can attendi to the Laws and Kegulations, or Alterations, th.u may be- come necelVary or convenient to cither. I h ive not heard that the People of Scotland have ever complained that their IntereOs have lu*en neiTjec'ted by the Britilli L.epiflature, or that luch Laws or Alteration' as have appeared necelVary have been at any 'I'lme refuted : The Upper Diltrifts, therefore, can have no iuft Caule to be afraid ut' being ;i;- eluded as Members of the Province of (.i^^iebec. Tiiere are, Sir, between Three and Four thoufaad Families of I.oyalills fettled upon the Bank of tlie Kiver Cataraqui, and the North Side of I , ike Ontario, in detached Settlemen; , many ot their, at a great Dillance from the others, befides tliofe on f.ake F.rie and at Detroit. Civil riovernment cannot have much Influence over .i Country to thinly inhabited, and wheie the People are lb iiuich dilperl'ed. Duriii;; io Years I have relided in that Province 1 tie not recollect; a fiiK'le Inltance of a lli;jhwav Robbery; and the Farmeis thcmlelves lo fecure thai they often go to fleep without buhiiii; their Doors. The Crimes which have been brouglit before the Criminal Courts ill the I'rovmce lia\e been generally committed in t!ie I'ouns and tlieir \'icinitv, where tiie Coiuourre of .Stangcrs en. )iirai:es \'icf and Immorality, and where Idlcnels, l)i nnkenncl's, and Dill'ipation, lead to (j^iarrels, I'heits, and I'ometimes, but very lekiom, to liiglier Ciimes. I: will be evident Iroir. thefe facts, tiiat a Criminal Ju-lge will have very little to Co in thel'e Ufiper Didricts where tiiere are no I'owns , and li'ltrc ii ^tr^iiigcr inujl at nil i'liuss it a deftmble Htgbt. In the Year 1788 L.ord Doreiieiie:-, in Confeijueiice of an Ordinance of the I ,ej;,iilative (.'otincil, ilivided thefe Upper Settlements ii.tu Four Diltrifls or Counties; and for the Convenience of the People eltablilhed a Court of Common Pleas in each Dilhicd, and apj oir.ted Judges, Jillices ot tlie Peace, and Sherifls for eacii ; and thefe I'cople fince that I'liiie have had their Courts re^ulaily. How f,ir it may bepropirto appoint a Cliief Jultice, having JuridiiTtion over tiiefe Dillricls, to act as a Criminal Judge wiien neccllary, and, with a Lieutenant liovernoi, 10 carry i.ito Fllcct i.x Powers and Orders uf, to Inrm .1 Couii ( ' t. I 2 Co>irr of F.rrors or Appral, to rt'vilc il.<' I'rorcc.linijs of tlit,- Courts of Co.)i.ron PliMs, 1 ihiil not inliiineto l.i., but luili .in l''.l*.ihiilhnu lu canni^t b:- any Iniptiliiiu'nt to iiu- Union of rlu- Country ii;u!fr ()i;c L/rriOariirr i and I iic 1 loiiouraMf Moiiff, wlierhcr a laryc Sui aty, fioin ihc \' m .itv of con- ten. i'ln,:; IntiTflls which it ii,'.!'.iiics, in.iv not In* ii'.orc imHIv rr,in.iL>cd and jiovcrncd, tlian wlu'n it ii divided into (mailer and more coinpaiTt Bodies. r, Ml ' :i I' I "I r Sir, bv the Bill now under t!ip Conf.di'ratinn of tl.i'. I Iiv.otir.iblt.- Honle, It i.s projofed thit the Offiv.\' of Menibrr of the l.egiilativo Council mav, at liis Ma'nily's riealure, b>- made hereditary j that i.s, to form a Kind of Nobihty or Arillocr.itic I5ody in I'rovinre. '\'lu>, .Sir, is i;o;ii!^ faitiier t!' the People Ii.ivcderHTil, as tliisllo- tiourable Iloiilewdl lee by tlieir Petitions ; for liirv h.ive therein requefled, that the Councellors iliould hold their i'iaees during tiicii L.ife, and Kefidence in the Province. I his, tliey conliilered, all that was necelfiry for tlicm to al?:, or that proper or expeiiicnt, fur the jircfenr, to ijrant tf.em. 'i'lie Idi.i o( heit-litarv Coohrefors, like m uiy other Ipecolarive Ojunions, !ias more ot Pl.uilibilitv in ir, thin ot real Advantage. It is an Jxpenmenr extreiiielv danrvroiis in any infant or yoiiiij Coloiu', but it miiif a[ipear ablolntely ridiculous in i!ie Province of t^ieb( c ; where there ire f) fe.v l^anded ites of ai)V Value, and wliere, !iy tl.e l^iws of Inliei i:,ince, thefc 1 fb .fes mull, at cverv SiicccfTion, be fo much fiilniividcd. 1 lie Laws of l^rimoj^-'iiittirr, as followed in this King 'omi, en^h fs t':e Ut;'relentaiui.s of noble l-'am;- lie-- to fupport the I)i;.;ni'\ ami ^j 1 ndour ot iheir Si;oati(ins, and to live in that St.jte of IndepcriilaiiK- wh:ih leeures tlie proper Kifpc't t.) tiicir elevated Uanic, as hereditary Peers of the Realm i but, Sir, the l-tenc!i Laws relating to Succelllon ,ind Inheritaiue, w.iicii, by this ]5ill, arr iiuii.i;ed to legnlate the l.,a: i!' d i'ropertv of the hiwer Part (;f the Country, pive to the eldefl So;,, on the Death of tlie J-af.rr, o ilv One Hall ot thule of I, IS lathet'i l.i'uicd Kllate^ whiih h.ld Ov wl,at :% called in the 1-rench 1-aw Noble Tenure, tliat is, m l-iet .iii'l Jsei;/,- ncurv immediately from the Cr. \wi. The other Half of thcfe p llatrs ii divided airon^;the other Chihirer. ; and the Moveable-, a.s well as th(>fe Laniiei.1 1'.llates which are heKl tiy (irant and i.'oii, elho.i from .■» Subiict, which are ralleil Bale Tenures, are equally .'ivi led a i!on_r ail the Ciiil- dn n, Male and Pen. ale., as there arc very le\\ (Tentieoua in that Country who i-.ofTe'":. .'-ilate, of t . liiil DefVript'oi, in I- let ar..l 5seignenrv, v.liirli produce- toth;;iia cle.r A,;.;..l Rcvuii;e d /,. ;oo Sterling, this Jlonouiable Mem- muft perceive i!ic l.iipropriety' of making any honnuralile PolU in liiat Country hertMit irv. For thefc Eftates, from ihc men- Dp.rr.ti.K ,f I.,nv, in In.'-nden: of ihe impiudrnce of the Poli'eiTors, mull at cvu y'S';rre!ii .-. be rcducnl One I 1 dt , and, in Two Ge.-ieratiohb, mull incvitiMv link into Infii;iiifi.-ince i .mJ the hereditary Councellors, tromih(ii- Poveiiy, become the (Miiects. ..i C"on- tfmpt to the Public. Sir, t' t- a na/inj^ Proyrtfs of Popidation iti thit Country, points out tlie little p..,'-abilitv tf.ere is of Plates Seeommg vacant for Want of Heirs. It n v. thcrcfote, be f^und diflkult m a fe^v Ye.irj M I ^ Tr.i"'-. ro I'Kppr.rt t'.cDipnlry nf tli:ir Cr-ncil I'v Crc.;i:L;.v:, -MLUcxit i.UTiMri.'.:; tl'x- Nu'IiIht o( iItc Mcnibcrs y\ j i«!'.h.K It ■.•.iiiv, (;t-r!iaps, b'.- Ui>'i, Sir, !::c' lair.iiii's ol' t'lcie heredu.irv Coniicel'iors ni.iy I)'- lupporttil in an in !i'pc;ulant Niiuatian, bv i::r;;)- (liiciM!!; rhe Laws ot' l'riniO;;c!iiturc iiito tir,- Coi.ilitution ol' tiiatCoii,-,My. 1 lliairnot atifini:: to dilculs tlic Ad\Miu,i[H;s or l)ira:lvaiit;!fercs v,h:i;!i that 1 .iiw pwcliiccb in this Kin!.:iU)H-i ; but I ( a;i, withuiit ai'v 1 iciitatioii, ailuie tir.s Honoiirab!;; 11 ohm; "that ic wouh! la- t-xntinvlv ir.'ui;ioi:s vt ti-..;t i'mviiKc, Tilt; Irciuh, as !. lluwe.i at prcu i.t, :;, in tiiai KcuC'S: I '.Mcli liCttt-r caiciiiatcd Cor a yoiiiiu; I'r.Miice; v.larc i: is at gnat B"- luiU and Advaiuafi,L- ro Cultivatiun ..lul l-'oi'ulai.on that Luiu'. .' I'ro- i.'.iiv Ihor.l^i be ciiviJcd, and lluauati-, and chanj^.c its L)vviKT.->i ai.d :;.'):•.- i;.irni;ul.iiiy as luiiiC l-,li..'.)li!hinciu is nfci-llary for the yiun^itr lii.nn he.-, ,)f l-aHiiUcs, in a Coiunry where there .n- no Manutaoturcs, and wi.crc .> voiin[r i'cilon witliout i-'ortuiie lia> f^w Cj-poitiiniiif. of K;i.i:ii!; uiu in L.fe m .1 reljH.T.ud'- 1 :.::v. \\:M l"i:}.p.)ie the l.av. ot l'rMuo;.';:niturc ihall be el'.-.bidi.'.-d, ind [!ic I'.f- ii-c. ot' thclc new ere.ued heretiitary Couiiceliors iheiebv leeurcd undi- vuicd to the eideil Son . kiji|)ol'c even that liic L-.llites now t)el!)P.(;ing to th'-ie luw Couiudlors ihail be entailed on their Heir at J ,aw ; all thar v.oiiid ii.'.ve very little Liiect, and thole l''.rtates would be t'roin I'-itii- i lenr to lupport the Diyiiiiy ot iioreditarv Councel!ur<, whicli, p-roba- lily, wor.lvi be eonhdereil as the hi-ihel'l Kank in that Country, lor, ; 'sor as that Country reallv i. in co;ileniiriu:c ot t!ic opprtfiivc Svllem '■; I ..iv.s th.v i'.av;- been kept iindei, there are now, aiiioni- t.'ie iiier < .w.tde (unileimn m the I'loviiue, tliole whole r.iuveable I'orti.nes are I'-' li.s ei|U :1, it not iiiperiur to any oi the Sci>;neurial Ii'ati.-,; and v.iio, Vinin' the I'"ni[)loyiiient and Support they ;.Mve to 'rhoiilands of \\'f_ l'eo()lc, liave inf.ninly more Intloence in the Connirv tlian the Seicneur-,. i'\)r, it would not be dilTuHilt to prove to this Monov.rable 1 lutMe that the Sei Mieiirs are almoll tmivetl'.dly dillikeil by their re- nin!-,- Hut this is a n.uural Conleipieiue ot' Feudal Servitude, \\i\e:i it? ilrc>ni^ Support, a llavilh Dependaiue on a great Ciiief, ia reuiovcd. l-roiii thrie l-'afts I lio[)e this Hanouraide Hoiilc will lee t;;;- Impro- prietv, and I mav I'ly the Danfer, of rendering the Place of Coiincellor iiereditary in that l'ro\inre. T he Coiiarry is yet too yoiin;', and the I'eople too iinich dJ'peiled, to achnit of tliat Ketincnient ; ami th.e I'or- t'lnrs are too I'.r.all to I'upport an r.rtablilliiiier.c of that Kiiivi in a pro- j.i r Side oi Indepeiuieiice. - . Ilowfjrit may be proper and juiiicioiis, if His Majeily fliouiJ. lo i.icline, to eonfer heieilitaiy Honour, on Cientlemen of the |j,reati.ll i'ropertv and lal'.uence in that Country, by Way of ,itta;lii;:y li.ein more llroi,;;ly to th.e InterelU of Government, i: would be impri>per lor me in tins I'late to diuuls. lint if I'ueh a I'lan is conlidered expe- dient, ihefe hereditary Honmiis oui:,!)" to be independent of the IMsce of Coiincciior. I hel'e (ientlemcn may, at the lame I'line, be admitted. Ue:r,il.- ( i any of l\,CiC honovir.iOie Cic in tint CuiiiitiV, unlefs it is i!ct;ra.l«l bv the lnfij;rifi. caiuf an>l Incoiilcqitctuf of tlif M;nilu-rs, which it is fxtrcmcly pro- banle v. ill he iiu- CalV, it ihf IM.u-cs arc iiiuir h-Trditary.— lor l:|-- polin;; that the Coiiiufliors to lie apjiointt-d in Coiifcqucncc ot il i< liiU (hoiilii icallv he thole who liavf tlic ('rcatcU lnlU;'.-iK<', ami podlf, rhe preatcll Fortiinc>. in that Conntrv, this I loii(U-. will poiTefs a projiortional De^jrec ol Tohujal i'owcr jiui Iniiuence. I (hall hope that thclV Ar^uinrnts arc fufficicntly powriful to o;)- vince this Honourable Honu- of the lmpro|)netv of makin"; tiie Place ofCouneeilor hereditary, is it in.;y in a few Yeais [.'.really rmliarr.ifs Government, and be the Means of degrading the Arillucratie Branch of the I.egiflauire, from their Poverty or their Numbers, m the Fvcs of the Puiilic, whith I lubmit i* an Objcrt of very ferious Conlideration to this Honouratjle Houfe. f! I come now, ?\t, lofav a fw Words on the Manner in w.'iirh this Bill providf! for the Kftablifhnifit of a lloule of AHembly or Kcprefenta- tives of the People. The Number of Keprelentativcs who are to totn- pofe thi"; Branch of the I.egiflarure (or Lower Canaiia is propolcd to be not fewer Thirtv. — Sir, in all the free States of Antiqiiity it a per.t'ral Rule that every fr<'e Citizen who (hole to attend iiail a Kij^l.t to give his \'ote or Voice (in evrv public (JMieflion, either (or makm!T f^aws or othcrwife. It is to modern I im<-s that we arc indebted for that noble Invenn in by which a lars^e, populous, and cxtenlive Kingdom may be '.governed on Principles which effc tiially lectire the Lilierty and Independence of the People, wi.ilc the (jovernmrnt at the (ame Time retains that Uniformitv, Wiuiom, and UiL^nitv, whie'i ouirfit t'lehar.irte- rize a ^rcat and free People. I-'very Mtinber of this Honourable i lonfe inull have anticipated wliat I mean , for the Kcprel'entation of the People in tlie I etrinature by their Deputies is j)rrhaps ihe ^rcitell Stretch of Political Wifdnm which the World has yet witinlTcd. By this happy Inllitution the People ha»c the Opportunity, at parti- cular Periods, of rhufing from ainon;' themlelves iliofe of their bellow Snbjectsor Citizens who are moft remarkable for their VVildom, Abilitjrs, Honour, and liidcpendcnLC , atid of deputing them to inert the tiovcr- nort ■ •; ] nours miy iiu Sf.'.t ar. I onlKkTi'il (• Infinnifi- (Hifly (ir«>- — lor I:)-- <>{ tils »lll pofViTi rlir ^,fi - mtill |)(.T- M the only OptTJtlOll-, 'M alVfrt, iliu '■^' Lll YlMr.S, .1 ■i'w nd rr.iiucil -'.|l t who, 11 IS ■tV' ucal I'owi.r fill to o:!- -.s'. \ the Place y niih.irr.i!s I' Br.iiich of hr FvfS oC iikTation to ic!i this Bill Kcj)rrtVi)(a- arc to coin- upjlc;! !o quiiy It *.is il.lll A Uiglit for niakirif^ lulclitrd for vf Kingilom LilitTtv anil laiiu- 'I'line td charaftf- 'ablr f li)»)fe r;on of the I he grcilell iTcil. ty, at parti- thiir I'fllow in, AbilitJM, I ctic (jovtrr- nors of the Kinj"!oT', to reviiV the ol 1 and fna(fT: new !,aw5, to afTirt in dlrcding tiie (?( tiaiiuns of (jOVirn.ur,-,i, aivi i<> <-;:ami;i!- into ilic Coij- dtift of the Pii!i|:c Sriv:nt.s. Wh'!'- t'lU IVopIc, latistiiii that their D'"piitv lias evt ly Incliicriiifiit to art ^-.nU I'loiirierv, fioin the ilillin- miirtied Honour tonffrred on liim hy ilieir C'h'iiro, and the cieat Triill rcpolVd in hiin, know lihcwili, th;u i' e Period v.dl tinin arrive, when he nniil return into the I'.tntral M,:! , and that all his Ho]ies o! being re-chnfen mnl' depend on their Approbation of his jiall Condiirt. The People, bein;; thus relieved from anv particular Aiteinion to Public Affairs, arc l<-ft at full l,ili a proper, a rcLUihir, «nd an uniJiiini Svlt'in. It :s that Principle whicli !i.\, enabled the Government of thefc Kin '.doir.s to flovv rnio.-tSly o"., witii nn encie:;fiii,'; 1 :de, for ii Iciu; Series ol Years , whirh has i ailed her t'» a hif^h Seat aiu(>ng the Nations, am', I l.ope, ii will continue to fuppoii her tirio »nd (Icady, like the vci-,,r..blc Oak, air.idll the Storms and 'rfmp.crts whicii do or may convullc I'urrounding Nation'. I am happv, Sir, to fee that an InlVitution which has contrd>uted Ij irmch to the Profperity of this Kingdooi is, bv the Bill now under Con fideration, to l)e extended to the Province of Qi_iebec. The People of that Country have lonp; defired it, and often prayed tor it; and I hope ir will enable them to promote and extend their Tr.uie, fo as to affdl more. beneficially in fupporting the Honour, and incrcaling the Riches of the ivrnpire. But, Sir, to enfure to the Inhabitants of that Province the Advantages which they ought to derive from that pjorious Inltitt;t:on, ir is neceflary that the Reprefentative Branch of the Legiflature fhould be compofed of a NuiTiberof Members, fulFicient to command the Refpcd and en- fure the Confidence o( the i'cople. Sir, I beg this Honourable I l(uile will conftantly have in View, in dilcuiring this Iftll, that the Conlluutiiui which thev are now to ellablilh for the Province of Q^ielx'c is not ioi the pretcnt Inhabitants onlv, who may amount to 170 or 180,000 I'eilonsi but that it is iiuen.led as a permanent Government for that Country; where, 1 have not the fmallelV Doubt, from the aftoiulliint; Rapuhtv with which Population ii. creates, t.hat in :o or ■25 Years hence theie vmII be at ball joo,coj Perlons; and tliev Will continue to increafe m that pio.'refTive Manner tor a loim i'eriod of Years, as there are iminenle Tracls ol fertile Land in that Country, yet ungrantcd, to fettle. I do not wi;}; to propofe to this Honourable Houfe that liich Wnd. :\:- tentioii fhoidd be paid to the Proportion of Voters and Ueprclcntatives as has been followed in lomeof the American Colonic-.. I do not think it is iiecelfary; as I conceive that Plan more the Ajipearancc of bcjuity and Prupii^'ty tlian it really polieiTc; f)r the IV-pufies, when elecleit, ou^iit to confiJti' ihcinfclves as rcj-refenting tivc whole Comr.uinity. But V. it ! luvo ihs IT.^ni(:r..!i''" Iloiilr \v;',l nntcc, tl'.ir in TiMiif^ fl\c N'uni- i IT n( H:'!"--;'.-:!!:!'!'.''', Ixi^c Ui'i.^.iiii ciiit'u f hf lur.!, not tnilv t ) tlir |.- •. lit ro,;tilat;on i t tii.- Ci.>'.j:iti;,, b'.it iikcwilr to its iirOj-^rcllivc In- I lie W: !:.(-• Hiii, .v- it l":i'' I'f'" I'llK*.! "i' "' ''"■ Cuniinittcf, tl;,it tlir 1'onoi.i III tS- l)iii..ti"M iit'ri'.c* AliVniblv h (ixihI .it SwciiYiM.s. — i lowtvir ■,t iii.iv l)c- ill. Mil-lit iiri'.Mr.iiv III 't till' l'.it'li.iniciu of (iriMt IJrit.iiii nionKl i.diitliHii' S. vui, ioT i:k I'm-} oW ct jiivir,;; UniioiiiKty .iiui S:,iliiiiiv lu liu t"'j)i'i.i:i'iiis el liovuii lU'iir, the I'-imc Ut.iibn cannot l)c ajpiicil tii i;:i- I'lm.iui- ul C^;;.lici-i u: i! iiiv tr:itlitiicnt5 Ii.isc tin' re lore, l.y tlicir I'ctiu.iiis, luivvil thiir AlI'i-ililiU Ili'HiI.l m.! he tinted to IIiac for 1. .'ii.- than riiiiT Yfars: I in y Lonn •■.■h\\ tiia; I'lriml nmiiIiI l)c fiiil lon^ i;ioii.,',li, ar.ii liiat it wouM ri-i;i-vc tluni fiiim all tlic Pitpiitcs aii-.l Cuii- :t ;ls al)',)Ui Midiuns. I lliall t!i> iclti, .• Ih-jk- that tlis HDiioiirablc I luiilV .ill ch.iii^i.' thf i'.iioc! (if li;;- I)i::ru!H oT t'lt: Alli'iiibiy tru;i) >;L'vi.'ti I ' I iirte^, .13 ii:y Conltituciits liavi- rc(iiiclU-J. , 1 I I I ... 1 . II ... . t'. ..11 .....:„.. r.,_ - II,. ..I'. ..r ^ , 111 tlioiij^lit ;t liiciiinbirit on tluiii to point nut tiic M.iniKr v,uul», trom tiuM' Knouli'iiijc lit the Cviiiiitiv, appcarcil to tiicm iiiuil pioi^cr for;:> Ikai.i !i ul ;l.c Lf^^iilatiirc. I:; tiiat I', Sir, ilicy ii ivc il.itcd u :ir. ilicir 0| ii.ioii, tl' ihf \um- b'.i oi Uc|)r(.reiitaiivi-.s oujv'it no; to be Irwrr liian 6o Mi-inli'-rs. Sir, I r,.!i;t acam rrijiieli: this I ioiioiralil;- Monk- iiit id IiI<- S .;iit ot the aiKi^iiij.; l'r();; ui I'ojHii.itiui in that ("oiintrv ; .uiJ wiicn tnat is ton- I .liu- :, I ;;..i i.i:ni!i!nit !;;,it !.; i.r 70 Mtinbcrs wnj not l)c ri-La:iled, .a j-ri lir.t, .".^ [■.);) LTiMt a Number lor lirancii of the LeL'.illa- ^■■r, ir :•. [Topoffd hy t!,- i.;tli Cl.uiil- of tin.- Hill, t.) five lo t'.^- t,i'>v. r.or ti.c- I' <> to tijvuii.- the I'roviiue into L'jun- '• tic-, D.itrut:., or Liicii",, and iowni ami 'lyNvnlhipb, and to ap- " join' S m [ <: ] In- if N'um- . .Sir, I lit (il (lie at IS tou- ri'i .:;ilfil, l./v,ill.»- i to the i'^, lonif lie 1. !•;;;!- (,.| (..()- r,;', N It lire Sickiiils. ikcly ti'..i: r, at Onf ot M':m H'tc-J, is ulil;;: that .iikI Nf- St.ibility '%',\ " pninf the Limits tlicrcnf, anJ to declare and appoint the Niimher " of Ufprdrnr.itivos ro Lf cliolVn !iy each of luili I);llriits, ^:c." I c)o nor mean to dniibr the I'rmienre or jyjod Intrruions of thf I't-rlbn \v!io may he (Jovernor of ihc Provinie a: the Time when that monientoiii Arraiigenicnt is to he made , but it is certalidy placing him .n a very il in<:;croiis Sitnarion, and is fulijecling tlie Province to the arbitrary Wdl of One I'erl'oii, on an Objert of th- iitimill Importance to then Security ami Tranqnillitv. Bv t!ii. Clanfethe (iovernor ni.iv order that One DiiUift or Townlhip fliall fieft the \'.vvt Number of Reprefen- t,itivi<. .IS another I^illrift or Townlliip containinf:f I'm Times the Num- ber of Inhabitants: lie mav tlirow the wliohi \Ve:i;ht of Ueprefen- tation inio One I'art of the i'roviiuc, to the ^leac Detiimint and I'rc- judite oj the other, and may render a free Kepi.-tlntation, whitli we conlider a molt invaluable Acquifitio;!, injurious to the IntirtlU of the Country. I iikewile oblerve by the lame Ciaule, tliat the Governor u to be vilted sMth the Tower of nomi'Mtin^ and appointing, trom to I line, the Returning Othcer. Sir, tl)is is [dacinij; tlie wliolc Power in the Handb of the liovcrnur ; he is to tlivitie the Province as he plealcs, lie is to order the Proportion of Reprilcntutives as he plealei, and lie is to have the Power of naming whom he pleafes to ad as Re- turning Otlkcr. Sir, the Freedom and Independence of ihe Leizilla- ture is an Ol>ieCt of the utmoll Inij/ortanre to every Country ; and it has been one great C.iule of Complaint agair.ll t!;e Q^iebcc AJ, tiiar the Legillature was too much dependant on the bovtinor. But, S;r, 1 know that this Honourable Houlc will not place fo much I'ower in the I lands of anv Man, particulirly where there i-, t.o Rerpunfibility. ] know thi-, llonourablc Houle will make Uich Proviliun as will lave ihc I'ruvin^e from the dangerous Contetiucnce of Inch unlimited I'ower. Sir, the J'Jillnbutioii of the Rcj relentation is an Object (jt ti;e (^reateli Impor- tance to the Province, and ought to be lettled, in a ceitain lJe;;ree, by tliis Honourable I loule. I hope 1 may be cxculcd (or prcluiniiig to ii.v , that there has beer, a radical i)eie(ft in tlie Reprelent.uion of all uui American Colonies. i<'rom the Natuie of the Srldcments, there aie tew Pown^ in theie Colonic^j and as tliele Towns have had only tlicir Proportion o( Reprefentativcs, the Landed Interell has always been too prevalent, and lias at limes greatly opprelled the Commeuc, and im- peded the Ojierations of Governmenr. In this Kingdom, S:i, of 55S Members, of winch this Honourable lloule is compilnl, tliere are only 12: Knights, 01 Reprcfentativcs <.f the Landed Interell I do nor mean to enter on t!ic Difiiidion of the Propriety of that Divifion, but I l-.opr U will be allowed that the I'owns ouglit to have I'ucli a I'ropoition of Reprel'eniatives, as to preferve the Lquilibriuin between tf.e Iv.o Inte- relU, which is for the general Ueiuiic of both. In tlie Province of (^lebec, Sir, we have in Pad only 1 !iree Cities or lowns ; .ind if tlule are to have only the Proportion of Reprel'eniatives which tiieir Num- bers bear to the gci'f-ral Population ol the Province, they will have a very Imall Repreletuarion indeeil, not above a Seventh or an lighth Part. 1 his is a Confideration v.oithy ol the Attention of this 1 ionouiable Houle, and I hope they will deienninc on and kttlc the Propomon of E Repieleiuaiivcs ,s!■^m■ [ 'fi ] If Uq-rclcRtativcs for tlir Tinvi-.s. Sir. if it is inlciulni l>v tl.c IMl, m l'i()r"!i'n; ii Imnll Niimbn- ot Ripn-Unt.itives for tlie I loiilf o: Allaii- Mv to thi'ov.- .1 i'n-:rnpcr and nee til. ry thar the limes oiMeeiini; ilmuld, in a rert.nn l)e;'ree, be lift to his Difiertion ; but the l'a;nc NVu hUy eaiuior be ailed.^cd fi^r ^ivin<.; Iiim the I'ower to lis tiie P/iin- of Meeting every I ime the Legill.irtire !■, to be alVeiiioled. This is a Power which, though intenilcd to aniwer t'lie bell, mav be perverted to ii)e very worft of l'iir|'o|fs, in loch ,in cx- tenlise ,i;ul tir.iiiv inhabited Country. Tl e public I'siirnees of tl;e Province iii.iv be j;reatly iiure.ifed by this ambiil.itinjT 1 e^illattire j and this I'owtrniiv be esereif.d t.i the ifnual Iiiconvi n.encc and Oiftref's of the Memheis of the Cotineil ant'. Allembly. 1 lirv mav be c.illed froin ore I'nd of the Province to the other, and ordered to meet in Places luir!!! 1 to their leel.Mi-s, I'.iurioiis to their llcdth. and where ir may be im|M)nii)le for them to commtinirate wit!i their C'oiiilittients, or to iTociire the neci ll'irv Infurmaiion on fiieh Ohjri'ts as n.ay be |'iii>- initttd to tlieir Deliberation. I hope, therefore, this I lonourablc Moiife will llrike our thar I'art of the C'laiile, by which the (.iov; rnor is to be empowered to rh.ini;c the I'.ace of .Meerini;, which oof^rht ( ertainly tube It the Sear of tioNeniment. If any Ixteption is neeelfiry, the I.egirtaturc, \wih the C ont iirrence ot tiie (tnveriu;i, m.iv lettli' ir. Sir, it may periiaps be expeflcd, from the 141!) Claiife of otir Peti- tions, that in conlequence ot our beinj;; allowed He[ refentatives in the Le^ill.iture, il;e Provmie fhail immetiiatelv raile tiie nccelVii y I'liniis for defraying the I-..xpences of tlie Civil dovcrnuient. 1 aeknowlcdtre that it is tl » Inrentii>n of mv Coe.llituonrs that tiie Province lliouid bipport ti ele Kxpence.. I v. dl f.iv f.irther, it is a Shaire that the Province Iiiis not paid tl.-l'e b.xpencts many Years \ :\l\. But there are Si[iiu:on-<, wlun tlie Impoliibilirv ot doin1 [ •-) 1 ot liovcrnaunt, ami iiic 'ryr.iiiny of iin. 'iMiii ami l.,uvii iIk Country has lit-.'ii lii nimii iifc^ltdi-il, an I (.vt-ry t)l'ii--t ot" Indnllry ami IniprovcnuTU apparently (iilViumtciianicI, that it is now rciluceil to Inch a Srati- of I ,an!',M'': .^^'-1 DcprilTinn, .'•, tn Lit iinabli- to proviilo lor ilic 1' x|)i'iKc'-. of Its Civil (lovfrnmciu. Tlifrf liaNt- In-fii Mi-ii ot'a tiiiirukrabk' I)i';rrf i<( JMitfrpti/.f a:ul M' rc.intilt' Aluii'.us in t!iat I'lo- vliu:(', who, in tollowiiu/ ti.i; Impulli- of tlu-ir Minils, havi' am-inptid lo ontuiir.ij'C Iniitillry an 1 prtmiotc Imi'mM-incnts. But ti-.r t'ccliU- an-l fuiiili" I llbrts (if .1 ft w riUtrpri/iiig Inilivi,liials I'iHilii not Loiiiutrait tlu- vri'tili'.i! !' in-fts of, or ton. bat with ,i;.v I'rolpc t of .'ncciN, Vn.i''- wliirli V. irr Jeep loouJ ;ii tl.c t'oiiirmuiDa of tlio Country. 'I'iie Con ,1- lias too '.'.iR-nllv bc'i-ii, tint their Ixpt-ct itions wirc ('Mip 'm s invchc All; !lf puiiitfil, tlu'ir l-'ortunfs dinipanil, and tliiir I'riiii. Mcr- JMiUs o( London tradint; to tiiat Cmintrv, in wlnt .Siiu a. m 'liii 'I'ravli' has Incn fm tin- lall 'lAselvf or lii.rtecn Ytai^. l iiiy v,;i; ull thi:. Hoiioiii.ddf lld'.ifr, that it has liciii <'stremtlv luMvy and luiu'nis. that Icvi ra! ot their ll.idy i-.avi' bci-ii totally ruinid l'\ tlu- l.m\\> s.' lliiy have mrt with in that Country, iiul all of tinoi have !i'H'— .•'.! I oidklerablv i.i tl,(ir j-orninei} that the Ii ule is (iill heivv; a.i.i tlinuii.!), troni tin- oi the lall Crop, tl.ty h.ive Kcatoii t) expccr >.;.r,- lideralile K'-niriis tins enfuin'.' S!-al')H, yet the Count rv will not bi; ^Slc to ai (.put t;,e heavy jJilir whuh h s lo luii:; huiv.: rp in ir. S'r, we may be reproailu-d, perhaps, fur oiir I'ov^ rtv , nay, we :r.ay have licrn alreadv rcj roaehed bv lome un!;enenuis Miii'.is, \\it!i our v\- liappy Situation ; but it is a Mibtortune to be poor, not a Cri.iie. Is ;t nor a ivuural, if nut .m intallilde !• ll'ei't of arbirraiy (jovernineiit ? liavc 11')' i'uvcrtv and W'ntihrdf.i Is e\er been the Attemlants of art)icrary Power' lialv, Suih, (iieiie, Alia Minor, and the Coall of Barbary, were r c h, pofiiloif., aid powerful Countries, while thev er|0\id trie h, p"pii|()if., • lovei iiiients. It is Situation. iii'i lutedaiv for I lie to remark on t! j/Ti lent Sir, to let ire all t!'-- Spceies of OpprefTion v.huh that Co'i , V, 'uii! eiu I .) u li too iinu h on tlu' Indulgence ol ihs I b' fry lias iiii'( led, V, 'uii! eiu I .)a( li too nnu h on tlu' Indulgence ol ih'S I luMouratil-- lloulr. We hive b'tn told, t lat i 'norance anci Povertv wi le tne bell Sc.-iii ;ni-- tor 11. e ( iliedienre if thele I'oiitiial rrineipf s, iniirht leave the Country. \\ r I'uive, however, t!>e ILippinels, .Sir, this b.venin';, of lee, '^ our Ali.iirs UiiKi'iitrd to t!u* hnpertion and 1 )d'iii(Tion nf this I loiiour able 1 Iii'ile. I'lur, Sir, we h ive )■■ :d a 10:111 ami painful St: ur;^le toariive .It t.'.is dellrable KVue. \\e haw ;o tmuunrer luimberlel's tie«, whii h the Pilde and, Infuiencc of .1 St o; Men, whofc Minds v.erc ( on iijted bv the I'sereile of li Ipotii" I'mwr, have thrown in i;ur Way, in iveiy Step we have 111a. !e ; anil it is o:d\- by f^'reat l'» rli vernti'.'e that we h.ive lieen idde lo overconu- tliefe DitTieulue-^. l?ur, dun: l; in:, Ion;; Coiit' il, the ' "ouir.iy l;a^ bren exli Killed ; ;uui we 1; ipe tai.. I lo nour.ible I loul'e will eM;cife t!iat 'ren.ieri'.efs and (ie.ierolity tow.irds >i-, wh:eh our uiifortun.ite Siiuatioa requirev. Sui.ii, Sir, has been i.'ic un- |ia' |n' leiideiicv of the (i.ivenMuiu ot il-..;t rrovin^>-, tiiat nut ui:\\' th;: IVj.ic [ 20 ] V-.ij.U li.uc been opprrlT>'t, ,iii;l tlu- RtTdiirrc*. of die Country np[;lc(f>i'(!, Silt aliniill evcrv riililir !5uililiiir» in tlic l''c>vinfc \\.\* lucn fwliernl tu ull to PeiMv iril ptiilli, riicrt- i, not .1 Cmirt I Ionic in tlic Province, nor ,1 lutlii ifnt I'ril'on, ii'>r .1 1 loiil'f of OMu'rtion : Tliert- is not a piiblu, S'lidol Hoiitf. 1:: llii'rr, th-.' I'oitntrv is rf.!u>'t\l :»l)r(ii'i"f' wliu h w.ll rc^nirf tin- Aitfntiou of the I t;jin,iturf. MUv'^ .1 I lo'iic miilV l)i- prcpircvl fur tlu* Krrt-['t;ofi of rlif t,c['ill.ituif. Thr trJM'llin(» I'xprncrs of of thr Mi'iuhr-s niiiil prolniblv he paiii, ami prrhap* a IViilv I'ay iliinnj: tin; liMifot Sittiii!;. 'l",ixes or Diitus mnH be liivl 011 tlttr IVopli.-, to build the ncctiraiv Kilifiies, ami to proviJe for tluU- and othi-r I'iirp(jrri ; which, aJile'il to what mav Iw nciflfirv to he tmploved m Hountus and I'rerniiiiTi'.. to eii:',.it:r the l'arii\iT'i to change their prdenr iiiiferablc Svll'-iit of Kariiiinj,',*and to rncoiira'tf tlie pirpaiini; of our Produce in .1 betfcr to fiiit the ilirtVicni Mitkc;'>, will be a;, muth as tiie ]'rovi.'uc tan poifiblv raile for luiiic Ycai'.. It 10,1V pcihips be f.nd thit UriMin h.i; brrn burfhened already too • m^ with the l'.x|)(nfts of our Livil (loveiiiiiient — S;r, I a(;ri-e that it has, bii-n too lun^ the Cafe; but it has not licfn our Kiiilt. It nii:;ht have brri'. oihtfrwife many Years a^^o, i( our Petitions had been atrrnded to. We have made every Fxertion 111 our Power to procure a C'onflini- tion, which, in its t)perat;uii, would have relieved ( ireat Britain ot'that Annual l-xpcnte . but (loiii urtain Politua! Ke.ifoiis, a!)lolutelv inknowu to us, we have not thus far luccici'ed ir, our 1 i.deavours lor (hat i'ur- I oie. If mull appear tu this Honourable I luulc that it is no more tlian ta;r, now we are to be allowed to participate in the Dire^lion of our own'-, th It thev ou^lit to ltate. J therefuie hope this Hoiioui.dilr 1 loule w ill either order the oirillary Provdion tor the Purpoles 1 have mcmmntd, or relealV the Proviruc of the Exprnces of the Civil laft lor a certain Number of Years : lor though Britain, '^;r, his expr ndi d ' ir manv Yeais larj'.c Sums in that Province lur the Maintenance of the Civil (iovcrnment, as tlie People, du/iiii; all that 'lime, wt re tieprivrd ot the Power ot rxrrtinc tlieir united |- ifoits to rnco ir.iL;e liniullrv, and to dirccl it to fiiole ObirCts which would br moll |;rotital)le to the C'ommnnity, and ontii'S and enr niircr.itilo ir I'rodiici.' m ii)Ui.h .IS tiic A alrcidv too aprrf it It. It 111! 'ht been .itreiulcd re ,1 Connini. Ikit.i:n ot itrly iinkiiinni tur I'ur • no inure tli.iii i-(fli<)ii of our proper >tate, ihe im I liaty • I'tovinu' of : I'lr thovi(^h rlut I'rovuue le, I'lirii!; .ill ifd \ ifrxts to ich woidd be e I'liipirc at avinie at tlie l.i(e, when tliui'le me, tiie l.iiiic ull, tiieiclure, llotifc will lult fii):n the 1, It will evi- ly acijuaintrd I.) m.ikc them It rripiireh o| vc the preat Danger r 21 ] Panf';er of dividing the I'rovincv-, .mil I'i' Jifuninnjj tl>c Tcoj)!* at inch a critical Period. Sir, 1 bivi* runfidripd I'f ?;i!r;^/' i tlioul'.i'' ' Tmvs finr,- I fiifl- heird of this intci.ded l)u lion, but I iVi' not btm .,M • lo form ;inv rcifonible Idea (jfthe Motive »ihi'-h ha, !:)-, witli nunv others, received from the Generohtv ot this N.irion, nianv of then! mull h.ive been at this Period in great Pillrrl-. I'.n it be loppoled then that a People, dilperied as they .ire, .iiul whole Mino'* have thus tar been entirely occupied in procuring; the Means u! S'lbliil- ence, have had 'I'lmc to conlider of their Political Situ.ition \ or thev have been able to prui ure lufHcicnt Information on the d ;il'e- c)Ueiueso( lu( h a .Separation, .is svouhl lullily I'ucli a Requtit u tiie liriiilh I.epiil.iturc ? Will .my Pirfcn .-.iVurc- tliLs flrnourablo Houfe tlie I.ovali'.l, fcit!. 1 in the Diflrii't of I .uiienburgh, whu h joins the Dillri't of .Montteil, liave advilcd and lonlulted with tliofc who .irc fettled at N'iajari or I)er;<);t on the I'ropriety of this'ure? I .Wi conlidcnt, .sir, that no Pcrlon will alFcrt any luch 'I'liing ; for 1 believe I may truly lay, that few of t!ie People of tliele diHerent Settleiiients have even ^*:i:\\ one .iiio:l;er fince they began their .Settlements, e.\ccpt peili.ips ia palTni;-; to Munircal. \\ hat Kind of a (iovcrnment mull that of tiie Upper Par? of tlie Coiintrv form f It wiil be the ver. .M'ukcfv 01 .1 I'roMiue, 1 hree or 1-oui tlioul.iiid Pamilics Icatt. red ovci aCountiy uf lomc huiklieJ .Mile* in l.cnf.;th, not havnii^ a fiiisjlc I'own, and tcarcely a \'iila;;e, in the whole l.xteiu : It is only inaiiing Wtauncls mure feeble, an.i divuiuijj the Strength of the Province tu r.o I'lirpulc. Sir, a Me.ilurc oi'iliis Importar.ce ought not u: be adopted en tlie .SUf;ii;elliun ot One, or .1 (e* liulividu lU. ihe 1 1.ippinrl^, l ranquillity, aiul Sccuritv of every Part ot the Provinre ib involved in its Coiileijuences ; and I cannot doubt th.ii the Hritilli I .epi'i ifnre v;;l attend to the lii'>.:ells of the Pofde of every Pait u! the Prov:n>.e. Urn, will it be laid iliat the Peoide, inha- !•' biiini;'; i bitiiiK the I'rovincf of Qiu-bec h.u'c been conliiltfii on tins gr.iii't (>'uliion ? Will iinv One all'ua- this Honourable 1 louli- that this propolr^l Dn'ifion h,is been ap|)rovcil of by the lubii' ii.uits of tint Province ? or iliac they have by their IVtitions rct]uciU-il it ? If any fuch IVtitions fn.iU be laivl before this 1 loiiourable Houfe, I h"i)c the Honourable Meiiibers will coiiiiiler, not only the apparent Motive anil Tenileiicy of the Uiipiell, biir likcwiie t!i--" Kefpoi iibilitv , the Infiuence, and Num- bers ot the I'etitioners, Sir, if I rec.-lied right, it was iaiil, at palling the (^icbee Art in r;;4, that the French Teople IkuI jietitioncil for the IntrotTuCtion of tlie French Laws anil Sy!teiii of (jovernment into thai I'rovince. I'he Name of the Frem h Iniiabitaius hail, of courfe, L;rea; liitluiiue on the Deliiurations of Parliament i as, at that Time, they furiiud piihips Nineteen 'luentieths o! the Population of the Province. I5ut, Sir, if thefe Petitions haJ been Uibmitted to Parliament, it would have appeared, lb far from comprehending the whole Frriiih Pei)ple, that they were iigiied by a very fir.all Number of them, only about loo. And that, even among thefe, tlurewere many inlignifitant Name.',. The Rill before this Honourable Houfe this F.venuig, and the Pe- titions now on tin' Table, are the bell Proofs I i an oti'er that the I'eti- tions on wliich it was ihou,;!it cxpeduiu to pals the (^irbec .\d did not afford luch full Information on the Subject as to jultity the Prin- ciples of that Ait. The Conlulion which has cnfucd in Confeipieiue of tliat Aifl is gre.'^r^r than it is poinble for me to exprefs to this Honour- able Honle. \i IS evident that a Sylbiii Ji [ ^3 ] this pr.ui'l lis propotr.l ovincc ? or h I'i'titions I loiiour.ible "fmiciicy of ami Nuiu- I, at palling )neil for the :iu into tliai Diiili-, L;riM; 'liiuc, ihcy ic I'rovini-c. It, it WDllivl IVoplc, liut loo. Aiiil s. uul the I'c- lat the I'fti- rlu-c :\d did (y the rriii nli'qitfn.c oi h'> I loiioiir- i if.tinlv oil in the llit^li nt 111'?, in a • MlMl.U'T o( tlif l'..tric!., (."(I'liitrv, til lo I'lrii lor 1 l\.r>T, and il. If the iilcrdoDii, 1 I'licr Inch .1 ation In the ut Faiiliaii : Hut Inch cinrs, wiu'ii p,uti:i)l.irly ihilant that luliit'icntly tore idiiiireB s (() Dperatr ion ii'ij'Jic to ms oinht tt» iij'h iiuii.h of pert ;iif;u to >iilil pioc lire Cou:.try, ihr LKiiri,'! -■m Defires of the People, their local Cutloms, Manners, and Law. ; and it would afford a more certain Profped cf an.ingin;; a Conllitmion tint would anl'wer the I'urpolcs intended, ol fecuriii!; to the People their Rii^hts and Privileges, of fupportin;^ the lliivnty, and of ;i;ivinf; Sncni!;th and !• ntT;i7 to the Clovernn cnt in the Way moll >u;;eeahle and enlV to the Siilinct-, but more partii ularly if tlic Obiict oi' the Act' is likely to produce niiru;uli:"s, which cannot aftcrw ir-is be rciiiovci but with iinich Trouble, and peih.';.". l">.n;r,er. por, thoii"h It is a very ealy M.ittir to ilraw a F.iiie of i);v;iion .icioi* the Map of a Country, it is extreinelv dilh^ult, at 3,000 Mih's nillinc.-, to (orel'ee or al'certaiii the Conlequcncvs whicli liich a Partition may nroiiuce. I'lie Peojile of the whole Country ou|;ht to be conl'ulte'd on .1 Matter of this Importance, as it may be found no ealy Talk to per- biade tlicin of tlic I'ropricty or Ncccflity of the Mcat'nre, pariiciKuly jf they lind their Inicrells or Tr.inquilhiy arc inaierially aliectcd by it, II', Sir, the (^leliec Aci was hiirru'il tlirou!.'!! ParhaiiKnt wit!i too inuc'i Rapiditv, and in its Coiilcipiciu n has involved the Iniiabitaius o( that Province in Dilliculties, l' roubles, and Uneahncl-,, it \% tlie more neceffarv now, in fettlinf- the new Conlbtution lor th u Country, to jirococd with Care and Attention, fo as to prevent further Complaints, and to lati^fy the I'cople. 'I'heir Minds have been loiuj hairall'cd witii un- certain Laws, and bad Admiiiillration -, and tluv will now be feelinplv alive to any riung in the new C'onllitution wlucli has tlie Appearance of continuing t!ir:r Trouble. Their Dclirc is, that a Conllitution may now be fct'led by I'ailianient, that will i'pread its genial Inilueiice over the Whole of t!.at Country, and unite the People :n one firm Uon-1 n( Alt ichnient to Clreit liiiuin, by tlie llronjjeil ot all Ties, thole of i', and intercll. Sir, v.Ikm we propot'e.i tiiat the Province flio'iKl, as fnon as her Af- fr.ri are btought into lome K'nd ot 0'\ier, ram* the neceii.irv S.!:i['iies lor de'ravmg t'lc l''xpences ot its Civil (loverninenr, wc conlidered it a ■!)utv we owrd to the I'.mpire 10 relieve (ireat Hri' \in of tliat Ch.ii-.'/- j but it ihe Province is liivided ,is proj>o!ed in tii's Hill, it will moll ef- t'c< lu.illy delhoy rur i Io|)cs aiul :',ood Jiicentions in t'l it Kelpe.l ; for al- thoii;',li 1 have no Poubr tiiat the unite.! Province \\ill, in a ihoit Tinie, be able to raite li'tlicieiit :u relieve Britain of t!ie 1 xpences of our Civd Ciovernmcnt, 1 can wiiho:it Helication aiiure thi;. nonourahlc Mo'.ile ilia'. It will lie .ihlolutely impjiilble tor tiiem 10 ;a.l.Muiru leiit to lupp«"v iiuuiot Ix- ex- jK>"lut to raik' ,iiiy J liing i;r. ' IntKcK-iit loi i\)< I'Kj'fniti ut a I'io.iiki- ; .i.-.d I'lritAin nuill contiiiur i) p-v Atviuullv ai uiMth loi taf Supjuirr u! tin- Civil (iovfriimcnt gt tiw 1'|jjht JJiviioii ,i.s lu> bi<'n p.n 1 lor the wliolf rrovmct', l)(-("u!(.s wii a iii,i, Ix- ncceH'.uv to lupnort tnc l.owir I'loiin.c. l his svilJ be « oiuuuiiiijj; tiit Hurtlitii wt' C»Rlc. Sir, t'loi'uh it in.iv Iv iir.-fn'uy, for t!i<- Convrnicncf of the Pcopir witii rtt^.uJ to ri.f nillnhiKUiHi oi' Jiiltice, to divide an cxrciilue Coimtry into liiuiil 1; lUids, 1 Jiopc 1 liiall bv cxcukd for fayuig, that I thnik u muil do d»ngfroL;.s ii; thf I'taiuniiliiiv of (lovtriinifnt to di- viJf ii in tlwt M.miu-r lor t:;t l''Ji|'ok;. of Lti;ill*tion. If at .inv fiittirf Pci lod I' x; oijfuci lliail point it out n^ rxpfdicnt for thf Adv3r.!.".p;(.- :uul Safity '.! Ciovcrii'iuiu, or fur tlic j^ciural Convc- nii-nry and I'lofi'crirv of tiic l^fopic, to divide that Country, it may t.'icii be doi-.f wita more Judgment tic„g(b : but no Man can cell tin- ConfecjiiKues, of a Separation. J'hc Pa^iiitr,-. hoj^e^tr to I'e aj);>rehcaded are, Poiitiiji ii iukitcis, Dhu/ih!', Aniiiiolitiis, and .^;litat>t,i. Sir, I know it .r.'.ifi he extremely diflnult to arrange and fettle a Con- ftitution lor a IVovince fituatc.! at J.coc Miie^ Alliance, and contjinmy (o manv Ii;habitants, without full and amph' Information of the relative Sirnarion of the Coiuitrv; of the Nature o! the Settlements ; and of ilie Delires, the \\ anti, and the Ojiiuioiis o( the Inhabitants ; (t nt leafl of tiiole of them wiio are the be 1 informed, an.l who have the greatefl In- tiuenee in the Country. I i^now further, tliat a great Degree of Confi- dence ought to be given to tne Keports oi tiie C)riicer& placeil by I lis Mai ily at the Head of the Govenmu-at of the I'roviiuci, ollierwilc c ,dle i ami ol the c r nt Ic.ift of .' yrfatill lu- ce ot Con fl- at eil l)y I lis fs, oll'.erwilc s not biHiiid nfiblc lo no in which Af- , I .iiM con- licilL to I he vcrniRtit, if )iv,, .iiul Kc- jIc I'cople in luiu have a Ci'!> fall aiut riU!> : But is ccrs arc the ilU'C ? I'rJ by iin- I'eoplc have Thcic Cir- ciiiiiiUiriCcs ik^fe* ciimdnnces were too public, ami too often the Subjcdt of Coiiveifation and Dch.itf in the Province, to elcipe tiic Ohfervation of the Ufiictrs of (iDvernincnti and ycr, except about the Years 176S nnJ 1770, and perhaps within the lall Three or l-'oui 1 <'ars, 1 n.ull fiippok- liiat the Officers of the Ciovernmenc did not r; port the real State and Situation of chefe 'Jhings; for I have fiu h a h;; enquire into, and lettle tf.eir Affairs, with a Dcfree of raiience tiiut could fearcely be exjiecied tiom the Urnency of ti.cir Situation. Wliat they want is exprelled in their Petitions now on the 'lalde of tids Honourable lioid'e, and is nothinf; i-.;ure than flie Priiuiples of the Fnglilli Confiiriition. The Articles are plain and limple, and e.ifily iinderflood, and what, as far as my Jcdj^ment in Politics will go, may be nianted without injunnt; any Clafs ot I'eople in the Province, or the Intereil ot (ireat Biitain ; as they are nearly limilar to the Cor.flitutiun ot the other Colonies and Provinces of the luiipire. They pray. Sir, that the Qiicbec Aft may be repealed ;;,• iae, as being too imperfect a Syftem to ferve as a loiindation, and to fecnre the 'I'ranqoiUttv and Permanency of the new Government; and thev have taken the Liberty i-f fiaiine;, in a few concife ami very clear Piopoli- tions, or Aitiiles, iliole Laws or Principles of Luws, which tiiey with may be made fundainentai Parts of that new Confhtutiuii. They jMay, that a 'Priennial Hoiii'c of Aflembly, or HeiTcfeiuatives of the People, ma\ I K- a eunlti tuent Part of the Legillature, with a free Adii:in"ioii therein ol R.-.)inan Catholics. ThataCniuuil appo'rted bytlieKingbe another connitiient Part tiiereot, conlilling of a linnted Number ; and that the Mendiers hold their Places tor Life, Refidence in the I'rovince, and good Ikluuiuur. The Lav,-s which tlic^' wilh to be fundainentai are — The Criminal l.a\\s of Pnpland fur the whole Province. The Commercial Laws and Culloii.s of Lnsdaiid for the wi.ole Province. The Habeas Corpus Ai^, jitl Cliailes II. .rid the other Afts relating to Perlonal Li:)erty, for the whole Province. Tiie antient Law, and Culh.m> of C.nada refpeiftini.' Landed Pilates, Maina^e .Scttka-.rnti, Inheritance, and Uower, for the Uilbvts ot G Qiicbec, [ 26 ] fi l^iicbcc, MontriMl, and rincc Hivrrs, as a' rrefcnt boundeil, wiih a lU'kTvation iIkU l'ro])ril•t(lr^ in.iy alienate liy Will. The Common Law of I'lii^laml for the Dillruls of Lniienbiugli, Meclilcnburt^li, NalVaii, I Ml't, and (l.ilpc. That Ojitional Juries may he j^iantcil in Civil Cafes on r!ie lame Foot- ini> as in livlanJ, except that Nine jurwi:, out ot Twelve may be fiifficient to ellablilh a Vei\i::h That the SiierilT',, whit'i 's an Ollic- of p,rea: Trull ami Relponli- bility, may be llruek Amuialiv by ir.c Cioverimr from a 1 ,ill preleiiuJ by the Aflembly. Thar the JuJ^^es mav run b-' fubie^t to Snlpcnlion or Removal by the Go\erjior. That ()l]:ces of Trull ir.iv be executed by the Principal m tlie Ap- pointment. Thele are the Arucles w!.;i.ii they proiiofe for their new ConlhiUMon. There i, no Doubt tliat the new I.r{;i(l.ttute w.ll have fomr Trouble to afcertain the Bounds of ti.e l-'rencli Law, as «ell as of tlie )• .li'lith Lav., but tiuy w;ll do that a^ tiie Ciremnllances and Cales oecur. Such i-- the Outline of tfc Conllitutioii uh;ch the People of t!iat Pro- viiice deii.-e. It ij pl.iin, dear, ani! fnnple , and however lome Part', of the new Laws may not be hillv undnlbxid at rirll, the People xwll at all 1 imes know to what Principle of they nuiU refort. Hut, Sir, the Bill now before this Honourable Moufe is extreir.clv defective, and fiaught with tae moll dangerous (. Dntequences. li is dcteiftive in not etlablilhinj^ the b.nglilli Commercial Laws, the Habeas Curjjus Ac:, and tlie Trial by Jury in Civil Caules, as fundamental I'arts of the Confiitutu.n. And the Divdion of the Province, and ellablifmn,; lure- (litarv Honours annexed to tlie Ofi'ue of Councellor, wdl introduce fucii Confufion and Trouble into the Pr iMixe, as will prove ruinous to the Whole. Sir, tl'.ere were no jjofitive Lawi for Commerce in Canada during the Trench tiovcrnmcnt, nur are there any at this T)av. The i rciich Comaeicial Law, or Ci^Jt' \!iu\lanii, was no: introduced into Canada; and however iliat Code may have been cllreiiu'd at the Time :t was compulci', it can.not icach the \ arieiy of .Mercantile Caiei) which now dady occur. This is the Ktal'on the People of the Province defire to have tlie Lnjlifli La«i iclatinjj; to Commerce introduced i^enerallv, as a P.irt ol the Conliitution ol the Provii.i c, t^.e li.uikrujit ex- cepte>. i and that Landed Lllates in.iy be made lubjtCt to the Payment of Bi' m «)c;ns. 'I ii<- Commercial L.iws of this Kin;»dom, Sir, are the Uefult of t!ie Wild .n, the i'speriencr, and tlie Keafon of Ages. We kn w tint there are but lew i.aiute Laws relating to Trade. But the jull atKl p. .per Lawi V [ " ] Cci, wuli ;i uu'nbiirgli, lAmo Fi)'>t- vc ir..iy be I lu-fpcilill- l prelciiicd oval by tliC in thr Aji- tlu'ir new r.c Trouble t'ar^hlh ccur. )f t!ut Pro- iomc I'.ut-. l'c(>|-ic \Mil ilcrt. Hut, Iv defective, dclciftivc 111 Corpus Act, 'artb of the lilhsrij^ luTC- rocluci' lucli iioub tu ilu- nada during The Ircnch [ito Canada ; 1 line It was wlutl, now Dvini'c dcfirc ;d ^cncralK, pt 1 .aws fx- thc Payment lefuit of tlis w iti it tlierr 1. aiKl I : 'per Laws I.av.T. whieh oiipjit to rcfMil.Uc Trade, jw.] crovcin'ile Tranf- ac.tions, are to be found in i!>e jiidgiiuiiti of the Courts, grmnded im approved ami tllablifiied Cuilonv.. Pro;ii tliat veiv C'n umlLi'iee they are eitlii r to be lutrodiicet! generally, or not at all. TIk- I ,■ >_''l!.ir.u!e of ti'.e Coiuiirv will of coorfc regidate ar.v Difnadties (.(mu. On this Poinr' tt ileferves the fcrious Coii:'iiliration ol tlis linn '.ir:'.l)!;r iloihe, befides attending to the Convrr.iencc and Seru;',ty ut t!u- Mct- eh.uus in the Province, to provide ai. 1 cllablilh buh Laws for the Province a^ wdl afford Seeuiny to ilic ?^1frr|iants of IbiMin, who rrtilb larj;e Suni^ into the Provin. e. 'Vh. y e.Mnot be lu; pol'.;,l to un lerlland ..nv other l-aws but thofe which prevm in thii Kin^idoin. I(, ih-r'.-- forc, l,aws are cllablilhed whieh they :.) not undrrt\.uui, they will be ioSied to nuinberleb, linpo!itio;ib, ab tl.'.y h vc been lor lonie Ye.ivi J,', ill *. The Trial by jury, at the Ojition nfeitiier (.f the i'artif-., ib in abfobire R quifite in all Merviaiuilc Cui'eb, and oMijht liLewil'c to be a Conllitution.d Point. It is bkewife nccefl'arv, for the Tr.'.nquillitv of, and ro fitisfy tlic Peviple, that the Laws '''iatm;' to Pcr;'.ual Siictv iIiomUI i';- c.i.iidiil-.fcl bv Parliainen:. Sir, the People of tlia: I'rovincc d .i not w:ib. to depend even cit :!":ir oivu Lfrijldturc, tor Objecs f > clVential to their Secuntv ami lla'pinefs. Th y wifli to have- them ar>.ertaineil and li,\eil ;>y (he Britiih Lcuillature, n- i'.irts of tiie Conllitutlon. They do not deliiv tluu Par- liaaient Ihoukl lefjend to the Minutix of luakinia; Laws for them ; buc tliey prav tiiis 1 . :nourabIc 1 loufc will lav down tlie urea' le.ui;:i^' Points of their ConilituL, m, to fervc as Land Marki to i^^u.Je their luw I-eg:!- lature in the Uituti Lxcreile of Lcgillation. bur, it has 1 een obie>;'ted to me, ajjainlV introducing the Fniildh Commeici.d I iv.-s, that they are too \ iduniinous lor .i yoiint; Colony ; but if this 1 lonourable lloufe will reeolleirt that we wilh to except the Statute B inkrupt Laws; and that we ean have no Occafion for diole relating to Inl'uraiues, thiy will not, 1 hope, confuler them as I'o i.;reatly exceeding the pioper Bounds. 'I'hn i loniiurabh- I louie wdl, I hoj e, allow, t!iat we ir.u'.l liavc fo:-,-,c Laws to lernliii- 1 rid^, .i.> at pteknt we have none, li'wc ,i;c to de- pcnti on the Cutloin of Pari.i, and Cod-; Ciiii lor tliat I'lirpou , a Mer- chant wuuld be oblii'.ed to have a Nmary I'ublic .ir his L.lbov, from Miirninp; to Ni:;lit : In his Compnn^: lloul'e, to teit!l\ everv I'apt-i- he wrote; in his \\ arehovile nr Cellais, to tertity t!ie .Sale of Goods and • Coutumc ill Paris. ,\rt,clc I2f). — Merch.iiits Tiados Poople, and others, who Icll (iini.r, \l. by Kci.iij, c.iiuot limii; cli<-ii Action .iltcr Six .\loiith» h.i\c fIjpCci! irDin the I). ly lit the tirll !)clivcrain.c ui tlicu l.i.J (.Joous, -^c. iiriltls ttic AccuiJiit ius been k'ttlcJ aiiil ligricJ. Article 127. — Di.iiK-rs .Mercers, ami other Wholel'-ilc .Mcrch.ints, cani'.nt bring their Action, or Dcniaiul tor their Cioods, aitei a Year has elapleil, reekoiuiii; liom the Day "1 the Delmrancc of |i-.,r CnoiN, uiilils there been .in Ubhjtatioir^iveii, or tliat the Ac-nuni has been fettled and figneih Lujuors ; [ 2R ] liquors; in the Strms or at tht- CoftVc-TTouf.-, to tnko Minu^-s of fverv inn-ndca, oi 'rr.infnaion ; oihcrwUr he wouKI find th;.- \m I'ook in ' CUiks"" wo'.il.l not In- conri.lcrcJ in the Courts as f.if. ficK-n- ivit'.fncc to clhiMilli a Debt, hu I'apns anJ l.c-tt-Ts,l be aaiudirc.l .n NVKuing the rcquifttc Komv. ; ami th,u Oral Fvuicnic ^v<.uK^n(.t be racived in Proof of a Rarpin* In wh.,. Mm'-er tliorefore, .lie \\e to get Conimerr Laws? Our I' 1 c-illiture ir:iv, to be lure, .uiopt One or mon- of the (.-w Acts ol Parliament which relate to Trade; for the Britilh 1 xginature h.ive been at all Times fenfihle of the Diliiniltv and Daiif'.rr ot ni;u klm • ( om jnerce v.ith fvllcmatic La^^s, and t!uv have therelore leir the Met. iiants to follow their own Cvihrv, and to aUertain thele in the Conns o( Jiifti.e, when neceilarv •• It is therefore in the Judi;mrnts ol the Court;. ti-ar ve .'re to feek for thefe Comniereul Laws, and tlicic may be t oin- iMellVd into a few VoUmus of Reports. F5iit, Sir, can the Provincnl I.ei'in.iture adopt one Ho'.k of Reports, am! ri;ecl an.nher ' or is it intended that thev Hull cii.ut a N^iiobfr of I ,aws, aiu! by tlur Means form a Svftem of Coninirroial Jimlprudenie r is it to be left to tiie l^M.-bee 1 esidlature to fettle and aiijull a Syltciii which has been eon- lidered as too dilficiih .ind danf^crous for ihe of [!ie Britilli Senate ?— It cannot be polHrilc ; and 1 am lure this Honourable IJoule will fee tiie NecefTitv of i:i:roducini,' tlie l-'.nj'iilh Commercial Laws inro the Bill, .as forming Pirt of the Contutmion of the Province of Qi_iebce. Ev the ■;ill Claufe of tl-.e Bill, .dl the Liw^ Stattites, and Ord;- n.'.nies, now m I ur^e in the I'luvinre, are to remain in lorce tintil al- tered bv the new Legillaturc.— I have already been very full on t.his Point. My Conflituents pray, as tne Tlonntiralile Iloiifr will fee by their Pe- titions, that the (^lebee A •, and .dl the !..i*s whicli were fiippof;-d to be introduced by it, as \u-!l as all t!ie Ordinances ni the l.e^iflarive, m.iv l)e repeal'-ii and annolleil. This, Sir, is the onlv pofTlble Wav of fettbnp the C ni^iriuion of tliat Coinnrv, fo as to fatisfy and pieafe tlie I'eople. If that Svltem, >vl,;ch noliodv ha-, been able to eomprciiend, IS to be rontunied, h.ow, i.r ;n whar Manner, is the new Legillatorc to inoditv and refi.rni it? — h it prndeiu to refer to the new l.^'g'.ilatiire a Sidn^ct wild; is likt-ly f' eterni/e tliofe Diftinctions v/hith liavc, to the Dif.'iace of the Color.*, uibfilled already too Ion-.', by cncourjj^ing i^>:, r^T • $'•■■ (:.>ii( Cimlc. Title JO. Aiticjr- 20. — Act.? uii tiT the llawi'- of the Fatti,!, or bdun- '^"U.'ics, Ihali he p. lict exei.cdnn; i Livki. Artieic 5lli.— it a I'an. iiijkts kvci.ii l.unuini. ;\! the Uiiu- Titiir, cl wIiilIi there is iiu i roi.t, (11 no;; m i i.iot, by Wi.ti:!::, .m.i tint togctlier iholc ."^luns nmouiit to more tlun lo > Livrti, they cannot he prnvcc) by \\ itiK-tUs, i vrn tin,i:;li Lhr', be liittorciit Siiin>, priHcii.Mi;; troni C.iuli •-, aiMl kl difterri.t I inick. Artic'i: (ilii, — 'in DeiiiamS ol tutry Kiiiii. Jn- :io: whi.llv )uilihril bv VVtitiiii', fli.!!! h; ioiimo irtu cm; lioilv ; .-Iti-r which cht oliiCr Ucmaiiiit, ol virhitli Jhcrc l^ wt I'looi by \V'iitiiij;, Uiail nut be ictti.ti), the •nil [ ^-) ] .(• Miini'-5 of 1 find th..- hit )uits as I'l'f- arnl 1 .ctt -rn iiiii Oral *. In whai. Ill l'rc)\ i;i( ill • lew /\cU (it lire h.ivi" bci'ii iiklin • Coin he Mci. iiant'i t'le Conns of (it thf Coiirrj may he Kjm- hf I'rovincul her ? or is it that Means lie left to tin- uis been lon- of the Br;tilli iirabli" IJuutc incr^ial I ,aws I'rovmcc of .iiul Oiiii- orcc until al- full on t!i:'i by tlirir !'e- ippolVii ta r I .cgiflanvr diilv pofTiblv" ify and plcalf (.oinprciicnd, ,(i;;llarure co w i^tg. lire i(.h have, t') ciici)ura^;m, I v»ii tii(..i;;li pcil by Writiii!', bull tlicrc l^ »'' t!,f \l>conf and thf other Party to llrii^;;';!'- for anil fnppor'. r'u-ir fa^-o'iiitr Svlli'i". froi" l^'^v to l^»\. "r liom ^^■;;'. m ro, as f:,i; (-;u- or t'lc otlK-r I'lriv is inoll pntLtniiiianr in ili'- ( ,■ ;.;illati)ri- ? This wtmhl bi- lav- in;', the I'oinnlatioii of Aminolitics, t^: irrds, anil I'ilvifions ainon ■; tl.f I'l'ipk-, which mult -rr,ii\ iinprd'- th • ( .ro'.vih an.! ropniati.i.i ol th.- Province i whicli wonUi iliiinnilli us strenjj;th, ami rcndtr \i of Ul* ValiK- in the Line of I'rade to (neat Hritain. .Sir, I eonliiier it a;, abfolntely ne( r,liry that the Rritifli Pari' mvur. fliouhl eilablifii iht j/jeat Outlines of o;r Conllitutio-i ; i!,,it t'lev ihinl I point out elearlv thote Piini iptes of I .iw whicii are to d:r(\-t iii.l j.'ovfin the l^eL',il1 ituie o( the Province in t.'uir future Deiiiicr.iiions. Iirlij is done, the Parties will e caiil;. .ipproacli hi.! aHiiiiilate tvytlirr, and mutually acroinmoilate one aiiotner, in loch P.iits of ei'licr ol ili'^ Syrteuis as require futtrnin^ or luochlvinj; ; and, iiov.rver t'ley in.iy dilFcr about the Introduction of a whole .Sylkem, t'lere would proh.ibly, if it is introduced by I'arliament, be o.ily one Opiai.m oii tlir Ptopm-ty of rendcrin},' it as ealy, as ed'cctive, and as ufeful as poil'i'ile. There are aiiiong b'lth the l-ni^lilli iiul Flench liihah.tants, wiio .irc Proiirictors of Lands held under the I'fiidal (ii.ints, rlure are ol \h,:'\ V ho are luarricii, and h.ivc I-amilies, ami there are of l)ii!!i, who h.ive perfonal Dealings and I'ranfaCtions. Ilie oKI Laws, therei.nt, win. ii are re(]uifite for thele Purpot'es, arc necell'iry to, ,ind mult be deimd tiv botli. Hut, Sir, the whole I'rade and Commerce is in the ol, and depends on, the l'.n!;lilh. It is therefote exrremelv necelluy tor them to have l^aws litteil and applicablr to tlie Natuie of Coinmerciil l)ealin<^?s and Tranlaftions. As the French Canadians are not inucli cngaf^ed in thele Purliiits, they cannot be muc!i ar(]u.»iiK -d wit'i its Operations ; ami m.iv imt feel the /\i',xie:v and I'ronlile, wh.cii the W .rit (it jiroper Laws oi i alion to tlie Mercantile Body. 1" !■> onlv from us Trade that ilie Pro. mee can be uletnl, or in anvwile oi Imjort.iiu e ro this K.iiUMlo.11 , and on Account it is the moii' ncei il'ii y to ell.;bl:lh Inch Laws as will promote and incre.ile it. We, tlnii t.ire, h.ipe tlur Parliament will repeal the VV'liole ot the old .Svilei., iiui in ;iie new ConiLtution |:;ive iw thole I'artsct' liie I'n^lifh lic;i>.!i L.iw.-. ui.ich we have pointed out as necelV.irv loi u^. :i .\p}-.e.lls In tlie ; :d Clavile oft'ie Rill, where permlirion is i.T.uiri ., i,i .\| jiu-. from the Province, to from tl;.- Kiiij^ in Cooi ul to Ills M ueily 111 I lis I'ailinmeiu, it would conduce very much to .ibri, of t| c I'rotelhr.r Church; and it therefore apj ears ti) me that it uiU Se unjni^ to compel them to pay Tvthes, a,id to roiitribcte row aids fupportipL- a ProreH .r.z Clerfiy, from whom tliev can derive no Allillance, no Advice, or In- Itruiftion. 1 do not wdh to raifc any DitViculties a^ainll a necciriry Provilion fur the l-'.ilablilhmr'.t ol a I'iMtelUnt Ciercv m the Fioviiice, it is a verv delir.ible Ot ird, and iiuii.h wilhed for, and it h.i^ been Mat- ter of Surpriz" that no i'lovuion ol that Kind hat yet becu iindc- id the Province; the Recommendation o( it to tlie Attention of P,irli.Lueiit, however, is a llronu; I'roofutHis M.'.ielU's Attention to the prelent ami future ilappinels of ilis ."I'.ijii-ets ; but I have tiioo^iu it mv Duty to Rate the Circumliance. As .t would be in the Nature of a partial I ax for a public Service, it iii^iht perhaps be proper to limit the Kij^ht of claimini^ Tvtlies m this Claule to a certain Dirtan.e iroin ihi: kcfuienee of tl.e Piotellanr C.lerf.^v. — Say ,';o Miie». ISeliiies, 1 apprc- heiul it would be pioper 10 explain what li meant by 1 vthes, if it is underUoitd that thev Ihall lie rccer.cil accordinp to tiie Uuie lolloweiJ by the Roman Catholic Cler^^y in the Piovince, or tin- Rule that is loU lowed in I'.n{;land. I likewife beg Leave to lubmit to this 1 loiv>itrjble Houfc if it would not be proper to inkrt in the Claufes concerniMj^ future liraius of Lands a I'o.ver to authoiizi- Mis Manlly, with the Conliiit anvl Advice u\ the 1 .rj^ifLiiure ct t!ir Prviviiice, to ihan;;e the Teiiute of the Lands j;rantcd and now held under the heudal 'J'ciurrc, when requefted lo to do, by Petitions from tlie Proprietors for ilia: I'ur- }iole : 1 mean that (iovirnmrnt Ihould, upon Petition, accept of the Jiio- icnder of the old Feudal tir.'uts, and ie;^rai;t tlie 1 uiie to the f'lupi 1- etor a(;ain 111 1 rte and Coni.i; un Socc.i{;c, Ihib bein^ optional, and u it compullory, cannot n.eet v, ,r!i any Oppofition ; ai.d in a jh )rt 1 iinc might be a happy Alhlbiu in An:>lifyin2; the Colony, a* it \v luK! by Degrees remove that detelLddc Ba(!'>e, Valiala^e. 1 have now flated fully the Defed; of the Bill as ir at {ircfetv. 1^ m.h. My Objedions !',o principally a-^ainrt the followmf^ Claufes : The cftabliihing Twu Independent Leg.ilaturci in the Piovince. Tlie ;Iic Spirit of fuc antl Dc- Houlf, tint % conrintierf I^mtli atul I'llipufc f)t nr Ri-lLj4,.i)n. ami proper, the Chiiich Mn ppifbrni ere .ire I'ro- it from .inv lifpnvctl lit' e i'rotcllarc i^ to tonijitl a rrori'lhnc /ice, or In- a neccir.ify ic Province, ^ bffn Ma:- iimle III liie l*,irli.i.iieiit, ' pitlent aiul my Duty to partial lax It the Kiglit :e Iroin iliu e$, I apprc- i!ies, if It i« iile tollowcil r that IS luU 1 loivdtfsble ^ ton.'ermn^; lly, wall tlic I I hail ;e the ndal 'rciuTrc, for tJM' I'lir- .t i>t the Siir- j liic Prupi !- )nal, .111,1 1) It X Ih )rr 1 imc J It v. ■uK! by refer.'. iVinJj. I : 'lovince. The 4 1% [ .!' ] T!ie makinf^ thf Plare of Coiincfll'jr Iicrtditarv, mr.l ;iot iluiiting tlw Niiiiiber of the Couiicrllor.s, The finall Nuinb'Tf.f R'-prer.nrtf'VP intcntlcd for the Aflcti-bly, antl m.ikiiip; ihi niiration ot tii..- .vliLinbiy lii'tcniiial. The cdntinuinf'; tiw l.iws, Stat'.ite?, and Ordinances, now ir, I'o;i:e, or Itipi ofed to be in l-orce, in the l'rov;;u-e geiuTaily. The iovellin^ tlie Gov.'rnoi" with the Power of lii^'idinj tl;e I'lue'ncr into IJifii ids, (or the Ptirpole of Keprdentation, and a|V)oiiit'n;^ tl;e Ketiiriii.'iy t.).']icer from Time to I'ime, and Hxiiij^ the Place.', of Meet- ing; of i!ie LCjjill itiire. The claiming of i'ythei f;om the d;;;,:iu I' Settlers, a:\.\ r.df fettling the Rule. 'i'he requirin;; Appeal', frnm tl'.e P; i'.->.rc to r.'o b-''i,rc t!ie K'ii[^ .ii C'jiUKil, in their Progrcb to J lis Majei y in Pa bamer.t. T!ie Additions wc willi to tiie B.'.l 1 Live flatt.u be.'ure. \Vith ihefe AUeration.s and Ad'liilon?, t!;e Bill vvotild, I .in prrfoide'!, ^ive general S.uibfaction to the I'eople (;i i!ie Proviiue. it w. old pr-a-r a real IHejrin;; to the Coiiiitr','; and b" ii:c of jevivit: > liiduilr/, improving Af:;rieiilriirc, and pronioti.i.; ConiimT.e, ;r; i n! .ittuiiinu tlic Ir.!i,;bitants to the IJritilli Nation and Gover.imeiit by th.' Iboni^eil: of all I'ieb, t!io!e of Int^reli .uid Ciratitvule. Sir, v.e know thai a fice (iovernmti:^ v. ill not a.:t l;l:e a Ciiarm, an',1 produce Wonder-. We are I'eiifiblc thai it will oi.:Mfi,);i f.jine I'n.ubic in tl'.e l-irl1 Vear^, till the People get aLfulloiiied to i:b t.)p( r.itions. We do not r.tpevt tiiat every Tiling i.s to profper and i'')iir;lh iitin./' tiiatelv on i:s I-'ilablillimcnt ; b'.ir we hope, and expi'Ct, in a few Ycaik its Ivnrticial Coidlquenccs will be l^y tiic I'eople, ,iiul luiome evider.t 10 the Oblerv.irioii of (iovernment ; t!iat tiie new I .ei'jllatiire may be able to roule tiie People from their prefVat inactive Sr.iie, and bv Boun- ties and I'.r ( (Hir i;;enie:)ri liimidare them to Indiiilrv, Interprize, .-"nd Invenno.'i; .i:id t'l.u the Individual, while eiu-our.i!j;ed to piirfne hi-, oi.' n 1/ueriit and Advjrraj'e, may be dire:"lid. lo a-, to ]ivo;i;ure liio general Ptof,erity of the I'rovinte, and Henetit of the Empire. S'l -'i are the Hopes v-rentertiin of the Advan'.ipes wliirh tiie '.inited Pro'.'iii.e may derive from .i lihcial Conllitiition ; .m.i it will be our r'lief 'jlorv to rnnvi'ice the Kiit:(]i Nation th.ic tlie Provinre of Qiiebec :.,, a;i,l oci^jht 'o b',-, eonfidered as a \.^!ual)le Appenda^^r to tiie lim- pirc. I'.:', .Sir, if the I'rov.nce ii to hi' divided, ar.ii the old Syftem of f ,.1W5 civr.ituifd i it It i.s expected tliat either I'.irt of the Piovinee, feparati\i a. pro!\>;i d in the Bill, il-.all in its |>relent exhauRed and iinpoverdh-d Suite 1..,.; f'-e Snppbcs for lupiiortini!; the whole l-'xpeiires of tlir (io- '.'•rnmfur — ic will liv- reiincin;; liie I'rovinee to a .Situation .is b.i.l ...; r!ic Childicii Oi lii.i'jj in pL'ypt, when liiey were required to make Bri J:s I V, itlij'.it "f^' i;l ^' \ [ 1 T 1 Without Str.iw. The People will Ice tliat the apparent Freedom IjcUl out by tlic new Syllcin ii ililiifivc ; atui the new C'onlliiiition will com- pli'at th,\'. Rum >vlui:h tlic foniu'r peti\icnjun Syllcm left uiifi- iiifluil. 1 h.ivc not inteniU'ti to propofe .my Thing for the A