rMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ,v-. i>. 1.0 I.I If 1^ m Ill 1-8 1.25 1.4 1.6 M 6" ► V] /] o ^A ^. ^,. /y y Photographic Sciences Corporation d •!>' ^^.^ %^ ^s ^\ % 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14J80 (716) 872-4503 o .sr /4^ rej's and particular, with Regard to this Tart of the World. yl/ter this you have all the /Ittempts to difcover a North-Faft and North-Weil Pafl'a^c to theiiaW-ln&ics, in a continued Si:rksofTime, from the fir ft to the hift ; together with a Ma^^ofthe North Vo\c,jheW' tng how far, and which W^ay, each Terfon went ; how they rcturn'd, or where they pcriih'd: This ends w.th CajU. Wood'j Voyage; and with it is conneclcd all the Accounts of Greenland, and the adjacent Nortliern Parts. The tilth 'Boo/^contaim the 'Difcozcries of our omi and ail other Na- tions in AnicricLi: H^ith an Account of the Settlonent of our TUntationsy Trjdcn f Time, .'turn'd, ge ; and adjacent thtr Na- U!talioni\ tied that >art more hut., (mt th'jrs cx- i^ifion of Ic 'P^»(.', ng: Only /luthori nhc In UhcVe. [3caft, or r H r H K CONTENTS O K T H K Viift Vi)lLimc of Navigantium atque Itinerant iuni Ribliotheca. O I N T R O D U C T I O K. I'jrt I. /•• lit Origination »/ MmkinJ, tin ft^fUnt, «/ iht IVorU, iihJ ilie Migrultcn at' N4tic>ii, p. i Of iht VexfUin c) Aincrita, p. ii Part II. Of the undent Shippitu', J«J N4vi^4liin, and their fucceeJin/^ imfiojementi, P- XIX Rift III. Of thi Uijiweriii, {'tofertm ,\nd Vfi of the Mip,net, p. xli B O O K I C H A P 1. OF ttv tmfttwmetit of Navi/^^lion in Litter Timet ; ihi: iirjl .1pplii.tii>,n iif \Ugntlii.il .i>U Ajirtncmicit Injhu- menti iurtii> y .)»■' '^" Uijcnirie, tmde b) lOe Purtligucic, Page I CHAP. 11. 0/ Columbus, tf«. P' •* C H A P III. jheV^).>.?? into the South Sea, f(C. p. ; } C H A P. VII. The Vfyt^e of George SpibUeign), Admital of a Dutch I'leer ''""^'''"'^ C H A P. Vlll. . '■'' ■jV.f Sixth Circum-Navigatioii , h William Cornclilun, Sdioutcn cf Home, P' V BOOK II. Voyages, Difcoverics, &>■■■ in the lUjl-InJiei, and other P.irts ot ^Ifit, &c. C H A P. I. OF ih ri'ft Fnglini JVM;;f< to the Eaft Indies, before the r.Jlablifhinriit U the Eall Indiiin .Vo.iVf; ; O/ .Sighclmus, Mandcvlle, Stephens, Filz, and otl.:r Englifli Mem In- dian r. I'.'J and yoiinif)!. Page 46 CHAP. II Of th, unhafpy yifax' of Mr Dcnj. Wood, into tijt Eaft- Iiidics, p 47 c H A p m He Travel! 0) Mr.\u\\\\ Milduihull into the Indiei, Pcrfw, and the MoguVtCcuHDy. H'niltn tyhtm/rl/, iuTwoLei- leii. The valuable Hftnaikj .V iv/;u7j arehtu inftrted, p 4S Onlenti of the Second Letter, dittfd /am d^bin, in Pcrha, Oaob. J. A. D. i6u6 Ib'd CHAP. IV. The I'ofaye of Cafi ]ohn Davis, /• i>t Eill Indies, FHot in a DwcU Ship, ll'iittcn ly himjelf, p. 49 CHAP V. An /hLoiini of a I'oyJge to tie Ifle if Japan, I'roui'J) ''■" M* gcllanlik Sircigliii, h W' William Adams ' Tal^.-n out pf hit Twt Letleri, mitten uf^n ih.it Subjed, p. ^j CHAP VI. The Second ToMjc c/" John Duvis ; with Sir Edward Miche- bourn, ^c. p. er C H A P VII. // Privilege for I'ijteen Teart, gr.mted b/ her Maj'r/ly, to cer. t.iin Adieniurert, for the Dijcoiiry of the Tiadefer tie Eaft- Indics, Oil. }i. 1600. p. fj CHAP. VIII. The FirJ} Voyage to tie Kill-Indies, for the Merdanti of Lon- don, b) Mr. James Luncallrr, Admiral, Page 6a. CHAP. IX. A Defcription c^ Java, and the Fi,Jt Englifh Ftihry there-., with divers Oecurenti reining 10 /Aflndlm, Engliih Jiii Dutch ii. iVriften h Mr. Edmund 'bi 01 , ««/i; t/ //.. f.i.V- l. the Cenpany, iv/./j luur Shift, the Red Dragon, Admiral, ii;e \\<:t\cir, Vice Admiral , the Afccnfion and the Snlun, under ih: Cornman I .f Sir Henry Middleton, .rl^/wir.!.' Tftk.ncut rf M(. ClaybouriiV larj/e Journal, p. 74 C H A P. XII. The Third Voyage fet furlj /> i!:e Eaft Indi.i Cctn^jw;', ifiV,; Three Ships, the Dragon, Heiilor, -I'ld Inc (.iunliint, C.^pt. Willi iin Keeling chief ,(.ViHi«.u..;fr. Ta\f>' out it his, and Mr. Finch {Merchant) his Journal, p. yC C H A P. XIII. A /Relation of Mr. Finch. Mcrch.iit, corictrnii.^ his Tr.tde i;nd Tr.sve!s ill ti.t; Mogul'j (..«>ifiv; n'lViJ ,in Acc.vmt ff til mrfl rem.nliable l^K'ds, and i'Li::s of Tra h in that w/^/'-.'r >:mpii e, P- "5 J C H A P. XIV. ■i Difc^urfe of the Affairs cf liijia, and cf th I'r.-rce.-iin^s at tir Court cf the Gieat Mopiil. ll'il-icn l-y C.ipt. William Hawkins, and dircHcd in the E.iillndia Carnp.iny, p 91 (■ H A P. XV. T'lC Voyage of the Conknt, .1 Ship ef the lafi Fled, ccmmand- ed by General Keeling Ptrfoirnvd by Capt D v'd .fiddle- ton, BrosJtet 10 Sir Henry, p. ^4 ■ i- C H A 1'. 1 \i\-i V.« 77'f CON T K N T S. 1 1 (. w A r. \vi. At .l-.mm •/■'/" VtiiriiiQ n-rtl Ky<»< #« //># Ijil Imliit, i»iV/i »'•« r«j Iiji>/ '"♦ A('»nliiin "fii '"' Union, nn./c »/■« . Kfi /»• (;>* R»d StM, *: »'" Adcnlion. '>'<*< h Mr. Tho. |i.n'», P' «tf C H A 1». X\'II, V" Cinmi'.Mftt ft ll:t UH'K^fi Vnjtgi <^' th tlhtr Siilt lit Unii'ii, '« . fi (f'l; f« I'ri nil .n kViiiitn ly Henry Vforrl«, «» Billlllll, Sl/f t.( A I) I'lM. p «y7 (• II \ 1' Will Ar Sj'.lMnk'j 7"""'''» ,,':iit lif Ad'tnlioti wi> Ciyl-4'»<''i /.I «,'• InJii, I'lrlii, jHlf4ri «i 'I'liikry, juJ Ar^bii, A. D "> 'h V- >* C M A R XIX. Xw /'ris'' "•/■ A/' DivlJ Miil'Jlpmn, »» ]»yt **l BanHi. Ti^'i ««> "/' 4 Litter, willcti h lim/ll/ I* tU L^mfjut , I. » l>ei»j( lilt htfoyf/f^tjfl ml h ill*!!*, \< ft C 11 A l» \\. Tmitxth r,->iinU''}t!' /.I fitt!th lit Kaft India CMti/jm;, with rl't T/>'t ^1).'./ J' ''y/, «' • Tradr* Incrcift*, A.tmitit, ff tC'iTuH ; tue IVppiT C^irtl,*'/. • /JJmii'cW, ,./ xjoTuh ; irjiUU'rkl 4 '•'< Litten jnJ Jou'ti'li of Sir MrnryMiiiJIe I II, .iJitt.'il, 4mI A^. Nidi. Uouiitun, Ctftain 4 ''■' I'l ppcr.Oirii , p. I Ju /Spl'i.-iidix/'* (' • 'i mer Jrw'i.i!, r'xiruQcifrtmCjft. U'»un- toii I, i,'»;c'i■ fcn'.t ill It'i (ei:ral i'*rtii!\i jijiH Sir Hunt/ Middle-ton C'i tin tiCMi { n Moha, p- i'-'9 ( H A V. XM I • Snnih l'}f.i*ejct fj'tli h ihe Kid India C»mf4ni, with ,!'.• C>\ii(i-:, mii-r ll'f Cii'nm.iii.{ i':C.ifi. .Antlin:r/ I lippon i\ir I,!.. hilt rf lilt Jiurn til i/N uh. .Vf \ricn,Miflfi-M4ie, .:uJ IVur \v'illiamfjn rioris, c'j/f A;.it/Mi»/, p. no C M A P. XXII. W'l /ic:t:iHt »/■ ,t I'oiy^e it !:•{ \'..ii\ IiiJicj, »« '/v Prarl, cm miiu.i Ij Cjfi. S.imjol C jliii'ton. iViiiuu !■) Mr. \o\\n Talion, M4jl:r f/ tl>e/4i»i S ji]>, P- "4 (- H A r NMIf Tht n.'ijirh f-j;.i»t fri Jorii l_r tU- l..iik l,'.d].^ Cmpini, with TfceSuifj, thi l'\rive, «/>.• Hv.Vir, ,ihJ ti'c Thi>m.i%, UH- tier lie CcmmjiiJ of Cjft. I hll Siriji : lUi Cetir/e i», nn.f .IJieiii in ihe Rid Sl'US, |;iva, Mo!l:CC.l'<, .tni ilie llle of )gpan ; reliei e I'c Jiijl ic;^.in niA jellied jn Engliftl i'/J'/f. 'l.ll^en out of ill omi ^oum il p. 1 1 6 Supplement 'j("hap. xxiii. CiHCcrnin^ divers Ciij: mil if / ■ | iponili", an.i feme temirlf^ able Occurrence! ,:t T ir.;iidij. Tit-n cut cf i f^Uiien I'J Af). Uich.nd ( ock'j, Ctjie Merchant, and tbie) HffiJeni in the Englidi Vi'doiy ilii e, V- ^\'~ c H A r. XXIV. Ol'ferv^tii^i mt'le i> C ifl. \ i\\n :->.irij, iiUiing to tie univir- lal T'f-ie cf the Kllllndic'. ' -' '«■/? iimtudi' PUcei, t'jt Ceinmcliiicj Irey .iitcif or /tie c'lieflf m l^^furji in ever) i:»r ct I'em, xfltr tie H^itei, PiiiCi, Cuftomi imd Im. pofli evtiy ve'ere nl'e, val/le. P- ' ? ^ All A-coyut of Jome remtrlijiHe Oicurmfet, and Aiveri Tl'inn teUliriX " tre ^r-ite af thr F.nglifh I'laJe in [iip^in. T.i- /;cy| eut of ('■' l.clt'rt of T'Vs Lnglilh Men a /im{ time reji- ,:!).: li.-ere, M' (jiclf ««>/ -M'. Saycr, p i;y r H A 1'. XXV. T« Tent!) I'iTif^t tj tin- Mill InJi.i Cmipany, vith the TvogioJ S' ipi tie Dr.ig'jn nu I Moliandcr, (jccomp.inicd nitb the IniTtcs and Vilonion Jor otiier l^oftgct) T.ilfin out of the Journnli of tie ''..tptain, M.r/lcr, and oil en emplcfd in ihtjtime Voy^l^e ; Tho. Ik-ll, chief Commander lierein, p 1 57 CHAP. XXVI. ylieTtielft'iViy.tfe Jet cut Ly the E.ill-lndia Cimpuny, itlth the good Ship tilt tlxpeditioil, under the CcmmnTid of C.i^/Jiii Chriftophcr Newport. hV.iiten hj Mr. Walter Payton, p. 140 CHAP. XXVII. yfij yituunt Ilf the Second Vry^^e Jet loitli hy tlieVnited-SiricI^ ■f ei:e Lvift India Com^my Takfn chiefly out of -he J.iu ■ nail cf Ciipt. Nicholas DountOll, chief Commander herein, arid C If r. Tho. Eikington, Lu SucceJJir in that Pft, p. 14} Ai'iindix '«< hip xvvii Cml.tininj^ fimf .li-sm>tiitt fJuiH'} luiei InHia i-i'-- I'.rlu, Ht.i.le I) Im iMiglilh A*'-'" /r.V«^/((i| It Vtifi l>.ii,i<|iHi < CtHlfJHI, II t,)* CHAP WVIII T!>e S/etnd yjy;>i i»/j «u# K.illlii.lii 1, f'l/timid If C ipi.iit, Peyton, •'•'> tie l-.xixdiiion , itiethr wi//, //.. Xh.xfmx, l.Mvn, i>nd Prppit'Cufn, under lit Ctmm.Mtd il i' i^u.n Keeling J.fV" «' •/ i'-'^' I'cyton'' '«'!» Jtumni, 4* / ilnOttjetxntiiHi t Imi! uiitri, p. n^ I II A P. XXIX. iomt fiirtin AccMil .7 the I'recridnj^i of ili Eilhry olC tm Hu'iir, "• ''■♦ K/fX ''^ Calecui' Cmniry. tjk.'n em •/ tie M.meritli nf' Mr. Roger Havrs, H^fideni in ihii I'Ue, Sine 0' "tiUitni ef C.ipr. Prvton"', tencrtning the [.n^lilh / l'>iriut;uile 'I'JJt, i.iL ill And ,t;'}uifiti,ui nt t,' t l.all indin, p ir^ C H A P. XXX. .In .Icetimi of Sir Tho. Riic'i EftheV.AAt\i\* VompMiy, »it-i the fiteninx Si'ipi ; the James K0v.1l, of icO'-'Tkm; ihi Anne Royal, ef 9oui ''f New S car's- Ciift, er'830 ; the Hull, of' 4: J ; tite Hee, of ijo; M.irtin IVing chief Ctmmunder. 7'ii;^c« out if /.«, uH.I Jvme 0/ lit Slijlen Jeurnali, p. 18 J Appendix /» <"hap xxxii. Contiining lie Hfjull of the ^'j/^,'.- mjde ro Moha, in llie Red Sen, /•; ihi Annf Royal ; 4 Ship t flanging 1^ Almir4l Pring'i l/ff, under tin Cuminindot ''4pt Andrew '.Sliil ling. I^xtr4iltd tut of M . Iliynv'i3<'uni4l, p iSj CHAP XXXIll An Accrnnt of til the I'uccidinu luimeen the linglifh 4ni ihr Dutrh, mth l{rjtre>,n to lljf Uanda AJfuiri , to'^ttliii inii> the fcver.tl <;nundi uf the Preienjimi of Li,th Viiitiei, if id t! e Ctnrr iM:rfi;i hipptninf ihei rupon. Tikfn out of ihe Jout ■ nail and Let: en, tfilten ufm il 4i Sul/iiil, li \li Spur> way, Air. Courtiiop. Mr. H.iyt$, and Jome Oiiictt, p.iSiy (: H A P XXXIV An Account of 4 Veyt^e fram Sura: to Achen, Bantam, and oilier P.irii ef ihe Eult Ir.ili; s, niih the iJragon anj the Kxptdition Pcitonmd L-t W. Hore, indtvniieii li hun in 4 Letter It ibe E.iA-lndtd (.emj-uiij, p. ttjb (HA r xx>:v. A n-cl.ir.itiM put f 01 th ly tht Dutch ; coniainint tin- .1 -count tlyey gUie of the Oiffeieneei i'etveen th:- Englnh .ml them- felvei, andtlie Grtimdi ofiheir Pntenfiini to, Jt mili m tueir ProceeJin^i at toe IJlinit of Handa . X» which are added, Jrme Lri^f AoJmadverJitHi upon il, p. 199 C H A P. XXXV!. A Vtyj^i to Surac m India, and Jafquts, in tie Gulph of Pcrlia , Jet forth ly the Comp.iny, vnth tour netf Shipi , iiic I.ond'^n o/Soo Tun : the Hart, ef jqo ; the Roibutk, 1^' 5,0; 'V Ea^le, c/ 180, C.«;i». Andrew Shilling;, chief (.'oinm4nder . Ta^en out of liii Journal of Air. R ich. Swann, Majler of the Rritbuck, p. ao} A fc'jrt Account .,/ the I'aff.ijti and iVayi oj Cominunieation letveecn Mufcovy and Pcrlia ; nithjeme other Ti.in^i rela- ting to tit Trade of tlcje Countries. Takfn eut of a Lef' direeled to the Laftlndia Ccn,p.tny, fcom Mr. Hcibbs, oil! thel^ faihri ii Perlia, . p. 21 4 C H A P XXXVII. An Account (^ fome Things Hiflotical and Civil, rtlatins^ to the Gieat Empire of ].ipan Taken :ut of Jome latter Lttten if Mr. Richard Cock, Bni^lijh Fadtr a: Kira'-.dj, and Mr. Arthuf Hatcb, Minijler, alio .lijc lived in tie Country June time, p. icy CHAP A I fix' fetf il.iii, J ( )r|iiii liidiil. "' Tie Fiijl JV-i ■ •nil" Fuif i dam, 4n.^ 4 '' ,1ll ,f,f,'.7«' "' Kail liulii.*. t!-: I'rii llau Kl, i.eMv At, fi, 'i.iiii wiik, yi>i- ■tn eUceUiU -f ' Ti4di, in /.-• ,♦'( .tcfnt '•f I 0: Hell 'i'ft I' llanda i'Ui,d,, A Ctl.'.'ilien of l{ fi.itiiin: 'I ii^ei lilh i'.iii.../ >f vij of LinK I Jelf, Memeiii tf Adm dr.iwn h hiin/i luie Colli ilion ■lie /':MV "/■ I'r. an I tiv /^.vH.ii hrenrli, .ini I UiiefCMcHi'-niot gucfe. laltfu cfucritt of ilie P An AiPraa ef Mr Eighteen Teari, CuTparo Dalbi hii llicr'd out of hit Tie l'oyt;^enf Mr. tnui, and jo t (i,iiii;i3, licng; JaiTi.ilicry, in aiiit tlitu..e to ! tl Kalb India, Indian Ohjen'aiio I'imcnta, yijii' 01 ih.tt Soeieti, (..inlthottcnV Tcj Indies, Aliridj^ A ntfcriptlon o fiuni jol'U Leo Parisihtreol, COntainiiit^ .1 ^^1 .md Cl'lm.ftc Trihes, Ciijl'iin and Vicct cf tl Containing a Di from Marmol, 'I 'he c N r /•: N r s. « if' P.rfu, M L><)iit'i(Mrj i) I,* I' tl' iJr.i^ Jtutnul, 4k.l P U* ikfit em tf lilt « //■(» ;»/4», t ''' (.n».'lilh C(mrl ef th f thje Ti,in/. p. i|6 tuft n'ftul imi 'torn 5i>Th«j. 'JliJifJAtini i( p. i«7 (i» F.ift.Fndia iiM lloval, <4 • NfwVcur's- ifo ; M.iriiii n.t Jiime of lit p. iSi Moha, i« (/jc Anclrt'*'siiil p t^r nglifli «« { til! I to-^uhtl ]»!(/• /j I'liiiiti, a»J ml cf ill! 'Jl>:i) ■ h A// Spiit^ QtUu, p.lSj Bantam. <>>•< 4gon WW./ '/.• tritten by Iiiih p. 196 Ih ..'J / them- M ntii M iiieir h att Added, p. 199 lit Qulfh of ttw Shi fit , I he c llocbutk, 1/ jliillin);, chief Ki(h. Swann, p. 10} Ccmmunit.atii'a er T»l/»;j/ rtlj- tut of a lei^'^ Hobbs, 01,; p. 2' 4 rtlaiiii^ to the liUtti l.cilers l''ira''.dj, and in tie Country p. lit CHAP (MA l» \XX\1II. -I I fix' feU'if'Xtd I M'. IVilpli I ii-h, Mitiiini »i'l.nn- i!.iii, >> Orinut, '<«'/ /'»«<• iluih't ii.nii^u tin «>•/» lult- liiJki. il'ihunlif uimitif, p. ic< C II A I'. XXXIX. Xl-rtiijl I'^ifi fct) limed h lU iJiiith «» //« tart InHifi, iW/'. K*' iV/i/, f/. M.,iirii:r, //<> I iolldnd, /«■* AmiKr- 1I4111, 4«'i 4 >'iiiiu,e , tlaii.iijy m.ide If I'le Dultli /■> tot K.tlUmlii.1, wiih Bi^tt ii'if', /*» llolluiid, //jc //.i.4nd. tin l'ri< llai\ (iuildcrlaiid, «/w Utriiht, //j»()vir\( Kl, /.'v Miiuirc -.id Aiiillcrdam ; toimiHiM! ih ill /ft i M. ft, ',1111., NiiciiUi •/•/»«"■<' > ■i«' W'itbriiid War- p. ii7 wii.lt, VUt-.limtnl, ( II A IV M.I ■f»i iUccmu ./ /'■/ ;(>'...# I'r'.;'r,i «/' //» Dutili Ivill Indian J'm<.>, id /.v*r4^ Hiiimfti made h ''""t /■"• ''('■i' t'li'f^/i, p. II U c H A V. xr.n, ,f( .lit -HI "f tie rtjl el I'-e IJuflb K'>yfi, i''Vii «/ f((Ai iiid Oiitllioni ii/hii iiudt t'ivi ef thojt ye)*gei him- Jtif, V-^'i C 11 A P XUV. SUmotii ef Adimr.il Itcjuiicu'i Vi>i*nt to llie t.ill Indifl r dr.iw'i h I'linfelf. ininj'.ilcd fiom tAonfieur TlicvtiiDt'i Uige CotUtUon if i'oyifei, p. iiS CHAP. XLV. 'Tie I'lyi'^e ef rr;incis I'lr.ird dc Lit V'ul .0 li't EiUlnditi , and t IK /^muV "fn liiM Cuimtt), 1'ranjl.ited Jiein the Krrnrli, ./«' .litii^'d, p. ijtt t: H A P XI'VI BiiffCuUeHi'Hi if I'ty^xet, dhflyet tlv SpatiiurJi ««'^' '•> PrRU, jm<< Okfirvttioui th re, g.t- tlicr'd out of I ii Italian Heinim, p. 479 C H A p. XLIX. Tijc l'vyi;ient iVfr. Ralph .Smith, Merch.mt i^f Loodon, ^oOr- nius, .Old jo ') (loa, i« f/'f Eiilli-'dics, to Cambaja, (;.in>;ia, licns'jla i '" Hnwlii ■"''' Chcndcri ; foPcgu, .iiid Jamalicry, i» "'i' K'''^''"'" "^ iJi^tn, -fw^ /-Jc^.fo Pegu, i'iicui» ^>i»af> nj tin Kjuf^itmef Morccco, iitm julin Ia'o, P li< Addiliuni 10 (ihup. if. lioJiiHtJ /ttm Miirniul, P' 1 " C II A P III CMtaUinK |ohn Lco'i Ve.iifiitn er the KJngJtm if Fr/., Aadid'ini'i'Cliiip lii. Hem Matniui, u na C H A P. IV CeHttimiig Jului Leo'i Oji-'ifiim »f tie Kj'l^ 4' Ticnv (en, p »i» .\d(tiii(jni to I'Mtp W. TdkfH frem Marmul, p. 144 CH A P. V CoHiaimm |i(hn Lc'>'< lii/nifiitu ef ili J^mgdimi n/ PiiRJi .lild'l'uwt, p. ).4t A.iditi'jni to C h.ip. V. Tak/n /rem Nlarniul, p, ijj (HA p. VI. CtHtaiHiHg |uhn IxuJ Pe/iiiftun e/ Kumidlil *nJ I.lbvn. Additioni r*Chap. vi. cV/(dtf<^/r«M Marmol, p i^v (. II A P VII liiHiaining 4 Difciifiion •/ Ncgroland, /'»'» I'lhti Leo, p. )j.% Ad'litlonj to Chap. vii. CcnliiHlni M.irmoi . Wi\oHH/ »/ ti>i»fr /V.titiopia, »>• Ki'gru- land, p. ifi C H A P. VIII. Ctntaining John 1ao'» Delcrijiiion ef Tl^^ypt, Ibid. Additions 11 Chap. viii. CollttUd from Marmul, p. j/7 C H A P. IX Conl4inin^ jnhn I^eo'j .Lcoiint ef the lem.vii,.! !.- /Inim.ilt, Mintrtli, and t'lanli, in Alrica, p ; fS Additiuui/g Chap. ix. Colleded from W^rmol, p. 4jlP'j[t'l h ''' \.*'",? C/ •Spain, Md the Great Turk, p. 567 C H A P. XII Tlie Oefcripiien of Aigier; viih t'e lljlotyof lis Fil'ing inij the Hinds of liarb'.irofla : And a Jljori Account of ,VIalta and'l't'uKiU. J'.i*;!-!! /fn»i Nicholas NiuoLiy, Ibid. C II A P. XIII. An Account of the maj! irinarl^^ilU O.iuirencfi in :h; I'oiage ef the Kngliih fleet, J:i:i again]} tie Algtrincs aiidothni, un. der the Command of ^11 Kobcrc Manlcl, Kf, p )69 C H A P. XIV. A /{elttien ef the Taking and Hiccvering tie Jacob tf Briftol, and Jiim! other Adventiiieri of E,i\g\\(ilSi>ipt, p. ^7j C H A P. XV. The Particulart of the Hfc:. rj of the Exchaflgf 0/ Drlft'l. l»«W/y7;fi/t; John Rawlinj, f )7-> C H A P. XVI. ASolleftion of vehat relates to Africa, in Mr. Gcorgc Sand/J hit llijioij of the frcjent Sta" tf the Turkiln Umfiie, C H A P. WII. An Alflrai} ef Mr. Richard Jobfon'j i .li-^e for the Oijeev.-iy of Gumbra, and the Golden Trade ''f the /Cthiupian^, p. jS4 CHAP. XVIll. An Account ef a Voyage made to Cape Vcrd and the Co.yt ef Guinea. By James Lang-; Oo/u- f'cm Luw Dutch. p. iSC CH^P • I ■ hi I till iSH •m The C N T E N T S. % 1^ -t Is . C H A P. XIX .1« Ahflrd: of thi Hiftory of Kthiopil, jr the KJngihm of Abt'llilics : H-'iirtcn ly Mr. Job Ludolphu5 \ with what n (ji'feivMc frnm the AUtbft of that Country, i« Purchas, G?c. p. ;9o CHAP. XX. JjV 'I'liomai HctI)- rt. Bur. hn I'l ivtU into divert Parts of Africa Pcrlian are frincifally Jcjct iied, with wh.it is l{(m.til:^ihle in thcfe I'lacet, frlirj other Authors, in I'urihas, p. 404 C H A P. XXI. Sir Thomas Herbert'^ Trtvclt from Englartd 10 Goa, in the \L'A Indies, Ibid. C H A P. XXII Sir Tljomas Herbert"/ Travels in India ; containing 4 Defcrip. lion of the Peojh, Cities, Government, and Produll of it ; with an Account of the Great Moguls ; tliiir Kjn^t, and fever at Ch.tngcs in the Succejfun to the C. oiv«, P- 4' ' C H A P. XX III. Sir Thomas Mrrbcrt'/ Travels into Pcrlii ; in which he ^Ives an Account of the People, Citiit, Towns, and ProduRs 0} it, p. 4if C H A P., XXIV. A contplc.:t Suc:tffun of the Pcrlian Kj'^gi, from Kimrod to Abbas, noiv reigning, p. 4} 3 C H A P. XXV. Sorrte \Ufcellaneom Ohfl-rvaiions relating to the Perfons, Cu- Jioms, and Manners of the Pcrlfans, p. 45'0 C H A P XXVI Sir Thom;'.s Herbert'; Travels into other P.trts of India, with hit Ohfcrv.itions of Things moji remar liable in thetn, p. 4^7 p, 467 C H A ?. XXVII. Sir Thomns Herbert 'j l{£turn Home from China into "Eng- \.ind, and the Tilings remarlf^able in hg fy.iy, - '- BOOK IV. Of Mufcovy, the Northern Parts, (^c. CHAP. I. T ^.^ Journal «/V\iiliam de Rubiuquifh, 4 French Man, of the Order of the Minorite l-ryari, into Tartary and China. IVrittcn to I.,cwis IX. King of Vnnce, 12/5. p yoi C F, A P. n. Sir Hugh V^'illouphbv'/ unfortunate Voyage, to difcovcr and Jettle J Trade in Ri]\ih, iff^^. p. fc6 The Second F'yagr to Rullia, hy Mr. Cliancclour ; with the Privileges granted to the RulL'a Company, p. y-R The Third I'gige to Kullia, P- /•? C H A p. Hi. Thi federal l\jages cf Mr. Anthony JenkinPm , the Firft nhicff wiii in :he Prim role, with the Ambajfador OCep Ki^sCi, intheTear, ij^y. P i'i6 CHAP. IV. Mr. Anihcny jeiikinfonV iccomi loynge from London to Molco ; and thence *ver the CA\Y\in Sea, into¥ui\\,Anno 'y^'> p fii C H A p. V. Tue Second l'iy.tge into W-nh, m.idi by Tlw. Alcock, George Wren, i«(/ Richard Cheinc, O't-. Serv.%nts , Inrhcle.ir, i^fi;, p j-^^^ The Third Voytz,' into Vctixi, be ^un in the Tear, ij ,-, /> Rj. chard Johnfun,AicxanderKitcl;ing,4'j(/ Arthur Edwards, Servants to the l\.\,\[\\.^nComp,iny, p. ji^ CHAP. VI. Tie fourth Voyage into Pcrfia, in the Year, i ;j,g, Ij Mr. Arthur Edwards, A^ent, Lawrence Chapman, and other Servants to the RuHian Company, p .jr CHAP. VII. Tbr fifth Voy.sgt into Perfia, by Thomas Banifter artd Geofry Duckctt, Servants to the RutWm Company ; begun in the Tear, I ^6H, and continuing to the Tear, i|'74, p. jig C H A P. VIII. Tilt nmb.tjji; cf 'J'homas Randolph, t/./; to the Emperor of Ri \ Anno I ^6S, briefly written by bitnfelf, V- f-7 c: H A p. IX. Tic Fourth Vorage of Mr. Anthony ]t.nkinfon, Ambajfador from the Queen''i imj} E.xcellet.i M.yejiy, to the Emperor of Ruliia, Anno 1 17 1, P- Ji? CHAP X. Tl.'c Viynge of Arthur Pttt and Charles Jackman, /'« Two Barky, the George and the William, /ff forth ly the Ruf- fian Company, for the Di/'covery of the North li.ifl Par Hot the H'orld, in the Tear. ifSj. IVrittcn ly Hugh Smith. C H A P. XI. . "• ^" The Voyage of Sir Jtrom Bowes, K/it. Ler Ma/efly s Ambaffa- dor to Juan Vttfllovick, Emperor of Kuliia, Ani:o lyS?, CHAP. XI!. ' "^ A fliort Narrative of tU Tragical ]{cvoluriu>is in Rullia, afirr //;e Dfar/) «/ Juan Vafilovick, p. 157 CHAP. XIII. An Account of tire EngliHi Ajf-tirs in Ruliian, *fter the Death c/Judn Valilovick. Written by Mr. Jcrom Horli-y, th.m remaining in Rullia, «t Serwiit to her Mijejiy, 1^84, p. j-40 CHAP. XIV. A Treatife of Rullia, by Dr. Gilts Fletcher, Ambaffuhr from .Q. Elixabclh to Theodore, Emperor 0/ Ruliia, Atwj ijSS, p. y47 CHAP. XV. The firji Voyage of William Barents into the North Seas,ifgi^, pVritten by Garet de Veer, p. jjg CHAP. XVI. The Second Voyag; of William Barents into the North Seas, i)9r- W'»'""» ^;' Garet de Veer, P- Jfi C H A P. XVII. The Third Voyage «/ VV'ilJiam Barents into the North Smj.i J96. iVritten by GerSl de Veer, p. /;.£ CHAP. xyin. They depart in a Boat and /cute both open (that is teitlmut- Deckj) and arrive at Cola, J 1 8 Flemirt) Miles ; iheii tn.xny Dangers bj the l-Vay, p. yyy C H A P. XIX, The Voyages and Di/eovcries of Henry I kidfin, tow.trds the North Pole, fit forth at the Charge of certain Mcich.tnts of London, p. e6a C H A P. XX. Hie Second Vryage of Mr. Henry Hudfon, for fin.ling a P.:l fage to the Eall-Indicj, by ilie North E.'Ji. H'rittcn by him- fi'A p 5-6; C H A P. XXI. A Journal of Mr. Hudfon'.' l.:fi Voyage far the Difcoveiy :f a North H^eft Pajfage. H'rittcn by Abacuck Pricket, p ;67 CHAP. XXL Ftrafinuch at this Narrative of Pritkct, who returned with that Company, which had fo i,::.el!y e.\pojed Hudfon. m.ii bejiij- fetied byjon.e ^s nit Fi Icndly to \rlui.\'' n , I ban.' therefore added the Report of Thonns Vydowli, me of the cj^prj'ed Comp.tny, who afcribes ''.. Occajiont of thoje unhappy i)./- py7i cordt to Robert Jvet, CHAP. XXIII. Tlie Ten feveral Voyages of Cape. Thomas Edge, and ethers to Greenland (called by the Dutch, Spitsbergen^ at the Charge of the U'lrfhipfiil MulL'v-ia Company, p. y;^ C H A P. XXIV. The Firfl Voyage of Martin Frobiflier, to the Sorthn'cft, An. 1X76. ft'ritteuby Mr.HM, Majhr of the G;^brk\, p.y7r C H A P. XXV. The Second Vyage cf Capt. Frobifticr, to the North IVc/f, An '/77. P, r7f CHAP. XXVI. Tl.t Third and Lafi Vcyif^e of Capt, Frubifher, to the North fVcJl, Anno t;78, p. ;7S CHAP. xxvn. Tilt ■Firjl Voyage of Mr. Juhn D.iv.i, h'- tie Di/iovery of the Norle-IV.Ji Pajfage, Anno I jii J. W '"en i; John James, P' n<> CHAP. The Thee feveral The CON T E N T S ike Emperor tr p. riS ktnan, in Twn th ty lie Rnf. h li.ift iUtttaf Mijgh Smith. '■I>/' Amt'Affk. P SM " KuiTIa, n/trr P /37 1 lorii'y, tk.m p. J-40 linlaffitfor frtm p. )-+/ 'orthSeas,\jg^, P XfO P Xfi P /;i '■'•'•»» it without If i '/ifi'i rn.t/iy P y;9 in, towirits the in Mcich.tiits of p. ytf4 fin.ling a P.if f'rieicn ly hini- r Di/cQveiy :f a rickcr, pyi^ In. m.jr iejiij'. hauf (ixre/':re 0;' fif CA/T/V./ ' unhitppy O.y: P ni ge, oni/ ethers p- y7i '•'/•"'C/', An. abrid, p.pf nhrVeJ}, Ait P. rrf '« the NsrtI [f\tvttf oj the » John janu'.'i, P- r7<) CHAP. C H A 1'. XWIil. The Secoihl Foyaiie attinipicd I y M,-. [iiliii Davis, /Ir Di/aairrj- 0/ a Njrth ll'.-jl I'ljl-i^c, Amu 1 jS6. IVrittai /■/ him/clj, p. JS'; Tfcf T/!i/V.< J^Ji',:;? itttempte.l Of Mr. )olm Davis, ^or Dijcuneiy of a North H'e[i I'.ijjage, t\\\no 1^87, p. rSi C H A 1'. XX l\. Tin I'iya^e cf Sir Humphrey Gilbirt, in th. Co'inty of De- von, Kjit. for iJi /covering' of Count! iei to the \orlhw.irili iy.ige by S. 1'. Budcus, p. j36 CHAP. XXX. Ah l'.\tra(t of Jivri I'oy.i^js .tittmpicJ by Englidl NMigjton, at the Chitrge of the Mufcuvia Company, for Utjioveiiei to. v.ird! the North Pole, p. f S7 The Voyage of Air. George Weymouth, Ibid. Ihc I'oyage of Mr. John Knigiit, Ibid. CHAP XXXI. Tic Thtc! feviral I'oy.tgci cf Mi |onai Tool, p. rSS C H A P. XXXII. A Uciitge to Grtcnlaiid, with Six Ships, anJ a Pinnace, Jit foith by th Mulciivia Comptni. uii.lcr the C mmau.i ot Ikn- j.imin, Jufcph, d«J Thomas Edge, Anno 1615. H-'ritini by Mr. William Batlin, p. J89 CHAP. XXXIIl Extralt of Two Voyagei, for Difiovery of Seal, Lands an.i Iflands to the S'oithw.irJi ; Jn forth at tl:e Charge of the jVlufcovia Company, Anno 1614, iSiy U'riiten by Ruhcn Fothcriy, p. f90 CHAP XXXIV. The firange and dangerous Voyage of Capi. Thomas James, in hts intended Oifio-.cry tj a North ll'cjl I'ajfage into ilie South Sea, i6}i, p. ^95 CHAP XXXV. An Account ej a Voyage made totoardi th- South Terra Incog- nita : Tahen from the Journal ofCapt. Abel Johlifbn, Taf man, tp/'o not only dijcoicred a nrw PajJ'.ige by Sea to the South of Nova Hi)ll.andria, Vandienicn j Land, &c. and Jail'd rviiid a vajl Trail of I and and Sea, but aljo made very ujeful Ob/crvationi concerning the Variatim cf tie Mag- netical Need!! in Puts of the fVorld, almofl Ailtipodas to us ; with fever al ot' :r curious Hemarlft concerning thojc Places, and its inhabitants. Publijyd in Low Dutch, by Dirk Rembrantici and Jincc done in(o Englidi /i)w Oor/r Hook'j CoUcclions, p 6 .8 CHAP. XXXVI. An Account of a Viyage for the Difccvcryof the No':!. EaJI Paf- f.ige to (Jn\ni\ and Japan, in his Majefly's Ships f/f Speed- Well, and Profjjerous Pink, in the Year, i6j6, where is fkettcd the Probability of that Paffage before the Attempt ; with divers ufeful Obfervations made in that Voyage, by C.ip- tain John V/ood, p. 6 1 ^ CHAP. XXXVIl. A Journal aboard the Profpcrous, Capt. William Flawes Commander, from Nova Zembla to England,! 676, p. 6 1 ; CHAP. XXXVIII. A brief Di/courfe of a Pajfage by the North Pole to Japan, China, Oc. Pleaded by Three Experiments, and Anjwers to til Objetiiont that can be urged againll a Pajfage that lP'.\y. B; Jofcph Mo.xon, Fs/fowe/t/jf Royal Society, p. 616 CHAP. XXXIX. The Firjl Part of the Voyage to Spitzbtrgen and Grecnlanc ; containing an AciMUt cf the Voyage thither ; and ofthtU'ea- therfnm April 1/, /(Aug. ai. 1671, P-6»7 CHAP. XL. .i V'.yage toS^'\ahetgi:n. PaitlT Containing a Oefcrlption of Spif/.bergen, p. 618 CHAP. XLl -4 Ko/ii^f fo Spitzbcrgen. Part Ul. p 621 CHAP xr.iii. A Supphment to C.-.pt. \\ ood / and Marten ^ North Eaj! V«i- age, containing tlur Kf.lguioni and Oijcri.iUm to tu North I't'ijl o/(ire.'nl,tnJ, and other Ncithtin Hr^ioni, p 657 15 K V. Of America, &c. with the Itveral Dilcovcries mad; therein. A C H A P. I. fl N Account of the fever al Vyages undertaken and p:rform'd h the Hjght Honour. ible. George, £.iW 0/ Cumberland, in Pcrjon, and at his ow« Charge, or by his Dircilion. Col. letied out of the Journals and [{cUtioiis of fever, il Credible Pcrfons, who bore a Part in tloje Expeditions, p. 6Sf CHAP. 11. The filiation of the Adv:,,tures of Peler Carder, his Dangers at Sea, and Oijjicultics at L.md upon th:- Continent of Ame- rica, as well amonjl the Savages as Spaniards, p. 69J C H A P. 111. The lajl and rnrf! difijhiuui Vy.tge of that famous Navigator Afr. Tho. Catidilh. i.xtractid cut oj hii own Littci s, di- rected to Sir Trlllr.mi Gurgei his Executor 1, p. 6'jJ C H A P. IV. Tiie Jlrange Adventures cf Anthony Knivct (who wci.t out with Admiral Candifh in liis l.nji Expedition) amon Ji ti:e Pjrtugucfi' and Indians : T'cgcthcr with his Travels tiie gre.it Ulier (.JronoLO, with oti.tr BJvers made Ly Francis Sparrcy, who was left in the Ccnn- try by Sir Walter Rawkigh, Anno lypy. And after that being takfu Prifoner by the Spaniards, and living a Slav: in Spain, rf/Hr«'./ («(o ETiglaiid, i6si, ^ P-7IJ C H A P. VI. An Account of a Voyage to Guiana, ly Capt. Charles Lcipli, performed at the Charges of Sir Olave Leigh Lis Brother, and Ills own. Tiken out of the Ctptaini Journ.il and Let. ters, and the Journals of feveral Others that went the fame- C II A P. VII. An Account of a I'ey.ig-c 10 (Juiana, pa formed by Robert Har- rourt, E/.j; o/Stanron H.ircourt, in the County of Qxon. p..u!!!i lu.iiiS in ^cn;ral. liy A coll.t, p. *yi r i I A I'. xi\ . »,:.• C /. .1 ...' Mr.d nil' y i't tM Sp.iiiii!i Well Imlii-s. Br A.ili.i. p. 76; c: H A P. XV. til .■•V.v.v.-: I.;' 1':: '■"'.;^f '= FluriJa, i/t i.lc /v the Ecct im.lcr t/ • ij-»;i/i.ti:.l ft |'.iinpliil.) N.irvai/,. H'riticu ly AWnro K'.iuez, anOjjiccr :u t.^ej.im.', P-799 C li A P. X\'l. /f r*£V;;;c ») Florida, /•> I'Vrn.iluln dc S^to, w/.'/j hii Di/coven er ri'cCaniilrici ill ti.H P.iir iif theC'iiiiiiciit. H'rittni iy 1 P-.irliigUifi. iV/'/j nciit ill il.'rj'.iine Jixfclitim, p. S; f f: M A p. XVII. .i hii-F A::cuiic i^f lijcjiijl l-'rtnch fy.'^fJ to the Nor. litem i'.irii et AllKI'ica, p. 81^ C II A P. XVIII. aV- jirrxwt n/.t I'y.r^e ta C.;inada, Iy Samu.'I C'hamplain,i/f- ..'■<■ .\-./ /a (harks do Montmori-'ncie, Ui 4 Hij^h- AJmii.it ii/i-ur Monts'; /V.ij;." imo New I'rancc. II '1 i-'tcn Iy Mark Ldcarbct, " P- 3i ; C H A P. XX. An .i.-.i'uiit J il'c iitj} t.t^lilh Pl.vu.itioni ill Virginia, p. Sif C II A P. XXI. y1 P^'dtionff .1 }'n.iT^e to the K^rtheni I'.trl of \ Ircinia, p^r- .'"'■'•r.! ivC.ift.CntiiviW. U'ittcii /:r Air, Gabriel Arclur, ^^•■.■■l iv.i.c tie j.f'ie l'.).i9_e, p. 816 C H A P XXII. ii Ac:ui>it of .: I'cy.ue to Virginia, Jet forth Iy the Hight Ho- n-ur.ui:, Henry. Z-;.!!/ of SuuthampMn, ■:*../ the Lord Tlinnvas Arundel, pertlmiei by C.tpt. Waymouth in the Arc!i-An?,cl. W; /(few i,v Air. James RoIiLt, p. 817 c n A P. xxiir. All Accsm' 0' the Viiiii iil'ii of t! e Siiiiierii Cihiiy /« Virgi- nia, Anno i6c(j. ll'iiitiii Iy Mr. (iairgf Percy ; '0 which is piejixe.l ihe jirji I'.iteiit fi,r li .■ I'l.iniaiioii of Virgini.l, ^r.mteU /■» H^ii^ James ihat/.tmc l:,ir, p. 8 1 5 C H A P. XXI\'. TijeContinuittion oftl;c Virginian Alf.iin^ f'loiii 1610, to 1620. p. 837 C H A P XXV. An Account of the Si.ite of the Virgini.in Aifjin, from tit L.itter pjrt ef A. D. 1619, till i6i.).. p. 84'J r. H A P. XXVI. [be llijhry of Virginia • Dr^wn from the ll'iilingt of C.ift. |ohn .Smith, p. S+j C U A P. XXVII. An Accciint 01 ilie p>J} l'Uiit.itien of the Rerniudas, or .Sum- mer IJlinJi ; with ilie t\i.iiiir.il llij'iory of the Country. Ex- trjclcii Jrsm the Memoirs of Cipt. Smilli, Mr. Uiili.ird Norwood, William Strake, l-.Jf, aiiitJnn-Otiicii, p. 84*( c. H A P. xxvm. All Acccuiit of (cine of the ji'ft Att< 'pts towardi the Difiaverji .iiiJ I'hti.tjtion of New England, P- 8;i C H A P. XXIX. A liehition of a I'liiitjiion fettled at Plimouth in New Eng- land, n-ith the I'loceediii^s thoreof, p. 8yz CHAP XXX. An Account nf Kcw-England, tritii the hUnnen andCuJIaim ot the X.itiv:t, p. 8f7 CHAP. XXXI ■jV.r Diicorcry of New Scotland , with hit M,ijejly's P.ueiit fort I'i.tnt.itionof thej.ime, . p. 8/9 C H A P XXXII The Di/cmery and Plantation of Ncwtoundland ; with an Ac- count of tlje Country, and his Majejiyt Paten! for tie Phin- tasimof the Jtniey \). ttio Navi H IS C.ra Sir /i' Mr. i-U '"; •JheReV. r nri iiith--' i''-:'- Mr .Ih^l'''"' ■ Mr, Troiiiai A' Mr, Ihini'" ■" His (irace ,Slr n'lOiain lit jhin: Edn:nl U-im- ■rheReverenil Alcx.i'iJ-'i B'" ciiic, Kl'l Mr lir-i^. Mr. B.Mf.' J.iiiies Bliike- I- Madam Bron-'i Kjn.it dde la I! J.ihi B-niict. I j.-hn B'^i;.;, Elf] Mr. «''■•''■ . Mr, /(•■•;'', 01 Ml, I- r'H'- " y.in I)'-"' 'l'.;ili.im I Ld^cArd B. Mr Mt, M Mr, lUnj-innn Mr, 3o'"» *•■'•'' Mr. l-r.mcis B.- Mr, «">'■/'■. * Mr. Samuel Si Capt, lirowiiey Mr, Barnes. Mr. i'hilip ^'1' The Rev'erem The- Reviren The Reveren ccjlcip.ire. Mr, Irancis B Mr, Andrew I Mr, John B-Jri Mr Thomai B Mr. Daniel Bi III. » t N A- Thc Right 1 John I .(jrd Cu The Honour Bartruin Cone. Mr. Callleion Allen Ch.nnl-n Mr. Henry Cl ilemy Crow, 1 J.icob Courtri imrton-fire Mr. Rol/ertC l\ir. J/44C Ca Landon-tV. Mr. 7»/. Co: Cornhill, I Mr. S-unuet ( John Cr eight Mr. Thonias Mr. JM//M" ^1r Samuel Mr,'i'/.io. C'/m Mr. John Ch Mt.Car'ajs, Mr. Ki'g'r C Mr. Rot'"' Mr. H'ihi'" £./rv.irJ C/.i Mr. Francis Mr Kn'^t.' CAoiiy in Virgi. Percy ; to which ion of V'irgini.i, p. Si"? " i6io, to i6ii\ p. 8)7 [ifain, from dt P 84'J 'litingt of Cjft. p. 84» nud.is, or Siim- c Country. /;.v- 1, A/r. KiLli.ird Otiicii, p, S4>< ■k'«f"""^ S.-Vi.ijl!t, Mcr(li;int. TlifKeVi r iidMr. ^lupere, Mlnillcr ui ihc French ChuTcU ill ill? i'.l. 7. Mr Al'raham Ajhmrth, BookfcUcr in Diirh.tm. Mr. Cfoinai Allen. Mr. lV.tir;MJ J'V"/"'", HuokfcUor inSt. P.i«/s ChurLli-yard. Mis (iraw tin- Duke ot Bc.tutcjt „ , • „ , Sir H'lUijm B<»f"i,>, Baronet, ok .l/hl'mnn.mHil, in Oei/'/- /'•"■"•■ ^ . - (■■/ivMr/ B.ii>'-i ol t-i// Cir/ffsu, Com Norff. Cent. The Reverend Mr. B.^y-'^, MCoJJhal, in K/^.v. Alc.\.ui.U-< B:iitjnti in Ghuceflcrpire. Jnbi B.-niict, Rector of Von, in B«cV- 7 A,; B,-i, Efq, Mr, »'..-'. Mr //!■;'', of BirchJen, in A/«'- Mr. i; .-mi. « . .I'-'f. Mr ys/K i.ij<;i:;, Stationer. Mr. U'llli.im Byromc. Mr L.lv3r,l Ihrcme, Junior. Mr. licnjuinin B.ir^o, Buokfellcr in (■I'eJiminfler.fUl Mr. John Bullinci.!. Mr. /■'■(«£'! «■""•■)', Bookfeller in Hallifax, Torklhirt. Mr. Uojvile, Hooldcllcr in FIca/lnet, Ij.n.t. Mr. S.iinucl Bulled, Merchant. Ciipt. Broainiy. Mr iJ.irncJ. Mr. !'/."'/<> Bifi:i>i), Bookfeller m EMter. The Reverend Mr. Vennct, iiB:vcr, Bookleller in fleetjircet, Lomt. M\.O.micl Brown Bookfeller without Tcin;>/f-fl.»r, Lend. C The Rinlit Honour;djle the I .ird C.iow.irtir;. John Lord Cults, B.ironof Gjiv.ih, inlrelani!. The fi')nourahle Ccor^c Cl.uk^ Efq, haiiriim Coney, Efq, Mr. Ciltlelon. Alien Ch.wibc, Efi|, of lUH-Ue.iAU.iH, mjimoreLmd Mr. Henry Clement!. Bookfeller in0.vj>; IkmyCrow, E(q: ,,i B-iMiiintui. J.icoh Courlris of Lou.hn, Broker ill Coft-Il.iUCourt, Fioj- mcrton-ftrecl. Mr. Koberi Cl.ivcll, Bookfeller in St.P.m/'sChurch yard,Lo«j. Kir. IJtiac Cailcneiloi LonJon, Mccchanc in CroJs-l\eyt-Cnurt, London-H'-iU. ^ Mr. 7"/. Conien, Bookfeller, near St. Peter s Church, in Cornhilt, Lond. Mr. S.vnuel Crouch, Bookfeller in Cornhill, LonJ. 3olm Creighlon, M. D. Mr. Tl>om,is Cl^ipman, Bookfeller in Pill-Mull, IViJlm. Mr. H^ittiam Cl.tphim. Mr Samuel Llvi, Bookfeller in fli>cAin-/.«nf, LonJ. Mr'l'ho. Chii:la!ck.<'i'Chtt.lwici-Hall, in Com.L«nc.cit Hamilton, Merchant. Mr. Tow i; Home, Bookleller under the i{v.il-Exch.vijjj. Mr. llubb.lrd. Mr. Benjamin Harrifon,]\xmoT, of Virginia, Qcn. James Holt of C iJIL'ton, In L in..ijhirc, (ift^, An.irew Hddcn ot Rochdale, in Com. Lane 'Jler, (J jnt. Mr. Il.-ltcs. The Reverend Mr. Hopk.ins, ReiStorof Clanvill, Hampfljirc. Mr. Nichol.ii Humfrcy. Mr. Nath. Uillicr, Bookfeller in Leaden-HaU (Ireet, Lond. I>»r. Cha. H.irper,Boijk feller over-againit St. Dunjlans Church . Mr. ll-'iiliam Hawcs, Bookfeller in Fleet:!, cct. Mr. John HarJii.g, Bookfeller in S'.wpoi:.jl,e:t, ll'cjlm. Mr. George Hart is, Bookf Her. Mr. Natb. Hartford, 15ookfeller in Port/mcuiL. . Lond. 1 The Reverend Mr. Jephcot. Mr. James J.:ck,lon of London, Br.iker, in Croshy-Squurc, Bijhop/gate.jlreet. Mr. Jojeph Jackjon, over-againft H^iiile-Ciiappei ( hurcli Mr. John Jontt. I\ The N AM Es of the S U Jl S C R I B It R s. K The Rcvcrind Dr. Ki»i-, Minilleruf tln;CA.if/«/>. il'.>ittr Kr»', l-'<|. ^ir. IftHhin Kj'i-tii'nai Eltefmire, in Shropfl.urt. Nlr. /<^i/r>f *C"'X- Mr. 7i»i..t AC." '/•''". Roi)k(Mlfr ia St. P-iu/'s Church-yard. Mr. H'hrt ^Hi/i/'c^. H;)okfc!lcr in St. (-".jk/'s C.hurch-yard. Nlr. ff '.i/.'iT V lU-h, Bo(ik(i'lli.r in St. l'.i«/'< C hurth-yard. Nlr. Ch. K.'"A< ^Mkl'dkr m It'.jl'iiiiiJL'r .n.ill. Sarciifm Lutterr.i, El(|, Mr /..iiv.'i7. Jim i; Li.lliite, M A. Chaplain of the Found.uion, and Muftci of till.' l-'nc-Schuul of l{ici:jr.l Lord l{;\-i' at K-/- y/ci./. ir/?<-.v. Nlr. l.iv!.l.iy, Bookfilicr in Evfp:jm, H'orcefterjhire. Nlr. (f'.Vi.iin Li'rihrJ, Biioklillcr In IV-irminJierJt'ilrJhire. Mr. Artlur L.iN^^fiirJ of l-.Ueimcrt.\ in Shcpl'iiire. Mr. yi""' l.iKrence, Booklillcr in the Poultry. Mr. Ucin.ui LintJt, HuokfMkr at the Ttrnple Ciate. Mr. E.lx.ir.t Lh-loi Uinli.tr.l-ihftt, Cort'ce-Man. M Mr.Gi-or^'c Molt, Chvmill. Mr. Tramai \Ljr of AOin^.Lii. Mr. M.-/c/;.-r. Nlr Henry Mirtlocli,, Booklcllcr in St. P.in/'s Churchyard. Mr. St^fl:'>i Milieu. Mr. MU.lleto,i, Vi;arof Cuckjieil. ^Ir. (.Vor^f Mujfcl of l.rnUii, AJerLhuit. Mr. li.nj.tmiii Male, Printer. Mr. 7- ■« AJjH.V-v. 7s''H Milium, Gent M;-. 4'im3ii M(i'/ij, Bijoklillcr inLeicefler. .irti:!ir Mooi c , E(q, iU^'..Cliriji::p'>cr Afjr^.iii, M i c hant of LoiJ./j'), Mr. /^/•iViT' A/orjc^^/iJH, Bookl r in St. l'iiul'% Churth-yard. \Ir. Ti.'omii MiJ. i/A", H.iokli-lkr in Oxfry./.rtHf. N!r. lij^-l.'.'r.i Mulif, liookfeiicr on Tywcr-llUi. \ii-. Sttiiu:! M.u.f:ip. HooklcUer in Curnliill. I\ir Vjtn.is Mc.i.l, l-'rinter. N J^ines S.itlrrp, Ef(], Fc4m;;j .\'(;;;:{/.'', f.l<), ^ JcX/i Xicholfon, M. 1). in KJn^O J^^'^'t ?'';/'"'■ Mr. lll.ii-im SiclKlJvri. Nlr. .VjJcrt. Mr. l{ici.htrJ iViv/oM. /Uidrew Socll, EQ], of fl^iimtll. Ullli.ini Norc/iff, F.f(J, of the Tir»//i/f. The Reverend Mr. iV.i'y/.', Siih De.in ot Strum. Mr. T'.om.is .VtwioroHj«,BookItllcr in St. P.)«rs Church-yard. O The Right Honourable the Countcft of Orrcr)\ Siry-J"'" O.xenJen, Barontt. P Archdtll Palmer, Efq, Mr Pr/cf. Mr. l'j)iie. The R»vcrcnd Mr. Pi-jVc of 0/.r,fra, inShcpfmre. Mr. 7o/'n Prjrf-ii, |i-\Vcilcr, in St. Martins Ic Cr.tnl. Mr. Thomas I'ejlel. Icwclkr, in St. Lan'reiicc-L.inc. Mr. Jch" P"', Merchant. Capt H'llliiiin I'nrffns of the ciuccn's W'arc-Houle in the Cujlom- Houfe, Lend. Capt. Thom.is Phillips of B'tckriiicl{_. in Sautl'-H'jlts. y^o^fr Pchu.int, i'.fq, of B.i^i lit, in Flint/hire. "rte Reverend Mr. Py<:.-, Vicar ot TQmt-M.tlling, inA^fwf. ^\v. Edmund Palmer, Kookleiler in AV.im^oi J, Lincolnjhire. 'I'he Reverend Mr. I'runtm,/, Rci^lor of I'Udbury, H'orceft. Mr. Rjchard Pjrkf, Bonkl'-llcr under the i^^).i/ Exchange. Mr. C;.4r/« Pfitir, Map-fcHcr in K'.ipping. R Sir t-^'iltiamH^iinfiu, Kt. uf // j(>oh (.n ThAmei, Surrey. Cinijhpler H^mliurAi, L'.(i), ot Ctrli-Hjll, in Com. Lii»ctiJ}er, Mr ?(//.» /<.o?f', M. A Arch Deacon ol Lcicejlcr. Mr. Snniuei H.iv,incil. Mr. ({iiymmd, Merchant. Mr. Hc«y ylin. Mr. Jjmci T.iylor, BookfMlor ill Ch.uham. Cpt. Turner o( U'J^miiJler. Mr. JoAw Til.'ot/cn, Aiiill.mt i'l theSurveyoi ot tlic Qyeen's \\ arc-Houfc at the Cuji-.n.lhuje, Land. Mr. Ellis Tyrrell, Mcrdunt Mr. {■filliam Thcr:dd, iVkn hant. Mr. Jonathan Taylor, Bookfellcr ill lllit.Churrh, Siropfl'iie Mr. John Tl:etd ot Ailcibuiy, B;u.';ccils the Dcereafc . and that Nations iiliially nave doubled their l'eo|i|c 111 aioiit i'lo Yravs, if luv: looiier : Whoever will imlmie inio liie unp.iiial lineiiii(.:i ot Arts and Scieikv-s, and latisfy hiuilelt in, in Ibitoiy. as he tnay eali.y d'-., iliai ilicv all hart ilu'.i Kik ui.niii ihecom- palsof live nr lix Thoiiland Ve;ir> : Who.ver will ju- (Ik-ionlly . ' nliilt ili ■ Hilloi v ol ilu' n pit antieni Times, and ti'iii t'leiice olilervc, that v.c lia\e no authentiek AcioiMi'-s of anv I'lanfiiltioni, Ori(!iiiaI;i ol Kingdoms, Wars, r.r Inltitminns nf Lius, Cinvernnienrsand Coni- iiKm'.voi tlv. I'cyond that lime ; b'lt that the I'lanta- iiiii- 'I .ill known Rirtsoftl'.e SVoild, nay even the Ori);in.il :uid ftp'.<:i>r!irs cf the HiMthcn Deitys tlieni- feUe;, tall all n'ihimhat I'eucd : Wtioevcr, I lay, will lanJidly foiilidir tlitl'c Evidences, muli conclude iliar wcluve'all ihe moral Alliiiance.s pollible. That thcVVorld had .ili.riiu.iiy, and tliatMaid.nul had i: j tirll Origiiul about tile 'lime we li.ive fo paititular an Account ot in the Sacred Hiltory of the liiliie : And confequently, n'i(lra>ltinp from the D'eiiie Authority of My.^j's Hilio- ry, it cannot but W iookr upon as the molt valuable I'iive of Antuiuity extant in the \\ o: Id. bor'tis plain- ly to liun only tint we arc in l- Src.i f.>r our Knowledge of the Tune and Maiuv i of the Higiiuiing of the V'o;ld : of ihc Mill l'dr.;iit: ..f Mank.nd ; of theCiulc of tiie h'r.ulty and Depravity (1 Ib^man Nature, of the Intenroisof Aits, the On)>nial of Natuns, the firft Found r:; of Empires and KiiiRdonii, ^nd of the Infti- tutiuiK of l.av;s .iiid Govrrnmcnt. Which tilings in aJj other antiint Hillories aie fo intcinux'd with Fables and ndi.uloiis 101.11. c amiable Stones, ijiat all we can leiin In 111 rhcm is, rliai thev knew no'hinjj ot the matter, Inn what iluy lU.le foun him defii'iiedly, (r had con- veyed to iliein ly iminiiihirial li.ivin.on tVom hiin. 1 lie aml>i!:ous I'lCtrnccs ..f ahnnit all Nations to Aiiti- ']>iin', and 10 the N'am tloiy of beiiijj /' vm .«:•;, hath o.calioned their HiilonaAs to intcrmimjlc i't nianvl-'ablcs and I.ics with the Accottnts of thiir Orinination, that there is h.udly any heed t.i be ^i'. en to what they re- late; 11 a' oiii;lit ihey to iiirrit our Belief any fut'.l.er than a.s they au; coll.itcrall', conlifiiud by o'licr Hiltones: But til.' Account which A/r/.vt gives us of the peopling of the Lartli alurtlie Ucliipe by ,N' ci's CIr.ldieii, is fo conl'cniiai'le t.i all the atithcniick Records yet lemaining in any 1 aupuage, that it carries wuh it itrciibible Kvi- deiice ; an.i its Brevity and manner of Relation is as .adm.rable as its Truth and In'elliiteiice is valuable . For we h.ue more Information from hini i:i one Chapter, than we laii pa waliotit him Ir-'in ail the large Vo- lumes of oilier Audiois. Un'efs therek.rc Men will be \'o ridi:i:Ii;ul'y capricious, as lo i!cny the Autli.iri:> of an Auth r, only liec.nfe he hath D'.viiie Inliuration to Uipport ium, ihc Hiltory wliuh "i '.■. gives us of die O- riguial of Manknid a:id thcPeopUr.jtot theVVorld, ought to cLiiiu the greaccll Iharc ot our Veneration and Rrpard. His Account of ilie I'c iplingof the Kartli before the Deluge, is delignedly lliorr, his Intention being only to rc'ate the incilt rcnnrkacle Pa'.iages, and to give an ae- ciiint of the .Siicce.ilonof the Holy 1. me down tOjWi/.', and 1 hence to his own Time " But tolliii 1 hence to his own Time. ut he IS very particular about the Scjf of I'aratlij't ; !ig us, tiiat It was placed I'l f..i:n Etjitf.inl ; that is, Eallward of JiiHej, or from the Dtfett <( the ■■htio- litei, where M/j was when he wrote iluv Account. I'erhaps the Name of ii..' >/ might be derived Ir in tht Plcafantnelsof the I'jace : But "we read of the Plan .r Country of IJtn in feveral Places of Scnpiute, .as in J \/«^j 19. 12. //it.-j7.ii. l-^fk- 17- 2^. and ilusl-.L-n I was Eafiward ot ?,((/■- For in the Scripture 'Iv Inlia- ibilants ot' Ar.tli.t, a; //vf .:/«.. i, and Icji.i, ao- cad.'d i the Children of the halt. This /:./;; was part of the i Kingdom ot Al]fi.:, as is plain from if. ' :;. 10. 12. and that Kingdom autient,» contained, n . onf, the Country then called ../kn, but alio .'i//. . ."i;,! and ll.ihimi,!, S.-C. iiifoinepaii of ivhicli lall I'ioviikc the Billiopot (Jv thinks Paradite was lituated ; ihoiigh the generality of Authors call tile Region Mid ,. /.i;rtj.(. Our ol lulrti Mrjci tells US a Rirer went, and from thence (/. r . below the Garden; was parted into two Heads. ThisRncr, according to the bell AccoiuUi 1 can find, was a Conji'milion of li,,;! i.jli .\ni\li«iis : \'ot tlio' tliele Kivcis have .'iti'ercii' .Spinigs, and run a long way afnnder. \etat lalt they meet in .,fiimi,: (as I'tiioim faith;) which /Ifr.tnir., jNoc/u./ faiili, was the I Place the A'.ihinis now call .Ucr.tf/ti, alxiut 45 Miles j trom B.i^iitt, and then run together foi a great way. ' This united Stream 1 rol-ablv ran through iheCountry of l^ii.ii. and had ihe Garden of that Name leatcil on the taftfiiie cf it; wiiofe Sov.ihern End vva^ at the parting again ot the two Rivers ; but how fant went Eaftward, or fpread it felf along the River, 'tis hardly poiiibb- 10 determine. This River, 'W.Vj faith, hc.wicii.io fmr I IcnJ s : The ludicious Commentator abovcnicntione J well obferves he dotlinot fay, n\:i p tile Welferii River l',l',tt■^ll.\ the fame with Oim^/..,' ac- cording w i'.dm.iji ! ; a,„i fo 'tis drawn 111 ihe Maps of Sirnli. .cr /(.;,c/^'/' and the molt leaincil Bc.-/',;i»: And tliis.asoiii Mr.C.i r.-< oblcivesfri ni \ »• c/o'.', was called limply il^lr;s : and B .■ • Miotr.s from /ly',.i)i. I'ctifh. thattherc wasa Pl.ice called /''/.'.'.^'i hinjt near Miz/'/r.i- ^-.i ; in all wliiJi N.imestl\-reare<^ meRenuiiis of the Name /'."(,.;, or /'.;(>».■. And Sf. ,.. u telis us, that from feme deep Trenches, which were ciir to carry the Wa- ter of liu.i-r.itfs intoT.;;M.<, came the Name of i'ljiti- ^o;,. But be this as itwill. Ai, ./ f.iith, trat ti.hUjucr Lot)ifii]]^d:,e viKie Lr.r ,1 t,< Havilah lnC-«. ic. M'>lc: inentions two llivilnl':, one defccnded tV'^iii /•'e;.:a t'cii.x which borders en Lis Stream. For wc read Om. 15. ib. iliat the (//'.'»,, r.,.-,f, which certainly -.vtre the liihabiianti of .. .ii'.i i>/ /.;, arc bounded 1 y j<.«. towards K. yf ■, and by llr.i , -, in the \ia\ to ./.'/>..«. And after this, 1 S.-n.. 15 7 wc read that S.7(,/tx)imd iir.t:':.'.h in the lame Siiuaticii. And lic- c.r.rt, in his i'hn^.t^. /iC. 4. ,. n. 10.115. I. ..-. /unjie- /.-.'. oblerves from .V'p.iin, that there were a People cal- Icil x.,tx;„;,:, whu h were Inliaf itanti of . / ... .1. Tlie next Stream .vli/.' calls (;'c,', of which Karne indeed there arc hardly .loy Fc.o'fteis remaining; but by ihe Country it is faid 1 1 encompifs. it mult be the halterii lJi\i(ion of the River after its parting at l-.i;.:>i. This Country he cdis \: h .■: n ocCjl -, by which we are 10 uiiderltaiul, not that in /Ifi.r, but m AJli (for the Atitieiiis nuntion two (-.'f /•/.,"/.•: s.) Th^s Bcch.it af- ferts, and ^tefh. Mtrinui, in his Trtatife of Paradife, b prove* V I 'if II i x\ 'I no DVt I ION. f! !i jirovi-s t(i lit tiv I'oiintry I't' ^h/Jik', ulmh tlic '.''rr^f c Itid Ki ),., ,iik1 il I- jv;/i)-),utlii» tunc t.illO'"-y/i", ur thi- Comitrv "• t m. Tl,cN:in.cOl' iln;'lliir.l Kier, ho fauli, is Itl.l.! *;•/, ulnh ill IMn. 1.1. 4. 11 iilliii till- Ciicai Rivfi, aiid ihiTc'orc muft bcT.'fi'.'; for /{lurvlft ti:\h M in his Invc's, /I II. ..I), ili.ii ill his tiiiR' rhi- River l".\iu was calicvt liy the I'l-opK' ol C/tMr >, 011 thcCoiiliiics ot M.i:-, lli.i.i'kr. Ami r/iM r.iith, lih. (•. (.17. (l,.it the f.' ■ I // IS Co I ;ilU\l iViMll its Swit'tiiels ; hut lli.lt where It runs llower, 't;s, aIIoiI n/;;/if'-, nnJ ihe Amiii-.m .all it l>r;ii.:: jn.l />;^ i; .ill wliih Wiir.S pLiiiiij ire Cor rii|>[iiinsot" llieN.linc lli.li k.'^- 'he r.i'^^nw vi (Ji,.\ - /uaiui •''n.»i..nuii.lcrsit l^if^.tt. Till' t'omtli Kivci', .'•/■ "•:'!•■', Ahf I I'litli only '-..ncly niciiTion, hv-.aiife it was very well kiniwn to iImI'c to svhniii li.j wriite, .iiul ,it lh.1t tiiiu-. I'lie .S.'iii itierc- fore of I'ai.ulile .»';is \h'.\- ( l.ncil : The Isivi-rs ' .pf,:- ir' iiiiij /V^> ii ^j. e, // .J.I '.' .) )uiiicil loiiicwheie in ih.- aiiiieiir B//.W.WI '. or, .is liimc c.ill it, A/-/ fr-.mi.i, into otw L'rear Smaiii, on the I aft li Ic of whole Bulks the (•ard. iiiit /•;./.->; was plaeeil ; at the Sou'.liw.iil KiiJ ol ^^ hi.'h the River p.irtcil again into two Ntre.iiiis, then I i;Vil '.'il 1: and (.'/''/ II ; but inproeeCs of time /■. ./.■. 1- t < .iml /';;./., as beto'o their Con; 'lu'tioii, ulu. ii Name wc liii I in the '■ cfk. ati.l H^iimu Writers i;ivui to fhriii Mr./r //«', 'M \\\s \"\v rl'-iiy cf '■■ l:>: il, p. io\. fiippofes the anient I'ar.iJifc to be at ihe ionic t'otirfcot the Risers r/.; 4 ami l'up"'.!t.:', ci.lier In'ffire thpy t'lil into ihe l''ih:ii (lulph, where they low I'liite ti'pctluT, anil Icpera'e ipa 11, or rather when thef an- tieiltlv I'.i'.i.led tlleniklves hehiw the Illan I O ii.ni. where the "(Ciiilt, iin.h'r the Iropick of C.im tails lilt 1 1. ■ ."(•.// IH Sea. .'>o that the ex-aill Piaee of I'a- ratl.e is iiove under ^\^^Ie^, iH-iii';;a l?ran.h, nr Hay, ol the pleat Oce.iii What th;s (len'.lcmaii^ Rea'.ons are that iniiiice him in be lo parriiiilar as to the .Seat of Paradi.-e, the Reader u 11 lee 111 his Ingenious T hcory. lliis llinrt Aeeoinit of the Situation of Paradile I rliOMjiht proper ro i>ivc you here, bciauK 'tis aCJcogra- phii»l Matter, ami iheicfoic proper f.' rhis Place : and, tho' nodoubt the Site .f tliofe Ri\eis w.isi.iu.-li ehannei! ' bytheHcoil, yettislikcU .A; /.m delenlns hem a» rliey Wire III hi"; I'iinc, and as (\ h iliey I'o not dilagice with ! the .A counts wt hive of tin Ic Places lr(>in o-.her' hanrfj. I I iK'rc is li'tlc more iicccfTarv to 1 c taken notireof , here, nf .Maiteis tr;uilai!ted before the Dihi(>c, iiii|efs| the Mention of i/i.i.'s going cut Iroin tlu- Preferce of, thel ord m't. Wi.- / dwe'hng there, and building ,1 City, which he called ' •ifret Ills Son's N.iiue, / ..■ w. Ry which we inav 1111 flerltan.i, that ('.iiii\ (huh and Ken'orfc of Mind w.is fo g;eat, iliit he .0. KI i. t bear the View of the V,/',- ■■11. i/, or niiine ( .l.iiy. ill! then vilible Mark of (.io.i's I'lefenre, and which ,il».de piobably 111 the I'lace where .;..•'•«/ fctilcil hinilelf affr his Expidlioii out of I'jra- dile : and theicf-irc wandicd away I'alhvaid from l-J-n, into a Country, tha' Ivoiu his wandring up and down thLn, had die N.ini .if .\' 'given ir, that is, ile l.fK.t it l'ij.ih't..:<. ■) h s Place 'iniius tliinks, wasinthatl Tract of LiikI, where ihe tirll Sem.tiin attcrwaril dwelt] 'W'ho perhaps n nk th. ir Rambling way of living from | this liiU Vagabond ( .10 ; and which he fuppofes was i near 'iuji'ihi:, or ' ■ ;r--r' n. Here, after he had moved up and down for a great while, till liis Progeny grew numerous, he at lall fettled, and built a City, and cal- led it Ibirch (as was antiently very ufiial) after the Name of a .Son he had thcntKirii Ahcr this .Wr/j mentions only a tew PaHages of Cun\ ( lifspring ; looking upon them, as fome of the Fathers fpeak, as fuch a wicked Generation of Men, as were not worthy to be niiiubred in the Book of the I.iv ing ; whereas hegivcs a plain .Ac- count of t ■ (lenea'ogy ot Srrl^ ( .iii /tin's Sot\) down to the time nf tin Dil ge, 1111 1 thence ta his own Age. As ro all orlu r .Matters from hence to the Flood ^s how fir the faith was peopled by the .■hitcJ!.':.;i,ii'i^ jn what Parts t.f liic World they Ii tiled, wliedicr thev had any Ship~ iir l*oats, and what Tnvels or Voyages they made, v.-e .an advance nothi..g but mcer ConjeCfiire and ih.TefnK Ihall fay nothing of it ; bur proceed rr coMli.ier the Peopling of theKaith after the 1-lood, b\ >"•; and hi; Familv, theonlv Survivors in that T-'nivcr f.i'D'-lui'c. Of ih.. Capacifv, Form ar.d Fiame of the ,Aik, I ne"d r.iy nudliiu;, u having been iuftiucniK p'o cd o- i-ei ni)..! over, thir it was capable of hohlinn all thole l_'i. ..rmes (.';nd tlieir Food; whiLli Were ir.:hidid ui i' n ;:; the t'lm that ilie Waters of the Deluge coverui I'.' Iir'h, v.hlili was a whole Year : Only 'tis piofei.l for my Pnrpofe to oblcrvc, that 'tis exceeding probaMe the Ark did not move tar lr..m the Place where .V .''■ biult ic, bill waj nil) )ul>, as it were, lifted up lioin grcunj by the .ijv.nicnig WatrrD, and then fet d'lWn .i,Haui: I iir its veiy i- '■■, M-fr^f'trmin, &i. I 01 then, as Hoc-n 1 well oh- lerves was the griatelt Plenty ol the f.i;>/ 1. UW that IS, I'tpi.-Js, as our /•'h.'.V. iiihisMilitlljicislijih, I thin.'., proved) of which (iod . oiiiinauded Nu.iii to make the Ark: And here alfo loii'.^ after this, ./o/.v/kj ti||» u^^ Iir. 7. .iiixnndei built a Nav y of Cypicis Trees Wood. Now we are told by Mf.', that the Aih reftedofi the Moiimaiiis if .toi.if, which now all Learned Writers do agree, lipiiihes that long Rulg otiMoiintains \\liiih is now called T.r.Kiu, as it was by 1' ; ■>, and runs through ./'(/..•ni.i, Aljyrii^ Mtjoplanna, Meiim, Sf/iaiiu, Cji. from ('(ii.iii to I'liiiifDnrjiij. On the highelk and more Faitern part of this Traa of Hills did ihe Ark rell ; I r, as l-.f>«. 11. j. and alio b.caiile we tiisd by all anticnt Hiltory, th.it tho' we meet with none, or at lealt but very few Colonies lent l■.alt'.^ald alter the Confulion of Tongues at JJ.r , yet the lalicm I'aits of the Eaith have always been molt iniircioiis, as well as mort polite and great. After the Waters were alfuaful, ar.d the 1 artli grew dry by degrees, no doubt the Family of .%■«/' bc^an to come down trom theiMountnins, and to dilperle tliem- felves into inch pans 1 f the ad j.irent Countries, as pri • l»bly by Hirthnght, Lot, or tome <;thir ways of Divi. fion each Party had appointed fcr them. .Ana as thefe Families iivreasd and grew nuiiicrous, thev iiiult of iicccliity extend tarther and farther ; lo that at laft, they and ib.eir Polterity came to iv.- JpiaH the wtvie lii-.ith, as .W'/i-J exprelly tel^ us, Gi7..y. \y out- common Con- Iciit always owneil, th;it .ill 1 canuiiK, An» ami Scien- ces, anil Knnwlfdgo of aiiticiit limes, hath I'ccn de- rived from thence. This, :u Dr. t-t kfm obfervei, is apparent frpiii rhc Rife and liicrcafe ol Arts and Scich- te<, whiih weri' ni the Kilt in a pooil degree of Pcr- feiifion, as early sm v^e have any accouiii of Time in prol'aiK- Hiltoiv. an I were fiKm ilieiue propa(;.lted into cither Fail, ci tlu' Wnrj.i ■. and tlu< alio is lonlirmed b. the .State and Cr.nRlciir nt theljllern KiiiKdon- , lony hclorc Crec e or Int. made :ti.y Noife or Figure in the World, and v^hidi 'fK plain were originally Co- lonies Iroin thentc The ftik thercfoie al'i'tii )ii the ■ ■'■"a'.r.iM Hills, or KaiiiTiil'art uf the Mmintain Vtww, iiid the plealant flams of H.ttjlvi, M,f.ijr,m:.4. >'iii>ii, arc the mod antient of any. The Cn- tilc V\iitrrs of Hillnry all agree that B.ih:oii, or «^. *•', WIS fiiliho.!. hy rhe l-irlt B''' ' . winch Word donlirlels mines from fl-M, wlikh lii'nilies l.y-l nc ab- '(ilutcC'oiiiniaiuIci : .Xiul therefore thwPt-i'.oi) can he no ot!i.?r liiitiNi'N "./, whr>le Kinndoiu .1,'c/ij lells us, G'*. i:. to. wai Hticl, .iiid uho is i ailed /i «i/i;/i;) lluKh; '.•t'f.y^-'-l ■■ elleni OMiimin- ili>... f^-or ihiws : K'.r he n 't on'.y cin're.l hiinfelf to labour and toil by it, b -r there! v alfo (;.nlH-red logeiher a jTi i: C'or.V'.my of Yoiinp, Men. lolnill and adive, who bv tlu< niaii'. became qnAlitied for Battle, and were titrcd to riirliie and conquer .\/-« as well as Ht.ijh. 'I'lij y.:m 0.1 or W.'.i, H'cii" ihfws was the aiitieiii K.-:-./.;.7, vvh.) ij nicnrion?! tob.; .1 Onqueror in the Haft.n far as I rUr, an. I whole Name, he thinks, came from Ht -C"..j ; th.it is, the Son o( Ciifk, who was S.'im .('s l-.ithei, n , i ) 8. .Some Writers indeed fuy, that .V.'/j.o, his eldcll Son, bmb Btb)iw^ or a Son that went by th't Name; ivhicli ib.iy be conllrteiii enough, for the Failicr might be:;in it, and the Son tinilhit. As for 'he Acconpi which Ci'ji.u g'.v.j, that Br.hylou was hrlt built by .S'.w' tmii, it canno: be nn.icrftood ot that Sfiii.rr.mis whom ihc G '■(•(•(^ Hiftorics fo muchcelebrate : For, as S ilniniitii obfcrvfs, (he lived near looo Years after Ihiii, ; {Kw.:' in Soliiinm^ and bclides, both 15-- rolii and I/i)./i'i."<, who compiled the Hiltor> ot the Country from ihc antient Records lay 't was built by This mighty .N'o" "./, .'/o,';j faith, built alfo ihnc o ilicrCttiei in the plain I and of ^'n'Mr ; which com- prcheii.'.ed not only th.it part of Iffint where H-iiyku (fo.xl, but alfo that Country bordering upon Tif'is to the Foot of the Mountains ot .Imetn.i. Thcle Citiis were, i. ;. .-.-, which was, as li ch,: t Ihews, the //r«/;.i of ('.•j>mi, and the /I'Xhn of Ainmifous. This was fituatc in theConntry of v.//.j»m upon '1"',?"<, and tioiii liencc cani'.'the Arccrxi Cr.mtii nien'iiM:cd by '/'//'.■/(>»'. Rut whether tlicfc tliiee Cities were built betoit or afier the Confuhon of Languages is not certain. J here is all the re.iliin in the world to believe that .Ifljiiit was alfo conq'icrt.l in Ibmemeafiire by Kimrcii -. Fot iho' in (ifw. 10. II. it l>ands in our Tranflati'in, Out of tiiM l.mi (that is, Hri.lo'iiA) wen: f.rth .Alhur; yet as Bo- rkirt and Bp P.if..;; prove, it ought to be tranrtated, lie (i. c. Nimrod) ^c:! cu: i<>:u AHyria, and built iVin;- ■th, Hhoboth, &c. and fo 'tis rendred in the iVlarginof our Bii le, and hochart (hews that ^Jhur here is not the Name of a Pcifon, but of a Place Add to this, that ./(/rriij IS eaU'd r/.'c Liinil of Ninitod, Mich. 5, 6. Fot iNiiiivel.; th ■ Capital City of AiJ},..:. is pl.nnly lii.. fJa- Dilation or Seat of NI111.1 , andtlierttore'i.s h);lily pro bablethat, according to the antient Cinloni 'fc.iiic. j. 17.) .Nim/n.VbuiltthisCitv, aii.l calli Jit alter tlu' Nau.i- of his Son .ViM«'. This Place (Innd on ilie W, ii hdc t C l'i?/ii, wa:i a very gie.it and H.uHilliiiy Cit^ hj .i lonKwhil(»,_but atUlt utterly dellrnyed '1 y th; ,\ ;.,;/.., and iicvct lince ri built. 'Ihc ihme Sim r.:', A/i/'jtel.'i U!,, alio built Kftri'/j, Horn the Sig: (iiat^on of :lii; Word, which in the //./». w is S <•:■, or t.ii.mr: ; but this was lifuari a lit'lc below t'cciw/i'iw, at the Month of t!ie River C'.'i'ixir, 01 luiphrtiuj, an 0t 1 ■ \Akx, /ltmiii.imii, P .■i:pi,.!, ike. //A.^. . u. liililuro tore was too tat from .\.hivc>j to be tlic PJar'. !, .. - .i,..ti tioned. ^ NuHicJ alfo, as Mofc, faitli, luilt the City '.1/../. l: jfrt/d. '■, which flcf'vi. r iliewi was probably th C.|i.il of the Country called t.//,:coff.r, which '/..i. ;. ■fd a- b. ut the l-oiintaiii of liic River l.yf:,'. '1 h.; Cf . '■;■.' /,• 1^ Uiul alio CO have been built by ,\.'»(ii„-. whiihl.'.im , the Situation, iheCieatnelsof the Place, tid ihc- Smii- btudeof the N.ame ( ;.^'.//'abeingMli!> .K .iviblel'tuii, the '"/..,/,y.,- Genitive Cafe Lerr/.n' ':,.... : i! mks to I have been the Ln>:j',i of .W'nrpLon, I'l. j. w.v,/' ?-. I'oi I he faith it was (ituitc on the J'/^mj, was er.jhc Alilts jalKiUt, had us Walli ico foot high .-"id i: tiiirk : Ho I faith alio thatthc (-,r.:-{, Ibiind it in F.u iis, nnJ ■viiluuii. Iiili.ibiraiits. when they eanie into thi.| art ot ihoWoild. it having been deflroyed by the I'lf/, n,i, when ti.ey gov the Fn-.pire fioni the Mnta. < But tins Country of /^(JJiM, ii.:o wliic'i .■\'.';/iit./ made - thisE.Kprdition, whiili was a \ cry large 1 1 act ol Land, 'and in tome Itnle compiehcnJrd .ill S-.i.:- tor the Names are oftentimes confmnd'd ; tho /<'/,>'/ -properly was only that Coumry of wIkIi Noj.u/ was the Capi- ; tal City, and was fometinies called /li!..ik n? and Ainrin . , This AjJjiU, llay, had its tirft InhaLitanto from J/e./i, (as well ^ It! Name) one of the Sons of SLm. S>m had Its tirlt Name from Sur or .V. 1 , whu h v/as Tyre, the Mctiopolisof irciiiitj; and the lirft Inhabitant;; of this Pait were the Sons of c'/ih.mw, the )ounpeft Son td ' il.im but afterwards .V/n.i became a coinnio;! Namcf r alnioH all the Corntry round about. Souu .;t" ilie .Vvn- .iHj were doubtlefs derived from .lrflj.ix^J, the Brother of /)/?.'ttr ; for we lind in I tui. m>, a Country or' AP].iit called Arapi:ac:ili, which is very ealily derivabl': fi'oin ! his Name And no qucllion a eood part of thea.iricnt : y> I.I was peopled by /Irt-.in (anil his Pofteiity) another Brother ol ..Jlur: For we find that the i'>; ■; ueie aij- ticntly called Ai,w.t:. H mc> nvnrions the Ariii:oi [lli.t.l. z.) and Sirah faith, that by thofe A'iir.ai many underftnod the ijnr.m Kay the Inhabitants of ihac Country Jo to this day call themfelvis ,-.'■ ;;;;.•,., s : Bu: the large Extent of the antient '^■. ii wiil not pe:init us to ih Ilk all the Inh.ibitants all riuind about U.:. ''01: anj i'tu came trom this J/.ihj ; and therefore I earjicJ Men have in my opinion limited it only to thofe P. aces w In. h have die Word /Imiii either prelixed orfubjoincd tothei; proper Name ; as ['•idni At am, which is MfJ. i:: iwi.: , .1 f.in X.i.i/.'the antient Ti:.^wiw, or I'.ilwym ; Ai.-.in D..- »:jf.k, the Country about Da»:.ifiiis, ixc. Sec P.itricli onGf!.'. 10 li- And this is conlirtr.cd, by finding ihc Remains of the Names of ./r/:»i's Sons m S)-:.u TJic V'ally of Diwiaf:,! is called by the -^m/'j'.' to this day G.iii! and Ctuc, which Bp /'.i/m'i<; nbfcne; differs only in the Letters, but net 111 tl'.ePronunciatieu. from 'c.'. - or Z':{, the Sea of Atwi-ii:. (■■;<.//;.; takes notice of a City in ij'/c, whidi I'rctmr, calls Cl-d.'t, plainly dcriiatle frcr" '"'«'/ VT lluli, another Son of this.o.vw; froui whom /J. c/a/V thinks the Country of Chcl l::rnc, a pare q{ A'»i.:r:iii, w.as peopled, the Aimcuir.tn, .'>)ii'.;);j .md A'l-.! inns being iiiucli alike, a;, Sirnlc obfervc.^, in Body, Speech, and manner ot life. In A-I./u/'c.riJ./.i there is mention made in r.ood Au- thors, of the Mountain Afri/'/'-'. from when c XcKpuu laiihtlicre isa Ruer llows, called AJ.i/c.;. The Inhabi- tants of this Mountain, Si.pi'nnii.' faith, are called .\:,-.- fi.tiii : In all which Words tiierc is a plain Allulion to^tiic Name of M^/).', another of /^'viw'sSons ; and this Per ■ fon being 1 Chron.i. 17. called M./cch, 'tis very likely fioni him the A/i/i/x-w/ were dcfcended, whom /'/.■.' places between A.iir.bcuc a nd A mcnui M.iinr. And finci we learn trom Ai/,mi4nus Mnrccllw, that the ficonj h r Capital IV I NT ROW L i ION. il >-ri ^!jr- ( :i"iiil I'ity of rhc I'rmiri-cof '^uft.inif next to In'--, on vvcry fide; for Mn^^i it a fortified I'licc. Tliat wisi.illnl s',-, 'in very li'idy inothiT Sen ol .lui". thi^ n the t»fc ot I ,f,'ft, DitJonu Si. ulw, Uli. i », iS. tvhiim M"/',^!:^ •')/'. mitMii ({ivc Riff a;i'l a Nunc t.ikM notiic verv pirticulaily : OnihctlcJI, laith lie, M If. Tlicrc is :illii m'''i';iiii ii\ prolaiic Autlinr* (ti'^i"- imiu-cljiile DrJ ''is i in tbt South tie (oiAiAfUul Nile, (~ ly was /•,>/».., I h,(i' ilvvclt between AW ,i anj ; Brtrltlira, i.«//'il'alinScrtoimlis ; iw.l m il^e Su'il; .1 A( / /io/.(»«i.i, and M'ty pii.liaHv were ilrnvcil atKlclciHi- ""■•! /i/'nry/ will mi I'm u m llmrm. And V/.j/o fiiih, min.itcd t'cm I'.'.im, the eldeft Son nf sVrm, f.fi.lr 12. that /l^jn;!/ was a(!ouiitiy lOiitcm wl:h their mm Cum- I' /■ > .I'.li and Vi'i'xn , vfitifimiin'-' '""'■' at the Mouth moditii-., b'laiifi' ii >vjs not ealily jv.riMiIc 10 Sir.iii- (if tl,c Hivcr /.«'i/' bilow S';.^i.i'(.<. What /c/ //m taith xera. //(■. ir.. /■■ «i^. n' ilii l-Ji-.mir.-s, \h.v. ihcy were li'i"i' •i'»;«''r, the I'oun- "lis not raCy in lay at what tinu Iromthe TIoodA^yl iifi« of ihf ('•• /,■■<, iiMV bevrrv rij'ht, when takcniii vviis |ifiii>li-.l ; but tu probable 11 wis very eatljr.lin.e it .1 l.irue Senle. Aid ncv wc ircntioii I' '/m, ihi" I cnni- leciiib to li.t\i' (!i\en Diiiommatioii 10 lt.im\ lekond .Son el H 'hni, aii.l I'lhci^ pn ve, tl1.1t the Son* cl'C /■'• .ill •'/.■; •'■'". ^^hoiii lis likely MJ.i cal'slo tiomthel l.uc |vi! >.i}iii\i) katid tlienil-lvrs rouiiil abinii thi I't'Ji/i'i Sfa, wIiLTC he tlnds in.iny Reniiiinders i.l ilu-ii aiitii-iit N.iii cs, in tlie (ieoprai m.i.i1 Wimri aiiiiinp tin d .-■/: . Tisilinort ai'rnd bv every one, ih.it the Mr I 1, the Inhabitanisol th.it anticnt, but lorn e^; gnat Xiitniiiit) of/.^s/r. And if /'. >«-iJ'/i(j may be credited, rhc i.j_>pit:iii bwiiifj I'lini was ("o.vvjI wiih ili.it ot Sin„,..l m B^/> n, wi,o I hit llui >.;>, HI: 6. r. 7 laitli, the S.i wjif.r, 11' t theO'hf'im it nc Medcs, rfo xnw in!'.' Otis. And (' iiipmiui Mel.ijih.^. c.-f. fiith, the Si- II',-! S iiinii ill Hil'ii niil .hint next !ik; ni in- I'artliiaii-,. Of «hiv-h I'toplc, the I'^.r/Mw, faith T.."t//, //■. 41. T.I-/' \p-rill it a| pears lioni die Texi, ihai (.',i.»; .md ^U- 1, tli hilt (diildi not ././.:m, urreTwins, as Dr.t; w^ ut iiolei. lietwce.i this Mi^'.i^iii and his Hn'thet t'lmi, Hun. 1!*>4 pie nearly alike, ami probalily a-km ; and therefore the ' Ihewj tliit .ill W/.ur.vas lin ided. All /.:;»//, "and le\e- able, that the i f^' ''■'"* of ///'ho, .is far .is the I ake 1 iron/i (ssliiv.i Wi,rd.V:i>i.-.!f.e is dtiiroil from {he C'.i'lci HO WKI, I '''ireded /If. 1V.1 iii.irly; was ilie I'.irt of A/.:;..!.')/;; but that IS, S.:-. Mthi. the Ottspriiig o| the V-./r/. |allthcielt, beyond th.it L.ikeasfai is the •/,'.l'^,^;()- «'///.' Iiiinrelf, the Fathii of iNVinc,/, eertaiii'y p.ive Ce-.m was ihc Portion r i Dniiion d 1 , ut Of which Rilcaiul N.inie to tliefamcnis Criintry of //.jii.i Frr , "^^I'le '''^"'. there are luuiy Remains j as the City (')f^-.i, whieh IS ir.eiitioneil by P/ /,w), lil: ^, .. 1. and by him . ailed »- •■■•. 1 here is a River aU'i vailed by the Name of l-'ni, and mentioned by P./»jv, /;i. v ''. 1. 1 his River is in Miiiriii^hiit i K^^.iitni.i, and runs into the Ocean ; and h'cunii lliews that the Ati.cjn: vyeri '' called I'i'ui.ri, bcc.uife many of them weie Si,m.i.l j, .mil lambled about tiom Place to I'laie, ihepniiar) .Si(;niliiatiniiof /'/'iif or I'i'i.ti bemp/i./ra-'.'oi li'JliciJd ; and that the old .//■/i.i>m were Inch, both .ioii/j and I'owfiii.iui Mfi.t alUrc. Tis well known alfo that ,7///i.i, or a cfinliderabic part of it, was called / W'l.i ; wlii.h Name I rtainly conies from the 11,-hew l.i,l , li((iid . iii» limit) 01 dry, according to that of /«(. in, /i/ 1. . ■J9 II'. Th.it '■/i/'' cannot be /•;//.';"i iintry th'i I'//''.' be 111 our Uible iifually iranllated l-.tl-iifi.i, se'. the Pai.iplii.ife of J ii.iil-nu is hereto be rather fol- h'Wed, ssho nanllates it .U-il-ir.: Vml.ijh is the f.inie u'lthf .•/■'■'•'". whi.h inll.il-l''kf 7- is niadethefamc with M'.ilivi J and M'Jei his Wife, which ..ertamly ivas a l.liirii'tc, Ix 'I 1. i«,ii. iscalled a ' i'/^/>.. And an 1 lliews from / ^ .!;i>/ lot ^e l-.ll.'i'ii.i, but mod be Au ill- Of winch alfo Ice /I" '■■".', oV' 4 •■.!. who makes It probable tioin .ibiindanco of CirLiimf^ari'es, rh.it the (.i./l-itf were thul'e who afterwards were called Sce- nt- I becauleof their livirp m bents : and thcii'i.D.i.vwj, from their Raj !nes.ind Rubbeiies Wliicli agrees mij;h- tily w;th ihe Inli.d'itaiirs ot .-lii-.fi.i. And ironi /fi: - l.ih or tArt. ; .i/', one of the Sons of this Cn/h, came the I'eople called by /'.'/>.>, 1 1- •<,•!. i, by l-'.-.tt'-liir-iie!, Cl.:u. tniijl , who, as 'ii-i-.y.. laith, were feaied in Amvln Fn- //.v. I'tolom-i alio faith, tliat there was 111 A'.ihif. h'.dlx a Cit. lalled Vt/.'/ », not fir.ldtant from the Sea ; svliirh plainly and eali y may be denveil fiom Sr.ii.i, a- nother Soil of f.'i /'■. .k ordint', inMlei. 'Tw'.rc end- lels to mentirn all the Ai'lhoiitiis and Arjiunients ;o prove, th.ii all pans ot ./'.j.',.i were peopled by the Poflerity of («/'-'; an.i therefore having (lie wed yon where a ^reat^lo, k of I'lople were p'.iced ready to fend Colonies into ihe .ic.i.icent Conntiies, I lliall civ qi'ire next 11. 1 1 die Peoping of i'-pli, that t'ainoiis Place for Lcarnni' and Anrii]nitv. F.;ip;, I'l.ttA c lalKv"^', and 'tis tertain that the Heathen liifitc was tliere called ll.iminoii, in both which Words there is a plain Allnlion 10 Hmn ^ and in- deed in the Scripture fiy/ir is in many Places called the land of Hitin ■ And Stcphjuui By^Mitiinis faith, that not onlv a part of il-i-.f, but even all that Region, was called /Imnwui.i from Mtittnon ; and for this he quotes the Aiitlioriry of .iir.\.in-iir l\,:yi '.jiur. lUmviis the lecond Son of .Vj';'', whole .Son Mit^tAtm is on pood grounds fiippofed to be the Father of them who inha- bited /■;"»/'/ at hrlt There arc plain Remains of his Name in the tirft l---:t.iiii Month, which ihey called .yfrfn-iy and the i, .1 luitry 11 le'f was called Mcjirj, as Crctiui and C.if ..'//• I'bfcrvc- The City of yllctin. is at this time by the -h hi-vis called A /.•/."• and Bori'/n; ob- lerveswcll, tliat • /r swuid .l/.i'/^.wj being of the Dual NumlxT, einiin; lb well be the Name ul a Ferfoii, but will very pioperly li^nify l-.^'pt, becaufe il conlilts of rwo P.tr's, the Ifpf- and the l.own : For all that Part ot it whi b i|, . apaintt the Silr while it runs in one .Stream, is cail.d the H>;"-i iir I'pprr F.pypi ; but the l.nv- |. ilifit svherc the Kivcr is divided into many Streiiiis , .i;i(i this flic G f-',.' call Drit.i, from thci.etter '• It I'.eini', nf a Triangular Form H.i.l'.iit oblerves, :!ia''iis rcobahle /'vTvcr mipht be idled .\fi?'<:;rn ihf S'liv^jlat Mii:; — per ciliiUi l.>li:i liii.-ntis ,i,i-iir,:. .And / K.'or LiiHn is alio the .i.-.ii^k Name f )r /.li..;. I et us next conlider l.tl-.'ifiit, aiuithei tanioi s I'au of • Afi'.:i. 'i hik, /(m/.i'/\cry piob;ib y proves to have been that Part of tin- Latih whi. b in the Scnptme is c:allcd I. ml, and confeqiiently may I'c I'uppuled to ic- ceivc itsiirlt I'eople from l.ii.iiiu the eldiH .S.si u( .i/.'^- iitiiii, tirti. 10. I ^. li'r the /A\/.iv l.:.i lignilus ( a* well as the .7. /:/i'i<; J wiii.iiii,' or turning in aiul om hke a River And he jiroxes from llnmiius, ./;;,-r 1 ,-;i.U . s'.o (/■,:, r,.ii,.jii;iic.i, ,te. that againlf l.i'i-j'.i the .\ had a great number ot Windings and '1 uriiinj's, I;,, ibe Mrr.ii.iri. And this feeiiis to l)e coiifiniied w .". much from the Country about the ■'•'.■ o. i' s being , il led l)ili.t, as wc learn from I'liin :, woids, uu 5. r. ly. ly.iit .intern pt fufr. jhi.iiufi .linmsiMi-Mi.it , - i-uililui. And i : :t o.ic: II. fpeaking of llie/-l/'iiy.'. ^ ,s,,i- faith, .•" !.'.•• .11 io."«v5««i; ^Mjia./f.:-/- Ja i N>i>^. He Ihews alio that the lithiopi.iiti wcrevery famous forthcir Ihootiiig in l.'ng IJows ; which is the Account the Scriptines I'ueot the y.j..;.w, hit. c-j. 19- Jr/i-m. 46. 9. In the lornier of thcfe Places of Scnptore he obferves alfo, that P/i///and /n.iare loined together ; which con- firms I uil ro be l-.thiopir., betaule fi'ul is certainly the fame with that City which thed'uv^/ cailcd l'l-)U, which was inhabited b\ the F-tliiviiitu ind F.-JUtimi', as it were in common, and Ifood about 100 Si-tliu fioni the Nil.-, .Ts '\ti.ilio exprelly faith, IH: 17. and H"iJ.t:,t con- firms this at large, la-. 8. 'Tis plain alfo from Oio.lc- rui, that the F..i\ptii7>«.• for Antiquity (//A. 1.) alledging, thai they living n'ore Southerly thar .he Ff^yptirm, had a Ihongei iun, which therefore muft conrributc more early and tfKsaciovilly to They f.iid alio that the L.inu of i.i^'/' or in (leneration Iroul US being naturally fortified on j was all adtentitious, and gained trom the Sea, by the Mutl IM I RODVC I ION. V That .. .S. Ii he, Nik. uj.,n, ■ It; .1 r.iith, L\jm- StMtl- l'\4'/" in.o tt ,1 .Son 1 I.I.C lat'ci : , iiu '■',«''• lit hi« liui num- l'l.m iiiiiir ..I. .n i,' .I'll aii.t nilt llOkl'i. k\c- Aillv.l i Init . into I wcrt ' ' m.i.l /, iiiiar> J aiul ;/,,■.,, wlu.h it. Ill J arc of ' ' have I re IS to IC- .>/.<- (ai t l.ki: /.(' , He their t the 46.9. lirvi's con- tllL- vhith as ic u the 1 ccm- IIIUMS and lickf, th al- ij.' t'ur n'ore vliicK lly to v the :.iui •Mot 5! I Mud »hi. h Silui thriw up inia a hop 1 But UJn lUiim 1 i ' >''<'« f 'od, ami l.aown diily 10 ih.ii I'lOplt t(i have crtivliially deter. 11111 M ihib Dilputf by la>int;, that Mi^nim hcRat / u.iim j and ihcrrt'oic the liihifinm or 1 11,1: in iiiiilk ho Iel4 .intient than ihe l:^>rii.ini. AllJ indeed i. excccdinn ptnliallc. thit the Aik rcflint' on ftic (•'('•.// i'i« or A/, /Hjim, Syii^tani hvyf, went, or Uiii Liilnniej afiertliis into l-.thiefi,-, an I ilie yei mote Sun iherii I'art.«. I omit W'v//)i/'» other Attfiimenis to piuve the /.f/'i.|Mir to he the /.ii./iHi or Mjn, uh;ih, who lo p|i:iles, iii»v .(iiiliilt m //. 4. 1. if. of his 1 he /■.!;»/'•. r.f^rp-i.i'ii, tn MiKhly prol'Ulilc, lent initiiiio- ii;e« into many of tlie iicii^hUmrini'l'ans, as their Siii>K of I'eople 111, le.iled : But one would wonder any ut iheiii Inmild r.iinble fo lar a^ the /luw//- Set. And yet foiu- are of opinion, thu the I'/.w.-/' were tlic Ori'spriii({ ol the Iwfpi.iiii II ni 111 faith, 'tis pail doiil't that (hue are many things anions them ol /.^;i»;ifi.i« Ori^i- na^ ; as their aiuieiit uav of wriiin):, and ihiir I'hilo- fophy : And he think.sit not an iiiiprilMhle t.onieChne, iha: paitot Selrjlni his Army iiiif:ht po thitl'cr. the Way nut I ein({ lo teiy Rreat, bit iliii fmiic t f ilieiii , efpe- (.lallythe Horic, for ivhuh y:i;»/ii was t.iiiiousj niighi marih thither I'-it ilie.V.v'/i.i«<, and of late Apis the '('.I'M J ha>e ni.idc Iiiiurlions into l-ytpt- lo this ho lids, that the r/mV' Ke.nr.ls fiy thcv were peopled .. a tV. I... \l'..ll . .«,! .u... .L.. V, ' ... . r 1 ... /; ./ifi.i the Fatherof Hillorv, tclli u«, And liiice vvc aie pitten intoih' .\f'..' (n •« .i», let Hi i.oall It ioiiii.l. That ihc I'ivoi. i'.i/<, f« 1 ■« , .h ■ •dfd I'ioni the' ..■.• *.■■./. //;.(«' or I V. i.v., wcte (ielll iin.iKi/, I, no (iiedei .1'. iiii.il ih ,i"d Ihi fe,i> IS .MM his Kdiiir /' 'iV -iJ(/i7 jcxpullj ..llerij aid V.l'.i:iM|///()« calls l'/.r«/,;> Xi.. as th< faillU 7'. /•I'.K ol Ictvei. And 11,0,". tertain it i> that the l.X.< iife ihv Naiiicsof t'4»/,: i(. (.- an.! l'liti:i,,/-H pionui; iioi il : For s (. .<,!e J ' he .Son r f a < ,i;.i».i»'. • I ). lii.d tu Ic the Sun of ,1 //.' who in f UllKlll, IS in : ./. lis a \\\ i.f.- \V, Hr«;V;>»i\Voii>iin: Aiidlu.1 wliiimSf..!'-r///, iiiaiiuf(..;..'j'. Ill '.1 5. i:. Si..V.;,(; laili a v^ I, 1.7. !(■. Indeed «■■ ne er find tlie f.'f •'; salluig tlit i'h,-ni,..nn |,> ijie N.iili<; if Cii/.iWiVv : lilt Ruf n ut whi.h prulialK is, that the i'-'i>//c/,i" r.trefiiil;. a\uid- ed that Na'i.e, I'esai.fe ef ihc Curie I'tunu .n.cd on thtir K.itlii 1 ( .■iinni . The Miii.'p, lisr'' Pljir\i, was r ■ , in // i'tit, V - or S.ii i wlitiiee eamc %,ini, and theiwe ihc'..' .■-.^ i».... or the.S>i.,in). BiitS//o>/, noivli..',/, ts.n lu.sh a iiutc famous :ipd iiniieiir C'iiy thanr),-; tb, ll'iun mcv tions iii.ihiiy of 7'»-:-, tho' hi- {\v:i\\ of Si.irn and tl.f. Siihin'.iii. iniiiany pi.n. ei And in the S, li) tuie we read nothiii!' of Tor ti'l /).-:'i's Time, sshuia* V,'..' i; 1 nieiiriniie.l 111 the llooks ol Mf i, and no doubr iheC'iiy - ' 1.01.1 k/i.. ••!), liilt f'oin ihe Well ; and that the IVosiiue of .\'f»,y;\viis ! ''."'k its N.tiiie Cai> the Ko'le tiiini ji; tiielirll inhahitcd, d after th.it llrn,:ii, ]'i.';i".i', V, z'^- I 'nd b'lnof Cii;.- ;»■, fir/.' ir. 1^. iiiii.[, 8(e. /////,,. ; ,(, V(. " hroin anoiher Sun'of thist'.r ,(,/i, A.'/rtdl iieudiiii:', Mr-t' , /ii, ..'a, ,./, and Immiwii', all agree, I •^'' ':'•''''' •"ne, (iti. la. 17. An. I il'J'e >".,/„j that tlicCc/e/i, whi.h inhabited the liallerii Parts of the ' r'-""'''''^"'''' I-'' ■'''■•, wiieri not oii'y jij j , ;, I m / /;.'i.vi»/f beyond /Vi/'j'/m.y, were derived from the /-.ij^^- '""* inentioii. a Ci^y ealli.i // ci or ./.v, inwliieh'l.j ti.iiii. Sinte, as /do./ nil llewb, their litntii '.^r, M.m n.-ii duii li-'f^imi Hiici did ury iiiin hapree, and the ji:!l!y Name of f.'jV/v bein;,i ealily derivalde tiimi the Woid C.'.i///(.' ■»! lbs only oiu.i'nv^ ihe I , whieli before an V hath not a pom! Soiinl) as U-Ui't ohferves ; we may e.ilily bdicve the tVc/i were derived fioin the Iv^ip- ■■ us, ' .|prnb,ibli-lloodihe Templeof r.r.',- ,•/ U'»/'/i.j riiih u.is worlhippcdbv Ihe /'Ai ;.', wl.i.li A.',:- ;',!>, ,', S.I/ ■,■,'. •■. W. 1. 1-.17. /',/•> M\, mention', a Ciiy lalled ./.•, w'liiih he faith was 111 the/). ,.i/c !/,!•< h '.i. SUci .ilfo, . ' iS. iiK iiiionsthe./i/r././.f, svhn hre(.;'l are reit lif.ly tlie fame wiihthe ylr/i.l-i, whoduelt iiithi llland .i'lJ.. ■■ ti.iii), (ince A;;/«i tellj us, f.'ju. in. 14 that the f.'i),'',,- 1 '"enti'ir.'dby.^n.i.'v .iiidothristobeoiithr(,'eMltofP/.,r, , e/'/'/H were the Offspring of Af/jMi/n, the People of " ' i and on the Coiitiiieiit was a I'la. ;■ ,ii;aiiilt it ealli'd /•'i;>/>/. And this receives Omhimation from A/,>/ <"''"•", ii/"'. I need liiy iiorhiiit; hcie ol il.o//.' .v. If- fayinpthat from ihefe came the /• ifiiw, and that ihe '•"■■'■'^'''. or Jtir///; K.nioii, whuhwcre ^^f■l[;)lb.:ur , f, t:nfl iil.ir Ar.omit in ilic .S'eii; ture. 6'(j/e/ii/ ended : For here fstinlt iiieiinonsa City tailed I It irom benic u,^ poon into .'/,'.( ,A/i'/.'.-,-, cr /ii' ••,''-, '' Side, and the Country SiJctic i but Ha'.Mrr thews that now .Vi/-,'/.-, welL.ili find that I'/'mj,.'.:, Ii ullrdliiiii Side in tlie (.i.-i^ hath the very fame Sipniliiatioii as' *;!•;•■' in the ('-'r.-k, whieh liquifies to tornfy or 10.1!', r.aplitrr in the Hebicw ; and therefore 'tis highly fuobaLle -'nd ilnreroreby /J/u/wn; S,\ih'i.i railed >.i'«.....-:j/;ir, was that the lame Country might be called Cuphia m one t'eopled prob.ibly ficmCo'iir the eldcl^ Son of 'j.iplct; I.antjuape, which w.is s'l^h? in the other. And lU/W , l"r the llelncK (h.inif (iniilies to coiilumc by I'irc, we arc in this part of the World, let us conlider the ! "heiuc eomcs ''I'Km.T or ',..!// ,>, a Coal. .Some very People whom wc tind by the i.i-.y/1;j called Afiy./-/ and | I-earlicd Men indeed have I'mcieJ the C.'/.W 1 nnd €':.■' I)i,%iciii: lot thefe areiii'ually ;oincd together by He- } "/ru'i to be liic Offspring of iliisfw;,-)- j but the Da.i.s red tut. Str.ibo faith the M.jii-i inhabited the Mountains , they Inh.ibited were mr,h too ren rtc for either hin-l'elf called -"o/./'iV;, North-b.ilt ot Citppi-.doci.t ; and, as the orhistirll Lhilditn ro tiavil to, tho "ti' ii'-t impro'.-able I/;ariied Ba'/w.; thinks alfo, all the Mountains from the fi.>me of their I'ollevity mii;lK i;o into linfj Parts af- Rivcr l'/.',^/jV to the I'aiius Cr.pp^.d.cUui : And the i)br.- tcrwaid.. in proceis ot time : B'.it iiikr l-'-iel^jcl, cl:. 5S. 0. JT«;, Sf/d/'^ places betsvccn the fu/irr"''"' and the In- mem ions (.'..i/,i', , a-, Wwa, a Nciphlour to T(g...-,m^/j , habitants ct /Iniieni.i Miiioi. Thefe People, 'tis high- ' whuli Place, f'. 27.14. '"•• faith, iif.dto fend i^ilnha lace, f. 2 bitaiiis ro the Martsof I'yr. be fo fir otf", either as 5.,> I Biit.tiii, and theritorc very \:'!i and the l'laiesad,a.e;it 'tis pljMi (I'.iw.v coultt net 'fr,rj, f.'rw. 10. 2. For thefe are as conflantly Killed together in Scripture, as tliey an' in Profane .Authors : And the Deruaton of ■'•'/./" tiom /Wf//.v.-<;^ is very natural to any one acquainted with the IjftrrK and Cicrk. Languages ; as alio is the 'l\l:iictH Uom'Siibiii ox Viihf.i , by only changing the L into an R, .,, j ^ - - as is ufiial everyone knows with the "lorr^j, ns m p.i i», 'the Siir,<< .-IJ^.-tiiu , ti.e l.ntii for BcZ/.i/, &c And lUchvt thews that thcfe 'JV/mi em |c<-h.>. In the adjoining Con. and ."n/f/>< had ilic f;ime kind of Commerce, Traffick and Commodities with thofc o( Tuln-.l and Mi/h:ct^ m the Scripture, as the Reader may fee at larce in ///■. ^. c. 9. of his l'/''.3.V;>. Kut before 1 leave the /■>>/'.•; in Colnnies, 1 ought to take notice that I'ima'ch, in his Book ./r I/iU C O/i'i.i , ta;t',i. :li,n the fi;/i;'/irt,M ,alled the Country and the Mountains whiili lay on the Coalf ot ihe Metiiifrr^iiie.iii which iva^called M,:imiiiic.:, ami now lUfJ.n, /. r. that Part againliil.e ^Uic lAimm, by the >fainc of Sephtiun. 'Sow Wjet tells us, (icn. 1 o. 1 ^. that one of the Sons of ."ir ; "', ;lie Founder of rh hp^ipiirii Nation, was c. very well ligmfy the theretore from thence vvc have an Account of the Pco- i/.i:;r'.iV:, a Native of which being called by Sn.'h, 7V pUng ot th.it Coaft of the Mrdiunr.i.i.in by a Colony .I'iui, KrW.'iff thinks the Name may be derived t'r.-jin Rj- (torn l:npr. And 'tis very obvious to obfcrve here by .I'l-.ir or lliphm, as he is called (1 Cmcii. 1.6.) another the by, that fiom the K^>;ir/<:« Name of this Maritime Son ot f.'^i/ic : But this is certain, that 'mhitlyniii, a Country, Seplirmi. the word Septum nay be derived ICountiy not Far from rrpK^tgcnin, there is the .-/m«ii And ive arc fuie that .V/.-iiwe was laid originally to be 'lij'"l'xiii or Hj>rl>iii, mentioned by Afothnim in Aigcnrnr. ..TliC; ,is in I \hr- [■■fi,U ^J- .tiid the !.:JJfi /'Z'iv;'i.r, there was aC'oi'ntry a.- > .y culied .i/;ii«m, from whence liicy fiiit Colcmti • j the /-'K.xii.r Sea, ?.; we may on goo>l grounds coniefiurc i bccaufe 'i j cei- taintroin I'indm {r\i. .4.) .\n.\ from h'oliiiui's/hi^^oir.ut. 111'. 2. that this was callc I liill by the C'f;!^) '.'i?>'i5>- ; s, which D.'p.i 11 III .Old S'.-!: conliim, fiyu git v.-as fo cal- led f'tmi the Cruelty iiid Inholpitablencfs ol' its tint In- habitants ; and therefore 'was aftcrwants changed into thecoiitrary r.;'>.5>-, whence .oines the prefeiic Name .Sea: And of the /•;» VI lie .Sea: And 'tis veiy likelv tli.it the Grri^i called itlifll .■Ixinu.', becaiifc the hilt Inhabitants found- lied \ipi !ii,:iw ; which may 1 ed it .^/I.•H.l-, from .(/i. i(;fl Sttfkumi B>^.*Wi«j«/ mtfliioiM • Ri- \*r, CouMtrv a«i> Ciiy called by ilu* N.imc of /(/r'';:"""•''" ^' '"• lie' C''/?''''""' 1 1,« and ('' M And .S>r,iil (., N"W 'ti, viry likely ilitfe wen derived ftiMii Tic imuhcr Sun ot (.<<■', riid wild wiH, a» ti\ |l. 11 *<■!;. 17. I J. jiiid near liu h'ailicr Omr/, ,u .v > licfurc oliteivcd. TI H:i'tif t ■^vm■|l^, the 1\< always remlcr I'.vcnmi or T''"^i«m/', I'i'Mii whi'iue ihe iiaini, or, as liiine write It, T'f^i'"', are ciliiy derived. Now the I'lophci /• { (.'ii f.iuli III ihe riae above meiitionrd, that ih' liili.ibii.im* of T ;' I'Mi :'' briMight Horlin to ilic iMirs or M.iiiM)f i,c VV'huli auree'. very well wiili the Ai- • mint we have of thcniitkiit it,i<.i.i, whiih w.n vcrv fiiiMii's I'lir tJi>.ell next vilii thed'M.i" .+ f'"/»/',i;i'» vt Cleiji n'liii, ,11 il . iii|Mire into till (liifiinal of ihe liihiliitants of thatmoU tamijust^iiniry torallkiiids of.iiitieiit learn- ing, miiiu ut iheii Nliiia'ion, m as the A)(Uiiiieulni theSiiiind ,.| ihi.Njmi. Alt i.lf 'ic III I, fame I earned Mm is ot < |r)»,, another of //i^i'.'/'s .S..11',, huh a very ijoodClaini (orbfliiin ii> Kainder, It's owned that ihc moll iniifnt Nam. uf I iimm 01 tiii.y, w.\i ir.m l^nr rtv ( ^mif-iif, ot' whofc Kliinolnxy there is niinhrv I)ilpiiri» annmn 'f"-' old (•r.niiuM'. .m lint the taniniis Hm-i'i fceins toh.ive given a scry inll 'Umiini ot it in (lrriviiif> It I'roiii the //f^ I'lr f'-iixj., sshn 11 lif.iiilii:, loliidi i and this scry well anfwors to it-. N.inic by Interpictaii m, I III I inn, whi' h molt fay .'oiiies .1 /.i/i';i.ii ; andioalfii doiht/''«/>'i in the ^mliK^j (a btaiitli or Hiale.t ot ilie Hd< cir) lignitie hiMni or /if.'-ri/. Kvlidij, in U.ih there were tnaiiv I oo:iti'|'i ' 1 the Name limintw 'hfiiH. ir.iMn.rinP'iiiJili.H. J j',0. imntions tlicre .1 (jiyeallfd kit!., whiili wan one ot thole that 'or. n/itiii/ took, as I'liitii'i Ihews II) his I illf. Anil A.ijl.ihw l.il. ./-• Mimlt, inintions a Kiser called Kr "i- mliii't (svliiehfloi/'orr takes to be .V.V,i,«( m- s.7,(ii'i r.iiimni; a- bniit I uiu.t into the Vml-niiin Sea) that w.iiild tiirn Plants into Stone'. Nay i.njfl iu\ the ' /• mu. . n 1 V.v m liiiiiiini, (.f,t,n,ii< III Ins Amials, :ind Siii./rr, tell yoii the / iifiM'/ taint fioni a I'l "I'lci ailed CV/.<' urt.i'/. and th.it their .iiHunt Namesvm (n. And as from (■iiiim ijniethe I'j took iis Oni'inal from t'nlhiih nr r.i / , aiiothei of /^eAr/s S.in<. I his, Kc/i-Zii/n was the hrit that alfcrted i fent /(.. client V.idIcj As to the Name d l.i'/bi/h, he cites /^r'l/iVi, /(/..'f mentioning the I e.if,ue made Ik;i ween the /<'»'miij and t'.i;>/Mi;i>;MNi, in wtiKllitv/as I'oibiddin thcforiiicr to make any Excurlionsb6iond-W.(y.(Viand ii./ciut/,. This \ Iain from the Name of the Ionian Si'.-, whieh is foinc- ■^'■ijlii Sttfl'r.iiin i alls ^I'ljii, and faith 11 v, ai tire Conii- tnncs given to that part of the Adinii^k whi h is over 'ty ' • th' r.iiri///i, andtli.it tlic( ity i'.i'Inum was lituatc a^iiiill , Ml.. '.i'.«M and the Countries Wclhvard of it, rhar tiny ucie antieiitly rnknneil pait of Inia ; anil ji.cKhnnly the C'w.,/.,- I',itaphrafc, t.ii janDi, (,,,. 10. 1. puts Mr..:..ibiii.i. To this may be added that //(• .ivi/i laith the .Ifi nick, lews, whuli weic Co- lonics from ''f't'.'ir, had 7».(r> >nii-i,^/'.:nf 1, filth CXprelly, •m-r tttl. ',m 1. inir*.. ; ,llt Itiiii'' ii-.ii! or Foreigneis) ,.-,i,'.'/-/'c(i''f -/ij laoncs, Fruiii all whiih nc may cvnclude svith the moft I earned Bu- . I r, that the llhcKi lallid all tliofe Liift or J.n-aii, which In (d from 'I'/iirr to the Ijlhtnui : Whi h is much rinlirined ty li'iffin his Column lit up on the Ijlhnus, which on that Side looking towards A;i;:;.ir.: had thcfc WoriU : t ,Ji Z-,;!!! ;ti^.« aV ."> I'lu ; '/''•« « net Pelo- ponncf.:s, / It Ionia, This Column is mentioned by Still:.; lit'.'), and by P/,i'ov/in Tw/e"'i and is faid to be llaiidir!: in ( n.li:-! his nine, h.-chnn lliew^ alio ftom tlie Mervl-..i;i.lizc win li l-.yk'cl faith.i/'. 27. 13. 'J.nin ail id to hr-, that ihe (.if,i'.ii;j ufid to trade In the Vi 1 \ I'.inii' thinc^, I'l .i.r". Ii' . ,\. c. J. .'\iid tlii.s Ai'ionnt of ilie lirfl Peopling of Cktcc is n.iich i.oiilrnii'd bv Ml-i l.i\ing, that the eldelt Son Ot' 7-''"" "•!' ailed /.'/'■■' i for every one knows that ^hc *'•"•;, or aiitienr I'riofonw/ii', was i ailed of old l.'ti, from n\:r\ Iirgr Country there ol that Name, And // III ' > ilU one I'm of It ■liiliiiin : And as ;';;;iriid,in', as will appiar plain c- nouiih hereafter, when I come to Ipeak ol tlie Mmtil- tions of the People of that Nation ' And 'tis vciv jiro- bablr the Name //■iiiTi.(j vsire an- 'iently i ailed, was given them by the I'i.-niiar-iii, from their word l-'-hnn or Ibnin, lii;nif\ing the utmoltBoiiiiiU and limits of any thiiit, ; Iveaufe Sfmn was th ujiht tn be the utmoft Extent ot' thclarth .is it is nf this Conti- nent) Wellward, .And this is much eoiiHrme,! bv the Mcrchaiidife brciipht limn I'.vjhijh to I'd,-, mentioned by H:;c^iel, cl.:2\. 12. which is laid to be ,S';/,r,, irmi, Tm and /.M./ : I'ot Sttnlc, lil-f. faith, >» Atvuf^. »'./i A I'.tf' './'.:>-. r-}* tiJi,^ J/' -Slt^i^ T»,>«,, ,'n t?t T 5V-. rl ^'li^W;*- iTy. lci."«n<'5 ;>;'«vi. M'.'it''-'. That is, T/vr- isnctycf foiD-'.i my where citrn fn much of, or /V .'o. H Silirr, Rra/f nnii Iron, ai there u in Spain. And the lame thino fauli DioJ'rni, I'smpiiii.ii A-KV, and P/;w» ; mentioninji alfo Tin in particular : And /iiiy.'od in hiS Book of Wonders, faith, that tis reported the hrit ['Ixiiiiiinm in thi ir Voy- age ioJ.virl]iii tiierd Inch Qiuntitiis (f Silver, that their Ships were not able to bring it away, and there- fore at parting from thence made all then Velfcls, nay their very Anchors of Silver. As Spniii probably was peopled by the Polterityof I'.ir- f,„ , f'l/l', fo Fiamv t'cem.sto have been by Do.l.i'iin:, the lad cf J^phei's. Sons. The I XX call him l{i:c.u>uiin in \(irii,:. 1,7. and 'tis very li.U'ly that Insl. h'ldren gave Name to the famous Kivcr H^ointni' , and cadeil the Country round about it l^ljd-ii.iiiir., 01 fome fneh iikc N.imc. For V.'.'/'Afii"/ 7!^?.i'j».) »i nrmior.s a Cty an.l Country fo called, and litn.i'e in m.^-»>ii ; th.it ii, jl Tr.tttu M,--I]iiiitji, w here now Hands A/ 1 fe !i, • Ard fl. chnr; thinks there arc Rerr.ai'S >!' tb.c Name l{'-iJ «'>,- •K./ / N / RO'DVC I 10 N. VJI in ibe C^iiy l{Mnm'M, <.nw l\if j «ii>l in ilit l{lliiif Ci Situation, in \itv l.litiv fi mr ol'iluiii wiin N.,rth- tic« arc iiiiw H^-'iiti .iiul ;('.'./ / j aiKl h« liifigrlti tlut j wanl, iiikI inhahilcj the \i-mi< t/c/wf/n;, ami i.tllcj ihcVS'iiiil/i"/"!'! nuy be .iCntruptifm troni /(W/im>»,! It liy tlirir own Nmiie l{iai ; lor I'u Hm-ifi Mtwtt /I.;,, AW Hmf.l till' /"j »ihl ilic /('■ /«r tiiiirjt filitn .iinUiuiuU'il hy ihi Aiitanit Ni'i' .((' 7 h/w hn f i; ti'?"' /i'. 4. '.'.IT A» 111 i>»'»iiii> an I thi' nihil MiilUiiil I'atu ot Hu- rrf. III. tk ililliciilt In hii.l wi.eii thry wnc tiilk p«/» Monbm (it • m4>Hi- mil, iliai tlir) liJil a I'ltilitiiin ilui Hfniilii, llic ltii>Mi(;f War». /<; li laid 10 Ik' till' I hifl I'riniT of Mi-lhfk ami Iw/.i.' ; nr ;,y4.i« I",. M T-, »«,<.!., a< tlic I. XX rriUtr it, and many l.iMi'iiciiMt'ii think vny |iillly, irakiiiB H'"'. ■"■' lint, »% we havt: iraiillaci'il II, Imt the Nainr •>! a Ciiiiiitry. H tl.vi iiry 111(41 iiioully ioii)iftiiics ih.iitlu- Word '-iii/f i/i,< lanii' Iriiii ihc(.Vi/)/.^»iri;;{-.4/'i', that is, ili<(Siron({-lii>ld 111 Di'l'i-iKc- of (.>![, ilianning ihc'^'ii-/ into a \ i//i.r, at loi Noimtl^ of jinnd is iifiial 111 the ii'iT/l( l,aiimu(;r (thus loi \hc Heh'trr O^m/i', a Camel, ihcy wiite ./i.ii>,i) anilthcrif )rc'iisprol)a|ilctli,it SoUjih, about the Mi)iint;iin l ViiiimAc, i? ".'Jl'Jf, or the land of liiii; i and there 11 certainly Ionic Hema.ns of ihcNanic (."/, inthe (.ity o ijufrni' ol Sitpli. Bj\*niinui, whiih lie |>laiesheic«boutJ between tlieto/i/i and the Ut" Orirn- fioiii /,--(,•./. iliac in 111* Tine !. '. 1..1. , . ainc fn ill i<. i'a 01 /{/'n and /lUiii ) Ik aiiie fiu, my, nl; |. t . ^, jiUiCl ihc Vi»f/;4(ii between ill* l.iuii .inJilie /l.,tut, abeut ihi. IVi'wi .Wrarii, After llii« Bill /.«./ goes on to ll.iw, iliii tlieWolda cl h^eli. lb . J, Sf . dii i^^tec^lTy well to ihe V()/;iii>ii, a»to their l>eiiii4fiiii(nn t,ir Hi'tln, IJoin ai:d Aii..»', intiitliei AiiiK.iii iiHiiifivi and dilenlivr , »li'cli ihc Reader miv loiiluli at l.ngi, lU: ]. ./.I], ul hii /'/«/rx. riom wlicncc the iiuiiiuuiis .n.d vaiiois l\iy\c cli«<< tnJin Uiiriii.iln Here hilt deiivcd, 111 not lo laly lu diliovrr, and pmbaMy they niighi iiatt' ihrirOrii^iiial from vcr\ ditKr,ent I'aiiiilifi ol liie Suns nl A .1' i lie I ommoiily nieivedOpiniiin u, that they i an e hum the Suiuof Joii^/rtHor ?r/ir, tluHrithir (if l'li^l<-, win. h were il'iricfh in number. Hm lli-J- 1 and Bjil .i/.ilf lonhne the Sitiiaiioiiol all thife tu ilic innctiimd |..iil o| //.ii/.i.r, or rli.tl'iu leli\. Ih'ihiK lailh llie Aii'imt: divided all the I'eopic of ihe World into the Si rf/.Mni and r.ihi fii-.iii, the IhU.ii,, ;nid the lf//.i' And the h ■ ■ii-iKi he fiippoles to be the Ollsi'iinn of Srii; ts il.i A..'//u//,ii< aji-i.f CI Jill, and the ,S.if..i..i«/ and ihef not iiiipioKilA' : .And m liii /''//. »'(///(>. /.. 85. he ih.nki ihs ii a ,1 I;...';,;, //.y.'.'i. . , , , iient troni liiiicc, at well as lioin other Arginiienis, that Op' i' , one of Jh- f.i'.'jSom, led his NametiiO/'/'ii, thcl'laci t'u nnvhcncc Soi-mai: fetchd liij (lolJ. i'lal IWl .ir:, tho' hi; thinks the Ofhii 10 be C.y.o", an othei* take it to be S"»fn/i(M, others oncof the Moluccii in /■;*// ;«./v; ; yet he jiulnts th.it the i.ilei. Anil lullowinn ihe l,XX and others, who make I'l-aiicittri ijaVe it that N:iinc, wlun ihiy luiind it to Hj}" the Name of a Country or Kcgioii, whKh was abound lo miiili with(ii)!il aiul .itheild. lies (as ilit- otliet contiguous to ,Wr/^(.<; and iiil:ii, ive cannot Init think it gave Name and Kife 10 i^i(/7ia and Mi/ wm : For /(/»■; appeam 10 liavc been the Name of the Riter Mntxit in Aimtniit ( now I'hi.o)hi(«i.( ) ruiininn into theCi-lfim Sea, and loiiiin)' inioone Sirtim svith the River C>iirt, .1 little before its Difcmbonue th 'f I'o. thus faith the iVnti/.in (ieo){i.ipher, a« flui/ii" rites him. " In Wimf- " 1/11/ aie two Riven of preat note, Hfm and Cor, both " riiniiiimfrom the Writ HaltwarJ : Itr, which ngrea- " and navigable, riles near the Mountain (that is, r.itn- " culm) and ruiinini> to JV//ir (the X^nlifji t.f I'lolmm) " and ftoiii iheiKe 10 the Conhncs ot Ihnn.t and S.im- " ci:n, joins svith the /^'t.', and tunsout into the Sea of " 11)0^41, or the C«//'f.i». By which 'tis plain that tlic Hhi is the JriT.vfj, as the Cor is Cnu. And he cites alio Ji/r;''i int; that the in\ Ihrcilotui f«iih, /Ac Scy- thian Nomadcs, which new inhal'it Alii, when they vert bcurn In thf MelTagetes, P-iji ihf Araxis into Cimmeria. Ami Diotijiiu, liii.i. faitn, ^/).if fw StjihuiB jirjl 4st:.i Ofhii in /I'rf/'M dill) from tlidi Wi-d .iiif'^u Otl fire, which lignificsrii h or opulent : And for the fmic rcafoii It was '.ailed 'ii^f.i-liiDi.i, fioni 'iiifh-f'.u- I'li ot 1'.^ - pto; .1)1 in the l.ime I angnage ; for that licnihcsihe I .uid 01 Shore nf Wealth, I'l i/^:;. 1.17. Now tlio' '^Ifjet faith ih.>t ibi Dwellinn of thel'e Sons c I 7i<;/,iw ^.\l\ ex- cept (jbi-l, ivliopalllni; iluoiiph the Siiiightsof the Vim/i //i.it/f«i, probably peopled ,/..i/iii I'l'tf'r.i'ii^c) wjsfroiii Mr/1,1, S niijilu nanlpljiit ihciti" Iclves into (ome Partsot / // /«,, as ibofe of A/nrj, who peopled V. ,il i/i and ic.M.j, might do into others. M'.Hi'iJl r; in his I etfr ot ii.! I:.i,i'i\ li.lih a pccu-^, liar Notion about the pe.ipliilR of Criii,i, a f.im.ii s Part of /: ■/,' /. .1'.,-, whole InhaU t.ints he fuppofes to take their Origiiul fioni h .ih, and lonieothctChildren of his belidis V..,-/ii, /(j(>/aiid lafic', svhuli were bom to him atierwards. Put this feenisiobca little in.ir lilUnt with what A/ /r tells us, fJ-w. 9. 19. where he laith, that trc 111 thole ilirce Sons of \'i>.i/', ni:i ihertlmle /•>.(/ overlpicid. Fn mi whence, ,ts the moft I earned and Judiiioiis lip C.tfi.Vi; obferves, it appears, that tho' K .1' lived above K" Years after the Delupe, yet he ci- ther had no more Children, or tlut none of them lives' to have any PolUniy. Of ^m k^' I« vni IN I KODVC / 10 h Oj the Tco^ling of America. 1 T lifii'dMirrflyf itJl'Y *''/'■'. ♦>'■" •• O 1''"'*' SAlt^mi »',.■ .livi.l-i h tl'Sni tt No.ih •/'• »'i" Fl.r,l . iiul 9 ll. I'*' <■' ''"« ''•'■ <* fl- *Aiicl ariil |i iiUlt I' till' I'otkcri'v cit .V.i'. rhi« haili inJu ?Tf, thii the v«(l aiiil pi)milou» 'Iriilt ul ,1'nKi I iliJ ii"» rauM' ii« lint liihahif»iit< 4iil«hf rime Fitlur V *'• J tnA thai it r«bir |ro»c< ihijf h«>l >rrv JiHVrint <'iinin3l«, Hit iiuidttikt 'tn not iliftiiili tn loiiinvc hiiiv vrr. ililtk'tnii t'liliui^aml Shape*, t Men may i.iiily ar'lc tiiim ttiiMlitfirciui- of t'lim.itis H. 110' I'll ,iiiil Kalliii in (f M,iii„iri.l. anJ triini the PiiWi'i' ot the M"iliir i liiuninatifjii I'l'ci.itiri;.! orjthc»'.r»Mr. Siirpiilrfrr inHamt, in the Culf M the ('elii(J., il they hail x Bei(inniiig Wtre th.it, 01 ell- were iini I'.fftmyeil I') the F'lXJil , will. It . oiilei]iii il'ly rriiM iv't It iiiiin.il.ll, .11 W A I af (.!!«, in! the (•iiieiality nl C,hrirti.iriilflii ve The euniiKin Afj'iinicfiiH lor whuh Oritiioii aic ifi llirtt I. Ihe .il^neir.iiiti'nfil Silrneot lUe .S>ri|.tiire .ll'Oiit tlieii^Ui'.;ili,ll I. Ihe piiiili('iriiis Nuint'etk I I their Inhll'Milt* when the) vvru liill ililoMnl < Hie \ 1.^ I'll'i-tii etltit there 11 1 1 iwieii tin in vul tin rell of Minkiiul, III their l'rrfiii<, Ma"tiy Me'i, eiiililj.nnnr, that Ciiiolit), r r l.lian.e, Waf<, or ilefire of (Iiin 1! ■ iil.i ciiry them thnlnr. Tivili!! Ill ly I'e .mrwetil, 1 Ihii the Silene (.f ■ !• ■ S' rji'ii'e a'^'iiit the \V.iv, i.linnrr ami I inn- of the r't'|llin;of lUifnf, i« in it fi'lf no Kooil Proof ihit it itiil lint ifi-eivc iisInlialMtaiifilioin lonieof the Dei.en- J.int* from \^t/ , iin!efs it ivtrc alleiteil by thofc who believe .W'/'«', that .v .1,'/. -. Fiir'tispiobnlile, .is J mice Ih- o' ferve,, tliat I'liin- Mii'rati.imt iii'o .(./.;•. <;rt inixht l>c w.thin i Oi- .pc Yeiir- oilier tin- Hcoil. J, ^ f !• file jTeit Nimi eriof the Inhaliitants ot ,7- /«t;..|. 'tis eer'a 11 there 11 rime moiii'h atitl to Tcate, (incetlic!\!ilge, to a.vositit tor I'di an In r.afe .ml 'rjspr(i''a' no p,o Ihe !• ; .iqamlt either OMi "Monwi". fa:l in wttli tlii^ ii. for.i 1 1 ira' be dear. .1 1 p after lime Its can feirawii from ilie ihtleii m Ii 4n» of that I'.ey hail not I'.oei t.- fioin iiiir Continent . '^re not tlie ln- 1; 1! r.i ill .!■ nf A, n't til.' I'A'f.f allly Jiiie 111 C ii'rier 1.1 ila.k I. Iioni the pi iiiii borin \iiy much from the lonft liairM i.f 1 he Fait, iMticli almolt as iliey w III f-ln : , '/,'■ I'riiit'., li.a- 1 •o i.c of liinfe .'ley aie nor a 1,1 If c ll.oii ,f niir Noriliern Parts? It there- ;ent ^ ■ . '. a? it were, of Men why ilio ilj It be thoiiuht III h' the fame in Airr If lifer. lit t'lom any ot ill m !■; and .1 tlut 1) t pcilup:. It will be till, this oii'y iiitie.ifes the n.fik.Jty nili . f friUiii- the Mol'ai.'al A.cu.mt of the > is r'.-ii.iin. v.- ij-3i;aii'.5r uf ludi Jirteniit' kiiiJs of Men fii;iii o;ic nine, he.iimeNHy 1« iiiliy, burnt an.l I Luk ; ilpe- cully of t hole will neniniii. h abiot,!, .ni.t enpofej thcmfclvr* to Hiiniii.n anil bulling, I ml an.l I alxiiir iniht Sun ' An.l 1^ n not natural inoinih to ..iii.xive thai thole Fenotij, who were bohl anil adin NUn ai Hnii'iiii!, Fillimg, or Fca'« of War, svoiM ionic by ilepreei 10 value themfUei on the t\.Iniii their llojies ha.l taiii.l f\ lii.h bt.ive and htrouk F.x| Imts ■ An.l wiml.l not ih. y ileipil... the ctfeimiiate NVIiitene!» anil VJtiict. of thole th.ii rtaiil at li.iine \n 1 when thli r.'ujt Hiu) Wis on.e iirowil honourable, w. oiilil lint c- vi 1 y one arti%;k it, aiiil iven ule •/ ti aiiJ /.•.■:■«;/.« 1 10 I'l.Huii It r lo befure alio theWoiiieii, wlioalw.iysaJ- mite itaiin? Ai'lisUN ami Val.iii in the Mm, woul.l le bell pKaleil witii I'erl 'n» ot ih'i boiiii and Apiear- aiier, and . onleqiieieh have iluir liiiag.nitiont .md Faiivic* alw.iyi ieveii;.t,.i Amfu-xui) lii.eil v.. ill l.lea« ol iliiiii. I'loin wlieiKe 'tis laly 1.) f.ippole 'l.y what 've duly (ee nf i In Marks that prei{nant Womei. nivr ill. II C'liil.lreii) th.ilthe I- lui in the Woiiili of the Mo. thii (wliuli IS but hki a liiaft on a Tree) wouhtbe iiiii'id with the laiii'( .1. iir. loiiii an.lC.oiiiplrxion ; and thisjioiiip .11 fetthei by deiireis, niich' eatily pro- duce as pieat a C hant;i' is that of an .;,<: ...1 11 to a Nnje ; einecialiy if to tins y<,ii a.l.l the irofable Sup- roliiion, that I'omr griat and eiiiimnt Mero in thele I'arts, or a famous Hunter, might hippen to have a III irtcr NVfe and tliicker I.ips than ordiiniy, nnjiht cut his Han very (hort, an.l have it iiatnially bjick and curled j tor by thismeaiis others of h.s (.ontempi laries or Folterity would ciijeivourio imitatehim as miKh a% they .ould, ami the Motlieis wkoI.I mould then teiidti Infants into his Sliapi and Form, andfiip(lv it all (by de)!r(es; by the F. ue and Power of I iii.y and jinari- nation, in iheir laner lornChildien. 1 think it nced- lelstogive liillaiici^ol tins beeaillt ih v ,ire fo very iiniiionanH obvioii;., that ill Hifloiv, and everv ones neei an luri'iili'lieiiun Ibine nieaii.re •\i.lthe.e want not A, in onlei to drink and cool theiuleJ.is, gn.l Ly prr.niik.ois Couplings there, '. uU Si' .'.It;/!,.. I it in It I ■..,/„ t i.n. 4\ Ik- did c.-'iit.i iiUl. c nc w i' tho' It be ufu.iily laid, that Uich ///■: Uk jot Aiiiii.als Now Off^ pniips and Bitihs astli. le li' n't copulate and piodiice .•\ninia. !:l 1 alxiiir > I'llKTIVC >i Mm 31 iijiiiv l>y irir tlotlii'j ioin ■ Ariil itiiuli arn) when ihii lllll llilt c- ',':•«« XI III ilw.iy\ail' svmiM 1 c .1 Aj'i car- uoin .iiul i.tll lvli';t« (I'y wlint imi'ii mvi- f tl.r M.i. iiplrxinn ; '.ilily pro- "•'■ ll'to A babic Sup- > in thfic Id have .1 y, luti^lit I'l.ck .llhl in|tiiaiics '^ iiuiili as II tcihlci It all (hy il I man- It nceil- (i> very .'IV ones li I the e chjfL- Is, -StL'i'.s, ot |I\, have lour aiiii loihir (n oiiiif in An:mi|'- oni;ii( 111. line arc ' "'iuIiMi u- tliiiif; ».•.,,/„ as ihcv '/'". •' '•' ''-It" It Atict lals than li'S; aiui 'il ir.;. ... 5. ,/c ivcn tor 1 ties ie- to meet ink aiij fs there, Now If-prinps Aninia s r.lly . r • aie Iii- ial;y a- iheCli- t(( reii , c I'l' aii.l hill Im- lirutc ;,.;; v/- '.». *iJ». nh'ikOft'iUive Ut.i in lilt l'.tnn »' ''* /><">i '••" '•"''■ *i' I'H ie.l titil cl'.nij^il h ^'ti'tmlitr i>iiii ,/.!«)unirii» Im! iimis >•• nniiMhaiii thtr« for i K'lici Hienl ot the laine kimini' Amiii«l» i iii'l fiMne fl». ei lie pcrtiCHy »-ciiain that /'< >-.uhj an.l 'hole Ni^t'h I'lltirn l',it «, J'> abiuml »i h a pro- ilii-i 111 Vuiiiy ot Iti'ilt, aiiil liirilj, ititiiy "I 'vlinh liive h'iii ililiunn >* Ami iheretore Men nii^li! Ill II rbiar eoticliii|iiit{ any ihinn leitainly about llie li«.,. I'/ .\tiiiii lis lieiiiK /iuM I. ,/, nil ihey lie fine lliiy know all tlmle wh . h inhibit thole vail Delirtu lttmm.iik, '.•,mii». A,. li*,iiil.; all ilie InbaLiltntl ni tl.ii :t» It .,11 are blatkhiiiM, iW nil turj;i auU W'l'illy like iIk' /■.>!< /i,i>iN»j()i«j. IIm Nunliirri Wjk "i.imalf'i were lonii.l lo line iiol'r'pii Ninie.., iwr fhei I, ,«./<• mil l'n/,i,,,l : AnJil 4nt I'aili.f it v. \, pr. jileil lioiii iliv'f'' i\ (In: Northern I'a'i.niiitt 1). I ih" ''li< wrti aliAay,iutiou»iinil maik ab«)utN4nie» . aiil 'hciileie lli«(.i>n, . It ol r>i v pcopl.il iliirtlv lium N '»<), IcMIK elitiKJ) Jioiiisllel^, *s I .1,1.,., haih ti I'y proinl , ilm 'ti» hkely iha' 'n ' ,1 .i/i./iiiif(lil litvi (i iiiedt lis liiliil.il.iii t iioi'i ill. II I , but (hill Jiiliui f|ii,i.lUi. Iwa. iluMit ih. Veai .)i<. ati.'i ('.■ //, «Hi'ii '. > h H IIki |>ii| I(i| I//i.i(, aiiil (,,11.1. jaiii 'f Ciuilt.jriry W' le tnilml 111 In thcli 'i" (I it' ' mi IJ le|i I'Wiii iiiiCiWiiiiie'lai lino .l,)i- '..I. All) tIk'N Mihi for I NMic all iMiliiiiK rH:.iitl\ ihh lull J!eni 11 .»bi>vciii, iiU M*'i caiili-.l , Ml \v\\. I. IkauU. 111. iiih he ik'urli^ III lit \/ II ly Ml >s lllC ^ ■l,t, aiiiieiir ' ■1). iHlJ and yet iinilikntei d liaolsol I an wlueli it they don't aill.all. luin to iSe t'ontiiient ot ./wfiii.i, doiibi i'l> I'on.e very iiejt it. I he srh t>b)cCl;oii is a bare Airtriion without piool, nnd thi i> t'lire may be a» tieeiy deni.-d ; and I iball Ituw, ilirre \* Hill, h iiioro rcil'iuiio Ho lit, than to hold It in the .iiriiinaine. And the lalt or lixth Ariiuiiient .lliDUt Hc.ilts "f l'ie\, .' J^etIlll^• ihio Hinr 1. ', will |if tnuiiil til ha\e litcli 111 tune 111 11, 4, D.iiiinici, JarwaiVrt, 8Patridgc%&c. (('.99 >.r. .Imciii.) About the ways of the lirft peopling of jlmtn^.i thire luebeeiia valt iinnibir of Opiniens and Con- ical iire<, and liiiiie very wild and extravagant ; as par- tinilarly that ot / r/tjr/< (hi nuntiuned by l.att, ti^. riiJi \"i'' (who he fancies was born there) went either tlnher hinilelt', or lent a iVcond Venter of Children 111- ti ./.;,fri..;, alter he bad divided oiir three Parts of the WoiM anioiiplt lus three former Suns. But this feenis dired ly lontiary to the lliftory uf 'JiH'/;;, wliere we (ind iliac ,iil the Halt was peopled by Shnn, Ham, and Ji-'I'I'^r, and their Folterity j and !s alio alferted without any iiiaimrr of I'root, Oround or Argument. leaving tlicicfore this and all other Opinions, wluth feeiii to me to ba\e little Foundation from Rcafon, Hiltory, cm Collation of Culloins; I fhall inlid only on fuidi as ap- ptar t.i lineihofe leal boiiiidationsto luppfntiluiii. But here 'tis iicicllary to puiiufe, that th. re weiv foi'iid in Ain.ricj ar lis hrft IJifawery by the Vpowia Vj, I'e. .pie ct fi very diflVreiit Shapes, Colours, Habits, Ciiltoiiis. I aiitjiiages ar.d Manm'r of Living; that 'tis alinoll a nemoiiltr.iti.iii tliry did nor all cnuie from the fiiiiel)ri.n,i, . :, an.! ffiii him lrci'nkili,l ; but 'tu owikd thry were but wry few; and tlio'e pcr- liaps, as others jiulge, apearcd 'u be lo to bis curious Obfervers, fcecaiife iheir fre^iKi 1 tvcie tarm nwa', by the Pox : But both A^oji.t and //■" i.i, on an cxai> En- ijui;y, could find no Signs of a true Circuiniilinn. From whiih 'tis 'plain, that 111 iihrr the ' it,', n r any Nationthat smiltantly uUd Circuii . iiion as a Rebg ot,v Rite, did |copleihi,.I',irt of ilic V\'or.d ; Ir m isluDir all rhc Iir^j and MaLwii .n, aie.1'10 e-icliulf,!. Aiii if the Siitl'iitui or T'l'M' I had any II ne in the Iciiding In- habitants to the Northern Pans of 111/. . .1, tviasbc- lorc thcv received .ilil'tiiieiitiiiini, .iiid with it Ciiciini- rilicn : Sothat /fm-'iifi was citlii tpvopkil lubre )f,i/i. '/let's Tinie 111 all its I'arrs, which 1, hipbly probable , or at IcaO by Inch as were not of his Relipion. And as there were no l'Ootlle| , iil the fcin//'', lb ihae were none alfo of the Chrifl-n Kebgiun found 111 ^hK.;i.\i at Its lull Difiovery. Some indeed have laid, that theie were Crofics found nected in >i',.i:;.i,i, and that they bad a Tradition of their being left there by aManbeautiful and ('li.riousas thcSun It felf, aud who died upon one of them ; but this feeins a mccr I egciid, lor I'. Mr., Ill faith there is noihing etrtain 111 this Re- lation, And llu cr.i pittly li ruples at (.om,ii Mufj there are no l:'ll pi.- Negro's, or .it leall bill leivfew, foiiivl there, but wh.it the /•■m"/..!' 'have i.iinid thiiher; An,l for the fame re.ifon iV-n' i . . i.r/: rillo iiiiift be excluded from iHiii;: fiippoled lo have fent aiivc^r us numerous Inhabit ims thither, if oiirUte Re- litiniis arc true, that they are all .N'.',:;'<''j there ; tor the hilt l)il'> iv ciers mcmion a valt \,iriety of Colours and Mi.ipe among the //mr irci'i Indeed flonnia cue; I'eter Motrr and Goiniirj, .is luakinp mention of (nine l-.tii /■ c Negro's, wlmli were fe'imd .ilwiit Ciirr^ in ./wf^.-i; which probably might be driven over in a .Storm, or mishtdcliniiedb go over liom ' "H;'n in .It'lcf. : for l-'pe^ faiih the I'cople tlierc- ab mts .imiomly had .Ships carrung ^:o Oars, And thus liaviniJ endeavoii.xd to Ihcw from what Parts of our World .In.'-/. ,i was not peii|'led, lei us next ciu]iiire frein vvlanoe ;it priil ibly did delve its Piinie- :ous lulubitant^. And to Ix-pinwith iheNortheriiHait of if 'ii.; not unlikely, as lli.nii,. obferves, That that ■| ra.'t of Land nuRlii receive its tirf^ I'eopU line.- ways : (.''iiiheNorth from the ant, ems' \rr:.:fr,im iheW cit Iroiii the f'i .fii'iiitni. and onthc Ealt ftoiii the f'/'i".V''' There rc.nis good reafin to believe, ili.it the ''■'•.■. i-, f/. iMarl lel'iliars, whioh /•.^mj-j/ij sWu- / 1 .;c.'.. eiievoutof I'lccoy'in, be true : Hor he hiiihihcfc were let up near Th^ / or l.:i'iif<, and lud in the/'Ae- (.■■V.'.iH Laiig'.'agc and Cliiiia,':cr thi,s Iiiftripticiii upon them. If',- /.'> t'.-Hi tl'C t>L\- ^t I'-f.t ii^lil- Joihiiah the S,iii"" '''e (-.iiiaru's : And "tis faft that thes were as far a^ ilic Limjucs and --l^o. rs, Strjho filth exprclly, Ti-m fniiii the Atlaiitick O.c.ii.-, li'n t/iiiltCiiiei ksnu.l the Hcrcniean S' .').;;/; And alfn that tl\-i h,t,l)nr:>i)i aii.l t^'Cttt Slips ill rill!, ntui in th.- mcfi oiit- w.iiilS:.t. l-.ir.tijlli:> alio and Sf'/»ioboth fay, that the Pi'.ini.i.ms leing ini'eded with Wars at hcmc.tookShip- piiig.nnd fought new Settlements inthe//;.'.i«r/i<;Ocean; And ihe Innic thing we lea^ntiom D!i,hriisSiculi<,iiii. %. Aiid that ihe Antients had a .Votion of another World, or anoiher I'ait of ours, lying beyond the .')'/.i"f.<; Ocean, is very plnin and evident, ■'t-.inr, m his third Hook I'aith, that S: c'lis told Midr.:., thst belidcs l-.tnrp-, l''in and Li- bia [o^ /Ifri- ) ihfrewas another intiniiely laig. Con- tinent, ill which were great Cities, and People of iifTc- riiu I aws and Cullonis from curs; and where there was a alt Q.iantity of (jold and .Silver, win. h was lefs valued therethan Iron with us. No doubt alln thefe tvcre the great lilands mentioned by .IpiiUiih mlus Book Ae Mjii.i , on the Authority ol //'(//. tlr and I'UifhirJIm. And we tind 111 SfHfc.t, .-/i/!.! faying, I"vf/.Vi hi fJce.t>.o j/tcftr tct''!', itir>.i.f; ii,*n, ntrfiis alia hittor.iy .1 nun jacr- rc Oil'cw. And 111 the Aft./.-.i of theother i>>!».-.j, ycu have this rcniaikable Falfage. -* — pfWl'tr.' Arn:i Sfiiitn ferli fiuihiis Oc-nr.n I'lniuU len.m lr.x.ti, CJ ingi-in y/t:ir.t r.-Oiii, T-tpriJij; no:-os Dett^nt fi-!-'i, iicc I'.i l-i,:: u':!maT' ii.i\ To uliich nny be added what v.e find in//i«f7ii i;.m,i Ktar- allifHi ; V. Inch is, that there -.vis .in l/lanii :i the At- Jantiekf'ce.;;;, l/t'jei thru .il. kurope. But to return to the iiuiiici/iii Plantation of this New World ; Ihritiir. thii ks there were three einincm Voy.^oi s male by the /'/ iw.i'ufM into Wmc/iV.i ; The firll uiultr ■■^iiii<, who, P.rfo in his Cntiai faith, was the .^on of S~t-ttt:r (1 Phimcian Deity) and i thers call hiui the Sotv of C,p'«f and rlit biorherof S-twn, Under •his W//.i( they palfed the Straits, of old called lluiiin Pillnis, and coming into the Ocean, gave the Name of A'lniiii.k.wit, which it retains tii tlus day ; And it jp pears from Stmh'. that all the Sea round alum .///.i, .nid great part of //f'/uvj, was called the Atliwtick Ocean bccaule, he (aith, Arabia ra;lix r.xirv.lJ it j.-lf m f.tr .•)t/jf Atlaiitick OcKw. In this ,.); .j);r . Ocean, the oM l'h.tiiici.iiii found a great Ifiand as large as. //;.i and /!/'■)'- c-, which the) called .Vin.U', and I think could be no- thing h\n Ani.-'i.ii. TIiIn laiuoiiS .4/iV/,7;' is niuitioned by I'l.*" ill hiS Tim.iii' and 1 nnn, ami by many hath l"'eii tlioiiglit to bceiititciv a f.ibulo' s Relation : But /'..I/O himlelf ixpredy faith, llh.n /■ ,L:i 11,1 wnia liduc. III! ^ fi. ■ ll>jli;y. And I'irclii! cires one M.u.e.- ■ ii'_ an liti'iipl.ii Hidorian, who relates riie faii.o Stiiy as a I ruth ; to which may beaddul, that .: f.iii.:, . ..u.'i lirit Interpret r, take;, the iliingto I-e a tuie Hillory, and no Fable. All th.s .onli.lcred, tho'there are, ac- cording to the aiitten: (^iltom, foiiie fibulous Stones toniiccted widi the Kdaton; y. t tlieiv is vr?r\ good realiin to take it to be ir, ih iiithc iii.iii., luicctlicie is nothing impi^thble or im]' ibable in the /icionnt of it : bor the I'l'.hi i.uit had \. 1 early, good Ships, and JiJ not life to (oalt along tii~ Miore on' , but veiitui'd f.iit tar to Sea in ihc clear and tail time of the V'e.ir, i-.uid- ing iheii Courle by the Sim and .'.'.irs, as they muht very ealily do : An.' intluspoini tliry wtre foskilUiI, that ill our Altroiioi it hrit c.i.i.e from them. And ive !ind/'at/', / . :. ]',. complaining, thatiheMen ot his timew.rcla7j ,oid enervate, 1, ihi S^iill op Na vig.irion lol), .111,1 the I'lir.' of fceking New World", and Regii iMxiiigiiilh' I. ' '' lliere is abcigoud .^ii linritv from Antiquity, that the I'l-arcinti! maue a fcioti.' ' jge into -hn - Vox wli.iu 111 be plainer than w '. ' in '. r .'r,.., , „- /<'.', li!: V ^ 199. 5" >• J- ■ . . .t ''.I). 16 ^. wl.ere he tells us, '' Tiiat .he :ii,i.;.;iii did very aicienilv lad out beyond//-'- :.-\,i'!l/.ir'. alon^ tl!n 'f /.-.;« Coad , " and there meet'iij' with .Storms a- a rc:iip,-tls, were carried to the remoteft I'.it-t r,'' tiie (Xean, and alter many daysaime to a val' I:, uul maiiv days Sail from " />e<.r, and lying ve v tm Welt, llisl-'laic had a 'j triiitfiil Soil, iinipal- e Ki\ers, ami hiuip'uoes Ldi- ticcs : .\nd liom hen' e th-.'(./;.(/,,i.;.)./-i;« came to the Knowledge of thefe new Lands. And in antjilier place he faith, " lliat the :,irthn;^ii.i.nis linding tliat ' they were ■ f;en pivlt wjIi Wars by tlic J ■ ,..-,/j and Mrtiiiii/ini.i,..', took Shij I'lng, pallid C'/:.i :r, and fail'd 'I to this new 'legion in the ./;/.;»/.'.. i; Ocean, and planted a Coloi.y there ; but kept the Uilcovcrv a long while dole.-, th.it if they ihoul.! ever be driven from their native S il again, they might have this Place to retire to. "Ibis is a verv plain and reinark- ablrP.illage,and can lie m-ant of nr.-' 1 ig biit -im .i,,i,to which I lace the Defer. piK n given b^ ,.',110 doth well agree : And this alf) will help us to guefs pretty well at the 'IVm,-i.; ih,s l-.xpctl i >i ; tlir :t m'uft be jnft after the Wats above-mentioned between the Cirth-a^inians, and the I'tna.., and M.iiiiit in ,;«.•. The third Voyage of the I'i'^ni.i.ms into Americr, Hni.iii iiiigcs to be in Vi/,i.,j (,'sTime, when theTv-Mw Fleet went to 0/>/j/ lor Gold. VVhicliO/' he ihinks migh bi n-fpi-.i.iil: cr '' i i;ni\\cll'jl li'iiliri ■ And cer taiu l^l^ that in thefjrn rv( thefe Iflands /3.(i.-/-,.'iii»,-t;/ the Nephew o(<~aiiim! us t .uliu Gold Mines of a proili- gimis grcatnefs, ,- /-. of 16 Miles in length; hut the Nat.ve* then had loft the ufe of tliem .\'.-hj Orhis l{rf^!- oi.um, cS'c. ;>. 77. . And therctbre ('olutnhu:, K-t-biiis, /(i)'- Strph.ini.s, <:rm.l>.ii,l:.\ and many others, have be- lieved this iUlpr.iii U to be So/.)'- irs Opin ; as Arius i\hiit.ii.,.s, Cornpiii! ll.c/inui, (,uil. I'cjicllus, Mvcin Mr- linns, Wixi'.i»j.. J iH .','.'''../(' li.-.iiNse, Ant. I'clj'.vlniis, ^c. do believe it was funewlierc iiiK-',-'. And would the Place fiom whence 5"o .vn i-.'s Ships were built and did let out, wlii.il was /-,-;'n« C'.iifi, agree with this, I tlioiild I! Ilk alli- th.i' rh(;re is great reafoii to fiip|-of« 'tviir to i', • t ceil //,',.'"- '''< "^ '"^'i"-' I'lace there- abiOit. Bi'i ,r^ all the iiiidenour,, cf Crr plus U ..1- ««), who was ibe lirtl, and lome others, t3 prove /•■^/en Gnbei tolie lituated 111 the Afft/i.'fi .c. ■--, 'tis plainfroin iC/r^«.8. 17. I K!>y.' '9-2.'i- that r.-'m(,ji'r> was in Uumca, ot l-.iini, which O.id/i/ Ii3i. conquered, and on the Shore of the f(c./ i'e.i. (yoiu,;/, 'if..i ...j alio wnulj have S' I'tHoii'i Ihit'Jh.p^ ro be T.n fr//i;i in Spain ; where- as 'tis plain that Th.ifl'-Ji.' is only a general Wr id lor the Sea, 01 Ocean, as appears Irom 2 K,:"^' ii..vbl. vhcre ?.'/m/.i/i/.ii/'s Ships arc called sJ,i/s if Taijh Jh : ,So like- wife in 2 C/ire//. 10 ib. t ,i;i (sTatlt.ilh, (i-'iiifies c' ? .10 tit Sea, ot intj lie (tii-u S.-i. And t onleqnentlv the Navy of TaiP-i/h in 1 KJ'H' i a. 21. mull be endcr- . Hood / NT KOVV C T I N. XI After the umt, and thcTvi.in Ivj ihiiiks AnJ ccr- f a proili- Init ihc Orbii I{_'f^i- K-i.l'iiis, have be- as Ariiit ■ it\-iii Mf- ivnulil the It and Jid tills, I to fiip|-ofc ,c<- ihcrc- ove f'^iiin 1111 from was in , anil on ll.j wntilj , wluTt— ullorihf i where So liki- lififS Ci' ? leqi'cnr.lv llcv-'i (If.ovl in t!'.-: rniH- f,fncral Senfe. frr a Fleer that '.v tc to lai) in llic wiile Sea, or In.linn Ocean, in order to fctth Cinid from O/'//- , or ^(-//.^ff. Which being determined, as / ipfcmui in his N'.ui;;.i.'/' Wjm-m'i Op!'irilic/t, ci-.p. 2. Sr-I' I. and B.'.-.''.;i/ in his r.iwj.iw, lit- I. ci/i. 44- have put it out of v'-H'ln : "\ .^ flicn certainly a very unna- lonablc thinil "- iiirr-ifc '.hat $.lomo„\ Ships llioiild go all round Afii. n, a,i>l then,:c in;o Am.-t'.r.t lor (Jold. Where- fore 0;''-i tiiull i-c placed foinevvhcr.- c He; andthemoft learned Uont makes tKoO/>'in. ('.'..'. /'/v/i-^'. I'.i. 1. c.if. ly. On-.' in A,.-.hi.i very n li in (loM, and from wheneethe /.; -ir ;■•■' had it l-iefore V .'.i'- -I's time, when -he nM',tr,-'(i'll mlJetln■m^;avi^>at^r^. ThiiO/"/-/)- was •l->c Ccnir.ry of 'he C.:(?':«i>r of'/'; •/.'».-, the <:nj->:i!f of f>ii,icrii-, and theC.i/!Wi''fj rf .-t;;);/.-. ''i,.'/t. But the 'i-'.'iV to vvhieh >' l^imn fent f'r (lold, he fhews to he the 'f,fp tb.ui.t of ('/"■""•.v, the Jllaiul s',-/-.t«, or^Jci.'.iM, in the F.t'l l>irl>'. See alto hi-, (vum:. III- 1. r/-/'. 4'i Fiut ..-.0 I Miniot ilimi; H-"ii'J is in the iii^htin allertiiip •;Ut ^'''"».''-:'' Ship- went with tlic I ■■' i.ms imo /Imnu,: ■ r (Jold. w,',. :i : .;cy went to Ophi-- from the Hr.l .Vc^ ; which nil') is eonttadiclory to what hehimfcif had [tc- tiire advaim !, that no ir.'ivj had ever lieciim /Jmer/r.; . ^'i I I . in Ik- noreafoM 10 deny that the IVnV;' jand P.'-r- '■; ) :ni oiijtht j-oihiih -1 trotii T -, or other Ports in the \.V ;'>/i- -■-,-«, a.earlv a-; in V ..-w>'i':. Time, aril 'tis Iikily, hilt. le that. For ihey hn I Colonies veiv .11;. ii'-ntlv iiiilie .If .■';.'■ /;0.-'aii, 111 1'- - '.'(i".»':>lllinds, .md iirlie 't; 'f ' ; and fo miyjitas ealiK ;io to .-(r/.-.v.-i-d Ironi thence, .isfioni the Vr ;,•■ thither That ilii ( '".i • lllands are the faivie with ihole a.-i- II iiily I illed ff't. :,.'.•; i rcrtaiii : and what II nu'ir III ■.j.-'lls IS < erv pmhahk', th.ir thiy derucd their Name ot'< 1' -.1 --, n'll .i I'm V'K' ffi-r G" -.-.-, -I "T fiith, when the / ;•• -- (r I (vcre I'lrr dilco-.ct'.l, there were no Dog; lo-iiid tlvi-. ) but .< ' ■■•'H'-w.f I', from the l'l\mici mi, wl-.in-*' /:.v ' .-rvii. i'..-,-i, fiiih, vjc.l ir f.iil run ficrn • I :■ „• • »■ Afii-a f Ctme. rvii l:i:k,inii:.. The f.uncc ot' the teller N into R h very iifual, as in .N.-cwk'.!..''.-:;:/ lor\-/'.. ,-/•.!. i>/,?^i-; andCfri/f.lbme think, i' oidv aC-ntradl-onot i.'.m.m'.i In the time ot l','i>i\ and J.ii-:, 'tis laid the Inhabitani-j of tlufe lllands Icttthcm; and tince wt have no account whither they went, 'tis hkc'y, as '. il.'irci obitrves, that they went into Ainc- ■ •: , and ;it'ier this, iI-m^v grew fo l'..rbarous, that, .is r, ■■■>i.-'i.. taith, '!>■ i::riKii: '-Vv r 1.1' /.-/.' tieVJc nnd IQioiv- i.-iijjc or' ir-. Tim' it appears alfo from I'iiny, and o-'ier aetiti'.t VVriters, that when 'he Fortntinf O! din.:- ■r lllands wee firlt dilcovered, there wcrethe Ruins of L're-.: Ii.i-.idiiies found there ; which ihews that hjrmerl^ ■iv.v h;..l been well inhabii'd. We h;id alf > fiom SV>.i.- , tint ilie I'lienicir.m did very ea: I iy 1 i;l to the C'()//.>fii,r--', but concealed their Difcr eriv He fiith, ihey found the Inhabitants wbcllr.i,- (. i.i:'-^-':r/> .h,: i;l^eG r.n, r rt' :.i in hm l, r/i ^lr.\.t:m-: A'-fi. 5. Which is ;iiil inch a Oclcni nun as A:l'.in 1 >■' pives of the antient Sp.i. /.I . , an. I therefore 'tis probable theli- lllandcrs ^^wc Iroiu tlunci And ir beiiv; now aereed, that by thi c ■^//■i,,i,-. 10 diii place, '\i-.:l' me:i. thii.N.cc- Kiuj; of i;-.>."Meitini; out from the /^r.f M", iail'd all round •'r' 'C(i a^ far asij./;-, and lb back i..;a;n to i-.p;:. "lis aureeJ. alfothat the llles of '.i/.- . .. ivciv peopled tirtl by the ('.'..o.'ici'.iwi, from thence • . , 1 ;i eafv l'atlai;e to !!■ .-i/i - in Am:' i.--. . and the i\lan- -^ers, I ani;uas!e. horm ot B,idy ot the Bi.i///i.;im, a- -.'.iciv with that (f the Aurch. , or Inhabitants of thct'e llli'i.is, wito areC.,'.'.-/.'/', not /-;.'/',>/'-.>. And now we lie hereabouts it iiiav be pti per to take notKcol Ihole ;■ . .-1 >; Nei;ios which /'c - .":,y, and CVw.iv.i tell i.s •Vi .(■ I 'iiad in ihe Ki-uioii ol 1 .nr/iiin 'liwf.ici, if fucli t '- I'- lire ; v.hu'iiSpi-ob,diiemi;d't i;et over from C'.-^m;.-. in Afri-, where, a- I rpc^^ t'.iiih, 'lieNa-.;vei havch-!-' Slri'sof ^toOar^, asluth been before oi'feivcd. y. c I..T I fiith that I.- Ti-r, one of tlw /•;'• •<, liet. alrcof^ir tlip Mid v.'ay between 5_n! ••/ .1 wluretbrc the I'/'.rKiVi.injmighr as v\ell i^u from iheine iiro /•''?;- 'ir.'. as from Sp.vn tlmher. There are found illo in .In:.-' .1 :r,any V'\'ord:;. Ci Religious Rites and Cullon-.. '.vhi.-h f em plainly ■u of a Funic!; ui l'i.vhi.i:i: tVij; i.al , ni-l tho' j'cr- haps ihcfe (iii;.;ly taken niay i.ot be ■'. v. routili locMivin.r, yet in the whi le they riv It '. e 1. '». 1 l--- be (f ci.inlideraMc foice !'or the ptoeme ihc "s-'p; ■ L.i-.n wi-are now upon /'■ 11 -o think di-. .\an..-i .(!''-• -■- »..! ['1111/1 111 i'l'U, and Hi.u ^ a., al!a;.i- .: belli lav .■ll-i.nl.:i, Abdi::l.i- in life ; in till i.i.if :!•,-'. there was four. and in c 1 : And the Ihi i.ill.-d «.-. /. •, n , to h: |-!:iin'y t'n- ui; , -• I'lol't .111! lent I'V"; k '.-t .-Ai/'.- ihev ha.t if.i aft r-, B :iii 1- le v. 're n ■■ h /■ t.-., tlK Lilly Wijid^ , h as 'll'C'.- Son-rA On- ,V -..l-'at:: '-1:1 . / ', ih-.rc wi 1 id ii r; ■..-.• the Wo. d / ly, ,he lat- /) i' i;, a^ thr \V. rJ; ... //:-;..(, ■!•-'.',""'; .r : . ; 10 (:.'. ■.-, Jlr -.1 - \ lie; in 7 I.I ■ .1 were . Vh-r, 1- •illu in many vvui.fs a plain I)ctn ii-in b .lo the lanci:. /'. 1).,, •■i../\V..:J ;-;,:'■; asin..'' .!; ■'^, a tauc ..." ;in .i'..''i rni:..; M (.ui'iui- .ii.d .11 (' ; i' ■, ti^c W or.! .< ■ ' -f, as in ■■<. i'.;i ,';.'/ ■»./•, ih- . I;.i i a; .(«.•';-'' '• And llleIhill!i^ 'lisiery ruunt al !e. tlia; 1 c. - Xa'.. •;. ,- ■if AVio F.-:?J.v:.' Ihoiij.l ca'lthe s r-:i.r 1-,- , i' : an I ■ y.:hii.:in.iw, vvhidi m their i .inj'uape dpi, .tied a /,' r- ; f"r there beiiiR n - 1 f mbbr.re between th- hi (?>-.-,■ c-t that Conftellat.oii, ai:J that Aiv.-iial, 'li-. hie! j-, ; r.;.- baMe that they h. arnr to give it ihatN.rre t;i ;i, the I'l'Siiiiiniii, who did rid 1' i^. and from whom ;ill .y:: Aitr'moiuy is miein.iily dei.icc, uJ itio|> ot the NaiiiCi ot ilicConltcllationseame. Tf.e.c were alfo P.vi:e /''-i-.ii', :-i.- Rites .ir.a Ciiftoms toimd in Anc i.:.-. ; but I'toccls of tune, and ui- Tnva- lioii of the Scyrii.:)!!, who, .is vou will find be'ow, overrun molt Parts cf -Amrri^j, did make preat Con- fufion and Inti imiitures in things cf that nature. Thus thcie were fjuiid about /".u.-.-/;, 'rti-^.'..:n/:iii', and ihe 1 ake Vitii.::/- 1:1 'Vi.v, rrodigioully large, fplendid and 1 .xccllcntly wmight B.:ildinps of a round Form, and aiehed over like an Oven or Tent, ex.idfly relembliiii', ilie old P«'i'' <; .^/'/-.i'''; ; and thete were fo antient, that ihey were luilt Icng bct'ore the Family of ihefHi.i h.id the G.-.vctnmeiu of I'.- -. Wi'ci i:i UJp-:- nio'/t the Hnis ot the Kitive: were l.'uilt. is P. Mjtrr tells us, of aSf'heriial Fieuie. of Wood, and in the Form o\ a Tent at ihe too '7j;/i.Ti.; tell, us, lint luthe/-'"!.- ..-f ;'•'.';.•.•.': the dying Kings ukd to kifs tiie Feet ..f tl.ci- Succcffors ; which w.is an old I' .«i...i.i'j Curtom. V\ c tind ai:o troni //■,'(■", in his liril Iicok .igainlt ApicK, chat the l'i:era'c: ;,.: uled t 1 .111 -.:< Iha'-c all l'.ir!scf thtir Hea.d but only ..jie 1 u'k upon the Ci wr . -.-.hi h tl.. y .-fe-i c tie up in a Knot ; and jnlt lii ,!id ihc .-..' -'.i^ :..;...>..• a:-.d the 7" ■■'-" I vv -n -hci-.s. It harhbc-n lh"wn abov.-, thatthetiill lii .■-' ; arts ct the' > ■ ' )/i- .r.,wcrc;' ,••..-- ■■ii):s ; an>i there IS a sjieat Aiirreirent ! etv.-ccn thcC-- i.,i'i.-.),i, and the Pet^p'e ."t :'t .-and .' . ■ in /<".;•'.', as 10 tlic palerving tii T. .1 s of he Dcul, .iii 1 lung- ing them up in'heii liou'.'S: Ar.d as 'tw.is ;he (c.-ifom 111 die ( --n.'f-i irs to I'ivi- their I'ruicci the hrll Night wi^h 1 very Bride, fow.-isit alfo in."-. r.-;u-. Hc-'.'i.'i.obfirves very well, that 'tis r. pro'ua'ile mar.y i.^tis into /'»• - there are fome d in l'c-:i and ti.'hs miglir go along with the P- >' n..>, as well .IS into Ci'i-c, .:• i^<'.- odd £;7/'f;/:(( CiiKoii.s wh-ch were f: Sirirtii^ii,: ; as th.it the Hus'caud thruld Ipin, fwccp an.l WHlhilicHoiife. wluie tli.- Wife did all thcBidi- nel» abroad ; and that tin- '. 1 mer ihoald make water i^.ni.l-u^ ii,]i xi' the latter i"-. . .-i-.V. Tis u'e!l kro'.vn that C/i.oM, f:'."-'.'? ) .' . ••1 .-." , it.:,': ox U"!"-. was tile antii nt 1) iiy of ih' ('>'*- 1. .-■.•■>., : ol \vlrf- Nime. till re is fuu.e Ucmiiii. found 1:1 .~,.. -.'..V:, where they called once* lieir of! Propheti (.''-.. .-'^/i."i.' -i.i.-;/. I' - phrycnvs H-ih I .iii.iil n to prove that the old ."' <"i;ic-\->i.it-(,> , that paying D;vine H neiirto lukh departed Pcrfoivi a.s weie fsx-i' ,; for all Actions ot Inventions, c .; was ■•lii Ill XII I N7 ROW C 1 ION, i;* i. M was anoM /'• ini.iii. C.oiirm ; ;inJ this the Inhabitant' of \nv /''(;;i.;v;; haJ .Ii'.-iirlt '.hilll. AiiJ iliiis tht-rc lu-!;is to be many cnoci Ri-afoiis tni fiil'P')(iiiw tlic oM i'. .> ulv! to have ha.t viry cailv a KniiwiCitpc ot Alien. ,t ; to have f.iil.l fn'.]iiiiirlv ih\ihcr, aiul ti) h,.vc ;enp|i\l a (jood part it it: But liuhwas fither their l!iivy, Avaruc, or iltlipn ot re t.iinn Untiiri iiricr :' •• I'lclitiifs ot a W.u, ijc. th.it t!;fy kept till. Difco*". as a grr.it Sc< ret : Aiul the C.:ril.\i!^ir: >.Mbr!- ui all mamier ot Naviis.st.oii thithci. tuiiler iiiuit ■evvre I'ci.altics, and !-v a ('tibliik hJ v't flaull .'.'■'■ ;(/.•) cxeiiuitit l.otlillj . oiluis, Itslhr IVn.'.'.l, bin alii) rhfirouii I'coi le, tiomlailmn mtu tl'.e li d,- li k O.'An ; wl-.i' lithoy i.uulJ ealily iln, bi'inc Mai'ii.-. ot r!.. S r.v\. An.! thi< nill j.elp lis M aca tint why -^nf i j, iho' la vvc'l known to t' e aiitiem /''''<'.'i.i.i''J, ll.uiii^! lie h.li t'l fie Meinnry ot' the" latter Siiccelloi.s, .ini.* why the AiiK'i. us llioiil.i lule alinoltall K.iiiieiubiaiKe ot ill. it OriRina'.aii.l .k'jeiierati; in many I'la.es, into Uuh l^ar- i iriiv aii-1 WiKlnef-, as they were found to be in, on r'l" .\ //-.;.■<:' ,1. tlrll DiLovcry ci ihein. But tl.i. 'he ?l.C!!.i,^ri. were thus the hrft lV(i[-le th.it vvenroiitol ihp Miitr '3i:r.:ti into the .//.iin.'j.ll;, and I'o mro ■!»ri/ri, yet 'tis pr bible enough that the V; -.i.i- n.ti might y/i thither afterward i tor \\c learn Iroiii H'.ilorv, rliit they lent o;t bhips .^:l purpole to make D l'-o\tr.is in the l; '.i«/..( d'can ; l'!:t:r,i-l- tc'.hiij; us, that i- /.■.I,, Weill out wiih that dcllpii And/ .t and W:'".j.-i lieni lo n.e lo piicfs very realun.ibly, that the S, Ml J ■■ bcir.^ Iiaraf " ind prell with the l'ir':c% War, UK k il'...' t c-.''.i;;i'///.i«jMiips, :i:ul llr.m.j lor iheT I'llot a;Kl C.i.n.uri, and I'otij'jit newSvai:. tortheiul'elves in tlie Dci.i.i. W, have 1-i.eii told, that (lam l^ema'ii- of V.'/w./i' '•!ii|"i h.u'e been fou.id iii ihe Anlui: Ciiilph land 1.0 .hiubi;hi y niij>ht imi.;h eaherj;oto Ameii^n than thiilKT,! and ^fl !■ faiththat the iii the .•l,',v.'.(,i<;, and ihciu e in'o ■ i/,c < '. The N'l-. ;..•.■ iii /..j.' < , ivith Ships viCUiallcd for many Months, to make Dii^ nveries in the h^vl^ S:.i (li the /Ir.t/.- :«j tailed :.ie Atl.ihii.-!;; and alie." many days Sail haviin; I'oiird l'o:iie liJaiids, they were driven by a Storm bark to Af .'cu and tlienre went liome ',• nffda. 'I'll prol'ab'e alio that Uj-.i.c r.:i Uj'i.ms ndghl i',o dc- (ifinedh, •■: be driur. inri -ti'/ .wi, not long liefore the r),frovery of this new World In thi: Sp.v^i.ndi : For tho' lu:r.e t'ew Ke;^: .s were liiiind in Ainr .\.t ; yet their Nmnber vvaslo i nad, anu thtnifeliescontincd to one riaee, thai tis ve v likily they r mid not have been ie tiiiie l-e.'ijie the .V;'a)i,.)./j found '.here any lonlide' ihm 111 It' i'. . . Iheie 1^ .lill) a !• ir.e par; of An,: ■" A'.'Ount III the Peopling o! by an I'.sp^diuon I'loui (fT;, j, ivhiehliath lomcthmg nioiL than Giielles to aiitlionl'e it, and IS this. I'M'.'.', in his Hiil'n y of Jfc.vj, laitli, that A.I). I 170. Onv/i (iiu'ii !■■ bein;.^ dead, and his .Sons •)iiarrelling ami cnnter.dinj; 'or ihe (jr\ eminent, uhuh a Baftard got trom them ; one ot tlieiii, whole Name wasA/.jver.' a third tune alfo j with I'-' Ships (as .' ,'4i ( «/< f_i H, If this A...ouiit be j true, as 1 fee im reafoii to dilliiill 11, the I'late A/r./>,- i vveiit to lliuft lie /Viij/nM, .N'.-iv l:h«lr„J, or fjincwhcre thereabouts. In rMnnrmation of whi'.h t'ctnManr in I O.-r :..'. 7. ir/' T. faith, that the /'.'. (;i(i.',;w) and ( ii.iti-'- >'/;V. I.' uUd ;o iclebiate the Miinnyot one .V»i,/ .-, ' .1, .1)1 iiiiiint .ii.d great Heio ainongit them ; .\nd in /.•-..'.. .. ', . Jic iiukesiiientr.il of die Words >'.!.• .- ' ,ri;_ I an.l M'l li.i.:, as licmg ill uli; .among the'iM.*! i;..'i.'.<:i ,-, in whiih tiiete is a plain Allulion to At i./..r, »nd thiH will, the /' fuluied into T, according to the :!'■:,! \y:iv of I'l rill 'iir. moil. Now thele /f '■ .■'•-nu'ii 1; ■,• h' ", \< 'li ihe|..irharoiis t h-climia; ilieie might in • ' ■ -. \'j », rlieir name | ar.'uagc, and aliiiQll ■lery tluii!} ot their tirllOu'^inai bclolt amonglt People iide and. iiruiliivaicd, andviiio peiliaps knew nothing It all ot letters, or ai le.ilt of kcepiiyaii Arcniint 111 Writing of then .\iina\aiid 1 ranfaclions. I pioeeed iie\t i < nMin,)er anothei very cnimcnt w?y by uhi UAiii' . ..iwaspeojihd. and iVctn whenre 'tis pto- bable uhad far thcgreaiell pariol its Inhabitants, and that is, frcni VnW .'.i : Aiui by SiuhiA I underfland what the CM.'v.iantienily railed iiy that Name, -,i^. all thai liaCt of land vvhuli lies Weltiily, Kurthirly and (alhrl; .■! the 1 '.1,7/./ -i and /■.//.v^uc Seas. 'I'hebatba- rons hiha-. ilaiits ol ilns mighty Hvieiii of Cirouiid thf .^ntieiits (iimetniKs tailed .H.iwji, as we learn from i'..'i.i, Iroin wheiirc afterward the Word Aiiiii/i/pi was ileiived : .\nd the I'd/i.-iu tailed tfceiii all ,Vj. i iroiii ri neighbounns Nation ol' the Scyihijiu of that Name , a, indeed they were all tailed .VrirtMKj troni a People ol ih.it nencimination lituatc at tirlt in a little Place aNut /I. .ivi , and who be.ame very eminent for ilieii Cluuiage and Cont;uerts; for they g.t into thi'ir Power and I'dfrdion all the Country lying between Mount i'.:.!.. I;;..', the Oeean, I'.-.fiu Men , and the Ri vet Ti'i-.u ; and trom thrle came the hirre People rai- led i'...;, .V.:;.;-, S.ic.i; Mrli^-:,; .Iniii.ttl^i, .«.■.■. ol wliirll jfec D/-./(.h;. .S";./;';iJ, l:t>. : Hil'Hothc.x. Thefe S".;;/ mu, af er they liad run over a:id tilled all the NonluTn .Ijir., , you wid ke bv and bv . rambled in great Numbers into ■ .hiii'iiir, and that, ly ways o|'en enough (laitli II riii- II') boih to the N\'ilt and I'all ; but the lattei was the eilirr And aeroidmgly it haili feeii i.bfervcd, that .-;•■;.■ ;,.i hath been iiiuili t'ullcr of People in thofc Pans of It whish border on .■•>>, than towards /^in./.. (,n- tiui excepts againll lh;s Opinion ot the Scyii..,uii Peo- pling .hue 1. .1, beraufe no Horles weie fuUiKl there at the tint L)if.;o\eiy of it by the .V;.i«..r.(i ; wh.eli jci tlie y. .;,' /Vim were always lamous for rhe ufe of But 10 this It maybe anfwered, that the Sti;,' i.i<. . when ihey ramr fo fir Nurih, as to the Paliage iiv whirh thev went into .■i'wi'.i, would find ilieir Horles ipiite iiU- !,'$ 10 them ; neither indeed is n probaile ihar they ' vrouKl live there : boron the ley Ore in tiieie are vail Numleisol irrt'''.;'" (futh llonun,) whuh iretUiivcd. I'roiii ihc HuKiii, ami other I'eople wlm h were lamous fit tlir iilc of Horfes, which vet now do entirely want ; till in, being not aide to ufe or to keep any there: ,'\rd rliei(l.ire inlltad ot llieiii they ufe their %/.:;i>ir.e ei Kaiii IXer, and great MjIIiII IXigs : Wliirii Cullom (to conhrin wh.it we arc now advancing) is foMiul in fevetal I'l.ires of .Unnic/i. And 't.s teii.arkal Ie that Ticiius, III hi.s Book iie .yimiius i.hiii.r.n .,.)/;, at the »./, who ceitainiy eaiuc Irum the i.i/ m.>t.,\ /W 1,1, lloiirs; and 'ii-. very likely that Hiife- will not li\e 111 liirh cold Climates. a\Ui \u\ poling th:it thrte is 110 Way by land into .-/i/..//,.:, o|.. I'-Cts ihat the V. )il'iii'< were no .Vju'^t . 1, and li.i roi.- fei]uently lotdd not peithiiliLr. Rut that f -ems tola .l Mill.ike iiiKift; for .')/"./.•)..< mentions a Se>i-tight Ic tweenthe .bun- ■ ■ (win h were :...yfA;'/ii,/) and the .-i. !.fiii:. The s.tJ', whom (.'im/i/r;, proies to ha.e .1 .V.if.'/ai; Original, faileil nr|i into //e/.i/...-, .ii;d tlien into Ci-.U-.loniA, iki the Age ol i-iUis : The //i-. ».../, when. Y Viiixi retnoiis among the S. ^:i>ir;h.<. \ nW\ li theiiileb is early of the T'.i./r, as iUm^u, aliens. '1 'le Navigation, of theA;i'y'.-.:>;i, in the Ei .\-iii , are asemiiiei;: in the '.u- /; Hiitoiy, as tholi they have u;a ie in the N'oulicrii Oce- an ?te in ours. -■\nd llfi.i... .... •. ; . i.|.i. ,.'■ o ,., . j(,>i/f. //inr. ;', . faith, that in the 1-alt, ihe / n/.nj li.ul .1 ! Meet of lV".rr Ships I'.ctween Cc,i.:/,'.\,i and Ci.^jm, ^wheiethe River r.7/;Mi(( runs into the Sea ; and this in the I'imecf ilmr bitn'cror Kii.l.i, and before ihrir t.ik- mg of M.iiij:!', vvhirh is 0-i'>.^. Lux^-.iui I'l.is^ ni lus Arcount cf J -•■■■", faith that the jitf^ii-jci relate ot' the 7f-.>' or i'.-.'ii: 1, that they I'ail d tVoiu the Coniuieiit to the Illand ol Mi.'rijw,;/, which is 1 jcao Paces fn.ui llie Kingdom of /..-:'/i.:« m Jr.pr.n. And to put this Mat- ter into. i dealer I. ight, we learn Irom 1'ii.viiis, i:i/. 07. both the iiiaiiner ot Navigation uled by the T.i./ci.i, and why they .artirdnoHorlts with them : I'.'i.tn in nc.r ;(.ii«/'.."f r/'fi 1 . Ml.- fi.iii Ann ol lie Sf.i, i,r r. yir.u', n i)ii J (filth he) iheii mfjl I In la ( perhnfi iio:r 't'. 1, \t ..j . J. .. f.n.l-x.tli ihcii Skjiis tmtic.l the iV'i,i,g Si.!- ■ x.'n.r..', niiil •licir l{ihs injhit.l rf I'lmhei , tiry tii.:ks i'l ''■■', 'Uithlicy l„w 't'HrilKt wiiltl.ir llmjc. U.iii., I.irp ei.iii-f^i I. i'il.l'A .W,. ,1 .i-|ii'ii-, ,1)1.1 Jo il.ry frji rie . Now -vh', tiny might not po into Wwcvi.c, it there be a I'.id.ige t .i tlicm, as It will appear bi fiw that tlirie 1-, no i;i,Ou Rr.roiuaii be allign'd. And as the Nations veiy fu Nouh iifni not Hcifes, wl.i.h by reafoii ot the < .ola will nit luetikir ; fo ihir had they mil' li kiiowitdiie of die ulc of Irvn: lot neit.'Ht had t « i N / KOVVCI ION. Xlll l-\,r Tii-.'/Hifaitliot i!ic l.->wi, inlii>ilJook of the Manners ward and Wtftward, and i)ut ritiur by L.v:if, ilic Con- and Cijftoiusof clit Gi'mi-.ii, that thfy for wr.nt cf Irin tincnts there )oiinni;, or cUc mci but K.i utr itmiit ot rfiil 10 Irit.i ticii ^Inowi tfirn lli.-r', as is piaAiIci! In ihc Sea. Thot'c that want to the Wclhv.iri), iiiii;hi go niaiiv Places of /li)icri\.t, vvlio rccm to have liad but little firft to the £aiil\:> >l' the River O », and lo lo ilic ihun knowleili;e (>f tha; iVU'ial, Ixvaufe thry wen peopled in of the t' '^ -; •"•), up luw.itJs i\,;/> :^if,.;.'... 'ihisl'art a ureat liiiMfiire 1 y l.'h Natii^ns as had ii not in ulV, as of the World tiie SirUn Geographer, and ,V.'. ir.ului fevcrat c I the Si):i..in N.itioiis had not : For Vfr.j//o faith yeiutui tall the l{~i^i.-m ej Dn'l-^K.js ; and )i u uill hnd of the !.:.(].feij, tliat they iilcJ Brazen Weapons of i thele Nanus niven to the Tcople that inhabjt there : War, he^Miife iheie was hm very little lion amonglt | The r.j/.ow, i'injirj.i, U,:r.cmi, AJc.^,ifiMi, I'l ,m~ ik.ii, Oliiloit, .iu\ Ci-o/i, ai»t'.i-! tail I'ltmi' :, others Hinmi.t i and ihe (jene!.il Name toi all the f;«M and l.npl^nMn is s^jjjii;m\ tioni theit wearinj! Wooden Shots, whiih the Swiici tail ^l^-Jh. Thcfe hiiil i>i,leis3i)d l.rjLii.icii ^oiiiR llilKaiih 1 Nonh, tame at lalt to l^i; .1 :^cml>i.i, and lb, a^ Ibint fay, iiifo ■ews that there weie three Nations of i[\c',<.jnci,l.iri,l tot l.ii Jci'tiui Unit, that in JieM'jii'li'> .fi./..-, jf:ii) and 'liigKj!, thele People nfed lu Ire.iiiiiit ihoft Plates tiir the fake of Huntim;. and tl>r ilic l-ntil ly ol the Soil, and the HUalaninels ul the Plav.e m ihat tiiiit of the Year. In .Vv./i ^f»j(,''.i, Urchmul, andilienciph- bouring Illand% l',>iip. AJ./.i, and others ol the Antieni? placethe llinni a'ld /•»;«;, or I'jhclsi. From .Not.i :^t»i. /'A: and ir.iliir,,i there is buta Ihtrt Pallane to (;> ,vKif?».j (about 4 days Sail) there feniK many lllanJs imerlp' t- led in the way, «hi h areeahly palfui toby Uich Bur., or CViMfj, as are now uled in li/.iv/i'.ui.., Sec. an.l pij- babljf are ail, ui the \S iii'ei', apptoa^h.ible ou iht Ice. Nor was (ills Part ct tlieWorldtinknov.;uoiht;'i'.ti lits, tor lijtniolt antieni Gcopra|.liers railed tiuitica whitn ' ■ ty where there was but very lutlc Iron ufed, but all tiicir W^.alo^l^ uere uliiaiiy n ai'.e of Brafs But that they were lerteClly innotani tf the nfe ij1 Iron, is a great Mi Ttake, tho' IVfc Mn:)' too rjllily faiih it , Jor .U\lU mcmions ii\ Iron Ca^e, which tlie Mi' . ../inj vifed to put Otleiideis m ; and the I'r.rj^u.iy.ini tiled Pieces (j1 lion tor Mony And j..''/.»''i whiJi wiiit into .4;«i//t.(, ihc I h,iirii, the Kli'', and ihe .Vim. 'Ihe i /.■.«'"' were a very large People, tontaininf; the ^l.'.nu, lig'i, 't'iin'\ i.:rtr..i, l-'iiil, /.H.MH ..-.', T'i;/r, Willi many ttiier baibarous Nations inhabiting ilit Sliore> of the ley Sea, as we learn f om the Words tt .liniin.v.m ytiicttinw. And yetpliinir Ipciki /(h/''H//i.", as I lind him cited by II 1- iihi: I' 1,1. Vi'l;^u>!, c!>f. ' Be;.ond the l'V'/i;.i, towatds " '.he Nuith, iliere is a Region called ''a/.a/i, , from '■ wlu'iueilie Iti.nni and ItKV'^.iii took tlieir Original, " aiKl the I anguaye of tiie H n:\aii is the fame with " th.1t of ;',:/..;/;). il.iii'.ii: allign, two (.allies tor the Snthl.wi rambling into AitnU.T, their luimtrons People, and their conllant: lies beyond the Proniomor, oi '.Iji. c: and Wars . For the N'aniju'.lhid, or the weaker People, wiio could not make head againlt them, always lied a'. far as ilu'V tniiKI out of the w.iy, left they IliOuld Ix: ca'.enbs ihe Comiuetots ; for l\\LS:)ti>irMi uled to eat tlicir Enemies : The antient Scyri l.'.'u wtic alfo mighty Hunteis, and I'urlutriol" wdd Beaitb, liinfmih faith, this btoiifht the III, mil out of the interior .IJii: into huiopc; an.i thetetorc ihe Flight of ihe wild Ikalis, it there was Way palfaMe for them ol which liereattcr might ealil> draw th.r: S'.>(/iM'/ Hunters alter them into Americ.:. The S.ythirtij alio never had any hxed Plat cf Settlement or Abode, br.t changed iheir Qmps, as tiic Sealon of the Year, Game, Water or Woods in- vited them, never Itaying long in a Place, but conti- nnally feekmg new Habitations and nc.v Regions to hunt in. Therefore on loine prtliing o.tafion, they might travel either over fume fmall Strait, alter the manner ,ibove defcribed, or ovtr the Ice into /Inie- li.n: As to whith latter way, u may rcteive lomc con- tirmaii":i trom what Kulnqu:< ta'th ot ilie I'tinr.u, tiiat they ule lu invade, in the Winter, tlie Illanders called 7V;».-i' and W.i'/j: m the i''0.{™ Srrr, up abo\e T.urarr, getting OUT to iliem upon tile Ite: And the fan "ri- ttice, Ulr.:is I tith, was 111 ule .imonglt ihcantien c.i. tl :ii:m thinks 'tis not difficuh to guefs at ihi unie in which lliefe S.ui'iAni and //(^nj went into ./«;;;. \v. ; and to be lure 11 was iiiueh later than tlie Voyages of the i'l .'nicir.i.! thither above mentioned, be aule the Northern Pails of .ImeiuJ, which thele Siyihif.iii peo- pled, were much thinner ol Inhabitants tli.tn theSoii- ihein Regions: And indeed, 'iij likely no Pcrlnns \v,ni!d have lakcri to tuch a cold Ciiinaie, uidcfs driven by Wars, and forced by Neiellity : And laih aNeceiliiy did fall upon many ot the People of the Noithetn I'arrs the Name of Cr.Hin/w, from an adjacent lii.n J v.i.ich they called r>o»/.r, orihellUof i,:/iu;, an^; li-inctime;: Ogyiiir, and whKli wai very piobabl) Gmcki;,.' .- .And their t. 'Vim.) ilj:iic was i.ei:ainly /;.'.i;i.i ; bicaufeiV't^/'j faith exprclly, ih.it Thnle nj> ,:.\ d.^y> Stii ti.'(i<..( there ait a very potent I'eople, who are Lnemics to Oic Soiw,:}.-:n<, and wiiithaie called Hcii^itieas, and who are of a Yellow or (31ive Colour, and .oniiiiiialU' are lambhns;, for the lake of Hunting, Filhmg ami Fuwiing. Mr.'tin t' - hijher, about the Sn.iiti that bear his Name, found Men wiih brjail Faces, flat NoU^, largi Nultiils, I., 113 black Hair, and of an Olive (.ol.'Ut . and othcis del'ciibc them as having none or very thin Beards, and in Fotni jult like the S-iii nJi ox i'.iit.-.r, . hv.A fu h have bcer. thePtOple that have b'-eii brought f; onr farts of ths Woild fioni thence. In the molt N jithrrn Pirt? tlieie tore of i.'.if.ty, \n..i X^eti'tLu l-if'ii'"l, CifK>l.i>:d and 'itr.cric.t, there being found Men ot the fame Siiape, Form, Colour, way of Life, Manncis and Cullon^ ; 'tis veiv likely thai ihey are all of the lame Original, and that the Northern Paiisof Airi:i hit were peopled bv the //,■!/;«/, or Si)!l-i,in!, this way The .■\nin:,als thai of the Woild about the Year of Chrilf 4'-o, in wj-.uli I an- (iiuiid 111 tliefe Places ate alike r:io : in all val't Nuiri the .Atiairs of the North wtte m the utmtff confufion, bers i.f white Bears thai teed on Fall ; and 'iih hiph'.y and ihey were lo over-llockt with People, that they probable that thete came out of (Jio-iii.md into ./"'eiu-d rambled almolt all manner of ways; and then 'tispio- becaiile in the Southern Parts i' hrc/L.i, about the bable till. le that were neareft to thole Fans were driven iV. ,1 .»f.i^r4'),i./>, there are none c found. .•I'n.ip.wiM into/l>Hc..o And this nceives a good ( iontiimanon mainiaiiis alio againlt ii >//;'''"'• , as I find 1.;.".: cited by Irom ihe Account the (i/i'ioi- t gave c f tlie I'.n.rimc^.r, lljiiiw,, that inljt-.mi there .'irer.o Bcarsbut wlia: come abarbaiousPiople, whoiiithur Hunting and Rambling over from 1)'>i)-n;/:i;,/ on the Lc , and that th^ fe Ciea- kiiid ot lite, and many Ciilkoios belules, were niighry tines nfe to travel a great way ?n il:c Kc, :MKll'ail..n Pieces of ir, the Nivig.iiors into thel ■ No:;lieiiiPjrt; like to the old S, ■.•/■.•..hj ; tot thefe I'eoi <■, they faid canie into .\.',.v.. • about thcYeat 71-0 atier C.hrill, ac cording in our way of Ace lunung. So that if they do alfure u.s. Lrfc.r'.< /(iithinks iiprobable thai the tiks omeinto t.'.!)M.i./, the I'./'c .1'.' I i-irada , S;c. It^iii the went tiim m r World in liic Year 4'i, they might Norihern Parts of i'.u "r., I'wimniing over a-.rof-i foiiu people the Nunhcrii Parr, ot Atih'' :r. tolerably well 1 i^oY'ears, alter that thin rate that the. V/i^ni.r^/j found tlkiu inhabited Foi l'.vi,,.i, tells us, that all /'jh;.,.).i, Ni'n>-/-.»i;//;n./, and alllheCountues up to the Pole, had not lo many People as thcic wers then in I. cnJ:>.i, IS tolerably well determined to be about the Y'ear of Chiill 4 -■. And this ptcba'dy was ctic.'.led two ways, both Faft - Strait or. \rm of thcNoiihern Sea. And iliere is one Bii.:i.'.iii' /'.vyuimiH', afj.'in.i'i VViiter mcniioiicd by Ho:'M/\ wlio allelic, that "theiCv:omc imoUcnil.i'i.i " ofually from the Northern [Vrfrt Irno^iiitii, and tl.c " Fin^f»i Sfii, ceitaiii lavage and barbarous Men called " C.tioliy in great Numbers, f n the fake ot Trade atid ' Merchandizing; and that 'tis there taken tor granted, " that they lOine from the other fide of the North Pile- But ILihius thinks, that the' Grccnlani be. certainly a Firt f '1 II I -f; Hi ■ 1 i I'f?; XIV INI KG DVC f 10 A. F.vtof ilir win.-ii,.,!! CominCiV. ; yct that thefi I'coplc wi'iit ihuhiT latluT iiviT the lie, tVoiii 'l'.iit.ii\, Nr. whcntlu' Sea was frozen vi(i, than round about by tlir I'llo, ol which Par:') we ilo niJctil know nothing ccr- tan at all. (,.DfiH( i"; ('f the opmuin thit the Northern Am: r wij peopled much ntter the way we have lieen nnw •:1elcvjbing, btJt iVoiii .innilier Onpiiul : He will hivf the .V'rir,r,«>; 10 f,o tiril to \.U,..i, theiv.c into iJuc. ''»''<, inj alter this into l-V/(.//.i/..V and /•./?('.i.''!i.-'/, th.it i:-, at laft into Air.r i .-, bc^aufe he makes thole two Placi'i to lie jMit of the /Imr i:j>i Continent. Ihlt as I irr ani! H ■ 1..M ihew, this (.)pmii;i IS inipio'-ible in iliel-.' nfpetfis' 1. Beo.iufe 'ns nnlikely the W.i"./- / IhnuUl not trniil- porc Horfts nnJ Kine aloi.p vv;th thcni into U •tiiiml. and fo \n\oAmeu /t ; and yct none were tounJany mIutc in //I'.-.M.i a; if. til ft Ihf (iver>. ' z. 'Tis flr.mpe .illoaoii iinaCtOunt.iblehow the Ko n>.(,( ih I aiiRi:af;e ihuuKi ciine T . ^e ejiiKplon both nt''''.' 'AmV and ./m.'ii.i, and vii icamed ni f' ■"•.'. Hut ^. Ciironoloj'.y will not ullow ot \< ; tor theV/i.iKj.r.t' found that tin: Jmeu.m! \:..\ a lit, 11 Tradition that the ('■/",. iii: ..c lame to the Lake ot S\lc' .,) bit'.iie the 'I'e.ii of out Lord 7Ki whereas f'./in' was nor inhabited til' about the Year H79 : and III- .V' n ir.riJ. did not git tiom ihenic to'''ix'«/ir'.,l till !L> ._>i4 Belides. there was not louiid in ./'WriVj any > ;.'r,v.j)i Com, wi.ie'l lure the iV'in- i..;;! uotild li.ne • irrieil iMtli them ; as ihf) would alfo their Viee nt iiiii LVinkin?, wh'eli wc hiu! the M.aiV.t' j abhored, . '..1 1 iinil):i:d IV' iikeiii.e s (everely. Hi.wt\er : !.■ : aliov, s, ih,;t loine f/r w/i:;), l),m.i, .ird i\. Ml.! .,'..- might net into Ji'.r ;V.i .■ For Ivihs .'■ ";• and .-l' ; .w j <;ne an Anoimt of lomc Colonics ;• ;:.<' inM'.. .1 11.: h mii I .0. / ; biif tliife were but .■'rw. ath! v.'.re letta',! o.'iJ\ mil upon theCjiail, and in .ill ; I ''all .tv iiivl iY.,\ (;o up iar 111:0 the Country, nor \"-'\ '- . . ht bv iVjii.i Calualt\ cr otlier were , I 1.1 III •. ,1 ,1 ; ai;.i pirll.ips tills way . Il.iiins l'«»lii- ■»■, (1! .. , 1 ';;'.orv 1 I :i.i r.-'.a. faith, t]w He i^el.-.nd, ./','. .'. ■ :'..;, f.'. -, ii ,im.i>k, and ^ ocnlana, did .inti.'ir.ly i ',1;.; to tl.e Kii.j; and Queen of t)'>.mjrli, .111.' were 01 I;. Iic.iiief.ted b\ the Dntrfh LU'cr. Mut this II •■ N.i..;,a;iLn liiiiher was at lalt omitted (or two I'.eal.T,.- i.Heiaii'.'j 111 the'N'ear r,t" Chnft 134S. there ^VA' a terr.llt P.aj^Lie, n hi 'h raj'.ed alinoft every where, and near txiianft.!! iJoii.i'k i fotliat there wasno year- ]\ Na.:r,a'.o-i '^ ^ jf. ,;>.,/ as ulually. 2. Aii.l that in ills Tuiie tiif Ice lay 111 lueli van Cijiantitics and Heaps in till- V- ,.y, ilat there w.-.s f.aru !y any ■ ntiing n to the Toitr c.f ' •>/.;'■,.■ No iliat li'.e IVojile ol \' )a. ., Dci- II... <, or horn uha'eieiNi itherii Pans of (■;,■■»«:>.) they ' au'-.', vvlio went 10 '.mc-.i^M.y, \\ere either ItarveJ, or •i-iti •• ' bv tiis' Natives. Ill 1 r'h-i iiiiniiation of tin. >■' i."/'!.;/. |-'ecpl;iig . .■ . • i y a \\ eitein F.xpeditioii, lis woith obfer- \ 1:1 , wi.,u i.i 'l; h'- "II" laith, u?. Ihatfis certain i.'.ii:V l< 1' ' cai'i.' \tirly Iroiii .V.;.,! .^wjt'i.i, by the !■• ,M. . 1: and thclliand of I'li.^.i -, ir.'o .v«;.. -.i ., iliar ...iV n n fafick wrii ilie S'-i-'.c/ ./i aid l',:,t/:i! : and .liiTLioie .i.iuli lie, wc need not iKnibt but that I'coplf inighi antiently go tl.it way int.) .hiicrici : for here r./i r> and ^IJi-i arc U parateil i;niy trom .V;.i :^imli..: in /;...■....;, by a ii'.tic Strait. I'o v.liiwi alio inav be ad- lioil what (■■/■■'•■' !■-■ ('n'rti,t.:o 3:\d M:-. tin F.tli:. far ol iheir own i:no\sird>;e, that in o,, .«>.'.:«.:', and above < ..' ., tile I'c.-p'e ule U'ljis nille.id of Horlis. as 'tis well Ki.ov. ii the .^ / •-; of l(:ii .:, and all the (■. «/:«„•.■. • >. ,.; /. ■;. . ' ■ rji-n the P. ,•.'■■ V.m iil.d to do. as ;'<;,- ,./■..:. •.ilso.. r.,;t 1 lailiii tinnk thefe Uonbave II' le.liiv It , II 1>.\;, be, a .ie tr.e .Antittits ^all thiin . ', ■• ii . . iheie wei. a kir.,; ol .V ';/ ..•, >■ wiiU" inti ani pci an Ml U , !•' a far pr,a:er NiunI i.r, w,' ail! .1 .liitii'.-i by ihei all; where the Palla^te (■' ■ (> I'l' , e.ifii, and" the Iv.-ui ;iis fidi.r of ['1 ■I" 1) ili.-.-Miiii.ar) l.-Hii..i III /«.'.-';,.i, liein II. hive ., ihat there ety, as well as .Mullitnde, ot wild Bealfs .; ..1,11!. IVleils, vid tint rill. Coiiiun iti irany PIa,-rs was cen.hrd aDeurr by thulo Peah? "I'isnot tlierctnic an iiiifealiinable Srippoliiion, that i- thcfe miphty W'iKIs and lorreds ol Hi.iji 1 an. I i>iM -. there niav be manv itrar(;c .V,,'iv.j of wild lieali. un- known to I's; (lurveleewe li.ive niw Cn.itnres lirovi;'ii to us every day. and lla wn abo't ij lliaii;.^c Sif^ii and "vhy niav wc not then witli <<;iial reahii f.ij pod- that iliole lti.iili;e Heads and Hiids which hii. ;. : a bounds Willi, miplii ,oiiie fn 111 hence, aiui b\ tl'is 1 ., Item I'.ilfaiic ce' 'liilhei ' .•uid as lol'iiids, we ham tioiii .' .r. 1; .'>«,•.•(.' t": • tlieie i, a j;icat \'atict\ .inj Onaninv of iliein 1, 'Jf '/!'■ 1 hat ///k and .•».- e.< are he:c dn c'edl y n ; ■ and noteonmVIe i by Liiid, /! ni.tn ihiiiks very pio>-,i'|.- Iroin wliii ilic I) . .'luu. obierved in ib'',r Na\l^allu.•/■ l..) iV ; ,j ^.ci^ .1, 'v . |,.r ;ii thcStiait:. ot \ -I' n' thfi lound a doul le L.: , .'i a uKelini; ol two I uh-., in- ot wlii.h ht 10 liie h.illw.iid, and the other to ll'c Wclfu.iiJ, ,,, 11 l-ath Iciiu'bfeivc! lu •■e nithc V- /<«.■<; Si'aits, ihe W.i,/ii<;, and .IS )i is 'n "LT C tut :', ) ■. ani ulien iliey were |\!ll i ) '..'.^.if?, ihey toun.l j"o)M.r Salt and LliicSc.i. > - , i' "■;. 'lii.l liv V.i.'.'.i.. (..-,, J'.iJplur, all f ly that .;'. n- ■, 11, omp.illMi r.,i ; J uifli' ! Ocean 111 iIk',i North hatleiii I'art.i ; ..n.l .\ ;/'..j, l',lli'lil r.i.tU, , I' .:i. . : :..., aildl'.'l .- . , ,11, iviif- r the lame lliinp, ni.Tkmn iio ineiilion ,.t .n.^ !■■ r. ; only they fay there are lilaiids bcjin,! it, wImIi i the T/: ifi.ii.s pet upon the I.i : .And /(,. ..v.it lai'b. t!:e Names of the Inhabitants ct'tlicfe lllaiuU a:c i .f.i a:,d M.:itf c. How tar tile i ft u,.iii Cafes liit • li out to 1 1;,- Northward, is not yet exactly detcrniined. but Hen. w coir.j uits It to 1-e to the 7;-'h De.qiceol' I ai.tudc, an. I niir late Maps have trade it ? or .1 |)ei;recs vet moT North' .Ani the Kint; if snv./ / 's jMathem.i'iri u four.,; .N k ir, or tlie N.inh Capr-of If ,•.,,.', r.-. I:i' Tliiej; 5_. nun. I' -n m I -i.":.! laiih, that 'lu.is r.itijd t. fail fioir. rlir Continent of /i.c'f.,-tn ilicllli-s m the h' r. -f'iSf./; Why not al;.. ni: '.(»,■ ■ ,■; w:ii..n ..n.:,..t ;>■. I tarfromthenee. And rhat anticir'y there was «i.u,i tenon iihy ■ Bon.itrei.s upoti the I lozt n ,Sia liioul.i t . lOeavoyr to ''c-. into Anions, if iluy co ild. or tviilt tliemhlvts to :l;e ^ Ocean to feck out new Habitations, I ln.i acqrains r.s. , when he tells us, nil //'((■'.-.■/'.J^ii Scythis onmii ilj:--tj_'):- \'jjciifqiic j!.l ia/'i>,, ijM.l eiuti'itnlU l'ir;.ci/:i;> Jujir:.-: \r,tinii pijj]i That is, the V,r.-/.i iat as T.il II , becaiile no body could luftain ilic ijtutal Cm ! city if iholel'coplc. .Sore therelore li.ey killed a"d I cat; oiliers 'which nu don'.r were inan-. ■ tlnv Ji'.'t j into the Sea, into the id/nn^, lll.ni.is, an; nito .('• I And thus .•)».■>«. HJ relatts th" .Mittc; . I ' rile Man-taters, faith he, nade all tini.ps Dclcn I " where they came ; all tl eir neiRhlciiriig IVi | le :l\int>, , '■ Lefoie rliem, and let kinp, new Hd rations as farout I " of their way astliey ■ onki get. Who thof. People wer. . th.it wen thus driven inrn.yii,f' /c.i at this liirc, tishard :<■< dcteriunie now ; bur there fccnis, as llin.'ii- thinks, to be ihe Ken'ams tjf 1 wo .^M Names in Amcrii- that ni.-'.v Sivr finie lijiht into this nutter: About/", li.ii v\ere.i j People lalhii .hn.'Ui and Af'-ikl-oti, which he ihinks ■ arc the K<-nia'ii.bi., of the Aii'.!,i inemionrd bv .V ! 1 ■.■•, and whom he -oins with ihe .>'.i//,:;'o' t ; r<\ wliiiii l.ilt Word the ■V:,-.-.-fi ,', oneot the lourold Natii'iis of .'■. -v \ in iNciT A.>,;,'.i»,/, Ici in to he I planiDcrnitivis. Tin other Name i« (..".i, a very anticiu People in /'(•■!(. and wb.nrn i/ iwi.'.j thinks came Iroiii the I^i.tm' of j7i./»., and who |;ave Name '.- , the Piomoiioiry I .'/,. 1 / /.., nun thinks alfothat there was a fcif.n'.l Kamble ti- jto .ii,'i, .,,.1 by tluT:.ilt, wliich tho' later than the lc,:M'et .•above-n.cntioned, vet was ver> ir.inui'Ais and fiu o.is I'or the //«'/ij,, .11.111, A:,: II, Til r ' . 7 if.- /, A/ ^' . , ' ('I;. J, &c. an! many other Nations, of wlucii ncv. 1; Ircpicnt ineni 1:11 1. the am cnr Geo_?r.ipliy, di.liiKii ro into ihatnev/ \\ dilJ. Ilic lli.ni.i were a very barbari us Pioplc. arid wcr pla.ed (irlf of all in the fa'tlieit I'.irt of .1/;.; next ihi^ Sej, where tlicie ate tlicNaiiu:. of ('luir.l and 'i ."/, 1 People bcrdcrn,',; upon the '",- 11 ; and tli.ii ti e (;.«.:- ./,:',i were the fniie with the i!i.ni:i, is plain, t'ci.nntt- they, all thenifclves.W,iir),'ij, and that ni/i'.iwi;f!ii- itieil 1 hele liiiii.:., Cdii, (uii ij-, C^.nmli, II 'W.'hj tllild.s pci . pled and uave Natiictoi>«..-t l-':rn, Ojjilui Chorduii to the People alKJiit \udxi;; .1 ; and 111 I'cni there were toumi lomc that lallid ihcmlclves /.iwnr'. The /h(! I' wfie All antieni and rmincnt Nation in Ame- riV,i, whole Name came very prohaL>ly t'loin thct '.;!.i', atiiongthc'l.ir/,iM. Tlicold i'mmiVwuv^ driven by the Sciihinm, rambled into ahnortall I'arts : There n men- tion made of foine of tlirm in ."rtuv/nm.i by Sir,th.\ Sicplmnui and I'H'iy ; but the far grL'atclt part travcll'd into the Dcferts of /I'y'CrtHM, /J.j/.w, /jm4, M/i^ji/i, &c. whereat lalf thcv were called I'mfi; and from henrc doiibilefs came the Name of /'"/"■> which in the Book of /).i«/i-/ aid i.alled J'.i'.i' ar ,1 Pi.ilr. And (ince we find mtiition in Sirz-h of the I'.^n , .ui aiitieni Na lion amon^ the Sothinis, the (anic wth the IVrf/'i' and I'JiJi'; ti-^ vnv probable the Hej;ion of /'.Jr;.i in Amer ic/i tiiok 1!^ Name from, and wa < peopled by the old SVv^/'iii« /'/!.■. When alfo we hue' HcmJctnt an antient .S'.vf/'M« Teople called iV/i/'-', aru another C.i/i, we may fanlv coi jcCture th.it the S'rpiiw the liland lu- tiiil.iili came fi 0111 the former, and the Of/i/i<:/( in F/onW.) from the latter The antient Iwcr, called by the Hrcck' T.iiiri and T.iU'i/,/, Iprcid theinfelvcs largely in m^iiiy Parts of the World : '1 liefe being featcd ar firlt about the Ci/pinu Sea, imi;hi with iluir Neighbours the l',;.(n.r go over into .Itmn:.;. ''iv/.vh; calls them /r.>' ; and In //o'- iiHds thinks S' 111"-' ihould be rorrec'Ud in his HIeienth Piiiok, where he faith the lyct , lun theCy^ci;, as the Vii'par'l'evt lia-.h) were Neighbours 'o the I'jpyri. From th'le anticnt /vu< 'tis likely the I'.iinil o( ^Imenca ni!5;ht coiiT, and tlic ''O'd/c/Hcj too, if what /.'7, p];i'iid* pctur.t, X.c itli- uJ Infi^ntibiii i' 'jiiim iniliriuvhj; JiJti'^ium, ijiir.m lit in aliijiic l{fimriim <:rx'i cmtff^f.nf.ir. Hue rctiuint 'Juventi, lix ioium r.-c-ptncutuin. id Ir/ttiui mI itntiitio tjn.'.i/i in- f^cmcrc •ij^'isy il/.ihor/iic diinihui, (.,: iili.-ii.y'.j-. t\;i:Hj, Ipe mtiuij; :c/f(f ; Ircnri rtJirtfin Hi'iiii'i'i, JiSi'i i-.Aict- jus Df(i.^ irtn iiificiii»um it/J'.cuti /hm, ut il.it ml'^n, qiil.l-m rpiis 1:1, And much the fimc Ac.ount /,i>iinir.»us M.urel.iiiin givci of ihcold Ilium ; aJJing tliatthey have no Beards, even in Old Age, that they aic a thick (tiong (l.ort forr of People, aikl very deformed. Both which l/'elcrip- tinns do agree lb ejiaCtly with ihc Cii: J iin'ct, i'o. f i.et and Ci!rii^:.i,;t in \„ ii, Amc>u,j, and wilh the H^fi- ii.'.Hj in the 5a ii.<, that one would think thcv were ile- lign'd on p\irpn!'e toi ihem : For there is no Tan of the World thatcver had anything like the liaibantyof ihofc .■hiicica)!.', [ lit the Sc)iin.m Sv)h.i,::; j iior were there Aiuh-nph.ij^:, I r.iii.iOals, or Man Faicrs, any wlicr'', but amongft tli fc Suthi -m jiid the .-Imeri.ms : Which I think is a very conlideiable Rcaf in to I'uppolV, that thcfe Inhabitants of the New World, whiJi ucre thus unnat ral.'v barbarous, niiilt be derived fri m thole I'arts ot the 0!ii, where only Inch abominable tiiMigs were cuflonaiy. I'ju us lu-uctw, I'.n.-niiius, and l':,:;rc.i t. /, defcrice the Old 'l'.vt,:ts tp be ol mean Staiurc, bioad fiat Faces, with little or no Beai.l.s and that they e.u their tneniis tiikiii in War. And indeed iht:S:)!l::un Cuftums pre^.lll in many I'laces ef .(""•i.i.i, luch as many Wives t.i one Man. eating their F.neniics, aijd lelK be mie, that the //ich/, which time from thele 't'cknigthcir Heads uton Poles, painting their B idics, .inticiit h ■ (, ail' called in their own Language 7':;;.'u\i.i eoutinual lliiiitiou ana changing tlicr Placei uf Abode, To which may be added, that the Mcv.V.if;j called tiodj bl^e the old S'ni.tdfs. t'.iii!ui /'.-«.f«jfiith, that in c/t».- T.ii, whi h ,ViVv/^/"ri(; laithwas the Name for tlie Ueity;,!!'.?" the i\.v//.irtni uie.1 to paint thcii FaCei and Bodies among the 7;.>..i' ; ami m M viV" a Monnuiii was cal- ^^'tb the Images ol linds. Beads-, Draj^ons. ;_ . . fo that led r.V-., which the old IVio* called I-?.'. | they could not be walli'd out: Atid we nnd by Prince 1 hcT.i'f iM weie a very antient ^cyh'i.iri People, and; '''<''■. whomCapt. bnin;in brnc.ghi ticm ■' liio' of thtfe l^.br:!./,., fiith the true Name was Mi.i,:., and, '"= was born ar .V/cti.;; , tf.at this Piiniui ■ • , uic that I hey would be called lb, and not T.irmri or 'initii,^ alfo inthcEaflern Illaiuls. Now th • People v. !'. .:.')o/j becaule ("."i;i'j (.'0/ was of the Nation of .Wm/. Tliefc and /•'//. /''/i.i wasa Place called <.■(.;, andinC''./i one cal- ufualamongll theyc/f/'irtjjj, yet tlieie was one Nationof led Ci'to", and I'rt.V.i in Pc u fecms plain'y to come from them, tj^. the Majj'a^ets, which were content with one Br.iti; In Pf ;. alio IS a Place cai led by the Wmfi .c,i»j, Wife: And fo likewife i;i Amei.i the Mn^juat, 3 T.-.tinoii:, and another T/ij(^ /I.e.,-. //u'w/iu alfo gives nia- Name not much unlike the Mij/"(7i;«»', with the /•'/nu/f/, ny Inllances < f the Names of Towns and Cities in A- 1 theO.'wn.cj, and the Chichinircs, four oftlie moft antienc I'... i. .1 a;;rceing with thole of 7 ■t.v: And he urges it K'""''''oin Nations, kept to one Wife. The V ytii.tn:, as a very conlideiable Argument, ihatihc iV: i.fs pco-iand in particular the M.-.^-.p-ti, ufed to kill th.jfo that pled V'f.v.c, an.i the adjoining Part of Amrric.i, that lb 'hey thought were delperafly and incurably ill, to put many •"c.v/V.i'i Words end in ,i>.-, as the Names of Places them out of their Pain i w Inch CuUoiii was found a- ihcrc generally do; fuch asTf/..';( .m, C.'.i(/rr«, H.i^.i.-u?;, mong the wild Cun.i.i.ius lu .Imc-i.r.. Tl.c I'.nir-', an <^ifyi'''"t, I'rna.'.iri, Teimiit:,vi, K^.it.n/, &c. For .t.J antient .SV>//i . (faith llv uii.s) and this odd Culioiu \e;is found with the r.irnrlr Ai , fo they are obfcrved to do in pravltifed pithe Vri.t fiir/i.ini .imrrii.:. Thctatmgof yuc.'.tw, and the adiCiningPartsof ,\o/f/) ./mc/i'cj. In dead Relations was an unaccor.ntable and abomin,ible the preceding Age there was an .^n.-r/c.iK King reigned Cufloni ; and S/i.i/' tells us, that this was uled by the in njoi./v;, whole Name was T.ifm.iv ; in which as M'ljfi^etiiiiidUr) ' ices j and no doubt from ihvfe barba- iherc is plainly the Word luiir or Tnrt.v ; fo there is ibaious So.'/./.kjj it pall ir.ro .■'■•c/;c.i ; tor wc hnd it the Particle .i.x, Alfic.'-.i.v and .V,i^/n.(;.j.v O'd 5c>//ji.ih.', toplace atthe Stpulihers of then Dead, have been given to their Princes. An anticnt Name in | Meat, Drink, Arms and Mony , and this was alio 111 the Kingdomot Afc.c/.o wasJfy'.iji, faith //u-«/i», which ufe amongll ihe /l;;ii'r/c(;>o. Ard as th'.' !.> •..»..' ufed is purely Vwkjfl', one At'i.t)i-!'e^ being Prince of C'.ioi-ito let out their Blood, and cut tlR-mleivcs with Lances, /;«.« in A'.toi/..! absmtthe Year of C'hrilt M.CCC . The!"hcn they made a I eague or ibleiiin Covenant; and Founder of the I Viii5'/jn Hbu'iic was one A/.oii^o, as the fomeiimcs alfo to tellify their joyful Recepuon of any /Iwcricttii lay ; « liich is a v cry common Name among Perfon : So did the 'iiicr.tn- /. i and the I'cople of .New theT.i'.'.p;, whole 4th Fmperot was a A/.iwgf . .So that A.li >:. .And that very odu Cuttoni which thc5L-v.'/;;,anj ther: is both in the Names of Places and of Perfons, about IVi-er had, of gieing their Brides to be tirlt cn- plain Kcmaiiis ot the Old .^c»(/'.,iHj, Hui.iii, i'/nci, 7'.ii- jo\ed by another, was found amongit the' Inhabitants of /«'.■, A(n'^o>.i, S;c. Ill Uveivd Places of Amt>icii. \^Hicn' n-i^u.i in America The /«:;»' or /Vhi/jx Princes, In the lalf place let iisconlider the Manners and Cu- ufed Diadems or Tuibnnt, of various coloured Cloth, ftoms of thele V.u/i.im, Hum and r.nf,i)-, and com- wound 4 01 5 tunes round their Heads ; were very rarely pare them with ihofe of the Anuricans., from whence a fecn by their Subieiits ; made them fall proitrate before further Light will be given to their Original. T.iu/kj them All which wereCultoms ufed by the .Vc)f/.M;;j and at ihe bnd oi his Book i/c Mmihis Gnm,i>miim, gives T'<"l by the Iti : ^7;j.'/'i.i at it> fi l^ l>iRu\ery, two very roltie, i ivi'i/id ai'd imphty Na- tiotis, M' I' '" and IK-rii, wlueli ean li ^rrcly be fiippo'td lobe derived Ironi fiuh biil-aroir. Pri'i'lc as thole V. .^i i- 1"! ^ibove-iientioned i twill be u r i our while torn- (|i ire, ulaiher there be not iiov.'. pioiMid tobelievi tiny ini|',ht lune then liiliabiMMis fruiti feme I'm:, ot o.it World where Aiis and Si Tr>es wrre ir.i i li iniite < iilli- \aud, than in thole difcvi and lavage Kcfi> r; .1 \.\- •Ml, .'fee. Now of all the li.li.ibaar.t^ . f the Nev, We.iM. li.e IV'Di./.iM were the bill and nuill civili/ej, ,n. .il.lt.iiiiiii); entirely from Hiiiu.m Saeiifin s, urcatii.'^ Hniraii I li 111 ; whieh beeaufe ol ilie Inter:;:. ■:turc ol thf bailaioi'S Chiii-mni, was not e:,av11y tu'.c .>f the iV('-a V.ii.';. Hn - ih his Cniijit'liire thenlbie feeius vei\ probab'e to n.e, out of ordtr, anil to be pot t'.Miile and no-.rillimp I'hvli.k VVInii, l'.ii' that the l'r>:r.iVii, Chi liill I'eople from i'^il' and well again gradually h) jad'oiniiip Nations as jv.lie Nou i!:.s vidienloii'i J I': II til, faith, w.is I'ta^'hud anioni> ilie .Irclr.lMii in the extream Parts of '■:•.'.:'. .is well .is in fume other I'arts of the World ; as wc find by Oi.ion.!, St i-i', and (■'i.i.vj. 111 his A'f^'>i/^K'->k^. The .lw.-ii,.:tii liuvel i en eeiy famous forthcir wear- iiir, of Feuhers iherealon of whlili leeiiis to baiebeeii, the \ai' Xariey of beautiful Birds wlinh tl'.e New World atfor.f. : ;\iid this was .t \rry aiiiientCufti'in a- niouijlt the Old ("hi e, I'.ti.'.oi', i ;/:..•<»<:». m and I kH , asi/i-laiii from llr, J-tih and other ai.tKni Writers. That 1 aitieiil.;r I'lmilluiiriit f..r Iheli, uliuhO; iV.i'u and I .■">«. Ill tell esthe Old ■Ui.n.i.ini, or the lnhabiiai:t> of /(Y/i/in;'./,? iifed, nhieh ^vas iniralmn them alive, was alfo of ver\ antient life aniorp tlie 7"iiri.», I'.ii:,: i lo. ! I'-ft. And ihat erii'lout-of-thcvvay Trick, whiihihe Man, aire; ('•iciir.i d I ■, ( iii.ilt>eiile-, and \iir .;:;.'..i>.:'. Were tbiind K.ul'ni, an !'■) rccexveil their 'i I '.' •■!■ ••: ujine . '. '/ \sa,. the >vas not unknown ;. I he (■•'.:•. tlitre- .ibiHit*, .iikl s.' •tio fpiaks of a Kii,'^', ^ailcd C.tilc.i : In latter TiiiRS it came to be lal'e.l i\i'i .t ; and tli's was dtvule.l inio two I'aits, one .ailed limply \i-' ' , and the other \..iii:-\.'' TO In this latter part, the l.iiu .us ni; iK ivilized part olalli'i.rf. . i;..i the .Siitieutv; lor )'/w wi nuii'ni , .iikl s.' n was ealled ."/m 1% who li.n i to play ivitlitliei! C-htldieii, of eiittirpand ll.nliini; then fi ipiied lOo" ,Stor:ei> about Iinii ; anil from licnee eaire Cheeks into ■;aMi dalhis, when they weir vety soiiiip, ' all the Fab'c of I'.r'.'-.'fi Jc/*;, ot l''cftcr Jf.'.'i'. was prai'biled alio lVe.-;iioiitly aiuoiii; the //hmh Audi The ,(/n//,i,. Emperor in /•:.•/■/.;•;>, hath b'. the furc'K- they arv fii-l lohavc .lone it, loren.ler their Males brard- ' im letncallcd thisNan'e. as will asihis Ai:.i: c'- I'liin . j lels. N'ow all .'iiiinici is bcariUcIs, but three Nations : , but faith llo^rnin, lor diflereiit Kialbiis : The latter was And f-'inrraniM and /'. K-if.'ii'obfervc alio, that the T.u-e.illed 1'rrjlr^r.n by the I'fi/j-;;;/ and iV;,'.' "••«;, be. aule m; have none at all, or but very thinbieards. he was an .\i'o(tol'..-al Peifcn, as tie.- Word 111 tluir I an- The Food alio of the. /mfricinj correlpond,s with thai guaj^e lignities ; but the Aliyi'.nc Prince wis by the I' - of the Ttirtan, their Bread being M-ii^e, and their Drink i.'i'.iwj and Pci/irtiu called P cjie^ Clr.i:, i.e. /(.v .Wr/my-,- r/'ie-j ; which latter, faith Honiim, is a fort of Broth , "aim, the King of Slaves; beiaufe great Nmnbus oS made of I'ulfc, whieh they drink hot i and this was Slaves were brought fiom /^-'/i /'i.i. certainly the chief Uiet of the Ti e.e and T.ir.'jn - But | /'. Kiiiefiij laith, there was in C.,i'h.iij a Prince call, d this Miii^f and Vhicn is ufcd no where in the World but Prcilytfr Jilm in hi« 1 ime ; an.l tl:e fair.e fa ih /f»i mi, in -'//J.I and S.rf/».j : and as /li'y/ii obferves, the hUi:^e' -tiJ'r.U Lifitjins, wlio in tin Year i6j i, went liuu; is ealled iiuwrnrum 'IViii .Virni. Tho' alfo .U>i:r'.:.i a- the Kiiindom of the i.ir.i; ,\r.;/i.' to fear, ho i tint Kej i . bounds with Vines, yet they never h.ad any Wine there, on. and found him t.i have hrfc Dom:iii any tnorc than in Tc/Mi^ or (,'/.' they may have now. formerly, whatever, ThisC.i.'/Vv was not apart of ihe antient Kr I I «iii^v.i.''(.'iv.<;> I IV. I ., I. Hi tri .iiv.uiu(.iii i,illi. I'll! 11 [(''■"..I, but aMorthein Ktpion ad|oininp to II, asappe.irs 'Twere endlelsto mention all the paitbiilar Cuftonis , from the .nWi.:)i Geographer: Bur about the Yiar i ■j'.i , in which the //"i.-hV.ikj do plaui'y apree witti thel'e an- |c<:.'/m> and M.j;.-;;; were united into one Ci n.fr Kiiu'.iloiii, ticnt 'i.yt'-irir ; but I think ihelel have enuii'.erated may , and then the famui.s I'lit.rf. Wall wa: bnili, to fewm render their Original (in part) from Sctih,.} vcrv pro- them againft Invalions from the 7'.ii/iiij ; and that r. table; efpccially if to thele we add, in the laif Place, can'i be mu.h oldei, iseettain, be.'.aufe ilure is not .my their Religiotis Rites and Oblervatiors. '1 he .■^"i cjiis worllii]' the Sun and the Fire, and in Mexito there was a perpetual Fire kepr in the Temi'lc ; and thofe Deities were worlhipped by the Scytl-ijns, Ti.rc.c and Taitii. And this i.s very remarkable, which is taken notice of by ll'inim de Ori^iti-bni Utiit. rhneii:.i>,r.- nicntion of it in I'mhis Venoms, uhej wroic about ihc Year i jcc : It was therefore no doubt built by !l v ..i, who drove the T'.t. m j out ofc/'.v.' i, and Ictrthemnothii.p but the Kingdom of Cnfcm . F>y the aniient Siiirn/es or CHirfr, we arc to under- ftand tliercfori- all thofe who lived to the South oi' i.titlny :.. ..1 — ..«a l.». ..;,.. ^C \i -■ Tk .1'. .1... . ^:„; 11.. nim^ lil:^. p. lib. That the OWci-..- s.ik\ C'lidor^ wor- in the valf llepioii of Man^i. Thefe, th.V originally fhip an Idol called Ziotin-l'.thii, whitli was of Stone in a Womans fhape, andfituatc on t''r Banks of the River Oil i to this they iifed to facrihc • Animals, and to be- ftricarall the Parts of the Idol wi.h their Blood. Now of this Imapc there are two plain Remains in America At [■'■jc.ts in < ,unl'iitini.t!l.t there w.is a Stone Imajje wor- lhipped in the Form of a Woman ; and \n k\\i: Ifthniu of !.'<■» icn there was a Female Deity, whiihihey called Icrived from the Jo.'/'i.iiij and liii/i'.i)..', yet had all their Letters, Politure, Arts and Seicnees, from the /;;;>/'/ /.:nj and l'h.tnicii:ni, who made frequent txpcJitioiis int^j this Ct untry ; c appears from the Voyages of Btcclms and Herciili, whom the Antier.ts lay were P'l muimi. The'iyi'iw; had a Colcny at the '-i.jc.'if, as mentioned by Am. M.vccUimii ; whieh was on the Banks or at the Mouth cif thcRiver called T><.i . In the I'fjltn Gulpli nr.-B/iibn, to which they paid mighty Honours and i there wa^ an llland ealled 7)r/ii and ./.it./ii, whofe Ih' Worfhip ; and here there is fome Aprceinent in tl Names of \' fii-S.ih and D.i-Hi-.U'.i. 1 o their Deities the Anieiicaii; ufed to ofler the Hearts ot Human and of other Sacrifices, as we find was the ufual Cu^.-^n' in .W:- Au,! ; and this alio was the Praefice among the T.irti-.is. And thus much for the Peopling of .jmriiL-.i from the North Eaftein Parts of E.iitif: zndi Aii.i, liomthc Coun- trv of the antient H.ir,iii, 'l.irtr.ii^ and other Sorhir.i.-s ; in which there are fo many thing.s deducing the Origine cf part of the .'/rn'ricunj from thefe barbarous People, that wlien it is laid all together, and duly confidcred, it amounts to a fail deprec of probability ; and farther Mian that vec caiiiict prttend to go, there being no way habitants, Straio faith, centcnded that they were deri- ved from the SiJonia'i:. And there was a Nation T the Phxttici.ws called 5in.iJ, from wiiom tis verv' prolabic the .Name of Snix or Siwr.Jci firli canir : Thclc i"iV).(/ lived firft about .^i'«.i in .tr.il.in and .V>."..' in l^pp:. The Kingdom of Ugyft, it appears, did antimtlyextcnd all over hiili.i \ for /'m/wi/i fai h of 5:/./..., that he con- quered all /t/i.r, lieyond C.imi \ as far as tli'; hi.llr.i, O- ecan ; and Str.ibo faith, their I.inpiic extended as fat as B/i.ln'j, biiiin ludS.ythi.i ; and much to the fame pur- pofc rjcitiis fpcaks. 'Tis very likely therefore, that the \l^pti.inszni l'l:.- i!>i:.iiiiiri'.; an I ll 111'; i::. Ih - hk to II. f, Mil ihur ' : i.jIiiC '■ va. ilii- iiiikiiowii :•> lIlCTC- .1 (.'.///■(•.( : I til's w.is '■■■ . •Iiul !■ I.II1I .US ili'.iii be- t 0111 1 lie Wiin; Ai- 1 was ui of .^mw-iLrt It Idf, ot clfe I'ome IlUiid coiitigiioiis thcrc» unto, lincc the d.-fcription ol the Nitiyes is fo hkc tiiai of the Inhabitants of Amt i\j therfabou'j. y. UeLnu fccmsall'otobcot Opinion that the |i iii2i- onof >hntri:e with our Continent is f.jiiunhcrL- nuhoui the Wr/iV Cirdt, ab(4iC Cntlmy ; wh;th (alls ill viTV weij with this Aj totiiit of B-. Corod . anil tins placi- he, i;^. I.aft obferva, is near enough to tlir I'l.nc uhcn: the Ark reilcfl after the Dcliije, to ait'juiit tijr t vtiy early Pallagc iiitoWMoif/T out oi' /iji.i. l^-d I., I. f faith n-> mii ) by a lari^eKivcr ol'l htfr Mile:, hriiiii, whlc.-li I llppofc, runs o'lt of the Sia of (,' ir^ ' into \)r: <:■ iwj.- O'-eair of this Place the priimi'jl I'loviiicf is caled '.;)•,•/■(.; , lioni u'licmr H-ntii.' tluiiks t ■t.-ift.ii.i \\\ \c.v Sp,:--t taki's its Naiiir. Hutdirnin u is that i'.. •■'■.,. was called KJ- ''till, and neat the ' I'mrtti", iIktc is a 1 akc called K, • rha <.ir K''" ' and llninii l.mh, fhr lulu' 'taiits were called fonietimes K^nt.-ui and i- ri, Ch(:, I, .'1', nil,! Ci'a, heiiii; a cnir.ni"" lirnrn.iti- on for the names ot I'latis there, as is plain m tluWy.— • nf^o'i, A'C"a\ini, Jvc. in Uh(.i«<; the Mit'i^vti. ot Ci- mnii/!, the 0/0:^ f I of IhiiJ-. v\c. .And the Natives (f Wn' l-'.nyj.nul mlled the Sea K"' <"', and the Ships KJil ■'■ «.!<;, proliably from the l.tikc A;.f/>.(. Near XaliJ^o thcrt is a City calkiK/iM ; in r^''ii yon have ilii't; a very fiiiiou-, place; and in .V ir Cfttun:!', a .Sea called Ci^ifi'. In f.Vi//,;i,i.//>,i, //.rm'i,; faith tliere i-i a riacc called ('<5.(i. «ff, uhich, indeed, is very 1 ko ^ti.i Sjti.-i\ one part of C/if/i.iv. 1 lien, as to ' 'I'inn ; tli'TC arc nany names of Places in .■Imciicti that feetn to be plaiii'y derivable from CUneJi Words. In Viechoitc/m/i a Province ol' MfAr.io, there is a City called ^lW7m^t, wh'ch is plainly a Chiyitjc Word, 'l\inirm Ixing a ufiial Word in that Language, as H01- mui faith : Ami near to this Province of Mtchoachan, diwe arc Two Cities called M.tuchao and C/imfao, as there arc Fwo in Ct-'- M ; and to make this Expedition, F.icfur their prefer.: King provided a 1 oct Ships, and took wuh him a ^tfc i: number of People. Tliefe /^-wf.- liUti.li, as llf^nm, obl'erves, could neither be J.ip^n not ^rti-'p f'f b.' h thofe were well knosvn to I'l-.ulus l'!>t::ui, and 'tis plain and SciciKes foi there is a grelt Conformity between \\uiO>mrl: Langu-ige, Arts, 6.. and thoft ol' the Old l-.ayjiiioii ■■ I'licir Culloms alfo and Majiners af rce ; the Womm in ' hi,,/,, manage the Publick Affain, wlulc the Men ate Cot-Queans, drcfs the Viduali and man- tle all Uonicftick BufuKls, and this we learn from He- r,>,i-tu!, ■"■/", Epif.h.vtiiii, Itif.lniui, Sec. was the way of the Anticnt l-.f^yttin'is ■ The ( .'i)/'yc had alfo the man- ner ot hatching Cluckitis by the heat of Ovens, which the Ix^pt^rni have been to famous lot : And their Way of VVriting by a kind of Pidlures and Cluraflcrs agrees ver-i nearly ; and to did the Writing of the Mc.xicnm, witll both. For that the '/>'>/r/f, Catl/iyani, [h'p-"r/ei, Coituvi, and other Nations of l-.'^lf-lnJin did lail into Aincrii-.t, Items very Clear and Lvident- The lipictii,n a People .f r,i» (m/ii/i> taith that in Q;'"" ' '^1 there Were Ship'; found whole .Sterns were adorned with (iold anil Silver: Whi :h .W./JJ/m, in his Hiltory of /«- Mil, and ' iiimnriu t'.Mi in his 1 etters about 'Jnpnn lay, was iiliial in the i.tp.inr/- and (.hiie/t Ships. And in /lo'll :, we find tin" T;""'/'' Adiniral Mcleiidr/iui allerting tha' t'/'.'.i/- Ships were foun.! wrackr in the M-ic ./(/ \c,,l ab.>vc i'.uii In, ivhieh [xrh.ips were the fame with rhofr lein at ij^iiii',,. In i}^r,ti,Un too, there was a plain 1f:iilitioii ol lu >• ".; M:iih.vit, which ufed to tome thi- tlHT from the Weilwar!, and which were clutlvd in Si:k. Tliefe 1 1^ like faded iiniiei the 'fropick of Onire., and (aiiieli'lt to ij^ii: ri or ('//I'l'i.i.i, and thmce coalting 111 iigthc Mioar. winr down into !\cw-Sp.:in, ."tc The \\ :ii.l 1-; ceiieially lair lor Inch ,1 Voy.ige, and it may Ix-, and ufua ly is (faith H'rniui) perfor iied in about <;• or f ■- ilavs time: :itid tlierc can be no roafon to tio.ilt ot their filling to jlii::>::r lincc they ll id Ships tit for this puipole ; and lince as we leatn fi.mi the K.iiirii <.S ■'X"'P"ci , th.tt they failed into Arabit, and o- thcis lay into .•itnc- Kut beliiies all this, there is frequent mention of thefc Oriental Pla es m the Names and I'raditions of the W- innicMs. 1 here were a People in Amerie., called Chi^- f, Hirer ; whu h word ii. much the faiiK in found with 7"- f*n, or 'Jtipdotjei : Thefe came from Nicar/t^ua, accor- ding to Herreir.; to which place thej came from Gutti- tHAU, andtoG«i«im«/« trom Mf*iVe and C4/<'AorMi4. In <;ii.u;iK.tU there is a River and Province called Chi„pit, and in the Kingdom of Mexico a Lake of the fame name, 111 the Illamiot .St. Tn'nitliiJti, there is a plate called l\'r-J.ipr:,i, as HnrMiwj writes. In the I angttagc of ytpcn, Toniii (ignifies the Sun, Moon, or Stats; and alfo Princes: and the Mexicans call the Sun Tmnticui, and the Moon T>na ; and in H/- ,1 ixiV.t, J'.iino fignifies Nobles or Princes ; Jupm, is by the CVii,if/fi called Jcrjuen, that is, Sumifiufi; by theya- f^irfet, 'tis called Gitpan and Ni'pon, or Nippm and by PjiiIus Ci'.cio.'tis called X^ipan;iri, aficrtlic Tnrtarian Language, and accordingly when Coli.ynl'us came to Hi'f.inic^r., and heard there, that part of that place was ealicd :^/;>.<»/;i by the f>atives, he thought he had been 'Ome to the Ai'nticl^'inpitn. The word alfo \ionrr\i,m.,, or Mttexnmf, is plainly of !?j/ionr/e Original, and as it was the ufiial Titles for the Emperois of Atcvic. : lb Al'fi^.j.iimi in 'Jitpr.n, is the common Apellation tor iheir Princes, as llomius obferves. Tis very probab'e •'i-rcforc, that the Ji^pnirjrs failing to the Ealtward, went hrit to tile Iiitermcdi.ate Ulaiids (for luch there .ire; and tluiiec into Amrrui;, F . '..iin: in his Dcfcription ef J,:p.-.u ( where he liv- fi! fiom a Cliild ) faith 'tis uncertain whether J^r/i.t'/ be ■v\ llland, or part of loine Continent, ar.dthat the gteat- ' it pirt ot It 1? yet unknown to the ji-.p ,i.l: s thenilelvcs. i'loni the Province of Q.'.5ij;', where the Principal (Jty •>rf» .md the .Seat of the King is, he faith, it reach- '•s a7 Days Journey towards the S iith-Ealt ; and then you come to the Promontory of the utniolt Provirue T an^f. ; from liencc I'aiHng a Strait of Eleven Miles '^.er, vou coini. iuhe I and of ./f'/ , or.?:'//', which is v.il*'y iaige and Mountainous, and but tliinlv inhabited, and hath iieMr been fully dilcovercd by the .?.!/'!'«.•/.-, te.Muft'of its great extent and want of Provilions, tlio' it abound with prcciou. Skins and Fnrrs. 1 he Inlwbi- tants of this Land of Jeff", he faith, are long-hair'd, with thin Krirds like theOjiiif/e, and perfectly tVutilh ard Baiba ous. And to this place ( he lluth ) the ?■'- ;-. • e pafs over in little Boa's (1.1 Sc/iphi,. ) Whv then as Homiui obferves, from whom I have cited this) Ihoiild mt this Land b-' either the Continsnt I they could not be the Philif •>.::; becaul'c thite aic nd 4 te.'nai-.* r 'I ' r (1, XVlll IN / KO DVC T 10 N. 4 remiiiunl thcM^niierior C.ulkomsofthcC'jiii.V'"' tlitrc.j l)Hilt at the Publick Oiit ; ill whkli agn-** Wiihthe ami the I'copU arc of anotlicr Make aiiJ l.ai^iugi' :i Cuftom of C/'i»m, anil uilict parts ot the Halt, aiul tho' whi'vctoie ti likely thcfc Remote llUnils wcro in rlnir-' the (', ri.i ivii haJ no Muriir, fewer Tovtcrs, ainl th'ile r/ci ; anil that liiuc, KfM'/iii laitli they were IwcAytt.'M.i- not very hifh ; yet thciMrvK-4Bj hait I'otli Moiiar (nr a W/m, It wa< ihn rimotentfs or UiltaiKC from I'.ii/iiv.lCemtm eiimvilent thereiintn ) tJituis Imili witb that 'ill j.le them f". AikI if we allow loo Pcrfons to noi MarliJe, atui Towers of a valt hii^lit ; iiilnmiKb itat wi i.i. h Ship, «hiih n probable enough ( they hauiig, Cn.rc;; i;, ili, he never fiw stiy ih'in^ (o (in-u .md larRe .Shi|«, ;is!iathl\,tn llicwnaliOTc) the ^umbe^ ofi Magiiihcem, aiul that their C^itiei exceeileil any in ihele Fiiiinixc f/i'i'/'i would Iw locooo, which art too y;«icof, both tor Ma^',nituile .mil Soli tidor. In iV^- many in be U (towed in any place lifs tliaii liieh i(reat aw, he laith, thiTe were jnouo Houfes ; and that Ilhr.vif js thole of .((htkvi. And it any one llioiild /',.i/i-.i/,i was iarf^et and mute populous than (./.ifi,i..'4 make an Obiectionto this, on the Account of the Amc- and as for then Skill in Mechanical Arts, he faith the II, iHi wantitn; t-loifes, winch thcfeC/iMf/fj may he I'lip- 1 A4».vic.«w/ weie wonJerfiiHy tait.nis ; ami that they Hiicd to ha»e taken with [htm^ I'- Ventiui anfwcis it would draw the I'ldiire of any Animal that they haj jilainii, bv (•^in^:, I'lcrt wire thm no llm(i-t ini^hwi but once teen, very lively and Itronj!' //i»»;iii' likes a great deal of pains to avljiift the Cliro- 1 The \U\ rni had two ways of difpotinf; of their niilii);v or ihe M x/.nu, and he concludes that their An- Dead; one >v.is bySc, iliure, or burying in the Ground, ii..Hiiiy c tiiiioi exceed the Year ' :or, ,iiid iheirforeiiuy and the- titer by Burninjj : In the foriucr of thelt uays, >a:ilv Jiv\ fairly be dtiivcd tioni this chincfe Kanible tlir Body was alway; kept jiilt n Uays :ii the lloutt i:.ider Oc/.it, aUnit liic Year i :7o. But 'tis like thrir of the Uiceafed, where there was Kcaliing all the idler ^ix nci;;liU)iiiiiis Naiionsof the \,;if/«/, alxuit the I aki of A/fvu'), are imkli more ancient ; and 'tis VI ly wcllwonli obfervinj; lii^w well this agrees with Ali- i:\i4111.1 i aiCciiniof the .v'vjciiw Inch he gave 10 I'wrc^, r.'.if /iv> ir. .<• 'r/';i'N S/i.ii(|'fM, iwii cntnt >!om fmtiy^iA while: And lor the fainc number of Uau did theC/u- nrle keep a dead Man above Ground, at his own Hoifr, durin)', which time the Priclis performed the iiliul Rites, llieir way of faluiirii> their I'rinics, and goiiiR lit backward tiom their Hrelence, was ihe lame with ol tlic f./.'iiif/.i ; and the Titles of 'hen Kinns I, (the l\tir:,:-o>i t«( /'•/> ft /" hiij^, nw\, I .1' the AffHwiv (/ ilr i.:iie Kai /■/(. This great Prince lunu ,<)ni|)oiis Nature. The MexU.iiu had a i■> ii'lfccii.. 'lis likely l-.i.-fic and luslleel l.iiul- e.i iirlt on ('<• (/..!/.;>, and tVoni thence they went to the ^ oiitinent iii(.'ii'/r.i',,'^t.l'ui the A/f.viV.n; had a Iraditi- K^n, tl .11 lieii .-liLiJitn cimr 'V;c iii.iy be jiiAly iiueftionul ; linit wc ln\c no aiithcniii k Anouiit >i1m.uoiiHi I iii'.l lull aSvippcilitidii ; nor have wc, I ili.nk, Auihntny ciiiiunh lodiny, a- Innic di), all man- »ni ut Ktiowli'ilpc ot ilic iilc ot Boats to the Antcililii- ; Mills. Ccrt.mi II i>, iliat tlieie was a Sea, anJ Rivers! If line the Hooil , ami iii alxive a muu Years time, ulu.li ai orilinn to the iail Aeioviiit, palk between -the < i.Mtioii ami the I.Miipc, 'tis Itrangc that no one IhouKI Ir over, that ii waspollil'le to beK rn iipoii theWater, III proper VilH is. 1 lie daily ule of Water, for aliiiolt all the Ncedlaries aiul Coiiveiiieiites of Life ; requited iliem loemploN hollow Velfels to raile it up with, and i. :raiiri.Hjit it to their I'laces of Abcde, and they (Uild not avoid taking notiee that thofc Vcffels would Iwiin or float iipoti the Water . In the Rivers alfo, they could iioi but fmiieiimcs fee floating WonJ, and their endea- vour ti- pet it out for their ufe, might very probably fa- iisfy theui, that a large Tree would moic than bear the weii^ht of a Man upon it, without finking, and that it would do this imuh better if it were hollowed out like their Water Velfels: They mull fee th.ir thib would Lean ulcfiil Invention to pafs Rivers, Hi. and thcrtiore It '■ ..•ms \eiy probalile to ine, that they would take ilie hull and iinpiO'C it, ab ( its granted) Men ilul, fin.ri .ifiei ihi- rioad. Mc/ri no where tells us that the .Ark which V 'I buili was anew and furprifing thing to the Ami lilmians ; and 'tis plain from /'/.i/. ; Lil: j. ./■• Lr- ^it : I kat theie was a Tradition of the Art of Navigati- on, being in fonie nitafuie kiioaii Utore the Flood ; bin that ir wai. lolt \uili the IJo.c.iihemfelves at tlieUe- liii'.e. The fame we tiiid alio froinOii./'s deferipiion of the Mooil, M.tjiii. lil'. I . fel. y. Oiciif'f.t Liccfli.-in, Cyml>,\ ffiici ultei i.lu>ici, i.i diicit l{rm'>i illi; tibi nufn ,11,11. it. All this, I granr, is only conjedhire, and I delign to build nothing more on u, than to Ihcw that thofc who j KKIiy alfert that N' ith's Ark was tiie fiill Vellcl that ever was made to earry Men on the Water, have not I'liffiii- iiit Aiitliority for 11, cither from Hiftory, Tradition, or lUilltT. l^ur lb much are we in the dark, about Mat- ti rs at (o great a diftaiKe from us, that 'tis very hard to di:ieiuiiiie who was the lirft inventor of Ships or Boats aftir the Hood. No doubt .V'v:''sSonsallin*de alpcc- liy ul'o of I'o beneficial an Invention, as they had «aali- 011. But who they were that from tlieiii, brought it in- to tlu- learned Part of the World, and taught the /•> ■>fii.-),i and GiriMwj the Knowledge of this Art, it is 11. r now very cafy to lliew. I'lcmcihin, Nefnoie, Mi- I,. I : ,:, '^i,:fvii, /ItUi, Henulti, D'i'M(",/io'/'''.>'H., Arc. ate all by lonie Authors or other, faid to be fevcially the Inven- t.rs of Miipping. But what is faid of nioit them is fo ■ iit.itlv fabulous, that there is 110 relyancc on tlulc Re- i.>'.i"ii«. It may with great probability be faid that the '^^yfti- f.i.\ and i'-m Sea was veiy eatly kiiov>ii to the Pluiiicinni ; bciaufe iheie is nciiii- 011 made 111 the Hook of J,b, c. ii>, ii,. ot the (lol.l ot iJf'hir lliit llio'ihis (I judge) not to be loncioine e- iiough; lin.eas the molt learned Bii/-/7f hath Ihewcd, there were Two Ophin, one in Inji,; vhiih was the T.i- pt'han.i, now C"i7/oH ; and the other in .'ii.rli-, ot which latter 'tisprobabley^imaN fpeak. Vet lislikely enough that the I'h-iin.ii-.in might trv the Uuiijii CVeaii as early as that: for having Ships in the /<.-./-Sc.< , which SV/r;- (er thinks was (Ujioiniiiated, -^l.-.u- l{:,t;iini, /'ior I'l.niiiifi) thej iiiighi ealily venture out into the hi.luvi Sea. /I'yiin was the firlt;>/<.i/, King whom Vc/.y/r' makes conieni|ior.ii> with f.»./iwi, and his Sons C'.i./i/-«j and i'/'.Kj/ v had lokiablc Fleets. This was a good while befJire .V/wo, wliufe MothcT was liui.p.i (/•,hi:ui his Daughter : A/,/,,, in deed, raifed a Fleet, 'tis faid, tocleai the Seasfrom Pi- rates : but vvc learn from good Autlvrity, that l'l"'C.u alio Kiiij! ot'Ciificn and ,S'.i..//;;;.i, and li,\[iii>, had Fleets long bcfme him, as well as the rliniii.im. Si,loii w.is a flouriftiing City |oo Years before .W/ncj his time : ' I'was built as Boclmti faith, Phj'.. tik. 4. c. 3 v by the Nephew of C/i.i»j ; and wc learn frciTi T'fi^/.j (lib. iS.) l',JI vml- ti's dcitide amies ,1 {{eg.- .i/ctlinimiim txpw^h.iti SiJcnii ; S.ivihu} ,ippiilji, T/ium Z'thm, nnte r.mutm 'liri.ii:.r drtdu condideruni : And indeed, tho' wc (ind .V/i/ok mentioned as long ago as .7/i ./''sTime.the Ho/i Hciiftwei fpeak not of Tyre till O/i-i'j's Reign ; and Stijh, and I'cwpou'm .V,-- /", both celebrate it as the richcfl City of all I'Luiicn, and that it was anticntly very tniiiieu'. fer great Niim- licrs of large Ships. ,;i;.i///-'^,;;'/.-j alio, ii\d't'L'i, Jhr.ius, do agree that /•-m'/dv:; the firft Founder of the /''im'ii- ■I'll ; and tiom whom probably tl-e !'\'-S'.i was called M.-.'i- I'.'Ur .(.ir} H.is Very taiiioes fei Ills Naval I'l wer !>i.,lr)i,.i sici: ll^, lib. 1- Mentions a very large F.'eit ( fucli as ir was) of .Va«/ ■ -.mM the Witc ofi\;'////j, wlioni F::,rl.iiii and Sr. Wr//?i>j place about Jor Years after the Flood. This Fleet eng.Tged upon the River !■ -' .1 with one belonging 10 S(.ii.iil:ii,i 01 !i\rich;::i, .T Kirg <>l that pan of the World; and the hi,l:.ir Fleet vv.i, woilted Bill iliere arc many ijuiiinltanees intliisStr ry.as parti.-iilnrly ofhir Arniv.conliltingof .ihove Tlinc Millions.-.f Men, and her having 2000 Siiips that make 11 appear Fabulous, and indeeJ it haih)ullly been ellecm i ■ ■ f, » I XX / N y RUVVL i iO A. i cilfoliy Sir 'f '.i/fc Jtin>/riiA,an(l moftJuJictouiWtiicrii. (hlii-rs will have Stfjln Ring od-./jfi toli.oc inviiitul li.tlli», -. '. very aiKU'iid), anJ. cu lave bicn xiy ''t- mtiiit tor Sbi|<|'tti)( i otiiinliy, ilui ilit KiijfiiiiM iliJ iili- very .iiKicnily to tuaft aluiiK iho l(r.l Vm in Raid iletilVil by King i.nil'iii: Riii iniliclr Accoiiiiil ilivre iMiotlunp iiiiain m If rclycil ui'im For fiuli wasilu- (ii'iims iifthf '•"•'•'.•' iliat (hi y tiirncil every thing almiilt iiKu VMr. Thf l'*»ii'.» •>"« • : Aii>l in Ciih'Jm wc hnJ ihw Line, I/"/'.! !ni/.\il vtlii.iMlem pumi'ie iiinum. ff.'w.i" aiiil iiilur. 1.1II0I .1 .Shi|> an llnrfr, wlirnrc .iHifr ihi' I aUlf 111 Urllcnfhii aiul i\- Itut hii Fl)iiij{ Hoiic, ;V)|.t/. I y,.i.i'.iiribiii I il . I. M), ih/.iiij •■■;,. '/.«'. uiiil 111 .S//((r ihc C!ciiii\ir. wluMii they rtprtfciit 1» lidth .» P'lii.i .iiij ?.!! a .V; //I. Thill bi'iaufe i'.iifip,- tile Itjiinhiii ot .l[^rti:i ilie /''■ lui.'i Kiri'^, bcni)(iar- ne.l away b\ the i.' rMi«i m i Ship that h.iJ a Bull liir ii« /',) ,:i •iiioi:, iis Aniiciit, Cohiurs, Dnue, :.'i. Mic ViVa* ii'i'ii lenieil .n K'lim rarrml aw.iy l>y iliat Animal. Ihin alCothe table ciiei aiul 'JV.. irm-j iiitifhnii the C.rafti : one of thcle beiiif; .illcd »ciy gooj S,i.K;r. but yei t by the innll Atuiem People ; the /V,r»,- f.',i««, /•>/;./■,'• 'I'll, ami the Orw/ti, win. h u(cJ 10 tiaJc in ihitn 10 Buhl"'!- I' imn /{^i/rrn >V.j/() t'tjrf ,'aH4 T»ci, ViihUiitf.kl 7 lI'iioM.ln I. ill. 6 thit the sv iJi.t(M uftially p.illij froti their lllanil inm liih m ili- fu Kalu Thilc tin ■ .ir.kf lalieil r"'"', hillily iii.i'lr l^ian, Imi in Miiiiii(l'.',i,i I. lb X. e 1^ thi y are>alleil /(■•' 1 <«, atij (,ii.i,',/(,i r,iit)i they were tirll inveninl by I'vrin.m ,M..i;,, , m / t.Un fitit Xclirfl'f cint //) / i«j, lor aitiil uiing ihc lirit In mention of Shi|'i t'lihe l.\.litini ; whieh lie l.iitli (.;■.).'• ■//ii middoklor tlule /<.^» i ' I is liij«tily |i./l,il-!i, (hat the /<(f I weie iIk' lirit Velh U in wVu \\ M, n yi ntiir'il 11 Sea; the Invdi'inii lumc I'd N.mit.il, Kiiiii. .irul Siuinle: Hut .ilier tins, 'iise.ilv tn hi]') i>!i , this might liv i.lcp,u'if< ihirk of holiotviiin Tiei , or linking Un,in (ifSlMiii, Keels, (\iiu«, H.iik>of 1 ri'e«, ar.il it lall if /l".i .-J. NV( iejriifioiii Sh.ilo, |.l!i, 17. .vA .ill .And. i]uiiy, ih.it Hoatsuuilc nf Keeili, ami the 1 'ipi.m Pf.- pn'Hi, were tifed very early Sic cum ttnri ,tnni,i N/7;/ 1 CofiJ.riiur ilulit Mrtiiphns i'tniLi I'lif^ c I tic.in <.r/a. wj,. a \ciy good \i.K;r. but yei e '•//-! uiit- 1 laili.l her, aii<.l ("0 ella|ieil. Aii!rti«hi;;hly j rfil'.iMf, tli.u 7"' '"i'' '"f^t'^thele Uieii /.■;./.■/ /'«itel/s 11V/..K1. /')*/. /.i.i>/;. 1. 1: .ihatonct/^i/j or t,'atio Biiats, m ilili I'.illagc ol'i 1'" V. Was the fill! that eMT ilireil veniiire Out to Sea, which he >!i.l in a ' rt/. i( ni.ule of tlie Irriik nf a Tree and hoj- ' — — - ttud vrflrii rl/:ni' ch.e, .'f/,', /■.•■i"!-t 1^ ;ind .itut ihciii theCif /(;.; : And alio Yet (uth, tlic fitnc Satyrift tells tis Were nfcd by the .!< (■ i>> t.iki< noiire, / /. 16. .■ 4 1 . by ihe (;*", Lctaufe they were made, K''''''/'mv/, which he calls I'lic.uihi, hotaufe he faith (lit iif (He 01. ly Beam or I'ir.lii .- As both DioJeni ob- they nfcd to fuM them up together, and carry them up- fcrv es ; .-\nd we find from f V'^/iV, Aiiicid. i. I on their Backs whenever they come to n Cataract : And fu.h Uero.loiiti tells us were ufed by the B.ih.'i-nintis, and I'.ifuHi.ji ..n.i Ttr.be cunimuj l',.jiioy- liedelcribcs thcmihus.Thcir Boats wereiiiade ofa ■aurd I »•■"« of Skins or Hides, and wen- cnveinl ivrh a kind Ihi-fe werealfo ihc fame wiili the l.intret, as appears ot Baskets made of the Twigs of Ozicrs, and into each Ty the PairagCof5i'./i/H.7/J flpe'Uii.iiit in Pr.ne^. _-...__- Prt,j l.iniir Cr.-.iti Jnm d'iiics iXfwir F.,juii — .of thcfe he faith they would put an .Afs and aficrthey ' were come to Brhylmi they uli; to fell the Bai^kots, ifc. and laying the Leather upon their AlTes, march away for Armrni/1. 1 heic ?«»'» fii' and "^'i" 'dit'e"^ and ■/I'/wi'."', as the G/i'./;/ called them, or S.tici Siitila, were nfcd in many o;her Places, as by the /.i/t/r//i, Src and the I'oets rcprdent Old C/utws Boat to be of 1 ea \:mpl V Lib. 6. laith, that thefe SkitTs, or ''•'•5i'>«, held fiuli ' I tliem three Mm a piite : But to be I'uic the Number of hami:, v.iritd with their I argencfs. thcr, for thus I'l.'^i; ffn. 6.1 . 414 .V/i'-///,/.' thinks, that Di.Uiiis .ind Icmm went fingly to Sea, III fu. h linle Cinoa's ,is are ufed abuiu Dnvu his .Stiai.sin .//•! \ici /\nd that the latter venturing too far from Slioii, w.imIiovvm'iI : But howe\er, thcfe Canoa's hive 1 0(11, :iiid arc l'"il, in efe in many Places of Ame- • V/, tie Inh.ibitiints, if which Place, nodonbr, deriving the liueiiiiMi my eaily from thole of our Coilti- neiit. ' /.; ;.f;.i .11 his Voyage roe.nd the World, ;■. /'/i»> 1 ib. 9. /);'o./rri// I lb 3.Sf).iio Lib. i^. All men - C.onuit full pondert Ctm'a^ Sat nil, (3 nm'.tum nceefit limc/a Pjliiilcm. And thcfe kind of Boats, it appears from /.Hri»«, were vcryeahly ulcd by ihe fWii-/ i.i/ii and the Uritaihu P'iimmi c.ti,,: S.i.'/.v mirdrf.uh vimim, p.nvxn< T'xitin in Piippitt), cjo'j ; iiidut.t Jtncnc-, I'lllorii pntitni timiidum liipmintat nnir.rtn Sic Vcnriiiijhgii.vu! P.iJ ; /'/;'./; B'itiimut iN>:)^.if O.e.itw. And to this very Day thcfe Leathern Boats arc ufe^ up i y t.iipr. I>,:>i.f. 141 and in odv r places. Some of whuli arc fmall, aivi without .S.'.il i r Rudder, carrying but one Man, «lio (its upon It, (.r altride it, with his Legs m the Wa- ter : 'Ihclcare ufid on die Coall of Ci)icFnii>..(/f/ in the /:.;. ///./'/fi, nnd arc now called tatctimtnvs . But in the Soiti: Sc.-, he dcliribes Rafts or Bark-Logs made to rirry G( ods ; uhn-h were very large, carymg 60 or 7^1 uiis ot Wine, fl> . and aic ufed to go betvseen Li- nn: aid Ifx.li'. Ciirri.i.', ar.d I'nurwr. I hcfe have .t large Rudder, and a Malt, and Sail. ''./>.) I ib. 7. c. 56. •ind ,!(.:/■ 1 il). ifi. itU us, that thcfe Rates were ufid 9. niftticrtii tions the Shells of Tortoifcs, being anciently alio ufid as Boats. I'i'itf.twi 1 ib. :>.. Hillor. Amlt. c. 21. as I timl him ciied by Sclxfjc , im ntions Boats made of the BiiiVs ot Trees \\\\it; IJ'rji-lndinti Birchrii Canoa's and ufiJ by the Pif^,uict:ja, a People of Erll-Iiiilij : And no qi'.eflion veiy various were the Materials that wcie ulcJ in d tfercnt Pl.ices to make Inch fu all Boati as dele, wliiili were ulcd in the Infancy ot the Art otNavipa- tion, .Tid cbiify 10 pain Kiveis, fTi. Sn.Uc allu/.i( .(/'.. faiih, that the / / o/,.c.,// 1 bad a KiikI o) Bo.^tsihat could beiikiiiio ficcii and i.irritdupcnMuisBai ks; Aid cf tliile IN/ RO'DVC I 10 N XKt «.£ 1 Tact : And i-niims, and of a 'i>ii>:4 'li a kind into each after tlii-y kct5, dc. arch away e"* and CI Slltilci, kurni, &(• c ct' I la Al! nirn- allo ufid as I hint tlic BiiiVs and iif J AuJ tio wcic ulfi •^ il'.cU-, il Navifa- lo/.i/.u- iliat icii^d Aid '.f 1 llii'fc Vi 'f/ffi from StnivtJiiui %\\f\ a Figiui, Imt I tike II III W inircly conirthiul. Tin- H"" ainimnilic C'efh wrrc run Ship*, hiir unlv akiivlnl \\tp\ lUui'-i wlmli (ult» at hrd wrrr covered only with Hi. Ii< li'ii» (aid ihc /''nwKMW iiuintcd, llif / nutiii wiiuh the f>- .-■««/ J \\vCfl'<\, wlii'h tlic /<■'. /i.'wi -, the I'll/I", vihi.hihi- l> "■•'.'; iln- I'/ .'/(.'«;, will li ilu' Ciw// I'/i , and ihi' S .1/' >, whiili the ( ';■' "• ' f"'""'"' to li.ivc foiiiul (lilt ait .lilralliil » ", by fome Wntiiv 'Ihuft finall [Ions likioui Siiilkis ii|i^ntlic l''^»n.) that had luifuncMan in thi'iii, who rowid with two Oai<, nr SiuIN, ilirf..<-4< t illiJ A,:ifif.n: \\w iliMfi'in whr h each Man had an (Xinhty called "«'■••, (.'/rri, an ap- rears fpim IhinyMtln and V^ i/' . And foiiietmici Uuh aliiiUBiiat thai hadliui rwo Mr n tornw, was hy tin- I. an, -I wiled ll'iinm : As appeal .% from thefi' I'vo pla el ol'/ III I". — - Qiifin (oni'4 mil hy^n Hi'tini /lpeiilfr,tiT;ilii,it,i m.imii — — — "^ l.ili.S. V.S6J. And Lib. x. v. sC . — Se p.iiittVli-'ir.iii Biiiixi l.i'itfio ti.jhhi- I'i.Mi, l,ix Iff iJUtin, liilulit li»i,iiii<, /i;>i(tM< CV'"'i It'll. Wlicrclnri 'twas not only a Ship witli two Hinks oi I ires oK)aisfh.tt wasiallnl a !ii,rmi!, Init ((unctinu- I little Hoat. And the faitu innll hr-nhlerved asti) the III) ■ins: Foi I'^ui.i'J' in tile I ill r)l /V •/ m faith, that tlieiewaiJ tcij.<» "&>•, nr iinfiiiii, of Inn three Oat lor It svas appnintcil ly the (ir«ia« Council, That no r>.i mil Hioiild be htted out any whither, that coulil hokl .il'ove five Ml II Nor nerd sve I'e Itartled at an Olid Niiii'her iif iTirs, beiiin nled in a Boat : Tor hmh /'u/m'ihi I. lb 8. nicntioiis the ■'"" -n'l-f.W-, a SkiH withtive Dars, atnl Ihnlmui Sicnlus lab. ic the -•»•»• ,.Tj< fixi.)^-, ;, Skitf s¥ith thirteen Oars: But Vc 'In himfell tells tis ih.ti lioats with an odd Niinil ir of Oars, are now tiled upon the !{'>"•'■ By thts Name of tmm alio wete the Aci-.tir, l.i'itiri, C'.n.i/'d, /'.Wu.C'.i, C.ifuU, (limit, .;/!.•;, &i. often 1 ailed : Ofwhiili nvri pariiailarly heareafter ainoni; the AlphalKtital N(lme<. of Ships and Boats, H chart in the fecond Bonk of his Geographv, eh. ii.laith, that thele "'■" were alio railed anciently j*'^^" : Ami he cites the Scholiafl upon /trijhphiinei, CnHiinadus, and Efich.itnu.i out of Ailt- n*us; to prove til It ;-'y\&- w.tstho Term for a I'l'trni fia» Boat. ;«/(./ (.t//;'«i mentions the '■"■i«/i/r amoiiR the fe\ eral kinds of Boats ; and h'cjlm def-nlies it to he ('•- i:i,' iViiryii' ^fM* imundum. And he thews, that the word (iaiili.i among the PhvincUni was oppofed to Wr- c.i or Wrfj Winch lignilicd a'""? f')', astheC'/tu/nj was a rounilllh one ; and therefore Wi/m'( thinks with sreat I'roliahility, that the /4i;;" N',:mi was fo called Ironi lis heiiig the tiilk lt>n\( $'■./> among the c;reek.i for P(.«; cites )')'»/i)/.V/'/',im/i for laying, Irrr jafon it' the kavn lon- ^*, which the (jreelij called i-^«"™, becanfc they were ulually rowed, and thefc sveie their lighting Ships, Sec l.ivy l.ib. 2s. c. 17- 'he firft Invention ofthcfe I otn\t iVitifj, or Gallics, ■l\i;c/i.<; in /'//">, l.ib 7. c. f6. afcrilcs to I'f.ralu:: Vhiirjlefhanns gives the Honour of it to /.:- /i'lr Ctcj'his toS(i»n"vii; Sriplr.nus to ScimrnmH, and .4)- c/.iw.iiHJ to //":;fi«, Vid. Sir (f'i;/fr. I{.nvlei(l; Book I. Ch.S. p. 11.). Others (ay, Sefjim King of l-:gyfi firlk deviled rlieli- dallies, iho'otliors tell us, chat Seniii r-.mii ufcd them in the I'.illaiJe ol hci valt Arn-.y upon the bhiies. I'hucyHuIci gives this Invention to the Corir.tl-i- *iii ; 'JV/.'/(/.'i>«alcribes it to Mi/i.-'i .1, others to Srpnmc : The S,ii>iorlt,ui:Jns claim it as their Di!^o\ery; and fonie will have tir.nifui to be ihe Srii. that Orouglit it into'.'irfif And I'liuy faith, that the Invention came from If'Jpt, iN'n^i''" D.i»Mi.) t\ i^ypti •>!(:> ci/imrilic.\lt, Lib 7. c.^ 6. which thing is aKotiiirlyto betoncludedfrotn the beginning ot the Fragment of w>f/r/,;in in luciiiil.s. Cttmeiii /llcxiinilrir.ui Lib. 1. Stimi. laith, that the hrtt Ship was built by the /. '///i.i>. I'ricl's, 11;. llfitti.'V Ity/Sn Ihii w.astheBift thai cverfarhd I'l iiing Miip> . which he dill intnihc ^Mti.mtinlpli, (ulilrn jfthr Pur pie who inluliifed li.e Ceafts of ihe uiS.r., i.f'l, ./ Al.,,/,.i N.iKt i Lib. I. V I faiif, il„u />.•».• liifid the kind of Ship found out ly (Itc / > i>. .>'.i , up ifj •iieol hfiy Oars, and that M/.w c ,, ; d stiir .'»«..••.<•, hniiiiiiii ''iciiliii fvt\y. thai / *•'.; wh') ; Vtd b fi te J.i/m, lailril mtn l:.i.. wuli i, nr, Shi) «. 'I ' ■■ Wrid './tZ/r, \J'c;lr, liith, . I ;'iiifri,tii tlic ,. it, ,< • ' : w|, I* /.'•"« tells IIS wis'th'? Won! iif. t 'oraLcntl Ship, or t Mir, II. h.uiiig one only B.iiik of Clais: AiiJ f,' 11 a Ship .Sr/r; . calis »ui.«-.. i>-, ;, 7 mil ;>,.'.■<.. .;i.a'' ing ot lilt li Ships, i::.\l.llj. , :. ; ? r,.i'h .'. ,••.-. o.tiirniiv:!.,,, S>, ::i,ii milie I'r.'late tn his T P. ' /).fMtiit, liiii., ili.ti the ln\. ntioM .t Long Ships lahu tit. I Irn't' :lic . .' '!••:' As he think', u [..nii. tit^m 1..1 l'.< i.h^i; .ti i'k lldlli of I'.- if.ilfl. X«;.< rj ij ttvv tjTj j «>*;■■)';) '^iJuii/ i/l(, 45 It'"*' e-^ ■■■!'■ .\'l. And indeed th' fame thing appeai' fr.iiii the f i!',.'..'ir;; Chmiii ; and Itoiii leseial othit I'laccs ol 1I1..1 liai.ily The ./'Co N.I, « will h /Ic I Mil v.'s ( c /'Uii e .■ if.;«v,if III i.illeiitr'inithe ('■ .I'l.c •" N^'ii .1 i'.' i;r.f' , .i.ijrt.wai a I'.iiiic Will I, as ap ears from the n imbernl 1 l.iitilstliat were in her ■ Where thetjoJs an.) Ikun.s:licn.li lve< were Kowers: And the Pi ei Sc ),ii la glisar // .ci i<, ■.■ailing liiiii V.mi e;, .\, frini hi. awkward iowini< in this //iiji • S.I r. This ■< i;i)-N.ii; lome fjy.'vjsbiiilt by on •'/..ikchj ; \! ,,f lui .1' he XUitini, p 2. ih..l-r.'t,i ,irn . S'C, . Lb. J. c 1 1. Iliewsthat the /! ccNiivn wa- at leall 50 C^iibitj, i'r7S Feet in Irngth: If the I c [ .ilini.i were 'rnv.in twe(-ubit» afunder (Vid Lib. i.e. ».) And if any thing can he gatli'-ied 0! Certainty fui 11 '{Ve .■.'t.ii his calling ir r....<.:.ri>i> ilut is, it. having jo V ,1 - »j. in a fidr, it mitll Ihis'T linger, /^iid <• laiii it i\ that 11 had moicthaii v^ Knwir., tho i.iim .^ ,„ v ./ n be called -n. iiu.".ii(3V j fur there were 54 ./';', From the Authority of [Jii'i.ijiheiir, or as 9c/'/'- fc, corndfs it, Dmrjll:-, who 'ived in //ri, It:,, \\\i I iiiu', tells ui, that the l-.yth-i were the tirit ili.it lunnd out the Bccm.., or a Ship with ;wo li.mks ot Oats, rowing one above another. And H: n.inu, T ...■.,//,/.-.■. and L)i'iir,i,i, all agree, that about three hundred Ycais after the Siepeot /■!' , .'•mi,.^ ■/ th-.' '(iiiniliui built the tirll T'i'-»i»;i', But even tins In'.'tii! en (',.-)// ■/,) .l.-w:,.- Arimii (Lib. I. 'it ,'ii..) atrrib -.tis toii.e ;. i„.i.v.- Aecor- ding to I'li'iy thcyii(i./'i'i.-m;j nasiiivemcii by / .',.',?.f .» C.irth.ig/ntii'ii ■ And the Q;i. I. ■.;'., i;;.'r by i\ -/i'ci.-rwi of Knl.rmf. But thi-, hi '■■"•! I lb. 14. denies, faying, th.at D."y'iiii after he ha. I 'aken rheCi.. //•.■ ir;ii i',i,iin!,<:ou- irivc;! to enlarge the Diii'eplionsnn I ')'.Uii;i iifthofe Ships; and that lie hri) of all, built the '.\,i''..;,'.f !{e,:ii'. After this, as l'i,iit tells us, ."ei,. .•(.. ;,. the S-, ■:ufiiin, built a Ship of s-v Of. /;>;?.', or Banks of Oars: And ,\/i:|i'f n, one ol ten Banks or Tires. A'.r\r.n.ici the Great is laid to have built a Ship cf twebc O .,'«.-/ ; ,\nA l'hiii}ii-;l- 11: ,1 (iiirh, tli.it I'r L-ni) Sctc built one of iifcen. And that Dwji'/h'hj, theSon of .-.'■i.-.-'»'i'i.',i, b'lil'. one cf thirty : to wliieli Plui.ircl- agree. Afreriliis. /'; .. mi I'i'i .1,1-fpl 111 IS laui to have railed up tlu" Number toforrv O ,//>/■; ; an.l /'.m .'iwv \'i,il,p.tt,> , to til'ty. But the Ships of ihele high Orders were life lefs Moles ( f limber, built only lot Vanity, Ollciitation, atul .\inufe- nicnt. The Defcriptifins of thefc Ships of fevcral <^ .' n-. n; Banks of Oars, before //i(!;i(//»i his time, arcti;ail\ vet,' obleure ; and in lomc of them there is little inore ihaii Conjedlurc to build upon. Bit what light I ci u!d pec into this Affair, I will lure i^;ve the Reader; .■ . allj was an in»mf(^, or of twenty Oars all on one Bank, and the aricienr Names t was of a lone Form : Ani that fuch were built, and inl ;":Je. an.l their Armature.'cveialPavrs.c... both latlieG of the fevcral kinds 0'.' Shii's. Baai?: i.ilc before Jefon'i Time (whom others aflert to havelanJ i-iii' I'li'lK' I viiiiiil .ilxiiitth* |.. mnf thLlcShni. Vi'iii liivi- ill. 'Rill ilMt till- Of(/i- 1/ , irc null to li' rokniKil Un^'li uit'c, oi fore aliJ «l'', B«nl« or 1 iin cif 0,if», wji 1 »\\n\ j <»,» . ,i H'Tri A. ai n p'.iiii I'rniii ihilt vvofiU nC tli oM Anilmr upin (hi r«t'/ii<[iof .■Uliiii . »fi««i..»t>v>if V" « «>'•••> If *>. »(>!'. i«,' tl »> ■"!>"••••••• k >i"«^i » 'i"»'i •• '!•••'■ .,"»( .iv.!..!," I- i4 ;♦«•' '•'••••> But ihn' tlii-y cxi'iill iiiihcSlup Olilu'.i^im.i.iii iN'«Vi7;'.»",'v'i-M»f-"ri.iI ihcniinibfrr!aSlii|>»0»i.l.y iW.ir.l wli To Uriun* ;• .■/i,. .W>iViVm-i lip n (•-'.(. ^'rr, .ml nuny mlimi ti.in wai in.,*-, yet ilu> ..iriii.l -In. r..lowrr ilan i- AiiJVc/l.-//:. tliink,ihdoiiM.,in,ltl.oiiNM.imMii.»«'. 'Ivy .lim.iinii.>ii.l li.r horn ilv -.'v;>K I <<■■ t, i»t.i, . -i '•' i»* »t.>«i / ," ''>•■ •♦•••^i>. '•". "I r» hcnioi".-. *r,.%,rn" Tint u. ihi- !■ r.. M i. ih.it RnwiT. whfti m wm./ «c mta Willi tlic WnrJ- •••■•••■••'-• " \f.i ilic ZrV'; h. ihat mw» in the '''|-. '•"••.-«;.•*• ; wi aic to uiulfilurnll.y it l Mm, Ai;,(-/;.'i> i .111,1 ilir r i/^m.i/h l'« that lovv iii the "f II".-" tlut wMn.wnl wuli i ', <.t i J Oitx.'^llr ;f/.r,/ Whuli ulut I, I iiuk.- of, I ,oiit;(, I know mit llinf w.is jii.. ^u iiioiiiir JminCli.'ti ot Miip iiK'i i \\u In ilii> Hrii , .ifiuf, ilivi iir,>; ,1 ShiP IniKtIiwiU' ''V < ''>(i"ti i «ii.ltliitiv wIkicIl ilii-v ilillnicii.l, to tiK- lu'niimim(i r III.- // -// /, », jiul fixjtii tliciue to "' ""'' MiT "f «'"• ••""c " ' »" iH'ml'H "' •■'"» •''"" tlitlimloltliLSurn: In ilutirK (if wliuli Uinlinnihi' •""«';■'• "uli nfMi'l I'nii. n I irnd. j Ini . iIk> luil .'ii flivMhi lh/-n!i,. 111 ill;' irulJlc iiiit tin- :;> ;f ■•. ;tn>l I'^JHlMnk -t (.)l.^. ciclin .ilonc, oi UmKiuvvi, d ,( ., •. inihcLill the IV'.wi'f Bm tlit- Kcifmis lie I'iikIii.m 1 hut iIu- m^,..,- .„ .„„. •. U.itu lo luM- Wmi. 4% MI thuarc vny svi;ik aiiJ in,..rj„liu l-.ii ..ii.mi it i ■"'""". .ni'l I'.tir- in lii. <.,.-.<. Aim.iuiins ,l.i.,». . I-. ih.ifllicOr//'f of Ktiwir* WcKuKvaiull.iiiU'ilunn •li'iip I'twini ;iii txi-rcu .ina » ;;.n»n< ; 4. Ii.u.f n I'lii- ,i!,,iveai'oilict, .!■. ''/.S.Mi'i; r mliisCiiimu'iitiiput. "IK' n.ink (ir OtJtrol O.in, jtn! lull, 'T nloiu In,. ihi;CV', .,,,,; of /•:,/,/;»., h.vli plainly pi.iviM ii|;jiiilH ■'""'•i" AiiJ fo ilu- -> •, was Ivtw.-. n ,i « .(/„• H''!:i: Korlifntiillii'li Wui-aMif;.'. I'., li'.'.J. i.s;1..Ji''" i I' f'"" . I.niip iluiniiuiiaUil. .n il:i I'ljn iii>'i ( t 'jiJioiif', .1 uri at many chtr t^ iJrme'.; •—Suminii /■■ii.i p:!ii i/k.-m /y i»/(. Wlktf (111- /'■' anJ A'titmi H'wii'' liiffitiiiiily (lu-w, lli.it iti till. Shipcif If mil , iluK well luiiiilMi>ipla,cil .ilo\c iitluT>, aii'l ili.n X't a I. iili>Ur.»lili- hiii;lit too. Tliid- Varies :illciol'\i.', 1(1 /m//. % 111). !.(, V .\'.\. prow the lame (liiiii;. /«»i.i/ .tiffiiHi fj'il'iil.vii.i f'ffiit, ^ll^li iiiifUi iH/tfifi Ims 'V,-rfi.tnl:,ri»i fj i ^utiiiiih ifwi^i', /.J oiiiH .irjH r:l)m in it>tlii i.im.i m.i/i inndumlr.tiii feiicir.iitii id i»i(<. fty wlii.h t'n plain, tliat tlio" the I-'ire ngcJ upon ilie Uivk, aiKl lo alftiKliiiJ iIh- iipjM Rhwoh, nr the 7/r,r- I'l.t.t i yet It liail not yet riailicil tliole Kowtr< ^vhirli ^vcre below uriJei ilie Ci'itllnmintn. Anil fomc of thcfe their Aiith. rs |iuli uiiill> obl(lVl^, Itmn the l):i!c. <: /■■il f.uh.li.; aiiil not licMiiliit \»lii, h II >...'..' .: Milt toiciiiiii lu tlieViliiiiiiii I I (III DilK.'iil'.H ^.i! .1(1'. the 'J'./iii.M /{./«..fi/»B Ml llie amiciii .Nhipii. i' •' n [eCls the Notion of l{i""i 'whi. Il is lime iff i led l,y l''ll'u',l^l llull Itinv \oii lierealiiTi ilial lliiTi- NVi te in. rr than one Man to an 0:ii : He allert. iliai the Miip took inN line always fniiiitlic Nuiiil'erofinnM/i' hi llanki of Oats one aliove another, nc ler (roin the Niiinl'ri ol O.irs (iiiwlmh, hy wliit liaili leenlaiil al>ovc-, Vdii will liihl ili.it I eiiiKil Man wa* in I'ome imaliire iiiillakeii.) atul hr. lull Seiifi o| tht Matter lay ilini. Aeeofiliiij; as l.Ship wasi'alleil Uitim, l iirtim, i^ihi^iifeiin', ij^.f il'.'l^iiii.iieii.K, Cc lo hr liippoles ll.c hill 2, i,%"i ■^•' ' «"" (asthe (.>fr;('i .alU'il tlnni,) thai n. ft • /(wh- 'I'lii, or Banks of Oars : That eaili of ilult/>/«i i.i Banks, was ili\ iileil into eertain O .//ifj or Cialliii ; ot wliiiha tiiiiijiireiiiii hail 4 fii n, a ii^iiirtitc'im,! ^, Ci ■ more or Ills, according to tiie Ship's length. Aii.l he were placed lo low, thattoufe //"mbui Jii» worJi on '•!"''. ''i" the Rowers wer, itciKniinated from th. ;Vf another occalion, a"'-" ( fpeaking of the Bi'cmci ) i»- / , and ihc Ship iVoin tl e (juumi I'cijuuni : .As lor in- »_»•?• «»iF«i ,./ i.n »•- 1. ij»l>»»m.T. u.n.jl- ;Vri, / lUfiCir/iTdf llaiKe, a li'fw.ii was hi lied, t'Ciaulc it had ihreeot iut A ..■•yiii'lcaiave ilflncUt iMf'.iter. LiU^.m/Jje/Hi/. thcfc/Vi/w/, r/,-. the iippcrniolt that of ilic i't 1.111:1.1. .Ue.M:tdr. l\yctHiiMo, in hijBook ./■■ ftji'/./fi-rfiHicM), the middlcnioll that of the :;;i;>rr, the h-weriiult tli;it filth exptelly, .//ii'n-'if iii.i,./.. .f»;/;;(ii« j'.i.im : And hy o( the 7Vy/f j extended length iviie in the r, .'■■(•; ,\-/j was lb called, lieeaul'e Ihe had S lJo> ks, Mnpi which IJiMlionand Uillinitii n he lliinksaiithoii- li.iiiks, ot 1 ires of Oais niingont alioveaiioihor. t.il.i. led l>y thele 1 iiies of '>,(!''', lih' V -'I'-n. Ve tiikl l.ui.iu a'lo I peaking '4 ilie.'J_iiti aliQie aiiutliir, Impcl/uni, lermciKj'w;iii'.t .line >(>"'. Where the/'.'. /i,i are plainly diftingiiillieil from the o - iliii. ', and the Niiniher if Oats 111 e.n h I'-. /"' : And f'^ make iliis 0111 he prodiu cs a Coin iiuiiiu iied l.y <••///».•, and Itiuek by Lff.-ni ; and alio a I'u'liiir mil of the Si:iirn,ichia of Vniifliiii' I'.ivinw. lint (HI a n'atiirer conlidcration of this Affair, hcownsthr; Aeioiitit to Ic involy'd withDiHici'lties li.ircc liliaMe. for loth tie length of the .Ships of the higher Ouiina will not allow of this ; and if it would, the O./ikcj in ihe gieater Shipsmiidlie feieir than tliofe in the lelfer : And there- fore he concludes wc ought rather to adhere tn ihole who make ihefe O'.IIkii 10 be aceouiiicd in luighi, and not lengih-wife. Cut however, thefc Orjinn were nor in iliftinifl Decks, direiltjy over one another ; fo that the upper Rower (at with Ins Feet oier the Head ot liini that rowed not below him : But they were difpofed nun the Oi.y.t.ci by their ^i«n,i, Se<:n or H ii.la, and were diltant from one another the fpace of two, three, font ur more C.'ubit.s, aceordinp to ihe leng'li oi tin Ship : And thele Spaces orlJidaiifes he laithj S,:lirrli ,1 and I'luliuidei ill their Notes iipun ViLuv'ti! base llicwn to be the IntcJQ.ihnin: .^nd beeaiife J'ifi-i-i 'III calls this Space .''-».^'»', that is, ofiwoCMbits, hcthinksthc (\r;.hiteiil fpeaksonly of the vulgar I'.iroiiii^ m whi. h the Viv/mi were not above two Ciibitsafuiidi r. but that they were fiinhcr lUllant in the greater Ships, he ;U IgLS fitmi whatT-f i.uuj faitliiti another place (l.il. 1. ..^,j :;^. that troni the iwrr/c/i.. )«j.i you may deterinine the k,i:.o ot the bignclJ ol the Ship. 1 lie Rowers fate thercfi te at a due diltance from caeii other, Ik.iIi that thcOais Ihould not interfere or be foul one Bf another ; and alio tliat there mipht be 3 Space for ilit Ro^scrnex; .ibove tiiotn to (it between them. J^B.i/Vi -liiite. fii s^.'i.i exiruHi fijiiiipi Oi./i CmiiuiiVct, a t:. m coiifwgiml i.rdhie i\fmi. Sir //. ^.t/,'/ would have ihd'e Cl'.//«fj neither to he accounted leni^th-ivilc' 111 the Ship, m Hityfiih, nor in I luighi one above aiioiher, as 1 /. J.-.i/.ijrr ; but tranf- 1 veniy, or a thwart Ships : Uutthis lingle Clonietlfiircof I lus havir.;; in grcund from the Writings of the Anti- rnts, and being refuted by ^/ ;///', I llull do no more than barely menti m it, and proceed. However, ili-)" tliefe Oi /'. >/ it.u.-.itis ; wlii.li is, that the dccki lindc two Dilliii.-li.in-, of long Ships: One with regard t(i ilie miinbernt O.asur Rowers , and the properTer- tiiinatii'ii for'liis was in ■■> '■='*• ■ '1 V.-a'"'-'^: '■> , •:u"«...i,o5>-, -,,■,». r-.^;v, Jr/.-,i;;f.i;., a ." 't , having only tiicBai.kor 1 ircof O.irs; biit,iSl].p tba. had 1, j, He. H I N7R0T>V€ I \0N XXlll llicm, C Ali'l tlin DifpnfinoM i« innfifirnl |i)f flir flBut>:«v !i Wo'nii f;ni"» 111 "f ihr oniieiif fli vm'i inil I i'i->i>!-i, wliih li.l'c llir 1)1.1 Ml "fii 111 iiii'lifinrc Idem i anlwIiiJil'Dih Jf i"'-" himltlf.iivl Mr r itn in III ( ,/■. >, (ii/.i' liivcinlcrtcduilhnt HoiAi I'lnin whlihrijvirr^h* jiuH"»ili,ii thr o.,/i..-i wuc n..nilfm- ■( ('iib:t lino tliiive aiioihii, .itul thai eliiy mli' nor ili- rrCXU, I'll! I|.i|i|nn. An>l Iw lii|>|'(>li< tfi.it llili liiindr nl llic O I'lei iiic .il'cvo nnotlic, w,ii Irfi in ilugriiiir Ship* rluii m till' li'llir, liMaiif.- ttu-rf v*,i» iin.iii tor i (•rr.it I ililUii.r t iiweiiiilii- Kowcr^ : Ami In- (up|«ifiH rliat ill ili,ir \ alt Ship (^fl'r,;.,,. i:il.f/>r , wU U u laid fiK' fif \" " 'linn. >lir ()«r» of rhc Iohi'I* / ■ m, wire luit 5 C"iilMf< loi't! ■ Why ili'ii 'f.ii'ti lif tiii^'lit iiiit rh'' Oji^iif iIk' hinl'iil IVinkol KowiM in ilniMiip, iiinl wrlmli fr .111 /'"«•< wi- li-un were iS ( iilun long, r()u,li tMiWifrr ; linif pctliip* td'/ri- nnnlir nut \v i- F(i>C jfCill Iti 1" llio whiilr lu-iclit tl'llu' Slli(',or It iii^v hi; » »«■' Ifl' il Itin'i'r' jliis A,i inni lu- tlniiki uin- (iimliri'J Willi HO Diflri.iihiit, iiml will In- rnniillcnr uirli wliat vvi' timi in .ill il"' .in'uni Aiiilinr« who line wr.fiii 11) mi ihi* Siiti|i'(!> A* tin tin' ilirrr AprcllitiiiiK cit' tlic ()4ii, 'inpiM'abli: tlicy .Mine tint tu.iti ilu' T i- ' Ml', til? iiioll iiliLiI .Slip nt ^^'.ir, iii.l wliiili h»(l J HuiM or O. ./.«(•. (.( Kriwcn • But ihii III lirfirr Shin the Riiivcn were iliviili-,1 iiifo tlirei. C'. V/' •, ol wliuli ilmU- till' Wire ncarc l> iln; W tfer wire i.illnl the I'. .■- limit', til |.l lie Clar^th'' >>i;'''. i"i't iho "ppermoll the /■...III'" riie Niiinlier lit' Rnwer^ tli.ii wete iii ri. li/''' /' I, . f K.iiikof Biiulii'i, w.mint.irt im : Sonic • tiinii rhi'tr w.n V. liiniiiiiiici .j o, lomitiiiii ., 9 > Men i.iie.uli ; .mil 111 tlie lellW Ships \i'C tewet : And cu'iy I'jir 111 ili'li- /' III , I';, the St rboitrd Jii.l I .irliii.ir.1, HI thi- K'lili! iiii.l I ill ILinkor Row ot Rciulic< rerkoii- eil f.iiieiliii, iiiJih the Oil, the Tire, Deck it entire hink : An I lilt Ship wijilenomin.itiil fiiiiii the N.iin hiT i.t thi I ■ Or.li'iri, i-x V licinj; lalloJ .t O^.i'i/iirii-'wii, tiir haviii), live nf thefe Onlinei one rilinij »li;ii>i'/ii«r"niJ, (aitli, Std (jiinttr lulc centum numttofa remigt fontum PuljM'al Taifii--— So th.ir nfiLilly .1 Qiiini;uir/mii may be fupporeil to have 4ooO,irs, 40 on c.tch I'cjui. and 80 in cull Ou/.i ; if all the Ordiius had a like Numbtr. But Sclv/fei thinks thrNiimlier o\OiJin,i tlienilelvei (as he accountiitheiiu ilhated as yovi went upwanU So iiat in the lowcft /'.'- fill nf .1 (luiiLjiiiietnii he makes live Oolinct ; but in the two iipnermoll, but four. Frem whence it follows, laith S.lvltcr, that there never w.ts a'' ' lonercr, or Ship with one only Bank of Oars but whit was a C-'k i n- M (,j . And below thisNuinlicr ot'soOars, theShipw.is only denominated Irom the Niiiiiber of her O.trs, and not I'roin the O. //«(■/. Thus a .Ship or lioat of 20 Oars wascalled "«■■•»?.'>., one of jo Oars, 'i.««>i".i'C'-, Tliere were indeed very large Boats that had but one Derk or Tire of Oat«, or wliiill wereof the M">i»' kind ; For we read of thc'S'"'''*'' and the '<.«''"l«f«i ; but beyond this lart/t.ir.-of 100 Oars, no Moncrcs or Ship c.f one only Or,/o of Oars ever went. And let tlie Niinibcr uf Oars in oncof thcfe be what it will, if it was d i.ibled, or had a new Or./u or Derk, or Tire of liars ot ".e Liiiie Num- ber placed al>o\e it, it then became a Hi'fini ; if trebled after the (aine manner in height, it was called a Tinf- '«", C/c. So that P;./ii;;t's rim«f««j;"':*t was a '<»'•>'''?#• railed up to ^nOr,linci ; or a Ship with 4oO.,//hcj l{rmo- nim o( an hundred Oats on each Deck, Tire, OrJo or Bank, and of S^ in each /'• Jui. Sch'tftr obferves very well, !'.')<,. that the !]e:.itctita'U!, or a Ship with an hundred Oars, all n one and the fame Bank, was inorei frequently doubled or trebled up into a Bircmis or a| 'I', iu-inii, tli.in the fru/cMiif.jM..' was ■ I'or the Form ofl this U'.tcr Ship rcquiriiif; it tu have but 15 Oars in a| f'f/.vi, incapacitateil it forbcuip r.iifcd up into the liigh- er 1/(1. .1, liy clapping more i ires 1 f the laiiicNum- ber of O.irsuponit; for the leiipthof theShip increaf- ing with Its hc;ght, there would ha\e l)een both a deii- cien-y of Hun.ls to row it ; ami alio lucli great Gaps or empty Spaces in her, as would h.ive been iifelels and imonvi iiicnt. liny did ihcretore cither double, or in lorrcother R.-ri:' eiiertale the Number of Oars in a l'.-.- /!■<, in theh:p,her Ships ; as we tiiitl by the Q-iiii.jarrfmu of rii>i>, wh'cli had 40 in each (''/»•, or tio in each Bniik, 4a') in til. Wherefore, (incc we tind by i'oiyl'iih {Lij. I.) thut the firlt i^;r«ji, Ships had )09 Oars, and wfrf fif ili'''.)i.i«;/i. r'Mc kind find ihii wan thrVmn of all tli-itSliip. 1.1 Wji, he I'jitli III the Srit I'umtk. War), ir. (lain ihiy itiiltbaM-|' Oaii in (.i.-hfc///;, Aiir r„ l,tt Lfrj^tl nr.iN-flii'li Shl'il.1 in l»eOiMi'>fM-/. Viffuij l« ti^' 11 f 1,1' Si,l,fl.'{ 1,1,1 ten M»; U sin.i.". S.l.ff. ft'r think- ihnSliip wasci'iiiptiUd nfil double tlt-^itn- 'wiitrUi'd I nnthwile, and but of ihcii'niiiii.n lii,pht t (•or the pl.i inj' of more Oars lenrih'vile in a Slip, lon- tribiHciniu h more to her S.idinp, 1I1.111 | luinj idem m heiulii ene ubo*eaiiothi 1. I heic 11 alio anoiliit DiOinilmii f.f all ill, fg HiiJjtjf Shipsof Wit, wlinh v/e tind 111 / 1<>, \\r \ii.i, »,„,,. I'N ij imriiK Eiim., I he Ships ol the lelfrr Fuub or I /(.If/ were the A f lie. /, Ihuinn, rninufi mA Qj.hliiu- ".1 Thofe (f the higher )i/B or /(<(,' iviie the Pr»ife- !'i"j, Hitfri, and all the h 5I11 r O'liwi. For thus the Hillorian nprclles himlcll, l.il .1%. ivt/.. n. t{i-2^l.iCl.if. i/ii Stflrm'J I'i^inin iininii /'o.wi NVio/i/i fn,'/, I'x .///,'- ' hi Itti Hepnni ii ,ju/iii,i)r llf\fti h.ih.hi-t ; prtin h,n ' tleumViirtmei cr/inl. AikI inC'n/. (I Ih-JlihrnC/.-ffii iKiHe nniifnitirn Sninm fiiil, ctf mi\iin.t l-ihnir \.itr, trn 1 1 ■Mm /.(/■, I:ir,,lii,nl l-JIfrei. Which hf Ips in to uiider- (taiid Ins Meanill(> In / lA. it. "f-^y where are thele I Words' C, ntiifUntiil'itl, qimiim ji-fiwintiiif trtlf, ietcr.4 1 ifKiil, »>i> "il /•■ ,ui< i^mnci i-ii-"'. 1 lieie lil|.>rSliip'. the I (;iffi(;r,al|i-d'.«'''p'». ; but thofe of iln Ian;. f,Fnriii (ii Rate I iK'nti. The Ships if the li-lUr Kiii'nr K riii were cal- led "•♦•'ii^i, be.aiil'ethe) had not luniiny Bniksr) O.^rs IS thecreiierones had j and alio liy liiiii'gei, and iv.tc much lutier Sailers : Whtiefre iluy wcie alio lalkd /)io;«..iiciot r'l.r/.hir, by the fi". r SVrirers. And the Form of thffelsegan at Ult to be cluni linmei^fi fnbri- ■ niiiioi rflnni-rt Jtcrevimi'i, ,y.ii 'J f unicnii: fublic.t p-nmt cinifhtir, a chtrjii Smilii.-, /i iicci-jrr fuoit, biiitif. l''a"ii,<, Lib. 4. c. \i. tells us, th.it M.iik, /Jnum'i Fleet being routed in the Battle of W^l;',).., chioHy by the Ships ot ilic l.iluiii , the Hinmni made their Sh|p,s aftcrsvards after their Make and Form ; and hencefor- ward all Ships of War began to be called Litimn, and the Names of Qiiin.piimnei, 'I'nmnn, &c. to be litt'c iifed : As indeed the Ships thenileUescf the liighcrO'- Hiii'i wire ipiitc laid alide i for we Imd by i.ii'./.n, that the Libiinhi, **ii Bmi/h;* n» t^.b^ .i'vu-.r iyjfM^'nifil.Ki Ti.'»«r, nxl^ axTiwi iiif.t ■ ,,t, were Ships, not fo much in the form of thcTi-irc^Kf , but more like Pir.itical Ship.s, llroiig, clnfe, and of incredible Celerity. Aii.l y'\"""' laitll, that a good while before his time, the Tiiuw.'$ wcte out of ufe ; So that thefc great p,.iiiious Ships, el many Ot.lii.n, were by degrees toiind to be very un- til for .Seri i.e. .ind at lad quite laid afide by the /(i tniMn alter the Battleof .li.inn ; and their I iluni.f orCialliei fchlom or never after that had above one Deck, ciUank ot Oars, and never ex. leded two. The hmperor le<' in his TiiUclii exprcfly calls the O'0W').;7, Ciliirs ; and our frillies m the Mc.l:irtr/)n-an at this day are nearly of the Form of the /.iVu >/,f or Urcmones above-mentioned, which the ;^»mi.i at latl pitcht upon, as the belt and molt ferviceable Ships of War. Having thus given you the Solution of the Learned Siheff'ei, of the Diflii:ulties which arilcin accounting for the (everal Ordincs l{twcrum in fuch great Ships as that of I'telotny Phitofatcr, ScQ. and mentioned alio all along with it fuch biftindionsof thcfevcral kinds of the an- tient Ships, as did collaterally occur : I proceed nent to acquaint yoti with theSenleof the Learned SrrH.uion the fame Subjeiil, fiom the I'rcfaccto his Ti/'/»j hutnus. He takcsnotice, that the Mcafuresof J'/t.'cinrf/'i/f/'iifi'j's Ship were thele : She was ;So Cubits, or 410 Feet, in length ; 35 Cubits, or 57 Feet, broad within bcatd ; ill licii.'ht, tothc /(I'l/'c/i, ;;, Ihe was 4S Cubits, or7i Feet i and at the Stern ihe was built V, CubuF, or 79 ' Feet above the VVatci. There arc t>vo rhinps Iftre very remaikable, nr. the jirc.it Irppth ct' the upper Oars, in order to their llriku.g tli< VV;iter; and the valt height andbulkof the Ship. "I'l- t.iid by lii.-imu', from whom we have thele Miaftircs, that the upper O.irs were -jS Cubits, or ^7 Feci in lenp'h. Now the' calhnp, Lead into their Handles, nnd putting more Hands than one to an Oat, would maku thefc Oars eahly moveable, the former of which things .•/.•/fijri.j faith was done, in thele Words : *<'■-"' ? %« .'..jK <»■:» «, ifi -•;.."» -nyyt TOf Aii>ir*'t !.. } ii !||! iS; XXIV IN i RO'DVCI 10 i\. .i> • M if 1 t^m C»tH»i ►•«1» »"• {''■.•"' 'nijn- Cvini' r\i XV"' '■ And Swl- li's thinks theit was rwo Men at Ifall to an Oar, and 110 doubt (if If a pvcater numbor, to the iippor Oars : Yithow to account lor the upper Oars ftnkin^i the Wa- ter when they xverc but w Feet in length, iMiot lo eafy ; Or ind( cd,how a Ship of 4c Onlinci (hoiild rife no higher. To loKe whiih, SieH.iii hrfl comp\ites, that from the Oi Sh'iDi: to the Crown of ilic Head, in a Man of a mean hci.'ht, there i^ about i to't ; .ind rontidenug that with lonii Oars Men rife up lo pull, let a Ftmt be allowed fi r that. I'hi-', faith he, will iicrellarily make the dillan..:e of 4 leet betwuen T/., ufed very lliort tiars ; and lontequently there wa.s bill little ot the Oir within Board, they litiing very iRar the Ship's .Side: IV.it the higher any Or./oof Oars was, the loiietr were the Oars, and the greater diftaiiee was the Hand if the Rowei from ilie S^jlmu!, //>/ wo- ■.r:.„ii, 01 Ti'oul. asoui IVoplc Call It in .a Boat. Hy this means he accounts for Room for the inferior Or Jinn to mnve then flea 1 and IWxh, and to make their Stroke. Me |Ullly tbfervcs alfo, that the Oars were not placed : from A/i/i/a'.w, who wrote a whole Hook of its Uclcrip- dinelly 01 crone another, but ea,.h Row. • Im the fctond 'tion. I his \M Mouiit.iin of Wood required 300 ()',l, i.ite in the middle I'eiween two Row sot the 1(« I Workii en to build hei , and h.id lier Hold, or . iw;..', &,c. And as this appeals plainly .oletht cafe ill' Room within lioaiil f) divided into I'anitions, that l\iclllicii,is. whofe 1-igure fl .y/i/.J haihgiwnus; lo 'tis here were nojd I odj;ing Rooms, Parlour., I'la- very likely it was ilu difpolition of the Rowers inalljces for Study and learning, VWilks, Gardui!;, Filh- Shipsof till- higher O ./.•><.•■. And this beiiif; fuppoi'ed, ponds, Baths. SiabKs tor Horfcs, a Temple of l'->:ut, he ihiiiks, if thelntenal or Dillaii.e between Oar and C^c This Ship was eiicompalfed round with an Iron O.ir, in the fame O'.fo «' Tire, were but fettled, the t'.i//u; : (laithyw.'.'/d,- by which whether he means a Hoop — — Peliil^ocitJtii inr.rc rtvulj.it Cfclndh, ant Mintrj cmcnneic Ahntil'iis it'.tas : Tama Mole viri Tunitis I'lipfil/U) injlitiir. And he thinks that Vinlumy I'hil.tdttplmi began to build fiuh huge Ships out of a vain Humour ot rivallini; the Ark of Kojh : For he before this of 40, biiilc cue ot j< Oi.lliin^ and another of 20. He obfcrves aUii, iliac the O.hrii of Ptjioiry <'ei i.- mh (mentioned by M.-mniniinl'hiti'u} h.td .1 much ealierl.x- pli.arion ; and where there was a yet greater Niiinbtr of Oaisin anOi,/(i, ;i^. zoo, oroiie 100 in evciy 'V'/"'. He liippoles the diftance berwecii the upperinid' and lowefi Oars to have lioen near 4u foot, and th.it the U;- ./incj were ijcujc 10 .hex.i'iJi'i, bcingfentasa I'rcleiittoKirg i'tji-.mi. But tho ihisi);«./i.i^;/(.M':)«.'.i, .iiidancnhcr u.iiilioiied by .l-iiiix:,:, as biuli by the fame Prince, wcit vallly large, thirc being as n.ucli Timber ufid in the tormer, as would have bmlt ^r i;i,i'„i,t Yet were iIkic, tot Bulk, nothing conipauib'i to that .Ship wliuh •' ."'":- ./(•/ ordereii to b' biiili tor .'/iV.f. of S-r.ut.ir j of whih gi\cs us an .icciHint fi.im //" whole Matter would be < . 'dy accountable. He thinks .'.lib. that the T- .«,/.' .-. i .li Ships were not exac'tly at till- laine diltan-c one above another, which lie endea- vours to make goo.l by two Arguments. Ihefirltis ihat (incc I'.o .»i)i Qur..!- vou di\ ide 40'; . by 41 to ftrengthcn the Ship, or a kind of Rail and Balultic to adorn It, it is not ealy to dcteriiunc. But ihisShip had alio eight Towers, two in the Forecaiile, and two inthcStcrn, and two on each tide of her. C^n her Deck intntinii had 4000 Oars, if was a Wall with Forts, and upon this Wall.inthe '1 ow- the Qiiotient will be i«c; eis, and in the tops of her Malts, were hngiiies of Bai- ;;-.crctoic there mult be an Ic'ci Oars in a Bank in this tcry, and for other warlike Ulcs, placed ; one of which Ship, w'v 50 on each fide. Now this Ship was iSo i would throw or calt a Stone of jc.j Pound weight, and CiiDits, . thi's Suppole a Right-' vatioiis, /.n...'. 1685. iniinn. He builds what he hath angled ^r/m /-I Tnani^le, whofe Hypothennle is jS'Cu- to fay upon this Subject chiefly on a Palfagc in FiVi;,- bits, or 57 feet, (the whole length of the uppcrmolt ! <""■', Lib. I c. 11. where the Architect fpcakiiigcf the Oars, a.-cotding to .ltl\->.u.:. Now tlio' about one .Symnietiy of all kinds of Edifices, and how to |udge ot third ot this Number ought to be allowed tor the part of it, faitli, You may )uJge of the Proportion of Ships the Oar within board ; yet let there be but 7 feet from by the intcrJcAiniiutn. which the (.iic.k, call "!■=•« For the ,V.'4iwi«j to the A-kwii/'i'im, there will then he 50 lo F<^inj corrcfts the Word Di)i/)fMirt, .as it \%inlutiu~ feet for the Hypothenufe without board. The Square \i'iii, or lp)ifji.u-a, as it is in the MS. ui the ( ottir: Libra- ot so is 21500, whole half is I2V ; and the Root of'ry. In the conuron Books the Word is 'f'."'^"- ; but this is not tulles', for the huglit of the nppetmoft thisTu'wc/'Hj juilly explodes, tor /'Vficwiij could not be Bank of Oars above theloweltot all. So that there being fo ablurd, as to conclude one mi('ht pidge ot the Bignels 4c. ot ihefc Banks or 0,.linei, they could not be fo much of Ships, from the /;,;■ 'Jt^.inii.ri. in all ot tin 111, beinj; as 11 Inches one above another, allowing the thickncfs ' of the qi'antit> oi 1 Cubits. Thcltit..,'.. ,..,.1/: ihcre- of the Tt'.;;/ 1.1 too into tlie numierof ji ■ feet. .So that, fore, taith ' -i//;/!), was not, as Learned Men hawthouglit, faith SHf//;/ij, unlets you fuppole the Men to be itowed the Space or Diflante between two Oars, cr between as they lay Herrings in a Ship, 'tis impolbble to concede I two Benches of Rowirs; but the Sp.Kr between the how the Ship ihould hold fo many Rowei;. And this tSc<:/Hii/ and the Rower that late tarthell from the iivii- Didiciiliv will Itill incr( ale upon iiv, when we conlidcr j »" r Or to fpeak plainer and more figiiihc;nitly, the that a good part of the Ship's height will be takeruip by'"" • "■"^', as / /?/■ i / /;, j lalls n ; iji.a i:., a^ ir.uih as is a Deck o\er all ihe Rowers, b\ Cabins, State-Rooms, |the Icngih ot that pait of the longel! ( .ir which 13 > ■. .1/1 thinks there is no way to get rucrthis, i within the Ship : .And this Sp.ue the (■ ,",-/(; 1 called ■ ti»"«, kiilbyfiippoiir ;; ilic.Viimbcr 't' the lowell Banks of Oars |becaiite it wasioltly, Ou ' not cntiiely taken up by the to have been veryfmall, but that t f the uppermoft very Rowers And this ' i"", lie Ian h, onii known, not on- great : Which Account renders the Ship a mecr Mfelefsjly the Length and Breadth of cvrrv Slhp that ro-^s is Moll of WiK.d, mole like abttlcTown,or agreat Ca(lle,| gixeii, but alio the Piopoition of all I'arts ot her, and iluii a Ship : And accordingly we hnd the Anticms cal- ling by til'.; tviiiiH's of I ycin.ic> luch pompou Strettiirc'. as thiswas Nav Cri^dVompares the Ships ol At. /inirt,y, in the Battel ot AtHinr., to theC')r/<;,/ 1, which indeed, as appears from /-. l-tcui. Lib. 4 were huge unwcldy things, but vet ihcfedid not cx.ecd above bor gOn/iwfj Ihit ot fucri as that Ship of I'.L^i'.ite', the I ei gth ol the t)ars ; as is now well known to bcthc cafe ot ihe Ciallics 111 the A/c/i/i-ii/iii-,-,).. And he judg- es, that the anticnt /M'(w/f/, and the Ships of moie Oidii.ci, weie bi ilr much atier the Rate and Fn (< rtu 11 of thcn.odein Gallles, (nice if.eir I engih to their Bread. h is rcprelenied tol e aloiu 7 lo 1, as it is in i ur Calliev l.iici/tn indeed delcrites a SHp, whole I 1 1 ctli was uloiir I NT KO'DVC'I [0 N. XXV 4timc5 its Breadth ; bin this was nfit of the kind wc .irc fpc.ikiiig, r/>. Ships ot War, but an Onciary oik, which went only with Sails, without Oirs : Ami was iiuich like our [iielent Ships ot Butilin, whofe Length is .iboiit 4 times their Brcailih- Ami Icll this Rreat Lcnt^th in i Ship of W.ir oi G.ill) , llioiild prove a weakening to herj the Ancients, as well asthe Mnderns, placed llroiip 1 ranfoin Be.iins every where a-ctol, her, to keep her Sides toscihc, : which hoth llieiigthcn'd the Ship mmh- tily, Aiid alio was of tile to the Rowers, who always pull thccalicr ilu- luriher iluy are placed from i he Si.tlmiii. , As to tilt 'i:it;ih olrl;.' Oars, he thinks |ii(tly, that it varied accoidini; m the Kate of the Ship, as it doth now : But tin., I'ropnrtion, he laiili, is n"W-a-days olv. icrvcd, that it a Ciilly I'e 95 Cuius long, and 12, broad; the lei.p.ih of hit OaisiniiU he ^4 Cubits and ;, that is, (iiip'ruiR half .1 ioinino:i Cubit to be the I'.i mm M^.ioriA ) liuhes; 48; fuih I'alins. Thelmgih liable Thitkncfs for them at the handles, tiie part of fuch an Oar which is within the Scilrim, wouia take up (he laith) the room of a 1 oto Rowers. Next, as to i!lai.ing the Rowers, and the dilfaritc of their Oars and benches one from another: 1 here is roi much 1-igl.t to be had from the Aiicien: Coins and Me- dals; becaulc there was not lonm lu vxprtls above one Ori/j or Hank ol Oati, in the Figures cf tlie i'.nimcj and Libiiimis. But in a Cum ul < \]i:i (•c.iI!iit:iu, i Uiaught of which Sir 7. Miijh.im hjd trcsin (.(!.:«•■, and which he llicw'd lol'^JJiic. there are apf jfemly twu OiiiiiK!, one riling above mioiliei And upon ' .j.u.: Pillar at l{"m; ami f-iue other i.id .Mi m . , liui.j .in pfiinly to I.I.J leeii lliice O'llim-: l{.ii„i,iin tiMiu, ob- iijiiely- And from heme it wjs, il.at i' or-i.i', jii,l omc other Learned Men, have fancied, ili.it 111 the S)i p*, t the Supetiot OrJei^, and pariKiilaily in I'.at of ; .•:- .' «// /'AiVu/i.ro), the 0>./.«r/ were all ai^ountal le .ila-r the fame way, l'i:(. in hci^h.t one abo\e ,111 jther : Bit of the f)ar wiihin I'loaid from the end cm the handle k, this cannot be allowed, Lccuiife ut iht jireat .^Unidi-iej the .Vcrt.mu/ IS eleven Palms or 99 Inches : And to this 'and Inconliltencics above-inemioned, v.tucli will plaiu- pari there are placed nfually In., and lometinv.s fix |ly be deduciblc from this Suppolition. hands, ..r Men to row: for about 4', I'alinslroin the, Tc.i/- I'i'ffiui ihiiiks therefore, that ihore wcic ncv,,- any »«(,! . iviiliin iJoard;i the Oar h.ith no hands applied to'Ships built with above 7 Uulinn or Banks of (;,i:s: it, iinccboih l'A-peiiciiceandthcNatureofthinKSteach-| And this he cites Juliiu I' Mux, as affirnuni; m tliefe es, that the Rowers have little or no Force, if they fit; words; where he hath correaed the Vulgar Gr.-Ai »ery near to that lide if the Ship or Boat their Oar is Text, by hi^ own Liter Op! .'wii:, a^ he calis it. "11 put out Iroin. I'Vomthe Scnhnits without liie .Ship the ^ t^ Ttifgit iv i-rTa '3 iii»'i «'>iri,:.Ti i Te«i.ii.-, ,;. lyjc^dy- „■, ■I Diameter, and grows by degrees l>igi;er till you cimr "i" «".i.'»i ti-.1o>. Bj>,v>, x, Ui,'„'^^,», ,:>:^, llliallnor i.,lt to the S. I »ni!,\\ hcte 'tis 1 4 Inches in Diameter : And undertake to give you the Eh-j^iijh ot thefe words; be- . lien 'tis 9 Indies iigam in Diameter at the Scrt/tni/j; but caule /'yj;/.j hath not put them into /.rifiwhimklf: And ivnhout 11, nni above 4 Inches, and this ■rfiickncfs ir I 'j'.ieltiun, whether ihcie can be (i) much gain'd from Seeps till ;ou loiiie to file i'.i/>«HW, or part ihai Urikcs thciii, as he would inter: But Ikavcvct, 'tis j>rubablo, the Water, wIulIi is alio .; Inches broad. 'I'hele Mea-ilhat tile Banks or Tires of Oa;-. fcldom or never lofe lUresall Buil.lcrs ol Gallics i:,i faith i'; l-'ect is enough. In the Ancient Tiiifwjc; thele Intervals between the Rowers, are not alwa>s to be ronlidetcd attet the fame manner. Ihews, that the Ihickiiefs of thole C)ars, juit without i If tiic Oars were to be placed iliiedUy and perpcndicu the Sciltniii, ought to have been fomething above 7 In chcs in l.)iameter, and that j6 foot of the length of the Oar was withoi t the Ship. At the p.iit, or handle, where the Rowers fate and pulled, it was at leall 1 ^ Inches in Diameter: Into which thick handles, if Lead were call, as .lti\-iu:i! laith there was, they would be calily enough manageable by 4 or luoic Hands,elpccially having a third part of their length, or 19 Foot within Board : Which is the Proportion that il.oiildbeoblerved in all Oars. He laith further, that there can be no good Rowing Ship but what will have the length of the Oar without Board to the height of the uppermolt ji.i/»/i above the Surface of the Water, in a SrJ.jiiiterti.:n (he lliould have laid, i ifi,i Sefjiatciti.m) l{.irij: Or as j' to one. \ 'herefore the Oars in this great Shi|i leing j6 Foot long without Board, if when being put down to llrike the Water, they be lowered 1 Icot t'rom the perpendicular ofthe hir^.'iclf Sc.ihni, the diltance ot thele Scnlmt from the Water will be 9 Foot. But then the next Difficulty will be, how to accown for .jcoo Row- cis 111 no greater an height iioiii the Water than peij Qiilii.'i offuch gnat Ships; tiir ilnce they allow but al Iina I fan of the Oar to have been with.n Board, 'ti Bench or Seat is 21 Inches high, and out of tins, if yoix take 4 Iikhes for the height ot the Footiicp 01 Stretch- er ; there will remain the dilfancc of a Cubit ot 1 S In- (hcs between them. An.l the Ipace of 9 Feet (which impoiiible (uch vait Oats would be tnaiiaj^ d by a lin-jlic had betore ll.ewcd the highetl Si.:.'»ji were ir: tins glc Man, fo as to be o! any ufe. For if this Ship of 4.-1 Udinc! had, as they allow, a Cubits rile in every Bank. orOrdei, it mult be atlealt4i..Cubiis high Irom the Water : So that by the by, Ilnce Atlcmus faith lirr Oats were but iS Cubits, how could they ftrike the Water He ll.ews alio that the Oars mult not only be I iiig enough to reach the Water, but that they muft keep to the Proportion above-mentioned : And conlequeiitly nuilt luvc been iSo Feet without Eoaid, and 90 wuh- in : .A.fo that thefe Oars near the 'ic.-iinm mult h.ive bi-i n 15 Foot ill Diameter, and allowing a provoitio- Ship above the Waicn) would contain 6 fuch Benches ot Oars. In his Figures he lliews vou the uianiier of the Rowets being placed, and what fpaces ate taken up by the Motion ut then Bodies in Rowing, whetherlmuH refer the Reader. Alter this, he jultly lejeits the Opi- nion ot /'a.inc li/i and Others, ot the 43 Vtiitm being all one above another ; liiicc, accenting to his Scheme. all the Orders of Rowers (above the third) would ra- ther hinder than fcrward tlie Motion of the Ship, by the Oais Itriking the Water. And 'his Uinii.uliy Kill ciicreitcs with tlicir Notion of their being but a Iniall f fJit m 1:1^ I: i XXVI IN f ROVVC I lOM ^ pan of I'.n- O^r within tli- Ship, tlpconlly toofince thcv m1! ihoIs liavc thcl^Jirs («•; '--Uff-- in particular) iiuiuj by but Olio Man .i-]n.i.c. I'lir 'low i$ it poiriblf for oicMaii, at 1 iit a little iii)lat;ie Ironi the i'ci.'nuc, tn iiiaiuvH' ;iii 0»r ot tht 1 irii^th ami l{.)ir*fsof ttiol* intlii.i.clilMMtal Ship- Siti.c'tiJ tonnJ, tliat the fniall V.)ars ,111 Com; iriloii ot" t)rt.>lc, oi a M(iecaulethis blup, he fauh, wa> '^-»:'-^>. '. c. had three 'oi;. After this lie .onliders the fcvciv.li Or./ ot Oatj. where the Rowers fate alm-e the /' .i' /.'m; whereas tht other lix i'anks of l{owers betore l(y ken of, fare ,dl be- low : And he laitli, that tho' this iray fec:ii to br a higher plsic than tli.it of thole which louvj beK.w ot under the 'l'r.iijir,i, yet that in reality it was not I", tl.e oth and 7th O^iL l{-iiio uin bciiy of an e<|ual llciphi from the Water, as were a'fo ihcir Scih.n: which leeni- ing Paradox he thus tiidcavours lo n-.nkc out. 1 hetc 'I'rniijhii were Beams jxiing a-crofsihc Shi- 'lom tide to tide, and not only fo, bur n^niiiiij; ei'.n thro" t)ie Side, and jutting out to atonliderable d Itancc withoi't Hoard. Ihefe fervcd fonieiinies tor Benches for the Men lo lit and row on, which was their tirit Sii;iuticatioii ; the loner Benches bcinp, railed .?",(;•' H"' Ti"jl'' tl'.e lathei 111 the j'n,?.i or Benches upon which ihc Rowers '''''■'•<;' tailed *>e><-:' Befidcs the above-nan, ed ule of late, and to which they Wint up b\ Heps. And that thete Btiichcs were not, as is vulgarly believed, plated piiallel to the Sr.i, or in an Horizontal I'oliuor, but they afcendedornle ill licii;ht obliquely to wardj the iiiid- dlc of the Ship, to that the .Seats of thofe Rowers upon the fame 7/:oim, or Bench, which were next the Foium, »eie an entire Cubit's height above thofe next the i'crt/- tniir which 7i.;';//r,i fit the Men to dt upon and row, a« well wiihout the Ship as within it, iluy i\ re alio the greatetl llieiigth Ships ol 'o long a I'oini coi:ld lia'.e, and which indeed kepi them togeiher iniirely: And without futh 'tis inipollible to fnppofc that Vedeiswhi.h were 7 or 8 times as long as they were broad, could bear rlie Motion of a moderate Sea. And ilr' in many Then he c-ives another Diagram, in which he i of the ancient Coins and Medal > v.hirh la\e .Ships Clews the mannei t the I'olition of the Oars ina Ship of ftanipt upon thein, the ends of thcfe 1' .:i,lh.i wlthovu fix O'.i'.ncs VVi Lie thcS.rt »Hiof the vippetuiofl Oarsare' the Shipdo not appe.ir, the Axis of the f.\c beiei; tup 9 foot above the .Surface of the Water, each OJi, beinga' po'cd to be at light Aiii;leswiih the Ship, icle uluaily ; Cubit above that next below it; and fo every where. I yet however Bi fome Coins they do appear very plainly 'the I'r.-.l.iii.ifit, or lowerinoft Oar, fate 4 foot from and particularly in the tirft of thole inentioiitd and dc- theVvirn...', and his Seat was elevated 4 Inches above • ''.^''cd by W/iiyi*j, in ^^l•,lch the AJi./«^i dr l*rackeis flip ir. Ihe Rower intlie fccond Orrfi- fate 7 feet fromth'c, porting the I'l.'i-'lurr of the Xr.tijiiit aie veiy vil.ble .s^s/ijia/, antl 7 Inches above it. The Rower in the! And the fauie thing may be collcdVed ttom .iiciiititr.hi third O'afc fate to feet from the .9c .ibove it. The fourth, n Inches abore, and i) feet ' ■md Jc4^>'/ii^rt«i)r/.m, arc taid to havebem a cunvfiiient from the Xe.i/»»«j . The fifth fate 1 6 Inchet over it, and diftance without the Ship. Andlhefe Pii/r.lwii wuh the 1 6 feet from it And the fixth or uppermoU Rower fat,; coverings upon them, had anciently diHcrent Appella 19 feet from, and 1^ Inches above the 5f /,.! m/nK. be of I 7 Spans (or t^ Inches) there arc no Rowers for the dillance of 7 Spans (or 6 j Inches) 1. e. 5 feer 5 Inches from tlie Xc/ii),H'. But then the other i& Spans of length aieail taken up with the Rowers ; which are 5 in Numlicr. And he tirds from Hefniius, tliat this Pro- portion was oblirved in the Ancient .Ships, which were but ot c ne (.1 /' 01 Deck. But becaufe in Oarsoffuch a vaft length as thofe n >''"■< >">'s Ships, require a grea- ter dili.'.ive between the Rowers and the l.pi/i.iliniiim ; in'kad of 5 foot as in the common Gallics, let the di- (tani t (tic be liippofed to be 5 Cubits, or 7 Feet .„id an Idlf: Then there will reinaiii the fpa^ t ot ir| feet which he fuppofes was taken up by 1 o Rowers ; 1 ^ In- ches 'oeinp fpacr enough for e.ich Kowcr. After this he giver, another St heme of the iii«iiner •( placing the Jiii^.i AdverfcShip, which hong at her Bow. But if ii. Head of atiatkinjj her a head, they aimed at the Stern . Ihen the Uircilfion ol the /(. /.'..i wis againft thole lipvn.ln to which the Rudders were affixed Which they hoped to l>ear away by the Shock, and fo d liable her Iroin ftecriiig. Uponthe Tmnjli.i v/ertihcC^rJirom/:!/: bui t; which wcie a kind of Dcc{s, or rather half or nuart.r Decks . For they were not clofe every way, but always left open in the middle, that there might tome in Air to rt- frelh tile numerous Rowers. And thefe Decks did not only reach as tar as the Ship's lidcs, btit proicCkd out beyomi them a gce.'. w.iy, even as far as theSci/mi of the uppermolt 0.irs, and were fupported by Bracket? or ■Stanchions, at the external Kiids of the Trtin/lm. And therefore when rii.ctiiJcj laith that the N-ncs L'Vgf were without Decks or Coverings before the I'd/ii A Beiidies lor the Rowers ro (ii on; whidi Benvhcs W'ars, he means within Board: For we find from R- io(e up in height obliquely one iWive another : The I oif, that the "loft ancient Ctttk, Shipsbad thofe Covct- lowero, oft O.-.fchadbiii one Rower, thefecoiid two, the ing upon the exterior parts of the i'"!"'/'./: But th»y third four, the four-h fix, the fil'tn eight, the lixth ot ii[perrrolt ten; lo that in the whole, thefe Jui^^ con tained 51 0,.liM.\ And he fuppofes a double OMiqui- I ' in thcfe Jn'i i, 1 e. that they rnfe or attended length 'wa were not luphtr, or had tlteir .S<:4/Fn/ further Iron; ihc Water, than th(,re oi the filth &-■./» nest bebw iliiMii, aiul iimler the T.wjiin. And this he accmints tor liy Itewiiv;, that the lirmiiM, or iiri^'n'oft Row- ers, latu not aliovc, but rulcwile, ot the iipjjer ^iti ■ rtiul ot thel'e lie gives a Diaiirani, and fvippolcs that tlie Dars of thcle JVr.iiuM were oi thefame length and inag- imi! Jc with iliole of the iippeniioft \>^»'» ; and fO"-. femiciitly ihire was in eath On/» an equal nuinber ol Memo an Oar. And having ohferved before, that the Sex O. inn l(j>i:niiimK tiiitixpcdn O-rlhiii Hiwigum, a.c- countiiigfioiiuhe Rower next the Water, to the uppei- iiioitof the :;r:,'i(.i' ; if you add ton more for the J'/'»,in<<*, you will have 4 1 Or.lmei of Rowers upon feven Jk^i or Iknclics ar.d riling gradually intofevcn Or.linei lirtmrum. Now (into It appears from .iihctitui, that in this cele- brated Ship of I'liikpetor, there were 50 Oars of a Side plaied lenpthwife, and that Ihc was of the height of 7 B.inks or I) .V.'i.-iot Oars; 50 muJtipUed by 7 gives i^r,. which diiubled, gives 700 for the whole numbcf 01 Oars ihe was rowed with. And liiice it hath lieen ptob.ibly llicn-n, that lor the Maiiagemcnt of theleOtrs ihcie was allotted 41 Men to every 7 Oars, accounted in hei!;ht one obliquely above another, accorfling tothc i{ci)uium {)■, titles You mult fay by the Rtile of Three, if 7 give 41:: what lliall 70O give } The Anhver will be 41 DO. Wherefore tliercmuft be m this Ship, accordine to r^j^K' Ins Account, 4 100 Rowers; whii;h agrees well with //.■..■ 'i.cuJ, who laiih, there were alxive 41100 (n a round Number therefore tlie may be called a T»f««-> h^,-^ or a Ship nt 4c Ouliiict, tho' flic was m reality of a httic larger Kate. And thus doth this very Learned and Judicious Man account for the diltributionof the 40C0 Rowers in this eminent Ship of t'toloimPhilcpuicr^oiXcTS it for a Solution of the Difficulties about the Ordines, which 1 have the more largely gr.cnyou, becaufc it is much the bed of any I have met with ; tho' even this is embairafl'ed with fomc Perplexities, not to fay Incotjfiftcncies, which item to avife from our want of knowing thccxad Scnfe of the Gink and Latin Words ulcd by the Antiencs a- bout Shipping ; but th;; >s no more than what at this dilfance of Tunc we may cxpcdl. The Learned and Inquifitive Schffer came near to a right Solution of this Matter ; but he was hinder'd from complcating it, bv falling into an Erix)r, in which fome others have alfo tbllowed him, or he them ; which is, '.hat none of the antient Writers mention Oars that were otoved by more than one Man at a time. But this Mi- ftake V':(]iut flicws to ante from their not coiiliJering, that both Urerkj and Liitines iilc the fame word for the Oar, the Men that row with it, and the Vcli'el rowed by ir; is we do at this very day on the River I'/.Mmr;. For when we find C.'icer», in\\i%%thOiat. inVeyrcm, layingof the Syrjculiani, Cotyecijje m:iltituHinfm Pirr.tarum ex if I, N.ia;iii(i, ijuod crat fndum jcx Hetnorum numnc. 'lis plain he could not mean there were but eOars in the Ship; for how could thofe be called a Multitude ? Nor could he mean that tile Ship had Jcm O'liinn Hcmoium ; for no Piratical Ships ever were of that form in his time, but were built low and flat like the modem (jallies : And therclore he inuft mean, that the Oars were moved by lix Hands, or Men, a-picce. So alio when 111 l.ivy. Lib. {3. we liiiJ mention made of i Ship of K. I'iiiiip, which, he f.iilh, had Jrdeaml Cfm Hciiinmn. I \'f,::,i hav- ing proved It 10 be impollible.that any Ship lliould either diredly or obh(|Ucly rife up fo high, tlunks that by K^-. nioi here is undcrftood I{:mis;es ; and that i ithcr there were fome Oars in this Ship fo large as to be moved by 16 Men; or rather that tlie .Ship having 4 Orders, Banks or! ires ot Oars, thelowefl were moved bv one Man at each; theOarsof thefccondBank were fevcratly, mov- ed by 3 Men ; thole in the -^i Orjo by %, atij thole n, the upperuioll Tire by 7 Men : 1-or 7 -U ', -| - 3 -f 1 makes jull 16. But this is no more than a prob.ablc Conjcifurf And after the lame manner doth he inter- pret that Pafl"ai;e of i- (.■ u-, wli'jic he faith, that .if. Arttio.y had Shipsfr»ni Oto ^OuUnci H,enmiim : Hcun- Jcrftands by it O/.Yim < H,rmi^i.tr, and that louie of hi •Ships were fo large, as ti^hav*- thr'ir upper Oars moved by 9 Men; Ucaufc a Ship of Banks or Orders in Jicight, mult needs have her upprrOars pcrteftly iifelefs. And I'l nii'ch lor this difficult and preplcxing Matter ; I proceed n-xt to conlidcr the fovcral Kinds, Korms, Diulions, Ulcs and Names of Ships, with their Parts, Riggng, Tackle, Armatup, Onraiiicius, Commanders, Otficers, ic. Afifr Mr.Potter tellsHsrightly, thattlic Grcf/;; diMdcdtheif Ships into } kinds. Ships i,f liurje'i, nf It-'ir, anil 1/ I'rtj. lit!/. I'lie firft fort, ti.?. Ships oi' Burden, they calk i np:K,o,;>i.ji/u(wheiKeQurt'«»////.-, Hulk) and intl.ege neral ii>"'. Thefe the /.i/ihi-j called OnnaU ufually, and fometimcs /ln«o/i«.< (f'/V. I i! .i.' fh'H dcKrll.Cnii., That 13, J'i>/H/)i!frrj to (heirships ot War. llicf;»fil^< tailed alio Ships of Burden f rri'"**', from tlicir being more bulky, and coming nrattr to a touiw l-'iKuie than the Men of War, which were ■"'?'>, lean anj lotig. There werefevcral kinils of iliclV Ship., ui Burden, a? you will find lK;h)W in the miitral Alphabet yf the Name* and Kimls of Ships ; and ilicy ufual')! went uith out Oars, uling only S.iil$ , but louietuiic, trey nude life of Oars too, as i> plain from many I'ullages in An- liquity. Tlifl'e kiikls ot Shlp^ were . died ' i*''., bc- caiife they iweic ticc|iieiitly towed after the Ships of War which went witliDars, as ben i; ^t tlicir.felvt.« very lluggith Sailers : For • < ' were ihe /( "'i<" ' Or Rr pes witli which one Ship towed another. The .Viru 0»,f- Md'ji wercby the'.''<«., or Ships of War, to which '.ha: v.'ord ■" was appropriated. Thefe Ships c>f Wat were by tlie Qitekj called i's^t*\ that is, Nn-rs lotigi, as the Row.iw Term was, becaufe they were of a very great length in prOf iition to thoii breadth, riy 111 about that of 7 to i. Tiicy were alfo named »-*'■«'•>«, bccaule they were chieily mo^cd by Oar' : and fomctimes, as in /' ii.vr, /■ anJ T 11 liiH'i, tlcy are called «j-tv(", for the fame leafoii '1 hcle long .'ihips 01 Ships of War were again alfi Jilliiipuiihcd and ii.imed according tothe Number "i, or the manner cf carryins' their Oars, as 1 have ahead) large y ihe.vn a', ove, I o this Species ot the i\'i::j ' \r,.>', the : . -iicr \' .rris ought to be referred, which were lUiigi" ' for Speed, Iniellipcncc, Pir.acy, He. For they wcu calh-d .hlun- m, nui,i ci;o pcffunr, asS'c/ f fc-- thinks ; but according to l;itdittii and fl.iiyiHj, becaufe they went with Sails and Oars both. There were two forts of thc;c .!(•.:,.:'!<, a greater and a loU'er Size, of which the latter v.-cre called /IHu.irioit, The Ac'.iiiins were fclJ.oin 1 1- ' ,is Ships of W^ar, but chierty in Piracv, as Rovers, C ir.aus. Runners : They had never lel^, than i S or 20 Oars, anJ fome bad }o or 40 ; but if they rote up to so, they exceeded this kind, faith Schcffcr. Th-y had no l{i- Jim. The third kind of Ships were .';'''i;j f.>i /'r/Tij.-, gi Tif.njjiirts, and thefe the (/k,/;; diltingu'.lhed according to the nature of their Paflengcrs, or th h they were ti tranfport. Thole that fervcd in general tgr tranfpornng of Men, they called -"»•« and •■•'<•''" ; but when they carried armed Soldiers, they were called '«rf.'i--%:-,.i anj rfiiwjiJit ■ or if Horfes or Horlenien, ''"■«;--,-i. Thtfe Tranfports tor Horfe, the I.atints, as /•". '/lo and t-'c'/.'i., cM llipp\^i'w, from the'V'i'f^. And lb peculiar wa<: this way ot denominating the Ships trom the Things they carried in them, that we lind m V.-.,:^ i f me •'"«- ■/'■i'l ; and in /Inif.mn we have the word ryi.x::, .-.■ m il-.^ fame fcnic, as iheName oi a Ship, which he opp.iies tc a Man of War. Thefe thcicforc were .ieli^ncd to trauf- porr, Tenrs, Carriages, aidall fuch Utenlils as an Army would have need of in a Camp, or upon a March. J'c - i'h.v calls thcle Tiarilpoit .Ships, i^f ant H's-i'i, becaufc their Form and heavy I adini; made them flow or ihig- ilh Sailers. As to the Foim and Striiiturc of Ships in general, the Antients had a reganl to three things: That their Ships might be of a due or jull bignels, of fuffi- cicntlightnefs, and yet ofluHicientitrcngth. If they arc made too great, they are both unmanageable, and ruin theiTilelvesbythcir ownbulk and weight. We find the I'mijiti telling ftiexundcr the Great \m (u liui) Ti;.jt Ships above mc.tltiie Ai^i^'', Wfe iiii^.vervr.i'h^ Lib. 6. C. 1 1 , and this was the great fault of the Ships of ./'/fcf.) and r.lcrj'itta, whole Bulk (7otw obfervcs was fuch, ut tan line ■^rttiiiii MiT" a Inbore i'ci;tofutti:.:hcrttitii, ; and there w.is hardly anything more injurious ro them than their own Weight, .^nd this we have found by out long Hx- perience in Naval .'Vlfairs, that the fliorter and fnugger our new Ships are bnilt, the better they lail, be.ar hard Weathcranda tumbling Sea, and work aseafily asfome old .Ship-sof much lell'er Kates. Thev were alfo ciref.il that their Ships Ihoald not be too heavy: And this was a good conlideration at that tune, when the manner of hghting a-Sea was fo vatt- ly ditferent from what it is now ; tor then Speed .\nd lixpedition, andeafy tacking about or turning anv v^'ay, going readily forward or backward, as rjccafion Icrsed, was the chief thing rhoy aimed at ; and all thingsconlidc- red, they are now as good Qiialifications in a .Ship, as they were then Fo have Ships, as Lucti, exprcllcs it — lUiuu ill ! % t »t M ^1 XXV Ui INT RO DVCr ION. H.tiilri Pugnitm.]; ctpeffeic p.t teiitnri- fu^nti, w. Ioh^o fian^eif Giro Ciitfum, nee titrdt f.edeiiti ct.l-tr CUvr. lib ?. V. SVJ Iti onlct to ga\n this point, thry took can- to provide proper Ttmbii to Ini'.M Ships withal; and chicHy that it wjs wcllilMl'onrJ an.l dry cnooph, ro in.iki- it lifjht, buoyant andilaiich : l'ori>rocii Flank and TmiluT will both be very heavy, and .iH'o will intmic Ihrink, chap, and fo leave iho Seams open, and the .Ship leakv. The y /iiv.v?> m;//.!', the/'ifiHJ ^•nncjiiaii, and the /ibifi, arc coinin.-iided by (■■?«/.•,<. lib. J,- '• ■t4- 'or 'his piirpole ; And of the l.ilt uf thcfel j\i;i'. Uith, .%> ,■..•/«/ ''■l>'i r: ihtiifi t'h:}'v'C! An.i wIiLinhii ,-;/'i>j was prepared by thorough Scafon- ini?, Ce for thiMile, it was called ■\nfimi., as appears from/'/iHi, lib- 16. c. 4i-, 43. and .lifo from I'iiruviui, lib. 1. c 9. But both thcfe .ondeniii the /L.iii.v, as be- ing ioo|.onJeioiis, and the lornier Author faith, 'tisapt tobe woMU caren i.io faft. Thc.-(/'.m is much celebra- ted fortius puvpofe by the .■\nncnts (.I'mis /r;«,..i Fnrit) nnd /'/I'nv revoinmcnds the .-I't'oi t'r,Jicj, lib. ij. c. 9. !n/'"«if>'s iinie theC7.(»/i and the I'opuliii w e in life, ami V'FrflurJiih prail'cs the Cedar and ot thcfe, and ot fevcraloiher kinds of 'I'lees they adapted I'unber for the lc\euil I'-irtsof the Ship. 0;/ r ,'i.r^,i /', "'^"'./tt fi (^dil C(n mil !■.• /;. Oh,' '('"f/i, c.n'i fat: , .:ii«.:',■ .;; poin-ed Woods and b< lel'.sforlhibloie purpofe ; iriwhiJhihc\ v/elldelcrve oi;r Imitation, aii.onji wlioiuj there is very little i-are taken al'tnit the I're'.ervation of 'limber, tho* oe.r Shipping be iv eniiiieni a part of 1 ur .Seciirfty and Advai.tai^e. 'This Livy lauli w.is done by SJf'.j,- and as others tell us, by ./'";'■' M^-.rthn their tirif Kinp ; and when iliev had not er.ouijh and fiifiicitnt at home, they were lb wife (as Ibmc ot our neii-hboiiring Countries have been in ictieci of visj to ^et it from their I'Vieiidsand Allies. Tb.r tliu-d thinp they lookt alter was thcStrcnp>th of likirShippir!:; and this tliey ih.)U!;l'.i depended ihietly 1 u il-.ctui'.c of the Year uu-irTimber was felled, and on liieclrile iV.iinini; and joininmlie I'l.Uiks.ind Heains, Cc. t. ^etl-.ei. Ihe H»iir.hi thonidu the beginnin;.; of Autumn I he httell Time to cut down Timber for Sea Ules, and 1:1 par'i.-iilar to Jolt ;it the New Moon. T mil 1> felled ihcy called Jl)///V- J-iiieof /V -.7. iber ngnt- as \oii may find by this /Ur I'. II" Sji- u '■ C'tcic V:intii\ But wlutlai i;i ihispom: 'hev were not morenii e.exavfl and curi'.us ih.ui is neteliaiy, 1 ruull leave to better Judges. 'I'o rend-'. ;l.r;r Ships dole, itionj; and eonipa'"*, they di.ivc IJiafsNai 3 thr'.ughal) their \"anks; win. hMct- t.il 'iiii preferred to Iron, toi Hus purpi le, bcvaulc it, was hfs apt to rnlt in the Water. And to hinder Icak- ai-e, an,' 'o render tb.em (tauili and tight a^iainlf thei Water, thev drove in iiuvy.i, i. e. Oakani, as we do now, into all tlie Chinks or Crannys between I'lank and I'laiik. And overall this they put aCoatof Wax, and fouietiaics of I'ltrli, as appeals from F/.ic.«/, hh i. ■ .'.1 ;.•:.)» ri..' / ;. , ■c vulnc:d I SI J. Ar.d Inl^ Inuniion .l.i|s, i M calls :;y.'/7i, lib. 16. «, i^. .■\: . r.i I \\:i'.linilhe.s, .ind the .Ship laiuKlied, ilie\ iiuide a'w.ns f. f.ilemu tiialof licr, how ll.e wotild lailoi row, .and >.• h.ii was to be depc nded upon from her, belbre t- vcv thev ti.^ ' her m Setvi e : And troiii a Paifape outnf (..-■rri.'s ;,ui in atji'iiilt (',•;..', HJ.ifrr thmks 'tis plain, thuihe (Jt'.rcr, who had the cart ol the '1 iial ot new Inulc Shipi, was called the P/i.'or. Andihib imuhi'irtlK >'.(;Mtil ( liiifiruftion of Ship", I'tiis Ile^l coiifdei the lev i r.d l'..rts o! a Ship, and 3fim.j;l.it>am Cimci, Ipolif.tAi]; tc^minr I. fiA lijina fittct — — Thefe <'c/'i/)«/:/j triilt nc.ds vcty much retard the JMo- tion of the Ship, and thtrciore I fuppofe wtre foon left oti, as ihc Art of Ship building impioved ; and I know ot nothing like them that we have now. Net above the Keclfon and blour was an Hollow, which the Cicrhs called «•"» "'5)', and;«r.»^ the /("mhj I'rjiiuic, ■!':(. the Belly, or middlemoif and lovvelt part ot the Hold. This Place was coinpallcd in by the '.""', Cijis, or Ribs of the Ship, called alio fcrnetiiue i;w;>u. On thcfe the internal I'lanks were iiaileJ, which, together with the x^'TuHalai /s^i-'fi.-, or according to A'ijhfhr.iics the ''•i"W<»^', which aretheH'jA;crBfnJi ■which run round the Ship length-ways, and on whichi Men fet theirFccT, when they clambcrup the Ship's Side: and ihc Ribs, external Plank, fV'". tompofcd the "■>"'?"", /..i.f.'.j or Sidesof the Ship. AndtheJci h of the Ship within board, or height ot her from the ^' .iter without, they divided into three Parts, accotdinp to the Number of the Zones or ff'r/n (much as we now call the Jf.it ■, and the Lniivi Fori For the Foil were not the lame v/lth ihctati^Jirrmai,! fas feme have fancied which arc the uppermoii Decks 01 Coverings in a Ship bor l.ia.m mentions the upper and lower /•'.>/, .as being Haces wheic the Rowers fate, in thefc Verfcs, betormeiuioned on another occadon. Iiili.tt dilfhfis f.'Jh'i I'ukmia p/iffiin, /It']; implct ililpcrjj Fniot : Tn-pidatur itiujfo Summit iciiii^io, l.d cnun ir.ni rebm in nittH iimt in.ili nnn.iiim t/iuti peue!r.i>at ltd imos. And before in lil. 5. -. 10. Atfrjiqii^m riipiis jc'.i;ui amfagilus liatifit Adjuinmos irpte.it tjui, d.-Jccndit in u)..l,r. In the .Ships Sides were Places or HoIck to thrulf the Oarsoiit at, which if it wete all inone conunued \'acu- ity. Ml. l\'tt-i faiili, the d !•;(;) , ailed 11 "(»«'• : Kiltil, as It was molt ufiial, ca.li (.)ar had itslingk Hole, then thcle difuniit Holesvscie called ^^'i--^ and '\-^^'i:oli>, as appears from Anjl-pl-nua and I'vUux . And ihelnteiprf- teron the lonner (aiili uiily, ihat tlicy were loitieiinies 1 called "*«'.'"', from their ai^peating louiething like byes. Thcfe Holes, 'lis plain lioiii i'^iu-, the l-.uf 1 calle.l lo/um/.iiM, becaulc ihey were like Holts in a Uo\e-houfe, placed onlerh, one above anctlier. 'J'hcy took their Appellation a'lo (.is the Rowers did irotii tiuir Ijcipht altve il:c Watn, the oipiru.ult being called and thcit anticm Nanus in the two tamous Languages, thefJrfi-Z^and the l.annr Sihejjct faith, the principal Pairs of a .Ship ate, the Prom or l'ron\ the \'upi'ii or Poop, and the /■<-K.*ir 01 Belly. In the Belly is tirit conliderable the /<'■/, which is a long Pie, c of Tunbei placed along the Bottom of a Ship, into whii hall he- ground Timbers and Hooks arc taltcncd and bolted tore and aft. 1 his the li^ni.iiii cal- led Cf.rina, and the(.''irl;j -i-~n: aiidf'f'. The Keel wa,s bent 111 Its proper Form, by the means of certain Polls or Timliers to which it was fillened, and whi, li the C,rcel(^ ,-al!ed t'liyi ; and this word C.iiilitlmi thinks antwcred to the /.irt/H 5'.»'i'm/'/(i. Anncnilv they put Kerb only to 'heir l.ong^ Shipi ; ihcir linall Boats, and the iVtucj Oiiemri.i; lieillg Utually without them, as Scbtjjcr thews from lji'\hi us Next to the Keel was ihe «">'", the i'<>i««»i( lome have confounded with the •^'fl'ii' rjimi^ or Keclfon, which in reality lies above the ««*«", and is frequently by the f^i'r^,,! called ■■ • *•'' '^>->-i.'-: »>,«^fi.sTi*ii> ^ and by Arijhplwncs .'»f@-. ;\t the bottom uf the Keel were placed pieces of Tinibei, to lave ihc Ship ttom danger cif fpringing a I eak, if llie lliouhl happen to itrike upon a Roek, CV. aii,l alio, as /'i*.Alaiili, tofave the Keel frc»iii breaking and wc.iring. 1 hele the t-ivf^^i called A'...(r^».«, ;4nd the / f.t-.ni lunei, as S'i'itfei con- cludes from this of Ovi.i, Lib. 1 1- Mrtnmnrph. v. 'jiii. ^g^ " ^ callc 1 the \ .'i took "^ Whi< ^^H theft 9 Ab INl KOVVC I [ON. XXIX ■i llirult t>jf 1 ucd \acii- 1 '•; lUitil, 1 lull-, ihLll J ■ vi J.J, as •,■ c In'i-'ipr'- '* loiiicniiKs ;' thing like f lilf I -HI' 1 i Holes 111 .1 j LI 'lliiy ; JlJ llulli .ult In-ing c.illol »'• '-", tiio middle Ranks t"^)"", ind thofcnext the W.itiT '"'". The wiiole fpace which the Men took up to lie .inJ row, in the Grerl{i wascaJied <>«»to ■ Which Word Icems alfo to ligiiify the fpaccs between the fevcral O'lUnn Hcmomm- Aliovc the V'^'iui, over all the Banks of 0»rs, there iva-i a Palliigc left free to walk in, and therefore calletl Tm>ia.3i-, aiid fometimes ™f»»«'tJ>-, as being camiguous to the uppermort Bank» of Oars. Schfffer thinks, That thL- F.fitiAiicc into the Ship's hold was near this place, and thcrct'oic 'tis callrd Adiim by Ovid, in Libr. ^. Me- t/itftc'ph, — . Pun hie mihi maxitn^ Juris Inijuf /iJitu fiibfifle AiK-ientljr 'twas called /fgw : Which word linniiii hath in this Verrc, Lih. 8- Miitijftto^nunt, ageAria ttmgA rrpleniw. As 5c/j."«ffc rightly correi5ls the Text: Infteadofthc Vul- gar, /l^urU. Let us now leave the middle pait of the Ship, and uio>e forwards into the Fore-Caftle, Head or Prow- Ihis the Grr.'lii called •!•«, and M'i»n>, and the /.«- tiitii P'aia : In fome Ancient Ships, we read, that this part was double, as alio the Stern ; as in that Ship of niMimii, with which he fled into E;^}pi. Here wascon* fijerable, lirft the fi^'W.^ which was a long Pecce '•'' Timber (licking out of the Head, fomcthing tn the form •f a Helmet, and with a kind of Votut» or Scroui at the end win'iini', downwards ; which frotn iis Shape they cal.'cd i»)«« "->>•, it being fomething li^,'. an Eye; this S.o/w was alio called «i»«>.i.^ and «»'°i«M»>«i« : The up- ptirmort Convex part of this, as appvars by the draugnt of the Ancient Tiiremii which Lit\itTui B^yfius pretends CO give us from the ^■ai^.\ Column, was the «>.orre£lsinto tb^i..i, that is Cheeks, in Allufinn man H'lmaiie Face. Between the Sides of the ProworHead was cont.iinod that fpace which the Grcekj called ^f>f"- f". beciufc it was free from Rowers, and this reach- ed from 'he foremoft Oars to the «'>.'>t<\h>. This Prow iir Foro-pa't of the Ship was anciently finely adorned : Somctmics puilded with Gold, and fometimcs painted wiih beautiful and lively Colours. Of which Red was molt ancicmly in ule : For we find Homer giving the (> rek Ships the Titles of fUi,liTO(»ii and »«iri«ti»f«i: This they th'Miiilir very proper for Ships of War, bccaufeit w.uihc Colour of Blood: But fomctime Blew or Sky- Coloui was alfo the Falhion, as bearing Hancewith the Colour of theSra: Thus we find in //i»wi. Ships called »«>c»t»e«i from their bifw Heads ; and in //»i//o^/M»p; they arc callrd »'«i»««i.,i«.. 'Tj, mentioned by Ovid in the 4th Bock of his Fr/li : Thus, Pifia to'oribui iijitt. Cm ulem matrtm eohcmn fiiffii habet. In thefe Colours, and in divers parts of the Ship, they did ufe to repreliem the Figures of their Dcirics, of Ani- mals, Plants, Flowers, Gc as Bnyfim at large Ihews from the Ancient Monuments. And the manner how they did it is defcribcd by Vitmviui in Ul, 7 c. p. There was alfo one kind of Ornament which, with the 'jreel^i, was peculiar to the Prow of a Ship; andwh.re- witli the Extremities of it wore iHorncd • Thcic in gp. ncral they called •'>?<••« ; and by th« Sclioliaft on T*..- cydidei, «in lu^iAt, The I.«^. The Top, or uppermoft part of it, was the «"«'.«!i», or Aphjhc in L^tine ; which was a kind of handfome Shell framed of Boards, and placed over the Captain's Seat in the Poop ; a little lower was a Place called »»nVi:,^ whofe lower part was the Mtma ; and becaufe it was bent in an Arch, like the bead of a Cradle, or of a Basket Chair^ they called it ***'"' : And the Planks of Wofd out ot which this was made, ■^tfdtm. The Poop, o upper part of the Stern was much h^her than the Head, and inciir\arcd in Arch-wife: Mr f'i'rii/ mentions the Commander of the Ship as Handing, —Cdj.: in puppii and Ovid hath it, Statitcm in Piippe reewii . For this was the Pilot or Ma- ker's Place, wno gave Diredlions for fteiring the Ship : And here the Commander in chirf fate, iti the .ibovc- mentioned arched Scat Which /fwnitw calls «'■', the Ltitinei called it D':iti and Taberr. •.culum. In the Stern wis:'.(otUeTutela Naiii.oT the "^iiJlurc or Imapcof the Deity underwhofeProteftionth-Ship waslthought to be, as having tjccn folemnly committed to it. The Stern was alfo 'then, as it is now, the moll honourable part of the Ship : And held fo fiaed, that it was a kind of San(ftuary to retire to in the grcatcft Danger : And this Fmsbfrgiiii (in Schrffer) faith is the Cuflom at this Day in the Mediterranean Ships. It is called by Germ.viicui, VeneranJa Puppii : And i-i'ty fpcaking of the Carthagi- nian Embitfadors petitioning tor Peace of the l{rwans, faith. Lib. 10. c. jS. Cum ad Piippim Pretoria S'avis itt- 'effijfrnt, Velamenta fupplicum porrexerunt, crantei implo- rantefj; fidern ^cipimis. Let us next conlider the Rigging, 1 ackle, and Inftru- meiits ufed aboard a Ship, both tor common and War- like Ufes. The liittruments necellary for common Ufe, were fuch as were fubfervienc either to her Rowing, Sailing, or both. Thole neceflary for Rowing were firft the Tr.ivjlrnj as the Latinrs called them, becaufe they went a«»'". 'A>.i« and fi«': From whence the Latine word Juga in the fame Senfe • Thefe Traujha ferved the Rowers for Bedf as well as Seats ; as is plain from this PalTage out of the Agamemmn of Sc neca. — Credita efl vento l{atii ^"/"fii Tranjirit Miitt— -~ A.«l XXK I iSI 1 i< U l)V t I I 4^ I l\f M If n ■:t'il AikI from this of lVi^uiil. \'. — C/jciW.i Itixitiiii'i memtia ijuicte Sub Jif'nii, fiifi pc> tliiiA Scitiliit Ktiiii*. He might very luftly call them dum Snlij.i : Forilicy uiTC unly the bare ctols Bcjms ot the Ship, wiilidlit ;iny IWds u| on them- For to have had fuch woukl in thcfe I'ayb, WDulil haxcbicn thought 'no foil lying lor a SuMiei or a Sailer. Nay tht- very Captain, or Cuin- iiiandrr hiiufelf, dept at Niglu in hts Arched Huit, or Cei.tury Boj, upon the "oop ; where he aboile, eat and dr.tnk by day : And i'luimi; in the 1 lie ol W.V.Ai.iiA-j, takes notiic, that luirie lofter .ind ealiir Methods ot ly- ing, which that (lencral had contrived for huiifelt. Were objiVlcd againll him ;is a gre.n Riuh. S. licmi, «»n.i, (irDar-.: Thcle are (bnieljiiieb :.illtil Vitlmulu^ but this word properly lignilies the outermofl hroad ends ol the Oar which Urikc the W'atei : Ihele the (r'N-c/;jcall »»'ai; and they were olteii lined or covered with Brafs : Thefe Oars were ol ditt'erent Length, Strength, and Weight, according .is then: wasoccalion, .ishath been before obferved . The Ibrmiii.c tiling the gtcatelt and longefl . The Ihal/imitx the lealt and Ihorteft. J. There were ncceJIity to rowing, ihe LoiaoiSiniifi, by which, as with L Jiern Sticfs, tlic Oars were tilt *ned to the Scihui, that they might not lUp too l.ir om of the .Ships tide, or out nf the hinds of the Koivers Ir'iiiiniin 1 lb. Ici. C. 8. faith, l\fnioi ^i'i.i S:.iii>i i >/'■'/'. ii icV;'.i'i, '^ (u't'.iii c.iils this, ;..'■. Thev called them alfo aifr-"; but moll ufually '■" hom their re quiring a Mift to carrv tiicm. The ."I'l//, liiiie l.iy, was firll invented by l.:,in , others ly /.)r,/^,';,t, At firil there Wjj b"t one Sail in a Ship ; Tnit in a little time we find mention oMdeot the tileot mi'>rc ; v.lvik' Names are 1. ^,nue '■ And this according 'o /'./...v was a kind of Top- fill, ufcd above the .Inicin.i : And fervcd ra- ther to diieifl the Ship, than til forward her .Moiio.i, or give herfrell. wa\. The -tittiniii leems to be the fame «ith what the L.tr'na called 'i.r.fMvni. Siimmn f.imlfn:— Sii/p-irj Veloriim, fc itutas ei>!ii;_:t /:u)mi. LiiLan. Lib. V'. For f.i//:j/.' faith the iiipp.v/: were m.h Sails as were born aloft', or rn the Tops oT the M.il'tv 2 '»»"•» were the lowty, or great S.iib, ilie Cejifes, as we now call them ' '. f.) tie M.i 11 fjil and L'ore-iail. Some have coii- l()«iuled the ■"^'" with the '<■■■-, but rhele were very fmallS.ulsiifei ii-ioif where iniheHe.id, oi rather about the I>j\v-fprit: Tiny ,ire Ibinetiiiics c.'ulcd alfo l.ipaiir. f;j.) 'i.iijfu,. was a Sail of the id Degree of Magnitude, iiid as I IcJjJ iiii and Ifio.ionii fay w.is placed in the Stern, I. r, it was the Mizzcn, as 'tis now cal'ed. 'I lie Matter of whi' li 'he lirll Sails fecm to have been nv.i le WM". I.r.-:i-cr: \S'hich l'i:ir>^ eon. hides tiom the /.,';i«f Word IW/im, .1 I'cilet!: Thefe I e.ithcrn Sails v.eie ufed by the I'oirnf.iu in C.tji::\ time: (V,/. Lib. -^ dc lid'. (),:':. .: But they were generally of Linen at- rnwards, aj thev now arc, and of this I iiieu there was a lort peculiar fM Sad-cloth, v.bi- Ii tliey called C.:ib,i- fut. Ai ai'puii by iIji* ot l'i>nil, «nJ ii.ary oilier I'*i- —-"---- TumiJo./j infl.itur c.vb.i/m .hiflrt. Stiaho tells us, Lib. 4. that the People on the Nili ufca Sails made of Reads ,- and many kinds of Reetli 411J Kullies are ufed for that purpolc to this D.iy in the lir.ji hi.lia, where nothing ij, more common chan iii.ureU i'.i.u, or Sail made of Matts. i. The Yards on which the Sailj were hung, or beri •"i, 'he- (;.f.^; called ■•r-'^. the I r.ui.n A'ltenn.r . Jluc SiUin lir.ii.iis calls their Ibmetimes l V/mh.:, in Iniiiatiir. of the O/cc/;. — I'cU.i; Siipi'ibit cnf.ia ( "'u ntpiJui/i Iciiiiict Hii.c.vti, (iCiiinibui cmuc. C'ihj!i':_ ,.-/ jluiii The P.ins of the Yaids next the Maft, by which thev Hide up and down upon it, iliey called »^:i^. and n:«t ■"• : I he parts of the V.ird farthelt from tlie Ma(» ,1,^^' called ->.■.,., B,^,/v., ,,,. ,, we fay, the Yard Aiin^. But the veiy exiream I'.iris ol all, ihey named .x^-.'.., . the Tipsor I'oiiitsofilie Vard-Aims. i- '■'• the Mall in/-.'-, the lame with ■r»»-.j-.,6>.' was that part of iheMaft to whiJi the Yard was tutfj when tiie Sail was fct. 15. c-<„,.,:,, the round Top of the Mall, where Men flood to look out for Land, and in tin^e of bight tothrow Uaris, Cc the Lop-mall aboie this Was called "t'-', and the very bxtrenuty 01 To- ol it tbcC.fi^j called . »tj'>, on which hung a i'endan't* or Streamer called ^ '■,•.»', 4. iTutu., j«w.-j mCtncral Of which the A(.couit in the Ancient Writers is very obfciire. S.icHei thinks the y..tn«f J called tlic //.jZ/m./j and Ufn with which the Yards were hoiftcd up, or loweicd upon occation Kjidciilci : And ihefe Vcgctim calls tunes Chnlr.tcni froin the O.eck. ■^>-", dimiiioe. SiiiJns leems to limit the :-ws.;i fo, as that we arc to undciftand by them only thole Bread Ropes and Pairels, which fallen the Yards to the Malls. The C.-hl/.i,j, Amlmui and Avqnin/i, feems to ha' e been what we now call a lUr.cr, which IS a R calls w.fii,, and tiie / .if.wj Opi- t'r'f, liiK.e they Icem to be intended, by the el.irk Ue fcriptions we have ol them, for the lame life ; 1 mult have the Le.nned Rcider tu |udge. Thefe Ropes be- longed all to the Yard ; but the "■■'■■', OT I'.-Mi Were immediately fallned to ilie Sails: Thcfe I take- to be what wc now call the .S'l.-cn ; which are Ropes bent to the Clews of the Sails, and .are deligned to hale ctf, or bale on the Sail as tlicie is oceafioi'i, and accordin? m the Wind veers about- The Ropes with which they ufcd to lltike ot raife their Mall, Schctfo ■'■om the SJic- liaftupon ApUloiiit.!, calls ,"i..>i»i, A/c/M/i.c : Winch I take to be the Stcys of the Malts : And thoib Hopes which Iheiigthen, keep, cred, and fupport the Malts fides way, he laith weie called Tfi'^-n, l'ntvi:ei ■ i.e. a kind of $//.u.(j. The K"-:*--!" leems to have Lccii ci- ther the Taikle, or a block with Shivers jn n, thro" which the lunning Ropca of the Ship went. The Ca- bles, Hawfeis, or Ropes by which the Ship rode at An? >.hor, the (o.ri;! called -"-.'wra and fumtiimes '-"""-n : The / -itiiies ^hich'.nn ; and A>,cim. 1:1,1 ; The l-'ctictt/sm long ago ufcd Iron Chains inltead of thefi;, .as V.rlnr oblerves : Ancbo- i- po fitiiibm lefen i.ticius laiiiii.t. The Rope with uhich any Ship or Boat was towed a- long afte'r anniher at Sea: Or on Shore by Men or Horles: The (^ I cf-'.'i called •■)i.., Iuh^.h and .--f"i'»" : Ibj l.miiifs IMic.'ci.wj and /<.'w;m.v/ . And by F'/^in and //j- li 111 tiic We.rd Spitn is retained. 1 hofe Ropes by winch any Ship was fjllened a-ihore, the (->«/;< called y^.1„',ih-jm,r,i.r,:, and ■r,iu<'c,i. But the /(cwmhi i{i-:in.iciiU. And ufuaiJy near the Water ll.le where Ships lay, there were great Stones let up, with Holes L'ore^ INTRO DV C 1 1 N. XXXI l)ortd in tficm M let the Reiinitcuii t\\sd : Theft; Sioncs tU- f.>ff(i/ called Ak".».« : Um lomctimcs Ancliotswere iilcd alfi) lor this purpolc j and (binctimes Pofts ft* "H | with Rings on ihcm ; whii h I>//hj tells ik. were called , Tovfil t. "There was a Roj>c alio which they called Toi - ! meninm, which went from Head to Stern, and wasufcd to keep the Shiplipht touetlict in hard Weather, as///- tl'irui laith; and ol this kind, as Hjiiw obfcrvcs, muft the lhf«:{umitt.x be, which lire mcniioned by St. Inke to Le iifed about the Shu. m wliiih St. r.ml was 111 ip- wrackt. 'Tis pl.iiii I'udi nleil lo be carried to Sea j for /lrif».«(; faith, in Piahmi) l'l/■. Alcx.tnci'inui hisblamin,!;ScA/. Pompeius . Bcoaulc lie piirl'ued not the Enemies Ships hard enough af- ttr he had woidcd them, bmfntfeicd them to fave their tlifaoled lliairer'd Ships, by iinjcr-(iirting them with .•\nd as it is plain from this vii Ihrnce. 6. '"c, which /yi;rfir«j and tu.i/ii/J cMi .:iiipiijtei and IleruUotui, v"''"!'" "Ji", was the Soumlmj; Line and Plummet, with which th/ry both eitaniined the Depth of the .Sea, and alfo nndcriiood the Nature of the Botti-m or Ground, over which the Ship was. 7. ■^<^^.■... .,;Ai.,_ which i'rjius calls I'llkn/i, vvai iii« Ship's Pump, whereby to free her from the Water vi lud- Icaksinco tlic Hold. This Lucretiui calls llnujhum- Vt Hiiiics icrfitre ^t.ii .V,]; lUuJim uU.-inus- 8. K..1«r«i, wliKh was a itint.t; l'o!f ( fuflifient Length, by whuh they tended otl' the Ship from llrikinij a;.;;nn(i Ko, kv, Shelves O.'. .inci ailc Iti "lerolV lijiii the Slioreiniii thcM'aur : Thele ha,l, ?.(. iiir Setting I'oles to tins day have, lion Spikes at tlli ottoni, as appears from thib of (V/^;. U( pe , sine Vuiiitiiii :ix Jiirr.ii-Ci-.riti* I'rJJiiit Inifciiofiui .E./wi)'. ^. \\„iJn-<^ Ciibertiticiih, thcRudJcr;,; In the ancient Slnp-. wiie a kind of Paddles, ct iironi^ Oars with bmaJ Palm-, ; thcfe were faflened on a Sir.lwui on each tide of the .Sicriiof the Ship, not jiill behind as our Rud- ders ire, but where llie begins to round away cowards llie Srern I'oH. .Soineiiines tlKfo were called /'/:<•(' c. The fever.d I'arfi of thefe Rudders had thofc Names, • iw", Ct.U'ii', which was a Nail, or Sprig of Iron, which went a-crofs thro' the I'cfi'n, at the end of the .I'lfi, to keep the Ruddrr ripjii in the 'iiv/wn.'. »''<•, I'eiiic.i, the roiiiid long Pole ruunini; thro' the middle of tlie broad paic of their Paddle: Vituji 1, I'iniM, the broad pait (il'the Paildle, on each fide ot th,; I'ciiici. »->», Ww/.;, the h.iiulle or 7V/'e , which the Stevrf-man hvid in his hand. Some fmall Iioats had but one of thcfe Rud- ders, and then that was plarediult behind in the middle of I he Stern , but the larger Ships had always two at the lealt, difpoicJ as is above laid: And I'loUmy Philnpjtin's Great Ship had four. In fome of their Ships of War, there were alio Rudders in the I'ore-lliip, that fo they might Iker away Stern formod, if there were Occa- fion. 5. »V/,(5«, /li,;horti. This was firll the Invention of the Tyrrlvnir.iii, as I'ihiy faith, tho' others attribute it to Mid.ii, the Son of Cordlon : They were very anciently made oi Stone; And that not only as being great Stones tvith Holes bored thro' to fallen Boats to, as in Rivers now a-days ; but formed into the Shape and Figure, nearly, 01 our prefcnt Iron Anchors: And l.uJotiaa tiptnanu: tells us, that at Cj'eciit, in the i:.ifi Indies, Marble Anchois are ufed to this day, the like others re- late of Jo/i-iw. W?/'ra.tiCi>.'^ ; auj the [{(:odmus S icidtismf. nuom. Lilwj. Thek litjhti are fpoken of by Ci/z-i, Lib. ij. c, 14. and I'liny, iib. 7. c. 57. will have one I'Hrus, whom in the fame Chapter he calls Tm/ifnnj, and faith that he invented the Trumpet, to be the firft Author ot Inventor of them. Ac lirlt they were made very lirge and long ; but afterwards finJing that they too much hinder'd the Motion of the Ship, they were inade left and fliorter : For they were placed ufually under the Surface of the Water, as appears from this Paffage in l-7;^i7, y£neid. 5. Toiumi], drhfic! Convuljiim /{ctnis, l{i>jhijq;ft,idemibus .'S.ijtsor, But there are fome old Medals that cxprefs the H^firn as partly above, aiidpaitly under Water, in the Ships ufed in the tirft P»hu/;^ War. And Sch:tfer trom Dicd,n,s at- tr buccs the Contrivance of placing thefe H^flra entirely under Water, and not the firll Invention of them, to .Irilhthe Coiimlti.in. TheNumbcr of thefe /^"./r.i was uncertain : Sometimes a Ship had but one, fotnetmics two or three of them . P:i..tny Pininpntc'i vaft Ship is faid to have had feven Hsftr.t, and yF.fcl.yliis makes \'i-- llcr's Ship to have tenof them. Their Figure was often that of the Beak of a Bird, the Head of a Serpent or of fome Beall, and from thence came the Name Hcllr,-. They were only in Ships of War, which therefore are often called Nitvet R^ftrntJi. I The ■f™'''^' alfo, as the Gr«/;.J call thctn, were ano- ther part of the Armature of the Anticnts Men of War ; and thefe were thick, itrong, and pixiportioiiablv long . Beams, coming outof each fide id" the Prow or He id of the Ship, in order to fend off againft the Stroke of the I Fnsmies i^o/?M. Scif/f'cr thinks that rheCcrinthinnt iii- venttd |i»l i. J Ml XXX 1 1 I N I KO DVCr ION. 'Ill * :t ■i I I: ■ V vcnKiUhife Kpotik:, anJ tlut the Srr,icufi.ini were the weight, would make its FoKe, to break the aJvcrfeSlii>, tirll th,« t;ilowi'il ilicir J'.xaiiiplc. Ihcy were alwayl'the greater. I'lici'd 111 ihe ForcOity, ..iiJ ,('ii(i-i]iii:tuly the I'tyniolo- I Ihere wetc airofcvcral other liiftriimoms of Mif.hiiti fiUs are niiltakiii, wl'Otix ihem m the Siern part alfo.j which the Aiirietiij iiiaileiirc of in aSia-tiphi, is ll.i ■ t ildth II t api'i-ar that the /(d»."i< had any tJainc of ' />rt;{i>»if i or H.if/i/i;.f, wlij, h were long P(i!es wuli Irnn ilior own f.ir ilufe I'.f'fid.'!, nor Jo their Ci") or AM b .■< fxprcfs their Figure Ihii in loitic of the Grtck. Meil.iUihey arc very plain, an Inltance rf which Scltffer I'ivcs Irom / '?;'"'. lie alio thinks, that thofe Beams wliiili ,-ire Ibn-.erinies d(t>riUd on Coiin, as (ticking 'jiitdneai> tcrw.ir.!, an! over the l{jhn (wliiih I fup- pnfe were moveable, an.l were t.ikrii in when the .Sliip atra-k. d tlic l-iiemy with licr ft^/^.r, iivi thrull out when ll.e wasatraiked) were called al(b l.rciiii-i. Thi Ireaking dtV thcle /;/■ n'/;.., /'•./« \, ;/'/iJwi/(, *c. we learn were cenain Decks or Stapes of Wood on whith the Soldiers ftood to fij'.h , in a Ship of War, ami to throw Darts, Javelins, O. . at the Hiienr . I'ci «i::ui ealls this Deck the Coiifii a- t.iviS:.:i ; whenc fich Ships as had thefe Cnti-flrcmiitii, llic l.iht's i-alle^ .N>w;('.^';/?,,i/«, the '."'rrlc! " ' " . and (oine-imi '■ thev .ailed the l■.,^f■."»•« by the Name of nyif, tj'it. Thcle .\;!'rj Coiilhaii weie oppofed to the Apc-t*m •if«^'«i, /. •. as we now call litem, Op-nUomi. I'tii.i, 1 lb. 7. c. t,. aufibiitcs the Invention of thcfcCht anainft the .£;■«■' f, Coreyti, and alio agaiiill .W.vf;, were only fovercdover with Decks, Stages or C.ui^ftiom.it.t in the Head and Stern: For, asToKcr./i'J.v exprelfvs it, »i »""'' •^i,!tii ,\)ttJim wwini u'rf^Hf'o. Somc Writers havc con- founded thcfc C.iMy?'0(«.tM with the Fo'i, but fallly ; for the For; were a kindof Divilions of the Rowers into CLilJa i but thcle Decks were above all the Oarj, and over all rhe Rowers Heads, and were the highelt part of the Ship, OT thcl'mfi'^iuc^lif, asthcy arefomctimescal- led, wljero the Soldiers ftood to fight. Biffins obfcrves, that there were foine of the lelfer Ships which were covered clofc over for thcit Security againfl Darts, ilfc. And Cit/jr faith of the M.tJ]ilimfei, l.ih.i. de Bel. Civil, that they ufed Fifhing Boats clofe covered, to rccurc their Rowers from the Danger of iho Fincmici Darts. But Schjfcr thinks this was rather by way of erev'ting Blinds, H^iifl Clotlxi, 8cc. or fonic Co- vering or Defences perpendicularly on the Ship's Side, than by a Covering quite over at the top. Attdthis kind of Defence Tliucydidci calls ™f«f«>»'ii1«, the LaitHci I'iuti:, and it was made fometimes of ftrong Leather, and lometimts of Pieces of KopKff'* and •mf«:»VJ«awVa. Hooks at ilw Fnds, to hold the Fnrini^s .Ships, th it iliev might not pctoff. M^hni htrre*. wliieh ,»/.,/.(;,• f.iith wereof two lortS, either a kind of (Jantleis which iliey put oniheir Hands to lave ilieni from Cms, Hl'>«s, lire, ttfi. andalfo a kiml of Iron Hotks or Grj|lcs wh\li they fiftencd at the Fiid of a Kopc, to thtow into ai..l aiiJ catch hold of ilicFncmicsMup, Ki^piiip, c4irj of the fame, to fccuie their Legs. They had alio aiiEn- ginccallcd differ, which I'.^rtim Jd'ctibesto be a llciulct long Beam, like a Yard, which in lime of Aiilim was llung upon the Maf), and had at each end an Iron Head lilvc a Nattering Ram. This /IjJW they had a w.iy of forcibly dtivingagainlUhe Enemies Ships; and it would deftroy and ruin any Men rhat it fell upon, and ibmc- times break a Hole through the Ship it felf. At the Ends of their Yardsihcy had alfo oftentimes «'t«'«i pla- ced, which were Kngines to throw Stones down into the l:ncmies Ships. Diodarui Sicului, Lib. 12 Livi calls them Ttllctii, and by fomc Writers 'tis tailed Ciccni,i, •'•", TcU.-n". They ufed alfo the C.nii, which were Pieces of folid Iron with j Spikes to them, and a Ring on the top (according to Schrffer) to which an lion Chain was faftened. Thefe were violently thrown by an Engine into the Enemies Ships, and did often break Holes in her, but moft times held herfo faft linkt, that they could not get off. The way to prevent thefe Co. ; i and M»nuiFnrt*hom taking effeS, was, as Pu//;/»- faith, to ftretch Hides all over theii Decks. They ufed allii Sifhonei, as they called them, that is, T:ubei, or hollow Cylinders fillctl with cotibuftible Matter, which would fuddenly take Fire, and break out upon the Enemy with Flame, Nolle, and Smoke. Ignu cum Vcnitni (Jhnmt is^nito per SifUttti tmijfm S ito iiiccntt-m. And fome- times they threw Pots of burning Coals, fometimes of Quick-lime, to blind them ; and iinnniM iifeJ to thfow Earthen Pots tilled with Serpents, as Juftiiie and Or. Nefoi tell us. And to compleat all Mifchicfs in one, the Ignii Grtiiii, as 'tis called from Crerce, the Place where it was invented by one CixlUnicu! a $yi(iu A'chi- tc(S ; which was a Fire that would burn under Water, and asfome fay, be kindled by it .■ After it had been a convenient time lodged deep in the Water, it would rife up and burn any thing that came in its way. Ste;(.iitti Another part of the Armature of the Antient Ships , his Hift. Naval. I'au media, p. iy6. The Mifchic\ous of War, was their Towers ; thefe were chiefly ufed by j Confequence of which way of fighting Liicau dcfcribe«, the l\(ii!ia>n, and were continued as long as to the time of Lih. 3. Thus : 1 f'opug- I/, faitn tl Vointiiodi ti.icula, 1(1 in Mare quo-jue pu^'ietur, vclut e Muri I'Uni, Lib. 5 J. CI. Sometimes there was a Tower both in the t^ead and Stern of the Ship, and fometimes one on each Side of the Ship about the middle. Plu- taicb calls thefe Rowers 6''.":>!, which was a vaft Weight of Lead or Iron caft into the Form of a Dolphin, and in time of a Fight was driwn upby Piilijs to the end of the Ya'-d- Arm, which when they could conveniently, they let go all of a fud- dcn, that it might fall into the Enemies Ship, and fo link it; and periiapsalfo they had fome Device to throw it with Ibine \ ioltnce, which added to its own great NuSa tamen plutes hie edidit tquore Clidci Quam pelage diverfa Luei. Sam pii'giiitui Igiiii Af[ixusti.vi, (3 teilo Sulphur e viiia.\ Spargitut ai fiicilet piaeerealimentaCaiind Nunc pice, luirK liquida rapture incendia Cera. And again. Nee flammii fuperant unit, fpatfijq; per /Ettur Jam ratihui, fragmenta ferus fAi vetidieat Ignis. But Jet lis leave this dreadftilSubjen, to conlider foaie- thin^ more pleafine and agreeable. Tifie Greeks v\d Himain had feveral Peculiarities in their Method of adorning their Ships. I have already obferved, that they ufed to paint the Prow of their Ship* with Red, Blue, and fometimes White Colours, 10 ftrongly, that no Weather ivsuld injure it : The Me- thod of doing which was by btirning in the Colours with Oil and Wax, as Viirui,iiit defcribes it at large, Lit, 7. c. 9. and this Method of Painting the Greeks called £n> caufiicc: And fometimes with this they ufed to paint ilie Figuresof Animals, Plants, Flowers, (^c. IntneFleads of^theit Ships they had alio folid Adornments carved in the Form of Helmets, downs, round Bails, which tha ' artiltf 1 Greek _ ami Stctn turne 1 Creek, 4 the -1 midd whu whii. Figiir i». »i. yet II .^ the \ ;b 4lly 1 * lookt % caule 'J I'ani'.c 4 theVi .% times ,■;.•"'/' of hi^ famoi Flaini VOS ll{ whole they p Hiiii" 1 pediti Hilt '% adoriK ■ 1 n.ikcj « Ant }) is Jehr . '"1 flil^Uu a enure I J| ncrcif M All! t 9 weicM H to kccj ^ raufc t M The R H and bu H (.«/■--,.•. H and Sa H ing of H which H taftene: 1 but yet H to man: H ill his .) INTRO'DVCTl 6"n. XXXlll in one, the Place A'chi- icr Water, iii been a .oiiKi rife See l{iviui ifcliicvous •Icribcs, irities m already lieirSbifi ours, 10 The Me- lurs with Lih.j. Jlcd £»- paint die ie H«adt ved in hich tha (;.fr((/ •«r('\'« and ««?;'", and ilic l.AtinnCon'nb* \ and by fomc Authors they arc railed R-'lh/i. In the Stern tiK-y had akiiidot Shell rtaiiicd of Boards, which turned forward over the Commander's Seat : Tlii% the Gi'i'filt.' I ailed '*•*•"■, and the /n/iMfy /Iphiflie. Behind the Aniuftre flood np a Ion;; and Urait Stafl', about ihc middle of whiihwas fallciicd a p.inlvoloiired Pendant, whuh phy'd to and lio in the Wiii.l, and Ihewed alfo whii-h wa'i It Mew Of this t)tn:iiiient lUijiin p.vcs a higure. AnoiherOrnaincnt wJs the ^''"'i'"^, oi/lnlei- uiiii, which iho' Ionic will have to belong to the Htail, yet moll Authors pl.icc in the I'nop of the Ship : It was llie I'lf.meof a Coofeliis Ht.nl ,in.l Nivk, and w.is uln- ally pl.iccil .lojniniiii? to i\k- Aj.'iJI.r 'riielioulc was lookt upon as.111 Animal of pooc'.Onu'n to Seamen, be- lanle ot iislwiMmiitin lo well In the Water, without kUm;erof ilriAvnniH. They nl'ed all" liiineiinits to pild the Head .ind Stern of their Ships with (iold ; and Iniiie- tinics they lilvered tlieiii o'er; and foiiicinics made the .■Icrrjl. Hjui' (Jold, Ivory, (j'.: .•)'./■, /.i./ef had the S.iils of hisShipnt I'urplc, ashadalfo Ci'f/"»/».i tliol'e of her failioi's flally ; and often tlicy iifed Cloih paititeil of a Flame CV iir, and fonictimes witli Infcriptionsor Mot- to s upon them. Sm-rtihiii mentions Ships of C'.i.i^ii/n, whole Sails were of various Colours ; and fometimes they painted and pilded the very ()ar<, aecordinj; to the Hinnoiii of the Cominandei-, oi tlieOiRiiity of the Ex- pedition, iir till' Qiulityof the I'alleiifjers, w.'. But till/ the Tans of the Ship were thus beautified and adornc !, the common Saili rs 'henilelses iverc nenerally naked almoll all over. I'JIoi Ipcakinj^ of the Wife of Antmiii!^ faith, I'l Cimp/min /cl.yi nmnnA Linen tn clji- Jel'.it 4,t l:^-ii,lii ex \i'i/i:is, niii ple'iiiii,j; wi.li "tutu, (111)' confounded with ii Ly (omc Wtiteri ; Tor the r,itrl.i was the linage uf fune l)citv under wliofe Tn . tcdkion the Ship was fu|ipol'd peculiarly to be : '1 1114 iuirlii was placed in the Stem, which 'va.H tlier.fcfc accounted the mud licted (ait ui 'he Ship, and wai liimetiiTici a catv"d Iniaft, but mod '.mi.'p.iim.d, »■■ appears from OvU Ai^ipU (^ fitUi !',.jfi: n.ii n • Dv», The Name of fa>.b Slnp was ufually written in ilift I'ront (i (he Ship's bkid, alv-nt tlie A.-Jh'- ,;. Til* Flaie where thi Niine was wiifcn, l'i'l:.\ (aiib, iho ''"■/.■ called "■■:-' ; and it wisilniie upon 1 lonndilli or oval Board, whu li fioiriits I'l ",iiie the 'iic 1 1 litqiieiitly eill .tOiutif., "I'ln; ts;.||„c ,,1 i|„-,Slnp w.i.iil" .iv ,m1.i.ii tioiii the I'.nalctni.iii, a we fa. ! 1 1 1 le. I he I'ritornn Ship was a'l 1 dilliiifMlll.id frum ti.'S red by a petuliar (' .vi ' ,-ii 11 Fla;;, vvlmli was iifiully id' a I'nrple or Ucd Colour, and h 'ilU'd up upon a lung I'ole or Staff placed comniunly in ilie borecallle ol ths Ship, aitt ibmetiiHcs in th; Stern. In the /( /noi I'r.e- lorian Ships, the E.iijle, as a St.indaril, was often dil- pjayed, as appears fioinanlnnt Ml nun ei.is, faith ivhtf- /'. In the Praetorian Slops there wcie .illo pciului lowers, built higher, and ijiite diffirent tio.n the light- ing TosTtts bttijrcnicimoned. Thus Lus.i'i, I'.t j.imTui>!^niim H'Uti uiriitHa ('■ti)i.:m P'ciiemt in l':u(iin Hlvd.tiii ,«i/i gur^im Cl.iJJ.i, lib. 3. 11.I1 iigiiiit, Theic we; e placed iiulieSterri of the Ship, andfiunj fl-i!^ltii< itpi.itic-. And they went thus ahnolt naked, to them the WdkI nfc'oiiun.-ind was piven to the NKn, \nd enuretlwnito Hardlhip, that they minht bear all man- SiRnalseriiifeilur dilplayeil n. diieCt other Ships ; whiili ricrof Wfither, as S.Wi-i faith, l.//'../e ['I'l-ukmia, C4, in ihe Nisht wasefh.ife,! I y l.ijlit. hung out 111 the Hrx- Aiid tiie CI thcs which they did wear at any time, torian or Adnma!-, Ship^ ; ai.i luinitiniis Uk e were wcieinadeof lioats fl,iir, becaufe that was thought belt two, and fonietiin. s thiee fin.h, and a.s ofieii lit one. to keep out Wiiiil and Water. Tlitfe (iarnients, be- Hut /./:>faiih, iliai tin- Men of War always iiing out raufc tirl: invented in f/r,' /<',(, were ^alledby thit Name, one 1 inht a-nii;hrj, and the One tary ones two. .Some The Riisverbsvi'reas naked as thoCe that handed the Sails, la.' alio that tin Men of War earned (I'yd.iy) a •liinglikc and but eery feMdin wore any Clothes at all. liut ihe an Helmet it their Topiiialt-heaJ, anJ theOneiaiy oncJ (iM/rii'.i,- • or Mallet, ot hethai eoniniaiided the Rowers always a B,l^ket : Which latiei fums very i rue, fuice and Sailers, anii gave direiifion for the guidance or fleer- Ky/iu calls the X.ivii Oii.'iiiii.t by the Names of Corlitx ; ing of theVcilcl, was dignified with a /'». This is plain from I'/iinf;// There was alio a peculiar Sign, which was wfed to the illhis.>//..j G/o'/'yn', i\Ct. 14. jRowers, to make them keep time, and pull all together ■ iThis was lometimes done by the Voice, like the Noife F.iei'io II! vcniM ornatui I'ltc rrn/itu Nnuclc'icD our Seamen ufe in weighing Anchor, and fometimes by C.tuj'iim hAbeai ferrugiiie/ini, cuUitiim ii oculos imenm ; waving of a Stickj which they called Pfr/ica ; He that P/ill.'oiiim h.tbei ferrugiiieiim {njm ii coUi Thcjf.illcus eft} did this was called //ii/.>/i-' and Pofrijcnlui among the H^m.Dii ; and the/'fif/ca was alio fometimes called by this Name i'Ditijivlui. And peihaps fometimes this P:r- ticn ivasflruckagaintt fome founding Body, to make the Roweis hear, as well as fee how and when to piill. Alfo, belides the Tiumpct, which svas ufed to excite and encourage the .Soldiers to fight, for which purpofo the l.iiiiiii was alio fomileil ; there u-ere two peculiar Signs given to the Rowers ly the 'Voice of the H-rtr.ior : The former of tlufe the (..-'•iii called »' i^ic, and the Latinn llu l-.)/i:iiti.i>i, Si'^num, jii//,.»;;, JiifT"', iwA _,uj- fio . And thisScni'ii) on / ./•. S. .Eu.l^ii^. faith, was the Cl.vnoi n.v.itiiiii rJIml.ii.Jutn -^ u:, niiy.c, nunc inctimiiite l{eniii ! Kat ■■I'ijl'pljitues, il\ H/iiiis ^cf.^. S.£n.i. tells us, that the Word which was nfcd to make them row, was ii'T'-«T»., and that by which he made them dclillof leave off, was "ir ; ^nj cither of thele is fignified by the word Celciihiir.. The other Noile or Sign, which tlic /(• I f.i'oiinadc with his Mouth, and which was fe- cundedby all the Rowers, and ailided W'lh Mufick, if iUfrit ,tit:vcxumifi Huitiftoltvp, cxpnpilltito htuhio ['i4cimfiij, nt.j; ajjimiiiio, 'ju-ifi (Juteriialor Sici. And thus yirgit Jcfcribes Mafier Ch.vcn : Soididui tx humnismio Aepcn.iei .on.ii.vt. .tn. 6. V. joi. Thus much for the Ornaments in the .\ntiem Ships, and the Habits of the Seamen : lot us next conliJer their Enfigns, Ctjiours, Flags, iJc. Andtirlf, that which diftinguiihed one Ship from another, and gave her a Name, wastlie nawmiu-., as the r.Vefitj tailed it ; which was lome IVvice, the Figure of lome .Animal, Flower, or Artificial Thini!;, and wis fometimes painted on a Flag, .and lometimes carved in Wood, and aficrw.ird painted. Thi'j was therefore by the /.,if;w' called I'iHurc, and was placed of old, no', as it is nosv with us, m the Stern, liit in the Head of the Ship, betu-enthe l-.mb "ituini and the CicDii'.iV./ -J, as Schffc iaith; jtul jult below I they had it, was what the f.'rwi;' tall 5))«;'/»m'i. .s.;-/. the Sfi'/.i, fay others. But that it was in the Head, and r« obfervet, that this bath penerally been confounded above x)M:l{jh:im, appcarsfrom thisof/'.'i^i/, .tneid.v /EhiT.i fiipj is Prvna tenet, li^jlro Phrygioi iinciln Lcmcs, When: the I^tr.i'nmm was a Lion, and therefore pro- bably the Ship called by that Name: For tliat Ships were named from hence, is plain frcgn O;/./. EJ> m.'hi, JUij; preco>\ finv.e Tutel.t Minet-M Kjvis, & a pitii CaJJidc nomcn lubet. Here the Pji.ijemum was an Helmet, and therefore the Ship was lb called ; but the l'«f.-/.i was Mmeiv/i. This T«fc/iJ Nr.vis was a very dilferent thin j from the Pttrujc- wuh the tclciijniit lfl,)kltiip I",'.' t:\t i'jIN, (.uiiil'itA Stiiii.n, aiiJ 'II- (/,/i, ai'j No'i'i-, asilochalfn liitiliitcrrrctiT, ixjihin- inn ii to K", f^ri'iii Miiim McMiUiioii', '/« ' /< "/i';'i J f v- i' ',!,', It !!■ : Ami tlic other I'ikI anii L)i'lij(ii of ihi.s Si-a Song, we Itani liom i/ .'ikj his /'.7. V. v- j4*. Atcllvit wdi'i) mf.'/i'i iiitc>ft»At Oiphcui Urnii^lh, t.tn: j /. / .'./ i./.i/r l/iHie:. Ami fmcc vvc arc lunv IpiMkiiinof the Aiitkiit Mc- th'iil of rc;^>il.itini;i!K' Motion nf the O.iis, lb at that thry Ihiiukl lliikL all ti jjrthcr, aiiil give the Miip as fr.lii way an was pii.lillc I micJit to take iiotiie of the l.il/:f!:i t{i:r. n, ujuih a certain Anoiiyi'ious Amiu.r 111. ntion., as invent.^ ami ulVil 111 the 1 lire of linicm, anj wciv Ship, wih \V,irtr-\Vlicc!i ii.ilcaj of Oars, an,! iliefe VVhiels were terneJ ri un.l wi.liin by Oxen. Ill A '1". /"■■'" his f J i.i M.i'.'niii'', p,7i:. 'i'hcrc isa Fi- Hurc ot a Miip wiih lix h ch Wheels, aiul thofe moved ty jb many Onen. Thtl'e /../',.;;« I{ t.m oiir }{,viui p 1.1, I s. nl his ////.'. Suvr.l, Mc.l t: is ple.ifed very much to r.Jiivi!e; lilt it fieiis to ari'.e frc^iii his iinderliandinp litilr I f ( oiitrivames i f that Nati re : 1 he Del'iKii 01- lUe.l of a; lijitiii his figure appears ^lumfey and ina- iliijiiate for the ', iiipofi it w;is uuciuled for : in ap- p iiiriiig .in Ox to every Wlufl. Ihil it doth not fol- low from lunu', that no Iiiiproveineii's can l, 8, 1 ;, or i 2 Paddles, accor- ding tn ilie Rate of the Ship. At the upper ends of thefe PnildKsait fillcned Iron I'ins with Heads to them ; by whiih means, and by the help of a ('ord, taking an half Tun .I'.our all rholc Pins loth the Paddles may be fvvifod.or llrain'd and flreiigthencd fo.thai they fliall all woik piopiriiniuMy ; .111(1 ihb a Paddle- may (with a 1,'irt Tackle) be cafily ji.inded in ami out, in order 10 be fittcil into or t.Tkeii out of the Drum-head of the Bar. Nowhere, if the Men svill but work (and the I abriir is nothing near fo hard and dangerous as that of weighing Anchor, Oc.> if there be a fufficient Kum- 1 er cf thcni, and the Paddles made proportionably large, 1 doubt not but the Tnginc will gi\c tlic Veflel ffclhcT way than any (Jars run t\o, workt by the fame Number ef Hands, as indeed li.ith been found true by Experiment ; And I hope our (Jraiid Fleet will not vi- (it the M.:littnti:ncaii another Summer without this Contrivance. But to gn on, brr m this brief .Xccoiint of the Ornaments, Enligns Flags, Standards and Signals of the Anticnt Ships, we may make an cafy IVanlition tothcfe\cral Diftindfions among their Soldiers and Sailers. The Soldiers or Ma- i-iiics differed mollly lioiii thole in the I and Service, by the Strength and Weight of their Armour: Which ex- ceeded theirs, bcaufe their fighting was more (latio- nary. I'hit.nch in the life of Ihemljhcl-i, faith, that each .Manr.f War had 18 l'rr'iu, Sat; tlio' th.if Tirin is alfo IbmetinK's given tn iho Mmiiiri, anil to ihe Xiiif.cor .S.iilcts tio! I have al- ready lliewed the Diiilion ot the Rowers, into the I'r.t- tr.mii.i-, which late lowelt and next the Water: The ^►gi;^, which rowed in the middle, nest abnic tliciii ; and tile 1/ r,«i.>/, or the highel! or iipf-eniiolt wKiih late next to the ft'.///" wirtM. And as the Rollers had this Triple Dilfiinaionlroin tluir Si itiution in the Ship, fo were they denoniinatei! alio ftoin the Mnp it felf : Thulic uhieh belonged to a 1. /. fwi/r, the f. './■./; j ijlled Ti" ' «■: And thofe that rowed in the Oneraty Ship.s {111 wlich there were \fiy feldoni Oars) they called Sf-'f "J' ■'" : 'Ihe Sailers were diOinguilhed by their fcvcial Offices and niiiployments. 'I'hnfe that handed the Sad<, the lirttki called ^i,..".^i..j thnle that got up the Malt ro look for Ships, I and, CV. Some fiy were cab- led .Sihemhrt ■ and by the I .iiitici , Spc.uUi.'ici : fhefe )>/,'„, ,alls alio C.'/zMf -, beeaufe tiny lav (,i flood for this pin pole in the Co,tei 011 the 1 iips of the Mafls: Thu' the (.'//■I were rather peuiliar to the Tops of Oh,, . iM , Ship', as 1 luie before oblerved. The ■fops of the Malts ot Men of War being .ailed C.tlci-. Thofe which were empIo^e.l in Mell'jges and Friann iipandiiownthe Ship w,;rc tailed i"ii">.U,; And tliife did all meaner and more fervile Oltices: Some plied the Pump, others weighed anil dropt the Anchor : And they had a peeulur fun of Fellows, whom they lalli'il t'r iii.itnci, whofe Biilinefs was toe'ive •'• wii and cleat the Anchor, if it were foul of any tliir^,, and would nti come up, ,ii appears from thik of' Liniii', Lib. i v. 697. I'lgnnfuir iifui i„ illn l'..\ii)iius Pi oidiii /i/:,'ii:/:m fi'.vtie fub imdn Sciutnii.j-ficlum, I'.jni.l m •l.ff^-t n.cmi, l-.t nim'n ri[l .\rt unci coiiv.lloi m^ fut, 'l.l,ii\,vn ijiictiei iMi tci.J lit .-l/.J'^ra funcm, Thefe Divers, P. i'u.v tells us, the r,rr,-!^i called iok/'C-. '■'jan.lihey made maiiv i;iher I'fis ot' thembelidrs thisot helping to get up the Alkhor : For as KUfilUui, Lib. V. Aition. obferves. U.vforium.ji iiir., I p'ieJ.i!, i^ f.tptc p etimcto KAiifr.igii; ii:.]iic iinttiJcii,IJi-'i the wliiilc Ci.nip.iiiy. lii liirc thi- SInp put *<-> Si.i, cvf ry H«iul al oard her «.ii I'lViilid, in his li vital f'apacity, that hcnn^hi Ic knowiny; and n.idy in hia li.iliiiifii : Wc Kirn ItiiiiC'. If and'/)!!", that amonn the li-num a very cDiilidira- I'lc tiitif w.i> allotied lo exer^ile the Ku\ver», and to render ihtin Ht lor Serviee : And I'hbii.i, t)ioMrhi, and I'.'i/y //.//, all fay the fame tliinx df the (<>>ftJ i and lor the l-ttter I'erlornian e of llule idct'iil Exeriilej, there were peaihar Offia-t, appointed ; whith liy />i,"_ till', l.ili. IV. I. ii. are i.illed \.c!'!m:.lcs, or of one which he imagines was like it, and would ferve well enough for this purpofe. Vhcn the Ships la" up far from the W.iter, ihcy drew thi-ni down to the Sen in I'l.yilh.i. wluch had ihcir Bot- toms covered with Skins, law Hides, Hcta fave the Ships 15ortom and Sides from ln|ii7V, as Di.i.in-us Siccn- lii, Lib.i..-;nd l.i-.y. Lib. ai.e.ii. I'otli rcU 11.,. Allbon as the Ships were lanchcd, then the WH«ri,v or Provi- lions were put on Board ; ;ii)d that ofieii in the Ships d W.ir thcmlelvcs. for 8, I , or li LXiys time: But (i Idom lonper : Tho' iifnally the Prosilions were car- ried in oiluT Ships cr Vichiiilers, particularly provided I'lr rhir purp. fe. 'i'his beui;^ vbrne, the Saders were lirH fi;inmoned en board by tlie foiMid of i Trumpet; Ihcii the Rowers got 111, .iiid each .Man took his IV.in- fliuiii and Oar, either by ( junmand, and Ap|.'uimnien: of the I'lcrii.t, Of niurt iifually by I ot. Nmx *gi", Hixii, fp'tttiti ■fjuiiM Smitn, tifmniiitiq; fattt dimilt Jmli vliti, Kropert lib. t v bTc And to the fame purpofe I 'i\i;i7, t.ib. t. Mi Sin mmni cplitl.t j{r,»«io tcHn ii jlHI.'mi.nn Sciiiiiicmm And affoon as ea< h M.in hail hisltni' h arid In. Oat. a I lotted hini. Ins N.inie wasput upon borh. riiiiiilit Ai.i t otfcniive and delenlisc were piir inio ihe I', op, l.,n. eis, I'rf. and the whole .SoleMiniiy was toinhiiid w,,), Sactitices, I iillra.ioii', C>. When tin; Fleet prep.iied to lail, notice w.isiMSen by the .Sound of aliiiiiHe torivci) one to i;ei leady, and at ni^ht a light was put out from the Tnwci iiulie Pocp of the I'rT'urian .Ship. Ihc Order of their Voyage was thus : Firlt went liglit Shi|is, Sp\ Boats, O^c. to hnd out good I'.nts, Stations, Aiichor-pioiind, Cc. and bccaiil. th. y sveni thus tirlJ, theOi'f/;) called them •■'"""'. Nert to theli' "."■.i . UiJ Tiiremei, and other Ships of Wai, ml in the i...irof allthe.N'iirifJ'icr.iMJ'. ThcFleci wasulii.i)!;. C' ni.ind- ed by twoPerlons, whom we may cull the Aduir.i'sof the Ships of VVai, and of the Vidiiallers, Tfm;er^ Tranlports, {"re. and foniciimes there wercinreConi- nianJers, each ha' nig the Charge of a Imal! ,S,juaJroii of (1 or 8 Meiiuf Wara-piece. When they came to the delired Port, Shore, n Pla. c 01 landing, they lol'iotf rowing, held Water with their Oar*, and brnuglu the Ship about, aihl ran her ailirrc Stern foremolV This the / (t;/"'/ lalled ln'.iii-iu l{ mi- H.itiiiiii, and the dircl^i '+• Tf^um «r>"<>i»i, lo elfetll this the Rowers got upofl" ihi irSe.its, tiirn'd about, and look towards the Head of the Ship, .is Si:iu, Itnliun cb- lervcs, Lit', i. Ccnverfo Tyioi pttitrmil remi^_e I'atitt. This turning the Ship about the I .uim-i called Ohtrj;i: Olxiettmil PtUgo Prcr.H. Virgil. Then they lowered their Yards, and ftiuck ihcir Maft«. and caft their Anchors out of the Fore.:aflle. The Row- ing Ships had theii Oats broutiht tluli: to, aii.l lalhtf.ill to the Ship's Side, having their omermcll f iiJs eleva- ted ; For in this polfure they were both our i.if the wy theprefent, and alfi ready to tile again, allo..ii as there was occalioii for them. The Naval Camp or Place where the Fleet la^, they called f.,i//r.i \>:ii!i r .md .W- v,iti.i. To defend thenifebes in this Place, if any Fne. my were near, they ulii.il!y i ut or dug a Smiicircidar Ditch, which they fortilied with a kind cf K.Dopaits ol F..uth, and a Parapet or' \'all ofW.iod, and ihii was their Uefcnie to Ijndward. W'ltlio.it the Flier, in the .Sea, they ftuck Piles down intheWaterdaiulingoMiijuc- ly, and with very lliarp Points tow.ir.ls the Sei, Wlirn they had thus rH'eiifually feciired their , Sea-Camp, if it were Winter, and they defigncdto (lay there any confi del able time, they brought their Ships of Wir quite up upon the dry I and ; otherwife they only made iheir Steins fail alhorc. When a Fleet lay only Hill for a while at an Anchor, and did not touch theShore, they called it St.nio, and the deck.' "t-f^. ''-•'"';>- ; and by Appinniii thel'e Stations arc called ''i "omm. Their Ha- vens the Gifci;J calle 1 ■■""«, the Lati.^ei I'otus: The' the t'u.rm was more properly an Artificial Haven, which was commonly called C, ibm,- ovC'r-na ; where- as a Natural Haven was cal'ed p/?»'«M.i' Sutiuv Thi- r*lTagi- l)fiweenthfie fii'iii,.r oi Af . i Wii lillf.l W i'W-1 1)\ lilt <.r/fii , tint o/^(,»(i by ihc l-.t'inti, .mil filitittiiiii'* f' «' !.•"• iliiilcr the Miipi iiii.i llic"'. -f <» iiiniTinort ( itt ot the H«\tn, wlirte iliey wire iii«ili fiftiothK "•/■!/ , Of n /( mtr ,»ll^ii, the f" '"■. wl" I' wait Work orSt'iiif liiilt likri-iirKi'yi, on whuh wen lliiiiruttlliil Willi Strirc»,l>Hkv^'.-. tor l)uiKtiii|t»r relit - tiiiR Slii(i«, fiJi-. riKl'i; Do. W> tlic (.r«i;i calliil "•"••'■ .in., 1..,.^ ^ . \\'lieiK'\«T till- Antiiiiit luil a Ptofpntk A. xY^v Ci"'.<^<- "'<■» AJ.'iur;il. as ;■,.>/"!/) ti'll,> lis, / ./'. I. Tluy choft a fo, il iliiy fiiiM, rather I" ciipa(;i' m:ir tlirir (•mimes Cii.llls thai) tl.iir own; liie Kealpii i.t' win. Ii, Ic gives in Ins lacti>k«- N: ( m/miV in //<'' i//(../ i'.i" l':ii I m ; iv'ii'tt.n in ,/ i Ifeir.nl miliiei (/lUM I'lti.-i- I'liut /(' i/iiit 1,111 i.ijt.ii .1 1't^unt, fent'i ; /i:l P'rpf llijli- Itin irir.itii fi'/'iii iitlljiei .STw.'f.w rfieiaHlr.', Ji,n in I'lr ij t'..;^iim , I, m.c.riciii A>il';nn).t. Tliiy took catc alfu, M.t inin){a)'.e Juaiiift Wind 1 r 'I'idr, /. c) thiyltrosi' lo jtci the \Viatlier (jape cl' tlio I'liciiiy, :is we Ijcak, \\ inn they (Mine to a.tnal liKhtinj.', they tnck 111 a'l fhtir great Sails i and ilien the /m/cMf.-i v ('(iiimiaii tie- in rhict ippoiiited the t'nlcr of Batiel : Whi.ll was various a. .Dulini' toCiiciiiiiilaiiies i but the lull line, svlien there was more tli.111 une, liiry la'led i'lim.ill.-J- /}!, and the PeonJ V(./i.//,t'M ' And fnmetiiiies tlnre vvai a third Line of liphi hiiall Ships whuli lay lnhnul iht twotornier. l'(iiall\ thcic wis Lnit 1. lie l.iin",and then the ftionnnl aihl Doiitrll Shirs were in the Wings, and tin weakfll in till' (tntre . Alfotl-.e /'utfx's.orchief Adiiii ral's I'olt, wa. in ilic rii(h: Wir,;; ; l-iit if they were in the Koini "it an HilfMt.op, his Pcjft was in the Center, a^.ll|ieii;. r> ilie Tiiitiiks of tlic l'ni|'crot l.re. This Half Mil. n, wlnthtlic '.Iff';' c.ilhd "»»>.Ji( u'. iv.^ ^j, the 11,1 i\ oiJiiiaiy ligiiio of .'.ny . And it gained thele nvo Advantages ; iliar il'.: Inciny eonid not ealiiy I're.ik thiMigli, and were alto eahly heiniii'd in, tr iii- ciirj all d rniiid "11 all fklcs- Ofth.s lorm I u^,:h, l.ili. f thus 1(1. ak-, 1.Vk,v,( l{'-m,t>iitCli:tl •, vii!eJtj;Tii'c>'iei CiM/.yj .-i.-rrr fiij^ui c.\:>i.Hi itmifit culo tctnm '.It, (J pliius .jhx me^iitil n/iioic I'itaii ^hijipi.cei ciH.v.vc r.ilf). Hic rrl/ui nfilo OpjifJ.inm /V/.i^i : l.uui-.iA ChJJ' recfiln'.t 0../.'tif imtthii ji^iiiuiio C'tviJJt Liimni. But th?.i were .illo 111 nle other Figure'!, with Itrait liiiid I'lonts; .indihcfc foniet nics vvireallin i iie III- dy, Icniuiiines divJtd into two Siiiiadions; and Ibme- tnties mtotliicc: VV'hldi lal> I'orm was called t\\c I'hn- 'itiX, asj|'ptars liy O/. ./ /.j SUu.'u^. Shrjjtt intntinns many cihir Icis .1.11,111011 Ftirir.s, a.- that of a Wedge, .111 Oial, C'c. Vid. I. L ^. 1. V. Whttiiei 1 refer the cini- oiis Reader, Leirg in hali to conclude this lonj^ Dilfci - tJtici'. The SolJicrs who were to rirhl, were divided int 1 the Xn/'fi/i).ej, which wire aClii illy engaged upon the I f.ir.il'an.ifi! ; and the hif.-'^ir.i winch flood below ri-.idv to rel eve .iiul hipplv tluin, as they wire dilbel'- fci! or cut oil". Of thole aloft, the heavy and arnud (tood in the Mid-lhip, il.e ir.oft ctpcrt, bold atltvc KlIoMsin the Head; and ilicy were all ready, wiili one foot iipion the Gunwale or lide of the Ship, expedf- ir;;) ti!eSi(;iial -.vheii ihcy iV.ould begin to throw their i.'ans, (£. . l^i-\ yiicrnincie i>:.vij l.tm t.i/ii .t.l prsl'ir.n'.jii, Iici.iiihmi Pi II,'', p litiiH'iiih mitivhic pi ppu /'.\V( :•)',■.>' p'.iMf, n.,lr.K'c! jii nil '<■ lue>,i. SiJ.Ital. I..b.i4. When iliey were |iiH gi.iii)( lo engage in an ai!)uAl Pi)(hi, ihi fniperamr sireni in hit Poji and nude an en* vniiragiMm Spi'ci h m every .Ship. Then the Sifinal tor the Barile wai huiiKotit i,t' the frrlniiaii Ship i svhi'.h by lu'iiig waved to the right ot left, bemn lil'ied up hijh' er, lowered, or eiHirely lakeiidovi'ii, v*As an liillrii the ^7/ ■•, to now by Fnnine', Ct. and to grapple i'alt with, and to tniard oih' jiioiher : Ailit then II grew very warm Woik indeed, as ii.,; i Iftnini defuibesit, l.iii 14. — IliifHil lij(»Ht lilli vitituUftiil, Ai.j; il.ncjltiiniiiril; ,1./ /f.»//rt >$,<■*, iVi-i Mij(/,i i-nf 'nii^i c l.iiw iiifundiiir tujH CimiHiit, ii ^UHi« tenrjliiii (nli,% inilafir. And thus yon fee how fliey I'lhased thciiilelvej in in open light at Sei A woid 1 two ol then Nival 'iiegei, ard Uefrims. When 1 ley Iieluy,i.l any pli.c by .Sia, thiy uuM to l.loik un ihc Haiho.n, and eii- conipafs It all h und vsith then Ships, svliniii ihe> |oiii' A one to aiiothci with * haii's, and ttininuiiuated by Brkigct or liallKS J v.lieri. the Soldiiis sscie always ready to tlnow Duti, c^, and toO|pore the I'allage ot any Shl( s in 01 cm. I hey (Irinnthned this Kaval Mole alio by ihivintf long Piles down into the (irouiid, lo ivlixli ihey falfined their Ships. This was ihcir C/ - cmm:illjti,;i. The Auack Ufon the Tuwii ihcy nl'uilly managed by two .Ships )ointd to one another by a Ittidgc, on ivhkh thcyplaa'dthiit battering Ki)giiie<, and wood- en Towers alio, whiili they hllcd with Men to lialc ilie Walls, and to drive thote that detindtd them from therce Againllthelc tcid Attempts, the beliegcddc- leiide.l thcniUlves by then own Ships, by driving I'lles down into the Fartli under Water, whole Tops wcte n.od with Brafs or Iron Spikes, to aniiov the Lnemics Ships as they appicachcd to the Walls: Sometimes they niaileaCc«»Mfrt,'/r-r/t>i with their Ships againll the work ot the Fnemy ; and lonietin ej endcavouted to burn ir, by throwing in Finli, Ijr, and oihoi coti^buitiblc Matter aianally enkindled ainungll thei.' Shij s ; and now and then by lendiii;', Boats loadcn with futh Materials in aiiicng them ; (as the />fu he, the .•\ntieins had a Notion of long ago , the liiicntion of Man being very early lipe tor Mil- chief. I proceed iiex:, to conlider, the Officers, Masil^rates, Stipends, Salaries, Triumphs, Kewardsand Punillm.enis ill Ilic atmnijli the Antienis, iniheir ibip' and t'lecis. The Officers and Magilhaies in tlic Aniient Fleets and Ships were thefc. 1. The ewn ^ t-;- j..x^, >A,j^(S>-. T)ie ihtfeilui CUIJii, ai the "ujimbj flil'd hiiii Among the Cu-ek.!, this great Olhce was Ibmetiinc in the hand ot one Man, but Itncr dnided lictwccn two, or three, who were all equal in Power .'\s .-LitiiuJa, iSice.ti, and Li-.nuihus Were ; with ihcm alio, the Office was prcwarious, de- pending upon the (jood Will of the People, entirely a . to Its Contiiman. e But.tirnng the l(^^w.;«r, the I'l.i- r.ii;, while they had the Care of Naval Atfiirs, were to continue this Command but for one Year, and then they were to deliver up their Charge to their Sncccllbrs. 1 his was thcOfficet which we now call an Admiral ; (111 hicf ) Ihe Namcot'W.jVn.r,?/, or as the /•'ony; write it, .iwir.i/, fomc think catnc troiii the //J;«.ia«/'ii, a ibrt of commanding Officers, both lot, Sea and Land Sctvice, .111 ongit the Sci.ici'w;. Qm Moiijiitiu, in his Oi/'i'< Af,l^^ which v^'as, l.r laitli, the Title for the /'>•. 'i'clui '..;/'7, or Commander of the Hect iinthet 1- Jieni Empire) bct'ore tiic time of the bniperors i.ri and Alnuriiiui. I N / K (J U V C T I U N. XXXVll Mmri'im, tho'fumt willlMvr ii t)CiUrivcillri')in ■<» Tlic iirif OlS .er lo ilic Hifh A>linir*l or Comman- der iinliiil, will lilt •"(«'<"', or, «< h< i» i4ll«l «llo, M(t*<«""'<)', Thii wai' kimlnt' (^liy/f./miV^/, irMl wj< fl) cillrj hy the '>rrrii ( f^illi V'\iIhm ) brc.iufc he W4< Aflid.inr, in•>-«(. ir.'K j mul ili.it ihiH iv.is liiiOflic, .»|'|'i'ar« «||ii frmn (tvrril |Ull,« Hfl in ^nfl»ii\ Hid. I he H'xn.ini iall>lNjv.ilSrii'ii;rli <>! a H'l'ij lilt ilr 10 WiTi' .imirlitr fiit, «li;ilitlii: Hifl;, iiilifil •, .i<'.' "' ^1, hIiiiIi lijil mure iiiiintiluiily itii- Curt' nC tbr .Ship*, who li.iil ilic Munafji'iiiiiii nt j:| Maniiini' Atl.iiii, wcu- to | io\i(li I'dniiiiiulioiiii H.ir Knir», III ilitfill the t."iiili' ol ilic t'lnt, i?> . Ami Pt-rlMpv he ilut \va< A/.t/(ri of ihe I'rctoiiAi Ship riail I'iMiliiiily thi^ Tille ol ,1 rln^iilfinin. Sih-ffi; ihinks that rhis vti* (he liit e Ofi. rr with hnii ivliuin I'rc till wWiil'i ittiUi /( >ii ; ./«, aiiilwliom /.!( >, hl> 14, I". 41. e.ilK I'l ftfilii' SrtiiiMi ir i.»./)i);i/,. Biif ihin he- ini; no iMiiiKih.r I)eUii|iii>>n ul hit Offi.e, 11. htiiliu ilctriiiiH' .iny ihiilf, | iliiively 4l)Oiir If. , The ( ipi.iin alio df e.i h parikiilir Shi)' the f.'iMi^i p r.illol %...»,,'>, ami lilt I ,iiiii,-< from (hem l\4v,iie'ui, '"'*> '-'' iliu' /..(7 t'rei[iicm!y llile.s Inn I'l.it-.iui, Jii.i / ./.^v i.^l. M.i%^lhi N'lwi, ami iTCm pive-, Imii ilu- Name of I'l c.i' <;, AiMi. 14. i.!s Hill. J. t. r), whiih lalt Teriii .liiionf. liic (.'(ciii lij-jiiliiJ ilic t.'ipt.uii ut a r;,.<- »i/(i: All I iliere ininc'itioii jjl lol'.i "ti'i'i' ^>', who fcoiii» til liau' I r.ti :« Mraui wirh loiiie t.ilier IVrfmi 111 the C.>iiiin.itiil of (^api.iiii of a itreinn. Thi' t'apMiii of a •'««.>>>•, or I Mup of f Or.Huft, was calItU nil"".- .,) '> , ami lo Kir oijur Kates. 'I liul'e uho .oin- 1 ■ - nwiiJiil the Si umn, anj li.i.l the inimeiiuie ijarcof tlie^y'''* '" "^^^H CMiiJame ami VViiiking (if the Sliipi, the fV.i-.-';/ callul ''"''"'''""""' V-.-7.-l-1. till. / ,,„„,., (,iJ:;„it.'r',^ ami loMieliine? .ir..'i,>.t. i.,,,,.©. . .,., , ^^^^^ Jhi V.e/„./,»/ ,\,ii4//*»«. Ih'iOllitrwai the fame vwith ''">■.•" ''■■""■''■ laith, was to (leer the Ship at ilitl iin our Mallei of a Ship, am! hi I'oll was in the I'oop 1 1'"{"' "' ['"^ Malter. Ihu', .is l,iv Nunt implies hi- Thjy ha.l ChartMlf.. i„wli,chn.){ only dipS it!.,v,o„ |0» CiHimnrt «n.| .lilUni Rcjiiom wi-re'leler U.l ^ Lm fli.-t..ui(eo| rlKWind. all. »^4,riprclled, «n.l hnw. aiul liom what |'art». aii.l at what umr, thi-y >.|,ially I'Jcw: anappcjrt fronnhn l'a(I...e of /v,,.fi((,.i. | L .1 ■If Aftlu].-. ; . 1 ' ^l"' O ' Ti/kM riao. .l./i/^re w«ifc/t/ ViMMiin lulitim imi^ftitvtU c j[.i/. ThrnUtrn^ttr wai alfi .|,ilfi:| |,„w -o aini.i Fixk., Shelfi, .Satiil,, Ci. either 'n lih mv.i ! «p luM.e.'ilor- imr Voy.ii>eMiiai!cii)'li uii e I'l^ ., 01 L\ tli- \V,it- iiil'iol ■iiJiiT, i tl,i.(),; npfi'.iiin'-dA.voiiiin ot wh...|.; \oya«esthey,all. I l'.,.f,l,, a.iU / 1 r,r ,„. Ilnvajalu (iip|ii>lril loMMitMltaiul piT»',. H.. wJI ihnvay -if w. ik ",'K "* » '>'iir. i'ul how , wild l.ieh polliile, that ihe iiioiiM i,iak« file ol I , way. For any; 1.- iiiit, 1.1b. I, \ nj). t» , ,; • llfJ/ut t l9iki7iif ^'itiiyjn. /n nii7< ;{«i"*<' And /.//..IH Jtefniif, the Ciiloiui. " » 1.S8. at work m hit I'l >Jit, d ill U. ,iHi I'ufptm .led'.!- Ilci4,;i,t in piouiiu, i.nct let in fiipfs rUil-ntti. Sometimes there wi-re two of ihikCiuhtnino^f,, kUh-- .lallin thcyrejter .Shipj : Ana.U^wfaith, it wa. ilic lifiial Cullom to have it fo aitn.ng the Ci./,,i '.«,««, Die iie»f tJfticeuiiJer the .»,,;(,• , was the ;■, <■.•,,, who was to nuraKC the Helm according to the dufdi' 11 ot """•'■'"•"""■ TheO'«f/i;iealha him_'r.,'.'. ji.,l he ai I thcic- — S.;«j y.' // Viitf:- XUilJh; . Suilu:, Tlitb.8. V.267- lubt alli, hi, propi r Toll in the ('...iv ciiHcid jf rhcSiip, whcrclumefiy heuaito (it aii.loUlne Jic Wiiuli, togivciiotKei)l RcKks, o^. uiKlallapproa.h- Soiiictm lie isdelVrihiJ as (ittinnat iheHc:in, ami "'S '«">:<■■'■ • Some will haie lum tuliaw luil the Care the I'ja. where he laii wa., liy llie'./«('j called .>ka.^. ; »','') of the ilifpodtidnof the Rowers, of the RigRiiijiaiul 'y over tlie Seaiiirii .ippcars to luvc been ^ '"''''"K°* 'he Ship, ,iiul he that was to aliilf the Matter y this of Kn.«. /il\ i , »v"h his Adviee and acfi His Aiiilinritj very great by this of K Typhi ngit, r,inri/,;l,,!, .iiljiijja MiHijIii, i^iiilitm ml liimmi So'ii.m Jnii cumin 1. it cum I'nU.I /MIJ/,) Oeo ...^ ^..,f,y., .,uiiii will iia\e luiii tuii.iw iiail Ilk- t,aic alloofthedifpo/itiondfthc Rowers, of the RiKRiimaiul ^ '■ "- 1-- "* •'••• >-'■-,, and he that was to aliilf the Matter adual ScTMCc, whtnevei rei]uiiej. I he next Oftkcr was the «."'.■., as ihef.r v^mjU^.J him ; the l'oitiJi:iihii, or llotnioi l{(m:/:.m, (Imietliiiif; like out Uxitfw.iin ; one that either by .1 Nolle he made with his Mouth, by the Blow of a Mallet, Hammer, Mn.k (whith they called I'nti,^ ) &> . g.ivc a Su-ii to tlie iigot a Ship „.„.,,„ „„„„i, ,,, call It, and make her lail to the belt advantaKC. Their Knowledpeof the Stars 111 amaiuiei was con'tincd toihe Obfervaiions ol tlie(,'f.»( and Linic Ben. twoGmrtel- Jations near the North Pole, lo called, as appears from Luctn, Lit. 3. iJ. 172. Sig,»ife,i> .jii.rcim.;; Ihiuiit ldeuti,:C uo Kun.^unmjhv ic I'vh mi(cioir,ilicHtiaNwtts iuiltni mm Jcjuiww , (cU.ju*nm mcrjlui undii ylxis iiinii.hiui ;.\cminn iini i)l,iiiw AuId Vie rrpji I'lippci.. or thele two Contteliitioiis the Crf/^, took moll notue o the (;,<■„/ «f„,, whidi ihey ^alleil lullx, and wi- tIj.llii-S 111! lt',llll. but by cnnaBiMgtheiiitojoin iiitlie H.umony uitli Inm, exhilerated their Spirits, and nude them loiuet thcit Labour. — . — \ie,iix Jl.tt Miijiine p:,pf h. Qui Vfct /iltriroi \.iut.ti'ii!n umperct icliii, lit iriins diiiiti Saiiiiiim ; pitiitcitj; rtUtis /III iiumeiiitn pimuUt rrjoninrlr. cxmU t.tifi: Silui?, Lib. 6. v.jil And thus alio i».jr/H.', Lib. 5. rlminij. v. 345. /liclivii mitio tnc.liii inier/.nnt Ui phcui l{cinigiii, t.iiii/.i^iukt mfiiiCiiOora. Dal Gmiii IliUct cwjum tnajo.iiiui Aftri Cut of this we havefaid fomcthing before. The next Oflireis were the .N't-uk./.i^, or C'lz/Wf/ ^>- TL.i n- n . , , , ^''«m: Thele icicjh, il,;iiks, took tliarge if all the ItieLcflei Bear, which the Gw/^. called Cvri,./,„,t, was Suls. Cables, and all other Inftrumcnts on hoard „/ n,otr.ga..leJ by tk- W,., „,;■;,,,.;; tl,.-y lirlt dilaivcrcd ''''//«•«■■ Mils tiiom •■•.^i, and he reprelents their OfTKC and oUerved Its Morioti mu„d the Pole, and that the'w ^<^, taking care, efpecially a-n.gl„s, that the Ship Koleatar It le t was the lafl 111 it. Tail. And indeed the^-i'"'-- »' no damage by running acainll Ro.ks, ItnkuH Miowledi-oot the .Stars m general, and the tiilt Foun-jagainft the Cround, c?,-. which they were to I'rev.tic V IS f>Mtir|.|u ItU.'.nn ..^ *l... nV thl* III,. t\i K^i\mf. r\r 1.^.^.. ll^.l... ...:.l ■ , ,7 ft"-'"-"", «■"' Oil. Ill] datioiis ot all our Alt.onomy, is entirely owing to th ^•l^mantis. /s„d the Rcafon why they obler'ved the tpvjiu^ rather than the Wci.x, Ucmuniais in Ameii thus cxprcllcs. Cerfior cjl Cywfura tamcn fulcantibui ttJunr ■ Qifippt hrriij „ I am jUoj'e CarMnc inn,, Si.limiAin.j, i'^tem mm juim !p:-^}at.% JefcHir: by rhe ufe of Rooms or long Pole.s with whi'h rhey were to fend agaiiilt Dange>, and to fet oti' upon oc- calion. fit Ktl/fi/Atow; n;x7ip» »ai/K>,ii{ia{ lfMl<7{3(( aVji/OiiKiru' Kj'iae ii^'otiv. Sophocles. ' Th ci XXXVlll IN i KG D V C f I N. !ii *■ ili i; ■fhcic wrre alii t'fficcrs whom the Gieek' called Toofy. j iheic had rmilurly tht Charge ot tlio Ships Sides, as appears IrujuTwinri'H/, and from tliisot tl,tii- dUn : ..'; vfUit exnitis trntunt'li nAiita rnnlli I'icjtiilur Latcri ciijhs lie Confiil. Mallii, v. 47. Schtife, thinks thcfc were two Officers thatcommaiKlal, one tlic Staihoard, the other ilie 1 arboard 0;irs, all a- Iniin the Shij'S Side in Icngili, whitii Iccnis \tiy I'lo- bahle. , , In the anticm Ships there were alfo iltiuers railed f.^"»i hy )lrmi, who were ai'poinieil to deliver oiu the fevcral MelTes or proportion it i'lovilions to the Sliip*- C'oinpany : Ihefe leeiii to be the lame with what the /<7«,{>,j tailed Oi.f mm;, a kind ot' liuxjhrei, or Clerk.s b1' thel'rovilioiis : Sonic will have them to he the lame with the Cci'iiji.i, Init I judge tluy were diH'erent. There wa^alfoiheyf^w^"'"'-' •■ J"^'-, the \<^v.tlh Soil:i, as (■ , 'rails him ; whi'hkenis to have becnanOffi-cr aiui.-igoiistooiirl'uikr. And laltly there was the 'wi'", whum;' /,'«vdefcribtsasheinpanAttendnat uponthcFire: liui whether he were the Cjok, or the .s'.i.. i.d.':.' ■, 'tis h.lully pnlliliK- to deterniini at thisdilMnec, tliere ['cini; noparticii'ar A.uwnt ot this OllK:e giveM any where in AMii']iuty. l.tt us next -onfider what Stipends, Wapcs and I'.n- loermcnirntslhe Antieiirs t»ave to their Matif.cs, Kow- ■ CIS aiKi Saders' Ami thefe were ot' i kinds, as S.^rjf' \ rhleives: Mniiey, Bread, I'rovil'.oiis, i-^r. and Clothes. Inn oil aiitien' 'I'niies, wIe.Mi eillu-r ihc Men went Vc- Iiiniiers, or a Privat/eiina, or when tli.y were fiiininon-; cd o take A nr.s for the iie, ell'ary Deteiii e of their Coiin- tr<. ..pain(^ ati Ii/afioii. v-c do not tiiid that any StipfiiJ: 01 Sj'ary wa-: ci ven to enlur Soldiers or Kowers. Alier- icrwards a . private Men made a Trade ef War, they 1 paid the So'dxrs and Seair.cn ; and it was not till the j firn l':tmck War, di.it 'heir Stipend oamc oiit ot the , piihlirk Treafiiiy, anioni; the Hsm-Ti-. Ihit in the le- 1 fond I'iml:': War 'tis clear from /.im, Lib. Jj. e. 21. | that their Wages and Pay n-.is rakcii from theme.: But if tlicTiejU'.ry wereout of Cafh, fomctimes panicidar Men rf )!ie.ii Fortune and Polfedlnns paid the Fleet, and at lall it .Miiie to be laid as a Burden upon private IVrl'ons I'or /./:v. Lib. ;.t. ftith, that aecordin_^ to cai h Man's Ciicuinftanccs or Fftaie he was oblii^ed to hnd one or more Seamen, and to give them fo many Months Tay- 11':s was done bv Pe.ree of the Senate, when y . .l-wii'/.'i// and C. r. im;>;.';,j were Ccniors : And then M'aitli he, I'li'imni cjf I'.-.Hum, lit Cii-Jjis R" •/.-. Sidii y,:ir.!:'i(S fiiv,':!.^ imj:'-Jt f,:i.nis ccvij'e' ' And this C.'uftctn held till H/i'.i.il\-.' was driven out ot lt<:'y. audi then tl e /( 11 •>: Aflai's began to mend a little. After j thi.sit af pcit,^ again fro;n / i';>, that they paid their Sea- , yieii out of the piibliik Treafurv ; and as lor the Fleets tvliirh were put out by their S'Cii or Allies, thev made ] flitii pav the Soldiers and Roveers at a eertain Stipeml. ' Indeed v.'li.-.t this Stipend or Wat; ■. was. whieli either rhc H^iimiii themfclvcs, er their Allies al'owed, is rot eirtaruly know ii, H. lniU'i thinks'twas lets than the Land I'ay, and j'uell'es, that as the Land Soldiers had i -[I] j, fo ihefehad buttwo: Bur altetwards in the tiniest t the I niperois, it was raifeil ; tor S.'i'fi-i oblcrves, that 111 the time of ..'u.^'.vyw; il-,e Rowers had 5 l{»ir:>i ^r,i,.i -^ Slid the (Iftieeis IVu was railed pre portioiiably, as the l(TMf.i' oNer and a- bove tlie publiek Stipend ; bfcaufe 'as the Scholiafl faithj their (Vtib bunp h nuer tli.m any others in the Ship, they had the liardtit Labour; and to '! Is we nay add, that miv />i .:ai;d rowed, whtreas the others Irtc ; andbi- la;es, if tlx- Ship were of <; or w' Order*, then (.bis niuft move over their Heads, which made it yet more laborious and diflicult. Thcie were tailed .t6..««''"i by Hcjychiut on thiS' account But what each particular Man had, isiiot eal'y todillovtr. '1 here is a railage in l^liitaicl's Lyjr.i.ih', by whith 11 appears, that the com- mon Allowance for every \.u,ta was three Oic'i, and that f^'icat I.\/.i>i,!.-\ requclt ina«le 11 toui. After tliu rjj.il'hen.ti iiitreaftd ihcit Pay to a Ur-ai.ii.a, irlix O, t- //',_as We learn from IrmiJiiii. Lib. S. They had alio Cluihts (li eh as thev were^ allowed them iiiit ol ihe pubhtk Mi ne. , and tliis wa.s aciouiited as part ul their Pay, as was alio the l-.;.;/.^-".''iWiui Pio- vilions which were aproiiited tor them at the iliargc of the Piildr k- Sumetiu.Lsiiiey liaa a eert.'iiujuantiry ot Corn allowed them, as v.b.en there w.is a proljirCt ol a long Voyage; and often bakd and iicil d A'ieai>. VMien they haa criule Corn, theie wen Mill.> alli^weti on board to grind it ; bii theN I ,ul oltn.'r their .'dluvvaiice 111 Meal or Flower. \Vh:J\ w.th Water (to wlitch lometimes Milk, Wine or Oil was adiiedj thev niade up into a kind ul l.'./J-'. uhuli tin dne'ct t.illtd *'*^" ; biitthis was a kind of Hjitv pudil.ng, and tame fat Ik rt of the gcodnelsof Biead. C.uiuk, wasall'ua iiv;;lr.y l^)od\^ilh the Rowers, ooth .iniong the (./fc/;) and /..i.-.'.i'J ; and Cheele and Lggs they iiluall) took along ^^itll tlicni. Poi there i^ .111 Ac- count in .///V/. /■/■•)/,. "of a iirta.n odd kind 1 1 Umili, which he calls , which was nmch ul.d at Sea, and wasiompoled of Cheele, F4'gs and Gailiik. This I'ari-Pottage the li^m.ii.- tailed klriuin and .I'li.viiwi, and lonictinies //..•'i'.'ii?.'.-, as .V.,:.i:;ci thews tioiii /-'""""■J. I heir Drink was' notlmig bur Water, elpetially lor the common Seatr.en ; But we do now and ihtn read ol Ok- h.ers having Wine on board. 1 hele Provilions vvtrc, as we have bet.jie obfcrved, earned in petu.iar Veliels, .iiit; not put on board the iMenol War: And how tliefe Ships diU'er'd fioin the Xdu-j to,,; ,-, or Shi(s of War, aii.l by what leiuhat Names they were called, 1 have in pait llu wed belore, and liiail Ipeak of ag;..n in the Catalogue of tie: kveral kinds of Ships, amrilierifoie lli.ill fay noilung liirther ot thctn iKiw. 1 Ihall coticlude wirii i wuid er two a- bout their Rewards af.d Pundh.' ■ : :s, and ct the St a I riumphs. Tiie iifiial Re .' ird that a Conimandcroi (.'aptain had, tor tchaving himlelf honcllly and bravely, had, was a Ni(,«, ;iiid I'JIdi i.i'uls it- Ihis Cori net ot ri porf.on.ibit to their Merit, I eing greater or lefs according as they behaved thcnifeUt* it'thi y were Foreigners thty were lometimes made Denizens; thev were exenipred from Taxes, and ihey were emloncd Willi k'vcral other Fnvileges and Advantagi s, according to tlie Pleafure of the (iovtrninent ; and they had olteii alio the Honoi-r u> lie bulled m lome publiik Place ol Repute when they died ; which was a thing they were very l(-,nd of. And as their Rewards you fee were Honorary ; fo their I'uiiilhnicnts tveie uUiaily Dilgracts Such as de- grading them frtm thtir Station, taking away their I r mnnll'aip, iiKapatitating thun IVoni any ) iiblitk C'ftice or Fmploviictu, and lonietimes di| rmeg them 'il the 1 ibeity ofwcarng thetommtn ardoidmary Ha- bit, with thofeottluii own Rank ; But tl.i-> was cliictly if net lolely, a Pi nill.iiient tor Cfhctts that did lui behave iheirlehcs asthey ll.cuKl have ilene. 'I he i'^:n- mon Soldieis, Rower-, or Sailers, weieulually chadded with Corporal Penillimetit : And ilrs uasot ; kir.ds ; t.(iinniiii or O/.y/i..:), whii.h was lalhing then Back with fmall Ropes or Cords ; or with a Cat ot Nire-tails, as we now call them , and this was a Funill.niem for little Faults ictimitttd m ihe Ship: Or 2. l.M'r.a.ii- 'ia>y ; loi great Crimes and OHercts Ami this was to hangtlum I'ply the Fletls on the Sh ps lide, wiihoi't Board. ai:d with theit Htads i ownwaids Ardfoii.i- timestyinga Rope atom thtir Middle to lit them down uiuUr Water, and kliiig their g; t|uitc imdei ti c Shi|sKtel, to diaw them up tn the o;l,ti /ide ol 'he Ship : U'hiil: PuiiiDintnt ut row tall .s;.i'i.-V/.:i/''.i It a Mull Virtu H'"-- ■ L N'l KO'DVC I [ON. XXXIX A«l aManu^.. • d, or fled from his Port, the Punifhmcnt was to cut off both liisliaiids. 'Twas a common Funifti- niciit alfo, for a griai Fault, to put the Offender on (i)orc, ill fonif barliarous and favapc Place, and there to leave him to lliift for himfelf : But for Capital Crimes thcPunifhiii''.,i was throwinp ihe Offender over-board, and fodrnv iiini^ him in the Sea. Naval ".rinmphs were deligncd as peculiar Re- wards, a'.d as the Hoiimirs d.jiic to tlic Imfer.u.^i, High Admiral, or C'nuuiiandcr in thiif, for an Kniinciit \'i- thiry in an r,nn:icciiH'iu by Sea. The iirll that ever had tliis Honour among ilie Hiinr.ni, was /Jiii//iHMhcir Admiril in the Iirll Puni k \\'ar. (or his Signal Viilory J over llie (..vti'i:t^iiiinii b'lect at l.ija t . Hi.nfclf and Cii.l C'ji;; /.I. beiiip, Co.,ltd?. Poforc any Tnnin| li w.is de- 1 lermiiicd, the i'liurar Cotifui always lent tn l{;'nie a Ship iTOwn'd with 1 aurel as a I okenanil Notification of the X'lCfory . And next he came home hnnlelf, if he lould. lu ai lead fi-nt his own Ship, i r Ships, adorn'd witli tlie Sj'oils of the Hncmy : And if he came lunifclf, he «.!•- nut by 'he Cloululs, Pri'iors, and moll of the gie.ir (.)lSiCis ot the C ity ; when he was l.inded he ap- phed hinilV.'t m the Sui.uc for Leave to have a Tri- umph, wiilioui whole Decree it cmild not be done: When on due Kxaminatioii of the Circiunltances of the Virtuiy, thiy ihoupht ht t'l ailinv him a Triumphal I'utry, It was iifuall.' ptitormcd after this manner, I'irll, as in a I.;nid l'riuiii|ih, the / .Vi m bcjian the Ca- NaKade; thi.f.' weie foilowed by Midiiians, whofanii and piny'd the Sea Song, Tune, or Ur.niimia, whereby the Kowers were brought to Ifrikc true, aii.t to keep jull ri ■'e with their Oars, as is above deli.ribed. Next tbllowc-. I'.fhitcs and Repreleiitaiions of the F.ngape- ineni ; attir ibis came t'le H^Ji .i. and other Spoils and Ornament, nt the biieiiiie'. Ships, together with their Anns and We.ipon^ol War, drawn a-loiig in Carriages; '1 hen were buiui'ht Tables, in which the Nuiribcr and Names of the b.iieniies Ships were written, which the i:\irii liad i.ik;;i cr deltroy'd, and at«T thefe were car- ried the i lealiire taken from the hiemv, the Crowns which were preleuted by the Allies. Behind which marclicd the (.'.iptive Pirates, Captains, and Comman- ders of the Eiieinies Ships : And next came the Admiral himfelf in a Iriumpjiant Chariot, railed confpiciioullv high, and wearing a Gown adorned with Gold ami Pur- ple, and with hi.s Head crowii'd with I.aurcl, and after the Chariot followed ihe A/.i'jwr.', Hewers, and S/iilcrs, alladoined with I.aure'. in this Pomp they went to the Capitol, aiiil there alter li.iving otfercd up the proper, Sacritices, c'e. tliey hung the H^ylrit and Naval Spoils up III the Temple, j I Mult (.': prtffrca Stcrit in P^ftibus arma | Cjf:i>r. ji-.K.i.n! cm nil e:fl't.t(j; l{pllr.t C: inis. \ Virg. iin- 7. 1 And fometimcs Cohiiniis and other Trophies were ere-! &o\ ill feveral Pla.es, in Honour of ihcCunquerour. | 'Ihe manner of the Naval Trnimph, amongrt the C'tek^', was in very few material Points different from this of the Hn»i i"s, and therefore I need not itay to give »ny particular Defcriptionuf it. An Alphabetical CATAtoous of the Ancient Litine tind Grti.k Kumes oj SHI PS, exprejjhij^ their fivcr.il Kinds ^ Rules, iSVtcj, bio. !• AC/iiiij was a fiiiall Ship, which went only coall- insj along the Shore : This Word being the Term lor the Main Sail of a Ship, 'tis probable this yh-rti:.! was only a Boat with one broad f ]uare Sail. From hcticc came alfo the 2. .-hfUiiin, which iVcms to have been a fmall, fwift. or Adiiary Boat. Sui.lfn faiili it was the Name of a Pifliing Bo.ir ; and T.7/cK/iWfj gi\es it the 'J'ltle of .loini.-eiiccn. i'/HMK/r makes u. the f.ime with Sci- /./.<.. ■j, .Irluaait \iit':<, were a fort of N^ivri Ifii'^.t- fomc- times ihcy aie called /7,n.'/.i /*; unlel"-, ihele were a )ct a Inialicr (brt. Thele were called by this Name, Qjin uij .yi^ p'lhiiit, and therefore come often under the Name vWclnr,. They Iccm to have been a kind of Runners, andufcdfo) Piratical Ufcs. 4. .//ii'.o was a Canoa or fm,;!! Boat, made out of one Piece of Timber, by hollowuij it like a Trough, 5. Amylcics, were Scullers, or Boats rowed with i\\i> Oars by the Management of only one Man- The .Scholiall upon 'i'/'M.),iiA'fr calls it Ainfheii^on, amlSVi.i- /)», J\y:.T.,. /tpeitt Kaz.-j were fucli as we call open Boat, : Without any Ucck ; m Oppofition to the CV.- t/iphi-.Hs, CunJIi/tm, and Tcilji Sjin. 6. Aiilom^, "cre Ships of State, buiit for the Enter- tainment atid Palfige of Princes 7 /liitorl'ubMt'iis and .Ititi^lo y.i.'n^, was a Ship haftily made, and in an urgent Necedity, ;. /!.irc.r, according to iJtJ.iiii, is a VelTel .;m f.;,:B,t N.iris coniwnda ail I iiiiii ji 'int. The Name leemi uhkh to be taken from the Gac);;, 'I'r • and Hi I wcrcOiierary Slups. (J. Biinnis, ufnally was a S'l.p tli.it h.i 1 f.vo R.inks or Tires of Oars (.;,.' aboce another ; but ih.- v,,,\d 13 fcmetimes nfcd lor a linall B'Mt in which there uue but two Oars; and thofe perhaps nio'.ed but by ore Man, and in this Senfe tis tiic lame with .hnvhcrci or Stuiler. ' 10. Byrfipnjiiii, WHS 3. fort cf Boat made of Leather, of a round Form, and wickered over Thefe were of old ufed by the --ly/n'.i;;.., Aim-.n.vn, l\m-tiaKj, and Hiitaiiu, aslhave llicw"d above: I'ul Luciw. I'hai- /.(.'.Lib- I. 11. C/fm'f,;, was a clofe wide bellied B lat, capable of holding 15 cr 3c. Men ; h was u:ed if old by the I kill' CI. mi, the Hijf.'.:v'\ aii'l .it this day by the Tr.tnn ag.nnit the 'V.nk.,: ffudi ->■'. ( /., /. j, thev arc- built Without Iron, or any other Metal, to keep tliciii together : Such Bjats as thefe the Inhabitants ('f the I'.iliis M'tis .ind the liiixin-, are I ml to row thcml-.'lvrs in, in t'.ie Summer time : and tlkn carry- ing them UP mm ili.- Wood;, in the Winter they niakc them fcrve ten Hurts to lodge in. II. Citmeiin was a 'rgcr, and yet more big-bellied Boat than the o'di'nary ( .:»;; -r, but of th- fame kind, and tiled by the Ume People '-;i'. 19. Ccicuiiii, found out by the C i^>'caiisin Afa ; and by them called '>rrv.,i, as .Won/c^u, tells iis. It wat a large Skip of Burthcr:, and yet rowed too with Oars iiithe Forc-lhip. Ch.j'.chcmh. hn was a Shi p whofe I^"Jlium was covered with Brals. 10. (■/■),'<'««, very large, and yet fwift failing Ships. Al..ii/i,'Hf. 11. Comiftic.t, Ships in which the Grecians carried home the Enemies Spoils taken in the Engagement. 12. Coi'Jlrjts !\'ittfs. Sec C.iiud' .u-t.<. 2j. Cinbitx were Onerary Ships, which carried a Baf- ket Coibt') for a Signal on the Top of ther Mal^* (aiih FcJIiK. 14. (Jiitnb.i, the fame with ()mb.i. i^. Cyb^u was a kind of large Tiiiimis, finely adoincj and lieautified, ,\/,i .lltm- i6. Cyml'i:, a fmall Boat invented by the Planiciars. The fame with the "«"« of the Guf/t'- »7. mn xl INI KO'DVC I 10 A'. ; ,, ■J ■ fi ■ VI if :l!i ly. Oicrctt, Ships tliat row with two Batiks of Oars, the fimc with the Bi'tmn . But Airi/ofHj wili have them to lie Ships with two Rudders {one in the Heail, vndthc other in the Stern) which could go with eitlicr end forcitioft. i9. Drommci, .t'Cording to ffiMri.s, arc lont; Ships, fwift Saifeis, and tit tor I'tiifiiii ot C'ha:;-. Seine will have them to I'c Stoic-lliips, buterroneoudy. , Exphi'iroii Boats. iViTc, thr Time with ''•p.xid.trri', Spy- hiM 30 flHilei Kr.xf! were ;i fort of Boats ma.lc of Clay, or Harth baked, and atriently ulcd by the I':.','-- ,in.i upon the N' fr. As Iwth Sur.hi' I ,ib. 17' tcAihes, and is plain from Jir.nu!- Sat. XV. — ImbrlU ij hititilf l'u[^iis P,iriuU HHilitiis IJiiiiin ■litre vtl.i I'I'.tfc'ii tit brnil'Ui fifit Hs»ii' 'iiciniilcrc Ifjht' 2l. Gtilc, which the Einperor l.tn calls •,»''>''i, were uji.v"; furi«f_,;;i^ long Shi["s with one only Bank of Oars; ,Q_wi Jlmptici o>ilinc a'^mitm, l.'iith V,:ditis. From ihcfc ^anie cur Modern (!.tllii-i: Which out- do all the Amitiit y ;V.«iw/ii, Xrc ill Swiftiicfs- For I' Ij.iii fmh, lliat no lircnih, or an> ntlici- ancient Ship>i, with SaiK, Oars, i^c. could cvtr go above icr Sttili.i in one day . And .litmild lus accounts 90 .Vm7m a pood days run: Whereas our Modern G.il!i''s u'dlgo 140'j S/.i ii I in. I il.iy : .And our Gal- lies he faith) gain i3 l-ctt lo^ Inches at cvciy ftrokeot the Oars, whercasthe Old 7':<'.o«,'i could get but I', Feer and 8 Indies at ,1 dr. ,kr. :}!. (,einii.< were V'cllcis of Burden, and feem to be the f.imc Willi the 3:;. C,.;i,!i . Wjiili r-Jhii fiilli weic Sliips alnioll tf a imind rurni, nfed for.-.uryiiig of MruluntsTJoods. Ili)chiii! fault they were Phr.nici.vi Velfelj, iinvhcfe I.antiuape, li\'r^ir Oiews, (uiulus (igiiih'e.s round. In ilic general they sic ')«-r,i'y Ships, and diltinguilhcd fiom the Men of NVai , hicli were .'i:s !{:■ Hfxtri J moifm. 56. mlni-tf. 'vas a 1 Jiig narrow Ship, invented and ufed by the S.ytiUit Wcri, Mci ijitiis, 57. I lipi\-;^inci^ lUpp-ig'ig* were Ships ufcd to Tranfport Hotfe. Hippcploti) ^S, Jiiiif:;.!, the Name ofaSlnp; but how to didin- guilh It I know 110', I'litli M'if.ms: And I never met with the word any whcic, but in him. •30. /..i»/ii', . .:iidcf lop;^ Sliip', and very fwift Sailers. Mo'il liil. 40. I t>i,li:- wa~ a Inuli Ship, ct rather Boat .As IfiJ. ,ih faith, the lame with the Cvmcc, Lii.-ic^ anA Ctr.dm. A Imaller Boat of this kind was called 41. I nnnu'uuii,!^ and l.ciiuiicuUii. 41. I.ibwht, l.ii'iii>rici,\KCTc a kindofB(Vf'wj invented by the l-ibuitn J/tii.nini, a People upon the AJnn- tiliG::ljh. IV^'f.'.'W f.iuh, /.//i. 4. r. ii- That /f/ - giijlui at the B.ittic of //. .'i/i>«, finding tli.it M. An- r!«>'s Ships were chiefly u-orfted by the .Ships of the I il'ii'tii, who were A.ixiliaiits to ■•Iw^^iijlui ; con- tlii lid (■(■.(.' kind ol' Sliippini" belt for ihe Service of tlic War. Ard after that alinod all Ships of War wcic lallcd Li. iur):f j and th'- Names of <.^_ii.ii{ri:cm:i, i^iiN.juirc- >ii-< were difufed. But as Sui.l^i futh exprelly, the Ancient I inmix v-ac not built like the TxVemfr^ or Inch like Ship* ot more than one Onlo ; But wac llrong. clo'e, fiiug built Villcis, prodigioudy fwift, and therefore ufed for Piracy. The hrgelt y i7(i<»i;V.i that ev'.v was built, f-' /,';oftheAnticnfs, which were fu called from their great Length, being iifiially 7 cr8 times as long as they were bioad : Ami the.*e vvete of two kinds, either with but one Tire of Oars, 01 withmoic. 52, Mcnnit was a long Ship of one only Bank of Oar.s, the fame \vith what the Gr.cl^i at iait i.dnvi ;•«'."■', and We now call a (.',1/0. Schtf.-r Ihevvstliat no Ship with i;o Oirs W.1S c.ilied a Klcai;. 5^. A'i ,/» A »; ;i J was a '.'.I'l w madeuiir of cue J'rce, bj hollowing it like a Trough. 54. Mii/c:iiiii was a kind ot bending or crooked Ship according to (Jti/i Mn. S ^ . My^p.i'c orS'i-ie ; (o cal led, fai 1 h lf,iiil<,r:..% <]u.:fi >r!/7, hiving only Oar, in tiicFore lliip. yjo(i;ij thinkstlicy were like omi.rj.'A'iH; ; init 'tis plain the A.ir/i.uo was but a Imall Ship or Boat. %(>. Xiuifiii Mun'/triii faith there was antienrly 3 Cj'.iI- lickfmall Ship called by this Name; but 1 ne\er tbuiid It in any Author. 57 0.y.:.i.j and 0- . :, with (rnie is the Name of n fwifc failing Ship ■iS, O'.^-w:).-. .Vice weie Ships of Rinden to carrv .Stoies and Provifions for the Menot W.ir, and.illo lor Trade and Merchandize. The Go-f^^i csl.rd thun >i»"7", and 'if'""-; and indeed they bad pccitliai i\ames ac- cording to ilieir nfe : If they earned Provifions- the y .i/mcj called them //»wofi'»ii'; it they cariied Horle, ll:pp>'i''>'', '5»; p.ic/, nml wjn ;; f nail weak Beat, as we may gatnc: from this rf i,.- I -ICC J"/.r5j,',i«;; III cum j^.v.ii Ph.-ijet.ii. 02 Pi:nt!,:oiito'ii< was a Shipof ^o Oar^: Such was the /V.jf-Nrtci', or tlie firlt Long Ship. t-j. ('f/'f/fF«;< w.as aShip of sOrdc;^ or Banks cf Oars the fame with the;,'ui«./«i'/ff. 154. Pnc.'.iii s S.ncs w 're fmall "^ats of leather, with winch the .i-.thicpi.iti. t- ' ,>.ibylj>iir.ns ulcd to pals ip and down Kivcrs. P/"0> hb. 5. c.9. 5i. I'nitoii;:, lo f '/rtr calls tlic (/.lif/c/; Ships, which were of thcOnerarykind : fome lay they were of old uled to pal's Rivers, c'o as our Pontons are now : But be- caufe Oioii'j'ii! calls them !:;«', they fccm ratherto have been originally a kir.d of 1 ranlporr Ship^. 66. /''iViir/'.fii' .\.jri-j, the liiciki called them h^tmi, were Ships appointed to go betore a plect to make Difcoverics. 67. Prjunis Ndi.-; were thole in which iheCnmmaaders inchiet went, and whuhcaitud peculiar H.igs or Standards by day, and il.reel iplitvitli a Rope, the i..'c/;i called It alfo «»"'«. 75. Sc ■<.!!>, which the G e:k> called f" ';•', the fame with ilie K'ife' or «/;'/;-/-■;; '• j6. .Tcv/i/.'/." '■■>■■'-''!" werell-'^tslent out to fpy or dil- covev the r.nemiti Fleet, 'riiefe wei .■ l.,iu..tiiiies cal- led C if a' and Cim/"/'" • 77. V'/.rn w, accorciiiij; to MiriJDtus, is a very broad -i. S'lO'ifl-, arotiiidiih kind of Mup, fwoln bellied, niia in for iUirden. 82 7p. '^iitilii Ndf (J was a Leathern Boat, wiiof' Sides were fi ■'■ed together. 80. < ' /ii'/i was a large Ship built with Sents, C^r. tu ho: Councils of War. 81. 7.-;.,'/ir/« JViiri were fuch as carried l.ctteis. Or- ders, /t'. in an F.n!;agcnicnt : Tlieic weie ulleU by various Names, as I /.vc/iyouV, Dn'woiin, LiiJ na^fkii. •.. 'ii:il.i,:r.-jr were Ships nf Sta'e aiiil Po:iip, liaviiip line I.'.di;in;.;Room?, andothci Apartmciv;, Ji. Uue- ly ailorncd- Sj 'I'f'ccii was tlicNau.c oF a pee uli.ir Ship, which the /ltheiii,mi lent every Y'.'ar to Di-ifl.cs, to coiiUilt llic Oracle tliere. MonJ iiii. S^. I'laliait* Kf.vcs were tiie fame with i{u.iii.t and 85. Tiicrii, the fame with TixmiV, a Sliipof i Cinksor Orders of Oars. 86 Wfi.jj Kivcs, the lame with the S.iti/cs. S7 i'r.^ioues, were Veflels built of very thui Boards or Planks, and joined together by Biafs Piiii, --'i. with wonderful Art. Miij.tii. Of the Juveuth/, V/e, and Tropcrtics of the W \G N RT. TUF. A,'i:;».'r.' or I oadftonc, as to its wondeiful Ci:mli-y of attinfliuR Iron, was kiiowntoahnolt all I'.trrs of the World, frnm all Aiituiuity- K/'rc'-'f ■• qui tes .ibr.iiiliicl, to lliew that it w.rs known to thc//p/i,;w; aud \'ium i'iuiinci' it appears that the an- tient F.np-ir.ii! had the Knowledgeof this Property. /'<- mcr alfi), ^li.'Jhilc, I'loioiny, l'}ih.vi^n).ti, Vheofhrr.ftm, (j.i/Ifti, ,^-c. and all the GlCi'l^l knew and admired this attratilive Pioperty of the Manner, of drawing only Iron. 1 he (,,ciiaiii ulually called it the HcmclcM Stcnr, Leiaufc it was lirll found about ilrmclcii, a City of M,jg- nrfin^n Lydi.i : But the ' uthor ot ihe/;V/mu/o^icHM will have it called Ueinclim lupis Jn ■nix''fh'hffV'>af "'•'''>-'<, bccaulc of the Strength and Power of us AttraClion ot Iron. Vtin) faith, l.ih.if,- 1.17. that it tot ik the Name of M.tf^itcs from a certain Shepherd ol that Name, who bv chance dilcovered itsVirtuc by lii^ nailed Shot sand Iror- ■lijd Staffllickiiig or adhering to theic kind of Stones : But 'tis nv re probjb'e that it was lo called from Mivj^nrjit, that Part of IaJii: where it was firll difctivcrcd by the (.hwh, as Lucretius tells us, I think , he very jiiftly dou'.'ted ; notwitlilbnding K'ltljei, p. 18. faith, thatafter all hi: molt diiis^eiit bii- quiry of tholt who had been m C/'i/;.;, and whoperfed- ly were acquainted with the i:h:iicje Aunal; and Hdtory, he could find nothing of it among them. For //.' / ' jlius 111 his Dilliirtation Jc --Urlius 0' Scirm.'n SVx.i.Mn, laith cx- prefly, that the Knowledgeof the Magnet, .nnd its di- redlivc Faculty of pointing to the Ni'-rdi. was kntjwn to the Chliiefcs for iSoo Years ago ; and that othcrNatioii's haditfiom them. Andheci'tcs7«j nVC/'r/i.c, asal- ferting, that the Sumceas had made ufe of the C 'iiipals in Navigation, fer near hve hundied Ve:irs ag'^ : And he liiith, 'tis certain tint the Knowledgeof ilsc Uecliin- tion or VanatKin of the Mariners Compal's was known allv)to the .^■ir.^ccn/, and tioni thence eame ro thef.'/u;- ///>«;: And he thinks that the S.i'/!rf"J had this Know- ledge from the C/i«f/r, who tiled to trade to I'r.ei oiimia or C':7.V»', p. 80. ;7. .)';■ I.net. ?'. 75 . ilc Orii- (J'ut. /I'lien'.-. faith, that 'tis iiotjuR to conclude, that becatilV the ('.'/•.-<•/;« and l.nrinc! had antienrlv no Knowledge of the Pyx,s S.iuii.r, therefore none of the Orientalbany wheie had : For faith he, Accfi.i contcll'es, that I '.i/;;u-'J . .'.■';., •»■■.! found \\v: l-.ihiofi.tns -.xhowt M J.'.ynii.pir knew the Ufe of 1 lis Compafs ; and it did not appear troiii whom they had learnt the Ufe of ir. This I'jI.jMes d! G.dii.i na? the S«:7/i«j I firll that difcovercd the fr/':' cf (ioc.l Hope. The faiiic 11 . iiiiw I. '..'•<(..*« liaui .1 JMI in. 111.11 I ueill Ull llil> vJuojcci, lut iwt^^rtui aiiu I tnv'Tii utz lirirtncc ill which l.c very elegantly and mafterlv defcribes the I quote a Book ,U- Lnpi.iihn, whi^l Virtues ot this Stone, and adnures the I'eciet Caufc o(' '^njlon'c's, in which there Is nienti m^.'.DH Mi-nct.t roc.iiit I'.ttrio tie Nomine Cinii, Mit^ncUi ifijuiaji: I'ntiiis Je finihui onus- And by -L '• 'Hl-s Ttitlm 'tis cailtd /<-'}■«'>» >.i' ^. .indloiiie .ihersi|UOtc /wm/.V.-j as the fir ft who ^'ave the! thing A(^iVe/-ri takes notice of; and owns alfo, that in the 1, oadllc .•; ihe .Name of M^fmi. By Sofncclcs 'tis called j (leo^.m'hin Arihici: I'.iiu -n.i, and in theX/./.'i'.T, which 1 ir",'!, . i,<;/ji, from /.;..ii.t, the Region where it wasfound, arc fufHciently aniicnr, there are «i'f "./.«'•■ J/;'<.7j of the of which iV/.i^f/f/u is a part. The O'er;/;) aho fi netinics Knowledge of the M nineis Compafs. C'/i/"<;ij ./.• M-;;- f.ive it the Name of Hidcitis, from its Property of at- netr, p. 11. faith, the lull th.it he i ould find that meii- traitiilg Iron unto ir. For which indeed it is dcfervcdly uoiicd the Knowledge of the hirr.iivc l.t.iil:), or .is our celebrated hy ail the Anticnts, whenever they I'peak of (ull;:>t calls ir, the yfiticin of the Magnet, w.is A.i^er- it : And (./.:u,ii.tn hath a particular Poeinonthi>Sub|e>;t,'/M/ W.ijjwhj and Viwut!:!! I\cll:incei,jh ; and thcic both li they will have to be entioii made it the iVoif/j . and Souti I'.Dt of the Magnet. And iho' C.i/'.t.ij doth iiot believe this Book to be really his whole Name it car- ries, yethc thinks jiiltly enough, that it may be written , by fome old .('rt/'u(' Author, and fo put out under -•)< i- j //(Wi's Name ; which if true, will fufficicntly prove our Point, ■!'j':j. that there was a Knowlejgeof the rc)7/ci>>of the Magnet in fi me other Part of the Wcrld, before we B'.itnotwiihftanding the fo long andfouniverlalaKnow- dilcovered or ptodiced it here. To whi^h mull be ad- ledge a.s there plainly appears to have been of tins Stone, dcdwhat is po'iti'cly allctted by (;/,'/'-■• and many good llicie doiroi leein any g -od ;,;,roun.ls to believe that the .Authors, ; . ^. ih;,:!''-;. ii< T. .;«(/.( brought itsUle iiro Ir.u'y !)ii .\lii,- i,:eu,.'t ol it was at ah known to the .intient ab'nit ./. /). 1 if o. has ing learin it in C' '..-, of lomc- (.''-.;■(!;; rr l-i-.!:: a, or to i!ie l'.\^.ti.<>ii, fiom uhoiu the where in his Travels 10 the baft. C.d'i-.i< '.aiih, the hrll (.' '•■',.■ recelxtd all their cinious Lammg. Oi r .\. Fh/- Wii.er on this Su'.jecl i;f the Direcbve Fa.idty of the / indeed labours hard 10 p.>vo the coiuiary Opinion ; A/.i,'.iif;, was one i'ctna I'cci^riims <■.•'!»•, in a hitlc I iir he IS mJ^cicii'.ly refuted b\ the moll l.eaiiied /('.c/mk Book 'which he calls) Kpifloli'; and this Book he faith. fu. h an aHiazing ctTeiit. ^lis cai',1 ivfuiulit ^eminis n.teyni: metnHis l-i lei. I ■ fJii.f diir,:i iurHi dijctrdii: nicnta ? i'Ug'iit mihila Sdc.x, (3 .imic.imjii:ici.tjent.t A/.i;;ii.iOT, pincij.i Cimiyl/i d^ntjjt i-trons. in his ( were mr tome KnjwIeJ lent P andbyir.uin others. Whether there, fi.i I a(Ie h ' law in the IVd'Het' this 11 (lit iifeful ,;nd ejtcol- Veniie, '1 his EpiiUe, i.c faith, Jt ropiity among tlie (,'/ ,');f ."i, .l;,i.'i,;j..' ,and .'.fiicr.ns ,Opulculiim f:if<:tu \ilTm ,/.• ,V. l.ij,«f), in his .' E'f-- belore v.chadnude the Diltovery of it in li-nvpe, may' dit/ns Mti\ii:ti;, printed aiCi.ign 1561, hath diljutfcd Ixii INI RO DVC I ION. ».-. 'v. ' "1 H lie Propcrtlct or Phxnomena of the M.ignet, rr F.Oidfiore, ,;< they huve ken Mjluvercd ly GiUe;c, G:Kriis, Kircher, Vin. Leo ta;di:«. C-rte?, Dr. I'owcr, the Ihnow Rovie, \r,. cTr, uhI tlftVirtiicil, ami then piil>lilhcil as his own ; tho'tliat >',l)iit!i- 1! foil" ,vcrc prir,ti.-d \ \: ;us bcioii-. Ati ^>i. f^i, . cl'o, p. I.;, faiih, I'omc amount this I'ctru! I'trri-hnii ' ,.i''iis t'> li.tvc k'cn our f^.;;rr B.ie " : An.! thi'. Ik think : is the 'I'l-utli; wlii-h Siinmiiii alfu coiihrnis iii h;'. /;/>.■ i.'.'liiiiiittKii.i, Dat. Al'oif. i6Si. laying txptcll;, th«| iwa* !<"!:,<■■ R.c^ii litlt toim-l out the FrinW'r or *'i- 'ii/M ( t iIh Mapint. And tor ihc Honour oT our own Na'idii alio, the late I.cariK'.i and l.xcullcnt Mathiina- 'luaii l)i- f'lff/V, Snvili.ir. l-'rofilfor of Geometry in the 1 lii vi-'lln (/t'Ov/j,-,/, I'lit. limf. N". 178. conjc«aurcd, t'lot ihi' Mariners Con. pals was an Vn^iilh Invention, lium 'li' VVord toin^'i/j, which is aln'clt every wher rctaiiii .1 ; and is properly an I'.r^^hjh Word, liciiig ufed in m.Tiiy of our I'rovincial I'aiti tot a Circle, or exatJUy round Pipure, nhufc Cir^Tiinitorcnoc is every where e- ijnaliy diltant from a Point witlnnit, called it? Cciurc. But ir Mull lu- j;ran;eJ in all iliis which is above ad- \ .inced, tho'there be great probability, \ et there is little Cfrraimy of: And thcrcl'oie we nni(t next attribute, with the j'enerality of W'utcrs, the hilf Invention of thv Marliieis Coinpafs to;/ •/'.(,■/ 1, 01 Gin, of M.ilfl'', a 'I'uwn in tlitKinndom c f .V.i/.fJ, not far from Sd.f.- r/m, in tlic Jci,: .;,-';.. 11./' c> ; (rime call hiin l'Aii';(J'if: And he diUiibes this Property to be a Uiredion of Altitude above the Horizon: Sothat if itbedulypoifed onanHo- nzomalAxis, it will point to a determinate Degree of Al- t ituile urElei ation above the Horizon : And he laith truly, that of this Difcovery, iho'made lb longago, there hath not ^ct been any coiiliderable ufe made. Ihc Vnti.ttH^' ot':!c I ^r/.i/.vunanothcreonfidcrableand very furprizing Propcriyofthe I.oadftonc; that is, 1 hatthe Magiietick Ncciile ,;n it> Hoiizontal Polition) doth not always re- tainilic lame X'ariation or Declination from the true Mo- ti'h.iii, in liie fame Place and at all Tunes ; but doth lucceiMvely vary its Declination or Variation from rime to I imc. 1 his was hrft fas 'tis now agreed onall hanils, faith Di. / ! :-,.;.i) dif overcd by Mr- GeililTr.n.-i, about the Year 1655. But ,SV»i»«ii;; faith, tliatthis was taken no- tice of alfo by Hfiiryiu/, AUyOnt, I'L-tii, t>'ltkit»>ii, ando- thers, imich abom the fame time. So that out lin^lijh Nation have had a vciy conliderable Share in thcDifco- vriics which have been made about the Magnet, and its wonderful and iifeful Properties. A fiiceinit Account of which Prnpcitics, and other fuch i'hsmnietm of the Loadftone, as have been found out truly to belong to ir by plain Kxperiments and rc- pra'ed Obfervations, I (hall here fub)oin, without en- tniig into Thfoiin or txplications of the Caufes of them : And ifterihis, I will give youthc Thoughts and Obfervations of the I.eaiiicd and Ingenious Capt. Hnlly fnow S:iviur» Prolcflbr of Geometry in O.x/oid ' upon the Variation of the Qimpals, and the Reafon of the y,initii(ti ci( that Kiri/tnon : Pccaufc both thcl'cwillbe nt great ufe toaililhhe Lnquiries of publick foiiitcd and iiigeiuoiis Men, in their future Irials, Obfervations 3" d l.,vpcriniein,s on this very great SubjcA, fo univer- l..ily ulciiil and mivaniapeous to all trading Nations : And alfo becaufe many Travellers and Na\ igators may - , — bycom- mtimcating any to Iron, and this Virtue it can com- municate to Iron veryfpccdily ; tho" the longer the Iron touches or joins the Stone, the longer will its communi- cated Virtue hold, and a better M.igntt will communi- cate more of it, and fooner than one not fo good. I y i hat Steel receives Vii tuc from the M,tp»et better than lion. 1 1. A Needle touch by i M/tf'net, will turn its Ends the fame way towards the Pole's of the World, as the Magnet will do. 11. Ihat neither 1 oadlfone nor Needles toucht by it, do conform their Poles exaiitly to thofe of the World ; but have iilualiy lome Variation from them : And ihu Variation IS ditfcreutiiuliuTs Places, and atdiveu'l'iiiies, in the famePlaic. M. That a I.oadltone wiil take up murh more Iron v'hc;i armed or^apt, than it canalofie: And that tho' an Iron Ring or Key be fulpemlcdby the Loadlionr, yet the Magnetical Panicles do not hinder that King i rKey from turning round any way either to the Right or Left. 14. That the Por.c of a Loadftone inay'bc variouUy encreafed or Iclliined, by the various Application of Iron or another Loadlfonc fo it. IS That a (Irong Magnet, at the Icali dilfancc from alelferora weaker, cannot draw to it a Piece of lion adhering aiaiially to fuch lelfer or weaker .Stone j but if it cometo touch it, it can draw it from the other : But a weaker Magnet, or even a little Piece of Iron, ran draw away orleparateaPicce of Iron contiguoustoa greater or itronger Loadftone. 16. That in our North Parts of the World, the South Pole of a Loadllonc will raile up more Iron than the North Pole. 17. That a Plate oi Iron only , but noothcr Body in- tcrpoled, can impede the Operation of the Loadftone, either as to its ,ui>e.Hive or Hiieilivc Quality. Mr. Bo^^'I^iind it true in GlalUs fealcd Hermetically; and perhaps carry ths fl.V//«»6ri,j with them abroad, tho' to Glafs is a Body as impervious as iiK'ft arc to any l:ffuvi,i. (I e n otlicrBook.s, in whichthcfcthings arcto be found,' '8. That the Power or Virtue of a Loadftoncmaybe impaired by lying long in a wrong Pofturc, as alio by Rult, Wet, Gc. and may l)e quite dellrc^ed by Fiir. ?.re lei known oragreeabi Experiment < J --- INTROVVC nON. Ixiii h more Iron lilt thjt ilio' oaiUkiiir, yet King I rKcy ightiir Lett. ' I't variuiiUv prlkatioii of ' an Craw of a Loadltoiie leifunly, (j-kc or divas tJines, hcuin. nir)g tiic Motion troin the '.•-n: atur or miilJIc of the Fxpcnmrr,, of lie X.ture »»d Pr<.;cr//Vx ./IJJ'X' [rra^^tn^l!l'%'''^ Kr„r. or W.r.- willacco.d- ' , .' /J »i n I 'ng'y ^ttrSL. one tml of a poi.cil M.ientiica: Nocdlf tbv M,lj;lK-t. yy^iVJr. boyle. ^but if you tak-; another KndV or W.u-, and ili. ." jt ■ Icifmcly o\ cr the Pok-, from the Pole lowardsihc fo.ra. tor, or middle of thr Kjuator, thii Knife Ihail , xrfl I. VII^- "'''<• foiniJ, that I'v heating a ■Vojuet red "' Jnve away >lic fame linJ of tlu'NeeJ'-; which ti,c ••''■' iioi, it .uiiid be fj'cedily deprnod of its Wf- former Knifj nonldattridt. Wliii.hE:trty. The Kcafon of which very dift'ercnt Etfcdts ot iheFiuon a Mi^n", and on Iron, Mr- Hoitc, with hisufual Modelty, fuggefls to be this : That the pecu- liar Texture or Conltitutioii by which a A/ngiiff ditfers tiom coiiimuii Iron Oar, being accurate and fine, is Ipoilcdby the rude and violcntAttacks of the Tire: But this mighty Agent by working upon Iron, foftcns and opens the Pores of the Mettal (which is harder than Iron Oar;) fo that it becomescapableof being pervaded by the, Magnetical P.irticles, and by that means gains a ff/«(><; 7. Mr. b -jU found, that by heating a Piece of EntUfl. Okcr red hot, and placing it to cool in a proper Pofture, it plainly gained a Magnetick Power. 8. The lame Noble Gentleman found, that an excel- lent Loadltoiie ol Ins own having bin almi;lt a Year in an iiicoiiveiiicnt Poltiuc, h.ad iis Virtue fo imnair.'d, tuat heat lirii tliiiiif;ht fomebody had fpoile 1 itby Firr . 9' It a Needle be well touched on a good Loadltone, 'liskiiiwn It will, when duly [loifcd, point North and South ; but it It have one contrary Touch of the .'ainc Stone, it will inir.icdiatcly be deprived of that Faculty; and by another fech Tomli it will have its Poles quite 'hanged ; fo tlutilie Hiid which betbte pointed North, liiill now point Suuihward. 10. Dr. /J, nw and ,vlr WyrUiih tiicd, that altera ted hot lion hail gained a I'fiuar. by being well heated a''ii .ooled North anil Siuth, and then alio hammered ai the Eiuls this Viriiie would iniiiiedutely be dellroy'd by i Ol- j Blows of a Itrong Haiiiiiicr fuiartly given a- I'outihe middle of it. 1 1. Mr. Ilojir tound, that by drawing the (]lack of a Kiilc, ot long Piece of Steel Wire, etc. over the Pole be in Faa, it you place a Magnet or Hie, e of Iron on a Piece ot Cork, I'c as that it may fwim liccly in ihe Wa- ter ; for then you will fee, that which (oever v uu hold 11, youi Hand, will diawthe other towards u. A Difcourfc uf the l\>ri.ilion of the Comfdfs^ by ^\r. Edm H.Uiy, Saviiian i^nfcjjur ,} CjcuHictry in Oxford, .;v / r.R.S, 1 HE Variation of the Compafs (by which I mean the Defieaion ot the Magnetical Needle li 0111 the true Meridian; is otthat great conctnimeiit in thj .Artof N.t- vigation, that thcNegk-a thereof docs little !e!s dian wil- der ufeleh(;iie of tla-NoblcltlnvcnvionsMaiikuid ever ytc attained 10 : And tot ihijcaufe all Ships of .onfcquenco (cIpeCLilly thole bound be)ond the Eqiiati r) cany with thenilnltrunientsonpurpofe to oblcrve this Variation- lliat lotheCw>iife (leer'dby theCompifs. may U- redu- ced tothe trueCourleinrefped of the Meridian Now ahho the great Utility that a pct'edt Know- ledge ot the I heory of the M.ignct:cal Direction would attord to Mankind in gencr.ij. and efptcialiy to tl.ole concern d in Sea Affairs, leems a fufficient licitemcnt lo all Philulophical and M.iti.cmaiical Heads, to take undci (erious Conlideraiion the fevcra: pc...f,„. 7 , and to en- deavour to r^-concile them by lome gencr.il Rule ^ ct m It IS, that almoft all the Anchors trom whom a Dilcnujle of this kind ought to have been cxpi-aed, pifs by m lilence the Difficulties they here encounter. And tnofe that mention tbisVariation,by affirming it to proceed fiom Caiilcs altogciher uncertain (as are the calual iyiii)' oi Iron Mines and I oadliones in the Earth) put a liop ro all further Contemplation, and give difcouragemeiit 10 thofe that would otlierwifc undertake tins Uiiquiiy. ' 1 IS true, that not long (ince one Mr. BomV, an .W Tea-^ cher of Navigation, put forth a liiiall Ireatife, whctein he pretends to calculate the Variation ; but lie limits his Hypothelis to the City of l.t.n.im, affirming himfelf (as he had a great deal of rcafonj that the fame f.j/. ;,/,/( is not fufficient for other Places ; whereby it appears, that this Rule is far Ihort of the fo much dclircd general one. Now altho' (through want of fufficient Obfervaiions, and fome other Di.^.-ulties which I fhall anon Ihew) 1 cannot orecend |x.rfeiftly to ellabliih the Numbers and Rules of a Ca'iului, which ihall precifely anfwer to the Variations of all Parts of the World ; yet I fuppofc it will not be unacceptable to the Curious to propofe tbine- thing ot a Light into this abltrule Myltcty , which, if no other, may havethisgood cHeCt, to ftir'up the Philo- fophicah.'rtmof the Age to apply themfelves more at- tentively to this ufeful Speculation. But before I pro- ceed, 'twill be neiell'ary to lay down the Grounds upon wliiihl raifemy Conclulions, and at once to give a Sy- iioplis of thofe Variations which I have rcafon to look upon as fure, bcuig moltly the Obfervations of Perfons of • good Skill and Integrity. I. > ixiv INT ROWCriOK H H if : i i » " il 1- ill / TAI'iLK of N,im.'/c/ I'Uc.i. li. Hf;;' .!; i: ■■■(-■■■■'■ K II.' 11 . i| lie li. ..' j.-j 7 In ISii.' . In II ii '■ /v. . s. .A I Sc.l At St.1 At Scj C. pci'. Variations. I.'.t'lu.! ^.iMHof'itri.ifioH \0mii4je>vid I ' il. Ill j d. in. ■iKjiN 158011:15 F, U-: E4S:5iN'i6St .OS,; 19: o ■V- L <5 :n N' !• V) •:iN • oyr h n- -■7N .'7 \V V-iN .•K oi-: 4 •>^ 2:jo W 3:^0 E c: o :.-ioW i: At tlic Well I'litr.iiu-i 1,; ■ , .). -,L..s'i,'- I ',: ■- V\' 7.):4'AV5C' oNi66Sl9i5\V ■' ■ : . W'S: oNjii'it)57:-'o\\' 5.: c\V j3..t->NjiirSi': 7-i3W 5i; SiCj' oW5:-o Si, '7; cW^-i At Si .1 At Sea At Sen At St. li.i.ciu At .ij^cxfrn A: ;j'.'/'/ii.)'.« At M>iil>.iJ.i At y-i-iJf'.i At .•/./■)/ a; ilK-Moi.th; oftlic/; J sv.:- J At ».>.;?/<.■ :; At St.i At Sea At C inl'.iy At Cnpc f.'i;. (.■.';) At «./:'.:/■< " At F •• ';'.'- ' ■- At ilicWut IViiitrf 7,,./ ....._' At Sia At ihclllc of ,'?,■. R;;// At I'.'ii ilhincii 1.1.1.. I At i\. V ^..'I'.'.inti S K7 7 j: oW4n' o S 167 16 }0 !■ J4:50 I o F. <4'io :c; oW 34 :j2: o\Vi4 V :5- Wirt: o .14. o F, t- I V-- ^^- -V ', fy. r. F I J 5 47 ji K':\V '\^ 8.48 vv ti.i'W S. 1 1. \v J.lcW That ill all V.unfc tl1cVa1i.11 ion ;\i ilii'i time is '/>,' anil more in tlie liafleiii T.iits tlkrii.l tlianthe WcHiiii As likewifc that it fienis thioiighuut to be i p 11 li.e In . realc thit way. .Secoiklly, TliatoiuhcCoalli t" . )>(;•> /n a'-outr/'_!;/»(/.i .V.'t-Pih; ',!«,/ ami X \v-.iu>.,l-l.iii.l, the \'nn.iiioii is h a' wife W'cfterly : antltliatit iiicrcalcsall tli- way a l^n Northerly aluni; thcCoalt, h as tii Fe abose 1 precs at \.:v-i,i!. Straits, aivl iinr Kfsthan <;7 Dcjries in /;'!,■'.'/) ill y AIKj tliat as you fail i all.'.aui (i 0111 'this Ccill, ih« S jriiti"' iliniii lilies, ir.'Miflitfe two if is a lepitim.-iteCiT.'liary, 1 hit I iii'Velcrr i::,r .-n luillipc, n .1 ''■■• Si t" l':'f ' Aiii'.Tioa, lUfinJi t.Wr till hrjh'ih /',: .'.tf.ir, c /-..• rc'- 1.0 ll'jicly. Arni f) I (.'oiijectrre it is a' om ihc Fal'i'i- mod nf ihe/' iivi,! (//.•/■..',.. 'I'liirlly, Tint on the C\<.i|} of. ';»(!- -• then i> Ka;t Varia'iiiM, whiehiiureifes ver; jiot cbly .is you );i lo ihc Sniiiliw.iiJ, 1(1 as 111 lie 11 l)ei;iii s ,it Ci) 1: / ., ., .iihI ovei-aqiiiillili-Ki'eriif Pate i.- ' I'n'.te^s Aiilfncri thi'i'.rc l'ai|iii4 Soiiilmcllcrly to tin Sti.iiti uf A/.: ■ .;..r,, it ili'trcales 17 D.i>iees, .tml at the \V<.U I'litr.ir . hi I.', IJei'rees. F"'M!rtiily, T hat ar ilic rallwaiil of B'^-j/V.' [Topeiiy I" eal'eil, this Fjllcrly Vanatiin iliereales, lb as id I c serylr.tle ar S>. //i- 1-« : ami -Ifc.tjr'i, aiul to Fe i]iiiri' ij'iie. aiul iluCoii.paK Point true about lb Degrees rf I .oiii>itiii!e Welt tVi an ilie C.-iii.- of 1 ;. ,>a Hcpc. F'll illy, rii.u 10 iheKalUvar,! of the afcrcfaid Pla"s WeftwanI Variition Fcpins, which rci;4iiN 111 the whole i:.lii!i. Sc3, anlis to 110 lels than iSPmrees iiivlcr the Fqnaror it fdf, about the Meridian if tin Noitheni F.irc of \li:,l.r.\.,Jc,v : and mar ih.e lame Meiidian, Fut in -^o Degrees ^outh.FatitUiie, it is foiiiul full 27 ' De- grees . From thence Kallei ly the Wdt Variation dccica fcs, Id as to Fe little 11 oie ih.'.n tij-ju Dcprccs at Cape Cmi-.i in, and ih.in ihree I 'ej',ici.s U(>; 11 the (Joalt of .-?/•- •.'- ; and to beip iteexiinOt aluait the A/ i.m/! IHniidi, ai alio a little 10 ilie W.-Uwardotri// .'>;i);; ;/j I.anil, foinid. o^'t Fy the itr, in 1^14'. Sixihl , 'I'li.u ro the F.ilhvard of the .»■■.>, d'j and r,:ti I1':ni.-i : land in So'.iih Fatiiude. there atifes ano- ther hallcrly Variation, whirl) leeiiis not lo ureat as tin- fornicr, nor of fo lar^e c xicnt ; loi- that at the Idand Hpticr.l.iti: it IS fenhldy Ids than upon th.- Fart Cioalt 01 iVw (Uiinc.i. And at the rare it decrcaies, it may be vvt'i liippoli.-d, that about ;o Degrees fariher F.slf, or :;s Decrees F^tli J. ongiii' '' (vom l.'winn, in the Latiuidc ot 10 Deprecs Sout)i, a . acrly Variation Fegii'.s. Sevniihlv, '1 hat the Variations uFfervcd 1 y ihe Hi- I nourable Sir?!)')) .Vi(/'..'.i(:;/i at/<ut tirit It woiilil not bean!if> to I1k-w hruliv the Millake of 'ji.i'''.'and Di'.' 1 'i;7e;- '1 he hrrt wli..rci.f luppol'es, Ihat the Hr.ith it I'lf I'ciifi^ hi.!,! usi.nis M.jirtic.il, ami f't .J'.ve'iwl; nHcrr/ocic tl c I.111.I ii, llitre. nji' Ihou/tl tr.- \'\'i!\'tiiin, ,:• t th ■ ( .o,ilt. As 1.1 the I'olition oi Lh-s 'r.i!.!, Tlut.''''e lieiiiind Lin.ijio .islihliii H'c H.iw.-'.! if ■'"■' /inn It. mil the heltom oi lie S .1 iii.'y /■.• //'.;■ C.tii/et li .it tie \ die e.i ;rj, iF wu coiilidcr for how gi eat a Part of the l..inh's IN7 KOV V C '/ I N xlv K.inh'« SnrfaiT, rx «r. ill the whole Iniinn Sea, the NieJIr .IcJiiKs the fame way, ami thnt regularly, •twill follow that the attr^Aini^ Siibflancc th« oii.ilintis it, limit I'c very f.ir diftant. 'Now by Exnericncc we fisd tho little tinrretliit Iron Cuins have upotitlic Compfs ill Ship' (their Virtue, tho' fliey lie Ucmiculvcrin, or creattrf^aiiiioii. beinp not perceptible at four or five V.irdi Uillan.e) Mini the Hxperiiiieiit'! now before the ;<^^m/X ./W) il(j plainly ll.cw, how little a Magmtidn t lure is ill infift crude Iron (>jr« : Whit Qiiamity there- <.f mull he ilun fuppoled to ni.ike lo powerful :\ Di\cr- lioii«t two (ir three ThoiifiiiJ Miks diflancc .= Yet I ii.iiiiKit deny that in foire I'hces iicur the Shear, or in Shiial-Water, the Needle may be irie('iilaily direifted from the aforelaid Caufe', anil that not a little, as C,V/- /(•>/./;<; giver a notable Inllaiue of the Iflaiid l-.lbii in the Mi.iiterrniu.m Sej : But thcTe DiHcrcnces froiii the gene- ral nircdioii arealways Sipns of theNearncfs ot thifc Magnetii.il Subltancos, for the I'toduiftion whereof that Illand /;//m has been f.imMisiVom all Anti(]iiity. Belides, ai^ainHboth DcsCtiin mAcl l-t, the Change of the Variatir'ii which has been widiin thcle hundred Years l.ift palt more than 15 Degrees at Lumkn, is an entire l)cni(inltration ; tho' Dri '(.iif.i doci not Ihck to fjy, that the 'Iranfporta-ion of Irnn from Place to Plaee, and thcCircwthot new Iron wnhin the tarih, where there was none l)ef(jre, luiiy be tin: Caufe thercot. The fame holds Iil;ewife ag;iiiilt ihc Ihjo'lijis oi' ■Ki^[iicli^.ili'lt/ni, ' whith \ii Jri iiiaiiuains Kovv to propofe foiiiething that may anfwer the Icve- f.il Appearances, and imrndece ii' •thing ftrangc in I'hilo- lophy, after a great many dole Thoughts, i can cnnie to no other Coiielulion than. That .'/'.• nxV/t Ghbcif it-: F..U1U n cue j^'Cit Mr.f^i.a, l>ai':i,f^ Jtiir Mipneticii I'.tlei, cr Vtiull ff Altt.-itl'm, near titchl'ok of lIcEjuntor two ; M.I n.ljuceiit to iVi) onerf tief' Mi::^netic,it Pclcs, the XecMc ts gmrnitii tier hy, th: irr^eft I'Jc bcii! .i/ii'i;; picl-m- r.it'c ever rl'C muc teimf. The Parts of the Karth where- in thefe Magiictiial I'r/i-r lie, cannot as yet be cxaftly detcrnimcil, fur want of fufliLient Dr:ti! to proceed Geo- mcrrirally ; but aii near as Conjeiftuie can reach, I reckonthat the 'V/r, which is at prefentnearell tons, lies in or near the Meridian of the 1 ands End of l-.ngiiwd, and not al-ove fevcn Degrees from the Pole Arilick. By this Pole the Variations in all iiwro/'f, and T/irMi-;, and the .Wr//) Sc % ar«priiKipalIy govern'd, tho' with regard to the other Northern Pole, whofe Situation is in a Mc- »W/,:n pafllna about the middle of CalifomU, and about i I ^ Degrees from the North Pole of the World. To thitthc Needle his chiefly refpeiJl in all the Kcrth /Imc- ricir, and in the two (X-eans on cither fide thereof, from the ^:{orei Weftward to J-t/iiM, and farther. The two Southern Poles are farther diftant from the South Pole of the World. The one about fixte* Degrees therefrom, is in a Meridian, fome twenty Degrees to the VVed- ivard of A/«?r'!'.i» S'M.^i;''", or 25 Degrees Wert fro;ii lonilon. This commands the Needle in all the S-';it- ,/>/; fevcn Degrees Welt. To the Wellward of ihc Me ridiaii of tlie I ands-end, the Needle niight to have an 1 aficrly Variation, were it not th.it (by approaching till- ,'h/iftic/!; Northern Pole, which lies on Ihe Welt I'lli of the Meridian, and feems to be of greater force tli.iii tlii« other, the Needle is drawn theicby Wcltwards^ K as to counlctballancc ttie Diteflion given by the /•:». Kfrtit I'ole, and v. make a hi.,sll Well Vanaiiui. in ilie Meridian of the I.aitls.cnd it lelfj yet I liipp-.fe, that »l>oiit the Mcridi.in ot the llle /i- ec'it, our tiean.ll P, )e may fo tiir prevail, as to givethe Needle a little n.rn to the Eaft, tho" but for a very final: Ipace : TheCoiiiitii- ballancc of thofe two Poles petiniring no conhdeial le Variation in all thcEancrn Paris of the At'itnini^ Ocean ; norui'oiithc Well Coartsuf/.'i :'/»/,/ and /.c/ii;,/, iiatue, S;i/f/H«nd Uiihnri , But to ilic Wtllward of the fiz.re , the Power of the Am^ncrti, Pole overcoming tli.it of the ICuropear, tlie Needle ha,, ihi.lly relpert theiero, iind turns (till more and more tow.irds it, as \ on approach it. Whence iicouies to pafs, tliato'i iheCoall "t ('<.•; - ""», \.ir-/;«ji/rt«,/. /Vip- '»«>;,(-/■),/ and lluiij -hi Sti.iii) n, the Variation is WcltwarJ ; tliat it dccrenfes as '\oii gofroin thence towatds/.wri',', md tliatit u hfs in ;.,- gi'iii and Neiv-l-i.iil.iiiii, thin in ,N'iv-/ «i,./-.'-,i(,/,ii,i| //,/. Ims StmiHhti. 'I his WeKerl. \'.niationatiain dcereafes, as you pafs over the iW//. .linn In ; and abi'Ui ihe Me- ridian of ill'- middle of CV/.fciMrt, the Needle again points eliic North ; and from ilience Wcltwaiil ti/',/?') and J/ti/iii, I nuke no doubt but ilie V.iriatii^n is falter- ly, allil half the Sea oeer no h fs than (ifteeii l)e,;iies, if thfrel)caiiy truth in this H>pi.thtlis of 11111 e 'I here- lare I propofe this as a tiial, that the svliole may be leann'd therrby ; and I conceive itwi'l rot be hard to kniiwof the J'lTnni'ii/.yj liow it i<, who lo fie |irnt:y fiil ihmiigli that Ocean 111 their Hitiiin fioiii the M..-:ili.i I'! '. TIlis l:a(l Vari.ition e^tIrnds over J.'l'i". Tcii-r, y.'JI Tvitiij, and p.irt (if (■/'/),•<, till it niict wiih ihe WcHerly, which is govein'dbv ;l,e I'.r >: -.i,, \ort!il'o|p, and sv'ucli I laid waspr, atell lo 1 1 wlicie :|| /<;/ ■•. Towirds tl:c Southern Pole tlie Eded is'imelitlio fame, e.nly that here the .South Point of the Necille is attra'led. Hence it will fol.oev, that ihc Variation on tlieCoallof Brr~^ilc, at the I{!:-i '•'' I'ltre, and fo on to the Straights of .V,^dir.n, Ihoulil I e Ealtcr:y (as in our third Remark ; if we fippofe a Magnet, cal Pole fituate alxiut twenty Degree s more Weltrrly than the Straights of M^fe!/.:.,. And thisEaderly Variation doth extend Eaftward over the griatclt p»rt of ihe l-ih;op:'.k_ Sea, t« South Pole fas I mult tike the liberty to rail it) becoming prevail nt, and the South Pointof the Needle being atfrae'ted thereby, there ari- fes a Well Variation very great inQiiantity and Extent, becaiife of the great diftance of 'h.s Maanetieal Pole cf the World. Hence it is, that ii; all the Ih.Uau Se-a, as far as llt- :,india Nnr., and farther, tlieic is coiilt.intly Welt Va- riation; and that under the Ee]uatnr it felf it.irifes ti no lels than eighteen Degt#es when- 'li', molt Abovt th? Meridian of the Illand r:,V/,>, b>iiig likcwiie that of this Pole, thisWelterly Variation ceafe«, and an Falttr- Iv begins, which reaches, aciording to my Hypetluii.'-, ro the middle of the S ntl Sr,i betevren \''wdin \ -4 and r.V>;7/, lca\ing room f'r a (inall Writ Variition go- verii'el by the Amric in South Pole, win. h I l!iewed u) be in ihe/V/7/V<;Sea in the lixthand ie\(iiih Remark. _What I have now laid dofs [ lainlv Ihew ilie Sufh. ictiey of this Hyp:)thcfK tor lolvingihe Vioiations that aie at this time oblerv'd in the teiupei «ie ai-.d 1 rigid T^tincs, where' the Direftion of the Needle ehirtly depends upon the Counterpoifeof the Ecrees of two Magncrical Poles of the fame nature ; and 1 fuppofe 1 have iTiewn how i: comes to pals, that under the fame Meridian the Varia- ti^on Ihould bein one place 19 ' Weft, and another io ' Eafl, as I have noted in my ninth Remark. In the Torrid ^ kiuIuiIc the Varia- 11.111, in other I'l.ici-s inula iiiul luav the l.iiuatur : Hilt I pnri'i.le to leave it Im .in lA-er>ile tn the 'I hinnhts (it the lerunis Reaiier, whdisilelirul iuhel|'his liii,ii;i- iMtic'ii, l\ luiMiiu I'eUite hmi ,i Map orCil.ihe c f the liirtli, aiul to maik theiecjti tlieMjunetieall'ijles in the l.iiii)l,.'t:„lej ami / lUiin.iei 1 Jlli|;ii thi in. Thiiv I ho|.c" I have iidt lull my Hiiins and Siii.ly in lliisililliiultSii'i.ieCl, luiievinj' th.ii I ha\e juit n I'.itl Joulit, 'l,v ll\-ii: :fe iuthc I'.vlh jour Juitcci-fi >: 111. ^ic/it I'mitly Ki'ii I ciiiiiif^ Inti^iili'i.y nh'.Jr ifi'l'iiCil in tic r.triAtUin if h Ci'i- f III. Hut to ealeitlaio vvh.it it is, in any I'laec a.lign M, i.i what I dare not yei pretend to, tl.o" I eciiM vvilh it weie my H.ippineh to b: able to oli'ljie the \V"orld ".ih fiiileliila Piece 111' Ki)OW'ie.'i;c . There aie Dilti. ultui that ih'. iir, that reiuier ihe ihinp ,i< yet not tcilibh ; tor liill till re are. I I'.ieat nian\ Ol)i'er\ations rui'.ulite, vvhieli Nnnilu't of many Ari;iinunts whuh euntnr to nuke gfiml fi) new anil lo I nUI a Siippolilioii. Tho' 11 1k' liifliuemly kii.iwn and allowed, that the .^ eedle's Variatn ii eii,iii(',es, it will le neeellaiy how- e\tr lopiic.i lew liiltaiiee*, wlieieln it may appear thac tliisCihangi' is gradual ,iii,l iiiu\erlal, and the dleet of .1 great and permanent Motion : tor which take the lul.uwinp hxamples. At /. 'Un, m the Year 15S0, the \'ariation was ub- lencd liy Mr Uii run u< W 11 dcg. 1^ nun. halt. In .K" I'Jij, the lame was limnd by Mr. (.. «fri to be but (• deg. oinin. lialt. In the Year lin, Mr-dV//.- 1/ .11..I fd.nd u 4dei;. <, nun. i all. In lew. Mr. /*(-« 117% my fill" (-hlerved it ; Jej;. 5c mm. to the Wifl. Ill the Year 169:, I .i;;aiii found it 6di);. <. mill. Will. ,So that in iii\eais the nirei.tion ot' (he Needle was I'liaii.ned no leluhaii ii leiiiem I)e>;rees. .•\t /'.i./j, O .i.n'ii, /•V/,.i„,', alum the Year i^^n, JiJ aceount it aUiut einht or nine Deji.ecs la(t Varia- oiinlit to le nude at the lame time; lu.t at Sea, biit'tioii. .Ihiio IC^' , n was !'oi;iil three IXjints i.il). a ll.orr, with preater Care and Attendance ilvinthe ge-j./nt.o i6(C, there uanwas no Vatiationtlurr, and .//i/.u luiality of haiicMs apply. And belidei, it reniaiiis uii-^ l dt;.;. c min. I.ilt CeiitnrN ; which llievvs, ilui 11 will re. line fome Welt ; and in the Year ie9i, it waseuiionll)'obfer\ed li.'li.lridsof Yeais 1,) cliablitli a cumpleat D.-climeof 11-t lefMhan 1 1 Degiee^ Well. the .\I.i(;i!etieal .Sylleni. Tri ni the fuiepoii.f; T.il le it ^ .At V/. ilJc'i, about the Year 16:1,, the Needle dc- (K. Id fmn, thatall the M.v^naieall'i.les h.iii a Motion eluied eipjit Peprecs tothei'.all. .-In. m^zj, it wa» WiilM.iul. Hriif i' be II',' lis cNideiit, that 11 i.s not but odep. u min. T.ilt. ./•.«■ i'77, when Iw.i, ihtre, .1 Rotaiu n .iloiii il'.e .Axis . T the Tacih ; loi then the 1 "bferved it accur.itely ( 11 llvaii.) be l d.p. 40 min. V.iiiaucii suor.ld eon .1,'. e ihclame ni the l.ime Tarallel T.1II ; and in 169:, w.ibfL.iind at out l dcg. Wellward of oj lain,:.- , the /-i^Vii./'.- only eli.it i;ed; asniuch as '.a the North. the Moii( 11 of theMagncti.al Poles; Ii .t theiontraiy At I'c/" Cvir'ui in f.i,//.f, in the Year i6jn, thcrovvas i.i found by Txperience ; for there is no wlicre 111 the I4dep. 10 nun. Welt Variation. In the Year it-So, Latiiude.it 15 'North between t'v.; ,:«]ually ; wl.eihcr Circular or l.ibratoiy : If eireiilar, be intiucnc'dby tlic removal of any Magnetual A/attir, about what Center ; if 1 ibralovy, afier what manner ; which may byaccident be tranfplac'd iviihin the Bowels, are Secrets as vet nttrrlj unknown In Maiikin.l, anil are or 011 the hurtace ol the Earth. If more l\xaniple5 are referv'd Ibtihe Indudrv of liiiure Ages. defued, the Header may be fiirniili'd with them in the .l'o,-:ir-;irft l{ui:\i of Ail: .\:-id: A) ii.i (written about the Ha\ing in the prc'.iociit T^ifiourfc delivered a Theory Ycariicc) and inthcVojage of Bccuiieii, bt.tli pub- nf tlie Variati.-iii of the Ma(>iieiical Coinpals, whirein lillied in Mr.7/.'i;™ ''s lirll ColJ^ttion ef curious Voya- l.lid co!livi as main Hhfirvarions as a: ihattime 1 could gus, printed at I'm:, .iuiw .iCt'-j ; which he is to corn- pro lire, an.l having laref'ilb. conip.iiM them tcgethcr, parewiihihe Journals of ot-r late /: Jl Dellection, and is become fiationary, in order to return, I'l^ic I'cii.^ .i.'.i- m i'i.',!i.-iii!,i>ii I'lci rl:' tni f '.■I'll:'. And liKethc Suiiiii the'Troplck. This, at picfent, is in the I there liavc eivJcavour'd to Itate and limit the prel'er.t Im./zcu Sea, about the lllaiid Mnmititis, where is the Toliiion of ilKile Poles 111 the .Suiiace of o;.r Cilobe, highell Wed \'ariation, and in a Tract tending from wlii^h the Reader plealiiig to conf.d., will lave ns the '. thence into the N. N V. lov.ards the K\/.SV pains of npeatiiig. Diitaftci all, tho that Dilcourle '.;>/>.•. And in all Places to the VVeliwan of this Tract, w.ii fa' our.ibiy ucciud both at iii.ine and abioad, asjall over .;,'ii...i.,: {where tins great Llifoeery was irade Lmt ai- med ail over ilie Globe of tb.e F.arih ; whereas it is not known tr obferveu that the Poles of a I.oadlione ever ii.ili'd their Place in the Stoic, nor (coiilljermg the . 114.1^1 i iard:;e:".. rf that Subllancc) can it calily be in the I adern Pans thereof, the Variation of the Needle gradually deciealcs; Hut whether on the contiaryit in- criafesiinliofe Places which lie moreAVellerly than that Tract wherein the highcd Ead Variation is found, or how it may be 111 ihevad I'.iciJkl^Sc/i, we have not l \- I'crieiice enough to aU ertain, only we may by Analogy I. p( o.-"d; tho the Ma.tct of ia^l be too notorious and inti;r, that both the tad and Wed Vari.itions ihcicindo iir..n.rfal not to be acco'jiired for. ' gradii.illy increale and decreafe after the fame Rule. '1 hole D.lticuJiies had wliolh mace nie defpoiid, and 1 Thefe I'l .i'icdich.i being well nndeiflrt.d and duly ton- j li.idlon^iinceniicnovet aulikiuiry 1 had fo little hopes lidtied, futliciently e\ince, that the whole Magiietical of, VJl'.eiiiii accidental Uiicourle, aii.i lead expieimg it, S5 fiem is by one, or perhaps moie Motions tranllated ; I Humbled on the folIo\vin!,;Hypotlielib ; in deli\ering 'whether Kadw.Trds or Wellwards, I ll.all anon diftufs ; whereof, if I ll.all feem to adv.in.e any thing that look h.'ic extrav.-gmt or ronianiuk, thcRiadir in delired to That this n:(Aiii;; Ftfects from Pole thing o Poll . very gre.it, as exmiding its ,uid that the Moiioii thereof i'lnidihi. L'enliite. till he hasconiidei'dvht: Force ard ' is not /'f i ^.I'.iiu., but a gradual and regular Mot ion Now m m^ I N'l KODVt I [ON. ixvii Now conruicrinR the Striicturc of our Titm./mwi/j it i-muiu t .nfcoitam wliich they are that kctp ihcir (;l.>bv:, uc3iinotbcw.il fuppoi'd tlut a very grcit part |>Ucc ; .iml tlio" I toiilJ williwc h,\il the fixf cricriaof ihi-rco'f ciii iiKivc witliin ii, withour tiotally ilui)(;iiiB aiioihi-r L'tntiiry ot Ycati w louml our Coiuliiiiuiis up. itsCfntrc of tiravitv, aiul the rquilibr.- (it its Parts, I on, yit I think we inay fafcly dctiTiiiiiK, T <:t wr liu- whichwonlil pro-liiri' vir> wonikrfiil hlliils in i lung- j rnpcaii ('<> (which in the rfc<"''tl<-i" DilWiiirfc I fup, in(! the- Axisol iliiirnal Hinaiioii, ami onalion llrangCj r"l'-J 'ii-'ar the Miriilian of ihr 1 .iiiJ'i-cnd ot Irp'rn.l, Altcratioiiv iii the Sea's Sin taic, I'V liuiiKlaiiims and ami about 7 Di|;tits thircff m ; iillut th.it isi'ii.vc- Ri'icdis tiiiri-ot, fii>h as llilior\ never yet ine ntion'd. aMc ot the twuNorllitriil'oUb, and 1 h.it 'liit I liielly Belid.s ihefulul I'attsof the l.ariii are not to I)C graiit-l iiiHiicnced the Varia'.ion in ilitit I'arts .f the World id I'rriueilile \<- any o' her ih.iii llnid Sii'.llanees, of' I'or in //".//«,)/) ix, winch i:.iiiidu the lJiit.;liMn i.frht hi/li we know 111. lie ihn are any u j\sMa;m;u.ii, Pole, ilie clinnf.e is no' ol.jiri'.l tob So that ilieonly way 10 rendu ilnsMoiioii 1 ntellinildf fall as in tliolc Parisot' Luff , tlio' ih.ii Pole he mu.li id rodible, is loliipiiiCcit uiiiiui al'niit r .■ l.aitli Aiidilicieis )>•'' f'l""' ''' 'h.i'.'his iti(ivinj;| he Center hl I SuM I'e lool'e, and ditaihed from the ex-' plaie about the NtridMn ot ili. Illiiid 1 ■ /■; j, to feiliis I'.utsof tlie l;ar li wli'Tnn we live; for oiher-| Kxf, ai; lOlll' eqil iiliy Iv thi l'..|e wna , wile were It ahi; the lie whole mult iiecellarily from the like Olifervanoiiv of ihe ihnvlXvrv ili; i.t ih moKomilier reekmi'd as ihe Slitl he exteinnl P,ir:s 1 I llie Cilobe may well be iiterual ;is a A';/i (.lobe iniliidid witliin oiii -, with a tliiid "r- ./// tweri', iilnli liaviiip t he fii I Con .eiifvc aiul /-WIS if duiir K- ua'ioii, MM', turn a'n.iu with our I'ath e.uh twinty h>ur hours; only the outer Sphere liaMiy us ni(binatin(; Motion fome fin: iiiaiter either fw.fter or ifiwir thin the Internal fmall Hall; id .1 very Minnie dilleren.cin leiigili ot' lime, 111 iiia- :iy Kepetitior.s buominp fenlible, thelnlernalP.irts will by de.'.rees ireede Iroiii ilie I'.xuriial, a;id not keepni); pace iili 1 ,.ii,. .Ill .iluT, Will appear i;ra.'ujlly to move r ' ■ ■ " 'itlc 'ariatinn on the Coaft .1 'M an i IK It til. \l an of the .ijii'i I'.i'e ; tli'.' I loi.ll ioiilil. 10 have ndl- i-f thi e otlitr I;, v.-iid a.-count of the life If this l>c allowed nii' li* plain that ih.-tixt Poles are the l'< iOf this rxiernn Mi.'ll or (. ot I he /■..1.;/.. and the other two, the ivies ol a Mi)',iieiital A'./ inrliuled ami moviMble within the oilin, ]r likewife follow";, that thi^ M.^noii is W'elJw.ir. i]lieir that the alnrefiul .\.. rh: and ()' nfc- the la me decree o f Vcio s II'. I preeilily at- I'arts III tli-ir diiuu.il K. dilution ; but In .tv with the extcrirr i', that in to K lilKr. either Laltward or Weltw.ird by ilie ditlcreiue cl the Thi, I ev. Ive,;, nice vc 10 iirilV bom the I rly e.iii mi' IS LaraMeiilil)le. mpii Ife wh rebv tins M'.ti. Motion was iiiipreli . 11 the l.arili, beini> .^ivci: 'O'llli; fiuli an Internal Sphere m have fiieli| to the lxteriial"ait.s, and from thei i."e 111 time euinmii- \o^v If,. aM.eion, we iIk'II foKe the two i;;eat Uifliviiltics we , nicated lo the lii!c.ii;il ! bur not lb as perfeeily mciji al vneoiiutie.l in iiiyr'rnur l-l\|o'hciis : lor if this Kxte-i tlie Velocity of tl.e tint MoiiOnim; ref.'d on tli ni, and nor Shell of 1 ,irth l-e a ■■(•iji'-r, having ns Poles ,il a j llilleoiiferv d by the liiperliv iil P:iiis,.f the Globe, liiit.inie fro;)itlie P.iljscf the Diuriiil Rotation ; and if As to the (iii.mtitv of this M.tion, it isaH olf im- the liiterr.al .V . .(•u.bj likew'.le a. '.!.,;. ,/, haMi.;; its| ro:iiblc to dehiie it,_ 1 oUi fio;ii tlu; Nature of tb.is kind I'oIeMU tw.iotlier pl.i.esihllant alloi.oni the ,;.v,> ; aiidiof Oblervatun, iv'ni h eannnt be very at.iiiately per- ihcfe l.a..i.rby a t;:adiial aii.l Ih.vv Motion ehanpe iheir foini d, as alio from the liiiali tiir.e ihde Var.atioiii! ))la.e in relpecf of the 1 \teriial; we n%iv give a re.i | have been oblervd, niul tliei' Chaiye 'lino'ti'd. It for,.ible A ■ ountof the (jir Magneii al IV.iis I prefunie a^^pcar.s by all Cireiiiiiltuiues, thai its IViiod isof many t,) haved..:iionlir,ilrd lef re ; as likewife of llie t.han- Centiirieso-' Years, and a.> tar .is iii.:y be colle.ted front gesofilie Needle's Variations, which till now liath tlie Change of the Pla.e. wlitretiicie was no Vanat.on, been unattempied. by rcal'on cf the i^ijuilibreuf tlie tW" Soethem Wigni.' The I'criod of this Motion being wonderful great, tical Poles, ;.',. Ironi ( .ifdi' .igull;i< to the Mer, liau aii.1 there U'lng hardly .in hundred Yens lincetliefe Va- of.?/. //..Vh.i (which is ab.ium deg. in iliont 90 Vcars) ria'ioiis have Ic-ii duly olferved, it wdi be \ety hird to an.l of the Place^^where the VVelKrIy V.iriation is in its bunj; this Hv/i,-. vj.. to a (' ' - .. . . , , .,,.., the V.Triations do increafe efpccally lince, tho' ««.<'• or greatclt Deflecrion, being about half fo much and decre.ife ii'.;iilarl\ 111 the vi^. from the llie of Oic^o l{'i^ to the Suuih Wert Parts of Mr.l.r.'rfc,:, ; we nay with foiiic ii.ifin ronjeeture, that the .Imcki-.i, Pole h.is mov'd VVeliwards fortv fix orty fix fame pl.i.'e, yet in dilleriiu; I'laics, and .11 no great di- itaiiec, ihciv are tbund fiuli eafual (-lunges thereof as lan noway be an.ountcd for by a regular //»/'c.'/'f/i/; as Degrees in that liine, and that the wliol.: |\riod thereof depeniiinpoil the uiie.]iial and irogular dillributioii of is perlormcd in Wvi.n hundred Years, or thereabouts: the Magiietiial M.atter within theSiibltaiKje of the Kx- j So that the iii. e Deieriiiiiaton if thi?, and of feteral fernal Shell or Coat of the Earth, Wliieli detlcft the. other Pariicnlars in tlv M.igiietKk Sylieio, is rcfcrv'J Nee.llc from the Politiuii it would ae.|uire from the (if- ; tor remote I'olleiiiy : All that we ran hope to do, is to fed fif the general Magneiifni ot the whole. Of this le.ive behind us OLfervations that iray be confided in, the Variation' at y 11 1 • and I'. nit give a notab'e In- |anil to propofc liij;.il c/.-s which alter .Ages may examine, Itance : For the Needle hath been ciillantly ab'jut I dig. JO min. more 1-allerly a' I'r.ii' than at l.mdM ; thn' It iiecert.iin that accorilingio the geiieialhlfeCf, the .litterene ou'^lit to be the contrary wav ; 11 itwithltaiid- iiig wliitli, the Variations in Iwlli Place, do change alike. Men. e, and fiom lome other things of hkeniture, I 'oncltide, Thar the two Poles of the luternal Globe arc lixi in the bartli ; and that if the Needle were wliohy g.ucrned by them, the Variations there.f would be al- ways the lame, with fomc little Irregularities on the account 1 but |ult above mentioned : Iiiit the Internal Sphere having fuch a gradual Tranllation of its Poles, d,;e, inHi!.jni.e the Needle, and direiil it \arioully ac- amend or refute. Only here I mult take leave to re- c.inimeiid to all Maltcis of Ships and all others. Lovers of Natural Truths, that they ule theirutmolt Diligence to make-, or procure to Ic made, Obfer\ations of thtfo Vatiations in all Part.s of the W'oild, as well in the North as South Litirude 'jiftcr the laudable CuRom of our i>.l> Indii Coinmaiiilets. and that they pleale to communicate them to the O^.i: S'.ji.n, in order to leave as compleat a Hdiorv as may be to thofe that ate hcre- altcr to compare all together, and to compleat and per- fect this abltrufe '1 heoiy. And by the way. it will not be aiiiils to amend a rc- cciv'd Error in the Pradti:e of obferving the Variation ; which is, to take it by the Amplirudc of the Riling and rordini; lothe relult of the Attravtivc u •A^ ^¥ <>■ i ^•^7 yf '^ .* 1 It ^Ja. t^ 1.% .if ^>-. .,..,. Iojii, j;^. IT .Jit jw I V-r» iTA"*v' _-''**'4 XjLf " Mr, T) i|r r. r '■'-"•*• / >4rtliiii4 k « , «a <:' r.^w, . %i.jrjmi/ r^ 1UI> P A k T OF Africa K .V .Ml, AM *.* /■/..,.. Jj'fr I Hclf,/ '"'"'■'^ I ';£> |/,fl : -fii.: i^f H ,1 it I lion , ftlmvc ihst ,. ^^MMMlAM The Firft BOOK. 11 A DESCRIPTION O F T H E Cirmm l^aDigattonisi of tliec^lobe. C H A P. Of the Improvement 0/ N A V i G A T I o N in Latter Times. 'J he firU Jpplication of Magnetiail and Ajlrommical Inpimmtts thereto : And the Difcoveries made by the Portugueze. IF wc look back upon Antiquity, »nd confider the State of Navigation in the remoter Ages of the World, wc (hall cafily confefs, that they did, in all Points, fall vaitly (hort of the admirable Attain- ments of their Succcflbrs, in thefe Matters : For the Proof of this, wc need but conitdcr, that the Invention of the Compafs is of a very modern Date ; and 'tis not to be difcerncd, by iny convincing Tokens, that our Forefathers did ever dream of any fuch Contrivance. And being dcftitute of fuch a Dircdlion, as this Noble In- ftrumem aflbrds, they were put to no fmal! Shifts to find their Way at Sea. They were forced to fetch Inftrutflions froin the Heavens above, and the Profpedl of the Globe round about them. The Rocks and Mountains were their Guides by Day, and the Stars by Night had the Condudl of the Ship. Their imperffdl Art could not piotcd a Vcf- fcl under the Fury of a rufllod Sea : 'Twas in the Power '>f each Wind to fruilratc a Voyage, and detain tlicm dole i'rifoncrs in theiv own Port. They dared not venture out to Range the wide Ocean, and bid Adieu to the L.uul, for Weeks or Months together ; but generally took Care to keep the Shore in (iisht, failing as i.ear it as they could with Safety, and notliing but Tcnipcfts could ever drive llicin further : So that they could inake no great Progrels in the Difcovery of any Countries, that did not |uft Ixjr- dcr upon them ; and the GloLc they lived on, might be either ten times bigger, or as many times lefs than ills, for .iny thing they could find by their Navigation. Bui the latter Ages, by the happy Difcovery of fomc rtie Ativan. Properties of the Loadftone, have with much cafe fui- (jgc of Mo. mounted thole formerly reputed Impoinbilitas in Sailing : <*"" N-tviRj. They ha\ e now gotten the frecUle, and the full Command llili' f IIk'^"' *''^' Ocean : They can travel all over the vail Dii .cu- AiKici.ii lions ot it, without fear of lofing ihemlelvcs, or their in- tended Harbour : They can, by infalliblo Methods, lleei their Courfc tothc remotcft Pans, and furvey the whole Globe from the one Pole to the other : They are not liable to any of tliofe Difappointments, nor tied tooblervc tnofe lliort uncertain Meafurcs in their Sailing, that the .Ancients nij. ri.o' the Air bo all biack wiJi Milts and Fogs, and the St.irs aflortl i.) Light nor Direction ; tho' the Fonts ^■•t rjr.>. of Winds and Waves combine to make them wander up I'lfs't" ■^"'■^ down the Deep, yettUU under the ConduA of thiscx- )» IT. 1.''' cellent Guide, they know where they are, and how lo ex- tricate thcmfel vcs out of every Labyrinth. Something of the Nature and Property of the Loadftone, was without all qucftion known to Antiquity. They knew the attradive Power it ercrcifcs upon Iron, and the ftrange Sympathy between thofc two Bodies. * This the Works of Plato, ' See i vaft Ariftotle, &c. do fufficiefttly juftifie ; in which wc find ^',1,'"?,"° "*' fomc of thofe Phamomena taken notice of. Butthe Polar ih'!I p" r'., ?<: Dirciftion of that Stone, and the Needle affedted with it, ■ ■ ■ • '''i hy together with its Variation from N. and S. which in many ^/, J"''^, '^' Parts of the Earth 'tis of a luddcn forced into : Thefe are m,. ' ' '^' Diilovcries.the Glory of which fcems purely to belong to the l.itter Agesof the World. Tistruc, that fomc over- zealous Champiens for the C.iufc and Honour of Antiqui- ty, v.ill find this Difcovery there, infniteof allDemon- ftrations to the contrary : And Sctcmcu being granted to be the Wileitof Men, iruft of neeelTity alio be the Autho'. of this Invtniion, as fomc will fain have it. But wirhou any Derogation from the Honour of thatPrince'sWifdom, it is not very Ukely that this Difcovery came from him : For we never heard of any Volumes of his concerning Minerals and Follils, tho' we know he difcnurfed largely of the VcperyV- Kinj'dom : Or had he done fo in'.any Wwimo'-* part of his W .v ings, tho' the Books themRdves had been P'^^'^'y '>>• lolt, ) ct the Virtues of fuch a Stone fo ufeful to the World, fbici'a^.li' and celebrated by luch an Author, would cert.iinly have ' been nicely prclervcd in Memory, and as carefully tranf- muted to I'ofterity. Belidcs, 'tis molt certain, that tlus Invention muft have been known not nnly to Sohmou luiii- lelf, bi-: Loall :'ie T)iiV>, Sailois, and Sva-men, who were the .'vlanagcrs of his Fleet ; and who by the hcip of i-, wcKto pcilorm the 0;/V;„?>i Voyages, (which Voyages, by the way, were too (low and tedious, to be performed by the DircdionofaCompaf. ) And had the /W.inj known it,^ the News would nor nave llopp'd there ; the whole Wuil.l would quickly have rang with the Noife of it : Ai.d iheir Ships would have carried the Report, where. ewr the Wind had blown, and the Seas had run. And ever^ Aj'e unqucltionably would havel>ccn infinitely fond .uid under, ot lo pioht.tble a Contrivance is this ; and h.ive recoiumended it to the liicreciling Generations, a<: the niGit inrltimable jewel a P>:ople could be pollllfcd of. li.il.uii, the Wor-.h and Ufcfulnefs rf it, mult needs ha^e iii;i,'e it Inui.on^l, after once it had a Birth in the Wot Id. M-1l1ii!| B There il; 2 '/ he Vijcoverk's made by Henry King of Portugal. Lib. I. W^ Chap. I. v'i '1. m\ %i !! i t I . : i i! 51. Tlirrc arc various Opinions ami Rcprirts bcfidc^.cniiccrn- inj; till!; l'ro\iilciiri.ilIincmioriof the Compafs ; tho' latluT S»! SiO. 7. ciitcrniininp the Plact "^ than the Time, in whii h ii tiilt ap- pcarcil. Some fay, tliat the t'ariKiiis IVk«;.()/, M.hco I'nm, rroiipht it iwm Chiii.i into It.th, '<(ir Years apo. .That the }'orni«,iir:^e, at their firtt Entrain e into the f' i/.'ii Seas, foiinil CoTpalTis ami Ciiarfr.'.i;;'; in nil, nmnnpft the '■01- Moos. That (')^''''l)"/ ■»!«/„ traNellinp with the lame Peo- ple overtlie A'.d'i.in Uilai-";, to AliV •, iiblerxni them tn Mlf (tecrover that hupe Saiuly Oiean, bylhe heliMvt'the Con n ii 'nil P-i'' • '"'''It -i 1 1 rtain rcrion of (/')M.i/,'i, a Tow n in the Kim 1.. ';uti<.i)li: ■rveiliy !hv.- '■"j!. • Ill)*] ilom ot K.Tpc.', 'jii,:i.n-s (.n.; bv Kaire, nnv ilrl \<.iw; fnmd put in his Claiin here, Ki'ore all other I'l.ti-.Jir f'.l". '^f*"' I'ver t!ie Ma-.ter is 'tis by far nioft probable, tl'.atastlie i.unjcm W( iM was ilk iirit Foiiii'.ain to 11 i'elt" of other ver) Nf.ble ln\eniion?, fo it ^^■as aho of tins: And that the Huft, fwuh all its p'nriotis I'ritcnti.'-) has rather bnr- idweil ill- Ferrofinn nf Arts liiini us, than Wc the lult tlcnKiitsot them, freui ilui.ce. 'l his niav fufTire as to tlic Uil! DlUfnerv .'nil Appliea- tion if this womkrhil Foible, to the l^fes of Navigation, eoneerniiip which \vc may hmhcr note in general. That the Neeil'e inlpiieii with the Virtue of this St(jnc, prefcn.ts lis with tlule two nioft remarkable rha'nomena. The one !■> Its Vertmtv, or I'lilar DiiTCliiii ; by whuha'. a| trvc aiu: faithful Imlcy, it points onr (tlo" not aluaxv, \et| often; the tnie Poles of the preai M.ipnet, our Tcrreftriall (ilobe. The othir is that which i-. wilrarly called, thc| \'ar;ation (.f tiie Compaf'. ; and it '.^ the Deflexion of '.he iMaenetick Akridian, trom an i vacr K. and S. 1 ii.e ; fol tl.atihe forirnr makesacutam Anplc wrdi this latter, de-| ili.iinu from it either Hafti.r!y or WeUciiy, aecorditp asj the Caiife of that IXchnaiKui (whai xer it l>c), is I'.-aled either K.wards the one or the other of thefe (i.iarters : This Vanatior obferves forthe niolk pavt. no (fat^d Rule, nor I aw, in propcitlon to the 1 onpite.de, latitude, orSi- taatiop of I'sices. It is not equally ob'er\ed in all Vans ot the fame Meridian : As under the Meridian of the Ille hei Cuv. , which is one of theW^.r s ; there is no Varia- tioti at the Ille it felf, but there is conliderable in I'omc other Pans of the fame Meridian. -Again, It doth not ob- fer\e any certain proportion m poing fi( in t.iif to Wcit, and NVeit to Haft : For from the Iflc Dr. (.'cnri, it incrcafes to the Illcs I'l ijl.n; Je CuJ:-, and to thofe fnrrher Eafterly, where It is rear itDcgr. but fnin thence to the C'.:/v 1>.!.' ^f^iilljs, it dceicafesatain ; loihat near that Cape, which is rot far from the Cape of (i.r.l line, there is very little Variation, if .iry : Neither is the Quantity of it alwavs cxaChy the Ume, in the fame individual place. For in- llance : Ai l.onloi, A.jy i',Sf, the Variation was obfei- V(d to be 1 1 Deer, i 5 Min. ; but bv a fucceeding Obler- vation, in 166a, it was fomd 6 Dtgr. 13 Min. So at I'atti, in if4r, it was obfer\cd to be 3 Deer, vhereasjc Years Kfoiv, (.1-.) 1610. it was tmind at the fime place to be b Dcgr. The Caiifesof allthefefiirprizing I'hiEiio- mena, are purely of Philofophick C'oiilider.aiion, and there- fore arc not to be emniircd after in this place. But hacing now brielly diicourfcd thcle (ieneral Intro- duclory Heads, concerning the C'ompaf^ it felf, we mril look farther into the .Succeiiive Ufs and .-Vpplicatioi . of it, to the Bulincfs of Navigation : And here iiiiUy to pur- fuc the Circumltanci s ot the Matter of baft ; and to be- gin with rlie hrft conrvlcrable Hcgiiinings of the l-.tunj-t.-.n Sailing, it is I'.ecellarv for usto look into Syiiu .md P-i/h- ^.(/ ; the latter of which Coumrus, we lliali hnd firft at- tempting to pull off the dark Veil from the Face of the World, and prying into thofe Pan* of It, whuh (through Ignorance ot this Art ) had lain hitherto conceal d. And (ince the Country wc look into, had lately been the Scene of lb many remarkable Actions, and fjuft freed from the Hiirriesof a blrodv War, cntrcd upon theProfc- lution of this Noble Dcfign ; we mav brieHy trace thofe Cireumftancescf it down to the fe happier and calmer Days, timieil with Vigour, anilcrown'd with fonianv Viiitones, that they were quite driven out of thole I'arts a( Sviin. Kiiig;yo/); piirftiing the Hereditary Quarrel, palfed oxci into /Itiiik. removing the Scene of War from liis own Country, into tliat 0!" the Mem ). And here lie took the , Town of C. .vf ; (roin them, as an Ir,tr(xlui!Hon to further Co loelk irf tlW Country ; m the gainini; of which he was not a little .ilTilktd by the Noble Valour of the (?) Hnrjijh, M H'llm^. who were principally dho' not only) concerned in tlut A- '^'''' ^"^ cliop And the V.iigUlh wereiiiclined logne the P.ntiiiu.-xi: this Cmintcnanee, partly from an Alli.ince between the two Crowns, the Sence of which was yet frelli in the Na- 1 on: I-'or //'•>;i> V. that then Keigned in i.iiji^lmil, ww'. N( phew to ;'/ /■ i/i, the Wife of this King ,7(7w ni Portti'^.il, (l;e being theUaiipliter, and lu tlieCrandfon ofJo/iiiDiike of L.tKCjicr. Neither was this {'.■■■ only Renetit of this Nature tlic /■i" ■/.;;)/(■ ^-f ar;- indebteil to our Nation for : For loot," !>c- toierliis, • atthe Rcquelf of thcKiiigo!' P'-niiv.r/,' ihcy^^n.n'; liadioned the A/i»iJ out of an important iuun (/>), gisint; ■IT Hands wliciein Work. It found it felf at leifure to undertake this The A.'a/> (tirr'd up by 3" '•'" F-irl of Ccut.i, in Reicrgc nf his Daughter's Ra\ilhment, by the Goih/fn King fdilr. .'.P. -ij '■"''^ i * like a mighty Tonvnt, fpread thcmrelves through the whole Country of i/'-i.'« . Which now having lolf the Gff/.i';, was forced to fubmit to the S.iinccni .1 Yoke. The hrif that made head againft this Rout oi U.vinri- aiis, with any Succefs, was IV.',i;;.j/- ; whofe Siicccnbrs very happily carried on (what he had fo nobly begun) for the fp.ace of f'o Years : .^bout which time the gre.it City ToieJo was forcibly wreftcd from the Mms, bv the Bra- very of Aipinhf 1 Vl. From the Daughter of this Prince, (married to licwy of l-('rr,ii>i) was defeended yliprntjiii I. King of I'ortu'i.il ; from whofe time, till that o( jchi, the Firlt of that Name, the Wars againlt the Modis were con- t thofe Inlidels, tiie Honour ol ,l\iiig by "/O/f/;/?) '''■'■ "'""' Whuh Aiiilbincc of the I-.-xr"- xvas at tha^iime 'Z,i'.n: the more valuable; becaiii.- being then bound for the Holy Land, they did by this means, as it were, (]iiench the Flame <.f their Devotions for a w liile, and delay their Ser\.,c forthe BlelledSemilchre. . • The Third Son of this King Jpijvby the fofemcntfoh'd K»f/i/ii Princcfs, vas the faiiiotlsfrinrc Hnfi to tChont the Wo-ld is uuiebted lor lb man) Dikoveries. Ho |,a\ mg tried his Fortune againlttlie A/k./.', to his own, and his Nation's Honinir, began to think of remotci Coninielts than thofe, and linding out new SubiccK, in Countries yet utiknoun. For this purpofe lie atteml-d rhe Mathe- matical Sciences, bei.i.ire an hard Student himfelf, anden- couraged his SubicCts 10 purfue thi fe Studie-. j'leered- ed a School for Na\ig.U'.oii and Mtroncmv, and iiuited a skilful Mathematician from the Ille of A;.',,u-r, in order to the fpreadiag the Knov. ledge of thole Arts thiouvh his Country. Being thus in Ii nic iiicafure prtparesl fcrthcSci, he Pent fome Ships out to try their Fortune : But they went no f.irther than Cape B ./.i./oc, .alxjut iSo Miles Ix-yond Cape (. ) Now ; which was the Ifated Kcplw iiltm of fonner (,) OpcAi. Navigations, ''he Realbn of which (jieedy Return was 'ocikd.bc- this : That the \ iolent breaking of the Sea upon the Cape, "'"''' ''"'1' made It dangerous to pals near I't ; ami they darcil not rutUaMndH off far to Sea,tor fear ot loling themfeb es. But that which .■\rt durft venture 10 aneiupt, a Tempetf did the next time compel them to ; for by Dillrefs of Weather, thev were carried omasfaras*P.jiY,. Smtr ; which ha\ inp jull filnted, 'T.Vy g,n and beftowed theName upon it, they returned home with " '*'" ■*>'"'"• the News of this new-found Iflaiul. ^'n'-'v '*" 1'he Prince, upon Notice of this Difcovery. quickly af- Ji.^Nouri'c, ter lent out three Sh.ps again ; of which numbcrtwo were '" •''•'"■" committed to the Condiult of Jc/'m Gm/hhr ^« cf, .-uul '^''''' Vrift.m .If tvir,thc tomier Difcov ercrs ; the third,to Ji.inlr/. PerrJIifl/c Thefe fbelides the intended Planters of this new Colony) carried a Ship-lmard with them » a Concv , 'TfiL- (inp^i 'uig witli i'oung ; which having difcharged her Burden''"^"'"'-"'' upon the Kland, laid fuch a Foundation for the Increafe oF' "'>''' thofe Animals, that in two Yearstime. the nuinerous Pro- geny became a 1 '.ague to the whole Counrry conl'iiming the I abours of th" Inhabitants, and lavir.g all w\a(te be- fore them. Upo' i; , /•'err/? -£•//,) going ot^," the other two addred'ed thcmfe .stofurthei f)i(coveries. And (lemg ■• at a didance fomethinp appear like a Cloud, thev relol-* JWirj.i ved to try whether 'twas Land or no ; which accordingly ' "" ''■ it fell out to be, and was ;hc Ifland afterwards called jii.:- tiei.1. This, by the Kinp's Content, >vas divided between the two Difcoverers : The one part called I-m,i,'.ilr, to GonUhv, and his Heirs ; and the other named Mr.ciio, to Trijim tie -'/inj. This latter Divihcn of the llland, w as f i e.illed from one (.:) M;c/m>», an l-',)i::/h-n.-r, whom a(,t)M„u^ liinpelf had driven thither. This Nfan havinp burieil a "i 'I'S''/'' Mittrcfs here, left ujion her Tomb-ftone, the relation of '',■*"•'"'' '' his Adventure : .After which, with a Hoa' cut our of a ./;'"i v Tree, withtnit Sail, orC)ar, lie reached the Coalt of fl.i.-' b/ir)i : Where being prefented to the King for a Wonder, lie was lent by him to the King of (.,.;//,■/■. In the Year 141c, the Plantation at A/.i.'/:m (ominen- ced : (.imifniw being forced to open his way with Fire, which (if, as'tisrtpored, burnt for Seven Years eortinu- ally) we may be fure. made a \ crv great Scarcity of Wood in thofe Parts. 1 he King deligninp to iniprove'thc Coun- try, ordered * Sugai-Canes to be brought from SVc//i thi-' ■,•/.' i ther : Which thrive lb well in that Soil, that feme Years ' g ■ the Fifth-part has amounted to more than f eooo Arrobe-, each of winch is 15 /.and all the Ptoduc't of a final! Spot c- '«!;.'/, they '^.n.w: (/'), i'i\inu "I •■•'■'"■• t thnt rimi' ^,j.,uiin . id for thi' c, (]iioiii.h ilcl.i) thi'ir 'llicntfori'il 'to whom 1 Ic li.iMng 1', ar.d his C'l Mil melt «. Coiintrit'. he Alathc- ■If, aiuicn- iiil iinitnl ', in (inlir i'iou;.',h his be Sea, he they went les beyond 1 of fonnetfrjopcA.., U'tnni was '" '^'■'"''l' •"■- n the Cape. -:-';7 •eu not pilt Uyonii It. that which next time they were iiflfahited,*!.'!.')- g^^ home wiihl"""'-"^'""' II ilr.lL- I'A'ji tn.ifl'uri, rickly af- inliouniim rtwf) were "" aiut ' o n.vtlr/. prv of this a Coney, 'The (Innp r Burden ]':"'•'' "<' neiealeot eroii.s I'ro- ror.lumini; w'aftc be- 'tluT two nd feemp they refol-' ccnrHingly'^' ailed il- bctween .i 11. re'ation of Midtr*. It out of a.l I) ij.- altof B..- .1 \\'ondci, (oinitien- with Fire, rs eoiiriiui- yof Wcod the C'oiM.- \ SVc/'/v tlii-* •:iS' • cmc Years *-B' -o .Arrobe-, all S5'oi ut T'r.i; (i Cipeft.111 (■ fbund. The Iflc Perfo - -- ,„ ,. ..,-.• „ pf tflrelU. upon Condition of rcopling it : And this pro- •,cd a Vi 7 hard Task; the place being lofcarfiillY o^ cr-run with Coneys, that 'twas fcarcc able to admit any other In- habitants. However, they were by degrees difpollefjd ; but not without prodigious MalTacies, 3000 of thetn being killed at one time in a imall Illct. Twelve Years had now palTed, fincc the firft Atromft was made of getting beyond Cape Bi/.i'^''-'- ; which yet appeared an infupcrable Difficulty. Theyfanlicd lem- ptfts and Hurricanes in the Air. ttrange (itilphsand W lurl- pools, tha' would iVallow up Ships, with all the Hcrrours of Sc7,7^ andC/..:»7/'/H, alwut that Cape. At la(t accrtain I'tirtvi^u^^c, GUi.mc: bv Name, had the Courage to bid Defiance to all thcfe Dangers, and to look the Capo in th" Face : He found the Seas open and palTalle ; r.wm home comnieruling tb.o Air and Soil of the Places where he h.id '.^xi.Mii.been. He pcrfermed his * Voyajre with great Suecefs, having neither been tolVd in ttie Air by Whirlwinds, nor pl.inged in any of the Vonices about Cape B.^iai The \'miw^ur:;c now rid of thefe Fears, .idvcntured the rxxt Year 40 Miles farther ; where they found the Coun- try uninhabited : This was done by Avtiniy (Jotpli After this, no great Proprefs w.ts made, till .1. O. Jm.i when X««>'J 'iViy.iii difcovered Cape (■) Ji/jmv, and took ibmePrifoncis ; the only Prize of his Voyage. Matters being cone thus far. King lloi,) ol-ain'd at the Hands of ihc Poye, (which was then Mvriii V.) the per- (/;Thent abroad, they Traded with the Negroes, ami got good Itore of Gold and Sla\e,s: This made them call the place, 'l"icr,i,l.ini Rjxo; where ihot'e Coldeii Streams had poured in upon them. Beyond this they palled to the llles of //«.?''», and G.r, ~c. And now the J'. iiipie:;c began to be pleafed with thefe Expeditions; and the (Sold that was brought heme, crfedlually (lop'd MX'.m^ their Complaints: * Yea, the People of /..i^j agreed with the King, to let forth Caravels at their own Charges, which brought them in tome Itore of Prifoners. •^.D.i44! » Afterthis, Dcnyi t'crmuiic:^ raflcd thcRiver {^) Sunuga, k'c.pri?rrf' (which fcparates the ^^i-,?"> from the People of Guiticc, r*nd. caird G.Vi r' ) and difeovered alfo Cape Inv/. And where- as in fome fuceeeding Voyages, fonic that were Friends to the Vc)iu;'uc:{c, had been m.ade Slaves: The King did at once an excellent Piece of Julticcand Charity, making thofc that had llolcn them, fend them back to the Cin.i- r/i J from whence they were forced), well Apparelled, at their own Charges. TheleC'.in.ni'fj were lirit iii.ade known to the i'rciici- and Sp.miMJs, hf hlAcb.iin the }-.ti[!^lijh-m.in, mentioned before : .And one Uct.ihcu, vl Froic! -m.ui, who held three of them in pollelfion, compounded with King Henry for them : But the Spj>iiiti,l put in his Claim to them, as being conquered by that hciKl--mn>i, under the Countenance and Support of C.-ijIil: : To which Crown they Itill belong, having gone through various Fortunes, and been in many Hands. But King /;«» V itill |irofecHtcd his Noble Delignof lav- ing open an unknown World to view, till the time came liilh"'"' ' ^°^ himfelf to make a Voyage into another. {/ ) His Death happen'd. No;. 13. /■!. D, 146?. and alxiuc 4? Years after the lirft Difeovery of Mn.ki.i : And tho' his whole Life, (that upon the Throne at lealt) had been entirely devoted to this Bulinefs, and valll reafures had lieen expended up- on the lame) ; that in all his time (which was near Fifty Years) no greater Progrel's had been made, than from Cape B.ij.nlorc, to Siena Lion.t , which is about n i o Miles. A little liefore his Death, the Ifles of Cape (;') Verd were difeo\ercd, hy ^hiiciiioiii i\o//r, a Gciwiicje, in Commillion from the King ; together with M,t!o, Pl'iiif, and J.ii^o Ides. In his time alio, fome F.Wn/n^; failing for iu/'oK, difcovcr'd the Iciccr.ii, which were Peopled in .-4. D. 1 449. King AhUnfus, his Succcflbr, having little Icifure for farther Difeov crier, farmed that Concern to one /■"(•i-H.irrf Glvic^ , a Citizen of Limni, for the fpacc of five Years ; upon Condition, of Difcovering jco Miles every Year, bt ginning from Sicn.t Litinn , and fo along the Coaif. r',;.'(i«j & ThlsPerlon difeo\er'd [k] A/i'j.j ; and after that, down to )mi"st.Tt.» ^sp'' St. C.it, .tfiii:,oi\ the Souih-lide of the Line. Alxiut that &t,' time alfo, were difccvcr'd the Ifles of l-emami Ic, St.T/.o- VUI-, St. f liiiti cw, ylt.tioboti, and lie! I'lincipe : But the Worhl cannot eiu-oll the Names of thofe Difcovercrs, a- moiiglt ihc roll of thofe who merit a Publick Acknow- Dtiih. t:) IllC! of OfIC IVrJ diUovti't!. .ifjic, 'pil. This Prince potTolsM of rl;c Throne of Pot.'f/^/i/, found leifurc to profccutethc Bufinif; of Difcoveiy, iho'hisPre- deccffor could not He having otice talted the Qolden Profits ofGii'fo, rerohed to give i-.iinfelf a more complete SausfaifVion, and enter into a n ore intimate CorrcljKin- dence with tlMt eharming Countrv. Accordingly ho fent * oi't a Fleet of i o Cvtvfl', under '^.'^^y,'!; the(.i) Command of l)>y'' U'~"nlvi>i, to build the Cattle „' p. iVVm" of St. C (.'. i; (/■//.' A! '.,1 ; which in W.D. i.iSi'j, he digni- Cflpiaios in tied with t|-,e Privikg . of a City. In the Church of'thi-, jl'^' '^^P;'^' plaie, a Pratt was aprointed t'l pray -for the Soul of King t„^,'./),.„.,„, llrmy; and ijiiicklv a'rer, tne King all'iimes the Title of ni"" J Ws(». Lord of c;.v!>.r>. C./.M •--./, the Prince of that Country, ','' J''"" would have tiindrvd the building o*" the Cail'e', and the Negroes began to mr'iny upon it ; but partly by fair means, and partly bv foul, the Mutineers were quieted, and the Dehgn went on. 1 he King gave Orders for the letting up of Stone Pillars in livers places, with the I'ortu- ,i;«c^' Anus upon them, ciprelling the Times and Authors of theDileo\eries that v ere m;;cie. Which Method was alfoufed by /)iV;o c:..'» (. ), m the firll Difeovery of the '*' ^'."Jf"''^ Kingdom ot <>',;f, who left divc-s fuch Moniotials, as^,. Awji. thole upen the Banks of the Ruer ^i/(. This Man, in both his N'ovapes, difeo\crcd rii^ Miles, from Cape St. CmI r.iinc. all iirthe Coalt. By the Fu.bairad.-M- of theKing of Bcmn, (not far from A-/.I . ; the King of l'u'<:f Fmperori f .t'.rh'rp:'. comnonly called Picjie-foi >i : Qf f"/!"-;"". which mighty Prince's Ai.'.iuaiiitance being very an/uiti- ('Us ; and alio, nolMs d.'lirousof an Acqnaii.taine with the /' '•.I,..u'ci, he lert ov.r quickly in puifuancc of bot'i tliofe Deligns. Two I'lnnaees, of 50 Tuns apiece, were difpatehed, under the Command of Bi-r. /.). .^, with a little Vidiialling-Bark, in ■'h'^^ij!, ^l.D. mSi5. 'I his Ca- ptain ni.ade his (■/; F'nquirics after Pi cltc-'ichi, by certain 'i*) En(7'j:iit5 Negroes (whom he fct athore in di\ers places), who were '■'"^' '''"'■ to make ample Reports of the Ponu^ut:;^ Civility, and Grandeur ; thi- Marks of which they carried along with them, in their Apparel, and other Gifts bellowed upon them. He gave Names to fevcral places that were dilco., vered, and let up Crofl'es of Stone in an Ifland, called from thence. Tie Crojs ; where his People weary of the Voyage, and having loll: their V £lualling-Bark, with fome Earneftnels urged his Return. Notwithflanding whicli, he proceeded a little further, and difeovered the famous ( ) Cape.whieh in remcmbrancO of his Troubles he ';' ^'1' 'f call d 7(11 nientctd ; and was afterwards, by K. ;7o^ i;,caird,the *"" "'"■ Cipe of Gooii Hope. Here he alfo fet up another Pillar of Stone, which he called St. PI. Hip, as the ether at the River of ^air was cali'd St, Giv.i^i- ; and tliit at Cajie St. Av^u- Jliiie, had its Name from the Cape. He return'd in bf- crm'f.A.D. 14S7. i6Months, and 17 Days, afterhisfet- ting out. By the way he met with his Viiflualler, fuppo- fed to be lolt, and in it nine Men ; tlirec only of which were found ali\e : And one of that luimlier, ciicd with a Surprize of Joy, upon the meeting with their Ships again Thele were the King's Endeavours by Sea, to come to the Knowledge of Ptelicr.jcl<>i. By Land he lent fome to fall in with the .£f/)<>^M« Com- pany, and travel as Pilgrims ; but wanting Skill in the //(•(i/'iVi; Tongue, they were forced to return. Upon this one Peier (/} Crwliu:, vcrfed in that Language, was f /)<'••'' "™ employed in this Affair, (and with him Aiphci'ji Paitm *.) J^',^ ;" "^ Thefe went from Aicxantiii.i to Cmu; and fo to Atim,»j.D. 14I7 from whence Pninn went to purfuethe Aiiiiiopiart Difeo- very, but died at Cnirc. Couili.'.n cmbark'd for the liaii- Indies, from whence he return'd to Apicn, with a Dcfign of going to i-'d/"^.^/. But he received Orders from the King, not 10 reluiii till he had been in .t.ti\oi>in, whither he was deputed to go, in the Charadler of an EmbafTador. Ciuiiinii (having writ to the Kinc, to encourage his Navi- gation, and lent him a Map of his Difcovencs in Imint and Apic^) profccutcdiusjourney to the .Ethicpi.ir. Court: Where he was made fo Welcome, that he could ncx er pec loofc again. The Report of which Reception, fopether with the Circumllanccsof his Travels, he made about 30 Years afterwards, to i'V,ii;iif Ah-i'c:;, an Acteiidmt on .f^- iicrick. dc l.iw, the King's EmbafTador to tliat Court. And thus far were Matters carried on bv King -nitti : He open'd the way by Land into the Bowels of Afn:.i, and began aCorielpondence W'lth the mod pot. nt Mo- narch of that Quarter of the World. He nngh: hasc done more, in all probability, had he fallen in with C(>//(/;j/'i,.s Offers, whom he law in his hill Return from the Wi'fj, inM'.:ci.; .1. D. 1493. Yet is Naugation a very great Debtor to this Pnnce, who pa.fionatcly dcfired B 1 ' its Columbus' J" ConjeBures of the New Pf^orld^ Scc. Lib. I. t\ m':^ 1, 1 (;r)K )f.w«its Glory ami Imrrovcmcnt {p,), and took hearty Care to Enacivoun acconiplil)i it. Two of his Phylicians, Hodnigo, ami Jo- ihcAnTof fi'i'^'i were pood Mathematicians ; and thcfc lie cniploy'd, inc Stj. with M.(i/;'» Bulrinii , (who was i(ij;/o)ni-Hf.:«Hi s Si holar) to fupply the Dcfiiiciicics, and en'arpe tl\e Bounds of the btienie.Aml now was Altrononiy called in to its alfiliance ; and yrioiis Inltninunts (the I'rivi'.cj'.c only of Allrono- nicrsf|?dorc) were put into the Haiulsof the Sailors, and tiirn'db\cr to the Uksof the Sea. TaWes alfo of Decli- r.uiori >vere made, for the tindinp ont ihe l.atinule, and Ccinfc ; with many other vet) curious Helps : Ml whiili ^v*re the Genuine I'roduds of this happy Conjundlun of Navipatien and Allronomy. And hithcni) W'e have fecn the Indulbinns Portu?uc:^r, drawmpthe tiiil and more imperfei;!: 1 incs of the I'r.'.L'iicc of Na> jpation : lis oiir Buliiufs now to cniiuiu', wl'.at heiphtninp Strokes ha\e been l'l^ en liy lucceedinp Maltcrs, and In wliat Steps and Or.iupiiri it has arrived tu the I'cr- fedicn inwhiih we fee it at this Day. An.l lirlt of all 'comes in ilic I'erformance of (.'''//i/w/w ; whodlfcovers no K'fs than half a World .it once, and draws us a perfecHv new Kacc on t'ciher lidc the Cdohc. Kit IcfcK wt fet out with him, or .my oth..' of t!ic General Sailor-, wc think it proper to Jefire (on^ e for .ill/ the Reader's p.uici t Indulpcnce, In the 1 ihcrtv wc take, of tvacinp the feveral particular iteps of .lafe Mens Vuyai'.es. He may obfer\e, that we reckon ant only the Years an.l Months witli them, but alio tlie \er\ j)a\sioo, when the) ai con rat Sea : that we po with i hem aln.rlf ir.to every l'(.'rt, lee them all'.orc in e\cry Illaiul they e(?me to, and take Notice of feveral Paflapes in their Sailinp, that at lirll light may appear too minute and triflinp, todelervc a particular mention. But to pcrfwadc his favourable Ccnfurc ot this Libcny, he is defired to conliijer : That the Particularnels of thofe Oblirvations, which raiaht be a I-ault, withrelpcd to a well-known World, is nccedary (or .at leal^ very excnCible), in reference to a World not yet dileovcrcd. Wc arc now poing to take our lirll View ot thole I'aris ot the Glubc, which a,s ycr we are fnppofeil not to know. Thefe Men are our hrit Sailors, and po in an untrodden Path, and whatfocvcr they Ihew iis is quite new : Upon this Score, to fail but two or three Lcapnes with theui. and r;„ly to fee a Cape, or fume lorry Jllam' whic. lies m their way ; may be of more moment, than' to follow a Modern Sailor all round the Globe, and hear him t.ilk(.t thole Places that have been a thoiiland times dclcnb (1 befoiv.b.very Step taken by -a firlt Difcoverer pre- IriitsanOnpii ,il in thole Matters ; others that come .after do bur Copy or Rehne upon him, and continue the Story tliat he bei'ins. His Relations are Text, (in their Coiife- iiuencc and Wcipht ) compar'd with thofe of others and theretore to be mirfu'd even to a Scruple, in c\ery' Cueumltancc, that tlocs not appear with a bare Face of I-u'ly .ir.d Impertinence. 'Tis for this Reafon, that we propole lo puiiAual an Obfervation of the feieral Steps I't the Voxai'cs made by thofe celebrated Pcrfons v:U, nrit \cntur'd out into the World, and laid a Foimdatioii lor /■.■«,./■..<: Aciuiair.tance and Converle with the remoter Parts ot It. lUit as the Difeovcry of the WcrM poes on betorc us, and the Stranpeiiefs of thofe Couniries wears cti by rep-ated Vifits made to them ; tho' we will lole nothlnp^ ahiable.tha; our Modern Navipat-.rs liai e to Ihew us ; )et\ve lliall notpue them that Ccrcmon;ous -Xtten- dancc in Saihnp, that wc allow the more Ai.eiem One^ tl. r M;! 1[ I. ! m ■ 1, Chap. II. Of COLUMBUS, &c. W ^e'UTilm- HERE thi< Fortunate Difcoverer was born, is not agreed air.onplt Writers : Some lay at S,noiM ; fome at N"Mj othci-s at Cicmcn, in the 'I'erritorics of Cfimi.i, of an ancient Houfe, and prcar Reputaann, in fhc time of 0//o II. This Great Man, it fecms tho' he brought a new World to licht, yet left the Pl.ice of his own Birth and Brccdinp in fo much obfcuntv, that there needs another Cclmnlin to tin;l that out. Korvever this lie, "tis enoupluo know, that he hail an early Paliion for the Sea, and bipanbothto'J'rade, .Td irakc Charts for Sea Service, \» 'nn he was very yonip. The Faiue of the Vmiiif^iicxc, fui their Skill in Marine Affairs, brought liiin to thofe Pans ; where he Married and Setilcd, anU Tra- ded to the Coalts of Ciuivc; He had the Charadcr of a Man, fobcr, t( mperate, grave, and devout, ofcompe- MtlyTsfj- tenr Learning in other refpeifVs, and vu-y Itudions in the dm in Ma- Mathcmaticks. What Motives induced \:\m to the Great '■'"'"""'■' Undertaking, he afterwards fo haprdy tinilh'd, arc un- known. Some I'av, a certain Pilot, that had been driven upon the Klands (^f /Inicrk.i, pave him the Hrlt hint of a new World there : But this is thought to be the fruit of Spiinijh Ein v ; thni People perhaps beinp much conccrn'd that Uith lliould ravilh this Glory from their Country. ' lis probable , that his ov^n Mathematical Rcafoninps might make hiivi conclude, th ; pollibility of tindinp Inha- bitants on the other fide of the Globe. Th.at conliderinp the valf Dimenlionsof the Faith (which might ealily be determined IVrm ihe Principles of Girt/i.-Aii) ; and that the known World was circiimleril ed within verv narrow Bminds : It was utterly in-probable, th.at all the reli: of fo preata Rail, lhi(r, > lllcs, told *'■"■ "' him, That he was once carried 450 1 eagucs to the Welt of Cape I ly.cmt, and there look up a piece of '1 iirber, wrouv.htby a Man's H.ii'.d, and, as h<- ihoupht, without Iron ; and tli!-, he fanhed , mult come firjm fome more Weitern HIand. (1) Another alfo reported, Th.at he had fecn a piece at I'.n-tti, c,,,;/, wronghi: after the tame Fa- ll.lon, brought th;ther by the Welterly Winds; befules Very large C'aue--, capable of holding two Gallons of (/, rt.. Water in each Knot : Which being '•?nortcd to grow in /../;.,, he fiippolld inight be conveVd into thol^!- Parts,B™n£'f by the lame torces ot Winds as the 1 imber was. Some ?'>.iircjvct'a Intormations trom the ./^-wct, likcwile alliired him That '^"''' certain Pines had bccnuilf up at V.i^.il, andf;,vrc/f./:- by Itronp Weltcrly and N. W. Winds : topcther with 'two Canoes, and the like number of dcail Men, upon the Coaft of y-Vfi :/ ; who by their much larper Faces and ditfc'rcnt Countcrances, fceiii'd to have been In'h.ibl- tants of fome rcmoro .,nd unknown Re \\on. There were fome ah'o, t!\at ccnridently allcrted, '1 h.u I and hail dncrstlmes been leen at a diltarce, which lay far'bcyoiid the Bounds of t!-e \".\ lent Dlfeo\ cries ; and confee.:HSailors. Some of thcfc Pcrfons made i heir Reports to Cc//i(»»i'ic hi'nfclf, as O.Vijc ;W.i/./uc; ; and par- ticularly a certain Ma..iier, who told him of'an Illand which he had fecn he tar Weft of Ircl.iiul, and fiipncifcd to be that now called \cn-t,.ii. Others (, ) had eivcn / 1 ., in their lixperienccs to the lame cHcl'>, if not to (>■,,„,./-,/, /.<»'. irr, hlmfc!f,yi-tto the World and the Nation where he redded • ''' *'''•'•''••■ fo that he cou'd not mils of the Intbrmatior. And nnvv l7"'lt!,'"" being fully allured, that a New World lav fonie where or ^ ""'"'"' other conceal'd, his next Care was to come at thcliejit of it : And In order theivto, to procure fuch i\uc Fncourage- mcnt and Aiilllancc, as might render his Attempts Viic- ccfsful. In the firlk place therefore, he propounded the Matter to the GfwiHc/e, his Country-men : lo whom his ■,„.„« „i Prop.dals not being at all agreeable, he atlJrcfred hin-.fclf, ''''''"««' " 111 hope ot better Fortune, to the Court of Pi>rtui'.il. But "''''' !"' the Projcd took no Ixacr at / uhoti, than it did .at Cnnu.i ■ ''"'!""''''• and the Notion of a New World w.-vs much In the fame degree of Reputation amonglf thtar, as tliat of a New- raifcd Body was formerly at /Ithnn. Hcic the King's Mathcm.aticians adtcd the parts of ihofe Bantering Philc- fophers, and heard this New Doctrine bro. ■ li'd with nor a little Sport ami Jeft. However, Volumim'^ Rcafonings made fomclmprelllon upon them, fo far, thai ihey thouplit It proper to advifc the King, to try whether he fpoke Truth or no. And thereupon a 'Vcirel was fecretly fent out, with C)rdcrs to look after Co.umlu, s World ; which not finding, and meeting with bad Weather, tlicv return d home, having done nothing. Cchimini in the next place (tho' having had fo many difconraginp Rcpulles)thought of making one FtTort mere, and that was, trying of the Temper and Inclinations of the i'.tigt'lh • And accordingly ferit his Brothef ll.it diLmcio to .11 )'.\ ' \ \ (unJ < ' Lin. 1 Thf7 It-, nd. .[ S*lva-ttr I cuvei'ii* ^^ the N«- Cifiiffiiin found ) IfiLiU:i: ) f«*J, :th they "d Jm^**. Jontiut or rrnccof , MIt. Ami nnw .,r„»,«,t/. . iii'eJtrf.-'.i .■;.<-i' • ( (f) K y.w.its t fc'iu-ltavoun . - (o inipr<>vp yr^ ilie Am of /f/>/ I'lc Svj. vvii to I Sci ;irii inc till p. II Cc cC c!ra of !ici and i\.d ' i ''11 ncv 1 Gc. tiic of t Vuy Yea wlie cvct and .11 Rl I > u fome Cell'tl the til I'rong own ) nrcJs I'c, 'li the Sc >S.a Si to thol ilcci to !-.»,;» Ma„, sarlyaSu- '"111" 1 ( den. ,„ Ma. Matlic rJ»mt,cN, Under l''in\vn upon tl new W that /Cf 'Tis pr might 11 hitJi'.ts ' I lie va(t fictcrmi known Hounds !'■ j:iv.ir in H:.|) linl lo p rly ai'.l lit' lOllll "r citl,,-|-. I IK n F 'iai!T8]flnfr'"~"^''^' ■ ^-•..rf.^ AP L,IA.M. SCHOUTI^N and Cap* 7ILLIA.M Damp IK II S l^^foac IB^ound it. *. "--. ^-.i?^ a Nub »I ETH lioPIA t W.»i/,. -■ r fu-f I..' ■ ' thtlr (0 Thfyki L.nJ. « • The N'a- lives WJ Cittcfptiin l«x round (fjF-'r.'gnctir.s (f) IfAihu (f. I Cuh, vfh ch tncy call'd jf«tf»«. In Hon.mrof the Fr.i cc cf : Ct(li!i. '(l.).liff,»t.:. ■ "— Il»l »ll- MAP Shiumn^ the Courfc • >ll i 5.« ^■^ »ity a St drnt in I rlic.iMiicI fii'iJ. :hap. II. to Kinft / of Piraici t^i"^ lone, tha ?'**•''•* dmtcly' (hc-ir Call the Mom ' thcTnai Wars tti JH'IICCS. Ciilumlii pullc, ha not bcpg' from i>; pofals th pcti'il) hi t was com labour a Ki-puirc«. The I' wtrf his h.ilf. 'IN unprofital Btoilier , chanpcil ; «:ua(.J>in fpciM in t *'•""• tholiik > tncc, aiiL' to pawn I tion. Tl attliattiii \antapc) ami I'fiii. dim I'linS niorc cx.i kiiuincfs. The I (lies, wn hive m l{ offer ct tries tli/io Jiitiin'il til Agrccmci ».itla, Ap And 't> on, did a warm in cold and fuch hipl uking, [1 Iclf. Cilnmliu ftti Accord •'"■ he fct to. Himfclf I tin jlhuyi thcr, Frm which th( Captain, Commati fay, but On th( (laid till ThtP.ri». Iflcf.owt luiuu- who had that, the: their lea\ the other well as I cheat the were not ij The Va. the 1 4th •ton fiift which w """^' dcrOblc Herbs fl( (GrafTiop them (no fee dry '. Nincteci bclidcs V :opcther, his whil ^mbcf 1 • Sfmt. ^jfu'nrJs """''■ -^'mipt, ">din] lin.'itim, had ixov «nd Qin i 4 :hap. II. ColumbusV t'irjt Voyage. t ,yr,l ,. ' i UI4I4 10 King nmy Vll. This McffcLRi r ailitiB into tlic Hind* of PiraicJ by the way, ami not UinR fo Inrky an to prt A fpwiy Hearing of ihc King, Matters w< il' ililayid f/«»«''«< wiary Willi Iriii-K^ W.iinni'S iinint- diati'ly • aprlii-il hinit'clt to tin- C'oiirr of V/,./> . But (heir Catholuk MnjcUics l.cMn|Mh(nciic.,l('al in War with thcM-m', hiiAnlwi-r Wis (aticr live Y.ars Suit), Thnt thcTrtafnri- of the Nation was lo cxhaiiltiil witli ihule Wars, that they couUI not atl()rd to k- at any New l^x- '"* C/u/w/'i/' needed nut have felttlio Pain of this new Re- nilfe had lie deferr'd his Am.lu.itKmsto this Coiirr, .uul not beee'd of ,S>i/", till he had reeiuca a pndtiieDom.il from Vti'l.wJ ■ For this hutir tXiirt ih.l iinl-rarr hisl'iD- rofals iiin' thinns went fo tohnnlly on, th.,t r.isit hai'- pen'd) his Reriiicll was praiaed 111 s/,,.,. Ik f(,re he knew UMseonfideiM in /.-.i; -../. I<>ii iwasihe Hint ot imiih I abour and Tuil, and isme .iltev iniiuiiieraUc Miglits and The'iwn Diikc- nf Af-''''"'< '''''''. •l"'' ^'- ^'■■'"' • were his Ad\oeaies , ln;teniiM not l,e heard nn lii^ be- hilf Twice he tlioiiglit of litrui? a Imal I'mnd to his unprofitable I'.n.lcavours m >>..«, and pet over to his Brother, at the /.";-/,/;; Cmiit. Hut at l.dt the Secne chanced ; and the Clergy iii.deriAiiic hi . I .iiile, it pro- i">- ''"'' '''f" '' '••'!'&" '"" '" '''' "•" Jlfain'il to I'll own Prrjon a. ., //.f to l>c<i>ic^ HlK"-, was Captain, and Mailer. Tliefe Officers had under their Command, in thclc Three Veflels, .about no, orasfome fay, but 90 Men. . , , On the I nil they h.id fight of the Cnvma, wliere they (taid tdl September the 6th, relVeftiiiig thenifelves at the The P.r(.. Iflc Comer.t ; but went off then for fearof the \'trtii^uc-^c, x»u ai. who had MannVl out three Caravels to take them. itmot 10 September the 7th, they loft light of Land ; and with ' that, their Courages too ; a preat many of them taking their leaves of this, and expciiting the next time to Ini d in the other World. Columbus c(pniforted thcfe Cowards as well as he could ; and to do it efledlually, was fain to cheat them in his Reckoning ; making them believe they were not fo far from Home, as indeed they were. C>n IjjTht Vj. the 1 4th they obfer\cd the Variation of the (/ij Compafs ; ^it.on hift vvhich was the hrlt time that Ph.vnomcnon had fallen uii- j^-rObfervation. On Shw.V.o the i«th they fawCirafs and Herbs floating on the W.-iU'r, and Ibme Imall .Animals, (Grafhoppcrs) a!ne amonpft them ; which made lomc of them (nowccir.e to a little better hope) bclicve.they fl.onid fee dry land once more, and that ^luickly no. The Nineteenth and Twentieth, tlicfo Pvefages continued ; bcfides which, they faw fome bea-Fowl : All which put Together, conlider.ibly raifed their IixreCt.iiions of it. All his while the Wind favonred their Vo>agc ; but on 5c- ^■mhcr the 2ad, it came crofs at S. W. .And now the * SfanU *7)Mr King Q.v.tcnthctnfchc5 in their Pallion, as Perfons loocafie anditeduloiis. diarginn thtm kvith Imli'eretioii, in lilfen- ing to furh wild Proii.fiN, and l„iriluing their Siil)|ea« upon fiiih tfivi.il Ocianum. As tor ( i umhi 's fait, thy told h/in plainly, 'I'hat if he woii'd not jaik alw-nt, and make homewaids again, hell.ouUI jo over- board without fail; I'or they were relolved to Ihift toril.. n leKes, and l.ueiheii own lives, ifthey cou'ij. The Adii'iiil nTiirii'd thnn gooil Words for b.id ; and ai.l'wir'd ili. fi- inlblcnt r./,»,/,. <• ,-. 1 hreatninps of the Rabble, with eliarini )■ I'lo ulvs of >'•' !•' - great Ri'wards, upon Coiidiiionef a litiK ii',ore Patience. ''J'"-' "' And iho'hem.idell.ifttoihiatll.iin ir!o .1 I :'t If gord Hit- ' "" iiiour, by crying nut land, untie 2-ih ui i^/i ir c : Yet that Calm vas iiim I- '\ Imiudid by .a more outra- )'ii usSiormihanUlor. , 1'. Refiili of whii h was, that .liter I'onie f.inlier 'I nals, (■«//»«/ <« (having no wav to de- tend hinilelf an\ lonptr), w.is foned lo pioiiiife ro rirurn, il they (lUeover.d not I and in t'lr i-ll.iv's tiiix- ; this be- ing the utmolk Ipace, that ilie domim eniif; i.i.ior,l would allow him. ■| he Hrlt of thol- Pavs, he found by the Snn-fetting, iliat 1 and was mar ; upon v.!-iih thev' ccntraded theit Sails ; and that fame Niphr ihey law light. About two Hour', alter Miilniplit, one ( f the Coinpany difeover'J I and (, ). This happy Sipl't 'is on Odu er tlic 1 ith, //. (t) Thc-yfc? ''. 1491. This they found to be an lllrind cf 1 5 Leagues t-""!. eonirafs; and ii was le if the l.u:.n,ii:i, called by the Inhabitants,';.!!!-, .ii;/ ; but bv them S.t»; (,•} V.;,M,/-r, being ^,, ,•,,„,, alwAii 910 Leagues fi-om the C.u^.iries. Mere they wei.'t '.•■■■\uUim{r),k':"anl" the Women of which place had only lliort Cotton Coats, fof-'-ai*"* from the Navel to the Mid-thigh, ■ > cover their Naked- nels. After this ihey came to another Ilie, which they called r/.W'f//.! (/ ) : Of which, as of all the others, they , ^, ,,,,4.. took folemn PoUeifion ; and in all tlitfe Places carried it ~ jiiltlv and honelllv towanls tl-.e Natives. '] he\ proceed- ed hence to (>/■.( (1;), which the ImUni:! told him .iflbrd-fj, ; f./,.,. ed Gold and Pearl. Two Sp.Diiiuili, and as many /«:^e J'.-;;ff« left Cilumhil here, who (^iiicUv after went himfclf in quell of / '.-V/uhjV;^ (. ),w hicli the Natives at chat time call'd /;,..)//. 'J hey took here a Woman, a Na- .1,-''!^!:"' tivc of the llland, whom tre.itmg well, Ihe became a fer- Mccible Agent on their behalf, with the rell of the Na tivcs : So th.at at iall th.ere was a very goo. I Coriefpon- dci.cc eftablilh'd betwceiuhe huliivs and ,Vtv.»;'.i)-,u there, the King of the Place 11 vlting C:hin:Lus to etme aflioar! A Fort was built Upon thl^ llland, to maintain the Sp.viifh Pretcniions and .Authorus ; in whieii i'i Soldier-, were left : And alter this Buliiufs done, ' :i/'/r tnideProvi- lions for a Voyage homewaids, ehaij ., ;; his ^p^nintUi to carry it obligingly to the Ih.'.inns, and the.i King. Accordingly on i-V«i.i>, 7.i>'. 4. 149-. he fee out from the Port of N.jf/t'Vr. In his Voyage, he ailirms. he faw Mti-.iiaids ; as alio before, on the 'C all of (.i/i'/ic;'. And now much more of the Coalts of that iarpe Ilie lUlp«>:ivlit came under their view ; which they diligently obf;rv ed.and g^ve / he Topes B V L L, &C. Lib. I. '!l •I I ',. :■ txs t Nitrti to .li» cr» C«i»« «nd H»fb«ir.. A»io,.t f. m^c own V/orldly Imcrrtlt ami G orv. That they <»n De. r,» ilutc Ptrt. ihc r.i./i4«i ir.i V^jmir./, hi.) i Qiuinl. «hronc PniKri. ilifjojRh whole Naiiowof rticir rightful Willi li lAtiu' to a (ni4ll Skirmilh ; but thi* BnAth w»< liihirit»mf«, ir»n«ffrlhr Proprrtiii of cinr rmplc to^no- .!»• up, *nil tlif ConimMilir fimO.'il. liy I'ln- tlior, turn out tlidf. whom <.o.l aii.l Natun- li,»x, put an) «..«, i<«- tjuukly nuiU' up, ^ . ktn ot Siil'miilirii from the ("/m" Kinft, which w». hi« C'mwn <.f (inl.l, h nJinpt thtm food Intilhuenci' in to the forSfC. I Biff-O"- From thi% ()rt.ui till') iVt out 7.0M7. iiakiMj' *i /« »...!.«. the K ft of thiii Way homcwai\ls ; Ciilumlm\ Kiikcnmn ■'"" »' "•'■ King now .i\ man- Lcidiun ftiort of thiirs m loiiiiMf! "" fioiii the l.iiri tn tft/ff. .»» thrir* was of the Truth m ro- irH (inm ^f "" to ihi- hiMf. In (•■/■'«» » .t fi.rki- Timpcft o\irtnok thrin, in wimli mm of Danpcrfallothir Rininlut faiht'j:) thi- lii:iiiM> iniploral oui I nU'^Hclp, \o\vinp I'llnrim.igiN in II" iioiir of liii, it c»rr thivi.tnu'f.vK' to Shn.tr. lor tlii'- thcv i-ift 1 on ; the hrrt of whiih t'oHonO'Mm/"" hiii h It, to gotoOMi./i/nr'* ; tho liconl on l'eti> .if I'Uh. to l.t- trtiii ; and the thtr>l toniinnr. to .ill of tlu lo in.inh in (olcnin rroccilion m thiir Shirty to the hift Chiir. h ot our I a>iy tlicy c.inic at. Yi-t h.i.l tlicy funk, tlic WorKI might pollihlv have h..il the Kno\vU-ilt!<' of (■«!,im:i,'S DlhoMTus : Vor ho writ thi- DiUouric ot it at lirgc in I'arihniont, ami put it up in a lUrrcl, iiiti'iulin^to loin- nnt It thu* to the Care of Prov ulcmo. But thi > li .ip il this Dar.gc-r, ami /••/■. iv hiut un- h ippily nia.le) to our 1 a.iv rt Clut.u H< iv ilie A.lmir^il ( .'.w, . IhtterM for his Devotion, for the 1 ot fell on him, ami to n.i >"* (oret.i him to / ;./™ , into tlie 1 laiuls ot his iMietiiies. /"■•"'"^ '"'*"'""' "*^'''^' '''""':;"TWouhlh.ive given him .i rough I'.ii- ' "' tertainment ; I'lit the more Ceuernus King deteiulcvl luiii TtirKinRoffrom their Malice, gave liim cood l'.n!ert.iinmciir :ind r-ofiu. trnwn'il ill his V.»\ours with a tonccTion of tullLilurty to depart into ,S7>.ii)). But this w.as not tin- only Injury the \'triu^uc:(r did this moft defers ing Pcrfon : For they af- (auhid his Fame, and cndcavoui'd toechpfc thcC.loryot that Performance of his, which all Polterity will celebrate him for. Nay, the $pmiM
  • y the Problem ot tlu I'gg.wluch was to lie made Itand upfigbt on one end. When the Shell waslvroke, the Fgg would Itand ; but they could rot hit of th:it Method to make it tUnd, and pave over the Pro- blem as infol.ible, till Coivim/i/. cr.iek'd the Shell, .iiid foiv'd it. So when his Difcoverus of the New World were made, "tw.is an ealie n .ittertlien to lind it our. But F.nvyand Malice will hnd limnlo' loeiit tor themfelves, .ind no Merit nor (itodnefs cm Ive a Oct. ii K/ 1'^; Ferdinando /(fW, (J I'.l.iriffimt mCitillt*'^^- liar Flit.ilx'th /(.-^m.rCaltclIx, I.f(tioni', Arragonum, Si- cilix, a Granatar, Vlujiribui, S.iluie>n U Afi^lelk.im Btnt' iliilinnnn, thtfr c.eter/i nivin.t M.ijrfttiti hfnt»l.tcii4 cftrit (j ttrilit n'JIri dfji.ltr.tiili.l, iHiiil frofeUu folifjlmiim eM'J}il, ul f'ulri Cilholi^-.i a Chrijli.ina Hclij^lc kkjUh fr^fenim trmfotilut ,x.iltftur, .If utililet .imflirtur ac diUiitm, .viimntunujut fi^ till frtcurttiir, ,ie li.irh.ir.t S.ttioiui ilepiim.wtur &' «iic/ femprr lirffe miitniii, (^ ,) volin pixcLre l^ijhi, loii pa-iif Oil! Mt!ffim.\ demeiiJIrdHf, nejum i,lt.\oft,iie, J'f.t mini es«.>f«, J.udiv, flf illlitfnti,i, huIIk l.tturihui, iiuHw imfeii/ii, viilli/ijir p.iicrndo frimlii, tii.un p'ofiium Jiinf^ui' nrm effiiii.lciitli' rjjiceic, mitiJJ'm,iii (3 eiiamTer- / ,11 firm.i., ijii !■ per .itiol hatlenm repents non fuerant, inve- neiiini. In .juiinu plwiir.a getilei paeifice vtventei, (3 {ut ■ijfciitur) iiudi liicedentci, nee itmibm xejceiitei, iniiahil.int: Ht ut pr.rfiii \unlii wjlri foffimt epinai i, gentei ipjce in hifidu, (3 term p> editlu habitant a, c'-.iiint unum Ueum Vieatorem in Car In ejjt, ,ic cd fidem Cathciicam amflexan- liim fj honH mmihm imbuet'dum, fatii .ipii ridenlur : Sfef^ que h.ibetiir, quodfi erudirentur, nomen Jahatmii Demim nc Jlrijefii Chrijli in Terrii (3 Infitlh pr^diilu facile inducere- tur, Ac pr.ef.itui Chriftopiionis in una ex principalibui Itt' full! prxiiitlii, jam unam tiirrim Jatii tnui.it.im, in qua cei- toi Cl.'iijlianoi qui fccum inerant in cifie.diam, (3 ut aliai InJuLii lie Terras firmai renurai (3 incognitai inquireretit, po. fiiit, cmijhui & .cdificiri fecit. In quibus quidem Infulu (3 terru jam reperttt, jhiium, Arcm.Ua, (3 ali-iqiiampluiimx es p. .ecicf.c diiierfi geucru C3 diveif.e qualitaiH reperiuntu:. tnde omnibui diligenter, i3 prxfertim fidci Catholic.t ex.itt,;- tione (3 diUtiuw (prout decet S^alholicoi f{egei (3 I'rincipes) coifileratit, mo.eprogcnitorum'vrjfrorum cltir.c memorise I{e- ^iim, Terr,:! firm.ii (3 hijiiii. pr.ediiiiii, illarumque I'ico!jii3 llibilittores, vubii Diiina favente ciemcniia fibjiccre, (3 ad fiilem Ciithelic.im rrdiiccre prcpofiiiJ)i<. jVw itaq..e hi.jifmndi irjlrumfanitiim (3 laud,',bile ficfifitum pli,rimi,m in Ucmii.a commcud.iriict, ac ciipientcs ut i/liid ad ikbitumfihcm pcuiu cat: r, (3 ipfum ncmcn fahatorit neflri in p.irtibiii HIh intiu; tur, hmtamiir -,cs qu.Tnplw imum in Ijcnino, ii per Je* lavacti fulceptimcm, qua mindatii ApejhlicK ibligati (•*) v i.t per vifccra mifcricirdl,t Domini nojiri 'Jeju Chrijli at"", rcquirimui, ut cum cxpcditionem hiijufmcdi cmnino /•i/'/"' fy affumcre prcna mente Oitrir-dox^ fiiiei :{c!o intouUti, /"" fulei in hujifmodi liifidis ;3 Terns dcgrntei, ad C/jriJiKf'^'" ,1.1.1 x: Id /i,(/iii.<'/«» liciier fr'l' hcMgiati-e mtiiH prop' mkn ebl.i" I4ie, C3 I dine, ownr JnetU (3 ktn (3 debeattt, Mc^'ri^ :hap» IT. The 'Popis S V LL, &c 'l*'i£imt inn In pjpi 1 •I r IK CLti/lt *""• iponuni, Si- « tf rorrZ/i 4 HMiMuf ctnciftii, ,K.l Dim cmmfolcm A ttiC'', Icilitft Srrtrnlrhiit, ml /''/«»' A «iiv..f.f, (J ii.irh.eiJj! Jiur, U'/ii. (^' f ,i»/'///'fi' Uilidit:...! , ■P'.t ii'.V4M/f. mii..ufAtiiiir .1,1.1 ' ■„,,■' i3 «.!/•" »■'<■"'■■ (" """ '«"■"! «*'/•" "if"''"'"" i^ .nennult, ,l.irll< d •idrr" ■'■ ■' /•"•'■'■"'■ '■'"■" ^ '/"'/''' - tU-me,n d Mr-iMnv, .jiu f'' ■'''"" 'ij'"' «""'/•'"/'•"' Ll'Ullimum «o« rKrri" filMlUrr fujlcljx ulf.Cudd.emNr- liv.lrln lh,mi.,"rl>'i'1<-J" rl>'ij>i l< "'■'»<■ fr"---"i<'", " ,]„o imifit /l>:nm pr.'h''ii Millri,mm ii,t>il.nf ti't'imr fer,Shnd,s rj Cip.i.fi.c , v. - 'jhei •Kvcutx «tii.t ftxdiHi-.'vm hfnkrum Ant.nim On.. iiiMtnitii /)fi inhti ill InriK ?i:tni i.uiucl] ■ , .u- /'.cvirMn,, ,.,1111 owHilm illniuni J' Hipftfni, Jelut'lnjii, -/v/t //<'i;i»«'i'- '" ' . UomlHiii, Chiinlil'iii, CJIri,. /«>/>, (Sl^Jlii, ),ir,b,.lf,e tj furil.liilimil'iii .K ftrlimnli.. nil, rtrjii vi hit, h.aejil'i'l- i/W, d/ii,crll>:hH vjlil (i-<'jUli>: e; i.e^KHll lif!,il>iii) i„ fcpcri.i'ii tcm,e fr. t.ln, nc fuccelji re: fr.ifi-.tvi ilif iim Ih . mil iuepi . nrm, CJ Afl'iui.-tivMiii n'-Jtii-w, 'mil' Clrijlin'.o l'i^inl['i,fii f^Hunliin fi'.cl.:t.i, l"liihi d Venj, /J-wu. folfcieiit vl-jue u.i prtJi.-lnm ,l.e,n Xrllvitntii Ihwini iirjlri \1tl,i (hiijH/iii ,ifi fill Iff:, I'Mntiini intclligi ftljc, itut .iiifnii ,UUrr. Kli>li.f< tniiihi.imi'1 vihit in xntutc liwtl.i dcJitiiti.v (,ilikiitplli.nn:tii,(^ no" d:,bit,tmi'i pio irjliit w.t.\inin dr. v^titiu d Hr^''^ >nr.'nnriiiiit:t ii.cinifi I, djlnetiiii inl'ihii.m ic i-d l',jil,i'y& T,:',r, !h 111.11 ir.tciirM d i)iveiiieihUi,dctetl.i.dd,: trr/.ii-l.'i vc'jih 0,-cuUitemd Meiidirw, fi-biicrndv d < > . jhiicn.lii I'lnenm .'< I'olo Aittico trd I'oliim AutniiliciDH, Ive lei r.t jtiin.e d lulule invent je d iiiieiiiend.e I'.i.l icijii In ACopyoflli'Dull, ordrunl, Ij/llrlixoftvl^irh, Alexander VI. /J;y/w/)<./ Ilomr, emUhd tht Khi(^< .;/C.i(>ile, -i«J ll.'lr Smirlfun, ij ihe CuHHtrks dud l/hmtt oflht SitrUoiU. Alfytrdf Bill.dr. tli^' Sen am n» tlic SiT».im"i ot' (io»l, ih;' »"" " '' tuoiir .KMtly klML.lNoti Ml *.:iiril», V...t:»..H.l Kiiit( I'/J;^^',',',;' and til i\[Hi* iWi. rilnttri.m- I'riiKv\ wiil.uli all Hi»ttli arul Apo«..lic.il Ik- '•',' ;^ J^'^' iK'ili(!>i> n. Hn Ot ill till Uoits ih.it .iiv .uiqitaMc tn thv Diunc VLqUtN. .Will .il'.ri^.l'.ili til ciiit Willii-\ i that ijfUlt'tM'. is tile jTinivIt, win. Ii ii-i.i.lK in I'lnini.'.iiic, iiil.irninv', and lonuvinf! iito nil I'.iriMlit L.itliiiliik Faitli, .mil C liti- (ti.in Rrlifion, ii|i» .1 ; mil liavint' .iKv.iys KiH'Wn ymi to Ih- true Citholiik KnpH ami I'rinii'. , irpically confi- iliTini! tliat yoHi Null Fxploits icIclirau'J .ilitioft all the World o\ir, nrc liaiuinllr.itivc Kvklfnco. tliat >ou not (inh Willi for the AiK.iniorm'nt of the Catholuk In- torill.lnit.nltiinliv prouiKto .t by .ill your Efforts Stmly.aiul Uilinciiio, ij'.innj; no I .ilioiii, l'!i,:dii, yim were not at th.it time able lo comp.ifs your holy and lau- dable liids. We underltand like\sife, that at lad liaMiig recover d C.rniii-,!,-, inirtiiant ro the Divine Will, you pur- lued your former Iniemion, by .ippointinp our beloved d'lAm nut vc.fiK r.linin ifunncviupie partem, ijii.c line.-, iijlet ,i\sm\, iirljhfh.-i Chin, a Man of Worth and Repute, ■ and iiiialify'd lur lo preat an I'nder'akinp, to Vila the .Seas that Navipation li.ul not leach d, in iiuell ot the re- mote and undifeovcr'd Continent', and Klaiids ; and fur- nilh cl hull with Men and Shippiiu- proper for the pnr|->ofc, not without preat I abour, iJanper, and Charpe : 1 hat the laid ('Irijifjir' , and his Companions, by (iod's Af- lillante, failinp with extream Dilipeme thro' the Ocean, did accordinply diii over I'ome very remote Iflands, and even Continent*, that were lornierly unknown, and arc inhabited by feveral peaceable Nations, which (as 'tis faid) go naked, and .ibllain trom Flelh ; and in the Opi- nion of your Difcoverers, Ix'lieve that one (iixf, the Crea- tor of the TIniverfe, relides in Heaven, and feem fuffici- ently difpos'd forcmbracinc Civility, and the Catholick Kaith ; infomuch, that 'tis hop'd that proper Inflruiifion would ealily introduce thcNanieof our I oid and Saviour Jefus ChriU, Into the above-mer.tion'd Comments and lllands. Our Intelligence likewilc Uars, That the faid ChriJIcphi-i eaus'd a Fonrefn of fmic tlrenpih lo Ix; builr. in one of the molt conlidenble of tln.ife lllands ; and has therein plac'd a GarnUMi of fome ChriiUans that accom- panied him, who arc likewife to lookout for other un- difcover'd lllands and (. oinincnis : 1 hat the lllands and iJimlibel Inlulf.nun, <]u.c vut^nriter viim-iifuntu, ,te A t AX">et d Cubii I'eide cciiiim l.-i.cii veifu' Vu.deiitcm d Meiidieii ut pr.tlertui, p'o »i.-,cil'il< iitbeiidii, lel .junyit ,din cruln n,: ee.fereprt^umnt.nl-l.jiicvjlrn f.c it.etimi dfucrljiium vejhc. >um frd,hiloi:im iiccitin jfeciidi : N'o« tljUniibui cfiijtiti,. tionlhiiidoidini'.tionih,.! Apjhlicii, ctierij.iiie.jiiivifcuvijue: In iUo in .1110 hnperio d D.minntioiiei d I'oi.it cinitlit prccc- i>'mt, Ciiiiji,icntei .juod diriftnte Domino ttctiii t:-Jhci,Ji h,. lufm'cdi funiliim "C litiiddiic p.^pfjitiiin irrfcqnr-inini, hrevi tempeie cum fn-licilnte d ;il"'li totim pnpulitlinjlir.ni, vejhi l.ti'iirei d coiin'ui exitiivi fnliciljnnum cunleijueiitiir. I'cutn auiui difficile fiKCt prjt femes titer.ii nd jin^uU giixtjne lii,;i In qiiibui expedient fuerit defeni, vohitniii nc nictii dJtlei.lU Jimilihui decrrnimin, qurd iilaiuw trttnfj'uniptis inmiu liiblicl Nofniii i>',1e >i.p,f:ti lii':l"ip''", ^ yij?'"" "I'"'!'" peijmiti in hccUfi/iflicn dlitiitr.tc conJritutJi, feu Curit Ealefinjiic^ ini . .litis, en prmius iidei in iiidicio d exiir, itc iili.ii idniibct rtdhibef.nir, qu^ p.jijenlilmi n-lliiberetiir fi cffent ndlnbin ve, al}cNf.t. Sulli c.fj oninlno Imninum ticcnt l.vic Pi-gUiitni nujlra tsmtnen.Uttinls, lmt.iti,mli, te.juijitlonu, don.uionit, cinccfju- tiii, Afll'jniitiinii, curjHiiitimiis, deputiuitmii, dcctcti, nint,. 4Ati, 'i'nhihlrinnu, d wluntf.tis, infriti^cfe, vet ti fiifii tc- mcrf.ni cpi.trr.nr. ^ . . ■ -. indign/itioi.rin Oninip^ieniii Dei, r.c be.uufum Petri d Pauli ' and fevcral other precious 1 liii Apofiolorvm cjusje nmciit incu Jiiiuin. a mature Conlider.ition of all tl ally the Promotion and 1-nlar- Datum Roma: apud Sandum Veiruw, Annolncar- Faith, purfuant to the Duty nationis Dominica- 1491. quarto Nonas Maii.'Pr'nc'-'^. 'i-''^;^' '''•■!"'^'''', Pontititatusnoltri AnnoPrimo. '" Si ijiii! .iut,-m h.c ititem^re pt\tliitnpferir,i Continents tluis dil'cover'd, atllnd Plcntj '.f Cold, Spicos, "'"'■" " ' " ■ ' And that you, after "ircumltaiices, efpeci- iit of the Catholick atholick Kinj;s and on of tiie lllulfrious Kinpsyoui' Ancellors, by the l'a\ourof Almiphry God, tofubdue and reclaim to the C:aholick F.iiih, die above - mcntion'd Continents and lll.inds, their Natives and In- habitants. Now we approviiip very much of this your holy and podly Pi'rpcl'e in our Lord, and delirin!', that it may lie brouplit to a due Period, that the Naire of our Saviour may be etlablilhcd in thole Pans, do lenoufly ex- hort you in our Lord, conjuring you by your holy Ds- p-.illT, }:< -- t 11- M 5. i 11 8 / he bi/eremcs knvecn 5pain and Portugal. Lib. 1 1 -1 P' -il j>arin,wimliol)liy>'syoii to an Ai-ortolical 01)Ctlieric<;, ami eanicfth rciiiiirc y< u, liy the Dowels of ihc .Mercy ot our 'i lord |cfiis Clilift, that lnwi- you intern!, (;Mt ot a Zeal for the Onhoilox Vaitli.viRoroiilly to purfiic.aaii carry on rlic faui lixpcdit:o)i, to rcmice the People of ilic torefaid I amis .iiul lllanJ ., to -.lie C'hrillian Reiiuu/ti : Yoii Ihall not lie ai any time (car'J liy Oaiiger or l.alvxir, relyiric 11(1011 a tinii Hope aiiJ I'onfiiletice, tliat lli<; Ainiighty will Crown voiir liii'.U.»\ours «itl\ Succci<. And lo the end that the Boumy ol' Ai'oilolic.ilCiracc may inipire you wi'.li more I'ron, your llcirs ami .Snccel'- fo:-s, the Kings ot fc./'i'v and J^' >/. all the Idands and C'ontincT'.ts, t'oiutl, (^'-iole tound, ddcovercd, or to Ik- riilio\cr'd, toward \\h 'iVelt: and Soiiih, whether towards li.ih.i, or any oilier \«n ; drawini^a l.im: t'i;)ivi the Artick Pole, or die North, to ih; Aiuanick Pole, or the, South, arilic diftanec ot a hurdrtd 1 eafiues louar.Is the Welt and South, t'rom any of the lllandy thai are eonrimoiily c.'iU'd, Deles .i^ocj, and ('../c. h'o iha'; allihelllands and Continent!, lound and ;o be found, difcover'd and to W dil'co'.er'd, trnni the faid Line, trwaids the W'eit and 5ioiuh. that were not actti.il'.y polilfs'd by any other Chn- fliai; V-rrce before the livt CliriUniah., (k .■•.) the Com- n-i iv,-eivient of' tin; •ofcfi.ik Year ot our I ord ij^f. any of thi Ir Countrics.l Ijij-.whcn diler.\ cr'd by y our Capta'.ns.and Scrvanis, toccther with their nomin'ioiis. Cities, Caitles. Trrts, VilUJ;!.-. Rijihts, Junl'dichons, and all Appurte- nances, ai* by tj-olenororihefe Pnfents Given, Granted, and AHipn'd lo voti, vour Heirs, and vSuccefTurs forever, hy Virtue of the Authnriiy cl' Almighty God t'.ianted to vs. in St. re;a, and the Vuatlhip ot Jtl'us Chrdt, lodp'd in us upon tarth : And hereby Make, Ccnftiiute, and Di: pute you, yotir Heir;, and Succeflbrs, the lords thercoi', with Full, Free and Ur.iverial Power, Authority, and Ji'.r'fdit'.Vion : Provided ftill, that this our Gift, Gram, diid Airignaiion, iTian't Iv uiuierllood to dilpollefs ,tny t-hiiftianPrircc, of what lllands, or Continent., he may h-ive ixjfTcfs'd before the C^hriftmaf; afore-inetitioii'd. And farther, with rcp'ard to that Holy Olxdience, which you ha.vc pr<)nii'..',i,tineiv:s, M;n"of Probity and l.carninc, fuch as tear Ijod, anc, arc qualified to inl^rud th-' Inhabitarts in ;l,c Caiholick fail h, and Good Manner-. A; the fame tiire x\f ilridly prolubit ailPerfoi.s of wh:it Ullaie, Dc,<^rcc, Order, or Condition loevc: ; orwhatcer Dif.nity, ulie- ther Imperial, or Rcijal, under the Pain of ti.e SenteiKO of IxconiiT.iinicatior., to preUinv..-, withoiit the Special Leave of yov., ct your Heirs .-.nd Suecvflors, under ihe I'-ctencc of Trade, or any other, to touch uix;n the faid, Continent' or Iflar.ds, found or to L>c found, dilcover'd or to Ijc dileovci'd, towards t'rie Weft and Eaif, whether rowr.rds fii/;'.!, or any other parr, .t Line U'ing dr.-u.-' from ihe Arick lo the Antanuk Pole, a': thedilbnce of a Hundred F-eif-'tiL"', as to the Weft and South, from any of the Iflandi that arc coiiiircni'v call'd, De kt A-^orei, «nd i.rt'sjTer/^i'; Notwithftanding :3ry ConfHtution, De- cree', and Ai^l>el'.cal Orders to \\k contrary. In hiin from whom trap', -e. Dominion, and all Gotxl Things do p/icceed , tnil't.ing, th^: by the DireiSion of Almighty Cicd, if you purfucyoiir hcly and laudable Difgn, your .Libcurs ,ind F,ndea\ours will ui a Ihcrc time be broughi Kx happy Conchitioii, to the Glory and Felicity of all Chrdlc'^dcm. But forafnuxh as tl',efe Letter? ^an t With- out great difficulty be ton\ey'd to all the Places, whore it .Tiaybe . onvinicnt to ll.cw 'cm, vc do with ciual Know- lege and Cood-willdecl tro.'I'hat the lame Faith aid Credit lhou''d be civfn ir all Pl.ice-, whether before Courts, or any \ehere clfe, to the Trr-ifuipt of theft Letters, fign'd, by a Publick Kotirv thereunto rcquir'd, and aitelle,! by the Seal of an Flcilellaftual Coiui, or of any Perfors in- vefted with F.ccle'iaftical Dij;iii;y, as would be given to the Otigiiial it felf, L;'rio Matithsretorc- whatfoevcr, offer to infringe, or »^ith a rath Attcmp'. tucouiircra'^ thisi etrer of ourCom- incndation, Exh.jitatioi', Dema.n!, Gift, Gram, Aificna- -ion, Conftitntioii, L>cpiitai:ioii, Decree, Command, Pro- hibiuon,ai>d Dcteii:;iira-ioii. If any one has ilicPrefum- Mior -,0 viM'tuie iiVH>;i I'uchan .AttiUii t, lie is hereby given ru knov». that ho. vuii thereupon ii.cur the Indii'.iiation of rluB Alr.iigl.ty God, and I'ctcr and WvM his hcily Apolllcs. (7'iv/ «r Ho:v.e .ir St. PctcrV, in the l\a. r,j the Iniy.t- nrnmiDJ fui I fd l\,-i. tli: Jjiidiify cfMiy, mil tl.'ejl'Jt 7>-T' »t "M I'.jflU.II;. What Intercft the Spimirufi had in the New W. World, tis ccitain the /'or/i/(;i.r^f might h.ivf had k'tore tlv .1, 71^ ,, , had they been Co wife as to have enilracd V.olunibusf. Of- Imwi ,: , fers. But having rcjeded them as vain and ridicu- ^' "•*'■«' lous, iind thereby ncglcded a \try favourable Omw- ^"' tiinity of advancing the Imerelfs of their Nation : Now teeing the Sfmimiis lb well I'eated there, wheu tl the 9th, and palling by the Hie St. "Wf , he direcltd his Courfe l',ift\vard's. The firlt Land he faw, was that which he ealli d (,•;) the B.ay of St. (j)Si,,':-,,.j IMi-na ; where al'tei three Months )ll Weather they went a II, oar. Hire they took certain Negroes, whrfe F'riend- f.ip they procured by little 'LriHes svhich they beftowed upon them ; and by this means a free Trafiick with the reft of the Natives, lor fuch 'Viiflualsas ilicy had. But this ;;ood I'nderftanding was loft, by the means of the Folly and Cowardice of one of their Company ; w ho ha- ving Ix'en civilly treaicd at the Negroes Homes, and ho- nellly condudtd back, cried out in n fearful manner, as iie v.-ascoming home to his Company ; at which the l'n<- o,;'.'i.?:jf comirg in, and the Negroes running, a .Skirmilli coirimcnc'd Iviween ihem; in whith the Negroes, with their lliarp-poiiitcd Poles, which they darted at the Patn. ^'i^,-, wounded man;, of them. G-riii himfelf feeling the "iliarpncfii of them amongft tie reft. Upon this they left ,St. Ilchi.:. and fail'd towards the Cape of <>'fi''< ^«i'« ; ,1'^ o*V Init were er.countred with fo violent ,Stonii by the wo,y , G'»y i*),. that they were forced to fttike ,Sai), and commit ilicm- felyes to the Mercy of the. Winds. In ihi; Confulion C*- m.i's Comiiany prcfVd him rodiinkof returning home- wards, niid nor cxpeak- '^'^'' ing ( dly in the Throat, and crclofing their Privy Parts in a lU-ceptacle cf WcKd. Having reficftidthcmfelvcs here, iliey proceeded ; and Dccn.. li. met svith a Stfirni, that loit '.licm the light of Land, which with fair Weather ■h.y leccAcr'd again .And nt.w haiii.g paft ,ijo Miles ;Vom their lall. Watcring-pUce, and iecing a pleaftnt iC'oumiy ^,^ ell Itock'd with People ; cn'jtf . 1 o. a iVlellen- gcr w as I'ent on Sihos.1 , with a Pirf ir, who was return d wirli -he like again, after pood Ufige. Here i;.i;,'.'.! fet twj condemned afhoar, giving them ihcir Lives, that bi-inp m m being pi Countrv, GoJFmr Them i.inir.iii by the fame lh<: .Salivi. of (l,c,n j »'-''"<"^"-'d;dnletc Country I where h Here he Perfons f Havinf .\I,i,v :lie fainted ih Miiliik. I. men Tii iheir lides ilir pLue bit.iius (i.i.r,l,l, t.;-J. of (<■) rill' Cm fati IM lik- Mi r. in tl ln.ii.tn S I', ' fcfficc (lie c.n'.' ill H', T.;..-s.y, (ill ggilu t)«-' Defigrii i- (jainft ih'-m I ^Iflflil- ?r_4 |(/) Mimi. nil.' I Uttlitt niiiiir ilk King thence inn Tl Cli.(Ui. a ukfiii Invi 'of the pl.i P.efeies) ' where he ved, that I nice of th lle^ ill f|v to till' COIlt tiiat (..im.i, they know e ! ilieiii orl I ,.{■: He II fed, and C.DIIl COIlll Anlwcrs to he was goi I :rnilh hiiM noer piomi pening now Iv plotted f open V iolei (, urir. h< three Ships con'u no: 1 Treachi.T\ t n'lt certain, which his dc per place to tie found I'w agreealdc ; King I'ent i fiio:i. with have h.id ti)' lively refiili the principa' 1 : I' i'.'il. n do, but to k while King 10 his Sue- that Dclign, ■ ; in NVhich'-'"'"' i of r^/ci di % andlnftru- ihc 1 lie St. . The fir(t Bay of vSt. fj)Si.."(<.j r they went rfe Friend- y beihiwed » the fame rolour.bm more bold and familiar : And here one the NjiiYct of them told him, in broken //ir/'/V*;,'! hat Ships like th^ir.s gf .St «a;tj.. J- J ijIj, t(,f,„^e ,0 .T Coumrv that lay not far off. This Country he called St. Hfivhr.-I, and that partirti'ar plaec where h'? had i his Information, 'V:- HI lilC Ir.iim ,S |., fctt" ic (Ik t«nv' ill jf. I'neir lides. 'J h; i'-'^ni^nr-^'- were inf jrni'd by th^'in, that tin place they were near was ..hrniibUjie it) ; x[\<- Inha- bit.ints of wliieh \«.vo maWy Mh-mcti'hs, tlio' the Ge- nuine N.itivos weie Molaters. 'J hat 'rwas Subjeiit to till. King I'l ti^'il ''. ^"'1 'har there was Trailing from thenri' WHO Jw.i'.:, 7m// , an 1 oth.T Partsof the World. Tb.j i-'i'ifi;i|'(i';'- fiiimd thefe Mi^s furiiiili'd with Sea- Charts, and Cliadr.ints, and to be Matters (f th.' moll ul'i.fiil Invention of the ' )Com| Is. ~,:e-r/.i the Cuv. ernoiir of the pl.ue (whom rhev had (W'etned before w'lli I'jtii: I'.efeii's) ciiiie in I'rtar Pomp in V'llit them aSli ;> l.oard 0' here he was ii'.blv f.aftcd : .At wlveh tine they obl'er- 'th y eonld i \ed, that 'liefe A/(i/' mc'-ti.' likl makeier- lifi.'d with the lii'ii-d for Ci juieeot the (j.ape, which they took ort in large (.^iianu i^fna iie>, in Ip:!'? of all that Mv'-ina and the Alih^.m had faid to the eoiiirary. The Goicrnonr taking it for granted, th.it C.oH.i, and his Company, were A/.h'o'h.-.-.o.'/ (for had they known ihev wire (Jhnltians, dn y wou'd h.ne trc.it- el iheiii orherw.fc ask'd, Whether thev were M'uis, or '\ i.i{:- He cnq'dred alio com erring the Weapons iliey id'cd, and the A/ /■ nrtiin Bnoks the. had amonglf them. <,.i>H.r could lav little as to the Books, but gave I'ntable Drcfs ; which made ainongft them, who were ufed to other Falhinns, a very odd and (Irange Figure. Bi:i one M'V^niii, d T.irii Merchant, knowing of 'vliat Country he was, carried him to his Houfe. and afrer good I'nter- rammcnt given him, went with him aboard '•i:mn\ Velfel. He r.-ild the Admiral. ihat'heKing <}f (,' inirr. Ij ly Temple, and let down at ih: Door of it, four Men, in "!*" '" '"" tile hil'it iif Bramens, fprmkl'il Holy Warcr rpon thctn, ""' and g iVe lliem iweii Pui:deis. By ill,; Painting they ob- I lerved upon du: W.il's w'thin and iome ot'i.-r Ornaments, U.lioih ,1 h\ '.Ul Kij s:. t'li, at mil, bin that this Tempie ,ir Ciiiillian W.jiiuip. B.it rluy were m cheated irto that r.iiirv aften wa- >re I .•rwarils when ff.'- he P.iells, in the Pi.rf rm.ance ot til'.- Rites of their S-.iperll;- tion, pointing to a certain linage, cried alord, Ai.i-;',.' , at 'A hi hall the Pagans fa.'lng prollrarc, prcl'cntly began to mumiile out tiieir Pr.iyers. Tne J'u'-fK^'i/f;^:" rhinkini; this to be fome lore of Ucvutian to the tileffed \'irgir^ Ixire the Pagans Company :n their deeout Poilrres, "a-id began to pray as well as they. Their own way of ferving God, It feems, being fo like that of the Heathens, that Anlwcrs to all the oihcrQiieUions ; telling the (Jovernour, I they could imt kiK ^v them afrider, nor avoid miftakin he was going t" the />'..'. -j ; and therefore delircd ,,iiii luj one (or the other. From this Temple they palVd into anc^ ,1 ;rnilh h:io wirh Pilots for his Voyage. This the Goier- 1 ther as magnificent as the former, and fo to the Palace, at ,v.'»j,.»if/irf^::c;c had that Liberty aflordc'l rhein, iliev Would remove, with all their Fllecls, to another Country ; which would red'jiind very greatly tohls Maielfv'sd'.iadvantape. By t' ele, and other like Inlinnat.i.iis, the biiig was fee againll th'-'m ; and began to tall in w.tr ihcm in the. C treache* f{iThtMal!'.i of tnt! ...if*' ! :J it \o Gama J Return to Portugal, crc. L'b- 1 Chap. II. tH.'..'KM-OUS iraS '■( tioiiij; ill-' I lit ■■■:.■•(• wli.it Mil- Aiui to cft.dt this, Ik- krt tn r,,,,,,/; to ;irii- tlu' Ti.wn, nml for ScciTity to dc- Bwt Ik nnk-rc-ii lii'; Brotlicr, iiilh nil of Vm Ills I ih;i-f tliL'y CD 'ii. living hi ■ -Ships IV liver vp Us SmU that, H- r.iil honu\v.mis, if he l.iw hiiii lutiR ik:.una' a flionr. Yft (■.■.-"!:, by ;htir Pcrlwafion, Icm iiis Men h.m vTty ih.-ii wcri' lun ilizoafhr.ir, with Men to llll iheii^, hnirj hmifilf to return H) his Ships; th i' h's (i iiiM ihcre, lnitc.irrivdtor,v.,..',l thcKnu, ihehhirty of pl.KMnR a Fador there : Bm he hn>lii 'Anlwerf, in;lKO.M.rt, Init only th: ba>l Newv ilinr twoof h;s Men, W;th their MerJi.iniize, ueie u-iii- niittcH tofafe CnlVinly. In Reveni;',- of this liijnrv, (:.vi:>: atrai k d the next S h:p thite.i;nt;tiu.her, anJ toek (ix crmfKleraMe I'eilonsbe- lonqmi; to the Kin" Pnf.ners. This theKinp iiho he qrievoully ref ■nie.l) vet feenul to pals |.y ; ani iherefore ^'i'ui pacific (iriin, I'ent his rwo Ser\ an j the neyt l.'ay.^wuli ^ul;v,.r letters to the Ki..i'. of /v-/,^' • r/'M/j. Saili hoir.e- vrndi. .'; Init keepini; llill 'h (;or,,ls, prctendim;, ihat he nr'jilit, if he wonld, feml a Factor thither, to cihp'-.re i^f them. But th.s (;./»,.( aMo- Intely refnfeil ik'W, aeclariiu- he wonki have all his ht- feels al-oai\i aj'a:n, ami wouM keep thulc I'nlcners nil he had thorn. L'poii this the K nu .pr.ekly lent his Wares in Boats to him, deniandlns; his Vrifoncrs: Bnt '^.'-i./w I'c- nvini; the delivery ol them, lent the Km!?, W.ird, I hat he would earr', ihofe M:li:!-i -' into Vein a,' with him, as an Evidence of his injurions I'face and 1 reavhery : And K rl.ini; them his tinal Anlner out of the Months ot b:s ( ireat Guns, lie dime them away. The Km^ could not tell how to help hlmfelf at that time, bccaule his Hcct was all unricp'd ; \ et he fent out 6 j Merchant-men after them, bu: a 'i'cnipeil intcrpofed, and put an end lo taat 1 ur- liur. . ., ,- G.iw.i, at ihf next Port lie came to, writ a niollit)mi; I cttcr to the Kin? ; which he fent by the H.md of one of his Servants, whu h he had before Arrefted. And here he w.as let upon by a very famous * Pirate, with eight Ships, one of which he took, and difperfed the reft. Pur.t;np in it An:hedhitt, to mend hislhatier'd yelfe.s he receiv'J there a MelTagc from " :/■ liuK Lord r)f <:o.,, an JifM.iri, who otfcr'd him very great Kindnelfcs. if he would come thitlrr. C, im.t fufpeding the iM.eprity both of the Mcffagc, aulMeircngcr, put ihc Fellow r.;xin the Rat k; who then confefs'd nimfelf a Spy : So he carried liini iiuo Vortuinl with l.im ; where he was Baptized, and proved a ufeUil Scream to the King. He halted from hence, and came tn M.'.^rd so, rn the .//■.•,VrH Coalt, the People of which bcii.;.: Ipieful .^,•/.■.'<'- ».v;,-!Hi, he funk and Ipoild their Slips, and beat down part of iheir Walls. Ar MttiK.l: he had kind limertamment ; where having ftay'd five Days, he h.tlted homewards, for fear of Winter Weather at the Cape. < arrying .along with him an Enibal- fadorftom the King of \k '.r.i:. By the way he burnt one of his Ships, it being fliatrerV. and difablcd, and there be'rg ncc.l ot tnc .Men alx)ard Ke», to fupp'-T ihe want of Mariners in the other two. fr; ^jiitiij'. FryvH.inp the 17th, he came to yif-iio.n (1), which is Twenty four Miles from 'he Coi '.inent ; the Pnncc of which, tho' a A/i.e. , treated him Ci' illy. (i) St. Bu(,. He rcfrelhed again at Sr . B ' .,''.■'.■. I'-) watering. And on /;;ri7ihe lyth, he doubled the Cape: Fnim whence he came to .St. }iiig\ where a Tcmpelt parted the two Velfels. C.clwt, the ottier Commaniler, went diredly to I nhon but G.imn put in .n the Te>e.-r,i j, where hisB.orlier died But foon after he himfeli' came fafely to /,/).'.),, having now finilh'd a long a^d difficult Voyage : An .'Ucoujit of which was given to the King by thcoihcrCaptams, before • U5P his Arrival *. He brouglir along with him tlie T,,;:n Merchant, M •:■ ^■tiil i \vho was his Friciid at fd.Ve;/-, and delired to go into IV(;i,i;.i.' with him, where he afterw.irds became a Chriltian.' But of his own Men he bro.ij:li£ hon.e but few, the Vovap,e lining hf: him but ', ■;, ^and lliofe very feeble too) out of tvcar 200, which be carried with him. Tho' the )' 'rn/i;H.-;;e in their lirft Vilit to the l.u:-Xrd'f!. had ii-.et wiih n'o very obliging Enteitainni'-nt ; yet un- willing prei'ently to ijuit their Pretenlions to a Correfp .n dence wiih lb Koble a Coiintry,_ they refoived to rejiea- their Ci' ility, and make them a Iccond. King i'.mnnuch for this purpofe, fet out a Fleet of thir teen Ships, in which were 1500 i\'n n, and good (tore of r.f".i,tc« ^11 „(.j,.|(my Provilions for fucli a Voyage. An., i-ill "'"■ whiJi it IS not to be forgotten, that tlure were fomc 1'. j viliuns intended for the Benefit of the Souls (.f iliolc Infi- dels, amongft whom they were going, v\. Five large Bodies of Divinity, Friars of Sr. ; , .j/;e;'i's Older, wlio do- ing the Work of Chaplains a ,Ship boa rd, were to'do that of Ap. Ities Ahcn ihey came a Shoar. This Fleet was com- manded by /V/e, Ah-,:^ V.iprr.is; who had fpe< iai Or- .'ersfron the King, to In e peaceably v/ith ihe King of (•,:/,w./, it po:ljb!e : As a!lo to get lease to build a Fort f.^r a S..ciirity from the 1 loltilities of ijie /'. hios, ' (•.•.•,,■.'■) lei fu! from Uu v, March the Sth, of ihc then Secular Year * ; and com ng to St. :v,:v», a v,tonn leatt tM '-*'>^i ■ the A'hole Meet, and torc'd one Ship to reiiirn home. The rell i.f the Meet having llay'd for this Vellel two I.)a\s to nopuriiok, let Sal \\Vlt\nard ; and ,/.■,./ th^ ^^^\ j„ iheirverj great Woiuler, IkhI fight of lan.l(»'. c.A.r. j'' *'''~j' ■> lominaiided the- Al.ilier allwiai , uliniiroiiglicKcv.'sof "" a feitiie, and well waieid Country; but pjllefs'd by a barbarous IV-ople, naked, with very long Haii arm'd with Bows and Arrows. A Storm overtook ilu'm that Night ; but ihey got into a leeure Harbrair, which (',:- /i.M'jcaU'd, i'licrto S:;;i.,.i, bccaufe he had there a fafe Retreat from the Fury of the Storm, 'liny ,onk two Fillier-mcn, whom furnill.ing with Ibine linall Innkets they k-t alho.-u- again ; .after wliuh tlu-y bioughr many of their Countrimen, who for Beads and Bells, :uv.\ Uk\\ like T.^ys, gave them Meal and Fruits, and Inch things as they wanted. lUis Country they ealleil, fh c./om-y of 'hi- II i'y IV /) ; from the \ alt .niaiuity of that l.jrt of Wood, linceiail'd Itin^ll. They lamititied it wirli a .Sermon' and Mais laid aflioar, and ereifled a Stone Pillar for a Mc- .At'ter wh.i h ha\ ing dimai, lied a She |i to /'. '■'I Go on trrm and the F'i hy a narrow '•/'■'■■ The City , and well with this News, they proceeded in their V'o\ ai»c. ' Iwas "■"'"■ on .\;.,-j the 5'h. that they went from hence; and on ti.e a^d, a hidden Sioni li-nk f .-.ir'-f iheirShips, and di-own''d a I the Men of them, fcattering th.- f h ■;- le\ en at lo vio. lent a r.ite, that they quite l,.ll rh.- S ght and Company of eaih other for a long tiir.e. One cf :lietn wpndred into the /yrw/'.-'..-«(;ulf, and ihcnce got home, h.-.ving I .(t al- molt all her Men : Be.t the o-her li.v, on v -•'» the 25th (jot together again, and went on towards the Cape. Having lioublcd it. they found a good piiv.fant Country : bit the People were not free for -I'la.;. , Init iiti.-r.'y r,h,fe,i hn-Thc-P«pls ving any thing to do with them : W'h'ch whether iwere '^"■' '^' the hti'ecl of Poverty, or Pervcrlenrls,is not much material 's''"' "''^''' At AK-./nt/./OTthey had free Watering, and hired there a &«T Pilot tor Q^ iiM. The King (b) of ,ia^«/;,.,i's Uom.nions reach 900 Miles in («J "■■t'ipri. length : His Subjedls a mix'd fort of People, but (peak "" "' '^""'''' moltly Anib.'ck.. The Country abounds m Springs Trees Cattel, wild and tame; tlie Soil is alio ric.',, andtheFi-V* ing good. It is leparaud from the 1 and Sea, and is about 400 Miles from M<'-^.i»i;>i,j, is large and p.ipuious, the Hoiitcs mai;nilifei furiniliM. J hey ufe here a lort of Baitau Frankinccnfo aUjiit tl-.eir Ships, tor want of Pitch. C;o,,-/;, (but to Complement the King, who kindly entenained the Mef- lengeti, and promis'il the next Uav to come aboard. This he did at the time appoitited, in a very Inlemiid nianncr, ha\inga gallant Reiiniie, noble I-iirnit:i"re, and variety 01 .Mullek, to giacehis Wiit. The l',.t,.i.!,c^c receiv'd him in the belt maniKt iliey eouid ; and C.tpr^lh haying delivcrd hisMellago from ilie King of /'e.-^«?,;/ to him he promi-.'d to enter into a llric't 'l eague of Friendlhip with that Prince; and the next Day was appointed for the concluding it. (, ) But the A/.w -, who were (worn to dof<)TrMc.i;-r theChriftians all the ill Offices they could in all places of'!";""'' did not ;ail to blall their Deligiis in this place al(i>, Cil »!<;.'// up he lent to th'- Kum, drelsd in ;hc Ihh'Hi--- H:.l,ir m („>,.. .rdih- I(Ur;^uci of the SiHfl, relsd in ;hc /'rr, :;ic7 ■ Habir IS : At whole comim; the Km' „ kimti'T liHiiB ./ 11 1 «'■ the Kii* t' ! in .1 Palac^- rwM he lent to th-- Kum C'tjiiipany if liimeo: exceeding glad. I le cnreitain'd ' theSlv'ar; and af er a gr -ar deal of Coinple ncnr, pro- miled him far larger dr.inr'- than ever lie . eminded.' i le pave \m free 1 dxTt- of Tr.ide. and ! I.j.ifes for their Mc. .hiiidize; aid all thisdeli- ered to -iifni m a moft NoMeLharter, v Iv.ch wa^a CoMcn Tal le ; upon whidi till le Cit it:is ot the K ni' were engraven. I hrv had liber- ty aifoot rcting up the Kn-.^ of /•'.'„(;•/'■; Biiptier, ii].,-in the top ._.i' their I loule, as .- Token of 'ir , Kel^i-Cl to tl,.it Prince. The King liavii.g a mind to fee f ji)ie I roof of the t.iU.' W..ri ftire t the A.lili. Neighboi They ftrl»jr»rt« Force of "•"'"''•'"»'• fo. but t FirtoTy It iiihin. Corpr* tu • ISO-. (.) Tlu- id. /'.kfjn Voyj trar). 1 j-^'b. I . Chap. If. tlio(c Infi- Fivc large ■ I', wiiodo- lit) that of t was cnm- fpci ial Or- 'hc King of 1 i III a Fore, of the then •mlcatt.TM*-^''"-^ lome. Ihe Ao 0.i)s ro ''^ ^^'l- ™f,,i *,..,, ;lit News of 'H'elViJ |,y a ^.lil, arm'd ; ihnu that which (',:- lierc a fafe y tonic two II Innkcts, ;lir many of "(I Inch like h things as C C"li>llry nf It of Wood, 1 a .Sermon, ar for a Mc- 7 he Fortugueze Storm Calecut. II Intrl^uci of the Mt*ri. ■i . to /', ■:M/ Go on trrm Srdt lit. i.re. Twas and on the in. I Jrown'd en at (b Vin- son- pany of ■r'ndred into ■ing (..It al- iliei^th, goc ^e. Having ry ; in-.r the ' rrftifc-i) ha- The Prople lether iwere '''^"'' '^ ;d, material. S^c^!;^ iiircd there a ijionJcucr. >oo Miles in {') Bilaipd. ', bur (peak """*""■ ings Trees, indthcFi:;. ' a narrow The City ir, and well 'Vankincenfc '/•'I ((?nr ro led the Mef- Uiard. This i7;(;;«c;.-, by that Charter, were to havehad the lirlf Kefiifals (if the Market : lUit the A/m / preunted iheni, and pot their own Velfels well laded hril ; making the I't'ti ^..c:;i- (tay three Months, inffead of twenty Days, for iheir 1 adinp, iho' they were piomis'd to be dilpatch' ' in that fpnce of time. (.'.:/i uii ciimplain'd to the King of thefe Procecilings ; who oil! h:m take S.uisfaOli"" fniin the Mj <•, and lade liis own out of their Velfe's. This he was himleU inwil- ling to do ; but To, , I--, the C.n|e Merchant, urg'd him t j it fo much, that he brought back one of the Aim' 's .Ships ; which was marching off) into the H.aven ; the King not openly eoumenainiiig one lide or the other, but feem- inp willing to h.ive them try tlie Matter ov.t betwixt them. The M.iiri upon this, with a Company of .Soldiers, broke i.ito the /'i»'.'.;;.vi':;T 1 l:)iife, and nnilil'd them with great ileat and Fury. The odds were very great too, there be- ing but 70 f\.i.';i.;«-r.' to .^op&r of thefe Barbarians, fo that Ciife.i, with ", n nioreof ihem, were iherc killed fpon the ipot, and the reft miking a hard Ihifi) were got aboard their Ships. Ill Revenge "if this Injury, C.'ir/nir/.'j the next D.-y fell upon ten great Ships of theAfo'ir, killd rtoo Men, .mil diltributeii the rcH .as Slaves, laded his own V .-Ifels wuh iJKir (loods, and fer the empty .Ships ahte. Ihc next Morning he batter'd the Town with his great Guns, which rut oti'a i^reai man\ , the King liinif It very n.irrowly e- fcnping one (if their rambling H.ilK, knocking down one of his Conniersdiad at his I-Ver. "1 W.1S high time now to leave C.ilc.ut ; from which iherefi re C.U'irl.'j depaned, and went to (.;) Ccchin. which is about 170 Miles from (.i/fiHf .Southward. The King of tins place was at that tiir.e poor, and a 'I'ribuiaty to <■.;- IccNt ; however he gave the /'(ii/Kjw^jcfrecleavcto Tr.adc, and Houfcs for that purpofe ; which Privilege was alfo offer'dby theKings of t't/->_5 Hfi, and C'm/.;») • But 'twas at C d'iii that C<:pi .vis fix'd his Staple. Not long after this, News was brought him, thr.t the King of (.'.(/a //f, ('rclcihed to reijuite the Infoleree and Outragt s of ilie l'e:tvs_iic^:} h.id lent out a Fleet of iwen'.y great Ships, and fevcral fmall ones, ro purfuc and Kght thein. C.tp./ilJi went out to .ittack them, but the Wind not f.-rving, the two Fleets did not meet to difputethe Point .It that time ; 1 caving therefore two Faiitors at (.V- 1 ''/;.■, and i.iking in the relt of his Freight at i'ltii.inci, he fer out homewards, y.n., nv the i6th. One of hisSiiips was here wreck d ; and another of them he employ'd in the Search of the Golden yrph.i.'.t ; and with the relt he return d to l.i.ion , which he reach'd the lalt of d'liy. _ Before he came home, the King had difpatch'd three other Ships upon the fame /W.'.m .'Vtfair. And the * Year following he lent f './/'.f'd'.iw.i a fecond time, with 'en Ships. (r') C1nr Hodcnm alfo went out with a Fleet of 1 s Ships, havjni; reccix'd Orders to make hmifelf Mafterof the Sea, '■ and to lio his utiiioft againft the Moon. Five Ships more went under Stephen C.vtm ; and in fhori, fo many .Ships went, that in a little ti.nc, the main Riches and Prohts of the /;.^-I«^//ej, were fiiipp'd over into /'or(),^^.(/. Ihis Prince En^nnucl, having been m.ide in a few Years fpace (by the Indidtry of thele Comman- ders; lord of the Trade and Navigation of thofe Parts, as well as of the Kingdoms of Orniu'^, Ccr., and Mai.icc.i, and other parts of the /■:..;/. .A, fuller .'\ccount of thefe Matters, is to be drawn out of the /'0'';.?j(Cv' Writers thendebes , no more being here meddled with, than what neci fliinly occurs in ourtracing the Original and Progiefs of Trade and Navigation. The many Affronts that h.ul been otfcr'd tothcPn/H. ;^w,-.- Nation bv the People of c'.iKi,;, had incited them to endeavour a juit Revenge. And they made a iV.il t in lome nic.-'fuie to aecon.plifli their Dellgns, notwuhftandiny all the Aififtance atVonlcd to tlie other Party both by the Neighbouring, m\[ by Foreign Powers, 1 hey piocetdid (o far as to bid Defiance to all he Force of the grea: City of ('(.rni/ it lelf ; and not ( 1 ly fo, but to norm it too ; letting up their Viiilorious Ban- ners in the midlt of it, m fpitc of alloppolition to the con- ti-ar) . The two principal Managers of this Action, were /llltirjiin/jtie, andCotinhn, under whofe Condudt the I'm- t:i^i(i'yC made this famous Auempr. diniim having a mind to the Plunder of the King's Palace, and cnvyi. :,;any elfe a flipre in the Glory of taking it, pulh'd Matters on with too much Heat and Ralhnefs for his own Security : For here his Soldiers thinking all their own, and mindinf; nothing elfe but enriching themfel.e-i wiih the Royal Spoils, gave the .Adverfaries fuih an adiantnge, that 111 a frelli Charpc which they made upon them, '>mj (i/himlelf loll hisl.ite. /ttiuijiictijuc while thiTiot Acftion was go- ing on at the Palace, wasbulie infet:ing ihe City on fire ; vv hich had near coll him the fan c Price that C thiiia paid lefure him), being fore'd to be carried away out ol the Fncoimter, and that as good as dead wah h s Wounds ; which yet he fiirvived, as the I :.U.vii afterwards found to iheir Coll. Neither were thef.' the only Loffes of this na- ture the I'oitiigiicTc lultain'd that Ye.ir ; for /UiiiriJ :, one rirft.vrwrpt of iheirVice-Roys, was faeritieed near the Cape of Gici'll ^''''"'' Il(p; by the riiry 01 a I roop ot Sa\agcs. While thefe things were doing at (.',:,'<■. .-/f, one Di.U iij Sr.j'iciir, wa.- fent from l'(r:u^al, tofettleaTr.-de at M- ■ ■tccu He having paffed the Promontory (,i Cay, and'''^'i^''"'' failed through the HnignUi: (/J Bay, p.:t in at ( ) Sm/iut .;;(/) B y of which is divided by a very nar-'AV and dangerous Strait, r'"'''''''^,, from the Continent of A li ' • ;, and w.^'s fuppofed former- ' "'"''' '' ly to have been a Peninftila : Sc^je i.i was the tirit th.it did this. Having here made a league w.h the Kings ot //...' K and /'f.//-, .ind ereiiled icme Stciv,' .Mi;miipents, he came to .i \l:l.tu i ; the Prince of wUch was \eiy •'> ^■^'■'■ kind and favourable to 1. 11 nt fir'l ; but afterward- f mi d toth.at degree by the \h>!, that he plotted to ici!! the Piiiv/.^^;,( -•, and lii^e iheir Ships. Hr initcd sr.7.r. ..i 10 a hcalt, with a Delign to cut him off v^hcn he had him in his power : But being made fenli.-le of the inter.d.-d Villa- ii\. lieescufcd hindcif from be'iig his GuclK This not taking, the Plot was laid to difperfe his Men about in leveril places from hiii, and then to .lUault his Ship, and take both him and it together. To accon pl.ili this, the perliiiious King ofi'er'd hun, as a very great Fa- voiir, the Liberty of Lading his Ships, and that Ud'oieany other Merchants whatever; only defiring him to keep this Favour to hinifelf, and not to publilli it. By thi-- :nLans a gi;od part of his Men were employ'd abroad wh lit he wanted (as it appear'd afterward >JthcirAdIilancc at home. But now the Plot was re.ady to have been pi t In a general Execution; and fomc of the Confpiracy were loire .a- board Sr .;i/c j.i's VelTel, pretending a Complement from the King.but indeed to fall upon him ; and wanting only to fee the defired Sign given ; which was a Smoke that was to be railed in a certain place : But fome of thofe in the Toivn, not having Patience to (lay for the Sign, began the Charge upon Sci/.icn'.i-i Men thnt were there ; which being eljMed by the Watch at top of the .Ship, S.:jucnn prefenth arm'd the Men he had with him, and lent a fmall Party to help them that were engaged afhoar, whilllhim- klf. with the relt, fo warmly plied the 1\Ui/i.:.ti Ships with their Ordnance, th.at they were glad to fly out of his reach .ts fait as they cou'd. Of S:;]ucr:r\ Men there were 40 that were kill'd allioar. and more t.iken Prifbners. Af- tcrthis, having inform'd his Countiy-nu-n of this Piece of Treachery, and left it to them to chaftize the M.^i'.ccav: for it, he himfelf went diretitly to the Cape of Go.A Ihpc, and fo home to l.iii-r. By that time this Aiilion was over ; /}l!iii]!ie.jiir(whom we left wounded at C.ilcui} began to fi.ew h'tnielf to the World again ; and being delirou> to enter upon li-mecon- lulerable Service for the Glory ( f hisPriice and Country, herelolved upon the Recovery of the f.imnus llle of 0>- >i:u:{(c'. This Kingilom had once alrc;idy fnbmitred it f'^ ^'",".';,, felf to the I'o t:g:ir:;:- Yoke, and paid a Yearly Tributeof i|,' ,i,c';>'i^,„, i^oco Scrafinesof Gold to King I'.ii-.innrl ; the P rtiig:ir:^cr«i, )n a very liiort '"*'"*■' time, drive them out again ; but had not the good luck to keep them out, when they were out ; lince they quickly C X made 12 MagellanicusV l^oyage, &c. Lib. I It li inmlo the fuciul Coiuiiiill of it, ever llncc which they h.no kvyi it. Aiul now wns Ailnqvcrijuf fctting out tor O'wh- again, when the Wiiuis liUw him to another Sidi-Conqucft : They wou'd ntx let him Hul to 0<>«/.;;. Init fa\ouri\l him to Malice.:. Hero he ilcnunilal of the treacherous Kinp, MivicuJiin, the Prifoiitrs taken from SiUj i,cr i. i ; who pre- tended at hrit, they were tied ; Init teeing the Town lir'd by the I'mtt ;;/.-;■, h • prodiicM 'em. He demanded ot him I'kewife .ill the (.harpescf the two I'leet^, aiui Rediiiui- cn of all lliin).". tlut werelolt : Which C'ondi[i(iii> I'eemM lo hard to tins I'rince, and his Coiirfellors, that they chofe ratherto commit all lotlie bvcnt of a War, thanio Uil'- Mj.irrnon. niitto th'Mn. And the Ilfiic ot it was this, that Mu:i:i,t,'i,j quit J. ^^.^^ i]:i']it, and his Kingdom of Mil.u..i eiiiirely reuntM to the dliedieneeof \'ctti.t,i:l. "Tis remarkable, thai when /Uhiii]iini]iie was going to A//:/,riv>, he mrt with lome Ships toniing from thence, which he aflaiilted and took. In (Jiie ot tliem there was a certain I'erli in, ,V,r r.'.i/'c^/ni'.f by Name, who was one of thcle that had confpircd againll Si'./;/;/j.i betore ; this Man, tho' he were bitterly wounded in ihe Skirmilli with ■tli>ii,jiicr,v.ir, to that lie co\i!d Ifand r.o longer upon his I egs, yet wasoblerved to lofe not a Drop of Blood, as other wonnded. .Men did ; iho' they found afterwards, thai he was not a lVolld!lf^ Animal : For r.poii the pulling awav of a Golden Chain, which he wore upon his Arm, he miiuediately poured forth his Soul, in Torrents of Blood, that ifl'iied out ot thofe PaiTagcs that were nmdc before. The Reafon (>f this they atuibutcU to the Virtue f/)Tl,; of a certain Bor^c r , taken from a Bcalt callM ( .;; i , in R.:.coi'tKt the Kingdom of i"'-)" ; which Bone was included in the iciW ctHi. Goldei 'Jluin. T'ley pretend, that this Bone, by a very jTOtent Rcftringcncy, which Nature has endowed 't with, did forcibly hold the Blood inthcfevcral Channrl, r,f ihr Body, ir'Twithttanding the many Vein , given it to run out .It. 7 his was dctipned lo be font .-s a moll precious Jewel, •and a wo: '."rfid l\..ity, into r-jz/yW; but, ihcy liy, 'twas I. 11 in a.Shipwi ck ir the wm).' Eui to return : After the Cunquclt of hUl.-ccr, /ii'i.. ijucr.jt.e C..4' in? -c .r.^ n ct ; .) the Way, did accomr .''i his Voxngc m Ou/iii- , j.id lie O nqucjf of ii i ■ ,. ^t r.l now the I'l'in.r'C^c irMi: a vorv formidable Figure in the /•:.://, w Wci-lJ, ami molt ol r|i( fr./i./w Princes began to Couniheir Favour, '\,iig li,'-.v-ne/re.s of their Hvery- Davs riling (iuatnefs. Ili'r.j:, and the King of C.ilm.t, dcliri.d a League wii.i them : The King of SJ.iWiv.i be- came theii Valfal : Nay, in ,//■ ci;, rlie Great I'-rftf-Jchi hiirfelf, pretended to their Fnei.dlliip, Their N'ldory at T'l'''':"'- MM.uw.i, prepar'd their way to a great many other Con- fil',,)'^.!^'') qiicfts, and good Corielooi-dencies in thofe Pans, as at m iht iv- .Unirli.r, h.vul.', and tlie Siohiccr's. Atit'tiius Ain ui \yas lent in fearch of thefe AW cc.t's ; who came tirftto ;?.--..(, theiuo./iAA ;>./-, erecting Sione Pillars 111 both thofe places; and t'rom ihence to II,:, A^^ (o full of. and fo fa- mous for the extellenr ,Spic(-- Nutmegs and .M;ue. He fou^d both here, and at the ,\1 /» v.i';. ihat the Fame of ihe Mi!.:\.:n Viiitorv was gi.t into thofe Parts, to the great Adiani.ige of the /•'./^pi/c^c ; lo much, that the King~ ol Icii.tu; and Vlri.tir, folemnly referr'd their C'ontrovei-rRS to their Dceilion, and e\en fpniiig a new Qi'arrel, in ilruing who ll.o.ild have the Po-n/^i/rrc on their liile. Tho' thi'y have paid for chulingtheiii the Ar- iitratoisof their Ditrerencos; the l':>tif\nif.e haiing deci- ded the Controvcrlie neither lo the King of 'l\-ii:uc'i, noi the King of TiiiiLrt\, but to theirown Ailvantage. C^hap, 1 tfirrr. Tile TiefcT,. Chap. III. The Voyage of Ferdinandus Maglianes, the flnl Compkat Oram- Navigator, and 'Dijcovenr of the Straits, ( from him called Magellanick.) Taken out i>/ Antony Pigafetta. an Italian of Vicenza, a?id one that ^Jjijled in this Vojage. "IT very oficn falls out, :!:.u Croli; s .im! Diuppninr- * mcnis, dnerting Men fion^ the Proleeiuion ot their firit Deligns, oj en and prepare their way ro new Under- takings, which .irc afterwards attended with more Pencfit and Succcfs. 'Twas fo .n the Cafe of this famous Penbn. whofc Difcovenes in the Woiki w\ ;cf now to look over. Ma^lUres U Portuguese Gcntlcuisn, .'o'd a Soldier of no mean Ch.Taoler.' had fery'd his *. > j-ii.y to very goo/ purpofe, bo.h in the /. And having thu Sfdin. perform'd what he ihoucht might merit fome tiirdicr Con- lideration and Reward from his Prince, he petition'd for a fiiiall Aupmcrtation of his Stipend , as much as would make it half a Ducket pc, Month more. But King Ew.u i.Kcl thinking tit to rejccTf the Suit, ai.d denv any further Jncreafcof his Wages: The Petitioner (who deeply re- feiited it) gave up himfelf wholly to be guided by lusown revenge 111 difcor.icnted Thouglit-. He rcfolv'd to quit the Service of a Mailer, 'vhcini he rcckon'ii hard ard un- grateful ; and find out lome other, ih.uil.ou'd know how , .. to treat his Merit l«.-tter. So bidding .Atlieu to t'lo Court Kmg'o *>"..» "f f ''"g^l, and all his Hopes of Preferment there, hebc- hmJIh, ' took himfel; ro that of Spiii., and otTer'd his Service to Frl-ctor of f),; gmpcTO • • C/.',:: frj V. ^'"" '"'• He acquainted this Prince, That all the Hm,U and Mr- liicci lllands, fell to his fharc, by the laws of that Divi- lion, V hieh ichu II. of ('.; .•/.|^i/, and \\-'tiitttird and llr.hr, v((iijiiif, had formerly agreed on. And fanherpropos'J 10 make acompleat Difetnery of thofe rich lilands, by i\c\v and unheard tii'^jt('~/ on ■• theiii the Ar- haung i!e., 1- Tvi. i/c'.s, iioi -**' ntage. i ?ompkat 'om him :tta, ^« c. iA Ships were pes, ami put miral. The this Fleer, .1- V wcr.. Pj.- /. n. 1519. Ha/Utmi Vo-A, and the <■"• °-"- .al of time a- ahiis, (which iR to croft fiiciilt Work, :on, they held ain oi iir/!liie, trifi^t. crccs. They I. and hither, jnil) which is well refrcdi'i! gi.nd tlnre of liinals outof, ,,„ H'.ivirp. iiiaile t'.i a Country Vr.p'.e : '1 hry Karons, iiiaile V Bi'H'f, than mighty Klllk Cinn''.. . r none of our th-.-ni. Here 1 fcvcn Ifiands Leapues wide > yielded them k.Mii>> They j.,^^, d, towar Kthe Mit;. inds fo full of ice they cou'd ^,^1, jr4 ? were a black, Pi-ns^^-j er'd over with L arni'd with .1 BiU Bi'! like a Raven's. Tlicy maijitain thcmfelvcs altoge- ther out of the Waters, eating nothing but H(h • For which Rcafon, perhaps, thty might lie very lerviceable in this Fleet niv.-i I'llh-Uays, if they were difpoi'd to ol>- ferve ihn'i K .ili dt Sea. Theirnext Advance was to 49 ' Dcgr. Scii'Ji I.ut. Here they were iliut tip with h.ird Weather, and foa'd to tike up their Xt'intei-Qjiarters. They had a iiiiferalile dull time cm't at this place, feeing no living Cre^'.tuie, bit thcinfelves, for a long time toperlur. At la(t, to ;Mt an end ro the Sulitiulc, a ^eriain riiani nf the Neighboiiripg I*a!i';. ran.c iijitogaethema Vilit : A bri^k. )oilv, frcjlickfrme l-ellow, \ery merrily dilposil, (inging and (lancing all the way as he can.e. Brmg fot to the Haven, he It ood there, and threw Uuil iip'.n his Hf-ad ; wh chthcy obferving, fent foin ailioar to hiiii ; who making the like .Sil-'ns of Peace, i pon that All'urance hccanie along with them to the Ship.witli. utany thing of fear or fcruple. His Bulk and Stature wfis Inch, as would lalilv allow him tlie Chnr.iiifer ot a C/ant ; the Hcridof oncof their middk-'iz'd Men reachd bit to his Waitc, and he was projiortionably big. His Body was fornidabiy painted all over, vfpui.'lly li:s H.n.c ; liere ^i"on'ofh'im were a couple cfStaggs di'.wn, one npon ea h Check, ar 1 great red Circles aboe. hi^ Fits. llr. Co!i urs were otic wife moftly yellow, only h.s Hair w.-:S done with wh te. For his Apparel, he had the Skin of a errain Bcaft, clumiily lowed together ; but a Beaft a> itiange as that was that wore it; every way un.irciiintable ; neither Mule, -Horfc, nor Cair.el ; but foiiieih'fg of every one ; the Ears of the hrft, the I'ailof thelecoi d, and theShaix: and Body oi the bit. 'Twas an entire Su'', all of one piece from Head to Foot ; as his Brealt and Back were covvr'd with it above, fo his very Legs and Fict were wrapp'd up in the fame beneath. The Arms that he brougl't with him, were a (font Bow and Arrows ; the String of the former was a Gut, or Sinew, of that mon- fVrous Bealt ; and the latter, inftcad of Iron-heads were tipp'd with Iharp Stones. The Admiral made him Fat and Drink, and he en- joy 'd himfcif very comfortably a :vliipboard, till he hap- ren'd to peep in a grca' Lookinp-Glafs, that was given him amongit other Tritles. This put him into a Fright, that he could not eafily recover from ; the difmal Face he faw there, ifar'u him iimtc out uf all Countenance and Courage ; and he flatted back with ftith Violence, that he tumWed a coupie of the iM-n that itood by h:m, to the Ground. This was aSign th.it he was ihroighly and el- fedlually frightmd ; but no doubt, the ih'...n that appear- ed to him, will be thought fufficicnt to do it, if the fore- going Dcfcriptioii be well conlidered. A Pair of great Stagi'S with branched Horn.s, and the flaming Circles dravvn about the tycs : Wbat Hobgoblin coud have a worfe look than this •■ A l)a:mon's Face, in a Vizzard Mask, with a Set of long Teeth, and a Nofe of half a Yard, could not have more pfjwer over the Imagination, and give a Mar, a worfe Shock of a fuddcn, than luch a fight. However, th s Giant far'd fo well amongll them, (nctwithltanding the Fr.ght by the I.ooking-Glals) that quickly after they had the Company of more of them. Particularly one came, and made himfcif mighty fami- liar, carried it pleafantly, merrily, .ind vVith fo much good Humour amongit them, that our l'.i.r perm were almolt (at kail as far as they cou'd be) pleas'd with his Compa- ny. He gave them a light of one of thole Bealls, whole Skins they fo frequently wear ; but we have nothing of any particular Charadcr of it added, to ji.llihe crdif- prove the former Surmifes about it. 1 hey taught him to fpeak and pronounce, prettv clearly, leveral V'ords oi' their Devotion, as ;yV/,v;, /iie\U>i-, &c, Thcc imgof which was (if duly conlider"d) an .AA of great CI ..rity : For theic Giants, they fay, were horriivly pclter'd with Apparitions, and lo wanted a Sett of proper Words, to bid Defiance to tht'lc DilhirlKTs of thcr Quiet a. id Re- pi'le : And if fuch Charms as tliefe vv ill do the Bnlinels in /•.«>-/ r, there's noReafon why they Ihnuld not be as erf'e- dfualin Ihrjile. But the> leem to be very much to blame in ofTciing, .as they did, to nvike Priloners of any of thoi'- wild Peo- ple, which carried it fo fairly and civilly to thcio. To circuuneiii them by .Stratagems, and cheat t'.iem of then Liberty, when they had not (as far .is appears done any thing to defcrve the Foifeiture of it. They fill'd t'leir Hands with Toys, and little Th'ngs, that pleas'd them, and in the n'C."r. time put Iron Shackles upon their 1 cics ; which the Wretches thought were very fine Play-things as \A..ell as the re!t, and were p'eas'd with the Ginglinp ih';, 'u tlc- and implor'd the Help of Srreks^m tii.it FvT.eiM'y rry';i aioud f(,r his AililMiiC^, bi:t he did no' 1 liver •hem ; .\ml what Power it is t'lcy civctiiatNan-eto, thcydienifilve* belt know. T^viciir hisl lelp in .MikT), implied fume Noiicns cinciiv'd of his (Joodncfs and Compairi.'U ; -md 'r;s m I til !>•.• imag'n'd, that tliiy won tl •hu.scr.iveKelief of an Evil Spirit, that nsd to vcv and own it, ■]'. '. Foni -iiid A '■■ople: ().■ r v< ry ■■jiicnr ■■, "/i;h 1 J t ■- b.u allliilt ii,.T,i. h mill': Ibni'.ge things, of I'oir.' i> icai ..', ongft il'c.l-Peopie : O.'H.', ,<. I IUmt, long i...ig Hair, tl . n< 1: ■;. out I'ne b. t'- h iin ,1 hmd. Bill are not ilie ^iaiifialii olt t, l.ui Fiju'v. Iclves ? And is it not p,/i!iile tor ihcin m uillake 1 Shapes of oi.c .'noiii r t\'r :bi'ai!ii,.g cite ? Wc f. one of them w.-.s U ared almolt out c f his U i- v ing hisown F.ice m .iCj.-fs, a;,il ndgln nor ai.i,r'.. as igly ns t!-ai do the bulwuf. as well •" 'T; ■ . ' th.it the Power and Dt ;iiiiiio>i of .v il Spit'ts 's ' extem.'ed in rhi-: 1 cvv. 1 Wi rid ; ilic Prino. , 01 il-r ■ fond of i:npire, as v i il as thi fe ih.n are upon C i 1 ,:r.li, and not 'ef. willing 'to I e fiire} to u, large tlie r'l i r're- ries than they. But tis n; ; for r!ie Horn iir of the .Su- preme Being, to le[p<..'!o v.;,y i.i,r;;c a ll,.irv of his li.- herit.iiice in ihcir hai ,K ; to 1 ring them in, upon evuv occalion, .' billing and Tvranin7!:ig over his Crc.itures, and tinning ilie biygell pait of tlieC'-taton into a l\d- lam, by p'a) ing all then. .id pranks in it 'h-itl-l.-l iil, frenzy can infj'ire. 'I his K mis to be ,t very v arfeCciiiplen.cnt to Infinite Wildoin and Coodnef. ; and, in ihort, an i Ic- ncur too great to be allow ed to air, Beings tliat '.\xi- aclcJ. by Pr.nciples of .Malice arid Wi kcdiiefs. ' But to return to their other Oi-fervation'; .ibout tliefc People 1 hey tell us that m, .\\ of them vv , .ir the Ih't.e lort Thtii Co,, f. Apparel that the lirll they law .ippeard in; t.'i.ir is, tlie''i"S. '"'J They like 'htm Fri To. Skins of the fore-mentioned Beall'.' 'j hey go with their hairlh.irt, yet that that is they tie up wiili a Cotton-lace. '1 hey ha\eno rix'd Habitaiiuns, iiut certain Portable (.et- tages.which they rcintnc tVom one place to ..ii'jthcr as their fancy leads thrm ; .md liie very fame .Material's which they ufe for the defence of their Bodies, they me alfo Lr thedcfen.-e and covering of tl^fe Cottagcv. ' \\'li,u flclh they eat tf.cy bellow no ceremonici of Dix'iiing upon, but devour It juft frefh and raw as ir comes to their'liands '• bc- lldes which, tluy h.iv; a certain fweet Root am.. ntiii them fcall'd '■'"■") which is a conliderablc part of their feeding ilkewife. 1 h.-y a. Id, that they are exticiiieiy lealovs of the:r Women ; they don't tell us they law any of them, by that me.ins to give the Men any occafi.m of awakening that paliion 'ii themfe.'ves. 1 he PraClicc of Phyllck is rcduc'd into a very narrow compafs amongit them, and takes in no nnre than Vo- miting .-.lid I'hlelvotomy : Tiiefe two Kvacuations muft anlwer all vaiieties of Cafes ,ind J\iipofes ; and where this won't do, the Dileafe is imurable in that 1 anil. 1 heir w/ay of bleeding is to give a good choj) with fomecdgc Tool or other in the Pan that I alioiirs, be it ! cc or Arm or Face, 'tis all one. But -ho' 'tis odd to ufe a Choppingl Knife inlK-ad of a Lancet fir i--'^:\v Blood, vet 'tis worfe to thruft an Arrow a Foot and .lif dovsm the 'Lhroat to procure a Vomit : No doubt but us will prick the Fibres, and fct a Man a i-.iching to fome Mrpofe ; .ind whereas they I'ay It make-^ them mike ve ..,.|y, .ind bring up a vaftdealof Choler an B'ood, 'tis very'lil-. v to be true, and if the point of an Arrow thniR: down I'l far did not draw PlcKjd from them, a Man wnu'd be ready to qvicftion what fort of Metal their inlides were made'of. So that upon this account, their Pradice may be yet nior.- con pcudioufly fui.im'd up, and We may lay th^^.e People cui a" ' "^ " ' riti, d-<. ncr.l. .Sou;. 'I of them, till they found lio^v th.y weie'h.imper •indbcv.-iy'd. But then 'hey ftli a Beliovving like Bulls, m- ... • . , - People cure diftempers at one fingle operation, which is alfo Isoth Vomiting and Bleeding at the fame time. Fr.m this way of man.igingthcmfcbes, and thriving lb well upon't, any Man will be ready to allow them a e, '-d llrength cfCon- rtitution ; but it lei-.ns that of their I imbs .i asconfide- rable too, of wliicii they gii e us this ir.ftain e : That when they n^iade .he attempt of taking lomo of them Prifoneis, oiie of them alone very near riF'd .he utnioft forces of nine of their Men that were en'p!oy'd to Mailer h'ln ; and tho' thev l,ad himdown. and bou'nd h.' h.indsrightlv, yet he f''i ed h'.mfeif from his Bonds, and got li-'ofe'm fnight of ;.': their endeavoui-s to hold hiin. And proportional' to Ix'th ihcfe Arengihs, is that a'li) of their .Appetite ; one of them eat up a u ho.'eliaskcr of Ship-biskc a- a Mtal, and drank a Bowl (thcv oon't lav hcwfarg,, of watcr'at a draught ; but any thing nf ihis l.m\ is iio: fo '"cry iiranpe, conliiicring the luige Carkalfes the,- have to irai|-:ain'. One thii.g ( f then (vv liich :s fimcthing lingular) Knot to be omitted befofe we leave them. ; and thar is,tliat by rea- foil ot the veheiiienr cold, ihey rTfs riicmr-Sves i x> fo 'cry clofe and tight, th,".t th: (?cr.ita!s in the Men are not to be difcovcr'd, lying hid tntiiely withiij their Bodies. Thtf AdtJiirai '\M H The Manners oj the ladrones, err Lib. 1. :hap7iri W 'I 1' Aiiiiiiral j'.wc rhcfc People ilv; Nanc rf V.ttjf^ms; and pave no riofpcd of .iny lU-liif. The Nccillc of their i!' any ; M r!/;.T»jj fl.oiild .u a ■> liu'ero ainonpll thcin, Conipal'svaru-.l finictimcs, and ar others iiiovci fi, dully '"■■'■■ "' '" ""■ ' '' " to .lift' tili|! •S'"- '■H.*> frttr •.1. Jlr ijU .\: thifc fi w k'oiiiii'i n wnriU iii.'.y lie uf loiiii' til-' m Jcilinp with than. Thcv caII Hi-cad Ci/mc, Water 0/»', Maik //(/iW, red f'i-.'i.'i', red Ciotll('/'.-(iM;': SetAf!nv\-\i'hcicule arcilie N.'iii < oi'two IWinr> I'my pay a Relic'ous r^fi'i'd to, ot wiiiih the lorn. er is the Siipieiiu-, the latter an In- tcriour one ; Imt \viit:her iIkv are Pioj'er N.in'cs, or only tlie 'lenis for a lii);her atid fulcrdituite PtAver in j'.c- iKf.i' isnni (irtain. ■| he Poll they (laid in all this while was rallM ''•"' St, -^uu.i'i ; i.r wiiiih, .IS (,f the v\|ioleadiovii;np Com try, thev took fuleiiui Piil'iellio;!, and let', a Cro'.s irei led in tnl-en of It. "I'w.'s full tiie Mi :ull^ lh.it they cont'iniii-d herein the Converlaiu.ii of tlule lailiartnis People, ."iid ilie feclin;' of the iweh more eniel and. I'.\ere wuither. It was the l>ei.''innin|'. of Oiiu'ci l.y tlia: time ihey j'ot i p mthe C.^/'.- 1^ .'■.i.Milands, ami wire d.ta'ii'd fo lonp by the Calms, that iliCY trade i'.lnnie time n 0.\-».lei 1 ;-fure they cu{'^':\ the 1 inc. '] hen was -lie Si ii ijinte at, or ve r% near tlit 1 ro;.~'i k of .7r/ci, and eorfe'iVenil) w.is ad^ xaniini: back iigaiii tcwards the i ine auhe;. were ii'.oving .Southward from u ; iii that h) thar time chcs eatnt down M 19 ' depivrs of S, I atiiiide, iliiiijjs l>e(;.i,n lo icok with I a Wintei liko ai'penrani e, and the hard Weatlicr tame on apaie. 'I Ids term <:f Time e\j';i'd, they let out a^ain and (ad'd to ', i deurees 40 nn/n;ie.s S. 1 atitiule ; here t!K\ fiHin.i a een'crirnt Port, nml nut with i-.ovd Pro- \ ifiurs of Viu'l, 1 ll. .'i-d fi-dli Wa'er. 1 hey hi pei'd an a' n;tii!sp'aec a ni.nte; (I ivvo Months more, .ir.i\ ihen can.e 10 yi dei;rei s ,Sii;i!'.i I atitiuie, where thev lijdu rp<;n the V!nirance into the Si'n'^-ii. Ilicy fi\;nd. them ahont iicleapncs in lenjith, and as for the I'readth very e.ti. certain; in fo'.'.ie liates veri v.iilc, 111 others i^ot more than half a 1 caaiie o\er ; the I am! on 1-oih li'.les hij;h and \inc\en, and the Mountain- eover'd with Snow. Whjn thi V c.-.r.ie to the end of it, and found an .'pen paifauc into ihepreai l\"ean. W ;;/i'.ih.-j was furj-r'z'd with a Jey that exceeded rdl ih.eeommon biMiii's and m.. -.hires, for this was the '■ip)'\ ihin^ he lookM tor, and now he was ;diic I >deiii"i.rti-.MC liisSailin;; ro'ind by the \\\!l t) iheh.npe- r.>\K rr/lii- ror. The Point nf 1 .ind from wliMiee he lirll fawihis '■' '■ nioft deiiralile liph', he eali'd i.-i memory cf it (.'.if.- Dc- lli-t.ito ; but it leems 'twas not fodefirahle to all the rcrt of the company, for here one of the Ships ftole away .-.T-d r,-ii''d homewards by her (elf. I'hcygoe a very gool 1 eather. N.atnre wid make any liiifi, tho' ever fo hi i\'. and poor, ro bear her fell' out in a dillref whcn'tis podiMe tobcuonc ; and the poor .Seamen hero, .-atl;er than ftarve, tell very pieedil) 10 work iip.ai thoic dry toiiitli piece-; of I e.aher thai were fo! led alxiiit the Rores of ih'ir .Ships. Hut it being mipoiiil'ie to e.i"- 'hem rill' they were fomc way foften'd and fitted for ehewmp. I'.i.i Laid them aitrep in ihe Salt W.ner for fonicilays, and th-n .r..ade the bert of them as lonj-, as they laltcd. But ihe.i -i.^ain, what with this impure fort of fee.linp, whiih was ]]. n and fcaiuy too. and the daily impoverifliiiient of t' eir.''!' I'swant-np l-elier Recruits, their numbers 'Llfen'd TjMct ', fomc died outricht, others fell into pirnnf; Siek- n'-i^, 1: acrs had rheir (iunis iliac piew quite over their Teeth on ever) li.ie ; by vshiih means, Leinp totally un- .blc to ii.ana(;e tin fc toi-f.h foiids ih..v were forc'd to teed upon, ili.y were pait all help, p.ni.[ lo miferably ftarv'd to death. Their (,ii!y comfort m all ihel'c direful I rcvimftances, was a ei nitaney ot lair and pood weathi r The Winds blew them iiiioo'hly and peniiy a'on;', and broke out into i.ochin!' fit a rai'inr. pit, all the while the) were hus txpos'd ; the Sea m lalin and qiiit too, and by this pot the Cclebr.ifed nan., nf i'.»e.;i.'i7;. .And how happy was ir to be thus a: n ft to mi the Toi'sof a Stormy Sea? Had l-'annnc .ind Ter pelts fotne touether, how quiok'y would iluy h.ive been wearied one? Whither wotf d the iliarte/d l-'h-cr have been toft, and what won't! have become o( liie I)ifeo\cry of the Mohiica :- In all this rime, they law ncthin;^ bui two uninh.alitcdlllands that and irtepiilarly, that they were often fore il to .ninirc and ipiicken it with a frelh touch of the I oadftonc. The S:ii'i' I'Mc, they tel! us, has no remarkable S'tar near it .as ihe North Ins : There arc two Chillers of lin.ili Stars ■'''"''■ ''" (whiih appear more like Clouds than any thing elfc) and'""' arc Up.ir.ared one from another at a linall dillanec; be- tween thefe there arc a couple tf Stars nor vr rv !ari;c nor briph.i, whiJi difoscr thcmfcUcs, b) the fmallnels 0'' the Circle -he) du'ei le, to! e prcttv ncanhc Pole, atlcalt the neari.ll of anv '.hat atedifeern.ble. At thediltanie of lodepree, from the Si'i:il' P 'r, they ininJ< .v»»i'. tell lis i,f an Kland of exceeding heipht call'd (.';'/i.!n^/i«, in »ml o and at 11 depiees of anoth.-r as hi(;h, the Name of '"*''"■ wh.di isii/m/i/'/. T hey fad'd in one Uiil] h at lead 4000 1 caputs, aid havinp made by thcT Reekoninp iiodepr. I e,n','i;u.le fr(.m their hrit departure, at the tatne time they toun.l ihey I'.re w towards the H.y.ii.ndi.i!. When they had pafsM that I inc, ."tiid were got to i-j dcprecs Kcrt I ai. they ilelipn'd for th- Cape call'd by the old Gcep'-at-liert the (.'.iff or C. (/.•(■ 5.JO- ; but this tbcyriils'd, goirg'iipon that old Aeionnt of the I at. of it, which places it'iherc- abciKS, and came io iindcirtar.d afterwards that it lies in II degrees. a;. If/ i x\w\ came up with a parcel nf Iflands, Iking then in 1 1 de);r. iVmt/i l.at. and 146 dear. l.on. In m their lirft feitmp out. Hc-.e thev went alhnre to breathe and in.nd t* litre ill .1 h-ile, aftu- all tlic fatipnes of their tedious i(/.n.j. Vo) ape thro' the ''■<<:i:l' Sea ; but ihe thievilh People of ilicfe IliaiiiK would rot let ihein be f]iiiet ; while ihey were re- pol'tip tlumfehcs aihore, the others would be pilfering .ind l^calii'p tilings otn. of the Ships, fo that 'twas iin- P'o:lible to cr.joy their cafe in any meafurc, till they had takm lirre courfe to deliver then^elves from ;hile un- wearied Diftiirlicrs. So they maich'd wiih a fmall Party, piytiy w.ll ArnVd, iipintixjiic of theKlanas, buriii fome of thurllonUs, and kil'ed fome few ^ii them; but this Correction, tho' it migl t awe them for the p. i lent, yc could nor niei.d their c,d Temper and Difpjiition, but they that y.-erc 1 hieees would be Thieves (till, and in fjeghi 0* Swords and_(iuns, wou'd play the Knavcas be- fore, vo;- which rcafin they refolv d to make no long (lay there, but find out fome other place where they might Reft with more fafery and c;uict. As for the Cha- raiiter of this People and their Manners, they give us this Relation : Th.it there i.s r.otthe leaft appearance ot a.ny Order orThePmpie Porai of Govrrnmciil amongft thcni. but ever/ Man !ivcs '^'^' '■' .!> he lilts, and doi-s what s agreeable to his own han'onrfh''''cjh''nj and inclination. Nay, confidcri"g how '.iiiivtrfa.ly that Thicvinp, Cheating Difpolition pre\al's, 'tis next to im- poifible there fiiouid W any thing (f ihav kind, for tlic T< (Iff 1< in 1.1. ra.-ift'i< i.l.lKl*. if governing part won d never fail to tr.-nfpn fs the I aws of J uHice and Common Hoiiell) as much .'.s the rirt ; and thelnfiriours would neier bear to be curb'd .and pnnilh'd l'\ tliofe ili.it thev faw do the very fame things, and let fuih an e.\airp'e before thei Kycs, So that the general corruption of their Warners will neccHarily keep them all upon a level, and cllab'ill, a perpetual Ar.ar hy amongft thcm._ As far as appears, the Wen go ennrely naked, not difeoverinp any thing of that common moddty which obtains amongll i..o(t barbarous People to beftow fome .ovcii;ig upon the Privy Parts; that diftindion indeed ccafes here, all P.'.n.s being eoualy expos'd to view. Their hair is verv b'.'ck, both on their Heads and Beards, •he former being peneially very long, and reaching down to iheir Waftcs. They anoint themfelvcs ail over with .he Oil of the Coco, but their natural Complexion is Olue. Ihey colour the leith black and red ; and fo;i,t of them will wear a Ronne: made of the Pain -tree upon their Heads. The Women are much better favourd than the Men, .and (as their Se\ rcqiures) more modei't too ; they all wear Coverinpi made of the inner Baik of the Palir- tree, their Hair b'ack, thick and lonp ; and (as tiny fay) ready to trail upon the pround. Ihey commcn.i them for very careful indultrious Houllvviles, fpendinp 'he- time at a much k-ttcr rate than the Mm 'io, for whdlt thefe are pilfering abroad, the others arc making Mati and Nets of the Pahr.-trec .r. hone ; but of both (i'd.es rhe Work goes to the furnilhing of the Houle. Tl-.eir Houfes arebuih ofTuilier, cover'd over with Board,s and large Pip-lcavcs, and diUmguiO.'d into ."everal Apartnii:HSi their Reds are the Pahi'-Mats laid one upon aiioiher, a.id the leaves of tlic fame are in(h-ad of Slucts and Blankets. They have no weapons Uit Clubs and long Poles, upon vvhicl. they put heads of horn. 1 heir fucding is upon Coco's, Bei.ana's, bigs of a hards lei.gtii, Siip'ar Canes, Fowl and flying Filh. Their Canoes arc pretty odly contriv'd and patch'd up. that thev 'il fail with then; at a ♦sry u-ry gre. I;aii-lia ufc a lar they wil rheSiim white, oi like. T •hiiig tlia When ill 'lieir Ar tirroiiph, pull th.i hands, Il after all would i( at iluni ; their ( ai to behole ,\.r. , /' which is I hey we lint well delica'.e I white Ci >?.'■ ' Illanos ea '■"•■'■■' Him are. in their C at their i PreU nts o and prom Sii^ce tH to ll.ew I by which is, and he •' '" nill: d out ' ,;■■;■ like a 1 ; Wine. Oi S.iwce) V. I T'ree it fel 1 hey cut fallen on r win eh drti pearance, tity of till their Cocr- I'niit (wi. rinds, the < and full o all the Corel there IS Ai!(: rably thick as a nmed) kernel, w!ii it has a p when 'tis di ct thiskeriii rer, and of loiiHtimcs t Wlitr rhey in water till boil it into : water expe into a Vine mix the ker the cavity c make a got. common I' they arc n hold outvei lain a batiiii provided tl I'een draw I recover a pa i.uet.ilicn. as tlKV will Hut to r I 'hi' them: Acer more Provil n iliarty ai invited the 1 I illy inviti. (inn bc'np ' a tr.;!nt. tha j'ood Word .ii-ain, and out of the w of no verv ■nets. Iht Cinnamon, .:*-,".v.-;« -i'-'*-. i .<^?:v<:,;. ..;..«>);, ♦'»' V .J" Lib. 1. CocOv , tl.cy in^nJ. \„«^ i:'.;<.:usl li;id at onetime a matternt if o of till it Canoes predii'g about ihem, as near as tluy could, to behold thofe •.M.i.d.rfel Con'ri\.-,nees. ,V.v.i/ihc icth, they laiuled upon the llland of '/-'W'.', which is jo 1 eaiius trom he l.,:Aiir' ; and ihe next dav iliey went all;ore .at lliin.niiu, m Ifland i.ot^ inliabind, iiiit well dvKnii g to be fo. Here they loumi .Sj'nrgs of di'ica'e e'ear w.ater, .iliuiuhmeec f I'ruii Trees, l. old and white t'lral : The Admiral called it th. /'."'.' if "o tl Syi:. 'I'he liil'.abrants of fon;e of the neighbouring Ilfands e.ime upto them not long after, al'eop!.- of nn.eli Huiiar.ity .ind pond I 'ifpoliiion, \ery fair and friendly in their Carnage, atul appearing to bemightv well pleas d at their eomiiig amof.glt them. They eaine ladm with I'rel'ents of bilh, and the W'lne u ade of the Coco-Tree, ai;d pi'omis'd other I'rovilions in a little time. Since the Cocn-Wmc is miniion'd, it nay not be .itnifs to ll.ew tlie variiais L tes thele People put ihat bruit to ; by which It will appear, how wry leniceable a thing it is, and how n;.iny of the Convmieneiis of 1 ite are tiir- " riill; d out by it. The Coco is the I'Vuit t fa certain T r.-e '7' like a liate, and fvippliis them at once with I'nad, Wine, <.''il aiul Vin par; and (belides all this bond and Sawce) with Phylick'^oo, Th;.' Wme is d.r.ank fioin rhe Tree it felf, bui' aU the relt are made from ihc bruir. Ihey cur ort' ftnie p.irc of a branch of the Ifcc, and fallen on to the remaining piece a pcfjd large Reed, into which drt ps a 1 iquor like Wliiie-wiiie, in colour and ap- pearance, and of a talte graiefuUy tan. A good quan- tity of ilns thus drawn forth, and put up in a Velfel, is their Cocr-Wiiif, without any farther pnparaiit-n. 'J he l-riiit (which is as big as a Man's Head at kail) has two rinds, the outernioft of which is green, two ringers rliick, and full of llnnps and threads ; and of thife they make all the Cords they ufe .iboui ihe.r Ho.ais. I 'nder this rii^d there is another, or rather indcid a lliell, being conlidc- ral)ly thick and hard , rhis 1 lur.t and puhenz'd, is iis'd as a remedy forfeveral ili'.Knpei'.. Next ro this lies the kernel, winch 's whirc, and of ih 'l''rkmf; of a ringer ; ',! ins a pk.alirg talle, alnioll uke an Alnond, and wKii 'tis dried they make it into Bread. In the n.iddle of this kernel, there is a hollow full of a pure limp'd wa- ter, and of a very cordial ar.d refrcil.ing nature ; it will loiiHtnnes ccngtal, and lie like an Igg witiiiii the ll.ell. When they would n akc Oil, thev leave the breit .i (Ici p in water rill it putrihcs, and thai fet it over the fire, and boil it into an Oil. And the Vinegar is only the fine w-ater expcs'd tor (on, e time to the Sun, which turns it into a Vinegar lik..' that i.f 'White-Wine. I alliy, Ifihey mix the kernel topeiher with the waterthat s .odgid ;n the civiry ot it, ,ind rlun (train it through a Cloth, the-, make a good Milk of it. Ihe Coco-Trees refcmble -he eoniiiicn Date-Trres in all other things but this, Ti-.at rhev arc not !■' rugged and knorry as thcv an-. '1 h-.) 1! hold outvetv well lor, Year, and two of them will n.aiii- tain abamiiy oi -en People with Wine very handloiii-.-lv, provided they be tiled bv turns, and each Tree hav ng been drawn feven or eight days, be allow'd as n an\ to recover again before any itxjr fie taken trom it t 'Mils e.u-et.akcii, fueh a nuiuK-r of People nay dnrk as nueh as thev will, and the Trees wiU bear then- tint m it. Rut to return to the Cci.ccms betwcer ihc People and •'^''thcm: According to their I Vomile thov lame again wiih more Provilit ns and cn-oard, bin ;,un,'. Words ar.d I'reieir.s brought ihcm to thcmfclves .iraiii, and with nmch ado they w- r ih rlvvaded to keep lilt of the wail r. TheXame of rhe r illand Vi'as t;„ : ■,,, if no verv great con pals, but n-r.'ulerable tor its Pro- i.nCls. Ihey had all manntr of Sr C-S in their Barks, Cinnamon, Cicves, Nutmeps, Cinger and Mace, and fcvcral thing* made in Gold ; all which they carry up and down for Mrrchanilizc. I hcv were without Ap- parel, but yet drcfsd at a more collly rate than the /■»,- pc/'iis that had it ; they had 1-arings of (lold in i ach far, and fieial Jewels faUen'd with pieces of (iold to their Arms: Helidis, ihey had Daggers, Knives and lances, that Were all very rieh'y pan ilh'd wuh the lame Metal, lint rho' ihy had noiliing of any Varmint on, yet they had fomcrhing of a < 'ovi linp bet'orc, and that a fort of Cloih very iiigenioully ii-adi oi : of the rind of a certa.n Tree 'lar cnjws antiipd ihin. 'I he n.oll eonlidernb.'i.- Men an- diltinguidi'd from the cri.iiifn Ion 1 y apiece it Id ken Nn.dk vsork wra] p'd about iIm ir I leails. They are grofs btidii d, broad, .iiii! will ft, of nn C>li\e (. e- lonr ; and ihii blue liny maintain In acor.ltant Innncln !i ol ili'.ir Bcdie- With the 0\\ of the Coeu. 'I'lii-y depirted fuin thisKle, M-f / l:. 'I.". \'i\, and ibreCb.d their Coiirf: betWvUi the W. and S W. fu'- mpbeiweui the Ifles C.n,-. , /i«/,. ;,i^. ,->-, Hii:ij]in, and M- (I iS. They c.m.e to the Iflc of !h!l-i'.i>i (1) ■ the '; King ofwhiih.and the Prince hisljon, ;..ivc them honou- rable b'ntcri.iinment, togethtr with g< od Qualities of d and S|'iies. .The Admiral prelentcd the King Cold tvyo Velisr (Cloth, one red, atid'theithi r >tl!ow, m-.ilc .liter the I rk fh Fallion : and fome of his Coi rtiers with Kniv.s, (d.iir-s, and B-.-ai's r^( Cr< !1.,1. His V..-;':';.y w.in terribl) fright ned at the l)i|ch.irfenf a Piece ..fCJ.diance, ami as nnuli furnr'H'd to frc one of the ." ' " in Ar- inonr, lalh'd witli naked Swijrds, v ii!-ont r.-cei- ii ;- .-n/ harm. But he wasiiuich more eoi f- ikie.: at r'-e .vi.-.guk. of the Compafs. a;«' to hear that t'-e lia-. found their v^a\' thni'rhe \videC)eean,le the DircCtioi *' tliat. The Admiral fent two of his Company all.i ar a!.-.-p with him, of whiih ?;r . I \- r.s f;;-e. When tlu ;, v.- .-re kinded, the King and his .'.•.t.iidants, all lifted ,p Jieir Hands to Hi aven, and then towards tlic two Chriftians ; in which Ciremoii) thif.- alf; followed them: And this Ciiftom they obl(.-r\ed m Urinkinp too. His Majcfly's Palace was hkc a bla\-l -I'e, lon r'd w-irli l\,;,ii ,i]i,i Fig. !'.-a\es, mounred lb high epon great Timber-poll'-., thac they w ere kiri'eil to ufe I .ulders to get in. Tho" they are no Chriltians, yet at their MeaN they always make the Sign ot the Crof;, (itting in the fame man.ier with their Legs as Taylors do. At Nipht,in(lead of Candks, they burn the Cnm of a certain Tree, wrapp'd up in Palm- leaves. Ihe King and Prince having er.t< rtain'd them, each in their feveral 'm) I'al.icc, and p^iven them Nob'e''"' T*" Prefents, difmifv'd them ; but not without ikw admirati- (]'',', ''",|,j on, ai (1 a Hmi perfualion now rooted in thiir .Mind;-, th.it ni. -icj. :hcy were above the Rank of common Mortal-, having''i"'"- Icen fo many i'.rarge ihinp; b'^ them ; and efpecuiliy .';'- Y'cri i\ Writir.p.and Reading w ii.it he had written, which were Myll cries they could not coinpreher.d. In the Idcof llu i u-ii, as tiny titled the F.aith of a cer- f'-myof tain Mine, they found great Lumps of Gold, fome as big ''"'''' as Nuts, others as large as IZpgs ; of which Metal were all the King's Domeltick Vedels ir.ade. The King himfelf w-as a \er) comely Pcrfon, his Hairrho Kinf of bl.'iik and long, his Complexion Oliie; liis Body per- "•'"••'"■ turn d with l\K eel Oils, of Storax and Bcnj.uniii, and paint- ed with di\ers Colours. He had Rings of Gold in his bars, atid on i \ er\ Finger three : His Head \v„s wrapp'd with a Silken Veil, and a piece of Cotton wrought with Silk aii.i Gold, cover d Ins Body to his Knees. He wore a long Dagger by his (ide, with a Haft of (iold, and a Scabbanl i.f fair carved Wood. His Country, it feeir.s, IS fo rich, that one o( ins SubieCls ofi'jr d a Crown of Wafly Gold, with a Collar, for l^^; Threds of CryllaJ Beads; ii the .-Vdmiral would not permit fueh Bargains ■is thcfe, that they miplit not appear lo be too fond and co- vctrus of their Gold. The People are of .inactive and fpntely Nature -, the The NiiivA; Ml II quite naked, except a Ctneringof Paint : But the Women go I let hed from the Walte downwards, and both wear (.olden Far-Rings. They are alwa) s i 'v.-wing W- ic , and lav, the) can't li\e without it. This is a fort of Fruit like a Pear, cut iiiQiiaiters, and rolled up in tlic 1 eaves of a Tree (call'd * I'rte.:-), which are almoll like '"' "'"''■ Ba\ -leaves. .As forReligiousRit-js, they h.id no other inufcaitiongft tlieio, but onl\ to hft up their Faces, and Joined-hands, to 1 !e,v. .. n. and call upon their God ..'..* . The Admiral .ifeVuMi. nr- caiif d a Banner, in v huh w-.ts the Ponrrraiiilure of -.he J«» ' B'|'"<--'. Cn fs, and a C rovvii of Thorns, with Nails, to be bro-j'^ht *''[Jl.J,j^i°J firth, and pubiickly Rcverci.c'd by all his Men. in .he K.rg's Piefence ; telling HiMMaicll\, it shoulu b; fet up in lomc high Mountain in In- i^ounirs . not orb tor a Token of good tnt.....antr.i.iii to Clirntians ai th. Dip.ininp from licmc. tlu< K'ng'> Pilots br to the lllis of ^ii.'i, V''"'- '^''./Z'"''. .111'! ' I wliicli >('/•"' IS iIh- lull, .inil lins tilt W\ I'r.iiU' /iiuthcy found Oops, Cits, Hofs Hens, doals, iWv, 'riinC.iT, CmiH. Myll, I'.initkc. H.irUy, Im^n, OiMn(',cs W.ix, ,iini(ioia,in (;if-n Itoiv. TlusIlU- lies m y ' IK'^r. lit /N. 1 ut. .1111.1 I'i UiKi- "' lonpiimlf, from tlit lirit •Si.ipr. ■Jliiv (l.iv'ii Ikti- f.r'.'t D.UA, .111! then f.iilinp lo tin- N. W.iMlVa 1>V the lil>s -^yiiui, Itiv/, i.'X'U, iUvt-.t , .iiul C.i'ii!' .1' . In wliiili l.ilt lllc, tiKTC .-.tv H.its as hip as hap!is, aiiiltlut taltf, uliin ilixis'.l, like .i lien : 1 lure are .illo Sroik-DoMs, I niiK-Dincs, Pop.iij.iys, .imi a lerMin 1' It of Idwl like .i I leu, wliiili luve Imle 1 lurtis, .iiiii l.iy their lipi'.s a Cubits ilepili in ilie Saiul, where the 5\in'>hi'at Hatches thcin. I'Vnm.M /y.iH.i foC.i'f^/M»;, i- .ilioiit lo I eagucs lailinp to the \VeH,.inil fiom C.ilr^l-n. tn X^iihur al'imt \o 1 eapiies ; to will, h thev now Hii i-i!b'\l then umrfe, \\i\ inp the Com- pany olihe King of Mrll III.1 aldiu; with them. w'mi'?, aloiit N"i^n,iliey eiiticil ti.el'orr (if T^^niur^ v , .ind C'-in.ng ne.ir ihe City hi off all their gnat Cluns, \s'h:(h put th.it p'arc into a \ei \ ptut cunlUTiiatiiMi. Hm all that ai'l'iilHiihon i^f d.uifei fumi the .Ships was (jiiickly rcmo\M, I v .heenming of their Aml-alfulor loilw 'i own, who atr. iM the Kirp, ihat 'tw.i^ eullonuiry with them to rlifcharpc their Canmm whenever they lame inio any great Tens; and that 'twas apkccof Ke(iv.it thcj al- Avavs pa;d to the I irds and (>n\ ernoiirs of 1 owns. I le told him how mighty a Prince tJicy were Servants to, ,ind rhit rhcr diligr w.Vs to tinil ont the M^lm.-.is : '1 hat ilii.\ rnlv came to vifu him In the way, h.arinpol hisbamelv. thcK'.ng of MclJii.es, and dclircd him to gr.uit them Vidiials fjr the Commodities they hadbri iii;hr._ 1 he King i'ld them welcome, hot told ih^-,n, 'twas a Culfoi.i there, for ail Ships tlut cane, to pay Tribute, and that he expelled the like Acknowledgment from tlKin. This the AmbalTidorpofKively reliired, telling him, That his Ad- iiiiral was -.he Ser> ant of fo great a King, that as he had never \et, fo he vvou'd not now begin to make that Ac- knowledgment to any Prince in the World : And withal, rh.it if he vs I 'i:'d Accept of Peace offerd to him, well and good, if not, he ll.nn'd qvdikly ha\c his hands full of the W.ir. A certain Afoo', that flood by, told the Kir.g, That ■.iui'e were the (■'i''fiii;Hi'^r tha. h.ul Con>iuer'd C ileal' and .M:..:.c.r, and therefore Adviled him to have a care how he prouik'd them. I'pon this coiiruleratuui, the King com hided to refer the Matter to his Council, and to gne them an •'.nfuer the next day, finding them, in the r.iean while. Wine and Viilbals. 'I'he King of MelfMi.i, who was a very potent Princf, went all.i-ic, and aifted very Generoiifly, on that behalf, with the King of ;^(/>uf : The elfert ol which wj\ 1 hat the King, inflead of Demanding, was now ahm It i\.\dy to \ieldtopay Tributi himfclf; which they not at .;!! iiifiUing upon, but only dclinng liberty toTr.ido, lie cheerfully gr. nted it, ottering to Sell the Covenant of Peace and briendlTiip with his blind. After this, the King of MjTu'u, the King of ^ii.'.'i', nnd his Ntphcw came »board the Ad- I'-.ii.il, brotighi him Prcfenis, and crnfirni'd the league. • t'l-ni !«.■ vt, the r.hr.ft, 11 The Rirg l..,.vl ihit fltftro)* lOf W.'uln. The Adnvral perfwaded them to embrace the Chnjiian F.uth, which I hey did with exceeding Jo\ and Pleafure, being ail afterwards P.nptiz'd This example of the great Ones infliicncd the whole llland, fi that C/''-W r 1 ace, 1 lands and Fea, t.'i his. crying and lamen-nig whle his Hair scic ott', bit file changes htr Fiinei,d Notes imd a Merry Song 1 when the '.th-rceafesciitritip. The Ccrciiionj lalis tiv(; I J.iys ; af'er which thev c;:c!i fe the C i|,s in a'lJi.irij.i I bulk ot Xl'cod, ar.d ii.adc ur\ fait ci. jverv liilc. ,.;i\.f. iitoiy Ih I Lib. 1 thf Wlulf< tlu'lrHoarn ny (it ilirni .ilivc in ihc \vl is lil.iik, I o /',/ .'i l,t' .ilO for 14 rin ilidiTi for tlielf Prin- ^ pi'itbiinM l-uw ill >l>l- eif lu'forc- ni' lit' V'''"Th.KTi.,c. iVc ; the for- fun.i". 'I rhf l.ittcr amnl Jcht , Bcliiks ilie a 111(110 lii- l tlu'ir KidK aii-s, whiili )iiil\ Ivtiirc, nii'd i(io,ttTliefjj;i" IT I) lll(",lltl.T '^'' ndliMiu', her iMil i.Iorn'il L>au-liM\is. ilinul 111 ilu- atOnin.incc (.' Ulaiid was il.iicrv, who Mauii- ; the iiTu'U'd a In- I'mid ami till If I'l'Oplc unions iiire licT upon Ills pawn'd Ills 'd liilimit w lul tliey (ay, ncf pcrfcaiy s, that this 'rts, and oc- Altars and r ihislfland, Tribute in I (u \ rlic III- (') •''■"'•" a (lir.ht Co- ll the Males, 1 King';, pcr- \kc as many Tht r.-.ifit ha", the Sove- I CVivn.onics w ith niiginp j'.ioiind, on ci- and rnaft- andthcMa-T'''-' ■;'« 11, who (nig'""- inipcts mad(; rs to the Siin, ns, ihcy pour of the V inc- I I aiuc, and tiircs mouth, \c Ceremony, id, and with and then tho Wlien they 'rielHy attire, lies, in whitli e f)elli (if the Witiheshavc Hicrals, their _, . „ , , Til '1 t ij'anr asth(/lc,jis, • dies, all the xni(;hs, with .ill alioiit vh.f AiiiteCotron, he RiH'iii l"e- \hile. 'Ihen ut iheUec.-.i- tiine, h.seh.et e, ll.indsarul IS H.ur !s(.'i: i iVlerrj ixjns Jn\ lalis hvfi 1 -i JJorii.noiy ) lidc. lb ( .hap. 111. Mage I lanV Veath. Other Vijcovcnes, &c. 17 .lit '■' iv.ih. if. ■■■i'- . ■;'■>! Jl.i.( 'f, i-l/iU (■) rn.'iu. fvj Slrntt. • Si. Ih.-i, St, A(,/m,4(, be. (;jrf. ,.U\.t Thi« Irtc of Mit)'/in wa< govern'd Iiy two Kin>;s ; the one of whieh refilling 10 pay Trilnite to the King of vf i/w. W.T^/i.iw/ wrnt out tm Miyli tun his Heat and Co^lr.l^e earrvinp hiin in tm tar aiiion);!^ the Bi''''iii'rii. he\sas there tirll woiuidi.l with .» povlmi'd .Arrow, and afierw.iii's thriitt into ihe Head Willi a 1 am e, \vhii.h ended the I ite .mil Action ol ih'' Noble Coiiiliiander. .\boiii S or (; ii\ Ins Men wer ll.lin, ami al'oiil 1^ of the l-neiiiN, belidi •• ni.inv udniul- ed ; but AJ.i:; 1 icj\ Kody eoiild not Ik- iviUiin'd it any r.l!i'. 1 hey iholi. two others to Ineieedhiin in his Charge, li'v. 0,/...li-./» lll'liu I ,\ I'oilN^^:!-:;,; and Johu.tn SV//.i'i.; who WMs iloiilv .if.er, witli ili\eisoilKrs, betr.iyed b\ the Imetpreiei. A little Uloii '.he .'.limiiMrs IKatii, ihev had iiilin>!i. oftlie Mvlii.,.!', tlie pleat uid of iheir Vo\.ii;e : .So that now leavini; M't:'.tit, thev rul'il to ilie llle /. Itiu'i'l ; and iierethes burnt the {'■ ii,:ptu,ii, finniil.ini; the other iwo Ships with the .Men .iiiil .\inninnuion ol u. Directinii their eourfe from heiiee to the Sonih Welt, they eanie 10 ilii llle .'.;; /• r. .Vers. Melons, plenty of bow 1 and Bealls ; ainonglt w liicji are tleplunis. July 1^. \\\C)' were fet upon by i i.o oftlie Ituiian T/in^'t, of which they took 4 ; and in one ot them a conliiierable I'riliimr, Son to the Kingot l.ri;oii, ami (ie- neral of the King of /|.v«j-.,'s boices, licing then upon his return from the Sack ol I. :f, a great City inttiellle to- w.'.rds ;/ i; ■• : but the Pilot being Rnb'd, let him 11 akc his efeape ; lb that iliev lolt Ins P.anPime. 1 caving ii(7«r(i,thc> came to the' llleC)>»/'(//'C»/(«'),\vliich I'es m S deerces 7 minutes ui North 1 at. 1 levc they Ifaid ^0 Davs taiilking ilieir Slii|i«, nnil turiulHng tlittii with trelh Water and Puel ; thrv were t'ofi'd to Work barefoot, their SliiKjes being unite Worn out, and there being none ot t/ie (iiml< -C rait in Cminhn to li'l'ply tlieni With more. In the Woods nt this llle ihev fotiiid a J tec, the I eaves of ssliuli, as ftjin as thev t'.ill on tin gn uril. ilo * '."'"' move tioin plaie to place a« il' thev Wiiealive. Tlicy releiiible .Mulberry-l cans, and oiulu li.'.i si^i'ilum there are mia.n libro [irodue'd, that I'eein like liitle hug'. It thev are eiit, or bnkeii, theres nothing like Blooil eoinesfor'h; but if thev aietoiu lid, the V Uieldcnlv fp.ini; awav. 'I lirWi'i,'!'-// Mr ed, keepitii! 1 lie «,f thete I e.it- Animals m a Uilli for S davs. I in lileairoiilsUltnthes, wild I loe^, and ( loeodiles Ihe) took heie .1 Hih lie.id- An c.U V.X ed like . I Swine, Willi tvsoHoi.i-; it^Bodv .ill one entire Bone, andl^nu thing like a S.iddle on iis P.ick. Ihey I'aileel ti..m liinee In the Well, tow.irds the South l-.ilt Qiiarier, f ir the ,Mi)/(/.r >;, and in their w.iy tound the Sea full of Wivds and Herbs ; 'I his was near' certain great Mountains, 'I his Coiirfe lv:- J.iii", a ;;re.-tt C 'tv Iving .ibov c the I lies of llufi min :uh\ (' iii-['J .til. Here thev lookaCanoe, vviiii certain /m/;,im/, who gave them directions for the' Af(i/i;,r,/,t ; lii that they ehang'd their N'orili-L,iil for ;i Si utii-l'.alt Cou'l's, on to aCapeof the' llle Ih -vn. Here thev heard of a Itrangc^^'''-' '■''^' liirt of S.'.vnges eover'd with 1' aggy lia.r like Bcalts. lining and rail, has ing onlv weapcns of NVoi d ; ''ley re- ported ot tliciii, tli.it the> wiiu'el ear the Hean- of their llain Inemiesr.iw. withthe |i ice of Oranges and l.inioiis for S:iuie. 'I'hefe lllands atliird the belt Cinnamon in rlie NV'orlil ; ol whieh thev hail 27 pound in Kxchange tir two Knives. I'eini; in 6 degrees 7 ir.iniites N'orih 1 ai. thev Itill kept their .Somh-l.ait ( 01; rfe, which, ,. brought tiiem upon the llles Cilnny,, Uii.iinli.,'.t, .S.imb-j'i'Jj,' Sj.iw/, and (' III. //«;'-''(■ . (J. I 'In ;4. thev had a great Storm; and tliev fay, that alter their Praicrs, the three Portunaie Lights apnearM as before ; which once lliewing thenilehcs, the noily Winds and Waves were commanded into a prot'ound lilence. 1 hey came toHarliour in the llle S.imHf^.ini, reported to yield both (iold and Pearl ; and here thev prefs'd two Pi- lots for thfir Mvluc.t Voyage. 'Ihey pal's'd the llles Cc.in,!, {'.iniil.t, C.il'i.iio, (..ii/ii/,vt, Cih.iln, Chi'ii, I.;.f~)^M>i' p!ii.\m\ \r;.i, and came to a f.iir Illand eallM V.i«^A,V,,"|;|'';''^;J'|j;'' in •<'. degrees of North I at. which llle had 4 Kings.itv ,vf!,.',1. Having pal's'd s other lllands, tlu-y at lalUfpied a fiiiall'^''"?'"' ClnHerof .\ lllands. whieh their Pilots faid were the \lo!iii\ii , ; this wasthc dth of .\V ■.■■•mi n , and the J7th '0 Tl'^ -vf., .Month .liter their dep.iriure from s'/.n'/,'. '1 hev tried thc'''.l " '" depth of the Sea with their Piunibet all about thefe"''"' lllands, and fouiut il no let's than ici "^'ards ; which.'V',"'!," ""^ thews th,it the P'>,tii';iif;r delign'e! none elle ll.mi'd conu-r.^u"'" thither but themlclves, wheiitliev told the World, That' tliofe Seas were lb lliallovv, that there was no Sailing there, belides iIk other dangers of Rocks and Shelves, and continual Darkiiel's, iVfti.S. * U'tiirc Stin-rifng, ih.n enter'd the Port oi'^D.ir.i, I'iii.hrc'l }, which is one of the 1 hief of the Mlii.c.\ ihc King was a ,\lm; but notwithltanding the' preju-' -lices ot his Religion, liie\tiemelv f nd of the .V;'/')//iiiii.t, anil lo iiiiieh elevoted tothe .Serv lee- id' iluir .Mailer, that 'le bid them eoine alhore into their own Country and -loules, call'd them his Bretlnen and Children; nay, in Complement to them, changed the Name of hi^Kingdom trom iii i.'.oic into ('■r/.'i'/.". 'I hele Atoiiec^j are live in number ; l>'>iric, Tiriildir, Mu'ir, A/.ii-.-//(>i and hv.v/i'.oi. Of all thefc, 'iV/n/j/.- is the ehlef, atiel the Kingof it was once Lord of all rho rclt. A/w.'o and A(.-. im',ih were then Coitiinoiuvcalths, but n.iiv/i. I. a Mnnaicliv. 'I he Clove-Trees here are ve-i,!^. rv tall, am! as big about as a Man; the Boughs large in the middle and llarpattop, the I eaves like th ife of Pav-liees, and the Bark of a'ntJlivecolnur. 'IhcCloves grow in large Clultei's at the topsof th-.- Bouglis ; at lirlt li.\ are w hite, re-i vsheii come to maturity, and grosv ilack by after (h-v ing. 'Ihe Leaf, Bark and' Wood, be- ing gieei.. is V. itrong as the Clove it lelf, Thev gather tiiem twice a Yc.ir, in Jtiiu- and i>r,ti/ui; ; and if they don't take them in time they grow \crv hard. I- very Man has his cwn peculiar 1 roes but they bellow bur little I !i.'s''andry upon th-iii. '1 hey have alio in this liie a Ion of a 'I'ree. the Bark of which being Itcepel in Wa- ter, may be elrawn net in linall fibres, to the lineticl's of Silk ; and ot this the Women m.ike a ibrt of Ayrons, which i) all the Cov eriiii; thev make ulc of. U Near •(I) Tiri.Ur,. i' I '>• i ; ■ I ' \%^^Stveral Accounts of the \^0\\\CCX^,and neighbouring I Ihnds, Lib. f. TChap. IV. ( loiWiiilf. N Icli Stiiurltitioiu in mhi r rcparili, il\.in the Mm I ; Mt they rcpmi ii( iheni, ih.1t they ailoie tlie tirft thiiif' thi\ lie in ihr Mirn'.ni', to tJ.u an Als iii.Avlv the ()i'|(t;Vf)t iheir W'l rlhU't 1 th.it l).i>, ,11 lnon .i>. .1 lettei ihiiip. Wilt hi \v p tiiitiil'. In this llle there ih .1 liirt ot a Ki nl rmw* .is li p il» .1 Mai/< I t J!, und lull dt a \eiy hne I in. [Mil Water, vliili n-.ikeN ,1 V ^dlelunic Drink. Nm. ii, .iPiiMuk W'.irehouli- «.\s a]ipniireil in the C itv t'tir the S.lle < Kthr r Men haiuliZi . '1 he 1 \ilian^:e «.\s thus; I'lir ten V.inl'. Ill f'loil reii L'loth. liiey had one B.ihar ui C'l, ami lix I'miiiil ; amieveiy Cnn- tari'' . \>\ij;ht. Idr littirn Y.uiK of a meaner Cloth, iIh\ h.iil Ml I .inil'ie, riu- IVih.ir : Vnt j-, |)iinkii|' one I'ahar : \vt 17 C'.iiliyls ot J^iieklivir oiie 'Iluv hrotiehi .t'l Ion. (.1' l'ni\ihni,s ilaiK to iluir Mii|'s. .mil .1 I''!-: I't livlli W.K.i, vvliiih I'l'mif's cut ot the Moeii- taii.s winretheC'lo\e (.TiAv : It l^llot^^lell it euniesiiin O.'U. 1 Iir \V4tf r I R'illt. r.-r.^iii ■■• ,e Hah.n. of the S r" but ury ml, I wlu-n 11 h.is 111 oil ,1 wliili Slf«r(l-. I'll iTivl •1- - f Ibpie .,.iii(te;iil ot W'lnrs, their «h..le Hmij cMe.ill ot di'e loltnir, aiulth.it near a tawny. I lny never tly lilt vvlien the Vinil blevvs to heliMheiii. The Al ...j t.inev they ennie ti Min. ot Smith I at. And I'fiJii.-.u ill 1 Min. and tins Kle is the l'ipi;ert of all the .\I-r'i«r,-.»'.'. W'Ikii they departed frnni lienee. they had the Kinpsof feveral Illinds atteiulinp them :ii their Canoes ; they were imiduOted bv li.eiii to the llK' A.'wc, and iheretliis Royal Company tcrk their I eaves of them, not without a •;reat deal of .Sorn vv, as they pri tended. In this llle they left a leakinp Ship Inlrnd them, piviiip Ordi rs, it iteruldhe repaired, for ;ts retnrn into 'ifali . r.'irn AJ ;■.• thry direiftcd their Courfe to t!ic S. \V. bc- i'lr no\ ' no more m nutrber than .',6 Si.nili:,;ii, and 1 ? li.- W,ny Wji'.Ji. .1 ..'.;. Theypani.il tlie Illes ot C'/'rtfw.iw, l.ryjm:?, VA- , Cic^lii, Citfi'i, Suincho, luw.itoln. Tenet uii, Itii,:\ Ainh)., B.'~ti.t,''e.. rw,lienaii,/Viil'i^' r,Uitithti,Z^O'iii>iin, \ui t , Noce- r»ri, G.i.'..i«, and M.iHii.;, helides many others polTcfs'd both by A/1^1/, ll::it' .V s, and C'.^'.n//^.-. They tt.iv'd at (.<, .VfjiKj. (/ .\; -/;'»,- hftcin Uavs, ivrnirir.!? their Ship. 1; iu^ 11 S' Depr. of.S.Iai. ai.d 1'.'; Depr. 40 Mm. of l.onp. m- eordinp to iheir Reekoni: ;.'. '1 here prows a vatt deal of Pepper there, both lonp an.' roiinil ; the I eaves of the Tree like MulUrry-leaves, and eliiiibinp like Iv y. 1 People are perteOt Cannibals ; the Men wear their Hair and Heardspntup in Cams ; and ti r Weapons, uk only Bows and Arrows, ■f.iiiiui y I'f. * le.ivinp A/rt.'i'/(,i,tliey arrived at Tiwci (.), \v h'.ch is live Leapnes dillant between the S. and S. W Mere they found (Jiiipcr, the Wood of White Saunders, divers Fruits and Hcalts, (ioUl, and plenty ot all lorts ot Provilions. The People of the AWhim'i, _^,;f.r, and /.<- :;■•>!, fetch their S.- .mlers trom this Illaiid. It lies 111 10 D^pr. ,S. 1,. and I7,)ofl.onp. The Inhabitants are Ido- laters, and have .imonplt them, (which is alfo common to all the Ides of this rli<>ij>-l'.^) the Diftemper we tall t'le I ■(■/.. -I^c.v, Sailing a long Courfe froin lirme, N'tween the W. and N. W ihcy came to the Kle of i.,„it{i), which vieUUfn tw. Hre.lt (lore ot CiiMmon. In ihil Trart of Sea, there U n ' ""'I'l lonn .Scrieitof lilanUs lying in order behind otic another, as tar a< the (Ireatcr 'f.iv.t, and the Cape of htcl.ue.-. A- bont half a I rapuefrom this (Jreater /n -, li« 7,:»i.i the 1 els ; whii h IS tiill as bip as the llle of Muina. ^'l•■ II. • lailiiiv. trom IVi/m, ihev pot into theCJreat* ,,., .Sea l.nHf. /■;,/■, anil (teer'd awav bitwein the W. and S. W. leaiinp tin- N. C oalt on their Kight-hand, takini- larcnot to lad too near the Mioar, halt the \'.'.iii^'r-\ who werekated at Mih.i,, ll.ou'd ihan.e'.i Ipv thun ■ and onihis Aiioiim they directed their t onrl.' wihom the llle Si.m.in. . And that thiv initilir pal's the C ape of r; <:l //n/irmore feeiirelv, thev l.ul'd aUiut .p Dcpr. ti - wards ilic S. Pole, vv.utinp in ihofe | arts feu n Week, lor the W u .l.letihiiipmanva Compafs with ilieir t'lill-fpriad .Sails l.uinp aW. andN.W. Wind 11. the Prow of 'their .Ship, li. thai they eoulii nm csfily pit alonp. I he C ape nft.c.' lip.' they obferi'd to b. in 44 ; Depr. of S, 1 ,• sick,., ami \(oi leapuisfri.mthe Cape of M.:.ci, arrivinnai that parr of it whi. h lirs oppollte 10 n.'rn-u, when tlie V ,--,. ,Sea t.f "„ is f pava'ed by a nar- V.n,„. row Neck ot 1 and, trom that Wettern ()einii, in which are the I lies ot Ihjpu r !.,,M<\r„U Tlu. Srr irlit in the South Sea whuh they palled, was < aile.l t' , Vreiphtof y.cUn.,, tmm the Ship in which -M: Admiral difcover'd it, tho afterw,inis ,• „.ceiy d a new Name fn;ni the Ad- miral himlell, bemj; c.ili'd in 1 K the M )^-'iuiu\ Streipht. After ihcy Were eimic home, ihi: l'e.t„;'„,-r- overthrew their Ku'hiry at /V./.tof, took theirShip the V. .,;,,; buih thcmlelve, a hort.it Tfr«,ifr, and raifed a b.K'h.rv theiv pertinp tie whole Chne-Tr.i.ie in:.-, their own H,inai.Aid bilidestielel'imiities .ifiroad, there v.ere tierce Con'ei,.. tioiis ,it home, Uiweeii the two Natioiis, each challeu- piiip the Mojuu-y, for their ow n Rie„i. But in ihor the ;'»,;,.;;,•.•■ C<' havinp called the Sweetr.efs of the A/ ■ „ r.ide vveierelolv'dnevertooiuc it lu 'AcSf'„,.,nr.!, ■ rei- therdid 1 hey leaveiill they ha.l em;rolVd all to tlienifel'.es 1-or the Lmperorr,.i,r:i,ig the Kinp of /Vr^p^'. Safer and vvantinp Ml.,.,,, iK' pawti'd ' .ill thofc rich lllands and the whole Spice- 1 lade, to the I'.u.gue-e, for?, 0000 '"^ " ' L>uckecs;and tli.it without li.niting any ceitaui tinicfor the Kcdemption ot Jiein apam. And whereas CW-s • of- . . r ter li 10 lay down ,he Money, uv >n Lmdition of o.: Years Prolusot theli.ide, and yet tx, leave all aftertlnu to ihe Crown; the hiiipcior woul.i ,.ut .idmit of ,t • Sotha' the J'..»n<:;«,!,v Itill kept theirPrizej till they lolf Iiom' that and theinlelyes 00, to ili'! C t-iwii of V> , >. hu 1 he Pet the Miiluii tot iiiort ^ rtetorc Kinp of r yuv^' hid s,, 11, 'he Smi^- 1 Nil I (iiiv.tM, a 1' HM i4vif, in A.r. 11 • lln. (■.. ■ (1 ,. Si p .. -,.ir 1 i / *,lr ('( an I 111- I '.J The I eve T'^HI 1 M l(^ Ptifo to .■ll\'-n. fore'.' llle m l\>r While laiiis cam Peace: I know thei iiionull till Shipbiuri they won Civility 1 a Jaytliiu li) they de if The ne one of thi thinkiiip t himfelf il thre.itnini fiiitly mo the Conni The Pi ji-th. a'. I t:ljh Fiilu of them : three Cai ,, y.DiK,;, they tour two Mar her into 1 which t.ii pare then took of t (OThiy arc and alfo '-"'"-'■''^•"behind il They i with the bound 10 good Itor of that ( (,)ji/..»illi!. tapeii'.'l (jj GoJ .. ifora ot c ready lot came upi tains woi ders ha\ i went t'.i out a I. u towards thro' the Trcj.liLfy Ih- lliii a, ; jpe Bt'tn, ^ Lib. I ho W. ,.iul mU viclils'f ) '■>./. ihiMvU .1' ""■•• !ic anntlirr, •Uie,-, .A- the (Jrcat ♦ ,,., W. ami S. ml, rnkirj; \\<) till in ; •!.• wi'lidut w t ,l|>t Cit' l)cj;r. to Wi, ks tor t'ulMj.ri.i.l nv ot ilirir I h.' f.iPc ■r. Ill' S. 1 . * ^'''■'«" il.ingi'roiis nil ^vn .l,.n;u. C".l|if, llC- 10, li Hill- of .1 1 1! ill' lU- liiy lui'cKi- DVl'll I'lfJM' ■s, thi'V fi- ll .1 Coilrl'' IS, witliuiu I*! > ■" '■ 11 Mai i.t «"■""■■ 11 ihi- puiii lis LXtr.'ii.i- )l't!ii;C.l|v irinvil'im- in tl'.i- Ml p ihcar iluri- L b..iiii- till- I- tlic) hail uir iniliii- iiiuiis as to ihf / ,K. as to ilitaiiu'"'" ^"P loil, "■■''•■ '■""■ , lllrl. IIS (tliinirn ha\ itip rio tlicy had a uld away ; upoiithcir St. / «i (J) , The Ton of ■St l.Kiar V.Ucy or Nit, and in to thr Ca- r the happy ic rctirtir'd. .,, • . iitioiid Wr-sii,|,Riuiiu. "the ;f'f/.'. oppulin- to liy a nar- Pjrm. in which ijllit in the Straight of difcO\lT'd m the Ad- iifcovirci- overthrew ''lit), built tn; V I her.', Handi.'Vr.d Conteii- ili iha!k-K in ihorr.the he M :.,..,i ittr.'.s ; nei- rlu.'nifi.l', es. j;'!/ i inlter, ith lilands, , for 3 5 0000 •^■'^ time for the ol '^xYcar, tlia: to iht t ; So thai ■y lolt boli; The thai f •^,,r... iu,u.i I ■). IV. air Francis Drake r 'Di/coijcncs, &c. i9 The Pcrfoii ihni brou|;hi home the Ship tV.M.ii from the Molua/'. wi.;?.'" V-.'-.i/Jmm C'/o ; whom the I'mpe- ror ni"rt NoMy Hi warded tor his Sirvuc. Before ihis A('reeiiieiit Uiween the Kmperor , aivl Kii^'of I'"'"//, 'l'""! the Mk/i.. iJ. foim-ol the I'li'tx- i.«t,-.' hid atteiiipud ilii> Difuiuryoiir of \-ve Vi.,/«, In tilt v,H(' Sea, I'lii wiih ill Sunels, a- is ivlaud by Jom (rifM«, a .V/i.r-.//'' IMot (.Hi I liey lail'd • friuii I'ort N - iiv:o, in 10 Ueiir. of N. I . and i.iiie to the .\;j«i> 1 < ; where the Km); of Wtljmr cmcrtaiii'd ihrm will ; Riit not U'iiiK .il'N' loni.iintain their (iround .i|;ainH tli.' n/"<- niitili, they were fore li to come to a Coinpofitioti witii thrm. And thus have we fcen the Sviivjh Ship* rntiinR aGir- tile half round iheliloU-, ive il.ill now lee mu- fnili/h Oiks tinilh wlui they had luitun, making liiitli Lnds of it perfeCfly incet toj',eflier. ;••.:« ^ C n A p. IV. 'The fdnms Voy.igc of !>it Irancis Drake, the first General th.it ever UmIuI round the whole Globe. A r. 1 1 • Thii f.. mo .• Si (1 w,...iri (Ik tt.h (1. (in uic I -M of UMlltr) TrCiJv.-y ihi- lii'ijii Till" riheenthot Wumhr, Sir /•■..rm.f l^f.'k; with a Mc.'t «f lue Ships and Harks, (111 whieh were alujiit 1^4 I'ufoiis) ft fail I'mm Plwimil; prettiidui". a Voyaj;e to .7/ ■ I -•«..'■ It . Hiiuhe Wind pro\iii(; eontr.irs. he was fore'.' ille next Morniiif; 10 put ;ii ai I JfX.ui, I la\en, in I ,/■)/« /.. I lire a iiuill Molei'f T'eiiipelt had like to ha\e niadeaii iiiiiieifjl Vreek, whi. h vu prodiicd no vvnrle eikt'f., ,'.is Vrmulen'.r was pleasd to order il;e matter) than the If 1» of tl'.e Admiral's • Matt, and ilu dnvmc of the i\..r ,!;r/./ afliOiir whieh fi inethiiii' briii/d her. 1-or the repair. Ill' ihife Daiiiay.es, thry return d back 10 /".- >wi(,(/i ; V li'er.' haimp put all 'hii.t!* to nthts, ar.d aeaiii prepaied tlitiiireKes fur the l;aiij:irsot the Sea; they let Sail the feeoiid time, on the 1 iih of nceiv .-- . I1ii the :',th of the fame Month, they fell in with Cape Ci:.- I, oatheCoait of H,i'lt,y. \tH\ on the itiIi eame ro Ille A/ t; .1 '['). lying one Mile didame from the Main. l>ei\ieen whiih and the Ille, ihe> finmd a\ery fafe and ion\eniint Harbour. Hire ti',' .Admiral ereilfed a I'lnnarc, havmj; brought the \ Uilks of four ready fram'd from h.hi. While they were upon this Work, fome of the Inhabi- tants lame to the Water-'ide . Ihewint; their Flafs ot Peaee : I'pon which the Admiral lent mi: his Boai, to know their Minds. One of his MeiiUa\'das a I'ledpen- inonull them, and iiioef their C'omp.mv were broupht a Shipbiurd : "1 hey told him by Sipus, That the next Day ihey won d furiulh his Ships with pood I'rovilinns wliiih Ciiihiv he reiui.ted with fome I n-en Cloth, .Shoes, and a javehne, thiiips \ery aciepiable 10 ilie Barbarians, and lb they departed. r The next Day iliey lame as they had promis'd ; and one of the Men Icipni!', out of the Boat amonplf them, '"'■ thinkinp 10 haie le.ip'd into the .Arms oi Irieiuls, made himfelf ihc I'.ifoner of thefe perhdioes Wietclies ; who threatnini; to Itab hini, if he made any rclilfaiiie, pre- f nil\ iiioiinted hini aHorfebaik, and carried him up into the Country. Tlie I'lnnaee beinp linifli'd, thev fet fail December the 3tth, and Coartinp alonp the Shoar, they met fmie St"- n;/?! Filhirmen ; which );iviiip Chace to, they took three of them : And a little turther they met with a Booty of tliree Caraiels. Cipc »;.«.«. 3''>'U;,) the 17th, thcv arrived at Cape B'mco; where they found a Ship at Anchor within the Cape, liavinponly two MariiMs in her : 'l"he Ship they took, and carried her into the Harbour, wher. hey Ifay'd four Days ; in whieh time tlie Admiral mulf.r d h s Men alhoar, to pre- pare them t r I .lud, as well as .Sia-Serviec. Here they took of the l-'ilher-nieii fuch Necelfanes as they wanted, and alio one oftheii Barks (() of about 40 Tun ; kavinp behind tiiem a little Bark of their own. They lel"t tills llarWmr janii.i'y the lid, carrying alonp with them one of the Poifi.ij.'trie Caravels, which wis bound 10 the liles of Cape d: f'i-i.', for Salt ; of wliic'.i good llore ;« m.ide in one of thofe lilands. The Malfer of that Car.ivel alluv'd the Admiral, That in one of the Cape ii- Vci A lilands, ciU'd (c; M-io, that there was pood itore of drv'd C "i'l i'. [d], which were every Yiar made ready lor fudi Ships of the Kinp's as call'd there. They came upon ihis place. :.:i/,/.f) the 17th ; but ilie Inhabi- tants woi.'.d lUnc no Trade with them ; the Kiiip's Or- ders lia\ ir.p p,il'.'.i\ely forb d it. Yet the next Daytluy wentt'i t;i'-c a Mew .;!' thellhind ; the Admiral lending out a (. oiv.p.iny of Alen forthat purpnfe. 'i hey march'd towardsthe il'iei pl.tce of thi- ille, and havinp traiell'd thvo" the Mouhi.iiii' for three Days, they came thither be- fore Day-break. They found the Inhabitants all run a- way , but tliiy eame not 10 fee them, but ilie Counii v : And ilu-, by ilie Maniinnp, appear'd to be iioie tniittul than the oilur pan. Thev reded thcnifelves lien- a while, r,,jpn,i|ie and |.aiu]mtied npcii the fwnl .'.nd lovely (Ir.'fes wiiuh m Wmitr, were i;i il.iir piiipe, I'leii .11 that .Seafnn of the Year, which istl'.e Depth of Wn.ur wiih us m l:>"i n '. '1 his won t appear Itranpi-. if it be conlider'd, that that Coun- try iMiipiii theTorrid '/one, li es the .'lun twice a Year in it'^/.eiiith, uhiih ii.akes a double Suminer, 'n.l In 1 1 )oys a l.ir preaii r lliare of that I uminar'. 's li'''i..'nee ami I're- 1, lice, than thofe places that lie witlioi tr. Boundaries of his Mrtiiin. and to whiih he is neict Vertical So that whereas m places f<-ated in reinoter I'arallels, i,ie nupli- tiett Inlhience and AiiHoii of the Sun, in its nearcll .Ap- pio.iclies to them, is not of force enoiiph to keep Nature in a bloomiiip Hate thro' the whole Revolution of the Year; nor t.in the weaker Rays of tlje Winter-Sun, fo farrencw Us Viptnir, or leinove the deadly Chill wimli then opprcllis all tliinps, as to brinp any Plant or Fruit to Its due maturity. On the other hand, thefe Climates of the Middle '/one, are fo throuphly heated by the twice culminatinp Sun, and aMj have him (till, 'bi thi I.awsof his Motion) at fo little a oiftance from 'hem, that eieii in his fanhell Recefs, there is, in many places. Warmth fiiftii lent for the fprinpiiip of Vegetables, and the r.pcnirg of bruits. riiis t (luntry is ftor'd w itii floats, wild Hens, and Salt, whiih Nature makes ready to the Inhabitants Hands. Ir is broupht toi'.ether in great (luantit.ci npon the Land, ■j.i, miJe ' by thellowinpof the Sea, and the Heat ot the Sun kerns I'yNiiure. it; the People have no more to do, but top.ather it into Heaps, and Ull it to their Neiphbours ; which thev do, niakinp a j'ocd Trade of it. They t'ound here aU'oCoco-;.^^^,^,^,; Trees, the bruit of which, feems to be in all points, the amc with thole iK'forc deler'.bed, which the Sf.iiii.v.is toiind in the Ille ~,ii!ii.i>i. '1 he Trees themfelves bear no (0 They are <..U.!C..iici» loiino in tne iiie .,/i;h.:h. 1 ne 1 rees tnemieives near no leaves nor Braiiehes, but at the top the bruit prows in t liiders, and thev arc, cat h Coco, as bip as a Man's Head. Having; fitishfd iheml'''lves with thefe Fruits, they march'd tarther into the Itl.ind, and faw prcat ftore ot L'iilirli'i'r, but they could take none of them ; tho' if thev hail picas'd, they might have furnilh'd th.cmfehcs with fome that were old, dead, and dried, which the People had laid out on piirpole for them , but not caring for that Refufe of the llland , rhey return'd to their Ships. 7 "'("trv the lift, they went from hence, and fail'd by the Ille St. T.r/i' (i-) ; inpairinp by which, the People dif- charped ^ Pieces at them, bm without doinp any mifchief. The lllaiul IS fair and l.iiee, inhabited byPciintii-:;-; but the .Mouiuains are polUII'ed by the Alof f Whotodcli- \cr themfelves fioni Slavery, tied to thofe places of Rr- tiipe, where they have fortdied themfelves. Before this llland they faw two Ships niderfail, one of which they took, and tound to be a pood Prize well laded with \\'itics, The Admiral retain'd tiie Pilot, but difcharp'd the Ship and the Men, piv inp them feme Viiftuals, a Butt of Wine, and their wearinp Cloaths. The fame Night they came to the llland /),■/ F.-g' r !f).ov the buriunp llland.whichis inhabited by >'0'-f(;!;«rr-.O!'. the Norih-lide there is a furtef a \'ii!cano, that is continually belching out Smoke and Flanu-. On the South-i'de lies afri Very delightful llland, belet with Trees ever preen and rioiindiinp, and refrelh'd with cool eg Streams, that pour themfelves out into the Sea. Here was no conveni- 1> i ent ',) St. 7.H. iQe. ken. f/; lilii)4 '1^) U'ani ♦ff% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 7 A {/ /. (/. ^ 'w 1.0 I.I 1.25 i;^ |2.8 ,. |12 t li^ 1110 2.5 2.2 1.8 U IIIIII.6 V] ^ K.itcii \Fi(h prc.-.r pIv'iitN i)f I'llL, ,1s bo'ipliiis, Bo'i'.tn's .ir.i! Iiy;r.i; ' I'ill K, fi nil' of wliiili iln pM i'kivmi Into I'.a- r .Sliii-s, ,ii'il n u'li net i,L- .ijMii, lxi,ir.k' I'riir Wiiips \\,;iitiii iiioi- I'lrc. l-r( iniiK- full I'.iv (if tl'i'ir n. pirf.'tv tVoiii the Iil.iiu \v tin rt lii'lii (i, 1 ,ii.il ; nwl tlu' lirlt "'null tlicy f.iw w.n tlK-C(M(t<.f ]'.' ■:i'-, m ;i l'c;.T. ('f .'•'./(■.'■ 1 .-.t. ..';■ // r. '1 lu- li.iilv- ri 11^ IVcpIc ,illiii:r li,r, iiij; ilifioM't'il i!ic .Ships, U-f.'.iii u< i.k' thi'ir .ini'.llcir.oil Ccjniiinrj; Cciviik liii'., in iiriiiTtn r.i;!',.' ,1 S:( rr.i to lo'iin'i;! ihtiii, .ir.J. link tlinr.Sh p^ : 1m. r ll'i^piirpi f, tl-.i" r.i.'ilc vrt'.T l-.rc>, niui i.tRri-il Ionic ,S,i- iriliiiN to Uk- Di'xil ; In'i l:c ".!'• not ;ililf to liiM- thiiii r-i il'.ii ii'iH' ; till- Willi's ^lui Scis Uiru ki'pt in iiooil or- lUr, 'i'\ .■. I'lUir f.'p^ririir i i tluir i.f ilic I'rmit ol the Air. ..'(• .' •.!•.• itli, T'licy li.u'. I i;.'h;iiir.f,R.iir.,.iiiii'I i.i'inli'r ; ill V. hitli.Vonii thc\ loU.i lut'o B.iik. iho ' ' >;'.'■ //ci ; Imt the iith D.iy thi-y foiit^il hvr a!:,iiii ; .iiui the pl.-ic V. hiiv .I'l 1 ',',(.■ .Ships I'-.nt V cTi- I'ifriTsM in the h'.'riii i.f jx-r nie; tcL'etluT tlie .Aiii'ir.ilinl'ii theCnpc of f- , -iv; .nu! I'.ere iii.r\ Shipt(okii. fivl!. V-'ir.e'. 'I I'e Com tr\ liire- .-I'O'ts V ,'.s f.iir .11 il p'e.,', i r, ti-.e .\ir hveet ni.il iiulil, the .Soil neh ;iiul fiT.iTl'u!. The Iii'.!:i''i'.ii.ts leiiii'ti ;o he I \:'.\ U ;iie 1 lerii, es, '\\\\i h \ve e.ih .Sco!>, I.eepin;', them for \-( i A. '1 liir I'.ext Courfe heii.j' to 36 Depr. of '-n/'' I .it. tli'."/ enireii the pr.at Ruer of I'l.itc < ). .ii:tl i.:nie into lie- iween i< .iiul 14 F.itl.oniof fulli NVater ; I'lit tinduip no !:cri! H.iri'i.iir here, they pir, out to Sea apain. .Sadini; I n, ihev I anic 10 a pod! Pay, in u hii h Ha\ fiatrerii p a- l/> 3/,/, anil tl e ('.'.{/?./■//••, ."leiipUnt toilifeo- \era eon\enicnt Harbour, retiirn'ii wiih ihelrppv News of one ; into whieli they went wiili all ilieir .Ships. Here the .Stols al'( iimlcil to that li.pr.e. i!i. i they kill'il n.rre '■ '.han ;c . in an 1 1(, ill's 1; aee. 'I i c Natives e.iii'e I'oliih anil eontiilei.'ly a'lont iheiii, while ihey werewcrkinp ail.oar ; their Kiees were ; an.tei!. .ir.i iheir Apparel rv- ly a Coverir.p of feme lioalis Skins ,uith t!ie I'nir en. al'Ciit their Waltes, and ;oii'.ethinp w leath'.l .-.N m iheir Heads. They h.id Bows .111 'Ml loni;, biii nonioreihan two .Arrows apiece. They f.eni d to I'e not alicpetlier delUtiite of Martial Uifeipline ; a^ appear'd In the Me- thod they obferved in ordering .-i.d ranpini; ilieir Men. .^nd they paie fuff eient proof of il.eir Apiliiy, by lical- inp the .Adniirars Hat oH" from liis \ervHead; which was a brave Prize amonpft them, one takii;p ilie I (at, and nnother the (iold Band tl.at was in it, miiher of whi..h roii'd e\er be(;otten apn , fn in them. Havinp dilpateh'd all Affairs in this pl.tee, they let "fail ; and 'juhc the Ictli the . harbour'd at IV.rt St. Jiilini, focall'd by Mia^cH.iiii.u'. Here they faw tlie (iibbet, in which A /.!,!; .-.'/.i»;/'o.) had tonr.erly cxeiined lonie of his mutinous Company: And here alio .is it die place vver: fatal to Miitinicis) did Admiral O/.iv execute one of his. ylujrjij! the 17th, they left .St. 7u!i.:>.\ Pci-t, ami ihe icth fell iii'vvith the Streiph; of ,>.'i^.-//i«, poinpinio tl.e Himi' Sea. The 1 1 ft the\ ci.nvd ih.e .Streipht,w hiel. they found to lie verv uuricate and iroi.k..d. wiih dneis Tiirninps ; liv whicli means iPifiinp .ib< lU lo otten, the Wind won d I'-nietimes be apainll them, which made their Sailinj; vi- r\ troublefome. .Andnoronlv lo, but danpeioiis too, e- Ip.eially if any fudden Blafts of SV'md came : 1-orilio' there be fcveral pood Harl'i urs abcut, and belli W.iur eiioeeh, yet the .Sea is lo deep, that there is no Anchor- inp '.■• ere, except in lome verv narrow River, or Corner, • r Le'.wecn tJic Roiki. Thijj-e arc \ilt Mountain'; lu- [He _ i S''iiii. vttri. V er'd w nil Snow, thai fpread alonp the I and on both (ides ni'fcr;p,:.>i ilie Sireipht ; the tops of whiili mount up in the Air u) a '„'',''^^^",' »* prodipioiis heipht, havinptwoor three Repmrs of Clouds' ''' h inp in order below them. The Streipht is exireamlv cold, withl'roll and Snow ctMitiiuially ; vet do the Trees and I'l.Ti.t'-. maintain a eonllant Verdure, and Hourill,, not- withllandinp ihe Weather. At the South .-.nd lialt parisof iheStreipht.thcre are \a- rioiis Illands, beiween which the .Sea breaks into the ^treipl.t.as ii does in the main entrance. The br.'adth of ir is trrm one I eapne, which is the narroweft to two, three, or tour I.iajjues. which is the widelt. yliWJ' till.' i lili. tliev cameiii an Illand in the '^rreii.'hts, w here were a li rt of How 1 as bip as Ceefe, that ern'd not l!y ; and they were in fiich nu'Uitui'cs, that they kill'd j. r 11 in Id's than one I)av. .',,,-. the ;d ; in ine of w hich was fuih plenty I Bmis, as ishardK credible. nutfr, ihe Fill thev lolt the Ship, ii, „ hij, .Mr.rrr.-rfi- eas, vhiih iliey imapin'd to Iv fi'i\d bai k bv .1 .Sionti n;o tie Streiphts; tins Con;eOture proved to be true, tho' '■•■y Wire iiiiltaken in their fup[M)litii'n of his leinp Idl. j,, ■ alter he came hiinc 10 /,. (..■„,/, .Ue'ar,d, 1 hat lb- i i>i. ieit'ii PolKdii n was taken ofthe .'"tri ipl ts and thcTerri'o- ries adiaieiit, vvuh 'I rrf aid Twii . af;ii the /•>"//.', ii.ini.er, ^ind that by hunl. 11 in ijte' Name, .md foi'ile I leotOuecn /•:/;■ ^.,/,c//. J Reinp ni;w come into the heipht of the Str.inhts arain liny put away towards the Coalt if (■///'■, whicli theGe- neral Maps place to the North Wet ; bin they found af- tcrwardstolieto the North Fall, and Kaltcrly : So that tlule Coalls were eiiher not fully dilVo\er'd,'or at iealf not taithfully defcribcd. Ccntiruinp iheir Courfe,they c.imc Ko-.micr thcoth to the llle A/r/.r 'k\ where tlicy calt Anchor, and' tbi'rtj At», Admiral with ten Mm went ailicar. 'Ihe People that "'^"''. '" dwelt there, were Inch as the extream Cruelty of the !',i':'='„f V'.r..i..vrf/ liad forced firm their own Habitations to this llland.to prclerve their Lives and Lilxrties thercThcy ear- tied It urv eivillv to the .Admiral, andhisMcn, brinping hem Por.'ioi sand two fat Shcfp.promilinp further to brine themW aur.lor which they recciv'd lome PrefentsThe iiexi Day two Men were fent aflioar, with Barrels for Water, and the Na-ues having them at an .idvantapc prefently z'dtlum .ind, as '-is probable, knock'd them on the Head. 1 lie Reafoii ot this Outrape w.as, becaufe they took them lor '^f.-.r.l.v.U, whom they ne\er fparc, whcr ihiv lall into their hands. ^ tVitmuii'p their Courfe for r///.', t^vA drawing near iieC(i.;llsotit, they met M\h:,ncn in a Canoe ; whomi- llak-rp them for SjoMi.^ui.', told them, That at .St J/igt il.i I e w as a preat Sp^inifh Ship laden from Pc -,.. The Ad- miral rewarding him for iKiOi.'..:Ii;.encc. he condinflcd ihem to the place wh.e-e the Ship lay at Anchor, which V'm i"'V.''"''"''"''' '" '■< ^'■'P'' 40 Mill, of So.ith I .It. All Ihe Men they had in her, were no more than eipht S>. ;„•,/.., and three Ncprocs ; and they fuppoling the /jH?////- 10 have been Fricndj, wciccnr,: them with the'^'"' "^" Beit of a Drum, and invited them to drink fuinQ rh-'li"^""''^'^"^ Wine with them. But they rcfolvinr firft to fccmc their Prize, and then drink afterwarls, boarded the Shin and liyinpall the Sj.Mivds under Hatches, took p'^lle'irion. One of the S[.ii,i.P,li feeinp how they were fervcd, del'pe- rately leap'd overboard, and fwam to the Town ot Sr i '«.> to pnc them Notice ofthe /:.,?/.//,'s coinini-upon which all the Inhabitants prelen-ly quitted theTown,«ndr.in.iway : Which they mip:;i i,nickly do, there not Ix-inp above I':'?;^/ nine H.ml.nlJs „, -he whole Town. The Admiral and t.l\T' ' his Men beinc entred, dried the Town and the Chapel takmp out of It a .Vlver Chalice, two Cruets, aiitl an A l;ar-C loth. 1 hey lonid in the Town alfo a good Carer, ot 1 /•„, Wine, and Boards of Cedar Wood ; all which w,nc J ihey carried to their Slupt, ; intending the Boards for Fi- o ,T, riiip, .iiid with the Wine to drink the Spnnin^di Healths 1 he (.encral luvinp then let all the Prifoners aOioar ex- cept one vOic'in he referv'd for his Pilot, he left St. 'uro, mid diiei:U-d liis Coiirle to liini. ^ Bc'iig 1-Jb. f. Chap. I^ t, » (•f) Aril*. 4 I, J ■dvu. to fete lim'K Nat ri an Ene dons) thefe ofthe tliirttvi ,1, • pt Fidel! toirijl , Ft. wheri the She which think lit .Silver, hence, / .Ihr, hiiicn w th-T-b They iheiK, which.t! They ■; - Min. Parks, Silver, •crsii: tl For the comirp t felves. itrenpth they met pa It of ' They 1 1 Depr found tf with alt feci! re N Ex.iuiini' full of R which P part of tl "1 he A named t which tl rival, pr their inti fuit of h Vcnape wh'cii tl of Cold, richlv ai the Cori purfuit I Com pa I have hi' IV.are of a Clock her thrci They ported t a Is of 1- Jewels, was tak 1 eapuc' monplt ' Ship', tl }?ilt, wl feeinp 1 1 he mnlt t.o, not make it of them they Wl not tliei gotten n |elt of t After c.ilt her I hey •, riifieilic 'Ihty lake the CiiiafHf^e 'i Lib. f. ^ Chap. IV. 'Booties t^J^n from tk Sp3.nhrds, (jrc. 21 id oil both (iilcs I'l'f" pi M ill the Air u. a ;!;'■;•;';;;* ;ir,i;^ot' Cloiiik I'xircainlyi-ohl, till' Trees and 1 Hourilli, not- ht.thcrc are \a- 'reaks into tlic ic brt'ailtli of it It to two, three, iheStmt'hfi.i.tpgw,, , tliat ccn'il not hat they killM ■iia at the Cape, venlli Mr. n:,'rr>- u k by a Storm to he true, tho" and. 1 )ut lb- 1 i'«-\' : I I'd the'Cerri-o-" "*■■""."■<: ci the A-,^;;/,/.', "■'■"■• le, and lor the tP.iehts a;^aiit, " Iiieh the C'e- they found af- tcrly : iothat r'd, or at Icall rmUr the 15th, ichor, and the it) Aim le I'eople that '""''• '" -•nK'!tyofthe;:.^^„n.i taiions to this lerc.Thcy ear- Hen, bringing iirthcr to bring fintiieis, and an a good Cargo ■ ; all which winr J Boards for Fi-fM!i imdi Healths. rs alhoar, cx- : leic St. J,t^o, r,.\l or I:) f.««im(r Being now out at Sea, and having op|V)rtiinity to exa- mine the l\inieidai> of the Bocfv taken at S\..i- j' Dei k.'S ; t';e\ I'id not think lit todilterb t'-.e Sp-n'ii'.t\ Ktinle, Siber, they Ufi hni to'.ike out h.i. N.ip. hence, pcini'. alhn.ir for \V-.r-r,tlie\ eiet a V / ./:',.T,'iri' ir.g S Pt' ".■'.?' '■heep 'wh'eh ar dilhes, and Silks of the fame Country, The dwnet ol ^''^■' '^'■'V it was a V/'.iH '.(.,/ there pivlrnt ; from whom the A.inural I'j,. took a Faiileon wroui'h' in Mall's (iold,«iili.i gu-.ir Fn e raiild I'ei in the Brealt of it. Belidvs th's. iliuling wha; he hk'd of the W'.ires aboard this Vellel. and Iei7'ng the Pilot for his own Ser'.ice, he turnM the Sli p goiiu'. I h.s I'l'oi broughi iheiii to the Haven ot I'l.) '/((,/fir.,<,tIieTowfi ai!),iient, whicli h.iil ! m 'as hi- laid) h leiitem '.-.i !"•' {{,^y-,. in It. Ha\iiig therefore put toMioar, t'K\ 11 arehed u'- rei'>ly into the Town and fo up to the I'ubliek Hal| of Jultiee ; wherethev foiii.d thefi.int l:!iii g, and a li'dgi: ready to jafs Sinteiiee iipi/n a p.iretl ol p .jr Negroes, that were aecns'd of a V.iii to fue tlie T<'v.n. H i rhi; Adiiiiral's eoining ehang'd the Si me ot .Art'airs a: tl'e Ci urt ; for he being Ju!ge li'irled'. pal's d SeiitciH'eiipoii • tlu'iii all, biJtli [edgisai-.d Criminals. 0, beeoine his Pri- loners; wliii h Senteiu. va. pulentlj c-:eeiited, and thev aliarried away to ilie Ships. Here he made the chief Judge write ;u tlie Townfn'cn, to keep at a diltanec, and rot preter.d to make ni.v manner of relittanee ; fo the rowii beii'u elcav'd, tliey r.inl.iik'd it all o\er, tinding ro move valuable riunder tl an about a Bu:! e! r f R-alsiif P'.-.re ; only i ne of their Comi'any tuck a mli 'i'. .i);.'i/./ t t.ikirp the 'Ijing out of the Town, vilo paid h'ui for his trouble in Nut l:'.i' t'n.in puif'ing him, with a Cold Chan, and fome ji'.ve's. Here '. .-.ui ,v. d an the .Admiral fctiii.g all < nr li'ii.e s. •■//'/^' Prifomrs, and his as 1 iras.Mfes ioM i'nt.gu t,~ Pilot, wliiili hi took at tliv lllands (;f Cape l.uicn with V iryfne Sib. er; ever-. Sliecp hav igtwo 1 .a- | ■''' ''•■./, ite]Mrted lurce for i he', land ./ ih.- .«■/■) While, ,,,,t„j' d tor :he P/ ,'- i-i'« lev oii'y l.ght- indi?e, and lb (t) Aril J, hags, (loiva nirg 51 /. we cht each on his Back, jthey lay here, a rena n >'..«'/o Sli |., im- They deli' er'd :he poor .•ViiimaK from th<.k- irk fome Bur- ''',.''//) • lllari!s, came in their w..y ; wliiili iheiis, .-.ikI lodged the Bags in their own Sli ps : A.'rer j ncd of a [ a-t • f the I'l r.h;ii ol her .Men v\h'eh,tlie r ■'.'•: 1 and V/'.im. r./j were perni'tted 10 J rive on. |difi harped her. They lail'd herccro ./.;V.i C>.), v. Ii eh is in 18 Decr.j And now the Adn m .1 ihinking he liad in pretty ■?-. Mill. .VrK.'.'- I at. And in the Pen fi und three fmall ' good nieafure , reve'ig'd Ui!i ilie Piibhek Injuries Barks, vvhiih being rilled, yielded them 57 Wedges i.f^ of his Country, asvieil as lis own Private Wrrngs upon Silver, eai li weighii-j: about' Ic/. They took roPrilo- i the Sp<,i:,:J<, began to deliUra'e upcn his rvtiirn home, ■er.sintlie Baiks, bet I'liofe valuable oreslv-foic-menticii'd :; But vvlii. h Way li,- ll.i uld take, was ihe Ciaiid Cii'eliion For the .Men that beleng'd to then-, fearing no Sf angers j to be refolved : I'o re'i'ni bvtlic Sireiehisof ih'.- .V ;.// Se.l, romirg there, were all goneall.cario m.ike iiuuli of them- (I elides the Dangtrs ol that Palhige wiv.i h he had already felves." They did r.i;; alhiult the Ti v\ 11, having not ' experieiii'd) hethoii'ht, would be, t,i ilirow himfelf inro ilrength enough for :t : So that pi ttig (If to Sea again, the Hands of the V.mw/.i >./,-, who wi uld prol ably there thev nut with another little I'aik laden with 1 inen Cloth, ' w-tit for hini,wiih a fargreaterSta'iigth than h.-eon'd now part of whii lithe Admiral look, and fo let her go. I cope with : For he had at this time bit //the iifth, to the third of y, •).■(■. 3unt the 5th, 1 eing got into 4 j Degr. v( \-->/h\ .it. they found the Air exceiiiv ely cold, and the further they went the feverity ofiheCoId was more intolerable. I 'pon which feore lliey made towards I he I and till thev c,-.me within jS Uegr. N.l.at.undcr whieh height of thePole thev found a 1 ery sood A fly B.ay, and had a lavomaiile Wind to enter the (ame. .An- choring here, they had fome Correfpondenee i' di the of Cold, toi'etlier with a line Crucifix of the fame Metal, riehlv adorii'd with bnur.Milds ; .tJI wlrch, w;th fomc of the Coidape.thcy feiz'd. But rek Iving Itill to proceed in the purfuit of the 1 ..i^/rj., the Admiral, to encourage his Company, promls'd, 1 hat whoe'er lirll faw her, ll.ou'd have his Golden Chain for a 'Reward : Which fell to the .... . Ihareof .Mr. "'c'-H 0>.i/(;t-. who Hrft dcfcrled her about three iiic'tlJ/«fi;i ^ Clock, .\bout lix a Clock thev came up with her, gave her three Shots, llruek down her Nlizen.aud iioarded her. They found her as rich and weighty as fl.e was re- ported to be, Iwviiip abo.ird her thirieen Chelts full of Ri- als of I'tate, Sc /. weigh', of Gold, a good quant' ty of Iv, Charge of their ] People of the Country, whole Houles lay all ah, eg upon 'I'acklirg fi r Ships I the Water-fule. 1 hey lent the Admiral a Prefent of Fea- I them S- .'. weight I ihers, and Cawls of Net-work ; who entenain'd them with fo much Kindncls and 1 ilxrahty, th.it the jxior Wretihes thought a Company of kind Angels were come from the other World to carefs them. The C^umrj 1 ho" the Country be cold, yet they order the matter fo ""' '""V'' in the framing of their Houles, as to live out of danger of „j" '' ' ftarving : For they furround them with a deep Trench, upon the outmoftF.dge of which they raife up great pieces ot Timlx'-, v\ hich elofe altogether at the top, like the Spire of a Steeple. Their Bed, is the bare Ciround Itrcw'd with Rnllies ; and their Fire-place in the middle, al>out which they all In 1 he Men go naked ; the Women wear a loofe Caniiciit Jewels, and lA'l 1:11 of Silver. Theplaec where this Prize 1 of Bnlniflies, drcfs'd af'er the manner of Hemp which was taken, was eall'd Cape S.:ii Imcifc; about i lir ' f.»ftned about their Middles, hangs down to tl'.eir Hips, I (-agues from /'..'^.iHi.;, and in i Degr. of \o'.'/, 1 at. A- land upon their Shoulders they have a Deer-skin. But moiiplt other rich pieces (;f Plate which they found in this j their very good Qualities make amends for their ordinary .Ship, they met wiih a couple of very large Silver Bowls gilt, which I'elong'd to the Pilot ot her: The ..\dniiral viee.ib,! leeing thefe, told him. That he had two hue Bowls, but j The he mult needs have one of them; which the Pilot yielded [them ; to, not knowing how to help himfelf : Viid further, to make it look lei's like eon pullion, he preferred the ether of them to the Ailir.iral's Steward. This Pilot's Boy (when they went .iway) told the Adiivral, 'I'hat his Ship, and not theirs, n.ou'd now be callM the C.i.v/i/ ;',', lince 't had gotten all ih.e rich 1 ading of the f'..'.-.(/i/i-:fo in it : Which |elt of the I'ovs made the Company v erv inciTv. Alter thi.;, h.avingeniTely ranfick'd the ( .iiM.'-W^r, they i.ill her olf; and enni lining their Courfe to the Welt, iliey •, '.'t with a Ship laden with 1 nien CUiih, Cl-hit- Drefs and Figure ; the b, ir, extream V dutiful and I'er- to their H 'sban.ls. .Admiral had i)iiek'v after aroilicr Prefent from which was Fe::ther<, and I'ags ri Tobacco ; ,1 eonliderable Body of them waiting upon h:m ar the fame time. They were all gaiher'd togeth-. r upon the top cf a Hill, from whence their Sp.aker Iv.i ingii'd ihe Admiral, who lav below in his 'Fcnt pitch'. i .X' ihe hot orii of the Hdl.When this was ended.they left tiieirWeapons andcame down, (tiering their own Prefenrs, an.i at the lame time civilly returning thofe which the Admiral liad madethein. .Ml the -Aliile the Wcineii wh.- remam'd above. [Kif- fel'sd with a mad Fury, tore their li.m, ..id m.ide dread- ful llowlings ; vvhL.h is the cunimon Mulick at their Sa- trilices, 11* 22 Sir Francis Drake at Ternatc, eye. Li^> 1 i hap. IV '!i <'.« ! CO .■-to ill A^.li Til 1 :v K rf I Sr, h . K nf.J>..n Sir fVj,.. iriiiic^, ibiriiliiiij! of whiili Naiiirc «.is ihcii iVilimnizin;;. Hii'. whilll thit'c abo\c were fiTMiin ilic UcmI, ilw Men Klciw wcf;- In-ttcr cmrloy'il, .uu luliiii; very liilifomly lo l)i\itic SiTMti, then pcitorincil m ilu- AdiiuralM cnt. TIk- Ncw-idt' \\\c l.::'ljl Uinp iluu-, iWcailint; .iliout in the Country, ihorc camo two Anilv.lV.iiUns ui ilic Ail- n.iral, to tcU limi, 1 hnt tho Kinp u.i< njiiiinp to \vait \\\;ooil anJ );raceUil orJer. In the I nut tauic a toniely Perfon Karing lK< .Seepter IhI.mv tlie K.r,;.', i:i' w-ii iiiaileot' Nei-W'irk, ami aniliiia'.ly wm)i'(1i! witii lea- thers ot' li'a;iy mlovu'. ; atiil the C'haiiiN wire ir.aJe ol Horns. Next to the Siei'i.r Ivarer came the Kinphim- lell, a very eomely proi'ti I'eiliMi, ll.owtnp a gooJ Air of Maielky 10 hisjMteanJ liepotiiiiem , he was rurroimiieil with atiiiaril of i.iU Martial-lookM Men, who yser.- all i!aj in Skins. Next to thole e.iine the loinmi n Teople, hay;t:p (to make ihe tiner Show ) pauiteJ th.ir haees, loiiie while, lonie Maik, ami lonie other eoloiiiv, anil a.l vMth ihcir Arms lull ol" I'nfents, I'M'n the yery Chililren them- lehcs no!: exctrtcil. The Ailmnal i!r,'W up all his Mm into order or l heitij; enJe.!, il-e Umel 'fli- ler, of aSpeieh-Mnker, U'came a Dane.ii'Malter aikl at the fanu i.nv l\nick ip a Sc np ; in loth whuhhe w',;s foi'owcii i'V K'PE. l.'irils, atul Ci ni.iicn Peip'e, \vhoca:\io Sn^irfranii Daneiiip i:p to the AilniTal's 1-eii- i\'s. JVinp all fet iloyvn, tliere 'at'rer fome pnlimir.ary Complomen;«; the King made a Solemn Oiler of his whole Kinpdoin, anil .i^ Deper.dmck"! to the' Admiral, delirmp him to take ihe vSovcrtignty npon him, an.l pro- I'elfinp tha' he himfelf would be his \ery loyal Siil'iecl. And that this m'l In ici fecm to be meerComp'e:ieni and ■'■Prcteoee, he did '|iy the Confeiii of his Nohl-s there pre- I lent/ take off the llhillr.oiis Crown of l-eathen lro;.i '' his own Head, and hx it iiifiii the Admiral's ; and at ihe ' lame time, Invcitinp him with ihe mher linlipns of Ko\- alty, did (astiuKliasiti him la,, make him King of the Country.' The Admiral accepted of this neyv offer'd Dipnitv, as Her Maiellies Reprefeiitative, in her Name, and for her I'fe ; It '.'einp prnluMe, ihai from this Donation, yvhether made in jeit or inearni-H, 1 y ihcfe Indimi, lome real Ad- ».in!ai;es might liereattcr redound to the lln^l-Jh Nation and Inn rell in ihofc Parts. The coiiiii:( n People dilpcrs d tliemfeUcs lip and down eyery where ainonp 11 the Admiral's Teiits.c.xpreilinganadmiration and \aliie foi ihe /'^.V/' to the degree ot Madnefsand Prnlaiienels.coiiiingU-forethem with Sairiliecs, which they piaendcd to oti'er yviih a pio- fonnd Ue\oiii,n to ihem, tillihey. In t'lrec, kept them hack from proceeding in ihofc lm|'ioii> Cercmrr.ics, LX[re(ring their iitmolt abhcrrencc of ihem. and ilirecling liiem to theSi'prcme M.iktr and Prel'ener of .nil things, whom alone they oughr to Honour yciih Religious W'orlhip. 'I he Admiral and his Company naveU'd to fome diftance up in the Comit.y, which thev tmind extremely full of l)eer, yehiih were large and tat, ai.d yery often iceoina Herd. There wasalfoiuch a valt plen'y of Conies, that the \yholc Coimiry fecni'd to he one intire great V irren.They Were of the hignifsof a ll.itLv, Coney, iheir Heads like thofe in our Parti, ihcir Put like a Moles, and their Tail refeml>lmgthatof a Rat : Under the Chin, on ta.h fide, IS faitned .^ Hap, into w huh the Creature imec'ls what Food it pets abroad, and prelenes it tor a iime of iie- reirity. Thefielhof them is a yaluable Lifh amongll thJ Natives, and the Skins afford RoLics for the King, and all the great Men. 1 he I'.arth of the Country fecm'd to | romile very rich Veins of Ciii'd andSiUer, tiicre lieir.g h.irdly any digging w iih'^u: brmping up tome uf the Ores of :iiem. The Ad- .■*vj .^..in. miral call'd it \i; ,i W/V.i/'j, partly in Honour to his own Country, and | aitly from the ProfpcCt of wh tc Clitis and Batiks wliiih it yields to them ih.it new it from the Sea. At his departure hence he let up a Monument, with a large Pl.ato, upon which wasKngravcn Her Majeilies Name, PiCture, Arms, Title to the Country, the time of their arrival rlierc, and the Admiral's own Name. In ihis Couiitrv the S'/i.im'.I'v/; h.ad ncscr fee footing, nor did ihfy ever ilifiovcr the Land by many degrees '.othe Southward of this Place. Setting fail fri m hence, they loft the lighi of Land till d' "i ''sijrJi O'^""' '<• upon which Day, m the Morning, they lamc 4,T " ^ in v»uh certain lllands in 8 degrees North Lat. from ■ in rdTnt r> I' \A inJ S.lvct whence they met a gnat niiniberof Canoes coming laden with Coco's, and other Irrit. '1 hele CaAoes were hot. lowed within with a gieai did of Ait, and look'd fmcoth and fli'nii.g without like biirnll.d Horn. The Prow and Srern both yielded inwards. Circle wile ; and on each fide of them lay out tys o pieces of Tm ber about ,\ Yard ^" * and half long, more or lef^, .is the Vilfel wasbiggcr c r '"^' lels ; 'Hiey wereot a coididcrablc heigliih, and tor iliew fet ort' in the inlide yvitli wh'te Sliel.'s. The People that were in them, had the lower pan if their piars cut ronml, and ftietelied down ai' iiliderab!e way i pi n theirChceks, by the weight ot rhole things thev hang in them. 'I'liey K,iii d to delipn their Nails t'or We.-ipons, letting iluiii grow a t'lid liah in length: Their Teeth are as black .a* Pitih, and iluy liaie a ysay to renew them, by eating of an Herb with a tort of Powder, which ihey ever carry about them for that purpole. Odd:- i8. they came to feveral other lllands, in fun.e iii,,,,!,. of wlii.li there w.is an appearaiue of Inh.ibiiants, and luntinued their Courfe by llielllaiids of 'I .i./h// ./,;, ^i-.'u/i, and ^i:. i; the lint of whiih had goo I ftore of Cinna- mon, and iluy were all ol iliem Pnends to the Vni- X'!. 1^. thev fed m with the A/o,;a\-..'., and intending Un'Vi'i.Ln; asilicv Cnarted along thellland Al«0', which belongs to the King < f iniutc, tliey met his Viceroy, who leeinp the \dmira's Ship, withoiii fear came aboard him. He aiUiled the .\dniiral, by no means, to piofecmc hi.s Vo^.ipe I.) /'.V;'./..ii', but to iail dindh for Cfi «.(/-, be- caule his Mailer was a vers great P.neiny tothe/'cfi- ^ij.iifif.-, anil « oil d h.ue nothing to do ys ith tluiii, it they Were at all lomernd vsiili /".//..'.if, oi ihat Nation yyho were lettled there. Tl'e Admiral, up, n ili.s, rel'olv'd (nr Te'K.iie, and iar!\ ilie next Morning came to an An. chur be fire the'l'ovsn. I le fcnta Mefenger to iheKing withaVehet Cli ak, for a Prefeiit, an,l to alFire him, That he came thither upon no Defit'ii, b' t purely tli.ii if '1 rading in h s Cnuntrv . '1 he Viieroy a.lli, by this time, had Iven with the King, and dilpos'd liiiii to entertain a very fa\oiirable(Y^iiien of tlie /.■'■.;.■.'/•: ; wliiih wrought fotar, tl-.at i\v King letiirn'd a very i ivil and obliging .Vnfwer to the Admirals Mellage, afliiring him, That a k n<> T,,. friendly Correfponderce with the l'.i:i;,'.JI.' Nation was '"''■•''> ^ ' highly plealing to him ; That his whole'Country lliould lie *:"f';|j'! ' open to them, and vshatever it yielded iV.ould be at their Co'im i.i Service. And more then that, That he was u'ry ready to"' '■' ' lay himfelf, and his Kingdom, a: the tiiot of fj (jli.iious a Prmcefs as W.1S ihe Queen, whitiithey ferud, .lud to make Her his Scieieipn as well as their-.. .And in token of this, he fent the Ad-.ural a Signet, i.urying it, belides, with a very great refped to the /.//!;../.■ .Melleiigcr, who went to Court, and tiad be.ii received there with much Pomp and Ceremony. The K ng lu\ ing a mind to make the Admiral a Viht a Shipi oard, fen: lefirehan,! four large Canoes, fill'd with (inr.e of the molt highly di.'nifv d r, c, t Perlons .lUmt him. '1 luy yseie all dritV.i in white']. ayvn, and had a large I'mlrella of very line perfi m'd Mats, (Ixirn up with a Iramt nade of Kccb, lprea,ling over their Hea,ls from one end of the Canoe to the other. Their .Servants i lad in white (trod .iboi i them- and without thele were Ranks of Soldiers, |i|aied in ci incly order on Ujtli tides. Peyond the Martial Men, were plac'd the Rowirs, in cenain well c« tnrivcd (Galleries, wlr.ih lay tlitec of a lide all along the Caiui-s, and were deeenilv rais'd "oe above the other, e.iili (Cillery contain- ing Se Rowers. Thele Caiires were fuinilli'd too with allNV'arlike Provilions, and the .Soldiers vyell .Accoutred, having all manner of Weapons boili UiK nlive and IXfeii- live. Rowing near the Ship, they al paid their Reve- rences to the Admiral, ill great order, cue aficr another, and told him. That the King liad I'eut ihem tuConduCt him into a fafcr Road than that he was in at prcfent : Soon after the King himfeit came, ai-^nded by llx Crave ancient Perlons J he lecnied to be nn i h pleafed wiih the Eii^::fl> Muliek, .ind much more with :l,e /•.''/,:;,;//. Hraveiy and Cienerolity, wliiih the Admiral e\prcfs'd to ihe full, in very large Prefeiits made to him and his Nobles. The Kingpiomi-',! the next Day to ct me alioard again, and that fanie Night lent ihim m llotv of Pr.jvilioin', as Rice, Hens, Sugar, Cloves, a l"rt of Iru.t iliey call l.j^:\ and .V.y/i, yyhicii i- a .Meal they make of ilu lops of Tree., mei'ing in ilie Moiiih like Sugar, bin Miting like a lowrc Curd; but yet, when made up m C.i\e-, vv.'l keep fous to be \ ery til for eating at i o Years ei.d. I'i t Kinu came not .al oard according I.-, his pri.mile, lot fciit his Brother to excufe him, .iiul withal, to invite tlie Admiral ailiore, .and to 'oe a P'e.ige tor hi^f.u'e returi, 'Hie .Vdniiral re- fusd to go h ink.f, bill t'eir, luiiie (.ct tiemen of his lU- l"!., i; tinue, 111 company oi the King's Pr.ther, .and kept the ';"','" ' Viceroy till their reiuri-. 1 !:ev w, ;e receiv d a'.hore by ii,,- T.. v.L nher another r and CI 11. 1 was a Pri which w, grave I'et lurlvinis Tra,!e bi '.an e In g briiiiler'd li.iil a lool I eps b.iit had Cue I ami a larg verv lair Right Ha \ir upon b'.iail.iiiri talteii'd to it. He hi ^ing h' ard diie^ them •^nd has t i' (\:'.i th- that cf 1,1 New Mo.ll m which p. •Iiev painiH Alter thi' furs here l.iui'.i; t" ,1 ■ hey (laid the Tills a out ftiighs , like our /■.>, li.ii.iiit; Plic' n e:i plus ii the At,-, bei pear as if ih Mere are ^ 01 Craw-hl •ind are fo Dine four P Setting fa the A,'.i,e;.Tj a pare, 1 of to the Non tor contrary a'icrd to I h iz.iiiloiis, tile Ill.iiids •»< n i<— l.ital) l-vin. ^ t.'e re.xt Da on the Rod iMnce, and theWin.lcl board of >li Hicycnf.ci at that n.i.i %.\vmJ. bnicesofih ,., . /'.■/'. S. tl jjjn.i , ■; , hav nil' Mioals. 'Jl dy, bur a t verv Civil Jult hi all Heads, and iloyvn lo ilu with great 'V'k. I*g ■ IVill «idCri.v.tini. Lib. I f[:i,ap; IV. ominp l.i(1i-n )C' wrrc I'ol- icik'il rmf.'itli lie I'row ami wA on c.iili liriit a Y.m! '"' "i!^ ■ I .IS lii);i;cr i r "' ' 111,1 tur ll.i'W IVcpk- ili.lt s rut roiiiicl, ;lic;r Cliak'i, lull-. '1 111 y Icttinp lliim ■ .IS hl.it k .K li) t.iciii(; 'il y ivcr cirr,- nds, in I'dilc ii1i,,,i,. iliii.ints, anil iili'il.i, ^.'.V/i, iircfifCiiina- s to the I'w- ni ' iciy rcaily tu"''.' '• ■ :>{ I'l Gil. lions iruil, .11. il ro Aiul ill token np i;,belii!es, iij;cr, will) re uitli inuih r.iiiil to make riielian.l four :}',lilyili,'nif\iloifiX while 1 awn, I t"i iii'ii Mats, I'tiailing over o the other, till ill ; and .1 ill II inely .Men, were cil (~>alleries, es, ami were llery tuiitain- di'd too whli II .Aecoutrci^ ve and Dtfen- li their Keve- afier anothir, III ii(C'omliiCt n at prtfem^i by llx (Jr.iee i.iC.il with ilie ./'. Kravi'ry Vii to the t'lill, Nobk'.s. The a_i;ain, and lioii% as Rice, all ;-.;;-, an.l topscf Tree., ike a lowre 'I keep to us J e K-iiiU eanie em his Blether Vdiiiinil ailiore, he Ailiiiiral re- .en ot' Ills He- I'l-? i; and kept the Y^^^' 6\ i! a:hi;rc by ,i,c k.„. i:. v.he: Strange Flies, &c. Baratene Ifl^nd. 2J another IVotlicr ot the Kiiiu's, .liidleveMi of the Nobks and ti'iiliii'U-iKin c.ieat Mate 10 theCatUe, where then na inScarlet Robes and i iiilviiiis, who were there to negotiate in Matters ol Tia.le between Coijirutinfyl- and ['rnuir. The King can em guarded with li lames, a glorious Canopy eii.- broiiKi'ii ssitli (lold being larry'd ii\er his Head. He ImiI a Icol'e Kobe of Cloth 1. 1 (iold luin;; aboet hini ; his ( ITS bate, liut.Shooes of Cordovan epnii Ins but. He f.id Circlets of (iolii wieathed up and liowii in his llau, ,ind a large Chain of the fame Metal aloiit his Nnk, and urv la;: Jewel* on his I'lr.u'iis. A I'.ige llmd .'i the Right Hand of his Chair of Siate, breathing, theiuol ur iip.m hi;ii w.'li a Ian two f<:ot in length, and one i''-.i:ir . 'I hey obten e i Ni w Moiii.« and balls, as the to' 'owi rs of Mi' n). ■ do ;I 111 which b.ilts, tho' ihey ir.onifv the ;!elh by I\iy, yet! •lies painiHr It as iiiiuh 111 il'e Night. j Ab'.rthis, the Admiral Ii.im! g difpa-chd a'Miis.^:- f.ir-i here weighed Anchor, ni.d put otl lioin i'i7(;i;.-, | l.iCii.g to ,1 Im'e llland .Smuhwaid ot thercn/'-j, wlua ihey llaid ;' Uavs. I his Illand is extremely Woody, il'.e Trees arc of a large high gnnvth, ftraight, aril witli- oiit IViighs, except at top, and the I caves foii.ethii.g like our /-.hj;. /o Krooin. Here they obfervid a fort ot li.ii.ini; Mies in great nniltitndes, no bigger than the coii.- 11 i':i Files in I i._;,:.ii:.l, which t'wiitin ing u^i and down in the Air, betWiLii the 'I'reesand lUill.es, miide them ap- piai asif thev were biimir.g. Here are I'ais alio asbig as Hens and a Terrellrial fort of Craw-tilh, \v huh dig holes in the banh like Conies ; :tnd are to large, that one of them wid very plentifully Dine four Perlons. Setting fail from hence, they delign d to have run for the A.''He..T.s but having a bad Wind, and being aniongll a parcilof Ill.inds, vsuhmuili diflii ulty they recover'd ti. the Nonlivsard of the Ceich's, wdieie being not .able, for contrary Winds, to continue a Wellern conrfe, they a'lcrd to the .Soirhsv.ard again, which they toiind very hiz.iidoiis, bv reafoii of the Shoals that he thick among tile lilands. This they prov'd by a dangerous (and alniolt l.ual) ty|Kr'iiiiit on 'y.iw. 0. * whin they run upini a Roek, ill whuhiliev thick fait trom S at Night to 4 /'.,\(. tlie rest Hay. In this dillrefs, tl ey ligh'.ncd their .Ship up- on the Rocks of 5 luii of Cloves, .11, d S Pieces of Ord n.ince, and foineV ivilions : Virv unickiy after whkh, the W;nd chorp.nK aUiur from the Starlioard to the I ar- beard i.f i|-.c .Ship, ihev I:ois'd fail, and the h.ippy gale, Itcy qiCi •" that nil .men', uiiircly Jileiigag'd them froii; the en braces of ilie Rock. i'l-i'. S. the) fell 111 wii. the fruitful Illand Iliintoir ■; , having intlie mean time :'"t'''T'd much by Winds and Shoals. 'J he People of it are of a comely Make rif bo- dy, bur a far more beautiftil Dilpolition ot Mind, being very Civil and Courteous to .Strangers, and penCteally Jult in all their Dealings. The Men cover onlv their Hciils, and the I'luln...:, but the Women from the Waltc liown 10 the fi.ot : Iklides which, they load their .Anis sviih great heavy Bracelets, fomc of Bone, and others of iFit. UiR ■ nji! alc'u.i-v.ni .4 PI' b. .1,1 to-, t Ro-t ^ d WmJ. Rrafs and Horn, weighing the lead of them twoDuiue- apiece; ami of thel'e they h.ive 011 8 or 10 at a time. I men Cloth, is a very gixjdCommodiry here, thel'e People I "fiClo'i: k'lng find of It, to make fiiidh": and R'dls for their J "^y^';'" Heads. The Illand atlor.ls (iold, Sdvcr, Copper, .Sul- TiiVpr-'jj;h rlliir, Nutniigs, Cling. T, I ong pepper, I imons, Cu-"'''lii li'.rJ luiiilers, CiKo's, bigu. Sjgii, >S<. particularly a fiirt of *'■''' FriKt, in bignrf>, for^i anl hii>!.. , lelemb'ing a liavber" , liiid, but pleafantly tailed ; and wlienbodd, isfot';, and of pood ealie digcll;on. In ihort (except T,i«.i»f} they met with no pl.ice that vieldcil more plenty < f all a:;ree- abieCi nif irts, tor Hiiin:iiie I ite, than lili^^l^d. Leaving H.I.. ,■/•/;.- they laii'd for ti. 1 A7.;.i (.}, where ''' "•'ji"' -W ilie\ met with a Couueoiis and Hoiifiurable fintcrtaii -'" iiiei.t likewife. 1 he Illand is govcrn'd by live Kings who live in a Perfect good I'mi-.rll.ir ling vvi'.li one ano- ther : J hey had once foiirot Their Ma^elties a Sliipbrafd at a time, and very ol'ien the Coir.pi.iv of two 01 iiiiee. 'Iheffi, ■..'>/.' are a lioui and w.irlikc i'eopl.', go well arm d wirli Swdtd.-, T.ugeis and Dagger,, all if their own Wurk, uhith IS very cur.orsbodi as to 'he ouneir,! Form and ill. 11 ward 'lem;cr 1 f tI.e.Meial. Ihev uearTnrkiih TV M -..^.-j Rolls on di iiHeads i the upper part ot their Bodies is"' "'• 7'- r.ikid, bill from the Walie .iowi.v.auU ihey have a I'.'i.'''' ' i.i ■ ••if Silk, trailing on the gri iiii.I. .ji ilurcol'mr uliicli ple.il'es tlieiii belt. They manage their Women quite at .inoilier rate than the \I. /.■',i'..).j do, tor thefe lari, r vsdl hanlly lit .t Itranger fee ih.iii ; whercasdie temiLi are fu i.r trom that nicety, that they'll very civill) olfir a Itran- ger a Bedfellow. .And as ihey arj thus Civil and I lofpi- i.dile to Uraiigers, lb they are pl'aftnt and lixiable .v monglt tliemfelves; for m every Village they have a P..b lick-Houfe. wherethev a'l meer, and bring their feveial lliarcs of Provilii.n, )oyning all their Forces together in one great Fe.aft, for the keeping up good fellowlliip a- inonglt ihe King's S'.;b|evts. 'i'liev have a way peculiar ^^''T"ft-il« til iheiiifelvesof iioilii'.g Rice ; they pet it into an Earthen'""''"*' Pot, which is of a Con cal Figure, open at the great end, and ail over perforated. In the mean time they provide another gr^at F.arthen Pet full of b.ibng Water, into which they put this perforated Vellel with the Rice ; which twelling, and hlling the holes of the Pot, fothat no nuantity of Water can enter, is by this fort of boiling brought to a very finii conlirtcncy, and at laft is Caked into a lore of Bread, of which with Butter, Oil, Sugar and Spices, they make leveral very plcafani Meals. They have got the Fiem/i Difeafe amongll them in this Iilaiu), but mllead of fetching out the P.iylim by a Salivation, they do it by a fort of Perl'piraiion thro' all the Pores of the Body ; and that bv laimg naked in the S\ n f r fomc hours, whole Icoivhing Rays do open tliofe Palfages, and give free vent to the noxious Matter to difcharge it felf by. IbeAilmiral here had News ot foir.e great .Ships that l.-.y not far otT, to not knowing what they might prove, he would Hay no longer at ".;;.. From hence they fail'd tor the (.'.:/'e 1/ Co .1 H.fc, which wasthefirtf I and they fell in withal ; neither did they touch upon any other till they came to Sien.tLe lu, upon the Coatt of ':u:<:.-y. Iheypafs'd the Cipc ^khc 18. anJbv the plca- furc of their Vo\ age that way, found how much the I'o.i - ti.^iir^c had abuled the W orld, in the falfe Rcprcfcntations of the HoiTontsand Dangers of it. Jw'r 11. they arrived at Si'cir.i l.con.r, where they found great Ikore of Fdephants, and Trees that hadOy- tters faftned ic iheiii, upon which they liv'd and multi- plied. Leaving this place Ju'v 14. they arrived in i'w- .11,/, N'.;. 3.* it bring the thud 'Year alter this Noble, • _^jj ,j,p but Flazardous Voyage, was firtt undertaken. ' ^'1 41)-^ Ch A P, m 'f !|: I s ii 1, lit 24 Adr. Candilh'j Voyage, &C. Lib; I C H A P. 7 he Trofperom Voy.v^c of ^Jr. T n O. (.^ a N D 1 S H (of Trimly i>i the Count v of i'urtblk, tifj;) anr/ the Second of the Cjrcuni- Navigators; yvhicl) Voy^ige ir,is he^^un July i. 1586. U^fitten hy Mr. 1 rancis Trett'y 0/ tye />?.SulibIk, A/i" Conipjnwn in the June l^oy^i'^e. T i-r(>iin.(|\\lKii ,in\ ot tln-m ilics he is Imridl in n fir.ivp of ?.■■■ 1 1 (.V ihi- ;'■,./''.■ I'.i. I !ii! iIk' w.iv <;iiiii- roiin.(| „,,v,, , I,,, ,j, uimi im-, nc n imridi in n Cp'rnvp of ilk (llolic, .iiiil 1! li.ul l'i.i.-ii .\ii lminort.\l HloiK- 1! ili.it oiHi', li.iMiif; 11 tor'iiif; taltciiM alvmt Iri Tdiuli, and his Trcil'irtsof .Shdis -- o-ln' V to ir.ils ■ •.111' iu\i |--;pci-im.nt ; Mt linil- jl.i:il iitiiiir Ins HiMil ifiL' till- rUl lit !!k' W'o-.l.l lultill, .itiii LoiH-pn-tiniiitip to I'll (j\v (luin iiuliolV (ilorioiis I iiti-rprizi's, ilu\ ivloUil to In' tlu- Siiiiml, .1- well .1^ tla Hrlt iluiiiK Ui-. Ill I'lurii.iiin' 111' tlii^ Ddi'.Mi, iin / ■ '/ -<'''"*" iliciv ut .;.'.' .-, .iSlnpol i 'Iiiii ; the ( '"'.«', lit f Ttin ; .liu Rirk lit 4 111! : 111 l.iiis, .iiiil I'lifti.K'nil'nnii it'll ut' <;.'•' Mix:. ./.■/■•//' ; j. thiN ni. '..'•. inw.ini- Si,tit!i-li.lr ol II, wliiTciluA 1.1.1 ri-.uhis to iho ()|hii1ii!; of the .\('"-"r/,', ;• .V,-,, .•,./// \ .iiul tor ,>l>oiit nK'.niu's Of, .•.«.'. IS. tluy kh I'ort Dei:.r. nn.l went to an IflancI Tli, 1; ing three l.e;ii;uei to the .Somlmnnt, ami kept al jni; the '"' C'oalt .S. W. aii.l hv .S. 1 he jeth they eame to a R Years, atthe t'hari;e 1 :?i»-.i. • they tell in with a ni'Jat white Cape, in ^i« , ot' the Woril.ipl'iil Mr.' "./■', of ; i" ', in the Coiimv I dcqiees, and Iiad 7 tatiiom Water wiiliii, a I eai'iu of the I 1.1; who alfo wa< \dmiral of this litil.j ll.oie. 'I'lu- vi".'', who had kiH'd one .\riow. .1 /., dertliis tape ihev Amhor.l. ami loll their Am hor in a very };reat Storm, wliuh iai;ed Molei,tl\ for three I)a\s. 3 >■<'■ ihey put into the .V.-,,/;.- m, whuhthe\ fonnd y^ in Line phues 5 or t 1 e.liMies wide, and in other plaees thrv'c",, .onlideial.K moreiurrim. 'IheTth, between the Moi'ih »*■"'• "• liiffii, Sn*^4 Lfalrf. iV'.lM.'j. 01' x.v thcv I'liiil ot the.r .Sleii w h a liiilon ,,,,,,, V.-rf.-./,/v. f. fome of them weiu up with '.lie Roat toiir.ot the ,V/,,-, ■_/'/, anil the narrow elt pan of 11, Ihev took the llaibour, where the\ iaiii;ln pient\ of] a /4 /./■otir, and rtaid one Tide ^ leage.es from the point of the Harlniiiis Mnnili, the lide there riowing as tlicy ijl>l'er- left there hv .Sir / \ed Soi'th-W'slt. 'Ihe-tli till* di]MitedtVom "'.e' f the Illes (it Cape li ^tfc'it'' I'i' .!r(i , wliiih Is I' 1 e.igvHs from the I'oint ol .V/>.,: '"'•'■'• ^""^ /..■ >i.i, and the fame |)a\ iliev \i ihored two.Milesot) the llland, an.! I indif'. I'lmid onlv I'l.intancs npon i., J he Sill, one 'it the Itoais went out, and .Vnindeii ronnd ahoii; the llland, Hnding s faihoni NVaier in a Sonnd at the NWlt-end; aftcrward.s, for .1 (. .ill or two, jiut two fatli'in. and then li\, .led fo deeper iiid. dielxr. •\i tlie I'.alt-end was a I own, 10 whuh the .\.;';"e' rel'on fometiiiK's, as their I'roxilions Kt't there diil intimate. There's no Irefl: Water on all the S,r,p. r. in tirtji't. (1) ^t S,lj iif O. ihei Ihev l.it. firi r, '.'• 11.1 '.'I '! , ,' •.. Ixiiir lliiis s .ill lll.uid or two \cr\ till! ol Seols. and ano thir as Weil Stcekd with gn \ (iiil's: Tlie Had our 11 lilt is lery (.■menient tor the Trunmlng and (iianing ot Slurs, Iv.aiiie ot the lonlideiaMe ehl'iiii' and llinvni!.' ol - W' 111. G'.it CiU'i (1 the W.ii. r ihiiv. Hi re the Savaj' t'oinpan\ u ith th.-ir .Ar , he.iiLd with lliirs. .A wil.l a'ul rude fi ihev Were, iiul, a« it lieind, of a (lii', whiel 1 are maile 1 lol thill if t a lies 'It of Cri.iiui\s ilitiik Raie, the inea're ot (int of their lea being iS Inihts ui Ieiij;ih of a fmaU'Rark, luppos'd to be one l^,'',',f n,ik'. The Month of the ';//i-/:;A.vhI!m'.':,.' IS in "ii degreis South 1 at. aii.l 'tis t'roiii tlienee, to the ''"•''•"• narroweft pafs. ) 4 ] eagiies ; an.l the Com ft. is W. by N. .Allntrom ths narrowcltl'afs toP.v ij/fo.Iiland 1- u . eagnes, ar.l the Courle is W. S. W. and .1' hiiK ro theSonthward! Here. .'/; in P.-;;;;;,;,, Iilan.l, thev .-Miiho.-ed the SlhUav andkill'dand faltedg-tatltoreof /'.■„-„.„,. ' ,,{,,,',"■" :i "■ 9. thev left ths lilami, ami tailed S.S. W. to Kini; tl- ■ ii;.tr.is. It lia.l tour 1-ons /'' V.;'sCit\, built b; ami eaeh fori ha.l one C attlpieie in it, whieh were all*-'' buried, and the Carnages left Itamlmg m thur pl.iees ; they dug tor thele I'liies, and iviOMi'd themall. 'I he t it\ h.i.l tiural Chiinhes in it, a'ld feeni'd to U- well eonirn d. el'peeiall\ as to its Situation, whuh was in tin moll hapm pla.eof alltlie sV.,i\,V/ fortlie i.imenienees ol Wood and Water. Km iiiilerable was the 1 ite whuh tliAlorlorn Remnant of \;.. „/,,./, |,ad lii.d there. fortlie,'|\," Ir.iieot tuoVe.irs, liaiing hardiv am ihing bin a few /.li y- Shell-nil; to t'lippon Nature with.l'l, exeept I'hev had the""' h'ek to take a Deer at aii\ time, that eaiiie down t'rom''' tl.. Mountains to drink, 'i heirdelign in lomin!' to this I own, was to fortilie thele SV,.."/.".'.. ; li> that all other Nations, Iilliles themt'el es, tlioii'.l be .leband of a pat'- l.ige nil) the South Sea : Hi t rrovidui.e was pleas, I to aniiiaiiM-rt, with lome fe'.eian, upon the Wi.kediiels a;,d Ininlliieof ihatproieeding, makiinj tins pfue of then mended .Milch it', to the nit ol' ihe \Vorld, a Seme ol' .I'liiiil I'rniihm.iiis to ihiiiil'ihi., ; inr hen the I'artli with-lieM Us eommon i'lodncts |rom them ; the I'lanrs WDir.i not .'row. nor ihe Trees be.ii 1-ri'it ; nor am ol tiuvr 1 aboiirs j'tufper. Xnd belnles this rigour laid upon NatiMv, whuh in thole I'aits of the World is not ordina- y fj \ery tparing of Inr Klediin^s the J.,, .■!>«., their iroll Impl.ieable Liiemies, broke 111 upon them in a very >ioleiii naiiner : .And bv iliel'e iiuaiis ihe\ were reiUii'il to the lalt l-Atremities, all their Stores I rouuht out of ..'. I'emc t'pitit, and no mote if be gottm .I'bioad, tne C:hap. mm (1) Opr tt§W4ri Mjft.V-Covi fO'.''c.j».l" Coun;r\ e ni'on ili'iii, a few Deer, tor tl ther not .itfor.i.iii'. it, or tlie U. ndl Inntnii' the V taliini; ' while ihev Hiiiiti le pretirv.i'ir'n ot theirliv.s; lii It alt, they diid iii.e ;o mam Dogs, in tluir I lonle' 1','eai ininuiers. ami the lie nt.cfi he To thole [it the piitr t'liiig Caikatlis foil d ('.) ?i 7». leaving riVtClnnMi'l whirl) \ From or four of it i f Courfc from rli< thiny f( •STeighr 'Tn .*itreight< with the whieh is ferc-mcn were the The Re; Winds fury froii extrcam o( Food i ting thcnl As they had i\(i there Mile, Tticy met ,,■ „ , we or (n) Tilt in^nitt Lti TIk Gtknl I ft; iW.a. with a lo' or five It) much bro Af.i.i/i which the then in land. '/.!;/• (UU S-'irm aw rl'.mge 1 hold up Men) tweeii tliL- Admiral, theSt'irni hri (1,)^ w fome of met thiin. Bows ou<; of till M V Thele Jich.nGolJ, whith bei iniinnitoii. tempting juc'jby.hf invaded lias inc alv Enemies ( boalt of does mitf, Fnteriaini After this (>; St M4,, the Weit-l riding in 37 , Oegr diursfori: fuch able!;. : lu.od. V i\ With one ..onlent, .mil n'; raml'i iA Lib. 1 C:hap. V. Indians 0/ A ranco. . I'n- iiir \iu!ior in a lorMiric I)a\s. Iiuli ilu\ tiivml jhn _,, ,1 in c one ;„, ,,i,. h (if tl.o <;'"•/,!;/•.■) ciiM- ni tltimc, to the /"'"''•'" iiifiisW. by N. iiul i- 1 L tagvus, thi'Soiithuard. ihr SihUav, /-;(■,„., S.W.iuKiri', a, I loin liin~, • '■ '• liiili \Miv all^ ' ui ihiir ]>lan- ; tluin all. I lu- ll III Iv ucll lull u.i- in ihi' • iiMnrnK-iH'cv ilk- I ifi- vslmli 11^^ , I iIh-iv, for the 1,1, si'., 111'^ lull a fou :■■• ,•■ I I'lKN lia.l the J' '; ' me ilnu II from lumiii!' 10 ihis ) that all (itliet I'.in il of a I'al- uas pleas'il to tie WiiKiiliieK pl.ueoflheu ivlil, a Siiiie ol' lieie the faith em ; the I'laii's u ; 1101 aiiv ol ril'iimiaiil iipm !ii Is not onlina- he \' ■'"■<•', their n ilur.i in a \erv ie\ were redi'i d I rnuuht out of till al'ioad, liie (;..!, V! fahini; h,li ihex HiM.tid i\,s ; fc) lll.lt itliiir lloi:feN in h iKi: I .uk.ilfi." i full il to .Ml ; ii.b'eui- ,"l>oi I "j- .) /"ffi il Mjft>-C(ivi onihc Sea-Coalb, livinc at a barbarous rate Jition I caves and Roots an^ Scahcrhs, or what Aninials they could at any tune happ'W ''pht on. They dctcnniii'J to mare'- on toihc Kiicrof i'intc, and were in their niilerable I'ro- wrefs met by the i:n!>li/l\ a« was before obfen ed. Thci Admiral nam'd this place ffor tho Icareity of a'l Neielfa- rifv here) /'"" iVi'.o'f (')• It lies in 53 Oipr. S'yil- 1 at. '!he i4ih they left this phiee, and ran fiie l.eaniies Smith Welt 10 C.iPe ( ) F-.m-.i ./, which Cape h the Soii- thennoll pan of the Streiphts, andJiesinthe l.at. nl ',4 Depr. Irom this Cape Uilinp W. by N. live 1 i.ipies more, they nut into a Bay whith ihey eall'd Milelc- ^ Cnie, from ilie ftore of Miifcles found tlure. '1 he iilhhey left that place, and faii'd N. W. .iiul by V,'. ten I eapiie--, ton fair I'aiuly Bay, whuli ihe .\dmiral iV/'"''*'" 'I'lie^id they departed from F.li^.tleth Bay, and aUmt two I eauiies ori' found a pood Rner, in which the 'id- niiral rowed in the Boat for the lp.ite of three M.lis. 'Here was a pkalant Chan paipn Country that Uj a Ivait ihe River ; all tile but this, near the Strcipht;, be- ing uagpy and moiintainous. But a very brutilh fort ot j.,^l^,„ Savapes'nh.l! ited therealouts whuh had lat up uian> a Sf :n:.!,\i, and would fain haie made a Meal upon I-i:'ilJh F!elli too, but that they fail'd of brinping tlvm into iheir Trap, i'he Admiral hndmp the Plot ihey lad laid to Ix-. tray him, m.aic his Wen pelt them with their Haii]iie- bulU-s, which did I'xtcution upon frveral of thim • io <:i Si 7»- leaving that River, they fnil'd to St. Jcciiu s (.) Channel, r.v.ciiiniici which was two I eaguts otf. From this Channel they fail'd Welhvard, .iliom ihree or four 1 eagucs, to a Cape wlrth lies on the N'orth-lidc of it i fnim whii-h Cape to the Mouth of the Strcights, the Coiirfe run-. N. W. and N. 'W. by W. and the diltancc from rlience to the entrance into the Sji.th Sea, is aboi.i thir.y four leagues; lb that the Length of the whole .STcighrs isninctv leagues. Tis fanher obferv.ible , that the Entrance of ilie f'treights into the S"iiih Sea, is in neai the fame ( atitiide with thePaffapeoutof the North Scr int» the Streighis, whieh is 51 ' Dcgr. ''luf/' Lat. And hire between the fcrc-mcntioned Cape, and the Month of the Si:eiglu.<, were they forced to lie in Harbour, till l-'chujo the ijd : The Reafon of which Imprifonm'-ni, was the (lormy Winds, and excclTive Rams, that poured down with fui h fury from the Mn\;nrain.«, that they were brought into ejttrcaiT) danger thereby, being n > lefs dillre's'd for want of Food too i the badiiefs of the Weatlicr hardly jjermit- tinp them to land andjange the Country fur a Supply .Asthey lay here in the'Stieigbts they obfervcd, (which had alfi) Iveen difcover'd by tlie Spir.i " iif*nttrdt. fo muih as kill .1 Fowl, or a Swine fur thnnlebes : And tho' the Sp.witiili hair made tliem I)ilei)'ks, yet th.y uli: them more like Uogsthan Men, or Chrillians. The i;. i'ft of Qjialit), ulio condiKited them to a place «heii W.I., a Chapel builr by the tipi:ni..r.li, round about whili we e leieral Sroiv-liouf s, uimilh'd with f;ood Wheat and llarley, as 1 ie.iii aid fair as any /•<;, /o.V ii felf can pn;- duce. They pro.idul themleliesoiit of 'heU- Sioies, with fuffitiei.t Qiiar.tiiieb of Corn j ai d laid in belides, g.ofrd itoieol Hogs. Mens, Potatoes, diy'd IJol'-IiiIi, ami Maix, whiihis ,\ Will. It if Ctiiy. '1 lie .^diiiirul imiied the two principal / /)•; aboard to a Treat ; .liid the Wine li.i'.ine, open. ,1 [111 il 1" e«. to fi.e i learly, th.« the .Adini ral and his .Men were no Sp.ii'-nrtii, (is ihev hit'ierto liip pos'il iliem to be,' til y beean to be lei , tree wiiii rliem, itid lOMik aige!> 01 y l>eean to .lie(;oldM. nes ; lelliii)', them, I hat J 'm Svirm away from all nclp, was teady every m«ini*iit to pl'.ii'ge to the l)Ottoir : However, (he made a Ihift to hold up Irr bead (by the great Labour and Pains of her Men) : And on the 1 5th in the Morning, (he came in be- twcen the IfleSt. M.iry, and the Main, whore Ihcmetthe Admiral, and the C ntmt ; which two Ships had, during the Storm, fecur'd themfehes two Days a: the Illc La hU lirtfit), which lies in j8 Degr. Smthlit. At this place fonie of the Company went athoar, where the lHdii:i.;riis, h.id been dii ers times 5|ueiM by tht invaded by them, but to no piirpofe ; the lnh.abitants haiing always fo briskly defended themfehes, that their Enemies (tho' belter provided than they) could never ! bo.aft of beinp their Conqiierours : .And thelc Ucfpcra- I docs mitl.-ikinp the i>j?.'//fc f'lri/.in/.jiiVj, gave them that I Fntenainir.ent which ihey always uled to give the other. ?, After this Skirmilh they weigh'd Anchor, and ran under . V) Si Mjij the Wci'i-iide of St. y.a, 1 lllaiid ;), w here they had good riding in fix F;ithom Water. 'Ihe Illandit felf lies in 37 , Uepr S', ii(/j L.it. and abounds in Hogs, Hens, and divers fons of Fruits. The f'.i/..!;./ that live here, aie in fucli aliblute Slavery to the Sja.iUrJs, that they dare not lu.ad. if they won li leo n-olsihe Co.intry to .',>,tM. , the) ll.ou'd get as much ( j..'iil as ihev eni'd for. lUit the .Aiimiia' not erleOtK uiijerii.iiid:ng ;lie Intormatioii, it being t;n en artly bv S^ens which we'n obleiire, prol'ecuted not that iXdieiiture, but vsenton with his Voyage. I he 1 Sth in the Morning they left this place, and I'ail'd 'II that Day N. N. F. about 1 ■. 1 1 agues. 1 he if)t!i tlie\ run in i. 5. Mm. Vc.' I.' 1 It. Ai.d the l.ili Uay, a Coir- paiii of 5'. or 60 Men, -.veil lurnilird, mar. li'd up :ntOThof go the Coumr\ I'eveii or eight Miles. In their March they jibjdi. law 1 all I iJrds of wild Cattil, wild Horfes, Dogs, Hares, and CiJiieys, Paririiige, and ether Fowl , many tine Ri- vers, vvell lioik'd with all lorts of Wild-low'. But h.l- vinp tiaiell'd as far asthev eou'd for the Mountains, and that without any .Adientiire, after refielhing thcmlclvesa while upon the Baiiksof a pleafant River, they return'din pood order to iheir Sh ps that Night. Yet was there a Party of :oc. Horle abroad that Day to have taken them, and that u|)rn the Information of the Sjanii- j, that had ekapcd f n m th-m the Day before: But thefe valiant Soldiers, tho' they faw them, durft not n-.nke anv Attack, but kepi at a ddfance, and fo let iiem go of? without .in/ dillurbanee. But the next Day, W/k'/ thcfirit, ;hry were a little bol- der : Fur lomc of the linyllfh being afhoar, and ver\ hard at Work, filling of Water, the Spitnimdt who had watch'd the opponuiiit), and were then very caper to tight, when they (aw their Enemies were bu(ie) poi.red down ico Horfe from the Hills upon them, making a Ihift to kill fome few of them, and take a fmall numlK-r of Prdoners. But the pUirious ViCfory of the Sfi.tn'i.irJ.s had a fudden :^<;l^r,i„i^ Period fet to it, by the coining of 1 5 Enfjijh more, who "'in. foon changed the lortnne of the Da., not onlv refcuing iheiruv.n Cump.-'in, but killing 14 uf the \:it':r.rd. upon the ("pot, anddriiiiig the relt up the Miiuniains again. After this they rii! in the Road, and water d th re infpitc of the Spi-)n,:r:'.!, till the hfih Inltant, when they left this Bay of Quinti'i . Putting in at a fmall llland, about a 1 eague from the Bay, which is full of Penguins, and o- therFowl, they provided themielvcs with what (lore they wanted, and to tail'd away N.&N. by W. 1 he I 5th they came to A/no Mumin (/), which lies in f,) y„, li '. Degr. South 1 at. under the Tropick of C'.i/'i .'cciti, M«rin». and ha.san excellent Harbour ; and is made fo by a rer- t.iin llland, which gives a Ship entrance at either end of it. Here the Admiral went alho.ir with ^o Men, and was met by the hid'.fjii, who brought fiefli Water and Wood on their Backs. They are a liniple fort of People, and live after a wild and lavage manner, and in very great awe and dread of the Sp.vii.n.ii. 'Lhi \ broughtthe Admi- ral, and his Company, to their Houfes, which lay about two Miles from the Harlxmr : They were compos'd only of a few Rafters laid a-crols, fupportal by two or three Forks ftuck into the Ground, with Boughs fpread ovei them. Their Reds werethc .SkinsofwildRcalkslaid upon the Floor ; and their Food little elfe but raw itinking Filh. When any of them die, they bury them with all the Tael-.ling that lielonps to them, as Bows and .Arrows, and their very Canoes. Ihele Cajioes of theirs are very ar- SirjrjcCs. tificially made ; being foini'd of two Skins like Bladders, =i=->- which are blown full at one end with QiiiUs. .A co iple o( thefe lieinp made fait together, with the Sinews of fome wild Bealf, and then put into the Water, dofwell and puff up ai ihat laie, that they are as tiim and tre as can be : 1 hey make nothing of venturiep to Sea in thefe Boats, and lading them with pre.M Quantities of eith ; Tnb.;tcft:d part of which goes for '1 ributc to the Spiniardt, and part '•"• f.* kept to ftink ior their own eating E M4; i' t • U \l !i \ .-i 26 I una, and itsTroetuils^ &c. J^- f. (M^^. V 1 1,'; J Ri). (TPJ rwnj Itldllu. A/.ir the thiril, tlicy lamc into a Bay, whi iv arc thrci- liulc Town'., lVr,iif/T,C/wi ( /.1,1ml V'fc.t; wlmli latter place 111 s in I < : Ucpr. Vn /A 1 at. riii\ lan.li il lure, aiiil took I'liiiif I'lovidonsof Wini' anil Hif.1.1, Hins aiul higi, (iiu <'t' Umu' < t the Hoiifcs ; Imt tlu-y i-.v.iM not pe-t alfiuar at till' WW of ilif TfHVn^. ihc 'aa niti lo I'xtrcainly hipl) '\\k) niailc tlK'nilclvcs Malli'is (if two riiliSliipi liy r iiMnlin'-iliis tiiiii-, lailcn with Siiftar, Mnloirci, Maiz, ConloN.ui .Skini, MD'tc^nAe ['01..1, l'aiki<'t I'uitailoi's, ;>./,'.i« Coats, M.iniialailc, 'Hens, (Jc. One uf tlu-iii, wliicli li.ul tlii' Ult lailirj;, wmi'il liavc yiclili'i.1 ioo«[- /. Ii.ni tlnTi- Ivlh opiinriiinity 10 have mailc a .SaL' : Anil rf all this tlicy tci k ai inmh a< thi-v mii'il iciriM.'niciuly licllovv in thi'ii .Sh^r'- '"'ininR ilie lolk wiili the Vtlli'ls, aiul fating all the Pci'ple in them afhoar. ^ r4i(.M»- '1 he I6ih they raiiie iiitn the Ro.ul nf /'.u'r.i i), which >■ I' M''"» lies in ', Uepr. ^ Min. .S' .v.'" 1 at. The 'I'lnvn it felf is well Iniili, very neat and clean in all parrs if it, and con- tains alxjnt ito Houfes. 'I'he Ailniir;il l.indinp here with fto nr 70 Men, had a Skirniilh with the Inhabitants ; tlif llli'e of which w.as, that the V'-glllh Ivai them iiviiteoiit -" llland is near as big as the llle of ll'gl't, and has a good ll'.are of the BKilings nt Nature : For tho' it does not yield Mines of (Jold and Silur, yet it ari'irds thofe things thar are far more neceliliry for Human I ife; there's excellent Paiture-land here, and \ ariety r.f uleful Animals to be maintain'd by it, as Horlcs, Dxen, Sheep, fat and fair. Goats that are very t.ime, and yield abund.ince ot Milk ; belides very good Fowl, Pigeons, Turkeys, i?nd Duks of a large fizc. The Cacique has Orchards I'lat \ ield moft forts of lUeful Fruits, as Oranges, J.imons, Figs, Pomegranates, Pompions, Melons, Ciicumbcrs, Radillies, t^e, with divers torts of odoriferous Plants, as Rot'emary, Thimc,£^c. One of them is befet round with theTreesthat CcttonTrces bear the Bombali.n Co'ton ; the tops of which grow fuQ of Pods, out of which the Cotton it I'elf rifcs. In the Cot- ton lies a Seed of the bipnclsof .i Pta, and in every Pod there are (even or eight of thefc Seeds, which 'if the Cot- ton be not pathcr'd when 'tis ripe) do drop of their own accord, and make a new Spring of the Plant. Mty the 19th, the Admiral went to a little llland clofe by Piiii.i, into which the Cacique had con\ey'd all ihe va- luable Furniture of his Palace, and other Movables, ne- cclfary Ixith for Houfe and Sh;p: Thcfe Stores being all difcovei'd, ilicy took what Plunder they thought tit out of them, ani roiivev'd it into their Ships. 'I'hey burnt the Church alio whitli itood hard by the Cacique's Palace, and brought away tlie ti'.'c Bells that were in it. Jhw the id, IQ3 b'/idH/.ivi/iairaulted them, killing and ,i»o Skir. taking Prilbners twelve of the /iv^'i'//^, and loling F'orty /i.iiici with li« of their own Men in that Hncounter. The fame Day iht.(>4iiijri< going alhoar again with 70 Men, ihey met with a Party of they made havnck of their Fields and Orrhards, mid burnt tour great .Ships (that were Imildmg) upon the .Stocks asih,T,.. alto the Great Town it I'elf, whiili iliey left a meer ''""' heap of Rubbini. Tins 1 own had lu. leli i|i,,n joo Houtes in It ; belides which, there were two or ihrce in l'»)iil.e, where they water'd. And the iithfl,.i*.„ patsd the /FqiiinoOhal, continuing a Northerly Couileall the rell ot that .Month. :?H/>the III, theyhad (iglu()f,V«i.i;7/,,,n.M(u), king fw) a„, , bmr 1 eagucs dillaiu from the Land, and m 10 Ocgr. ''//■■"■■^ X.'tk l.ai. The 9-,h Inllant they took a new Ship ,;f 11,. Tun, in which WMSone MJ-.iH V-a,)/., a (ct) skilful Cualler in the X(W/' .Seas, whomtheAdmir.il took fni his Pilot j and he gave them the hilf hint of ilie great Ship .hnm A/.i 1.,, which the) took atierwards coiiiim; fii,iii the I'Lillffiue Itlandv. They took all the Men, the Sails, the Ropes, dr. out of this Ship of ,Vrt«c/»,'s, and then let her atiie. '1 he icth they took a Bark that was going to give the *,""'" ''■ Alarm all along theCoalts, ot the arriial of the LnMh '^''""•''''^ but all the Men were got out of her. The i(5th they came to an Anchor in ihe River of Cdivi- lir.t .\); and the tame Night, with io Men in the I'ln- WTWr narc, rowed to //g .;/„/.„ (,), two Leagues Iroiii that Ri-"''"»'^'' vcr, and in 11 Dcgr. 40 Min. .V»;/. 1 at. they made a' '''^■<'" Delcent upon them, and burnt both the 'I'own and Cu- llom-H ute, which was a Ijirc and fair Building. Here were laid up lix hundred Bags of Anile I'.r the bung of Chi.,- ,. Cloth) and four hundred of Cacaos, every Bagof'thef"M '•■> firmer being worth forty, and of the latter ten Crowns. ',"/'"'' Ihele Cacaos krw amongll ihein, both for Meat an.l '"""" Money ; They are like Almonds, tho' not altogether lo pleatant ; they aHbrd Ixjili lolid Food and Drink 'too, ^ud pis in Irade, in(fe.id of ready Money, 150 of tlicm being as pood as a Rial of Plate. 'Lhe iSth tlx-y fet fail trom Cr/>,i/.'M (bcvaul'e tlieSea was lo great tliire, thai they could not till Water, and rea> h d A^'i-.tuli the fame Night. 'Ihe next Day the Admiral went alhoar with thirty Men, marclung two Miles into the Woods, where they took a Metfizo *, belonging to the Cuftom of that Town, * Mm and a conliderable parcel of Stutfs with him, and carried ■"'' ''' ' both the Mifter and the Goods away to their Ships. u "l^i, ,/,v^in,l River llore of Full, and tome iinant.ty of Pearls. This Bay isp.j.i in 19 Degr. iSMin. North I at, S.'ptcmlrr the id, they left St. J.,^., and the third Day cnme into the Bay of A/.,/„ce,i (.,), lyi„g a league to'')"--' the Wethvaril of Port Nr.tivUMl, and is a v ery good place ^1- tor Ships to rule in. The fame Day the Admiral, with alKuit jc Men, went •■^'■'•'"> athoa to an fN,/,;« Town rall'd yiir.tiaii, which lies two '''""'■ Leagues from the Road : It confided of twenty or thirty Houles, and a Church, which tliey demolilh'd, and went aboard again that Night. Ihe 4th they left the Bay of J^Macc, and fail'd alone the Coaft. " The 8th they came to the Road of Chncall^ (I,), which fMTh. R^^ i IS 1 8 1 eapues from the Cap- .le h, Cc, n'eniei. oicu.. The 9th in the Mormng the Admiral fent out forty Men, (with S.iN.,H( for a Guide) who marching two Leagues through the Woods, and Defart Places, ifght of two or t nee Families, fome of which were h,Ji«,„, others S/.^«Mrrf; .nmlrnc l'n,u!u,c:;r ■ all which they brought along to their Ships. The Admiral made the Women> fetch Plamancs, limcns. Oranges, and other Fruits; and tor a Kew.ird gau- them all their Husbands again, except oiic if.,n,/h Carpenter, and the Pmiigutfc. whool he retain 0. » i » The nth they arrived at the llland St. ^Wren, (A, a(.; !" very w'oody place, ami yielding v.,ftftore of Fowl, and"^"'" which have Sep • good Meat. 14th into two grcar ,Sfi [» very wooiiy pi.icc, an.l yielding vaft tbre of F Seols, and a Ion of Serpents call'd hur.iw',, w tour Feet, and a (harp long Fail, but very coot Leaving St. Ww^Z-i-n-'s Ifland, they camcthr n.l >.. at the I gOOil V Water .Iff id. P'ruitu j drni'ci. ■Mie Noril.v ' ' ■'■■'f- ihe\ la' Watch V en 1 ci i'.Mt the for tr.'il tliiry I ,\\.M ken d' !■ s 11.1. Pr::onei Ulld' t I lUM^r 1 ning 10 I l.'.n-« ol (Jtl.t f,,r (:), •ir.|*si. I ji.i.f c... .';.rr , /...I to Nec;:!es Bay ( / , - ,..■-, //■..•.■ 0/ 1 on aSoi I'v :■("■. b...'ir'p wh.ih I II.U lilt gO:n;'. Ul .Sc.l V.i'i C.oinpau The A.i forward- or fo"rl luted he 1 liey ti.i l.ngiiigi , ,.. .. S'a, and ivtwi-w till.- <-'d lone AjT.irjl Mircliam 'Ihey I til'-' Kevv was I'uffii k. ot odd, vers oilici lions. This V the Har' Men aiiii The .^jni. ,1,^. .\,i,; . to live u and \ icii Planks, tc 1 iie C ll.are the l',:l W,nV the ill Cii lliarp Apj had euoj; pear molt which til Name, at aiMiii. ' .V .•-»;/., C'-iroiiatio urdi kl alliudr Af .1.,.). s Lib. I, , «ii>l hiinit lift a iiiiir '""•" i ilun joo iir iltai' in f /'««.!, anJ nd tlic iiihRuh-'.' ly Coiiilc all 'm(h), Uiii(! rt»)/.-.ri III i<. DiRr. '**'"''^ iii.Tiiii, in il Cuiltcr Ml .s I'ilil ; an J /Iniiii A/.i ill, iif I'Liii'l'ptiif a -111 v. i; toi'.ivcihc'l'""' ' llic i.HVJJh ; Uvcr of Cui'rt- n in tlio I'ln- («)Tli.R Iroiii iliJt Ki-;'''"»' '• llicy in.iiic a • ■^ nvii anil Cii- lUini;. Hi'ic the Ojini! dt'cjc^c- 1. y HaKiJt' il»-"f"'" ' * .-ru-nCr.nvns.,^^,,,,, [or Meat and : ah(ii;ahi.'i' lo )iink lorp, and I Jo of ilicni cwnikilieSi-a II Water,' and :ar vvitli iliirty .Is, w here they of that Town, * Ml" n, and earned ;;,','■,;;',.;,. ir Ships. i,y '(,.,',.•, :y Men, went «•«'-' /.;.../ (V), which .od tin e. Hut 1 !it > I the r S-',:>..Jh I'r . u's p. t..n!' 11 nt I their Mm. ds to kMi->,h lor V^anr uiul : ilu- S.ind i tlv. t.'ok ih.-.-. Mrh. .1. .m.l .begin); tw,. r three b o. deep, ihv.y f .m.l -.oi'd W.iier, and rrn- nmglofrc. '.\ too. that ihev 1.. glu have hll'd lo'iie 1 Ivn- l.-jn!.;» I'l I ui:'i, if i1k ;uil vv.inted. _ Off, I.-, ilv.-9-h. the) iv fail hir ih.' Cti't it V. /" e.ir {.} which i oiitlie WUt-lidecf ilie I'oiiit I't Ci, • ■- ,.:, ..('.vlii.litlf.yeaiiieontlie 14th. U is \erv like thf ^■ee.::e^.lt ihellle"f/''i;.''f 1 an.l wiihm 1: tlieiv ^a^^ii.v '■ • Uav ' / ', into whklifiiis a fan Kitr, aliout whuhl. ii^e '..4 Ir.:^ .. / lise. In this Rntr the', v aier'd, and lav oil and on al.01 1 th.- lapr St. / u .-, til! iV ••■».".' the .',ih. ,\ :r,..' V the ...ih, the t>Ji.\ and the di/.v..', went bi.^'iigip and d. wn upon the 1 le.td-l.iiul.)l f.i'.t.'ini. wh.ih I' s Ml l; Deft. ; Noith 1 at. I'pon which lanu Day intli.' M-in ni;, one i.f the C'l.n.pany in ihe .'Ndii iral pom;; UP 'he Toi-'null, Ipied a Sail bear.ng m fr.in '.c .S. a V, I'll ill.' C'ai'e ; wliiili be pu Kiitlv lipnilud -o the lninpaiii.unli'Ue |i.yliilK\ilani.iri(ni.f, .A Sail, aiail. The Admiral 'naun« put all ih.neMn a re.uln.elsj let forwards in ;h.- piiluit of her, .iii.l liaMni', ih.iAl her three or I'd'tHo' r^ll: tlu- Aliernotin, I'lit iin wiih hci, and la- luted her with A Broaiilide, ami a Volley of Small ll.ut. 'I licy tiuinil her to I e the N.lile Ship th.' St. ./»;„-. be- longing 10 du Kinpcf s/.iH, the .Admiral ..fall the Souih S. a, an.l ..f Seven liundi-e.l Tun '.V.irdieii. Hasmg board- ' '■ '''''■''',i„. ed Ujirt Men up; 11 her, ihey 1. i"id all things were put in- 'X"'\ «.l to a g...!.l lH>ll,ire < f Defence ; the Sails wert laul cl.ile . U .111 . S...I. I* s. -. ' . r.. : . f i4. .Small-il.otiii both iluirSliipi, an.l at Night (on'imitdiht LtUbiatlon with hire-woiks. I 111- Admiral relrned ot the Prifoners in-he*;''i S!i;p,two J.iji ific Hoys,.ind thrtc that wen Natives of of M.iii'l'.i r A I'll' t ■■lie yr, lh.1t lia.l been ill C ■>.f. I'l Ai.il a Si>.:ii'Jh Pilot, of good Kii.'wieilgt in the I'art^ between ..Vi;«/. an.l Niix'.i i,if.:>»ir, 1.1 lllieii from ■ bit. .'. r> i>.) I Cum • IDC 1 If ai'es, th;;: II,' , to e>c lOlll'l t Co< 1 ■r"j-e 'Vr frr ih.- li'. St AW:, A 1,2, '.1.,.). uron tlie I'.'i.p, the Mi.i-lh.p. ami ilie Fore, altle, all the Mi'ii (to.1.1 dole under bieliK, «hiih the Captain had r.iis'.l . priiMde.l with Targets, |.ivelins S\\o:iK, ami great .Siones, wh;eh iluy thiew ini.iihe Am;..;//' Sli;p, and .11 them that ha. I U.ar.bd iheirs, tuning them t ■ retire n.th the I. .Is "f tss.i .Men, an.l lour or ti..' woumled. But iIk- A.loiii.d iiukiii!; a frel!i t>iuet w.tli hi. (Jreat an I biii..!l-l1.i.t, rake. I them tho:.iu;.'h aid tlion.i "h, killing and .1 1 oimbriitf a I'.reat nv.in .-l' die I )ifinii.i'''s, who set It.i.i.i verv t;i;lii y 10 their B'.ilinels. Her the ti. \x Vol- il) rediic'il tliem to the lalf extreimiv. Ilatt -nnj'. il. ■ Ship at that milerable rate, and licring I'm h wide Hole for the Wati-r to p'lUr in upon th.'in, tluu ihev mull citl. " yitld tiu> moment, 01 tiiik the nex'. Whereupon hang- in<-' 01. t a blag of Iruee, they ilelire.l tlie .\. In. iral to lav.' their I Ims, ."ind thevwoul.l yiil.l i,p their Ship with all theiich Carg..) in'ohis 1 binds : Ti is be grantnl. I utuim- mandi.l them pr<''eir.ly to Ihik.' iheir Sails, tohnileont their Boat, .lod . oine .iboard ; whi.h was a... niiii'.;lv peibinivd by th-- Captain, thjl'ilit, and one of theihiel Merchants. They loid the .Ailmii.d wh.'r they had aboard, 1 1 be the Kew.ird of hisV.Ctory ; whi.h app'.-.ir'd to be whit was fufficienrly wo'iii the u.fen.bngon ihe cue parr, and the li hi.tig f '•■ I'll ;'"i: .uiur. 'Ihere was xz^'j^v Pczo's of Gild, 11-h .•.;i;;s. .S.fen., ram.i.k-, .Me. k, uitli .li vers other l.;iT.>of Menh.ui.hze, and all niar.iier of I'lovi- lio'is. 1 liis Prize tii'.ss p,;feii, V ■.••'■.cr \\\: (ih they put into the; ill" ur /';r.->(.. ■'>';'"'■, e. here all the V/'rt/ ,1 ..'/, both Men .1V..1 W..ii:i!i, 1 1 the tirml er of 1 s-', were le; allio.ir ; the .Aili; .'al lui.: ;; ch.ilen .1 lerv f.u.tf.l Sp. t for ilieui to live uprn ; and belides giver.ihem good lloieofWme aiid N'letuaLs, w ih tlic Sails ot their Ship, aiul ibme Pl.itiV->, to i .r.ld iliun 'if.ie Houles in the C'oi.ntrv. T lie <.)\M:eri ibu-s di'i'j os'd ...V, the next thing was to ll.ti,- the Boot" they h.'.d ."nnirht ; .An.ruereiliis uni'r.ne- i.:\ W.it'j 111 Diilrioutioii .'I'.u kl". iiivoi.ed tlie .Admiral in till, il! Circi.v..lt..iiiesof a .Vbniny. t.ir\ Man having a i!;arii .Ap|Vtii." to the C.okl, ! rt no i'..y, c\e,' thinking he l-.ad enoigh : b.-.picialiy o;.! l!;i . bViul and Difeontent ap- p.e.ir molt \..vei.t'.y ir. ilie t . ..- uli.cli theref.'ic iioin iii.it f Kaiue, and bad .'.nuttier : Bi r jit.r.n. ' .\. ..■»,.■'.•. ilr-- l7.h, b.- i.g Her Cor-jnatior.-Dav, liiev dikhari, .; Ilie an.l ail the lllands I ,i,l,oii-. This ;..'r.,.>, is the whence they icininonlv li ont Iir the l'< ...•' /on-', .is ihe Illan.K / .i.'.i'x-/ are ti, ir It.'.-.l W.irtring-pi.uis. .\'., /«.',-/ the |./th, the A.'in lal haiin;; illil.arg'.l the Captain of the St. .hi.r with a Nobit Ri" ar.l, a:.. I I- I'- liiieni ProMlinii f ir hi'. Dckr.ii- aiiainit the /.'..' , lin d the Ship It f.'l, li.iv I g '.> die .luaii'i;) if ;■ 'Inn,. I (il ojs m her, aiul 1 'i hu bun., .piitc il)\cn 10 the Wai-r. .Al .1 now the gr1.1t B. in'J.\ cinp h.i;pilv accoinp'iii.td, which ihtN had lo lung m eii-lcl upi n. tlev ft Sail very I 111 ai hilly for i.'vj • .'.. IJiitthr, h.id iheMi..ti>ttune to lok- 1' .'.'^ '•"«"' th.'i .,(.•. »/',the.r\'i.e-.\ilii i.d • Sholla;'.! I.'tv.e bfle time btli n.lihtm nihcRoad .t: ■! -.'•,)■. spe. tii;; li.ewuii . I halt o\ertakeniheiii, went or. befi re, Ini'. i..'. ir ha.! li'.i Coni- paiu arain. lliiweiir, purlnirgtlicirown Vo',agc, \\.'ard in breadth, and their 1 lea.'.sand Stirn-.ireb.idi aid;.- : 1 liev areinadc with Rafts ot C'aues, aid Rud., on the SiarlK>ard-(ide, ai'.d have boih Malls and .Sails ; which latter are made of Sedges, aid tliat eiiher lijuare or triarg' lar-wife. They have th s excellent property, th.ttthev'll fail as well agauilt as bi fore tl-e Wind. J.i).. .: - ihe i^th. by Pteak-of-day ihey fell in with a Head-land ct oi-.-uf the I',' i,i:firich'..v.Ji, callV. C.iio.l,' s;)/.;'.- .V .■),;•. (^). The liland' It fed" is of large Dirteiih- ■'■'■:' ' ons, hif-h tn die iiu.ldle, and derier-..! to tlie ball and"^'" Welt parts, .and running a great v a\ i'ltnthe Sea Writ- w ar.i. It lies in i S IDegr. Nor.li I a., an. is diltant fr.Mii I li./.i ,: -) I o I eagues, and aliout lixiy t". Oi.i M.i i .' :, which is the chief ot" the ;•''./ - ■in •. It is a i e 'v woo.iy liland, and its Iiihal'itants arepnucipalb Miaihens. They fpeiit eleven Days liiiling tu I'lis place from i,u';r:, having feme foul W.'.iilier, and fcarce beanni; anv Sail at all for two or three Nights. (• ) A7:).'..'.v: is pl.inied w itli V,-.i;..".i,..'';, who live there to ((.; .vtiui.'j the nnn.ber of Six or Seven hundred I'erlons : It is .111 ■'•I. till Vic-e-.-'idiiiiiaf ; ue llwjid.l ' ..ve 1- It that ail was ijuickly h.ilh'd up I s Mai-I^.'s of r. vU a" lb.. irC^t.lnaiice, am! uiivvaUid Town, an.! of no great Itrciigth, tho' it has valt Riihes in (lo'd. and leviral piAiJ Conimiiili'ies, to det'en.l Ik in .\dveilaries. Ir has a conlb-'it vea'ly C?ur- rclpondeiice with .•./;;..-., in .Vvc;..- I.if.t.n.:, beli.lesy,,!^ ,jj,|^ twenty ir thirty Ships from t . I'v-t, an.l the Trade of ihe .?<.-«.... v',.i.^H,' ;, which is vet y protit.iMe. -n.l.o..4, to "1 hil". !i.vj;;.i.'.i''j are i ■ / ../i' Merchai.ts, verv tharpand ''^"'"'' I'enlible M--n ill a 1 Matters of 'Vr.ide ,ind .Merehandizt ; extren.ciy Iiijteni.jes in Mceh..iiK;tl Cui.triiance.. and the rarelt Itinbroidereis in Silk and Sattm tn.'i aie in the whole Wcild. They will A\'c..k any loim of Bealt or bf.vl, c; Fidi, 1:1 (jold, Sliver, or Sill-., with all the E i J lilt ^•r ,'1 q8 Philippine Ijlandi, and their Trade I lb. I ■ I. jull pri'lCMMi.n .imt mlnur ii\ mr^ I'atc, .irvl i',imii('. ii i.ll ilic I iti' ,iii,! IWnnv 'Iwf •>" ifK llrni I'j nt.r, m tha' 'ii> |-',i.n. ili.ir ihili Mm luitrt l>iiii(; .i (iry gairtiil'I ri'lf toA/.l«/V/', liid- tliiv 11 AiU' no nv ro nt' (.nitl lli.lii lliiV I'.iil ; fi r a» till . I'll iiflii jTrli i^ .in'iiif* f« I'ui |>iciii i^ . M ^l^•al nicrj' u I'litlum, f" iliry ixilmiij'M i: tlitrv v\i'i|:lic "■'"'lui wcij'lit lui S,l»>r. llu Hmc i^ih D.iv, ill 'Iw I'.uniiip, ility riiti..l tlu .»/i',;;/7j, Kiuwn the lil.ii.il 1.1(1,11 ami till- lilauJ oi Cxmt'iif, TliP i^l!>, iIkv fi''l in wilitlit' Iibml of i ,/' ,' / ,', J ailii f! .1 »ct> ii»tro\v \'i -i^'f l>cr«iv tli.1t Ifliiid till iiuv ill. f, 111 wii'iti till- Ti.il' «.!» imli.tir.il'lv Hii'ii, ilii'I « K'.li'i' ' t \K<\Vs '.IV .n "111 1: 'c iif i)k iKiiriho I'd ir oi '. - ll:!, I'tn lluv I'^r^'il V .til I'l llJI'I'lT WlltlUl 't\' I'l'llt va'al.iir IViy, .ui.l .1 i;noil ILirl^oiir, '1114 lathnni N\ .11 r, Wtl'in .1 Cll>'''< I' iit'.tli o|' till' llioU'. Al'init If 111 till' M< 111. lip ilicv cimc to .\nihor, .111 jiivU'mlv .1 tai'i mwid iif> fi ih.- 1 11 vshirll V .1' Pill 1I1.1I1.I III.' pif-'J \v!n), .ii lorii.iii; I' tlii'ir ill I I'lDiiplr 111 like II .111 vli, 'I- ■'t 10.11. i I'l' tin- f,\.ii ill i-t (vy? u 1 1 fur .//, 1 ;?. 8 Ri.i' „ I If It 1 \"\\ Pxci t f'li w.ls pirlorin'il uron 1 V;i,i«;///' p.lot. t.ikcn ill till- ('.r H St //' -, who hlil rintal tobciriy thciii i'lci tl' li.uiiU of i\u Sfi^i.i.irJi ; f.ir whiih licw.is Haiicd. Tlicy lay almit tlii; lilam! .if r.-pu! i',t a', our 9 D.iy«, hr.nf .I'l thi' wMV' w.-ll liiniillii with (rilli ViduaU, . pr.id V.1K.T, .'111 M'oi.il. riii: I'l-ni'li- of tlit' Ifl.ir.il arc .'■il l\iZ"i>. .'I'l '.i; lii'l I'l'tl' '" "'nnl.:',. .iiiil Con•vcrlc w!lh ill.' I'i'i.l; they I'o aimoft iialu-.l, uii.l arr of a f.iwiiv C'Mi'i'li'xiiMi. 'i he .Mill \n.u .ipicicijf aii'n.iin kiii.'. ol i 11 ,'11, wiivi'ii Oil! if Pl.ui'ani'-Va' i", .iln'it tlii'ir Mnili'., nnihiii.it!i.iiomiii!;>''iv\r. from their H.-.iks, an.l f'l iiiuli'r tlu- Twill, v,ii:i"h IS f.-..i.'ii'il CI) Ihc Rite (if C'iieim-.iiii 11 i> in pnidiie tltm ; lioli.'es wh ih, the M.i'es t:'-n wliiili iS r.ir I'loiii 'icins ilu'ir (iinil'-s. luTC aiiio!.j;;t iiierro .iiKithfr np. r.i- ipiniiiun. aiiJ li.ir.'ls T! lu'V ir.ake a with a , whieli IS thi\ tlu .Mami of tlii-ir .m,t>n/i (,) wai'irmm, I !aiii li»rl Coiiiiry in nunypl.iiis ;.llot.liiig>cty fan jiiil Hijinh 1 i.n f<.r il. ii.ikii'i! Miip M.i(l< ; un.l Ih- liiU», fvin.il Miiu. gl \iiV liin fioM wlii.ti arr in chi' ""'"'' Ciii>./i.-«'. 'Jiiitii' Vrtitliw.iirt ot u |ic< tlif '"•"''' lll.v.tol .V '. ,i (.: , amj Irn li'.in.l, ..lu fdl .nl.ip as,.) ^„., I > -Jirti. ,111,1 in .; .U'pri'C* Nofih | „t It ij pmri'il to In l(l«i.t' •he II oil pin ol I' I. w I .iiiil, ar.l virj Imitfiil ; tin- Pi'op'c are inulur .SiA' . s v tlir Si i,,/i, nor any other Na'ioii, I'lt iliiii own iii'ii.' M.iilu . .7' .19. at f, III (III Moriii.v, ihi v fir fail, padlnp ihroii'h ih.' N.'..'(;/.f Uiwri'li /■;«-/'fi)>/'» tiiiilii). .S, W.lml l.\ ^, Al'oin th simc ilinr I'l at, wliuli tlu> h.»cl f. m m t befre ili«n II ihi' .\l-iii:iii> .,11111' II) to ihi'iii .ir,i 11, iMwIiuhihc Ailii' r.i! lent a S.ib;//. rriloiirr alhori-, wiiliaMcirapc (o 1 s Captain, "ho inn'ni.iiiili'il a Shit- ih.it l.iy at /'.iwc- I'" t,.i'Ni(ht I'lt'Tc. I'lio Mfir.i(!i' wjs to ihi« cffi'rt : I. ■ / • /'"(',' /.• Iinf to frcviJt j'.ui flme r] Oil ff^. '.ifl ih .hill' M <.!(«(• llrt w,1l nv'ritt, /m It iiiltll,i>ii If >i • riiil m.kr Urn a I'i/it tfi Manilla ; wl'i.h Iriii^ /t ".,- <■'•;((• n-./../ .Irlene go, J l.in-n^imu.m. Ami (ar- '.iier, !■ 1/ /•<• ic/ rcil-.iu.y ,rme iicir, cb7 nrifhcl JtHe lit /■;• l,o..ir)i B.ijj in fiw fciiglilh I'li'i r' Sc.iln,' h:t rl.it ■'■» «• H\it M / ^)t.l hi< hh-n „p,H I'iin. I . 5.. illi'V Mw in the Morninp tlir lll.iml H.-td'iii^ ( ), ,,, j,, , ,, wh.ih lii'^ni.v (.iM», ami is in 1 ilecni' > ..rili 1 ar. '| j.e 14th. tlK'\ k;1 in with n or ii fir.illlll.inil.s, H.it .inl low, aiiilalnolli-n.ii- iunk 111 the .Sea ; ihiy lie m.ir the a; .«..-,i., and .ire m i il.-fries to 11 iilic. Soi th I at. \/'r ./ 1. iiavinp paNil the Sf,,/i»/,o of Trv: M^,i; M\A M.HI, tiny Aiichoi'.l iiiiiUr the'.S. W. P.ms of j , ,-. suit. (•( ). will -e they Ijici! li ine Frople (if;,iii|i in a B.iy ,»,; /n- nmlcrthe I1I.111.I. 'I he A.linnahi'ntMit the Boat n. thcin, in whuh w.is a Nipro th.it roii.l Ijnk tlie M lefm ■jntifiuc, wh;.h is niiuli ule.l 111 [/.if.i , I'lit thov lrinf» fr.phtmil .It tlieroiiviic ol ilie Ho.ii, rot a(horo, ami run ,iway iiuo tlu NVou.l-. Yet one if them i.inn' to the .Sea-fi le wlmi liie Nit;ro .,ilk'il, nn.i .lirfi'lcil them to liiiii (red. \V,iur, anil larneil a Melfape from the A.lmiral toilii'King, ceititiiiif! hiiii that hi- was lonie ihither to 1 raflick for Viilliials, or any valiuiMe C'ommoilities that his Illaiul atfnr.U'il. Ml i" II. ilii'rccamc9or le of the King's Canoe?, .is <;om.'rf:S- lull lailen wi'.li all Ions of I'roiitions as evcrihiy cmi'ii Kmn''''' I Willi: They hmueht them Dxen, Hops, Hens, Geefe 'i^'^''^ l'.pps, .Siipar, Cdcos, Plantaiies, Oranpes, limes, Wine'w ' an.! .•."rJ m.l, pa\e them a larpe AiUMini of'the Manners ami Cudoiv.s of this Pec pie. The Kiiip of that pan fif the Illaml fihey iiitonmi them) was a Man (Iwhoiii his .Suhii'ds llooil iiiextiiihnp a\ie, .iii.l who exeiiis',1 lo Al'loliite .1 Power o\er them, ami all they h.id, that no Man daiM loniuih asmaieaBarcam wiilioir. his leave ; and if ,iny d:.! preli'ine to do n, he paid fur it w itji his IMkhI. 1 his Prime had to his f wii ll,are ic. Wives, .is his Son had U who may i.oiri!>ly i-e vuy happv as loni' as he lives, 1 111 (.anr.ot iv lo any lonpir : For he lei'np de.id, the Bidy luiriit, and the Kolal allies laid up in an Urn; with- xh.- Km; in ^ Da, s alter ih,s, theTrapedvof his Wivi-shcpinsana w „, A I >- 1 i » I [T.iiiV.s'ii any whe'ee'le exiiP; in P';:. pirfi r.ir'on qrite ihrniiph the (JLiiis ol t lie /'.-)..'.■ Ki'l cf Tin Ipl I .n the lower md and ri^ettel il'iy cr.hr lo a< to take out aid j'Ut in again h.ivc I'l-ali'". 'lliey Invented this for 1 prevention of ''ij inipatural Cr:nic of .Sih'omy, wi.ieh the Mit of the Ill.imi were, it ken.s. liorrili'v adiiiClcd t.> ; aii.l it was ('one a' 'he hull li!e IV'it'on of the Women tixi, who laid t'v ( ale i ell i\ ■,;■ Magillrates, and olstained this lUniedv. Ontliciid, ill" Aihi.iral Siimiii'n'.l .'I the "r/i/ii.-j of this lll.ind, ai.l i.t iromore, (wlurli ii.i.l |_aid hmi Tr'- . ,..,„ i.,„,,ij; ,,i,i „miiiiiiis or tiieir 1-ef.ire li'iii Ai'dhereli' dduner'.l him- own lili^id, liifiiicar their Bixlics wuh it ; and thus thev elliiii; them that thev were .lie. '1 his barbarous Sacrifice of themfelvcs, to theChoft !i ha.l in th l-.u lelf and his enmp.iiii'to 'liiiii. /•i.-Ij/V/'', anil I lie fii.irell eneii.ies rlie'/'i".''i World, \: the fimc tim:', he i^encroudy caie Kick in Mmuv, the v.iheof a!l the Trb.itc he had re- Coe 1 11 II ■ -'"^..-w.ui II!.. »» i>e-> i'ej;iiis .11111 IS VI. BUI nds. I hey allot them po tu an appointed phice, where, ''«'"'''•" when they are ioii;e, the laio.irre Wife throws a Ball out of her Hand, whiil where it rells. marks out the Phlee ol ilieir IJeath. Beini! come thither, they turn their Faces 10 the lalt, and w ith their I Japgers Itab thctr- felies to tiie Heart : And takinp out hamUiils of their ihiin •3'..-y pron';(V nt A'l.'t liil J E"'"'s ..^.in..«r..i. ai tn appear i> .Ml' to .li.iM_ relliii!! tlieiii mat tiiev were i _.. of their di'.id Hiisl.ands, are the Q.i:ecns of 7,N/;oliHpa lomakeliv thcCiilloin of their Country. The Men of this Iiland are very pood .Soldier^, har.lv, valiant, and ■civ'd nn.l '.viiiih was pai.l l-v ilicin in Hogs, CV' 's,j delper.ite to the lail degree : They'll (tick'at mith'ng that Pota'ccs, .-,:■.. 1 the '.ike. I hi> en.-xpeetc.l lavoi r of the their Kit. g cimiiiand- them to do he it attended with ever oUdRi. .'^n'lmhlv of i'.;','./i(-jat a lo threatninp a danp'.r. .Sliou d he bid th.m plunge a 'hf: K' hi, liountv .and Cienerolitv, ■ Dapper into their Biealts, or leap oti tioiii a preemice^ aililu'l-orees of their re r^ . r . , , 1 , . .'. 11 i'l,- .1 Admiml, fur) ri/.i ihe wli' \er. };.eat la-.', ih-'\ adiiiiu . . - ., , .. .. _ ^ ^ ^ id tigat'.ii tf) ailill liim w.iii ail 'he Forces of their re- into a Den of wdd Beads, they'd immediately do it/bc- I'l.c'V.i'e Dominion;, v.lu'ue er he wou'.i begin a W.ir caufe the nnper of thrir King is as cert.iin Death as the w til ilie '/>-/,.■• ..'1 inr'..e>le Pan;. And Ui n 1 lifv pleas'd point of the!)wor,l, ^r tlf Teeth of the wi!,l Bcalts. with I'.ii.l.ig thiiii Mbe l'.',i,"l'; than wiihthe kiiidnels I They are of a tawny Comple.sion like the rcit of the ihey had ilceiv .1 t'rniii liiei.i, having row'd abeut the hiiiv.<, and go naked ; but tlicir Women are of fomc- S!i p awiile wiih tli.ii Can. .-s, togiie them loiiie I liver- \ thinp a l-etter hue and lliow n.oie mod, Itv than the Men fi..n, tl.cyto.k 1. .ive, the A.liiiii-.d giving ihcm a Gun at in the ufe of Apparel. /Jfter this Ri lanon of the /'orn,- t;.eirLV|ai-:i le. U'«-'-". havmp coMieffted the 741. n. f,;r the Victuals they they :etlil, and r.m aV;n;.: the Ccall of A; - ! had broiiphi them, and receiv d a Piomirc from them of N. W, btwcen that llland and the hhiid Ipixxl Er.tcrtaiiiu.ent when they cin.e aeain, thev t'ok :;d in the in.in.lshere.-.bouts, they perceived the r leaves of them, the Adii.ual iiiahmg iheni a Prefeiit ■11 1 ,1! 1.1 .k.'.'p a 111 i.'t W..rtli, making pivai lires, of three great Pieces of Ordnaii.-e :ir parting. '1 he next rihr.rnr.g ilicir Pieces all Nightlong, luviny laken day, i/ij. MvJi i6. tl.cy laild .iwav fvr ilieC.'.'e '/'.«./ 1,''!!' •J;;.. 14. ■"-, ftcer.nn rf a; the ,^; inA dil f hap. \ /AV', •^' Monili '7,11.1 an lionuit I Bcai iiig Ml I .iiidN. 1 Weft, I I thp,-, ill Bui |iv 1 the S. [' ihey Inl t'l.'y wei on ,lie I which p ThisC rglu ov. froii eai: and (he ) the i'.ipe r VI %>'•../ the Head ly Point, aii.l three I .ind betv // pc IS in from Jn::i but 1S5C Uil it, Rirv A,il.<,f , ?'""*• I Si .!<„,. I '.'ai'iics . lull hav inr Day, but having a I lIl.'Bi,.!' .in Aiiihoi \. W. (id. the Ihore. the iiiidll n.tfilr and minutes So the i'l-pe III Here ilv had a fair t and a Crols . tOU'jS, '.#1,1 Ml. I '?'■ III 111..] hlij.. I?-. , ,, a purpofc, lr ■'iih ;. • fei la; ! from Haul there //,■(/,') I'ic.ie them. Am undertaken lion, yet di notir of it m.iw t, and with Mr. C ().-'cici 4 F'fKr/, wl them an .•■, which had I pice. On i;reat :\:i:e. iVt.j. il cmici- 4. tl i ' deeree" I'w/fd Jllan T liev lent I the lile, w they were r 1 hey den a granted m ■ were fcttlit I M • lib. Jiap^VL Noort'/ yoydgc^ &c. 29 fw/( {i) t«n ('t Taim, iip\rty l»it 1'. i ami lit- ari' in ihi- ''"';'* t II Ik^ tl* '"''•' H .irt'il \i> IxIfcnJ' iiiitfiil ; ihr II any other rail, r»''inp.,i,.vi.... K'l^ro lil^x.l iih,. I,,,,, iiiiml .1 ili\1 fnii I S. Al'(«\t IvfiTi' ilicm n uliith ihc I I .1 Mi'(r.ipc 1.1V at V.wf- thi« c(Tc^> : 'rif r; f'i'/f It inltii.l 1 xli.h trim ii Ami ("ar- hi, hi ll.u II n litn, Hi't ■cliiiif ( ), ,(, g, , „ til I at. Il'i- niU, H.it aril / lif ni-.ir the rii ih I at. I : A/(i,(ii-an,l Its .if y^ ,: liiii)' '11 a H.i) i».) ;ji« H/, HI tra\Cflin[t the \al> IVia'i ln'twcin 7,11,1 anil the Mam "f .tfmi, niakinp manv OM.tva- non'ot the Stan, ili.- We.iiher, ili'' Winihanill iilc', liii IWaiinp anil I'dlln'in ot' | aiiil». .\(.ff II. niie lit ih'-{'< K'l 1M> Ipiril land, lieaiiiif", N. •inilN. by W. aiiii atxwt » n tlic\ law (m\i that l.iie \Vl'ft, of iIkIIi Whlill lhl'\ lillll'Mll lol'l' llll ( i/VrM,. ./ f/i^i-, iliiv liemr ilun al< m .i' I'l' ^o I.iaj;m'< tiTiiu ir ; Pill liy fiMdiii (Ikv h.iil a l r • In r(;hi ovii- it thru- Vir\ hii'li IMIi, Imt a littli ililtame Iron i-aji uihii-; iliili ;;hi(t of wliiili i« tin' tiiiilijk- iimiIK ■iiul ilie fioiiml ii> iiiiiih I'lvvei liy the Va-liile. Ililidis rill' C.ipc 1 1 I .'mi./ // /' luari. W. ami l>y S. from ih s Capi- .■.Iilr '^'■" '''■ ''"'V ''l'''' ' ''"■ '''' ''' '^"■' •' " r ". olifiTvinp, j..,/;!u' llcail-ianil lo be innli.ler.iMy hii'li, .iml at the Wiltir Iv I'oirit, a liitic of! ili M.iiii, two I lanimoiks a]'|Harin(!. •itul tliri'i'0!lii.T< JMnj; i.iplu'r olf mtn tliv Vm, \i'i low I ami lictwiTii (hiiii iDW.iriK ilie V.i 'I his i:.p',t <;■ II pc IS inailc. Ml till- /'i>'f «;'»•,"• Sea-Chan-, ir' i 1 cafiiiev rrom.?""'' > l»it l>y ijiiir Keikoiuiir, thi\ fminil it ro W lull 135'' leaciKs, wlinh took ihcm i ]■• )iilt 9 Vnkn'' latl it. .itm4 I '.'airncs I f *>t. //<■'.•<,<, vvliuli thr\ hail | ill n ('l.itipli of; lull liaMiip liitif orno Wind, they lou'd not mch it ilia: Day, hilt Hood oit and on all Niplit. I lie tii'xr Day, luvin);a jTfts yi od Wind, they llnoii iti with ibe il. ,ii , tiu'Riiar Iv IIH lift liefmi'to the Hat'.>oiir ' and t. on: to .in .Aiiilior 111 1 1 fathom Water, 111 a poo i bay, iiiidet iht N. W. tide of ilic itl.Mid, twoor thtieC.al'ks lenpthtioni tlielliore. 'I'lix lllaiul lies in >thf Main-Sea, as it ueie in the niidft Ikiwciii the Main-land of ^If'iik, and that ol' /J .trt.V and ilic Coail of l.uincy. It is in 1 5 degrees 4S minutes South l.at. and between ^ or 6uo Leagues from the (>/•(• "t (itii.l llipr. Here they vscnt afhnre, and entred ilie Chiireh wlmh had n fair Cmliy leading to it, a Iraine with t«ii Hiiwl>, and a Crofs of 1-ive-llone adioyninf tu it ; within it was liiinn wi'h piintiil i;i<)ih», having an Altar with the Blelli I Viigm, .iiidihe Siotj of the Crikilixitn pi.:hirdin a TaMi . 'I fir V'allev when- the C'hiirth (Ian '« is evtntiu • lyp'iafaiit ; fo full of t.iie hriiii-Tiees, uiul exiilleipt J'"' •■■■•'•«' r.aiirs, that it app m like l>.iru' viry fiir wid WilUiilti- '"'*'' \ai.i' Ci,T-i!iM. iliert arr loiic r. w ■ of I iimin, Or.>n;;r, Ctron, an I PmiKftranat ■ I tr •>, Dei' aid h.f Irris, iliafjn lint llll l-yi w th I*! '(T'ln'., Ijfivi htmt, ,inii niic •ill , If om.,' The I tei > .irt »erv tijii') irnnit. il anil di. iv'il, ,ir d dillinnuiih'd liN f viT.il I urioii' >t'alk!i which liaic ihi' pii leillion o' ihrir I' U)'h«. md jfe insUi 1 >, •! and Ilia t> ih. eliy. I Iutc is a Iwut I rslul '.itdli any en p;y |p.iee in this wh le pna; (i.iriirn, lot sslut p'.ieei Nariirr h.is lift iinoeeiipied, An has taken eai' to nil 1 p tip loinr adiaiif ige. J hi lllaiid it iVlf atfor ■. rreat lluro of I'arrndgis ,ind PhiMl'ants, 'sliu h are mi 1 li hirp-r and v fi:,;. I.iirfr than ours in l.iiyjrn.l ; There are Tiirki s no, ln.tli ] ' «'" '• i Iff ll.re IS alio gri'at pieniy ot I ahni ', or w.M (loa's ;w:i.lSwM. lliiv a-e as liig as an A'-, have a Horles Ma 11, and .1 IV-.rd iliat ri'.u Iks down 10 tli-- m ly pr .inul : I hey go fiMiietiMies topetlier in a Hi'rd, tint uaih.sa full M tern length. Ihre are alto \.\\\ Hcr.ls of sv Id Swim, tl.it keep 1 liietiv upon the Moi mains, as tJu' Cabntns do ; ilicy are f.i!, and fo mms wiil, that a Mamannitir einie at iliein, exr. p' tiny W alkep, < r roi 11 p, 'luiii. I'lIvcs upon their Mirv Bods. 'iiiiir i!\ havinp raken in all NeeeHarn s lu'ie, thiy fet T^'i-y '.••»» Sail for /;-•• ■:•■,/, ami lia!:.! aw .iv N. W. .ind by W. J'.s * "''""■ to he ol'lervM, that ili- Wind is coinitionly ott' ihc Ihore at S'..U-!fn.-. Owl' iinihi; ijil lit .;«.,.!/ , they failed F.. aid I'. liy.S. Ii.n'ie North' Mtioll of ihi' /.; i.j. 'riv.' i9;ii, .it 4 .if.cr Midnigiif, thiv till in light of ihe llliml ^ , f 1 aiid'-'u'- i , Handing 111 j9 ' dtgreis North 1 at. and fo fail d away N. I' Scft. J. iIkv met wi'h a l-'.^-mif' Vilfe' tliar taiiu' fi,,m I uloN, and told iliiin the joyful News if the osiriliiow of ihe Sj.milh Armada. Scf!. 9. having had the Winds farewcl in a molt violent .Storm, that carried away molt part of ihiir Sails, they arrived at the scry-much and iong-ilehnil Ilavin of I'limouth, mies, ic to fiethriti, I in /•>.;/ !«./, and Ciiitoivs if the Illand his Suhii-CIs fo Ahfohite .1 10 Man dar'd and if any Wood. Ihis shis Son had 11' as he lues, np di'.id, the II I'm; with- The K I IB -s 1 1'giiis .md Mm kSl 1'l.iee," where, •'w'"'''''^' I h rows a Ball liarks ont the r, they turn r itali thcm- ktids of their land thus ihcv to thcGhoft 7.1: 1; oMig'il n he Men of valiant, and 11 notlvng fh.it T.h,^,.i,„ lied wiihcvcroUdieii'i-i' li.'in plunge a '•'«'' '^'* precipice, or pi) do It, b<'- Ucaili as the Ii Bcalls. the rcit of the |are of fomc- than the Men of the I'cirtii. |Vn:tualsthcy from them of Iin, thev t'ok Iheni a I'rifciu tp. '1 he next _ . „ kC.I,V. iVi. 5. they h.i.l liplit of the Coalts of Cuii:-. Lh: c-nilci- ^. they caine liatd by Cape V./mn, which lies 111 i '. deprecs Nonli I at. The nth, ihey had light of 1.; i.ur.a dr. /''■'I fillland (i^wliii h lies one and a half .legr. North I at. t'"« 1 hey fint their Bi.us before to make fume dil'covery of the Iflc, where ha; ing entred with a H.ig of 'l luce, they were n-it by a \,-j; . bearing the like Peaceful Sign. '■..lif^uf 1 'ley den anded onlv a lupply of Provilions, which was 'r«:u. granted in very fail .iml fnindly Teniis ; but while they ■ were fettling this Point, a Patty that lay in Ambufcadc V'\ Lll Will ; |;J) mtn. furprird them in amomtnr, and cur otTfcvcril ifthcin ; amoni'lt which vs.!silie brave /.»,i; /''P lot, CaptainA/r ' . The (■'i'//;/''H''^i' purlued ihem toilieir Ho.1ts, which they very biiskly atiack'd, kil'ing tlie Ailii-iral's Bioilier, and scry near taking all the rell I'rifoiiers. In RiiiTge of this Outrage, 1: was ci'i'.eiiide.l (in a Council of War) rli.1t the Caltle ll.ould be .Art'uilred , which Fxpcriment being tried, .mil lound to prose 100 oHlv and li.izaidous, they tfxjk their Kesenge 111 b ruing all their Supai- H.iufes : .And fo having provided tlRmf.lves with Irelh Water, they let fail the 17th. The zsth they reach'd Cape Grv/.-.'in d'.), where the,, Wind generally b'ows from the I and in the Night, and/i Iroin the Sea in the Day. Here they found two Diinh Ships, which inform'd them of the inisfor'.uneof Capran Cici-iD.v'oi, whowaslolt, with inolt part of his Coii;pa- nv, tipi 11 Prill CI Illand. as thev had like to have been ; as alio of the Voyage of /'if: /V.-./..-^ ■;,.■, ssho had en- tred the River of ( Vw.^r, and putting in at this place, had here buried )S of his Coir.p.my, and was gene foinc time bef 'tc for /liii.croi:. j.i'i.i. * thiy pafs'd the Ifiand An- bit. at winch ilicy •. found tvso degrees .South lar. and rhe 18th of the fame Month they had. die Sun m their Z-ntth. lhe',ththey .•e.ich'd Cape St. T. nr,;-, (upon the Coaft u't" i? ./. ) which lies in li degrees South 1 at. Th.i f th thev pafs d c. the F.-iii Cape, and in the tveiiin!; Cipe / . . On the "_■ 9th, they came to HJ' '\f„icr . .-vfer loino k-ls of nine,'" and company too, I'V th'j I'reachcr.cs of ih. Gr.inl Ene- my the 1'tirtiif.iify, they wen: to St -S'ri -/,■..;,.■, >< here the Comforts of a good Harbour, frcili Water, ar.d plii- rip.-G.f < .1 ?». pr St T c- .i.F--.F..ir ijlc, &e. it. ( "lara l/Iand. 'Plumbs^ 'Pen?uim^ &c. .\ '(■ \ I 'I (li <■ f.X, • Kv M III n.t i<«,i. Ml.. Pir,' '!» A' .IN I Ik- Si ■«■ «i .1 B ,1.'. fc'iEt' |«qi. tv t, Imt ilicv h.ul iln' j'cinl link !'■ 'ii>'t tlviii .iiJiiiiMiii ihc iTlh. Anil iii.x* ihr V>i'\> i'<»ri .ili:iR aiiMinpIt ilicni, I'lcriiuT will ilu' ;i|'|mimi li I'l ilw Wiii'ir, II .i.lv tlii'in rili"l\i til ('lit in it St.// ■ «■ i liii " i li'iB ih»'. llifv toi.ilii'li'l "ix"! ijw /(/i".'i"., ir liiiiu'iiiliir lll.liu!. tlut w,i« ».ip.il>lc III' c'^'i'P ''^'''" ** "'I'ril''^ I iitiTiam- III' lit. H'li li.u.1 'riirtiiiiclirmivlit ihcin in 4 sir* B.irri.ii .iiul IKlM.iH lll.iii I, 111 1 il (Tci^ ^ln"ll I .It. «hfrc till V lnil iiiitliiii)! I'll' A lnv l•l,^^l, 'i^H'il .\.-/.- .^I'lic) whiili ilio ki'iHk'.l til \Mi Willi Miiir lliil«. lUniii' llKT'.iiii' .iiiiiWly h.ul ir(itif;li . f ;lii» Pamii |>'.iii', ihiy iMit nil 1.1 Si'.» ,«^'.iin i 4iiil ilu' il> ')■ .? «^ tliiiikinn lu h,i\f iv.kIi'I till' .J'l.-K/ini, il'iv liiuiiil tliiii'lVUii 111 tlic t'liiliiir-f nt' ii'.i/..'.-. H-t llw' /•-./.i.^wi-?*' not liiltiriiii" tlu-m t(i Un.l 'liiTi-, ihcy f.til.l f> liK' -St. i' f.' ( .. whuli I'll.* in tl lU'Hrcn n iiniiiiu> Sinillil.it li > .Umnt 4 Mllo • 111 icini'.U's .iiul .i> liuull il:lt uit linm lllc Inlltl- iiiiit. Th.' liUiul .irt'iriliil ilinii little ill'' l, wIiaIi m 1 1 I >.i\M.iirv J all iliinr SuL 'iidt i6. ilu'y III flit tiir !•'■' I> li , 1" 4? 'I'|;r<-i'» 4n":iiiiiiirc%Sinitli I .it. wliiili .ituTimi'h I'.i.l w^.ttliir ihiVK.iiliil S.. (, : . IIks tiiii.ill'il ilwii lihi.. ivrh Hmc ut huh .Hill rnipiiiiiN in .m ll'ii >1 I'l-'t lui ilifc Mills til ilicSoirh (it iliK I'l.iic : Ot the Littn (nrt nl iViiiiii.iis ilu'y ii'i'k V <► ■■ ("I'lili "irc.i* l'i)'..is (>aU', Willi .t >.llk iiiiii|'.lii> el iluM- l|;j!S tli.U I'ruuil hihhI aiiil utnfliiir.; Mi.u iif Oltntlu'. i lilt 111 wliok- NiltstluN lijlit nil I'liiMiliil Willi 19 I'c.V'''- llie mil, the .'\ilimi.il Willi alliiirc to nMirve the C'mintrv, le.ump Oiilers with iluiii th,it (iiuuileil the Hii.lK, not t ) llir a loot trom tlwir Clui>;e , li; t they h.i- >in)! .\ iuiikI, It r.'tiii'., to lee the Cniiiirry iihi, luok .1 liii.iil R.iml< U'. where the 1 aiul In-., low ami plain, ami by it> wii,.uieis \ielils a pml|>eck like I'.iiil.vhI. They niaile many Aitmipts tii lia\e m- treil the Stu-i^'! , ami wer.- as often tViiltrateil : 1 lu y were be.nen l-aik by 'IViiipelts ct' Wir.l, Kain, Hail ami .Snow. '1 licy lolt their .Amhors, liroke their I aWis ; Sicknels aiii! CDiiieiuion fwnrl.' than any Diliale; were aihieil tu all the rell ot' their Calaiiiiiiis ; .uiil ail theU, iiieomiirreiue, ivtanleil their proj'rel's lo tar, ihat t«.is well m^th ly Mi'iiths 'trni' the lonin.ei Cemeiu ot the Voyage, betV.re they eoiiii! make any pioJ w.iy into tin SV/. -<'?//.•. But to return. They oblevv ,1 the 1 ami u> licSoiiih- Wolt Ironi the Cape /o^ij.). , an.l the Mouth ot the Srrn'^irs to I'e .il>oiit 14 Mihs ilillaiiee tVoiii 11, anil halt' a Mile in I'lvaiith. Nl.;-. IS. tliev Inv fomc Men iipnn two Illaiiils that Lay near the Cape iV^/'." ». who I iil IVtiaiveto the IhlUiuL-ri, ami lliook iheir Weaprns .it iheiii ; liii they 1 amlinp, nntwiihtlnnJiiii; this Dehai ee, | iirliinl tin- Sa- vages to a Cau', whiih they Ihiliborn'y 'Ictemleii to the lalt Man, ilyiiip every one of them upon ihe fpot. The OiitJi lx:np poi in, fouml iluir Wives ami thililrni 111 ihat (lark Keeep-atle ; ami the Mothers, who expev;rcil ndthinp. Inn pieleir. Death to tlKir.Ulvi-s anil iheir Intants, cover'il the l.ule ones with ihur own Bo.r.is, r.f ilvinp, to rcecii e the iirlt Stabthenilel.es. But the /J,. <• ilnl them no n ore ir.)i:r\ , :han the takine if 4 Boy. aiul 2 liirl; of their niitnbir f'om tlu-tn.w!; i li tli.-y bn.'i't'.ht a Ship'.'Ojrd. O'.w of theli' ¥i'\ Vai ■•,;■, !e...rt to li vak /i.-r.., pave them i!iis liii.|.|.«.i'. : 'Ihai the pre.mr i-f thil.' two lifinils was eali'.l r ■: ■w ■■, an.t the Tribe iliac li.ha- l)i;rilir l.>,oe. 'linri'i. Icf-. il'.'U.l was call il t'-. /;■, .iiiit that both were wel; It.i. li w;-li I'enp ins. wImK Heili w;-.s iheirpVri.l, anil t!ie Skins .heir Coathing ; aiul ns for Habit.-itions, they hail none b' r Caves. That ilic aii- joyninp. CiJrtif.em :iboiir.iAeil wrii Oltiuhes; whiihall.. li-r\'il for Foci. T!,at ihev wireililt.np'.riliil into fe e- ral Tribfs, wlmhb'.l their 1. -.eial I'.ittinCt Keii.leiicis : The Kcnicrcri I.'iar ilweb in r. -f,' . the l^rm.r.J>: K..11.-.. >A.o, the K'-' .'h in /./.•.■...■•, .ill v.hiih Pei pie were 1 if thecoinn.on li/e. 'lit lno.ai!iT BrealtrJ, anii painted all our, the Me.i tyini; tile ('/..',■,, .m 1 i> with a HiMip, and ilie Woimn tii*i'rin|> ihiile V'arti wiih a IVngiiiimkui, tlie tornuT we4rin(i loi'n luir, an.l the lin 1 (haven, but both lonsii.iki-il, r^Mpi 4 I'lu.ikof IVngiiin-tkintreaeli inKioihe WaUr. 'I hai iheie wa, jlfo .1 fnirth TrllK' iil'i. them i.illM IViiHfi.'i, lint dwilr iiic, » J aiui thefv were*" '' of .1 tii((»mi«k Statiir., Iiinp i< ni 11 lui t hifih, amir,, loiiiiniiiill^ 111 War« wi'li 'In . iln-r Tril e-, ,/,',/' ', Ihe iSih thev pal il to the Cuniinent, an.l f.iw li'iiic '1'.' Whales at a ilillanie l'> the way • I hey emmifiia'J t"0 .1 very plealant Kiier, .ihoui mIiaIi were ileli. i.itc Tree", ami llore ol Parrot* i ii|«)ii tin leorc ofthi. |lealani pnlpeOt, ilii ■ ,a!li| this ^,.»i..,v .ff 1, {// i/i ,«»„ 'Ihe loth iliry In lail lur l'« 1 I :i>i,ir (^} Mere tlu H<» I and t. lids 111 far to ihe South, iliit ili- lllards (',!.,■ .1. ,«,, " ' ' ' .mil lirii/«i;i-, Klin alai otf in mei 1 luiothcr. They"""' !loiiii.l no remaiiiiii(', toknis here of ilu- l.iir taiiuiu. /•'////-Citv but a heap of Stums, 1,, || j.,v ,1,.,, ,,,,4^. there h.id been a Hmlduif: I h.- \f.. ' .ml ^ Sireipln i« diltiiit fr, nil lu tier .lUiiii 4 Miles, the Unison bmli ddes ill svl.iih ate valllv hipli and deip, .ipj j|| ihe Ve.ir I'lnH losird wiihSnnw *. Here at (V f f •./ u they em 'w ,. „, d.iwii Wiiod 10 nuke thiiii a Boat, ami f in.l the hark ''■"•' ' ot the Trees to le hot and bi'iiii' like |', |.(Kt. Haviiii! ''"'" ' nil (Vod s»atiTiiii! here they left tli.spl.u.-, ,doiil tiny in' '""" deed wluilurit were l'"i l^miiu- or no and aft r two Miles pals d fiiiind a pi lul River : I his w.is /Jm-w'. 1. I lie iieM day they doiib'ed C.\\'i' F-^ivrr.l (:) with toini f'M jfr liiiper, bi leali'ii of imlafe Amhoi.ipe, anil lontrarj ' '"■'' Winds; In paitinp 4 Miles farther. iniD a larpe Bay, this ^mlii.rd ilurc. I lire was a I'ln- I,ke .SmTxe-'won, pood apainlf the Suirw, and nnmlur .is I ., t fur Maj' neb, iiiakiiip limie that tailed it aliiult .li|tra>;led for .» tnre. Here thev had a lipht of 'ftt'ifliw ,{e lt'.-<>\ Shin, who w.iMine of /Vr< ,.|.r( \ I'i mpany. whiili wih .m. il'er of iliilaiiuHiet.hiilbeeiid'.ven|i.uk out of ihe So h Sea. He tnld them In had I'pent abuve y Months m the ,. ,';';" and had bur (S lefr out of 1 1 r Men, .iml no! 1 1 .iie able to endure the Siorins of ihr ,So>iih .Si 1, was f iri'd m put inthere, while the utf <•( the Meet h,.|d en th • i-Cii.rf'. ?..•»/. J. • they let out apain, direelii.p the r C". irfeui*-* '' ' A/.''f • 'I h'.iiidei', Mail -■ Ipli' upon a The J7th. ihey Inv .r .; .i;(i..i,>. 1 hi'ce Mountain of Ice, in r; .^• Bay ; but the next .'.iv, 1 h. the (all of Te- 'i-w-,. iliey r.d aa;eu to all thnfeiKlirai I'li fpcifls, and pals'd the Cape Dcfrr {,1,} imo ih; S^itth .Sia. Their, . ., Comp.iny w.ns now 147, b .1 ipu.kl, lillln'd by the lofs/""/r' of the Viee- Admiral, whom they diopr .V.i,.7) j;. £x.iih'.i'' ' reil^inpher in vain, thev fail'd t.i the liiaiul / .r"A;u-/'.i,l"":" ' which is alioiir ^. Miles fiom the C)ni;n..|it, and lies iu i^/'ij,' .' ^8 deprees .Soiih 1 at. !• is remarkable for .1 hiph Moi'nt.-'.in in the i.i'.d.lV of it. -hat e'cavc:, it ['.•If .ii top to make way for a ( uiirfe o' Wa.ers into the V.illey i;iulenie.Th it. Here they 1 av.cr'.- Knucsand Hatihets t.ir Sheip, Mens, Mniz.- 1) '■iil.i'.-, and ..iher brim. Thev Went to lee the I own hii h coniilicd of fume so Houfes of Straw, wf;re he m . iv eniertaind with a f.wie loit of Drink...!!. I ', , which i^n.ide of Maize ,-,; ,t, Iteepd in w.if.r, an.l is .lie ch/cc Luuor ufcd .it then " b'ealfs. I'oUpamy is iiuuli I'ra'.'lisd amonplfthem, and rlxl , ihey buy as many W:m-s as rh.v cjn keir ; lothat a Man '' ;■' ' that has a e..ijd muny L)ai.£liter>, may' chance to pet an f „';:'. Ktate ■ « <( kill Olds t V elk Is. H the Hrn t treailirroiif which hard he not Ueii llland III 1! Vir. 1.... At .St. ,'/ ■I vti'ih.i': very niiieh of a Cup molt part v I'leir .\li!it. ^■eiieral, \. .Meth. id oi ■y Chu;. . .•.! iarr\ 'I'lie, and ted (ieiura ,,. All this C ,:,', *■' one of ihe I here are , aliundance. 'ha: It is it of allotlu ■Ir-i, 1. "■/ .• 7 dl follow 1; -. u.r, ,■,';■'! ed a;.. ■>M.iini. trOIll wllii Lib I Y:iup, VI. CM/hmf of the Indians, &•€. 3i /I- 1 » ii'uki", tin' '\.\\v\\, Init »kiii«rc.ulr ill 'I'nlM' <)1'i;.«». I , . I IIWM I \\\f.h, jml »^(,„ „ 1.1 I I* I'MIIC'"'' cnnuitiiriJ \\\rv ilt'li- liiur iit'thii '1 (// in !!•»>•' ) H«-IVtlKH.> ,(>,../ .^ ,».,__ Iiir. lhf> l.ltl* UllllHl. kV lll.lt lllllt k VflMJ'tll l« (III I" nil lulls ,ill iIh'^iii « itlfV l"l 'Vf .'.•.(. ml tho hark ','"•■■"' r!uiiliiii)r in- ill .itV I two .1< l>iii-t)i' . I. > with (iiiiK ''" '(■■ .111.1 I (intrary *'"'''' IV I'.is, tluy Sm'c»i'.\vi)ri, .it fntMaJ- iMiltcil tor J, II till' H.v. I h." '•. Ship, \vhc(_ it' .1l\i ttilT Ol' 111- No .h Sim. lllnv. ,;;■.•, lof 1 1. PI}; .il'li- Ht'iri*:' 1.1 put I tlr i-Ci i.if'. her '.'• irfiMi)*-< '' ' tcm' I'll hall- O It i II till' H.) I', lii.ii 1'. cm il '"> !>-• . ■thisw.iMiiar'/"^"' 1 ''I'll iir.Ti., yet ilic ti); tlie\ uiu'it ii fi n\>\\ to It (it ill. iVIiiiiii- piiiiv Here tii.iiial K.iiii';, UlR kiil'il v. li ill vvcro rr.i.mpiril 1^ no witlu^i .i.'ii' . . ilinin liy ^"i I.I laiiMnp,;,,,, II,, Kiwi fbuiid IDllM Ivitli 1 lire thi- iliimi'il by .1 to Ih ft for lilcr Iii!'..iM- lIlCV l.lll'll .t.M.i .S!-.:psi.)r»'.'''f' iiJn, Mail 111;' upon a .Min.iiia II of k- lait of ir. Vi Cpcifls anil I'V tlic lols/,vV, m' >/■ 11. Ex-w*i'''' lit, anil l:cs in u M' • for .-1 hU;h J it ll'lf .11 top '.to till- Valley s .\iid Hatilicts .,ilii-r iTiiit. iilUit of fome crtaiti'd with a i.aile of M.iizi' i-,.;.i ufcil .It then gtV tlicm, an J rl' \ lothat a Man j'^'' latttc to >;i t -i" I .;• 1-lt.f.- ""■•'r(™H:.p V' *> >!■ 444mi ■<%■* V iCIt.' ¥! I ^ ('pht. t*- ■ Wu t I D- . ti ih»* E. S:i.|.. Ii; •>:■') Jl: Rrtiti? liy l|'i< .""I l"*^''"""""'. f'" •'"> ''**'■ "" lawv nor HnMik MapiHr.iti-i, to keep up any Form r)f jiillii- .inMinfjl tliitii I I'l't Mf .t M«numy r'XriHIylmy lit* hi« I'liiullniM""'". I'V niiikini' a Treat »>! i'l.i. llie^ make their CliMthn of the WikiII nf a \ery larv'e fiirt>« Sbft'p, whiih t'lea.iirei iho ule to »arry Buithemtim : I lies wmi'il nor li II nny i( ilufe to the Dun I, iho' they ,ltil iif ttiioMcr loft, iiofiniuti ililferinj! Iruin the toiu .St Af.oi'.i ll1iin.lf».)lic«|SMili«froiii hcliff.ln 17 'I'gr. '"■"n niniiii'" .Viu'h I ar. Mere ihev met with a ^/vt,i,y/.t Ship that wiiLiirvim' I aril aiul Me.il to ,/ oi,.) and Ciw- , /M»., v r>irfuit of ti I e.m.if. 'I he V lot of iliiH Miip foM iheiii, Thiy lOiilil lUi' ('if I'.Kk to S'.Mvii IILiiiil Uiaiifeof tin S<«:ili \k'ii i \ ai .1 that th.re w.i< tvio Men of War w.iu- inj! 'orih'irioining III W' .i. 1 'p'"' ^^I'l"-'' luloiiiiation, liiey i.iiu liuliil 10 i.iil to J ■//'i. iif'>, .imU.y that iiuans ipiite. Inlt their Viee-Ailiniral, whtih n i('.lit otherwife liaie idiiie i:pio them at Kilt. in> not to i.ul |..iik to St Mvi-s llland, 'o hear of the misfonin' 1 f S/Kii.. ./■ I . './. 1 theie, \iliowasiM treiully manner Inn led alhure , and then Hmih'T.I Ii* the l»/.//i>.i, tojiether With i| of Ills Men i the treacherous 'ipmiirJi eiuliM- MiiiMt.ft 10 I'll hjs two Ships into their hanil«, ai.il llii.l inp IntelliKeiKe to / ii/'i, ai'd all theComiMy nlvnit, ot the nrrivafol the /)«/./, and thcNamc»of all their chief .NJeii. I pon tliel'e Aei ininti thcv lunt tlif ir Courfe to I'll /'•- ti'u iiih { ). where th.'". "ok two Ships, .niul kill'd fume / i,.'M, but the ^f.'tiiniii were all pdne, 1 his f'.:/ I'/i- 1 ■ !ies in 1 1 dei'rees .Vniith 1 at. and up in thi Country, .t'i'oiit iH Mile< ililtant, lii-s St. /.^f" (■ , a Town that allords nood Hoie of Ked-Wine and Shci'p, whiehthcy iKivpliwy kill only for the .Sewei ; with wliiil thov lade whole Vellils. Here they reeei>ed I etters fiiini the Cartain of the^/^■'^ Hiri, one of JVc /i^" 's Cotrpany, who was treaihrroiids /MI'.uilted, and Captivated bv tin 'ifuni.v.U whiiti hard fate, he inforin'd them, he had avoidel, liaii lie not Urn mifumdi'il by tlie wrong pLieinpof Sr. M.iriei Illaiid 111 the Map .ifnrefaid. At St. ;"y./,i;(' ilicv inieriepted tiitne letters, wliiili pa\e an Aiiount of the Wars bitween the Indi.iui and V/.,;- /,i,ii-.6 inO<" The former beiiij;, it leems, in Rebellion, (or rather llatulini; upon .1 jiilt Det'etiie, or adViiig a I iitt Revenue) liail Sackil the Town of li.iUlii.i, put- t'lii; \Mt nuinlHr^of the soo'i'-i./i to the Sword, and lariyitip off many iioopsof Captives. They burnt the Hoiifes and Cluirehis, .mil Itrii.k ort the Heads of the I'opilli Images, iryui);, /).ii" ■;. rl-cCnJi .f rlr Si/i'i.-vd'. 1 liev eum.n'd their Mouths with (".old, and bid them latislii the.i 'eliis with that, fir the fa';e of whiih their Votaries h.td in.tde ft) many I arbartjtis Malliure; ainongll llieiii. belides all this, they laid 1 1. fi- Siepe ro the Ciiv Im- perial, and almiilt Itarv'd the S/.iw !'■ Garrifuii there. 1 he Valiant \ihti.ttit thai, undertook this AcVion, Were .iboet sc rn ; ofwh.ch, 1000 were Horfe, lur, It.ot, aiul 7" Corllets ; all whiih Furniture was 'i.vijh I'luiider. They to mortally h.tte the Sfuviiiiuh, rh.it they ■'ip up the llr -alts of ail they MalKr, to have the pleaturc of learinp nut their Hearts with their Teeth; and it adds very much to the plealure of their l.iiiuor, to drink it out of a Cup made of a V^,i«i'.!r(/i Skull. They are fertile r.uilt part very Stout and Skilful Soldiers, and commit all iheir Military Artairstothe Management of one Supreme ,.'', ic Miles troiii which is Af>n.- .\f ,n ', i..'fr.)iu which tiw ll.ore rur.s to .;«/c>i : and all thiiTi.u't, up to .St. ."Lifn'it'ii HiK, M Very inilih luli|iC> to Vmth Windi, tlio'inthe adjoytiing .Va they are \cry variable tiriJ uncrifain. The loth, the Mr vArii all darken'il with un Arenal, which ii a Cloud of Ouft rau'd fo chiik, that a Man lan't fee a Stom* Calk Iroiii hiin j tkey «rr broupht off fnni lite a.l|.uenr Shorrs, *n.t are very ufual III thole i'ail'. The nth. they were within view of the fimou* City of /.II/ I i an I now they came to iinvlerltanJ the taltnil'tof the ■|rial'iite which the mal.cc of the 'iviiiiir.li lud Ribbd them (iff, at.. I which otherwlfc tliey had found in tlmfe Ships they fok at St, Jf^'. h,| by thePilni'iCotifeinoii, there were no Icfstlun ]lC'he(lii uf (iold ihrovvii over-board, eaih Cliell contaiiiinc 4 AioUs .ind yi'i Pots, and caili I'ot 10 i,r 11 Pouiiil weight 111 (iold. And noi only tins pub'uk, '"•' every y^^ pariiciilai Man* private Treal'ire, was a. prodij. illy j, ,«,,„„ Itunpawav, they tut laiitig which way i' went, whctlieri2*J. to the 1 uttoili of the Sea, or the liellic* of the Fillie«, fo the />.'./! iiipht le never the W-ticr for it. Thii Cold eame fromSr. .V/.ir/'i-i Klaiid, where i or 4 Rich V/.'w/i/.// inpr.lsd all to thetnfilvi ., knpirp 1 ■' c poor !■ li.tni loiitiniially llavini' in thi Mine. The :'/th they fpieJ twoS.rl, aiid dialed thm. I. .t to no purpofe, the Ship< I'utit for tliai .S.a ;wherc iney fall nn Itly ap.iinit the Wind from I'.i'i ■nil to I in' (' K'ln!', tcc) Iwift fur the lh''jiidtri ihev intiiidcd now to ti.ive (aiii d ihi III in I 'V,i(,/i in 1 dei'rees Ni iili I a'. I'lt ten;', frullratc.i 111 that attempt.^ •he lic'tir to avoid ihe d.iiip..r of llie Y"'/'" Mo of War, ilu y dreCtid thiir Courfe, M.i; ac. for the llland / .1.'.' w, ,iih1 fo to the I'l'/. ;. «, 1, Sefi. I',, they had liphr of the l.r.Ji ,nn, and the i«th came to f./iiii,- 7 , wlmli is ctie of them, an llland . If' Miles in extmr, and yielding HHi Coco's, Hotianos,o'in-o( mt SiiparCatiis, which the / •'. < i Irouplit in a greatnum-ij^'w* liorof Canoes up to iliiir Slips, Soiietimcj they lliou'd fee i( 1 of till fe Canoes with 4 or s Men a-piece, which wou'd lume all liol'owing together, ///..■, Ilic'<, that is. Iron, Iron; and wuli very eagernifs, run their Canoes upon the Shipi, and overturn tlieiii 'iocKls .and all. 'Ihey were a very lly, fubtle fort of People, extremely j^,^. jj,_ hciiicit with good looking to ; bi't otlierwfe, they wou'd i,,'\ uiii fell a Man a Basket of C'fico-ll.clls, with a little Kice ,-ll^<»A'''.■>■l^ tor a Basket of Rice, ant whip a Sword out of a'",",'^,""' HVJti I..- *fi-nihe /' Scabbard , and fo pfip into the water, and away to the ^ii.,-i iii,n'p bottom, whither a Man mult go after tlicin if he meant toij; '']'''■" have fatisfadion : And tlie Women were as gnoil at thcfc ' RoKUcries as the Men, they wou'd Iteal as impudently, and dive as well to hide it. 1 he 17th they fct fail for the Phlllppinet : On the loth they met with Ice, yet were then in three degrees I .'onh I at. The 1 6\h of 0!)iler they came to ( ) /? rr,')f.iH near which they found Whirlpools, as far as they cou'd 1*""1- iifcover, bottomlefs They put on now for hliiii'.'.i, which is 80 Miles from ("fipiil, wanting both wind to carry, and good Maps, and a Pilot to dirciit them. i\ ; . 7. ilicy took .-\ Junk of Chln^, Laden with Pro- vilion for Mii»li7). The Mailer of this Vellel gave thein this Tnrellipencc, That there were then at Mnnillit rvvo pientSlrp, 'hat e.ime every Year from Nriv-S",vi« thi- ther ; and a O.if./j Ship alio that was bought at A;.;.'i-eei», That the 1 ewii was Walled about ; and there were two ,^ c^hi'^Vt Forts to iccurc the Ships that ride there. That ihcre was VL-yip, .1 valV Trade fioiii C'Ji'w* thither, no lcf> th.an jco Ships coiiiiiig every Year from Cl-ina.co with Silk, and other laiiable thirgs, between lir^jlcr and Oacmber. And par- ticularly, that twj Ships were iliortly expetffcfl from Jn- I'r-ii. I.ndeti with lion, and other Metals, and Vnfli.als. "The isih they took two B..iks, laden with 'rkns and Hups, which wcr; the V/i/in./'.' Tribute, bur became Meat for the /)../[/, n li happeti'd, who fen: thetn a few Linen 'r '' 1.^ ! Is ' '. 'i t. ■ ' :,^'i |! , i 32 Japan 5'/>//>j. Borneo, &-c. Lib. I /»jpi*r.j'r. Linen BoUs in the room of it. They pali'd the Iflands •>''"*"••'"•' iJ««;^;;jg/f, and Mitidcri, right againft which is the lilt ^'^"''' l.ou-bm, at two Miles dittancc ; and bci\v«cn ihcm lioth is another Icfs Hland, by which ihore is a fjfc ['adage for Ships. t^/iilfljndi "the IQand l.uffn, is bippcr than I'.nglitinl and ^ciuhii.l, and lias a CUifter of fiiijllfv lllandi about it : It i' more beholding to Trade, tliatitothc Happinef> or" its uwn^oil for the Riches it enjoys. I unp at Anchor in i ', Dfgr. North I at. inexpcci-irionnf thcl'ef.i;'.i" Ships, Dccfmle the ift, they tfX'k one of them : She was of ^cTiin Bur- then, and had fpent i , putting into a great Pav, ihroc Miies in compafv, where there was good .An- eiiorine, as alio eood Fiihing in a NrighUiur River, and the FiJ.er-iren very ready to barter their Filh for Linen Cloth 1 he Admiral, by a MelTenger, crav'd leave of the King to Trade tlui'c : But he fufpccling them to be Sp •ni.trJi, wou'd enter into no Terms w ith them, till his Officer^ had fearth'd, a: i! fotind to the contrary. .So they Trs lid h.Tc f 'r Pepper, with the I'ltianefs, a fort of Peo- pk- of a t'i iii.-/i- Dripinal : The lirnienns, and they, were fond of the Chin.: l.ircn ; but that which came out of lloH/rnd, w.isa meer Drug. In the mean time the Borwc f.nj laid a Plot to f.irj rize their Ship ; and to effctil it, *.< D -.(lit. ?-''.«i7 I. * ihey came up to them with a hundrcdPraws; and pritending to bring Prefents from the King, wou'd have 1 o.arded them : But the Ihitch fmelling whatthofe Prefert were, dclir'd them to keep olf from their Vclfel, or thr> lhoa"d be obliged to make them do fo with their great Shot ; which Kefolution of theirs the Burneam fee- ing , without any more adoc . defiftcd from the .At- tempt. Thii /!.' 7:1' is the grcateft lllaml in the E'Jl-hidlei, the Capital City Ix-aring the fame Name, contains Three tfoufand Houus, uJt iUnds in a dirty plalhy Soil, fo that they may go in their Praws from one Houfc to ano- ther. The Inhabitants all go arm'd, from the Noble-man to the Fi(hcr-man ; and the very Women have fo much of the Soldier in their Comixilition, that if affronted, they'll prcfently revenge thcmlclves with Sword or Javelin, up- on him that gives it : This 1 Ou\l-m.in had like to have piov'd to his Coft, for having fome way difgultcd one of thefc ]i,'uicr.i, Virago's ; (he kt upon him with a Javelin, and had difjatch'd him •-J rights, if (he had iKK been prevented by niaiii foiv They are A//i/.'(OT«4H/ in the Matters of Religion, . i lb very fuperHiiious therein, (v)5«.'i.4i. of profitab'c Trade here, fet fail for B.v,tntr,. .? 7" .1. > the 4ih, in the Night, (owt Uonirms came to the .Shi[ . wiib a dcllgn to h.a\e uit tluir Cables, andfo to have broi pht the Ship a-ground ; but being difcovcr'd and I'lltcd with Shot, they marchd off, k'a\i„^ their I'lau behind them, whichthc Oufiitook iniUad of their own Boat loll at .\luii.",i. The fuxt Day thev met wu , ,1 Junk from J^p.tn bound tot >.Ui,ill.i ; which infonnd them of a great Ihir.. Ship *, forced by Tempclts into J^pm ; all the*M'-^ liad but one Author lelr, and the Cable of that almoll worn out ; and be- tides, h.id lu many Shoals a:'d lllandsalio.it :hem on every lide, t!i.u 'twas a veryealie maner tor a Ship, a Stran- ger there, to ha\e milcarrie.l. Some of thefc lllands*""' were Hint.i, and Cc; r.,M, which yield Diamonds that '''""■"'■ are fold at Mdu\:i. . " ^ Dn,!-,onJ,. The iSth they came to Jon.m, upon the Iflc of 7( the Old Pricft's Age are fuch as they are, 'tis probai..^ fome of his devout Bre- thren, and his Wives, do joyn together, to keep him from ftaning. Sailing hence, they fawagreat Pon,i^^„r~e Ship of 6co Tun, fet faft in the Shoals ; (he was going to .imbo.nj, upon a dcfign of cngrolfing all that Trade to herlclf, and fo was very juftly Itopp'd by the way. P-irK4y the 5th, they pafs'd the Streight Isctween B, and leaving Jav.t North Fall from ma c^,' them, on the nth they found thcmlclves in 13 Dcgr '""K'" South lat. and then diredted their Courfc to the Cape of Good If'pe. On ' e 1 8th, they had the Sun Vertical at Noon, be- ing then .-II Degr. lo Min. and here a Calm be'can thatlafted ii Da\s. ' Uir.h the nth, they came into 24 Dcgr. 45 Min. and the 14th into 18 Degr. i o Min. W/>.iVthc ift they made 30 Degr. ^o Min. And ihc 1 9th, (having been conlldcrably retarded tewccn crofs Winds and Cahns) they were forc'd to ttint themfdvcs in their Meafiires of Water. But the 14th at Night, thev faw a Light like Fire .v bout four Mdcs to the NortJi Well, Land now Ikmh^. near; whereas they reckon'd themlelves loo Miles froiii the Cape, and not being aware of their approach to any other. ' The 15th thry were in 34 Dcgr. n Min. And now the Cp..i,s gave ihem hUrty to mend their Sails. 'A: Night they law another Fire, and the next MornirK j Land, bearing North Eaftctly. The I (^hap. in Ir: M n.',' like ihi \ diivc the :< ami t biiili wiiii l.rh II / .;./ t!,"-. b.)rh' U f. iiopii ;.. \ :bl r r ..^ Ihtl Vojf .j^: lails 1 1 Men. Men. l-:.:ri:: 7-,;ri, iiliops ( ir.'r, . This ll.ift toi (lying, V iuhle ei Ca|>taii I'' '.'";;» ijiiukh toil 1-hu 111 nukh lo •■ Dcgr. N( Ci»,i.ikc< of (..:, i-m lu. Ct/.V^ ■, nor fowl, ;wliu!i are U.iliIuMliolvi.iken nor n^OraiiKC c.iv. a they meet vr.h heie. ■|lu-\ IrhtliiOlliiuiihL- jcrli, and .t.."'" tli« I ,; h p.il> d '.lu lii"'il^ .iihiiii.e. Ml. i6ih ilKV nierwtlilix .'K/fc- Sh.p- bound tm- ilie / ■«.■-(„.•■. ■.', ..■'iiiller,, :.■.!• Admiral. 'Ihcle had torvht ,i,;,.'t(ci'i v..'.;,//. Mips. r..MrilK- Salt lil.tiuls, and h.i. t lorh tlirir I'lutnce. and Viee-Aauuia! ; the hirmer .n 1-v the •.•■.,■(■■ .';, .ind the '..if.cr !;iine tioin them, b. t iiity liop'ii U« iir>-. 1. , , 1 „ , the Mh thcv c.im-J im» i7 l^Tr. Nonh 1 .u. aiui imr with llore of the Weed S ii.r-'lJ.i (li.Tinp in iW Waier. 'I'l:e 13th, they were in ii Di'j'r. it. Min. and ilicn li.td lifreeii Pav.'-ealm, .ir.d a \e'.'y \X'tvd\ .Sea. ■| lie ilil, they were i(ri\iri to a \ .ry ihnrt .MlnWMnre of Bie.id, .uid ih.ir W'onii-e.'.itii ten, ilieir Siock beiii!; aliiiolt rcem. ./■:;;;;■ the ill, thev made 4<' De.nr. Konh I :u. .ind Kit tile lllaiid i',i-:<, .md iniues.ibmi: l(.r:v nu ,\lile>: ui Wellward. The iSi!i, three SliipMit' r.ii.l'J..,i met tlieir, ii;d ex- cliinrd Bi\.id .md Helli, f'r R'ce and IV-pper widi them, aud witli.il il.ew'd Tin-Ill, tlint thev were no' I' 11 tr l'r\- i.n.d as their .Matter li.ld tcul ihc.i , v. ho had pviiinisd '.o make the / r ; ./ next l>a\. 'Ihe lorii ihej h.ul llidi- of tlu- S" 'i ■;;. '] he i^th, 'liey Amli.ii d at .Irj! ■■.I.u/:. T liiis havi. we llent'.i' Uti.'.l; rnder the C'l'du.;!: .'i the l-'i'i 'f!-^ riKfl-tnl'v !, !;.yui.-i;; their bv.Mr.p'L. Ill '.j;fO Sebcild de \\'ert'.f l^oyage into t/w Somh "ir.?, :}cc. iie l.ill \''A,u:e ol I /.i..-;,'s bleet, V. hieh I'.il-'d the Stieiiihis a liuV- beture |loi-e. At the bej'tnni be V'lnpei 10 add tiiiiielliini', moie p.uui.u- 01 tl.ey by at ' n Mi.iy be v'iii|'yi 10 ai(. uiiwe:i'.iiii; that V o\ai;e. •7;,« the ZT-U, * the h\e folli.uini; Sh • ,,')H^i-,.i ».. Ihe H'pc Adimi-.d, ot 1V Men. 1 he ' ; , .'n \ iee-.\dmiiMl, 1 1 it Men. '1 i'.e J ■• ■' , "( 16c I'un, and IC9 Men /;.■.-/'>>, of ICC 'len, and b« Men. The' -. 7-, Tun, and 5^ Men, all fiirnill.M with .ilions. 'ihe Aelmi:-.i! w.is .Sir ,1.;./' Co'.iVj V'te-.Viimir.il, ISnuuirJvi, R'.-; ;;;■.? were Cajnain^ of t'liei'ther three. ■Jhi'i biea ot (.race, alier many Diniciihics made ll.itt to reach the lllesof Cape I'.ru ; wh.icthe .•\dmir.d dyine.Viw'.'- .i- <''■'"" UKceeiled, in his room ; a pioportio- ii.ible chaiiKe being alio made .uuoii;:!!; the other mte-iour Captains, ' Bnr here the ui.derminin;.; " IS kt S.iil bom Inn, and 1 jc' Ten. .Tnd 1 1 -. 1 he , ol' neiellary I'ro- M.ir,,, S:'ll. if ilC r, ami Scl:,..! ue I'l- actives of the til. Ill uli.U li..\ p.'iKl-.d ill ■liUc 01 the X\.u V,.ir la'il IV' m .'ni.ii-iii:, lor the .\; ■;; .' .^■■.^ Stiv ijlu . .1)...' the loth, in 41 Peur. Soetii la:. tlie\- found iIk Sia appeal iiif m a S.Tni'iiuie Hue, b\ the \.ut ini.i:;- tiiicsof l.iile Red Wciim-, iioatii.;', abi.ur 11. iln Water, whith wheiu.iken up, leap'd liki- lii many l-lei^. .//';/ ihi. 6ih, the) emred ilie .'.treight.s ; aini'at Vo - gain Iilaiiil, they Uoi'd themfehcs with li !.l 14C0 of ihofe bowl. 1 he r-.ih they .Aiiclioivd in tlieGtcen Ba>, in ^4Depr. I at. wlieiv tlie\ had pc.c d Irelii Water, and !ar!;eMulele«. They (lay il here til! .ii;;../; the 241.1, ha\ii:,i; a molt nu- feiable Stormy W.nter, and the lohof ii-v of dieir Co;r.- pany. j\/.:.> the 7ih, thev went out .Southward, cxcr-.tiainfl: the (ireeii Kav, to take (iudgeons ; but their biiVang was diftiirii d by tile prolpeift id" lome monftrous Sav apes, that ppcard to lie ten or eleven boor hii'J'. 1 hele huge bel- '■l'.i!;s fid Cir- rt.in.ci ot* /jMi. 'j m So'jih ^' ./•!■;. an I', . •MHi-'r- and their own waiil >t I'rcnili.in'.. made them lows ha', ini; Ipied the iJrur, came upon them with hor- ouiekh'thinkof a remove, winch the) lelub'd lliou'd be' rible Outcne-, and Ufi.ui ti. peli Uiem with .Stones ; but tithe 111- /'''■' o:- ! leeiiiK tour or live ol their tompany drop w:th ti.e /)Hfc/' ' bin 111" llvrelbiv Kt Sail iVi'm hence, .ind lp\ ing land Shot, they vetired to the Land, .u\\ lea. ini; up lume laipe nnul'i fuoner than '.heir Reckoning W(-uld allow, in in Trees by the KiH.ts, thev rai^i a little l-uraticati'in, where Ucei .South lat. lliev deieiinin'd to go to Cape I of' tiny leiur d themkSeS ; the /■»(./' not being mer-fii-dof <,(i;^.i'ki-r driving a linall redhng Trade with the Peoplu atteii.piing to neat ilieMii out. Yet .ifurw.irdstliele Savages, fC'iii-' Is thev palt along. lin lome niealuie, revenged the Death e.l ilieir Compani- x'r'.'iheirih, ihev Ut .ill their lick Men .ill'.oar. ^ | oils upon thein, by killing three of the /),..■.,'., whomthey 'ilic'''^d a (■■ i".' S.-iihn- lanie alxurd them, and otl'er'd tooklceking for Food ; ilieir We.ipou', were Harts, whole 'odo tiicm'lbme uoo.l Ofiices with the Negro-King; to ' He.ids were mnele like Saws; lu th.it where-ever they whom Capt.iMi Ih ll'.'! was laii, in the 'Name ot the . pierced, they iiuillbe cut out. •\duiiral • 1 ie lound Mis Maielkv mounted u] on a lofiyj The (iieen Bay they lall'd Oi./,! s Bay, and another ihrone near a fooi-higli, with .i Koval Ca^jnt of I amb- tho //<../i-_Bay ; in which the Admiral, and Iiv more of The ski- iVivad under his l-ivt. The Robes he hid on, made | the chief Men, entred into a brateriiirv, binding them- J^" hini appear like fome footman ; n being a peileck I ivery , fehes bv Oath, to certain Articles, and lea\ iiig as a Me- ',:!:. o! Vtolet-Clotli, vMihagilded I, ice: He li.td a pnitv-. niorial ot it, their Namescan 'd in a fable f.itten'd on a st:i. toloiir'd Ch ih about his !Ie.-.d. and a .String ct (. ais-jhiph Pillar, to be fceii of all that pal^'d that way. This beads .ibout his Neck ; but iioShooes. .Siockiiis, nor Sl-,iit they tall'd, iiv h' .iiniiii) "f tic i,n:.kn l.iun ; but the Sa- on". 'Ihe (AMiitiers that ibHcl ,iboiit him, were drels'd jv ages did not Ibek to def.icc that Monument ; and be- up with Cock-be.ithers ; and the Room of .State, where', lides, to pull the de.id Dui^i -mcti outof their Graves, and all this r.ijuhtv I'lelence iliew'd theiiireb. es. was much in- diviiiembcr them at'ter a horrible manner, icno'iir lo'iome .\partmeiiis in a common Stable. I Scynmi.-. the ?d, thev l^afs'd out of the Streights, and 'Ihe Women brought m his l'ro\ ilion to him, which was j kept together till the 7th, when they were nntortunately Noble like .ill the rell ; a lew roaltca l':antaiies, and a . feparated ; Capt .v ; ; .' t was tbrc'd bv a Storm to Itay ; I'.ti'e Smoke 'drv'd Ink, IcrvM up m Wooder.-plauers, io-|and the h.u.-:' and I " ■ -"■- '■•♦'• '-'•••■' ■■-■-" gethe,- with a liitle Pahn-liMnor, made up the whole l-n-.the dillrels, which t rtaiPiiieni p'"^ the h)ls ol their Mailers, couC 'Ihe ;iir.'' C.ipMin was here fo h.ird pu: 10 it for a Dii.iier, thai he was lam to call f >r liime<. this own Ciniii- try-Prmilion<, un.ler pretence of If ewmg the Kin.i- their manner of 1 )iet. Me drank to the King in Vp ■• //;.' Wme, whoplrdgd Ir.m in the fame lo heartily, ih.u he was ta;n to be carried to lleep upon'l. 'I hey got but l.iile I'roMlion here, the Country not being abV- to lupplv them, only a Boar, and two Bufleb, they Killd in the Wind-, and a t^w [cwl. . "it. m j.oi, t-."^-- ■ '".'•,•",',' t ••"" ...n.^^^ ... s..s ...j;,. .< x). ■(«« /Xv. !»,/,.•/ the kih, ihev let Sail 1 -0111 hence ; and the iCihcameto ./>rc.v<. Tleie the .Scurvy .md bevcr mad'.' lon.eha-.oekof their Men, carrying a winch was one Spr' tluin, among g' od Skill m Ljll about thiiiv 1 I were alio left behind, in all empeils, 1 iuiiger, Sieknels, Leaks, bring upon them. .And 111 tills Ccnditioii, at the end ot this Month, thev eiured tlic Streights r.gain, where lor the fpace of two Moutlis.thev had net one fair Day to dry their Sails. Here they took a She-Sav. ye, with two Children halt a Year old. whiih liad .ill their 'I'eeth, and were .ible to go. And heie iwas th.u ihev met with Admiral .Noi'.r ; who yet was • ot in t ondrion to give ilicm any Relief. In ihori. .;tur a Wor'd of M.irdil.ip-i endured there, they let Sail, 7.00M. ■ the lid *, and arrived m the .\)j.-/, ■".■' the latli. In which Vovage the moll remarkable DiUoverv thev made, was of three lllands that lie with- out the Streights, homewards, in ^3 Depr. 4* Min. and ibout 60 Miles from the Land, which they (in honotll Sea-AH.iirs ; And heie ilie. rot no more of their Captain) call'd the i'li-.j/Jinf lllands. The F C H A P. '■■k 34 Spilbergen'i Voyage^ &c. Lib r f' |i' i \A. C HAP. VII. The Voyage of Cieorge SpilDcrgen, Mniral of a Dutch hlect of Six Ships, .;—-,. Ik- 1 < 'I't *. ihiii tins I 111' It- Mil tluiii Welcome iiirotliisSc.i, wliicli tluy TcirM won .1 l\-xd, .itiii .il!tr imiih lin\i' I'plii tla-m upon tlic Vf"/'»:;j *, that lie a little with--; tv till tii;f;li'. ot Af./.;.i.i, oiu llic Striii:lit>. ' .ikc, I 1 lu' ! lit of A/.rr tliiy liad light of CIp i, .ind /..( A/- ,V'„7' (>/(.-;..; .iii.i ihca-ji! ,'''.1 i whiih lll.uid IS iow ami bro.iil lo the North, aiul tlwr (irr uliM \\ a-, on the S ih ol // : pan to lail tiom ihe liiul Wearhei g.imM O.I"/'.-' the jil. thihf) lult ti;.;ht of th< fiioMTil .1 rrolpect of ihe IiI.hkK /i-...- aii.l I- y,'- I m-i^_ Koiky .it ilie .Southern parr-;. From '■/(•■ the 17th, they h.iil The ifth the\ bcraiiaTradcwiihthe IVnple.whofecni'd .1 lOTii'iuial Cilni. niu-rin:\M wi'.h lonii- .Slicjwers ; aiul | ver> fjla.i l-oth to lird tiien. l-'neniies id the 1p..tv'.:j!, IH'W their Drinkiii.n Waiei I'eiiaii to fail tluiii. 1 and to well provided with Wa 'ike Stor. s to luainiain a the 9t!i, tliey I'.ilVd the danl;erl)ll^ S.\iid> ot Quarrel a>.'aiiilt then 'Ihcv pave tliem .Sheep for If:.'. TV- F "'tt U twttn 'fi I- l-».-.'-.i;.| jrf ^fjii-irji. » iia'i. i i !\\:w!w, the 9t!i, tliey jlilOthl. ■J'he I (th ihey had liy.ht v\ (v- -, \\1k-ii_ the ('neat Si.>. difihari'dfomc I'leies to warn the relt ot the Meet, of the .Slio.iK, .111.1 d.ii'i-eruiis nla.es abMiit npon the Coalh. '1 he loth thei c.iine to the lll.iiul ^' "i.lr, ( .), where iliei ai.i hor d, :ind w-iiit ail.i.ar ; takint; l-elides pood iSore of Mill, foiiK y.i>: 'one of their .Shij's let ot) !e\eral (iens ; tnoiiirini; Into the oc- laiionol whieh. th-> t'ound Ikt engaged in awar.ii Di- Iniue with live H-irki 'if i'o'tH":,.'\e and huii.v:. whom the) airuilttd too; Init the Kiieinv Uemg rcliev'.l by a frciti Jjiipply that lame in, they wcr.- obliged to give over. .♦ I' :6i< * > i"'.« ' the irt, a C'onrpiraey of tenain difiomenced l'erUll.^ was found niir ; two of the ehief ot which thi- Adiiuial prelcnud with Ro-.-es for N'iu-Year\-(iif:s, and laid the nit to fate in Irons, and fo far aUiiidc r, .is tupre- \tnt their I'loiting for the future. Het'ore ihev «int fiom hcncr, they made a general A- greeintnt anioiigll them. That it any .Ship lolt hi^ Com- pany, tliey Ihon'd fet up an lnlrn"t:OM m toiue common Landing-phue, to tell how lour they ll.ou'd {\x\ for each other, atid after make to /. ; .X..-. •■ i, wiiuli ll.ould be the place of their general Rer..lez\ous. ^ ^. hroiii the lll.ii-d'.. .0.,: ' thei lail'd toSt. r,'»;.i'«r Illc{.'), ' ' where thev h.id fome l-.spenciue ot the i''u.fH';»i-^c .Sub- tlety and ill Intentionstou inis them. '1 lie Ifnh tiiey took a li.irk, and m it eighteen /V>.'j - ^uc\e ; whom they retiisd to fxihange tor a !efs number oi tut. , tho\l'^-\er.il valuable Things taken in the Prize, were ofllr'd in t?)'*ljc bargain. The Hark it felf they burin, as alfo feierariiuildings belonging to the /'s..';,- p,uc:^i: ; and hav ing*t:cejy^^ytliarg'd tmir of their I'l--.. ;JHf?i- Pr foni-rs, ihey proeceiiellu,n their Voyage from ll!e •St. V.iurif, in the beginning of /.■.>.' -. AU, .-/ the 7th, a terrible Storm rile upon themin.;; Degr. South 1 at. 6 .Miii. And the iitt, the more difmal Storm ot Mutiii and Rebellion, broke out in the Ships ; but all w.is I aim and i]uiet again, when fouie ot the fa- ctious Mutinieri were laid a I'oaking 111 the Salt Water. (..) .\i.tt.tijr 'I'lie ;Sth they eiitred the Streighis (',, but were i'o-, d Sircgii... jjjij again by Wind and Tide. -Y ;7the id, they re-entred, and same to an Am hor, liccauleof the SlioaK ; one of whiihthey (ounded, and found but five Cubits Water : Here they faw a (iiaiit climbiiig the 1 lills, to have a fiiil view of tliem, he be- im; a Native ot -.he llland ..c. '■'«;;■■. Ihevth'.hev ueiii all. oar, where they found no Men, iioranv other Ar.in-a's hurdb., b t two Oitriches ; only there was a goo,; tVelli River, and a Um of )\ealaM IMack- berries to entertain t'nom. l.)n the South-tide they found plealant Woods, full of Parrots ; I'Ut the high Mountains co\er'd with Snow ; and this was m -,4 Uegr. South I at. One place here the\ c.dl'd P-.-.vi-i' -..-r. the IVirk of a fort of Treo that grew '.lu-re.-ibmits, rellmbliiig Pepper in t.ilte. The I f th they tralliik'd vir.h the Sa. ages, giv ing them Sack an.'. Kni\ci t ir a tort of Pearl ihev li.id ; but it feetris, the Sivigcb did nor like e;iher ihem or their way of dcal'ng, lor they quuklv att ' lurpiiz'd a Company of thcmalhoar; ofwhichthejk dtwo. Thf Sth they pafs'd into the South Sea, nOt without fomc tcrr.ble .\pprchen lions, on the aceount both of the dangerous Shoils and Ifland-i.atid the \all depth all there- abouts, (hac made Anchoring uripoiriblr, .\ tierce Sturm the 19tli. A V t!iem to taki a Dinner allioar ; but the way tliithei-, tliev iham'd to fp\ Coral, Hatchets, am' .uch like 'liings, ard brought every tiling up to their Roat-, not I'lirf'enng them to come to their Houfis, out of a lealoi s fear of their Wives. '1 he excliange was 1 Sheep for a Hatchet ; anil thefe Creatures were very large, with long 1 egs and Necks, hair-moith'd, bunch-b,uk'd. and fo ituut as ;o ferve for carrying Bur- thens : Thev had Itore of Hens liue too, and other Ions of Fowl, I he 17th they let Sail, and the next Day came near the Shoar, h..'-d by the Ilk- St. A)., v, where they harbour'd / '_"'■"■•: liere that came aboard t'hem,itu ited Sfj^iih < they w-ere upon T's-o , ,1 Pane of Soldiers making that way, which they fiippos'd w-ere delign'd to attend them at Dinner ; upon -vhich they went aboard again, am! kept their S>.,/,;/;. > ,ei th-man I'nl'onc-r, (io- ing alhoar the next .Morning, with three l-.nlign>, the V(,.i. 'i.'.io;j upon then- approach, let their Church a I'irc, .-\nd inarchd ort'; upon which the Dutch fet tiie to their Hou- fes, to burn in Company with the Houfe of fiod : And in the little Skimiilli that pafs'd between them, two of the Oi/nV> were wounded, and fouriy^w/n.-j kill'd. They took tome Hens, and about 500 Sheep, with other Spoil, out ot which they plentifully ftipplied their Neceliities*. Undcrltanding here of three Sp.wijh Ships, furnidi'd with loco Men, th.at had lail'd from hence in .Ipril to find them out, they concluded to make them as little trouble as they could, by going in i]uelt of thiir Purfiiers. Accordingly ^ficr the ilt, they lit .Sail upon this Dc- lign, and pals d near ./Hru-,i, a Town in wln.ti xhc Spr-^if-t.^ '.i.i..!.' Iiail a Carnfonnf ^co Men, and which wascon- 7 I(le Q. /•-.'./(. •rn,i»", near,.,,,, •t cami- up to ( 'oiicc prion Town, r~,-> tiniiallv allaultcdbv iWCJ-ili'; '1 he -jd, they approach d tin the Continent ; aii.i behind inhabited by /'. •Vi/it and v.-.n,.-': ./. The i:th, t'ley entrcil the fate Road of I'.i'pn.if,^ where was a v.m,.;/.'- Ship, deferred of 1 cr .'Vlcn, and Irfi a tire by them. 'Hie iijih, at Noon, they came into ji Degr. 1^ Min. .South I at. and the fame Uav to the t.iii and I'ccure Har- o.. . ,., bour of (Jji.'rnii, . :?«.'> the Zi'., they came to .It!..- IJ}, wliuh hes m il,.j, ,, , Degr. 4cMin. South I .at. to which place tl-c Silver is' brought from ('r/,7;, and from thence carried to ; .w.nn.i , but tinding no S/mwiVo/; then-, they went on. ■|he iCth, they took a I'mall Ship iiulitterentlv rich, whole vahiable Commodities lieing taken out, they funk her. Shortly after they were alarm'd with the light of the Meet Rovalot t'eru, conlilting of about eight ,'>."il, which had loth lought, and was lo litariily 'linight for by 1 ■■'-.".'•. I liisMea_ w,.s ..ommatided by /diniral ; with 461 Mil: .lid 14 Br.a's (Jiins : A Ship that itood theKingin 1 : lo.io Dnkets. J he ^t. ./);", ViceAdmi ral, with V Men, one of the fairelt Ships in all the Ii.J.a Sill ,:omi i!i, King in 1 V-'o.j Dnck.-is, and had* ,' ' taken an I.K'^li/h ' Ship in the South Sea, l.nit a ,;ttle be- P,'',', ' . fore. The Cairic , With eight li'-^.ii Cum, and 2.-.» M. n, »'->'.:• (0 €n-rnjt Chap. \ betide 7.1 mr J the ; The S '1 he v. what I Tlu each n the Fi inipatii Ten a Ailmiri ar.lwer Ship h; l!ie w.i. Dutch '• felf by Compa fcr.t out wa.s fun ci.e oft ■I'hc ing to g Vice-Ai r; ully v the S/vi;, oil' into upon till tlieir o\v IhIoi-c I Ceiliitioi fentiv pii Me Subii to iear ti .iiul tied ; f.Ctlv IL- Howcvei tile Diitcl lier gnat herilKSu, The V fliireof S I'liircvl fo was efted that Nigh have piev died of h led in the by the Du vure onl) Fortv Mei fame Dav lalm'd bv •J he li mar the SI fo they pii to overtak heard at ( Spr,iit.lr.l! 1 Ball of -^t hav e funk and Foot IVrlbn : P their Ordii Haven, yet on the tiglity Vel 1 he 191 Degr. Noi They vv cut I he i'cop them, vcliK ■■''«'/' the Illc Li: and here th The Sth Day lanJci! \vhich «a> imi'redion Oidiiance, Mills, with found not!' 'IhiiCii It h.id two Biuidii.gs ir bound i'or go bv 1 am! aboiu's ;■.,-;: In tic '•'•iiig-, ar .v.l.TiijI i;i, *ni alur- -Jf-rJ, lank. The V.tc >V.liniidl tx.K Lib. f. 3 Chap. VII. Jn Account of the Spawih 'Dominiom in Americsi, 35 Fleet ■.ir'iivvoiul m little with-'r::tvi(;.. '" TVF;.'.t iiki- „ .r '■ " ' 'P N'onh, aiul iIkt fjtf ■. .whofccni'd .■ ir- ui otiier Ions .tnie near the ey harlioiir'ii thcni,iiniteiii;jiii* ■ were upon T'^-'' 'J y ot' .SoUtiers etU'li};rul to Tie Sp'"-:'' went alioarii .\,: r.iii! l,v nl'oncr. (io- .r.J on.-- \^ rJ»(jnh. ij^n*, tlie <}■'- h a I'ir.-, anil to their Hou- )t" (iod : And them, two of 1 killd. They th other Spoi , THe V.it- ir Ncceliitie>i. fiirnifli'd with .IfrU ti) find s little trouble rfvicrs. ipon this Oc- ilii' \\ the Spr--^'"-'- inch was ton- './/.•rw. »•', near ,.i„..,„«,. „ .yr/.'i/ Town, "■•'" Cut, tf J.- of I'.i'i'i'iCu .Men, .ind Itfi 5ef;r. i s Min. lit rceiirc Har- o'» ,,.. Inch lies in il a-. .(,,•, tl-e SiKer \y ^sm L'l'. to ; .m.im.i , 9| 11. ^ i;!ii\M'.'.v riih. (i) Cnjrnr. mi, rhey I'link ■e lii;;ic ot' the * lilt Is.-il. which loiiijht for by t A/:/,.i,-r', iheiv h:.«' I , /■*'(* ■K '!) /lulling Y 11 - " " ,vith two of his ery preat alUi- ^m )..7i/' Hens, a-. ly more : Nay, i er to return till 9 out (,'' 1 a'I.'.Ii- -^ iiposi' his Fleet, .„i.i, '.linual ; Ship that Itccid K", Vice Aiim' Ships in all the ickets, and li.id ^.,,'' ' . $ l.'iit a .utli be- )■,' ., inJi >■> i\l. n, *'■' ■ Uliiie I'efidcs Commanders, and their Retinues. Then the St y.tma, and the Hpfltry, with 150 Men, and 4 Brafs Pieces. The St. i'l-.iKi:, with 70 Musketeers, and lo Mariners. The St. ./'.//nv, with 80 Musketeers, and 15 Marinerj. I lie Sill Ship of the Fleet was fcnt after the relt, and v.li.it l-'iirniiiire Die had is uncertain. The lytli in the Kvcning the two Fleets coming near j'.ich other, the Ihitch Ailniiral lint to the Sp.vijh, to Ici the Fii'Ju be deferi'd till next Day ; but the SpMi.n.l iir.patiei.t till his Vow were fululleil, pa' e the Onlet at Ten a Clock the fame Nii;lit, thuriieriii(; upon the DmJi Ailii-.iral with liis (ireat Ordnance, who did not tail to ai.f.ver in the (aiiie fort himfelf being thei. in Fert'oii : But they kept out of the reach of danger from their Ordiianec, and c.alt Anchor at the Mouth of the Haven, waitm;', tho' in vain) to take fome of their Ships; yet on the :6tli they took a fmall Bark that had Salt, ami tiglity Vell'els of Ssrup aboard her. 1 he 19th they came to the Road of Gitnrme (r), in 10 Degr. North 1 at. a plealant place with a large Haven. They went ail.oar here, and found the Town clear'd of all ihe I'eople, who had yet left Ibme Provilioiis behind them, which they brought to their Ships. ■ Uij^iji the ^il, they pab'd between the Continent and the Ille l.tii. I , fo call'd from a fort of Fiili found there ; and here they difmiU'd fome of their S/M1////1 Prifoners. The Sith they call .Anchor at i-'7M(/), and the next Day lauiieii jc- .Men, to iiiake an Attempt upion the City, which was fo well defended, that they eou'd make no impreil'.on upon it. Hoviever, they batter'd it with their Oulnance, and forc'd all the People up into the Moun- tains, Willi their (ioods fo that wlim ihcy landed they found nothing bur bare Walb. '1 his Citi to the Sea-wards is extreaiuly well t'oniticd : It had two Clut.hes, a Mi naltery, and feveral good Biuidii.es ill it ; .iiid an excellent I laien, where .'dl Ships bound ti;r . •- m / 1 le to put in, ap.d then I'end their Car- go by 1 .and to 1 .:/,' r.n ,h .' iin.:, the Wind and Sea there- about's being generally ver rnquiet. In il'.e lile l.iuics, the took two Fowl, in Beak, '.'•ir.g-, and Falciis, rckiiibluig an Lagic, and Combs on ti.it Ki«:». their Heads like a Cocks ; they were two Ells high, ar;d three in hrcailtli, trom Wing to Wing, when Itrctch'd out. They took alio an * hulinn Ship, ofa llrangeForm, p^^'^"'''. which fuppliedthcm with good (lore of dchcarcdried Filh. ,„' ihJ°iJ,'„ v„l 1 hey had this followinc Account of the State of Peru, and the other Doitiinions belonging to the SpfniarJs, in that part of Aiiieiict, from Pcmo dc MAdri^a, of Limj, Tl'/it Peru, Cluli, .iriil Terra Firnia. vere whI.t tie Crrr- Rd«ion of mr.uiloi one anHtliejame Viu-K^) ; iW.icu Oj/iif 1; "'••"«i'''^I^,°fV"''» /i"- /;'.v M cipjt Tedis. 'Dl- I'icfiis of it ,1)0 4C000 Duckets per Annum ; ir/rA rcto * I'e^j'i foi tic exti.i rMn.i y I'.xfci.crt ,v £Kfcf^i>,-*l'iJ..'c fiipportcd Ly .1 Tcaily Stipend of 3000 /V^i'j .- And tieir IS a fifth Court of this !\'Jtiire too, cjl.iblifi'd in Chili. n e City of I .ima, {call'd alfo the City of Ki"gs) ts lowiir'd niitli tie ^cjidtiue of the nce-l{rj, and the At ch-hijhop -. le Hands in a plcaftut I'.ilLj, extended a Mile r.nd half in length, and three ijuarieis in brea.;. h, and s if i' iars Of their own Order ; and no lefs than 150 f{elipiius within the iioundi of every cunfiderahle Mcnafieiy. Here r.re two Colleges cf Jefuites ; the /iv- Sunncries of the Incarna- tion, Conception, Trinity, 5f. ]ofeph,rtrWSf. Clare : T/> Ihjjitals if St. .Andrew for thr l^aiiy, of St Peter tor the Clergy, of St. Ann/nr the Indians, of Charity for l1''omen only, of S. Spirito for Sailors, of St. Lazaro/br Incwables. Tl.vic are liifemi/e in the City two Colleges, the King'i Col- lege, ard that of St. Tor'wc: In the foi nier Twenty four are maintain d by the Kjng, and in tlx latter « viaiiy ly the Arch- bijhop. Tijere are reckfn'd l&o Doiiors of all Faculties here, 400 Majhrs of Art, and 1 000 infericiir Students. Here , i alfo the Kjng's Contrattation-Hnfe, with hit Ten- fun, -I! 1 .1 Court of Inijuifiticn ; befi.les the grand Office of thcL. iida, or Court of the l'c[c's Bulls, with Officers and Penfism proper ticnal to the foi met. The'' e ,ire reckon d in thn City, arid the Suburbs of it, above loooo Sh.ies : And it n defendtdby a (iarrifon of eight Companies cfpoot, and <:s many of Horle. JtJIands two Le.igues frcm the Sea, and the It '.ills of it ivewajlidiy a Hjver, that f^metimes Jwells jo bi great Hfiins, at to carry away the Stcnc-bridge, which hat Sine Arches, The Indians tl:ae lize here, arc free as well as the Spani- ards ; only they pay every fiji Months, two Pete's, a Her, n F.nigj of eight Rjals, and a piece of Cottcti, or H'ooHen Cloth. Tne ne.xt Port to Lima, is Callau, in which a'C aiout 800 Inhabitants. Potofi H famous fcr its Silver Mines ; .md there's a Food V ade thither fnm .\nCi, cf Bc.ijh, If'i.e.it, Me.1l, A.'/i'-^, //.V(C.-e.j, an Herb for chewing ■ And f,,r C.v iiges th y m.tke llie if a jort of Sleep that ate fo'ind jhncthii.g like C.imels. I'heic I! a Dcfccnt if 4C0 Steps d.wn int.t ilte Mine ; in which as d.itk, and deep a> it ;.', there are above loooo Indi- ans I 'i.tinuall) at work i ""d I "> more einpliy'd in gt itidihg .tiid cartying,and other things, rel.-.ting tc the Silver Trade.Tim place IS Jit cold, that ncthii.g wilhimw fr four Leagues ccm' C.i/r rL'Und about, but one certain Herb, whicu they oil Ycho, lisrepcrted tco, th.it in Vowft, (belid.-s . ' th.1t in Potofi, (t'cjid.-s the ctl.vr Inh.ibitants) there are 1500 G.vneficrs, that live pwely by their Hits, and are behcldiiin to a I'.t. k. if Cards for their Mainte- nance, Not far from thence 1: Chuquit'aca, adom'dwith I^ligiooi Ihufcs, likt Lima ; and hai .1 Bijhopri.k, vecrth jooou Ouc- kets per Anmuii. At Secctity Miles dijiance, lies the Sihrr Mite call'd Eru- co ; and about One iimdicl .;»;./ ciy/ifr Spanilh Le.-gus, is •/.■;i/.' .ie manyV l.tgei \- J • — ---- .- . .. — •^.^— • . . ■tie fair Hawn cf Arica, in thew.ty to wh iveli inhabited' F 1 Tneitt i ! 36 blew Ijlandsfecn, Indians of CapuJ. Lib. [. Tiere's nnothfr Stiver Mine, ni cold rt Potoli, that lies ' neni Pimi, caH'il Chocola Clioca, about nlicb lixt 5000 Sj'aniirils, The 19th, they Anchor'd before the IllanH l.ucm (I)iil<..m ihc principal of the MahHIci, .ind in wlii< h i< the City "''"''• AJ.(wi7'.i it lllf. Here wa% a (iiriciiis I aliruk .inihiially Chap. V Ciifco /mj ti h'flvp, Mciki. lid txtoCoSeges, m'lhfimt crcdcil upon the tops of Trees, tl1.1t look'il like ,1 Pahcc :i|; ,!..■ |:if'l A Cjtrc, t (1) Ptil.Jt.j. (Wf. Ktw Ifljr.j!. A Hangao- R«(k. ico Stiide^it!, .tii.l 6i 1 J SiMinili hih.il'it.tiin, Arej;i\ippa /mj <:/m(( jccu UilriiitiWti, and ii hmew .' viil' ■ c H^-tiJcme rf ii Hill'f inid it drupihri; ■JV> chief Cii) cf Chill is St. Jago, eii'iih'il nith a CcU Wiw. Baliii^ia u cc!:l/iic.l /i« the J/im; i-.n.t Coi.]iiiniU) /■• til flriiiyt't Kr.tjs. AuiKca . (JAi I ijull. Anil tliis is ihc .Sum of llic Inn liijicnce tlic Dtuch re- cci\'d from the .itorel.iiil Sfitm'lo rnlbntri I'lU 'tii lime now 10 follow ilii'in to Sia .ij'.iin. Hadiip rvfrcliril here till ^ir^ift li. iliey let fail; but wantui); a j;oih1 c.-ilc ( t W'iiui, ami lia\inj; a itii.tii; Cur- ' rent ae.iinlk iliem, they loi'il make no picat riiiii.ini.e. 'Ihcijil, ihey AiuhorM before Hin m iiiwb.i ? , I'.'.t mt ln;ing .ilile to enter ihcte for tlicTiile, thty ilire^tcU their Courfe b.iik to ihe IlLinil C ,'«-j, in s iief.'ia-- Smuh I.at. l>\ t bi.;n);cniii ni;ally peiU'cntcil with bail \Vc.u!;cr, which lianl'y c er imeriiVi'teil, 10 Sif. h. thty loUtl-..u lllaml, aiulwiili it the refivll.ment ihev ey|ei;fed ilure. S.'p:. 10. thu h.iii (ij'.ht ot I .niJ in iVa-S';.;/!., arid f) di};rccs 30 nnmiHs Nordi L.it. with \ery tempcltiion'. W.athu-. <)-o.\ I. tluy f.iw a Country thai yield d a\ery plea- fani Pi'dljHvil, but ilie \ iolint workiiif; cf the Sia liindei 'd the:r 1 aiulini; ihcrc ; lo they kept lieating otf auil oiitiil the iith, when they taiiii' into the Haven ('j of././u..- foijti; within llmt ol the Call'e. Mere a bUi", of Truee pcinp hung oiit, they dealt with ihc Sfruinuii, exihaii- };inp Piifonefi for Pro-, ifions : They were vilited too by Don lliri.ail., the Vice-Roy of Suv-Spnih: Nephew, who mull nee.U come aboird them, to fee ,1 1 lei.t that had triuniph'd over the deiin'd linincil>le Fleet of Peru, The Caftle here Nvas well defended with 7oBrafsGuns having had Intelligence ot their cominp S Months Inforc. 'Ihe i8ih they fet fail again, but bemg Ucalm'd, they did nothing of momem, extci< ihc taking a Bark, lx)und for Pcarl-iilhing, which they Mann'd, and took into the .^ttl^llants of their own Fleet. iVi/tci/ii'. I. they Anchcr'd before Port(i) SeUgiiet, in 19 dk'grees Nordi 1 at. \ Icre tluy Iv.ard of a Ki\er that yielded \arietv of good l-iili, and Meadows well Stoek'd with Caitel, ti gether \\ith Citron', and other Fruits; all wlmh con\tnu'ncc>. ihev wanted ; but the C'l nipanv they fent, fearing afur[iizc by the Sp.-.ni.n.i., return d as they went. After a fmart Er.cornier with the Sf mixidson the 1 i th, they let fail for i', / S.r.iiiy, where they furnilhd them- feb cs with Neceifancs ; and from w hence they departed the icth. The i6tii, they h.id 10 degrees 16 minutes Korth I at. and now they concluded upon the nearelt Courfe to th.e IflandM l.t.iumei. Ue^etiib. 5. to their no littl* wonder, they law two Iflaniis at a great diltanie 111 ihe .Sia, ar.d the next day a mighty Rock, 111 19 Degrees and ^c Leagues from the Continent. The fth, they f.-.w a new Illand, with live Mills, thnt appcaiM like fo n-.-ny diltincMllainb. The new Year came on With UilU.n|>crs, thai prov'd fatal to nuny of their Compaiiv. ' they h"ll'ght of die Li! rues, and the iievi ... ,k-...M 111 nil. tiiiiuic'jiaiu 1(1 inf I. it \ or Mr,),l, the ad|owiing nl.ues. Ihev h.id now Intcllipene licet of 12 .Ships, .ind 4' (lilHcs, Mann'd wiih .u a dirtance ; but what airy Creatures were the Inh.v bitants there they coii'd nor examine. The iSth, thev pals'd by the high and flaming Hill n,,,-,,. I l.e nth, thev law the other end of the Vm,'^//, but the Calm won d noi allow them to pafsit. The tSth, thev Anchor'. I Ufore the IH.ind Mi:.ihe!!es, remarkal.le for its twoKoiks, that lift iheit 'ops to fo valt .1 heiehrh 111 the Air : IVIiind tliell- the Ctv of Ma- ' .... lies ; and Iroiii hence thev watch the coming of bliips In m I'/i'/;..-, to Piloi them fafe totlk'Cits becatifc of the great .ianger of the palfage, A-J".' v tiiey took fcveral Rirks that were difp.itch'd to gather 111 the Tribute paid 10 ihe C•t^ of Me.i.il:, by e of a -.h ZOOD Vi'i'ii),/-, Ih lilies /,,,//.„.<, Chiti.J.- and Jz-pfi::;/'.- ; all whuhweiv lent to the AMm,/., to eirue out the/JnK-', and teiUice iliofe li'aiuls to the l')beilience of the King i f S>(i»/. I'pon this Kew> the> d.l.hai.;'d .ill ilKir't'ii- loners, and reloK il 10 go after them. The nth, ihiy i;nt m amoii|jlt Ii. m.inv Iihnds, that ihey hardly knew In n\ to ileliui ilieinUbes ag.iin, Inii their S'/jm/" I'llot broiiglit iluiii out fafe ihe next day. ■|iie i4ih, they till at Anchor all N.elit, Ixforethe, Idand ;■.■,; > , ,« , bv nafi.ii of the Mioals." laii''''' The iSth, thev lail'dilole bv Mw./.in.n (•• '. but in ihc(Vj.>w<„ l-.veniiig put oH' funher into the Sea, Itcaufe of dan- ger'tis .Shelves therealyiiiis. Ihe i9ih, they i.ime clofe bv the fliorc again, and lioiii.hr Proiilions of ilie lllaiideis ar wry cher.p'r.ncs. 1 he it.tli they re.icli'd t.Voi- deCHde.'r, the .S"r ii./m's \Vater.ng-p'.ice, in their w.i'v to the A /o'/, ■,.(-. ' Till the 23d, they faii'd no farther than |ulV as tlieli.le forc'd them along, haiiiig a perfcift Calm ; but between Min. .^:>i.:r> and 'iff^/H. , a ci.iin.iry TkIc met and Itaid them. 1 he People here preifefs'd a great enmity to the ^juninrj!, and otier'd the DiUih the Aliiltance of' ',0 of their Ships in that Quarrel. Ihe 27ih they pafs'd the Ilbnd .^^"";ii'»/ (,), and thc,,,„ 19th came to Tenii'te (/), in which the l)„t,l' poflefs'd ihellJ^l,. lown M.ui.i, where thefe wandring Country-men ofi/)r«..r. theirs were made xery welcome by them. Ilie .Streight of Bouicn thev obler\'.l t" be full (f Mioals, without which ihe \'.atei is deep : On the Itaft there's good frclh Water, and two J e.ignes to the AVell lies a veryroekv Shoal. ylp-i/%. Ccnic'.'iii Je /Vcwv'wont for li^iidi, and the -So! J.icrs landed ilietT, afiera verv long and tedious Lifca Shipboard. Al.iv 2. they fent ftShips to A/(,-;.:«',: , to prevent the'«' •*•'"■ Enemies getting any Clivcs) and Anchrr'd there before AJ.riAur. (•>.•/. Here the l:>ii!^i;fi inlnrii-'d them of 'he lucccls of their Coiiniiy-men, in taking e'": -hms, a fain 'd place for Nutmegs ; and ihe /«./.>», j oxprclVd tl eir joyful icnfe ol It too, b\ entrlng into a new i eapue with thrm upon it. 'iep:. 15. they came to T.tr.ifcf ,> \ and n pair'd their ,-, Ships; and here they were delivei'd f'.."ailie fear of the sp^%,il) Hce't, lent kf.Te to tliC .\-c'at.. , the Admiral of it being ileail, aiul the Meet it felt ll.ainfe!!) retired back to the M.iui.'/it. luiiiig done I'.it'.aiii' afier 4 Years Preparanon. Here alio tlu-v met 4 Ijree Miip-, from II:'- laii.i, with goiKl lloie i.f •^p-.nifn Rials, and anmherfrom 7.i/'(i», with the faino, and good ,. quatitiiy of Siber. Brals, Iron, and other Comni'iiities, which were all ta- ken Irom a l'fi;«Q(,r^c. Ship bound for .\;n;..'. Oii^t: zr. the Ciinccd, a Ship of llnv, that caire from /W/.iW, Juoe,/!.!). i^ji^. catne to 5.1..1;//;, and \di:ii;al anneNcd it The r •„yr,l. ^ni the ■; 1" .1 '61: ' day they landed ihere : Ihey let lad for the Mimll-i (y MnilUi (k) the l6ih.wlieie thev ha] pily Anchor 'il i-eb. 9. Here the Iiidiuis rehiled to Trade VMih ihein, liecaufe thev laid the Diiich Were hneiniesto the .S/i ,«,.i/./j ; furwhich very | lieing not of the /)i,/i/»m Companv, the reafon, foint others wou'd freel> ha\e pioUituted all the i b^hui Fleet. Trade and Riches of a Country to them. ! i\ i. ic. came tlie N'.i/Tj;/ to }i->it,>„. from \hJ. 1 ■::. Bi.c ill Ci/itt/ to which thev lanie on the nth, the ' the Red Sea, well furnilh'd with >,i.i'.y^Ri.ils, and Tdr/;-/' Pc< pie v<.ei'e cf .1 Isctt.r te_i J c , giving them braee Hogs ' Ducats. and Hcn-c for very -iiks ; Tins prouufole 'l lailc they j Ue,'in!\ii. tlic//>'i//ci-./:»/andtlKM.'(W,i7/i»W came tin- left the 19th, pa. ill. g from thci.cc through thci/.e^wj, chcv from the .sr»fi'i;/..i of M.!,:u::i. with whie'h Ships th, towards the i.iwiii., Pt.rt or Ba\. j Adiiural Spillierf pripar'd to return, '\ieordinglv, ;/.i«. Thcle t>!di.7ns ot C;,i.".. wear long Coats b kc Shirts, I • 17- t'.icv readiei thellland AJ,((..;ji'w, ojid bv ,W,iA-/; jo. and are noted for the extr;c,riiiiiar\ RifpeCls ihey pay to came* up with Si. //no,,-. Cleigy-men ; befote whom they II proHrate themfclvcs Sailing from hence, .'(/'/./t. they i aine home to .?.-.i- take il lur a m fhiy idonoir to be iw^/ihe j"!/ 1 fullnwing. hai mg pretiy \eell tCcondeiTt; on the gvounil, ai.d auniiLU'd to kils their Hands. Englijh, both in theii PiolpeiMu's Voeages, and Nobh Triumphs, over theiMKi.i/a, iiithcWeiterii World. Ch A p. w.'i/; Site, ihink of -Soutii-Se Sirei'i^hli, pany. S .South of l.e Mtiirc nelilim V.i lefohcd there wii The hi Preparati Ships, til /•>i SJ.'CUI Mtiie pri (jiins, \s and bcfidi with goo felf, and The 01 I'n.t.elilm fte had ; needful I'l All thill came to il the Hrne The u pals'd bcL ing ill th frclh Wat July 13 ihe great fwifi Ciir .A tout I . , them (Hi;; Tt..p.cl<, I lie jc 't.l Of< I lr.<. fillo ut (■ by S. Iron furt'er thci chorallth Ihc 2' with whr for a fupp and the 2 1 of .VA'u.i which lie LroH.i, an This I lies bctwe the Point have I aiii S'-ijUo^s o it Iving I Haft ; lo t Water at . t Fathom 'I'lie 22( ""Vr.i's ,./% 'Till the ic T iile tbrc'J I'Ciu'ffii M/n- ul ll.iid them, the ^p.iviniJ.', of their Ships ./(,), and the (,),„,„., '■ poflefs a the ijw»ii. i\intry-men ofi;)r, ;i fam'd I tl eir joyful :;iu- with them .pairM their ,-,, ■j,r,:u J fear of the the Admiral •ifr.ll)' retired itier 4. Yearb hip> from If.'l- .mother tioin iiy of Sibcr, li were all ta- tliat caire I 'j 1..U1U, and al annexed it roin \h,t. I II. Is, and furk'P I ciunc till- vhuli .Ships thv oidiiH'Jy, 'J,>»' • 1 - .1 l)v iW/iii-/; JO. home to ^f.:- ICLOnded t! >, and Nobh n World. Chap. Chap. Vllf. The Sixth Circum-Navigation, ^^ W r l l i a m Co r- NEi-isON ScHOUTF. N of Home. r l-l !• Siaies-Cieneral of the Vitite.l I'mnme!, luviiij;, ill f.iviivir of their l-.ojl-lnil.,t Compa- ny, prohibited all others to pals by the C'.i/f c/ fi'' ,/ /ff/'.- I'.alhvard, or through th'.' M.ijjc///:- «;V/; SiteiiStis Wellward, there were tome that began to ihink of aiicther Pad'ai'e, by the means of whiih the .Sfjuiii-Sea mii'ht be vilitod, as well as by the hUt^tHi-.nick Siieij^his, wlueh were now Ihiit up from all but ihc Com- pany. .Such a palfai'e was fifpcCle'' to lie fomewhcrc .South of tlie V.'ir.>''.'j : The Notion was (t-arted by //.i.d I.e M:vrc, a Merch.int of Amjli-rd.im, ami mili.ii/iCo'. nclifoti S.hcutcn of Hnn', amongft theiiifehes; and they iifolvcd to be at the Coil of a Voyage, to prove whether there were anv truth in it or no. The hopes i f this liappv Difcovcry fo qiiickcnM their Preparations, that in a ihort tunc they Kigg'd out two Ships the t'i;.>> oi ■j6oTun, of which U ;/"■' im CV«c//- /■» 'i.hfiiteii w.is Mailer and chief I'ilor, and y.ici Ic i\;.(/; was Mallrr, and .-iVh ( 7.nv/. »; I'.lCior; Ihc had z<\ Men, S great Ciiins, with Slings, and other needful I'urniture. Here they law Tortoilis, Crocodiles, Monkeys, wild.. t„^^,» Oxen, and a I'ort uf Hirds which made a iioife, Harku'.gif-,,,. i;„„, like Dogs. Ihev met with i.n I-'ri'u but l.iinoiis, Ibine'Wi'i I-»« few 'Irtes ol' which they found after a tedious I'eaieh ; Ibthat It leenis as if Nature h.id intended this place for the only iife of loinc .Societies o! Hrute Ani:unls, which Ihoii'd here enjov tlie.r iiati\e Freedom, and li\e I'ur t^t theicavh of ihe Tvrar.nv ot Mankind, for lure they l:/s H'^iiJ. This I and of Sicm: l.r ;m, is the higheft i.f all that lies between C.i^e Kirn/ and the Coalt of (•..inn; 10 that the Point is very calie to Ix; known. Here tliev woml have 1 aiiJed, running up to the Poiir over the h.iix jor Sr,!.'.'oi((fH, in tlie /f"'«e, led the wav o(f I lie .Shallows, lleering N.N. !:. w;th aN.W. W;nd; by which Courfe, ihey were entirely difergag'd t'roin the Ilr.ixr.', and got out into 18 Fathom water. I-roiii hence they went to the Klands of .\/.;,/ r.'omb.t, which are very liigli, ami lie all three on a row, S. W. and N. l-i. half a Leag.ue Iroiii Sicr Lenn.i to the .Seaward. Here they had ll-.allovv water at 4 and n Fathom, atid f-ift muddy ?rnuiid : They .Anchor'd a League from the 1 and, whisii appear'd to be verv full of Bogs and Marlhes, and lay all overwaftc like a Wilderncfs, Ic.irce ht to enteitaip any fore, had pcrlidioully carried olf two of them. So An^ {'l.iirji!,,, tile Meriliant, went athorc, and Itaid th;rc .imonglt them, driving a linail Trade w'th them for Li- mous and Bananas, which they cichang'd forGlafs Beads ; and in the mean time they came alxjard, bringing an In- terpreter with them,who fpoke allforts of Languages. Here they had a gotxl opportunity to furnilh iheinfelvcs with frelii Water, which pouring down in great quantities from every high Hill, they had noililng to do but to place their Barrels under the fall of the Water to receive it. There were.Tlfo vaft Woods of I imon-TreiS hire, which made vvoaji of that Commodity to cheap to them, that for a few Beads'-'™"^ '''"'^ and Knives they might have had icooo or more. Scrr. I. they drove away before the ftream, and An- chord that F.veiiin;' at tlie iiiouih of the .Sea, before a fniall Biver. Hce they took an .Antelope in the Woods, with I imonsand Palmitos ; and h.ad good lULCefs in their Fulling. 1 be 5d, the M.iftcr brought in a great Shoal of Filh th.itwere of the Ihape of a Shooe-makers Knife, and as many Limons ns came to 1 10 for every Man's (hare. ■Ihe4'li, they let Sail from S;.r;.i Lcoiu early in the Morning. Ocl I'. 5. they made 4 degree's 17 minutes South Lat. and the lame day, at IS'oon, they were ttrangcly fur- priz'd with a very violent ilrokc given to one of their Shirs in the lower par: of it. No .Adverfary appear'd, no Rock was in the way o be ei.counier'd with ; but while this ail, uled tliem, the Sea all abcutthem began to change its colour, and looku .is if fome great Fountain of Blood had been cpen'd into it ; this icdden a!ter.ition of 'he Water IxMng no Ids l'urpri2ing to them than the t .11- ping of the Ship. Bet the caul.-, both of the one and the oilier, they w.tc ei;-.iallv ignorant of, till ihcy canic to Pr>: r- ',),■/;, c, and tiieie fet the .Ship u)X);i the -Strand to make hit clean : For then they found a large Horn, both in form and macuitude refembl'.iig .nn tlephants Tooth, ^'''ft'l^, dickirg f.itt in the lottoni "f the Ship ; a very frm ami ' " ' liilid Body it W.IS, and I'eem'd to lce»iJally lo all over, there l>eipg nothing of a laige Cavity, or a light .and fp' npv .A'aiier, in the iridifcf it, bet all over asdonfe and eoinpaef a Subllar.ce .-iS t', it in the extcrier Parts. Ii had pierced through three very ftout Planks of the Ship, and, uideed, not and raced one nf the Bib' of her, half a !'"oot d«ep in the :'!an-; th.1t it (tuck at !ea(t and there was r.U-(Ut as other Inhabitants. than wild Bcalf leeniiiig to have aiiv other. (i(Mi-.g alhore ilie 2 jd, they found a River thciT, the nvich that appe.iVd without the great hole, up to the Mouihof which was (0 ibipji'd up with Sands, andCiiifs,. place wlkre "iwas broken o'f. And now the Riddle was ami Rocr.s, that no Ship 1 .u d get into it, yet within the complciily Solved, jjiis Hir.i b 1; ? the fpoil of (biiic Sea-Monder. ihat had thub riid'.v .-iiraulted the Ship with that pieiciiig vveapun, a'l.l ■,t;rt the th'.uft not be- ing v».iter was lufticiently d-.-.p, and the bre.idih fi'ch too as. 10 give a Ship free fcopeto turn and wind her (elf alxju as (he r.:oud. hav- oecaliv i< ''• -ii I'., 'I' 1 I 38 Ncrp Streights *Di/c(/verei, &C. LibJ " Jchap. VII Crk:.-Bjy t.ki- !- I .r J »rt in mr Ch.rj.J, (1 rifk III I . ' I', tt inn al>!c to draw it nut npaiii, had iliirf broken it oH'; whiili \va< attcriltd with f\iih a plentiful cffufion of Bliioii, as liad (lifiolniir M the Sea to that degree. Hating now Sail'd fo f.ir, that none in the Ships Imt the Mailers knew where they were, or whither the) in- tended, upon the xsth they difcoverd their Dcfipns tn th rcrt of the Company, of going to find out ancwSoii'.hcrn Panrnj;e imo the gr.-at /v,i/i i;^Se,). 1 lu-; they had kept >er) elofe to theiiUeUes liefoif, Int now thoiiglu it liiii to reveal tlie Plot, there hc\u^ no danger of defeating n ; aid tlie Company appcar'd to be »ery well pUas'd with 11. hopirc to lipht on lime (loKlcn Cotnitry or other to iii.ike thiiii amends for all their travel and d.ingcr. The z'iih, they made fi ileprees z^ niimitjs Somli I nr Sailing tl'.e relt of that Month molkly Soutliward, till the\ had n.ide ic degrees jo niinmes. iV ;•. I. they had the Sun North of them at Not n. The ^d, r. M. they had fight of SUniv /'m's Illam »alld fo., u f ', tinder :» (lefrers ; ,ind Iieie they ub- krv'd iheCo'rpaNio vat) to tlio N. h. 1 1 deereis. 1 1'.c lilt, 'hev i.ime under j3 ile^'recs 15 iiiiiutcs, and had a d.eip water, whofe lioitiiin li'ev .diiM not rL.ich \Mt!i ilicir I i.Aii ; Here the vari.i' 1 n 01 t.e Comp.'N was 17 ilepre-.s to tiie N. E. Ocr. 6. thrv had a prefpci.1 of I ami not verv iiigli, but Hat atul «hire, and ipnekK after fril in with the Konh-lide of ]'>i .l).;,tc r , and thatniciit .Anehor'd one li..t!;i;e .iiui h.ilf from tlit ll.ore, in i ; I'athoin w.iti r, with an tl b th.it r.ii, Southward, as llroii;;'y .li the Sea runs between /-'.I'/'-'.'.s I Iend<. The 7th, keeping a South Coiirfe, atNoontliey came before the linen of I'ot-'yrfirr, whieh lies under .\-] de- grees 40 minutes : At the entiv 'fit they h.id verv h'gh Watir, neither iiid anyofthofe 'Jlills appiar wluJi r.7>; Kri'it had liefiiibed, and which mull W ieh Northward in '.ai'ing uro that Haven. It thtie were .itn, ilicyv.ere ail under water ; but the Clitfs lay open and vilible enoucli towards the South Point, which therefore, per- haps, might Ix.- them which Koprt nuended. I'pon thi' iVore they went on Southward, but lading fo far South- ward as to mifs the right Ch.inncl, they came into a crook- ed Ray, wher.', at High-water, they hail but 4 Fathom and half, and at Low but '.\ bom ; by which means, the Zn:t) lay with her Stern fall a ground, and there wantcil only a brisk Eall gale :o mine her, but the Wind blowing Weft frr 1; the 1 and the recover d again. Here they found r;ood Itoic of Fggs amongft theClitfs, and the Bay afford- ed them iMulcles, and Smelts of 16 inches length ; upon « hich fcore, thev call'd it Swe!t-I) »v. Their -Shallop went to ihc /Vi.f.-i'if Illand, and CJinc back with 1 50 Pr);^Hc it, the funk down upon th.at (ide at leaft 3 Foot lower than the Keel .; upon which light they gavC her o". cr lor lolt. But yet t fucceeding Flood, which caire on with Hill Weather, lei he,- upright again, and 1 oth (lie :tnC\ her Coirp.inion got clear < f the danger. The 9th, they wei:; farther into the River, and came to K'>g:-li'">'i'7,], which they funnel fu'l cf black .Sea- Wews, and aVr.oil all coverV ever with their F.gg' : h M-in, w-;-.hoiit Itrainii-.g to reach, might ha\e taken be- twcin ^o a!:d to Nelts W'ith his hand; c.ich ef which Ih'.nd have •( 1 r .vF.C'JS npn.e. fo that they were quickly fufithd with l-.ine ihouland -Soutluvard, meeting with mighty waves that came roul-""''''''""" ing along before the Wind ; and the depth of the Warer, v'l'i,'" '.' to the 1 oofward fn.in them, (which arpeard by Ibinc ""' '-° -• \crye\idenr Signsj jMve them a feii.iliuranre. that the °'''*;p" great Snuth-.Sca was now betorc them, mto which they ^ri.r'i,'^;! had alniolt made their way, by a paffage of their owii r:™< '^■■■ peculiar Uileov cry. Ihe Sea-Mews hereabouts w e e 'ar- "'=*■'';=:• ' ger than Swsns, .nnd their wings, when ex-tended to their ."em .1.'- lull length, tpread alrne the compalsof a Fathom : Lhey •^"■•'y " . wou'd ccme. and very tamely (it down upon the Ship 'VV ' .md luffer thenifel cs to be m.ade Piil, 1,1,, wirhout any c'Jr'c .'. en,lea\ours to Hy awav. ' ih. n-. The ifth they made S7 degrees, and were Enter- '^"'*''- tain'd here with a Flying Storm out of the W. i^ S- W. the A\'ater were ail'o verv high and blue: 'Lhey Hill l.cli all ihs I )ay their Courfe t.' the .Southward, but changing t a- .Night toi a N.W. one ; in which Qjiartcr they dif- eo- ev'd very h gh Land. 'Ihci7th, they were under ji-i degrees si minutes, tb.c W'.athir scrv cok'- with HaiiandKan, the' Wind W. and W. by S. 1 hey went a Southern Courfe, and then cioli'd Northwaid with their Mam-Saiis. Th< 'mil) tit" The iS f rear Billo North-Eal and then V degfces 48 Ihe 19 Courfe S. hcfet roiim thev got 1! „ them, and ■■'■'*"«■"■' gave their their 1 alii' Coiirfo fin Iving N. W hilly 1 and, the a; a-.-//, the (lil'dC rutes. Ti Courle the; V et h,id the tumbling o 'Lhe jct fore ; and that the vs made the 1 riic (III and made « and W. S. \ 1 and, and Weft ; whi made them t'ci. I, a with their I 1 he id, Soiithwarcl, tion being t ■1 he id. Welt Wind and the nex fro, with \ I grccs of N. The 5th, and a hollo forc'd todri _, . , The 1 2t Ihry fit the c, ■, , S'SiTtik-if lecure ot i Thanks to ) three times found I'aliii Airi/v's Snc ha\e been Conduct til ble, that .1 Snei'^hn, ai a fettled Co and llrong 1 their .Sail 111' this DilccM of it, togei hclpM to ca and the mai The I7tl fair weathci The iStl M.vi.ic, to I frclhinent ; nutes. Ill I to fall upoi lail'd N.E. M,Io/. I. them to the der J? degr high, the 111 and rocky of Hil's, Vc liland it fell Ctjalt abou think It wo; they 1 ranlt lies on the I Courfe not fide of it ; ecnvcnicnei to Anchor, the Depth, Fathom, fai lliU to J Fa loo of a vc itfrcnid w S ifirtj; ' ito(!cthi'r ; i I'owl, iliov -V an iinli.ifi ■.TiOi i>y y -.t of llu'Wir..! : ts uinlci lici. nc I'atfap.i. 01 r.t -ofrcl, ' lul'! ! .'.c Uli J feci ire her I. Ii was ihfti 5 liaii left to : pronnd tlint ind this, for li\it I'avinr a , . „ I tlic ril ng 01 ;c. rhc ^e''iilJiitr- I'oliiion ani!(/) Sth^-.' (iiTcrnilii'il. 'I'"' iH'in.R tlicn in nt that inns .ip;cs boiith- ' Wind, and .n within thr and the fame d v ..nK.S. F. til- Wind that opfaik -lioaid abom S. with \erv otlirr 1 ard, . the fornier. All I'MfpciiK, L- tnipht l>c a prcit) ln■i^k hem. About and then bc- npening, but y faw ati in- Gr"i i>jr. . li^o tioop. of ^.i|\°|'^ with a I'.reaD cirShip upon Faft I and, as far as the nJ, and thatium Ij'.i icc-I md to.'"' /(j-'ki- pood Re ads IM.S a:. I l\il- and adjai.1' t had aNorth- and diredcd iri-klyon, at ! then held a w than fcr- Fallam-, ai:T!ic nnv 1 W.'S. W.S'r.'i;i.-.. \erycragcv '•"■'''*"■• , MjI'I. they ftcor'd • .\<". « 1 ' teaincroiil-°"{-"'''T" if the water, vantir;;;.. id bv Ibmc ""'" ■•"' nre that the ^;:*;,;^^' hich they ,oi,f i,c. if tlicir own '■""' ■" ' ■ tm.uee'ar-^-t':^ ltd to tlieir them J. '^ th.'in : 'Ihey "^"-'y " i ' WltllOlll ailV cin-c 1. 1 ■ .h. i;-- woretnter-'"'-^-' w. ^ s. w. hey Itill f,cia but chanfiinn irier they dil- minntts, the Wind \V. :fe, and tlier. The The l8ih, they hou'd np their Top-Sails, and had crcat Billows out of the Welt, with a Welt, and tlmi a NonlvEaft Wind, and therewith held their Oniric South, and then W. & W. by S. which brought them under 56 ileprci's 4S minutes. The 19th, the\ lad a K. F. Wind, and held their Courfe S. ^'. whiih pave them thePn Ipei't of twi'Illaiub bi'fit round with CliH's. and lyiny W..S. W. fnnii iheiii ; thev pot up to then) at them, Noon. bi:i eou'i! i:ot lail abo\( aiul therefore held their Couife to the North. I In \ r, (1) Birvft ' pave them ilie Nan.e I'f li.in-.Ji /.4«.)j(.J, atul fouid their 1 aiituile to be ',7 ileutvcs .Soutli. '1 akinp a N. W, Coiirf'' finmheiKi', in the F.veir.ii;' thev law 1 .uid apaiii, hinpN'.W. i^N.N.W. Iioui them ; '.li's wa-. the liieji hiily 1 and, cover'd with Snow, thai !ay Southw.ird fro"., x\u-Mrirllr>i:J'S!'ri«!'r^, eiidiin', ;i\ a ihaipl'oint whuh the lairdCi/'f-// »■■ k . hhI Kii'.p ni ■,•) deprees .-.S 1111- mttes. Thev held their Coiufe now W'eilwa'd, in whieh Ciairle they foiin.l a Itrottp C I'treiil ili.u r.inthai w,i\ t.io ; \ el had they the Wind in the N( rth, .ii'd pti.u billows tiimblinp omol the Welt npon thiti. 'ihe iiih. the Hillows and the Current lb!l ran as be- ture ; and now they gather' .1 .1 full afleranei Innnheme, that the way was open into the Sortli S'M : I'his Uay iiia.le thel atitude of ^7 (leprees-)4 miniiti-.. Tlic i I II they fail'd Well, with the Witi.i in 'Ik Norih 10,1 made ^Sdeerees; but the Wiml nniiiiip to the V. aiulW. S. W. they p.afs'd Ci/'.- f f . . e , lolinp'all lipht ot land, and Itill meetinp the Billows w.jrkinp oet nt the Welt ; whieh, topether with the bliienels tf the Water, made them ipt'ekly expert the Main South S. a. h'rl: I. a Itoim blowinp out of the S. W. tl. Hills, and >artety of Animals feedin/* in thnfe pk.ifint places ; all A'liieh the* f.iw in 'his pieatrr Iflatid. Tli. y (irc.upht pood Itofe tit lilli along wnli tli ni, nidi of them (Vi :til:i,l 1 S7c i,/',,i/', ipori ■d, that thev f.iw a prc.it many Sea-Wolv(<. Ihe two nest ilaysfir. il- li\il\, tlieN repeated tin ii Attempt tocim; up and An- ihor dole I \ the Illand, but wirr llill frnllrated, '.sliat- i\cr cniliavoiits iluv ti ufi.l to riplilli Kilt Itill then Men followed the Fulling 1 radc, which they iiia- nai'idUiluecelsfullv, '.li,u thev took almolt two'liinof the f '"' 7;' '''« thus 'nnil g out Ot tne .>. w . ti.ev laild svuh their Main-Sails Ivinp N. W. & W. N. W. 1 he zd, with a Westerly Wind, they faild to the .Southward, and made 57 degrees ',8 minute;, thev aria Hon being there ii ileprCes Northward. llie^il, they maiie 59dcpiees 2', minutes, w.thahaid Welt Wind, but faw nolipnsof any 1 and to the South ; and the next day 56 degrees 4 j minutes, tiiriiir.g to anil fro, with very umertain .S. W. Winds, and hiidii.g 1 1 de- grees of N. E. vari.ation. 'Flic 5ih, by realbn of a ftrong Weitcrly Current, and a hollow Water, thev cou'd bear no Sail, but were fore'd to drive with the V ind. The 11th, they plainly difeern'd the Mngeajniik ItijJi' ' ^'"■''f'^'"' '^''"'' ^^•'" "f them; and thcietore, now being f,r<;i it> feeiire of their happy New Diieniery, thev render'd Wit i- !> oi' llmnks to gi od Fortune in a Cup of Wine, which went '''^''"' three times round the Companv. '\nd now this New- fonrd I'alfipe had a Naiiiepiwn 1:, whieh was ih.u ot i\trirc\Snci:h!i, t ho' that Honour (iiijultiee) ought to have been dr,nc 10 H'j'li.i»i Sci.currti, by whole happy Conduct th ' Vo{'/."mm weivdifioverd. And 'tis iibferva- ble, that all the time e>t iluir Sailing through iliefe Siiri\^l"<, and almut the Southern .Ve.r//>»).'.//,o(i, they had a fettled Courle of b.^d Weather, a thick aiul fopgy Air, and Itiong Cuirents; all which put together, did make their ,Sailinp to be really inthe s,.,-i;/)m. Hut the Jov of this Uilcc.\ery, and the Flopes of a farther lin['ro\ ement iif it. together with the .Auxiliary Comforts of the Bottle, helpM to carry otf the lence of all that tedious Voyage, and the many mortifying Dangers of it. 'FUe 17th, they made 40 degrees South I at. having fair weather, and held their Courfe Northward. The zSth, they detcrmin'd for the Illand of Join Fer- M.tiidc, to give their fick an! weary Coinpany a due re- frelliirient ; and that Day they inadc ij 5 degrees 5j mi- nutes. In the Evening they m.idc but finall Sail, fearing to fall upon the F.and ; which effeiiFiully to avoid, they fail'd N.E. M.t'ih I. they faw the Ifland of Fenutndo (1) before them to the N. N. F. and .about Noon got up to thctn un- der j< degrees 4!i minutes. Both thcle Illands are very high, the fmallelt lying moll Wellward, is a very bara-n and rocky place, but greater totheEalt; tho' it be full cf Hil's, yet is well ihaded with Frees, and fruitful. The Illand it felfart'ords plenty of Hops and Go.ats, and all the Coalt about it luth excellent Filhing, that the Sfr.nitrAs think It worth their while to come hither ; from whence they 1 ranlporr valt quantities of Filli to Peru. 1 he Koad lies on the Ealt Point of this Illand, and they Ihap'd their Courfe not as they ftiou'd to the Ealtcrn, but the Weltem fide of it; by which means, thev wcrcrcdiie'dto the in- convenience of not being able to get near enough the I and to Anchor. This made them Difpatch their Boat tolbund the Depth, which pave them an Account of 30 and 40 F.ithom, fandy ground, clofeby the Land, which IclFcnd Itill to 3 Fathom, very proper to Anchor in. 1 hey told 100 of a very lovely Valley full of Trees and 1 hickets, itfreflid with (trcaois of water running down frotnthc l.'i tlljlid of Fiiliiiily v^iih Hooks, in the Imall iiini that I'lnn- ot Coiiip.iny weru to ti,trli Wa't-r. Finding the Ill.ind inai.. dilile, tl.ey detiiiuui'd to purfue their Voyage. I Ik 1 itli.'li' V pal-'d ilieTropidiofCi^r/iorH theli.cird 'ime, hoMiiie, tluir I onie N. W I lerethey had tin gi. neral I-. iS: {•'. .S.F. Wind, ,,rid held their Courfe N.N W', til the ('.ill d.iv, when 'lii'\ madi- iS dipiies , ih'f. they (liargd that Couili', and fail'd Welt. .'•rill, 'I'ey made 1 ', drprecs ii minutes, and had ilnri no variation ot the Comp.-'fs, bur a c nfiderable va- ri,ition of the temper of their Bodies from a prxjd ftnte ot Health, by ri alin of the FIu.i, which had feiz'd the belt pan nf ihe Company. 1 hi; loth, thev f.iw a little low Illand .tt 3 I capites diltanie, wtiiili thev pot up to at Neon : Here they call o,t iheir Lead, but con d find no bottom, and therefore pur oi.t their Shallop. IheMer that went afliore found nothing for refreli.ment, but fome Herbs that t.illed like l>:r I Tw nkars ; but pave an Account of a very filent lort (f Dogs thei had teen there, that woud neither B.irk nor Sr.arl, nor M'ake nnv r.^ii'e nt all ; and for this rc.-fon thev mll'd it hi_.-'i',-i vvatcr ir kcirs. f(,r the irolt parr, :o be o- erliow.T ; and i! has no'hitip round alf,\it it, but .1 fort of a l.''itch I cfet with T'ecs, 111 tweeti which the Sa'tv ,-.t. r breaks in in I'eyiral phicev The 14th, thev I'lil'd W. P.: W. bv N. and the fame day, r. A(. ihey law a lar.u, but low Iliruid, re.iching ..vn.TVi' N. F. & S. W. a cuiiliderable way. .At Sun-fer, being Iil«^^ about a 1 eague from it. .\n Uui: ii do, and they love to fteal it like them : The very Nails in the Cabbin-Winiiows, and the Bolts upon the Doors, cou'd not keep their places tor ''«■?■ I them but they wou'd ha\ e them otf ; this they found to be true, by one of them, who h.id cunningly flipp'd into the Ship, andpuU'd otit all the Window-nails, which for fecurities fake he hadltreek into his Ha r. Nay, ihey arc lb very impudent, that wlutever they lay Hands on is their own, tho' the Owner look on all the while) if be does not recover his Right by force. When the Dur.h gave them feme Wine, they drunk the Liquor and kept the Cup; fo when they threw out a Rcpe to bring them to the Ship, they wou''d neither ule the Rope net return it. And their Qiialitiesarenot nioreodd th.in the F:gurc they make; for , bcfidcs that they arc all naked, sxciptthc PkJcrtti.i, 'W !\i ' I u * 1^1'^ 4.0 MtiltHiuks of Hies, C7*r. 5r' llllKf Ilj- /' ,/ ....■, \vh;il) .11V i-invr'il \\,\\\ ,i piiu- iit M.ii, '.licir M.;i\ is .ill lucr liiiiiroi wiili ^ii.Ais .iii.l i;r.ij;ii.>, ami hill) like V rii iiu- i \ i.t th.'ir nun Uil't!i',iiulniiUliK'\()', ^N.inii s. ! lie i)ii':.' li.iMii!', n liiii.i! tdtiv, it an ili Up \v(.rK- to Ivil iKwitli iliciii, ir m l>c p\^n \<\ \\x lil.iiul, i.m I'.i.ir Sli.il'i?!" N\iil' ''•'''" •^'' >!"«<•'''''•, ■"'>! lix S>v()r,i>.iusii, l-cliilf* otlurt ipiii]>.iii\ I t'll'c Sliiji. i li ) \vi I.' i.r Idi.iiu- I.Muin!, I'lit iliiriv of tlulelV pik 1 iliil < I ■ lit' a W'iiikI 1 JH 11 tliui', .Mill J Willi (;ri .'.t t li I ..ml .S!iiij'», .irJ luiii; Smu-; tl, .mil t.ikin .-.•■.w till' So'iiui'. t>niiv, Inii ilu' .Mi-lu-s littii j; Hv n- 11 11! I'll ilk'ii i.ii't iliiin IV 111 iIk- 'iiiii.l' K(>rl>ir> .u ili.ii t'.iiii-, am! t'.iriil tli.iii to l>. lnMi.it v.iutlici' tm w^iul :1 '. •■ ■ m- I'll. 'Iliis ir.iiiililkv laT'il iln- llli- wiilioi i lln uiiil, ■■•''■"' K'.v.ll l'l.'\ I.. uM iiiit "ilKl (;rili--|\ : It K mil I ro.ul, Inir l.iim'iliir;^ li 1';;, :iikI t^'lidt l rci>, u'.iili llui fiius'il tn 1\- (n ■'-.-.lul I'.iliiil i)s. Ii i< .1 \\!itc KiiN y (Jroiiril. .ii'il Ins 11: 1^ l)c(:r. .South I .11. .\inl alxn; .1 li inlr.il K'.ii;iir-' iVi.m /)';;-lll.iiiil. .Siviiu" in lliinn lo Iv il. iic Ik'I.'. llii'r Ui Hi', aiiil lu'M tlicir C'l.iirli; \V. ki iIk' .V.i- M.iiii. I Icrc li.n 1111; 1 lit a llijin W'arir, ami mi l'ill(iv<, ;i< ;'i. \' w Kt'i'iv, dii: nt iji.' .Siiiitli, ilii\ vikIsM ili.i'. Sdiuiu' ■\\\\ '.luTf w.is iiioiv 1 atiil. ■| If iMvt ■ftitli liny i.'.mc in .•iiukt liliiul ili.u I.tv Xi'i-tlm.ii.l, a'ui vva« ,1' o\'t litncii l..a)'i'f. ilillaiu Ir in I'l. ritlkr. '1 Ills .ip|v.ii-'.l to Iv a'l i!-.-..\Miii I aiiil \\iiliiii i!i'. ill ill.- iii!>'» vv.ll ill '.uih 'I i\o : Aiul liuvalli) ilicv t.iiiiiil iiolHiumn !iir Vmliir'iii'.h \ ulJii! them mi'.liii;j; tur I'll! >i, lii'.t .1 WW 1 li'i-'.>- like thole 111 h ■■-lllaiul, « ;ili T me t la'.'Naiul D.h.r MkII-uiIi, win. li umv \\\\\-:. Ite.l .Meat ; I lit it artimUJ ilieiii li me i;oi'iI lu;h W'atei'. wliieli ihe; tiuiiiil 111 1 I'l' m'l l.ir tV '111 the SliD.ir. The l'ini:ii;e II aile 01' the ! ierl'-- lliev iiatlur .1 Iieie, |t.i il \ery I'.t- * ue.il'le to thin.' i.l ilie.r iVnip.uiv tli.it v.eie 'r. iiMei) with the |-lii\. 'I Ik') lallM this Illiin,', / •;• ■ -lllaiul, I'e lai t'e il I'lipplie.l them wiili Water ; iliej l.t'; ir |M\lei t'\, .nil.! I'.iilil Well v.ai\l, u..ikii.!.i thar l)av 1 .j Ueiir. .i^Miii. S..iulil..a. I he lii;h;eeiiih ihe\ lame to aiiii.iier lll.ii'il, h iii.n to the .South Welt, .'.Knit tuer.n 1 ea);iK.s liulaiit tiom the tall, aiul Itretehiui; out North Weit, aiui .South I'.itt, a toiiliileraMc way. 'Ihe Hoac beir.); il;l'|uteh'.l to liirml the ilepih, broiij^ht wiii\l, That they luJ loiiiicl a bfitu.m (by a I'oiiit ot' I ami, trom whence tlieie eaiiic a j;eiitle .Stream of Water, at t\veiit\ liie, ami t'lMCy l-'aihfni, a- boiit aMu did, when '.hey ciiiic back, \cry liberally lommunicate totheir Companions : And now the I'lague i.i I'iies Ix-tian to rape in the Miip , and every Man was bulie to defend his baec and tycs as well as he cou'd. "1 w .t; the belt part of the Daj's-wurk to be flapping the Flies away ; and twashard for a Man to open his Moutli, eithiT to Ipeak, or to eat, without taking in a Mouthful of thcle \ ermmc at the fame time. This direful Perleciition lal\ed about three or tour days, in which time the Flaps did lueh execution, that their Sufferings were jprctiy well at an end, and few of the Flics Were left alue, to torment them. They lall'd this f/j-uliiul Kland, with veiy good Reafon, i-'-Illand: And by the help of a good Cjale of Wind, did flj away from it as fait as tney could. 1 he ijd, they were under 1 s l^gr. 4 Min. and there again had great Billows out cf the South, which conti- nued alio the next Day. Here they concluded, thai the (/L.t .liijhnlii, which thc\ liiiiglit tor, lay yet Two luiitiired and hfty I eaguis turtlKr. Ihe j-,ih, the hollow Bi'lows out of the .Soi.th ftill Kuuiiiiud, liiili as are lommonlv in the Vr ////.'.Seas, out t.fthcN.W. A/ >ilic (d, ilie\ fail'd Wellward, .uul made at Nixin I -. I)e)'r. 1 Mm. Ami tli..t Day ila'\ law K-ieral gre.li iJor.idoes, wlikli were the tirtt tliev had leiii 11. the .South Si a. Theoththev made 11 I'egr. :o Min. ami i;iiel's'd thiv weietlKii I', 1 1' I lagues from iheCo.ijf of /v. v. J he fam. l!ay tliev peiviii'd a Hark eomii.i; towards tlicin, wliiili tliev Weill to meet, and ga\e her a dun or two to 11 ake her Itrike. nil thole thai wiie in her, either not nidirllandiiu; the I aiiRi ai,e ot the (uiiis, or lefuliiig to do what tlui ioiv,tiiiiided,'ilie Ih^rl lent out their Sinl- I .\lu . I pled ei s, 10 redi'te lier ; upon which llii her etiai'e, but the .Slial|n|> inter- A iiMi.»r ll.rii 'A ■ •p, with ten 1 deaioin'd to liiaK lier. .Some of her ,\'len, in a lerv great tear, llire\v thenilelves ov erboard, ami dili'i s\| of tli'cir Cood, the lame way that thev did their Bodiis. Wlien thev had I oirded her, thote that w\'ie lett made no manner of lelillame, but iimetly ivligmd themfe'ves to the dilpolal oftlie Cnii.iuerors, who i fed them \er\ kindly ; drel- 111 g I'loi'e that were xvovmled, and la\ ing the 'i ives of trine that hul leap' I .)\er-board, niid tiiti'rt.iminn all of iiiiiii iiitlkir Viip. There Were belidis the Men, eii'ln Wi.nien, iind leieral Ch.ldren, lo that the whole Kiim- \\ y .imonntr.i to about Ts'.'ei.ty three. I iie\ W'. :v a ileanly ne.^t fort of I'eopK, of a reddilli Tif r v,. eo'oiir, «lime ii.iked, ' evu-pr the oblciiie I'arts, which "'"■'■' ■'■ uuviO'.er'd : The Mm had long eiirlJ blaik 1 lair, and tl.i Women lliort like the .Mui in ll'li'.ii.,'. ■| he I'ark ihev were in. was of a \er\ ivenli.ir bii'ure . , I'.iid SiiiiCture : It toiU'lUd of rwo C'aiioes f.nttied i'oi;e. ''" "' "■ it.a III tlk' iiiiilll of e.uli of wliiih were laid twobroa.l I'lauks of Red-wood to keep oil tin- Water, and leieral others went eid!s Ironi one C aiioetn the oili.r.whiih weie madeieiy t.ilt and elote abme, .m^ liimu 1 )'ood way ovir on Ixith tides. At the end of one of the (.'aiioi's on Staiboard-lide, there Itoml a Malt with a bork in tlicend of it, where the Yard lay ; the Sail was made of Mats, and tlie Ropes of lueh Stiitf as the Fig-nails in .V/.i/h loti- lilt ot. Thev had no t'ompafs nor Chart, iiorany Fiiriii- lure tor tiie .Seas, but only a tew Filhing-hooks, tlieipper- part of wliiih was .Stone, and the other black Bone, Tor- tnile-lliell, or .MoiIkt .'f I'eirl. Tliev had no need to lade 1 heir N'eU'el with frelli W.iter, tor thev latisfiej themfehes with the I iinior of a few Coio-S'uts; and when that was I'peni, thev had reeourle to the great O- leanfora I'lipply, tliemlelves, an,l iheir linallelt Chil- ilren, drinkiiii; the .Salt- watir \ cry hiartilv. The /;«.'.•/' lent them all I'aek to their \ell'el again ; wliere the Wn- men weleom'd their Husbands with jovfiil l-.mbraees ; and thus happily freed, they fail'd aw: v lo the .South' halt. Hut 1 1 our Difeoicrers. 'ihe 'leiilli they held a W. and S. W. C onrfe ; and flat Day law leri' high 1 and on I arbr.nd, liim; S. F. and by .S. alout eight J eagiies oH' ; but ilio' they had .1 gioddak-, they could iiot'reach ir that L\iv. I he F.levcmii A. .\1. iliey came up with a lery high M.iiid ; and a: mil two Leagues .Southward with a- nother niiiih Icwer : And ihe fame Day fail'd over a Hai.k of (ounecn Faihom deep, .ind a fbini bottom, ly- ing about z\\o I eagies from ihe Land, which being palt, ilk-y cini d tind no more (iiouiid. AUiut this time, ano- ther of the aforclaid Barks came up to them, which had (as they generally h.ive) a loolb Canoe in her, ro put out upon ocialicin. She fail'd at that rate, that few OwfcA Ships cou'd outftripher ; her Men (keer'd behind with two Oars, in each Canoe one ; and when they had a mind m wind her, they row'd Ix-fore : But all theic Vef- fels will windthemfelvcs, by only pulling the Oars out of the Wa'er, and letting them go. .Sending their Shallop to found by one of thcfe lllands, they w.re inform'd, that there was (jror.nd, tho' (hclvy| at twelve, fourteen, and fifteen Fathom, about aCannon- iliot from the 1 and ; lb they ref ilv'd to Anclior there. Ihe Negroes, indeed, b\ .Signs dirciited them to go to the oih, rllland, and fnli'.l thither before them; but they anchor'd at the end of ihe furmer liland, ai 'Twenty five Fathom, landy Ground, a Cannon-lhot from the Land. This liland lies in 16 De^r. 10 Min. Ic is one entire Mountain, and looks like one of the hMuccn's : Tis all over coier'd with Coto-Trces ; f,r which reafon thev /•„. •>• call'd it C'Co-IjUtid. ' The other liland is nrtich lowc. than this, but longer, Iving li. and W. Being at Anchor, there came three Ships, and nine or ten Canoes (which had three or tout I Men apiece; about them, forac of which had put out White comnvilati Lib.™ Chap. VUl. Trade mth the Negro's, 4« ly yet Twi) .Sm.i:h (Vill I'll SiMi, um ik' .It Niicm '.mmI ureal u, ilu- .Smith f;\icrs'd thiv I'd !l. 'I llv- iv.irils tlifiii, 111 (.r •.«■() ii> r, I'll her nut f u'tiilim; to t tluir Sll;>l- 1)11 wlui'h l)it' luillnp inti'l- A I ■ piv.it k.ir, "'"^ ilicir (iiioJh Wl'.in thcv () m.iiiiicr ' ! I iIh- ililp^ial mil) ; ilri'l- Ik' 1 ivo ot iiminji .ill 111 ' iMi'ii, cii'lil aIioIc Kiiir (it ,1 r^clililli 1 • '.>ri>, which *•'■ ik I l.iir, .uul 111. ' iiili^ir Hiriirf t'.iltticilti)j;i.'- ul two liro.iil ■, .imi li'vcnil r.whiih ui'ie :l ('iKiil u.iy lu- (.'.null's the W.ucr, and fwam to it, havmp their H.indstnll of C'(Hi)\ and UbesRixjUi which theybar- l\» r"*!-.' tei'd for N.iiK,.i!kI Heads, pivitip four nr liie Cdtu's for ' '•" ^' .1 N.vl, rr a tinill .Siriiip c;tip pill pv the '•av.ipe-, in that \S'rh \n iiui.h foile, they had done folir^'e ham ; Imt the rev touch, when or.e'cf th ni was ll.ot thiouph the UnaO, tliev had done inakinp I'p.irt w.ili the .Musket., and learn'd to keep their dilt.iiKC .i Trtlc W'tter tor ih.: time 10 ciinie. '1 hey were luKy. well pi oportiond Men, nnd pn.-d Swimmers ; but naked, tlri. . illi, and lery fan- tal'ic.il in the dreiritips o( their Hair : Si ne wee it il.' rt, others Innp, fiiiie curl'd, and otlur pla ted and folded up in I'ever.il hail-.iins. The Twelfihthey came in their Caiirx-' .ipain, l.iden witli Cocn's, Bananas, IHes Reotv 1 .'-., .uul tVeih Water. There vas a preat Ci tueiMiiii anidtirlt them, ssho ihdn'd pet tirlt tii the Ship ; and thiilc that were be- hind, I'cit'.p i!.u'. out bv them betore, lince they cou'il not leapoicr tiieir Hca.i< they |unip"d ituo the NVater, and fwam iii'.iier the Catu'cs, ho ditip lUmchcs ot Cocusiii their .Mouths, and cl lubiiip up the fides of the Ship 'ike In maiiv R.its, and that in I'uch Swanus, that they were fi.rcil to keep ilu'in oti' wih Staves : The llii:ch barter'd with them that Day for Twehc huf.dre.l C'nco's, wiiich •■ a'ie twelic tueicrv Mans lliare, tjiey beiiip P.iphry liie in all. ■ Tlie Kepro's wondrcd very much at the Streiipih and (Jtcatnelis of the />ii/,/i .Ship ; and fomr of them crept | down iindtt it, and knock'd upon the botlotii of it with^ .Stones, to try how Ihonp it was. | Til. Vf(..5. TheKini; rf ihole D.irbar ans lent a black Hop to the i r.ii(.<,i,iH-i Sh'.pfn a I'releiu, tharpingihe Mcll'enper to take no Re-i uiiuSlip, ^^.^ril ; and (pi'cklval'ter hccaine iiiml'cif, in a large Ship | r f then tall. ion, at'cii.led wi-.h Thirty live Canoes ; when I he was a little w.iy frnni the Ship, he bepan to call audi cry out aliud, an. I all h's Companv did the like; tliis, K'inp their was ol biddinp Stianpers Welcome. The | /)».•(' received tin m with IJrums and 'I'lumpets, which] iTiiphtily pleas'd an.! I'lirpn z'd them ; an.d the) to ttltitie their .Sence of the I limour that svas done rliein, ns'd all their t'eieiv.onies if l-owinp their Heads, and dappinp their Mands lopether o-, cr them, wliiih they are aeiu^ itoiii'd ;o upon lech Oceaticiis. The Kiiip, out of his >ihip. Cent them a Ma'ien for a Prelem ; wliiih Kin.luels they re^juited with.the (!ifr of an old I lateh.t.rulty Nails, (j als-Be.ids,and .i piece ' f 1 inen C'lothjthinps wlucli I lis Ma'eilv was Idphh pleas'd with, and made iiiaiiy a tine bdw for. Ho was rot ir le known from his Subjects, bv any T( kens, 1 in the Reverence they ll.ew'd him ; tor as thev were all r.aked, I'o he had no (>tl',er Apparel, but th.it which Nature pae him. He wini'il not be peit'wa- ded to come ;'boar.i, thu' the I'r'.ncehis .Son d.ul, and was well en-en li I'd there. The Til rteenth, \. M. the Ship was funoimded with a whole .Xniiado of Ships and Canoes, the Kinp himfeif U'inc there in Pcrlon ; and in tlm Twenty three Ships, and Forty h\e Canoes, that compos'd the i'leei, no lei", than Scicn orF.ipht hundred Men. 1 hev pietended at tifit to come only upon the Delipn of Trade ; and told them by Sipns, that they were their lerypnod Friends; and wou'd lain have them tail to the other lllan.l, where they ll.ou'd lind a iiuich better Ac- coirimi'dation in al! RelpeCVs. Hut niitwitliHaiuhn;.' all tiiefe fair I'retenc.s, they fu- fpeJtrd fonic M lehiit' washatchinp bv theli: Barbarians. Neither were thiir Sufpicii ns uiijull ; tor they i]i!ukly bepan to c.ilt theiiileb, es all ro' nd the Ship, ar..l enclos'd itoneicry lide, and then with a preat Outcry, upon the .Alar.n rf a Dium, they pave the .Alfv.ilr. The Kiiif's Ship was the foiv-iiuift in the AoHon, and ruiliM in with Inch a force at the .''•.■.%•. Ship, th.it the Ikadsof t!-.c:wo C anocs before it . >'■ ere I'athM all to pieces, w ith the \ i )- Icnic of the Sho( I. . The rell came en as well as they coii'd, attd Ihov. eiM in pte.it Stones upon iliem. Rut r'H' l^itt.'i ih-ew ill I'ch Q;iatuities of Pellets amonpll ihciu 1.1 r ..''ilirii M.iikets, and three gre-at Guns loa.led Tilt /nd..j»J 'ili'ili tti.: with Muiket-lhot, and Kail^, that allthofe in the Canoet. that lay witiiin reach, were pl.id to ieaie lUeiii, aiul leei> their Refupe in the Water, lleing ihiu pur to the Rmit, they Jifpeis'd ihemlelvei, and Ihifted tor their lives a» well as they coi'd. Thefe treachcrou\ Peonle were the Iiihabiianis oi tin lower of fliele iwo Illands , wlieh ilui.fore ihej rall'd ''''■'"'/>"' r.i/m.j lll.tii.l. IIk) (it fail fioiii heme the fame IX\ , .mi liekl their Ciuirfe W. and W. by S .And the Fouruenth came li> amnher llland, aUuit Tliiiiy I caputs d llant from the former. They lall'd this 11 j-lj / ., becaul.' tlies hop J'*"'' '■"' hereto n.eit wi'h ll.'ine Reficii.iiui r Bur lintliup no Cr.und at the lllai.d, they lint u i 'iieir ,Shjlloji tol'Miiiid aloi ;■ the Slu.ai ; whiih r>;..rii'd Wi-Ji rtiu' News of ,i (lony botKmiat loiry Failmi,;, al'nui a Mus'\i t-.Lot f.oii. ih.e .Shoar.foiini lines n\ CM 1 hsc, and ili ny ImUioiu ; and uta little dillaiKc apaiii.no botiuiii aiall. 'i he f' ./ I' J came hsie wiih ten oi twelie Caii.io, n' bart.r : 'Ih. \ bi'iuphi .■ fm.i'l paiiel of lliinp lilhc*, tor which they hal Bc.ids in exiliaiipe : A.id whatlixMr the one pave, or tl'e u.'ier r.vciv'd. .vas coii.cy'd on lunh tides, b. a Rtpc lei dovsii frciii the .Stern of the .Shi)'. But thcfe lame lii.H.m went (Voiii this Traile pref'Otly to another which wa,s worfe. i/-,. r"! bii.p the Slullop ; whuhihcy fi.iind einplo\'d inl'ound np, ..i fome dill nice, from the Shi]'. Tl..') oifei'd lo beard lur, anildi.ii; her away ; but they in tlieSha'hp, with their duns I'lke'j and Cuft'.illi., p.i c them fueh an Fiitrrraitinunt, th.it ha\ inp Iceii two ( f tlicir Company kill'd they wtic phu) to hiiri\ away as fill as ilu.'y cou'd ; And wl'.ile ilielc were beaten an,l maul'd upon the Water, ilieir FricniJ'! lb O.I and cried fortl-.eni alluar. ■| his llland was full of blaek Ciitfs that were green on the top ; 'twas well llockM with Coc('-Trees, and fe- veral Ions of Herbs : There were fe eial FUufes alone the Sea-lide, and a pnat Village ihfe by the Siraiid. There was no conieniei.t Ar.eliorinp heie, i: liciiig ex- treamly rduph luar tlie lllai.d , up. ii whch fcore they left It. and lad'd aw.iy So. th Wcit, intending to purfue the Ditioicry of a Southern C. titinent. The I iphteenth, they were under i6 Depr. 5 Min. where they had vcr> uncertain W. Winds : Aii.l nowthey licpan to conlult about ihe future profecution of their Vojapf. W.ltirm SJ«ii-cH, ihe Mader, told them, That they wire now at leall Sixteen hundred I.capues liallwari from the Coall.sdf ;'f. c, and as they had Hot vet difco- ler'dany pan of the South Land, lb neither wa'i there any likeliho.'d of their doinp il. Thai the) had tail d much fjither Wethvar.l than they hill mtcnded ; aiul thatpoinp on in that Courfe whish they had lu'.heito purfi'd, ihey tliould ccitainly fall Southward upon S:iv Cin'iic.i, where if they found no palliipe, the) mull una. oi.lably be loll ; liiue'iwould U- impodiblc to po bask faflward apaiii, by reafon of the Falterly Winds that blow cciminually. I'ponthcle, an.l other .Accounts, lie pnpos'd it as the 1 ell nay to alter their Courfe, and la. I Northward, fo as to fall in Nortiiward iiptm .Vea- '..,.;..•;. ThisPropofallack.l with lii nun) pood Reah.'ns, was They alici embrac'd by all the Con.pauv, lo ihat the) immedi.itely ''itics^i-Tii;.' detLrmined to hold a N. N. W. Cour.c. Ihe Nineteenth, their Courle Northward, they had ' 1 Illands at Noon, about S 1 capites diilance from theiii,Oilu'rl'' liinp N. F". and by F. and that feem'd to be a Cannon- Ihdt ditlant fn in eai h other. V\ on th.s they lleer'it N.E. iiiiendmp to fail iboi t the 1 and.hai inp I'aii Weather, l- a fmall (iaie to lirinp them a.'oiip. 'File Twentieth, they toiitinus.i Hill labourin; • \\i to the Land. The 'Fwenty (irft, being about a league from ■. land, they werevilited b) twoCati )C.s, lo whom, tho they pave no manner of provocation, yet tliey wcrerude- Iv inUilted by f me of them, who began to hollow, and tliieatncd to dart their Wooden .'>H.-.payes at th .111. But upon the Difehaipe of the (j\ ns from the ."iliip, thefe bold Hciflois bepan to icaiiipei, and that in no little liafte and cniifiilicn, leaving behind them two of their Company dead, and a Shir, whiehthey h.id Itolen out of the Ship, and hail now no Si.'maeh 'o c.itry away with ihem. The 'I'wenty Ucond, there came more oft 'em to the Ship, but upon very fricn.lly and pe.iceableTcr.iis, bring- ing Coco's. Ubes R'Mrs, and roaltcd Hops, wlmh tney bartered for Kiiiie.s, Bead;, and Nails. Thefe Pe.ipic were all as curious in the Arts of Swutiininp and Diving, as thufe ill ii..i'.' wti- all ihf Oiiiaiiinn '\in t'f till- r.i'nii-, jiul ihr Kiri(' hiiifill I .iJ tm 11 ore. 1 lie iho Sh;]! /'/if.i ti lilil lulC fl nil II li\i tlUilH.li tl r W.ltlT I ■| Ih- '. I'll, thi'v |i lit J lit' tlic priiicii .1I Min "I 111 hl.iM ill .1 hiii-nilil i|' wiili iIk h.l.'" u .inil to be »% 1 litl. Ills .11111 iii(,ll till 111, li.uiiif! 11 ilnrriiom ' till ir Muiiilis 1 illlV 11 t lisl'i (.■"Tie e.liiie lut n .ir ilie /'K'lV Hi. It 10 thiiii, while 'lie\ wetv Kiihi.g V.inr, he vm)u\ ihein :.\\.y hiirU't', or niilir I ot his Men to i W H *ii IjiiN .ill Itmiil ill \erv pivai .iwc 1 1 li ere I'e.iiliil (4' h.iv.tipaiiy i.f tlieir Criii,ci.Mi.u.e liniiwn tr> hii t'lr fine of tliem h.ivin); Ihile .a C'lirtl.ils, .i inir.f .liiit le.ni; tn.v 'rimf vns I iii-riM. Je to rne 1 t iheK 11(1 Dfre thr founilli ilniMiM, toi thv wrmin he ii.til iln e j .ir.il leliiliA fi le'il u> iii.»ke ultif n- tli.nf, 1h.1t, thcl'fi'eerliy.n f^'>l th.ui.ei.i oil ' I .\.ul well tro, f ■ r if the Kiiie hM\ kiovvii i', he v. 1. ml eei Miiilv l.ne li.ul hi» lie.iil 1 tl'. '! Iiile pHj'le Were n- treiieS trii'htiil .It the rmfe i.f the (iiiiis, .inl uri'li .nn .iftii him, ami i.u {•irlw ilioiis I t ihe l)u\i iiniM p Th hlly 111 I aiil ii'ihtliey went aihoic a(!aiii tonaticriul Hops, liei iMi!i! pet 111 ne, the hi.l'.tm I'emp reiliiiil m li Ifraij-'liiv iheirfeln s, lUMns; r,oiliir(', I'ln Cmn's, H.in.ii I 'lis-Ri OS, ami a lew Mips, left: Yet tin Km;; en wni'.rcil rel'pei't aiul kiiulmfs 10 tlu (:■ .'.vin of mill his I.iiiiienai't pii I uili 1.1 he ti thur Crow lis from i lie 11 own I leads, an. I la iheiii upon tliel liaJsi f iwinif ih.e fe C'ri w I'S \\eie iiije le of wU'. a .iiiil rreeii Fe.ithers. whiili their I'ariits .iiiil Dmesilu lui'l'K lie li.uk, ^nil Iho Krg u! 1111" iiher I'l ami f iiph, anil pyiiril U'iiu-r iij' ntii ,1 large WooUe on II, MX \t\ to Itirritip ip ont, ami luNiiip (.rd's'il out .ill 1 lit audi iiel., theyprefent.il it in Cups in the iwii KiliC*. 1 hey veere fo enil likcwife, .is 10 olTer ilir /)/,;J. fomcrjf it wivi wire reail, 10 Vomit at the light nf the l're|'.iraiiiiii. Ast. rthe FiLinp pan of the I ntertaiiinirnt, it loiililliil ot rins.Koi.t. roaUeil, ai il Hogn ilnfs'il after a »erv rh'liMii ii.fc inantier. They hail ripp'.l up ,he Hellies, ami takiii Hilt thi (oi'sof tlieni , iiiil tlun piutinf; hot JnoiieMdtu ihcir Bell ul f ipiiip otf the ijiithde Hair, without of ill. P f ilieni with : ■lheHo\esare wliue upc 11 t Mack everv where I'fe, eMept the Hreart ; ami e\er> oi.e ofthe K'.np's Council h is one of tliel'i fr.'.ir,;' I'y him < \\in a .Stick. The J7th a. I vS-h, they pi.t all ilieii- W.iii-ralwaii! ; at wh'ch tnre, t;'i- M.illet .iml the Mi'iili.iiit went alliore, with the Tnmipits, wliuh pro\M a \ery ihvertiiip Mii- I'ck to !l,L Kiiip. lleie he toKl ih.iiiot !i's Wars wiih ihcni of the 1 'her llhin.l , .iml It.ew'il :iiiii- le-eral of llie Caves .'.ml Ihiik.ts wlivte they i;s'il to p'ave their Aii.- lii'l'eaiks anil i,-,y lurkini; lot (Vhanta^es ap.iiiill eaili other. They pl.-iinly foiiiil that he was haifnl they haj ! me Del. I'll ijxii Ills C' iiiitry , lor to liraw them 1 If iriiiii tl'.enee, he won'il fain have enpapeil ilieiii in a War with the Kinj; tf the o-her llluul ; nay, he otier'il 10 l.irctiuniro be pone, ;el!',ii;.', iIkiii, 'I I'.ai if they wouM fo in tv o Da's, lie wouM pi\e them 10 Mops, ai.il a i;o»iil parcel if Cieo's. Yet, m twithftaiuiinp his Snf- picions, he n-.i.ilc ilieni a Vilit a SliipUaii!, I'ra-in;' svhen he enter'il the .Ship, aii! l'ia\inp ine\ery Cahhin he laire into; as alio, he .-iKvays iliil when any of ihe Diiicr came ailoie to him. Hi'. Men carry M it with a mighty (leal cfS'.l'niiilion to then', kiilinp their Feet, and layiiip them tr.- fs their Kicks, w nh all the tokein of awe ar.il tear that tlie\ lOn'.l enprefs. . The ^(.tli was iiiaiie a Uav of ">olemnities, byiliceo- tninj; ofthe K np of the other lllaiij to \'ir.t the Kinj; liW,.l co.r.ii.of this. Ih' liiiiie seith a Tram of jt.u of h.s nakcJ I'.- il'iws. that hail lii'iichcs( f preui Hcrlsftuik alioiit ilteir miiliilis, of which ihey pre;'are th^ir Ur;nl; : .Aiul that he ivipht he lure to 1 e weic. nie, he bro'.:pht li llops alonp w itli li.m too. When tliele two I'rincss were w I'.li- in liplit of e.iili o-.h'.i, they hcpaii to how ami fuape. and ihtrCi-c- nm;{^.|.\j „,,t t^-nain Prayers to ihemfclMs : Mlicn thev tiioliai 111 , I , ,• ,, 1 ■.,,,- ,1 , ' s.liiinBiiili '"t-'^ 'hey I'dih lell ilown with ilieir hacis Hat upon the oiliir, jtrormi, and al'er fcural vers ilranpe ptlli res lUe.l, th.y pet up ipi n their Leps, and walk'd away to the St.us provided tor them ; lAhere, afti r they had ehop'd out i'oir.c irinv ff their I'ra\ us, ami 1 ow.d viry rcverenily t ;onear,o;iicr apain, wuh iinich adoihty fate down mi- ller the Kin;'.'s Canopy. ;^iid now to m.-,ke the ftrarpi. Kinp tie more v\ eleeiiif, a iNUII'iiiper wasi'.ilpa'.rh'd to lia n .(.; ■ .'•i'ip, tri p.,-t their l.riai.s and Truiipn- all.on.- ; fi the riumpit- finii.iieil, iinii a Maitli w.'.s hiat up, to the '.cry .piiat hiiiteriaininent of tin- twoKiii;-!. .-fm th:s, they pnpard fit a luieii.n l?aiuiiuv, ami in order lu it, 1-cpan t'l n I'ke le.i.dy ihei;- 1 iquor, which tlity did in il'.is liovei.ly manner: Tin re comes into ilie I'refence a ■i.'i..,! Diir.v, company of hellow.;, wiih a good iieanitty of Catu, y (.irther dreirmg, nr eleanlhig, ihev wen lit forth, N.iipyrahli. 'Ihc) pufentid two of thel'i I logsto the niiii., with all the I ortii and Cereii ony whuh they iile to (heir Kiiips la ' ' " .... then kneelini;, wi Ih p ilieiii lirft upon iheir 1 li.ad», and ng, wuh iiuich humilit\, Kft tlitiii .it their tor and ey gau- thciii, luiidis, i 1 mute ale vliiihthiy reecu'd .irnfuitof Knue., old Na Ika.'s, .IS piquing to iheih as fai liciur ihings. '1 hi U Kopli were ol a liaik yellow eoioiii, Itrmig and wel - proportion'il li.!i>-rs of the Si uth-Sea. They told them, by Sipns, that there was more I and, and good Conieniciues for a Ship, to K had. W'elUvard, where thii.- King ilwrlt ; upon which Infcrmaiioii, they held .1 Wetfirn Coiirfe again. The i:d, they faii'd W. ."k \V,&l.y N, under 4 degrees 4? nviuites, ami that Day liiw ar k.ilt 1 1 or n lllands, I^oIV' one ilole by another, lying W.,S. W. fii.m rhem, .ind -eaehing S.ii. &c K. W. abmit half a I cague, but the left them a I ailxiard. The I4tli, the Wind S. they f.iw -i 'owlllands a I ar- liiard, bins S. W. from thcin, the one very fnull , the (tiler two each of then, two Miles lo.ig, all very full of Trees. They call'd them the C>'.-).-,77.ii(,// ; the Ihore,;,, .ibout was rapped and e'itfy, and allowed no Anchoring. Ano'hcr hijh Illand prefenied it felf wiih 7 or 8 Hon ell lor:liripht, lying W. ^ by N. which tiiey faii'd by th.; 2 5tli, St. jciii li.ift,Ji\ Uif^ and therefore call'd it St, >'• / It's- ijhii.l. At this time they faw very high Land to the ,^ .,,,.,.,. hieh they thought lobe the I'lant ot Nfir-'juj'/.r.j ; eiluii. tiey ■ iiifl' S.W. e.ihieh ihev reach d it by Koon, and failing along by it, and lindinp no Anchonnp, fu.t the Shallop to Sound, hut no bottom lou'd be dihover'd. Here 1 or j Canoes of bar- baruus People ailiiiilted the Shallop withiheirSlinps, but ihe (iiiiiis i.itiieil ilie Day, and quickly ililjier.s'd'tl'.em : ■| hey Were very black, eii'.irely nuked, and fpakc a l.an- puapc quite dilf^rent from the former. They kept fires upon their Ccall all that Kighc, and lome of them 111 their Canoes c.iiiie lurking about the Ship ; and tho' the /)(,?,/■, whetr.liey had diltovei'd them, did all they cou'd to ob- lige IJIiiut ■HI no btiicr Ir.aiitni C «km i!ic niiffiofl, Their Ca appcar'd which thi with Cha They pic rot to br from wh Coco's. 7«/v I Ifland of and quid the fame Peace, h: came int were not upon the felvcs upt with thei draw her cave a bi but the ( Guns, fh: were fore a far grc faii'd pea .-nd hoidi Theic low Lane Ifland : t rent oft' to The 3d Leagues minutes. The 4t Dicntion'd great and of them a were fomi from each Icfs. The«tl they had, lib. I . ^^^|,^p viir *Blac\ Indians, and Vvformd 'People, uf ir, I hey ii .1 whi'c, c WiiiAli-n If) Itiiriii); I I tic gi /gs III the ivh they iiic 1 U.ulk, lllj III .ic tlicir ali\c i Xux , N.iilt, >iiul iij'N. 1 hi U l|( .lllll uci - ■ lie Uigi'U >y tlx: U.ilt urlM, r..MiiT.^i^,.,,, taiiilin^ liolt ,iii, I'rii' iriliiaricr <-'' uiucr-, li.».l >, Kjiiiut I'll .ill iroin'J LmII}', 111, It HM1 ii/ilmi .i.l.illioiln- ly \u.il Liii'.i kiuc, li\ir)i i.ii ilu Imi'iIi All .inJ lii- Mir Stll, iKir tn the Circ niiilt liarvi'. Uiciiiiy anil c and Pol.cy, 1 the prcault as much as thi; Knmc of |ofthc ,Ship.^,„„.j,, I, in a Duck no I .lllll till low lilai.J. ,) ik.i;rci.s 47 tiludNAV. ,nil-, nnJ vi- \(i thi'iii, ijf ilul, Aiul iho ilatkir, .iiul 111- lirlt ilic> ■Sea. 'Ihcy lu), and pood ,vard, whux' tliiy held a I \ lllands, 10;,;.,;, n them, r.nd uc, liiit ihcy lands a 1 ar- finall , the very full of ; the l^ore,•; Anclioiin^, r 3 Hovels laild lis tiK caird it St. Land to the ^ .j,,,,... liy ic, and ind, Init no iiu.es of bar- iiSlinps, but l]">er.s'd tl'.cm : fj-akc a Lan- 'ley kep: tires ilitm 111 their ho' the />;.f./', y cou'd to ob- hge 43 1 .. thrtu vet ihev woii'd iindorft»ml mmc of 'heSitM ^Z,^X lor Hro'ifions l... anf-crM .11 ^.-h horrik n.l^ and outcrus. They WhorMihn Nigh. « 4J F^ ,1 HI, ...Hvei, grounti. in . Bay about .he F<"m « «hc I and- tlu-Onimiy WM hif,h and Rrmi. »nd alh>rd«d « [.Icafam Vrofi-eCt. ami lay »« d'cy l!"rf««l) '«♦" ' r.)curc their lavour. or at KaH V,*.f. andficolom ft on. any difturUncc Ij then;, but the Villaun were n-t tube eoiiquerd by Kindrels nor tiiieht by R""J Manners by any th im but the g-tat f„f prifeinly they affviilted the Ship with all their inii d It obftinat.ly till the t"aiii.on-!fot had or I a of 'hem ; 'Mien they Ugan to Hy 'rtf* lii^* (.1111*. lor pri foicc, and eoniin Rdiic through '••--.,, , • , •, f- t,, tiieir oil Kefuge, the Water, to dive and Iwiiii for their 1 ivev, but the Shallw ptirliniigthcni, knock .1 lome on the Head, took ) Prifonen, and 4 <'t their Caiims ^^htch niadehrmg for the Ship. And now they coil d underrtand Sijmi*. and ptixiire Hop^ .ind Bananas lor thofc of them that were Priloners, to Ranfoin themlelvcv ■ j,„t biiore they did not know what the Dmcl meant b* their Signs. And tho' the Du/W' were f.i (lenerous ji to tM\c one wounded Man his I.ilictty. yet they were fo V (i.'tnii as to let another, in a Utter condifon, at ten Hf.J Ranfoni, whi^h undoubtedly w»j the fulhalncof This Ifl'ti'l afforded a fort of Bird< that were alt red, and North of it '..ay another Illand, of which they nude no other DilVovery, than only it< pofition tothn. Thev concluded ihefe I'c'iple to U- I'apiios. In-caiife ot ih< ir (hort hair, and particular Diet ot Betcic mud with 'i'hc xStli '*'■/' M'riii. they fet Sail from hence, and the next Day held a N. W. .■<< N. W. «< by N. Coiiill-. with alliiftingWind till Ntxin, and then a Calm. Ihey had the Point of thelllandm Mew till the Evening, iho' they fail'd alorf by the land, which was very full of Bays andTurnii.i;s, and reach'd N. W.& N.&by W. and the fame Day they faw ? high lllands more, that lay Nonli- H ward from the great otie about s cir * Miles, being then I in ^ degrees zo minutes. r . . , . S The iiJih, Ante Mmiitm, leveral Canoes of the black T.^no'^;;,, Jrdinn, came up to them, and Boarding the Ship by per. II..". he million, brake Staves over the Dl(^■/ mSign of Peace. eili.ii. 'ihcJrCanocs were finer than the Others, and thtrmfelves appcar'd more Civil and Modelk, coveting the PudenJa I which the otheri did not. They rubb'd their Hair over i withChalk, atfeChng to have their black LccksPowder'd: They pretended to Ik fo Poor, that they came to Keg, and rot to bring anv thing to the Ship 1 yet thole four lllands. from whence ihefc Wi.iw came, atfoided food llore of July I. /♦"'f Mt'i'l'ci", ^^n Anchor'd between an Ifland of I Miles long, and the firm Land of Sen-Guinea, and enuckly were ftirruiiiidcd wiih i', Ariu'd Canoes of the fame People, vvh^, the Day before, in Token of Peace, had broke their Staves over their Heads, and now came intending to bral-.e them upon thein. The Indi.Uij were not tedious in their Ceremonies Ixforc they cntcr'd upon the work they came upon, l of them hx'd them- felvcs upon 1 Anchors that then hung out of the Ship, and with their Girdles lictiaii to tug the Ship, thinking to draw her adiore ; the rell lay about the lides of her, and gave a bri^kOnfet with their Slings, and other weapons, but the cverlafting plague of the B-irlwi.ws, the great Guns, (hattcr'd Men and Canoes at that rate, that they were forc'd to retire, with the lofs of 11 or 1 j kill'd, and a far greater numlicr wounded. After this hght, they fail'd peaceably along the Coafts, having a pood gale, .-nd holding a W. N. W. and a N. W.& by W.Courfc. The ad they were in 3 degrees li minutes, and faw low land a 1 arlxjard, and right before them i low Ifland ; they fail'd gently W.N.W. with a flight Cur- rent off to the Water E. N. E. The 3d, they faw high I and bearing Weft, about 14 Leagues from the other Illand, and in 1 degrees 40 minutes. The 4th, as they were palling by the 4 Iflands aforc- mcntion'd, they had a (udden profpeiJl of 13 others, great anti fmall, high and low, which they left the molt of them a Star! oar'd, and only a or 3 a LarUiard. Ihey were fome of th' m a League, lome a Cannon-fliot diltant from each otlKr,aiid lay in z degrees 30 min. little more or lefs. bcarln|| S.W. and this they thought tn Ifihc Hill Cww mtnitft in Bjndu ; but a nearer approach difenvcr'd three Hilli more like ir, that he to the North, aUnii 6 or 7 I eagues diftam, ajid this fight deicrmin'd that Hii'rcar'd more lllands to the N.?"< N. W. butrhey held i!i:ir Courfe to a very low one that lay N. W.Mc bv W. Iioiu them, which they reaih'd that I- r'ening. J he Wat' r here they obferv'il to l 'icr P"'?'c own natural Deformity, made them appear little .',. ,t of Monlters in Humane Nature. 'I here Wire h-'dly any of them but what had fomethmg odd and llr.inpc, either •as to the bipnefs, or poli'ion of their L;iiibs ; but then the Strings of Hogs-teeth, that hung aU ut their Necks, and their perforated Nofes, with Rings fallen'd in them, together with Ihort frilled Hair, and very ill Fares, all put together, wou'd have olfended an Eye not extremely curious. Neither was the beauty of the Houfes much greater than that of the Inhabitants, being all mounted up upon Stakes, 8 or 9 Foot from the ground. The 9th, A'lt' hit'idlem, they .'Vnrhor'd in a more con- venient Bay, at i£ Fathom, in a Sandy bottom mix'il with Clay. There were two Villages of the Indiam that lay near the fliore, from whence fome of their Canoes brought Hogs and Coco's, but held up Ixith at fo dear Rates, that there was no Bartering with them. And now, tho' they had SaiI'd lb long by this New Land, yet they were ftill unable to refobe themfelves whether it were Nf w-GhiV/i or no: Their Charts did neither agree with,, ^ one another, nor the Land they had in Profpc5i, which JJhJ^j!^, for the moft part run N. W. & by W. foinetinics more tit. Welterly, and fometimcs again mure Northerly ; yet for all this Icruple, (which they cou'd not remove) they ftill held a W.N.W. Courfe, along by the G)all, with a quiet, tho' dull fort of Weather ; and to by the help of the (iream, that fet them about the Welt, ( as it does all along that Coalt} they made 1 degrees 58 minutes, the 1 tth at Noon. The ijth and 14th, they kept Sailing by the Coaft, having fometimcs very high, and at others very tow Land, bcfide them. The mh, mirfuing the fame Courfe, they rcach'd two low Iflands, about half a League from the Main- Land, about 1 degrees 54 minutes S. L. Here they had good Anchoring, trcm % and 6, to 40 Fathom ; and fee- ing the Country well ftorcd with Coco's, the Boat and Shallop, well provided for an Attack, were difpacch'd, with Oriiers to Land and get fome : But the Inditmi, it fecms, had obferv d them, and accordingly prepared for their Entertainment when they Landed ; and they gave them, perhaps, the warmeft Reception, with their Bows and Slings, that ever they met with, woimding at leaft i£ of them, .ind forcing them, nocwiihftanding their Muskets, to retire. The 1 6th, At.n Mcidictn, they Sail'd in between both the Iflands, and Anthor'd at 9 Fathom, in a very good place. The fame Day they Landed upon the leiTer Ifland, burnt fome of the ludiant Houfes, and brought as many Coco's as made three to every Man's Oure. The Barba- rous People beciiiie more gentle, and good-natur'd, up- on this Treatment, for the 1 7th they came to make their Peace with Otfering> of Coco's andBanan.is, Ginger, and The 6th, with very variable, and fome ftormy weather, yellowr Roots ufcd for Satfron ; they yielded totrultihe they had, Atit: McMem, a very hi^h Hill before theuj, I /)««/. fofirastoco'i c aboard their Ship.wherciheQuarrel G » w» 44 Srverai l/latuis. Storms and Earthfjuakf^s, Lib. I. \v« Pfrfri'liy m.iitr «p, «n.l rhc Heart* < t ihe f»i(Mi>ii/'' |.irr« .itnH'otiamonftll (liciii ; iliry wen- rot furi'iifM at piiMi (inn', a« the mIht* iilii- ali> wrvi', ni>r li) I wriiiiK m liiol.inn tiitoilicMnp. a»al>- liiliitf StMnpcritdfiich Athiiii;iinilllv Ivpi'DuM mlv. ■|lc tilt tl'i'V .'iinii mill'- I riegrce i-jiuimitM. 'llu- llrtMiu iImm iliiit' "> a iliiltir of lllaiui«, whon- tlnv ^nlllll^'ll .ii i< l.itlii'in, wiih ViTirit of Ram aiul Thuiulir, tha' 'Vhi' i^il. ■''»"<' M ii, UttiiiR S.ul tioiii tlirtiiv, (!< pri.Mi Cmtxi oiT' ok tlicru .i little ftoni tho I .tiul, iniiii'inp, iliv'il lull, C'in.ii'». I!atniu4, 'lol'ati'", uiii) a liii.il'l ((irt uV l-mit liWo I'n't i.». I ,/'.ii/< from aiuKluM lllimi aU'u l>rouglil Victu il%, and i.V;;>.,i.PortcUm', to Barter. ■J hrfi- Pco;'lc, like moll ot tllo Birhrin", were vallK fonil of Bca'ls iiul Iroti-work ; Imu they were ninivk.i. biy liil'iinf.iiilliM liimi thcfo i>\ the I.Klinin.l, ly tluir larger tizr. and mii\-h were not the l:tlt Iwoei'iiii whiili thelc IVoplealfoh.id (ten. The 14th, l>cinp under half a degree, thi'yStecr'dN.W, ^ W. ^ S. W. along I'V a very eleaftnt llland. on whiih tliev U'llowil ihoir Mailers Name ; and the Well Siormi. Thty pari • frconJ illlK. pfiinr of 1' they CAlId the C.ipr ft i. ,/ii «ml \UIoUm , wliuh latter Tongue, < Ml/., the Mirdiart, w.is will skiU'.l in. They wrrt all of chem finely Cloath'd aUim ili.ir Wallis, tome with liMite SUks, otheri with Breidus, and luine !>ilkeii Wre.iths.i! r». Ihoy Bartfr'd wiih ihe /)././) lir B«.ads, anil other 'lo\s, liiit h.id iiiiiili more inirid to I.inen Clotli. Ihiy app-ar'dto Ik- very tiatliil and fiMpirio.is ot' iliem, totliatdijirce, that thiy smmiM nnt tc'l them the Name of the ( onntry ; yet they nidged th.it ih. . were now .It one t.t the three FalUrly Hointi ol < -W, and tlilto, ihrf,. IVoi.le wiie Natives of lU f, wliith afiirwarda '" iluv f(»iind to lie true. The ^ih, .(««• Mfilnw, they fit forwards, holding a Nonherly Courfe, imending to Sail about the Ncrihem I'oint (it (,(,W.i. I he 7th, they faw the North I'all I'.iiin .1 that lllan.1. called M >.uj\ whiihthin lay S. S H. t'lon iluni. MH'i, llie Sih, at NiKin, tliey made 4 dogrevs ) ininuiet North I at. had their s.iy llonny Wiaihcr, iindaCiir- reiu that inn Nonliwaid. l he 9ih .vid I cth, they had variable Windl and Wc«- iluM\ aiul ni.idr 1 d fnvs ^n niiniiie-. The nth, tlioy lia.l a pnfped cif the Point .Vfc.;- M» apain, \ilmh tluy deliiu'd to ha\e riaihM, but the Current drove them oti fioin the I and Nirihwnrd. 1 he I )th, ihi) made 1 d jtcis s« minutes, il,c Wind* i-imtinning Itill to ll.ilt . U.tir and the Rains falUr.p ; fc::w I Kr till lly ; ami lotoilie ivth. 'I'hsl)ay, wi'hniii. h toll and trceb'e, they got m- derthe land, and S;ia'd alonj; by ihc Coatt wiili fair Wea;lier ; in the Night they law leseral Fires 1 poii ihe Land, The I'itli, with ftill Weather, they continued iliivi.tg along by the Land, and at Nocii \-.ere Sainted ly two Canoes ot l'-i«t/-..!..ni, that had lam there three Mnnths, f.ir a l.iding of Rice j and that Jmiicof them wou'd Condiiiil them, the next Day, into ihc Road of i'o/."'. The I9tli, they .Saii'd into the Bay, and ^nchor'd at 1 P tathom, fandy ground, about a Cannon-il.ot fruin the n.ore : 1 hey Bartti d here for Sagow, Hens, Tottoifc and Riie. eft. 17. w.th a pofidgaic, they diredl. d their Courfe toTff>i/iff, fpymg agood Sail making thither too, whuh, afterwards, they nnderllooil to be the Mm ninj-Smr of H'lite'fi.im, a Ship of iou Tun, and 16 Guns'.' Their i Shallop had lain in the Creek of S,il>cu, with that Ship, The li-h, they fpied three IdandJ more, the Coaft rcuhing N.W. & b\ W. 'Ihe i7ih, ihcy were under 19 miniifcs, and haiing .•\ fight of muih I .wd to the .Snnthwaid, fonie very high, and lonie .is low, they p.iit N.W. nlotig by it. The 19 b, at Nij'hr, thcv h.id an I'ttrrhquake, which lliook the Sh'P .IV that r.ite, that the Men run fnphrned out ol their C.ibi 'ins, evpectirg I'lfind her run .i-grounil, orjol-.ed ,ip,i.nll I'lnu- Rixk ; biK, upon trial, they found a depth ot w.tteiih.tv w.is iinf.itliini.iMe. and ns plainly law they were clear of all d ing r of Roiks atid Shelves ; fo that 'twas nianitett I y iheetfeet of a \ iolent conrunion of the Alviousand Stibniarinc Regions, which taus'd ami propapaied a trenor ;ill thrcngh the water, and thnsdi- Ihitb'd the morion of the .Ship. ThcT^th, ihey put into a great Bay, out of which! three Nights, and from thence brought then an Accoufui finding no opening, they rettirtiil to a Northcn Courfe i '1 hat there were 10 /)///./> Ship^, very well lurnilli'd, ai 'again: Here the Ship trembled again, with loud andj tlic AJ(»k.//./i, th,it waited there for an opportunity to At- horrib'e erncks if Thunder, and the l.iglniiiiig was fo;tack the S/./wi//' Fleet loming to IViw.t/c 1 hat I'eter Bot, like to let it a-hre, that in all prdiability it iinilt hau: ' llani'd, had not the Clouds, that furtiifh'd the pernicious fiio, atlbrded water alii), in prodigious lliowers of Rain, Hop liail •c Kiph tor the cxtinpuilliing of it. 1 he ^ I If, with a Noithern Cotirle, in the Evening they pafs'd the yf.iju.itor a fec.ind time ; and Ixnng en- coiiipals'd witii Land all round alitiott, they Anchor'd at 1 1 barhoin, pood ground, near a delolacc llland th.lt lay dole by the hrin Land. /Ii.'.wft I. they inaile 1% ninute* Nonh I .nr. and in the F. veiling, wiih ,1 hardltrean'. vvcm dole to the I and ; iho Cahn, Anchor'd, iho' in V .Iter, .ir.d very rugged boitoni. ening, w - _ , , and bctauleof iho Cahn, Anchor'd, iho' in a lh,illow|now wme and Vilited thcirShip, and Summon'd one of m his return homewards, wth 4 Ships, was wreck'J upon Khii'iiiui.li!a>iJ, one Ship of the 4 only efcaping the fury of theStor.o. Ort'frf i8. they pafs'd by Jttcittr/i, and Anchor'd with- out the llland : Here they found three £«^/i/fc Ships, and three of IkHmut. The next Night, Death (which had forbornthem all this long and tedious Voyage, which neither by the Mi- niftry of the deiouiing Waves, by infedious Difeafes, by the Darts of hiM.ws, nor the far more cruel (troke of Famine, had as yet made any fatal Imprelfion upon then) Vilited their Ship, and Summon'd c the Company to Ix-gin a V'o\age for the other World. 'Ihe id, they ilrove niorg with the ftre.tin, W. & W. ! ' I is true, indeed , that two others h.ad died out of the &;byN. with \irvraiii\ weather. j other Ship, the Home, loll long lietoie, but the Vnuy Ihe 3d, bu iij^ it.ll bct.i'ni'd, they Stcer'd .as before,! it ill kept iis Compaiy imire to this time, and now had it and found a Bank li) f:ir iH the Sia, that t!' e con'd fiarce feetheLand, being in limie I'lacts 40, in i';hers2o, and 1(1 to II Fathom, laiidy grjuiid ; and the ftreain there went W. S. W. The fuiic Day thev trade ji minures North L.it. and fawfcvcrnl Whalts;ind 'roiic.li'^, witli two lllands lying to the Weihv.ird of tlvin ; and now they gi'cfs'd they were at the end (•! ihi Land of KfW-'ULur-t, having Saii'd tSo Leagues aloni; L'. the Coaft. The Rams and Calni'j fti'I tntnimi'-d. lell'en'd but by the nuii.Lerof its Name ; which was very ilrangc, for Men who had Death e\er before them, in (o many Forms and Shapes, and coii d not live (in their way of Life out of continual danger of a furpri»e. But their own Country-ircn, it fcems, were more fevcre in their treatment of ihem, than this the nioft furniidablu lincmy of Mankind : Death had Arrelted buione of the whole Compan)', and this too a poor Weather-beaten Traveller, fatigu'd with a long and toilfome Vu) age, might poilibly be a great kiiiclners, but for Men to be llnpp'ii, Lib. I ^Chap. VIII. « I ininutft ', uui a Cur- The Life Vfage of the 'Dtjcoojcren, 45 itrpp'il « once of »ll ihc Fruit of fo m»nv eoftly Uliour*. 10 ftil HMind thr tilolx f'W « fnull piticl of Oticli, ici WlvC Rorkiaiiil WinJi, Jn.l UnllcMui Vii ; »nd iftrr •II Ix lw4Ui»wa uf by.ilwi/ <»wit Cfvmry -nrn : Tlw wj« wnrfc iltaii «ik)ikn«|it Mki (oli«ik»« ^ikpfiixaKV a more liiWiMf PiiiU/liiirnt thai) ilyiti>. Yet tin-, wjithf Fat* of our woriliy I)if>o\crin: For Ship ami t»'bv gain a Uav more- 'lheS['.ue cf I iiiH. ln.ing the fuiic on Ivith (idet, but tlic C oiiipii tatioii lit Day and Niphl difll'renr, on the Icorc of ihc one's ("oing .ipainft, aniftheother with the Sun. Havii'g nvw lott ttieir ^bip, ibcy dti^'ut'dui ilicmUilvci divenwayi; fotnr rniring into the Vrvire of ili. /i^H. MU Company j and the ii.tl piepat.ng dr .i Reiuin to II llAn.l, with two Ship* that were ('oing ihuhrr, t/(. the Amil>'U4m,MA^ Z^tlttH.1, iMiiet Oie Cnntii aiid of MwWiXVft tfkl'ftftn. Thf y P-f Sail from Btmmm\\\c Pourrrenth n(*ij«. tm^rt j and the Thirty hrll their principal Mctkhant, j*.JiU- Mnirt, died. 7.miM.» the ftrft they loU fight of the \rh>i,l The Twenty fourth the) Amhor'd under the IHand Mnuricim, and refrelhM there for fi* Day. " M'r>/ the Sixth they pafsd tiM Cupc of OmU H ft, M theycuelVd. bit law it not. The Thirty firlt they weie undi t the Iflanil of St. Huens, and there found the ^./.in./ at ilicii \rii\al. The Sintli of ■ij'ii, lij\iii(' lii| plied their Shipv with frefti Wat. r, tin y let lail tip,, tin r. The Iweniy lourtb, they pats'd the liquinoCltal the thud (line. And tht: Twenty eighth l.iw the North Sur, which tliey had not feen in iwiniy Manihkhefoic. ',iu!> the hrIt, the .lui,nay b^loir. And thin thiy perforin'd t'rir Vo' iC n tv^oYi.irs and eighteen L):iyi i hav ing made a Noble L>di:ov vry , and lott their Ship tiid (i'KKN tin liieir Faw. /i^a)7igat!iona(> iM 4« Lib, II. iti' I' ■ li' ;i^at)i0atlons!t tinn Ilo)»a0e0; o F ENGLISH-MEN, ALONG THE CoaJIs oj Africa, to the Cape of Good Hope \ And from Thence to The Red Sea, the Abassine, Arabian, Persian, Indian Shores, Continents, and Iflands. Xl)t S>econD 25ooft« \l I Chap. I. Of the prjl Englilh Voyages to the Eaft- Indies, before the EJia" hlifhment of the Faft-lndian A'onVo'. 0/SJgheImus, Man- devile, Stephens, Fitz, and other Engliih-mens Indian Voyages and fourneys. WE have fcen the Ships of the moft Cele- brated Nations of hUiiope, piercing in- to the rcmotclk Seas, and tra^crlinp the unknown Fans of the Glo'ot. We have followed the Spjnijh, F.iiglijk, and Dutch Circ\mi- Navtgators, through all the Parts and Stejis of their fcvc- ral Voyages, and at laft ftcn them put lafely into their own Ports. The Brave hUgliams, the Renowned Drukf and Cati- dijh, I'.tn Ncrrt, Spillierrer, and Schutcn, have drawn the lines of a Coiiipletc Na\igition before us, and mark'd out our way through the Nonhcrn and Southern Hemi- fpheres. But leaving them with thofe fcveral Charaders of Glo- ry, which their Difcovcries have defervedly fix'd upon them ; we arc now to enquire into the Performances of cihers : Which x^C :hcy don't reach the Fame •£ thofe lirft U;fcnvcrics,havc yet been of as confiderable Advantage to tbi.:rrcfpedlive Countries, as she others to the World in f;cncral. 1 hofe that have open'd the rich Mines of C,;(iw», thai hav:: brought the Spices of the Mies, and the Ji-wcls too, with the coftly Drugs of the Happy /tmbiii, to their own Ci untry ; ha\c made themfelves worthy to be taken Nraice of, tho' they have m:t found out any new Landi, nor furvcy'd the mighty Glolie from one Pole to the other. And what other Nations have attempted of this kind (and how rheir Diligence has been rewarded) their own Hiftorics mult tcltifie to their Prail'c ; but we ha\c now the Performances of the i-nf^tijh Nation, pecu- liarly lying before us ; which how pion:ab!e and fucccf- fiil tiiey have been, the following Book will in fomc mca- fure difcovcr. 'Tis true, that fincc the tftablilhment of the Etiff- J/.'./m« Company, xnOs^c^n KH^neth's time, the /i **■* i almoft over all the Bafiern World, bearing the Tjr»«r/ ^p „.j Company, in their many famous Expeditiom. There*! no need of mentioning Sir John Mtndcvit, and his snany M-j-a. Years Travels rhrougb the EnR, fincc they areewanti^'^ wrinen by himfelf, and the famous Geographer OrteUu, And in thofe times, while the Holy War was maintain'd againft the Sanumi and Titrl^s (in which we know the Etiglifh had a leading part), there's no doubt but fcveral of them being drawn thither, did vifit other parts of the £4ff befides. Btat even in Queen EU:{abtih'*iaDt, before the forming of that Society, there were fevenl Emiift)' men that perform'd very confiderable Voyares, Firft we have that of Tajmai StrBmj,ttom Lhtm to**** Got), by the Cape of GotdHopt . WhcKD by himfelif at Gm, and dated NeFjther*2f«i; ion, travelled (*> "^ ig theT^r»«r,J-p.„^^ otM. Therei and his siany f^fdnU, 7 are extant; 'tier OrtiUu, 'as maiatain'4 we know the bt b«t feventl rpuTS of the stiine, before evesal £iy/'% '' r —--—-«—-» V i" . f/,/iv.»jfc'' MlrUtr i.-trwiifrT Jsiban ^jvi laku Gor , tn^e " ilir' ' ^-V y^Wv u& Xml J,«W.., /A«« Jlr/Urh, \J jW.-; \ Inp'JrA »■%?»" S.n,>>5-'«i;t\.''ik-. /^.f^-S" ^'" :»<'*■ i^**^ ♦^'« '^^ "H j?^-*"* S>?'»»\ olBw Vl>.' vi C ^MJuL'.T ^^^C- dei Jf^Turtn* XVCOMZA. I. ;i^» Ukrmr Cev .fr"-'' ... o '*3-/ rnr rOinir I. Jm J^lrttJ I TUnlt .'. V/.J" tPhilipuu .•'■ Timnvml \IC vJm '='TJ'%ha. •0. i /% , A,. >^ ,lr„„,,I '»-<-r, S"' ^ Sea .*./ £r^. Viterrmutnd ;i :-! i. ' |:!t:ii)iJ ■';» m f'j. )hap. II. Jlent Parts ; t tlioupht lit t( bcf.nn to Tra Rc|iuntion. that biiiilcs h travcll'ii to C U. iiSo. M.\li,i^ Aiinc iJ- 1 hi ; W The Vl A licn/nini)! : Cli the Shi An were Mr I^'J'. Cir\ of I.' n.'oii the rcmoicit P they cnnic him t!Ts to the Grc Ititrr w,it 'i"hc ' cttcr he , K nt; Brt yc! H "■'. !')' rrotcA them fi ' the w nds aiiJ the whole Flee lat.on of thole yer Tjiiic l.ipht ter happily intc written by /,/Vi Royal Court fucrto RJco, an This Letter Council of the relates to the f the thing is fo i lng.:pi Fleet t^iek any thing I the Story tills ,V IfffiBtnra 'i'hjtr ti-i^ tlj) *""■''■''''■ three ,1'orriiPite! titia, a rny t,t togetlcr will) .1 All this Frcyfel viii'iii lay , T,i for't ; But he i fions : For .'■,<:'^ Robbery was World do allov tcr this, tlie /j, that (as he ic number of Siir able I'liMuler, i ji, three Leagu was dated. But what b Men bound fo Kland in the H Ix'ft way is to were brniiuht ii bins; tlieCatho _ \\'hen they v «.«.■.', (;«'i''.'. .md N.uo/i-.v, to C. »/(/':".'<'«/'/<• i and thence by the Banks of the F.iixnic crofs the n.iiiuk; and fothrotiph H'/:Ucbiii,i'olml.i,l'riiJJii,ind OenniArii,, into i.i^J,-n,l. Next to thtCe, we arc to look tipnn fomc others of i more Modern Date Itill ; which, tho' the^ follow d intlic fame Geno'oiis Attempts, yet wanteil i foire ot ilicm at loaft ' the Jdiccifs and Good I'ovtilnc of chofe that wcni before tlicin. C HAP. II, Tk'Vdappy Voyage of Mr. Benj. Wed, into the Fall-Indies. ID. II9S. A • K f!!; Fleet of three Ships, equip!'''! princi(wUy at the Charges of Sir R^i'en l>u.< , w.is put urdor the Cnniuiand of Mr. Uciy.vnin ll\' .1 The Sh-.p'; were the Ue.n, ihc Be u's ''hev, .\ndthe liciiinimu : And the Merchants employ d in th'S Voy.npe, were Mr RiJ'.mi Alio!, and Mr. T/; m.« HromjirU, ot the Cic\ of / ' "■'o". Thefe Pcrlons intend np to pierce in'O the '■.cniotclf Parts of the I -sK and lo vilit Co .• Ix'firc they c.tme h'>n e, nhiain'd Qticcn (■.//r' -••'■'s P.r.icious 1 ct- ttTstothe Great K.np of thiit Cour.try, on their beh.ilf The 1 ctter bc^.m in this m.inncr : /■.■■?r/'V.\i /J i, i^'c. gr.t vc. Her Majcify's lUconinuiid.itions cou'd not C.-.W, 'jy rrotea tlicm from D.ingers and l)ilalicr> abroad, nor n-.akc Lthjirt*. |[,^. ■^'i^j^.jjij ^V.lvesfa ou'-.ible to thcin ; llnce I'.ot only the whole Fleet w ,\s m for.iMy loll, Inii the panuular Kc- lat.on of thofe Tr.igical .Ad' cmiircs uiil> arricd too. Brt yet finic l.ipht into this Bulincfs was artbrded, by a Let- ter happily intercepted in its paffr.fze from the H'rJI-lnilcs, written by LUenti-.ic .UcaLx, Ac I- 7 ( .V.-'.' ' , Auditor of the Royal Conn of , St. Den. n^-, Judge r,f Commiiiion in Vucrio /^-Vc, and Captain-f.eneral of K-m .-In.l.i .'/i f. This Letter was direded to the King, and the Royal Council of the hiMci ; an Account of which, as ini.ch .as relates to the prelcnt Bufincfs, is here fubji^ynd : Tho' the thing is fo imperfeift, and the inain Biilinels of the l»l.:(h Fleet fo obfcurely touih'd, that 'tis not calie to pick any thing fatisf.idory out of it. In (hort, the Sum of the Story tins Sp.vii.:rii ivD-i h's Mal\cr, is this j r,..r>fj 'J'/wf ti.-L- .'tiC- Fnglilh Sh/ri b.-fnr.,nei:ii(m'(l, m-t veitli i,;Ho. ,hce ,1'orriigiieze, (then the Kin;', of Sfain'i Subjeifrs) me rain ; but however, he took it l< .ib.iiuh.n'd him, that he dilco\cr"i I'l Ir!.; that his Ft'l '\\ ;|i.iJ whole R '!ir.. Is to a crrra'n (Jnng i.f Sjan:.7'r'i ; .ind told tlicni wh re they might lii:d the three I'.'gi'f-ir.o;, and ,:'.i ill 'K ■ ; 'sTr :i- fnre, upon the lllo of t .' .n. '( h'fe 1 oval .V/m«.'.;'.-'.- rcfof.'d :ii t I'l l"l'; iMs opp:i:ii- nit\ lit cheating their King, went d redly -Jd'her, and jf Friend.i!i'p, trepanu'.l the into a P.irley wi:h il'.em, tlies piri'.v.ulcd 'gn thcmfehes, w'th all the r Boi.ry, inro;hcir which tliev took polfcdion (^f ; .md fo d \ iJ;ng the iii"-itihe ,i-„.',;j,/. i;.'ijc s c.im:_lrr»t Cii a ; ':ii}.l I'.U, •"""rjt oil.:< ^l>(iS1ipi o}tt' litic. I fcir r,i'r?cn!'l, ,•..^•^.«/.f>■/> Aefign .1 tor tl'M I'im.c, metier with .i v.tjt lie.il «f M >iey, if:,lwry ■■.■.viiMe (.' All this I'rcy fell into the Hands of the E'^Uji >;M'(i'i fay ,' Trey roH'd the Si'ipt ; and calls thel having with f.ill'e Pivtcnees .'«,;//■.,; them torel' hands. Money amunpd them, they let'i the Jewels, theCiolit.anJ he Plate, in .i fure Kcpclitory under ground. Bur 'cc taking car- to leave out fome little matter of Silver Bars, and oth'.r (ioods, togiie .i colour to their own Story ; they firlt of all fet upnn the three I'.'j^'lh, lontravy to their Protnif ■ given, nuirdcr'd two ot them ; but thi; third luppilv icap'd their h.inds ■ And to make all the hrer, po)fon'd the fot.rth, tli:it h.ad given them the firil Information, when they c.ime liack to J'hyu i(.',r. Being come thither, thcv g.ive the Govetiiour an .Ac- conn of their Adventure art >,'m ; that I.S, as much of it .is W.I s for their pirpofe to difcovcr. They fworo they had found no more 1 reafiire than what they then came to tell of : And that ihcy were forc'd to kill three En^lijl-- mrn in fight, before they cou'd come to be Mailers of that. rhey laid their Plot as deep, and inanag'd it as cua- nmply as was pollible : li wanted no help of Lying and Perjury ; no A.rdtance from Subormtion, Che.it, and Forger/, but \s hat it had inahundai.ee; never any Plot had abetter Title to the Dcv il's Protcdion, for the big- nifs ot It, than this ; bccaufe he never had more Concern iC Spt* in any . But all wouM not do ; and the fiirviv ing En^lifk- for't ; But he might have been more Ci\il in his Expref fions : For /.i ;;./:«. i .md i'/.i'.- were then at War ; and thi Robbery w.is no more, than what nil N.ations in the World do allow and pradice at fuch times as that. Al- ter this, the i:}giilh Fleet u as fo peitcr'd with Sicknels, that (.as he relates) they all died to four ; which Small number of Survivois, put thiinlelves, with all their valu- able Plunder, into a Boat, and to came to the Ifle ot Z >;. j(, three l^eagues from I'vn /<. c,', from whence the Letter was dated. But what became of the three Ships, or how theic Men bound for the Ei'.st-bi.iia, came to wander to th.at llland in the Wcst-liidlei, is left wholly in the dark ; the Ixfl way is to make a Miracle on't, and fay. lh.it they were brought in there to be punilh'd for the Sin ot Rob- bing the Catholuk Ships. ^VIu■n they were come to 1 'tin, they brought all their (joods alhoar ; but liv'd, it lecms, in very ill Circiim- Itanccs there, and hardly knew how, or which way to diipolc of then lelvcs. Going firm thence to Porto ({ieo, for a Supply of Wa- ter, thcv left one of the Company behind them at that place: vrhether by chance, or out of IXi'gn, is uncer- was the nicnns of their Ruine. He made a fliift to Iwim a-llride a Timlxr-'og, from t-'n',/. to Wrto t{n- , and there dileovcr'd at large the Vertuesof thofe good Catho- licks, who had murdeiM his Cumpanions, robb'd their King, put a trick upon the Government, forfworc them- I'eh cs to lultily as ihey hail done ; and after ail. had Brafs enough to Hare the lividence m the Face, am! deny all. At leall they denied the molt material Particulars of the Fad; and as they began with 1 ying and Perjury, fo they went through-ltmh with their Bulinefs, Lying and Swearing on tothecnd of theCliapter. The Governour laid them in Irons, till all the Proofs that ron'd be pick'd up, were btought in aeainll them ;and fome of them not thinking ht to lie there in Prifon tilltl'at time came, broke Jail, and left the Governour, to look his Pnlbncrs where he cou'd : But whetiicr the Villains fell into the Hands of Jullice, and were liang'd afterwards or no, is not woiih ones while to enijiure. However, this pallage is fuflicient to alfure us, that the Qu'.r, s 1 etier to the King of (//((.j did mifcarr) ; and iliis iirit Fleet ler out for the i'.ifl-Iii lie!, did not reach thcirdefircd Porr. T'';.t l.cttrr Ka> .UfJfiom Porto Rico. Odnber i. //. D iSoi. c H A P,- •i liim ■'•i;. ^T 4.8 Mr, J. Mildcnhall'j Treaties nit'h the Mogul, Lib. iS-^^^P'-iX: C H A P. III. The Tra'vels of Mr. John Mildenhall mto the Indies, Perllil, and the MogiilV (owif/v. IVrittcn bji himlclf^ mTivo Lcllvi \, the vjln.iUc Rcmarl;^ of "which are here wjerted, I ikio: I , Al'tii- till' tirll (if thd'o \ imrs, tin.' Rcailtrcln- imt U- loiii; i-iuen.imM liciv, (iiuc i!k- Wnrcr li.\s iKit t'liriiillni Material* for Ir. lie only giMs u< ill a v^ry tivv I incs, a bdiciiic ct liis Iniirtn'V from i'iiil}.vith:ii'!e, to ('.iit.'.ii r , Aik! liiicc lu- (.i'.hi'i- mj;ii.\'K'il ir.ikiiij; iliicOMi.TV.itiotiv li) ilicway, or .T. !c.".(l met Willi IK tiimi; tlut he ihouciit \\onli li!>Oli. l.r- .u on, ilii; KnJcr ivult I'c luiiti'iiicci ; iitithci is iiitr>: ;tiiy C oiirfj to tiiul o\it ilu' C.uih- of th s dtfict, Imi I'V takinp .1 I'.'iiriicy after Irm, aiul )'.o;iit'. lus Ko.iii Imwicii (>»'/ -i.'/i -'/■■'-' iiinl ('■■i.J.ti <, , to fee wlu'tlior it artbril'- any tliii'i; tliat Jclir is Not'ic or i o. lie 1 nly giM.> ii'- an ■ Aecoiint 'if tlic preai I ake of r.:ii '.i \\t; llion^u C'liy 111 ./ >',.-( .V,\ wliiili liefaN^lic Kin f.'.f lH'.i nr:iai(lv li'.r c\ il, and rowed all ri'iind a!>ni i. '1 lie 1 ake i> ,ill Salt Water, fj del' '''•'*' ''■■" Navij-'ahle, aid nint Day- | niiney ^ii its CiiemiiteHiire. Onte a Year at ilie DeUem ofilu'Siiow- uater from the MoiMitaiiis one rarrieiilarend of the Lake Iwarins uiili liil; ; iliey regtilaiiy uMer\c that Seafon, and a> ir Ihoiiii fcciii, that place toe and then the Coun- try People lonie down in great minibers from all the ad- loyiiin^; p'.aee>, m follow this Spoil nf Filliiri);, wliiili tiiri's to \ery good Account. Thcfo Fiih are al'om titc I'lpnefs of a I'ilehard ; and leinq faltod and dried, are kept all the Year round for a eondant I'rovilioii. From thiv lake of I'.tn, in /h>i,eni.i. Mr, \U„l:i.l:il is lij fud. lienly llippd away lo Cihiiiku in ln.li.i, iloinj; 110 more tiian I'.ilt ti'lluip 'he Miles ii(K)n the Road, that it j]>pcar< to no purpoie to follow liini any fnnher, liiit rather to ticul Into oi'i 111 loiiie iirlier plaee, where he iiia\ have I'oiiie- tlii'jt iiiMe material ton!! us. up hit M< .1 Man "vi that!, ga^( Mr, a; hinifcif, 1 the I'rfnii good Mail got fo mi good meal other aililt fpeakir,):, lu' van led I luis lu hi-. O'.vii .\1 I'erms ,;s I unkind Cr, ilie Jcfiute- than iili he Men, in il I Anay i.i' .So a D.iy o """"H"''! \alf Alleml ped beiwee Mr. KUliich Inis'd ihi" /. of It ; niih had repieiei L'oiiiitries 1 fliewiiii! the and what If We re fond 1 added f.utli, Ccntct.tf of thi' Scrun^ Letter P.iltrl front C>asMii, //; PcrHa, 05?i'/) ^, 4 D i6o6. .4. 1'. i»j; K. \l:'.u-i.'.tl, wlieii he writ this letur, was ^l^ he leriin to intimate) \ipon his Return lor linf^ii.ii.l ^ he had Iven at llio Court of the (Ireat M'^nl, and was in his way lioiiu wards as far .as ('././' '11 in I'fji.i ; wlunlie pave the World this Aceount of his Proieedings. 'I'he Iciteri.s the more xaliiaMc, Iveaufe we luv ehere ilieRe- l.ati"n of a very early Vilit m.ide to the Gre.u Mv^ii', and the CViginal, .is it were, of our Correfpondenee with th.it Country. He tells 1 s. That I'cing arrivM at / r.hc; he lent a Di- fpatch to the Co irt at )^i.;, to give Notice of his U-iiig there; as alfo, to delire leave to come and treat witli that Vrir.ee, about t'-e IV I'ncfs that liroi^'ht him into I11C1. H:s I e-terswrre oiiieklv .ti fvvcr'd, ar.d (\ders pn; to t.u.i-: .111- l^'s' (io-.LM'f ar rf / r-::, 10 |nixi!e him with a goal i--,.i Rix. 10 Cli'.ird, .-ind all ( tlier Kcci if.iries f r Lis ]o irncy to . '^ ■■. '^'"- Vv'.tiiintwoorthree Oay* aftethi-eru ingt'uiher, lieiiad ■Vu.'iereeof the (Ifat ^ J ;.-.'. Put thn-'was no iin re than theii^akint; I'ls tirl Cotrp enicr.t, .tiul delivering * a Pic- , fe;,' ; a >e y reafl'.iry tl-.inp, in order to t'le lueeef-ful riJ Hi'ic'j^ Management of Prf'H-l's \r tin fe .'' 7.'.' ;, Courts. All that hetrccerds to, iv the /l/.-;.- \ kind Acicptar.ee of hisPre- fent, .-.nd the good Hunvur he expivlV'd upon that o^ea- iicn. Hr.t he \sMs ouieklv lent for, to gi\ c an Aceoui,: of li\ iie.lir.eN and Dehg-T in ei niiiigtliithif, lotheK ng ard his Council : Vhieli ha. ing done in all the fexeral I'artieii- larsof it, re'.a'ing to Trade and Commcrre ; aecor.lingio liis Ovdtr>, he ihlittevl 1 pon the Grand PMut letweeu the /'.nj/^; ■.(•.;.- and IS, He urged, '1 hat Her Majolly (f yv/;'((.,M'.a\iiigtlien ^^'ar^ w ththe '^j-.m'/!: ar.d I'c .-li^u-^., deMrd leave liir her Subjecl'- to treat them as Knet'ues in his Poi t«, as well as other w here ; th.tt they ir.ight feize tlici; Ships, and do all other things, in purfuan^c of a jiilf\V,',r, without I'i ing him any Oltence. / II iliis was heard, and eommitt^d to writing, and an Anlwer protrisd ill a fiif rt lui'e. IV.'t the drea' .\/ ;;/, inlttad < f tf.nfulting with his Council, tell to asking the Icfuitc's All' iee, .lliout .tn Anfwer to Mi . A;//..' );;> '/,'V Prcpofa's, 'I his was undoing the P'.'linels '.'> all ii,t..'n's and p'.irpofcs ; aid it l-.ad licen .is good for the /. .■; ijhv) have had the King of S;-;<; liimle'f couf h.d in the C'.ie. • The I'ir. Ki:: c^nlil' i< Will T.v \'. t i »' Sice ^;i.l I. il.iri'.t' a:<, wiihoiit f. r.i; told hiiii, '1 l.u :<■;■■• v-re iteriW.i Friet.di- :; .Afeli'fts ' and anv 1,1- People I f a \er\ l.ad Cl.arae>.irown Interelt •tiita;';' whieht'iey v.oud n-.i lliik to|U'l'reliy Ice,-, hovfoever prciudcia! ti the Cnuiitiie-. where rl: Ikli.les, 'hat ili's ,'■; i;/.'//.w.ii,- now crer t .ro his Lit v, was li'.;t a Spy upon h in. lent tJirJier Py lii^ deiignii.g Cdimtr -men, to whc-d'- and ir.iiniutc h.aile'if into 1 lis Maje-tv 's Favour, tiv th.it n eat:>toopen IcmeDoof f'.r tliemtoi'iiter into the Coui.i'-, l.\ ; whvii il ihe^ Olive did, he won d be put to a great ileal of tiou- lile iefore he wou il be .ible to get rid of them again. 1 liefe Siorif.v did the Pulii.els etfeChially ; aiid the Je- luiies telling tliem Wuhan Air of .Serioulneis, andafecin- iiig Concern, th.u iliey were loic'd to makefiuh ill Rp-Tlif .'.i,,, p.'iisof a Chrillian Nation ; it turn'd ihe AI-vW quite out V ','■';' ot the Ro.id of kind 'Jhoughtsarid Delign.s towards them, '" and product d this Hat Refohe, iV.c Juiflijh Dem/in.lijhit/t •M br ji^r, nit.l. Yet all was carried very fair to Mr. AliV- lU'i.h.'.ll ; and tho' Matiers were thus politively concluded atainil him, he had no Noti< c of it, but by the prixace blints of his Friends at Court. Sometime after this, the Cafe being cali'd over again vand the Jefuites, 'tis probable, not in'theway to counter- mine thole favourable proceedings , the King ordcr'J lome Ai tides to be drawn up. anvl'fentto Mr. ,\:iUr>ii:^// ■ whivh vhatloexer Po.ius of Prnilegethey contain'd (for he does not li.llindly t..ll us) yet ort'ered riothing as to the Main Cn-eern .I'.cut the l-'o- n/i;iir^f. , This Grand On iiiion made him another WalktoCoiirt, todtirand tlie inlcriing of t-liofe other Articles too ; the- .Subiecl M.ittcr of whali was e.|ua!ly a part of his Com- mi:uiii w iili till fe relating to Jradc. In Ar.fwer to this, he iiad gi-od Words, and fair Pro- o.,„-.i.-,, mdes : Put the Council was to be confulted again, before I'-i i- '■ the Matter cou d be ablolutely determined. In Ihort, the Cci'i'.cil was lo tedioas and How in coming to a Refolvc, that a \a)l deal of piecious time was conuim'd in attend- ing them : The Bulinefs was coiitlni ally adjourn'd, and put otl tiom oiieSeafon to an.- ther; i-A fo 'twas like to run on w ithout ever eomirg to an illiie. Yet in this In- terval dill the Mi.;,u lend om cor twice for Mr. Mii.tcnIaS, and in .a friendly nianrer, ilude him, for not coming oft- ncrto Cour; ; telhi-.g him at the faiite t;ir.e, that his Bu- liiiels llould at lalt be done to his Coi;ter,t. The Favoers that he l:.id receiv d a!! th.s time from this Prime, w ere but the common Prefent of .'\pparcl, and a- bott ipr..'. lent him in dry .Moiie- ; which .Sum wou'd go 1 ui a little way, iti idrr)iiig a Man throvgh the Fx- icnie'. o! lull a:i I mpiovnieni. We^i, he had now one moi-,-aPi< IptCt of Siiccefs; liui iiid ic prcv'd bur a Pro- rpeCi : He !h d li>; Mi.nilis longer ni die baiih of this !Vo- ii.ife ; bit then liis Veraie wasj.tdid, and wou'd carry lim Lib r:'-u-. IMIde;, the J.-ku'es had ;o e.riiuiivcnt- ed hiM on e.er) hand wi'h their Pelieies that he was not ' 1,- to 11 akv one lUp MwarJs his l!e!i', eraucc. They had Tlic'rf"'; nird th'.' Han i>ol th: Coi 1 t-Offieer; with Pa/ri/ecZ-Moncv oi-.t brik i!y' / he Vo M Peiliin- 1 ■■:» ■ ". 'srj. ■■ijj_ 111 th.u degree, that there was no r.;om for i'j.j.'.'/h when he came to tr\ that Method ; I ' " ' ttl: was, they bri'i'd his Interpreter, fo charu '.''in,' went of all , - irIv tix), that v.lxnthe RiHukIs re-iuir'd his AUilfaiKC, the Rog-e fell ■ Hirwiih hill!, and iiin away. I ler^ w.tsa .Man left in a fwect Cafe! His liuliref. iirgtnt up.n hiir, his Advcrfa- ries caballing a'ld prating aUjiii h;s |-.,ir-. and hinilelf ignorant ol'ihe I. an;, iiaj'.e lie was to -uKver them in. Tliis wa^.-ilii,"!! as b^J as auruiB lus 'i o: i; cour, crfewi/i; ('/..■ /;, anil ,' ijundcr was from Grave 1 he I'we rough W iml ///>./ the had light of The Twc the lalt we 1 Mill the 1 I Hands, in the Seventh St. 7.;:;-^. ;-<'i;i. 'lie 1 7 Oegi, Sot Wmds, and (, iVFfr. Cape St. yi "«"'''•"•"'" llland hnin The Fift. in iS I-atlui This Ilia veil w ilh al PceU, tioat (f Se.i-Fow but Inhabit: ami Pleal".r. turniihM T were li-i t'.' to 1 e tuund Grouf.d, ai: (O Care Si. W/.a/.tf th -'.-„-"/i/«' lall ot till ^ f "''■•• Sr-l:wi'C, •B.i..,cn nl^j'iigcr, th. ^•^lV|;rl.) of i;. ,I/i.V, a '"'•-■ ■•'i.'l". bo'-tli 1 at. (t) ,V.M...,.i .■M.'id';/'i/- B'r .Vc-/..-'.".-;.!, in the Cape KiH'rs. U I alie Kates, LihU^ Chap. IV. John Davis'jyirf/ Indian yqyagc. 49 Indies, nt cf ilicSiiovv- iMiJ ot ilu- l.akr AC iliat .Scilon, thi-n thcCmin- loni .ill till- ad- Filliiiij;, wliiili 1 .iix- .lI'OMl the anil tlried, arc iivirtcm. From •;;/.(/ is lb fuel- (loiii); IK) mere that It appear'' ;t ratlicr to tiiul i.iv liavi' ibiiic- I KcjfMiKtiiM iij> his Mouth i nay, 'tis the fame thing m this Calc : For a Mill without an Interpreter, can i!o no more than he that's gagg'i!, or has loll his Tongue. Mr. Mildenl.i'.l ;ad now hut one way left to rctriefe hinifelt", ind nis ilci lining Affair; and that was, toUiidv the t'rfun loTRne himf'-lf, imdcr the Uirci'hon ot' fonie good Mafter, wlmh he did vry hard ; and inlixMonths pn l() much Skill m it, as to l>c able to Tpeak ir with a pood inealnre ot tiiiency. Now lieltood in need ot no otJKT .illiltarcc, and the jifiiiic"! eou'd not prevent his I'peakiiif;, wuIkhh thfy roMi'd him ot this Intctpreter ih.at lie >arried alwavs ahoiit wirli hiiv 'I luis turniliul With i>- Jii-n thciefore, and aUe to Cprak hi> o-.va Mmd, .iway he weni to Conn, and m as gentle 'I'erms.ishednrlt, n-ptoaehd the Cirtai A/^"' wirli his unkind Crid^dux . in Ix-lieving the llanderoii.s Rcpoits <;t ihe Jcl'iiitcs ; di.lirir(^ to Ita) no loiiuer in the Country, than iili lie had fuei'i haik the I >e -.u t'le'I'ecth < t' thole Men, in the I'rclenii' of His Majilty, and all the Court. •So a Day ot Audience was appointed ; and there was a valt Allemlily ol No'.iles, to hear this ContrneiHc mana- ged lieiweeii the i-.wi;../,.- i iii and the Jefiiires. In II.m:, Mr. MiUn, ■.•:1 made'it appear. Thai the Jel'mtes had a- l.iis'dtlv /.,;:;'//?.' Nat li;ll, II the Char.-uitis- tlitv had gi\en Imsi ,^ ., , „ ot' It ; iinh.u they were not lb bafeanddclpK.uile as they ha.l re]i!vier.ted them ; nor lo injurious to thole Princes and Countries where iliey were lettled : And all this, by fliewiiii! the Corn I'pondencies the linfji/lj kept abroad, ami what lonlMier.ihle Fiinces both in I'mof.- and ,!fii, w^ve fond of their Fnendlhip, and ready to Court it. He .1. Med farther, '1 hat he wou'd eafily prove the Jeluitc-, (for all their Flirtcries m Iv no Friends to His M in llv, as indeed lo no other I'rmces. being Men of l"iu h Princi- ples, as no fio\iTn!iiein lou'd be ealir with, ihit knew them porfeCHy well, .'^id kcaufe thev I'eem d t.) be I'l mightv careful of lli> M.ijelly's Profit,' he ..-kd luem pui'litkly. What they I, .lit ilone, or prociir'tl ili.it wav •> And how many Pielenrs had been made to the King, by thein, or their Friends, in all the twelve Year that they had followed the Comt .' T!ie I'athcrs vou'J make no Aniwcr to this unhappy puichiniil^iieftion : But howeicr the young Prince Itep'd out, and aniwei d for rliein at this de.id lift, teilinj; all the Company ; It was molt iiiie, ijt.niHiiv- ihey had been a very b.irreu Soil to 1 lis Majclty, and''''"'*"' hadneier sielded liiui iti all tins ele\en or twebe Year 'i"^*^',"R' tile lealt 1 niic, upon any Aceounl whailoeNer. I he Je-Ci..i,i fuitfs knew 'twas all Matiir of F.iCt, and fo held their longues, withoi't ever oti'eiin;' in V.': diem in their own • defence ; but illihe Alfenibly wu-. diverted with the IJKJtt on'i, and ilie Kinj; luut nou fome prolii b) them in his Miiih. Tocoiiilude, the Kiny. ,dtei Ifimi' laithc! Conteretice, was lo well pleas'd and l.iti>!ied, that he p.e.e peremptory Otiieis t'or ihe imiiH\li lu IJ:i:i;i'Ji ot Mr. .M!.',t,.,,li\ Atlair, commanding the ii-seMl" Articles ot I'lniltres In inliltcd upon, tube drawn i;p .ri'.li :i!l the Parti' idariiy and I'.xaanefs thai cou'il be, and delivis'd f him with- out t.niher ilelay. Having rcLCisd Uiefe Writinps (as he did in a Itw Weeks after;, aiivl now ccjmpleatcil his Viiitory over the Jefuitcs, he svciit away for P.7,.1, and there writ his Sii.- ccllis. f r> 1606. at dealof trou- hem aj;ain. ly ; aiul the Jo- els, andafecm- ikebieh ill Re- Tb( .iij. j Aj';;:«/quireo»t;,;;;'j^ s towards them, h Dtmnmli Jhttit air to Mr. \UI- ively concluded : by the private lid over again nay tnc-"■-" In Ihon, the to aRefolvc, m'd in acteiid- .d|ourn'd, and lo 'twas like to "Sex in this In- Mr. Mi:.. .iMiinvent- iiii he was not ■ Thev had Tticirfu:' .■.•wr':/-Moi:ev,o'"''* e word ot all ugly tix), that tlie Rog"e fell .Man left in a his Ai'.vcrfa- . and himlllf 'hem in. This out, or fewirn c H A P. IV / be Voyage of Captain John Davis, to the Fall-Indies : Tilot in a Dutch Ship. Written by Htmjelf. |/«.r i!n M the Fifteenth, wc fct out cf Fhifking with two Ships, the J. <■.'«, and the lionrfi ; the t'ormerof 40c Tun, and 113 Perfons aboard her, the latter of 250 Tun, and about too Perlbu^. 1 he Owners an i Adventurers were Mi.fl-rom, ('!.: K, and Alniit-J, o* M\':cli:i>gh : \nd our chief Com- mander was C/Wc.//, II011ICH1.111, who had a Commillion from (Iraxe A/ :.■(>■/.■■. The Twen'V lecond we aneliorM in 'I'lrhry, with very rough Winds. . /(/>./ the Seventh wc fet fail ; and the Twentieth we had light cf ?n. I) S.iiito. U. P. H9J The Twenty third we fell in with Illand I'.iiin.i ; and the lalt we cime to the I Iks of C.ipe K- ./. A/'ivthe Firlt, we anchor 'd at .St. .Wc/'"/./-, cne of tho^- Illands, in 1^ Hcgr. 16 Min. N.I. Wc water'd here the Seventh j and (citing lild the Ninth, wc fell in with St. J.:?.'. ;i './.. 'he Kimh, we fell in with the Coalt of lir.ijH, ui 7 Degr. South I at. And not being able for the unltcady Winds, and bad Weather, to compat's the doubling of f.iincFfr. Cape St. yl:r^iil)itit, wc Ihap'd our Courfe for the little "»'•'•"■"*' Illand hmnii'.lo l.oi^iil:: (n), in 4 Lkgr. South I, at. The I-ifteenth we anchoi'd upon the Koith-lide of it, in iS Faihoiii. This Illaml is very fruitful, and exceedingly well fer- 1 w ilh all Ccnvcnicnces for 1 ife ; Here is good Water, N, lioa;-, I log'-, Mens, Melons, f.'»oif)'-Corn, plenty of Se.i-1'owl and tilh. '1 here's r.o fcarcity of an\ thing but Inh.ibitants, \sho .ire wanting to talte the Blellini;s and Pleaf res of the place, and to lit down at the well- turimird Table, whiih Nature h.as here Ipicad. There were b"t twi.l.e Neiuecs, eight Aicn, and toi;r Wcmen. to ie tound lieiv ; and thele the l-cit: «ii:^i- left to Till the Giour.d, ar.d to do nccelfarv Country Bullnefs. (i) Cape St. Wf.^i.Jf the Twenty lixth, w\- left this Illand ; md the .-1,'iHiii-i lall ot the Month ^^c deublcd Cajx; St.W«;;,v/'.''.r {!• . S^jf'" S.-:initk-r the b'lrlt, wc pall our nio'lt apprehended •B.'rircn is D^'ugcr, the Satuls .//' ■ l,xs : Thcfe be otffiouuheCoalt (ircixurhyof i; ,«i,V, a gocd wav iiitotlicSea, and are in*;i Degr. '"'■•" M»P>. Soi-th 1 at. (t) s.i,(a:in At-'. n':.'.i- thc Llcveiith, wc anchor'd m the Bay (i) of li'j Scl.!.-tn:i, in 34 Degr. South, l.at. and ic leagues from the Cape of ^:o .1 11 jt ; and here we found three peod Ki\"rs. We traded with the Natives a", very cheap and talie R.ates, having i'ai Sheep and Oxen for old Nails and pieces of Iron, a Penny-wotrh of '.vhieli Metal, would purchale the braveft Ox in the Country. Thefe Animals have louie Peculiar. ties in their irake in this Coiinrry : The Oxen have a great I umpid Flelh, (like the Jiunch upon a Camel's Back) between thc Shoulder', ; and the Sheep have no Wocd, but long lliaggy Hair, and mighty 1 ails (.ill entire F.u.i wheh weigh twelve 01 fourieen Pounds. 1 he Nativ es are of a dark Olive Complexion thcirHairbl.uk .iiid curl'd, like the Negroes of .///;>' their Faces painted with leveral Colovrs, and ail lUisedi e.\cept a Ihort CLke cf Skins, and Sandals upcii their Feet. They are .1 llrong active People, and very fwift Run- ners. I heir wav ol Ipeakiiig is rude and Itrange. and l^c hardly flumaii : You hear grateful inarticnlaie Sounds '.otluni'. but a parcel of un- ; .md it one can compare it ^"Z/'^-'th^ t.i .any thin);, u is like the Clocking of a Biwdini; Hen. V, opl.of.hr Sudi as they are, tliey are Subjects to the Gieat King of "') A/™mi-M/.! ; .and leem to be as much unfurnilh d of ihc Helps ot Art for Soldiers, as they are ill m.adc by Nature for Orators, having no Weapons at all but Wooden Dans. which notwithltandinp thev lan manage t.j foine ir.ifchie- vous purpofes. Tho' they are lb very rude and briitifli 3 People asthjy are, yet they are lubile enough to underlland an .Itfront, and to lay a Plot to Re\ enge it, ami conceal their Rev engc till they have a fit time to too m a very deceitful manne execute it One of the l)u.\-'> having fome wav difgulted them, they abfented themfelves from us for three Days, and in the mean time gave the Alum to the Coun-.rv, by great Fires made upon the Alounialiis. 1 he Plot being ripe for Hxeeution, down they came :n v.,ll -Multitudes from the Hills ; and that we might no. f 'ipcrt an\ ill l.'elign, :hey brought huge Tro.jps of Caitel along \vi:!i ihem. Mat- ters appearing tlius with a l-.ice of I'.ade. and not of War, and we Inilie in viewing our Bargains of Cattel ; they made a I'.ulden and f irioits Allault up> 11 i.s, and threw in their HanJ-dar:. lo thick, that ihip.etn of ourj-;,. , Company was loir 111 a trice, and the r.lt I'Li'an to run vitigo. away in great dd'ordcr, tlie BarbanaiK pmtuine, rhtm at thelleeb. In this Hurry, our C. -.plain, (who did not think lit to venture lumlitlf in the Skirttull,' lent ui a par- cel of Weapons from the Shins; Sw.. r.K, Target,, I'lkes, and Muskets : But not being able ;o lerd Gjiuagc along with ihcm too, the'e Arms ii'i the H.indj of Cowaids did H little ^ rhM 50 / heir Entertainment at Achcil, -^. ^. 16fO, QKIffHi JflillJ.. Intlc i-miil, .nut til,' Hiiriliii of tlio Acbon l.iy mod upon one i.i.^^i'/h-m.in innrj, anil mv Iclf. lUit .ii Ult the Knl'- Mi' ritiVcil, aiul uc went all .lUMnl iliai Ni('.lii ; "n!y mir ^^illll^-l)0J; woulil nnt go .ilcnig w iili iis .iiiv ihdit , •^^ it till' (li'iu'ioiiM t'ri.itiiri' ili'lpiM] us, ami aas .iiliaiii il ot I'luli Luwaiilly Cimpaiiy. 'Mk' Ciniiiir) iK'naUv.iis has a cum! Suil, atiil a pica- l.i!;t \ 1 ; it aUoim.K wiili iiUfii! Piams, ak Mint, Cala- ii.iiit, riiiitai.i', K;l>woii, 'livt'iiil, .Valmnis, 6'.. 'llic'lwimv iVmiuIi, SVC In .Sail, ami the lalt ot tllin Mrnth SVC iloiiMi'.i llu C.ipc I'f f; " ./ //'i/'<-. ir jM IK. ■■Ill f, tW .Sisili.svi'iiml'icil till' Cape ,i/;t >l^mlri{i!), vsliiili i': till moll Si mlidii I'lMiiidridr) nf At i'l{. It lies 111 J', l)i(;r. >Si)utli l.at. .luj Ikmc the Cimipals lias nu Va- tiaiioii. r/.'VKin the Sixth, Wi-t'iil i;i vsiilithc llle A/.i./.ii; i/i.c, iV.iiri (it'C'a)'i'/( iiMi' Wi. ipiiu ail tlic rclt ni'iliisMcmili in attenipti to iloublc that Capi- ; l>iii nm Imn^alilc lo ill) it, sv.'l'dro ri.oiii with the Hay ,St .l: thcThiiil, weamhiiiM in the I'ay. ami iipim (11 r laiiilui}'. all the iiiiiltitiule ot' I'coplc tha; llninl upon llu- Shore, preleir.ly lillpers'il .iiul lleJ. 'I'heinalloii ot' sshiih a\oiilini;ot' is, was, that our Capiain in a t'onnei' )«?«,/. \'(i; .i^-e, ha.l alnil'eil the Peoj Ic ihe;e, ami pi;i one ot ihe Nate. e< :o Ue.itli in a vei\ 1 .irliaroiis manner. Yet at'rtr le'.en Uavs sv.'it;iiU, ami itnit ir.iai.s iiTcil to t.-ii!] er i!i, ir C'iioler, fo jiiftiy tl.rr'il up aii.l entlaiiul 1 y ihat Oiiiiajje, they came liime ul them to e.s, witli I'uiiie .M:lk, .iiul one C'l '.V fwhiih svi lioi;}'li; , an.l tlun tuuk their tinal lia\e ot'its. '1 hefe IV( pleh.-i\e llror.i', aikl well-in.tile IWies; thtir M.in IS Cole-black, their Speieh fweet ami plealing ; they life no CLtlies at all, nor any Weapons tor lict'enee ; anil .ill that ihey ha\e tor the uri'enlive part, arc Half pikei lie.iilivl V ::h Iron. '1 l-.e Country IS fiiffiiiemly truitl'iil, aiul produicsj'uat (lore r.l' J'.i;«rt(/i.(,'-'rrces, ami a Ion of Peans , that };row 1 pun hipli Trees) the Poits of which are two hoot lonp, .Tnd I'n p.irtional'ly bip, anU make a very good Foo.l : .As tor .Animal Rariiic., the Chameleons are the moll ciinli- lUr.tble; which are no Rarities here, by reafon ot their plentv. Havini; endured Diltrels here by Mimj;ei. ihe alfrufted Natives refuting to come to us with any Sup- pliesj we fet, Sail from /Yi//,;[;m-B,ii (as we teiin'd it, with .mod Realbn), Ihaping our Courfe to the Nortli-lide of the Illand. 'I'heTwenty ninth of Af,:)./ ,we came up wiihthelllands C.iii-io (/'), whiih are five innua bjr, Miga:/:, j'l i.-.mc, A J-;:; /.•'(-:;,>, Si.C' 'ijhp'-c,'<., and .'■/.■/■•i' Srwr, and Uele- twecr. twelve ami thirteen Degreis, .South lat. The Thinieth we am hor'd .it j\% •/<:, ilofe by a Town, where we met w;;h a very loei.lble and friendly People, that were p'nd of onr coming, and brought us Provilions. Oiir Captain beiiig iiuiteJ allioar by the King, went with three Drums be.iting bet'ore him, and was mer by li.e King with a tine Retinue, .ill richly driU in long Silk Ln.broider'd (i.iriiunts, after the Turkilh Mode. /^ fter many Civilities pail, 1 lis Majelty difmifs d hini with a Letter of RecommenJatiuns to ilie Qiiecn of ytitjn.vnc. Ajril the Nineteenth, we anihi'i'd at //u/u.ohc (^), be- fore the City Drincs, the Ruir.es aiiout which belpeak it ro ha\ e bi.cn fortnerly a place of Strength and Grandeur : The fiiKill Remains of it v\erc .isbip as /'.Vm; .•■■, and all the Monies bull', with I.ime and Iree-llune. Her Majelty won d not hoijour us v^'ith a tight of Ikt, biu yet uled us with great I'riendlhip. The People area Irin of Negro's, Init fmoctli-hair'd like l.ii.vi 'fhev aic .M/rKmr/..i ; ; and the belt provided for Wai of .ill hereabouts, having Swords and Targets, our and .ibove the common Weapons of the Barbarians. Thile lllaiids are plealant and fruitful, yielding Riie, Ojtin, (itai^. Coco's, Rananas, O.anges, I inions, and Citrons, All Iron Ware wou'd be a goed Commodity here i .mil Paper alio, which is a thing the Natives are exireamly fond ot. ■ The Twenty eighth we fet Sail, and paf.'d by the lllands A/.-/..i/.in/.'.'J, and the Shoals lit- yl!iin:,M::c {'). Kliy the '1 vvinty third, we fell in with the (i) M.ill're Ifkiiuls ; \'. hich are lo low, dole by the Water, and fo cover'd ov cr with C( co's, th.it no! hing bi t a I'ace ol green Trees appi-ars, Rcing .it Anchor heie, we had many li:- itii-ti Boats pafs'd by t s, but none wou'd come up to us ; which mo\ d our Captain to gne Orders for the taking tneoftliem. The Twenty fciiiih otir Ship-boats bionplit in one of them a Pr, loner : Siie waMO eiM .i!i over wvjth Mats, like aclofe Eaigc, and-h.ui in Iv.r two Perlonsof coiilideublc Qualitv, as appeai'il by all ihe Ornaments of iheir Diets, but much more by thole of their Noble DipoiTiticm! Thefe lllands are reporeril to be no lets ihau Kiev en thnti' land 111 iiumU-r, 'I'hcir plenty JiJh-mcN there, being hardly ,ible to forbear abuling our N.ition to our own bacc, and therefore to be I'ure diil not fpare it behind our backs. Our Merchants went .1- Ihore with their Wares, having a Houlc prepar d by the King's appointment. Not long after, the Captain being at Court again, the King dilcov.'r'd the treacherous Dfligii of the I'onwitcie to him ; but gave him a lure Promile to Hand his bnond, and never to I'utl'er any thing to be done bv them, or any others, to his preiudice. He em|uired whether he wasThfKnj, an y-n:;/(y;>i;j.;i, or no ; anti when he told him, he was of -^•'"'■' I'l.mJns i he replied, 'tw.is a Countrv he had never heard J'"'' ^" , ot ; but the b'lmie of /■;,,-/.,«,/ had reach'.l thole Pa rts for ^'.j'k.™^ fome time beloie. And when he heard ihat theie were tome l.iigUli--m.-,. m the .Ship, (iho'to ihe Dil'paragemcnt ot our Co'imn , 'twas l.iiil, that we had our I-dut.ition in I'liuiihis ,, yet 10 the Captains further moitidcation he told hiiii, that he mull needs fee fume Men of ihatCoun- r y. As tor the Bulinefs of I'rade, His Majelty m.ide this Ap.reeniem with us at that time, That we Ihou'd aflilt him ill his Wars againll the King of ),ar ; ami in conli- derationo; that benite, Ihoii'd have a full Lading of Pepper. .hHusl the, Twentieth, the King exprofsd Ibmc Refent-M'^"- menis, that none of the t.nj^lil,} cli-ecially the Pilot ^"'"'"''• whiehwasmy lelf) had yet Ix'cn brought to wait upon K'ofJl..i him ; and rcproach'd the Captain, .is if lu- intendctl to march off, and quit the Service he had covenanted to per- form. Upon this I was pielemly feni tor alliore ; and the Twenty lecoml waited upon the King, with whi ni I (lay'd tour or live Hours, in all the Plealu.-es that a noble F,imiuet, and 1 very free Converf.ition, with lo t;reat a Prince, coii'd give. He made ihe Sabandar diels 'me af- ter the Sutiuti.iii Mode, with a Roll of while 1 inen round my Head, and aSalhof the lame embroider'd with (Jold about my \\'alte, then an iimle.- Veil of white, and over that one of red. The preatell part of his Difeonrfe w.is .ibiiut l-.r,gl.ii:.l, and our Queen ; whom he greatly admi- red for Ikm- Wars with the King of S;:.iiii ; 'which Prince heimagin'd to be.ibloliiie Moiianhof all l-.uiop:. Sritiiiue, xU bull, we had Ordersio take 111 Soldiers atui Ordnance, and to prepare for the Batterv of the City of Jm : And to colour the Delign that was going on the belter, the great (ialleys were brought out of ihe River, and the Sea all about us was cuverd with Praw> ami Bcai'., ioad.ed wiili arir.cd Men. .Some of the chief cair.e alioaiil us, with a good Company of .Soldiers, appointed with all li.ns of We.ipons ; and iho' tliey pretended only a Caroiil'e with ilie good Liijuon, diey had brought, yet we fiifpecliiig another fort of bntertainmcnt, pre (inr'd .ic- coidingly, tilling our Tops with Stones, and making fall all ^^ibJl .^TchaiUV! t ly ot tile all our Gr the liell p (who witl cut our'l Me had. noxious Q i ate and It fits, anil taken in a Scnfes am ?iart, th r rrni the I feills ot 1 while ; felves, ,1111 lo many H Conditirn well as ns, killM polllbd TlK J'nclw- man and fell on the grces we e ving their calls, as After this. Ship, in w wlrcli we carried aw reeover'd awed ihe ( within Sho (ides the H I': re of I'eei dar. and 01 of the pr.p News of tl: iliai he cut ly evcepte mounted ti nnder Ci Boat. During 140 Tuno pture, all 1 the Men, venturers v much lictti The.Soi it produces but Rice, Mines of ( Rubies, S bic Commi plenty, th.i and might like Hops, it t'elf up Tree. T' ami one af in it. Bel It affords f l4lr4. G>: Mil jew .nd Iff Lib. II. if ilinrDii-K, IXl'nitiiicnt. bleu'ii thnu- TlUf'.S tlll'm 4 le, .ind 0)l. parti of thai appily (hiick 1 Ill's 'n 4IV- Conip.ils h.is I nufnl)l■r^ of iniicl, v\liii|i i.il for a Sliip i of hiiii,), in (\\i'i>i i and r Cape Ciini'. \lr,1 . AllJthc '«. Hire wc ^'"'' ' « hnt camcf.T-^'""'" \l,il.hi,i, thai riiT Intentions Kiiij; a liiiall ,'inari left a< i lt\ , lu'liilos a I'roinifi- of a Ills partiiiilaril"' '""11 rtor\Vi;'ip™iM';i.'TH' the Haft ami n.nr ,.n,i lil.andriihU ■''>*•■•'• I wear it, bm s Favour, has iioll «hat he PippiT alnnp Ills own poil It at the fame joil Clfliccs for rbear abufinc; o be fure likl lanf! went a- .par'd by the in again, ihc hi; I'tiftiipiete lui his Fricna, them, or any let her he wasThrKrt > 111, he was of •^•''"''' i neuT heard J,j'.,.,i;j lole I'aris fur f.iigii,h-nr theie were ifparagemcnt diiiatioii in iliiatioii he ih.it Coun- ajelty made llioud allitl nd in i:on(i- I.adiiig of 6'umacra, it's Cujlms^ Trodikts, ike. 5i ry 1.1 put out fclvesimol The King was oripiiially ii 1 kticr ihnn a I'liN'i-tnin, '^|j^'^"« id link ro;, all oiir Gratinpi, and in ever, . , , . „ . . 1 ., 1 1 ' ,!,„' , . • 11 the belt relHue of defence wc cou d. But inelc Inhdcl$| tho 11 letiiis a luriunan one, haMiilI ihe ('oo.i iihk ""(..Hi . (who with all thi< pretext of Friendfliip, had rcfohed toi caieh a Kiii(;iloiii. Mis Valour and H.ood CoiuluOt in the uit inr^n lit our 'I hroa'is, and that with as iniieh eaJe as was polli- War-, rccotiiiuenil.'d hun tothe Notice .11, I KIteeiii of the ^ '■' - " • ; ■ -11 -I ■ ^J I foniiii Kiii('. and b\ ilej:iee- lifiid hi'ii lip ro the I loiiovir of iiiarrjinp, liistieai Kinlwijinan. .And ilio'tii 'e vvas;iii undoiilred lliir, the liianJ-lon of th.it oM Kinj% by lii< Uaiii'liter, married to the K.iic of -■• j yet the Fill.cr- iiiaii (then Admiral ot ./ ■•«, and by i\tai;iape fonietliiig a-kiii to the Crown; dd by the 'vhir.'.er of the soiinc I'riiite, and of a (jouil pait of thi- Nobi'itv rh.it oi>;'0»'ii uf ilie Ro PIC had. m Older to clfed it. mixed all the Meat and A ^)r.^,»ul rj-y^ ,,,^„ broni'ht aboard, with a loitol .Seed ot a vcr) '""' noxim iQ! Hity ; the leall llfeilb of which are to iiitoxi- latcandHiipilie a Man, to d.inip his Vit.il ileal and Sp'- fits and turn hun into a heavy fenetlels I umi>i bunt taken in a l.irpe ipMntity, it fo powertiilly UkUM' alUhe Scnfirs and Spirit parr, that there ill ly omc Refent- M' cW the Pilot,,„,„,h,,« to wait upon K. of ,.4<»» intended to an red to per- re ; and the th \vh( ni 1 that a noble 1 lo threat a liels me af- men round I witli (Jold e, and o\cr ifiourfe was greatly adini- whitli Prince np: e in Soldiers y of the City pomg on the of i!ie Ki\cr, PrawN anil iccliiefcaine rs, appointed ■etcnjed only brouglir, yet picpar'd ae- making fait all i Tlv rmchc ile- lea- riojjai of ]cw..U. , and abates tlie Vigour of e\ery aiitive s no rceovcritig N.^ture (in th .s Cafe) frrm the diflrefs. .And we tVaind the f^.-tMiieiitioii'd l.t- feds of It, bv that lime wc had eat and drunk a little while ; f ..■ we quite loll the due iiiaiumemvm ot our reho< nnd begnu to (tare and gape ui-oii one aiiurher like fomaiiyHno';. And nosv ihe\ had brougln us into the Conditirn they d.lired ; aiul expeiiVng we wuu d lie,htas well as piav like I orb, upon a Signal gu en they let upon lis killd 'the Captain, and leveial oiliers. and ahiiolt poililsd tlie.ideKes of the whole Miip. Alv Coumry- man and 1. and one mote, defended the Poop, and the relt on the tops pelt iig them loiiiidl) with Stones, b\ cicisweilear'dthe Ship of them. i"> Im.iU ii..mber vine their batter'd Skulls and Ki nns, and mang.ed Ca:- eafes, as fo many Mniiiimuits of our blood,, Victor). Attet- this, we dr.i* e aw.iy as f.ill as we eo.i'd to our other Ship, in which the fame Villaiiy had been acted, and wlueh we found in the hands of our Inemies readv to be rarneil away, all the I'nniipal Men being klli'd : Hut we reeover'd her bv the help of our great Gun-, which lo awed the (lalley's, th.it they dared not attempt to come within Shot, for the I" curing their new-gotten Prize. Be fides the Hui dredsof llain l>:i:,i>:i, that weliad the ple.a- frre of feeing Hoat about in the Sea, we kill'd the Saban- dar. aiidoivMil the King's near Kiiilnien, and loiiieotheri lif the pr.iHipal Manngeis of the Coiifpir.aey. But the News of this great lols,'fo iiiHained the '1 yraniiieal Pruice, iliai he cutoif ihe Heads of all our Men alhore, eight iin- ly excepted, whom he reler\cd forSlaies, Our lofs a- inouiited to Sixty eight Men, including thofe that were under Conhmmcm, bclidcs our two Pinnaces, and a Boat. During the time of our (tay at Achen, wc had gotten 140 Tun of Pepper .iboard our .Ships; but upon the Rii. pture, all the Money anil Merchandize alhore, as well as the Men. were lolt ; by which means many young .Ad. venturers were quite riiiu'd. and 1 my Iclf did not coinc otf much lictter. The Siiil of this Illaii>l S'.'/m :"■' !« very rich and fertile ; it produces variety of excellent Fruits, but no fortof (irain but Rice, of which they make their Bre.id. Here are Mines of (lo!d ami Cupper, precious Balms and Gums, Rubies, Sapphires, and darntts, with many other valu.v blc Commodities : Particularly Pepper grows here in fiich plenty, that they are able to l.ade twenty Ships every Year, and might many more, if they were indultrious. It grows like Hops, from a planted Root, which by degrees winds it felf up about a Pole, till it comes to a great Bulliy Tree. 1 he Pepper hangs in Chifteis three Inches long, and one about, each Clufter ha\ iiig torty, or more. Corns in it. Bclidcs thcfe Mineral and Vegetable Productions, it affords plenty of rcrviccaWc Animals, as Horfes, Oxen, <.oats. Hogs, Flephants, BufflvS; which laft they ufe in the Ploughing their Ground. All thefe Advantages, toge- ther with a \ ery W'holfomc and temperate Air in molt places, the fwect Dews, and fruitful Showers, that never fail to cool and rcfrcfti the Ground, do make the place ve- ry charming and dclirablc. Ci7orA/,«» w./;cH, the Capital City of the whole IHand, (lands in a Wood, and is lb entirely cover'd with the Trees, that an Houle is nor to I c fcen, till one is juft upon it. "lis a very large rambling place, and the Hcufes (tand almod like the IVees, without any thing of Order or Uniformi- ty : 'I'hev are rais'd upon Polls eight or nine Fcxjt from the Ground, and haie Walls and Coverings of Mats ; fo that ccniideriug the Structure and Situ.ation of the Build- ing, a Gunpowder Plot, etfeCtually executed, would be a very fatal thing in .lilcn. Here's a vail Concourfe of People at this Citv, and the three great Ma'-ket-places, yield every 1 'ay the ProfpcA of fo many Fairs. The Ha- ven that leads to it is very firall, being but iix Foot at the Bar ; and it has one of the word, and mod ill contrived Forts in the World : But there is a very pleafant Road for Ships rca"- it, in which the Wind dill blowing frL:n the Shore) a Ship 11 ny ride a Mi!e otf in eighteen Fathom, and 1 Icfe by in lix and four Fathom ; and here is not only him, pollcfs hiiiili d \ al Dignity. tli.it op; Fleis an alio lute Fpiciia-, and docs nodiing l" i 'Mt and ilrink all t!ie Day long ; and when he has gore u '.o th.nt degree, th.lt his Belly is ready to I'reak. he (alls r) fliew'ng ':re.-. a, which makes a lonlidcrable evaci ation b) Sp ttle, and piociires a frclh Appe:ite. lliswholc life is fpcnt anuingrt Wotri' n, and Won'cn manage all liis Concerns- I hvy aie his . Attend ints aiiJ Companions, his Conileliors. and chief Miiullcrs if St.ite : Nay, a Woman s his .Admiral, and "ivcs Orders at Se.i i Inch a Cuntidence he has in the Prnfcne and I aiililiilnefs of that Sex; tho'iftli/ brnerKiiig had been cf that mind, 'tis certain he had never been what he is. Yet for frnn's fake, and partly 111 reility too, h.Tus live conlidei-able Mmiiters of the other Sex, who act in Si. boiilin.it, on to the Female Sovereigns, and execute the 1 aws wlii.h they make. ,'Mid thele laws ave 1'; erucl and tyraiuiteal, that no Man can lall ,any thirr lis own ; 1 ileand (ioods are at the K'ng's difpofe ; .-:id l.e is rec- kon'd to do no Injury, if he takes awiv both, oreV.'^er, when he plealcs. 1 le lioes an Offender a KMulnef., ry great hntu r, if he k.lls hi rights ; that is, t. licttriVii. him in pieces with his Flepliant, or Iiiipa!e him upon a Stake ; oiherwile a Man mull ha\e hi> I lands ani Feet cut otf, and lo be baiuil.'d into a d^ folate Illaiid, i''.'ro to pine away the remainder of his inilerabir Life in 1 .'ii ii.e, and extreaiii 'Foruieii's, His Palace itands half a Mile fn.m the City, upon t'^u Rutr ; 'lis built like the ivll, b; t only higher an i li.e.e- lier, and more nobly furniih'd with (.lold, Velvet, ar.d Damask, in the inlide. A Man mull pal's tlirec Co.rrs of . Guards, before he comes at him : And if he approa hes,,..,,,;!,:,,, the Prcfence, he mull come bare-leggd and bare f oted, ilic K>nj. and dafp his Hands together above ins Head, and fo bow- ing with his Body, and repe.iting fome Words of profound Rcfpeilk, lit down crofs-leggd, as His Ma) llydoes: For 'tis thus that he and all his Company (its; an! 'tis only the Jewels he wears, and not his Pollure, that diitinguilhes hun from tlie red, (incc they all lit like a Company of Tavlors. 1 This Prince has a great Strength of I'leplianrs, which are indeed the principal part of his l.and-Fo.Le^ Heh.-.s good (tore of Hrals Guns too, as large perhaps as any in the World ; but they life them without Carriages, and ddcharge them upon the (Jround. His GallcNS (of which he has a eoo,' number) arc made like a Wherry, long and 1 pen, w.thoat Deck, Foreea'.lle, Chafe, or any upper Buildii.g ; tl;e Oats are like Sho- vels, which they ufe only with the Hand, not refting them upon the (iailey. 'Ihe People load of an Original from //'.-"M^/and If-- ■•■ir, and can compute the Genealogies of the Bible ; they are MJunu-tnu in Religion, and \et pray with Beads as the Papidsdo. They lia\e feveral Schools for the I'di -T.o P.oti'i! cation of their Childivn, and SpiMtual Di"nitie> and l>rc- °' ^"""'''■'' ferments, tor the Encouragement of their St.idies. .-Ml ('ortsof i'rade and Mechanical Arts llourilh au-ongll thetn, but their topping Bnlincfs is that of Merchandize, to which ihey Item entirely devoted. In their Burials c\erv particular Family has its plarc to if! felf, and the Corps is laid with the Head towards A/ciCi, a great Free-llone being fct the: c, and another .-.: the Feet : .And the lame L'ultoio is i.'.fer\ed in the Burial of the Kings, only iiiltc ad of Free-ltune, they ha\e two Malles of (iold of sco . Weight ea h. Thy have an .Annual Cereii'onv of going in Proced'ion to meet thcMef- lias, as they call him, that is, the lirpodor A/.; his promifed Return : This liappen'd at our being there, lo that we had the Opportun ty of feeing the Marapemeiic of it. The King, and all the Nobility, are mounted upon E- Icphunts, richly dref'.'d uith Velvet, Silk, and CI th of Gold : One Ipare Flepliaiic is leaii am nj'lt the re'.l, wi'.h a Cadle of Mall'y Gold upon his Back ; and this is for the Melliah to ride upon. 1 husthey go on with Bai.r.ers di- Iplay'd, with Drinisand 'Trumpets founding before them good Riding for Ships, but excellent Materials too forthc to the great Church, where they look very f< rn:ally in, building ot them, tlie Country all about furnilhing Tim- 1 as if theycxpeCled tolin.! tluPropli -t in the I'-.i'p'.Rut not Ler, the belt that can be for that purpofe. I liiidmg him ihere(.iiid no doubt ihev uueht have fa-, "d them Hi ' Hvcs ] 52 ^^ Adams s l^qya'^c through the South Sea to Japan. 1 ib- l),|HChap. V. w t'i lhcTr*ltf. Thr n.viii f I . -1 ■ »^ I Tl'iJ*:,-. '1 III- N.IITIt^ of' tlicir Cum arc M.i>., Callus, i.u\\ pan, Tan^Aw, Tayell. Otii Ma> 11 lAoii (.'.iil.o, ami ^<<'■ C"ail;ci nuke a Cow- pan ; 4 Ma>'v nakf a I'aiil.iw, ami 4 I'anlaw* a 1 aycll. Afiil iiinip.ii'il Willi I'lir Clin, a Mivi«9./. '. They fell tluir IVi-pev I'y the IMiar (wimh uennuaUnt tn \', O 'M, aiui A/.'i.iMwi/n. B. t afitr ihn ilipreiiiiiri, 10 return in the Art'alr* of cur Voyage : 'I'lie I'anu' Day that we liiul that hiuonnter with the .l.iciiea, we let l.ul fur i'l.lc , where Wt tame to an AiKJior. Sij:nnlc' the Seeotul, l-'euic ("..illiis i.iuler Conlin'l of t'l: /' in/,;;,f^', attaekM i>. one o! wliiili we luiik, .nul .lirpcvsM llic relt. H it Iring ililhvl>'il here for wan; of Vater we went to tlu' lllaoiU I'/ /■ ll'Him, rpon the C'oalt ' ' ,^ir.l.'.i, in 6 Dcgr. v^ Mm. wher. weiefielli'il. Oil '.t' thcTwellili, we laiiie int ithe Hay of ./.• •" a- pain, wi'lia lUlipn toreuner our Men, it pii;li le; I'lr lure we tiHwul teiUJ.i.lk'. pr ^iJeil to make i skeepihein Coinpati;. in their Captiviti ; whiili alitr a ihnrt Fiplit we oMipeil to retire. '1 he I'ighteenth we ilireiiK'il our Courfe in r.tn.ilf-' in, a I it\ iif\ervpreat '1 lade. Aiul the '1 wentv lifth we ,iinh. r'l! aiiicnp.lt the lilaiuls in the Kay, m 1 1 Depr. :^ Mill. North Lat, But thcbail WnuU int Uilicring ns to recmer the City, whuli ItaniU twenty Lraf^tirt within the Ray (antlbvllilci, wanting riu\ili>nl\ ii) Intel- ligence licli.les of the great Spiie-Traile at SUtcMm, in ^c/Ar, (if the riilinel's of tli.- whole IllamI in cencral, ami paninilarly the plenty of IVarl, ami JeweN there. ( 'poo this, ami l"e\eral i.tlier Reports ot the a.bantape we iivght irake, by vilitirg that plae. , wc beat alviut upon the Coalt lixtern Da\< to recover .t ; but being frii- ftr.nted in O'lr DeliKii, we dilehaiged our IVut, anddi- reCfed our Courfe hniiiewaids. Af (I.-; the Tenth ♦, we fell in with the Ca()e of (,W llrjc. And the 'I'wiiiu leiond wednubled it. .'/' / the I'hiiteei.ih we .imhor'd .11 .St. Il.lciii; where we li..d)"|<)d Water, hif.s, aiul Kidi, m great plenty, Tlie'rweri\ ihird, we had liyjn ot ./,,.•,.«,<(, where there's neirher Wood lor Water, nor any green iliing for the Si pport of I ife ; but 'tis all one great barien R(«.kof hve I lagiies brc.idth. A;:» the .Sixth, Wi arrived at the (lUud l\,Hf.,i.to /.,-,- «/', while we water d and relrill.',|. ^ 'Ihe.Tliirteenih we Ici .S.,il, ili,ipij,j. owr Cotirle for l-.r; the Twenty tliiid, we put into the I'orii.l MlUlelit-''; whiih wa- doiibl) Wiliouieiois .liter (o narrow an eleape frt-m the nunv Danper-. and' I reat herics we had iiu t w iili abroad. till •>.„ .1/411.4. I r*.l,- .« D. i id , C H A p. V. Jn Acoimt of a Voyage to the Ifle o/^ Japan, through the Macella- nick Strcighis ; by Mr. William Adams. Tal^n out of his 7 Wj Letters written upon that SuhjeH. •yl.O. I'H Tro' b'c ii p,i;;i.f> ihc I r«t.i. t_Vi: AttHti'l. THis Ihi.i.iji-iii.-.i! 1 eing the tint, that wc know o-' t!ut \iliteil the (ireat lllandof ;?.i/.ik, we aie obliged to giv e lis Story a hearing, and let I. nil loire in .-mioiiglt the relt of the Celebra- ted Sea-un. 11 of our Country, ilio" Ills Voyage was not ot any I'ub!i. k Confeili;cnee, as to Trade ard Intercll thire- Ly proiui d in iV.ofe p.iri-. In this Bulir.els he was not the Servant of his own Na- ti\e C( '.intrv, bi.t 01'//, "•/.:' ; being an able I'ihu, and \ery skill'iil in all I'oini-, of Marine Knowledge : He w.ts hiieJ by tliat People to pu to .Sea with them. Hi? Poll wa« th.it of Mailerd'ilui, the management of thewh.ole r!ett 'wlui hecinlilled of nvcSail) being left principally to his Care .iiul Pnuleiiee. They I'et Sail from the 'ir.vi7, '-imic tiie 14th. and made it the 1 1 It of .In^'wf, by tliat time they re.uh'd St. .y..-^'-, one of the Cape ./;• / c,,i llles ; hero they liay'd alnioll a Month, lo long that a good part of the Mee'wasiiek, altogether with the bafe unhealtliy Air of that place ; and they found it mie too, by Experience, (ulii.h before the Di.,\7- won d not believe; thai 'twas a very barren place, .as to an) manner ot good Retrell.- inent. Srj'tcwl'cr the I'lfctcnth, they pafs'd the Line, tho' w "th tio'.lile, bceai.f.' of the contrary Sonthcriv Wiiuis that then liiilrefs'd iheni ; and this was the etl'eCt if having loitird ..way tuo ir.aili time befoie they came to attempt ir. They were row earned .away to the Coalt ot (-.•»>.(•«, and coming iipv.irh Cape ..v / ■'•' ' (fimjr.lvcs, tliey landed thei-, lick Coinpair. there; but this place lUiiiid Relief .is wcUastlu t'ornier, and thif.ik Men were forced to earr\ their feveiv.! ^^'alus and Diltenipers .iboard with '.hem a- gaii;. At the Ille of .l':iyl;h ihev met \v:th a li;cle b-trcr tn- terra inii'ciit ; hflc w^re Hee\cs, Oranges, and other br irs ; but the P'agiic of an imheahhy Climate, imbit- iir'.i the Comforts ff this Refa'llmient, .iiid the bad .Air made ihv.T. lick, a-' fall as the good Provilioiis trade ihcni well. Tlie Dutch larded a Party of Men, and :uok the 1 own ; a Imal thing eonfilli'ig of eii;luv lloulcs. and Ike to be of as little ProHt to the Coni]i,erors .as ir wa.1 HonoiT to them. 'Twas towards die middle of Ko.nn- i'tr iHtore they got away from hence ; lo hard is it to leave a pood Paiting-plaee, efpieially when the next 1. lo very uncertain, as tis in the cale of .Sea-men. Between ,lK,iobrn, .ind 4 Degr. South I at. they had the \V:,:ds Perpetually at S. by fc. .i„d S. ,S. li. but alwitThrVVuiJ. that Parallel, they came up S, E. & li. S. E. & E. Their Courle was now for the M„_i-li.,mck. Streights, and they made it hve Months Sailing between them and the Ille of Aomlmi. But the Mifcriesthey endured by Hui:ger in that timcweretxrrcTOc and m the hii;Iied degree doleful.accor- dmg^oMr. A.lw.i s Relation : I or a iiood while tlicy had each Man,but a qu.arter of a Pound of Bread a Day with a propoitionalh Imall quantity of Wine and Water •' but it came to tuat pafs at l.ijt, that they cat the very Skins thar erd the Ropes ot the Ships; and by tlus iinn.atural lort ot Diet, brought on ftranee Difordersand beeblencfs ot Body upon thcmfebes. Through all thele DiffieulticSc^,,,,,,^.. they inaoe a liiift, at alt toreaeh the .\k5.^^„u^ ,Stre.,.hts,M;;iL'^^^ comii.gii.to the firlt Narrow oi that Pall'age ,-y/-r;/' the «'""!!'"■ • Sixth. But this was btit Itill out of one liifiieufty into'' "' "" another ; twas only altering the Scene of their Misfor- tunes, ami eoming to be nuferable in another pl,aee • Eor the W inter w.is coming on here apace, the Cold beean to be e.crc .and pinching, and the great Snows k-pan too 'to make the C ircnmilame nioic eomidetely difma,;. Many Th- : .M, - a t,mc won d the Wind have ferv'J to have tarried them HiMhcr- thrcugh thcSirtMghts, but the obftijiate General wou'd not end>race the Opportunity, at the Advice f f thole that ;ptrUv,aded u ; and lo was the oceall..-n of the milerible iConhnemeiir of the I'leet here all the W,„tcr Stafon. [Here was Piring indeed enough for them all. alout the I Streights, ever V plate abounding with Wood; but there iwasaworle Ntxcffiry anionglt them, which tins woud I'm 1 lu| laiislled 1 lined con! ther, till whole W. (fall the llieir Men were as in iicf il luu Ari([f/..i/i.. lime to gii inainder < and gone, tiirnirg Su gain, lefoi look then So the .Streights, edly Lofs'a llmri, a 1^"" them to u ,1 le'lhey luil ■I I )l that they w ,,,,,. the Coalt I relt tame (liou'd go to the .\i:p Naii.cs wi terd Shee| thorn ; bill trv, and t; 'Their C> ing as ilu\ I Afor, V ; I m did it at th I.eaguis frni I It re they fo .•\iuhoriiig ■ that a|i/ireffes on the Gafi o/ChiJi, ^f. 53 tir'i within m iil'd awny «' ifiiAri thi' III 1 .>.-.,(, IF 1 at. tiny 2 nil ha\i' • 9 c arc lalt '¥ mil nut in (Jroiiml : »_ 11 Amber- Clolll. IlLiiul \ei- ut ( '61 w.in' ablv well I ut Inti'l- SiUL\tlh»f M4llt4.», 11 Ciiicral,;"^'i|,'^;i" WV < tlllTO. pl.u>.''.i •V\\ M\llf,C T".l- 1 uai alioin'""" P' W\uy, (rii- 1 t, .iiul iJl- 1'^ 111 (ifoJ~1 D. iiH !•("•, U'llCIC 'Kilty. Kll, WlllTl" 11 lliiii); tor \u RiKkdl Courlc (or Mit into the » oil 11' ID IS, .iii^rtri ami [;ella- f of bu ncui I'liprly ani! tin- C'mn in(!« •f tlic Belly were i(» Iw with fo much Provifinn. One tii.iy cnliU i.iupine, the LiliMieil l.y another Ion of I'rovilion. Here they ennti- ''-'-■' '• u ■. ... h.,.i .i M. ... iiueil cuiifiiainR wiih Hunger, DiUcmper*. anil bail Wea- tlur, till Scfinnhc i fii that they IUkkI the Mincli of the whole W.nter at this I'Uee, ami emluieil the lixtreiiuties t.r .til the very worll Months ot the Year. Aliuiulaiu e of their Men ilyM, Wnin ilownriKht Uar\M , ami the rill weic.t'in.ir it AJ they eou'il well lie: Anil now the (le- iietti luunt' hail enough ot' the SVinter I'lealiire* of ilie M.;i;f/..i;i..^ .Streinlit", M-ry pnlitiekly roneliuleil 'rw.is tiiiieio p. aw.iN. Ill' Men were hall ileail, anil ihe re- tnaimlir v%iii aliimll l.iiiiilti'il, the illlmal Winter I'pint anil Kone. an..l ilie i hi irlnl .S|Miiif, uinint; on w.tli ihe rc- J pi ..-. ... tiirniri', .Sun. lu ihoiij'Jii u liii'limne to jut out loVaa- );a;n, leforethe Comfort of the an'roJehinp .Sealuniner- took them. V)the laiiertmlof 'icpiohk;, they let Sail out ot the .Vreii'jits, aiul Ivinuf'oi into the Suuili ,Sia, werewivtih- i-illy U'lVa anil I'eaten al'uiit in ili.u nrl'iilent Heeaii. In lliuri, \ liiHy Storm KanerM the uliu'.e Fleet, anililro\e '" '"" them to f.ik ilmr l-'oriunes, every one bv tlieii felves. T.'li.Tlieyluil at:re.il I'lfre. in eafe of .in\ fnh Dilalter, •I! H)|th.utlicy woii'il llay for one ami her, at (onie place iip.n ■ ' ,' the Coall i,f Cm/', in the 1 aiitiiileof 4« IXi-r. ai.d it ihe , li"" relf came not in a Worth, th.Mithnl'e that weiv there ■, nioi'M p) ( II. 1 h.her Mr. .l.lum's Ship came, aminhnp to ilie .\i:iii'niin'. ii.'l lla\'il the ai'pomteil nine. 'Mie Sp.mi.udi were out of Himioiir u^'on't, to tiiiil thcmleUe* taken in fuch a Tr.ip ; luit 'twas all one, 'iwj» to no |»iir- [Wife to lie in a Palhon there, anil they were fou'il ioful<- loit to thofe Terms ol Deliverance, ami j-lail totliape fo too. The V^im'.p./i liroiipht in the'r I'roiiiion aeionlintt to the .^prl•elIlen^ anj nnw they were oiue moicrepriev'J trnm a iiiiferaMe IVaih. After this, the two Ships fet S.iit iii Ounr.vn fi r ,7< r.jf)i/.|«, /''"' i the relt of the I'leet were pi en up f r loll, aiiJ one ol thein, they altmvatilslie iril, 1>!I intoiliellaiulsof ilic Spiin'.iiili at St. .< ^ . Heliilis llll^, tin' Kiiij; of \i- 'in's Meet waiteil for tliiiii upon 'he C tail of f,' ii ; ami had they lij'iit of ihiiii, 'lis .nv pioUiti'e they luil Loth fol- low'il their Con panion in hir F.'te, liiice tlic; were tii lb \cry Weak ami lliattrr'J a Con.litiot!. "fwas \orm!ei the '-i>tli, ih.u tliev lift ih.' Iilanil St. Stmi, iipin the C'lall of c/.',/, aiiilliavinn jmI's'iI iliel.inc, hail a pooil Winil, aiul fvr Wearh r, I'm a po'-'il wli.Ie, wiihoi t ,111V tmern ptioiiliy Suiriu* aiul 'ViinpelU. In the 1 atitu.'eef lifieen or liM.eu \\y<. N. they fell-^"'Wll< in with |i nit l(laiiil«of C'.u.iiil'.i.'s, or Mene.uers, asMr. /./.•v,; calls theiu. velrhnm an^ liuiplc , line eii;ht or n.no of ihcir .Men, Ik' 1'i1..ms u,u Jv" i.i'.r'^ll'.' tlieiii. 'I h'. |i-hi'l''«slHin|; wi.iiy, ulieiiis, oflo'.iiif a\'oyaj;e, anil wilinp lo take up with the ne\t Kelliiij;-p!.'ie. puc theml'.hes iiio the I'liitia e ami fo run a-.vav ; I \\: which Nati.es were ciul anJ friimlly to tiieiuat hrit, an.l 1 ar- wi- foever the C.iiinil.al-. ilifpns'il of till luok the luules, and .IS it was ot t\oirnt- is it to leave is fo very they had but .ilioutxht Willi :!•. Their and chcv I the llle of j:);er in that leful.aecur- le titcy had, |)ay, with a ler ; but it I .Skins that unnatural ll'crblencls Difficulties c„„e,„,h. Stivitthts, A/isfii'-'.- .-yz-r// the S"i- 1;'" • iciilty into ir Misfor- ace : lor 1 beeaii to [fan too (to rr'.ed tlicin o.f ih-r- It.i1 woii'd tho!c that iiiilcr.iblc :cr Siafon. al out the but there iiis wou'd tcr'd Sheep and IV latoes for liulcTovs which thev pa>e them ; but at lalt tlu \ fell utV, ivhiov'lI up into ilie Cm ii- iry, and came no more at th'Mii. Tlieir Cull paiiy nut niininp, thev Went away, tniich- itij; as iliiN pals'd at the Hay of U.tl.i: ■■:,:. and ihe Kle of Mnrr i lilt rot cou.iiip to .Anchor anv where, til they did it at the Cape s'.o/m Mi it, which is .ilout twcntv I.eaguis fr.im the lilai.d of that Maine to the Southward, llerctliey fo' nd aciineniein Bay, and nood (innnd for Anchoring : Tlieie vs^re lonliderable Nimibers of I'enpie that appiar'd upDii the .Shore ; but tlieir Teiuper ana Di- fpolitiuns, asthiy were itiknown, fo they were now to U- tried. But they pro\e.l viry crulsand untoward ; tor at iheir tirll 'Xtteiupi to land, the hiMiim lookinj; upon thiiii ai Invaders ot tlieir Country, let themfelves to op- pofe them, and pour'd in a Slunvcr of Darts and Arrows upun ilie B.atsihat lame up to the Shore. But they be- ,„p. inguiidcr the riuihof 1 liin.i;er, and driven by an abfo- II r lute Neceility, lo endeavour loine Means for the i^ftting ■fi- a Refieiha.ent, broke ihiough the Weapons of the Bar- l arians, and lauded their Men. Kovv thev made Siy.iis of Peace on bnth lides, and a Cclfaiion of Arms beinp, as it were aereed on, they came to a I'arlev m that l.aiij;iia,i;e i.f Si^mis ; and the liui'uun undoiUandiiip wliat they meat t, bniiplu them NVinc and Fruits, tor ihe litile Commodities the others ll.ew'd them; and then lieiiilie.i to them, ihat iliey ll.ouKl now ret'.irn aboard apa in ; and if they lame all.ore ihe next Day, thev ll.ou'dliave a I'artlier Sup)'ly ot Viilluals. Viyor .■'lei.ordiiiii'.y the next l>a\ the Captain landed with a K Wi-i. fcorc, or more, of Musketeers, aiul they had iiotmar. h'd far, befoie a I'.irty of hhii.u,!, to the number of a thou- fand, that lay ceiuungly intremh'd, fed upon them, and cut them allot!'. This was a terrible Misfortune upon ail Accounts, pai- ticul.irly in th.atthis l\.xecuiion had karce leti them Men tiioii(;h, to do the lui ell'ary Offices of the Ship. With this lols the.' went away iVoui the iiiliol'pitable Cape, and came to the llle of St. Mr) it I'elf. Here thev found their Admival Ship, but in much the lame dittrels'il Con- I, ditinii aslhemrelvcs ; the Natives of the lliaud of A/.r'' Digr. tlie W'^.i her 1 e- can tniharpe epni ilum, and the \S'ind> ihu liad lien Itilland ipiiet fi lorp, roiii'd and blew with arnulipious ti rv ; they had f ih.i St rm if Wind and R.iin, that c» quaH'il or e\eeeded the molt v mli nt :uiv .Mariiur anv rptt them had leen. In this liorr.l>!e Cont'i.lion of the Wea- Kn.l ihv J:n ,1 Ili.'A.lM.iril thcr, they loll rue .iiioiher, and the Adiiiiial i.evcc came s >r- 11 r lip to them more ; but thev follovv'd 011 tlieir Courfc for ''■''' • " y.ii'.i) alone, be np Itiij m hope to meet her in fume ;-.r. •'", ,'.'"'"| or other of that lllar.d. Certa'n!;, ., li;u-dK ever .in, »\len u ''I'l'.vn I pertcrm'il a Voyape in more dillrel's : Our IMot 'ei'.i us,';:'|*V''" that they had, (if all their iuihUt, but niiii' or ten left, *'""■"'''■ ' that were able to ftaiid or creep upon their Knees ; a", for the Captain, and all the relt, they were at the lalt Gafp, as it wcri', and expcOfed to die every Hi.ur. .^nd this wa.sa very difmal Cafe; for .Storms will make the poor Sea-men belHr, and work themfebes to the purpoll- : But how ihall Nature be fi.pp. nii d in the mean time.and where Ihall Men have Itreiipih to do tliol'e toilliime Works, that have not h'ooi! to keep I ife ami Soul topeih.r ."' ' I'was .•//■, .7 the Nineteenth, before they had Tglit of '^•^' '«»'>• the Coaltof ;7,i/'..'w, and by that time tjiere w.is but live of then Coiiipanv thut lou'dpo, Ihovidence or.leiin;; the matter fo for them, iliat they li.ul then a I'rofp .ot of Re- lief, when thinps were run up to the hiphelt e-itremity. 'Twasnearto lliiiyixhM they law this lirll 1 ard, and Were then ill .dnmt ji ' Depr. Rut Mr. . ./ ".■', b'. t!ie wav. alfures in all our I in •j^ ; L'e the comiiion Account eiv en by them •)( its \ olitiun. At Khi'ijc leveral Be.itsof the Nativescame 1 piothem, and .ilxiard tlicm ti o, as they had a mind themlelvei ; and it cou'd be nootherwife, tor there w.is no Body to make any leliltance ; the Sailors were all ipiiie fpeiit, and if the J.ip.nicfr wou'd have pimuler'd tlicni, or kr.o.k'd them o'the Head, tliey mipht l-.ave done it without any trouble. Yet they did them 11:1 manner of harm, as tiiThey.oaie any Violence, or any f-irt of AU'ront ; but thev pilfer'd '" j'''"^'' .. andlfoleallth.it they could lay Hands on; fur which Jn'jcruui'.i. tome of them paid very dear afterwards. The Viee-Kiup of the pl.aic pnn'd very kind and tricndlv to them, took them into his I'ruteCliini, and I'ent a (I nan! 'as foon a'^ thev were come to an Anchor in tlie Port) to lee that none of the Merchai.;s Occds were Itolleii : nmaooir. iz I'cpr. iiut ivir. . .1 "■■', 11;. trie 'ures us, '1 hat that Coalt of 7.;j .•< is fallly pl.u'd ^' ''■;^ J'^^ r Maps, Charts, and (ilobes; forhefavs, it lies !,,',>'o|';j^'j, -'epr. which irakcs a conliihraMe diti'. rencc from ' Now 10 pet I'oaie Refielliment .it this place, was the; This wou'd have done very well, had it come in pix.l preat difiiult) ; 'twas hard to lie Itill and familh a Ship-1 time ; but ihe I'hieves weie there Ivforc tl;.'U\ How- baud, and 'twas as hard lo venture ailiore, becaufe they , ever, here they had pockl Itore of l'ri.\ilions f n: them in, h.id not Men fort : In ihort, thele two Wants were fo a Houfe provided on purpotc for ihcm ; and in ll.orc, I'l'ea:. and fo unhappily compliiated in their prelentCir-: were made very mech if, and lepaiiin lomc meal'.n'o to ci.mllance, that for all that appears, if an Accident h.ld I enjoy theiiif--b.e-, p.frer ->!! the Dani-trs and b'aciijues of not icliev'd than, they mull have conchuled upon dying the Sea. But twastheir il! luck to lueet with I'.' ./■ij.v.-ijc here without any more adoe. But a couple of Sp.wi.i il; ! au'.l Jefi it:es liere : They were forc'd to make ufeol'ihcra ! IlLiiJ. that had .1 delij'n to betray them, came a. oard in a feeir- iiip frii.ncily mauneri fiu' thai piupole ; and were fo wife astodi it without P'ledees, or iiiakiup anv Pioviliontor their late rete.iii. .So when thev had I'ecn the Siiip. and wou'd have pone back apain, they to'.d them, No, they vvi re fuil'ble of iheir ill Delipn, and would keep them I'riloiv.n, (cfpeiiallv lir.ce they came mtirely if thcirown ikailbico, ur.lcl's they would pr.imiic to furuiliithi; Ship ■, e! for Interpreters indeed ; bi : they had far better been vvithiT.r anv, ami iliofe rather to have us'd the lileni 1 an- puape (if deileres and Sipus, t'lan euiploy'd I'rrM Inter- I'retcis as \\w\ were. Furthefe Men gave th.u CI; .rac'bef m, jceofii.e' of them, that they cnmir.only pivc of thcr /■..! ^,-y.j« hrtugwr^, Neiphliours (111 all parts of the World vvlu-e t'ley meet them), Ihat they were Spies, or Pirates, and r,o: I'radu-.g Men, as they tlumfelvesp-aciidcd: .^ndthis fct the ?<'- \ 1 f J4. ^Vlr. hdams Conference n>ith the Lmpa or of Japan I ib. |( ftmlt \o »f,t\M\ ihi'lli, th«l Mr. l./iwi u-ll* ^l^ lu' w.vttP- iTchoniivp 41 one tunc that ih«y (tviM h»»r h.ul w r'.itiof Pir.»u'» m tl\4i Country, wliih n in U' kt >i|' (HKiil'mflii Now whon .\ C'timpjnv cit (wdi- Nn niin i.un*' »(irhri!\s tliciiiliKt'HH"iiiih' ii .Nkr.y, as it win' hi .\ llnnBrriiiimrv, wluntliis wcrt imt al.ie id Ipi .ik l*>i ihiiiiliMW*, .uiil wtitri' their I ilHrtio lUil lun ili|'iiuli.il till rely iii'un ilii- IV. I'll* jimiil 0['iiii"ii nl iluiii, to K" ami lit^ c iImii m tli.it i.iti', wh .in iin) anloral'lc |''»"f ' "' Vill.inv, atiil ,in Ai'kion lo very inliiiiiun «iul lulc, .i< ^v^^ nnty ht ti'i Jciji -,■ nti nrtloiip I'lVi.rf llio liii|'ii.il' li^arii'g ot ilii»,Mrp, fim I'. ' Mr. ./.( >"< Will)' t'H'I'i'ot toii'ii'f tdli.m; 11 Co^^rt w,i»tlK'n.1t fV.i'.i, wliiill II ''Uh t Ho l.iMj;vu'« |V.>111 Hiii/r. H tlicr i.iiiH- our '',;/>' M.111, ivi kiowini' whi'thi'r tv\.i> lol tfo or I'l.iili, in rriUmanJ I'lii.ill iiimt, 01 t'.mlHi- iMvoiir .'ml Kniaicinii'ii'. "1 he I'luf. rni \uwMl\ii. \w l.iy.vvi>h.i wniuli'rfuNi'Hl of Atrcntiiii, lii't >ii witlihiMiiiKI ainlfavouial'IcCoiiii. trn.inii' trok ort in a priat imaluri' tiom ilic iluavl lii> luliiiii' luiplit oiln'rwifiluni' ixiitiil. He a\k\l bv lll^ liii i| ri-i'is a \Mr!il ol nui'ltum alvmt the Coiiiitr> Mr. ,/,''».) I nine lViti\ ; tlie I'ei pie, tlwir M.iniiers, lluii AH'.iiii I'fth 10 V,ir .ii.ii I'eaie, T'll proilt dh of it 111 B. .UK. Vill. amllnwl, the I raile.iiul Riiluiel., .null.uvv aiu! (io\uiinunt, .iiulmlhort ilie wliok Natural anil Ci Ii.,i,^«''r'vil HifliMV lit' it. Ml ri.Mliaiiilii> he purpul liiin as to his Rfli)'.niii 1' II, aril wniilil neiiK cx.iiiuii hi< laiih, a>kin)r him wliat tvva< he lielie\eil in ; a lUiellii n wlmli il a Man h.iil liiii kiiouii the liupeior- Helipi'iii wmiM aliiioll hask n aile him allVaiil tlie Jiiii ;i< hail fet up an Impuli- ti"n here, .mil 'hathewas one of ihc J'l.Viii'.A I'.nt .\U. ./ /.;>K( piii;l'iliiiiii ten tiniej wi.rl'e, when he iVew il him the M.i(;e|laiiiek .Strei|'ht>., inlisC'lian, thro' whirh he iiilM 10 7 i/.n, : 'I he I'.mperor perhaps hail a pntiy };ooil(ipiiiioii()r him lielore; luit linw he tlioiijsht liiiii k itowiinpht l\ :r ; the ni\ Itery offiuh a V(i>a(;t was |o iiki n.piilKi^lilile that he hnil no Faiili t.> I'elkow upon it, ut lime Mr. ././."wj affirmed it, ami he couM not ion- fiiteluin, he en'enaiml it as Men ilo all Points of pure Mjllerv. with lilent Ailmiraticn, ami hnml'leSiiliiiiilion of thi-ir Keafon, to the ilifficulty, tho' ir.unp'il ami tor- im'il with it at the f.iinc time, ilio' his iimlcruaiiJing was alfrontcil liy it, yet hi'; gnrd Nature w.-u not, ami he w.is very v;ood I'rietnl' with Mr. //./«>«; afterward, asappear'd I'y his holding him in • ilk till 11 idni);lit. He liad fe- Viral cthci cunt'creiiees wiih the I'liipirnr afti r this, 1 iit wasfor .iron(iiler.il)lc time, notwithltaiulinR kelt in IVi- li'ti, tho' lie had .ill neceflaries allow'd him, ami nothing, likea penilliiiieiit, hut a Lirpe eonfinemcnt. Thclv./,- T.V Kinpr. ^^iii-/,' n'aile all thclntercll at C'luit ility tou'd podil !y acaiidt him, and by their Aj'en's were lontinually Imz- zinC li.iiH- I'l anilalous repmsof hiiii,.ind his Country in tlie I'liip' ici'sharsi I'ut all woiilil ii(;i do, and the Frmee was lo)uH niiddenerous a"^ to tell them that the /■,»!;//<.' ha\ing (lone him romifihief, ii wiudiuilt lair toi him to lee them reeei\e .my in histViiirrii ; and that 'iwould heeon- trary to all the I aws of Jullne ami Keafon fi r him to fuHer an iiUKKi'iit Man to be ivmiied, lueeily leiaiile his Country and yours were at War. Mr. -V./ri'ii's Cireumdauces now hepun 10 nici.d, and prow more fa\ oinahlt ; his hneiiiies were quite dill.ear- tciMl,inul tlie Eii'perrrexprefs'di\er) Day nioic aid n ore pncd likinp to liim. In the hilt place, he treed him fiom iiislmprironmem, aiidpa\chim leave to po and fee his .Ships, ami Company, who were fiirpriz'd wi'.h nolmall Joy at his havinp heard ( 'tis probable iVom the /'< 1: nf^ncji; who intended it ll'.iiii'd I e fo ; that he had iHeiicxeeuted fonutiniebi fore. But here he fui'nd the J)hip ablbhitcly phnulred, :ind .ill his (inoiK and Inllninients pone, and all theivK had loll what they had .is well as lie ; tor be- inc all Silk .ind Weak allioar, the (ioids lay ready for a I'lev tc thole that ecu'd be i:ii|ult enoi ph to I'.'ize them. Hi« VliIi'I'^V'"^ ■'''* '"•"'^' '"the I'll p^rci's liar, a .Seai\h w.tsirad. , lu ih m uj- inordertn the iveovers of them ; but beiiip ('.one 100 lar »nm 1 I'l'' out of reaiti, hr con.u'inded ', t.^ u Rials of eight tube ' ""' ' *" gi\eiiihein in part of S.itisfaCtion; ami to make lure that this Ml ne\ ilioiild not be either iVaiiduiently detain'd by his! real'urers, nor ei inserted to any otherufe, he law the payn.cnt of it hinifelf, into the Hands of one who was ■ippoir.tcd tolKUCthemaiiapuiint of their .'irlairs, and to il.iiitji i|;. i II ihi' flflf^M'/f, »UWd It amcnijll ihctiilrlvf<, ivory Man his lh«tc| ami then thcydilperted ihertitil\r< »lmnr in the I'oiiiitry, I'hu- ""• linp iholephii en II) little 111, that 1 ill limed 1 heir F*n. Ie« !", Hut ih. bmpirir oideri il ih«ni lulldis aii Allow.mce ol Kiie, I wo pound a D.iv for every M.in. ind owr and «bo\r 111 iiiucliycarl) asi line to II nr 1: ItiictHi There w«s IH) d lit iiiCl 1011 nniilt Ih-iwiiii t'ai t.t I s, P,|i ts, flnd Coinn on-Sail> ts. |iii|ihev laii'd .ill ahki . Thistimror ttve Yiars went i.irr iheir fields, and they li.llow'd esiry Man h s IIi'IukIs in the Country for .1 luebliiiod J liiue 'i\sjs deientmi d, that there iliev imifl I ise and Dii.bi t mIuii ilie ti rin of Years w,i< espir'd.thc ,''|, liiipeiiir fcnt lirMi. ,./»■( tulonrt, and ilie bulinefs K.j, , . was, 10 make him a .Ship i ihi* was not his Trade, ai he """i' told the hmpen r, and tlm' lie knew how to Ciiide a Ship .11 ''ea, set he wasnni iiled lotlie makinp of them ; but Ik was III icrv urpent and prelling to haie it done, tli ii Mr. //i/'"M iiiiiUrtiMik the work, and iv,\iW hmi ,1 Ship(,t ab< lit 't; Tun. Whin heeame al oardu, heexpeifled a wondirlul deal nf I'leahire in it, and tw.is a piece of lerviee he valued In iniuh, that the niakf of it rife Ntiphtily inhisKaMrtirbvthis virvmean', belides levrral (tcHid I'atenis, hisPcnfun was ciierealed roo, Ix'inR m.vle as iMiih as laii.e ti(7.< l)uiat«/v/ .;>".i,.r, 1 i er and abu\e the flintier Alliiwancc of Rice, and this "ell minar.id was a toler.ible li\e!vhood for a liri'le I'eiliin iiulu! Country, But that wluehrrcru mended him moll etV (.'Vea'ly to'!K• l mperors cfteeiii, was his.Skill inMatheii-ar ,;! I earninp. |li , ,, ,\lr. ././.^w/ had agiod iharc of Knowlediv, it f.eiii', iniimi.ii the I'raiiliiiil I'.ir-, .11 d was mw lioiinnr il with havirp lopriat a I'rinie fir Ins Sihi.lar, lie inllniebd h:ni 111 leieral I'oiiiis of thole iifeful Arts, ,in;| made him i .ip,\- ble ol lohmp lohiiili'lf that nl^l^elM,lls pn b'lir ' flail- ing to,/.r/"(/ by the Maiv ilaiiiek.Strai's. Heioiild p'eale him at aiiv time wiih del ribmi' (iion etrieal Figures ; the I iiiperor w.is pliing'd in the Study, ClMim'd .itul Con- liir'd vMiliiii iheCireles Mr. ./.^»;i drew him. Thislat- ter iiUil his(uoii,etry to huh good putpole, ihar hedif- eoveridihe true imihod / r toi k, the Fmperorwas always of the lame. He had lo great a llroke now at Co ,;t, that even ihe |eliiitesthemleKcs were willing tomakc u(e of his Interell there, and lourted liiin to be their Patron } and he decl.ires, that by his means lioth Sf.uiiit :. and I'oitmi.rlf received feveral Favours from the F > piTor, wluehthev were oiheiwil'e innohkely way of nbtaininp. Being inthele eireumllaiiees, hetlioiigin ir tu t iinpolfible to win upiiii the Fir.|'eior lo far as tn procure leave to n- turii iiitohisown Coentry ; and for tl'it purpole renew'd hisold iciiuell, pi'i milinp todohisuimoll fur the bnnpinp both an /:',:| /'• and a lii.nl- 'Frade to /,t; '>, if he might bt lulfer'd to po home. Butthe liiipi r(uuth.i ^ The A D T,w>./ J 11. :ji! tf.ll '. "f IKII-I' I niir Coiiiii t three l)i gr. I inlplnns an we were |" • atehinp it r,tiHMia. iner of tlieu ^jf tliev lodge ill will perili 1 Thenthersa the Spi.il the Perlec'.itors i phins. 'Fliai F lenient, aui it n feeiire II. tinvallv hint way t') avoid an.l raking a are prefentiv pf or Straiigei iiienf. The i:d,v We found it aboard, by 1 whiih make. own Boat w and fi'iiieof long before 1 inen and all I '1 he lllanl the I'litK^^nr/. to kill and who general Itii ftoJuli And by th;s Wild-Oxcn the Hock of 1 it w.as very Creatures, tl Alcatrar^es, , mis meat ; bi Water .Melon Bi.iuball. , * /, ■,:./ I..U. and hen ling at a woni the 1 ight w; niiehi have of'i:. '1 he 1 jih, great Koek . . . .'/'.;/ the 1 1 tho' b) our Itance ; but \ we were to' ; lat it. Tlie :d. V I z l.e.igH lib. II :hap. Ihatc I Jhd ■ rfi , mil'. cir F*m iv.'« , , !ii\v.iiis;i' ol .1 fistr .iiiil in i 'Ihcrc P.li ti, Ami Mc.iilv mill Ldiintty till rcilu'v 111 11 (I ^1 1 i'v|Mr'il,tfii' „ J till' luililli'f'- •■ ',. I>.1(l0, ^^ 111' """I' "iiiiili- .1 Shiji I ilicin J lui' It .Innc, ill ii iiin A Slii|i<,t .■ ixpi'dtiil .1 .1 piece tit ,( ■• nf it rife ;liili-« K'vcr.ll , Ix'itiK in.iili' IT :inii al>u\ c ■ell imnnirJ 'cilon 111 tliar Anally tn -he ^,^ ill I iMrning. k,|^. , it !'.'em«, in iiivn..: with b.iMrp ll'l il Irill l!l iJr liini 1 .IP.I- l.Vli ■t(.»il- i- (oiilil c'lalV IFiftiret ; tlic It'll anil C'dii- iiii. Ilii^lat- , ih.1t ho ilif- .i>\,\\ Pupil by is Word was ifiiMTly ; and ir wa? alwajs iriw at Co.rt, nptotnakc ulc L' their Parion j Sf.iiiia :. anil the F > i^'cTor, ■ of olitamin^. IK t iiupoMiWc re lca\ c to ii- ri'ol'e reixAvM tlielriii^inU , it' lit miplit ih his Cf 111-. I ;orni; tpf it ill M.Vthini.i f '",',''■' nifelf, iflw""''''f .ifain ; He lere \\ .is no kmm!eiif;e mpcMr. Ill .iii.H.liilJi-eii H;,|„,. oiiireil lea\e m. m.i to po, aiui ' lit W ■ The 1 h he had .i (.r .Slaves to iiiiiir) wrrk. . l-'cTtMne in , ril'til them. li'.iirs, he does /I-/.- l.-ireely, -i...... loer ill W.ir, "''•''- 'pv CoiiHi'.u- People to le u'ir Civil do- heir Kiiipion. ivoiiult them, ty at ihetiir.e, ly .It \v. ik to fart'ieyhad Cliiirehes, iiul livents. The Vs ami Cioihs that tor ivadv , ilie •• -•t7./.' iters, and ean noi'uv, IkT ir.;', Thi'l- 1 "vT John Davis'/ /econJ Voyag e to the Indies, Q-c. ,U 4rd Silver cno^iph in th.ir own Ommry : A verv xfvs I'u.rle, to Ih- l»i»h Huh. and Wi(e. and (.oihI, id hiM I'l.h thnli »d>antagin f. cimtumW. Money aii.l At whiih do teldom meet tognluT. Me tell. itMJie $1 (■old ard Silver cno^iph in th.ir own Ommry : A ver happv I'lople. to Ih- l»i»liHiih.. andWde. .liid (.o.h aiie ■ w /. ,r , we'rVadii'l'le'd'to *'Fret Ttade .Here and had ury .Alt ■•"'•poo.l.ncipiiii.i with theln.pirori .tiid li.td eni red into ••'* '•" an acreeiiien w:ih hun. to lend a Ship -r ivvo well laden tlll•llero^ery Ye.ir. To eonliide asio ihe <.eo,.raphiial coiiiideranoo of the lll.ii.'. he all.ir.^ ii., tlut die NoiiheuMMrrof itre.u)K> Mlhelai. ol ^H IVpr. and the S>mli.rn lii-< in iv th.ii ud an aei|uainuiiie with it, ai the Natiu't of iIk !>uiI. Thi« letter nut of whiilithc .'\ccoiirit was ['riini|ully taken, wai Dated, Odtlrti I'l. A. U, i^ii. Chap. VI The Iccnrni Voy.tgc of John Davis, ivith Sir Fdward Mi chcUx)iirn, »^<:. 'I .1, ,« I' II 1 ri«"jf D ■r(,jf.i.ici.!i ICjIrmti. I.fiil'fi llie III' we 111 Sail from '"n'''' indie ll'eof //'.■.V/, vuth thf j'ooil Sliip the !.,:;'<: of J^'l'iiii, and a I'inii.iie naindthtf /'.;;.'.• ir.'r'/'. d, weiaiiie to iWiir.//, in the Road ot //>,:• t i)/i<-r i^ih. we pif-d the hoitiiioilial, and (1.np'il r.ir Co'Mie for the Ille /.•'>'«":, anil liaMop, iii.aile loine ilireeD'j'r. S. I ai. we met wiili imrediMe nimilier- et 1 idYliiiis ami Ukimto's. of winch we look lo inaii\ , iliat we were peit.Ctly tired as well wiih the catinp as the f.inhinp"f them. We li.ld fpon enonph ti«i, with the ■"fsi'i-fovvllliey eall Pfki"-!"'"' and .lUiirnr^er. 'Ihe for- iiu-r lit thek .lie ealily taken at Nipht , at wliieh tune tlie\ loiipe ihenilelves in p,ri at miinliers al'Oiit a Ship, and will perih upon ones Head, if It l>e held initio tliein. Thenthcrsare a fort of Mawkv, that live entirely upon tiu Spml thev pet oiml ilieW.ttcr, and are e.piallj the The jd we fjil'd 1)'/ a lit'U llle, wliieh wt fuppm'd to he thai wliiih Hands foine live or lit 1 tagiicn from the Bav. This t'or the mtiltituilc of Conic* found litre, was calid (/) C»-». Iile. 'MC...ii.4 The hih weeaincto an Anchor in the Road of ( ) Si!-,,^ s,m^ii. ■Iitii.r, and the next day we went aihiMi. 'I ho Country weloiind fucli. l)oth fir Plenty and Pleal'nre, a« fccm'd til delnrve a far hetrer fiirt of Inh.iln;aiits than it had. The Plains and Valleys. ire ever\ where watered witii whollom Uieams, whuh the .Spr.nps iipDiiiJK- neiphlwiur- iiip Moiintairs do liU ; 'I'v impart iirhein. Tlu'cham- I'l.m (iiinimls aie loscreil wi'h h'loi'.s and Herds, and Woods and FurelU tilled with all l.ris of wild Ciaitie. Here line ma) Isemoit kinds of AniinaK, that are fi: ci- ther for Find, fur .SerMcc, or for Sport and I'leadire ; Deer.Sheep and Oxen,Antelopes,l*o>es,Hare»,andCone\s ; and for exv.ellein Fowl till h Itore r.iid varutv, ilui that 'uvuiioiis Unmn Fniperti, whole appetite eoiild U-fatis- of ihe l-'Kinp-lilli, with the ra\eiioiis Dol- hed vsirli notliiup Imt ihe I onpiies and Brains of ihuifc ' < 11 I'eilee.'.tors phiiis. That poor Annual it leeiiv-. can live i|iiietK m no !• lenient, and neither the Air, nor the \V,iter, will ath.rd it n feeiire Harhour. The Ddphins and Hoiiiio'>are mii- tinealh hi ntim: them in ihe Sea , ai;,l when ihey ha\i- no way tiavoia.iinileralilcDe.iih, l>i:t In nlmi; iheii Wmps, ati.i takinpatnrn in the Air, .hen ihele hiiiikt. ilul Uinls iire prefeiitlv vpon iheiii, .".nd inholpiuhly devour the pe or Stiaiipers driven hy perleeiiiion gut of their own Hle- The ixd.we can-e to an Anchor at the .Ollland 1 oftm.u Wefiui'id it very .liffii nit here to p,et Wood .ind Water aboard, by nalon of tlie violent l-rcadih of ihe Sea, whuii makes '.he 1 ard'np, extr-amly hazardous. Our own Boat was twiee overlet hy the hoillerovs Waves, andT'iiierf onr Men drown'd in the .-^tteii pt ; .ind imt |oni> belorc iis .i /in.',- ■ Man was worle I'er.'d, hisBiat, ir.en and all bciiii; dalh'd in pieu-supon the Ri.eks. 'i he illaiid has no Inhabitants, bin. a t'evv iNV;;.. a whom ihc ['(rtv^iicj, keep here astheir Slaves : '1 heir biiliiiefs is to kill and dry the ('■•/■ .-V^againlt their Mailers arrii.d, who ceneraliv sail here in their wa. to the /:.(/.'-/ ./V". Anil by ilis uiiitineal (lavnliier of thefe Heads and the Wild-Oxen 111 In. h tmrimides for the / 1- .';.;; i.-/.- fervue, thcltoekof ihelllaiul is ahiioll eshaulled, tho formerly itw.asverv preai. But tlio' there's a I'carcity of time Creautres, there s pood Ibire 'if I-owls, as 'I'lirtle-Dovcs, Aleatrarzes, and mam other fors, whiih are vervdeliei- i.iistiuat ; 1-ilidis p'emv of Maize, Wild (Jniiids, .md W.uer Melons, kihI thole Irecs on which prows the tine liiiiiball. :, * h' h.uy II. we were in 7 IXprees <, Minutes Sotih I.at. and here we li.td the I'erprifinp lipht of a Sea fpark- liiii! at a worderfiil i.ite, and appeannp asif all on hre ; the 1 lyht w.is li> licar and bripht at Kiplit, that one tnielii have read the linallill Triiit h) ilie .niiU^mcej their Tails, Bud^ micht have fealtcd here to Ins Heans conturt And befiiles all the fotis of 'lame Fowls, and mere tom- iiioii ones, Lif tliofe that are wild, freipientinp either the Woods or the Water, or Hjinp iu the open Air; here am Olhidpes, Cranes, Herons, and I'eluants, ainnngU .ill which we li.ul liifficieiit, both for (i,ime and Provifiun too. But the People that inhabit ihij excellent Country, arc fome of the moll bale and brutal in the whole Univfrfc. I Iiiinan Nature is here fo loiiph and enpolill.'d, I'o fo-did, mean, and imlike It lell, that 'tis hard to know it thro' the dil'piiife J and certainly if there be any where Animal, a coinpoiind of the Man and the Brii'.e, „ S'nW.iwi'.i. Raw tlelli is their molt iiicell and i leanly Farc.Tr i.lt f" a irixt ■'''"' ''""'' ■V"'^'r,iU V,.«ff IHatjI.outilie -t iheiii. and when they eat this, they eat like (i)me (,ilierBaibaroiis^/,"j;|; ,''"',' Nations; bill when ihey feed like themlehes, they po'jH ' fome deprees lower, from the Ih Ih lothe (lutsof Me.ills, wliiih they lay to warm a lutle vvh:K' upon ihc Coals, and tlienpreedily devour with all the excrements in them, and the .Allies and Durt that i leave c ths'iii. Hiviiip had a very apreeable refrellimeiit here, we let fail apam M -tlu- jd ; and the 7th we were 10 I capue.5 to the Southward of the Cape of <.rc,/.//i/e, pailinp thatCipc Nipht the Shoals of Cape i/.i; .g:i:.l/rs. ' Ui. 'Ihe 6th we had a feartul Storm, whuh raped for two I)a\s and two Niphts, at lalt a Mamcof tjie bipnefs of a Candle appear'd upon onr Main-top-inalVdicad, attcr whu li the \ lolence of the weatiier went otf. Thei4tli the lile l)rl)L^.>l^i\ (,/) m 19 Degr, and 9S Degr. Luiip, bare N. of us at uom Mill. Smith I.at. eiplu I eapues did litre, but the Wind prowinp vervltitf, we ak.r'd ( ... Relnliition : We faw about th:s Iil.ind ere.it numbers of lean White l^iids, which had only two'lonp Feathers in (0 C'V Hni. III.'. ot ir. ■| he ijih, weh.id lipht of the lll.ii-d, or rather th.c ther view i f /i ■ the jdllaudinp fnrthelfle (/:■ CV );f, wc had; v.hieh vvlicn we bare p.reai Rock .-l/ic.'/ the lit, we law l.aiiil. which if us S. S t. we ai'ain, iliiiikinp to ftay f r a pood Wind, but hnding rhat liio l>) oil llance r re. koninc we weie alvee but vit the \aryinp of the Con pis tc j.eapncsi cou'd not CL-mcto Am-lior wi.liout -.erv cie.it h.i'zard.s. I'prn i!ie .iccount of the Ivjvks and SIm tliat were to\. avil The :il Lar 1 eai'Ues j.lore I'- that bo-j! ihe llle, we refolvid iiuw to Itaiid for the a- l.iw !■ ■ hail bv the iTrar, which ties 10 inC) Depr. -^7 M'n. S. I. I 'jtlivve law the IllanJ i)nil iif.'ly Sbo.il*, tl'.u 'tis iliUi>:ii'ouv iiMk'.iii! ilii' At!niipt : This liicfuiunicini- .ir- tcii(linp us, wv pri fniiu-il (.i\r CmirlV to tlu' '»- '' .'. 3.v«c tilt NiiK'ti' m'.i, \vc li.lil ticlii of ilic ll!.- />•'',!;' ( f) Vit},! '.'/<.>//.( /' , ill 7 Dotr. 30 Mill. .Soiitlil.it. .iiul .ii iic ufw.wyj ine I)i.i;r. 40 Mill. I or.!;. In oit Aiiouiit. It a) pci'-^ to li' .iliivi It rir li I cniiiics Ion;;, ami is fo till! ol Coco- 'I'k'cv, thai loi l,slikc .1 ptTtVct W'oiul. Thviv's 1 .1 .iini Kow! i.i;oii;;h 111 lie hail, aiul if thiiv ho iiooil AmIioiii.); too which wc iliil not It.iv to examine- ti'- a'.ei\ ci.n- \ enieiit place 10 ivtivlli at. .7/<,'i tlie I'lmeiuli \M paf-.!! the h'liiMuictia: ai;aiti ; and the Nineueiith deli 1 ie.l 1 and, \v''i h^^,l^ a Cinder I't' IllaiuU Ivinj; e.i.dir the hii;h I a:.i! ' \ ' 11 >i r. ,-, ami in a- licm : l)eur. Nordi l.at. We coiul in.; I'lCeed in mir Atienip: 1 t' landing lure, the .Sea wentwiih huh a vio- lent I Lad upon ihc .Sliuar, iho' a^\^e^ancied) the N.i- lives imiied us to it, and lii'.nilied ilicir Minds, liy tivc- r.'.l r.re.'t I-iusmade a'oiu' ihe Mii..;r. I he Tweiity lixth weaiulnir'd wuhin a I iai;uc ol' the yj H.ii '.'. I'leat lii.;nd V.vn ( ■, ;, in 2' Min. .South I a'.. Thisllland !^ wl'i.lly delinnrc i.t Inliabiiants ; vet 'tis uell wor.deil, aivi \eatcr"d, and liipplied with Kill . It pividnces aluiii- d.iiice of .Monkeys, and a kind ot I owl, \\|i''!i is report- ed to Utile IVit ol that Country. 1 hefe Creatures aie larcer th. ; a Hare, and in Ihapc ver'. like a Siinnrel, ex- ec; t only that troni laih lideilurc |-,.iii);s d.v 11 two great Maps o!" Skin, which .ne inltcui of \Vin;;s,and by tlie help 01" which tho •-k:p nin 1 l\ lioni 1 lu' 'I ree to anotlKr. ■■U%-}i tile I'oi.ith, we ve':'lnl .' in hor, ami Itood for they do Callicoes I'lntadoc... and I'ucli-iike StiiH's. Tk-v areiery fur in tiu.'irl)i^Iini's, a,id wd] iile you iljbcrlv. i i:hap.VlI Inn tliiii you lUulV Iv lure to rCunlciences dcwt liy in theii 'Ihe I'endi inJ KIcu :.i'i , main 1 anil, we detcried le^eIal I'landiii Mig tl'.e I'raws ridint; oier auaiiill Sip ...... 11. .> i;r„l :| I'lniwcc ■.1:1; 'u.- :*i* 1, and Mere in lome hope t'l tind our I'in- n.ice aiiii'n!.Mt them, which we loll in the Storm .at the Cape. But tho' our hxpcdations were t'riUVrated, yet we were 111 Umie meahue coiiitorted with the News they lold us, ot'aii I'l^^l'fi "^hip ih.u lay at Pii.nnm, not above fix 1 ea;.;ues diftant from the Town of T/rc. But while we went on to liiid her, wo were like to lofc our fclv our Ship tcmiii); ,-, ground upon a Rotk of Vhite Coral ; but ha\inj; a brisk Gale of Wind, we happily got her off again, without any pre|udice, in a lery little time. Be- iTLtrnti ing come into V i.-w.fi (I) Road, 't., our great Joy) we found our I'lniiace there, and lo i amc to an Anchor in five Kllhom N\'.iter. and very good (iround. This City lies in 40 .\lin. .South 1 .at. I h id ihe C)pportunity of feeing ii, Ix'ing lent 'ly our Admiral, with a Prel'ent to ihe Gi - \eri'.oi;r, ard lo exaniir.e iheRaus that I'erpcr went at there. But i\o priv.ate Conference was to be had wiih the Ciovefnoiir, nor no ■\d\ancos 10 be made in the Alat- ters of Trade and iMerihandize, by reafnii of the Wars then raging au-.onglf them, l-'or the o'd King of .h-lni. having made his vmuigell .Son King of iv,^., and noiiii- lUted the elder !i) lueceed himlelf m the Kingdom of ./. ./'(■'), keeping h'm at home with hi!ii for that purpofe : The extravagant Prince 'angry to fee a Crown on his younger Brothers Mead, while his own was without one) make 1 old to depcfehis Father, telling the People he was too old to I'overn ; and then liaiing the Power in hi^ hands, immediatclv fell iiixm his Brother, to the great diHurbancc of the I'eace and Trade of the Illaiid : So that feeing litr'c likelihood of doing any good here, .and having gotten in ail nctelVary Prnvifions, the Twenty firft we welgli'd Anchor, ami ftood for Utntitv:. Ihc T\\eii'.\ lifth, after a Oifpuic of fevcn or eight Hours, wc took a Sh,p of h.i>i;.:iii, licund for l'/-'/:m.i« ; her 1 ad' nc being Salt, Rice, and (''/I'/i Dilhes ; burron- fidering the l'.':\J'l'' had a Faiifrry there, and tha^ this Violence nuehi poiliblv evpcfe thcui and their Concerns 10 foine In. onven'ences amongll fo barbarous a People, vic difiiiilVd her in a ci' il and friendly manner, with all hci Cords, whi h wc did not diiuinifli to the va'ue of a Farth.ng. But a Ship of CTH-'.T.if.-, (which wc took Sij'Uini:, the feiondi did not fcape us fu well : .She was about eighty . m^j^Hqji) Tun, and we li-curdher in the Ruad of Sill.ibf.i, That Road is in .1 Degr. South I at. and is \ery much fre- quented tot the Ct:nvcnienccs of Wood, Water, and ma- ny f Tts ot Provilions that arc here to be had. Our Buli- •lels held us Ikic till the Twenty eighth, v.'hen we let Sail and po fecuted iiiir Voyagetov.aids li.ini.itu. ^/wrjiiRoi ', u./ ,V , vimh ,irs m 6 Uegr. 42 Mi;i.''. S()uth l,at. -Vni! here we anchor'd all Night. The i:>- ,:;/i/i' Fleet wasgrue before we came j but Ionic of our Country -men, (hat were Facbirs there, caii>e .aboard, and told us ol the bafe and dilhonouraOle PraOticesof the lh'::iJ:is, in bLtlting the Repiit.ation of our Ka-.on at n.uit.ui. The, lepcited, 'Miat wc were a lend Pira lort ot People, 1 hat went abroad into the World. upooK.p,,, no other Ucligiis, than Robbing and Cheating odier Na.-ia'« tioi.N : And that we were Inch Cowards, that we dared. 11' I > ome into the Road amongll ilieni, bit woiil.l be fure to keep at a diltaine, for fear of being Ix-aten. Her Adiritai was loprovok'd at thefe llanderoiis Refie- Ofii ns, faiul winch the Durch themlelves well knew to be I les too) that lu- lent them Word prelently. That he wor'd come and ride dole by their tides , and if they dared but lo imuh as to put out a (;uii, or oHer the kail Inliilencc imagin.ible, either in Word or Action, he v.ou'd infalli- bly llnkeverv Ship they lud, or link hmifelf in the I'n- den.iking. Bi;i thev were fu wife as to m.ake no R,ply totlus Mell.ige ; and fotool and hun-bje too, as to do wh.-.t o.ir Admiral cemmandeil them in the point of L)c- porimenttowar.ls us, and the rettofthe /■..,;..'.•■/;•; Imtho' wcamhor'df.ilt ur.det ihe:r\crv Notes, they never llirr'il a (inn ; nay, they hardly diiitany of them appear alhore as Icr.g as we were tlure. .V :f"i:'. ;. (haling dilpaieh'd ourBudnel's MHiuLim) we held oer Cm rie tor /',:■„ c : And in die way between the CrrJ...r(c ot A/.„:,f;, and Cc.l,.,, we met three Piaws bound for"/.,:.;, i.iden with (V/h.! Diflics, Pepper, Benj.a- niin, and Storax. '1 hey fludioudy ai oided us, and refu- tAc i,rr led to laiistie our jult Demands of a Pilot, to condud us '"^""l'' ■ m I'ulo i;w.:cii, and a Pilot we were i.ot like to h.avc, un- Icfs we fought tor him, and piiichas'd him by Conouelt ; thisthcrclore liciiigthe Cafe, weattack'd them, and forc'd two of them to yield, and I'o furnilh'd our felvcs with a Guide for our .Ships, which w.is all the Prize wc then loughc after : This being done, wc difcharg'd thcin a- .gain, and held our Courlefor R.kihc. \ :em!er the Twenty feventh, wc law certain Iflands bearing N. W. from us, which neither we, nor our Pi- lots knew ; we imagin'd them to be foine of the broken I-ands that he S. F. tiom th.e llle if U.u.tam, for they were rvl «d lome of them ipiite Icnk under W.uer, nothing Icing to"'^''''>- be feen of them, bi t the tops of Trees : And thol'e of them that are not plung'd, are a perfcd Wildernefs, and like forciertobe fo, liaiing neither Fruit, nor any fjrt ct Animal, tor the f.pport of 1 ife. M.ivuig water'd here, /),v.-«.. , i!,c Second, we conti- nued our Courfe tor P :,-.jw, as well as we coii'd, with bad Winds, which at this time of the Year are geiieially at N. N. W. or N. 1.. hereabouts. The Twelfth we took a Juiuk of P.-M-U.u^^e, laden with Pepper, Rice, and Tin, bound for li.t>it,.m -. Our Admiral took only two Bial's Cnins, and a quantity of rheir Rice {Which yet he paid them nobly tor), and a Pilot to bring hiui to P^.:.wc . '^1 he other two which we took U-- fore, tho' very unskilful, were paid for their tune they had been with us, and fo lent back iiithis |uiick into their own Country. Now we began to be very much troubled with contrary Winds and Currenis : For in thefe parts yh.. w,„-, the .Sea always runs .Souihward, from the beginning of .n.lOji-r Kiaembcr, to the beginning of .//■/,, and b.ick again Northward from .///./to \o:cmb:. ; and th.e Winds for the moil part oblcne the lame Time and Courfe too. All Ships f'om C/;i",i, Prt.,,,.-, j„ , and .-.ther places, ■■'hich lie til the Northward, tome to /!,(»,.•. d.v, orl'','i».- tii-lv •■►.i.'l rate a Pcnj way home them, and being (one look'd like vilitics pafs one anothci and foiiie o into our Sh and oidei'il given, let molt part, time they le lutely dif|H and Cour.if and laying time, wc f(i into the C great obltin, relulving to let the Cabii thering aUii burn the SI clofe Poun to put a llo| otherwiU b< in upon then t'hot ; which only out of fli ittcr'd all t cur fclvcs frf us the I ives of Capt. D.r ring their W w.as very me December little Illand, Pays to me Here we ha E II1C S'lmfi • ihr AJ. *nt .:tr>. I'.w, when the Northerly .\l.i|ilo:i IS , ome, and t!ie\ re-^, riTii with the . Southerly, wliiih .Mi.nUins voine ;n thc|ii Alomhs aforeiaid. The Country '^/ of l'M..U.:i:gc, to wukIi this Jencko bclong'd, licsbttween /'.j/.oa- and y, ,-, .uid re.ai lies on the Sea-Coatt as tar as C ape ^,«^,^ ■./. . This is a very iofiy Cape, that ir.akc-, a great Figure, and is the tirlt Land- tall that the \'illeU of (V.'h./, (Vm;',;;'.^, and M.u.i-, do make, as tlu v fail tor A;,i/,:.v.i, J.n.i, Suw.it.,,, or'anv p.uts 10 the S.vthwaid. /'o. //,:«.• is a very plei tii'ul Country, h.i^ good ttuiv of Shipping, and all Provilions very vlieat De.oHii, tiie Twenty feveiith, we met with a Ji:n,.k full 111 7.1; '. /.-, wlutli had been Pirating a'ong the (.".jait ot Cbiii.i aiidc. //n'..ii, an.li.o. dating to lai.a .mvv.-hiTc 'nod.itions tor the cafe and rcfrenauent of .Sailors, as at J(for iliey arc gu.tiady tiiiUd tcmin'g alhore with Wea- sm.'.lr.-. The I'coplc here don't value Money (ij much as 'pons, throughoi t all 7..j,'ij they aic'l'o ticrcc and dd'v;- Lib. ;i;Smi«:s. Tlft-v ill \on (bbcily. imilU'icruri'to icur fly in their I'll- I I'apiios oi Uigr. 43 Mi.'i f'.' «'■■ ight. 'Mk- /•;<.■- r.t fomc ot our i;iiiic al'oiril, IV.iOtiicsot'tlic F our K.Tioii ai ■a lend Pir.uiim,.,, ic Worlil. u|n)i:R,pv,i ; atitif; oiliiT Na- :'"'■''•" , tliat wuilarol t wijuM be fiirr ten. aiideroiis Rcfli - .veil knew to lie , Tli.it he wor'il they ilared Imt e lead InHilcriCC IC v.oiiM iiitalh- ifelf in the I '11- iii.-lke no Ri'ply e t(«), as to do tc point of L)c- '■''.V''/'' > '"' '1'"' hey never II irr'd ■111 .ippenralhorc 'l< at .'(.(«/ .im) we vay between the let ill roe I'laws Pepper, Benja- cd us, and rct'u-Te Men of Qiiality, there being (one only excepted who was their Pilot; nothing that look'd like a eoinmon Sailor amonpit them. Several Ci- vilities pafs'd between us, and wc prefcnted and feaded one another ; fome of our Men went aboard their Junck, and fome of them, to the number of Twenty fix, came into our Ship. But they ha\ ing Iscforc concerted Matters, and oulerM all the Particulars of the Plot, upon a Signa' given, III upon our Men that were in their Junck, killing molt pan, and driving the reft overlviard. At the fame time the) let upon us in -lur own Ship, and being ablo- luieb difperate, fought with an iniredibie P ercencfs and L'ourage, madly thnifting thcmfdvcs on ov.r Pikes, ami laying alxiut them like lo many Furies. tier fome time, wc fore'd them to retire from the Halt-d rk down into the Cabin, where the) defended ihenifelves with Sreat obltinacy for the ipact of four or live Hum'-, and refolving to fpare ni'"hei- j'neir own I,ue«, nor orrs, they let the Cabin a-tirc, .. 'd fought w th all the Flame- ga- thering aUiut their ttrs. In Ihorr, feeing their Dclign to burn the Ship, and having them China Fleet, Ihortly to come thither, and which we in- tended, if poffiblc, to meet. ^anuiiy the Twelfth, wc faw two .Sail making towards -« f. lojc us, which coming up to, after a Ihort Uilpwie we board- ed, and brought them to an Anchor. Thcfc proveil to be Tw) cind two of the Cl'iiiit Ships ; but were not themain Prize tli.it ^I'HX'k'" we look'd after : Tney had Silks, and raw Silk .aboard, and fifty Tun of O'/n.! Silver ; butbecaufe wc hoped to ■ , < Lade our felves to much better .advantage, out of fhoft- that were Iti'.i behind, wc took little or nothing of this and fo difcharged them. After this, wc diroitcd our Courfc back again to China Buir, ; but the contrary Winds wou'd nor permit us to re- cover it ; lo that wc put on for the llles ot I'lih Sum.vi.i (1),'^,,!'' where wc anchor d lami.ti) the Twenty lecond. t'ehrun^y the Second, we met a Meet of H>c DtttJ. Ships bound homewards, whiih gave us an (nielligencc, that obliged us to take new MeaUnes, .and i]uit the Dclign we had upon the (.I'iiu Ships. Our liii^tijh Merchants ar Bmtnm, / they told us) were in very grc.it danger, and expedtcd every Day to feel the utuiolt b.Hects of the K;iig of Brt«M>«"s Anger and Rclentmcnt ; beiaulc of our late ' Pult Su '- IQa, .advantage in a; taking the C/)/h.» Ships, by which means he had lolt his clofc Pound, where we might difpat.h them all at once Cultoms. to put a itop to the prrigrelsof the Milchicf, which won d I And tlierefore, that no After Events of our Voyage They return otherwife be rcmcdilefs, iVe fired a couple of great < 'Uns| might procure any Danger or Difaftcrs to our Country- '"'^"i'""*' in upon them, loaded with Crofs-bars-, Bullets, and Cafc-j men, (ih the Fifth. our felvcs from this rhreatning Danger ; but to do t i olt I Wc had light of the Cape of Good Hope, the Seventh of us the ] ives of m.iny ot our Men ; and particularly ihatj '/>"'; aiii we arrived at St. 7/f/c«.r the Seventeenth, of Capt. O.n;., whofc imprudcnr C'l.nduiit, in not fecu-i where we itaid ief'"i.ll ing nil \Uy the Thud. ring their Weapons at tirlt. .according to the .'\dvicc given, was very much the oecalion of it. licccmhi-r the Thirtieth, we came to an Anchov by a little llland, wh:re wc u ere obliged to Itay three or tour Days to mend our Ro.it, .and take in Wood and Water. Here we had Intelligence, by a Ship of I'.itnm; of the 1 he Foiirteentli we j .;i's J the FquinoCtial. June thcTwcnty fcvcnth we arriv'd at Mii/rd-HiVcn, in H'.ilei. 7«o the Ninth, wc anchor'd in I'ai tfmoutKRo^d, ha- ving becii out in this Voyage, full nineteen Months. Chap. Vll. A Triviledgc for Fifteen Years ^ granted by Her Majefly, to certain Mvcnturers, for the Vi/covery of the Trade for the Eaft-Indies, ' the One and thirtieth oj Decemhev, 1600. EM Z A B F. T H , h tic Crr.cc of a O I), Q^iern of England, France, auj Ireland, licteniler of th I'.iiti', 8ere,u Our twj} de.tr and loving Cnufin, George V i . , Cumberland ; and Our If'cll-hclovedSuhjcHi, Si J. hn Hart O^London, Ko'Zht, .Vii John Spencer 0/ London, Kn'g't, Sir Edward Mii^hclburne, Kjiight, Wi'liam Candifli, H/.j; Paul Banning, Robert Ice, Leonard Hollyday , John Wats, Jnhn More, Edward Holmdcn, Rolscit Hampfon, Thomas Smith, and Thomas Cambell, Citi:^ens and Al- dermen of London, Edward Barker, Ijq; Thomas Marlh, Efa; Samuel Bachoufe, Kfjuire, James Lancaftcr, Ri- chard Staper, 'I homasCordcll, William ()arw.iy, Olner Stile, William Qiiarlcs, Bartholomew Barnes, William Offlv, Robert Chamberlayn, John Harvy, Rii'hard Wife- u-.an, William Stone, Francis Cherry, Tlionns Allabla- Itcr, Ritluird Barict, John Swyncrton, theTcmif^er, Tho- mas Carawav, William Romnv, James Dcane, John El- ilicd, Andrew Banning, Edward loan! ig, Thoma-Jack- fon , Nicholas I catc , John Wolltcr.holmc , Nicholas Peard, William Chamber, Rowland Bachoufe, Humfrcy Smith, Robert Sandy, Henry Robinfon, Richard Poyii- tcl, John Highlord, William Haryfon, bii iphry .Style, Humphry Robynfon, Nicholas Ferrer, Thomas Farrvng- ton, |ohn Combe, Robert Offly, Roger How, John Hewit, James Turner. Morrys Abbot, James Carrell, Rolint Bionke, Richard Chamblyn, George Chamblyn, Leonard White, John Cornelius, Ralph Basb\, William Gcnyngs, Giles Pallow, Robert Bell, 1 homas White, Ni- cholas I yng, William P.almer, Ellis Cnppes, John Mer- ricke, Humphry Hanford, Thomas Sytnons, Rolx-rt Cox, William Wulkall, John Humphry, Thomas Boftockc,Bar. tholomew Hollar.d, Ruliard Cox, William Walton, Wil- bam Freeman, '1 homas Southacke, Ji.lin Friar, braneis Dent. Rich.i.-dBuli, Kidiai Pier e, Ri-crHenyng, Ro- bert Cobb, Rolvit Ronvnlon, Franc:s b . mpi' n, Francis Tajlcr, Thomas Welt row, John Midletoi: R b-nGore, Ralph Gore, William Carer. George Cater, Jjhn Buf. bridge, Thomas Horton. W ' .••i H,,n,|, ,\;,-).. or.'-'J'-w'jr 1.' London, William Cottci., John Suckley, Roger Ow- ' field, Ai;gii(l:nc Skinner, Richard Wife, Robert Tower- Ion, Ri.hard Taylbve, Rolurt MidiHeion. R,.bert Bate- man, Hichard Gollon, Robert Waldorc, Rieli.ird Wr.ig, John Wrag, Willum Dale, 1 aurenee Waui , Hairs' Brydgman, Samuel Armytage, F,dward Harvfon,' Edward Nicolfon, Clement Moldy, John Newman. Humchrv \V-11„. Tl d:.i - ir ' i-i i> ' , 1 t 1 ' ', John f ~ ■-"•■—•-J —.^. ..*,.- •■.v>.v>T, j\j|||i li^v>ltUlM, I III Wallot, Thomas Richardfon, Thomas Bcothby, j Coachman , Reinald G'cen , Richar.i B.iriei, Robert Myldmay, William Huie, Gcorfe Chandeler, Edward Luttcrfoord, V. illLim BurrcK, Stephen Ha r y, Thom.as iHenlliaw, Willum Ferr>s, Wilham Aldeifey, William Hcwet, William F'ilher, Jofepli Salbancke , Nichol.as ■ Manly, Nicholas Salter, William Willalbine, William I Angel, Nicholas Barnfi) , Ji.lin Hawkin., Roger Dy, ' Richard Clarke, Tii m.is Hewer, George Whiiemore ' Henry PoKtcc, Willi.iui Gieenwdl, Rob. -t Johni'oM, Har- tholomew Huggott, tbim.nhry Balle, Rcbeit Buck,' Am- brole Wheeler, William H.ile, Riei.ard l^ "i Ju,,!o., John Hodglon, Alphonlus I'oote, Edmund S;cncer, Robert Dewfy, Richard Piott, Willam Boiiham, Edward Barkc- ham, CJeorge Coles, Ralph Hammer, Janes Colymer, Samuel Hare, George Utlv, Gregor) Allen, Henr> Ar-'''-"'*' '^'"'' Cher. Jertiv Keib), John Calon. Richard Bealc, Thomas ,°';';^",'h'''''l Shiptuii, Julm Fletcher, '1 homas la'bot, Rnlnii Pen- J«.'j looi nynginii, Humphry MilwarJ, Richard Heme, Ralph Al- len, John Hfooke, Arthonv (iiili.n, Robert Kayes, i-liigh Croniptoii, Rich.ird Wallier, Gempe Holman, Moir\cc Luellen, Ridiai.l Pailbns, Fiv.ncis Barker, Wdlbini Tiir- ' ncr. c;8 Qiiccn BVnaheth'sTatent to the Eaft-India Company. Lib. J ^f I^^P'^Xl t . 1 "1^ 'r Is;. ! '' ^ i % 1, ■ |: U' % ■1: 1i % : -yfi ! Tfk Vilf lit I ■!. I \trp >- A Common Set]. ncr, fohn GiTcnwood, Richard Ucnnc, Riilnid Irnnfido, {J.orcc Siirilits, J.imcs Di'iikyn, Edward NValur, An- dr w Chanib!a\ti, Robert S drtfeird, Anihony Siratfnrd, W.lliam Mvllct. Sitiion I aurcncc, Thonus Ivilall, Stc- plun Hinlplcn, Richard Wnplit, Wdliam Starker, NV'il- li;!m,Smi'h, Jnhn TJIacots, Robert Baylv, ,i); n'.ijr ul TiitJUi-k. ""'' Mcrchniiiii^e to the Eall-Iiulians in the C tmtiy (!«./ P.irts iif Alia, .iiiil Africa, nml to ■« tn.my if tie I'vid', iiii.l citiei, Tomn, uj I'::iet thcr.',ihcii:i, ,i> where 'Imde III il ii .ijliil^otMeichaniii^^e , tiii-.y hi ,h! likelihocl • rjl.ibiij! - r.i iir hr.A : Direri of wl'ii-h Coi, ntria, iiiiilm.i'fy oi the Ifl.iiiih ( 'ilia, .iiiit l'e> II ihei ear, h.ive ioir^ fithcnce Iren tiijiriveieii 1 1 i:he<.< of Qui Siiljetli, .ilieit not pe.jueiitr,i in 'J'/vmV »/■' A to - i-i'.iii.':^: Kjicw ye there/ire, that H'c »'r.if/v tcu.iiiigtle ll.i.Mi if Our .\'.(.*i™, the li'c.iith if Our People, .mil the I i.:ur.-iii>'ei,: it ti-nti, ,:ii.l i tieii "f Out /ot/V^ Sidf'tls in lieir ^,v./ l-.i.tei .in\c.', for tl-e Incre.i/e 1 1 Our .V.i-;'/;;.t.*/V;/, ,vii! ti'c .l.lve.n.cinent (f liiwfnl Ti.ijj'i'.^, to the Riiulit oi 0:ii ■Ci>i>:"icti-^re.tith, hr.tc cf Our J/e.i.il Cii.ice, ieiir.ln Kjiov:. ■ 'e.iy, nml mrer iiiolioii, tiivci) .vi,l sir.ulctt, //«./ i) tl ijc I'ir. /•-•iiti, f.rZ's, 0:ir Ileiii f.nJ Suc.ejJ'oi i, lio g\e r.)i,{ j^imit unt, O.ir /,:iJ ie:iii7^ SuljcHf, hi f re in theic I'rc/ciiti rx- p'-ejl) K.v.ie.l, T'.it th:y, iiui ex'ei) rf them, fmn hcnecfoitl /'• . .-.iiA Ih.iHbc one Hcd) Corpcr.ite nnti I'olithk, '" Oced, nn.i in \.iinr. It the \'jme of t!ie Goxermw, ,in.t ('ompr.ni et 'iir-rh-,,is aj I oi;Jon, 'ir.ttiit:i into the tad-Indies, on.- huh Corp"r.;t.~ nml Prliilili^in /Iff,/, nnJin Ktmete.tlh, nnn tiiC- tor Z's, Our I lei I .:• ./ S: c.cijo <. He ii-> erecl, make, ,,.l\'i:, 'orjHtute, ej}u!.'f.', ami .i-.-'ine hy thefe Viefents, rn.i ti At I) the JiDiie \i»;' of (loteniow, unit ('oinf.un ot j\tei\ir.i.:i or I.ciuloii, 'Culing into tie Eaft-Iiul'CS, (V; /h.ill h.me Sua-Jfun, .m,i thjt tl.cy, e.nd their Su.'crjjcri, iy tl' S.wic of (h,vernouf .in I C:>np.tm, l'i,:.ti>ig into the V.!^^- Indics, be, .vi^ jh.tll he .tt .ill timet be.tifter, I'ei/oni, able .ui.i L.!p.:b!e in L.irp, e.n.l .t B/.h Ci-'Jori:te .vi,! P.lltn\, r.u.i tnp.d-ie in l.t-.v, to hr.vr, pu ch.rfe, te^eiie, puflf/i, ei'jui, tin.i let.tiii l..:il:l:, Tenonenis, PiiillcJ^es, l.iberiie.', Jiin'J- liiiHon!, t'lDmhi.'er, m t liere.lit.iinentt, if whatfoexer kind, n.ttiirr, ,.•■! qu.i it-, tucver tliyie, t-i them .vi t tleirSu.- eejfi.).'. A><.t .i!Jj to ^ivr, grjm, .Irm'f-, nilene, .ifji^n, ittul (liijr.fe .ill e.nJ fi>i9,::iir cier things, I .vnl.<, Teneinei.is, ,vu! herc.lir.imcni', ly the fun.- K.ime, th.it to them fl..i:ll, cr m.iy feit.-hi 10 il'\ Anil th.it thi'f an.l their Sui.elfors , by the i\,i)i e of the Covern.iur, .vi.l {'mprni if Mc.ch.ints if Lon- don, I'r.'.in^ into the I'aK-Iiniks, m.-v plei.l, .~n.l he im- f lea led , .vfver, and be aifiecied, defend, rnd be defended in wh.uJ.c-.erCi lilts and Pl.i.et, .in.t befoie xt':iiji>e:er Jiidt^es an. I JliJI V.-,', an.l ether Pc.Jlns vid Off.e't, in aS .indjingu!.ir .iHlon;, P.e.i:, Suits, l^i.irrels, t'.infe!, .mi DemmiJs xhat- Jievr, of vh.itjreier hj'id, natnrr, or jort, in Juch manniy tin. I ^ rm, ji ether Our Liege Penple cf this cm lie.ilin of En- gland, being Pcif-.ns .ible .iri.lc.ipaile, w;,i), or can h.-.ve, fui- ch.ile, tceelve, pojjejs, enjty, ret.iln, give, gr.int, demijc, .:. llene, .ijljl'.^i', .H/prf', plead, and he impleeded, anfm, and he iin[oint.d In f-chjonii and manner, at heieafter in thje Pr^' Jen:! i, exir J'.d ; rei Ichjhalt be called the Civernour of the f-.l.l Ctii,J>any, ai.dthat there Jiv.l be f nut heic forth. Four and tK.i.iy if ti:e j.-.ld Ccmfai.i , to be elelied and tip- Jiclnt.:l in finhj'uiin, ai hereafiir in thcje Prrjeni s tl ex frffd, whlei p.all /.■ i. ailed the li.trtnltleei if iheJaidCoti.. I't.y, ^\'ho t'jgethcr rviih the & ■eiinour of the jaid Ccinpat.y, frthe rlrne i'ein^r,, fi.-all have the Oiretlionof the Vcyages, if, or j\r the fald C intaiy, and the Provljion of the Sliipfing and M.r^i-andj.s thereto I eUoging, and aifo the Sale ,)/ all Meichai.dJ I, if, cr for the Jud Cimpany, and the mana ^int^ard i at diin^^ if all o'lhi thl:gi iieh.ngl'.g to thefaid (liinpany ; .Ird for the belter l-.x.cutiun of this Oir H'ltl, and Crant, in this behalf, tt'e h.iVi aligned, nominated, con Jlitut.d, and made, and ly th-fe Piijenis, fir Vi, Our Heirs, Ai.dSuc.JJIii, H\ doafJi ,; conjiitute, and make the fald ThoniiS Smith, Ailcrman of London, to In- ti-e t • ,, fi'P, and pref'nt '.i'vernonr of the fahl Cninpany, to continue '^''■' ■ in the /aid Offee, from tiie Dale of thele PrefeiH', until ano. 1^'.' ' ther of the hu'd Coinpam, In due inantrr, he elrlen an.i j.v ,<• unto the Jaul Olfee, ae.vrdii'g to the Otalianees ar.d Proiji- nrs, hererlter in thefe Vrefeiiti expf-lfed, ai:.t .ieelarr.l, if i. .• laid 'Jhuiius Smith fteallfo long li; e. And aifi We ha:e r. - fi\ned, tnniinaied, and appointcl, and by the'e Prrfentj f.o "Ct, ciir Heirs, and Suc-ljori, H'' .lo alhgn, mmlnef, un-'' VitU:, and make the lame I'.iul Hannini;, Lc. nar.l Hoh'v- ! \ day, loiin More, Fdw.ird Holnidcn, Richard V:i'.>cr, '■,. ' 'I homas t'ordcll, William (iarvvay, Oliur Style, Jaiius '■'■ Lanc.d!ir, Ruliard Wilcn-.in, Kraiic;s Clicrrv, 'I'honi.i- ' Ailablal'..!, Villiani Roii.ncv, Rip^or Mow, \\ilii,i;;: ' Cli.imbcrs. R'.bcit Sandy, John LVlrid, Riihard Wuiic, John Hifhiord, John Middlcion, Jolin C^uijibc, WMb:!!!- ri.-iryfiii, Kuhol.ts l.ynj;, and Robert Bell, fi. lie tiie Pair and twenty fiJI and pr.Jent Committees '/ the faid Ccti.fani, to ioiitlnuel^i the faid OJfc; f Cimmiieees if thefaid C.n- pain, fiiin the Date of thefe Prejenti, for one whole Tear ■n.\t Jelloivli.g. And fiiriher, H'e H'.il and Grant by tl.iij'e Prrjcnii, f.i Is, Our Heiii. and Succlfrs, unto tiie Jald Cover nviir, an.l Company if Men-hants if ] ondon, T.adii ^ into lie l-.all-lndies and their Siiccefjors, that it /hall and m.-y be h'.xful, te, and fur the faid l.f. .•tuoui aid Compan , fir the time being, v:i-noiir,'"''i and five, ir m.re, if the Cominiltee if ti'e faid Company, for "' ' the time being, n.ll, faithj'ully, and truiy, to ex.cuie his laid Offee If Depury, to iheGovernour of the Cotnpaiy ; and rjrer Ins Oath Jo taken, Jhall and may from lime lo time, in tl eal - fence of the Jald Urvernour, cxcrciji- and cxeeite the Ojice ef Governiur rf tie Jald Compani, in JuehJert at Je Ciurnc-.i-- miglt to d\ And fuitl-er, H'e H'.ll, and uiant, by ti>J; Piefents,f^r 'i's. Our Heirs, i'.x\itto>s, and Kuccejjlrs, nnta little laid ('•oven:, ur, and Company if Menl ants if l,t,r.- don, Trading into the Ealt-Indics, and then SuurJJ'.is, that they, or the greater part cf them, mhererf rhc Ctvetneui fcr the time bcirig, or l.ils Defiily, to he or-, and from rime 3 time, and ajl times heieefiei, /hall, and may I ave Auihi. Ity and Pomer, yeaih, and every Tiar, iti the first Day ofx.-:- July, or at any time rriihin fix Days after that Day, to rf-i''':^ jenihl:, andme.tiigetherinjvineionvei.ientpl.w; robe "/'•)',' 'ointedfiiin time to time ly ihe (Jove/nour, or in his abj.'i.ce, ih,' ) ■ y the Deputy of the Jaid Covernour, far the time being. And H'' that th y being fo aif'cmhied, it jhall and may he l.-wfil, .',-, ''^,' ' lid f~or the Jaid (lo:-ert;oui, or Deputy of the Jaid dovemnut , and the Jaid Company for the time being, or the greater pa.it of them rehiJi then Jhall lappentole prjent, veh.reif th.- (lovernour of the Jaid Comp.-.ny, or his Deputy far tie time being, to be one, to eleti and nominate one ef tisejaid CotK- pani, vehieh fkail be (Joverncur of the fame Company foe one whole lear. It cm thence next following, wi^'eh Pj,(ii>t b.ino fo elecled, and nominated to be Covernonr eflhejr. id Cmpan^, as is aferejaid, before he be admitted to th Pxeciition if the faid Office, fleall take a Coiporal Oath, hcjote the last (Jovei- nour, being his Predeeejfor, or his Deputy, er any fix or more f the Cominitteei of the Jald Company for tl e time bein:^, that hejhallfi>m time to time, well and ntilyex.cute the Of- fice ofCJevernour of the Jaid Company, In al! thli.ij^j eoi.c.ri.- ing the fame, and that immediately after tl e faid Oathfo i, - ken, he Jhall and may ex. cute and life tie Jr. Id Office if C,i- vernour of this Jaid Company, for one nl oie Tear J ram ih.nce next follewing. And in likf fort He H'lll and (.rant, th.it f^„.f;^ at well every one aioii-nained to be of the Jald Cinpany or tticii it- Pellowfljip, as all others hereafter to le admitted, cr fee of'f-'t' the faid Comfaiiy, f.^all take a Coiporal Oath teloie the (lo- ^" ' ve.noiir of the faid Company, u' his Deputy Joi the time I - ing, to Jueheff.ll as by the Jald Crcen.im ii Ctnpai.y, n the moie pait If ihcm , in r.ny I'ubilckCeun luieheidfjr the faid Company, fnail be in a rcrfi<.ab.. inai'r.t J.t .ii.ivii and devifed, before they Jrall be allowed, or admilli.,:, ti I'lade or Tiaffiek ai r. Tree-men if the Jaid Coml'an). An.! -^, j piither If'e Will and Grant iy thef: PteJenti, f..i U;, O.ii „ .1 ... ■ Heiis and Sueceljlrs , ui.to the 'aid Goiin.iur and Con.. ''"^ pany of Meru.-.i.ti i- London, Tiadii.g Into the talt. '^'^'jj, .' Indies, ard their S.icc JJ'ois, that tie /aid Gui.rnoi.t, nih/h"'' the Deputy ef tie faid Gci.ri.our, and the Company and i ■'■■["' their Suice/J'ois Jir lie time heing, or the pr.at jl pait if^'^"' thin, wheieif lie Gvveinvur, ot ti.i Dp.iy \j lie (<(:.•,- nciii fivin titne to time lobe em, (hall andme.j fiom t,m: to time , and at all tiii.ei hctea/let, ha:c Auti ciiiy and Power yearly, ..n.l cveiy Tear on the fir\i Day if July, or at any time within fix Dayi after that Dry, ro jf.tr.il., meet togcth.r, in joine coi.\.'uiei.t plaie, to be fmn time u \titne appoint \l by tie Jaid (jc.. -I n.l:' ot r jald Citt.paty, or in hit itbfe bled, it jh lernour, cr the grea Jei t, when p:.lyfor th: four of th The Corr- /:/,/ Comp, nmicc. Hull „i,i^i^ p^i like a Cor- . , .* lwt-IO«li. tee I of the ,-1 the Ex Oe.th bcfi.ri the Jald Cm d-cjfo'- ;•„ w.-li atd fi: in all thir: after th- Ir. :■!'■ the fall I'-thcCo. Kh^l•r■■r vtrno "r d>, /-/ '// irt y ^''••'"'""'■'ifehsard 1 I ..* .Jill M U.hulci.. an.l (.omp.i Lall-In.lie ir/hali ha; time, at a. ted, eleele.i /aid Comfiai faidOJlii,, his laid Ojj the Jald Cot prejent at i (leieial C /' often it Jl the faid Cm tl'etn, with!) any fiieh Go-i place, as th: ef the faid C part of them ai.d there. It and n'.ininat cf the faid Ct C' was Co I en rated to the ( and rx-'clje Jaid T.ar, ti lie due fix c ilm\ lo ofiei md Pie. Ill) ■ s...-.//.', ;/ ly' AI I, ham I to their .V,.,,. ■ :ny tf the C'l, at an t 'me n them, (ha 'I I l'"'X°f'li«fi/i?))H...'rfcj( ncw.ol., temovedfion thofi-n. /«i; tl.ieinjelvi bte, at the P ihe j^icatcr p. heing, or hi; the 'lieaih^ o Jrndle til ml ijiial a I d ac the laid Ciin Company^ fo then and thei there dcparti, or more, rf , Company, in them, that J ei Peiluu Jo of Ciininittci and e\etcl/e tijidueef the Jald, for the Tieid'.ivioT rituc to time ihcSun. dnd,,. . / p Appicmut.. tilf.idl, it H il', .IK./ g Jl. trecoi' Merch.it. ts i faid Ciinpa: - J'all-Indics, t.eiy of thill or upwa'.ls: or Set cants i be imployed i iiade of Ml 'ieai, 0; any i ).dt-Indifs, J., { Lib:)! Jon, f/v' <■■' Sm:\ II), IK cmiiiiur ALinitf .'■ i' ; tk lb: (' \Chap. Vll. QjjeenEUTahe th's "Patent mlje B3i(i^indi3i Compatiy. 55) ., "■• lull Iff, urt'l HI"- ».,.,, ')-/i'» /•>•.ll\' hil-.ef.- f'c Vrclh:r.i p'l lli.inilli'rr, iflf 1 '■ r ■ v.nar.lHollv.;-«;J:'; ,ch.ii\l SiainT, ,■•„",•' ■ .Sty If. JiuKs ■'■*'■' cny, 'I'tioni.!^ []'",'"'' low, Willi.im ali.ivci Wiilir, llibc, Will':,, I. , ti, lie tin' l-iur • jithl Cc)i:pr,in, fiL-Ji-.i.l Cii- one xvhulc Terr (jiriii h f/v/.- j, uhto the Jf-'.d uulon, 'l\,uiii ; 'r.t it /hnll mil /•.id Coiiifr.r , frd'ri.t, f.t HI-' t Iwlilcii fir tie 'ip'iity, ^'fi'-'^ '•'- 'e, nu{ nfi'tiiiit, niii Cii-\niiur ; A n i f ii'i < 1 1>;'.- iKW, '''''' .•'(.' Coin'i'f.iy, for c.xri'U'e his tr.id '.'ni.y ; unit rjter tin:, ijiticr.!- utc the Vjice ff ti lie (iLiaiicn'' i.iirtit, i) tiij: f Succcjjit!, IllltO cl-i-.iiti (•/ Lon- tl.ieir SmccJJlii, f the Gtnci iicur , nini from time iie.y 1 e.ve ylutht- tl'e jiist Day rft::- tl.r.t IJ/iy, to ,f- ■'■ ," pl.-ce ;ol-e Hl>-1\ :: >r in his iilij'i.ce,ihv): ifiivy, ■.edition (f tl.v '.■ Ust Covci- iv Jix or more e tiii.'c ieiiig, eiitc the Or- >.;;; ri);.t.)v.- \l Ue.lhjj I, - Office if C,v- r Imm th.iicr ,/(„.-),(, th,'tf^.„jf, - ;' i'l iiif'tiii) 01 ihctt.'rr in his nlfeme by his Deputy. And thnt they liewj^fi nffem- iled, it '/hull, aidmny be limful, to, mid for the JntdGo- lenwur, or his Deputy, i't urde^tr.l(.-ri, i.o' ,:l'd>cj]ul to any Cnu'tiy, I/l.vd. I'oir, llaien, City, ( leek,, 'I\wr, or Place .u:e.:dy i'i tie ir.x'ul, ,:i.il ociu.d pej/r/foi, of any jlch Chri. jtif.ni'rihce or State, ,;i at tin pre/ei.t n, or at any time he'eafte Jhall be in League oi Amliy withi.'s, our lleiriir Hi.atjfcis, and vho dith net, or ■nillii't accept of ftichTradc, but di-th evenly decla'c and publ./ly the fame, to be utterly .if.'dijl hiicrtliei'gipdvcillandlikjne. And fmther, 0». Th'i'hr IfuH.vid Pleafiie,,, and by th-fe P^efeit, forVs, Our Ihirs'^^l^lZuv a"d Si:ccej/o s, ll'e ,/. '^rriir uhto the fr.id Giveriiow, and'm jiiy c-io. Company of Mercians i/ London, Trading into the Eaft-*™''^"'?'*"-'- Indies, and to their Succe/fois, that it Jl^ailand may I'e lasv- fid, to a>:d fir the /aid Governciir, and Corneal:), ard their Siiccc/Zosy t>-'» '-'me to time, tj r/femble rhcwfehes for, or aboi.t any tiic Matteis, Cai/.s, J'iffai's, ai,i, being tie. r lajl Prc- d'Cifof' fur the time I cinv_, tl v Wvv and ei ly of tiein, jhall w.-f and faithfully pnfoim ti eir fa.d Offc i vf Committea, inatltli'XS .(KJW/;//'.;; //■' l^-me. r!n I tl at imiiied..:t after the faid Oatu (o '/.:(;/», they Jhall and may ex. cute, and ■/■■ the laid Offices of C'-tiimiltccs of th' /aid Company foi one id/ V- y .-, from thci.c- next following, rind morc.'.er. Our S.e.lf.l! aid Prajure it, ai.d It thj: i'rrjci.!., for Vs, Our "'^•''■^ Heirs and Siuccffors, iVc do g.ant unto the faid {....-rnour. 'l^'ZsliV and Comp.viy of Merchants of Loiulon, Tia.iing into t,.c Kad-Ilidii's, and to thrirSuccejfois, that wivi . end at often it /hall happen to the Coierneui if the Jai.l Cinpany for tk- time, at any time within one hai, afici lie Jhall be nomiiu:- ted, cic.ied, and /ween, to th- Office of the Govcrnoitr cf th.- /aid Company, as is afcr:/aid,to die, or to be removed from the Ja.id OJfc; whhh Go:crnour net demeaning himjeif well in his laid OJjice, 11 'e 11 'id to be removable at th: pleajure of theja'd Company, cr th- greater [art of th.in, which Jhall Oe prejei.t at aiy their Piblicl^ rl/fcml'lies, commonly tailed their Ge'Cia! C wt, holden for the jaid Company, that th.-n, and /i often it/ha!/, and may be lawful tr, and for the r.-Jidue cf the faid Company, for the time being, or the greater part if ihnn, within convenient time after tiie Death, or remoiing any Inch Govem.ai', to ajfein-te them/ehes in jucli convenient place, as tb.y jhall think ft for the I-Ucclion of the Givernoiir cf the fiiid Company ; or that the Jaid Company, or the greater part of them being then and there prefent, Jhall, and may then I'.d there, before their d-parturc from the faid place, elect, and nominate one other cf the fifid Company, to be Governoifr of the faid Company in pise place or Jlcad ((f him, that Jo died, cr we I li irinov.-d ; which Perfon being Jo ekiled, an4 nomi- •:e.ted to the Office of < ioverncr of tke/aidComfitny,fhi!K. have and rx-'ci/- the /'aid Office for, and dfiring the refuluc of the faid r.ar, taking fljl a Corporal Oath, as is aj^cir^aid, for tie due i..\- cuticn thereof : and this to be done froin tJi/ic to lim; In orlen as the Ca/.-jhaJi Jo requii e. And alfo Oiirll'iil ■■i:d Pie:/ III- is. and ly tl -Je P cj Ms, j'„i Vs, our Heirs iiud SH^e-ff'f, ll'e Jo gian: int., theJaid'Coveinour and Company if M I. hams of l.onc\op. Trailing into the t:i{i-ll\iiics, and lothei,-S:- /fo s, that when, aid as ofiin as it Jhall happen, pi yed in .tny of ti.eii I'^/yagei, and for the better advancement t,y ihe .:ny if the Conmittees of th.-j'iid Company for the time being, and continuance o] the Jaid Tiade, andTiaffick,, and the fame e"'"''*P'" at an t'm- within cue T a- next aft(i , that they, oi any oflL.ms, Ccnjiituticns, Orders, and 0> diytajicesfo tnade, fo /■«' ^'n' „,uy"* them, fi.-a'l /" nominai.-d, ileelcd, andjwoin to the Office of\in and execute atco-diiigly, and at their Plerfire to ir.-cke, \U\yoitht {^,jnnn:ttces 'f the Jaid C-^anpa') ,fi is afor.Jaid, Iodic, oi be o> alter the J.ime, or any of them, a, ccc.rfion fl\tU require, ard that the Jaid Govemcw, and Company, fj often at they p.-al! make, o dain, n rJ}abl:flo r.ny fuch Laves, CcnJlituticns, Con'miticvi, new tl U choftn. "/ • T*>.' r ■ Irloic the Co-' the lime b - C mpan\, ti 1,1 le held for •IH...I jet down admitieil, tn oml'.vii. .-Ind. f.,i I.':, O.ii ;, J - i.tur a'.d Con - ' ' |' into the bait- '^ ',' Goi ,ri,ot,i, t , ,,... ^ [' Company ana i-' * ' , pr.at fl p,:,t it'-'"'"' ] ij lie (.in:,- mi-.j fiim time ■ Autldiiy and >ay of July, 11. >,•>, to if. mil., - ficin t,mc to ■.id Cni.paiiy, or lemoved fiom tie Jaid Offiie, which Cmmittect net demean- ing d'emjebves well in rl-cir Jaid Office, If'c will to be remova- ble, at the Pleajwe ef tlic Jaid (iovernour and Company, o, liie gi cater part of them, whctcf the (uveryiour foi the time being, or his Deputy to be one, within cmieuient time after the Death, or reinovin"ef any of the Jaid Committees, to rj. Jemlle lli infeiirs in Jn,h ccnvcnient place, as is, or Jhall be ufur! ,u d acciijlomed , for the Election of the Goveinour ,f the (aid Cimpaii\ «> where elje for the Giverno\ir of the ja,d Compans, for the time being, or his Deputy to (ic one, being then and theic prejent, fleaff and may then and there, bcfoie there depart II, e fiom tl.'c faid place, elect and nominate one, or more, if the jaid C inp.iiiy, to be Committcei of the Jaid Company, in the places and Jicad.', pl(lu orjletd of him, or them, that fo died, or weic, or was Jo removed j which Perjon 01 Pel (lu.' jo elected, and niminaied to the Office, or Offices of Cimmittee, or Cominitfces rJ the /aid Coynpany, jiiall have and exeici/e the/ai.l Office and Offices, for and during the nf due of the faid Tear, tal-Jngfii/i a Co, j oral Oath,asis afou- Jaid, lt« ti'C .'ue e,xe.iiti(n tleiecf; and tldt to be done f cm Frnd.-iii KH rime to I ine, fo iften as the Canjefleatl require. And further, a' I^uk".'' " *■ ''" !:• ''-Jc P,ejenn,f> Vs, ci,r jleirs and Succejfors, i.r(i«ti. <• "'W, .in.i g-ant unto the Jaid Ge-icmoiir, and Company of ictrccoi Merchants of London, Xading into the £aft-Indics, and ""•>**f)';f/W' .f«c,v/?;.;, tiat'ti-e^, and all that are, oijkcll be of the /aid Ciinpany of Mr, cl ants ef }..ondon, Trading into the • J'all-lndie';, and cvena\ b\ the /pace of fifteen Jo-:, Ordcs, .:nd O dinrnce's, in fcm af'ie/iiid, jhall and may l.mfully iinpr/e, o.daiv, limit, and prcvide fi.ch Pains, Pii- nifmcnts, Penatiei, by hnpri/cnmei.t of Body, cr by pines, or Amercements, ci ly all or any of them, upon, and again it all Otfendeii, coi.traiy to/:.ch Lews, Conjiitutiens, Ordcis, and J^s^nin' Ordinances, or any if thetn, as to tie ftid Cove'inour, <;?; afoiej.iid to le made, H'e hi'iH to be duty cljcivcd, an.t i^ept under the Pains and Penalties iheieiii to be cintained ; Jo always tie fr.id I ans, C njlitutl- ons, Oideis, Oidinaices, Inp.ijonmenis, F'n:s, and Amerce- ments be icijonable, and net cont ary n letugnant tc tie Laws, St.uutes, or Ciijlcms of tlii Our f^ealtn. Ard fir.f- c'm!°'^i!'' much a, the J.iid G.vcrmur, and Company of Mer:hants cfc.,-itiio-.:i London, Tiading into tie tatUIiidies, hr.'..e not )ct Kxpcri-i--'^^: '^" cncecf tie finds' of Cmncd.tiei aid Merchandises, wlich^"'",''"'' aic cr will he '.cmt.ble, or to le uttered in the /aid Pats of the Eail-InJifS, and therefcie Jleall be driven to carry to thcje Pa,t!, in their Voyages, divers and fuiujry Coii.mcdities, which ate lil{ily to be leturncd .ipain into lids l{eahn ; H'e thcrefoic of Our cJpcclalG'ace, cenain Kyicwied-'e, and meer Met n, 101 th: Icttc a.cc.r.-.girg cf lie /aid Gcitrnour, 1 i t utilo th. j.iii Covcrmur .mj CuWp.iiiy, auA to Ircir Succeffors, th.fl lh:i Mti t'irir Succeffors, ,lur!ii^ tic fr'"' f'lft Vi'l-i'^fs nhich ll '1 IImII niiiks, cr Jet /■'"'r Jtir, or tow.iiJi r/'C /.:/i.l H.ivctn thereof, all f:i.i\ itii.l (o much Ciis.U .u;.l Mo d'.vi.ii^cs, l/einj^ (iooiii iinJ ALrchiUi.li^es LirrfuH) p.ijj'.ilt.'e, .»;./ tr.siijpoit.ibie oul -if tl:ts l\e.llm, ixnd not pnhihitc.i to he Ir.uiJ ported hy .iriy I aw, St.ttiite, a (/•" l{c.:!m, j< fl.'jll he hy tleiii, their I'.rHon, ■'IIJH'"' fl-'Pr'-^ '" •'"> ^'?/!> '■'' ^^'f' '''^''■'' "' ''WM. " be iii}f',i):d in rtti) of lie j.iid fiur jirit l\).i^es, fu'C ot Ci. Jhm, Suhjidy, cr l'eu)id,r.[e, o- ,ii,y other Dutiet or I'.iymenli to Vl, cr Our Succejcri due, c heloii^ii,^ for the Slipping, cr tr.iiijporlii.^, of thej.tine, or .iijv of t' en:. ^Ind yet iieiei- the'.ejs, OurUi" .vid l'le.:fire is, .vid He do by ll'efe I'r. jeutsjiiuil^y l-'is'rge iind Cotum.md, Th.i: .ill ,tiul every Jiah Ci'ods f.iiil Merc' e.itdi^es fi. /,' ie tr.infportrd cut of thii He.ilm, fi.-JI fieri little to time, duiii.-^ iisef.iid fc:ir fi,j! Fey.ties, .n i( .ifoiej'.tid, jh.iH fijm time tj time be duly entied by The (.'/,- flrni.r, Cnnpti Oiler, or other OJjJcer of Jiich I'oit, Creek,, or Vl.iee, where the fime Gcods, (. Me>el:iiid:\es, Jh.tll h.ippeii to be (l^ipped, cr U.lei:, to bet <:iifpcrtcd .:, .tforeJ.iid. And , Mjoot' Ow further cfpeei.il Ci.iee, cert.xin Kjioxledge, and iil'.'h. til*!., '"•••'•'■ A'^"'""' "'<••'■" r-''- '^■•'. On Heirs, Suecff-us, p^i.m-to (.T I'.tymiT.i' .!«./ iv///i tl:e j.tidCiOelin nr, ,;r,.l Cciiipaiiy cf Me: chants of Lomlon, Trading into the liaft-Ilklics, .ind their Succeffors, e Eaft-Indics, and ^ i'\iJi»"■,< ■'■" K) time diitii.'^ tl.e/.iid 'le wt'Cll i'vxiii"'^^ 'hat when, and .o cft.n and Jp.ice of Fifteen Yeai s, ,.•..;«> Cn^faii, l'cu»d.:ge, Sulfi.y, or other Duties, flull be due ai.d p.iyable i.nijfs. Our Ihin, or Suceelf-rs, for uny Good:, If '.ires, ci Merchandises wl'nji- eter, to be returned our, or fun .u.y :l c [Hands, I'orts, IJ.;- ■lens. Cities, Tevciis, or Pi.ices .if.rfiid ui.ta the I'o.t of London, or any of the ll.n-ens. Creeks, Menders, or Pl.ices, to the f.ime I'oit belonging, th.it the Cuftomcis, and all ether Offceis for ihe time being of Vs, Our Heirs, or Suecejfers, for, or concerning /{eceipts cf CiiJIom, l'e..,nd,ige, Subfidies, or other Duties unto whom it Jh.ill appen.iin, jhall upcn the l{e,jueii of the Gc^emciir, and Conip.tny cf the faid Mei- chants of Lotidon, trading into the Eall-Indics., cr any other their /Igents, Fatiors, or Affgns, give unto tie f.iid Gmei- nour and Ccmtany, their /Igcnts, EiHors, or Affigns, fix Months lime for the Payment of the one h.tif; .vid after thofe Jix Months ended, other /ix Menlht lime for the P.xymeni of the other half of their jaidCuJiom, Poundage, or other Sub- Jid}, or Duties, receiving good eind Jufficicm Bonds, vpith Surely, to the Vfe of Z's, Our Heirs .nid Si.ceeffcrs, for the true Payment of the f.iine .tcco'dingly ; i-.nd upon the receipt of the f.iid Bends with Surety, f em time i: time, to give un- to thej'aid Gin ernour, and Comp.tny of Merchants of London, Tra.l'ng jw^o (/'f Eall-Indics, fo. the eimc beii.g, their j1~ gents, Fa'clors, or Affigns, their Co:k.'ts, cr other If 'arrants, to takeout, and leceive on Land the fame Goods, If ares, and Merchandir^es , by Virlue theieof, withoi.t .my dijl urbane:. Andth.it alfo Ji often ,h ,n anytime, during the faid Term of Fifteen Tears, any Goods, I tares, or }.fcrcandi:(es, of the laid Go-etmow, and Comp.tny, for the time being laden from Our Port of London, or any the Creekj, Mmbeis, or Places to the fame Port belonging, to be tranfpoiled to, or towards any of the Ports, Iflands, Hmcns, Cities, Towns, or Places, afjrcj.ud,f;.tll happen to tnifcniy or be hji, before their fafe Airi-eal or Difchaig; in the Ports, fcr, and to the which the fame jh.ill be Jem, th.it then, an.'forften, and fo much Cu- \(Cooi% fi""x Pelindage, Subfidies, cr other Duties, ai they anfwer'd mikiuyoai.toVsfir the).vne, befire their going forth rf Ou' fud wjidthe p„,, linens, .._ C'ccks, JJiall after due preif made befcr CatemLlI '<>':' -^reafurer 'of England, for the time being, of the fuel licsllowcd Lofs, and the juSi ^t.tnttry thereof, le ty Viitiie hereof al- in oihcr lowed by the faid Gcvcrnour and Company, their Agents, or ^!^\f'"' F.iHor.', bylf.iriant ,f the faidT'rajlicr, t, the faid Cuftc- Y^i. ' nie.s or Oncers, in th: next Gards, ll'.ves, cr Merchandi:^:s, that the /aid Gci:rno::r and Compan-., ^r their Succeffors, Jh.ill and mai fi.if, fo', or towards titje Parts, according to the t-i:e l{/teitf theCuj'.cins, Poindagc, or Subfidies, before paid fcr theGeod.', Wares, rr Meichm.ii^es In lijl, o tnifcanying, ■r any par: thereof. And fr that the faid Goverr.our and C mpai.y of Menhants ./' Lotidon, T' ading into the t.lik- Iiidics are llks to bring into this Our l{ealin, a much greater ,l„rnii'i,. if Foreign Corni/iedir.e', fern lie p.:ris cf ii:e faid Eart-liidics, //..IM can le Jpei.t fjr the nceeffaiy iije of the fame Our t{ea!i)i, which of neeeif.-y m:ji be t.anfpcrted into other Coi.ntiici, and then- vented- Hi- for 1's, Our licit s and Succeffors, cf Oi.r ffccial Criiee,cert.tin Kjicveie.lgc, and meet Moiii-n, do grant to, and with thefa:d Governow, .uil Com- pany cf Merch.u.isf London, I'l.'.li'.ginto the Eali-Indics, ,:nd their Siicccffos, th.it at ail times, ficm time to time, di,- m'wi; thcjp.ice it' thirteen M nths, m.\t after tie Dijch.i.-ge tf ary tl.cjanie i'o eignC'inim.Uties fx to be bi.ught in, the Sub- f.ii^:, Pi/ktid Cuf^m.', .'.::l .thei Duties, for th; lame Ic- for the JaidGovernuiir and Company, and there Suceeffcrs.'r at yt,[..';',,'f\ cthei the Katur.tlSulieHscf this Out l{e.ilni, whichm.i:,Hrjh.iU to!...?!,:".™'' buy ihef.mie of them, te tr.tnftiort the fiime n: Lii)(li(h liottrm-, ''"^ ""I'M feelyouiofthi, [{caan.a, well ungnfle.{,.i^ ga)hled.«iil:i.:,t /',ii- f''i",''''/' mint of any further Culhm,Pound.ige,> r a.'y ;urtt.er Siib/„!y,ie N,ii:- l^.'^^tt' pininded f'r, ... aforefud, and /a ptiii,led, andtheJaidCu-lMttCvf,.- Jlomer, cruher Officer irOffieeis, fi whom inihr.t behalf ii''ahmr*V" i ' jhall pr. cure to be coined in Our Mint, withinOurToWiX oilTi.Z '' London, out ofjiich Plate or Bullion, ,i, it feall be prcvided ili"i"''^t; fvr the Jaid Governcur, ,ind Company of Mc' chants of l.on- 'J'""' '' '''" don, Trading into the l-.nii.lnAk'., their F.iUois, or Afii^nt,' "" before the going forth of the fame Fleet in theJe thee f'lft Voyages, fo ,;i the whole quantity of Coin or Moneys, tj be tran- fported in this their Jaid jirSt l^oyage, ,L not exee.-dihe I'aliie, or Sum of Thiity thoiijand Pou'idSterWng. And jo at the Sum tf Si.x- thoufand Pound, at the leaSl parcel if the faid Sum if Thirty ihoiij'and Pound, be firfl coined In Our Mint, within Our Tower of London, before thefm.e jhall be tr.mjpcteil at aforcfiid ; any Law, Statute, l{efiraii;t, or Prohibition ill thai behalf netwithftanding. And in like m.mner, of Our fpecial Grace, certain Kfiowlcdge, and nicer Motion, He h.tve granted, and by thefePrefentsdofor Vs, Our Heirs and Sue- Mm ili; <:effors, grant unto the Jaid Gcvcrnour, and Company of Me'- ('-i firft ckvits of London, Tadin^ into the Eaft-lndifs, and their '."^'B''' '" Succeffors : Tr,at it Jl.v.ll .ind may be l.twful, to, and for the 'hV v.^'^V., Jaid Gmernmir and Company, and their Succeffors, after the 'li'y •>■■ y fiidjirlt f.^.igefet forth yearly, for, and during the refidiie of "P\''\ the JaidTeim of Fifteen Tears, to Jhip and tranjport out cf this Z'oL ! 'T Our Healtn of England, cr Dominuns of the fame, in any ' 'h i-orri;i their other Voj/ages, to, indtow.irds .my of the Par's aforefaid,'l:''" '"'!^'1 in form aforementioned, allfiich Foreign Coin of Siher, Spa- iH^'r. j"v,'i> nifh, 0- otlser Foreign Silver, or Bullion of Silver, ai they jhall ^"""-^ iluring the faid Term bring, or caufe to be brought into this '^^'^'J'] \'. , Our Healm «/ England, from the P.irts beyond tlr Sea', cither in the Mr in the fame kind, Jort, Jianip, erfajhion, which it /hall have when they bring it in, cr any other Form, St.tmp, or Fafljion, to be coined within our Mint, within Our Tower of London, at their pleafure, fir ai the whole Qiiantlties of Coin, or Moneys by them to be tranjported in any tlnirjaid Voyages, during the refi.lue of the faid Term, do not exceed the Value or Sum cf Thirty thcufand Peund in any one Voyage, andfo as the Sum of Six thoufand Pound, at the leaji parcel of the faid Sum, or Value of Thirty thoufand Pound, fa to be tranjported ,« ,ifore- jaid, be firit coined within Our jaid Tower of London, be- fore the J'.mie Jhall le tranjported in any if the jaid Voyages, any Law, Statute, l{tfiraint, or Prohibition in that behalf in any wije hotwilhjlanding. And further, H'e of Our ampl'-, and abounilant Grace, meer Motion, and cirtain Kjicwiedgr, have granted, and by theJe Prrfents for Vs, 0:.r Heirs anil Succeffors, do grant iiuto the faid Governcur, and Company r/P'[ ''i'l, Merchants of London, Tr.idlng into the Eall-Indics, andbc'-Yniei their Succejj'ois, that thry and their S,.ccejJors, anil their 'cmiiiagi. F.iflors, Servants, or Afi'gns, in the Tradt cf Merchandise f^''^^^'^^^'" f r them, and on iheir beh.:lf, and na other wije, Jhali fc the Cowfiiv), /aid Term if Fifteen Tears, have, ije, and et.jcy the wheic vi ">'-_ entire, ami only Ti ade andTraffick, and the whole entirc^'^"'''' ' and only l.iierty , Vie , and Privilcdgc rf I'rading and Trafficking, and ujing Fe.n and Ti.tde cf Merchandise, to and from the Jaid Ealt-Irulics, and to and from ail the Iflands, Ports, H.ivcns, Cities, Towns, or Pl.ices afrejiiid infuchinan- »;."■, andfrin at n .ibove-mentiined, and th.it the faid Govt) - ■leur, and Cinpany cf Merchants if London, Trading into th: Ealt-lndics, and Cvny particular and j-veial K//ow that thai now or tncorpot Llbeity at fort^ald, I faid Eaft-Il Form afoie Agreement Governour i to the Eaft- trein, frefc, the jaid Con Deputy for i y.iH.'.'v, and i:.tO the f.lii] to proceed in ce-.v; eannet Therefore wc inter Molici nd with if 1 'indcip, (• . " I hit In any .H nil' rilS'lip, ,• I . ^ : , |..:Jiiil'M. /'''•'/■'.•"• De; iS ricii . i'..i'\ te GuiJ: ,-ni 1 »>-■ >'-'''i; all times, .it Tj pjr.:.iIU-J to . *, ■^J. mM .:« /"■'•'"■'■■<■•', '■ /,i/!.;ij/(i, a. cording to , "•lf«h,n-,,r ci.KtiJd!~ i Jtul Mjri. , I ,,■ I . :| titrr,, -r.) K-. '•""' "'.^'J-l 7 O'jirt p jt- Our Hci s, c w,.hlt,n,l- Bf/i,^;,;. I the Nivy contrary n-tn R yjl JQ //.',(,/ ,7f .iny I ,, '""''■ fiifi ■■■luje to . Our Healm, t be found nee "v, Sucayjiis, t liars to juch Ships, and f. bove is menti Hell s or Su.ci and Company, cr three Mo: fkallbcgln to j that we may and the Marl, during the tit then the faid Juch Ships, a lint ill that t this Sci vice, efpeeial G'l.f gr.inted, an Aprt.hib;.,Mi Succeffors, d. >-> < I other Mci chants rf llihjcft., not ,l,fi,. Suceeljoi fm- cjt this ,, ,y Company.fut Havens, Poii trid:ng into part tl erei f, v'^'\f""oftheSidjeei 7 )',«ii, w.ih. laid term rf _ j, oji iht \\- thefe Vic'ent '.{ '"""1'^'J- which n-ewi iS, ktu 01 the ,. .^Cjjpjny. Ijieji'cn : 11 \ M foi' "^'t, cur ■a foever they b 'M Vifit, Haunt, ■| rf Me,:h.ind, ij or into and f .^ Towns, or Pa .'I Co npany rf f Indies, and fi ;| jh.illbeof th I during ,1-cj. j|i with juch L ill Crmpany if ^ II dics,:'« writini i-i to b: jT, .jntcd, ? /halta.l:cr dies, I tier tl ch.xnis if Lni ^ Sueceffon, f ■4 lip if the Gc ■■' which li>Jl:.xllb '' ; ■ I .. f^"""iins of i '■ J.. mX purport or true , '.-•fi. with the Fuin Things flja lie 'i's,Ourllei ,, , ,; laid F.x. fell u.i 'f 'ec'tain t{>i..i\' Ik ,1- ■ ; Lib. II. ^Chap. VII. Queen blizabet h'f 'Patent to the Ealt- India Company. _ 6t^ ■in'),,,'"" it;,'!!- j]\tU ■At- ■boat I'.i}- f.,i ,,, ,^ SK/yi<.'>,'rN"ui I ■,.■. „bji.h,C -l;'*""'v . / ' It out Jf, : III c» iCW.'- ii|j,,n til,- rJaiU Ct.tttltOil'j- IrLiI; It ■■■ •'■ f I'liji-.n:- ilon, Q/'i'C i.ijlii^ out uj.'ji-cc- be I louzit ', or (ill'Cr ro tl:c: Col- ■cr Outit.'! 'hi;! Goods, nilcii, HI,' •cr Duties, ur further licti, h.ivc and Suc- 'omp^.n) of cs, tl:.:t it Thit « \'..i ^-^ '#;"•'. th.lMit ■f.iriiig _hr Voyj^e, d jw/pii)'f c;.; "!') " ti' ''"'/i''-'-.,.tocvwlt,y f ^rocurfty, ;hvt: 'IT^P^'V tf, rfi ///[.-'"'*;'"."'■ . ivrer,./, (I- ,£,„„,.' I. Tower ot .> 6.. J V ffcvi.ic.i tlf'o't't^-, ' ^ I c lined 111 •!,' •J of l.on- ,v„„, , 0- Ajjif^iu, ■the.- jiiSt ,ti ic tr.in- ,1 the l'.:!iu; ..•V the ,S';.i» 7!/./ Sum of int, vfithhi ti.viffi'tcd ohsbitron in \cr, cf Our n. ll'ch.vve end Sue- After tb; V) of Mc- l"'l (itR .vidjor the the >■>*., I /r/fcr .'/)(• t^.y :v. )• lv''f'd"<">fcvJyV.y%t t out Cj this loor.j . .f m.\ in ' '•'' l-''"^;;!!'' • r -J t-»i> •!* tttt^y •"f^A-"'. brit>g mi. tVoo, Spa-theR-,Jir,(r , ■ ' I th.TfO' ''• ;'"""<"''« ,KW..-..ir.l Sea', either imhirMr' ur Frftjioii, ■>f Loinlon, or Mancji Auriiyi^ tic S.'.m of as the Sum id Sum, or >iforc* oiiJon, l>e- 'i-id Voy.t^es, khalfin OiV J J- . theOrJnc- JImH fcr I he Conipii>>. cy the wh.'ie •»'' "•'■ - ■', , ■ ^othti'v ■• vwii' cut lie 'rading ''■'•d ,d:^.; to Mid the l/lnudi, in fuel' ti: •:'> • fild r;,,i ?) - Trndine, into vetM I'.ifon ■ rt.t: that 4 •I -I now II, or thtt hereafter fi'/ill be of that Comtany, or IncerforAlion, Jh.dl have full, and free Aiithorit}, Liberty nml Faculty, Liccnfe and I'eaer in form a- fortriid, t" Trade aud to Tr.tjj^cli, to and from the y:i;,/Eall-lndicS, and al! and eiery the Parts thereef, in Form afoicjaid, according to the Orders and Manners, and Agreement hcre.iftcr to be made, and agreed iifcn by the faid Cneinoiir and Company of Merchants of l^rnlon, ti ^ding iV- rc //'f E.ift-IiiJics, and their Suaefjcis, or the m, re part of trcin, prcfcnt at anyCouit, cr fuUi.'k .-Iftcndb, rf, cr for the faid Oinptny ; the Goicnwur of thefaidCcmpany, or his Ori'iily for tie time being alwa)f prefent at fiirh Court or Af- f'^ml:\' and n-l otLerwife. .IndJ.rihat the Ships filling into tie f,:id Ii:Jic<, mtifl t.ikf tncir due and pruper times, to pr-ceed in il.'fc linage:, which crhermf; a: we veell per. ce'vecmiict be perfo^tiied in the rejl of the I'cir fcllcwing : Thercfo' e tfe four [fecial C.ice, ccitain Kj'ciflcdge, and I'lecrMotict', fort's. Our Jlcirs and Succefjcn, do grant, to ihlnith lie (aid Govcrnntr and C.oiipany of Mncliants rf Itiiultip, f. './//;:; iH'n f''f F,.lft-lndics, and ihcir Suceffois, ih.xt 1,1 .i/.v livae if rrftraint fix prod Ships, and ./.•; grod I'invaees rrd! f.mip.'ed niti' Ordn-.n.e, and oth:r wuiiitiii Vs, Our lleirt and SiiccrfJ'ors, give and grant unto the ftid"^^ ^'"''''•■n Governour and Company cf Aletclanrs cflrnAon, trading 'i,.„^,'_ "'* i«fo //.r Eaft-Indics . And finthcr, al! r.vd eiciy the faid Offenders, fcr their faid ccnicmpt, to fuffer Imprifcnmo.t diirin^Our I'leafuie, and fuch ether punijhment, a- /o 'C'.', I'nprifoiu Oiir lleirsor Siucrjfis, for fo high a Cintempt fhall fccm"'^"'- meet and ccmenicht, and net tele in r.ny vtijc de:h:ied, vn~ till they, and every of ihcw, fl'all becrsnc boi'nd unto tl'- faid Gcieftifur, for thetimeiei;.;[, in thej:.mifa '/.:/.i>./ ^,•;^,,j. , •.> pound at ieaj} , at no 'iinc thee afrv, ,!uiin'[ ili: p,.h'>:t^i'm\ oi .\ Grant, to SailorTapilt. into any .f the //;','/ Eaft-liidii-S '"^^'^'J"'' contrary to Oil" c.xpids C^miiiandment, ii, ii.a;hci:if Ic'cin nuw the fet dovin and pulh/I'd. Andf.r;hei,fcr the better cwn- tompmy rapement of Me.il ai.lfhamen, and oihei^, to biing in (-'"' -^'Jn^l'''^' „. mcdities, itit:i this Our Upaiin, ll'e fr Z's, Our Heirs .!»/./ th'r>,at v/h^f Succeffon, do grant unto tl e faid G'vernoiir and Ct iw/'.in) 'inn. of Menhants of London, trading to tic Eatl-Iiidics, that Tl'cy and their SueceJJnirs may from time to time, fir any Conjideraticn or Benefit to be taken to their crrn u/e, grantor give Licence to any pcfn or I'erf ns, to Sail, Trade, or TraJJ:ik,'nle,or frctn any cf the faid lialt-Indics./o as fuch Licen.e le f 'anted or ^ivcn befcrefuch Grcds,U'ares,and Mei- a U Oui Hci's or Succeffcis, or by the any ether Oficer or Subjeti, rf Z's, the time being """''■''"•. IcdlMiAdmhal, or :(t„!r.ti.«- Ourllel s, cr Suc.eljors for 1 wiihlt.n.l Heftiainr, Law, Statute, Vfage [ 'i/fc ;.•■'"?' „;.,;•„„ Ti'trolthjlandinr. I'rcided ne-.erlhelcfs, that if f I ttiL- .NJvy -' . -. . , ,'^ R 'y»l B'' foiih. any ll'ifi", any vr Matter whatjre::r totl.c jhad at any time wit'-in tie faid torn of fifteen Tears, I. ne jujl ■•auje to Am, Our Kavy in via>like manner, in defence of Our I{ea!m, cr fr elfen.e of Our Enemies, or that it fkall he found Kcedfid to join to tl: Saiy, of Z's, Our L'cits or Su:\eifc>s, the Ships rf Our Sidjeiis, to be alf'o Armed fr tl.- Il'ars tojuch .1 Natnber as cannot be fiifplied, if the faid '/a Ships, and fix I'innaces fixiild be permitted to depart, as ,<■■ boie is mentioned, then upon Kjtonledge given to Vs, Ou> licit s or Su.cefj'ars, or b) any Admiral, to tlte faid Gc^'ernom and Company, about the tmntieth day of the Month of- July, er three Months before the faid Governour and Company, fhallbc^in to inal^e ready the fame fix Ships and fix Pinnaces, that we may not [pare the faid fix Ships and fix Piiuia.es, and the Mariners tepuijitc for them to be out of our I{ealin, during the time that our Kavy fl:all be upon the Seas ; That then the faid Governour and Coinpany,fhall forbear to fend fix juch Ships, and fix Pinnaces for their Trade of Merchandie^e, iintlll that coe fball rev 'ke, or withdraw Our (aid \avy for this Scivice. ylndll'e if Our further Hryal Favour,and if Ow efpecial Guice, certain Kjiorolcdgc, and nicer hioii n la:c granted, and iy thefe Prefents, for Vs , Our Heirs and . ,.i.-^SuccefI'ors, d^Zr-mt unto the faid Gove miir and Company of t' A ottKi Mei chants if London, trading mt'' //.<• halt-lndic.i, and to f"^|\^:i', no' their Suc.elj'ors, that the faid hiU'luiWfs, nor the IJlands, cTmply'.fiir ""^ "". ''""^ ^'•'•<''} 'j'."""'? ":''■«'•' '.'"f;/. "oref any jents forVs,Our Heirs andSuccefJi rs,we d'- . n.uj.'cn.l ana grant ^| ,^.|,„ ^^.,l| untothefaidGc: emour andCrr' '-riy ifMrrcl-antscfLcn<.\'^v,t- a-u.« (;• mt fi din! into tie Eaft-Indies,.im( tl'cir Succ'lfcri, thatircw //n'l.""^ '"*"■'■ '" .?- rr J ■ I ,- • t ,■,■ ',, ^'-tiT into andSucceJjurs,di.r.ng tlxjaid term irjij teen icars,wUI not ^:/ai:t ,1,.,,. |,^„,._ liberty, licence,n piwer to any pcifjn nt pc: fens whatlceier,ccntraiyH—h.f, thi; to the temur of tl c/c .ui Letters l\ttnti,to fail,pat.,!uide,cr traf. '^'' fiijiie to thcjail Eall-ln'.lics,''» int.',', fiotn tl.'c U'iand-,\'cr!!,Ha' ven<,Cities,Towns or Places afoi cfdld^or an\ of f em, contrary to tlx true mranliia if thefe prcfcnts,wlthout the cenfi:nrcf thejaid Ooverni ur and Company of M:r.i.ants if London, :radinlnefo>th rt tic fleet, .Kpolntcd^''."'" '" ''"5 for thisfi.fl I i.y.ip_e,frm the Pi.it if London, bring in, eir Hands, and agreed uf on to be adventured In the [aid fiifi I'oya^'.; that then It Jhall be law- ful for thefald Governour and Co,>,pai:y, (> the mote pare cf them, wherecfthrf.idGivernciir or la's Devaiy to be n-e, at any their General Court, or General AjJ'emby, to remove, Dis- fiaii.hiyC, and difpitce him oi tiom attheir wills andeleafures^ And the [aid Governour andCtrnpary rf Merchants cf London, trading into the /laft-Indics f'tr then: ate.! tl.elr Sue eff'ut > doe by thefe Piefentscovenatit, piomife, and grart to and with us. Our Heirs and S-iCceffon, that they the j.uiG^verv.our and Comp.wy, and their SucceJJ'.rs : In au and ei.e,j juch l'c\age,y, as they at any time, or times hot eafter duiing the Jald Term ny d.i pij-" Jhall makeoutif this l{eaiin,by vertue cf this Oi.rGant, and "'■''': 'ifrrmg Letters Patents, thefint v'yage on.y excepted, fieri. mdwlt!'^.'^"l""1 upon evety>ctu'n,whi.hlh,i!l be ma.iel>ack,igain into this %.i™, lurnia witV' .r any of our D.mlniins,or w't'-in fix Mcntrsiiext after tncry in in months, j'uch 'Ciuin, bring into tois our l^'alm, of Enj;land, front the 'I' ^'"',,-' /.;/, ir.t rtiiTHmlli. Th.- I'livi. Iclj;. J,.!! ro: ■ eu'rJ liiii.ty vv ih hi Mjj liy |^",*j '•""(!*«, li ti'tl'/tijlifneni-ui n,i C^mf^iny, or their Sni\iJ]'uii,tii . ^';:„ly"^fifir.infp„tritcut cf il'ii H'il>' '» ■vil »^ f/v /.:/./ KOT.i:;d, j toiiipjiiy Jhiilifiom fill/.' ».i tittle ,U llr Jetting fo'th «/ evci [luli p.ttt ■ Hull Lr illip- „/,„ f/',),.in./ /ff jhipjie,! or l.i.IcK ,tt ll.'C I'orti or H iretii if Kill -'/.'«' I'Ti'lon, Uartmomh r> VUmtwih, ir .tt fnuicef ih I ■:iiii: I'urii mill II ■•■•iii^.uid /!t <:n otict I'mt or Unveil \tl ^t/t^fi Kitiiiii ti ii riir H/.ilin, oi the f> iiiinicm liei.-if, tiiil tl-tt nli .1/1./ exeijh. I' Si'v^r^iiit'niH lime !■• timc,lh.ti! he ft.'ilfJ .Wii ImlcHui t're ,'ii..' I'frti ot\ (itulon.D.irtinomli iii.l rlimoii'li, or.miof iheiii to be '■•> tone of ilcjc I'lejoit: ii.iiilfn f,! oi^: -r f'il'"'Lt:„.ll'ii He.i!iii,,li i' ■ijfef.u.l, Ih.ill t'^nrti time Ifi lime, Ir ,hi 111 ibc iftii. a/fif./K//'i' ("/.//"iHi'i , Coiiiplicllei , I'iillediii ,m iilivOlh.i-r, -l|.-nfir.on tuwl-im it Ihii'l .ipfv.t.iiti of e: rylmi l'o,eiii H.ieu, «'■'.'•.■ I'ln'.-'in ll'e Juiiielh/:!! h.ippeii to he fbippe,! o' lejeii, in lie C'lilmh I, , ,- «, Uiik., I'eliih'iim to lie fh'.l Puit VI ll.i;ci,,l'etoie Iwh time r tl'e l.tme lk.:llh lhippeJ,'>r l.uieii m k tnvilpo i:.lni nt'oiej.n.l. teitiom jiif I'lJIiiii or Si.l'li.ht-i ic p.ii:l/iir li'f JAiiie. .In.'. ti.it lit /I'tf III inner, .ill .iti.l ,;'! iiiriiiici of f^olj tiiij Sii: n veh.itlicei^wiiJ' jh.i'! Iv l""i:\'t liiio!l,i'\i.i!ii ,:lK.iyi,iieverlielels^ ".I On. nili .iiijfle.fi.ii\,iLCi"'j'ir>iViin.e oi$'.v.\,i) .it liis piijcnt is, or .it nn liint hi-uwt'tei ji:.iii le in l.i.-'^^..!,or ^Imir, tfi;i) iii,Our I in.. .ii,d ^:i..ej]'.r.i,,iiid wii.h hi: ..,/, o,- will rot eXiCpt of lial< tii-.de, hut dcti' overt,) .ieJ.vc .ind puhli/k tie Jiimetote ii'te- .y .y,:i«/; /'i.', or theii I'ood wiii .vi.l /iV".". >'")' '''"'^ '" ^'""' jent he'ere edil.iincd, u li'e ccnu.vj ileiecf iiotKitiji.indiiir. V'Cii.iei .i.Jc, rim ij it Jk.iH ieie.ifter Appear to Z's, Our lleiii ur Sucujl'oii, ti.u this Gi.int^ur tl.lJ'i'"'' Sea! if V.Bptud. tn diitformof Law rith likf Ctvinsnts, Grant I Cljufei and Articles, as m tbeft Piifinir are eontaintd, aith Mtitiiim of iilher necejfary Articlll. cr changing ot tije/e into fomt other pans, for and during the full Term of fif- teen Teats ihen next following. H'llhng bertby,andfiriiglitly ckar^mil and comtnandinj^ all, and lingular Our Admirals, l'iir-,i,iniirals, JujIicei.Mafors, Shtrifji, Bfcttators, C^nfif hies. Bailiffs, and all and fingiilar other. Our Officers, Mini- jilts Leadfimen, and Suhjeth iri atj.eier. lo be aiding, favou- ring iilping. ana aJJiOing utiio iht /aid Covet Hour and Compa- ny, and loilieir Suceeljois, andto ihesr Deputies. Offcers, Fa- dors, Servants, /t/Jigns and Mimftirs, andevery tf thim m exe- en!i%g and enjoyning the Primi/es as mell en Land us on Sea. from Hint to time, mhen you. or any of yru /hall theteunio ie reifuiitd, any Statute, Act. Otdinanct Provifo, Prcdamaiion. or l{e/lraint Itrttifcie, Isad, made fct fotih, ordained, or picii did, or any tihtr matter, caufe. or ihsng whai/ceiir to the contrary in atririfenolipithflandin^. Although expiefi men- lion i^'lht irne yearly valui,or ctttainty tf th Piemifis,or of at* tfihim, or tf any other Gifts, or Granti hyui, or tnyoftur Prtgeniltn, it the faid Governtur and Company tf Klertbanti tf London, trading intitht kilt-lndki, or lo any tfihem bt- fort ibtitimt made, in thefe Prtfemii iinot made, «r any Sia- luit , All, Ordinance, Prorifitn, Proclamaiiom, tr HtHraim, Ie iht ctnlraty btrtof, heretoftrt had, mail, otdainid, or frtvi- did. or any tiher thing, caufe, tr mailer mhatftiver in any ri/'e nctanihflanding. Inmnnefs rhtriof tve have caufed liife tur Letters to he made Patents, it'itnefi our felf at Wfttmjnfter, the one and ihtriitth of December, in the three an^ fortieth Tear of Our Rftgt,. Per brtvftn I'riviio SiRrllo. f. HinURU. Chap. VlII. Ihe full Voyage to the Fait- Indies, for the Merchants of Lon- don, h Mr James Lancafter, Admiral. ^-|-«i 1H1-. .NUri.h.iiitsof /-WcH, h.niiig r.iis\l amongit tlicnik-Ui"; a Stock of 7toco Pounds in order, to the I.lUl'lill.nicni cf in I-.z-JI-lndii Trade, and having btlidcsHor MaicUie"; Hi(;hcft Hn- ^, r i65». ^.(,jjj^(,^.i„cpt ji,.-) I ^n^.r^ of ConumnJa'ion to the inuH conticieraMc Precept of in.it; ihev let out a Fleet of ' . hvc Mc Miipst'^l'ii-in the C'orrcU'ojidence \v;ththat pan of the World. The M;i', ■■ wore the Urapon Admir;il of 4co '1 un«, the HcCh-r \ : e-.^(Ilnlral of •}' r, the Afeen- lion of ace. the Si ian i -. Prize into our 1 lands. She was a Ship of l'oriiir,,il hound for the l-.ij:-Ii,dirs. .ind flit afibrded us 146 Butsof Butter, i76jarrsof Oil. iz Barrels of Oil, .ii.d 5; Hoglheadi of Meal. 1 h.s w.is a very fublfantial Help to us in our Voy.ige ; and nowi we found that the Windshad done rs no great diskindnefs in not lending us falter .along than they did. jwic the laft, we palVdthc Lino, and !o(l light cf the ih) ' North Star, and huldingour Coi rfc S.S. W. we doubled '^^ ''•'•- ihc Cape vf St. .1 ■pj!i..i lane li 1 cagu.-i tcihc EaU lidc * Tte; pif< Ih.- Itupic li (OThcy .ff, c 01 Juh the and here taking all down her iloating fide, July the com, aiul b (as wc wcr Navigatioi Aill nearer Soidtnin n Company. W«5 i-JI t and lieie eon'forr ot I Ills Win-; Cape of (, lor 1 % IK I M:i|. for 1 aii\nngli u ti'ok their want ol fiiri'd CO Ci)iniii"nS; But ihis fuceeided, Scptciiih'y I our eomiii . rfj.ij. of the fad'i Oilfetni'crs oiii Sh (IS w able oiit of lioilt out a f indeed leap her inaintaii which Pre ' Admiral tot (i,-fij tit round three th.Sci-.yji Morning i, , *" Noon. Ani together wit fparc Diet, I'lO'.ifion at Meats. Ou refting place tlie lick Com ninns, he ob that piirpule, liisdelirc to 1 lurdlv poliiL was forc'd 1 Moa fur Oxt 1 eiins taken which wasal lb near a kii Tnk w,.h -ilTioar, and the N*i.vrt. defence inca peded the ar O.xcn. 1 he third 1 ,i!ie Mountai nei.dcil no Gi as wc had ai we bought 1 wc turn'd a Ami we pure I halftlieltcel- Country Smii Cattle as any pile hat by i find we iiitei ratmersin th no more, ane wou'd point t ving us to un pretend to dil lelolvcd to d not delign wi farther fuppl) Cattle, and : figns, and bt Neighbours, leeding and t our fci'-blc Ct to luih a deg calethan at 1 loll I ^i-i (it r Having be Rcfrelhment, \ V.iyisM. Lib. I I fchap.VlIL Englilh f^oja^es to the Ea(t-indies. ' Suec'lJlt. I fl^4: fttm // ^f.mfi- Uttr- Mil »ir'hi/;.'i4.' mf It I tilt r Hfi' I J*.d iiti'ttj. jj t--.> \' •i.t 'njliMt ,),|. I, pM; ,ot an' '"■•'''>' mi, 0) air ...jWi^ p«.y Ptr/ctll ' " ' ■ ' If;;.' I.. he k,, icefain)( m i»nh lomr rr tht Crtdt ■'•^■^'■'""" Cctmmii, t contntnii. cltngtnf^ at Vttm ef pf- nd jiuifkt ly ' Admtrtli, on, C^nftf ciri, Klltil- Jin^, fuvcu- *nd Ctmpa- Off.ciri, Ft- ibim m txf A ut on St a, \htieuniQ te ridtn.atioH. 'eii, ir ptcz-t 'cerif to thf exftefi men- ntftt,or ot 4» > or twfofcur f Mtrchtntt lyefthtm 4»- , tr any Stf niJ, or previ- nver in *nf Ltlltri 10 he yil-f OKt ttid Tear nf Our HUIUKU. Lon- ISCJ pifl ■f'i ad lipht of(..) av, luls, and Jo 'fl 1 ilie Gr.iiid '^rJH u ihc Ci-.lmi wc were lo winds, x.\d d dreadful /M we had our i thole dan- "^ loiij; tojte- -Vi iich ailo, b> North lidc . bad Wind the Wind> ■■,? il'i and Con- ^ ;.,,;. ow a good V-. fn[;^/ bound M t-; of Butter, m Hogir.cadi m to us in our ■'M had done I'S 3 r along than lieht of tlic ih.) ■•■■• wc doubled '*'''••'> ■ • thcEaftlldc. " ■fu-' yiMtheacth, wc made i9Dtgr. 40 Min.Snuth Lat. and here wc difchargcd our Viiitualing Ship, the C^jf, taking all her Malts, Ssils and Yardi, and brcakinR down her higher building for Fin-wood, wc letr her floating in the Sea ; holding our C'lurle to the .louth- tide. Ju/uhe twcntyfourth wc paf^'d the Tropic k nf Cipr:- ■- ii»B, and beeaule we hail U-en In lonp al'out the Line •" (as we were fore d to do, the time I eiii); pall for a oimcI; Navigation) and many of our Men IwvinR contraiifcd ilill nearer, our Admiral gave oideis rn Hand cither for Sm.l inir. or ^i. lle.eii.i, that we iiiiglit retrelh lur (iek Company. W«:;7.yMhe tiill, Wc c.inic into j o Degrees Sm th I .ir. and heic wc nut with the SiMith Winds t) the great londorr of iis all, elpeiially tlioi;' that were dilir lerctl. I hu Wind held us till wc came with:ii i',o 1 cagtics of the Capeof (,w.i-il le, and then it blew d:rc(i^ly to tlicEalt t.ir I % or iij Day's, wliiih made a fiiddeii alteration in our .Ship for the worlc, and cnercas'd inighrily liilteitipers aii'.nn^;ll us. NiAV all that were well and Inund bctori, ti'ok their turns tobedck, and inrhis fencral DidrefsfiM- want of other Hands, the MeichrniN themlihts wee f.jn'd to work at the Helm, aid do -he Offices of Ciimm"n Sailors. liut this ealamitovis Wind !ilc ns ag.i.ii, arid another fueieided, whiih pioi'd imre favourable, ltuu.,i.t l'.^ SVy>f™)/"i the ninth into th.'Road of /) 'o'.t.^i'ir.. At ''„„,. 11 s„. our eomiiii; m here, we had vir) Irnlilile I Jemonftrlticns jj'.u. of the lad I'.tfeilfs of a pre\ail'iv.; Sctiivy, and other fad Uilh-nipeis aiimnglt ns ; for the Company of three of 0111 Sh p< were rcdue'd to that pals, that they were not able out of a whole Slnp to make up fticiigth enough to hoilt out .1 B la: or let fall an .Anchor. Our .Ndmiral indeed Icap'd pvett) well, and mod of the Men .ll oard her maintained a pi od habit of Body in all that lickly time, whieh Prciervaticn was imputed to the Method the .Admiral took with thent; wliiih was to give them all li,..cfji:.i round three i.r four Spoonfuls of the Juice of l.iinons every tiifScii.yjt Morning failing, and not permitting them to cat till *" Noon. And this courfc is much more cHeiilual if people together with It will content themfclvcs with a fliort and fpare Diet, and efpccially ( if the Ciicumftanccs of Piovifion at Sea will allow it abitain from eating fait Meats. Our Admiral went allioar himtelf to find a proper refting pl.aec, and fome Materials for the rcfreflmient of the lick C^ompany ; and meeting with fomc of the Sold.i- ni/iiis, he oblig'd them with fcvcral Trifles brought for that purpole, and as well as he coii'd fignificd to them liisdellrcto trade with them for Cattle. But it being li.tiiilv poliibic ever to learn or fpeak that Tongue, he was fire'd to ufe the l.'niverlal l.angtiagc of Bfutcs, Moa furOiicii, and Baa for Sheep, and Inch like lude Terms taken out of the months ot the Bcalls themfihes, which wasall very Inrelligibic to thefc People that were lb near akin to them. ,So feveral Tents iKing I't up -irnlswiih alTioar, and fome little Fortilications made for i.ur o'ah the S«.»n. defence in cafe any violence fliould be oflcr'd us, we e;;- pcifled the arrival of the 5c/./rt«(.iHj with their Sheep and s O.ten. 9 1 hethird Day afterour .roining, they came down from * .^ P,.,„-,tlie Mountains with great troops of Cattle, * and we " Vojiijfj. nei.ded no Gold or Silver to go to Market with, as long as wc had any old Iron left. Within ten or twelve Days we bought lo.-cShtep, and 41 Oxen of them, which we tuiii'd a Crazing upon the Hills about our Tents, and we pure has'd them ar fuch cafy Rates, that 1 think half rl'.e lUek of rnlty old Iron that is commonly leen in a Country Smith's Shop would make a M.nn here as Rich in Cattle as any of the old Patriarchs were. But 1 lup- pile hat by the numbers of Sheep wc Ixiught they im % i3, inp out by a fmall I(le m the mouth of the Bay) To ^>'' "^ *•»'» full of Setils anii Perguins, that a Ship might find very I'j' ih'hV'jV gofid Eniertaiiiiiicnr there, if the Countr. it fell atlbrdcd o.,'..«>i/w none. Over the Bay of Houl.iiiia ftands a very lii'.li Hil', flat like a Table, iiul ihritlbre Ivais that Name; i;s 1 vcrv good 11 aik for rinding a Harbour, tlnie Icing no- thing like ir iti all that Coall, and its Height making it very difccrnible at 17 or iS I.eagt'.esdutancc upon the Sea. t.-cvrmkr the firlV, wc doubled the Cape o{ Gcd-U.pc, T<"; J^«' 'i and the li'ih fell in With the Iflc .St. i r.itrem-c, c' to ( 1 s,'')^„. tlu'Fallnf Cape St.i'/'i;/'.i;, : Here ilie varying of the •".. 'U. Cnmpal's was about ii'i IXcr. and weoblervtd in general, that the varying is of Very great rfe in an Fall and Welt Courfe, and particvdativ 'tis lo in this Voyage to the Indies. From this iiire to Hr.itnhn th.c 1 51I1 we held tl.c di- reCtelt Cotirle to the F.ill tide We could, ii.tending ti> havcreaihed -'le llle Cime 01 /J.Vj;" /<_.!.'yir ■/, as iisial- led in I'r ireCoalts; but partini; from St. I ti.n i,;,\ wc had ever r.f:erwaids tl - Wma" a; F. J< F.S.F. ^ L N.F- lo tli.tt We cou'd not i;ci upvv.thit. I'pin thisfior.- 'twas concluded that we ll.ou'd Sa.l away into ihcl'.ay of W«f .(,".'■ J, elpcc ally line the Scurvy no-.v crecpmi; in again iiti'.oi.i'ft ;-, iceiied 1 •■'o fern ihi/.ir felves uiiU Orarge>. arid 1 1;: of.'., whi h v,i li'ie .v .hat pla.e uvuU 1 ;■; iy I s with t.'c[c»:bc) the fever. re. p'.l.. w: ;,.;d. fghr of tlic Si li- the: n part of tlicIllandV- .\.'.o», und the ilth we A 11- ihcjred between it and thegtcit llle of St. i..ir/.'« . , (ending the Beats tliiti.er, to cii-pure af.er the I'hylick we wai.tid for our Seorl iit.ik .Men. '1 his 111..' of St. A.'.r- ,j jj, , I), is very fi;;h I ar.d, -nd full rf Wtods : It alfcui-. lit- .iVrj. "" tie bi t Orargc', Fiinor.s, and Rice, it h. is two or three good watering places en the Nor:h fide of it, but th'-y don't lie Very eonvcniently for a Boat to come at them. '1 he Natives are very Black, but tall and hamlfoiiic ; they fecm to be well temper 'd, lociabie, llout and valiant People, but like the reft of iheit Complexion, make no fcruple of going Hark Naked. Having little Encouragement here as to plenty of Pra- villonjand theCoumry in uncertain llormy we.ather,we let Sail from henccDiicw./'i' the th^rd.and theZ5 came into the ! Bay o({e) .Intony!/, and hero we .Anchor'd in a very good <„ Road, Ijetwvcn the Small Idand .ind the Main. Yet ex- Hj) 'Vqk^'I ivv7tici, iJ..o^.-vii ciic L^i.it.ii 41. unci ..iiV. LllV ..J.llll. M Vk V.'V— periencc told us that tlieie was better riding nei'.r the little Illand, than that in the bottom of the Bay where the ■Admiral Anchored ■, for fon.e of our Ships that lay under the protection of that Kland, felt very hii'cof a furious Storm that role there upon us, and dtove along the reil: that lav n.orc .it a dttltnce, with three .An.chors a Hend. 1 fie li^th we went afl.oar itpon the Main Illand, and had the People of the Counti \ prefertly rbout us, vvlij though they had bet a fu all .Sto.kof Provifion to di'poli; of, vet artordto Barter with iis, b'.it at thelame time iield up all at the highlit Rate imaginabl'.-. 'Flie Coiumcdiiies they broug^it were b'.'.- Oranj^es and Fimons, Rico and Hens; but they made I'ueh Prizes as if inllcul of Rice, we had had fomc very coltly (;rain;the Oranges had been Call d in (jold, and the Hens like rhat in thi.' Fable, had laid Fees of the fame .Victal. Bclidcs ihcy had lb manv ,. , .l ir.g, H'Cgfng together to :;,e i>.oi.;ii. (i"r.-,i'tn<» I't, rti.-> Ki. ,■,>.■ Tricks and .Artitires in their dial: liinc Rat?s, and Icrcwini; I'p the Buyer cin'd wc intended to Plant amongll them, and fet up for Faimersin the Country, for after this they would fell us no more, anil when we made ligiisto them for any, ihcy woii'd point to the Flocks that birroundcd our Tents, gi- ving us to undcrltand they did not know how wc cou'il pretend to difpofe of what we had already, without we lelolved to dwell there and keep them, which they did not delign we Ihould. But we having no need of any farther fupply, did not prefs thcin nmch for more of their Cattle, and as for living amongll them, we had other dc- figns, ^lul belides had no very great Opinion of them for Neighbours. While we llaid here, what with the good Iccding and tiic vv holefomncfs and clemency of the Air, all our fcr'blc Company recovered their Health and Strength to luih a degree, that we thought our fcbes in better cate than at our fetiing out from V.hgUvui, cl'.o' we had loll I ^c of ourmcn. Having bellowed this time upon the nccelVary work nf Kelrelhmcnt, OMn' ihc 19th wc pet to Sea again, go- hold all atth I .. . . , . ., . by little and litL. toan Aibance in the Price, tliai !bn-. Days palled betorc we could bring them to any thing i;f a tolerable Trade. So that feeing the Humour of the People, and their fubtle Impoling ways, wc refolved to be at a certain lay witiitliem, and to tix the Laws and Meafures of the Kxchange in feCh a manner, that if they would come up to them ihiy might, and if not wc would have no dealing v^■lth them. Fhus wc determin'd how many tVanges, 1 iti-.ons or Plantans, or wh.it quantity ot Rice, ihould le given for ft eh anv.mler of Cjlafs Beads or any other Trities : ar.d lb holding t.ghtiv to this way ,of dealing, every Man obUrvmg the faii-.e- Rules, we traded w'th a grert di-al cf cafe .ind qi'ietnels, and had no vvords at .ill n ade about the Matter. And i though we Bartiril It.r no let- tlian 15 or 16 'Fun of Rice, I so bullielsof Peale and Bean., bclidcs Oxen, Hens, and a great qi antity if Oranges and 1 ini' ns, yet having brought them to this way, wc did all this wi-di lei's iioile ar.d Icold'ng than before per'ia' s we c.iu'd have boueht a dozen of Oratigci with. N\e loll fcvcral Men here \f the Flux, which we attributed to thelmpurity of tiu: Water we drank in that Co"nirv, it buf^; a time of grcj'. Rains and Floods, and the W.-iter-- generally crude and 'jr.. wholf.rnc afterthat. WelciSailfroir hcrcc .A.'.r'.' the lixih, ant he'dcn Mtt' Ccurfc fjr the i>j.^''-,-. ^-i i ^ ■ i H Aftrange i'tant. I heir Bitertamment at Achen. Lib. || Chap. VIII. ( ■ 1 I ? i '=. i I" [ ; 0.1 .1 ! c." 'M *' \ :: !' 1 !« it •.p. I'iiii If', »^,t. I lu \SUii\. HoJ iKIO.ll ofihil'iiiDi Tree* for Mtinnufts. A worderfjl Vi'gitdblc. TlicSixtrcmli, wc fell in wirh tlic Iflc H.igiif-Pi ■ (/)■ in I u ' Drgr. Soiitli I Ai. Hiic v-v couM tind no late Ri- (iinp ti r (iiir .Ships, the Waicr all .lUim I'cing cxtrcamly ili-i'i' ; lint icrt.iinjy hail thi-rc lucn this Convcnii'ncy, this lllaiid won il IiAM' Ui'M a molt .ii;n.iMlili- plan- tor a .Ships rd'irlliiiK'rii. I(ir liy the iliMj-hitiil .Sicnts thai riaih'il \is, as wo laid along by ii, it ililiovcr'd what Ikort nt'ndnritcioiiv Pl.ints, l-'lc.wers, and Shrubs, it pro.liucd ; biliids, there was adiniiabic pnoil hiPunn and Ivivslinj; ilkiv, aiiil whole Woods ot C'oei'-'l'reev, which ilotheiii- I'eKes aiilwer moll ot the Neecllitic« ot' Hiiinan lite. Mv /the 'lliinieth, beint; in « Dc^r. South 1 at. wc were in lonliderable d.iiif;er, by lealoii of a I cdpe .it Kiiks we hai'peii'd upon of a hidden, which lay .iboni file l-'ailioni iiinleioiir Ships ; but prelVntly laUiiif-, aboni We found eii;ht Fathom, and in held on onr C'onrlo I'.alt- \said. Kill all our Uanj'ersof ihis nature were not over ; for at fome thirteen or toiirteen l.eapiies dilUnte troiii iheiii, we tell upon anothtr Flatt of Ktnks; and ealf- ni); about to the- Southward, aliout iweUe Leagues fur- ther we fell .iiKin more; fo thattrung every way, we toiiiul our li Ives inclofed in a I'ound of Roeks, tho" we \\m\ twenty, thirty, and in fonic places I'orty or tifty F.i- ihom Water between ilie l-'l.atis. And here we were ihnt i up fill near three Days, and knew not how to make our| way fr.u of t!ii> milrrable Contineinent. At lad, making ll'e atteiiii't Northwanl, in 6 l)e;;r. ,ji,- Min. we fmiiul a late pall'age, and fo tollowing mir I'innace, whieh went liinnding the Depth betijre ns, wc regain'd the oi>cii .Sta. Af 'v the Ninth we had (iglii of the Illesot ,V;u//'.i (_;' \ wc bore over CO the Souih-lide of the Channel, and an- chor d under a (mall Illand that lies near the Shore. We found the People of ihel'e lllands, very much addicted to C'htating and Cozening in their Trade ; they iinpos'd pieces of Gum upon fome of our ignorant Conipaiiy, iii- Ite.id of Arnber ; and con 'd they have counierlcited the Coco ^'uI^ too, no doubt they won'd have done it, 'tis a Principle fo rooted in moll ot thcfe Ealtern Peop'c lo de- ceive and im pole upon others, whcre-ever they have op- portunity, or can do it to any .advantage. ytprii !<:. We lielil our Courle for Siimiiir.t, bur the ^^'lnds and Current licing againit us, we were forc'd to make towards the lllc Sctnbicro (r), which lies ten or twelve Leagues to the Northward of Siciih/ir. The Inha- bitant.s arc of a tawny Complexion, and paint their Fa- ces, with fcvcral Colours ; they cover nothing but the obfccne Part.';, which are bound up in a Linen Cloth, go- ing .about iheir Waltes, and fo between thcTwift. They arc cxceliively Oiy and ti'iiorous, ami whatever wc cou'd do to perfwade them, they wou'd none of them come a- Kia id our Ships. '1 heir Priefts wear afore of (trcight Cloths, that are inade, as it were, for a Cafe, juil to en- clofe tluir Bodies, and no more : Their Faces arc painted green, bl.ack, and yellow, and they have a large Pair of V rooked Horns upon their Heads, that arc colour'd in like in.anncr, and a long Tail faftncd on behind, which hangs down between their Buttocks. They fay, that the Devil appears in this Urefs to them at their Sacrifices, and therefore that the Priefts, who arc his Servants, arc ol»- lig'd to cont'orm thcmfelvcs to the F.xampte and Hiiimur (if their Matter, let him appear how he will. This Illo affords extraordinary Timber for Ship-Ma.'ts, the Trees being fo large, tall, and perfect ly lliaight .ind even, that they are unexceptionable for thole Ufes. But there is a Vegetable here, which tho' not for any known nfe, vet for its ftrangcnefs deferves equal notice and regard : 'Tis a little 1 Wig, which rifes up amongft the Land by the Sca-fidc, and by degrees grows to fiicli a bigncfs, as may m.ake it be rankd amongft the fmallcr lort of Trees. If you offer to pull it up, it contraifls it fclf, and Ihrinks down into the Ground, unlefs you draw fo hard as to prevent it. But it you force it c]uite up a- Ixjvc Ground, you tind a great Worm lying at the lower part, and fo clofely tinited to it, as if u were a real part of the Vegetable, and conllituted the Root it 111 f. Tis matter of Experience and Obferi ation, that in the fame proportion this Worm grows lefsand lefs, the Plant grows bigger and bigger ; and that at laft, when the tormcr fecms to be entirely confumed, the latter l)egins to fpread into Strings and Fibres, and roots it t'elf hnnly in the Ciround, drawing in itsNouiifiimcnt by that Aj fiii.it us of VefTels, in the fame manner that other Vegetables do. But which is moft ftrange of all ; if when its grown to iraturity, you ft rip oif all the Leaves, and the outwanl Cortex, and fo lay it a drying, the etild of it will be an abfolute Petriacntion ; and intlead of a Stick, you Ihall liai e a real Stony Body, hardly to be diftingiulh'd from ■White Coral. Of theic wonderful Twigs wc gathcr'd -iiid bioupht hoinc fcvcral A/./V the Twenty ninth, wc fet Sail from .V«m/.rf,» ; and .7HHf the Fifth came to an Anclior inthc Road of AcI'm ( ), two Miles fr„,n the City. Here we found Ships of al- ino ft all the Nations ofW/.,, that came hitherto Trade : .ind we lud lome Realon to bclie»e, that our coming thi- ther vunild nor be ungrateful, llncc we were the Subiei'fs alrincels, whole Repm.itioii w.as (n well cftablilhd abroad, and the Clory ot whofe Viilloriesllione with Inch a 1 iiftre, even into thole remote l'art< of the World where vve were-. For as wc were intonnd by f„mc ll.ill.ni.h, that prelenily came .alx)ard us. rhe many Suciefl'es of our Cijiecn apainltthe Spnm.ir,!,, and particul.irly that ftuprn- dons IVleat .,1 i|,e .hm.uh. had made fiich a Koile in thelc'^Parts, and given fuch a Charaiflerof the Hraverv of our Country, that wc might be f,i,e nf .i large Ihar'eof the King ot Ackus Favour loon th.it Account. The lame Day thcreloie our Admiral lent Hve oi lix Gentle- "n ";'"*. '-^"■'P-'"y t" wait upon the King, to tell hin> ot the Mellage and J citers he had brought tV,m, her Ma- icfty ot l-,inu„.l, and to delire the Favour of an Audience together vvith his Ma,efty\ I'romile for the .Security ot tumlell and Ships, the time ihcy ftav'd at ./,/■<•>/. 1 he King heard this Mellage with a gre.it deal of plea- liire and oider'.l a Ij-lendid I5.iiup.iet to be furniihd for the Fmertainiiunt of cur /;„,■././;. Cemlemen that deli- verd It. I- e proniis'd all the Security that the Admiral dehred, and bid him come h> Iik Audience with .ismncli Alliranic ot good Reception, a> if he were going ml,, the uleiiceot Ins.nvnd.een, Belides, .,r their .lepaituiv he gave the princip.il Pcrlon cf them the Robe of ri.inoui .ind the C.ihco luck wn.u;-ln with (iold ; whi.hthe Kings of ./c- . „ neic r bellow, but when ihcv intend to ex- pvis an line, nimoii Degree of Favour and Rclped. .'/"■.■ the Eighth, our Admiral wei.t ai!,ore with a hand- Icmic Retmue, ;,i,d marchd towards the Conn- Upon Notici_ot which, the King lent lix N.d.lc Flcph.inis with IrcmpetN Drums, and Streamers, and .i good' Guard ot Soldiers to atiei.d him. The lari-elt of tliel'c ljlcph.inis- , whiJ, wasa m.-itter of tonrtcvn Foot high ^ had a Cal le upon his b.uk (cover'd wi-h Criii.lon Velvet) in the- mi. die ot which was a (u.lden Balim, and into this hcT Maielt) s Letter was- c„iive>cl with great Kcfpccif : I he Admiral liimfeU rode upon another of tliefe Hrafts and the reft of his Retinue were difnos'd of according to* their Qiiahty. Be:ng introdiic'd with a great deal of Ce- remony into the King's Pretence, after Revcrcicc done according to the Cuftoms of that Country, he began in a handfomc Speech to open to him the Particulars of his Metrigc. But the King having heard fome time ciullv interrupted him, telling him, 1 hat Bulincfs ihould Ik doneafierw;ards; and that now 'tw.is more proper for him, after (o long a Voyage, to attend his own Rcfrclh- nient : Yet withal ainir'd him. That for the fak^of his Queen, whom all the World admired, whatfcKver reafo- nable L:)cmands he made, (hou'd ccriamly be granred Then was the Queen's Letter deliver'd to him, and the 1 relent that ciir-; along with it ; a Silver Bafon. with a Fountain in ene midlt ot it, weighing Two hundred .ind htiy Ounces ; a ftandmg Cup of the fame Metal, a rich Look.ng-gl.ib a Head-piece with a Phiine of Feathers aCileot t.ur Daggers, an einbroider'd B.h, and a curi- oiis F.an ot Feathers. The remaining part of the Dav alter this, vvas devoted to Bampietting, Mulick, Dancinc' ancl other Emcrtaimnem: ; mall which the Pomp and v.aft Riches of this Prince-, and his great Refpc-ei to our Admiral and his Company, iW\ i;v,n\W app.ar He wasinvc^ed in the Kings Pr,f,,ue with the Rcibeof Ho- nour, a Girdle ot tinc Work was put aUnit h,m, and a Pair of CrclTes hung on to his Sides. And as a more nar- ticular Favour, the King's Women, which very f.-w have the Happinefs ot feeing) were leiit for out of their Apart trients, to give him a Dance. Thusentcrtain'd wth aU the tieedom and kindncfs that cou d Ik-, lu-io,>khis leave ot the King, and tho' myitcd to chule .any Apanmenr in t a^' 'ii;,^-''""bo»''Jtl>at Night again, expcciling his Majefty i Thoughts upon the Qlieciis I. otter, The Co- py ot which is as tollows : El I z A B E TH /y ff^e Grace of GOD, (hetn of England, France, dW freJjnd, Defcndrehof the Chrijiian Faith and Religion. T(j the Great und Mightv Kiiii; i ''"' domi. Ami Ii/", (lline.l uf I" I ihn ti• n ilv lhi.o:i' .tl jl.tr.htd, .f >. Smi«rii, i»/'i, 7'i-<-.i", i'ltlv'l Iff I'liVf I' •'■" '" wOj mih aimn J\ii.g,lnil : Sill .\»i, i:,iniiiil lu ti>,-> nil! i)i.il{i^, ihii Offer, if. J vue r.iid (ii,i:c .1 (';/»;.-<■ : /f'.', .r'/:r, yen /l.'.i.i ■■■i. r iiincl'. /'.' .;f,.ti}»ji"r ; !'■ '■:■■[, tl>i-nlli it l.oxe liciwixl V inch Thiiiy,! Vi il'n, y iir ;(/; tenle.l, th.it: you Spaniards, ear H^i^ioi:.', l-ifve f ^t th v.«n. N /.', ficli'ndii,^ t <■( nil tl-eje KJ", miH Inheiititiice, litigl. 'I'i'C cent $11, .vtd that yi'iii f.'ul Grntidfml'C) /'/•low) l^iwnii, ,i'i'i toe,'T'C AJ'iir. / jfrfs : jtt v.i»i , i:mfiie>i 1^75. Kagamarota, iv (1. M (I H'^n.eli .Ind tint, if ; y.iiir F.wo:/r mid DefcDCC, ll'tje 1 1 l.iicji iicn; mid . .jc.y/j chief ct th lligi'ticft Licence cf i-.tclcry ill yvir I'iecl, rehici' jhi: t!tt l-i-ilo s, Jh.u Sid'jcdi, tr/vi cl) thin. And the hell htrtix! v, vie , il It you Cmije C ih:i Heiirtr do tl>, Vim roj.tlh, tin, »:ent3 .ind Ar^u, 'i'o wli^ni ivc lid ^ r.tid C'cdit, f.nd Cowfrniy, i.ndir nhoi Jh.ill ie l^c. hr.lf, 10 I{e..infH'c iv.ve nerd, oi.t r. )^ur lliglmcjs iro; ici ef this lur l.i Hfynl Acccptmce .md gixfitiy d-f.rt Te.vi to continue. Tuc next tim the King extrc her MaieUy's L league which v tired nothing ni< rctpoiidencv ; b leave thcife Poin whom he had Ai t!i,",e:orelx:ing a l)egan, whidi vv for this our .Ac means of a ]cv Language pcrt'cC Lib. Il^hap. VIII. Reafons of the Leagttc, &C. <^5 nhrtin ; nnil ut' Achf»{:), (/I .«,... Ships oF al- r to Traill- ; comiiip il.i- tlic Si\li|fi'h I cltal-lilira nr Willi likti Vorlii « litre ic lltH.iii !.•< I ihi- I-,- i ('(li"i ot our "' '4 1 ' ilint lliipfii- 1 a Noili.' in C Bl.lVlMV (il irnc lluri- lit inlilit. TIk- I lixGi'iitli'- :, ID tfli him (1111 liiT Ma- in Aiulioiia' ; c Siiiirity lit •Cll. lU'.lI Ol' 1'll.J- tiirnillui tor I'll tii.it licli- tlic AiilllMul vith ,is iiii'ili oiiif! iiilii tlu' ir ik-|Mruin-, 10 (it i4iiiii)iu, ; whiJi the iiniTui to i'),- ilpciSt. wiih a li.in.l- oiin : I 'p')" e Hipliaiiis, Ur r,.. and .1 f'liDil "'■ '■"■■ •iTi-ll ijf ilidl- """■'•'■ II Fnm liiph ' iilil'nn Vi'JM'i) , aiiil iiitd iliis cat Kclpid : ;■ tlufc Ikalts, t aicordiiip u> It deal (it CV- 'VcriiKC iloiic, he licpan in a ciil.irs (if his time, ii\illy ■fs llioiikl he re proper for own Rcfrclh- ic fak - of his focvcr icnl'o- bc granted. im, and the nc ii:rr Ion, witli a rrtfiT.t. iindred and ctal. a rich if T'eathei'!, anil a curi- of the Day, k, Dancing, iic Poinp and fpeiit to our pp^ar. He Kobe of Ho- ii.m, and a a more par- ry f.'w have heir Apart- II d wth aU onk his leave ApaiTmcnc in xpeiiling hii The Co- ', QitteH of ^efenJrefs ef Aihert. &c. Lovirj^ bro ef liti Crtf.tiori, fo' tl" t'/f und Souti(hmfni ef Miinki«!l, in fuel, fort: tt>»t MtviihjUmimg they t'ow in Mint Ky'R- ilHneJ up hll" '"/pi""'"" "f ih I'^i'lOnmljorn,, t^crtor) ,hn n,i) /ippe.ir ui.lo r.ll Hitioiii /•Hlfl<1.1c'.':^c /upcrnbei,ndiiif..' r.i»K, vi,..ch i:>t,j h,lU; ,) ■' hed .r ^i:ir /'.^' '•'■/''■' Ifumi-n i-.rJ SiH-' "t/Sf 'J ■vrrrp""', nl'uhrep.tu i,it' ihnt rn Kin^"", »L.'"te>"i I'cf,^^ Inilvl'.ule if MercijKi.diJ , f.-)'i,f^)cii> di.cl ijhms, n'hA!jci-:i.l Me ',tnd g.. ..' Uefaei, f.iil ti> '.•./,; thnt your gdtni: S^trriiJUidihgl!).- O.iine'i r.>:d MJ: wi. in if ''■'■ 1,1- iv i.0/.>) III. d.- i'l llie ifV/,/ : Aii.l '•' f'^ll-'" i'''-Jf:k. ">"'> y-' Sidjetll. iri.h hell Offer, :fitJ>.'.ulh.i(o-]'ied h) •■'• II':i'>"J'> xotihjucii rhn will iiuk!; lcl-i:^tlc :-e.ilrJI th.it I, 10 J out ciiddr.i.c .:< wi- hipe f'", e{ Jo grcr.t .ii,d viip^nr.ii.ii.cvi | WorUl.were her Loiit>ilci.«i> .irul Ahiis ; ani .1 I'tiuc: H'.; fir ileiH, tli prcmijc, t'lr.t hi >.« t.me I fii- Ihip w.is ncvtr c'llci'd to any I'r.ticc, thatd^d .v,:r, wii(b.lill:ne.r!plo>eie>.tll.eioj, iut utha N >.- ■ ..!■!• w:icl'. /•""/ f/'"> Ueili'l, fi./'ll '"• '■"•". ""•' ''■<•"■ C'i».- '', ■,f,.tuv,J,.,e i r.i! I irf lir.fr, 'n.;-t il.rj viil \;icl'god P'O^f t'.-'. r:f, thi-.f Ihtt iev_i ,»i\i; )' r.il le ,t p(>pct:ird l.\i!liiiii<:t.i,ii ,t /,np foriv'.vf oii'i'Sidiehs I'li ksl fmti ; iy i:r.ii}iig pun V (ihh 'i1.'im',i iinit Meio-itiid'je .It ynu l're:c hfd u} !i:. WiUJeivcJ, ,i>,d hrwr.oi - triiie.!, th.ii: ym Ir.i : ieiet.t'ou- Oeeii n'iih the I'oitugals .:»../ •Spaniards, cur r.ncm'.-s : ll'.ocih, nid mtie rlj.; ij //'.-/c l{e''io<:.<, t-ne fef.rntcd iloje y.ii', ond iL- ,t!:e, Kji^'dim i^t''tl-e I'.nif. N't J"lf''''''Z "'"' ''"■ ''^"' •N'"''"" /''•''■'■' ''' it, pretend: i,g tl emj'rkes to it Mn.vchs, ,ii:d djrl t: l.nds rf niltlejt KJ)i«.l,iins .vid Pi(ilih-ei : /It trcii own C'liij: ell mid Inherit.vice, ,h nppe.iielh h ti.eii Ufiy T.'.'/f in th:ir I!', i- tiifl. Ti'C antfiuy whc'cf, h.uh v:ry hte.y affcired iintu Ui,'^iVtd thtityfiir lH'ili:!-/'!, .md your l{i),:: l-V.wlh, l.ttrrn, r.y,dGrni:dft cn'.y to defend your oxon !\]ngdomi ; hut .r'l'i to five H'rtrj i.tito the Portligals, in tic Lr.iiiU n-hien il-'y I jftfs': jIi n.imch ill Malaca, inthcY.r-.rof ti( one of the Mindtcrs dclind lum to lay Icforeilicm, ihole ■^•'■••'i Ml- Reafons which he ihou;',ht ii^oft proper to |nrf.v.\de the"'"'" Kinf; to prant tiiofe I lein.iiuls ih.it were made • Im cm- pliaixp with whiih rropufal, t'lc Adm'r.tlinllUcd larpely iipontlicfe, .\nd I'enral Tupicksiif the like NatetJ ; Thar Merchandise ,tiid Tiade, when ihey tlnniill.'i.liiu any Couiitr),liroi;(;ht lij'ual .Ad v amaRe.> aloi g with ;liem j and that no I'rincc ever repented ti^'"K 1 ticoiirajjciiient to thoui. Th.it Enghind was rap.lile (.f f.irnil'iiinp Iks ,\Ia)cft)'.s Dnmii"i'::s with V.irniK-s ot ^ry iifet'ii! CMnn.odiius ; and p,irticiilar!y unild I'lij'ply niiti with skill'nl .ntiiicerj of all furt<, who m\^\\\ do hnii very conliacralile .Ser\ice, and propagate I 111 ife Ar.i that wiic wholly ui;knouii in that part i.f the W or!d. 'I'luit hei Majcll', w.is lioinnU .n, ri.ciny to tlicC u\. mi h F.neiiiv tlie Sp.-.ni.:,,', ln;t v.. is .,l»Io alio lo keep him in -\we,aiiilcoii'd put a Krilleui ontiiate\orlr..i;ii I'.iwa, vvhith had Iwalliiw'd up ll> grc.it a part ci ijij W'eftern, and mii;ht poilibU aiienpt lo leize anoiher f.ioldcii I'r.y in the taltiii. W't.il,!. "n Ihoii, th.it liiine nt the n^.l'. p.nei.t .Mi.n.i.ch* of the and h.r Fiieiid- lioi jiAlully uctcit It, snd. ciUsni it .'to higlirue. 1 ikl'e tliini". w.rt dc!m.r'd lothc King in W'ut.i.g, imd he wa^: plea- d [0 conlldatlum to lo goml pur| ofe, that .It our Aijii iial's next pnir.P, to C'ouii, he told him. He would leal the 1 eaiii..e with hirj\I.iji.U\, and ho'd i: u.vir- laMy on lispan : .\i;d as for .dl tlioie particular Arriclis and lJcm.ii.ds wli;>.!i v.vre tlie iuhjeds ol Diliomic in the C'oiifcrciice, he woiilil take rare fur his lonipleie .S.i- ti--tactioii theiviii, and orilcr his, S;.cri-iariesio lend him all ratilied and lifiied m hisKamr. I'lit he w.-isfokiml as lo give the Writings Idiiilelf lu the Admiral, in a very few DaNs; and tli.-it with abiiiid,ii;ie of foft and grachus n ■ .,. Word., expteiling his (iood-NX'ill to her Majeity, and the f.'l'''u'!'". whole Nation in general. ' iIi.' f.i; ijbrt In thole Papers ihe l-:n^lif>} had the fullou ing PriN ileges '*''"'" conficm'd to them, •.■/^. I . Free lintiy and Trade. 1. Culfom-frec, whatever Goo ! Kaganiacota, ) theii gre.ifL'/i, nnd tie perpctiii-., IL .-, uiiir ll.'ghiets Crown, .lid Ki'«?./r/r. ' .Ind now, if your ll.ghiiefijhull be J-le.'fd, to .i:c:pt into Miir Ewoiir niidCiine, /ii.d ,.< de.- your i{^.y.u I'lOtceium end 'jjet'ence, tl'efe mr Si.hjcils, tr.it they inr.ypiee'.y do their Bi - l.nej's new, f.nd :ihliruc yea Iy he> after : T, ii Brinr, xel'j C^ceth chief of thu l-le't ef fw Sinpi, l\uh crder {ee- inrnti .in.l /Ir^uincnti, rehieb he will ccmmunicnlc unto you : 'J'o w/ii'Wi we lio gre.ttlydefue your Higb>iejs togjve entire I'.iith r.tid Credit, end ihn' you will receive hint, and tlie rejl of h.i Company, under ynir Hiye.l I'lotellicn, f.ivoiiring th:m in nhai jh.ill he f{c,tfin and 'JnJUce. /Ind we freinije en our b- he.lf, to He-.injwcrin lil^e device, in all that your Higlneji fl'alt ii.ive need, out ef tl'c'e o.ir Kingdoms. And we ul greatly df.ie, may hare an happy begini.i'.g, with Ivng Te.vs to c.niinuc. Tiic next time the Admiral went to Court, he found the King extreamly well pleas'd with the Contents of were brcught in, cr carried out. 3. The Libcity of making Wills, and Difpohng of their liHates, wiiere, and. to whom iliev thought lit. 4. Fell .Secviritv as 10 ail bargains and P.iymcnrs, in both which relpcclsihe .1.' e-;e il.ou'd be tied to a pun- (ihial r,iid itrici obfcrvation of all the Akarurcs of fuUice, and fair dealing. 5. Author rv to iiiiii.'> Punillmunts on their own Uc- limiuents, without .Appeal to the Civil Mat'iifratc of the Country. 6. Airurance of Juflice t'l be done in all cafe ef Injuries from the Naii\es, upin Complain: ma le. 7. Frecdotii from all Aner.s upon Coods or Prizes. 8. 1 iberty l .ma whiliiort iipimoiic prcirtue ..r aiin-her, whuh w,is a Mrv pr.Mt .i,i\ jma|(e to us ; Forh.i.l hi-fct (ink- I'lie e«, till.- .\l.iriii woiul li.nelxin f'uin all ;'.Ui'i the VreipliK, andC.ircW(iiiMlu\e I'li ii laki r. tl,.it i,i>Mii|» tlrry >:« \> we toiik , lii-^id all that he muM to inlinratethiup into tlu- Kirj; 10 our difaclvantajs', .inH 'o ICJl'ii liim wi'li l're|i' M.i|cfty wa< too well tixM m ill* pdod Opinion of us, m W eh.inp'il In this Detr.u'lov, anilhe lint noCttdit rrr lU-ii-rCV .v. .ill, by this iniilioin Un(li.rtakinp. # He deliifd lertM- of tlip Kinp, to u-tle a F.V'li)ry 111 Ii^ L'ountfy, .ind to en C\ \ I'on .it the entry of ilii- Harl orr, io Ircuro the Mtrch.iiit», as lu- putemkd ; Inn. m.iee.l, t) ketp u< K"';'/'' out. IVu ivi'hcr woii'd this I'rojiCt take ; .ind ilie KinR. who xcrv well uniUrilooJ hisim.11 - ii'tf, told him, That his .Maiter was as cr. I'll of |ii> C oumrv, as if his Pauphter wfir to be Qiieeti ct ii :ti turf ; ind that ho (hoii'd not need to be at the ( li.irire ni UiilJin^ .1 Foi! for that i'f<-, linx he woii'd fe.rnil'i ihe Mcreh.inn with a tnn\pnirnt lloufe, where all tlmr ( ii:ods ll.oiild he nut ni Jaii^ir, b th of Five .irl l-iicitin > 100. But belidcs a'l ih' fe Fni'cjvouis they fet a "-py 1 pi-n us in our own I lui-f; ; .111 inpeiuoiis cijftv vn; tiK f>,.'' ^' , who ranic ncry Pay to u< with Hmsto fell , .ind m d r the jif^iiire ot a Maiket-nv'.i', h.id an o; por-i miy |;i-, i-n hin 10 make h s C>Mer\.iii'ns upi n i^, and our At'.i r- ; wliieh the I'd f..'.;i..': I'l'iupue-'e, he a \(re ufcfel InUrum'r.t to us, to diltovcr all th and Intripues, and p\c u. Xotice of every imp iit.im Af- fair tli.it wa^carryinp on 111 ihe Fiuballadors Houl'e. He- mp fert for to Coui', 'he next D.iy, he dileover'd all thife rioeecdinps of the I'fnp-ir::? to 'he Knp, what they liad already done, ai,d what jlie\ further intcnJcd to do; anil the-elore rcijuelb d of liisMairlh, lh.it he won d order thofe Servants of the FmlMlV.uior. th.u were poirp away from Mrl^,\:i, robe Airertovl at Ionic Purt of hi<, where they wou'd be lure to po in ir u v>) jny'i.lh I ^'iijlinu' I'll ill }im 1.1 II .»'// / V.'M f ■• flllipijc I [Vorlh len^i .Ik I til , . i,^ * Afrarg'C 1 it/i/i/ ^//t.r/fl ' ■l:::t'lin ;, 1 1 -I. I.I: r.f 11 AlhiJ .' I iicty innlifWi miei ill rill jMl ,«iile tl ll'.-»:, n pull .ln.l imrcc i/lciullhip re, QrcnuitJ! 0/ 1 hmuri:i'l; I'l • .. Biivli-./'"'" )"">' I'' iVhlih.1t irtcj Sim,', r.i\i I jh.:il ::■ ff . I'll! Vrtpir.iii, .p.' /v.'ir m.1,1 io fcin:i\l tl'. .hill ivf I'r.e I'i-hH C'l I oir itil.l Bn V /nit In the " 0/l.juJon unto il'c tnim rit.l'h plixf.l ■OiCliina. ho'.hicil tv'l • Thit ii, liy I'jinpuNtiju Writic P T e rnfint. r'.liriot ir. ■•:^f\ til : ■'■If imtun: and prelentmp two of the chief Merchants to him, th.u were to ftay behind to T rade, and whom he was plcas'd to take ifnt hti-S particular Protcdion. All thii.gs Uing The L K T T K a of the King of Wc/;m, to tlu i'l Qjietn ol England. (Zlo'y /''• '0 ('"^i w/jo hiJth magnified himfcf in Hi ff'i 1^^ gion'ficil liis Domliiimi, oiiitineil Kj'ig' '"iJ Kji^f.-I."!., exalted hiit.Jri/ aloiic in I'cwer mid Mi,'eJI^ : He is n t to 1 e uttered ly Hold of Mouth, mr to be cotieciv.d iy hnag Irtier cf il.'i- Heart, he ■rt.'n PI ar.tajrn ■ A'u Bo,.nd i contain him, nor anj Sitnilitmie cxficjs Urn. Ihs B!e£.i Together conlilting ol Gold, and : miral himft fair Ruby it him, Whctl u,s ? To wf liantly ting 1 told him, ling a Pi'alm which they Company, ihew him th was ended, ling upon 1. ll.ou'd hnd t .iito his Cat ^n-iendei for I'i.tiiiai' iholc Parts I In two D iionie for i.n \\u\y ; and 1 .'.;, hoping tr.-.ding thei p!.isl» along ?!■} Il!:H,i !il Lib. li^thap. V III. "The King o/Achen'j Lette r to g^Eli/ahcth . _ 67 lel'.lrMtith for'f'^JI* 1 of ico Turn, ri' ; anil by A. kin. I .u't tii<[jrf, in I iliu' 111' niiy till 111 Mat lie- jiKvhir. wlikh >l I'l'fcf ('(uU- n .ill .'.Ui'i the :. ll..lt l.ci Mliin that Wi It.iiu •{ III thcopi'oni- ' .\ I'rilc, anil IH'^l't A(//.i,i-.i jr:J iluni (JOil It (l;i- nii^lit 1 1' li.ipiH nil to r.il! lis ltitc!li>;(ni.i., li', 111 tll.l \VC AI'-IIM,! ■Mr ll Shot .111(1 uliii r.il ciiiiiiii^ llrikinj; ilown , il.i- not Ixing rfiii, li.ilt ti'Hic ihtlllg 1 lUMMl imc al)0.iril the into hio It n But- l.aJitig uf 9;o t ileal of otliT It \vc inaJc lit- { thai care and If with empty ale Itooil, was ten, till the re- of the Strtight' ;e well' like to us, that (viiirM aWi- Si'ouf; fill, 'tis'^"' ic Cloiiils into I'eriiienr, and xeelfiie liita- Uour in fal \ woiiM iiif.il- alh, iml pro- into the Port nts. and then that the King, faithful and And to make to IK, the Ad- wc had taken, ^ to him, and hiimlilo Uelirc oiirnratituje : pre fs'd a great tt feif, but in nil the i'ouu- uiral gaicOr- had,' aboard, •■ni, where we n of I'epper, il buy it at .-/- ■ the King, af- was dclivcr'd I ongue. (.hen, IC tilt Th-sri: l_-[itf / in lii n't k,, i:d KJrfJ.m., II.- t<- .til hit Gtedtufi in tl't Crf4ture tetn prcddimttU, In P'ftol hc(ti«t«rt, f'"> "'"'''"J? "' '':,* C-^'^/'i """"■'",'"•"' m«t. to,tU Cin, ffhieh 11 Mt flncliin ht» il-nr /.«r ;,„»;. mAnififlfl it, »i tl„ l-.»ur,,im,i,nt of ihil V< if; . •'"W tia*tl- tit Hcri^ini with Jcr, /m.< I'tith i^mfitm-d n to llr Lit h A Si/n. nhi-h hrinr»h k.nomlid^iof rrm<-mh.t,:ei tf it ^t- nir ■•t ■ «« .' <-■''- ,iAic,AmiiUi' ki'iJ»'J< v'^' •" .'""■!; J!'"''."- r"''" /"'I''' OMfVf/, i.tifi»x the f.i-,./,,,- in f.oir"!' '"•' '.'t. /-:» ,,.i„tl,, fi.'iwT lit>i-x!h K'tollv !•■'■■, O'd juJ' Mjh-niw lue.l at ileii ^ii-../rt;,.f. ».<•/!■. k/«1' (/" Ctftmf to th I I). Ci'- r liuHiUiar, p'flnuint', lU Ceflme to tl:-i, «■- Itinwjl iviV/i -. rtlllitlf, Mind I f '"" >' />" "'■ '", ""* 'V '■J"'"-'" ed nnto India .-.nd * A.aih ; Jrn.t.nxfxil' tin- J'.^l-jl Al.« ,•; l,.l,,r,ic„ ,v.d S^lc, ,.:'. ■■■IJ" ll^'' l-JI '•} iteLnvif,, t, " V/h II /'•■• .Sult.in;i vfhiJ' dull Rjiic .« //■.■ K'uZd"" '/ I'ligliiid, Fume, Ireland, Holl.ind, rt»J FmiUn.l «.•'/ .,7./.-i.M- that JV. »',;./<"", ■■"'' '/ " lii'li<; /o",!; I" I'"- !l!,'d hcfnf- 1! Al K-i»''V/) h,-lh Maintd tl. If'ii.ti^'f • 0, Aihi... ih:l.- 1 ciiC'i, fom iht Ki"X "' ''>' 'C'",?''"" "' * •^"■''■•y. wiv d«lh Hide iheie *ill< t" .llhh'f i'<"^'- I'l-I )"• ''"" there c.rm- loto m A r,od l{efo-l ff n-', dclr.ird.ndlj'cri f<> jiii-),hliti'C Mci.ih ct'i'- l't'-'» Jaiiifi l.aiiiallir, '.'../ .ontinu; III tl'tltfeloiif,.) ^hid j,//! l.rlti-'i, llvic Aic Cmnm:>.dAlimi lii.tn H', ni.d ll ,•• ».»■ l.-tcn rtiH'.ifi'i/.- I', .'v/7. [;<•». .llim^lj^ (nd, nh.y.. ':'■>.• fti'fjc lit 'III' J;i"..'HiW'/i-(i"/iiv.o«, f.iU iCtJnmtlh \iQtihy l.cii^'.ic, Jrl t'"^ " In offinn in llhW, ihit th.- Siiltdii ct * Afral'.gic It ,'oii'' iii.TiM', i^'id '•" l-.nnm tn ^o.ir I'ri'fle, ' ■' "'" trhnt pl^.-fjiiw /'.■ If, fom ihi.- li ll IM'I "Civ, itt.d fm thi:l ' -Sv.'l :it! :i:- ■'ih!::; fif.tl.i, mid (i-t h.'mfrif ,ii K''".'^ ''^ '''" tf„.ld: T-t iV'mi h he, Icli.lci hit i .v.c. ./.«;; I'lidc mid h/in^r- 11 Mhid ? Ill till theirtiin- ll iW J'f i'lCfi^l'-d, mid vur SV. i(V(/ iiinjifiwd l-'in- ihitt hf And hii Ctimfmiy mc cur line- iniei ill thii M'l/./, mid in the ll'vfld f' u'lnc $0 tin ir.- Ih,ill imifc than to die, in xtl;,tt pU:e Juntr wc Jhjil meet tirii:, rt piil'lick_ lienlh. And iimeover, )iiu do affini, that inu defire Pence mid I'ncydjhip nith III. I'd dud be I'ltiije mid Vvl'ikt, for the Qrentiitfs oj- I'll lii/tcr. fhii ll eietore ii tin feriomlt'lU, md ho'iturel'le I'l. fe!e liuh 11' tl'ii H i^tit,;' , That you nuiy fetid ■ ,f,om your t'ecplc unto iw ' I'Hrtr, ro Vrndc and to Tii-.jji, 1^ ; mid th.it nhijicve JhitH i: Jem unto 111 in your lli^lwcjis Smii.; r.r.l to w/.w/n/i ■;,•)• y u jhelt prcjuile the lime, thy ll:::,'! ;■.' rf ,1 Jvinl-Coiiip ;h>, .in.l of Cammon I'livilegri, l'..r il'il CtiMi-.'oi, ."id hii Compm,^, fo j on m ihry emif unto ic, .w hirec mule tliem ef .111 Aljidtite Society : /tnd ifc have in- lii icemed ll'.-in into in: Corfm.u'iin mid .ommon Difnitiet And we he.ie '^imitcd ih-m l.iieitiei, mid I nve Jhcncd them tl e hit Oii'Je of Tl ^ffieh . And to mmilf.Jl I'tito Men, the ' I oif mul BtrtI). rhcod lettveeu us .tnd lou in ihn ll '.1 Id, iheic u lent In the Hm'd of till Cr.pl nin, iieaxdiiit^ to the Ciijhm, • o/l.ii.Jcn unto ihefmnnui * CVv, it l{iii^ ofC, Id, bemitijied with n Hiih riihh placed ill hii Sett, two I'fjhues wot en with llehnih jpalsd wiih Flat* .tm! Roik'-.. wlui'v' we liaJ like to han- Hi'i'^J had a ta\l Period fer to mir Voiage j bur bv a ta' oirable '' Providene we got trie from the iiaii(;vl. M.iuiig iioli'.l the Eqiiinoilkial the third time, we irriv'd at /» . o/.n. { heri' ll Jii a',..ii' /,, tlio' r duel not prow about fiimi'i but ii Imnight moll h from M.in II I'l, 0' { ', \thiililie'. eight '-f ten I ( igue« up m ihe''' •^•'•' C'ountiy ; aii.i IS remarkable, nui onK ur ;'.c (ia'ii.tie>''" ol Pepper it )icldi, but the (tore lit ('hmI tii.il aiid(iraai> loiiiid thereaN/iit<, wliuh the glei.t Rams u.tlh J1.V.1. Iri'ii; 'll ■ Muiuita:ns I'l.mn.f , tl.ii it lie I'o \i't) i;iai tlie l.jic f.is being in IS Mm. .SfimliLat. \et isa lerj healthy plaie, .iiidh.is .1 Lur.oiisiifivilihig .\ii , U'liiles, there's plen;. ot Pruu- lion, and goodtieiU Water rhvrw. 'I'lie >i. ii'. w.i.order'd here, 10 gel lur Ladiiig I'.mpiiate.l, and I'o dr.cUia l'''iirle li^iiu ward.. lliem ,/ i\k 1 v.h \vi u:',;ed t and aiuhor'd under thcllle /'«',; Hiinti-m. 1 he Sixteenth we er«red B ■ t.m Po.,d, ,ii;d the Viie- .V.ln; r.d went alhoai, to ..irtilie ilu King ul' our Arrnal Ji.d Hillinels .lid toddir. hi- l.if'. Civl.diicl. 1 he King s\asvir) I'l.idof oiinoii'ing, .iiid urii a N.iMim.ui Uuk With ilie V lie Adiii ral.io 1 id t!ie .\diii,i.il Weleuire, and toioi.iiuilk Imntij the Court. I his Piiiiie w.is 11..1 .ibou' '"' ' "'"'' Str>ighn "1 s'l./../.; ' (,', •je. ihue t e.ii',ucsfruiii 1 1; funjll 1^ j^lill. I jjn/ili^ >Bin>l<'. •OjCliim. ho'deied w'tltliuld, iucl'Jed in it led Ilo.x of Gold. ' Tzin. • Thn il, liy I'jmpui.tuii Written ill * Tmieh of the Year 1 011. of Mr.l vnir: Pe.iie be unto you. T t rafirt r'.liiiol iN.'.iUft ih,: '■Iftmtun. lime w.is ^,, „, ,. . I V' III 1 I .■■ ption*! ten or eltun leji>,j!d, Iwitig ender the 1 mtion nt .\ i:j„i.,„, ProreClor, who iii.m.ij'i ,1 the Adaiisof iln- Kingdom di- riiig his Minority . 1 le welcoin d th: Adiiiiial lerv Kind. ly. anil reeeivd the (Jiiten's 1 ittir .rid Pnf nt of Plate, with mreli fati^taCfion, let'iriMig .ill th.- P ir.t> of Tude and Bulineli, to be adjiilHd by his Conn il, liotii wlic;iu he defired the Admiral to take his Anfwer. And ih ■ Re- lult of the Confultat;on was, that we ll.ou'd eome .ulore and trade, wiih all the freedom we cou'd delire, and be as laic, 111 all re'.'pecis, as if we were iiioiirowiiCountr). So we had com enient Hoiifing provided fir us, and our Mei'ehants brought Goods alhore, and ilie Trade began, T'lJs- bfjim and proceeded to fueh ...lod purpofe, that within five Weeks there was more fold in Goods, than would have laded our two Ships ; and th.it tlicy brought away from thence 176 Bagsot Pepper, weighing (^ I. a piece. Thife roll us s ' KiaUi f l;ii'ht,i \\^l, befidesour Anthornje, and the King's Culloiii ; the former of which amoiiit'ed inthegrofsto isuQ lUalsof kight, and the latter was a Rial upon every Bag. 'Tis a Cullom aUva'.s obferud here, that tlu- KLiig is to U'giii the Trade, and t'urniih hiiiilelf uuli what Com- modit.es he pleafes, before any of his .SubjeOlsare Urv'd ; aiid this IS no dil.iib amage at all to the Mcrch.int, lincc he giies a reafonable Price, and isa virv good Pay- mailer. Tho'the Jtixmi! are rcckon'd fome of the moft thievilh pilferii.g People in the World, yet we had a tolerable inenfure of ipuet .imongU them, and they di.i not very iiuuh dilhirb us by tliofe Knaveries, conliderng howhor- riblv they are addicted to thciii. But then it mullbeown'd, th.u 'twas more our Care and W.uihfulnefs that n.ade them honed, than any thing of their own Inclination : And betides, we had a Couuniilioii from the King, to execute thofc upon the fpot, that wc fliou'd tind .ibour our Houfe in the Night, upon any lueh Dcligii ; and af- ter we had m.ide four or live lixainplcii,the relt were better adiiled, and forbore troubling us. While we were here, wc loft our Vicc-Admiral, Ca- ptain John Middletiv. But Our Trade went on lb briskly, that by Fehn.vy the Tenth •, our Ships had their full La- *^ "■ "'•• ding of Pepper, and were ready to Sail. 1 he Admiral before he went , il ilpatch'd a Pinnai e for rhe ^hlhceei's, to ,* '''""'1':!; * . _. _ . - » lent til I'll Together with the I eitcr, a Prefent was deliver'd too, confining of three rich Pieces of Cloth, embroider'd with Gold, and a Ring with a very large Ruby : And the Ad- miral hinifclf was prcfented with another Ring with a fair Ruby in 11. Beibre he went away, the King asked him. Whether we had the Pfalms of David extant amor . u,s ? To which he replied. That we had ; and did con llantly ling them in our DiiineScnice. His Ma jelly then wiore lie went, iiilp.itcn a A I'lnnaie tor rue M'^iaeciis, to told him, That he and his Nobles there prefent. would \ Ix'gin a Trade there, and procere a Paiflory to be fettled, '/ii;.' ling a Pfalm to God tor their Profperity and good Vovage; againit the next ri'uniof the Ships from K^iij-V^,.'. He which they did : And afterwa'ds the Admiral and liisi nude provilion too for eairjing on the B/:«f.iH.-Trade in *!''''"''"' Company, did, at the King's Requell, Jo the like, to hisablence. leaving a fufficient number of Men and Fa- '"""■'"'■ ihew him the /•;»/;;/.7^-way ol Singing: So afier the Pfalm j Clors, tor the dil'puling of the Merchandice that w;i. '.vas ended, his Majcfty in great t)rdcr pionounc'd a Blct- left. img upon 111, and difmifs'd us with a Promife, that we .Afier this he went to take I.eave of the Kinp, and to ll.ou'd hndthe lame kind l-intinainir.ciit, if ever we came ieti:rn him hi., lalt '1 hanks, tor the Favours and Piivilege> -iito his Country again. ivouchlated the y-i';!; i//.' Nation m Ins Dominions. His .Sneinlei the Ninth, we fct Sail with our three Ships I Majelty was pleafed to irake huii tl.e Bearer of a Letter, ■for i'i.ime.n, and llr-'tr, the si//;« being gone towards : and a Pielent ot very fair Bezoai Stones for the Qiieen, ihofe Parts Kfore, to get a 1 ading of Pepper. 1 and for himl'elf a Stiiie of die lame kind, and a cunoi S In two Days time the Adn.iral difpatch'd the Af.enfun h/nt.i Dagger, which is a thing \ct) highl) elleemd a % home for Mi/ijMi/i/, fo ih.-itnow we were but two in Com- inongll iliem. This Ceremony ended, wc had nothing pany ; and we held our Courfe along the Coall of Hume.- now to ilo, but to get a Shipboard as f.ill as we cou'd, and .;, hoping to meet with our Ship the Siif.tn, which was I lei out tor our Native Coui.try. trading thereaboi'ts. There are fome ' — . '■- :'l.i» t« along this Ccad, t crt ,1111 very low! K 1 the very dangerous | The Twentieth ai Felrumy wc let fail for Bgl.tnd. with ''"*''> ''■' ' .V lllands, cncou;- ' a very chearfni Heirt.having luccrcdcd :i our Uelien^ fot ^'' ''■•'"' i.HilJIl 68 A De/inptm i>f Java, crt. Lib. if t i t I ?i ■nil. ; I '^ i AiC^.iUt ihr Iflill ,t fcii; P' .1 I' ^1* ■il'.tl'n. llu'Svnici- ol' oiirCoumrv, lo lb ^ooJ a Degree, ainii iiict Willi iVi iiMiiy iiiicxpi'CK'il Ail\4ma|ict ili« luJ lu-l ihiito t'wi'i'fniil HIT Vi>v>('' '"""• riK'T\Viiii\ liioml, .iiul Iwiiity tliiril, wofaiiH-iii- |.' ill • Vriiulm of \i/«./. ; .iiul the Twiiit^ (ixili K"< ili.u lit' all I Ik littK' lllc» tliu lie in lliolt Mrti^iliis Ji»l to hoMinp a S-iitli Wc(k I iiiirlc, in mo Ua)< vkc iii.ulc h l>i)v. ^1 Mill, .Vitrli I rt'. A)fli.;> the 'I hirui'iith \U' IMlVil the Ttcpuk of t'V' - ..ii>», Knpinj; 11 M tW tliv iimll ('.m, a Soi i|i Weft I'mntV. (f .■. llie Foiiricftitli, we were in 14 iUf.r. Iiipfolmi; ilie llle I't' \\,-.li»fU •< to le lo tlie Noitliof in, ■| lie Twenty I iphtli, we liul .iSmuii In f^lllllv^ .\i\>.\ * >i- leiii, (tti.l llie Se.i 1.111 fii cMeiliMJ) Ini'l", fh.ii wi h.ul I t- tlehije* lift iif il'v.ip nn .ulilii .il Bi r .il. mnUr ih iipiin ilic M'i(-. Qi'.iiter. ili.i: it lhi« k ill llie In n work nt tlie Kiiii.ler, .vul ijU kS I'lnke i/l( the Rliililer It lelffiiini tlie .Villi, 10 tlie ioMiiiiiiilm(! .ill. 'Hie .Se.i ili.it ve weie ■.p, w;is one of ilie molt tun; elhoi", 111 tlu Wur.,', .'Mil here our Miip* >lri\c >p .imi .low 11 like .1 NVieik, I'l- iiij! entirely ,it tlie Win.K ililVoKil, .11 il ni.t .il>le 111 tin le.i'lt to uiinir.itiil, tr ilirei't iier own Motions. .Soni. . I n-e*we ftimul In- e.iirieil witliin three or lo, t Km^ik^ if the C.ipe ' f '-''•' "7.- ; .iml then .ij-Min ilmen o< 1 10 .ihiv n fort\ Deyreci Sol thw. Ill, into S- 111. m I ll.iil,ii>' Sill \v, .\r,l initer.ilile lleet\ We.l'her. Oiue wo .iieiupte-l to t.ike i.iir .M ?iii n .ilt. .iiul p, ; it out at the StLin-port \\i>yu)l I'y ilie help ol llui l)ei ue, to nuke a y<'«r iV It, till we umi.I luuh l.,iiie Ibrlom .,1 other, will re we luiclit rip.iir the Breailies ot unr ll,ai- tir.l Ve'tlel : lW;t when thi. wastneil, we luil no iJiet, In't an iiureafe of our Oanper ; for the .Sea leinu loiiie- what eriwn w itli llfiinj', vp the Malt, ilnl lo ll.ake ihe Veri), .iiui pet all iiiio fi eh a threatiuni; .1 tonaiiiui, th.it we thought oi'r fe|\e« hapi'> when we h.ul p.t the Milt in an.vii. .-Vnil now all was aelper.ite, iinIeK vet uMrilnuke a luw Kii'aler, ami liriiif; it to pals that u llioiul haiip fait in the Sea ; whuh eonjiileniif; the great Durthen of uiir Ships, the ronghnefs ot the .Va, and the lt>l'> ul mult ol our KuJJer liunv was 4 Work ot t(ir)irv- gmi; Jiftsiilty. Vet hitiiiK niikic out til otir MKcnmaft 4i|(. Wel>4rc I 'life aloiij; |i\ rlu Shoar, the mure uiir enienily to reaih the lielt p.iri i.f the Ro.id, whiili is rielit againlt the /Vr- iiriir;,- Ch.ipil, 111 twelve I'.ithom Water. Hue we lit teil I'p our Ship, aiul liaMiig ahiiolt as nuiih need of iieiiiling and ii'j'aitini', our ltUi>, as our Vell'el , we il- lowM lime iiiiie fur that iiiiellary Woik, to whieli the liland iiin'riliiited piett\ well, in the ^'ood I'relli Waier, Hoes, .llui (,iMts 11 atfouU'il lis. 7(1 > 'hi' I il;li we lit Sail, lioldmi', iiiir Coiirle N. ^'. and the I'llieeiiih p.iUd \>) ilie lunen and deliilaie lllaiid ^^^ ^ _ of il.inii.. I'luni hiiiie we ii nuiiued Ui Ivld our K,,|.„,i W C oiitle, till the Nineteenth, and then we itols'd ilu lijiiiiiov'hal. Ihe Twenty fourili we made ^Degi iVorlli I a!. I'e- m^^ as we pulgd ihsn, Mo leagues from iheCoaltot Wviielda N. .S, W. l.> N. foiiii;', ill the Iweniy '"" . ninth, at sshuhl.ine we law the llle I--'','. Ihj^ult tin Sell nth, we made 16 ll(i;i..iii,l ihe'l'welftli pals'd the Tiiipiik of 1 .n.e , Iteer.iig S'oiiluiU . The Tweui> nintli we p.ib'dthe lilt .St. .\/.:>i. Si-plcii.k-r llie Seventh, we had tin. I ands-eiid of ii«j;- /urd alx)iic 4:1 1 eagues from 11^. The Eleventh we lalt Anelior 111 the Uoniii, after all the I'erilsuf ihis long arid tediuii!i Voy.ige. 'Ump. IX nr k:i'|. 1 I 11,. !,.• 'l.iciilim Chap. IX. // 'Dcfcript'wn of Java, .vuitk firjl f nglifh F/clory there : H^tth drcers Oaiinci.n relating to the Indian, Englilh, nnd Dutch M.w^. l^ritten by Xir. Fdmund e^COtt, ((mtainwg a Hijlory of thoje Matten, jrom A. D. \6o2, to 1605. ft Pv TH;^ in^nd nin conipreher.ded between the 1 3 ';th,.ind the 1 4yih Cirths of lonv. and the 7ih and 9th Par.illelsof South I at. The Central Pattsof it are generally very inoiin- t.i'inoiis and niRged, yet rot fo .as to hinder Travelling, and thole hordering upon the Sea, are low and inarlhy : 'I'opether with which dif.ulvamage of Situation, they have an impure and unwholfoiiie Air, which generally afflicts .Strangers with many troiil'lefonie Uilteirpers ; yet hci-eaboiits all the piinc'pjlTownsot the whole Kingdom lie, the chief places of Trade and Biilinels, as il,;«M»(, J/ri.i/'.', Jortni:, Chiriitiii, and the relV. This' Soil yields nothing worth the Tiadinc ior,_ tut Piin-er which is brought in from all parts rt the King- d(.i,' to /(.)//'•"', andlusrals'd iWh a Tr.idt there, th.u no Town in all that part of the I d n { not Wi.'m it lelf , tan pretend to Rival it in that refped. And there iiled to be a pood Stock of this Commodity broufht in troiii diver? ni'her Countries too ; but of late Yeais the D::icl hail 'iiterc-cptcd that Trade, and by buying it up ab,oa,l prevented Its coming nB.iw.'^". Th sTown is three Ki-fii:/l' MiKs in length, and as po- iilon«as molt Towns of itsbignels perhaps in /li.i. They are to enter herj upon th.c Atlair-s of Trade tli.jt tht-y keep 1 r. e M.irkets ev ery Dav ; and there >s lueh a 1 In uig of Pc. 'e at ihat in the Morning, that one won d think ii rather a loleiiui lair, in wlneh Bnlinefs was to be done but onte a Year, than a coirnion Market that occurs eve- ry ^■^y- , . .. 1 here arc two L)ii ilioiis of this Town, the one entirely taken up by the 7(11. i«j, the Natives, and genuine Follel- fors ; the other devoted to the ufc of Foreigners, and fueh a.s come thither up(;n the Accounts of Trade and Meichan- dirc. The 7/::vin Oivifion is lor the moft narc very fllglitly Tht 7n» built, the Houfes lieing generaJly Irani d with noHrongerToi*" Materials than Canes ; dcltuiite of all Briek .and Tunlier- wirk, except lone very little, in a few places, where it adds neither Strength nor Beauty to the Building. 'Ti. w.itei'd with feveral I'lnall Rivers, tliar run i.p and down .about it ; and there is one Branch th.u palles through tlic V ery iniddle of it up to the Court, which holds a conitant Correlpi.ndince with the Sea in its ebbing and flowing, and will bring up Gallie\ and Junks, of great Burthen, to the veiy heart of the Town. It has tin- Coiiveniaiceof a good Road kr Ships too, and 'tis defended with a Itour Hr.ck M'all, wiihfiveral Tvirrets and IJulwarks, lo that ir nvglif be made a very conhderablcj'lace, :f the People had the .Seme to uiiderjtand their own Advantages. The itlier part, which they ca;l the Ci.ii.a Town refpeCt to the Buildi'ig) iiiakti a far handfoiner appear- ance tliaiichis, the Houfes lOiililliug iiioltlv ot Jiiick, Lut rai»'d aftenhcL'»i///fj'i' Falluon Hiuare and tin at top, wit.h Conirivanfts of BoarJs,.uid Canes cov ei d owr w.d: J*r.:ic itirAppa ^■1 and DicQ. -■^VX"' and S.Hi ' w'th ihi" Merihaiitsl lis pirf and IS I" I'lople of are the /■ I elt ami Ili 1 he Kir ling of ihe I of the whiil rpitiik \'ov| I res and If Hiealt .\dii ti ryl P.iniesthatl IS to I'jv al hav e a eonil dering ihe il Comliin of jtirlv hoiTic : ok It t.rt »■ Uvc it i fu •icc.uivcr. ulp of out lie hviiiK It re U iiin (III 1 llluli'^ IIHII'. *k' WiMit on, il filling lu k ; .Itlil WO 41H'. ly ilif Of-i.f rxa- ii>;»«'' ../ Whuh "••"'" )W wi' luil . WclMrc Illy lo nath nit die /Vr- Kh' vvi 111 It 11 Ik I'll of lUI. w. i|. 1 ttlmli the ,j fri'lh Waiff, 'J hW N. W. CI /aw liil.lK- llbiul , . Si ■ ildlVil ilii- -g nil 1 ,11. Iv- ^ T.lClt liHl ilKtoaltot i,^ j..-,„.la. <'lmp. IX. Tfc Mnmeri mdCujimsdf the Jivans, O-c. if i\k Ivvcmy '""•. ilu ■Iw. litl. .1, ,.. •till of/ '•■'i- VIII, after til utch \Hijlory . to lie done oi'ciirs cvt- Diic entirely Juiue I'ollel- |rs, and fueh Mcrchan- Icry fliglnly The 7«t.« 1 iioUrongerTowi' lid Tiinlicr- h, where il |ding. 'Tii niid down [;lirougli tlic >aennltaiit Ind flowing, lac Kurihcn, Lcnuficeof lull a Itout ]rks, U> that I the I'eoplc japes. JowMfwAhT;;;^'"' ■ner appeat- \ Hiici;, Lut IQp, with I vv:iJ; J'r.rk ind San.f, tn JifenJ iIkrei, whiiti tu|trth»r w'tl. ih<' ihu-vifti Peoi'If. aiv thv c*aU«itm PI«nueiof Mc'ihaiiti Hoiifi'* IB tt^'i''"'". Ti«r"'"'*''V'» "Arrow RiMT fr.mthc7-it iwlowni •ind'ti. here that all the Stranners. and Mer.handi»iiig I'ennle of otlie. Countnc* do rtlitiv i parti, ularly li>re .lie the /:/ ^r,Jh and Ihit.h Hoiile., wliitli are ionic o» the I el» ,irid Aatelieft Iniill in till whole Town. IlieKiiiBof tlmplaee l.i.uW reikoii'd (iinic th;- d' !"<>- line of ih' iMiiiHrmirof /'■".'• k] iIk' molt potent rcnue of ilu whole lllaiid. He (■■luiiis .ill !•> an abfoliite Ue- Ipiliik Tower, .Hid the I .iw« upon whidl his ^nl'|'•''" lresaiiaFoaiine«depeikl, aie lln.t upuiuiel) inlinown Hii.ilf . , . .\diiiiry i» lure pi'iiilh'd with prefiiit Ue.uh, in both Parties th.it are nuiky ol it , luit .is lui Murhir, the I aw i» til |a\ a I iiu to the King - .V> ihat li:» Majelty in.iy have a eonhdii.ili'e Kesemiexiiiit.l! m l>y Blood, eoiili- deriiig the rrvuinaiil ami iiii)>l.v .d'le lempir ol the (''■- ./mrif For ;f the |-ricnds ot the iimnherM I'ariy, dokill the Miirtherer, .ind hi>. l-netuK .inam lesenpe it iiinjii thuii, .iml |o dellroy erne anoihei liy whole iMinilus, th.ie's no nii re lo U- done, hm lo pay then Fines ; and lo tlu KiiiR. thu he loin .Siibji-as )et H'ls Moni) b> the HaiiMiii. The Peiple of ihi* Coiintrv are eyceiri\els ^rniid .ind llothfrl .Hid eoi.lV.piuit'y pi.or : The) d-fp K all miii- ner of 1 .i: our and Kiiiploym nt, ,iiul think it heneath tlii'in 1(1 ha'c a lapenditin upon ans thiiir. ot that kin, uhiili they iiianafie att<'i a«cr> avskard nianntr , ihii it their Kutni- tine tor ilie Wain , luit th Wiapu' > rooked and vva\e.li and the I iandlei, wlinh an of W<«.il, oi Hoin, aic i iirioiilly laiAcd, .ml wrought inti leviial I'lpiiris, this Uing all the Work the _/.;i o../i' ptiii nd to, and li.e onlypieieof Ingrniiits tluy lanloallot. 'llule SVi.,|.i,i;, are gciii- i.illy tinCtnt d wiilia Poili nio \er\ llrongand pi.riiii'ioii», that no' One m I'lNe hundred ttilltwuiiiidcd with them, eoniesoH with I, iff. A»ti r the t. oi-yr ih.it live hire, tin y ale al-lotiu.- \\x. Ilcis of all ilie Arts and I'oliiiis, thai e.in my way Ur- ' to earn on the l>eli('ni.f 'hriMiig in the NVoiM.and gro' ii'g mil, 'I hey make all the ad\anMge iinaguialile, the Diilnels, Pride, and Sli.tli, of thi ir ;/«. « Malt. I hey .ire ihe I'erl'ons that maiLige the Cititems of I'lani iiig, Die, ling, and Ciilming the Pepper, an. I Rice ; ami asfhiv do all the Woik, lo tliey fiiek up all the Pro- hts, and leave the other* Int'e ii ou than the I aie 1 irio to iheir I .mils and Mtate-. 1 hey'll reliile no labour, how ^"''' *'"'■ mean .iri.l hard foever, if tin) have I nt a piol| e.:t of ''*"' I'queeziiig any advant.ii-.e i^vt^i ir ; aid they lare not who ihe'r areSiavcbto, nor what i)ri ligiry ili.v midei- I'o, fo they I an Imt make ihiiroiMi .Market, our .,f the Killy an.l I'.al'iiels ot iluir Mailer-. And ihen in all Pointsof Iradean.l Hargains lita .Man ihat dc.iN witii thriTi. have Ins Wit* aloiit liiri, lli.ee they are not to ' I'l Id l>y anv 1 oiuli of loniiiion Honelty and Inft ee, and lair m their Dealings, fiir. when a ran'i the\ aitci;l to draw al'ur tluni. 'Ihey an I'o tender if their 1 1 iiiiHir. that they are ready to meafure the very .Scats lip. n whiihthey lit, for f.ar one Ihoudhc higher than aniiiher , ar.d no Mm will endure another Pcrl'un of the lame Rank and Qii.ilitv, to lit ine In. h more exalted than lie does. Tliey are hnrrililv malitioiis and iparul or lan't le put m pr.Wln e. In the Matters i,t ReligDii, 'luy are very near a-kin lO the 'j.uriK, and have iin'. h t!ie fiiiie Me.ilaies of Devo- tion, tlio' w.tli mole foolilli Lereiiiniiie^ and Suptrftitioii than they. The l^eTiine of Ti.itifniigi.ii.jn of Souls, obtains Rclli!'--" fjii e, .mil e.ue not what iliey do to aeeomplilli the Re- greatly anionijlt theiu •, ami they pietnid to lieli.'se, that ^enge of an Iiijirv ; Init they generally i!" t in a cow- - the Reward of go0Ht their loins, and all the rell of the Body naked : But loinetimes, upon extraordi- nary Occalions, they wear a clofc Coat of Cloth, Velvet, or Chamblet, according as they can purchafe it. The meaner People content tliemlelves with a fiat Cap of Taf- fita, or Callicoe, and about their Middles apiece of the rime, a Yard broad, and commonly of two Cohifis. 'I'here is another fort of Cloihir.g f )nietiji,esusd by them, which is made of Coiton, and the Rind^ of Trees ; but by reafon of their intolerable 1 azineCs, there is very little ot till'' made and worn. ThcMent.ake a great deal ot Pride in their Hair, which is very thick and frilled, and go bare-lieaded, very often, a purpofe to ihcw ii : As lor the Women, tln'V always i;o bare headed ; the Gcnieelei fori t\ ir.i; up ih'ir Hair in Pol s, a- we do o' r line Hoifci Tiii.s: ■ M : 4 '* f il U:^ i i| il It:. I ' M' ! 70 J a van Ircacberies^ cr-c. Liblj cxpcCtanon of iiappy Siifccl's in iheii AHim', m ;itlc;ift in.iw4y ot Gratitmlf, andilunktiil Ai.kn(uloilj;mciit tut it. Tlicy line, t'lliilc^iluir orjinar^ Piiclls, a loii of Men .iini)nj;lt tlu'iii, vshmii they loniiiionly tall Simililayers ; So.:h(<)iTi. „ho arc in mighty cttcein, as priteiiiliii(; to \\.-r) >;riat nuttc-.s. I'V a kinil iif Inlpirat.or ; and (ibes la\ ; able ro ae(omplr.li them. 1"liele Fellows are loiiieiiu.i - polfefi'il with a l\k'.iien h>'ry, iimier the Traiifpoits uf ^^ll■l.ll, thev appear aiul ad like f" nvAtiy Ur.li.iiin , ninpir,^; up and il(jwn the Streets wiih diaun Swords, tearini; their Hair, jieaniijj thcmfeKes apainlt the \\'a''s, and rowliri; tip 11 the (jround. While'this t-ii lall-, '.he (:/•/« /,■ \.\ , they van I'lividdlethe daikelt M)lleiies, foreiel fi tiire F.^er!t^, ll:e\v the SvKvelsof any lUilineJs or Ati'air ih.u is in hand. .M\\ pevl'oniis thiiii;s taralio\e ilie fc.uhot other ei)iiimcii Morra's. .And as they very frequently un.fnlt them vp- (j-all thefe Aeeoiuns, fo they lav, their I'redictions are .i!wa\s iiiltitied by the l-\eni : Ai\d, indeed, eonl;u:'nni! the horrid impieties (jf that l'ei>ple, 'tis no; impoirible that (nii-e of ihem ii ay have Credit enoiip.h Wiili ihe CIrand l-nemies .vcral Mer- charis Itfr -here for that purpofe. Orders alio were given, tor the fending of a Pinnaceto the M-I:.u.i!, upon the fame Delign ; which accordingly let .Sail M..I. '■ the Sixth, with a 1 ading of Fifty fix Cliclls and Fardes < f ("ioods, bei meet ng with contrary Winds, af'cr ft-.e had fpent two Moie.hs beating up and down at Sea, ihc lanie hack .iga;ii to li-.tit.-.ir. Rut in this fpacc of tunc, wc thatrcfKicd there, h.ad a very itiffiiult part 10 plav, to defend our le!\es troui the T.oiiMr, hy ,;,j^i itKctsotthe Malice .tndWiekedm Is of the Jv.ak!. ^»^J4w.i. ^^^ ^^ 1^^.^^^^ hanethmg of a Feud h'o'un out between us andthrm, Cuh'Ji was before our Ships departed they made it their Kiilincis to (kedy all Methods of Revenge iniagir'.iMe, and were never eaiic, but when ihey were atiempiing l.ime inifchief or oilier upon us._ '1 hey vvou'd Ihoot tianiing Harts nnd Arrows in the Nighr, into the Hoiile where our Coods were len.icd, hoping to lire it that way ; anil even in the nay-tmie, if vve brouglit out any tpiantitv of (loodstn Air, thev wou'd lit the Town a-fire tothe Windwa.-d of us, not taring what Mifehicf thc) d'd, (o vve might be invnlv'd in '.he fan'.e. (iiuiklv .ift.r the going out of our Pinnace, wc ad- drclT'd lot; e\V(,rk ofbui'ding a CinveniemPublKk Houfe, accord.ing tn the 1 il>eny given us : Wc delign d it.Se'vcnty two Foot in length, and 'I hirtv lixbrtad, and proceeded \o far as to lay ihe Foundation, Imt by rcafoii of fomc Ciiargis made .it Court, and the fctiing up a new Protc- dor, a (fr.p was put ro this Affair tor a time ; and it coft us nnr a litile Trouble and Moui v too, before wc cou'd remove all Iinp' d.iirients. Ml::'- the Ivvonty tirft, thi' Town was aecidcntally fired, anil k- eral Houfe> li'lM with Goc'ds, wire entirely confumed. \Ve had a loniiJerable ll.,'.re in the Fofs and Dani.Tgc d( ne I'y it t(X) ; tor aiiiongit rjthers, the t)uia^ Hoii'e was burnt to the < Iroiwid, and there vve had no lets il'an Siytv five F.,rdels 1 f iVveial I'orts 0I GooiU {whiih allKi.Lme Fi. el irrecoverably), belides 19- .Sacks of I'cp- perloltiii au'ther p!aie. Hut wc rci kotfd that Prov i- iicnce was vcrv favouiable to us, in [ ermitting t.s toeoirc off at fo I Leap a r.te as we did, and eltemid ii little lefs ilian a M'.k.cIc, th.it bith ourHoules were prcferv'd ; c- fpic allv one of them, whi' li the raging Flame advane'd within three Yards ot', anvi tlireatned in :i very trigh'fiil niann.r, vet wmt oti at latl in a t'urpriring and un.ic- cointablc wav, doing no other hann than liordiing the Walls and Windows, and a little diUoluering it in the outlidr. Ill the time of this general Confulion, we were forcd riv be verv nn e and Und in o"t Waldi . for all the pille- 1 he Town tail ring Villains of the Country, aliiiolt, were got togciliei .about us, waiting fi r the Fire to make a Breach, and ve- ry ready to (hew it the way, by throwing Firebrands them- lelvcs. And we had fo much to do to defend ourfelvei from the Treacheries of thefc ralcally People , that wc thought them ainiolt as bad a Plague as the Fire it felf: They vyerc cverlallingly cither plotting new Mifehief, or promoting fomc already begun ; wc had them continu- ally iluttcring about our Houfcs, like to many Birds of Prey abotit a Carkale, Ihll waiting for the gocd time to fall on and devour us. And then fo allonilliingly bold and impudent i'l the Prof cution ot their lend Delignstoo, that noCreatiirc in the World, I tlunk, can have more Brafs in the C'oniple- xion of it, th.> • a 7.1. ,01 has. 'Twas a fniall tiling wiih them, to ,!• and ask us. What St..ngth wc had, an.l how n-any to guard the Houle r This wjs .MoJclty at Bi-.'it.vn, tho" 'twou'd be reckon d a piece of Impudence any where die ; but they wou'd come and examine the Doors, and look upon all the Locks and Bolts, to fee how Ihong they wire, and fearch abo;::, to try if they cou'd tiiid apv Defee'ts; and all ilii-, before ourvcry Faces. And bein ' thusharalVd as we were, what wiih continualPains and vWarinefs, and Over-watching inour own Dcfcnie, againll this barbarous Cruc, we contrai'tcd fevcral Di- ftcmpers, particularly that cf the Country, which is the Flux, and which two of us never rccover'd. Ipril the Nineteenth, there came into the Road Nine ^ /> 1, ,, Sail ot lIMinhn, under the Coinmanil of Admiral We- IJiwcSxi ir.V of our chief Factor, and Manager of the 1 1 .ide there, in Bmtnm. In the Flcvctith of ]uh, we had fnrrc l.ofli". by Fur, which were kindled bv the Villany of i.er:am . :: ha-..- happcn'd were by But tl a far g brougl.c ?.»■:;/ B vcrd it I and had The tn t any thinj our Cuit Pfalm tc have hac as wc I he which w great Sto jiy was h But thi (tho' con were bad . , n.rr.t> afmining Pi ;n <■".'<." they cam yet by lor of us, m Good Wi '1 he nt nelstowai tion and f Money oil But neii very well were a'w;i •./:;.! perpi with them there was 1 truth of il locfe difon far more ti done ; and very odiou had better liyes. But as i: nemies fufl Seftcniber ti Ui^'"" Latrpcn, in iirmruo true, they Grudge be there at tha rclf. Thefe Pe to I c knowi in their Uci ten pals for nilhment th to get into t tan light of, a greatmin Goods, if n diligent Wa ThcKea is, bccaufe man, for ev Kogiies do Commodity Heads of tl Women are Husbands F tunity to wl at very gooi But our ftormy Sea, were after a we were mt a folcmn Cc Ions, rifling and this not out Perfons Ijcrs of Slav dingly they about two o wc had mad "ot make th they turn'd tl with the Raj Houtcs beinj iig'd to piotc r> goodServ let is as tci ilimndsto a wrufliy of v^oTcn. Lihli ^Chap. X. J roubles and Stirs rais'dby the Javans, jplc , tliai uc ic tiio it lelt : I Mifchitt, or hem coruimi- maiiv Bir^U ol gfxd limt to jiulcnt i'l the 10 Creature ii> til-.- C'oiiiplc- lall t'.iiii^ '.vuli Wl- ll.ui, .111.1 s Mo.lellyat if Impudence 1 examine thi- ts, to Ice how if they cou'd y Faies. And ominualPain'* own Defcme, feveral Ui which is tin- happcn'd, feme of the Suffer CK bcin^ in Debt to us, they larmsthaK I I 4 ■I 4 RiuJ Nine y, D i« '. ..iliiiiralM'i'- DxrtS'" ■alrart.,fthe'/-:: laiuls, and he icr.i! i having iriitics at Sea, ion. L-ipalFavilorS; irn'd from her .1,'. ther with the . new Offici-r^ not yet Ui.;i .'^ppllca!.ll'n il Were, thi; LMS) he order d that we hail .k ih'd ovirHoul'c •d, ly tl.c kf> ,,\iic there, in L.odei by Fire, .■nam .Vi-v'/' ; L/ i«r/f Hoiife~, fign ; and ai :; h.v.- were by that m'T.r.s totally difabled from paying, But the f.ccccding Month wc had like to havcfuftain d a far gr.atcr prejudice than the former: for h.iving broucl.c out levcral Pncks of Goods to nr, oncof thcic 7.n.-,« Birds fet Fire lo a Houfe juU by i- . ; but wc dilco- vcrd it fcon enough, to prevent the intended Mifchiet, and had the Ador of it laid dole in Irons for his pains. The tri.th on't is we cou'd hardly cn er lie at reft, or do any thing free from difturbame by thcfe People : "Iwas ourCultomat Night, when we fct the Watch, to (iiig .i Pfalm together, in which Hxcrcilc we had once like to have had our Brains kncck'd out, and the Hi"'te it lelf, as wc thought, Katdown, by .1 Company of thofe Rakes, which were got together into a Yaal by us, and poured great Stones lo fait in at the W'imlows upon us, that hap- py wai he ihat cou'd get out of the way. ' Bi.tthey were not the only Inemies we had lo do with, ftho' confulcring what larbarous ones they were, they were bad enough; for we began to difiover fome under- ;-,rfiii> ofminiiig Practices of the lUll.ui.ics againlf usj who tho" '■""'•" they cavned it with a fair Fare of Fricndlhip outwardly, yet by lome falfe and degrading Stories whiih they rais'd of us, niaile it manifelk , that thfy bore us no hearty Good Will. '1 he new Protedor too, pretended a great deal of kmd- nefs towards us ; but he was a gre.it Madcrof Uiiiiiiiula- tion .ind hlaitcry, and did it only to wheedle a Sum of Money out ot iiv. But neither did all thofe that wer-- Enemies to us, agree very wtll amongil thimfelves : For a we and the j.un.i were always at l).Tggcrs-dravv, lb did the C'/.i'i/c/.- and l.r ii-.tii perpetually wrangle, and the Duch often Icuflle with tlieni iHjth ; lo that between one lidc and the oiher, I there was e\erlalting Scolding and Contention. 1 lio' the \ truth of it is, the b t / , by their umivil Carriage, and ^ lotfe dilbrJerh wav of liwng, did procure themfelvcs far more trouble and enmity than they neeJed to have dune ; and at the fame tiiiie make the Chriilian Name \ery odious ainonglt thofe Heathens, who ought to have had better Hxampks of the Purity of it fct before their Eyes. But as if wc had not Plagues enough in J.ifo, and E- " remies fuflicient to excrcilc our Venue there, wc had, Seftcmber the Fifth, a new Sett that came from the Iflc of Ltr^m Lnmfcn, in tha Strcights of StitiiU. to torment us. "Tis linn ri 10 true, they came upon the feoie of the old Enmity and ' '■^^ '""" Grudge between them and the "Javmi ; but wc being there at that time, had a Iharc in the trouble as well as the rclt. Thefe People are fo like the J.f.mt, that they are hardly to I e known from them ; and this is an advantage to them in their Ueligns of Mil'ehicf and Revenge, lime they of- ten pal's for the Natives of the place, and fo fcape the Pe.- nilhmcnt they wou'd otherwlle meet with : 1 heir way is to get into the Hoi'fts, and cut off the Heads of all they can light of, as they did by feveral at that time ; and had a great mind to have had fome of ours too, at leait our Goods, if not our Heads, tho" wc prcv cnccd them by our : diligent Watch. The Reafon why they arc for a Spoil of Heads fomuch, is, bccaufe the King gives them the Reward of a Wo. man, for every Strangers Head they bring him ; and the Rogues do very often cheat their King in this fort of Commodity, by opening the Graves, and cutting off the Heads of them that arc newly buried. But the ^avAn Women arc fo kind, as to fiipply them with fome of their Husbands Heads fometimes, which they take the oppor- tunity to whip off when they are aQeep, and they fell them at very good rates to the Lnmfonti. But our Milcrics and Dangers (like the Wa\esof a ftormy Sea, rowling in one upo', the back of another) were after a very fliott interval, revived again : For now we were inform'd by fome of our Friends, that there was a folcmn Combination made, for the dcftroyingour Per- fons. rifling our Houfcs, and fwallowing up all wc had ; and this not by the more fordid rakilh part ot the Country, but I'erfons of Figure and Power, who had great num- bers of Slaves to alfift them in the Defign. And accor- dingly they did encompafs the Houfe, andmarch'd round about two or three times ; but feeing the Illuminations Wc had made, and the good Guard wc kept, they durif lot make the attempt. However, being frultratcd here, they turn'd their .'Vrms upon the Chincfe, and aflaulted them with the Rage and Fury of lo many Devils ; and their Houfes being at that time full of our Goods, we were ob- liged to piotciif and Uand by ilicm ; and wc did :hcm ve- ry good Service with ourGuns : For the finging of a Bul- let is as terrible to a ?(«i en, as the Cry ot a Pack of tlounds to a poor frightful Hare. But Itill, of all the A- • moft fearing ' confounded u' of Fire : The fear of it had made lucn an imprcilion up- on us, that that very word pronounc'd in the Night, tho" with a loft whifpcr, wou'd frighten us out of our .Sleep, and make us run to our Arms. 'Twas fo common a Ca- lamity in the place where we were, and had fo often thrcat- ned us, that the horrible Idea was always frelh in our Minds, and ready to prclent it lelf upon all Ocealions. Yet tho" the '1 own was hred no lefs than live times in the Iparc of three Months, and the 'jiw/ins play'd all the I ricks imaginable, to drive the Flames down upen us, Providence rdering it lb. th.it the Wind generally fa- vourd us, we liap'd the Ruinc they plotted to incolve uf; in. But the fly and crafty Proceeding of the lUttcrJiri was .si^ Pnaictt not the leait of our Troubles, under all the other ill Cir- ot iIk-'"'.'- cumftanccs that attended us: For they having at their" '"" lirft coming into iliufe parts, made bold to ul'urp the Name of i\n^J:/h-iiini, and pretending all along I ehind our backs, that they were really of that Country, had by that means fo poflcis'd the common People, that they con- founded them and us together, and belicv'd us to be nil one Nation. And by this means they run us into a great deal of danger; f r they being generally of fo rude a Be- haviour, lo apt to affront and abufe the Cointry Pei ['Ic ; and doing all thi. under the Notion and Ch.ir.idcr of En^l:P:-m;ii, thcv iiiteiis'd the Mobb aga.nit us to that degref, that we had ^rcat reafon to feat, we fho.i'd tcel the i'rilds of ilie:r Rage and Fury ; that we fl.ou'J chance to pay foire of the Scores the) had contraiitcd ; and that tho' the jiretcnded i:):!^::/l:-mcn had committed the Climes, yet the true a-id real ones wou'd go near to fuffer for't : For matters were come to that pals, that we couVt not walk the Streets nor go into the Market, but the People wou'd be M in an \iproar, curling and railing at us birterly ; tho' all the while they meant the //c/'.:; - Icrs, and intended all thefe coarfe Complements Rr them. 1 wiuelty of To prevent the mifchief therefore that might follow ][j'^jj^^|'f upon this Miftake, fo induftrioufly propagated by the uivci tiora HilUudcrt, and for ever to diftingui.'h our felves from •''"''• them, Sm ember the Seventeenth, cur Qticcn's Coronation- Day, we fet up St. George's Banner upon our Houfe, dif- charg'd our Ordnance and Small-lhot, and raarch'd up and down with our Drum, and the little Mufter of Men we cou'd make, in Scarfs of White and Red Taffata. The Reafon of this Ceremony we told to all the People that came about us : And when they ask'd. Why the /•,>.- glijh at the other Houfe did not do the like, (by whom they meant the Dutch) we :old them. They were not E>:- f^Hjk-mcn, but of another Country, and under another fon of Go-, crnmcnt, and had abus'd both us and them, in making thcfe Pretences they had ir.ade. By this ineans wc were ever after diiliniflly ki.nwn from them, and the People began to difcover pub>ickly their different Senti- ments of us : Now ihe very Children wou'd run after us in the Streets, crying, O.inl-ngrce, S.yl- , U't:n lUllmdtt h.hnJ : Ihc V.ngHjh are good) and the Ml.wdeit (tark naut:ht. Our Troubles and Confufions were fo many, and fo very frequent, that Trade went on but dully , and the Year was fpent without any Matters of great Importance done that way. The Duich Ships came in and out fo often, that we were oblig'd to make what haltc we could to buy rp all the Pepper that w as good and falcable, which was not to be gotten neither in any great Qjiantities : For the Chir.ejc Dwtk chat, thofe honclt and fair-dealing People) had got a way of '='*.'''^''" miiing Dirt and Water with th'-ir Pepper, to help fpin S"" bujU.. out the Commodity a little farther ; and this Tralhoffepper. went off very well with the Diitcl , for they were con- ftant Chapmen, and fo greedy of Trade, that they refus'd nothing almolt that was fct to Sale. Let the Wind blow out of what Quarter it wou'd, it brought fome Ship or other of theirs for Pepper ; infomuch, that the People of Bi-.ntam, altonifli'd with the Quantities they fwallow d up, jceringly ask'd them. Whether they beat Pepper into the Monar and Plaiftering of their Houfes, to keep them warm, in order to fave Firing. But the treth on t is, a Houfe may be heated, and that to a very offenlive dc- ^gcBtt of gt ce too, by the meet Steams of the Pepper, where there's tiw Htit of a good Stock of it : And we found by our own ty.rcri- Off- ence, that feveral of our Men were very much diforder'd In the hot fuffocating Fumes arillng from thence, in the rioufc where we us'd to Mill and Shute our Pepper. 1 hus this Year pafs'd over us, which had brougJrt a- long with it fuch a Train of Milcr.cs and Perplexities, that one might reafonably ha\ c hop'd the Scene wou'd now change, and Fortune look with a more favourable " Countenance upon us for the future. But the New Year * began m Sp !' ft 72 Damage by fire^ &C. mi h ;,: I; x j: ' lit l;|' ' h; i !' ■I? :f 4 I'l I' il Lib. II K'Kintft iH. dcrmirr the . V*. D. uo*. * bep.-in as utiromioitably as the Old had ended ; andtlir lirll Scent'"; were hardly any thing but Mnnher, Fire, W'.irs, Plots, and damnalik Intripius : We had lirlt ot all, the AlHit'Hd?! of loling more of oiir Company, and being ndiie'd to a \ery fniall nitmlicr, fothar of the I'a- tftors tliat were left for thcle Farts, we were now but two in that Qiialiiy, and i\o moic than ten in all. Our Truie had a conliderable Bank, by the wetook ; and we cou'd it.ib a jf-i;i cou'd give a Box on tl;e tar. ^ I this vv.is a common Oi fervatii n amung all ilie be, .gners at «^,.. mm, and the matter <.f their veiy great wonder tx), that that'dcfperate, rough, unmanageable People, ll.ou'd Hand fo much in awe f.f us as they did, and lii tamely endure the Corrcdioii we gave them for their Vill.inics. Ihcy ha. e often laid (uhr.i they have fcen us doing Juliicc up- on iliofe Fellows', That 'twas hardly ever known, that any ;y the Fourth. ^cyac-Tu-^rv Ne:-hcr co'i'd th.'y ih.n iiave rot out u; on that vc count f.ich liavock had the Diltcmpers of ll-.y-r.ui m.adc fV 'f:~i of our Company), it' wc had rut hiicd a Sett of Guzc-'"'^'' ■ '' ratis, and i r:>.rjj Sailors, to aOilt in the Voyage, to our'"'*'''^' very great coll and charge. And now we'had ftlio" a- gainlt our Will<) a p-eitv long Vacation from all Matters ot 'I'lade and Bulinels. the whole Country almoll beini; taken up, in Preparations for the Triumphs and Shews, ihat ufually attend the Ceremony of the King's Circiim- cilii II. The firft Scene that entenain'd the Fyc? of vhc Speda- tIx r .j tors (and whidi is indeed bur preparatory to th • relt), is «■'»■'■■" a lofty Pageant, brought out into the Green bi 'ore''' .'" ,'.;7'' Court-g.ite, i;i which are pl.ic'il three Chairs of .State, tliesiiU' ■ middlemoit, and m.od rais'd, tbr the King; the otheri^J"- two for the next Heirs to the Crown. All round the Rails that cncomj'afs the Green, arc plac'd the King's Guards, both Shot and Pikes, to the number of Six hundred, or more; and here they entertain the People with Martial Lxercilcs, for fevcral Days togethei, b.foie His Majefty appears. And at this time, having an opportunity to make a more nice Obferv.atir,^ of their Oifeipline ani! Fnrnitu.-e, It may r.ot l)c amil's to add a few Kcinarks to that purl pile. 1 he ^f.ir.n Soldiers, when they ftand d-awn up in a ., Body, aieregularly placed in Files, according to the Me-, ';.''-' thod us'd in other pans of the World ; but when they march, they don't obfervc the ufual ways cf going lo ma- ny Men a-bicalt, but march one by one in a tingle 1 ine, carrying their Weapons bolt upright. Their Pikes are to- lerably good i but they are very unskilful in the M.mage- mcnt of FireWVrms t And tlicrefoic to Grau' tins Soleir.- nity the more, the Proiedor borrow d Shot both if i:» and the l)u:ch. 1 heir Drums arc hitgc great Pans, made of a fort of Metal ihcy call i.mhif^-, and yield as plealant a Nolle as one may imagine a I'omdgc-pot, or lito Bottom tf a good founding 'I'ub v/ou d do. j 'Hieir ordinary Colours Jo ret'einble ours, bet their I.SviiHlards and Ancient, dittermuth ; Fof the St'-.H c.t -he At:- Ancient is v from whcnc breadth, hat to the other ( After all rcarancr as hrought fort tli« Or.ier tranncr)littii ;4 (;,,„„, itiortly make his Pre remnny w'as Magniticcnri and the K'n| were very ag numerous, tl things there fcrve a mote Betides m. »i. Lib, n. t . ,15 cou'd tisfifd, and A,ln.:». K), were in sj'. --. lie S;i'Kncl<, liiii ;a li.'^- F.iiis nil J s .1 Ki t'rrlf. ■ i'-' rn(;ctlKi. wont .ithori. vcrtiic- l.ct- 1 iit'U- \vli^' .■J rho l-'irlt, li.l\ii:f^ IcU UlTitll [>1-IJ- mi the ACl'.- ihcr, piii't jl'Kuni. 1^' King very- ;:H' 1 :hap.X. Mmral Middleton attke Molucca's. 73 Ancient is very high, and lynds at the Top like a Bow, from whence the Colours which arc hardly a Yard in breadth, hanp down with a long Pendant. But to return ■; tothcorherCircumftances of the Shows. ' After all things were made ready to render the Ap- ^ pcaraiicc as (U;clv as they could contrive, ihe King was ■' liruiipjit f. nh ( tho' ine thoughts in foiiu-thing an indecent 'W Orier iiMnncr)(ittinf^ nitride upon a Man^ Ncck.and in that po- ♦(.hcSiicw. (turcwascari'udupf HisChairot State in the P.igeant. ^ Being placM, the lev m:!! Companies that Compcs'd, the I Show began to let fo ward. I (.j,!^ a p.-ircel of Si or, then the Pikes, in the midft of ;.: which were ten or vwclve Tcmbagas, whiih being ■' rais'd a >>'"tc each above the other, made that fun of Mulick, more like ringing of BeKs th.in beating of •\fter ilicfecamc a Con,, ,.ny of T.argctier^ and Darts- men, which were follow '. by a fliow of Bealts and Fowls, partly alive, and p:irtly tho work ol An ; biit (d -Order : 1 here was one '^^ *'■"' Creature is lomeihing Bcift. $ enrioully drne, ai.d to much to the Life, that Art and re pre fenrcil any I'.xperi" p Men, nr. ■ '■']- ar liifli ene^' ne xcafioii Tdfiit I^ing cr the Ml" e- ul by wholi- n rlf lit, h.td ivliofo favou- r ArfriH di- ''Vi t'ewliile.nr.d '.^ lo this Rcfo- ■i ■ihips v.c had ''^> .U'li'd to the I'.c Laairigof l;e two Shiis '^^.p i 1 "...'.-, inba'd TwSi. '^}- yMenjbut'"^'""*''^ 'i whar by the 4 Thtr.r'/.'l tonlider.iblc -ijrcfent. ■"y rcd'.'c'd to n the Fourth. ha: very ac-T^.,,-,,. M f.!".V)» lr..ldcf>r Fr. jt. •* ctt of Guzc-';''™ " '■ ■;« yapc, to oiir'"''''^ ' had filio' a- 11 all Matters aliiioll being ; and Shews, rg's CircHin- f ihe Spccta- ti-.e r rj ij 1 th- tell), is"-'"' "• V en be "^irc '' , ^..j ,, ; , lit State, tiie siu«- • ; the other '''•'""■■ en, arc pl.ac'd 1 the number cnrettain the ia)s togcthei. ,■ to make a ul Furnif.'.re, s to that pur- awn up in a J,. ,, ~ g to the Ale-,.; •.- i It when they '^ going lo iiia- 1 a liiigle 1 me, * •I'lkesarcto- tlie M.inagc- '; e tins Solcin- 'i, t both (.i I'.k 1 : oi a fort of -v lant a Nolle '.J 15cttuin tf a i urs, bi't their .1 I'jitvffci the <^ At> 3 N.itureweic very hardly tobe dilHngullli'd in th.i: Ap- pearance, -r I I The next w.is a crew rf Dancers, Vaulters, Tumbler-', and Plaver'; ; at the Hee's of which advanc'd an Army of Women', dilpos'd and led mi by fevcral grave motherly oldSouldiers, whole bulinefs wa- to order the March, and fee that every one kept their aiTigned Places. Thel'e Women had their H.iiids all full of Prefents, but ftch as were of an inferiour Ucgree ; for after them came all the Rich aiid Noble Offerings made by the Courtiers, .and all the Lords .tnd conlidcral-!e People of the Country ; who always (fuch is the Culfom) prtfeni; the Khtg at the Ce- remony cither cf a Coronation or Circumcilion. The Party th.it brouchr up the Rear, were the Sons of thofe great 'Men. that 'h.ul ma,de the Prefents drclfed and .iner.dcd .-.ftcr the manner of the Cooiitry, to the higlicfl Degree : if Pomp and Kravery. '1 hffe young Nobles all came up to the King s P.agcanr, and made their Reverencesto him, and then carting their PrefcT.f. at is Feet, late down themlelvcs upon Mats fpreaii upon the Grour.d forthat purpofe. After this all the Mufick begins to ftrikc up, which is intcrir.ixed with Icneral Volleys of Shot; and in the mean time thcTumblers and Dancers perform their fevcral pans of Adivity. and titc Martial-mea do all their Excr- cifes before the' KinR. We alfo ( to comply with the Cuftom) made our Prefeits to the King, which tho' t jt fortherirhiicfsandcoftli.iefs, yet at lealV for the prctti- ncfs and linrularity of it, was very grateful to him and the Company, and it was brought .along in thisOider. Firft march'd a couple of Javan Pikes.which were fol- Icvvc. '-^- ic of the comlicrtBoys we cou'd pet dtcrt.in ve- ry richAppuwV-fvrc '.!...-!.. ...ter them was brought upon a rnrriagc a curious Pomegranate-Tree, taken up all en- tire bv the Roots, and placed in a large h.indfomc Frame. \bout the Roots were laid green Turfs of eanh, fo that itiook'd as if it were fVill growing, and all the Branches of it were laden with Fruit, ibme tul'.v Ripe, Ibme Green, and lomcyet in the Bud. Amovft the Boughs fate fevcral little pretty Birds.which we tai faftncd there, and notwithftanding their confinement c lirp'd as merrily asif they had been rambling in the ope. O.r. At the bot- tom there were fevcral Milk wh' Coneys, that fite n-blinp the Grafs and Plants tha grew upon the Turfs, and fome furious Serpents, that look 'd as it going to feizc a Prey; which though not Natural, were yet fo nicely made by the C//nf/c, that any eye might have been de- ceiv'dunlefs upon very good examination. This feenc of our'- inwhich Art and Nature were both conlider'd.and Beafts,which were bmught in th Bcafl which they call ^iMmchnn. bigger than aLicin,aiHl every wlui Toud and ltatcly;it has a noble Skin, full of Red and •> hitc fpots, intermixed ■■" with long black .Strakts. winch n.n cJown from the Back cjuite under the Bell\. It is extidnly fierce and rave- ,,.„ iKuis, and a very ''■ and will (wliicli I iia\cl-'ecn antye-witnef'i to) leap mors than 1 8 Foot .tt cneiirple li.'tp alter a Prey. They are very cften lum-.ed by the King atui Coirrt ; but conlidcr- inp how ealie 'tis for a Crcaiiire that Junps at that rate, to leap 1 pon a Man's I ack in the m d>lle of his Sport, it lliouiu appear to be one of the nioft dangerous Games in thcWorki : and ir lecir.s they do very of"tcn make a Krcakfall vpon the [as aiis, vvlun thcy catchth^in ttragluig our in the Woou«. For works r.f Ait ptcrtnted at tliis lime, there was a Giant cf jc Foot hieli, and a horr.ble Devilof much the I'ameliz.". _ * But the mciV enrerraining Page ant of all, was that of ii" J"'''''* a Ciarden, adorned with a!l Ions of Plants and Flowers ; in the middle of wiiicli was a lovely PotiH, where various Icirus of Filhcs were to be feen pla\ ing about ; and belides this, all the kinds of Filh both great and Imall which arc known in tliolij Countries were brought in, either in Life, or the pit per arritit ial Rt pref.ntations. .Afcr all thefe-Siiows were over. His Majefty was carri- ed ( upon a Frid.iy, which is their Sabbath ) in his own Pageant to ChiTcli, and thcrj Circumcized according to tli'-'irway. And now 'twas time for Sport and Diverlion to give way to Trade a^d Btifinefs which on th; fe Occa- li^nshad been long ncglechd ) to be reviv'd again. In order to which (very happily) our Admiral came in- to the Road Ju > tiie i4th from his Mcl:nc.i V'ovagc, hiv- ing gotten a pood quantity of Cloves towards a lading, we n it much doubting in a little tiir.e to f,rnillih:m with the reft. And we had gone on in 'he Courle of Trade ro much better purpnfe than we afciwards did, if loiiic unhappy Differences with the l):itc! had nntgiven. us a Difturbance. Many times before, i]uavrels had rifen between us, butthings never came to that lixtreniity that they did now, and in which porture they laftcd good paa of the time of our ftav at B-ntAtn. They cannot them- felves charge us as being the Aggrcllburs, fincc 'twas manifeft to the whole City that they themfelvcs were fo, t ^ The fifft thing that gave occafion to our after rough ^^'11 '*/''* handhngof :hem, w.as th» abufe of fomc of our Men, " who came home bleeding to w, and by their Wounds gave h.fficient Proof of the Violence the Dutch had ufed towards tliein. I'pon this our Genera! ordered a fmall Party to Arm themlelvcs, and go out into the Street to give thole rude Fellows a little Coriedtion, which was fo efl'eCf ually p,,rtoiiiied bv us, that tiie Streets were quickly cle.ar'd of them, and they were oblig'd to retire to their own Houfe. The Dk-.-A Merchants came C'l enquire into the Reifon ot this Proceeding on our p.irt, but ur- derrtandinp, that thcT own Men were the AlTailants, they fccni'd to be calir, and we parted very good Friends. But when this News came to Court they 8'-'"'"''° *"• hsd lb little Til. y there, that when fume about the King ''^""' told that foir.e of the Dut^i^ Men were killed, Anfwer was made again. It had been no matter if they had all gone the lame way. Yet all this palTed otf, and the Frleii Jihip and gord Corre'.pondencc between us was as great as cou'd be iiciired. The n..tch Merchants in\itcd our whole Company to a Dinner, and ro People cou'd undcrlVand cne another better than we did. 1 he Qi:ar- rels alwa'iS begun am.ngft the rafcally underlin'r People of Ixjth fides ; the better fort had more Scnce and i i' to the beautifying of which, thcy contributed their fevcral Prudence than to fall our, becaufe their drunken Sailors Shares, prov'd as Entertaining as any part of the lliow ; and I don't know but we came off as well as the Ix-ft 1 ords in 7.^!'.^. In Ihort the King accented it, he was pleas'd with k. and tho' other things of lome value wcMit along with it (as pieces of rich Cloth and Stuff, and Ca- fes ofPiiU'ls yet this beft futed his puerilcFancy andTcm- per; and "tis no matter for his being but a Child, for he w-asa King, ind that wasenough to give our Performance a Reputation. ,f The King of '^■K.-.rin a Tribuiary to h'm of Bvit.im, came ihonly alter to do Homage tD his '^.ivereipn, and to make his Prefents too upon the iVinc occalion. This Ce- remony was performed with a prejt deal of State and Magni'ticence on the part Kith or the King that received, and the Kuig tli.ar did Homage. The Shows prefeiited, were very ai'.reeable and iine, the Guards and Attendance numerous, the Prefents coftiy and valuable ; but iome things there were w hich being extraordinary" tO us, de- fcrve a more p.aniculir Mention. Bcfidcs many ftrange forts of Fowls, and as many of went together by the Ears. Scpt:mbcr ud our General fem to Compliment the Diiich Admiral lately arn\cd at tips place from the Illcsof B.tm/.i, and this very Day on which the CiviUties were at the higliert, thcSqt_.abl'!e< and Feukis were unhappily fo too. Themifchicf was begun by a drunken D«fe/j AntwQuir; Man, whom, if his Liquor had laid up f.ilt aflcep in "■' "»"^r!<-'erd'i and Fapj'ot- Rxlis flew about tlie Streets likewilii. 'Iliis lior \Vork iriitiniieil as lonj; as the other party thciij^ht fir to Hay by ir, Init thty iliil not nM\ to tlie Rack hoiife now, but to tiieirovM I Ini.fe, wliich was in no [Xin};er ( t' beinj; broke open. 'I he irinli cn'i is, tlij ConUilicn anil Noii'j was i',reat,ai',tl fonie IVf o,! ilieil ol loth (Lie-^.tho' \h^r thai was, eanie n oftlv iVoni broken Pates, there bcini; no bliarts piere'il, or ('i^liescl.-.ni'cr -.ily uMnrleii in tins rneoiin'cr. ■| ho' lis cerLA^n t'lcy .ibto'iuelv co'icl'.uleil up n the Ruin ft iisall, an>l oiu' ot ihcir Kiiitio'is Ship-inailcrs went al'out tVom Sh'p to Ship, to rail'e Company and pr.noke thcni to i.ind their whole f ree iij'on us. .■^nd they had at tli.tt time leveii Hem >hip in the Road, and we but two, I'othat the ,? ::v;), th upjr ns next kin to Ma^l-nie;' lo pretend lo Hand vponthele Terms with ;hc /i./.\''i that had fo t'o:nid.ib'e a Power at iha" time at li ,••(.' "»■. A.ul ill • Bnilnefs was carred I'l tar an:oni;ll them in th' Iv' ret, ili.At Orders were .iCt ally (tiven to kill all tl'.e /:• ;'',■/.'.■ tiiey eorld liidit ol' eiilier .i-.SIiip-board or ail,oar ; which iiotwithlbindin;.! wo'i'd not have been loea'ily put in Hxec'ti-n, litue wehac' a eonlider.-dile Force ot Men, at lealt V.v li as woa'd b'l.nlit hitdy, and 'aic Kxperi iiees h.id tancl-i us th.i! oer. bneniies were nor Inviniible. Hu^ we are eirtain {vihether ilie\'li .leknowleilce i' or no tliat the- were rrearly beholdinj; to us tor letiini; tjiem lom? oif at fo iheap a rate as tliey ibd in the lall Battle, tor 'iw.isni.mitelH; in o.:r Power to have i\v. d'X a };rear number of them, and th,- IVood of all ilie /••'::,'■')•'' waslo throu'.'.'ilv iVirred at tint time, that if_ onr Cleiur.il had given I uc die lead W( nl to that piupole, it Iiad infal'ibly been dor.c. At the latter o id of the bulinef', the Unt.l' Admiral came with all his Company towards our Honfe, and was jiiet by ours in like manner .tttended. When the matter was fairly Hated and opined to him, he was (o tar trom raking the part of his own Men, that he highly com- mended what ours had done: And whereas fome of Ins Unieers objeilled, That we eouiplaind, but their tide bore .•'II the Blows, as mipht appear b) their broken Heads .and ShoMlders: He replied, Ihat ihey were rightly Icrv'd, and tor the liiturc llould be made to prailtifc bet- ter breeding. 'I his worthy Commander and orr /ri. ;;/,'/?,' Cencral li.tJ /),i., , ; all this while ,i perfet!! good undgrltanding of one anotluT, '■"<■•' i ' and lo likewile all ihe th.t.r and /■',-;////.• Merchants and ^'™"" Otticers 111' (,k Hands a' d parted in .I'very friendly man- ner. And atierwards by mutual KalUngs and bntcrtain- nients, we cndeavoiir'd on both fides to paiwade each oilier as niuch .as was poiiible, tli.u we were heartily rc- concil'd. Several Fires happen'd in the Town befoie wc cou'd m .k ■•«. get .away. One oi' them ainioll deltroyed the Diit J' "■""'<■ lloule, the I'lanit coming upon it wiili tl'.e Adv antagc of iliL- Wind ; and ours tho' out of iIul Danger, yet was not nrel'erved without a pro ligious deal of 1 abnir and Trou- I'le. Twicctlic7.::.o,'i ; tiiofe everiaftiiig Incendiaries ^ brought us into the extremity of Danger, ami as ot'teii did we by the Blellinp of Fleaven, an i the unwearied care of our Men. eliape li . Mifery tliey deligned tor lis. Tli>!e pople are a-. troi,.,;v,;)inc while they live, as i!'.,y are bold, obdurate and dar:ng whciuhey arcto Uie. 'I li, y cmint it the gre.iielt Glory to receive the faial Siroke w idiom any marks i f l-'car or inw.-.rd Rcluclaiicy : And e. rMiiilv 'hey do iti this as I'aras tispoMil ' .. I r. i> , ..I . - t ' 1 .■ Lib. II |chap.XI. , , - forb'k'lliaiid r.',rrr!!.im!, wliicli we did with no j^^, p,, Utile fati'.t.iCf ion, conlidering what a pl.acc of Horrtmr tlU^. and Confulion FtiHir.m had been lo us aluiolt all the timi; of our being there. c M A I' XI. 'Ibe Second Vo}a;^c I'd forth by the Coinpany, mth fmr Ships ^the Red V:V2i^on/JihHiralthe Hcclor f^ice-Mmral^the Afcenfion W t':c t-iiiir^, wider the Commmd o!^ Sir Henry MiJdleton, Admh\ii T.ilicn out of Mr. Chybimin's large foimiaL ' t ft i;.' if ,1 i f i S;ck Kcnr i* .*, WITH ih.s good blect every wav oiuipp'd for' fucli a Voyage,' we fet Sad f.'om C, .-.vjnJ, Mv.U i',th ■. 1\ \C'\. and thel'ame Day of ihe fucceeding Mmith, we came up \k with tl'.e Ifle of Mi.i, .and went .ilhoar there. 'J he Na- tives were ririide to us as to make .away wnhone ot ourMerihauts, whom tb.ough we lought with a good Force wy and down tl'.ellland, yet we could not recover him. He fome how aceiu.iitady f.'U into tlieir Hands, and they haviiu; him fai't, betook ihemlelves to their le- crtt lurking places, where 'tis Impolliblc tor any Str.angers to find them our. Thisllle a ,d if. i/,ii .'/'i buir S.W.by S. about I ^ 1 eagucs dinanre. 'I he N. & N. N. W part ol A/.!/'> isall verv bad and ..ui Oround, and 'lis dangerous iRi TUcn Nor irom t'.ie di lu . , ..'i'.gc of Rocks t'rom the l.ands, .11 d a -Mile wiihoiit them you a:icmptii\ Har.-moc!, ; there's a great ibiiic five or f'X Miles oi', - have le, Fadiom Water. On the Welt tide ot the Ilie, V'.u may borrow n nori'; Fatlioiii, uU you come into the Road, whrre yor m.-.ych'ife vour dci'th. Ha.ini',pr,f.'dilie l.im, v.e came to Anchor in tlie Ray of f".',/.'N'V, 'V/.'ytliei7;h, v,.- brought hither a gr.at ma- ny fick feeble Men, but carred them all away again fir ndand lerfeCti. reccvered. The benign .^ir ot tne place, w'.-ii tlie good f. tre(V.mcnc it aflords, jjcnerallv Jirc'.c's .1 Ci'ie for moil of oi,r Marine Uifeales. .V../..'r vveierlifK s W e made a IVay of livi- Weeks here, upon the Account ot wh :li long rellmg time, t'wjs the latter end of Di- ,r,„hr i.,-i:\w g,ot to Biu-.tw. Here we found a Dutch'""'"* HceiintheRoad, which atour Arrival made us the Civil *""'"' Compiemcnt ot their (hins as we did the like to them • .and nothing pals d either between tiie Adiivra's or Seal men on both fides but wlut was very .rr.eiullv .iml gooti natur'd. Our Admiral went allioar to d.'li.er Mis jMa- leltiesl.cm'r, and Prefeni to the King of t'.;::.,„:, wnichKnp'l'' w.as reeeiv'd with a great deal of Cereitiony. t/ur Meet^'"''' '" parted Company at this place, the liaior and left here to l.ade Pepper, while the /).'!'»« m\<.\ ^^f:c»,\ let oil upon other Voyages ; the Adiiiiraf in the O ■.■'f,, toihe ,N.'o,«,.,rs, .-ndthe ,,y:r<,/;,,. lothe lilesof l].u,dr.. ' We that made the lanerof llieie Voyai^'s, Arrived at theliiisof HniJ:-, i\:,,u,y tiic lilt, aiui made a (fay there ot 21 Weeks. '1 he bullnefs done w.as nctconlider- abie but wehaveihcle few Obfervations 10 make relating !o(;eography and S.iiling. The 1 at. of ihcfe lilands li .dvjut 4 Degr.4.,Min.S.ilieeliief Town of all is A'e.AFroni ihe S.juth I'art of .Ui.b .■>!,: hither, ilie Coiuie is li. 'i.y S. to ilie South liile JO Leagues, and ilie going m is t.i tlie Will lide. l here's a high llill in Prol'peiit which is ado a \ol.ano, and coiuinually l.elUie, (,',it .Sii.oak nnj Fl.ame : 'I lii^is a very good Alaik, and toSail r ght, this burning MountaMi mult be left on die l.ar-boaid lide and th'.' other greai lllinl on the S-.ar-buard. Iho Ei.traiuj Naulicj Ob- tcivdooni J. /h '/r> itiJ Til; Wiiiili. 0( S.r Hicrj hlt.m-^t't- rnUh l.l'l t.^hi ir f Wiis br. lW(f1lT«rnJ' tt ind Tjdirt. te'i ItK A'trg atv! the I'-uh Mtr- ifijitc isftraic am within ha ftanding w till you eon trary, Exp for at that ( Ibcontinui you fhall h: rowelf of depth hold obferves tl 'tis true 'ti the narrow '.tvlf. Th I I agues to Dani;er ne; biiit !ii;i'. n tliey muv b ing in or c .•\boilt tl ard lliiflii /Iprii, arj Months, a then they I t wo Ml n: h till up the F weaihcr, w ciinmonly no other t Courieof t 'Tv^as th bjck into I Admiral w .1, 'id ill,- mo tothispurpt all things ;' wa.s going The I'orrii'ii f led of th to drive the pole. The It in one icf were violen Rulir, an taking. In ahrc,amlp micsthc I'll the Dual: pa the place, a fevcral Aitci ye: at lati was fnrrend tome the I.c w as no Tra Governourc iHifitively re Voyage to i blefome a pi h.adbtcn a '' TfiH.ifi: and tury .and vir potent Aflift King of 'J'f him of Tl. the Srr,inds and befidcs a very ancic nets. Whe Tr.loic, they Ipeeil towat in the foret felf, and k in a mon.il .1 parcel of •hem. 'I'I'A aiicc in th. their Deteni if tluy fell was done tti play'd iipoi llinfe Ln'Ipei got up With in reaJi of muiticnt. 1 ror inio thci our Adinira out of Dar iiuantity ot Hut thele gr wards pfovi Lib. 11 Chap.XI. Admiral Middleton at the Molucca's. 75 (o faf from lij^hly coiii- loine of lu-i lit tlicir liilc rokcii McaiU lore riplitly pradtlfc btt- OcneralliaJflKi./ J > one .inotliiT, ''«'' i •■ .;rch.iiusana^""-" ioiuily man- J I'.ntcrtain- •fwadc caih heartily rc- IC WC COu'dn.ri'Mt, I the DiitJ<'^'>""<- iiivantagc of yet was not ir and Truii- uendiarics ' nd as often -• miwearied ielipned f(.)r they li\e, a> .■y areto Die. fatal .S:r<;ke laiKv ; And fcjrF'lelliand \era'd at the do the l'.\e) ul j'avtieiilar ill Men and eeiition per- lil'leihat had K' Mcrehai'ts ilieKinp and did with no jjii p,, • ol Horrtmr t«^.j-u. I all the time >e Red on and cton, /. the Account ;nd of De. iiid a Duich t"'"' ' US the Civil tc to thorn ; laN or Sea- anil good >'r llis Ma- ::.im, wniehK"?''^" Onrl-lecff ::v: TS; tt inJi. ihe /J ::;>;, of 1'. u .i'.. rrivcd at ia>!o a Hay K.toonlider- ako relatiiij; fe lllandb \i IS iNV'i.'.From v.. l,y S. IV t) the ivliioh is alii) .Sir.oak and il r cht, this ard lido, and I'.e I'.i.irapwo \s Naunril ob-isftrait and narrow, andnottoliedifcovet dtillyou come icrv*n«Bi '-within half a Mile of it. There's no Dancer at all in ^M«J.'''i'ft.indingwith the Iile that has the Volcano upon it, even '"" ' till yovi con^e within twoCaliles length ; but on the cnn- trar)', Experience proves it to be the belt ■A'ay lo to do, for at that diftanco von lliall have i > Fathom water, and fo lontir.uing to iland along Hid about a Cables length, von O.all have eight, Kveii, fixKithnn-, f^lie verv nar- ruweltof all, where twill be tivrFathon., and that laH depth holds till vovi eomr into ilie \er> Road. If a Ship obferves this Method, (lie may go in without Danger; •ti< true 'tis fomcthinp ll.allow on the Siar-I oar.l fde in •.he narrow of th: entrance, bin this will ealily D.Uo\er ;„,, p. .i..J;t ,;■;)•. There are two finall Hies diat lie about three '"■""■■ I ea'Aues to the Weit file of the going in, but there's no Danger near them bi.t wh.ii a Sailor th,-,t ha', his 'V^'its a- b.otluir. may pirceive ai.da'oid well enoi gli i bolides tliev mas be loft un which bland a Man pleal-s, e.ther go- nis; in or eoniini; out. ■;\boiit th.l'e parts we found ihe WiikI very unocrt.-un, d niiuing from the nuddle of ,\f.i..; to the middle of , ar d then they lie between the F.&.S. h. tull four ^1l)nths, and fometinus , asthe IVopio Uivj IneMonths; then thev blow as loni; between the \V. fs: N. W. and then two Mon■.l^.lgaill variable; ar.d ni this m.u.nor >U>thov till npthe Re\o!uticn of the Year. .And farther .v. to the weaiher, wc obfa-ved. 1 hat in the dark Mi oiis 'tis molt ociiinionly vrv rainy and gutty, and alaii D.iy isnekoti'd no other than'an in'terrupiKjn I'f the uuial and Uiled Co\Mfe(if the Weather at that time. 'Iwasthoiiilof AL,giili A. O. I«c5, that wj c.mie back into livirtm Ro.id from the llles of H.uutr. : (..lur .Admiral who h.id \\- ■! at the Moliucu met ii'; here again, andih.) molt ni.iterial Ci,:umftancrsof that Voyage were tothispiirpofc. When they came to Aml>Q'm,u theyfound An Af.vmi .jII jIjj^j,, irmilv^.^i in the'Confullons of a W.ar, which "'Mi,."''.'' was going on between the Ihitch and the I'ortii^ue:^!. v.yjpnothc'llie I'ortu'iutxe at that time were Defendants being pof- *'•••••■•'■'• f. Ved of the Cattle, and the Oh.-o-'. were ctideavonring to drive them out and .mploy a good Force for that pur- pofe. I'hc Defendants had certainly the ditad\ antage ot r»<,i i.ii It in one icfpcdvfry greatly, for nil the Country people i.,<„f_mi.f were violently fet.agamtt thim, and heartily wilh'd their ai'i F.Rh, RniiV, and as muchencouraged the Ihuch in their under taking. Indeed tlu v font for them to come to their .\'XA- ance,andp,-oniis'dif they wou'd expel their invctcratoFne- miosthe i'n^Ht;»f;'t,to rofifn all into their Hands. Inlhort the Dutd gave ihoir.Suir.nK ns to the other party to \ ield up the place,' and they .as oMtinaiely refus'd it ; they m;ulo fevcral .^itempts to win it by ttorm, but were Hill repuls'd ; yet at lali they cair.e to a Con-,pofition, and the Caltle was furrendrod to the UiitJ', by that good Fortune bo- tume the Lords of Amloiii.i. t.'tion this Aceouni there was no Trade to be gotten by the Eiifjijh there, and the Goveriionrof the'Iowii ; by the Command of theOw;,/) pofirively refus'd us. So our Admiral pioccedid in his Voyage to the AWu.ri'j, where Affairs were in .'is trou- blefome a polhire a? they had been in at Amhin.j.^ 1 here h.adbeen a NVar of a long ttanding between the Kings of Tnti.itc and \y.1otr, and itMged atthistime with as much fury and v iolcnce as ever. Each party was back'd with a potent Affiftance from .ibro.id ; the Ow'./j efpous'd the King of 'J'r.i .!.'« Interctt, and the l'i>!if^tic\: ttooil by him of T'.'i'if. A very fuitable Match in every refpciff, ^l^.'",,^';,,,^. the Ser.snds being as hearty Enemies as the Principals; nmaT)<.r/ and U'fidcsthLS new Qiiarrcl h.iving one of theirown of a very ancient Date to let them on with the more eager- nols. When our Ship was got up under the I and of Ty.lorc, they fpied two YcvAtem Gallies coming with great Ipeed towards them, and making ligns to them to Hay , in the foremoft of them was the King of 'lei tuns hiiu- felf, and feveral of his Nobles and Dutch Men hants all in a monal Fear and Contteriiation, upon the account of .1 parcel of i'y.teV.iHCallies th.it were making out after •iK'Mi. 1 l.oy moltcarnettly implor'd the Admirals M\'\[\. .nice in that Fxtrcmicv, and delired him to un;lertake their Defence apainft thul'e Adverfarics, into whole Hands if thtv foil, iIilV mult expotil no Mercy. -And tht)' all was done that coii'd be done of a hidden, r.nd ;Hir Ship play'd upon the T>./i')r Gallies with her Ordnance, yet ilini'e Delporate bellows wou'd not lofo their Prey, but got up With the hindmoft Tcmnie, boardedher even with- in re.iJi of our (iuiis, and put them all to the Sword in a moment. This horrible Execution ttnick a deeper Tcr rc-i ihi * "g ror into them than before ; and novv tliey promis'd that if 4>I r,r^Hi,h Mcr- illuits. our Admiral wou'd but be their Protedtortill they were out of Danger, they wou'd furnilh him with a mighty inantity of Cloves and other Commodities at Tcrr:.tic, Jut thele groat Words came to little, as the event afier- vards proved; and the v.vft Spicy-Moumain in promife. funk down to rhedimenfions of a .Mole-Hill in perfor- mance. And 'twas a good pidage enor.gh of the King of Tcniatf ('who was by thismeans more beholding to is than wc to him) that when he came al oard our Shi]) in that horrid Fright the T>./(/.f Gallies had put him into, he fl'ook and qiiiier'd ar a mo(t violent rate like a Ma.i th.ii waspinch'd with theextreniiry of weather; the Admiral thinking he flio(..k for cod (not in.aginiig all ihe while 'twas his Fear} p'.it a rich Damask Gown over his '■jIiouI- ders to give hiti] .i little Comforr ; and truly 'twas to com- fortable that the King e'en kept it on ( when'twason ' 'or good .aiid ,i!l, and carried away the Gowii without taking any homo of m.iki.ig the lealt ofler to rellore it. The A(}miial having at ]'refent taken leave of this No- , ble Prince, wejit awav direiHy to '.liellle of J'l./n. ,•. y.^,,^ Here he met wiili aiold hiuertainineni, and little pro- fpii't ihenwas of doing Kiijii.el's that ivas any thing cun- liderable. .At tni. ;\i r,;. i.t.;, I'own.ilieGoveinO'.ir of ilic Fort font liim word that the King of !'•: h.i.v and the Dittih both h.id gr.en ihc I'.n^lJI.' a very Kandalons Cliaraiiter, which for his own part he prorende 1 to believe to lie fallo Rcpw.- ot and r.niutt. And at tlu King's Toiyii he found the DurJ) ""■•■ '"^-'''^ .'Vd.tnnal at his Arrival, uho hulf d and made a node that Well id aiiilted ihe J'nr:;;^.';;^ in their Wars againit the i'.-' '.../I ■•••.■ and them. Tins the .Admiral prov'd by Witnefl'.s f.illiiuiitb crcddile to be a 1 ye, and the other paitv was liDth tonvini'd and alV.am'd of the Slander. But tlu King 01 I;-.(.M/."s Civilitv and Gratitude was ve- ry ureal indeed, if hejoin'd witji the Du'.h m giving that bale CharacKr of the /.'«.;////.' Nation, who had ileforv'd :.j wellol hull. One woa d have expeded itihouldhavc 'oeen a little obliging to have a good warm Gown thrown over him in a cold lliaking lit ; or if not that, yet to be dolucr'dout of the Hands of the '/'>./.Wc«.f, who wou'd half cut Hii iMijellios Head ctf as fare as ever it had a Crown on. But we can't politivelv charge him, tho' there is hardly any thing of a lincerc friendlhip to be ex- pected from thefj little lt\!i.:ri Princes as far as their In- terelt will lot iheiii go ; thev n:ay practice fonie little Mar- tors of il, but they are entirely govcrn'd by that, and they'll ihikc in with cv.ry Wind and Tide that Krves their turn. However whether he rcallv w.isor no,thc DiiiJ' thought DKi,i,thtv. him ro lie pretty iMich onclin'd ious,andther?forethroari;od o,'V!rnjri','^a' at a bar".\arous .-ate, how they wou'd del n his Intoreft, heTrjJa' and join with the King of'Tu:'or, if eier tlu'V found ^■"'"'"' ■ im, dilpi.s'd to gram v.! a Tr.ade or Faitory in his''"' Country. And to dilVwade him by all the proper Mo- tives they could think on; they told him a parcel of wreichedStorii'. of tho'J._i;,./'.Xaii(;n and at the lame time magn.:!i'-rl ihc (ireatncfs and Power of their own King a', they call him .dove al' 'he .-.it of ihc Princes of Cnriltondom put together. This was nlwavv iheir way to make People abroad 1 tlieve they had a King in !l.\- .'.!);..' and ''to great.-n the Idea of it) rerrefent iheir Go- vernment as a Monarehe. There's no ro'erable Rcalbn to bo giu'ti tor tlii'i, and it mult be a:I;nowledged to be .i iownrightTrii k. 'I'ls a pi..'ce of \'anity to f.iy that they had no othtr lei ms li) proper .'.s iliat of King to exprels their meaning b> to the Jv. :'..:■.'; where they came, or that they roiul not fo well undorlland any other Account of their Gov eminent. The / .'./i>);/ know the difference be- tween a Monarchy and a Commonwealth as well asthoy do, and wou'd h.ave underltood it if they had told them which ihcirs was. Was not then; the Example (if there h.id been no oilier) of the llles of R^(../i before tlieir Eyes, which wore ,is abfoliitely Commonwealths as '.helJiiiteJ Provinces? Why coii'd not they ha' e told them plainly, without .iny thing of Fraud that their (lovei-nmont was Uu hasthatof thofe Il'ands .^ And then 'tis manifelt be- yond all Exceptioii, that the /"i//.!;.'i have words enough to exprcis any di'ference of (jovcrnnients or Gover.".aurs by. 1 heir I anguage is not lobarren, and if there be but lioneft People to fpcak it, there need be no complaints for want of more Scope or Variety, tlor no pretences of not being nnderltood. Amongit the AUhoirift.ins beginning with the fupreme Title .S'/'--, there follows Su'.tnn, Mir:(e, lmmi'-:^c, Chr.ii^ aii.l feveral oihers ; and amorgft the Gentilesor Ri^.n;.', there's the ^.-r/.i.' ; the Vf.ti^nni. he- S.il'.inJitn, the Of ii«;rt;ii.f, and other Terms, enough to give a juft Idea of the Degrees of any pcrlbns Power and .Authority in the Government one fpcaksof. And tlu; Jn- i/)'.im knowing allthefe Differences pcrfevftly well in rhc feveral Frames of their own Conttitutions, wou'd ealily and naturally have underftood the Proportions of them in . Mb. 'tiij Other Foreign Governments, if they had given them linccre and ingenuous Information. But the Dutch as much as they are very fond of liavins one abroad Tho .S'oble 'S'.!'« GeiM- rdl wouM bite a King at home ""< ''''"* ••■ L 2 *nii ro; only lo *, but bcir iheni o'.x in fuch (hey rnfticu !• ,1 !IS :i i 'i 1:1 .1 II *i i J it' 7^ Letters from //^Indian Kin gs to th e K. o/England , (jrc. Lib. IJ, ^f^j^ xil. they jTclimic to exalt him to .1 \M\ hcipjii abiAc all In r.ihlo puny things, in conip.inii ri ici him. Yet howoMr, to ihiw that iiotwithdantliiip all tlu-ir cnJoavours to Icllbi thi' Ri-piuation of ihc i:>i»l:p Nation alinuil, the Princes ot ihole pans iliil not think our Kiiij'. anil Country fo very eontemrtil>le, tliel'e fullouin); I ettcrsto His Majelty from the Kiti;.;^ of '\:.)i.irc .mil iJ ^r, (whieli our .AUmiral lMun(;'u with hiuij ma;. W eoiiliilerM. Tlv.' King of TcrnMc's I.cttiT to the King. H' rirM: ot Sir trtnt. I rjif ff tl'c «rc/\t C.'tftn'm Sir hraneis Drake, In tlr tim. or' 1 T-itll'f , vehlj' n'.M /il'oiit Jour Iriiti T.tri ffjl : II* th whiih Ciptiriii im P^cU'crj]' r ,ti.l Jtii.t f H^'i'i, iii'to the Qjct-n (7Fn(;Iaiui, .'< i I'-'k'" ot rriii,'>ii,'ir,iac b rvecii ii< ■ lf'j\i-' if /.'v c/f'f.-/,(/./Ui'akc /'/I./ iif'/ //;i't!f, /r ,f>u/J I r.:-: hifjrm.d >ii.'ii- Mjjcjiy of tl-e gy.'nl I oi.- r.ii I /•' ici .Ijh'.f tf eiiirr /.',/,• ; //• ill liv I'.-'f.Y of ih' Q^f--", my tfli !r for liiiii itii.l hii Siii- 1" ij'oii ; jiucc it'i/i/i timr of rl'c iUynitwe if tiic fci.fnij Ci.- fti'.lii, !».• /v.w .l.tiy r.\p-ile.l In retiiiti, im t'.ul-cr tiviii^^ mr.iit T.,11 '-fff, r.ihl J.ui) rxi'tiiiiig hiuluiii, jliut I ut- tc 'th D.'c.th ef wiv ;•'■•//■.•. , I'l^vc :ii.:l in ll;' /.mi ■ li /:; till I IV.;, Vi-.tix-r I'f eiei<-ii Clfl.Ufii: In .vlU'iinic I iiw ie.n ii- <:i»i fK.Vr,/ J'i„-nit I, thtt tlv Hni;lilli-imMi iv.-. c AT;/ of .i b.i.l D'/f^/i'i.i , V'""'*^' ■'' ,:;;,/ iIy.i thy :■>«-• «'.' .« /■•••"■ .'A' A/.vi/.i' n, but to [HIjk]. 'un'"'^" j\fi "'■ '/ <<'>■ Kii^.-i""' ; '"''''" '» 'I'' ' ""'v! "f '•' R-'-'Ci i'i:-'f, IV.' h.v: foiiii.l to tl" ,imtii:,y ; iv/Vi /■ *.• _;'.-.i'/t i, . io'cc ,it. .In.l MtC' t'liin I'-ms of //n r,\ftdi)tiiii if joni: Liijjlilh For.ri, by the P'Otn':(- ot'Ci^piiin Drake, lrrr.t,i '- ■^■■.Ucrr.tin Sii/ •, rthicl) ir: W.-/I I op.;l h.i.l h.en J-!nf;lilli.n;eii, b:il liii.liii:; tlvm ,oiiti.t,y. Ami b.inn om if f./l I .j, i.j Sii.uii cf t!-r I'.nglilh Xiti'on, m.- iv.-ic ciifoudt tn ivu'if to tie I'liiue cA'lIolUnit, tn.:r.'.v- .ti.li-.ni Hircoii,- iv^^iiijl o-ir u/nient I.- >i:iiii.i .'/v Portupals ; y iir Mijejiy I'n/I' pl.t to me ,i niojl hin.i mui f'ric'iAiy Letter, /vroi^r 5i'y,j)/; C.//i//;/» Henry Miililleton ; tl-.it Jot!' not ii little reioi:.- us : .lii.l -.rhne.:! (' ipi.iiii Heni'y MidJIctOli IV." ■Irjloiii to lee.v! ,t I'neio y hert, we were xay iv/i/;;.'_:j thereunto ; whieh ll'e Ce.ftiiin of' //■.• Hollarukrs iii:- ilcrjt^.nig, he .:i:iiie to cbf.lhnge me of ,i tortner I'lomi/e, vthieh I hi-.i written to the Prince tf Hoi lami, f'A^f if he K.ulii A Fr ci-,l« J'en.ime jueh Hiieeoiirj m jivulj expri the I'ortnglls out of ti'eje ' '""'"' /><"■", tbnt no other S/itiinjhiil,! hrve I'r.iiie there, but only thy: So t!;-t tte were e'ifi.r^\t r.p/.injl our I'kjn^.', to yieit unto ti'c Hollaiul Ci-jtuins /(.'.;.■(-// tor thu tim-, wi.'ercof w: er.iM Pnr.iiii of yo:ir ll'^l-inji; nn.l if nh'' of your Sf.tim c m: here.^'ter, they jhrll : ,- ir, Loin: .hut wirre.u tie chief Crptninrftl^e Hollanders .icthjillii it III ntt t. hoLl rti.y PrienJ- fhip will' i»;.i Sr.tinr, nor to p^iie P.nr to your Iliglneji Let- te,i, yet for .til their Suit, if yo i pie.ife to feiul hitl'er r.gnin, trujhe.il be welcome : And in 'i- k.en rf vcur p'ieut!/hip wi'i^r we .lefire cf v.'c- Af.i/>/(>, we li::c jcnt >:u .1 /'nir.J Hemen:- brjnce, tl IS.ihr.r rfChvej, ourCoiiut y bcii:^ foot, .indyieljing no belter Coinino.tlty ; which we pr.'y your ll'^l:neji to 4Ccrpi The King of TyJorc's F.ctttT tn the King's Mjjefly of h'ngland. Crillf Ifirin^ of the K'n^of Tydore fo t!-e KJn' o/F.n- r . /If"''; ," '; '•■■' '"'" ,"%''"'J'' ''"■i'-'j>'-"J, n<.,t ;if A:/nf 0/ Holland l:,thf,i.- hiih.r into ihejc Pr.ts, c. Pieet of Shitl toj-inwithomnncient P.ueiny the K^ii.f n;' Ternate, /nd they leinth toi^eil-cr , h.r.e ovcr-iun ml fprile.l p^it of our Co::ntr\ .iml Uetennine.l to Jijhoy bnh V, .ml nir Subiecli. Sew mu!r.jL,n.li„f_ by the Be.ver hereof, r.f.ptnin I lenrv Mid- dletcn, ll-M your llighmfi I, in liici.dlh--' witi the kiim of Spam, ir.- ,1 fire >our Me.jejh tl.it ton woui'.l t.:k,e pity ift't thit we rn.iy not b- d^Ji.oye.t by the KJno of Holland „nH lerriate, to wi:oin we ir.:e offered iw wim'': Bi.t they by tor.e.tble ine.vii, le.l^ to be.er.re in ef cur \;, \d,n. .InJ .ii .^"■■" 'v.'",;;' "fon the l:,„th .ire ord.:i,.ed !y (;,../, t.i fi.c.oii, f.ll them Ihej be w,on«Jnih otprefjcd ; /' / ,xpfe»i unto ^om A/.,-- /i;/;> fir Succour .i7.iinll my lineniic; ; not d ubtine In.t to lirdlour Mr^lh lend h.ihir, I luinbh >ufcr.t tin it niny be C^pt.iii: 1 Iciirv Mid- dltton, or hi! lirothe, with whin I .im ■ra! o.,.:u..inrcd. Codcnin.'yyiir t^i,.',.lon:, liejj •,.;, -iid .ili so^, Ccm/cls. T V D () a e. Now all Biiline, tor a \'oyare I ia%e jt Conn 1 tfcre he i.iiut a\v,iv, a I ei:er was deli < er d lor 1 lis Maielty, (with a I'relent of Bczoa.- Ston.s) cdi T E R N A T E ne.s \v.i> Jifpateh'd, aiul \vc «er^- ro.-.d) ' nie\\a'\K. Km the Ailmnal takw:p |ii> lelt the Cojn ol which is here Uibjoui'd. Tht.' King of }li,ii,,/,, to th..' Kin^ of r>,i^l,itnl. ^/-/7,f, _(.;;,,; b, ,o:„ r lend ti-c ^;•«:. ,/ ll,,„tam. totie V".;:; If I'liplaiid, .Seoilaiid, I'rance. r:>ut Ireland • d't„,nn (.odto fr.jer.e -..ur ller.ith, a,d to es.li ^o.i m.'e ■ ■ ^^'^'J'""". '■' '-■'"" '0 mei,. Ile.itl, I did he.tr th.it ,<,;„ M„jejh w.n come to tie Crow.i of tnghind. which dot,>;^,er.tly,ejoice niy llenrt . Sow England ind Kancani nre both .:, one. 1 hne n'fo received » Prefint from your Mi,ejly j tfe which Iglveyou m.iny Th.iHkiftr / do fend your M.,,eJ}y two He^o.tr Stonei, the one welphin- l-curteen M.iJJc, the ether thee ^ AndJoUod h^ve you in h% ksfping. B A N T A M. Our other two Ships the Hcihr ami SuCr-.n, had eot ,hfir I.admg of Pepper, and were potu- away in fVir™% ; ajiJ S-i""^ we let out to follow them the ciifuine Oiicber i».!'"<- About th.- Cape of r;,,..// /./.<• we found tl.c'/A..;,,, in, lamentahlediltrclsd Condition : .She was driving up and down the Sea at random, her Aten all dead l.ut ten her Coutpanirn thc,W'«. loll f.,r three Months before ' and was never heard ot afterwards. Having lefielirdVome tune in the Bay of V,/,/.,„m. wc all three lit .Sail (or Hi. gUn.1, and came to an Anchor in the Oor/,;. a;^. thj. ^Jl C HAP. XJI. Thetirft Par: of the fir asi/f'M Lwut, 'A'e hdve no Ac- uuni of A-Ruft, ^n Vtm. 1607. Sitrf4 Ltiti 7 be Third Voyage jet forth by the Eafl- India Company, nntb three Ships, ^/;^ Dragon, Hedor, and the Q^nitnt, Upt. Wil- liam Keeling chief Commander. 1 ak^n out of his, and Mr. Finch (Merchant) his four nal. l^Vlie Voyr.gemitdely theCfmkm, comet nfteiw.trdi by it/clf.J 'nr^ |Was ro Sirrr,! I.eona, that we carnc back with ourWcathcr-bcatcn Ships for fome Rcfrclhincm .ifter the fcveral Toils and Croflesof the for- mer pan of our Voyage. Here we found the Comfons we wanted, atid plealant F.xperienc; told us, wc tuok the wifeft Courle in coming hither. 'Ihe King of the Country keeps his Relidcnce in the Negroes, and has feveral other petty Prineei in Sul.jedion to him . one whercol lives ac a Town w.thi,, the Second t„ -r^ff Coun, and another on the other fide the Bav. His Domi- in^V'"" nions Itretch at Icalt torry Leagues up into the 1 and ■ and "" ""^■"' his Tribute IS paid him in Cotton Cloth, tiephaiits Teeth ""' and Gold : Himle.t, with Ibme of his principal Met'* decently clothed in l-ullian Jacket and Brcechcs.and ibn^e liouom of tlic 1 iy i he is a onsnty I'rincc amongft the , with Hits : Bi:t die Coininons nothing bu: llVirirTJ- :lht;i\V;-j. .^Coml'tWii |«»d Rel.gum, Cottc; C'<.; TVl-inJuil They haie a i' Billets laid en Bedltead .-nd H.uiging< of (1 Hou'lhoid-lturt 1-anhen Pots One (lonr.l t'oi for a Qiialliii iheir 1 oblollv, And l.nltlv, '.' to carry the Pi But their M count too ; w of a piece of .Arrows, head of J.i\elins poi Tliev are a iT.are of Spirit cation as they They arc \cr '1 heft with pi molt I'ccple ir part to their i jealous. Their Rclip could not kc e nn whether th potch of Chr they \n\ e Po, n, yet are they ci i loufcs : \\'hi< cnt in the Con the Jefmtes ha and gu en then Almi.thty Bcin ing up ijieir H; of that kind. The Countr km Fruits, an ^^^^^B^^ - 1 I - ~' ' FT ■ [| I ■! I !■--■- '111! - I- -III -- I i^l HV Lib. il .^|:hap^ XII. yi De/cription of Merra Leona, (src. 77 le King's AC'"' "/En- ''.if liie KJnf^ ret of' Shijit, .'rii.itt', t^ni ' fitit of our III- Siihjeili. I Icnry Micl- '' "■ Ki'if, if ri'y if Vi, lollaiul and Bi.t riff hy ill'. /Ill J M t:i J'i.e.eiir r.B •to »(.)() A^.•- l-tiii^ tn.t to M-ir/h lend \qv.u Mul- i:^qii..imc.l, Ccwjds. Dor c. ' t.ik'nj; liis L'l was ilcli- loa.- Sionc^) nam, /•(> /, f '■^ Irtl.ind ; i^li }!>.{ nwm our \UjiJiy ne to vit ill I e CrciP// of ow England ■d It VrfJ'ent .mkj for. t 'tif irf/^/'»;»» If ,»iiM in hn I T A M. iii got their "•II J ; antis\; tf% * Hib Uomi-i''"-.!?' ''•'" ■ ■ii!'l ; and \ latilVcth, ilul Men, Siandlbiiii- u Cotrcn I tiiiiT n.ti. i!;< 4 inolt Vc-|i!f !f in the I r,\cot' W'u and hanging down Icforc, and ' Wood-fields, tliat would be fftecmd iiiiglity Rarities, aiul have a great deal ot Nui ling and Attendance in other Pans of the Wcrld. Oraxige-iVces indeed are not fo very plentifil ; Inn l.iinons, and Palinito'S, are like Oaks timonus* anil I'.lins in iitlier Countries ; and thcrc'i a vtU long '''""""•■'■ \Vome wear it in Turi's and Bunihes, oih'TS cut it away in feioral long Paths and Roails, running this way and ih.it way, quite I rots iheir Heads. .As tor the Women, they have but one Falhion amongit them, and that is to cut it all ileer oil', and keep it Iha'fdclol'eio the Skin : They pull oH' .ill the Hair from their Fve-li>ls, and lile theii '1 ecih 1" Iharp and picked, that I think they couhl go near tocnn- tliier a U( n', and might ililpvte that point with I'oiue ot their fcirr f otcd iJomefliiks. '1 hey teed much I'pon Roots and Fruits, planting about theit Hi;ufei, ("\ k few Farthen Dill.cs for their 1 oblolly. (•<•/«, \ Basket or two to gather Cockles. And Taltlv, .\ Knaplack naile of the Rinds of Treos, to carry the Piovnnt, with Tol acii) and Pipes. But their .Martial FiiiniLUie ought to come into the .Ac- count too ; which is a little ihort Sword hamnier'd out of a piece of Iron by thtmtelves, a Bow and Qiiiver of .Arrows, headed with Iron, and poifoncd, or elfe a Cafe of I.avelins pointed in likcmanner, and liimctimes lioth. 'Thev are a Itrong, big, well-made People, have tome IT.are of Spirit and Courage tto ; and fur (o ride an Fdu- eation as they have, toler.ibly Civil, and Well-c.arriaged, They arc very honelt and jult in their Dealings, punilh 'Theft with pref.ut Death, and are more temperate than >ti aconi'ti.v^i ■v|»inJi in feveral 1 ll.llillT 1 llf .N the Cr.il'- 'I'rtcs ilo, the Fruit liegiii'" to rii'on in .//r,;//, aful hoi,! on upon the Tree till Oilib' . Th.1t uliith ihey imH tlie I'l.uit.in-Trie, fee ins to Ik- an aimnal I'l.it.t, and in my Opinion, i nejit rarhovro lie rei- kiMul anidntflt ilie Heals th.in iheTrii'<. It isiifa tiioile- rate heieht, anil aUmt '.he liigfi Is ' f a M.iri s Tlui;h ; it is not of ailenfe, toni|ai!t, wdoil) Siililtance, Init Items m toniilt of fe\er.il Orders lit I easi s, or Skins, wr.ippid i'!ole upon one annthi r, alii.oli iii the ii anner nt an .\rti- thoke , ir has niithin;; of Uramhis, lut the I eaMs il.noi iiiimcdi.uely o\-\ ct the Iriiiik it fi-lf, tlimiij'.hnnt the \shole length if it, and are f.r the iiioll p.ut two I IN long, and one 111 oad, hav iiij; om loii^; Kdi y.i 'i^', ihrnii^ih the mid.dle if them. Tlii- I'laiir.ins tlienifeUis Ikuij; in Clutters if tm or iwehe tniiither, t.uh aSjan lung, and ahiiolt as ihiik a^a .M.iii's \\'rilk, lniiieuli.it erooked, and Kndini; inward ; ai lirll it lioks \ery preen, and then turns yel!o\v as ii ripens ; and i! you take tluiu then aiui Itrip olT ilic Kinds, you 11 find tlie I'lilp witliin of the fame eolour, and a very plealaiit talte. Heiuath tlielT;iii Ml the lame Stalk, h,itip down a leafy Tiif; lluirp punt- rd, whieh Urms 'o ha\c licen the b'low.r ; biit whether there's any thinp of a Seed or no, 1 am tut ecrtiiii ; they }V.\e this Fruit the Name of Raimana's, v.\A have goOil plenty of tlieni. They are ripe in Sepi'-mler and OdoUr, and will, if they are gathered preen, ripen of thcmfcHcs, f ) as to lie lit for catinj; in abi.u fix Weeks time, as we found by I'.xperittue. (i'i/;'H./?-I'epper, a I'ruittlus Country (lif ivstooimongft the reft, tho' in no great plenty, grows wild in the Woods j the I'lant is a fmall thirg, iilmolt like I'nvett, or Prick- \ gotten the Name of Sen(iti\e : But here is a Tree thai llittvs a Fruit, which deferves to be call'd fo, linceit n-ally is fo without dilpute ; 'tis indeed all the bruit thi T ree can pretend to, tho' not to tx^ iinagin'd the natural rod genuine product of it. I'lu? Tree is limiethinp like a \Vil!ow in make and (izc, but the Leaf \ cry broad, and almolf asthick as Leather, bearing I'niall Knops like thole of tile Cyprefs. 'I he Boi'ghs of this hang down a good way into the Water ; tor they Hand nil about the Bays, and ire cjuiie overtlown, as it were, by the Tide; and thus together with the Mud and Slime that fticks to them, the young Oyilersbred thereabouts faften on to them too, and that in inch ^ aft numbers, that one can hardly fee any thing almolt but long Ropes of Oyftcrs. Having t.ikeii a View of the Vegetable Produtilions of I'lid' ^^^^ Country, we may now kxik upon the .Animals, be- 'pmning with the Fi(h ; ("incc the Oylter-Trecs, in which Plant and Filh arc united, make thatTvan(ition juft and natural : Here then wc find Mullets, Rayv, Ihornbacks, Of iht rtr.c, s. ■| heir Fowl, .ire Pehc.in, wl-.ite ind .is lari;e as Sw.in- with a niiKht) long Bill ; Heaiiis. Curlew,, Hoobio. ()%. e>es, with te\eral other Ions, whole Names we kr.ov not. t^nly their gr.y Parrots are not M tie toirntteu, ;,> a!(a their '.«;■»/.■. -Muis, aMrj bciut ml Fowl, ottliebii'. nel>ot a Pheal.iiu, .;nd parts-, oloiiiii. A-. t.ir Bealts, the Mountains uv full of Lions, JSgii', and Oiiiic.s ; .iiid the Woods of .Monkeys, Icapinir about to 111 1 1 c lo I lee. And there ll ould be I'l r. upiiicstoi. by ill. Ciuil|s(,f them, which the .\cgroes Ih. w, tho' wv l.iw 111 r;e. 1 liph.iiif. are tcane here ',d out the Bass, bur up in the Couim V they are plentiful enough. I he N.itnes told us alfoof a ftringe Beaft, which tlie'^ »'. lueipr.ter rerdred a Carbuncle.verv often teen by them """ ' but only m the Night-.Seal'm. 'Ihis Creature, they fa\ ' h.is a Stone of an iniredible 1 uthe in his Forehe.Vd, io' bright, that he is not onlv therein- rendred vihble in the il.irkell Nigiu, but (ees alio by the help of that Naiur.il li'iili, toniuiout ,ird manage his Pi-o\eiider. Iris .m- r\ lliv, jeaoi's, .inj limorois fort of Creaiiiiv, and tur- nill.ed bv Nature with lo good F.-rs. that it takes the A- l.irm ot the (iiullilt N,.ii'c, beintr :ilwa\> in .i liftning at- tenti;e polluiv. Ithasakmd of a .\tufiulai Fih,., ,, ■Skill, that plays torrh and back over i!i.u luei.l S;„ne u, thai tis managed juft of all the Word like a I'.uidle in i Daik-Ianthorii, open or lliut, as the Creature pl.Mt'es , .and ihisisthewayof it wli.u ir hiarsany .Noife, imme. diaiely the Filmor . clappM o\ er the .Scone, and thel iriu', loft, audio the Animal |TCl'cr\el its Libcitv, In blen'.c-. ingitsPurliicr, and le.iMng l,im iiiihed.nrk. Ihis .Acioent the Nigrces gi\e, with .i!l imagin.iWe ailuraiice : .And i( there be (ueh a 1 ummous .Stone as this fis certain, that lime 'tis impodible it llioiild lliiiie bv anv RedeCtioii ot an external l.'glir, that it melt U' fioin the lexiure, Difpotition, and Inteftinc Mi tionof thcPartsof that .Stone, or fomc niorcac'b\. tierv Corputcles tranf- mitted into it from the Body of the .Animal, .-.na redding m its Pores, which upon the turning alidc of the Film, dif- ciMcrs Inch a Phitnomenon as the Pliolphorus ("or iioUvhn Stsne), expos d to the open Air. The principal Commodity of the Country, th.it^an niiv Tl,.- X: way lervc to invite a 'Ir.uie. a,v (;(ild and I'leohnnis'-- ' ' • lectli, which the I'-,. •.,;,•. 7.7.- U-uc made lomeiimes ve- ry adeantapeous Baiter tor; biim;:ng „nlv iiieer 'lov^ and Triries, as lU-.i.is, IWU, Knnes, (ihilles, Copivr' arid Iron Veflels, .••_ . But in tins p.irtot the Couiitn', a- binu the,Sea-Ciia(ti, the) will not part with their {Toiii nr thele rates, tho' they do up in the Fieart of it, where tlv People- live more out of the v, ay of Converle .ind Traffiek and Icfs underjt.ind the Value of their own Con1modit-es •' here they will barter Vichials for yourTovs; but 1 I'lv nopiolpect ot procuring any thmp cite, that's serv much to advantage. The Point, orCape. of ,V •>,.•<: /.;>;«,- it Klf, lies lomc-S.-.- .1;...,. thing low and deprcd'ed ; but the land o- er it rifes ex-*"'"-'-' treamly high, and may Ik' teen in a cle.ir \^.\\■ 14 ,,r ,', ^"''•'!- 1 e«gues oft". '1 o the Weftward of the Cape, (lands the ereat Kock i.ml,. which makes a Figure remarkable enough ; \oii have ni)-'""'-''-' Icfs than lixteen, Hfiien, rni, or nine Fathom W.-iter V'u'' North and South with the Roek, .at a Mile and half di-'V.i.i " ftaiice ; and within li.ilf a Mile \ou have feven Faihoiii vory good Shoaling between your Ship and the Rock ; palling the Roek there s twenty Fathom, and Mioalinc to eighteen, lixteen, twe'vc, and ten F".ulinm, all the wav into the Roads boi-der-ng very near the Soiuh Sluve, for there's a eorliderable Sand tli.ii Kes about iwoi\Mc,;t'i-om " '^^ - the Northern Shore, where the Sea breaks. 'WV tbund sh;,- very convenient Ruling m ten Fatliom Waijr, and good Ground, the Point of S/f-M I c^<::, bearing W. by N the N. point of the Bay bcrir.-.' N. W. and the afordaid Breach, or Sand, N. N. Iv. • 'Tis fo be obf. rv'd ah'o .-, •, I hat coming in we wi re N. & S. with the Roi k it iuie " with the S. Point, and wuh i'i-n r:nl N. by W'.' and S. by F, which /,7',i J.' ,,/ (by the way) is a very round Spot' and a particular Mark tor al| that are bound thither froin the Southward. 'Tis remarkable, that all the Obfcrvations of thu Vari-oUr-"- ■ ation, lince our coming from 1 U. gr. North Lat. to Si\-n/i ="' '^-^''" l.icnn, proved very erroneous , and we found, in order to tet this maner to rights, that thirty League, mult be added to each i)iltance, v l,;n .vehavc re'feicnce to any'^MendJan Falkriy of that Diftance. and lb many fiib- truCkJ ir-.'m it, whs > wc refer to a Wcl^eriy Mei-id-an txp.l '.xporience ti md this a \ ».i"i'i!- -.Ifi. ,inil tins a \ too much (In tin; moll skill Th.- W.ue nient, tho' ili too, is the I'l ^ieiii l.C'iif, near to the Mill d ai the I W hen yi 11 F. ' Smitlierlj F. ■ l-alterlv, r'-.illin ihat'U ting N. i'. by (Jbl'ervaiu n !J Uerr. ^6i\ tlOIll It. .II.ll 7i 'I he V.ir.aii', "j I Uegr. 51 M ^ the Iky of s't .Si.;!;.i./i/r/and from one aiioi Point of the '< tween the llli .ind .ai-out ha i-, a eonhderab .1 .Mi!e dillarie gotlen, which Ba\. NV'erif.-ell.ei e,l for St. ./.-,: oblirv ation w the Coii.|'utai to have be. n 11 nil re to the So this vvasevi.lii into there.il-i.u depend upi.ii tl All, without I Allow aiicis to iniolei..!'ie F.rr why the Ciirr. we m.ade iliis with a ver) (n inj; to open tlu ot ii , as is bel llippofe, that , of the Gut, lo I bly diminilV.ed In -South I 15 Degr. 30 ^ nicely made Obfervation w otherwil'e the) efpeeiallv the may repofe a 1 'Jhe lide I from i-.n, twi the Bay, but Bay, you ha come a great \ Fathom, tin ' upon the Soui in proportion, h) the River.* 'Ihe'lide and rifes to called Cape and not a Ca that bears om Breaches on b W. from the pru! Ji.ilofcerncd. luiiigi 1 ;:.. the Stream 1 ( 1! mlyH'-'l.'n I Veiioiresi',, "-';>■,-" I nnd all al'oi; iliJiA-.j^>:ii i lit. IV V \cf\ o.tot ^h.^^m Shriinvs ; nt i n,.,k,.W.- "'Y •' I "• t. i ihii.(;.„i it the I eft |M,ae.' h vclKtn of tl;e low 1.1 0l.,aVd.,l. J^Y.jj^ Vjrtii'On ID , 17 M.n. Aitil L.E. ."Si ppp.h to :: c.pi- ..<• f A;ilv>r I ( th:.|(,,Ml. I hdih ui,l a |r.-.i!y, WL- , , , llhtrit'ori ... In tile low J r, t 111, Ac- pleniv of W, I ^^c kfinv ipi'iirtc'i, if> lis, I>l!kV. npitl;; .iViun •i ii;iiiu'st(«i . w, tlio' «■>.■ !c B;i\s, Inir , uliiti) tlic'^ "'■:'; 'cii by tln.in,"''''" V, till y lav , nrclic.iil, ii) ilihlrin tl:i! hat Natiir.il Itis.wt- ro, :\rul t'lir- tnki.-. the A- i lilhiuip ai- 31 I'llll', ■ 1 1.1 '^runo, iij C.uiilU' ill .1 ■ire I'U'au-s ^ (iilr, iiiinii'- .ll [licl il'lll'. In blfiuicr- I iiiiaj;itiaWi' Stmic as tills, lliiiif l>v aiiv t Ix- troiii ilif f ilid'artsot' ilcits, tranf- aml refill inn Ik* Film, Jif- Cor iiciiniui that tail any Tin; r, .1 l^lcphnnis'''- ' ' 'iiK-iiuu's vc- iiicir 'low, ili-s, C'l.pivi', C'niinny, n- uir (lolil nr wIktc tlio nil IV.iffiik, [mtiiioititics ; ; but I fi'i' MTV iniiili lii-i; Ibiiie- ■">'■'■.>'" it fill's ex-" IV 14 (,r 15 Vny.u- ri-at Kock.im^'' 1111 haif no •'",'",'■'''' , 111. ;■ M mn WatiT,,!,,. ui-. l-il lullf i|i.-.Vd:.l, I'll hailioiii till- Koik ; Miiulinc to all till- way 1 S!io:i', tor _ .MikstVoni,'|;''\." Vv'c toiiiiil sl'-«- , anil pooil hy N. till- I' atbrolaiii )blVrv'il .\\{q, V.-U:,. Oik, it bare W. ana S. round Spot, ihitliiTtrom of the Vari-Oljf''"" .at.toS.V'M^""''^'"' ml, in order L-apiiCj mult nt'cicnct" to I'U lIKlIiV fill-' Mi-ndian, ■^s % i I'.NPoricncc taught us the Pracllie of this Rule heicalwiits, / hor ami this a Man nuill make his b.ivlk (liiule, and not lay 100 imieh Urcfs upon Ins Inllninients, whiili may dtieive the moll .skilful Oblirver. 'IV Watering all lurtal i)ut< is vciy pood and conve- nient, till)' the b.'ll Wattrinp-iLue, as nlli. the bill Koad too is the I'ointli Bay. to the luiltward of the I'ninr ot C,v'/,i loir. 'J here the Ci.iirfe i.f ilie Water is pretty near to the W. S. W. and in th' .Sp,iiip-1 idt it nks ai Ho( il at the lealt twelve l-oot. Wlkii Mil liave the i:i r.< f r.l bearinp troni )ou, S. E, • Soiitlierl), and the Point of S V ,! / nm , N. I. b. li. ' I'.allerb, ami about three Lcajniis Iroiu U'li, \oii ('•all ill that Uijlai,ie and I'olit on, lind a llioiip Tide let- ting N. !■. by N. 1 he Roail of Sicr.t I c ■■■i by '.he bill lObrersaiiui «e lud oppo.iuii.tv of niakinp } lies ;u S Deir. j6i\l,n. Northl.at. and die IVim bears near \V. ■Iiom 11, ai.il IS al'our a leai'ue ir loer Miles dillaiit. ■||ie Vai,a;i'.ii here a.fo, as Mr as we coml find, \i as I Denr. J'^ Mill. N. v.. our Coinfe frciM lieiiee beiii;; 'c iheBay i^f S.'I.Uu.'i:, we o'. feried as tiillow ^ : 'I hat iIk .S(.;vi-/<,r/ and lK->gi(.n lllaiidsbear S. b) !■. and N.I \V, fioin one another, the Welleriroll No- th land, :ii. the I'oiiit of the V .;. '-.Wf bear S, S. W. and N. N. 1 . le- nveen the lllai'id and the Shore, 'tis ai lealt le\.;i .Mile--, and .-li'oiit half a 1 eapue fn.m the Illand lo die !•.. .S. I-,. i> a eonliderab e Miva.'h, as alio another to 'hi S luh, ar a Mile dillanee iVoin it : Neither is iliat Man to be for- pouen, wliiili lies halla Miie fniii the Vt'eK I'l ii.i of the Ru. NVe relVell.ed a few Ua^s ai f .' ■ '. ami ilei, pri neil- ed for St. ./.•.;;;;;i'.'(.'.'s Bay. In uhieli Coiirie, wlunlj iibfirwition we were in i.\ Ihyr. 4 Min. Si), il, I at. by ihe Coiiipiltaticn 1 f oi'r.Sh.ps Ri'ef' rii.j', We.'i;;h! then to havebiiii 111 ! i UeiT. i.) Min. I'o th.ii wevnv y M.n. mure to tlie So, ill, tii.iP onr Ridei woild adow o:'. And tlii< waseM.lirtl; theUleCl of the (. nrrent tliat we fil! jilt') tliere.ib(.ii„s ; fioiii v lienee lis p'aiii, that tin fe that depend upi.ii therdiad Re. konni; and ihe meer Riik,sof An, without due refpicl h.id to the C\',rrents and the AHovaiieis to be liiadi on that feori, iiii 11 needs fall iiro iniolei.'.'.'ie Lrrois; aiuliliis lemis to be very gKid Realon why the Ctinvnt IhoiUl l,.- of preatcr iVave here, where we made this iblirvaMon, beeaufe the I and poesaway wiih a very fiidden fall, N. t. and S. W. and we happen- homely and iinpleafant, appiarinp rouph, ftoi I^Jine plaeesovcr-riiii with Imall Woods ; It dot my, and ir( lots not feertt neither to be oier-llockcd with Inhabaants, we never fee- ini; above twenty of them toeether. They are a tall, In • '•'''■M'fin t" It), v< ell-let I'l opie, nf.t ot (o ill reaturcs as n any RuiKs,,y j,„,.,, •II'.' i nor arc ihey fo iinplealiiigto tliofe thatioiueil'e with t.'pv St -*•. 'hill, as 11,0(1 ol that Complexion ,iie, by re.ifuiiof iliat'"^'" Miisk-liint they carry ah np with tliim. 'lUat lil.uk I lair is deiently plaiud, aii.l fiizled i poi. .luir Head-, .ml it is riai'onably lonp ; tin y ha\e no ether Coierinu "pi n that part 1 elides their Hair, as alio noi e for ati) other part of ihe Hocly, es:c..pi .1 li it of a (iirdli- made <.[ Kinds of '1 I'les, adoiiied all bilimd wii!i lnme i,if iheir I rinkeis, and other odd thinps,wlneli are i.iltned on with Allepators 'Iteth, ;;iid. haiij' tlieru partly for II tw, and parily foroeeatioral uf'. I'elides their iJ.irts ai d I. a; iiees (whieii aiv their priii-,Ve Vsw'i . al Weaptiiis), ihev wctr ab"li' tlieiu eeirain preat"" '")''««■ Kriws, like Bu her. Ki'i' iv, wlietiier foi eomii on .Nti- t',','' f'"' ' K',fi„^i. eeon'i, or the elV ot I'irl^rit:;! I.ilides, I am iv i eer- liii ; hovvvcr, tl.ey a:'.' a!' J. is v\!l as tlu- otiier lullre- iints) (,f till, r own uiakii.p. .■ml ;luiv af f.iire Uifu- eii s (f /.rt, .ind ■npeiuo. s l',;i;',y, in t'le C.Mitrnanerf of ihcni. ■J hey are a li.l :'e |i;ri of 1\ 01 'e 'ii the .N.'.1t ei - of Trade, and were mt 10 beehariiHil v.ithpieiis ol o\i |.( u, .[.^ other I'arl anans Wire. Tin) m; de i ,spay aioi.li.lerab! • Rate for the t aticl we l-,adot ilieni, inn iiipaiifoii to\',h.-it W-pave at >,/,/,•,>, aid oilier pLues : .■\i,ii then they would take no I'.iyitients in any jNleial below Silver, do vihatwe eo, Id. We pave ihcm for three Kinc, two *vteers. and li.ur Calvis, no Ufs ihaii 19 1. the Val'.ic of wluih in old Iron, would have puiehas'd Catt'e ciiouph at ,Vi ,','.•; /,-, to have lUieked two or three pood I'arms : Hrt tlicn 'tis ecriam, that the Cattle here are far better than .1' S'.i/./<-H.v, tho' the make if ilieiii is imieh the fame, ha\ ill}', Biiiahes on their Baeks like Camels, as they have, eiily t'hefe Hand a little liure f rwar.ls. But belides the B .^n!, r i oiilinarv f.irt of Cattle, a< Mieep and Cows, which are'"'"'' ^"^•'' ill this Country vcrv larpe ard pood, there are fomewiiieU "'"■'' ir b( all-< of, as itsown pmiliar Rantiis. Ihe Woods afford pr.at Itorc of thole Creati re«,wh!tli for their loie- 'iiicfs aie called by lou.e the Beautiful Beall ; tis about rTheBi'inti- A Riaft. the bipuefsof a Monkey, lias lint', 'I ai! ; the I'urr of it is e>: lip to open the (iiit, were lo far milueiiied bv the I'.renplh j and llr.aked with black and white. 'ill our (jiius , not beiiii; 1 fmall Mead, and a very leanily line, aih-colour'd, ri;i,on m , 17 M.n ..Sli.kiuiai:, ol il, as isbeliiie related ; and there's as mi. eh Reaf n to fnppofe, that as a Ship poes nioici'.allerl) pall the luiildle I of the Gut.lo the force of the Current will be proporiiona- bly dimiiiillied. In .South 1 at. ? i Oi'pr. 37 Min. the Variation was 1 1; Degr. 3" Mm. Bui I'y a fuceeedinpObf rvation more nicely made it laiue but to i ■; Ucpr, 16 Min. Thislall Obfervation wasni.iiie over the I and half a Uepreehiph, othcrwife tlieVari.ttion would have been more ; and thcl'e, tlpeciaUv the lalt, • r lecoiid, iVciii to be I'liih, as a Man n.ay repofe a loiiliiierable depreeijf Conridciiee in. ■Jhel'ide here llow- d.reCilv with the b.alt ; von have from leu, twelve, to twmt) l-'atlioiu, bcivveen ihis and the Bay, bui cominp nc.ir the I'oin: in the heipht of the Pay, you have no (Iround at a liiindie.l fathom, till voa come a pre.iiway in, and iIkii there is tioiii iliiif loeieht Fathom, tho' 'iis to beobfervcd, thatilu' diepetl Water is upon the South liilc, the othir beaip made muili ifal lower in proportion, by reaUui of the Muil and Sand Iroupluin b) the Rivers w hich are on thai lide. ^1 nfpih 1.) i!"v 'I'lic'l ideal S:. ,lii;i"Jt.'>i.^ Bav, llows prettv near F,. f C ■-<«!"• '"""^ rifes to a preai heiphth. It is indeed penerally S j£ called Cape St. .'ttijHy'i'.,', bi.t ii is molt leitainly a Bay, 1.' and not a Cape, fince it has no Point or Neck of I and, 'i'liere are We kil able to 'id fbme of take thtiu , ■nil- that bears oui more than the rell about B reaches on l" ith fide it it Miip aivout a 1 capiie ■ W. .S. I h.jili ui.l i I prui Julofeeniei ■ .V,.'ijr;i.jtiv> W. from the .Main, which makes it very ea them alive. 'Ihe Camelion is alio .a Native of this Country ; andTlu aim-' the lixperienee we had ol tliein allures w, if there were ''°''' nor otlier Re.itnns f r it'.', ihat the Vulpar Ni tion of tliem as Creatuies that live i poiuhe tieid An- it lelf, without anv othirSuileraiiee, is lalle, as well as ndiculoes : Wc 1 lU'iekly f tmd 011c ot them, thai we l.ipr, .1 huniinpafter Plies, ami as foon rs ever he had the del'red Prev \-\ his I'.yc, he fui'.denly dart, dfoiiiethinp oii' 1 I Ins Mouth; what, 1 know not, uiiltl'i 'twere ln> lorpue, but of 3. \er i ply lipureand apt i.iraiue, and P.nitk the Fly, ami eat it ; and all this with I'ucli Ijeeil and iiiii.blenel^, that one lan't iu'a.r.inc any cunuiiip Sp'iler. to fiiiprize with nil re violen.c and liuuleiinels ili.iu the Camelion do. 'I here .are Bats here alinill as bip asConies, headed like t'o.vl. a P'l X, aiul a thick hairv Purr: In all other Piin-slikc B.iis: V'e niialurcd the Winps of one that we killed, and found tliciii, upen a full Itreteh, to be an til in lencth. ■VVc faw here alfo peod llore of Baltatd-Hawks, Herns of lev eral colours, white, black, blew, and mix'd of di- vers tipeiher : And a loit of Birds, w'hofe Names we kiKvv not, of.isnany Coloers as one can well imaqino, and lulled upim their Head like Peacocks. lizards are very coirmon here ; and a fort of Infed Liurji. dil- ■ that has a pre.at number of Legs, almott like onr Crablv Bill ih-i jildie Vii,|!l 1 hanps abovtupoii the'I'iees, eiielol'ed wi the Sii n the bottom of the Bay there aiv two Rivers riumiii!?, 1 Cod if white Silk. In the Tree doubii earn 1 t wliiili is lo violent, that the P irlyii".!.,!! overioire^i',, iho 11 Hows at lealt two Pailii ood never 1 dance of larpe Sj'i s upen the Hills are .-.btii.- Infclk. il t I III,.. ") I and all about diele Rivers, is broke ,)JS, III ires verv I'.oi il Pal.i And the Pri , laudy (Iround. ,a vel c.ior v^li..m ShriiiU's : of the I'lTiner i f which ai this place f r Smelis and . fo'bv the Im.d IJvr. lice 01 larpe 3]iii;ers. mat carry their Webs from one ee to aiioiher ; ai.d fpui verv ilroiii' f bilantial Silk, of ivv as if made i.nr, aiul thai as ;-oid a Velli we eatclieil iPi id ol the latter ten Inches in leiipih : And 1 liime that As tiu-Piai.i I ol.liiv'd illy, vvc llheriforc . lliclelt pl.ac.'for th.s lort of .Sporr is 011 the Sandv Shore llranee and of ■ ' ■ which Melds the AIo the Tamarind.s, au'.l tlte S.-n i.li,.Wi- I t'vi {!...( it tivck'cn of tl'.e low land, where all the Natives do j'ly with their i nient I e^in make of 1;, imapii.e to 1: here's a P lant lomeshim; ■.•Enjblej, peculiar ; which, accoi\linp to the bell Jiidg- N'ets ->e a Willi co-N'ii In the hw land, withi M'oods, we IV i "lisi fa ii.irbiiy Nauire, an.! mmi ; up \v,:li feveral v.iftik!.Al.St.aH,s, verv : 111. Ac- pleniy of V.'ai.r, Melons, which ati.n-d poed Kefrelhnient : I each ftand ■ a 1 eaf, iiKhni-ed half round like Swo pric- at the end of ,Uir the River yield usnothinp at all, the W.aterof iliem | and as bip a-, tli; and thcfe ihat po torrvto tiili in litem, are in ■ ihel'e .Sia'ks. aiuoiu'li the I . Cabbi On t- ■m the tops of er ot' liav inp t'aeir Sport fp Mlcd by A II. .'Ihe I ot w. Br eavis. iliorforihpreat numbers as thick lit will. Pi IpcCt ut theCoiii.iry for a Mile or two about ihe Ba;, is caiiflaud one by another, of the lolotir and 1 s everrhcv u'licfs of a I'l.au '£= '■n )!• li i' : .1 I I ':f. 'M • i 1 .1 \i I 5i i I 80 The Arabs, Caffars, c>*f. liKllKhap. Xn. : ] t PI Sirtngc 1 ■ 1 Urge t'rif'iiriw? I'car, atid like .1 ShiTf'i-lHl! in form, with ] t lCinl within that ihcKcrm., which tl-.n' it U- h.-.nl, yit It irav K-catrn, and lont.titii about a Spoonful (if n ploalaiit. roul, liinpiJ Water, rr.ttv nuuh rtlciul'linp thit of Cov,a;id in S(/iirh I at. I V Depr. 41 Min. hy the dirierence of the way re- ally made, ,-ind what in liulprrii nr iiiight here I c allowed, we found the intlnence (if the Current, which runs rret'y fwiftly there, and as it IliO'dd Icem lei's to iheS. W. tli.iii 10 the ,S, For the Reafon of this Current 'ti'- probal ie tl'.at the deep Bav between Cape ('• ' ir'i'a and \t\ li' /^/..Miakes «n Indr.inpht or Kddy of fd'tie .Streams c ming either fionitheN. K, or UK.re LalUrly in at the N. t.of St. l.itwieticr^ ind f) along the land to Ci^>: Cmienrei : Or cUe that llream which is reported to fet from St. L.tAremc H. W. mee'.ing at the Land of M ^c/h/i/jju* may be the falling away of the Land fo drawn that way, which fiip- pofition if itbetnif, then 'tis an erroiir for any Ship to fa!! withthe I and Ixforclhc is got nearer the North of Mo^DMjii^'Bf Point. And 'tis to be obferved upon this P-inciple^ that if flie does not fall too much Wcllerly and bring the laid C.tpc too P'gh her Meridian, fhc will feel very little orm th-ng of ibis Stream. After fame difficulties, we reached the Ulc of ~or a Year, the one of which feil in the AcfanJ Month of Jii!i at the ture ot otir being there. When ''""''« •^f '■• they arc throughly Ripe, they are laid topuher i pon Cmp"! wl'iiift ^'''''■''> and the I iiiuor which OiHills from rhem, i-i that ofitw KVndwhiih they call Pate-wine. The Dates being thus «« here drain'd, to Preferve them they take out the Stones, and pack them up titely in aSkm ; or at other times they cut thcin and take out the Sttjnes before ihey are quite Ripe, and fo lay them a drying, which is b\ far the better w"y, and makes them e.u as if they were Candied : Rut they mull be opcn'd at fome time or nther, for whole they will not kecji. When the Harveil of Dates comes, there's « Deputy ot the Kings, th.it's appointed to prelide over the Concerns of every Valley, fee all be clean jm- thcral and brotight into a certain place, and till this Afiair bcover, noMan dare toui.li a Date ipon pain of Death. Then when all is carried in, the whole prt'duce of the Ill.ind is divided into three emial parts, Firll for the King, another for the /Jrrt.i, anil the Third for tiic Cutt'i's: hut tho' they make the Die ifitn equal, they don't nuke the Diflribuiion , but Arbrirrarily as they pleal'e. On the .Strand thcr; grows Cotton jil.Tr.ts in fome places; as alio a mongi^ the Stones a Ihrul by Piuucall'd F.O.ac ; It U'ars a thick round Leaf as bro.d as a Sh:Uin[.', and Fruit like a Cap'.'r, which is of ufe in Sailei>, i:.d prtny muc'.i in reiiueft fo; tint pur- pofe. 'Ihere are fc ..e Oranges too, but thofc fc.trce and ^like Butter ar. I oti.jr liat.tbles) at :^:c.uiir.i exceeding dear. , But the moll rcmarkal le r.f all next to the S.-mr^r. v'-Jiin<, 01 .Mocsp!ant, i.s a la-ce Tree oi the I ei^hc of .1 Man, O- fomethii.g better : 'T ; very grofs aiu! thick al out the Roo", .mdgrn's I'oM- .ap-' . . '-.r 's, that at the top 'tLsa'.inoftc.;mp!'atly p ■ -e '., " ■ ;■; is al! alor,;.- ver fiULOih, and ha. noi. Felix, and has been in that ftateof Suli- jcrtion about iro Years. The lame Prince king alio M.ilterof the two lnum and ■tblndrUur!,:. . I lielnhabitants areconfcqucmly of two {om,\.hcAra!'!rtii^.Q > \U!'w,-r,,>.-, aiidtheC.i'A■' rorrioiiedMen.'l'.iwnv,weariiigth.ii Hairlcng.and a 'ntr- bant orlinenCloth wrar'd .d'out theirHeads.anii i;o other Sarel, but another .ibcut ilieir Middles. 1 heir Legs Feet (]-. iie bare t. ... exiept a forry pair of Sandals. I lie\ hau' liiuc few Sho> amongll them, but tlieir Wca- poiise'f.are onlv a crooked Dagger ami a'l'arger. lhe\ar.- liuluUri' us. Diligent, Fair and Civil cnou<;li in tiieir Beluvio, r, thoi gh not ahogeilier fo Honeft "in their Dealing. '1 hev are mighty l()^er^of Tob.ieio, and tliev loveas wel! to Spuiigeit, where they n'ay k''|ier-T' ited. The better foir of Men or tlie Courtiers will * rhrow a Piiifado o' er tlnirShouldei-s. in the manner of an /,//> Mantle, and fome make them Skins ,,f white Calieoc, as others allii a pair of 1 ineii Breeches like the (;u?erats ; but this =« a high pitili of Dr-C, and not tho enmiiion Mode o»' ihe Country. The Women wearCa- !:eoShifts, Red. R'ew, or Dark coloured, hang'ng down to the very Ground, civerlng their Faces with a lortof a Veil, pretending a deal of iVlodcIt U-havioiir and (hiencfi to be feen, tho' at the lame time their Tempers are jolly ( pen and waggilh enough.'Llicy are luuh UncrCoinplex- loned than the Men in general, and ■ ike not a little cart- to let off the gifts N.rure has endov d them with by all the .Advantages of Acvi'. and finery All that their Hus- bands are worth alnmlt is laid o it on their Backs, the Money that IhouM be in the othc .s Pockets is all a'bout rhe Anns and Ncuks of thofe c.ravigant Women in Clnins and Rings, Carkanets, and Mavillias, and no Body knows -vhat GamU)!s belides, Vhey load them- r.-h csfo with theic things th.it they i.int llir, but make a noife and gngbng like lo many Moiice-Dancers. And I beliei c that one of them take her with all her Particulars, would be near enough to furnidi an ordinary Toy. fliop! I have feen one of them, ..nd that none of the b(:ftfoit,i, „. • < neither, and confe.iiiently not fo well fet out with thefe" «» Fopperies, that h:ul in each Ear .it lead a dozen Silver ^'f-^-'" Rings as big as Curtain Rings and thofe larger ones had '-'"'■' ""■ as in.iny of a linaller !lzc hanging to them, t\eo Chains (jf Sil.cr an.l one ot Cold Bolf.s wreathed about her Neck ; ten oriwcbc MaviP a'sof Siber, each as big .as ones htile Finger .-tliout herWrifts; Plates of .Silver a!- moit like Horfc lock'; uptm the fmall of her Legs, and every Finger covered with Rings ; fuppofing all this, 'tis no WTOider that the Men are poor, and want Money to bu\ Tobacco, cfpeually conlidering that three, four, five or lix of thcfe chargeable CreatiTcs fall to the Ihare of one Man to maintain, or perhaps more, according to their quality, for their Religion lays no rellrainr upon them in that point. A Man had need have his Wives lent home to him ready fumiih'd and riggd, and if there be no other Portion in the cafe, hef Parents Ihould drefs her at leall, or if the Husband mud do t at tirit for Cultom he Ihould have the hbertv of emlreiling her afterwards for Comenienry, and not pinih for want of Money when his Wife has a load cf Silver upon her Back! 1 hey do indeed want a little lightning in thisSencc, tho' perhaps they may want a Grain or two of a jull w'eiphc in another. 1 h.ir Husbands arc very Jealous of them, but they don I lee.Ti to be Jealous of their Husbands, nor lb fowre Ten per. d as they are neither. Tli.y'll turn up their Ve! and glance irtch upon a Strai.cer they like, and if he be 1 Merchant, and lirings then. Crvllal, Amber, and Coral Beads, thev II Barter with hiin as long as h.pleafes luovided It be a good feciire P!a e, where their Husbands may not conic u) Ipnil their Trade. Thc'r ftiiia.. Their Chi ■1) quite Nal \ know to V at ten or twe othei I illeri or Cat pct> fj •> ""''''nor Forks, b '' llicirliquo 1 a\e the) an le liiuiully! tliey are. For Fnter vvhich isabl. ..DM.ik.;'''"''^'^,'' hot, and t: iiiach. Aj for the ■ho fjj.'j. MiCcri^., ;„„| V I fiilfei 1 li.vvcd to kill \\\t\ chieily I whiih iheC( 'I he Men are rtthiyg upon and only a c Wooden abo I eel III then; I arba rolls A I Wire br glue ■| he Worn the king Cab. ave. ei their 1 them, and to Mavillia's of Imitation of Beads infte.i. wantof other ill Patches wii pear lery fri; liom the Am Conqueroiir As for tht /U.tlli-ni fav, (frting not hi toliiti pie to thole t purpofe. H know, ihat ivvoCrolfesi the .-;<.((.', or Popiih at as the .Ir.h theiis, is no . foi their Rel l.t'Tf ihlnk ■ I'l in orji;.- |nai> 10 M* be th lei: Lhev hae I know not) •Stone, coNci cured with made. At our fii us and left t becai fe the lnrii.ads 11 pc theni Prifon In fhort a People, ani the Polfedic them a grea Head. T/v Moors cm. That u| Lrit^iJeth'-reaielo, Nonhof ivot an mere < i.rj iHc, ill They rec thiy Wilt aliOUt loo f.icid 10 Oiil, .i„i( (Idy i.ll thf ^„, .',• , „,- I (hem fnnn after . deal of R • c -►».; Months I .W, ihf ot their mo \ an, I l, it tray be lomputid ftir .my (idler Ycai i luit this l)oCtr in id the A.'i.m fccii hardly credible. Ihfin iV tUm 'lli.it as the WcIKtii Mori! m b>ivvs lure a!iSiuili, li the r.allcrn blows all Ni 'Ml Ith, at after ilie I'.th of >d '.»)/.• , no Sliiptianpo t.oin Kiiiiv ». • the /v, ,/-<(• •iii.r in"nlv at lc.i(l) fails on the (V.ill of .l.ini ill the """■' ^V'"' 7n!h Da' of the I'.ilt ,Morli tha' tlievl bitnc Wimli iC|Mll the C lis Willi tlllsMoiif ,11 ,,„'//„ (iir) iitiliK'ii I en l.ie .iml lit (Month- r sc.ir : It holds 1 1 1'le iiri/.r vh.nthcl'i falterlvf.'""'.''^** ha\e lu iiiiiie their l^iris, alur ilic ll.ort iir.c.s.ii ut three or fn.r W'c, ks i aim and tair wi .mIh 'Ihe Wcltrr- «■■ ly Winds bi|'.:ii o. ii. ( with the li'tlc Iir.etn Compal'snl the ^'ear. I h; ii thai ihcfj tWi'M Hifim ii.Pi' ■n Het'v. ell ) ilo fill ip ilif Or!' ii'.h Mon!oiisih.rj is an ncthiyi; upon hiirHeails.ai.d theit Hair IS cxce;'dinp long, , cxtream coiilhiiu Sei.(.ate iijon tl.e Co.dl of .I.JL and only a cmirU Cloth of (ioats Hair ir l'o:re other and the Currents alio iiinlorm ih.nileiiisiii tlij Win "^ ' ■ " i\lfk:'llr. andOi.viVH an |M.'0,l 1 laib .iii> II ill un Woolien about their Middle, except foniethini" on their That Wm Feet in thcnatiireof .Scandals. 1 hey liaie a icry roifji barbarous A I pect ; and look always (tarin;.; as if the) were I'r phted. The Women base nothing about their HiaJs, but wear the long Calico Shd'is like the /l..ili.ii<, ninl itrain as far asc-.er their horrid I'm crty will let them to 1 e hue like ilieiii, and to ape them 'ii all tin ir lalliions; ih is thev g^'t 1 two Milcseith.ei fall or Wei; fr.im tlic Iloa I Mavillia's of Iron, or fmie I'm. h bale Material^ inltcad of i waysfiih a dull of W;i.d, that iioSh pea ail 111, Co rt ol' ^■ifii pi ■ f ir both Moiifoiison the C( afts( f .Inli.;, bi.r id | for 1 rade ; on the ither Hand that .\.,c is no Harbour for either Monlon, but ilri'.es a Traiie for Iron, lead an I St ilw , liiili I'ke Commodities. That 'tis \cri bad Riding .it the /•"■ entrance of v„ ,i/ mi the Wclterlv Mi^nfons, -.rd coirrarnv icre ar /v.'/i cxtnamly j'o(,d for Ui.ti 'cry Seafon, iho' there's al- d to Ride An for oihc tli.s ac ciir I .•cper.iMee i itilied ih>' I'ruili of Tr.tiletluv iiitormcd us, Th.lt Trd.IinK p'j- ||>'N> Imitation of the .Silver Maiillia's, and th.' other Womensj there Ikads iiifte.id t Rice ih.ap and good, and the I'ciplc by a kind Tem- /Ir.tHr.ni h\ , and have all the Women in Con'iiion, ob- per and l)il|'i)lit'on ht to be Traded wiih; whereas at (friinp nothing of Matrimonial Riles or CirciiK iiie> ".-O ' y//i'/i. ?iY?n" and Mr.l.iic, two more of the lame knot of 'I'"', °' 'JJ^KTideslctting nut their Women to Hire without anyferu- Illands, boili the People and the Commcdi-y too, are I'o tjLiiti. pic 10 thole that will drive a Bargain wi'h them for that bad, that neither delerves .my regard. 1 hcle were their purpofc. How true all this is I amnojndpe, but this I j Accounts ; Korthe 'IViiili of which eniicrlally, wc can- know, that thev have a Church, and there's an .Mtar, and ' not avouch our own l-ixpericnce, tho' as 1 1 fome P.irticu- two Crolfcs in it, and its certain that before the coming of lars wc know they arc in the light, and may be lb in all the .'J;, it.', the Religion cf the Illand was Chriliian the relt. or Popilh a: liall, and that theiominpcf fuch a Peop'e j Wc fctSail iVoin yiWci.i in J«'» .7. /\ i«' <. direding •sm- ili.i asthe ./iv/i are amonpit them, Ihonl.l make them Idea- ] our Couri'c t) * liuUr. About .). Dii-r. l Min. S. 1. at. wc f;"'^' "'' i*" ihcns. ii no \ cry Ihange thing. I laii't avouch any tli rg had a prolpcCt ot three Illamls then ii'tKorth -rly cf wli'ch'j J/^|7 foi their Religion, but I l'clie\cbcit wha: it will, it can't is a large liicli and woody Maiid. .md betv.i'iii the two j„wi !i.s«- be much lel'sihan that of their A/.i''i>'"r.-.:n Mailers. j Southmoll tliirelicsa very I'anrenius Bea! h about the '•"■ ^'■'"'''' |5'Te think i.rn ofilji- , 10 «• Thev have alfo one Town too f whether more orno 1 know not) t;) ihemfelics; the HoiiUs were built with Stone, coveicil over with Rafts and Pain -branches, le- citred with Doors and wooden Locks, pretty Ariiticially made. At our firft 1 anding thy ran all away at the light of us and left their Tt.wn at our Dil'pofal ; the Realbn was, bccai fc they took us for I'oiii.^in-^r, who had made fome Inro.ads upon iheiii formerly, and carried away foinc of thctii Prifoners. In (hort as Matters now ftand, they are a very unhappy People, and unltfs the Arabs would be fo jult as to ipiii the Polfedion of the Illand to them aga'n, they can't do them a greater Kindnel's than to knock theiii all on the Head. T/V Moors at Delifa cm. give ui thefe /»/.'eir;'), ^ Iijh, ^ That upon the Coaft of M.-f i.-of an incredible Bignefs and Weight. < 1^.1 llli. in They reckon that the Monfon of the Southerly Winds 5;^*, "J^jjji"'' commences yearl I with the Mi tith of A/.n, andcuntimics ihcy wiic .iliout I CD Days.The molt Boillerou.sWind is in ^imc and [;""'''"' ?"/', and a liti!e way in Whi;///, for about the tenth or iitIA htca'"''-"lbliol that Month it begins to abate itsLorce; and ihcm. fnon after thar, the North Wind comes on, with a great deal ot Rain, which generally holds for three t-r mur • Simpirvi. ^'"'"'■'^ more. Alx)Ut this time 'tis that 1 hey prepare ninlt iKw, ihe ot their W/ofj at Socotora, which Drag is only the Juice ' '''''1 'li.'^l nt the Sen.j,t,iivum put in (loat Skins to be dried. Wc gave at the rate of 15c Dollars for ii^ /. neat of this CommoJity, and traded fo,- ,H'ar looo /. wc'ght cf it. whi.ii ili,y n:,IlL' the . f,L(J ...iddle way ; 10 I'eape which,thc'bclt \iay is to IK-er about X''"-'"' t^'" two Leagues from themi.ldlemnlHlland. where you have |u,,v jfnT. a I cry good I'.-iU'aee and kcip the Breach near three >-'"^'" o''''"' Leagucstoth.-Sianhof you. t'-wicf J oiicteimine It moreeyai'tiy for Cautionsfake, it lies rri^mji. (from the Kalt end of the modKcrtlerly of the two South I Hands full S. L. ha f a Channel over ; and of ihole two nwRcroui Illands the Wcllcrn parr (f the mod Northerly and the B-'^i-h. I'ialKrn Point of the molt Sniithcriy do bear jult N. & S. I o I caeues diltanee from each other. We obler' c the two Hi'„^;i,ncks of T.m/ upon the Coaft rrUman o( Siimt n, with the Hii'h-I amis over them, to bear '''■""''■ from e.ai h other N. and by W, and ,S. by E. half a Point Lafterly, and the three Illands oi I'rimir' to lie S.S.Ti. and N.N. W. being diitaiit from each other about a Mile. Our Rates for Pepper at Ptir.w.in were u! Dollars the Bahar belides6 pf i\-i:r. Cullom.'l Ins "1 own and fome of thole adjovning will sield is-.'o Hil.k ;/,j,_ the (V,-^(r.-.M being pfohibitej Trading there by the King of .n.'i.v.'s c':prei's Order. It leeiiis Very realonable upon good Conlideranon, that if our Ships put mat s';,/.if andbiunilit I'ome i]iiantitics of Calicoes, tine Piiita.loes, llripcd and cliequercd Srttlfs to I'./.iw-o/, ih.it there might iie a very .idvaiira'jcots Trade driven with rliel'e Commo.U'.ies, fuppollng ( as was hinted bcf re ) tlia; a FaOdory was fetticd there. " l-rom hence we proceded t-) Ihf't.im, feaingoiu the lat- s.imiji,,;. ter end ot H-picnua. T he .Salt Illand intl-.c .s' ?)j/,'.t of Vh« '.i I'ctwcen Sii»: It ru ami }rvA liis by oiir'Obfervation) in C Degr. 6 Min. South I. at. This Kland with the Point including the whole Bav, in vshiehjs Jia/.;a«i Road M lie Their '4 1 \i ,' f" ;:.f - til ■|:fL, !■' I: 82 I roubles ^t Band;l, »M/<. i,.iml tlicl'uliiiut ./,ii^ Vuwf. 4buiiliWi'ii[y 1 ilKUct ililt.int. iii.v>i;|lin 'Ih • Strcii'li'* nt' ^:vh, in wliicli ,V.'.'f IlLinJ lir«, arc b.1 4X..U |iu)ivil) m.iilc I'l l>y lort.) II Koiki, .iinl rjgK.il lll.>i\il<, U'.iti'il III thAi p.illli^i. I I'lwi'cn y,i ' .un[\i,m,.!i,i, wliuli iiiIki'.^iU' of It Ivll \M)u\l a'li w .1 Mii|< rii>|ic<'ni nin\ iiit>|Uiliic. I lii' two main I'ukt l>i'.ii Nnnli .iiul Smiili of c.uli mlicr aiul ihcix'x .u K.'.'l liiir Mi'i • l> iNMVM tluiii • I lie ,S< ii her- mult w U'ry iinv'.Y ■. , .linl tlic Ndrilicniiolt ii'.mv 'li.in halt w.iy, 1I.1111I \-\'. li'iwivn ili • IV:nt (it W /c im. .iiui .1110- tlur liiw xMp\\ li'.dul I i.iritip NV, S. NV. uitli ili.ii Nm. tlkiiimll Kink. 'Ilu'> .ire Imdi 1 1' lli.'in iviinrk.ili'i' tiir the rri\< lli.u iiiuv lliciii i i;iul t s Kiwaii ihc.f two, tlut \m\ .iiv to lUtr vtim Mini 111 )orr i'.\ir.i(!c tVnin V . «;.7 ( 10 ,.:; ■. NVc pDt »o .'tv/ •■•• t'k' U'ciimitij; of S;. rule . tluv wc ti iiril till' "«•.'• ii, rnii.-.|i.\iul w nil 1 ^, h t\ inn wJK'ii wv iMiiu', twiiSliii'. ..ill,!! Willi t!i)\i">, .iiiiUwo murciV.iiK {ol>:l.uUii w ill l\p|vr. /'t i\m> pl,u\' .illi' ill." l-ml'.iir.ulor < t' V/'iii ftavc iimd imilii'll.liiil liinv )i'.u\ the Kini: lii< .\I.ilttr woiiM I e, 'o liiilil ,\ Ciirnipoi lUiwi.' w til ^ll^ M.\|iUy i-t hni^mil^ .If.d t 1 wl',11 j;i,i.vl prrp. 'If .1 Tr.iilf iiiifht Ik in.iuili:iril ill tlut Coiiiitr), Me .ilKi'teJ, 'Ih.u .t I lioiiiiii.l Kcii C^otlu wun'il poi lliliere in .1 |).i\ or iwo, nil tlieirll'Mi s ami lliphaiitHli.tuiii; die il.i.verinjis.iiul Ti.ii pin^'-iti.tili ot 11. h.iiile-, I') Ills Kipiirt ihev .ire t'ull oil the NVilleni I'd iv ni tli. l!le i..;/> ; .inl it < 1 eiellli- ly, Ml onKr til l.i I ijMi.'e! Mil t' it, t'v r.i Miip to I'oriinv li'ii,e:hiiii' 01 il,e lll.iiul il.r. li.ii.ils (ippslite in the iiul IWt. ' ll' you il fer\e the I'.iy 1 f Jr.n,-, ymi'll liiul the two I'oiirsth.n 11. .ike it to be.u li.,S. Ii. .iiul W. N. NV. tour l.e.iuiiestUlt.mt Irniii e.ieh i.ther. Aboi I 11.11 1 e.i^',iiest'iiiiii .Viti-, iiisjn IlhinJ which we fiml not lo imitli til the lalt, an the Maps iln place it : Biit ill onler to the Deieiiption of its I'clitiiii .is near .is may U, 'tis ei»)iii;h to lay, that the great Shoal lall'il /.« Ilciwviii'i, tliicc I eai'.iKs tVoin i/iid, lies N. ami S. with thislllanj. The IllinJ .V i]' I'lri ha; ', \''y.i. 30 Min. Soutli I at. LKliKii 10 crcti .■» Foit at fl,iii,/«, 411(1 knowing whar the Confeiiiiemcj ot' that wouM lie, I propin'il to the ihu'l' Men the lurnial I)eli»ery ot' tUn.ti to in, in the Name, and toi the Ule dt H11 Maielty ul' l,f„,U, Utorethe l>i,rch Kgan their imeiuleil NV.irk. 'lliiiriup.iial they Icemil to like very well, I iit \ei ileten'il iht loming to 4 Hii.il Keloliition upon the I'omt In |oii>>, that we hail Hca- foil to ll Ij eel lii'iie muler-luiiil I'laetiees with the /;,././) j am! the piel'erenee, or at kalt a laret l-'iuouragnrent gnwitheni 111 then Delignnt 'Irnile : Yet at the lame time dill ilul'e liol! iir 1^1 ami n ns two 1 r three I eapiis in lergrh N. NV. ami S. K. Fiom hence to the <'(■./■.'.■, we reckon ahotit Seventy lix 1 eamies : As alio li.twi.eii U'nii'ii and the (' ■Uiri, we jiulge the co.iiir.on Coii.piii.r '.I'll ot theilillance, ;■;'-. Two ill mired ar.il I'.VM) fue LeagiKi to I e pretty near the truth. ThH:ii:lun '•inith I aiul of the C/r.'f.-, and the N^'e. lUrn To lit of the lllc "//'.■»', hear N. N. NV. twelve 1 eaj:i.es iliUaiu, and the NVelt-uid of bel'H,.i)i, witli the low I'alt IViint (,f the i.c!c'.,-i, (which is the narrowelt of the Stieigluv bears ionth liy NWll, twe'.sc or foiiiteen I.caguefd.ltnnt. Tlie Coal'- of l)-f!.nii runs iiearelk to the .^. NV. and the E. end of '.hat, and if the C.c.ci, with the lllands that make tlie Streieh:, d', lie in a right 1 ine to •.heE;C, prct- i) ne.ir N.ar.d S. '1 he NVeltei n Point of C.mh'int is ren-arkab!e, as being a veiy high ami iiaind Mill : And the Hie ot Uidioie no lefs, lor the three cr foim nliderable Head-lands which it makes. y/i/iij.'H/; bears fom the Illaiid B. »r, E. by N. iweKe ■oi:g to the K. and froni .'h-laiid of Itni.Li, bears h. byS. [ SoiiiherK, i? l.eai'.uesdillan;. TheCiillom at li.u.,11, is, befoie we bei'iii to Tr.ule, to atircc with them npi 11 the leveral iurts of U'ties and l\iy.'.ient>, as the ;^';, the V,.c;//;,.i/,;;,ihe /'7/. Z.';;, wIkcIi are paid either in Mone) .unne, or partly Money, and part.y Co;iimodi'.ies. 'I'he NVeighis iiled here, are eliielly the C'.:.'ff •, which poizes alH,in 5 I'oiind 14 Ounces, W;f'- .{:,;:■::/ Weighr. UnJer.han-l We made an Agreement with ihim of I'ultvn,, for a I'maicii ',1' Factory to be fetiied in th.ii Illand, whiJi the DutJ' let !lii' Uu,«. tin.„ii;.ivcs to oppole ar.J hinder, with all the Art and In- trii.ue imaginable ; liotwuhltaiuling oiir Trade there liic- ceedcil in I'ome meal'.ire, ar.d we re^eiv'd fri m thence 215 4 (.':»<■(•/ of Mace, and 1307 ; of Nets, in ylpril, /I. D. i6t9. But hai ing liiforinatlon tlut the U;.ff/. lad a I'-.inl ffiii,'. I eagiies, and lies ten 1 e.'.gie thekallerly pan of it, the 1' the Ipeciiii » I'lvteiuc of I'liendllnii and Kindiiels to ui in the NX'orlil. They told v », we lliou d h.»ic llie whole Spue- rr,tJe .It /' indiipiiie beiuien them, they tell' upon them with a CI nlider.-.b'e I'ower if Men, ami put every ore 10 the Sword; and li,id m t the AdiMral's Soldiers, tli.u .mended at a liilledilUnce, been up 11 ilieir (muuI, thev h.idlerv'd them the fame .Sauce with their .Mailer. Hilides this, thel'eople lev eral times confpired tliecmtiiiK oil all ol them that were there in H.',Jn ; nay, they did a- cliLiUy rife upon ihein, and the P'ot h.id been execmed totheutmolt rigour, had not we /.h^, //-wh interpos'il on their behalf. Many a time did we rel. ue them out of Kindn-r, 0: the hands ot the turious Mobb, and fecure not only ihcir •'*•• '»<''/» I'erlons, but tluir Goods and fctfetlts too ; for which Ci-'"''*^"'' vihty we were afterwards very haiidfomely rewarded : For ihele '1 umults were in the Month of ,V/„y, .md 'tw.is but in Juiif that they began to entangle us in our Trade, and lay I know not what Rellraints upon us in our Ucal- mes with the I'eo|.le of l',.iom-, .n,„l t„l,.„.:cc,i ; as that we mult carry no I'lo. illons nor Ammunition with us thi- TtK,r il iher, and that our Ships mulf he open to be fearched by Rt'luu'l. •hem. Aiuithis, after a gie.it deal of Contelt, we were oireed to lubiiiit to, we being bi;t Sixty two to above A d hmilaiul ot them j and belldes, their Fort commanding all at th.y rate, that if we fell out with them, rhey cou'iH ^ tlie I error ot that, debar us frcm Lading c.-Shipi.tu But thefe things ran a great deal higher in the fuceeed- ing Month ol >,7,., terthen we h.id an Order fent ns in writing,ligned by the Vico-Admiral, and all the relidue of the Council, commanding us to withdraw our Shir out . ot the Koad of U„J,, witlmi rive |■a^safter the Date ^:>;;'V" thercol. Indeed, they had exprelVd a great unealincfso' ««w- under o.ir Company leveral times b fore , and h.ij"^*'- orier'd to take our Uebts there upon thcir.felves, and lo d.lchaige ii.s, provided we would be gene, tho' wt h.id not near oir 1 ading : But now it fcems they w.Te come to a I'oint, and were n folvM we ihoii'd lfa\ no longer • borthey pretended (in their Order), that being determi- led to carry en a bloody NVar .igainft the l>..-',..in!i.J; in Revenge ol tl.e barbarities coiiiimtted npi'n their Adiiiiia!, and his Coir.panv, they wuu'd not have their tnenues Itai.gthned bv 7./,;;//;.. Powder and Shot; winch they lad good Reafuii to believe they wou'd, if we were fuf- :er d to lie there while the War lalled : Pelides ihis, they .iblolntely forbid us Anchoring ai Vm, l.:,l,,.t,:ci, or any other Roads belongijig to pLiees in their Power, during the Breach between the tin,„Uii,f and them. However, ihortly afteraPcice was concluded between thell- iwo'r,,.!,, Parties, lo violently let .igainlt each other, and 'h'- « o. - iwoti '.fc .Iniicje having no prelent Remedy, tamely endured the ' "'•'■"l^ encroachmeut at the Fort. ewMm,!- The Uiirch and wc too came to an Agreement about the Time ol our Stay, and the Payment of our Debts at B.it:- \;tf « iHoM, t""" in, which by wc hiving 1 1 pole. Flavin)( ill Lading of Sp rolls I'eiiple w by the tunc o j4Si Bags of eloi7, which things rcLitiii) Vrl<*if' the I NVe ran ab ting out In in Lat. and i.l • NVehnd ♦/{. That gi- the Norihvv.ii changes to ilu At the Wc was about h Mm. We had fro Miiiiiiiiiii I yfRchti vel\ il bleR B wl let It. I bale and peril every Puik ai Cuftom-Houl Officer, "tvas Honour to dil Uy and Confc The ('.' fi..i| I (• Till ""' I A ihc ;.,nipiiiy V I Wil , l.ll 11 J»- .vllilc |htsiip< r; n In ■ibtriti'ic- liiiil |rc illi! J,rituljri " - -._ . „ lollw S^C (h^.f^. pj„, ^x Ittfiolltlf ,, I »»-bi).ln I^H"'' "" ^^^ iopi H'lr- time their lliai »Ami Rvlic^m „„; i„a^,^.,i 1,.,, • from that, iha { upon his Sh'p' i is c'ohged to t I /(i/m) ', and ih thofe Sfi n s. ' Ptmi ^l'. tioiis People, f'*"*7- one dot's not I MrH.ibnri del their fprigats, who were fo themfelvcsto In detence nt has made all the Event ot ihein, is yet 1 that pl.ice w 1 nial Overthr. The Matti the hill:,!!! P, dofe Siege ti Roy of G.- The Aco'ini inei ting witi Fight Ixrtwei fule>; ; infon 1 for the prefer for a frelli Ti The I'mt^i) rious IxialVin] thiiikinc that as fpoil'd the and Kcvcllir felt". The Di,tc I.c,iks, and r to try the Fo came in gooi iheir Triumi 1,1 illji A- AJOT. Libi Jhap.XUI. OccurrerUs and Affair t in India, C7T. f>3 'ilig wh.-ir the .1 to till' ihu-r ill tlu' Naniv, "■/, U liiro the I'lifdi.il thoy t inmiiijt to 4 ; wi' hail Hca- iili till' lii'iiln iiour.i«i'mi.'nt t i\ tlic famo I ili»l>t() uiin ^ ic ilic wliolc ''•"'(• llut >li ai .1 (ingle il wi' woiiM '■r thiiii ; (lit .ulc with the »irj or J rial liiii', that nut 1 itul Hatroil il inviti'ratc. N iiiiiiiiltant ■ .lllil lIllollTlt 'iiK'il ili.it of poll tluir I |. Til l.H" . III. .Aiul imij, [[[' iir.il tiio, ilf. i''iil up tlii'ir vliiili.nv tlio lif li.|'»illiti- li."i II, ili.it tii-Mi, III tlicy iii.ikc thiiii .ivuifjilr.iwn iJ»'.'. .\ a mnvoiii- "'"''■•' linitii; ilitrr, ■y 'i-'ll iipim ii'l put i'»cry ■il''< ViMicrs, 'hnr (iiiatd, liiir MaiU'r. 1 I he cutting , they iljii a- iii ixctiittd "' intfrpos'il tlll'lll (lilt ot'Kindnrf, 01 Jt only their 'I*-'/"*''/* •wlmhCi."'"*^"'- rcwaiilcd : .iiid 'twas "iir Trade, n our Ueal- cf'i ; as that with u«thi- Their i;i Itaitlud by Rc'I'juiI. It, wf were t'l aliove a nirmaiuline rhcy cou'J, o.-.'Ships,!!.- fuccccd- •r lent us in ic filidutf of ur .Shir out _ , ^ •r ih'-Uai:en,.i;,,:, ,., II ncalinefs '!!«"'< . and h-id"^"' vi's, and lo lio' wc h.id \\:fv I'unu- r.c) longer : ij; detirmi. i)../n«.y-, in ir .Aduiiial, .•ir liiKnai'i wh.th tliey WlTC luf- sihis, thoy ', or .my I'fr, during Howcvci, tlicfc two 1^..,,, I,,. I '11'" Hv.. twctii li? iidiircd the '"''*":1 It alxjutthc h:s at b.it:- it, which tiy ihltConinA were piyable lo m, «t »Aniimn\ in to Dep. Soiuli l.tr. the S. li. in lo Dcri. i f Min we having LmcfJ of Cretlit from the DM/cfc f.ifthit pur- "" pole. Having difpatfh'd thcfc Contcrni, and griitcn all the Lading j+Si Bagiof Pepper. Hcit we rcli>lv'd to apnoinr a ha- ctory, which we happilv arctmipiillid ; and ail|iiltiiig all ihiii('ii rclatiiif! to it.oddrefi'd tot our Vo^ane lur Km.in.l, UHoiir, ihv 'I hird. We ran about 6^o Leagues in i\ Days afu r our W- iinjiour frnin fl/t«Mm ; and then \ve had if IJigi- South Lai. and 14 Degr. Variation. • Wehiid anDlletvationof /iV/. .'(./''•■ to he very tiiie, vix,. That generallv >uur halterty Wind* coming about in the Northward, if it pioxc Rainy, ihe Wind prefcntly ihan>;es to the W, S. W. .iiul blows thire. At the Weltern-pari of JW/.i iJi.nt.il, the V.niatiou wa< about li ', Degi. and South Lat. ji Uctrci'., »7 Mm. We had from fome Ihlttrmlert thi» Account of tin lil.iml M.iiiiitiiii . I'hat there are two Havens there, the N, W. 1'^.-, .iiiu kiiv * .•. ..-V...,, *, t^^Ki. .111.1 i-'. ". inatiiii a lery healthful plan', and vu'll* .ibuiidaiue of Tiinlea, Manatee", Knwl, (!oaii, and Hogi, t!i ''the I.ttter nut in lueh plenty ai the loiiner, the Goau havisg Ixvn hut late- ly tranf|Kirtei| thiiher l>y t\w Dniih, Near Cape .I^aHw we ha\^- \eiy litl - Vjiiarinn, ami the I aiitude iltrre i« alviur ifDeur. i<< M;n. • .\ Mm bound hoii.e upon thu Coalt, anjfii.ilinp n.i We.uhcrfnt obferiing either i atmide or Variation, may fately triilt hiuilelt ni Sixiy hathoin Water, and Shelly ImouiuI : When he hnilt II Oviay, he iiiav londiih he n 'ery luar tliii c:ape III, ,t'i.ii .Lj ai'.l if he lu("e\ Ground at im Kailimii, lis certain he ii paltit, juviJ d hi' be within till' I .Miuide of ^t De^r We hnilli'd thivVoKi;,'? Al.;> the Tcmh, f 0. iSioj It biing none ol ihe halt rriti.:rkalile C'ifeutrlbncis of it that as we winr i.ut, lo wc came in, vv;ih .ill our Coinpa. ny entire, iii-iih. r TKath i.or Sukncni iho' both fo of'., u look d in the I' ice, in rlic various Cliiniui wc had p.ilVii tlirMi(;h) huviig inadv.iiiy Duach upon ui. ••Il C H A P. XIII ARclcitmiof Mr. Finch, Mcnkwt, conrcrnirighu Trade and Tra^m vcli in the Mounts Omntry ^ rpitb an /IccomU of the moHremarLt'^ Roads and 'Pl.ucs of Trade in that niH'hty Empire. hie B F.inr, roiiRto InJli, we went all afhoreat ^u,.it, .vhcre we hupid lo have an Ew^lifh TaAory ettlcd ill time. 'Twas our ill luck notwith- I lta:iding, to meet every-whcre with People of ;ile and perftilious Principles, to Hnd a Knave alinolt in every Poll and Place of Trult, from the Court to the Cuftoni-Houle, from the lofiiclt Vilicr, tothcmeancit Officer, "tv.as all alike ; there were Places and Titk-i of ji bci .rr It- Honour to dirtitifMiiili Men from one another, but Hone- Ifl'ihi! lly and Cotifciencc made no difference. riniuU'i M The I'uti.giir-^c (the proud I'furpers of Sovcrci^'nty in ;<"''''. ^^'= thcfe parts, and very tnuiblefome Neighbours to the (..ccr fVloiy', m ^^'■^'>'> •1'' vvell as iiMier Iti.lim Princes) had about llui iCipi Hiir- time their lliare of Calamities, as well as wc. The \.V- j*j"'{?':|"^:"'e'i/ indeed h.iidl) dares pretend to ch.ilUu- them, li) far I upon his Sh ps.and noi one can Itir any w.»y to Tr.ide, but ! is rbligcd to take tliuir I'afs, and pay for't but the \U - I Ul.n', and the ');./,/•, between tlietii, do pretty well pay tliofeSc ris, .mdmottihethe Power of that intoUncambi- T'lm* 7<». nous People, which without fueh Adverfaries to check ir, f'ifn one dorrch Fleet, there w.as a long and blood em" * '"''^'"^ Iwtween them, and great damage done on both lidc"; ; inlon uch, that both Fleets ;h ught enough done for the prefenr, at leall till they had titted up themfelve; for a frelh Trial. The /'("f.7[f ;;?:;;•(• however according to their Vain-glo- rious boalting way.) ni.ide a huge Noife of Virtory, and thinkinc that livy had iiuite cooi'd the Courage, as well as fpcnl'd the Ui ert.iking uf the Di.i:' , fell to Fealling and Revelling aiuoar, caving the Fieet to look to it felt". The Di.tcb, in the mean time, h.tving (lopp'd their Lciks, and new t ipg'd at ^ i , return'd with a Refolution to try the Fortune of a Second B.itiel with them, and on the Fleer, they burnt nu 1 funk every Sliip that wai there, making Ufides a cruel Sl.aughter : And if five or (ix ot their Shins had not bv chance l\\n fent away before, thewliolcFlcctth.lt came ui_ m this Delign h»d entirely penlh'd. Belides, iiuickly after thii, a Sicknel* in that City Iwept awav moH of the P.rnifuL-c 'here, ami theVicc-Riy amongll the reft ; 0. that their inde and Gieatncls by all thefc Strokes, was conlideiably hum- bled . And 'twas very well for the King of .Ichtn, and hit Ci .intry, that the !>.,icl- at that time .ittemprcd the ,''. gc of v/,- ,,.,;:, and gave the Prf,^.-^f fo fatal a Hlo.v a» thev did ; 'twas the molt Icafmable th ti; for tliun that cou'd polTibly havchappond, and no lefs pcihips than the Redemption of the whole Country out of ihchan.'^uf thofc Devourers : I'or the King of I'o.iu^^', who had be- ^,;,„ (iveJ fore relolv d to dm e the / i../c7i out of the /«,//<■; j as alfo, from ihe levercly to i hallile all tliol'e hij.'.u! Princes and States th.n l'""i'^- had given Countenance and Fneouragement to thejn of which ti*. probable he reckond the King of ,i.htii to Ijc one " gave Orders to his Vire-Roy to go and begin with that Prince, and then proceed to the King of Jor, and fo to the MKliac.i's. and about. And the Pninguexe Fleet h. ,AD. 4 "■" .* 1».«. '« Irk'J by th< )\ Lui,k i A.alCiihe V l.nv.ir. (wonderfully Itroiig and well fi.rnilh'd w.is at that very tune b( fore tlie City of , .,;, read) to execute the King's Commands, when the News came, that the Dut.lt were alfaulting Af.i m , , and all wa< like to be loft there. l\\ News drew off the whole Power of the Fleet and del vcr'il W,. ev ; the Vicc-Ri;y hid no time (a'; well as Con nilfion) to attend the n^aking of new Conq^elts, wlu s r , ••-re allaulting Af.i m i , and all wa< like to be loft there. This News drew off the whole Power of the Fleet and deli- in- old ones were ready to Ix: lolt, and the Intereft was link- ing in another place. And 'tis not utterly improbable, that there were fome- thing more than meer lucky CKancc and Contingency in this matter ; .ind that the »(./,,. ^br liiifc Obligation or other to tlu King of ./,/■,•).) ni.nhr Itiuiinully give his Ad- verlaries -his very feafonable Diverliiti : But however 'rwas, the l>..i„«i,c- had the worlt on't, and came off with the lofs both ways. The M.i/I,il:irs were a horrid Plape.ctothcm this fame The m.u. 1 ear too, and tuuk or liink of them, at I'everal times, bet- *-■" 'f ' •'« ter than (ixty Sail. f>'fiiuu. Add to all this, the lofs of the bi-lt part of their new Fleet, fent out of /'"'.^ifrt/tocaiTy on the War againll the Dutch : They were in all nine br.i've Men > f War, and lir Ships Aitetulants ; they were Katter'd with bad Weather, and never met rogetherafter- t.'i! p,„,. ! !l about the Coalts of (.'/..//i-.- ward.s. About five of them did make a lliift to get lolTc^, iil,u7l% and anotuer of the Company was let arire bv her owri "■""""R i"" I Men, to avoid her falling into the Hands of the Hutch tl *^'"' that then rode at the Bar hedonng ana challenging the Pa tu^uc-{c Admiral to come out and fight. M i Theft !| Is 4- I 1:': 1 1 1 , i < »;' :( ^> i- li-l ;s ;- Ml: % I ■; a' ^. ■«(: . E in >^ 'Dc/criptim of Surat, ^c. Thci;- r.i it' tlii'. I'Icct a Oircl Imd rircd two litt'c Ivt'orc .It Mo:,.ii):iii]it, (wluti' alio tlity h.ul alimlt- til nr.il Uittcr'd tlic C.ilHi.', tlio' tlicy coiilil not take iH .and tVom tlKtuf tlicy came ilirc*!lly tor (.>/i, hoping to tiiiil the ie(t ; which Delii'.n beini', tViillrareil, they eniica- vriir'i! to I'lcnoke the /' 'i. ■;;/<.; ■ to a Battel ; hut they Wert u illr tli.iii tn accept ot'ihe Chnllenge at thattime.ami tor all ihe Inliilts ct'the l>u\'' , wt.ii'J not llir out of then Tort. Bur ihey ci'n;iiuie (I'.Il n make further Prc^ar.nions on lioth lilies ■ fith.it ii: all prolialiilitv, it won't lie loiii; be- fore tlie C!rai\l C'l n;ro\er:ie ilependmi; between thole two ^ati(•n^. in th,'fe I'ans of the Woriil, vmII b: ilecivleil : The lUninel'i of M.il,i.\ii is n:.w in hanil, which will fer\e cnly f"r an Int'.oJnclion to j'reater thin;.' Before ' Medm, which Ml). Wjl.l'C- t.ll. L i.H.' A/./".. ...1.1 X vf i ',: in iV.i! the /)»■■ anil /'.' / _!;h/c were notiheonly Scntllers|a larj;e I'.u'ii Court, ami great Trees, with -in Arlxjur ' ' ' ' ' M'' ■', (iHolv Men, tic •\c in this Coiit:!r\ ; for thcv;.rrf M:\iil, and the Kinp ol "• ..H', were larryin'', on a very hot and Molent S\'ar._ News came now, that th"; Prince, W4tli a tiuni; .\riiiy<:t lierr Horle, hid licliei; d the C'iry of ,liif.hiir;,y, once the Merrop ilis of rh.n K:ni;doni, and con.pier'd by rl,e bra-.e /i, .''■■/, this NT'.; ./'s I'.irlier. Unt ii lecirs, theCit- \crnonr ol th.at place was . .o i nnn'nj; I or the King ol i>-- ■ •« ; f.'r pretend ini; that he won'd d, 'liver up the City - prtei I I'rinre. ai d hi- Si:b| -cts are l.ime cf the belt ■^l^llliers in t'le I:. /.' i ; a'ld ha e as g lod a th.iiacler for l.an.l-Scf. lie , r.s the M .../■.-.-.■s ha- e for tli.n (I' the iea. l)n theotlicr lidetlu'.'.'rr t .\/-;;H/wef.t on with liisl'r,-. ,'-.'■ parations, pwa and ini};hiy, in proportion to his vall Uclipi : He was now rel'oKed not t^ (it down contented withihe CcnipiCtof llie Kin!;doni of /J-c,:» only, bm to take in all the Cuiniries in liie .Southern part of ; ; he won'd tarry Iiin Victoii' us Arms all through the C'oiiti. ticm, and fix the Hounds of his iimpire at Cape (' - To break the force of this niighty Svorni, the Three nfiglity Kin.us, of bi-o'.n, Vil'.foi, .ind Gi/.v/m •, with all their Powers, prepare to let themfehes in the way of it, intending to recene the hrik Shoi k ; they refibeto Hand as Barriers between the A^:;;,.', and ihat part of hiJi.i ; lo that he thall not bre.ik in tl;cie, bel'orc he has broke tl'.rci'.^h all their .•\r.lue^. '1 hi.'y are now on Unh iide.v in die:; Tents m the l.tli', read) I'or .\Ll;on, and cxpeill only the breaKingnpot the Winterti begin it. rm!ir We Kail alfo oiir il'.are i f TriJiibles at ^. oil-d.i-, together with ih.- principal Phues -.hat ocuir in thole Road^, with the molt kr\u cable Oblsrva- lior.s relating to them. S:t.i-\ frtm whence I began m\ Journey, ma) ailij be- gin the Char.ic'ler. It Hands fonie twenty Miks up in the Co intiy, upon the Bank of a \ery tine River ; 'tis a Ci- rv of the middle fort for bignefs, very populous, and iidl nf Mtriliatits. About three Mdi-s trom the Mouth of ilie Riv er, is the fam'il Bar, vv lif n Ships ride and unlad.: : 0\cr this the Channel is very tair to tin. Ciry-lide, .u.d able to bear \'c!li.lbof ^i Tun Burthen. 1 his lame l.r. er runs dircc'tiv to U:i».or:, a^d a,s you fcine up it on rhi Righi-h.ind lland.s the Caltle, confuie- r.ib!'- I.ivge, v.ei walid and uioaieJ, ana as well ucfun- .deil anJ pro-. .'•.■'■ witli Military Furiiilurs. : But having Inte'ligeiKe of the Anus got toge' her tor the Deftn. e of did not make the Attempt, Caftlcs lit- pIcalantGiccii, with a tall A//i>.PoIc in the midtt,' abcHir which they make their Patlinicson l-'eftival Uajs. 'Ihe City lies all ©j>cn on the tide of the Giren ; but in all o- thcr part.? 'tis ilitch'd and ff ncd, and has three conlidcra- blc Gates ; without one of which is a fine Grove of A//o/;;r- Frees, where the Citizens ufe lo go out and Ban- iiuet. 1 here is a good Alph.(„,lic,v, or Ciilloin.Houfe anil a Market-place for Holies .md Cittle ; with feveraf other Conveniences, better to be taken by Slight than Re- port and Delcription. J he molt conliderable Things without the Gate.?, are d'Clidcs the Cirove ot A/..H?n'/; the fair Pond not far otf it, tiirte Ciiariersif a Mie m coirpafs, and lurroundcj on eierr lide with Stoncttcps, and beautiful Tombs, with a larg ■ j . •- - . — rais'd ill It, where the hi,l.r.:t and Ihew their Pietv in .State. Crofs ,1,., \v,„,.,. it.iiuis .1 i^eot little Town call'd !{,.. ».,„ '.v//, tlie l.iliabdants (,r which are belore everv'Uc or : But tisihe pli.i(ant Ganlens that ch.arm the C.tizensof SV.i/, .indiir. lie them to lome over and pals .iwav lijin my Hour- as they d(; at this plaie. I kiriw of notliiug to a- bate tlie 1 kal.ire ot thde iovciv Walks, but the inliniie AumlHT ol gi..ii Bais that take up tluir l.odemg in the M..l.i..„: Irccs; there they h.mg b\ the ClawMn the Boiighs, in "■'' ■ likh vait Chi(lu\ as wood furpnze a Man to llv ; but the Niiile and S.p:e.,: ,ig rhey make i^, fo intoler.ible.'that tvv.-u a pood Deed, lo bring two or three Pieces of Ord- nance, aii.i iiour the Trees, ih.it the pl.ace iniidit W rid Ol lu. ha P.agnc as they are to it. The Winter begins at t,,. ,, . \u. .:■ about the beginning of 7,0,: , and holds 10 the latter Z S .la .V [Uiidi'y ; but not with continual Rains, as 'tis ar ; but with great uneertainrv, m\A as nun h variety of \\cailier, Wind, Ram, .and 'I iumdir. It alw.iys take- lis larewcll o( ihem with a cruel Storm, which they call the U-ijni ; which is .dfo unccrrain as to the degree of its Violence and iniry; but for the mod pan , oblcrves thi.s Itated Courle to come w ith extremity every two or three Year. 'Ihc Monfon.sfor the South ferve here in ///■nV.and Tc- r/cwj.'.,T ; tor the HS'i Si-.i, in RirMiy and M„rch : Ships come hither trom tlie.W?/', in D-ccmbcr, JaniMry, and f>- hjui.y: Fro,n the /<■./ .?,■■,-, in the beginning o( September after the Rams : From O mm n \ovcmkr. I-etus leii-.ovc the Scene now from 'v/(/-.if to \rcimpore Kum/m one of thelirit Towns of great \ote in my way to ./fni, Int.iis Road begins that long R, due of Mountains that runs from ./.-„.,. v:,; trolsthis part of the Country, and amongll which /}.m',v. the troublefome Rebel has fevcral .Vrong-ho.'ds, and has foriihed himfelf fo well, that all the l-orces ot ihe Crm M-^^:,! aie not able to inpirc him ; and this .Series of Mount.iins continues it feif asfar as H'r,trts .*. The ne|:r great Town is n •,,.,, encompafs'd almoft f.mi round w iti a River, (tanding like an Ifland in the midft id a mod delicious Country that liesaliout i': ; and ;,■..'■.. ■>'.<■.'. lis next Neighbmir of Note, a Town as tinpL'ifanr as the tormerw.rs agreeable; a Dirrv Mole, a iVn ofTliicves and reir.arkalu'r tor nothing i:i(c, but it; Dirt, and Dirty 1 eeple ; CMcpt theQiiatitities of Wine made here, of the Fruit tliev e.tll A/nr.i. 7 his is a verv fwe [ Chap . XI end of Fruit, ihe Wj et and Itifeious It, Uie \y ,ne of it pleating cnomth ; but 111/ own Hx- pericnce pruv 'd irnot uholfome, unlefs w.ll burn'd. >Several of thefe 'J'owns that lie hereabouts, are under t:ie Contmami of a ronaui Gentile %..-, whoackiiow- .ci.ges the .Sovcreigntv of the ii,\--;,.j.,,,, for a Pledge of his Fnendl then If helhouM do otherwifei the A%h,' can't Help liim- leit ; lor the l(,:/,: h.is fuel) .1 tniard of uiaccelli'ele Moun- laiiis about Mm, that he may bid Deliance almolt ih.- Annus in ih, World. Bclides, the licjid 111 thole Mountains, y( t they can nc\ ,at. ills' But to ; tie may he be- -- llarve him titsre ; tor iln re s abundance of good Pall ire, C;i\iin, and Fi.unr.ains ol Wate., upon iho higheft p.irr of fWin, fo that it he did lall out with the Mo:;;./, and take up Arms, he had Nature of his fide, and the Fruutuinefiot his own rerntories woii'd fuppoit him in lus Rebellion. Bin then did lie let an Army pals undilhirb'd, to tiic very Foot of lus Woinitams, ihty cou'd itevir get up to him ; for all tlie I'alli's t.> his tsvo pnncir.ll Ciues, are prodigiondy .f.'..:-.ilu d Sj'it'f afi.l Mtt'itirt. M.VA\\y Ii., i'j b: DUI; i)ijiiire, *"!'■«»/•'! vvayto jlgrit. ountains that ountry, and has levcral well, that all injure him ; elf as far as 'afs'dahriMft f •«* 111 the midl't ; and 'kJ:> '"•'•'■ iMl'anr as the of Thic\es, , and Dirty I'.ere, of the and Uifeious ,, „ own hx- biirn'd. «, ar^; under u ho .ickno'.v- but npi M 11. He lius All *■■ th l.iiii, and '*-"■'• cs one ot his ii.ir.iip : But an't Jielp him- lliMe Moun- alnioit to all may be be- er ti.ir\e him of ake lip Arms ief< '.)l his own on. Km then cry I'ont cit n him ; for all oiodigionily fOr.ilud irain, and ■ CTc'in, fo Mmiirt. 1 i s, <'■;■■" Ik: ;j !> i„ii. Ciclon, three Cofe of the i*™-'' ° down to fccnre ti.em ', and then they are fd narrow, that way up to u hich, is vaftly fteep and ftony, and To nar~° ' "" f flardcp. . are unUwl \cr; lijiiie two Cofe out of the no more than two Men can march a-brca(t : The Names of thcfe two Cities .'re Snlioc and Miilicre, each of which have two mighty Caltlcs to defend them. Iiib:tr Sh.i, this A;c;u/'s Father (a Soldier as capable of manaping an Kncmy to good piir|>ofe, as moll Imiia has had), iouml this Mmintaneer too ikublwrn for him; he fpcnt levcn Years a bclleping him, .and at laft was forc'd to compound, giving him" fovcral Towns, upon Conditi- on of kmu- poor Acknowledgment of Sovereignty to him, and his SiH ccllijis : And this was the wilelt part of his C'ondiitit ill the whole AHair : for in fhorr, without this AiMV.'n'ciir, hiv, Merchants coii'il never have had any Seai- riiv in p.iHint' along tins Country. My Jomn'ev from thcle Towns to }i,.iniporf, was trou- blcromc enough; partly U)'on the Account of Thieves thar infcOte.l the Roads, and nn ill Diltempcr fthe Bloody- llii\i gotten by diinkini; ihe Water of S/"..'t™) River, a 'lown that Inv in the RoaJ. The '>..■' J alfo (vsho h:ul iiirt beat the AHh's I'orccs and taken a ftiong Town tVom them, and cxtreamly brisk I'pi.n ih.T Succeis) were abroad in Parties makins', all tliS]«)il thcv cou'd ill the A.v.^i.'s IViiiunions ; To that ■rvi ,. . impo:iil h' to invc! with any S'afcty.withoiit a (Juaidi ..ndth^s Coil-.f It I arci.lenra'K nut with, in a good Bo- il v tifllurle, t'lat ton\oyM iik' tcciirely to I'^'w.-.r. '1 hiv IS a ver\ treat City, but has a bale, kjw, unpleafin Si t canon .a" very imwlvllome Air, and as b:t I V'.iter ab(ait \'. : Ir ha-; a Large .iiu! well forriried C;i!lle, (binding upon iheiViiik ot the Ruerwhiih cor cs (Vnm S:,rrt, whi.h is ihi. o!'!\ cnlldrr.ilile Oriiamei:t of that kinil, the Cirv li.is 1(1 llievv. 'I he \'iie-l\ovs nne .ind curid. ^. but they lie Citv. Clofebv the Callle-lide, in tli.- Ruer, (fands an F.lc- rh.intcarv'd in Stone, with lb much of the Life, as well .IS all ilieexaCi Proportions of that flealt ; that another l-!eph.iiir that came dtnvn oneDaytoilrink there, miltnok It lor anal .-vnima', like himfelf, and ,ui crdingly rmi- 11. ng againll u v\ nh ail h s force, broke both his own 'Icedi byi'iie Allault, bin cou'd make no ImpreHioii upon his AdverCary. The City was at this time as full of Soldiers .as ever it co'.id hold, and the Vice-Roys Camp laybc'VM'en this and Hi-iurynre, emending a matter of two Cole in leiigil: oil the I'therlldc, about twenty Cofc diltance, lay the the Army of the /JiVrtHcrj cncam]i'd, conliltingof at halt soooo Men, threatning H'.-inj'jri, and deinanding the Surrender of ir. And 'tis certain, that this |)lace iiuilf have liecn yielded up to them, if Sultan I'o tn ,'ihe Prince) had not come in ilienick ot t'liie, w.th a Itiong Army, to prevent it. Their Forces .abi5Ut this place, all juvii'il togerher are as goodis 6coGGHor;e, and non I'lephaiTS liiilritiliey ni.atch the tVirt'ncj in number; yet before I vvei.t from hince, Ncwscamc, 'J hat a pan of the Army wasciitirely loiited. Welud Intelligence of a frcll: I ol's the I'r riit^ii re had at Sea by the M Jli-.h.: s -. Their fleet conlilting of hfty Frigats, and twoGallies, being iip'ii the M.iH ilr.i Coalt, and ill Ibmc mcafure dilbrdci d .iiul difpi rs'd there by bad We.iihcr : 1 he \U!'.:l;irs efpying that advantage for an C>nlct nut of their I erking-holes.purfiud it preleiitly , and 1(1 nrcd, funk, and took the whole ./iwk:./. Under the Prmedion, and .n the Compan>' of ilie Ge- veniour of this place, 1 continue.l my Journey to Af^n-. Hiir W.ty le.rd iis crols the greac Ridge of .Moiimains thai comes from .ln..ulni/:r ; not lar trom which pallage Hands the valt and mighty Callleof ll,:jjnc. It's Itrongly k.n- ed upon the tops ot the Mountains, has Palfurcs and Ponds about it ; and is it I'elf (liy Report) big enough to enter- tain above 4o(;^o Horfe. Were il not tor one unhappy thing, it woulil 1 e .il foli.te'y in' innble, and a Man that had the Defence of fucli a Stroi g-!iold as this, need not fearliciiig thrown out by any boi\e, except th;u of light- nini', .;r an I'aitlujnake, ihou'd do ir. It mult infallibly lire any Advcrfary in the World, 't it had but the advan- tage ol good Waicr ; but the want ot this Kecellary will not alli'W it lo hold ma a Siege fo Itubbornly, as its lAvn Strength wou'd ralily dc 'Twas by this means that it tame into the Power of i'..hu SI'/:, who elfe in all proba- bility h.ad never taken it : It h.ad at that time (Coo Pieces ofdrJnaiKc; and the Old A/r-;«/ was almolt wtary <,f hik long Siege ' But the W.itcr bred Wonns, and oiher li.ucls, ill Inch iiiiiliitudes, tliat the Defendants had a gnevouvMorialuy amongit th.-.ii, bydrmking of it ; and I.I ih.y v.'.ie fore d, to come to a Compolitioii, and deliver I p '.luCalHc. i h- Priigtl' in the Mountains brough': us to the Ru is 111 t fmail, in c-mpariiiin with wh.-t ^ ur the Buikhi.gs of ir are admirably row, that 'tis as much as a Coach can do to prefs aloni;. On the top, at the very edge of the Mountain, itandsthe Gate, or Entrance, of this old Ciry, over whicli isahand- fome FoiT, and a Houfe of Plealiirc, the Walls running ail along the (idc of the Mountain, for many Cofes to- gether. The R nines Ijcljicak the City to have made i Koblo Api'carance when it vvas in its Glory; amoiigit wliicli there are feveral pieces of Itaieiy Walk, 'I ombs.and Moi- kites. Hill rcma iiiii;'. It was tour Cole long N. and .S, and at lealt ten or twvbe, li. and W. and set to the Ealt- watilofall, lies gooil Pallure (o-oenJ, tor the lenpdi of leveral Coles There are a great many f.iir Ponds th.ai: lie li atrenng up and if-wn in tlic Mm.ns-.iii about the Ci- ty, and Fons, too wed lit.iated and dilj'os'd. 'ihe pleleni Ci^ ' ' ' the tii'iiier was Itrong, beaititiil, aiui iin loriii, all ot Stone; and the (lates lo \ltv high, th.it 1 beliexe th^-re's nothing like them in all t.lir Itendem. It has a Noble Pahue, .a-id. ri'.lit againit ihat a-- line a Mo-k;:, in v.hich arc tlk' lombsol leveral /../,-.■); Kings^ who lie very pompoully interr d there. Ihe '1 iinet that Hands by, is 170 Steps high, built round w.th Galleries and Windows to every Room.bca^;- liiied with n.uely Pons Arches .tnd Pillars, and the Walls all inla'd with a given Stone. I'he in.en Gate is exceeding llroiig, and has a Ifcep All cut to 1' : Wi'.htjur it are lix oilier (iates, allvcryfub- It.nntal, and Courts of Gi'aril between (;ato.ind (J.ite. 'I'he Wall inns all along the edge of the iMouvtaiii, with Flankers in feveral |'la>cs up and down, and yet is the Alcem fo very fteep of ir felf, that 'tis lianlly poll'iblo for a Man to climb up 10 any part of it on all Four. 'Ihis City was taken by the prcfcnt A/cgn/'s Grand- Feather, ll.imowii Shr. ; from V/m Stiini, one of rhe /",///(« Kings (,f 0,-,/v, whofj Anteltors had enjoy 'd it for .above 400 Years : 'I'herew.is 't s true. Force in the Cafe ; but if Treafon and Policy had not given a good Itroke to- wards It, the Race of the Old lud'.r.n Kings might hare h.id their Dwelling here Hill. And lince the Pcrfons here mcnrion'd, were fume of thole that were then upon the Stage, when that remarka- ble Revohirion fiappcn'd, that brought this F.amily into the Imperial Throne of Indi.t ; it may be proper to give an Account of th.ir Affair, in which the Fortunes of fo conlklerable a Country as this is, undcr-went a Change fo very great andfurprizing. The prelent f.'ic-f A/r^i//, is the Great Grand-Son of The Siorf «;/..v- King of CM-ul, a l.-.rtitrlr.,: ; and as upon the Death "'^eft on"'. of the mii:htv Tninerhir, that valf Empire had a great L, hyihe number of Heirs amonglt his Sons, and w.as divided into >•'•!,'<'■•■ 'evcral pitiv Kingdoms and Governmcnrs ; lb 'tis proba- ble, thatilnsof C'.-/' (/ w-.as one of the Fragnents of th.at broken I'lirf-iie, and conleqiu-ntly /)',;/■», cither dircclly de- feendcLl fnin T^m.-iU>:c, or at lealt had fome of that Blood 111 his Veins. Howe\er, upon this Account it is, that iheio.-,:? .\;, lu.'biulls lb highly of his Pedigree, and alls himfelf the Cllf-lpripg of T,:m- i.-.nc ■ pretending too, that he is the Ninth, in a dirciil Lineal Dcfcent from him. 1 he Old h: U.th Kings making Oc'/v, for the molf part, their Royal Seat, this li-'.-.i', with thirty or forty of his Nobles difgiiis'd like h'.\c:,s„ came to the King Sf.n):- ■ Iri's Court, 't.s probable, either as Spies, or 'n order to attempt lomeihing towards the Concpiell of the Country. They were quickly ilifcover'd there by their Countananccs, tho' the lih{:ni King h.ad them fullv at his difpofe, yet he Ipar'd them, and gave them their liberty, upon Condi- tioii of lUi'iu 's Oath, not to make War during that King's l.de. Ur.liir kept his O.ith while Secvuler \\\\\ : bat when his Son w.as in the Throne, thinking hnnfeif then dil- iharg'd from il, he f.'iit lla»h"xii, rhii .\.' ''h.'s (ir.iiid- Fa'.her with a mightv Force, and Teiz'd upon the whole Kingdom. But the Conqiierour w.as hardly fettled in his Throne, before V oh, an ;W.>« Prince of the Royal Family, ttrak up Ariiistodrive him out again : And the Matter coming to be fairly tried by Battel, the tn.li,:i' got the Dav. and thi- 'i'r.,ir.' was tore d tolly, and take .Saiitkuarv in the Kiiigol l>:i:::\ Court. Brt having obtain da good Army ol ili.u King, he lame b.ick again into In.iir.. and then by the help ot his I'rjic.ns, carried nil before In m, audevcT aficr that fir free from dillurbance. 'I he I.:, 1,1 being now polfels'd of the Imperial Scat a- gam, Sl:i V.'/mi rctu'd ro ihe Itrong City ot .'\).'.v.Ajii', juit now .Icfirib'd, and iliere foitilicd hmifclf, liolding it out agaiiilt rt!i2 I.. ■.V.'ri.l;..*;^ " i J; ;! M bui^ 8^ » !>. J 'Dejcription of AgrSLy &c. •AS- ■H ^i- < ! Ui( 1 : i ! ' ' \l 5f) .i- I; 1' !^ i p ■1 |Sjh<. ^Trf^jm/'ir'. Utrvtr. again.ilVd through the pleafant .fnii rrrtllc Coimtry of AJo/tr, where therr s alfo a \alt deal of 0('i- um. 1 hey give the He.nh of Poppies two or three fcr.iu'us, from whti'.ce diltils a Te.ir, which at firlt is white, b\it afterwards courxal'd by the Cold, turns of a rediliil. Co- lour ; but 'tis a gR.\i deal of Pains they beftow in this Bulincfs liir a fin.ill Matter of Profit , for the Htads are fniall, and drop their Tcais very fpannaly. Between this and (>'«.i/, rr , aa' iliefc Places of Note and Trade : Snrnmpore, adorn'd with a fire Caftic, and Town- Houfc, a large place, and fanii Us for Turbants, and good linen. Cii.k''-; abounding with all Ions tf Grain, Vichials, and Af(•lv.r-^VilK•. ,S>;.i«:;f, rcinark.ilile for its Bttele-CarJens. j\()iii)/ii, a Citv of larpo Uimenfions, and hindlonvly built i iis CalUe Itaiuls uyon a llecp llony Moiintaui, with a very narrow Cawfey leadii-.g to it, of more thanaMik's Afcenr, defended with four Itrong Gates, and Courts of Guard to cvcrv one of ihim, bcvoud the fourth and lall of which no Stranger is permitted to enter, without fpe- cial Orders from Court. The Towers and b'tankers, and oilKrCiMiiiiiances for Dcl?iice, rcnjer it invincible by i ar.v thir.p bu: Trenlon ; inileed, the whole Ridge of the ; Moiini.iiu upon which the Citv n.tnds. and is hve or fix Cofe- in loinia'.s, \^ I'orf.Hed 1 oili by A. t and Nature, to a woiiaerfiil ui-pive. This w.is foriiKr'.y the Biundarv,^ or (>atc of tlieKmgilom of Mr.iuotv, and wasinthofcj Davs mi:ch llroiu',cr, as well as mor: fplcndid than 'tis fwKi/ri-f is a City as luautiful, a;,d in many Rcfpeds' more remarkable than the former. The ruggy Cliff upon which the CalUe is featcd, is at Icail lix (fomc fav eleven) , Coles iu compafs, and allinclos'd with a ^ers rtontWail: And here is the like narrow Cawfey, wi'h Gates, Barri-| cadoi'S, and Court.<. of (Juard, as at Sonvr ; ai:d the fame Caution iis'd in the Adiniinon of Strangers. The Govei - nour's Lodging has a gie.it deal of Pon p and Curiofity a- boiit it ; It has abvind inc-e of high rerrcts gilt at the top, and the Walls all inlaid witii green and blew Stone, fuch ^ as I think is hard!\ to le feen .nny where but iii /■/.//Vr.; This place is one of the three fam'd Prifons f> r Noblemen, and ill of high Quality, that f.ill under the Prince's Dif. iilcaliirc ; the other two are at I{.mr!^mirc, a place not \e-| ry far from hence ; and at l{or.::, a Caftic in the Kingdom: of Hrn^r.lr:. Thcjfethat arc fent to /^r.;<, arc fir h as .ire condem- ned to perpetual Imprifonment, oi t of which there's very feldom any Rcdeinption : Bi.i all that go to /(./oiv It felf, .ib.Ait (.i.^/i-.i-, on that fide. Between this.iiid ^.i, lies the Town of 0««/f ore, the, next remarkable .St.if c m our lourney : It has running by iti'.ie Ki\crCi 'i.f c, as iar;:e and bro.ad as the i/Mwrj; .nnc; Ihewsa Caltle encompafsd with four mighty Walls, one within ai.otlier, ilie way between each exceeding rteep, and all pav'd with Stone; and 'tis ar lead three iliiari'ers of a Mile m a diied Line through, from one Gate ol It to the other, on ihc oppolitc lide. I iiiuft conftls, I belicxe, hardly a-y Country in the World, can Ihcw prouder Bundings ot all forts, Palaces Lib. II FriCm* for ►(•bitiiitn. I ,nd thfir xccution. ;yf. J). |6I0, more maRijificent, Forts and Caftlei more farpriiingly Itroiig, aiid a greater Varitty of all thcfe, than W... can. lo lee all the Inftancc* of its unl)Oundcd Riches and Oreatnefs and State and Grandeur of its ancient Kings, in thole Monuments, and rare Pieces of Antiquity re- maining to this Day ; together with all the Demonftrati- finsot adr.-.ir.iblc Art and Contrivance in thofc illuftrioui Buildings, which ir prefects to a Travellers Eye, is e. nough to convince him, that the Country was as much wrong J, as it mull be little Nnown, to have the Cha,-..- Cter cl Barbarous lo long given to it. This tedious and hazardous [ouiticv, had now a Pe--^'""'" nod let to it, by om happy Arriv al at ./^m ■ Here I found *''''■ I ai'taui /;„a..„;j, m no finall Favour and Figure, at this Court, and with no: a little Work upon his hands : of eouiiteimuung the Jefuites, and leaking the Meafures t.ucn by iluin, and their Patty, for the Deltrixlion of ihc l-j,»i./h Imtrcll and Trade in this Country. 1 he City of ./^5,4 (tlio' now it has fierce a f. >'al in all l>'.l"^i has rifen but very lately to this degree ol Gteatiicfs ana iMine ; it is now an Imperial City, but 'twas an or- dinary Village in hct.:, s time, who removed his Court trom Mi'J. hither. Tis vaftly large, and populous, !«;. yoiid mealure ; but the Streets for the molt part narrow ana airty : There are fomc that may bccall'd ftatclv, as Ihc great W.i^.o and a tew more i but the biggeft part of t he City IS tar from coming up to that Charader.lt lies in tlie tormot a Halt-moon, l>caring out to the Land-wa;d lome hve Cole in length, and as much by the Riser-lide : thus IS the River (;<•;»,«;, which is as broad as the T"«»;c/ ar t™,/«,,_ and runs with a .cry fwift Current, difchnr- gmg it lelt into the G.;},g s at l.iH. I 'pon the Banks Itaud the lofty Palaces of the Nobilitv, anutbe.idmirabeC.iltle of this place, reckon'd bevond Th.c.n;- mo» ot that kind in the wliok- Ealtern World. It i's be- tween three and tour .Mile incompafs,ciKlosa with a Wall of Itrong fquaie Stone, alx).:t which is call ,, lar^e Ditih. with f.veral Draw-Bridges ; Ivlides this, 'tis d.fended with various BnKvarks and ivgall'd with a Couiu.rkaip witliout, lome littcen Yards bioad : And as if this was not Guard cnorgh, there re two more as fubllantial Wall* as this within It. The Gates, and Courts and Buildings belongmg to it, are too manv f^r a tr.inlient Defription - the mighty Calllc of Wy <, isa Subjcd fufficicm for an al- moft cnt re Volume by it fclf. To return to the Citv AlthV it has the Defence of hx very fufficient Gates, yet it h s no Walls to complcrc theStrengthot It butonlyaDitch, and rl,at not broad neither nor ful of Water ; but on the contrary, quite dry: Without this, lie all the Suburbs, which arc 'cry large, the City and they making one Wayfeven Mile in ength, and three in breadth. The Houfes of all the con- liderablePeope .nre built with Brick and Stone (with flat I ■»; but thofe ot the Commonalty .,re of Wood and Iwvc Mi:d-Walls, and thatch'd a great part of tiiem ; by which means Fires tncc kindled, do make homd Work in thofe Parts ol the City. Aid this was the Cafe at my «, -, ., being there ; for a go, d while togetherthe Fire was hard- f»?.m™ V <;'^" "It in one place or othcT ; fo that le eral Thoii- landsot Houks were conlum'd, bclides a great number of Inhalntants and Cattle th^: ; ,.iiii.d ttx). This Court was now alarm'd with News, of theill>" Succclsofthc War.iunagcd againtl the lia;„irn: Ar.M- wnx^^ a 1 own in thole parts, was fallen into their hands • the vaft Army of the \hg„i, which was u.>on the March to relieve it, being forc'd by Drought anc t .line, to re- tire back to K. <:;«/« r, by which lo.softi the rlacc 'vas lolt. The fighting part of the Armv was at lealf looooo Horfe; but then take in all the At:endants, and Hangers- on, the Managers of Klephnms and Camels, (of which thurc was an incredible numlier) and 'tis rcckon'd, tli.it the wh«le Body of the Camp, amounted tj jsocoo, "if not fix. They eat atut drank up the Country as they pafs'd along, the largelt Stores were exhaulted aiidthe Rivers not able to lupply them v.ith Dm k ; a Imall quantity ot Water 'vasiold for a Roupie, and not cnoiigli to he had neither. In the mean time, the i mining /) .-^/.^f; maivli'd abort fpoiling the Country before them, cutting olf all Imer- courle between them and places of .Sup'li.s; and ever now and then, v exing them with faUe Alai nis, .Skirmiilies and one Sttatagem or other ; fo that m iJiort. the whole Army was in a very dangerous and JecUiii.-ig State. Tluis iiiUilted by the lineiiiy, and belides lialf-ltiirv'a m to tlie bargain, thcv were forc'd to leave the Citv for a Prey, and march back to Il,,n,./>,„t ; but well Icllen'd m rheir Num- bers by ihati line they got Mge:|ier, having loll above 7OO0O Horle, befiiks H.pharts, Camels and other Cattcl, This «■: This is d great .Armies lets Deinonib parations as i giving of tliei fatal Ccnreqi .iiul heavy in vernmcnt ; a 10 the Coui-.i .ire. The Mvui tides .').\.u', : '< Citv in the K ;u.i'tlie C.ilt the ilcU'ls : ' lure to loi'k t( and l.ovalty, reeeue ihe Ri led in Women .Alles_ ,i,id ihc Ihe King, Itianity, comi and at the fai i^'ii, as good n Pack of i. yes: Perhaps his gion, the fii.o of his Arms, a Planters of tha fallen out w.tli Princes his Bi fore put them Itruiited in th whuh was afti iier. Rrt all thi. no Qi.arrel bet' ihe Chriltiaii I libly expeOh .tm viiig the a;. !;;,;■ it had licen fo, (rtidtathcTJ ;l'iit all their fond ht Jt they have a n and 1h' circumc hisKaillery upc This Aiition of his own .Seciirit aus, to iriake thi li.ive taken a mr I'ly certain, by i them ever to coi 10 fuch a dej'ree likely to doliim, Ihe ;'..,,■,.?«• in thele parts (ad away at the their Over-eape: over to catch k th.it elca[.'il the loeiave Relief plunder and delti The Atlairs of a Joiiniej tVi m to buy Indieo, with. All along 'which is 130 C( Ccife-end ; and I richly furnilh'd : King and his W'u of them. 'Ihe liiH place mous Clity of unfinilh'd, and , _ Delign and Work trom hence to ./;; br.ickilh ami impi that drunk it : ,Sr any in lH.!i,j, wa.' of Time, and to and t!ic(iates, hi are very much iol tutii'd into Garde 7""' And here one may Gram, wliire the I'p their heads. I he King's Pah Lib. II I^Oap. X U I. fourney through feveral Tarts of India, &c. 87 ^<. rj [fcV jriiinRly nHia can. hrs and It Kings, uity, rf- ionftriti- lUiftrioiis iyc, is c- as much Cha fl- ow a Ti'- 1.^^,^ . c I found e, at this and? ; of Mcafiircs iidliun of v-al in all •jreatiicfs iris an or- his Court utous, lie- rt narrow (lately, as eft part of :r.lt lies in .and-wa;d ,i\er-lide ; he Tititiiiet t, difdi.ir- :■ Kobilirv, I'd hc) onU The ClKI; It is l>e- vlth a Wall II ge Ditch, li defended nini-rUai'p if this wa» intial Walls J Buildings )cf ription ; III for an aU Defence of to iO;iiplctC t not broad ary, quite arc \cry en Mile in I the con- (with flat Wooii, and tl\em ; by omd Work Cafe at my u^ •/.„. was hard- Fi««-•. as ■all 100000 1 H.inpcrs- ( of which Ikon'd, that 5Goc;oo, it lury as they Jod, and ilie Ik ; a finall 1 not cnoiigli rchM aboi.t III all Intcr- ; and ever |, Skinnillici, thv.- whole I State. Thiis \ \l m to the a I'rcy, and , :he;r Num- Ig loll abo\ c and other This is the Fruit of fiich monft.otis, uncnnfcionabic, ; wcro once c\ery way worthy the Mairnihcenrc of thi r ■■•■ t :l- »:-• f,-'. 1 M-.--^- crcat ^mlics : A Prince had f.a-befcr forbnr thofc need- Ids' Deinonllratir, is of Fo-npaiHl Power, n fuch valt Pre- panitionsas th.fe are, thaM couult hK Grandeur in the LMvinc of them, when it is likely to .e .wended with luch t ual C( nrcniienc-s. Sn huge ■: Body mult needs be How iiul lieavy in its Motions, lefs capable ot Order and (.0- vtrnmeiir ; and whether they Hpht or no, and do Service to the Covif.try, mult ftiil be dcvcuring it where they are. ^ . , , ■ 'Ihe M""ii'\ Affairs went crofs in other places too, be- lidcs ').-..iA'', about this time : For i'cun.,, i coiilkhra'le Ci'v in the Kiimdom of i'orrop, w.as taken, and Lickd, 11, i the Caltle," with all the TreaUirc ot ir. liir; r.z d 1>. theiliU'ls: 'Ihe Citizens ricd, and leic th: King'. J rc.i- Uireto loi k to it felf ; f r which ExpicHion ot theirCare and 1 o^ahy. foire of them wciv lent hither to .;.;; ,:, to reccue'ihe Rewards of it ; which wa; to be Ihaven, u.el- Icd in Wuniens Af.ire, and cirry'd about the Sir.a, lip.ti Alio-, and the next l;a> to lolc their Hcids, has I'pared , ong, paied The Kiiip, this Month, inaile a i;reat Noilc .tl out L hri- lUanitv, commcr.dinK It in Pd.lick, beturc hi» Noblcj ; and at the fame time railing .it hulomr, .and (ho .(.1 - f.iM, as pof.id as callinj; the otic a Cheat, an.l tlv.- oiIri' a Paik of i.>cs,iiid F.ables . , „ , Perhaps his 1 offes put him into tnis Pett with his Re 1- gion, the (ic.odntfs of which he mealiired by theSuccLh of hi'sArms, and the Sharpnefs of his Swoid, as the hrll Planters of that Imiolhire did. Floweve., hj was lo tar fallen out w.th M" iwc/,thar. hc woud make three yo'- :ig Prince', his Brother's Sons ot anorlvr Flor k ; and thcrL- fore put them into the Hands of the |cUiitis, to be in- lltuifted in the Chrill'an KeH!;ion, in order o baptilm, whali was afterwards admmiltred in a very foiemn man- ner. , , ^ , Rrt all thi- while, ''o I'pcnk the p.am truth) here v\.is no Qi ariel bet\\een h m aiul his Prophet, m r no I ove 10 the Chriltiaii Kehcii n : The Jefiiites perhaps mipht poi- hblyexpechan. the'r i.'o(d Chnlteninp, and think ot h.t- Mtij; the a;. !;(-.' himliif at -'le Font in a litt'e time {who it it had Ix'eii lb, eou'd have had no lei's than the Pone tor a rrodfathei) ;l-m they welt very ini ch miltake'i in ',um,and all their fomi hopes' of his Concern .aloui their Rehpion. It they ha\e a inind to fiibinitto the Rites ot his Religion, and 1h- circiimcizM, th.' ■ may ; but Ml engage for all his Raillery ui'on the Alcoran; that he'll never bebaptizd. This Aetion of his, was only a politick Contri\ance tor hisrAvn .Security; he made thefe young Princes Chrifti- ans, to make them odious to the People, and coud not li,ive taken a more ert'edual Courfe to do it : '1 is intal'i- bly certain, by this means he has made it imix)ir.ble tor them ever to come into the Throne, or fo much as to rile to I'uch a dejM-ee of Popular Klleeiii and Intorcll, as to be likely to do him, or his Children, any mifchief. The /'i./.-/.?i/.-,-<- com need to be upon the lolinq Hand m thel'e part's llill; thity of their Frigates being now call away at the Barr of SmM : 'J'his was tlie Frtect ot theii- 0\er-caccinefs to pet our, (betoie the Winter was over tocatcli fome of our ;:«:^/;);.' Ships ; thole ot thein th.it elcap'il the Fiirv of the Sea, were atieiwards t>.r:d to ciavc Relief at our Doors, whom they wev going to plunder and deHrov. The Allairs of Trade at this time, obliged me to make a Jouiney fit 111 .;?r.i to />'>■»« ; my chief BiKiiiels being to buy Indico, which Commodity that plan- .abovinds with. All along this Road t'lvm //;".i, as far .as .lliiicr., (which is ijoCofes) .'iv -Stone-Pillars ereded at e\ery Cnle-end ; and Icveval hnc Moli.iKs, or Summer-Palaces, richly furnilh'd and htted for the Kntertainment ot the King and his Women, when they pleal'e to come to any of them. 'I he lirtl place of great Note 1 came to, was the ta- mous City of h\tijirt, dcfervedly call'd to, tho'vccan unfinillul.'and partly a ruinous City. It was the Noble Delign and Work of Ed'-r Si.r, who lemoved his Court from' hence to .Itr^rr-., U\aufethe Water hereabouts proved brackilh ami impure, and Ired Dillem\iers amongll thole that drunk it : So the City now almoll ready to \ie with any in h:.!I,i, was left c ndemn'd ro undergo the Decays of Time, and to moulder .;way into Ruines. '1 he Wall and the (iates, hold out pretty well ; but the Buildings are very much loll in the middle, and a pood pan o* it is tutn'd into Gardens. Jitm S,*»ff fit id'i Ti oj.tf.iil. And here one may fee whole Fields ot' Indico, and other Gram, wlitie the Auguft Buildings of frti/iwf once lilted ip their heails. 1 he King's Palace and .\/o'.-/'/no\v wearing out apace) Builder, if one may guels by what Tiii' And the B.i^fl/, or Market-place, half a Mile with broad Stone, and eiieiiclcd with BuiIJmg\ 'iiiride no Icfs hue an Appearance. B. t the Perfcillion of all, for raie Workn inlliip, ain! Oiiiament, boih w.thin and without, is the Mcskir, whicii h.id it been hnill.d, 'tis believed, 'f.vtai'd ha-.ebeen t'upe- riour to niolii f the glorious Buildings of the.'.'.i.'. Hard- ly any thing of that kind is rais'd higher than the (Jate of it, having a matter of thirty Steps of Afcent up to it ; which t pcliM- wiih the l.oftinefs tf the Buihiing it le!f, 11 akes ii eahe 'o fee the top tif it at eii.hi or ten Miles 1! . Italic ; anil there s Icarce another Gate that yiehls I'l.-h a ProfpeCl in the World betides. The Areaot the paved Court within, is full lis r.'mcs as larue ;-.s tlia' of the K.ichange .-it I.onJ'm, arul the I'iaz- z,a's ii.ore than twice as broad, and as many times as high as thole of the bxcliange ; and which i. the more reii.ark- .ible, all the Pillars are of one entire Strnc. liu Builder of ihis rare labrick, was not King .'■:..'■..•.■, but a Mo^jrilhKalcr.dcr, or Voiarv, that lies bm led here: Beliiles a large Stock of Pietv (wlm lithe lay lie had) he had tbni;'..h of the Ble.lin;;-; of this World, asm atlijrd to build hieh a Chi.rch a:, this, and to lav himli-if in a. Noble .Sep.ili hre; v.hicli I'ctides die rich Painaiu", and 1 iher Ornameni^ uf it, is a'! iulaid witi. Mother of '.'carl. 1 his Ciry was at ;lrlt call d S)l^ii:y, whu h lien. ties '> k'lg or ; liii.ti ^ ; 1 lit afterwards 'twas chaiigV. to i-'ctipnc, th.it is as nuich as to I'ay, // i'lacc of Cct.toit, cr H:.i-fs D jlc I'-.iiii',!. 'Ihe Realonof which Ihall be given, when \vz cometolpcak of the Town of .-T/i/;.;., from whence the Caufe ot It is to bederiv'd. M ithoiit the City is a v cry Large Pond, which together with a deal of c.veelleiu biih, and Wild-bowl, atibrds I'leat Q^iantities of th.at Plant which beais the Hermo- The Fruit daOlvles; and 'tis very con, 111011 in all the Ponds about "'':'""'•"'' yl«tii, ruining all over the Surface of the Water. -ft,e ''"''"'*''■ hruit before 'tis ripe, is fot'r ami tender, white, and of a me.-.lilh talfe, very much eaten in InJin, but cei'.ainly of a very cold Nature : 'lisincks'd in a woody hard Shell, three-corner'd, having at each .Angle a iharp pricking Point, a'.d is fomewhat indented on the tides. Here was another ibrt of Fruit too, in the manner of a (iobler. Hat on the top, cfa loft greenilh I'ibltance on thc^-'""''"''': oiitlide, and within containing lix or ei;'lit fiiLill bruits, '*'""• bke Acorns, each indos'd in a pceuliar Membrane, ta- iling like an Acorn, or Nut, and at firll of a gieenilh Co- lour ; ill the inidd is a final! green Sprig, of a malignanc Nature : The InMaiis call thcle C.wiol.<..l:r.yi:c y, .a.s they do the Ikniicd.iHs, Syi.g.in,-. Between h'ciiporc mA Ihar.i, aretwooiher Tcwn.s, C.i/.-'^'"""'^-'' « iv.r, and C'e.'cH, of fome Note, for tlie Ciiiamities of ""'*"■ Indico they make yearly, elpecial'y the latter, which is exceeded by none in the ProduClii n of this Cuiiimodity, link Is it be H'.tn.' it felt. 'I his has formerly been a beautiful City, and of great bulk, but now lies tor the molt part in Ruiiits. 'Twas^,,,,,; the Seat ot one of the I'ci.ii:-: Kings j and in its tlourilliing Ui^imler'. State, hael its Walls extending .u le.ilt eight Cufe iiixi,„c.:y is length along the Clill's, being defended in oiher pl.ices by cjIIM mjutj, a Natural Fortihcatloii of Rocks, fo high and cracged, ■" •'""""C'' tliat twas HI"- illible f.jrany Advertary tolcalethem. I'lie [illi]","!;,^ Inhabitants area jioor tort of People, that feed Cartel, hJico .i and make Butter and Cheel'e ; they live up and down a- •' Sj''.')' ''';- mongllthe Ruines, minding only their Dauie.s, .uid other i",'^ ',1 „f Countrv Affairs. (LutcJirly, This place, like many others, affords plentiful Inftan."''''"'"'^'' CCS of the Magnirtcence of the Old /ei/'.:ji Kings, ia the bombs, iMonuments, rain'd Palaces, and other Pieces of Antiquity here to be been : But the Ruiii.s are not only the KffeCtsof T'line, but partly of the conciuering Power of i:,b.u- Shr., who beat our from hence th.ij: huli.m Prince Sc/im (bcfore-mentiond ' and demolilh'd moil of the For- titications of ir, as he did at ,V1 t>U ■n\ The vatl Qiiaiuities of Indico (for which this phace is lo famous), come off from a Spot of Ground not above twenty or thirty Col'e long. .And here it may not be out injcodtJ of the way, to run over the Natural Hiltory of this Com- fjili'd, modity, to lee it in its hrll Rife, and by what Steps of Management 'tis brought into that Form in whu"' a ap- pears to us. It is the Prndiuft of the Herb Nill : This Plant prows in boriii not much unlike our Chich-Pe.ife, having alinall Leaf Icmierhing refcmbling that of Sena, vet lliortcr and broader rhaii that, and let upon a very lliort Stalk, the little branches that ihoot out of whicli, are h.,rd and woody, like thole of Broom. It ulually j^rows not above a Yard high ; and the Stalk, which lomes to its gre.tteft liignelsthe third Year, is never much thicker than a Man's Thumb. uM ..till «>v n I ^ # I| ni» ^8 /W/60 Vcjcrib d. A foiirney to I ahor, Old Delly. cir-t. Lib. nlBhap. XIlT C ,. I " ■ i t ii 1^ Ii 1; s S '^ 1 ;( IhcniaKing 1 himli. The Seed is iiulnliil in .i fiiin'l nm.ui OhI, a loii; an !ncli loni', lic.irinp loni.' .vliMiMiinn' to that of l'('mij;rcck, cxccj't itiat ir is lilimrcr at botli fn.ls ; if- rij'c- alim^! \'v:iiJ'r, aniltlK'n('atlicr'J. It carries a lir.all riow.T like tliat of Moan>-cale. TIk' S'.xu cnic fown, IviMa for tlir.'C Year;, an.l pro- din 'tree lev eril for, s of Indieo. ilHerinp inmh tr iii one another in rooiinef'^ and perfedi'-n. 'I ha' of the tint Yeariseall'd Xc.'v, and is a redililli ueithty Indieo, iink- inj; in Water, and i.ot vet advan d to us l>ell and ini'lt ir'atnre(tate. 1 ti.u ( f the keond Y^ar wh.eh they i all (■(••■; is r chai'.d f.ne of a pure Violet CoIoit, and I'wniis I'pi n'the Water. The C, ■i-l.l, \ II hard witli .Stones, and then eiv.er'd over with \Va- :,T. and lb ll.-s ileep nj; thc:e for ibn-.e Days, tilltiie ^^^l■ teriswell tindur'd with the Virtue of the 1' .y;, •trd lias jiot t'.ie purer part cf its Stibltance into it. 'I'hi.s Water they let run forth int )an' tlur Ctileni, wiiere th,-v Itir it .ilioi:t well with Staves, and then when "tis fettled, thev sk'.Mi orf' the clear Water at top. '1 lusOprrat'on the\ re - peat fo fften, 'til! there's nothini; l.nt a thick S.'diinein lemains at the bottom of the Cilkern ; t'lis they take oi!r, ami fpread upon Cloths, f'ttinj; it to dry intlie,S\in ; ai;il when tis a little hardned, they make it up ift ) liit'e I'a'U, and lav them to dry fonic time fardier in the .S.ind. '1 hey chufe to take this Cniirfe to ilry it now, liie rife any thin;.- clfe Init Sand woii'd drink up the beaut'lul Colour ol i'. •So alio, if the Ra'ns fall npon it, as it lies there, it ler- tainlv hifes its Clefs and Colour ; and thus depr.u'd ilwy (jivi It the Name of .l/i'.l. The U'll InJico oupht to be oiilv that of the fecond Years growth, tho' there are fome that mi\- the Crops of all the three Years, and lay them a fteepin;.; m the Water topciher ; which is a wront: both to the Ciiftomer, and the Commodities. Thefe thincs are required in that which pretends to be the Ix'lt Iiulico, and niay ferve todilUn- TheCluN. pnilhit by : A pnre Cra:n,a Violet Colour.a pood Clofsin a^-r of gooj the ,Sun, to be liplit and dry ; to yield a line blew Va- * pour when 'tis burn'd, and leave but a fmall quantity of Alhes. From Rv. ,, .■ 1 return'd to /(^i.iapain; the News was now frclli, that the D.cnices had fued tor Peace, and of- fered to relti.re all that they had taken from the Ma^:// ; who vet wasrelbh'd to carry on the War apainft them, and rr.is'd more Vorces for that purpole. ] h.-d net relted lonp here, at . _^ <-, before I was o'lli pcd to undertake a Journey to / -in , asvvell to recover Moneys tliere owinp, as to put ofVpart of our Itidi.o pot ten at Hyiir, which there was fjir.e hope cf doing to ad- vairace. In this Ro.id, the tirft place of Kote w.as .■tc.-,:.a pr: c, .ill illultrious City in Ancient 'limes, and Ihll famous for the Autiipiitics of'the liui:r.)i C.obins, or Saints. A little Ihort of it are feveral larpe X'aults, fill'd witli P.ipods, monitions and friphtfel Imapes of Stone, iinich relorted to bv the I'lJ.'.itu, and as much .idor'd and ho- nour d u ith Varieties of Olferinps. The City of DcH/i was the next remarkable Stage : This ftands in a delightful Plain, encompalVd with curious Cardens and Monuments ; 't;s a m.at:er of two Ci fc in lench from (late to Cate, and has the bate of a great iiuny other Noble Cities of ;«rf'.i, to lie partly in Ruines. In this place the Imperial Crown is let cpon the Head of the Crctit Afo»/// j and the Ceremony mull (',>y th- 1 aws of the Country be perforin'd here ; otherw.le the Prince is look'd upon as no better than an llfiirper. Here are the Tombs of at lealt twenty ofthe Old I'ct.m Kinps,ver\ tair «iul Itatcly ; and that alio of Unman, the prefcnt Kinp's Grandfather, together with Ic. era! others ot his Wives and Chi'drcn, that lie buried .about him. The Ruines of the Old /),/> Ite a litt'c diltance from hence, feparated by an Arm of the (.■)«."•', o'.er whxh is a .Stone-bridge of eleven ortvvebe Arches.^ Particsilarly there .ippears amoiigll tlicfe Ruines, the Cark.-.h- ot that sncicntfcuildingcall'dtlieCV/,',f, tlut li.id to ihe nt m- bcr of Fifty two C;.ues ; a thing of firpriliiii', Cd.jvv and St.atelincfs in its tiiTie, but now worn out and distigured to tluT. ill degree. 1 here's laid t) be no lefs than four Cities of this Name, and all with-n fnc Cole of one ano- ther ; (f which tliree were built by the ancient Po.v.e King's, .and the other; where the 'I'ombs are) by i./.w bifnrefpoken of. ,- „ i 1 1 A little be' ond Drh arc the Relicks of a ft.ttcly 1 luit- inghoi le, built by .'iiamient /«./;>». Monaah, which has InJi JjIMJf^. G « '"or LlKIT. -f.*ij7»'f (.coins, very grf.n Curiofitics of Stonc-woik about it. * Amongl! "'iwfj, the relt there's a Pillar all of one entire Stone, fome Tvvcn-',[';' '^ " I ty four Foot high, and as inany under CJrounJ (as the hi- aZl'^'P .i:.wi (.\\) having a (ilobe. and a Half-moon at top, and '!'-■*■ divers Inlcriptions upor it ; this, according to the I'radi-*]^';]','];,'' tioii of the ('oiiiitry, a certain li,.i:.i>i King wou'd h.-ive tyU „. taken up ami remov'd ; but was prevented in his Oerigir''"W™ by .i_ multitude of Scorpions that infelled the Workn.en. Hut 'tis certain, that there are a great many of thofe huge I'dl.irs lixd thus deep in the (iioiind, up and down in li- ■I'li ; and 'tis not Inrg ago, that there was one found bu- ried near i'-tline, that wa'- a hund-ed Cubits in leiigtii, which the King ordtr'd to be renio\M t').-.|i; n ; but 'twas br< ke by the wav._ AntI 'tis remarkable, that molt of the ;.;,/.',(/, Q;iarries 'ilpeclally thole alxiut K-t'/i'ii , do atford a Stone of that nature, that may be wr..iipht ahrolt any vva\ by the Workman, either cleft l.ke I o^s, or fawn like Planks into valt great pieces, fo as to Veil K or cover Hoiifes wiihit. if they had .i minil. About I'll (T:) begins a lonp Ridge of Moumains, ex-'""'/", tending towards W,-,,,, the tops of wlr,ch are all cover'd J'^'J,'"' wiihSmw : This City is rcmaikabie vhicHv for its Pa-'' "' ids, reverenc'd through all ;«,/;,t ; and its S'al Anroiii- ack P.ts, a; a little diltance from ir. .V; finnm s celebraied for the ileiiiate (harden the King has there, nhich is more than four Cole in ci mpafs, yields all the Vari .'ties of rare PLiiits, FIowcis, and Fr.iits', and IS iviited tor $ooco Roupies /i-r ^in/iuit:. The two main Cr.'fs-walks of it, arc full f.rty Fott broad, and eight high, planted on both tides witii Cyp:e.Vs, and Water in luat .Sione-Ch.aniiels, runn'iig along the iniddle. In the Centre of it Itands an CVtagonal Mih.jl, the Centre uf which is a fair Pond alio, about wh;ch all the l.odginj.s of the.M..holarepluifaiitly difpos'd : The Biii'ding is of a fine (- .//,i» .Stone, ainl My p.,mpi)u(ly lot out with Painting and Carving in the ii 'Ide. Having elc.ap'd not a few Dangers in the way, by f'*""' le.ins of the Thitviih People that lie .abroad fur Spo'il in ^,',',1." thefe parts. I arrived at l..i!,i, the more Norihern Me- tropolis of this vail Empire. This eerrainly is one of the i.i nej. greatell Cities ot the Kail ; and perliap-. when all is done f"- to it that this King deligns, it may U- one of the linell. I: takes in near Twenty four Cofe in Circuit ; and the City and Suburbs is ''*•«• liTvationsoftl .J bcrequifitcto of Note and F the great Roai veral parts of r From l.r.hor great note or Road, has a i Water locks ni being drunk, 1 petite. In vour pali take Notice c Morning-Dew this Water ; I Filh. which hr may be v erj' e and d'lwn, oy 'A'atcr : This I'lCiiis, was re have Fiili ever V.d>:.l (the ll and fair Citv ; ofthe llately ( "I'isrecki n'l Caravan, tron Kingdom, ani or I'^rin.iH (iHf Rhubarb, and from Cl'iiin. without the ( whole Cargo to do Bufinels Numbers to ct But to rctui more fafc and You go ain fair anil I'riiitfi bears the Nan the River ii. Varietie,s cf to be fori'.ott very line and rich Pombcrri Country is c- in that part ol rated from it I ged, that no ( pie a foot ma with the 'J'<:iY, to carry on tl down, and the tops of the When 1 lit direvit and lli there is anoth lomething mt confideral'le ] /IJnicrc, fe tain, llrengtl- inv incible. f ,l,or• ^>rht,n.l s made to it, \ fo great is t: them. The Great his Pilgiinia;. at lealt i ^c Favour gre.-.t wholly wiiho Imperial Thn tcr nis Dcceal took the prob Saint. And now in alitth Succellion ui I prefcnt King ' a part of the I .1^ X Lib. Ill lpiap. XIIL Tlaces in Agra Road, &C. 89 fomcTwcn.i;';,;t;:J iJ (as the 111- Cr,,i , i« n at top, and '■^f * totheVradi.;;^:;^ ! woiid have i )•_(„„, in hiUJtfij;" ''"''"■''"" ic W'orkii.cn. cftllofc ViU^Q I down in h- inc foiiiul hii- );ts in Icnpili, r. ; bi:t 'twas at moll of t ho fi do atl'ord nt alirolk any oi's, or Inwn Icil Kloiiis, uiuiiaijn, cx-'''"V". uvallc,«er\lJVr'"'' 'rtyfoi its Pa- Sal Arnoiii- dcn tlic Kinj; I n'[\ii;, yields d l-iMits, and lie t\M) main ad, aiid eiglu aid Water in iddle.^ In the die Centre uf tile Lodf'injs Uui'dinj; is of let out w.th tlie way, liy Jr'""' it Kir spoil in ;j,„ ^'orihern Me- ■ isdiie ol' the l;i ft'.'- licii all is done f-™- •tliefinelh 1: and the City s aDittli now , and 'tis dc- Thc Street* ■■ty, moftly of :s of Carving which falls 1 11 n, and up- opening to the laliited" chiefly -mer. ; but > take up their e, they are liy obc jiiftly re- )ls, the Conns, mod end lei : ; i''hiicfs of the ly, that in the ;s are all over- others aic as 5niun, There's p and d( wn in lat iulllenpdi. m li,:lur, tlia; :A;^../. And )f ihe prefer.t I, and the latare of ai:y or Ciuioliiies e revkon'd a- 1 111 to lie toge- F.ye with the !, the Cotinii) [ Ki\er, is ex- nili.-i Hne Pro- iiat hardly any ut Cnlui, were t.vi', thatlhel- ■' - 'II w.th a !;rcat ■* '' earr)i;:g olf » lat live in pcr- jwertan't taii;e the) will lallv ta in, a:'dlpi.'.i 11.- '4 titriril^. iM' Mil. ,:tM. 'JiTihJUi. The Wars lietween the Twr^i and Ptrfimi, put a ftop at prefcm too to the Trade about Cundahar ; the latter had laz'd the famous Citv of Taurn, and fpoil'd the Coun- try abour, ftopp'ng up the Wells of Water, and laying all waftc, to hinder the pnigrcfs of the TurkJPo Army ; uton which account the Merchants were nonplus'd, and dared not pals on beyomi Cnndijlif . m of lla( ing given this Account ofjfmy Journeys to tliefe two ^^thcrpUiM principal Cities of Itirlia, with the molt remarkable Ob- ^^N«c. |j.j.^ jjion, (,(- ti^c f hijf places I vilitcd as I pafsM ; it may "] bcrequifiteto fubjoyn the Charadcrs of fomc other Places of Note and Fame in this mighty Country, which lie in V the great Roads to //gr-r and Lniw, as they run from fe- veral parts of the Kingdom. From /.-i/w Northwards to C/ibul, arc few places of great note or lignitiiancy : Siircroal, a fmall place in that Ro.ad, has a Medicinal River running along by it ; the Water loiiks not of the ordinary Colour, but red ; and being drunk, has the Reput.uion of procuring a good Ap- petite. In your palling lictween I./iKr and this place, you may take Notice of the Ponds at ll.ill'.iudJ/:! : No Drops of Morning-L)cw, are, hi comparilim clearer and purer than this Water ; brt the pleafanteft .SpeCbelc is that of the Filh, u hieh have Golden Rings luing in their Snouts, and may be very' ealily fecn with ihofe Ornaments playing up and down, by reafon of the perfect Tranfparency or the 'A'.ater : This was the Ficlick of Hchar Sha ; who, it f.eius, was refolv'd, that Ponds fo rare and fine, ihou'd have Fill; every way as extraordinary. C.i/'../ (the hrit Seat of the M_f«/'s Familv) is a large and fair City ; but fccms to come Ihort of the Charaiflcr of the Ihitely Cities of Indii- already delcrib'd. 'Tisreeki n'd between two and three Months Journey by Caravan, from hence to Ciicur in 'I'ntn^y : This is a large Kingdom, and the chief City of Trade in it is Tr.rch/iun, or Ti-.rm.ui .w, fiom whence comes Silk, Porcelan, Musk, Rhubarb, and other Merchandize ; but it comes ihither from t'/'/'.rt. The Merchants always pitch their Tents without the Gate of this City, and lie there with their whole CargOj fending fome ten or fifteen into the City to do Bulincls ; for the Tartars will not permit any great Numbers to enter at once. But to return from this little Walk intoT/srMry, to the more fafe and pleafant Roads of hidin. \o\\ go almoft direiftly Northward from LAlior, to the fair and fniitUil Country oiC.^jJimcrc : The principal City bears the Name of the Province ; a flrong place feated on the River i).(/j■' l'>it tlic molf celebrated of all, is the Tomb of a iiiJifi Hiu- famous /;/J;,.-w Saint who lies buried here. 'Tis vilitcd with :uich Devotirn and Reverence by the ///,/.■',!,• .rs .v.V/'on.v's is bytheTKi/;^ and ^l.-nhs : PilErimnges arc made to ir, Vows and Prayers lilK'rally ponr'd out over it. fo great is the Reputation of this Holy Man aniongit them. 1 he Great /:.■.' (Ti-, in a Fit of warm Afre(!Hnn, went his Pilgiiiiiage liiiher a Fiot, from .;:;)/c»v, the place that had been fo fortunate to him: At every Coll-cnd is one of thefc Columns, and at every eight Cofe diftance, is a fine Mohol ereifted. v,ll"-'^[;P"'^'"''^' with the Buildings about it, is a very Noble Thing ; 'us as rich and tine as a prodigal blind Zeal and Supcrltitinn, might be fuppos'd to make a thine which It declares the highelt Rcfpeit for. You pafs three large Courts before )ou come to ir, the firft of which is nc'aran Aci-e of Ground, and is paved with Black and W hue Marble ; the others are proportionally large, but the nearer to the Sepulchre, the more extra-. a^ant the 1 omp and Gloi;y of them. There is fuch an Opinion of the San^ity of all thefe Pl.ices adjacent to the Tomb that no Perfon dares walk here, but with a naked Foot '• ) ou muft be quite bare, or not pretend to tread any part of thefe hallow'd Co'irts, Proceeding in this Road, the furprizing Caftlc, or Fort" ot (.d ,n lies in your way. This is call'd the Frontier of the Kingdom of C,r,,nrt, upon which it l-orders, and is torMrength it lelf almoft equivalei.t to a Kingdom. 'Jhe whole Building is no Icfs than eiiiht Cofe in C rc.'mfe- remc, and the Steepof the Moniu.im on whch it I' ids two guard- ances TheCdIlle Liri'sKr. CjJmh. Amhfr wjy frnm -4^rj to iunt. tl"-' ainiolt as ■ -..-^, ...,^ I.,,. oix.ipui uiL- iviQuiu.Tin on wti ch it I' IS .atout three Cofe ; the Caufcy broad eno gh for Men to pafs .-i-brcalt, is wall'd on both lidcs and pu cu -^th Gates and Portcullis's, and all tlie Contriva tor Defence that can be. 'Tis now in the hands of the Cre„t Mc^ul ; but 'twas Treachery and not Force, that did theBufincfs; and he might, by far, fooncr have built, than t.iken and con- quer d fuch a Caftle as this, with all the Strength of his fcmmre. It har a great Pond cut down a v aft depth in the fohdRock, ^hc Indians fay 'tis fifty Fathom deep, very clear, and good tafted Water. ^ ^ They affirm too, that there's a Snake that lies about in * monflroui the Bufhes, and woody pan of the Mountain, that is'*»*°' 1 wenty five Foot long, and as big as a Man's Wafte : " ' which betaufe it does no hurt to Man or Bealt, it receives none from the Country ; nay, they wou'd be angry if it Fonun^ ^^"^ *''*""' " * '^°'"^" of good This may not be altogether improbable,fince 'tis known that Wm docs afford Creatures of this kind, that are ve- ry large : However, 'twas my good Fortune, to avoid the Demonftration of the Truth of this particular Story, in the actual hght of the Monffer it felf. I omit the particular mention of many ftatcly Ruines of ancient Cities, Walls, and Palaces, the Monuments of liuiun Kings, .ind other agreeable Entertainments, to a curious Traveller, whieh occur in this way ; and pafs on Zf"'h\Z\ •?■■ ''""'.^■;"';'. •-'remarkable City of'c.^i-^^M^, "^t Its Icated on a fairRner, and has as good a Ihare of Strength and Provilions for Defuice, in its Caftle Gates, and Itrcng Walls, .is it h.is of Be.iuty initsother Bui.dings, which are in this refpect comparable to thofe of molt Cities m AJk. 1 is a place of v alt Trade and Deal- ing, entertains abundance of rich Merchants, and excel- ent Artihcers, for Carving, Painting, Inlaying, and Em- broidery. • " '1 here is fome Quantity of Indico n^ade hereabouts whKh they call Ckk h, „t a Towr, at a little diftance \ hut tis not near fo good as that of BIcm -. But tho' the Iraaebcthrjit upm tlut Account, vet tis lb great thcr loints that there's Two hundred Coaches with all torts of rich ' \^X ccoiint, vet tis to great in o- aden Merchandize, that go every ten Days hence lor C.unbn,,. From V,th„r to this City, the Way lies all through a horrid Defart. full of Lions and MECrs. Thieves and Outlaws, which iiiav well be rec- kon'd anionplt tholb Creatures of Prey, and are by far the worif Be.iltsol the numlicr. ' The next Neighbour of Note to this, is Cnmhy, Grand Mart of <.,u'^mit. 'Tis a craeeful, fublta well built City ; Hands by the Se.i, and has a Trade tor all loits of Cloth, and r.eh Drugs : CM),i,r,.t Cloths are a Coir.moditc well known, and as much va- lued all over the Halt. It has a very large B.iv, but ex- n-. treamlv dangerous, by realoii of the viokni Tide, which mu. links abundance of Ships : In the Neap 1 ides there's the lealt danger ; but it always recjuircs a skilful Pilut to ma- najje a Ship hereabouts. tliecw«t.>;« r-t'al, topping nfe. N This ^-''■y -'I , $io 'Placos Of hiote ; I ucanow, Oudee, <^ c. lib. ll^rh^i^TxH • 111.. „i.-. I. '-I'n.i _-.*t. ^ r. -,f !;«• r..^. -L^^ _ /» I «• .« . ' '~" ^^ -^ Mr I. '«! •3 '- • -I ■! v-t ,i .! il^ : wdit'tlic lis p'acc is vcr- iriuch intcftcJ with two fottJ of Crc.'.r.ircs, wMch ai v Iioih alike tronblc.omc, if hot dan- gerous '.(1 ? ?op'c thnt conic hero. I f yon go but i rofs the Cli ' nnci, "tis ren to . ino but you fall into the hands of the Pyvatiiip Ptople, uulc's you are v.rvwill provided in- deed ; and tlu'n your Gf ods niulV citln'r be loft, or by a ImiK Difpi'tcyou mav be betray'd inf) the Danger of the Tide, which comes fo very funoully, that "twill be an exceeding hard maiter t. br'up your Ship olf clear. Vithin the Town the Monki vs arc as great a Plague as jcfom- 1|,(. Pyiatcs are t'.pon the Water : You fee prodigious Numbers of them dimbinp up and liuwn upon the Hou- les, frolicking and le.-ping abort from one Houfc to ano- ther; and if they woi 'd be cuntentcd with playing thefe Tricks only, they wou d make but pood Sport ; but they are for uncovering the H)ufis, picking tiK Stones and Bricks out of the Walls, r.Miling down the 'I'iles upon Peoples Heads as they pafs ilong ; fo that a Man hardly knows when he li fafe, or where to go, upon the account cf thefc Vcnnine, that arc every- vhcrc ready to pelt him viih Stones, Tiles, and Brick-bat:. ' I'is pity, the Quiet and Older ,if fo fine a City, fliou'd be dilhirbd by Monkeys ; and if there were not more belides ihefc i pon the Houtis, the pl.ice wou'd be better luan.i) -d than 'tis You 11 a 1 often fee a Fleet of Two hutidrrd Pcr-i'gKX" Frifats lid.iig t;ere at a liine, 'ti! a place h mightily haunted by that People, as well as by the othors 'all inenrion'd. ttmhi. B.I Ac (between this and Siriu) is featcd in a River twice a> broad as the 'Viirmcs ; t s famous for a Mine of flgats, tnd 'he riJi B.iftata's m.ide here, much furpalling the //c//.')«/-Cloth in f mcnels ■ it goes at fifty Roupies/'fi- Bcoke, which are not Three Qi artcrs broad, and contain about fo irteen Yariis r.i-.^lij'!: Tc Suir.t you havi; now only the plcafant and fertile Councry (.(H.irli.w to pafs through, abiunding with vaft Numl>ers of the wild Datc-1 recs, from whence they draw their Liquor ihey call '''■nic: But thefc Trees are no Rarity here, for they are plentiful in all, or moft of the Sc,i-Coalt parts of In.H.t. I Ihallnow give fomc Account of the principal Places in From Xjr* the great Road froin W^r^, to Jounpore, by the way of tojmiffTi. c,;„„(^^ . and back from thence to y/gi/f, by that of Ak To begin with Cannomn it felf, which lies to the Eaft- w.wd of /tgr.t, a large City, bnt nor like the reft of the hiiiUn Cities, for proiligious Strength and Defence. Tlic Gnygcs anciently took liis Courfe along by the Foot o*^this City ; but now hat brokcti it felf a piffage through the Valley fome four ("die diltant, lb that but a fmall Branch of it now comes up to C.i»toi»,i, This famous River is Th.rce quarters of a Mile breadth in its «wn proper Chan- p.el here at this place, but upon great Rains fwellsio far greater Dimenfions, and ovcrtlows the Valley for ten Cofc about. It has eighteen Branches, and receives the Water of thirty Rivers of tonlidcrable note. It produces Allcga- tors in inch furpriring laimbers, that if it yields good Filh in proportion, it muit be one of the richcfl: Rivers, in the World. Lacrtiuivf is a place cf mighty Trade in this part of h.- AU ; but the cnief Commodities it deals for, are Linen Cloths. OuJ:r, a City of an ancient Charadlfr, the Scat of fome cf the Poicne Kings, but much dcfac'd by Time and Wars. The Raines cf i(.ii:u7'.-K.7Caftle, comribure the largeft Ihare of the Fame it has now-a-days. The Braniens that live in thefe Ruines, record the Names of all thofe ln,ii,ins that come and vvalh in the Rivei hard by. It feems 'tis reckon'd a piece of Rclipon amongll: them fo to do, and theri:'s a great Kck)''t from all paiTs of J;;A> for that pur- potc. The Era'.rei.s cnccv.r.ipe the PraAice by the Argu- inent of Antiquity ; and tell ihe Pco'ile, that it h.is licen maintain'd for fourl.acksof Year-;, which is3945co Years before the World was iu.,de, a, curding to the Ewepcai Chronology. There's abundance of Gold got out of the Ruines cf the CalUe ; but the place yields a Corr.modity which is fet at a higher Rate than Gold or Jewels cither : It is the A n« Horn. Horn of fome 3ca(V, but what 1 know not, nor the //;- ai.ttts hardly thcmloUes; rlio' fome fiiy they are the true Unicorn's Vlori). The more ordinary fort of them ax a Commodity mightily traded for ar this place, the liiilUrn apply them to the L' lis both of the Moufe and the Field, n.akmg iiucklers,and I'evcral kinds of Drinking-Cups out of thein. In this Road to ^rwiporc, lies Bonnrce, the principal hai fume that are confidcrablc : Trom hence come cr at Qjiannties of fwcet-fcentcd Oyls, rich Carpets, Hang- mes cmbroidcr'd w thSilk, and all forts of fine Linen. Now to return back to ^, n from hence, by the way of Fr™ *-, ///„acok Account ot fumeot the molt conlideriible of the in.i/an of tJicW'" latin's, th.it lie about in the Country ; the moft of which ""'""• maintain their Liberty apamft the Great Moful, and all his vail Power, and will neither be fubjcd to," nor hold Cor- relpondence with him. And we may firft look upon %'/i l{ana, that has his principal Scat in the impregnable Caltleof Gurchito, ftand- c„M> ing ipon die Mountains of SUnn, tharrnn up towards CiUfc. A„uuinvii>. 1 his Prince is the chief in cfteem of all the Uaav.\s.^iai, or t{eii/tiiti, as they arc called. He is a- mongft Oihtii 1 >. fliKl tliolt: p.r;.. monpft the . fur Aiitliorit I'ow er IS noi may be ; bi troii of the a Icore highly ill leii!;th, ai leveral fine is the I'oriifii ofN.tiire, i and p.iitly tl where N.iur tins .Atiouni remains unci. ty aiul fortu Adverfaries, tune here wn Walls etc;,,, Vigour in tin /.-'.', e\ ;n tho care to iiudd and tli.'i\luri to avoid hun tories. 'Ti' belie' uiiclinibted S tiqiiity ; tha ami pure ; ai of the old , found : Thi> ty of making ever, 'lis rep ed him into .1 rcipnty ; per which alfu lu I About the /(.'//:'.', that , One of the (i:ch havoik has Ibmetimi.' particularly v The other the Ali;;«/'s F llles, or iiiae deraeili.'S and One of the is not to be n each at i s c c Inll/iatI Horl iliey arc Uro one of them ilraw Bit : 'I Breed. All Mong ■■' of another gi is a very iiiij; t'let.M 'f Mo ties of the lin K'.b.ils, Gui Bit his n liimlelf, .and J Vifa Court kin* I epc C .IS far ." the Ar purfuii uiyfelt />'■"'"'- Icaniethil i%r.i,, tile t>overnoi -•■.o. 1608. in of his Ma nicnt and fuk my I. .lulling beni ,;j'ret.tbl plain. Tis to be c t ib. ] 1^ Chap. XIV. Several Indian Raja's, their Strength, &c. 91 ' come Ri' at pets, Hang, le Linen. ythc wayof From^.K icntion, and t"' •»»♦ n ■eckon\lono,1;';^r* the might) tV'- lany fniltra- \c lame piir- iver iiem'.iii •^■jiifi lucfs'd what ^ilcJ, when loy the cnn- f late Years I yc- tho' ic whin 'twill •ifcnt M:gul his Fatha ; Builtiingta lar of Stom- Ateniirkiiji poes down- ^''"*' cp : By the bceri pined Jonqiicro\ir, orics liy the into which culptiitcs of '•*«'>• 1 ot the An- )ne J which I all parts cf they wa(h •ads, laying rurificaiion minion, that atcd ; or at fiur fcvcral i Mohcl, to A ftt«i{« and honour T™' • Rcpons be Life, lince fpitc o*" all d Fip-Trce, id continue to the cnn- ftock ic up, .ding Roots 1 lend up a t ("cveral of itry'dat it, 'ork. The nding he is akes much o Bengali! J thcr places ^ffV^ Sitrz-.y, (or II Indi/r, to give Enter- are all ve- Worlhip to iitf^ at ihe en- f which is, : : This is I have no intry, and Jmdfi'i, Caravans : 't/f, made or carried aces, none th that of tp to //g>4 1, with an An Mm: the Iniian ofmbr'- t of which "''''■ iiid all his ;• hold Cor- hat has his p towards Ciflle, of all the He is a- mongft moiipft the Iiiil'\ni!, what a Pope may lie in Chrillendom fur Authority, or a Caliph amongll the old /UMitm : His Power i'i not fo very f)rmidal)le perhaps as fome others may W ; l>iit he is look'd on as ilic Fathvr, or chief Pa- tron of the ancient ;«./ .1« Re;ii',ii;n and Rites; and on that fcore highly reurenc'd by all. 1 lis Country is 150 Cole in lerrAih, ami loo in breadth fome wa\s, in which he has feveral tin<' Cities and Caftles : But hi^ rr.atdt Sire ngih is thcFoiLiluaiic n- 111' h.isaloui him, partly 'ntheNVork ofN, tiire, in long Ridgi.s of iiULttiiiblc Monntains ; anil p.iitly the Fni'ii of Art .ind In liiUry, as in all places where Natiirt has left .1 (l.ip f .r ,ni hiiemy. "lis upon tliis.Vuiunt, and that of the C.har.ic'Ver he b.Mrs. th.n he remains iincoiupier'd, .md is like 1 1 do lo Hill : 'I he migh- ty and fonun.ite /■.i.'.n, ih.n li.ul t.im'd lo many unruly Adveifaries, lou'd nial.e noilr.iis', of this IV iiee ; his For- tune here w.ls at a lUy, and cii.Til not carry him over the Walls cf rvii/(>rt Cattle, ili..' lij I'lilli'd it on with all the Vigour in tlii' World. But ilien the moll part of the /< - jr'i, ev.'n thole that aiv in Fritiullliip w.th the ,Afoi»/, don't care to middle with him f,r the lak'' cf his Char.idcr ; and tlK'i\lure if lent againllhiii, hiul f )me lliift or oth^T to avoid hurting him, or nuking any Spoil in his Terri- tories. 'Ti' belicv'd by fome, th.at this Prince is the true and undouUcil SutceUiir of the Noble P rw, lelebrateil in An- tiquity ; that the lit.lini Blrod is here preferv'd nntJinted and pure ; and in a word, that ali th.' gemiini- Remains of the old Vuuii, arc here more than an'.' v. Iicre to bv found : This is grtnnided iiptui the appearing Impollibi'i- ty of making a loiiipleni Cotu]ucit cf the Country. I iiAV- ever, 'tis reported now .ibrcnd, that the A/i^';// has court- 1 1 tit his C cd him into .1 fortof a lliehr Ac knowledement of his So' e- ' .as CI 'n.: ; qualiydefpifcsl he Power and the Frii mlniip of th^ Afi'?«/. His chief Cit' is i\'i;rnM/, f.iMi'il f .r .111 Idol in great rcqi eft, that ftmds there : Multitud' s of People come hither for the Rcdrefs of their Cricvar.-.es, wh'i h they pretend to receive to their entire Satisf.idtioii, at this place : But bc'idcs their other Ofl'erinps, they ilo in the Tranlj-K rtjofthat wicked Zeal which ae^s th'-'in) m.ike an Frtulioii of their own Blood, barbarnully mangle their I'odics, and totneumes proceed fo fir as t j cut their own '1 hroats, which is indeed n full ,S( Union of all Doubts, and Pericd of Trouble and Mifery. To the Eaftward of ihei'e, li "s nr.other !{;'it, whf.fc ihii.f Siat isat C,i//rf. ; his Co'.mtry so" Cofe in Icnrrh, Xor.luv.ird and Soutlmanl, and ^-.n broad ; ami he is able [(i bring 500000 Foot into ;h..' Field upon o. cnlinn. His Dominions arc rich and t'l uitf I, btit keep all ni-..t ■ p within thcmfelves, communicating w.th none of the aJj.a- ceiit parts of Z'/./m. Farther (I'll to th • rolhv.ii'd, bctwe-n C.-w.'.il and Ciitiiifci, (Iretchcs out the Country of an'ther 'if thelc H f- /'»;f Prince", joj Cofe 'onp, an>l i',o broad, tu. , .iueipal City td'it Scieirx .'■ . This /{_■;'/( 's vallly ru h in (jold, ;iiul is faid to have all hisd.omelliek Fiir:iit'ire of t'nr vakublo Metal. The Coiii.try is fenile, -nd happy enough in its .Soil, lu;t not nl-oget!icr fo in the Te;:if.'i- , f iis Climate, the Winri-r hi'ielK'.ngeitrean'ly fl avp, and th.' Siuw^ fo violent up ,11 the Moiimiliis, that the l'eoj>le, at that Sea- fon, ate forced to re'ir/.j ilown iiit^ ihe Val'.es.s. On the furth''r tide of the '!.i\<.:'S lies anoth-r l^tj.t, whf-fi; Tcrrlti.ri'.'- ar,- fi l.irge. that 'ti'i I'.ct ngre-.'d whae to li-. tlr; BimndN '.>' ;hem' : dn'-.v i.: hi; Ca] ita! City ; ii-n'ry r.'ns li'ure f-.y ' Ilnfhv.iril, ahnolt as lar ho'.'vcver, f.\v jI'ow him kfsthan j,co CoO i Bihc'i 1! .' rcignty ; perhaps as much as a fn all Tribute mavcometo, length, and as mniiv ii> I ica.lih. It liehls a rreat deal of which alio heinn withold withounlangerwhen he pli.-.iRs. ■ Mus':, and is a^ lilvral i;i theP..'di'.v'Hon of (, rain; it h.ts About the Country ot Cu^in.it, lie three more of thele no Force of I'liphanr;, • "r no'- iini. !i of H ,'(!: in comj'n- y^7V:';, that iland upon their own defence, againit the I ri'"ii ; tho' thole it ii'\'s ar.< r I are ;f a Noble Brce I f'-r ii,„f,5 s y-j Mwi!. _ ^ p'le .mil Service and tin- U.'l' Mc r.iai:'-'.Ii;nbers in ihe Gum.. Oneofrhcm istliat W.:.//.i bi.f.rc-mention'd, that makes World: So that ihi-. l'rl,.i,.-'i iiuia Fcrc,' c'Jhlids in his fuch havoik up and down in the Country : This Prime Foi t, 3rd tin r.'in oerhaps nrv not 1 e m-.ich inlbriour to " lhejUTO/hiu:fcif ' "fill Oihrii I )- aiul tliolt: p.f... has Ibmetiiue appcar'd with a Bady of iwooooMen j as particularly when he plunder d ('.imbayii. The other two do (as he does) lie out of the reach of the Ail ^;;/n's Forces, cither in impregnable Forts and Ca- illes, or inaccelhble Mountains, orelfe in impalfablc Wd- dernellis and Delaris. One of them is reported, 10 have a Breed of Hcrles that is not to be mateli'd again in all the Fall ; they are valued each ilt I scco Roupies, aiiil are laid to be tar before the /i.)W.i« Horl'es lor Iwitt Running ; and not only ki, but they are ilrong to hold it tnj ; lo that a Man may ri«e one of them almoll a full Ipeed, a wlmlcDay, and never draw Bit : The /(.-/.! has (they lay) ico M.ires of this Breed. All .■'long the River Hfnc; Fafterly, lies the Country '■of another great /^.i/^*, whofe chief City is r««-Hif 17 ,- He is a very nughty Prince, and as it happens, a Subjeiil to t!ie (if, .f .Moi;/// .- Out of his Coentry come va(l Qiianti- riesof the hne /'/.'.!« Drugs, Spikenard, Turbith, Miias, Kvb.i!s, Guiii-laik, Turpentine, Coilus, f^.-. Bi t his next Neighbour, another i^<';<:, .as potent as liimfelf, and more fecure by his Fence of Monntains, c- To the Southward of this Ltd, a-thw.-.i c the St.'eams of Ci'./h;;,'.', yon come int'i the Country of a /' -/.j vallly row- erfil, both in Foot, l-lorf', and F.lephaijs, He ha's tlv; greatelt Rarity and Trealure in Irs DominioiiS il,.it lii.'.:.t allnrds, which Is the Old Rock of DlamonJ,, of which nimcpd he makes no Imall ad\ aniage. RoJ., And below him, amongit the Srreair-. of r7.;)j;..v, is fe.ited a I'or^.iie Prince, of the Rate of the ancient* O.-.'.'y Kings ; who puts the ^/ p«' to the c< iiltant Cluirgj and Tnuible of ma'nta niiig a Fr 'ntler Army ; and all this but jull for his own Defence : For he is net a' le lo reach ihU l{,ii.i, who is as w.'ll defended agaiull hi'ii by the I Hands and Branches of the G/:),'^e/, as the others arc by their high Walls of Mountains. Fro.n hence all along to the M tith of theH.vtrcs, the \fe to land the Coods I had IrouKli'i •!'• a'Ui 10 Ini) n;(.re t' r my ladinp this prch.nt V()\api; ; li'it as Mthel'dntot a fmnre I'radi' and the fetljif, id' a I'.K'Kuy he couUi lay iiothii'f; to that till he had IniEluT diders tioni Oourt. And ilicii at ihc fame time he wrote to tlie chiirl Maiiai'cr of the C'liliuniv tin.'er him iit ' Barks with this ibrt of Merchaiidi/e in a little till. .i>,.i noiit fomc Noite and (ininiblinp from the A' " . ' its t i-.-Towii, who iii.w I'cp.in to ii.ikc publick s. ■ iMain.-iOi iT.c.asa Perl'on that had iindirmiii'd ihcm in iii .1 .nollpro.' -i. '? Trade, and craftily fnatch'd a pood part of their Au.,' ,.ape out of their lJaiid<. But foi' all this having Licence from the higher Powers to Shipand Coods I had boupht, 1 madu Kildto lend them .iway, tho' as it prov'd, in the moll un- lucky time ill the W'oiidformy fell, and the iroll proper to graiitie the Spite and Malice of the Merchants. For _ , . the uext Uay I liad news that both the Barks were taken ijjf,-, (,y,',n. With all the Men and Goods by the /'nr/MjH-^r, and that Ttritt'iu. not without leveral Grounds of Sulpicion that the chief Men I hadiiitrulled in them, were guilty of a treacherous Corrcfpondeiice with the Hncmics. But the truth of the Matter w.is, Tlut an a'.iloKitc Plot was fonti'd for the betraying of them into thcH.mdsof the JV/^t^i/r-f by M'.'cieiio-jrt, and the Pious Jcf.iitcs of his Club ; and the "'^Rcafon why I was delayed fo long before I could have . Orders to lade and difpatth, was. That the Veflels might hit to go out jnft at that time that the Po fajw^f were read) to fwalliw them »ip. And under this Misfomme 'twas in vain for mc to make Complaints, or fo much as attempt to feek any redrefs. Shou'd I apply my fclf to Mrciet'd-.vif He was the tiril .Spring and grand Author of the Mifihicf ; and to ask there for help, had been couning a Knave to right the Wrongs done by himfclf, and bcpinp a PlailVer from the malicious Hantls that gave thu Wound. As for the Pof^/.yif thcmlelies that did the Injury, when I demanded SatisfadVion, I had no- thing but fcorn and fpite, ill words and railing to make me amends. Ir was :o no puipolc for mt to alledge His Majcllies Authority and Commillion, by which 1 was cmpowcr'd toadl in thofc pans, with the bad Cnnfe- qncnccsof fuchAdtsof Hottility as thefe were in pro. cueing a War b«wccn the two N-itions. For as tor His ^•'^ 'Tfer Miii<:'t'" CommiiTion they valued it not a Farthing, «nd »'"v"sa! ^hc^ affirm'd he ought not to hai e fcnt bisSubjcds there tijfiaion. without leave from the King of Pnn/^/?/, who was th'. riphtfel lordof thole Seas; and then with all the ivSan- ners .ind good Breeding peculiar to that civil People, they exprefsd themfclvcs concerninf- my Prince at fuch a rate, as if he had been indeed little better than one of thofeFih- crmen if whom they fcardaloufly laid that he wasKinp. This was their Character of the K«?''yfcMen, beci.ufe thev li\c inanllland; b t there is (till a l)ettcr Realim ( tho' no good one to them ) why the Euglijh Ihould he call'd Fiiiicr-mcn ; and that is, bccaufethey have gene- rally fuch good Fortune upon the Waters, and drag fo ma- ny Si-ani/': and Pott li'ij;^' Ships within the reach ol their Nets. And the only touvfe that 1 cou'd take under thole Affrontito vindicate the Honour of my Prince, and Coun- try ( fiiice 1 cou'd not do it in a more publick way ) was to offer to do it bvmy own Sword, and to return the Traytorand th''Villain tothc I'ecthof the iniblent l't,itu- Tue\e Capta n,with a Challenge to anfwerme in llic Field, "tut ilicy it fcems had more mind to difpatch n.c with(jut iig of the Ceremony of a formal Combatc, aiic Treacheries of U^ ibchan, (re. eh* Plot Mttrtlikin *'d lh« Jc- c\.aent, Iveaufe all the ways were cominiially IkIci by ^lii-m, f. th.v 1 hardly dareil ro ftir nut of doors ; aud f''™^ivi iwa. impodibie for n.cn obey the call of BuliHcfs wuli- "'*""^ out the m.liiifcltH.uni-ds of my 1 ile, by that barbarous Crue, tli.it w.iited I'.t an opportunity to Sacrifice me. llicv ue;e lo iii.vl iifon this I'" ign,' that they came a whole Bi iIn of iliem in open m«.in..rto a Feall, (where I '.v.is Jiuitcd) asking for me in plain 'Ferms, intending belt Fn- 1 without all dicrty. When tlie rcll of iiiv Adverl.ircs wure dull and iii'jiilereni, they wou'J mfiife new warmth and vigour into them, rouZeiip their deeping Ma'ic.- and Revenpe, and prompt them to \choii wirhtl-.e r.tnoll Dilipence. And if ihey hapned to be a: a (lead lifr for a Plot, the never failinp liuention ol the jeluits vvcn'd be I'lire to help ilieiii out with one. NVhrir Iv'ivvien ihe he.itof the Clin .-te, .iiul the inward Fircf.f ihelr own Rape and lealoiill,', their W.is were tliro' I'hly warmed, and their Hr.-iiiscrcwded w.tli brisk volatile Spirits lii to work i poii liie line Arts of Intrieguc. 'I hey are not dull in any pan of the \\'orlil, lur ever to be (harped wiih Poverty and Haiiiunels of Fancy in Matters of this kind. But here their Flevaiion was ex- traordinary, ilieir Fiiphts lii:e .iiid laptuious bc\on(i Coniparifen ; ihey did nm think, bur were tranfportcd into happy Thoughts and Coinrivaiires, they plotted by Infpirntion. I found It a very hard task to efcapc all th; Snares and Ward olf the feveral Blows thefe Men and their Inllru- meiits made at mc. There were li) many that pretended to my Lifeone way ororher, that 'twas become a very difficult matter to keep it, and I had defended it fo long, that now 1 began to prow weary. But belidcs all thefe things the Injuries I fiidain'd by Mhr^bh.ui in the Mat- torsof Tr.ade and Dealing were I'j foul and unprofitable, that I thought t high rime to repairto Court and feek for Th? vir, JulUcc and Redrefs (as well as ilie dilpatch of mv B;i(i- '"' ■"•"•'• ncfs) at the Kings own Hands, linee 'tw'.is impoiiible to ''■'"' ha'c cirlur fivim ihs vile Minilkr. for he took what (jooilshe pUas'd, and at what Rates he p'eas'd.ar.d wou'd pay me for tlieui when he thought lit. and as long as anv thing choice ai'd pood lallcd, 1 had Icnie (,f liisFiatterics and dilfemblinp, Smiles, but afterwards cou'd git neither good Wcrds nor Money. \.^\xm this Ucre I lay 1 refol- ved tor ^',",'.1, and therefore in plain Terms demanded his 1 iceiicc and Letter to the King for that purpole. This wasaRequelt w Inch he cmi'il not forlhame deny,.Tnd there- fore was f.re'd to yield to ir ; yetta fl.ew his prod Will to n:e in the Cale, herelusd to let m.' have any (iianl to coiiduiit ir.e thither, that fo it mipiit be the ealier t'er ir.c to be knock d in the Head by the w.iy. Win fe fritndl.- Advice this came alioutby may ealily beguels'd, and will appear by after C'lrcumltaiKes; but however with or without his Ciuard, to ,;■;/,( I refolved 10 go, and for /■f^'.r I prepared. Having in purfuance of this IX-lign entrvilted one off',''," "'if'* my Company with the overfight an.l inanapemcnt of Bu-fii .<('j, linefs at .i.'ir/W in my abl'ence, I pro iiied 3 Troop of'"' '"'■ Hirle of fome 40 or ^o belidcs lomc Siiot and Bows "'"'''■ »vhich I hired i from one of the Vice-roy of /Jr.vj'.'s Cap- tains. The Horfe I had were all (-"..'/A;);.' who are a very ^al-^''[,^""," liJiit People and much feared in tliofeptris; And 'twas very well that I was lb provided, linee all'o in ail likely- hood I had been inttreepted in my {(■uvrcv. For .'iiei'i.v ...; -i l'(>tiifuc\c had laid a Trap for me in the Province < iCru- '■'■'> '-'^ h by an In.li.u! I{ijn whoCommaiidei! tl'd wiihoet any iliiti'i' iiiice. In the Prov iiiccvf 0.ii».i (ihr.i' part of whiili I p.iisd iicxi) Uw. ]'r> I cfeap'd a More formid.dile beeaule a n.ore lecivt an.l * '■ Irddcn Uaiiper ; and the Inltrumeiit of my Pre If any thing ot the Ceremony of a thought It a lurer way to PilVol or knock me 'otlie Hcai in the next place they met mc, ihsn leave the Maner to | was iiiy uruiiWnCo.iehirantl-o' I'l.'Lwdly aiMiiill h's W- ifceliiucoii aWuel. And that this was their UcJign'ii'fhii fcUow wi> lureu wWunhej lut Ly die v.-*,,a!.d hail lit I Crtwft tti :hap.KlV in all prnlvak BTiade him te and of (Iron Men, he let came the PI was very hi been Exccut our Travel, But tho' the oDCstliat hat ['>^6""J manorBrol muiincr (lira I ■ 1 »Mhi.->.ix. employ.! ii] .nceomplilhtl to do by .1 ^ ir, but the FIcad to prev tfot becaul'i oiher way. \wn Very 1: Delign.liiice foie i no lei's Priloiier to 'i Chief PrieiVs innocent Bloi But after ; of the ]'/iitiii Pie very faitli I'afely at B rt>. i Dcciti. by u I I kind 1 ettero I fill Adillance favourable P thro' niniiv 1) a Miiiiths 'Ir My enirai L, ^t"! '^■'^^""* '"-'J '" r fn. King ; and w time, till 1 h.i publick Appe/ jtfty fendiiip I our. and brinj th.it could be. , I'eing introi **K«c|.«on any I'rcfetit ' /lift fj ,1 .III h; ^ purpole I W.1 I ce,rrce-.of R< teJ or hoped i M\ Prince's H.iiids, rcichi fr"iii the Ib.ti ,i Kiiav e of a] f ;| tended to lind f enough, yet hi no noti.,e of w In IliiTt ho pi wou'd grant a more too if it that M.cclcl.i, I Ihould hav e J ken 10 prevent Narioii for the Anil in pu: :.;W /Kt".'' <-'"i"''i'i't" that .Jimci ..ii ihf (b iCl charge tc ■|fhlinfilic/,y,',^ and as he *""''■ Duty .and Loy; it, particularly ;( mand. I But belides thi I the good Forte I own private .Sc hardly ever be. 1 j For His iMnjel I Tongue, and li I his IJeliphtti I I and ll.^ne had I Midrcflis. i VV'e went cvc ly rf '.,;.'.'..,.,', that into thefe of, but '.ever it h.id it fi ,ui me picasdhm to 1 engage me lohii thf Illicit tempi lll;oi;lii liavc a fii'it eiu'oiirageiv will hisFa\'-nr the liioll periwa i^ib.TljHchap. XIV. Capt, Hawkin s'i bntertainment ~by the Mogul, &c. 53 ly IkU". by ^ mcfs vtiili- c lurb^rouk icrificc me. icy c.imc a IK (whcro I i, iiiti'mling ilic nar ui L'.»l>!.iiiitliat loii I'mpok', ko X the Soul- caiv of thi: Lntcrprizo. y had ihcii- It tliat was tlic rdt ot" ilioy wou'J \x7.c lip ilkir pt tlicin ti> ilicy li.ipncd 11^^ liuciitiuu lilt vvirli (inc. tlic inward W.is were I w.tli brisk jf Intricguc. IK r eicrto ol l-'aruy in ion was cx- oiis bc)oml tiaiifportcd y plotted by c Snares and llicir Inlliu- lat pretended (line a very d it fo lonfj, OS all tlielb ill the Mat- inpri'^itaMc, ind llvklOrThr Vli-j it' niv IV.di- "'■ ■*"'■ roiliive to took what ,nr.d woii'd !oiip as any lis Flatteries pit neither lay 1 relol- iiiandid his pole. This „ind there- Will to (ii a;\l ti) ier tcr me le tViir.dK- il, and w.ll Willi or and for If.*, li. ted of C.iiiii!'K.» em of Bu-fii><('j. 'l'r«.p of'';:^' ^'>- and Bows ■cniii Cap- . P./;m... r.' I very \al-s,ui„..., \iul 'twas ail likely- l-'or .'he I'li-vc- -,' ' v.a.s tiia- „c,, ,„ ,.,. ■ W.lIi lOOM .Ik! il- xitin at a'**' .iiiee. Ill Alsd nCXl) O'W- !'r> I'eCivt an.l*'^ ref^ixr.n'.n nlllrsSV.r. vA,.ai,dl!a.l ii\ Men, he 1« his Tongui , ., came the Plot before he was aware .1 his dnink.ii Iiiot his was very luckily tim'd for me, licicc ihethinp, wastohave been Executed the ii'xt Mornini; early, whin we bepaii (iurTra\el, whieh is always two Hours beloie Day. Buttho'the liiile Villain would not difeuver the creat oue-iluthad engaged hm in this Work, ns my TitiIi jorfjn'* minor Broker did, confe/Jing that he alio was a Tool lV'"h'w!iremp'oyd upon the fame Uclipn, and h.td undertaken lo ' ' .-iceoinplinith.it by Poifon, whiih tlieoihcr had promisd to do by a Stab. '1 hat Mccnivh.ni had hired them to do it, but the Jeluite I'itieiio had put tins IJelipn into his He.id to pre\ ent my Comp'aints at C'nnit. Ilnre they could not beuuile of niyCh«raCUT pr tend to Uop iie aiu oiherway. And 1 doubt not bi i the lather w.ni'd have Kin very l.'.icral tothefe .Men, had they exee.it.cl ilieir Delipn.linee he bid an exrr.tordinary I'r eef ir n eoiiee be- f'.iie ; no lefs liir.n ^Ocoo Rials of 8 to h.ive me f nt awav Pnloiicr lo'i.iwM" ; .i Rate far Uyimd that whieli tli' Chiel PrlelU and Phanfas cier preicnded to pi\e tor ini.oieni Blond But after ail tlicfe D.fSi ulties iin.ler the pood Coiubie^ of the V.ittf.yi, whoclear'd the way licfore ine, and did Pie very faithful .ind loiiimendable beruce. I arrived lately at B rf»r/>''r the ilicn relidenee i^f tli- Viee-roy of Drew, by svlioiii I was nobly i-nt r auied. 1 had his \ery kind l.ettcrof Conimeiuiation to the King, and all need- .j fill Allillancc for my Journey to./^..i ; to wliiih place a ;•' f'a\oi-.raMe Prinideiue and pood Ciiiide, broui'.ht me thro' ninnv Uanpcrs and threatninp Mifehiefs, after near a Months 'Irawl in the Pml'peCl of them. My entrance into the City was not (nor could not it ':^'""^",^' feenis bej lb priv.ite, but notice was pr.'fently I'iven to the l'»!' ' King; and wheiiasl h.id a Uelign to be imcij'nito ti.ra ',; ' time, till 1 had put my I'elf into a polture h r a more publick .Appearance, I was utterly prevented, His Ma- jitty fendiii); fe' eral Trnops of Horfe and I'oot to lind nx our and brmp me to CouiT in the moll Pompons manner S that could be. ? I'cing introduced to his Prefence f the' I came without ;)|ri*Ktpii3o any Prcfent woith his acceptance, his pooti Servant jnCouu. ;,f,,, f. ./.ID having lobb'd me of what 1 delign'd for this purpolc I was receiv'd with uncommon Honours and derive-, of Ril'pciif, fuch as 1 cou'd no way have concei- ted or hoped for. Mv Prince's 1 eitcr he received from mc with his own 1 H.inds, reachint; it out to that end a comlidcrable wav ' fi-'Ui the (bue'y 'Ihroiie he fate on ; and tho' an old i Kna\eof .t] fuite tha' Itotd there bv to interpret it, pre- ti tended to hiid fault v< i h ihi- Ityle of it as not refpedful enouph, yet he h-.mfelf was very well pleas d, and took j no noti'.eof what w.;s inlimiarcdby the llanderoiis Prielt. Jn llurt h^ pn^telled in a molt filcinn manner that he wou'd grant all the Contents of th-' King's I ctter. and mi re too if it were demanded. That as he underltood that .'.fr- (■/./.)»/ had alnifed mc, |i) he wou'd take care I llinuld have Sati^tael'on, and fonie courfe flioidd be ta- ken lo i>revent the like ill Treatment ( f me or any of my Nation for thefutere. .And in purfuanco of this, he prefcntly difpatch'd a C'oiirierto that perfidious Minilter at Su .-t, gi\ing him a c ItiiOt charge to deil Jultlv and Favour.ably with the /.'i^- kthit nrilit/^;,.^ and as he valued his Favour, or pretended to :.ny H'l''' Duty and Loyalty to him, that he ihould lakccarc to (liew it, particul.irly by a puniftual Obedience to this Com- mand. But belides thefe Favours.upon the publirk Account,! had the pood Fortune to enioy many very iipnal ones upon m\ own pri\.ite Scoic.Attcr I had on e been at Court.l could hardiv ever be lit rell for MetTengers to bring me thither : For His iMajelty vnderltanding very well the I'ml^'lh Tongue, and liiuliiir meto Ipeak that freely, 'iwould be his IJelii'htr > lit and r.tlk n-th n-.eboth Night and day ; and none had more of h.sCompany than I, except his MiltieHes. We went overall the " iuiiis of /iciv/ie, and particular- ly of 'nj .'.-■/..', and the hdjovnin!'. Countries ; and after that into the . f c':-hJ ■', a hieh he had heard foiiie ivports of, but '.ever rcre v'd ans conip'e.it .Satisfaift'cn, till he h.id It n 01 me V ho had been in ;h fe parts. Thete things plras'd h m to th.ir degree, that he began to plot how to cnpapeme tnhun f rcur and in order to it, made me the molt ten-pt n;^ k)tVers he c .uld pn-.libly think on. 1 Ihoulil have a certain Stipend of -.ji.to . prr /tr. for iny firit eneonragcmcnt and this Ihoulo le encri.as'd together wi:h hisFav 'urevery Year. i[\i; *(«;!.. 1 p. 'n thefeConHdcrarioniborh out of l)in\ to the Pub- Ink, and Refpeift to my fed, 1 thought it necclfary to comply Willi his Delirc. But notwirhltiiiiding I was thuv ,' to all appearance ) fecurely polted iin.ler theProreiiV'oii of f> great a Prince, and in fi h.'-ha Deiveepoinisdof hisl-avnurteo; I found bv ni.'.nv iiipleaiant FNper'.niccs I was ni.tgiit iH'vond vena'ioiiand diituibaine, nor out of the re.ieli of I'lieinies, lor now the M'- . v,,;-i.i bejiauio fwell w til rape .md envv ihat a Chriltuin Itould be ]i'.-ired li) mar the Kini; ; ami the fr'r.'i. : and /' ).• ; (.-- wireiio lelstheii Hark mad that I ha. I Hown aUac all ihrirloilsi'ul Snares ini) lo felt and ealie 3 Nelt in ihe very Ceture of ili- Court. The N'ciAs th.'.t it w.ns f>, Ipread all nUiiit the Couirry, to (hm, lo.Vd.ic, and wherever there w,is any of that Cattle to be found. '\iid tins let them all molt biifily atwuil:; ihe |efuiiei nep Cv'K'd then Jevi tion an I raek d their Urains Night and l'a;>, tli.y made Confederaeies, they lent iJifpatch 's from oiiepi.ie.'toaiii tliei. they con' u! ted 1 lell to remove inc and work voy overthrow. They brilMl ^lrc"i:'\iii, r.>r K..l'r.. theirold Iriend and Brother in thefe V'ibainies, towriie a''-'""."" ^^ Letter to the Kine up n thisSiibjed; tf) repivlent toliiin J'^Ym™ '' the dangerous Conleouciicesif the Lilicrties and Fa\oursli ;\ t ..n he had vouihf.ifid tu t'le /J »/.;//•, and the Reports that'-''"' went current abread of the llelipn we had of leizing I'ome of his Ports when our Shippin" came. But ihe King (asyct kind and cei'.ltant giving no credit to this 1 itter 'tho" 'iwas leionded vith anoiher to the fame pur- pole from thoViee-roy of i.',) ihey fell into the lalt e\irem;iy of rage and madnefs r i.e Dif.ippointnent ; and now coiicludcil, llnee I wa'. . m. n tX'ltacle, and nothing elfe cou'd Ix; perfcrm'd to .' inoi me out of the way by the old Cnthjlick Method of ' oifoninp. They began with lemcof my Servaii. one c which rhev 'ent into iheother world ; and hndiiig bv my own gr>wing indilpolition, that w.is fo like to fol'ow i^uickl af'er, r plainly told the King the Circumltanees of extre.wi Oangei i was in. I'pon this he refently lent for the JeCiits and bid them loi k to it, lince if t died by any thing of an extrnor linary i af alty th.at afforded the leall: ground for Sufpicion, they iild e\er\ Man pay for'r with their Lives. After thl^ lieing at lome ijuiet, I foli- citcd the compleating of I lis Maiefty's Fa'our, with re- lerence to our 'I rade and F.iiftory at .Vwr;, whither I had obtain'd lea anfwer the Crimes laid to his Charge. And iho' he made his App.'aranee there W'th all his ill gotten Goods and Wealth, the Ftfeifts of many Years 1 x- toriion, Oppred'ion and Che.it'i.p, amopplt which alio I A/„,,j,ij, Ihew'd the King the things 1 .letipnMfor a Prelent to lis ^o: .■.■.ni.l Maielty ; yet bv the indnltrious C.ire and .'Application of " ,. ''"i" 11-1', I 1 ■ , ^ ,- 1 , .- '^'1 C.oni his ir.eiids, he pot clear again, lieing onivionhnii for, in,, .uAz a time and fo obiip'd to pny his Debts and make Refti- igiuii hi n. tution. It had l>een h.i;-] v fr the '■■■''/'■' Nation had thisTra\tor f 'hen in fi fair a way fort ) been brmght to a delervcd Punilliment ; but initead of 'hat \v was re- Itor'd tohiso'd I'laee .•.;«! Preferniercs again and refen'd as it feems for a far-'i.r plague ro us in O' ertu'ninp t.he faireft Pr t'pe>its and Deligns that perhaps escr w ll be fonn'd in that C-;Untre. B»t 01 proceed with oir Aff.nirs, th"' the King'-: Co-n- maud h.id obi ig'd Vf,..-, ./.-. >. (very nv.xh ngainii hi.ovvn inclinations) to be Jutt and Monc.V to his Crediois yet I coiiil not be fo happy as tu obtain ihcBeuolit of that: Order :^4. ■' ' ' ' '■ -- — — . - I-- — - 'i he o^ix^x Inconjh'hy, &:c. OrJiT in tlio I'.i 111* \\w PilVr.i •i ' I t:| 1 ' ' • i M t: \ I ] ra\nurt cf ''v Dtlt rwing to irc. i\d 1 ar.prr li:ul l^rt Iwi-cmul rnr II i''M'i"il liim Pi.i' |ft 4"'' ^f •''""' "Ut 1 t Prill II ilic vc'-- lit: ciltliRii r." Ki.ivc .Til Clicat 'h. t ho writ in. KovciiM iiiMlvr t'.«> iiu' mv Mop y nor ulUronu- the r.nr.iitli.i; lu- hull laU-n tn':ii tret niMl'iT iou\i I (cr liny pr.lio.'it t*' Sat^'r!**. n t' K- n-.-»l< im-. upM» a (l'W ll,:;'licnii!il'ronil.,-iiAl I'liiturif* wcuiM h.ivo Iit\M ihi'imii. \ihI 'l s rcrf.i '1 iliar tliin mull hi' c Ut) all. it » luilrot .rir.li. '.c\l Jultuc. fiht Kin^'..,ml pi: ,i I'cliliVf Ci.li Ini- iMvii'Ciit ; iifA lift.iiiliui', wliii'i the Inhilcl cutot:" a };"<'d {-art ot' in; Vi'.\, anJ aluuJ me inco All "I ./.'ft. Hi t ihis w.-.s a very '.f.rnnfidif.il'lel)anMfc in coinpa- rifonwiih ili.n wliii'i i-nn.kly tMllowal nl'icr. Fur lu.w Madif.ii, W nn at lull I I'.-cnv .npain, thi' lifiiil'*, he ;V^/'Mf ,-'• .11 J Ik' t'l'll t(i thi' old Traill' cf Wotting vi'h the I'tirolk Vij'diir xiid l)i!i|'Cf.ti'. Ard that m w thi-\ v.* tv(i|jM,„ipl,[h:i\c.il. diliiid fmii.l'\ and .u one llrokc r.irrv txixiM. ,|,^||.l>.,iitloroMTi the Mamrwa'iloor.lcr'd.that a I ct- terll.iin'd ionic troinihcVce-ruy of (...rtto 10111^1.1111 it lui .\'.i|ilt iMiuouin>',in;', il"-' ''.',/;/'. a"'! '" 'I'^'w how illtlicKii.f, < f Coi/.f/tn-k It .11 his Hands. And .it the lame tine fonie Mer> lianis were iii.ide to ionic in .ind gi< c their Kiidence hi;\v im'i li tluy h.id fiilfet'd in iheir Tr.ulc and lii lincfsnponilK Ai-^immf the Kwii'y'' that were in his .\hieltie< Pons It r whole f.ike ihc /'cfi,/; r,.' wcn'd r.ut I'crn it them to lu^ e ftcc e!;ii fs and legri lit .it tluir*. , , , Thcfc n-aiiciofs Inliniation«Ki(k d by a ih.intaMc ThiKlrg If- .Speech of M,.rfbJ!'''t to the fjnie pinp'lc fo eHi'.;b'ally i..ko lu wnniiht upi.ii the Kinp th.it Ik- nu.te loil his C'oi Ham y ; iJlil" '^ rcpi .lid In-. I"( riiu , Cran-. and j-.iv c Or.'ers tliat the l:>if,- ' lijl' llould Ik i; fl'id.Irn Ins Ports for c\er. Bnt twas not loiiR iKfote a Utter Humour and note tool and folier li.m^'htv pr< liuied an Order iinitc eonirarv to this .igan ; rc-ellaliiiiird us ill the enjoyment i f our fcmier Privile- ges, and made the Kinc as nnieh our Friend .is he was at tirll. Ihiswas afnddentho'aconifnrtaWcChangc; and as "twas only the EHViit of the Al.f.nic of ovir tncmies aiul a (light Pn'fciul mailehini fo I doubted the houndatioii andCaufe, was too mean and poor to produce any thing of a noble and laHinp Etfedl. And my Prcfapes were jult and true ; for the King being now pot into this changeable Humour, did nothing clfe bnt alter his Mind and go from one Refilution to another. When the Jcfuits wr:r to him and prcfcntcd him.thcn he woi.'d be for turning I's out of hij Kingdom, and calling Ji''"'<*ft»"intheCommiiIionforour fettlcmertof Trade : And txr- haps the next time I ori' rd to petition him, all Ihould be right and well apan, ind the '•:«?/'/'■' the mott wclcr.iiie People to him in thi- World Nolefsthan three or tour times were our hopes thus rais'd, and as many times funk into tlie loweft delpair : ilivs often did he do and undo; ruin and recover us, luffer f ntiments (if Kindnefs and Difpleafuie towards us to rule and adt him by turns. However at laft our iiidefaiipable Adierfaries earned the l\iy from us ; the Poifen of the Jefuites fcour'd him be- yond .ill Recoverv by Prelents or any othc." Means. His lall Relolutions were againll cur '1 rade and Scttie- mcM in his Coi-ntn j and I my iV'f Ir cotnerf and n. lel M b him w«> lefito mv I .' ertv e' her to yo or llay, .is I ple.is'd. Ami thflrmh 'm i«, thgr n niypnat Teii;|>tition to Hay theic, w.,« ilie 1 Irpe* and Pr. !'• i' 'I I iu.l of di inp inv Coi.Mtry l.iiie (icx d Vm.c ; fo wjun rii.id lolkthofeH. pe»,lli.id < o lin.,i| Kealini to'e g'.id 1 ft Dill harpe For belidi stliconinual Dinger* that threat. 111x1 my I ife inaC'oiinu. v.hire fo litlU- Hoiio' r, Ho. nelly or any f rt of Vernic \« as naOM'ed j I lud no L'harm at all toliind ne to this pi. lo from the I iolioi nand Piv - lits which his Majel^y pro,i is'd to heap u|Hjn n c. ' I ii true, I was c.illfd the /.*t'/ Ciianorloid. hut the Ti- t'e wanted 1 pn portionablc Reicn' e 10 f i.pi rt the (Jramleur of it j .it,d the l'.»fVp' I ord wi hoiit the lFi,i..tH Prnlion rom.liniain him, wUDuta very j'HXjr thing. And thn was |iiinclially mat.cr of I'au'f, th t out of all th.it honourable St'tH'nd which was .1; lird aH'iir'd to me, liiiniich/'f> .-^nw. I could nrvcrivce \e the fell Va- lue of ;ci/. the xc^ Idng devotir'd liy 'he hungry C'oiirriers, or injur imll.y 4*i.imd ly the Iiitiigncs of liinie of my Ineniics. A liirlo lefore Matters rairc t.i this pafi with me ai: Corn, I had the harry News of three /vBt;//'^ ."ihipt ar the B.ir of Sum/: 1 (1 lis were 1 1 der th.-('. iiiniarj of Sir//f»'» A/'i/./Wrr, ,iiid xvuImIkiii lielMy'd to let .Sail for Enfittiil. And indeed I loi iid it tu tlii h.ird a matter by far to go away inipi er, as tolne there .11 Vix\\ ami with'. lit I)tlliirbaiice. bor tlio' I irake no »|iiellinn Init the Jefuits ,ind the rift of my Adierfaries wuhd haic iK'cn very glad tohavc prevented inc by foiiu I.11.1I Plot, lou'd they hauhad a fair opp r unity tor the Kxicutton of it : yet not liaving that, tlv. y were plad v le nd of me iipfn any Term;!, and coun::J \'. a ionlidcra''!c Point paiii'd 10 have removed out of the iiiilft of them a Per- Ion likely tu do thcin foiiiurliM Ichief .ul was. .So takitip my !''ave, i let out fmni .'tjr', wuik.-r the li\ and went dirediy toCiniUu^. From hence I purf ed my lourney tr.wards the pi.ice where thcMnps la , to which 1 came with all mv Ftfix'is, i.wu.tiy the 16. We liet Sail out of this H.irbcur the 1 1 of F-l/iut- i», and arrived at 0 tendnowin foire meafure to ni.ike fenlib'e of the l;i|. pleal'ure our Nation had fo jurtly ct nceii 'd ap.iinfl them. Here we h.id the goodFonuir to meet with three Ship, of ourownCoentry, which as we found fo we alio left there, direifting oi'r Couife back again towarils /, d;fp,iuli- inglomeBulinclsat Ti^crt in i'l/wiv. •, and from ilume to H.f'it.wi, liy which time the Year had almoft linill.ed it's Revolution, it Ixing now the Mo"th of licc^wbcr. S\z Henry Mi.Uleion Ix^ing oblig'd to Hay hctc l>y the Necelfiiicsof Trade, I embark 'd in another /.'";' '/'/'Ship, Januttiy the I ?th for my own Native Couiury, from which I had been abfem five or fix Years. Hi' JfD "'""■' T «I ■ It, (...if SI Ul •^ D. .(!■, H iw, '■'.t'.H-.i, sir,. ,.k ■ •-'■vir, u \-i R.J.Sct .1. U. III. ..I flKt r fawl. ' tuf l-lMllW iflRllt But belidv g(Hld (icfle which thiy 1 that no M.in < Ids the too p iiindrance, ai purfiiing, v'li From hi 111 I which Couiii llland 4i,f/'' , they pI.icc m tion tnere to 1 .ind \*'. aid there.iboiiis ; the Weitirii i They wiMu difiharp'd i' I'Oard in the r Mull. en u Thcfe ru h order to wii c Tlicy liad ter Rain, and .I'l Wllllls Q\ had ni 'Ir throuph all tha well content!, my of all, du rhciii. 'Twa l>e of their lid (lalc, by the the beginning The Accoiii llkinds, is very ilut near two ] Complements I lua/-.'! Princes. 'Tis true, til .ill that while ; the Spiniitr^ls Ih pood Breeding treat after anoti I't I'i Chap. XV. The Vqya're of the Confent, a Ship of the lift Fleet, Command^ ed by General Keeling. Tcrformd by Captain David fviid- dletcn, 'Brother to :sir Henry. ^D. 16C' WE have feen already the Performances cf the otherSh psof this Fleet,in thofe levcial par.s cf the Iniiici to which they went : Bit the Corfmt Ixing o'.t of the Company cf the relk, has hitherto fcap'd our No- tice W'.; mull now enquiic what was done liy her a- broad ; wh.it Advancanent if 'I rade, what Dilcovcries, what kind or ill 1 reatmcm from Foreigners, Ihe brings us Is'ewsof. T, r . { an. A) W^ rfw came into the Fay of SeiUmx, acrni:- derabl- time U-fore he relt ot the Fleet ; it was the J>ix- ' I -i nth of ul}. Mid tliey did net reach it till the fuccccd- iiig Ueccn:kr. They ftaid hen-, it fcciiis, but a little time, being un- certain when their Company wou'd it nie ; h' wever, they did make a llo|i for a few Days, to er.;oy th ■ Plealuresof this pl.ice, and the Di\erlinnsof its neai Neighbour I'm- ^«'« llle. T his lllaiiil is tamcus eiio'gh for the Produ- lition of thcfe Fowls tirm whence it has its Name ; but they give us UT'ie (frangc Arco'.'nts of the Muliirui'is cf them, than what wc comni'inly have : That you may 'irive them alonp licfr re yoii. Five hundred, or mrrc in a Flock ; and the Scols in far greater nuir.bers all about jvponihcbhoar. Bur trTuJc 11 monpit themleb kiHitmn'i- They were ref Imc yet were ut way rudelv. be made tor the in order to their nupht upon a 1 Now thisbeini! i.ienting in the 1 .1 few tlattering but there's t'oine coinpleat Cmcr Spf.iii.t'Js, with Men, They can Malk'r has gnei And why d:i Trade. This w i a pretty Ccnchi ,■! l-o:iiplenients .11 ^ the bcpinniiip o' I true indeed, a ft ■» of Af:.. A; but I again ; thofe f: and t!ie Kir^l.'lh 1 However, the . this c.inie to ; fi thiinout of il.e ha'.c done, lisd iltljf ]r lilll'i.U'll ( XV. King of Botun entertains the Engliih. 5>5 j- fi-N , ~i D. ,in wi'Ji mc an ■ mmai'J ot ^,„^., ,^;' 1 to let SaiIuj.™. Til .1 m.ittcr 1 Pt.i:-c, .iiui .|lll'llin|l lim wiiu'il liaM- 111 I'.ii.ii ridt, ti' I'f ml i.t' .UTa''!c rmiit tlicm a I'll- as. S-il'iber the ICC I purf cJ" iliips la , to lie 11^. I of h'-l»u> of ■ i left till. re, n. J. It, cl'.lpatih- llnrue to linill.ed It's r/'C. hcie by the '^,,.wshir,^i;; troin whiili.i. i' i;, iiiJ, • ' (»{'' 1 to thtf lu/l tfijn Mid- leing iin- we\ cr, they Piealurcof hliotir Pti:- r the PrcJii- Namc ; but 4uhitudiscf hat yen ir.ay or tni^rc in a ers all about B.r S 4 But kliil ■« thcff , you have wi!;! Fowl of fcveral fom, .mul (icfff (iiid Diifks I'cliraia* too, and many otheri, which tKy ilmi't f,ive m tlic pdrticolar Names of : So that no Mm can want (iKirt, that goes thither for it j iin- Icfi the to.) great plenty of Came prove fomctlnng of a hindriiice, ami IoIcj the plrafnre of fearchmR out, and purfning, whirh i« indeed all the Life of the I'xercife. From hence thoy went on for the Co.ift of Indm, In all which Courfe we hi\e nothing remarkable, as far as the inand yi.f.-" /' , oi /ii/i;'-'" , as f nu- call it. This Ifl.ind they place in i ' I'er.i'- *"'"''' ' "'■ •■""' i""'"^'*"! Varia- tion tlure to Ik' forr iX(;r. n M n. It liee leagues m lenp'h, or there.iboiits j tli.' K.ilUeiu! is iiuiih the higher Land, and the Weiti-rn is wnody and full of Crefs. They worn away tirlk of a I for /(i'/mih, where they difiharg'd their Burden of Lead aii'l Iron, and took a- board iii the runm of it other Merchandife proper for the Thcfc rich Iflands were next to be vifitid by tiiem, m order to wiuh ticv let "^-iil from fl/i ;/-•», »v »;. the 'tli. They had ti-nMe Thund r.ind 1 igh'ningin thispad'.ipe Ram. .111.1 .1'l loir-, nf dl Weather ; rough and b(iilb'ri>!is Winds cxot'ted. But that was their advantage, th'-y had no Tr 'iWe nor Danrer up ti that fcorc ; but fail'd on through all that l-^iry oi tli ■ Weather, very merrily and well contented, that the Wind, the moll ilangerous F.no- my of all, did not engaee toptiher with the rell aeainll them. 'Twas lo kind iiid favo.ir.ible at tlut time, av to lie of their lide, affording tlicin all along a brisk llcddy (Jalc, by the help of which th.'y reach'd the Mihiu 't in the bfgiiining of ii-.nii.Pi. The Acioiint we h.ive o( their Piwcedinf s at thole llbnds, is icry iliort and miierf c'l. In general, we lind tliat near two Months was Ipenr in nicer Ceremonies and Complements between them, the Spnuiur,li, and the A/. - /««/?« Princes. 'lis tfuc, this was better than Fighting and Wrangling all that while ; and at tirll light ir .tppeais ftrangc, that the Sfmittrds ihoiild Ik- guilty of fo much Civility and good Breeding t wards the K ^':p\ whom they ufcd to „ of treat after .mother manner. But 'tis to be confider'd, that .*•'''■■"'' in this long Interval, they were concerting Matters a. I'T^jBiimongftthemfclves, to fend then packing from thenu-. /iW»«Vi They were refoK'd the fiiit^lifh (hou'd not Trade tlierr: ; but yet were unwilling to ufe violence, or turn them a- way rudelv. And thercfire Ibme plaiilibic Pretence inu If be made for their Difinillion, or fnch Conditions propos'd in order to their thay, that they not lx;ing able to agree to, might upon a Denial lie the more handfnmely turn'd otf. Now this bfing the Cale, 'twas .as gooil to fall a Comple- i.enting in the nean time, as not ; there's no Charge in a few il.ittering Words, or a little dilfembling Carriage ; but there's foincthing of advantage in it, beiaufe'tisa compUat C(ncr for an ill and treacherous Uelign. The Spf.itijrjs, with ail their Gravity ami Formality, tell our Men, They cin't admit them to Tr.idc, till ijie Camp- Malter has given have. And why dtx-snot the Camp-Maftcr then determine rhe Matter, and \.\) Yes, or No, plainly, without farther delay ? Why, bee.iufe he is comrivii^;; to do it more neatly and gtmeilU ; that is, w.th more Sti,:ii'Jh Ceremony and Cir- cumlocution : 'lis much tiK' better way to nuery and pro- pofe, to ort'er .md tn.ike Condiiic us fiio mntri'r how im- poilible ". than t i come out with a peremptory Denial, and lav bhimlv, '^'on Ihall not Trade here. Now the Cireumitaiices of thefe Idands at that time, furnilli'd Matter enough f.rths way of proceeding : For the t).'»i" and thev were up totbeHarsin Broi's and Quar- rels, and nothliu; coj'd be', etter, than to propofetothe lii{il:ih to come into the Cijiarrel too, and take their parts againltthe /x-c. '1 las they might ealilyguefs w.is what their Ci umiiMlun wou'd never allow thnn to do, nor bear them out in ; but upon th-.t Account 'tis to be fuppos'd they m.ide the Pri'pol'al. In ihort. Captain MldMfto't^o litively rel'ii-s'd it ; ar.d the 'J/vim'.ii./c at the fam ■ time de- lirid to be exci's'd from granting him the l.ilwrtyof Trade. This was the Upllot of the Bulincfs : Xnd 'twas a pretty ConchKion. to be mlier'd 'ti with Inch a Train of Couiplenieius and Carell.s, and to lie upon hand, from thebcginnine of ''j.mw.n to the middle of y\r.rcl: 'Tis true in^lecd, a free Trade uas prr.iiitted at the beginning of A/i.,/); but ill. i: Liberty expired in a very tew Days iigain ; thole faMiurable Order* weic counteiinandcd, and the /•:«:;..'/'' nruid to be gone. However, the Niuives hail more kindncfsfor them than iKlf rnil- ''''* ''■'"''-■ "' ; ''''' '''^'y " •■''''"' ''' f^- ^° '''''^'^ ^ Trade ivith 'iili'..iin. them out of li.e S; .unitr.h fight ; a lign wli.u they wou'd luvc done, lud ihey had '.he Liberty to chuolc their own Cuftomert. Twai impofTibtc to do this ly Day, and therefore they did it under the Protedion of the Night 5 the Sf^tiinriii all the while fuf|>e:finn and Content a Shipl'oard : In Return of wliich Kindn Ills, he made the C ap-ain a Pre!' nt of lome of lusCounry Cloth, and scry civilly invited him to llu'u):, promiling to fend a Pilot to guide the Ship thither. In the tiicaii time, one of the Vjn^Hfh, who had been lent allioar to get Provilions, rcturn'd with the News of his Entertainment by another r>i./i,iH King, a Neighbour The King of to him of W:'f«». This Prince had never fecn any F.riflijh e>H". neither ; and fomc of his Subjech having brought this Per- fnn to him, he was wonderfully pleas'd at tlic fight of him. The pofture our F.H^/ifh-mr.H found him and his No-' bles in, was fomething otid, and fufficient to (frikc a Ter- ror inttj the Mind of a Stranger ; They were Carowfing and Drinking very hard together, and the Room all about them was bcfet with dead Mens Heads. T'h .fe were the Trophies of a Viiflory newly obtain'd, and they were at th.at time (as it were) jult come oin of the Field, recking with the warm Blood of their Adv erfaries. However, the K't^li/h-m.in hiul no f.irther occalion for fad I houghts, tlian what the horrid Speiilacle gave him ; the King dlil not offer to let his Head up aniongll: the reft ; but after a kind and gentle Treatment, lent him awav in fafcty. The King of Bono/'s Pilot being come, they let Sail tor that 'Town, and came to an Anchor before it, j'lpriUhe ^. D. liot! I'wenty fecond. Here the King came our 10 bid them Welcome, with his'-''™ •• whole Fleet of Carracols, gallantly let out with Colours*"""' and Pendants ; and on both tides the .Sinall-lliot and Ordnance wi re briskly difcharg'd. The Captain was in- vited alhore to Dine with the Kinp. where every thing was ill ne in the belt manner, .according to the Falhion of the Country. The Meat was ferv'd up in great wooden Chargers ; but iho' the Dilhcs were homely and coarfe, yet the Provilions themfelves were line ; and which was better than all, the Welcome very hearty and (inccrc. Their Liquor was only Iren I'otr, a Drink of a very agree- able plealant ralte ; not heady and intoxicating, but iuf. ftrient to revive the Spirits, give them a due Elevation, and anlwer all the Ends and Pnrpoles of Drink. And as the Captain was feallcd alhore, fo the King (indeed the whole Royal Family) was again a Shipboard. They were feldom without one orother of them;fo greedy were they of the Company of a People they had lb long delircd, but ccu'd never fee till then. There was another neighbouring petty King, that hear- ing the News of the Arrival of the /•.vj.'//' iiRotun, came with his w hole Family to be a Spedator too. He rowed round the Ship in his Carracol, and vieu'd it andthmi moit nttentiM Iv : Bur with all their kind Entreaties, and the H\ample of the King of Rorm liefore his Eyes, he wou'd nr't I'c perfwaded to come aboard them. As lor the lUilinefs done here, the main p.art of it (ecmSTrailc u to be the getting a good Laaiiig ot Cloves. 1 his was an*'»». a' cidcntal Bargain ; they were brought into liotj"- by the ,7.n'.7i( Velftls, and the l-.i^'i/hheme. there at the time, hayplly fteur'd them tor themlslvtii. The i-li J< 7 he Compatiyi honrth Voyage. Lib. II The Kinn i)f B«'i"» h»H b^forr tolil th«m of lorn* Qutiw lltiNof I'lirl hi' haJ I'Y hiin, whiih they rtiou'J li»v« the Rrfifal III. I hey don't lell ui, thry boufiht ihcm of him ; nor vet th.n hrlxMi^ht tny <c hid »ny Detiinft with in ihofe Part*), «ntl f«t h,\ .'or BaniAm. They reaih'tl it H,y the Twenty (crunJ i and left it «.. , ^ g*ii) July the hifiecnih, lulling then lor / JirAin,/. titiZ. The n A of the Voyage honirwardi, i< both barren aiul lediou* i upon whuh .\tcount wc lliall exciifc the Header from ihu trouble of 11, and wiihotit any lurthcr .\lten- dance upon the 5hip, take one gixHl Step c|uiic trofi th« Sea fniiii H4ni,tm to J'.rg[//t>;./. Chap XVI. f^ ' •.fp i« An Account of the Fourth General f^qy.-/» the two i> hips, the 'Mceniion. and the Union, wider the Com^ maud of C apt AlcX. Sharpey : together rvtth theViJco^cries in the lied Sea, by the Alccnlion. ll^rit by Mr. Tho. Jones. vv nwpTxvi thi« RnaJ till mil- llel'o: t.i WklW 1 lit I" II V«-(. '" JK' rlemiH of the Sealiin nf the lltai liinf we I lh.ll .\c were giiMt .1 I'etni iitirc Riiiiiv t III tlie Mi'i' l)iir ( Kill I \t ■'!, ,inil ilii \o\\w I'.iitii III; v\ tilth leijiiirc pl.ues, .is wi I lie w.is iitlii il ih.ir ll.iin'd nil II niled f'li. Hill iiiilliel .ilid oiir II -nil- •-fD.llol. Hcginiini! ihf AiCf nl ol'ihf Niw VC«i, li'ini the :iili i>r Mint. M : > I Ctmtf* iHr. tmki I He. Tcsthttoiu fccplt. Hi I •«limliLO llwjri Re- vengc. F, wcikIiM .Anchor at llM»icl',*Mvch I he fourteenth, svith the two gixid Ships, the .Ihrrjon, and the t'mw j , whitli latter .Ship, h.id llie made gooil her NaiiH', .iml not mih.ipi'ily w.iiulei'd frotn in, our V0V.-ICC iiiiKlii luvc been nunc I'oniinate than 'twav ILivirc Ipem loine Va>* in relielhii.g, at the lll.ind Mi/o wc'p.i"t""' '''""^'■' ''"^ '*""'' "^ *^'"' '" '''''' dcr to crol'. ilie 1 me. Hemp | Siicccir.-s in that ' plaie, we let \.\\\ liuni ,/./ /, lor the City of Shhr., vvhi- .k. ,, I her we came J/ Arrrn and I III' Kcailcr ilici Acten- ue (rofi tb* xvii. The Lofs of the Afccnfion, iS'c. SI 5, mtb )e Com'- covcries 3nes. I of the I'cft if iK-Koial cur of iliole ty, aficr thii it I'ewl'n and rid to ." C'on- (hi< Ki-nd til till- latter iiul of tlic next Month. Then nm- lUlo! t..r. l.iur. HxM *"' i .-" ^> ' in (:„^„.,i, wclW lilt 111 irnUaiuiiiiil' ilui Dii.i-ii, .ind niitiint! m at \«K •» 3V'"". (whrrc v*i- luil vcr\ irmil Icf m^i- l'«|'t- riou.s of the III tiK V W. Wiiuls, th.u l.'ow th-'iv .- tlll^ ,Sc4i"norilicYi.ii) wr ir.i.ltf It .V'T-zfiWi-. ihi Viond. l-y iluttiim viiriMilia iIk- Ciai* o( »". Ami now twa> lint M' wiri> piiiliy of th.u l.it.il MiO.ihf. ih.ii piovnl I" Kuit.i IVtriimnt III till' N..l.lr Chui|miiv, a« will .is .in ii tire KiiiiH' i.i all the Meriliaiit» nnd Miiiiui » lom. rii il 111 till' Mil' , , Owr tlcii.r.il \va» iiit-niul (tin thi Iiironiirr w.i, a M;, .iml iluTiriire|i.rh.ip'•"'''• •^"»' ' •""'" .mil' ' .111! u«. Mlitih loiiiircd iiri-at S.ill ). I .\uiv.uiit.uiie wli il'ie (il.uiN .!> Will as Cue .iiid Dilifi. .• I" .uoiil. HH.iles Ivw.is olliiil In .1 Ill-ill mattii, to li.iu a sk'lh'l I'lliu, iliu (liin'il iiif.illilily cimdiiCl Ins Sh (i ii.iu the Port he in- i.riiliil f'li. , , ,, , ,, I Hi:i ihiliiikilv tor us, this cooillittiT W.U ic'iiVtuI .iiiil iiiirli'ail-ltront; MalUr lUlpisd the .ilfilLin. . nl .i ■-I hiiiiij'ii I'lUit i .ir.l lo we iliil (.1. It W.H liireidia I'l lis I nil 1,1 r Miip iipi" iholf Mi.ijis, til the iii\ihiinf,ii| us .ill. We l.iud all the Mm indeed in ihf IViiis, tlio ilie^ were Iii.ideil ti) a h nh decree, and we hul eii'luetii I.e.ip,nes lo ilieSh'.u: Bill all ilie (IiHids .ind Tiialiiie, .iiul iluMii|' It 'i'H, were irrciineralily IijU. Piovidenie took care of us m this Dilkref., and pri'v'd $, fat I'l'tter Pihx to un, than (tt we h id laid <.iir De- fi(!ii) we had liem to our feUe« : For wc dul all we Tlnifi(..ff, Kiii'd, I'l fill in Willi the Rivir of S:i iiaii.iiirnr. Hroiii heme wo ir.iveU'd bv I. and to Xuttit, where wc had a Fai-tory, and a Kneinl of our own Natiiin fCap'alii (/.Its <), lit a lotii.leral'le Interelt in the A/ ijni'i Court, iho' at .,'»./: at the tune cf our ArriMl 'I 111 (uneral, and the I ell part ol the Coinpanv, took a |iiurney to //,'"f, intiiulinf! from theme in Urikeiirii ('.'/;., .Hid ill j;o hi.me that wiv. As fir my |i i, ai,d I W" .it'ei ilie'loil and I,. loir of twn Year" an.! Ii.ilf, li II to how little p.iirpo''', is pl.iin, liy the loref;oii ;, Cir- iiim(fiiici) vve I'.eover'd ih' I'l'litot uur Name Country . .,,1111, J/'. 17. ./. />• itif.. ap.ier, when ' unfavotira* and down at r fpcnt -, then ire a Rctrcu > fear of Enc- rherc indeed Creature, ci-cy,, lole Numbci.iil'- le a Faefory ; ; undiltnrb'd liou'd pay no ur, he vv'ou'd for a pood 111, they were he I'oiiu of a ij; n C'oiiliilc- tlie Cloth. So els ill that A/j/w, will- 1,1, I. .I'out fortv lor all In.lii.i , .-.lA all tliolc luncous and .\1 us to lie ill this H A P XVII. I be Cinuin/lances cf t he unhappy l^oy.igc of the other ^/;;;'//'i' Union, //; her ypay to Triaman. Unticn l^y Henry Morris, at IJan- tam, ^ept. 14. y^. 2). i^io. V. h.wc heard bctotc. how ihc two ir (MC inro a little poftiir'* of (Icfoncr, Hir wa< rrtf^'iirlYTKyn W xeraiCiuiles ol / inuiiery picat Misfortunes ihips, the .Ijcciifi II, and t'lirm, were parted oy a violent .Storm ; at'er which theycichot ilnni r.iii tlicir Ic- AdientuieSi but i ii both liles plunpcd eniomp.ifsd with fi" h Swarms if I'raws .inJ prra: Boats,'"-*'';.?'' and thole lb I oldly niakinf; uo ro them, ili.n '.lie/ ihurplit *" '"'"'" they iiuid iinim-diately haic I'ecn t.ikeii wirhoii: .-.ivni'ie ailoe. H. t the great C;iiiiM]iiukl> Icattird tins i'leetof the Natives, .tiiil m.vle ilic Ship nior,c rn ui '..reeially I con;ti ' The T I..CM having loll all hopes of mcetini; her Couipa- after iMiie of their Boats were fi nk, ai;d the Kleii ih.ic St.niun apaiii, lolecure her lelf Inmi the fatal I^tfeiih of the li!l\l them were ti.re ;np;eies with iheSIior Tlii'. Itruek Siorir, put 11 'o St. W«:;..//("c's Bay, at S:. / mvi.).. .-. Al ter a Ke'dlimeiit here forfouie twenty I Jays, they in.ide ..iwa^ to ~^i'ipl'''r ; where the', had iiiueli the laiiie liiitcr- tainmer.r by the People of thai Illand, tl .it iliemherConi- fany h.iil .it V'Hi'-'i'- ■ Folk kiniily iiled, and then an ''iii- Dilli laid to knock them o'the 1 lead. Some of the C'oin- p.iiiv were lolt in this Skiniilh, and the rell with much I'uih aTerrr.r into the r.'l. th.itthev .ueoii;!.ed it ..s much Prikliiiee to kc pout of ihe way for the fuiure, as }'oed romiiie to have ifcapM the pall daiirer. Thev Itaiil fourteen l)a\s in the Bay af or tlii'. Fipht ; ill vvlmli tune the Natives made a licou.l Artemp:, fil- lowil vvi-li the like ill .Siiciefs; which liiihtanen'd ihem to that degree, that now they wou'il r.o; tiviluir Fonunc any more in that k'nd; bur took tlu.ir Rcven);^; with Itandin;: all altiore and pazinp upon the Ship. And the difSciilty neoverd their Ship .i}.'a;ii. Aftei .1 ci r.lii'erablc time Ipent ai Sea and liule or no way male, (and beli.les a p od part of the Men quite down with ill.- Serrvy) ih'.-ii' Iteer'd 1 uk apain to the ; I roui'ht the Ship a little iiiaier the Shore; and lb giving llleof St. X..-1V r'e , intending to tl.'.y tiiere till their Men ' iheni a whole ftriiadlide, whuh broke into the tlii. kelt tliey alioard lecing thein in tl.islit pnlhire to receive a Farevvei, were rccovcr'd ; and the conirary Monf lis iliar weie then blowmi; ha4 hnilh'd their ll.lied per. nl. 'Fliey tell in upon the Weiliiile of the Illand, imo a very l.irge and fp.ieious Bay, call'd by the Natives C.-itij:,oiiio.i.:,iU, Coun- try all .Vooui wiiicli is very I'ruittul .ind plealiint to the Kyc. Here the C.lpu . and f/nieotheis, veiicrd to no a- i>.ore I'pon a Vilit u. •'he Kini; ot iha; part of the liian.i. aodtliey l'.ul this cnio'naj'.ement to a; .ha; many tin-i.s before the h.ii'il'J'.' M chants h.id done lb, .iiid had met with very Conrteor.s F.iueriainment. B.'t thai !i-tie,Stni.k of Civility and Goed Manneis, v.hirh was aioongllihe'.e Barbarians, w.is, it ftems, ([uite Ipei.'.. betbre they lame: For t!ie N.uives had t.iken etiedu.d '.'a.c to make ilieni .'■''|"''*'''Priloners, andthcy were no l^/<:«il'ilU'i s. %:\ <) CHAP. ^f*««»a, 'f^ •11 ii 1 'I t M .ii i I,! *; ! ( <58 ■— .._«.«. -n uM W M .ii < u im ■■! ■' — ■■iiiawi ^MiMipiiii - i.^-. ■ „ ■ — i.-ii— . - M■.■l■■^■ Mr, balbunk's 1 ravch throng!) Jndia, &c. C H A P. XVIII. Salbank'i fourney [after the Afcenfion nyas c/ijl awaj) mghhuVia, VcHu. and pan of Tuvky, W Arabia, J/D. .09. fFritten to, &C Mr. Salbank'i f> thr 16051. IFntten to §j^.it*t Stijy, 2\\\ Trade. O Dijutt V R SIlip the A/cenfim bcinp vinjiappily !nft i:;ioii tin" Sliolcs of Cidiiv.d.i, v:c iii.iJo t'lo bell fit our w;iv in liiiats to the Minrc, aiiJ jHit in at tlic rown cif d'^Wii'."; c ■ This place li.c. the ailiantaqc of a vers tair auJ ci)iiiiri<ig.iU. ;Uid now a Jour- ney of eleven Days, throiph a nioft charming fruitful Country, 'cy between ui and y-Jg ./. This Cuy is very large and popnlors, the .Streets wide anc' handfoiTie, the: Houles, for the iroft parr, buil' of Stonr. Hcresaprear rcfort of Merchants ovx of Poji^t, and all parts of I.itii.f, tradiii:: for Silks and Cloilis, and all loits rf Jewels, The DIrmond-iar/ the penii;r:c I'roduc't of theCoiiiirry, and arc found aN)iit .{!,'i, l>:i!); and Biln'.^^/ir- , but a pi-cat pan of tlie Rubies. .S.aphiics, i'i,-. come from 'Withcnr all tioubt, our V.tigl'Jh Silks, Velvets, ,ind Cloths, of the rither and finer forts, will po off hereto prcat ad\ cnrape , becauli' of the coir.munic.iTii.n bet^vccn this place and / .-/lor, r.'ivii-, ivrh many others cf the like iinpcr-:nn..-e ; which hutei City /■'.•.'//■(■'-,, by the way) :s rwr jlrne t'.vehe Mde;. from Wj,,-, and is every whit as bip as Lcndc::. I-rcm /7r/.( we fct out for ll'fpJ ui, the Cap.tal City iun.., i>'ii q( I'r'fi'-, and that by the v\av of H ■..■»,;;, this K'inp but cil'Jb.-rcTf, j^yj Months Journey ; :ind tlianby l-i'o- beinp four. This !i!>-2. ch. "■ jj:.„., ,,^ tl-.e great Storolviid'e of Indico to the whole Ceuntry ; no place in all the Kf.il-hih-s coininp rear it", fortlicMcafurcs of ihi; Commodity annually produced. The Indico it fcif is a Vegetable I'roduiftioii : The I'Jar.t \viiich yielcsit, lafor (T a fmall Bui;*, or Shru!^, and ,,,. , bear- a J^ecd ain.oit like ih.at of a Cabbape, When the The ,i8k.ng t ,- • ■11 1 . I 1- • 01" lrd,i;o prf.pcr Scak.n IS come, ii is all cut dowr;, and left in. l:r!irthing lic.ips vpjn the Croi'iid to ror, for half a Year ; then the '''^""' Sicdsarc tr(>d ow from ih: Stalks l.,v Oxen, sne aher- frcmtidt '^>-'i^.' - I 1,111 1 l«f:ir; ward; pio lu! very hue, arj to boil d m a rrrn^ee :, /iij,>». wh'clidone 'i:is f ■rued cut iiuo fe\cr&l parccis, ;'C...ording to the dif crent degrees rd' finer.els. ^iVfiww liiartn AK\Cwiid'A, w« f aft'd thiough thef; Btimj, chiet Tiiv./ns : Mntu, noted for irsthree weekly M,irfccts '•■*'•'■ ot Indico, Cotton-V.'ool, Yarn, and Cloths. !{curcc, a Town of Merclian iilinp Husba.-idmen, who "'"w together with the Affairs of Apriculture, do witli no'fmall Induftry cqvally promote thofe of Trade and Merchan- dize. ihichv, where Sword-blades arc fo good a Commodity """" that one worth but a Noble in E'i7,lm ot the Kings ol />,•'//■. The People are wonderfully cu- rious in iiakiip Vebets. Ji.ittas, Damaiks, Ornnqiw and /Vi/i;.; Carpets, Girdles, and Sadies. Here's a con- tiiuial Trade ol Drugs, Spices, Jewels, Silks wrought luJ Well as raw. Cou'd our Ships laiie w itli fafety in the l'o~ Jinn Gulf, a prohtable Trade might be planted here : For rolels than Fifty in thcHindrcd may be gain'd fioni O'- »:m to li'.'pizlwi, and that in eighty Days Travel. The '^"™'''' -^ Commodities to be biouphi from E>i^/.i»H hitl-.er, if.ould £' bl'*," brTm, Copper, Bralil: ; Kerlles fori hecommon People <^-'xtr and Bioad Cloth for the Merchants .and bcf.ei liirt ; Cam' '•"•^• lets, VcUeci, tiloths ot C,ak\ and lidlie, vviih fine Linen for the King's .Sultans and Nobility. Belides all kinds of Warlike Fnrpiture, wh.th the Pe^Jhim will be very good Cultomcrs f .r. We went from this famous City to Hr^ilr, a Town a^^j, two Miles in (ompafs,and leated on the Rii'erT.'^j-H. 'Tis very prpu'ous for the bignefs (f ir, and a Man never fails mce:nig \alt C-o\v Mo.iih, loeral prcat Ships, furru'lh'd with all il-rf, jf l«Y„:>;Mer- chaiulizc. We pircte.'.cd ill our Voyage from irU'ciA to C.-.'.jf/^, un the Coalt of Ar.jbii: y^JIji j and from thence to the fa- ir.oi'S Kl.iUt; Br.li\rcni, in the mid-way between Rfiljor.i ,. . !ind Omm. Here tis that tlu y fiih fof Pearl, in the Months nX' ofiiti.c, y/ily, /', a lou- lidciMl.ic Chap. Xi: nder^ble w on the Pel , was driven !„ I, rAm Town nn"- l'ri!.i..er l,y Frvinp-paii ,h.-r„r,. i Ad ihf Trll: dl' For here tli ic, and ha I - delivcr'd n'ies cou'd 1 the Devils. Havinp 11 fmall inand, piiip ; and : had not an mv Rcleale From A( Mouth of 1 Mile in ciri World. All arc broughi not above f Quantities t There is im forts of Mei Tapillry, Pl fported into I good Garrif Afterfoiri paffipe, to jr. fi'lrr.." ". 'J by this placo. and there is Sti ?ai1 being Atrivf jr AciiMn. the 1 0th of / Wepafsd I ble Occurrei; Dr.ni.h, tli; Afliiirs alter'i merly been ; blclbiue, CO our Piivilcpc ufed to be pr; Having prt Qiiiec and Se Circumftarc fame Month, iii^fecution of 1 empty of Inh Confent wen friphled then 'twas forfcai bn'ke i:. upoi painlV their V Ti.i'c,-[.!i- ..i„(i leave the dage a Forty we h.ul the and we laboi v.xre oblig'd bear up the 1 we were carr When we Ttlnur ;) W( uiansped ace .Sail came int tlicLadinp as p.\y ai th;ir o' Coniciciiccs, IriltiA l^'ar if tlic Until ''I'fr ihfir C'l r'V for LibriM XIX. David Mid iletoa T Jo yage to Java, &c. ^ I a\vay') I, A. 2). ckly Markets '•'"' irulincn, vvlio"'""- with no fmall ikI Mcrchan- i Commodity "*"" I cafily liriiig i'.(i/cc, which "■"".In ■hisNaviga-''""-^- iicansaCoin- idjaccnt paits niiclft of the '*'"*''• avtTS, which ace and Cm- caiii^. 1 dangerous, [■ palfcd thro'. is much fre- and ail parts '■-.v, the firft on arc pafsd ;rcat Empiics ils'd througli Rivn-w,- P^>ra, Paha-i'"'"'' iv/^ Silk they m^m on'd Gora, a hty Trau\ ■lerc's a con- s wrought as Y in thcPn- .1 here : For ii'd liorii 0>- ravei. The?™;'"f^ tr.cr, (I.ould be bKijj'i mon People, o'-' «' t'l- Ibrt t Cam- '•""• h fine Lini.'n kinds of ic Ncry good '. ^ T(nvn B,;rfj,, VlJCH. "1 JS never fails lors. here, it ii'.r, and all Minted near gj.^:,, rrilijn, and rear as bii< City to the iiintry about great, tiiat .T) Moath, Iniic'i Mcr- toC.-','/^, .'e to ilie (.1- t'l.- Months Peail.. toiuiil alx)UT. and Left in iV of !,\ihl.: ,j.',ri rny l/'clign \liH.t:c:c'i ,; ^r/v. and ' ■ , atoii- the /'#rf« fidcr^Me way up in the Country, I tiim'd off to Lima '■""' on tlie Pn/i"" C.ulf, where I embarked for ^Oi-otcra, but was driven by a parcel of Pyratcs to land at So.;,-, a Coaft- i"'i'\'Zn Town iinr far from Lima. But this was but out of the i"rii,i'm-r"l,7 Frving-ian into the Fire ; an clcapc out of the Hands of Kafi als'.it Sea, into the power of worlc Knaves at Land : For heic tl-.e l'Oifni;Ki.?i' informd the Governour againft ie, and having made him believe I was a Spy, got me to 1 - dehvcrd into their hands ; and a Man's ercatclt Ene- irics cou'd hardly Willi hirn in worfe, fuppofc him out of the Devils. Having me in their power, they lent mc to Mujc/ir, a fmall Iflund, where they have a Garrifon, and fome Ship- ping ; and here 1 unill have lain in cverlafting Bondage, had iiot in honeft i;«j/'/fe Jefuit I met there, procured mv Releale iroui thence. From Mifc.n 1 was lent in Chains to Ormm, crofs .iie Mouth of the PiT/icw (iull : This Illand is about thirty Mile in circuit, aad is certainly the drieft Ifland in the World. All their Water, Wood, and oth^;r Necclfaries, ' arc brought out of the adjacent parts of / ■■ lii, wh'ch is ; not above twelve Mile from thence. 1t\ tamouj for the (iuantities of Salt it produces, and the Fidii. ry of Pearls : j There is indeed a very great Trade driven there for alF forts of Merchandize almoll, Spices, Drups, Silks, fine TapLilry, Pearls, Horl'es, which arc from hence tran- 1 fponcd into M r. The PorfH(;H.';ji: have a CalUc, and a good Garrifon here. .After fomc Hay here, I w:is icn away for Goa ; in our I ^'"*' paff.ipe, to *■//.' ^•, between the Countries of Gu.iiid and T-tle o'' ir. GiiXJff. The Commodio'.fiicf^ of the Kivcr wh:.h runs by this place, With refcence toTrade, was hinted before ; and ihere is another particular Conver.icncy belonging to M'!' O'nui- it, which I will not omit, and that ii, tliattlie Pcrtuj'm^c have no Fon all along this River, nor cannot accomplifh it, perhaps, if they attempted it, the Country People here- abouts keeping them in very great awe and fi'bjedtion. The Commodities that the place docs vent, arc Cloihs of all forts, refpecially liglit Colours) Tin, Lead, Iron, Spi- ces, particularly l'c;-per and Cloves ; then all your Cali- coes, Pintadoes, Qiiilts, Canicts, &•. go ofTliere in grear Quantities, and at very reafinalilc i.ates. 1 he Coimtry yields and makes lo many of thel'e Ion cf Conimoditie-, that they are cxtrcainly cheap, and a little Stock wi'l keep a fu!itam.iai Ti.ide of this k.nd go- gon Jiere. Bclidcs, you may (lore your felf with lev ' 'ei^ good Drugs here; and a Ship-load of Opium aluiod (m^ ^'.'A is fu n.i- tural and kind to that Drug in particular) w i:ch wi u'd be a very g'xid Commoility nt Buntam, and the parts thereabouts, .as well as the Stuffs mention'd bcf iv. L aving the Coalt ot ,'..',,(/•, we c.tme to Din. in the ""• King 'om of f.Vm/'rx/i ; 'tis the Itrongelt Town the I'-au- ^Mf^:' have in all this Province, and fends out every Year a grea: number of Sliips Lideii witli Varieties of Merchan- dice, tot Ormm, ihc li^.rl Sc.i, and otherparts. From hence we pals'd to Gca, the end of the "rcfenl Voyage, and the pl.ace of my doleful C.iptuity. ' '""' The Po>tiif[u:(L- have no more iniponant place, no {e- curer Retreat, no finer Spot in all the Eallern World than this. It Hands in an Illand thirty Miles in coinpafs. as pieafant, convenient, and lit tor Command, as .tny thing can do. 'Tis liirrounded .''i"' lor A'.ic'j We pals'd fiom hence to Br.ntnm, without any remark.t- ble Octurrenr by the way, and 'tvv.is in the ixginning of Dc.-ni.ii; tliat we got thither. We found the State of Afl'airs a'tei'd here for liie worfe from what it had for- merly been ; ihe pixfent Governour being a very trou- blcl'ome, covetous, cx.aifting Pcrfon, encroaching upon our Privileges, and not allowing us the Liberties that ufed to be !;ranted. Having provided in the bed manner I cou'd for tlif Qiiict and Security of our FaAory under that diftemper'd Circumftance, I let Sail for the Mciu.cr.'s the lEth ot the fame Month, pitting in at the Ifle of Rc>:!^/:i.i in the Pro- he fccution of this Voyage, we found the Country quire cmptv of Inhaliitants,the King and all the Peop?!! with one Cor.fent were run away, whatever Uangent was that had frighted them. And all things conlidered, I concluded "tw.is for fear of the D;i/o'', whovvou'd ( it feenis ,' have broke i:. upon thein, and built a Fort in the Country a- gainif their Wills ; but they chofe rather to ip'it the Illand and Icivethcmthe wh'de Dominion entirely tothemfelves, tli,in live under their Command, and endure the Bon- d.ig.; a Fortwou'd bring them into. I.cofing from hence We h::d the Wind and Stream fo powerhiliy againft us, ami vvc U'lour'd with our Ship to fo little purpcle,thai we were oMig'd to alter our purpole forthe Moltac.i'i, and fo l>e.ir up the Hr.'m for the Iflesof Baiiit.j, towards which we were carried away a main. When we came thither (which was in the beginning of Vel"ur y) we found all things under the Command and managed according to the Plenfiire of the Uuicl. No Sail came into the Road but thev wou'd take as nuich of the Lading as they ple.i^'d, and either luit pay at all, or pay at their own time and price accor.iiiig to their own Coiiieienccs, which m.ade it indcid iv.xt to no payment at lwE»I- all. And then there muft be nO correfpondcncc with the People of the Country, and if a Ship brought Commo- Tynnr.y of ditics ever lo vendible there, am', attempted but to land ''"•■ •"""'■■• thrm, thelein'pudentniaftertul lldlnidcis wnn'd immedi- ately play the Oiidn.inte of the Caftle upon them; and by this Means they had gotten fevcraljencks of conlidc- lable burthen into their Power, which eat:ic t'.itir . upon an hoiielt: delign of Trade. The Inhabit mis of the Town of /..-/('I') were very willing to deal with me, and '' fell sue their Spice, but they cou'd not do it without the .,/-,. leaveof the /Jv.'./j widi whom they were then link'd in a friendlliip, a.idtowiiomi muft go to l)eg a Tr.ide ;f I mi.anL to have any. However I undcrftood that they were at War witli the Illands of Pulovoay and P o- ;',i, who therefore wou'd not fend mc to ask leave of the D/ifi/jtolniy their Spices. But then the great Difficulty, was, to manage the Trade with them without provoking the D«/i/ ;o .acts of open Violence and hoftility. I hid now received an exprefs Commandment from the (iovernour of the Caftle, and the Vicc-Ailm'ral to come in with mv Ship, and not to ride in the Rond where I did ; which Ciim- mand I did in aspereniptorv a manner refufeto obev, h.a- vitig the Examples of feveral Ships unjuftiv detain'.' i\\crc. before my Eves. And farther I put my felf into the Iicft pofture of Defence in cafe of an att.ick. whi h 1 hat! rcaf m tof^ipeit. Vet that all things uiigh' bi' manny'd as fairly and inrtTenlively on our lide as might be tfpe- ciallv lince Interelt and Po'.icy required it to be !'■> 1 I viclded fo far as to write a Letter to know whether .hey wou'd deal with mc themfelves or let t'le feop'cof ■ .-, t r iloit; audit not 'hit, then whotl'.er I tri;:ht without: oti'ending ihLin Trade with tl.e Iihi'ids of ['ukxi-.y and They wcrefoclvil as to raurn no Anfwer to this Let-Ti,. j, /. .'cr, but iullcad el that n.ade preparatio.is to conic and :•' n; ilingi try their Fortune in order to the t.aking of my Ship. ■' ■'"■'^'"•'*i' L'pon n' t:cc ot this Deiign. I went iiumediare.'y my felf to the Clitic, aiul carried my Commillinn aloi,g with me, being refoiveti to let them !Ve the Author.ry thatempower'l o n;e 1: loo The Sixth f^oyage Jit forth by the Company. fairly Com •* n ; |i ' iiicioad; as All') to do ill tliat might be done -, ( wiihoiit a lial'c Submiirion ) bcfoi^ it lamc to a down ripht Hrttt!c. The tight of the Co(nmi(fion with His Majc(tits br tnd Seal to it made Come linprcflion upon them, and rh » topethcr with the offer of i ooo'. over and nl)o\c for tlicladiiip i;f my Ship, procured nic not only a civil 1 rcatniint, but a promife alfo to fatisfic my Dc- iircs with rifcrcnceid a Trade Yet after this they fell back f rin their Wordj fo furclv pafs'd and gave it mi as their 'all Keftihition, that I muft pretend to buy no Spice theie. 1 his made me fix my Piirpofe for Fnkiv.iy, \' hither I p'rios'd to pd ji, fpite of ihc I lrll.-:i.iirrs and .III ilu'ir bnrce, and knr the (ioverjiour word plainly that 1 wi.iiM do (ii, let h.ni do his vvorit to prcient me. And ilu: /'(..-.' ii fienisiiid not tlvnk fit to try ta Itop mc, for tiiithct 1 c.inic with' lit .my oppoftion uiih my niw Pin- n.iic ihe //. /'•irc/, wliidi I rittcd uprn purpcfe for a i a- diiip at th.u Kl.iiid.l Itrc I ai'rc.d for iiiv Spite at the lame r.iusas Cnpt.iin K'"'''"^ had dene! iforc me, rnd pot my P:n!aie I.idid with Mai."c and a pood larrc Jinck with Niitmeps. Ami all the Spice tli.it "c 1 oufiht here wascar- rid (.IS lalt .\s\ve cou'd lade ilitfe Veife's) to our Ship vvhii h lav 111 the Roa>l of f/rriji/.V; at the Ifle otCcran, a- bout JO I Cliques from Ifwii-, 'I hislil.u;,! bv report of the In.l'.m! is Inli.ibi'ed by a foitof C-'u, i,i,.t, thac lie in wait to latch the I'allengeis and Fill.erii eii that lome iipi.n that Coalt, whom thiy inf.illibly Demur like fo m.inv hungry Kealts of Prey. I.lpceialh if tlicy take any Clirillians they Kdow a good dre.iit'B upon ihim, and I.tv ihcm dcmn to the fire to r<:altalite. 'Ihe caufe f.f whiih barbarous Treatment, they lav is (and 'tis \ try likely) fome Injuries which tlule I natures lia\c leitn'd from the PtrfM;if^c,for whofc (akesihiv h.mdle all others thus fevercly that they get in- 10 their Chin Ins. HytlieMunih nf S-p-embey we had pretty well ac. eoiiiplul.'d the lading of our Ship, which done (and the Matters of our Company fetlfd tli.it wcrctoiiay behind lor the Profcnition ot the Trade ) we fct Sail from I'lt- lortny, •mldirc.\ to it. 'ihcy thought of coming to take the whole Kland, and fo make but one bulinefs on't, to plunder us ot our .Spice, and revenge themfelves upon the People forlelhngit tou.s. And they adlually brought up their Ships in order to make the Attciript , but providence toughtagainit them inthe contrary "ride, which fet their Ships to the Weft fide of the Ifland, and wou'd not let them 1 and. So that for all this and their many other 1 lots to catch me by the way, I brought the Effetfts of my 1 rade at Piilm/iy to Bantam in fafety. The whole A- mountof my Ladingwas ngTun, 6Cathavs, J. 12/. of Nutmegs; and 6n Suckets of Mace, which makes 139 Tun, 9 Cathrges, ; it. of Mace; befides which, I left with one of the Fadors, 14 tfun, 7 Cathages, ; 8/. which coil with Charges 1507 1 J Rials. I left Orders with fome of our Fadors to put in for a Ihare in the Trade of Diamonds at Succa.Unin in burmo, and having fettled that Concern as well as ill others that dctain'd me there, 1 fet Sail from B/tmr.m i :iivml>er the 1 6th and had a good Palfage to Sildnmn, where I An- chored j'^h/mi;, the lift, and from whence I made all imaginable Difpatch for V.ngkmt. *-^bji;^^^ Chap. XX. The Sixth General Voyage fet forth by the Eafl-India Company^ mh the three good Ships, the Trade's Increafe, Mmiral^ of looo Tun ; the Pepper-Corn, Vice-Mniral, 0/250 Tun • the Darling of ^o ; and a ViBualling'Barl^ of 180. ExtraUed out of the Letters and fonrnals of Sir Henry Middleton, Jd'. rniral- W/Wr.Nich.Dounton, Capt. of the Pepper-Corn. Misfortnii': C»(ic Vrif R04J very gooil. 7»>. li* '*' 1' , T H IV.ipIc; not 'orl rjilc «•.' iKily. ,Oiv,inp ro an Anchor in the Road of Cape VaJ, we ({aid there fome time, to lay in a Recruit if frcih Witer and repair what was defedfivc in our Ship-Tackling ; having had lome little iiiN of that nature by the way. And indeed, all things tonfider'd, I know nor a more convenient Road f >r thefe pi:r|ofi.s, aiui all others almoft that may invite a Ship, rhanthisof Lnvc l^cidh: For befides the plenty of good fall', Filli, and the advant.'gc of Watering here, 'tis very fit for the Difpa'-.h of Bulinefs, and it is not at all out of the w.iy. .'\sfo'oui Courfe from hence to the Line, we conclu- ded with one C'onfcnt, to Sail S. 5. W. for nbout fixty 1 cagucs, then to ilcer S. S. E. till wc grew near the Line, and fo to hale over I afterly. By the latf^r end of July we made thf Bay of Sol.UnU, wlure wc f mnd the People is bcriftly and brutifh as they have ever ufcd to be reprcfenred, but not near fo frer and ready to T r.ide as the, f riueily v.eic. 'Twas a v.ry hard matter to pcrfwade the.ii to bring any Cattel at all to us (wc were torc'ri to bribe niul couit them to it , and tl'cn thofe they did brinp were lo old, lii tough, anil fo lean, that 'tw.is aiiv.oll as iiad as fafting, to be obliged to tat them. Ktliiics Oi i Iron was now no current Money amongft !l:em, and thole brave Tiadin,r, Pays were over, when a Man o u'd pui\ hate a far Ox, or t^^o or three guod Sheep, for .11. Iron Kir-g, or a few Hobnails. Copper was, a: this time, al! in all amongil ilieni, and they wou'd take in>- thiiip biit pieces if this Metal, iiit three or four, or (ix Inches I'quare , and one of thefe was the Price of a Sheep, whicl-. rrnlideritig what ihey were, was de:ir enough. What the Realon of this altcraiion ll.ou'd ho is uncer tain : Whether thole plentiful Markets of Cattle they us'd to bring down from the Mountains, were Spoils taken from one another in W.ars, and fo thev p.ii diem olf to others, as they took them themfelves : Whi. 'i if 'twere fo theii 'tis probable, that the Realon whv the> (o highly va- lued Iron 111 thole Days, w.is its ufefulnefs to iliem'm their Wars tor heading their Darts and (aunre^ and confe- qiiently that it grew outot Requelt r.nionKlt them, when a Oencral Peace was made, and their murdering Weapon', laid.ihde. Or tis poifible, that the />,.;J', bv their ove-- great liberality, may have puli.bly hclp'd to fpoil the fnide here : For as tis their Humour, to conllJer only their own prelent Oecafions, withuu: confiiltin,. the .Ad - vant.ige or Intereft ot any that art to . ume alier them • fo tisvery likely, that they by giMng thde People fome ex- travagant R.ates tor their Comm,-jd tes n,iy have nu'.ft them how to expecl and inf It upon 'the fame wi-irail other Ciittomers. They ha^e more than once fpoil, j the Inde lo in other pLaces .abuad in the We rid and 'u, not incredible that thev ll;ou'il do lo iicre. We ivckoii this Bay of y.l.Um,, to lie !omc foiitecn Leagues N. K. 1^ tio,n the Cape „f Go,.^ // /.., and ten Leagues N. by W. tioii! C.ipe y:.-,/, ; both which Ciues may be leen pretty plainly out of the Bay. Hm ih,- two Capes aieparted a!fo by another gix.ir B.iy buij,., which IS ilillaiit tioiii that ol S„ .l.wir. almm three i e.i"iies ■ mil allthe(;round beiween i; low, iiiarlhv, and plaihe "the ctrec!> perhaps ot the Water br.,iieh: oif fio.n the .Moun tain, that (t.ind of enher lu.'.. |.,.t a .Slup, wli.-n iIk- comes in lor the B..y of S U,„:,, 1 ., ,„,; the Nonhtn. Po,nt otit to bearW.N. W.--N.W,a::d'b) W. tinv.uiofih. l.-dix 1 h. n s ■ ..n.lll.. ti iil!luCv jn.l LJ|' !(,( oilu-r iiirtriii-;; Ledge of Re in the Swam gar-Loaf) a tifely ir fo* Unnght. ' Fis worth liio' it be th the W. and I Points open t the molt lion about the Ba TiKuiibaeks, aWiut the Ri Weoblerv'd a Fruit in b T;^,^'^i';Sjthe Seeds ol\ r!'" Ike I'V the Birds, J'.ii. A',|il.i- Order upon t fpongy than them : The ' derable bread l-:>ig!ijh Houll 1 believe, ' might be call I'orii of Herb' Plants wou'd here than at that (hou'd rel begin and ir done fo much whole Count left to perfot lired. We fet Sa Ihe of M.iitiy, Jlitu's Bay. J jult as rliey ot tji'i, that then oilkTwifc hav togeiher to It the Roads. 1 ■Wars, and ti pline ; but w th.at whoever ( well uponthci * Betides t v")'i|JM'(ir' yields in great • fjiihtrAi-is as hard and Zm'.''" ""i« ■■ fmpll Wi ind inv kind of V Hirr,jl>jut alio a Plant \ .,*i;.^''-'"'.'!ht yield great deal to 1 : have hardly of it. Sailing fj'Oir ;' with ieveral ' ,€w™ti. the Reckoning a Current li.-tti 'twas againit ii 1 atimdes of made us fall ll what in ]udg fometimes a 'k reach'd us oi iiuich difturb'i 1 eagues than woud amount e.?i»iT. i he former for the two ne ^///«r's Bay, but tlic latter, continually CM Line, till we which time w. the force of ai rent tolloweil a'.'i/ut 7 Depr. ward, luiceci "'IV or let's 1 „ I'loll come little lUands, oth'.T ; and a (tern Point ol We eame i Ille ot t^K'tlt: here, to ( ur > i with fviihplei Icrv d what w ■ •SctC.ii t^HMlrtfif "iicie; Lib. II, m^ Cape Ht. Augufti ne," Zocotora, ;' ,.-TtKi V 111 I edge of Rocks, near the Shore, Cwhich will then be laid in the Swamp, as it were between tlie Table and the Su- ear-Loaf ) and Ihe may Hnd good Anciior-hold, ami ride fafcly ir foar, five, or fix Fathom, according to bcr Tis worthy of Obfervation too, that the Main-Land, tjio" It be thirteen Leaj^iies diftant, yet runs awny fo to thcW. and by W. that there is little more ilian I hree Points open to let in the N. W. Sea, wlmh is aKvays here the molt Itormy and trouMefomc. 1 here's j;ood 1-illiinp about the Bay for Millets'or a b'ilh very like thorn) Smelts, Thoriibaeks, D.>',s, and a fiiiall fort of Whales : And all alxiiit the Rocks, Limpcis, -^iid Miifelcs in abiindanre. We (ibferv'd a fort of Tree growing heicabout, that bears a huit in bgnefs and form refembling a I'ine-Applc ; the Sceilsof which were allcirirely eaten out of the Husks by ihe lUrds, and the Husks left Handing in iheir Natural Order upon the Tree. Thele Husks were more fott and fpongy than thole of a Pme-Applc, tlio' i therwile like ihcui : The Tree it fclf is low, and Iprcads into a conli- derable breadth at top, and the Leases of it are like our l-nglijh Houlleek, only not quite lb thick. 1 believe, with lome good Realon, that the Country might be caltivatcd into a very excellent Plantation for all tons of Herbs and Trees ; and that our i.n:;//i' Garden- Plants wou'd thri\e to much higher degrees of Perleetion here than at home, to the very great advantage of all that iTiou'd refreni here ; if any wou'd be fo generous as to begin and iiiakr the Experiment. In lliorr. Nature has done fi) much to our hands, in order to the niaking the whole Country a Garden, that Art h.as but a very little left to perform, to make it as perleiit as need be dc- iired. We fet .Sail from hence, dircdling our Courfe to the llie of Mid,i^<:J.f.', and came to an Anclmr in St. //ni;;.- y(«t'sBay. The People of the Country carried it to lis julf as rhey of iouhni.t did ; and but that 'tis prcity cer- tain, that there is no intercourie between them, one wou'd otlierwife have i bought, that they had made a iiargain togcilier to itarve all the ChriUian Ships that come into the Roads. 1 hey are a Itoiit hardy People, (it for the Wars, and "tis reported of lome Skill in Maitial Difci- plinc ; but withal cxcelfivcly treacherous and falfe ; fo that whoever comes amongft them, muft be furc to ftand well upon their Guard. ..^ » Bclidcs the Tamarind-Trees, which the Country v/icnfo" yields in great plenty, here's a fori .if Tree whole limber ifjit'trAt-is as hard and hrm as Li^)imnl'ii,e, and very whita, but OTui iiilii |,j|.|.j^.5 .(-p^jll l,„,\vn Pith in the middle of it; whether a'cci'wa any kind of WhiteSaundcr'!, or no, 1 cannot tell. Here's jum.alioiit ji|(() a Plant very like a iVwi/icf/i'f, and tor all I know, *^l^^'-^"'ini|ihi yield as good an Aloes as that does: 1 here's a grc'at deal to he found of it in thofe pans, tho" the Savages lia\e hardly any knowledge of the I'fe and Virtue of it. Sailing Com hence towards the line again, we met with leveral Currents, whiih put us oi.t ci nliderably m the Reckoning of the Ships way and motion. .Sometimes a Current Ic-tting to the Southward aHeOb-d us, which as 'twas againlt us in our Courfe, from the more Southerly latitudes of Mir.hg.ifc.ir, to parts nearer the line; lo made us fall Ihort in our true way by fonie 1 eagues, of wh.it in Judgment might have been allowed. .Again, fomeiimcsa nowcrful (Jurrcnr feiung to the Northward, reach'd us oi a hidden ; which goinj* along with us, as much difturb'd our Reckoning, by making us run more 1 eagues tlian the true C'ourle of the Snip in luch a time wou d amount to. 1 he former of tliefc Currents was ihe mod difcernible for the two next Days, after our letting om from St. Ai- ^ij/ijif's Bay, when we were about ii Degr. South I at. but iIk latter, which let to the Nor'hward, kept w ith iis continually even to the Line, .and alier w e had crolii'd the line, till we were in more than 5 Degr. North l.at. at which time we loll the Current, and again began to hnd the force of .mother letting to the Southward. This Cur- rent followed us lor I'ome three or four Days ; and then in about 7 Degr. North 1 .-it. another letting to the Hall- ward, fiiiceeded in its nom, the Iitfe.3s of which were "IV or Id's dili^rnible from that Latitude, till we were ,„ I'lolf come up witli the /)».« ii»M(/..-'. Thele arc cwo " little lUands, which Uar W. by S. and I'., by N.of each (iiher ; and are dillant about 7 ', Leagues from the We- (U'rn Point of rjon'^/.r. W,' came 10 an Anchor in a ceitain Sandy Bay in the llie of Zacc'tui.i, about the latter end ot this Month ; and here, to < urvery great Comfort and Retiellimerr, we met with fuch pIcniY of bilh, .is ga\e all our whole b'Icci lome '" Meals, and wou'd lia\e gi\en more, eiu'd we have pie- ferv'd what we took Iweet aiid good. J.^;».. *l '.Kinr 'Wcpntout of this Bay into the Road of T-.mcr:,,, t|,(.r.,«f •, principal City of the Id'ind, and ordinary Relidence of the King. ' i is featctl ar the Foot of leveral hifh iag';ed Hills, 'tis adorn'd with a Caftle, and the Kind's Palace IVands upon the top of one of the Hills oier'ookmg tl.i: Town. The Latitude here is 12 Degr. jo Mm. the V.;. riation of the Compafs 19 Degr. iS Min. and the Rr a.l lies all op,-n b-tweeii L. bv N. "and W. N. W. I I'eiir loiiie f;-n«t«!.«<.(- of niv Men ali-'jic, with a handh.'me Prefepj :o th.e Ki.g ; 'j I.'.'J'icu'i'o which he very kindly .iccep.reJ, and id expie'.s hi> Cir.it - 1 u^ Ki .^ul tude lent me b.uk a Prefent of (ioats, with an Ivaiu ^ '"'■'■ Welcoii c to his Country, and Invitation to come aifoio and fee hiiii. When 1 landed, I was rccer.'d « itli a Dif. Iiarre of h> '■'^'=- "'!■'>"=• great Guns, and ondu'-.td in the bell Ion lo hi's Coi.it |' ,','3'!",,™. wher^ I believe every thing \va^ cwntriv'd t.i irake as good a Shew, and to giie ir.e as g,re,u an Kli.a of ihe (irandeiir of this little Prince as miidn le. 'I he I'.nicrtainir.ent 1 had there, was as good .is the fuddeiuicfs of the occali.-n wou'd permit. But a^ tor his DepiTtineni t'Avanls me, I mult fay, that it was very free, civil, and o'.digini; ; C' nlider- ing the v iolciit Preju J ices of the Mtibountani, f ir tlic molt part, fand the A.ihiuis elpe^ially) not onlv aga'.nH the Principles, but ihe very Perlons and Ccnverl.inon of Chri • flians. I cou'd procure no Aloes of him, for thai v. as all fenr away before (as he alledged) to his Fatlier, the King of Tdtinck, injh:il:',i K'/;'v; under whom indeed he w.as no more tli.an a Vice-Roy in this httlc K.ngdcm of ^ijfcifor.r. He granted us free l.ibertv to take wli.ir W.iter we had occalion tor here, and (which is a Favour not granted to oihcr Nat ons withoiu paying tort too. Hit asf(,r Wi od, it leeiiis, 'tis a ver\' Icarce Commodity in thole parts, p,i,d there he cou'd not inrnilli us. without ready Money ; nay, if we wou'd liav; any, we iiuilt give a very great rate. The truth on't is, ihe whole llland is nothing but e. Lump of Rocks and Cliffs, and there's hardly any room for '1 imber-Trees to grow, 'tis all fo hll'd yp wiih Stoned, and a hard barren _t,arth, almull unfit for the Nourith- ment of any lot of Vegetable. 1 know of none oi any fignificancy glowing tliere, but the Plant that yields the ^J"^'!','^^"'' Aloes, and the Shrub, or Tree, whole Tear is that Drug, which we call in Europe the S.'.ii^::is D'.icoms ; and then the Date-'l'recs, which aff rd them indeed theirchiefcit Sultc- nance. The Date-Trocs, 'tis true, are pretty numerous for loey make the belt of their Bread of that Fruit : As for the others, the whole llland affords no more than about a Tun ()f Aloes in a 'War, and a \cry inconliderable ouan- tity ot Snn^tii! Di.icoir^, The Animals that are here, arefcarcc worth a mention, except it be for the fewnels and meannet's ot them ; they are as forry as the Country that breeds them, and ll.ew the Poverty of the .Soil they liu- on, by the Dwartilhnefs of their own Bulk and Stature : .And ui they are dear Pen- nyworths tothein that will undertake to buy them, for a Cow goes at tweb e K ia.'s of tight, a Goat at one, Sheep and Hens each at half a Rialapicce. As for the Dates, there's no having them under twelve Rials /n-r Hundred ; and a parcel ct Wood, as much as an ordinary Man's Burilen is valued ar 1 1. and wou'd certainly inllead of that be at i /. if :;^oa'tn.,i with tint I'caruty of Wood lay as far fjoni t'le Line as /w^ij.'.iw^.'does. The King fees the f'lling of all Commodities liimrelf,Kin!; of/,, that any Stianners Trade tor upon tin-, llland ; 'tis he that '""••''v';^"" fetsthe Price, ami drives ihe Barg.iin, not lea\ir,g it tothe"j^/j°'"* '" Fidelity of any of his I'eople, but pailing all through his own hands. Nay, none of his Sub|eds dare hold any Correfpo)idcni e with Foreigners, or fo much as fpeak to them, lill he has had Intelligence of them, and began the Correfpiindcnce hinifelf. Indeed, he has little to do with any but the ./> .1/';, who compofe his Guard, his Court, his Nobility, and are all in all about him ; for as for the old Inhabitants of the llland, they are Slaves to the dninineer- ing Ar.ils, and li\ e skulking up .ind dov\ n w here they can tind a fure Retic.-iu, like fo many Outlaws, or IVrfonsba- nilh'd, even in their own Countrv. But neither ./m//, nor any other, dare begin any Dilcouife, mikh lets a Trade with Strangers, tih he lias had Notice of their Ar- rival, and iciKrmed th.' Ceieniony of bid.ling them Welcome. He highly commended to us the Trade if the !{•,! Sci, and the People of .1,1. n, and /\k,i,i, f.ir ihc'r Civil Car- riage 10 Strangers, and Fair Dealing in al! their TrafTiclc. And this was fo far a Motive lo iis (th.tt having lolt our Seafon for going to ('.;»//'., m, becaile ihe Fatfcrb Mon- Inn w a-i already come, ,vc con.lude.l t.i go and \ in't iliefe Trading Tf.wiis upon the Co.ill of ihe - (.-./ w ., md make lon-e Lxperiuient ot ihe Guoil Humour of the Pci pie : Tlio' as Matters aftirwaids teli out, we had beticrluve taken his Word fci'i, than lia^e gone thi-'ier iu tiv our I'eU 14. ¥. :■ I ,<■• .,(■ , 102 Sir Henry Middleton'x Arrival at Aden, Moha, &c. Lib. H .... . , .1- 11 i-...:_.. ... r,, Vir,„.lt ^I .1 !._. .__ • i • .« . ^ . " ititra iJr ,Alkt dtl Curii, tinil ih- iwo ■ 'h tt Rrck< ri:yf.r, < in .Wr«. ;., fch I's. Wlicihcr iliis Arr.lUv had any Doliqii upon us or no. 1 know net ; however, "lisccnain, ih.n his Accounts olrlK-rc p r.c swLTO all Talk' and wrorp, .ii.d iliat in pur- fiMiicc of his Advice, we fell mro the ^reatell Milerics that perh.'psnnv Chrilfians e'.cr endnivd iiitlr^le p.irt;. Havii.u bid Adieu to y , cfi. o, we had not fail'd far, be- fore we had lit'ht of the lowernij; Roeks and Monrt.uns of Aiir. del C.i'i !r. This is a narrow raffed Ulaiid, lonie hvc 1 eagiics in Ir.-pdi 1.. Jnd W. Uibieet :n the K.in);ot "f.-nfi /, rcmiikal'l f<.rihe two (jrcat White Rocks that II... id near on, am I'.iev. ai the Konhein part (.t a ; and v< i i.'.i railinj'. I'p tlirii Heads v.i a niiphty heiuht'a .ihovf iherelf. difeiiverth.mfelves a pood way cili"at Sea. We rcck'in'd foev;e.-n 1 eaiuies from the Wellem Point of y- II ■■ ', to the Kailerii I'.niit of tliis Illand .U'b.i .lei C.vr/.i ; and fr " 'he Weltern end of that, (ifreen I eapv.es more to Cape (.«.• /..';»/ , which is the l-.attein Point of the Kin'.'.om of .;.■>/, which lifs on the .tf .c.:h tide. A lew Ua\s Sai'iinp m this Month, pa\e us a prolped of the Coalt of .h.ii'in h.-.iw \\huh a) pear'd baircn, moiinta'iious, and nii'pcd, without ll.ew ( I Woods, or Fields, or any dell:;htful Cireeii. And whereas we now qiiicklv expeded to lia.e a jr.ifpeet of the C'i:y ol .1,l.->\ a Current la v- fo far our c^f our way, th.-.t whet wetell with tiie land, we f.iuiid (urfehes no lets th."n lixty I .-agues Ihort of that pl.ice ; hut yet faild along the Coalt without danpcr, ha\inpfio;ii lupht to '1 wenty hve ha- 'th.om Water.' tiil we i.ime up vvuh it. ■llieCi!\ it let ttaiids in a liottoui, under thf inert and proted i;n o: a Mountain ; yet notwithllatuiir.p that i:iladvanta!.'e( le- Situ.at on makes a p-.et:y haiidlome a| p. .trance. "I is e:;- comrafs'd with a pond, .Stnne-Wail, detended in iiiaiiy places w.th I'oits and Bulwa '-s ; .ind ii' well f.irnilli d with An-.munition, and (loi.l'.'d with tx Id reioUue .Soldi Til." nrerjih ers, is a piace certainly c.ipahle of iiia ii'.iiiun;; itsl.ibeit; ^' "■ aL'.-iinIt a very great Power. Ic may fecm nideed to :ie ft;inetliirc op.n to the .Seaward, it Umu;; piite drv diere at '.( w Wjter ; hut then Nature and .\n 'la'.e both coii- fulted to k.-cpoc.t the l^ai.per that thrcaf.ns to come that way : Vov I'leie are a couple of Rocks lying there, one ot which is bipuir than the 'lower of l.iuimi, and lo horri- bly rapped and full <.f Clitis and little Precipices, that 'tis iinpodible to be afcended, but in one particular part of it a'one ; and there the Path is fo \eiy narrow, and lo itecp too, that half a Dozen Men may defend it againlt a whole Rut tlun .add to the Strength a..d In-.prcgnablcncfs of tliefc two natural Forts, the Improvements that An and Indulirv has n-ade.in Fir.s and Batteries r.us'd alxnit them, which .ire very wed fi.riiilh'd with a'.l forts of Amiruni- tii n ■ and the place arpw-.rs to be lo well guarded, as not 111- ch ti' need the help tinnj cf Degr. ir M'"'- Wefterly fix or fevcn I cot i plight 5. F.byH. or N. NV. ' 1 he Water riles at tiie Port upon the Ch.Ulg^-lXa^, and a W. Moon, ir.akcs a t'ldl .Sea. Si' HtnfJ ilth.i. The Town tJi .At'tti I.' Piiot. Here vvc had News of C'ap-. 'iia'f::;r, who was at th... place the Year before, and tradetl bwth here and at Moiy ; and whatc\tr Fiitcrtainir.cnt he had, we were m.idc be- lieve ours (liould be cxtraiTdinary. They told us, if we were ij,!lljl--mrti, we weremoft heaitily welcome tliiiher, ami n-.ou'd meet with as kind r.nd civil ufage in thefc parts, as at any other place where our Nation traded. That' the Bair.u'hat govern'd h.rc at prelen;. was a iv.ore rafie and affable Man than the forn.cr : .■\iij as I'r a Tradc.wc needed no: at all qucfUon f.clpecially .-it A.V/> ; wlicie there was a great Meuhaut reiiucd, who v.oi,\l h'li.felf fife-'; rC'uUomer^faii'd; t.d.e o.i' ..lithe Ciet.ds We had broi-,"... Thiy were very defirotis ii lunc one of the Ships left in the Poll to trtdc widi their TuWi, whde the other t\v. v.ent to M.'/i» ; promiliiig to buy . !l (lie had .iboan' let it 'ie ever e. much : Wh vli uron Conlidcvarion I jield- cd'.t, leaving the i';-,;-»-c' .■there, and itok tlie/J.;/- /;«/ LolicarmcCi inpanv 10 Ai>' . i was fort d to atieiiipi tli's paliagc wiiliou: any Pilot to aiiift me in it. ; leraufe I plainly law they l,.;d no mied ! .V'luidh.'iwany ; ,iiid 'rwcu'd have been lo no ri:rpofe to have fpent time in waiting iiion a Pack of Miltreajus, rhat '.aiuc no Promifs^ ihsy inake, and think of theit Words no longer than tlicy arc in their Mouths .-. fp, ak- ing. 1 liippole they had a mind I Ihonld fall foul upon lomc Rocks or Sands, in my pal'ige to A/i/vi, that fobe- inp fwallowed up of the Sea, they might e irhihe more hale and Security fwallow up :!;.. rich Sl-'u left in the Port. It eou'd be for no other Reafon but this, that they Ihou'd lo often as they did,' preMufe ii.c a I'ilc aud yel ne\ er ta!' e care to fend me anv. Now the gre.aieft difficult\ we I .d :o encnti'iccr, w: that in pairing well the .Streight of lUO.'tin ..--, which ; almct tlnnv 1 enpucs didant fiom .•/./.-<• M'- M -ci''; .,- , lonp the 1 ami ll'metmies W. ,S. ■«'. ..r.d W. i y N. in ?3 " and }(. baihoii Water, ohferving all the (.(til as Wf palsil to be very high Ground, and ll.ooting oet into the Sea with many Head-lanels. We continued moltly the lame Courfe, hrdinp along the I and all that Night, and the next Day betimes law the itreat Head-land" running nito the I{;:1 S;; riling ep like an lliand, and aboii't N'ocn we get a-cniK the .Sticight. It is notabcf e three Mile bioad, and the I)f|nh between eirhi and eleven F.i- thcm ; en the Nor-h-lide Ins an uneven Ku'L'ed Land like Ati Illaml ; .-.nd < n the South a Hat low Ilhii'id, cali'd fl. - ltiw^i:,lcl. whiih giMS the Name to the Streighi ; to ihe Soiuhw.iid of which Illaud there leems to be a broad Fn- trance. or Channel. IhefameUay we had light cfiheFownof i\/o/'/:;and pre- -Vt.f., Icntlytliereiipiini.is if our Misfortunes nnilHiegin with the '"'"'■ ^er\ prolpeet of that pl.ice, afterwards fo fa'.al to us) my Ship was run a g-ouiid : Wh.ther by the Unskilfulncfs, T''^' or the 1 rc.ii hery of my two .-;, .:i,;n» Pilots, I cannot led ; l.^w' tor 1 had pi. k'd up a couple out of a fmall Villar,e by the jifl.' Houle in that Town. '^■et in all the lieightlis of this Carels fas it appear',! by ic.pci) they adrd in the grea'elt Contrariety that t. I ■ .^ to their own inw-ard I'lioiights and .Sentinienf;. tho ("«><•», who .are infer our to none in ihc .'\rtsof Oifrimulation. did do all with fuch an Air rf Fricndfhip, and Cordial 1 o\e ; they ^ded the'r Parts fo very hnely' hat 'tvvas impoirilile fcr the moft dilceininp h.yctn fee any th,ng but Sincerity, in that outward Deponnient. But 'twas not h^ig before they threw olTihe Difguifc, andap- fiear'd like themfelves : They quickly p-.ifs'd from one txtream to the other, tiom the hc'ghth of Cemplement and llattctmg RefpeO>, to the laft dep.ree of *.)i:riai'e and jarbarons Infuh. Without any the' icaft appear. ipcc of a_ foregoing Coldnels and lniiit!"ercncc, any fufpicious 'Foken, or Symptom of Inch a chaure ; luid 1 am very lure, without the lealt necal'on from" v,s. .!,ry rife tirni uswiiione Confent, Ix-fet oe.r Ho',;fe. and i^ljto knock- ing on the Head chofe of us that v ere without Uoi-rs as fall .as they cou d. I my led" felt t;,cir Fury auto, ^It'the l^ii','', rcll. being leit tor dead uprm the (Jrourd in the Sent!! ■ • i and belides piilag'd of all the Akr.ey, Rii.'.s, and valua- ble Matters 1 had about me. .•\t tiie lame t,me tliat they affa-i.red us adirre. thcv made an A-uii.pt upon one of ourSiiips, w hlch w.is me|> with. II their reach ; but tlio' they trade a llilt to get the-r Cut-throat ■)../;< abi aid her, yet they cond no: keep poileliion of iier, our Men Ivowing them rp with a B.ir- rel ol Gunpcwder, without any preniulre to thcT- lelvcs. We th.-.t liad efcaj>cd with oer Fives were mimcied likelo many Slaves, and. lo led in that biife and dilj-raec- ful manner away to the Aga, by whom I ii.-id been r c .-ii'd with (o much Pomp but juit beli.re. .And now ihe Tuik had put o;i another 1 ace, and ins Stile was a'ter'd oo as ■ iIk- 7.-. ili.r as much as In Welcome, and I was roughly . . and h(n ,rer cfec' .<..-.'. .,' ilu'u Holy •"■?";' ,S,.ig iv.is, uin ■xiJi.iioShipioperfwir fclves and the have thf led'er proof enough fiifficient .Seen lo I did by a I to underllard i Impudent, 'or piTchafe my my Honour an "T IS true, he . fPfJliopeiit 111 State it was i I comply he v\oi: was not great e is more valiial ' of hisPrefeiec ki.tJ.v.-p.i'f"''*'^'''') l''' k[, i D.n- hardly h.ivebi as an Firecutit Conhil ot the I hail the Favo' Ihadavlry ili for my PiUow, inc Comp.tnv. : In this Oiit' whole Buli.-.els made his Preli-;, Vermin of the I 'Twas a g!\ were fo well j'l ■ •* (lock ciiou,gh I rdiliy wou'd li. they cou'd nc t li J flf.iv ; but I kn no fmall Ccmfi fo happily out ot al)oard too had i to^ctirfl Repo There v\as f mutual jvatisfad ot one o( them, ty to come and I to do, hoping n Now whillt i I t'/ii''.,''^^'™':'0f"^vTra the lown Iroiii i him. This I kn gcon to another, Condiiion and C bigger Man than of the fame lize and cs to the Poi thing matter win the Matter, or I'rcath, the twee of a Dungeon \\ be upon the Ro the Time time in ? Wc fet out (ft 't iugIS of us in a tndn jifc. fore the Brjh.t at t hfi to the N. N tion made vs hen venal of our Friei felvcs, who had in niyCoiitineiiK Kindnefs, did a friendly Farewel icfsai l^iv.vtv ; ; groat Men about them ( theConfi tic Ixfore us, on of the n-ft:/-, a The moll iciii ti way to '; :n, V indeed focxtrear all Harv'd to De.i with Fur-G- ,•-.•11 lemperate till .a vvhich IS fuur D that and X^vun it Lib. 11 ^Yi3Lti. XX. ^i^ H. Middleton cmied t o the "Baft, 5cc. Ii'! ri fpi ak- l foul iipox tliat foU- :li I lie more I Ift'r ill llic I, iliattliey [)• atvl vi'i iiiKCcr, w; . *:«;:■::■ '■: MtI 'I ,1- und;-.;. ;■>• N.ill :S" (111 as wc 01' t into the moltly ihf Nii'lit, aiiJ ncl ninniiii', aiiJ al-m'.t al'd^i' tliRi.- il i-kvi-ii 1- j- ■ci l.ard lilu' , (..tllM II- pln ; U' I'.'.c a broad Kn- lu/rjanil pre- ■< '.r j am with ihf '' "■' il lo ik) mv iiskiihiiiursj'',;^;);, cannot icil ; ,;it.ie„ ill.i^c by the 'f.<'"- I'lRlcr their caiiic to \n(<. nor take il - phi tiic Ship nil, tort, lio- itatii ns, and : to C'.ini'lo- c ot as free, :n:fi/:}itinopie, have better 1 lou'd have '''''"'■" ' ?ceiv d bv all With Miilick, t Joy, to the ; 1 Prcfcnt for tipnn ivhich, irc iiiaeic, re- liad the rich .IS a Mark ot' )n. In that fcback, let liiiif haiitly appear'.! by itrarictv that Seiitinifnt^. he Alts of Iricndftiip, very (ineiy, cm fee any TnuTt. Bur il'c. and ap- frnm one , iiiplenx-:it Oi rtai'e and 'pe.ii :trcc of Itlipic'OilS :i i am very v rile nrrn ro knock- Dtv r<;, as .,,,. ,„. a'nn, ^11 the ii r!.-. •- thjScr.(;i;;T •.!■:> and valua- ''"■ '- r.d: re, thev ich V.MS in it ro pet their no: kcL'p vvitli a B.ir- re to tlieir- ?re rmnaded md difj;raec- i'cfii r'.f.'u'd low I lie Tink IS a'ter'd CO as 103' I t;i'T; Now inllcad of a ceremonious, iif)On i he bar^" Ofotind ton, liad it not licen for tlic Dc ^ fence of our Cloathmp, I Ixlicvc the Cold woii'd h.a\e^,"™", j,^, ui.-ide us too llilf to have llicwn oar Knjj/'/fc breeding, in .uu /imu, inwinp and friapinp to the H,iP?.ihy thar tii .IS much as his I ooks. .,.,■„,- , Welcome and a let oi lu};li llowa lurhjh Complimems, 1 eas rnii'iihly demanded whai I had ti do a> come thi ancf how a poMured Chrilti.oi dMll '.a lo bold a^ (Ter ofLcl-.i- loot upon that Country, where the City liuMi Holy I'r. phel )b od ? Hut the Bvirihen of the \>rf, was, ,...., .hatlllonld wiitetomy Men al o.ir m> He.ad ; btu the iolsot that was lu.t pr.at eao.-pl) loniovc mc, ha\ inp. loll that which is more \ altiable than I.ife l>efore. .So 1 vv.is ca.Tied our of hisPreferee loailen with pivar I titers and Ii-onShackUs, ime w * got ro him. And in ~^en .u it ielf we had every Morning the f Iround covered with a lioary broil, ind Ice of a linger th'ck in one Nights freczinu ; and ali this while we were in the Tm/i'.i' ~ i.e. and 'ho' '.i^ o' ■ tha ' 'he Sun was then on the ether fide of ilic line in the South hal'" of the Vii.l "(«/., yet 1 Ihould f arie have b.;:e\ il if. it the Ciilii wasfo extream in tliefe parts that lie fo d'.reiilly in his Ro.id. if I ha.l nor bs Iniih tlie'c Seiices hal luchcon- \ii.c rg Denionlliaiionsof it. Thel'. '/(t le.l us 'nto :^vi(/.' will a gre.at dctl of Tri- iinipii, and the (^-r marcli'd by us in averyUately tnan- ner, as it he had done ibiue \cry Heroiik Acbon in be- trayini: and leading us Prlf' ners, that had neither Anns nor Warning todefmd oiu lll'cs againll his Treachery. As if we had been the KeUck. of fonie coni]uer.l Anny, and werebronchtoiit of n bloody Field, where the bate (■fa whole Kingdom had been detennin'd by the Valcur and C'onded of tliis niigliry Man; fo were we brought: mtothe City, and llar'd at by theMobblcef ]'.»<;( and ■U-.-liitus. And the K.i/'.'rt to coiitribf'.c his Part too, to J. » ■ M r:. I 'i 1.1 n ,„ to a lilih) U'.ir.i here the viictt Malefniloiir v ou'd the gr.icing of this t'oolilli Scene, feiit out Sh.i.ts, Drums, hardb h,i\e ben bellowed, and into v. Inch 'twas as bid .Tnd rinnpcrs tomeet us ; lin'd all the way to the Callle as an Firecntion lo go. lUit at ihe liiterce'.lion of thej with .Snuldiers, and got all his great Men together a- ■< i'>f "■ Conlninf the ;;-/.'.;.i;;j myUilging w.isih-.need ; and I hailthe Taio'ctobe removeil into another 1 lole, where 1 had a dry iho' a haid Floor for my Bed, a mvat .Stone for my Pi.'Iow, and g;iod (lore of Rats and Wae to k.'cp me Comp.inv. In this l)i;trefs I was \ery often Mlited by ihe W'm, vvhnfe Buli.-.efs being ro tempt me to betray inv Trni), made his Prelenc- u.ore hateful to mc than any of tf.e Vermin of the Dungeon. 'Twas a great .Voiriluation to him to hear o'.t Ships wcrcfo wellproviLied with \ic}"als, and. thar ihev h.ad ftock enough for two Years ; for ix expeOled that Ne- fdlity woii'd have broeght them into his Hands, firce ihey cou'd not have a Wind to g i otf till the fi:ccei;ding M.li ; but 1 knew that it was Matter of l-aCt, and 'twas no fmali Ccmfortto me in my M^stortimes that they were fo happily out ofthetrciclierous Viiiaius reach. My Men alwaril roo had the Comfort to hear 1 w.as alive, contrary to;ic firlt Report Ipread about of o.ir being all cut off". There was liime intercourle betwixt us alio to our mutiLil .satisfadtion, by the good Condud .and Courage of one of them, who boldly \eim'-r'rl his 1 ife and l.iber- ty to come ami fee me, and was permitted by the 'Vmk' fo t.ido, hoping to make their own Aiivantage our of ir. N(jw whilll \ la\ here cominuallv expeCling the laft [,'.'.''1' Sceneof my Tragedv tocome on, Ibine Offiters came to tile Town from the Brf'i'n with (Ir.lers to bring mc up ro him. This I knew lo be but a Remine trom one Dun- geon to another, and only a change of Piace but not ot CV.ndiiioii and Circiunftance tome. The ;!„7/i.i was a bigger Man than the A:u in his Qjiality an.l Figure, bv.t of the fame fize cxailHy as to Confcience and Honefty ; a'ld :;s to the Point of goi d Vd'rce, it was ii(!t a Far- thing matter whether 1 were in the Hands ot the Knave the Mailer, or the Knave the Servant, breath, the fweet and pure Air, al'tcr the ^ of a Dungeon was l()mc Advairage ; and 'luas better to j cut Thro.irs, be upon the Road for a few Days, than to lie immur'd out hint : No lefs than the whole Divan being t'umiunn'd logerherupon this CVccalion. Wlien I came into the RfKnn of Prcfencc (' which was .">> /Kf a ilately long (Jallcry, fpread from one end to the other ,''''''','""^ with r;.'/;/i' Carpets, and as full of Grave Couiicellors as thi'l'jjijl ever it could hold . Ifmnd the haughty 7«)(;^ (itting in Kingly State at the upper end of it, threatning no lefs than Death roinc and all my Company in his temble (erly 1 ooks, an 1 F.ves fparkling with Fury and Indigna- tion againft us. I lis Srile and Difeourfe was no lefs 1 ofty .and imperious than his forks ; and I h.id little from him but fuch fort of rude and ba.-liarousQiiedions, .is I had from IdNgood Senantthe .;,;•. He told me however at lall, th.it the Wjjrt had done what he did by his<. Orders, and that they came dirccfly from C(!»;/^fHf;'OT;'/e ; and 'twas the Gr„ii,'. Siignict'i Pleafurcilut all Chrilli.ins th.-it came into thofe parts ikould be treated in this Manner; and therefore lince we were come upon thar Forbidden Ciroi.r.d, our 1 ives and Fortunes were at his Mailers dif- pofal, and we muft wait till Orders came from Court ci- ther ro Exerut' . 2nflavc or Difchargc us. This was ovu' Sentenie, which when pad we were order'd to our fevcral Sent to Pr); places of Confinement ; my Men to the common Prifon, '""■ and my felf to one .i little better, in the Keeper's Houfe. ' 1 is true ihe K.i/Ki w.is not fo great, h'.s Air fo ftcrn and lour, nor his Words fo fearing ; but I had Pretence c- nougli to Int^rpole and -Argue what I thought convenient, as well .n our own Defence, as ReHciflions upon the fcandalousTreachery of -rljirit. But Innocence cou'd be no Protetftion here, as well as breach of Faith and Truth no Crime ; and the h-P^i) and his /{t were fo clofely linkM together in the Villainy, that tine muft of neceiliiy defend what tother had done. Yer 1 think 'iiey lought botf. to have fpard thef/"irK(/V,-./.;H/rji"s Reput; Joii, However to .and not ^o luve brought him in for fn.icks in the .Scandal noi!(jiii Stench I ot their own private Knaveries. They mutt rob Ships, I'dlagc, plunder and imprifon Strangers, thefi'mc time ;n a rercpracle of Vermin. We fet out from Afc/r the latter eiui i hcc.-mbo, be- ing ?■> of us in all, who were to makeom Appearanoebe- M.n Afr fore tile Brjhi at '.'. This Ci'y is the Principal one of ■'■'^"'*- that part of Wi/r/'M Kc'uV, dillant i8o Miles trom A/o- ir, to the N. N.W. and f according to mv Obferv.i- and violate all the 1 aws and Cudonis of Nations, even thofe that are facred amongd chc mod Barbarous ; and then upon the Preten'-e of our being Chridians, thro' all upon the Gi<;nhe of the B.:/).v . The mod 1 e;u ■. way to B4*i* endn* .liu avil the parr of a iNudiaior for us.'mnd i.f nliderab'e r.f thele were the Crht Buffi «■ ^^i, _ ■ i>;a'elcObferva;ionsihat oecvirr'd m our Licuttii.-ntdenera! of the Kingdom, the Con t'u I of thetUargc,' "■ Y :■, wasthatof the Cold we felt ; which was! Bn «/.o,',<, aiidoneor two more //'..■'■i.:'i AierchantS; ro indeed foextre.r,;, -v.-id piercing, that 1 ilunk we had Njenk'\cry one of v.di.3m 1 mud .'.ckiiowledge a particular Ob-7*'"'"? .ill d.irv"d to De.-ui., if we had n.r; been well provided 'lig.iriot'. Thclcgave nie tounderdaid , b; tliattimewc wuh Fur-G- eens. ihe Ait was pretty toletable andihad l".en!c'i",c3 or lo Days here] that when the red ot* temperate till .ifier we had paf»'d the City ed Tim, our Company now expefted wc.c come up to Y""""t vvhicli IS four Days ' urney from A fo''.' ; but between |welI;ou!d all bcfent b.'il; again to A-Vv,;. And after the that and .'y't'.-h it W.1S fu levere, th.u Ixing loictt to liCiArriv.'! tU diis paic is Ik- ill.-.'pal ho couJ art make a Su-.cihVt ot tiwm, for tk'y wcro nil put up t(i ilic r»rt'..' .sV._^:,j' /\ Aiioiir.t, 'mi fo was our I'irnaLC too, .-.nil thcrJ". I'--' o'.tof hisPovva in revel imt ; Int. ail orlicr tlv.iip htliMip'Tip w lis lliOuM I'l.' rt'lUMvJ, aiui our IjIx'p.v Puii'Uil c iiu'.iril>lN fuic wluii ilu' tunc lie I. .Ill iixiiltor o::r Itay \v.-.s tx]' riJ. Al'out till.' umIiUi.- of the f ccccil ni! Motiili, the time caii'c on fi;r wi depani.rcio A/' •', ami I went to take m\ Iea\e(if the 'i/:,'.', but a little before exalteit to the iui:li I'Intt an,', Dii'.iiiry of a \ irier. H.s I'ntie bcinp eriereafcJ tn^ctlicr \v;(,h his lli)n,-i;r, he ciuniiamlccl inc iiiaveiy i'v.pciiouii manner to In'A !■) it, that neither I nor any of ir,v Nation taire .".in more into ilife parts: ami tis tcrtain 'Ii.u he m\f\n luve lai'. they w'eiv. Hut whfii I l-e;'pM on tlie liehaif of niy Nation, that ( if any of thcrMiip-i IV.. u li Iiappcn to eoiiic into '.hole p.uts l.eioiv iio'ue (oiiM lie given to Ki/;;//-w ' for the Proi'iihiiion j ilicy mii'htmit be betravej as vehaillx:en, but pl.iinly t iM that iliey m'-iA nor come tIk re, tliat they iiiif'.lu know what 10 trultio; He poliihely reo led ili.'.t they ihuiild ha'.c ."r.y furh warniiip ; w hieh I think was .1 l'iflien;it I'rcMif ut .1 b.ifc Pelipii, anil that he intended more ilie I'luiid'/r or .Ship^ th.mto fi.ew his Refpeill to theiM.iK./ Si-.-o./r \ I'rJers which were to keep them tiom coming to Trade iliere. ThisCity of ^.•i;,i» is coiiiii'erable for u's hirj'.enels, being foiiii.th'rf; bijrper than onr City •{ Bnjll. a'ul j lltciiplv binit for the inoit part w.th Stom. and l-iir.e. 'i("he W:'ll that fniroimiis it, is indeed of Karih, biit 'tis iliengtben'd with Tcrrcts in every part of it, by which means tis made a (ubilanii?! JJefeiiee to the City. Bc- lidcsthcrc are two gf^oii Caftlc». one to the North fide, Ceatod upon .1. Hill, -Ahwh O'.er!ook« the Town, and de- fends that p.-Ti from the wild Mountain I'euple, that ule to .annoy it fro i- thence; and another to the Lalt lide, which is th-' B:''fr'i Falacc, and inclosj with fevtral Walls with Tiurets .".1.1 B.attlcments. 'Tis fea-cd in a barr.r. ftonv Vallev, and has nt.r a drrp rf Water, bi't ^vhat's fetch dour of WJls, an.i th.f. il ey dip extre.imly dcipfcrtoo: Ai.u .leii foi V\'i oJ, t s as Icarce auit dear here as 'tis at J'"!: :o^. v. h.i\ s i! e pmchirpCold i am fure rcr.iiif'S no litiK Pkntv ..'i Iiire.ibouts. Ad'oip. iiig tothc Vi'all of the !• J : s Caftie. is a larpeand fp.u-ioiis Yard, uliere abundance of Womcii and Clnidicn are kept as Pledges ami >Leurites firtlicvo.i 1 and peaceai'ie .Behaviour of their 1 1um..".i;i> .iiid P.:rci .s uiu;er the i'.v,- k,!Jh Cloverr.mcnr. Will, in ftiht of this pi. .re \ as my Pnfon too, which now 1 wasfoli.tppy as 10 la.'ie iny leave of. .ind iet 01 t with my Couip.uu forA/.^r. The'i«>i; liavc ereiitcd fcveral pubhck lluufesor Inns for the Reception < f '1 ra- vellcrs up'ii the Road ; there's fiic ir lix ot them be- tween .;«;.-» and Mcl-r , .-.iid they are built ami iiiain- tam'J aItop..tlier at tlie (.rrt»,/i','/i;MV/s Charge. Tlie ii,?lt remarkable pi. ' .s that wc pafs'd thn/ in our lour- ncv ' for now we had a Ittle more heart as well as Icalure to iiuiie *.'•'. li ■ atioiis c'liii i.hc tiril time we went this Road, w.ii 'lefethat ' if ^ Di-.ti ,iu, v.lii'h is ai o t ", iJsmt't. Tcv.n prttti'v bill : ■. lime:' fi'cfe cral ra'.-t<. which it.iinl rne another likefomiiu .iiil r fiiu'fei il .1 '.•..eel ani iiuitnli Tani oi Tit!, '-' Miles from ^ CV./t)!. of N\ .11 crnr.d all lO! of (. lam kr.d ,f St., re !r. .1- . ' 1 e pec fioi.. .vi icnie he p K r T \ ■iK-h belt I >art if tl ell S.. 111 1 '1 iC (, I Ei-rrti d Stone ai d divided irto at fome dlta^cc from '! i'owtif. 1 hi- place is ' .tin, and ha- the Bletling in prca' plenty, beir.p a ■C'ary l'r< < i!ioiis (;f Lite, ..ounnp Places iiraw the .s a coi;:i.iir.ib.e C'.rv too, being half noigas i.d wall d wr.h a Mvd-Wall, asmolt of the Cities o .; '.'■I 1 Iha-eleeu; aie; "Tis heir ai'd in i.n eter) til, e ■ it'i very h.i.h Mills, one of whi h has a fair .lul Itr ni; < ;i"'e ■iron the t.ip of it. 'Tis good Tiavelling hcreaoou.s 'forts 'f Vrovilicn being u-r i heap j and the Couiif-', has t'.w Pvepuiat on of vieldmg lume ipian- titiesrf IiJ.so, luthow much, cr of what geodneis 1 cQu'd not learn. £:,./,.:> is a httlcTowii not far from Ti'f, remarkable only fcr the 1 1 nour ul alibrding a B'lrying nlai e to Ion c celebr.iied W'rti;>)-or Ti.W;/'' Saint wdiofe 'r.-mb h. re is vuiicd every uhol" j'nuur.) by a \ait niulaiudc of de- vout Pilgrims and People of all forts. This ,Superftitiou.s Cdiip.-.iiy after they have performed fome certain idle Ceremonies here, do all jog away together to vilii the Holy City of Michn. M-H h is a Town not great but very populous about a O.iys loiuney fioni Md'r, the Couniry about whicli ''". liU'wile yields loinr ftoreof /h,/A-,.. And indeed all the' ( oiiniryoerTrnvcls.Vd 111. thro' was very populous and t.iolc lowns that warned pood Monies were far 'fiom w.-,ntir,p Inh.ibiiaiits ti fill them. The ^Irahj do dwell with ihe T, Ml 111 all the plain and open Country' ; and the 'I/.'/;/ ireM.iltusin m. Uof thofepiar^sas well .is in the .Maritime I, wns : But m the Hilly Country the W-^/.j are ablolute I ords , ihey defnife the r,„4,>:- Power, and Icoiii the \oke laid upon the reft of the Country, an■ -h Wood and Waicr as ih.y c,.iiU' ev er rif d .r delire, a..d that arnodiarerratethan t'-eir 'alxjurin teie'' ■ -it. The People of the Coi mry thereabouts are as L .ick as the Negroes of (.■■.;«<■..; ; .ind they arc Mr, ,rrt,:nscu il-c Se.-.-Coaa, but up in the inain I.an■/,:. As fo- ihefe Hordercrs - n the .Sea, rhey co all ii.iked, except a fma.'l Clo'h abc-t tli irWaftes' 1 hev were mighty free nnd forward to Tr, de wi-h our rh.-sh- .Ships, ftiio the iK>/;i liid wharthcy cni'd to prevent thcin • - "■ mctiialCorivfpondence.i btiiijie.;pr..,it Numbers of Ovfn '" .Sheep, and Coats, which thev lo)d at vc-v --f nabie o'. ,■ t Rates; hvll tor dry Money, and afrcrw.irds tor carle imUs. Calhiocs. bv way (-f Ir.ick ; which Con^mcdity they "►■ v^ere more tond ot, than Money it lelf. Tho' the bep.er Icrt ol them do both fpeak and write the /'.•/■,'c/; I an- puape, yet their own VmVar Speech is valtly different trouut, and nut at all underltood by the Ji.il>.-,ri,! their Neii'hbouis. 1 heir King has his ordin.irv Relidcnccat a .Sr.i-Coaft Town cail'd H^-.luvta, lying to the .Srnthw.ard, tow.inls the .Streights < t H.lyl ,m::,i, '. He leni fome of his prinn- "''"•''• pal Mc-ii with Piilents to our Ships, and to make them the Oner of any tliinp his Country alforded, which cou'd anv way procuu their S.itisf.iction, I was very glad (as 1 h.aa go'.d P.e.'.lim; that my Ship, were in lo good Cir- cumltames, and lay lo lemrely at th.it little diitancc from ine ; as alio, that the Work of our noli.erancc w.li fo fargoneoii. a, ih.u a part of my Company was acUial- I) at bbcrt) aboard their own Ship. But now 1 began to think lerioully and hcartilv how to acconiphiii my own elcape aHo together w.th the Re- mainder nf my Company) our of this Nelt of barbarous Infideis. ■ ! is trne, by the Uaif.'s Order v c were to U.iy kill ihc ihips ol W/.; wre coitic in i but tlut was, 1; we euui 'I t cou'd not Confcicnrr my Efeapi' forc'd inc r Violence ai that mannr M.m in ill I fmm the V ran. libc enjoy it as me in that Natural I.i But the Clioii, vscrc atv .Scrupl, And if 1 c wou'il havi lerw.irds. teif, liecaii'. mate brieiii nelt and 111 without d.i (iderng thi efcapinp, 'r b.illa too, I to play the 1- iieing up Plot in iixe put into mv mil one Da make mcrrv Itiince (rum |iate too, tl' r.our t^flicei l.iav ; wind molt kind a coi'd be. Cur Ship Boad, aiul v.lio were 1' muted ai'd • more ili.in. agreed on 1 by fome ver;. that was v, e liii!y and 11. pany as it v\ go and polle lilted fur tliei make toward w.is not e\t III) Ordfisol Body, bet d Ci/iupaiiv, il lech Delign, walk up and luy felt, I CO fo that 'iwas and there vva The G lie. pi'ttiiig fcuic II', Cfiuii- things lonlid v,r.a i.iga ^ly^^ ,„j,j,, II other I adir.i; h le a very c liiiip as tvvas. here was lom Barrel \ wti ou' the He.id viiiencc guid pediments to and tool, ihei I'he ether c-mf. a. fully, and go l""-. met aboard our Conipnn iuaiuf,eiiient, were difcover . here they lli rieit l)ack Pril -iie extr.uapa 11'.. Div eriion, and Trouble add to h - Ka( D.'m„„l,,,.'!'"iaMeHkg iiif..ti,M for/'"" "" ''"■' '■1; i!i' vv;,jngi tKrfcs recciv'il, bitiei tin Tovei And as Cir nities eiinugh 1 conliderable S i*lire, linii tliC Chap. XX. GeneKiti Middltton e/rapcf from Mohi, &c. io$ IS, about a 'our which, eed all ihc I'lilnus, and e t'.ir t'lnin < do dwell Tf i and the :ll as in the ho /tmhi are Power, and intry, and a oin the ^lii-.- t our man^ ,ty ''f it : A-i'd if 1 cou'd I'Ut once have .iccomplill.'d ilie thing, 1 wou'dluvc prov'd it to have leen pilt ami riglueoi.s af- terwards. Kelides, I was the m.ire uh'iged lo look to iii) feif, becanfel was inform'il ly fon-.c of_ ihe Ballii's inti- mate hriends, that noth;ng I tit far vvoi,'d make liiin \\o~ nelt and true to his \\'o'-!l. and \h.i: if he comM I uak i. withoi'C ilaiiger, he wou'.l . crraiiily ilo it. So that ton- fider'ng this ; U'lides the Kindiiefs 1 IlioiiM do iin felt by efcaping, "iwou'd be (1 f uii'} a pece of Chanty t > the Balla too, 1 ecarfe hereby 1 ihon'd put it f.nr ol his pow er to play the Kiia\e, and tailific his Word and I'roiiiil'.-. licir.g upiii the wait for an Oppoituiiitv to put this Plot ill i'.xecurion, 1 had a very f.iir .'uul pniTuling one _ pui into nn hnmis, by tiie a!>fence of ili.' .Aga, who went "out one Day wi:h all the drca: Men of the Town, to make merry at his Garden;, 'hat h\ .it liime little cii- itancc fiMiii it. And to rri'der tlie Chportuniiy nore coni- piete too, the Siib-Bairi, t ur (-'u.uv'.ian, and all the i:'.le- r.our C^fticers, went to a i''..T k\-lioufe, an.i ('('t d:i iik th.at L'ay ; which l-'ei-aucli (ftlieirs, .is the/ tiui'd it, wasilie molt kind and favourai le thing to o'.^r BulineH th.it con'd Ic. Cur Ship th ■ Or /.'■ q v-s ihePav 1 e fore c.i.re ii-.;o tlie Road, and lav there \\r.i:';v; f r Irtc'l'pciice from us v.lio were I'miimi's in iheTi/V.'n ; wl'ich \^as a'fo pcr- nmitd ard aliGw'd (f ly t!>, 1;. ';r, rot i iia<:in:ug any more than an onilnary Cf)rre pondence.Mattcrs were thus agreed on U'.wcea me and my C( npany, that I Ihoukl by fome \ery Pol;;ick Miiliod be coiivcy'd imo:lie Boat, that was to carry oi i 1 eitcrs 'as was i,fual ' to the f).'. li):'-, and ill tha- Boat take up fuch a part of the Com- pany as it wimld conveniently ho d ; and the relt (lio'.ild go anil polfefsthemfelves of another Boat, that lay ready titred fur their S.rvce at one end of the Town, and foall ni.tke rowards the Ship as we!! as wo cou'd. And this was iKt extrcamly diflicult to be put in praCtic.-, lince ni> OrJcisr-.lili rvVl of tluir rot going all t"g''th-r in a Body, but difpcrling ihemreKes by two and three in a Company, there won d 1 e no manner ot f fpicii 4i of any fuch Deiipn, liec.iufe th ■) h.td all ihcT trje I i'.H.'.ty to walk up and down about ihe Town at p'caUire. As for my lelt, I cou'd not iHr wr.hout a 'iuard to at'end me fo that 'iwas impoliible fo: nie to go to wrrk that wav ; and there was no means for inc to gc: aboard, but by .. putting tome very tine Trick upon my Keepers. .And all things ionlider'd, I cini'il iiuh' of ni be:ti.r a one than ' this, to put my Idf into an eiiiptv C'asl;, and tii am"n;;tt other I adiitg le tumbled into tie Boat. 'Tis rr'te, 1 had h le a very dole and Itratght Prili'n cn't ; but yet as (ti- lling as twas, it was bet'er ih.'.n that at iMf/- ; becaufe here was lome hi/pes i t Ciuiing out again. So inro ipy Barrel I wi iit, and being out up' n the Water, 1 forc'd ou' the Head on't, to ha\e li'teri) i f Bre."ithing, and Pio- viiiencc gu'ded me lo happily, that 1 cinie wirltout lui- peiliiiieius to the place vvln.re m.' Conip.t.rv attended me, attd look ihein in. Ihe r.iiier Paiiy alio inanag'd rh.ir Buliuefs fuc el'-- fully, anil got i tit to .Sea withoutdiit.urbance, and wc all met aboard the lUiiini^. A fmail Nutiiber indirvl of our Company by the'r own nei''!g;nce, delay, and ill management, gave litch an Alarm to rlie Town, that thes- '.vcrcdifcoverd and intercepted in their palfage to the Vack Prifoners, wireiiketo have loft th :r Heads ;>v .;ie extravagant Furv of the .Aga ; who now return'd from li'. Di' iTlion, was like to run ntad wtth the Confulion and 'I'roiible which th;s hicape g,.ve him. However to add toh - tafe and Concntment in this )uiv.!>nre, I lent him a Mefli-ge to rhis etfetit : 'l'."if 't /■• 'tiu mt //•(•:•..;'/) ihf"iu!,'}atf'""l »" '1"^ >'k(^ of mj M-il, .Did iiir.kf S-'.llsf'-.Hhm ffir l)/i- iv-W;.ini;i it.rgci recciv'tl, I woud Jirc nil i!v Shipi in the l{p»,!, atid Lttiei tin Town /■.bout I'll iirii. And as Circumttances now hap(x;n'd, I had Opportu- nities eiuaigh to take my Kevenge ; for there were l()me conlider.iblc ^hipt in tbc Road alreaily, and othcritbar came frefh in, whilll 1 lay in thai thrcafi'ig poftnre bo tore the Town. Now all the Merchants and Cieat Akti of the riAvnlliat Ix't'. re defpisM me, complancmed .ind courted n-e, idOnO'd me in tie molt humble iit.-'.nncr im.agin.iblc, for the fa«.<•!■'' I hail fi.ftai'i'd. ItV iht means cif the Tre.i' hery at-i Vie!; ire h-.c ofii.-r'i!l inc. Therwofirft Particulars w; I'crhiiiii'd ; but the latt.r -•)? ;j| •/ii* e.i rii,. ,--,, Moncv ' woti'd not go down with \j vl ■i i^ji P.c ; C ne- . C.'.iiei- !**>■. D.'imn.liS!- ftsttv'J. .''."r.vl to ai.,1 ent f f fo iTiu:h 1 1''. Hovv'j.u,', at If, after many Con*'erencc- and Oe!-at s on loth !id s, i yie'dcd to take iSoc' Ri.-.Is, and Ci a ?eare was con- cluded betwixt us aii'.l them for two Y. at-. fr:?m the I'l^ri: . of ,\7<:/i.», to rh.tt of t'-r-;o , upon I'le Coa't of /■..'/^ ; n^ uc. but this for our beit.-r Security I wou'd ha-.e conlirm'd I'V a Writing under the Baliii'scvvnf land and Seal, which was proiniN'd, but n-vcr perfonn'd : And this was a Proof clear en' ugh that 1 ho' r.ecclliry had roirpell'd them to make a P.'ace with us, they intended to 1 r.;.-.k it as foen .asth.'v h.id opportuniry. Ha-, tng thusdiipatcl''d all nur Concerns at Mrl;j, \vc "«''■ l.i'I'd avvaj- for the Ro.td of .;.'.''■.", where our Ships had '"'"'"■■ '"'" iret with logoed Itnte.-taininent before, and wheie when we now came, wc had plenty of Pro', ilions brought i'l by the Coil ntr' People, and MelTenpers from the King, to congratulate our fate ,tnil happy Lfcapc from Mr!.;. Here wc pafs'd the time in a plcalanr Correlpondtnvf, aiid niutital ^ds of Kir.dnel's and Cu llity between thele Peop'e and us, till the l.itter rail of rhis Month, when we rouz'd, to go look altera 'l.iih:/h Vrre ; a rich Gal- leon that (OUTS \ early from Sii.-i to M ■'.• ; which I had the more mind to t, k ', becaufe iKe f'.ilfa and the Ae.i were coii'ii' r.tbly coieerndin Iter. But in ihis purfuir, Itavingihe W u 1 'c'v intch ae::!n't rs, ard runntng into (one Dangers whu h cur wanr 1 f a Pi'ct e>:pij.s'd us t", we weie ol.liu'il to giveovcr thar I> ll'in. We Went on now to the Siivigh.s of H :h!mmiK-!, mC-r frnlecutitn of oiir f- .'.'■« Vov ate. hid here in this paf '"'■■' Uvi: we de'C'ied at ' nre the i-ahht 'li anil the Delign rf thai Report, made bv the;'. '/.'j and r /•■ loncernin'g th-s Stiviglit, r'^. th.it the Southern Palliiee kvwecni'he I- ■ . ■. il.md and the Ctialt of . ,>',/, ^, is nor na'v iirable for Rocks ^'' '''"Sf •'"> and. Sin. aK an I other terrible rhmg;; .I'l.d than a Shipr'/fly,'"}-''' ihat will go 11, to the li^-.i V.w, miitt go the Norrhern Pal-B'jii..»M>iuWi fa'_'e between rhe Idand and rhe Coaft of ,.ii-.:/';' .It' all. ! doitbr not but the Ti >/;..■ do wifl; "iwcre nr.navig.ible, or wmi'd make it fo if they cou'd ; bur that Nature h.as a- i^fually made it fo, is as fk'lV, as r,, affirm ito Palfage at all that wav. Our O.o-/ ■».;;' went leiwecn the )llanJ. .and the Ccaftof ./M.-t;, and fi imd the Pallagc at halt three Leagues wide, and forty barhi n vV'arerfcr ; parr of the way, and -loc rhe Icall appearance oi d.iiigei- m the whole palfage. But rhe l/di;' Wc u'lt make the V'.rid believe rhe contrary, ixcaufe rhe other Srreicht is n< r a Mile and half over / whih iri.v be Iii tijnitied, tint no Ships ihall come iiiro the Hfii se.', wirhovr crher a.skingrherrt leave, or Itaiid- ing 'he Shock c t riieir Ordnance. 1 he bcginninx of ttlic next .'V1o,'t!i i^rought us into the Road id" /<../,'. Ml the llle of -^kci-i •-, where I furnilli'd my Mnps with Wa.er, aiuitraded wirhthe Kingforwhat .Moche had; which I titink he made me give I'earer lor than fome ff otir Naron Inttorc, tlitit h.ad dealt with hiiu for the lame Comm.odity. A few I Jays ended vs-har .iiiil .(»5»jJ. ■L':.!, or not "^••.■■34, Bnl tor .i(-. we Ivid to do here ; ind fo hti'tirig < iir Cou'fc ' , we cimt Avirhiutaio r.' rarka'de CVcurrencc'' in the w uy) ro an Aiuh ir iu V*.-//, Ro.id, rhe latter end of the faiiiC M' nth, <* . Accor.U ■■J Rof J. lO^ Portugue/e rfait: to intercept the Fn^lifh Ships, &c. Lib, If, ' "I I ! ' . K t i' I I 111, rui« m Actoriling to our Olifcrvanon here, the Water flows F.. S»tllj.K*d. jsj j; pj,^, qj,;,,.r^.f Jsj „() w. [.y S. one quarter S. hy the Moon, and by thistinii 'tic Hood holJs five Hoiirv, and the F-M> fevcn : The Hci m of whirli diflj-rrnfe !•, troin the alnnidant Rains wliii h ilo help to (frrn((iln.n thr Cur- rent ot i he River, anil i'ti f.ir ovcntmio and ftiorron the Flood-ltrtams ; whereas ar (JtLerSealnns, thi/the Streams do c\er po llronp, yet rhc HikkI and Lli) arc equally (ix Hours ,ii>iece. Thr r«rri«. Here we had Intellipemc that a wh^lc Fleet of I'o fu- IhiiioffMt guexc Fripats to tlu- niimher of twenty, and very well ihr.rL.inJ. provided with all ihinps, as well lo orteiid t\\ as defend *' thc\nlel\e«, lay wairinp fot iis at ihir I'ar of .Vi/m;. '1 helV had, It ftems, Noticeuf our hcinp in the l{rilSr.i, and of our Uelipn for /n./ ,7 ; and il\eiefurerr, without fortinp our w.iy tluoiiph the wlvle IV/Oi- ^■//, ;;<■ Fleet. They kept lo llrie't a W.iti.h, th.n no Hi at tou'd either po to, or come from the Sliiar, with Intelli- gence to t:s Init they iiuill of nccelllty fail intotlielrhaiKls ; ,ind if ihey had any tluiip worth the lakinp. to he lure ucrc plunder'i!. And rpon this preterite cliey lOok oci alioti to roll divers Ships.and Boats, alledpuip, (whether ihcy did or no; that ihey held a Corrclpimdeiiee with their Ad- Terlarics, and were Iriiipirp .Supplies to us, upon whieh (core all their Lading was tonhfeated and leiz'd. All Communication heiwecn us and the 1 and Ixing thus evit ort', and no I'rovilion pnliihlc to he broiipht to us, our Men bepanto pri.w veiy weak and d.ftemper'd, and Mat- ters prew to luth a p.ils, that twas necellary for us in a very little cuiicto break this Chain, orrelblve all toltane or be ea;tn o.t wiih the SciM - v .i Shipl rard, I did Gni. Miild. therefore desire, b) 1 ettcis dir^d'd to ihtir .Admiral, that !rmMi''>.( along with thrm, where they Ihou'd J^jJ' ,', ™* h.ivc as pood C'fagc as any jr^'p.,, and J,, h, e\cr had a- tM^Mizj. mong the /■'K'nijjHi V' " And trom thence the) wou'd lend theni home as tlicy faw tit. Th rcivti. ' ''"^ fliortly aft:r a Civil Melfagc frciu the Governour now 01 .?»■ of Sural, who otfer'd all the Kindncfs he cou'il do for us ; M»ftni!. lo but compla;n'd that the I'ornignc^^e were an liiipediinent «fce General, j^ Ins way, that he cou'd not do what he delircd and in- tended ; but wi'.lul, advifed me to fail out of this Road to Cjin, where I might ride nearer tho Shore with my Ships, and the /'j)f,'(g(i(';;o Armado cou'd not hinder my landing ; and bclides, 'twas nearer to C'mtiat.t. where I j ii:i,ird lind nun h greater advantage for Trade ;han here., But as 1 had for levcral Reafons no Inclination to follow this Cnuuf..!, (o I was the more particularly detcrmin'd \ apainlt it, 1 y an .Advert fen, ent whi^h came trom lome of our Country -men Alliorc, by which amcnplt other thingk} 1 undeiltood, thai Capt. i'j -t;-,/,/', with fomeothers, were ' coming from C,i.»,u<; .; to imo.-, in order 'o go along with j inc. I'hus neither to delert my Country-nien, nor give I ijiy Adverlar;es an occahon to reproach me, with tiyinp out of .111 apprehenfun of their Power, 1 continued in that Road, and anchor'd near the Nor;h Point, a-thwart the j Bar, at tlie emi.ime ot the River of Vujii/. Being now retolv'd :o Command m ,' iandinp, m fpitc of the Porti,- gne^:, wc put on tor the Shoai vsith our Ship>, in tho belt order th,it •uglu be : I he i'j t.^.i ,c likewife adianc'd in Order of Battel, and Itochi in Iciween us and the ihore. ''Lvas not io,,g before foinc of their Fripats began to make ilfccOiifec, which were folio wJ by the whole Power ot the Fleet ; and 'tu.is as little a while hefore our ihoto™,,,, » Willi 1 we iHltow'd i-rttrv liberally among(tthcm) olili.'""'«,rf ' pcU t(iC4, to retire tiifthcr from us, .ind have us not onlv ''"■ '■'• .he iibeity ot .he Shore, but the ,^IIl-,lion of one of*"""" rlicMr Frigats, which we look in the Smrmiih. Now wo had a free palfage ^ pen'd between our .Shiw •ina the 1 and ; and tho ,he y'„/,,.«.,.,. laid leural Ani- bultaiie.s to c iit oil our Retreat when we went alhoar w ■ Had the pood J mk to a;oid the d.,ngcr of them all and ^"' ' I- convoy lately ,!«,aid all the Company we expected ^l/.ijj tioni I" 'It and C.uiit'.y ^m the greaielt Concerns, which were thofe of Trade lay all this while ummnded ; the Ditticulty and TioublJ made us bj the /- ,y„i;„<.;;<., |,.a^;„J, l.ithcrto le.idied any progivls 1,1 thile Matters in puidble. Hut now thu Go vernour ol v,, ;,• w|,o had pnen me a Meeting once or twue on the Shore) alliirnl me, | hat \hocicl,mj, the t.oiernourot Cuw.,.--, word come to confer with roe aloiit ihoie l'„in,s, ,„ a little time ; aid in the mean Ip.ice he C.,ui,tr> il.oud leordei'd tobr ng m. their Provi ions tor the Si pply ot our Ship So a Market was kept upon the Strand, by Siif'/>.Road '**'"■ to wuch the /„i/M«i broupht u, Bealts, Fowl,'But.er; :'m,1" Cheele, ad lo,t,ol Fruits, drietl Fiili, and Palmito-Wine. S.' .Li Bclides ilic iiKie conmuin Fruits which we meet with eierj Day, •.he^ had a li,it ot Peakod, which they call : I ■'«/'<■ x, and .) 1 mil .rs big as a fmal! Crab, of a gr.ueful . t.me, mixi ot hveet and foir, having one fmall round Stone in themullt ct it, to which they pnc the Name of this part of the Pr mile pel torn id loll, di exi'cchtion ;; for uuvv Mo.rrLi'oi. lowil with the accompliiliniini of the other (fo d the Fidelity ot the ha.,:,.,, at ih.s i.me, traiUce d, W.1S lery quickly ) much lid our with a miphiy Iram, Afcr,/,/,, came to the Contvrcnce 1 fo eanuHly delired. HaMun™"" ' pall the tirll Con, piemen: all.oar, I imited him to uoa.I'""'J,7 [loaidn.y M,,p. vvhere 1 .lelf.er'd H,s ivla,,.ltv s 1 ettei " dircCtt^i i„|i„„, anu ca.tlILd him iihIk, f.il manner the Hurt W ariunp vse had ot his lo.rinp woiid allow. But as tor Ins pan. hisgivai l.uhiiel. ulun he v\as there, was to Cuch and lookal. .d'out the ,Miip, coimti out alJ the liitlc 1 oy s that pleas d him.and to Leg then, when he had done. Ihere was not a Chelt, nor a Box in the whole ihip, that cou d liape liim, but he wou'd have it opcn'd • and it he took a likini; to any thing he law, he woucl* euher ask ton, in pla.n lerms, or lipniHe his Mind by luch broad 1. i...ciuwi,\.hai I cou'd not avoid givin" it him. And thus he went picking up of Tovs and (iambols from one Ship to another, without e\er coming lo the Main belinels in hand ; and if I oH'erd to propole .viy thing ot that kind to him, he wou'd put it ott with one Exeule or another; lo that ] plain, y faw, he had noMindtodo any thing, lo do him Jultice however (tho he did us lo lute) h,; was our Ciiapniaii for fome Commoditie.s ; as Knives and C; allLs, and Ionic Cliells of Sword-blades : But nc Money paid, nor i.o lime pivrix'd vviieo it lliou'd be lb ; and yei at the fime tunc that we miiil give him this Credit, he was pleas'd to repiile lo little Contidence a/.,.,m„- in r.ur Honelty, as ni.t to indt us wuh the keeping of his '"".'s 'i, ' B3rg.un -.ill he w.isgtit all.oar, but wou'd fee'all leiu .1- * way betore he went himlelf. And to make hinifelf the b.-ttcr Ciilkomer to us, he pick'd cut of the Parcels of .Swoid-bla.les we liil.l him, all that were vcrv line and good, and lent me back the relt Without the Money to, or aiiv ConhdeiMtion for that Uiladv.intagc ; th/ 1 h.ad let him h.v.e a much cheapir Penn)worth upon that very account, that he took alloiie with another. Ihus having got what they cou'd out of us, they rc- mov'd their Goods and I'enis, both lieand iheCiovcriiour oiSiii.v, and went away ; and not only lb, but made Proclamation, '1 hat no Piovilic ns ihoiild be broucht to us, and that umic.-a vcrv feiere Penalty (the lofsof the Ni,fc) to be inlliiited upon the Uciinquent in this Cale. 'Vet at the fame time that 1 was ilu s abi s'd iti iin Commodities, and they were eiideaiounnp to force me aw.iy by F.imini; trom the Country, did this covetous, lordid-fpinted Inh- del, lend a MillcnpcT to beg a line Spaniel-Dog, and m> Pertumed jerkin otf fi( in my Back ; as he had but a few Days before begp'd mv Beiei-Hat ott t.om my Head, au,! wou'd tiler fain have had the other too. Which .' luen- tion not tor the Vahie ol the things given him, which were inconliderabk-, but to Ihew vvhat id Circiniiltances a Man is in, that ucals in thcfc Countries, with People (/ Inch mlatiable Avarice, of luch griping, Iqiieez'ng I'l-m- peis, that will never leaie a M.i'n by I'licir Good SVUl, ai long as he bleeds one drcp of any ihuig that's .-.vree.'ble to them. ^ But they had a mind, it lecms, to more of our lUi?Uji, u, ,,,i< Commodities, Ji,..i iheivtor, after a few D.-li-Mnlsd ranit down 1 ■ii.- .hap. XX. p., mi. down again! ■~^ I- ■"'^ Goods. Till f "'■"•■ Lead,Q.iickll If I'i. !■.!>< had wou'd 'Ir.uli- I ill) 111 ihe I 'o their c wii TriHible of 111 eier, atlalf, v the Gonds w, were brought wephii'g. I',! ,n,L- But lure a I n'ph put all ill '^J"iiig w.tli the ^ and we inliltci upon 'lri,il fo rone by their Mie ; for in Maiiiiils diHe Pound ICifJi/h .And upon c ill this matter, .1 Rape, and d* in iStiiiei, aiui H.irj'aiii 111' HI Id l.inded up in m .■^i,d 1 doub Mercy, welhoi as It tell out, w him, and brin; h,ul at til's Jii board my Ship, Ski.-t, whom ( bohl to detain, pnethem) till better Ccndicii thel'e Pledges 1 the Bulinelsas without any m had Ix'fore ; ai more of their (, lUifiiiiijn "f was about .iiJH.ij to turn out A/'., [Lea JwBIHr,. that held that I n.aged the 1 r, much troubl tiun'd in fafe ( nice to our ft of this Perfoii chr.n had been our I'.iigiijh N. the better. F vice of his Pi than cither w. vate .advantag tion ; he was Liieinies ; die Dclicr.s at Cot throwing of t dory in this C And 'twas faithful .Agent on of all his \ of the Mopil I fe.ts, the Bti! vidious Hi. pre cl\m , was pri > ice being to 1 -Mlihtt/i- and peiemptoi '''"'^^"'"I'uiaiidcd tobe lJ.»tll .Jural. .- , lo much time alloued ilieiii the Cafe, I G i as they cuii'd, inigl.c I'o all t< and inhoip.tab ter Iinieriaii.ii larni, beinp m try vvasof thci allow, came . 1 wo Captain: tlieni. We now uii, a change, ami in luch a hurt upon their Del it kcms, had I ArJ ninii! 'bolid. htrmn. Libj l ; mir J»liot f.cn.,, '.,, hem) olili- ■"""•'•' lis not only i;;^-;,;. of one of I our ShipK UT.ll Alll- ilhoar, w '11 all, .-.ml ^"i ' I"-' ■ of Tr.i(li', d Iioulilc iidrcil any w tliu Go- ng once or l'cl s l.eltei naiiiier ilie low. But there, was out all the hell lie had the whole it opco'd ; he wou'ii s Mind by ing it him. iil'ols from the Mam ■ any thing ine Exeule klind to do did lis lb diiies ; as blades : u tt llicu'd give hull ontideiae A'""''"' ■■ , lull- t\-w : pingothi!,^,,,^,,^,, all lent a- to us, he >l him, all k the reft ill tor ih.ir li elicaprr jok all one , they rc- Lioveiiiour but made uphc to us, f the N(;fe) Yet at mmodities, by b.uiiine ninted Inti- >j', and u\\ I lau a tew Head, au.l ell .' lueu- i:iu, whieli eitndhanev's h I'eopii. (I Z'ni; i'eiu- )d \Vill, a, s r.yrce^'ble our Hlt^Ji/r ij,.i-,ir m, ^ f anit diA'. li XX. ^f^<^ '*^f^''^ Vealmg of the Indians, &c. 107 ^ v., mi. down again with fe\fra! Packs o( I'l.Hai Cloths and other '•" (; ; and tlieie a| penr'd upon '1 ri.il lb much ditlerence Utweeii them, that had we jonc by their Beam, they had piiich'd us at a \ery tine la.e ; fur in e\erv five Pigs there was ten or eleven Maiimls diHcieuee, every Maund being Thirty three I'oiind I'lifji/h Weight. .Anil upon our refilling to comply with their Humour in this matter, the old (liAernour of Sjimi Ibing away in aR.igc, and declared we Ihou'd |uy for his Goods, lialf in Mrnc^, and the < tlier in orr Cominodities, or elle the Bargain lli^elii be \(id, and he wou'd turn all we li.ul Lmded up in our ILuub again. .hd 1 doubt not 1 ut had wc been left entirely to lii^ Mercy, we ihou d hai e come od' coniidcrable Loleis ; but as it tell out, \se were able to 'iiake oui own Terms with him, and bring him to a realcnable Conelulim : b'or 1 h.id at th s ) luClure. two Men of very great I'lgnre .i- board my Ship, one of which vv.is the new Govenujur of $/•'.■[, whom yxho' they came upon a CiVil Vilit) I madi bold to detain, (with all the l'n:ertainn.eiitsm> Sh'pcou'd pi\etheiiij till I had brought ihe Matters of Trnde iiuna * ItliHtitiilt tignified. That if they rcceiv'd the E>iglijh into a Friend- iMp and Trade in thofe Part«, the Poitutueie wou'd come and burn all the Towns upon the Scl-Coaft, and rifle all their Ships they met any where abroad. Such a degree of Pride and Infolcncc, is that rude and domineering Na- tion now come to, that they muit pretend to govern the Countries of other Princes, prcfcritie their Intercllsnnd /Mlianies to them, and fix the Bounds of their Fradc and Correl'pondence as they think fit. We iiad, to our very great difailvantage, worn out no lefs than One hundred thirty eight D.iys in this Country ; all which time was fiU'd up wuh nothing on the part of the //.(//rKj, bi Tricks and Delays, and Breach of Pro- niile ; and on ours with vauj arid fniitlefs F.xpeiiUtions of a proliiable Trade. Being therefoie, on all A:a(«ms, high time to lie gone, *''' '" *''•'• wc (et Sail for t)/)iu/ abuut ihe kginning of /■!•/««jy uiaiiilcd to be gene out of the Country, being not allowed lb much lime as [ultice ami common Honelty vvi.u'd have allotted them tbrtheg.itheri'ig in of their IMus.l his I eir.g the Cafe, I fi lu to all our Country-men to repair as fait as they cuu'd, vv.tli their Goods, to our Sh'ps, th.it wc uugl.t f!0 all together, ard leave a People lo fickle, liale, .and inholp.table, for Icme other that 11 ight give i.s bet- ter £uter;aii:ment. And they very readily taking the A- larm, being now .is weary ct the Country, as the Coun- try was of them, in as httle a tune as their Atfairs wou'd allow, came down with all their Iitfeills, bring ng the 1 wo Captains, Shmfclgh, and lliwkji.s , along wuh diem. We now underftood the Rcafon cf this lo very liidden Arrival, aiul promt and a Free Trade : \ I'eiK alhore, with fcf hi.ll.i we Ihou'd fiml tnereaboiits : Partly to take Inrne further Revenge upon the I'./t' of -Lhi, ,ind A/./v ; asallbto prevent the Danger which threati.cd a Ship of our Coun- try g' ne a Yer, r I e lb re into thofe pans ; of which we had Noti.e when we were .it S:i;.-t. So difcharping the I'u/;_;m/ Sh'p and Frigat wc fet Sail st 011 for from O/iiiu/, directing our Coune towards i!> .liiilir. And the latter end of this Mcntli br j the I lie of :^(?.W(i/^. • Fi. Ill the Coalt of //;.//,-, to this Illand, we continu- ally found our felves carried farther to the Southward, than by our Courle we cou'd expert ; clpecially when' we were thwart the entrance of the I'mr.,, Gulf; which I impute to the Influence of ibiue Current fetting thence to the Southward. Asweci.iitcd along by Cape Gi,.id.:ij„l, and Monre Fi/.'.v, the Country People came to is with Sheep and Goats, and lome parcels if Oiibanuir, .md Cium-Ara- bick, which we bought of them at'reafonablc Rates. ' But ih s Ciwl Coriclpondcnce and Fr.iflick with us, was all over the fruit of a millakc ; for they Itill took us for M.ilmn.-r.mi : And h.'.i they known us to luve been otheiwife, 't'S very much n be doubted, whether [hey wou'd not h.ue been for giving us the fame Treatment that their .li,:, iru Neighbor.-:; did. Being now eoire into tlufe parts, tliac we might t/ic -^tHi. better accimpbih the Deligns we came for, both ot fecu- •^' "■ '"•< riiigoiiri.wnCb'iiitry Ships tjiac iliou'd come that w.iy, i taking Satist.idiou from all ;».//';, and l:i ii/h ones' forWr>!ii'S received; 1 lit ene of my gootl Ships, the Goaft of'ii^ he us to "-' nc to Z«- lyy-r.. r, 10 guard the Paflage towards //./™; and my feit, Willi tha other, went to keep the Pafl'agc of the g 1 Streigl^ K 1 1 'U K m ■ I ': Hf ., I 1' if io8 GVwtr^/ Middleton ^ijw^r ^^f^^o f/;(? Red-Sea, cJT*^:. libli'^chan XX. Stai;Jlii lit liai>rltiiitn.L:i. Ami 1 lud rmw lirfllipcmf It'Ct tla DpiKiruin v ol dointf our (ll\cMii'lit A\ f, .■ ,U . — — — trcrJ 11 lit IMcliiiiin, \iiioiiii,!, that Ciptaiii i ? rmw (irfuipc CcminainUr of a Flcci I II,' iM K,'ik' hiiii to 1.^4 ;m . > . . .... - **■ V.ll, *)).'. Airt. RiiMii,; for liciicr kiiicrt.iimiKiu ilian I li.ij tbuiul tlicrc, tvvaiUi.' i)f tl>c l'pit;CVir>n of the f.'d/,/- ,(■'.; ,,V.'s I'al* wli'uli lu'liad gottiii. 'lii^AdviccI h.idl) i iir .iun .Slnp tncDailiiij;. vvhiili we had ilil('auird a l.iK- 1 fforc tlic rtitof I'lM Meet to "(t'l/ii.Mii o'l •. D'liiiij' hli!ic;u.ird,s til rmiuMi.' conrcrnii j; any li" • /•'■.Slii| stli.it l.,ul timn' iliat w:iv; and tlicn'oiir i\(i]'!o l'a\v tlu-li'tt>r Id'i l>> C';i_p- ta;ti.S'.r/j, yivini; an AitLiiiitiif liin | all, \ yjajjc., and 1..- tUii' ilitUidid Prui'lv f^ to llu' /{f./-Vr.(. '" Wc had ni'i I tiM l( nj- i\|K^lmj; in ilio .Stniplrs, be- fire fi nic li.atcriiii', I'r./i"^ li' 1 into »rr 1 lai.d^ : hrlk a Ship of /;./■, (0 , anil tlun a Miip i f />.' I ni uil for A.'. - hi; I fi n'd tlitmloth toil nil tcan An 111 r by nit, and took out u( tlicui wliatli.Ciii (ii o.ls were firoiT pi rpofc. Mv 1 ettcrsdireclcd tn Captain V • '/ ai i iir lirlt puttiiij; Ml ptiitz'J led tla Dppiiiuiii v iildoiii|toiirfel\e'.riflit. As f(,rilie lii'k' we pl,i.nl\ i .vv liy ilieir Delays, and reruHiiatoiiiiiie to..p,ilitneCMuliiii,in, ihanliey intended to a|,ii(e ns taniier, and llintlle lis out of rajniem, if «edid not liy (oil eni'tliod Ijvedily loinpel them ti it. \iid therefoiv m.nmK uith th.' whnic Fleer out of?^' ■7/ '• Ro.l 1 low.rds A/.. •, I (ij'iiiried fi the (,.■./■„, Coin m.'iidcr5, that the r.^ not leinp, niiiuUd t>i iiake me""''"" thai jiilt and full. S.itisfadion whiih I lUmandal, I hid ''*'■'"' ' 1 ■ I'tliei u IV at prefeiit to I e revenged if thcni f > uJ^ok',, i,'/'"'''' allv as t.ilp„d their y^i'.'/r/i Trade. .And ihiivlore iho' I h.id done vv!'.u I thought fit in ton'iili i.ition or' \\\^- I,|,u. lies reeeived 111 /«./;<, vetlnuill i.uiy a I then .Shit.s a' way vMthrremtof ihe /^i-./.yri, toeiitotf a'l tViuii'ereJ lutweeiilh' V.-i^.rd them for this Year, iha'ttj Umr nii^'ht n' t retiiveanv Denelit by iheni, 1 he In.';. „ v|,(, ).,vi' ihi«.Sc.-fnn vumM Iieulioljy \^{\ tothem, it their '.hips Ihoii'J l.e thus ton 'd away and being nuvilimg to eariy back "liai C\,;i nixlities'-liey had again into// "i; they ufolied m eonipdind' for ilitothe Si I liy I IS, were ir feeiiis honeiHy ilelivci'd, iho' a' their Trade i!ii< ^'ear, and pay rverv "^i w iK li I siiiji). ■J;.(4\v.is[he Poll; forheipr.ekl) eaiiie vviili ali his SIi to .Anchor by lie 11(11 the News of ijiy Arrival; fo that 1 PMin \,(. ( ur Fi ree in the /<.(/->'.•.! bv iliis ecni' ii.:li( n of ihe "' ' two Fleets was prefy i.nlider.ible, 'I he Captain to'd nie iliatniy eiiiniiig thither in that hollile niannir I. a. I fpoil'd [lis I'rade at W. /■ ', \vh eh lie belie. 'd i theivMlc would !ia\e been very gtxid, beeauf.-of the Cir-.th'.-". ,>../. ii'i I'al". For my part Ibel)e\e that l^lf^ wriild have iig- iiihed litt'e in the lafer end, and th.it f ih nir.irt Vil- lains as il.f R Ti . <;■ 1 1 A;./.irre, woi.ld li..ve loi id !i n.e way orotluT to lia\eeli'de.' it wlien 'iv.as lor ilieir .Vd \aiit.igi'. !_i,ota, th.t gic.lt M-,',-,; , ■ ot S...ri alli wng (or it's part i^cc. Rials of Eiglit, lt,c being eijiiai in \ aiiie to tour other good Ships. IhsAtrairthi.vadi'.ilUil ( vUiuh w.,s ijk OeiaCon that bn light i.s to .Tiiil de-a n'd us inihrfo Si,,< t,|l ii,is ,|„.^, \ we sure now read) for the pi,r:iiing < f I'l./ii.els m oth.r p.ir's ot theW'dild. Ciptain >■..•,/■ h.ning lii(l di p.r.hd i i,c of hi.s Ships •, maUwUass l.t I'd awai hin.kif om of the /(..'-v' 'o and we lla;d no loni-.tr Uh:i d than the middli Moii'h of 'li'^^i'j!. \\'e had fait .iw ay t iir Ship the /), , ,'. Ths hi,,. as ot ihl iig ago n-, .1 we had ahidHas ir.iieli woik in f.ei- 1 A/.iv for /'iil;';! in .?.//.<:/.,/, m wlui |i V'ov.ige ll.e v'ias 'n •- J Ships ,is we euii'd well manage. F'or ' f.ntly after fillow'J by the 'II m.u, .a'.Slrp of C uli'ii ''-'■^' ' '-'•■• '■'■ ■'-■-^'■- "-Fleer, and now my felf with tl S.t,! othir IV o, the, 1 1 om h.tliiti Ships more into our rovver,\vhieh were all! T,^u'i's lurenfe and ilie Vcpi,< Cn' ittSiil in m i,-. mi.,,," Wiisi-Kin. """"'' ^' ^^' '■' •''"'' ^ ''••'•- ami laden vvnh Upper, Kiec,: of the lame \o\ age. After we had p.ils"d ilie Straits of ru and other /i;./..!" C'cmmodities ; fome of them were very ; /<.i/ri/H.^ji,/i/ the C.'/.'/(v;/i ( vvlviih we then lay nre'n to) large Ships too, as pariieiilarly the V^/fwy of V/wc; ( be- 1 began to render our failing IbiiKtliiiig dciib't'iil and per- l"nging toiheold A;,;;;./Empters) of i^t; Tun, and o- plexed. While we were yet wiiliin profpcOf of tiie /;//;,rt« thereof 6rn, acr. It '\ Gfc. but none of them all in- X't^iV, a Current fetting io the S.W. did eoiihdeiabIy.il life conlider.ible either lor their Inn then or their lading. So j "s in onr reckoning ; afti rwards, when far. her c ut 't Sei that novvwewercin aiap.icity of forcing tlie7;///;i lo We were mi (t lulibleof one fetting the lonirary' vvav'^'' make us an-p'c and compieatSatistaiflion for ilie many Tn- I I'.'r. towards the K. H. Wc cadly difeover'd' iirr at' juries anil h I'i'- we had Inlta i.'d iVein them ; mid they ' Proach towa'iU the C'calt of h..i;.i, |y the nemliets'of dared nnrrel'ule cdning even ttioiir ov<-n 'I'eniis. iinee we ^ .Srakis vliitli vie met I'u lining in the, Sea, tliisle tn' a le- had n gold Ships in 'IT l-i.inds, in whiti' the Town of | \er faihng 'I'oken of ir, as the I-xpcrietiec <;f all.Saior.s \hl.i vc-.sfo deepiv co.ieen, d, and wh .,e I'N wonlil have! do jiiltitie. Tlide creatures in a fair and calm Seafi I'l are • been no le!s than a breaking to t hew hoc piaee. | a very crijiiiicn light in ihe Water about thofe r.irts buti*-' Flit tliisvv.ts net the wh 'ie of o,ir SreceiS' neither, for there arc h diy r.iiv of tjieni to be met vv.th if 'hcwii. ^'''' the I'cpi'f'-Ct.t n left to guard the Padiigc to .l,!fii, had her fliare in this kind of Sport t( o, getting three ^r fnir goid tJiV' hu.i.m Ships within herreai h, ovt < f which ll e luriMhcd her felf with I'oire ciuartities of ullful Commodit'es. This Ship having doie her work, eaiiic to us in /(//'/■ Road, which was the comicon place of Rcndezvorz, whither nif.- 1 nited lleeis.and all irir I'lize^ repair'd, after we h.id done our Iklinefs ir. the I'lovimt we had under- taken. Here wc receiv'd a folemn Vilit from the King of y^,.;- lit.i, who came fplcndidly ntrendcd with all hisduards and Nobility to bid I'S weicame ami i.ong.rati'late us up- on our Succels. And novvalfo Commi..'':: tier-, came fioni .V.V,',' to treat . with us abiut the Kedempri" n of the Sliip;, as the Sa- £o„^f," an,, bander or (Kivernoiir, the Captain of the ('allies, and an riuo.l with ./irt, who wcreorder'd by the /i-y'.'/T to come to a Con- G'.-nml.iw. f(.,'(.r,cc vv:rh us upon that Subicd. My llemands were (as ''■'"■ at firl>) lo ccoKia'sof l-.ight, a Sum thev did not well - know how to accoir,piilhtlicR ailing of.nndbclii'es could not agree totill rhe\ hail heard the/;.;// 's Rifolntion upon the Matter. Th'-, oncrn wn'^ a long time a debatini' nnd the Capt.iins of the /...•i'-' that their IJliip'- were thtis and crin'.eqttcntl; backwa-d ii the pa' men- r f th.^ir Debt ; whole Month was e ni'i'irid to little p.rpote. .And all this while our Peop'e v.'ere bulie in romag-ng the («,//,<« .Ships, opening and racking f f Iwl'/ii. Cloths ht for our mm, and gi' ing th''itiFng'ilh Cotiimoditics in lieu of them. 'J hi-- vvasthe Icntf Jiidioc wc could do our lelvcs asto their, conlideiing the I'o.il dealing we had met wiili part Ipnt.,- bkec . , ,-..•, , , -.etw.tli, it 'he wu-l- "■■•'•. . t'ler I e any thing toiil .uid boillerons. As we lad'd al .ne "''" '"' ''■ the CoalUf /-.,y.>, wc obferveil the vSca for , the mril (':.':.((' "' thick and muddy, hut fi inetMncs intirii'ixt with*". ol clear tranlparent Waor, lb that here it Icok'd lilt, puddle, and there biight and pure, as if wi'h- out any dehluig mixture; and this change from one cx- tream to tlie_ other w.-.s leddcn and all at once, without anyih.ng ot an or,lcrly Tranftion firm me Degree to am ther, or lindmg any Tokens of Inch an alter.ttion as appear'd. The Month of O.-.'/rr was more than half gone by thato , ,„ time we came to our dclired Port of l.-k- \nSmii.i'r • " ' Here we found onr .Ship the /),n /,■■„;' .md her Companion Cm- ,. thcT/i-HM.', but little Buhnels Jonc by either of them, W" thequantiiesof Pepper they had gorten being very in- crinlidcr.ab!e, and nu ii.ore tobe had till the ne-i't' ;;n7 or This Difippointment made me think of a Reu-ove from hence to lotre other ol.icc, wliere fomcthing nnrlr beiione w rth mv Itav mid attendance; for I plainly law *:,'/"■ ' thatihe Civil Wars (which raged in this place at the "time '■''■'"' of (..:rlein!' h re ) would be an iiuincible Obltiudii-n i; '■"" rhetr C iHinirv. anil ma re ; wonit Sh;'|> b'j'rg horribly cliiguded ■ the wav of our Trade. .-ir.ltcd ip'M r\w'l)rks Icore, | .Viafter a fewUa^ s I fet Sail from this phcc for B-,v,'^;;i ' 'n the ['f.^i" .r,.,, leaving my own Ship the Triid's l'icn:.f', to rii.ilh the lirtle Huline'fs that was yet to be done there, with Odersru repair to /i.;„/,:»j a-, foon as thole concerns were ovet. This Ship havinga Misfortune toie.cive fome piviii-,,;.,,, .-;, dice by aKoik in her w.ty, was fo ditbrdt-red when Hico™ Mim- caiiieto H'tnt'.ni, that 1 found it molt aib ifable to difpatch '^''" ""*' '.ht! l'^;f.;-i away for l-.n^^l.ui.l to g.vc Ionic Saiisf iCho" ' to the .Adventure ...... ai'.\arce any thing towards cair.e to no head, and a p.rpofe apon anil the Debts c lain. able there, which we had reafon to KnJ;J Appf Dov hitppe ton yphcn Sbips W F liti the >£-,(«» ,1c-. tiin'.t illioir ] for the Voyage her felf, and cou'd brini look upon .as defperate, if in th^s J 'iidurc we Ihould acg- ' let Aecoiui: of thofv. Matters. ed .» new (henttth me to f.ivi; A liil- of Wii/'.», li't I Bufinefs at //> iurreai y of the 111 iigit them. Reafnn 'twas could not lont exprefsthe Foi very next Day Meiihants goi I'oiitthe point' anil not Uitfer'i lint Iiilkanec o and the) had r but only to feci Duties, which Us, lo they ni been lure oii't. thus once open'i , the whole time f Hands were on ^ nothing elfebui "J }>rca> l)eligii w ' no doubt they ' our Merchants But if their had not ln-en c them, tliele l,i ftiould never h ■ Goods, iliai h.i I my Men. Beii 'TboywTliI („ venture any 1,1. h„nii '"i"*^ ■"'>' r^'i '!■< r eiUSj deal With iliem '■' ■■■ vveni, and hai * Opinion of tliei .= lalKiur'd uoghii Dcfigiis in this 1 iieral at Mi'l'i fi once done the .^ ; tlie C niintry to Hands as full i uiake Us believ dealings in the IhciiSima. f" ''"' '' ™'' ' pmifjrchjiOiirMcn they ' fiiipolt. /;«;'////.' ComilK chants were n drawn thither riots they had 1 And indeed i , ... .1 little Survey ^4ittn 111 II s _ ■ 1- . ' Jc.jyt.lftji(. tation ot them, of concern wit 'twas ilia very coiiliderable Sli hardly to be fv But their Igno plainer Itill, f Rial of Eight ; to dnotheraiid I ver feen Iwtbn th.it pretends to confinement we to cotnpliiiicnt Means to work Flteeni, and by Ship abttlcni.'a TtisEij't"' to give them ; Pi.liiia. J'''! they found wc V i " '■ 'liev made our As 1(1 ilic iiifiKuomc <) .ilnilo IIS Jul nut l>y ci't out of?' ■I' III Com. II akc ,.. « ■ 1 fifli'iVlii.'.. tfiro tlio' I tils' Ill|U- 111 Sliij'S .1. l'' UlllilTst I'll -■ laucr wli'illy l>,l» .i«.iy, .ind l s'lalilyat life r( lit ,u Sea, uraiy way/'f**™"' M ijir ap- ru^iuKt'i of 1 c III! a iic f all Sal ors .'af( II arc,;, ( , arts, l)uti.'K tiikc 'he wia-^^'-'^i I la I 1 Men ',t [«. ,tho mrll i: j.(( . • inixt wlih'*"- it IcdkM If wuh- om Piic cx- without Difrcc to tcratlon as r.r.c 1-y thatr,;.;,,. in Snm.vr . .(Hiij'anioiiCMiir n I r ol tluni,'''," lir, viry in- 3 Rl'HOVO |'!a;nlv laiv.,,,jj, ;at the tunc;:' -1 iftnidiim ii. '■"' fur /?:.V.V);i thi- T,,..y/i to be done :)ii as thole (line prcjii-^. 1 il when llu''-'' ■ •toclilpatth^';. Satist.iCfioii e\v (hei!!;'.li ;ivt a ltd- :hap. XX. Capt. Down ton*/ Ireatment at Aden, C^-c. 109 AppkNDIx to the former fotmial ^ extracted from Opr.im OowntonV, amccymng tbofc "Particulars of the Vnyagv ivhiih happen (i in his Jeveral Tar tings j'rom Sir Hcnry Midtllc- ton : Commencing from the time of their Separation at /Xdcn, ivhere he was left by the Admiral^ vrho tvent 7rith the other two Ships from thence to Moha. W '!• had not U'er limi; in the Port < f .llru k'fnrc the CJeneraleiitaed l>v thclalfeaiid HaiterinR Aiioiinis (liseii hereof ihc Trade and People nf AJi'/'.», let fail I'l that pLve leaving me to manage the Bufinefs at ^;./-», and ihat not without the lery carnell .' iutreaiy of ilie(;overiu)iir atidlnhaliitantsfor my Itav a- 111 nplk them, And they fnon made it appear tor what 5 Reafon 'twa* they ilelired onr Company ilie'e ; they J coiild notiontain themfelve< loiij; without heiMininp to f exprefsthe I'ondiKfsand KimhieK they had for i,s. The \ery next Day afier the Generals dcpartnrr, thiee lif onr \tMit- Men hams (;niiig ailio.ir to trea' with the (ioi iruour a- i'"''^' '"""'iMiiuthe pnintsof "l'r.ulc, wereierv fau-K detain . I llvre, " '' .Hid not liitferVi to eome lia. k t') the Ship. Tins was the lirlt Iiilkancf of tlunr Humanity and vertuous IJilpnlitioii ami the) ha.l nnl'ieteiice nor Cohnir tor this I'rotcedinp, iiiit only to fei lire the pavment of Aiuhorar.e and ntlier Diitii",, which as they were in no Danger of loline liy I u^_ Id they needed not ha\e taken tlii< .\lcihoi! to ha\e K'cn lure out. The S|'rin); of Knaierv and Treaehery thusoiucopen'H, run on amain, and held it'sCouife for :'. the W'holetime of our abode at this plaee ; and after their \ Hands were once ill, by this initiating llroke, they did iiothinR elfe but juggle'nnd put 'I'lieks upon us. Their rrcat De(ignw,\s, to draw us to land our Goods, whii h ii(jd(mbt they would have inaJc as vvekomcj as the) did our Merehams. . But if iheir former deceitful dealing with theGencfil 1 had not Iwen enough to have prevented my triilhn;; of them, thefe latter Abides wou'd have done it; and 1 Oiould never have ijiieltion d their Robbing me of iny (lords, that had in lo villainous a Manner robb'd ine of ' my Men. Belideslhad my geneial politive Oi\ters nut ^ThoywiH to I em lire any Concern* amongit them, but make them ' J|),"^|'^1,''''' cnmc and pav fir what they had a Ship-board or not M'-r faA deal wuh litem, he had leen to luiuli of them before he went, and had entertain'd f not nninltly ) fo good an Opiiiieinof 'heirCoufeience and Vertiie. Howeier iliey Kiliour'd 111 ('jitily to court us into a Comp'ianec with; heir Dcligr.s if. ihis I'liinr, tolJ me they would fend to the Ge- neral at M I'l: for his I'ermilfion to land our Ciiods, nliich time done the Merchants would pour in fro'.i, all parts id' the Country to buy them up, ai;d wr rti.juld have our Hands as full of Bulinefs as we rouM defire. And to make Us believe that they were a I'.'oplc of very pie.it dealing'siu the World, and their Town much Ireijuental on that U ore; v henever any .Straniers eaiiie, they lo'd {tm'cinh'ji our Men they were all Merchants that waited fir their fupoii:. ['.trili'lh Commodities, when for the iiidlt part thefe Mer- chants were no other than Souldiers and cut Throats drawn thither from the ad|oiniiig pLaces to execute the Plots they h.id laid againft us. And indeed as for ih,'ir Pretences to Trade and Bulinefs, a little Survey of ila Town it lelf w.isa fuflieient Coufu- 4t'lya'ltiie' t'ltion of them, bor tlio' loimerlv it has had a grod (fare of concern with Merchandizing People, yet at this time 'twasinavery low ami poor Coudit on ; there were no coiiliderable Shops m any part if thelown. nor none ;S hardly to be leen that delerved the Title of Merchants. But their Ignorance ( f Money made the niatr^T nn:ch plainer Itill, for when onr People ott'er'd to change a Rial of hight .amongll ibem, they gave it aVnut from one to (mother and Hard upon't as a lfiangcr|rr,gthe\ had ne- \cr fein iKtore ; which is a \ery ill lign in a Town that preteiul.s to Tr.ide and Dealing. Our Men under confinement were at hrit \ cry kindlv dealt withal, even to compliment and carefs it felf: they hep tig by this Means to work ilicmfebes into our good Opinion r.nd Fdteeni, and by a fof; Ciiain of Kiatteric^ fi ilraw our Ship a littlcne.trcriotheiii. Her atterwar.ls they began -J, Th;Ei;i"i to give thcm a Hncr I'..'!/' /'j I'.nterraii'ment ; and when •i f"',""^'- -"''they found wc were nor chaiMi'd. and -aken with t.Sc Bait, .« hrJiy. ,],j,y f,,3j(. ot,|. j„jt,,- Pi-jfpi.cfi feel the Iharpncfs of the Hook will) wliuli ihiv Hll.'d lor us. Tney ilid uoi pto- ceeil to tile iiiHie'ting of am corpoi:il I'uuill menis, but they order'il it lo, that thev il.ou'd be piiuh'd in the Mat- ters of Proviluiii ; ihev w re haidly allow d a He!|)-full, and lore 'il to pay the Mell nser (eviry time they cat) the tliiiii's them llitiiSmt.!- AP- asrmirli for briiigirg ibcu Viokuab, felves colt. 1 he treacherous (iocciiiour tniiea.oiud by good Words to kceptheiu inlli.iii, tillieg ihuii liiat .ts U on .as the 'I rnde open',1 thev lli(,ud have 'heir I il erty with- out the payiiuutot any Mon. y in coiilidir.uioii either of that, oi ,iii\ Duly or Ci llom lnnuTly demaniled. But dill all theCivility promisd wa< made an Imiodiiv!ti- on to a futher propolal of fending to li.e General about landing th«(i(iods. I hail indeed lent fone ! etters to him at A/,,' i f tl.o' Cmmti.. I was well alfiuM he would never alter the Method lie had ref died to purlue iiulealing wirh the People of ijei.) but thele 1 etters were eidiei not driiieii-d, or the An- Iwers lotluiii bv the jnjgliiig i/. /;j Itopt and intercepted. And now more of my Men unluikd, fell into their Hands, .and went to bear their fellow i-Ceinpaiu in tdolefullmpri- foiiment at .;./,•»,■. 1 h.iil I raved le.ive of ihe (^le.iionr fir lome of them The r»'(< to doa r.ttle Bulinefs Ivloiigingto ihe Ship in l.uety in a "''«"'"" i^l convenient place under the '1 o .vii W.iH ; whic it Requcli ''« ,*^*J''/'' was granted with all the cafe in he World, and Security '"'""■ ;rom all Treachery fauliiully promis'd. But iu the mean time he let his Smiths a .vorK to make Shackle* foi them as fall as could be, ,iii 1 lb feiz'd tl.i-in in the itiiiiil of their Bulinefs, laying them all f.ilf in Irons, and iielidts prievoully .dnifing thcm feveral other ways. ' Twas no lets than xi.' that they took all together at this tmK-,amonglf which were foment the ir.olt iifet'id and neiilfary Men in the Ship, whole Company and AMiltanc; there f dearly wante.l. Butitleing impollible fer mc tii right my fei f and redeeiii them at pielent, and no hopes of ever coming to The ir.-cn: a lair Tr.iile wrdi thele Petple, I found it to no piirpofe ^■'""•''i^"" to Ila ) here any longer. Belides 'tw.is dangerous upon "''^'".'Jr^ many Aecounis; for if we Ihiid till we wanted W.itcr,aV,"'^ we coiihl rot go aiho.ir to get that without Inling our felves ; .uid then intl-'s Seafonthe Wind and Ilea aiv both fo troublefome there, and the Shoar of .•',/» lies fo . low, without any thing of a Fence from the Violence of the Billows, that a Ship would be fore'd fiom the Road into lome Shelter near the Town, and folic .at iheMercy of ; their Ordnance. I I'pon thefe Ci-nl'dera-iens I let fill IbrAf/./f, hoping I when I came to tind inyCienerals bnteriainmeni there bet- ter than mine had been at iJcu. I pafs'd the Streipht of B«/v/)Hrt/;,.'f/beivM-en the I lie and the Coalt of //r(i/i/>, ''^^ f" where I t'ouiul a Itrong Tide fettini\ thro' tlie mieldle, and "''"'' . outteiiKathom Water; there is a good broad Ch.annel on the other lide of tliellle, between that aihl the Ifnctn Coall ; but thi* Water is deep, and not fo lie for Anchor- ing. When ! came to Af /',;, T found oui /./n/i ^/ Jilil|nhere, anil uiulerllood too foon of the hi rr'ble Msturt.ine be- fall n us, ill the lofsof our General by die I'lvachery of rhe hjulels. Prefentiy attermy .Arrival i;;iiie in the Dn>- lir?, rro, which by the Generals (Viler had been dil- pateh'd towards .V.ii'i', tog'ven.e inf rmaiionof all thele Matters, and to preunt my cotrii'g toAf.'i, tho' the bail weather had hindied her Vol age. bv which means I wa-kept 11'. the dark .is to thele Aceiden:., till 1 came to inform mv f'f. Being now ell togeihcr, we iV: fiil nut of Ari.'t,,--Road, iiiteiuling t 1 ply up lowai.ls «../■.-, .■■.im' . or fciniewh' reTir/.v-r that way, as well to find out a convenient W.T.erimv. ''''"■■» fii-l ' I place, and a Road where we nii:;ht lie fecurelv, as invC?"^'"!''' I nope to meet tlic I'l.vf.n 1 rading S.iips. wli.nn we rclolv d Cj-ftj I to (fop, till tlii; i",, i:'!m.1 r.'leas'd tee (ienerd, and matlc IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 I 2.8 1^ 1^ |||: 12.5 12.2 u 2.0 1.8 1.4 III 1.6 .^o .% Vx V] <^ n ^/. /A ^/^^i o 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation ^> V # iP <^ «^ <^. *^ ^^ '•J*.* 6^ <^ :^ 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S30 (716)872-4503 I f. ■ 1 h it I y^ f q IIO he ^(nfiuh Voyage by the f! aft -India Cbw/^^iwy. us Satisf.iLiion for a!l 'ni«ric<. So Uar.i'.'ng over to the y;/'-:;/Hc (.'o.iil, .liter Iliik- Karch. \\c happily found oi't the loBvcii Tit Roail ot '/7 .■, \> here wc had all the Se- curity and . >ivaiitagc for Water ai'.d Proufions that we cou'd dilire. The L'oumry l'co|'!c were vcrj' tViendly to us, and fo honclt and npcniKiiis, as to cnntels, That the Tiitkj had put liieiii upon knock inp us in the Head, it wc came there, civinp them their t x.inpli.' and Warrant tor tliat I'radlicc. But as ihcv fovmd no (U-alon from our Carnage amongft them, to otl'er us any liah violence, (o they entcnan'd us after a very ditlercnt manner trom what the I'urkj encou- rag'd them to. Whether they knew ustobe tneinies to the Siipcrltitions of A /.r/vtwef, 'which they cnilirace all herc- nliciuts, and how 'twould have iKcn with us then, 1 can- not fay i ) but as Matters were, they carried it fairly and civilly to us ; we paid them Money, and had our Bar- gain pumSuallv, and without deceit. Near this Road where we lay 'perhaps feme three . Leagues diftance ' lies an llland, which wc call'd C'loi-- JotiViaJ!. W""^i for the multitude of great Crabs we found there. Wc wanted nothing where we h.id [lolledQurfelves, but the Prcfcncc of our (leneral, and the reft of our Coin. pany under Continement with him. And this, after a multitude of wicked Delays on the l'u>k.s part, and as many fruftratcd txpciftations on ours, was happily ac- romplith'd by his own Contniance and Kelblution, in the MontliofMrt;, after we had lain in this Koad more than four Months. Thf General having now brought hiiiilelf and his Com- fany all otf clear, went away to >«'<»f and DjI'iiI, whither accompanied him ; and from thofe I'arts I came bacJt with him again into the HS'i Set, where wc arrcfted the Indian Ships, in order to bring the luriitoa Compo- fition. ' This AtTair ended in the Hed Sen, we went away with both our Ships tor Tekpr:, in Sunutrt ; at which place we found fo fmall Encouragement for 'I ndc, that the Gene- ral wou'd not Ifay there, but went, changing Shipi with me, to Biintim ; whither 1 had Orders to follow him as foon as I had difpatched at Tc/to/t. ' Here I was molt horribW abufed by the rafcally Natives, chnt rj a in '.c Pepper 1 Ixjught ; for when I came to weigh it, we '!" '''«»••' had leveral Bags of rotten decayed Pcpfcr ; and in foine ''^" there was Paddy, Rice, ay and great Stoius crambd in too, to help make I'p the weight. But there was no Remedy for this Mifchief, and fo we were forc'd to abide by the lofs. Sailing from hence for Bini.im, we were like to have TV ship been all undone by the fetting of our Ship upon a Rock, """"pom into which danger the Current helped to bring i:s. Wc *""■*■• made a Ihift, by God's atliltance, to get her off again, and fct her afloat ; but yet that Encounter had done her (b much prejudice, that we were obliged (as the furer Courfe) to return back again to Tekp^, to itop her Ixaks, and re- pair the other Defc<25 of her. But our Attempt at the lecond fetting out, proved more t),„^„ luccefstul, and wc came without any more fuch Encoun- Ci'mc. t, tcrs, in fafety to Bmtam. BMim. The General (laid here till his Ship (injured in the Voy- age from Tf^o/i) was new careen d ; whillt my fcif in the Goes f^ I'fppti-Corn was dilpatch'd from thence for Englnnd; myfi-i/^ii. Voyage commencing in h'ebrunry, and ending C without any conlidciable AdveiitureJ the following Oilobc:. C H A P. XXI. The Seventh ^oj age fct forth by the Eaft- India Company, n>ith the Globe, under the Command of Capt. Anthony liippon j ex-' traUed out of the fournals of Nath. Marten, Mafler-Mate, and Peter Williamfon Floris, Cape Merchant. St-K 'ol. D. 16W, ^ V. I6ll Cjoic to Stldanid, Mo- The Row Ciylin lUind. MiltAc in pljcint; ^f Ar^4^^M,iii the \Ufi, •nd PhuH WE fct fail out of the Downs, in rhc good Sh'p the (.Untie, the Fifth of Fcbmnry, and came into SoLi.-.tila Bay > a place fivijuenily vilited by our l\n^l!jh Ships) the Twenty Hrft of M.d. 'Twas then Winter in thispart of the World, the Sun Ix^ing taking his appointed Turn on t'other tide the Equator. The Mountains were cover'd over with Snow, the Trees nn.kcd and bare, the Fields in all the Rudencfs of a V.'inter-Drcfs ; the whole Face of Nature (here at other limes fo charming and bright ap- peared with a lullcn gloomy Air ; the Heavens were dark and cloudy, and the Earth li^em'J to mourn at the abfence of the chearful Sun. Little godd Entertainment was to be had from the Country at this Sealbn of the Year, and the Rains that fell made it fo bad travelling, that we cou'd not go far to get what it wou'd liiveart()rded us. We took fomc pains to Hiid out the Root .V/«g/in at this time, and our Laliour mult have been quite loft, if wc had notreceiv'd I'omc Inttrutftions intha; matter ; becaule the new Leaf was no w but julk peeping oi t of the Ground, and the Plant does not come t i its pcrtciftion till the depth of our Winter. Here were two or three Dutch Ships that came to make the fame enquiry, and one of tliem tirit difcover'd this Root here ; whether by chance, or any foregoing Infor- mation, I am not certain, nor is it much material. The Soldnnians, in theirbarbarous and brntilh Speech, tall this Root Cat.m, by which Name it mult bu enquired after i amongit them ; tho' 'tis poilibic they may I c fo fpiteful ; and ill-natur'd, as to retulc to put Strangers in the way of finding it. We left the Dutd in the Bay, bartering for Skins and Hides, and making 1 rain-Oil, and lail'd away for the Indies, getting light of the Illc of Ceylon the hrft of Augnit, and lo coalling along towards N»;;/»f.i», upon the Land of Ci'i oiiMidel. 'Tis worth our while to rorreiit fome Millakes com- mcnly made in Maps, as to the Sitiiation of fomc remark- able places heteaboutSj by the Obfervation we have made ofihcnii Puntn de OnHit, the moft Southern Point of the Iflc of Cerhn is ordinarily placed in 4 Degr. North Lat. where- as mdeed it lies 111 6 Uegr. neither is the Kland fo broad .-is tis often drawn m the vulgar Maps. Then iVf^-i/)rtf v.,.4//^,wh-.rewcliopedtomeetwith ,.„„*, fi.mc 1 rade ; and ace, rdmgly havnifr a fate Conduct from the Sabander, we landed Men for that purpofe : But wc quickly tound our good Fortune Iktc fpoii'd and prevented by the Imcrdtard F. miiii.the Owe/. h.id got in this place • and It fecms they were lo well fix'.l, that the Sabander' highly pitied us tor the Mifchaiice of our coming hither - as lo much iinprohtable lofs of time, and endeavour to no purpofe. lheO«.-c/. Prelident very fairly dclired us to bcMtilrp gon,'; and tor that purpofe Ihew'd us an Inftniment iiiB"""'''" Writing given tlieu, by the King of Kr.rfi„,„^ wherein H'^h'^t-, the Dutch only w.t.^ allow d to 1 rade upon all that Coaft ■ of a>A' all others Ix'lides them, or luch as cou'd not produce Prime Mr.in.c li.s Patent, U-ing (tridly prohibited at- tempting any thing of that nature. We who thought the King of fc'«j;/rt«./ j i'.i.en: as good aad fufficient as Prince AJ..Hr,u-s, vvere willing however to ha^e tried what wc cou d have done ; but the IiuriKues of the Dutch "nd the Influence they had upon the People, were fuch Obftru-rM-.^ ctions in our way, that wcmiift have hazarded the lofs of the Monfoii for l\un,e, and lb mightily prejudiced our "'^'" '-''.'"•■^■"'S .to have fct about the removing of them . -f?u"'\? "^ '''"'■«'^";- I'c-s in . , Degr. 3-. Min. Ncnli Lat. Ihe V^riaticm has been ol ferved here to be i I'ecr 15 Mm. the' about th> Ro.id it has lx;cn made n LVw' 10 Min. a very great and lurpriiing Jiflerjnce. Ihe Mark^ \-x^H< ^ha p. XX Marks foe ?S the HQlhndi ~? (ideofthe \ or 1 1 Fatho It. tkiJcit Being abl iMtjf!,. where we I T rade. W Cultom, an our Factors t n with the ter Roael. „ grees, 17 M Set of Palii lit the high ( "lis to Ih land of I'ci vUiiih is a 1 tne Fathom, go oli h. for ol .Said, an Fathom, till At Shiui 11jm.i^J"*' -,. , I • * ■ 1 imlc ; but '*hi'TF'i.!i hgii loclicai gt.hci"- for Cultciin r^^:;-;^exprclsaiHl, ,fr.j"''y. * '^^ ^''' ''"' other Realor leeiulant froi ^ VI I ruMiini' lo pure aiii! Ota Chr.tliai wi'lillaiuiii j: lie at the Ak he was a i>r the iiuiic Ilk tnilteil ; ane couii'liance v arnKt. '1 he Grog ■trnii-ni t.:n, and 1 a V '^ ■■ " pa;, at \UJu. 1 5 Degr. 57 j6 Mm. The Towi call'd the St Foot of the V. Centaur in 14 Drgr Ha\ii. Ill '.red by tt tnjiu ilu'l.; p ihe !.;i.er em «eean.eh;;f for,} J. , I ted Exactior M..;ters witl J.-mgluig ; h( C-iii. Culloni V ■■ had ic icttlcd at Sue and that the was not fo fai the lublick 1 ' (h\\ Conci I nci alioii for i > to I'litniii am fci,i Slim, hrtt Court Ic I onie no Ilea l.eag.i ort'theFalle it ihe .Stre.( 1:. and W. H got \hitufyt'-: ger from ihc W.' came Moi:tii, and the Country, State an ' (li 1 etter, .iiki .- Ihc Let., Noble LL'i 1,. the CoUll ; Rials 1.1 . 1;; C o' IT for iiH lioi.oarol I, Were haii.ii'oi the belt p;r gicat Bulincll • 41 ■#.1 r^r ffji- tii'nan. . ; and in loino OIKS crainb'd there was no orc'd to abide e hkc to have tIk shi> upon a Rock, "uuufwu )nngi:s. Wc*^^*" otf again, and d done her fo .' fiirer Coiirfe) Leaks, and re- ;, proved more B,„^„ fuch Encoun- c^.ti ta cd in the Voy- my fcif in the coti f^ Engliwd ; my £«j <»i. Jing (without QiUlXf. with the m J eX" date, and of the Iflt of h Lat. whcrc- llaiid fo broad cagucs diftant ad ; and as the well as wc,ib he EriciSsof it ary Mcafurcs. the Town of ij"/-,'"' dtory, but are Is to do ; and >y the reruarka- ^„^,. icd to meet with i,immi. Condud from lolc : But we iiiJ prevented otin this place; the Sabander oining hither ; iilcavour to no iclired us to be friiilfp Inftmmcnt iiiS''™''" fwi«, wherein I,, ,h.. K -; 'I that Coaft ; ot'.N>.-.' not produce prohibited at- ho thought the cient as I'rlncc tried what we tMit^l\ "lul the rticF-!' liuh Obllru-ji f. aided the lofs of prejudiced our )ving of thcni. 30 Mill. Ncrih rc 10 be I l.\gl . iii.ide 13 t'Cgr. iH'crsiiLC. 1 ho Mark< Marks for finding ihu> Road, are the Round-Hill and the Holhndcri Fort. About two Leagues to the iiouth tide of the Town there's a Shoal, but if you keep in 10 or 1 1 Fathom, there's no fear of running over my part of, Being able to do nothing here, wc fet fail for PetJtfdi, where we touiul room to lonie in fur a little lli'arc of Trade. We agiecd with the Govtriiour lor J fC'C.m. Cultom, and fo lent oir (iixxlsallioar : We left two of our Factots to carry on the Trade at this place, and went en with the Ship for Mrjulipf.tah, where there was a liet- terRoad. The \arying>ibli.rv'd at i'«<:^((/, was ii De- grees, 17 Mm. and the Mark to go in o\er the Par, is a Set lit I'almuo-Tiees, on the Bank on the Northern eiui iifthehighClirt". "I is to l>c oMerved, th.it fix I eagucs from the High- land uf I'lt.ipo.i, 50U fee another Higli-lan J before ) oil, vhuli is a I'agod.Yoii may, if yon will hale 111 with 11 into live 1-Jihcim, when the Hill is N. N. W. but ilunyoii nuilt go utl b. tor iL And beware (in giiiig ort) of a lownels oi Sard, and come no nearer it than twehe or thirteen Fathom, till you are icrtainly palt it. M M'Ju '(''!"■, the Cioveriiour bids us Wclioiiie to a i/nfj"" -j-jmi^. . |„n a^ It ajj^cai'd, twas betaule he had a L)e- i,„,F,iJi lign 10 cheat iis, it he co.i'd. We agreed wiih this Man for Cultom at 4 /n Ccur ; and \c\. toiurary to the molt exprelsaml pl.iiii 1 erins ot the B.irgain, he uou'd have it, that wc comluded upon ii tn-i i.cni And he had no mlicr Rcalon 10 piove it by, but this, 1 hat he was a Ue- Icendant from 'he I'mphct, and had the Blcod ot Mh/m- VI I ruisnmi' in his Ve iis ; and therefore his Race being lb pure and holy. Ins Word ought to betaken bctbre that of a Chrlliaii, and elteein'ii more jiilt and true. But not- ui'lillaiuiii g liii Sand;ty of his I'edigrec, we woii'd not ■Hi 'i-i'. fty's Letter, and granting uj i^fiice Trade there, T«)re ad\an'agc than that came to af- tur\\ard«. I here", a great Knmity and Heart-burning lictwecn the j.tj'nicje and the i'eople of th s place ; and the former do never fail to take all the t); portunities that can be to raiage and fpoil the Coi:'iMy : Within lels than ihe Ipacc 01 lix Years, they have come rp twice to the Town uf Pr.tioic, aiu! fot it .t-tiie. The I.ichjry being eltablilli M, lomc of iis Itay'd to -H*^ mind the .-Uf.iMs (t J ra>;e .a th s jijaie, wliil'lt the Ship, with the re'.t ot the' Coiup.wiv, went away lof .wW', to try the Temper and Intiinatioii ot that I'eople to a Corre- I'pondenre Willi i.s. In the mean iime we h.ul a \ery ill Market t(;t niult uf our Cuiniiiodiiies, elpeeiallv oiir,,,,^ ,. lawns} M P/ttAnc ; whereas lonie lew 1 ears ago there d,/',rj„. has been fo (]uick a Vent, that there was more fear of a raiiiuiii, Lui juu uie v..iLa...i) [..iL .1. Uiladvantageby w.iiitiiig Stock, than by having .my part i At MiJuify.tM, the Cioveriiour bids us Welcome to a of it lie upon one's H.iiuis. And the Reafor. ot it is, t|,c «"'>"'' of n. 5|(j/n<""" i',_iJi- ; Inn as It api>car'd, twas beeaule he had a L)e- I'oituguc^c brmguig in fi.ch Qjuntities to M.n.-tcci:, and the Duici! filling lii-.ntr.ni and the Mrtucvr.'', together with the Trade ot the A/iOj at i.iW'ji/ir/;! and V/.jp// ; then the (rj,^/,i^;i,aiulth(..|etroin iV-i;.i/;rtf;».', together with our lehes, do all help to cloy and (n er-do the Market. smmtir' .•\t this time ae cou'd not make 5 jcr Cn-t, when it was ealie lonie time .igo, to make in the liame Market, ftHir(.t one. I Some part of the CoiU'try was invoked in the Trou- bles ami Calamities of War 100 ; the Kings of I'or and I 1V/'mi. (both upi 11 the l.ime Ciiinine'iit with I'nrr.ih) being lie at the AleicN ol his ConK ience ; and if 'twas true, that tngciher ly ihe liars, burning and iieltro) ing one another s he was a lir.uieh from Inch a Koot as Miicnici, he was 1 irriiories, and Trade nerer thrives in a Country pc- the mnie likel; to be a cheating Knave, and not ht to be] (ter'd with \\'ars ami Fncin ns. tnilted ; and ujuii that Score we thrcatned him into a; The InconlideiableiielN of Buiinefs here, was an Ii.ciic- coiiipliance wi-.h us, upim fair and realonablc Terms. i nient to us to atten pc to find better loiiiewhere elfe ; forO^"'". The Geographical > 4ilirvatu ns v^e made at Al.'» .■.<-, whi' h purpole we lent away a Cargoe of Goods for A/j- a Cufiixr 't.:i:, and . li./. ., were theft : The Variation of the Com-' e^l/'i''- lemtoMj. pai> at M.ijuhpnt.i,., is ii Uegr. ii Mm. the Point is in. Our Ship the CUbe having now been abfent three l'„'„iff. 1 5 Degr. 57 Mill. Nonh Lat. and the Road in 1 5 Degr. Months, reiur. 'd from the ,s <:>■ Vo au', making but e;ght An Auoum j6 Min. iDa^sin her pailage between that place and P^'^Kf, and^''^'"'**'* The Town of I'ctapoli lies in 1 5 Degr. 49 Min. the Star liie brought es the foli.'wing Ac. oi.nt uf her Voyage, tii-ii^^".' " call'd the Ships Stern, we had in 11 Degr. 19 Min. the tertaimnent, and Ui. Stare of Arfairs in that King- Foot of the »_ rollers in iiDegr. 54 Min. the Flank uf the' Ucm. Centaurin is L)egr. 31 Mm. andtheFooiof the fame m Having call Anchor in the Ro.id of Sinn, they gave 14 Degr. 41 .\Im. Notice uf their Arri\al to the T< wp, whJi l.eslume Ha\ii,'4 leai'u all .Accounts at thcfe two places, and thirty Leagues up along the Ri\er. The K, 11 ;; lent two W ni ircd by the ipportmuty of a good Monlon, we let fail Men .>t eonliderabie F.gi re to bid them Weicou.e, 10 re- lit""j- from iliel ; par;- for is.:i.:.-:)i:, where we happily arrivud ceue His Majelty ol .- ^ <■«.; s 1 etier, and to bring them '^^"';„, the lat.er end of the fiueeediiig Monihof .yyiiw. When to Court. \(eeair,eh;ther, we found the Dwr.i re.idy to march away 1 When th.'V came irfi his Prufenee, he heard with plc.t- for^i.t. , not being ab.e i) endure the new and iinwon- lure the Account ot iheM Bullneis and lAlign, and with- tcd Exadiors of the !io\einour ; neither cou'd we lettle out any delay piomisd a free Lrade ; aildii.g 1 elides as Miiitcrs with h.m without a great deal of Uilpute and a Token ot lus la\orr, the Gift of a piece ot Cloth, and l.-ingluic ; howe\er, !<< I.ut we agreed with him tor j ffi'a little Cup ot Gold toe\ery one of them. But as il — ^- .. i^ r 11 o 111 1 - ■ i - Tnecovftoiii tJ'Kf.Cullom. Courts ot all I'uncvs are troubled more or lels with a Ion M,iuf«r;n« V . had lome Accoimt at this place, of the Fadtory tiift of hungry covetous Cifflieis, th.-it are for le.ling their "P." ''h'; icttlcd at Siiccaikiii.i in hornto, by Capt. D.;--,./ A/'.(.//e(oH,i Princes Faioi rs as dear as they can, and taking all unjult '-'''^■">j ^^ and that the Management of Affairs iherc, at this time. Methods 10 make a Purle for thenile!\es : So here the fh^Eni/'ji*. was iitit fo fair and reguiar as cou'd be willi'd, in order to < Mandarins m, It be gratilied and brib'd to give their Con- tlic 1'e.bhek Benefit. ' fent to what the King had fn-eU pruiiiA'd ; and thinking Dm Concerns at R.iivam being not great, we had no we had nur Pnvi'ege too cheap, wouu pietemi -o ul>ligc : ocialion for a long Hay there : UurCoi rl'e from heiice lay | us to dri e a Bargain with tlieiii. T'o hnd a Remedy in to l',:iit>ic and V , »;;, places not fo Irequently \ ilited by our this Cafe aiMinlt the Fxt.rtion and Clppieilion of thele ,'1* J,«5'.yi.5;ii|is,aiid where we now went t()makeourNation's|infolent Courtiers, our People m.ide their .Application to I,' I ii4», hrit Court foi a 1 lauc. We tuck care in this Coiu-fe to 1 the King, openly coniplaind of the Injultice of the Muti- lomeiio nearer the Point of Moih/iym; than 3 ' or four 1 fivi^mj, and era. d HiS ALajefty's PioieCtion from them. Leag,i.s,beeaiifeof a Ledge of Rocks that lie two Leagues This lueieeded fo well, that the Mandarins were curb'd ort'theb.illernii ft Point ot Vi.w.j,-..-, being ihe fevenih Point and lilenc'il, and . ' our Goods earr.ed peaceably to the el ihe Stre, gilts ; this Ledge of Rocks bears pretty near Publiek Houfe appointed t'ur them ; with an C)rder for ah' I'i'j,^,"'',".. 1-.. aiidW. w itli the two ends of it; and when yf Si "III v:i>; PiHc a von larpc and potent Kiiij'il' m,pi\inp laws to ihc prcatcrt part ot us NcipliboiirN loiiiul al'out, anJ I'cariiii; an al'IoliitcSway, tar anil wiilo, in ihc hhl'r.ii CominL'nt, on that li.lc tlic Cmi'-s. This Inivr.al ("ilory lia.l llionc bripin at Si'-m tor loire time ; v-Srii by ilic )Ki\wrliil Dilpol'a'sof liim \v lio dcC.iws one- Kinplom anil Ik'ts rp auo'licrai lii'. c'lTiUiiv, it li a Ki\r.! iKcaaic iti jMil'-Ri's. <)b!ipM\}' Si"!!' 1 1 wear its Yoke. Atiil as "tis u'u.U (< r '\\t Si ns r f 1 r.l irary P, inc.'s to lie kept ill tlv Co Tt ("f t'l-' Cir.inJ So cro pii .-<; I lo'lapcs, ( r .Vci'.r t cs firtlier I'.'.tlir's i)ury nnii 1)1 cdiencc ; fo wore tlic Suns (.f the Ki"v nl ^ t' c.irr. ^1 to receive at once the.r FJ''c»tion ami C'uniinen-.i!.t m ili,' Cou t of /'■■.?■'• Imu the Scene was lyr.ili!' vo:'!! 'o clmnpe, aiul ('(•».■ fo finUieii'v liion to the lie phts oC Fornire nr..! O'.orv, innlt link down again, ami tela; le into us I'urai t Siaie anil \ allallacc. Til.' oUI Kinc < f Si m ily 'iip, left two Sons Ivhinil h.ini, brc.l 111' 111 the I'i'";!< f /•■,:;.. s to r- ; the eli'eit (f vhi^ h, v^-on \\\> I'.itliM's I'enh, iim le h s eliape into h;'; own Cin.n'.i;, anil bytlielulpof 'he rn.-;;; .:;•, pi/, int > the 'ihtiM-. '1 he P-',V"" r'"'-''^''-''^' ^'"ekiil the new 1','nrc with a fijr.iU'laiile AniA- wli eh was e: t rely nnri'il by ilij o'her, aiiJ ii'e y ; IVi ce ' t /■ ?■' lla'n in to !i.; I'.ir::a '' :• K rt; ■ ' I,,,' I.;.. of Duty ami Snbjedion, have relob'il to join iheir Pfu CIS topcthcr, and come ami a ifit tlir Kirp „i ,v., „, ^viih a very numerous Army, the next Sprii p. 1( r aii whi.i, Combm.-.t.onsand liapres, lie nay fit kuire xnd cal,c eiioiiph in Irs T lirone, il' domelliek TnalV n am! Cnru lion ik'is not let in with the Lmleavonrs 1 1 a 1 orciin Pi w- IT til acconiplill, his Ruin. 'ihis was the St.iie (f i^ffairs n Si.„i, vilenmirShp wasihere; ami 1 einp fo, 'twas our M;,,l'irtine lo ern {• in f) trmibKlonie atiii.e, wluiuhe viholc >;itiin liiiii. incxiedatir.uof a Imlilen War, had litt'e U rio/i'irn m mind Irale and BiHiml's. l'r>'iuli;s /ne.niiit wedaum'nd to fpcnd oir \Vintcrr-, .hcreat /',7^r«-, to do\ihat nii).ht W ,ii,ne at ihis n'a ^ vi, , rnd alio t ) W ready to hold a CVrafi <.ndiTce witli\/,„ ' ■ '"' ' '„.i^','-' '»\""'''>'''-' ^'I'lortuniiies il,„„ d miite ii.s ton' While we lav It r\ we law the Q een, ami h.id C. ntel renecwith her le\e:al limes. Mie \iav a c n.ely tr.iu' majelliek IVilon, h" hamllome ar.i! ll.iteiv, in Ipi-'e <,( her OKI .•^pe, that we f,,w very tew /-.(.^;.; that e.tme i p u, her Mialiires t,l Heartv. ' 'I'll s Winter Sealur. t'e Rains were fo violent and tin r:. I-inmK til,' lo h'ph liereabonts, iha: one ii.iplii Inily In -i-v his pan- ol the ;.i,/.v., uas del.ped : 'l he Cattel in ilij rieiiis iveie w.ilh d away, the Hu lesU.u .iown ir m.-.nv 'laees n x\w (trcnpth if ilie Icrant, and a i;ieat ile.il oV i.-'no don: i.i n.aiiy lel'peOls. ln.,'.-«„^ , we had po.-d Xeu- fioiii .s:»', th.it (vr fj- 1,1 //IM ^IjJ.lf*" Scii at flJi* th n ; in ,er II ui a no: .V .\.'' Kapc and i\iailiiels fur wii ill lols t valt n'iiiilv:r ot 11 s I ordsaiid nm'tum pu.lii ( t" any 1 r^Miheiy ni'.iinlt hi:n. '1 Ins ill S; ecel's in l> s Wars and er'-e! I'Oiie •:(' i;Is S :li- jeiAs ei'iile.i.iei.t i.p n i", pi". Ims while (i ivr vnreni iio a Cont'niion, and made li n j nlni'.ir V i'n ,n ', f v h'eli he liad no Ku :!un iwe.itO la I ctl tVo'n li m eurv Day. And tlie i.'ii" /■ apprehennie it' tlie adian-ape th ■ l);!- oii'er p.iie hint, ii' \s P. Miital he Kinp of /' ■;;/i'.s for.ner kiiKliKi's, carr in;i ti\e War mro tlie Howe!« of' liii (;i)imi. try i lluit'-aip of hm up, and almoU llar.in- liiui in liii Cap.ral Cuy of l'.-.;/ . 'i he Siepe wns i'r"'i was fo tar weakned, tliat lie was fore'd to put himtell under the Proiee'f'on of the King of I'-i'vui ; cfpecially to aioid ihc Uaiiper tlircatncd by the Kinp of ./i- r. /in, w ho now broke into the Country too. and laid .-'il walte before hini. 'I'licfe iwoK.r.pst t T.'ij; and V.'r.-r;', agreed tope- ther to ll.are the Kiiy. of I'v: s i aft Trial" res and Uoiii - nionsain ncit dienilebcs ; and alio 't i be ealie iiui ipiie:) ihey lent linn o'-t i .' the vv.i by a \ n.lent IV.iih. .'uiunplt othertli:n;rs that fei' 'o -he Ki ;p of .li,-. ;.,\ pare, was the Kirg ir\ l-.i.'.i'..", i.-rcj: .r, and d.iers oi;ie;s, into i s Sub- jciilion. Th.u Prnee who tirik threw oil' ilie Pyfr), \tkc, dy- inp tvit'.ioe.t lllue. hti li s Brother to fu- e • d h in ; wh'i was ealld the Wli te Kaip, as the other had the Title of the b!ack. TlieWiire Kmp ieft fe ciai Sens hehindliiin, Int the b dilt bemg mi rderd by a Vidaimais I'hc cf .1 certain lord of S.'.m who int-ndcd to have alj'ired to the Crown himfelf), the .Second ,Soii of the Wh'te Kinp was invelted w tii the Ketnl Dipnit) ; and tins wab he then in thel krone when oiir Ship was iiure. But from hence I'pr'.'tip ep h'lrr.lle C\ ntiilions aid l-'al'ii.!:, ns ; for the pieleiit Kirp. reenplnp li s Brther's 1> ar'i i poii that forc-mentioifd alpir'np Traytor ; all nis Sl.ives pref ntly run to .^rnis, brce into ilie Conr:, po; ihe Kiap in'o iheir hands ; and haiinp U rc"d hiin m lipn a Wr.t'i,;; with his own IV(,')i!, they fpar'd h.; I ife, Init went olf w th a dial of rich Pl.f.t'.er, in Ipite t-f a!' Oppoiiiuii, and loiurar) Endeav/irs i.f the K up sC^iarJ.s. I his T; mult at Cin'it p.ne r.feio many oiher^alr. ad ill theK-npdom; the Cm innes of '.<-i,'rt?.T and C /itnlr.y .t in.niedir.ieiy broke o. t into a Ri-b.-IIi'^n, and the fther TribitarN I'riixis, lepan to th nk of folh wmp iheir lit- a'liplc. .So iVr.adinf; was the Cortapon rt tlinfe baler S'lies'l rer.li.'n, and fuch a noiable Precedent did it prove tothoU-cfa '•reaier Kij;ure, who thouphr fcorn any lon- p,;.r to (.lev a .^o■.ereipu, ihat had Ix'cn infulted and tram- pled on b', tne Ureps of his Couit. And 'tis laid, that loiiV of tliele petty Princes now broke kofe from the Bonds our fit ,-,), t-w ;t> , I- ^. :w4 4». 1 hi: and Nj. or t'ltrCd- about Ins (.ioi ds. /JiH." 't >r left :heie, had lufd orf the befer ha and th.ti the Knp liimleif h.id i.ikcn a lomiderable ipiar- vn, tity : .And hereupon, to li.llow tliele lla.lctinp Hepiiininr.. '■'■ '--ta lr.idc, wednpatch'd die (,..;;. awai m .\j.„.;. fi,,".';' tlmiplae, with a trelh .Supply. The /;i../,-..v/,-. . .ibout th;s time fullain d a prt.it I o's i' i\-'c.vn, by til.- Violime of the P„ ,.,».„,- , whoiai,,, vHia Power trom St. IK,,,.; took ih^a- lIo„|emih.u l.'v\ii, k.l.d ai! ilie.r Men, and larricd away then 'I he C.ain-r; her,.t'joi.ts too was all .-ii War and Con- ln'-'"i ; the ICinp ol ,n, UlPi.g ,,,„ 1,;,,, ui P.-l.„. and ihe ./<- -.-i; /c upon tlie Kinp of ., r ; and the Kinp of /,■,-„„•, p.ri-parnp, 1 -o to 1-1 p.rt thc-^King of i'.. .:., while thole it /i/i.-'/ dillrelsd las .'MverQrv. Onihe oihcr lide the Clneen of i'n/.iw ftnick in wiih the Iinemiesot the King of l:,l;,„, her Ncinhl-our, and 1 rother-in.law ; theCiounatf the Qi.arrcl being only ih s, 1 hat he had married her Sifter ; and whereas Ihc had often reijuelted, by folemii l-mbaines, lo lee her at I'- rw.; her Ibs'.-an.l wou'd r,ever let henoi.-e. ilnswas taken loiery III 1.) the Q,,cen, who w.is r folved to brine her SilK-r by lone lir.ce Iheco.rd mt bi fair means, th.u llie U-nt o,., her Hm apaailt the Kaig of P.,/..„ , and d)d " al n-.e 10., d 10 ipoil ilie I r.ule of hi. Ccinirv. till ihe had diltrel, d Ivm into ,a Compliance w iih tiiat reallnablc Ue- 11, ami, ot bnn; nip Irs Wife to ('.^^,-|,r. We ha ! now a Continuation of tlie Good News from i, 'in, byatr.lh.-Ubiee, mtorminpus of ihc fate Airiial .^./: , The (,!■.<■ ihere, and the piolitai-le Sale inir l-aObrs had '• ' •" 'H ot then- Ccmmodities. .And li i n after as lad Tidincs" ^'■'" t irom H.„.,,,,; „t the ereat I.olfes our ^,■s,':,h receiv il I y t-ii-is there ; in which Cilamiues the /J. /e/- a||"o had a il.aie with them. ■J he War bepiin by the King of Joy, proceeded to f. ch .-incritiemiri, and drew lo manv Misfi;rtuncs i.pon him thai he Mas 1 y thist.me rend-ed incapable of diftiirbinr the Qjiiet of any ol his Neiplibours. The .,£/««<•/.. p„rl li:ed hnn focloll-, ihat they bronphi their Fleet under his lery Walls ; and ...era Itreipht Siege, toi k the City ri- lled It, carried away a great Bixity of Slaies and Aiiimu- iiuion, and hirc'd the iLiler.able Priiicj hiiMelf to Hy h > own Country, and leek a Refuge m Imuc ForciRii Ter- ritoiy. " '1 he Kirp r f n.i':', too was not in a niui Ii better Cor- diiion. Ins Ccuniry beinp hcrrd 'y v,i(U-.i bv War and ban me; and he hiinfelf now at lait r.ilue'd by the •\".-,'i'» i,f the (i.i'een h s Siihr-in-I..iw, to lul:::.ir to l;.r 'I'ci-'ui.s .u.u heat her Mercy. ' ' 'lias fraice came to P,;M/.v wIk n v.e were there and iiiMied IS Mry ci'illy to aTraS.k wul, his Conmrv ; nil, alas, was at this time ti o m-,uh cinbriii'd, ami iii,loie;ilhd, to pivf Meiihants am. l-am niauemiri to come ihithcr. I he (^leen imleeil treated har, cii ill , • but lie w.is a imcr Jell ami I auphinp-lto k anior.g'l ,heV- - t.i,,,:- Nobility ; and ilie only (V-int i.f Rifi'ief that w.x. It.ewd him, was the kdling all the U.ps in theCun'ry uhenhecan.ei he haviiii; a paitituiur A.cniin to' that !ort td Annual. Oer .A Hairs a; M c-ffir went but 1 ad!y on, and oi,r ^r> Faebji-stherii were ready to come away, beini> able to do nothm£tothepurpole; but in tlutjundure »ii h.^iijij "ibip K phap. XX Shiparriv'd Faanry thci Ship \va5 th the RedSe icn ; that hai:ir.n,, am „,, in.1 tlK Company le '■"''''''; J petting (iro ,1,*" h.id taken t' iV like toiofe rife intlieoi '"*" (toodiontin them in fuch th.v.,., pooar-'"'''' kt H •- l)C-oiiie Mnl ««'"- llland lignili in the Caltli there with rl The lattei Xii.-fi,fc Sitim, havinp luriu Hum Fadlors thcti but had no N away ; the \\ havinpciiioH CiMK' hai rcll, tlio'no ttiir rilefsandoui fjitfMlmi,Hbv the Villai pfttojtilbypjjpn,.;,,!- .il the fame trick a«nr.icli defpe P ■ . ■ ' M ere ( coniaion.Sccu Tdwhivjs all Throats v.cre all that came (hey could. lit, when we Civiiitiesof tl tiicy having I fo wile as to r leave us to th our felvcs a K "i too, that we I by. Wehai let the Wkeei places about turn back to A In our Coi r,^ t,,i .Ml- RiflT, which f >"f""' into the Sea, «m.lir. and Hazzard W. S.W.fror till you bring 701', and Pf. «Tbis I'c,!,^ 1 brrs of Fowl th'.ir Oungir that Name. ; We undcrl j, having routei one in his ror Orders for tl Omntry wai tcrfomanyC ( by an .^llia gaged himfcl We arriv'i r*iia» found here a Coiw to»ti. ing for us, f»i,tjir -.■*."" hhap. XXi. TA^ King of Na rfingaV t/r^iwf of Trade, &C. Ii3^ looil Novvs from ;,.,. [ ilic lafr .Ai rival-!./' '• s i.rlMArslud'jV';,;'' IS I ail ■^Klinp^" """ : 'i/h rcccivii [')■ ■ 'ch aliu had a It ■occcdcd ro f xh 7'> incsi.poi, him, f ot diltiirbinp IC yjt/irHcy.-pur- Flfct miller his k till.- City, ri- cs and Aiiimu- iLlclf to Hy h:.s ic Foreign Ter- iiili better Con- by War and 'd i > the Ai-,1 ► to l;.r I'diiij, ere thee, and Il■^ Conmry ; eiiiliD-i'il, and Di.'.genurt to i.ir.euill, ; but llOI.i^'-t 'liCP.l - fpett th.u WM II the L. i:ii:i-y CTiil II to tluc on, and oi.r .^-j" ■mil -ible to do lire an h/.«!ijij ibip Shiparriv'd wuh a good I aJing of Cloth to fettle a FaAory there, which oblig'd them to ftay longer. This Ship wa« the D'C-Zw^, one of the three that went into tlio Red Sea, under the Command of Sir //to-,* MiiiHIt- tcii ; that worthy Pcrfon himfcif U'lnp l.itely dead at |.r »"' tt^f'ii-.in, nnd hi' Admiral Ship, the T..i./''<-f«iriT/-, yet "i '"««. 'yi'if! 'here in very ill Ciivumftantcs, as well as the J.',, ml t(» Company Icl't in her. The Dutch who a I ittle Ulure were r,jd,,h- petting firound in the Wc'i/i, i'j upon the V/^rtwo ./r, and "'' ',',l,''"'hadt.iken the Caftle .^ml tlie lliaml of Vc/w, were now like tolol'e all .it lliiihlit, linking falter heve than they rife in the other p'accs. The BmuIiw:!'- hail a.s we iimler- Kood fcinfin'd their (lovenimeiit to the C.tltle, and kept them in Uirhavve tint ihcy dared not gi\eati ill Word ; a good part of their Men were guie oH' to the Natives, and liecmi'/ M ; .indtlie uhole '):.tcl' Power in that 11 om- liland (ignitied no mure at this time than jult to tyrannize intheCalUe a little, and command the Junks that rid there with rhcir great Guns. The l.itrer end of this Month the (,7i.'rcame back from ..C,.*: Siitm, having liniflicd her feejiid Vovii'c thither: Our Jill, iiom Faiftor. there had fent a Cargafon of Gooiis to Irvem.ii, but had no News ut the iiuccefsof it wh:n the Ship came away ; the Wars between the Peop'c of /: i and l.i-.ni '.iih havingtm off all intertourl'c between thofe pl.aces. d a j'rc.K I olsar i. •;.•';: , whoume -ir lloiile in !h.u •i ned away ilieii 11 V.'ar and Con- J 11 of ;v/.,i;., and ; le Kirpof /iV'i/.ro t ■ ■;'•, while tlioie w ftriickiii wii.h "? '■■> Kcigh;-oiir, and i arrcl being only ' i whereas llie had : o lee her at i'.:- ^ oire. lliiswas r folved to bring biir means, that - ''•'/■■", and ilul ii:ry, lill il,eliaJ i: reaUiLiblcUe- I ^. D |}!4. Pitim" had now it's lliare of Misfortune amongll the relt, tho'not by War, yei by Fire, an Fncmy more mer- r\lefsaiidoutr.igious than the Sword. This came about Cf^jliw.O by the Villainy of the /oi'tfH.', who are the nevcrfailinc Trteoyfilb) pia|,,ie<(,f all Countries where they come; andPradile the f.ime tricks of firing Towns and Houfes abroad with aim-.ich dofper.itencfsas they do .It home. We and the fi/.'vere dbligd to join our Forces together fur our conviinnSecur ty inthemidltof this hurly burly ; tor the TounuJsall ill Flaues .ilxnit ourEari ; and tliefe eut- Throats were roaming .ilwut in a fullBidy, murdering all th.it c.inie in their way, and riHing Houfes .is fait as ihey could. And they were pilt coming to make us a vi- fit, when we ( reful.'d to lie before h.md with them in Civilitiesof that Nature/ had fet out to meet them, which tiicy having Intelligenccof, and finding our Strength, were fo wife as to run away a.nd fliift fur thcmfciv es, and fo leave us to the L.ibour of driving them. Thui wc ilid our felvcsaKindncfs, and fo much Service to the Town too, that wepurchas'd the name of it's Defenders there- by. Wc had itaied by this time fo long at Ptitane, as to ietthe Wheels of Trade a-moving there and at lome other places about ; which Bulincfs done we prepar'd to re- turn tiack to Mjliilijiai/iti. Ill our Coiirfc from hence, we came to the dangerous to lii .\ i'./iU r )■ I I away ^or IK-t/ifdi, and from thence for Hmt.nn, News came to us here from /'•■;'/(, that the King of ., r A'o.i f a Coumry lyiun alxjut a qieat River of I'ciu) f^,' nail taken the Fort ot Sirmn'J', ana llain all the /'«//«- 1 7«*'^. X'"^'' 'hat kept ir. This Town or Fort of Siiut'il\ Itands in an Ifland below the Mouth of the aforementi- on'u River of i'rgu; and 'ris to be noted that when the Kingof ./r.Mc,^;. had ( accoidiug to the former Relation ) made himfelf Walter of the Kingdom of I'<"i;h ; he put this Town and Fort into "lie Hands of the Vom.guc^L; who beliav'd thciiilelvcs there (as they do in all other places) after a very irfolent and domineering Manner ; and paiticularly to renerc the Kindncfs of the King ot Wi-M.-w, ilicy n.only at'rerrw.k his Son Prifoncr, and ex- torted a \ all .Sum of Moix', and a liiiw Ojiantity of Rice tor his Ranlom. This in '.'-ai tud; to tlicir Benefadi rs his Alieltiam. or the loken of our Privilege, which was '''•''• a white Clorh, upon which the King'sHai.i' was Pnr.ied in Saffron. In theMonrh ot .'. :; /■',the Country aliout .V,r./.i, ;. ■ pem ,ciiigbuiItof, Stone and confining, the one of 19 and the ether of 15 Arches, yet there were (ix .Arches of the big- geft entirely carried away with the Force of the Stream. The Superllitious Imlir.ns might podibly eltcem this to be ominous, and not think thcmfelves miftaken, when prcfentlv after (in the fpace of a few Weeks) lb great an on,l,T. cventfollow'das the Death of the mighty King of Nf.r- Ihiga. At the Celebration of his Funeral, three of his nmg 01 ^jr Queens burnt themfelvcs i^uick with the Corps, in Telli-M' ''■''• nionyof th^ir Love and Conftancy, after the manner of that Country. Very great Troubles were now like to follow upon this ttrokc, and all Foreigners were oblig'd to l(X)k to themfelvcs and their Concerns m that Country as well asthey could. .As for our parts wc endeavour'd to get in our Debts with all (peed, ami for that end fent to the Governour to come and clear all Accompts with us. But that deceitful Mimitcr did nothing but abufo and trifle with us, put us off with frivolous Pretences and F.xcufcs, till he had delay 'd the Bulincfs fo long, that it would ha\ e been very injurious to us co have loH any more time. And therefore feeing nothing was like to lie done by fair thvimhtr. Means, wewcreforc'd to ule other Methods; by which tho'wcmight feem torun a very grear Ril'que, and do an Adion which all the World would call defpcrate in thefe Countries ; yet our Circumitances which was little lefs than delperate would admit of no other Re. medy. Having fecrctly convey 'd feme Weapons aflioar (for thev will not let Foreigners appear with any pnblickly ) and An id'™- concerted all Matters relating to the Execution of our'f"J|;j t«- Plot ; we went dirci!tly to die Cuftom-Houfe at acon-„(ii. in fcit- venicnc Seafon, inteniHniT to fiezeciuier the Go' ernor.r,'"R ''''',*'''■ himfe'f. orhis.Soii, an.i fj keep the Prey a .Ship board in J^"'"' fafe Cuftody till the Debt was difchaigcd. All things fell out aswell ascoul ' be ; anil cone irr'd to rcnderour At- ten pt cade and piolpirous. I he Gcvernours .Son was th.rewkha virv Ibght (Ju.ird ; we liez'd the Souldiers Weapons, arrelled him and. git him iiuooi.r I5r.it, and (o row'd aw.iN !o the Ship wiili as much fpeed as we could. We were indeed iiuicklypurfncd by a v.ilt numbcrtof Bi/ats, and the whole Pi iile 1 f the Town was rais'd Hjfcn i:s ; but Willi our Firi -.Arms v.c made good uur Rcrreat, and deli' ei'd oio I'r loner quietly in at the Ship, and 'U that in the fiulit of Three or Four thoiifand People. Some The GloBe goei for Mafulipatan, O'c. 'M IH 1 i! Skipfrfiiiino otitic Srt' Some of our Men were left alhoar to give the Reafons of this Adi of Holtility on our part, and to gather in the fcattcrinp Dehu ; who tho' thiy miglit lecni \ci7 nuich cxpos'd to the Fury of the provok'd Feoi'lc in this t.ife ; yet they had a potHl ProiecJkion, t'orthc flovcrnour hini- felf took particular Care to letnie theni from all Harm, bccaufc his Son was in o\ir Hands, and confeiiuemly in Danger of feeling the Effcti'. of any Wrong that lliould be otTer'd to them alhoar. The Coveriunu- was now un- der a Necelfity of doing usJuHicf, and that in a xery little time too, if he lov'd his Son's 1 ife ; not that \vc intended to oticr him any Violence, but his own Super- ttit.on would have gi\cn him Ueaih without .iny Rcnuily. Tor it fecms he was a ti'iiiini, and allof tli.u CliaraiiKr are forbidden bv the 1 awsof their SeOt t'> eat or drink any thing but what they provide themfebes. All ainmal Food isan .ilximination to tliein, and the> lia\e lo nain peculiarities of Diet and then being obligil to be their own Cooks Kxi) that the poor hicmm was like to ll.irve a Ship-board, keeping a longer and feverer Kail than [X'l- hapshis Riligii'neser put him uptin. He would not touch a bit of any thing we had, and tho" Nature ftrui'gl'd hard, and inade heavy Complaints for Relief, yet tonf.ience rclh.iin'd andciirb'd her, filciicd all that K'uilc, and yotthe Vui>ory ; lo that the ^oung M.in mull ecitainly dicina very ll.ort fp.ice, cnlefs he could either overrule hisConfcicnce, or peifwade his Father to Ihew a little in paying a piit Pebt. i^ndthisU-ing the Cafe, the old Covcrnour difputed the Bufmels no longer; the Sence of h^s Sons Danger «ico.. fofined aiulovcKame him, and to a^oid being his Mur- fl.:or, hcdilchargcd the inaiinbent Debt, and balancM all Accompis with us So we feiu back the r.iortified ^'J^'J"'^"" I'rifoncr apan, having failed now li)me four or hvc Da\s, enough to make a Man hate that SupcrUition, and forUvear being a B...m.H any lunger. TV CnvTT nour pdjrs ttK But yet how ridiculous and Idle focvcr the Dodrine of the Bi,oMf>i/l>c in the Theory, 'twa» vei7 ufcful and profitable to us in the I'radticc of it ; for if we had not got a B\.\mcv into our Hands, a Fellow that iruft be pre- lentlv rcilccnud, or clfe would (Ur\o hiiiifelf out nl' Confciencc, we don't know when wc lliould hue got our Money. We delired the People to make this ufe of what had />, ,. pafs'd, to Icnii thereby to dc.il jullly and honeftly, and not pieicmlto Wrongour Natirr, nor any other any more in that nature i .^nd allbby I etteis direCled to the new King, to dclire him to order Matters fo for the tune ti> coiiv that more quick |ullice may be done by his Minillers to thole that come to 1'raJe in his (foun- try. Afterthis wc parted in a fair and friendly manner, aiid(- all B'ilinef\b'iiig done we took leave iit' Mitliilipniii>i,Aiu\ ,'jm ' '' weiu.ivvay lor H/nitirm, where we arriv'd the iKginning ul/'"" Irtiii I '. We found toire l.ieli/h Ships here, and par- ticularly the 7<:(;.vj our Second, lately come from P.tt,u,', and hid noiuc iSn Coafts wc fcl! in with her again : Here fheU'gins to do Bufinefs a:id fumilhcs matterfomething worth Obfen ation. In the firft place therefore wc find them Trading upon the great Ifland of ,^//w.».-ir ; Teco and Pri/iniAn are places fam d enough for their Pcppcr,and here our Ship was bufic for feme timc,"tis tolx- nrcfum'd upon that fame Account, tho' wcare not told what panicularConcernsfliehad there. From hcr.ce Ihc vent towards the Kland of Cryl n, putting by the way into the Bay of rhrrlmiipi!. This Bay receivf'jit's name from a Town loiall'd, lying a lit- tle to the South fide of ir, and 'tis in Eight Min Kortl L.ntiti'dc. At the entrance into ir there's a Shoal, al round about which there's nine Fathom Water ; but be- tween it aid the main is the bell Channel with a North Wpnd,becaule ilirPoint of the Illelies Shoal a good Cable; length t'rt to the N.lide. So again about two Miles of the Oif ar,.-tthw..rt 'licWedernl'oinr lies anothcr,where there is but ij ( r 9 Fathom atmoll.and very Kocky tno.But then all over betvveenthatl.and and thelong Kland in theOffing,that lies about fc\ en l.eaguesdiiVance,thereis2S and eo Fathom. They proceeded next to the Kland of Pattitl i:n,\hc great River of which thev defciilx: as very good and commo- dious. The Water of it is exceUent, and a Ship may ad'.ancc into It fix or fcv«ii Foot upon the Bare. They A pml" reckon the latitude here, jS Min. to the North of the Line; and tell us that the Coalt hercalxiuts isOuzic all along theShoar, except in I'ome few places where 'tis Shoally. Some i-j or i6 1 eaguesto the North of Pair^- h,:>i, and in i Degree 4c Min. Nonh Latitude thcycame to a pretty big Kland, which deferves to be mciition'd, in that 'tis a kind of a Guide to the finding out of a very lovely Bay, 1 he Ifland is alxiut two Miles from the Main, has two other finall ones to the South of it. and a high round ii* Hummock Handing bet ween it and the Main. Upon the B'i- N. W. fide of it there's a Frelh running down a ftccp ClitT like a River, and may be feen by the white Appea- rance it makes at a matter of fcvcn or eight Leagues di- ftance. By this Del'cription the Ifland it Iclf may be found, .Tnd then the Bay fo cominended is cifily difco- vcr'd ; for 'tis but looking upon the North fide of this Ifland and there you find it. Going fair along by the Ifland, you have good Depths in molt places, and (o alfo within it, and clofc up to the very Main, all Ouzic Ground, and ^our Anchor over loth Flooks. When they had vifitcd this Ifland and Bay, they fail'd nuJ.:' on to the iN'ico/'rti Iflands, where they met with very good oilii;;o;; Bay upon thislflard feeing a great in;.iiy Bu.its ilieic, and li. ping to find g.,ovl '.'•'•■" ^ watering. Ami lincc they w.rc diingcii ly thele fjit of " " I'cop'e, ,,Ti" '"''V (limit f"' Cf^in. People, and (hould find a artioar amon Flag of Tri The Nati' m.ide ligns t Tongue in v Bfijt to tlu- parcel ot F planted thcr fomiich ipni ta:k P"tmui V leaft otic in;^h; as we m.m firtl'.e that :hev coi the Kng ha fc)uld have fiirc pla T III Ihort I fPvni.^ir'c 1 to vvlicedlc ihc lame tin hiiig VI ry I prob.tbihtyl much longer they I'po I'd Howevtrtn after tluy I tinthr the Pr forii'-D'tcn and dill, bu' with the ^kl f ,i't, wlmhi iihcr 'Icim fiMt for, by .1) pointed fig charg'il a mij done that, 1 in'o the Wa' Skifl'. But 1 briskly upon forc'd to pet .igain. .And thus b Ueligns of th nicnt w.-is to nntvvithltnnd any thmp of Ifland ; they conlider.ibje ' nothing of it bafe unholpii to thar IVlig luoi'pll ilu-m Men. T hcv har croaching f.i every Day, we law wer their Ears, ; Knot upon 1 a i^ccc of CI Kiicc At' anil nni ' 'nil ciplc--of Vi People, nat dv to tnke I Nothing ''■ they fet fail with varioi ter from .\ I bometiiiiis m i I :viT the Dwariiif viTV iifcful ana ir if we h«(l not ' that iriift l)c pre- himfi'lf out ol' Quid ha\ c got our iiifi-oF what ludp,,. Iionertly, and nv Dtlicrany iniyrf •cKd to tlio new lo tortlic tunc tn \v done by In, ado in Lis tfoun' dly manner, and,;^,^ i\W"/(>-\ l!i.it iliev could not be fupplie.l wiili .uiy ihing tluieidl the K'lii; had pivin le.ive, and ili.it the next mnrning thev iV.ouM lia\e the King's .AnUver .\lioui the Biilincls at the fiirc ('la-e. Jnlhort 11. probable enoupli th.it foinc ot thefe were ^ rf ''-"",'■'■''' '11 dil'piiile, their Inarts. For at nJfiri.- iliei'aine tiir.e iliiN elpied by ihanee a pnity i>t I'efifutjc hiiip viry ilofe topither ready for an all'auli, which in all prub.ilility h.idlK'en m.ide then if they had held in talk niuchlonper; but h.iving d;lio\ered thole Pii-parations, they tpo i'd the I )ellpn liy making ott fiom the Shoar. However to try what the event would lie, a tew Da) s after tiny hnt their Skilf again ti. wards the Shoar, but undirtlie Protedion ( f their Btjat, which was provided for ii'D'fence. I he People all.oar kept themlelvesclole and Hill, bnt dilpatch'd one of iheir Company to talk with the ^kll^, piomilingihem Water if the) would pay fir't, which the /';;"7'M'.id not delire to have upon any ctlicr Terms. Tl-:s fel'ow lia\inp .tilled the part he was fent for, by a fuddcn ictreat away from them, gave the aipointcil fipn'o the Ambulcade, who immediately dif- charp'd a might V Vollcj' of .Shot upon them ; and having (lontr that, prelentlv lalU'd out of the Bull.cs, running in'oihe \V.aTer, as lar as they could to lay hold of the .Skirt". But the boat that w.as her Guardian played lb briskly upon them with her Shot, that they wcrequickly forc'd to get out of the Water and retire into the Bulhcs again. .And thus being fully ronvinc'd of the Treachery and ill Ueligns of thefe People ; as alfo that nothing of RefrclTi- nicnt w.as to Ik procured here, they left them, continuing make aNnife Ijke Our-lails; this wa< cfpecially in the Parallel of Pc,'. .is lli.-nr^, to the Well ot it. They had alfo once i.i Deer. 16 Min. \arvinp,the greatcft they ever had in all the Voyage , ami this was in 1 j Degr. 7 Mlii. .Soiah latitude ; .ipain in Soi th I atiti;de 16 Degr. ^o Min.thev had \arying ij Degrees 1 o Abmues, fotliatthe Narying lieightned pojng Sinit'iw.ird. Hn tl:e Nonh lidc << the 1 ine aliourthe Coad of r,-, ^m, ihcy had no high- er tlian I Zand I) Degrees and Iruie odd Minutes >ar)- inp, .IS tar as live and lix Degrees of I atitiide. Being come inroii Degrees Sorth Lain;;de thev ilif- /•«-/ «*■). cyer'd an Ifland of a very liieh linu'ion, grtxl anchor- Y"','''' ''"" kg all .iliout It, in a fine black Sand; and fr-m lortv fj ' '" fiHir Fathoms clofe in to the Sho.ir. The North li.ill Point of it vet) high and lleep ; and a little to the S. ball there's li w 1 aiul, rcfrelli d « ith a \ erv good 1 unning Wa- ter ; a Boat lai.t go into ir, but notwitlillanding t s a ve- ry comp'e.u convenience for Watering. 1 hey c.iU'd this Illand/'fw; / Illand,accorditip to the Name otthe Ship iha: diletucr'd it ; and a very choice and valnabi ihu' it has hiih ''^1 t very cnoice anil valnahle one 'tis too, herto leaped falling into the Hands of any p.iiticular Mailer or Pollelfoiir. 'Twas wholly deltitute of Inhabitants; whi>h hire mull be, becaufc it h.id lain conceal , .ind no body had the luck to hit of it before; forlofineaSpot asths could never h.tve U-en defpis'd, and it it had not been feizd f< r a dvvellinp, yet ao leaft it wov, Id have Ix-en known atid vilited 1. metiincs. It is all over molldeliphtfully Ihaded, and appeal^ more like a Thicket ( Handing in the Sea ) than any thing elli Here are land Tcto'/i, (o many.folarpe and fo good, that few places can llicw the like. Of Fowl there are Gcefc, Dm ks. Doves, Parrots, and a white Fowl as big .is 1 Tu.kie, e\Trcamly Far, and fo lliort w inged. that it can- not Flie. They are all ftrangely tame and familiar, and may Ik- ealily taken without the he'p of Ginns and Snares, or .iny devices of Art. They have liv'd here calmly and quietly by themlehes, never us'd to any thing of Node and Violence, or expos'd to the out-rages of their fellow Creatures. Here had been no Fowlcrs'ta Hunt and Perfe- cutctheni from one place to another, no Guns to moleft and Terrific them, and make them afraid of M.inkind. 1 here was no appearance of any ravenous fort of Fowl neither .imongll them, that by preying upon them, and dillurbingtheirealie peaceable Life, might help to make them lliieand frightful. Upon this Account thev difcover'd all the Boldncfs and Freedom of that innocent undifturbed , . , , . life they had always been us'd to ; they knew not what notwitlillanding to coaft along the llle. We don't hear of . Injuries meant, and therefore feard none, and fo futfer'd any tlung of a Trade they met with any where upon this Ifland ; they indeed once piripos'd to go to Matic/th ( a conliderable City ) for th.it purrofe ; but fincc they fay nothing of ir, 'tis likely tli.it the Proofs they had of the ipon this Iflar.d ig to find gv Oil '''■' u thele fjit of I'eop't, .. I.. umU Fgr: themfelves very tamely to be taken. Our /-/(ij/^^ Men 'tis prob.-bic were the firll that ever inv aded their free and quictState ; that began to exereife Dominion and Arbitra- ry Power amonpll them, in Sacrificing foine of their bale unhofpitable T 'mper of the People, did put a ftop '. Lives to their NccelTities. J^cd Sea. Java, Molucca's, andthel/k 0/ Japan, ivherc fir It began and J el tied an Fnglilh 'Irade, '•J al^n out of Ins ort>n fuurnal. vv F. r.iil'il out ol tlif ,')o,v i Willi the three HiioJ Shu's, the C7i;f, the //idur, ,iihI thcT.'v.wi..<, /l)iril thctiFhtccmh ; anil he Firit of A'.n:iii put in .it the lUv W.nJ.. ! ihi: Wi . It,., s Sm\ wliiTc wc iifrclh'tl tor l).iv<. ForloiiR' np aftc', wc ji.iil palV.j the C,i(ic u( (, • f. iiothii i>( the Moiiluiis ot Wellcriv Wiriiis, whieli ate lo idhihoiiK talkil oti ; luit im the ciinirary liai.1 N"r:h FalU-riy, .So.iih halterly, .irul FalUrly W'iiuiv \Mtli til ro.i"; Storm* (il'Ka'ii.'l hunilir, ami l.ij.'iit- ihe Weather lo \eri :r,lt.l Mtlltl Yet ill thelu't.'iiiniiit', i/t >i/'.' \er. la'iaiul hor, that lome i-iiiiiini; Caliii.i were iiuith T ir.olt I foiiie h: that ' ) 1 c iloultcil. The lame lort ot W'muK ciiri nllaiitly thronjihinii the whole i\!oii'h, ixi»| loiiilies ol a S. W. S. S. W. Wii lelilt NV'e were feiiliWe of no I'l.r. of Ci^ir. iit, till haiiiii' hail (ij;ht of St. /U'% ]li>i-'s Hay, on the It'e of St. /.up in.i, we Wire get U-yoiiil the Tn piik of CipiUuiH to the Korihwanl ; aiul theti we fouiiU a ver; Itroiig one fettiiif' riLs v<» •.Mil': i 6. S. \V. Anil holiliiij! on our Loin ./.- //)._:; .»■■■ , we had tor the molt par: ih. I'e .Vjutherly Cur- rents working apa'nit I'S in hive p aieN more violently, ill ethers lef*, as the O'l fervat;ons of the 1 atituile, and the Ships way did alfre us ; only eomiiif! up aUiut a Se- xeii I eagia"; diltar.ie from the llles .-/«;;.. \ji, we had the Current letting the quite eontrary way, i .^. to the N.N. W. lor we cou'd peici iie liy the Land, that we rin very fall to the Northward ; yci making i nearer approach to them, the Current letting to the Southward, took place ngain, rn.i rv.tioni Ihefe Illcs of A>i: \\..t are m.iny in number, and for the of ihf i;ki molt part falliy plae d m th ■ I'.ats ; for whereas they ge- iniKti. iiiraily (hind there in 1 5 Depr. 40 Min. .South 1 at. we tii.d then, to b,- in 16 Uigr. 10 Miii. and the Variation to be ij iJegr. WcIKtU. '1 here s a very bad Sh. al that lies F.itl of the North- part of the molt Ni.rtherli of thefe lllar.ds, a; the leall three Points into the Sea, having a dry Splat of White Sand Utwcen it and the Main. We fotndetf, and had (Ircnin.l .u jo Fathom, mi Siones like C'nral, with grey Sand and Shells : Aid hiid;np the Current felting lo It- ')ngly here to thcS W. by W. and tuch uncertain Shoal- ing belidis, we Itood otl tor St. tdiVKHif, itceriiig N. E. N. F.. by L. and F. N. F.. .- -n.. .-,^11 , ..„| n unu iiuvmons too; tne Inhabitants ArtTOik^ll. And in this Courfe, ft he next Day alter our parting I were kind and free, and broui;hi out all their Stores to pillj(>i' .Ik) .1 (^, „^ ^,, „, ^.,„ ]|i,.( ^^,, |>ii..T„ to look out for the llle //..in '-s. As N.. ureh.id Ivpn tVinlr'.,,,.! rii,„,.,i ;„ l_. l- Weltward. And from heme 'tis plain, that if there lie any huh llland at a'l as tins fiiui ,k \oi;:, it does not It Ui tar Weltward as /).,.,/V/s I'lais do make it, but eeriaiiily IS pohted nearer to the mam llland ; tor otherwife wc coiid not have niillid the light of Ihole of the Fourth V^ i\age mailein the .lU.-iJh', af- Tick 1 red ihemlehes, that they palsd to ihe Fatlward of tliis''""'^ lilaiid and St. y..iiicfr;;!r ; which thing the I iho tend to be iinpcilible ; faying, that it (tands f '0 //.(j/if ;f pre- |.,,f„ mam Kland, that there o near the J«j>Jiv s no [Milage, but a little narrow Channel, whuh one of the through ; but no Ship, either lict'oreor linee (as they h, heard of ) h Fruth, the ; till ar to the Weltsvai r .Shijt was once foic'd to put ■y havi s cier done the like. To iV ..i;./f ,-(■ feeiii to have .ib' peak the Hai , , . d the World i matter and to ilehgn (by placing tmh an Kland I '''•" iliole th,it (ail heriMbouts, k ig not to well expcTicni'd as themlil ves, (hoiild tall into ot the llrong W clterly C'lirivHt. And tlurefore c L' Sna lisneeeliary tor all that are Ixjiind this theCoalt o! St. I the Ci St. ■ by the lirlt of 7,,., ■, and I to 1k' upon roni keep up to the taltwaicl, and not m.ke ilieir way to the U . (it the N. Ol N. by W. for tear of the S. W. Current which ,'wuh Calms and 14 Degr. i Mm. Var. Welterlvj will certainly let them over upon the Coalt of Sc- tnlJ. Betides, m //,^«i( anil Septcnbcr, y,m ih.ll have here Inch violent N. W. Winds, that if you vvou'd Itand it o- ^cr tor St.UwroKc, you Ihall not he able to fetch it with- out danger of the Sholcs of ;„,/■,, ,'that is, ,f you be to the North ot the l.iid Sholcs), neither can you Itop upon tiie Mam to keep your I atitudc ; for tis broken (iround, and very deep Water. After many of thele Uifficultic? wc came to .in Am hor Utwcen S' ■. i«c' ilicle of them that are Mnlrm -t.-Ms wear lurlar.rs. And this is the prevailino Rcajjion of the I- li.-.r.d, at lealt amongll the k-itcr li rt : The Kim; h mlell aliilciplcof Al:/omc', and a: ilutimeof our beVngtheie kept his l{,-.m:>:.Li..„i, or l.nt, aeeording to the Laws of : his l'r(.pl,a. 'Fwas for this Keah.n that he cou'd not ae- l-e no proceed- [ecpt of a Hai..)uet we piovided toemenain him ; the Sim (^"''■''"■^etliefloriziai, and he cou'd not eat then without we I ppole, to 1 e foincialhor.imghis Keli'.'ioii. -'■■•■ -"-•'■'••■'" ■ -' ''^ ■ - "ihiv I '" ,v,"-" ■;■■■.- ' „■ .",■■';; .-...-.-••■".■■"f, ....■ .-i. .;.:.<.,. Vet he had foc.ood a mird to the C'lnnter-curiiiit, which in the Small m the ivu.on lets L. ' hnti iM'mnent. aiuih.v A] petite was thai ui'd lo far i:'.ii N. F. and W. S. W. from the /'/»/'.':// ■, or P.iin: of the , I doubt he bioke ihe C oii.inaiKlment in his I lean ; fur he ' 'lore, which lies N. F. b. F. oi" the Northcrmolt pan of ieanicd all the bell of the Vi.'liials home ilorr wi'rh h, , ..J.N- ».,.!. I.:. c.,,.,^,.,,, r,„...ti„o ,..;!!■ ,1,.. ^ U,.,i ,.. r„i,.' 1 ;. .1 . . .• . .. b"'"'"'"', SI N. N. li. Current, crta'n'y carry us ihes; iTh-F nnce con d 10 eat it tlki-e a^ loon .is il.eSen was d ■eak a Ir ■ k; anihsD, lowi:. ha. having! IK chas'il iher aticded ; ) .rr-^rt .'. Sc His A| r Fan! I poll nud.tle. 'I he Pc< for eir) M' ditics , 1 11' the, 'II b.irti Criiiilon C Sword-Hlai nav re that .At 01 r own Flaml Fnerdll.ip, to Hew U) Itar.ibni', F\ 1 s, anil ni at''e:wa:di I tound fuih a Tell I'.ther ; on ll.ou'd not 1 teo tar : Fi ami Vipila dec. Ill t ki preluming i Oppi riunii) 1 hus we direciii g 01 niade the M I. eat lies S. 1 H """''"'ki-ning we \ .And hence 't:sp!aied in fallen wiih We had f tn h eh a I'c and th's too (Ou'd hnd II Kipplmgs If. as 10 the Me this Courfe v make as nuu Lcagi es a NV .vhcid. 1 1 fur the moll ] otT, the othe from the Mai further we v The l.-ittci back into ■; I fore we wer by the Shore are bound to this Methcd, 2c' 1 cat'UC! Wellcrly, w and fo keepi by E. and tl make the be Main, with by S. tho' 01 fcncialK at W.byS'. wi at other 1 inn fearfui Ripf the N. L. a you'll have Fatlcrly yoi to the 'Nijn Main ; ami in the time ' ic Degr. ^ you mult k lies moie to Haling A,>j ,„..v.f, had much Main of Do. the middle (and not vei ^.i.A.-. . hitlii 1 he next /. /, which ,. And v.e l;.i' the C'eneiit i-.'r: v.i'.h rl ' DuTi JLjbjM/j^p : :XIII. Capt\ 6'ans at Z ocotora. '<^-'Mii'*!n''^ inds to mar the ?»«*.'* a little narrow ec t'orcM to put le (as they have Ipeak tlij Plain a tlie Worlil in ill an Illaiul In hereabouts, U-- IhoiiM fall into Anil ilkTefore Ci,i«- ay, to l>e upon 7//'.-, ami IVoni mo 1 1 Uepr. to heir way to the ■.S.W. Current, Var. Wellerly; Coall of So- llmll have here lOii'U Itami it o- o fitch it with- if you Ik- to Oil llo|> upon irokeii Cirouml, tn an Amhor o,/., had latitude Mill. Var a- inder an Illand ficlli Water, lat uncoinfor- ind were tofs d and the old , when we oftheIlksCo-C»'^ • Here we ""'' e Inhai'itants leir Stores to her Favours 'als over her of a triflinp p. J A-: Egp, Milk,''^P"« tis, Fomcgra- latever we j;roesiiuheir't'"'ri'f- Dreli ; about vh;te Caps on m -t.-.ns Wear oil of the 1- Kiii;; h iiilelf r bcMimlicic the Laws of co'.i'd not ac. im ; the Sun then without a mil'.! to the ,, io far, i'::.;l Icart ; for he npwith lijii, n v\as do\Mi. Il slJ. \:.II0II ha.ir.?. I Fi,«iJlli'|i. I Note t>n- ;';lh.- I M 1, 1 .11.1 ol [»l.;i'.'j i/vKfi!''!; luvloK < »"•■ i-uricd him a \'ilj;riina>;e to Mrr./^.had piir- ciiasM thereby the 1 iile of \fiff, a Term of Honour, affciitcd '. y ihe mult Ikanch and zealous rrinecj of the A/'ll barter as lonp as )iiii pkaV ; and brinp them but Cruiiton Cloth, C./m/Mj».i Cloth, red .Scull-Caps, and Sword-Blades ; and V" "''ly l'-'^^' ^"y ''""R "' ''''■*' nar re that the lHand alTonls, and p id Barpains too. At oiT dc; .uture the King pa.e me a Note under his own Hand, wrtten in .'.i^.U.k, as a lellimony of his Kncrdli.ip, and re.iuelUd my letter cif Comimndations, to Hew u) ar.y nhers tint llo". J conic ihther ; for a ItandinK I' vidi n. c . f his fa r Uealinj; .iiid Civility towards lis, and an lu.c iiiaRcmcnt to thole that Ihou'd vilit him afterwards. I loum! a O.vr / Admiral that had been here, had pi\cn fuch a IVllinK ny, and fo follow'd b.is Example wiih a- I other; only audinp a Camion privateh, that Straiu'eis Ihou'd not 1 e oH' their ("iiiaid here, nor tn 11 thefe People tfo f.ir : l-orhowfairh fuel er they carry it, when Care and Vipi'ar.i.e won't allow them to do otherwile, \ et one doc. ill t know what they might be, or do, it by a f.'uire prcfuming upon their llmiedv, one Ihou'd piie them an Oppi rtiiniiy to play the Knaie. I Inis wc parted in a very Iriendly manner from Moy r, diivcliig our Coiiife r.ow to the Illc of \o, iwi-. We made the Main land of Mrlii.l.i, {comiiip up within four l.cai'uesS. E.ot the Bay of Fum/i) wian by our Rec konitig we were n.ore th.in 4S 1 eagiies diltance from 11 : And hence contli de thi^ 1 ai d t 1 lie more l.alterly than 'tispi.iied in our Plats; for othcrwife we cou'd not have fallen will' it fo Un n. We had freniuii'ly a.f.arful ripplinp Water, fomrtimes to fi th a cepice, tli.it 'twas like the ball at / ;)./oi.-Biidge ; and th's too out of ilic light of thi' I and, and where we cou'd liiid noCiiTHind at a I biiulnd bathom Water. Thefe Rippbngs lliiw jult bkeShdies, and are very uncertain as 10 the Meafiiies (.f their (Ircatiirfs or Smallnefs, tho' in this Courfe wc met with them \ cry often in a Day. The) make as much Node by the Ship s fide, as if (lie ran live Lcagi es a Watch, when at the fame lime It.c fcarce goes a-he.\J. The Sriuherly Current, and thefe Ripplirgs, for the molt part, went together, and when the one w 'nt off, the other grew inconfiderable likewife. Being us aUiut fo efl'e''hMlly, that after vvc h.iii parted ftom Cape />..'/H/,and been out at Sea lomc ciplit nrnitnUays; this N. Wcllerly, or rather perhafs W." N. W. Current, brought us within light of it again, when we thought of hity h\e or fiftv I eagees diltame from it. As for the V'aiiatiin in general, for a DiieOtion roiluleihat lliall of ihc V.r. lail this way, they tray lake Notue of what 1 xpciientc' h.istaught us, i/;.Thattlioth'' Vnr.a'ion 1 bfenes noccr. tain pri pi rfon, yet i-i ri'nning u- 'lie I'.illward, we lia^r Variar. Wellerly ineiealing, aid C.mdini' 111 to 1 he Shore N. W. our Variat'i n w is WelUr!) de.icalliig ; fo thai reckoning accoidmg to the I'l its, we lorrd oi r febes nnuh furthirt if the 1 aiiil, iImii ilie |iill proof by Varia- tion woii'd alli w. 'I'liis is a '1 r.it'i that we are fiire of, and our fo of'.ii f.illim; with the iWiiii, (aiinl us that I'oint ol Knowledge, wliii h otlur^ ii.i', n ake life of to their all antage. Wecamcto an Amlior i'l 1' w». • '-.' Ri ad, in the llle^,',,lljj,l, ot ye /vehadKcafon to believe, wou'd ha'.e I'ome Infl-'crce -o procere us aCi- vil 1 reatment at Icalt in thofe parts. Or if matters came totheworl', and no Trade wastobc had there, we fliou'd U- in a Condition to detend oi r fel\cs, from any Violence the 'Viiili.! cou'd pretend to offer ; ar.d alio to take fomc Courle for revenging the AtVionts our Nation had lecciv'd from them. At our departure the King counlell'd us, if we went R,Vi,V. ' to the /iib:i wc found our fclvcs put back into 1 Degr. i5 Min. Roith Lat. when a Month I'c- fore we were i or 1 Min. to th. N. of the Equator, clofe bv the Shore ; and thcrefi.re it ii.ay be ufefui for all that are Ixnind to ^oa;,/,!, «t this t, me if the Year, toobferve this Method. Let them hold to the Lallward of I'cml',:, Ic leagues Eaft by N. the Vaiiauon, there i'lcrealing Wellerly, which Viill bring them the more Northerly ; and fo keeping the Illc of ^ icm/.i open, between the >'. by E. and the N. N. E. they ll.all be in a Condition to make the lell u;c of thole Winds, which blow near ihe Main, with a conllam Gale between ihc E. by N. and E. byS. tho' otl'at SeaaUnit the llles S'.iJcr.i-inLt'j, they are fcncialK at N. E.N. and fomctimes at N. W. W. and W.by S. with Varietiis of Weather, Ibinetimcscalm, and at other times Storms of T hunder and Lightning, with a fearfui Ripp.ing of the Water. And obfene, that tho' the N. L. and N. Winds, .art but imliHerent Helps, yet you'll have this advant.age, that by how mi ch the more i aflerly you are, by fo mich the more you fhall recover to the Nonhward of the 1 ine, before 50U meet with the Main ; and if vou can avoid the Main, 'tis Ixft to do fo in the time of the Eallerly Moiilon, till you arc got into I c Degr. North 1 at. w hereas in the Wellerly Monfon y ou mull keep the Shore .alxjard, Hill lemcmbring thar it I wou'd lend an equal Pledge to Hay aboa . , - ion. About ,Se Bay of Mnitr h'clix, we h.ld excellent Fifliing, and m nty of Water and Wood at the Tow 11, but not in tli« bottc T of the Bay : 1 he pali'age up to the Town is fo large, that three Ships may go a-bieall without danger, and the going in is between the high H'mmock, and the , low landy Point. This plai e atliirds exec llent good Gnms,f|;;,'', which arc a delira-e IVrtiiue when burnt ; and curious Mats, which are giv.uly in ivquelt at ./.'.», Meh.r, and the /■: '.'il-JnMc:. We had not fcen a Drop of Rain for abm c four Months, when now, a li-tle before we lame up with the Strcights of Hr.bc waM, wc had a light fprinklinp, and that was all. Wccamc to an Anchor in Mhr. Road, the middle of Come to his Month of Mr.n-r, having had better i iick at our co-"'*''- mine in, than the 7' .ii/cj-fMir^/e h.id, ly avoiding that lata! Sholc, where Ihe fti.ck, to her very great danger for twenty four Hours. This Sholc will difcovcr it felf by the Colour of the Water, and you mull bring the Steeple of the high Church m the Town E. N. E. Eallerly, before y (,u can be clear of it at your coming into the Road. We were foon fain- ted by a Mellenger fn.m the (Jovernoiir, to know what we were, and what we pretended to in coming thither : By whtni I return'd Anfwer, That if the Governonr h ii Cape .''- - 1. i, which appears vers high and barren by the Sea-liiie ; , Am! v.e l.ad ioioc Kealon to take Notice of it. becaufc liie Cevrent Isitiiig .0 the N. W. wli.cli '. egaii to play its |-.-rr v.i'h th.- '•hips abo'.'.t the Covt cf .'.' ,1 .-, did work room, I wou'd come aihore, and laiis.'ie h:m my leif *. ol Atl'airs was, it Ic'irs, now alter'd at Mm the better, .-.nd 'twas qi.iiL- ;!noiher place than wh.it 'twas' when General A.'.'./..,;, was there : b'or the bar', arous Aga, ilr.it I'o rudely hai.dli;il our f:< ./'.• then, was thrown outol IunGov ■niiikht, and another lix'd in hi-; place, a Man, as'ivvas ivpi reed, of a good Temper, courteous to A bmcrGo- Strangeis, and a zca.'cais Pr.,ii'uierofTrade. 'I'vvaspof-"''""''"'" lible a; ihis i.iv.e to go aihore w ithoiit L:ir of being ritled,' plui'.dei'il, or kncck'don ihe Head, by a parcel of rude T.7'^^;; there w.-.s I'omith'ngcf [uitiie an.d Civility in the pisce, which in '.I'v t'me of /^.■;;'.''. .Aga, were abloluiely '■,.r.|i! 'd '\T.if. Hivinf riicSute •■'■''•■" it wjs mnchforS"''" M:hj. lii-i 1 iS C.iptain Sir'lS kntcrtaimd hy the Aff'l at Moha, Cc. Hivjnp lati»hiil the (Jovcriiour however wlu) wo were, mill ihc Waiiint wc h»il fioiii ihc ('imii.t Sei?nior for our itmiinn hither ; 1 tccciMiia irrvciiurtcdi « Wdcoiin troin hini, Uiilil'N Wo'il of iiimnh and I .citcr. He prniiin'J a f.iflfii lint l'lciU',1' t\ i my ( ili- ritiirn if I pica* il t<> l.iinl ; p'nin ami i (vn liialinc m all points witlunt ati\ thim' of tliaip'mtiiij' Irjiiil .inJ I naclicry, ehit hail foalniMloiir Natiiiti I'l-fuif i only rutmhr inainHiiliiKr* of a tixnl 'rriilr hi' ioi:M not lUttriiiin it till ilu' fl. Vi\ Onl'Ts ( \vhi/./ IlejjIerleNs, il.ii .it en ,i„ \T.iyf.fw \:i mift llrfj> ,iiu' Imptii/il iliotu { inth If Set xrij 1.^,1.1' Ltiiutlr Co'fi'iti i^mi Uiuiiji t/"//v Haft./ndies, Omen et f nir f.ut ct ii:gmn, aii,l ihrfe iititD wlcm hrhncfl't III g: II ,u.l, h'li; md ]u..our iiiCoH'i c,u,/e, /inj Muiliil. niafiieal K,',/ woH,H/io/ th-ir Emferitui leek, Ti i It'culth nn.i iheniurji el nl cm In it ^jnriniief'cr tier. I.il{nvi/f iiiiui >c A/> iiirjl l..iu.Uble ,T)../ Vili.int Saniaeii Bey<, iIai nrem.L-r lie «btiie-iu)iie,l Beplerbeys, ewiien, nndhipeuj fi,tiiie«teii- in liigiiiiiei, iriutihli uiilo nkn.ieloi getli .Uiiiful /ti'.l ,ii ,t llc:p ill Cni'i e,w/e •uii{ Hrlighn, iifm iheir Emptmu U:. icHioi . lie Ili iiour niiil l)i\!^iul) (if xthcm le eccr i.viili>uirt. .hi.l unto if A;> Dirjl l.iru.l.ililt, It'Jc, iii.l I'luJ.nt yujlieei'ir I'eiee, Tu,lt,ei.vui Mtti'ijleii ef JiJ'ii.-, lir.t Art w'.thin lu- I'leeiiieli oj //'f //)/. layinp alhhe H.in.e iip'in the drinkcn .Siih /(/;•/, liri,!.^ej, r>:.l nd mhr, Infoleme l>y a difpraiit'iil remove from his pl.iec , hy «!| />■"" cf Our Ihminiini, ,:i:,i th,ei,nto i-.lineei.t. Vpm uliichdiliourrc itwas very iimnfelf that ihry lulpjjled a ' /'!?''' <■/ '''" My wcjl lll;il mid hnperiiilCoww.iiidmeui, i„ delipn of K '■\ enpc, and fcar'd we would tall them to a | >iliy of )oiii injl Eicund Duties, ye Jhrll arije, and uo Olie:jiince irnd Unvrei.cetheieiiiite, rcikoniiip for th>.fepall ln|uries, After this a noble Dinner was prepared for us ; which Thtir Fa.tr. V" ( had the liquid p.inlscen proportionaWe to the reft ) uiiinHiii.i would havcheeii much. more entertaininp, efpccially to i>it-^'''- Sea-men ; but our Drink was only pure ticmciit, or elfe (for\ariety ) a kind of '€lccoe all, ai.deveiy ot ye, our above weiiiioiird Sub/eels and Ojfeers, that yc ve'ill not ouiy kindly and lovingly entertain and recf.'ve the faid Merchant i and Subjetlsef Great Britain, coming or palj'i:g thicugh n by any of our Dominions, e/pecially intending to Tiade to the Dominions of Yemen, Aden, and Moha, and the fart, adjoining thereunto. Ajf fling and relieving them WiV* all things needful f I' thnnjelves, their Men and Ships . but a.JJ freely to permit tliem by Land or h Sea, logo or jail, outward and returning, am as their O^c-.fiunjhall leijuire, and to re. main in any of our bonilnlms, Ciuniiici ir Cities, graniinf them fiichlibeity cj Tr.iffck ant! PiixiUgcs as /hnll be >e.^- fonable, without gn'mg or Jiijfciing any let or hindrance, injwy or molvjl alien to be offered or done unto then:. 7'e,i, ye Jhall yield unto them JiuhOjficLS of Benei,olnicc and Hum,.- nily, as flMll be meet and mm-nient to be yielded unio IjcneJ} li'tn '*" tliioiigh the '1 own, th.at the l'eop!e' might all Ice the gi.i I'oiup. Marl'.s of the F.nperor's Favour conferr'd upon me. I ihould ha' e ridden indeed, for chat's the Cuftom, and a ftarely Horfe was piovided h- diat purple ; but 1 chofe rnth'.rto walk, that I might have mi/tc o] portunity to n.akeanice Obferv.ntion of the Town. This Ceremony o\er, I rctiiined to th? Pala.c, and took my leave of the ,/!; ,-, who Ifill mod earneltly dclired th It all patt Otkiices' might be put up j and thole ran'jeri,iin, lerli'kin'/^Jis long and laborious a K.»,t^.'. Rnjm 10 ihcj Snip. ■Ind if jo be lliatl'I'efhallundeijlan.l, th.it Cuntraiy to Wv Capitulations, the Amity r.nd League, which is bct'veen ui and the Ki»g ot Great Britain, ye do ejfcr thrm the leajt Wiong, and r.ny way moljl and trouble the Jit id Merchants in their TiAJhik, and ought clje : Kh.-.ip ye f.r certain, that ye f^a'lnoi en'y incur Oar high di]jl:\f:nc, but )C Jh.li be p;- nijhcdfor exuiiph iintiothen ; a, id rieiefvic cany your f:iv:s confrinab e to this My Imp;fial Ccinniandincni, and "ivc:- • dit to th:! My lirp.ri.ii li'fr". If'i.'tt:n at Oni'MtrJi.-i (Ju < J :: hap. XX Guard at C (4//«./Zllkl| ki'iU t. ylf,r.^4.D. Itll. Mimili, (np .Some lilt fenger from from the Ca Pattriu wou eltahlilhd. hints giseii, I angiiage in did not run t.ige, and th without Plei thould fwiai ( for asour I h.id C onfiii'i in I he World ,Vnu'/'./. de U'rpKe, am earn, and tl caleany Inpi gnat deal of haiihiiig, Iki Irtle II. nice 1 r.lde ; at It as would rati fiiiue p.'ilidi'i earnell fur ni derltaiid mori Hilt f,r till r..'.«)iExiiife, h.is loiiiilMii siiil J ,-,v irati ''*"■ whoiho'liev af.iin .IS it hfl Frullraiirii ol hopes of per iliided wemi null, and gt fi'lf. And this C certainly purl Heniy Mi.ldlei f:iia>ri^u place as l""on ^«..<.mi'i ped,andar D ^ " '" done now 'Oi Tiade;theGer DeligiiofKcv iiswere no lo 1 liele were h to have feen and what wi App'uation tn I'd us a fair of the (',.;i«'J-andDiireiT iv'y'ij-. lul ''^"t pofilivc V 'ihrfcfiK 11)1 ilicw all the K i">'»;L„ publiikWare . tic*tf ,1 Iwf c. i ,Oiil) 'Iv without any ii UitAcco.nl Conduiit and •L*.'!"'^- Merchants in tm n \v 'MB to him. mull;. with People Turks arc ; A ft-aiv, hide when out of when i;nder ai in Ih'irt the no good ; and lign of fori ing joyn with hir thereof, pot c to his. 1 he Fleets llioii'il Ships ai we i of Two thin and iny lelf rl Ci.nunndities place, anion 11 appear by the C.ipt.uns of While 1 las take an Accoi that place, an ^p. XXTiir Captam Saris/jev/ for bantam, trc. 1 .11 .1 t til lilt I ( lath I) Sf4 iht haft-/mlics, mhnn hrL'nerh i/c, And MuiUil. Ti t H'ciilth Ahd i.iV"/^ ""•'" >' t, lliil are under ft uj futme^iici' < •lutifi.l //i.l.i>.<( •iV r.mfei"ii l).- ever tt'«/('>wj'f»i[. uj.llt JuJIicCI i.1 • art w'.thin tic i.'j^iiia.n/jiijlice, nil ll'i/iUm r.iid of mhije D'.giiiiy IKIO )f Mf I.AII- .1 Rtyfcs of all f Free uf til St,t. Vei, C.V.w Wit 'ujiiiiie. ', In;. '- •J, ri:.! ml oilin riljacfht. Vfm 'min.iiiilmeiit, in r.ll arije, and d» baffadour of the llnfpy andmojl Im Sufflicatim ; K.iiij' "f Great and Labour, dJf- 'al undtijlaiid of art! of Out Dc- 10 the faid Iii- sfoi the belter that Juch Men ill I'avour, Aid, aj be ^riiiit.ii) \UJlcr 'tic KJ"^, oiiduH and ii- iirft, r.i alfo in we iccii for tbc /liiiit), with tic lie Siibjciii e; In cjeiil hate free l),.miiiions nid tl'e llierefme every of ye, oui ye will not on} faid Mcrchi-.hts \tj'i:g thioufji u to Ti .irf.- to lI'C and the fart. 5 ihem with all Slifi : but a.fj or jail, outivatd \uire, ,tnd to m- Lilies, granting /h,ill be UA- ur hin.iraiic:, I then'. Tea, ye KC and lliiiiu - I.Kd unlo UneJ} ■uiiotis a Vi,>iHe. (.uiitraiy to ih.- ii between ut them the Icaft ■d Skrcbants In ccirain, that y: • yc Jhi.li be fi- i any your l:i-j:s It, and ■>i:e :■ • If Oil l^l.tifi." lal were Soiddierf, and had C'oiifuenie«..f lo Uroiij; .1 il ReHinii, lliat no IVijui; inilie World woidd litunealie up'"' them. !>.-n\e f'.'i 01 bhip i.inie in the le|.'ii,nti(>of the next Mcnih. I.'.den witti Iiulicovs, Calnrn, Puii.ulie-, \m lierpnce, and Spiiei, all very pocKl aii.haU i]iian:itiet ol earli, and thefe »t held l.i.ii. ml Terms as would rather hive excited than (ilem'd a S.ilpieioii ot fome pifuli'iiis Delipii ; Imt on the other Hand was \ery earnell f r incto lome altmar again, and then 1 ll.oulJ iiii- derllaiid mnre of the Hiilincls. Hilt friliis Point of CiMlity I UppM his Pardon and moft in ro(|u(. The mod (uiiiriion W-ighi here ii'M ii ihe [uen, which contain* two Rottala't, eaah Rmtala !>cing !•* «v tim One Pound weight of thcin j and 1 en )unc», which make ,"?«!»" Twenty Pound of their Weight, coincn to Twenty ihree Pound of our Hi^llfh ,i\ erdufoi^e, or Fwenry fnur Pouiidromciimei, as the weiffher hat a mind to iKl'rirml \oii, liulico i> fold hy the C'harl, whiih is in their Weight l\c, am' in ours liciwiit it« and 170 Pimnd. Cotton W.M)! i' liild liy the Rahai whieli i« \ne Rot- tala's, and inaket Utween n* athl ^^^ Pound r.'-^H/h Wiipht, at l.jghteen Rials/>.'> Haliarver) pood and i ie.in. Their Meafure of I engih is call'd a Petk, and is atioiit Three fourthsof our /:i.W//A Y.irdn. I had alfo at this tune the following Account if the Haicof Tiade at ^ . .1', .iiid the I'r ^.s of Commodities ";'*j''',^^ there Init a Imle Ufoie. Hti a I Cloth c f Twenty ihree .lii^a,* Pound, a Cloih of leveral colours at Tvsetity Main o< dies ■!■* """1 iheConiilo; the Ci'iiiilo isa iiieafiirei I n lnilies/>^/i//i, and the MaiiKXKli^' is.n s.iliie Doe tilth pait o: a Rial of Kiplit. Ketlieiiat tt^ MaiiiiKxiii.-. th: pieie, whiih wat lels than uuisii 11 in /.lii/iw./. Lead, ilie preat Maiuid, which contains 'l hirty three |HJiind l-.ng /'■, at ."leveii .inJ Due third Maiuoodie.. Tin, the Idler Maiiiid, lontain- inp Twenty lise I'ouihl /■;»/;( 7''. at ', ' Rials of I'.ight. At U.ibi.l, Irotiwint .ir ii Rials the R.ili.ir, vvhiihis. . „ al'oiit <6u piniiid /:<.i;/i/'' Weighi. I'leies Uain.iskd,*,/. fioni Twehe to l-.ightetn Rials the Pieie. tleph.uits Teeth at Sixty fi\e Mainiiodies the gie.iter Mauiid. In- duo of Ci k'/i ( svhereof there's three lorts ) the lieft at Fourteen Uoiipies the pieater Maund, the f cond fun at 'IweUe, and the tlitd a' tight j and Fourteen of tliefe ,iiy F.xciile, li.isinp no niiiiJ to make any more Viliis at Koupies in^kc al out half a Rial of Fight. Indico of „„,nih«ii M„lj .-.Mi'.v.tiT< Ui.od ; li'it I lent one of my Compan M'*- who tlio' he went w thoiit Plodeesin his lO'im came I'aik apain .is it hiippend, .ind Iwo'ipht Word of the appearinp Frultraiii 11 of our (vlmle nelipn ; that the Ih .jj pa\e no hopes of performinp their Promife, .ind that the ./:;.i con- cluded we mult lend fc me ofour People to the/t./T' at ^'- wof, and get our Difpatch imniediately from him- felf. And this Coutfe ( I'lncc there was no o:hei left ) I had CL-rtainly purfued; when liy the I'ndden Arrival of Sir Heti'y Mi.tdleton, and a Summiins from him to quit the «,i(,q..vrii. place as f"on as was potfiMe, the whole Scene was chan- J,r.,inmii ped.aiidal' Delipns ofth.it kind for exerlaid alide.Wc had %!h hi ■ / .xhor ' which i.thc Ult of all, and of winch alio tnerc'ii three forts > tlieU'll at jA Rupies. the higgclf Maund of \s pound, the Ucond lort at Thirty, and the third at I'weiity foiT Koupies. The Charpesof hrinping itto the W.iterlide was 10 in the huiulied tor t'/'i!;'/<: Indico, and 1' 111 the 100 C Culkom ) for that of l.ahor. 1 lav inp fcen the lalt nfult of our Affairs in the Hed-Sea, ^^ . we fet fail in profecution of our ludi.m Voyage, dirediing c^'Uh cur courfe rtrltof all 10 B.iniam. We put in by the way gtatitatm. at^ofo/oM for a Barpain of Aloe<, it Icing aboutthis time""' of the Year that the Kinp of that lllaiul h.id told us he (hould lie able to fnrnill. us Sitiimir. With a iiuainty. He held it up at a very hi)'h rate, demanding Forty Rials of l.lght done now ■ ourtinp the f.iire and pertidious I'url^i for .\'.pei Rintal, which is 104 |'ound weight, alledgiiipthat the Tinde;theGencral was come liackfiomthefi./ >j withafull j /'o-z/igufrr courted him to let them have the refulal of it, I)eliRnofRcvenpe,nnd the/'./i'.W' that had hitherto a'Mis'd I and would be plaJ of it w that Price. We aj'reed with nswcre no lonperto be excus'd tVoiii inakinp .S.uist'iAion. liimat laft at Thirry Rials for (lie parcel, and Thi.-.y T.'kc in A|. Thefc were his Reioluiini'.s; tho' I could have willi'd hrik eiplit for another, and fo took of hnn the quantity of'"'' •< Z««- to have feeii wli.u the7'.v./;j would have done vciih us,! 4067 pound, which coll us to the valueof 141HI Kials'"* and what would have been the lUfult of our Peifonal ; of Eipht ; bit we f lund hiin falle I oh in his Word and App'iiatinii to the B -lie ; w lather ihey would ha. e grant- ' Weight too, the" we umiIc no liivach with him upon that: eiiusafair and quiet I'lufiiik, aicordinp to the Intent iVir '— ■' ' ' - *" "" ''' ' ore for ihe fake of future Trade. of ihc (i'an.l Sels;if!'i\ letters, or have pone on in ihej .After we had pjricdtVHin this Klatid we were one n'pht fame Ro.id of Cheat and AbiiiJ to the end of the Cliap-i fiirprlzM with a Ittanpe fpark'fip an t glaring of the Wa- a rtmirkj. Nj« I'l.ter. There were lev eial llriniR Siifpicions of ill Delipns ter all alxint us. ' Fwas Init )ii|U«.foie lo dark that one W' 1 li"i'J- t„,ofihat j.p,.^, _ j|,^( tor all I know the iHi/i/ iiiipht luie given could not fee h.ilf thelenpthof ihe Ship any way round, "'"''"^' ]J^'',"5,',"" our Nation in this. '\Hiair too, a (icond Denionltraiion of and now tlief was I'uch a clear Skie on every lide, as Ship. '• mthcirfurpairmg Skill in the Arts of Iri^king, Whcedlinp Would have lerv'd to have read by tolerably well. And now; this was not a fiuKien (lalh of liph: that paic a Ihortplarc and then was pone again prefently, bit it held i;s " Gmcnl."iJ-and Dilfemblinp ; yet the Captain of the (tallies no Itof're-. *"' '^"' P"''"^'^ ^"'■'' ''!■■" thcn.i/Ti had c imiiianded the. /i;/i to jihtieTiK iiM ihcw all the Kindnefs imaginable to us, to let us have a v'^'k, pubhvk Warc-houfein Mo/v;, and a Faiitory lettled there loJl'y 'iw" vvithout any more ado; and lelide^ to take care for the fafc IweiVoniConduiit and good .^ccommosiatinn ot ihofe I'.nglijh •f*'"','"'" Merchants in their Journey that dclipu'd to come to ^c- «OT''n^'l«- '""' I" him. But a Man is ever at a lots that has to do luuiir. with People of fnch a Principle and Dilpoliton as the Turk' arc ; A People ihat can Flatter and Deceive lo per- fe<21v, hide an ill Delipn fj artihci.illy, deal fo rudely when out of Fear and Danger, and I'peak fo very fairly when under any unealie Apprehenliors. in Ih'irt thefe Harteriiig Methods of the Tuk,' now did no good ; and as Sir lien y Mi.ld •■nn perlilled in his De- lipn of for( inp Satisfadion from them ; fo I f oncledcd to joyn with him in lo julf an Attempt, and in purfuance thereof, pot c'carfrnm Mn r:, and came up with my Ships to his. 1 he Agreement made i'ctwixt us, was. That Iv th Fleets fliou'd )oyn to Trade with .is many of the In.lii-.i/ Slurs as we cou'il meet with ; an.i Sir //.•>/ y to difpole (jf Two thirds of the (loods that Ihou'd be barter'd for, and my lelf theother One third. The whole Cargalbn of Conimndities I haiti r'd for with the U:.'.:i-:i Ship;; in this pl.ice, amounted I' t ro 46174 Rials ot Eight, .is I make appear by the UilchaigLS and Acquittances gieii by the C.ipt.iins of thole Ships. While I lav here at .\l"ha, I orJer'd my Men alV.oar to 1 take an Account of the Meal'ures and Weights, in life at ( that place, and allbtf the Prizes ct fcveral Coinu.oditici for matter of hall an hour lailing ; and when all came to all, and the Philofophy 1 f the whole Fleet was puzzl'd to hnd out the caul'e of it, 'twas a parcel of Cuttle Filh fwiming alxjut us that made this appearance, and were fo kind as to alford us the Aififtancc of their Light in thi dark Night, when the Stars denied us theirs. When we came up with Cajx? Omnmiv, upon tiie The draii of Malib.tr Coalt, we found by OlMervati'in that it's errone-tii' H'" in oudy placed in the common Plats, lying conlidcrably '** P'li""" more Nonlieily than they make it ; fof whereas the Liii-cl^^m. tudc is generally reckoned li.v Degrees ten Minutes, we Hnd it to Ix; 7 Degrees 41 Minutes to the North of the Line. Belid.s we had no light of feveral other Iflands menticncdin ourPhits; partial lariv we light of none of ihi: Maldivet, whiiharefo very numer.ous, according ro the vulgar Accounts, neither iiuleed did wcdekry'any Land till we law the Ivla-ii of Mi..it:ir. Beinp in lipht of the Illand of Siim.tra ( the Eaft part oMm of which did then b;Mr E.N. E. 14 Leagics dilfance ) and in 4 Uegr. 49, Minutes .So'th L.ittud'e, we found a very Ihonp Current letting tothe South lide, which put us forcibly off from the Land. From hence it may lie proper to give this caution to thole that are bound for the W,, ■,';;/ n of i'., ../1, qisr they ^' '^ '"'' ''" keep Sumatra aboard after they arc con e into 1 Degree jj^«".,""' 30 Minutes South laiitn.le, betai'le there th.- Ciiner.i begins; and lordillancc, that they hold a m.utrr of -^o Leagues cti' with jucd Icckir.g cut, becaule there arc levcral ' i '..SI ■ r 1 1' Hm 120 Capt. >aris f^oes /or Molucca, ci^c. Lib. XXI I ) ■ I :ki ]»-n nuipf n Cumiui. )l Suiin of fovullCayo* iv'f i"I'*R>'i"">ff. **l>itl> by Rcaliin of the Cur'cm w» »iii* not in-. tttM. Wcrairrro an An<-hi)rinB.»»if4m Ho.i Month, hntliiift hiro Icicr.tl Shipi of our own N*- fion, imlthc Owfi/i'/, ntul irorr of niiis cvcrv Day m- fK'rtnl. Thf Arri>alnf »ll tlici'' Sliip«, sinl ihi- rupcda- HUM of fo in»ny more, mXtW » Hmhuc «hrr.ition In thf I'riccof C'ninn«i l)»y« Ufnrc. Clovn \\liiil\ wint Inii at lixfrcn Rul« of I'lulit ihr W'fiiil, wiTi' now rilcn to alwivc forty i an.i the I'riir r)! IVppcr cnirtMloil in a lar proattr propor- inn ; ihi»Hici'l iruil by our /"»///'' Wiipht*. In-ari j. I'om 1 (1 pimml. Ai the turf of oiirU-inp hrrc ilii- Pfo- tiVkor wa»«ll in all intln' C'oiimry j the King iho' of Agf iliil nothing ly his I'lca- f»irc«, ionimittiiig.jll Iliiliiulsto thr folc inanattrnuiii ot tlir I'rotciitor. Ihc Mam of ihc Bii(inrf>.ili>ne horc ihi« Soafon wMthc "'" laying in Twelve c;r Fouiityii ihoiifanil Sailn of Pcptx-r for the lading two iif my Ship< andthc Ihomii being feiit away laden for hufUnil, I weighed out of the Road for Jipau with my biggel* Ship theC/oir. The very nextDay a Mif- fonuiu- overtook us, that had like to have oblig'd usio put hack to fl«i«//r»n ap.iin, to thcsery great Prejudice of our intended Voyape. For hav ing Pul' /-/ic/k.on our Star- board, and paffiiip within two little Iflands that lie to the , F.alk lidcof it, we run aground, and fluck fait forlome Houn in a very forlorn cafe. The Mifchief tlut reduc'd tistothis Diftrcfs, wa« a Shoi! lying in that Pallage, which ha« not alnive fix Foot on tiie Top of it, nor is a- U)ve half a Cable's length every way ; hard alward it there's ten Fathom, and the next raft on ground, as we found by lad experience. Obfer>c, that to go clear of this Shoal.you mufl keep clofe to the Iflands and not to the Main, for that'sall ShoaU!. In the Courfe from hence to thellland (V/fifj, wc had the Current changing two or three leveial ways : Not far from the watenng place call'd Ting tiin, which is about fourteen l.eapucs from «^w//im, you (halt find it fetting to the F,.S. F. which you muft al- low for.as you havethe Windjwc had it aswe fteerdnear theEaflof thofc two Ifl.inds, thjt lie over againft the Watering place, and are alwut five Miles diltancc from the Point of 7iiiv;rM. In the Latitude fix Degrees nine Minutes ( after having pafsd the Hie I'ulo l.ibuck. ) the Current run directly ( at Icaft pretty near) 10 the Weft fide, and within fight of the Ccltha ( the Eaft part War- ing Ealt by North fix l.eapucs i.ff, md I atitude live Peprees si Minutes) it fetto ihc North Weft tide. Here wetook in our Sails to keep iVortof the Streiphts of Dfjtion, and keeping our I. cad all Nipht, we had lirft io Fathom, and then drove into yi and io to 47 Fathom, fearing a Shoal, which lies almoft a League from the CtUiei, and at low Water plainly difcovers the breach upon it. On the Cc/*i" fide 'tis very dangerous, and full of fuii- kcn Ground ; and for that Rcal'on, wc haled over for De- falm (idc, having for a Mark the piked Hill.which is next to the Sea fide, and rills up like an Ifland. When this Hill bears N. Uy W. then you are thwart the Fail end of to the Shoal, and when 'tis North you arc thwan the Weft end of It, and then will the Illand which you leave on your Star-board fide, Ix-ar E. N. E. to that you may bold- ly ftecr out in the middle l>etwcen the two Iflands. Ob- ferve alio, that the tail end of Dejlilon, (hews like an Ifland, .-ind will go near todeccivc you till y< 11 come to it; but when once you have brought the North end of the Point to bear F.. N. li. half a Point Ealterly, then you may go fecurely on, for you are dear of all Dangers from ihc aforementioned Shoal. Aboutfouror five f cagvcs diltancc UomCmnbiti/:, wc found the Current carry us to the t.'orih fide, and near the Ifland liin',"! ff- to the N. E. which is a ne.-.r Neigh- bour to the confiderablc I He of Bmoi. From the Eaft Point of Botun the Land falls away fiid- dcnly, with two or three great Bays to the Nonli Wcii- I'lffige by (Uot;cToiis. DircAioiu &a tiKrc. rrfnMj; wardt, by w huh the three great IflaiuU, ilui lie 10 ,li4 Notth fide of HethH, are the Streiphts Io ■ all'd nude. "' ' 1 IS rrfluiliic to obfer>e comernmg ili.le Stieights, ihai C^ "' the Pallage 11 not almve a I eague broad, ami the mtran,, IS uf the North llde of ilie Illand, an.l if jon tome from the Weft fiile, when v»< are ..rhwait the N, W P'lnt, your Courfe IS K. N F. and \. by N. up to th.- Road, anil no Danper but what miu n av eafily lee ; bui then you muft |< ave the three Iflands to the Ninh li.le oi you, aiidyn not go bciweer. jny of them ; .ind when you fall with the Weft end ot «»,•,., don't go \v twem 11 anil tho two lonil Illand. ilut li.' orf it 1 Imt leauiliem im your Srar-loaidlidr, Iviaufe 'tis all [mi ken (;ioi nd U-- tweeii tlieinaiiil /»»M,»i. But if tli ■ Wm.l lire you, then hale 10 ihe Nirth lide of all the IllaiuN, .-iilier Ivtweeii Hum and C/'»i/M .1, or eJleto i|ie North fide .f th.tt too, and to you may keep the Coalt of L.-ieti^i lately i>-' llOUgll, 'Ihclatter end of this Month, we came up with tlh- Ifland of fl^f/i> ( call'd by our ;;.. ,vf. Sjilon. IU„U.„,) 'JT" which Is one of the Mo/«,,.,'., ami very ealib known by *' theProfpeiUit yields, Umg a high copped round Illand, and veiy differeiu 111 lliapi tiom ain mlicr HUiui* ,0 k' leeii ihereaboiiis. 'I he I'oitu nl this illjiul b .mip E.NE. tour leagues of, and I atitiute one IJcpu. 16 Minutes, we found the Current fett'iig N. i:. ami the hiph Land ol MucNaii iHTarinp N. by F. ami I jiiiuae ',1 Minute«. Wc had It letting to the N. N. I'. «.,/,,i). has beiii fa- mouifortheprwlinitionof Cloves, and wiuM llill have maintained it's Reput.ation tor the lairc Commodity, did not the unhappy Commotinns there ibtiurb the Labours and indullrioiis Endeavours of the Natives. They are ahojtether by ihe E.iis m a Civil War ; aiuU,,, . whilll they are forming Plots and .Siratagems to run ilown lit <•• and deltroy one another, the Clove-'I ree ftands neglcCt- ed.and the nol)le Spice rots upon the (iroiiiul. I he U^,iJi and the ^fanUrdi ( who both make tlicir Pretentions (o this place Itand by and (ee thole Contentions of the B/)f/ji,i«j withnofniall I'lctiu; lul if they did not at hrtt make the quarrel kiwecn them, Ml •!<■ io ,i I they can to foment and cmreal'eit. They lit ic^ .11 their flrotig Forts, diverting themlelves w.th the Prolje. lof the Spoil thefe People makeof one another ; and tor l..iiiheir PafTlons Ihuuld cool, and the raping Fit po off, they loo them on wiJi all the eagcrncfs in the World, and comi- nually infpire them with frelh Jealoulies ami Suipiiions, fo that the Feud holds up 10 its he iph', and mult be im- mortal while ihcfc liu endiarics are'amonpft ihem, at Icaft while there is a raieof People left that wdl Iv fo fixilirtiTi. „ as to hearken lothcirSuRgeltioiis. 'Ihele Foreigner!, are i.sn . , too cuniiinp to meddle at all in the Matter, but think it "V' u the Ixtier way to leave them to work it out by ihem-'^'""" f'elves; that is, they have too little Honelty and pood Na- ' " tvirc to do any thing towards the making of Peace, and bringing the i (intending Parties to a pinxl uriderffanding, atlcaftby.ilfordiiip a juft Alfiltance to ttie weaker ami injured lide, to help to briiij; the A.;i;reirouis to realiiiu- blclerms: this won't aniwer their Uelign, fiir the inver- ted .Sencc of theProvirb is tree as well as the direCt, when honelt People fall topetlierby the Ears, rhe Knaves that fland by lay hold of ihcir Ripht ; let the Nauvcs murder ainl dif'patih oneanntlier.aiid then the Illand is all their own, v\ ithout any fanlier toll or trouble. 'Lhe poor Natives groan under thefeCalamities,and would Ixr hcani- ly glad to be rid of the troublellaiie Oimpany of the Dutch, as they freely i nnfcft to me, wiiliingthat the Ij^/i/h were planted here in their room. 1 he King would tain liavc come aboard the Ship, but the Diinh rblig'd hiin to for- bear ; and the People would have fold us Cloves too, but theterrour of the IMiich kept them in fuch awe, that they dcclar'd 'twas a hazarding of their Lives to do it. And yet the Strength of the Dutch is mconliderable ti, ■. there too, if they did not bulic thcmfelvcs, as 1 did notFJ'»in think they vviuild in matteis of this nature; lor accor- '" ""'"" ding to r'u Kcmin of their Captain himfelf, their Fort ( tho'ftrong and lubftantially built) is not furniilicd with alxivc thirteen P.cccs of Ordnance, .and thirty Souldiers, a trifling Power 1. 1 Ifrike fu^h a Terrour into a whole Country ; but the pieat Guns arc the main Biilinefs, and a liiiall number of Men wall a Train )f Artillery on their llde, mav command a valt multitude furnilh'd at no better rate thanthcfcWMiw are. liut tistobe h iped that the pi.icl- will k- ftrnnpcr in time, and have a Troop ot Sculdieis of their own breed to Fiplit ilie ltmlu/1111, forihcy have taken care to fuiiiiih ihcii Fort well with Women, fome of their own Couniry, and tlvleot fo liujc and large a fizc, that they wcr.- a good (larnlontlKiiilelvcs; lit to defend tlicFofi wiilioui any more Affiflance, and certainly cannot tail ol U.npinp very lufty Souldicvs into die Wcr.'d. Th- Ihl Ih I |ii« Uan.. ,,11 Miip, aiiO ,..iiimonSad>i (IV, that it , ,,i I'll Io lUe il.ue VcinaK' up .my Brtail I, inc. I Iw Town ilui ihou d ha '«m1 Criiinaiulol ►"" |-V.iri.' 1 ..ilerly. IlicVa..' Uil'd awiiv 10 •lier, l*niR ' place, who I iiilli'd us wr The Prclf like that of II ii.ut IS not Io 1 ,,1,1,.. the Point nf (Xp ilie three tl " •'•■ witli'iut the StieiphtJiife lide, •Ihclflam riinrribmes r rli.rii-part of thetii part of / anil IS dry ai ' \\\ reckon tntdi, andfoti lage. Al '^'"■'" ' '""■ |,M.|.l.WJiii the Plats, li a and w'c find it ' The Varia was made, w lent m the fai About the chor in the 1^ fj..««RmE«'' whole lOand danger. The fame t Cloves, the! t har contamii t to the Value ■*iirt;»!.* The /)»'i' '' •■!!•» " and as inqui j: '■''"'"" '^throatning a cern'd in ili particularly Severity, th pretended ti .ind to havi I',, re told us where they But as il' to have a ji aFi -Y toil'.. ', - ■■'■ Thicainiiif found us t< tempt any and I'rivil mutual ai wou'd not come iilxM imperious as their W the infolc Cloves wi r.,w.Ui hap XXIII. ii^c State of I ra^c at the Moluccasj (Tv 121 I, that Id- to .ii,. ' I" <4ir > 1 6 Miminj, till- hif'.li I.aiiil ol iiilc M Minuuj. '■Ill lUH 1],(,| (,,. wi uhl Dill have C'nmirdility, Jiij ;iirb ihi- 1 al.our'. t'ivilW.ir; amU„,,f [cms 10 run Jowii Wt i.., ' c (taniK luglict- I'ul. I lie U„iJ, t I'rciciiiions to intentions of the they il ill not at ■'" II) .I'l thry ■ "-^ in thi-ir icProli'iitofthc •iikI tor l..in|icir ;o ort; they loo orlil, ami eoiiti- anil Suipiiions, iid tnult be im- It iheni, at lead nil Ik- I'o Fijojiih^^^ „ • toreigners are ^n . ter, but think it '"•' ' i : out by them- ^''"" >■ .uul gaxl Na. '"" " ! of Peace, ami uriilerltanding, ihe weaker aiul Jurs to rcaloiia- I. for the invtr- I as the ilireCt, Jrs, rhc Knaves let ihe Naiives I the llland is all ible. 'I he poor voiild Ik- hcaai- myoftlic Dutch, he Ij^li/h Were ould fain 'lavc i'd hlin to for- Ulovcstoo, but awe, that they do it. inconliderable Thi '■•. 's, as I did not fjiorin;; re; tor atcor- '""""" elf, their l-'ort furniilied with liirty Souldiers, into a whole n Culincfii, and f Artillery on c furnilhM at is to be h.ipcd -1 and ha\e a ' to fij.|it the iilh their Fort Country, and ' weir a good i without any ii ol bringing Th- ||ii«U4ii.i i'( '»«-•(""/ f"ll"wM ih* /»«/(/. Captain to 1,111 Mup, »n«l pnicr.tiv f.ilhnj> in the VifitiaU with the >, that if II b«' anfwet able mlur wj>», ihf Meii may , V.o lo llcrp, and luin nicr ilu Fur il.il H |i| u VcinaUij one of whlih i» alnioll biK i iiimgh i ny Breach •" Adurlary flmu'd make in ihc II) ihe Care c( iiimgh to ftop inean Ilbl"' t^t.ith' I iic Town ot /).•■ '•'» flaniU liard by the I'oit, and any i.iji ihoii'd have .1 niiiid to I'.iiie lo Anrhtir out of ihc I'rii iiiand ol the l'' ol^ ihe Hi,, intweiM', lixteen, and twenty latli'Hn, harJCoral f.iiiiinii, at the oinningor going out near a little IlUnd, Mkinpiaiv of a Shoal that lies lo the .Souiliward of the I iTi, alwiiit thiee Cabli « length, in i .ii. v Ml"- 'Ilu- Vari.-'.li'ii of iheCoinpaf* lieie, i> jlXi't. 4SMin. I..,fterly. ^ . I he .Sta:c of thi< I(l«nd ii<)» allowing any Trade, we UilM away tor M«i/n'.i'<, another of the MoIuuji ; the ra- ther, |)Cirg 'n\iled thereto by a Mm of Qjialiiy in lhi» plait, who pronui'd giHKl lion ol Clovti there, and fur- Mlli'd ui widi IMot« fonhe V">Jge. The ProlpecU of A/ ,;..i- and V^ihre, arc foincihing like that of //-ir.''i,i«, lieing high mpp'd lllandt, only l>- i/.'if IS not lu high I anil .u that ol M I'l.in ; u is Ihut into rh " ■ ■ h Bill the imKiftrini, Mall. , i4 our AUverUr.e* ipin kly ofptad It lell bv ,m»\- rt»„(,i.il Mith*)d» ;o mcnuin titU iDod Corr»fpondt i« e ; and the Natim, wIm) l.iw ii, in- fijrindii* of II. iikl at the fame tune repin'd at their lil ufiK,andihaithe)w,crcnotibl.u.relie>cih4iiilelvtiorui. The/>*f./', itlectM, got an Order fnnn ilij Prime of T'"»f"'''li IWiw/Mominamlinn iJI ,],,. KUndeis upon i>Miiv( Uvvh'ii^y,'^ to forbear brmgiiig any Oom, i., ,1. ; and to make furc p'i» .'■ .l*r oni, thry guarded all the K\t,mn ami Paflei uf tin- 1- '"•'■ " fland by whuh'iwa.|«,ir.blt tlur any Ctmnuniiaiioo *'**"* (h.m d l)c luhl ktween ti, md iIk Mionr. 1 liey dreiiul all their Foni and (iarnloiu, and Uought out their whole Power I.) watih upon the Coaft«, and tttetul the Motion, ol the N»ti*e«, aiul ocr Ships , n«v, more than that, they feni 10 lyjuit fc» a rtniple of ilieir gieat Ship, loionitf .mdlx-ai III out of ihe Road : Ami now the Natives who kiKw nolwter) ex|vcked to k, m driven aw»y with a Vengcante. In lUe mi-an time tlv Prince of TirMte whomlh.i.l licfore endeavixir'd toi> Word ; iho'todo hull |«Hiie, I Klii've he Iiail anilii.i (iJe. The I Hand tall d li^mSf Bfchm, i« on* of thofc that rimtributel to the 111.1k ing of the Streighis, onthrSou- ili'-rn-part of whuli is a Mioal reaching omt to thcSou- The CoalK wtre all fait loik'dip, inilili,.- Spiel upon the Sea lo diligent ami i nr.ous m tli.ii W.ii, h. thai all ihe Arts thai loud U- nfid to deceive the i)iUiK.' jjshted Jealoulie of our Advcrfaries, were to no piiipof, . lii'-rn-pari 01 wnuii is .1 ,iiio,ii rcuiung o\ir 10 ine joii-. ;•(."»>■ je.iiiiuiie m iiur /luvcriaries, were to nii piiipol. . ilietii partof »4^'' rt". li.iMng three Kaihiniuiti the Skirts, |The /Jw/. A Ships kept tlofe to u», but ninile nootler to; i'- ,*r>' and IS dry at low >\'aii 1 | fault us ; and lime to have gotten the Trade, we im.;'. < " i<'i W'l reckon ir Hvc I eagiK« from the Strcighn of \/rr- rtrik have funk ihcin at Sea, and then have In'at aM theii " '" ' imiti, and fourteen from the Ki .id of .Imiltiiic 10 ihinPaf- Hones at I aiul 100 (which ifw- lou'd have ettixtcd,'nva% '"" '' "* lace. Almm the littir llland that lies in the Streight'sj mon- Violence than we intemleil) the matter being ih 1% Armitli, you have Anchoriiic hotn eifthteen Fathom and | we lett the /)»/«/• to en|oy the ir Ri pole here, andlad'd' nrvsaiii-i" And a touch UhIi of a Southerly and a Nor- 'away out of the Road. ih-rly Ciirrcrt, U't'ore \oii pats ihe .Streighf, the latter WeoldirvM the latitude in this Road of P.-'.nVir, ro tlperially, towards the Sticights theml'eives. We foiinil 1* 1^ Min. to the Northward, and the Variation ot 'the the Sound dear of :ill lllaiuls U-tween H.iiif' We bnn hi iliiis at paning a eciilid rablo W.1S made, was 4. Uc^jr. 58 Win. Falterly, and a Ciir-j nuaniiiy ot Spiie. and had done a great .leal mon, it' ilio I'oplelia.l iKit Ikcm irighted at ihe liph'of a ')„.'.■,' Veliil palling by : Ihiwever, 'twas prct!\ well, and loiiiuchtlic U'tter, III thai it was wrejfed out of the Haii.ls <•! tliote ihai wouhl iiiiiiiltly haie engrollid the whole L.iuiiiio- diiv tothtinlcKes. Wediret'fe.l our Cour.'e now to the Me of (>,/„,,, ih- iwo /)«/./.SIii[«llill plying after us. Alxiutthe llles Afvi,,,-, hUhi,,,, and Mnu,, the paf- fago Utweeii, or on any (i.le, is free from all danger; bur between A/j-'natid d'/. /n , you lia\e a dangerous Slioal"""S'-'"* dretching N. F. ami S. W. whuli rei]uircs the Piloc to'*'" '' look well aUiiii him : Ihe Water looks whitlih aUiut it, aiul when 'tis FIo.kI. the Shoal is even with tiie Water, but ■at I'.bb 'tis ealie to be difceriul ; and the bell vv.i'y to el'ea|K'it, is to keipclnlc to the lil.imls : It ebbs .lUaii: ih'.s place fix Foot, and the Tide Uts lix Hours t.> the- Northward, and as many to the Sdutlvvard. The Sfinni.u.i, Fnrt at lulm; tlan.is on the Faft-lideofci^to the llland, all wluiealviuts the \\'ater is very deer, andri^«. no good Anchoring, ilio' there i.< a particular p!.t..ialout I ' League from the Fori, where a Ship iiH) r. iic well enough. At our liiil seining wiihin light and rv.uiiof the Forr, we were weK 1 rn'd \vi,li a Sh 't or r;.'-. I,.:.' .-H-l'-liryof I'ometimesdieand thjin bv li,i|.;vii|; our /.■(i;.'';''.! Col., ;rs"-'-' '«''*; inlK-adofilieirowi-, m',\ 1 1 I1..1I c,„ i,-, th - l-ort mviertlie I'rotcx'h. n ot 4o(e Oi'vifs. wKnh .nhrwife u-rii rhnr own they woii'd not hnv.- dune : Fc r ih • s> ;.-/.-■,'/ w.m'd bc.il their Shir< ii; ■,)i!Xe<, i.dore they'd kt .li-;in lufs h-'e. R A..:r rent in the fan e I'lace letting '01 he Southward. About the miiidle of this Month, wc came to an An- chor in the Ro.id ot /V.'7ri». hard by the Town ol l>- yj;«i.RiMa;,,„„-j in A/..''..iH, where thers s the bell Ruling r,f the ♦"yf^*' vhole llland (tho' vei) near ih.- Shore) ami Ir.c from all danger. The fame Day we lane, we took in a (]uant,ty of Cloves, the Price at 60 Rials of F.iglii /'i-i Bahar, the Ha- har ciintainiiig ico Cauees. and ea.h Caitec amounting to the Value of three Piuind tne Oinues /'/ii; ////.■. liiriuKii The DiiiJi were highly dlguUeil at our coming hither, r ''!!'»" and .IS innuilliivc to knms vvliodirecKd us to this place ; V'^"''"""'threatning all with Plagues and Death, that had U-en 1 011- % ccrn'd in tlK matter, if ihey lou'il lind them out ; and ', particularly, that they wo.i'.l treat thole wrh ihe utmott ' Severity, that rt.ou'il otl'cr to bring any Spue to us. 'I hev pretended to have ciin.]iierd tins U'ouiurv by pilt .-\riiis, .Hid to have a good and laufulliile to ii ; and there- f .re t"ld us we were injuiio s lo come aiu', pretend here, uhere they li.ul I'o fairlv planieii theml'elves. But as thele I'peeious Pic-teiices wou'd ne\er oioie them to have a jult and lufliciuu 1 iile u this Con;.. ry. ir (ich a Ft "V in It as to e\diide all o'h-.-; , I'rom I ic, end ion'.. . . 'ly ^•'cre little leganl'd ly us ; fo all i.ic'r Thaatninps were as lit'le val-.ed by t!ie Natives : They fiiund usti) be their Frmub, Perfons that came not to at- tempt any thing to the pie|udice ot their rightful I ilK-rties iiiui I'l-ivilfges, but only m eH.iblilh a C->miiierce to the mutual advantaae of Loth Parties; and therefore ihey wou'd not l>c eurli'd by the />/(/. '', but declai 'd they wou'd come aboard us, and bring Spice, iiotwitliHanding their iiiiperioHsOrderstoiliccnnirary. Andthey were asgood as their Word, inainiaiiiing the Trade with us, in ipite ot the infolent lloHnndc. ; we barter'd ('.imbiiy.t Cloth for Cloves with them, and I'omc svc fold for ready Money. Th-Xii'»ri fj:w Aftertliiio ory who we were, the S/iim/o'.^ were/ The 5/>., fiT nr" the Trnd I* OV f'W I tllCeoI of Kmiincfll-s betwixt us ,is it" our two Nations haJ never | But tiic prcit iliiiif, «as, that the I'o|x- hail loinmaniUil tailenoiit, ami we hn\ Ww all oi a piece, loth in oi.n them nit to n iJ.iil;; the ( hiirch fa\ r Orders toihecon- Ci^'lai.d RelipirmslniereUs. I '[^"^l ' '"'■'■''"'''•'' '' 'I'*-' '^'k'iIkt li.ui not interpoli-J |,cr They pronii^Vl a orei»er,t.) dilpatch I etters lo tluMa- , Authunts, 'tis likely eiv upli that tiufe (;Lod ChiMrcn ot" Her lie Camp at Tc «.:/ , tVv his Orders to Trade with "s, ; I'ers iTni;lu lia\e lip al lileJ, and pone t. peiher l>y the tars and earncHiv dclired m) (iay ill tlje return of the MeD'cii- j al o\.t lo hue a 'i oy as die -\;r,i.n .'j ..eie. Whereas the pets i and when News .-amc that .iiofc Orders were airi-j "(..'c/; Iraa hardly iiii,e to look aboi t them, kti.re i he Ca- sed at TWc, tlie CaptainCi.-ncral. and am ther (Jieat thdlieksi aine frtmirhe r"/7. , ./.r to dii\e thcinout ; they Offieer, I'-nt word, They wou'd cmne ainiaid me the next liad no l\j| e of ilieir lidc, no imerell in the ivlothcrly Day 10 do Bminefs. We n-adc ready to reieue ilKin.jCare aiu! Pmi ict'.on of lie CluMih; and ihereforcasa andliy the iiPifec fdu' preatGiinSthonpiit verly the. had I Spunors and l^ailardly Rate, v.mv k; be cxpeli'd, and been ewimnl! ; when we found that Ihiotinpto be tor the | not li n'u'd r<. Hare the In'xr.nnL. . I iliofe parts with htr Airi-al of the Vailike Prinie of I'.Uc, who was eoii^e own I'unnii e Oti-lprinp. However, the 0;..i« (who va- huiiic in Triuiiiph with tlie hhads ff a liendreJ i- i.,rcs, Ine iioi tl'e Ratihng of the Keys, the inarlinp of the Pope aiiU amonpH them the Head of the Prince of iV/ ».;».■,; nor the Curfes of the Church ; that fear no .Storms but whom we had carefs d .tt M-xh!/:)'. | ihofe at Sea, nor no LxconiMiunl aiion liut tlut from a I'his Prince of lcrn.:te was call'd over to \;.f«V.i»/ by i pwid Tiade, were fomc time after that even with them • the IM-i\ on purpole to keep the Country People from | workinptliemuUcs fo ctfediially into th.fe Iflands, that fellinpiheir Closest.) lis ; and liie VutorLms who attended '■ all the Indeavomsof the S"/!)!i.mls haienot been able to their Mot;onN m poir.p bi'ck , M-J lay in Ainbnlii for, remove ilieni lime. They' have Ports more or Ids upon thi'iii , cnnti'iipiy drew diem into their Snares , and every one <( the lilands, and foiiie of them lironp and makinp a f idden and frious Aifault upon tnciii, cut them Weil fiirnilli'd too ; \\, that now they feein to be lo well all ort to the in mix r of 1 6o Men : The younp I'nnce I lix\l, that liiileli, the Choi th can drive them out by her liiin;clf iindeiwer.t ihe Kate of War an-on(.'tt the telt. and j Praters, and ( thtrSpinti al Weapons, for all that appears his Head wasbrouph' in a \crv triumphant manner, for a ihev are like lo (lav theie. ' Prefem lo hsSiiter', Wife to the Conquerour, Prince of Of «l^l thtfe lilands, Mrci in: is the moll rich and fniit- TiMe. f»l ff Cloves, ami yields in the Year of the great Monlbn Beiidcstl'is, there were two o-her Royal Viilims which as they call it above ibocS.diars. ■WvYtf;- yields inoo • fell at that turn', bv the rapinp .Sword of the Tr.fe>/.iw, the | T.,/«if 900 ; YJ^./'mm jcc; Mui...- < c- ; A;«« 50 ; Hrti'^, younper HrMdier of ih.it Prince of rf;,,-^, and the King lc..).,», or f.iVi 'c, 3',. Thefe are the Proporrions, attord- of(.»!/u The l'urci< ha-.C'Jien felt the ttJeiifs of the inp to the Accounts of the Inhabitants, one Year with ano- re obli.a'd now to keep double Watch and Ward, pant Bounty, to make amends for her Sparingnefs at ano- all the rcadinefs imaginable to withftanj an diertimt. .U. c-f. .hv ,w.. ' • S.e tie j . Ciru.i .Sd. , ' ▼ grtT.> •,' I ?;] > • i r,... _ ' Sf.in iiir t.lCi* Force and Courage of tnis Prince, and 'twas but a little before this, that he furpriz'd and to'-k one of their Men of War, We we and lie in Atlault, lia' inp this daring Prince fo near us : Befides the Sfiniitrds incrcas'd their Forces, and fcein'd to be provi- ding for foine attempt ; all which apptar'd very doubtful and fiilpicious, an.! were Symptoms of fo ill and threat- ning an AliH;A, tiiat I rclblv'd to prevent the Danger that might foi.ivv, by a hidden Remove away from them. 'Tis tiue,theP iiiCcot Ti./i'f piomifed a good parcel of Cloves, if we Ua.d a little while longer ; but thofe Cloves might poiTibly have coit us too dear ; and f .ch a Defpcrado' as he, With the aifittante of the Sp.i>ii.i:rii, might have fold ns 1 vti-v b?d Bat gain ; upon which fore we left him to fe:l Ins Cloves to ether Chapmen, being re ibl ed to take I one 1 poll thole "I crms. It may n t l>c anifs here before we take our leave of thife Ajo ...1.: ll'es, ti give foire .^(ci.unt of the Original of the i-,.j";'.'.i'i Inteiid there, the hoituneot the Counirv under it^ lev eral Mailers, and the Civil Cir. uinltanecsof it, as to Trade and Cenunerce, at the time of our U'inp there. Ihe* ''i>'ii:ucxc, we know, vero the Mi F.uroper.m that fonnii he way to thil'e Iilaii'is ; at leait, that open'd a Corre p ndente with them: Whtn iliey caire hither, thev foiii d a diead'ul NVar eommcned Ixtv^'cen the Kings of Vi- ihvc and Ty-I'^ic. 'I hefe two Piintes had drawn their Jwirds, and die whole Interelt of the M'luun's be- ing divij'.'d 1-etwcen tlii.111, cither as their Subjects orCi n- federatts a'l the otl.ei lilands were ijp in Anns, and lie- came Secundum liielame Quarrel. The I'o tu^uc^^r, for the better frtl'iip of ihemlelves, loyn'd thvnilclves to nei- tlicr P.utv , bi t pretended to be Friends :o both ; apd eor- f-ouently hiMiig ni) Work 1 pun dieir Hands, while the ^.lhel^fo'lI!•h-, they kil t'l buid.np of Furs and Caftles tipon b-ili die lilands of 'lnt..iic, ard J;.;.i. ;•. They left ilie iwd K 11';- 10 d fp tc which il on'd be Mailer of ihe others C'lvii 111 V ; an. i in the mean tine took care, that lieilh •rofdie.o iho'.'d Ic lo, or rah.r to make liuth their V.illars. B. ih.s nitai.s thev got the whoie C.ov.'-Tiadc iiro tiuT hard- , ..ii^ ...o«../-'j were ablbhiieiy at dieir Comniand an^' tnduied the Veke ot their doiiiineeriiig PiAVer, t.il the Year 160V But siii- 1 '.' I ■ who were i liar.ii'd w'.i Ii fui h a ProfpeCl ' as t!ie ■>. I'lC ■ '.. ^ ie^iieiJ; then torik their Turn for a '1 altt ■ of lliePfolir ami I'icaf. reot ihen, i.!rijveo u the /Vf";;.,-;;,' ,,; v ira:n horee, and planted iheiv.L-ives m their room. R.n the were .cane.y vveil-il-ared here, before the V.i.o.'i'.-r.// lanie to delire them to remove, ai d by the fame law that the. fjceee, 'n the enioyuienv of thcfc I- lianils. ther. Hverv Third Yiar is eunliderablv more fruitful than the two f p goinc, and this is call'd 'the Year of the great Monlon, \\hen Nature leldom fails by an cxtrava. eeen. ' fame. forty four, and forty The Dut;l' pretend a Contraift of perpetual Obligation with the Natives for all their Cloves, at the Rate of fifty Rials of Eight fn Bahar : As for our parts, we were wil- hng to give lixty, in order ro the having a quick Lading ■ and that iricrcale of the Price of to Rials in the Bahar! made the People fo ready to furnilh us, that if the Uutih had not perfedly fcar'd thein, ami kept ihem in by force, I fliou'd have had my fiil! I adiiig in one Month's time. Our Trade was molt'y by way of Barter with ihcm.and that chiefly ol your Clo.hs of Cr.mu.tyrt, and Cercmindel. 1 lie Sorts rcquclt.d, and the Prices they went at, were as follows : The Candakcens of n • al-ie, for i\x Cattce-; of Clovcs.l Ih-Candakeeiisi'apang, or Hat, at three Cattecs. Selas, or linall baltas, I'evcii and eight. Your Panthere Walayo, lixtee Dragam Chere Malavo, the Fine Callas, at twebe. Courfe of that kind, eight. lietellias, or Tantoulos red, eight. Sarallas-chere Mala) i;, furry eight and fifty. Sarainpoiiri, thin) . Chellos, Tapliels, ami Matafons, twenty and twenty four. ' White Calfas, or Tancoulos, fony and forty Ibur. Droi'geritis, fine of rh.-.t kind, iwelve. Courleof the lame, eight and ten. Ponti Calklia, rcn. Ball-i' hios, the titled, thirty. Pan. bete Mala' o of two Fathoms, eight and ten. Great l^v,, or long, foui Fathom, lixteen. Parcailas w hite, twebe. .Salalos Ytam, twelve and fourteen. Tnrias and TappeTiirias at one and two. P.-.tolas of two Fadionis, hfty and lixty. Thole ot tuur and otit Fadu in, in like manner. Rice goes here at the Rate of one Rial of Eight for twenty eight Pound. .Sagii, whiih is a Root they make their Bread of, and is the ihiefelt Firtjd diii ugh the Co iiiry, is (bid in Bun- ches ,ind ;s w irili mie toiirili of a Rial/'D iiuiich. Ami to toneliule, all Velvets, Sattens, T.-iffat.i's, C/j/h,: Stuffs and .Silks, are 111 very great requelt at theft I- llands. Having tfa id now fonie time a- 'T,dc,e to no purpole, iaiidour longer llay theiv ieiig bkely 10 be atteiiaed w. h more «;,,-,,„, lie more Panil ! tailing in. tie gcnd to between „ic 10 man. adv.-.ii'ngf ful, diar t'l fpoil'd ar. ' means pat: goc'l PriC'.'. .Sailing a contmnaily WHi'^ 'and villi) rent li ve 'm' ' "" large bay h jP bji prettv 1 w Shial ha'f :« upm this 1 9 which we M were a vei '« Woodcocks 'M and !a:-ge bi M of Cokcr-, 8 thfle I'ahr.it ■m IvvctT as an M .-U: nr.ght be w j! pl.i'ie, Ww- h Supply I fa we plcas'd t 'I ho' no 1 Tilt - found the 1 1 : 1 1 ^. Ho",lhold-tti t'l'v.i'- 'i..f!-; inhabited, a 1 » by li.'>.i< Oars of a li . A:i;v,l 3 Iht Ring of, th.' t..p of d let into the: an cxavfl p Rower in tl be. Belide ours do litt in the Boat k'fs time tot can pretend to Vit.-.u.io ; hoiieltly pel the middle Fur 01. r board from i.uiiui.iijaia Young Kin Pariicitlais came att.-r which wht in a very d come up tt They vv i 'ein,with a their Bcdic ( r Sandals and their 1 w.is all tha thev vvcari ther Fcopl.: Swords of half aYaii Weapon, a ■)•/,. ';/fr.Sci Tlicir ill Til. r H,l A. ■yh^mTxXiII. Capi Sms at ¥ira,Xido : Hii Reception, &CC. 123 hUipplne lllands .k .- at tlif Mcluun',, : them, being not •nil'. Religion, .inj • witli :licrnfel\is : I- h.iil coimnamlcd Orders to ilie con- not it«crpoli-d Ikt gcod Children ot' Rctlier by tlie tArs, ere. M heiea'. the m, lietureiheCa- le thtmout ; they in the Motherly and ihereforcas ,x be cxpeli'd, and lofe paifi with htr le D:..i.,) (who \y. arlinpofthePope, •ar no Storms Ini: I but tlut from a even with iheni ; hie Iflands, tha' enot been able to more or lei's upun tlicm llrong and I'm to be lo well : them out by her >i' all that appears, 0(1 rich and fruit-T the great Monlbn I ■'• l-rf. between the D..^'' and the Spmu.-r.i', all thofe Iflands uic w. managed, that they themfi'lves alone h.i.c the entire ad\ anrai;? ot them ; th -y dev.)Ur all, and thi'n are f > I] iic- ful \;,at\h, W!>'.'d rather chufe to fee the Commodities fpoild ard conf.,".<.led, , as th- .Spice is now by their n:cans iai'.ly/ than iutfer any others to take tlieni at a good l'r;c'.'. Sa.linK along fron^ T-'/m.'c, we had an EafteriyCurrcnt cominuady, till we ca;Ti.- up with the great Illand t)o) ; !■■'• ''^■'■'aiid .I'l about the Novtherii I'oirt of thai Illand. tho Cur- rent l>i \cry Ur.nnly the faiiv.' way. \Vc found a very l.-.ri;e bay here, where there's .Ancht.ring food enoueji, b.ii piettv deep; ;indort''die N'.r;hLTn I'oir.i lies a gre.it Jihial ha'f a League into the Sea. We found no People u"in this lll.uid, 1 ut other Cre.atur^s in fiiv; plenty, which we ha.l more occalion for at that time ; There were a MTy larpe fort of Swine and IX-lt, Phcalants, Woodcocks, ard '.. ood-pigcons, the latter -.ery plump, and l.irgebcKl'.cd like Hens. It yields likewife good (lore ot Cok'ers Per.a igs, Serie, .md Palmita's ; and the tops ot thele Pa'.mita- i rees, drefs'd with Beef, are as good and iV.tCi as any Cabbage in the World : And that lujthing ni.ylit be wan'inp to our complete Refredimcnt a' this il.ice, w.' had Water and Wtxid enough, not only for the .*>uprlv 1 1 a preknt Ncccdity, but to make what Piovilioii .Supply 1 1 a prclcnt iNcccility, t we picas'd for fete re Wants. 1 ho' no Pcop'c appear'd, ye »-«I.>.'J«> 'attecs of Cloves. Tn; C«r. ! iree Cattees. '■^'^n.-, i tour, and forty fifty. nty and twenty I lorty four. ight and ten. ueen. vo. )• manner. ial of tight for Bre.id of, and , is fold in Bun- I'linch. atl'ata's, C'A/m,; uell at ihefe I- to no purpolc, )e aiteiiaed w. h A-[V,1 .! IHfKxj; of (' e appear il, yet upon enquiry allitire, we fund the Run cs ot H'lufes, and certain old Pieces of Ho'ilhold-ltutl"; lb tha. 'tis certain the Illand ha^l been inhabited, as it \ery well del'crv'd to be, tho' the People, by |i>me Calamity or other, were Jelfroy'd or driven a- wav from their Habitations. ih.s Uy is th-- North Eaft;rmoft Ifland of c:!ol'; or B-f.'/.c '.'.■; ; thf Latitude here is i Oegr. ;;'; Min.N.and the Variation 5 D^gr. 10 Min. liaHerlv. We rcfrelli'd at this plai e for th,: better part of a Month, and then purfu- e t our \'o)Sf.-; v- 3<'l"'->i- nai mg [ ais' ', the fropick of Cniicc, we had fight of the llles L», J ((■>" M'^jo', which lie along N. Li. and S.W. '• They arc fuuHlaaiids, and a- leaft ten or eleven in num- btr, n ;th I rnker Grouiiil and Breaches, reaching over to each Illand, K) that wc cou'd difccrn no Palfage to the Wellwaid. We li.'.d ii:ht of various other Idands 'in our pafiape from thel'c) wh'ch were wholly unknown to us ; init the next Land rhat came in view, that we were certain of, ,, was the great Illand S'tiio, to the Southward of jr.pnii, and a parr of tha: F.mpire, call'd by the Inh.ibiiants .\/j//.vh.:. Her fomc of the Nati^e^ that were abroad a Filhing came up to us wi'h their Boats, in the Contrivance of which '' we found time Curiolity worth o'r Oblervation. '1 hey were about five Tun a piece Burthen, fitted with one Sail, which ftood like that of a Skitf, and skuli'd with four Oars of a fide : Their Oars relted lipi.n a P.ii f.ilbied on thj t.,p of the Boat's fid.e, the Head of which Pin was lb let in > the middle-part ot the Oar, that the Oar luing in an ex.aet poize, giMUg il'-eivby much lefs trouble to the Rower in the management of it, than othcruile i; uiuli: be. Bcfi^les, the Rowers perform their Work Handing, as ours do fitting, and l.) take up abiuKhintly the Ulsroom il. the Belt ; .•'.nd as they t.ike up leis room, fo they do hf, time too, for they row at a far fwifter rate than we can pretend to. We a'/reed wiih fome of thelij to Pilot us to i-:,.:ii.io ; uhich they vtry willingly aijree,! to, and as honeltly perforin'd, br.iiging us fafe into the Road, before the nv.eidle of this Mouth. Loroi.r liill Welc( me hither, we had a Vilit a Shp- board from Perfons of 1,0 lefs Ligure liian the Old and the 1 Young King of this Illand ut I'iir.ihio ; which isoneof the Parviculaiscf the large Limpire of J-^.',: . The two Kings caine attended with a great ll.ew 01' I'o.ats and (lallies, which w hen they were near us, tell back, ar.il made way, in a very elecent manner, for the two princip.-il Gallivs to come up to the Ship. Thcyuere both of themJrefs'd 'nSilkeu Covmis girt to 'em, with a fine Shirt,and a Paii of Flaxen Bre.cheinext to their Bodies ; they had 1.0 Stockins on,bi,; a fort of Shcxe-s ( r Sandals ; the f jrepart of their I leads \ ery clofe lha\ en. ar.d their Hairbcliind long, and tied rp in a Knot, which was all that p.art had cither for OrnauKiit or Defence, thev wearing n!. Ativrthefe two Great Perfonagcs h.id been with us, all The Nobili7 the I ords and Great Men came alx-a,-'! 1;, in ,1 full Body • "'"" "'"' they came with luch a 'I'ram, that we K.ird.y knew where 'i™''„',''"'" to bellow them ; the. made .-. p,-rfeit Crowd, and th-^rc v^as Icarceaiiy llirrmg to and fro in the Ship, fjr Wi;ble- men and their •\itendaii's. But ihey were 10 far from co- ming to fpend upon, or Ix chargeable to us, th.it 'liey broeght their own F-ntertainmenr along w;th them, (.at Icaft as much as it was worth) eery Nob!c-m.in made his Prelen., lome 111 VenifMi, ibmc in Wild-Fowl, others in Fill:, Fruits, or li,methipg or other \cry acceptable and .good. They mightily admired the Strudure and Contri- vance of the Ship, view'd it in ali its pans, and furvev'd it from one end to the other, with fo much Attention and Curlofity, rhat we thought they wou'd never lia\ e had enough of the light. But wc had more troible with the ccminon People Mulcuudciof who were GUI' next Vifitants, and quickly fuppl.cd the 1^7 '''l':;^ place of the Lords, when once they were pone. There "" "■ ' was no poffiblc keeping of them away, the Ship was fuch a Wonder to them : And when we were as full as ever wc coud ftand wedged by one another, the relt contented themfclves with gazing upon the Ship out of their Boats ; Ibme admired the Head, and fome the Stern, and < thcrs the Tackling ; and at the fame time crowded fo thick a- bout her, that flic cou'd no more itir for Boats, than we cou'el that were in her for Swarms of People. In Ihort, I belie\ e, if the Ship hail been big enough, the whole Na- tion wou'd have come aboard at once;" and as it was, if the King's Orders had not prevented them, they wou'd ce.-tainly ha' c taken their I'urns all round the Country, lie, as to give us a and never left till every Bi dy liati feen it. 'Tis true, the People were very civil, and far from (tfering any thing of Rudenels or V lolence; they pretended to no more than a little llarinj; and peeping about ; but that Curiohty of theirs was lb unweatied, and grew fo troublefome to us, that vye were forc'd to dcllre the Prefence of an OfTicerof the King's, as well to previ iit any Dil'ordcr that might happen in fuch a pnMuifaUiUS Multitude ittle Rel'pite from thele tircfomc Vihts, I can t but take Notice of an odd Millake, in a matter of Dcvotif n, luade by lome of the .'.mwycGentlewomen, whom I admitted into my Cabin. Thele were fomc whcn\ the I'ovnr^ucjc 'jct'i.it. had been at work upon, and had rc- ceiv'd from themjbn-.e little M.itters of ChrilHanity, about as imich as the fayu-.g of a few Gibberilh Prayers, or the cringing before ar Image or Pidure niieht come to. The good Wo.uen I eing in the Cabin, chanc'd tocaftTheMiftike their Eyes upon a PiAuie of Vcnm an,l Ce/?.'„' that hung t-r il-.c'f.'/^jn there ; at which light ihey were immediately feiz'il with '-'"'''"'■■'• a Fit ot Devotion and clapp'd upon their Knees without ai.y moreailoe, f. uibling out all the Religion they h.ad leaiii'd ol the Fathers; ar.d very zeaious they were in the r ;^ddreHesto the t.vo modell lleities tlierc painted Iv- fore them. The Bi.lineis w.is, iliey miltook this Pair for ihe Blelled Virgin Mi^y ..r.d her Son, wht m the Jefuits luid given them lb very (lender ai. Account cf, that they knew no dittennce beiwcen them, and Cupid and Vmin. A veryltiange thing, 'I',.; the Reveieud Planters of Chri- llian.ty inthefe I'aris, which 11 ake two thirds of the Ke- ligi( n they teaeh, to ctufill'iia Coiueni with Pictures, lliou'd iloih.it Work lolleev'.lelly : That thev (fiou'd not u.ake their C(nievf> perfed 111 fuih an 111 j ortant Point, as knowing the Pidure of the Blcfi'ed Virgin, efpecially In 111 that of a J«wd Strum) et, th.n'.s always drawn with an Airof Li clftrl.s and hiin;ode('\, ar.d p'ainly d.ilcovers her I'e'f at the si ilk Glance: "Lis to be f-Mr'.l, fueh f.ip.neji ChrilHaiis a', tliif.', are ro rrofound Scholars in the Do- R 1 drines li Il I 124. EngliOi Houje in Firando, ore. w ?1i !1 i% «i :ifi jflrinesof Kdieion, when they han't Urarn'd the IntroJu- dtory 1 clTon of Picb'res ; and ihat the Jcluits, that have not fticwn them the dilfcrencc between Kchmi and the Vir- gin A/,i>r, han't labour'd very hard at teaching them their Cicccliifms. Tht K^ng'i Quickly after the King came aboard again, and was fo JkTsk.1l mconnplaifant and free, as to bring fome of hi-J Millrelles, Mjfitk. and ladies of Plralure along with him : An Argument ot the very great difference l>etvveen tl.e free, open, and jolly Temitr ot thcfe j.ip'iiejr, and that lour, morofe, ard K-aluus U.l'pofition, tnai prevails all over the Maimiia.n world ; where the Women are cloillcr'd up in Seraglio's, and live like fo many Prifoners of Srate, iiwilible to all Human Eyes, except iliofe of a few liiiiuchs, and ther Paramours. Thefe Ladies h.id all of them, \erv gi od Complexions, comely and gr.uefulFe.nuir.s, and extream- ly well Can i.ng'd ; a ni e judge of IVa. t^ might haic faid, they were ilcfciitii e in Stature, and a lize too low, and perhaps wanted Blufli in their lac'-s ; yet the rother Graces excufed well enough their want of height ; and as for Colour, they fetch'd inairdbncc from Art, atid paint- ed thcnifelves, lince Nature had not done it. Their Habit was Silken Gowns, girt dole about them ; no Stockins, b, their own Country, lead It Ihoiid be faid that Counti y, Ms a Pack of Knaves ; but lis muchworle, th.it anot.. "CoUi.ti, (houd be Ibg- matizd, and lie undi.r a Difrcputai.. -^ t'"- i', ri-nt i).,t:ir "w. Ihou'd do difcon iiendable things, M\ii' Eiizi,'ll-:iu-n bear all the blame. Bit the l-.,iiii:jh Name .'-islieen much more fullied andT^-'-w blacken d by the fcandalovs 1' •pnsrf 'hWctiigucJe jc'^^ ,"-■ fiiits ; the jafcnrfc knew us long before we came hither JS'i^?;, L'l't twas as a parcel ot Pyrates and Rovers, that lived on-Jf*" Is upon the Spoil of other People, and were the Plagues of all the .Seas in that part of the World. And they had inlincated this Notion fo far into the Japot.'f/-, that they had made a Song of us to that purpole, the finging of vvliich thiy uled to accompany with levernl Adicns and Gcftuies, Ihewing how we feizc and plunder the Sp.mifh Ships. And thus tinging and .acting the Z-;./!;/-)?.', they usd to Icare their froward brawling 'Children out of their j ncilc .ind tronblefomi efs, and nakc them quiet ; )ull as I the F.nich did theirs, with the i ame of the Lord TrMot- ' and the Turlis theirs, with that of Sc.jnderbrg. ' But when we came upon the Spot, the Jupme/i figni- fied by all the Particulars of their molt obliging Carriage to us, that we had been unfairly, and very difproponio- "ajly reprefemcd to them j that the Jcfuits had given them a falfc Pourtraidure of us, and that their Picture was as much unlike the Original it felf, as the Pitfture of ^enm to that of the Virgin Mnry. The Laws of this Country are horribly ftrict and feverc in many Particulars, and Offeuders are nowhere trea'ed Cj(t3a ■ with more Bitterncfs and Rigour than in J^fidti. Duelling (""'^H is here an unpardonable Crime, whether in the Natives- '"'f "" or Foreigners that ftay here but for a time ; the Laws will '°,,^? take hold ot all of them alike : And the j.ipo,iclc- will not E«ft-jr, allow the Stain of any Bloodilied in that manner to lie up- on their CoiMitry, Nay, if a Man docs but dr.iw a Wea- pon in Anger upon anothe., the Cattans are prefcntiy at work upon h;ni, and he is 1 ut in pieces without any'tar- ther Ceremony, tho' he has done no harm, nor given no Wound to him he threatned t But if any Milchief be- done, not only the Aggrelfor himfelf, but all his Family are involved in the Punithmcnt, and -he Law (which I cnnfil's is barl arous) cxercifes the fame Severity upon them, as on him. To fte.il a Slave from another Perfon, is Death without Mercy a!fo : Or if the thing wrongfully laketi from ano- ther, Ik- of ever lb trifling a nature, if tJie Fact be clearly proved, there's no Reprieve, not Mitigation of the Sen- tence of the Law, as far as I can find. Their folemn Executions are perform'd with ihcfc Cere- monies following : In the firft place marches a Man with a Pickaxe, who is foUow'd by another with a Shovel, to dig the Grave of the Malefadtor, (if at leaft that Favour be pcrinitted him, • in the Cafe of tonic Crimes it is not) next to thele comes Perlon carrying a fmall Table, upon which the Offence toi which the Patty dies is writtcn,and cxpos'd to the view of all ; then follows titc Criminal himfelf, havinghisHands bound lehind him.and unto him is faftned a for. of a little Banner, upon which his Offence is likuw ile written ; the Executioner brings up the Rear, with his Murdering Wea- pon by his tide, holding in his Hand the end of the Cord with which the condemned Man is bound, and on each tide of him walks a Soldier, rtlling his Pike on the Shoul- der ot him that is to die, to prevent his attempting to make anefcape tVoin Jullice. And ill this manner 1 law one led to Execution, who at the lair.e time canicd it with lucli an Air of Courage, ap- pear'd lb a! Ibliuely intrepid, and above all the Horror of his Circumltanot, that I ihou'd liardlv have thought ; had I not Iccn it; that Human Nattrc cou'd ever have arriv'd ti; :hap. XX to that del whith .ire (< , ro,i Btit nrtv rHoimii.l- fome cafes, |„wJ m p- 1-f,i(.(- mud R.,...!... andhaieth two or three Soul togeth upon Wenct They have a Bufincfs and nilhing thol has fiich a It moft part w made them ( down the fc 'tis left to h but after he mav ; but if nude, he ce dil')»as'd for a ; to do to confi likes him or allthediffici ^Ttufcpul" PaiideF, whi !fjf',l,/rXIf!'"l'-'»'«^tNob .' F°0" ■■ Jjf.ii... forOnlnaficci fincc there wa Militaty Fun out. Al! along th men that liv 'd *^''~ "''•• petting their 1 very great Art and 'twas nc XI for what they t dive for, and i would do wit weie very eat nualdning thi :hap. XXIII. Capt. SsLTis goes to the Emperor of J3Lpin, 6cc. 125 •tils' '"Hi'; ■ f' :s, at uncertain j'li to lie a good icrally bring in- in our own Ex- to nmlcrltand il tiic Trade at ivn to have fold ad Notice, that re, but return d cy endcavoiir'd :y were pKas'd rts, wliiin tlicy I'orid, for their J that is to call : RcfpeCt, and ', thanochcrwife have themfeb cs Country, lead ick of Knaves ; fhoud be itig- - i', rlifit D:,t:l/' nd Eiigujl-imn lore fullicd and^'"°'w ve came luthcr ; *c £,;?„ s, that bvcd 011-7''" 'ere tlie Plagues /^nd they had wnejr, that they ', the finging of ral Actions and j ulcr the Sp.tnifh "fjifl', tlicy usd ;n out of their n quiet ; )ulk as lie Lord 'Ir.Wot; le Jitpmefe figni- jliging Carriage M-y difproponio- had given them • Picture was as 'idlure of Venui ftri A and fcverc ) where treated QAya-. '.fiiri. Duelling l"""'^-i i-intheNauvcs.i'Ji;';';, ; the Laws will ncri::^ 'Apoticlf will rot KiK-jt anncr to lie up- ilraw a NVea- are picicntiy at ithout any far- I, nor piveii no ny Milchief be all his Family Law (which 1 Severity upon s Death without akcn from ano- Fact be clearly ticii of the Sen- with ihcfc Ccre- Pickaxc, who is ip the Grave (jf permitted him, xt to thefe comes hich the Otfence los'd to the view lavinghisHaiidb a fori of a little ife written ; the VlurderingWea- nd of the Cord |id, and on each ke ontheShoul- mpting tomake :enition, who at jiir, the or next Town of note we came to was Ufac.i, nothing infc- r'l'n mT, nour to the foniier in Compafs and Dimcnlions .lod one ''" <■■•" of the Principal Sea-Ports of the Empire. Th.-rc's a River come< up to it as wide as the Xmm-s, and feveral very fine Timber Bridges laid over it ; it has a Caltls very extraordinary tor bignefs and Itr.npth, with very deep Trenches about it, and feveral Diaw-Bridgcs arti- hciallvmade, and Gate's la finmgly plated with Iron, as^'iV'"'* may feem to bid defiance to any b.ittery in the World. "' Ihe whole building of the Ciltle is of Frec-St me, and the Walls are of the fame, bu: .i matter of fe\ en Yards thick, and put tocether without any ihing of Moirar er Cement, the Ston.s being fo nicely mt as to lie perfectly clofc together, and need no other binding only if there happenstobea\oid Ipaceaiiy where, tliev throw a little Earth in to fill up the crevice, ami that's all they do ' lis regularly contrived, Itrengthnrd with KuKvaiks and Battlements, with g<,od (lore of loop holes for fmall Shot and Arrows, and various P.iflages for the tin owing out of Stones upon tholi.' that Ihould come to attempt ir. And one would ealily Ivlievc it to b>; a mighty ftiong and fc- cure building, without having a particular Account of it when one hears what ufe the Emperor puts it to, and of wh.it importance the Jewel is here kept in fafc Cultqdy In (hort hcrclixfS ( lock'd up in this Caltle the true and penuin Heir of the Empire of Japm ; here I fay he lives but fo happy as to be ignorant of his real Quality, l cxadiv gmern'd, tha- they arc a* welcome at the l'iili!;ek 11 .iifc> a^ an, (nici.s wha-.loc\er : No Man is ;n the Icalt d.ltur' "d, or ddcoiraiioded by ihcm, they take what tlicy tind, as oher People do, and pay foi'i, without any quarreliing. The Koadsaic \ery well Itock'd with lloi.Ucs of tntcna lauciit ; and when there are Sol- dicrs I'prn the March, they provide Vultiials ready for them, fo that they have at an mltant's wnriiinp what thev want, and that ar ver. cheap Rates, a Dinner of pood wholcloir.e Food, and enough, trum Two Shillings diAvn- ward to a Penny. ilicDitiin 'IhcDict generally ufed through the Country, is Rice Jjf.n. of divers forts, (the white being counted the belt ;) F.ih, frcfl. and faked ; Herbs, Raliliics, Pcans, Ui , Teal, Phcafant, Partridge, Quail, and Hens: Of Bcalts iliey h.avc all forts of Uccr, Wild Boars, Goats, and K nc : Cliecfe alfo in great plenty, but Butter they make none, neither will they cat any Milk, becaul'e they citccm it as the Blood of the Annual ; and for what Rcafjn I know not, they wiil not touch a bit of any tame Bealt, tho' they ha\ e them in .abundance. 1 heir Wheat o;:ght not to be firgotten, whiih is as plump and pood a any our Nation can ihew, bi t all of the red Coloi r. We did, in oi,r Travels in the Country, buy Rice at a Haif penny perPornd ; Hens and I'hcalanis the belt and fattelt, for Three-pence a piece ; Pigs very large, tcr a Shilling ; a lat Hog for bive Shillings; anood Beef at Sixteen Shillings ; and a (ioiit at Three Shil- lings. 1 he Drinks in reqi'cft in the Country, are only the Spirits diltilled from Rice, \cry (Irong, and of the Colour of Canaty, and comn-on Water, which is all in all amongll the poorer furt of People, that can't ivach to the Price of the other 1 iqiv r : i hci always drink their Water warm, and fay, that tis good to kill the Worms in the Maw ; which I ll.ouici be very ready to believe, provided they put good llovc of Sa t in it. Our Motions beuig dircv^tid to Sii^.iiyi, where the Hm- perorthen kept his Coert ; bv the latterend of this Month we Itad gi>n'' as far as our Way lay by Water ; and now being to finilh the remainder of our ]o. rney by Land, we were furnilh'd with Horfcs and all Conveniencics for that purpofc at the Emperor's Charge. I had alfo a Palankin, or oric of th^ir Sedans, ,irovided for mc ; and a frelli Uip- ply of Men dr.awn out ot every pkice fuccelfively, for ilie Office of carrying mc therein, when I was tired of my Horl'e, and for the grca'cr .State, a Slav e appoinred to run with a Pike before the Palankin : The King's Harbingers alio went before, and took up our 1 edgings upon the Road. simmttr. 1 his part of the Journey was very picafant and calic ; the Tti.:c;oodnif<>y.iy for [he molt part w.as exceeding evi n and pian, and °J,'J^'i"V''\vhere-cvcrtheie wasan; .-ugi'cd ii-.oiinjiiiors Ground, a fwr-nd n.e fmooth Icvcl pallhgc was ciit through it. This Road (which Curvc di- IJurb.l with the Koile and Bultle the others make in their I ladcs. AlteraRcpofe of a D.iy or two, I went with all my Company m a Body, to the Caltle, to have Audience of th • l-.mpen)!-, and d.ii er tlie i'rcfeius Iritciided for that Com I. J was nnrodui'd by two of the greatcit Men thenA-J™ nV r '■"" '■''"'''■'' ''"■■ l-i'T*^™" Secretary, and Ins Admiral :''"^-- 1 hile led me iirH into a very line iiuticii Room, where we lar down for fjme time, according to their Cuitom upn tlu' Matts, then they brought me into a Chamber of relence where (b>od an empiy Chair of State, to which 1 was obl.gd t,) do Reverence; after fome Ihort time word was brought, that the Fmp.ror was co'nc into the Room 01 Audience, to the Door of which thefe Conniers brought me, but durll not prelume to 'ook in thenfekes. IheCnftom is, tor all the Prefents that arc brought, to be p,acd in order upon the Mats of that Roo'm ii-o which tho fcmperor comes ; and accordingly wh.Til 111, I found them all in a very orderly manner y aid ame oefore They t'jvt! by LtvA. cict of thtir, , him. Hereceiv'd His MajtU'j l.cusr with the Civility -t th.at Country, lih,iig it up towards 'lis Forehead, and •hen, by his Interpicter, bid me Welcome. He dcfired mc to go and lee th.- King his Son at l-M.j, (with all the NeceHaries for which |oiirney, he wou'd t.akccaie lo fur- niHi mc and by that time I returned, Ins Letters Ihou'd be ready lor orr Ki'g. ^ Ihc Amclcs lel.iting to the Matter^ of Trade ami Privi- lege, whi. h we requcltcd His Majeity's Conlirmation of, vverc allcahly granted by him, one only excepted, relpe- cting the C'/.,- ./c. T he Icnour of it w.is to this purrofe Hiat whereas the Crh^^c had lefus'd all Trade and Com! nierce with the l-.,v_ ijh, if we cou'd take any of them a- broad at Sea, it might lie lawful for us to bring them into t.-.p:-.'!, and make .Sale of the (^oods fotaken, m HisMa- jcitys Dominions. 1 his the Kmpcior granted at Hrlt, but his Mum was altcr'd afterwards, by a Conference with the Leiger ot . '/'<« i, and he nfus'd to allow it : i lie rclt all palt under his Great Seal ; which is not of Wax like outs, but Itainp'd like a Print, and colour'd red. The Se- cretary wou'd take no Prefer.t, nor any thing like a Gra- tuity from us ; the Emperor, it fcems, had commanded the contrary, and iwas as much a.s his Life was worth to do it. Having fccn this Bullnefs done, we fet out from , where the Emperor's Son the young King, keeps his Court. The v^ountry is well in- habited betw ecu thcle t wo Cities, the Towns ami Villages le thick, and the /•-.'/».;;,«, or icmples, fcatuiing up and ilown in good numbers tcx). There's one niiehty Image (which they call 0^/.«J that The i.^ Hands in this Road, at which all the J.ip.mefc itupto pay C-*- iheir E)evo|ons when they go -his way : It is made of Copper, all hollow within, tho' very thick; tis in the lliape ol a Man kneeling on the Giound, wiih his Bu'tocks rcltiiig on his 1 leels, and his Arms extended ; lij is reprc- len'cd wearing ol a Ciown, an.i notwithftanding that bending poltiiie, is twenty two Foot tiom the Lev el of the (.,r..und, and all the Body proporLionably large. Some of our Men went into the Body of it, and there k\\ a hoi- lowing and liooping ; the Noife of which, out of the wide Mouth of the Image, was much luJi agiecable fort of Muhck, as, I believe, was made by I', .u.uus Biazcn Bull. It itandsconvenieiuly tocntertain the Devot on of Pilgrims in their pallage to the celebrated Temple o'" I iicl^d.;, ■ they always make a panic at '.),.•:/.. But iliis is but a llighc Cereii-.ony, 'tis at i'.«cw,/j^,'s 'iViupit the Gicai Work is [Chap. X> litMiAin't to tie done, |T™,plt. of their T pie, rich ai coming jnd Dav, and t 1 he Stor ci'CiUy, arc i lure of Co (which I 111 IS'in|r Mr. ■■l.lnHII, ■"*"■ nle I told m ledge. He fays fif the lovelii brought intc which, llic ii Tnicl C(ti-y, a? and Iiaving I Qjicltions ihi her ; and at Scales like th a frclli \ iigii ofthcBi, and rant : AstotI no opponunii ihcmlclvcs, ti and therefore Report, as fa eici to have fi zing Effects o .' the Devil, his and dirfercnt f 'l'cihi':\Ut be Itrange thing t! conlidering wl o.cr that Conn 4iri»;ii Ai-out the i: •'''■ City much lar and every way Tiles of the hi fet off with a I dows, but all very delicately "There's a C the City, whic a fine River p Cawfey ; at ey tiallv fitted up the People to fc Fire. The Caftle < Edifice than tli; much greater J than the Eiiipci »""""■ Hereceiv'd i P^ils.^^ the King's ^ ' '' iistaclion and imagimable. F lent of two cnti and a long Sw< noted, that tlu Tatches, or Ion a.id Perfons of t Tis liiid to I by Horlc, from part o(J.,p„„ ; OurBulmcfshe plcmcnt; that itaying here : Prefcnn lor the 1 where we arriv( We had not ters to our Kin,t Inltnimcnt of ' mcnt ;n ,7«/.„/, the Ong;nai as To, John Saris, /« -t«» p,:, r ■}' w) I' iving Thrc-: pi ciful Ccimii.vui. ill /en thin „jf /j /'>7i ji „,) LatiU ,1 H'rich I rccck'f it lin(> >;lit, to lia\c i,i. AiiJ wc 11 wc came \o and GibU-'.i, x\ III r» many I going along taking ill the Cort r outer parts of '"'*<' ;kbaiid Artiti- tlic calc and are lo be di- make in their M wirli all my e Audience ot iiiled lor that itell Men then J}^^''-" ' I Ills Admiral : ^ ''^ Room, where their Cultom, a Chamber of tatc, to which me lliort time, cone into the Jiel'e Courtiers L in tlieii.ieUes. ,rc liroiighr, to lat R'lO"! into ly wli.'ii 1 tame nvr laid oetote itU ilic Civihty Forehead, and ic. He defired fy, (witli all the ake tare io tur- ettcrs Ihou'd be raJeand Privi- uiitirmatioii of, pted, relpe- this purpole, e and C'om- y of tliein a- np them into I, in His Ma- d at firtt, but: fercme wiih t : i he rell of Wax, like Ihe Se- ng like a Gra- ommiindcd was worth to ; from Sw/itigit .iiif's Son, the u) is well in- ns and Villages icriiig up and all Ddisj that The I ■> ■fe IKip to pay ^■'*-" It is made of tis in the h li:s Bii'.tocks s repre- illandiii;', tliac ic J.e\el ot the rge. Some of here fell a hoU ut of the wide leeable fort ot s Biazcn Bull, on ot Pilgrims o' y iic'iMiiii) ; •, \i but allighi real Wurk is to Chap. XXIII. The Emperor of Japsins Letter, &c. 127 ] Ttn.ple. ^ni by [Ik' ^jnj King. iU,i :k to lie done, and the Pilgrims cxpeift to receive the Reward of their Travel : And here one may meet all forts of Peo- ple rich and poor, found and dittemper'd, continually coming Jnd going thither, and that by Night as well as by Uav, and that all the Year round. The Stories told by the 3«l'i>iicl.- of this their God Tcn- cMay, arc too unaccountable to lie relAtcd with any mca- fiirc of Conhdenvc; fo that inlfe.id of their Accounts, (which I fliall abfolutely wave ' I lliall only offer what Mr. A.Unis, our Couuirv-man fwho has bccnat thisTem- ple ' told mc as Matter of Fatft, and of his own Know- Icdpe. He fays That there is conllantly, every Month, one jof the lovelieik Virgins that the whokCoumry willatTord, brought into this Temple, in a \ cry neat Apartment of whitli, llie is Ihvit up all alone ; and tlat at certair. riines TcmlciUy, as they call him, comes to her in a vilible Form, .ind luMng known her carnally, refolves any Doubts or Qiieltions the puts to him, .ucording as the I'rielts inllruCt her ; and at his I'oing away, leaves behind him a fort of Scales like thole of Filhcs. Mr. /J.Lims fay, Tis certain a frelli V irgiii is taken in cMTy Month : But what becomes of ihcBi, and how the) arc dilpos'd of, he is utterK iyno- ranr : As tutheother Circumftanccs of the Story, there's 11,) oppnuniiy for any Body bntlhcPrieitsandtheVirgins ihmileUes, to Ik lure of the Truth or Fallliood of them ; and therefore the Credit of them depends folely upon their Report, as far as 1 fee : For Mr. /l.Ums does not pretend Civi to have leen any of thofe .Appearances, or the furpri- ziiip ttfeilts ot them inention'd. In (hort, \( Tcnche,l.i\ !«.• ilic Devil, his Frolicks in Jnpii}i arc very unaccountable, and ditleient trt m what they are in other places; but if lciiih:\U> be one of the Roguifh Bonzes, or Prielts 'tis no Itrauge thing th.i: he delircs a Monthly Sacr.Kec of Virgins, coiilidering what an Alcendant the wanton Planet has all o.cr that Country. A'lout the middle of this Month wccame into FMo, a City much larger than Sii'iiii^n, nobler in its Buildings, and every way more glorious in its Appearance ; the very Tiles of the Houles are gilded, and the Pofts of the Doors fet off with a Ihining Varnifh : They have no Glafs- Win- dows, but all of filoard, which open in Leaves, and arc very delicately paintcil. There's a Cawfey runs clever thro' the chief Street of the City, which Street is as broad as any in I'.nglnnd, and a fine River palfes along by, or rather tinderneath th; Cawfey ; at every fifty Paces there's a Well-head fubltan- tiallv fitted up of Free-ltonc, and ferv'd with Buckets for the People to fetch Wat^r with, in cafe of any danger by Fire. 1 he Caftlc of this City is a much ftrongc.- and nobler Edifice than th.it at Swutign ; and the young King lives in much greater State, and has a more pompous Attendance than the Emperour his Father. He recciv d us in a very courteous obliging manner, ta- ' king the King's Letters and Prefcnts with a wonderful Sa- tisfaiifion and Content, and giving us all the Welcome imaginable. He gave us Letters for our King, and a Pic- lent of two entire Suits of J/r/un Armour, finely varnilh'd ; and a long Sword and Waggedalh for my felf : 'Lis no be noted, that the Cittans are a common wear ; but the Tatchcs, or long Swords, are worn only by great Soldiers, and Peribnsof the belt .-\ccouiu. "\ is laid to I1C no Icfs than Twenty two Days Journey by Horfc, from this City of I'Mo, to the Northermoit part ot ,?.i/>/!K J which makes it a Country of a valt extent. OurBulincfs here being no more than the paying of a Com- plement; ihat being done, we had no further occalion of Itaying here : .And lb having got this Prince's Letters and Prefcnts tor the King of F.i:'^:,:)ul, we went back for Sur:!iig.i, where we arrived again .at the end of this Month. We had not been here long, before the Emperor's Let- ters to our King were ready for us ; as alfo the Grant, or Inlfniment of Privilege relating to our Trade and Settle- ment in JapiDi ; the 'Lranllations of Ixith which, as near the Original as may be, arc here fiibjojn'il. To the K ng of Cre.it Britain. *YOur A.'/.,>/'v'i kjiwl l.ttt:r, fciit mc h yo:ir Servant Ciptnjii John Saris, ( iv/'o /, the fvft thai I h.ivc kit.ven to ,;iriv. Friendjhip mth your Uiglmcfs : And that it may JIatJd rvUb your good liking, to fend your Subjetli to any Pott or Pirt of my DoniMoiii, where theyjhatl he wjl Lccrtily H'el.oint, ai:. flaudlii^ mi,ch their H'orthineft in tie admiicbh Kjmwledgj of K.nigatii,n, having vtith much/aclh'ly di/inered a V.oinitiy Io rcmtr, k-iiig ,,0 wh!tr:iiK:^rd with the DjUiice of Jo mighty alluf, mrGrtUf.efsiffuch itifiiiteCUuds aiidStornn, fioin pnf-cuiiiif^ llo>wur.iile iMcpri^n, „/ Ui/ioveriet, aiidMet- chMdifiirt: ll'l creiii they Jhall fmd mc to furl li.-r 1 heir, ac- i:'ndiiiv to their U fires. I ictiirii utito io;rr A;.l/y?r /i Jmiitf Tolieii cf my Loie (Ly your /aid Suhjcrt), d-firing you tone ccpt thererf, as frtm him tiat moch rejvyicth i,i jvur Fiieiid- Ihip. And whcr.-M your Mr.irJIies Sut;eth /wr defrcd certain I'livileges fcr Tr.tde, and Jrtliiig of a l-.Moiy i,i 'ny Domini- litis, I I'^vc mt o>,!y g, anted what tlicy demanded, but have confirmed the firne unto them wider w,> Broad Seal, for better rfabhfhiiig thc'Cif h'icm my Crjile .« Surunga, this Fomth Day vj the Ninth Mouth, in the Eighteenth Tea, cf cur Dary according to our Computation. HJiiiig your Majeftys Friend'. The lighcj} Commander in this KJrf^dmi 1/ Japan. Sid'firibcd, Minna. Mouttono. ) ei. ye. jeas. % III /en ling me fo undjct .wi a Prcjent ef many rare tliii.gi, Jii.h as my Land affrdcth not, neither have I n\r before jceu . H'riih I receive not .i, from a Strangle!, bu: at ficm your Ma- jijh, ahtim I ej'.ccm ,« my jelf. bejiring the centinuanct oj Privil, gcs granted by Ogo/hojjmma. F.mp'ror of ppa», un o the Right Wo (liipful Sir T/jomaf Smith, Knight, G.vcrnour; and cilr rs the Honourable and VVurlhipful Advcniurus to lilt EaU-Indiei. I . T Mprimis, M'e givefi cc Licence to the Svbjefliof the Kim * "/ Great Britain, vi:;. 5/r Thomas Smith, Uov.rtini? Knd Company ,f the Eaft-Indian Merchants and ^laventurers jor e^rr, Jafeh to come into any cf the i'oits ef cur Empire of Japan, nith their Ships and Merchandises, wither., any hin~ draiue to them or their Goods. And to at-id.-, ivy, fell, and barter, according to their ovtn manner, with all Kat'cns : To tany here as Ung at they thinks good, and tod. par' at thc-r plerjures. 1. Item, We grant unto them Freedom cf Cujlcm, frail fiich Mcrchmdiccs .neither new they have brouglt, or iercaftcr /hall bring into our KJn^doms, or fliall from hence traiihcrt to any F reign Part, .ind do .-Uitl ori-e thof SI Ips tlat Icrc- af'terjhall airivc, and ccmc frcm England, to proceed to pre fcnt Sale cf their Commedlties, witljoutfiirth'-r comln- orfnd- ing up to our Court. " i. Item, If any of their Ships fiall happen to /- in danger cf Shipwreck, wc will our Siifctis net in.y /,i afjl them, hut that ji.ch part of Ship and deeds ,,. /l.-ll be fr. ; cd', be rctui ned to their Captain, or Cape M.iJ ant, or their ^jfj'y,,:. And •hat thcyjhall, or may build cue llciif, or mo,e,fo'"themfclvet in any part cf om Fmplir, wheietlcy Jhall thln{fitteji. /Ind at the!) deparlme to make Sac tloccj at their plcajutc. 4. Item, If any of the Enplilh i\.V/v/„»,/j, cr oiLr, fleall depart thti Life, within 0:11 lXml::icn.t, ;i eUoods cf the Decea- ]cd Jhall remain at tic dlfp'fe if the Vapc M.-rchant. And that all Ojfeiiics committed ly them, Jhaii be punlJJeed hy the (aid CafC Merchant, accoidlng 10 his blfetU,: ; aid our Laws to take no hold ofthir I'cfons "r Gocds. 5. Item, H\- will that ye cur Sid-jeeu trad'ii^ with them for any of their Cimrnvdltict, fay them for tlv J.ii'iie, accordlni to ■ l?/eement, with-ul delay, or return rf their U'aic: .-.gain unto them, 6. Item, For j ich Commtditlcs a. they have new brouglt, cr Jleall 'hereafter I'ring, fitting for our S.reie and jrcper life : H'e will that no .h rrji I e made thereof, i ut that the Price be made wllh the Cape Mer.han', accoufng ai tl' y m.'.y jc.l to otliers and p:ejent P.iymnit upen the dei.v.'y cf the (..cods, 7. Item, If in Dijcoieiy of .the Countries for Trade, and rctirnof their Ships, t,:ey Jhall need Menor Vitluals, wr will that yc cur SiibjcHs furnljh then, for their Men j, ,« their need Jhall rcijulrc. 8. And that whhri.t o'her i'afs-poit, they fleall .ind may Jet Thcnr.ov*. out i.pon tve Dljeoieiy if Ycadzo, or ay other pa: t, in or a- "/ ''•'" '" bout cur Fmplrc, >- ■tSotili. Frt.m our Caftlc in Suiu"ga, this Firit Day of thcNinth Moiuh, iuid in me Eitiht'-entli Year . f our * 0.. i, • orRc:. n. accuivting to our Ccmiutation. Sealed with our Bioad Seal, Ci'. X.'r,dcr-wrltten, Minna. Mouttcno. yei. 5 e. yeas. ii • The 128 The Great Temple at Meaco, &c. i Tin LmI' |:- I I 1: tturt. f I I Tlie Gieit Tlif "jAfoniitn I angiiagc I'ecms tn agree wiili the Chimje in thi<, That they ctprcK whole Words coniiHndioudy.by tlicir fevetal proper C haraifters, not compoumlinp; tlicm ot UiftirK^I ctters amISyllables as 'tis In other langiiapes ; the Charaillcr is \ cry tiirtcrent from that of thcC/'i«rA,iii»l tlicy read l*ginning at the Right hand and fii downwauls pir- rtr.dicularwile in the iemal lines. Ihcy laki' a vvin- tlerful deal of larc to Ipulk and write in ilit- llidrttft and concifcft manner that tan K- ; they arc nir glMn to Hourimand inlargc upon a Siibjeift, Init deliver ilioir Minds in very pertinent, exaA and t.oinprelieiill\c Tinus, contradlinga great deal of Seme into a little Cm, p.ils. Thciitters and the Iiiftruiiiem were both wriitei; in it \ery wirly after their manner, .ind the firlt laritiei of that kind that our Nation 1 believe e\er had. 1 hits was all our BuGncls at Suungn finillud roo, upon w hich we took leave of thcEmjHMor andC'ouit, and lei out for iVM«(/o. Our way lay by landau far asO/i,.», and in parting thither we rix)k Mcica in our way ; tins is abliilutcly the greatelt City in J-iMn, and a plan- of iniph- ly Trade. .Ml the Trades-men dwell in a pan ol i Ik- Ci- ty l)yiliem(clves, and all of fuch an emploju'cnt in I'm h a Street ly themielves ; the .7 •/'0'i''/f tluuk it \ cry unfeenily andiircguhir to havemenof (o in.tny leveral Picjleilioiis and bulinellisuuxt and huddled together in fu.h a cpn- his'd manner as they are in other phues, they are for ThcO'.Vtof^i^l^jpigjIljjf thefaineliadc ( whoarehttui toconvcrfe 'iMil't' together ) neighbours to one another ; [VnJs of the fame Feather lo U- all in a diftinik Floek by ikjuifclves, that .1 Man that luoks may knowwheie to liud them, .And the plain Tnuhor.'iis this Order is not without it's Beauty and Convenieney, and it added methoughts a peculiar graietotheCiry, which all it's oi' -r Advantages would not ha\e given it. The moll magnificent Temple of the whole Country is here at Menc}, buik of Free-lb me and as long as St. l'/!uh in Lontion from the Quire, arcliM, adorn'd with mighty Pillars, and as lofty as that. It has one peculiar Altar, at which they make their Oft'eriiigs of Rice and finall'Money ( eall'd Cundries, twenty of which make a Shilling ) for the maintenance of the Bowrce'j belonging iaolM..n«i.toii; and by this Altar (lands the great Idol KUnmi^a, made of Copper, and ot the lame forin with Dnhs befoie mentioned, but much higher, reaching up to the very Art h. The Temple Hands advantageoufly upon the top of a hi.uli Hill, and upon each fide the Alcent you have a long row of Coluinnsof Free-Stone, about 50 in each Scries, ten Paces didant from one another, and upon the top of every Pillar is a l.anthorn, the 1 amps in which are lighted t-.ery night, and make a very glaring ll.ew. Thercarc dneisother Teiiiplcsbeliiles this, but this vaftly exceeds all the red in all Points of Beauty and (irandcur : 'Twas jiift tinillied .iiour being there, the Foundation being laid by the fani'd 'I'.ucoiniiir., whofe H"rl'e (in memory of him ) i'.kepi in an apanment hard l^y, and is tolic iiiain- lain'd here ill a l.ife of perfccll eale and reft as loni; as na- t.ire will allow him to hold it out. The ('("'i/jiifi'-Jcfuits have a (lately Collcdge in this City verv \vell fuinillieil with men of that Society ; they breed up' abundance of S^/cHrA- Youth, reading Philolo- phy andihe Popilh Divinity tothcm.making a gnat many iIk 111 Vreai hers, and I fuppofe at laft Jefuits too. There's no d.mt t bm they endeavour to make them as good as they f Eight fir Mat which is two Yards) a fort of Ware the Jupotiefe were now almoii out of conceit with, be. raulc we did not take care to recommend the goodni.fs of it by our own wearing. ■^'dii ( fay ihey ) cry up your broad Cloths to us, and Thf w at the fame time hardly wear a rag of it your felves, but '''"' ''"''« are all for your .Silks andStiitfii,and any thing in theWorld, ™!™ except jiitl v\hat you would have us buy of you. Andowuclii' ihetrmh oii'i is, the yapdir/e »tc in the right, and their Objedlii n not ealily to be aniwer'd ; we oiight to lie morefonilut our own Country Commodities, and tell o- thcr Nations they are v ahiable by the ufe of them we make , our fehts. Fori eiguers won't be fo ready to believe us if they lee we don't wder our Falhions fo as to give a Repu- tation to what we recommend abroad in the World ; and for all 1 know other Nations may tell us as well as the T.if'uiielc of not wearing our own broad Cloth, may re- proach usvvith the neglciil of our own Commoditict, and delpile them till they fee us do othcrwifc our febes. 1 his VitAndo is a very good place for our Ships to put in at with refpeill -o the Point of Vnihialliiig and all that, but it is not lo proper for Trade 'u-caule it lies otT from the main Ifland of Ji-.fnn, where ire not only the molt, but the moll conlider.ible People, capable of giving an encouragement to Trade, which in tliele little by-Ulands is to be not exptvflcd. We might, I don't queftion, be welcome at any of them . all, and the Kings of two of thefe petty lllands ga\ c ais I a lorinal imitation ; but there's few of them can afford ' a Bulinefs ihat will turn to account, and ilefray the Charges of a Settlement. Therefore my Advice is, that our Ships that come to Trade hero would (ail not tofi, Fhnnti", hw to Ormir^aw unon the main Klaiid, and a- 1, ft'"'"') bout 1 5 Leagues dillance from I'Mo, where lliey will"'"''' find very g(x)d Riding and a much greater profpeift of Advantage. This place indeed is not c.ipabfe of giving lo^ood an Entertainment as may be defired, Provilions are not altogether fo plentiful here as KFirando; but that want miy be fupplied by a Correfpondencc. with the circumjacent Country. Chrillianity makes no'confidera- blc Figure comparatively any where in this Empire, but at Mctico and Laitg.^ficjue, a Town (itu.ited upon the Sca- Coad, about eight Leagues from Flrnndo. It had 'tis ti|ue gotten footing in 1-Mo ; but the Emperor upon fonic pique taken againft the Chriftians banidi'd them all from thence, and confin'd them ro Lit)i^ipic,/ue ; and as a pre- vention of it's creeping into the touiT, and rooting 't Iclf atn- where near him ; he made it death to any thailhould offer to build a Church or ling Mai's within ten leapics of the place where he refided. This change was but a very little time Mt'occ our going to I-Mo, notwithlfanding which, the Religion is otherwile indiiljjed ; the Cluillian 7(mf/r at prefent have (as fur as 1 lee > the laii'e I'lo. tedtion and Privilege with the others, and the Jefuits fecm to enjoy an unredrained Liberty in the making oif Profelytes. The Foundation of a Faiflory being now (irmly laid in the Emperor's full Grant to that purpofe, we proceed- ''"'*'' cd to build upon it, lK?iiigthe rather encouraged to it, in that we were now alfir'd that /'i.,?'/?.' Fatitories were adually fettled at, V/,i)H and (V^^»/f, ,Vs alfo that the OwfWi made fomething of their Bulinefs here, and we had rea- fon to believe we had not a lels Iharc in the Ccxid Will and Efteem of this Country than they We therefore ap-,j , pointed lome 01 our Company to reliJc here upon 'liistkJ. Affair, with iiidrudions alfo to make wh.it Difcoveries they could upon the Coaft of Com-,-, lyhni.v. and other parts adjoining againd the next return of th- Ship-.. By exadl obfervations made during our Hay here, vic determine the Latitude of FiranJo to be ii Deerees i4jBnutesNorth, and tlievarvingof the Compals tvMi''"'^' D^Ks 50 Minutes Eallerly. Wlien we took our le:n e ""''' of old King b'ofur, he gave me a Letter ti r our King written in the Chinele Language, o'.it of whiili it was bv two Chincfc Merchants tranllated into the Mi:l-j.i>i, and from thence into Englijh as follows. To the King of Great Britjiv, Sec. Vyp/? mighty Kj"gs lotf ncccfi i\r!c )riiy ftl^ijc/'i:! /.r/;:^:; Letter and hou>i!ilul I'^ejci.t r'lii-.ii/ wntln tilifir Jl-iic mc hyyotir SeivKiit i'-i.,.,:! cr tie ;^>crt hnjfitirjs I rfieer w» fe/f tohei'n, lyenjcj.-n^ -our lii^hnr/s Jrieiidfbi^ : i-.»- which I rtndtr ji,u viitny : r.^kj, lUlir.vg tite i:.i::iiit,r.t:e^' '/ :h ap. XX your Mnjrjtt yourSiil'jttii loiirney. A-i ulierwoft, / terjirijei ef i their fuwii mciit lo the 1 Illy I'I'tce of i ii.u. Seitint; (i Coad of C, ing which v out betweei a very great Chinn we hi frranofilisfent them ; plating ihe Ead as the N.N.E. wii lome one Li which ther( Tis worthy trade alongt large, hndi trends. And to p ; Obk-ivjiioni true and )u|l ' '.'"T-, '";' of them to MJi'tHii. „ ,,-11 Coiirle lolel letting forth ^i\eii of iht we (ind thi Streiphts of foine ) to be lies in the e and a true at 7 he lx?gii Biintniii Roa left in the Fa Survivours I: vice and Bui nothing of: and the Ct more ^ertaii antl mud of to pay for vv Bciide le\eraldidif '"■''""'"•by this meat to out-biti Vo\age, the was dill a fi reduc'd all ^ ernmeiit, Icffeii'd the 1 late the pjac dilcretirn C '■:>,. U.4. Thus lea' T..-wn fll w -. . mi, th-.i ■;>, r thci'^idSLi TibTl.l^li^j^TXXIIL ^^vice c oncerning Yedzo, Q-c 129 iroail CInaiht, It fony Rialk fort of Ware ceit with, be. the poodntfjcf tlis to lis, ami Thf imii our fi-lvcs, Init fi"''''"!'" g in thcWorld, ™; X'k « (if you. And owuCki!* ipht, and their L- ought to be ic.% and tell o- thcin we make . :o believe us if ;o give a Repu- te World ; and as well as the i^loth, may rc- I Commodttict, otherwife our ir Ships to put ng and all that, it lies off from only the molt, of giving an ittic by-Illands at any of them (lands ga^c ^is icm can afford md defray the Advice is, that nild fail not utp, .^^ II Illand, and a- h. ft,';' | 'here they will"'"*'' [ er profpedl of \ pabic of giving red, Proviliotis ■/indo; but that icnce. with the :s no confidera- bis Empire, bus 1 upon the Sca- do. It had 'cis :ror upon fonie d them all from and as a pre- id rooting it Icif any thatlhould in ten Leagues nge was but a notwithlhnding ; the Chriltian the fauH- I'lo- and the Jcfuits the making of low firmly laid „ , e, we prorecd- raped to it, in Faiitories were ) that the Dutth 1 wc had rca- ■ Good Will and c therefore ap-fj,| ,,,/.; here upon 'liis lUJ. hat Difcoveries ■»;.7\ and other ;b" Ships, ir ttay here, \ve be i^n DciTies : Compals iwo *■'' ^ k' , r fitdi ill«S Ji'Ht ntn n.; 1 1- :.■•.• r.f tirjs I rjlfi'r ixy 'ilfh:, : twMch r c::i:tinhf.r.C'! Vi .iH(/c. The like Character is to be ^nen of the Plat m.ade by ?.r>./ .< Af./c a Ih'l.mdcr, for we find the polition of thofe Illands, that make the Streiphts of Ci-i)ia Rata ( or I'ulu liatj as 'tis ( all'd by fomc ) to He as he has plac'd them ; and the Shoal that lies in the entrance of theSt.^ights to be rightly plac'd, and a true account given of it'sdepths. 1 he beginning of this Month we came to an anchor in Bantam Road, where we found the belt part of the Men left in the Factory at our goin"^ to 'iapnii dead, and the Survivours had as pood have been dead too tor the Ser vice and Bulinefs they did in our .ab fence : 1 here was nothing of a lading got in readuitls, no l'epi\.-r laid in, and the Commodity riling every day, and nothing more (jertain than that, wc that were homew.ird Ixjuml, and mult of neceflity procure a lading, lliould be made to pay for what we h.ad to tho purpole. Alhhci-'j. Belides, we found a difadvatitage in having fo many a,n. re fcveral diltinCt Faiftcries as we had in this one place ; for djt'J 10 ore. [,y tfijs means it came about that one party erde.uourinp to out-bid anor'ier on the account of their own paiiicular VoN.igc, the prifes were laisM, and lb the piblick Interelt wasltill a furi'erer by it. Ti) redre'.s this therefore, we tcduc'd all the tc\ cal F.nitories at Ur.tit,:ni to one Cio- vernment, and tix'd tlu'in in (jie Houle together, and lelfen'd the number of W'are-houfes, takini; car..' to regu- late the placing and difpoiiiip of our Gi ods wiih moie dil'cietirn for the time locmie. I lought hi.!'e of the C'hirf,- Merchants Fo-.t thoul'and Sacks of I'eppa- at thirteen Rials of Eight /.-)' ten Sacks, the Ball'e thice in the Hundred. Before we went away wr liaii the misfortune of fcina \eiyncarthe whole C":ry of /;.j ■.'-■>« laid in .-Xiles ; Ikav the fircbcpun isuncertaiii but when once 'cw.is kiiulled the Wind i.'.iried en the I'laire with th.-it irreliltib'e lur). that the whi !e Tuv n a''; olt was prel.iul') c^^n'o, the Iii[v;ih ai-d !':!\'' 1 '■ ulls only ex.i'pied'^^jMjfch wcreprovidcntialb fpared and fon e very tew^PTre ; bv :.s if thele f w ir.r.lt of necc.iity folh w the rcit in tlieii' fare, a fucceedinpFirc two or three days aftci de- vourM tl'cni f o ; ou'vtlie /J'l;.-' an! /..; '/.tloui. s h.'.d If'l! ilu-lapic poweitul and kird Piotidt ■ n, lifiing 'p '.heir Hcai's when all ihc o her Bnildinpsot the Town wTr!c\cir.: wiih :h'-'D..H aV. 't '.h'-ni. Thus leavirp ilicle two '-lo fes to l-iear the n.iiuc of th',' '1 ■-.'.» n fll itr>'ler.urof t'.; . Il.^snp.un, wf c. fail h ip . vv -. . mint to an..n ln'r .11 ■ 1 ay b> ihenmiuic. 1 thu ■tui'x" whir ' V e ii'-!i I the '.m.' of. .;.; , the uift Ship that w.isc.cr kc o... L) the jou.t Stock. "Jjnujn Coir..:u' The Natives here were grown txccilvely rude aiid '■•U'|J^^^''« treacherous, and tho' they ncstr had good Manners, yet „j,„f„, ,(» the> i.fed not tobc lo forward to Ihcw their illManners and UuiicdSiojJ- barbarous Tcmpcr;tx)th the Concord and we telt the elfeds of their Treachery, and we for ourp.irtshad liketoha\c lolt ail the Men that kept the Skiff by a fudden and furi- ous all'ault of theirs while the relt were allioar ; nay, they had per;lh'lc\ery Man if they had not imniediaiely hur- ried tluirfelvcs ort into the Water. Some reports have been, that the Beef tf this Co iniry WMit take S.dt well tho' all allow it tobc \cry gi xl meat ; but by the experi- ence v\e had of It in a good (luanti'y .which wc powder'd,it feem- to take Sah as weil .as an; meat of that kind in the World We hnilli'd this long and tedious \'oyapc the !.-ittftr .''."«»>'«». end of Sri":m! -r, when we came faf>. into {'.'.■iio:.ti. Ro.id ; ^J^^l^'/J herethe Winds and Weather were more fe cro upon tis than in all thofe \alt ai.il .1 iphiv .Seas th.lt we had pals'd ; we weie aLiually \n mere oai'!- t th.n we h.id Urn in lail- inpalxive half the Globe, and f'viii'd vv.' vote come from *ipa>i to 11 II, a to be svnck'd at "iir own verv doors: Thisteiijpeftous weaiher held f<'r fi\e or li\ Weeks, and then wei.t off. I have thought fit 'o let th's Account of A/?') (which I haittiomaj;;, (" /•, who had 1 ecu twice there, at my iKing at l-.ddo } .attend the i'l . .erjouiuai. 8.i>tiim,\itr\x to ihc >"4 /ntelligence ctucerittH^ \' 'czo, receive/ at the City oj Ld. o /« J i| .111, from a Jcipoiulc tfjat h^d been twice there. Hislntellipence favs, that 7>rf,o is certainly an Ifland b.ing on the N. W. lide of ir.pan, ari.t aliout fomc /'.••'i.j an ten leagues diltance from it. That the I eeple arc of a '■''""'• tairCi;iiipiexion, pood manner'd cnov eh, l.ir more hu- mane m their temper and cnditicns than their outward T'"^ ^"'"'• alpeOl and appearance, being alloier pughand hairy al- niolt like Monkeys, yet their Skin ( as befor;^ hinted) white and clear. '1 he Weapons us'd amonglf them are Bows and pjj fon'd .\rrows : Thofe in the.Soi th'rn parts aic the mush more underilanding People,and fit for Com- merce, having the knowledpe of Weights and Mcaf.ires, which :n the middle parts of the Illand they .ire entirely ignorautotf. I'hat up in the Korthern parts area People which fccin to be different from the relt of the Illand, and of i-juitc [,.,.j,(i(i, another ra..e, beiiip Ibextreaiuly low and Itior; that they ve'iiilcto ihe may be cali'd Dwarfs in aiinCtanl proper Stnce, wh'.Te- 's'-"''''*'-''''' as the /■ -/^ ".'J are ci mmrn'y of die Itatme of the Japo- iiejc. 'J hey have none ot tliein any firt of Apparel but wh.it is lirouphv them from it^'-i;, and lb the molt part of their Rice (if nut all they are fuppl;:d with) is brought fonuhencetoo; butthen they hi\e that amongft tiieiii, which will make ctlkr Peojile think it very well worth their while to coii.e and bring them ihcl'e ncceffa- ries ; they have apreatdeal of Silver, and a fort of Sand- Gold, in which tlijy make ad their payments to the Japo^ ihjj for whattliey lake of them. The C< n.moilities niolUy tranl'ported hither arc Ricc,f. .■,;„, Cotton, Clith, Iron and I t.id ; b..tof all things, necelfa-cj^dtTi"" r.et.ir the Back and Belly, are the molt welcome and ac-'h'^f ceptable to thele I'euple ; particularly Rice carried from ,i.:pr.ino tcd^'^ has yleld.-d four for one. The chief Meat-Town where the J.-poncfc rcfidc and trade IS i all'd A/<;f.- MM, wiiere they have alio a Fort, and r':^« atlealt 500 FauiiKes of ih.-.t Nat. on conltantly dwelling there. In Scpia/ii: the Natuiscc.me down in valt num- I i ers robuy and lay in iheii Winter Lores, and in \h,:l) ■the bring Salr^on, anu le.cra! foics of dr-ed Fi.h (belides i I ther Wares; v.'hich they ha;' -r with the ;y»o,.-wj... |T his A/'.L V, ; iithe chief I' wn f r Biilincis known to ! the ifipoti-'- ip.iii ilie whole Illand, and they h.ivc no mar.- Inir ol concern or leitlemeni I'ny wh.'re but here. I Lhe Wini'.shold the lame C urfj here for the moil part that they iIomi ., '/■•/,, -i-.'^. 'J he Xort!r..rly I'-rgin in S,,: : ■ ■' ■ aim cndm AI..;'.Y', ami then the Southerly fucceed ''"'"^ ^''™'' , tlv.'m, and iK-pui their courli.'. And as aconwulion of [i,^. "'•' C'Jnaia; '■ li.ile Account, there fees a \eiy violent Current be- .ween l-.-.i^o and -lyai', which comes from Co e'' ■nuitlicr, ami ftrcnrilun their l'rcnJitui> by inoui.il F.ntcrt.uinncnis: Ni.w in ilii'. point ilic T^.rmJ- polKyon^l all iho t:[\ ot' Mankinil, -nul naki' fiiiliKaftsas lunlly .my oiher People, 1 Ulicu-, d.>re picicnJ to ilir like. V'c lloiul ihink it M-r> ovl.l, for .1 paivcl of I'coplc in one Country, tonnif iluir I-ricnJs in an' tlur two oi thre* thoiUanii leagues otf, lo cnme anil t.»!:e p-irt of a Collation ; fur a .Man in I-.iij•- Miv, to come and Oitie with him Uuh a Dav. But tlie ■V.ii'ow/i'aretar more extravagant than ihiseomeMo ; and delire their h'ricnd'i to tnl;e a niiirh longer Joiirnes : 1 hev lorkontimdhooihLrWorld for CoiiUMiiv ; pue InMM- tionwo the Dead, and eall .at the drave's Month toi Ciiielt^a; then I'litertainnieiits. W'Ih 11 the Seaf.ai for this Solemnity is come, ;. rry great Preparation:, are made all over the p'ace ; the Stre.-f are iaiiiKrlH'fi;n fwept tle.m, and dravel is laid in a ilcecm n cvcrv Man's l>onr ; at Nielii too there are llliim n.uions, and Candles are hiiiip out every-whcrc : This mull l-e e thcrfora Token of Joy .iiid Welcome to their Fiieiuls at their Arrnal, rr -rife to give them ;i little Diredlion, and prevent their being Blunder'd by the Way. All things thus fet in order, ii^ the dead o( the Nigh: they mareh with alMindanec of Lights to the Gr.a\es and Tombs, carrying all their Provifion both for Eating .tnd Drinking along with them; and here they fet to it, and are exceeding merry, enioving all the Plcafurcs of Good tellowlhip at this rate, for fev eral Nir,l;is together. At the breaking up of the lealt, they g" up and down the Town in Compa- nies with Flaps and Banners, beating upfin Gre.it Pans, and dancing vJrv briskly to that fine MiMick, before everv ( ireat Mar's I), or. and ar al! the Temp.es and Sepulchres. •Ihis is the Conelull-ii of the wluilc Solemni'y, and now the airy (iiielts are dill li.irgM till the next liu nation. ■ ;cl mobfervinc ihe Or.lers ot th;s ' ris pcrformM in the Street before their great Pagoi!, or Temple ; and the Dclicn of It (I fiippofe) Is to encourage that fort of Dexterity, and make them skilful Mark- men, that they may be able to do better Service in the Wars. And amoiiglt other Recreations in ufe inihis Countrv,■'J^•.• th• I' Far : '1'w.is all Difcoru to us. fo l.arlh. Hat, and eoiifiis'd, that one wmi'd think it Ihoii'd laih.er difcompole the Audience, and preiiuli.e their Teiiiprr, than excite any pleating fuitablc Padions in tliciii, and give a relilh to the Play. Tli.s MuHck (at lead what we faw) wa-a fort of Ta- bors made in the form nf an Fiour-glals, great at lioth eiiils, and fniall in the middle ; they be.it npon one eiul with one H 'n ', and (train the Strings with the other, pro- porti, iiing the SoiiirN as iliey pleafe to their Voices which aceompaiiv it ; belides which, they have fomething of 4 Fife, or Flite ; but Tabor, Voice, and Flute, are .ill dull and nnmiilieal. .Some of their Women indeed, fing and j'lay Iweeily enovigh upon the Cittern of their Country ; inu tlie Mulick of the Sraue, where it ought to be fined, is tliere the moll ordinary .'.i;d cc nil-. In tiiine Circumftan es it 1:1 own'd, that they go beyond us ; for in all ;li>'- e raordinary Pl.ays, the A- dors are no leis Perfons th e Kings thcinfelvcs, and the top of the Nobility ; f .. wlioby hcighih of Birth and Blood, and an Elevai on of Mind andl'emper anfwcr.i- blc to rhar of th .r Fortune, arc very well i]ualilied to adt a Peal ar.d a Natur-d Part, ami rogr.c the iitmoll Degrees of 1 ifeand Strength, to thofe Reprelentationsof Her'oicaJ 1 ei'tue, ihat are <(■■ •1 the Piav. n this oecalion i and that was the Fate cern themfelvesvvith iiny F(>reign Stories, but ever draw I/,-, at the time of our U-iiig at K- Mirqi-iil.l Thevare fovrryltr:dino\>:ervinp I ,,,,.,-,. ^ , .c x. ,- 1, ,- 1^ ' • • • r Fealt that 'tis n aile Capital lov any Man to ncgleCt his , ^ iie SubjCLt Aianer ct th' te Dran.a s, is a. ways foinc Dety'hcrc: 'Tis Dcaih not to Iweej' a D( or, and hang impnnant^All'.iir of their own Coumry ; they don't con- OMt a Candle, \\\ of one poor ;?,i/i- Bciidcsthis, the 7 i/t)."/.- .are mightily given to another lort of Nirlit-Diveii'oii, and that's Mal.iuerading,in which the Kings! and the N<.ble-mcn, aCt the ir.oft conhderabic parts- Ml the Streets arciiow cnlighmed with Candles imonglt the I'eopie, an t' . . , X . ,■ ,. .1 . I. « i^...,-,Min ,!/>!,., \ei'li .t!I ration (tt ihofeVeitiie V* 1'' I row I night-Feafl King I'ly « IS .1^ F<""-1 King his(irand-li.n : be airy, jollv- ibeiab'c, love Meeting's, chufc iv.d.er to wear r.v /./' t.ir, 11 the Scene for Ionic p'a.e wi'hin the Bounds of Jf.p.m "J hey run over (at fecr.d times) the whole Hiltory of the Country, the various Fo'tuncs of it, the Wars and Vali- ant .■Vlioi.s ot their moll Renown'd .\neellors ; by whjch nxaiis they keep up a livelv Rcinembraiiee of them a- no\v cnlightned with Candles jmongll the People, and provokethem to a geperous Inii- •iniin and the Mulick plays the Colr.panv along with all tation of tliofe Veiti:es they lee repivlenre.l, with foine. "the lo'l'itv iiinuinable • they march lon-etimes 10 one great | thing mote ot Adv.mtage, than it the Perlons ol the Play Hoiile' and limietimes to another, accoiv.ing as the Froliek , were ablolute Strangers to iheni.^ Nay, they come dow-n wcrks and fiH-iid perhaps the beft part of the Night m ; from Amuinity to the preienr I imes, and bring the 1 ifs the Dancii --s ri.d other Comical Parts of th.s£nteitaii.-|and the Fiaionlometmx-s together ; iraking thofc Cir- '" ' " ' icumltnncesthc SubjeCfs ot the Drama, that were real to "^"^■I'heNiuhts hardly p.ils away anv where, 1 think, n-orelthemfeivcs, and thofe Perlons Aclors, that Iwc a part in mcirilv than at l-'/r'>.'/- ; when otiicr People are a bed the I.il'e. And in this Cafe, no doubt the Petformance andaSWT thev are at the Balls and Publiek D.in.iiigs, ;mulH)e very agreeabK-, lecaule Nature has here fuch a nerh'ai^s i\i.,lqner.u*lin" up and down the Streets, orCa- p.art to plav ; and the very Hero's themfelvcs, who can rowl'incinl.ii.e(..vat''Man'sHou(e, at uie of the'r.V.id. moft decent y excite and manage their own Paflions, arc •fh s is their comm at Tiaue, and the o'd , broUlftt 11; ■ ,1 the St.ig.e to do it. ' at i- as any of them all, has as much .' All theie I'rcat Pl.iys. in which the Courtiers arc con- Ai- and Yorth i:i ail Divuiioi.sufthis kir.d, a-they. ung cera'd, c nclnde v-th ns Noble an F.nteitainmeiit ; and -li,, rhe Tcmpci' of ih.s Po pie to .whatever be tlic Pri l nil a Wad. -And th'ii all the People that come to fee, 'I"- ''')■■ Tlio'ilv / ftians, and ihenilelvrs, V fefs'd w ith Ion the Fifects ot nor Chriltiain •lhi'» if a ^'* pbie to iheinl in light of aiy Ic lull at the Cliuith ofthi three Mile ab< which 'tis pull it.inds. 'I'hns ihey K- biir.ed ; w 1 know not h wou'd not full ty the Prefcnc had had no Bo Water, we no the fpot where for tiiey woiu Body of a Ch Ix- hired, .iny Country we ai ring none elfe will ra' her cue let the-r Fland rhe Bonzet theKnowledgi fay are reveal c tend to relblve llinns, to dete vents ; in lliovi which cannot 1 ha'.e fome le.l on't is, they Predidtions at which accoiuu have th.>fe fall pall all doub they tell Lyes they very bout Fires, wt Day ; and the TtiDS and Bu time comes ; a for their Pains for any ufe the Town is very compared wltt niity : But the of it ; that thc^ or lay their P fire without fa Boniees are ci fome employ 'i getting Plundi of eftablifliing king the t.vei happen as the any Magick i Myllery to th Adlions witl pafs. The matte dcfired Spoih can't bd I'ro] Spoil they wi therefore to way, but to before-hand, fuch a time, with fo muc us as tan le ; Aie I'^nyally F'e died, at'.ii and grem v'll-.Mit e-c. ] r.r.v, eidi.r Ir.'iii illePlay as the p'ace will coma n, R..ai' n for it too, liiice thing IfMl.'.ntial, eomnb no to ilie Fca'l as well .is the Nol'ile'.. 'I'luy a'-eve y merry at thcfe times, Lut yet in their decent civil Wiy. Thu' ■ ade very iiuu h of, both fmali rion. There is 10 excliilion of or Enteriainme It, but .ismany a:e admitted : And there's lome the mol; of hem thi.t are any /"' haf,. XXIII. Occutrmces at Firando, trc. 131 '.V /./' Tho'tho 'tmnti'i can be \ cry Civil ami Friendly to Chri- ftiiiis and the Rclipimi is cmcrtainM liy loineof ilicm ilienil'elirv yet the Country in general, feoinj toliepel- 'marl{ahlc rent Pagoi!, or s t') rncoi\ra('c ^k;iful Mark'u Scrv ICC in the itliis Country, 7j^.(( ; for the 7et m Thu' fifs'd with fome firt of (Irange fupcrltiriou* Prejudices i the Hife^'ts of which are fuch, ai lej're'" it Chnllian* M nor Chrillianity it fdf^ to Ix; dclpicabic amonKll tlieiH. 'J hi'» if a Chriftiin dies there, a< they have a Burying- pla^ e to theinfehes to the Corps uuilk iie\er be brought in nglit of any nf their Pagnilj ; if the riacc nf Interment ic place I ard by. %(w^ml«" I Ik. )I le bill at the end of a Street, or hard by, if there be a tluitch of theirs in the way, the Funeral mult go two or three Mile alxjiil, unlefs there dc any Ihirnr Cir, by which 'tis rolfibie to avoid the Street where the Cluinli (lands. Thus they fcrv d us, when one of our Company was tn be bur.ed ; we were fori d 10 c.irry ihe Corps by W'.iur I kiinvv not hnw far rouml, becjufc the foppilli I'rielts wou'd not fulfer us to bring ir along ih;- StuM, fandihed by the Prefence of one (>f tluir Idol-'l'emples. And if we had had no Boat or Skiff of oiir ovvn,to con\ey a Corps by \V.iter, we nuilt e'en have burKd our Con.panions upon the fpot where thev died, or have Hung them into rhe Sea ; for tficy won't furfcrany of their Boats to touch the dead Body of a Chriiliarv Nay, more than that, they won't be hired, any of them, to dig a Grave ; lo that in this Country we arc forc'd to be Sextoncs to one another, ha- ving none elfe to do that Office for us : For the 'Ji-.jjane/c willra'her endure the llench of a putrifying Body, than fct the-r Hands to the laying it under Grouml. The Bonzecsofthis Country are iriphty Pretet ' :'. co the Knowledge of Future and Secret 'lliings, which they fav are reveal d to them bv their Or.arle : 1 hiis they pre- timl to refolve all forts of knotty, dark, rnyfterioiis Qi'e- ilinns, to determine the Circumftanccs of cont'iigcnt F- veiir> ; in lliovr, to give an account ol all thofe 'I hings, which cannot be accounted for, but by fuppofing them to ha.e fume fiipernatural Intelligence. But the mifchief nn't is, they very often flioot belides the Mark ; their Prediifkions and the Hvents very feldom agree : Upon which accoiun (ince it is not to be fuppos'd that they have thofe falfe Informations from any good Spirit), 'tis pall all doubt, that eitiier the Devil tells them Lyes, or they tell Lyes of the Devil. "f hey very often put the Town into a difmal Fright a- bout Fires, which they fay pofitivcly Ifiall happen fuch a Day ; and then all the People are in a hurry, providing Tubs and Buckets, and hlling Water againft the fatal time comes ; and at lalt perhaps they have their Labour for their Pains, and mav c en throw their Water out again, for any ufe they h.-ive fn, for the freciuency of that Cala- mity : But then 'tis very feldom fo, when the Boiizees tell of it ; that they had better e iiher quite hold their Tongues, or lav their Plot fo fare, ihat the Town may be let on fire without fad : For we make no doubt at all, but the Bonzecs arc either the Incendiaries themfelvcs,or at lead fome employ 'd by them ; and that partly out of hopes of petting Plunder, when the People arc in a Confiifion, and of eftablilliing the Reputation of their Prediiftions, by m.v king the F.vent anfwerablc. So that when a Fire docs happen as they fiiretcl it, there's no necclfity of fuppoling any Magick in the Cafe, or that an Oracle rcveal'd this Myllery to them : For a Villain may foretcl his own leud Adions without being call'd a Conjurer if they come to pals. The martcr ftands thus : The Bonzees can't have their dcfired Spoils, without fetting the Town a-fire, nor they cant b lai I the Saddle upon th • ri!''i: 1 lot Ir, .md t|ia> f rne cul Spirit indeed w.a.s lonierii'd ;i' rhc miUliief ; but tlic pii'. fuit ot the Villains takes otf [liat ; add Lelide*. rlurc.if Crov.ds ot pdftr.iig Pc |'le Ivnn a; nut the Town, tf 11 bie.tk very often in'o Mom'es rr.d rob and fpoll, and orter Vio clue 111 all (■ilurl'iris ; wlv.'ie 'h.ie ure I'icli fort of Cattle, there » no need it r-cni; farther a-tie'd, to fetilt :he prob.nbIe •',ir|„,i-» t! 1" c;i Vd!.ni.:-s as ih 1.. In orderto the fut Te more etf.c'.uil pievention o\ thile Dilti'rbaiicfs, vi,. (whofc ihare of divad and danger by the 1 ires w.is not the h.iii; iti.'.d^ a Moi.un to tlie K'i4', I li.it an 1 (lic'l inM-ln be pub'iih d, eiiii.ynini; a mrll ilri,;i < .■nd paiticular W. t. h to tv c er^-wliere kept; ihar 11.)^'' Man (l.ou'd be filfri'd tn!.eu,ii late, but what con", i 1 i^e ' ' a very f-m il Aciount i.f li'nl,-f, .m.l Irs I'.Jinil, ; '.ind bdides, alwavs to h.ue a 1 ifht Iv f le him. tli.u liem!ghi be feen what hj w.is. And the)' Oi.lci.wciv aceording- ly put in execution with all nilii'i nee : So th.n n,.w theic's hopes, that the Town, and the .'vUtcIi.ims 'ii :t will en. jriy a more iir.diiti:rl>d Ke] die : For the p'liii trnili on't IS ; what with the rernble Appr h ■nli'jps of 'he Fire, the Hurry (f the Town thi fc Nii'lits 'rwis ; vivcfid. and the Nnile and HelJowin;" of a parcel ot l-ellmvs in tlic Streets that go abort to pi'.e W.iinini!, and bid People jiave a Care of their Hoifi-t, r.here was r.o Rcit t.i |w in, I, and a Man liv'd coniiniiaMy in all the Fixtriiuifies of c'nfnlion and Harinp at fuch t'llnes as thofe : Beiides, the Calami- tv was likely enough to come, and the I'onzeesl'midaries, we know, wovi'd nor fail cf the utmolt Care to pjvc .1 Re- pitation to their Predidions. In Srftewbcr, at whi, h time Ci.ptain S.i< 11 was gone up- A on his Journey to the l'nin,<,nr'.i ( nuir r :_> I ■'I 'I i oi.lO.^.f •ahlUM .' lis Journey to the hmperor's Court, we were i" rpriz d *" Vr.iM/', w.tli themoil horrible Temped that perhaps" at (■' ever any .Man faw : We that had been .it Sea, and'in"aii the Extremities of Weather in that unquiet F.lcnient, never faw any thing comparable to it ; and the oldell j'tponefe then alive, declar'd it the grcateft Prodigy ever fcen ia their Country. The Airy Regions were all over in a Hurly-burly ; and as one wou'd have iinagin'd (by the furious Motions they were then put into) commencing a War that fliou'd end in an Univerfil Confulion. The Noife of the Wind (r.a- ging above the degree of a Tutfon) was accompanied with a Uilchargc of Thunder and lightning fufficientto have Ihakenthc molt tix'd and (leddy' Courage in the World ; the Rains fell at the fame time, 111 a motf violent manner* wjhich tho' perhaps an .advantage in rcfpe.'f of the Light- ning, vet added exceedingly to the Horror of the Storm. The Winds beat fo tiercely iiixm the Town, th.it above a hundred Houles Were prel'ently overthrown ; ,1 great part of the reft were until'd and laid open, and 'all trem- bled, as if the Ear-.h it I'elf had futfcr'd a Convullion. The Sea at the lame time feeling the EtFeds of the general Commotion, a,id not able to keep within its ufual Boiind.s, broke into the Town, undcrmin'd the Great Wh.irf, beat down the Stone- WalUiid fnnkand Itiattcr'd inp;ccesalravc fifty Barks that then lay in the Road. God be rh.inked, our Slup efcap'd in this common Calamity, and came off with the lots of one of her Anchor; only. This .Stor;n did more Milcliief at l-.vi^y^f^.ju!', tH.1n here .at Fir.vi^l) : All the while it continued,' the fupcrlfitiou: People run up and down the Streets w;th Firebrands, i Ceremony, 1 fuppofe, intended to pacific the angry Duity that lent that bad Weather : But this in -ill probability had fct the Town a-tirc, if the Rains had not done iome-- thing by way ot preventiori. ir.oft fiw- ITtn,f«.« frrandtt I S 2 H A Pi :■ ■ H, .(M, Capt, bSLTls's OhfervJttons on 7raJe, &C. 1 V. Chap. XXlV. Objfrvations made by Capt. John 'l IHV"*!'' L ilvi. Mwi hmim Aloe), fcall'd by the M/iIj)iiiis Gtrro") the lift nf It lomi'ii from M.ili(,i there are three forts of ir, black, brown, and yellow ; of which the fiift is Hark naught, the I ' ond aood, and the third belk of all : It oupht to be of tin. Co- lourof the 1 til Spikenard fthat is of a deep Amber) and inclofed within one Skin only, and not with feveral one over another, as 'tis many times feen to Ik, and not over inoilk neither, which increalcs the Wcipht, but is no lipn of the (loodnels of ihe Commodity ; 'tisbeft to chufothat alfo, that has fome few Hairs like Briitles, little Stones, Pieces of I ead, or oiher 'I'lalli mix'd with it (for all this is natural) and of fo Aronp a Scent, as to l>e rather olfcn- live tlian othcrwil'e ; efpeciatly if tailed when the Fumes of it leeni lo pierce siolently into the Brain, and fearch the Head at a wonderful rate : If it le ripht, a bit of it taken into the Mouth, will not be prefemiy dilfolvcd ; as ncitlK-r on the other hand, ouj^ht it to remain undilliih'd any conliderable time. You mult take care not to keep this Drup near any of \ our fine fccnted Spice.s, Icaft it lole its own Odourthcreby. BfifO'ti is of two kinds, the Occidental, and the Orien- tal Bercar ; whiih latter is worth full double the Price of ilie former. The Forms of both forts arc various, fomc round, others lonp, like Uatc-iloiics, others like Pipeon- Kpps, othersnpaininthcfliapeof a Kidney, or like a Chefs- nut ; but all, for the molt pait, not Iharn and picked, but blunt at il'o hhIf. There is as muih Variety in the Co- loiirti o ; for iliere isa lipht Red, a Honey-C( lour, adark Aik-color.r, but for the molt part 'tis of a Waterilh Green. '1 Ik Oriental Bezoar (or that fiom the V.aSt-InAiei) con- lills of feveral dilliiwit Peels, or Coats, lyi'ip one over ano- ther, as thofe of an Onion. They a!l of them appear bright and ll tninp ; but the inner one's Itill morerelplen- dant than ihe outer : 1 hey are thicker or thinner, in no certain pri>l'oiti( 11, but irolHy anxjidiup to the largcnels of the Stone, and the Urgell are the molt \aluable, and left for Sale. .•\ certain way to try the Gcodncfsof your Bezoars, is to pi.t the Stone i:;to the NV.-iter f.r three or four Hours (ha\ ii'P lirll taken ilie tiMCl Weicht of it), then taking it out, oi'llr^ e it' ihc S-.tLicc of ii be whole, and even as be- fore, notdiujedbv tr.uks and Chinks j as alfo, at the fame time, take the Wei;',hr of it again pretty nicely, and if it weij'.hs ever fo liiiall a intter more than it diJ at the firlt Trial, \oii may Iniild upon it that it is not good. In this way of proieeiUiig, 1 have feen feveral Bezoars at Tir.nt.itii (that ha\c pioiiiiv'd \ery tairro the Eye) dilfolvc into a perfed Chalk, and difcover noiliing but traftiy mat- ter in the inlidc. The places that ati'urd them arc J'.ifrtwr, Bcmam/ilfH, fiUcnlfnr, and SotcitdAnmt ; but thofc that come trom this laft pMce, do oftner impofc upon u«, and prove naught, thin thofc that arc yielded by »nv of the other places. n'."^'!'','.* y"'"-"'!'*"^ 'he Colour, is of various fotts,.,^ .« H lack W hue. Brown, and Grey, of which the Black is ulually the bafelt ; ami the Grey, or at lealt the Alh- colour mix'd with White, is the beft and purcft. 'Tis .i Charadteriftiik of this fine and clean fort, that Ixring put into the Water, it dnes not fink but floats ujion the Sur- tace ; and tho' this may alio pollibly agree to lome Amber that IS abuled and fophifticated ; yet tis ccnain, that all that IS good and pure mult fwim ; ami if it docs othcrwifc It may lie pronounc'd bafc and adulterate. ' The Charailen of the chief Towns of traife in the Eifl-Indits, the Cemmo/fi ties they afford, and defire from Foreign Parts. (^.Intaw, upon the IHc of 7,it/i M^inr, is a Town of vc-i4..,» ry gre.it Refort, and eiiual Tra.lr, for divers forts of Commodities. I he genuine I'rodnets of the place it felf, arc chiefly Cotton-wool, and Pepper ; but the great mim- bcrs of Foreign Ships that come hither, lirine other Ma- terials for Trade belides. 1 heir Harvell for Pepper is in the Month of Ofloicr.and the Qjiantitics gathered in at a time, may be fome jiono T'- v* Sacks (or Timbangs as they call them \ Now two Tim-' ''' bangs is a Peecul, three Peeculs is a fnall Rihar, and four and a half a great Baliar, which makes 44^ Catrecs and half ; lb th.it the Sack contains .jg Cattees and a half, and every Cattee amounts to 11 Rials and a half /^u^/.T?.. 1 he Jitv.ini not being perfedt in the ufcof the Beam.'mcfli commonh deal by the Coolack, which contains fe\ en Cat- D-cn. .1 tees ami a quarter, which is one Can ec and a quarter more ^'*"' than the Beam allows, and indeed ihere ought to Iwiioj'""" difference ; but the Weighers at B.mt.tm lieing always """' Chincje, they nanapc the matter fo as to favour their Conn- try-men when they lee pood, and will fit them with a big. ger or a fmaller meafure, according as they arc gr«tificd and pleas'd. 'IhcKirghas no Coyn of his own, but whar comes Ccyr.M from Chiii.i, which is cali'd Caflies, and is melted out of ''^''•" the Drofs of Lcid ; they are round thin Pieces, made with Holes for a String to go through them, in which manner they arc deliver'd up and down in Payments. A.Strint; •.vith a thoufand of tliefc Call;cs upon it, is cali'd .i I'ecoo which isof divers Values, according as Calhes rile or fall! They make their Accounts thus : Ten Pccooes isonel .ix- fan, tcni.axfansa Catic«, ten Cattees a Uta, ten I'ta's a Bahar. By the I aw of the Country there oi'pht to be a full thou- fand Callics upon a String ; and if the numher falls Ihon, the Perfin that makes Payment is to allow ac ordingly ;iv; > .- and the J^ivau Strings are indeed, for the molt parr pretty I'):-''' honeft and jult ; liut the CI-iHeJe are horribly deticicnr, aiul if you don't look to them \cry well, they'll cheat )in\ of 1 50, or loQ Caflies fnmetiiues in a Pecoo. Always upon I'roii: rs ihegoinp aw.iy of the Ships and J uncks the Calhes fall, ""J'-' 4 and you mav gti thirty four or thirty five IVcoos for a "'"f."*''^' Rial, which before the next 'i'tar comes about, you may ^" " put otf again at more than one third profit ; but then ilie great danger in thiscafe of engrolling is Fire, which as i.s a very common Calamity at lUut.mi, fo 'twill make b.id work where it comes .iiiioi-.git I he Leaden Coyn of t his placr. The Weight in ufe here for weighing Be/oars, (;!.|J,t1ww and Ci^et, is cali'd a Tail, vvhuji nukev 1 • RiaK of Fight, or two Ounces A',-,',//.'.- 'Ihis is the ?.i';.7h Tail; but the Mnl,i)f.ii is 1 ; t)„mes Uwjijk, am! the C. ^mjc I , Ounces SCiiiiJi/h So that tlie Ci'LiJc Tail is of the Jnv.ui exaiSly. "J'l-.e ^H 1 Chap. XX 1 ,,«,m»iiit« The Coft 1 .n.,1,1.1. •. ,„,,. here, ai 1 '*""" tries : Iron, long Ic.id in fm Powder fit j j.,.p,iHJt Pieces fqu; -5 pfi Piece. Pieces f lua Rial'. Uroad Clo It 1 Ri.lls IrrOit* ^. •Ihebdtd ■'1 Anil^er 111 g Coral, in 1 fame Weight But above dirv )ou laii 1 'I'lvs is nu i Months of /' i HmTridc three or foui \ all thcl'e forts YourR.iu' a' 19" Ki iK /' Rau Silk ■ .It b ' Rials. Tartan w 4« Riilsth.{ 1 ■ V.'ImIsoI .; ( 1 ri.musksi't r 1 Wliite.Sattii B 'rgogiics, Sleevr Silk, Musk, the 1 .Sewing Gol at 1 Rial. Vehet Hanj Sattin^eml'i' White Curt fcr Corge. White Dam White Supa Sugai-Caiul P.irceline Ba Callicoe-Cl( Corge. Hinjamin, \ fer Peeiul. l.ipnum .Mo AIrm, as go rr.,„.iii All jour Cm IkJc. hcri- ; but the Pimadocs, the 7 nv Girdles, Callicoes.mad 1 he Meafur Halta, which the Elbow to fnuie of thcfc tho' none alio\ M-.l.m-.ii Clotl conclude this broad, and ho I at Bvit/im. i rJom mil The Cillloi lr„po(l,c-.. King's Cufton \ dred, rating Price foe\er it Then there any Ship com mediitely aci Piites of the landed ; upon takes of all tl Pr.ee, or it m ' ■ can agree. Si this Duty, 50 elfc arc oblig thoufand Sack more than the The Diit^h i and to avoid tl fo ii'uch in ih generally abou lie noted, ihat bcfore-haml I not be exciis'ii to dilpute, or Ship. M W;hap. XXIV. Capt, SarisV Obfervations on Trade, &c. 133 )niverfal he Com- f them • hers oh" but thofc that • upon u«, and by »ny of the ' various fom,_, :h the Blark ti Icalt the Arti. [lurdl. 'Til a that Iwirg put u|>on the Sur- liinic Amber (rtain, that aU Iocs otherwifc, Trarfe in the aff0rJ, and t Town of ve- Uvn , ilivers forts of ! ic place it fclf, I I he great oum- ing other Ma- of Oflo^rr.and 'e foine fionoj'-^* \ovv rwo Tim- ' ' ihar, anil four .% Catrrcsand nd a half, and I half i:ti!^li/l:. Ne Beam, mr.ft insfe\cnCat-D\Mi.i quarrerniorc^'''f"' k-httoi*noi:i:'^ '•fing always r their Conn- ■in with a btp- are gratified I !.(/'> TriJt I IrjJi % what comes Coyn 31 melted cut of*'""- s, made with which manner Its. A String allM .1 1'ceoo, ics rile or fall, lesisdncl ax- , ten I'ta's a lieafullihoii- >er fills Ihort, .1C. nrdingly ; iv; ;■ ;■ lit parr prary ''')''*'■' V'titicnr, aiul heat )()ii of Always. lijHjnivuii: i ^ eCalheslall, "■"-'■• 'r IVloos for a lit, you may Inn then ilic wliicli as 'lis eill m.ike bad 1 ol'thi-. place. LVij.irs, ((!'KI,ThtVV.;' i ; RiaK !■( y.i. .Ill T.nl ; ! tile C'/ iia-Je il IS ; of the T!;e II lto«">Jiiit. The Coirniodiiln which find th« bcft Sale and Accpt- InvM.h •• amohcr*. are ihefc following of our own and. rthcrCoiin- I"""" tries: Iron, lonn and thin B«r«, at lii Rials J.'- Peccul. I<.td in fniall Pigs, at \ ', Rials p^ IVetui. Powder fine, round, com'd, at li Rials />" Barrel. Pieces fquarc and fai.giiiii'd, of lix Foot long, ten Rials pn Piece. /• . f- Picces f luarc and dainask'd all over, of 6 i Foot, fitiecn Rial*. , » , , Hrctd Cloth of I' '. the Cloth, of a Kiuci Red, three Ri.ils/rr{'ij|', which IS ; of a Yard. ■| he lielt Opium, ei^ht Bi,ils /rr Cartee. Aiiili«riiipKatBead\ 6KiaU/r' 'I ail ,\/'»/.n.«w. Coral, in l.irge flramlio, h*e and lix Rials, by the f.inie Weight a» ilie Amber. B I ,il live .ill il\ings,Hials of Eight arcthebcft Comnio- dirv v'li '■"! bung hiilur. Th's is nioHly the h'.'/Ji'p-' Trade j but then in ihe Months of l'ln/;y in\\\'\Unl; there comes conUantly three or four Iiinks very richly laden from C'/i'«.i, with allthele flirts of v all. able CoiiiiiiihIiics, .if YourRaw ,S:lk nf / imi!";:, which is the bell,anj goes a' 19" Ki lb /T. IVcciil. K.iu Silk rif ; .1 loll, which is co.irfir ih.iii ilie former, at B:? Rials. 'latfara in Puiilt?, iioMing i ii Yards in the Piece, at ^6 Ri lis the C "rge, which is Id Pieces. Vel^^t^ of all Colours, I j Y.ird', aillRi.ils. n.inusk'ofall Colours, i: Yar.lsat ft Ri.ils. White ,S.itiins, ii Yards, S Rials. B irgopiics, ir, >'ards long, at 4', Rialsyrr Corge. Sleeve Silk, the beltirale Colours, ] Rials /'cr Cattce. Musk, the bell, at 12. .Sewing Gold, the belt,! ^ Knots, every Knot 30 Strings, at I Rial. Vebct Hangini'.s, cinl rciider'd with Gold, 18 Rials, Sattinseinbiohler'd, 14 Rials. White Curtaiii-Sturi's, 9 Yards the piece, at 50 Rials jifi Ciirge. White Damask Hat, 9 Yards the Piece, at 4 Rials, White Sugar very dry, at 3 , Rials /ifi- Peecul. Siigai-Candi, \crydry, ac v Porceline Baibus, very Knc and broad, 1 Rials a piece. Callicoe-Cloth, coarle, white and bio-.vn, 15 Rials /cr Corge. Benjamin, very white and good, at 30 and 35 Rials ftr Peecul. Lignum Aloes, at 80. Alrni, as good 1$ onr l.i;« Sack, what Price foever it l»ears, Then there is that call'd Bll'dili.in, which is thus: If any .Ship come into the Read laden, the King is to be iiii- ineiliiiely acmiainted with the Sorts, Qiiantities, and Prices of the Commoilities in her, before any part can be landed ; upon wliiili lie len.ls his Officers to the Ship, and takes of all ilie for:s what lie likes, perhaps at half your Pr.ce, or it 'l.tv 1 e fonuiliing better, according as you canagrec. .So if you lade Pepper according to the Law of this Duty, yon |».iy fur every 6000 Sacks, 666 Rials, or clfc arc obliged to be the King's Chapman for as many thoiifand S.icks, at one half, or thiee fourths of a Rial morcth:iii the Current Price of die Town. The /J/I/.7' indeed go a more conipendions way to work, and to avoid the trouble of the Duty, agree with the King lb irnch in ilic grofs, for the l..-iding of a Ship, which is gencr.illy about Icven or eight linndied Rials. And 'tis to Ik' noted, that th;)' you lia\e ever fo prndenily provided before-hand 1 ading to dil'paich your Ships, yet you lliall not \v excns'd from this fort of L)iity j fur if you pretend to dilpute, or re In fe it^ they'll Hop the Lading cf sour ihip. ir- Muitfir, C.l\(!m 1 Vr.poB, e The /{«/■«, »x H.-MLiMi, isa Dtityfor An. I|. rafi, .ind u , loo Rials of I'ight upon ('.rn .Satki. 'Ihe S.ili.md.irs Duty is no Rials up. n «-. ■ S.a, ks. And 'he Weghcrs Duty is I Rial upon cs ; there's a great deal i.filiceir, very otien, in this Coniiiiodity j and to be li;re that you arc not iheate.l, thebelk way is to break it, and fee whether it l(K)ks agreeably within. The Wares to be carrie.I hither, are Chopping-knivc-s C/i'»M Frying-pans, Chin.i Bells, fmall Hiigles, Porcelines' colon rdTart'atccs, b"t no Blacks, Pieces .■'« rioos (Jems of /'<■:; .7 lliine here likewile :' There's a valt ^:)*v''-'- ijuantity of Silver in Bullion, ih.u'> brorght hiilicr from B^k," '!i,a ■J tip nil \ bur Rials ot Mghr aic 11, ore in leqnclt, and will u :i :v't: bring in Bullion , of a Rial I'r fir. Their Ta\ !e is - Ri- "■•"■'-•■i als of Eight. 'Ti'l'.'li'rs, All your broad St/tmmcl Clodi, Ir.-n-wvrks, and fair I ookine-r.lalles, are things ihat take ixeecdmgh her.'; and all Ibns of dv'/;; Ctniinndities, are nuicii che than at hniii.uii, Thejiincks from (hi-^nrnt come to Si'i-i in tiie Months of June and .Ju!\, touching firlt at the .M: i/-: Tiles, and then at Temffac, from whence the Merchants may g.) o- ver I and to Simn in twenty Days (p.iee. Bo.iicc,\.\\c priiKipal City cf the llle of iliarname, is i.«<.. rich in Ciold and ikzoar Stones , abounds in Wax, Kc- tans, Cayulacca, and S.meuis Draconis ; and no lc:s Trade for all thefe iliiugs ai Bvni.im.ijJ' :, a Town iipon the fame Illand. The Commodities defircd here, are much the fame wrdi thofe forihi; Iflcs of BniuU . BczcavS o:ies are hk.wi.e luld I:: I ' il : I ♦^I t34- Capt. Saris*/ Ob/ervation on I radcy &C. ■lul III Dii • allJ li ill li > I *Vghii at ftiM Tia.lo It l.jn^n mil fiiWM iuUl litre liy ilicl.i\li»i»ilie> arc (i /).i»i/,-i.i ilmi il\c'l.ol' i» »\it(iTri\t liiim ilui, It ln'iiip I , Ouiuc Hhj^IiJI' ; anJ the Stonci pii Ai ini' or I'lx Rial* tlicTa>lr. But ihc j'rvAt pUir ol Ni ii ufdii ili i Kljinl u Vim .(././iv ^tM f in I ' I'cK'' ■*'iii'li I i»'0 -'I..! c\cr will W fn, wjijo 11 haul.' Ki)nit.iiii II I f xulkliiiB till' I lit aiulnipl'IcH Ui.i- ii.iiiul« ill ilu- Wi rli'. All ilio I ui'iii)' I Jit III Mjiikiiiil I'ciliy, tul'il lit tl\l» I'lCllODH t (lIllllKlll.l^, tllC |i!jlC II IllV. cii cnt!y iicMT w.\iii«,i hmmIoI Mup>, I'lAwn ami Junln, tli.it loiiic to I'l.ulc I'lir them. Tlu- Kiihi'«of the Cnuii- try III thi«liiiiil .lit iiK'kli.iiilUMi', ami .Vuu.i./i^oirt « never unproviilcil it I) aiiioi il» lor tliini that xidt hir iipm tha* Account ; ll.it yet iho cieatert ijiMiiMru* are met within I. nil- » anil ./"W, an.l ihi/ they are at no tunc fiarte, yet then tluy are more than nrHiiarily plcntihil, aiijtheplace is iiiihehc ulit vt it's iharmii c I \i|(re. Anil the Reafiin \vli5 the^ h.Avf mire in ilmre ^illr•hs ij, lie. raiilV the Raiinwlwh l.ill "ih .in cHutllve mi h tiec ;ii 5«'»ai)JO. '/ ', aril loine 111 the laitir Mmith-, lie tlu ii Well jsoiie fill, .Hid their l.tteOlt iipni the Iv ihiM iik to the,riilr.il il. pih, ami the lliva:i\< Icvamc iii< r' llnw ami pimiil, To that the ni\ei'ii'.ay Munire upon their Work, without Ciar o(' Uinp, larrieil asva\ aiiil loik. lot a'l thelcl)iamoiul» arc rotten as l\ail lire I'V DiMni;; .iml theKiier im iKele- Iliarcil tor the I'tauli ami ililniVtry of thetii is the Kiter I me ; I'luli a I ne as which, ans Prime that h.ul it in Im« Dominions, woulili.ot ha\e\er> iiiiieli lai.lelu iimipLiin, if itiielilnl the Coiiirrs no lull. Coimiioilitic.* in leo.iielt lure arc Wi/j.i/i PintaJon, t'onmanJel Cli thi. Callico I awm, lij^lit toloiinl ('/■/«,( S.lk<, SevMii)' (idlil, .Sialic .Silk, Staiiimelly and broad Cloth, H ipli". i.f .ill fort<. Cinferi'.iii)', whiili 'tis to le noted, that ihcl kw Biif>Iei made at Wn ■ oi. ;n I'lriu nt a Tim, and of the Inpiitls if a Peaii, and wliiih yi u pi\e there at the rate ot a Rial ot' Fijdr lor .\rc, are woitli a Mais the io< at Hvc.i.l.uiii, thcMafs Icing three fininhs ;, and ilkre barter what Coiiiii.o- ilities (he has (proper for thislllaiid ) for Gold, which inaybehadforthrceCattccsCafl.es the Malacca Tayle, whiih is nine Rials of F !,Tht : and then bring it to V.dv.i. tl^i.i.i: it may be put away for Diamonds and four Cattccs Cadicsthe Tayle, whiih is one Rial and lever eights in weight, to that you lliall gain three fourths of a Rial upon .■x Tayle. But the Principal (lain mull be in ilic Dia- monds, which are of fii:r fcMial Waters, White, (Jreen, Yellow, and a Colour betwixt bith, or mixt of Green and Yellow; of all tlicfe the White Water Diamonds arc the belt. The Weights in life here arc the Mafs, th. Coupani', the Boofuck, and the P. ad ; four Coop.inps make one Mafs, two Biofuck n akc one Coi p.iiii', and one Pead and half is abool'iicks, by which pinportion of ilicfc Weights to one .mo! her, and the alcove mentiimed value of a Mafs in Rials, thevalueol an\ of thdemay bccalily cxprefs'd in Rials liktwife. 'I'he Tayle at this pl.ue is fixtcen Mafs, and one lourihot ihc Tayle they callaP.u haw, by which they generally weigh not only Diamonds, but Gold too. The Towns upon the Coaftof CArndthat make a great Fiiuire in Trade arc /.hk^.'w, Ctihton and Ih^chu. Your raw Silks of I ^>'kj» aic worth there 80 Rials fia Peecul, the lloc.lu Tartata, 30 Rials .a Coigc, the Cn.icti Damask 50 Rials ;ir) Corgc. SeVviing Silk lou Rials pc, Pcccul, Embroidered Hangincs iiit bell ten Rials of Eight apiece; Sewing Gold is fold by the Bundle, each con- taining ten P.ipers, and every Paper five Knots, and the bcft has i6 1 breads in a Knot ; this goes at two Rials pet Paper ; Sanens the belt at one Rial the piece, great Balons, three fora Rial, White Si'gar the bell at half Ri- al /cr Pcccul, Poiccline of the Imail forts, the bcft one, Rial/fi Cattce, Pcarl-boxes, the belt live Rials a Piece, Velvets of nine Yards long five Rials of Eight a Piece, Sleeve Silk the belt 1 ',0 Rials /)n Peecul, Musk fevcntcen Rials /f( Cattee, Callies lixty Piccoes lor .i I'ial, broad Cloth, which is three fourths rf a Yard, worth fcven Rials, lookinp-GLilfes very large ten Rials a piece. Tin fifteen Rials fc Peecul, Wax the fame. Musket Barrels twenty Rials a piece, Japan Sables eight Rials a piece. Elephants Teeth thi: Left and grcatcft, loe Rials pci Peiciil, the fm«ll hall of that, Wh.u .Saundvn ilir l.il ingrcatltji., worth f„riy, Tlu- Cuftcm ,( Par.r.n- w«fdsi,al,,y|r „.„,„., p,,f,i|_ l„„ „mw.iids there • no Cultom at .III, ami they hmk vcrv imrrowly ijui r.o Air- munition ot aiu fort k earned lui of ilicCmintry. In A/.ii,/the Junck. U und for r\w \t,i,t.l„ |W oiitfiom o .. r* r/Mi-,/,-, ami return in j,.,..-: Thiir U.lmg i.iitwaidi 1," ''" » raw and wrot,„ht .Silks fir Kiur th.in thole ihev «arr>*'*" rt)r «,t«/„„, , 1,1, ilu.y ,„ini- linrne lulen . , Iv with Ri.,!k ol fciiiit, perjupitortyof them in a U-ar. and to IhghiK guarded, 'h.u 4 .Miiplo.it „ .n i.ikc tlu, 11 withoilany troi.be. hM \o;.igi. tioin t'.V* to the M^mUi, i »lw)iit ten d.i>«hit. ' AstortlieNoblellla.id.f 7rM.. ilu re iv lurJIy any ,„ , fort ot Coimnoilitv but what is lend.ble there tome. * "• w here IT other; and the Tradi'theivlTing of a latcrdate aril inuchlel-kii. wmhan.it . therp'aces belou- imntioi.'j! 11 n-ay ii.n Ic ,„„(, „, a,|j ,|,„ ,.arii,,!ar Accornt of Ihc forts f.f Oin curnn' here, are irjulially MulTei an. U and.iii.y the CiKleru, Uii « „ne leii.h. I the Mall: HHil nsbytluieihat the Pruts orCunuiioduic* are molt orilmanly Mialiril. You r_^ Dr. ad Cloths of all Coin, i/.-. n'.uk. Y.llnw r/r'.'n '•'"'' '"" '" "'"■'"' '■'t^^ '"• " "<■ t'ddtis ihj I 'V . 'L" "■"■<'' '"'i^'. tl'rii'. 'i-fi.ur, ,ir.ll„,ohve htimlre,!: Wluir noietlut I loth of .1 liiih W„„| ,, ,„ n„ re.iueft, but l,i.h..s 1, l.r wi,hD..,i.,lU, .Silks. .Vaucns, Velvets, •|..riati, ami voir Siit, Cmprairs, T urkej Gnip,.,.,^ .,nj A.l';'»' •VV.rv'^^!"'^^' "'"■f^"" linple.„ul.l„ub)e, I nu l..!.uj(. |„ths (roin l.ticen to twenty .Stivers and not a. o»e. Diapers ,-.ml Dai.alks . whidi the tttei bnimli ,1 and ll.nverM the n :.,iv acceptable. riienPidires, Carpets, Pamtnl and Cdded leather "all (iiris, elpeu.ily wiili fniall and line I''luwer<. are HTy much taued; only .-.sto Picti.res, the larger tlwv 'V >.e better, 1 ,„ ,|,ey are no, f„„,ul. fnr baces ; a^. indlkip, ivprcbniations of War. .imorous Intrieurs' onie remark.,hle Story or comical fancy, as the Painter'; Invention guides him. Then all the lerviceable Metals, Copper in Plate< Qmck'nb':""*''''''^"'.^'" '" ^■"^■^'' ^""'' S'^-^^'-nJ l.itiick-filvcr are very gotjd Commodities. For Drugs (>/„,, Roots, «.,«/.,, 4 Wood. Saunders Sajxin or Red-W.im . Amber, Camplure. Ro.uh Alio, ) IlcTian-s Teeth, Rhiu-.cci.A andHartshoin ; ,0 which .iv.d Honey. .S,;.,//, Soap, S, par Caiidv, Pepper. Nut" mcTS S.ilt, all Icrts.if /.carh^ r, ami Wax-Canll'es. 1 lien hardly any thing that lerus for Houll.oM I'fe rr Unumem comes amifs in ji ,;,,„, n„ fo„ „f Inftmmcnt or Ltenlil, but wh.itwill hud fome Cullonur or other tliat will luve a muul to it, [n lliort 'tis a pfaie „( lo ce- neral a Vent, that I Ivbete 'twill be har.l to f,iu| out a Commodity ot any lignitKancy that will not take Note here that theC/o.-A- wMIcommonlv truck for your Silver. .Tiideive youGoklof i, CariMts.from fifteen to twenty the Cltince Silver; but fometimes there conies tco much and other times too little. The Commodities;?^/..,,; atfords, arc Hemp very cood r.Tnv, , t'^C.wes (which is, icpound;/.W) worth from'^rtS''"<^ five to leventy. ' np-i- Eye Colonics fur dying Blew near as gwd as f»,/n, iiLidcup in round Cakes and rackd ,00 Cakes in a Far' del. worth In ii\ 50 to 60 /vc Fardel. Dyitigf..ra\vhile. enclininp to Red, made in Fardels or Halls ol htty Gautins Malio's worth from five to eight. Rice very' white and good, worth S ! ;<-r 7.,re : and d a worfc fort worth 7 .' . /f Bale. At /a/s Vhc,v„V, O/rtr-r, and A^,-.,:., is the k'ft Furni- turclorall forts of Colours, and forGildini; too Hnmftone eolls here fevcn per Peecul. Salt-Peter one and a half. Cotton-Wool ten. ■Ihele arc the Commodities of moft note which tlr. inanel yields, of all which kindstho' it prodiKcs thofe that are good; yctihc grcatcll excellency ,t pretcndsto, feems to lie in the Materials for GiMiiig and Colourmg where in perhaps It has iM many placci that can pretend to Ri- val it. ■ Jn 11"' ^hap. XXI Jn Jcco tins, of ^th tbertf n'iur,Lttin$ " oil/ unprofi Im^il', bill tH.lf lilllhf'ul.lllj 4t ( Ah AccoMnt c from Firani A.D. 161 AS to 1 lettc that ditloi nieiiie, that thre CtJiintry. We have he-ar mighty Empire Oj.Mir, where tvv '' norance of liimi fir at leaft if he ledge of his true ■I meiit be ilepriv ililliirliancc m tli Fniperoi's Plot I llec'l ; the youi kniivvhinikll, ar naintain hisRigl (iarrilon, amlinl hiiuan Army of diers, moft of t which fliick'd ill I willfpend their \ this Force It Pi(fir in- « ilurc'i nu lut r.o Aiiu iiir). I'ri mil fi 0111'' I'titwaitU w' ' lIlCV i*tT<, Willi Hi..U A til lli(;litl> Miihiii I any A('il..'.i^ H I'll • liarJIy «ny j^,,^,^ iturc luirf' a latcriliUi', >.' iiii,iiii<>ii'il, Atioi'tii ut I ally Mkfll'i I'lllk' MuUi its ;li'i' ilKilt Ilk, Yillow, ' (iiliitrs till* ill. I Icpintixf i\'llol I* III tio lUi lii.cKavt to the I'i'ti ,- lUini, t>'gi- u, 'larijiiii, o^'i.iii.x, anil Dil tldiibli'. I .Stivers and II I lie IcKCI .liiul 1 i-ailuT Flowers, aif ic larptr llv.'y fur l-accs ; a? lis Imripiirs, s ilic Paimir's :icr in PIato<, on, Steel aiul 3*1, Saimdrrs, Rd.icli Allom, 11 ; to which Pepl'er, N\it- .iiul!e.s. iLolil I'fc rr f liidiunient |mcr or other te of to pe- ri fiiiil om a ill nor. taki- :riiek for your loin fifteen to Ire eomcs tco ip \ .'ry pood, Ciimvc'i. itli Irom lixty '" '«!■'•? as fH»/{ ir»i,/ ir.l.mn, hl hpiln liilemiM with ,. bun l.ii.f cf Vf<} vutx^ir, filvtttiit, 4,i.luntrt}ilAhlc Khtun, nelh ill iiKtimp^f upon lit HfA.lc lit u»n-.Jleful T^ik, ul ^oi't 'if '''<•»« in thh lull l,K-th but IHjKtfMni.t AlmceLll>l«lk«iti-Hi:i labour t,H.lmtk<- I ■' I'llflvmtrni Icllf, h f'flroih:^ l.'m wjlj M l,uihfil Md 41 wuijt 'm Afccmil 4; m-i; if, ff dt inrji ihahiUI Mi<%i, Jrfv.it!,! fnmnenhcr ///i^i/.WMer/. 1' j4h Acconnt of a I.ilter of Mr. Ctirkv Dattfl /r«w Firamlo /» Jipan. DiccmUr lie lUb A.D. i6i.j. StHlio Captait ^Vi''. A Jn S to the Affairs of 7 T'"', iIh- >*'ritcr of thii Letter fives in ,u> Aitonm that they were at th.1t time III a very dilmal and iiii'iniet Con- dition; a Civil Wai king ready to inm- meiiieTTh.itthreateii'd very great Calamities to the whole (.'(jiintry. \»'e have heard before that the rinhtfiil Heir of this mighty Empire was (hut up in ihe Urong Caltle of Ojuir, where 'tw-isdefiiiii'd he ll.ouM live in peri'Ciiul Ig- ■• nnrance of hiiiifelf, and his jvilt Title to the Crown ; iir.itleaftif he ihould by any means eoine totheknow- ,,,■,:. ledge of hisinie Qra'tiy, ll.onld liy .liat dole Confine- iiwii.linent W depnv'd of all Oppoitiiiiities of giviiin any »-' ililliir'.'aiite fulie prefent Polleiniiir Biit the iiliirpiiig Kniperor's Plot f it feems ) did not take the delired I IliVt ; the yoiine Prince fome way or other laiiie to kiKivvhiiiiUU, andaceordinl'.K took up Arms to alfert and n .limain lu^ Right. He converted his Prifon into a Ikrong Cirrifon, andinlteail of oilKiKeemrs. j;ot quickly aliout hull an Army of lorx cii Men, Uild, rcfoliitr, hardy Soul- iliers, molt if them Outlaws txiles, and Male-Contents, vvhn h IliickM in to liiin from all p.-»rts of the Lmpire, and will fpetid their RIood to lit him in the Throne. Belides this Force (if Men he hn. I laid in as gond a (Irengtli of Prnvilion, h.iving furnilli'd the Inviiuihli' (,'altle ii( ()/,un vMtli Viiitiials fc rthiie Years. '1 his was the alaiin which O^ijhi-Jr.iii ever dreaded the hearing ol : Noth'iig could liuik with a more threa-ning, inalnuiant Al'peit upDii his Sta:t and Power, than a lilaik Cloud gathering alioiu the Caltle of O/.i, .-. However to tiiaintain his own Pre- tenlions, he vsas maich'd in Perlc'' with an Army of joc'-.co Men towards the Prince, am'. !omc little bicker- ings had pafsd between parties of boih Annies at the time of the writing of this. But now the whole Empire cxpeded the refiiltof a piithd Battle, in whith that controvei fy IhouKI be fc- lemnly decidid, which of thefe two Pretenders llioidd li- nally wenr the Crown Imperial of 3uf n:. The one is refolved to purfuc his Riglu, an I the Jther as much to lu.iintain Prefent Pollelliun, which beng the tale, the Difpuie between them is l.ke to U' veiy violent, and as Itublornly mainiain'donboth lides. "1 was not loiip be- fnre this that the liiiiperor detlar'd 1 imfelf a publick ti.eiuv to the ClirilHans, giving onler for the baniihing alljefiiits, Friars, Nuns, aini their adherents out of 17'- /'(( , pulling down their Churches and Monalteries, and to make iVre work with them, not only ordering their B.inKhmcnt, but adiiallj d.ipping them away hiiufelf, lo'.re fort'.''.''/ J, and others f . r the M,-r,il!ir.'j. And in a 111' rtlpace at'terthis Perlicu.ion a very great (Ir.ngc Confulli n happ; n d at / .^.A' , one of tie largelt Ciiici ol lit nil the I'.u.piie oeca!ion'd by a moll dreadful Tutfi^n which rajed there. The City was almoft demoiilli d '.ly it, a great part ef the Buildings being broke dnwn, and the -Sea beating in at the fame time threatn'd to Iw.i'bivv up all ihe relt ; lo tli.u the Inhal itarts v;erc furc'd to quit the place, aid luii up iiuo the Mountains for llieber. The/'.-/", and the Chriltian ;j.;/o"r/i: are very contrary toonc ai'.oUier in i heir t^pirions and .Mlerrions c^i'-erning the caufeof this h''rrible Commotion. The 1 ler fay "lis a Jiidgmeniof (lod vpcn the Nation tor thj AriVonts ('Herd to the Chriltian Religion ; pa'iicularly for the Empcroui's Eaniihingit, with all the 1 ious Jeluits that F't it. preach'J ir, away from his Court at f.U; as ho l.itely did; fii that the CircuiidU'lff of the Calamity wiih re- (JH-Ck to the place, clearly ( as they lay ) evpoiiinK ihc Caufe of It. Ontlie other (ide the /V;< im f.iy 'ijs V'itih- tralt, and thai the |eliiits upon their Banilhment fell a con|iiring, and raisd that Storm to plague the Coun- try in revenge. At rlie tune of Captain T.im'i's In'irg in J/'pii, 'twai thought that if any other /",?'//' .Ship came into thole Pons, the CiiHids might III, mediately be lold iff, w tli. ut the f.mnality of making and carrying a freih Pri f. nt to the I'.iiperoiir ; but 'iwa* alterwards tbund to be fj-lur- wile, aiul every Ship that cime in, was under a neei lity of doing I', paying its C11H0111 that way. More than thisthey ei iild have no l.ibercv, fo much as to fctot'i .t )iink, without the Emperours | icer.ce were ar iial'v proiured ; tor 'twas ni.ide death iVir anv7.>' f'- Mari- nertiiltir out of the C'l'untry without leave; only 'heir own.Ships might go in and out freely, whenever they had occalidii. A good Proictil was fct a fixit *nr beginning a Trade ^.^.^^ upon the Coall of ( Ai;. 1, at a Town i;eir /^ ;;«)'•, ioj./'^'^ti whith pKueaShip might (ail from /'.,•>'.> with .1 pool 'Wind in three or four Day,, time. This \\ is firfl prf>piis'd and undertaken by hmie conliderible C/ ' ■.■,'.'• then in Jtipin, who l.aWnir'd very hard in the luatter, and made no qiiertion of .uci mplilliing it lii far tli.it three / .;///'; .Ships n.ould have a Vent for their Coivmodiries every Ye.M at that place. The I'luleavoiirs of the /'■.;;,'//; FaCii.ry f letled at //ro.f ) towards .1 '1 rade from ■ri-//.»H.-into ( orr.i pr.>v'd iiKlt'edual, very liit'i- ti any I'lirpole being to be done there. There was no vent tor any C't miin dities bur Popper only, and n' t much of that ; then th.' Weight is much big- '''^'•''' *' pertlian that of 7.'/'"', iho' fold a' f in^.'hing abetter r.iie.'''"''' By allCiiciimftances it feems to avp-ar.that the"fi-i«j arc not at all difpo^'d to a Cornlpondence wlrh them of 'Viijmii,', liiicc they'll allow them but to come into one little Town, and tiubid them tu go without the Walls of that iipt.i p.iini f Death, ever fo little a way up intn the Coun- try ; and that the Kmj; of T./hint i^ nu Siibjriit t'l the Emper.urot :/'^;.:'), lo that there was no Danger of this latter I'l 111. e's getting an\ looting aronpll them by the opening of a Correfpondence with tlie fomnr. Yet the tnr.-'^'J are pcllelfed with fuih J.alculies and Fears of the J i/'w.;/,', that they'll not indulge anv of 'heirNen'h- Ixnii hood in any manner of I ibertlc by which it ir.iv be podilile to fallen any hold upon the:ii. And ihc Truth out is, they are not tear! ul and niiilrulffiil w.ihoiir acaute, if at le.ilt former Attempts rpon ttu Ir 1 i'>euy may be 3. Realon whv an AdverUiy that made tlieiii, (hoiild be dillruited for the future. Now this was the Ca'.e; for 'i'/r .//wthc F.mpernur-. r,^ before this did adlually m..ke an Irruprien into Co i", in- ;n'va>icil tending to have carried on his Conquefttothe vers Ciatesf""'' of /V.'c 'I,;', and lii'priz'd the Ci' .. bn-pen.r in h's Pa- lace; but he \v.is iiithe niidlk tji" that C.ireer of Foraire prevenuil by a f'i"i.:« Ki'b!e-n\iii, who to |"crve his Prime .ii.dCc not rv in ih.it extrenil-y n\e the Conque- rour his Death in a Cup of Poif.Mi, d,ing hiiufelf with him at the fame time, liy this means 'lie j.:p ..r lolt ali thatthcy h.ad gottenin (cTt, and lef C'./i ri'i the after Conquelt of the 'i.irt^ti, whi. h was very like at this time [II have fillen to their own lluire. Kow 'tis very prrb.iMe that this is the Realon <:f the horvid and inve- terate I'rejuilices thcle two People do fntertain one a- gaiiilt die ither; thci.',"-' V' were the Invaders of the L'crc^tis, .Tiid the C.i. c.o.'j lobbd thcj-«. w.^w of a glori- ous and fortunate Prince. But ;■ '\ 13^ An Accumt of fome Letters from Japacij ^c. ' I 'V \ 1, fa iii'g Wig (.J-vnim.Hl,. liciuff.rr-. It i>t" it. However 'tis certain that the ;f.',M»;/<' ilo nv>rtally hate the (Vr.vw, and can re er be poiri-dc.l with Senti- ment* of Tenderncls an ' I'rienillhip lor them as I'nj; as the Wo.Kl ft.imls, unlets the humour mi the Nation ftranpely alters. They cannct with any Patience Ix-ar the lipht of a C-nee)}, anil tiiol'c Pcc.ple they take for hi' h rannot walk thv Si rjits with ut a whole rabble at their Heels, hoi't'np anJ pe't r.n them with l>irt ami Stones. Thrs 'twas v. ithCnt'tain .''ii is inre\cran'ovns ■.n^^/'/;;;, where the People iliil not know what ihe/iie/'' were; there was hariiiy any pa:)!!-.!^ a'onc, the Mob was lb very r'ide anil clamon ns. my. the very Chiiilren had it in ihjir Mouths as well .is the relV, C'U-, Co c, (Vco'i', If'i-.tc^ yovi CrviMi.M uuh talfe H'Mt's I '1 he J.if.i::(-Jr aie the civileit and molt w.'ll bred People in the World, on'y thevcuinor poifibly beeiviho a Ccc-.n, or any Man thev think to be io. ' ris r.iid that there are • cr% hrpe Cities in this Province . of Cwc-, an I a'fo t warib thi' S :\ a great many Bops im- pall'able b\Horl'e or l'"oot,a!m7i.'/V)-.,'j that they are fuch a Plague to, but the C".«r/j- ihcmfeb. es, who are net their Riva's in any Points of ConipteH and Diuuinion as the other arc, nor cannot be fi uiuih in matters of Trade; they r.flc thtir Ships and make a >all fpoil of the:r, which Com !r.i5t of theirs feeinst i be vcr* unaccounta ,'e, and inult certainly prejudice them in 'heir future Pre- tentions to a Cl-iiir. Trade ( if e er th • • make an. ) w th- out go- d Satisfaction. .And no doul^t hut they'll treat the - virf after ihe fame matuier if there > omes to bj a n'p-"re between th 111, whcli isnc impr.i'"ab'e, lincc the Etup nir not loi p aiv ivf .s'd t > .icccpt the Prefent they fei.tlum, or to ipeak to tli.- .■Vlclfengers that brought it, and that afi ige i-" no pioi.'nolt'ck of a verv goo t under- ftandirp b^'xi een ihciri for the fut re. The F.mp.ror car- ried it T ■.;. Ii af er :Hf Dme ra-e likewife to a I'o /.(«/, ^r Minilter, tlat came upon the fatn? Errand a lliort time after. The Cnaract r of the '■ f/y'' Nation was fo g o I 'n C'Vm, tha- the !i pes of the Tiade there we e m ch confir' 'd. ' i wa- n:irticular|y a \cry great r coimi en ■»- tion of ^viii r th ■ la orr of t' .it f'rincc and Peopie t!jic th - ; had been lii ha Scourge tu the d^.vinitd:, whufc j AtTibition, Cruelty and ill M.inners had rcnder'd thcin o.lious in fo many (urts of the Worid.This tl-.e (7ii,.-/r Mer- chants lay has been a very entertaining fubjecl of Df- couife a', the Court of Chin.i, and that the Emperour himlelt .ird the Mitn.'r.rins have he.-'rd it witha grcit deal of pkafure. The on. V impediment that app.ars is the ill manage- ment ot th;- Dirci', whom they look upon to be our Neiphhours and Adies ; they rob their Shps, and 'tis po.ilblethat we may pay for't with the lofs of our Tr.idc. I he Criticjf feeni to be very inquilitne whether the King of i:>.«:.iiiJ won't reltrain the l):,t,h from iloing them thole Injuries; and as delin iis that we bring along with us no r.i.<.c'j as they call then (that is Jeluitsj tlie very Name of which Men the> abhor, and fay that when they came formeily amonpll them, they quite wearied them out with ccntinual craving and begging one thing or other ot them. We have an .Account here alfo of the ill fixccfs ofni fomeot our Merchants, who were lent v^C.uiJ ii,-Chinn'^ to deliver a Prelent to the Prince of that Country, amlf, carry on a Tr.ade there. The Preii-'iit was kindly accept- ed, and the ;«^./yo were entertained with all the leeming Co'Ttefy in the World ; which the l)ut,i' feeing they w,,uld needs put in for a ihare too, as they did, and tu appearance were iii.ide verj welcome. But in iliort, quiikly after the Eii^ •/'• an.l /),.ff., ch:ef Merchants with til .'ir Ime:p:-eta-s aiul .Arti'iidancc were firpriz'd and all kll'd; anJ this the C'.'/ji;/.' and ^njou.j.- affirm to be the King ot CV..C' .'),-■, /Vi's Re. eiige lief anil- the Ihiicb not long before had burnt one of his 1 owns, putting Man, W( man and Child to tl'e Sv\uid : And the Reafon wliv thev did this, was, b.caule f.me (f ihe.r I'aClors had tallen SacriHces to popiii.'r r.ige and fury there at Q^'a:lM>i\ bi:t then tliev kindled th.' flame liponthem- lelves that deviHiied them ; they cheated and abisd the People with falleMoney, and fo provok'd them to that Out-rape; fo that the Caufeof all tliefe Milihiefs trac'd up to it's true Original, doesat lalt appear to be their own lewd and dilhoncit Pradices. The Contents of another Letter, ly the fame Per- fon leering Date from Firando, February the 15th, A. D- 1617. \Chap.Xyi Shelter. H ther he in than bv his promis'd the if he prov'd we had been this Promife \ Surcefs in th; Buliuefs, on and manage t 'iVi . "T He llil'.'vj.-ys ( as this Letter informs us) perlilting in ' ' their Dflign of irakinp all the Eiic.c achmcms poilible upon the •p.iri.inl:, fail'd away With a prod Fleet trrm the. \;i///.v,i'j to the ?;')'/•;■>;;;«, in order to fight and 'drive them out from thence. The Sp.nu.v.is feeing the^.'"*'' \ Diitci'f lb llrcng, politicklv ke;-t rhen'delves within their nl,''" I Ports, ch'ilinp rather to bear thi- Infults .uid bold Dehan- ;resnt their Advcifarics, than expie thenfelvestoa fatal liver-throw. The /)./■,/ upon tli;s very inifrudentlv ' "'^ I ivulcilthe.ir Heet, lending awav a part to go and roh /•',:, the Crjinir Sh'ps ; 'vhich they did too ( as the Ch'/icJ,' dec'ai'd ) all underthe Name of i:u!^'!l' -•nn : But i.i the i mean time the. f/i/iw;':/,/.! caire out and fell upon thcoth.cr ' part of the Fleet (inkinp two poodShirs belide- th.''r.\dmi- ral.and the reft h.irdb elc.ipiup. But they in their Succefs being puihy of the fame impruden. Conduiil with the I Ohz-c/j before, that is, to divide th.'T Strength in purfuit I of the D:it.!; vveri. alfj over-niatch'd by fome Fcihl) Ships that came in upin them, which co't them the lol's I of their Vue-Ailmiral. I 'Lhe Vice-roy of X.-rr-Sp^Jn fent two Friars in tlio ih!F-;r quality of Fmbalfidours to the Emperour, with goiu! 'U * ' I Prefenrstoo, by this means to inliniiate themfelves 'into *^" , ,' hisF.a\oi:r and Pr ifection in that Country again, but p;t'i-,.. ' I the linperor wo'ild neeher receive their Prelents, not I v^ouihlate them that b: oi gl-t them the Honour of his I IVefeiK e ; ' ut fi nt them Wt.rd th.it they IhoiiUi be pone out jot li;s Dominions, for he had fome time apobaniili'd .1II * I Men nf their Coat, and he continued Itill in the fame " Opinion. 'd I n'his L r.er intimates too the refult of the GrandDif;Hitc - ; between the Emperour and the Prince K.trirJmi, lip.iii ^' ; th'- Imporraut SubieCf of the Crown. Might (it feeins) :oci'a-ne Right in thisMatfr. .ind the Pnnee'scav.fe d.d not p.rc'-cd according to tlie Jultire and Mi 'it of it.!,,, The B!' Oil of ^cocor h'pci.r/r has been Ipilt in the qnar- ■ ■ rel on I'Oth lidcs , but it fecmsnnw to be fully ended, and ? ' ' I the Piinccistither killed or retired into feme very fccure 'j.'l','; ll.eiter B)rf;d r *c.l:«l The Content joH, teat AD. II -1 HF. Perfe * reeded \v and Religious r.'ii up to all I Chriltians futf as thofe in th.' Corilhnc'.'. th.- tnJlictinp P..n:( ilieirBage. \ feirion : The 11 ;by the Contii thcr.i. nor all 1 pow^r that Stt go il'.rough the Thev made t carried them in relign them to t to be e.iucated which the lalt ! down ani dem upon tlv ir Ruii The Dead w the Graved torn clos'd. thrown row if Chrdlia lie upon a Sec this till'" to ' were other Tro tin\' ; another b.i: lie Prince in tlie Court, write to his Sii atoly to rip up iornier, and lo t.rii'd out of t the Northern [ »' • (bigger by widi the (Iroi ",''/!, to rebui The Ten Jamt foimh Voyagi VV Some Doubts h. ■ the right p'acinj have mils din tl Wj'cre they expi thofe Chartjthe lome Charts ma wlut others may rcruici-'ii thoin :c V.I in.'le Alcr- lihicclof Ul'. the Kiiipcrour itlia pR'.-itdcal re ill manago- Mjii to be our Sli pi, and 'tis of our Trade. otluT the King .)ini; them thole along with us liiitsj the very lay that when quite wearied iig one thing ur ; ill fixccfs ofPiiOm- .iC.i«,///.-CA/;m '''•'':■ . Coi!nt,-y, an.l «.';," ' kindly aecept- all I he I'eeming ./' feeing they -■y did, and tu But in lliort, vlereliants with rpriz'd and all ffinn to be the life the hutch owns, p'.ining And the Reafun t ihe.r I'adurs .1 fury there at nie upon them- and abi s d the 'd their lo -hat Mil. Iiiefs irac'd r tobetheir own TibTl Jchap. XXV. /n Account of /ome Letters fmn ]^pan, &'c. 137 Shelter. However, our Affairs cannot futfer, but may ra- ther lie in a better Condition by his loling the Vidory, than bv his pivin;.,' of it ; for 'tis reported, that he had pronus'il the Jeliiits to fettle them in full Liberty in 7/1/ i", if he prnv'd Conqueioiir ; and then 'tis pa(t doubt, that we had been all expell'd from thence. "J is po'iinle, th:.: thi< I'romife was a Bribe to the Jefuits, to prav '-•. iiis good Surcefs in that Battle; but the Fathers citlut forgot the lUifinefs, or elfe did nit employ the right Saint 'o Itillicit and manage that AHiiir above. i The Contents of .mother Letter hy the fame Ver- Jon, hearing Date from Fir.iiKlt), March lo. AD. 16 u). the fame Fer- Fcbtuary the us) pcrfiftinp in F.nc.c .ichments uh a grod Fleet rder to fight and I feeing :he ,.,|'.' es within their nu nd bold Detiaii- felvestoa fatal . imprudently ;,"„, to go and rob hji:. ( as I he Cliiu-Ji n.n : But i.i the upon the other (ide; tlie'.rAdmi- in their Suceefs mduA with the cngih in purfmr ly fomc h'Cihh t them the luls Bjrr;d P^T. fcjtiL-'ni in ry 'o Friars in the I'-.-j-: our, with goiul "i- ' themfelvcs into , ,.^ . ntry again, butr:ti ' e;r Pr^lents, nor loivnir of h;s ould be gone out apobauiih'd all •,*;'; .11 in the far.ie ,',",„'; B,i:;: . 1.' GrandDifpiitc ■ '';' 1,-i --'im, vynn ,'\.^, Ij'hr (it feeiiis) ■'. 'riiK'e'scai'fe d.d ■ , lid Ml "it of it. , , r. pilr in the qv.ar- ■ ■ dly ciidei!, aud ?' '; me very fccure J;.','.':. ll.elter ror, 0?^rfly.-rnm , dcl^-ny'd, after his routii-.g tie Ann vol the I'rinee i-V /«/■<:. For it truift be norcd tlio' oir Author Iocs not exprelly tell us of ir;,.that the liu" 1H1'" Perfccution in this Country, which bef're pro- ceeded no further than Banilliiiient, and lofs of Civil and Rtligious liberties, has lince (as this I eitcr tells us r,'u up to all the Severities of Corporal I'liinlliinent. 'I'he ChrUtians I'utfer'd ,is many Ibrts of I Va hs an.' Tormeins asthnff in th- Primitive Perfecutions ; aiui fueh wasUv.'ir Cor.Oinc'.', that 'heir Adverfaries were fooner weary of iii;!iefiiig P..n;(limenrs, than theyof en.luriii;.' 'he FHVc^sof their H.i!;e. Ver\ few, if any at all, rei/uric'd their Pre- fclllon : The molt 'i:.!e.:us Form-, in v.hu h Death appear'd ■h\ t'l-' Contrivance of their .Adverlaries) w.,u'd ivit fcare th.c.i, nor a!l th.' Terrors of a lolcuiii Fxecutioii, over- power that Streii;.;tli of ^'.illd with which they f.'em'c to go il-.r.r.ii'.h their Sutferiiip'-. Thcv iiia.le their \ ery Children Martyrs with them, and carried thciii in their .Arms to the S-ake ; ch'ding rather to relign them to the Flames,, 'ban leave them to the Bonzjes to be educate. 1 in the Pagan Religion. All the Churches which the lall Storm left ll.mdiiig, this ha.l entirely b'owii down and deiiiolilird, and Heathen Pagods were ereiiled upon tlvir Ruines. The Dead were pcrfecutcd too, as well as the I iving ; the Graves torn open, and the Bodies and Bones there iii- clos'd, thrown out into fome bafer Receptacle. So that now if Chriltiaiiity ever fiourilhesag.iin in ;7 .)/>■"', it nnift be upon a Sccotul Plantation, the Firll Stock feeming at this tiiv" to be lompleat'y puli'd up by the Roots. There were other Tioi blcs andSiirs.l-elidesthele in Jr.p.y^xr this time ; ar.othcr dangerous Rebellion was riling at l-'njhm.i ; but :lie Prince of that place, happening to be at that time in the Court, the Fimpetour commanded him, either to write to his Subiecls to lay down tlicir .■Vrir.s, or immedi- ately to rip up his own Belly : }le tbofe rather to do the former, and lo tlie Tumult was .at an end. But he was li.ni'd out of th.it (Government, and feiit intoa Corner in the Northern part of y.i.rr, and the great Caftle of /-v .•///.•- »!•• (bigger by Report than the Citv of /^.-/y?-,) levell'd with the (Jroiiiul : .Ml the St.incs being carried away to 0,'i.d, to rebuild th.At Noble Piece, which the lalt Fmpe-' I or r f'pokc'ii of in this 1 ctter, was not O'^^fhc-fvii, but fo.;:c nclierhis Siiccellbr, of whom we have no other Account, than thele .Actions of his give us. 'lis laid alii), that the Pr'iiec F'.!,:'". wa< {Ttteii fafc out of the great Battle, and lay /w";'/'.'.' f 'nicwhrre r.- bout A/fi-T • but this ')"r \itlior l;ai\i|\ ci\.d.it , ir ha- ving been often repo-ed Iti before. 1 alH-', H gives us an A' c unt of the horrid and bar-|,;,.'| baro'.is Depor:.nciit of the '1 ■:■■ :.)war.'iihe .'■.''■■;/'/.'.', then >i ;; reliding in h"' •'■■!•. Virhoet an' manner of Pro ivation they openly p-n'.tim'd V.'.i- ^'en'nlt tlicni, .l.-e .ii'd the/ woud In, in t!ieir Ships ar.d I H.eh, at'.l deitrov their Per- iods where-e er th.ev co"'d n-.cei I'lem ; and this they did I lemidv by So; 11,1 ol' '■ 1 n p.t, birh .".li-.nie, and a'.oard ad their Ships. An.l to b.- as go.'d a- '.heir vvi.id, ihcy 'II l-Mt liroke ' l''glit xigi'ro.iily in their defence ; for the odds was \altly great, and one i: :J']l-'ii:n li.til at lealt a her.dred O--.' to deal wit'i. -All this, and much nure of tli:s kin.l, th.-y liid ; l^.ir for what Reafon it cannot W iirwgin'd, ulllef^lecaule th.'v wou'd be Mallei s eer -where, ai.d liave tl,e whole World to themkbes. One pallage only, whi'jli ll.eW'. tl'.'.''r M.odefty in tho'.c parts ot the World, is not to be fcg- tten, and the rather, bccaufe 'tw.is in the Pretence of the C.reatFuipcror of j/.- f.iii himfelf, and all liis Court. Our .Author being there to do l.is 1 ) "tv to the Fmperor, upon the coming in of the K' /;/.'//'.- Sliipi, foun.l in thePre- (encc a ccriain boadmc L)i'\-i-><. .'■, that told the Fniperor Itranpe S:or;esc f h'>; own Country, and exroli'd his Ring of Il(l!,u..l t.i the Skies, as rlie great.-lt .iiul n-oll: potent Prince in a'l that part of the World ; together witii a '.all deal of ficli Stuff as that. But he who i n.Urltoo.l tliej.;- /■•i-' 1 angeage, tho' th.- /)..•/-'."».' tlunght he had not, toll! him before the Fmperor, He ne^d not haveto'd His Majeltv fo loud an 1 bi .ad a I se as that, (ince all the World knew, they had i;o King in ! I, i!v:.{. !iut only ,1 Stadi-holder; who di.l not f> much eovern the Peo'^le, .is the People govern'd hin- /'lul whereas he had ihc Fore- head to lay, That his King, as he cali'd. him, Ivld all o- ther Princes of Chrilteiuhm in SubjcAion ; 'twas well known the King of l'.i:cJ,:}:J had been his Country's Pro- testor, or they had never been in a Conditiini to come and make a Noife .abroa.t in the World. The Dii.'rh-iii.at was, it feems, pr.tty nn:ch conloundeJ to Infe lis King fo all of a fedden ; but ihere w.is no help for it ; and the Sp.tiiir^i.is ar,d P.vt.'nr^; that Wt'"etliere at the lamctinic, we'l knew thcTiuihof v\ha; was 'aid. I'pon thcwholc, our .Author adds, that the Compiny were extreanily di- verted with this palliige ; and that there was old Laugh- ing, elpecially amongll the Eu> ■■]■•,:•:!, to fee the Ouul- ■n ill bewilder d to lind out his King, which they very well knew lie cou d never do. Chap. XXV. Th '^c lenthVoy.ngc by the Eaft-Indiafo;///7a/rv, vpitb the 'f'rpo good ^hips^ the Dragon and Hoiiander, (accomp.vticd ivith the James and Solomon, for other Voyages.') Ta/^vi oat of the journals of the Captain, Ma/hr, and others anphv'd in the fame Voyage, Tho. Bed: chief Commander herein. lufC 1(11. I^J. ^f A'rVJ. I D. Hi:. WF have few Remarks of Notctooflfer upon that part of our Vo\ age, as far as the llleltMi" '/' iV !'<:, from whence therefore we lliall begin our .\ccount. Sonie Doubts liai e been itarted by modern Sailors, about the right placing of this llland in the Plats, which many have mifs d in their failing this way, or perhaps not found wiierc they cxpeCKd it, .according to the Direction of thofe Charts they went by. And 'ti» very probable, that ioine Charts may give a very ditfercnt .Account of it from vvhjtothcrsmay doj however, this we can alledge, that the llland wh'ch goes by rhe Xaiicof;?/' litu.ated both for I .itiiude and Longitude, much in the lame manner that tlie P.'.i'.s v> rfr N'-.-i, was pon 'he Globe, f./'e-'dhad lixd it : And its Laiinide \vc determine upoiv „ luce Ob- lervaiionto be 17 IKgr. to the So.nh of ti; Long. I./ Degr. 40 ■'VI. n. from the Cape of (.'n Line, and '/•;. ^ I '••I The multitudes of Sea Fowl you fee is a certain fign 'dpioico. of your approaching to this lll.tnd, anil this ir.av be trult-;'"- '''^'^ . edtouuiverfally : 'rhcy are fome of them black, and o-'""*''^"'''- tilers white, which Utter have alio iheir Wings paiutctj wiih bla-.kSpoiv T We The Tenth Voydge to the Indies, &c. /-^b. II y hap. XX I f 'i ■ {\ 1 ''■ ; A 11 ! ri. ■ . \A Til: T' nj C'.imc '0 t ■I (I - ■; rt'c cou'd perceive no Janger he re, only a fmrill Breacli nt the S.S.K. end of it,al-out a Mile's dilbnco ; and there's i\o fear (being loimd thi'i way) of haling in light of it, Init there is rather danger of falling in with the Simtdern Cur- rent, liy haling over for the M.i.n ; and therefore to avoid that Tnei.nveinenee, let ii le a Handing Riije, not to hale nnich to the Wellnard of this lllandot ,7;/.nt any real ground of fear, and It) iiiifsihe Current. Uiir Coinfe f«.tn hence was to A/.i/-/(Vr, which is one ^■'I'lKUu' ^f ''•'■' '"""* '■'* "■""'• ^^'■' "^"i' ™ '-'"" '" " ''^■'*'' •''"'' diltaiit from it aliout twelve or f, urtcen Leagues to the S. I;. The I aiiti'de here is ii Uegr. 'io Min. long, ij Degr. 4 Min. Variation, i 5 Uegr. 10 Min. Th s Iilaiul is \ci-y property call'd M.:l.l ii;, or j\hi' ln'ii'.i, for it's certainl') cncot the molt d.ingero:is places a Ship can conic to. .\z llic Norih-md of it ycu have a Roikv Sea for a matter of tight or nine Mile, quite along from the train Ifland, to aiioihcr that lies on theNorihein fide ; lo going along the Wedern-lide, you have another great I cdizc of Rocks that cominucs till ycu liave I'r.night the high Illaiid 'at the Northern end of M.i-Vhi) S. t. rif you, and then it cnt;v ; and tlicn you may ILvr in w;tli the Land, keiping the Lland f.iir .ilioar.l, or diicd!y put into the Bay, uhctv \ou ha\e gocd Anchoiing. But 'tis better to go to the Town which lies a Mile Wcftward of the I'ay, atul affords fome of the bcft Con- vcnienics for refrertrng, that arc to be had in all thefe parts- The People are Coud-iiatiir'd, and they can fur- h'lh yni with as good Beeves, (loats. Hens, Linons, and Ccco'>, as need be willul tor ; there's very gooi" '"'atcr to be had too, and the Air has the Charaifter of being ex- ceeding healthy and prn|X'r, to recover (Ick and weakly Conditiiiioi's. The belt way to come to it, is to fail .1- Inrg upon the S. K. liJc of the Illand, but have nothing to do, if podlble, en the Korthern-fide, where you have fo niany, and fo rhrcatning Dangers on every part of yon ; rcmenibringalfo to keep off the Shoal that lies to the Eall- ward, in coming from the long Ledge of Rocks, and is about fi\e or lix Mile from the Ifland it fcif, ind no Ground between them at forty or fifty Fathom, that we cou'd difcover. Wc fail'd from hence to the Coaft of Tndin, and came to an Anchor at the Bar of Smnt. The People cxprcfs'd a great deal of Satisfaiff ion at our Arrival, and a very pro- mifing appearance there was of good Trade and kind Ufage amopgrt them ; the Govcrnour of Sumt fending his Certificate aboard for our affiiiance in that point. How- ever, to gn upon the fiireft (irounds that cou d be, we con- cluded to fend a Difpatch to /^r.,-, to know diivdlj from the GrMf A/o;;/// himlelf, whether we fliou'd be permitted to have a Free Trade, and to fettle a Faiflory in his Coun- try, which otherwife we wou'il immediately depart. And the Refult of it was this ; that in a very little time the Govcrnour of Jm.td-vnr came to ns with full Power to treat upon that Subjeif, and to cnrtrinto folemn Articles with us, which wcie to be ratified with the Seal of the Crcnt Mrgul, in forty Days after, or tlfe to be null and void. By this Agreement wc had the Privilege of fettling Fa- ,i/A Road. The A R T I c L K s .Agreed upon, and Scal- ed by the G vcmimr of Amadavar, anJ the Govcrnour of Surat, and four principU Mer- chants, and to be Confirm; J hy the Seil and Firme of ihc Great Mogul, within Forty Days after tlie former Seahn^, or clfc to he void : for the Settling of Trade mJ Faftoritsin the Cities of Surat, Camlaja, Amadavar, Goga, or in any other part or (ii'ts o{ this Coun try, \Aitliin the Great Mjgul's D )minion,s. Witncllid under our Ha Hs and Seals, the One and t .vtntieih ot OJoler, i6iz. r« Atc^Ici '• iMprim.s, Tl'nt all whUh cohi.-r:>:i< $!■ Henry Middlc- •fAjianmit * ton lie remitter!, i-.cijuittid, .iti.lc!-n ed to 111 : Tluitthcy tt Ti-Jl-. ji^^ii ,„,y^.r tmksfei-{urc, j'OPfnge, vo.-J'- , -f nur Goods,Pf^itics, tmd Merchandicei, toj/itufiefor the (uii : i. That they jhnll frocurt from th:'..- K}i-1, /if Great Mo- gul, tit their proper C-ifl, hisCr.vit und C'oiijirmittiMof/ill the Aniclts of Agreement under the Cre.11 Ssrd of Im Land, itnd fliall deliver the finie unio III for our Sf ■.')/.•; nid Certiiinty pf peipeturd /Unity, CoDitherce r.y.d Defd'ry^ nit.i il em, viiiir, Vorti Oiyi .'fter the Senlim', hereof, J. Th It itfin-.ll be Ir.wful for the KJ"g "f England to },■,■» 4iyhi coutiinic 1 11 Enihiijf,idor r.t tic Coint ot tl c Great Mcjul, diirirf^ the time ef the Jf.id I'ercc .■vdCotimiocr, t, em I'l vw- pt nil J .Hid end nl'fuJi '.^le.it r.i d veer^l lyfi^rjUci t, ,/■ tntynny ,r/-v ;.-),■./ lotljc B'C.nh'ej' the/rid P-.u.: 4. T.rf .It r.'/ I.'i/i.i i.p:ii 'r .hrrcifl ot' ci.r ^1 ipi in tit .'<",•./ //Swally, li -irp::!! he I'n.enn.nt.'on in the City oJ'Hn- rarf/"Ct' l:v'riil D.ds ti^eih"r, Tl i:t it fh/ili k- fee t'o'- the CiiMiy I'-:}'!.' of ,u" forts to cmie diKii to the It'r.to-JiJc, then ir, hr.ve fee Trf.!\ ne.iliii^, mid Ci mine, cc voith us. ti c..- to appointed, jrfi .tnd tiue li.-.entO), X-i.cc and l\i:itvlcdgi betaken, rf all fiuh Moneys, Cirod.; 'i.ncli, Pnv'Jioi:.', /If. parol, and what clje to riir Katini b'.lot^eth .- /hid the f.niie flealt fafely frcj.i ic and keep, and del.'io t.. the Ceiieral, C :• ptain, or Me (hants of the jhfi SI ips tl at jhal! I ereafier a - rile: /hid to reeeiie a DijJ i.^rf:m th.' Ccn.'iai, C.rfv.iin, or Mii\ha>its,iti kI tin fi.cl.' (icvtis and Mine: sjh.ill b.' d.'iii:i'd. 10. 'ihat they fecioe our l^len .ird Goods 1 poii ilie Lard, h- deeming all ftuh both (jotdi and M-n, ,i. Jb.ilt h.ipjeii tube I a- ken upon the Land by the Portiigals ; aiidjhall deliver both Men and liirds again to injiecnf ell Chaises, 01 tliel'aiua :,f our Goods and A/i h injiantly. 1 1. That III in all Kjiivdinis iheie .ne fame Hehcis anddij- obedient Subjecls ; Jo in cur isaiion there may be finie Pyrates and Sea-l{ozers, vthieh way happen to come into thefe parts, and here may rcb andjie.il : If any fueh Jl.'all hnfpcn, then will -m we by our Trade and Faflo'y liere, be li.iblc or aifwcrabic far fuch Goods fo t.ikrn, I lit will aid ti em with oiir bejl means that are Jo grieved, lyjiijlice to our Kjig, J'cr rediefs and re- Jllti.ritn ui.to thin. li. T.'at allfuch Priv'fions of Vifluati .1, fjall be fpent dii- riii^ tie time tl .-t c:ir Ships p.'.lll remain here in ihe I{oads if Surat .inn Swally, /?,-./// be l.:e of Ciflein : Provide.! it do i.tt amount unto ai-ove r. tl.'ouland Doll's in A/ ny. 1 5. Ti-at in alt Qucfi'iiS cf tl'ii.gs an.i hi;u ies that f.v.i be ojfcred unts ih, and to r.-. \aiion, that we do receive hmii the Judges, and tloje tl at loin .Uitln.if., frefnt and Jf-edy Jujliee, accord jig lo.'he Qi^ialily ■fcir Cnnplaii.ts andli'icrgs done III , and tl .it by Delays wc be not put ctf, aii.l we/in'c.:, either by Time 0, Charges, The Bufinefs brought to this Kfuc, the Prcfents for the Mogul were laid out in a readinefs to be dclixci'd, .Tst'cioii as the Writings had p.ilt his Seal. At this time there fail'd vs ithin light of us, a Fleeioi.Vf. • Poitiigiie^e Frigats, to the number ot i.|o Sail, all Mcr-'";* chants, and bound for Cambn^a . .■^^■,d Imha lieet asthi<,r,,'",..a goes every Year tor that p'ace ; tr< m ulunce they f ring the grcuelt part of the 1 adiiig, which the Carracks and Galleons carry away for iV;.";.-/ ■ .And troin hence 'tis plain, that the Concerns cf the Pciiu:'ii::;e \n thefe pans of the \Vi)rId, turns to no little Account to them. But now we were alarm'd wiili the News of arodiei Fleet of them, thai was coming to give us a Welcome in-.o the y:.-i/'-/;.'./>j ; fortho' the (,<;■,./ A.™;, had granted us Liberty of Trace , set the I'oitigiie:^: were rcfoK'd ir ff.ou'd not be fu, and therefore came with fi.ur great Gai- lerns, and twenty fix Frica:s from <: a, to drive »■; away out of thofe Seas.'l'he .'Vcfi'ii between us was not finilh'd a'l '^' '""' in one Dav, or nt i.nelingle Trial, but made jor4le\eral J,^'~,,,-^ dilfinA Fights ijiie Day after another. In the firit Rri'lli ih; t-; ■ was concern t! no more ilian the Ac.nvra! ShipSi i,l bodi fides: Our Diagr.n ijoing on to meet their Admiral, niu! Vicc-Admiral, wtiu'drot lieprovok'd to Itoot tiil iho uu. got betwixt tli'ui both, bvr then llie laliited e.icli of tlu 111 with a Bro.idlide, and a \ (,lle ■ 1 f Siuall-lliot. lo hcani'v, that they iir mediately trok their Leaves of hi;r, and the Fight, for that Day. "I'he next Day, after fiMiie Horns fight, the Dragon ha- ving p!a) 'J with her Great and Small-lliot very fierce and hot, mtifr.t.t. hot, uponth on the Sand }h;:.i".i-r )-' they kept -d upon Deck. 1 he fame help of the F US, but no I But the fo Rct'rclTimcnt the Pirtiigiie: luflicicnt pro made it by tl Ships to add 1 his Fich tain'd on tlu vouring our the Putug I Cables, and cmifufion in in that there upon the Shi Tcry josfid \A that comnun ploy'd in the an Acco,:n!: felf who wa Reputation t be im incible „ 1 he Vortio. this Fight, b f had not lix i* lols was Pow of Powder, 5 thoul.ind Sm pole, as vsell asthechallili Adverfaty. f„..rr Having w tn. li.;** tification of • panted with to our King : This Afl'ai ed in our Vo that all th.- fair, good SI within ten Co.ilt : Like 10 F.ithom, J Leagues di From the you have vci along up in i lerv'd, that 1 a sen,' high the Country Ridge of li)i »:im' Snii, all Mc I- 1 '*;'';, li.i I'Icet asiliisJ,',':,;Ju' Ikpxl' tlicy 1 ring lif Can-.icks and iVoiu licnce 'tis v' in ihcfe pan^ : to chcm. \\n'iof arotlvji a W'ckoiiic inuj liaj graniCil lU were ixfoK'J i: 1 fMiir great Gal- drive vi'i away I as not finilh'il.i'lTii: ''^ n ihc firit Bri'ili au-, a! iliipsi of buili •if Admiral, .ni:.! Iloirt tiil ihc uu. cd iMcli of tlu ni llior. lo hianiK, uf Ikt, and tile :, tlie Dragon lia- c very fierce and ho:, J:^! fSapTxXV^ Their coming to AcheD, (^c. 439 hot upon three of the Galleon-!, forc'd them a-ground up- on the Sands a-thwart the Bar of W; and there the H-'v l-r p.-rfcdHy danced the Hay about them, whde they k'cpi -d out of light, and did not dare to Ihc w a Man "''tIic fame Day after the Galleons were recover'd by the help of the Frip.its, the Fight was renewed again betwixt us Init no conliderablc damage done on cither lide. But the fourth and laft Trial, (which was after ten Days Rcfrcllimtnt) wasth.ir which ended the Difpute, and gave the \>i, \ou have a very high piece of Land, mounting up like a Table in the Country Ix'f Teyou ; and to the Northward of that a Ridge of long Hills or M mntains. »iir«i7. About fome twenty iix Leagues lliort of Cape C")«ii/,is a TiK- Roid of little Town cali'd /)V.i;.".i', atwlixh we anehor'd and re- / CapeComcri it fcif is very low Land ; but the Coimtry ''* about is remarkable enough by high Crjgs and Rocks : *"'■* ''"'"*''• J), t-iir . on :i«rii«l.. ftrmjn ll timi'r. ficih'd. And it i' certainly a mull agreeable pl.ace forthat pinpofe there Ixiiii', a good plenty and variety of Piovi- lioiii, a good Rua.i and good Water, and the People of a free, harmlefs, and courteous Dilpolition, ready to en- tert;iin ntidtr.idc with Strang-.-rs, and (which makes them much tlie better) very great Enemies to the l'''tiirue:^e. From th s place to Cape 'o"""', tiie People are ChrilUans all along the Sea-Coalt, and have a Friar conftancly reli- dent auiongll them. A Ship liiav l":iil along this Coaft of \Ulihar , even to fij^f^ the Cape, without fear of danger, obfervingonly a Point of Care and good Condudl, a'.'out a Ncrk of Land ibme eight Leagues dillance from the Capi. '\'ou fee there this Point of Land, from which the Coal(:trents away E. S. E. with the CapeC"w//; and here 'tis that you are to be cmtio's, aiKi avoid that I'o nt as much as may be, be- cnufe of two great Rocks that iie under Water alKiut four .\liie from it : \uiu dancer is to come within 11 or 24 1,1'hoin ; bi't if \ou keep in i8, or therealouK, you go c'oarofthem. Rut then you irndt be fure not to go be- V>iid the I imits of a 5 or 4c Faihom, becai fe of the Cur- rent that lets ort .South w,th the Ma dire illands ; and which lakii g. vou may bring vourShip into confulerable ('aigtr, bv forcin;aherinaii!Oi.gtl iholc Clutters ot Illamls. Yoii ll;a!l know whereabouts this dar.ger from the Rocks lies more ev.idly by this; that thwart the foreincniion'd point rf land, are plac'd two Mr) large RiKks. a good h.iglirh alo\c W.tter, and then :\ leauue otl'dircdly from the F.alhrmolt (.1 ihete two extant Rocks, are the other iwolui.kcn OIL'S, the tatal Mifchicl.s we warn jou of. The Latitude of the Cape is 7 Degr. 50 Min. Loneitwde, 57 Degr. lo Min. from the Cape of Good Hope, variit. 14 Degr. JO Min. W. As we Coafted along the Ifle of C-->lon, we fcnt (bmc n^nh: of our Company afhore; but the Pcop'c there woi/d have''''"'*' nothingto do wiili us nor I'ullcr us to have any manticrof Provifions, alledgiiig that our Nation had wrong'd them, .and formerly taken one of their B';ars. We were behold- ing to the /)«.'cA for this kind ulage, for they took the Boat, and very probably told the Natives they were Fn- ■^lijh-})ie>i ; as we know they have ofren done. We dttir- minc Lat. of Colimlio upon the fame Idand, to be 6 Degr. 30 Min. or near upon ; and that of Tenrdarc ,'which lie* E. S. E. from Pimta de Galle, fome ten or twelv e Leagues^ to l>c 5 iJegr. 3 o Min. Linfihoteii's Obfervations of the Sands al outthi? Coart, fcem true ; w'e faw one of the", that lie? two Leagues from the Land, over-againft which is a gre.it high Rock like a Towtr, by the help of which Mark it may be a- voidcd. From hence we fail'il away ditcjfly for /tdvn, where -s mighty free to (hew us all the Sports and Di- sporti r tht veilions of his Court, and wou'd hardly take any publick King if.A- Pleafiirc, bi,t what our General muft ll.arc with him in. '*"'* '^•''* 1 lius we were \ ery ofte 1 v ited to fee his Elephants fight, fomctimcs his Rams, anc other times his Butiles ; which eucounter'd one another wirh an extraordinary fiercenefe, .ind 'twas work enough tor lixty or eighty Men Ibmetimes to part them, w hen thev were hotly engaged, and that not without great Roj cs laftned on to their Hinder-Legs, to pull them alundcr neither. 'Twas one of his beloved Divcrfions too, to go a Swim- ming, for which he has a delicate Pond, at five or fix M'les diftance from his Court, into which none but him- felf, and the Lords, or other Great Perfons and Favourites (which he invites) dogo. Hither he carried our General ; and after fomc time fpent in the Sports andExcrcifcsof the Water, he gave him a Noble Banc]uei ; which was all brought into the Pond. fervM up, and eaten there uponxlic Klr.gof the fpot ; neither wou'.i the King let any of the Company ~AchB>- Itir out of the Water, till all was clear'd, tho' there wasJjJTS!;! . ' a matter of Five hundred Dilhts. and a proportionable ^■""■ 'H aniitv ot Rack, and other ttrong I iquors. He alwa)s cail'd the General by the Nan c ijf Orancain Pn.:^ (that IS, the If' it- ;,,"./', and granted him free Accefs to his Prefence at all times, without 1 he Ceremony of waiting for his Crei le ; whu li is ordinarily fent forth by the Hands of lome f're.it Miinlter, to introduce ajl thole that come before the Kii.!'. Fie carrettlj defired the General, to recommend him to the King of ;■, ;;/,-«,,', and tell him, He woi.'d be very glad 10 have a Coi pie of fair Wcjincn oct ot his Country ; for then (lavs he) if 1 get a Son by one of thtm, I'U make him King of I u.imr.i , and ailthat Country from whence you fetch) cur Pepper; and fo yon ihan't need to come to me, but may goto your own £^2 .'//'.• King for thefe Com- riodicics. rrr-T^ 1 ■,'!.. I r •X I' \ -I T » TW 1 1 [^ 1 140 7 he 7 jrelfih Voyage no the Eatl- indies, arc. Tlir Kr|> ':'■}■ 1 he 1 atcr Ik lent to our King was \cry finely (It off v'r.'uA'a'iiiiiip, ;iiiil curiouny wiiiicn in ilie CluiaO^cr ot that '"oiiiitr\ ; ilic Siile of it lofty ami fwciliiip, ttiifl'd witli liigli Titles, :iiul ri'lemliil Cli.ii.ickTS of liis own Riclies ;iiui Greair h; aeu.rdinp to tlic iiiaiiiier of tliele F.aiU-ii.P; incus, v 1.0 ever till i\p Imlf .iliuolt of their I et- ters anil Tubliek Writings with ponipoii.s Lniiinerations of this kinil. The Copy of it is here ailiicil, as well to (liew a fipnal Evaitiple of the Olkent.uion, antl Vain-plurv, vvhiih ap- fe.irs to be fo natural to ihefe Parts of the WoiKI, as to liilanerthe Aceeptanee anil W'eltonie of our Nation ac that tinie in this Coumrv, ami the profpeiit of a happy Conimerec bei\\een both. Tlic Lcticr is thus Frgl.llicJ : ric Hcr.it, of one Miiiii, .iii.l 0/ oir l'!.-/l.\ v pEihicka Sirie Sultan, lyn^ of "'' ■ ;f ■(;-.>, /inJjnle Kjip cf Si.iua ^ V '•' ^"•niatra, -inJ r. Kjir^ "lO'C }■- ni'ii! tl'.vi lis I'lclrcrJ]'!, fcacJ. in lis Kjit^J'W, r.iul 1.' - nctircd tf nil h.dciin^ S'.iri its; in n'.'v'iw tCere u ti^ct'th- I'ln^:,: cf /: Kji:f., in iv'f."' /{'gns tic tiie Mctlxncf (•"■ vc'iimcn-, f.iiinCil ,n it xfrc of 1, ■ n:i:• Ih- Ch')jhil G'.ifs ; fiom veimn jl rvah :h: i\u! jiflic: ; vfUfc I'lcfcmc is ,11 tic fmat HM, Kjn^'. '/ I'riair.an, .u.A cf tic Mnnt.iinif <.i/./, viz. Sofuia, .w..' '..nr,l(f n'i:cJ<''isrfSti'iic.<, Kj"!^ (f twi Sonibrieroes f i:.:i- enCc'J, h.ivin^fi hu Scjts hh/i :f (IciJ ; hu hftli'tic f ;■;('"£•( /•'.■ ll'fcs ,Vh{ .Irmiiir f.r hijnjclf, l:-ing lil{;.v!J': ij ^ III! r.fcphai.t with Tceilj ./ Go/./, ,w.l r.Hl'.c-. ifiins ihcn: i.to ]':!ci\li'ng : Ifis Lumiccs hafGii^i, hnfSiive', ii Jm.ii: SIct ef tie J/imc ; r. S.-MIc .tljuf,, anothci i.lf'^nnt if th Jum. Mctf.l : /•/ 'l'ci:t rf Silver, ,vii! nil lis Sells If. if (klii linif Si.vCf. His Vclfcli for Bnil'in:^ of pure CM, his ScpuLhrr cf Gold {wkrc'ii III Pre.kccJTms hn.i r.ll ti'c/c Imf (ioU '.rT Siher\ l:is SciiUcs coinplcic cf Gcl.i and Silici. j-I King, tinder rchcDi there .ve in, my K'",g-', hi-.vin?, ir.kpi th: K'>'^ <■'! Arrow : All the Cciintry ,f Priamaii, Tccoo, Baroufe, k- ill" fiihdiied I') him, ;> v.c-x wider hn Commr.nd : Scv:iiiy Elc- fihr.nts, and much Proilfions s.inicd h; Set, to nir.kcLis ll'.irs 4t Arrow, wh.~re Gcd gme vie iimre Vicicny tbim any cf ir.y Prelarjfji-i. T/.IJ fiV-.if Kl'^.^'idcth this Letter rf Saliitnti'ii .'0 James, K]i'^ c']anics l{ing o/lingland ; and d.i e.inirjlly de/ire, that the League begun, in ly be cnntinu-d to all PtJIerities. And herein I tal^e mi {'^•eatejl K7VVv, there being ii.:th!ii^ /ii t'e ; t mid more pL-ajknt or jnful to in: And for a TJliinoni of my Dfie, that the League and Aniiiy I'-^uii way be coi.ti. ined l:twixt m, I have returned this Letter unto your Ma/r. jiy, malting aljo my I'rayers unio the Great G O, for the i\ mi nuance of the fame, /tnd it Jhalt le my g>eateit Ihnour to leeeive ^leinorird from fo grcr.t a Potcilla'i; and fj 1 emote nNe.tion. jhid for a Pledge of my L ve .ind tloncw, andCm. tiiiu.vne of cur League, I fen.l your Majejiy aCir.fe Wwught n-iti' Geld, tic Hilt the ecf ieing beaten Geld, with ,1 l^in^ of Stones, an AfJ'agaya of SwrJ:, halfCfpper Litf Gold, eigl't Pwilan DiJIees finall and great, cf Cainphiieoi.e Picji of Sow- ''"L'fi"ff> '''''•' l''"^'' ^'t Caltiivr-Lawn .- If. nh your KUji- jly aeecptiiig as from a Urotlrr, IJhall rejl f,:t:,fed, and iruJi honoured. And Jo with my I', ayei s to rhr Great G />, Crea- tor if Ueaien and I'.ailh, for yeur M-jrJIy's long Life, with yicioiy i\er your I'.reiniei, and I'rojperity in yiur Land. Given at our Palace of Aehen, the luii Year of Jilah:. met, by the Account of the Afuo/.'. Hacinp laid now this happy Foundation for 1 TrjJc, in the prociir-niiiit of the King's Grant for that pui'pole ; we went away from 'lelen towards the oilier Trading Places of th's Kland, in (;rder to the bvildiiig atui )mo- cccding thereupon. Wc lud hee Liberty to go 10 iicr, Piiainai:, Paffaman, or any where ; ha.inp the King of iJcii's 1 etiei along with us, no place dar'd deny usTrade and good Fntcrtainnient. Our firil Couvk accordingly was to t'eco, from whence the llfimdcr was difpaich'd to I'riainaii, and another f,]^" ,' Ci.mpany to I'lfniian, iipi 11 the fame Uelign : But this u.,,, lall p'.ace provM fo %cvy i nheaUhiul to us, th.a wc were quickly forc'd to come away, and quit our Pretenfions to a Factory there. The Air has fo much nialigniiy in it, and the Water fo very bad too, that 'twere better for our Nation to blot the Name of P.iJJ'.imi-n out cf the Lift of iicr Trading Places, th.in for a little advantage (which may as well be gotten oiher where;, to cxpofe fo many Lives, which might do good Service in a more benign Climate. The Dragon traded at Tr "co for 110 Tun of Pepper ; n,,,., from whence (l.e went f.r B.vaan;, v.hde the I LJiaiider u iii, ftaid there to n.ake Sale of the Sura: Commodities. :\i Ii,-i::.vn the lame Mi p traded for 17CC0 Bags of Pepper, at 13 Dollars /:v Bahar ; and having finilird he;' Conccrtis, fail'd dirciilly from thence for l-ii.g,:i..i, coiiiing '*, , into the Vi antes the fame Day lix Moir.hi,, that liic ki Sail out of Ilaiitam Road. c HAP. X^ XVI. T hcTiPclfch Voyuige fit out by the Fait- India Company, mth the ^ooc^ Ship the Expedition y under the Command of Capt. Chri- ftopher Newport, ^Vnttcn by Mr. Walter Payton. (^T/.'/.r is fithj.^n.l in iJ'f n'-xt fl.ice dficr ihf form<-)\ brctuje ihc E!cvi:itJi is zobo.'/v ^'matcJ, at not c^cnng the Reader u/iy ihi.ng iiauh Kcrlh bn JKo.'ur.'} Jtniun. ^.uim. Jul,. w ' F, fet Sail from Gia-efe, d in the begin- ning oi January, ha' iiig aboaid us Sir l{p!:-rt Shirley, the t'ef.'v, tii.bali'ador, and Sir Lrninu I owl, then going into Peji:, with rtlcir fcveral Retinues 4 all which wire to land cpon the CViaft of chat Country, ar.d fopuifieour Voyage to the E.ijl-litdiei. Ha\ing vilited the feveral ufiial Pl.ices of Rcfrefliment iJ. 1611. i„ this Voyage, ah.ng the Coall of efiJ;, and the llle //srci'j Ide. St. Lawrei e , we fail'd from this laft direCUy to the Ifle ol .Sec Caprjin Af.j'/.;, which is commonly reckou'd one of the Cowm.i i«r..'. A,. Iflj,,Js a place of ccod Fntertainnitiir, and the Pc pie co'.jnot till, -11 '1*1 i- 1 J I lildi-,,1 Kid ^f ry 'i^'l 3'>ci couacoiis to us. 1 hey leem d to expreis a rtopk. very great A\crfion for the Po-tugue:{- ; and pretended, that they vyou'4 infillibly gu^ the "threat* of all thv Na; tion that came thither ; and tlio' I donV c',wl t but the t'tpomiient of the i'orti«m:;e may be rude and bad e- nough 10 deferve I ch a 'l rcatmen: as that, yet 1 Ivlieve at this tiir.e, the People had not .ilirgeiher fo nu:ch Chn- ler and Indignation againlt them as tliey pretended ; but raihi r did it becaule they knew we h.tted ilKm,and tho.ighc we fliou'd be ealier in our Deabngs with them, to lind ihcin Inch imcteratc Lneinicsto our 1 neiv.its. Forar the lame time, to llle belt (f my t)l.ferv.;uon, ihey trad.d with the ioit,gnc:{c up and down, tl.o' they d;d it very (lily, and in tiie dark ; and 'tis \ ery probable, that In violent an Fnmity as tliev pretended, Wou'd have i^ red out all Inclinauons to Trafiick, and eonmon Cc rr. Ii'on- dence with them. Bet they arc Ajw, ;; an.l that not only m Complexion, but Keiigion too ; and a Grain of Uniimr- lat on :":hap. xx| lation IS to two Accouni Son'e of I very well (\l y-ic '" Iri ill '"i;> C'i ;h ■t Kn r»riJ arc no StranI ance ot ihisi their own'll cult to re.irii| lain'd in fo I tice of thelJ ilii feth.it g| over the M, Uth.rsoftI Words ; asCi the , /./:/'/(/;, I '1 ongue.at pil 1 ■„,//,;;.-(•:;?, (| or whatever : w.'.h tiie forn| the Wo;i I, k.. j;l Tis CullJ ^sICjpi J'""- liurcieais tna Letter nf Cf this Kaiour i in gi.^r.t'n^ it thofe that mil any (ort of \!i\e:ia- s. We delign having niifs'i a:, 'ia, in Wallcof -i i H..i^u.Fog. Air was lo V .M«''' had not the 1 ' Ice half a Mil poiiibletohe ^ i'lid Obfcrvai rj and (• iretimi I Siu face of it way towards ' j,'j,. the City of / J inc up ti (>, ' Ifcw which was ai J ' TIk-.:i absvi Ij h to us, ri\ 'S Ibiietioiis, ,il I (MACvnour"! ■i hty. bnng'nj : that the Co that he h.id 1 us, and gavi Coiu.tr\ wii Cape/<.f. ing, is in 16 choraue then F. to the S. b Here alio courteoi's Fn try, and ihi cm.e thither plied w ith. From hem towards J',i place thereal Wc obler^ to elrai ',-, ti Variation ;c c.pi:Bv.;jjr >■'•/ .'.i F--'.'.v, ( Variaticn i< Feing got CoaH- of /',•■ and Variatii Coining r niake foii-e : ciiv'd Iiifori Get he Mec^ vcrrment ol hnd his chii lives told til F-iibalfadcr at Spiihawi : ."Jje.TJ ulc. C- nlry , 1 :ii.,. V^ t ni) f'lftnbcef th e.n)i,Jt;y ,l,.i,,.f 10 all Pijhrliici r l\~:i,v iicthh/^ i„ id fey It 'Ijli'moiiy JiiiKiiny lif coi.t;. Iillto ycitr M,ljr. '■t G O 0, for thi yf^'e.if,-it Ihmur <'i; fiiJ fj icinotc Ihitcir, r.riJCi.ii. ' n Cn:fe rviKii^ht lelJ, with tt lijm l:i!f GoU, cixrt oi.c PU\t of Sow- I', ieh your KUj(. l;,jifj, /iii.i tnihh ir.t(.:Oi\ Cte.1. )tur Lr.ih!. Year of M^h:. on for 1 TrjJc, ir that jnii-poic ; oiIkt Trailing ilJiiij; anil pio. t" (;o to luc, np ilio Kinp of 1 lieny ns Trade ', from whence ", and anoilier|;J"'' L-llpn : But this "'"'',' ', ih.ii \vc were r PretenriorT! to niahgniiy in it, e 1-eticr for our ie, that fo I liave 1 '.-red ti t.( rri;!|'()t:- it nntuniy in of Uiiii'iir- I'it on ^ hap. XXVI. TheTreacheryofthe^^\\xc\\QS^<^c. 141 lation is to I e allow'd them at leaft, upon each of ihofe ('•uttlor, which was befidcs .he bcft -nd moft convenient two Accounts. j place for the landing of oi'r I'cftl.™ Con pany. This Ac- Some of the bdrci'fort of them fpeak the Portut!,iie\e count was fo harmt iiioully g-vcn ly all the I'ct p'.e about very well (which by the way is a pood proof, that they arc no Strangers to one another) ; anil 'twas by the aililt- ance of this, that we had any Convcrfe with them; for their ownlonpuc is a kind of a corrupted \iir'J^i\ diffi- cult to le.irii, efpccially not to be any thing tolerably at- tain'd in fo llinrt a time as we ilaid there : Yet I took no- tice of thefe followitig Words, which may be of ufe to tli:fe that go thither, to call for common I'rovilions, when a Man does not either iinderftand the l'o.tii'}iic\e himfelt, ; or elfe is concern'd with the ordinary People, that are igno- , rant of it too. ^Jcc.m- A Bullock, they call Gtimhcy ; a Goat, TJ'T ; a Hen, ■.i ihH'' CihjiiJ ; Oranges, T.W/i/' ; Limons, /)ivhh ; Water, AZrij;-; J.'^';' '■•''■' f'oco-Nuts, Srjftvye ; Plantans, i\{" ; Pines, Qunrmc; 1 Paper, C'/!i /«//el'gion has concevr-'d them wuh the former u( thole I anguajjes, and their i rade in the World with the latter. f,'lV 'Tis CulU: defire the J, ,j,, ^:] lis \.,uui;mary for them at this Ifland, ■ oiapo'-"'- liwi.jcn.i th.it ccir.e to Vil't ihem, to leave b' hind them a Lener of C'omn:.'mlatirns of their Er.teriaipnunt tliere ; thi>^ Favour they requelted of us ; and we obligcil them in p.-rt'iit: it ; adding only fome necellhry Cautions to thole that irifiit i oine after us, not to expofe tlieirlllves to anv lorl of dani'cr, by an over-great Contidencc in the % h:<-c:..-.'S. ; We delign'd to have l-'l'd froiu henrcto JJJcef^ivr ; but having mils'd thail)lani.''\ve went on for the Illes of C/o/V M,ri,i, in iSDegr. North 1 at. lying over-againft the Wallc of ,'lrrti.'. helix. Throiigh tliis whole Coiiife, the Hjinbl.FoRi Air was fo horribly thick and dark with Fops, that we .H"i- had not the le.aft Glimpfe of Sim or Stars, and cou'd not fee half a Mile before usupon the Watir. We had no way poliible to help our felves in th;s diftrc'.s, bet bv the I cad, ' "" ... - -VhcW:! eu epon by this means we n;ade a iliiftto nuefs our li'.ct Curis i Unni. upon that Coail, that we refolv'd to proceed dircdly ro (.li.rJor ; tho' wc cou'd precnrc no Pilot amongHthim, and were not well aeouainted with th.lt Coait our felves. Sailing on thiih'.tvvard.s in thi 1 ell nmnn rvvc cou'd, ^' we pot light ( f two great Ti-.i./..-, or h.ti.J:: Boats, which ^ were failing along the Sl-.orc to ,., ws of n . f.V ing in till fe Parts, might not be fpr .td a'l.ru tlicGulf and alarm the Pwv.".7;-;j-; who might pt.aib'v (h.id the' beai rouz'd havec. me with a Force, that mirht iinvc us a fatal ddterb.ince. 'Tis to be noted, that the P'" '//fw;:- .In IwJ.l ,ii .l.tIit-: Country hereabout in Itraiii'e Subjection, ' given " ''"Id .'II tl,c;,.,,_,„. .,. , , ,■.,.,■ •'''^' "otaSh pi,.i- Co„.- ora ic-,7./^ dares fill Without their 1 ieeice : Nay, mcre"'"-'lei!lt« th.in that, they ha>eir(i-;d in their Paliis, what'-'--- ^" lacei ' •nnd Obfervations of the changii-.g Co'our of the Water, and fi irerimes the Weeds and Grafs that floated upon the Sill face of it way towards the 1 and, which at lall prov'd to be near the Citvof O fh,-, in .hrhin K-...V. The We.ither dear- they lliall go to, what Ommod ties the; carry, how long the I'afs (liall continue in torce, and all thefe tlrngsare rc^ giflrcd in their dffitcs at the Caltle of A;. l,.-t .■ 'This ^^^ liKover'd by the perufal of a P. »/;/:;*,--.■ Pals, which this •Jci /r./.i that we took carried air t'g with her. All this while oiT Apfrchcnfions if the Place .ind People (we were going air.ongrt ct-ntinued the lame that they were upon the former repenred Teltimonics of the Natives ; for our Pilot, and all the BMiidcs al'oard us, Ijokc exadly the fame Language with them, ai'd luul thev all laid their Heads togctlier in one Pint, they cou'd not have been more nicely in one Tale ihan the) were. With oiir firltThouidus and Hopes tlieivforc we arriv'd <^'^~'^ ■' 3.t.Qnr:!c, ; and here the C-'oicrnoi r told is (b'. a Mel- "*■"■''• fengtri the fane Striy as Ivf.re, Mfeiher with fo much Welcome and C.irefs in lo ihe R.ir,gaiii, th;,t we were now palt all doul t of being come t.. u'.'e right place that vvasto kr\eour purpofe. IPC up t(f), we dilcover'd a good Road to Anchrr in, vhichw.isat R^'li-, a little Town not far from loj.n. The .Ur.h of thefe p.'.ices were exceeding kind and friend- 1 K to US, ^i^ing i:s all the nntertainnunt and efe''iil In-' ItruCtioiis, about the Country, that we cou'd delire. The I Govenioiir of n,ff):, came down, and carried on the Civi- j Piit to lay the liner Va'iuili over their Defirns, he fent iity, bringing all the Varieties(,fPio\ i!ion along with hiini to Complement the Lord 1;': balfsdor in a very lolcmn that the Corntry wou'd aHfird ; he exprefs d iinich ]ov ' inanr.er, proiuis'd him a ("uani to V.-,-; -r,;; ; ordi r'd feve- tliai he had li;i h an C)| portunity to tellilie his RefpeCls to ral Prelems and Pics .lions to be Irouplu aboard j and all I's, and gave usfu!! 1 ibercy to go alhore any wherein the thishedeilar'd, the King his .Mailer w.;;. very glad to tio, Co^;i.trv within ihe Houiidsof his Jiirifdiclii n. ."is v.eil cut of refptOt to tlie I'mballiidc r, as toexprels his C.ipe K^l^it, that takes itsName tvcm the pliieadioyn- 1 oxal Ri,rard to :h.' King of /'-,'? r h's Sovereign.' inc, is in K'. Deer. .jSMin. North I at. there's good .An- ' Ali thefe tifnps loi king with fo, good an .Alpe'cL the F,m- chorage there, and freedom friiui all Winds, except from I balVndcT wasfo far influenc'ii bv them (Icing in'tigaicd F.. rotheS. b\ F. | too by an carnett delire to make what lialle beiou'd tntho it part of his ■/.-BoatS that Here nlfo we were delired to lea\c a Tellimrnv of our | !'<' Ji >' Court), that he forthu .th fent the I y ot thti .' /Sili.ilh:. .!,. fjt.Tj III: ."■p(;Rj;Ci.|jj " rtry , rourteors Fmcrtninment, for the Rq utarion of the Conn-' Treafi-reand Cavringe allif re with die B. try. and the Fncourageir.ent of other Ships tl:at iniglit ' came forthntprrpofe. cm.ethitlKT ; «hichreafon.ibleRec;uelt we willingly com-; 1 he whole CaiTce was beftovved in a Tent, paiiicu-TlifTrt; plied with. ; lariy creilK'd tor the Kccvpcion of it, and fecured there by From hence we went Coalting along the Afr.lir.n Shore 1< me of his i f rdiMji's Retinue, till he came himfeif in Per- touards J'l-i/..!, hoping to iind fome fafe and icnvenient fon, which he intended to do the lame Day. place thereaboius, tor the landing of the Fmbalfadors. i It hjppen'd that while th.' Ci nds were ■. am ing into tlic We oblivv'd in this Courlc the 'lie A/.:, V,i, b ing clofe lent, lome of the /?.; 'i 'cf a^k'd the F^ir.l-aliadi r's Servants to Arr:i'-, to be in Z'i Dcgr. 50 Miti. Nordi 1 at. and the Whether iheie was all or ro r To which, wl.C:: 'tw is re- Variation ;o Degr. 10 Min. The liallern olt part of .;- plied, That there was no more bth'r.d b"t )ewe.'s, which r,-j:.; K-'.'.v, call'd Cape lij-i-'t/t, in Lat. 12 Dcgr. 34 Min. wou'd come with the Hii.ball'a.'or himfeif . .Soiiicof the Vjiiaticn 19 Vi:vv. zn Min. Vil'ains made Anfwerto their Fe !ov„ it:;i..linp by, That being got into the Gulf, we had ouickly fight of the 'twas no matter, for there wa-. ei.c.th aiivi.dy for 'plunJer CoaltofPi-yi'^, having .inhat time 2 5 Dcgr. ic Min. Lat. for the Soldiers, and Variation, 1 S Dcgr. 30 Min. This was overheard, aid. ideiAocd bv a Pi''/7.fn of Coming near the .Shore, a Company was fent out to the Ketinec ; and 'iwas the f:ni S'cp cf the Plot difco- :h« ^ -" ■■ ! i i' '' ■ 1 ! U , I . i ■' make lone Difcoveriesof the Coertry ; by whom w-'C re- ceiv'd Information, that the Country before us was cad'i ■•, and the People bnhick-. , u ' C:t !v A',-r,7, venl : But immediately after th:^r, it w. full lerij'th, and all iis Paitieula'S, to the ! ertheGo- 'r.e, who ic Itcuis, had iiior ■ Ho. s r-\cal :,me r m its :n, by .ir.d Geod Nature verrment of a King that w.-.s 'Fril uianto the Pc Jinv, and than the I'arl arians he lived amonglV. 'J heir D. (ijn vas hnd his thiif ReI'dence at the Port of f/'.'i/i.y-r. 'the Na- <:(' have laciilie'd the Fml alliuior, ..rd ail c'le C^irpany. lives told them alfo, '1 hat their King wou'd fee the Lord except the Cliiiurreons, M lieiaiis I't'd ihofo t'.a; von'd F.iiiball'ador lately cotiduCVcd to the King t tluni. in order to this we therefore fni'. Word to ihc perfidi- ous Vice r-'V, that thel-nil-alladoiir by ri.ifon of anill- nefs, had dcferV. his cumin!; to the next Day, but dclired that then twoor three Boats nii(;hr be feiir for him and lus Company, together w;th fome of the Prituipalof the B umrri, and this iiucfpev;!; lo his quality as the King ot I'rifiAS I'lubalfadour. This pmpnfal was \ cry readily acreedto; and promife made th.'.t the I'mbairuhnii's jult I'eiire herein lliovild be piinL'tualy fatisfied. lint bclidis this by the politick Tvaraniiiieiit of f ime of our Men, we cot fome of the mort v.iUuvble thinps out of the Em ihat trull of fettjng him fafe alhoar, wc were to attend the Affairs of Trade; which if it might be procured at that place, wc had Commodities ready to vciitj there, but if not we would only refrelh and depart. This wc deliredthe F.mballadour to rcprefent to theGovcinour a« the Sum of our Prctentiotis in coming to that plate, which was .iccordingly done at the firft folcmii interview' lietwixt the-.. But twas imixitfible for this place to prove kind and favourable to us fince the I'oitujfue^r had an Inierelt there ; the Ciovernour in all appearance would haveK-en friendly to u«, but their Malice blallcd all the Hndeaviiurs of his Kindnefs, and nipp'd our moil pro- miling Hopes in the end. 1 he Emball'alx)ur zcalourty urging our Bufinefs was as warmly oppos'd by the Porm. ^/-f ^;f Miiiillers ; very hiRli Words pafs'd between thcin.and they did not fparcto tell him in plain Terms that lie was a Pirate. 'I his they faid upon an Information from le per-|prodiic'diheKing of Sp.ii)i'$ Paft undcr'his own Hatid verlight ^andSc;il ; they difown'd it as a Counterfeit, and m.ndeno !l' r. ,, r ) And tilt- uc- tdiol it. '[ '■ OiTOrtjthat wehadarrcfted ihe BaluchiAn rera .And to Compliment the Em anhdour a little further than '""''"' this yet, they made a cheat of him too, as well as a Ifadoiii's Trunks ail.o.ir thnt fune Ni) ht, without the j Pirate ; n.iy one of the worft of che.lts ; for when he lealt difiovery or fufpicion, which iiiii;lit well ' " loinud, lince a pare of his own retinue hadihcoM of till 111 tdl he- Landed hinifelf. ' I I'-Tr pie to charge him with downright forgery. Tlicfe And more than ihat, another r f the ricliell Chclh was i AbnUs were too foul to lieendur'd with Patience by "any broueht otf clear by as gncd a ,Sir..t.iceiii ; the Servants | Man that was innoeent, much more by * Man that had prcten,linp a rrcfentOccafion their Lord had fir fome- i Hci.our as well as Innocence to protcd him from (lander ; tluiu' eoniaiifd :nit, nnd in the roi^ni of it leaving ano- 1 and therefore .■<.$ he calily juihfied himfelf, fo he told fo ther' (foi all that the Baluches knew fill'd wi'h Cold and I much of the Hillory and Circuinllances of the Pmtn. jewe's) but ii-deeil wuh Siones, Billets and Rubbilh ; |,e"''T'- Nation, as was fuflScicnt to leifen that Opinion of which all palVd Well eii ugh, aud the Plotters Imcit no-, their Grandeur which fo many foreign Countries who thing of a Plot upon thenfelves. The next Morning the knew no better had cntcrtain'd. Bcaiscame according lo the .ippiirtment ; and the con.j The Governour to carry it as fteady as might bcbc-^ liderable Wen of the Bahuhes were no fooner aboard, twecn both contending parties, iho' he fevcrely re.pf«lL but they delircd to fee the Gun-room, which fell out very , huked the roruigiie:(r fcr their infolent Carriage towards ci"!"'.:! wed too, for th.it was the Pound into which we had a ' the Enibalfadour ; ) ct would r -fme to no final Refolution IT''** mind to draw them. In ihort ha\ ing them fait Ihut up ^ about the Point of our Trade, iV. he had had a Diifercnce herc,weprefenth iiez'd all theirWeapons.and then chaig'd, with lome of our Merchants upon that Subjedi. In the them with all the Particulars c f their barbarous Delign mean time the Pormuc^e labour'd by all imaginable upon us, which they denied with all thcforhead and ob- ways to prevent our Encouragement and Senlement at duratcncfsinthe World, Itanding Uoutly in it that they tiiul, fomctiines promifing and fometimes thrcatniag the defipn'd us no mifchief. However cxpcding another Governour to leave the place, and Trade there no more ; manner of Sausfadtion than that, wc difpatch il fome of and then again by abuhng and railing at the Enf^lifh in aU the meaner fort of them with a Melfagc to the Vice-roy , the dirty and fcandalcus Terms that could be, to prcju- tothisetVcift ; that if he did not return all that belong'd dice the ?coplc, and make them think we were as arrant to us both Goods and Men withn the fpacc of two Thic'cs and RafcaU as they reprefentcd us to be. On Hours, we would cut all ihife RaUirhcs in pieces that we the other hand theGovcinour to teftify his RcfpcA to the had alx)ard the Ship; and this iliarp Melfage produc'd the '■.\;'//Ai Nation, had us conduced to his Caitle (where defired I'.tfeifl out of Haiul ; it leav'd lum into a Sunen- the Conference was to Ix: ) with the greatcft Solemnity dcrof his intended Prey, and foiv'd him to be jult whe- ai.d Splendour that could be ; and whatever the I'ortu- titer he would or no. And this by the Intiucncea of a !,?'"'i'c hail doneto difgracc us, the People (as wc pafs'd kind Providence upon our own goi d Conduift and Ma- along) cxprefs'd b) many Signs that they had conceived nagcmcnt, we efcap d ihc Ert'eifts of as villanousa piece of no bad Opinion of us. But in (hort the Rcfult of the Tieacheiy as perhaps was ever contri-.'d. But this was, Deb.itc was this, That we could not have any Trade at no newthing itfccmsamopgit the Paluches, neither were i i^'"/ this Voyage. He freely own'd the Intrigues of the we the ftrlt that they had pradisd thus upon ; f,r as the | Pi"'«t'uf;;f againft us, and dcclar'd .it the fame time he honeft Difcovcier e,f this Plot {who alfo totally left them. ' would be glad to be rid of them, if he could introdiue t and came away to usjtold usthcy had drawn three Ships at this rate into thcirfnares, lir.ce he had been aniongd them, and what mifchief they had done before of that kind, themfelves only know. And the,, they had im|X)s'd upon us as much in pretending a Subjection to the King of Pjiy;/-, as they had in all the rell of the fine Stories they told us ; for they were at that time in nAwaX Rebellion, had openly denied that Tribute which the Generations before them hvi all quietly paid, atid fuch w.as their .Spleen againft thcKingof PnJM that they had made it death for any Body but to name him amonglt them. And the Truth of all this hati ilii^ demi nitration in Fad to IVr/irt bad Trade more Beneficial to the place in the room of theirs. Butthis was the Cafe, the I'ovtnxue^e Trade was worth toihem every Year loooo {Tounds Sterling ; and we h«d at this time brought fofcw Comniodities, that the Profits comlug from us would not amount to near the former ,Sum ; and therefore for this Year at lead they muft fiiffer confiderably in their Revenues, if the t'oiiuiuc^c (hould defcrt the place as they had vowed they would. Befiilcs ho urged that he did really farm the Cuftoms of that Port of the Mexi'i hi.i; Malter, being bound for the annual payment of fo much Money into the Trcafury it^lgi.i. hen levied encies n-.u(t either be made good out of his own Pocket, delign'd fpeedily to lor he mult take the Confequenccs of it in his Prince's u iup ih'jfe Rebels to Idilpleafure, which might pollibly be his uneloing. But whctherhisplaceyieldcditor no; fothat all thcDefici. clear it up; that the King of a michty Army, wlu:h he employ ui the cnt,'rprile of rci their former Obcdienci-. I notwithftanding hepromis'd ihat wc (louldbe admitted toaTlit '"'* 1 have now done with thi fc I afe People, only taking Free-Trade the next retur;, of our Ships upon thele two"*''""' nntirc of {;...::.'./(- the Capital City of thvir Province i\i,-- .Conditions, that we cane fo provided that our Trade Cjucrn:.'. It is a convenient Port enough, and affords! might make amends for the lofs of the \'orti.9^i,e:{,; and good Anchorage ; it (lands in a'oout 15 Degrees North ! then that we gave him an Alfutanec that we would com- 1 a-iiudc, and the var)ing is there leveiitecn Degrees mit no aiit of holtility upon the Perlons, Ships or Goods ThfT W4'd, hftecn Minutes rf ifr. ^"' expcittations of landing the Enibalfadour here i.to "'iK'ing friiltrated, we faii'd on tow. ards f' .//,-, and came to an .'nchor near ihe City of Diul, in the Mouth of the River SW«, Ri\ er .S'/;wV, in 24 Degrees jS Minutes North Latitude, « ihi-toiw.and our varying at the lame place 16 Degrees 45 Min. Her.' is Lordlhip landed atlalt; the Governour entertain- ing him with all the Relpect befitting his Charadlcv, r.nd promifinghis belt Al'iftancc in funherhighisjouruev thro' that C'oiui,:ry \nv)Ptrjia. And having now dil'diarged of any bclongiiif, to ihef.'w Alr^ul. This Treaty was confirm'd by Writings interch.ingcably dclivct'd on both fides, in which the Governour and wc folemnly bound each other to make good the Articles Ixforc (pecified. The Commodities required for that place were thcfe • Broad-Cloths of all light Colours, lilepliants Teeth, Ironij,!!;'"'" Tin Lcad,.Stcel andSpiccs, Thofe which we (liould deal for there, were Indicocs, Calicoes, I'Jntadoes, all l"orc< of ./({KMf afld Cnmb*;* Goods, and fcvcral kinds of Drugs. Thi« lap. XXV This was all Lrao-jtDfV. which thcicc forSi'i'i't Pepper from tv biitwelioughti vernour pretene Trailc. that we Offiais and M belnc invited to' Willi the Proinilc to lade, we wen \ervniigl'tvdoi with the liu.e 1 grcedv, and g-i! Anch( rare, am II and ntotw rablytr.cktlh.in mult he e"!"**; ilieni and attend the Fi Captai, Cipt. It. :'iil t ihc O fncK- o V Sh Ti _ ''" W -' 'Y ill very well fu Si' ,h.i fuch a Voyage, ■!<"•'■ !nourpa(fage r"'„'f,*;^;,fiirprifingdiffer( Bii.y p.r. it was fome Ye; itu'"Siii[».^vi-C'oi", whitl fc'J',', inthcRoadofS fciy-Ixi'i-tionstO be ma ilk. ill we found upoi .|t:,'c.™.Wclterly, wher |ki; w! ihe varying at rcrncd. ThcRcafonof ^iiCh'^Khaiftisi'iascle; fcii Wc loft here t r':«^' ;;i'" having been tra ix'' pilling difconter Hi'ii.^D. was brought bai »'< . JtmMi. All th C''j. .and Trifles civ. iKCipiiiii Vidualsand A £*'"""■■ of his own dirt foyg in ihc (ufticicnt anient jif;tt.firii and Diverlions ftll.rMlcc lyj j[,g itnvfm ine, .„ , , , tiTycijnow hnitilh Herd, t fcdrorn-,cr- Guts and Garl Icih. v,.J?rthngtohisC Sinj.fs.'. Grafsand Cow Hid. in turc ilri«ip'd : .m.*™:';i,r"'liWyholdoi fj'.'./.ij itnn from them ■*>■■!;.. To cafe hull Ij"^'-'"'""' hack hither ag while, but the ii:;o the Count never law him lie was fo p()^ hat p) (tare the t'l break locfel cr elfi' that the •iiit they fufpt f and breeding < tjuatrtance wi When wc c. unanimoully i fioni us with a fign to murder much Ipirit as Were boi ■ enoi ■?li- uSt. !*■ lap. XXVII. The jecond Voyage by the foint^Stocl\, ^Z 14.3 were to attend hr Ik- procured to vend there, ait. This wc c CJovemour at to that plate , lemii interview r this place to l'otu^uc-{f had pcarancc would l'l.iltc.1 all the oiir molt pro- iilHMir jrcalourty >'d l)y the Potiu. twcin thein.and ns that he waj formation from W-raiU in there ^';"-''» iiaee done than fl'j"^: J„ tlieriifelvcs into. •'? -tj ) ttle further than '"'«"' 35 wcl! as a for when he Ills own Hand ' t, and Bi,ide no forgery. Thcfe atieiicc by iany Man that liad ai from (lander ; ' ', fo he told fo s of the Povtu. hat Opinion of Countries who JS might be be. ^,^ le fe^e^ely re- ,,„.;» arnagc towards end-. ,, final Rcfohition r^''" ad a Cf;r,fcrcnce ul'jed*. In the all imaginable I Settlement at thrcatning th« there no more ; he f«?.'./fc in all 1 be, to prcju- were as arrant us to be. On s Rcfped to the Caltlc ( where atcd Solemnity te\cr the j'om/. (as wo pafs'J had conceived c Refnlt of the ' any 7 rade at ntrigucs of the fame time he uld introdiKC a room of theirs, de was worth ; and we had that the Profitt -■ar the former hey muft fuffer tutue^c Oiould luld. Befides ho IS of that Port or the annual afury v.AgiA, all the Defici- s own Pocket, f' his Prince's induing. But leadmiitedtoai:!!"-^- ron thcle two'™''' '' lat our Trade '<"■''£'•«?■, and e would com- hips or Goods s Treaty was ver'd on both )lcmnly bound fpecified. ■ were ihcfe : s Teeth, I;oii,j.,,A lliould deal foi- . all fort^ of ■ral kinds of Thi« ■ TheCiTM I This was all the Bufincfs we could now prcteml to do Unn- at D/i//, which therefore being done, we let fail from ilicice for .tii'W''"'^. .'Nt I'n'.tintin we bi-at tlie Price of Pepper friim twenty two to feventcni RinU /v. H.ili.ir ; but wc iKJUght no more than two Baliars the nnjiilV Co- \ernniir pretending to make it the Condition of oiir Trade, that we fliould prelent am' ,,.atifie almolt .ill the Officers and Merchants round the CulUim-houk-. Bit litiiie invited to Trri'i by one of nnrownShips then there, wiihthe Proinife ton ot as nuicli Pepper as we would care in l.ulc, we went thither fill'd with lixpedbtii ns of lume \erviniglitvdfiinps But trulv we foi. i thein troubled withthe fiine Dillcmper as th'le if l>.i:wtiii, covetous, Eicedv, and g.Tpinp alierPrcfents, liorribly cxaiftinp, for Anthi rare, and hoiltinj' up the pi il.: of their Pepper Iroin II niui H to twenty Ria!s /•:•' B.iliar. Helides, lo iutole- i-.tli|ytr.ck;lli .i«d aliul'et'ul iiillic-ir Del.twtm, ili.it a Ship limit 1\- cxpfid to givnt Incoineiiiciicics to w.iit upuii jlitiuaiid attend their lealiiiv. \Vf had no way ro cure them of tliole I)iftenipers, but by weighing Anchor, and prctendinc to be pone j and then they lould con eat'terustallenough,aiidlri: i; the I'epper alioard too in to the Baiijin, w he; e.rs I efoi e vc coiiM not get any aili'.ir. The Prawscame 10 thick .ilxj'tns, ai,'! pourM it in fo *"■"•''"' fall: upon ui, that \vc were held . Itjfely to i- 'or f'.ur Days '," to weigh wlut they brought. We tool; to the ijiLtiuity i' . zrn li.ih.irs .It eirhteeii Ria's /<;■; B.ih.i:-, aiul two K-.-.'.i Ciiltoni tijrthedo erno.ir upon every B.th.ir. We proceeded from heme to .'{-)//, .y.!), v. Ikt.' \vc pro- v,i.i/,,,,. vided the relt of ouiT.nding, .ind frorn rhji.cc f-: fail tor ''•I''.'"' /.■).;;;;>>/, !;having all oui Con^pr.nv wc biouglit our nt^t only f ",''"' "■' alue, I ■ t ina go(xl itateof IK.ililm,o, which was never '"''' '"*' int,iTiipti'd by any Sitkiiel>a;iio:,<' vs, ti'l v.e erofs'd the l.iiie tlij ferond time in our Vo^.^J'.• \\(:m /{.'■■."•;, .md then the .'•curvy broke out in tin." Si.ip : Hut v.e luij ipiicklv the Kemedy of the euir.r.riu ]e light i.i' o-.T own N'ative Country. MM' 11 C H A P. XXVJJ. /In At omit of the Second Voyage jet forth by the Vtiitcd Stocf^s of the Fall- India Compmy. 'lakcn < hicjh out vf the fGiinub of Ciptain Nicholas Downton. chief Coniuuimkr herein, and Cipt. Thomas Elkingt'^n, his ^Hculji.ar in thatToJl M> ill' II' o U R Fleet coiififtcd of thefe fullowinp, good ihips, the >tv-T iisGift, Admiral, of .6 50 Tun,the //ci.'w.Vicc-adiniral of 5oo,the Afiv- _ _ cluinfs llipr of j»o, the Soolmon of 100, j*»"',^/|^' all very well furnilh'd and provided for the Exigencies of MM i i^'.c fuch a Voyage. Si.ier: !n out palfsgc to thc Biy of Snldnniit, I obfcrved fome fc"'c?r "Tti fiirprifing differences between the varying now, and what Siiy pir. it was fome Years ago, when I fail'd this way in the Prf. #u''i i^ip,p;,jCnni, which inclm'd me (when \vc came to an Anchor fc*;,'.", inthc Roadof SoW,iwiVi) to order foine further Obl'erva- feiy^Io.ntionsto be made upon that matter. And accordingly $i \Vc loft here the Company of Corf the .SW.//»w;V!« ; who Jtr-8?^||ming been tranfporrcd into fln^Z/rx./, h.-id lived there a J,k""* pining difcomcntcd Life, and could never be ealie till he K<«f>,.. fo powcifully encaged by the Pleafures < f his harpy ftatc then rcuew'd upon him, that he was not able to bre.ik locfefrom thim (n long as while lie vilited us; cr eh'- t.Sar the ,^''''.V/r,//.Tw knock'd him o'thHead, as one 'i .It they fufpcdVed ro have loft the purity of the manners and breeding of his o\v n Coviirry, by a debauching Ac- ejuairtance with another. When we cane to St. Av^uflhie'i Bay, all the People unanimoully quitted their Habitations, and run aw.ay fiom us withasmuch haft as if we had come with ade- ortiifuc:^c, and one of their molt ulefiil tods for carrying tm" their Deligns formerly at Court. He was alio at this time Governour eit Hii^r.r, and all the Country adjominff, which fell out V ery ill for us ; he being as iv.ueh the profefled Fr.em.y of our Nationas he w.is the under-hand Friend of th l'o,t. . (;«.'?■-. 1 hefc crofsCircnmftanceson every Hand,m.-ide our AtT.iirs not a little troiiblefome and intricate; the linceri; Fnendlliipof Mien- ' nh was hard. a- to be hoped for, and his pretended Kindnefs was as little to be efteem 'J andtniftedto, and yet nothing e,-uld be done without bun, his Authority in all thofe parts beingfo ccnijdcrablc. H.^wc\er fome Attempts were to be made, and all fair Endeavours to be iis'd, to fweeten his ill Temper if polTi- b'c, and make him our Friend, at leaft not an Adverfa- ry toourlnterclt and Trafle. It; order to the accomplill.ingof this, I went adioar to confer with a great Man lent down bv hiiii for that pur- wcT** pole; but kn-.Avin!! tlut the Humour of this Country isc^nu"" fuch, thatthe* II hear no Difcourle of this k'nd that js '''■»'"'" iri not well pref.ie'd w th (iifts and Pnlents, I maJe' ihizrc.'c,i'fl£ ■ cellar) IntroeUicihe.n w'.th a good Prelcnt both for hmi - n 'rZ''°' ^ lell and './.-. '.X-. •■.:-.. When we caine t.) th; Poii;'. I made my Oemands for the enlargemi nt r{ fj\er,\! Pri- vileges, iind the Kirenmg of ourCuftom ; and p.-irtici- larly that we might be a kw'd a Market at B.<- - 1 , , for the Convenienceof our People; and that accordingro the Te- nor of iheA('i^»7's Firman before given.Butnone oi'all thefe Uemandif.as far as I tould hud, were likely to be fatisfied i. ■st.= , r . \.M', i f I ii_44 ;vi()crclKhir:' ri/w/a ro j^v-^wf r/'f Hnglilh i)i liiiiilc'f, tli.n vc mil lit lu'.ir lisStiiii' .ind ni'ti'riivii.''.c (ir.s ci.iiOinri.p i;>. iiv.iriiliatoli. Ii.,iii li s (j\vti Moi t!i At tlii'. Otitiniii'c ilic fine D;n„itiiN wore irailc rnlioth (uKv.t> I'ltV iv ; ' n i iii'. as X" ilic iiiat'.cr nt" TraJc, and on tlii:rsns to the Bi liiv fs it inpajiiiij', in their < od Cpinii n, he woti'd g'aidy have done it, and whatiarcd he then for thcAnper rrRcprcaehcs of the Po./k!;/,?^^ .■• His Bulincl^ wastodo himfe.t a pood turn, and aAMnof fuch a treacherous an,bitioi:s Ten pi r, would not itick at ovcrtv.rninp I'nti^iic:-, m I'.ig.ij::, or any e'fetha! lav in hisvvriv, when his own Interelt was to leteiv'd liy the ruin of o;hcrs. However upi.n < ur rifiuinp to join in this Aiftion, hiiicUlan w.is very preatly our J'liemy, and fct liimfcif to do us all the dili-oeretfies hcioiild ; he viliiied the Vrefei;ts font liy his Majelty to the hk'iu: ; he reftiaiii'd our'i ladi', and .ibus'd our Merdiants hiiifcif witli ill Language, and his Guard ( who d'..ilt not do it with' It his Order or Connivance ) by open violence. 'I h. Jefuitstoo, who never faii'd to do usallgood Ofiites of thai kind, did all that could be to encieafe his Jea- I'lulics, that wc would join with the Vortiigu:\c againft him. Uninio'. Yox tl'.o' tiicy never ufc to fctany vaJue upon the Ftientl- I'o.diz ■'y Word that we vvcrc Friends to ( and wouM ((atiflu) A.u rlJ.iii. ThatMiUhief that was done at Get;.-, v<,ts doiielv a S.juadr. tiof Fngats, iliat came oi tlK'li.'ic tl'if m.iiii Fleet ; there was aboi tt'Aetit', two of them in all and alierth.ic Ai'lion the. eami- .v.d Anrhor'd in light of us in the RiiersM. uih. Here they did all the little villanies tjiiy could, iluliiig up and down the /„.//,!« Boats, and tiring fomefew Houfes that l.iy feattering upon the River .ill whie h rime we lay Hill anel made no Pictenrcs togain- fay them. .Sotue little bickering happen'd between one of our Ships and them, upon theoccalionof aGiai.adoof [\Kl^i>iH,^;,f^c i but we eamc to no .Action, we not think- ing it prudent to weaken our lelves by Ipei.ding i pon a part, ihatmuftqu;ekly be tore 'd to light the whole Fleet together. Thei-'fl of the Frigaiseame in qi'iekly after, and they, weicfoon foliowMby the Viic-roy himlelf, with all their", n ore formidable part of their .Sea-Force. Th ir llrenpth f"'' ' lonfuted of fix (Jallcons, three Ships, two Gailies and"'""'' lixtv Fripnts, a very ui.ceiual match fr our fo.ir Ships. Bitb(t"di- the f^dvantage of their valt number, they had Kieral others every whit .is eonlldeiablei for out of that great Fleet the Vice-roy could fi.pply his fighting Ships with Men as fait as any werekill'd or difablid * but'tw,-is in pclfible for us to do li', we having no more than what the necclTary Ofiiccs of our Ships required; bi'lides in the /'.-.Vnif/.vT- Fleet, there was a dillinOlion le.wecnSouldieisand Mariners; they had Slaves ami In- fvourl'cllowsto do all th.- b'.iidei'li)ir.e lervilc Work, ihe.Souldiirs being kept fiefh and in good Heart; b„t with us the Souldiers and the Sailors w,re the la.iie I'er- fons. Men half tired and fpcni with heaving at Capltain petting up Anehors, fcttinp of Sails, nii,l various ot'hei' toiifomc Works, which n-ay be well fuppos'd to unlit Men for fohot ailHon asthey were to be cngag'd in. The •'•'"" Pi//. :,;<.-;;(• Fleet was no li oner come to nil /'.'nclicv in the "'■'■ Rc.td, but Af.r.f/i/ri; ( terrified wiih the Profpert ofdi^v','. fuch a Pi w er ) leniMclfengers to the Vice-roy to treat (fapeaee; and the better to perfwadc hii.: ■:, it, urgd him (anoiigit other arguir.ents) with that of Gifts ain! Prcfents. 'J his was what the Viie-roy wanted ; but feeing the fear and defpical le cowardice of hUrcicltiii, heltoodolf with all the iceming ftifneis and avirllon that could be ; braving anel inUilting \o much the more, as ho [ereeiv'd tiicoiiicrdiljits'd to trirg and eoiiit him to a Place. Ami Mi.oiU.r.,. w.^s e'en willing upon any 'rern.s to compound and n ake up the matter with the Viie-roy, lo black were his Apprehcnlinns of the Coiife- qiiciices of this War : For he and ail the Country ablblutfly defj'air'd of our being able to do any thing in their delenccagainlt fo iiiigliiy an Advcrfary ; they bc- bcv'd It would be but (port and play to that valt Fleet to link and take ours, or do any ihini; to ihein that they had a iriiid to do. On ilu ovlicr hand, the Preli inption of r. i thcV ICC roy was as pnut as th oncRcaloii why he reji;,:tcd Iih^ni, eir dcfpair, .ind that was > Proptfals cawfe after 111 ot, llie ll.iu'i IiiMmii, and vantape'ous As for our Defence and CondiCt i w C.ipt.iins and lonimandcd i move t.jwar. Aite'iipt, am upon the con feiitly thinkii way. made i our Motions the more t'.ieir I ives in Having ih ilu-y rcfol'.'d, p!i:h it, th 'y but tlio'.e- Hai lo U upon ou upnn the Sai n;yt I ' rK\ qt We 'i.id hi 4e Taiklinp tlr S m (if al And tho' ill iiiR as we, y c had receiv'd i fo, nor let t!' chanr,ed « Gu The Coun fpiite fo furcel far MK'cicl'Ai vor'd of his 1 Vicc-Roy did PiMce with t' on any Terms v.imapenus to vilinns too f" We warned, 1' thine in the V this Fight wa' ftai'ctlio'he h In tho mca vi.le our Dl'II (;.7."r'ha'l to I pradicab'e a Alt which 111 them very ski rid by them t but t'lclnvcni with ; and tl hid all our W Principles, di cte'd th,- Piop and i"l'l us o and knr.w by fccrcUv P'oifo foHicTortoili ni' ndrate the The Pi.xM upon us ; bii in talkie.!? of r.ni-ounter. had fent '^50 Computation kill'd and but ■Ihc P:^flr. it OiH'»( ; ai iKa.;laiiif. Other Adverl now pretty when the Kii all in Arms a The Jcfui th"m and the ThKiti Tii?r»ffi*. TVytfiat I'.f w ci- Sut ^-^ -ii^fthairXXYlfT Stratagom of the Portugueze, 'lM>.c< CMllc!"'!,'' Ir.mi w ,T, Miti, ....,.; Iio War U'piiii ; ■il'v il no I'lvat aiui k.cial Villa. :c- fiiiall Wir.ls. ""■as lit oiitip. il tliattluycaiiic i'mIim-s; fur 'l,s l"'ii Mm: .-I . h.-tl It iIk' i'o,tu^:ie-t «'"M ftarJl))'; • ic at CV<;--. \^,-tj iicoi tlK'lI.rcilij of them in all, )r'd inlipht of in ilie hrtlc villanics .//.:'.' Hoat;, and ^ upon the RiuT, 'rctcnrcs tOf;ain- d between uiic ofaGiaiiailoof . we not think- pciulinfi I pnn a the whole Fleet after, amlthev, 'f. with all their", riiir llreni;th.<"-'^f- "o Galhts ami "■•'"'< our foiir Ships. mimlier, they lej for out „t" y Ilis fijjhting d or ilifableU i avinp no more ihips rctjuireil; •s a liilhndion Slaves ami In- I^.TVilc Work, J Heart; ln.t the la.nic IVr- ig atCapltain, \ar;oiis otiur pcisM to iinlir apM in. The ;.'«"'■» /••nclioi- in the"' '■ '' c Profpcdt ofU'J,'.;;., f-roy to treat !^ it, urg'd ot Gifts arxl warned ; but )f hl'\ rciclan, a\irlion that ' more, as he i;it liiin to a ng t'poti any Iter with the )f the Confc- the Courtrr any thing in 'ry ; they be- ^a(t Fleet to lh.it ihey had reli niption of and that was optfils; be- cauic 1+5 caiifc iftcr he hid conqner'd us, which he made no doubt ol, llic fliou'd appear fo nuiih the more fonnidable to the l,i.ii,iHi, and force them to a Snbinitfioii upon more ad- vantapeoiis Tenin. Ah for oiirfelve«,hivinp taken all due Mcafiirc< for our bif fk'ii D(?fencc and .Secnrity in this difficult and diladvantareous Cnndid i witli the concurrent Approbation of all our C.ipt.\inert part ol the Frigats; the Galleons alfo ir.akinp aft'T a* f ilt as they cou'd for the Saiuls. By tli.it tiire we e llll^ op to her d 'feiice, the BTicmy had Ui.irde we liiltain'd by that Day's .AAion. ,And tho" tli;' l'irfii«;ih-:(: were as ready to leave ot^' light- ing as we, yet had it not been for th- Ir.|\Tics the II f had receu'd ir the lirft Onl'et, I had not difhaipcd them fo, nor let tlu V'ce-Roy ha\e retired, before I had ex- changed X Gun or two with himfelf. The Country was not a little revived, to fee the Di fpiite fo fuccefsfnlly managed againft the PoUiigurr^e -. Thus far \W:cl'chA» was by this time indiftcrcntly well reco- vcr'd of his Fright ; and now began to Boun.e as the Vicc-Roy did Iscfore ; declaring he had no mind to make Peace with them ; and he neicr wou'd agree up- on any Terms u ith them, but what fhould be eipially ad- vantageous to us, and to themfelves. He lent us in Pro- vilions too fir our own Neeellities ; and Timber, what We wanted, lor anv Reparations of our Ships; and no- thing in the Worid cou'd be more obl'ping to h'm than this Fight was ; in the Honour ot whiih he hop'd to have ll-,are,tlio'heliad none intheDanger and hardScrviceof it. In ih.' mean time the Jeluits took as much pains to pro- vl'.le our l)ellriiO>ion at 1 and, as their Friends thj /V.*, - p ) 111 ilum, (;;/.»- -had to ruine us at ,Sea ; and fincc noo'hi.T way was pradicab'c at prefent, they .attemprcd it by Poifon ; an Art which much Pra;lice and F.xpcrieticc has rendred them \ery skilful in. 'J he (lovernour o\ Sftit wasddi- rcd by them to undertake the A(ftl\e Part of the Work ; but the Invention and Contri ance they wo'i'd firnilTi hun with ; and that was ro p"ilon the Well, from when, e we h.id all our Water. But he a Man of jult and honourable Principles, <)er,iUnp in his Heart fo bale a Vil.'any, reic- tted till' Piop I'al w'.'h Inilii'na'ion, and forrhwich came and io!ii lis of theDe!i.?n. And that we might live fecure, and know by an infallible Sign, wheiher the leiiiits had fccicilv poifon'd the V.'a'cr or no ; he Mid us, he had put foHiet'ortoiles into the Well ; which by dying wou'd de- nv nllratc the r.bufe of the W.itcr. The I'm I w.'.-v.- all this while lay ftill as to any .Attempt upon us ; but the World was very b'die at the lame time, in t.ilkiun of 'hem, and their i olTe-s fuftain'd in the late Fncounter. F'or the News came from tVi/;.».', that the\ had fent ^50 Men to be buried there ; and by a modell Computation, we can't allow lefs than a hundred more kill'd and burnt in theShips.belidcsthcmthat wercdrown'd. \ -^ The P-'fr.iK at this time too were engag'd againft their i (T 'c'cciiut*^ OiH'W ; and at Mn'.ncca they had their Hands full with iiutif.ctiuiif, other Adverl'aries : l^pon all which Accounts they were j_ now pretty well inclin'd to Peace, and 'twas high time, I when the King of Pafi/i, the Mogul, and the I'jigli/h, were .5 all in Arms againft them together. i The Jefuit eagerlv follow'd the Bufincfsof making them and the Mrgiil Friends again, and wrought fo far as A :3 Tlier>t» to bring MarterJ to a Treaty ; but th, I'lidc and im|ul> I)eir.and« of the rQ,iu«iir^c ruin'd all : !■< r whereas tliey had done pifuliclois Oamapcs, iliey were fo far frtni yielding to make tiv Satisfailion, thit they demanded .1 1 aft Srm of Money Irom the A I "iii The .Sence of wircli was, that they had l)Ccn ai fin ■■ Charge to walte atid \\vi\\ his Country, anil they won ,1 1 paid what they were out of |'( ckit in oiiihat Acciunr. .50 ihaMiovv they ftood upon the lame i erins w.th i ne an. .hir .is before, ,'.nd the Vice-Roy accord. nply fenr ir muic Supplie" for carrying on of the War. To fpe.ik the tni'h, that Sum of Moni-y fo infjlcntiy deniandid b\ the /'. /(/iv-^ , if 'iwasdMc any wh.Tc, 'twas moi'l iiiltly due to us • For all the .St-1's :"id P>urthcn of the War, lay upon our S'loeMcrs ; the /-i./'.iwjquarrell'ii wi'htheiii, lut v/ew.reto lipht ; th ■; li.nl notliing rodo but to guard 'he Sh-'ie>:, and I' ok m, M'hile we prodigal- Iv fpent our B!o,>.l t' r th" Service and Uefrnce of the Coiintr". Perpetua!I,iber\ of Trade, is certainly thcleaft Debt the MoiT'i: owes the /•m:.'.)' N.-.tirn ; and 'tis not iinmo- deft tolav, that we h;r e (.'4 far as this coir.es to i pur- ch.is'd a Title to hi- (.' untry, Ly beiny the undoubted Prntei'^o s of ir. It needs tio p r f, •'• • iii.- /U/.j^/'s Force at Sea is very conteinptil le, elpeual \ 1 compar'd w.th that o|-' I'-tn^i/, a Nati. .i/,v.:;h- ■int nieet'np an adverfe Power to bid them iletiai.ce by the way. .Sc me of ourCompany, who had been difpatcli'dto fe- " eral parts of the Country. upon theConcernsof Trade, h.ij bou^'ht up conliderab'e Qiiamitics of indiio as well as oiher Coinnioditi.s. Thev found it very danperous fa- '^"" '**' vellinc, and were hardly able_ to pafs aiom: fafe, even S.'ri with a good Guaid, liecaufe of the Rcsboo:s, or G. utile CjnnifHiiciti h.-1'.i'.s, th.at Wire robbing everywhere upoh tne Road. ''.""'"j' But nctwithftanding thofe Thieves at 1 .tu,!, an.l the I'or. ' t.igi{r:;r watching us upon the Water, we pot our Com- modities fate aboard ; whcli veie(belidi s Indico) black white, and blew Baftus, Candikcns, Crccany, and Cot- ton-) arn. But the frcfti Supplies fent for by tlie Vicc-Ror, W'-tc come at this time, and the .Atfairs of Tr.ide muft .ipaiii l^c adjourn 'd, and pivepiare to thofe cf War. Thefc Sup- Firc-ihipi plies fas it afterwaruii .ippear'd), were more, and rather """■ Fire-(liips, than Fightirp ones ; and the Porti'ijrf^ defpairing of worl'.ing us any o-her wlv, had brought upthefe M.Khines, fill'd with all forts of combu- ftible mat'er, to burn and blow us out e.t the Koid. They plainly uifcover'd, that thev were too fenfiblc of the ill Coiifcquenccs of the pall Engagement, to be forward to enter upon another, in a fair and open manner. I'or now, t they wou'd p' t upan .\tfont, .inil tamely hearro be in-/.,i,^«lf fulred and yv vok'd to ti.e,ht ; and I very ofcendifcliari^'d 'C'Mn one of my bip.'cft Guns, dircftcd to the \erv Prow "of '''■'"■ y, to try his Temper ; but he wou'd 110': ftir. lopes of Succefs againft us depcudinp upo.u the happy management of the b'irellii|)s, thc\ plaved that part With all the Policy in the Worid ; giving us fali'e A- lanns, and drawing our Expcdl.itions of an Alfauic from them toward; one particular Quarter, that fo while wc ufed our chief Care in guarding that way, they r.iTht drivetheir tiani'ng Ships in upon us the contrary wa\ .tint they taught us by thele Tricks how to defend ourlMves- and not m.aking the Thruft hriirc where thev pretended to offer it, wc were caution'd to guard a lefs Uifpciiled part. And it was ro very good purpofetlia' wefi)lli,w'd their Uireelious; for accordingly in theda.hNieht.theMaclnr.cs having crept round about us, cane driv ing aloni; with the Tide dircdtly upon us; which our Watch fbeilov^'d that; way; dikovennp at a reafonabic diiianc, we iiad tinr.'ly Warning to prepare o-.r felvcs for. Thev blew up asrhey p,il"s'dby us, and dikliarg'.l a vaft q'.antity of Murther- [„'']>■'""."''* irg-!\utf ; but Goii be priis'd) did no h.irm to any cf our £V'''''S'i>s' ^'ups. 'Fliey attempted us by the f-mc Method two fevcral times .-.f'crwarJs ; I lu the Si ccef; wasftil! th3l.",ino ; Dif- appointnicnt on their Parts, and happy De'i-orance from the Danger on o\n'. Thus we were h'vheno triinn- plianr, b. th o\er the Power and Policy of that injurious People. 1 he Vice-Roy now (weary as well of the Shame, as the Difaib antage of fo many Baffles) l)e.i;an to tliink with fome Concern how to difenpagc himleif; and fj great ti,. vi ... was the ab.atement of his Stomach, by thcfc Uif.ippo:rt- Koy (m'far mcnts, that he prov'd humble enough to make Moiioii5 ''" '• »"■* '» for Peaci-. ''™'>-''- V ■-] This i 1 ■ !■' n !: ;, r hm :l 146 the tare oj the tnglilh to prevent the Pcrtugucze! HEllB^ hap. XX^ p.\ ,|, ■w«)r. 'I'hU w»i ^ very (iirprixing Cluii)fc ; he that 4 few Day* ] hcforo, in the Uncc .inJ (oclmnot lul, he wdiiM he rcikoiiM a iiiuclilclii formida'.lcKne- inv liy ihe C'numry for the future. Ihe Vite-Koy vvn fain to take thiv Atil'wcr, liner he con'il (jft no Utter ; aiul fo lea' nip fomo of h s ^•rl(^at^ to attend hcrealtcnts, he let Sail with the lell ot the Klei't tor <;< I, carryinp aloiip with them the Cilory of their Great Actions perform U at V/i.,i/. We had now ro other Oicafionstn detain n« here, luit only to lit up our Ships fthat wanted it , into a Condit on for the profeeiiiion ot our Voyape toother puns. But ilie li.ii.mi, wholook'd upon usastlie Ciiar.l .ind Striii|'thof their Countiy in this Jutidure, vvoii'd ni t W bn.uplit m eonfcnt we ll.ouM po very fuddenly, lealt the I' ir„ „i (• ' .inp gotten inoiv I'orces topether, ll.on'd as l' ion tonic alout upon them apaiii. Ve yielded thereturc to their luipr.rtunity, in apreeinp 'o Uav I'ouie few Days lonper, as well to clilipe them, a* to proMde for our ownneeell'ary Oetalions. Ill this time I had a foleirn Interview with SUcrfhri-u,, wiio eame to make his Prina-'s, and Countrv's Acknow- ledgment of the Uenelit they had reeeiv'd by lis. I went UKril'r. v*'liiih the l'.r/«;{«,-,> interpreted to be « (laving for theiii '•" '' till they lanie, and lo a kindot Deh.it.ie or Contempt (< their Power, they immediat.lv inrn'd .ifoiit, and laiFd towards the Shore, deliltinp bom any funhi r pinfuit of Inch an untowai J Game as we proved ro be. Ihey w;ent on towards ',>^, and were oblipid to do lii becaufe ot the III Wiiiur We.uher now nuRkly to If ^y'. peeled ; fo that Vj. .it wak fecre fi r this Yiar, and v.c fie their Dancer pall before wc our lebei were, as u were poneout of Call. Having our Hands clear of tjicm, we pr.fecuted out ,• Vo', ape towards ».!.. w ; in whi.h Courle wedilpatcli'd el^l, the//ii;c lor i;«;;/,i././ J .md luMiip doubled the Cape C - »«.'m'. (ia, made Company. by the way of lentcd, and wA^ ^'^t,, avans j they let ' ; from which a pi"''; //IC. There tan {^""^Jj"" I any picafanter J,'|. twccn the fe two Cities. y.,}. ' Sci' ,\fr, f'""'i Jiar- «I7 ihio' '*. in tht ^•■'cription l.y the Care of the llinliaiidinan. At cvcr\' tive or (ix (n(r iml, yo" have a lincSeray, or Piililick Houfe for the tm.TMinmcnt of Travellers, which are very nrat Sim- iluris ail < f ilicm, and yield as pood Acioininodaiions wirhai, .>» tliev make a hamlfome appearance on the out- (i,le J fpeetal Cari' U-ing taken for ihat purpofe by tlie Kinp, and thole (Jrcat Ni bles wiio were the Builder^of ilieiii, tint n ithiiig ihou'd be wanting in the Contrivame or luniitiire of ihem. that inipht fervethe Conveniiiicies (if ilinfe that veie tci life them. Ik'ddes, yon have Kows i.i Milkiry-'Ira-s p'.inted all alorpon With (iile* the way, ihroiu'lviit ihf whole tell vs ihit all the /«,7i>.. Merchants iiieci trpethcT, turn. Ill', a pteat pan if their Moneys into Goods, and fo j '. ii theiiifelves iiro Cnra'. ans, in crderto p.ilsthe Mount, mis of C.ii.lv n , and fo into ; .•i/i.i. And i-.tiording to the tonimoii Accounts, th.-re palTes no lefs than Twelve or Foiiiteen tlvivfand Camels loaden in a Stalon along th'S wav, 'tis now (n mvi h frequented ; whereas formerly theie did not ufe to be .ibove 'I hice thoulaiid, all the red piinpby the wayof O'mHt. But the Merchants are put 'o v ery great Expenccs in this J..)iiriiey bttwiw /.--/'. and ''';"' '•n'" in I'eijiu ; for they rccktn that every Caii.e.'s I adinp Ihiiuls them in near no Krpies, by that t,me tliev pet thither. For what by the Badf.efsof the Va\, .-.ml the F-xtremities of Weather, (hclides other Daiipeis they commciily (pen-Mix Months, if not (even berween thole two pLices. By ih's way alio is i\-rfi ■ frrnilli d v\ iih Pepper, and other Spites, over I and, from \',jii:ij'!:i:):. But none made more of the Tr.nlc of ihls famous City, lli.inihe Co /■«:;//. ■, did, as long as thiy had the Wit to kcip Friends vvith thct.icir A/r:;/,..) Forall theMerchaii- rjize tliev dea'r for with the Foreipneis, or I .'.'.." s, at /. - /'' , was here embark'd upon thj fpot, and lo (down the /(".".-, intiitlie /'.,/.■>) away for P.-'/i', , ii \sas iuit a irifUiig Villapc, and never made aii\ cunliiUral It api eataiKC, till the pie- fent AJoju/'s Graniifatl-.ir It: hiiiif.if to the enlarpiiip and adorning of it. So cliat 'lis tri e of both the (iranu Me- troplis'sof liklitt at this Da >, that they owe the Rife of theirGlory to this Vainib : I'or as /.?,>(.) grew up under thcNurfery of the Cirai;>lf.ithi.r, lo did /.'^iii under * that of the Father of tlic prcfent Monarch, From hrr.cf they pafj'd on to KtiiltiDi, a great and an ancient Citv, feared *•"". prctly near the River IhJih, and pretending to fi me Tr.ide for 1 incn Cloth. Whenthc /'iM.f Kings iinnra'ii'd 'heir Ciround in /«./i>, this place wav in a very Hoiirilhinp F,. (fate, whiKt /fy^ and / ,i'r/r lay both in >lie rrr.iivft ob- Icnrity : But now Ihe has little in pretend in, ilu'Ce npfhirt Rivals have robbd her i f lierTrule .inl dlorv, and left her nothing great rol.iy claim to, but the tdiantapeof her Venerable ..^ntKiuity. I he pl.-cv is fopoor, lliar C.i- raians are oblieed to Itiy lierealioii's e plii or ten Dajs, vjhither they lia\e Bnlinelsor lie, thu iheyiiia\ doit A kindnels, by fpendinp dime i f ihen Miihv ; ntiiluT will ihctio'ernnrr lef them pals on, lililuv ha\e relied thcin- fclvrslure fir as imch tiii.e as that i fines i'. In their pairigcUtWccr this place and the Mtimtains. orStreiglits of <: i>iil/il:,r, rhev wee very often didrefi'd forwant of SuHename for then,reU( s ant their I'e.nds ; the Country aliout t lem beirpi arni nndilu Water many tim(s\cry br.ukith and rnpleallirt. Ihe Captains if the Mogul s lo.ts aril (larrifi ii', in n'.,iny p'nces inipoliiig and ev.-i'Hnp upon ihtiii. dtii'.indii.g loimcliDu'y I'ponc'.t- ry Caniei'sHiad, where netliing 't -ill wasibe, (■■ihcr in |ii(t'ce, orby tlic Rules . t Ciliom.bnt .'11 svasi lear Tiain t'l thcndl'lves ami wtn. irto their i wn I'oeI.ets, Nay, 'Iv.'V go farthr tlian thistle, inthtir /Mufes nl Travellers fometiii es ; for whereas the .Mogul n ainiains them there te le a (i".-.rd ap.iinft Thievis, they if en pr'ivc the Thicies themfelu's ; In.t ivr whither thev rub or no^ arc as great V.llains as any ot tin fe they arc fet there to kte|' ill or'er. 'IIkIc Meiintainsnf C ii.lrlr, are exta'atuly fVecii andMv.ouii.ior lock) , troiil'lifoii e and b.ii! tortravcl'ing. 'J heStriights*'''"'''"^' iheinl'e'' es are lb rarrow, aid fern 'd in with Iioifid Crags fo on i\try fide, that a I mall Company polle!,'d of them, niight ma'nta.n their {liouml arainlV a mimerous Army. Bui the il fticiilty and dnnger of Travellii;g here, isvallly ini n'as'd by the Cir- umllanee of the ill People that lie up and down all alioiit thele Mountains. Thefeare the fif.iifi, or as li-me c.i 11 tlicm the .'."nf.y!, a fieice and barbarous People, fometliing whiter than the Til'r.u-wi. Uutif.n\ horribly thicviih and treacherous, and by their natural (trcnpth and ronglim fs pretty well ipialilieil for all the hard Ser\ ices of that 'I'hievirti I ifc they live. Tis very probable, th.at they are lome of the Remainders of the old Iiuliutu, who have either by a conftant Succcllion ever maintain'd themfelvcs in the enjoyment of thefc Ter- ritories, or elfe by fome Inundation of a Fi reign Power, were driven out of the other pun i of that Country, and retired forllieltcr intothcfc Mountains, where they lie fe- curc and quiet. Formerly they were far morctroublefome than they are now, and n fed to cut ort' whole Caravans jt once, lying continually in Ambnfcades for thar putpofe ; but the ta- iling of the Swettnefs ami Piofitof Trade, has made them a little more civil ; and partly too, the Awe they Itand in ot the Great Mogul at prefcnr, tho' it feeiiis iinpollible he ll'.ou'd c\cr make an ablolute Conqiieltof them, wh.atevcr Kellraints his Fortes may lay them imdtr. But they are not yet acquainted with lo much Homily and Huni.anity, as to forbear injiring thofe that h.ippen to fall into their Power, when they can do it vvitho.it running themlehes into any danger thereby. If they meet anv (Irappling I raveller, they won't fail to make a Prev of liiin, carry- ing him tip into the Mountains, where he is lold fi.r a Slave, and condemn'd to all the Mifcries and Hardlhips of a Life of ptrpeteal Drudgery. This Guard of Mountains pafs'd, our T ravellets came to the City of CV«, .'-/--• ir lelf. Here the Great Mogul f,,,^^/,,, keeps a condant (^arriUm of Twelve or Fifteen thoufand H'Jri'e, lecaiile of the near Neighbor rl-ood i f the Pi-yi./w/; and this place alio isoneof thcmam Ke s of his Country. It has the Defence of a N\'ail only on the S. and the E. Q."arters, it needing nothing of that nature on the W.lidc, 'i^ccarfeif the mighty Rocks which environ ittheie, and d'.lrnd it to m.ch be.ter purpofe, than anv Work of Art eou'd poiiibly do. It is no plac ■ . f great Tr.idt of it felf, as for any Commodlt'esaiiurdec' 1' r, or the C'o' n'ry a- bci t it ; but being the certain, ui il Uated Rendezvous of all the hi,l.',-ii, l'i\h,-i , and Ti k_ ; ."Vl^r.-h aiis, it mavchal- lenpc any City in that) art of the Fa!f, f.ir great Dealings and Concerns. Upon this I'tore Vnn ili -ns are dtar there, tho'th'-y arc very pktiritnl at the fame time ; ihtrc i: I'uch a vail lUlbn of Pceplc, (who mill of iiecedity all be 1 radtrs for the B.'Ily; that tis impoiiiblo but Larablcs niiillgooffat good Rates, as all ether Commodities do, where the Numlicrof Buvcrs is fo very conliderablc. And by this means too tho place is valliy grown in bignefs, and takes up a mvcli larger Compafs of I, round than ft. rmeriy it did ; People mult ha\ c Lodgings, as wijl as Meat and V % Drinks ( I \m t .V ! i •> n 1. ' [>'il ■\U .1 - ,i I' ' i* t 148 /IfoMrney into Pcrlia, &"€» .il til WJ'i ddUr I'll n hi.i i-(t.itii ',i I Druiit, Aiiil 'licnfoio to'iukc rmiin fm iill ihrir Compa- ny, tlu'Y li'i'i'' ciiUrg'il It III witli Builtliii|(< ol Utc Yt.ir«, ili.u I i> Si liiiil<« (III iin\v N4ltl> liirpal* ilic t)i- iniiilloinuf ibi't'iiy u fclf, The goiil Inriuiif of <>»• /■/.f. Ill .ill thilo lul'inDu i« iiwiiip In ihc tiiriuni? llic llrcAin lit till' I ij.lt iiiio tin If p.iiii, wlmli I'lliiH" I i'nl II riiiii'hully I'V ilic w.iy i>f Oo'ui. II1.11 oM Cluniirl \v,nllipt lip, aihl .ill iiitiuiiiirlc lilt iit< lntwi'iii («./i.i .iiul I'.'.jii tli.it w.>v, by rtalnn *( ilii' W.m lniwi'oii ilic f'7M«' .iiul ilic /'^'/Hijuf ,f. Siiilut tlic Miiih.iiitiil tlicv Wiiiilil 'I i'.i>li' intiiili 11 I Hiiiiiry mull i.)kr Voi.l.iltir way nf iKHc litv, tlvi' riiiiiiil .ilimit i\ 10 a eii'.it part nl iIk" hi' I s Diinuninn*, fur it vvoulil I c a far lliortcr lU i'> ciifitlik- KiMr (1 ./../ .ilxnii lini.iiul ilioli' paiti, ami l'» Itiikf Jiii'Clly iiiKi /'.' /M i liiit 'ti< 1111; r.K'lualili hy rca- |i II of iIk' Willi aiul liarrcn ll,tir nf .ill 1l1.1t ir.iCt nf 1 .mil lli.it lien Utwcoii tlic li..lui anil ilic Uiiikr* nf ('.• /i'.:. ' I'n luil I'lii -icJi .1 priMt w.i) iiiro /' r .1 11 Olf, U'uvixt i' III. 1. 1 It .111,1 Sfv.iivt, It In'mp luril ti) In' .my (imii lliiiip fi'iiMiiius 111 two nr ilii'c Day tr.ivcl ; Inic 'iii rmuh«'r,c lUiwii iilmip thi" H.i'ik^ 1 if the /if>ri< if ,(i.i/'/.i .irc lint iiinrc trniiMcfonii' p.ili.ip* tli.iM litnc I'atilics m tli.tt Cuintry. '1 lin Aiimmi mir 'Ir.iM'lliTs iloi'ui.' ii« as 10 rcniil p.iris :if Pi".! that lay in till ir W.U ; a foirili'il laii.ly Snij, no ilcliphrtul Ihaile (T il.ilur nf Tr.n, liift prall'y Walk« or huMs, ai 'w in limx nf till' iLipi'icr pnrn lit the fanu- Cminiry. .Anil I'lMiilci this, tlu' fiiiic i.ll,1lliiiy of till' w.iiit nf pnnil V.itrr .itllichil thini rfiiii here aJ it ilul in K/ii : it «a< liihi'i I'r.ukilli, mmMy, nr ilownni^ht llinkinp, that Imh M.m anil iWalt wire piinilh'ii to ilrink it. Nvith r w.re thi King of Pi'il'n'a Ofliccrj ( except in foiiu' \erv fiw p'ices ' muili iimrc innliientiniK than th'.' .\fi";(i/\ js tiiiJK- point nf nvjioliiig Dniio* upi n Patfen- pcrsj cvciV nnw anil then, licrc .11 will i\\ there, a Came Ij Heail was tn lie paiil fur, fo tli.n .it this rate, Ik- fnr' a ,M.in rets tn his JonriK'vs eml, he niav pay o\er tn an. I Iniluftiy ihey niarape it fo.- the Ailvantapc of their iiiiprovealilc (iroiiiuls ; wliai Trenilies they cut, ami net Devices the) hivefrihe leriiinp of Water to a piTil fpiii ot Cirounil tha; wants it, /Ml Mcri li.ints th.u finiwo !'■ Cn are oMipeJ to ftiy here till the Kinps '1 reafiinr li.is we pliiil all iheir i'acks, and \alued them as he thinks Jit. t.ikinp tliree ;ici Onr. Cullom. When they are poiiip from hoiice into Pn/l.t, they are vfeJ wiih a pre»t leal of Fan nr ami Imlnlpcnce, for feanhcy (lionld niak' comp'aims at Court, which would be very f.ital to tholJ Officers, the King hasinp piven a Unci Charpe for the pond e.fape of Merch.inis, and tlucaiiedthe contrary svith molt ripcnms Penalties. I, vntu rtht Urjrtc ffftrr, „iilo lii- .Soiif.ball.i ir Cniilt.il'le <7' rui Ciiiniit, m kiiul > ititive .iii,l t'.ifii.vn I tlf Fng!ilh h'l.iiil^i n NVt//ow, */ mlvl lime i ./ ilfir Sli;, ^rr Slilfii.e/I'r.ll III riirn' liW^ue*, n ift,} ilhir if ihe U, ■ in mil l\ii^,li»n; totni.luif llem rtiil their i^Vo / .(w,//^» ( \wkit p:.u\'fr pU.ri iley ihtnilclvti Heji>t ; ,iii,l tl.it H'n //■,'. y.'f them lif.\ » ili'f;n,lt.i McM cm Vefjl', frvin ,iij ether hV.ak I nr I'. .i»(<;i wh.it/o -I .V. j rim 1 1 1 'ill nfiil Ci-mmitml yen /n to J; ft itu irlll iinfii:i te tleemli -ly, (lir-ii At err /(i.jnf/ (.'/>>, tlr tmrllh cr til: Moon Kaiiialfan ( OtI.ler ) iiithe T 'U ef Oin 'I'.ireae 1014. lA.D. i five us th s fliort /'ccoimt of it. Their chief Con niodities are Caipeis of .ill Cons, Cold, Silver, Silk, Con n, and tliele n ix'd t(;pe- thtr; raw Silk, of wirih it iieMs (accord iig to the Kirp'sHioks) 771 o Baimansyiarlv. 1 he Pros .nee of Cnf./'ni produces gooil Itorc of Khit- I arl) and Worm-feed. 'I he /'(■//;,•> Coins are, of SiHrr the .Abacee, the Mahmudee, the .Shaftiec, itiii the Bificc i of which the Mahnmeilec is me half tl.i .Miacec; and the Shalltcc i ne half the Nbilii tiiedee ; ani! .'. e fliftce tvvotifihiof the Shall,! ; and in the val'ir of a Rial of I'ipht, the recknntheShallieeto I e one thirteenth of a Rialof Fipht • A^ fur their Copper Coins they aic much the fame with the f ' . 'j and I'ijyi of Wi>. The Weiphts dilfer conliiler.iblv in iliHeient p!.accs. .At />;.». J the twoMahaiis nake biitoncof ^rrhnKii Weipht, and fo 'uslikew I'e as totlie lii-itnii. TheMc.i- lureot Silks 15 pcnernlly thefanie with the Fikei f W/.Y';i!, uhuh IS almut 17 Imhes. it\t H^heii Si i .cy beinp here, broupht upon the Stapc in I'e ti.i, wheicas he was left 1 efnre in /'.i/,/ lit) far, that he 1 cjvth for their fakes to ticpleOt him, he being weary of that ill iil'ape, and alio of a I tie of continual fear and haz.trd by thePi;f(<,i;"'T' at that place, delirul leave to po f r Titin, which the (ioietnniir refilling to permit, he took Courage and went withoi'i hispermi.linn. Rut beinp per-''' ' fucd and ourt.iken bv a Tn'op ot .Soulilier.s lent out to, '. brine them ail back again to /)/((', they were wrnle •,',., handled than before, Sir Hilnt h'tnltif 1 einp adiiailv iu'iprilbn'd and narnwly leaping with his J ife li.venl times, the Pcii:yiic:;e were lo m.id a plottinp to deltrov him. However, not long after the Covernour ( not abe to anfwcr the hall part rf what he had done to h ■, Matter) bitter bethought himfelf. an.l rave him hisDi! patch for 'I'mir, where he was entertain'd ai cording to 1. i quality, and from whetui- he proceeded to //(; i"1' '■ Illy mn him 1 t»:lif«l|l'" ,fi.ick to thei variety IkiH il niidley nf ml Uii'P'of oiiri o'lt of doors ihiwn in fore ofTlreves .11 had liiinctinie />/,'-['./.■■ C« iheirP.irdtns, tonake DtlVo hli. Butwr ihereNewp,." and had vciy wuhl'amling . lircak out of other of the goml a Feat he |oin'd in the fa Having prov llJ.in.li, we h.n ai'.l r.Ctilie a llland b.lonpit niimly call'd I tclis us, is plac tlurly than it 01 too with retere of our Plats ri When wec- liftter Tcmrei than ever us'd tneafiirethat S us. that made thing of a Tr; fidence inns, thi ir I'.irbarnu can' not in aHi to do. Nay, them hail fo gi leave their o-,s our Ships whe tcr.itions wc 1 ( their Couiitr' was ye! alive ; the reft to mal tie.ite.l in /-.'it,' rallied lone HoulV, and V whiih conlilts from the Bay. all his Pariieiil /-"'/./; h,.fe w. Furnit'.M-e, wh fi'lK w h- the count that (i)i into citr Coi'ii in '; ;','/:!,'.;, at! to try their Foi (i) by leeinp u. the matters of vantage. Tin ha', e I'erv'd thi Coptvr ; now they lay they I liMr.l ( 4«hr wj lul 'I'liilc (.»■ Ill il, anil ihcnt'irc th.y ■(.■lliM, .11 1 'Pir», U.il'il wij, wlmh i.iiicrn'il rmrnfi r'rr.i.liiij imi'i'.s iin tliii«, lit Coiiniry. rfia\ l.rjiuii, ^ ib i^:hap. X XVIII. ^^/>^ Peyton / >^><:W A'cjy4j/g. &c, 149^ Chap. XXVlir. The Second Voytige into the Eail-Iiidics perforin d by (jptain Peyton, wvh /Ac Expedition. Ingethcr mth the Pra- g(in. Lion, and l'cppcr-(iorn, under the Comw.vid of Captain Keeling, Tal^cn out of Captain Poytonv Lfgefour* nal and the Objeriations of fume others. Sul'jeili, frm f' riio //'.■ .Soiif.ball.i" t:vt .iml t'.ltri.iinl, . on ■/ il fir SHfi i-t ithir rf ih /'(,,'j'f H ■'■'■ -"■•"■' ,(«.//^» ,,|;,;;,^ nut ll.il )cu Jh.il:t..i , viH am tlhtr h'r.uili ''•• v c» »ci( !»/// /»»/»■)»•»., : //r /lUC f^/' 0/ //;'j"'''tl Oiii 'I'.irag 10:4,"' jivcn out l>y tlu'c,, was li'nt 10 then.',./ into /'.■/i II r the" ''> Ihird lroi.pht [It s lliort /*irniint .• t.upjis of .I'l ;ln-U- nixM tcjii- (anorxliip to t!,f iOil lloix; ol Khi!- is .lie, ol SiHcr '•h.KlifC, i:iil the halt il.i Abaccc; .•J atiii ,: i: Bilno liir ot' a Rial ot • tbinccmh of a 1^ thcv aic ti.mh of /«(//,-. 1 he t otic of '!r/-l;iwii linn. TlicMiM- llC Fikcc fW,'.Y;o, iipoti tho Stapi; I /'/.A.I at biiii 111 ,,,,„, c out of tilt wai „„;,..j iihiT, l>y tlK'*': Sir l{ol>e a\e him h:sl)i! ate.,iilinpi(. I; > to ,7|i .1 as w.ll : Biilinds at that .irii immeiliate- rtlieC>iirc^ jai.l Ills ill Beh.iiii.iif very crrcroiillv ' rt. to lis own CHAP. ■til «<«. >'' <.l Km- Liini""' bll) ol *'!• ^)ji W».l«'. ml ."" dih iti' t\t« 1 1" I' Jrh.i i""i- '• kil? ""' ph<:ht'^ f..-, ir.i I'. .. ,'■: tiJul- •* '■ l Ikill the more .oiiliderabic, over an.l ahove this nudhy of other Nalll)n^, we h.vl a lo.iil of the ihoico l)(vp of our own Coi tur\ j which tho ) aw havinn fwept It of doors at liuim, were fi '.ic dil|io\'d of up and down in fortipii p.m. at diferetiuii. 'I'liefe were .i pack of Th'evcs and odic lew.! Malef.tilors, wlmh |iillitc had liitrf time Itloic cndciiind to tin* (iallows; Imt the />/.'.f'./.'i Company inieueded with His Ma)elly for tlieirP.irdrns, ih,u tlj^vinipht be lent over in thefc .Ships tiMvake DilVov cries iiyjii fe places where they lliould be lifi. But we had nov loll lipht of the /■;/.;>////' (hoar Ix-forc tliel'e Newp,.ite hiidswer.- Ionic of them \i(H)n the Winp, and hadveiy ma. Hivui lurte away from us. and not- withHandinjt allonri ire to prevent it, one of tlicm dd break out of his C ape, and t lok his ramble with Come other of the Ship-eoinpaiiv, whiUi were Birds ot as gooil a l-'eath r as h ii Wii', and therefore all uctently luin'il in the fanu !■ o.k tneether. Having proeee.l.d in our Voyapc as far as thcCrfwu'r- (/f.iH./;, \vp h.iil 'luTe in opporumity to take noti c of, ai'.l r.dilie a M'lt.ilce eun.eriunp the Situation of one llland b.lonpiiip totli.it cb'Her. It is that whtli is eom- nimily tall'd I-j f.-i. I'l/ii llland, which our t«perienco tclUus, is )ilac d no lets than a whole Deprec mote Nor- tliLTly thaiiitouphttobe ; thcfanvj errour we dileoeer'il too with reference to Cape /t.?; i./or.-, and thclc Millakes of our I'lais run I'S iiit.i in little Danger. When wecame to tlv Bay of Xi/./,i/.,>, we foind much Iwttcr Tcmrcr and C'arriape in the Natncs towards us, than ever vis'd fornnr'y to be. They h.ul lolt in preat ineafuretliat Sliinels and thole friphi lul Appreheiilions of us, that made it many tunes lii hard to bnnp them to any thing of a Trade. I'liey feeiii'd to put a lort of a Con- fidence in us, and were bee and forwanl to lonverle after thill' barbarous way ; aid out of a refpedl to us took care r,or lo aHVoiir ir, by tliiev inp and pilfennp as they i,s'd todo. Nay, which was a \ery llraiipe thing, foiiie of them had fo pood ar Opinion of us, as to be willmp to leave iheir o'.vn Na'i'.e Couiurv, and po for Am;/'!),./ in our Ships when we camel ack. All ihefc wonilerful Al- terations wc atiribu'.ed to the Iiilhuchons whiih Coice ( theirCoHiitry-uian I had given ihcm ; for he himfelf was yc^ ali\e anioiiph them, and can.e di.wn wiih lonieof the reft to make U", a vilit ; and ha\inp been fo kindly treate.l .]\ i:>«.i>:!, as an fcxpreirKii nf his Gratitude he rariied foine e.f our Aten up into the Country to fee his Houfe, and Wife, and Children, at one of their Towns, which conlills of a'lHiut loeHoufc's, aUnit live M.les from the B.iy. Here C»' •!• kept (exceedinp Charity ) all his Particulars that he brn pht with him out of l-.ni'- /.*'/./; here was hisCo'p.r AniKiur and the relk of his Fiirninire, which all put upether made him the liiicll felli a le the whole Co.inrrv. And 'twas i.|ioii this Ac- count, that fume of the ";ll were fo willinp to go with us in:o cr.r Coeniry ; there wasmc re Copper fuits to be had in .'■-' ;'.'/:i;.;, and C ire h.ul fped lo well that they wanted 10 try their Fortunes in fo co d a puice. Thcle Peop'e al- fo by leeing n,ou;i-f the World are prown much wd'er in the niartersof Tia.le, as i;o wliat coi.cerns their own Ad- vantapc. Time was when Ir.in-hnops and Nails would | ha'.e I'erv'd the tern, but the humoir alter'd t om that toj Copivr ; now they are ci. me from Co; per to Prafs, and' they lay they mull have pieces ol" a Foot kjnare or more j j .ninili |i I ill > .1 41 it^ Otiiff erri.l ui ih; I'l II. nay, thev have iti(T(lcd upnn P.ii'ms, Sktlle'>, Siimiincr^ ■lid Inch like L'tmliMor a Iin I.' in extli.lnk;e for ilie.t Catiel, and (ome of i.ui Naiioii hau- lately dealt wfli them upon thefe Terms Hut this being iiiollly lip. o C'l'ins rnurn hoineamoiip.lltlKiii.v.cbeheve lie has lielp'd toeiilit'hten tlmir iindeillandinps lu ihele main is, ami Ihowii them Im.w iiti e we ii, a cuiininpChcatairiongll the C/i.Kc/f, and an im- puilent '1 liief atnongit the ScUtini'im, and the Men ate ilif(H)s'd of as they Ihould be ; and 'lis bitter thus many times than to place them i.. letter Company, lor a pack of Knaves of the fatne faculty may help to keep one another Honeft ; at Icalt ( as to the prefent Cafe ) our Men an.l the SoU/tuUm could not well debauch one anoiher. When they were alhoar they form'd tlviufeUcs uro a So- tiety, and chol'e a Captain to command them ; fo pi. nig them each a Weapon for their defence, wc lelt ilieiii to their future Fortunes. Between the Bay o( ^Mitnln and the IlL.nd St. ;.'..r. one of thi- Ii'tsv,. of C «;, , a p'ace of i.ue prc'tv much M'lted b our ^ 'f /•.ii,i;V/'' Ships. Theic lllandsare four in oMii' ( r, ■, *■ ""' .;>.(; tr',i.f,,f;„rN,7. and A;.-;; .■ , at d he;, nil ic ainii II Fall V.,,',,?,', and Welt of one another in a parallel, escept ./•.;; ■,'f'.',., imt •■'., i,c which pits out a little to the N, rth. 'I here's liotie of them all but affords 'cry pool rJii'ihiii?, th.i' M.f.:ii,i has the bel'i charaiiler upon that A> count froin alf the ./i i/.'./t/j that inhalli thereaUjiiis i and next ii> Mr^.-in, the llland of n,.:»^i« I Sultans 111 it, ,V/air/.- had three, ami 111 ,f;..i;;>,M rul'd an o'd ' ' "'' Suli.uu Is tli.it was as it were the .Smeraipn nf ihem all, andtowhomall the rell repaii'd fi r Iiillice In th in civil and cr.minal Caul'es 'I he Sultan that governd in that quarter of ,\Ji ».-.■,-, where we an hor'd, kept all hisS ib)c:K in luchextream awe, that no Man dared fell us lo much as a Coco nut till Iblemn leave was planted l„ 1,,,^,, -j-^ open a 1 rade, ihcfefore we were obliged to leii.l (bmc Men alhoar in or.ler to the jiioi uring of it. Thelc king landed, were receiv'd and entertain'd by a c.Miaiii Governour under theSultan, whomthev fouti.l litriiig up- r-.i^w. oil a Mr._tof Straw, wrapt in a .^'.atltlc of red an.i'"i>lew 1 .nl^-'' Linen,beHdes which he wasall bare,oiilv afirr.- ch.'cniei'd <■ "'•■"'■"■ Cap upon his He a,!. A Imall I'refem made h m, eaiily procur d his (iood W.ll and Conlent to the Peoples tr.adimt with us, which he prefemU lipnitied to them by M -llen- ger>dil"patcird for that piirpofj. Wbilc he eiiterrain'd our Company with Cocoes, hchimflf larchew i;g Beetle and burmOyller Shells mixt with thcKcinclsof the.Arec- ca-Nuts: '1 hele Nuts arc hr>t and biting in the .VKnith draw away a conliderable deal of Micum, Itrengvlien and fix the Teeth, and us all the Phy lick thsy uu o ilieic parts They'll lirlt . I i.Kii r.. M.ri I. Unit. .«■*■' 150 Objn vat torn on the Comori JJles^ &c. lib. n ' ! .» .! I' i HjoiVi. T!n-' Suiiani, Tlicy'll ir, Vc .iMintlutis mtiKMtoiIiciiil.clit amlpiiMy Iio.uloilaulK' iiril lariiip, .iiul liy licp.r.cs will iliaiipc ihe Tccili fniintluMrri.iiiir.il white, iiroa lullv Maik. which is ore of 1 he etliills of them tlmttlic Moycli.uts priiicip.tliy ailiiiire them for, (iiire Ti'cihof that hew arcreikon'da rarr of very pre.it ncaiiiy aivionpll them. The Tuwii wh'ther o.ir Men went to thif ilie;ii, and p.ne them ■ .ifter the Go\crrotir's Treat was over an I.mertainmem at cue of the pnnc.pal i.lcns Hr.ufes. In the firft p!aec Water was I'roeplit r.i every Man in a Coco-llcH to walh his Haitiis in, anJ for a Towel a jv.rtel of the Kinds of the Ci e". Then they br.wpht in Iviil'd Kiee eover'ii o\er wirh roaHed Pinntaiis, pieecsof Hers and Gonts broil'd ; their Ideal was made of Onlcus Iva'en and nii\-t WMtli Hor.ev, and fo fried; and for Dr'nk they ha>l Talmeto-Wme and Coeo Milk. Tlicv I'ont lit crofsl cppd down upon the Floor .at their Aleais aN the M-l imri.ji.! and af Fiallcrn I'eople grncrallv ilo. l-nr in a ni'indeciit manner upon Benihes, all roimd ih.'I'.iMe, wh ch Hanil' hiph upon Trcll'-ls. Thi'ir Hon'.es arc far fro'ii beinp rich or (Vateiy, yet thcv arc kept veryfwe.'t and t'.ean, and there's as nnuh nca'iH'f.^ in all rl-.eir Fiiriiitore and Ho'fl.old-lli'ti", tlio" IV th.pp at ad for orn.micnr and tine ll.ow. They arc Imilt with line and .S-one, fma'l and 'ow ro.'fM, P an^cr"d m the inlide with M.rrar, and withont fenc'd r.iend with Cares; at top they have only Rafters of Nl'o'd coverM over w'lthl eaves. They ha^c their iirrlc (; ifdcns.idjoninp to them t"0, whu h arc piloil tn with ('a"es, lilt hardl\ afford any thing clli.- U-fides 1 obacco and I'lar.c.in 'I'r^es. T lie place where the Seltan commiinly relides is Dr. vn-\ the chief Town of that part of the Illand, and dill.u.t aUmt three Miles *rom i-^nibmc the Go\ernours TovMi. We had noi pportnnity of fccinp this pLiee, tho' the lord's rmbaHadunr fem fomc on purpole to \ilit theSnlran; but he happeninp at that time to be at K:»»- lOuc, the Journey t) l^w-c. was picvcntcd. lie pave thcfc I'erfons a contcors Reception, and niadc them Dine with him very familiarly ; as for any thing ellc he ap- pear'd nothinp greater or Itatelier than the Govcrnour, and was not to be known by any other mark than that of the pr. fonnd Refpcdl wh'ch all the reft paid him He alliniHS the honourable Title of \erljj'.; and calls him- fclf one of M.il<)i:ct! K'.ns-mcn ; a thing that a World of the hl-.i- wcti-.iis do pretend to, that arc no mere a kin to \Ulni:ei thfin rhcy arc to Af/'-j, and arc of a far lionelUr ra.' tl'an ihey would n akc the World be- lieve tliev arc by that Pret.ntion. In ll.rrt thefe Sulinnv of .i/'-.uir aie very mean I'orry Fcl!(.w •, if ore may prcls by one ot t'tem that came to the l.rrd Iinbal'fado', r ; a poor "are fo'.ted Rogue, that could n-t pretend to any hiphe t.lt-ir Woiiitn «i-.djl.irchi-. iiifofrr'liom Trade than for a matter ( f fo'.-r or five Rials of Fipht, ar.d when he could not If hi'. Parpain, fell to K-):pinp of Shroc^and J^ockings. 'Ihivwasonc of the High Blood t.f the I'o phct, a Kins- man (if Al.i/">H)iV, Frotiier to the v-»>'-', .Sublnjtan of Mcyll/t, and no body knows w'hat 1 elides; a Man would rather have taken him for fonie rafeady Uervilc or beg- ging Saint that was roinp a Piiprinupe 1 arc Fort tn Afire/;, and wanted a p.-irof Sheoes to help him over the nipped way. "ThelVi pie of thisCi nntry are very fearful of letting their Wuincn be fc?n, and as jealo'is too lealt any Chri- ftians fliould fee their Moftniets or any of the Rights t.f their .\/t/w'c//;n Devot'on. C^nc of orrWcndidbnt go into a Village fo far as to be fpicd by one of their Priolts, who immediately fell a fereaminp, and made Uich a Noife as;f aTropof Ri.Pians h.-.d been come to kiuKk them all on the Head ; all the Women were Hut up clofc within Doors, andthePeop'c were ir the greatelf tuir.idr ima- ginable, thre.itninp the ^'.an if he came near their Church that they would ccrrainly kdlli'ir. Now a Man miclu fafelv lee all the Riches of their Mt l.niets, without lieirg tempted to Sacrilege, as well a'^ the belt Charms of their Women, withfui anv pro ocatioiis t) vnchaif Delires ; but ludi is their rn'icr'oos Fancy of a mightv Saniihty amonrit thimfe'.ves, ami as great an Impurity in the Cl'riUiiins that tl.ey will ni.t permit anv thing of this 1 iberty. A certain A/ o .'//■ Pi'or .it this place gave us foinc Ir- fonnations, which 'tworld be very well worth while to ireigrice, .Till. Co.oes (f tlic Sen ; that the chief part of hi* own Country (which lay in two Degrees ten Minutes North Latitude upon the Coaltot l/'kk,) wonldgivcus a good Lading with Marfil, Amb'.r and Tinta Roxa. That -n many placesalongthe Coait of .Ihhk towards A/rr,,,;,/'- .;«(• Mr-s.iJr^xa, &c. wemiphtTr.idef(rGold and Silver and particii arly that of the latter, they had a great deal . f GoKi mixd with Sand and Farth al oi t the CounM\ whichthe Inh.abitants made very light of. He gave alfo' knieai count ot the Countries raines between A-/'i<, ,,;.•. v« and/'i,7'n?r,'.„'sDominions,and by liisownChart re'dified ours m lome Refpeas, as to the diltaiice Utwee,, r„, ,.„ ^ .and the Main, and raling qui-e cut tome Klands which were laid to the Soi th lidc of ,\;;r,r, there Lcinp in reality none fuch at all. *" ■J he ^:_^s have propagated a Notion 'that thcr. Current lets at iliis niacc hftcen Davs FaHward, and lif-o*;.;' teen Days Wcitward, and tifteen Days lies ftill .md ' lets no way. But this is very idle Difourle for Sca-m'eu ■ the Crrrentm^cs here- let nioll certainly and coniUntiy- o the .South Welt, that is the (laied covrfe of it Knvv before the full ot the Moon it h.id fuch power on the Fill, and the Flood, that we never woond at all but at the iih Monn .and Spring 'I ides wc rode r.pon the Flood ;,pa nit the Current, the Current rnniiing rnder .atuithe lidc above, and the Fbb winding l-..^!; with the Current. So ih.at th'S ftrange pretended alteration of the letting of the Cmvnt, is indeed nothing elle but the influence of the [-.de, v- hich at thofe tfnes high'd to a matter of lixtcen Foot \\„ter, and w.as powerfi'l cnouch to overcome the Current; and there's no miracle nor mylicryin-h.s. that the Courfe of the W.iter nou'd be dilfer.nt when the lidc prevails over the Oir.ent' from wh.it iwns when the Curient was Itionu cnorch to malter ti.e '1 idc. And that this is the true .iceo-n: of the matter is pain, bceaule the Spring being palf the Cur rent return d aii.l took it's regular courfe again, as we found when we were at a dilfnnce clear of all the Fddics ot the IlLinds. For tho' 'tis true, that when wc weiphed trrin hen.e.wc were fet the firltD.a\!ta(lward .nnd the next Wetuard; yet thcRcalon of thai w.ise identlv from the Fddies of i,.,„;,.v oneD.ay.and /ipr^e /,.• the c;ther,ar,d being out ot the reach of them, it for the future inHu- cnc d Its only to the Weltward. The varying at A/yf/.i is lixtcen Degrees forty Min v-r,^.i and wc make it to lie under the very fame Meridian with '""P- CapcSt..f;,j;H7/;w; and from hence conclude that the""'' JUcs ot St. i ,n,-n,ce ought to be laid tn the Ealt 3c or 40 Leagues, and fo all the CoalV of the Main ( leine liroadcr than the I and in the Chart ) ought to be fct in proptDrtion to the Fait ; for tho' the Longitudes be ever (o falfe in themfeKcs, yet they are true iii their Pro- p ; M the while the ' Moonwasbclow the Horizon (being then in the fecond 'eprce increaling J they tore and meed afier a molt iicrrible manner, but when the rife they were onet ai-d Itili ; lo Ibver.iign ,1 1 ady is ,lx of the Weather in thoil- parts, .and lo much depends upon hcrlntlucncc and Pre- fcncc. And therefore let thoie that have occ.-ih'on to An- .lior hereabouts m the Night t,me Ic careful to av, id Handing over the rocky Giornd where the Wimls will cenainly tone them frim their Anjiors; but chufe to ride where 1 me defence may be afforded by land""'''" againit the Molcnccof the Winds beating from the Hills I:;'".''' Bur the belt way will be to touch at Cape G„ml^f,i • and ' lo l.lil from thenec to Abi.uiclcnur. the next Morning by break of Day, and when come thitherto Antlior upon the Welt fide of It in feven or eight F.ithom under the low land ; or if they can get no Anchorage to keep to t'le .South hdc in the Night, Icalt the Winds and the N.rthcrlv Current pur them too much to Leeward bef ire Day bahc TheWindsdrn't keep tleadily to a point ii( twithltambn.' t.ic Aionf n. but Inmetimcs blow >-t'\h l.y Weft and S. S. W. lv:t vcrv leldom to the Fait of tlie South. ' [hap. XXV Wc bought being very new fcdly liquid; 111 of Fight pr K let pound and * One of ou pnrti nity of 1 not uiiprofital "of t.inc'ih thj *'•' •" We came to an Anchor f rtt in i. ■v>:.;n:, ai. then ^...^. ... Ill i.,.v,.-'i/, ;;i. ' men in Or :ih., R,„id, whichury well delervi* that name for the ^'■ dc.ighttulnels end peaccabltnelV of it. Hetwceii tbe Wi- terand the rapgut Mountatisof Ti,-„e','r, •,(■,, ,,-,t, bri,'m tlictwo httle rl.mmocks (that lie on 'tiic k-.v p„int withoitthc I and to the Fait Mc ) S. F. and the low Land (;h.itw.aeb.i|t by North of vou in J-»«-.;. Road) North Welt by Weft, and l<. ride very lonvcniently in ten Fathom urh n ihre-efounhs of a Miie of the flioar lour Lat.t. e lure is thirteen Degrees fivoMinutes varying ciphrr ■ n Degrees twenty Minute^. The (Jrourd white .Sand, I ut rocky, fo that 'twill be needful for the .Sea-man to coatch or booy his Cables. 'Lhe Kinc of Z cot-rn gave i.s a very civil Rcccpticn as he .Iocs -^o" a'l that are hkc to prove good Cultoiners, and will lay our their Aioney with hmi. Wc lih" Ai 111 »!' jlile 111 r If in .ri.lW- , , ;, J, I makes a much " that's pet intot rX- .'*'""'•• "hited 1 ;utlemcnis, ai but within lide „"'"'"^ King's I'a .lie '■■ V.>ir.i..l nrpht h s upper Kt 01 iheiii Ware-hou li.'es fome e.tan of their I aw, their Saint^. A niiiltcxcufe the Paieee; for Hi Trade .as otlie Fvity Evening; vv th their Face polture the Ki Heads ; but tli t tv, lealt the c 'Zeal of thofe K their Dev 01 il n. It .ippenrsthattl Relipiriis Fxen divert them ; f ol'taineil the la tune of DiviiK Watch there fo taken with t! on in his Work r Llod to come ai The Kinpdoi under this Print fil'tcen to ciphtt the Mountains, but only fromtl wiih them, aiu this, to ailill Men, who are ,,„,„ Our little all; ri:ii.S«-f.)r F;ii/.i, and 1 we landed and and Ccreiv.cny 1 reeeiv'd by the ftoiii of theirs I tifit, and th.at Pockets of tho: Character indei nature ; Init ih retinue, which upon thePrivi cwre no farther chief cxcufed very narrowly and ether p!;ic< Country, whe his Purle, or a but if he happi butthcGincrr it quite away. The current the old with th alxiut h'.e.Maii luces at the en light. TheM thirty of theii Drams. The Thirty three 1 much abort th are of fevcral others lefs, ,vhi be vervcalilvcl Th^: chief 1 mult be as weli vcrv l"'litleche; of Buyers or iitolt ilo differ f count of thefe. hhlit in this Ri ni.i; ner of It. Piduics, Toys |,V C.'ura A Sit- oxa. That in ^ ••"J vards A/f^rtw/-. 'M lolil ami Silver, m 1 a prc.it ileal cf 1 ^■'> t the C(Hin;r\, ! lie p.ivc alio M ivtcn Ms-f.,d::xn .9 tiChart icdificd M (111 wt «:tWi.-l.'ii "n.'-n rt fl c Klands which X MfpiriA/f-^ there Leing in fl ,.■,.. 1 hap. XXVII. /^'^fi^orj' at Cran galor, (src. 1^1 S'otion'that the,., (hvarcl, and lit- Cam lies ft ill and ■lc for Sea-men; and conftantly rle oi it. Kow power on the id at all, but rode i-.pon the running t-nder, I'.iil; with the d alt'Tation of iR ellelnit the i<-'s high'd to a )werf il enough 1" niiracle nor .Iter n-.oiild he c Cr.rrent from nng fiiorgh to aeeov.n: of the pa It, the Cur. ■Ie ag.iiii, as we f all the Ikld.cs len we weighed rd and the next : idently from ■•• the other,anu e future inHu- ecs forty Min.^")^° ' Meridian with ^™e"^'' ;Iudc that the'"'' the Eaft 39 or Main ( Icing ht to be fct in Longitudes be ic in their Pro- • ^«j«,l. Kit of X^fcctor/i, th bnftling im- wirfj" he while the in the fecond after a molt ;frc qiiict and caihcr inthofe ■ncc and Pre- )Cc.-i(ion to An- rcful to av( id Jie Winds will hiit chufe to 'led ly land"'''''' rom the Hills. ;:n • tinrilirfii'^ and : Morning by itlior upon the indcr the low ■p to t|!o South :he Nrrthcrly 'ire Day light, twithft.inciiiu' y Weft, and Soirh. . ai,' then in '. name for the ""''"'' rcen the W.i- ,011 n-nv bring tiie lev point and I he low ' -171:1 !>. Roai! ) ^n\cniently in ot the ftioar. five Minutes, 1 he C;ro\ind fcdfiil for the The King of he does 'a a'l I will lay our \Ve Wc bought fomc quantity of .Aloes of Iiim, which being very new, or I'y rcafon of the Sun's heat was pcr- ftiftl'y liq'iid ; I"-' '"^"■''^ ''' '^'^''" '^^^" ''^^ "^'■' "^ '^'"' ^^^^^ of Kii!ht ;«•• Kintal (each Kintal containing by our Beam I c ) pound and a half )for which rcafon we bought the Icfs. * One of our Company who was aflioar h.ad the op- poitinity of making li'inc Obfervations, which may not unprofitalily ) be here annexed. '1 he Kings Town of T..mc'iii that niakts a very fair ft.cw in the Road, niakcs a much lef; handfomc appearance to a >pe»;tator that's gft into ihe mldft of it. 'lis built of Inr.e and ''^■;'W" Stone whited o\er, has ibmcthing d orn.aux-nt (rom miwirc lattlimcnts and Pinacles that Io< k well at a diftanee, , Tt.lt but within lide one hnils it but a poor forrv Toun. The Oo for ril- nr. After a coniidcrable ftay here axSurrt, wcfail'd .iway ,. for the Mil.ibrir Co^(^, and came to an Anchor in the,,'. . Road of Cti/lcc:it. The King's Deputy was vei7 quick- j**-"* ly difpatch'd to bid us welcome in his Mailers Name, and loreprefentthc carneft Dchre he had to have a Con- ference with us upon the matters of Trade. That Prince was then at Cr.K.if.i/..,, bcliegiiu; a Caftic of the I'ortk- ;.'.fVf, with \\ h(im he was at War, which was one of the brll encouragements that ciuld be given to our Hope of a Happy Seulcmcm in Ins Country ; for as we dchrc no betryr prolpeOf in a Foreign Connrry where we pretend to Trade, ili.in to lee it clear of the /'c.'w. i-r, (o there IS nothing that thvy rake for a worle omeii of tlie decay of their Interi ft- any where, than to fee us com.c and lit dou'namonpft theiii. 'IheKingof C,i;^'.-iHf dedr^ng our Company at Cr.u:.'^.^^"''l ;; .-. », vve went thitlier to Inni ; and here what tavoura-d «<..;•,■ Iile CJrants, what Imnniniries and Privileges could be ""'''''"' 'I" thought of that ihould not iir.mediatdy be vouchCafed J;';;';^^!'^,, and confirmed to us? An i.n7j:ih Factory muft be c- ii w''is Capt. ftablilli'd in his Co'.T.try ; and to invite ns to it ( be fides '»■«'■"< Com- all the Cou'u-on txprciiicns (.f (Jood Will to our Na- [^ .'V".."! tion, he otfer'il us a very good Honfe rent-free, and ih't w,™ 1- .1 total exempt'ou from all Cuftom, T.ix, or Duty what- ''>''■ ■" loever,for all Co. ds Ivrh imponcdand exported out of his f '■""'*""' l-'iniii'ions, I to leave any And vvh., ;■. is ar th.it time we w. iiuar.t'ties 01 Merchandize fc.r rl ory, re not able wuhiln; e burniir.rc '"'•'' ■"""■ rin i:r.it • great quail- j and Support id a ba'dory, having been already at "T to the and now going t.j other p.iits ; this (M'jedion was re ire ( f I'lioved bj' his Deelaiation, that 'twas no matter for a Erc».f. ».V CiiOT t - n ii S*- King's I'a.aie was fnch too as an ordinary GentK man in ;>.7 Vt/..( nrght poilibl) n-.ake a Ihift with ; and wliatc er h s upper K( oms were, his livvcr ones were moft of them Ware-houfe-', and W.trd-robis ; in which latter bc- liiies foir.e c.tange of Clo;hs, r'.ieiewere kept the Keoks of their 1 aw, Relig'. r.nd Hirtory of the Lives of theirSaim~. .An.l as fv tiic ithers the Ware-houfes, ere nmftcxciilc the rinding fuih apartments as thefe in the Fal.tce; for llii Majelty isa Merchant, ind lives by his Tr.ulc as other Honeft Men (f th.-.t Profedii.n do. I'vtry Evening at Snn-fet th'- '.'eople fall 10 tluir Devorii ns with thiir Faces turned towards the Weft, an.l in this pofture the Kii'g comes and throws Water upon all their Heads; but ihi. had ni;t lucil t.i lein an t ly. leall the cold Water fhould ftrike a da:iip y.eal of thofe Keligioiis PufciiS, ar.d put out ihe their De\otiLn. And by one PalVare that occur il allioar, | prelent liipply of (ioods; but only that we laid th it appears that their Mmds are not f.) intently hx'd in their Foundation of the Faofory by leaving fome of our Com- Religirus Fxercifes,! ut a little matiermav be fi ffieient 10 , pany thete, which "vouM be n PL-dee to him of our re- divert them ; forthis l.':i-if' Manof our Company hawng 1 turn th.; next Year with 1 ctter Provilions to perfect the o'.'taineil the Favovrto be prefent in the Mofquet at the ^^'ork that was now b..-gi'n. He alfur'd us liktwife that time of Divine Seriice and happening to pi.ll oi.t his we might every Year ha\e at leaft one Ship lading of Watch there ; the Pr'-eJ'having fpied that fine thing, was 1 Pepper there, and the certain vent of all our Ccmmo- fo taken with the ligh:, that he had not patience to hold|diiies. on in his Work ans lorgcr, I ut prefently left t ft fcrung of | L'p.in thefe Confideraticns therefore it wasdctermin'd pj.i,,.. ai God to come and ft are upon the Watch. JthataFadorv ll.nuld be eteeted at C,,?/,;'>/o., and accor-cn'.ij.'.'- The Kingdom of T.ntr.cit in /l.,ibln Fcr.'ix, which is dinply what Men and Goods we could allow for that under this Prince's Father, lies all along the Coaft from 1 pi'/pcfe were fonhwith fet afhoar. The fubftance of fifteen to eighteen Degrees, and Northward advances to .this Agreement between the King (f C,://;-c-((f and us was the Mountains. The J«./;.j have Tribute all o'.er //iv-/';.(. ' ^'r.awn up in a Writing, and tranfmitted to us by him, but only from this King of J'.D-Mc/', who li\es in peace , "'ith this Promifc over and above, That if he recover' il with thcin, and makes ro other acknowledgment than , the Fi..t of C/-«)i^^/oi- from the Pcrrw^wfj^r, it Ihould be put this, to aifiH the T,;'i\s tpon any occalion with ^000 I '"to the Hands of the l-.h^^ifh. Wc make the Latitude Men, who are alio to be paitl by the T;i kj themfeh es. ; at C',-./-i-, t i i Dcgiees 1 o Minutes North, and the varying Our little art'airs at s["'i""'.' Feing ended we fail d away ' htteen Degrees forty Minutes. ■\Mliidin, and came to an Anchor in i'liv/'i Reail. Here In our paftagc from hence towards Cape Cfmoriii, we we landed and the Lord Fmballitdour with all the State ' ''ad the lick to take two or three P(i.-f;(j;Mf^!' Prizes ; their and Ceremony beli'ting his quality, and he was as well' pri'icipal lading was Grain, Sugar, Drugs and Bcng.ala receiv'd by tiie Grandees of Sa .-t. But one bafe Cu- Stuffs; had wc treated them according to their deferts ftom of theirs ocealion'd fome difputc and dii&rence at we had burnt their Ships, and taken c^ery penny-worth fii-ft, and that was their examining and fearJiing the of their lading away, tho' to let them an example of Pockets of thofe that came afl-ioai-. Th.; Fmballadour'st)""ftefy and Good Nature, we Ihcw'd them more Fa- Charader indeed exetipted him fiom any thing of thatjvour than they could have cxpeded, or would have nature; but then they preterded to pradtil'e it upon his Hicwn us in the likccale. retinue, which tho' he opeiilv protefte.i againll ftanding It is proper for a Ship bound this way to ride at B)-/);ni'o« '^'''"'^^'' uptai thePri\iltge of an Eniballiidour, • et could pio'-' till the end of .\//r.c/', and not double the Cape C-mcn'w, """"""' fwre no farther fa\ our than only to have lone few of the Fecaufe of the Calms, and the Current fetting South to tlie,\;.i,U'^.,v; but th'^n at that time the Eaftcrly Monfon ends. This i!n';; ,',..■, >; is about lixteen Leagues from the Cape, the Cr uric letting South Fall by -South, a bold and free Coaft ; it is a 'I'own fcated m a little round Bay, and to be known bv a long white Breach to the North, and tothe South all high Land, and in the fame parr a great red cliff near the Sea. The Latitude here is eight Degrees thirty Minutes, and varying fifteen Degrees. Haling doift'led the Cape Cnw-iii our Ships parted '*'''•' "^ ^' Company, the '>r^.;,.H and the i'cpp.'.-Cmi going dircclly Colitc 10 i». for y/rjMf.-.i, anci we in the /'.v/'.-.c'i/ox firft for /fo.'.'/im. »"<"• But our ftay at ih.it place now was but fliort, and Bufincfs I qu.cldy obliged us ro follow our Company to Sutn.trrr,, !We had I'onie 'I'rade at T.-oi and (■'/•,-.i/«.(/i for Pepper but the other Ships had fiirnilh'il themlelvcs with the fame Commodity at .1.1 ai, tho' 'twas all tr-inlported thither from thvle nlaces. This Pepper Trade is brought 10 ./c/.f« by the King's paiticular Order, and for his own particular .-Vbantage too; for he furccs the Peop'c of T.ioo, &c. ro bring theirSpireto him, and Ii) puts off his V,vi :f Ceuimi ditie~ in truck for it. at what Rates he plea- fes; anel kjuwny times he lends his .Merch.andiceto thole pla.cs, and fells ih:m oft" upon the l'| ot, and then to be furcihere'snobujing norfelling for any other, till ail his Ja'i'i. isgi lie oft'. 'Ihefe places !alt ukui lined on the Illand, are ccie- b'-a ed onlv for a pk-Pt:fi-l projiic'tion of Pepper; but •here are o hers which belide; tiiat Co'i-.tncdity yield* chief excufed too. As for the interiour firt they were very natrowly I'earch'd eviry Wanrf them, both Pockets and ether places, .according to the rude Fafliion of the Country, where a Man nivft pay fi-ra Rial of Eight in his Purle, or a good Knife in his Pi cket, rnd not only fo, hut if he happens to ha\e any rarit ' about him, ten to one but the Governour, under th.' pierencc of buying it, takes it quite .away. The current Coin of S:'-.\it isRia'sof Eight, of whicli the old with the plain Crols are belt elleem'd, and worth about five. Mamudics a piece, tho new wi'li F ower-de- luces at the eiidsof the Crofs go at 4 ' if they be not light. The Mamudie is a ci urie Sib er Ci in. containing thirty of their Copper Pkc, each Pici- being twche Drams. The /•J^/y.'Shiliing if it be v\ eight will \icld Thirty three Pices and one half. Their Larines are much abott the \al'.'e vf tlv-- Mamudics, l-.iit th,.- Kupics are of feveral forts, fome worth half a R-a! of Eight, othcrslefs, ^vliich if a M.m does not mind •..• .d he may be very ealily cheated. Th" chief Trade is managed by the Vi^ni.iii', who mult be as well h ok'd to as ihe Money, for they arc vcty |"btle cheating Fellows, whether the/ act the parts j of Buyers o:' Sellers. '1 he Weights of every Cit' al- ir.olt I'lodilfer f;-im one ano'Jier, lo .har to gi e an ac- count of thefe. mult be to g-.ve a complea-. Hillory of /N./.-'.iin this Rel[rCt. Ihe Trade at ."■... c/ lais'S in all ma.nerof ;..;;//■, C/;,--.id <;-.,-: >'i.n.luiuiuc. . ( '•i- r-.i.^l ■m r*\f -t I ■f' ffi i 'i I'lCtuics, Toys, Drugsandail kind of Spices. o:hersfarm \ all- able y.imt'i ,i' 1- 1 (,-1 1 ; '■■':■■ i I':- l^ii \ ii.' J ■ '|ii>! {. i* f , I $■ 1; i. 152 Di /tempers abroad tfje Fruit of Intemperance. JtmH. PjF^jmo), Itmft. II' People «t "^r.tnhi wliicli lii'^on the EalWUlc.affjriis a lirpc Cirain'd Pepper, like iliat of l'iin»i,in, n place not acknowledging the King < f /I hi's Sovereignty, as do tliofc which he on the Wefteni tii!e. PrlJ':>>ii->i, Iclidc"; the lirft Popper np-^n thclflaml, pro- ducts the fined Cold, ard in the gri-ntelt p'erty ; but ilic IcMvperf fthc Clininie is fr) very Vad, that alltheRichc* of its Mines, can t make .iircm's fur it. R-i-.'/', ftdtlic Nor'.h of I'ir'f-'iri-i) Mc'd» gocd (lore of Bcrjr.min ; nn 1 Cortn-tingi, ih-.- f.tive No'>le Comiiifdi- ty wiih Pff-<>.-v\ anil a'l il-ofe places are inulcr tlie King of /iV'"i."s Cmuvand ■ Thar is, ihey arc rea'ly a part of his Doirinion, ai'd thcv'U receive hi^ Orders widi the ntn-cll Sid'HiiJioii, and lli''w of external Rever.ncc ; Inu ih?y'll o' cy \\v\v r.s they thir.k tit, ,at lealt as far as thi-v can have ih.-ir ( v:n W.lls, sviihoiit an open Coi tra- dition of h.s. ^r.d this we *o n ' hy Rxpe-'enrc ; for wh;n ..ir other Sh'ps can-c I'iiher to T:c and <'. 1-ni :r,\ riiiriiip the King cf 'Ic' h's 1,' txrs a',ii>p w'th them, they niide an old ftir with kiirng t!ie letter, nnd layii^g it upon their ll;ads, to (l;cw their Kcpcclto it ; b- t ha.dly any thing of the Contents of it wou'd the Heathens perfirni. And ih.y are fcnietimes In wicked and rnruly too that v;e (liall have a h'm'rod Crifes div.wn upon us ■( we r,-fiife to let theni have their Wil's in ta'-iirg n\tr Cio'hIs v.pon 'Iri ft, (I • at their ( wn Kntes ; not to nictuic n 'h.'r 1 riiiils and Cheats, by fa'fe Weirlits, Mil-n-i k'nlrgs, di\\n.nj:ht '1 hieving, and all the M t!i ds of rliat kincl, th.it can 1 c pnriVed bv an Ill-minded People. r-it thcfe Dili >rdcrs may I'c eafily r plai..' 'o the Court >)r /I 'cn. ai d the T '>ificd by a Com-! kind -i;.i li.id bert have I Iti many plac ft.ort, he pack'd up, and ftolc away fro m the place (, it of the reach of the Elephants \ being rcf olv'd to liavc r.o more of the King of Achen\ Fatherly Co rrrdion, rcr Ic tofs'd inio his Duty by thofe furly Execu t ioncrs again. Several of the reft follovv'd liis Kxa n ]'!e, and mnnli'd off too tho' ihoy were t.iken and brcught back); l,t however, the King took this fo ill, th ai iinre they did no out theinlllve?, he Icconded them fo far, as to (l,ut tlic Door upon them, and to put i;s in pcll'tilicn of d\ir Hoi'fe. All Bufinefsdifpatch'd at ,Vh«^;./j, we left that Id.nnc', (^., and went for limt'.ni once more. Here the Peppcr-'i i.aic was very brisk, and the Prices run conlidirably hifh, o.-. calii'n'd partly bv the numi er (jf /'^^A and y.i.giji Ships trading for that Comnicdity ar thit time. Bet the ni.i.ii Reafon was the great Koiie made by the Di7.7, of vsH Sums of iMoney brought ever this Year by than; tlicy pretended to have i6ooocc, Ria's r,f Eight readv Money, lying by them, vyh'ch tho' p'-obablv a'mccr iVoalt, and made wiih a Delipn to out-brave usj vet fo f,ir nnimatjj the covetous '\:iuj\ and ;-/.r-,',r»., that' they prefently hui- fted up the Price of their C( miiiodities, and refoUed to make their own advant.ir,' bv it. 1 he ill Condition we foi nd a great part of our Men in t'- belonging to the Factory ( f tin'-' place, renders it need'- ' ■ lary to make fomc littie Kc'.'...:': on upon the noft pinl .i-i ; bic Canfe as well of manv ll!n.ll'es here.as in fever.il i.tluri) '■' parisc f the /.i."^'- J' ,/>.(. 'Tis true, noplace is, nrcanlr"~' per.'ce'Hy free from Diftcmpers; nor no Conftitution fo" '" Sound and har]iy, as nt t to lie cpen to an Invalien of thiol's.!' where v\e Trade, the Air isn^aligran :h ap- XXI nf S-l!r.ititt Rn |l., B iljm the Montlis ot Winds arc ver Inill, thisistol it daiigcioes i( tl;e lindinp of WV.irher. and M'l' n, being I SyM)f 'pcrhap fonof the Yeai jii. ♦ ■;■ * Some fi nr galo! Aleini a care th'-'r Vi'lanus d r't n ake a Ko'f- in the Ears of arul infe>'>;oiis ; onr Vat'-'r t.-iinrid with fon:e hurtful or th.it fev ere Prince ; who if he knew of their Proceedings, lUftprecable Qi'ality ; the Provilicns we are f re 'd to take wou'd make n' thing 10 cut off the I cps nf a hundred of them, and this a gctle PenilVment toi .And in order to keep them the better :n awe, he iloes o'ulervs that point of Policy, to plant lis Je/r/;,-/' Officers up and down a- moiigft them ; 1 \it thev are either too often as ba! as the reft, or clfe are i orr-.pcd by Br ',>es into a Negligence of their Putv, and Cor.rivaii' e a' the Crimes of thole they fl-.ou'd rcfonn ; (i) that there's little Redrci's, many times, tolx; had, by an Appe.il rothcm. The T"';iw .", another /;) »///.' Ship, had, as well as we, guim.rt (,f,Q| p[.. fg do with thefe ritde People at Tvfo . And tho' A(;i,.'CTr.irt •t w*i l-fi f,;r a FdC*.or)r. they had "lorten the King of //./',//'s Letters to U'ar upon, yet they found it pretty hard w-ork to bring the infolcnt ■JivcTw; to comply wi'h the Contents of it. That Ship had agreed wi.h the K'ng of .; /f; for a Faiflory there, payinp Cuftoin .is otlior Nations did ("which was Seven in thcH'.ndred); whiJi put the .'J;/r>/ into a very great ferment. Ard as for o\'r oth.'r Sh'ps the '^rr?/), and Pcpprr-Cr'n, tho'diey h.Ti! fix'd Ma rers \-as cntr-ain'd ;n h's.Servi e, and comn andcd fome parr rf his Fleet <;f (laTie-that w:re delit'.ncd for M^Ucc.r. But then the i\f s'd. hi;n a Sh p, which by an old Con- tr.-.ift he alfirm'd wa. due to h'ni : ,-^nd tli hcightncd the Difference fo far, ih.it he ftiivid themconvng afhore ; up- cn which Account the /X t ■ were lorc'd to comply and relign the Ship aecoidirptothe Agreement. Ami it may lie this M funderftanding might have worn off, if by a ficlli Coiueiii|'t of the laws of his Country they had not renew d it and llirr'd his Cholcr a third time. 'Tis a ftatcd Law ar this p'ace, that none niuft come alhore till the King has lent them h.s Chop, which gives them l.iccnfe I'o to do. Now the /J«/c.' Keiident hcre.?r ylci:-i, imagining orprctindinp to a nuirh greater (liare of the King's Favorr than it lecins he had, made bold to briup, a (ieneral < f his'wn C' unry afliorc, without th.it Ti'kcn of his Welcome, and the King's 1 cave ; which bcini: ki'.own, the King fen: f 't the Reiident to Court, ani' had him we, I tofs'd by an Elephant as a Punifliment for hs Pre frmptioij). tho" the Fr.ghc was more than the real I 'ani.ige : For thofe Cicatnrc. are taught how to ina- nr.pe .-^n hxcerrion fo, asm give theOfl'ender fuch a por- tion ( f Pu:iiu,inent, m( re or Ids, as 'tis defign'd they Ihou'il. The /)(-/./ -»v<), lold the King, This was lefs than his Crime I'eferv'd ; .md 'twas a vciy Mild and Fa- therly Curr,cli' n that he had given him : But yet, in mantis all the Temperance and good Management in tlieT," ,' Wcrld ; to (it dc.wii in the middle of theTorrid Zone, a J. and feaid their inlidcs with burning Spirits, while the S'.n',^':':: is roarting them w.thout ; tins is almt.ft as likely a wavi',''.' rodie, as to leap into a flaming Pile, o;- a boiling I'ir-'-i; - nace, and a .Van may cxped it one way as well as th- j!,„';; '. other. Men ovght not to live here, as they might !ivc,it-,t> were they ftarving in the hroftsand Cold of (.lendti:,!, cr iV«rt ^mL:.i ; nor drink that while they arc n'oltinc ;n kccpchcm from i'rccz.ng Ind>, that won'd be (ufficicnt to 1 under the North Pole. And yet aficr all the I ivrs that arc thus ficrific-d to Ric.t and Intemperance, thofe lend CourRr r.iuft rot be.ir the Blame cf it ; the Fault is in the Ah-, or the D:,t, or the Voyage it felf ; tis any thing kills them, but their oun Ex-ravngancc .md Unrulincf«, and no f.',;in v ill charge his Diath upon he harmlefs Araik. "I'wei-e to be v'-'di'il, that 01, r .Sca-mcn and Favffors ai read, wou'd ;r,(,re hi ici- ly oblerve:he Rules of Mor.ility, and Sober Living, in this rcfpcd^ i and net render thei'nfelves incapable of til- ling up their .St.itioiis, and doing Publick Bnlinils, by .in IniUilcipncc in thofe LilKrties ; wliich an- at once a Ke- proach to Human Nature in general, a Damage to '1 heni- feh es, a Dilfcrv ii e to their Ci untrj , and an Affront to their Sacred Religion. From h.v'Uwi wc were bound home for I'.nglm:! ■ And .\,,r conliderinp the time of Year that wc went this Courle, we offer it as good Advice to all Ships coming tovv.iids the Cape at tlus Scafon, rw t j take up at .ui Anchor ll.orr rf I ■ N the for (ci'.Iing tl Contmen per to the Arrival. Our 1 .ill the Potenrat llie hail never V' Fricnillliip and C; L-c:,r. That Prince, Notice, yet was to the Engiijh, with the i'mtu^i. But that Band i initead of Favo Pr:nrc is prcpai invited to take fiiefs of the Wa routing them en V.ilour and Strc r.iblc ufe ro him hleCaufe indin ■„,.., tuw.irds them. d rpii'J Voyage he ni.id t »• y ■■1; f,, rt wa,s lb fairl' n-.t, inihcf'nieApplicat.o '. means ot a Af/i.'i h."d defircd him Fiiterrainment fl.ou'd come ini riiercaling Fami fcnal Vidrry o d;fjHile the Prin< hr.ive Pcrfon dii dahlc Endeavc-u and Honeur of nory, which v was. Tiif^ A an Sjmorin, g in thcic T following I U' I JXdereccn C -■lie '''''''•'"■ ^■iVAIIt I. ;,.,, ;:■■/ 1)1 ); V KJiy '::.:h. n\ili tlinc I'ligliVl ".■•.'.• t:ii Dc^^urs i.'rii crmcr/hir t r'-t, inhi tn h.'ni^ As r l.tv: he ..'^' r '/■"'''' '" cmmtiii I 1 ■ .•, cz/.y iiinci). lie i "■^ '■nc wc : Ti did '' garor, Atui to paj '•'■ l//.tH(/ tUierf\ i\iV.a, /-.iiU in (itc wTlCXlX. Farther Account of the faBorjat Crangalor 155 1 tlic place (i i!t olv'd to li.i\c r,o rrri5>ion, rcr Ic (ircrsa(;aiti. 'k", ami man li'J lyht l-atk) J ht liKc tlicy did pu r, as to fliHt the ;ircircn of il\;r ' left tliat IflniK', !^„.„ lie Pi'ppcr-1 raitc ItraH) liipli, 0.-. iiul Ii.^ijl Slii|-s .-. Bi^tilic nia.ii c Dt!.l, v{\?\\ liy than ; thoy ht re.id\ ^lonev, nicer Boalt, and : fo far anhnatcj icy prcfenrly hoi- and refoU ed to irt of our Men in i renders it need'- ' I the n.oft pro! ,\. s in leveral other) : laee is, or canl r"~'- ) Conltitution I'o ' ' n Inialion ot thisife I Air is n'ar;j;ran 1 fonx' hiirtfnl or are f re 'd to take •d n> the Temper are iifid to oilier But tho' all this c cnciugh to let m rcrtamly and etfe- \:\n may polllW) I bad Air, an iin- lod ; provided he Iocs not debauch our Eu opc/iiii a- icy let loofe the king, and are no- Avn all the (Irong rn'd Indii-.r,! their- arc continually g whole Da>s fealding Fli id I a great many roni which they [,■,1 o-.< m of sl'.<-.<>ia Road at Icaft, but rather to put in at Vcngmn Iiland. and Anchor there till the Wind (live them. In ibc Months of Drc.-mlc; Jnmnn, and Vchrue.^y, the S.b.U. Winds arc very furious there, from the New Moon to the l-.ill this is to be allowed ; yet notwithltanding wc eftcem it Janeeroes 10 ncplcd this'placc, in lioix; of St. I!clc>iti, ,i.. liikUnq of winch is very uncertain, and thicic mifty \\Va;lier, and fniall Aifiilancc afforded either by Sun or MoMi, being likely enough to blunder the moft skiltul i,.,;i,,,' fpcrhaps to the lofs of Men and Ships), at this Sea- fonof ilie Year. In our paffagc between the Bay of SoLl.mU and Iingl,v:l, c faw great Qiwntitles of the Sea-weed call'd Sitrr- ^iffit *, which lay in long Ridges at foinc diftancc from one another as the Wind drive, with which they conti- nually alter'd and (liifted. It has a Leaf like Sampler, but not fo thick, and a yellow Berry very fmall : Wc found it fcattering about from XX Degr. 3 Min. North Lar. to ji Uegr. Wc hnilh'd this Voyage, coming to an Achor in the /JowMj in M(iy, //. D. 1617. • See the Voyage made t>y tiitf P««ff, where 'lis di-(trili'a a hjviiig i whirt; Hcrry, whiduhcte- forc proha- bly wai an- ol Kiiectilir.:', tr are r.ieltin!' ;ii 1 frcm frceziip, rs fi':r;(ic''d tn p r.iuH rot bear or the Ui.t, or , I utthciriuii i re to be vfl, M, iwW more ilriCV ober l.ivinp, in nc.ipablc ol td- Bulintl's by an at orce a Re- mage t,)l licm- 1 an AflVont to Ev^'it'.h And .\,w,. ■m ihis Courle, rominp towards ,ui Anchor ll.ort ft IN the foregoing Voyage wc haic fecn the Etigl^p-^ (ciiling theiiilc'lves in a new Dwelling in the Ealtern Coniu'ient, and a potent Prince (hidierto a Stran- ger tn them), giving them a kind Welcome at their Arrival. Our Nation had made her Succefshil Vilits to all the Potent-itcs and States ainioft round the bhiis, but (tie had never yet made any conliderablc Attempt at the Fricnillliip and Correfpondencc of the Great Sr.morin of C; .■«,.'. , , r I ■ That Prince, how vv:igii/l\ becaufc of his intimate Correlpondencc wiih the \'orrii!^iir:;r, their moft irreconcilable Advcrlarics. But th.at Band of Union being broke, and the Ponn^^ii^^e infuad of F.^vov rites now proelaim'd his Enemies ; the Prince is prcparM for a new Alliance, and the l'.>i;ili(h arj invired to take their places. And befides the prefent Di- flnfsof the W.-ir with the Pmrupi-:;^!; and the Delirc of 1 routing them cmiicly out of his Dominions (in whiclithc Valour and Sttenpth of the i,*;^'//'.' might be of conliiie- rable ufe to him), there might probably be a more valua- ble Caufc inclining tho S,^m:r!ti to this Friendly Carnage » j,,,^.,,to\vnrils them. For the Noble Captain llomitoii, the lart_ E r 711 'li Voyage he ni.ide into the /j; . Am, (when the Vice-Roy ot ■ "■y."^ (.irt was fo fairly and throughly beiten by him) had made fc.''",'^''l,(,f.me Applications on the behalf if his Country, by the |o^i..Vr»i'« means of a ^ inH.-h.r Captui'i, to r.ie King of C.Tl.cut. He •»"■"' h.iddefired liini to move to his Prince, that a favourable I Futcrtainmcnt nviglit be given to our Merchants that t n.ou'd conic into iris Ports : And this, together with the cnctcaling Fame of the I'.r^lijh in rlicfc parts, uprn that fcnal Vidf ry over the whole Power of Vortu^rl, might d:fpole the Prince to ) ield to thole Motions.And lince that brave Perfon did not live to foe the Fruit of his coinmen- dabie Uudeavcurs fur the Good of his ("ovntry, the Prailo anil Honour ot it mult lervc to adorn h-s Name anil Me- n'ory, which will be far lofs mortal than he himfelf was. l\\f A a T I c L E s of Atirctmcnt bctwtcn the Siirnorin, an;! Capr. Keeling^ «cre cxprclis'tl in thcic Tcrtns, and compriz'J under tliefc following IkaJs. T JKdereccn Cheetc, the ( /j.'Samorir.e, f.-. Ti James .jj cf (Jreat Britain, G?r. ll'irr:- in'hc '" y'" ^■'^""' '"■•' Siiljcfl^ William Keeliii,c, l\fj; ^.iri- ij,,,,;:./ Ill K.v A;/»_r,/fm i'h //■.- A7a;//> c/ March, Anno 161 5. :.t^:iih. n'jl) ilrcc Fnglilli Shi::s f.t the I'oit cf Cranganor, in I.r.tl- !:;.!: t:ii Dr^^nrs jiftcoi Minute;, r.iid ct my cf.rnej} SoUit ' i.:h e.-me ■II; to l.r we : 'i'l'-eie n',.'i cincliiileJ /v nie for my '■■: t, e.nj t'l ihni pv the Englilli Kr.tioii, I /. 'infe to eojitimie for ncr : I <{i herein f/iithfully piomije ti .:■, r.i;H iomii.iie r h'l ict.d to the Englifli, r.tid my Siuc-jjo '■tie- me : To ciitic.jvoin- the tiikii'g hi of the Fort (f Cran- ganor, mui to JfijTf! the Englifh thereif, ,-i their om:, ve.'th I".- \lUvkl ti.eitot u! in i W/'.l/l .')• tit hnth PfOvii'.Cii, Tiiat I f:ip fi- tJ liiifil therein 17 Hoiifi fir fiiKC of mi own People, to ihe i.iind'er of One Jmndfed Pcifcni. [ will d'fo cndcittiu , w'lh the /t:d of tie Englifli, herc-CMii, r-rt-i nfief to tr.ke in the F^rt tuid'Fctr.i cf Cochin, teionging for- ""'■■'' ""^ merly to my C.own r.nd K,irgdom, rnd tiien to deliver- it into l'X°'^'Jm thepjfeffon of the Englilh, .« rltcir own proper Lmds /•.r.dfirheL'ilifii; Poffifjions : Provided, thrt the Charge if tie Sitrpri:{c be c fi.-liy km, the one h,:li' h 'ny Jc'.f, tuc other hy the Enrliili X tion : /InJ the liemft of the Spo.ls thereof, in xohrjjceier 'j:'r.i:ty, the one hr.lf to belong me, the other he.'.f to the En- glifli i\'.?//0W. The Samorinc to he.ve no Rjght, Title, or Jnteref}, in iht ifo'-ejnid Tiwn, Prccindt, or jlppiirttnttnces of Cochin f.t r.ll. .-/h.V f/if Samorlne rt>iefs of time did net permit to r.inptlfie ; /;/■:• Samorino he.ie r'-iigi^ujli Jwcrn by the nrent God Iferv; to perform r.cccrdingly ; f.nd thtit not only for >nyfclf, bi:t fir my Siic:ejfvr: rfter me : And in TVit' neji hereof, have Ir.ld my I hind upon this ll'iitiiig. And the f Aid William Keeling drth fromiji; to aeqiinint the King's Mnjejly voith the Premiffes, nnd to endcwour Im M.;irjly's "L'ndertnking thereof nccordingly. As for the Proceedings of the Fadory (as far as ap- pears by thofe impcrfciiV Memorials' they were not lb liicccfsiul as one wou'd have imagin'd they might have been. Where the Fault l.iy is hard to determine, clpeci- ally amongfl fo fly and fubtlc a People, nnd fo perfei't Dilfomblers as the InJ.ir.ns generally arc. The King car- ried it fairly to thcni, and the People feem'd fond ot their Company, and yet ibmc fecret Obftaclcs prevented the growth and increale of Tiade. 'Twas fomc time before ^ittU, they cou'd procure a Licence to carry their Goods to C.;-"^- ^- '<"' kcut ; however, that w as permitttd after many Uelavr, and the Factors went away to make a Trial of their For- tuii^ .at that pl.ace. Ac their tirft coming thither, they were forc'd to take up in the Publick Cultom-Houl'e for a Scafon, till a more convenient place was made ready for the Reception of tlioni, and their Mcrchandice ; and if the Welcomes of the People wou'd have done the Bufincfs they came for, they had undoubtedly made a very profitable Work of it. But tho' to have to do v\ ith good tcmpcr'd People be a great advanfge, yet to be under the Command of an ill tcmpcr'd Govcrnour, is a Difadvantage that in many refpccts overballanees the contrary Advantage, and makes it of little ufe and figiiifioancy. Now this w.as the misfortune of the Eiigr,fl:i]\cK, thc-riieirSuflct: Govcrnour was a perlidiouidiifeiiibling Fellow, a Friend msi !>y ih« only in appearance to them, but a real Well-wilherto the '■••y''-"^"" Portuguc:{e. He did as much .IS he dared, or cou'd (with- ^' ' out an open ArtVontto his Prince), obilruCl the Deligns of their I'radc and Settlement 111 the Country ; and wou'd, had it been poliible, have totally dilportefs'd the Engliflr^ and reltor'd the Portuf^ii.ie to their ancient Seat and Privi- ii c. !'( Cf:.ith three It the Se.i-Cocji nine W^es there again. Our ^-Hc 154. Captain Peyton'j Objervatiom, dCC. 11 w; Our Fatlors being a little fcttlcil at CM ciit, wou'J fain have given Notice to their Friends ami Correfpondcnts at S»i-(!f, of tlicir new I'Hrbliliineiit here; Init tlic treache- rous Govcrnoiir xroiiM not jiermit ir, till all ihc Cooiif. Avcrofold otF, that thofc at S„i^r (as lie I'leteiuied) might be the better cncourapcd to lonie thither too. And when by his procurement a part ( 't tlie Goods were fold off to the Merchants of C.i/r.M', they v.cu- fo dil'pos'd of, that they had as good aiuiolt have kept ilicm dill in their hands ; for the Culiomers he lu-lpil ihrin to, were fuch as brought no ready Money ; and tho' fpccdy Payment was promis'd, yet by their many IXIays, and lliuHling Tricks, the Debt appear'd to be Irtle better than defpe- r"-ic. However, after this bepinnini'. i>f the Trade, he cou'd not defend himleU any longer from their Importi'- nities alwiit feniliiig to Si,-,it ; \vlu> h was acccrilingly done, tho' the Attempt was atceniled with a very great misfortune : For the Meifkng^-r difpaieliM thiiherw.mls, came back again with a Story, T h.ii he was beltr by the way with ihieves, foumlly luateii, and roMiM of all ills Money and 1 etters : The Circumitanees of which were fuch, as afforded flircw'd Siif| iriors, thr.t the Fellow was robb'd with his own Ci nienr, and for lii>own parti- cular part loH nothing but his Hi.neliy. The Governotir too hung down the flead \ipon the Kcport, and difeo- ver'd fome plain Symptoms of a guilty Concern in this matter. New all this while the Merchants of Cr.\:u! and X.tJ. f'paic, were bulie a bti". fng, but it was all upon thcStock Mathsnii. of Cr. dit ; the Trade went on, but no Money came in. And whether the Governour and the Delncrs had agreed together to Iharetiie Profits of the Cheat betwixt them, or 110, vet tis certain, that they liid by Bribes procure him to get the Payment detiir'd, and put off fioin one time to another : So that if he was not a Knave of as great a magnitude as that come:, to, yet he came as near the Pro- portions of fuch a one as he well could. The Siiinorin himfelf, all the while , carried it with the fame fteddy Hand of Fa\our and Refped to them, and no convincing Circumllancc appears, that renders his Fidelity fnfpeifted, or refledts .iny part of the Biainc of the Mifnianagement upon him: And if hcwasfalfe, he wasib with a wondertui deal of Art and Policy, and his Treachery was fo fine, that (if it could be a pardonable Crime) it wou'd deferve it upon that fcnre. ..^ ...V... But the Governour and the Merchants were bare-f.\c'd, thcVtookwin comparifon; thefe latter cou'd find no Money to pay jet their (j,ji,. yd • s_ but they cou'd for Bribes and Prefents to the j«oney. Governour, in order to the fecuring his Proieiilion and Countenance in their ill Ueligns. Some Courfe there- fore niuft be taken, to force their Right out of the hands of thcie People, or they muft refolve to be (till put upon, in like manner, by e\ery Knave of the Country ; orelie if not that, they muff quite throw up their Bulini-fs, and bid Adieu to all Trade at CV /c. ut. Now nothing cou'd give Jiem a more happy advantage in this matter (had the bell Fancy beiM I'et a Work to con- trive one \ than the foolilh ni'.d fuperlHtious Humour of •Thli Was a the Mr.ll.-bf.rs *. From what titouth'ous Principle of Im- l-JOIlg The Method 1 pn; •lied, is neither much ma- £" "'."f,* pertinence their Cufto Foll°y"nf the terial, nor very cleat ; bit a Ci'lio'u they had, of obfer- Bramcni, for ving a total Aliffinence fi 0111 all irrtimer of Food, and rtiey won't Wailiinc and every thing of that kitid, as long as the Cii Ihc Most , ,, - ~ ■ 1 - ' 1 ' i"\ nr< rhrrrci. E'-zhjh were withm their Doors. rlc! Dictlr.i;, I'hefe People indeed ought to h.iie conceal'd, ordif- lui tticB f[.f„i,igj this CulVoiii, if they had refilv'd nor to p.iy what JhJirown, they ow'd ; or elfe they ihoti'd have t'ort:lied theinfclves in •nJ •t their their Houles, and kept their Creditors tiut o( Doors : For ^0 HiOKi. ■.Vj, Famiiie is as fevere a Punilhrnenr, as any the Sword of 1 Mag. trare can intlid ; and tis as bad every wh.t t., he ffar\ d withm Uoois, as to be hang d without. And il,/ they were m no gre.it danger of the latter, yet ni;r laclnls were hue d to thre.lten them with 1 lie former and ihr by getting into their Houfes, and ilecl.iring tlkir Rduiu tion to Hay till the Debts were dif liarged. Here the \' :IM^^u had three things kit t<. theii Choir ■ each of which was attended wi'h its diffieulty ; elih r ".'i pay tluir Debts, 1,1 deny their avowed Piiiuiplci of'e.T. ing With Strangers in their Hoitf s. or tile to iiarie wi-'i all the'r Provilions about ihtiii : The litll was olln-ii'', Violeiuvto 'iemper; the leeond to Culioni, and pcliai^ to Religion ; the tliutl loihe Laws of Katuiv, am) Se't "ivkTvation. In lliort, they cliole the firll f,f ilio ilvc.' Sell -love prevailM, and they agreed to p.iy ihui IM-ts' tho' iliey were nr t hniielt in fo tlo'i::^ ; no nor.' i|i.-.ii,'( ■jhiefis honeff, ihai religns ihe Prey' that will Iv h'-,\l Irom him ; oraRelv! isloy.il, that •■,ues up a Forr wi'kh Faniinc, and all the Plagues of War, wdl let hilii hold no longer. By 'l;i« Policy they pich'd up a conliderable part ,jti,^ their Debts, tho' it caine in leveral Drdileis, a little p.ir- eel from this Man, and as nnieh from am ther ; Kill ■ !o\- ^ ing them with their Company, till ihev cou'd .holdout! no longer, and ihen lifty or a hundred Fanos wou'tl eoii.c out to piiKure their Re!e.-.fe, and llnd the itwi;,';//. ..oin^ ] From whenee it kxnis likely, th.-.t the ,\:rMki,.- ,W\ i-u ' V'' fulpedb that the .■',■.:/.//■ werearquainn-,; with that Cttitom - • '-. of theirs, whuh gave them fuch an ailvantage upon th.in -.l'- '' tor elle they wouM have guarded their Doors, and ki-p-u;j..'^„ them out ; had they been fure the others came with a dedgn to make fuch ulc of It as they did. But it muff be own'd, that belidcs "their own Eiidt a- yours to recover the Money due to them, the Sr„:^, ,. himlelt took fomc care ot the .Affair, atid employ'd fomc of Ins Nairo's to g.ithcr up their D;. 'bts for tlicni ; but -h •■■ Villains,tho they did no Bu(inefs,(u)u'd come and detnr .1 a Rcw.ird ; nay, go to the Debtrf.^Houfes, and kiu.v;-; Money out of them to put in their own Pockets, and n.-- vcr be concern'd a: nit bringinn away any for thofc 1/ > cntruftcd them. >;.,-c was indeed .at this time, hardlv any 1 aw, or Govern/pent, in the Counti7 ; andtherek.o no |iiftice, nor honeft Dealing. Ihe Pii/«;w-r, .about this time, came into CVr.-.- '• '>■ Harbour, with a Fleet of thirty fouf Sail : Their we--.-' only three MnlLd-.ir Frigats that lay there to enterta,;/ .J tlicm ; but they did it io well, that the I'o.tr'^ur^r w. ■,■ off with a great ileal of difgrace. Some nf'them t!-. c were torc'd all.ore, were treated with the utirolt S'cmv- ty, hang'd up two Days by the Heels, and tlien tols'd ii.to the Dens of the wild Beads. Thelo\al Go\ernour of the place had, .as it k\ nul prepar'd very kindly for tiie i'(,./u;;;;;-:;f"smorc ealie A.:I million there ; tor he was gone from his Charge, moll of the great Guns were lock'd up, and they had notPov^der and Shot for them that were in the wav, for abo\ e two Dil'charges. The S.unoii,! bufie in his Wars, fent Letters to our Fa- '"''^ dors, wilhing, that when the y;«;;.V//.- Ships came, they ""' would come to him at I'^neau ; aiid to make them at C.'-.- halt calie in the mean tunc, bid them not be troubled about the Money that was dee to them, for he would ke them paid, tho' his jewels were fold to effed it. Hnc the /Uccimt bre.tkj off, nnd tur Falio, s nrc mtfo k!>i.i ,« to proccr.! 10 tell us, xrkthcr the Kjug 'f Calccut ivji * god III his H'ord or >io. JLib.ilHhap. ^^ Some Obfirvacions of Opt. Peyton'j", concerning the Fnglifh and Portugueze Irade, FaUories, and Acqmfitions, in the Faft- Indies. and havii.,T ha that tlicy ha-.e Hut then the the liulaigenien t,nn e'.ei- thouf 1 iili tliat tome thev feize any t And then tis lion oi a Coiir.t n,:.r toKij'lus n.irhty advain: ihrKvys ( f I'.n kifesa Power t niinioii all the > v.idi Fone t.i 1 lieeetothe pio; ilcnu-nt of a Pe And if weeoi we ll.all lind tin I .mI 1 pon It. lolH LiMi.»i;n{.aiicrlv. ,,h-codft They have a \il""- soMin. South "I'ccth, and Sla\ .At Mo^f.iiil'iij At Momhrtyt modities. From all thi the /(■■/ S-i-, an f the Monfons, v '; Juiy, ,7«;."/f,ai reft of tiie '^'ea both, being eit of many forts ol At Oi'hih they ItoiiMht they trade int. Ir/ji Galf p^^jj Quantitie them, and othi Ship or two yt which they reai Scptcmt'cr : Th from whence th of Eight), into next to ;i:>.'' Cvai ■■')'■ y^n the C-^A of L KJ1. 4citli.ll by H E tells us. That when this laft Voyage into have, and take upniuih n.ore rocm in the F.nlK-rn V. India was made, the Company had Fadfo- ries feitlej at thefe following places : At BjntiW, Jacatrn, Surjt, Anudrre/ir, /Igrr, A:{mi:ic, Biampoit, Calicut, Majiilipittan, Bf.titniit, Sinjn, Bcnjarmaffc, Soccadanii:, Macitffar, Achm, Jambl, Tetoo, Jiij .-, 11'indn, Firendf) i:\Jrtfan. As toi the Pctugue^i;, they have fpread their Intercft ttiSwia^'^ "to 4 iitiitgiit Conpaii than ijie Bi^lijl: than they ; and lelidvslia\e thisau\antage. thattl-.ey :,■.• abtoliiie Lords and Mafftrs in n.any places; ihe\ ilj! .1 upon a Foundation of Dominion and Property, where .li the ''''.'■/'•' »'■'•' cnl; Tr.aders, and whatever they d') :n the Wellern, cla'r.i no Domini; 1, in tlic Laffern Wor'd. Bur this may appear no icry gieat wonder, if two thiii'-s be tonlidertd : F'iiff, Tii.at ihe l\>rtuyiic-(e were earlier m {^eir Vilitsto thcle Parts than we j tjicy began bekre 1 , 84 LifijiBhap. XXIX. //> g ['ortagueiQAtjui/itms, &c. 1.55 ly the Sworil nf a every wli.t tobr iihout. AikI ill.; r, JirmM-r.iclnjs oniitr, ami ihi- ing tlu-ir Rduin. .1. ruoiiiciiC'iiok-j, fiiiilty ; ciilur;,, I'liiidiilcs ':iti!iv, ami .Sc't. irlt f4' t!io il\:c' , pay iliiii l)il-ts', MO ii'oiv ;li,-.i, ,^1 iia: will l-i' 1, ,v\i 'i:paFijiT,\v!iii.h ■v'll Ice liiiu I-o!,l iliilcrnblc pan ui'i li-'is, .1 little 1 ir- I'thcr; ItilUiin-rJ;*' t' cou'd !i(j|J out " * ir.os woii'il (.011 1. lie liii^^ljh (;oii,f, I 1-* Mr.lUlt,;,: i\n\ 1 (1 vviiluhatCiiitrni ' itnj'cup.Mith m.ih'^J' Doors, and kip irij. y, icrs lamc wi'h \ tlKM' own EiiJn- m, I lie ,S>» „ ,1 employ'a fon l rrlifin ; Imr il ' ronieandili'nn 1 fcs, and I'qiuv;'; Pockets, aiKi n.'- iiy for tliolc tl)..i this time, h.irdly 7 ; and thercll .v amc into Ci:lcci!i '!""• lil : There were if^;^". icrc to cntcrta'r, ': -tt :>, 11, *j, •iVlfii-i in lib COilt aiulliavii.' had a longer time toVVork, 'tis not ftrangc that ihey Lie done more BiilincU. iUic 'lien tliey have other Ways and Methods to piirluc ,hi' I'lilari-eiiient of their Intcrcit by, than the l.n^hjh Na- tion cier thought lit to praiitife , or Inbuilt too. All is I'illi that tomes to Net with them, and right or wrong thev feizf ^"V thing that lies within thcirrcaih. And then ti* a tine C(;mpi:ndious way to get the polTef- lldM of a Coiir.tr>-, to have a Bull from the Pope ; and fo cn:.i't>)Ki;'lits upon the Privilege of Relii-ioti. 'Tisa n.ichty ad\:ii'tnge tobe the Sons of a Church, that has thi'Kvys ( f the Nations hanging at her Ciidle, and prn- Kiiesa Power to draw the Lines of Inheritance and Uo- nnnion all the World over. Such Help, as thefe (together v.uh i-f.ree t.-> make them cllednal) may very well con- (ii'ce to the propagating of an Intcrelf, and the good Set- tlement of a People .abroad in the World. And if we conhdcr Capt. P-j'"' ^ Aei-oiint, that follows, we ll.all find the I' rtugiic^^c ha' e thriien \ery conlidei;ably 1 pon it. Baltcrly To begin from the Coalt of /Ifick, and fo on em tl' aie of thi ic utiroll Sen: - iJdientols'd i:.;-o ad, as it fe.. ni\!, 'smore ealie .A.:. Charge, iiioft of .' had not Powder , for abo\ e two cttiTS to our Fa- hips came, they nakc tlicm at ('..'.- mx be troubled for he wc.ulj lee leA it. lo> s nrc notfo kjiii f Calccut wji m glifh and he Faft- the Ealtern Priirs ige, ihattliey n- ' laces; the\ il.ii .! ^■^perty, when.ii atevcr they do ;n L.ilteni Wiir'ii. -ler, if two thin;'? Xc were earlieri'i began befcre i , a..n -'.Vi .Upon tbe ■>i'!"''' Ciriii iiy. Vpffli the C-.n of ititn. They have a Trade upon the River Qiif.nic, in ii Degr. so Mill. South Lat. for Gold, Ambcrgreele, tieplunis Teeth, and Slaves. At Mc^.-.>i:iit]uc for the fame. At Mimln-{.t for the fame, in triitk for Gu:^uif.t Com- modities. At McgA.i'x.r for the fame, and (everal forts of Drugs. From all thefe places they dr.ve i 'I'rade to ^: /■.mbr.yi , the /(■■.•' i'-''', and divers other parts, cutioully obferving the Monlbns, which blow Weltwa.d inW, '7, "Miy^^ini:, J'liy, .■lii;r:,it, and part tf Scptcuibcr ; and Uaftvvard all the rcit of tiie Year ; the fmall fpace in'eicepted between boih, being either quite calm, or .an uncertain mixture of many forts of Weather. At Oimiii they make a \irofitabIc Bufinefs on't From hence they trade into PnBi. /l,,ihi.i, and Imli.i ; they draw great CLuantities of ,!^arl from It.ilfcn: hither, and with them, and other I'cifiin Commodities, they fend out - Ship or two yearly for Diti!, upoi- . ic Coaft of /).•.//.(, which they reach in the end of . '4". *f, or beginning of Scfttmbcr : This is as it were their JAint or Treafnry too, from whence they poui-out valt Qjiantitics of Coyn ,'Rials of Eight), into other places where they trade : In fiiqrr, next to (;»':, 'tis certainly the bell Port they arc polfelVd of inallthe Eait. At Muikct they have a ftrong Fort and Caftle, tho" no great Trade ; they arc not fomueh Merchants, as proud domineering MalVers at thi.s pl.ace : For here they keep all in the molt fervile Awe and SubjeiSion .about them, and give out their Paffes .md Liccnles for the going ep and down of other Ships. At /)•■«/, near the Mouth of the River huhf, and .at Dhi, in C,i<:^m,t:, where they h.avc a very ftreng Caftle. Dnnon is entirely inhabited by them ; and here th'jy are fortified in .1 fublbntial Callle, and have, by Report, a Territory containing a huiulred Villages taken in with- in their I ordlhip. Scrrn.k B-i^'n;, which lies a little South from Df.nry, and borders upon the Dc:tiiiv.-, this they are polllfs'd of ; and lietv\'een this place and Chiiiil, they ha\ e three Ports, 0'.i;;iV«, B.indr., and Mniu Chmi is a large City, with a Caftle, where they arc well fe.ated. Dr.hiil has a Faiflory, but not any Fort. ('•oi: is their ind'.-.n Met ropoiis, the Scat of the Vice-Roy, and all the Gallantry of the TCation, and the general Ren- dezvcus of all their Forces, both for Land and Sea Ser- vice. This place has a large fl.arc of Tr.nie too : In lliort, here are the ll^^nge(t Sinews that fupporr and hold toge- ther the parts of their EalU'rii Emp;re, whiih were they cut, the mighty Body wou'd cjuickly fall and drop all to pieces. Olio h.is a finall Fort ; hirci-r a Caftle ; and here they trade for Pepper, Ginger, and feveral forts of Drugs. i\le:ti;i'lor and Cu'twr, both flrcnr;hncd with Caftles, and alfording the fame Trade .as the turircr. They are quite thruft out from C.r/i\-,(.* ; and the Siimr- j; „^ ,^j ih:c is trying to do the like at Cri-r^:lor, where they ha\ e .i/*jt.w a Fort iiotwithltanding. t.""**. C'lI'i'ii is a place of con(idcr.i' vc advantage to them ; the City it felt is (Irong, and the CalUelikcit : it enjoys a fweet Air, a;ul has a picafiinr Si'''.it'on bv the Sea-lide, with a very to;ivenitnt Ri\er for Sht'ito riile in. Cvi:.i)i, Quilr.ni:^ T..c:r.ty.i, all of them defended with good Caftles, and moftly till'd up by ilic /'c.r^j. /.•:;-, ci- ther Laiety or Clergy : For St. l.ru-^\c-\ a V'lllage be- longing to one of them, is entirely a Ncft of Friavs and Jefuiis. We follow thcrn next off from th quickly ftep thither back again. Cuntiti "t, burllia'l Miri-i; bctv.v:t Cnpe Cr)nr/-.'r, and Pi. >;•■,'.■ r;,;;.^ \;^ Town wholly their- : ^oaH'o is C;/' »;//,o, and fcv^ralr.ther ,., ,.,,,.. places upon that Illaml. They a"C Wi'i king tliemfelvtSa/ry'i./""' in apace liere ; and if they hold on as they begin, tlic K ng of (>)/(;» will, in time, vunie to call him of i'vrtu^.tl Sovereign. Here they have a warm Trade for Cinamoti and Drugs. We now tern the Corner of Cape Ccworiv, and go up the other iidc of the Continent. At Kf.^/'f.trn ihey have a Fadory j but Mr.Hrpri; (or St. Tic»:<: that the Gji. a. can pretend to Rival her all there .boi: s, fortheSo'e- reipnty ot Trade. But here tlie King cf .khc , is en^lc.-- vouring to root them out ; who if he fuceccds, pet- .i Period to all thj I'c tug--J Greatncfs on this Iidc the G.mgcs. .•^t Micnf, an Irtand rn the Coaft of C/'/im, t!iey havoCo^l^ori'.'M 1 * *J: ' I' \ a City with a Caftle, and, as the Report goes, a very great Trade with the C'n'n.clc there. In 'J'"!'"' they h.ave no Fort ii.,r Caftle, but only a F.a- dory, that Prince being fo wife as to keep them otf at Arms length, and not fuifer them to take any manner of hold upon him. And this is the Draught our Captain has given us of the Portuguc-{c Acquifitions in the Eaitern World. :tnd 'ja^an. -•|l" 1 'l .■•f t I'i, X 2 Chap. ' ! IT I 'i I l-^s ii 1 :} 1 5 6 Sir Tho. RoeV Reception by the Gteat Mogul, : s in thikjuuinali |« infiruJ alrcjdy irta ihdt ut Capt. ttvtn\.y <\\\ whom ibc went over. w^. P I6lt. Tlv'F-nb'f- Ctilor (Itiut for ihcCoun. Chap. XXX. * /;/ Account of Sir Tho. Roe'j Embaffy to the Court of the Great Mogul : l^^ng in all the 'Particulars of thoje Iranfa^tions, n-ith other things remarkalj'e that happen d during his Mode there. Colleclcd jrom his oxpn foumal i B Einp coii'c allioar at Smi-.t, ai-.J li.ivinp rcposM |wcrctlu'rc, fliouM not lie allowal to do it. foil K#vfwti thcic foiiic little time, alu't my lotip and tedi- ous Voyngc, I l)Cf;.in my journey towards the Court ot the Gii.it Mci^iii, Thcloiintry that lies between Sumt and lifinpnty as far as it fell within the rcaeh of my Oblervaii'n, is for the incilt part poor and barren ; the Towns and Villages built of Mud, and other bale Materials, and hardly a con- venient Houlc upon the Uoad for a Traveller to lodce in. '1 here api ear'd xery little of the Pomp and Pleafi.re of i//.i'>,or of its Riches and Frnitfuincls.this viay that I went, tlid' i,rhtrR( ads might pofllMy difcour more. .'\t a cer- tain Village callM H.ithcpoit, two Mile llinrt oi .i^.niijuot, is iheir great Siore-houfe if Ordnance; I law .abundance of Brafs Pieces there, of the /i/./M),-niake, which I'ccms to be very irregular, thofe Guns being tor the molt part as much too ll.ort, as the Bore of them (in projionion) is too wide. Between this and Biiinf't, I was met by the Cutwall .• (or Mjrlhal) \> ith a good Attendance, and fo conduct d '• tu the 1 oilgiiig prepar'd forme. But my Apartment was A.cMv.r, ' J"- f" "ic'.iii ami fcandalous, that I ch( fe rather to lodge in my J.iicris in.vi; 'J cut, than take up with it ; it cnnfiiii 1 of four iittic Di- vilions, not fo iiuu h 1 ke Chambers as Ovens, being cx- ac'Vly of tha* form, nnd a verj fmdl matter bigger. This forry Treatment obliged me to fend the Cutwall word. That I v,ould depart the Town out of hand, (ince I was entenain'd no better : But he delird me to fubniit to it, at lead for tliat one Night, a.id cyprcOcd fo much un- wiilingmfs that I 'houlJ go avay in a difcontent, that I yielded to Itay there. But there was a more powerful Reafon to induce my O.ay, than all the Cutwail's Prrfwalions, and that was a kiiui of necfliity 1 lay under of making a Vifitto Sultan l'eii[!~ (tlie King's Second .Sonj, who refided .at B:iinpoir, at 'h:'.t time. Here he lives almolt in the fame Royal Pomp that his Father does ; c vail Crowd of Nobles, arj amighiy /«rmy is c er alxmt him ; and Cm Cnm,.), \hc (jeneraliiruiio of the A/,'j»/'s Forces, manages all AHairs under lum. 1 could not avoid waiting upon this Great Perfon, fincc to ha\c pall him by, would have been interpreted a vet) lUT ot" h s Ritcpiiiii. . Then I deli- red I he 1 lU-rtj ot a Chair ; but that cou'd not be admit- ted neither , tor his Highnefs anlired me, That no Man, of how great Qiiality or Charader focver, did ever lit in thatpi.ue, \y.i himfelfoniy : Yet as a more than ordin.iry Favour, 1 wa. permitted to cafe my felf, by leaning up. on one of the Pillars that funponed his Canopy. Upon the whole, I imift fay, the Prince carried it to mc in a m.innerfiifliciently crurteous and obliging. The State and Pride of thefe /W/Vj« Princes is intolera- ble, and they will liardly upon any account whatfoever, abate the leaH Pundiho of Ceremony and Refpcvt ; but I belie. e I h.ad as many, or more ConcelFions m.ade me, than anv of n.y Charaiiter, and the Prince cendefcended to lower Terms in treating with me, than the Itrid and nice Rules he ufually obferves, do allow of. He did the Er,.; main Bulinefs I waited on hiin for, at the firtt Word, "4'.' \yithoiit the lead fcruple or helitation ; the fettling of a "'"■'■ Fadory there in Binmpmt. He gave order for the Firman to be prefently drawn up ; which was to Authorize the Merchants loth to come, and to redde there. The PrcK nts I made him, he took very kindly ; and F had now gotreti lo much of his Favo(\t that I was inv itcd to a free and familiar Cmverfation with him, in a more retired pl.ice. At t -at Publick Audience, and before fo great an Appearand^,''/,.; was obliged to confult his Grear- nels, and carry it with more itatc and diftance ; but he would withdraw into another Room, where all that ftiff. ncfs Ihould be laid a(ide, and I (liould have the Liberty (as he told me) of coming up to him. But an odd AccidLut deprived me of this Honour: For a partof iin' Prcfent to him, 1 einp a Cafe of Bottles fill d with rich Cordial Waters, the Prinre ( who was going into the withdrawing Uo<,m) fiipp'd lo liberally of his Bottles by the way, that he Ueamc wiiollv unfit fir Company at that time. 'Twas a fiulden turn, and the Strong- Waters were prefently got up into his Hit-hnelVs Head ; but there they were, and that to lii. h purpife, ihnt he was fore'd to fend an Officer to excule his net cal- ling tor mc now, and t ideliie my Company feme other time. Having finifli'd all that rc(inired my day and prcfenee .vU,rw,.ir, I proceedeil in my Journey towards the Court. By the way travelling thro, gh •he Country of * /<./.: li-imr, I had a piofpcilt of the Ruines of the an-' Stm cient and famous City ijUlnnhito. As the Prince hiinfelf ''""■'• '^t di\lVd without ("oirplcments of this nature ; yet hislnvi- is generally rcckon'd tl.e true Suc.ellbr of l>rii/s, whomx"',." « tarion added ihength to the Obligation I lay under upon !■''''<'•»■';"■''•'■ the Great conqucr'd, fo this City is cdccm'd Wu'irt;: other Ac.omits.,So I wenan his Palace.takingwithmcUich tolia\ebeen one of /■'on/.'s Royal Seats; tho' the Old ''''■■''*" a Prtfent as 1 thon-'ht mi"ht be grateful to him. I was re- /J''' that lies more Nonhw ard, is believ'd to have been ".''"''"j!' ceiv (1 by the Cutwall at the ( late of the outward Court, the Capital f. ity of the ancient hiiii.:ii Fmpire. Aniongd c .mtala! in wiiich were a hundred Gentlemen on Horleback , the Ruines of (w(/./'/>i', are to be feen the tat'er'd Carkaf- *•">'""'• ar.ii'd and n akinp a I arc, throrch v\ hiih I was to raf«. les of at lead a hi:ndred Temples, all built ot faircarved The Prince hiu'lelf (ate n ounted up in a round Gallery, Stone, a vad number of Honfes, Towers, Arches, and ill the inner Court, with a Royal Canopy ererted over Pillar' ; of all which, devouring 1 ime and Wars have him, and as rch Carpets Ipreaci before him. As 1 drew oniv left fo inueh, as is Uiffieieiit to make a Spedaror near him, an Cfiiccr came and told me, I mud pull off guefs what the phiec was formerly, and to lead hiin into my Hat, and touch the Ground with my bare Head ; iomc pUalant 1 houghts of the Glory and State of old but that foitcf Ceremo'.y, tho' it might become his own l't"i,t\ Kingdom. ( 01 r.iers and Domedi'.ks well enough, yet 1 (who was, Indeed, the Moculs tliemfelvcs do contribute as mikh none of that number) uoon the Privilege of my Characlcr to the defacing and fpoiling thefe Noble Kemainsof An- made 1 old to retufe it. But coining within the Rails, to iiquity as Age it lelf, and (ther .'\ecide;its h.ave done, the Steps if his Thtor.?, 1 did hiin there that Reverence T hey take carf^to have all th ■ Inhabnatirs entirely renn iv d that I judged agreeable ; in return to which l.c bowed his fiom them, and driiftly forbid all maiiiur of Riparation, Body. I and caretulF.ndeavours of Builders, or aii\ others, lopic- All the Grandees ftood on both fides of him, in the mod luve the decay?ng Strength and Beautv of thefe Build- h'lmble podure imaginable, with their Hands folded be- ings. The Reafon of which is very hard to be ima!;in'd unlcfs it be, that ihey would have nnthing appear great in the whole Finpirc, but what they th.-ii'febes arc ilie .Authors and Founders of ; and are wiiiini- the World ll.ouM belieie hhU.i had no derrees of ,'>|lriuii;r.-;nd B. aii- ty to pretend to, but what i' has deri ed from tiieir Fa- "nee Gif-i-.\ r heiro'is CoiU'.mpt of his Dignity, and an Arfronr to thi. ilu- iiinii-, ' King as well .'.s himfelf Befides, he was pleas'd to dc- anil ik- ni n. lire a Vifit ; and tho' that is but a civiller way of defiring a Prefent in tlufeCounrr'cs, where no Prince is ever ad- fu'-Them, as if they h.id been tied: And upon the Afccnt was plac'd his Secretary, whole- Bufincfs there, was to give him, in tlic concifed Terms, an Account r.f what was fpoken or dif ouis'd. Ihe Crowd of the Nobles and Attendants was fo great, that I was willing tc have gone up tlw Steps, and Hood fomcthing nearer him ; tiut the Prince toldiiie,Thac c, ploying the ut L-arwli.it p.".ll and ha,l 111.1 pleas'd lu pti \ iiidding me h was the Frie'n l:,:nia,.:. He own Commill brought him i been ill a conii olfird me the and gave me : piefer»atii.not f"r which pu till 1 had perfe iman time 1 w rcfrelliinenc, t w.tys find reat tionsof the I'.: I wa> receiv'd .ma (iood Wil 1 had the l.il e cwti Country, .idi r.nion, th.i with the Flea C3n never be a :il!r>w'il me to 11er1h.1t I did t thofe Ceremor hisown Court One partie being a fine C qucntly to be | with it, that h lonieof my W h!,fl- Ci>acl all prol-ability fide^ a noble .' drives the A/i-i value of five I 1 he Kinp'- Cominand of Kelidcf.ee am ^ Ills Krlatit.n inal vnit. He violent Fiiem ( tearing fome coming tovvai Vilit. Rut th complnif.int t me to expec'b ; taiiin 11 1. .Tiid proiuls'd 10 be hisM.iie(ty, V .I-. I.nrdof •iiir, iheRcfpeCt ol loniniend then as he reeeiv d ; full and elledi to give any Sei and n. fence n Kjiildb.- crav'i 1 left him with ot re. 'jc Great 'ode there. ■■■ Then I dc(l- d not be ailinit- That no Man, , iliJcvcr lit in c tlian ordinary by leaning up. I^anopy, Upon i it to mc in .■>. inccs is intolcra- "nt whatl'ocvcr, il Rffpc>5l ; but lions made me, e cenJefccndcd n the (trict and )f. He didthcEr.iF: he firft Word, "«'( .i he fettling of a """•"■ • for the Finnan ) Authorize the re. • kindly j and I at I was invited him, in a more , and before fo mfult his Grear- ftancc ; but he :re all that ftiff- ■ the Liberty (as is Honour : For of Bottles fill d 'ho was goini; berally of hfs licllv unfit f(T II turn, and the his Hif'jinclVs ) 111' h purp( fo, ulc his net c.il- iny fome ether y and prcftnee ■ towards the Country of IK'S of the an-' %■!»■ Prince himfclf '^""''•'^i- /'-'(/f, whom ""^l::.. :y is cl>cem'd ;nj;j,»*-: iho'theOld'''''^'"" u. have beaC;::i re. Amonplt: . rjMMi--' er'd Carkaf-*^")™' ot taircarvcd .Arches, and Wars have a Spcillaror lead him into State of old nite as muih mains of -Vn- lia^e done. ;ia'ly rem.ivd f Reparation, hers, lo pre- thcfe Riuld- i^ imas;in'd, appear givat fchcs arc the :i' the Woild h>r.".nd li.au- 0:11 their I'a- '1 ho' if this '■f it, I niels .li •l.cKuin.'i of ^hapTXXX. The Embaffadors yijit toSultan^2iVOO\\0'c. 157 ■ ,...'. 11 .1 '■ I nil li( I of Cities and Caftles upon them ) under prmmd ; unlcfs [hey can link thote mighty Pillars ( whofe Foundations are fo llrong and deep below ) quire down to the Center, or let them phmge into the great /ll>yJJ':. For as long as j any of thefe things are al«)\e ground, all People that have '! Eyes, will lee what the old Imll.t was, aiul by feeing • thole remaining Monuments of it, will be perfwadul that i whaifocvcr this 'Vuitiir Family may have done toward* I the adorning of her, they have robb'd her of Ix'ttcr I Drnaments than they have given her ; and wuh all the I Advantages of their new ami more niodilh Buildings, I have left her far beneath the pitch of her ovmi primitive Magnihcence. From hence I proceeded in my Journey fur /Ifmerc, vohere the Court was at that t.n.e; and having lefted fume time ii\ die Fodgini's provided for me, went to haieniy titll Audience. The Ceremonies of this were fo likir rhat of my waitins.' upon the I'rina', the Mii>t'l himfelf lif.ir.g in the fame n'.anner, and his Koblcs and Attendants in the fa.iie polkurcs about hini, that it does not need any particular Uclcription. It is fufficient to fay that there is a lively rcprefentation nf a Tiieatei when this Monarch l;ts in .State upon all publick CVca lions. Hiniielf and his great Men Itaiiding orderly a- bout him upon thcAfcents of his Gallery f rais'd to a lonlidcraWe height ) appear like the Aiitors on a Stage, vvhilllallthe wondering croml belcw in the Pit are em- ploying the utmolt Itrength of tyes and Kars, to fee and hearwhat psiles above. When I came into the preli-iiee, and had made my feveral Reverences to him, he was pleas'd 10 prevent my dull Interpreter and begin himfelf , indding mc heartily welcome; wi.'lcome t" h'ln who was the Friend and Brother of my Mailer the King of l-.Ki^ii-.ihl. Heci'rioully viewed his Majeihes 1 citers, my own Commiilion as Fmbanadour, and the Prefei-.ts 1 brought him in my King's Name. .And becanfe 1 had bcenill a conliderable^part of the Journey, very kindly otfer'd me the Carclnid Atliltance of his own Phyhcians, and gave me a veiiy' great charge to look nicelv to ilic pilfer* ariiin of my Health while I vas in his Country ; f'r wliich purpiil'e he ad' is'd mc-il') keep my Lodgings till 1 had perfectly reco\erM iry (i.'ength ; anil if in the mean time 1 wanted rny thing necillary to my eafe and rcfrclhinenc, 1 1 lend freely to hnii, whom 1 ihoiild al- w.iys hnd ready to grant my Oelires. If the I'bferva- tionsof the i'.ui p.'rtj.'jtheieprcfeiu were jidl and impartial, 1 was recciv'd by him with more Fxpr.iiicns t:f (iracc ami (iood Will than any tmbanhdour had been befne. 1 hadthe Lil erry granted of uling the Culloms of my own Country, and wa' not obl.g'd to that very fervile adc ration, that kneeling and knocking of the Ground with the Head, that the 'i'l/; and I'crji.ni Fmball'admirs can never be .admitted into his Preleiice without. "Fwas al!ow'd .^lc to pay my refpe^-'ls to him in th.' fame man- nerihat I did to n'y own Piince, and proviiiedF obferM-d thole CeremoniesexacHy, he would nut impole thole of hisown Court and Country rp; n mc. One particular of h.s M.ijellies Prelent to ihis Prince being a fine Co.ich ( a thing wholly new, and cnnle- quently to be prefumcd plcifing to him ) he was fo taken with it, that he got the fame Night intr) it, and m.tde tome of my Men draw him aUnit the Court. And his /•"'.i; /'' Coach-nan has a rare p'acc out, and will in all prolMbility quickly get a very great F.Hate, lince, bc- (ides a noble Salary which is allowed him, he feldom drives the A/(i;.'/.' any where, but he has a Prefent to the vah:e of five or ten Pounds. Tht Kni'.i( '' '"^ King's third .Son Sultan C.;. w»; having the Supreme li.ljiji CO.. Coniniand of all things at i'.'/i.;/, the place of our principal i.itc suinii Rclider.ce and 'I'rade, 1 was fur that Keafon ( as well as pr'carts'h . '"^ Kelaiion to the King ) oMig'd to make him a fur- mlcriioi nial Vhit. He is the King's laMiurite Son, and a moi> •!"•"■ violent Fnemy to all Chnltiaiis ; on which Account ( tearing fome affront) I lirll lent word of my delign of coining to wait on him when he was pleas'd to recei\ e mv Vilit. Rut the Prince pvov'd much more courteous and couipsiilant than the Chaiaiiler of his Temper allow 'd me to expeiJl ; he return d me a pronule of good Fnter- taiiinri t, and wasfar genteelerand civiler than he had promis'ii 10 be. ldeli\ei'd him a Prefent ('not as from h.sM.ijelty, who was not ihenaciiua;nted with his Title as Lnrdof .V;((v:», a thing lately conter'd upon him) but as ihcRcfpcCt of our /;«,!;' Mcichaius, who did by me coininend themfclves to h;s launir .vm{ Froteiition. And ashe reeeiv'd all in \ery gixjd part, f> he promis'd the full and elfeClual Rcdivl's of ailCtrievances at Siir^:, and to give any Security that could be dcfircd for the Qiiiet and D.fenccof our la'.itory there. 'I his w.as .is much as could b.- crav'd at lis Hands, and having obtained this, I iefi: him with no fmall Satisfadioii at my Happy Suc- li tefs. And 'twas not long after l)cfcre I had nccali.^n to ad- drefs the King himfelf ( a lecond time ) about thefe Aflain. Our /.''I-'///- featedat /f»ni./.(«.(r had l>ecn horribly in- H^'fivioi' jiir'd by the Govcrnour ihcre lioth in their I'cifiinsand '{.'''i-'''"' "j Gocds; having been imprifon'd, fin'd, and iliangcly i.„„,.n*|,''„'. exaded upon every way. Thele corrupt Oflic.rs hadgot <"' f"' 'he a trick ot demanditig new Culbnrs av every Town .-.s '''•'''''' " our Gocds pafs'd along to the Port contrary to a'l the "^'"'"'*"' mcafurcsof JulHce and the eftablilli'd Rules of Trade. But thisBurden wastakcnoff ctfecl-'ally at my fbll Com- rlaiut ; I think the Rafcals elcaped widi the'.r Li\ es, but they were (Iriiltly commanded to do )iillicc, and make rellitntion to a Farthing of all that tli.y had fo illegally extorted from the Metihaiiis. And to make all this as tineas might be, there were two Iiriiians drawn ij), in which was panted a compleat Relinte from all thole new Cultrmis, all Money (.(.'(Mxls taken upon that account ordcr'd toberelfor'd, and .i Cunlirmation of all the Fa- loiiis and Pi .ilcges f. rmrily vouihlafed to our Mer- i hantsand I adors. Bur 'tis to I co'l I'erv'd I never went to Court but I carried fome Preier.- ir ether f r the King .ilways experts it, and that from ever) Body that lomes abu'.it Bulinefs ; be i' ever fo fii all he acuprsir, even as low as the \alue of a linele Rupie, and fmni many People it docs not erne to much more ; lo that euiiliderirg iliis, it feeins to be rather a piece if iiaii; than any thing of the etfcc't it an.Avaruiois Temper. ' / is h.-ird tofnppofe a Monanh as rich as a'l this noble part of the World can make him, that is able to pave his vsav with Gold and Precious Stones, and build hun HoufesaimoU with the fame coltly Materials ; 'tis hard to imagine him lo lijididlv Coietoi!<, as to demand a Rupie of an Infcriour or a Poor SubjeOt, mnrly for the lucre of the Money. AntI vet unleis a Man cimples with this Cultom there's nothing to be done, and his C;iule tlio' ever f i jiiH mull be ulliered in with ilmie acknowledgment of this n.-iture, or never come before theKing, for which Rcafon it may more probably be a Dffign of Policy than any bale Intei-.t to fqueeze his Subjeds, and rake away their Mi.ney from them, efpeci- ally the poor ones, who obferve the fame Law in their proportion with the rell. What 1 prcfcntcd his Majcfty withal upon thefe Oc- cafions, had generally the good Fortune to be very well liked, tho often of no great value ; and the King took as much care to make thote that were about him ienliblc t le .w./u/'j of it, by feveral Methods in which he exprelVd his kind J. '^"' '.°,*'' Refentmcnts. He commonly m.ade me Itand nearer to .iLrwl' ' "' him, and in a more elcated place than the rell of the " Courtiers ; .-indfor ihisl needed not to wait his own Mo- tion, or the Ceremony of asking lea\e, 1 ut come direiil- ly to the pl.icc appointed fir me, doini; all the dated Kevireneesby the v.i\. Tln-s great an ' partimlar was his Refped to my .Soveraign I.ovd and , Matter, wli' lu he had no oiher way to Complimeni: !'o immediately and directly, .isby his Civilities to my fi'f vshohad the Ho- nour to repr lint h sPcrfon there. lUit vet all this while the mam delign of my Embaify was nVt aecouipliih'd, 11' tin any giod degree of foruardnels. The Kitig him- felf wMskind, Iv. t h^s Courders and Minilters of State were lime of th-in envious, ill naturd, and Men of in- triepnc. There was wai tii g )e. ;t :t. ore Solemn, For. mal and .Anthcntiek Contimutirn of the Agreemcnr, than that bye. men Firii.ans, which were gr.inted up- on every trifling occalion, and till this was done, my Liideavoiirsatthis Court came il.ort of tlieir moll detiied Succefs. And fome formidable Enemies Itood in my way while I attempted tlieg.-.inii'-j of this, 'i he Prince ( Vj./- ri:ii C.n.-ii:) was not my Coidial Frijiid, no:withllard- ing all the Carefs that had paf.'d betwixt us, and the Civil Offices he had lately done me. Whether 'twas his hatred to the Chrittian Name in General, or any parti- cular averlion for the I'.ntlijh Nation or mv lelf, I am net lertain, but an Obllacle he was in my vvav, and a conlider.'ible, tho' a lly and lecret one. But there was anoi her whofe Power was more to be,,. ~,r,.t drcided than his, tho'he w.as the Kings .Son and his Da •- „v! „"i kjJ, iingtoo; ihis wa'i .I'r.ph On, the Biothcr of .Vovw^.e/, m ?-i Om ■, the A/«»,'smolt beloved Wife. This Woman was lb '"[). J''j;''- much Mithefs of his Heart, that the rul'd both him .and ./.c. the great Lmpiree\ en as ihe pleas'd her felt: She co^.id command what lives or Fortunes Ihe w.iaj, places of Trull, Honour, and Preferments were at h^r oil'pnfc. To procure her Fa. our was the furell w.iy for a M.m ro rife to aiiyheighth of U.gniiy or Glory that he delired ; fir her (Jood-Will once gotte^n, the Kii.t's wis eerrairi and infallible, he being a perfcd llav e to her, and notable to deny her any ihing that the ask'd. This Rro'.h.;r of h.ers was rais'd by her, fiotn a bale and I'crdid Condition, to ^1? lU. ';=•( r.! I 1 I i t 15^ >i hot 'Ui/putc at CoHrt, &c. Lib. t-xmmd TO the l'iil imaiil'rll'>w ) .iPriinc, aU'\ iln' urcauil ol' Piiiii* aK ut '111' K:ii(!, aiiJ \vl uli is iiuiri' liis ItuiiiI arul iiu It iiiiiiriiiti' CiiiiiiUaur. Wluiuwr l)i.li;',iiS iliis Man liaJ til la i\ 111, iw.is en's ikv.H'u! 1. r lilm to ciii;3p<: his S IUt ( u h slii'c ; iurLli.Miiis icniiil make Ills way iiiio tho Kiiii:>ll> art ar.il Sicr.fi aiiiiiiili'uictlicyicWinR Mo- nau h t ' a Cumj liaii.c, tlio' Real' a ai\(l Inn-Tclt Icciii'd tilt-ni..! Ill die w ly. AiiJ a-, tliil'c I'' rlims ih.it arc thus huii'i'iily hitcil ii)Uip(iii ilij \Viiip,< of I'tiriuiif to I'o valt a lKii;h[ a o-.c ihi.ii' i.v ii natural level, arc molt a;'t to foijikt ihc:i Icl', (.!<. aii.l lake \iioii th.iii to ciaitroul aiul p, cm i'ln.r<, I'l was this .ij.if'.'j C,i« ; he \'relum'tl itiDiirh '"|( 11 h's i.'.\a-. Auianec, Ut up for a Criitruiiler ill ih.C aiit, anil |iitttin.lei.l to lia.tfhs llaml in the iliipoliii;.' and I rilerinn all All'aiis that pal'sM. Hut it ( iiipaiiy was in a con- lin^;, arul anfwerforliimfclf. Ndw all thcC , ^ IKriiatioti i AJfd'Vr.,! llunlly pale aiiirtivni..., thekltConrticts iiithcrufenic iliil litililHttir. "W'hin ihcrrineciamctlic Kinnripnivil h m in finart and let- ter Urms, and would liardlyci\e him leave to fpcak in hisown IVfeiice. lUit as liis Heat went ell', I made him lenliWeif the millakc ; that the Prince was not accus'd nor his Name meiiti'in'd upon any fncli dillioiiniiialile ae- eoiiiit. And asihe I'lnue had oil'er'.l me a Firman lic- loie, f.i 1 did hiin ihe Jrlliie to acknowledge it to his ratluT. tho' at ihelamc nine 'twas Inch a one as thi;Con- dicicnsof ir ivnder'd whollv iiilif.,ili(aiit ; which alio I wasnhli^d to tell iVir my own ikfence from hlamc and eenliire. 1 he niaiter i arried on thus far, brouRh: us into a \ery hotdilJMtei .tliph anil McorKK;t, f now Ixith come to a(;ain, ...id able to fpi'ak after the jatc FriRlit ) do.s r.oi a \\.\) s hapieii ihat tliele lVop!c ha\ e tlifir Wills, i took the Prince's parr, run down tlic I'ri'Hh arpuod for -.. 1 II :ii,i.i.. I. .r I \ II).:..,.. i... i> ... i i.i . .i -s '. : "'b >" "Ji and ear.; all ineliltably IvK iv them : .'X managed Prince foir.ct.iiicse lilies to Ivnifelf and laK.'s ihc Ri-iiis in;o his (nvn l'.;'.n,!<, in Ipite of all th.'.-\r:s an.ri'rirks i,f his ccafi Ci I-. evni-iir-. 'J he A/j;«i uid lo in the IHilinefs I an ni w j'o'.r.g to re'a'c ; - / /> • ''/:,: tould no; keep him in mdcr, ai'..l S,:i,:.ii:c: C'hani.s were thin oit uf liuht. | with them .he rciiir^nc:;^; and labmir'd to prevent my Bulincfs frcni coniiiip to a Head. 'I'he .7>/m and all the I'oiiiianf^t tMiitiin pill in, and all at onec endeavour'd to pain the Kinj;lr.4ii me. But as my conieDipt of ihofe Men was too j',reat to allow me to .undertake any particular difpute lo I'ly main care was to keep the King on my ,1.,,,;., Ill- K.iK ^:.:,'l..ill. 1 h.ii! a lal'irptiulU'.l tlis Wan wiihm. Allar, he b-iiig , liile, and poirdMiim with an opinion of the Ir.ltice and foil Mr lo, and li' {iri'.i.t about til K.uf; andlcinj; whol- Reaibnableiiefs of what I piopus'd. And in ihis point ly (;i:or. r.: <;f his CcdTenpcr a id V'.itues, 1 th n;f;ht , I b;iceei!ed f i well, iliar all ihc relt were lilenc'd, and I iii.di-do .t feci'.elv. lUr b,. d' vjaes 1 fo nd I was j I h.id free Scope and 1 ibert. Rianted mc to make mv left in iicdark, n.y B.diiulV wasdJ.'.v'd and put olV, and j Prnpofals ; the Sum of whieh was this, that for the more r.ii'hinitbit rood Words and fair I'r., mills eaine. tor | perlei't lecuriiij; of 'I'rai'.e, Peace and all (Offices of whichKcalin 1 refoUedto eo to ihe Kiiii:, and enliithten i Fr.cii llhip 1 ctween the SiibjetTs of t\w Gir.ii Moyi.l and ,, my ll'f by a plain and free Uifcourle wiih him, which | the Kinj; of I'l^xl'-.r.', his Majclty would pleafe' to "or- ■■ l-I;ii;oi!r was always perm t. id me without relliaint, ai.d • der ilir.e I-'irmans to be drawn up, one of wliuh ll.onld "the I'avd.riie himlelf could Mitdepri\emcveabreedof ;:._(7'-/Mb,rl'es; andif I'would procure him ji Prelent of thofe Creatures, it would lio li.-f (low indiireml bihevM me gn nocent. But now thi ihis Ad\e>l'.iry tioni the Km Ciriumltaiicis (itlier ai counts mililiuf at C< li.nievvhcreell' noiil where c lignilie.-.ny th' Power and So. wu'ild be iufc \Vrorg« h.' liio '1 Iv Buiinei Army ei' poyi fucceed his eli tu be r'.call'd I ihc I-' 'vi-i.s at thar, his Couui hie of gi.nigli It was diiiC timis, that Su '■'■■""" luaiid devolvcc s 'jxZ h"" '"'■ '''*.''■'' iiera's theivleb l.iy down their Ciiiuicil of the go ilio' all the hal le thar rho lucky Prefapes nicnt either tl tiielecur'ousl in die Sc heme Sultan I'l-'iilii art'rniit that he il ilie two B be fime Blooi .again. ' liiit the Kin '<^"i!"-niit (favsiie) 1. oi !i>«ell as they c:i (.tiuieicif the bell M '• the Di\r>iccs, Bur this ma lie f^ieins now violently enra' tlie Co intry i tiir..' enough t( p. av w'iili In ducted. Oi.r Buf.r.e: blet'i-n riven of iM.i/" c (/. H.- is a pae. , .l.y . ,-- ..I Hit Ui i:;-K I'; Cuuld not fettle lie rely in h.sCoi iitry I'pon the Fouiula. [irn laidatprefenr, and I'lilels fometliing furer and firmer \vi.re done, ih.u m'gh: infallibly p'CMut all Dilbrrlers for the future, oir Endeavours to keep up a Trade there would be to no purpofe. 1 ai\Ld iha- i forbore filling IiisMajillics F.ars with Complaints (how ji'ltly foe\cr I loithi do it ) lince I hoped his Kojal Orders given our tor that puipcfe would take away alicaule of uncalincfs and dillurbance for t.he time rociiv.e. This lull him touih'd the guilty /'f ph Cftn to the tliegreatelt P'eafure I cniild do him. Now the difficulty of tranlportaiion was conliderableupon the account of the length ot the Voyage, and 'twas ten lo one whahcr the Horfes came alive to f'/./^or no, at lealt in nv to!er.i!-!'j cafe, and lit tor the ufe of fo great a Prince; but all thole Objcdions were nothing to lul:^ whole Fancy was ftrongly let this way ; rbc I lories mull: 1 e I'ejit for, and if they came le.-.n and poor, he f.iid ho would take care to a I -pv w.il bi> iM. ■u cagemeistharl was will ng to ha' e Kt the Pulinefidrof ("nee I d d norliiv w what might l-e the cli'ctit of Inch a lt( rm. I replied thciet.re that I would no: trouble his Maieity v'.ith what was palt, bit apply my felf for J. i.ice LohisSon, whole Fa\ouraud PiotcCtion I doubted r.oi to o' tain. Bui he (wholcPa;::oii had ^molt taken away the fr--e and n pilar i fe of his Seuces ) hearing the mention of his Sims Name, and belie, ing I had accu.s'd 1; in as one of the Plotters againtl our Liberties, began to fxclaiui in a mcire fierce manner A/.'j /•';//', M.'s FUio, and prefeiitly oidcr'u him to make his appcacance and Quick, and made hiin attcirpt to pull the Interpreter fat them again. I av.a. ; he knew himfelf conceiiid too nearly to be cjuict | After this I found by foinelntcllipcrce ihat the Prince ap.i! p.'.ti.ni while fo tender a point as tliis w.as dill ulKd. ^ applied himfelf with great diligence to tho work of But liowe-, erali his ligr.s ai.d ir.rim.iticns to the Inicrprc- 'ruining our Artairs at Court! He pretended to licpion- ter to hold h'sTongue would not do; it was out and too far | Urate to ihe King that we were a Birden and a Detriment poneto be recali'd ; the King icok thi- a'arm in a\iol;nt .to the Country in comparifon with i\\c Pe,t:r.'nc'c ■ that .'ige, demanded who 'twas iliat had prefumed to do us their Bulinels amounted to lallly more than oiirs' and any Wrong. He fpoke with fo mu h terrible fury ami belides broughr. hisMajclty Pearls and Jewels v.liercis ' '""' " '^' ' I - -1- ■•--.- --- >--- vye never prefciucd him but with Pedlary Ware, Knives Swords and Cloth, and other Toys of little value. I concluded by this tliat the etieds of the late Dilmirc were highly difobliging to him, and he took lumlelf ro be .itfroufd by what I had dene, tho' 'twas moll evident that 'twas all a millake on tho King's part, and there was no delignin thelcallof cxpoling him to his Fathers dilpl.a- fureat that time. This .If.ifili C^.„ w-as fenlible of, and confels'd to me afterwards that boih the Prince and him- felf had all imapinabli: Rcafon to alil-rt and jultify my tinccre Intentions in that trattcr; but they both know how .,(,'•1', lii:i'T- ih'- N't- ./(. i'. lil. 111, and I liis (iinernmi He nnur- and I ai'd 't s har.i Favo.'rs couli Th' Prince Si as that's one ' ter'dMan.foi Prin'e, a Rc'nliti"n. ourhiruian I '1 he y'.'H;;;//; 1 Cioven.o; r's, of the w.iyo ei iluir Ren were all poi natmielikewii tliole ihat llie All the Culloi buy, iellortr out the lealt pes the Prince wcrcproeur'c the Protec'lioi the lame. F. and other Vcr almolt an abfi pole things a Friend ( and _5/('s Favour ) may be far m IS.ircch wil Injuries and ( milfion of til' i 4> Litx was in a con- iiiililinj;, nmi Wticr. V'luii n.irt anil Ht- c to Ipcak in I made him n not accuit'il loiiniuaMc ai- 1 rirman bc- Icilpc it to hit icas ilii?Coti- «hicli alfo I in lilamc anil ■Diifilic us into ( now iKith 10 late Friplit ) l\ argiicil tor Hulincfs from iho I'oiiii^iic^s I to pain the hofc I\Uri was ticiilar ilil'pute K King on my H' )i;ltiic' anil in Uiis point lilinc'il, anil to niakc my r lor t!ie more all (^ffirc! of r.ii A/f:;)./ and pliafc to or- wluili ll.Olli'.l I'r.nie, anil a Phap. XXX. 'Privileges granted by Mahobet Can, &c. li;lt n Ci'it" ^ 5 >u! J>ci>. ■t prefcntcil ^h,}■,^ I hisCo\ineil ; lo^' ^ , IIS Wire to lie '';' !'"- ' Ii .ill ilil]\Tch; ' 111 we knew ^iiiiiicfs eniltil nfui nileJ aiul loth cncagi'il s f.iir ami rea- cf my Royal 1 can't omit aiiil concern w./wo.ilil fenil of the League tt!e mean and L'lf about fiich lul, and do it commands the iji' any rar'tiej ii'did i,' fi:ch d withal, [his h.uever tluni;s excellent, and s he might he his Majcfties i'licitoiis at all but was \crv >nd if I would , it would li« *• theiiifficv:!ty account of the c wh::ihcr the I any tolerab!': ; but all thole e Fancy was I'Jit for, and if 1 take care to h.it the Prince „"ld ''o at that dillance. ■| h ' Hiilinef- dilign'd for him was the command of the Arinvc!' poy'd in liie /)/i.^w Wars, in whiil; he was to hkceed h A elder Hiotlicr Sihan Ci- "//■, who was now in bi ivcall'd from ih.it P( lit. 'I'lie King had innluhed the /■'■-•"Mi and till' I'.iliginus Mm in this Atl'air, more than his Council aiM the Military Cfficeisihat were capa- ble of gi.inglum iKtli^r Ad'.ice. It \va- diiiCt'y, contrary to all their .Sencr and Nii. tioiis, that .Su'.tan (.'/ <- >i Ihonid ha\e the Supreme Com- miir.d devnlvcil upiiti him ; tor ail ihe .Soiildwis hated , liim for his bar. aioi •• tyrannical 1 liiniour, and the (ie- ' iiev.i'i their,lelves rcft's'dtoltay, and dei iarM ihry wn.il.l l.iy lUmn their .'nn> if he lame aim ngll iliiin. Hut ihe Coi ix\l of the Holy Afenpieiaird, and thePriiiie mull g.) iiio' allth.' Ar.iiv riiii'. away at h'sairisal; 'tis pro- bable tliar iho'e Wile Men had ll.ewn the King lomc huky Prelapes of ViCfory ami Sucicls under hi^ manage- nicnt either the .Sacriticcs had \ iclded happy Tokens to tliclecur'ous (.)! fer\ers of th' m, or they had liiund ir out in the.Sihciiic of his Nativity. "! was thought by aM that .Sultan I'fiiiif woulj refcnt his coming fo high an artVont that he would fit himlelf to re\en!'e it; and that il the two lirotlnfs happened to meet, there woidd Tttltins'"' dtffrcni V, :i:,l; ol' h I b:ittfi. be fnif.c Blood ^cd on lo'li lides befoic they parted again. V " Hut the King made but a ]elt of all this ; let ihein fight it o'.it {faysiie ) and end the quarrel between ihcmlelves as well as they can, lie tlvi' pets the Vic>i)ry,and pro\es liim- lef the bell Man i.lthe two,fliallcarry on the War againll ihe biurnres, and the other lliall come home. R\it this niav be of worfe confeipience to his S'ate thin ill- Keins now to be awa'v of, .ind Ihould his Sons ( fo \iuleiit!y enra","d ara;ii''.each other as they are ) inioUe tlieComtry in a Ci.'l W'f.r, the old Prince ir.ay have til-.,' enough to repent his ealinels and indilcretion, and had luen more prudently 1 ay wiili his Atlair ilv.ctcd. Oi.r Bufr.efsat .One' had about this r'mo a favoura- ble frn riven to it. by the kind and dilcreet management of iii.i/"f.' (.'. V, :i Perlon of tb.e highelt rank in thel'.m-j p'lv. H'isa Man K'loved of li'sPr.nce, greatly trulled '[,b hiri, .md leenis one of tlie main {lays and pi ops of 1. h.s (n)vernir.en'. His good (i;.Mlitie.s dtlcr^c all the Hoiicur- and Prefermuits that ha\e been heap'd upon him, ai.il 't s h.u-.i :o Hnd in all this Court where the King's b.no rs coMJd ha\c l ccn more worthily plac'd than here. 'rhl'rn.ce Sultan C./O'. 7 has noKindncIs for Iiim ; but asihat'sone Argiur.crir of his being an honell and good na- tiii'd.\l.in,focn the other fuie he neither tears norcaresfor Prin'e, and that's as goi;d a Proof of his Courage and Ri'bliti'Mi. This Perlbn made { at my tirll requcd ) our biruian fir i:.vich as etlednal as could be delir'd. 'I he (•,■«;;'//'' iheiein Ind a Hiiiife granted iluin jiill by the CJoveri.o. f's, by which means they were lix'd more out of the wavof vii.lince and treaiherous ufage, .liid iicar- ci th^-,r Keaicily in cafe of any Pilimler. but there were all poifible Precautions againll any thing of that nature likewile, and te\eie Peraliies to be iiiHii'ted upon thole ihat ihinild oH'er any Dilturbancc by Sea or 1 and. Allthe Cultoiiis were freely rem. tted ; and they might buy, lellor traiilporrany Coininodities at pleaiure, with- out the lealt inoleltation from any Man. Thefe Privilc- gi's the Prince would never have gianted, Inu now they Wvi'eprocur'd without his bavour, and fo would ( under the Protec'lionof tins great Man) be continued vviihout the fitne. Kir the King v\ ho knew and lov'd his I oyalty and other Vermes, rewarded his Mer't with a (large and almolt .'ill abfolute Power in tlie Country, to do and dif- pofe things as he law fit ; fo that he continuing our Friend (and there s no likclyhood of hislcling theA/c- £« 'sFa\ciur ) our Trade may thriveconlidcrably, and we may be fiir more ealie than ever. ii.troch vnW now' be a lafe rrtrtat to us from the Injuries and Oppreliions of the Prince, and by his re- niilFion of the ^ullomsiit |ej>lt 150U pound ^.-j .-/'.. will bcftvcd, betides all the lolTij conl'eijucnt upon liarchei into onrCioodj and othercheatiiiRtnothoth praclis'd by the common Offices; and l«llly, imr Tridc and Piivilegei will i.nt now Itanil upon fo uncertain and pre< arious aFoun* dation as they muft while we depend folcly upon thePrince, where .ipon every chance of Humour, or lirilie, .ir Story ot a fawning corrupt Courtier, our Intereil was ihaken, and abuildinp erciited with lU) little < oil and pain.i, every moment in d.ing.r (f tumbling to theCJround. Hy the way this Perlbn m.-.de one difcovery to nie, which fervcs as well to cvinec the Integrity and (Jene- rolitvof his own temper, as toli.ew the avarice and ill inaiiagcmenrof the Officers in all the trading 'Fowns, 'l\K(Jre.it A/y;//|i,mfelf demands nor cakes niCultoms, neither is there any that way that comes into his 'I'real'iiry. '1 is iheCliiveii'ouis do all th s for their own private Ad- vantage, they impofe what Unties they p'eafe, and ri- roroullycxacl f wh.ir ihey ihink til to demand ) of all Fori'igmrs they ha' to do with. And if ilie mifchicf llojii here and went no farther it were vet li'mething tol- hrable ; but are there is in bounds ot their FMortion and Covetoufneb, fo there is no k::\A of their racking and preying upon Strangers; the, a^k whac they wil'C and take what iliey ask, ami lis well if they dnii't take more in to the Bargain. Ai d in all thifc cafes 'tis h.ud for a Mantocomeiiv a Remedv, nav, 'tis nianv tunes more ihaigeaMe and trnublelbiiie than thcUifcafe ir lelf; it iindt be onlv ( if it be at all) by making ones own conip'.iin in Perf'in to the King, lor there's no trnlting any ot the great Men aUmt him to manage the Caufe, or deliver the .Seiice of it to him, lince 'tis infallibly ccr- t.iin that they'll never let him underltand the 'Fruth of it. Ihey always oblerve thefe two Rules in difiourlinp of any maiters of this nature to the King ; cither to (peak what pleafes themlelves, and makes for ihe Intereil of their own Faiflitm, or elfe what ilicv know will be agreea- ble to him and futcshis Fancy and Humour, be it true or falfe. How unhappy (in this Rtfpeiil) is the Con- dition of a mighty Monaiih, who (while the World bowsbefnrehim, and Cr.vvn^ and Scepters are laid at his Feci ) is himlelf ihe moll govern'd thing of all, .and has his Mind and .S'lices under the management of others, 'ihe iniriciiing Courtiers that fiiriound jhiin keep guard upon his l/ndei'ilanding ; meafureout all his Knowledge to him, .mil lli.ipeand moiildtheObjeiitsof it into what form they think belt. 'Fruth ami F'a'lliood bi tli appear in the Colours thev are picas'd to ^lref^ tlu'miipin; and the Profpeit of ,ill ObieCK ubout him is prelcnied by their (;iaH'es, whiiliiiake the Appearance fmh as llr.estheic turn. TheealicPiiiKc (given up to his Pleaiure ; ) cx- aniiius noihinr, but takes .ill upon trult; all Cares and '1 roubles .aie I xcluded from his I hippy Retiremenis ; ht gluts hinifelf with thcjovs of his own Pa'ace, and Ine^ trick'd and inu os'il upi 11 b the llatteriiir; Couniers all hi« Days. To finilh all the Bi'lin- fs I h.id to do in / ,/".(. I wanted ; but fuch another Dilpaiih for other pLices, as I had now I for «.i),',7'. In the Civility of ".),.•/■./'.-/ Cr:-. But bciides this Perfm, the King had the happinefs of another very Cirent and I oval SubV't'. a^ well as we orr-''^*'!'' felvesof a good and obliging Friend; an.l truly both ihcfewiTcfo fcarce mbuii.t at my being there (I mean Men of real Honour and Gcneroliiy, upright and dilinte- rcltcd in their Adions, t^.ich .is dared to betrulv zealous for their Prince, and jull and kind to .Strangers ) that all we find of them may without any great trouble be mcii- tion'd. '1 his was the Vicc-roy of /Vmh ; he gave me a large T^l"' Civili'T account of the State of the Court and Kingdom; fhcin- "^' ''jf p^,'^ terelts, CharaClers, and Pretentions of the fevcral (kaii- « Mi-.- Em. deesthat were conccrnM in the Government. He did not I''"'' '''"' Ipare the V'-esof the Courtiers, bur made keen Keflcclions upon them .til ; giving nie all the Cautions in the World .about Handing uiv)n mv guard, and feeing and hear- ing with my own Eves .-,nd li.irs ( as far as \vas pollible ) while I (laid inthisCouit. Hcfpokewithgi'c.itReverence and Piety of our Saviour jeiti-. Chviil, c. iiuneiiding his I l.awsand Doctritie, aiui expnliing a high value tor both. I Hound no Man in /).'..'.,: c.ipable of giving lo agreeable an ( Enterrainnient as he, in p'caiani and proti'i.able J)il- coni'le; for he pcrudlv well knew ihe I a ws .ind Culloms of the Country, the HumoiTs ^ni Tenvpers of all Peo- ple ; and had pone through the Reigns d three Princes with glory, having l>een Fuvouriie to every one of them. Hch.ad vcryofceiunvited me to his Hoiife, and at 'ill his morethan ordinary importunities! longliimeio lee him; and theielniay layl had large I'ro Is how Noble, Hofpi- table and Courteous aP.rfir my H "It was. I lould not defend my lelf from a liberal Prebnt ih.it he would need? (iiakente, jiiv.l [hq fitlier bci Aule 'tvvas thel'roduiil of his qwq ' ,1 I^O / he l\.tn^ of CalcciiC'j 'Binh'D,iy, &c. Lib. I f.* ( [f; r I'l -11 li i i the puivlt 1 lat'-SiipAr, raili ot wliith 'inc, nml w.nwnftli his ll('hr : I role .irui i.trriaj jt, nii I '"iiiiil limi .It th.ii iiiiicol Nielli, lirtitit; ifi .1 very lonii.il Lhap. XK> i ( i\ .-' V I ipli il nl- >m ;o /, and tin' wluilc Cargo coiililt- Cil P f .1 1.1 '>l li:<.h. A I'r tiiv > in I tons Pirroti miplu have matle fonic Profit of tlu Ciii\ CI Hrioii of iliis Cifrn'roiis Opi-n-hcartiil Man j IVii-m'v woii'il iirt !i low my Actiinniuo (if what t'lli' lit voii.i liinccuon 11 li'.t h;' rcl'niv M to l>c itvcni'M .im thcr \*A\. .iiul I'i-ikI a lit IVnijii imn y.'^i; ',•//./ to C'onii'l-;- iiir, .ifj i.urs liis Uciptcls to iiiy Kiiifj. Ihc p'.ii c rt.unM Mil', w.is not h'. own wlurc Ik ifctn '.I ,1 TSfFnil^ar- fddor ho. rpuiM wirh 'lie MifHl'i I Iciilv' I'wliuli 111' lUil no' ill nk poiurouN inoii('h for tlu- nnjiiii. , but one of tlu' Kiiii;'s MolioU, wliuli he lia.l li()r;i-\'. il lor rli.il pnrpi 1.', .is lio miKlit liy Ins (ov.n lii- tcrcll \viihhi> I'rini ,•, .in) I'al.nc iinlic Kmniloin. I li.iil net hi CoiuiMii) at i.'iiuici-, aiu fartluT tli.in pilf to eat IVeail .nil) .Sa!i to^ither, in I'okcii of a liiin I'liion .ii-.il Friendl'hip. He ami hn (irr.it Men f.it at one Carpet, aiul I aiu) my Comi'ain ataiuiilui; for we heing Chiillians, anil tlu'v ,\J ■'■ )«v -<■', their Kelipious Ciiltoms ol'lii'e thini to tins lint ol'rep.ir.ition. 'Ills I'eiiim. I'eli>iis li s (i.nernnieiit of I'lit.tii (where h: was Viee-Rov) wa< l.i ii! of four Cities in af'_i;<:V ; aim for .ill ti.pitlicr, hei;a\e ilic Kiiip eleven I.cckies of Ripies, all ihe I'mlits c:fe IviiiLr entirely his own, in the Uilpo'.al (if wlvili he liaj an AlM'oliite lAy, ami foiiie foaller (lovcrimien[>aiul PlaeesiipanJ (hiWii in the Coi ntrv : All wh cli, how ijreat liH'ver it may fun, he alfi.rM iv,e, tliac there wciv a prcat nnmlier that h iil iloi- l.le his Ke\eniies, and aU)\e twenty that ha J the lame, • Allthnirf But as toalltliele * ihiriis he liail;',i\cn a \er> full ami "•'''"> '""'i ex ailf Aieoiim of them in rlie Hilti.r) of the Coiiiitr\ ihi- "'„'','/,'o ring ihe late Rei.nns, eonip-sM by hnnfelf, ami ciitain- ih.Hitiry ing ntollly Matters of h.s own Obfervation and l::tpe- JJ'.'''^1,'i^"""-rience. riiimiin ih,- Amnnpft other things that p.ifsM, he alTiirM me, ilu' mil nji-iir King Inil a grc.it kiniliiefs fur me ; ai'd as a Mirk of his fMi'tieuIar Favour, ha. I orderM ^IffuCrii to lend i'/ 'iis 'i'ilnrc, which I llioiild wear for his lake. Th s 1' ^f ire J rereis'd at my nci.t poinp to Co\:rt, from the Ki'-i-'i own hand as it were ; tor as f rni as I ca'i.e in liglit, h.' prcfently call'd f r't, and re.iih'd it o ;t to .//i, . C .n to deliver it mc. And becai.fe 'tis the Ciiftom at the reeti- ving any of thci'e Prelents, for the Part.' to kneel down and knoikthc Ground with his Head, (from which fcrt of Reverences I had obrain'd leave at tirit to be cxci s'd) he ordcr'd that Minilker not to den'.aiul an\ thing of th.it nature from nie ; which yet his ill Nature wonlJ ha\ e done, anil fomc of the other Courti.rs call'd aloud up n me to perform tlie .ici ulfom'd Certinonies ; brt the King himl'elf iiuerposd, and laid pulitively, they fl.ould iii t I'c err.id ipoii me. The (iift was not woitli alove 30 '. in all, and yet 'tu'as fne t.mes better dian what he com- iiioiil) gives to his No'iles, when he would make any of thein fenlible of his greaielf Klteem and («ood Will. Theirs arc commonly little MedalsofClo'd falhied on to a Chain of four or fn c Iiu lies long, and if they will have any C.ar- niture for it of Pearls, or Jewels, they nuilt auorii it at their own Charges. That bellowed on mc was fer in a Hold Frame, had a Chain of ilie fame 10 come about my Neck, and was bta' tilled with lim-.c fmall Pearl. Painting is an .-^rr in wh.eli th s Prince is mightily de- lighted ; he lo^esto fee a ciuiousP.ece. and will difeoiirfe of it with Skill and Judgment. And 'tis certain, that his C00.I Pdiii- own Country can, and does, ftirni'li him with luitcrtain- itr» mindiM. „.^.mr, of i|,is kind, and fiieli as a curious Fancy may be well cnonpli ple.is'd with. 1 could not have thought, that hiitl/t had prodiie'd .'\r- tids fo skilful and ingenious, .is I have feeii by fomc Piei es which HisMajcrty liiewd me. A Pie'fure whiih I pre- fented him, and was very confident no Workman in that Country cowld have tolcr.ibIy imitated, w.as done with lb much Art .and Hx.acVncfs, that I was puzzel'd todiiliii- guilh my own Original from thole Copies which were t.a- keii from it. The \t ij.v/ was mightily picas'd with this, and bo.-illcd vi' his Mens Skill to a high degree ; he rei- kon'd it a kind of a Victory, and in apleafaiu way tri- unph'd over me .iccordingly. A great ileal of Jelt, and diverting Rallery, pifv'd upon this occafion ; but theCon- clulion of it was, thr.t 1 was to pay the Painter for his Work ; and the King muft needs know too \vhat I in- tended to give him : Which matter was well enough made up betwixt us, and the Prince and the Painter both pleas d. So flronply did his Fancy work this way, that not long after he fent for me in great haitc to Court, and that out of a.y Bed too, ihu' liie Buliacls vms nodiing but to Ihcw manner upon a liiile 'I hi itionds and Knbi.s, tint tlh he I iilfreof his |rwels, I aiiil fo drefs'd wiili 1) ,1 WIS no liKikiiig at h'm f 1 11 the Beauty of my Pn'tui Mne a Cr llioek'd him «orle than all his (ilury roiid hav ■ 11 Milgar Spea.,r r. He ask'd, Whetlur Her lii lii- lived, and that Copy had any Driginal in Nature to .iiifwer to it, or was only the nicer Pnnliii't ot the Painter's I:iiapinatinii ? When 1 alfured him, tin- lining Origii1.1l was vsell known t'> me, and vtllly f. pr. riniir in the Piillure in all Points of IVrfei'fion, his Admi. I anon w.ispnipoiin nally heightned j and he thendetired ihat I would bellow that woiidirfnl Pn ce upon hiin which he would look upon (he fiiu) .istlunioll valuaMr |ewel lie was M.iUor of. A particular t)bIigation made I'le ai tirll exmli' the parting w tli it, whuh Idid in fmli ani.inner as no w,i) dfgnlKd him ; but he eoiitiiminp to prels me, I freely rellined it to him, as a Token of the prot'ciind RelpiCl I had tor His .Maielly, m pivung v.ith a thing fo very dear and valuable to me. But the Prince (who leem'd radier to have done t lis to try ine, than out of any real ilelign to pet the Pivitnre) heartily .lecipted ot my intended kindnel's, .md r.fus'd to take it lii'in me; onlv liid. His Painters Ihoi'ld take C( pies nf it, uhiUi li:s Uiieens ihould wear, in Memory of focxtellent a Beamy as ilic Original was. The I'receeding Day being his Birth-Day, himfelf, and i-.-'-r all Ins Nobles, w.re very merry rp-m it : I was Jni itid to ilie Ceremrny too ; jiid diinking his Healili 111 a Ni.blc Ci'pof (iold, let with l.mraulds i uniuoifes, and Riibie«, he intrea'ed me, when I h.id di link tlie Wine, to accept (I ilie Cii|>'as his I'nfenr. There were feicral Chargers of Rubies, ami Almonds w,„. mr.de in (i ild auil S'ber, wliiili verc br light iii, and ^'i « ■ ihrown anitpplt the Nr ! les, an! th 111 that Itood .about '''"'^■' Inn. 'J Ik Knip had Sport eiiiiui'li ^' llv llieiii fi r,iml>lc lor tluiii. which ihev did u 'h ;i criV- iI.mI of carnelf- '!,■< llln.-f «1 ■'■ '"■ IT 1 ■;• 11 peiuv.u! il mc line ill- Prince' p,'iiilin,'^ upon h « hamb ; ami better Friend the Finnan in I aivalier thing : , forthe Dil'paivhof our Privileges, which h.id been foTh.-iVt l()np promis'd, and Iii unconfcionably dcLived ; telling "-It' him, Iflii- woti'd not llir in the matter, I would iiiime-"^'''" ■' diniely apply my felf to the King. He was ier\ lui- willing 1 IlioiiM do this; an I a (J" ■ red me, I needed m t trouble my I'elf lb fir, for the King had given Ordu-s .1. bout it alre.idy ; and it had bien aCfually dime and lent tome, but that tliele Solemnities (if his Bir'th-Day had ta- ken them off trom flulinels. But thcle fair Words were only intended to keep mc quiet, and pivient my carrying the Matter bef'ii-e tin- King again : This Mmiltcr never deligned m\ Biilincls Ihould be done by the King's i iimediate Orders, but re- fob ed to make me depend wholly upon the Prince, which he knew I was very backward (and with good Reafoii) to do. For alter allihis pretence, he had tlu- Confidence to fend me word, Tliat he would prixure nothing at all from the King, that any way coneern'd that Prince's Go- vernment, as our 5.(ivir Atfiirs did ; but that I ought to cxpciit all from the PrinCe'sGood Nature, whofe Autho- rity was great enough to grant Firmans fuflicient for our purpofc. Ill this Perp'exitv I refolvcd, for once, to try the Prince, Thrr-'. and endeavour as much as could be to procure his Favour '"^"' '''■ by a feeming entire Depcndance upon him. .And as an'""' IntroduiiVion to the Conclulion of my (jrand .Xtlair, I pro- pos'd to pcrfeifl a lubordinate one, that related to our pre- fcnt life at Sii-.:t, for the Fleet that was now expeded. I fent iu to his Secretary fome certain Claufe^, which 1 de- fired might be pi.it into the Firman that was to be drawn up upon this oecalion ; and quickly after went to w.tit upon his Highnels, and to fee the Succefs of my Bufinel's, The Prime ordcr'd his Secretary to give me the Firman, which upon perulinp I found lliort and det'eiflivc, feieral important things being left out, at leall very much altcr'd and difguis'd 111 the txprciiioii : I 'p i|i which Account I lent it back again, with a BefoiUtion foithwitli to depart the Country, and of priihil-iting the l.tndingaiiv of our Utig'jh (ioods. Bat the Secretary very eainellly pcr- |il IMUI '(dKiii. pcrioiis Woiii.i! ihak'd I he M maiuled him i way. Now Siiltnn plain .md open 1 ohiain a great d r,.l in thole part it, that he lent: Prince to comin nmlt be in play^ Pod. Now the Kit away from the .Sultan Crtroon 01 5niiCi,f.-ofof a trcachcrot Ik llSitcvii 'nv.is confidcnti fir KingoffVc.„; no licttcr, and 1 not yet beaten tl contrary, were vvns partly feiili liini to come to to himlelf, as t( urn J to be poyi itig to Court i hi-en going to E l'|iiii I his the f'ii", ami to CO fii"(iVV himfelf ' I.' '■ •» ('..■),«'■, tlir wl-civtiu toice tifkc to divert it iy.\i hiiu. He pi at his Service), 1 I'le a Peace, or 1 Hilt diis Triik ('lio' they otl'er' biiiiglluir Biifii liver for an \nf vvliom alone he And the Prince ling ihcpi. He V pcar'd in the Fie All the Com violent alpiring ' fee it too, and two elder Sons \ Fafiiiefs and Ind ifliccs of this Sc and Animofities the Country in t Prince went otl" forefaw, that tl p. ,,.,,,,•, would be to fe flfft Son the Crown, bcfi t. . . ' iieral, '.and it fe .Ei ♦, . ri,; liiin, T lia.l l>y l.UTK'll it, ailil 1 •' V I'l y loriral ■IV.I Willi I) .1. ui'fi at Ivm f,,r 'i< tiiy I'li'liiiv lia\i' iloiiiihc lur CM'I- Id I)|. Ill any ()rif;iiul ■ iiH'cr Proihii't llurcd him, iIk- till v«(lly r pr- ion, Ins Ailmi. lie tlun (liliii,! lie iipim |iii„_ ;'iiioll \,ilii.iMr il>lii;.-iti(m inndc li I iliil iti fuiii .• idtiiiiuiing tf) I Tdkcn of rhc III p lump \v;;|| Hilt tllcI'liiHC y 1111', ihaii out .irtily .Kwpriil Majclty Illicit ( r i-vi'is 1 all tlicinnolt bit. ro liiiii in t(i liiiii as iliev M) i tlmughc s tlutDay'ai- movfil .If.tpfi li liaii Ik'i-II foThMVV ."\Cil ; tcilini; ri-l'f' wdulil imim'- "*''" ■' was M'r\ iiii- I IlCClk'il l;( t .'L'n Ofilir^ a- lonc atui lent -L'ay had ta- 1 to kivp nic r Ik-I' TO till- iin Hiilincls Jits l"'r rc- nni-c, '.vhidi jonil Rcafon) ■ Confiilcnci' (ithiiip at all Piiiicc's Go- u I onplu to liofc Aiitho- cit-nt for QUI y the Prince, ThfF.-'v Ills Favour "'i'W' And as an Vrtair, Ipro- Ito oiiriri- .xpcAai. I which 1 lie- I) be drawn vent to wait my Biifiiiers. the Finnan, Hve, fmeral ni'cli alter'd 1 Arcoiiiit I iithv.iti'i to 1,'ndine.iiiy ry carnellly per- Lhap. XKX. Story of Sultan Gurferoon, &c. l6i poi fw.id -I me 10 the lontrary, and dcfircd nic luit to gra- iihPili- I'liiKc'* Hmnour a little 111 ilut one point of dc- iviiiliti!^ iipiin him, and craiini; the amendment of all at hi« iLinVu ; and I llioiild tenainly Hnd him at lalt a far I'CtiiT Frienil than I expeded. iklidei, he expounded the Finnan in I'uih a manner to me. that it appear'd quite iin'.iiier thing ; with hii Conllrnaion it liorc my Sencc urv vvell, and when handfomcly tranllatcd (and aJ he l.iui, according to their true mcuninn) fpokc the Language iilelir'd. Idi'peiided the more upon Irs Reprffcntation of it, bc- canfe he had nniverlalh the Character of an honett and ijillnterellid Man, and (to my own knowledge) no 1 o\er of Hribe< ; wliitli is a very rare and high degree ot Vertue i ..li 111 this C'oirt. I took the Finnan therefore, and waJ at ' " "■ pref.'in >■ ell latisfied to have gained this Point. ■ ' The Bi;lin>ls of the I>kiiii Wars hung yet infufpcncc, iind this niii;lity Monarch's Arms did not profpcr in that C'4, the Father of the pii lent Woif///, was ^. bulily employed in the hem Wars, tli s Snn of liis'iinik „t s, ilii/ that opportunity to attempt the Dethroning of Ins Father, ; •/.'"".juJI , hii l<4itK'r. ti riui. and fixing the Crown Imperial upon his own Head. I hi Old Prince, upon the News, iiuukly brought his Vitlhi- rious Anny fiom .omjucring Foreign .\d\erlaries, tuclia- itilt* this domelkick and more dangerous Fncmv, that was now ready toldze the Caltle of //i"^, and make liimlelt Mafterot all hisTreafures. Being (ome pretty near hiiti, he fent him word, T hat he lliould take li.s i lioiee, either immediately to lay down his Arms, and throw hi.nlclf upon his Mercy ;or tife prepare for a Battel,and leave Mat- ters to be detennin'd by the Chance of War. Thr Prince accepted the former of thefe Propol'als, thinking it lafrr to trull his Father's Mercy, than to ftand a Trial with his well-known 'Valour, and therefore without any more a- doe, humbled himfelf at his Feet ; and fo (after tonic Difgraccs, and a (hort Iirprifonmcnt) was reftor'd .igain, at the Importunities of his Mother and Sillers. But 'tis to be noted, that while he was thus up in Anns againll his Father, the Old King, to punilh him for his Rebellion, difinherited him, ami prodaiin'd Sultan Curjeronn, liis lil- deft Grandfon, HeirApparentof his Empire. "Twas but a few Months after all thele Tumults were quieted, that F.cbnr Si'it paid the appointed Debt to Nattire, and by Dy- ing gave 1 ifc to new and worfe Tnmbles than thofe ^c had fo lately compos'd. For then his • Son (the prefent • x, -e c,ii King) not at all regarding hisFather's fnnner Aet againft himby ihc him, relbbcd to be his Heir, and by main fotce thnilt '?"""' -*'• himfelf into the Tlrone ; polfeding hiinklf at the fatre by','h°i ,'f ' time of all the Royal Trealures, and the Strong- places ofCrtjij/ir. the Kingdom. On tile (ther hand, Sultan Cmfci.^n ptvfuming upon the Title cnnfei r'd on him by hisfiiandfatlier.took up .-'iims to mainrain his Right ; and tiding to l.ai.vi, gatherd an Ar- my there, and was piiilaim'd King, flis F.ulier very cjuickly teivcil him asbefore he had been f rved hnnl'eif ; lent a Power after liim to reduce him to his Duiy, which the Vaiiant Prime as loon gave l'.,uel to, and entirely rotirod. But frelh Aiiries Ihll pouring in ii"(>n Inn, and liis I ather li'iiilelf marching towards hiin w.tli ano'her very great inie, the Prince's Men wete i-,\ ' e tir'd rut, and were .able to hold the Field no longer. The unfouunatc Prince himfelf Hed away w ih a few llorfe tow.irds Cr.bu., and lb for T/r.Mry ; which if he had riMch'd, his Father would h.ave been put to I'omc trou- ble -.0 have rccover'd him again. But in lus Way Ix-ing to t afs a River, his Over-cagernefs to get (,ut of the reach of nis Enemies that purlued him. made him li) liberal in his Promifes of Rewards to the Wat. r-man, that he was I'ufpedlcd and difcover'd : His Gold beiray'd h'ln, and told that he was the Prince. The Water-man ha' ing fmelt out who he was, in the middle of the Channel, leap'd out of the Boat, and I'uimming to the oppoiite lide, went and inform d the Ciovernoiir of the adjoyning Town what a PalTenger he had in his Boat. 1 his was very grate- ful News to that bafe Officer, who hop'd to rail'e his own Fortunes by the Ruines of the Prince ; and to do Irj Fii- chcrthe inoft endearing Service po.l'ible, by briiig ng b.ick his Fugitive Son , and the Dilluiberof his Peace) a Pri- foner to him. So he came down lo the W.-.tcr-lide with a Troop of Horfe, and there falutcd the Prince with all the Humilitv in the World, complemented him with the Ti- tle of King, and invited him to Repofe at hisHonfc : But after all, the Villain having him in his Power, lock'd him up, and put a ftrong Cjiiard upot; him, and then (env Tydings to the King of the Noble .\dion he had per- form'd. y The R. 1 f "1 |62 i)efigm againil «)M//4/i Lurleroon, err. lib. V%h.itif tn lin Kiihrr, who trr.ltril him with lcl« rit tlic Mildm f« lu'lnnpinp lo tli.li ( lurallrr, ih.in ilu' .Sciitn .inil RrNinpr cif .m .iin'rv inl'iilimg CniKin'f'ir- All h « "v)'.'! «T< .iml Ailhrrrnn, th.» ciuniir.iccil or fiip. •il till K MR iif lii>, ui'iv cxciiiUil With »n i»cni till i*,.lnil !|kt Biifitifl'iirfquir'it llr ■'Mii^ f f II. But |in>M' MiCflnilliifniit tli.1t krriu-r» Of DiUm'^idti tor tlu' (I li.iuiip -he Mi.i(!ow ..tan ^iirK.r.iv'f, r ilicr Pimv^ .iwAy ihi-v went with .t (h.iif! r,M,,r,| m.Um.i,,,) ,|n p, (it liurr.lcm Ktt'p.ri .1 tcrt,i;n K.i|3,.i Kc.'.ii. t.t.iwl,, „", tlio Kin(( kill conmiutiil liiii>. H„r Ik- like .m JMmMt .vi.l '' >. loiir.ij'iiiiK M.in, rcfiuil r'l Hi'' 'I'tt'. u or MUM iii'ii tluir h.in j'l«ry .Sofriiy. A« for the Pnnro hiii (V'f. tlic Krpi 1 ^^ wiiit, tli.u hi«FvcMi(lit ; luit ilir tiiiiii lit' ilir m.n'rr w.i», , mtl he wnuM ilie 111 iho lUfcnio rf lii«'J riilt, Inline j tint he w.iHliliiuiril.lril with .1 Ntpkin. wli rh lii< I'.vlu'i | other I'l'liin but the KinH llio,il,| t.ike I ((■I liniiwn Sell iipnii, atitl lo lent linn .iw.i\ rrili nir to the C'alHe (if ,(,1; •. I |i;s «.ti iheOrip-n.tlof the Omf mi rilie Ixtwcm the tt ^ /■'•((/ nil Dif il hi« Viii ; till* llif C'.iiil'o Iif I' t1 111 piifcnt e, anl i(iiilrniiriii!\ nmiiilcrinj' h w he was loMil) of (lie Difcdiiiciit .iiul Sofiow of tluwliiili' CoiMiirv. Bm hii CMviimi Hnther, Sii't.in Cfi""'. wirh h'« \,\i\- on, lliiiiiulu ilic Km;', li.til i|. ,ili too miMly wiih him, iii Ci iiilcmi'iiii; hiiii oiilv m .1 1 .ire litiprif'iiiiiie'ir ; ,in.l ilurr- fnre (lookiiij! iipuii him .isihe (iraiul ()l lliric in tlic w.iv rf tiki.' .Ill I'l'iiivis Uclip.ns rellliily piirl'iicil .liiii pliitial 111' DcllriiCHon. He w.n .V prifiiit the \\,r\\\\ Priforur ; Inn thry lif'"- _, ,., roiillv eiiiliMMiiir'il to iiuikc Iriii th.iis j .iml vvli.irtlu\ • inifi wi **"» 'I h.iM." iltiiie wiih hiiii, idiilil iluy h.ivc pot hiiii 111- •|«nilS"l. to their li.inJ', ii>'.i(ilv tohe ima(',iii''il. 'I'hev kiu'w ili.v '•"''"'/"••• foulil not pri'fpiT, if .Sult.in rc'/dd'f 'the f Jliirv df tlic N.ilioii, the Diliejit of the NnNility .iml the . Soldiers) Ij- vcil ; hi 1. tV ivniilil be ,1 (oiitiiinal Cliiik lo tin r w t- kcil i'r.icliic* mill DclipiK, niiil in time mip.ht prove the Piiiiiiliniem of ihein tno), ami thcrcfdfc he limit ilic ; lie limit be I'lliMuli'il out of ihe w.iy, that they ni.iy do their Vosk wiilidiii fc.iriir dilliirl'.inrc. ijfrC"-, .111.1 N'..ri/M/i,i/, were boih deep ill tliiiPlct, •lid there (V 11 1, mc Rcillin fi.r t teo ; for 1 1 lidei the nc.ir rcl.uion ot HI N.itiirc nnd Vui.ins Qn.ilitiei, in which Sii!t;iii Cornii .inJ -f/.if'. (' •", were )lrii!>ly united to (me ai.orher ; there waia llonti of Affinity between them, the I'rince havmi', niarried hii Il.iii);hier. So that hii Irtereft and Ambition, which Uth prompted him, to take all ji ilTible Mcafurcsfor the lixinp ol hisSon-in-l .iw upon the Thrriie of /..//n, (I'd fonrei]uent|y enpape him apainit ihe I ife if the lirareSiiitan C«./''/n(iM .■ As for N">m.ihiil, the Rc.ifon of her Concern ii evident j 'tis enough to fav, that (lie wai /J.iph Citn'i Siltcr, and an Enemy to Venue ai.U Gooiincfs , «P/.(. fjii. 'I h'f'^" r ""'^ Plotters havlnp perfeiiled their whole Dc- k., (ii.lnii fiiiii aiiionpit iliemfclvei, U-paii to atren'pt the Kinp for |[[- J^'^'H*"' tlir Delivery of Siilian Cw/i'm-n to their kccpmp. And oM.iiilijJit lirlt (f .ill \l 1 nt hll him with black melan- choly 1 houjhts, and chcnih Principles of Difcoment and luap,e of the Kiiip.ih.-" I adicsot ilie Sor,iplio wvreall in Tears, and the Prin e\ Siders iMoiethey wouM keep him Companv in Deit'i tor th.u they reckon'd wniid (iimkly be Ins Fate. Tl.o King (cut to paciHe theCedilVontcnted I a«liei, andihoneht Suniinl.,: the (itted (or that work ; but they >i;rs'il and threa'ned her, ami lefej'id wiih all the Imlpn.uion 111 the World, to (ee a Peilon, whom they kiieu loli.ve been fo deep intlte I'l.itacainO Siiltan fwlx^n. 'Ti* ivt ta(ie to imagine the Contnii.iiis ai„l Stirs that were eoM,.. qnent upon this Fvent; the Stories that \\x\v told, the Reports rau'd .liul Iprea.l about, e/peciallv a-noiii'd the eomnion People, who as thev arc '-vaNsfu!! of'Noii,. ami Tumult, and put into a Ivimen't^by the leal! Hreaili ot Wind that blows upon then , (otliev we.e now ren.ark- ablvlo, and no (lorniy Sea waseicfj,' eiiniuly. Rut to divert them a little in ihi>-;\W»iiie, there comes A r^ , .1 /V/Mw I{iiib.i(f.idortn Court, wi'ih a moll glorious and* '•■ (plendid F-ipiipape, ami .is rich Pielenis for the King; (ome faid he came to mediate a Peace (or the / 1,- ,:mcs, the C'omiued cf whom would lie a conliderable Enlargement of the Mi'iul's Power and Dominion, and confequcntly render him a more formidable Neiphliour to the /V-y m Kinp. But many beheie 'tis for a .Siippiv (,f Money for carrying on the Warapaind the 7« <;; and 'lis not the Cut time the /Vi;;>>/ has borrowed here ; the inexhaulliblc Treafures of .-/;w, f<.c. have I ecu oCteii fet i pr n to him, and aflorded him larpe and HItimI Recruits. '1 his s the more piiibable, conlidenrp tin- humble and I'libmidivc Caniape of this Kmb.-.(ru!or, .ind that extremity ( f cr'ii- girg H.ittenrg 1 elpcef he paystotheGi..!/ A.'.;;'«/; tothc Difliqnour of his Character, the DfTencc of hi's Nation 'ii this Court, and to be lure (without having priiiiie part - cular Inltri dions) to the aUrontinp of his Matter. H* prollraies hin feif upon the Ground, aslefoie a Deit\, knocks the Earth with his He.id, as if he would beat his wav in; and iseien Religioiidy JVvoiit in all his Poihiies anil Ceremonies that relate to the Kinp. YettheK'iii; carries it with a great deal (f State and Didance towai.ls him ; he only made a (mall Motion with his R,„ly, v the Reception of the King of IViyii's letter, and laid no more, but, //oir H-ffsmy h^rrlvr > He allows him but .in inferiourp'ace in his Prclenre, a World of Is'obles and Officers (landing above him, tlio' the (V //.ri; lakcs it all witiiout diCpiite or murmuring ; in that he curies it like a Man that knows his Prince's Occaiions and Neeellitics, and the deu M'-giil ufes him like a I'orrowcr. Sultan C.ov'w, about this time, bei>an to let forwards ,^,^.„ towards the Army : Before Irs going lie had promis'd inc'sj:', in the King's Prel'encc, and that of' a great Airembly of'""' Courtiers too, 1 hat all my Sur.,t Bulincls (hould be done, '"^ "' and Content given me to the full. But this kindnelii was not fo much the ed'ecl of any Good Will in himfelf, as of the Power of the new Pre- fents that were coming ; for our l-,>i^i:p' Ships were got into StfiiHi Road, and the Prince was in hopes of being (liortly gr.ltified. There were the King's Orders too (as well as thePrinic's Engagement). 'Ihat all the Goods and Prefemsihac wve to be brought from Suntt hither, fliould not be opcntil nor examined by the way, but nafs undifhiibed to my hands ; as alfo, no Cudoiii or Duty to W exatftcd f<-r any of them : 1 he Dcmonltration of the Prinrc's Flonour and Tru'h in the performance of all which, wnl be added in its place. There • rh.i ipov. t.li I I III w ,.ir.i ihc Us*. V l,'(f i-.i' ,,iihc'i; 'tilKUUtUt \ Chap. X ) There and Court tlur rroub abroad for font of C would ha Natiim. The Kir n' t to (■ ' but to (is lil'iig up CouiiirN. All I OR fl'l'pcil to Art licirsi ' ,ill iiiiiliii follow, he brrnr, an. I 'lis ,ml. i'lkii leak adianupe free and ()| any l'it\ belides till C.tus ars- tier), 'tis i bv the mill like a k nd fiire ot (on Ihews notli tiire, ill a fe beaiiiifiil 1 1 (oierd ine Court. ers, .. an. I dazzie ' rues a inou fame thing a IlcI'. n. t\n:\ I tf (j1 ..piin, fet up, •done with m •weiity l:ii^ I. Mile long nun were fo i th.. l.eili,!., k W.lnts. Evei his (i,-ouiid, far (V.iiii the h vilioii is ciecl his nearer tn ii way r.- iind al The King, Cares of Pi.l ik." tie bell. 1' vcrlions, that Palace. Here his Barges up. way, intliad hearing ihe D; In Ihort, tho' 1 of ihe riihPo he enjoys inori more ealie thai The /'■/;•,, K^MOi. fnallTi-ouble with Com em • For the Icsksir was fired by t gis were U) Ic lc('t Ixhind for nous (and alir the occalion ol nioft bitterly tc PatkiKc ; nay ir.in ; but all pli-y'd to provi iLilTadori iiiiiil However , v\ 1 few Da\s uM Il I'll. '■"•'"" One thing h cer'dwnii.lcrti ii'l the true l.t did Vexation a FacHon of the s .in.,;;. '.«" out of the "Mli.iij The King, ' ithiuirnion Prifoner, order iV^.",':'= for The Prince, one of the Roy lib: Chap. XXX. Siiltjii Cii rieroon fetched out by the King, &c 1 6 j rqqir'it Dniii- Mi't lllHVI" (■[ r PiiKi'f. ii gt, jn.l ilii rni'io !«ii r.titwii, III .111 li-'m-lt.iiul ' ' I tluir li.tiiilf ii . pi- ol' Ilii Scm.t.f \\\, l".!'iiri-Ai,\ I .nv;i\ ,i(r.rn, .» Illjjillv lIHll. li.nHiil hill (0 ir L'oiiitiunJt licit. I I'iriy prnfo. Ilr'inp liupir. II- Siuni'i, aiij Aliiili tlic i-aii' ho Itiuipthiil ) Ri'iign.-jiKHi ' 1 [h hi» Solili ■ s L'vii-thfoat 1-.1." ' I Mdiirning amlm. .. it'ilii' Kiiip.tli.'" inil thi- I'nii I's ■iiiv ill UiMt'i, his Fate. 'I'lu: ict, .inililiinij;hi lii'y . I'ls'il and liul')'.iMti(in III kiiv\«. lo lia c Vic ) . "rii lint hat wiiv 'onri'. Mill' tnlil, the Ity .rnoni'll the s fil'.l I't' Ninl.' ihi' loll BiiMili •ii' iiiiw rcii.aii- ■ umiily. nil', thirscoircsAri. (iH pliinmis anil*' fcr till' Kinj; ; 'hi' ; i,\ .vh-ci, till' Mi' I'lilarpcmcnt nil confcqucntly II r to the I'ciJ.m ly i'( Money lor 1H.«i'.||l ti!es ami li.iii takes it all carries it like ami NercHities, I'.er. to let forwarJ'!^^.,,,, ad proiiiis'il iiic sj.-.i » .-It .Aireiiilily of "•"?»" I IhoulJl'dwu',''^''" ' • ell'ivl of any )f the new Vrc- Ships were g(i hopes of being I as the Prime's cfentsthat wee not be opencil ilbiilicil to my Ix- exadlcd fc t ^IPrinrc's Honour p, wjil be ad,i'eil There ,.ll'.l ihf DfUnf ri;V/.' 'I'h«c h»il btrn • Talk « (too.) while, that ilicKing anJ Court wouhl remove and go • Pn)pfe(» ; and ivw th^r rronbUfoMie nine came on. The 'lents were pitch'd abro.id fur their Rciiftion, the I'lcpiunn.Horret. and all fort« of Carnage* ready in bah abundance ,_ that one would ha^e fsntieJ it almtHt the remove of t whole Naimn. . * The King it fcetri« Io\ei ro take hii Picalure tlii« wav ; 11' t to « iihnc hiiitfcif 1.1 any -me lertainp'aie of almde, but to tix hi* Court here ami iliere, as he pleafis, ram- i'l'iig vip and down, and vn|oying tlio Dclij'hts ol iii« Count rv. Alll'orcign Minifterii, and Em' alfailor* of Princei, are f.H'gid to bear him Ctmpanv, I'tlidn Trade»-uicti and An liiertof all I'ori^. I he King love* to manh vsi h a ■ all iiuiliitudeal't r him j and if they ait not dili«)led to •rhiiiTOi" follow, he ( rdiisihe • /.o/^i', vsJM't' they were lall, lube Ilk I 111 » j„.r„r, ,111,1 lii tires them uit if th> ir Tent*. 'Iis.ndeed a noble .ind a ilelighilul Figure that the V. ;;■ naki-J, when luall tix il in '.rder ; when it ha^ ilie aibaniaj'e of a pleafant Siinaiion, and the Spei!lator ol a free anil openl'r .Iped. I tlioni'ht it a greater |l aril • tlin anv C'it\ 111 l«.//i, I had the opp' rtunity of linn)' ; Inr K'lidesthai, 'tis of a larjler Comp.if> than pci haps moll Citiesare (excipr thuleoMhe nn full Hank .iiid i haia- cler), 'ti> aTo eiciled and hnlli d in fo m rv lin.ill ,i t me, bv the iiiiiltitude ol H.inds that are at work, that it lo-iks likea k lid of Creat.on, and nii(;luily em reads the pli a ("lire of foiittini'lating it. 'lo Ue a lall empiy Plain, ilia ftiews nothing lirt ihe ordinary wiM .^ppe.irantis of Na tiire, ill a few Hours tr.insforni d iiiio a regular, niutiji'in, licauiifiil C itv i to i .' it dividid into Streets, adorn'd am tmer'd over wiih th ■ Iplen.lid P.ivilions ol Prmes am' Court. ers, an. I allxli. dlntv rile I'piii a few Moments, andilazzle the If.' of a .Spei'lauirot alnddeii ; tliises- riics a more du .plufiil sMuuler, than to have teen the f.uiie tiling adiwicing liit'iiiclv and by degitcs to that per- kA< n. / And I tdik^iriee, ihat this particular / fj/^ti was be- ,gun, fet lip, auS' "lilliM, in fm rl lours fpace, tho' 'twas „,iih.i ii-il'iiie with Very ^•rl^t order and cx.'ii.'inel's, and was full n.uiuii.oi nveiity l.i^i'l' Miles ill Cii'in t. and foine v w near tix *"■ Mile lon|! 'M 't lie Nhop-i, and other Apartmei ofj'radcs. incn were fo dillinguiili d by Rule, that every Man, all over tho /.f;<[,.i., knew where to go readily for the fiipply of his Wants. Fierv .■\rt!tiar,anilever) .Man of Qiiaitv, knows his (i.ouiul, what C'oiiii'als, of which tide, and how far iViim the Kiii^ he nintt pitch Ins Tent. 1 he Ro al Pa- vilion is eiecKd in the Centre of all, and no Man raites his nearer to it, than the dillame o'' a Misket-lliot, every way r.uiid alout. The King, in thefe ProprefTes, relaxes his Thoughts and Cares of Pi.bliik B ilinels, in great meal'i re : In tho /.- st^ii he belb Ws iiianv i f iliolV Hoiir^ upon Sporis and l)i. vcrlions, that are Ipmt in Siate-'Vlf.iirs when he is in his Palace. Hue he hints and hawks, and Iwims about in his Barj.'es upon the tine Rivers and Ponds that lie mi his way, intbad of pailing Judgiiicnt upon Ctiniinals, and hearinj" the Difputesof his wraniilinp taCtio s Noblemen. Inlhort, tho' in .-/i;) pon his fublime Imperial Throne. The /'■ /i'(. I'-mbatlador, and iiiv felf, were put to no AaMCt. fm.ill Trouble and Charge, to acaimnuxlate our lilves "' with Conveniences for keeping Company in this March. • For the l.cik/fi at Ifmcic (from whence the Remove was) was fired by the King's Order, and in the Huny Carria- ges were f) Icarce and difficult to be pot, that we were tct't Uhind for foiiie Days, in all the Diilrels that a rui- nous (and almnft emptied) place cou'd be liippi's'd to bo the occalion of tons. The Pcrfiiu fcolded and brawl'd niott bitterly to be left fo ; but there was no Remcdv but ■> Patience ; nay, he fought and beat aUiut him like a Mad- ir.-in -, but a'l would not do ; every Pody was biilily em- pioy'd to provide for ihcmfebos, and we that were Iin- !i.iiradors iiuiil Jo fo too, or elfe I'cfolve to llay Uh nd : H'wever, we made lliift to la out at lall, and in a lew Davs uvertoois the King, who iiiarch'd but flow- Iv in. *■'""■' One thing happen'd at the King's fetting out. that pro- cir'd wniiJerto all Men ; tho' it pave as much PL ai iv to a'l the true Lovers of the King and ihi ii" Countrv, as it liid Vexation and Dilappointmeiit to the wicked delipninp Faction of the Court. 1 his was the taking Sulian Cinjt- s , ,^,r i-cii out of the hands of his cruel Jailor. I' .1 1,1, 1 The King, when he came by the Houf- where he was CM .iiiiign Prifoner, oider'd his Coach to Hop at ihe L),«t, and leni •■*'•. r i"^ 'or the Prnce down ; and then commai'.ded him to alcend one of the Royal Elepiiams, and ride aloi.g liy him. The fe lull li> rot ReviKine .'» Wjs .V'CcIi' and bieto the I'.Mell Son of his Si)veriipii, .Some I iv, that ho a t, in|tod to piik .'i (liiarrel vvidi him, and know np the Prime's brave and g' iiorotis I'l inape, that li.rn'dio put up .iii liubpn tv, Midiavour d lo provoke him to draw ; eitlior with a l)o- ligii to 1 a'l 111 his H utli.ins t i rei upi it, or elf- to have a Sto.y to till the Kill,!, that Ins .Son was vvhollv uii"over- i.ablo .iiul drew hw Svvo d to kill his Keepers, aiil fo make hi- efcapc. but the Prince bv his Pari, rue aihl Pru. dome fpoil'd the O.bpii j ho I'efpis'd that for.lnl infolent Peiloii, and kept his Svo'd in lis Scabl aid, only he pot a Ft emlio aciiun.iit tin K'lip w thtlu Saiu iiul'si f ./i , c ii. The 11,'xt lime till Kinp I'aw this lu iietl M.m ^ind 'twas ,^,,^„,„ U'fi re iho whole Com' to, ) he ask'd him, Wh' n he viti-A(.«» 'n ted lis Charge lall > What he f.iid to h;in ? And what;' RilpeCHie itiewed him, when he approaih'il him ? Th I llartluip Qiietlions confounded the piiibv Man, and himi]uitcout of Cointonanie He tound the Kmc was made aciiuainteil w.th his Carriape, and th'Tot'cre was fon'd to lonlelsihe ma nof the .Story, only varni,i,ii.2 it a litt'e wi:h a p'aulib o l.vc or iwi, to nake it ,is ea'i • ;i? mipht ic on his i wn Ii 'e. But the Kinp told him fir his Comtori. He wou'd ii'.ike liim know S Itan r':c/'.'mi' to lie (as his moll be'oved Son and iiiremliM ifri'), fi .nlp, his I ord aiul Prince ; aii.l tho' wh.u wasp.i t llioi Id l^c torpiven, y- 1 if ever ho was p'ilty of anv I r vo'i n • for tho future, h.; would make h.s Son trail pic h ni i nder h.j F>i t. This was a pla'n Pifcovcr' of ihe Kni-'Mind, whar. ever hi- former '.cti ns had lipiinicl to th • W r d ; ami 'twa^ as manfell a pni f iliat .i I li s p,iil Wen les to 'his excellent Son were a kind i.l V'lo'once to Irmed', and ihe nicer eir,.i;t of the overruling Clianiis of his imperioul iS'D );■„•/•:■. The Court went on in their Piogrefv and tra oll'd over Wiiiicb .111(1 Moi'iuains, and tonih impir tiiis W'avs, diat 11 ade the Journey far irore a Tod and a H'rden than a I'ie.ifure, which i' appear'd at tint to bo delipned for. A- bundaneeof H'lrlVs and Camels peiilli'd, Coaches, Carts, and Tents were torn and Iroild, and the whole ' i':ir was p' t into confullon. T he King's W, incn woreladly t'a- tigiiod with the Difficult esol the wav, and like to be left in tho Woo.ls a great many i f ihem, the Bealts th,ii f rv'd them boil p quite debilitated for want of Meat and Water in thole barren places. Hut lo i]u.ilihe this, ir nnift be granted that Ionic parts of the way wepals'd were I'inprizinply pleafant audi harm- ing ; and ihe lovely tiioves, Fountains, Wo'ls, and Ponds, that lay a': out us, made it a Journey through Para, life. We came to one very pleafant T> wn call'd Ci-h.iiiii, foatod I pun the River .Si',"',i, and anciently the .Seat ff the ol.l Kings of Muhliu. One of thefe Kmps former!', ulcd to take a deal of pleafiTo in titiu.p a Ur.nk m; by thisRi- vcr-lido ; audit h.ippen'd that when he was drunk one lime, he tumbled iiitothe Waior, and being not at all .able to help himfelf in th.it Conditu ii.ho very fairly funk down to the bofom. Rut a certaiiicour"\ous S:ave of h.s, and 1 "ouibie Diver, loth to fee his Sover.'pii th.is Ucome a Panijuet to the billies, threw himleif in and dived aftcc li.m, and brought him up apa n. When the King was come to himlelf, and tlis remarkable piece of :ic'.". ue tha Slave had done li.m was related to liim ; for a Row ard, he commanded both his H.iiuls to be cu oil, t.ll.ng lilin, Twas his jull defert, tor prcluuMnp a I'o'il d Slave as he was) to tmili tiie Sacred IVidv of hisSuvero pn. Not long a tier the King (who could net lak.- a f.iir warn- ing) was at his old T'rade of drinking at the W.irer-lide agaiHj ui.d bud then unlv h s Wife wuJi luin : Audhaving Y i the ^;?ll,! ;; il :ij. § 1 ^4. .' he 'Princes bajc 'Dcaltngmth the tmbaljadour, 6ic. I ib. |(. Wt'i ^^x ■:t»- III S'cii'i tijm DttAi Fitrujr). TiK- I'l ince (lop* tljc Fieltnc. The Enibif. fddour i^ori tQ the Kirig dnil com- pldini. The W»f»i's H:im)uTs in fill Litj'jjr. tlu' ("itnu- l'ortui\c as bcu 10, 1 1 be voi y ilruiik, and Mil in ; the !;i.'(h1 Voi-iian taily cVii 'c him Ji' c tor't, an>l m'.tr atrtinptal to p: !■ Iviu out, tlu/ lie covi'il have iUpiu' ir without till' i-sik Jifficultv or tiMuWo : Anil when (\w was a^k'l.l ihi-'Rialbn, Whv llic wond not lac him ? llu lo'd whjin, S!ie liad no mmd 10 i. W [kv ' ii'jjcis : She rcmcin- hui\ th.lail: Bo'it, when the S avc ha. I his 1 landsc.ii oH', for doinr. du- I'.v.iK- thii-.;;, and ihe did iiou kimw li't the faii-c ivv^aid mij'.ht to tall Ikt ll are too. inu thenloiv w as unwilliiic to put It t) the \ eMiiirc. ' lis pniKililc the Ciuxl Wnc went vpon this I'l iiu \Ac, that ilw l.ol's onplit rathi. r to be avoidcJ, that lou.d never be repaired apain : Now tho" Ihe iiiij.'ht calily pet another lli.sband, yet (lie eould iK'\er be hip.i'ied with another pair of Hands. "I'was dilcover'd by th.u time we had been abroad n->me I Ja\^, that this PropreC's was not luvieriaken meerly I'ur a Uiieiiloii as':t uled to be, but that the Kinj; intended to move foiiie part of the way towards .Sultan C'rroo"'s Camp, the more tofiiiihten the .'J ..urn w;th the Noife of hiscominp, a^aUb to keep his own mupiiet Army the better in order. '1 his was the cfledl of the Com. '.el of iVww/'.i/ and ylj :;h Cur, whoperlwaded him his f,oingoi;t would ecr- lainly be attended with thefe pood Confequcnccs. But it happen'd a'l wrong; for News eanie that the HavN.a werere'.blved to fiphr, and lay ready iron the Borders with a very itronp Army to entertain his whencuT they (lioiild think fit to move that way ; alio, that Sul- tanCt'MH wasadvanc'd bi;t alitiic Ipace 'vith his For- ces, and notwithitandinp all his bouncing at Ctairt, was terribly aha d 1 cth of the nre/-i...-j and of Ciwul'minn, which were fTry dcfpieabic Enemies to hiin before. I'pon this Account the lanic Connfellors now advifed the King not to proceed with his li'.f' Uelipn, but to direcl his Coi'.rfe to //(jir, and turn th. t'rogreU into a Hi'nting Match: M he /)ci.:)/uhey thoi;.,! t would not i., ike His Majclly pood (port at this time, at leaft not fo pood and di\ crimp as the Vild Bealls of the borclt woi'ld. But wo'feNewsthan this (tome) caircqnickly after; whieiiwas, that the Prince ccntrary to his Failivrs Coiii- inand, and all his own lolcmn Enpapemcnts, had (lopt and intercepted all the Prefents and Goods that were to come to Court. This w.is meerly to fati^fie his own Covetous Defirc of chuling full, and petting the IkR things into his own Hands; which ( bclides the Affront ('rt'er'd by it to the King of ijiyjanii^my Maiter.to have the Tokens rf his Rcfpetfl and Good Will, thus rudely fiez'd and forc'd away ; ) was alfo a great piece of ill breeding to his own Father in pretendinp to ferve him- felf firllt, and not Icaunp his Betters the Liberty of Choice. Howcv er after he had m.Tde lure of them, he writes a 1 etter to the King to tell him v\ hnt he hail done ; that is, he minc'd the Matter, and told a .Story of frmc (ioodshehad itop'd, out of a llefrc to latisf>. his cnri- olity Ml buying fomc To', s that he fancied; but he laid rot a Vord of the Preferts (the principal part of the Carpo) either out of ll.ame, or fear, or ill dellpn. 1 iculd iKytthink of palling by th;s very niuivil Tre.itmcnt without Complaints to the King, and th .fe loud ones too. In times paltl had by allthe fair and lob Methrds, imagina- ble attempted to win thePrinee's Vm our,and ne\ er was nble cffcdiially to oblige him ; but now 'twas nei ellary to pin an cml to that Counll.ip, and nepleel his Friendlt.ip tor the future. Imultappeal totheKinpf r Julfue agaiiilt him, and confequently , in all probability ) Icfe him for e\er ; and h'nce 'twas certain that 1 mnll |i>fe him, I thought it better to doit for fomeihinp, and with U me node and ifir tco, than cither to be diihoiioiir.ably lient, ornn a faint and fearful manner to profeeiue Inch an .'\H'air. I went to the King with alix'd Relulution to lomplain of the Prince's Adion ; when he, who peeH'ci! what my Bulinefs was,bepr.n and prevented me telling ir.e'in fliort, he had heard how his Son had Uitercepted the Goi)ils ,ind Prcfenrs, but he would order it fothat nothing lliould be opened orfearchcd by him ; and belides.lorthwith would fend hisRoyal Command to him for the Difcharpe andSur- renderof them into the Hands ofocr ownPiop'c.l his was done the fame Niphr, and 'twas all the Satisfaction for the Iiijnry I could then procure ; for theKiig qii'ikly after fell todrinkinp, and (when he was pretty far gone) to talkinp f'f Relgim; iho', by the way, neither of the three Prophets he talked of would have allowed him the Liberty he then took, ?nd his Uruiikennefs was con- demn'd by the Laws both of Mrfcs, MnUine.', and 'i.Jiii Ch'lft. But thisPriiKC when he was in that Con- ditiin uas penerallv very lull of Pious Difcourfe ; he would limbic into a Dilpuieot Religion, and hold it our till n-id-nii'.ht ; and then farewell to all Bufineis for th.it time ( tho' ever fo weighty anil neeellarv to be debated ) for when one c he was got into that Vein, there was no '! litVlihilR turninpot him out; nothing to be I'rne ti.'l the Wine and theOcvout Fit had both left him. .SoiiHiimcs his Hu- mours would be comical and ludlcro's he wo Id a1 a Merry Andrews part more th.n anything elf-, an 1 do thnps Htrer for a i'lavcrthan a Kinp : 1 he Wine wonlil make him exert a thoufand llnc/al Paiiii iis, .-ccord rg lo the lipaees which his heated F.iiiey prefent d in that Coii,n,oti(ft ; f mutinies 'twas all Blood and Re. ence at other times Minh and )olity, Charirv and Com- ra.iion. Grief anil Sadncl's, now la. gh, an i then cry like a Child, and then drown his Care and .Sor.ow in anotherCup, and fo on, wiih a naiifeons (Jaliimanfry of Pailionsand L'il'conrfes till the belt part of the Kipht W.1S fpent. I w,as often obliged to fee and hear more of this th.in was gratcfid ; if my Bufincfs made me attend him, his impnrti'nity would keen me there; for he is \artly fond of Company in thofe Humorrs, and ihcre is no^leliverancc from him, till kind lleep comes and clofcs up his Eyes. After tome time the Cargo was brought up from Sur/tt, and the King ( tho' he had rcprov'd his Son for fo doing j f"^' w.ispleas'd to take it immediately into his own Hands. fclf«, .,■ Such was his Curiolity and Fond Delire to fee the Prefents '■"^ ^■ my King had lent him, yet he coud not (lav to let me ha\cthe opening and foriingof them, ,ind to bring them to him in a little order. So he took hi-, choice of fome thingsthat plcas'd him oxtreamly well, and then fent for me to tell mcwhat he had done, which he did with a World of Eycufes, bcppinp mv Pardon, and offering torofi'ndwh.itfocverl demanded. But as I was farfroin any IXfign of Ixinp fo cxaCV and fcrupulous as that came to, fo lonly lignitiedto him that I thoi ght it a little hard to be debarr'd of the I ibertv of making' m\ own Prince's Prefents; that as they were intended f. rhis Majefty, fo it was very free for him to keep them, r-id I had no other Dcirand to n„.kc, but only lor the Rcltoia-ion of foinc ofthe Merchants Goods, (which being aii'i-.ipll) were taken with the relf. This he readily promis'd ro do, and pave immediate order about mr.king f.itisfac'ficlivto me in that Particular ; and over and above rhis ..:.',^' the General he p.ivc me the Word of a King, that_;i^i,)u!d ha.e piin- c'lual Jnftice done me in all points whafiocver : My whole Affa'i^r happily concluded, and my felf return'd back to thcKinp my Mafter with Honour and Satisfadtion.. Thele were chamiing Piomifes, and I wanted but to fee them well performed, which the King made me he- Mmi. j: beve Ihould be without all doubt; he only reqmr'daccr- '«'" tainPromifeon my part, the Pcrformarce of wh'c!' hCillV*'''*' toldmewoiild beasplealinptohim, as the other would i'^r •''.,,,. be to me. This was to procure him (iimc of our /•'«». ./o t-A,'. ci. Mf.jfs, and the tall ; ///- Vr-y.th,„uh, which he fc^md noil paffio' e', to delire ; and farther, to get h'm fome of our/"-'?.'.//. Hml-rt ideries, f- r feveral things the Pat- terns ot which he would fend me in. The latter part I could undertaketoproniile. but the foriiuT relatirp tj the Uogs w;isvery iiKC-ta'n. and no M.-n co''ld warranv [heir I ivcs for (o lonr a Vovage; but I told hi'n. they Ihonldbelent, and if they died by the wav, theirSkir.s and Pinesll.onlii be prcferved for him ( liiiee he delird it) aiid this llii nld be iiiv dili haree with Irs Majeltv ; wh ch he VMllinply agreed to. After all this favour and familiarity it mav .ippear Ibmcthinp llranpe that the Ihc.u Me,til n.ould Ib calily (ashe'did) < iitenain any ill fe.fpicous Tho'ighis of mr and mv Na.ion. "lis true, a Princecan't have his Eyes too open i.prn his own Aff.iirs, norbe too nice and curious in looking about him, that the many Forre'gncrs he admits into his Country don't m.-ikc any hunful Encroachments upon him. But " as lam litre the Ei.n ;jh had c\er been \cry free from any Delignsof thisnatnre, fo I was the more furpriz'd at his Jcaloulic,in that thisPrince himfelf h.id often fpoke a gord Word for us, and been our N.itions Patron and Defend- er ( as it were ) ap.ninit the Ilandcrons C harges and m.i- licioiis Supgellions of our Enemies at Court. And to do him jullice I belie' chad been fo dill, c\en inthiscafeaU" ', had it not been f r the violent PerfwalKMis of the Priree Sult.ini'.iiM , andibmc Colour for his Sufpicion, which the Folly and imprudent Condud of our own People ga\ e him. 1 here had been fome kind of (i]u.-ibb!e amonpd them at,^;ir,i/ ( the rile and caufe of which is net very clear) and to pacify this Tumult, our Ships landed Two hun- dred of their Mufiit'ctcers, and comin.inde.l them to rv- i-^v march towards the Town. .Some of th.c Mariners i r .•■ ■ (perhapsDrunk.or it may beonly ina mcerBravado.think- f "'■' , i ingiioharn-, norhnvingro delig.n ) cried out th,it the ,i'yo:K.r. i iiyjijh wvvc going to i.-,ke .''.vm.' ; a very likely ftory, that ioo Men lliould 1h? li) ir.ad as to attempt a fort tied Town that was able pref ntlv to f rniil-, out a ihoulan.l Horle, and asmaiiy Shot, and befidcs had the guard of a River, River, whiti' Men might w Ar.nv. Bin li were f iih Fo. iipeniliepl.T c incur, an.l he was ; 'twas Ik and the Afiroi eunn iig I'pite: a Hmii;; lUpoi Slid that avail coreiiriinp, d lie Prince that diliOvcied ne.i iioiwithllandii pre. ling (.H iip^ tliufe ginuiulli' l.ivniirable '1 hi to have for "s. Urt in all mieli Utter tlu ,,„ hisPoiiipous El Iwu.n.i. fervilc Counfli He could not fa into any huinou vcr did anv I manage i t fo ro ^.•'/ and this I'e iiig between the as not to be bell liJe lluHild pet a tlicKiiip of /V; ilie Enibainidoi! time lent him ii lo", Luted out of i ■.■•'• Plumbs ard Mi u common 1 uuinr ••ll' tains too, but at !"' very hitdi. Ar I'ei ■•.VI li.td farbl k\f as he faw I Rates, and Hoc For as the King IKifi.tit, fohe m, had from him ; I'crfriti was grow the King wa s rt went in a might' the formality of k;rr:,l.' ,1 S.;,Ti:y ;,. I Iced withov It :lf )Bi irvij.r. cxcufim; that On a;,d alf'rci fominj; hi'iife men in 1' ■ fi this to little pur by the means o do little or no Happy Da>s .*.ii,l his compli "I'w i! I'c h.ipp Trade hitlur if fora; hi^odier theriutheone, Cl'iiii 11 of Cli aildPl0teC>o;ir lately been p'o liifcover'd, ati, Court; iioitlia d.iresn'Jt, lime liini away fr. i. .111.1 does more 1 l-elieanib beat utlicrwifethaiil \\'hen theKii Ins v.'cighiiig in dinp to the o Nets .ind -Mm; Silver we,e thro Majet! ) faw 1 i out a Baltiu full put together did Old not leave me Kll a fnatchinp, aw.iy. There is a po Clairity to the Hum away is\ei 'Ihe next time Kiiiga' oiitourl ble iVticion to !r 1 ib. il. 1 llif Wine tiu-s his Hu- no 111 a^ a ir-, an I do Vine woulil CtOlil I^g 10 it-ci 111 tluc III Re. I'lipe, anil Com- .11 i tlu'ii ciy Sorid'.v in iliiiiiaiifry of if tlic Niplit icar more of i: mc attend f ; for lie i> and there is es and clofes 1 from Surut, , forfodoinR)f,,„„;!l^ own Hands. Mioiif L' the Picfcnts '^' '^V- LV to let me o brinp them ).ce of fome then fent for did with a and ctfering was far from as that came [ a little hard own I'riiirc's Majefty, fo it had no other .'ion of fome ,11) weie taken do, and pave to me in that the Cieneral, •lid ha.c piiii- r : My whole tiirn'd back to 'adtion.. ranted but to made ine be- ujtti.j. reiiiiir'daccr- '''" (.1 wlvc' he ^,,,,,. ,: other woii!d ttr- ■" if iiiir /■:H»../^'f"ll'.''•'• i^. h he fceni d git h'm fome imps the Par- lattiT part I ri'l.iriri' tJ o'dd wjiTan': hi'n. they y, their Skir.'; nee he delli d h's MajcUv ; is favour and npe that the rntoriain any *Ja.ion. 'Tis pro his own ip about him, h;s Country ^ 11 him. But free from any iirpriz'd at his fpokc a pord and Dcfcnd- arges and ma- And to do nthisiafealf), of the Prince licion, which 'II People pave imonpll them irt very clear) ed Two hun- kle.l them to rh: hf" the Mariners ir 'oi " iravado, think- {'':".".,-►■ ohC th.it the ayol.«-'' y l.kely ftr.ry, pt a fort lied lur a ihouland the guard of a River, hap . XXK. '/^^ Kings Orders to the Merchants, &C. •■:? 1^5 paired, and that a handful of |ihcNamcsofthcncbtors,Surccicsand thefevcralSiimsthat,|5^^^"''"'- TJpon this fome Difficulty arofc, for fome fur™!,™"""' River, which muH Men iiv.pht with caf" .Ictend thcnifelvesagainft anumcrous ^i. „., . But liow.N er it pave an alarm, and a great many were' f !ih I'oi<'..s as to believe tht^lui^.ip had a re^.! Ucfign iipnidK-plo c. Elpceially this being the Prince s Govcrn- iilciir, a;i.'. Iiclopar-i.-ii'ar a hater of our N.". ion as he wa^ i' 'twas hot! V iirred apainft us by him a,d his party, m\ the Atiroin appravaicd to the King, with all the (.iiiinii!; Ipiteand rancour in the Wi^rld. Belidcstherc was J j^\i,i,?lUivirt nrtlic fur.etime that we had taken Cuff, iui'd thatav.ill rieei wa> preparing in l-.n^Jvul ; all which c,.rciir;ini',. did almolt ctfei'.tually perlwade the good ca- lie Prince that vve h.id fome ill Delign upon him. Yci he ililiovcicd m.i'ii;np of hi'^ Mind in plain Icrms to mc ; nonvithrt.inilini; whiih, 1 found mv felf under the fame pre ling 1.11 lipaiiou to take all Opportunities to remove tliufe I'jnunilKls leahmlics, and to bring him to the liime l.n niirable Tliouglits that he ultfd ( or at Icaii pretended ) to have for I's. Hilt in all iliefe Ciicumftanrcs of Trouble, I fared 'null lietter than the IV/jiw Kmballadour, who after all liisPoiupnusKntrance, his ciilHy Prcfents, his Uifc and fervilc Coiirtfliip, went orf in l)il'grate and Dilcontent, were owing, were Dead, others Strangers, and other's Infolvcnt ; andDcbis. therefore theKing told me that the Merchants Accompts appcar'd to him tobevery arbitrary and illftated ; and as they had fctdown Debts at their own nleafure, without fiving him any demonllration of their Honelty and ufticc, by bringing a Bill of their lading beforehand, lb there W.1S no Rcafoii (in cafe of [i)eath orlnfufficiency ) why the Money ft'.ould be expected from him. However forthisoncc ( hcfnid ) he would It.and by us, and order theMoncV to beii.iid; but for the future if the /•;«:; ///^ trulled his Servants witluheit Cooils v.iihout acquainting him, thcyflioiild Hand by the lofs themlehes. Other- wife when their Con.iuodities came to Court, let thein firftof all bring him of all, and then he would fervc himfelf, anddifpofe of the reft lo others that ihould take them off; and then if any of thole Pcrlijns fail'd, he would lee we ft.:'! and this >'( li'n did. There was pcrfeiil huckftcr- uiglctweenihcm, and they were refolvcd on both lid cs, asiiotto be beholding to each other, fo ali' that neither liJell'.ouldcet aPeiinv b^ theother- The .tt.'uil h.ad all die King of (V;/i,.'s Prefents appraifcd, and paid down iherinil'ainuUiur the Miiney for them, and at the fame 'time fent him in a B''! of Fare, which he n.ide to be Rut this ill deligning Peifm, p.inlv bv tedious de!.iysO.'(«i«r; and partly by his ( at I'aft ) polltive refilling v< do luftiec, Ijrovokcd nie .again to apply my fe'f to the King. Be- fore I did this, [ nad r.'ceived tidings of the arrialof fome frelh Ships at the Bar of '.'///v;/, which pa\c me an encouragement to be bold at Court, finee News of tlut nature is always very acceptable to the King ; fo I car- ried an .Abltr.id of il-e l.,-ilinpa!ong wirh me ( accord- ing to the Lite Drder) and began to fullicit mvAtlair; and finding theKing in a pond patieii! gentle llunviur, 'u:',b.ited out of the S/im. He reckoned him even for| puU'd out iry Petition that craved the P., Plumbs and Musk-^VcIons, and made hi.n pay for his. Debts. The Kic.g didn't mind it when I iie'd .t cnt;kn,Xiet' comiiinn 1 i'luor ; /Cere was an /(OH for Pins and Plan- and 'twas happy for thole ardv Miniilers 'h.it heed not, Paymcnc. tains too, but ani deplunt and aHawk or two rife up j for that fawcy neglciifof hisOrdc-^ v.'ouldliaveprodi'ced very hiph. An*, 'or many of thefe Commodities the , a terrible ilorm. 1 hat Perfon \v|(» v/as oidei'd to in- ft' uHli.td farbi'i'i h.ivc gone to Market and fcrv'd him- UpcA the payment of the Ue'.its, caniein an agonv up to iclf as he law ht, Upn base taken them at the King's j ^//''p'-'Ciw, and begged him to hinder me ficii'ccmp'.ain- R.itiS, and Hood to the mercy of a Court Reckoning. | ing ; Iiefaw his Danger, and found hind'cll at the vi y For as the King pave too low for what he had of the I brink of the Pit, and one jog more had pulli'd him in ; P.Y^/'.iH, fo he made the Pcr/Mw pay faucc for what he] ami upon their faithful P,-oiiiile of doini; the BiiliTf"., had from him ; but there was a t*et between them, the immediately I agreed to carry r.i.uters no farther at that I'l'-yijii was grown touchy and pcevifh at his ill ufape, .and time; butthispiit iheiii into huha '-''iphr, tli.it they pre- tlio King was refolvcd to plague him ft. r'r. So away he' f-'itly lyt alvjiit it, ami liezd I'o'iie of the Deb:ors the went in a mighty huff ( as he very we m ^i;> might ) withouti the formality of an Audience of leave one m.ay be fure ; irJced without taking leaveof any Body, or fo much as cxcufinn thatOmiinoii; only he fent to c rnplimeiit me, aiiJ alf'rcd me he uould m.ike fai.sfactioii for not cominp hi'iifelf, by do^'.We Civibiies t'l my Coiivr.- mcninP/;!. .A great deal of time p.ilVd aw.iy aft.r this to little purpofc or piolit ; 1 ait ivled the Cnnrt, but;l>iiri th^jAveredear Coir.modities i:i by the means of on..- iiitricpuiiig Pirfju or o her could lie little ornoBulin-'ls. H.ippy Days n;iw began to fliiiie upon Sultan C,' C''roni r.ikl his complcat Rellor.itioii v.as oircliiy cxpelted : 'Tw ilbehapp. furthis Couiitr\ .i.n.l ait Chriltinns thatjCftt 'Vrade hithLT if he comes 1 1 wear the imperi.il Cr.iwn; foraUiisudier Verfics v/i'I make him an iii.lnlgeir. I a- thertotheone, fo his '.'.rge Cliarity and vevy favourable Oi'iiii 11 of Cliridiaiiitv will re:i.!er him a kuvi Frien.i andl'iotec>o.M- i.f the other. I.is uniiafral Brother had lately been p'ouii.' ap.".iii' cfi'tiSlu.il in all points for our piclent cafe at,S/i .if, and over and above ( m niv motion ) promiled onelbr Bw^'im, a thing which he would lle^ er before hear i f When th .• Prefciits came 'he King and the Prince h.id their feveral fhar-s to their JMisraAion ; .V«»m/-m/ w.is gratified too for her pnteilHon, a\id ,:f'j-h (.'.(« was ravilh'd with the Pearl. 1 he .Merchants that came to Co i it were ciullv enter- tained bv the King, and etleChial Orders were taken tor pn\ine of all ihe V/.ci/ Del t< ; the Prince commanded it to be cur off from h:s Maulil deri W'.ices, and at the fame time Itridly charged all hi'i new Officers to ufe us .as Friends. 1 had nr thing now to do, bur to attend the delivery of my Firniausto me, wh cli were order'd to be drawn up in the nioft ample and rartieular manner by the Secretaries, who had received the Kings and Pr.nces Inltrudtions for tii.it purpol'e. Here Sir Thcmms R^e\ Account breaks off, and his Journ.ildocsnot bringus to the Icalt refult of tliofe mat- ters. We don't know how he parted from thence, and how clofely and lincqKly his new gain'd Friends adhered to his Intcrelt Bi^i tis next to certain that all cii.'ed happily, andacc.irding to hisDclircs, iincc the Stile of the Grei-.t AIoir«/'s Letter to our King ( which wasbrought bv him ) feems to proniife all that Favour, which he had been foliciting with the toil .ind vexation of fo many Months at that Court. Tlie Kinfi's Letters fent to Selim Shag, the Great Moqbl, in the Year 1614. by Sir Thomai Roe. fA M 1: S, by .'.'■-■ G.nc: of Almighty Cor!, the Creator of l-hi-v;ii mid Ef.rth, K^jig cf Grent Britain, France, /jw./lreland, n^fciuk'- of the Ci'r!Jl!r.n Fr.lth, &c. To the Ugh ,ni(i mh^hty M )i,:rrh the Cre.n Mogol, King of the Oicnt'il Indies, of Candahar, if '"''■ fmer anil Co- razon, (ie. ('freeing. If e h, v'iigii!tue of yur g^er.t Favour townrds V's and Oifr Suhjeili, /'v Toir GrcnttiriV^m to nX T.^ir Cuptiiini of Htvers^ ,:nd Oj'ccrs of Tour Cijicnii, fn the entertainment r.f Our hvit:g Sd/'/ff/J the Englilh Satlon with nil kjnii l{efpei', "t n-hnttiire forver they fi.'.ll arrive at any of the Ports wrhin T nr [lomlrirn:, and that they may have ijuiet Tr^de r.inl Commerce without any kind of hinderance or nir- lef'atiev, Cc As h the Articles concluded ly Sue Sulf Gvvcrntur of the Guzerats, in Jour iVdWf, with Our loving Siibjcd Cajitr.in Thomas Beit nfpeareth -. Have thought it meet to fend unto You Our EmhaffaHour, wijielt mat w^rr fully and at large handle and treat of fuch Matters as are f,, to be conjidered of, concerning that good an.! friendly L'or're- fpondence, which u /o lately begun letwecnVs; and wl'itl< will without doubt redciindtothe llonrur and ttility of hot!, \ritions. In which Conjideralion, and for the furthering ef fuch laudable Commerce, K'e have tn.ide choice of Sir I'lm. mas Roe Kr'ight, one of the frincipe.i Gentlemen of (J.n Court, to wliom we have given CnninilTo'i under Our Gn.t Scrt/ c/ England, together with biredicns .:nd Injliuttiin further to tieat of fuel) l^fatters as may be f^r riecontiny.via ai.d increaje of the Vtiiity and I'rojit rf eac: ethers Subjcis : to whom 1 1 'e pray You to give favour and C.i edit in wl.atju evjr lle/lyall move or propound towards the ef.r.idijhiiig e.iul enia ging op the fame. And forCoi.ji niatien of Our Good Inclination and H'eli-wijhirg towauUYou, We pray You to .lecept in gcod part the I'refcnt, which Our faid Enibajfa.lour will de iver unto You, and- fo do commit you to the mercifi^' t'loteclion of Almighty God. A Cony of tht Kii'g. V the Grand Mogoh Letter ro .Wo a Kj>:g rlfhtly defcended from his AncrJJnrs, bred i>, Militaiy Ajfairs,and chalhed with Honour and Jiijlicr^ A Ci.mmai..-ier woitly of all command, Jlroiig and canJ-r.K' in Heligjon, which the great Prcfhet ChriJI did teacit, Kjn^ JAMES, whofe Love hath bred fuch imvrejjiou in nil Though:^, a> Jhall never be forgotten, but at the Jmcll «/ Amier, or ai a Garden of flagrant Flowers, wife /iV,,.., and Odour is flill incrca/ing, Jo be "J^^lf-'d my '.eve JJeailgriy and increaje with yours. intK- is'J cr. your hier. ified in Ti;:, ^Our Letter which you fent me r^.^j,,^^,'M/r 0/ chants, I have received, wheret^■^^ J /atisji tender Lcve towards me ; and d:firij^/^,j,^'''Jhc take it ill, fa net having writ unto You heretofore ; |^' this my pt efentLciter Ifendto renewOiir Lcves, and herewith do ceitifyYu, that I have fine forthmy Firmaundsf/jrHO^/j all my Countries to this ejfeii. That if any Englifll Ships or Merchants /hail arrive in any of my Ports, my People/hall permit and fuifer them to di what thy will, freely, in their Merchandit^ing Caufes, aid'r.i and afffling them in all Occafions of Injuries that /hall be ojferedthem, and that the leaji cauji: rf Difcourte/',e be net done unto them ; as a ll'o, that they be as free andfi e'er than my own People. And as tww and formerly I have received frcm You divers Tok.'vsof Y.ur Love ; fi I defi>e yur Mlndfulnefs of me by feme Xovelties from Your Country, as an Argument of Friendjhip between Z's ; for Ju.h is the Cujicm of Prince: here. As for your Merchants, I have given exprefsOrders through all my Count'^, to Jufjer rhim to Jell, buy, tranjport, and carry awfy at tirir pleafuics,without the let or hindianceof any Pofin whatfoevei , all fuch Goods and Merchandise, or ether things, Mthey Jhall dejiie to buy, and let this -ny Letter m ful.'y Jaeisfie Yu inthe dcfired I'eace and Lev; ,h if my own Son had been the MiJfenger to ratifie the Jame. ^,-'d >'^ .ny in my Country not fearing God, nor obeying their Kja?, or any other void of {Religion, Jkould endeavour or be an Iiijliu- ment to breakjhis leagu: of Friendjhip j / would fend wy Son Sultan Caroon, a Souldier approved in the l-Vars, to cut him off, that noObJIacle may hinder the continuance and in- creajing of Our AJfcttions, Ihe [Chap. XX] Thii Seal coi. he \» pleas'd to r iiher, and fent King J for the A his Letter, whci he fliould difpara King ; as the fu: 5'"'' An Accom Row'/ of fome VV ncfs. In which I .'Vccoimt here givi Country at th,at ti init. We know then ; tne Great his enlarg'd hisT here meddle with dr.iw the Lines of dent State, fa^ Thispremis'd ; jjr,. leveii Luge Provii I for anc lentlv they ■' ■ Monarch of its ( tisliethe IJeliivs ol ous of Sovercignt' of Mind ihatll,, to l-,c contenteil w: dencc h.ie allow "njult and intem Prinvcs the Plagi 'f. 1 lio- •iiilonen of Ojr /(.ivT Our Cii c.-.t ,;nd Injliuttivi.i ■ li'CcoMluumci '■■ Olivers Siiljcd! -. ".n'lUt in wl.ntjc- ej}i:i4ijhing nnd ^icn cf Our Good U'c j'rny Ton to laid EnibnJfAdom to the menlfifi I'i Letter re Ancef.irs, bred ii, 'fwiir nud Jiijli:^^ roiig nr.d c;nf..'.r,\ did teach, Kjnf^ iv.vrejjion in n'l) t 'ly (.(,ve Jl.'i^li^nv I'nif of your Mtr- Satisfied ill Tiij ^hc take it ill, fir s my pi efent Letter, cci tifj T u, th.it I ly Couvtriei to this r.ts Jhall arrive in Jiiffer them to di itig Caiifes, aiding m ies that fl^.ill he ')lfccunef,e be not aiidfieer than my TIT rec.'ived frcm y'lir Alindfuliiefi as an Argument Cujiom of I'riiict: efs Orders thmnli ', tratijport, and r hivdi ance of any i.ii:di-(e, or etiicr 'his 'ny Letter m >:, Oi if my oxtn me. j:-'d i' .tiy their K}ai., or •■ he .VI liijliu- d fend my Son IVars, to cut nuance and >>.- ''^^■'Wchap. XXXI. ^n Account of the Mogul'/ Country , &c. I'he De/cription cf the Great Mogulx Seal. l6i The ; i.'t' )H Th'uScal coi.^|\>» his Gcnealogie from Tamerlane, as 'neither under nor over, buttorend itto the King bf Cw^. heispleas'd to rct'^on it himfelf. 'Twas made only oflland, to clap it where he thrmpht beft himfclf. iihcr, and fcnt along with the Letter ( iinfcaicd) to thej The middle and iargeft Circle contains hisownName, King ; for the Mogul was in adiftrcfs when he had writ and all the furrounding ones are thofc of his Eight An- hls Letter, whereabouts he ftiould fct his Seal ; if under celtours, in a diredl defcem from Tamerlane, wlio is in the he fliould difparagc himfelf, it over he might affront thejuppermoft of all. King ; as the fureft way thetc*^vjrc, he refolved to fix it j':r Chap. XXXF. /h Account of theMogViVs Country^ and the *no/i ufeful and re » mar^blc Ihings reiatin^ to it. BxtraBed from Sir Thomas Row'i, Mr. Terry'j C his Chaplains ) and the Obfervatiom of jome others who lived there. WE will begin with the Divifion and Dimcniioiis of this mighty Empire ; fee what pins it confiils of, and the Boundaries that are fet to it's great- ncfs. In which Difcourfe we nnift take notice that the Account here given is fuch as agreed to the ttate of the Country at thai time, that our Authorsliv'd and convers'd in It. We know it is not the fame now that 'twas then; tne i,rcat Mo^iil is 1 ord of more Ground, and has cnlarg'd hisTerritorics fincf that time. But wo don't hiTcincddic with any of thofc Modern Acquilitions, but draw the Lints of the Empire as it was in 'hat more .An- cient Jtate. Itnivili ^'"'' P'"'^'^''"' > Wf ^"■'^ '°'J ^^-^^ '' contains Thiny I ihtCgun. f^'ven Luge Provinces ; one may call chcm K'npdoms, I '"J I for aticieiitlv they Wire fo, e.ich gloryiii? in .1 particular "•' ■ Monarch of its own. Each lnr;;c enough too, to fa- tistiethc Dvliivsof a Prince not extrairdi-.iarily ambiti- ous of Sovereignty ; a Prince of that iMppy conltitutiin of Mind ihatiomc we icad of have been blcffed with ) to l.c contentcil with the Ih.are which Naciue and Provi- dence ha' e allowed him, and live free from all thofe Unjull and intemperate Pailions which render fo many Prin.es the Plajjucs and Torments of their Ncigh- The Names of thcfe Province^ (as well as the other particulars relating to them ' were taken out of the GrM/^ A fo^//// own Records, and not from the uncertain Report"; of any of the People; fo that one may depend upon having a juft and true Account in this cafe. We (hall go over them in the order they deliver 'd them to us. Candahar, a fair Province that lies North Weft from CjnijW . /^)v»; bordering upon /'fiy;.-, to which it once belonged. Tlie chief City bears the fame nar.ie, and is very well knOsvn to the Merchants. Cabul, the Name ')oih of the chief City and Vto-c^^ vince. It borders upon T frt7, and is the moitN;vthern part cf the Mogul'i Dominions. The River Xihb has it'sOrigin here, from whence running Southerly it dil- charges it felf into the Indus. Multan, that lies Southerly from C.:hul and Cmdahar, and to he Weft joins wyon I'ejiu 'Tis famed for ex- *<•'"•. ccllentbiws and Arrows, and all the other Provinces of India do allow it the prchcminence in this Art. The Bows are made of Horn, and the Arrows of fmall Canes iiv Reeds ; both very neatly eoi.tri'cd and fee otf with rich Paiut or Varnilh. Uiijtuan, I It »■ I* 'I 'I' I ^1 ^ ' I 1^8 Provinces of India, C^ tu"". Il,'irc,:>i, die Covuury of the Rnluches, a People of | <>n>/j//',i,-, in the C.ipital City of wliicli, tlie fl/i?/(/ liasjOm;,, Butk^tr, Cl.ijlimin. Ijn.l.^l,. Ji> I J, Curlim. Btluti, iUimt. Chittr, S«Sir7i»' fl»wi Ac- count.' GmMrat. Chaniii. Btrat. tiiiryar. pnoil C'oinaj'e .iiiil ;'. very martial Difpolltion. They ilolvnh look like Menaiwl ilaiv lii.ht like Men ; they are not as a p'eat many foir<; ot I'eople in the A/rj/u;'s. Do- minion: hat have the Spirit c t' a Moiii'e loil^'.eJ in a brave hen'xk IViiK ; ;',reat hulking Fellows ( big e- nouph ahiidllio hvallow a conumni Acherf.iry) that will fi.- kiik'il oiihiMilul aiulitaiiil Hill while 'lis dene. This Province has no eelolirateil City ; the Inhabitants arc its grcatell Glory, aiul eiuniuluoo utlumt fplenil il I'owns aiul Caltles. The River/'/;./ ■/ w allies it on the Eaft and Art)- a \'c>fini Province meets it on ihe Well. huck^r.r, throiipli wliofe capiial City lall'd Siic\i'.r, the noble hi.liis makesitsway. Tr.t:.% a very fruitful and pleafant Country, made fo partly by the brain hinps of the /)/./«i, that Ipre.ids it felf into various Circlets, and forms as nany little lllands up ami down which being fo well watered (and the Soil happy tro) arc as rich an.l fertile aliiioft as Covnouf- n'.rs it le'f conid wilh. The main Current of this River meets w ith the Sea at SMcc a place noted for many eurious Handicrafts. S(i:t, ( the chief City "J.wi-.^^.n) aPro\incc compava- tiveiv fiiiall, but makes amends in its b'ruitfulnels. It lies upon Cu^u'r.i, and has theOcean to the South. 'leifuUiiure, joining to i'oic/, and lias B;/c-i;:i.i!' { which name lignifies live Waieis ) is feaied amonplf fo manv Rivers, all of them Tributaries lo the liifli.:'. It is a Pro\ince of a \ all extent, and as rich as it is large ; iheCapitalof it is / .i/w, that migluy luuling City and Northern Metropolis of Iihl!,i. Cli'p.'mrrc, whole principal City is Siii)v.;ki:i, feaied upon very Mountainous Ground ; through which not- withllanjing the River B/'.i/ creeps ah, n;.',aiid fo pocrs into the Sea. B.iw/'.y?' ( the Chief City li./hm ) it lies Faff, and fomcihing Southerly from C'ijl.'nicie, and is feparated from jt by the /h./hj. Jnngi-.potc, it (Vrc'.chcs alone upon the River fyiiit, one of the five that vvater the Province of Penitib. Jenbit, it lies to the Eaft of Peniab. Dell), is the central Province of this great Empire, .and fiicwsaCityof the fame name, which yet in fpite of all its Ruincs and the Injuries of time will force the admira- tion of aSpcftator. 1 he old r.(/,ViK Princes lie inierrd here a vaft :iumoer of them, anil fo arc molt of the prcfent r.n vallTreafureof Gold and Siher, and a ftroiig Caftle for the keeping of tonlidciable Piilimcrs. /tH. '^■ j\,!(;ivTiof, in whufe chief City is a Temple as richly ^-^ fetout with all fons of Ornaments as any in liiM,i ; the '' Ceiling and Pavemen- 1 are both of the pureft Silver, and the F.mliofling and Fngraving about the whole is alinoft endlefs. 'Tis the Manlionof a very celebrated Idol to which Multitudes of People do rcfort ; with fo much more Charge and Pains do thcfe poor blind Iii,U,:t!s ex- prefs iheir l)evotion and Refpetil to a dead Image, than many Thoulands of Cliridians think fit to do to the living an I true God. 1 he Idols name is M:t:.t, and the People in the Tranfpoiis of tlvMr /eal, cut out their Tongues and ottertlicm to him in lactilice ; they arevcry much to be pitied li,r being under the Pondage of lo erroneous and troublefome abe\otioii astliis is; but at the fame time they are a reproach to multiiudes th.it Ihnd amongit the followers of 'efus Chi ill, who had far better imitate the exaii;--.!- jf ilie /> ..'/,.«,(, and cut their Tongue' (,ur. than life the . ihcy do to the difparage- ment of the (ireat Autlv^r of their Religion. S.'i/-, whofe chief Ciin is /;.■/. /nv>./, where the famous . Riur r.^.i.oci palKs ihio' a parcel of Rixks, ami qiiiikly "" afurfwells intoa I'l-etiy lull Cuneiir. '1 lie Principal of tilde Rocks has (or at lealt ihe ln.li.mi fancy fo ) the refemblance of a Cows-Mead, a Creature they lo'.e iiii;;htily, aiul are very under of I'hi) alcnbe a Hivi- iiity to all W.iters, bin m"re erpcii.illy to ili.u of ilic (Jiiiit^cs, which ihe wlinli. Cuuiiv tl letme Mlits i'pi;n that accoiini. Ki/;i/,j, the cliul Ciil^s ot whiil^,'-e /), x,-/,-f a"' ;. I'iii/,i!.. 'Tis a large Pim nice but '^.j^,,., Alofn'ainoiis fep.uatoil from T.irtaryly part of C'/i/f,;'^,/. and is one of the Norihern boundaries of thcFmpiK-. (ioi, a very uneven hilly Country; the River Sv/;//,r.,, ( that communicates with the Ccnget ) has its Head in it, Pit.in, watered by the River CnnH.t, which falls into the fJcKijfj in the Confines of it. f-i /v"'i'"."w, whofe chief City is \,i/ /,(;.(,■, <../;,7j theRi- \cr ScrfiHy parts it from l',>„)/. This Province and Gti"'-" are the North F'alt Limits of this Mon.n J ■.. P'^in, which is iHiiinded bv the fiV./,;;« on the \V',0 ' r.-.. whofe It niperour s Family. The Ccremonv of the Coronarion is (till performed here, and mull be fo by the Laws of the and the foy;//; on the F.alt j it is a wt) riih Country ; the \tgul may wear his Crown where he I Pio\ ince. pleafcs, but here it ir.uft be hrit fet en. Mr Co '"/ found a Itately Marble Pillar at this place, with an old and al- moft defaced Greek Infcript'.on upon it ; which he bc- lievesro ha\e been ereefe.l by //..•v.r);.^''i in meniorv of his Vi(ftor) over i'."/.!, wiio gave the Conqueror herea- liouij fo br;(k a Reception, and plied him fo t lofc, as and fertile ics Kalk tl': hief City is I^-'jUfuii ; a roi'gh mou;-.t:ii ; it is the molt re P.ir.:r. Me;, It, the chief City A'.;r.„/j nous Country. I I'.irlJ':, the principal f irv 7.'/;,();.:.' I mote Eaftern part of the Fmpiie. made him fay, '.vulcm p<;r .xn'.tna tut.) Jiiveiii pcii:iiliini,\ And lallly llci;^/::^, wliiili well d..'ferves the Title cjf a . he had at laft mjt with a Danger big enough for him. Kingdoir., for he large extent of it. It contains t«u ( And we know that /■;.,';'.i .itilirded him another Danger J'reat Provinces, /'//./' ami I'r.tf.n, the one lying on the too ( before he left it) that was not only great enough, j tall and the crhir on -he Welt of <:vi::ci. 'Tis bovnJ- bu; \ery like to have pro. ed too great for him : Witnefs i cd to the South by the (iilph of the fame name into that Town cf the Afrt.7.' where he fo narrowly feaped the | which the(;/;i;';c/parted into four great Streams pours out I?ft etledls cf thejuft firy (,f the Kcficgcd; when he bad its Water, after it has run more than 1500 Miles oit thrown himfelf otF from the Wall amongft them, and right in the Ari;H,"s Territ(>ries. The chief Cities arc fupported himfelf ngainit the Trunk of a Tree, till his {{r.gnmtl/:! and D.jk'ikr ; there are abundance of fine MiKeiiotiiAns ( in the very nick of time ) came in to pre- | Ports and Ha' ens in this Country, and 'tis olelfed wiii fer\chim). The River 0>;nitlpore. Chitor, a very ancient and great Kingdom, its chief City (of the fame name) iw involved in the mifer.i- ble fate of many other great and ftately places that have paft their time of flourilhing. Gu3iin.1t, a very goodly, large and rich Kingdom ; its Capital City is .Imaii/iiins, iho' Cnmb/tir, hiodern, Bit'Oih, ani\ Suritt ( not much lliort of the former ) do all ftand in the fame Territory. It has feveral fine Rivers, asthatof C'.iW'/yi.. { fallly fuppofcd by fome to be the I'litiit) the N.irbcJuh which palfes by Bami; and the Ta- fleehy Siii/tt. Ci .wHis, whofe chief City is Bramporc, a large and po- pulous place. Ucrar, the chief Cny Sh/ipl'o-c ■, thefe twolaft are the Southern bounds of the Empire. i\>.'..:i-, the chief City (ich:..!. watered by a River that niuch enriches it, and difchargcs it fcif into the And now for the Dimenlions of the whole in one' piece, 'lis rcckon'd by our Travellers to be from N. W. to S. W. above Two thouland /-.'h;;////! Miles, from N. F. to S. W. about One thouland five hundred Miles, ard from North to South, about One thouland fourhun'drnl. A fine fpot of Ground for one Man to Ix; Maltcr of; aiul yet as great as 'tis, not big enough to latisfic the cravini; Deliics of its Monarch. This part of Indin '\s not luffi.^ cient for him, but he muft have Decnti, MaUlw, and CorowmiHcl 100 ; and that lupposcd, he would be as mad for Chinn on the one lidc and Vcilla on the other ; then Tm/t.)' would lie in his way, a.nA Europe be a tempting bait to him, and then he would never deep quietly for thinking upon /Ifkr. and ^Imerict. What are the bounds of Covetoufncfs and Ambition ? and where is it that enflamcd Appetite quenches its own Fires, and begms to grow cool and temperate ? Certainly 'tis not within ihe Limits of this World : Had an ambitious Prince the whole Earth at his command, he would (like AU-xnUit.') repine and grumble that there was not more Aieh wiihin his reach ; and undoubtedly were there a Conirivancc for Jhap. XX for the conve the Moon via Atvi and ^uj ,(» temper What the ilKC)iiii- niay lie cafily J ,,j ,11 Suns v\'ay, a PrjJuCli. Expeefationsi Their Rair as they are in hardly be wet f fon of the Yc for three Mor about dii" till Tropick, and line. Tliey a Thrnder and (i) they are ; '1 he relt of thi plemifiilly ) fi cool ami comfr Months are lill< parch'd. aiulal IS at ih.1t time 1 of the Delert tonilicd Plant' I n there's prele rev Ives and llioi nu're Summer 1 H'jjhng "Ihey 'I ill ihi IttlSowmi!. tlicirSi'cd time tlicir Harvelt ii ficr.iv.' Months ( Hcn harunii-g I tiny can work Plough ; for I goodiicfs difpr/ heeiino Rail: \) \ t'c iiicli.s'd Lam by Towns of V They e • 'he^ green or wirher'i as we do in ling' grows as thicic .i;id one may p without feeing t forts are Whea we don't know t whiter than our; and that which t of ciiurfer Graii lerv hearty. With their Br thn'nor of the C( an Oil, for the to bring their Cr All the ufeful r": "i tn this Country, irw.H. jnd tit.;. feveral fons of whereabout, an fow Tobacco But their wav of tho' perhaps they as we .lo ; f ' thai li.is an ope the Relly on t ) pjrtof the Spou the top of thePo with a Reed or t the .Snout ) the They fay it is m thus, than as the i.pon the furfice Cane. The Tob good ( in the Plai the Art of dreilir ftronc) .as they deleCt as t.i Vegc a gre.it part are b pleafe the Lye v li"!e or no cntcrta kinds more are fra isa white I'lower moft grateful and fiiieOyl, with i thcmlelves, and thefe for a Perfuit thcr fearce nor of •As tor Fruits th Dates, Figs, Gr Lib. II lie A/f !(»/ has aij*'.'!*, long Caftlc for ::hap. XXXI. Soil and "ProduBs of Indh, <^c, \6^ li pretty well i> ilie Province he Gntigi-s, and ,j. L'lnplc as richly ^,,^^ f ill IjiJui ; die reft Silver, and whole is alinoft ebrated Idol to with fo ninth lind liiitir.vs ex- L'ad Image, than ,t to do to the .\/:f.M, and the il , ciit out their ; ; they areveiy I'ond.ipe ot" lb liis isjlnit atihe tildes that ftand , who had far IIS, and eutilicir o the difparapc- ;':on. •here the fanifius , ks -iiid <]niikly " lie I'liiuipal ot" .< I'.iiuy fo ) the at lire they lo'.e y akiibc a Divi- to tli.u of the etore Mii'.s npun '/-e Ih'^.-'ice ar ' ,„ ■,,,., Moi'iiiainoiis f/j and is one of the River S^rfilt: c,,. lias its Head in which falls into ■<;.(/. '■/:,:; thcRi- l'ro\ iiiee and Cii ' ""■" es on the Will-, riih and iVriilc '^' '"' it lies Kail tfr,; , ioi'j.'h niour.tai. , . is the nioft re- . , es the Title of a - It contains two ■ne lying on tho a. 'Tis Ih)'. nJ- "amo name, into treams port', mi 1 ^oo Mik-; oi:; chief Cities arc niidance of (iiio 'tis olellcd wi:li 5 of Nature. whole in one ^ " le from N. W. to ' ' es, from N. K Hired Miles, and lid four hundred. M after of; and islic the cravinj; ndin is not lufli- 7, MnUt-Ar^ and lonid be as mad the other ; then he a tempting deep quietly for at are the bounds where is It that s, and begins to i not within the [ions Prince the (like /lUxmid:) iiore fnth wiih.n a Cortrivancc !or Ihi Kip-' fihcCiun- fer. !»' ''■ " of •!«■ I. r.J "II Cm. for the conveying an Army thro" the Air, the conqueftof the Moon would be next attempted, and then woe be to M.VI and Jlupii"; and the reft of the Planets. What the Temper of the Air in this Country is, may l>c eafily guelled from its fituatmn in ibmc meafure ; one may cxpeiit violent heats in a Pofition fo near the ,, I, Sun's way, and thofe that live in Ji.y/i dcn't find their PiXt'i' Expeelationsof this nature friiftrated. Their Rains are neither fo common nor fo uncertain as they are in many parts of the World ; a Man can h.ndly be wet With a Shower except at one particular fea- foii of the Ycar,and then he may every Day(iiiorc( r lels) for ihicc Months together. Thefe general Rains begin about dii- time ihat the Snii comes to the Northern Tropick, and fo continue till his return I'ack to the line. Tliey are iifually unicred in with tearful ftoinis of Thender and I iphtninp, and as ilielc are the beginning 111 they are all"' the lontlulion of ihc rainy Seafon. 'I he reft of th,; Ye.ir a rcfrcftiiiig Dew ( that falls very plfntifully ) lenesinllead of Rain; this does a little cool and comfort the harth, yet by that time the nine Months are lilled up, the (Jronnd grows horribly dry and p,ii-ch'd. and all the CIreens languilh fora Shower. There IS .It th.it time I'onu tiling of the dead and barren prolpcdt of the Uclert // r/;.- ; he'.rs of Dnft and Sand, and tonilicd Plants and .\ii:mais i but when the Rains come I n there's pr..-len:ly a wonderful alteration, every thing relives and llioots lip, and the Fields appear in their ge- nu'f.e Snnimcr Colours. „ ,)i Ihey'l illtheir CJronnd with Oxen and Foot-ploughs j Juisowmi! their Son! time is in Miy and the lifginmnP of June, and tlicir H.irvcft in V ■ i'iIki- and Drcnnhcr ( the niolb tem- pcr.ee Months of the Yea./. And tho' ihe ("irnimd has ktn hardnii'.g fo l^iig as it has by the mighty heat:, \ec tiuy ran work it ^ithont difficulty v\hen they ci-me to Plough; for tl:-: Mould is fat atul rich, and its own coodm'l's difprj 4li'' t" yield to the Plough, tho' there has hcennoRaii: ;, V(, ften and prepare it. I'here's very lit- t'e inclis'd I ant uO this Country, except fometimes juft by Towns or Vi ..iges otherwifc it lies all open. They r • •he- Giafsasthcy have occaiion for it, either grfcnorwither'd ; but the, don't Mow it and make Hay as«edo in ^>;;''»"''. The Corn is extreamly rank, and grows as thick and dole as ever the land can bear it ; .i:id one may pafs fevcral hrndreds of Acres together without feeing the leail fpot that's rhin ami poor. Their forts are Wheat Parley, and Rice, with fome others wo don't know the names of ; the Wheat is plumper and whiter than ours, and makes a fine wi-ll relilhd Bread ; anil that which the commi.n People make ot another I'oit of ciinrrer Grain is both tcothl'ome and wholfurae, and icrv hearty. With their Bread they have excellent good Butter too, thn'notof the confiltence of ours, hue iiiorc fluid like •an Oil, for the heat of the Climate will never allow them to bring their Cream to any other Temper. .All the ufefnl Garden Roots and Plants are common Jmi. md j„ this Country, as Carrots,Potatoes,Onion«,Garlick, and '"'' fever.il forts of' Sallet Herbs. Ginger grows ainiolt every where about, and Sugar Canes arc no rarity at all ; they few ToKacco in vaft plenty, and finoak it as much. But their wav of taking it is fomethmg (xtd and ftrange, thn' perhaps they don't fire their Mouths by it fo mneh as we i!o; (oc they take a little narrow necked Pot ' th.ii h.is an open round top, and a Spout coming out of the Belly on t) and till it with Water up to the lower part of the Spout ; then they lay their Tobacco loofc in the top of the Pot, and upon it a Coal of Fire, and to with a Reed or Cane of an Ell longf which is inferred into the Snout ) they draw the Smoak inro their Mouths. They fay it is much more cool and wholfome to do it thus, than as the luiroprmis do, (incc all the Smoak falls I' pon the furfacc of the Water before it palfes into the Cane. The Tobacco of this Country is thought to lie as gnod (in the Plant ) as any in the World, but they han't tlie Art of drelfing and ordering it ( to make it rich and ftrong) as they have in the f-Ky?-f'. it felf round into a vaft Cotnpafs, and forms a kind of a Pavilion capable of entertainmg feveral hundreds of Men under the (hade and ilieltcrof it. Tbi ing TteOt 'I ■'■■it ■-' i I u&ilS i:, ii I ' h Ml^^h.fl ^ h'y lliiii \ I .1 . i i. I. Et 4.: i't I y ■I '. no 'hodtidi oj the Mogol'j ioimry, 6iC. 'I lis ;< a vcrv pnrnl Cm' cni'-n '[■^th.' bcitcr iiit'nt 'tis ;^l\v.iy^ vca re for IrSM-llir!, and very finall and liplir, but ar? too fine and tender Iv. ami map >i d con- I Monkey 10 pretend to tread them d'tUn to ailcii tlicm a IVi'tcai in l.o.n th.' lieat ai any til- c lire.- tlicTre: s in tli- IV v-irt' •'>'''■ ' ardly ever llr.ii il (.f ihiii-prc. I'lirn tere aH tl'e Year r tind. J* 1 d by r. p()'t tiiel\' s lue i'ro'n ihe ■ i( enoui'b ' t I'll li Reticaf! as tliele are ven at tliar li al'on of ■ s \ .(plenre i;i h;1!, tlic Yea'-. v.li;ii ii.aiiv otilCi-plarvS \vn 11 I c flri'l ro leel him i, 'iule niitc. ?'■ r tiiey t -l e.<; .li.'.t 'lie Si.ii's Mer.- diaii llr.i-["li fli.dh.Mtintlv enUieltUay tlv.r', isast-o 1- Mvlnvcaiilunf the li uti II Oiv in/ i',n . ; esc:'pt at tlictiiinsvlienthcereatRnins f.il', whui ilic At ^senn- fequrntiy inaPn'^dnr.Mf"rc elcar'd ot tiie lio' f ili'liiirous Va'poirs. and'loadel \m li otlii.-rs of a contrary iiani'-e, A loftc.-r:t'e Vind, 1 ;'tlid > from lie pvc'.u] !bar:l-, I'c rcarryinpof flurtlicns and other llavifli Work, ihcyC.r e Alfis, Midi's, Camels and DromeJarx'S, wliidi are'^ I Nativ es of this Coiinii y. ''^ Tlie Dron edary { with his lonplcps) rids Grornd and travels a vail way in a D, ay Ih: y are han'.jr, \v til .V lieaVi'.iar ra fes'bl.lUrs uinii ill- 1 :.r.s of rco]-!- i.o' ufed to tlicC.imate; 'ii< like the li ea'!i (,\ a biirnmp I'evnneej and were nor tlv;fc K' rliiu;.: Wliitis tcnipcrid witliccr:aiiH0«p, S^'. them; the Deer arc no vvi'.ere inclos'd in Tarks, liit Armour upon their Necks, Brealts, and B.icks. They enjoy 'their full Liberty as o'her Creat.:res do, and .'.re have Ihort but very (trong Horns ( planted upon linn c\crvMan's(;aincthatcaii vakethem. Rones ) chat lie o\er their Noftrils, and arc rccinc. The B':li'.i'o has r-,inethinp linru.ar in it, and 'tis a trowinp upwards towards the top of their Heads. I'.ach ftranpcrtooiirpans. 'Tisa larpe i'e.-.lt. :.nd h... a very Rli:n(,ceros is Jortihed with one of thofe Horns, which tli'itk, fmooth Skin, wholly w ihoi t Hair; ir pives a 1 renders them lb terrible, that molt of your other Crc.v vcrv pood. Milk, bur the Idelh of i; (tii"' it hi.nethmp |turc', void them as much as they can. 'Thev make cer- rcfemblcsbcef) yet is iiLiiiier fo pLaiiut: n r li) vvlwl- tainCupsof thcfe Horns, which arc r.'i'orted toconviv- inmc. jnieate a Medicinal Vertue to the Liquor that itands fciK Here arc T.lks and Aiitilrpcs tc, v. hi- h .-.re vc'-y ftr. np , time in them, .and fierce Creatures. I 1 he hlephanc requires * larger ftory, as a Crcatvre f,,:,, Monkeys, Ap.s and B.ab<-oi's .^le ahnoft as conimi,s Cixanircs veil ii-iapapvd \\y a>.rc Raven l-'nck, ^/<.Mr ■'Mid-er pic.i ,f l.ip.h: and y\iv.. ivcii thciraC«'o':r .vhat they have a igc and rolnir the : a Mrrf.' lo(.ksas heir Hair is virv c upon thctn, and lin. Their main Dont 'oi.ml, Tares cy l-ml I'ufer, and (o thiulV into their of Horfes, ai.d a woinicr th.'V tliein li.d;;c .s 'iitli on't is, thiy Hr.ulrer.s ( as wc '. r,iio them their their hinder leer, 'y the Leps. li.t no whcr-' hcttr hc'c ; for every .1 \vait npcnhini; 1 h' iieft Alan tan 3r Wan to be his id wonder in thisto-rin:-' hiephants. The ii'emoreadniiied. 1 bi,!!ger than any • Skin ( which is 1 ;!roat folds like d Racks. They anted upon tinii and arc rccir-c, icir Heads. T.ach ole Horns, whieli yo.ir other Crca- 1 hey make cei- IKirtcd to conitiv- r that Itands U::r.J y, as .1 Crcaivro^-vj,',,,,, r iilcj but 'ou.f.t, vn to the Worhl may be omiticd, vations concern hi; rrni nine or ten t"> villi all this miphrv y f.'.ft ; they du at amends for ihc.r iiov.ne'S i flowncfs, in their fure and truo going, for they never fdl ""The Females go twelve Months with their Young : 'Tis thirty Years before they come to their full growth, and thcyliveiheufualAgeofaMan. 1 hey are the moft governable and cafily managed Lrea- tiircj in the World ; as a mighty Ship is ti'm'd about by the force of a fmall Helm, Pj are thefe vaft Frames dctcr- inin'd in their Motions by a mean and defpicable power. The Governour iifcs only a fniall Rod of Steel made fharp and crooked at the end like a Hook ; upon the lead twitch or pull, with which the Creature difpofes himfelf to Obe- dience. A Boy of twelve Years old may do this Office, . and rule the bipgeft Elephant in IndiA, provided it be not in their Maddinp-tinie ; that is, when the Males grow hot with delirc ot the Females. This Fit lafts for fome Days, and then they come to good Temper again ; but while 'tis upon them, they play the Devil at that rate, that two or three Troops of Horfc is little enough to keep ono of them in order. Miey ftnke any ihing that comes in their way, but their Keepers ; and what they ftnke iliey beat to Pummice, or crulh the Bones of, be it Man, Hnrfe, Afs, or Camel. They drive all the Town before them, when they break loofe in their mad Fit ; the People run belter skelter, and tumble o\er one aiwih'r, to avoid the Ti cad of the angry MonlUr : And 'tis better to do fo, tho" a Man gets a broken Head or Shin by it, than to lie kick'd to Death by an Fdephant. The only way they have to ftopthem in their Career, is, '; tn fire a Train of CIi npowdcr about their Fars ; this puts them into a Fripht, and when they fee the Flalh, they'll ;- Hand dill and tremble. All the while this H.'at is upon them, they fwear prodi- pioiidv, and iUi t •">' ihat '•''te, that a Pig-fty is a Perfume toit: 'I'hey fay, 'tis like the rank and filthy Scent of a Boar that's a fat jing, but as much worfe than that, as the Boar is lelsthaib the Elephant. To prevent all Mifcliiefs that may l« ,' Cie by them in their Fury, as fion as ever they kgin k pro w diforderly, they are fetter'd with ftrong Cliains to the Bo.iies of great Trees ; but fomctimcs the Frenzy is too ftrong for the Iron, and the Beaft, in fpitc of all, takes his Ramble. But to goon with their good and commendable Quali- ties : There's hardly any Creature fo much admired for hisSence, fo doeible, (and if the application of that term to a Bealt mav be allowed) lb underrtanding as the Ele- phant is : All the Stones reported of them, are, perhaps, no more to Ix; believ d, than thofe that are told of Foxes and Monkess which fome People have made as wife as t' loft accompiilh'd Politicians of the Country. But thcie are lomc PaH'ages remarkable, and odd enough (ta- ken from the Obfervation of our Authors, and the certain and conltant Reports of credible Perfons in the Country) that are fuflicient to juftitic that Char.idcr of ftrangc Scnce and Apprehenlion, which is commonly fix'd upon this Creature. Thi's they tell us, that an Elephant will deport and manage himfelf towards another Perfon, ac- cording to the private Inilruiftions given him by his Kee- per, ir he order him to fright a Man, the Elephant will march up to him with a fceming Fury, as if he meant to tread him in pieces, and when he is at him, do him no harm at all, If he be bid abufe oi affront a Man, he'll take Water up in his Trunk, and fpout it out upon him, or Din rcihaps, and dalh it in his bace. So alio they arc cxtreamly fenfible of any Kindncls done them, and nicely ,; rcmcinbef the Perfons that have at any time obliged them, ^ by making much of them, or giving thcinViiftuals. ^leliiioniof ^^ /IJDieie (where the GiM/ Af;:;!;/ then redded), there tltphinii, was one of his Elephants that ufcd to be frc«^ucntly lead through the Market, and commonly as he paflcd along, a certain Herb-woman that had a Stall there, ufed to give him a Bunch of green Herbs : It happen'd one time, that this Elephant being in his Heats, broke loofe from his Keepers, and took his way through the Market ; all the People endea\oiinng to fccure themfelvcs from him, by Hying and hiding as well as they could. Aniongftthe reft this Herb-wman ran away too, and lieing in a great Hurry ai.d Friidr, left her young Child behind her upon the Stall. The Flerhanr \ as not fomad, but he ttopp'd at the place vvher he uled to have his Bunch of Herbs, and feeing the Cadd 'X here, betakes it tenderly up in his Triaik, and goes and lays it down (without the leaft harm in the World) upon a Stall of a neighbouring Houfe : Whai he had done this fober .\i'',;oii, and thus cxprelVd his Gratitude to his lieiiefaiitor, away he went in his mad Courfe as before. And if .-,t any time they are mil' s'd, and receive Iniu- ries, they are as implacably prejiidieed againft tliofe Per- fons that have atliontcd them, and fure to revenge it, if ever they have a fair opporcniiity. One of them did in this formal manner, lay, and execute a Plot to be rcvcn- gcd of his Governour that had abus'J him. Being upon a Journey, it leeiiis, the Man was laid down to flcep, but was ported fo out of the Elephant's reach, that he could not flrikc him cither with his Trunk or Teeth. However, ha^ ing Ibmc green Canes by him, he takes one of them, and hai ing Iplit i: with his Trunk a conlidcrable way, he reaches <.ut that end of it that wai fplit, and twifting the Man's Hair preiiy fecurely in it, by that means he dragg'd him down to him: What he did with him, is cafie to be imagin'd, the Elephant did not play that Trick for nothing. And 'tis a very common thing for thefe Creatures to be tanght and managed lo. as to take up young Children in their I'ruiiks, tofs and fwing them about, and then fct ihi in down again, with as much Care and Tcndcrnefs as their Mothers could have done. The Grcitt Mogol once made his own Son, a \ oung Prince of fcven Yeaisold, be thus tofs'd alxjiitby one of his ma- naged Elephants, and after the little Prince, ihe Children of fevcral of his Nobles that were there prcfent, ami none rcceiv'd the lead Irjity imaginable. From all which In- ftances (tho' a great many more may becollcded up and down), a Man will fee Reafon enough to fall out with a CirrcJUn, with whom all thefe Creatures are fomany Pie- ces of mecr Clockwork, and their Adions the Effeifts pi'rely of Wheel and Spring, as 'tis in common artiticial M.ichines. Such a Story is evidently too vain and frivolous to de- ferve a ferious Refutation ; however, as long as there arc any Animals alive, it will not want innumerable ones, and the C.iifc/'i'", by converfing with Nature, and ob- ferving the Adionsof^ Animals, may cafily convert them- felvcs to more reafonable Opinions, and together with Wheel and Spring, learn to acknowledge alio the Influ- ence and Ptefence of a more noble and fteddy Principle in the Government and Determination of thefe Creatures Motions. The Elephants having fuch mighty Carkaffes, are not to be maintain'd with a little, efpecially if they are well kept (as all the Mogol's are), 'tis very chargeable : There's none of them that are called the Royal Elephants, of which tliere is Three hundred, but eat him 70 Roupies apiece (a Day) in Grain Butter, and Sugar; but they can't fpcnd upon a Maftcr that's better able to afford it. Take them out of their mad Fits, and they are not found to have Vigour and Courage proportional to their huge Bulk. An Ln^Ufi) Maftiff boldly affaulted one of them, faftned upon his Trunk, and the Elephant hai ing fwung him up and down a great while, at laft threw him to a confitterablc diftance from him, and was very glad to be rid of him fo : This was one of the Dogs that was prc- (cnted to the Gient Mogol by the l■.llglip^ Merchants; and when this Story was told him, he was exceedingly pleas'd at it; the Dogs were entertain'd, and lived at a mighty raie, they were carried up and down with him in Pa- ankees, had each of them four Men to attend them, and to fan away the Flies ; and the Mogoi had a Pair of Silver Tongs made on purpofe, that he might feed them with his own hand. To conclude the Account of this Animal, it is confi- dently affirmed of them by all their Keepers, that they will never ufe their Females in the prcfcnce of any Spc- iftator, and that in all thofe Natural Aiifions they are fo rcferved and clofe, that they wdl not endure any to be nearthem, while they are about them : A ftrangc Inftancc of Modefty in a Brute, and as remarkable as any of their Qualities that are known to us. As for other Animals, our .Accounts are not fo particu- Lyons. Ty- ar : There are Lions and Tygers, Wolves, and Jackals,"^"' "^'^ fome of which do often ramble about in the Night-time viiiting the Tents of Travellers, and ftealing away their Sheep and Goats : Nay, in Towns that are near great Woods, they'll come into the \crv Yards of the Houfes, leap a Wall, and carry off their Prey cleverly along with them. More than this, they very commonly hunt under Ground for Prey as well as above it, the Dead can't reft in their Graves for them, but (unlcfs they arc butied very deep) they'll remove them into another Sepulchre, theirown hun- gry Bellies. The Rats, in fome old Towns, arc very troublefome, and in their proportion as ravenous as the Lions. Our F.ngl.jh-meii complain, that fome of them were bitten as. they lay in their Beds ; that the Rats would fall a mi^IMing their Toes, or the Tips of their Ears, or fomctimcs the Tops of theirNofes, or any pa;c that lay cxpoled to them. In the mean time, to be fure, they could not lleep very found, while all this Mifchief was a doing ; for other- wife 'twould make a Man ftare pretty fufficiently to wake in the Morning, and mil,'s two or three Toes, or find his Z 1 Ears 'I I 1 ?|n, I T.'l i i:l" :'-i' i; ,'r I'U ■ f 1 1, • > 'nr ■■■ ri ■ I'i)' 1 L. iv if ' {; ^i^i'lii I' \ ■<. •!;. • > t,mSi i-4;bf ..^m iH ■**l 172 'Drcjs and Habits of the Teople, &C tureOi. &t. F.ari gnnc, when hv wat furc ail WJ7 fife and wcU at hii like Alabafter goinc ti> HeJ. _ _ . I O'V'. *" l-cpr<)u« M li Troublcrs of their Rcpofc arc the Flici, the foul Diftcinp( Mlqiictoons, ami the Chinches fomc of which by Day i ami tlic others by Nicht, do cxcrcifo the Patience of Men, whole 1 (It is c.ift in this Country. The former are a fort of (inats, and the latter are like Tike«, and arc the worfe Plague of the two by far; for they bite while they are alive, and IHnk naltily when they arc dead ; fo that a Man had lictter endure the Torment of their biting, than have the Poylbnof t^ eir foul ftcnch. 1 he Scorpions are the molt datigcroiu and terrible of all, .ind they ciccp into their Hoiifcs very much, when the rainy Seafonsccmc "x. The little Inllruinent they do the Milchicf with is very Iharp, hard, and crooked, like rhelalon of a Hawk, they tlon't thnift it in and out of their Bodies as feme other Creatures do their Stings, but it always appears in their Tails ready inoiinted, to give the fatal prick. The Remedy they ufe, is an Oyl of Scorpions ; or if they can catch the Scorpion it felf that pave the Wound, they bruife it, and apply it to the part : This if prefcntly done, feldomc fails of giving Re- lief. There are very few crooked deform'd People amonpft them ; hardly Inch a thing as a Hunch-back to be feen all over liidi/), a Man of undue Sixe, or irregular Proportj. ons. Their Hair is very black, but ftreight, and not at all like that of the /IJricam • 1 he Mdomer^tiJ wear no Hair upon their Chins, but that on their upper Lips they fuflcr to grow as long as twill, .^nd to ptt-rervc the Colour of it, they ufe very much Black Lead Combs, which do their Bufinefs effjftually, "till Old Age begins to thrult out Grey Hairs ; Hairs that in fpiteof all the Black Lead Combs, will (hew their Colour, and tell them 'tis in vain to ufe thofe Arts any longer. Then thc7 quit the iifc of the Raior,' and let all the Hair of their Faces grow to in full length : Bur thofe that do this arc cither very Old Men, or fome of the Priefts, that fancy a Sacrednefs in t long Beard, and think they fpcak with more Authority to the People, when they blow their Words out through 1 Thicket of overgrown Hairs. The Mr round or fijuare, but all fo thick, that it never breaks cr wears out ; 'tis befides very line and p'rc too, having nothing of jMlav : Upon this ac- court, even in the Spr.iijh Mi i;cy it felf (\^'hich is the pu- rcft of all Eurrp ■ , there is fon-.e lofs. They have fume Gold Coyn too, and that extraordina- rily g' od, and Pieces of very great vahic ; but thele very fcldom conic abroad. All Foreign Coyn and Bullion, when it coir.es into thcfe pans is prefcntly melted down and refined, and being new co^ n'd, has the AJojo/'s Stamp fwhich is his Name and Titles in I'cijjm Charaifters) fet upon it. All People are very wekcnie, that will bring their Bullion or Money in hither, and carry aw.-iy their Merchandiceforit ; but 'tis a Ciime iiot cafily forgiven, to tranlport any QiMntity of Money from hence. In all the great Towns they keep two Markets every Day ; the lirlt in the Mornir.g a little before Sun-rifing and for about an Hour after: And the fecond, when the Si n is as low in the Evening. 'T would be impoirible for fuch Crowds of People a* frequent thcfe Markets, to come together without fwcltcring, and aliroft ftifling one ano- ther in the Heat of the Day : Ai.d thcrcfiirc they take the Coo' r f the Morning and tvcn ng to do Bufinifs in, and pafs the ftorchiiig Hcurs of the Day in their Houfes, or fome lliady Retreats in thiir Gardens, where they fleep anil enjoy the Plcafures that Nature has aflbrded thein. The Natl', es of this Comitr\, arc, for the generality, Thi People, a ii^ricfotne and well made People. ThcirComplcxionis TheirCoiiur, Olivc, Or a fad Tawny ; and tho' this be not lieautifiil in Diefi.&i. Eui tr, yet 'tis in hhli.i, where N.'ittirc has made it their Colour. They don't envy the EuTopcr.ns their \\ hitc and fair Skins nO"" think thole People lb charming that loolf tfiiketi,or ■■iiri. excepted, which is left upon the Crown ; and that is for the Prophet to take hold of at the Day of Judgment, and drag them up to Paradife by. The Heathen part (call'J Hindocs) not cxpcding to lie pull'd up in that manner, leave no Lock at all upon the Cro-vn, nor no where elfc, butlhavc all off: So that where-cver their Paradife lie;', and hoAcver they get to it, they think to be fetch'd in x civillir way than that the Mi-.hanen-ns talk of Shaving being fo criilt.Tit and frequent a Practice a- mongft them, tneie arc conlqucntlj -a great number ut Barbers, who make their Bulinefs and Province (bmetliiri; larger than our Ennpe.-in Barbers do. h (liort, they trim a Man from Head to Foot, pare off all V's Superfluities; not only his Hair, but hir, Nails upon I*i'rip,rs and Toes' and cut his Corns too. Thcv carry aStee'Speculun- al- wavs about with them, which is as large as a Irencher, and fomething gibbous, andbeing well polilh'd, fcrvesa!- moft as well as a common I.o ^tins-GlaCs ; only 'tis cer- tain, that the Convexity of it fomething deforms the Image, and may poffibly fliewa Man an uglier Face than h'; really has. When they meet a Man that they th nk needs trimming, they don't ask him. Whether he will pleafe to be fhaved or no ? But without any more adue, whip their Glaffes out of their Pockets, andlliew him his Face : This they think is a better way to pcrfwade a Man to come into their Hands, than to make a I eg, and a^k to be fet a-work. TheDrefsand Habit of this Country is uniform and in.Thti«. vari.ible ; they always keep toihefanie Mode ; thchigh- '>'•■■ eft Lord, and the poorell Peafant, have their Cloaths""'*'' made the fame way. The former perhaps appears in his rich Silks or Embroideries and the latter in Ibinecoarrc Stuff; but as tor the Falhion, the Lord and the Country- man are both upon a I cvel, and the one is as Genteel as the father. Their Garb is a Coat that (its clofc ami tight to their Bodies and reaches to (or liclow) their Knees ; lender this they have another ll.oiter, and laftly a fort of Breeches like the I'Jh Troufes, that come down to their Ankles and ruffle upon the Small of the 1 eg. The Giamlcci make their braveft Apparel of Silks, Taffata's or Cloths of Gold and Silver ; but moft commonly fine white Cal- lico Lawn is the wear. Their Head-Covering is fome fine Cloth (perhaps as their Quality is, embroider'd or flourilTi'd with Silk, Gold, or Silver) wreath'd T.-veral times about, the Ends of which are Ibmctimcs fringed, and difpofed fo as to hang in light. Aboit their Wa'lUs they wear a Girdle thauccmes twice about, of the fame Stuff, and adorn 'd with a Fringe. Our Engtifh Scarlet Broad Cloth is a thing they mightily admire,' and abun- dance of the Great Men make it their upper Garment ; but the heat and thicknefs of it will not allow it to be worn in the hot Country but in the cooleft Weather, and that in the cooleft part of the Day too. As for the Womens Drefs 'tis not fo ealic to give an ci- adt Account of that, lince (unlefs they are either leud or poor) they are not feen abroad, and no Stranger has the Privilege of feeingthem at home. Since the Females of Qiiality then (whofe Drefs is to be Uippos'd the Perfeiftion of the Country in that kind) are thus retired and out of the way ; we mult turn out Eyes to the Vulgar, and fee in what manner their Cloaths arc hung on, and what they are. And here 'tis (aid of ihcni. thatthey drefs alinoft likerhcMen ; they wcarCoats.antl it fcems Breeches too, whii h moft Women would be glad ct do as well at the-. But the Indlitn Women wear then; in J is-,lr:i- r.;: Ttifir Inge kjiap. XX> iniheliural S< do it in the fetmsisaCourt m:iM fets them aCallicoVeil, will hardly futf Eais not only m vcriency if li. their NoftriN a that muft be hi fmall of their I All thcfe Orna according to thi B'lt to go fro Temper and ( Penpic of a ftri andvcry great I Works. 'lli.s, their i Coti '11 Carpets all their tlower plentiful Evidc Cabinets, Boxi exquilitc Skill a aiiioncil the Ma Kerpc'dls. They'll inia Pearl, Ebony, ' i.'c«jik> capablcof beinj of Cups out Stones ; polilh : dcrltaiid the val They know hov Commodities •' Bargain muft be ail the Arts of V I liicyare Stcnrt*' di)aJmiral'ir:^y cither from ttie donctotJic Life, liiy know the O CviiitTio With all this *>«¥"■ (atlcaftasto till Humour and car They are civi thofe that won't cure and eafic tl trees. 'Tistruc inet with fometi and fpoiling up of enriching the vvc are now dif niin of thcCoi fur li Creatures : jurinus to Man! vcrlir with almol find them ( vcr] > our repofe if them arc very p will take .'Vffroni Ai iniirii 1 here was a tir.inr.a-. great Man, ( m ther/ and one if he had been n riding in State t him an Ehgl^fh daggering drun to prefcrve hind « as, Now \ ou bic-lf.inonly le] The Cook ende he was too drur blow at hiin. ( this great Perfoi fuch a rate, as ' drcliing Dinner only fiez'd and 1 baifadour ; am lignedhim totli infliifl upon him without any Queftinn is, \V thereviling drur Ir.dlr.n, that go foiiable an Abul "Tis a fartht ^-tu-irloa that they are ' 'i'lZt """'t Profoiind i ours. Tliey ad^ a moft Rcligio VA:. Lib. les : For they Colour of ihat ir't upon that 'enple amonf^ft k to bo Icrn all gular Proporti- and not at all 1 wear no Hair Lies they fuffcr c the Colour of mbs, which do ceins to thrult the Black Lead [hem 'tis in vain quit the life of »ccs grow to iti either very Old Sacrednefs in t )re Authority to s out through a hcmeinn Iniiani one Lock only and that is for Judgment, and hen part (call'd in that manner, r no where clfc, ;ir Varadifc lies, 1 be fetch'd in a kof. nt a Praifliic j. prcat numlcT of ivinie (ometliirg (lioi t, they trim I's Superfluities ; I'np.rs and Toei, ee' Spccuhm- al- ■ as .1 Trencher, jlifh'd, fcrvcsal- s ; only 'tis tor- iig f.(f Mcvul's belovcdNor- I mr/'i/fet! them an example. Over their Heads they caft aCallicoVcil, which covers their other Garments, and will harilly fuffer theirBrecchcs to be fcen.They bore their laiMiotoiil) inthe flap, but all round aUiut.for the con- venicncv ( f hanging a multitude of Pendants in them j their Koftrils are pierced too to receive a Ring or two that miift be hung there j and upon their Wrifts and the fmall of their Legs they wear others fitted to thofe pans : All thtfe Ornaments are of Gold, Silver, Brafs or Iron, according to their Ability. , r^ r u B'lt to go from the outward to the inward Urcis, the '' J o'j Temper and Qiialities of their Minds. They arc a r>."f«^^ Pcfiplcof aftrong and ouick Apprehention, ready Wits, and very great Fancy and Ingenuity in all manner of fine Work'*. 'I h,s, their delicate llaiiul Cloths, their Silks, their Coit'iii Carpets of fo many mingled Colours ; in (hort, all their flower d Works in Silk, Gold and Sibcr, arc Magiftratcs have the like Rcfpetft in proportion amongft theiii: and even in the fmalleft Government (private Families ) the Word of the Mafter is a Law, wliicli is obeyed by all his Servants without difpute or gruml>- ling. flu: after alUs faid, they are ( for the ercatcft pait )f.. ... , a timorous, cowardly and mean fpirited People. They" had rathe.- by half eat than quarrel, and quarrel than fight ; and they will fomctimcs give one another fuch fcurvy language ( as would not go off without Blood amongft People of more Mettle) and yet neither Ifrike a ftroke nor otfer to draw all the while. 'Tis common withthemtolfand fcoLling in their Armour, and with .ill their Weapons .lUnit them ; and if one has Cour.iP.c to take another by the Throat and colLir him, he's a migh- ty Souldicr for this, andtheSpe(ifators prefently cry out Shn-AUai ; by this they mean, 'lik aNoblc Atition, and aswell done asS/w-/;WrtJ himfelf could have done it^ that famous Pcr/rix King, whofe Valour is the Matter of a Proverb in this Country. And the Cent M>gut \\\miv\i ufedtofay, that one PorfwifHf^r would lent three of his Ttifit IngC' . . . .^ , ree plentiful tvideiices of. Then they make all forts of I '''/■'"'/, and one /^mij/Z/Ii Man three l'o\t.,;^u^^c ; fo that CiHncts, Boxes, Standilhes, Trunks &c, wi'h that | according to the Prince's computation, the y;.v;///7j V.t. exquifite Skill and Fancy, th.it they deferve to be reck n'd i louris f the f r/jVinasniiicto one. Out th;s is not to ba amoiicil the Mafter Work-men of the World in all thtfe faktn as univrfally true, and witlioiir all exception, Refpcifks. I throiigho'it the whole Empire. For within the Bounds of TlitV.lcji, They'll inlay (with Elephants Tooth, Mother of .'tarethe " /u./.c/, which arc M^Z-wcmk/, the I'.h.m.s ini''it"«'>. Pearl, tliony, I'ortoife-fhell, or Wire ) any tiling th..t isl »';";f^.>, ami the R^tbo-ts_, a Sedk of the P.w/n buiims *''• i..(Wjil» cap.ii'lcof being wrought upon; they work abiindai.ce I which arc N!en of Noble Spirits and Rel'olution, and w.ll of Cups out of Agate, Cornelian and other fine | look any .^dvtrfary or Danger in the Fi.ce. Thcle Stones; I'olilh and cut all manner of Jewels, and un-l.ire made .leof ns Guards and Convovs upon all Occa- derltand the value of them .is well when they havcdniic. i "oos., in wliichCffi.es they arc wonderfully Oiligcnt and Tliey know how ro buy and fell all thofe nice tiiklifli | faithft I, and will die upon the fpot before they'll defert Commodities, ?"Hl lie tliat gets the better of them in a i their Charge. 'I hey ferve at very low and reafonable Bargain mult bc'a very cupning Man indeed. Then ink?t«, demanding no more than five Shillings a Month all the Ans of V-olouring, 1 imning, Varnifliing, Dj ing, | f;'r a Man ; and if you p.ay them tliefe Wages duly and they arc Sccf"^'. to no Peonle wlwifoever. Faces they jpi^niaually, if you have occafion for any of their Lives, doadniira'.'|f*\^cll ;and v.'iltdr: ' . . - - ■ /■ , • . cither from the Life or anothc ill draw any thing iinmediatcly, I and can't be fecur'd by other means, they'll freely part nothcrCopy; however 'tis all with th:m in your Service. And befides, they are gene- hat lees their Vidlures, willc* rally of Aicb jufl Principles too, that if they have their donetotlie Life, and he that liiy know the Originals. With all this Wit and TowarJlincfs, there goes along (atlcaftasto tluiuajor part) a good tliare of obliging Hiimour and carriage. They are civil andcourteous enough to Strangers ; and thofe that won't wrong and affront them, may fit as fe- cure and ealie there, asunder their own Vines andFig- trccs. 'Tis true there are fome of another kidney to be met with fomctimcs, troops of Thieves that go robbing and fpoiling up and down, and obferve no Law but that of enriching tnemfelves by the plunder of others; but ^ ._ , _ W'carenow difcouifing of the People, not of the Ver- Road, becaule he law their Stock was jitlb out, and it min of the Country ; in'o the Catalogue of which all! would not laft to pay him pundually upon his D.iy. furli Creatures are to lie Irought as are hurtful and in- But however before he went away, he gees to take his Pay before-hand, and (hould happen to be afterwards warn'd to provide thcmfelves other Matters; they will ferve out their appointed time, and you cannot get thctit to leave you, before they have performed their Bargain. But then you muft be fure to keep touch with them, and pay theiti their Hire, precifely at a Day, for othcrwifc they'll give you warning to provide your felves with other Servants. Thus it happen'd to fome of Sir T/'-xh/ yarn's Company, *P''»'J"" upona Journey to Court; their Money was gone, andK,''^., a certain ^«/ TO, that attended them left them upon the ' jiirious to Mankind. Take the People that you con- verlc with almoft any where in the Empire, and you'll find them ( very few excepted ) fuch as won't diilurb voiir repofe if you don't lirit diilurb theirs. Many of them ate very patient, gentle, and good natur'd too, and will take Art'ronts tho' they won t give them. leave of the Camel, that was his peculiar Charge, and made a Specili to hin to this purpofe, 1 hat he had tendeti and led him tli'is Kmg, and been a very kind .iiid f.iitliful Governour to him ( as he knew very well ) but now his Walters Money faii'd, and he mult be gone ; but he -T.iyed God to bids him for the remaining iiait of the There was a remarkable Inltance of this in a very | Journc; , and fend him foine other Governour to look great Man, ( no lei's th.iii the Governour of Sa/v?f's Bro- attcr him that might lie as careful ami good to him as he tlierj and one that hadPower enough to have punilh'd,|h.-id been. Had the Camel had theGiftof I'nderltandmg if he had been revengefully difpos'd. 'I his great Perlon was riding in State thro' the Street at Smr.r, when up comes to himan f.».;;/./A^ Ccok, that belong'd to Sir Thcniirs l{cv, daggering drunk, and fore'd to relt upon his own Sword to prefervthimfcif t'rom tumbling. His firll Salutation w,is, Now \ou He.ithen Dog ! to which, when the Ko- ble-tfl.inonlyieplied, Cr.cr.-'i:, Cre^-M, What faycll thou ? The Cook endeavour'd to tell him by his Sword (fince he wastoo drunk to talk much himfelf) making a (bund blow at hitn. One would have thought the Retinue of this great Perfon, fhould have drelt the infolent Cook at fuch a rate, as would have fpcil'd his making Sauco.s and drcfling Dinners for the time to come. However he was onlvfiez'd and contind, till word w.is fent to the Em- ualfadour ; and tho' the Honourable I'erlon freely re- ligncd him to the vitmoft Puiiilliment they thought fit to iiiHidt iiixjnhim, vet he was prefently fent home again, without any farther harm done him. Now the Qucltinn is. Which was the Heathen Dog of thefetwo ? thereviling drunken I'.n^il'/h Man, or the fober temperate ludir.n, that govcrn'd his own Pallions under fo unrea- fonable an Abufe ? "Tis a farther jnft Commendation of thcfe People, ^:ftf^'°'' ^^'^^ ^^^'>' ^^'^ £.cni;r3]ly polfcfsM with Principles of a ^'o!/.^"' "'Oil profo.ind Rcfpedt and Veneration for their Supcri- ours. Tliey adore Thcin'?r.ncc, .nnd keep his Laws with a moft Religious /e.itfainl Cciillancy. All inferiour ffJ.ovlt, and Speech, there's no doul t but lie would ha\c liiid W»;,"n to this Prayer, being fo nuich for hi« good; bit however the li:Ainii, when he had cor.cliuled it, went off, and would not (lay with them, tho' they were to have a frefh Return of Money in two Days. Another thing very obferv.ablc in the Temper and Hu-T'prScru. mour (,f this People is, their ftrange tendcrnefs of thef^'p/^Jj^'-p, Lives ofallfons of Animals; and it may bc.'tis the bed way the Livos of to cxcufe their cowardlinefs to account for't from hence,''"™''' that 'tisa Principle amongft them not to (hed Blood. 'Tis true this Humour docs not fpread in the extremity of it all round the Country, but lies moltly among the Ilindoet or Heathen part, of which there arc vario is Sedls and Subdivifions ; yet they are all in general tenderer of their living Creatures here, than in molt places lv?(idcs. But the fcrupuloiisSeift of tlicm is nice and fcrupulous indeed. They can't be.irto fee a Flic fo much as haunt- ed and petfecuted byanotherPerfn ; but for thcU- own parts, they'll let them crawl imntheir Movrl-s rather than kill them. They may bite and fling them, but they'll not be provoked to be their Murderers. So far from that, that they'll pay Redemption Money for them, and buy the Lives of thefe vexatious Animals, at any time whetl tbej are in danger. ihc r.ng/ifl} Briys h.ive got manv a Penny in Ran- foms for Flies, and Tikes, and Mul'v'etoons ; for the Hindocs go upon a molt merciful Pniiciple, and know that' 174. Their Religion, &C. <.-i i that it thcv wcrrFlio thcmfclvc^, they llioiiUl no? Iw wil- ing to be (qiicriM to dc«h Ix'tween the cruel Fingcri of the Boyj. { Tho' by thew.ty, if a M»n would gife* loofeto hijhiiiTionr he mijiht t)uickly Cpctul «n clfate .irii, • nml llarvcanil Uffcar his iiwn Fainily, by laving the livr* of IiifcCh, that will I'iapnc him when he hontom) Oh ! how wuiilil the Emperor lumiiion { ilint ccU'biaied Fly-catcher) have Ixcn lovtil by thefc People ? or had the I{«tnnn> Wen as tcniler-hcanecl as the lnJinm are, what good I'.arninpiniight ho have made on't, by fa\ing many ThoufandsnV inmKcin Lives, that have Ken barbaroiilly lacrificcd 111 his CloUt .'" fliit then 'tis nor only ihcl? little Hmterinp Animals that the //ih./oci ar.' fo kind to, but all othcrstho' cmt (o noxious and (ilFintivc ; they arc mild and gentle to the vrry worrt upon the F.uc of the tarth, and won'tdcllroy a Crea'urc that may polfiUly, either poil'on ordivuurihcm. but if they archarinlcfs and in- otFcnlive lints, tliey do all tharcaii In; for their liafe and Comfort ; and therefore 'tis cotilidcntlv reported, that the ^..rm.tiis do Iniiid Holpitals tor tlu'in, where they plaie all their feeble, lame, difeafed Animals, and iilc means to recover them to Health and Strength again. And 'tis piry tliofc Rerloiis rh..: reported this, had not goiu- .1 little a farthiT, and told us too, what Salary the B-nyiu all;'v to the (iovernour, and l'h)fician in or- dinary, ti) one of tliole licall.y Holpitals. Thi» would have bei.! liiincthinp partiiular ; but (ince it is denied us, we'll le&vc the matter as ir is ; the Founders of thole Ruildin;;san 1 the INi.lors too, to tho Thanks of iIk mi- I'tr.ib'.'l'atit'i'sthai ar lodged there. TSurR.iigl. ^V"-' ^^"ll " 'W c.Miriil.'.- t.he State of Religion in the Ijon, ii.. Co.in'ry. It hasbecnobfcur.-ly ii aed before upon aiioiiierOcca- fioii, th.-t the Inhabitants arc of two forts, MnhiHetani an.' p Te Fr^.!) !. Ti.. former «re by far the Icfs number, bur they arc tl'o mere eiinfidcrable I'erfons ; for this is the Court Rc- lii'.ion, anu ii( tonly the I'rince himfelf, but almoin all the Grandees throughout the Country are of it, at leaft tliofe that are in places of the highed Dignity and Truft. As for the f)o»lbine of KUl'cniet, it came into the Country with this race ot Empcrours. In Tamerlitne'$ time, and fo all along till the Conqucft, the Religion was entirely /V,(,m«, and there were as many forts of ueitiesin vcguc, as there were pcity Princes that had their (hares in this hupcFiiipire. Not but that the fame Superftitions continue (till in being amoneft the J^^j/'oo'/, and the va- rioiis Sedsof the Uiiidcci ; but at that time there wm nothing clfe, 'twns all pure /'.ij;.i)'/i«; there was no party aniongii them that piofcfs'd' the Knowledge and Wor- fliip of one Supreme Being (without the corruption of Images and Inferiour Deities) as the Miilometms do. 'Tis nceillcls to (jo to dcfcribing their Religion at large; 'tis enough to lay that they are Mnhcinc-itiis, and that they believe and praelife as others of that way do. W.rr M. The main difference is, that they are not fuch ftitf, rigid lilr.l onict,:ns asfomeothcrs in the World are : Any Perfon has the liberty net only to profels his own Religion, but alfo to mainta'n it by Argument againft theirs. This would coft a Man his hfe amongit the Turk.s, Moors, or /Irr.lis, who uillfooncr by half llab a Chriftian than en- ter into a Dilpucc with him. But \.\\c huiiniis arc more cool and free in their Tempers and Principles; they will iii.iintain the Uochineof \l.ilomrr, but at the fame time they'll give another Man leavff to defend that of Jr/I// ChijK Tun Coy/ft had once a prcry warm Difpiite with one of the MoUns, or Priefts ; and the Queftion that lay be- twixt ihem vvas,which of the two was theMulfulman.that is, the Tnic Belie\cr. And after a great many Words [pent on both fides, our Country-man C^ryitt ended ihc Difpute with this witty il.ltindtion ; that he himfelf was the Orthodox-Muffulman, and the Trieft was the Pfeudo- dox-Mulfulman; tliatis, he was the True True Bclie- \cr,and the other was th. FalfeTrueBelievcr ; a finer and fuLciler diftiniflicn than ever was toin'd in any ^ithmnettin School in li. .'!,'. Tb fame Perfon did at another time as rcti-ai-k.-.'^ly difeovcr his Zeal for Chrillianity, as now he did li'.' hap; y Talcr; in decidiny Controvcrfies ; but what Prutiei.^' he dc .imnitrsrcd by it all the World may jui!gc. Fora-th'--.. '• were one Day f according to the Curtom ) cal in;; the People to their Devotion from thclue'i Turrets; thcMofques, bawling out L plesot ai.y., .: t Sedt that ever were In the World Iheyhaycno' 1 .ipledto oppofo and contradii* W«/«! '«" hiiiilelf, to ; It ;nd to ftaiid in competition with him tor the Hone ' ..leProphctllap, and invcll themfelvcs with the fame (-haraifter. I hus Ixhar SU finding hiir,- lelt a.s great a Prince as \Uhmet, fct up for as cotkl > Pronhet too, and made himfelf the Lfead of a party And Ins Son Selim Sha propagated his Fathers Ilerelic withMgour, nay, carried it higher tlun ever he did ■ 'or whereas he pretended but to Itand upon a Level with ^Ulmnct, the other rais'd himfelf above him ; the l''.t. ther was a good, hut the Son would needs Iv a be-tir Prophet, and thereupon he made a new Law according to hi$ own fancy, containing the Dodtrines of Af/ff, S'li'i, Mithomet, and the Ui.imint jumbled all together Andhehad hisDifciplestoo (at leall fome that to flat! ter him called thcnifilvesfo ) and was very glad at any time when any Company .about him would run a du;- fion againfl Muhwei, tho' 'twas ever obferv'd, rhat he never either fnokc himfelf or counteiunc'd in any other an indecent Word of our Blellld Saviour. 'Tis more obfervablcftill ( and a greater Argument of their coolnefs in the AWwwmh Religion) that the two Prince* lately mention'd li.ave giveu'^-innfiderablc En- couragements to Chriltianity. Not fi) much out of Lovf wthat, as to Novelty, to pleafe ihcir ou,i Fancies, and fnew their Authority. ,„ The famous jcfnit \.„ierius was fir.ln'd from Gm to Wpm,_ in ^. D. 1 596. on pnrpofe to arg ue t/ie Dodrincs'"""'* of the Chriftian Religion, before Hvhr ( then Reignino) antf the Mnhmttan MolUs. That Jcfuit fpoke the Vcrfinn »""/"'¥'"» Tongues perfedly well ( which was a won- derfid Advantage to him ) and asmuch a Papifl as he was hcr--naged that point like a Chrift an, and to the Ho-' nour of the Author of hisReligio . The Moll.is were ableto make no Exceptions againf) that noble Scheme of the Chriftian Religion, whici \avierius prefcntcd them with. He demonftrated the perfecl reafona- blenefsof it, from the Perfciftionj uf GikI, and the Na- ture and lapfcd Condition of Ma. ; ni.iking it out in the firlt pLice by clear and undeniai '•; Lk ofs, that the Human Nature could not poflibly have come out of the Creators finilliiiig Hand, wuhall thofe llains and blemi- Ihes that are now fo conl'picuoui in it ; from whence the Father inferr'd Man's degeneration from his primitive Integrity, and the iKCcrtity ( confequently ) of a Re- demption. Then he demonftrated from all the Clu- raders both of the Perfon, Dodlrinc, and Miracles of Jefiis, that as he was the great Meffenger of God, and qualifiedto be the Redeemer of Mankind; fo the World never faw any belides himfelf that could, wii:hout the- highcft Blalpbcmy, pretend to b« fo. In fhort that Prince not only heard Xr.vicrhui patiently from one end of hik \rgmncnt to the other, but kept him at his Court ( to preach the fame Doiarii"- to him ) for a Year ami a half. But at laft he gave him leave to return to Gon, and told him he would fend for him fome other time, to hear him reafoii again upon thofe matters ; but that tunc never came, and the Prince here put a ftop to his Lnquiries into the Chriftian Religion. The gooil Father however had this Honour, to have born a Teflimony to the Name ot Jefus, lieforc thegreatelt King upon the Farth. One thing by the way is remarkable enough in this F.ct'ar Sha, whether Iwfore or after his acquaintance with Xnvicriiis is not certain. And that is, that when 'twas told at the Court, that the Porru^iir^c had hangeil the Akori-.n about an AITcs Neck, and fo wliipp'd him about the Streets of Onuusm contempt of the Mrh'theti-.m ; and the old Emprcfs his Mother came in a great rage, and demanded of him that our Bible might be treatediii like manner at y^,gi- ifervM, that lie d in any other, .■r Argument of that the two infiilcrablc En- ich out (if Love ii Fancies, and n r.ln'd from fic/iir ;i , JC r/icDoiSrincs """'»• then Reigning) poke the I'crfina ich was a won. 'apill as he was, ind to the Ho- [ic Moll.t't were loble Scheme of erius prcfcntcd erftdl reafona- tl, and the Na- king it out in nofs, that the )nic out of the ains and biemi- um whence the I his primitive ly ) of a Re. all the Cha- id Miracles of of God, and fo the World without the In fliort that from one end n at his Court IV i Year ami a Go/r, and told c, to hear him bat tunc ne.er I'.nquiries into however had the Name ot rth. Mioiigh in this laiiitancc with that when ^c had hanged wliipp'd him le hlrhnietnnt ; a great rage, It be treated ill 3, tho' the Por- had done, yet and the Bible graced bccaufe lot Icfs counte-'i.'!^'-' ngscanlider'd)*;;"^.;:. iig letltd there, /,,'«. on\ ens as they could hap. XXXI. littcs and Cu/lomr^ &c 175 (,.M, declaring .it liie fame time thar no Man (TioiilJ , likeihc Pricftsof Bi.i/ j they make horribli Woiu'd, .md Idfe liii Tavour by U'coiuing a Chriltian. I he truth [ l^ap» in iheir BiMliej, t" piovokc the Omipallion and hrdnci not greatly (are what Kdigion his Sub- C'hariry, dr Wonder and Admiration of ihc coinmoi' ieAi arc, fo ihcy are true and loyal to hini ; but then Chriftianit; fTtiiig lo lining a g'arl up 'n the Honour nndRighisof Prince. .11 ir doe<, 't s no wimler that a Prince that knew an) thing of its ti ii Icrnefi in all ilinle points lliould l>f willing to hie lii< Subjei'ls made I'hrilban*. And 'lii known of ih s I'niue that he his praiu'd and rewarded the C'onit mi^v < f thole in ihcir LhrillMn I'rofcllion, wh.'m iieiiln r Ihre.itning* nor Vm- niilesiould fmove fri>ui It, when he m.ide rie ot thole nutli>il«h)r trials fake. But if he found any Mm p!ay irick* with that or any 'tluT Religion, life it to lir\e :i turn, or as a ll.ooing Horn to any Iciil.ir Interclt, he woiilil lertain'y punilh hiin if he w re williin lii" rcaih. Ht hated Hypociilie m hi< Siib|ek.'ts, ami could not cii- durei ec any (if them half Tilli ami half Mclli, tho' he hiinfelf was reducible to no predicament ; Icing nei- ther Cl'iijlian, MuhnmrtiM', nor ll.-i'h:n, but a •jiil:! C u^f ft'ktn of tlu'in all ; if any thirg was Milter in himali'ivethe rcll, it was the Athcilt. Yet would this I'mieriMiietimcsas llieniioully ihfcnd the Chnllian Re. li^ion by Argument in p bin k, ns the i\v>\\ 7i aloiis IViiiiein Chiilleiidom could ha e dtmc ; M he d;d par- tic'larlv when Fatlicr C fi I a Vloreutine Jifiiit, and a Man i)l' better I'riiuiples than the molt of hi» Order th'-ii in li'M.i) was Ibhard pnt upon by Sultan Citroun in his pre fence. 'I he ledr.isCharel it feeii-s ha', ing been aciidentally I liapci ir leeii'.s the I'' rnitiire co People; but iluy llimil.l Iltvc thei.i a ;".„•» advH'd \ built /) i'i;->;f/, (landing up tu tlu- Rars in cold Water, let them alone and take no notice of them, ami they'll tpiickly learn to tork-ar thole Severitic\ ihe'n- lel\es. ■J heirPilgruns and Votaries tormeni ihcmlilves (lit- tle Ich than the f< rnier) wiih their tedious [miriitfys, Icorilimg thc'.r naked Feet in the .Sard ; ihcy .iie all lovcr'tl wiih b'ew Mantles, whih is their Mm nlng Colour in iliol'c puis, and the iitier.fjilinj? badge ia a I'ilrrmi; they traiel a \.iU inml erof Milcsin thofch.ji- lid hmiiuig ways, to vKit the .Sopiil> lire-. (.!' iheir famnii* .Saints; and when tli-y cimc diulKr tluy area* wil'jas they were before, but iliey think th ; -heir I'.ilates ami CirciMiillaiiccs In theWo'.' will .illcw of. And they m. It cf ilicin ,;o to the itiuoU Hull! Is of iht law, take iheii fou Wives, tho' iliey .ire not nile to keep one. .'"iif' •'./I/.' ^erv.intof ,SirT''i»wrf/ /( m'swould needs go out one Day to be Manied ( fi rfof th ) and \et he had three Wives arthe fame tinH.Jwiiha good ilo.kof (,hil.'ren;,iiid bi t live .'ilidlingsa Woirli to maiii.a n them ad. Ihu 4 •.1 Ri;o. |;l....:.l fire.!, ad all thel' rniture conU'nud,a ceriiin wnoden isiirawing HillMiponCiud .Alm'ghty, withit't .my War- ("iiuitix (Illy h.] pcn'd toll ape the r.i|',e of iheHanie.i rant or Fiicour.igenicnt to believe t'ley ilia I e.cr Iv p.ii 1, The Kirg fwhoiik'dtlus I'erliinvci-yfaiturarly) fentfor! 'Ihcir Mariiage Rites are perforu'.l with much fo- him (orli.' v,'cn/.-.^iiilelf ) t'l Court, where he told the' leinii ty aiii',nglk tlieip, and vvheli ih.'y rrc o.cr, they Itoiyofthe rrneivation of h:s Cnictix. Now tli.' j make as great r. (hew in ihi' Streets ; the Man with his till- li.id leer li^.i'd ab ut for a great Miracle, >er the i hrienils niouiit a-Horfe-back. .ti-.d the V'om.m I'irh hers Jefiiithad iiu -^iLiileiliaii M i.l'c f ch a po. an I argued from ^ men tliat di.'ihoi,o.ir their Musbands I'eJs, and uii:ii.'i|-icd onr Saviours Mir.ides, ih.it he wis the rreateft of Pro- 1 onei too that Idle their ChafHty, are ccndemn'd to ih« phetsthat ever app'ar'd in the World, and exposM the' IsMiefi Piinill.uicnts ; and "ailier than the\ I'l-.'l go with'- a;.-.' Drtri! .Saints ( in coiep.irif n will) him ) .is a Ci m-j "' t it, ther own ik.iuII- ReL.t otis will be tl'eir F.xccu- p.liiv of dreaming, iiilipid, emptv Picendevs. | tior.ers. aiul do the b'oocly Work tlKinlei es, Nf^iwith- Now after this ii obf.ried coiicci-ivng the /i'./.'-; IbrnJing this thsiv rr.' 1 l.-H'on-.eii enoi-.n], to b^ fn nd j /■>! Mi-lftncfr.iis, the general Latitude .iikI lalimfs of i tliey .ire pi bUekly to le r.lxoi, and Ii.-,ve ka\c given their Principl'.s, which n theit main dilHr-.griliiini' Chii-| them to keep lewd Hoii'c. .is ni.nn. as cm. I'lir 1 fforo lader, their Rites and Ceretnones n-ay be learnt fri m ' they bigin to praCtil.', ili.ir Kam..'i arc cnrou' I in % •he rei. <( the i\.v i:r- :; Wi rid. '1 hey portdim' I.ilV. tliatitmaybe kiio\'.ii who belongs lo the modelt I'llgrinir.ges-, unJ fgo Ixidilv l.ab'iurs an.l Seier.tic, j chidleSocicr , ai'i' vvli nloos not. S meof the liuiraiid Pray live t mesa Dav, walh before they begin ih,-ir Ucvo- more pii!ifl,'dof thel. pu', l;ck Women, areof.cn br.inght tiuii and .iro Cir.iunciEed. | 1 (.lore t'le o . .- .' I'^.ul, t" divert him wi-h their /.moriiis 'Iheir .Sa' 1 ,rh is (,ii i ur I'ric'av ; their Rr.madam or|.S• i. c ■ , and hd'dsthewh ie.Moiinonr ; the l.ilt I'a. of which they ...... II.I.V I. K.iL T. , .s.M.ii '1 . iiisii, .r.t.- c.;innioiiiv tiie inriic lealou.-.(So the Mifer -.hat has the iv.oft .-.iid f lidt'.'.ags by iiini is the imit frdid and co\eiovs ;. Married Wo- fpendm ^^ rung for thei-- lieceaUd I ri^'nds, and Ut up gnat 1 iglu; ill alwiut tli.'ir i ioiles, i poii theexlMring of whidi, the Ceremony end.s, and thc; tall to iheir Enter- tainments. They h.ive ail'o their H.-rvifes andRccli'fes, that re tiretVoiii thc World,aiid give theuifelves toa 1 ite of Con- templation niid Prayer ; thole iluife the to;i ot fome high Hill, fooe fi.ug place in a Wood, or nan ral Grotto for their Reliilence ; and her.' they live like .\' /'. WM,/w--;7r, with overgrown I l.iir a'ul N'aiis and feed like him too upon the wild ProdiiChof thebarth. Their Mer"'icants, or begging Saints take a bttlemcrc c.ireof thcni*''\cs ; for they live in the out skins of the gieiit Towns ii'id Cities, vvhei'e they are within the reach of better Liuenaiiiireiit ; thefe lleej' all Night in thc allies of thdfe Fires they make by Day, and take a Pride ( forit can't i>ca pleafiire ) in having their naked Bodies appear .nil over beliiv.ir'd with them. Thcv olrcn take li^lile rr,!n;!e iinoxieatirig thing or other, wh'ch makes thcHi tail: wildly, and like diltiadted Men ; and then the cuniii ion People croud alioun them and Iir.', they are ini'pired and ha\e the Gift of Piojihccy ; M.id-Mdi it 1 ems flic Prophets in ! ui.'.t, as on thc other h.uul, Pro- lluts are no better t!nn Mad-Men in r.:r ■:,"■: Thc /iiV.. ,.'..; fas they calithtm) (lalh and ci c [hciufelvis nrriages, IS 11 oil coinni' Illy a I'iiubr^ Thc ll,'i,.i I. obl'ene fmie Ru is in tli.ir y very d.tfeicnt from thole ' f the ;..'.:''»,),r.'/r j. They mar- ry every rne into his own'Ir.bc, Trade and Proicinon, and prefervc all their feveral Stt1<; unn'ixt, by forbiii- itig thdfe pr.miifcuous Alliances that the ( tliei's permit without any ( ruplc. Thus the .Son of a I'ruih-i: marries a «i.:m).j i).iiirhr.r, a Merchant looks f.r a Wife a- ino.iglt; thofe of his own bulinefs, and a Pinugli-uian's D.TUghter for a H'.isband amongit ihcm that 'fill thc Groiiml. They content thcnireivcs eaih Man with his (ingle Wife, and think the .N/f;/ «»;;.'.' ..:).'j very extravag^.nt rorha\ ing four ; and then iheir Wives live much better with tlicm roo, lorthcy ha\e li'oenv to r,o abroad when and where they p'cUe, they fee other I-.ioos bolides their Hii.'il'aiids, and f nicihint; more of the Wrrid rli,-,n a Chamber. Hot 'tis very odd, that their Marriages com- mence f) vir early .■.. they ilo, aiul that the, join Chi!- drcn together .It lix or f..'\ en Years old, \> hich alio con- funiate tlicir Marriage at four-ecn crld'teen, Tho' 'tis probcble thc main Re.ilon of this is, their L.i\v of Mar- ry'iig into thcircwn Tribe ; tor by this means they have lefs variety of (hoicc, and fo are bound to limp a good Match when 'tis otfer'd them. In their .Marriage Shows tliey lie no Coaches, Init l)Oth Piidc i.iul liriilegroom rideon Horl'-lack ; .uul \cry ot'eneiith of the Couple as fu yoiiag, ih.in fume arc appointed to walk by ihcir Hurfi. es l-k. 'f I7« Domeflicl^ and Civil Cufloms, &c. rs>i> t- ■ii.ii. H ' yuk likcacotipte t)f Nolrgayt ftiirk iipright iukmi ihe riorfct lui k. Theic are the main Oiffrrcnfcj of ihiir M.iriiayei : Now a< to ilieirFiinernI* there ii \\M .i» mmh tinm'. '1 he .Vf.i/«»>rfrinj firft wafti ami piinhi- their dead Bo- tlicj, and then decently inierr thitn in .Sr|i"Uhrci. Thiy Iniry none at all in their MnOjurs ( for ili.u'» a (T'i- phanaiion of rhem ) Inii in certain p!acel.il of ihrir f.i'ei .11 well as I'nemlelves. Ii his tinie none veiir ro the Fire at /liri • or any thing nm where lie » 's ) bm what cime and petifion'd him Inn ; iiilt aiit iliey had eiaved lonie ver> great Favour at li.i Mand». Ard tint Pnn.e would nU- .ill the Aii> of IVi- Iwalioii mug rail, in imur ihem to preler^r iliiir own I ius, and I'e ununuil to Hay a tiiile loii)'ei' in the World, ilio' generally 'iw,i> all in \ain, the ineic'ifallf I Cuatnres uinild ri jull all the tempting offeri he ina.lf them, :iiid lliibliirnly maintain d their Refolution to die. Withi* c lie when nothing will do, he gives them leave to dilpoie of ilienilelves as they think tit ; •'nd lb away thiy go 10 the I'lle with all the brisknil< and gaiiy of a Bride, tothe|oyfiil celebration of her Nuprials. We have now feen Icieral of tlieir Religious Rites In.i Cercmoiiies with the molt olifervablc ot their Ciidoms that fall .inder that Uenomination ; Let us proceeil in'*' look into their Domelkiik and Civil Atfairs, and Ice wli.it " Rules tliey oblerie in thole matters. I And hrttof»llfortheirl)ieijheretheI)irterencenfOpinioi, ' makesa Ditf.rencc in Cookery aiiionglV them.and ilieii Re I ligion is 111 Ik' known by their Eating. Ihc Muhouui^m .m- 1 very fparing .!•, 10 any thing of Flelh, they feldom m.iket ; Meal 1 1 It ; but they never touch anypartof aSwino, {turilie .IKki.ui has pronoiimed it an alvimiiiatinn. A 111 .ill matter of Kid, rr Venifon, or Hei.i ihey will \en. Itureupm; this ilicy Itew with Onions, .Spices, H(.rln, ' and Roots, ami make a very palatable Oiih of it. Biit their iiiain l^anding fooil is Riie, wir'i h they dr Is w rh green (iingir. Pepper, and Rimer, .im. f.ed av lieirrily on it as we i.ihiii i urluU .ird n'olt n c( I)i(l,es. Relides this at ilieir great hnuriainnuiits tlicyl ■' ng in all jortsof Jellies, .Sallads, PreferMs, Caiulics, Rai^ of the Sun, Almonds, and Pruiellas; and for loniethiiig of m..ic fiibftanee than any of thele, the Flelb lA Hetis mix'd with Almomls, and the Flower of Riee, all l>eat very j well together, andihen fweetned and perfiim'd with ,Su- 1 gar-candy. Role-water, and AmlK'rgnee. I Their Bread likewile are Cakes of the finefl Wheac- I flower, done up with Almonds and Sugar-candy, fomc- timcs fcented ami fometimes not. They drink little belidcs Water at tli mun Forms nf S frupifnt 14 the /,,„ • whiih IS I miuhH''. I "lib e IV I »'/'' "" ' ifi^i .imil'fi i""". Ill iiileriour Peo] ;,, Ititl fur H r We will now iiifM. In genera ireamly Hne an luih a. Show wii iher <: "«/>,M*i d in /«./'», asgloii W.irld i hill 1 r hit meanly bmli fon why they an may U', KiAiile Year, and laise ind there intlieo .ind taking the C( les don t mount a Hat Roofs and T felvrs Morning a Horiif 111 gisestl hi their iippei Doors all aUiiit \sh;eh are alwajj tlxiii » h\ for Gill,- i mnonglt them : 1 Houfcs, liecaiile 1 don't need it to « trily ; and there that needs Fire mske a Chimney haieanoccafion, ajtainft fomc Stor ihcir Habitations 1 heir Material Stone; fometime! Mofiiiies and Sc| and colours, and In m.wy places thi HoiiiVs, wliiih ki ilie Profpeill whei worth a feeing : '1 City, and built al dole, thai a Mai Wooil than a Cit Cities jnyning 01 Si.ills, where the .I'ul fell at thofe p publiik Market. Thus iiukh for wav, sve may tak An.l this indeed 1 rally hut a fmall n arc not adorn'd w Stools, Beds, am] ly, and that fcrvi Carpets upon the and Stool to then' 1 hard Qjlilt, or 1 a Bcditead, and many of which ai Ropes, thar their But where-cvcr 1 ftcr, ftretch'd oui zoii ; without an lico Veil fpread a many dead Corp The moft remark: I'fe and Service, Palfengcrs, and t tilt out in fome v( of Water at the ti neighbouring pop upon them. The a Mile and more i Walls, fvrnilh'd ■ K ),lj lib. timet m«int.tin'il nriplci ai «f olil. ,« V/;x'd av heiruly iDillie<. HcIkKi ' iig ill all lortsof it fif the Sun, iKthiiiK of in,,ic b of Hitis mix'J ire, all k-at very erfiim'il with Su- c the fincft Wheat, gar-candy, feme- cir Tables, whac- ^g CO their vanouf iinal food ; and \ cgctablo Pro- rs of them again fe. all, and e.it n't cat jult that, like Ix'ttcr. But lU'ef; that Ari- thc (» Brother, acording aithcif Agcu. And ihi» (like many oihcr of ihur Cu. ftoni«>, lpp*«" tolw \ery ancient, ami of • lotig tUncI- ing ill the World : The Jew* did foriiitrlv faluie in this inanner, and Sicrcd Writ gives iii loim- tnftance* of it. ihtlcare the (Jcllurn in ulc amnrgtt them ( their lom- mun Forms nf Speech are various. The inort orilinary and frfiiucnt is the t.i^'im i Jol.iid JlltiUm, and .Ittium V«/- /,,m • whiih is the Reply to the former, and Iwth is as miu/iii^p I "Ijb f'li <"!• Soiiictiines as ihey pals along It IV ' •7'' "'" '''' ^''"fi "/ '''* ''"*' i "fi f**''y ""' '•'"'' ifi;i Mioil'ei ccftk; In y>ii evftf liny But the Coinplemem* (if iiiliriour People to thofe they have a dcpendanie upon, I, UiM i''i" B rifi itn,it«ur Suit { or, / ,tm jmr Crivwt, ,„,l /ll itur Miff]'. We will n'lw t.tke * View of their Moufes and Build- >ne<. In general, their lominon Buililings arc not ex- ircamly Hne and beautiful j they don't alfeitl to make luih a .Show with ftatily llindcs, as the Itnlimn, and o- ihtr / I' «/•'•■'*' 'lo- I" "'"■> there are I'libl.i.k Hditiies \n lii.li.i, as glorious peihapn as any of ilie kind in the Wiirld i bill a giKid pan of their Towns and Cities, arc lut imaiily built, ami as poorly .idoinil. And one Rea- fiifl why they are no more foluitmis aUiiit hne Hoiiles, may U-, K I. title they live out of ih-ni one pan of the Year, init lake up in Tents anil I'.imIiohn, ereded here and there iiitlieo|H'n h'ields, for tlir I'lealiires of Hunting, .ind taking the lool .Mr. 'I he moll of tluir private Hou- lis (lont mount aliove two Story liipli, ami are built wiih Hat Roofs and Terraces, upon whiih they (it airing theni- felvts Miirning and livening, when the Sun (below their HoriJiin'i gives them an opportuniiy of foiloing. well paved »t the Imttoni, They arc cUaii^d every Year before the Raim begin, and then iliey «i« Hlt'd for all t{w fucceeilind part of the Year, and ihj Pei pie out of iluic mav have « Supply till ilie Rains c.nno about aglin. |„ ihdrCardens litrwdi they ha> e very iiliially I ank> of j .eller ll«r for the Plrafures of Haiti ng and SiMiiiiinng.ai.d ihefe are fed with Water convc) d tin lugh icrtam C «ri.il, from Wells that are in limie of ih.- more elev.ited Cioimd' ot their (iardens. ^nd here indeed t^ the lieiglirh i>f .ill the Pleafiirc that Ivlong, ie alio leopards, that they breed upforSiHin and ride abn^ad with for that pur(<.fc j thele are wonder- ("I nimble Creatures, and will leap a Prodigious way in which in.mner 'tis that they always i; ire their I'ley, • they don't run, but jump iii>or the Aniiiial tliev have m rhalc i and if ihiy oiue do tlut, they make a I'n- Prilo- ncrin;, Inr it what it will, and there's no iuinpiiiR awav again out of their Clutches. Ani'iher of then Rccreanons is the t.iking of Wild- fowl that ule the Water. They t.ike .,ii ■ of thofe Fowl '^ 111 tluir upper Rooins uhi, ihey lune abi iidance of dead, and go into the Wa'er with it, and hold ir upright " ■' ■-' ' ' ' '- - -'•-*''-"- «s if 'twere alive an.lfwimmingi but tiiev iheinldves lij all under Water, and have nothing but juit liu.,- Ht.u\ in lifht : 1 hen they make a Noife i n^ly like ilie Natural lone of thai l-owl, which brings ilie tell m a preat Flock about tiK'iii, ami ti) t.iey caich them by the Legs', and pull them down under Water, by which means I'cy are made tame enough. At other times they divert tlicmfelves with riding their fine managed Elephants and Horles ; with (hooting , ith their Guns, Bovsrj and Arrows, and this ihey do with gieat Skill and Deiterity ; they are lomcthing long i taking their Aim, but they (hoot true, and feldcm imli the Mark. Some People of Quality, and others thar are for more Doors all aUiut |:luiii, and lights made in the Walls, which are alwaw free and open to lit in the Air upon thciu », As lor Gill,. */indows, there's no fuch thing known amonglt them ; neiiher h.ive they any Chimneys in their Houfcs, U'caine they have little or no life for Fire ; they don't need it to warm them, for the Sun does that fiiflici- trtly ; and there is fo little a part of their ordinary Fare that needs Fire to drcfs it, th.ir 'tis not worth while to mikc a Chimney for't ; and therefore, if at any time they haic an occafion, they make a fmall Fire without Doors, «j(3inft fomc Stone- Wall, or Bank of Earth, as far from ilicir Habitations as they ran with convenience. 1 heir Materials for Building, arc I'imlier, Brick, and Stone; fomctimc-s (as in the Vaulis .nnd Arches of their , State and Show in their Diveriions, go about .Tiring them- MofijUis and Sepulchres), with Marble of divers kinds jfclvcs in their Coaches and Palankees. The I'al.mkees ami colours, and here the Work is colHy and lUtely too. -Tc made alinoft like a Couch or Pallat-Bed, ll.cltnd with In many places they plant gr.at Ifore of I rees aU)ut their j a tine Canopy, and long enough for a .Man to lie jt full HiiiilVs, which keep them cool and lliady, iho' itlpnils llretch inthcm ; aiidin this putturc do theGiaiiileesplace ihc Prolpiiil where the Buildings .ire any thing neat and wottli a (eelng : 'Ihnsat Awi-J.-.vnr (a large and populous tity, and Iniilt all of Brick), the Trees (land lo thick and flole, that a Man wou'd rathir think he were entring a Wood than a City. And then m all trading Towns and Cities joyning on to the Houl'os arc certain Sheds or St.ills where they make a (how of their Commndiiies, ii'ul ull at tliofe parts of the Day tha: they are not at the fiibliik Market. "1 liui iiuich for the outfidc ; but before we go quite a- wav, we may take a fhori View of Things within Doors. And thi< indeed can be but (liori ; befaHle there is gene- rally but a (mall matter to be lookd upon. Their Rcwms arc not adorn'd with line Hangings, furniih'd with Chairs, Stools, Beds, and Couches ; they paint their Walls neat- ly, and that fervcs inltcad of Tapeftrv, and fpread rich Carpets upon the Floor, which is IxHh Red, Table, Chair, and Stool to them. Some of them perhaps will lie upon a hard Qjiilt, or clfe a low thing (they call a Cott) like aBcdlkad, and bottom'd with Cotton- Cloth ; a great many of which are made to be niov'd up and down with Ropes, thar their Servants may rock them to llccp in them. But where-ever they lie, they lie without Pillow or Bol- ftcr, ftretch'd out at full lcn);th, and level with the Hori- Joii ; without anv thing of Covering tix), but a thin Cal lico Veil fpread all over them, fo that they look like lb many dead Corps laid out ready for the Funeral Rites The moft remarkable of their Publick Buildings for Civil I'fe and Service, are the Serraies for the Fmertainment of PalTengcrs, and the Tanks or Ponds. Thcfc Tanks are cut out in fome very low places, to take in a good parcel of Water at the titri': the Rains fall, for the Service of the neighbouring populous places, when the drv Sealbn comes upon them. I'hcy arc fome of them \ cry l.irge and deep, a Mile and more in corapafs.furrounded with good Stone- Walls, fvrnifh'd with Steps to go down into thca, and thcmfelvcs in them, and fo are carried about upon Mens Shoulders. Their Coaches have only two Wluels, the top and back ofthctn iscovcr'd, but the forepart andlides always open ; unlets they carry Women, in which cal'e rhey are made up very dofe. They will hoM four People without Crowding ; but two may lie in Qjilts at lull length in them (as they often do in their Joumeys\ For the drawing of them along, they ufe only the Servie of Oxen (one Pair to a Coach), and thcfe have their Horrs neatly tipp'J wiih Silver, and a Col'ar < f large Mi IN of the fame Metal .ibout their Kicks. Tlieir Hariie("< isonly a fmall Cord that poesthrongh the Pari.tion of iluirNr. ftrils, and fo up between their Horns into the CimcIi- man's Hand, who by this means guides them .is cafily and fiirely as with theftrongrd Reinsof I catlur. I'hefeOxen being admirably well fe.i (as they always are) well (hod too, will carry them twenty Mile in .i lif.le time: Ihey ate train'd up to the Work, and by continual Ule ami Exercife 'tis as natural to them as t'l our Hi.rfes. What foi t of Soldiers thefe Pcople(the ii.oll pai t of them) make, we have hinted lefurc ; but we have net ya ii.cn how they arc accoutred : Now they are admirably well provided for the War, tho' mt at all fit for't, their fur- niture is incomparably beyond their Courage. To foe what a terrible Figure they make a Morfelack vvkh Inch a Load of Weapons as they carry, W" "^d iacline a IVrluii (unacquainted with them), to think theli very Au-icl would get them a Vidory. But their Characf.r at belt, is but to make a furious Onfet, and then retire as lialliiy : To advance briskly, and Itand one Shock, ami :lun if their Enemies don't run, to put an end w tiie Uifpiiie by running thcitifehcs. "Ihey have all C)ns of Weapons th.n cm .ilinclt bcTh,„we thought of, but had they fewer, 'twould W more tiiaii ..la. they ufc ; they are like their WomcnsKo'.l- jewels and Pcnd.onts, hung on fur Ornament and SIiow niure than A a ScTvii*. If l! M 178 Language and Learnings &C. Lif ■1 »5. ' 'i- I f m-^ :n f i'l fkrrtiRih of loIJiciy. I '; iii ■■''' Tht I in- « g, t' «. Strvice. To the complete dreifing of a Soldier, there ffxi a Bow and C'livcr of Arrows, a Sword atid Buc- kler, a (hort J.aunce, a Faiikhion, Fire-Arms, and what not ? For Martial Mufick they have Kettle-Drums, and a fort of Wind-Mufick, that inakes ;i inoft harlh frightful Noifc ; which if it would Init fcarc away their Encnue;., would be a confidcrabic help to them. Their preatcft Strength md Sccur.ty lies in their F,lr- phants : For thefc, with the Guns upon tlieir Backs, ilo as nuith Execution as all the Soldiers In-lides. The War Elephants carry each of ihem one of thefe Giins fallncd in a llronp Frame of Wood, in which alio is f niiM a place for tlif Gunner ; who firs fall enough there), till Tome unlucky Shot from the F.nemy comes, and U-ats IJc- pham, Caftle, and Gunner, all down together. TIilU- Pieces are.ibotJt five Foot long, andthiow a Bullet al)o\it the bigiiefsof a Tennis Ball. As for the valt Numbers of Men this Cmmtry is ablt to Wx out in an .'\rmy, it may be calilv imagin'd from the largo Dimenlions of it ; he that confiders how many li':i- cions Provinces the Crcii Mrgiii is Maftcrof, will quickly concliulc that he is capable of making a finnidaUe ap- pearance inilic Field, And yet his ijroat Numbers would fignifie little, had he nor better So diers in Pay than the. prcareft part of his own Natural Subjcifls arc ; but he is fo wife astotake in {'flhin and Ti'M/, fomeof thcbeft Horfemcn in the World, andihat will charge through any thing th.it lies ill tlicir way. Tl'.cfc do all tlu- hot S'.Tvice in h.s Wars, snd cuiiM h..' have enough of them, his Neighbour-Princes \< o iK! Il.ind in mr.re awe of him tha thcv do. But he h our, that is alrea- dy but tt» formidable lo them. The Genuine Language of this Conn'ry, (;/-. the /«,.' - ./?/:«' has fome affinity with the f'erftii, and Art-l'uk^; but is reckoned 1 y fome the fmoother and fofter Tongue, am' far more eafie to be pronounc'd. 'Tis very figniticant and comprehenlivc, and gives the Speaker the advantage of eiprelfinp his Mind in .i little time, and a iVw words. The Alphabet is very dilferenr from cither nf the fore- mcntion'd Langciges ; and they write as we do, from the j Left Hand to the Right. As pood a Tongue as it is, the King, and the whole Oiurr, fpcak the I'erfnn ; bt't the i Aiahiik IS the learned and S.Kred Language amongft ' them, upon the account of the Aicon-.n wri'ten thercm. As for Lntin and (Ueck. they know nothing of them, and ricNt t'l n( thing of a" the old Writers fo much, celebrated In thi le Pa' ts of the Wrrld. Somithing they have heard of Aiiflcth and /ivicen, anil the l.carneJ Men amonglir them pretend to fome Ac- quair.tir.ce with tiic' - Writings. Wni.cn 'tis faid was born at Sr.tihuil in4 (tiK bnth-place of the Great TAmerlmie , and fj n comparifon w,is tlieir near Neighbour: Af for Aiijhiic, tho' he was Ttitc to the Conijuerour of the Coi'i.try, vet lie ku'dly broi;j;ht his M.iftei-s Books alony Willi him iiitlicr : .So that ilieir Acquaintance with ihoic Aurhors {A tjUtU- ef;Kcially), was a conferucnt upon tlv mighty fpreauing of the .UehUk. Tongue abroad in the Wor! I, wlicn fo great a r.\rr of it became Mnbomstnn, uid that Language was rceeiv'd together lA/ith tin; Reli- gion. Learning we know flourifli'd confiderably under ?iversof A/n/ v»7j«'iSucceirors, andabundjncerjf the /Irn- Htm opcn'd the way for thofc parts of rjie World to con- fvi* witb ^ ^'d attfi Fbilofopbciii and Mtilieujauclgns, and bunging their Writings into their owiiLanguaKc ami bellowing large Comments upon them. ArijUilf (as'wc'l t%l:u lew tlu 'm' ply ihemfelves toili.u 'viidv, bc;aiife die Peoii'e ivnr, i'' thinkaDodor worfe i!ia-i a Dilleirpci ; sonniiietl tormev certain Dearli, vvInTcas the latter by it iLlt'i.- them a chance for their Lives. In .ill ihc fonuioal k [> b'ales ih.-it rage there (IVllilaice, Calcnnaes, Sun ■ Fevers, dc.) very kw make any "le of a Pliylici.m, i pcrliaps prefcrilx' fome (HkIu thing liiemfeJves, ,i,.d I v the reft to the Condiiifl: of Nature. Their bell and ir„ - coulb-.iit Phyfick is to fall lulHIv , and llarve away the 1 K (Icmper; if this (.and fomeiimcs breathing a Veiii) vv, r- do, they give up the Cafe as incurable, andexped th-ir Fate. Bur they have abundamlv more Skill and Knowlclee m Judicial Allroloey ; that Noble Seieiue, that llaii.'j upcn Uich lure and certain Principles, and is all o.crLX'- monllration : In which, both parts of a Coiitiaaia:i.n may npj^ear equally clear and probable, and v.hemr- Man predicis an Event, unrther may turn his Prcdiotit i"i iiphdedown. fay it all backwards, and yet fpeakas nairi, I rutn a.rJ Sence as the former, 'I here is a good .Stouk ot Protein. rs of th. profound Ibrt of Learning a.iionpft iK ln.il.-:, , ; Men ihar wi 'I preach Scicntilieally unou Wip. ther. Fortunes, and Conttitutions, and fettle tlie Poin' of the D--'m:nion of the Planers over all thi Partsof th^ Rod\ as conHdemly as if (^od Almighty had w; ^tten their Nania there. ; -. rhcfe have the FortUiic to be in more Krpntc there than they are gcner.-iliy in the Clinftiaii World ; tor the Cre^tMr^ul will cudtrtake no Bulinefs of CorilequeiKv till the College of Aftrologcrs has been fct to Conjnrini upon t. ' * Thus the Grand Seignior too, in ih" weighty Mattc-i ot hauh and Religion, tonfulrstlie V,ne-able Alufti aid tiiakes him give his VJpinion ; but d" iiis Vcrdid do,\ r-, ; luit the Pr.rce'sHrmour, upon .Second Thoughts, ht ,,., bring 111 a contrary one, and juliifie it to be' true bv 'Ir Alcoran : And if the U-;'jA were but poliiWe, hei'-.',- rule the Judgment of his A"rologci>, as well as the j' t thcConlcienceof hi.iMiifri. I lie P .mas, no doub- v. • good .Scolding and H\;!>iiit:, would le as raiiie and n-i- nngcable tiiiigs as theA'cui.tn.Honever.ro do the Cciel! .-.I Science jiitlue, it n.ull be own'd thercarelbna-Tlieou v liclonging ro'r, rh.ar are mollc. rtainlv true ; nay, fic'.. :„ carry their own light and liviJeiice a'ong w'itli thu: For mlbnce, 'tis clear and certain, tha. all Cuckold-. ;,-; undei the Dominion of Antj or 7Vii.,i/( ; ' which of tkem, for the ,Sig/iarure of the 1 deni.^b'e deinonfti.iiioii. And Mtfciin has as evident a Title to the F.Tnmc-;i,- 'ers, and AllrolotjeiS ; Ivcaufe Men born under that l'.':i- ner. arc iKvays very honelt, and never Cheat nor re'l I ies. P.nt to proceed in the Account of the .Sciences in /.;/'.,• • l^lides tli.:re Horofcoprr., and prefagingl'eoplc, thev iiau' another lo.t amongit them, that are very near a-\in ro them, and :hefe are the Legerdemain-Men, Hocus Po-'i.'s and Moun'.f banks ; they are all i:o he thrown into rli .■ frr. ' Family w.ih the former, fince the y arc all ciiually u'- glcrs. Thefe Fellows will teach Snakes and \ ' dance to the Tunes they plav tis no 111. I" Horns is ai; i ipi'i'i :o and get Jvlnney by flicwiiie tnat ipon. to tne I'cople. loii Ihall fee them fet three or fonr broad Wi^ker-Batiijctsdnvn upon the Ground, widi rorhing at all in the World > them, (at lead if yoti'r iw) Eyes arc to be crcv,>rcd after a Search), and prefcnr.'v -.lc.'e them up before your Fac- , .-.id then pnll'in- etrtlie Covirs of rhem, Ihew iheni full of Turtle-Doe,.;^ or fome other living Creatures, that one would think too big to le eier conceal'd by any (licht whatlocver. T!i n ihee'll vshirf thofc Bask"ts round .'v-overM as rhey arc) and the Dm .'i are pne ouvof light; but 'low or whidi wav, nonelnit the Hocus Prcus hiirifelf laii tc4. And we arc now (oini- to the top of tlv> Learning of-.'ii. Country, having r..Mi 'id Allrclogv, ,ind Lrncrdenait : we mull dclicn.l theref ire frr in I'liefe HeipliM to.Mattcri jof a lets fiibliiiio Nature anA Con'idi. ration'. The lnhabit.jr,s, asi.heyaro divided in thi-ir Prliicip!ei 'and Religion, fo foniihcnccrprings a Oitl'.ivnce in rlier Cow i ..-lltn^ Coinputatior the edablidi'i the Tenth of Suti enters / Reafors) rec fame Momh inp betwixt t The Miihm Moons, and' letters, Payii But as for die Months of the that they ma when they i!e itilc. But Ui Clocks or Sill and regular forSiin-Uials, Altroiinmy m any ot thole ! the I*W/rH.i an Matters, Oiou ftiaiigc. Th into as many . vide into Kieh Parts of 'lime eel of Water and then a Mn tin as 'tis enip Brafs or Co] I'rircs or (ii-ees I- gh h Parts 1 vciition IS tins, IS it, that a Pel many prctu i never by a b ilicir IiigeniiiL The Co;„ r ■ is much tfic lai ' liiliite and aibi fame, the Brea ta:u Cidtoms, ri( die Couiitr Amhoriry of 1. al'O'.e them all oris that his V fulcinn written to lie found ; c .f.c •;.',.',., /.r ii'i Reign. Aiidth wear, will lul vain for any f terd todifputi V iicn the I'r'ni fon by his fuU liellioiis Lcgicl For the ( rd tvv ■ f Tts of ]u otiier tor Crin with the propv ., or e\chaiine V his own Hand hiiiifeli : For repairs to the lie ihews hirnl lumlllf in his al'out him, ai liere he hears < Idee, .ii.d or' iiicauelt Subjc are patiently make ; and a' Oprreli'.on, tl Ltnpirc. Anc ihisrefpcCl isl iiefs and Eal: (Icn'd Perfuns. If a Man tii bet ro go awa no need ofeov crinping tMhi and brib.ng c rrurure a iVlai Key to opi'n tl vocatcs : J'lli pen, thar all rl j'ty Purlc IS IK (iMten and del intioduce hirnl si ing the app Civil Tolicy dnd Goipernment^ &c wnl-anpuagc, ami /trijUtU (as well . Honour ilciic him 1>M.u\, ilicL'i,.. Vorl.i ; ivhoii d,,. as liink, aiuti()i:k! .I'lirs IW.'S llur \x Doctor* ki; iv<' 1.,:, 1^ to wTOi- mile 10 -lliu I'lij'illl.^lllOul. TO urouiul ill '.he MT> U\\ ili.i. :;!. )i(;lViip'ctVM,i \',:. i|vi ; lOiHiiii.!; li, Ut h) It ii I 'y\. ilic foniiiuaL 'i- [■ .ilciituivs, Sun. it a I'll) (il 1,111, 1 ;■ .■lllKlvv.S, ni:i! '.■.'. iu-ir W[\ ami ir,,,:; Inrvc away the l)i- liing a Vein) \\t\\: f, and cxpid ih.'ir ill atul Knowlciipe cicmc, that (tanJj atij U all OMiD^'- nf a Cdhf.aiiiJjiii iblf, aiul v.|n.-n laic turn his I'roilicV.im il yet ipcakasiiaicii re is a gocil Stock .'aniinp aniorpfi lu ifically iinori Wlt.- I fettle the Point of It Parts of thf.' Body, wiittcn their Namii "Ore Rrp-.'ie tluTc, ail World ; tor the efs of ConlL-qiieiicc, cti fct to Conjuring 'l"! weighty Matt.:; ne'able Mtifti, ai.l lis VcrJid ilo.s lu.r 1 Thoughts, hci,;i. ; to I'.c true l>y tlic . pof,i'\e, hci:''!;i-.i as well as the V:r\ ii'ts, uodoiilii, V,.:': as raiv.e and nu- tocio the Celei! .-J aruMoiVicTlicoica:- true ; nay, I'.itl: ,;i a'ong with their. . all Cuekohis r.rt «' ; 'ns no n'.a'.:iT If Horns is an un- to the Forrunc-ui- 1)11. uiulcr that Pl.i- er Cheat nor tf!l Sciences in li!'.:; People, they have er,- near a-kiii to en. Hoi usPc','i-,\ w.n Intorlijfaiiv. c all e(|ua!ly jiij'- cs and Vipcri to Money by nic\vii'.g tliem fet three or theGrnund, widi lead if your own anjprofcntlvclo.'c " luictf the Covers leis, orfomc other ; too I>ij^ to leeicr T'l n ihev-jlwhirl irc'i and tiie Dnv-'s leh way, none but l.caniinpoi '-'i^k .1 ''gerdeira;' : He. fins co.Matter» ti-in. in (heir PrineipV'! Uiff.r.nee in the r Conv Computation of Time. The Muhnwt.im (according to ' go and pull a Rope, and fet tfie Golden BelJs a chiming, the eftablifli'dPradice of their S»\.t) begin thcirYear with which as foon as ever the King hear?, the Perfon that the Tenth oi Mnrcl\ when the Aihologers teJl them the gave the Alarm is fent for in ; and his Cafe is no fooner Sw enters Ariel. The Hitidoes (proceeiling upon toherj toldthan confider'd.norconfider'dandwcigh'dthanRighc Rcafors) reckon their Year, from the firll Day of the is done, and the Burden taken off. A Ciufe docs not fame Month ; fo tliat there is ten Days difl'crence in count- hang in fiifpcncc here for five or fix Months together, nor is it tofs'd about from one Court to another, while the hungry Managers are doing their own Bufmcfs, thriving upon the Effeds of ir. If a Man'sCaufe be but juft, he is inc bawixt them. The iV/tf'""'"'''"*' again divide their Year mto thirteen Moons, and 'lis according to this Divifinn that they date letters, Payments, and all Accounts belonging to Trade. But as for the Hindoos, they fcem rather to make twelve Monihsof the Year than thirteen Moons, except perhaps that they may I'pon occalion alter their Computation when they deal wirh the Mr.homct.ini that ufe another Mile. But neither Hmdoes, nor Mthtn~tr:ns, have any Clocks or Sun-Dials amonglt their, to give them a true and regular Account how the Tmie palfes. Indecvl, as forSiin-Dials, 'tis no fuch preat wonder, (incc there's no Aitroiinmy in the whole Country, nor none th.it cultivate any of thuie Sciences : But that fo ingenious a People as the hkiiinii are, fo full of neat and fine Devices in other Matters, fliould have nothing like a Clock, is fomething ftranpe. They divide the Day into Four, and the Night into as many pans, and each of thefe Quarters they fubdi- vide into hiiiht parts more ; and for theMeafure of thefe P.irts of 'lime, they ufe the moll ancient Device of a par- cel of Waicr dropping out (f one JVellel inr:> another ; and then a Man Hands always by to til' ihc Velfe! .as of- un .IS 'lis emptied, and to ftrikc with a Hammer ' po;i a Brafsor Coppcr-p.m, to let them know the nu.iiberof the l'orc.4 or (>iees tliac luve pal's'd, that is, the Fourth or F. phh Parts before-niention'd. What a Bungle of an 1 fure to come to a fudden and fpccdy end of his Troiiblc. And in Capital Cafes Jufticc furprizesthe Offender as foon, and is as quick in proceeding to Execution, as it is on the other fide, in alTerting and iemring the Rights o< the Opprelfed. Very few Malefadors lie a Nighr in Prifon, but none lie more ; if a Man be brought bcfi re Irs Ji'dgc in the Morning, heisinfalliblyclear'd or executed before Night ; As foon as the Fad is proved, the Punilhinent is inflided ; if Stripes or Whipping, 'tis done upcu ihe fpot ; but if Death, he is lead away to the Parar, and futfers immedi- ately. Now this round and eiuickjnlticc h.elps to keep the People wonderfully in awe, and they are not fo forward to commit thofe very heinous Crimes, the Stains of which they know they mall prefently vvatli av>.,\y witii their Blood. Murder and Thci't are always p.iiiirti'd vv'tii Death, ^^I'lf^j^"" and what fort of Di'ath too the Judpc pleafes : Som -times 'tis Hanging, Beheading, Impaling, to l>e torn by Lions, or crulh'd by F.iephants, or Itung to Death ly venomous Create res. This latter Death the GfCtit Mfgul tondcmn'd a certain Parricide to, and had 1 xeci'tion done in Ins own Prelence, :,i-r.l :hc ^0.11 IS it, that a Peop'e th.it have Fancy enou^'h to think of fo many pretty things as they have liiewiithe World, lliould never by a bi:tter Contrivance remove this Scandal to dieir Iiipeniiir.. The Co;n \ution of the Government in this Cotintry, is much the lame that 'tis in all the Eaftern Nations ; ab- Idliite and .aiKitrary ; and the Repofitory ofthciv Laws the fame, the Brcalc of the Ruling Monarch. 'I here arc cer- ta:u Ci.ltoms, which .'Vntiquity, and the General Pradlice of ihc Country, have in a manner given the Force and Authority of Laws to ; but the Prince's Power fets him al'O'.e them all, and thev are liable to the fame Alterati- ons that his Will and Humour is. There's nothing of a fokmn written Law. or Itatcd Pl.atform of Government to be found ; every Prince that mounts the 'Lhrone with a .■Jc .■..'', I'.c nl'c; tells wh.at Laws Ihall be during his Rcign. .And the long Swonl the Monarrhs of this Country 1 T.-iU I ].l... ,1 r,i|.:n. veiition is tiiis, inltcad of a Clock ? i\nd what a wonder i when Sir Ti,c. I{ n? was at his Court. The wretched Crea- ture was ftripp'd Hark naked, and the Mountebank ha- ving provok'd one of his huge Snakes, applied it to his 1 high, about which it prefently twilted it felf, .ind faft- nine upon his Groin, bit him there, the Blood immediate- ly following ; an-ither was fix'd upon the outfide of his other Thigh, and bit him there likewife, after which two Wounds he kept upon his Legs f )r near a Quarter of an Hour, and then drop'd, tho' the Snakes were taken frotli him before he fell. His whole Body fwell'd c ,-reamly, and while his Sence ccncinued, he cried out of a Fire that raged in every part : but by that time half nn Hour more was expired,he himlelf did fo, and had his Flame qucnch'd by cold Death. In all Cafes of Suits, Debts, Contrads, and other Di- fbutes of Right between Man and Man, the obnoxious Party is arrcfted by the Judges Officer.:, nnd brought to the Bar together with his Sureties, (if there be any in the wear, will julUfieihem in iliis way of proceeding ; 'tis in I Cafe) .and there he is under a neceifity of giving fpeedy vain for my Man to be unealje or dilirontented, or pre- and fufficicnt Satisfaction : The Pr.fon, and a heavy Load tend todifpute the RealonaMencIs r,f ilic Prince's Will, of Irons is his Fate if he doesnot, and fometimes infolvent when the I'r'iHC carries finh a powetfl r.impclling Re.i-} Debtors, with their wiiolc Families, are fold for Slaves fon by his lide, thai will prefently cut down all the Re- ', to lay the Creditors. liellioiis Li'gick of l-.is Subieels. ] Lis a piece of Policy conftantly praiilifed by the Mo- r.ilicies uM' For the I'rdinary Admiii'ltration of Julticc, 'here arc ■ narchs ol this Country, to remove and II, ift their Cover- ''J'Jj'j^'i,"* twc- f'tts of Judges appi'inted i the one for Civil, and the j nours pretty often from one place to ano'her. Very few GoVernracni other lor Criminal Cales ; and thefe never intermeddle j ftay in one place longer than a Year, tho' they have all with the proper AlUirs of each ether's Provinces, nor mix' the Qualitications that can be to recomaiend them, and , ore\chaiu',e W'ork^. But the Prime very fiviiucnily fets' difcharge their Trull ever (b acceptablv. Thisis to pre- vent their growing great and popular, and the Dilturbances that might po:libly arilc, from the Peoples exceilivc doat- ing upon, and tondiiefs for their Govcrnours ; Tho' the greatell part of them iKhavethemfelves fo, th,it the Prince need not break his PvcH, nor fear a Rebellion for then fakes. When they ire any of them difpatch'd to Governments abroad, 'tis a Cultom with them not to cut their Hair till they come to Courtagain; and theief.'ic upon theirre- N'.hlcm^n lurn, the King as foon as he lees them, bids thein cui'h" h^vc their Hair. And thofe that have been in places of Great ^'^"' '^'^^ Tri'lf and Conlequcnce, whi.h they luve dilcharged with Honour and Integrity, are receiv'dat Court with a valt deal of Ceremony, am! the World is ina.'.c "^o know at that time, how hifthly they are in ihe'.r Sovereign's Fa- vour. The whole Court is liimmon','. together upon the occafii n : 1 he Prince in his Throne, an,! the refi of the Nobles in their refpeClive Itations, are ready to bid him WiIron-,e. Then comes the iiappy Favourite, led in by fomc of the greatelt Officers of ihe lin.pire ; and having proltr,:ted himlelf once at the outward Rails, he re|>cats the f.iiiie Reverence twice luoie, in his appro.-ich to the King. Being near, he is ci mniaiided to Ci .-.ic up ihe fcvcn Steps ot the'Ihronc, within the reach of hs Prince's Eni'oraces, v.iio then takes him in his Arms, and hugshhn with a charming familiarity before the whole Affembly, After this '_arels is over, and fonie words perhaps fp ken ill his Commendation ; he goes down again, and takes ^ his own Hand to this .Afl'.iir, aud aOfsthe pare of a Judge ' hinifell : for this pnrpofe, at a let-'ime every Day, he repairs to the (ireat C<.uncii-Ha'l. Jie icalt and lowert of all, is he that commands twenty him. And 'tis well for thofe that either manage their Bn-jHorfe, who perhaps is no more than an Onira, or fdim- lincfs fo as not to let things come to this pafs, or elf; by I C' mmon Gentleman. Kt w tlK-fe Tcrfcns arc all conipro- ''^ *'» the Intercft of a ftrong Party at Court, can divert the ! h'ldcd under the general Title cf Manlibdars, that is,''^''''' Print c from a too fcvcrc Infpcdion into their Conduct : | Wen ot 1 ordlliips, or livings, becaule they have all of For as the Government is horribly rigorous in all Cafes of them certain Livings alligncd them ; out of the Re\cnuci •Jntruftinefs and Difrcgard to the rnnce's Intcreft (which ''* which they are obliged to maintain and furnilli out arc the greatcd Crimes here, as w '11 as in other places),' (upon o ca(ion) their (cvcral Qioras of Horfc. And by fo ir often proceeds without any thing of clear proof of 'his mtaiis an Army of 2ouooo Hor'- is got rogcther in a Matterofb.nci, and takes away a Man's Life uptin a mccr I trite, and that without any great matter ■ i hurry ar fufpicion or corjerturc. trouble ; forever^ Con niander knows what proportion i; Th«T5ei')(n. dilKC cf *\\ tpon the ^ f ..'...V.llU. V.'l.fk ..bull. . X - ~~-J -w " ....«*. ....w..^ T11IMI |'1U|'VJ1 ,1U11 Ik All the Subjeds c f this Empire depend iiiimfdiatcly , expected trom him ; ami not only fo, but alio when' to upon ihe Prime for what they pod'cls and enjoy. Therc'si go and ra fe his Men, who are naintain'd outofhisLord- no fmh thing as Land of Inheritance, Property, and Sue- "lip, and ready at an Hour's warning, ccffion to an Ellatc ; cv.i y Man is a Tenant at Will, and \ . 1 hii Policy is much the fame with that of the Turks holds all upou the precarious uncertain Title of Humour ' "i thcir Tiniariots, who out of certain 1 ands allotted i« and Plcafurc. I them, maintain e\cry one l"o many Horfe (as thcfc li.Mr.n When a KobIc-m:,n, 'Vice-Roy, or Tributary dies, 'tis ^'anllldars do). And thefc Men live tvX ly cut of thiir very common for all hisTreafurc and Goods to be fciz'd j Ix)rdllups, ef| ecially thofe whole Numl eis of Horic rile md if the King pleales to allow any part to the Son, or hifh, and their Lands conlequcntly large in proportu n ; ncareft Relations, 'tisaF.ivour ; otherwife it goes into his 'ome of them of 6 or 8cco Hi.rfe, are laid to make it own Cofrers,and he himfclf is the Heir. This is always the worth no kfs thiii 70 (,r 8. 0-0 /. /■<•. yim.um ; and thofe way of dealing with Penfioncrs,and all that receive Court- that arc higher have above 1 cooc o ; upon which account Pay; thcKing lends them Money for their Life-time, and we need not (cruplc faying, that the M./.'^i; Manfibdai-sof payshimfclf when they dicjintercft and Principal together, the h>lt Rank, are the richelt Subjects in the whole Slav, many t mes, a Man outlives his Fortune and good , ^'otld. Cifciimftanccs in the World ; forifhebc faultyandnegli-l But by wh.at was obfcrv'd before, thC Money in this }!ent, or grows popular and fufpeded, his Eftatc to be Country does not lie IHll ; there's a court jnt and ne\cr- furc goes for't, and he faves his Head, by the lofs of his failing Circulation of thcfe Golden Strc.nis, they run Lands. | from the Country to the Manlll>dar<, am'/ fern them i:i- A good Klafs of 'Wealth too, or a fat profitable Living ''ei-'Hy away, into the vaft Ocean oi" the M^ul't 'Lrea- is a dangerous thing under thefe arbitrary Princes j 'tis (urics. ten to one, if fome Fault bcn't difcovcr'd in rhe Condud I '^"d "ow after all this Difcourfe of the Country, and of Uich a Perfon ; fome occalion ttaned for his remove, or the People ; before we leave it, we muft take a Ihoit pretence found to purge him a little of his Superfluities. View of the Prince ind his Court, and the Cuftoms pc- Rich Lands and Livings do often go away thus out of the culiar thereto. Hands of thofe that arcplac'd in them, when the King i That this Monarch is to be rank'd amcngft the veryjf',''''' finds they thrive there ; for what's good for the Subjeds, prcatelt of the Univerfe, will be granted without diffi.h"l;[,^' is good for the Prince, and what makes them rich, won't culty, if we conlider how much Ground he is 1 ord of, make him poor. land the vait Kichcs that Nature, Fortune, Policy, and If any Man has a Jewel of confideraHc fize, beauty, l/ade, de all poi r in upon h m. The Diiiunlionsof his or finencfs, he is obliged upon pain of Death to give No- Country arc conlidcr'd already ; and fome of tliolc Foun- tice at Court, that the King may have the refi fal of it. '-lins of his Wealth touch'd 1 p. n too. Wc have fecn how And there is hardly any valuable Stone in the whole Co' n 'he Policy i.f his Government contributes t'l hiserowthin try, brt wh.it by means of this fevcre Law, comes into 'I'^s lelpect, lime that makes huii Maltcrof .ill the 'Liea- his hands. He keeps Guard every-wherc, and has Spies furcs of hs richtft SubjeCls. 'Ir.idc a! ;o brings him in upon all Mens Trade and Dealings, fo that 't's next to the Coin and Commixiities of foreign Nat.ons, and .ill iaipoifiblc any thing Ihou'd fcape him. But then he isasab- Moneys that conic in heie, ate buried here, being nc cr folute in his Bargains, as he is in everything elfe, and '"ffet'd to be carried out aga'n. Succefs and Fortune in gves ji'.fV what he thinks fit ; and that is moft coir.munly ! his Wars, have ftill tnlarg'd his Treafurcs together with about a third part of thcintrinfick value jhis Territoiics ; his V:i!forii ">^ Arms carrying all before Now this being the State of Affairs in the Country, the 'hem in ncc.m, am! ilie adjoynmg Coimtries, bring hm Prince tluis arliitrary and rigorous in the cxercife cf a in all the Riches ci thofe parts ; and 'tis very wel; known, lioundkfs Prerogative, thcfe two things do unavoidably that no part of the World is n.orc cxtnuacantb rich in follow upon it. Firft of all, a deal of bafe fcrvile Flat-''he richclf of jewel.s, as well astf Mcds ( lamomisand iciy in his Sul ieifts ; they admire his worft and fonlefl Gold), than ihatPortun of the bilitii' irt ncnt. /i.d Adtioiis, praife i.isfillicft and moft impertinent Speeches; iwhatNatire ci nirilutes.is not kfs than •, of ihe forne to rake and fcrapc, to fa'c fo n any Scr. ants Wages, or bate fo many Uiihes of Meat at their Tables, and all to make up a bigger Purle fo- him ? They had bcfcr by far take their Shares (as they do, without mincinsT the matter), and fo religii the reft when the\ cjn hold it no longer. To hoard and lay up for a baniilv has fome Comfort int ; but to do it for a covetous I'riixe, that will perhaps itarvc thofe that arc left behind, is a vcvy dull and hcartlcfs Work, TheNoliiliiy 1 he No: iliry in this Country liave their fc\eral diftin- il riicir guilhingTitKs of Honour, as in other places. The irolt fi'blime of all (compatible with the Condititnof a Sub- tcdf), isthat of Sultan ; but this bekngs only to the King's Sons : As his Dai'iditers have the 1 itlusof Suhai.a's. 'J he next to this IS Nalwb, which may be as nnuh as Duke. "1 hen Channa and Chan, a Lord . To which w. mav add ftilO. than his ; there's no where a more ferti'e luxi. riant Soil, a happ cr State and Coidtiiutit.n of thctarth, than inthc moft ccnf'derablc parts of his Don.imons. Anl\ ci-'.iowcd :■ liixir'ant Soil, nth, than in the i. And bcl.dcs atcly ferics the IC few (if ,in\) ir.s that anf«ir Fui-.i:s ( f Gold iiolt innumcrJ- \.iti\c'. of ihs l.'oniine of War :iilars, and th.it iherKichcsth.it • liiconic cf his Croiis of Koii- 00 J.ecks and kin<; the lowcit tl'.is coincs '.o a CI oifort.ibly m and handli.ire Money that !ie lie lii-mcr : Me de!i[ncJ to le die the Receptacles of thein ; and wh.'.i thele voncain is hardly known cxadly to any but hitnfelf and the Guardians of them. So inaiiv Crou,"-. of all forts of Cold and Silver Coin, foniany * fiatnians .->f Diamonds, Einoraulds, Rubies and s« ibt Pearl; the Jewels of tin. Ivf. \ali;ible kinds, Ijing by in iimin u n hijaps without number or meafure. Then his Pearls and 1^"''°"'"' Jewels that arc inChains andRcpes, Cups form'doutoffol'd '' ' pieces of Precious Stone, Di(hcs,Barons,iVakersof malfic Gold; in Ihort .ill ftrtsof Furnif re foia Palace,forHorlt\i ! for Elephants, and for Men; e.thir all entire, orasfavas ' the nature of the thing will admit, of the pmelt Gold, anJb"deck'd with the fincl'i: Gems of lii.ii t ?nd oiher parts. To reckon up aMihe \'aiieiics of his coftly thinp, .tnd the Sum of that \ alt Mafs of W'ea'th he is polfeiied of, a Man h.id need viGttht levcn Caltles, and be 111 fee with the Keepers foralightof all. This Prince's Attendance is very Iari;e and (lately, and I'll *(«"'' every wav proportionable to the rett of his Grcatiiefi. iraJincc- ^),cn he goes a Progrefs there is a 1 00000 Souldiers for a Guard ; then all the Slaves and Servants of the Gr.iiulecs, his own infcriourOiScers and Waiters, with the mighty tra'ii of Attendants on his 'Women (which alwayscoiiipofea pare of the I.esktr] all put together ni.ikcup\eiy neariooooo.TlieGuardrhatis immediately about his Perfon, are a fort of Horfe-mcn call'J Hadd.cs, tothe numUr of about five or fix thoufand; bclidcs which, the meaiieft of his Houlhold Servants, thofeihat aicintlic Gard.ns, Kitchin, Stables, an I Armorie, are rcckoiid ^6000; and they have their Monthly Pay out of the 1 rcafiiry from three to ten Kupies a piece. .'dterall ( as a part of the Court too } we ought not to "I '"''■■* forget the other Animals that bchmg to it, which are ''"y'pl' ,. kept there paniy fur Ufe and Service, and partly for %M b in. Sport and Plcaiure. There are '-■me thoiifands of Cnging Birds, that are maimain'd fw the fake of their Mulick ; and as many that arc fory., anic and Prey. Of B.alls -wild and taine, there arc Deer, Buffalos, Dog', OuiKcs Camels, Dromedaries, Elephants, Li- ons, &c. liut the molt rvmariiablc of all arc his Ele- phants, of which he keeps feveral 1 hcufaiids, but 300 of them particularly areilii'd the Royal Elephants; they irccali'd fo Iwcaufc the King rides upon them, but their Splendid Fi rniturc and Nooie Feeding would give thrm that Tit'c witlio.t the other Realoii. Now from this Account 'tis manifelt that the Ci.'iit KU^ui's daily expen- cescannot be fmall and iiiconliderablc. Here is a l.irge j and numerous Family; and fo many Bellies of Bealls and Men will not be tilled with a litr'.c. And therefore if hisDomeftick Accounts be fairly ll.ited, and the Officers don't che.it him in their long Bills, he fpcnds every Day within the Limits of h s Co'iit ( taking in the Seraglio of the Women too) theSiin of 80000 Kupies. This Givai Prince di\ides his Day into feveral parts, to each of which he allots its peculiar huliiicfs and Em- ployment. As foon as the Day breaks he rifcs to iheDcvo- tion ; Religion ish'S Breakfilt. whaic er impure Meals he makes afterwards. After this he goes forth to receive the Salarrcts and Good Morrows of tlic People, that croi'd .ibout ins Lodginps in vaft multitudes; which Ceremony ended he n tires into a Dormitory, and rcpnks himfelf till his dining time comes. His time af- ter Dinner is divided between his Women and his pub- lick .Sports, the one or lx)th of which entertains Irm till three orfour of the Clock; at which time he begins to think of doing Bulincfs and obeying the Call of Affairs of State. But'tisa part of liis da'ly worktno to furvey hisWca'th, .ind tumble over all his rich th ngs. His whole mighty Stuck is divided into 360 parts, each of whichare vii wed by him intheir order, .ind fo that par- cel whiih he fees to Day, he fees not again till th s time Twelve-Month. Si'liiu Sh:t was fo exa^l at this, aiui by often reviewing had gotten fo perfccT: a Knowledge of all his Moveables, that the lealttntle could iwt be wanting, but he would prefentiy hnd out ihe 1 ofs. He (.nee nrlVd a little C'jVm Cup (amongft all the thoiifands of that furt of Utenfils ihar he had byliim) and linding 'twas broke, he cail'd for the Noble-inaii that had the Charge on't,and having drubb'd him rod .itli aliroU, lent him away into C/'. cb. Court obferve with very gieat Solemnity; the one at the fervcJ »irh coming in of the New Year, which lafts about 1 8 Days 'ii' 8'""'* thro- all which time the Coirt appiars in it> i.tmott S,T''-' " Splendour and Glory. In fome fpacious open place there's a Tent pitched, which with the Screens that .ire rais'd about it, takes up at leaft two Acres in Compafs. How wonderful this Tent is both infidc and outlide for Beauty and Riches, 'tis '"'**'" to pretend to defcrilie ; 'tis enough to fay 'tis fur- That of ili« nilhcd rhat Day forthe extraordinaryEntertaininentof the N'^w-lf"^- I'.'rfitAA'f^w/ Round about ihisfand the Appurtenancesof :t) are pitcl,'d the Tents of the Grandees, which take up five or fix Acres more, and altogether caft fuch a dazling luftre, thata Man would almoftexped to findceleltial In- habitants inManfions loBright andGlorious,tho' one quar- ter of an Hours Itay in their Company, would make him that thought fo, fenlUile of his Miftake. Hea- the King rovcsabout from on? Tent to another, guided only by Appetite, Lult, and Pleafurc ; he finds in every one of them Sumpci'ous Feafting, and Noble Prefeirs which every Noble-man makes him upon this Occalion' u u '"^'■"« that all his Gif:s are praifed, ind valued, that he mav Know in what proponicn to return to the Makers of them ; yet his Appraii'ers, who know his .Avari lous Humour, ft all at half R,ites, fo that inftead of rewarding like a King, he fqueezes by th'S means a vaft dealof Wealth r.utof hs Nobility ; I |1'' 'm li The fecond f.-lemn fealt is that'of his Birth-day, Th« of hit ifter the former, and is ^'"''■''')'- HillifiDd wh'ch comes uboitt four Months a.... ...^ obfervcdw h as much Stne and Pomp. But th s is a more chargeab'e time to the No'iles than tlic former • tor now their Prefonts arc doubcd, being made to the King and his M-, -her too, and ilu-n they have no recom- pencc neither. ThcRoa! PtIc is fait tied up, and the Soil they callihcir S.tJ nto fwallrwsi pal!, and returns no crop. Butthe Prince is rhantable to ihe Poor .11 tlus time,and this is a cheaper Vernr thiu Liberality ; 'tisea- fierto give.in Alms to aB.ggar, th.m a truh Royal Largcfs to a Man of Figmv an I rji alitv. Now his CHia- rity tothePoor isihi'smcafur'd out by the he'p of the Balance. 'Ihue'.s aver, large pair of Golden Scaks provided, 111 one ot wh tli hj lits himfdf, and the other ^ fill'd withGo;. , Siber, foiupre Jots Stones, but more Corn and Grain than Jewe's bv l.ir. This is all he.ip'd in tdl hisBodMsexaftly Pallauc'd, and thenthe Sum is di- vided amongft the Poor. N>.w perhaps here is fome- nmt^s the value of .ooriar(o pound; but then his Prelentsfrom thf Nobility amo- nt to ten times a- much • lothattolpcakthc'l ruch, itisnotf'o much his Chavit\ ,is theirs, 'tis the Nobilitv and not the Prince that arc .it the Charge of filling the Po.kcts of the Poor that Day However 'tis plain, that a Pr.ii.er.f alnlty, thriving lub.t (ifLody, is a conlidoi-ab'e IJledin.T to the Poor of this Countrv. 'Tis no matter what his Head is, orany thing elle that's in't ; Brains weigh bi t light, and fine Politicks will do little good in a Scale; 'tis a lar.'c Be'.ly, and huge mailie Bones well cloaih.'d with Fluh that are the I elt ealie to imagine, and whit a prejudice a C -iifuinption would be to them, as well .is li)am'er 10 hnifelf. Th s Prince IS lure of h's IVor Subjects Good Wmies in this Kelp.-d, which is better 'han ih.- cafe of I'ome others 111 the World, who are fo little loved as to have none upon any Account 'Lis needlcfs to ent.T into any particular DTcourfe of the many Itarely Tif,es the ,\; 'lu alfuniestolii nielf, and the cre.it Names h; calls himfelf bv. "I'ls eiio eh to lay that the Licit part of the Habitab'i- World is his, in his ov,ii iuiaginat.on. And therefore he has no goid O- pinioa f'\ ' I U ,:{] ; H ii* *"H- tS'ji . ' yU\ ':) w»^. r' ■ !l I' 'i- V h f' f 1 -i f l« fU pinion of, nor no kindnefs for the Geography of the Wcftcrn World, that pi\ cs htm no more compafs upon the Globe. He fccm'd to be a iphtily difappoinred at the profpctfl of his own Country, which Sir Thonns l^vt fticwcd hinnn Merator'sM^^i ; he found it too narrow abundantly to anfwer hisown prcatldca of it.and therefore ga\ e back the Book apain ' tho"tvvas prcfcnrcd him) as aM;; , Tronted at the riuicntfsof the Gcopraphcf, that had allowed him fo little room. Me told the Enibalia- dour he did no"; uiidcritand that Ikxjk, and therefore fincc he did, and valued it too, he would not rob him of fuch a Jewel ; but the main thinp was, that the World was not made according to his fancy. The Chinrfe will have their Country iti the very middle of the Globe, and the M f.v/will have his all over it ; and lo to compliment thefe l*cople, we mull make a ;ie\v fort of a World, which will Ik as abfolutcly imaginary as that in the Moon. But this Prince moft of all Pride- himfelf in the Titleof r.()«L'r/,:«fj Succeflbur, upon the fcore of whofe Conquclls, he calls himfelf ibmctmies ( as the I'ltrtan do I'ttmcrUne ) the Lord of the Lonicrs, and Conquerour of the Lniverfc. And upon this account it was, that when the W Turk s EmbalTadour had an Aiid.eiue of I cave ask d him what Meirige he (hould carry to ),is Mailer •' 1 ell him (fays the JMf.£;,/) that he js my SLive. for mv Ancellor Trwfi/rtHf carried his in Chains. Tlicre was Pride and Rudcnels enough in this Anfwer; but had the Th> Allien a little nearer hiin with loocov i.uii^nris he mult have given civiUcr and fofter Language. Sc'r,„„ the hrfV, at the head of tliofe brave Troops, that beat the %v»/MH M.tmAlukc!, would not have taken fuch » Meflage from huTi ; weknow he carried an Army into Perfi.t, and upon luch an AHront, "ti-. probabl.-, might have vKited l„Ma too ; wh.;h had he done, tl.cre's no doubt but th.at old ftam upon the Honour of the Ottor.Mn Houle would have been wip'd off, and r-.?ii.i lanes For- tuncrcverfed. But as for this Princes deriving his Pedigree from T,r. mtdiw, it appears to be a dark and doubtful thing- he I has not made It out clearly to the World, and the Jll Un- derftanding between the T-i/Mf J and him, is no great lien of fuch a Relation. * Chap. XX XII. The fifth Voyage Jet out upon the fo'tnt --'Stocky of the Faft-Tndia Company, wtth the follomng Ships j the James Royal of looo Im, the Anne Royal of 900, ^A^ New-Years Gift of 800, the Bull of 400, the Bee of J 50 Niartin Pring Chief Commander: Taken out of hii and fome of the Majlers fournah. Vtfik.a.D. I6li. 1617. Toiiudocj, Water very • biic WE fet fail all together out of the Dcvoiis being (if Wind and Weather gave leave ) to keep Company as far asthcCoaftof Indie. In thisCourfe ha\ ing made the I at. of 6 Degr. or thereabouts, the rufflinc Torriu..ocs began to cxercifc us ; and we were e'en ready to pal's the Line, and ftcp nut into the other Hemilpherc, before we got out of the reach of thofc furious Blalls; in joMin. N. L. ihcy were quicr, and we heard no more of thcui. Bi t the Fogs and dark Vc.itlict fome time after did us th,u mifchicf which all the tcrril)le Winds had not done, in '.oliug us the Com- pany of our Adiiirnl and Via-Adtiuin., and obliging us to go on towards hidin by our felvcs. "Twas no fmall matter of Wonder tcus ;n:hc \v,-,y to lee ihcStaall about us appear p.-Je and white.witlioiit any vi- fi'.'ic caufe of fuch an Alteration ; oneniighthaieiniagiu'd the /y.V/if J at that time, a \ aft great Chcdc-va!, and the Ship to have been failing in Whey inltc.-id cf Salt-V^'ntcr. it carried fuch a milky appearance along with it. T he Air .-,nd Skic ac the iame tin-c 'ook'd v\'hire and hazv, wirhcutdoubitheeti'cCiof the Relk'iilions from the Sur- face of thcWaicr fodifpos'd and tolour'd. Wc had p.-ilVd the C)»Mv? 1 (land'; before we were cn- tcrta'u'd w I'll this Phcncmciiou, and tlie fau'.e Day that vvcfawthis.it Night, v\e n.ade r.t noon 4 l)cj'r.,v4Min. S.I at. and as near as we could reckon lilX-^r. 5 iMin. I on. which is all we can fay towards the i)etcripti;-n of that part of the Globe where it .happened, we being then outin theop:nSca. It contmucd thus the ffsce of the E- vcniiiR and the whoIcNight.and we could Itnd 110 gio;uid nor liottom where we had thisihnnge oi Water. We oblervedtoothatit held on and cominued with a Cur- rent that then aifedcd its, and as we went out of that 10- tfimiir] lou-'d Water, we went out of ihcPower ut the Current too ; the Current therefore was fome way or other ( probably ) concerned in it, liut how or which was, ii not of lo cafie a Determination. The Monfon that now walkd audl'iK'nt ap.tce, would not allow us to call at Seo/o.,;, which therefore we pafs'd anil maele the beft haft wc could ti Su'Ht. Yet we found tim.jtodo fair leUcs a Kindiitrs by the way, and a piece of Scr\icetotheG/vr/ hip^ol ; the former in taking a i'in!i'''try • Prize laden with Elephants Teeth, and tlie latter b) faving a Noble Ship belonging to the Qiiecii Moie, of J;..(iV, from two Men ot War of 01 r own Nation thnt puiie.ed her. She had a rich lading of Silver (at kaft l9Tun, loinc lay vaftly more) which we fe- »*«"A fur'd her in tlie polfeiHon of, by putting an end to thi* Cliale and bringmg her (together with loth her Pur- fucrs ) fafe into Swally Road. .-^'..''■''.'^ "Ot been here long before our .-Idm!,^! and „ , I ICC. Admnnl came m too, fo that now all Fears were va-r'n'-* mm d on both fides. ;„ j,;j' A good quantity of Coral of our own britipine and "',•■ Elephants Teeth out of the V,r.,^uc^c I'ri.c ^vefc"n;ick,y *' laniicdand fentuptoV/.c.if, in order to begin the Trade- .'Ind now there came to ati Anchor at the Bar 20 Sa'l of FngatsframfV.., being fc-rt by the Vice-roy to' rantc the Conft, and make Inme Difcoveries of us and fo 'lu goon torC.rWry.i, to waft the r,»^:.'/r.. They did notr.tier t.) make the lealt attempt upon u. .-c„. fo that wc proceeded in ih.' I^indi-g of our Comn-o' ditics. Coral, Elephants Teeth, Ciorh, Tin, W^ne an I Strong Wareis, together with t!-,e whole Carco of Prelents. " This Month our Ship the Bee was difpa-cli'd for ',/,,„., up->n the Coaft of I'cfi, ■ ih,, .arned fome MercliantJ ' ^"'•■ a/ ng with her. who were there to belauded with their li,;". \\ aies riucl lo go up intoihc Counrry as ftr as A /,•;.• //•'«„ ■-■';;; A way hadbcenopened into thisCountrv before, ati'd^ thj ' Coi:ntr\ h.id prccur'd the King of Pf-,. ."s Firriaiis f r liberty ol Trade at that place or any other in hisDonii nions. When (he cimc back from J.-/^„f.r, n.,. r-ave us this \c count (.f her V OS .age. That the Governoir i;ave them a very kind Welcome, and carried it in' all r-uiis contormablv to the purport and tenour of his M„ieis Firn-an. 1 h.it the Merchants h.i.l a rerv fee and qin.c Padnpe wherever till y went, and piofpcd orm.ik:>m lo good I ufinels of it m tmic at M^ulhn, that thev fcli'cv'd It v\oiil,l turn to as much Account there as in any place in ItiiUn it felf ' ' Water wascxtrcamly fi-arce aK.ur 7-,/.-»« ; ihcv hid none bur what the Clouds lupplied them with, and \\y.(c Supplies I aine eiovwi bir. ver> (eldotn neither. :j''".».; > isthe tune in whlchihey lay m a Itock for th- whok' Uiceeeding Year ; then they fill all their Cifterrs and Cellars, and arc as bulie with their \\'at;'r, as lontc aie with their Wmc at the time of vimagc. In that Mon-h it rams cooftantly tor a Week or more without imer- midioii, ai«l perhaps a little in Dccemi>,r, but their mvii depcnd.ince is on the ?.«/„,»> Showers, in whiih iliey have their fttned Allowance, and that mcafure of iJi s Grand NeceJhtyot lift, which a Wife Providence fes couvement for tlt-tii. But hayuiij it thus but once a Ycjr, Mfiii b) t'-ll'. Ite-fit of f,.l-.t Jl ' ik Sbipi Year, they arc of its foulncfs, it, which .after lioubtcdly ver; l-een usd to bcl tn.keup with til l|ccl»,ihatour t ntic it before tl niodiiy in the 1 un.Jii/'/"" ha ftrcain, but it f odier times thr( FilhcrTown ,ail and 10 D>Bv. 4 the v.ir.to be it the Sum of the* the 'J.if/iiio Voy She being coi miial was !cnt a from Stf.ih Roa way wc came i lieing 17 Sail, ,.^.i). Gallics of Co.u ■.'■■I fr>m ^"'"'"^'' ' '"'"''' j',',,',, us beyond our pi i,..n, skir- uiglo, they we "J^^i'^their Velfels, an thiuiiSOvcrlxiar- As we cnaltcd Boatioilelirca( of reach to rittei We came to .1 goodRcfielhincii frelh Water, wh Fur the Inb';li rood, apcrfdii fcem to va^J.e i .„„„.,, held bv.^Yl wriiw.y force eilougli tc ■ f >:"»'•■;'• Proof of inthei ,t\:™r had made the G •)t,!i"""' 70 Rials of Eig '■ '^','.. i"?) which he v n-,i:i.i'' p'cAs'd. But tn n.iii!, '']i it' polfiblc to mc if'^ii''^ Fnrcc of fever c !,i,''.i, t'm;n the Sprin Kj '■ .;" wtiiih wc Itvoiih ' „■ iL' i''e had guarde J, ,, Cnnuition to ma the viol; nee of ihi< v.'.is d'.nc p; of ilic liidi/:h] ir •■r, trick- tliat a F^iftcrn Coi ntr When we c Diflercncc arift and the great The Right of th lide, .mil tiic I'.i. to i-]uaTel upon was, that the O ..t'jrpfMen, the Capts ■'■ order to bring \iolent Courfes with fuch ihuHii to liil mitto all piiK'ceiling w.t< provoked him tt i.il'able of beii lemper. ivf:(ii Irileed 111 |ullilic all that could 1 f'imalottcr of t doing us jiifti Word to pcrfori: fiMul of an S.>pp thlni; in order to Wc left thofc ' i^initr. diat we found 1 Av-'mi'nt }lf(.;trf!. The F- cHeift. I hat w per A'lr,. for the tation of all m,' for n piece of Gr Faid.iry upon. By Letter, cor notice of I he liar- ilie Duuh; thi^ V^ •■Jkt. as, that when :iuc of Leave, o Jiis Mailer : Slave, for my !. Tlicrc was ; but had the 'J.uii:(iirics, he UUlRC. Sdyiini ops, th.it tx-at ' taken fiurh a ail Army into robablf, might lie, tlierc's no of the Ottomait '■.m:r!nnes For- ligrcc from Tn. >tful thing ; he id the IllUn- is no great lijn 1-Tndia .oyal of lis Gift N I art in e] of the ail end to th« loth iter Pur- \f .'liimiiAl aiid^|,,,,ji. Fears were va-rm,,-,; in ill.,; br'.uping, and";,!, c were ijiiif kly .'gin tiic Fr.ido. Kar 2o Sail of -roy to rante us and fo tu tcnii't upon u^Hint our ConiM'.r- 11, Wine, and jIc Cargo of I'd for y.i/,;u!-t, nie Mcrcliants ^;""„ Jed with their \>i,,;", ,^r as A ;,i:; (/,'?«„. ■•.:;« tore, and ihj i Fin'iatis fr in his Domi- ve lis thi.s Ac- 1- i;ave them in all p, ints of his MaUcis f'cc and quia cl iii.ik'ng 1.1 tthey iTli'ev'a n any plaet in ; ilicyli.ul itii, and 'ilr le -•r. Itoek for ill.' their Ciderr.s at;'r, as lbn;c Iniliat Month iviihout iiii.r- ni their ni.iiii II uhiih iluy (Mill re of ill -■ ru\ ii'eiii:e Ua i but onic .1 :hap. XXXI L Agreement at Jacatra for Trade, &C. Voir rl:pv arcfbrc'd to drinic it with all ihc Advantages keep Life knd .Soul tbtcthtr, artd upoi l§3 • Ifiil '<.,: :.■! f'^' Ifli'd. ntagcs oVitsfoulncfs, rank tallc, .ind fomt times Worms bred in it, whichafierfo long keeping is not ttrange, rho' un- lioiibtcdly vcrydifagrccable.cfpecially tothofe who have t^een us'd to belter Liquors in other pl.it cs and are forc'd to mKc up with that at ygr. n Mi"- N. L audio D.er. 40 Min. I.on. from the Cape of Diu, and the V.1T. to IJc 19 Dogr. 10 .Min.from N. to Well. 'I'his is the Sum of :h(^ Account the Bee gave us at her return from the J^lijMi Voyage. She being come back, the /fiiw * \-i.tl our Virc-Ad- niiral was lent away for the l{rrl-'\et^, and we all fcf out from Virii^v Ro.id for /{-!««<;>« and other pans. By the way we came in fight of the I'orn.'p/ir^f Mohiccit Fleer, I,;' lieing 17 Sad, Merchant-Men and Men of War, and .i-"' Gallics of (;n.(. We exchanged a few Guni with one .inothcr ; but they quickly grew weary and got away fioin us beyond mir purhiir, and to make tlie inoiehalt in do-j Lfx '•k''- nig To, ihey were obliged in part to unlade fome of iiiiAin'il«,(,^.if Veifels, andthriiw Chells, Boxes, and other heivy ^''"•*"" things over Ixiard. As werrialtcd along by Crlcrnr, the Sjtn-.'fhi fent olF a B().ittoile(irca("lt of y.:fl th; Stiip" .. pon c\ cry Report of the coming of any of our Ships, they were prcfcntlr laid in Irons. ' s But we had not long after the comfortable Tidings of the fuddcncoming of a Remedy to curcthofe Difordersiii a Fleet of fix good liiigli/h S\v\ii, under the Command of "**''' Sir fV'o. I)t:k. Our Bufinefs difpatch'd icj^r-'frii, we went ha.ck a- gain to BttniAin. Fiaving fpent liime little titrie here, the cipeded Fleer came froin Kwf '^ ;./, which together with ours and fome others that were here at the fame time, ,v.^,„^ made in all to the nnm'xr of thirteen lirave .Sail. .And iiillcadof that it bad been fourteen, li.id not the brave "f->< the way. Sl»- was wreck'd at the llland I'.tiyntw, a good mial/ton part of herC; inpany drown'd, and oihers "murdcr'd a- (hoar by the barhi-O'S Inllabitants of that llland, and the rclt brought in a very miferable condition to the I'lcer. It beiii", certain that the Di'ich and we wen* Ihorily to liic ide '.ur Qiiarrcl by a Fight,wc had anviiglt other Pnp.ii. -tons m.-"dc for it, th.it necelfary one of a Dayof I-:illinp, and Pr.iyer, ItrlOtly obferved thro' the whole Fieri ; ;-.,.,i |"or a prelude to the fucceedinq Adion, ,, ^ ,„j,^ we quickly af'er took a tonMcrable Ship of theirs. '""" " Bull he /;./!,. lying wirli their Fleet now about .y-iv.-.-.r, n ''.isrcl.il'.fd III a Council f,f War, th.it a part of our-; Inoiil.l l.jnl.with fail thitherin o^.R-r to the Inating them iway. Accordiigly wc wenfon w.tli eleven fail, arj .line to an An.lior bv //-.-.'s- llland, the O.tucn Ships be ing at the lame time within light 111 the Bay of j.-e;;iv. And till)' wt Were now fo near one an'nh-Tv yet wc could not oilier matters l() as to bring it to a I'atrlc inmiediate- ly; ihe/Jwi/i by their ll.ilting and winding about, plain- ly dilco'criiigilicy had no great mind to eng.ige, aiul w« werel. inamannertopurfue ilieiii, before we could obtain the end we came for. However at lait we came np with them, and the Ad- miral k'gan the Fight wUh theirs, our Mmn .Ind their Sm;, n,jrrit.V r, ihertit coming on in their order; Tlie Fight continued ruu.r. w|„!^' for 3 Hours, in which time wc fpent 1 loo great Shot up- "'"= ''"" i"* on them, and fo left tlinn for th.it Night. And in lT;ort ^X'/^";;^ they order'd their bulinefs fo, that wc left, them for alto- «n. * .Hcihcr; for they made all the Sail thi^y could before us, and we had only the Honflur of- purfuing them thro' the Bay of J.wain, which wc did to the Eart points of it. Here we .ill came to Anchor ; and itow they li.ld re- eourli'tothe latal |)iil;cy of a Firelhip, h.ying been .able to do no good with tli<»ir great ("luns ; they lei^one nf thofcHamiiigMathinesa ilruiiigtowardsus,but we1i.T}>fif(V avoided thcMifciiiet', lia\in'jp warning cut :ightogetoiuof her way. Soallodidihofetharlenthergetout ofouTs; and tlio' we let aSpie upcin them loobfervetheirMot'Ons, y et wa did not think i; at this time iiccelfary to follow iliciii any farther. Now the Kcalon that urged us ro ili s f > fpecdy an attempt u| on the Dunh, was an unpardonable out- rage of theirs ctimmlttcd at J/ic.ttt 1 jnft before. 'Tis evidcrir th;it conlidering the InjuriLS wc had re- ceived from thoni, we w'erc not the.Aggreiniurs, or euil- '','''"','',''?^°'J ty ot any iiniult .Aaion m laking tliat Ship ot theirs a ■jtirrt. little before the Fi;.dr. But ye: as if they h:id never gi- ven us any manner iircl\ lie thiretorr t'lii; Meircngers'o /).,;» .i»H to .leliteaur atlntaiiic, inianoni^ the Pridi- and Strengih ol ih.ii Advi fmul of an Opportunity of qu.anoling, would hear no. thing in order to the putting an end to it. We leftthiTc Maiter.s in the fame ill pofturc at BnntAm iliat we found ihem, and let fail from thence towards Jw.ifr/!. TheKingiif this j-i,i(e being prctvv well dif- *fy']^']^';^^"Bpof:d to favour our Piiliiiel'-, we agreed with him to this cffcift. Thiir wc would pay him 700 Rials of Eight per Auk. for ihelibcriy of a free Import.itioii and Fx|H)r- lavion of all manner of ConiHioditie*, and 150c down lorn piece of (jiound 10 build a publick Floufe lor our f'atlory upon. '. i mil- and Strengili ot ih.it AdveiUr), ihar had not liy Letter, come to us here from the M').'»i'.f'., we had ] Ijiar'd i/i infult him in Ins m ly Palaeo, ;ind .ilmoit brat: notice of the hard uf J ge of our iiH»/>7'i in thol: 1 Hands by j down his Capital City .about his I'.iis. 'Twa<, upon thi'. die /)«,/); thiy v.idd icarcc .illow Uieir. Proiilions to I accouncihaiwehurricd aw.»y to J.-rci^r/r, a: id calf J upon' i:b m 184- Another Fight wtth the Dutch, &'c. ti i|;' '?:M3 ihe Vuiii) it till- /)«•!/■ to prepare for a Batilc (o foon; that Prince was our Fricmi and Allic, and befid«o»ir own particular Wr(iii!;i. ^" agaiiift thorn. The King was very dclirou? to have lyinKoii ihc them gillie U'At out from thcfire, and to fee their Fort wji^.ininft jlctiiolillul ; whichif we would contribute our Alfiftamc towards, he would m.ilce u? all the Allowances fiir tlic Advnnt.iprs of our ''ride in hij Covinrry that we could reafciial'Iy Oefirc. 5o it was concluded that fome Ammr- n.iion ihnuM lie landvd out of the Fleet for thij purpolc, and that Sir IVv. I^r.lc he Admiial (lioiild lie there in the Riiad wiih ci(;iit Sail, to countenance the Bulinel's as there was occalion. As for om- felvcj it was deternund Hi r p . ^^'" *' ft'onldgo away foi the Sirrhjiti of Sutiiia, with foe. fo^ihr ''•'' •'*''T» t'> endeavoi'rio catcii the Dii'tch Fleet there. But s rii«iji inil a little l^^atmc up and down to t.T purpofo, we put into ,,m J T^f.-iH Koad. Here we had ncv^s that ( in the tunc of itiriurj. our alifi-nte) the />««(■/) had m-idc a Prnpofal for the Sunendrr of their Fort »\. Jitc/iiir. Their proud Sto- mai h was fo far come down, tha: tlity were willing ro oiiu I: ■• pliiic upon conditionof a (,uiet departure with I ag and bappage, aiidtheconveniemy of a Ship to car- r\ them \o ilic C'oalt of Cormnrtniiel. Bi t this Apreimcnt was rendered incfTcAiial in great mealiirc by thebaic dealing of t!ic Pan^ran of Bmtnm ; he lo\ cd nciilu r the Dutch nor Us, and as little car'd that .au; tiling i)o-.dd be done towards the compoiing Matters biiwixt 1 s. f le haa a mind tofj to get the Caftle of Jccurn Ac- \\\Qx'i\ into his own hands, and fent to the Dutch pri- vately to make a Surrender of it to him, together with fheluiV their Ainmmiition, Monty, and Gootls; but he was jI;|i'''"Jj_"^J.'" much miilakcn in his Men, and the Diifc/' were not (b i'^:^." <"'''ic cither to be commanded or wheedled out of their Picttjiitions. But upon the Account of this and fome other III Proceedings of his, we thought it ncceH'ary to make him fenfible that we looked upon our fclvcs highly atfrfinted by him, and therefore made all our Faiiiors and Merchants, with ail their Efleiils to remove from the Tow n and come aboard the Fleet. While this was a do- ing the Pi^>^;;^r^n ( as if the molt juftand harmlels Man in the World ) fent to know the Reafon of fo fudden a Remove, profelling he had given us no caufe to leave the Country in that manner ; bnt tho' this was manifcft fallhood and Jilfimulacion all over, yet that he might have tui (l,aJow of an Excuie or Pretence left him for not doing u* juftice, we drew up a Remonftnnce, containing a!! the Particulars of Wrongs and Grievances the Eiigiijh I.T.d 10 his Cha;ge, and fent it to him for hij farther con- tijit. run- lidcratit n. News l>cing brought hither that four Dutch ^D^"i, 1 ^hips were come to an Anchor in the Mouth of the fecood i;rac. Stirii(htj of SuhHa, I (ail'd out of this Road with four of «*.*. rhc Fleet under my CJommand, to give them a meeting there. We quickly obtain'd alight of them, and made towards them with a Speed that fpoke for us; we were not a little glad to have found them. And they to affront n» the more ciTeiftually, and let us underftantl how dc- fpicablc we were intheir Eyes,carelefly plied to and again with their top Sails half Maft down, asif they were there in cxpcdation of ns, and waited till we came. We ilyTco "ft' of ^!'^^'''' "° fooncr within ihot.but their .Admiral came up and StniMTd. bid us welcome wirh a v^'hole broad fide ; and ic will pretry eafily apjuar that \vc were no tat all behind hand with them in Civilities of that nature, lince they run away wi;hin two Hours time, and left us the open Sea to our felvis. And whii.li made icmuch the more picafant, the Aduiinil ( that came on with all the Triumph and info- lent Bravado ot a Spsuiani ) wasthe firft that turn'd tail, and gave Hie example of cowardice to all the relt of the Fleer. We puriucd them till Night ; but tho' they fouplii worle, yet they fail'd better (at leaft fwifter J than wc, ha. ing bcfides the Advantages of ihcii- fai niml kr Ships, a^'ood degree of Fear andFright tohnrrie them along ; and tlicic's nothing ir> the whole World that f.ics fiilKr than Fear, nor docs any Man make more haft than lie that luns away from a found beating. But as it often haj.pcns, that an eager and over hafty flight from ' nc Milei.ief, 's an unlucky running into anotlu'.-, fo it had very near becivihe cafe of thcfe OMfciShips ; Sir Th: Da/- not Inric afti r got wi'hin fight of them, and if a Tcmpeft had nor interpos'd, they had been forc'd toar;0- t.hcr-jiuilc Tiial than the former was, '^M.^I: ''ficr this .Aolion we returned to Bftnrtim, and our Wi». whole Power ff Sh'iping (that was hereabouts) once niuiccame all'occthcr at this place. The Bulinefs to te (onfulceu was, about putting in execution the Ordcn of /MP X:<) Pphi with ihe Pmfih near Pjijm^ iam Fo.nl, the hrj'.-lnHi/i Company, for appropriating the Chimft Goods to their own iifc in conlidrration of the Debts they owed. And it came to this unaniinoiij Refolution, that uiilefs the young King of A/>»Mm would throw that III Miniilerthi- I'/iwioiiw out of his place, the Commidion Ihould fnrihwiih be executed ; but in cafe of that Coin- phanietheCWni/- fliould haie their Junkj rcttorcd, and lie forborn fomeihing longer. The Matter brought to this •"-> head, we began to think of doing bulinefs in other partr ;''"'''''' and fetlail in the firlt place for the Coaft of Coromm.hl''^' Being near this Coaft, our Ships were h.-.rdly able to come up to one another, by reafon of thcUrong W.S.W. Winds, and theCuricnis continually fetting to the E.N.E. 1 he Beach alio wasfo lofty on the Ihoar, that there was no ventur'ng towards it with any of our Boats. At lad we f onlider'd of a certain Bay upon this Coaft Tn in alioiit 17 Dfgr. and about five I/ragues to the Eaft fide of S.'.U'ipcre, where there was very con.modious ridi.ig foraWefterly Monfon, whichwasthc only thing we now delired, feeing there was no hope of recovering Af-r^M//. /ii)m4» D.vr,.A^,t our late worthy Admiral; he was got before us with a '>''^/ part of the Fleet to M.iffulipat^n, and died at that place :''" '"'* and how good News I'oever this would be to the Dutch, whofeinfolence he had already chaltized in part, it was very uncomfortable tons, who had reafon to expe(S fome farther humbling of ihcm from the Valour and Condn(ft of fo able a Commander. It may be worth the while to obfcrve that of the Ri- j>«(.. vcrof K/ijfaporc, wc found the Current to fet S. S. E.by Day, and N. N, E. by Night ; wc rode then alwur three Leagues S. S.W. from the Bar of Ntffivorr, and had at the fame time near 20 Faihom Water. When wecanic^ to Mitjfulipntan, wc found that part of the Fleet therc/J^^^*' which Sir Ti'. DnU- had brought j a;id now that and this joining together, thought fit to call ine to fuccced him in his late Charf'c of the fupreme Command of the United Fleets. Here ftveral Merchants that were to re- fide intheCuuntry, wcrcfci alhoar, and fixed in their re- ^"'"'" fpetftive places ; the Stare of the Companies Affairs was'tatlt!. alto at large tonlidcred and ejiamined, and proper mea- ^'i *■'■■ fures agreed on for promoting them to the beft Ad-'j^'^,,^ vantage. 'Ji'i-J, * We fet fail from hence for the Coaft of Sumatin, and''"."'^'" near that Ifland had rhc luck to meet with a confidera.''"'|['"^* Me Addititn to our Siivngih, which was three fiw^ j/^co.ilofj* Ships m(;re,whiih there v-amcupto us.Butthc;. inform'dus""";" atthefamc time that our Forces in thcfe parts were much"''* 'jj^',,1 lefs than we iniagin'd, atid that by the !ofs of five Ships num.il of oul■^ lately taken by the Dutci upon this Coaft, aiid*"(is»"J| two more thought to be in very great Danger, if not ^'J^.,','j j, adually lolt, they having fen: out a itrung Fleet to fur- rtaion > prize thcni. This News was lUrtling; and fo many ^'^'"^^'^ Ships being already become a Prey :o them, the reiHaiiidcr \^;'f"vl .0,1 was ti' i^cmor 'lent I'niicr a 1 C( nlii'ei.niicr t)i rl)e. lin furDvl, and 1 nf OvI atone 'ataii!>:her, roj (Client R'ee, rrovilions. 1 ( '/IttAtU-Y- Frw S.mft by thcw.iy tha tweiu ihai y ai thev Wf'uld at' iiKitters now It' ur'."'ii' NcceUii thele Relolutic our own jullcr hapiy Tidings (iiirs about .11a Pe.ue was con< we could get to ■ Oiifcithenileh from 'ji:c:irf new maile Peat This \> .i> a \ we 111' d 10 nice .irnl Co pleinc : l-lMC ;,.,J i 1 .'V tllev iha'- airl Sii.'iive on fir ui 'IC hieiuH wi'h no lur'c .{■■:• 1 1'-i: lav/ I initv, \v.:ro n' %\ U'iril'.i'.or. I Hut no'.h?'!' ( n.itur d I'll . | iig I'ieet to fur- reflm" ' " and fo many £.;«;'., tlicreiiiaiiiCwr^,,- ,■,,,. was vj'i^ ;h r.i f l-«j .! . r.cc. .'ii'.tarRcd I'pi'i 1 more civil and plcafinp a'coiiiit .'v '.Iv/v v: • V, ?.rx\ tho' we inadc- a* imuli Noif was to be more warily prclcrved ; and ourSm-iicth atrrc- 'knt rncicr a decltiilioii lift ( Init upon viiv valu.able C( nlii'f'ations } to lie any way farther cxpoftd. t)i rOiMlirpsupi r\ the Illanda! this tine, wore ch'cdy lbi-(-'vl. and Rice, .ind (..oco's: Wctciokin 1 i Hngll.o.ids ■ ' nf OvI atone rime, and more ot the lame Coiiimudiry ■ ''"'ataii'.'.li-i'. rciicthcr wl[li 11 or ijoo Sacks of ninlt e^:- cclkni R'co, i^cio C';C(K'<, belitlcs (jcjats and O'.licr Proviliuiis. Ihis came all from IV.'.i/n.ir, Vainig, and 1 '.^trntii'Y' Fr 111 V mrtn vc li 'd ourConrfe for .'? 'j/mw, hearipp |)Vihcw.iy that tli'.Te was 15 Sailof O.ifc/i htltowt-d Ic- iwwn that v ace and ' /-.. v-tn. "I'was uiKorrain u liethor tJK-y wf>ii!d at'.ack us or no, Inir 'twas ccna'n that as iii.utcrinow (ti od, weinri'ndcd nut to lifht, t iilrf. a icrv mri'ii' Ncccil.ty conipvll'd us ro rt. Hut p.oii', dii with tliclc Relohiticns towariN Hi'it.iw, wc met wih a ,Sli p of o'.;r (nvn jiiit roni-' from l-'iifj,i>.l (a Mc(r.iirv.'r if very li.ipi y 'f itliiigs ) that put .\n end to all Cares and Prnvi- IIdps al'oiit .iiartcrsot' that kiiul, liy adlirinp us that a IVacc was concUuled bctwis-t us and thoin. Andbifore ■J. we could pet to B'-'iMir, 'twas dcir.onftrati'd ro ia by rli ' "'■°' OKfcJthenirchcs; we livht of their wlioli' Tlcet cdir.iiig from ■'ji-fjrr to meet us, and give vs the Joy of th iv.'W tna.le Peace. , . ,, This V .i.s a wonderful altera'ion in a vrry litt'ctinie .:,• wi.- Ill' d •<) meet f'T oth.T prirpofes than this < f Careding ''■''"and Chi piciiicntii'p ot.e anrithcT. Now the (iivat Gun ■il.T „ ., wcvc tha ai. I S;i."ke on h- :!i li.K-s as tht-y, yet th'O Sahir.atioii was f.ir in 'le f icndlv ard agreeable. Thus we fa- I'd topcihcr wi'li no lu!'c IrriimplunM 'l'.> Road, and .ill the /« .1, •.■■ J i''it la'.v i!s pcrfcciitint; each r'th<.T ro the lalt extrc- initv. wcrcu' vv :'■-■ aihniriiig Witiielfes of our happy Ke- (cn il'j'ion. liui niyM'ly. ciiild b? a gr.Mter Mor:ilicat'on to the III- .:', n.iturd l'!i>«Ji:tor, than ths I'nionwas; his C holer w.as ■ ■■■• fo rtiri'd. .at it, that lie could neither hear the Relation of ■'■'■■• it with any dci'iVL- of Tenu'er, nor return a Civil An fwer to iholo that made it : Wh.at with his Rudciiefs, and whatwiih hi'. P.i.iioii, ho pals d .t otf without any farther iioiiie, than only a ra'.ing Queilion, Why would the /■,'«- q.'.'/'j he Friends with the Outil> ? He wo-.ild fay nothing in anfwLT 10 (uir dcilres of making a fiT and amica!iih.-,tv: a belter .\ll- nilt'.r of St.ue, an..! In\e licen pl.ad, if he would ha e ex- erted his owii Koy.i' Auih rif', in laying aliile a Perfon I'l I'.iilii lor Piib'ick Trult as he was. Eu; ther: was no Ileniedv at pref.nr. the /':«;; --n continued in the fame firly diic iitcnt.'d Humour ; and th.' I.ilt time we lent to trca-. a'li.ntrhe IV.iiinefs, he denied the Melfeug. rsthe Li- h r'v ofeoiniug aihore. 1 was o' -lined once m-ire to leave th -fj A'fai'S in the lime p;rp!c\-:d and uufett'eii pollere that I foitod them "f in, heint; now bo'.md for ■'■P'" .• 1 :"o'i this * Vo ape ,^,',;|^" with tw.i .Ships onl', f-i.ie otheis being to ta'ce a turn I .,i..l thither :.ft'.'rwards, which were now engaged anrther I'S.vfs w.-.y. ;;,\i .Vs fir th'.'OI-fer'.ations rehiring to Se.a--''tf.iii-s in this I !iV<, Cn-rfc, the M,irinersm.iy take thcle few Mcmorialsalong -s'iikc.with ih'i!\ .,.-'"J Of il. -.hat wl-ileRow of Illands that extends it felf loiit;-, Welhvard I'lMmtiie Bav of Jrt.in.-, the molt Wellcnuoli ■jt u is p., - U:r:h;o, dillant'fV. m P. /.• T^w.:'- S l.eapues to the :, ','i^_N-N. E. ' C. The IX-p-h betwe'ii the two Illands is «!. fru'ii iCnoi6,aiui fofal ng again fron ;6 to ill'adiom, 'V *^'^ |'ro-:iid. i'yJ.o (v.u I'cs from .(■.?'/';)•) 6 l^-ag esto iu *''-f^'' N. bi. neareft. All along from i'uU) ;'c»/'.j/,-;;, to '■(• l'-iw!!iii\c> \ the Current f.-ts us to the 'vVeihvard pretty '")'i'^ltren£ly j af:er t'.U'. vve lud an calie, tlw' an o.ld fort ot II Current too, that did run almoft upon all Points of the Compafs e\ery 14 Hour*. Ky an Obfervation of th ■ .Sun's Meridian Altitude, wc nude the Ship tobc in .■vDi-er. .)', Min. S. 1. when wc had I'li'o l^ctoa I eagvts fro-.n us, bearing -S. ; W. and by .inntlK-r at Nigh: upon rhe Crollers, we made 4 Degr. 40 Min. S. I . wh.'n the fame place was by eltiination '). by \y. from us i) I eagues. 1 he ,S. ]. end, or point of the iile ll-Kc,!, bearini! N. by F.. ; F. at j ! Leagues dillance, we m.iile the Miip in ^ Degr. a Mn. S. L. by an Obfervati'n of the S;:n, from whence rlie l.arirudesof rhole plates mav be detcnnined. Jletwecn rliis Point of «.«••;•, and tl-.e llle of Jlin ■■.', th: Sea is full of lUaiids, and it .ippear.pg a dcfpe^a'c A't-.-mrt to vrnture at a paf- hvs bciweeiithofe lllamls an.l the afj'tfaid Point of H.i; ,.', 1 tcat-fe of the Shoal n|'s we li.ad met w.th, we iiu! avour'd to p.-:fs |-,y the S-ivivhts of '..■-/.-t-r ; but here them.itrerwas ln'.le men 'od, ani we found th:Shoa!d- ing as dangerous, if not ifore than before. The greater Idand of / .-i \i: *, we nl.icc ne,?r the E- 'n.-i-jf the l{i:-vdi>i:, are at leaft thirteen or fourteen " ■'< i' '■ <. in nnm'oer, gr.at and fmall ; thev are high Land, and |:|'f[!."' '■.''„ • a ta:r Depth from one end to the other on ail .he Fi.iftern 'I'll;,' \k'' luie ; and .as we are iiiform'd, there's a very good Char.-' nel b -rw-fcii rhem and the iM.tiii, C'ff fi-om the Point call'.l the Ci.ri:!.':-!!:.-: !, the Land n-ns away W. N. \V. and W. by X. ro the very enrr.ince ol the Road of l',:nir, and is low La.id all along, and lowdl i.f all ar the Po'nt of the Road, and \ ou ha' c a fa'r Depth too till you come ihithrv, bni: ih re voii mult gi^ e a good birth, Ivc.'.ul'e of a Sh^^al that lies half way over to the Welb'rn Shore : 'J'heritcre yo'.i nit. It r.rt bor- row too near it, till vou h,-"-c :hc.S!-oaling of the'W-.-il "-a Shore, and there yon ll;all .i;:d ih? fofteft Groimd. IVein ■n Rav f.Mi ,,k1 /'4.-J>. iwcUc Li'Jj'ivsby the m'xc D.iy ai Noon, wchiiv., pxit N. li. V\ 1"'. 11 1.capucs, ami here wi- tiiul our Lat. lb Dcpr. ', from whence ilic I.it.tiulc of Ajnf.m may be iiif'.'rrM. ikiwicn t!ii< lll.iml ami tliat tallM the A/ •■• ■(■■ ?>Mle, A Current iVilnp to ilie N'lalnv.ti J, iriolHy art..ileil u». Wc j;;ve the LuaT 'i1.iii>1 th- N.iin • i filie A;.*-. ■ $,(./..'.',, iifion ilic ateoi'in of a certain ilci p Suiiiip rfion the topol it, whiih ill f 111," nuafure jiiltitKs the Coiiipariliin ; It ' i Moha, as fatal, as the eominp of them is fiul.K'ii and Uiri'rizinR j when tiny are \i()lem to extremity, they bear down all lielore tlieni, and ti's i iih to attempt the deli- Ncrinp (if a Ship, or any iliinr, li,;iu tlieir liiry. Diir Deputies (leturn'd fioni C'cunt) rave ik an Ac count of the fjood Sv.cccfi of their Uml. rtaklnn ' 'f'he liu- '''■' pjmr was kind and favorralilc, an.l :1um' Biilirels came Its in II lX('r. 4-1 Min, N. I- and has v.iMuus lllaiuls tc itwUlired ilfiie. To fe this, was all that wc now •alioiitit, ahn.lt at every Point of the Coinpals. waite.l to,-, ai;d tlurelore our Miip-, beiitp here careenM, The Sc ■;■.'..■< li Mt lies in ii IVpr. ,^ Min. N. I- and lined for the Sea, we let Sail ai'.ain tor Uixt.Mn ; in w,.,l. ilv littlcii ore or lefs; and that of tlic high l.r.nd of ;.':;,//.■ wh^ili p.-((l'a;;e we ll;all prelent the S.i'lor with one Obfer- ii.aV-'^''"""'*'^' ^''' ''''"■'"""■''' ''V ''"* CH'rer\at;on, that when we \ati'>M onlv, and ilini is of the files ot' /'»,• Cmc, bctw-en made by the Snn's Altitude, ij Wp-. 6 .Mii!. K. I,, the the Illesof H:i.:.i and Ih.ii.--. This is a Cliiller of fe^fu I'l.cit "" high L.ind of /.■!; y/iattlie laiue time bore >s'. \V. b'. N 1 1 Leagues diftance. So alio th.ir of the North .rii Point (.f the Kle /v tiK.fit, which bore t. S. ii. ten I.oapnes olf, when we made the Ship 111 I'j Depr. 40 Min. N. I,. From hence to the Coail of ,/. /' ", the Curreii . was almoin o n vimn' \ E.N. H. or mod certarily fome I'liii: becwcn lI/cN. .iiid the H. I ll.all offer the Sailors no n. ore now of thefe Obferv .v iiis, but one up m the OmII of i.-pii 11 felf, helping to li;ttlc the I at'.t'tdesot the pveai S itiiul of l^^>;<, j-'i'i^, and; bore due b.of us. or e.)',lit Mauds .ind Koiks nii-i'd lojjciher, the loiijitlt Traot of them runs N. N. W. and S.'S. li. the Norther- molt of all bcinn every way the lar^elt and moft coniide- rablc. I'lointlus Nowhcrmolt Illand to Vuin \'nii, the Courl'c lie- N. W. ' W. nine Leagues, and all about it Rood Ue| ths. '1 he Souihermolt of the lame Iflands, we con- clin'.e wc may pl.ace in i Ueyr. i<5 Min. S. L Lor wher we made the Ship in that very Latitude, that Illand then of the S. V. part of the Ille do' • ; namely, tliat when the fornur Iwiv L. nine Leagurt, and ilie .' uter W.by N. ten L. ai'.ies, and at the '" • niv ve inade the Ship in ji ! \f.\-. 4r Min. N. L. y»;. Vc had not been lonp ir ' , ort 1 >Mr..'r', before le- \ c'a! others of o;r /:> 1; /'' .^ •ame in iMther likewile. \\'e had the fame kiiul W'eleo.oe that oth . • f onr Na- tion had met v\ ith here before ; and the Kuig ot Ci'.ts Illand taif.e aboard the Jr.mcs It^y:'., n\\f,\vA\. adminii}; and re]oycini; to lee an I'.-i^l'.jh Ship of ih.it ttate and big- nefs ; and .asking, NVhe'.her that were one of onr Fri!;ats ? By ail w hlch tve fufpeCf .:d, that loiiie I'eop'.e at tliat place that bore us no Good Will, had given a very pitiful Ac- count of onr Shipping, and made them lx;lieve we were t'rionnf Malttrs of none beyond the lize of Frigats. Here the tho ^^.^ v» liutJ) and wc joyn'd together in all onr C'onfii'.tations for "■' j^'-''''"" the common Interetl and Advantage of both, and being ° now as it were one People, Deputies were ch. fen, two of c.ich lide, to manage the Affairs at Court, ami carry thi When we c an;e ro /(.; , -■'".';".|. Prefenis to the Lmpeior. We leem'd alfo t > be equal I ^Ti.'f'im Sliarers in the Refpcct and Favour of the King of /••/..!,;./ , 7/.'.ii. -mi^ who uniting both Parties to a Solemn Entertainment, 'Twasinoui power 'O le: our Conmry know, when we ■* Ci.t ■^•''^:'< niade the tirfl Dilh of each Coiirfe be pre'.'ented to the iiamo home, that rhe Ow.'.o had been ciiil and IViendb to .,,",S.i.t'' ^''''v'.and us. ^ Uis.ibrrad. iiitrni, we touml a Fich./ Ship .. there, to whom the Paiigranhad granted Trade ; and'hci""" m.itier had been lo agreed between this i-Vfi;./ -"/.;/■, tlifS^jral D:til , and our i:\^ili'\ topivl'ene Peace and Qiiietnefs ^'' in allCiles, tli.u they were to ihare the Pepper in 'Jhiiils'"' amoM[,!l them. Put onr Lading b.-ing ready for us at j .. c.:tr.; WC Went thitlu-r to take it in .after a very lliort itay here. Our Ships that had bcenemp'o\'d abi -, it rhofe parti, while we w.iv .it |¥ ',.■'-),•. gave a very bad Cliaracter of f /i.i;o», for a liekly int'iillious place, wh;e1-;partly kill'il, panly Ipnil'd and dilablcd the left pirr of ■'! the Mcii that went thither. The /^m.i/ ;7,.»m:v was l.adcn' here wiih Pepper, Silk, andCloxcs; ibme Qjiantities of Benjamin we ii.id too aboard her, but the main of ti.e Cargo was iheaforcfiid Cr.mniodities. ThisDilpatch made, we were now bound for Ki'^lumU. , cairving along with us a far more valuable thing than all ji.! onr Lading amouiired lo, the SatislaClion and Advantage of a happy Peace, with an Ad .erlarv who ha.l been not; . a little troublcrome to rs in thefe Parts of the World, j a I _llu,». * The h'jrriblcTuffous, which are fi.qiini: li.r.al oiiis, Appendix to C h a p. XXXJII. Containing the Reftdt of the Voyage made to Moha, in the Red Sea' by the Anne Royal, n Ship klon^imr to /Idmiral Pring'j- Fleet* under the Conmnnd of Capt. ;-nd!CW Shilling, txtracled out of Mr. HoyncsV fonmal. II i Jljir .h. iti7. /.■j,j. I61t Till 1 -ne I,;..-. ■ S r H. .Be r.l •J IN the former Voyage we faw this Ship taking leave of the rJt of lierCompanv, and liniing alone to- waids the K*"' ^"''- i ""'* riviinliic now that we make fome eiKpiii-y after her, and lee how the tares in that part of the World anionglt tlicTjfi;; and J..;/., who lia'd t'ormerlv Iten lb very rude to fome of her Country. She had, it leems, a fafe and toniiderablv quick Voyage, Ijctween the Coalt of J;.'..'.'.(, ana the //...i.jK, making it ' not ir.ore than four Week> between .V,v.,/,'v Road, and tlia'. of '.'■■/.'/« i p .ri thei{;'J S'r.. Whintiiey were crme in here, and had lix'd themfclves at an Andior, immediately a Boat was lenr out from the GowiT.O'irto demand their Country, Deligns-, .and Pa- teniions t' ere ; which Demands when they had lat;siied, they g.'.' e the Town the ufual SaluLXtion with fume Pie- ce;, of Ordnance. The Ciovernour took this in lii good part, t'lat he dilpatch'd a Perlon of better Figure to bid thtm V/elcoiViC in his Name, and at the fame time a libe- ral Pivfeiic of F.cih and Fruits j bi.t Itill delired mure c'or.p.e'.e .Sa'isfaiftion as to their Bulinefs and Imenr in coming ch.ther, as alio to fee feme of them afl'.ore. Our En: \tl (as they had Realoii for'i were no lels jealous and tender of their Safety, than the Turks of the Qii c; aiid Securitj'of their 'low n ; and therefore fent the (in- M.Tnoer word. That tlio' they came purely upon a Deli!;ii ot 'LiaJe, \ct thev ihould not expof'e themlelvcsalliore, without luffi' lent Pledges for their .Security. This the (iovernour quickly agreed to lativfie thvin in, and accordingly, with another Prelent, fent two Perlor-. of' good tluality to remain as flolbigcs a Shipboard, ar..l promi'.e ot good EnteriainrneiiL to them that came .1- il'.ore. The two chief Merchants, v. i:h their Intcrpivtois, land.ed prefcntly, and were receiv'd iy a vait Croud oi^' People and t)fli.crs that waited for their .Arrival ; tlu-^j former only to ga?,.- up 01; them, and tlie l.ttter to perforin the Ceremony of bidding them Welcoire. I'he Aga was likev^il'e re.viv to receive them in his Palace, and si"'pea/d mnohnall State as to his Drefs, Attcmiante, an.falltlie Partxiilars of his Furniture, and, by their Relation, cir- ried it with much gocj Breeiling, Ci\iliiy, and Hearti- ticls, towards them ; but a Turk is a myltcricus Cr..'a- turc, and the Aga for all his Complements is not to k.' pronouiic'd an honelt Man, till we have the Merchait> Expert :hap. XXXUI. 'Trade granted at Moha. &c. Wl ,,.ii '/i/i, tile Couilc II alvjin It pooi! Ill.iiid?, wo Kin- S. I,, lor wIkm' lli.u Illand ilu'ri lv.it tliof.' r.irn, ail CliniMctcr fit' l>;i>:panly kiH'tl, of :'',_ the Men i laden li';re witli itics of IWnjanini f ti.c Cart;o was lund for Ki'i^^niiil,^ |.^, Mc chinp than all j«'' M and Advai',;a!;o vlio li.ul Ul'll not;; .,>, K of tlie World. J -"•• know, when wc"^ ' ' il and fricndlv to ■I I. i ed Sea' ig'j- Pleetf ra'Hcd out irks of the Qii c: fore font the (iu- cly >ipon a Uclii;;i 'icmlclvcs alliorc, lat^fio [hem in. , Ic'tir two Pcrlimi a .Shiplioard, at:J L'.ii tiiac came .1- :hcir Inreq retcK, )• a va(t Ci-owdot , iheir Arrival ; t' c latter to perfiriii e. The Acawas laro, and api'ea-.'d dame, and all t!i.' iiir Relation, cii- .iiity, and H^ir;;- 1 myltcrieijs OuS- -•nicnts k not to b: l\e the Merehaiu> Expert F.xpcriemc to prove him to he I'o In the whole Story < f their Uiilincl'i an 1 Dclipn in t-Oiiiinp into thofc nart«, nn- th:iip was fo obliging to hini, i< ili.ir alfiirini? Iiini, thi.\ had Orders from the l-.nyjilh * liiiiliallidoi in /«./j>, to fciinr all thofc Seas, and prjtcilt the Vorisof the Country (and the I'nHi'i Ships thactraded ihither) from the Iniii- Icmii's of Pirates of wha' Natoii liieier : And that they li,id lati'Iv driic a piece of Julli eof this kuid, upon two ' .Sh ps of their ownCounpy, which were (!oin(' to plunder a r ch .Ship of '''''■' ; I'lC truth of whiih the (,u;u'iii Mcrili.inis would (luitly eciitirii to hnii, who haci not [leen able to eonie this Yeai , if ili 'y had not had the I'ri - mile of an '"..; /fc (juard at iheir return. This made the A(:a f..y to his C'tmipanv, 'I lit i'.ir'Ji/h were a C'ivd and Friendly Nat on : That they Ih'iidd li\e perfeiitly feoure and calie m this L'onniry, and en|oyall the 1 i'lienii's they had at others of the Grand Seignior's I'orts, and have tlie lad decree of Alliiraiue for all this, in his own, ar»J the Haifa's I'lriPfn. Hut he was delirous to know t>( the Merchants, Why they w TC fo Ihy and fenrhil of hiin at firlt, and wiiu.'d not come alliore without Pledges left in thi- rrooni ? In reply to whic h when they ineniion'd the \\ imici- Vinleri< es olKi'd to Sir //. M.I.I 't II and hisCoiiuviny, he to!d them, Ih.it AjM was indeed a very il Man, an. I had hecii di'grai'd .according to his defetts; Init now they l1;oilld he alii r'd of anoher li.rt f)f In e. annient ; for whi'h lie pave iIkiii the n^olt foleimi Oadi a Turk can tnkc, hv the liea;d and Whiskers of tlie Trophet. And farihiT.that non-iu phi ',<■ ipiiMran' of ■helriendly Tre.i'- niint delipiied for the A. ';;///■ at that phue, hewiuld h.i eiluir 1 iherties openlv prorlaiiii'il Uforc the whole 'J own ; liv ^^ hith Meihi'd all txcufc and |retciicc for any Ad of l.'ilVo re'ie or Inpdlice, ll.ould be wholly taken aivnv. Our Me?chaii's dcluei'd h ni the Captain's Pre- fem (which /ii.- look very kindly, and with manyThanks), and lo v.ert^iway fr.iiii hm to the Scri\nno'sHoufe. This PiTf n w'as ■aliiioll as great a Man in A/A/j, as the Aga h'mfi If, l-oth upon the account of the Port and State he lii'd in, the Ppuie of Aiithoritv he bore there, and the ni.ii" llroke he had in the management of all Publick Bu- liiicls 'Twasneceirary rpun all thef.- Accounts tolecure h;s Countenance and hrieiullli.p in carrsing on their De- ] ligns ; tor tho' there was no danger of his open contra- '. liUViipthe Apa's Orders, ^et a leerct Grudge or Dillalfe ' infiich a Perli)n, inipht have done a mifvhicf; and 'tis ;. the heft wav.not to let any (Jreat Man have caufe to think himlelf neidected or dclpifed. Tn'Siiv.iig The Scrivano quickly pi( mis'd to undertake the Pro- '" "'' teiSionof their Atfair, and efpous'd their Imcrell with the fiiiicZial aiiil Hearnnels the > pa did ; which wasa gre.it Point p.in'd ; for while he held their Friend, they were fare to hold ihe .Apa lalf, this latter being entirely guided in ail his Coi.nfe.s by the tismier. Now all was char and open leliire them, ai.d the nest Buliiicfs was to pro- vide a ccimenient 1 1'lile m the Town for the Reception of their ('Oi.ds, .iiid their own fettled Abode. ThevsMie tinder no .Apprehenlions ol hear, as to any rude I'laiieor .*ll'.iult in via'.kinp the Sinvis ; forbelidis, that the Peo- ple appeaid civil and co'.iu.ik s , ami their leivnc Coun- tcii,inces e:.prvfwl a w'el'-)'Uafeilnels with them, they had the might. PiotcClion < I the .Vga's Oath, and the Sacred Hairsof ..(.,, i.«i..- ti' appeal to in that cafe. As foi the * Town it lelf, the\ tell us, they have fearce met with any comparable to 11, for the cicanlinels, neat- ncls, and dneiit mai.agen cm of it. There's no l..th thing as Diri or bilth to be leen 'ii any of the Streets ; e- very thing of that kind 1 e:i g thrown into a certain com- iwn Recept.aiie which is coullantly fcourcd by the Sea, and piowj nooffciue to the down, livery Man's Door is fwept and w.ater'd Moming and I'vening, the (Jro Mid I.es perfeC^iy hiiooth and level, fo that the Streets appear rathe.'- like fo many Bowlinp-Alleys. than places th.at are cxpos'd to the daily trairplinpsof Men and Horfes. 'I'he idoiilcs are ail Hat rooi.d, budt melHy of Briek and Stone, and handfomcly coverd over with Pa. Her of P.uis ; they are not generally above two Story high, but that defect is made up by pood Terraces at top, wli.-re they have plealanr Sun-mer-lloufes bi.ilt of Alats and Canes. In ihefe they pafs away the Night, and the hril Qjiartcr i . the Uay ; here they have the frelli Air, and a lov cly cc liing Breeze from the Sea, with whidi when they arc well i inn'tl, t|-,ey are prepar'd togothrjugh the fcorch- ing he.at o.' the remaining | art of the Day. rh'sftems to be the grcateil Burden, Foreigners (ufed to milder Clim.ues) have 10 bear at this place ; "tisfoe.-c- travagantly hut. that 'tis hard to endure the liphtelf Cloa- tliii.g ; yea, e en a Shirt vpon one's Back, af'cr the loul Breahirgs of the Morning are over, and the Sun has re- ccvcr'd an)' coiiliderabie he:gh:. . Hvi- TheTradc of th'sTi \Mi isverv CMiliderabIc, and fo is the number of 'I'rides-inen r' 1 Mi-rchiius, that inhabit or frequent it j the Shops arc luatly bmh, and will con- trivd, .Old in every one of the 11 vo 1 have .in Liiil imv rf the Detercy and goo.l Or ler (.t ih" T( wn. Thires it fair M.irket well fnrnilhrd and fnpplieil out of the C'oi.n- ry i and for their phiity of Provi:ion, 'tis fufficicr.t f) fay, th.n Mil is featc.i in the 1l.ir\- ^li.d'i-. 'I heir Strength .-it t'li.s place is tint prear, and ihey relv more upon their Sold',c!% t;.an they do npon their Oul- nance, or any fort of lortlfication. Th re's coinmcn'y :> o qii.irter'd in the 'I'uwii, and .1 Pod) of V'o -ore thar lie 'Wy fortius Aga was in a few li \: 10 ,enio. e frr'n i!;lt G"- ""'" '"'■'■ vernmenr, ami quit h s pl.-.r.. io aii'.ther, who wasa- Iron expetlfed. However, Ir ailur'd them, tli v ihould liiul Ins Suiceiror in all tlings .,s kind and r arcf i| of the r ,'n tereds as he was, to whofe Favmr and (wiod MaiMje-, mcnt, he would hrqieath them and their At^'airs, .an I doubted not but they would confcfsthc change was fur the Ix-ttcr. This was the firft ftep of the Negotiation which was happily and fuc •'»'"'' hands, thinking too well ot the /■.-/!' '//■'! to be afraid of ''"*'"•'■ any Treachery from tli-m. 1 L biou. part of the Ma- ter als for .1 good F,.ilt ahi'" vsith .■ . n, I left all the Siruplcsofnis Kehgioii behind him ; in ini gedhisGe- iiius to tho height, coiif niiided all his Prtphets DiHin- t5tions of allowd andfoibitUlenthii,, , and uid the Alco- ran a foaking in Sack and Siionp-waxrs. While they rode at An. lior about this place ihcy tel! us of a vioh'iuSiorinof Th'iider and Wind off from the Shore, I h." brought Clouds of 1 )iill ani. .Sand a Shipboard iipon them, tho" they were then better than a League from the Land. The new Aga was qui. kly , ■ e to enrcr upon hisGo-ile m.i-. vcnmient at \lohii, our /^'.;//'/o Ship paying him the Ci-''""" ^''•'" vilify u( her Guns at li.s a: ri\ a! : This he took extreamly "'"" ' well, an 1 fent for the M.r.hanis all;i;re out of haii.l, re-" rurning the_ fame Pledges that were before. Here they had all the fame Complements oer again, chat hisPrede- ced'or had made them, the fame filcinn Alf.uaiuei of I'eace and Friendlhip, ami qu.et Trade; and now the Honour of Al/;>i)/;>7's Heard was pawn'd a fecond time for the performance of the C( venants. B. t of h 'vv va'nable a Conli.leration foever tl.i. might be amonplt the Turks, our l.iiy^::/: -Mti thoij^ht it a very poor Securirv, and Uierei'ore they were lb free as to dellre fomething elfebe- rRlcshsClarh; their rulinefs nniH Ibind upon" a furer I'oundati:in thanthat, line they h.id not that Opinion of hisPn pher, and his Beard, that he had himfelf, tho' they did not prefumc to tell the Aga fo much. However they iiililte.! upon aScei'rity that !iiiph: giveacomplete Satif- fa.;tion both to thend'elves and their Country ; and this he as freely pr iniifed, telling them tliey Ihould have his I wn, and the Balla's Firman. This was all that could be delired, and the Merchants let him ki'ow, they were fully contented. The Aga's good Humour I ringing on a very free and The Turk « hami ur Uifcourfe, andamonpit other thiups, Sir //. Mu{- Accomtof .1 ■!o>.\ Name being uientioii'd, they took the liberty to '''5 '.'1'"^'' a-k the Aga, the Keafon of tlule Pioecedinps , and what "h '.'uj.' pivtenee iheTurks had lor fo i.tij andlcl'd a piece of Trea- chery as was then coni'iiiticd. He replied to th,,, 1 hat the Vilier B.TlI'a that then povcrn'd the Country, w.i'^ by II s "wii ■ r.iel an.l blooilv N..U'.i!v, d.l'po.i'd enough 10 fiich .\.:iu)n^ a- thvie, but that he had ha.d.y perhaps pone fo far a. he d. 1, if the Turksand ..'.i; j by their Complaints of the /■: ,1; '.Jh, had not added .Sp'irs to his furiois Tem- per, and p ifti'd him on : F. r they reported. 1 hat our .\'.cn Were puilty of all the lewd, indecorous .-'.Olions that coiiid po libiy be thought ot, and violated die Ordersand I..aws of the P. ace (as well as thole of pood Manners) in fo extravagant a degi. , tiiat the Peofic could be.ir with I iheni no longer. Ti; .1 in their Del auclies tiiey would ' quarrel and fipht with the Inhabitants; foric tliemfelves I into thcT Houfcs. and purb.c their Women behire their I Faces ; atfroni their Religion ; as tliev elfecm it,), profane their Chiir..hes,by going and pii'dng apainlV the Wallsaiid i Gates cf them. 1 his was the Ch.i'-f;e brought in againft ' rhci'.i, which if iruc, the F»'ij.'V//' ir.ay blulli while Infidels B b z accufe ■t ti I thu new A^i- ill I ■ V'^i f : U,i' ifl§ iiiV';!' J i88 7/'C /i^a's and'BajJ.is tirmans, &,C. I ib. iMTSp. XX>^ r| f.ifi •iciifc tlicin of Inch C"iii"C». Onr woiiM ilniik liii li Mm vciv wiiiry iu of their Wi m^ii .T< the Tiiik* ? Ami who.iiv I" leiuleriiiilllth' ll Points I'.ihe^ - How 1,1 ere nnM ll.irp a Re»eiif;e hive ihe\ iii.iiiy times l.lkiii. r r the liii.ilkft .l]'[H.iiJiiie of lMiiiih«rit> ; fur a Vonl, liir a (i!.uv e, fur a Si)'n, ore\cn witlvnit .inv real euiilioii, when their own invineiMc I.aloiille li.is pcmipuii ihettl to 't r Ami loulii it he iin.ii'inM, thai thcv wu I'lll'C niiiet anil idle SpeOlatorn of fiuli .ACHor.s A« tlicli' ? '1 hat they would enilnre ,Siraii)',rrs to fence tlienilel\es inro ihc Ai> rtnients of theii Women, wlun thty WDViM as loon lee them ikail, as lee tluni in any C'oiii|\iin Uiiile< their own ' Patiernem Inch i Caie !■< not to Iv expecfeil am where, except in a ('•v\ntry of tame, ealie, contentcil C'uckoMs ; iducIi lets u ir lo W t\\\C)t\\ IV m a I iirk, tli.it IS, a Man inailenp of Ciuiler, Jialonlic, and llrieil to the Chtiltian Name. .^nd Ui for jinliiif, ai;a:till tli.ir Church-Walls, and Pnois: I', had In'cn pcrliapsa lels l'rov(Ka'iiin, lo have lit lir^' lo theiii in anot'ur Scncc, or plantv'd a Hatt ry of p.rcu (Inns and deat iln ni ilown lo'he Ground ; torthis niiulu W.wc Wxu the deltri'L'h'in of ihem, Itiit vvoidd not havej'iil!iiud or delil'd tli in, a. die other Oniric did in the! rtk« Opinions. And 'tis im inauer how alilmd and f•' honed, that ctm F.oJ'jh-'ne'i Aicoum. 'ii. nuglu [lebclved l>y tlie //('(■; and ,•/. .i/j in great iiieafure ; •I'^tk. Ai' "" '''•" '''°' ''"^'"' f'^" "^ ''"" ^''•T'F'-' inighi be true, fonic tuUnon/ of the molt odious Particulars of it might l)C falfc. For nufht bo (not to mention the Care and gooil Government of Sir H. M^Uletm:) why were not thcfc Crimes objoAed at firft ? Why was nrt Sir H. M'J.l.'cran told when he was brought in Chains before the Aga, that 'twas for the lewd .\dtions of his Company, that he and they were fo fevcrely hand- led ? I he Aga and the Bada hail need of all the pretences in the World, tn jmvo a c >lour to ihar barbarous AAion, and m.ike it app.arjnll, or ,11 Icall planlible : And was it poilible they could have a fairer and fuller Charge than this? Or thar'hev llionid ncgl.-d it, and not reproach the V.iif,':'!'' with thefe Villanics .' It looks as if the Charge was not then ni.ule, but had been p.atch'd up afterwards to llrie a frn ; they were ihen in a hurry, and h.id not t-nie for a foinial Proiefs ; but afier the litecution was o\Cr, thev had Ic. luce to lind out the Crimes, and draw lip an Iiulidlment accorilingly. And 'tis a lign, that there was n.nre of the Injv.ftice and Treachery of the Turks in it than they arc willing to own, lince that wicked Balla was quickly after lent tor to CiiJ}MtiiicfL; to anfwer thole Pioviedings to the Emperor ; and 'tis orteil and exported, which was pretended much more ta\oiirjble than what w as coniinoiily allow'il ; and then lorGii iy the (ir/icr of (irj, and ly iht h'Aiilt at h.tve in ifir lli'y Pmfhet Mahumct ; vtith the l.icmeerf our ('•rtiit 1.0 ,1 /lihl KJ"?, to whom tl'e lircm d'o,/ 0/ the iWrhl :\'vt /■■i;;' Life : fl» //'f i'i.le.'ili. Truth, titid /lull'orili nf 1! : '!r:,u V',-{ir rf Sinan, Mahomet BalTa ; nhom the "rent C d i>ii\- llrenfth an.l /'i w.r i)i Im KiiiZ'ton : /I'lJ li f ^•" z- • > I / ' ; • J * J 1 ''4' tl'e 'uiiu'iiyi, iMi.l true mrttHinj(, nn.l ,om>ii/ind rf iNrii„i.,, Raiab Aga, « w (iaftrnoiir of the Tomi rf Mwha ; to h Hiie'i la ih: Celt N.ilioit of t>>t Englifli, with all f.iitl- ':.ihifi. I The Covirmiir Raiab Aga, do give l.lherti mid Licence to the Englilh K.iiaii, to emiif hiihrr 10 this Piri, n receive i'rieii.liy Entcrlnininntt, to iriiit^ /i/hi^r.r their licK.li, to buy nnd jell with nil freedom } 10 cr.ny fii h Ccodi ■» tl'Cy hut .ib-md, without U-tt or hiii.lernncc : .liid li.ive mnde Cin- triitl ni'l' tl'em, thnt f.r ,iil Goods thi-y l.iiid, ihfi Jb.ill fito T/'rC' lithe Hundred, n^'t in re/idi Monryjint in Goods ; niui f.r vph.ii thry c.viy nwi^i nhoitrd, fo it he M' -ch.iiidice, nnd not I'ln'ifijnfor their Ship, ,n yittn.ils, or JucI' lil(i; li'ntlhey jhnll p,iy ready Monei nl iinee by the Hundred ii^ewife, nei- ther lime nor left, but nt it ii conlr.iHed ly on^.,',grectnent, Th.it H" [nhnbiinnit of thit Town, nrr I'eople of tlie dimiry, neither Turk nor \Ta.\i./hi:ll injure titem ; hiir they jhnll he.vt their Liberty to their C^ni-nti. /Ind tint ihii my h'irmjn nndContrAti M j^iven them miih ,t lyod fle.irl, mid true iiie.iii- i'lglo fee it pefoimed, I vfitnefs tit Truth before the mojl I'igh God, nnd our Holy Propht. Signed with my Chop, the Fourteenth * Day ot Moy, in the Year of our Prophet Mr-.cowet 1017. *tki»t| Iftmuif Inn 'Jo llife"! I Conp,all Saint The BiilPa of Sinan s Firman, IN the Name of G O D. T/h Letter written with the ^ Hold if Tnith of li-e iiirj} I'igh (i O O : To nil \ntioni, Gofernoii,s,and Officers,ovcr the V eo fie under my C'mernment COD keep you nil, K.itow ye, Thnt we hn-.e f.ven our fi-.itlfiil Firinnn i,i:totle llniids of Seignior Andrew Shilling, Cnptninof the Englilli, JofiphSalbaiik, hii Comp.vihn ; nnd to their Friend, Ed- waril Heynes, Mrrch.ii.t ; whiji me com- t.i the Port of Mocha, Jor them to go nnd ame with their Ships to the /nid l'ori,4n buy nnd entry forth. Three I y the Hundicd l.l{;w'fe. yli.d do picinifc nnd jwenr, in the true wny of nu O.uh, t'j k'op our H'jd with them in thu .h/eemenl ; and ■n'-ee you n!l herj-y to k;iw, thni li'cy JhnU pry neither mere i.or h/s. .:nd fu tie. , Ti -1 thy Jl'.i'l receive neither iiijii'y, I'u t, nor d'nge. , nor nm dif.onient piien them, either to their I'e-fns or Ccods, hut ti'oy .ii;d their \ntion Jhnll hme, as f. "in their fiijl SI ip thnt came tc this Kjnfdjin, now thu, jo ever m tie Inji Slip, thnt JlvU rrrive Iseieifter, the like Friendly Entrdnii.ment, an, I Coed T '/",•>(•, .i- we hnve com- innnded to be giien them nt litis p'ojent. And thnt this 11 ir.y f.iiil f. I me.in.iig, thu o:ir Finnan which ciinei to your Hnndt Jh.ill be a Hutwfs of the Tuth. Wri'tcn and Signed widi my Royal Chop, from our Court of .V/w/rn, this Eightcciuh Uay ofyw/)', in the Year of tur Prophet h'Vihomet 1 017, The *\mttt. I 1 •Avin l> IS16. 1 ■ n'lOi ■0 10 Ua. r 1 Shii . exp The K "R of tl ^ibTijBrhap. XXXIV. Relations of the Dutch Proceedings at Banda. 1 89 ci) miuli iiioro i\\ ; ami dun tm'ral, (o |'.\y mil nil tlic ili- Iv ot'ihcMiT- h'll the I.iU-r- joyii'il n ilicy Cinct 't' (''f>, ulrcw Sliilliii;!, iviih himni il •, 111, which jh.-.ll ■yi", .iHi//i<™,/- 1} iht Fit it h i»f p l.icmceof eiir I May 10 Sinfi*, ii tliif. JNihc Name of tho Cnat CiOO. Tm I cite cf Cm- iii.ni.lmo" ill the S :>iir ef nir i^' ei-.t l.oi.l i i»/ . m C O /) ktepl t) All Pefle, finie^iipim of 'Voivi:i mulV. li.-i. Kjiv^ III I'licei ot'l'io.e'iiment, i,vi life ihein, him, ,i'i.l .iH n'mii/oet" , fieiuih, mid n'lh nil ( iswt.-frt ■■ I'i'lt in.' ""tV them p/li /or fi'i'l/M,';, or o/'ifr .V- cell'n'ic, m mve th.tii oidnirf; hit rMhcr mike fnifi'" foi tlviii, mid iiffiit them, .hid t'tr tth.u Coedi thet /hill c 'J nwn, or h'liiH uf iii'n ih- V'.ii rf Sinan, foii ft.i.ill ttikf make fiimi' convincing Trial of the niiphiy Favour and Kiiulncis whuli tlii' Aga prctcnilcJ he I1.11I for the /.. •f note, he was always met by a Party of Sol- diers th.'i i xmc out to be his Guard to the (iovcrnours of thofi' plaies, by whom he was receiv'd with all inugina- hlcCoiirtclie. His Reception a'. Vi/mw was fomcihing more pompotis, a brave Troop of Horfe being difpatch'd to meet him a- Ixjiit a Mile out of Town, and a Houfe very richly fiir- nilli'd, made ready for his F.iitcriainment. He was firit of all carefs'd by the principal Xcritf, and the BalHi's Ticafurer, ami after two Days reft, had Audience of the Billi himfclf. xi Silttf According to his Report our P.ngli/h Cloili would prove 'ifiM " 8°*'^ Commodity at Sinim, and the adjoyiuiig Country, One Reafon fi r which i», the Icvcre Ciild of iIk I liinarc, whii h pinihes ihe Inlialutints tiir ei 'lit or time Months 1 the .Slimmer 11 hardly .1 Summer luiealioi ts and under thewarnicit Rays( lihe Sim (he fays) a Man might very well hue niduied a Fiirr-G.iwn. But beliiles iliu, tlieie is a l,ir;H' ("oiirt at Sinun, and ro Ills than 41 (>r ^uooti galLiut 1 1'lks liclonpin)! t" it ; tc» which -add the le\eul Arm es that lie up .imld.iwn in the Country, ether employ .1 in r- 1!- . nj! tin- jHt'v I'eli Kinf;s. or e!|e in guaMliiig the '1 1 rkiili I'urtiii. us Viini .. , „ „, ,■ their IncurlioMs. I liefe d.i all wear ciilie, hi);h-lri»'>i '''''"^./'^':7;:■''!':..''?.t^ »•''•'/..« Chillis, or.,iiihedlottn„l',.,.s, and ;.,,/ !, Pin- tadoes for wain of goo I C h th j niul mi doiihi lu" our /.'«;; 1//' ones wniilil aiifwer all tlij piirpiilesof th? I' net inn ami th'-' ( id:.w, aiiil U' \ery ai-ree.ilile to thife Sdldi-Ts in their Maiihes ihr.iiigli the Weather, and lold Night* I odgings in the open Meld. In that time ih.it this /•••/;;//,'• Ship lay ar A( /t , the (Jrand ,Sei};iiior, Sultan .lima i.\'\<\\, leural Ceiemonieit being perlorni'd upon tliat ocralion 111 the (Jratul .Moliji c ot'that place : liiit the new Sultan was pleasM ki lonlinii both the ;ialla .ind ^f^ in ih.'ir reffeCtivc Places and Of- fices for le\en Years l,,ngtr ; lo that the I'.ni^l./h Tr.ule in thife parts, as u had its be(',iiiiiiiig, wis ailii to haic itH growili anil progivli under the Inthienc.s nf tlv.'ir Ciovetn- inent. lI|K)ii the whole, the Turks rontiniied fair, jult, and ci\iltothe lad , they made good to a I'unOHlio wli.itever they pretended to, and did in fome me.ilure attone for for- mer Abufes, b) the H'meltv .ind Dbligingnels nf their prefeiii l)e| iiitme'it ; tho' .it the iime tune tis pujlible fe.ir might lia»e fome llinke in the nufer too ; 1 r the l->.f^l j! were able ro command and toree their own Tia.!., .Tml ipiil the Turks when they pleas'd : .\iij twasiniitter of fad, thai liime Ships had pals'd bv Mrhi, and aeiit to I. !(././,«, the Port of A( i.r, for tVar of fallinp 'iito the hands (if fo much dre.idiil an Adverlary, ami the Mfill,d>,irt would not come in neiilier, but Ibiv'd at /Ideii, till the t'.ii- ?ddh had given them their P.ifj for .Security, and good Ul'age. But the Effeds were very agrce.iblc, ler the C'.iiife be whar it will ; and if the Turks can't be juU and true out of Confcience, and love to Venue, let them be fn out of fear of power and pmiilhrncnt. I Ik • \: i^ the M nour of ading from a Noble Principle ; but otiur People need not lofe the Profits of a Commerce with them upon that ac- counr. Our Ship having done this conlideralile Service for her Country in the Hed Sea, faii'd away from A/c/w for the Coaftof /mi^/i! again. !i written voith the To nil Kntioni, my Government : Virmrn in:to th of the Englilh, r Friend, Ed- f.i the I'oit ef Ships to the laid chniidicef'ret'\ them ly viiiu-' GOD, and dir e,it Lcrd,Kl mil '/, (i(,veii:oiir VIII, to pny for y the Hundred, y the llundied true way of an ?reement ; nnd 'i-.y neither more illxr injirr, II, either to their Jhdil hiive, as >i, ncm tim, jo iftei, the liks ;. ive have com' / that this IS ir.) s to your Hciuls '.•op, from our )f jtt/r, in the The Chap. XXXIV. An Account of all the Proceedings hetmeen theIino\i(h and the Dutch, Vfith reference to the Banda /fjfairs : Together xpith the fever al Grounds of the Trctenfions of both Tar ties, and the Contro- tier/ies happening thereupon, f a/^n out of the founials and Letters witten upon that SubjeB, by Mr. Spurway, Mr, Courthop, Mr. Hayes, and fome others, Jfl'the vtry bei^inniii^ ef this Account, we find tlie l{elalers ^ot out into the Eaft-Indics ; !}'■■ I'.we no Information of the Adventures ef the fiijl part of the Voyage thither, but only the livcnts that happen'd there, rv'.thout any manner of inn., duliory CircuniJIanccs, As me therefore find tliem at this dijlance, ne mud begin where they d?, and tahf the Stoiy in that form and length that they deliver it to us in. liiwmit*, IIV. 16l(. 3 (0 iU. I fP of ihe Ulitti gflt. »in Id ihc Vu,l. HAvinp difpatch'd all Affairs at Sr.ntam, wcre- mov'd from thence to .V/dC^/Ti' (with our two Ships the Stran and the /-) /™ef J where we cxpcded to take in 100 Qiioyncs of Rice. The King of this place was, and had been along time a molt inveterate Enemy to the liu:ch ; he would not al- low anyone ot them fo much as to land upon his C'oun- try, and thofe that fell into his hands at any time were furc never to get out again. The rcalon of this Hatred was the fcveral Wrongs \shich the People of the llland had recciv'd from them ; they had feiz'd and captivated lumc of the Natives, and ainonglt the rcit the King of M.ieaff.ir's Sabanilar, a Man of great Note and Figure in the Country ; for which Affronts he vowed a fevcre Re- venge, whenever he had an opportunity to take it. And feveral others of the p.tty Kings of the Ceiel\-s joy n d with him in this Uilign, as having been Fellow-Sufferers and Partners with him in the Injury; they «ll thrcatned the Dutch, and it was their wiled Courfe to keep out of the way. But notwithltanding this, they mull venture and try ih'-'v Fortune at Maci-JJ/:r. and that in an .ibriipl intruding way too ; when their Circnmltances required a great deal of application and lair means to be us'd to in- troduce them with any fafcty iunongit that People again. I>0 Surrender of Jhandd ijles to the t nglilh. *: i« Til' '"■■V,"' l»t<"i ih. I'M*. Cim* in -r •fc« C ' V'.f Kil.iicfi, in C'|>t /^titii- Itn'. I.ft Jdii/j r let d I v.>'l ip IOl)li£nj ijh. )(,(-( I'l. S r.nr „: inf In I .rtl< t:i • iiv A Irpw' Sh'c iif ilicin mirii In Jh Anilinr, •nl liiuli tii'r S' ti VA'l II .iiiiiii .iiIku, till' C<>iip4ii) (I \thili mr i'i.irkVli> I p 111 " 1" 1 1'l !>■■ I III .Ml..!/// j wiTi' p i-- Ccmlv (tc.H'rM iti'iii:! t'ikvii, .mil \«i'iiUI \\a\c li.uk\l tlutii V'llu'i'l •IIV t'.ii|1i>r t miiiiny, li.iil iiui wc lalnul ilie I'lir> M llai Ml lb I'l I rt I t.ic III! I', All I put i!ic Mill I - t t'l! I ilci'4ii / "K"/ dii.ir', ii'l wc wi'iii 111 pi.i' Ni tiik' to ill'' K 1'^'. Ill !■ v^c il'il. tli-u lio III y\ii mil i'c i.j'oik I'll'*, 4' II I i\V-'t iltl'' (l\>l'llU>iU« um. I'll It' lli:t« Will ihi- /( '.' '/ 111 til » Ami pi. 'I In- Kiii('. 1 1 ii " 'I"' . o'l'l I'oiiii' «it'ir.« ConfiiKiAfii, CAiiir tl vn iiiinii'il!;!! 'I> wi.li ><>»> Men i .ini lure ilic /I; ^ liul iiuilii '> Ihiiivmiuu'iI .ifur till.' iiii'it rirnri IK n-flmuT. It wf h.iil nut r.miil iliiir Itu'ikI", ami muruvil- cil I'oi' ilH' I I c.iNiiMi. I'. I Ik K III ,.il iJiiv iiuii'.ii\, pic them iluif i lui iii.J lliri tui'tirn lo tlif r Sliip j liut 'i \v,i« ) arlv 1 c. .mil' lii- iltlp^'il lo [ijor ami triHini,' .i RcMiipc iiniliiiu'iukil uiilikli.ii)tc a ha irKut^ (kIuii ho ill. 1 liriktf thi- :i,' J, i\\.\\ tli.in.ii c u. l\ I iliis w.irniiip u 1 \ 11", «.!•. II t r f t oiit lolHr- fw.nl. ihviii 111 ktip mil (I ilaniir; lor ilio mxt l)ay llici wiTi' lit ihc l.iiiic v.i ik an.iiii, lomiiij', c ii with iluir I'lVit 1(1 :hi' Ml 'ic, tliii ilic I.IW .111 Army • t' iuMgi'il I'.ii;'- 111111 r .Ills til(ip|l>l.' llll'lll. 'riK'Kllip h.lMlip IHAV lilt all hit I'.itii luo, 111 Uc liiiiiiill iliii< aHiiiii cil .<);Aiii, lin' < lit rDiiiciit'li;ii \/ii' // . ' .11 the I I'iMusu iiimupi tlicin, II ho I'l.l tliiir Hiilii ^ ilf .;l. .ill . p. t N t\M' II iluin .iml the r Ship, Iw ariU" ' iIimii ami lul olfcicry Man ot'ilani. Wc wifi .It ill > lime iiiiiniiiiiiliil t(i k' I pill f.' wiihiii Door* i I V wli ill we p'a iil) lo .tul, th.i tliore wai liiiiu' Jc.il iiiii' ol'.i C oiiilpi i,.'iiuc lr'V\.'. n 1 1 .iiul t'lo l>. r ' ill this iVIieii. Aiil w'li.it ill', ilijitlij iii.tli' Ai I'liipt I'lir, iiiilil' t. rnnkr ii* I'lili'i.'i'ti.il .i- ni( iif'lt tlv AI'i ll'i', .11. J lo o.i'nlii'iw oiir Iniirill ih 'II', 1^ rii t I'.iiie to iiiagiic. Wi'l t l.iil tiiiiii heme I \ I'o cc^ i.niul lii.l pari of the WMV ilio Ci iiipaiiN I I hi", /'ii.'.'/ Ship ; wc were luii il lo relieve tlieiii at Sea with our l'ro\i(iiiii.', wa<, to treat with the Inhabitants about the Inrrcmltr ot that, amltheniher lllanils, iiitiitliehandsof HisMaiellv ot inv,l.m,>. *1\\{\ was what the liunliini'le thciiilelves had voluntarily of- lu''il ; they were never put iipon't by the {■.n!'i .orpiieii thciti an.- l>ro. Ill for I'ret.n:! n.s t" tliofe Illaiuls ? I this tlie\ rip.icJ, 'Ihai tlure never had I cen any fiieh tiling ; iliat ihe Oi.'u' were ilieir ii.onal liiieinies, ncier li.ad beer., imr never ll.oild le their cl.c Ten NialUr^ We then pit ili.' Q eUi n, Whcih.r they d d imnni mnuliy, wil.muly, and wi-.hoi;t all deieit an.! fient re- ferves, lutiiiiiler ili. le Illan.lsin the iil'cof the King's Ma- jcfty of J-'i»'-'.i', would ll.-nd by the Rclignation, ami m.iimaiii wiiarilie li.id done ? 'I'o this they aiifwer'd in tl'.e affirui.ltive, vv ih one Coiifent, de. lariiig they dclir'd noih np more, than to be letkun'd a part of the iji?jijb tinpirc. vSi) the Bul'n.n wa5 concluded, the Writinps drawn, and f .eniii'y dcKici'M ii.to our hands ; and in Token of their Si'bi^dion a Turf of Ear'h, and a Nutmeg-Tree rrcfciiTtd .at ilu fame liine ; which Coicmoiiy alfo W4is to DC yearly r.'iiew'd. We on o r parts were oMip'.d to fi:r;iilli them with Rice, Cl'.th, and (the- Commodities, to adilt them without Shipp ni; u) on oecalion, ai.dir..at all their Enemies as our own. Th-'Copiesof ihe feveral S rrcnder- arc here fubjoyn'd, as they were trinflated o'.t (f the Original iM.//.i,v.oi into Biig'ij'-, by foine of o';r own Counti y-iiicii. T'le Cinrtnts o' t'.f '-urr n'r-.x o' •! c Iflitvlsot Pcolttvj), aiiJ Poel-iioon, in BjhJu, to His M3J' liy. . , lijr "T'l!!' !' ' ."".''',;; H fill il''' /tjrrewnt lirrvrn-n I'tl tir OrKr\it)es '■',"■ ^ (f Poo'ov'vay, .iiii/ Poo'aroon nljr, .i«./ /Af tnglifh, in ,f.f mtni 'ml yi v.! ■ T'-nr whn if In tie ritne th.itVoo^ow.yy K.. i'lrxaiKit ) t 'i'l'/' \ -7 .''r .'/.'r Hollanders, tl- Penp'e of Ptiolo- '; '. wa", rti/JPoolaruon, hadjurr.-ndredtlietvofgrclaidfjl^ndt lii'ii. iium iJt K,:^|J^ rt \ iiplaid ^^b,|iHnhap. XXX Ml III. M nUi.l /irir, it IIJ nil jrtlin "i' "'* K'"X''t fcng- land .'* h.'.f /,/', I, ilii:i,lj,iiinttf I, .r.- I'l,- ,1 ff Oi.hiwet in V^k. » "f lie C r nrni of th%Uii 0; Poolinv,iy .IN./ PmiUpun, teivt-iiiU Krglilh n'lj lUtn n/r., Ih', A:,I l.f.f,:,fi lltr.fft'f.ii.l l/l.inl, I, ihf K^„'f t rnpUiid, .ti.il 'J i: ■.:•>■ X ••'■! "lie I'.iigiiih, /'f.'m "f •'''..' Ill i'o llti'd.l.llf (fl.) |(».i/, !»,.,./ rtictt to Pnilaniii'ii, let ll r will' lie Mr of Pooloway, in ir.:i:>,^i l,< l.erjhl'l p.'ijf ,} Vmei. ,1, l.in..\i iltmtm.i ir,' \l,;,,t Poolaniiiii : lu. cf n >.,n Ue tn,tjy,t/,u.l ip„t,.i, !• e il, lie Irth.h ifilif \^,»;« (.; Fnplar.d my, Hucrjint laeui l/«".>i./ 1. Hill wl'rieri III liii iim i. . i.^h tie .ifiulli if ''■ Mc'Undcfi, Potiluway ii lnU.n i,u, ifttit lamli utiH ftj. .//'''". '/ il jl:ilt I'/;/.' hi' dM-i,'llr m iCiStri ii unio h'wjilf .J( liii, /'.' /b,!/! .lo ilif.iii 1,0 ^li 'lilt . ijL\e, i .,!;,/.• //., ;,,. ■ .'iiui'ii ll::,r«f lute /ilj,.!ii:.l.\li ,1.1. ,ii/l il 14111,1 I im : ,li,d ■f hi M,-ifJ})i pl,:iluit l/t t., Iiv „iiii., 1, let ii Ir m /l.ill j-m Irjl ill /"I lljin.f, ji.l mni\ H,t tli, i, Jure, lUi wc il ,/.;/il,o,r, ill me Men "/ Peoluway, <•>./ Po. lareon, 1/1 ., o.ii.mi, m jeiii ei,:,i Ter.r to the tiliig of I'rpUiid, (1 B'.lml'ff f\i,t>in^<, ill I ksn of their nejt„i / 1, i,'i ih.it il'H Offer ,1 .ill tl-c 0.,i,.k,'.)ei of Pt.oloway Vn.! roolaroon , /'nxi; .;:.\ r/f ,,,t,iit if ilvi, i..,e I nemiie lie K'\i of I'lipland, n- I, I f.i.l ill ,l,liv\„ u, leje.ied. .■I,..l nlv,e.i, Hi't lailKs, I) ihr f.'ivi.r ,•/ U,<{ u KJni „f Fngland, .Stiillaml. I'laiiec, .«./ Ireland, 11 f.'/o r-m iy tie Mumt (, .1 HJ,., ci Pi;oIoway ,->,.l I'uo'aroon, Afi-rawi, f.f .ill ,f m in.ili.' lui ilj;^,.iii.ci.r, t',.t ihe Coi'iiiie.liiiei I'l ■l^t.:>iti, ,iii.l/i,>,,ii.l,ii,^ of thetWJ ilfr.f It 1.11111,11,1, to Ilu Mn/ejh, mill, nil ifnt » ( in) ,1cm to te/ehl) ni In .lijoc. /lug, wliJ, u »ml Jhiil Oe the l{f,:f,n th.it vee ninwt i,it,le null mil othert. ^Iii,l whereat nil the Oritiikr.y.ti of the im foiefniil IJl.tiidi linvemitde thii Ag.eetiieiit, let it iec, edited thtt it WM not tnit.le in miidiiifi, or loojeh, ,11 the lie.ithii,,, of the Hind, hut bccniife it we.t coiicli„lcd upon in their llctii, the;, ci:nn„i rev, Il o> Jitei ve f, tmi the fane n^riii. Moreci er, .ill me together do d-fi.e of Ilu M,tjeJ)j, thnt 'juch thiiiyi ,„ .„, . (if fitting in our /ig imoy,} Mens i; 0.1,, iiiif. lii.g of eiir M.n, 0, „nyji cl -ikf thnt ere e: i pted ngr.inli in oi.r l.itws, tint they he net pi,t in prallice, le'ngonr ,f rw Ife it„d ti.Jl„w, tint they m.,y not prcie it m luijh nii'o ,ur Hel'gi,,,; ni:d th.it we in.'y receive no oc:,: Ii »> If jhiH I.1J} for ti:,! lie EngliniJ in all V>i,'ile eilvr Sni'iin jejh v\ England iitt brflrting ."i m »!.'", :n.:in;.iinii ihiijhg of our A uinji liieir initi I (,17 fiich lll^t' /I l.oeti ( 11',' J y ) t'l'tfe (-1 /»r/> likt t'l'.y are ilingi ,li mine. I, will re.la I V i«.^/if be force AJinf ver, if ni yitfetlim to be C he , lone upon fiijj lilh .tiid Vl, or i t'.r Je, the ./<• C done fcr any Mi bcc.iufe th.ir mm 1,1, /hid where e.'id by ti-e Voi.lr Sabandar if Ri f (■ Urankayes, of lUlingiiig : ,c,„iij:-,fc I licKinpof J lie 'iai'nnd,, tin,>i..ni)( 11 i>! tt Kkhatd K'>; <■/ tng. iHilJ. 101 ina elf ■HI cf ihJ^Uu \U(h ti'ij ihiiii, li " llr K,,il ilh, le'K\( Jeiii liij Milt llni, I .1' li •! till., iway, // i»M^ (»'. >(">"', i»i»./ Pooloway, in / . »i /•. II ih f.vii w.M titm »tii 4i\crjitit It tkr lie .ig/iulli (f ■ liitlill tihil ftj. il 141110 Hllljltf i ■,,»/• til In. liHio I ,'m ■ Ai,J ei il tf m /).'<;/ 1/ il J'urt, ihm f Jhntii.lrtJ tir , •Uhi i.iimei ;;j Ihihii,' live ■■■.,1 I'c'oliiway, c'.J /o ll't KJllg of i/ ll-c'r Miy_i[;,j, I'c.oloway r.ii.l ■ 'C I uie unit lie •j<\if,i. n filo >:v> it t!t Cvi^micMiiei ih iuni^^i., wf f,ii. 1 IQ lie KJif, l/ t tiir.iH.ne of cut li.l llliiiiM ID IIh Icly HI In •lijpc. tte mii'iiir imiie t<;7.ii of lie two Id il be (I edit id I the I) entiling of ill iheir Ilea ii, rill, Morecicr, lucli iliiiiyi ,h ,1 e /'.?' '} H'iiiien, !r irXiig Aim) if -iks till f-it fill in fraltice, ■ ly ml fme n eceive no oc:i:. timiire, if i-.ny pe vnill accepi cf lecome n Chi i- /, rlcfiiini ihii ninmier ,\> nicy vl'ich Wf Jc vtiy il lime all the ntnin mck; n nil Iff tie ixrt Ihomas Spur- fj:rf.U,l IJl.rJl I'y ill th: I i-udi eiiU Thf mas •lone Itn^ f, :c, n-'tliJiuiShif', , /',ni'>)g /i'ne..l witl'f.t, hi-.- on the Crftic cj lue, in T ken tf .1), Aiiii Pooia- i /./((• hereiofvr, Coiirthop, bc- ooloway. Poolowiy. Wku. Poularoon. Lamccoe, Sr,a. i.im. 5CltCC. Treat, .ancecoc. ■ Locon. UK H ■rh^XXX llI> Surrender of Ban da Ifles to the Englilh. l^i The Surrcndtr of floM'** »"'! ^'y* *° '''* Mijcdy. ] Ro- 1,,K1MC. unin ll'l K'i'X »'' E"pl->"Hl, iii'f/lii[ ll'lt ''y/'t JmHi m mii^e mjl.'r.l f ihtiiilehe, ^X'""/' '/"•"/■'" - „„>,. ,l,,l,i<"lfthrUi.lCei,:,,y r, 'Aayro. .l'..< !'<« m'i'l »^- Kormging '»««/>''" '''^ '*"<»'•' 'I ""■ 'v"X "' EnRhTkl. /H.inleie.iill'e Atreeiiieni ii ome in.uL\ vie ihe Htr^Jriid Orankayc* i "''«"' '" oinConf.:. «> ei ,11] he ii .ig/iin, bin lUl it Ih'". Mi fir tvfi, iimil the Lilt Dny «t <'"»'»: ''«<' ,':'i ih liiiplirti/'M// 1" ■■' il" Men 'f tly Cmitry of Wayrc i« t'/ I'niHe'in. l-urthermort, tie Mm of the itlo'ejni.i Vomit'1 "I Wayri-. .in.l the HUiid of Rormging, .'•' /"r- wl.-.iii'i ■'!!"•' '" /""' """' ''■'■ ^■"'? "' Jinglaiui oiii brunch (t .Vroir^), .u < /'-A""/ the!' Joie/niJ Ag'temcni <•[ »B i,(f;r.ffj'oV'i'''Orailll.iyei; on ioiuljim ih.u ihe (md T - hn c/ eur fItreeiHeni be not out if mem^y Yior dljfolved, „r \v d'.f.jhemed. /I'ld ne do wifh ih.it Aliniilhl th If.iii.lt R'lfitipin;;, ,vid ll'it iii'u; \ven>IIIJhop t^mo rile K,ii!.\l>r V'tcit'ttc, hit only iinio Hit M/ijeJIy \ und rftei li.iii ID .ilNUt l''!l'rily- r.Kihirnu'.c fit idmit.h.''^; oik TrJ; n^•l'.'i)4///■H'>(l,?'f^ "'' t-> fj'l nin of the S:iti o. M:,,; itl'Thtl- ntiffi^'l C'liii-'iei d> nfrd to any oth.r hi ■rie'^rlje Kji'i 'f' I'-iT.'^inl. '"' SuLjcHi, btciife wc il,-: • '» ^;1'» iiiiio liin j:,r rendered the ^orejiiid nva Couiitriei tf \V.iyrc and Rdliiiginf, with all that therein ii, or wImi. I,rt:f it d th, or \lxiH yic.d, It ii the Kj':i "f KnglanJ's n.v*. ; 'f.iulihi< JhiH J}.iiid for a H.'''l"» >'■•" n't iM««of irnde itlth tiy other \iii!im. Moreover, m.- iiitier.t tie Kiiiii' A/^i- jfj!)of inf,\inMii f.inieft in.in'ier, lh.it fiuh things ti arc iiilkfirrin^^tiour i{cini II, .i> iininmnerlyuf.lge of cur It'. m-'i\ >ii.:iir.ilniiir, of'Swin.- in our Country, be.itln[i .ml ihji'i'i of our Mill, or m/^'^/'J avi-.y of them peifvne ,i. uinlt their inili, .it if they were lh:ir nmi SInves, or any 'it, I'l fiich lil{e Atie'npts, ih.tr .tre held iinbcfermlng in our Intel ( w,. J y ) thii we ,h eiit.e.it hii llifihir'i th.it none uf title <-. fiich likfbe pat in ;>a.li!e ly hii Sulie::i, bccarfe tky are thlni^s dif.iliw.ii'le ill ciir l.ivn, and jo hcii:^ cm. milted, will re.hiin I t'l ti'ee-.cithrow rhcieof ; .tnd we theie- h might befo.c.d lode.il iiid'Jn.l'y with the linglilll thcrcf.ic. Maiever, if any r/' rV linglilll Irreifur Jh.i.'l li.i-e i-.v /llfiHiMto bcC.il cimuijed, .md become ai one of in, it Ih.'ii be. lone upon fiijficientl'iiinjri f:tw.'eii the iv// of the trip- \'.i'i\.tiiJVt, or if a.yrfi.i will rcmi.' aChiJIian in ih.r C- Je, the .iii: C'liiijel fi.t!! k- hcd, and thii f-.ilt I'lt I,- tloi.e f'cr any Mijd.'inc.inur if th f.i ly williny^ fi) t^ t:.r.- ; bcc.uife tli.lt inr.y breed a Diljl-nfiin b:tw.\n tlv linplilh ai.d lit, /hid wherc.u this .-fyc-incnt w.ti in.i.le in the {'refer::.-, r.'id ly tir Coi.lrnt ,f the' / die, at to live tcgctUr with the Enplilll, bccauf'e we will be fuljecl to one Kjng, and this fhallji n.lfr a l{i-afui, that any being in le.iyi: with ns, f.'all aija be in h'^^^iie with theV.\]f,l'l<\\, Scpcrcontra, /':• lh,:r is near the tnpUlli, Pt-.tH I: ne.ir Vs, be.aiije we will by >,u nic.v.t ayin .liiorceiiirjeifs cue fiom the ct::er. I'.nai.y, at ih"thiiclhii /h/eciiient w.is made, all the Oranka\cs (/ I'ooloway an.l Poolarodiie were iVitncffei thereunto; all the Oiaiikaycs(/ Pooloway .i>i.'Ko(\nf}n%havc unto the nforc- J.udP.ani/J'esfct their I Ian. is. j 1\k BfndjMifi »ik\ wc now Iw.ktil nncidi roller •« inrinutci'ricniii and fellow .Siil>irt.')s; our Krliginii *nj CiillDniH iliil iKit .igfic logi ilur, Imt u c liail oiu Ri I'rvo uiil o(li lidi'1 In all iiu'lc KiljtVli, .iml kjiiM cnjO) thoft: I it>criii:>apirtrr>iui<,'acli <>i!icr, uliiji wciuuKl not ll.nrc ilUlllDlllOM U'UViXl ut. Prcniilon wa- iiuilc iliat wrmiglit le firmly Imital irt our ('l\il Com k 1111, tlio'oi r' ilui Inunni wci ■rot to lie mixiil iiicitl-.iT. J h;» n linen wni tarthfr lilcn niwJ witli tticbiliharpc of i.iir(iri',n liiin», aiiJllic Iciiing up tlii.'/«i>,'///iC(iloi ri intli«inaiu'\ amlnnwiliry wire made l.'iyji/lj.u imuliai'twaiiiiii.lllilc K rihvin to U'.vMtlicmt .in r.mroaihiiicnt ii'dii thcii Pi,t'l"('is. Rut we were like U'ry Ipccdilv lo \x put uihiii the nefwut of our new Territories, die llunh would not piM- their C' to Th» ric.i PW.o (111, and li.ingitip out .i Mn<,ily .Str.-aiiier, tcllinp ii\ P' (•"« '• thereby wh.lt we mult expee'l u. m tlieiii, and thai l'l'>o- jllj ,',''' dv doiiipiwtndd follow upon oi'iA iileim lit there. Mo'V. everhaiiiiR i',i\eii us thu wariiinp we fi II lo fniiiMiiptlic Ill.iiid as well .Is vveconM, railiiip two Inrt*, wliiili wc lalled liy the Names of our Ships then tin 'O, th'.- .,» and the /vy^'ii •, Tiie .Vit'ih I'drt IliiuU idvantagtou'ly, eomiiundMhe Road at p' alure i>> the l..ilterii liile, wlie o The ^'./i all the IkII ridinp n for the Welterly Monllip. Shortly ; ''•>• afterthis ihey lanio with thr.e in )'h;y Ships into ilic ''"""''■ Road, .iiid '.IV at an Anelior tlok' l>y (.luj; tlrs oM pid iistodifpatih .1 Mellenrer to iliein tn know tluir I're. teiitions, a'. I to offer tliem a little friendly \dv,ec. l"\s t • Ik" lonl.ls'd that our C'enmiilllin irduvd ll'l to lend 1 tlic /);(!,'■ uord inmiediatel> nnoii tin .Siinxnder, that they niiphi nt t pretend ipiniran> e of our Riplu, and eomc thereto molelt usasihcyhad !■ riner!;, done; and th s Letter lay by u» ready wiiiteii, but we knew ii it how to eonvey it, lor neither the y;»/j[//,'.> nor Ni((./,i(,.-/f iMud topo neanhem, lor fear of being ina le I'rii" ntis 15iit 'twas well enough as 'twas ; and now ilu) wue come ihcni- fehes foi't, weionld ealily put it iiiiotli'''.r Hand?. The l.euer wasdeliuTal to their Cliui Conuiiander, and the Copy of ihe Surrender Ihivvn, and at the Unie time the y Were deinaiideii whether eier ilie lllaiul of i' j,';- r.c'j wasrelignediotlieni. 'Ihey could ncic fay that .my fueh Uelivery was e\er made nor de.,y ilie hM- deiiee and Truth ol this Surrender now made to us. We farther ad\ifed thetti to relloie us the Polliilion of tin' Illandof I' tloway, whiih was as m.uli his Maielties of ''"''' I i Tlic KiiiPof ll'.yre. 'J lie "iiihand.ir oUV.iyrc. tin.i.'niii ll'.-.yre. The S.d'.vid.ir of Rifiiigiiig- i'.inmon of Hifinging, Ihttlibof i{_f:>iginji. The /■;»y/jwi/'sKij!lit as any of the other Iflaiids of flj'i.^ /, '^;;,X'n 'l' now under Ins Comiviand, and not le.uetlie matter to be tnj.i/k. determined by a bUx.dy War, aeeording to the intent of their Colours. And lalUy, wetoKl ilieni their time w.!"- liniileil to fix dalles, and thty nnll bo pone out of the Road when they were run, or ell'e '.\«e Rj'idaneli: would tire upon them ; and indeed they would lia\e done it at the very In It light of the Ship; if wc li>id not made theiT» forbear. Tliey would fain have protrailt. J the clitie, and Ibid, till next l)a\, but when iliat was denied, deli- red tiil uiiil-irglu, but th;G;'iis were ready ninumed upon the Sliuar, and the impatient D:;. ;' «■/(• vvould not permit them to lie at Aiielior Imi'; ; tliey love them nuithat the I'amc rate that th,- IVoj!!' cf Mae-iltir do, ai;d were ii'n their Power, they would do ilieiii the fame kiiidncllei. Wewcielln.e informed that they fame with a dc- fign tobetray us, or beat i;s out of the Rn.ul, and they had niadctlieAiieii.pt, but they law ouSa'enpth allioar, the Forts Will provided, and the (innners ready lo pivc lire upon the lead lign from the Ships. 1: had been well for us if in this difficult C'ir, uii,lbi,-,ec ue had taken ,i more iiiec care to prelerve oiir I'e'vis fn in Uanpvr and Inconvciiiencies ; but the rallincfs anil wilfnlnefs offomc amonpit ns, vvasa very preat prejiuliee to is, and tend- ed niiphiily to the laying of is open toihe Puvver of ilic D.i:.; One of cur Maftcrs wanting Water, would n[;eds po The i»j(i' overtoM''.'.f upon l.aiL\}ci'h'..; there to fupply himfelf jloft. this w.^.s not (Mily contrary to the Opinion of the relt, but toihe Minds of the ?(««./.:«/ too, who fearing fome Injury from the Duteb, otFerM rather to feteli the Water in their own Praws. Rut pood Conned and kind Of- erslipnilied nothinp ; fo they went and watered, and 'oming back again were taken by the Dutch; our Sw,i« had not above lo able Men in her, and the Dut.h .\hip atlcaft 1 6c, frelh, Itonc Si)uldicrs, jnll drawn out of the Callles of iVoo and Pmi'iiv/:/. Tbey carried herprc- fentlv away to iV-ic, with a valt deal of Infolcnec, Tri- umph, and Boafting ; and had they funk a whole Fleet of /j-;; fh, they could not fairly ha'. c made more noifc. They Ihewcd the tattered Ship to the Bandanele as a Ti o- ph«e '\ i]' A} i' ! ! I : .n tl 1^2 J 'Parley mth the Uutch, &€. „/.• Vidory, ami biii tliem fco by t!ii'rln- Vm, ilifir Ki'.g ot" lli'i'-iiti wan, than I l\i;n of ' '•;/.'/.■./. A very f^'ioil Condurioii, aiul well ili-.iwn Iroiii the rrCivilU;, licv.T..fc ifci />/(.'i,'i h ul Ivr.c 30 Ei,7jii\ lia T ot' wliiih were Cripp'c<. St. Cir: )'."• nt 7'' /;;/rfi;(?tro r.iii'lit be .1 viry I'nod Cluir.p.on (or nil this, anil nrrr iriv-il .1 Cl'.i!:! Ill- at'iiw;i.i.l (4s ilieO'/iA fail he was) tlio' his H.:r.ners were i,p' \vctor;i:)i'S at this ini:e. I 'p"" '■''■•' '^<-"'-'' "f" ''''■• '-"'S "■'-' pivlcnily fenr dver to.Wio to I'eiriii.J the R.-al'tn (t tluii- i.'kMi.p, ilic Miip, anii dcv;iinii i'. Men ;;nili; (Kis ; bur couli! j;et 110 other Anlwerli-i iii'heni, I'ntih.it r.me l>ouKl b.'ing it to light ;j polhtre yet toaJ.ii;i tlieCiviii'N, they eniilvuled with a threar- iiri\o lis liom i'cu.i .-..v in n ve- (t'.ch eonirmr.ibli' Meirii'.esa'! ihelet"''' theirs to \V v.ilving all that have a hanJ (tnirtion, NVe h.ive realbn to fet this down aiiior.rift thco:h"r Fav..ursof Proviilence to lis, aiKl-lunl, i. i,ri"a InJe hap pytohavedl.iped foililmala tniniilt a-. rhU ,rj.|, l,ur r.iis'ii. WemaJea Ihift to ipiiei th'.'iiniurhe.! M,-uls of the B,r;/f/,-,;,-/-, nm) coiiviiicei.1 iheiii ili.it wl ;tihe) thfnu'h' to hcoiirTiia hei'v, was nieei' iiiisforf •,,anil a I'i is we bitterly refentej. Matters (taiklini; tluis between the /'«'.■■' and lis, rhere were fonie Aiiemp-s and Motors ma Je on both lides towanh the briiipjiu; t'lieii. i;r/i .-i bcfer And after fe\cral to no purpule, tlvnieth'd t.i. k'.'ii at laft ivas, that we upon the •'II a. may Iv, !.y i„. Ill it in a ieii;i;ir U;- F..i:n. noil at .\)-i and /'> '•.v >, to ibikc a rcrrnur into us; but ftil! ihey did iinth'n;', ana we hope', tor the benefit of ;;/)> the eld Proverb, Thai ihreatiied People liNelonp. Yet ' "lincc the- were lb i-x!: as to tell rs dieir mii-.ds in this „, ... ,■ ,. - receiving \ab.'alilo ninj;, i.. eoiiie and drue lis fiom J'cu.i ..-..v in a ve-| I .ediics troni tlkm. lent over a Comiriirioner in a Cially ry little tnic. A'any (uch eonifmr.ible Meifutesas ihefej of' theirs to W.vi, to diftoiirfe the point there wth ilie'r'-". ihcyfcnms; and were eer.tmval'; lettini; oif their Car.-I(>eneral. This appeav'd the molt probiibic way of end- r* : '".- 'j'^' '-''i**''!"-^"'-'^' if s-vcr it would be ended, whieh ycf'i'v'^ vvetaw hide hopes of bythc Siieass ..f this Ccnferon.e •>■•■ boi- the /),.,'.■... earriedit e:;treanily (titf and high, .i-ii"' w,-reno\\a\dilposdtoc(vneto a fr.endiv Clnnelulion • n.t upr,n Inch terms ,is ue elVeenV ! hale and dilhonour.i- I'lo, and iinilk have abus'd our '.I rift to hare fubni i-ul to. Our Ship, and (;oods and Men could not be re- n.Hvd Inic upon the Surrender of l'r,i.:rnmi into thiir, T-erewasaiirtlelllandlympclole, hands; t!i;u isjn order to the reemeiini; a fmaller Richtf,'/' bv, that was of vc'v ^\\?xo r- e'li to wellbo (eaired audi we iiiult yield tu do an unp:irdon,iMe Wron>:; ; we mult "' f.Ttifitd ly r.'.. It w.Kwlv !ly.'el'ii-r/.c of Inhabitairs,M'e Tractors 10 oer K-rip and Country, v;o'ate foleinn andnowav fit to bcmr.de .1 d.ui "inr, p'acci f, beins; all j I 'aiuiesand Lngnpennnts, Ucriftcc ihe Lives and Lil-e'. rver-nin with lre-< and B' ll'.:s ; lut 'twaii of eonllJer- tiesof the /{.;».',/:« /■, atid leave all at ilieir Mercy ot able ufe in time of War, and a V'ort crtd'ed there would c'le' we m\\i{ have no Peace nor |ulhec done u--.' A conmiand the whole Road. | \'-ry fine Propolal ; 'iwas har.lly ecniiltuit v. ith ModelW Miill h.r.l l'''"" '"'■' ' P''" "lanr.er, and we had no reiiriip. |-,i't to tak. hv r.-/'i..;». their Worils, x:\ e. neiude tliey fpcke trtrh. in the c.ife ; vluii i>"l- wefit o-,ir felvcs to make . li tiiin,'' ; ,is really h,- theirbnti-r- 'l'.'!'" lainn.ent as niiiji: Ik, wh;r ever the; fr.ould think rit to lrr. f niake.1 Vilit at I'vJi-y The i) fc I wcfl ienii'. le of ihs AJ- antape, ard were toinakeii, Init itwinild have been much lels corliltent tlablinp therealo'ts inrrdertoget the lllaiv.l inti 'lieir' wuh H -nelly to hnibraee ir. Should not we h.iv« l'( "l had ihey d Ml", wehad as goo,! ha\cj truIVy, loyal Subiix'h thus to gi- own n.ir-.K ; wlie iiuitted /'»/?)(" t» to them t;o, for our Snips going in or ot onr Prince our, nii'!i. Itill l.ae be, n r.n.lerthe conmiand of the'r ('''>m the i: r. Ordnance. \V'ith two or liiree goo,! Il.ot therefite we; Conlidencc in us, fibliged them todeli'.l from .'uc .\ttLnipt, .and in.tke way /'or US CO C'lne thither oir ill.es; an.i we foniii'd tiic pl.icc !b tV.r, rh.at webelieied we iV.cnild be capali.e of giving them Ibme Uilterbance if they pretended te- ir.ake an A tt.iCK. upon /Vf/zt .<;';, 15.it what ;.:(:od will all th; ^ Care and Prudent F.-jreliglit in the Woi-!;l do, where 1 Protect. on ? f;i> e •ce:i away the yn\ Rigjns \Vliar thanks iV.oeki we have del'er' ed ;-.' Nation, and ihofe that bai, itposM .i Treachery is at work to iiiid,.'rmine an.l rendei all in- cffcaua!. This w.is (lur Misforrure ; our own Men prov'd Knave? and Vili.i^ns to i-v and did -e. liai in them lay to overwhelm us wih an ine itable ru'n.-. We hrul loll one Slip before, by the ralh a'ld hc.id- ftroir,; ir,-inat.'emei;t of her Mniler, an.i now we loit the a^ irptis. 'V beiraMug a N'ol-leTra.l.:? ' . ■ -1, ad tlieAdiaiit:iges of it, into the ilands of fuch as were C-. cry where ciKRa^- In -g i;pon them' /hid cculd the U uJ-.i' !■: ever h.ive Ibr.iven us for defercui-; them at ih > r.uc, when ihey had fi entirely rellgtied us the Coimr muI ol the:rCnini.-v, and calf iheidelvcs upon the /.■„:; /.I, ^^'lul coul I be Iii:;ratitude if this were and U'lvcncrons if this .^.^Sion could ■v-s net t' be imagined that any People graieh I or bale, p.if- .' line the" t-liS lll'.l : ai.y v. h.re, w V il'l ill,- Pull' ,.„, !er; and 1.; /t e: peel ot li r ) , The loll r.u, fecond 1 y a trcaehero.is Coir.bir.atii-ii of the Mari ners. Thefc Villains laid tl'.cir I leads tf rc-.her. i'.it the Cables, or let the Sldp dn.e ; b tho' the\ wenr away 10 ,^ .■"■', and got lui.l.r rhj I'roteCliou of the Caltle. Some of th.cm prcli.nrly landeel, and vvouki ever rcc. .v .; us a: .er t'lis iiiM;r.o;,s S.ir.- lil we court. I a j. t ■' the f-.',y.' .;,... tir • K'l : 'and tell US. We v, .-.M i^.y^. 1. i!,e,i,, I-: : r.Mie /', /.A jcametotiinh c;, ..; .,,, -v. r ■,,..:,', thev .rult think we were pud ■ :r ::. , :,.d of ih -i I-:\.iir, or in Ibin; itrange neul cl it 10 bi.l the? hii-li fur'i ; to l-arret and cither away Conlciet.ee, r>.p. t-:i n, Lovalty siid (.r.iritudt 'e\er'rw.'.s, [all .at nice, onlv tbrilur, wr.hout any oth,r Ccnlider.!- t on 01 Ad', an'ag.e. i'., c .T( tlie fame tunc they laid loine tinngscothe Charge of \Sv /-.-/V'' that were as riitrecas Th.ir f,lt"c Si-i-n •! Ji:' •ove-r ihe-ni. went Ixxilting to the Duti.') of the '.verdiy bijipleic tlie;. jthib Propefil was inre.i'on.ible'. l-'er Iiidanev.tliat vvehici had done, and were cVn ready to g> together by the | loinetir.ies ivorii their Co'oers in or Ship;, anil var;!- Fars, about the Principal .■'■i.-ire in t'.i.;-'(.noi,r of it ; they-culatly that Sir /f-n ;\;;'.i'., ,.'.•,•.« did fi in 'tlie R-.i-i-' could n« agree who was the preate'.': Rogue of .he Con;- \ I'litonr Comninnor.e;- wis very r.ble to anliver and n-'. pane, and iiad been forvva-Jelt to Letia;' the Interelt of itere this Charge, b.-'ng all iliat time a!-c,ird thar Jiis Coi'irrv. Bcli Wine bal Ti..; 0;,'c/- e.vamined them llriiily. ar-.l ihcrc was no ' Men to ivcar the l-iillji^ Nan.e, and go abroad in the ret d of a Ra. i". to n-.ake them confefs Lhe Secrets of i ur World under that Noticn ? 1 he Colciirs .are calily taken Aitairs; tliey potir'd out a I rhev knew withiiut th(^ Icalt: 1 d< wn again, but the Name is not lo e.ilily for<'otieii e- , ,.uu li.ia L-eeji iuivv.i;,-.eii \' t u^iuij wiv iiite i ,. IL i/i i '"i-- tiiii \. n.ii _i;e-, lierg au mat t illie al-l '.ir.l that \ erV ■oun-ry. ! Mup uhich they paieiuh d to have tins alniled iliem, and (ides, ih;y Wi re io impudenr as to r.-.n-y a Kan of !a;;iiiiiiiig that to hiscenainKm w'edce ik- liich thing v.ms .•ail'.oart;) ilri'.kihc .'i./.'.:t. .',-;jH.alth, and 'tis pro- j done. Belides, wliiih is t'le le.tit Abufe of the t\vo~ for ■ Confidion ;o iis at F f/,' ■'< at the fame tin c. | '•■.'( /J: Men to wear the /'k.-e,:' Colours, or for /)(.,•.') regret, and laid us open as f.ir as 'iwas podible we ilLOuldbcdifenerd. iiilence of the "///. 'i'ais heightncd ihe Pnde at-.el In and made them ten tines n ore no-|\ [h.in befor. ; they ihieaiiicd usbittcr'y, evenvhen they f,;w I. ur Strength,, b, : ih.eir Iiifelts were intih.ra Men.iwth. V ku'W our weakn-'f . and in what pan tliev iDu li ir.; rt li 1 111 1\ injureus. 13.it this w'as like to pro- duce a w-rie Ktf.eV ill irik 1113 ihc l!,i«ii>-.iV-" grow jea- lous ol i.s ; t'a.s . dii'iito ihcm fmcit of Treachery and Deilgn, emiihey belie'.ed we were ali in :. P'.eit t.) br ng the'!- A'or.a'1'.iien.ii-sihc .'), /c- iniipon tlieni. M \v.-,s 1 V. iidcr ihey had not broke out into a General n'l'.'. ..e, .'n,l v.'lii'e ihe b'ermeiit of t!:c Snipicion work'd J'id ir.il.u.e'l them, given it lertby funu; l":ddeii and iL-fp,"; !e P>ilirg rpoi us. The ficrv, revengeful 'i'eni- |Krifih' -' ■ r.':i fe'.i.mi r!k'ws Ibbir /rguing, Deli- {■■■r.-ninj:, i-nd ii^aniining Matters in f'l'h Calcs asthefe, where TJL.r 1 ;-ertiesnrethr,atned. They arc generally f r r.i.-rciiig a , exiii k Work as l odible m their own De-. f I'.cc ; h t vviirri v ill lUn.l n debate the point /'maud .(.).', it' th-'j ftc a Pi-oce-.-Jins tha'; has an ill Afpcvil towards fpeei.dlvif any ill tiling be done to falten the' Re iiran.-eof it. , In the kill i.'accto julHrie their Proeeedings liltherto, . they did not llick to alkr- ihat they hael die King dlf^J''. ;■:.;,. -'"..''si etti IS tha- ei-'j ower'd them to lieze anv/./.'? ','/r K '; ■■■■ Ship-ithey finind to the halt lider.f ( t-'.- . .Ami if this ■"■■''' were lo, their .Ailtion v.as j',d, and the Qi arrelat anend ;'"''' but they could nm fairly cupeCt tli.ii we ifou.'d take ilicii' words forit, giMPgus no Dcnu iilir.iticn of the Truth on't, by ihe light of the Letters. We coeld do no leli ih.iii etfer upon die Pe'ulJl! of ih' fe I.ctt,-ri to lit Ifill for tl:.' fur.ire, in .! make no fTirilier Demands (;f ,San;sf.n:fion :^\A they i'in'!r;-:i' co''ld dc els than priv from them : dece them t'O, tii.n the iVint in iJfpr.te might have're- c.'ivd its fi-ll ar.el (in.a! Dererininjrion theieliy. Bi.t this they ■a'Mbiiite'ytefufed to ilo, and we as ablblutely enchnled >•■, I', i-c.-aali-lheycc.i'd no;; f,r ilie.-e were f'liiai:;- Ri-ifor. of Ai'-auLijeon ilieir lido for ihe d.em" of it, rhat'tisiick.u Cifr, and need, no f.inlier digre-e of Evide'IKC. NjlY Now is not Vnfe dian that 1 i'lim-c'sMiMdiH ,cds' M--»l'^'l rkabroad, and Tliis IS a line Co, ;„ ,111 tl"- way y,,,,', N'.. ion It People abro.id in nVo ignot'''i""' i,i,is ev.th us and ir.uh'. Well, here ii( iV.dcr relied ji' \ve weie ep^ai t k'f.hi.st-''-''i-'ivo!i apj'jai-., they f- ownMnih^ht 1 r.or iiLide up he ul'a^ouflng all ' e,f,|lnter,llin ■phey tell us t '..v; ihe /;■:/;- '"'•'' I „illf.ve':turii al .ii-,aiiift'''itn'-. p'lvveref their Men .miongrt US take du-ir Pees, tmellof dieirov uti.loubieJIy to rt-ekmg ihe RfJ jsth's is too c' think to Itop ( oiher Pretences Men fe'ie.C'Mir. Porce. j bithisfjiiftuK i>.oulJ^':j'' Pi-O'- •;dniv,s. as thc'C of what \ the- lUnA.i lllane t'.ie Principal Bt mony of delivc lllinds, intokci l.'i'KVayagc, agrca Im.v";-'- had certainly le ''« " '"■ hard, and took ""' place ftood ou" Lodgings for Goods, and laie were hardly g'Jl cd. and ci'.iie t niorocleduall' :',',crdouian', 1, what we had gi O.'ifii; were not given us a Leal eiio':iCh to iiial B,:M,i":i,' Praw', loui's. The I* enough, cany piir.-cl of d tti' and eouL! g" Ik'iieler I'rctei hap? ihes had hijwe. er to at Da\s.and wat ihcy might tii Diys, that w lb, and eontr Hip. We Uli did at lirlt, a liJeof the 111 all our BagBii the i>.(.-di lUi tell. At Mt;nf thangedthis trading then bought at th I'rom hen Danger e>r IJ between the mics, or lea I'mlf.'.in, bi One Day iti Xlarket ; fc to g;\ea fnf lAing,.ajji; w Itii'C C ; ."S tlv la!. "^Jy ''-', I'V ii). ' -I icil;i;ii I};. '0-'.r.i\ the olnT i,rin l:':io|,ap. '1;.- iri-l, 1,,U(. uriv.i M.v.ls of I ■.tiiu'j th(iii;:hr '■. .1"<1 .1 I'.i, :.'uis liicwconihc ■^ ;imJ Motion'! iciii i;r'i a |,ef|.j ', '''..' iiiiilvi! ti- ^civiiij; \al-al,lj oiitT in a dally I- w-th ihcir ■'•'". "■ly of cnd-c',;.;;- Iiich ycrvi:i? rli:s Cciifi.Toni.c. '"-'.v. •""1 Iiifili, at4"- y C.'orciulion ; ■inil ililhonoura- liaiL- l\ibi:iit:i,l ■)ulit nor 111' rc- :ra')ii into thiir,. nialJcr Ri.;htf,';,':^ ■ori-.T ; wo unilt 'ivjf violate foli'iiiii ■■■■"'• •ivcs ami I.il-,,r. licii- Mercy, or c liont u<. A v-nh Miiucl^y I k'ls confilti'nt t w>j liivt lc(':i thcyilt Rii;ht8 ■ liavi; dill'p o.l t luifi as won; '^"'i I'CuKi ih[; ng llicii! at tliii s [hf C'o.'iiir.'.iiil ■■on iJlc (:„r, y/j !■ it iW.-i v\re A.;>ioii ccii.'cl t!i.itanvl\-op!c v-.r.-c-.dcr; aii.l ;ljt c;,pfCl lids of i":. ,/.., ■ ■■ : 1 . ! Jk- /.>,.;,;! •■■■' i.ull: ilurik II r, or in Ibirir 'i'; ; to banvi ^nd (I'rantiiil* Iki- Coiiliik'i-.i- tlicy laiJ !ome 're as riitrLcas itv.that well 111 !••. .iiul j-arii- I' 'lio RJ-Sj: n\vKr ami iv- ■ir.l thar \ery iiC'il tliein, ami iiu'li tliinj; v,Ms f tlic two, for 'ir for />;.,•;, il'road in the ire calilv r.ikm !r:rpoiii')), e- tlie Renu'ii,. iliiir.''li!thorto , ;lic Kinj; (A',':,' ■Zi.' aiiy/'.V;;'.yiK ! ■\'ul if ■ iliis ;■■■■■■ iTclacancml ,'''' ii'iirakc their 'f liie Tnuh li) (l(i no Ills '"lie dill for r S.lti'.fadion lel.i th.in pro- ;lit have re- fit! ly. Bit .-n nbli'liitely ■ tliew were or I he i!i;i: f; inlicr ilij-ree hap. XXXI V. The Gfe of P'o oloway, ere. b3 Kow is not this piiltin^ oiit falfe Colours in a worfe Vnfe than that rliey acculed iisof? What, pretend a i'limc's Hi. 'd fur an lixciife to abufc and cheat his iliib- it^:h =■ Malic hiui an Enemy to his own Trading Peo- i I. abroad, and boa 11 of his Authority to plunder them? Viiisiia lii'.cCo.. I'linienttoa Prince, and dcferves to be in air'tiv way animadverted upon. We believe the yii'/>' N-'oii it I'^lf' would be far from alKnving their Peorleabroid Inlnlblcncics of this luitirc, and .-.re to- i^i;, ;i.nor.intoFa worldof their unjiitt and rude Deal- iDtts \vaIi "s ai'.d the Natives of the Countries wlicre they Well, here now was the rel'ult of the Conference ; the iVi.licr'relledjiilt where it did at liilk ; the Ouich and wc'wcie I'p.in the fame terms, and we had as good have U't ill..'- Ceremony alt nc. The 'Jriith on't is, as far as ;!.i'.\ they f-ein:o lit fecure and cafic enough in their ' if the Bieaih b- app.i f J1/J-I. uwnMmlslctit go how "twill; ane nor iii.i'le lip here, iheymake in donbt (as they pretend) of aMikflng all the ill Confciiutnccs of it by their pow- eif.llntir.ll in H>.«:.:'iJ. ■jhey lell us tliev can make as good Friends at Court .X', theLV'"'"'-''" Corr ■•any, and with a Ooldcn Engine will ovtV.urn all the Itrongell: Preparations that are made ,j.j,;iift r'.itir. They put a World of Confidence in the pi vver ct iheir Rials of light ; and queftion not finding \ well asot I'o-i'r.i -cv ; th.ir I'aper Men.iuioiigHiis, that can be bale and fordid enough to ji'rty's Ri('ht, fippofcs the lo takcdii'irt'ces, iiid be retained againft the Caufe and In- "" - • • teicll of iheirovvn Cournry. ThisNoife nnilt be made un.ioubicdly to dump and dilloirage our Refolution of icckiiig llic Rfdrcfs of .ill thcfc Gnei anccS at honie ; but jsthis is too childilh a Contrivance for them eicr to tbiiik to Hop o;ir ^ ouths by ; lo wc hope to find their odier Pritences as \x be as gind as their word, lying in wait for ns with their Fire-arms in all places of Secrecy and Adv antagc. Thus hot and violent v. as the fewd be- twixt us, and fo outragio'jfly ancrv were tliev that wc would nnt ipiit thePoileliion of ihe /-'• .Ir. tilands to thciti. They might (had they ftc\-d ri •"■.ni'dilv ) liai« forbrrn the making fuch a Demand ; a,. " confijer'd that we with irore Juftiee ai; I Confiiencc tiuld eha'- lenge them to fMreiuler the llle of Prm'tiv.: to us. which i* one of the Hn)LU Societv too '] he 'ving of /•;/;i;.<)H,/'s Right to that, is as indifpmable a< to air. of the relt, if at IcaU 'twas in the power if the natural I'o'li'f- loiiisof the fame, to confer iliai lMi.:ht by a firn-al Re- lignation, as nobody doubrs Init 't\vas. .And 'tis nolt dear diat they ac'Viially did fo, by the plain and politive Mention of I'.uLwri'm the Ci py gf the S' rrender is 'ar^ely .ili'ert> biisMa- ;latii ti of a preceil'ng Grant of thelll.iud to him, and adds a nev." and fiv!ii Acknowledgment of his jiilt Title to it. I>;lides 'lis matter of FaO^ as notorious as can be, th.it the llland w.-.s put into the Hands of the Ei.g!:p\ with all the Foriiia- liticsof a llriifl Surrender, and that they kept it till tlie injurious Force of the buid' deprived tlv.'m of ir. 'llic World knows well enough too liow ctutumclioully they treated t^e ft)'?.''/.'.' there ; .is if it had n .i le.n cnoeeh to have expelled them, without uling them at the fame time more like the Defpicablell of Bcalls than Men or Cbriltiaii':. 'Twas very hard mialiire therefore, after as to give an Account to our Prelident . all thisinj.irious Treatment, to be liecV.)ied a::d ihr-ained ■ wliat was pall, and to carry the Surrenders of j bccaufe we would not tamely fubmit to more Injuries; ./.I IllanJs. flelides our own Company, fonic of and 'twas a very good Argument why we fliouUl furremlet itini; tf ;; ,-:.'iti .'•.'.crJ. jQijids, in token of SubjeiSlion. t. Ir Wohada very hard matter tc cfcape the D;(fi/> in this ^i'. " n; Voyage, a great Ship of theirs purfued us eagerly, and l.w n ;.'■ iijj certainly fetched us up, h.ad not wc rowed extreamly '7," '""hard, and took Hielter at B^auv. The K-ihg of_ tim ""' place ftood ou- Frieml in this Diihefs, provided fecure Lodgings for our felves, and a private Stowage for our Goods, and laid us up as elofo as we could dcfirc. Wc were hardly gotten into our Shelters, but the liui^h land- c..i. and cime to the King to enquire after us, and the morei ■le.:hially t'.difp'.fe him to what they lli^'nild far- :l'.crdeinai..'. i.' '.Ic hi.n al'rcfent three tinestlie valueof svliit sve had gi\ en lult before. 'Tis to be noted that tl.e /),,f,-i were not certain what wc were, for tho' they had given lis a Leafc fir lomc time, vet t'i;y were never near enoJ.cll to nuke a DiU o\ ery ; L-elidcs we h.id oids a little W.i/,i-.,. Praw, and fo lo.ilduotbe betraied bv or.r Co- lours. The tiing of liir:.i humour'd the bulinefs well enough, can yiiig It to the ')..,i..,as if he had taken i-ia paral of d Helled Strangers, Pei pie he knew little alioul, and loul.l give no faiisficlor) Account of But this ■ llender I'rctence would not do with the l)iitj\ and per- haps ihev h.id fonie jealoulie who the Sfranr.ers uerc; hiiwe.er to alfiue tliemfeUes, ih.'y refolvcd to llj\ fane Davsand watch us, that li. eiili.r coming in or going out they might lic/c Uie Prey. In Ih.jrt they Hayed fo many Dij'', thai we were quite wear',' of being pounded up li"', and contrived hi w In trick them and give them rhe llip. We left the old Praw, iveciuiein riding «her. iV.e d.d at hrlt, and h.n iiig got a m.-w one ready on the back- liJeof the Khnd, r'le Km;;'; Ser ailts C'lndiidtod us wiih all our BagL'age in l.ifeiy aboard her ; and how 'ung ilie the D.i.'i'i lUid waitmr; up.4i the cii>pt>' Praw we caiuiot tell. At M ■.nfj.ir ( where v. e put in by the way ) we ex- ch.mged this new liitleVellil (or one of our civn Ship'; trading there, and look into Ikt iSi'^Suckets of Mace, bought at the lame place. From licuce we got to lUrrr.ni, without any farther Dant'er or IJillurbmice. Here the old quarrel went on between the /J«.'./ a:id Us. We did not loole our line- niics, or leave thetii all Ixhind us, by eonin?, away from /Wi7wi.,N, but found a party Iv^e ready to eifertalii us. One Day itcaniet ) a dov.nrght Skrniiili in the open m.irket ; fc' Id.ng .ii'd railiii',' would not lervc ihattane to gi\e a fifficieu: Vent to ihe PaTion on both lidcs ; ill Lang, ajii; would draw no iiljod, and tliei-cfure S'.vords But one ground of their Prcrcncc to the lllands of ?""tF''-"'« n I ■ |. • . 1 1 .1 • liicir Title i.< B.i//.l,i isdiveningenougn, ami a\ery good Inltanre it /,.«,/j f„„„ affords of jull and fair Reafoning. 1 hev argue their il'i'imkuis Right from this, that the King of 'lW!,..;;,'s Son was <'iicc r^^,];/i\ 1 * tlicir Prifoncr. Mow to make the Confequcnce of th's i-iigai.:. Argument appear Juftand Natural , dear and conipullivc of the .Mfent of any difintercltcd Mans mind, wc I elieve will take them 'up inore time than the co'iiplea'. Conquelt of thofe lllands would do. Ffpeeiallv if we take in the whole of their Alfertion, and bring the \/../h oi'j into the Accoi'iit; for tliey affirm that by ths ..\clinn they pro- cured a Tit'e to all thefc lllands. both the A/ /;(.,. I'j and the hi-.'i.ii'i too. But wasthe King of I'.-'w i;r's Son a fair Prilonerof War, or puk'd up by chamt and Inapt as a P-lze .' Was he the Prifoncr of a jult and rigl, icons War too, or inltcad of ajuft\Var w.as it meer Violence and Ueprcd.it'on ? For this Qiiellion is to be ptit to a Chri- HianPeiple, who may beexpcAed to have fome regard to kight and Wrong, to Juft and I 'iijurt in their Proceed- ings. But if .ill this were l.\ ir does not prcfently ap- pear that they were .•//.) /li 'o. the rlidirful Sovereign^ ol the Country. '1 he King's Son w.as made a Prilbn.-r, but the Kiugdoni it felf had not lolt iis Lilierty ; did they make an abfolute conquelt of it r Uid they wrell the Power out of the Natives hand, and p ilf-fs themfelvesof itentirel; ' Uid viiitorioiis Anns force t!ie T.nmccs to fe .at their Mercy, and leaie all at tlv.'ir difpofal ? If no^ 'tis hard to c )ncei\chnw the Misforteneofthe Prince, (l.ouldentailllavcry and lubjeC\ion i pon tlie People. Be- (idcs tlicl hfi.newas nottaeant, the Father was ali'.e tho' the Son w.is aPrifouer; and 'tw.is in his Power to fettle the point of theSuccellionas he plealed, and find other Heirsto iheCiown befidcs tiie 0:re'.. Might not the /"'.',;;.' .y'j lia>e |)leaded as go^.l a Title ft,.m tlic orter the Kinpof 'JV;«.iff niadeof nis Country to Queen f.7::;;.i/'i-(/) j^.^. tj, ^^^,|_ bySir I'l.uh'i /Ji.iV; and th.' King of T)./oie have made .n Drj*<> die fame Challenge too upon the Death of the Prince of Vjysi-. '-■»• IV .• ite, whom his Son killed id Battle ? But then a \^lf,^'^l Right to T.'/ ).•.;?.■ a'lowed upon an Hypothefi-i, a Right to all tlie Shihic^As Wont handfomly n ir fairly follow from 'heme; for T;../.''C is one of thofe lllan.ls, and .i conli- der.ibleoi;e too, but noSiibjcill to 'X n:.fc, but her Ri- val in PiAVer and Umpire ; and if Ihe did oikc wear theYokeut that llland, when it w.as in its flourilhing lba:e. tl.e .'J.if./ inuil examine the Groun.ls and Caufes of the Re'.oir, to be hire that T. »/,.'.• h.is yet a luit Title to her Obi.Ucnce, bkf ire they prcten.l any upon this Ac- ci-i.tii C c But m IM ■'If 1 f ■1^^ m' IH >m rcuciir of I antore to the Englifh, 6rc. ffc & • Tlilt will m'C dtit-r i ■ ii ):iKI H; I the Coiifoii fixi- r.sto tlif ??.-< ./..'j lies >ct infinite- ly mon; in the ilailc. 1 he Kingof T./H.iff h.iil nothing til ilo here, m more than tlie D:iic!' had to do there, I'.poMthe.rliein;; I'oireft-d of the Rnyn! Captive. Thcfe llhind'-arenear.i-k'n to ih: O.'if /• in their Civil Pohcy ; they .lie all free .'itare';, I'p to the l-.-.r-; in popular Notions ane I'r.nciple*., and eau leliili no (ioveniincnt but a De- mi eracy. '1 hey have their .S.iban'ais .md Orankaycs, or lloierr.ini; Miinilrrs a'ul N'Me iN'cn anionplt them, I'utall ll.inds np. n the Balis oi' the Teoples Authority, why niaint.thi the 1 ilnrtiesof tlie'r Corillinition with a the Cliallity nraitiiialve, and areentircly their own 1 ords and I.aw-j?,ivers. Now ind.ed they call the King of lui'ij.iii.l .Sovereign, haz they llitllv deny that the King of Tciii.i'c has any reafi-n to expeJl or deinand that Title frini lhi:m ; nay, he hinifelf in the* enunKMt.on of his Titles, ne\er pretends to call hinifelf King of the Illands of Htiiilt. From all which pvicropeiher 'tis .ipparent that the D:ir,i> di.l li ;t rride in prjtendiiig a Right to thefe llland>, npiinth.-i.t Principle they tl'.en went npon. Upon the whole; the Trade of tliefe lll.Tnds is \cry rich and invi-ini;, and 'tis a matt.r of vc.y great importance to iia\e our ltite''elt h.re well g .'.rJe.l and maintained. Could wep.t /v. ,W.i V into our hanJs, we flioiild ha\e more fweet and I'enfible fr^oN i f th-' goodnefs of this Spice Trade; thole that l,i\o\v it f.iy 'tis a Paradife, anil the Uutci; the prefent PoUelfonrs, affirm 'tis as good to them as iVw;..-/../ is to our King. The Comparilnn is a little fawcy, tho' we know w.'ll cnouphth.it Pto'oycny has the bleliing of Spice Tree', which ScotLuul h.xs not. However if we can keep the o.hcrs and enjoy them quiet- ly, they'll furnilli Mace and Nutmegs not only fufficiciit for n/.'i;/.7H./, lut alfo to drive a 1 rade with u^Sui.jt, and other par;9 of the Indies. Our great Bufiiicfs in order hereunto, next to the niaint.iniuig a pood Force, is to fupply tliem well with Cloth and Rice, Salt, Pepper, ani odierNecellaries they want ; they are fo defirous of ihefe things, efpccially Cloth and Rice, that had we had thrco- times as much as we now hroughc, we (hould have found vent for it all without the Icalt difficulty. The People of Lmitore and R:'l'i",V>'g, and other places, come over to Pco/.trcon with their Mace and Nutmegs in great numbers, andbring it in fo fait, th.at there is no feat of Tudejt ihca conftant and certain Trade, if we do but furnilh them fiUmli as faft with thofe other Com.noditics. .As for the Rice we bring them, tho' AUcriJ^y is able to fupply that, yet we nndt tind fomc place tnat will do it at lower r.ites ; and 'tis certain we can have what Rice we will from Juprt'i, at half the price that we can at M;:r.(]'r.i ; the '.'-yageis Itngi-Tt's true, bit then the Ad^ant.igc is conliderable. Your M,;c.il]',ir Gold alfo, which po;s at It.int.'.in but for is 4./ or rs 6.i the Mafs, ;.-,oes at Btj - lU as current as Rials of tight, and at the fame rate too. Together with the rp.cour.iretnen'S of this good "I'rade, we h.td iiur Loffcs and Misfottuncs another way: A Praw nobly laden with the Spice of this Country was calt away in her Voyage to B.-im i>n ; lie had J366 Cattees of M.ace aboard her, which would have been worth as good as "icoouo pound in l-.r^Jmul. The Diiicl) took two mere of our * Ships too, and carried them into iNVri; Road, wearing our Colours un- der their Ship Sterns in a molt difgraceful manner. This Lois was the greater upon the Account of the lading Trofitsblc f/iirHJry. wv'» diid the t^trtndjn.t. ^.D. i»is. they had, which would h.avc fitted the BfinLincf,' 10 th life ; loo Quoyn of Ricl- atu". upwards, 34 Bales of Cloth, belidcs 6co Jars of Rack and other Frovilions. They were hampered with their Lading, and much overm.atched in number ; belides, that the Dnuh Ships were light and free, and every way ready for the Ser- vice of luth an (.)c> afiun. '1 he liufhi'mf- that Were in this Aiition fignalizcd tlicmfelvcsat avery great r.ite ; they were thoiorgh hear- ty Knemies to the I'mcl; and being Co, fought with fo pood a will, that our Men fay if they had been upon plain Ground, and to fight it out fairly with Swords, thej make no qucrtion but that the Diinl! mull: have all yielded or died for' t. Our poor .Sea-men brought Priso- ners to iVi^ had a mifeiablc ur.cafie life of it ih'.'re ; but 'twas the I'atc of fome of thini to be difpofcd of in oriier places up and down, as ./w/rjiwrf and the Ai^!iicc/ii, crwherevertheir rig,nrous Mailers were pleafed to fend them. Yet one of the Oj/vi'i Commanders cxprefs'd a great deal of Humanity .and Kindmls to thole (orlorn ufjilIu-s, for which we did not fail to make him the due Acknowledgement of our moll heavty thanks ; the 4ame Ptrlon alio would be fo civil as to ftrikehis M.iin- Lop-fail as he palTed by our Fort, upon 'S:)liickey Kland by l^oolr.rciu.'. 'lhci)«;i./. who h.ad Come time befcre been tampering with the People of l.viroicm come in amongft them by 1 fair means, not fucceeding that way had now recourle f"'' ''■ to Arms in order to the forcing it. But the I.,wtc,m{who ZT ' h.id confulted us beforehand al out the point of thcir..( c 11, Uetence ) were not to be managed that way neither, liieriiemy landed ^00 Men upon them, but they (lood fo tightly to their Bufinels, that the others weieoblig-d to retire back again to their Ships. The next touch they had with them, the /.nwforr Men handled them to hcrtf' Advantage dill : The Dutch mwh needs come and gi\c the lllanders a Challenge, which they accepting of, mann'd out a couple of Praws and fo went to it, two Praws to four; the event of which Skirmilh was, that the /.,»«- inrc:i took one of their Praws, killed all the Men, and purfued the reft home to I'oolowny. Thefe littlc'Suc- celTes put them mightily in lieart, and the Dutch were Adverfarics that grew every Day into more and more contempt with them. Thefe People, tha" belonging tu the «.!«,/<. Klands, andieryweli difpofcd to fubmit to the Z://,!;.'///.' Power after the ex.implc of their Neighbours had not yet made an actual Surrender. For as w.is hint' cd before each of thefelUands.isa free indcpendancStatein point of Government, and tho' they unite in their com- mon Interefls, yet they all lUnd upon their particular round.itions. But now theypropofed to furrcndcr too, and agreed 7** that their Sabanderlhould be empower 'd to c&mc over to us and conclude the Bufinefs ; but the Articles required lomc time to be weighed and debated on both fides be- fore the fimnung ilroke coidd be given to this Affair. In the mean time things began to grow ilrait with us at Poohxroon; we wanted Men, Mojvjy, and all things nc.^i'*" cclTary to encourage our new Beginnings there, and give f '."'"'" Heart and Spirit to the h^.tulnwje in their dependanccii- -■' upon us. We wsre forced to put off Gco.ls'to procure"'"" common Provifions for houfe keeping, and lo take up"^'" Money at 50 per Cent. Intcrell. Our F.ic.ids 't B^mnm vverc gudtyof an unpardonable Ncgledl of •.";:,,' fuch Circumftances, to our very great Difreputuion, and the manifell hazzard of the whole £>;;'.//:i Interu't in thefe pKices. They would fend us cncourai;ing Letters and bid us rub out another Year when Supplies would cer- tainly come ; but in the mean time thefe Good Words would iiotdcfcnd the Forts and fill the Souldiersflelhes- and as for the point of rubbing, we had rubbed fo long' till we had rubb'doff the Skin, and if we continued do-5A'i. ing lo much longer, (hould rub to thebare P)one. 'Twas-'" "' not foealieamatteras they might imagine to weather the!;''''.';' point here, with the /),,.-f A attacking us on the one lidep^'iiC and the liflij-.trjc beliiging us with unwearied Imponu- ""• '" nitiestor Supplies onthecther; and by the way it mull"'!-'? befaid, that if that People had not had a truly loyal «i!'-^" Relpcc'l to our King and Country, they would never haie"' " '' ' I born the Difippointmcnt fo long, but have fought outsT "' fome other Protedours. The Affair of Imitcre was now ' "" revived, and brought to its delircd Perfection. ThePco- pic of that Kland demanded Arms and Allillancc of us ■ and uron the performance of that Condition, made i formal Surrender of the place to his Majefty of Br. Inihi. ' ' ^ The Copy of it is here fubjoin'd as 'twas delivered to ns by theSabandar anti Oir.uk.iyes of that Illand. TraHJJjtion of the Surrender of Lailtore, CoHt. in the Paper N. D. In the Year of the Prophet Mahomed lozt, in tlie tenth Day of the Moon fAabarran, being Saturday, th? Vtar is called Aleph. And in the Year of Jejus, i6j.o, in the Month of tfovemier the 341(1 Day. 'J Ill's is the H'riting of tie Aji^^cemcnt cf the SMtuljr 0} Lantore, mid the Citfi.iiti cfl.^xxWK, jnj nil the 0- miilifirej within the Coiottry rf Lantcrc, with Robert Hayes, after tire lojs of Ci^pt.iin Courthop ; V.'nt we of Lantore tb ftinemiei the l.niU of Lantore uiu-o the King's Mijellj cf England with .ill thiit is therein . ?« thr.t all the Nuts and hU^e within the Country of Lantore, we fmnSfj to fell <» no other People, other than to the Sutj'ecls of the Kjng's. M:- icfty of Kngl.ind onl). furthermore, we the Or.mkayet ol 1 antore, do promife every Tear to fend to the Ki'mi's M,:- jejlyof l;ngland/iiw/i;/ji)/' ,; Kutmez-rree, for thc'a'k_mw- lcd^in« the Hmna^eof us the Men if Lantore, to the I inii A%>W>(>/ England. To the intent tlir.t this /l^rcenifnt of Surrender lietw'istVsbe not foij^ottcn, tothe end of tl:s H'orld : And i. ib, ilBSp^^^^- Slights of the D\xtch,and Troubles at Lan tore. 1 5^ 5 lonpft them liy now rccouiict",';*'''. /..IH?Clf«(who -Jl'fii' point of their ^.^ D n , I way neither, 'lit thc-y lUiod s were oMip.-il icxc touch they them to better ne ami p\ c the ing cf, niann'd tvvo I'lMws to tli.it the l.m- I lie Men, and icfe little Sue- he Dutch were lore ami more ticlonpinj; to to fu^mit to ■ir Ncighlxiurs, or as was hint. pendantStatein in their com- cheir particular J, and agreed 7»«i ) come over to tides required both fides, be- this Affair. In ait with lis at I all things nc.^i''" here, and give'";*"'' cir Hcpcndancc'fc .■.-- iods'to procure"'^"-" ml ro take up ^^'"^ .ids ''t Bmtnm of '.'.If fiich ^rion, and the iter'.u in theli; ig letters and ies would cer- Good Words uldicrsBcllJcs; ubbcd fo long continued do- o.Ue Bone. 'Twas■'^'" to weather ihe^X'.',. '11 the one lidepiisi'vi nried Iniportu- '";';,'". e way it mnltr,'',':! i a truly loyal '>!!■;■ )ul(l never ha\c'' " "' vc fought outs".,i,-, nttrc was now ion. The Pco- llillancc of us, tion, made a ajefty of Eiig- s delivered ro land. Lantore, 0. ■)med loxi, 1 Mabarran, lied Aleph. TO, in the he Sitlwul.ir if ihi nil the 0- lolicrt Hayes, "/ Lantore i/« 'gs Mii/ellyif il'c Nuts and n!Ji; to lei! I» he Kj"jii Mi- Or,mka)ei ol Ki'it's Mr.- i, thi-.t I.yc was ,1 good Imrodudion enough tn Tiearhery and o.nq eft ..f ' ' " ■ ' " f I1--J- -' .1- —J Injurtirc ; and before People were phindcr'd and iForc'd 't": «'™*» c'ticcrniti^-^ J L. . . - , , . they >nAi not be done irt the Country n/Banda, to the end ihtt fii'ch thii'l,' belli!', reftrnined, theie be no nffeiicr yireii he- tw:cii !'''■ Bar.uanefes /ind /if Englilli-inen : /It to ctifonr (;;/r ((''.i.-^, our H''ives or D/tiighter, or to jirikf any of ti', «■ rioltnt'y to t/ik? My thi>:i, from m, or tn In Svr'ine loo/c in our Ccuutiy, or any luch-likf' thing .« doih nc; r^rce vniih our l{^. lilion. Thrfc thini^s vee only except I bnniifr th(Jc thiw^stetid t'l the d-ftrtyi>ig of our I\eliyJon } to the intent tlK"e be i.of.il- liiil out betvlxt the Baiidanefcs rtnd f/'f Engl'lli, unto tie cod of the If^oild. /Ind nhcrcj' it pleajcti' (Ud, th.n James ,1 Kj''i''fV-<^?^^"'-^i Scotland, I-'rancc, (ii:, / Iridaiu! ; /<'.oiv iilfo Ir is S;'";; <■! the Country of Baiida : So then ihcConnty pA Banda is in Svbjoiliun to no other l\in^ t! rn to the Kj"!,'' Ahjcjiy fj England ony in tin iViild, ever; .• '»/;; our Hylinio:.. for !■«' J^;.-.'/i; 0" of Iflam doth not ngrce xtilh the Ch> iji.'nn /(_ - Ir'ion wstrcr doth iIk' CV, '.Jui:n Heli'/ton r.g^e: nitn our I{^- /iViVm o/ Iflam ; e.nd this is the purport of our /I'ineinent. Fur- t'lcr, if it jhr..! happen my Englilli to lun to w, in r,ny Banda- mau to run to th" I'.nglilh, it mm not be tulc, nted without the cwli-nt of the chief of the linglifli, r.nd u, of Banda ; Ir- criilc fuch things are contrttry to our H^Hfj'oii, ,ii.d t'li.i oiitt II p-llin'f out, and BrrJ'bi. s betwixt the Bailila-men, /-//./ the tnclilli-m'-'!"'. '■^' ''''* ''""•■ "''■ ""'''' together in ConJ.ilir.ticn, nS the Or.nike-)-' "f laiiiore, r.nd tlie O'.iiiliiws of I ab.'- taeke, nud the Oritnkr.ycs of Neio Pooloway, /nd Poola- looiie, And hr.xc flit to our Hands, i.iid this is tl.: intent of tmiU'iiting. .Saliand.ir I antorc. Sabaiicl.ar Ratoo. After tl'is, there happciul an ."Nccident th.it brought a- ouc of their Right, 'twas a proper Method to .-ibiTethcni,'" ' and tell them a plavifibic .Story. He would have lieen gl.-iil too ( he piercnded ) of our aTiftance in this vortliy Ue- lipntha: was go.ng on ; but feeing we were low, and h.iii no For.es to joyn with him, lie would take all the troubli; upon hiu.feif, and act a'one. .Some Intelligence we h.id from .linbn'.u.-, adlrd i:s, '.li.it tliele Preparations of ilie Dutcit were fome wav rr other lcve!l'd at iis ; and that wiiieh wav foever the ^Mnu threarned to go, 'two'.ild drive ar lalt upon lijme of th'j lllandsof yi/;n,/f. Which we omeklv found too li i:e ; tho' at the fame lime 'twas the \ ;y perfjctiuii of Vilaii; to put on luch a Vizor fir the doini; of what they d;d, and 'ii> a Q;ielHon, wheiher all th ' Rabble if Heailieiiiih Peo- ple in the World, can furnilli Inch another Mallcr-piece as tins was. The)' began with l.iintore, coming before the Ifland f'!"i>'"y' with a Fleet of fixteen llroiig .Ships : They knew very ^'7.,^™' well ilut this p.'aee was furrcndred to the ufe of the K'le.^ of I'.i.j^l.iiul, and that we had aifiually fettled a Faiitory there. :omc up General, before / ui-oe, O'.ir * Captain fent to the '■'"'■' Gonera!, '.^^^P[:'J;;^^' deliring him in Civil Terms to forliear any .'\ds of I lolU- c.l' c.pr. 'irv at that p'ace, becaufe 'twas we;l kn.iwn :o be the '■■«'■'''•? '" King of i.og}-ndi Prop.-rty. But he having iv.td the let- ""' <^''"S-- tiT, ami exprefs'd h's contempt of it, and fpent a l.tdc time in tlire.Uiiing and lailiug at the l-'.ng ijk ; without any more adne laovled h* iMen, and fell upon the I ■n'-rccs. Their Piiwer being fo great, the Uifputc was quickly at an end ; th." Nauves were ablbbitely routed, r.tired to ilieiv Sh' ker> in tlie Fields and Wouds, and left tlic Illand ki' nk n. niul lir'd the 'I'ciwn, plunilevM (,ur Fadtory, to.5k away hout tiie jledeniption ot fome of our iMen^ ili.it were then | to the Conuiiai'd of the Cnn;]ucrors, Sl.iv, the .'.'..i/', and that in a 11. anner lucky enough : 'Twasoiir Fortune to take a Dutcr ImeUigineer, that was point; ""^'' 'l*-''' I'l'l^'-t of Advil e betwi.en .linuiina and Hvidi. i-'y lliefe I ettetN we underllood (tho' we could nnt perfectly underltand all, for want of their Language), tti:t the Dutch and the linglijh Nations were well enough agreed at home, and that there was a likehlioud of lome- tbiiig beinu done, in or(!er to out an end to the Uitferenccs of all til c'iiit nding I'arties abroad. The efe that we ni.ideof r'u Intelligence, was to let the Dutch knowwh.it Bulliie'.s w,i a feo' between our refpctii\e Countries, and the efore t.. caution them not t" proceed in thole unjidt The Dutci- fickd Tvikfc- ( ti> pii- u'lft r.iH r!K LmutI Mtn. Luimtir. all theC'oth, Muncy, and Spiee ther,', belcnging to the li.ijl-lndin Company ; 23400 /. Weight of Alaec, and • cooo Weight of Nutmegs fell into their H.inds. Our F.T.itors there preleni were Itripp'd, bound, beate:i, tiim- bled over ili.' Town- Wall, dr.igg'd along tl'.e Srr.^cts w:tli Fetters about their Necks, and aft.-rw.Tr.'s iaid faft in Chains. They were not '0 kind as to exeeii e t'i;m ,.ar- right, liviiig being then a far greater Puiiiflimetic than d)i:,g. Luiiiire thus had its rate, and tha' of all Fates the mod dre.ided by it ; to fall into tiie Hands of the D .'.■.'/ .- Such •an,i rigo.i us Coirles they had hitherto taken, leall ihcj was their rooted A' eriion to ther.i th.'.t perh.ip< had they Nt^f: r,r o.;r brawls and Squabbles here, put a fh.p to had i heir choice, they W( uld as foon have accepted of an tliofe hopefi'l beginnings of a Recom ih.ition at home. ' Earthquake^ to fwallow them up, as them that did. But And thi'-prodiic'd a feeming yieldingtoPeace andFrieiid-| we were all to go one alter another, and I' on or.n was Iv Conel'pondence ; tliev were mighty tradable upon't,| laid out for the next Morfel the hungry Adverfary would fra little time, and agreed with us forthc Rcd:mption of j ca'ih at. lomeof the PriU'ner.s. But alas, they could not hold their We endeavour'd to prevent this, by f'relli Applications .Wj"''' . good H'tmour long, but quickly laid alide the M.isk of to the M;i.\y'(u.|KTal at a -f , having already heard, that y^'7M/.L"», pretended Frieudllup, which indeed leem'd to be put on our Doom was pafs'd, and lt.xecution wou'd quickly fol- ouly to deceive us the morecttedlually. low, if our own volunituv Smvider of the place did not They beg.'.n firlt to 1 .lil'le with the lantorccs for prevent it : But this we u. uld ncer ti. t,k of fubinitting Tr.iii.' ; but they were fo honclt as to give them a Hat de- ' to ; tho' we cotld not hold it out, yet to rel.gn iiad been ninl of anv intercourfe with them upon that account, as, bafe and criminal, but to l>e driven out by main Force, alfo to acquaint us with the hndeavours ot the Hc.'Linders, woulil be only our mtsfortunc. to iiilinv.titc tli'.mfelves in amongfi them. After this they; The I1ut:h Cicneral femi'd to make ftrangcof any fuch came to violent Methods, and thought to fcare them iiitoj Delign, as coining to beai us irom / odmo n ; lie litid lo a compliance ; .nit the Men of tfli r.vr made a brivk L)e- much Modelty and Sliante as .0 fein-ple the owning it, and fence, took no Blows but wh.it they repad with Interelt, fo little as to put it immediately in pradice. F.^r our A- fo that til- Dutch hitherto goi as little gtcund upon them | gent w.l^ hardly return d, but the Du .!i Fleet piefjnted it i ''O' <'"'^' by tif Ining, as they had before by wheedling. 'Twasifelf before the Illand, and fent their Summons to the Peo- J^'^' J'"''', \ery uuteh their Bulinefs and Deltgn to etfed a Rupture | pleio furrender it. between the Ur.nJanfc and us, at lead to poU'efs their 1 he if-rwi'/r'Ji/c were in a terr.b'e ConftcrnatioM, and Minds w th Sufpicions of ottr Fidelity tow.-.rds them, as I knew not \sdiat Giurli.' to take in this exrrenitty : All the the rcidielt wav to make the defired Breach. '7 hits they I Plai',ues ot War were threatnrd by the />«?/-, on the one wou'd come fometimcs wuhin the very reach of oiirOrd-] (Ide ; and yet they knew not howro bunk the B ndsthai iLince, A-~ if they were fntisfied we would not hurt them : | held them 10 us on the other. .»' s lor our parts, we were And when iliey were at any t,me purfu'd I" the llndn reiluc'd to lo Imv niid bare a C' iidttion, that we wcrciio Praws, m their ilangerthev would hangout a White Fiag' wav capable ot piweiring 'heir Riine and ovr (n\n ; we to us, as much .is to lay, the ling Jh will call you off, and , had no tolerable Force to op .Jtjle the .';(/r.- ■ with, and Ju dclntr us cnit of your Hands. Itice ard Riitlit eon'd not lU lend us from them. Thivtlie take, and the .,hu .-111 I Co 10 L I T liavinp been before aprccd on in a General Con- fult, that we fliould put in at D.i' hI, to try the I)i- I'potitioi.s of that People to a'l'radc widi us j in p: r- liia-;ce of tl'.at Delipn, we came to an .Anchor in the \Ki\\^ of that 1 im'n. 'I'he (iovcrnour quickly fm; eait r. l;io ^" ha' 'r.T"l? '"" '^"'*^' ■I'^irobelnitby him for hai ;,.rpofc. There were two bripais of tli.it Country that came and put themlelves into our Service at SnX Kcad, and told us. Fliat rh -ir Kin,, ..„,,.i.i i... _i.. ,'".- • ■n.s' , ; 1 I ' ,f,-lill •■ the nad Sum ferr'd, till all tl rowly look'd o\ vcn in their Ini'i •IS t' r prrfen p.|.,'.: aljoRi am ill Car. l-e ace Z>.lt>>«.rj ( oil;; iht'in- ktvn I'l r 1 and tok US, Thar th-ir King would be p!a,l ,t cur Irade or his Pepper; which was no inconliderable Quaniity, but vvould amount yearly to a pond ladlp.. tor two ot our belt Ships. But when we came thither" we quickly tound an Fntertamment too coM to anfwer futably the vsarmih and earned nefs of rhc Invitation. ThcH-r Commodity vv^s but indirtbrenr, the Price .mconiciona- ?-K~ , , r A • . • ,• .J , , >'^' ''"'^=''^;.^'I'«'"n'f^'lt teem'dtohiueno prearMind that they were (o ftronpiy inclm d rha. way as they prc-i to have us t r Cultomers, but rather to keen it lor th ■ tended. They prr.mis'd to perform iniphty thinps here- Co '/(,:;rtr,-.-. They held it up hard at ^; Ri.ils of Eiplir ..after, but were not diipos'd to do any thinp at prcfcnt ;] ff' Candce, wliieh is 500 /. Welpht, and -r th- v'crv they wou'd tome odicr time trade for Broad Ciotb, Lc.id, ' lowelt won 'd net let it tcinie under 47.' W'e th.nndir wi- other /■:..,i;:'.7?.' Commodities, but we could not per-j had beencali'd to the buying fome pood Birpiirs 'not to I be bantcril at this rate in our Pi ices, and h'av e the Money I [ueezclout ot our Pockets by fuch Methods as thole were ; but lince twas lo, that we mtift not only fubmit t ) this Lxtortion it we traded, but take it as i Favou- too, we refolvul to lie under no fucli Oblipations ami li; letc them to tlnirdeliied Cullomersihc l'><,i:,g,r'e, ^'^\ IJ''''<-'-''c'l in <)ur Voyaae tow'ardi CVr/,V.- Heir nuiwithiheleemprv pretences t(_;tr.ide,| was a Debt of leme Yiars itamlinp to be recovrr'd ^nd pnlped of buyinii Pc-- '• ■- ' ' and IwAile ihein to lake otf any now. ^^'e had a Ship in our Company that w.rsableto have furnilli'd them, and cau'.e indeed on purpofe to puc otl" fomc ot her C' in. icdtics to the /)/•.''».'..'( j. but they would not help tu liphti li her Pi.rthen at all, and lo ihepurfued her Voy.-.pc to the /<.,/ JV./, whitiurlf.e w-as at tirit bound. Jt was Jelipn'ilatoiircortiiup hithor,iliat 1' i/Wr-Z/i/rtiould eo!o;.,;er!il rot' 'ly .thi-i; at all in rurbmnce of iheDefipii;a therefore tha: I while they il id nouu-i; at an ui ruriuimce or tiieiJeiipn;a pnipect 01 buymi' I'epper at ealier rates. But is >i (.1 (ur lominp to ihem , and therefore tha: now they i hapoend, the Samorine was at that time ar /'•mjrt lone fliould be forc'd ;o sio Bulinefs, ai,.i .nake it in fome inea- I twelve Leap.ies 10 the South of C,(/;.;i/ whiihir- w,'. ^l. „■ ..;e worth our while to attend them; but they I oupht to him. their own quic' for tlii'- Year, by .a good Sum of fair Pre- | Our Captain went alliore, with a p.ioil Guard of SI- ' ' milei, ts> be letter I'lOiher, and (i) we let iheni alone at | to deliver tlie Kinps Letter and Pieknc • ihe Si i.or 11' ' pra.nt, andfiit .■dvites to S„>y>% tliu the next Year's 1 acknowledged the DgU, but linet we could 1 otdetamin.-' fleet I'Ujjhtdi.ihvii.i ih.ma.coiju'i;!)-. ., ' dbvth r. K I'llp^utiOli I, IPC ludpesofthe cil to my lilt', wlicn we came, ail the lialle im.i JVpfxr, and wi ilieie WIS notlui away to Court t iiiqiiilirive aboui was ,1 thinp fort til j'ive us .iny ji 1)1 ilufe Proceed would not ftir Work of vieu'in only 10 confumii |!ul ci'iikqueiub the Srrinps of P at this time, aiii fairlv attempted. ,:, ,rfi, The Samorin li^josv-'veith till Spice, ■■"• I loiil'e, tdl he e Orders. Here I ami fiintlels aiie (•■■.inp us .".ny ma tin. Thisfkl'dir, tie pu'-pol.e as tin ;i':d Morf ice-l'a II ore^fi^n Ins oi away itic time b uebol.lly dcmai fifpence, and ro iriphtknow wh kcn'd hin>, and 1 inp Room, ro !i Af,'pi:locito'ldes, he had ( fpf.)i.l. tills with the C lluire ; but they qitii'il retirement Crowd ; aiul th< place, a liiclc wr an.l he could cnj! niitdilterbance. In anlwer ro tl h.ive I lie libvi'ty t. thcCajtaiivs lam but lii'oii f:.oiid I inp one of his Sla- is, 'twas a place rous Delipn ; 'tw b"l'c.ide as coiili Trap. But intend inp t it, ar niy return the place ; a- beii and fu difcourape ijf meeting there. Th.; Samorine piiintinent, ami I Card, was at a I liad made us retir loni'er, but lokl hiihertn been iipi Ps'pptr he hat! prt chants ; and that ^3-0. propos'd : That : ''' , and not under ; . i ..;.| J. he winikt pi\c th ■K furnilh us himlVlt ouinp ai (.'..■/■.■e»( ctrtilie him poiiti due. i his was a ve; triile'iw.is told it ne- ei^ fju-ak, 'ili .Ai.d thus w- . .. , liit'elhiUs anu w truth was loid u done 111 as few wt ! Ia\ .;:!', oi!i iio ihip ; blit the C 'c. ^ ib. II BSapTX XXV. Then- Trac/e at TeCOO . m-. 197 in irore BIikM irim li>.il Oiv.n. n in lions, ami it ill''; uasiiot t'li .itlltT i..->i. to !io blonj;iit abuaij tlicir rill-. i!-,it r''fv )'orcif'il'att<; ■t'lOl. if llluy ini' ■ill . \v-'j < well .1. tliey i;icn witliour ilic imm' vr ..f mil's tlicltroki' • to In many 01' ul oilier places, ■ lUtiiU Affair : L'nrcd, .inil oui 11 as the Li'.c; rplieshaiiliei.n A negligence; . iI'Miablc. hv.\ J. .-Tiailc Ai.l'i',1,:-! Idantl^ariii piu -'■ vlurc weeo\i d. •:U l>y means ot ■ 1'iienv.ls, might .'xt. ■rf ir l):Ji:j»': and the hhn in a n vjiori another ' . raiftiirs that ■.My caking the erycoTihilenrly y ascr,ntiilent- earriej die time. upon thoG- it ot anInviM-''-; etendcd roilij ' nt by him for that Conntrv rviic at S'm.-7i Id be glad . t ineonlideiMble gond I.adinj; came thither, old 10 anfwer ivitaiion. The Hf: i:ncnnlciuna-l'ii 10 grear MiiiJ ee|i it lor rh^- Rials of Eipht .:>■ th; very I'loiij'hr we rg.iirs, not t'l ierlie Money hcJs as thole only fubmit as a I'avoiir Jtions, and lb 'nl-ciit : Heic ecoecr'd, nnil I5iic \% !V X'-HM n, hm e her we Wiiji uard nCSli r. ,r,j he .Sa.ncr.ne '»''"■' iitdeceiinine'/." ihr """ .i.y n '■•■ thecxadl .Sun; it was agreed that I'avmcnt Ihould be de- fcrr'.l till all the A counts ot that matter were mure nar- rowly' Inok'd o\'r, and the Pcrlon.s there rcli.'.mt l.adgi- ven ni their Iniorinations. As t' r prtTent dealing with him, he ffTer'd to O'.i his p. 1!,', '■ at -joRiaisof Kight/T' C'aiidee,fi,e of all Cliarge<, am .'' C.n.!"" ■' ''liiL place was ',oxi. Near : This w.is jif V '! ! 'V th Captain, iipirri londiiioii ot Ibme p:■e^i- <: ,s I'll'vution i/i tlic Comnio.liiy, le, i hole that were 10 lit liidgesoftheCnindnels ot'it ; whit h Office wasalfign- cd to my I'lf, and one more, lint the next Mi ruing vlien we came, thinkiug to go aUmt this Buiinel. wi'h ail the lialie imagin.ible, we were denied '';e light ol the J'eppcr, and wiihimt expiefs Oidirs from the .Saii)L;rir.e, jlicre v.r^ nothing 10 lie di/iie. I'poii wliiih B.inik going jway 10 Court to I'pcak wiili him himfe't, lie uas tar more iiiqiiili>i>e about the Captain's coming alhore again (uiiitli \v,t« a thing foreign t > the Kuiinefs in hand;, than carLtel rn rive lis .inv juit and n af .liable account of the meaning III dicfe I'rMxvdings. We all'ur'J him, that the Captain Hdu'd r.ot \\v. allioiv, t;l! we had done oar appointed X\'ork of viewing the I'epper ; tliat his lUilinels would be r,r;iy in confnmmnte the H.iipain, and bring the .Money, liid celllequeiulv tiepeniled upon our difp.lt. h. Bill ail the Siriiigs (if Biilinefs were or. t of o-der 111 th'> Ci.untry utthistiiii.', and nothing winiiJ b. <^-^i.\, tlio' ever lb fairlv .ntnmpted. Thi-' .Saiiiorine would not give way 10 our meddling ••iiiih till Spiic, but fent us ba^k to wait at his Merchants I loiife, t'll he either came to us luii.li-lf, 'r lent farther Orders. Here he abii.s'd iis with ol liging lis to an idle .iiul fiiiitlefs aiiendance, neiilier lending, m^r loniing, nor [■••. ir.g us ,-.ny iiianner of Inf irniutiun what he intended to llo. This f kl'd 11, 10 a fecoiid Walk to the Conn, ti) as li:- t'e p,i.-pol.e as rlie lotiiier ; lor here he h.td his Tinoblers ,T:.I Morf ice-l-'aiK.cis about hiui.and minded their Tricks I) oie^fi^ n his own .Hid our Cf iieerns ; In ihorr, he\vliil'd suMyiiif time iiy !i) many tritbng lliiiffling Methods, tliav wr 'iol.!!y de.nanded of him at kill, to put U'- out of this fufpcnce, and come to loine certain Relohitioo, that we inghrknow what we had lotrnit to. 'I'his Alarm aw.i- kcn'd hill', aiui we were deliivd to moveiiiio .i v\ ithdraw- iiip Room, to hear his Rifuhitions in private. Here he A fitirlodW''' ''^' '"' ''■''■' fi'^^'tal I'oinis of important Biilinefs to dif- fpis.!.!. cufs with the Captain, if he would give his I'relenee a- ihnre ; but they were fomc of them of that nature as re- ipiii'd retiremenr, ami mult be irarag'd apart frum the Crowd ; and th< refoe he h.ul provided a fine Retreating- pl.rce, a li.tle way up in tlu'C'.iiiiiry, where theCai^tain ariil he could enjoy thcmfelves, and do their Hulinefs with- out Jilierbanee. In anfwer •() this, I told h'm llatl». That iinlefsl might h.tveilie iibuty to fee the place tirit, I would nor advife thcCaptaiiws landiuj; : I'hi^ he ret'iiAl nt liril to permit, hut upon fe.ond thoughts afterwards granted, lommand- ingoiieof his Sl.ius to Ihew u me. An. I the ti nth nl' it is, 'twas a place very (it for the execution of a treache- rnus Deligii ; 'twas as gi oil a Conveiiienco for an .Nm- Ivfcide as could be ; in a word, 'twas a very line Tin p. Hut intending to prevent my Captain's being caich'd in it, at my return 1 eitprels'd mv d llikeof the Situaiioiiot the pi, ice ; a> being lonely, and I'urroun.led with Wi:ods. ami fu difcouragcd as much as was advilable the Defigii i;f meeting there. Th.; Samorine *as very lileiic and dull upon the difap- piiiiitinent, and having now play'd his belt and highell Card, was a' a Hand in hisCianie : However, when he had made us retire again, he thought tit to dilienible no loiu'er, but told us all the Realims of the Itop that had hiiheito been upon our Bufinels. He coni'els'd, that the l\i pa- he had promis'd us was not Irs own, but the Mer- ili.tnis; and that lie could not let it go .at the 'I'ri^e lirll Sto. prepos'd : That at \r Rials [>■•, Caiuiee v.c ll.ouM ha\e it, .'''' . .iiui not uader ; and if other .Merchants would fe.l i!inler. ;.i,|j. he would pile them ka\e to to t, hcwi.uld ■K biriiiih lis hiniUlt at th.ic rate. As f.rthe Money we had ■ ■ nuini' nt (.■.i-/v.v;, he wi nid lie us p.'id, when wc Co dd eertitiehim po:ltively huw nuicli, and for what 'iw.'s due. i h'.s was a eery pieity -Story, and the prettier too, bt- c'.'il.'tw.is told in I K .■/e;;ii-;., whu li the Samorine cmild re- r'- Hx-ak, 'ill -.-wlie hau an abhlute neceiiiiy for't. .^i.dthusw.. ■ ., 1 o- 1 at lait ; and ntter a World if liit'e lliifis ;inu uiii' :■: s this way ar.d that weiy, the plain tniih W.1S loid u- (.! he laul), whicli inipht lia\e been ilone 111 as feu- wor.iv; -.1 lirit. Ila\.i:giui i 1' ud, .) iiok lea-.eand return'd to the Ship; but the '.apia;.. 'cut luiii this Akiiaye by one of \\ 1-, I'.tb r..y s, in . iiar ; .lit - 1' .1.. iK -In.d Litertt .•■vvl.-. I 1 ■■., ■•-■■■ iCj.. '-,i.e. ■■?.'■ ■r a Ills own .Servants, That the l.n:',!, 1! 1 themiches all their Scores out ot hi- '•'■■ id' i.'ie World foevcr thcv met them. ; ' jBaulk upon our Trade this Seafoii ; ntt-l cccdcd, as if all this Coalt of i«i .'/i •,■. .••. ., tiler to cheat and abiifi. us. 'Twas time now to repaii tfi f < m u.'r,. rl.'vs, M here oiirtiiric wi.-ild iv I (..j'-sVl Our Sh.ps parted Ctinipany when M-e I, id .'. - ' '. Cape (.' //;<,;,. , and 't v.is m'. I ...loi.i !r- .' vvilloiilyfay (lince no H.ilinefs id" ,111, :i. .1 ...-.: , done}, tliat I made three or f..i,r Voy.ioes b. - plate and Hiti.tr.tn. One of tliciii liad very near pr-'v'd l.tal : , n- ; , dieadfil Storm in a very dark Nglir, fi.rc'd 1 ■^'cii o\er the Shoals of /-ecrn; a dai.c.r a M.in v-' iild .uee trembled at in fair Wiatlier, ai; ! at Noon-da-. I'hr. 1 liuiKlcr and Lightning was c-<::ivuielv violent aciiie I'tn.e time, and a llalh Itruck one id' oiir aUh perfeellvdiinil) and Ian e ; 'twas very ll(;wly that Ids Spt.-ih retu'rn'd f> liim again, and that very iniperfciHv too ; ! nt the iife of all If s l.iinus was g^ne ; he ccmplain'd of a dead iiuinls- nels III n cry p.irt, and ha,i he 1 ecu nil oer Paralytiik, he ■■Hild not have 1 cen iiii.i-iinli;rvice.tblcto Idmfelf than he W.I... After liimc time iptnt, I had No- ice that there was B.i- ,. IhieK rea.ly for i-s ar l.-.jr, ; thv the /)..-;.../ had g.itten aT,'.;.^' Lading ol nvavtiian i (..o I'.ih.ir.of I'epper, and iv-o nil re lay uif <,iight a> .;■<.. The 'Viee-King of -i;,--?, appear'd very williii.; to forward the Trade when we cam..-, ami promis'd as 1< .011 as he had leen his Soieivigii the King of .!j''"B "■'" when it came to the point, lie wi.uid 11. .t It.i'n^l to thj for-?"''"'"'" I.I a-ae^. 1 le would no. lell himxll ender4cCaiii- kcciis, and 60 Blue Sel.is .-; B.thar ; but lu gave us lea\ c ii\ at the former Rates of other;-, if :iie\ would leil 'i!J-.:.,f ? 'iF.t- : !^ '/"■■;- He had better have laid pulinv : K . tha- tlieie ill ii.id be 10 Trade but i.poii his Terms, and icople to weigh ; for tlio' there w 1. ekb I'U forb.d tliu cen in this ■ e, )e. the ..'i.iiiiiii- ai. 1-1.) h.id be, 11 a- h; fame degree of Wrong and 't-ii'': lation [v.'hiili eier aggra. ates ih; b. .. wav. His ott'l.rofpi^ing the Peoplcth.e Li'ivr -.o i i.ide, betore he b.-gare was all a iliam and a rrick ;' anu 'u",i as much as bidding and unbiddiPg them .'.t the (.\a->c tiinr for he knew perfeiith well, th.-.t n.> oLvi dar'd 'o >vvigh an Ounce of IVpper before him ; no, ilio' tiie C I'tetio.h- ty won d have iieriil'.i in their hands, tiie\ dare,! n. r at- tei.-ipt the Sale , till his lixample had gi' en them an .\i - tliorit) to do it : To make that pietence therefore of turn- ing IS over to them, w..s .0 tritie an! p'av 1 pon us, and asid an AHiont to die foi -ler .\ct of Liiitltice. But we weie under a ni .eliiiy of . ''Miutting toiliis iinpi liiion at thisjiindure, having loll i great deal of time .Already, .im\ our 'I'rade any v.ncre elle eiitertani. 'J he Ring hinirelf lia\ iiig play'd iis this tinil play, 'twas ,...„j, no wonder that the People il.oiiid take die fame liberty T-'ti ' too, ( r a worle, and this was our Caf- ; aP thediiierencv lenioii-, and . and Honle- llr,Hi..-ls was, that he cheated us wii ha little n.", C the\ in the cuari'e and riuleu.iy of 'Ih.en breaker^. - R' 'Lis true they did us nn g'cat damagr, tho'thcv broke iito one ot our W irehoufts, aiai i ..i\i,:,agi.d about 1 mean, they carried olf nothing of value, Ir.i tl;, . mai dcr'd one of our Men tint lay in -ihe room, 'l h. s \- .\^\ • the Attempt three levei-.i times that Nigi. , ai.d t\. .-. ■ is idreadful Weathi-r perhaps asc.erwas le.n : .\\\~} w!,, they ll.oiddihi ll- liuh a Nighi as that, is 1,01 eaii. 1- !v conceiv'd, unlcf, they thoughi the londCriiKs , f I .im;- der woidd give rhein an (>pp ^\ltholudangc -if lieiiig heard. But 10 ted .St :-vu m th,: il.icviili 'Incks ul ;lie i\\,.mt, \s 10 Ll.tjo.i a Cii-i... r I-,.":- 198 i rymg of a Murdfirer^ &c. ■A * i\ Thry nrft traili. now for n-d.iy K.Ruicntly well kno\vii in tlic Woikl already ; 1 (h',11 on- ly tlKrclorc iVur.'ioii w. C'iiviiniftancv.' conk-qin^m lipin t'i'« Uiltm-laiicc ui' Iwil iVdiu ilii-m, IkcjuIc ch;Ti: is : ■':v,' iliinp, if 'i pi'inv <»M ;iiv.i lini^iiiir. \\'clvint; all -ilnniiM ait'l raisM ii|ion iln- Oi.t. ry nt' Mi'ulcr 111 i'k' H(ivi!c, jTckrvi^ fciit ti> call in i.ic Viiicrs to (»Ta;lil\.iiK.v- •, tlulV HCc MonUi.ir wcir api-nintcf to keep CV'arJ o\cry Nijiln, at I'liiiic I v\e iliilainf [m\\> tlit HmiIi'- Brt liii^x'wi" it came a'.'oiu, iIktc iv.ii iiniie ot' tlicm 10 be t'o'-ml a; llicir Tolk at tl'at :iuu\ fcidiiTC \va« iiOL'ilfovcry to Ik' iiia.lc ot' any fipu !(«•>; IVrfoii iti all llif lurkiii;^ 1 loK'. thcica! or. "Mic N< ilt el ilic ^',nrlll.•r quiiklv lanic to tVa-Kii';.','' ''•"'. ai'ii Iiioih.'Iu Ir.iii to iiv , In; pv'i'.iisM vs Ji'ltlu'. ami i.i ilo liis iitmolt to liiu! (n;i tlic V'ill.iii.s tV.ar iuil rlius ir.iitr'il ;■». \\' i oi i- oF our Comrauv I'n pi'iSil, iliat tlic W'a.jiK IliciiUl Iv imch cx- anvii .1 al'O'.'l iiii> iiiati^r, (iinc In il\iir alilciu'i- tinivi tlicir iicctilUitn il plaic of 1 Uity, tlicy I ai! j;l\vii ;;roiiml lor tii- I'l'icion, thai they wore either the Aiiiiior'i, vr a' leaH A- licttorsot' this M'Uhiel". This tite Kinneoirniai.ilcit to lie I'ciie, am! tin \ v ere all maiie (tie at'-er .MiotSicr to tone, h. the deail I'otiy ; that I'-miii; a Meihoil Idiiv I'eople jrrapr to prefutnc viion, for the t'Uieu-ery < f a MiirJerer. (Why ftiotilj It HOC Ve as iiooil for the ihleovery of other Vil- lains too ; ami the Itolleii Go. ih leat' away iVoui the hiiul of the '1 hcf, a< well as a (leaJ ftoily lileed at the tc'iieh ol the Miii.Uri.r rj Veil ! all thele'l'eophllrokM the t'oif', ami r.o Hloodraine ; am; conkl any thine, lU- if.<'.ntlr.'.te their If.noeriice iv.ove eorivineiny.ly than this '^ Was it not aprareiit that their tVnh ienees wercilear ami tiiiHainM in the eale, l.iiia- a Mirae'c was tiot vvroiii',hr to condemn i lu m . an>! th.c lta;;natini; Blood of i he deai\ Man iil 'eeh'.nd rhit jreiemlcd to ^c very liek a Hed, and was not alle to eonie. 1 li:'' I'ellow was '.enr for and fain to be broi t;h; tipi n. Mens Shcnld.crs ; W.t all the Com- pany fondcTi n'd him hr the l\oj>iie as Toon as he appcar'd, thc' I'crt f. many C hnraifti rs'ol' (.imlr ir. hisl-'aec. Hi' waMiMr'Mv tonfimndednt lo.uhini; iIk Corps, ardall his Actions and Aifwcrs beipoki him to U. luied lo the lalf decree. 1 heie was no Blood hcvvevcr came from the dead Body , but if cIk- coming oi fomcthing elle from the Ii\ini4 Body had been a flgn of guilt, 'tis probable if they haj iookd, they would have foiir.d him nor UTy in ■ t!occri and pure The King, and all the reft, obferving tlic Confnaf n lie was in, eonm'.enrly pe.l'waded thcirfelvcs he was the I'er- fon thevluok"' '.It ; and therefore, tho'hehad fcap'dthis way, yet his jimoccncc fliou'dbe tried too by the 1 av/s of iheConntry. The Method is, for aPoi of Oyl tol;- fctovcrtlic Fire, and ^^hen 't's ly-.iliiii; lii.i, tiiere- a Pall of Brals thrown into it ; hire the fulpeiAcd I'erlon :s to come, and thruft- ing his naked Arm ii.io this fealding Liquor, imdt fetch Gilt the Mall ; and if notliing of bi in or fea'd appears up- on his Skin, lie is ae"/.'itted of tlie Fae'c 1 .;d to hischarge ; but if thete be any laipi liion mai'e, they take it for granted he isguiUy. A n- )lt iTcgu'ar and barbarous way of proceeding loduermine iratter of fail ; twoelrl be as inft and fair to throw a Man into a Den of hungry Lions, and, prcrcHince him guilty or not gmliy, according as thev cat h'ln up, or let him alone. But the bellow was enra'cU wiMing to fiibmit himlelf to this fort . f T'ial, and ort'er'd n' put liimfi ." iito the hands of the Exicurif.- rer, if he did not . .^me (ffdcar. And in ihort, he drew his '\rni out of ilie Cauldron of boiling Oil, as iinble. mill) 1, and p ■.-fetftly free from injury as' it would have been lad '>;■ '-nt it ir".> .'t''i Water : Th's we were all Witmn'es to, being all j > 'f dly avvakc, and our Scnfes, no w;.v tluit \vc 1, :vj- ■ of, iturios'd upon. After the Ex- periitert tv.is over, ill his ;:'knels ana Lanienefs was overt-o, he was as brisk ..nd le;'- as the bcft ot them ; which fudden ihange p; jv'd thj for.ner Illnefs counter- feit, and coi.ririn'd'all theCoit : any in the:r evil Opinion of him. This AfV.-.ir be n_,i ended, the King made another Prr- pofal to us a'.Hjut the firther proiecution of the Trade. The Pe' pi.' were deliro.s now of re.idy M'mcy fer their Pepi^r :, aid ^vear\ of C itti ; befi.les the junks tVom 1- weic dail" cxp>','.led with great Itore rif i\yii Commo- \ v.\ 1 ! himfelf 'u'hf) alwa . s t'orLCS the P-ople to take it o'^ i, riid i. .ittli n ady Money betorc-iian \ troiii -.is, woiilj dirpol';ii .1 a brisker Tr.tile with hiin. 'I'his was all Se'f-in;e'i.: ..:id lourtimt i.s to lall in wuli him in pro- motinj; il'-t^ iiei ijn ; but there being uincit deal of Pep p^rftdl brought in, and mir Trading-time hit fliorr, and a moH expird, we nyced with him'at ii Kials/r, Pahar And to make us„,ore ...(ie a.ul lecnre in our bc.ng here for' W,^ the tunc to come, the King g.tve us libertv to do all th,- was„eedr.l in our o,.;n defeneo ; to feize, impnfon. or nonl'MlVli; '■ '■'"' '•'"•■•' '" ""^'"s-vy violaiceaswe ( 'ill' wl'.i.le Story hiiherto has been I'rt'e elfe, Init a cor- rjrnied Vn, .; ot Ciolii-s, Ditiii-poiniiTients, Ininres and AbuU'S; ,,,d „;u.„ on,- xvnn'.i l,avc hooM forafaner Day, .indhime htiic relpite from ha. ir.ii,,' TrorbV's at d .\.ish-r;i!iKS tluy broke in with more Mo'enee upon is :^n.\ vNhat ^-.ts >ht ptrplex.rv before, u .is now dow-,! rii'lu I ra,.,.-.iy : lor now at one Uiok.- the Dutch m.i.ie ilf mlelve. M.iDers of four (,to„r brave Ships, fettingoiit "<'•'* ot thisP.ft ot T.cv. S<',r,eoftlvmwerere.idy laded tu i""' ' their h.inds too, Inu all lo encuinbred that they were n,,-/., i ■ ea, .'lUrot li, lump. "ih-. thatlUni'd ha^c been a Guard' ' " to i.ie relt, wa; ).,;■ from beinp aMc to defend herfelf all"'''- ' her Decks veere dopgd, and her Clun<. (lowed up wih l.iimbei to that degree, i:hat 'twas not poiPbc to nit- th „i m .he pearelt extremity . With thole few Ordnance tli.ir were clear, ill' maintam'd the Fighv for a htcletime, l,„t twa'. m,po.ri..|e to hold om lor.i; w,th all that Burden 'I'm'.,,''"''' ' ■"^'""''^ ''" '■'^''"•''"tial Ships of ihc ;i he other thr.e feeing her F.ire, yielded thcmfeKe. wiilunii exchanging a Gun; perhaps \wonld h.iu- been to no purpofe to have tired, bu: lo yield fo t.amely and qtiierly w.is n,,t ae.'ordi'.,; to the iif ,j! nwinticr of>he I-:. his Ae'hon) been better advisVl, and arcrdnu. ewn to ' Ins cw„ m-t Re.oluMoM, kept his P„;at Ship clear fu; .he ..er^ lee ot a .Man oi War, the /to,/. pn'h.Js h-s i „<,, h.ad ihis Iriumph, nt.r we endi red the miler.d>t.- ConV- 'lucncesot it B„t vye .ver. abfoiurely nep.^nnM, .nd heated u,:o their hands ; ihey had taken m ih,.rC„lou-, ty wlmh we ihouKl have d.feovpr'd them, -.m!:-,,,, Ci' p:.l.M p.dging them to be SiVT. -. r.!.\ l-k-et, t/,.u vviis toljeat hco^iUm this lime, we were got ir (b near vvuhthcm, ihai iv as too late to think of dr.awine otTa- gam. *• Plil'n'r0"«rn'r'"r'''''''"l''' '" ""' '^^'" ('Ih'" their Th. .. K^iomrs) asto ay thcr, >n Irons upon the Gratings all''v-'. Nightlong and that in the molt teripcHucus Weather^''" r a^o'";, .';:•"•''••■? -'^'^ '■'P-'«'^''^P, rhat'had been knov^'n'^" fci a long time lyi tliofe pairs, withotit any refiHtd to lick ?HiiJi'rh'''ir'7"''^'''' 'J^'-- '^^'■^^'■ '"-^"v "f vvht'fe Livc^!t : rilr 7 f'^^ ?^ •'"' ^'S''" E'«erta,n,ne,u. All tha v^creleltaiue ihey turn'd all o.e the next Morning u It!, fuen for, y Rap.s upon their Pa. ks as they were pkis'd oaiowthe.o; tiKlewere to the numkr of -^oo' Men, .ard Intd not the In ,de s exprels'd more Kin.lneis and I.o^^, A than thole ChrUbans had clone, ,he whole C-m- p.^nv hadperilhd in i.ie .'alt Eitremitiesof M.lery. Bet the Co.npalhon ot the T.',..,,, towards ,rs in ilrsdiftrds vlfir'."' r r '""■ -^^^""r^JR'T'"- T'^-^ K.ng eonltanti;ft.i.. , vifited theCaptttin, and kought him the belt Ua- ies rflfto-. L^°"/' ,;'" '"'i ',"'-'';.'-'''''^ '^'"""'' '^^ '""' "'« "( the MnrLr f vT''^' ^""i'T' ' '^^y k'T^ '^ cont.nual Ma kct for Vid.iajs .,t the Do.,r of our Houle, and fold us all manrier of Provil.ons at much ralier Rates dian be- tore : Behdesthis,lealt the Dutch ihouid l.-.nd and atremrt any thing ypon us, we had a Guard of a thonfmd Ah'a wed ar-nd about u^, all the time their Ships liayVl iheiv. So that we may lay the) have (at the loweft ,aluc of this Aaion) atond tor former Injuries ; and lei. ns without Uemands uf^on then-, it not their Debtors Our IhniterVI Company here were not long aficr har- pily d.posd <,f, and .lifpers'd up and doWn in a htt e Fleet ot l:,.g,:Jh that came in hither. As tor my own particular. 1 let fail for l-u9:.„:tl in one ..„. of our tee_blecra7y .Ships, which if the Wind^and W.,° ?'" did not ufe very kindly and tender'v, would hardly ali w us what Nature er,,^ d , but obliged us tt. endur.'. m.eh pain that way, till tve reach'd the Bay of S.Un,;.: Here .u.,. we got in a luppn ofFiih ; but lolt a part of our Menln He: ! an Outrage o tlie N.iti;es ; nothmp of th.at kind haMnr ''""^• c\er tid now been atten^pred uj^on ih... ;;„ ./h. -l-hey i,s'd to be verv gentle and harmlels in their Carriage to us : butfom,,h„-.g • K'cn a Gu.irJ' ' ■ tiii her fell', all''"'"' oxvod vij' wi'h i>.c to iilc th.ni Ontiiaiicc tli.ir irtlo time, lut II iliac fiui\!cii I SiiifS of the k'll tlicinlilu'S inK' h.ni- Iccii f'l tamely an J niier ; the fs li-v' net hid lerabrj Ci'iile- ni'pnjm'i!, ami II ilii. r ColoiiK, 11, "'.lUt:-!/,,- Ca- Hect, tb:u was i;nt '.r lb Ilea; drawing otf a- 4en (i hen their Tkfr^ the Gratings all ■';*'''• (luoiis Weather xi,t'^ id been knowa ief[>ciflto fuk, vvhofe Livestc- rtainiiKM. All next Morning, ley were pkas'il r of -joo Men, Kiniliieis and le whole C-m- Mileiy. Bet n ill's diftrils, KiiipionltantlyT'',LH*i beft Da'' ics rfcfto* | him out of the tepi a com inial "loiife, and fold Rates ihan be- nd and am nipt ihoiif.iiid Mi'ti ps Itay'd ihcie. ■cf> value of thu left lis without lrni» after hap- down in a little h'.u^^.'.inti in one ((,„„. ind' and ^V'a^l« lid hardly all w to eiidur-; iiv.eli Su/.Y.th/.?. Hfrev-.vi. t of our Men in *■'';■ hat kind havinp, Ih. 'I'hey i:s'd ai riage to lis ; Clmler, loine ill unhappily rair.e - I had a prnfpe- f,f.,., ol that nature ^ p. .'i| lit to die Hr.!l- HAP. Chap. XXXV. J Declaration put forth by the Dutch, containing the Account they give oftheVijfercnccs hctmcn the Englifh and thcm/ehes, and the Grounds of their TrctenjiOm to, as well as their Trocccdin<^s at the Iflandi of Ban da. To rvhich are added fome brief Jniniad" vcrjwns upon it. IN the former Chapters v»c have heard our Mer- chants and FaCfors abn ad making divers hea- vy Complaints of the iturJ'. A terrible Oiit-cry there has been of liijulliec and Oppreliion, of Treachery and Barbarity ; in Ihort of fo many Breaches (if the Laws of Rinht Rcafon, Good Manners, ami Chrilti.in Charity, that the Bufmefb requires to lx^ more ifilipemly looked into. Now as our own People have told their .Story at large, and reprefeiitcd the Matter .is they iliought tit and juft, fo we mull hear what the other party has to fay, and wh.it account they give of things for their own Juftitic.itioii. "lis but fair and equal to allow thetn all the fcope that can be to make their own Defence ; and u defjiid them /oin ;(>.• Portugal, r.^'d other their Km-uiies, fimidcd thr.t ill.') of thr fnij l/l.i,ids, f.rr h'liiid to d.-liver unto the h'uit 1 .://."./ Kalfau, or ii'^tii th:C inmittecs cf the J.iid Compiriiy, rlltirir h'riiiis or Spicci f.t n certr.in price, i:i;d Jh forth, ,h /■r the Ir.id Tref.ty of ^1«ri\-mciit mere nt Inr^e npfh-iiretl'. f'rfe.i, :::!.■} of A.'recmeiit, lr-iii-^fi;r .1 time iiy lhe»i pe - fim:J, ii'Vc' /r/fc wards Irrck;-)! ai:d vioLxtcd, i'^,a!c,:y divts /mall Ship I'lo-tdjion, t,ieir ipen irctdin^i of th: Piaccs an ! Countries, withjloidaili) lately under .-/v Sii!- jedin cf tlic }l!il.u:nd Mighty the States Grne'al, and in conquerin'T the Inhabitants :h:reif, wh^m tvitli .1 Jhci!i< Hand iisci forced from being Chrljii.ins to become Moors a^-^iii, or tliojetthich witnjlood or r/.in-faid thcni, thy jj/d as iUues, a':din , ,mm'lt:ng alt kjndcif ferveijelVickcdmfs and Te.i- ck~'') : ii..'ii;'> Xfiiich I'alfagci and Doings, there was a:^ain e.'/v.c".'. Cmnta::/ ev the afodja'd Ccnditii:>.s ri^reed ^ipon, 11"''' th /.•(,•'(/ Bandancfes, .k in May, in the T.ar 1616, ho'ierf ;.'i.- N.:therla'ids Ccmmandcrs called Lam, and /> li'tirCniernnur i, nrral Laurence Rcall, /(; th- I'ea, 1617, w'.f.ch indeed w 'e fhortiy after Ir^ikcii and violated hy il'e nandaiicli's, ai.d tha: though lite anlniaiing by tiic Kni/lilh, w') ./',/, .;iiv;.v aid and afjiji the forjaid lj!.;:ids, and inain- ir.:n-d tiKin in rrttge,c.'- Netherlands C(iihm»> withi'ldi:- ah, a>id Mmiitinn, Y'.tt Ordaai.ce, Men and Ships, f.•'v■r.''^ to>vi:h-hold ;'i0ii' us tlte h'iuilt and "ipiccs, n'hich ti'c lianda- ncwm-re ti:di.> deliver, in init niiftdnrjs the Uan.iaiiefes i'liiiiued, till in June, l6lo. Till that at ]ac,au3 was pubtilhedbothammrfl the Englilll and the Netherlands FAvf, then riding then in the I{(>ad, the T,e<-iy concluded and a- greed upnn, between his ttioft excellent Majelly, the KJng if Great Britain, and the High and Mighty Lords the Statei General, for ioreconli:s, and the commerce which they had obtained :n the Indies. 'I'he Urduclion of the wilful Baiidancfes unto (Af Nether- lands C, 1T>«I hlndred a Tear or two { through tie a lual I'roccrdingt wlu'ih the hn^Wfh i'« Banda ir J-ij', Ji>,i the I'rejcv.iticn of the piaccs, as much as concerned the Trade, f r both the Companies. And it appearcth by tiie AH made by thofe of the Jail Council for Defence, bearing dati the fi,f3 of January, 1621, llylo novo, that the Englilh C-nrnittres there declare-l, that the neceffities of the Bujinefs was well kjiown unto them ; as alfn that they arc very willing together with us, to do fome common Exploit ; but for that as then, they w.:ntedbi,th i'ower and M:ans rf Me\' and Ships, that they could not for 1 •m; time fnrnijh any thing towards the fame: I1'i;ereiipen tlie Neilierlands Govcnwur General decla- red, that with the particular Power of .<.' when tl;e laid Goie. nour General Wat come to the Tort -f NaflaW .■'/ Baiida, /."• 101 Icijhod that th" Hnglinimen in Poolaroon, had aidid then: , /' the Tewn of Laiitore in the great llland if Baiiila, witf J. iir Pieces cf grct V:diunce ; and that if they 1 ad had lci:g:r time, that the entrance of the General of fAi- Ncthevlards .hmy into Lancore Ualcn, Jlxuld have beat let and witijkod by a great liatiey. As aljo that fome Eng- 200 'I'hc Dutch cxctije their o'n>n IVrongs, &C. ii EnpUihmcn u-I-antorc. .ir^/?^'///f ^^ B*"" • "i'/, ^ '^Mou:i« thrl ,'-r'l,J r..,.ctM ,.'.,uM thrnd F.np nol- plidi- 1 amove f l-v^rhc ■r^.v-., /"'r //.< Ciii/;'/ "'i-l K""' ', ^Ifn pi tint ll-t) iharjclvts, iiaerJin^t, to I f.1.1 O.l-r »n,U h !!•!■ C»:•'■! x"! /"' .'"> ^""•■•- "' MoUiccfts, Am- X'n 4 Ba-.tlA '. .-«.« " '•>""••'• , NV.v.W.//.».J...s ^//» Iv a.iwrii, il lit!-'' '" ff;)ij? .hue iiiiio them, mm»i Ivi"'/ •;,/'■■,.,« whm they Jlft:,m:t.\l 10 ■iJT-'if 'I" A { CAllrJ tuvc, ih- M mio Aiu-lm ll'oc-.hour <, w.-nh Uy mt I. «i; thc.( but tl iC .mho lc.n.t tw, W-,.v...< .■.■J '-vo C.^l'lc, kinn.l thin, ';.,.',:. ,> h,.{h:»l„^yM.lirx->- '.r l\>>k}'u,vmf ou, .udZ 4 pcrfrMh ttjotcl .«.//.n. /;;.», W/W^t th (/•,-,f^v/-/.-.T;«? c/ tltirfij}l'p'"' 'T™ thrinw^nipixt i} I'f THlTif 1 '^l" ■■'•■■-' ■ ' . , rt III r J o„r Mc« hr.d /'«» pin, «„.i Jo v,' /'-f"''' '■"" {""'"' '" «/,fri.t t,tt up ir>< the II, Jt. The II'..) ^hcrcn,, .ik'.t 3 r.M. J /•./«? 'V<: /.u,/ bee, bewj.llen- ireixM, r^hcrnip'^n the Cemnt Jeteymict to enter ag^iin MM /•" Ship xfith the v>ho V A, mv, to t.tl^e ^nether ccwfe. They .flimAioct o,;ee purjuw^ r.fter ,„ hut ■»,th jio,„i„g r.,ui mckjn 1^' <"V' i^odfirhinknix 'l^reby, th,t they h«d ,oi. ien)hc upper hiotd of us, moji fait of the,n brought their ir.ves wJ Children rt'!,.tin ."'» I -intorc. yt;ter theje ■- And ithlih ae ?/»nttd upon e/, ihiii ihei pnuld b>e.il(_ d.tWH their Firtt and Hall', .ind fire in ihir Shr.t, I'ic.ri 4«,/ Muikft', He. Il't'i:!' by ilrm hrin^ rime, .ilt rf ibeni it. j^ether, acciriUng ii> ihrir Conir,itl .ind Pmtiilci, yielded /i I'cid their Cnintries rnd l.indi 'f tie trndi the general Sti-.letcf the ui,itedfii:ll\i:r\Al\d I'lovinei, piomifmg to dt vth.i'fc-.er ll ei ft.viiH be ieihiii.'^nded, .»/./ itjlincwledge iln /.11'./ lordi the 50/0.1/ St.iiei for their Snemigni, i.ut. vcitljl ii.ding iheir fai wer O.ill I l.il(en u'.tri .in> oiLei .'. 'llife 1/ I.amorc <;«./ mheu I'cing fiijl aienoiiie And vni- qu'jhcl, iwd ih.it I'Aved them/cnei mnetii^ othe'i of Banda, t:!/j filf^'d P.irdmi nnd fou'^bt fv I'e.ue, whiclt w.u fi.ittd unto them upon the con.lilion .1/01 ef.iid, tl ouyh they hm dly hcl I the fume, mid Je.ieily fmii^l t to be^in ti, nee 1.) yield up their Anns, imd dlfiim tlicmfelves, ,n ihey Willi ng'.y did; yet cur (ieneriildid not orxe fpt,:k, of ilxfc nine I'icies ofOrdn.vc; Jl.indiirj^ ill the fe.id jinr.ll lllind, becAife tie I'liglill.iiicn jkouldhiveno iiuijet I mitke itiiy ijuejlicn, ih.it <«•- A-fcji hud diitie A/'yihiiigiigninjI their t'..it or Men. 'The F.ngliih Comninn.lcr, Humphry Fitz-Hcibert, n-i'i/j /•(( X/)i'/' culled the Exclianp.', />.'»/ b"ftre tie C'-/A'c "/ Am- boira, And l-.niiiyiutcllijy.iicc (J the Gene, aI up (*rI4tthir- l.iiids rittfl'y hi i;,,:de. And pntnljedto be I'dden, nnd witr. out any wrong dvneto the Lileilies ot the l'.n(;li(h Cvnip.tm, Agieed iiponwilh the Comp.inyof effetled upon tie e'cx ',:,h of Mavch, and auor. - /■v brcil^ if t).i», «tnt on Land le- ingly t:x Ccmp-imei IN tlicfc Tcims have tl'.c Dutch made their Defence; and fiimniinp, it all \ip iogi:lier briefly, it amounts td ', as nuiih .is plciilnin ni't (iiiiliy. "fis a pcliiivc denial (if ■-. . theTrnth nf the Chaig. as tarns it pretends any tliini; d ViolemeandliiiiiftKe,na'.,i hey don't oiilyd-.uy and dckni!, Int rtiiiu-.inatetc ('. Tliey irproaih tlieir :Ueiilers v.-A'. thtii <-i\Mi (iiiilt and M.ldenieaiii)i.r\ and ni.ikc ilmfe dia; cried ( ut lur Jultice, ihe tar n or; niiii ft aiul ca^alle ru- tins themrehes.This istl'.e old ua\ ot iheWdFIirin allir.i- ttersuf Bi rthenaiid Aieiilation ; very tew have(i ir.'/f / 't7ihllTt'l^'>kJ'^':p '^''■'""■'^ ''" "'"■ '"' (:<"'F->"'" l.w.li,:;'•■ '"'C^'IP i -"■■' heing gotten up, ,hey.,:,.chedto the t.ukfde c n^u:mc,wi..ut AmreflUnee, but „i:y thfe th.u fee rponthe jujl Loops. be„z hue temr t^-enty M: s.juaee.,, by whm c.e ,1 //.;, andfi'ur oi . ,he smith fdebrtle J.iid ten Co,n:a,ucs Complies si^i„^IJ>^cd with thy 4 Panda up..itreHA. And .lifeon a< 1 antorc ro.ti trks'i, ti'oe .f Madiant-i, I uchnv, Oitattcr, n.d Samnier, prefentiy /o-M "-'■''■ Tcwrs in t.e jaid iP'id. nren ti-V "/ B.->nJa Jaw the Aftnejaid thirty BO.US, they though we weiild IjAve ailed round Ale:.t tie La.ui, ai we fe.d do,,c three times bepne whe,eupmn„al-J>'gnore.k,.r,;rn,J cur landing, theyweie Jud- denly Jhrp> i\(d by brer.k cf d.iy tontri\ed biterpreMtu iis, to \vi rl; ivaiters al out nil thoY ■ti I „cl refill nil e, that .ill thci, I'ouder bc.ng /pent, i„ n.c.u dr.r.<^er 1.1 le piled, but bc.ng well fell w- ■:,„Aed by the >e\i, the lin^mj w.i- /creed to retire : ,!.., ,1.;...,.* ccniiinci. the ilhcr ten Ciwp.xmes ity A/; s.juiteer.', (■> w vm i"t ..( .ii. Ai'« w.u or jv.c hurt, whcfcly Lantore w.u tnksn on He the ctl'er five will bear a t'a\o\:iable Ci nltri Ction, and all the oA;m\- nets of thtni be expounded and interpreted fjnue awav Ard then "tis a lolen n Ariitiee lot), 10 aeiufc the i'l.o- lers, to nake Pals tor Pals \vith iheni, and anlwer orf Ind:dn.eiit with anotlur. T liis is a ndphty help wheif Innc eence is \v;iniini; ; 'tis the ftdy wav to avoid blan f and eenfere du's 10 pi'77le the Cniiie, and involve i' iii I'lich coiifi lion, that no b(dy n-.ay I cable to jndcc wlio. in the ripht and who in the wrrni;. Men and Hoi> pradile this method loth alike, and i'o do whole Natioin too : 'Twas not I but ^011, you bepan hrit, andit' 1 liiddu this, yet what you did was ten times worle, and fo '.he Bulir.cfs gotsround. and the Charge is tolled aboi.c I'rcm one to another.'! here s bawling and accufationt n every fule, but iif't guilt to be lound of any lidc ; eaeh party 's in thr right.tho they flatly comradiiil one anothcrjand no body reii> a lye, iho'all incondllent A'eiliods priti ikI tothe Truth. '\^'e dorot affert that 'ns thus in ilus particular cal". between the Ot'./ andl's; lut this at lead: is certain, that aicordirp ro the tcmiTicn rates ( f Integrity and hi- ginuiiy inilui Voild,ln;hileahiig is to I e expe>ftcd,aiid \>) of the plr.ees aforcf.iid I thole inerd'ures, it thev were really giiihy ihey woultlL'o (•< J r ;. ,] I aMOie with lie lelt of the plr.eet ;,/orf/.i;./ tliole ineraures, 11 tnev were reaiiv giiiiiy iney wouitidoi... ' I'e reil if them of Banda, n.ivuely Slamma, We ihall onlyconlider lone I'aUagi's lu their Ueci.-.ir- r'"'ur"'Owcndcnder \Va\er, nrd ihrje of tU IJi.wds \mn, and without any thing of unfair R.prefcmatci. -t if^Kolinginf ard Poolareon, ,n,:dc (unpoJjioH with w, 1 lir.idicus Htftcititn ; (l.ew heW far iliey arc coiililieit j-jb. II H ("^ipTX XXVI. Jnimadier/ms on the Dutch Veclaratm. 20 i f j- r, I'icrj uhI 1 tf ihem It. fcs, yielJe.l it U the grtierat omijitlf la lit knowledge iIk wmigm, t.ut. I oil.ei I. ■cmiie nuil vrn- '.■01 of Batuli, •/) w.n J^Kiiirl thtyhi-iMy hell I HyieUieti, r.rj •fe.'vci nil iifr. oinrej in /imr f''ei,nKc e jir..c f.; d pi- ii-.teii, nut Islf.; ih liecn done, lut ciis, end the ,i. hcldcn, nnd veiln- l'.nf;lilh Ctiiij'.tm, laud ) nii^ht nnd their Defence; 11 amounts to,, (■■(.litivc cUTial(j! -. . ■lids any thini; d il'.iiy and dctlm!, ir iHciilers vh I in.ikc iliole ilia; niul ta^\illi I'u- W'cJrlirin alliiM- liavc CidOilini. .-fe of an c.!: )e CUT lo frccW Mimls. ■ bold Aroko to liaiKll(iir,e wcll- s al ni!t nil thcT ,d all the dilidlil- rcteii <)nue ;iw.i\ life tbe jVc - niid aiilwer orr igliiy help wlui'- 10 avoid b!an f iid in\o!vc 1' !ii ro jiidcc wlioi Men and Hum lo whole Naum;> II, andif 1 did Jo urfe, and lo thj cclfed abn.t from atioiK 11 every llile, aeh party 't ;nthv trjand nobodytcIl> lid to [lie Truth, lis particular cat; at kaft is ctriain, Iniigrity ami In- c txpeCfcd.jnd by y they wnnlddoi'j. iu their Decl.-.rr- Riprelcniarcii i'- .r|. are conliltf! V. '.I wtli Reafon and 'I'rnth, and Matter nt I'aiih 'J liey at- nrni, that the hniidii Kles w.rc delivcr'a over to them by ,1 ipa-hil Treaty and Agieeiiieiit in W«;;«if, W. D. 16C9. 11 i ihe Qiiettioii is, \vhi. Ii if the twomiilt be bciic\'d in • l-i-eafe, tlie lUtid.iuef- iheiiifebes, or the /)i/fc/i ; they Ititllydeny any fiiih fiirrenJer ofthe.i Illands tmhciii, and Kikoii it a lery great abn:e for ihe Dwch m fay fo. A Peace indeed there was nuule iliac Year, this they own, lint not a wind of the fiirrender ; wc charged tlieiii with It bet'ore we finilli'il oiir Agrieineiit with them, and they .jll Udod in it, that ihere was no fiic h thing. but f ppole this were is,'.nitteil for Matter of Fad, take it iliiis at large, and in tli.s general Notion, and it won't (iiinilie nnieh towaiils the pruvmi; their jiilt T'ltle to ihele Illands. One Man is not piel'entiv to be ennrKided a law- fill and fair I'ollelfir of another Man's Riglir ii|mii tirs C nlideratinii bar.'h, that the Dwner religiul it to hiin. \ ji.ivellerile'iiers lip his Money to a Thiet upon ihe 11' .;,!, that inellnis a IMbil to his Bread ; but the Thiet dees not come honeltly by it for all that, and h.is .1 far ji.lla'I'itle'.o ilie (lallows than to Uie Man's I'nrfe. t)r lliiiiil I he by Thica:nings and 111 Ulage compel ilie Tia- viler to com.' inio Articles fur the pasmcnt of fo much M< II' -v to h^m aiioiher rime, whether the latter wo ild lie iii'ilirany Oblit'Uii 11 in point of Confcieiicc or no, to lie as good as his Word ; the former deferves to be haiig'd roi'wthftanding ilie Aprccincm. And if oncPeaplem- iru-'ctlien febcs irio the Coiimrv of another, and then b. continual Mo',e;lations and Knctoai hments upon the rr.vdfges of that People, p;-.')'aa' them M embrace any i'r. polal that offers them I' ace and a Qiuet Lite, t'- ■ leviite and foftcn (he matter on the lidc of the Bnnddtufe. Here then the Bufincfs relb ; and if no more were (aid, this is liifiicient to (hew, that the Uiiieh have but tridecl in their Dttlaration. The(c Illands were never nut into their hands, .dl the ,ad|o)ning Couniricj are Witnclfcs, that the H.iiid.mJ,- cut the Cords of that pretended Agrcc- iiictit alundei with their Swords, and l. deim r -d up to ilieiii, is an Injury Ixjth to them, and all Mankind m geiiet.il, kvaule 'tis inipoling a maniielt balll.ood iidte.id of a Truth upon ilieir belief. Hut btfme we drop the Hulinefs, we would take the liberty lu put a few Qjieltions ro ilieiii, and that upon the 1 ortoui (jf lome free Ccnvedions of their own 111 ihe Ueclaratii;n. .Since the Articles of Agrcnreiit between \h- liniidnu-Ji and ihym, are not fairly produe'd as the y o ighi 10 be, and as thofe between the /w/^/.yli and that People were, what Motives cm the World haic to belie-.e any fueli tliini', when the Carriage of the Natives towards diem is duly conlider'd > What Agreement, where nothing but War and Violin, ■, and all the Etfeiibof an implacable Hatred _. ._ . _ . appears? 'I lie i;,i//..'(:«./.' were never ealle nor ipiiet with c.iirtpretpnd to aiit fairly and jultly in polfellingtheinfelves, them by their own ae'cnowledgirmu, iliey were always of all iliofe Aibaiicages that this Conltraint uponihe Na- j c-ttlier plo:iii,i', orpradiiing lome bloitilities or other. By lives Lib^rry giies them. They arc unealie, and have no all their Motions and Strugglings 'twas plain, .hat they wa-, toiielp theiiifehes, and to avoid farther Plagues j labour'd under a Berihen that was h. ftibl ,■ opprjliive to anrlTra/bles, pel haps rcligii their Country to the more them, .tikI v.heli w ;, M-inred but borcc and Power to Pdwe^-T^ Intruders : But does not this lomc up pretty ' ''irowi (i. 1 h, y were a.Ulicv.'ldlehiic ihe Lion in the Net, licit ro the Cafe of the Highway-men? And arc not there - mbling and to.fitig abov: t .• I. ;1. .■;-/, fre'ting : :d ra- the fame Charaders of Wrong and Violence rpon one A- v iiig at the Fonds th.it !;?ld them, whi li ii i'' j„j 1 l,,m.. clion as upon the other ^ Now 'tis impoinblc the Dutch I gnawn aliinder they Would. Is there in al! til'! ti-iy (ign of lliotild ever deny ihis, that they came and took the Town | a voluntary Sf.Linidion, or a free Surreniler ? On tlie o- of jV"' 0, and built a Fort there to keep all the People in 1 ther hand, 'tis a lign, and a flireud one too, that the 11:.- awc about thcin : But the Bulincfs is, did they co.-ie up- ' '/•'"■"/<• were either over-awed and terrilied into a Coiiipli- on the Invitation of the B:n.Aim7i-, and did they build : ance with them ; or elfe that the /).v.\/>carried itexcrcim- tlii'ir Fort with their Content ? The World will hardly 'y 'H aiiioiiglt them, to put them into this \ lolent ferment. c\cr believe, that the B ind.itn/e would give way to fiuh ' -}nd to jultitie this confeqiienee, they may pleafe to con- a manifeiV Inialion of their Liberties, or have futTer'd (,f , fider, that they beh.av'd tlieii.felves ipiite at another rateto there had Ix'en any way to prevent it) a Foreign Power to , the !'.■ t^l Jl.'. 1 here was no plotting and caballing to cut come in and clap a Bridle upon their, by the means of, thcmotf, no Incivility was ever otfer'd, nor an f'nolifh- which they might be managed, and turn'd about at ple.a- '"''■>' fo much as atfrontcd upon the Itlanils. We luid all fire. However, 'twill be expeded, that they Ihew lomc , 'heir .Spice without any thing if diificulty ordifpute, we C'oiitr.id or Comiuidionto that purpofc ; for fuch thines planted oui Ordnance there, built and forrified without astheie, upon wh ch ih'- lortune of a dnmtry depends, | lontroul. In liiort, there never w.is the lealt Feud or are not generally tr.inf.idid by Wnrdi f Moutii only, but . Dilcontenc, and tho' our Religion were different, yet that with fiiiiiething more of formality by interchanged Wri- Point was lettled ; and perhaps never did (Hiriitians and tings. 'Till this be done, tliey nuitt cxcale us if we be- ' Mahometans f.ie more .imicably together. Now finic lievcthe making thife Fortificatioiistobedire.'tly enntr.iry 1 wecame in upon a good Fo iiidatiin, and liv'd at this Kiilie min.l of the i! ■«./,■',-/.•, and in plain Terir.s, an iin- | ealic rate w.th the Natiies, 'tis higlilv probable, that if |..tliliab!e tncroaehmeiit upon them. I they had Itood upon the fame jult and tair bottom with Now if after they had i litis p'anted themfebesby main , us, ihey wiruld have had as good Entertainment. Such Strci.'.'.th or Poliev in the Country, they become the Op- \ io'ences as were otfer'd them, would havenaturallv fo! prctllrs of it ; if they tec7e and diftrel's the liiha! i'ants till they aie weary ot their lives, and fo make a Sur.vii- iter in their own dcien, e, and le, ante ilu-v eanhiildour MO longer ; th s gets them indeed the j-Kiifeiric^n, bur the Sacred Rules of Jultiie and ripluReaUin are violated. 'Tis granted, here is eleven I'o'iits i f the 1 aw, but the twelfth ar.dihie''elt ot all iswantu'i; ; here's uogod Title, .'nd li-, iinnueltion.ibly eerti'.in, that the iJ.://,/.o.r/e were thus liarafs'd and perplex'd by the Di.ah ; for when their fort w.is fin it.'d, they fct out all their Forces, .and took the Town ot Lni ir..:.:, .-.rd quickly after attempted Si-nii.ir: III like luaiiner, where 'hey were lepnls'd with cunlidera- ble lofs. But when all's faid and done, the .State of the Ca'.'e is inhcrwife ; .thI the Illes of H -.ud,: were not iVrr ndred to them at all. '1 is true, that thev might think they would be lo, ami tho ii :i,J.:ii /:■ pretended to do it ; but 'twas all i piece of ^blckcry, and a Deligii t-i draw them iniii a r.arc, that they iiight liav e their full Revenge. For w hen the Z);.re/.i Admiral, and a large 'I'rain of other Comman- ders < r.n-.c in a Conlercnce with them in the Woods upon that Subjed, the eiir.a'ed U^ndnii.lr, hav mg thei.i m.iv late •:i then' Pound, tell upon them ro right -1. and lUt them all to p-.cees. They never intended an) o'lier Agreeii.iiii but tliis, m r no .Surrender but that of the Lives of the O.'i.'J'tiuheirMercy. We'llealily allow it to be a '.torrid liiltanreof Tie.ichery and Barbarity, but then thev w. re pro-.rk'd to ahi;^h degre.', .".iid the Conli.leration of tin iv irat'.y Injuries and Opprcliioiis, will 111 lome mcai; i. .1' low'd upon an I'f rpation of the Peoples Rights and I'li- vileges ; liippofe fuch firegoing Iniuries .is thi fe, and luch Ir.ltancesof Revenge as thofe, would be the genu- ine Colli vieciieesof them, ami ngit a People that hid any lliare 1 f Sp.rir, and were not fond 1 f their Chains. And hneeihele things did adually come to pals, we mult be- lieve that to Ic the Caufe till a more jult one is aiiign'd : However, it there were no l-"ncr>'achment, there m'ufHvo irregular Condud in the Cafe, they violated the Laws of Julliee .ind (jood Manners amongll them ; or elfe, why ll.ould thev, more than we, be liugle.l out for the .Marks of all the Fury and Haming liulignation of th.it People ? So that the Butiiiifs Hill bears niiicli to the fame Point as before ; lor if there was an Agreement, it was bv their own Cloncedion violated over and over : But the very fame People were jult and punctual to the /;'«:;/./•'.' for fe- veral Yiais logither ; never tlir^ h'd from what they pre- tended to, nevc! bioke tlieir Wonl, never cut and thiif- tled in ary relpeCt with lis, wherefore we eravo ihcir pardon, if wc include, that wiihout fiiffieient Provoca- tiun the lli'.d.uj; would never have been i'alle and cruel to them. And eertainlv, they ought to produce very good Telli- r(,n!esot the .Agieeablenefs and Regularity of their Con- irl'aiu a air.onglt that Peoj>le ; for the EtTeds of their lead.v Avcrlioii to them are fo apparent, tli.at the World ean t Inr'.car ref living upon':, that the eaufe of 11 mult be oiiieveiy ill tre.iciiient.lt it proceeded iieerly from acruel rliiii.uir, f 0111 a bale and barb.uous Difpolitioii, let the U d truth :l 'in \~. I P: 202 / he RcUdin oj the 'PrieH of Poolaroon. '4' t H initli bo ro'il, rli.n rliry ma) h.Tc the mt.imv "t it} ^^ 'twiNit pill Ri'Mlif'v.', Ic (IT Niii'lilv^i r< tlv.' /)H^^^,^n- dui'v ftilti lAvli.iic rhrir » I' l.itcil, aiii' as nf'on ronow'd, i''at tliov raniooit aiul < n :\r.i 11, aivJ iIi:ii|l'< woro rolt^i J t(i iln' r 1110 I'oiiJti (I'l .IS I'll, ro, af^oi' loNoral Iritornipi:( m anil Ci^i.U lion<. If wo apoi.i!kin,t'l\iTo not of' Into A(!iToiium' fir ui-il'i-.arv Tra.io, Init tlio Kluiiii SiMion.lor ol a C'nun- II V, vvlio i'a-- ii ni'cli ) (n\i r cmi' his Pniioi'ltai.iliii}', as t(i ilii'pdfo It t) luliiAo liufo till'. OS ? Whar, wciilil tha; IVcp'o with all llio Iinlii.'r.at;( n ami Dil'lain iiT.ncJii.ililo, il.imv cifaii al'lidrr'.l Yi.ko. ami thon tamoly pit it ( 11 noari thouu'olu's ? D.il tlio\ jiroaii oiulor it as Imh an 111- liippi rtibV Hiirilon, anil 11 ako fu marv \i(ilont Kriorisio (;oi tao 1 anil vil; 11 tlv. hail ihoir I il oriy, wtniM iliov I ri'ltitnio r. ;;ra;n to .1 I'o^^o^, ulu. Ii rliov all ali up roi- lioii'il aili'iaiy ami tyraimioa! ? tio.w inaiiv ilo)',roos bo- yonil a louiiMon NUiliul". n \<\\ ihis bo ? 'I'h.v ini'U tor- tauily bo lowircli'il, aiul iboro's no ibUiiij; »hc BnlinoU \v,!liiim briiip.ii)', in iho Towor i.t'tlio Hlaok Art to.icom.m tort. .■^s r r tlio Hufiiiih of Tr.iilo, Vis prii'iblo tliov ni'ulit do an.! unilo tlio harpain lovoral timos ; tlio' by tlio wav j wo ,iro c'o.ii- in'i, thai tho /".■','. nour had an) inoro of ! ihut luithor, thai! what ihoy p.o; bv liownrij'ht ' 'umpul-j lion. Hut that ilioy ll.on:.! rolJun their Coiii.try, anl fori fiubUcaloiis 'asrlioy tl il wthilraw that SurrotiiUr, ami tlion inako a fiolh rno, ami this two or 'hroo t.nu'i. o\cr ; is a thirf; that orairps tlio I iiiloiitanilinp of a Man vv tli lo iDioli iliflic.'.itv ar.ilci r.T.iilidi' n, that it it'iill bopaf.'il o!f wthoiit any fartlu-i- Notioo. Now upon thi- ivhulf , wli'oli is tho 'njiii'il Par;\, ami wh.i has ir.ull Ro.il'on to mmpiaiii ? 'J It.- /■;-,;'' Jh woro 111 a fair and lopal niannor podolVil of tholo Illanils, (i( at liall: iho fteo ami voiiintary imrreiKkr of tho Inhabitants fan mako it lo}, anil iho liiitch by iiiij illiliabic Iraiul and Violoncc lorcM their our. Had tho Natii os a Powor to difpofo of thoir own Coun- irv ill that niarnoror no? If th.-y had, tlio Potlaraticn ll.oulil havo been fuppnlVd, bctaulo upon this foppnlition t s a Publiok Dofiiioo of a noiirinis I'iooo i f Iiijulticoi If ihcy had lu-r, ilion fo-io ante edtt t Obbpations to tho r>i.r:r iniiit hii.dor thorn ; 1 ivt iho Div'.'.r.iti' n It folf af- firm', that all tlio Iroatiis \Mrc ihoii I inKon olf, and tho ISrii.l.itiri'i- had quittiil a'l Ccnooi'i s With tlum for the fpice if olo\on Years. Was there .in.) Obligat'on t on witho! t a Treaty, or any .M\ of Injult 00 whor. there was 1.0 (.llvioation ? An.l had th.ero mr boon an l)i bi'ati. 11 fwluih the cthir-! deny with all tho Si'lomnuy in ihc Worl.i), it had boon oar.ooii'd to all '.inoiirs and pin polos by the Ricaohos irado by the O /i' tl,;ii.lclvcs. Fi.r no Pco''io oaii be I'lippt s"d to f^\\ till nifeb os up to another f jr otcrnal .M.ives, to bo os'il vvoll or ili at diferoTion, and have all their biaiiino and bl.ipp'iiiofs depend entirely opc;n the c.ipneii.us Hrnioiir of tliole they lo: in aim nplt thoiii. Tborcfiiro if th ■ Ji •»,./.->;'■/:• f n p.d ihomfoh c,^ prie\ 'd, tiiev miphtfeik Relief and Piot;o!i' n (biiu where c'Sr ; and if the .'*.;." broke the Oi",,,nal Cciitr.iCf, ihi:y fuifoitod th.e:r If.t'.Molt in that Per ,>lo, .'nd lef: them at liberty to riupofe of theii.folvosns tlioy thoucht fit. 'Ihorc is one thing ir.oro tovuh'd in the Ucelaration, whi.h is by no n.e.'.ns to lo tital'y oir.'.t!od ; our Repu- tation i.s nearly 11 n.cern'd in'i, and to pa:s it rtf without Koritc, iiiipht m f mo I'oop'os Ji'dpinenti bo elUenrd a iiaoite :.ckr,owlodyinontof tho troth of the Charge. 'I hey l.i\ wo animated tho I'rvlnfjc in their Oppolition and ill 1-eiipr.s, and blew up tho rifini: Maine of Ci.ntoirion be- tween tho O...*. and ill. m. Th. t wo aHlllod ihcm wiih our Cent fo|s, P; tfes, an I .''.mmi niiion, and put theni into a Ond.ten to n ai- t.'.iii a War for their undoinj;. This isn vet; ri..t.w.ird ClK.racKr; iho' tli-y well knnw, that ihoy have no; fcrupled anv thint; of that kind to iis in.-.ny a time befoic iliis. 'J iaie are fo many ill Piinoi- plos that t;o to ;lio C' nititv.ieii of an Incer.iliary, there's fo murh Vioo, t;!:iiy Nature and Tempir tn it. th.it no J) (Iv c.nn be too 111:1 h (omorn'd to o'ear thetiilohcs fr m fill hail liipu'.'.t 1 11. Wo are tir roforooblipod 10 fay (and tha- with a'l iiiiaf iiKiblc allvrame). that r' is is as tr c as 'iwa'.;, that tho ll '.'"'I' Irr.ndr-d their Country to ihom ; ns Tlio as thcirTitle to tir f.Tllai.ds v\as jiill .md f oi.d, and ihat. the Kinp ot Eir.-Jand pave tlioni a Coiiimif- tioii toll lie all oiM Ships tlioy fi.iind bovomi the r,-/.-/.,-,. I ho Charpooiicht ro bo pari;ciil..rly oxplaiiid and iii.ulo pood, aii.l ntit ilclivor'd iliiis ar randoin, and in Betier.il torn*. " V hen tho li.-n.'nyf had dolivor'il up their Illamls intii ion tho H-n.'n orr hand-, and irado then b lies oipial'lv the Siib|eCK iif ont K njt w h oiir foKis, wo did moll lort.iinly takoihoin - . .. ..J. ,. .. ,.^.. i^i.. -•, n\ iiui uii'ii leitJiniy laKoiiioiTi iiitoonr I'totedi n, and fi.riiilh them with wfut wasni^- 0. Mar) boih tut tlioir Support, Irado, ami IVfonoc, a- jvinlt all Fowirs thit Ifould protoml to iiiv.ido ihiiii. I his was the lonoir Hut does ihis ..Wtion ,loli no to be branded with all thole odi. MIS I haraO>i rs of Troaohory, Cmfpiraiy, and Caballinc aca nit thorn ? Is it iho fame thing to five the II ■,..!■, J', th. |iilt I'rotetltion ot /.,|. /,/.'- ,Sub)ei1s, and to lot iliom lip. 11 the l):ii,h to ci.t their 'I lin ais ? 'Tistrue, they were thoir hiioniicn (and wuh pood loal'm leo) : But wli.it ihon i> Thoy woro our Frii nils, and of ilio fan Piiily with us, .iiid wo were iiot obhpoil to delort and tern thom ott, booaiile tho Oi,/,/ and ihoy toold nor iiulcrllaiid 0110 ! .nil ihir riphtly. Hilt ihoy have not taken the right end of ihe Arpi ii.cm nor made tho llrnnpell Thnid, in urpinp th s upon us', ihoylkonli! rot li.r.e blaiii'd us for allijtinp the /),';oi\yoeii the Purch and iIk: I U>:,.lr>:-Jr. I yvas giuii by him in tho Aj,-/.:i..j; Tonp, c and tranflated hem theme into 01 rs, by Mr. /,'->•. our lall Caman at ihat Hhmd. before the l.iial Con' leli'i n ef oiT Artairs there. 'I he Pnolt teems to Ipe.ik hoi elliy and impa'tiallyoii both (Ides, and wo hope the Woriil will not lufpedt any uiit.iir dealinjj of cuis ,n the '1 ranllation ot It. TIic Rd.iriiinil ilciVltftof Poohmon, t( 11 li- ii'g the Ik'oii, rungs ,^,1,] O.cir.tuis ut Qi;. r- rtis bitv»i\( tin Dutch .md Bantijuejes, wric- tcn 111 tile fl-Ia/jyjii Lan^'U.im- v^ irli lisdwn Hand, m a \ir;. lair .-Irjlick lAt'cr, and tlic .Scr^cc rt.circd to nic 111 /■,,zi//h, Iv Mr. Rol>. //uyes. & ' > J I ti'em, 1:1:./ tiviir.l Slainmes or Malioii Ills n ihc I'lghiiiUm^ ' f Cmtentiims l-vtveixt the I [ollaii- dors nml II <■ Paiidanofes. T...,. Hollanders ,.i„ f, .,„ ei.iiis, niij ill tU . .... .,. <.au..>'..'..(,l|l>, ftHil III ILS I'liijh ll< iif; .11 Koro w,; c jl.un ly t, , .-c lloli.indors • wi ,V« , .•■» H_vci.gc K.;:-Jhi„ Ij, tl.r .V,:;/„r , ir/o _/-.•,/ ,.:r tl',c i m I in tl f hwy ll. tp , tlvf th, cc Hollanders. T,;;; m.„- iit ,Lne i.f tfnii, to .-iJJ ,1 dciiitc /(;•!■■«;;?. Smn rjter the Caiir.l ip unH 0',i,iv\!, terrific.! tl.vliihd:.-,::t.t, Wf.ici jieAi-w.iy, ri:.il fT/JJire Crjlie, rtujfonifijthcre. Tvcn di.l' the Handancfes lut- li !■; di(],i,ihle t'rienJ/hip, aijflev tU- (.iciicrr-J, nnJJiftc.-n C.tf'tr.im, with others, .ihu one hnndred Men in all. CHAP. M :hap. XXX' I'crfia lonJc 300, ti ibicf Cc w hitoalimitstho 1 01 111 paifiiigtho he iisrumodiHMrbaiici Welt lido than w bloiiient always to dilpuloof the Wir comm.iml. Ai iho Bay of S> Rclrelkment, we t .Wo made hero a Title to tile Count of it. J" HaiinJpatTod tl wrrolj.^'iMy labo S. Ii. Oicans; the at that rate, that o tlioi'' Sirenpth, to I.'iic a locond time, H rizon again ; ; 31 Min. wo wcr a Soiitheni Curren lifted lor four or ti Afier yvo had m great while (andtl tir-flies, and foyoi (Jiiai'<, Martins, !>ta l-Dwl at all. Wo yveiit away ftaid till our Men an.l our two SInps toady tor thi'. Voy When this wa, I iorJV 'r, and no /('fill, '; ) for .Viv.i,y place, before yyo I tiirtho Suiprilal th.it they lay wait rrnbibllity fnap tl 101- their rifeue. .Hal 1-0 their Ueliyi liaiobien too han ."iiidilio H.i I and , III haeo made thci 1 h:s was agree yy.- ici fail lioni J. I'rizo la.ieii wi'li I .' I!/'. II Ho'fcs, y >.■ r:r, Ai wo procoodo own Ships eoiiiinp ' f the I'ntu'HieJ'- 1 ihel.rimt of an Ei mot, wo turned ah ll fl'c.oii: 10 crapic h n lor anddeltroy elhp.itiiai to do o When we eamt rcnriltedrif f(,ur ( l''rip.n;n,oio lay ai Ammenition at d- tho tie.) blecis lui ipii'.kiy begun ; i noii tlieiv for a b othoisSliips. 'Ill n.-ermi.fion, and not rhodarkNiph be pi.lit vo wh;n I mtf. Ciirf n U... hi^M-^n. ' jlii with •=t P.-..». Ill the Cfl.-hi. t)'il aiid iii.iilc lul in gi'iiiral ir Ill.iiuK imn K- SiilnClsiif Illy [.ikitlii'in vvlur w.n no- I IX'tV'nic, ,1- HIV.U'.C tluil). [Ii iliuii : And OtlKTwiCo, ur 1 t) ■ Bm wli.it Ik- fan o I'lul) .lllil tlTtl lllci'l .iiuicrUaiid ijiic tlic Arpf inert, ! til s ii|(Jn lis. nf; ilic «,i)i clliy and ■ Woriil will tlic '1 laiillaiion rroH, ti u li- MS of Qnrr- 'aiiejet, writ- ili ! is tiwii I.cncr, and /•.^r///^, ly t '!'• Ilollaii- ulcrs r.in f'n,m till,! ill the aiidtr^ ; iv/.V/j / ir.t tl {re, lilt s iv,/> iVV :',h:.!:.l cii. Tie Ban- 'nfiHIon thtie Irjl three. But JetiidKd S.it j- ■ii:, ir/'.\/i n-.« (;<■(,-. rt', Peter :e II.:: 11 :f iiiiiing Raiio, './ ; lut tier lit ' rr ill iiiicti.er .;. blithe:. niiH O' diir,i\ f, /v;./r./r./;,t u.daiicfcs I'ul- ■ii:l, aiidjiftc.ti 1 in all. CHAP. V ib. II ■hap. X XXV 1. Uj^i. ^hillin g'j Voy age ^o Surat, (stc. 2oh^ C H A V XX WI jl yoy.i^c to Suiwt, //< India, and Jafques, //; the Gnlph of Pcrfia ; let f(J>th by the Company, with four m-w Ships ^ the London 0/^ 8oo // .^'ildy labour il with the niccting the N. W. and S. E, Oieaiis ; the .^e.i run lo upon heaps and w-u rufBed at that rate, that our .Ships wore put to the uimolk trial ot ilici-- Sirent-.th, to wrrk their way through. We cut the l.nc a leeond time, and bro I'.ht the North Pole aU)»t the H rizun ag.iin ; ai.d here iiom i Dcpr. to 5 Deg.. il Min. we were every Day hindred 11 or 11 Mm. by n Somhern Current ; and this oppolition of the Current lifted tnr four or live Days together. .Afier we had made lix Uegr. N. Lat. wc faw for a great while ( and that e^ery Day ) gre.u numbti-s of But- ter-Hies, and feveral forts of Lind Fowl, as Callrels, (iiiai'<, Martins, but which was pretty odd, no fort of Se.'. hnvl at all. We went away firft for the Coaft of n^lul . Here we ftaid till our Men (iiffieiently well refielVd and rccover'd ; an.l our two Mi.ps deligncd for ''Je.j.pies were conipleatly ready lor tha-. V oy.ige. Wheiuhisw.i ,iiine, they wenr f as they were bound ) \aree.he., and v\l- wnhtlieoOi r two (the (.^.j,/' i, and the J^'fiu. <) for Vv.!,;. Road. \\ e had not been long at tli.s place, before ue heard that tlie I' rtj'uc-^e had nrcpared Inrthe Siiiprilal of our Ships dXpat'hed for ,'rijiies; th.it they lav vvaitii.g f r their eoniiiig, and would in all prolvd'llity fiiap them, if fomc me.Tfines were not taken Ki:- their rifeue. Our only way was to go after them, .itiiibetheir Delivcrcrso'.ir febes; for the Fnemy might haiebien too hard lor them w.th their j'.reat (Jalleoas, and the f.'.r/ ai;d /.■,;;;'• , aslwiftat ih.'y were } not able tu have made their efea\'C from tlum. This was agreed and com bided on; ami accordingly Vi'.- Ici fail from J.i/./. cj, takiri^ 'n our pnlljge a ['•■■lui^uex^e Tr.ze la.ien widi L^ates and Kailins, but priiieipally with .' iii. II llo'Us, which vvi le tranli'Ortiiig from Mu/ci:! to C, ■,-,'('. As wc proceeded fanher i'pin;hisDcfipn, wc met our own Ships coming I aek tons m ('..'/•, liiidinp the llrenpth 1 1 ihe ('.i.-i/';i..f/.- In eorliderable, thatthey I'ared not Itand the !, rent ot an lincountcr with them. 15 r.King now all met, v.'e mrned al>out again, imagimug oir i n.ted I'oree fiffcen: to craplc with thcirv; and as thev lay there to h n ler;iiiddeltroy nur /V/',iih Trade, we were under an i.lhg.itii.n to do our belt to beat them away. When we came up with them, we found ilieir Ther ronlil'.ed of four CiallcMis, two (iaileots, and .nboi t ten I'r.p.irwi.ore lay attendinc iliem wth Supplies of Men and Ammrnitioti at d'c hallern end of .t. •;?;(?; I'voad. At er the two Meets had once fecn one another, the .'\(iti' n quid/, begun ; wc knew on both lides that we did not n.eit tlieivfor a bare Interview, ai:i! to iiaze upon eaili ftheis Ships. 'I he bighr cont'nncd n ne Hours withrur 11 'Lriiii.non, and perhaps had pone on as mail) more, h.id 1 1, earcr h.il!, their fr.i'.its were ei;ip'oyed to tow them not rhe dark Nil'lit in'crp. led and parted fs. We r.ui't al iiij, ; aiid'tw as a pretty fight to Iv be 1 „l;t ve vvb.r Irjiiiy ilifii- pleet ijltaiii'd ^vith 1th of MitAV i.'.. awn iiway a I torn and tranele ' U d I ^ Sads Men, only this wc know, their Vice-Admiral ilropp'J, and alvjut 40 Men out of their /Ulniiml, tiiat is, /'«//«- ,ii'f\f, for they never reckon Afo' I and Imlieni into the number of their Men, nor account it any l.ofs to lofe them by thoufands. Their Admit, il was certainly raked thro' and thro' wi'h all our brnad-lidcs, and how the tin- weildy thing did to hold up her Head in that ciazv con- dition to whuh ihe was reduc'd, it (omcthing Itraiige; but the Fripaislay by aiui v, ere ready to allilt in a time or extremity. Our own I olfes were lefs than could reafonably have 1 cen hoped for in w( rk lb hot and tight as this was.and for lo long toi'etlier too. Dur Rigging was prefv ■ 1, h damaged, but the Ships brougiit away their Cat '.albs found ami in gcnd i ale. We liriil three or f lur Arms lirokc, and ine Skull I eai in piei ■ s wiih a Caiii-on Shot, and a trapmentof th.it Skull did alinoll as much mifehief as the Bullet it felf, by Itriking mit the bye of another that llood near. Bm v\ hat was this to Ik the fruit of fo long lighting, and how many batter'd Skulls an. I CarkaH'cs would one rather have expeded tu have fecn in that timci" Here was an Interval now of fo'u* or live Da\s, in which fpaceof time the l'ortir.;iie:e\M I many fair (ippnr- tunities to have made a fecond Trial, t'lt they lull ri c yet ipiite forgot the Hrit ; the Winds blew fair and in- vited them to come down upon us ; but they pafs'd off that Kindnefs, and delired to be e^eufed. Thisfpare lime we thought ht to improTc as diligently as wc could, and liiice wc were not to light, began to do bufinefs. We made towards J-if; lei Road, and landed the Com- They I.nil panics Goods and Money there, which vv.asthe Prize that ''"^,' '"'*"*' the J'oiY/i/ic-f vvantcd and came for, and now to their" ■''''''"' mortification, (lood by and law fifdy delivci'd afhoar. A tew days after this, they had a Siipplv of Men and Ammunitii nl'rimi 0'»;/.;, and then were !>old ent;upli to advance tiwards us a fecond time. Pi't \et managed thciiifelves lo with theadvant.ii'e of the W n 1, that they kept at a fair diltancc fn ni u,',, and we with all our la- bouring could not ( lor a pood while ) bear up to them. Such lud.ien cintrary pulls of Wit.d world meet and drive us back when we avten.pted it, that lome of our Backs cried out the /'t'if(.^f»-:r''had biijiipht a Witch tVom U'wit! to lerve them with Wind ; if 'twas fo, the Charm expired liydeprees, and the Wind would be commanded by thai (jcntlemaii no longer, for at lalt it fer.ed our purpoli.-, and brought us up to the Teeth of them. Yet after we were engaged, itcalm'd .all of a bidden, and foj,/™ two of our Ships that lay nearelt the b.nemv were forced to Ic • the heavielt burthen of the Adion for fome time ; i'ut I- the inparallcb'd Diligence anil Refolution of our Men, ilie other two that lav behind were broiipht into play, and t.iii ly delivered their whole bro.ad-lides upon the /■"n/i.^^i.e^rCIalleons. And certainly had the Succelsin all points been anfwer.tble to the Noble Heat and Cou- rage of our Men, no parr of that Fieit liad ever fecn Oi;nK.' rr any odier Port anymore. Thev managed the Buliiiefs w:th wonderful Bravery and Rcfolur'on, went extravapant!y h'ldi in coi rtinp a compleat Vidory ; but the l'ut.-^^.,e^e our-did them in Skill and Artful t'ondud, and gave large Pi oofs of their good .\bilit;es in that Days Sir ICC. However it camera th'silfiic, thatthey cut their Cablcs.Ti,, p,„,. and drove away with tlie Tide rill they were our of onr?i<(t.«fl;e reach; their Skill was fo ereat that they faw thev inultf'"''- be r.iined if they llaid there any longer, and therefore I ok tliat couilefLi th.'ir Seciir.tv. Na\, to make the TV : - ji'ii ihofe huge Ships led, with t.atterd IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^^4^ s '4^ 7i 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■^liig til ■^ 1^ ill 2.2 t lis. 12.0 1-4 IIIIII.6 V] <^ /a ^/,. °% '> A "^^ O 7 M Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV \\ W^ ^v l^? % V C^ s ^ $ s iHi 204. V be Englifh fnispc thcm/chcs for iVroii^^i 3zc. t '1l i! *■ • V 111- :'. f| 1. |.> lij ey t. 1 , .n.) y.lm • .'*fr»«jrj. ,S,ii's .iiul 111 t.ii. Mal's, nrii all iluir Rii:};iii;.', in iV.ili .1 p'.ik!c\ ili.H a U.iv ( r two K'loiv \v\.r.' In lij-ilv tni'urc! wi-.h I'iays aii.l !'• i.i!,i:;r~ aiul cure lloiirill.mp (m wuli t'lcir Ids i-l" Muluk. ■|i-al\v.i\s ilic way nl' ili.ir IVo- plf 10 i.'iM'to a Sta-lii:l". villi U'., wiili ii nukii I'l'ifiim;'- tioii.-.i;J inf lie; I Sciiir l; (jf Vid>.rv b.-rua--lianil, aiul 11 I'ler ^ulpl•^ witli tl^m a.iorilinj', y ; t.ii- ilicy l;:u v.' w/ll ir.c j'li ilv > arcaw.r . Ixat^ii, aiul r^\er c im' (11 lo prmJU ai.il lei r^f;lli^, * liiiiliev ('j 1 tl' apain a< pnorh . MKili'il'; iii'i.fii'il-|. 1 ir. they wi lb- I '(■iiquerniiM i,e way rrotli r, if not in leu' i> nt'iera IVi! e, yet in in agiiia- i I i. iH'.'ure it 1 ei'ir.'; ; iliu' iliis li |imie;li up an mlil w.iy 1 I ir'i 11.1 li>;p, !i 1 In) I'eiirle Will l-r jeaimis of their f>'.<-n, iiDr iir. y UKUi ilic lane (it hull Vielries a tlKi'e. _ n.s i'lirour I'c've. ilii< liirc, o'r Iot iiime .Slii|'s iliaiiwetl.il .a ilu'Mi, for .IS to r.J! iliele tli.iii'« we eaiie rtf ai a » ei v elieap ai.iualie ia:c. lim our wonliy AUniiral, wlio exi osM Mil llif !i) a'l Dai'rers as iiuhIi as aiiv cciiup' n .Sailor Th 7 Tct 1 r, ,,rj vi[v>i; ih-' Mrtm'i aW( u'. inilii* l'"rl'.v It wli.eh he afrer- war.'^ iKeil ; as hw I ife wa^ Hr.ive anii Hour ir able, loins Death wasl'iois ami ii.olKlir lUaii l;ki,wliitlih.ippi.ii:n,i; K'torewe uni'il (!e: a'Aav fr. ni >/;/,'ii <, we were furc\l to eeKhrate his 1 1111 lal there vipoiuhe 'pot. llaMnr. ilirp.ttch'il all 'lUiis at .t .//"', we fet fail from Uar.ee f,.r Sfci.i.-, and as in our commp hi lir 'twas our fill-, i-.eiotakea /'. nr\. '. Prize, fo we hail ihefaiiH- AJieiiture in our retiiniiiip liack ; Oic was no neli Ship .nail, n;:r lia.l any thinj; of lailii c, I ut entirely cie(ii;n\l for the \\ar. ami to jjiaul il c I'iitiguc:^e JMereliaiits from tile A /://;;'.•-'. aiul lv;i'm.ip.ili!c ot ilcnp. us limit eonliJerable .Ser\ive, wc ilifiiiillevi hci Company and ili.- taiii Jhcr. As locii as wo tame to Sii\e were latistied, and had the ufiial liberties allow'd 1,::. 'I'liis pridut'd the delired t iVeCl, 1 and the (ii.iernor.i'of .s"i<.,f inkii.p the Ca; fj iiuo lerioiis | tonlidirar:on, re\ok'd ih. le iii|i'iio'is DrJers, and pave it niuler liis Hand, '1 hat .lil our Warns fi.oiild Ik fup- of (.tfedually plied, and tlic UindeiiS we eov; n.o.ed, .So we wea- o'. |;i-e,I to ref..! e 11; on tir fimr Mc[|,oJ wi h r lereiiee to the Kii'i', 1 1 />■•». 'I'lie Cafilla tliai went 10 .11,1 ironi . .;/..•, w.is 10' b'd by the /):,.(;; Arinv .ind 111 oiv.^'i ro Ji.- pettinp reltitiition inide, 't«as det'T- niin'd, th.it th: Sli|N i.f ihar I'linee llnri'd be ane;leJ wlieii-tier we iiHi them, ar.d kept in fafe Ciillodv. i:'j he had done i s Jnilicc. An I ilie inith on't is, tlier s i-.d doinp an oiiL'lt tluie People, w.-hout lak'iip lomc U;, h Coi.il'S Willi iluni f ii-.etiii-es, win 111 heir AcHmis arc virv iinjiin .-.nd esiia\a)'ant iVm whereas!) th sihey .ire ki-t 111 due awe, and taej-htto obler e l-'iiie Decorum in tlu'ir Carii.ire to- ilie I'liiure ; lob; .1 lotal nep!. ifl 1 f then Ir. lolenie, ilu: Vice will pu.w and llrcnptlHn it ("elfin them .ind beemr- fo t\raniiieal and iioublef.ime at lall, tlu: there will be no I'.ealinp «i h ilum, I'lir in the way o| j Uandaloiis SuUniliicii, and bale crinpinp 1.. their Hu- IlK'i,! . Alter ihiswc took twoShps morcfiim the Peri!,n;,„f one if which was cunlidci.ible, and li.id » eod' Laaitii.' ot Rice. " '^ And now our Fleet parted Company, f 'me priiii; f,,r Aci .Il and Il.mt.im i oiIkts (with more Company M',.r .•ie- lal Drinkinp, i' allows little or none to patinp. Frim hiiiic we lail'd away for the Uav'i.f ^oLln.i- onr Itated pla' e both for Refrell inemand lirelliivicctM.! For here ot lourle we hide Letters *or me another, cm- taiii:n;' Aeeoi nts if oer Viiyapcs and Atiairs ; 'ili.U', when they are wriif p, we bury' in tome cunii-iii; plat * kni.wn ar.il apreed u;.oii amonplt ovrUl.is. Roth th.'i neeellhry W.-rks we did at thisplaie; \< li ch ,!rr,e, vc '.It lail ;. r /: : . ,,/, 1 ,n n.p ,111 calie and late Voyare'en:, till we came to an .•^ncliurm the Ui'ir/;/. Fm;, v,i,-l. 1 /<.'. ■ .V/'"•, aii'l 10 come down to .///wii I", -it the Mouih cf tl c K £■', fiun thente by Water into fume pan of T«.^-.;, brrderinp upon the Cfp:.-,, Sea, wliere iIh- Cx;//./.?.--,;..',!,., s Comoy is robe potun fe, asf.ir as/>-.. lr):t and Sl.cir.iks: ; Irom thence to po '.vith th-C',i//;'.'Tor ,/-./r./.7and (•;,:•;„, and fo as they plead at'ifrwar;. to Sfr'.wii. 1 he next way is to take the lirlt I'llfa^o ihit canbepottcn at /;/,.„ ..•, and lo cixfs tl.e Cufl' ■ Ijr l.n.ioi'..>. wheh is a Leap'e f-on, .' -rv, and (even fviii l{rjl.t a place i\m:irkab'e lor the S:lk 'Irjile Ihn he 1.1) s ma) be dene in 1 3 or ir U.iv.- ,ind thtn fron /<ferv.itiofn^ &C. 20' I ttl'ciihnlly r:- Ir f.iii'f Mctlio.l „ lllO l>: .ttl ;\riliv, 't«asilttr- 1.1 i^i'd l^ < t" thnr If. n it Cilfiii them, ';'iiic at lall, tlu: in the way d ^ hi; i> tlifii- Hu- ll tllC P«r.',.,;;frf,f"^; I & i'ock! L.\dwf. !<„'' . I 'mf Rfiii!; for'"'- Coiiipanv) I'r wliicii wen- !'.■ o E'-i)',/, licinp a!!.) ur return, ''lliis Mill till the Fi:ry ni'al in tin- irean IKS w.tl'iii Capo 1- you liavc cli-an ay rliio in wli.u ■^"'■ lom. Von lu'i- a tuin..'iinp Idi. cr ciiou 'li to !v r iilniart7,~tNi'vr^ art' lcart\> Im; -anil's lo 1\- h.iJ vn the Rna.l olj„-, old aiul (tornn , ■lincn'.s uith ,i:i 111 e'ear, the At 1 it pivts to hlv- atinc !5av'(.f M.!.i,.i; lirolliiv'Koii.i: .' another, rnii- Art"air«; ih.ie, ennniiii; p!ac-v fs. Both tluK""' 'Irch.lrnc, vc"' itc Voyat^e imi :, ttCfl I'C^ Litim^ to reeled to of thar ■a, wlicroihi- as r.ir ;!■. /)■■- il'.-C,i^/,'/ flit altfrwar.i- to ■ I'lii'ajje iliat .' C.llj'i.t : tor '^1 Ibvtii f-nni Iradc; Thu 111 th;n iVn-.n o;:inc\. lie . anii tideway ■i:!lis of ~tii, tlie Iniky hit :>i ; ai; 1 U- (Uiii,:n, V. iih le iiuthin;; ot a (omrals, lii;t tlireill their Courfe altopoiher l>y the .'\lliilnnie of the l.uniiii.i'io, ami then in dark, ciniiily weather, when ihey i an't appear. Vh.it Iveonies of the Vovar.e .' Hie 'hrJ Meihoil k al'rojeCt for the I'peedielt Convc>.aiieeof I.ctf.rs. letween MuJ^o and Si,;'.'/..' ij,i.p«»- 1. tlie latter, then to ijo to C' iVcm, and ei:t away by the (jovcmour of that ,i£ s;i)/..iiv) . After til s we have fonic Ihort Accounts of inattcrs of Trade. J he i^rcat riilinels bepins at /IJ:>.-.iV, at the arrival of the ilo.iis wiiirh is in 7(i't; tlic:i tlie/''';.oj lnink'iiitheirUved .Silks, Uoron'xs, Calicoes, and oihcr /•f/MH iiiirts wh;ih they fell by retail, and the way of Barter. The Conimodkicsthoy return arc Cloth, Sables, Mar- tens, Red Hides, Horfe-Skins, old /("/'l.-m Money, wliicli iheyb'iyai \\s.\\A i,td. p:r Roble for exchange. And the f.inieC'omii odit.es arc iraiifporred by the {{_• ffi.iK.' tm. thi) they make lery little of it ; and Mr. II In affiniiv, that our Trade well followed in thpfc parts will entirely overil'.rovv theirs. In his Pallapc upon the r'''(;.t, he faw their way of taking the Stmpcons, with which that famous River n- Ixninds. 1 liey pail in the Hive from Bank to Bank art! loefleiflnally Hop iipihe I-iihes way, that they can't avc id falling into their Weers. 1 he Caviare i.s made of the Row of that Filli, l.i d inSaltfcr 14 or n l^ays; then they walh all the ,Sal: dcanotf', ami put up the Re. ws ( this prcpar'd ) with the Fat of't'"^ faine.Tlie very fat Sturgeons ha; c a ycllo-vRow, whitWljiey put up. as it is without any farther preparation ; bur this he fajs iiititiv froi.'s .t'I tlie rcit ir lies near, and .nuih preji'diics the Salt of the Cav.arj at the iM.uke:.. The III' nj'lafs is made o'. a err:.i'n String raken out of ihj R.tck of the Stiri'eon. As for the CIrai Places for :ne Silk TiatJc, he ie!l> us Hey lie moll of them near the Cijrir/i Sea. Theri sj',"" /<'/'-.•, l'cow!>.; sl-fr, and / '•■_;or, in the Piovince of ' f. '.' ;;/, ihc fartht'lt of whi-.h is rrr more ch.tii u"ht I, earues from the Ports. " At ihele places the King of l\:Jh\ Silk is pecnritly ira.le; but then Ix'li.lcstliele in .^ /-—..' ,rn is a Pi'ani-.V. tioii for the fame C' "iiuoil tv, wh.cl, fiirnlllics a good Cijiantity annually. I 'pontile who'e h- uig^s how en- venenily tliefe places lie, for -he eaiie >r.inipnrrat'oii of .Silk into ^.T 'en V. 1 Ice they :i av be ll.irp'd w'liiot.ir any far.lnr trouble up in the ( -I :^n, ainI lo bro' t^ht up rhe/'i.i;^ asfar as we p'tal'e, if libertv be but priiciir.d from the ( r- forthn p' 'pife. And h-w i.v ch there is of t.icility and iVorrnels in thi.way b.'voii.l Jiccomiv.on method of carrving tluMU tl.ree Milrs JoiTn.'y by J apj IhIi re they reach tlie I'ort, ih, re needs no I.ighr to di!- cour. Btliclts that it is moli Ct-ra-n that a tjrca: J.il n( Mi'iiev, as wellas P.iin< IS fived Iv thi. Compel'.. '1, 'in tiiicc the way that is the nod ted>;rs.indtroi Ivfinme* is,ilwa\s, and mult be, the iiK.lt e!iar,reaMe too. Mr//. It. for a Conciiilioii f. 11". us, that our PefJ^n 'I'r.ide f thenir i-sliif pcv ) fiad fevcral fi emics plmtina anaiiilMt to m.Tke i' a- liioit bv'd as I'oilllc; th.- /' !.-T •' /7. /, M >irii:.i,.i. and P<' t:r •;.-, the lat'er of ivliieh wore .isdili.;eiit t id.fjnv and Matt the Rip, latirn of the Naton, as tov.ndeniiiic itsTr.tile. I^it-iur,. .'.rcnoinw ■ ' r itraime tli'ncs ; all Ions of Kncmies \i-i;| lu;-,Jcr .1 I'e plcsttiruiiig if thevciii, but veiyrude and ill bred ones will railanJ ra\e in tothe bargain. _>- Chap. XXXVIf. /« Account of fome things Hijhrical and Chil, relating to the orc.it Empire of Japan, tal^n out of (omc Liter Letters of Mr. Richard Cock, Englilh falior at * Firando, and Mr i Arthur Hatch A/m///il>, hecani • he had be.n zealousinperfeciitingihe Clirilliai.s. But iliele Triumphs lalted not long, and the vaiiiploriousFmprniur (the Kiccecdiui; Year) w.is eoncpiered h ir:c'l 1 . a more powerful'and inexorable Aiiv-Tiar\._ 0» //r-'..-, .';..; die.l; and of manv Sons which he lett behind him, chol'e o-.'t perhaps the unworthielk lor his Suceellnir. HisUldelLSon (al'rinceof gre.it Valour) was els; and'he;. \ \i I'o much Ibrce (i then tide ro'.tha: 'f.va- \\.i\ ai;() ill; I'liiperois Kins-man) wa . recki n'.l w. -tli ; ,t M •).',: iif Rice, /•(•■• ./<.;. whieli ope (f our .", '/'' Miiicimpu-.e.l .at iS75r-.- p. i.nd .Ver'mg ; .md fe\eia'\' oihetsof^ them not lu Ji I. f. [ The A;. - .-.j to"- tii,- ,;>ir;,iLej .o';o (iota's, ea' ll (1; -a i. i'- Garr.i's, an! c.erv '■' '*■''•'• (l.w-x.t abo-t three Ale P ir^ .' '.,;. /'■ Me.ilure. ] Of ti,. {..■ I'etv or Vice-Kiigs, ;h re ar.- in :^I! a out {^ li il[ !'.i;iccs ii c.ivi'nil w.l'i -.he (Jreat Fmperer their ,'■■,,■- 1, it'll, b'T coiili.leiv.bleeno.ph if e-op,iidcr"it wiih ret'ieil to the State and Roy.tlr- thev theml'clies litcin. "lisaPolvv a'ua's lira lit'cd by the Itiipfrot'is m kei jieithcrthele Princestneiil". I\es. or tome rf th.etr rear- ell Relations .:.encc ; tor if th.\ iviv', ilieir Fret ds at Court are it'v^ediatelv eom-wyrnpr- intiiided to cut their Beiiies, whiji nithir.g can poiliblv » "' Trea- \':x . em, but their reier.i to their I h\ty. and Su' 'ni iion -o ,' "■' ^ the 1-11 peror'sMercv. Or if tlie Prince hmli-'f remain -'"'' at four,, .mil his \ allais in ilie meantime ( thn' with- out his Knowledge or Inil pa' 11 ' take up Arms, tlicKiu- pcror bids him be li s 1 wu Kvecu'ionrr, .nr,' ..v'| niake hull be lo, un'eUhe prel'ently write to his .Mutineers and prevail With thciu to be c;uitt igaiii. But uany Lx.imples ^M .-i^ V '\f<^. ! "I 20(5 It 'J be tmpcrors Loimcil, &,C. Lib. II. Anolluf h:ivc llii'WM, tli.ir tli.s pccc ot Po!uy is nr.t to cffc'(iV".il a (jiT.ril I'p 11 llic fimtn.ror'i Quii". .iiiil Krpufi', .-i>. it inipht bf !m.i);inM It wc nil Ix- ; w .ciiil: pariicuUrly tlui itelpo- r.iu- Cyiil'i'i-.K'y r tt v 'v nu'in.dnd. 'i'hf I iiipi'''ois i^o en c.i'. mir all'i l-i\ .inotlicr Miilioil to r.mri- ih'av.U-Acs .iml ^hc.,- S'-.tto in I'i'.u'i-, .tihI ili.it is l>v lir.nvinp i li .i< iiiiiili as tlicy c.in funn tlu' Powrr niul Rii lies of thole iiitcrio.ir Piitici'';. As tliev .iro ni.Tnv of thciii • cty 11 li, I" ili'ii' So\o 'pi'^ t.ilcc .lil thcC.irc they i.in, tlicy don't ppAv t <) f.il'. SA'Ik'ii t'lcir Klceces aic Ia^i;c .iml hca^y, ihi-v ilc'n>.r thitu inun the Biirdin, ami ll.ciirthcin w.ll I'V Taxes an^l Trilnitcs, and a miiltitiuh: nf 1 .'i.iic*. 1 hey ii akc thciii Iniilil Call'es and Fortifica- t.i ns all v\h;i h nre in ler\c the I-inpetor, but their own lur.lt be nepleded. and they are not fiitfer'd (at Icalt \vihi\it a preat do.il of fulpiuonl ;iny way to fort; lie iVN'Miiy ,|,;.„,fj.|vcs. 'Ihcn the (.'viltoiii of the Coi.ntry is fueh, fj.'ftMnthc ihi' >'l 'he Princes, .iiid r.:e.it Men nud make very large tun'it.)!. and noble Prcfentsio the Lmperor, and that frequently too ; by which means one wou'd think their Coffers iliould be pretty well dreind, and they thcmfebi-s kept very low ant! ihor: of Money ; niiU-ls extraordinary Frugality other- ways (a Vcrtuc the 'j-!tovjc Nobility arc little addicted tr) prevented that imon cniiincc. Their Humour l>eing I rave and gciicioiis, they prefent their Prince at an cx- travac.int rate, and even contend to outdoe one anoiher in the CoUlinefs and Mapnificenic of their Gifts. Hut 'tis all li) much )".lt thrown away, for there's nothing of re- turn or requital on the Emperor's part ; while they lo.ad him with Silver, Ciold, and the moil preciou.s Commodi- ties imapinablc, he gives them perhaps a Kcrrimoon, or Coat, which Mai k of his Favour and Acceptance, is all the.r Reward. 1 his is indeed the diredl way to be very rich h'mfelf, and to make them very poor, bo^h which ir leems arc equally the Fmperor of '-i.ipiih's Dcfipn ; tho' notwithftandinp all thefe Artifices, lie cannot fo calily ac- ci.niphlh the hitter neither. "lis faid of this Prnce, that not only his Coffers, but much larger Receptacles ihan they, arc till'd with Gold and Silver ; that he has whole Storehoiifes cra.n d with Covn and Bullion, and aironpll the reft fomc Balls of maffy (Jold, of that wcipht and magnitude, that fifteen or hxtccn Men arc Icarce able vi be.ir one of them : Thcfe were brought co Court from the famous Caftle of The Emperor's Privy Council cnnfifts of no more than five Memlers, Men for their Wildom, Fidelity, Policy, and Vigilance, pick'd out of all Princes of the Empire, and are commonly as acute and dextrous in managing Siate-.-\ffairs, as the belt States-men in Chriltendom can fhcw. No Caufe comes beti're ihc Fioperor, but what ihcle a^'pr^vc of, for none either (peaks or prefeius a Pe- ritir II hnid'elf ; the D.'liiv.-ls, wha-ever ;t be, is bniuph: 10 and left with ihein, .ind it ;s wliollv ir. their power ei- ther to prom'Jtc it, tr keep ;t f.'r ever (rom the Emperor s knowle.lpe. I'pon this ac^our.t it leems, that this Prince''s Affairs and State, Hand upon a very tiikliih uncertain bottom, and whatever other go"d Pol;t cks the ;7.r/!<)i.f/.- have, this Piece appears to be none of the belt jnd wilclt : For all if (he t.Ti- peor. h'l Pr vy Council. rcftsuprn the Foundation of the Honefty and Prudence of five Men, who ii.ay ealiiier be luppi s'd to be deceivd or tainted with Dilloval Princ pies, ,|,.in jor, or -.o : ,\ Plot hesfaferin tiie ilrultb if a In all number, than a pnat (iiic ; ihi Ad\ ice of many wife Men is pr fer'rabit to that rf a lew, and in '.he imiltitudc of Cminlcllois there is certainly molt faf'ety. But it fcciiis they think other- wile III jnp.v. The moiKlatcly Callles of this Country, (atlcaftthofc known to our Traiellers) are thol'e of 0,-4iV, Sumn^j,^"''''' /■;././.■, C'tiici, and l-fiknt.t, of all which that of O'^ncnil,, or was the molt conliderable , both for its Largencfs' Strength, Riihes, and magnificent Buildiiig.s. Thofc of Cniifi and I'.iU.ita are each two Miles in circumfereiKc and both (as well as the reft' we'd walled and moated' and furnilhed with a large Storcho-.ife of Rice. The prin- cipal Nobility of the Empire have Houfes within thefe Caltle 'Walls, whither they retire, cither at their own, or the Emperor's pleahiie. At f-4/iv;f,: there is a Wood of Pines about three Mile Afa* . Iquarc, which is all Summer-long fwcpt and kept fr, clean and neat, that you ihall hardly fee a Twig, Bough, or Leaf, any where under the Trees ; and then all the P'lies ftand fo dole together, that a Man may retrcOi Inn - felf there uithe horteft We.ither at all Hours of the U.,y without any offence from the Sun's Beams. In the Center of the Grove ftands a llately Temple moft rithly adorn'd, vsiih gilded Images, and Varieties of fine carvc\i Works. The ^''Ccw'/f (bcfidcs the Art of WritingJ, have t.iat m,..., alio ot Printing amonrft them, and for how many Ages MfnM no Body can tell. 'I h.y have feveii Itvcral Alphabets, and in each of them 48 Letters, and yet with all chcfc ilicy can't truly write or pronounce many of our l^imp-.in Names. 1 here are foine Letters tliey cannot get »"-tr,:c pronunciation of, .-,s H, B, J, and lome others ; .Is the C/ii)(,/r (they fay) if their Lives lay on't, cannot trulj n'l- noiince /). ' They have an odd Cuftom ainnngft thetn of altering c «»- their N'.imes, in which they feem to differ from the Pra- ■'"'iii (fticc of all Nations of the World. Every Peifrn has the ^""' Liberty olehanging his Name three times,in Childhood.in Riper Years, and in Old Age : But fomc do itoftner, quit their old Names, and affume ncv/ ones as they fee fit, in which cafe the\ pcncially Complement fomc pct;y King or Nobleman, wuh whom they arc in Favour, by taking the fame Name. The ynfmrl,- obfervc no conftant ftarcd S.ibbath, but feveral Fealt-ilays, according to the Mo'm, as the ift, the lUh, the iSth : On thefe Days they goto Church, vilit the Sepulchres of the Dead, and ufe abundance of apifli ridiculniis Ccieiii'inies. The 9-li Day of the Moon, throughout the whole 'Yc^,, .yr.5.. thc\ h^jld a.uirlcd, and therefore they won't undertake- or begin any Work of conlcquenee that Day. They ob- lene a vcryftriCt Faft on that Dav of the Month on which their Faiher or Mother died; and as much as they love, and as heartily as they e,-i FIclh of other Days, they won't touch any fort of Animal Food on that mournfel Day. )lup- XKX Chap. XXXVIH. A Voyage performed by Mr. Ralph Fitch, Merchant of London. to (Jrmus. 'W froYix theme through the whole Faft-Indies. IVritten by himjelf. .4 D 118]. r,ift!y. I Set fail A. I). 1583, in the good Ship the Tr^-rr of l-cnri )i, fet fordi at the principal Charges of the Wonliipful Sir l-.,i.v.i,,l iJu^nrr, Kt. an I Mr. I{ia).vd Sir.pe , Merchants and Citizens of the laid pl.ice, in Company witli Mr. Jf/w .Vftrier//, Merchant, and fomc other liii^lif.-m.ti. Rcing come to Vr^ooly, in Syri.1, after fomc ftay there, we' ti ok the way for ,Hcppo, which wc went in leven DaNs, with die Caravan. From thenee having pood Company) wc travcll'd to /)/. r,(, which is two Dav s and half's Journey with Camels ; if IS a little Towij, but very we'l lerv'd with all forts of Pro.ilioii, and ihe River Liiphmtcs runs jull by the Walls of It. Here wc bought a Boat, and agreed with fome Watermen to carry us along the River, intending to go for Bthlon. Thcfe Boats are and can Ix? bur for one fin- gle Voyage, U-caufc the Stream runs fo quick down- wards, th.it there's no returning that way again. And therefore when wo come to a little Town called Veli,''i«,r-''i". wc always fell our Boat, and for a very Imall matter too •'*^«^"'^ for that whith cofts us 50 at Binr, wc put off again foral'.„4. 7 rr 8 at K7«;>;r. with'" It is not fate to go with one Boat alone, but to have''''* aiK.thcr (itt Icaft) in Company fo,- a Relief, in cafe of 1 Dillrels that may happen : For if the Boat breaks which IS no difficult thing to fuppofe), the Paflengers will find It a very hard matter to fr e themfelves and their Goods from the thievilh Arnhitnt, ihac are always waiting for Prey Pay along r-n ' K I. lion in the N ■|is highly necelfa .1 C' iiipanv is ea ,-, I Robbers. T K:, lioff the Go (.fcvent wli I ;i, nifli'd with G. lis v;i'.ed you keep a L is lix'eeiil). V u p.ifs •ihini; tli rl.ues where \ on A, ■.■., liiat is I o bini-, and h.is di' /•■• .1 l:t::e ■| ills s rra.:e, !'■■ ■', I", . f,. . ,o«.' !l ./-, wlui Vill. g.-. aTivr aim 11 for t'l le re..fPr. ■ , '.hey sk'.r.!, blown f i,,.i,.i which tl-.c u!..! at n Iv me O'pof-.c to /) voi!t it, i;i tl [■.ar There ; it i.- orlh-ipe ; it .vns vtita'n Canes .iiu i!k Bricks. The ii.'n ;: : ,' be lecn •ill that long agi'c Tra.elling alo . ney from Bi:h!i» ,:1k-'J near which vvhjr.ce there is l.r.lini'. P ;ch, thi ik'ii;h'.'L.r.r lip PI, . ..II this th (. ' r.:ry People i ,, :.-iii;. fear iT ic (■; '.l', ve Inches tl V..-: , 111 the W. \M-..ii the Ti; ;. .IV '■ . I'luiii H : i' erv i:e th? ralf.i l.l":ct ;oth' ..'■.: .rc'iaiiy -. of W I'll. -, v.i'h v.ii. p.irt^ fif /«,/.'..-. 'riicVeffJsil. II .1':;. ( f them v Vi',..er ab:'iK',.'',ni iije-.ln.r \". ith a I ( vio. and ctrtti Svaiiis of the v.: \V.iter fj. In rr.? cf 'hcU '.';" *l>nn:.-, paling .,','„ Ille-B./,.-.i.7,'i, I'o 1 J. till* P.:. 1. 7'" The Kir. 2 of ^,:jnt' Vr .Vo)V !1 nf ibis j • in tiK V i,. at.J iiui.Liieie c Lib. ll »hip. XKXVlIL The To)}^er of Babel, &'c. 207 y and Priiiiincc to !•(• ilcciiv'ii, 500, or ^o : A itiiiil-cr, than a IS pr .rcrrahlc 10 Diintcllors thrrc cy think other- . (at)ca(lthor. lat ot' O^^Tivi 15, Its Ijrgcncfs, lips. Thofc of tircumfcriiKc, 1 anJ nioateil ice. The prin- t's within thcfc t their own, or out three Mile a4«* ^: t and kept Ir, Twig, Boiiph, J thtn all the lay rctrcfli lii!i - IS of the U..y. IiithcCcntiT riihly adorn'J, af fine car>al inpj, have tiiat p,;,... . ow many Agis Minus ;ral Alph.al-cis, I with ill thcfc jf our r,iirfp\in not pet if'^tnic others ; 'I'sthc imiot truly j)i'> 'in of aitciinp cSmv T from the I'ra- ■Ih'^jm Pci frn has the ^""■ n Childhood, in itoftner, quit 5 they fee fit, in me pct;y King our, byuJiing 1 Si'.bath, but as the I ft, the Church, vKit Jance of apilh he whole Yrai.'jolr.o,- ■)n"t undertake ly. They oh- iiinthon which h as they lo\c, er Days, they that mournful Dndon. Indies. ircndinp to go "t for one (in- quick down- again. And called I-fli,"iii,Fitifti, ■ matter t«);*5';Vl^ oH again (Qri>„„,nihi •rlj "0 I' ', but to have '''" , in cafe of a ^ucaks which rs will find it 1 their (jfxids s waiting for Prey I'av along the Hanks of .!,■■ Kive.-. And for the ('.line Ui.iibn ill the Nij'hi-iiine Ivii the Beats are made fait, 'li- liichlv ncceirarv to keep n ItnCl W'.iich, without wh:i h ,1 C' mp.iny is c.ifily lurpr.zM by thole. Idipcm and wake- f .1 RoM crs. They lome fw.nmin;; al'iiui the IV.uts and till li olf the Goods with a i!t 1! of Art and .Sululety ; tu wcicat wli I !i, there's iiolhii.p U'tf.f th.-.nto be well hir- iiillul with C.'iis (which they 1!.i;kI in great awe of) pro- \;,!ed you kei 1' awake to iile ih ni. b IS lixtei u Day Journey iVo.u Hi' ,1 to JV/i/u.^, ami as \. u iVifs alonis the /■;•'/' .i.Tj thr.hcrv.irds there .ire di\ers rl.uTs v-here 'jOU pay Cuftoni -.n a ceri.iin Priii^e ot the h . , !iiat is I ord of a pivat 'I'acb of tJro-.md tli ••ea- b(iir,'.ind h.i'- divers V.l!ip>s ui'-in iheKiNer. (•V'.V, wher.Noi uiilao.e your f i :(;ds from /}.'>'.:, is .1 lirtle Vill- g-'. tVcim wlKiiie yoi; j'o in .1 Pay to U.i!)l ... This :> .1 I ' s^'i' of no vei'v gre.it I Uri'i.lions, but ol great lia. ■, and ir. plr.y populous ; 'lis in the ligh R' a r and from iheiii-e C.iravans (■■ft for t'l fe and fever.il 1 tlr'r p^aeo. There cn.c !ij(j.' ll re'.f I'l'ovilions hither down the River /v.->./jtr(iin ■i' J.,,-: .'•• i '.hev brli.g ihem up':n Raf;s ina.leo!" Ccir- •.k.r.5, blown f::II of Wind, and lb BiMl'dsTaid n\er ■Iiini, r Oil which tl';cir C(, they op-n their Skins, and (;.rry iii.:nli'ine p.i.k'd up i.poii Camels, lo ler.e aiiother i:i!.e. ... O'pylire to h.ih^n ftaiuls a very fair VilLipe, Ironi mIici'lv' ^0.1 pals to [he Town I'pon a long Ki;.';;e of V. .'.'s. whiJi is h.'d bv a great Iron Chain f.illr.;'.lon ei- •li.rli i- the i^iver. NVh n any Bo.us are ro p.ils i:p or il(«'n t!ie River, ihev r. n-,o\ e fonie of ilie Poats our of •h: 1 in-, and fo make a (lap frthetn, whivh ihey aher- v.-Ti'^ ■{.'■- I p npa.ii as before. 'i v.y.il lower if .'('.'.•/ Ibiod <.n this li.leilie 'J'" to- v.jrjW / ' ■ '1^, abi.u-: f.'v en or eight ,\1i'es torn the Tivwn, f;(i.:X !.-irr,e ard open Plain butwixi that River an I I u- fi'.r:, 'i he In'erpreTa'.ioii of the Name is very • ilible ail .ab'u: it, in the confiis'd and. ruinous heaps that ap- f.ar 'here ; it he. bke a li'tle Mouiu.iui, without form (irl>i.ipe ; it .vas ma.le of Kriiks dr'.cd in the Sun, .md aiiain Canes and 1 e.r.es of tl:e I'a'm-Tree l.ii.l be: ween iliL- Bricks. There's nething of any ent.-ance or p.illagc i;.'ni::>. be fecnnow, th.e falHrg Ruin.'S having lU.p: up .i!l that long agoe. Tra.elling along the /; .•■.'■ot.'.-/, a''Out two Daysjour- .K\ tam Bil'^'i'oi, we cam." to a I'lace callM .7'.-, in a .:!k-M near which is a n-igluy C hafni in iheliarth, from uhjr.cj there is a continued lir. cbuioii of .Siiioke and loilmgP teh, the Tor enisof wlrch run .abroad intu the n.'igh'.'ouv ng Plain to a e.)n!i'!er.iMe d.llan.e. The «.''■; ...:Uli;s the Mo'th of Hell ; bii: for all tli.-.r, the I . r.-.rv People nil- t!iePi"i.h '.'.i.ir boybmit if it, \\ith- .',1 ;'nhe.r Hoats uitli i: two .1 It Liures .hem .idii.irabK '.ili.ri- S.. 1 aliiioft, areUlit withJcweK Rings or I oiks of Gold and .Silver; their Nofes, Ears, Neik':, Am s, and begs ; and lulldesall (asif the other was not enough), a long Bar of (;( I.| hanging on -jne lide of ihcir Nolcs. '1 li -ii lai-s are lo extended an,l Wideiie>l,wiih ihev eiglit of theti.iiigs they h.ing in them, that a iVlan in.iy ihrnlt thr.e of hi;, biiigeisimoilieiu. In ihoit, ih.-y ,11.; v^'ry val.iable Cre.v t'lresas they are drelVd, and li.il' .!■, iiiuih Verne and Coodiiefs as they have CuM and Silver almnt th -in wui.'d make ijiem Mry eMeller.r indee.l. Thi> pl.iee prov'd very uiilorninaie to us; for here I'';* , ''',';':* quKkly alter our arrival we v.. le feiz d by the I'j. ':izi'~,',rfi,,uu, and (em Prilimerv fur O'u.i to the Vke-Uoy there, in I'l s > i>;, .1"'.' we r.iK d by />'«, /) i«it", i / :///, .md o;llcr pl.uvs on ihe Coalt of !■ M,i belon 'Ui;; lo ihe i'-./;(i;Hf^-. C'rti./isasit were iwo 'I'ovMv, one ' elonring to the P-////;;,»'r, the oilier 10 the Mcj,.; That of the for,,,. "''TIS iiear.lt ihe Sea, eomir.ands the j'.iv, and i. v.'al- ''''''■''■' " led.i|)<,rt: A little a'-ove th.;t itand. the '..;,«,.■ T„w,i, "■■"'' govern 'd b\ a King of their own. Mere s vail TralR.k j'i jorall fori-, of .Spites, Silks, Urng*, Sandals, F.lephants If leeih, C'/).',:-\Vork, and Sugar m.ule of ihe Nut * Ur.-' t^'-CM. .1 ",'"'"■ 'I' The molt Tiadc indeed for Co-11 ,ind Riie in rhcfc par's, is .at /)««,., «.i/,-.»«, .ii.J i::„r. , \\'.,\A\ An-ec places are upon the Coaft iKtween ;:..■( and C'/. ,■;.,'; but 'i^st.) th';. l.i'tcr ih.ir the r.re.n.n r"ii-iber ot" Shi^s lomc from O ,/•,•., the /,'■•.;>.■■,' an J ad pans of /. .' . ' ^ye caire at lalt to • f/i'-, tlv.' pinee of >■ r inrcr. '...■,""'■ ' ■■''"* .Miferv and Iniprdlinmipr bh rv y\\': ■ <..•^. k^-n'. ^.^{is"'' "„., , « ol -he /■)>.'«:/..■■ 'Kaiioii tl: -r iHl'.Streiig.li ' o-ih f - .,lc:i n -i. . ■' If and Ships, and the pi.ue whr. a o'..-.n iii.iy I ■ a .'r.;!;''". ^>y i- Hte; oi them f\ er . ^'e.ir. I hev lo;, .■ for the i-^olt pare in V; ■,)/,/■;,•, nial h.v ing (taid forty or !ifi'. ; '.v.s, goi'lien toi'o.."./, v^lnTe ihey'la.le their Pepper for ,' 1 j.,-/. '1 he Town ll.inds in 'Iw nimin.r.ns . f .iii ;„ ..'; 1 ri.-ie'' who liesi'p in the Coumvv lex or f-.veii favs Jnrnev, and hisiliiet City ■ - ■ li At oirarriv.-.l there, we v ere e';;.miii\' l.u.r- ilie Ju- '■"■■'»'"■• e.-;:iiethey coidd prove 1 1' h.n.' 1.1 on us, .kuI"' ' ' '•''>• 1, :.iii;. fear or fcr. pie ; '.'i ■ (;;■ '.live Inches thek, and ri v.e:: . Ill the Waxr. \\ i'.^ii the T;; li \> we!! rei'en 1! :. av '■ • iVom K ; /• to .') ' in . i' irv^ife the fa'ugi' w.!! \\- lo'ie.'er. 1 .1'i'eCt :o the ./■,;. ."iH!, but 11 'V u . :e Tany of 'he lui'u'-.i u'.i.c'.i !' Kl..e. nordriv. ;.'!t vf theiv S .','. V. !li V.fer, m u •hi o.- r.in" I)a\s, <.- .'! / - wa^ foniierlv ' the ■;' -e, tlij' th.'ie a:l tii;it Piiwer LiU.ii' t r'i-holds ill ;lie IlKs of Itiee, .indbce.r.uetliey coidd ] .„.. ,„.,..-, ...m v^ere relr;lv'd to nuke us giiiby of foiiie Ci;n.e or other, iliey iiiadeSpic>, of us, and lo lent us to Pr.Ion. .' i.d in ihatCondiiiuii we contirtivd for .ibout a ^b.n:|l, wh.n the favoi'r was gr.inted us of coming out, an 1 being ■•:! , Pri- h'liersat large in the Town, upon the provhon i.;' -jooj Sureties. 'J hefe a certain /•.'_';.'/"■ Jefuit w.;,s !o kind as to look out for us who being li •iind v e came out, and pr.id then: in our M.M.ev (the ,Si iii of i; j .- Diielie s) to piv- ler\e ilu-i'.i li.vniLfs. But live .Wnths be.r.". lu-.v Ipcn', and the Pi-r- ;.•,■-.• .tblc 10 pujve norhirg Ay . 1.!; i.s, >\c d ri.ih '.-d o'T Libcitv, ai-.d the Reti.ivine'u' of the M.-,i,ey t.-om the .Surei'is. But th-ie ii r.'.it Men, inltead of re- tur.iJit.g, deiraiuied ii.ore Money of r; when v e .id- dr.fs'dtheyie-Roy, and r.-o\ed,'roha.e Ii.ilii.edci.ens. In ihis Caf ■, .nil o. r C'omfor; \w-a very lli.iii- mJ thi\ac- ;i ng \nl'wer, '1 li.u they had not done \\ith li-. vii ; they li.o !.! lii.d err otlur thing'- againlt is, .Tiid would (i.'t us alter .1 i-veivr iii.inner before 'twas long : That is, they vvoil.l init us in:o the Inqirlition, where anyihing may be 1". uiul oi;r .ip:ii;,H .iiiv ,M.,„, ;,;,d .ill Me'i (el!'' i i.-Jy tliofe that hav e iN'.one. ) are ihroui'.hb ('.fed indeed, bind- '■'''-y "•■'^* f:.^ lli.eviih Vagabond fo't of •.:!ej. l')wei!ings but ne, in; ' t > .nr.o'.iier, 't.' prob.ible, 111' y 10 Ileal. They wear SVi.es li.i^e their Hais and lire /■; ^. ',-/.•.•.■/. 'I I'.ev -.re a I'lijle, having no lii'd .md :. V .■.i.i d' 'VII I'r. rii te-e pLui \vi\,v til y have melt o; pori I 1 1' b'.e C.o'.vi.. ; nrd ihir eoi..'. f i.loi" .Si.er nn.l C. pjer Kmi:'. as oth rs ol th:s 1 r\ra'fo .iboi t ilv.i;' legs. Thelovvn I'.r.nds near ilie I' ' Cl'.'.'f. .Trdh.iv' '.,.'' .sii'.;go of a gieat I'raile td' ^ricci .-.id. Drv.e [h.:: c.i.«ie from 0;».j... 'I here' alio |,re.;t i'o-. of \\ lie.'t, Kiee, aid ! )u:es growing theie.a- i'H: > v.ith wh.ih l.'.e; f i' e !!■ ■ ; r, O- 11,11, .vJ a:! the part! of (»),/.'.;. "Ilie Velfvls ih.'.t ufe to re fi'.ni Ii>f'jit to Q »:i;., are nae.if thcMiverv ilir/.i: a 1 1 ill-'oa.le tlvngs, and leak V>'...er abindnntlv! '1 liev ere made of P^ard.s fallned t'V'eilivr V. itii a kind of Thre.-d made of tl.- Husk of the ( Vio, ,iiid certn'ti Canes, c -..law-Iea •% oued ui^nthe .'■•.■'.iv.s of the Puards, whiih ;s the c.i U- ihey let in the V'.itcr fj. Iiier.ecf 'hcfe ungain'y Si-us we f.;i ".1 from B." o- to thi'ir ck.pe, v-*;r-' ii.g, rher-forc tli s to be the Cafe.'aiul being ti'id. tl'i: we ' ll. 'ud >ertaiiily h.ive the Str.Tppa.io in a little time, we a'.I'. I'us. rclolv'il to aiod ail thele .N.iKli'e!--. '.v ri.'i-'ng a-"iv. I li.s I)eii"n ue aeiordingly pei in ,ve 11 i r, .n'a 'iK.iig go- o erth.'Ri-ir, \\epnK\\..!ed :n a very uncertain and liaiij'erous '.or ■ 1 Ramble, neither k'low 1.". the wav o'jr lib.'-, nord.crin" totiult anv (iuideto C-\v i.. ■| t!i le-. phr.s, Ho and ... Si.ne. l.ll Town we came to was o, ' a great .Marker I- .'it for 1) aii.orib aiui o-.her precious Stone-. lunre we wen: to /' ■ ' .■■,''■''> where ''■ Rubies, Sa- ;.'jrj.m. a verv larre Town '^^■'."itr. p.admg ni.'i Pe. 1. Th,; Ki, b\ tl'e t'^-.Hiii:- V''';v n of this ] Win lo nuieli cell! of Oi-nj .'f ^it tV.i rnd alt' ee aci. a.e 1 n pv;i::i|-, in the vvl.'i'e F.'ll "ll ar.J imuLiieJ.e ot 'd.eir Oman and anioi..',lt the relt the r.ited for tl'.e line Orient s'iine) wa; a ' .'- ■■, iliofen ei K.ive n'J bv them. The 1 • of the n Oil e\tv.ivagai.t W'jrld, foi' the g,aiidines i.n:-. W par.5 of ih.'ii och .--.s large ; the Hoi fe.i h-gh, fair, and buiii of I he Inlialvtants are iiol^l Idt biters, and their Id. Is (which are ver, nunierous) llandine .a'.MUt l:i th-e \Vo'-v!s, .\:it\ are the molt famous for plenty of l)::.n;on!s of the Old Water. All ab^ng rhis Conti'- ii'.i't the I.an.l is \er\ good anil fr.iitful. brou- . ./ ■ :.! we went to S'r- . / ., -, ihe King of which ^-.r,; (.,. h.is the J i.k ot r .' K/m; if f?.-, ; .' ; .md the bmenels v>a bert.li'y ol 1,1, Cu'iir.iv will aiiuw r. h.iii. The lloufcs of %i\: t ■•! 2o8 Urcmonies at the pyajbmg m the Ganges. •/•' IH< r i ilic Town arc all iliatt li'.l and built oil omc, too mean !>> i.\- lor rlw Charader of the Noble Region ilu-v ftanil iri. 'I'lie Iiili-il i'anis arc a mixture of Moors and Cien- f.lM. bvt the KclM'.ion of both is much the lame. *1 he iiext pans wo came at were Bdlifne^ and B.11- • ir»w/iir. Th.s lattir 'riwiiis built imuh .after the lame niaiiner vviih Vfii'./c e j but Ixiih it .iiid the Country a- lom i' ire viry | ndicanis, lazy M.J1 Mau begging Fellows, that wou'd be rakon'd C^'.iul are c- Iteeiiid) Religious Men, and pet a pood luinpbYthe pious Fraud. To li et this Noton into the Pe. pies Minds more lirinly, under the pretext of Religimis Mor- tification, they abandon all natural and necell'ary Care of their own Eoilies. Onei f ihcm which I law, was an ab- folute Monfter, and one might well have queition'd, whe- ther he w.is of the Human Kind or no. He was <]uito naked, and affeiftcd to be fi, his Beard was valHy long, and with the Hair of his Head he covei'd the oblcene Far's. Th'.-' Nails of fome cf his biiipers v»vre full two ntlie! in leir.th, and if he lived, mull prow to be five tiircs »■. long (for he would lutfer noth ng to betaken fn-ni hiin)aiiH by 'h.it time, with thole Talon'.he would be abicto ('. dpute his Li ing with the Tiprf s. He would not fpeak J word to any that ask d him, but he had them by him, that did loth bcp and anfvver Queftioiis for him ; all that he did Imiifelf, wa^ only to lav his Hand upon his Breall, and bow his Body a little. The common People h.ive a mighty Veneration for thefe fort of Men, which are Saints 111 their elteem, as any thing indeed 'hat plajs the hutfoon, that looks fourlv and deir.urely, or rough and horrid, very eafdy gets that Char.adcr amonpll them : A beibarous Countenance, overgrown Nails, and long Ihaggy Hair, dues better than a good Stock of Piety and Venue. But to leave them ; the Country along the (iai^s, from I'l/i^ij.f, is univerlally fruitful and populous, and has the Ble'ding ol exceeding fwect and pleafant Water. 1 he In- habitair i of ihvfi p.iris, for the molt part, keep their Faces veryclofe Ihaven, but the Hair of their Heads very long, except foine which be Ilia' en all round the Crown, on which part alone the Hair is entirely prcferved. T he next Town wc came at was }iminf.r.t<, a large place, and of great Trade for Cotton Cli th, and Saflies for the Moors. The Superltition and Idolatry of the InJia'i, is here at the heifihth j here they have the grcatell ifuant*. Smmtai. Numbers and Varieties of Images, and theCercmr nicsnf the Braincns arc the mnft nicely (bfcrvd ard praclis'd- That is, not cnly juft at this particular p'.ne, butthii part of the Country along the Banks of the C,i»,i;f.-, wimh celebiated River is ccnftantly >ilitcd by multitudtsof j, voi.t Pilgrims and Travelieis. And th,s Town olfl^„„/ r.i; for lis ll.are, receives \ii\ mimbcrs of them thit come to walli and pray, 3,\i\ perform their othcr'accu (lom d Rues m the River. They go into the Water verv" TH-» early in the Morning, by Break of Day, if not befor/ ■«•■'- tt\ the River s fide there lit feveral old Bramens .at theii "" ' Devouon, which give the People that pals by them thre-eMH ' ortourS:raws, which they rake and hold lx:twcen ihar'"'!'.' binpers when they wafti. Others of thefe Priells mark the devout People in the Forche.ids ; for which piece of Set vice they have a Largefs m Rice, Barley, or Money' given them when the others come out of the Witor When they arc in, they walli Themf-lves all over ani pray ; they lade up Water with l>oth hands, and' turn themfelves aliout and then drink, and this they reneat three time*. '^ .Mter thefe Ceremonies in the Water, they go and inike their Offerings to the Idols, at which time th- old IV-lU mutter certain Prayers, which they believe ro be a moa eftciaual Conlecration of their Sacrifices. Some of them will walh a place upon the Earth that is their full lenc'h and then he down and pray, with their Arms and LccI extended ; alter which they rife up and lie down ar.l kils the Circund le eral tmies Uiccellivelv, and every time they do It, they make a .Score on the fJrouml wi:h their Finger, to know when their Meafure is lill'd up. Others of them perform moil of their Keligi JUS BufinclTc, over certain Pots, u. the nuinb.r of fifteen, or (ixicni fnval! and grear, in aIikIi they make loine odd .. ixtur.-i (what ihcy knowbell)and nnpa little Belleveryti'iiethcv put the thingstogither. They m.ike a Wntrv t'stlVj. bout the Pots, and utter feveral Prayers over tlKiiT ~ ^i when all this is finillicd, they go away to the Imapev' j'nj lay their Ofiermgs at their Feet like the relt. There's abundance of fair and handfonie l+nifis er.-ift. ed upon the Banks of the River, all (,f which are rer'c- nifti'd with thole Images which thcfe poor People pay their pevotiori Co fuperftitioully to. Amonglt tlic rc!l there's a particular lorr of Image fwhich they call w./.',; , , ^ (landing up and down in feveral pi ices, ami a deform'd Figure It is, having four Hands with great uply Claw,. Before this (as well as the other.sj, they pour "out W.i'cr upon great carved Stones, and throw thereupon Rice Wheat, Barly, and fome other things. ' The-, have moreover a great I'lacebu Irof St nc, made ■'" i"' like a Well, with Steps to go down, the Water of whiel' ." ' IS verv foul and P'r.rul, md that bv teafon of the pieit '. Quamiiies of Herbs ioid F.owxrs, which nil the Votaues' " thatc.iiiK- tht'e-c.dl into it, ai:d lie (linking and eor- riipt.ng tlu-;v. They revkon it a miglitv Pnri'fi.arioii to walh then l:''ves in t'li, inliy \\M| ; ([,r tUe> fav, the Oeitv hiniu.. once walli'd iheiv. ai:d made it holy.' Up- on i\n- aciount there's always abundance .,:" Pcoplecrow. ding int 1 it, and picking up the Sand that lies at the Ixi'. tom of it, which they elleem a very .Sa.red Thing too and pielerie a.cordingly. ' But 'tis mote iinaccounral'lv ridiculous ftill, that thefe People ll.ouid treat their Iilols Vwhiih they verv well know to be bur dead iinachve .Vlaiter,\ as fu many 'things fenli- ble of P.iiii and Pleafure ; whch they di'i, by making lome of ihe .Aitendanis lit by them in the hot 'Weather, to breaih the cool Air up:-n them with a ban. And thclc Men, when ihey fee any Company coming towards them, ring a I ttfe Bell that hangs by them ; for which tliey are' paid With the HIeemolinary Ciifts of the Pilgrims, and 0- ther Religious that edit thole Hinifes. But all tlm enter in, mull firllpnllofftheirShooes, fuch an Opinion they have ot the .Sandity of thofc places where their IJok Hand. They keep Ijmps continually burning Ivforc them, which makc-s the Appearance mo. e awful, and af- fords fome help to the Imagination, if not the Devotion of the People that come thither. The Biamens of thefe parts do moll of their Religious Titfu;- (and Uomefliik BulincH'es too) naked ; they pray in the Water naked, drcfs their Food (which is only Vegetable), and eat it naked ; upon which accouiu they well deferve the Title that the Wile Men of this Country anciently had, and are (h,„ml"/:/!j}', in the itridled and properdl Sence ()t that Word. They take a Pride in marking thenUelves with a certain Yellow Powder, which they rub about their Foreheads. Ears, and Throats ; and they go about the Streets with a Box of it in their Hands, with which they frequently mark other People they moct. Their hap.XXXVIll. Patenaw, Tanda, c-c 2og Their Women too do the fimc to ihemltlvcs.whtnthcy I From P.neiiaw I prOf cciiij tn ruiitu, in the Country of '"■"'''' iiimc down to the River io_w.ilh, and perform the otti' r | G'Wtu. Both this and i'iitfnt\K were formerly Kingdoms 1 %■■■■'• »tKr jccurtiinied Ceremonies. They come in pretty large B ,licj together, aiulare very Merry andJoVLiI at this time , tor .IS ihcv conK' with a N tig in their Mouths lo tlicy yo iway with the fame, .iiul no body ean charge them wiili ad'iM heavy he.irteil Devotion. 'lliey al'ow l'olyg.imv amnngft them, and every Man ii.iy h«ve feveii Wive* J tlicir ILmphtc-s alfo many veiy \i (i:ig, and they lonk out Uir liti:,iiands for iheiii at ten Vijr>ot Age. Their way of .Salutation when they meet one another, i>, to lift their Hands up to tlieir Heads, and repeat the 'Void li'tne twice ortlirice. The hunir.il Rues .ire the Umc hereabouts that tliry lilt are 111 diher p.iit> nt Uuiir^ , the di ad Bodies aie Iniiiit, a>i(i the Women facrificcihemfeives upon the fame I'd, , if iheyn-fufe lodn ii, their Hc.ids arc fhavcn, and no liody minds tliem for ever afterwards. B'.it the Ccrcmoiu of tluu M.iiriapes is as foolilh and ''idle ai It could well have lieen in.ule with Study .iiid Con iriunce. Indeed it affords 4 very lively and lenliMe tmWiin of the I'nion Ix-tween .i Man and Ins Wife ; for here tlicywed to the Scei'ter of the victorious A/n^n/, l:ch,ii-Sh,u Here's migliiy'Iiade alfo for Cotton aid Cotton-CIoth. The Inhabitants arc all Genttlef, and go naked, except • Cloth b..fi re. The ad|.icent Country is well repleiiilh'd with wild Fowl, arid a liitle more thanllioiild be, with wild IWalll too, f'l.h, I. Tigers, wild BuHlts, Ac. T,i/,J,r islitnatcd a league Ihiintlu f/'-if ,?'■», thaiis, (r"m theprelent Curient lit thatKivi.r, foi fcrniorly ibe Imvii' overllowing its Hanks bv iruansuf i'n..ii l that tho' irii.l.t were not removed from the River, yei the River h.15 ic- iiiovedii I'.-lf farther honi 'JVin./.s 1 n .V e liv,> Moiiilii of It in my pallapc from .7;.v, vlovvnil.e Kivers fi>>«.«( and '• .■'■1/ lo i-/>'Mk, buV 11 mav b • doh,' 111 inuth iefs imie th.inih.i-. brum rtf. '/.i 1 travcl'd into rl.e Co'.iti'ry of Ccnc'*', *"'• '•' wli'ih liis %% Days Journey Nonh tioin T /.,/(, and not far from C.ib.-A/mC/'om. Tlic Port is called Cnub .''"'' '•^"'' p.!"'!'. The Country is all Ic: with lijinbocs, or Canes made il.arp at b.jth en Is, ami lo driven into t'le Karth ; and they lanlcr liie W.iter in and drown .r abevc knei: deep, fo that neither Horfe nor Man Ihall crtfily pafs. Thvir Culbjin is aUotopoilcn all the Waters whenever thev are engaged in any Wars. Their I'lade lies chieHy in Musk, Silk, and Cotr m T*!- an.l t.ike up Waterin a Brafs Pot, and pour it out upon the I Cloth ; and their liiiall Current Money is * Almond' •'■'|',I^"7,v,,, CoWi> fail, fo that it runs thro' all their Hcuds. .\ttei I I'^huli thev eat almoll as often as they receive. Nature .►. ,',i...l '..m tin-, .-^c loving Couple ate faftned together bv their ] h*. provided :i Purie for this Ion of ^^>nl•v , into which f' '"«•• Cujf'i'., and then ihey walk round about the Cow and 'the (lippery ba.gers ot no '/Uief or Piek-Wcltet tan ^'^''' t. ujf'i ..., a lil» v'ilf, iii» vilt, and liignout cd the Water. When the Cere- mcm IS ended,the Hinnitn has the Cow ani.1 theCalf f jr his Fee, and they giv e Alms to tne P'Xir, that ai e always ilo they for- ilxjiR them upon lueli Occafions. Neither get Devotion any ii'.oie than Charity ; for they go am (lultrate themlclves befoie th;ir ldol<, kifs the Ground leveral tutus, make their Olfering; to them, with which tiie whole Scene concludes, and they go home to their Huiifes. And their way of managing the Sick is not Icfj odd liian that of their manyinr, iht fe that are Well. If a Perlon bedangerruilly ill, ihey carry him and lay him ' tx\ Aliiioptl tur tVUtey. They have hereabouts all that Cnmpalliou and Tcndcr- ncls for all (oris of Animals, that we hii 1 in tfte M/^ijk 's Country and other p.'irts of fi;.A>. Thev give Meat to the little crawling Ants ; and tho' thole Wife and Irdultrious Creatures never failto make Pi\)Vili(in fir them'.olves, yet they think tlieiidclves oldigcd to take cure of them too, and adil tothcir Stores. I returned hack from hence to "'":'■'' lliigcli in Hen^n!^, a place in the Hands of the Vafiugue:;:, ''"" ''■''' a League from Sdtrdg.iii, and in n Degrees N. iar. The I'lritii^iic^.- call it I'oriii P!.j:.ciLi, and no; far from i: to the S. W, is a Haven called Poi-tn W«'e/i, lean d in the Coun- D. 1 before their Idcls .ill night, which is the lalt Lxperiincnt try of ixn; to which comes every Yeai good (tore of 'hey make for life. If they don't mend upon th;.j, their fr.entls come and lit bv them and Ihcd a few Te/rs upon the Oecafior., and then fetthcm a faibng upon the River 111 a little Raf. m.ide of Reeds. A good i]ui(k Method of rnring Uilkirpers to dr. wn the Paiitnt. The I'ee.plcir. general go w.thout Clvj.iths, and have n 1 Cnveritii^but a Cloth aixiut iheir mnhlle. The NV'ouien have tlieir Ears, .'Xriiis and Kecks lievk'd wuh Rings of Silver, Copper, Tin, anil Ivory, wuh Amber and .'Vgats ; aiU li the fl/.(wcM Wives mark tiK-inlelves with Yellow, lo tliele -Arteift to •'() it wth itruil> oi Red ipiite eiols the borchcad, and fo up to theliovsn. But in Winter the Men wear quilted Cotton (".owns, and quilted Caps, ill the I'alhion of a Mor:ir, with a llit to look out a', and fo tyed down beneath their Ears. From Biiiii:o.:i I proceeded down the G.'wjcj to i'. riv-.nr, a vcr> long ami a great Town, but the Houtes iiitaii and ill built, made of Karth and covered with Straw, yot the Streets large and fpacimi'.. This Voyage was very pleafant, for we pafs d abundance of fine ■1: R41M. (■.'JlG-'J 1. i dtttUW. Ships out of />/, and the adjacent lilands, and lade from tlicrue great quantuies of Rice, Cloth made of Oitton Wooll, long Pepper, Sugar, Butter, and other Pioviiioiis. O'l.vi, is (Ix Days [ourney S. W. from S/tnagun Q,i^, (which is a City of the ,\l.i. /, a la-ge and plentiful plate) 'twas ontc a Kingdom of it fi-lt, but in pioceis of time was (onqncred by the King of I'rt.ti, its Neigh- bour, and wrelkd from himby the llrong .Arm of /vei.ir V/ -. Theie's abundance of Rice here and Cotton Cloth, as alio of another Hut of Cloth made of a Grafs, which thev call Yerva, and is like a Silk ; it makes a very good Cloth, and a gi cat deal of it goes for Wm and other places. In jBfif.i/.nhere is a great Market ovorv dav at one place Of other, aud they have a ftrt of open Boaf;, they ule to convey their Goods by water in,tli.it aic of a mighty burthiii, and row with 14 or 16 Oars Such is the Opinion the People of ihij Country have ot the admirable Vcrtueof theKiverC;->/5r.i,that the' they Eftccm rf have ever fo good and pleafant Water hard Ity them, ''"= •*"':' they'll choole rather to go a great way to fetch that of *''"*"■ r.>Aq J. .And if they have not enoueh to drink, they II fprliikle a little upon themfelves, and then ail's well witli them. From ^.utjg.-.ii I traveil'd by the Country of the King {}{ Tippiit.t oil'orio(irtm'lr,wtih whom thcMii^ori-:{QtMi>gon)T,pfjri, have almoft continual Wars. Thole Mo^orfs of Arra.an are much Superiour in Force to the King of Tlppr.nt, fo that Pouj Oran.l: is often in lubjevikion to the King of There is a Country about four Days Journey from „ L.-tiiic (lietore mentioned ) called Bcttniiur, and the jj^ai nj,. Chief City Boitin ; it takes m a mighty compafs of il«n>l»cs'«''. Ciioiind, as much as will require three Months time to navel. There are vaft high Mountains in it, and one of them particularly raiR's up its Hsad fo high, that a Man mav lee it perfciiHy when he is lix Days Journey from it. I? pon ihefe Mountains dwell a lort of People that have Towns, and had a iVuitful Country all about us. I ol ferved feveral mighty Rivers that enter the (.Vi.^w, ibmc ot them nearas big as the '.'.o.rri it felf; wliicli nuke it to be ot fuch a V alt breadth, lo broad, that in a time of gieat rain you cannot fee fromonelide to the other. The Country is horribly pelter'd with Thieves, which like the // i-.lis, Ihit'c up and down for Spoil and hic no where. llie Women are trick'd up with Ornainents of Sil'er and Copper, much like thole of Biimnrtu, and they can wear no Shuocn they load theuT oes with fo many of thofe Rinps. The Town of P.-.icn.ixo has a good Trade for Cotton, Cotton Cloth, Sugar, Opium, and other Commodities, wh.chthey carry from hence to Uui..i and Bck^i-.I.i. But It basa greater name fur the Gold they hm! there. They digdeep Pits in the Ground, aud taking out lome quanti- ties ot rlie taith. th.'v wai'i it 111 Bowls, by which means they iighc upon ilie Gold : Thcfe Pits are brick'd round about to keep the i-iith troinfallitu; in and mixing with I bars of a fulifpan in Length, which is much the fame the Precious Unit, ' fire with thole of thclnhabitantr of Coiahf ; and probably ■ E c both I i i( ! i I' ..*' 210 Dejcrtption of Pegu, O'c. t^: UaH Iromtlie • mciaiifc, namtly, the Tricks ihcP»rcm» plAy with ilum, to cxtnul ami draw them out when they «t« vounp, whithisknowti to be the Pratilicc iii <.'u«. 'if. There isapiTat riUTt ot Merchants hither, from O/wf, from AI/,/.iit ami Jifcry, whornmeto buy M«sk,Silk, Acais, Pepper, ami Saffrnn like that of I'crfu. 1 he Nciuhrrn Mitihaiits b\ their Drels and Habit, till ihe World how cold a Cliiiatc 'lis tluy tome from. I hiV are all clofc wr.ipr tipin woolen Clo;h, tinir l.c^i) (;ii,iu!id wiih Hole and Roots, and warm Caps upon their Hea.is. |tpporiior_ They report ihcir Country art'or, s excellent Ilriles, tho' very Imall, and Kine tliey have too in ^'.re.it al iin- dance ; loinc Men anionglt them keep6ee Hoil'cs and Kine about ihem. Their fole Diet is Milk and Flelh ; ilieir way of tradin,^ to buy aiid lell by Scores upon the (Inn'iid, Ihe) cut the Tailf of their Kiiic, and lell iliem .11 \er> ^;l•c.^[ Kates becaufe they are aComirodiry mi(;hrily in rconelt, and al! the Pcopleelleem ilieni highly. Ihe Hair ot' tlieiii is a Yard lonp, and the Kump above a ipati ; and ihe ulc ihe Noriheni Mcrchanti. keep their Markris here upon the Vattr, having iliffUi,! <;o«d» aboard their Psrofs; and to keep ihcm fr< mhf 'cnl ItorthinR hcatof the Sun, every Paioe i5 ci arded vciih ,(''"*■ large TembrclU or Son.brero, made of Coco ami he leaves. ^ The next Town we came to wai ntlir, v. hii h has a fjir r Port to the Sea, fn in whence go lei tral .Ships f< r Alu- »''.'„ /.i.r.i, the /^c^S'c.i, and other parts. Here are 18 tr i, ": very great and long Houles, uIrtc the\ keep and taiiic .abundance of l-lephants for ilu Kini: of ['cf^u ; for ihev catch ihe will! lllcpliams in the WooiVihereaUmts. 4 From luiice we pinveci'.edto r/.,,H, vdiuhis alutij-,.. loireTovvn, and has a i.tod Port, whither .diuiul.n > ,. Ill Ships ^l^me tiuiii (ilk r |ji Sol ilie ( S.r. ; and here 'tis that iliey Hop and difchargc, feialini; up their Gords by Bo.it to i'. :;". Ihenexi place wciame 10 was A/.ir.io, where we icfc our Bnats, and Lik.ng fonu- Delingegcs ( whch arc ,i "" li n of Carriages 11 ade of Crds and Cloth .judied, anj earned 1 etwetn three or four Mm > we can e the I'jii c they chiefly pi t them to is to hang ihetn for Onuinents 1 l^^) to I' 5;/. 'I hiv is a \ erv llrj'e, Itrcnp and m f^hty upon the Heads of ihcir bicphants. I City, .-ind well deferiing itsChaaOfer of .m iiii]H;r;al The Inh.ibitants are an aiiUve lively Pconie, and "nc- 1 is cninpalled al out with hrm Strne-walis anJ („ mighty I'wift Runners. This Account thole Northern I'ltdies tuo, that are both wide and deep. It's dividoJi-''>i,| Merchants gave of the Countries ttom whence they "it" two Cities, rlie Old .ind the Nev*'. I'm' came. | In the Old are all ilie Merchants of ftrange Coiimrics,ti^c, From Pc'ts Ciriuie ( or C/r/ /^« ) in Bcin\irt.i, I came ' and n;ain ( f them alfo that belong to ihis ; and hcreit u to B.tcili-, the King of which pl.uc was a good leinpei'd th.ai all tlieTrade isdruen.Ii lias ery larg ■ Suburi'S .dout Hofpitable M.iii, and wonderfully plealed wi'h our it. bi t the I loulc^aie built ol Hairlx)e Canes and covcr'il Eiitipcaii 111 cntion of (oils, to llioot with, wli.cli was 1 with Sti.iw ; fo [hat Fir. s areas ovdchievous here .is they his principal lixerrifeand Ueli^dit. HisCotntrj is large | are trei]iient, for 'tisiery id'ten that 4 or ^r.. of th'-fcit.- and fruitful, yielding great Itoic of Rice, Silk and laid in Allies ina very little rime. But there's this Con' c- Cotton-Cli th. 'Ihe Inliabitaiits ha\f no Cloaths nor "lencc, that to eiery dwellinc Houl'e this llateh built. ttf"fft' #•"<•!' •If ■.'', Covering, but a Cloth abor.ttlieir middles men here weaiSilver and Ci.pper Kings as plentifully al molt as anywhere. H.iiii is a Town haiidlonie and (lately t^iigh, the Streets large and open, and tlicHoulcs fair and very high built. My next Stage was to Scnrprre, upon the Banks ^if ilie Cntigei, a p'ace famous for the Cotton Cloth iradc there. Tbcy are all hercal.i«i ts R. i tis apainft the liicnt Mcgni^ cr rather ifand up in dcieiiec of their Jiift Jibcrties, which that Putcnt .■\dv crlacy endeavours to fwallovv i,p. They skulk i'l> and livvn in the Iflands of the G> ct'-x. Hands a Town called Siiiiici^-!\ whnli bears the Bf II Irom all other places in Indict, foi- goi d and hne Cotton Cloth. For nui'dings, 'tis much intcriour to the tinier ; low Floules, covered with .Straw, and Mats hi iig roi m'. 'he Walls, and before the Door to keep out the 1 igers .ind Foxes. Cloaths nor mcnce, that to every dwelling Houl'ethis llatel^ but the Wo-' ^O'l have agoodBriik Ware-lioufe for your Jrlci ^ -crdi.ii, dize, without whiih there would be no late iivin» ai thii place. 'si liitlic New-Cirv IstlieKicg and the Court vf/'rA allsn;, the No! il'iy and (.icntrv. Itsa very great ami popidi uv Citv of it fcir, built Ipiaie, dcfeialcd with handlenie (1 bdantial Walls, and a Ditch that is not n. 'y full of Water, liithasa'n'iidame of I'lotodiles in it too; which niav li aprett) gooddi.ard ; fccan Ad.' r.ary that lliciild (1, igerol being fnaptby come to p.il- thi>Ditch,w ould I tliem.lt iiasi.- Stoiic-G.itis ', for every liderf ihc'Squ'.iro'- aiidibelides thefi ) abindaiire' of Watch Towers upf>ii the Wallsdmiliof W<,i(id and very ponpoellv p:lt with Cold. TlieSir^etsare thefaiult that ever 1 lawi any whcrc.as (trail aiidcvuia^.ilii.e. .nml ot lu.ha b'eadth.th.it izMciiiray very well rule a I reatt thn ' ilum. '] hcHorfi.v here are all of '1 imUramUovtr'd w.thTiles, and I cf re every Door IS fet a Palm 1 ire ; to ih.n 'tis a pleaiant X^'cod, and j (hielv City t'.geiher; 'tis To 101 1 and ilndv, that under The People drefs li.kc tilt m at ILur^ r ; they live alto- the 11 elter of the'e Palnisa Man may walk ivithoi't any fctlicr upon Milk, Rice, anil Fiiiits, neither touching any trotble trt ni the Sun alltlic Day long. 'Ihe Palace iv i-i Flcdi nor killing any Be.ill. Yet many of them arc very the midll ol this Citv, and 'tis walld and ditch'd alicut rich ; and the King of this place is a Sovereign to the rcit 1 he BuiMings ai\ all WcmkI, but every w here gilt .1: a of the K'ngs round al'out hull. All Chrillians arc very | molk extravagant rate ; clpic.ally the Fnnt, which for welcome to him, and n.eet with friendly Kntcrtaiiimcnt j Gilding ard Carving excuds all the reft : Andthelenii e frcmh.m. ThisCountry lerves Calfii, I'cfji, W/cic^, where the King goes to his Devotion, is more rich and Sumr.'rit, and other parts with Kiir and Coiicm Cloth. Ipleiulid than this. ijf or From Sercioc 1 fc lad down the G arclfil wiih a *•■ Coco ami hg wliiih han range Coi>m>ics,o^Ci, I IS ; and hcro'i u ; ■ Suliurl'S alout anes ami i o\ cr'il .ous here a* they ^P" of th'featc ere's this C'orc- tirs lUicl\ l-ui!t, >oiir Wcfihiir;- af..' U\ in* ai thi> s\ Court w-iffr ill si»;, at and popil' u< 1 wi'h handl'Liiie not X 'y full of in it too; which r.arv that fliculd r.t being fnapt by derf iht.S whcre.as /lra;t ili.1t t; Men may irliNhcre arc all re nery Dcor Vcod, and a that under k ivithoi't any e Palace i^ 1:1 d.tch'd al>om. here pilt at a It, which for ndthelenipf more rich and 'ry larceRooni, Kir( o( » >Llcphar.tv^„iy, phants that arc jmh- i.L'iT of others ncs, which arCTt.,,,^ Prince known M» ere any of his Id make War is the eftccm this Colour, of his Titles; ig and lofty a AiiJ bcraiif* • Icrioiis Title 'hitc Elephant to liiui, or It the King, all attenci and >liged tore:tk;- iii'ounts tu 1 U.ewing h;s ittended, and yViimi ;'rizc a Wan n.?yir.tf re fpiendidly ich thiy arc Ihed ( which eu;!it Men to bear ,■, u.. bear lip » Canopy of CIc.th of fioM or Silk over their, andaint.inv or.more that march witht)riim< amlMnlical Iiiltniine'UslHfire ihem ; and when they come ontf)fthe Water, their Feet ate wadied m gnat Silver Bafiiiis by (onie I'etliiiiof (i;uliiv, whofeomcc it isto do thmi iliai picee (if .Ser\ \,\ i»'tee Kini'.'sH >'il'e(:rT'rap lor taking the Wild F!epl,an'v Th sill V dii duitly by ih.-helpof lome rame ones iliey carrvwitli ihem foi tliai piirp I'e, eoiiiiiionly a Female, «hAli liic wild Ma'i's will \ei-y eafily follow. The Hunis-tiieii lirive the Wild one near the l/)dge, \'. here he is ti' be unpiiloned, aiul therein I' me (frait ,ind n.irrow pa'.l' lie hnds the l-em.iu ; after they are met, thty drive 1 n the F.inale iiiiMihc wn\ that leadsinto the Lodge, the Poor of which being op.n, Ifc enters, ..ml the Male ( loud of her Co'upany J along wiili he. And then he .>ar're Prifoiier ; for ui'on their entrani e, the Do-ir im- iii',itn''.iv dapsiiown, and allisf.ill and elolVabo'it them. T he hemaletliey ipiKklv af'ei get on again, and leau ih.Male all alone in h's Corlmenuiir, who they lay iaktsit\erv liaiiioi^llv lobelo iiii ked 1 ut of lis I iberty, aiu! alteiwaids robbd (.f an agretable Compaiiioii, with \vh 111 hewascalie and i]ii\er. But now upon this Ids he 11 .ikes pi'Nl'nl M.ans, and changes hij Grief at lalt ii.tnKageaiulFi ry ; he runs hin.leif tor very madnejs ag.ii'ilt ilie Val s, and bleak^ Ins T'ceth many time in li.e I iniiiinier. I'.eli les this, they leazc and priek hini With il.arp Canes, keep hini three or four Days without M» .lor Drink ; after all whuli Mortih< ations, they at ial'lirinp liMU Vultnal- and a Female to pleale him, by v.Jii.h n.e.iiis he is peilvva led to be tame. >^ This Ki:-.g's belt I-'.iii. loniiits in his Flephaiits, tho' I,.- is able to raiU piodgious -Nrniies of Men too. .At my I'unp there he mached againit the King of .Vi>'.; w '■■li a B.'dy of -jroi .;o Men, and icco Flephant?. All thefe Creatures that are for the Wars have Catties of X^'o'd upon their Bi ks, 111 which are placed certain Soiildicrs that light with Guns, Bowi and Arrows, Darts, and o- ther Weapons. The King lits abroad in rpi-n view twice every I)av, '^''^^''j''j"f partly for State, and panly to do Publick Ji'lUec. T"he nt s.i:g oi' Nobles lit on each tide hiiii at a pood diUance, and with- f'i* cut them lland the Cinard which are very niiinerors. T hole that the King will honour with his Converl'e lo'i e to him ill this manner ; they kneid ilown Iv^ave the r Hands I. p to their H.ads, and pit their Head.. 10 ilu: (iroiiii.i three times, ai th .renti.iiAe, in theinidi.-wav. .ii.d at tlv T appreach t > h:> M.i|elfy. It he like them tl'.e, li' w.ih.ii three 01 f.,i;rl'aics of 1. 'ii, and he talks v.i htl-.ein; but if not ihev reirove to a h.'ther diliam c .Ml i\'it!"iiei» and th>Me th.i' cone to hii ■ for lulti are \< IfHv lilen' before h m ; they lav n"rliirig b ' p t -."P kill li:m their Matters inwricint;. Wha' they have to '■ ' '■ ii. p.irt to I'.ini, is written w .th the pomt < f an Iron U|'( 1, th.' Ic.nesot iViiie Tree, which are a fuli I.M in ieiipth and 'WM li.ciusbioad, aini liovbled .I't'o. of Pej^it with allhiiTroafurc^has a nnod round FamiJl of hiiowntoiraimain ( I'evcral hunilitds el Woiren of Pleafiire, and Ivtween 81 and 100 Children begotten by liiinli'll' upon them ; but tvicr ai many itioa" would nciilier make him a pi'or Frincc, nor thim li*"* K'neatli theii crueCha'aCfeT and I'.ipnuy. The People ot this Country ha'e a I'ancy that feis tlie'ti migluilv aranlt wear ng ot Beards, ihiv pluck liie,,,' ,,,,' llalrsbv the knot '. from their Facis vvitli hue Pimcr', f-uuiwi. .Sane of them wdl let 1 (cw '1 No iMaii c. ines w dur. i a I'r Kr.t, wliiili notwi-li- l.ai.d.ni; IS ni t a'wavs .iceei ted. For if the King lil; 's the Bu.uiefs, he tal.es the (Iitt ; if not, he reteriis it to- i;eil;er will his dcii;alot tlieSete. This I'r nee never guei. abroad but with a very iv- ni nus Attendance b. di of G ards and No'.'le-mcn. .S( in tiir.eshe ride> iia Caltle ( upon an Flephant) which is valiiv mhaiui Ipieiii; d; lonietiinis he is carried upon a preatFiaiiie, Ike a Hoil.-litter, epoii 16 or 18 Mens Mionld(i>. This Frame has 11 little Houle up ii it, CO' end over head, but oieiion the tides, all over taldod and tVt with Rubies and .Sapphires. Si'ch Coif IS nothing to to ndi a Prince as he is, that has iiicxhaiiltible Mines loth of (iold and Silver, and Jewelstoo in his own Dominions. Rubies, Sapphires and .Spinelles are Native^of his Country ; and he can com- mand whatquantities of them he pleafes, out of thole T'u.ii. lies where bountil'ul Nature has hoarded them up for h.m. t'.i/i.'; i> a place from whence tlicfe rare Stones are brought J it is ll.\ Days Journev from Wf t in the King- ne every time they have a Child. li!l it e .1: e-- t.i three, an 1 •!i,n ihey Hop and pn no farther. The lealt lizc ot the B il ^ is as Ivig as a liuall Walnut, and the greatelt w II irateb a li-i'e liens Egg : The King and the Nobles vviar them of Silver, finely gilt, and made I'o as to ring and n.akeanc lie ; ihcpoorer tiirt hav e their.s of I ead, which giv e bnt little or no louiul at all. The King 1 ften b.ttows fome that he has worn himlelt upon his Noblemen, which is a very gre.it t'avour, and they elleeni them mightily after he has uied tliein. T is no dr-ubt a great deal of Pain .'.U'l troub'e they put ihemtelv'.-stoto do this ; but they lav thev can heal the W'oun.l tliat'Miiade, and make a'l vvho'e an. I well again 111 fvenore vh' l).'\s time. Ths Cultcm was iniro- ilue d bv way of Pr..vent:oti an.i Keire.lv agairlt unna- terM lull ; 'twas deligned to I .• a Kellraint upon the Male Sex troin abu'iiig one antthei. They tliemlelvcs know belt vyh.it I 'l' .-.11 1 Sen ice it is to them in that rc- ip.'L^ ; b"t'isv..-iv well hii.nvii that they can take the Halls ().. rot ihi- p.'ri .iiid put tli.'m in ag.iin at p'ealiire. However, all rliol'e t 'oniiti ies ir teeins \vi re lormei ly iiifa- leous to I xiren.il 5 f 1 the I'raObee of this .\bniiiination ; th.- Wonien were a, molt wholly la'd bv, anil eonl.Hpient- Iv every place by D.-grns grew thin of People. Af 1) aili Iwept av av the O'd (ieneratirn. no care was taken I r the riling lip ol a N' vv one, and to they dwind'ed ..way ; till the iril. he' ous FMcvls of their Crime vvcfC to a;ifarent, ih.'.t I'lr Ci' il md Pol'-ical Reafons ihey be- gan to think (.'" a Remedy. T here is a 1 aw of an ancient D.itc amoiigft tiicm, that regulatt . i'^ - Womcns Drel's. and limits tlicquantity ot Stut?' thee ihall put into tlieT Garments. .And this I awhaslieen lo n.gardly totheni. that they luve hardly to mut h as decency requires ; their Cleaths are fo Itrait, that liiey (liew one lide bare ibove the Knee as they go .along the .Streets. When the (V^Mf^c haytaSuit or law amongft them that'sany thing doubtful and intiuatc, they bring it toan\v«yof dr. illue by thisquiek method of Decition. The contend- >:"''"« •■"* log Parties ( with their Judges or Arbitrarors on both'""*" tides) go (low 11 to a River, and where they find a good depth of Water, they leap in and dive to the bottom. An.l thus the Buiinet's is deter.iiiiied ; for he tii.tt holds ir m\i the longelt under Water, carries the d.iy. Which method of ending long and difficub Cauf.'s, tliould it be uled md prajliled in other Courries ; thole t!i:tt inan.i!,e them might e'en I ap 111:0 the Water too, aiivl Hay there fr Co )d an 1 all. .As for th.' Tilde of thisCounrry ; the other p.irrs of l:i;li.i do t.irnlh bur lew Commodiies comparatively that ., j, , levee here. T liol'e that are molt in re.-^uelt are the Opium v "riti,Uiie |. ' id'Cti/'/rtv ■;the painrcdClothof St.T-i'-.f or'. .f;/.','/.".!' :>/,and the white Cloth of B.');:;.^,,;. They brin^ hither ailiiyeatly gox! :Tore oft 'ottcn-Yarn,dycil rcil with the'Root they call det'olour; thisfelUvery Well, fc 1 *IKt S.t'ajWliicbfi- e< a very dura' 212 7/t icmpicof Dogonne, 'I Mlipoics, &c. Ub. II liuh Ai'.ti pi'cs ell 111 (trv.it qiiaiititu* Aiuiiii,^lt ihi' l'rr:,lr. *l In ^ii r>liom it '•■ '. ' aiul I lie I fi»..i. ,/ / C'l-ill, min ini. i;ii(i ,inil '111' lUrot ,N.'".i./, 'Ii> A/.i/.h.im a Si .1 Pun ill ilvs|'iiiiicKm)'.iUiiii i llii.Slii(<. lroiiiA/.i/.!.wi l.iili'ii w ill .S.iihI.iI, I'lKcLiiic, riiil < ilicr ( /k;.! Wares, hhIi I'.iinrliiu- Irnni W'lm-. , uiul IV| per iVdiii Vi.im/. 1. |( the I'l r; I I I .'i(' •! ii'in.' iIk' Milp lunii A.Vi' 1 Wixili'ii Cli.tli, hiArlcis, Velio, I'l'iiMii, aiul 'I'liiTi' aiv ill /''i;!! a H.r' il iiiui l>cr rl Pnikcr> , ■ iplii R.'kiii. ill M ) uli ijiarild ml m W'A >< iirduoiMor \im 4f ilic iiitrinliik V.ilur, .in. I )(iii j'.ui' thein tin' ilii' 1 l'.iilis two 111 ',!r' lliiii.lr^il. I Ik'v .lie WiuihI .illci hi iii.ikt v»ii Ucl i«mi(.ilt'noii, l-ei.Uiie ;.' II lell ji"'' Mm'i"i>liie r.pnri tdeii Wiin's. Il' li.ev il n'l p.ii v i' •'' i'" n "in. %iiii 11 .IV uke iliiiii luiiiie 111 V iir 11 1 le .iiul keep ilieiii Pril" ners; ami alt.r ili.it, ^o'l nay ; i' eeeJ ,' hv the M- limMiiee "1 tlie I aw ) tp t'.inlur l.xiieiniiies : Yon may l.lkv !lieii\Viu«aiu! Cli. linen .iiiil ImiuI them 111 the .Sun ( a< fd 111.111;, .S.i.-r.li,e».' .i; viuir Door. !• jj.j.i,. The pf' P"" A'..ivh.iii..ue m I'. 411 I mean its uun iiI'lMures ! Kpper, i: Spuielles, Miisk, H^nitn ;n, Iraiikinieiile, hmp I'epf T;n, I e.iil. Copper, 1 .lee.i ' nt' whiih tliey make haril W.ix) Rue an.l Wm.' ma.le of thel.ime, aiij tome Su- gar. r>i!t ot tlu'- l.iiter C'liiiin.ciliiy there woiiM le Co mii(hni( rethan ihere IS, it it ueie mt iliat their hle- phaiits tonfnnie.l I'mU .1 i.ilt finvber ol' the .Sii^ar Cams; lilt they ilevoiir al'iirhl.iiiii lit them, ami luxeiiotaniore pKalini; aiireeaUle l-o' il to thmi than iliile are. • The Current Money iiithile pir's is a lort of Br.ifs ''"I' which they eall (.>/,^rt; a^ tor GoUl ami .Silver they ;,re purely Ciiininoilitits, ami are linirtinHs vvdiii niore aikl fomctin es lels, as other Waiesare. I his Hrafs Mo- ney gncs hy a N^'eiuht ulirh they eall Bira, am) that ainoiiiits I.) fi.iiKtliiiij; Ms th.iii halt 3 Crown in our Mr-iicy. •If i.U. iril 1 he /'i-'jiif/I- biiilil miphty pompous TciTiples lor their iJj:. ' '>lo'« J thev fparc no Coll ii'r l.alioiir, to make all ijio KJitiees ilevoted toluvh a I le, as Brii;lit ami N'oUle as thev e.in. Their Varcll.Vs or Temples .iic Iniih rouiul like a .Sn- j^ar I.oaf, lonie areas hi t;h as an orilirary Cliurih, very brc.ul I'tiieaih, many ot" them aqiiajur ot a Mile in Coiiipals. They bellow their GoUl at a innll proiliiMl rate upon liuni, they Uinn all of tlieiii (;iMed in the lii(;Iieraiki more emiiiciii parts; Init many of them are ilone all ov^r fn/iti top to Iv ttoni, lo that there s iioihinp learecl)i;i .1 GoKlen Facethat appears. 1 hen eury tin or twelie Yi.-.rs il::'. ..ri mw (iilt, beiarle in that l'p;i..e of I'tiie tlk Raiiiaial i'.ii.\\'e.ither have 1 rtity miiih im- pairM ilk Hrnuty of ilum ; for it isto be r.oteil, ihatthiy ll.,iiJe>i\ Is'il, leiiij'all open abrrad. Veie it 111.1 hir this coi;Uant Ci nfLinpnon I f u. (lohl woiiKI le a ver\ ehiapthinp in /'e:;w ; but tlie liicls ilevour this, as the Filej hants lio the .S\ u.ir Canes ; aiA bnweeii thiiii bo'.h. thiy n\ike both iMr.p.ira;ivi.\y ilea''. The Iniajiis ( whiih ha-.e tliife plonoiis M.inlions f . iheir reliilenc ) are 111 i hfs UMiiptiioullv liiek'J .ami ijiMeil than thev ; the Voik-n,aii lieltows his belt Art ai 1 Skill to rimler them fu nuich the more tiie CbjeCts of their bliiiil Wor- fiappers Devotion. Of the more private fort of Tempii.s (ami which R.hl'jsoj... ,-^^^.„, j„ i.i.,..i(|,_,. |l,oKir.j:'s Peei.liar, or ;ome .AppenJa- pcs to the Court ) there are for.r that are extraoriliiiiry for the Images they crnt.i'n. IntlK- lirft is the EiTr-vs of a King at full lenptli, all of maliie Colt!, with a Crov.n ol th.- lame upon his He-iil, ri Illy fet with |;vvJs; anil a! out him Itaiuls tour Children, all ir.aue of the fame precious Me- tal. In the .Second, i'the I.iTpieiof a Man in .Silver vallly prcar, ;.iul as highas an (n.linary Hoi.le, which n,ay be cuelii-d ( without meallirliig ) from the proportion of iiisFoot, which isthe fill lenph of a Man ; he is iraJe fitting, and has a rich Cruvvn upon his Head Ike the former. In tl.e Third, you have ore of Bra!s, bigger and lar- ger lii:'" the former, but Crowif,! like them. .Aixi in thcbouith, another of Brab, but biggcrthan all the relt, ,wi\ crown'd as iliey were. In ann:her Court not far from this, Itard four othcrsof Copptr.ali Hvn„iiK Forins ;n;d .''UirvdlousCircat ; they were u.a 'e in tiie p'.'te v.lure they Itard, for they are lo bulky and pori..iei..;is, th.it tlxy arc not to be moved up and dov... Thefe Ita.id in four Houfcs too, whieli are itiagn.iitcr.tly p'.\ a; tliey aho are liiLn.felves ail, except iheir Fl.ads. • p.r-.", a jjj,, j|,„ jj,g(^ cpi^.[ r-jj, J puM.i k T-. n rje or Varclla, is fc?" gMT.' that wli.chthey ciJl"' Ix^c^.w, ;.lciit '-oD-iys journey ll.in ilu ( iiv„t )',;,, 1 1, „, iliisi|i.iitlic/'cf,rrv|vi- I. Miiilun (.land ^llgMma^•e. ai.d lure iliey uj,; r.ito ,1 Solemn hc.Wt; .uwhuli i n,i there is liih .1 N.,|lir,,u.a ol \\< pli always iionii; aiul loiiiiiip.iliai ilure islinJI^ ,,fn l.wrnig loi the.'ii I ) Waui or 1 .111. . Ml ilie I h.iijct.r. ol Riamv. Pi.mp.nid ( . Ithicl's ih.u .1 iImhk i,t this Nj. lurelii.iy Iv fuppoU.I m h.uu (111 tlu ir way ol Adorri- inC, ) this has. |i, (itu.umn >» \a) hi){h, and ihere arehur w.usihat li.uli.,ii, wimli.iu .ill .ilurg i\t ,v,t|, Fiuitl'rics, liiilui .1 M.111 iii.iy walk two Mi.v'aii eiul ni a'ovelv ihaile. H.ird by II is anoihcr H.inly .StiiiCture ileligncil f.ir''''«* the l.ilhpoiesor Prieltsto HreaJiiii. Ihis I lou'le is •,s"'" H.uesnileiipth, has ilmr |.,..,n W.Uks ni 11, ami .,., I.trgc gill Pillaisili.n It.iiidUtwun ilieW.,lU; it (ipinsnn .iji hdes with rows (f imaller I'l lai ., which are hkewifc ri.hlywallud with Colli, /s for the Huildwx u u|(, „•, all ourliilt both wiihiii and without. Ddules this, there ate levii.ll oihcr Hoii'.e* tor the T.illii (iie iluir U)«lgiiigMi| • 11 'liebare {mouiuI, bm that their Kehgion nay i-e calic (and not tirelome J they have lomfori.ible Recmavles pimided liirtheni. Thijfe aie .ibiiiidame of thefe Talhpoies in ;V;>«, ,ind ih,- i., b all thai li.ni learn of tlum, they are ivcluv Ibi ^.T'- iealors and ililigent Men in t'leir I'l notions. 'J juy pieaih warmly .nga.iillihi Viics of the \\i,\ U. and gre.i- luinil Its gold ilum for InlUuetiotr, m niatuis leljiiiif fn iluirSiperlliii.;!!. They are iniilulinj by the People "..'i- pi-ially inthel.mples; the ( .iriy lepairs tliului, Jiuf,.! the Do. r walles his Feet out 1 f a VeHel,,f Wiur. win '1 Hands ilure tin that pin pole ; then heenurs m, hii,|.i. (. hisJl.uid.stohis|le.ul twue, liiltioihe I'm II .ind then ,!, the Sun, and lo he liisdowii. 'I he lallipoies Ine aiio. geihir ui'on the iKinllie and Cli.nitv ot the People ihey go.ilMMitwitha gie.u Poi of F.nih tved crols ihi.r .Shoiildeis, .md lo vilit the goodHiiilis, .imi pel Rm Fuli.ind Hubs, whiihis.dl thur luing. 'I hey don't bee iKu loniuihas luite open ihur MouiIn h, ask li r aiiV ihing, but ihey make very bioad ligns, for thev (tand ,. , the Door and Ihew chsii Pot, wlmh '.lie giMjd nam,;!. People till wiihout any n.ore ado. N.iy many iuii« when they area PieacliiTig, their kind Aiubrorsenme and iarr\ them Pivl. nts into the Pulpit ; not ih.it thev intei ri'pt theinleln, in their Dilunirle to i, ike what iheoiluis gne, butaieiiiin Perfondoes it fir them, who lits In them tor th.aipuipile. 'Ihev fay it b.eomestliem, ami 'i . thiuDiity 1., lueil'isF.lecnvf r,lr:.;I.ile. and iliey oui I; |..ioi!tent ihemliivcswiihit; iiMvliiih Noti. n ifihey'.ire rot ga.itly niiltal.sn, iis leriain ihe Religi' us ni < ih. r p..i!s 1 t the \Vi rid think them to be llj. ll'.ey admit rone tot..l;el)ulersai:d le of rhe Saeii'v.'\' t:!' they are better than tvviniy Years of Age, the moll. '•, par: it wh;eh time thev mult have fpeiii at .School. When they e.ould be iniiiated, they lome before tlu- lUmlior Pr'iuipal laHii-oie ( who is.dv.ays r ne of iji,. molt learned .in.i nglt ihein ) and he tries their Abilit t, lirltof allbyal'.leniiDiipuie in which he opp^fes, and al'.er that by an Lxan-.inatii.n. Then heennriresof them vvhttherthey are contented to leaie then- Friends, to a bamlon the Company of Women, andtake up nih'enitli- Habit ot aTalhpoie ( whdi is m.'eed lo bale :iiid beg- garly, ih.at 'tisof It felf alone nolittle degree ofMortili- cation tora Man to fnbmit loit ) they wear only a tlun brown cloth neu their Skin, and upon their Shouldeis anotherot Yellow, doubled many times, bothwhuh.iK falteiied to them with a broad Ciirdle; alxjut their Necks hangs liSkinby a String, whu h is a Ibrt of ar(;rtableCulhioii to tlum, lor they ule only that to (it up.-ii ; their He.ub, Feer and right Arms are quite bare, and ihe.\ 's nothing elfe 1 elrngs to them bit a Sombrero to tcreen them tr.;n'i the .Sutiiii .Summer, and the Rain in Winter. To be fo (iiell'ed .iiid to be fo maintain'd as the lallipoies are, Ihouldbe (one would think ) li.vercife enough t'.r (vli' ,!eii;.'.l, without abaiKhiiing the other Comtort's ot Life; but thcynuill endure all thole Seve/ities, or keep out of tie laercihcnerable Order ; to come 111 10 which, is .111 Honour that ( to fpeak the Truth ) fxmsto be very dear bought. Uiit thole th.it can get the Viiftory ov fr ihemfelves, and govern the Appetiies nf frail Nature lb tar as 10 throw oH" .ill the FniO)ments of lite World at once; that h.ue courage eiio' ;;h t<< .iiifwer the Rowli with a bold Affir- in.inve, and t.-ll him they are contented to do whu h- .ask'd ; tliele Perfuns are receiicd widi the greatelt Tri- umph into the Society, They are linUarried about the Strtc . hial! this Countiy |,'incii t! drain, of I'lodv V Trovilions lliat ill T neglect il li i^\\XVlll. Ortlcrsof rhcTallipoks, &c. 21 : I"- d>l 1. 110 .1 i~hirill\,in\ ; lit tliiN Nj. I . I.uf!c ')|vris (in all •iri- likiwilc It lilt, it"» l>» tills, there "I i>i'riilc I'l Men ami 'ii'lHllilhiil. I liir (In- llllllTj ill I". )^f!iii.H> ii| . II ly i'c uUii KcctpLuKs 1 /V?//, aiiJn, I,. :('l«v ilrkl.P" '11 IV 'J llty •llul PUM- IS Ifljlllli; fii lu'Pidpli- i.t . 'II11.1, .Itul" ,,! A'.iur. ivli' 'i 111, llli.lii; \ . I .llul IJKii t,', 'lis luc altii- tlic IViipIc , ■'I I rills ilu.r 111 fill Rill, liiy ildn'ilv!'. ask U r .mV tliov Itaiiil ., |, I'II'aI 11.11 1 1 ., 1 . ; many im t. orMoiiic aiiit It lIlCV ilitli i.u tiifoilurs "liii (its In liiiii, aiiil 'i ^ III liny 1.1 ! 1; I 1) iftluy .i!v ' lis 111 nl'.rr 'lie Sociirv.',; ;o, the molhi ■! at iehool. l' hefuiv the ■i 'lie <( the liiir Aliilii . , fpiife;!, aiiil iixsol' tlun, I ienih, t') .1 pi iiiheiiitli- ale .iiiil jiep- ■ rn .11.1 I 'rill"' '■" ' ' '^ i I'll' ii"^v all their Inen.ls .v- I'l •hem t'l". iiii'l li.iiil' iliey appear in ihe llahit'it I , "it'iii. Thill they ure aii'iiii|Mnieil o ilieii Cells, .1 leli ti) a Life 111 I'tpjtarly DeMHiuii fur the fn- • ■)>.• Tallipoie' live iVir (he moll part otir i-f the C'ifies !.»• j,,| l(.ttii«, p'antinp ihemlelves Iv the Hihw iv I'.!.- ,-11 '< .hii'iir" tl'i WiJd.'. .111.1 'I hill. el'. ; llieiv I Inul.s .ne I I'l 'hincs irei'Uiliipdii fix oreinht l'i)lt<, ami they n.iiinf lllim ".!;li a I-l>Mir < f twelve or fmineeii Uoiii .i«. I ,' ;ir i.ml ilvi- ihev are iiii'ih lor bin ;et\, lui e\i; y ' ii ' (■ iIv in li.;< hiHf.|ara-e lloule, ainl .Uv.ll- liy hii f 'f. |l„l.'l rMlsreftiilate tiieir lexeral Feall> I'y the Mi ii". 'f,\ .111.1 uli n 'tis New M'wn, thi'y keep ther |\ the IVup!.', an.l I r f:i '<, iK' I ^•llt'l .itiil I 'lule. 11.111 linni'ito f 'ili .ililiili le Sill i <}■'» to their I {.•if.oiir asn.aiiyci'tlie relt i!o : I \k\ it .1 p'.ii'i, po r, irjiiif:..! liirt nt W'railiis ; ..!! ihe'r Si r . 1,' Itiilinif. i' ' iily t.i preach to the I'cople, ami their '1. 11, "'^i lopei iheiriwn Lninc.s. ili,i/i. '.i-i'i, at /'(';. ■ foiiii- ii re. I ilep.irtcil lion that ]'.:.'!fr C:ty to 7>"/.-/"'i, v.hiiji is i; Uayi J nrney N. k.fr'in p." . •iii'i l'.'".l 1 inilii Country of the '.(iv; I'l.- ■,■'■, or i':;s we ta'l •'. -i') tl;e 'i-ny, •>' r/ . In this JiPinney I iPi'sM I'l vera! frMiil'iil an.l \erv ilelii'litfnl Cuniitrics H.'.ti'r'il with hneRi\ei<, Ifa.le.l wiili Wixijs, .m.l iliole rcpkniliril with w M Bullies an.irtcpliai.ts. _ . ■ 'V is a Town of very e'in'iiler.il)le l>i; tr f<, the HmiK'. are all linilt of .Stone, theS.i-eets lar);e ami w .le, jii.l n;l \erv well peopl.J. The People her.' .ue ci r..e iin.nur'.l at Uiih en.!s, H.a.l ami Feet are haie, luit tlir n'uW'e Rceion lia> a C'loili An- t it. 'I'lieAlen .iie (tniiiR ■ nd v.ell iii.nle, ami ihe W..iiien fuivr tli.in tli 'f.'nt J' ■:;/;. Ill aP. this Conntiy tinv have no Wheat ; Ri.e is theii I'ancil '.! Gr.iin, "f win. Ii iliey make a fort of Cake-.. l)f .I'Inth'.i I'roNilioiisihey h.ive \all pleniv ; tluy ar.fo I'lill 'lie iioiioll txjrc.liui (if (..lefaiiJ M«i'rniii • u.il bv KrI.tti ns f.r ciih 'tlirr, i« t ;a',c then I l.'i.l. , and ill s l>el|vaKstIicniijli«M"i!rnc-s.-.J.;cJi f rtlicy v«luc 'heir I lait at ,i very prcat riiw». Mavnig w\' liniili',1 tiv. pnl'.i't Cnirrn^ in thtrp C'liintrlc., I i.vcpar'il lir a V 'y^<"-lnt i (i iftilm pan* (it the //. '(>) AikI hrl'. I went I. ii !>;•( 1 1 ,\ i,, ,■., m|. l;i'« 'nthc w.iy t,y the Illc r,,,.:, fi.u.ii'ii:,, (iitniitiict Iinthitilervcall I.I if. ..■\\ '"'■'','';• '^■, '"•••' «'■••' «h'f) i 11 ti th.111, f'ft l-clM-ilen-'" '"' ' 1 lely I'l the M /•»/?.(( ; rii'.'le .-.i,- i p .nie lisi'plity I'c - pie, have nit ■\tr'''\f. let .i C. .j.t' . I liihiii. .i.cni.v i.y .Mii|'s_f,„n, (■,,•„,, ill.- .-./' , ... J}.,,',-, J,,., ,^ ,,uJ ■/^ • , v.hiiii l-niij; .Sj'i. es, IVn;.,, l)l,niii n |,, aiul thr '.ti'rr Sroni-H, . i'' ■, ni'pled ill. iiii!kii:. ill all ( therpla.e'. I'eiijaiinn ami ('npj.r of their lli.i.! iii.les, a til i:j' ilkv aic the C' iiin-.f"lities "f the C'luimiy ; Iwt tlieC /(. /' Mirelaiits fgr.ar Niiiiilers of iilmm mine to j :mil--: lirini; iMi.sk, (i. !', Silver, ai. ' cJi.riMen handle.' "f their Country. \\'li.n tliefe People aie li.k, ili.'y make a V. w of an OiVcrini', 'ilMeat, in cile iliey reiover ; an.l It n'e (>ftlK Tiilipcies lit liy ilieni every Nij'lit, an.l liiip t . pleal'ean.i p.i.iiie the anpry P.iw.r i1i.it has hurt ih'.-ni. Il the S'el: recovers, all his I'rieiu!-- meet topether, atul .live'i thein- l.hes V. itli I'eallini', Paiuinp, ami Mnlii'; ; wliil^' ili..'\ .lie J.incini; an.l plajinp, tluv hoot an.l liu'luw a< I' ml as they lai', wlii.li they lay .Irives awav the I'l Thini; that has i!(;ii.- ihiin mik hiel ; and if a lililiy Noife w.iuj.l .'o it, peih.ipstli.'.' may. If the l'ar:v dies, he is larrie.l upon a r.rear Tovver- lik.'Fra.'.H', with a Coveriiif. of Canes pilt ; tiiis sl'ro'ipht by fourt.en or lixteen Men (w'th a Pnueilion ol I'ipe, .ir.l Driiin.s, ami all his Iriemls and Neiplilionis) to a pl.ice w.tho'.it the loun, and there the H'.'dy is Imrni. Iniinlieme ihey return to the Ho 'fe of the D.eeal'ed, and liani)tiet there for two iJays ; they n akc a I'l.ill al- vv.iys Imeeeil a Funeral ; jiulpinj; it eon.enient alter fo l(nv a ili-preilion, to pne their Spirit.s fumethii". if an e'e- v.ition and.arrv off the Maek Thouphtsof tlie (irave. At ihe end of tii.s Twi.-Davs Fealt. theWi.inw, with ill her Keiphlxiurs, po to the I'iaee of IJurnini;, and p.a- tliir i')nlii.fe P.cl eks of the Bones ihey e.'ii liiul ; then ih'.v lirdiwna v.liilc .ind llie.l f 'Uie Tearso\er the Allies of the D.-ccas'd, ar.il fo e'en po home apaiii, an.l put an , en.l to .SoiTovw. Thi, is belter luliall than po np to burn for Company v.itli a .lead Husband, and the Women hcrealsnuts are fowile as to rhink fo ; they are noi ambi- tious of that Glory that the oilier lii.l:.-f:< ot tlu ir .Sex are, nnr don't think it enouphio pay them for the lot's of iheii dear Lives, to have it Inul after they are pi^ne, Th.-y were f.i.il i.atcly fond of rheir ilusban.is, and aleen.led the uncial Pile with a Boon (jiaee, and a Noble Courage. "rii. ri. /,■;;«.•;.• Captain ' f .>.'.-.'- t n'ake* n"iil Profits 'I liie Jradeim 'leitial' 1 il . le lllamls, lii. e n -.Ship* p.i villi ut his Liicncci an 1 th.'.t {'riiip,* lihn m l.uiie Snnis' 1 M. ne>; c\i',) Ye.ir. Whti'ihe r mull .'.'" enter their Nanus in .a Book ; an.l as they i^o out at iNi...h . they iruil raf • them oi't apaiii ; I fay a^ the', p,o cer, f.j.- the C .'.'/e woi'f ti'i'll til. .11 111 Town all Ni;'ht, b.it f'r.d th":n ti iliL-.r Boats. If any of iliem lln ii'd llav afir th m- an- -,tej ti've is out, rliey'd leriain'y ir.ake th ni Itayavhi'c lonperapanH their Wills; an 1 in ih.it C.ife iliey iLnit lend th' in to lndpe in the.r B .Us without the Wai's. but let ih iiilie uith-n ilia i^oo.l llroii'.', Priloi|. '1 hef.-Ril '.lej io they run for the a.b'anta ;e of that Trale, rotw'iili- iVir-dini; wh . h they ilen't think lit t • lo liike .i. Aii'onnll the M -ha Ills, I obferv'.l, th.it a M.in ii-aji keep as 11 aii^ Coneul iiie ■ a; ever he v, ill i.r«K al 'c i.i rio, bi't he nu'U have b.t one Woin.in to nvi; the h'aiti" of W.le to. /. /-:" is an Ulan, I anon}; the •* :, ■ Lies fiotii whenec '-'•■""'• u.iiie the Dinn. nd;. of the . .ev.' Wat,-. 'Ih -y lin.l therii ■n the Rhus, t'or th,' Kiiiv; will in t fnier ihe n vni'", the . '■ ! ■ is an iher of thofe Idan.ls lo.i, whii h a.T-:ds7"''''- iliuk '.a'li.il !c Sicnesj a'ul .it i.f aie aK i:d . f ali'.le Hill, o.' Mais i ' ' ai:i|, v.liich s'ieh- I ■ nii' v.",...'.;e 1 '.•. ith the ("tar of that Me- tl ; ,- tl,.y t,ic it away, i.i Nature fill; it up .i;^ain, .md fiirnilh-:.! f clh lli'ie. The.' fay, it'svi.iWe but unee a Year, .ti 1 tha- ii v.lien the Waier is love, i'l or ab ei the MvjPiii of In li'iii.: (anolher of thofe Illau li a iionpflth.- ',-; :.'t)s;,j|,i. ihe Laws of iJi.niellick Oidei' obl.rve 1 eveiy-v 'e;' ■ el'e .ire quite inveite.l, and ihe .\!en .i-.l W( -veil . !ini"e .lii- linelsan.l C .nditi n. Ft r h re t'v 'atte-- il ' e a-'i ' i 'I and do all the li.ir.l 1 abour ih.i: iii>,l,.,.'|l) . .!,-r' i /tiic oiher .Se\ ; while the I'ormei' !i: Ibij a. h ii-' I; c';i ^'o -fc an.l nu'fe the Chil iren, tr,- \'.',e!i -.'i.-v r'eail', <■ i a r ." l' an.l t.ii.e !' . r ', iuifnre. i'.,. I ... ••■. ;ln ! tlie'l'-.-..,."; .-.'J':,! be eo.iiapio. s, or diai .my oiluru.' the ImU.-.i: W,, n,;i arc lueh eafie Fools asrhofe of /;.'...' -. Having fpcnt fume ti lie .nbom tlicfc p.-^i'ts, I r.-fin'd .>;; Irom'.ii/r.,-.! to Mrri.-v.ii, ar.d fifW ':.■, vh.'i'. i .lai I -*■ iJ- '(S'J the llmnd time) fonie Iiv e oi iix M nth ■'; an lihen went toC'/mo,, w here I embaikM tor /,■.•>';;.•/;. Ths V< vaoe •$'/■""'"•• was b: ih ilanperous ami te.li'iis t. o"bv ••etf..n ' f c< n- trary Wauls, and ba.l Weather, tli.n we met with ; but havii'P happily fnrnioi'nte.l all tiiole Diffie.dtie. ve atvww' lallre.uh'd oiir .lelire.l Port in that C. initrv. H't-'I' "' w.as oblij'e.l to Hay for paH.ipe at leilt tlvee Monihslon-r* per, which having procured, I iliippd my feif f ,r c„- "' Ill this Voyape we rutiei-'J iiricv. iis Fxtreinit'es for want ot lielli Water; for we ueie .a'undame of rs in Coiopaiiv, the Weather was very ho: too, and wo were oUeii bcsahn d. We were nor rehee'd till v/e reath'd tiic Ills ^; i. ,1- 2I4> Cochin, Cakxut, MaLihars, laU\\\ W ilU, ami utlim I'd JiliiliwtfJ » »< t/ ii'». (,,,1 {^.{;^,.r fiifiKll.'a tmr 111. it Icir ilic nii-ainirp rariut *fU» II.' \ \w h'tir't'idnrlt nf thi« ICaml, rin.lcrt it very fit ti> l'« inaJi' .1 Kitriiliiiiji I'l.ii.'. I'liMli.' War» Ktwi\i\ ihc N*- U ii nil \\w V .'.,;■■. ^ , ili'l •« th » tiiic inaKi l'ro\i.iim* ilc4r. ■|hcl' ini' «M«iMuliMv.i'r'iigtoft.ini' thoni n 'li;irf .»- WIcii, (■•,'■ / I lioliul CI 'il u!I ii'.t ii'T III IU!Ut' !>v IjuhJ, 1 mi not havmi' .■» l-'lut, mi^lil i.. i tr\ri\t ilicm 1 1 • S'.iip'v I'V Si-.i, vvImIi t'li'y c t i\irv Yi.ir I'mni U >■ f^nU, IK'liaUii \riii\ (iT i . < i ■ r Mi'ii, ami .( |',i>..it Iluii «;f F'c) 'nti't t itoi\' (■ ■ 1/ ' I Imt hit Si;!irkr> n iknl .^^ in (iny JctVi.i.ic Am « s .I'ul t'lir urtciiiUi'tiPi'^.l' lilii Daf* ,\\\i.\ \ r.m, ihcv li.ivl M ., w'.ih wl\..litlK\ i: u<4 i»)t III 1h' >!fi',i,'in ,.1 aiv l.iiil Id I'l' iif till K.ui' III' ilic \ T , I (if C (/,,,.•. rii t h iM' il,/ r HmJ« niixliiiiy ivi'Un il'il wili li.nr, jvi,,), ilic\ l»iiil up w.ili.1 Sir ii(!, .iiul li.ni' 4 W.iilil III i„,,||,i ' rtliir liifVi. h .ippiMr ii|! uitliin.t tin- Hjiul. I luy jii ,, „ l.i;l Itriiii^ Miii.i;. i h.i.ll \.Mit(i.. S lUi ■ p ri>«J i ihcir lull WiMj'nn!. I 11I iin killi I t' I iiv .\mi» ! 'I luy li,i\e iiiily I i'lw tjli\er»amiii,BJt y h.ii " • ' • " i(>k' lute .\s l.irpi' I lis .IS ilidd- of IU \i'iy lM4i\ . I lull' IViipk' lute .\s l.irpf I lis .is ilidl'i- very ^' I' I. "i'lu.) Ii.i\<" nil '(" < innllilu'Couitry, i""'! thiir \:W- pliAnmar- I'f a i»v lii linil'ir R.no ili,iii ilinu- 111 |'., " i I'tit ycf ilu' ('•>..(■ J r.«\, ili.il iluir* aro ilc U-U in iKi Wnrl.l f(ir M.it!i' .11 .! Cimi.ipi-, anil that imnc ol' llu' h '^i' mimltr is llciili.in > nl' i'iIut paru, liaro I'liHimr.ii lll'lr inllc OIK'S. The Pii>|l fiiriv II nks, mi>le ot the BMnelu's of the Palm, aiul loin'il oier w;ih I.ea'es of the lame. Thev arc hiaeker than iivlk oi the ln.Ui'n, «nil ileriie their Stock from the fhin;.\ihyr', wh'ih they ihcy uear ilieni aiways lull of Rmni In with IVarl', ,ii,| I. aluahle Stones ; Tluir lUl'it aiui'Coiiipltxioii inuliiu ililliiii:! an. I pe..iiUar Deliriptiuii. I he Kin;;i.f iliis plaie has Ivseral I'alaits ami ll,,.,,, Ill I'U.ilen, h.i ihey are none of ilieni larpi atul ||,iii% I le remo e> i;p .iiul ili.wn ssiili a Imall liiiaul, Ir. m , ,„ ol tlieiii 10 itii itliet, aiiil ncMr (lays in a pl.iic alou' In ot lix l)a)s. There s ahriiiUnie of I'epi'tr, anj loarfe Cinair.un IhomI Ciii. fei\ F.i!.«y, r...M. Scitt <) f Piniilionf ■11a Wilir. fay are the heft ofa'lihe A/..'.;, r-. To have a very 1 r 'ad Harping bar, is a .Mark nf jrieat Honour anionnlV them ; anJl li)ine of iheiii a' e therefore vcrv honnuialile l'erl"on<, haviiii; Eau (in proportionj more like I'.'cp'nms than Men. ■Thei' Halit aiul Drel's is fnmiii'il up in the one paili- ca'arof a CI' t'l .alH)ut ttieir miihlles ; the Km;^ hinilelf wears no more, only a line C'lnih wriatli'.l about Ivs H '111, ami wlileh all'' ties up li':s Ion;; Ha r. Havini; ma.le a il.urt Ita here, we proeeeil.\l in oiir Vo\ap', aiul ilouliled the Cape C n ", 1> ivieen win. Ii, ami ihe inain Liiul < f .W; ■■,"..•.• "■, rliev h:h for Pearls : "I'h.'V i,et iK.o.l Q;iantitiis everv Yeai', fo as to ferve the nearer par-.'s of K'/'-r pretty pteiitifi llv wi-h them; hut thife Pearl ha\e no; that rshrOrem I nllic th.tt thol'e of Ba'-'i'i" have inihe/'e'./;' <'"ll. .\fter Cape Coiiuri w: pafsil hv (>:i.':m, which is a Fort of th.' /'''.f;r.i'i;c, from wliencc comes goo.] Ilore ot Pepper into /'<"';<; i"'; ami here 'ii« tliar thi'\ often laJe one of tliiir Can'atki. Thus ) .rhni; the Coalt, wc at lalt arriveti at C./'.'w, where we I'ounil a i;reat liareitv of Pinvilions; for here yniivs ii-iiher Rie ■,' nor any other Corn, aikl what they have ttlie i;:catelk part at lealt: comes from fl.''" •/■. They are as haill . finniihed for Waterloo, for i?ie River that fupplies them wiih good Water is at a ci.nliilera' le d;ltance, and ihc relt that lies near them is very hail : Tlie want of tlusN'eceirary makes almni'anceofdii'eafed fealiby Pe^'plc ainon^il them. I'ome of them arc like I.ep.rs, others have their I.e^sfwo'len as il I'epi'tr. ihat >'r(iws ill this Countrv, ami n.i Imall iiuiiiUrof Cm I'riis, ihe l-niir ( f wluihlenes iliil'iijple I'm Pnniii,,. aiidihe IcjMsi'.e V i.veriiij; loi iliiii Hoiile. Alom tiv.lvi leagues lioiii f i/i'w lep.ins tlit rrti to,-; III the Kiiij; of i'i-\i..i, aiul runs up alnoll as i.u ,, (. .•. 'I he .s.c.'f whuli .lie SiihieCh of tins Prinu, n.i a for: 1 if \l.il.-. ui, areeier at War with the I'wd, ,, ilio' tin Kill); li.iiife'l he aliva.sat Pea' c with iluv I hi'i i.inj'c all the Ciiall (roiii if .01 to'ifd, poiiigfour, orliie Paruwes lorither, in r Oimus, at., yvhich plaie I llaid y Days fur a PalTai^c to B.ilJ<,rf ;'.,■. Irom Coil to Otniii 1 reckon .y^o Lcanues. "• Having re.iihed II. If.'.-, to pet from theme to Beh h I'V Water was foiimliinp dlffieult, and our Pioat i,i» fain to le h. I'ed I v Men wtli mij-h^- lining Ri pes li : tlie inoll part of liie w.iy rpilie River. Fr.im Ii.-!. ' Icaniehy 1 and to M'fJ ( a near KeTli IvMir tn tile old \". <•:<■, now all in dcl'picahlc Rllliw> ; aril f-.ite.l hanl '.>y the River iVo//. From hence to Mei.l.'v'm .lunniii ; and fi to O/i, a verv lair Town, and ce'e' -rated I'.ir a goodly Kouii.aiii v lluws, wIiaIi is full of i'lih. The ,\l , j of tli s p!.aci.- have aliundasiceof Notiiii,s .ind Dpinion* ,i!iout .li:i.il:ur peculiar to ilienil'elvcs ; they lay he lived here, and I'j lieinp iip./ii the lame Spot, -lie RememliraiKe of tli.i' I'atrianli is 11 ore freih amoiigll them, whuli leads them irtonuny trivial Ihl'inites aiul Notions Mio'.'t him. I'romih splaie I went to /)/., atul pa'.s'd the I'.ufh.u^t there, and lo tiaiellcd to. ;/(•//■, where I ftayed fonio Months for Companv, and then came to 'V'sprii. Hue 1 had the H.ippmel's to meet with /').;;/;/'.' .Shipping, wliiih Opjiirtu-.ty I greedily cmhraid to return to my Native C< urtrv, and did fo .at lall, under the Condutft of a^ favourahle Providenie, after the many Difficulties of fo tedious a Voyage. H' fitl c tc ve kne ihiifly coifiikr'd the Pcfi-rmiincci (f cur oxtn fiiiiiu in iht Enflcin I'nrti cf the l-fcuA : /tnd if ,it itny lliin we /'.It.' t,ik:>' " /'•■"" ''"'* 'f tic /l':i .us ir Ajjnirs of i-tlcr Peeper, il Arfi lieni tini) by lie wii), at we Ita- e f:l- Ux'J. lie P.njllilh in tlvir tii'fi.ieji itiul Ctucniis. let Ja tim.h .« // fnfl lUiefme jiifiice, j\i tlv Account rf tlic 0,;^imil, Prr''iefj,aiid Imp uvei'imt cj 011' Indian Trade, l.ei ii< jl-f hrej-r a xflile ; .i«J leiving the linglilh Affairs 4./m».i'i/(u tl it d"'iee I'f I'.ifl' '^i '''•''■^ ''■'•^ ^"^^"J' i 'I'ic 1 10 the Sir y nf cm Neij^l lioin 1 llr Dutch, xflii.h ,lejcvt\ to L' l^iioan di If el r.sows. TIvy hitvc t •fiicA ih leinnirjl iV rs of the iWiU m w:II .;i irr, pUntrJ liewJeU-ci infenci.U Foreign Cmiiiiries, an.i taien .1 mhlii) T.r.J: iir.u their II.wJi : Dijcrs Indian I'lih^ct .ire tie.i C nfuhratei ami Anict, ami Jem: r.'c ticir Siii'j.-tii 1.0 i lu.. .:j)T.i.ifiii:t of Sp:c:i nrc ill ti.eir l(fepiii' ,i>iA p.jfijftjii; ll:e Cloxics, Nuimegi, iihA M.ue, of tlv Mo- Iucca'siiU B.and.a's, are n p.irt cf the Fiiniitiite ofileir Indian ii.njeit. H'e will now tlicrcf.jre eii.piitc into li>e Otigiti.il efr.llti'ls (J.dtl'ieji, tiii.ljce ly vihni ^nfs tie Dutch r.dx.-.iu'.i icfiiJ: a hii^h uf Poster r.nd l\tme ■ iDc Siruilure ij mn- derful, tind i.u jutp >^d the whole H'ui Id w.h its Beauty and ftUgn':fii:eH^e ; it w/iy he worth the miiic 10 fe.- how the hi-.pfi Buid-'' re.'.id't, ai.d mf-ie it Jo^hrioiii .;. now it appear t. In order to this, wr Pi.iii br^in with the very Beginnini^i if il.cii Indian Navigations ; /'mhi; lh:-ii cut if liurijpc pefctl 'sirnnren Into iheje linjlern ( v.inlrici, and /ee by wij.ii 'me.iui r.. fr.cii.'d il\\i^.tticr ii.iiiiiatc jhqu.tint.:>\e with lliein. ^Ihd mimfiever ii hoe related ai Muter rf l-'iH, I'l tal^rri eilhci '■■■ if tl.c:: civmJiU'b.!/', or theii'iilin^i ofjom: llijh iani th.tt hate handled their .-iH/tiri. V. H A P The A'-/?| four and ./ 1 T .- 1 '.!.-■ , m .ivlll Ik 1 f'". Ile/I Sp,\ lll*i| Wall with iheir 'i' „^ lame Hate ol ,, their .Shii's m ill "• Spun and I' ''''I ,'," lomeprolii ot tl no* Icruple M) )1 ' But at lalt ih| ■ ','",1(01 S';r/'i id VI I'e ; ,./. their Ships, an. Ills Dominions, utiiioll Severity andilaptinio.h lonhhated. I' what would liavi ri'hei-dingsaga ha^c let till in »l' P..'.ickRei ■ h'ln ilie other fill have reii lo 11 m.iny tune? c ni.ike way for tin they .ire coiitnvu (Id dut I'poil their Aihamacesagaii , , ^ I'he lull that I 't;ii-,ranK,/.'.oiCorrf |h the .States and I furnilli'd out aFI to ^o hy the ulua ethers to attenn'i tel-Mhi. Asforiho'Si tinMiofcovcry ol the [N( ifi'fW lars uf that kind '!"' to ihcir other Vi is'i. tf Thol'e that vv. ««lu. Cape of I iood Ii ll-Uiiid, the /iti had in all aboar. mounted to 190 readv Money an fail frciin the IV-// cait^eto make lo and Bulinels in i bad vvcaher; b gnr up to the Co f e allowed upon to them ; 'twas 1 fowell aci]naint Dangers of the ntithcr of any r what Entenaim of C'cod Hop- ar Obfervations th they ceficlh'd at 'no I't'ililatca A« n,„ ,„ ""'■''•,"•■•■ ri„; '*■'!' Hnr. uliui •,>*'."M-. ,;;;: il.iiiH Hkf i ilii .. jilU i.iii'i ■.'■„ il,,, , Willi. ;it ij;,.,r , iKartij.litMiiniJ., k'lii ti) (.'..;, an, I , , _ L'ccih'n J it Liirj Toui G'p; in tlk is pl:tic. 1(1 tor Ornifis, at.. .l(Ij(;f to B.lljirr-^,.'/ ICS. till, tit c to B(t/;» « li mir Bd.lt \,h ItlOllg Rc.pi-s ti ; ( a near NV^i'Ii- 'ical>!c Riiii\, ,, fi to '; /', 3 nl!y Fmiiraiii ;■ m' ill '' p'.i,-. .I'lOUt .l;'.l!.:f ln.ro, and l'. lir.iiv.-c of ili,i mil IcaJs thfiv. iiiiH him. s'll ihc f'up! I i.i I ftayi-d I'oiik' Hue 1 iliippim;, wliiih to my Nativo C.'nildlllll Ol' i^'.' 'ifficultics of to /■/«iown a, oreif^n Counlriei, ijomc ntc ticir ff llv Mo- Htj tile Oiitli:.il iruiiwe i, mn- l.'ow tht hr.ffi inningn'f iheii wii.it tiic.vis ihi, t.ll^-n titlicr i:i:. C H A P Chap. XXXlX. The Dutch/ firfl Jttmptnn the Indies, O'c. Chap. XXXIX. 7hc firfl Voyage perform d by the Dutch to the Eafl-fndie.s, mth four Ships, 'he Maurice, tk Holland, the AmllcrJam, and a 'Pinnace i Bernard Hej ink, chief Commander, 21 -, T 111' /)l^/I • !iJviii){ tlirfiwii lift iIk- ^ikc ot >;'«/ii III tlu' iiiiii' (.1 Vi'ilipxhv II, vviTi- till iiitiiv Yoar» .itiiT opprrlVil mtli lu-iv) W'.irs , ilii'ir loriuor M.iltir* I'liili'.UDMrinK I' ' wiiliihinii mtt .Skill ami I'orii, II' iiilmi' ili''ili lotlii' ' ^ (anil llati' nl .Sul'ii'Clion apairi. NmrithHamlirn tint, iiM ihiir .Sliipi 1" 'I'l' iiu'aii iiiiif tr.iilcil upon the Cnalli "I "•"« V1I.I/H ami /' I'.'X" ""lni'i"^>"i.iii" i 'I"' V'"""''' "'.i'''' "■'',,1" lomi priilit lit 'hat C'oninicttc, and li) Im a while ilnl no» Itnipli- 'II permit it. " • Itiit ,11 l.ilk that I lU-rty wa* taken away ; the Coiinfcl ' 'r^,'j|ot SjKiii uUil'iil the Kiiif; tn Iriinl'lf thfiii, liy IliipinnR i ,.<«'" their Ships, and eiiiiiii); mt their Trade iii all plaiK id' ' '"'' liiNl)(iniiniiins, whieh ati'irdiii(ily w.\s prailtil'r'd wiiliilie .!" utiiioll Seveiitv ; fevcral ot the Merihanis |.e:ii(", (iezd andiL'pt itituilie (Jallici, atid their (io'iU and l-lt'eiJks all loiitiliated. Had the Spun,,. It known hetore hand uliaiwniild have [leen the Conl'fiTiicrue nf tliele violetif I'uM'edings.iKainlt the .')<•. , th.'V would iiii luiilnedly luic lot till 111 alone , .lud o ii it Ipitc totlieni, as well .is I he lu.liiii Diliineiy was ilicir ^reai Du/mer,, tml ihey leeitiediolh I.i lidfiit (Ins, that all others '.ven ton little .ind iinaltoUiHiiide.l, till thi» were brouiiht to le I'lTlielioii. loin 111 k'W'. N*'lun they were ntni' to • the Illaiid of Sum.itrt,, thev in.ide a ll,orf Itiy ,here, ami th. ;i went * on for ilu' ' '"" Streifhvsot" S,, ,■,/,-, uherethe /'i.,/i,.i;tfff cime lioni B.ir- J*i.", "* M/« to niveihein a Villt. There's no douU in the WorM liiitihey iaiileii|oii 111 dl an. 1 trr», herons l)_iii';i; who were .u that tunc Subieilh ro S/>iiii, lOiddiiDi he inirii'ined touiiu oiii of pure kind- nelsto leeth.ni, who Iviin'. hitel) hiukeii off Ironi th«t '? » "'"IR P.; .(tk Regard 111 'heir own Intenlh, lutKi il them to yrowii, tame imw to nndwioiine ih.iii in their I'Ji.m i/.idi freely upon 'heir Co«lU. Tir had ihev I'een ijiiiet | I r.ide, ind IvlideYveieeurledHeieiiiksiii totiic li.irnain. aii.l ealiehere, iluvh.ulnot ( lb loon at lealk ) thoURlit id j And 'twas not loni; hefore they were fully (atished 'thai a leteij;n'liaile ; Inul'finpnppreH andtluownoiitofall j 'h*-' '''f'".?,"''?''" Were .iClu.iUy 1111111) rine the.r rum, ami Uuliiu'h m Km'o/i,-, i!-"y n'loUed to iind foineilnng to do | i.""f tor nothing elfe I. n to ni.ike Olifervation^ in order f'U 111 ttnioter Countries. They were certainly as niiiih in tilt' Right of It, to take th.it cuurfe, a« the Spiinia) U wire in the Wtong to put them uponit. For the World was wide enough to afford .hoicc of places for Traffiik and Settlement ; and if the Vv''"'' ''' would not, there Hire other Penile perhixps that would lud them welcome toluth aCorrelpon.lenie. But what a plague did the JM/Mrii; bring upon themlelves liy fending the />«f4'/i to look .ibroail for 'Tv.tde ? How often have rhey iiiaiil'd the Pi'irH!;Mf;;f indthem, broke 111 upon 'heir Plantation , fwept away their I'rohts and given all along a mortifying Ch«k to their exorbitant Power anl (ireaincls > They have filly paid all thc< leores in the /i7i ■;, that were eoii- tiiilkedin 'ii'i'Y'f. and U'lides .idded fo iniieh over and aUive, tint the V;',Ti)i/ii,/i peth.ips had better hate given 'Il m the other ten Piovincis of the .V.-.'/'.-i/.d;.//, than ftu hue run lo deeply into thnr Debi. Hut thus does 1 m.viy time? eouie to pals, Thii pi.'ud Opprelfoiirs iii.ike way for 'heir own Fall anil I'niiiiliinent, and while tbey ,ire loiiiriving to otertnrn ilie lorrune> of others, iliiliiitlpoil ilieir own, iiid give then Adveilaties greater Ail>.ini.i|'es .igainlf iheui. The lirdihai ft up for the eairyiiiR on this Defign of an (i,./mici and 1'. rci/a/if -, ) were read to him. And it lecirs rn»u»rs went fo far that the Duicl, and he t.-iiiie to fome WMlil Agreenunt, and Writings wen ddiverd (.11 both *f"mtnt lutes, wi'h the folemii Conhiitiatinn of Oatlu and Pro- *«""'^'<''' /» miles, which how far ihey were kept orvioUtcd, the af-tKf!'«^»r ter Cireumftances will diCeoter. IJut vet that the parti- »'*'«"••• cul.ir .iceount of the perniciousDeligns .jf ilie/'(»f«.• the better iindetlb.iKl, we limit by ih.' w.iy enter a little toe miter iinjetlti.iKl, we limit hy th.' w.iy enter a little into the Charailei of a leruii Perfoii, who was nearly concerned in the H illnelst.jo. Thu tvas one /{/»/,t Duiwt or f.r/„r asthe I' .■■■.ucxc called him ; the Titular King of 51*'"'" Bf.iii.un, and no iiniie than fo. Lord of all the C.nintrv H.s Father indeed was »M,m. .. goterned and managed the Great Ifland of .7.';.i at his pleafure ; but this Son fal- ling ill tvitli the l',ntug:ir;i\ and marrying a I'crtutua Wife, the Pi'fjple of Him .im rejetfted him, and woiiljnqr ftoop to his Aiith irity. lielides this, he lived a goodf while at XULt.c.i aninngll th.it People, and carried it all ailing with lb inueh par.ieular Favour and Gooil Will towards them, that the Ui:ii.Une]e loncluded hiin to b« timilur'd wiih fiich Principles, as would render him wholly unlit for their Government, and therefore put him by. Yet lor all this, he was treated like a King by a great t.^^ y ; and lome of the pettv Kings thcmfelvcs, tliat "■'HI IS i.rf ._ , . , . „ , *«'■• Cape of Coed II 'pc, were thch' fo.ir, 'I he Ali«i-;cf, the paid Homage to Bin/. oh, would fpcak to him with all U-!li-ii.l, ihc ///I'/ZcK^t))', and the (i.e.! I'iimn.r. They thole Gefturcs of Aor.aiion and profound Humility h.idiii all aboard them iiQ Men-, the whole Charge a- that .ire ufual in thofe parts when they addrels the So^ n.oiiiited to 1901' o Fill ens, o*' which lo.iooo was in vereipn. re;idv Money and Mcrcliatdice. Tin s provided they fetj Now rhe DcfiRn was laid thus, that Cr/ir fhould in- fail fiom theiwr.*;ind hew or 'oy what means fnc\er they »vite all the Ch'cf of the 0:i!cl' .tihoar to a Fealt. and the cartietn make lb lor;; a Voyage rf it, whether by Trade l'o:!iiiu,-:;c in the mean time w;th a pood power ot^ Men and Biilinel'sinthe \v.i\, or the unavoid.iMe reftraiiits of (hould fieze the Ships, then left .-.s it were without a' l'.id tveaher; but it was more than a Year before they Guard; and as fi.r iha dividing the Sped betwixt them, gtuptotheCoaltoi /«./.. A pre.it deal however is to they had .igieed th.it Ci/i)- llioiild h.we all the valuabi* re allowed upon the account of the neivnefsot the Voyage Plunder, and the i'ji//i:;HT.' upon the Paynitiit of 5000 to them ; 'twas the tirlt attempt, and they were noi then Ducats, ihould have the Ships put into their own hands, fowcll aci)nainted ( as now ) with all the UifHeulties and A handfome Coiitrivante enough ; but the Difficulty Dangers of the Palfjpc. 'The Aciounis tloii't tell us svas, to ilraw the M'fe/. alhoar, and make theni leaic nfithcrof any remarkable thing that occurr'd in the way ; their Ships in a i.irelels manner. If they did not lea.c what Entertainment the Natives gate them at the C»pe them naked and expos'd, the Plot would have mifcariicd of Good Hap.- and at the lUands of St. Li::i>ei:ce, or what and come to nothing ; if they did fo, they dcferved t had noiuc of it, and fo fpoil'd all the intcrded Spor:. ~ , r Now this C.ij.ir being fo entirely a Tot I for the f ■'.'»- ?;((■?. to work with, and .i verv fervicealile one i 'i m „y .o wurn -^^^^ . 1^ chit which ri.u lay upon hand; 'twas a "•""''■"■ piece of pood I'olicy lo j-a.n this Perli n over to tlieir Iii;crc(t if po.lUilc ; at lealk to fweetcii him a little with fonie good Prc'.erits. that if he lould no: Iv made their Friend, \e: '"■' '""^^' be lefi an n.neiny thjn he was be- fore. He had '.-ccn once aboard iheu Ships and well enter- tain'd ; bMi new thev thntight tit to .,dd U) that tormer Cuilitv, a Prelint ot Aniinir, with I'ome other v.V.iuble thinps, whieh tliev lent him. The Hiimo.ir cf the y..; •«> is lovdi! eiirnph to be or rfn any thing for a httle prolit ; they are Friends not where Vcrti-'e and lulllce, or PriiiOi'les of true Honourdo cn- p.iye ihem t<> be fo ; but where the Charms ot Clain do invite them, and theii hungry covetous Defires may be fatisticd. C.i/!i'- was ready n gi-.c his trcuhcroiis Invitation to the Dutch, to trepan them int i a fatal Snare ; bnt when the Prcfcnt ctic he was another Man, he was we,, over to a very good Opinion of them, and began to blame tlie unjult Proceedings of the I'o'n,gM.-^c. . M'terthishe went away to Jr.c.it' r tho' he cunningly ciiU'enibled his Palfion and*' Bufin'ffs, and fniftratc their Deligns". He complain'd ot , Oefign of Revenge, yet the Flame was prcferv'd in'l^s'' Crl.t', but was in all probai'ihty by far the worfe Knave i utmolt Ifrciigih in his own Brcalf, and broke out (.nsa j/ of the two l...nfelf ; a Man that difcovers the PLns o_f| Occalion ferv'd), ending in no lei's than the total Ri mom other Advtrfar.es, that he may plot himftlf with the lelS| [l,e Vo'iuguc^c IntereiV in this pLiee. 1 le got a good \\ct: d.lngerof fufpicion, is a double Villain. But he did not j together, and came upon the (', if.^/..:;/ Ga'leys before content himfelf with n.eer caballing againft them, and | they were aware, killing all the Men, and dividing the laying fecret Obftack ,„ „,j, ks aiKl Rubs in the.r way, but Ihortly after iffncd out a Proclamation forbidding the People to trade with them. Nay, the Dutch were now told too by fomcthar hid more kindnefsfor them, that all their Ships Spoil of the Fleet amongll his Soldiers. The Portu^uc\c now were forc'd to contain rhemfeUi'; within the Bounds of Al:ms who liv'd only till the Bloo- dy Ceremonies of the Sacrifice were adjufted, cfcap'd once more their horrid Fate. The l'«ri:i^ue^r vvrre very much nettled and difturb'd eflaries they wanted. From hence thev faii'd to Th/m« and C>./.(.V;, at which ■;.•: places they traded for Cloves and Nutmegs. Thefe I'eo-'' ' pie, if civil and kind at (irif, were yet afterwards loured " by the U:wr.nir:c and l'i't!iguc:{c ; they alfaulted the i.., Dutch Ships, bnt to their own great prejudice, loling'i--; nc»r le-c of their Men. ''^!' Things went much afier the fame manner at M:,lir/i too, whither they cime next. "Ihe King of that place had leave to come aboard theui, provided he came with a fir number ot his Atteiidaius ; but he deligning foirc- thing elfe belides a Villt, and bnngmg a little Army along with him, was kiil'd in the Action, with moft of his Men, and h;s young Son taken Prifoner. At the City oi B-J.-.>r,t:ir.ii, they heard of the .Admirals Drake and C.vidijl; vvh;i h Ind been there tome Years be- fore. There were Wars at this time between the King of P.i/- fv'citii, u M,r/«mf/.iH ; and him of li.ilnmlui^'i, iPngnn; both thefe places being upon the tame Ifle of J.tvn ; and Br.!r:tid>u.iti moft remote in the Fafterii Corner of the lilt, .as BjiiUtn is in the Weftern. Br.l) isa confidcrable I (land, paned by a narrow Streight ,^ from the Eailern point of Jci.;. 1 he People altogether *''" Hcaihens, and that Religion that is amongft them, lies entirely in the Hands of the Bramens, in wliol'c UilciplinCTVKtnl the King is abva^s brought up, and is, as it were, one of a. their Order, And confequently, according to the Princi- ples of that Sed, they abttain from all Animal Food , but they allow thcinfelvcs more Liberty in another Point than the J.ii'.iri Bramens do, for they enjoy the Pleafurcs of Matrimony, which the other do not. But then they arecontin'd to one lingle Marriage, by the Laws of thcit Society ; and if the Wife dies, the Husband mult be con- tented to live a mournful Widower all the reft of his Days : He muft take his Leave of Matrimony forever, at leaft he muft have no more Wives in that Body ; but af- ter the Tranimigration, 'tis potFible he may comedown again and marry in anothir, and that's as good. Nay, I who knows, but the very faioe Couple may meet toge- Ihc:i Mir. fame, yet th there s varict But the heav Woman; if t to live unmai ate condemn them ; The 1; Wives, and that here's Re for one anoth' of the Comfo Life IS a great Kible, is Willi other Eiijojm tendci aid cai lies in her [x)V^ Life ealie to lone «s 'tis p of fpinning tha cjtion Ihe can draw it as fine for as long as Man goes, the does not die ot will make her long-liv'd Wi fatfcr'd to tell eing their firft Rites, wc lu\ that eiery Sevei to die feilcmn E .hisPcacewhichtheBn;./.«iH'yf had .nade with theOnre; , ther again, and be Man and Wife, 1 know not how many aiidtherefcrc they fent a Uilpuch from Ali/,iec-i to ptr- times over i which if they fhould, tho' the Souls be the fame. Jn y^ccoui indiej Friefl; Jame* Admira THO- t tie be I'ime Wl'htl Ships return, but Trial. And here lick, failing awa^ Prince, and the States thenifelves the reft, all upon were going to ma lign'd to have the '■f- Bur we'll fc .: )f„^ Having fct Sa U» ill)!, together as far as i a"4j!S '" ^''"' ^'^''■'^'''". jptofs! J r^"'^''-Somc of the 1" the reft to the Ifle in Complement to they commend hig Eliony, black, red Animals it produce ■r.r., ''"=Ti'no;fes, wh' l^',,'"'' almcft inerediWc. m.I.V, big enough t^ cart '"* tcnMcnnay lital a wcndcr thev did Shells inftead of B< a farmoie iom|x:ni of making Boats ai take off the Shells, common way. '■^>m Thofc Ships of tl ""'"got firft iclUmnm fcnts, to the young • Grant for full L V^ Lib. II, mil declare fo, thai the • the /)«.-> pMblicklyri. [hey would, ridrd People he nut,r all tti, and they vcnaiits, fell i them thai Mine about) nave enoufh 111 ; they had lilainy (^ould iiiit;h:y Uridl inuitative Jti- vis and Pre- IVi'^riittiOn. ave tlieir Bar-, leot ataihireuj j.,, ip them, than ui ..■ I tliufc fulemn nrern'd about fell to down- and very hot gtilnp Knave-, ■i they are car- ;he I'oriiigu'y- ice the Hin:<-. ves, by fcizinj II Wore 'twa«V:;l lis Palfion and "";'■ - ^rcferv'd in' l^s'' ikc out (ns ai'. ■ iota! Ri 1110 ol ot a good Vxc. Ga'le)<; before lid dividing the itain rliemfeUc- U'trcav, and cp.- thcm, and they vay to jAci-.trj, iidnefs, and li.id all foris of Kc- 'Jain, at which'!-' .'^^ ;s. Thefel'co- ;'■;-: :er\vards fouroJ " alfaulted the it,.- ^ rejiulicc, loling ■'■!■■ • inner at \ti:iliir/i |p i,( iliat I'lace li he came wiih i!cli(;iiinp foir.e- [ile Army along ith moft of his lof the Admirals 1 fonic Years be- (lie King of P.tf- \liiii>t, a P/!^/in ; of J.iivi ; and Irncr of the lilt, I narrow Strcipht j^ |eopIe altogether pngll them, lies A'liofc Uil'ciplinCTStt-eB| »it were, oneofwi' ng to the Princi- Animal Food ; I ill another Point |oy the Pleafurcs But then they he Laws of thcit Jind mult be coii- II the reft of his ^oiiy for ever, at ; Body ; but af- nay tome down as good. Nay, I may meet toge- f not how many I the Souls be the fame. Chap. XL. The Second Vtfydge of r/;i? Dutch, tTc, 2lt I, '•jp' h;).cIi)i. rhn M.r. fame, yet the Bodies fthey believe) arc different, and fo "' there s variety ftill, ami perhaps all that may bcdcfircd. But the licavicft ran of the Burden lies upon the poor Woman ; if they die firll, their Husbands arc condenm'd to live uninarried ; but tf their Husbands die firft, tliev arc condemn'd to bum, or be buried alive along witli them : The latter fccms to be the Fate of the Bramens Wives, and the former that of the Peoples in general : So that here's Rcafrm enough for them on both (ides, lo pray for one another's Lives ; the Mar perhaps may be fond of the Comforts of the married State, and fo his Wife's Life is a great BlelFtng to him ; and the Woman, 'tis pro- bable, is willing to live and have her Iharc of them, and other Enjojtnents too ; and iheretore i needs be a\ery tciidei aid careful Nurfe to her Husl , and do all that lies ill hiT power to plcafe and cherill. .um, and make his Life ealie to him, ttiat he may weather out the Point as long as 'tis pt'lTible. She is obliged to attend the Work of h'inning that Thread with all the Art and Nice Appli- cation Ihc can ; to run it out to the utinolt length, and draw it as fine as may be, without danger of breaking ; for as long as this lafts, Ihc laifs ; and when the Good Man goes, flic can't ftay long behind hiui : And if flie does not die of her own accord fur Grief, the Country will make her do't upon another account, for there's no lonc-liv'd Widows amongll tli.'iii , nor no Women ever fiilier'd to tell their feconci Husbands how kind and obli- ging their firft ul'ed to be to them. As for ilicii other Rites, wc have little account of them: Only they liiy, that every Seventh Day is facrcd withtlicm, and devoted to ihc folcmn Exercifes of their Religion, befides which they obfene fevcral others as Fcftivals and Holy-Days, in the compafsof the Year. The king of this Ifland is rcprcfentcd as a very porchc Prince, able to bring into the Field jooooo Poor, and I oooou Houfe ; and very rich too, a? it ftiou'd fecm by this, that the Furniture of his Table w.is nil folid Gold. He came .o the Shore to fee the Ouich Fleets, in a Chariot drawn with Buffals, himfelf being Driver ton, ho'dingthc Whip and Reins in his own Hand. His Troi j"; thar at- tended him, were arm'd with Spears Flamc-fonii'dCrifes, Bows made of Cnnes with po^fon'd Arrows. 1 hey arc People of a blai k dull Complexion, like the Jr.-.rns their Neijjiibours, little ccinecrn'd about anv thing of Trade j or it they arc, they deal for nothing but Cotton Cloth. The Illand is no more ilian twelve Gnnimi Miles in com- pafs, a Spot incredibly fmall, lonfidering the Report of the vaft Armies i; produces: Bi t as httle .;s 'tis, 'tis a very rich and fertile Soil, luxuriant in its Produdions, and excellently well water''i. The Dutch obferv'd, that the Bam-i-.ns who were here wore a certain Stone of the bignefsof an Eg-' al)Out their Necks i 'tis perforated in one part, and oii't of the Hole hang down three Threads, which they fay is an Emblem of the Supreme Divinity. ■Jhey began their Voyage out of thefc Parts, for Eiiretf again, in f\-l>ruAiy, /I. D. 1 596. and concluded it before the middle o{ .IwiuH, A. D. i 597, Thus was that Correlpondencc berwecn them and the Efli-tndici begun, which afterwards became To familiar and full of profit to them. C H A P. XL. jln Account of the Second Voyage made hy the Dutch to the Eaft- Indies, with Bight Ships, the Holland, the Zeland, the Friefland, the Cjuelderland, the Utrecht, the Overyflel, the Maurice, the Amfterdam : Containing in all 5^0 Men. James Neccius Admiral, and Wibrand U^arwick Vice- Admiral. <.D. itsS. 'ntFlcn] )i.-tetl]tthe Vfi, "oit m I IlV Id Si ''iptt THO' the Refult of the former Voyage was lit- tle bertiT than lofs of Men, Money, and Time ; yet tlic Dutch not at all dilcouraped wi'li their poor Sucecfs, no looner faw the tirft Ships letuni, but they lent out thefc to make a Second Trial. And here we have, as it were, the whole Repulv lick, failing away it or.ce to the I-.M-lniiet. Here's the Prince, and the Provinces, the Stadthnlder, and the States thcmfcives ; Prince Mr.w !ce, UoUi-.nrI, ^c'.ii;,/, and the reft, all upon the march together. 'I is as if they were going to make a new Settlement abroad, and de- lign'd to have the / nw Countn:-: \\\ ll'in, as well as in Eu- tif'. But we'll follow them, and lee what they do. Having fet Sail fr<'m the IV.vf/, they kept Company together as far as the Capeof (.'ooiy lli-if But there partly hy foul Weather, and their ovs-n ill Conduit, they were partcd.Someofthem held their way to the Iflc St.M/!i>,and the reft to the Ifle /Jc C'.)/;.-, cail'd by them Mnmicr Ifle, in Cotnplement to the Prince of that Name. 1 his Ifland they commend highly Sir its excellent Trees, Palms, and Eliony, black, red, and yellow ; for its Air and Soil, the Animals it produces, as divers fortsof Fowl, butefpecially the Tunoifes, wh eh do here piow to fiich a bignefs as is almcft incrediWle. I'hey fa e, th.at they arc, fome of them, big enough i6 carry f 'ur Men upon their B.icks, aid that ten Men n ay fit all together in the holii-w of theSheil.Tis a wcndcr they did not make \t\e of ibme of thefe line Shells inftead of Boats, to wait upon their Ships ; for 'tis a far moie i om(«:ndious (as well as alcfs chargeable) way of making Bo.its and Skiff;, to kill a few 'lortoifcs, and ukc off the Shells, than lo go to building of thciii the comtnon way. Ihofe Ships of the Ourr/ithat went to the Irte St. M/iry, pot firft to U.tninm, and having made their way by Pre- fcnrs, to the young King and Proie»ilor, quickly procur'd » Grant for full Liberty of Trade, '\V'hether 'twas the i • ! fame Protedfor or no, that was before, is uncertain; however, the /)/(/./• were now more kindly us'd, and thft Hrtnti-.tvrje and they niiphtv Friends together. By that tune they had been here a Month, the other part of t'n Fleet came in too ; but fadly weather-bcatcii and diftrels'd, and fevcral of their Company dead : And now fo many Ships being come together upon the Bitnta- mfc, the Price of Pepper was raisd. The Du^c/j quickly procur'd four of thejr Ships to be laden with Pepper, which were forthwith difpatch d home : The reft rcfoi'vcd to vifit the Molucca Illcs ; and Sdius being returnd to Hol- Ijii.i, i/^iiiv/ivl^ was .Admiral in his room. The Molucci Fleet in their way, put in xTuban, ano-7'w.ai:il^. Comber, and // 'oir, held together ; on the other liile, !^:i/i, I'ool.uv.iy, and I'oolf.riicm, were ail in a League. They were horridly let againit one ano- ther, and fought with a Uringe degree of eagernels and ir,\ ctera:e fpleen ; making a deal of loud Node and Tri- umph, whenever they nialliicred one another, and got a arcel of Heads to lliew of cither (iJc. And yet all tlicl" nisTurnCa'm ml/t €ail»i:l-t. tItfU •' 111 fj/, So uy I Rlcody Doings was only for the cutting down a few Trees cainc to. H.id not the Moufc ami the Frog licen bufiea fighting, they might ha\c avoided the hungry Advcrlary that waited ro fwallow theiti both tip. Thefe Klnnds areellcem'd very healthy, anil People live to a great Age in them ; that of ijc Years is not uncom- mon amongd then), and their Old Age is not over-run with Diftempers neither. Their Char.iCUr for the produiilion of Spices is very well known ; am! here the Work of drelling the M.ice and the Nutmegs , always falls to the Itiarc of the Women. from hence the two Dutch Ships fet Sail again for B-ih-T^ ; ;< t.tw, and from thence for lUlvut. But the other two^'""*' that were at Ami-oini:, after two Months Hay there, went jL to the MotllCea'l, AnJ:i» At Temitie they procur'd a Trade nd Fatftory ; that'l'JI^'^'" Prince was kind and fa\ourable to iheni, and ready \o)l'^, yield to all their fair and reafonablePropofals. Thefe alfo having fettled their Factory here, fail'd (after the othersj to B^iit.im , and from thence for Uiltuiul, having no Bu- linels new to detain them any longer in the li.iiics. Their Ships were all richly laden with Spice, and thev had made a happy Voyage of it, and 'twas now time to go home and (liew their Country ( cxpediig their r.ti'rn) the Fruits of their profitable Labours al road. The two former Ships came lafe into the T-xcl in ApAl, A. D. i6co ; andthele latter ones followed them withtli",^!) ;, like Suc> s the fame Year. Chap. XLL An Account of the farther Trogrcfs of the Dutch Eaft- Indian Trade, in feyer^il Attempts made by them for that ptirpo/e. ' ill}. THIS Corrcfpondcna' Iv.twccn Ihlhu.! and the Er.ii-ln.llci being once fet afoot, 'iwr.s prulecu- ted by the Dutch with a X'igov.r anUver.able to the Greatnefs of their Hopes .iiid Fxpedations from it. 1 hey had not Patience to Itay till the l.ilt Heet tame home ; but before they could hear the h.appy '1 idiiigs of their Succefs, lent out another upon the lame Delign. * This conlilted of three good Siiips, under the Command Kumlmi Uamsk'rk, JdtiGrmivr, an■'" • Thefe were met and encoumrtd by a Spmifl! Armado, conlilting of the hkc number ot Ships j but hiiw iiie Dutci came off in that Adlion, w^ iiavc no particular Account in thefs Voyages that arc now be. Store us. What _Succ<-fs they had at A Ixi.; is related in a fornuT'i-.-.^ BtXik * ; 'tis reckon d the /'o. /(.i;w^.- procur'd them that lin-^- • ' 'I tert.-.iment by the ill Reports they made of them to tk'' ' King of .khcii. However, that Prince did afterwards trt-at them at a better rate,and proceeded fo far in a friend- ly Coirelponiieiice with tlum, as to fen.l his Eml afliidors into //i/AiH./ to Prince M.itnicc ; one of whith died at m:J l'elmni:- mcntion'd Perfons, wc ihall enter upon the enquiry into by and by ; but we iiuiit firit of all take Notice of a very necelfary Itep, in order to the more profperous Ninnig^- ment of thefe Affairs, and that wasthe Union of all the Stocks and Companies. For whereas by the diveility ofAl;!«C thefe Tr.iding Parties amongft them, there were fo n-anv ?••'-'-■ private and particular Intcrelh to be regarded, that the Publick Good could not be fo ;:ealou(Iy and regularly pur- fued asotherwife; it was concluded, and accordii ply proclaitn'd, Ihat all thefe feveral Societies (hould fum themfelvcs into one Body, and laying all their Slacks to- gether, (hould have the fole difpofal of the F..:i}-UJl.: Iiadc, for the Ipaccof 21 Years, And they agrei.J. .'fo upon thefe Terms, with reference to the Divifion of the Charge of all new Fleets amongll themfelves, that ihould hereafter be "fet out, vij^. that Amflcrdnm Hiould bear a hall part ; MiriMeberoi-gh cnc fourth ; Delji, I\onrrd,n; lim-hfjcn, and Hcoiti, each a fixtcenth parr. The Sum of the Common Stock brought into the 1 reafury, amounted to more than Six Millions of Florins : And upon this Foundation of united Counfels and Purfes, they proceed- cd to carry on a very thriving and profitable Trade. The Accouni;s wc have of their particular Managements a- I broad, arc not very perfpicuoully nor methodically g:\on , but yet fu much wcmay be able to pick out of them, as ir.a*' may fervc to n.ade Ixith ir delb oying th. Fleet under I ,S' 'tights of . th.it the 'Low Aruiadoof i and '.w'cnty F lor.c [he H:n.. wirh the t):ii , to :hat, they I all rhe Plague 1/.- i)i:t.:,ii 1 • ^ upon the I'fu.: (n\'< .mil took niii': li;t fire tn rfeaped, and t Fnplir and C( Lhele l(-arti , conid not havi ■.„. do allthe mifc Imiiu they (lau tjp*r Clove Tr rotis Hoftilirie Ihd /', wliofc I'er. The H.„ for his limely .' Iv ; neither w.i in ih.it n. antler (U're chiefly ii| fr.tiidlhipand their own l)an ^qvl\ ed all the C ,«ccoiint, took 1 .\nd II.W.I1 Klat divided, two S three hi the lat 1.1 i'rj.i:.',- pot a llaicin to their 1 Factory in gooi and. Nutmegs r ly fiirnilhed thr home J the oth' ripe. Jr.mcs Hmn. ■'^iiu Amflcrtinm Fli-e ••i^Kii pf S^.,.^.i^(,^ i„ .She was of i aboard her ; (1; Cotton, Tint ties, that Ihe w them. Accord IVofle, ar the t a i ioody Flag, fiilinn ; bun ._ the white Fiagi bled her, and ni turned home in „,,,, 'Llie very Ian : - .lifmcntioredbefo !ll.ii:d of C'ew,, ■•Uvoi'nt. He ciitert.iined bv i Liberty of Tra him away in : 1.: „ <"'"'■''^ who det .1 noble retinue tlephants were coltiy Litter fm This King of a lirtle into his on. The Port::^ I"'Ih-s had fcate where they had ed Quicr and Fr In this Fort of C LdiKation, I hi li-lrc'z'd him by L'pontlie Dc |nK„''/(twihatwashi f f-w, Illind (ttpt into the P.'iiu'iui^c, lateK'iig Dunn:; I'-'>tugi,c:;e likw lefolved to marr o'riving out I'iw, •'Accordingly the Potent Army ro 1 tire and hide hin A H.'t nbctick.; this rat thing in- r liy the Ears 1 a race, as if on the Privi- r was the rca- r, that would ill, than this ; been biific a (ry AdvcrUry nd People live is not iincom- iiot ovcr-rim Spires is very iiig the Mace iV.arc of the again for Bih-Twj:.u the other twoS;." ay there, went 7.1 And i: Fadlory ; that",,,''" I, and ready to>u" lis. Thcfc alfo iftcr the othersj having no Bu- ; h.iHrs. Their and they h.td I'.ow time to go tg their r.li'rn) )ad. le T:.\cl in z//"^', ■d them wiihtlr^PiK :-Indian .ited in a foriniT";-:.'-.. 'd thtimhathn-^-'' 'f if them to the did aftor\var(!s far in .1 fricnJ- liis Knil afllidors whith died at iiig an Ept.-.ph Qiia'.ity. '1 he as ihiisCiMi, T^-I.v:it, and Ail- Diinh Cireiim- h of ihnl'e i r.'- tlic enquiry into Kntiec of , a very fpcrous Maii.ig^- VJnion of ail the the diverlity ofAiiinC TC W'Crc fo iranyP''-'- gardcd, that the nd regularly pur- and accordingly ties Ihould form their S;;cks to- if the E.-Ahl'Jia they agreed ..'fu Divifion of the ■Kes, that llioulil am iTio'.ild bear a ,rt. The Sum of ■afury, amounted And upon tins "es, they proceeJ- .ble Trade. The Managements n- •thodically gi^en , out of them, as tri*' Lib II I (>hap.XL!. 'Tht' y^^/omo/Harminius, tleemsEirk, O-c. 219 ^T.«jt'> mi. 1.ULC1 i>i uivn.i'.vij i*.tinmi^ iiiai nc was k liiv(d; he loll tilt' ViCKiry .ind his Life tt('C!her, * an '■'»"■ .1 ihc C'i)m]uirov fo.'HHo liiiiif If at ciicc of tli fray fcrvc to inform us nf the mighry I'rncrcfs the Dw/i/i jliis Fortes Ui adv.intageoufly, that he bitterly ira^e lx)th in advaneiiig ihcirown Imcreft and Trade, and delVioying thatof the Spviiit ./i and I'mfuyiif^c. H'niplxvJ ll.utniitli.s had five Ships of the /ImPerH.mi Fleet tinder hi'! command. This Perfnn being in the Srreights "f S:ti:.lr, was informed thereby a C/ii'iic/r Junk, ih.it iheTiiwn of Brntttm was clofely (ilieged by an Aruiadoof /'o■r^:;«c^^ conlilling of eight great Ship^ ,ind uventv Fiignts. They c.inie thither pretendinc lo lor. e the H.ih.if.iufi- to promife them to ha\e no dealings w\'.\\ the hut r, anil if they wtiuM not oblige thenifebr^ to tliat, they (l.Oiild be puniftied for their Kcfulal with all theP'a;.',»tr,of War. _ iS.:fiil\ wliofe Trade they were bent every where to hin- didrcffed I'er. The «.i/.f ; were vcrv thankful to llnminiiii lor his timely Aiiiltancc, as they had very good rcafon to Iv ; neither was it witliimt ivafon that \hcDiiich intetpofed itiili.ii n;anner, lince the Sutlerings of the Unt.imcfi: uererhiefly upi.n tli.-iraiLOunt, and by talking oft" their I^Mjudlhip and Alliance ihev might have put an end to all tlleirown Danger and Diftrels. ll.irtniniui having re- ceived all the Compliments of iht: B.iiit.tincfe upon this tCeoiint, took his leave and went away for the AJu'«,ii i the /V;H^//:-^f, andeiirotf allnannerof Provilion from ilie C'lt; . y.f'/'fT the new-iriadc King, feeing he w.islike to be ilarved intl.e City, ref bed -oitay no longcrthere, bur go out and lent al! to ilu- fa/ard of one fet Battel ; il he carried ilie Day, tlie Diltr(.is w.is at an eml, and thv Cornrr\ clcai of ai! id-eiliiicj befere him ; if not, a Noble Deaili, or foituiaie e!i..i|'e into fome place of more fardom, would lt.l!chai.j;e'th i diref il Sitiie. And twasbvthe latter of thifetwo Meihods that he was rc- _ , . he ovcnhrwwn )oung 1'; .niel'sand the 'I innin; jgim -' (il-i- She ua^lut nine 01 n 11 Y^aK o'd, when ly JV'.'k.'.i's ViCbji) and Marriage w.th her, l),ei.ame to the Inheri- t-Uxe I t her Fathers Crown ; aj f r the Pc)!.ii!iic\\; tlu wli: le Power of the Kii:,: lorn of c'.i ./..• was etnployod aga.iillilKiii, and allhiiAavours .il.:d to aLcomplilli their toniplear Fxpulfion It. m tii.' Iflaii I. "I"ib to be noied that /),;.);/( the Fatht-r of tlnsvoiifi; PriiKcfs, and i-7;«.j. i's Prede.tfli'ur 111 thellircne i,i' CmJ; was not rri- ginalh King of that plate, but of Sitcluxnr, which is aboil IS I eai lies from Cid:-. Twas the Sntcefs of his .\rms that brought him in there, net the Right of Suc- ce.'iion, or the Pcoplis Choice; he dro.c the lawf.il King of ( ■,-H.y,- out, whoHed wi'h all his Children for Refuge to the /v., ni;;!!-?!-, and left the Victorious /).to);.r for a while, to enjoy the Fruiis of his Violence and Fn- juftice. Put hi- was .it lad routed out bv the People, who were tar frniu being ealie uniler his C/,crnmc:.: ; and then lore ferved him the fame lawte that he had ferved rheir ri;:luhil Prince, forcing him tr^ t.ifte the Pltfl- lures ot Rebellion, Trealnn, and. P..iiiilV.ment, and to try hi.w 'twas, for a M.in that had a Cvwri upon his Head, to have itpulled off agai:. ina n'de and t'ortiMi. manner. :i '^i I /j'.iB.-/.! Illands. .And now this part of the Fleet was j By this means was a way opi-ivd for /Vwj,:/ ■ the Son of divided, two Ships being 1 for the former, and J the exikd King, to come into his laiiicr^ F.o, al Seat at three for the latter of iheleldands. Thofe that went to 1 t'^/Wi' ; the Death (f the Ufiii per -'J.-nrdid him that 1 jTj.rt.T got a good lading there, and then fail'J to ! Juftce, and brought him to the Pclieiron of liijdefired /fr«r/;t to their Companions. At BiMnir. they found their Cilory. Factory in good cafe, and a fufficient qiun'-lty of Mace I Spill ci«c>i being come to Cuuir to wait upon tlus ■•''."■''''J.?'"'* and Nutmegs reaily for them, with which they prcfent- I Prince, vsas the next Day after his arrival fent for to ,„''.',« a't'cj,; ly furnilhed three of their Ships and difpatched them 1 Courr. The King was very well pleafed with the Pre- i'. home ; the other two ftaid there till the Cloves were , ftnts he made him, but leemid to be much more taken ripe. I with the Company of him and his European .Atten.imts, jcmcj HrnnskJ,l{, that commanded anoihcr part of the , who appear'd tobe liich a fort of People as lie little ey.- Amffc'iiam Fleet, performed his moft conliderablc piece \ peilted to fee. For lie was uniler an Apprel-eiifion that of Service, in the taking of a Iplendid \'(!rtiguc-;c Miip. i there wa' no Naticnof Whites, burihe 1'0''/';.m--,» r.lone, his moft deteltcd Enemies, She was of 1400 Tun burthen, and' iiad Soe Perfns al-oardher; fl.e was laden w.th Silk, Sugar, Musk,! Cotton, Tintinago, and fo iranv rich Commodi- ties, th.11 iV.e was worth feveial Millions of Florens to I them. Accoriing to the ufual hectoring way ot that People, ar the lirlt light of the llu-J- Ships ,he hung out a Moody Flag, thivatmug them all with Death .i 1 Con- fufinn ; burilie i-jiurkly changOvl her Culours and pur out the white Fiagof I'eace ; a few fliot tVomthe /Ji.r^; luni- bled her,and made lie;' cry out M'J.- kord'.j. Hccm,i^i\\c- tumcd home in .7. />. it^ j^. ,,.,,., The very fame '\'ea'. alfo returned Admiral '\p:.'!c,:rrn . J ct' mcntiored before. The moll of his C'. ncernslay at the ' Illai.dof t'c'Mi');, of wlreh we have tlu> following 1 rief Account, ilcwastirftof all honourably received and entertained bv the King of Bi.'e.n'/, who vor.chl'afed hiin Liberty of Trade, and after feveial other Favnurs, fenr him away in a verv fiicndlv manner to the King of J _ 1^ (Vi).,'r, who defired his Companv. 'I'his Prince oieierM a noble letimie to attend him in his Journey thither; his tlephancs were fent out together with hisCuard, and a eoltly I.itter for the Admiral himfelf to be carried in. This King r/i Cr.ii.lc being mention'd, we muft digrcfs a little into his Story, which may defervo our conlidcrati- c>n. The Portuguese amonglt other parts of the E.tJ}- Inilict had fe.ited themfelves alfo in this llland of C )/.')/, where they had their ftrong Fort of Colombo, and enjoy- ed Quiet and Friendlhip with the Kings of the Country. I" this Fort of C' t. mho, the prefent King of C.ui.ie had his hhuation, they had made a Chriftian of him, and Baptiz'dhim by the Name of D«)i Jrlm do Aujlrir:. Upon the Death of Dn'tn: the old King, this F/w^jAi Vli*' ' *"' ''''"' ^^'^* '"'' ^'•■'"'''' ) ^y tlie help of his party in the .,' " llland ttept into the Throne, and prefently arm 'J againft the PMupii:;c, and expell'd them the Country. The lateKng Dmmr. had a Daughter living IHll, whom the l'<'itugi,crie likwife had the breeding of, and her they rcfolved to marry to the Govcrnour of hUlncci, and (o ilriving out I'ividl.:. putthe Ciovcrnmciv. into their Hands. Accordingly they brought this young Princefs with a Potent Army to r .n.ic ; aid now l'im/:'n was forc'd to re- tire and hide himlclf in the Woods, w'hcte yei he p'i'.i.ed ,ind tlietJi'ore lay under a very plealing Surprize to find the Uitt.ij of that Comj lexi- 011 as well as they. The Furniture of his Pal.ice was aftei the P^'tu^iiete Fall'on, for having h.ul his IciuLaiioii amongll ihein, lie Ibll raauicd fome of the'ir Cultoms : 'I luis the Rooms were furnilhed with Cluirs, and SiO'l',, and Tables, adorned with rich Arr.is Hangings and other thingsof the like nature, that had far more of the .'.urcyV.K; "than the //..//:'. mode in them. Wlien they came to diltourfe < f the matter of Trade, the King Ihewed an untommon degree of forwardncfs and willmgnels to promote that Delicn 9 and ( whether 'twas a Compliment or no ) he told V/;' .V'i;,-)j that him- felf and his Qiieen and all his Nobles would be ready to tarry Stones aud Mortar for the building of a Fort when and wherever Prince ■V/.;;ii;'.-.' and the States pleafed. And to fix the King more cifeCtually ill this goodHu-n.mi the moiir and fnonrableOpinion of the Dutch, Sfiibcrgcn f V'l""^ went out one Day ami took three Portuguf:^e Shi^is, ^'"'"" burning them when ho had done, and bringing all thu Men home Prilbners to the King. This did his Bulinefs, and if the King had not been difpofcd tobe kind before, 'twas enough to have made him fo : A Sacrifice of his Fnemies that had once, and would again beat his Crown from his Head. What rmildbc more agreeable and pro- cure more Favcnir for him that offer'd it ? This Prince w.as mightily uelighttd with Mufick, and when the Ad- miral found his Inclination to lie pretty ttrongly that way, heprefented him with a couple of Mufieians, one of whom came to very good Fortune by this mean!., for the Charms of his Mufick perlw.adcd the King to make him a Secretary of State; this was a very fine Poll for a F'idler, and Preferment enough to have made a Man Mulical tliat was not fo before. But farther, to (hew hs Elteciti and Opinion of the Ouu/', the King fee himfelf to learn that Language, and would needs have his King- dom called by the Name of Ken HoUr.nL The .Account \vc ha\ e of this Country is very rtiort and imperfect. The whole lUanJ is divided into*";'™"'' feven Kingdoms, but how much l".m,:l'. the King of C.ind:''i Territories do take in i-: no: certain ; only this wc F f 1 are 'm i'f'%. I . *■!• 220 ( , lA Hh Neccius goes to the Coajl 0/ China atid Macao, &*€, Lib. !]' m Chap. XLl tlmlie ('Dnolfi'S all that Kingdom, of which 1 bought Byiwicnce, thatchc pUcc they were come to was ■ rafieanJ fai , the Capital Cny, ;» few Forts cxceptcj, out of I M.jc.id. There w.is no remedy to be had at all in this^,™*''^ K Law to the F i*. nut vccalile til ilrivi- the Pfi/7Ku/f?i-. I cafe : their Men were out ot their rcaih .iml tKpv l,,.l i,.",'"^' H •i.^ir nxun Cii'i'^/' lis the Capital City, ;» few Forts cxeeptcj, out of ( M.r which he is not yecaWe tii drive the Poitiijiif^i; The lll.mdis i',o .Wilesfrnni N. toS. and 140 broad, 'tis a niiWe fertile Spir, a'.'cmii.ls in dtlic.ite odnriteroiis riants, Ciiiii.imon Iivt ,, theuidlt and beil in the whole World, and whieliijiiu.re ih.iiiall, tiioice Jewels ot fe- deral forts. 5/'i'./'n;;™broiij;ht loth Cinnnnioii and pr.cious Stones A urrji Cit- ff'"" tlii-"n>'<.'. and .I'lioniill theft' .1 1'y ropus or Carbunelf h.iiuii' of a prodipioMs fize, wi';;iuii:-, liill .y: . Carols ; one fo kwu|lufrcm i,jp J, ^^,i,.j, l,,n-aly (,•„,;./,. had e\er feenbetore. Thus we have feen tlie RefnU of S?i:ih-''^.i.'-i Manacenient at Cn'o'i, anliland little kniuvu to ihe I'.itijci-.u WurM ; wc niuft new fee wlia' was pirfrnied by other Com- iiiai)dersof the O.'./im I'leets in other places where their Concerns lav. «f? • MkJ, .uAo, There W.IS no remedy to be had at all in this^,™*''^ cafe : their Men were out ot their rcaih, and they had ii'iC?!! not (trenctii enouph to attempt the Recovery of them by *^'"- Arirn; to they were forced to fubmit to this unjutt Vio- lence, and go away quictandtontented, till they were in litter Circumftanccsto take their Revenge. After this they licat ahoiit upon the Coall of CMichin- Clint, and having paft fevcral tonliderabic Dangers by Rocks and Shehes, and other (onnid.tblc things, they cauietoy,(.i,,,i. Here they fuuiid nothing l)ut'Woutls andDefarts, and the footings of fume Wild Beafts ; No':"~'^'' Iiihabitatns appeared, nor any Refrciliit.ent that might " '""' tempt aCoini-any of weather-beaten Sramen toftay there; lo they failed from hence to Aihuci'.r.Tittcn, in i i'.^ut,^, Degr. lu Min. Ih s place was.ilniolt as bad as the other, ^■'■" only not (iiiitcfo barren ; they came out into an open Field, belet all round with comely Trees, where they law good ftoreof Birds, and Butfals too, that were dil- peiled lip and down a feeding, but they could not lay handsof any of them to fupply their Ncceflitics. They found the Tr.ack of fonic Carriages, as alio the Foot- ings of limie Men in feveral plates, which they followed ,vs far .as they could, till they were led out into wild ranil'liiig Woods, where all was lolt and confounded a- g.'i". So that 'tis probable thefe People h.id no fixed and ceriain Dwellings, but wandred about the Country, fet- tling lonietimes in onelpot of it and foinetimcs in'.-Mio- ther, according as the Paltui.ige or other Convtnicncics ferved them. But the Fruiifiilncfsof this Country ffuch is 'twas )*(!«»( \y.isa worfefla^-netnthe /):/,v/. in u^ FfTcLls, than thcFNt«) RirrenneNtf it eould podiblyhavc been. For here wa-,'*""- T"-!.- rra.:t t::e Uiuh. It."» / 7». ^.4U. 1,1. . .\dmifa! J ones S.\ ,'«' Kr fail with the ^hips muler his Coinmaiid for /ii'.'f i/«, whereafter a V'o\age of tome nine Months or belter they arri>ed in * fafetv. The Go- %ernoiir of thi- pl.ie.- aetoidiiig to the good I ndcr ^landin;; now ell.ibhihed i'e'.ween them and xW: Dutch ) p.ivttiietu Iiiforma ion ot rheDelignstlic I'j /..;; c^.' were carryit:pon agaif.lt thiiii. 1 he King of T. /■ k ( a T'lwn upon the lll.ind of ,7.;;' 1 ) wa, (if a ''I'l/'cic^- extiaOtion, ."iiid having iom'd with hi^Cl'l:ntry-llH■ll in the.r I'ltit ot evtupaiing the Ou::i< '^ Intel eit there, h.ul hnt :o Hua^tn to ask lea\e to aitaek the Dtit.h ill tha' 1 1 itboiif, for wliieh puipoie they had a Fleetdf 40 .Shlps'.h.it lav re.id\ at i c.t-.-. Wh.it ^^^ fuer w.ts gi\cn we <'ii not know; tlio' Vis probable a pcrenip.iiry Refula! : • a.lnv.t oi ,111) liuli I loftiliiies a- p:iiiilt the D}it.r there ; ho«^\ fee the even! of it, Sit went ^i J:'. ),v;^f he hearJ licw '.he \\"::i'^i:cxr had befrleivled! ntd and dilliirb'd, the Harmony aiul regular Temper ol' Jii< Na'ion i;i a good Cliarader, reprefintiiig them to the | their Minds fpoil'd and M:i.itcd, their Fancies 10 de- Pe.'pleasa paivelof 'l hie\es V^lonlites, and in all re-' Kiuchcd. that they did noihmg but forma parcel of wild fpedstheworil and ni. u le.id tort of Men, which they cxtraiaeant In-.apes, and prelent them in fuch ftiong and did tluy alleuged out of k iiiinefs to the Kit.gof T.DMff, lively 'olours too, that all appc.ar"d as if 'twiis real. K-caiife they w.-iuld not ha. e him impofed upon by fmh ! E\ cry Man was a Vilionary in his own way, and iccord- a fort of People. IVfides this here was a report of a'ingtohis own proper Humour and Difpofition. One dilinal Trapcily aCled by them upon a Company of (^iw and ronvcrfed w ith Angels, another had fbme of the /)«/./ Men, wliofe Ships they had betrayed; upon all R'ack Regiment about him, a third cried out of Serpents, which Accoint.s, Kf...»j f.iiled away to I'ldoie to take and other formidableCreatures, and another of fome other fomc part of his ret eiigc upon them. 'thing th.it his confufed diftraifted Imagination prcfcntcd Biithis Succefswas not arluerablc to the Juftncfs of at that lime. Thefe Phanaticks mult fure make very his Carle, or at lealf die (iieatnefs of that particular pretty Company together, while every Man was tcllini! rrovceaiicn, for he rnmeotf w;th the worit out in the | his own .Stoiy, and e.serting thofe Pairions, with ihcir Hncounici-, and belides ihe I oS of fome of his Com- feveral Appiehenlions of the Objeifls that were prefcnted pany and hsi.Avn Wciun.!-, uasoWiged ro leave the in-, cxiiied in them. No doubt there was a great deal of fiiltiiig Lneiny to make ilieir utiiioH Boaft upon his variety in that kind, and as much noife andbuftlctoo Flight. I aniongd them ; for thofe that fanficd the Devil by there. They by the wav here give us an Account of the King could rot but run away from him, andthe reft that were V Sec. ills d;d not Itay to ■ a Fnit, ihetatingof which, made them all downrighf away for the A.'-i..-,m,'.' madf ir atime. All their Faculties wer: ifrangely darki of i■l■l)/,I^'s Titles, .-uulailthe Dominions he pretends to ; crcotrpaired with venomous Bcails to be fure did rot they tell us he calls hiaifelt' King of T.™.i,\', Ak./'/.ir, ilatidlt:ll,^ Any Man that Ihould have come and found M-//', .Unhin.i, (,iicl; and nf the Ccide.', tlio' he pol'-, tjiem in thisConliticnfu'-'t fufpcdingit to be thcEffedof felfesiioth'tig there; a'fo of Mi'.Jrii'r, S-ko-s, i\/;i,w, 'lucha Caule as'twas muft have thought //«.t»f/7(»T4/cd to and other Iflands. But all the while here's nothing of lie either a Receptacle of niad People, oratlcaftto be the B.^Hf/.r lllunds ; wc I'.vt.'i find th,' King of T;-i«.;;i. , h.liinted withfoincthing worlt. How they tame to Iv rrcteikisanySmtraigtrv th^rc, and there's no reafon tc foberag.iinthiy don't tell us, whether by theufcofany belicxe that Title woulil I'e lepprefs'd if it had ever been fort of l\Lmcdies, or whether the Dillcmper wcm off of afTumed by him ; and theri fore thit more m< dern Pre- it lelt. 1 hey don't give us neither any defcription of tliis tenet of the /),vf. /• to t he B:>..l.i Iflands upon the King of, Fruit.orthe Tree, or Shrub that iK-ars it, that other People Tera^ff's, It count proves it fe'f to be vain and idle, and j miglit learn howtfi know and .avoid it;all which is fo very the Makers of it to be Ihrewdiy put to it to find out profs aNcglecV 'th.it bccaule 'tis more Charity to impute fome Reafin for the r.ir.juft Claim. :it to Diltr.tCtionthan to IIINaturc ) wce'U fuppofe they NciT/';/;r.ow bcaieaauav from the Mclticcr.j went to j did net reco\er 'he true Ufe of their Wits as long asthey feek his Fonunc ini therplaees. iwere lure but carried the Rclicks of the Madncfs a- fr,< "vt of He came firlt to C _> , one of the P!'i!!pp!>ic Iflands tri- way w;th 'hem. |5|j„j,['^"".iutary to the .'.■;. iH/'/i'./j, wheic ho ir.ctwith kind Enter- T He next placethey came to was P.w.iwt ; and hcac«,*iim tainmen'ficmt!ieNati\es. |( whether iiad or fober j thev found very kind Enter-''"*!" After [hat they came to \f-';f/.i'v not far from iheBay of tain-nent, and had the Grant of a f.ii2ory from the '"*'"'■ hUniltr:, whcie they were horribly endanger'd for eight Qjieen of this place. They heard here liJtewifc that Days together amongll: the Rocks. rheir.Mei. 'akenat ^Ucao weremoflof them executed and From hence the) l.iil'd towards the Coaft ofChhf, fint Fninnersto G'o.r ; for 'twas the Porfuffi/f^f had ferv'd and had fight of one of the Clutter of Iflands, that lies them that tr.ik tho' they fufpcdled iheChinefe to have b'.fore C.i«f(iK. fome hind in it. r«-i,jn(1 When they were by their own reckoning 12 or 15 | At J'(iM.,.-thcv tclhis arcufed the Af4M,C/j/nt/f, and «'''^^,c",'(t leagues from A-f<;,v:', they ventured to proceed three or j .Viicif/f Languages ; the M.ilnynn foincthing rcfcinbling four Leagues farther, and fiw a parcel of Buildings at 'the //■/fiii/t, the S -mcf- like Euroft.m Charaiftcrs, the rhe Foot of a Hill, and fevtral Boais in the adjoining i^^"''"/' much more intr'ca'e than either, and to be read Water with tvliolc 1 ail il'es in them, Men, Women, and ! from the right-hand downwards, wherein it agrees with Children. Nine of thefe People would come aboard the J. tponcjc*. , them, but when the'- enquired of them alwut M^citr, they pointed to ihe M( untain ; but the Dutch not believ- ing A.V.rto to be pi near, let fome of their Men alhoar ; which not returning, they fent out more in ihcir Boats to < iiquire after them, but in Ihort they were all floiip'd and detained PriKiacrs, and now dte Diitcii fgund by dear The Laws of this Country are vc. ^ fevere in cafe o^s«„\''^ Adultery, punifhingany Trefpafsof thai kind withcer-M*' tain Death. The Otft.idcrs are n one refpeift their own t'.'jl'":;"^ Judges, for th ^y ( >ndcmn themfcK -s to what Deatli they PrBdJA. plcafc ; and their Parents are the,- Executioners, and havcic hereby ia their Powa ig maltc tlieir Sufferings as cafte c. Lib. 11 come to was , and they liail iti(o«„^ f of tl\i'm by ''""■ s unjiill Vio- ill tlicy Wire It of CtiiiihiH- : OanpiT'- by : tliinns liny ; Imt Wouili , 1 Bc.fts; No :::;;,:?' nt that might ruoftay there; Tulcit, ill 1 1 .^luiM .d as the other, ''■*' into an open , where they hat were dil- rould not lay flFitics. They alfo the Foot- iliey followed out into wild confounded a- d MO fixed and • Country, let- letiincs in .■'.no- Conveiiicncics iich is 'twas )/»!!;,,, eAs, than thefi'i «i For here wai''*'- all downright trangely dark-^ liar Temper ot Fancies fo de- parcel of wild I'uch ftrong and s if 'twits real, y, and accorJ- [X)fition. One ad fome of the out of ScrpciitT, •r of fome other ation prcfenicd re inake very an was telling ns, with ihcir ■ ere prefented great deal of and biiftle too Devil by them, reft that were >e fure did not inc and found be theEffedof ■7m.j/ cHaTaka to )r at lead to be tame to Iv tliL' ufe of any wciu off of riptionof this at other People hich is fo very arity to impute ■ fuppofe they as long as they ic Madncfs a- ■y XLI. Warwick's and Ween' s f^qy ages. Sec. 221 thing of 4 Pledge or Airmanre for his (afe Return ; but Del! err/, «ho did mir pretend to (ufpetlt the King's Ge- nerofity and Kind nef^ to ilic liutcl', and knowing hit pcrfed hatred to the /'.rfLt-vr^, made him k-nlible how (ecurehe thought himlelf in Ims M.ijellies 1 >o)uiHions, without any of riuile Furiiwliiies. This Ri-tirn I'k.ileil the King, and beexprclTed a treat K'nR^ ''»♦ cJeal of Indignation aiainlt ilie rmiir^uc:;^ ; nay, (ome- i'l'i^'u'Ci t'.i"e atiei in a pra.ite Cont.renie, lie tuld O- (/;■<•,/, that i.T , u .• ■na". There's iiotliini; (il th.s nature lnok'd alter or rc-1 i' the Dutch with their Ships wciuM undertake to prevent "'''"^' ''••• ideil, "iir. iio Ciiire in the Cornti), n.iv, 'ns aiii ihecomingof .Supplies fi'ini C"/-, he would tall upon the'"*"'"" fl'ablillicd Ciillomnuiongft iIkui, for ever) Man this way | ''"■',!''"■;' here in r'.-i/m/ with ;iii Army of 2couo Men. 10 take his full lil-rrtv. Ciimiiviii \Voni n are otier'd to' '\ii>l !ni ih.- Rca.iiil c f th s pine of Serviee, he woi'Id .Str.iiii;eisihat etinie hitherto do their houitnld NVnik In | give them blithe Cittks i'li.l borts he took in that War ))a>, and other Oniei.s.i; Nipht, to drefs their Viehial.s.i and belides, all ihcTraile •■ f tht^lllatid il.niiM betuni'J calie and favourable as thcjr can be. Tho' 'tis a cruel Law to the Parents that obliges them to do this Office to their own Children ; if the Principles of tiatural Alfedinn ami Tcndcriiefs arc any thing Ihon^ in them, they mull offer horrible Violenee to theinfebes, and en- dure more Pain and Mifery than thole whoiu they exe- cute. But as rigid .ind ftrici ns the Law is .igainft Adultery, It tolerates Foriiieation with a gieat deil of cafe and pn- ticn I ilone 1- to lie 111 tliem.' /'.■ //■•,■)/ receaed fevtrni Tokei « into tluMi ll.iiuis, cciiiinend the r Iniertainment ,it of this riinuM .iv, iir lo Ivnifelf in paiticular, aimn.git Id make ntie giiefs thele (' i.M( rliv relt a nolve 1), wI ot (io'd, which he in.i'lc ins voi'iic D.iiigliierdniik to him in, and afiema'-iis prel'cii't him' vv.tli ; and at 111-, IV iii)' au.iy gave h'ln ;', ()iiint,i|s of Cinnaiiion, aiul ,6 of IVppti, and a \rrv hnnrjiiru'le Com ny to his Ship . A' p.iiting too he told li m, tli.ir it hi. Son the Prime were oM enough, h,- would li-nd hun into /f, ;''»,; to have his til II aiiciii in M.irrial IJiliu pline mider Pinie A/,;;.// r ; and thus /)e ll\-r,: w,r.t awm irrin ( . >/ n wiili c\er; whir aK nmeli (;oodlMri!ine as Vc.r.-i^f/.h.ui done Ixfoie iuir,, both asto iju Publick and hi-,'.\M] jTiuitc AiKanMCis. From hciie he failed b.iik aenin ti'.ike tlu'lr ne(ls,aiid \\li.ir.he\ liaie Xlie L):r.:' fo highly (cminend this p'.ice, that 'twou Dodrillis h.ulthc niannj;enu'iit of fome ol tJietii i and by the gentle agreeable Mcihodsof their Art, might help to cure them of t'neir Dilhai'tiun They repor; one thing of tht 'ii.imcf- tint lioks vorv o.!J and llrai-.ge ; whuh i'^, th.iithev wear two or tinec SilverBalls lalhicd into the Helh of the I'lilciuh, .ind thcfcare fometmies as big a. a 'I emus H,il| , tli.s they oI>- fcrvcd af I'.it.nif. The Country about th's place tliev lav is verv fru'i- ful and I'lealant. The Woodsaretti.'ied wtl, wiM Tn.-lts, and Fowl ; then Turtles are adorneil with iine tolo ,r'd| ^ i ui.» .-i U fo..;i. ly .ijnoui p„, ^ .Aecordmcly Co..i.. , , , , ^ . '''. wliere \.r. Feathers like Parrots, their Geele .-.:.'l D.nks jay iluin i roM thefe Propi.l.iis ot the Kiiii; of Oi.i; to l.,s Coi i,t, ,- Eggstvvcea Day. ^ |Mim, ardearmllli peilrva^'eii tlicni to Itr-ke :n uiththo l.)nei.t ilii- molt eotn'iion forts oi luMlKninongll them prelent favouiable ( ippi r:in i\ of driviie^ the l'i<-t.ir:.f;r ..i.the Klejhant ; they make the T aiiie on s h.lp to eati h • I'lU of that lilj'ul. I ht King of .hi.ci, was niit'U'ify the Wild, by tv:,-n ng tlici.i out into th.' W'oo.l,, «li re ' plealVd with idc Pnj.A tro, .iiid ei.couraced tlii U.itcli '':hey prefeirlv l-.einn a Ba'tic vithilum; and fo when by all tin- Mr-ti es in the Vorld ro let upon'it o;.: of hand both areelofely engai'id and falhi.d tcgether by the and not loli. any time m a Biilinct of Uxix a Confc- Tceth, the Mrn that le ii.ar .it hand, provided with 'p-'cnie. Ropes, make the Wild I lies Pr foners. .„. | So af'ir Irii.e Cnnfrh.-ifriM .hik np[\ ihem(e! (% tliev 'Ihis is the lall .•\ccouii'. we ha' c of t';e A iTair'i rtr Oli- [ ■-" i :■. I'.ided it fl'.ould W U>. and a I lei t Ic p reU n:l y u nt ou lirvations of thefe /).-•' Shi] s, which we may fuppofe : '-i^airilt the King o(" (>«./'■ m his Uelign. from hence to lu\c fel f.iil for //' '.'.i.-../. { liv Ships of War with a Piiir.ace were dirpatchid ; aloiic j with v.hich went an Fmballadour of the King of \khcni To go on yet Hirthcr with the Endeavour, of thii Na tor C./i/.V-, to fpuroii that Priiiee in his piefent LJndcr- AhnttFItct"""^^' aFcieignTrade, v.e ihall confider the Fleet fe; taki-.g agaiiift the /'c;.';.»(/f-e. The Dutch being landed tf uSi;! I'Outimdcr the Command of IV.I -ihi Wnrwiil^ Admiral,' marehed with their Forces to Mr.t-..ir, the'Kinc of fctftBi ict^.jnd Sfi'.ifr dclV.ci:, Viee-Admiral. It eonlilted of 14 which place was ciiil to tlicni all other wa)s, only he '""f""' Ships, the Af/fwu-f of 40 ■ Tun, \.\\c HcHitrJ 350, the j would not fell them any Reeves or Buffals for Provi.ion jVcjiiip 340, the S«« iS', the ^'o•>l i^o, the St.i' iSo, 1 whiih they extieamly wanted ; and this not ouc of any the I'.irr-: aPinnaceof 15, all thefeby the .Merchai.t ;, • f Fiimirvor 111 Will, but from a Scruple of lus Reli-ion Amjic d.:m ; then three Ships of '^ ,v.J, one ol 410 which forbid tlu' earing of anv of thole Creaiiutes. Anil Tun, the F :.f.\):g iv\ 'he fi'^/e I4r ; two Ships by the; in that e.-vlethe Z)h\-,' ought to have conip.ed ; and ( a« r.ihlufcnr'S, the //r./^r 'iio, the I'ifhi it, ; twoSli^psofMo plentiful a p!.ace woi'ld ealil\ have (upnlied 'them wrh /(i.'/f •./->/.■, the /;'.i.!,:i Sc 'Twas ether Neeelhiries that mighi havv fer.ed ] fo they ll.O'ild lictermined that fnme of thcfe Ships fliould go to .-l.-hr): rather have be, 11 cnuteired with meaner Kefrelluiieirs and(;rv.-», fome to the A/- r.cvtj. fire to '(.■.■/"..•, and than gon- to .itlioin the I.aws aiul Relgieiiof the Coun-' ladly others to iheir old Friends the Hm'iwf-. The try, by making n'eof their Catrel for thar pttrpofe. Bu- y'r.H.lcis began the Vo'. age, lett'ng nut three Months loir.e rf them it f.ems did this ; they got l.;me Kitic and fnrV?« belore th.^ relt of the Fleet ; the oiheis fol'i wed in ?.-/iir,; killed rh.em, winch made a terrible uproar nn.onglt the ''' '""'■* i6c:, reaching .•;.'-« the fiueieding AiV../, where they 1 Natives, am! as hirhly incenild thcKmgw' " found the Ships of .^ /i'./. 1 hey th.tr wt re a', piin'ed fur fi-».'i) , left tlie Kit to tlieir future fi'od Fortunes, .ifter fome time of itny there, and wen' away tbeml'ebes for that Ifland. 'Iw.i- Ijc tVc.^:, the Viee-Admiral's 'j u 1 Province to go thitbcT ; .ird -.hofe that eonlider the Cir- cmnllames of i,-'/.'t'f/;;'i'"s FiitertainiiKiit at that place, willcafih granr, that luAL'inuury-menhad rea'.onenough to hrpe lor SuiieU ami liood I leatnieut. , When this Perloii time 10 C.iH.i'r, he was received into | I'tite, and the Oh I UroplJl,',, tin City vviih no hf> tha:r K'.iicly Pomp and Triumph ; t'c ; and henz),«ilm y kind Enter- • f"**! • iry from the'*"'' likewife that n executed and it^e had ferv'd Huefe to have in,Chhiefe^ and ng rcfcinbhng laraiSers, the d to be read t agrees with - . .'StfCifw :re in cafe otS4n,\ Lind with ccr- ^"fV- 5eotthcirown (_,(,.;, ,^ at Death they Frmji-k. cutioners, and r Sufferings as cafte Natives, andashirhly incenild the ls!ing w'len 11 cimc ["l!'',! "'J, to ins bar. ble told them 'twas a worfe outrage than ''" "'^' cverthc ;>£• •„-, r,-.-had CMiui.ittcd amongit them, and that u would nr.rbeborn there ; and 'twas a long titive betorethey could [M-rfwai'e hiin (with all their Promifes ot better Comluet tc r the future ) to :nedi.itc between the People .Hid them, and calm their farv. How^cvec at lall with much a Jo 'twas done, ar.d the King and Peo- ple both leenriigly quieted ; but 'twas adaiigeroustnter- who knew how tender they were in . . . t'lat point, ought not to have tried their Patience in th»t ihcSouldiersand Citizen>. made a Lane tor him to pals manner, nor run Uich a rilque as they did by pfovckine half aMile Ioiv.;,and nil the vshile the pieatGuns were roar- them. 'Tis true, thereafoiiof thisPtohihition isasfilly ing,thc niartialMiitick !'ouiiding,and the People hollowing, j and ridiculous as any thing cun Lx- ; Natives ' Won t fo that 'twas impolTiMe for one Man tn hear another diave their Cattel killed, th.u the Souis of them may lie fpcak. Being conic to the Palace, he found the King ' kept out of Hell, whither they believe they will go if ready to receive him, before whom wl-.eii he fell down on | they arc difpareh'd in a v iolent manner ; but others that his Knees according to the Cuftom, he was prefently t.i- .believe this to be evii lo foolidi, in Prudence arc not to ken up in a very gentle manner, and duired to hear the go upon their own llvpothclis of the Impertinence of Ki.ig's Qiicftions, which were eonctrnlng his Country, this, anil the Rca'onableuefs of the eomrary, and fiJ and Bufincfs inthe Ulaiid of Cnm. Hc'tlr.-it quickly ^ [laughter the Cattle beeaufe they knew they have either fttislii-d thele Demands, c'.'pccially the forniet, by point- 1 no Souls to loofe, or nunc thai will be damn'd ; for wh«- irg to Prince M.iic.-Vr'sPirturc that hung there, which ! thcr they have or no, the other party is c:rrainlv per- Sfill/figcn had given the King, teihiig hiin he belOng'd to , fwaded I'f the truth of it, and therefore will as certainlv the Country that was governed b'. th.it Pnrce. And they | look upon tlu'ife ihat fhed the Wood of them to have allcxprcffcd a great deal of Satisfadiou at hearing him ; done all the fame Inj.iry that they could be imaeined" to faylo, for thc^ were m lonie doubt ot him and had have ih m-, if the Opinion of the future ftatc ofthofe Creature-i were everfo well groandcd. The King of CfMe having now encamped with his Army at AJ.in.icr.iir.ir;, fcnl to the Dittoj here at Muecnh to conic round with their Ships to Pi «/" de Onlh, which he intended lirft of all to lay tiege to. The Dwct accord- U),.ly IV- t 5; placed that Pidrttre thereon purpcfe to try if he knew it, and by that means to find out fomething of the truth of Sfilbcrf^cm Relation. But the King enquired next, how he durft adventure fo fat into tke Country of his own accord, without any % T, ! 222 De VV CClt Mnrtherdat Ceylon. I'-: H' 1- j„ply rut o>ii rn Sea, to kf^' (luaul that w.iv, wli U- tho KiH« litllu '.- il i'a' I'lKUn ulhorr. Atul tlio' no Ship <'f NS'nr cati.c tvniii (■ .», lolr a I'rcy ai tliistinic tothc /\'".''' licet, yet I'liK- othor I'roii Ships of ilicir'; cimcwuhiii ilicirroaih, lunr ot wliili ihcy tn- k ; ami tlii< more to pi-.ttitic il'o Kiiin of V.-'i.i', than for, -in) real Prutit the Lii'iii; <'♦ 'li^'i" ^^'^"^ cipMc rf r.ftoriiiti;'. 'I'hey 1cm .iwav t\in of iluMl' .Shi;'> with all the I'nfo- r.er> in thcai ; Init \\hctlKT iliey fol^i tlu-ni their I iU'rty, or txcharcel tlutn onlv I. i /)"■, Pnfoners is uncer- tain ; houeier, this ACtK.ii highly (l.lV'easM tl'e Kinu ot i f:eir, in his Difeourfe with the Kinp, loij;nt iliedi'c M'.afiires of Relpeift owini; to hi> CharaClei, .. .d larriid it with foitiething of Infuleiicc (at lead unbecomini; IVddiicl's) tow.trds him. Others fay, that'the Kinp, fiifpeifted I'cme treacherous Deiipn, and was apprchenllNc that a llot w.islaid to be- tray h.m, and carry lum off in their. Ships ; and to took this eoorfe as w ell to pre\ er.t his ow n Captivity, as to pu- nitli thole that had prefnm'd to contrne it. Wh.:h of all thel'e .Stories is the true one, is uncertain ; but this lall does not feem very prnb.ible : Fi r if the Dutch P« M'ltrf Favourof that Prince, as they mipht have done, upon his iierinillion of their -Settlement in the Iflan.l, they inijiht ha ceneroadi'd and git cround npon him b, deforces; and wnle they fare Ihrovdcd unilerthe I'loteiition of hit Winps, hav" taken any tit Opportini'.ies to work hiiu out, an 1 lit theinfelves in tlic f 'iv and certain polldlint of hi, Cciintiy. And by fiiih a pia.liial proecedinp tin- Peoi'lc had been mueh Iris alarm'd ar.d roiiz'd up to llaiij in their own delencc : I'erhipMlny imjlit have been won over by foinc '\nifites im. p'r to be i led on fuch occali- ons ; and by this means the Bulinel's had been done, anj yet all the Danger and hx|'eiiec of the Method of Con- ipiill avoideil. .As for the Kinn himfe'f, he prefenrly fen; word to iIicr ,, ,^ /) iicl< Fleet what he had done to then Commander ; anjw ■ .. ■. ihatthat Ik' alledgcd m hisown JiUliliation was, Th.it''"' '''- {)■ lllrr had btliaved. himfelf very rudely in his pre-|.';V"J, ' leiicc, and prete-ided in a \tr) pofitive ir.inner to offet liiinlcnns, which he mull aeeepl, orrefiile, at his pe.il. But as for tlu-ir parts, the Kinp promis'd to confirm all that was lormerly apieed upon, and to be ilie fame in his Carriage towards them .is he was before, provided they wouM perform then part, and help him to take the Forts id'the J'.-ifHw/f^c P'lt the />H.'r/' exLiis'dthemfelves, nut raring to put any lardKrTiiilt in a Prince th.it had fodc- ceiv'dthei'' : He mint now po on nith bis War by him- lelf for them, and make the Ixlt of his Undertaking apaiiill the I'o riiyyir-r ; who tobefure were nut a little glad th.n the King had obliged them lo far in breaking with the Dml; from hence they went back to /Id -n again, and then P«it» to Ot II , an Ii'.an.l near S:.m.:tr,i . While they lay hcrca- ''--"'* bout, they took divers t'mti gue^.- Prizes; and when that Sp.rt was o.er, they faii'd to M.u-ijj'.ir. And now they had no lix'd 1 rade to take them up, and fo did nothing but wander a' out : Fc r from hence they wc.it to j . • , and there thev adiibd th.it K ni' a'.a'nil the Pniii •iic:(c. '1 his Sirviie bcirp i .er they viliicd /'•■fr;;.: (a plare well known to Ion e of their C' '. ntrvmen, that wcieciv red fd their Madrels th..,,, -..u irom thcr.ce to B.int.uii, and l"i. home. 1 hi s have wc I'ecn the !aft iiri",} of their Cr. AtTairs ; J:Jb.l!,|(Thap.XLlI had taken the King Prifoner, It muft be Uippos'd to be the milia| py Con.Kilion th.at follnw'd th: mcll fortuiiau in order to the poleding theml'elvcs of his Kinpdom. | and fa\oiirable Beginnings th.u c\cr verc in the W.r!.!. Now had they forin'd any fuch unjiilt Delign as that, ; 1 he .'\cnuaintancc wasbiit of a l;tt!cftandii'g ; but 'iw.ts there had been ealier .and lefs chargeable ^lethids to ■ well improv'd for the tiire, and prom.s'd very great thiiijii. For this Action to be furo \ but perhaps no greater than wou;d have bet n perform J, have acconiplilii"d it than this. would exafperate the Nati\ es to the lalf degree, and make them take up Anns with one Conlent all over the llland, againit fuch Invaders ; fo that the Diiid' could not be conceiv'd to conic in, but upon the Foundat.on ot an a',)- folutcConquell, nor lit ip'ietly there till they had 'cdnc'd all into complete Siibjedio.:. B.'t had they improv'dihc if their p'Kjd l.nik had not hail thiv f.id and fr.ddenTiim given to It. B.it thus uncertainly, and without warning, doesthe Si'ene change in this World ; and f > inipolfib'.e i> it for any IVrk'ii, oi People, to keep their Sia'.io:i, whtii the Critical .Mi inentof their Delhny comes on. HAP. XLIf. Jn A count of the rc/l of the Dutch Voyages, domi to the time of their firjl Trcteiijioris to Sovereignty and Troperty^ at the Banda ifands. t M Dutch Rt- lemp' (he uV.ir.% 'if W E arc yet to proceed foiiie Removes farther, in oir Enquiry into tlic Pio- gtcfs of the nwch Erii-hhiini Trade. W. D. 1603, in D:c.ii:lcr, a Fleet of twelve Ships "■-? tail under the Comm.tnd of Siqlen Vci- hnfn\ Having onblcd the Cape of <.,o:ti Ihpr, inftcad of failing diredly towards i]k i:rjl-l>u{i:i, they went a- lone the Coalt t,f ytfn^k, and nade up to Mc::;.imOi.ii.e, which p'a c the', had propos'd to alUult. Here they came to an .^nc hor clofc by the Caltle, and in fpitc ot all the i,"i,(i,«t I'o.n;?i'(-v Forces, took feveral ->! their Ships that lay a- 'boi-t the Harbour. But the Grand Dcfign ot all did not fuccccd ; the Pir,it.9j'c:^c were too well fortified there, to be bear out at that time ; and the Dmcl; with all their Skill and utmoft Fudctvours, could not accomnlilh any thini; confider,ab!c towards the difpoffelfingof them. ti/mUir, They met with the like Difappointment too when they ^.V. "o^canie with iheir Fleet before t.i.i ; the Enemy was ready to recei\c them, and had made fuch Piovilicn again)^ their coming, that nothing was in Prudence to beattempi- ed. All things were in fuch order, th.at it look'd as if the Dcflgii had been difcover'd in Europe, and Notice had been given from thence to them at Co/i, that they were to cxpcd: a Viht from the Dmcl: Thus baffled and •ruftratcd cf their Hopes, they fiil'd from thence down the Mali-.linr CoM, putting in at C'.!«.i-f^.j, HI) and C.ilccui, in the Samorine's Dominions. They treated with this Prince about Trade, and came to an A- iiiry 15-! grccmcnt with him, which was drawn up in Writing, *j'5",^ and ratified with all the ufual Solemnities. ou'- •■ Upon this Coalt they had a Fight with the Portuguese ; but fuch a one, as 'tis probable, the little advantage, or elie the great lofs gotten by it, might incline them to for- bear giving any particular Accounts to the World of that matter. From hence fomc of them wenttoC.im.'vy.t, and the rcftj.,,^, to Ccd'in ; they atceinptcd nothing at tliis place neither ;' and if they had laid any Plot for the furprize of it, dicy did not think fit to try to put it in execution ; 'tis likely for the fame Rcafon, that they forbore doing fo at '.'"*':• Go.t. Ac- -', Their next Vifit was to B/intnm (a place where they'"'";' I I were furc of Trade and Reception), and fiom thence to J;;!,;.,^- 1 I Amlieinii *, thy Conqucft of whicli latter place was the t.i ClOWll- Crovviiing Woi ;|i,f;;hadnot t fir them here ; Succefs ivcrc w and leave tlicV When this A went away to tl \sere difpatch'd done at that that lia.l I'.iwn'i rncoiirapcment reb at the Mr-iv The King of , ^. ^ but c.nild 1^ ,' not l "Mr'wti'.r.it'ic Concluliin TiTB.i.T (who alii le.iily with a Flet Men, to have f. nia'ter. Thn'- the Interi of s! UK and I'.'i World. ' ris trn tied at it, and ni .'i!i'.-i this Year, IValiiig w th iliei what li';nined all piiipil'e IS it to it- lUtc? The more .liid the pood Foi while the Court i ■ backward way. font out a Fleet niaiuicd by the I Princes , as was fainit the /'o./n,; midit be carried here how far the they made of th * place. In fiimc of the pm with great S rageinent, and 1 '.|3|6- : fli- /, It:. "'■^-- -■ ^^H - III ' ■---'■- - --^ I I • ._^ I }^- 1 ''. I (Thap. X L 1 1. Ty doi-e Ca/ile ta/^ iy the Dui ch, <^c. 223 ic, upon his they mii;ht Iv, dcycU ; cition iit'liii 3 work liiiii liii polTcflio* DCOcdinR ihr \ up 10 llaiiJ xcbccn WDii (iich Dicalj- 11 ilono, nnj liod of Con- won! to tllCK,,-,;^ immlcr ; ami*' ' •1.1 n w.i<, Tli.it ""' '-"^ y 111 his pre- ,',; ni inner to offct , .It liif peril. ;u oonfirni all lu lame in his [Tovideil they i.ikc the Funs icmfclves, nut hat had fo dc- War by hiiii. taking apainlt little glad ih.at dug with the ;ain, and then r.i'. >, hey l,iy herea- '''"■'■':* and when that And now ihey fo did nothing ■c.i; to Jii,anJ ''■trti! (a plarc . that wciociv- r.ee to BantAin, Cnh. Affairs ; mcft fortnnau- in the W'rrlJ. '.'■^ ; Inn 'tu.is ry great things, lei n pcrtbrm'j, jd fr.ddeii Turn .\uiv.i warniiiji, fo iiiipoHlb'-e i> Sia;io:i, whvu time of Banda it they were to pes, they fail'd inginatC.;(u-f,,,„ inions. They :atne to an A- iVj ic in Writinc/V?"^^ Crowning Work of all the Voyage hitherto. The Portu- "Kf-- had not the good Luck to tx; handlomely provided fiir them here ; or it" they were, Fortune and Uvourable Siicci'l's were wantini^ j lor they were obliged to go out, 'anil leave theViiJtorioin OuiJ} their places. When this Ae'tioii w.is over, ilic Admiral, IWr Hitien, went away to the K wiin IlK-s j but five Ships of the Fleet \\ere difpatih'd 10 i'y.ljie. There v.'.u more Work to W done at that \>\Xt:v agalnll the (>ei».'i{«f^f, and Fortune ili.it ha>l t.iwn'd upon theui ai .Imbuiiiit, hadgiveii thcin rnc>Mirjpemciit (o hope for the continuance of her kind- tiel-atthe A/'/mri'/. And Ihe did not deceive them, nor .W". their riattering Mopes draw them into a Snare, but to ■'' ''^' inure noble and fplcndidTriuinph*. .All things now feein'd tn ronlpiie tor their Felieity and Cilory, and the aggran- dizing as much as was polfible) the Imeielt and Chaia- L*tr they liad already gotten in thofe parts of the Woild. The I'd. 'Kji'f;;? nude auraveandboldKcIiltance atZ/.fc'r, dcrpiAl the Summon"; the l>iitci< lent tliciii to I'urrcndev, and laugli'd at the talk of a White Flag. Hut there is a time when all the Valour, Caution, and rnod Conduct lil the World will pro\e fruitlefs and inlli', nitiiant : Vertue and Bravery mull yield to the iinalter.i- „ . win btc Laws of Fate, as well as Impotence and Cowaulice, 'u'l.T and the I'arty th.it bids ever fo fair for Victory and Sur- ■■'■'' eels i< often run down by another that has no Title at all to it. ' I'was fo \f itli the Uefcndants iii this prefent Bii- lineli, they deferv'd perhaps to have carried the Day, and kept their Poll ; but the Dunh were lb lucky as to get both iVoiii ihein. They fuugh.t >■ ell ; but th.at's no Guard a- gainft iinforefeen, and iinth. night of Accidents , Courage may keep an Enemy out ot the (iates, but 'twoii't keep a J'ovt or a Caltle from being blown up, where a Firebrand falls amongll a parcel of Ciunpowder. 'Twas this that ru- in'd the I'mtwiic^^r ; they were not fo much beat out, as hlown out of the Caft!e of '!'■■. I in- ; indeed, a good part rl'the Caftle it felf, and of the Men too, were both blown .iw.iy ; and to be lure this wiiuld put an end to the Siege. In ('-.or:, thisS'ivke was the Cont'ulion of their whole Altitirs at the A;-':/ ■, I's, they had now no footing in any Ill.ind all thereabout, but at Jc/ii only._ K fr.oi-f Ihe King of TwAir (lood by and faw this Tragedy ; ' ' r '"■ but c.nild 1^ ,' nothing towards the prevention of the mife- r.tWe Conclufinn of it : For his old Friend, the King of Tfrn.nr (who alfilled the Ml.vukis in the Enterprize) was ready with a Fleet of founcen Cor.uor.as, and near loco Men, to have fallen upon him, if he had ftirr'd in the ni.viev. Thii'- the Inteieft of IhH.niJ advanc'd .ind rife, and th.at of <' !.i. and l\'ir:r^.-:l went down in thefc Parts of the World. ' Tis true, the King of Sp,:iii was horribly net- tled A! it, and made I'eveial feverc Decrees apain/' • ''.■ was pi a\ ing for tlieir Su . ceU the ■ backward way. For "twas but the fame * Yea:-, that they lent out a Fleet under Ay r.iuil be thu' briefly pafs'd over. Kcxiio Mr.ilief, with his Fleet of tivebe Ships, went out * the Admiral, Pnu: v.mC.tili; with ei(;lit more} and ' -^^ i«o{ he w»s * quickly followed by f'.r/j »/, with a Meet ofUiir- •," any Dclign to ciicro.ivh upon them, but to feciire the /',„",,/, j, ij,, Idands from the daring Attempts of the l'c'fu:\ii::^c, who a.kiJjwA might be expected to come iliiilier ,\nd \ ilit them. This Propofal let them all in an L'prore ; and had it not been for the Terror of the Ships w.tiulieii great Guns, they had then cut their Threats for nvakini; it Honvever they Hilled their Kefer.tmcnts at piefciu, and ha\'.ng con- fulted amonplt ihemfebes, pave anfwer. That V.-'I'cuf lliou Id go .aboard again now ; but after three Ua\s were pafs'd, they would come to a politive Conclulion. .And they concluded in the Negative w.ih one Voice and Coii- fent, telling the Oh/cA, they lliould build no Fort there. But they being refolved right or wrong to have one, im- medlatelv fell upon the B^iii!/:ih-fr, and fciught one Battle with them, the very fime Evenirg that they pave the Denial. The Bi-.nJ. -iicf-, 'tis to be fuppos'il, liaving had the worfton't, and fearing themfehes too weak to hold out in fiieh a Di p;.te wiih the l>i::l: can.e and craved a CcHation of -.lais for three or fair Dais : B.it this would not be granted, the other ua-i perfectly inflex:b'e. and WMiM he.ir of notliing but a prefc'it acccpian.e of their ;irlt Propofal. I 'pun this the Bvil-ncj.- yiel.led to their Fate ; the 1 O't mult be built, and liiiee tlie !>:it.h f.iid it llrndd, ii was in \.iiii for them to \.i) it liiould not. Init t^l^ pet them upon iliat * lliarp Re\enge which •■;«.■ C^pr. tliev afteiwanis too':c, to the IXIlruCtion of l'.'i:-uf, and A"'"t«'> . nil his Cotr.]an ■. And cut alter this, there was a con-^''^'''''''''*'^' 1 1 neal Heart-buriiing between the liut.-r and them ; there j W.IS indeed fometimes Peace between them, but 'twas ne- |\er itcd.iy and icrtain, but ot'ten interrupted wiih the 1 Confiifii nsof opeiiW.ir and horr.d Depre.litionsupon one another. Ihe eld Spleen rcmain'd on bo:ii lide.s, and as the DuiJi Itill rciiiembred the hiding of the .Admiral, \o the H.vhl.-iic!. il:d the budding of the Fcrr. Their other Proeeedings at thefe Illands we have an Account of in our own luurn;ils : So th.i". here we Ihalf conclude the .Account of their Atlairs. e Po'tugue-^e ; advantage, or them to fur- World of that ; and ihe reft _,,.„„, place neither ; tc of it, tliey on ; 'tis likely doing fo atl™"j: Ac;.'-..'.:-'' :e where they 'I" ^'.^i; "rom thence to ;,,!,"; i^- pUcc was the Li 1 Crown- (: H A p W >(■! rt 224. 'DireHions for Eaft-India J^oyages. TibTTl Bchap. XL. Chap. XLlII. J CoMion of Rules and VircUiom for the Eaft-India Navigati- ons : Tal^eti out of the Ob/crvations of fome of our Fnglifh iW- lon of great Experience ; particttlarly Mr. John Davis, of Lime-Houle, \-»ho made jive of thoje Voyages him/elf. I'i put 11 cm 1^1! t.lUtrd. I Nthis Accountitisfirftot' all tolwnntcd. th.it the. yon Hull have i? Dcgr. Var and more, to the Wcftwat.l longituiicU cnmpuu.l from the Mcrulum of the 14. By which Obfetvatintis 'twill alfo be iiianitelt, ili.u iflV l.!-^^nl. and the C.\y<:n( (.<