•i> ^a^ O. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^0 V ^'x y ^. - >,>' '(/. % 1.0 I.I If IIIM IIM 1^ IIM 11112.2 ;. 1^ is Hi lio 12.0 6" ill: 1.8 11-25 III 1.4 ill 1.6 m ^ /a 7 'c^l ^> % -'> >^ '^ '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSiiiil.N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques :\ Technical and Bibliographic Notes/Notes techniques et bibliographiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. Features of this copy which nYa» Hcotia. ^ ) S4 E c o IV r> K r> n^ I o IV. ::r:5 Puhlishvd hy Order of the Town Council. TRURO: W. H. ALIJ-:V, I'RIN'l'KR. I S79. 1MIEFA(JE. This small Noliimc is the result of a compilation, and contains the laws s])cciaily affcc tiiii^ the 'I'own of Trun), ami the 'J'own Ordinances in force on the fifth day of March last. The manuscript has been jire- pared for the i)riiiter by the subscriber, in accordance with a resolution of tlie 'I'own ( Council, the Council bein^' desirous that the citi/ens shouKl be informed of the laws i)y which they are go\erne(l. However inlriiate some of these laws, rii^htly or wronj^ly, may be considered ; it camiot be contended that they are voluminous, wherefore'explanations about the arrangement of the work are scarcely necessary. Part I contains the enactments of the Legislature of Nova Scotia, specially affecting the Town of 'I'ruro. Part II contains the Onlinances of the Town of Truro, made by tlie ( 'ouncil, and approved of by the (lovernor in Council, many of which have the force of direct Legislatixe I'Jiactments, under Section i,^, Chapter 49, .\cts of 1S76: while tlie others (except No. XXII of Water \\'f)rks) designated by the prefix of an asterisk, (*) or parts thereof not so designated, but printed in Italics, were made by the Council under Section 37 of Chapter 47, Acts of 1875, and approved of by the Covcrnor in ('oimcil on the fifth day of March, 1878, and lherefi)re are as binding in law as those confirmed by Act of Parliament. The Water Works Ordinance was jjassed by the Council fourth of August, 1876, and ai)proved of by the dovernor in Council the twenty- third day of the same month. Part III contains Miscellaneous Rules concerning the T(jwn Court and the Police Force. In .Xppendix A will be found some forms prescribed by the Town Counc.il. A])])endix 15 contains His Honor Judge Blanchard's Judg- ment on the Li(iuor suits taken from the Town to the County Court under writs of C^ertiorari, being the first important finding of a Judge on our Town Laws, fi)r which reason, and also on account of having been a])])ealed for the decision of the full Bench of the Supreme Court, I have thought well to incori^orate with these Laws and Ordinances. My aim has been to make this edition of the "Town Laws" a reliable authority, stamped by the impress of the existing laws, and not a confused mass of legislation that cannot be verified by Parliamentary Hnactments. ISRAEL LONCiWORTH, Mayor. Truro, March 17th, 1879. I 5- (1. 7- 8. y- lo. 14. '5- ■7- ig. 20. ^3- ->4. 25. I PART I. OK THE LEGISLATURE OF NOVA SOOTIA ESrKCIAI.I.V AFKI,< TIM; Till: TOWN OF TUUlU). TIT LI-: I. ClIAI'I'KK 47. iS X'ICIOKI.]-. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF TEURO. (I'lxsscil tliL' 6th clay "f May. A. I ). 1S751. Ski IKIN. 9- 10. II. '3- 14. '5- 16. ■7- 18. ig. 21). 24. 25. IiiDorpMratiiiM uf "Tiiwii uf 'IViiri)." 'I'd liavu- all |iri\ ile,i;cs usually uiijoycd l>y C'lirpur.iliiiiis, Hoiimlary uf Town. Division ofl'ouii into Ward-. Ward Nn. I. Ward Nu. ■^. W.ird .No. J. ■I'own Coiniril. (Jiialilii.atioii necessary lor .Mayor or C'ouiii.illor. (Jiialilic-alioii of |-',lci:tors. ICIui;tioii>., when liL'ld, iS:c. f)f Kctiriii;; CoiiiMilliirs. Klui;lioris, liow ((jiuluiti'd. Oatli to lie lakci] hy per-oiis oflerin,!^ to vote. Kleclors to vote in ward wherein tliey reside. I'drni of oath nienlioned in preii-ilini; section. .Manner in whicli candidates shall he proposed. Time cjf (jpiMiins and clusiiii; pulls. Vote by ballot, iKic. Ballot hoxes. Description of ballot. Presidinji Ofllcer, Ovc, not to .i,dve b.-dlot to any voter. Penalty. liallots e.vceedintr votes. Poll list. l*ecl.ir.ition. Caslint; vote, (-"losing poll. Penally for votin.i; ille:;ally. Penally for forL;i:ry, iVc. Return of Candidates. Sl-.l I ION. 2(1. I'.lei lion of .Mayor. 27. Result of election to be publisli -d. 28. Oaths of .Mayor or I ■.nmcdlors. 2C). I )uties of .Mayor. ^o. I )ulies .Mill pow, Ts of ( olHK il. 31. Ditlo. j2. .Meelin..;s. 35. Ma\..r lo presiile al nueiinijs. 34. Ollh-ers app.iinied by Cum. il. 3=;. Duly of Clerk. 3". P.ye laus lo specify duties of ofli.s.rs. 37. Coun.:il lo iiialie and repeal live l.nvs. 38. Of'l'ouji Properly. 3y. Town to besep.arate in school sei lions. 40. .Auditors, their diuies, ,S:c. 41. On report of Auditors C.'ouiiiil lo pass accoiMils, 42. .Viiditors' staleinc'nt to b..- published. 43. (.'ouncil lore.utd.itepavMiem ofmonevs 44. .\niuial nieelini; of rale p.isers, pr,,. ceedin:;s at, >S;c. 45. Debenturi's. 46. I >t-bentures interest, when r.-d<-eni.dile 47. Water supply. Loans. Tenders theref iiin 111' I'liwii iiitw Wards. \V;inl N. \\:UlI No. j. At:i' OK i.\( oki'okAi loN. Ik- it cn.'ictccl by the ( i<)\t:rn(ir, Council and Asscni- l)l\' a.s follows: — I. The iiihahitaiits of tlu.> Town of Truro within the liniils hereinafter defnieil, arc constituted a body corporate and politic b)' the name of the "Town of Truro." J. They shall, as a corporation, ]ia\e perpetual succession and a common seal, chan;_;eal)le at pleasure, ami shall be cajjable of suin^- and beiiii^^ sued in all t!ourts of Justice, and of acc|uirini(, holdinj^ and con- veying; an\' description of propert)-, real, j)ersonal, or mi.xed, and shall ha\'e all the other ri,L;hts usuall)- had or enjo)'ed b\' corp(»rations. 3. The Town of Truro shall be bounded as follows, that is to say : Hej^inin'ni,'' on the Salmon Ri\'er at or as far down as the west line of Da\'id T'ulton's farm, thence south- wardly by such line to the rear base line of the lon>;; day of May, A. D., iH/cS, to be fixed by the Governor in Council. At such election a Ma\'or, to hold office until tlie close of the second municipal \'ear, shall be elected by all the wards, and two Councillors, of whom one shall retire at the end of the first }-ear as herein- ACT OF I.NCORrORATIOX. or K'-lii-iiii; I iiiiiii.illors. after provided, sliull be elected b\' each ward. Sub.se- (luent elections shall be held on tlie first Tuesday of May in each and every )ear ; at each of w liich one Councillor to liold office for two )'ears shall be elected by each ward, and a Mayor to hold office for one )ear b\' all the wards. One Councillor from each ward shall i(o out of office at the end of each \ear, but shall be elii^ible for re-election. The i)residinj.; officer to be appointed b)' tlie (jovernor in Council under this sec- tion shall t4"i\-e notice of such election for fourteen days b)' ad\-ertiseinent in a newsi)aper if an\-, jjublished in the Town of Truro, and by handbills j^osted therein. 9. \t the close of the first }-ear tlie Mayor shall draw lots to determine whicli of the Councillors for each Ward shall retire. In succeedinL,^ years the senior Coiuicillor of each ward shall retire. yXny person elect- ed as Ma)'or or Councillor and refusint^ to serve shall forfeit the sum of I<\)rty Dollars to the use of the Town. I'rox'ided that no IMayor or Councillor, who shall have ser\'ed for • 1 term, shall be subject to fine for non- acceptanc -. . )ffice on re-election until the expiration of three }•.. .-. Oom the date of his first or previous election. 10. The first election shall be conducted by a presidin<^ officer— to be appointed hy "ihc Covernor in Council — who shall a])j)oint a deputy presidin<,r officer and Inspector and Poll Clerk for each Ward. Succeed- UY^ electi(Mis shall be conducted bj'presidini.,^ officers and Inspectors to be named by the C(nmcil, toj^^ether with a poll clerk for each ward. Notice of the time and place of holdin<.j elections shall be posted up in the case of the first elections by the presidinu^ officer appointed by the Governor in Council, and of succeedinj^' elections by the Council, in two of the most public places in each Ward of the Town, for ten da}s previous to the holdiuL^ of an}- such election. o.ithtohftak- n. Any person offerini;' to \'ote at any election oiknnK''io'v'utc shall, if required by the presidin*.^ officer, or other per- son (jualified to vote, make oath that he is qualified to vote at such election, and that he has paid his poor and county rates for the year pre\'ious. i.ioi..rst,jvote 12. lu'er)' elector shall vote in the Ward wherein in they resitio. hc rcsidcs, or, if a resident without the Town and as- sessed upon property of the required value within the \\\c' linlls, llow C'lUliuctuil. J. Subse- rucsday of uhich one be elected >v one year jach ward •, but shall Ticer to be :v this sec- rteeii days iblished in tiierein. a\'or sliall cillors for the senior rson elect- >erve shall the Town, shall have e for non- LW'piration • previous :ted by a Dvernor in nv^ officer Succced- fificcrs and her with a and place he case of )ointed by elections places in Dus to the y election other j3er- Lialified to his poor d wherein n and as- .vithin the Town, situiitc section so as t( the To "I, of Trill unless twenty Lady t 18— I Jntiidre dollars of real bcv, an is in w voted \ bein;^f 1 13- Counci payers, Ward their n; presidi and in three electioi shall I conspi( the cl( names several 14. in the they rr be poll 15- ballot, contaii partly elector office A each vi spectoi ACT OK l.\( OI^I'ORATION. Town, shall vote in the ward where such property is situate ; and the oath mentioned in the precedini^ section shall be as follows, to be modihed when necessary so as to be made ap[)licable to i)ersons residin'^^ without the Town and ownin;^^ property within the same: — " I, A. IV, do swear tliat I ha\e resided in th.e Town i". rinnfo.-isii of Truro for one s'ear or upwards, now next precedinL,^ pR'V'ihri '"t-. unless temijorariiy absent; that I am of the ai^rcof"""- twenty-one years and upwards, and am a subject of our Lad}' the Queen ; that in the assessment for the \-ear iS^ I was rated fe payers, the Councillors b\' rate-pa)'ers residents of the i""!'"'*''''- Ward for which the Councillors are to be elected, and their names shall be handed in at the first election to the presiding; officer appointed by the Governor in Council, and in succeedin,L,^ elections to the Town Clerk, at least three days pre\ious to the holding" of any such election, and the jjrcsidins^ officer and Town Clerk- shall post up the names of the candidates in one conspicuous place outside and one inside where the elections shall be held, and also furnish the names of candidates for Mayor and Councillors for the several Wards to any rate-payer desirini^ the same. 14. The polls shall be oj)ened at nine of the clock Time ot open- in the forenoon, and close at four in the afternoon ; but pofu." '■"'''"*^ they may be earlier closed by proclamation if no vote be polled within an hour. 15. The votes shall be i;iven at tlie election by y"te by b;.iiot, ballot. The ballot shall be a {)ai)er ticket which shall contain in writinons to be chosen to the office. No ballot shall be rejected because found in a box to which it does not belontr if otherwise correct, but a ballot if double or containint^ more names than legal shall be l'rc%iilinj; OlVi- i.ir, I'tc, not ti) «;.ve balliit lo ;iny vciler. liallots exceed- ing voles. rejected. 18. No officer presidinjr at any election nor any poll clerk or inspector or officer of the Town present thereat, shall give to any voter any ballot to vote with, or oifer or give him any advice as to the person for whom he should vote, or otherwise interfere with the voter in the exercise of his franchise. Any such pre- siding officer, poll clerk, inspector or officer offending I'enaity. agalust this section shall forfeit for every offence a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, to be recovered by any person in the Police Court, or imposed as a fine in such police court upon complaint and proof by any person present at such election. 19. On opening the boxes if it is found that the ballots in any of the boxes exceed the number of votes entered on the poll list, the ballots of that box shall be returned and well mingled, and then the presiding officer shall draw out publicly as many of them without looking at them as equals the excess, and destroy them at once. 20. The name of each elector voting at such elec- tion shall be written in a poll list to be kept at such election by the poll clerk, and immediately after the final close of the poll all the votes given in each ward being sorted and counted and publicly declared by the presiding officer and inspectors, shall be recorded at large by the poll clerk, and in making such declaration and record the whole number of votes or ballots shall be distinctly stated, together with the name of every person voted for and the number of votes given for each person respectively, and the presiding officer shall Poll list. I )eclar.-itioii n the prcs- lay in the the officer the Mayor all be two ate ballots imcs than No ballot 3 which it I ballot if il shall be n nor any n present vote with, person for I with the such pre- offending" nee a sum ;cl by any ne in such ny person : that the ;r of votes box shall presiding n without troy them such elec- )t at such after the ;ach ward ed by the corded at sclaration Hots shall of every given for ficer shall I ACT OF INCORPORATION. I I ]:)rocccd publicly to clcchire the jxjrsoiis haviii:,^ the ;; majority of votes in their favour to be duly elected. 1 2 1. If there shall be at the final closin;j^ of the poll an ccjual number of votes polled for two or more persons, the presidin;; officer shall u;\vc a casLinL,^ vtjte for one or other of the j)ers(jns havin;^ such ecpiality of votes, in order to ^ivc a majority to one of them ; but nothini; herein contained shall be construetl to jjrevent the pre- sidinj^^ officer from votin:,'' jireviously U) the close of the poll in the same manner as oihr ■ citizens may vote, and in case of his beini,'' entitled to \'oLe in any ward other than that in which he shall be apj)ointcd to pre- side, he may _L,nve such vote by proxy, such |)roxy beini;' in writini.f, and sij^ned and luu'in^ the receipt for taxes of the iM'esidin^ officer .so votin^^ by proxy annexed thereto. iv 22. The presidiiiL,^ officer may at any time <,n"vc public notice that unless some voter shall come forward to [joll wij.hin one hour the poll will be closed, and if no voter comes forward within the hour the poll shall then be finally closed. 23. Any person knowiuLjly and wilfully voting at any election held under tliis Act wlien not entitled .so to v^otc ; any person voting in a ward in which he is not entitled to vote ; any person fraudulently putting in more than one ballot when voting, and any person who shall vote in more than one ward at any such election, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay to the town a sum not less than eight dollars nor more than twenty dollars, to be recov- ered in the name of the Town of Truro, in the Police Court, and in default of payment after conviction shall be committed to the County Jail for a term not less than thirty days nor more than six months. 24. If any person at any election for the purpose of giving a vote shall knowingly and fraudulently offer a forged or altered receipt for his rates and taxes, or .such a receipt or certificate belonging to another per- son as his own, or shall vote falsely under the assumed name and character of any voter, he shall forfeit and pay to the Town not less than eight nor more than forty dollars, to be recovered in the name of the Town of Truro, at the Police Office, and in default of payment shall be imprisoned for not less than one month nor Cl.v P:. I'L-ll I'.iI-l; iilty for ery, v^.-. ACT OF IM (»RI'()|;A I I()\. Kfliirii III t :iii. (Iiy orikc, and 1 sweat" llial I will failh- fiilK- iicrtorin the ilulics of while I Imltl ilie offue. with dili^i-nci' aiul impartialit)-, to the hist of m\- ability. So help iiic ( "md." 'I'hc blanks shall he filled up with the name of the office before the oath is taken or subscribecK 29. The Ma)'or shall be the head of ihi- ("oin;eil and the head and chief e\i'cuti\e officer of tl;e town, and it shall be his dul)- to be \ i.^ilanl and acti\t; at all times in causint,^ the law for the i;(»\eriHiunt of the town t ors, C Sujiei I Collc( i asses;- Const ;i W'eij^i '* deciiK on the ' (Icclar thercf ,. "f Tn !* Licen; rates J from t ^ 36. specifi I 37- and fn laws, r |condu( |tion o Itouchii I the alt I the lal: lor of s Iformar Ithcy n- jsary fo land re' AC r OF INCOKrOKATIOX. specially subjected to the control of the Council under this Act or by any law or bye-law of the Town, but no b\'c-law shall impose any penalty exceedin,^- eis^hty dollars, and the Council may by a bye-law impose a term of imprisonment not exceedini; six months in default of payment of such fine. 32. There shall be held every year four quarterly .Mctiiin;^. mcetint^s of the Council and special meetings to be I called by the Mayor as often as necessary. I 23- The Mayor when present shall preside at all Mayor lm'^- :i meetinijs and in his absence the Council shall elect a h'^s.''" '""''' I presiding; officer for the time bein<^ amoni; themselves. I 34. The Council shall annually appoint a Clerk, oiThxi-,j.|, i Treasurer, Police, and Stipendiary mai^istrate. Assess- council.'^ i ors. Overseers of Poor, pjealth Officers, Clerk of License, Superintendent of Streets and Common or Parade, Collectors of Poor, County, ScIk^oI and other rates and assessments, h^irewards, and Fire Constables, Police Constables, Clerks of markets, and Measurers and /> W'eif'hers, and every other officer from time to time • deemed necessary to the due performance and carryinj^^ on the business of the town and the preservation of order. 35. The Town Clerk shall until the Council shall ' >"'y -f ^ i'^^^'< ' declare otherwise by some bye-law to be by them passed therefor, perform the duties appertaining^ to the office , of Treasurer, Clerk of Overseers of Poor, Clerk of ' License, Collector of School, Poor, County and other rates and assessments, and all other duties that may be from time to time required of him by the Council. ^6. The duties of the various officers shall be 'p^t'ify''(ii!tics specifically set out in the bye-laws of the Town. "f ulcers. i 37. The Council shall also have power to make, < "V"''' ": ii and from time to time to alter and repeal, all such bye- pcai Hyt-iaws I laws, rules and rei:^ulations as may be necessary for the I conduct and ,<.Tood order of their proceedings, the direc- ^tion of the Town Clerk and all other officers, and touchin*^ all matters within tiieir authorit}-, includin<^ [the alterint^, limiting or modifyin^^ the mode in whicii [the labor on the streets and roads shall be performed, ior of substitutini^ assessment in lieu thereof of the per- Iformance of labour on the said streets and roads as they may judi^e proper, and shall make all rules neces- assary for the creatin<^ and for the conduct, mana<^ement land regulation of the Police and Municipal Court of i6 ACT OV IXCOKI'ORATION'. Of I'mmi 'l'o\Mltol)C SCJ) ar.tit' slIiimiI SLM.'liull. the Town, and for the rc[,^iilatin reciuirc i the coi ami tl same, f and sh to nice impro\ the ni;i Counc law im [)endit ainoun Town, the int 45- ered, i; presen I tures 1 I more ( I I own of rais projjer or the proven 46. [of not ACT or I\C()RPORATK)N, >7 .It. 42. The Town Clerk shall print ruul publish the Auaii..i. -liu- auditors' abstract, ant! shall also jjublish the detailed pui'iis'i',',,i'. statement in such forms as the Council shall direct. 4;. The Council shall ha\e the reiiulatinL; and t'"i""ii "" I'u- orilermi,^ of ail mone)'s to be paid out ot lunds m ,.f ......i.-v-. hands of the 'i'reasurer. 44. The C'ouncil shall, in each \-ear, comene a :\""'i:'' '">■'■ Public meetmL,^ of the rate-payers ot the 1 own, to be |i..\li-,. holtlen at such time not later than one week previous to the annual election of Councillors, and at such place as the b\-e-laws ma}' desii^iiate, at which meeting' the i" accounts of the \-ear as auditeil shall be jjroduced if called for, a;ul the Council shall throuLih the Ma\or report to the meeting;' the state and condition of the Tow 11, and the efficiency of the se\-eral departments, and shall recommend to the meetinj^^ any [)roposed improvements and alterations, and shall furnish an : ajiproximate estimate of the e.\])enses of all kinds required to be incurred for the current \-ear, includinj.,^ the count)- rates of the Town for the incomin<,»' year, and the amount recpiired to be raisetl to defray the [same, for which sum the incomini;' Council shall assess, and shall also recommend an)- additional sum retjuired to meet any contemplated extraordinary services or impro\ements, and the ratc-pa)-ers max- b)- a \'ote of the majorit)- present affirm such expenditure, and the I Council shall at their next ensuini^ meetinL,^ pass a b\-e- law imjXJsiuL,'' a rate to meet such extraordinar)- ex- penditure so affirmeil, or shall raise the recjuired amount by the issue of bonds or debentures of the Town, and by assessment make provision for meetin<4- the interest. 45. The Council shall be authorized and empow- ered, upon a vote of a majority of the rate-payers I present at the annual jiublic meeting;, to issue deben- tures under the hand of the Ma)'or and any two or I more of the Councillors, and under the seal of the iTown and countersij^ned b)' the Clerk, for the puri)ose [of raisintj^ the necessary funds for the purchase of any propcrt)' or the erection of any buildinj^r for the Town, or the carryinj^ out of an)- municipal works or im- I pro\'cment. 46. Such debentures shall bear interest at the rate nuinntuiL- 1 [of not more than seven dollars by the hundred by the "'''''''■ 3 I ii-lKiitiirr-. I8 ACT (tl' IN(()KI'()|;Alln\, \vh til ludLiin- \V.,iu Icii.lor. Iiir. I iclitiutiri.-,. )'car, payalilc half \'caii\-, and sliall l)c rcdccinablc at periods to be expressed in such debentLires not less than ten years and not exceedin^ii^ twenty x'ears from the date of is^uint;' the same, and shall not be issueil for a less sum than one hundretl tlollars each. The debentures sliall Jje made pa\'able to the respective holders thereof, and the Town shall be at libert\- to pay and redeem an\' such, debentures after the expira- tion of tne )ears from the dale hereof, upon L;i\ini; the holders six months' notice, such debentures shall be free from municipal taxation. 47. The Coimcil are hereb\- autlu)ri/ed .and em- powered to take all necessar\- measures for the intro- duction in to the Town of Truro of a supply of water for hre antl domestic puri)oses. They shall ha\e power to borrow for that purpose on the credit of the Town, its propertx' and rexenucs, ami on the securit)- of this .Act, a sum not to e.xcccd thirt)- thousand dollars. 'l"he loan may be obtainetl at once (-r in portions from time to time as the Council may decide. Tenders for the mone\- shall be ad\ertised in a '.lew spaper published in the Tow n, and in two or more newspai)ers published at JIalifa.x, for at least (Mie month, and the tenders expressini; the lowest rate of interest shall be i^referred, or the Council ma\' sell the debentures for such loan at auctic^n, to the hit;hest bidiler. The lenders shall receive for such loan in sums of not less than one Imndred dollars, debentures with coupons attached under the seal of the Town, signed b}' tlie Ma)'or and one or mcjre of the Councillors, and countersigned b\- the Town Clerk, pa}'able to bearer, specif)'iny^ the terms of loan and rate of interest to be paid half )-early. The debenture shall be transferable without endorsement, and the interest shall be paid to the holders of the coupons upon the same bein^ pre- sented to the Town 'Ireasurer. Tlie princi[)al monej's of such loan shall be paid to the lenders at [)eriods to be expressed in said deben- tures not less than ten years nor more than twenty years from the date of the loan, but the Town may at its option pay off such debentures in whole or in part, at the end of the first five )ears, and after that period Icciiiablc at res not less \-ears froin )t be issued each. The e respect i\e it hbei't)' to • tlie expira- iipon j^M\-ini,r nitiires shall ed and eni- or the ititro- ply of w ater hat purpose nd re\enues. )t to exceed in portions ide. .ertised in a two or more It least (MIC )\vest rate of may .sell the the hii;hest ,n in sums of LMiturcs with ["own, sii^ncd uicillors, and )le to bearer, ntcrest to be : transferable ill be paid to e beinjj^ pre- ill be paid to 1 said debcn- than twenty fown may at lie or in part, r that period I CXIStllli Count} of Tru the assi present and col Section not be notuitl' i . 51- Stipent of all o : by tiie I I time as Ji^aL^emc fand sli; heretof( Town c ment oi ACr (»!■ I\( oKI'dl' \1 ION, IW ;it an\' time on si\ nidntlis' notice ^i\en to tb.c liolilers. Such 'Icbcnturcs sliall be free tVoni nuinicii)al taxation. The C lie ». ouncil shall assess the rate-payers and prop- Avm-mm.i.i ..r ert\' i)f the Town tor the \-earl)- interi'st on said loan, i!M,r'' " and shall add such amount to the ;;eneral asse's^mcnts authorized under this Act. 4(S. 'J'he Council shall, on the re(]uest ot'a m.-ijorii)- >iiii.in.; rumi. of tlu' rate-pa)i'rs pri'scnt at an\' amuial meetini; after the issue of any bonds or debentures, make pro\ision for fornn'n;_; a .Sinking,'' I'und for payin!^^ off such bonds or debentures. 49. .All that part of j'ollin;^ district number one I'i-ni.i \... ,. lyini,^ outside of the boundary of tin- lOwn of Truro, ;i.s here!))- incorporated, shall, for all count)- purposes, and all tliat part of said ilistrict not included in the Poor district, f)r settlements of l^rookfield, ( ireenfield and l\i\ersdale, shall tor all tow 11 and poor pin'])oses be still consiilered and known as district number one. 50. Until the fu'st election of Mayor and LOuncil- i.vi-iin^ .u- lors takes place under this Act, the arrangement now I'lh'^.^'iisiMri.'cii (.'xistinij by law, for the assessments and collection of ''iiiii->i'i>^'Lii'"i Count)' and I'oor Rates, within the limits of the Tow 11 i){ 'I'ruro or said PollinL,^ District number one, oi for the assessment and colle<:tion of Police Kates in the present Police District of Truro, or for the assessment and collection of rates for School purposes in School Sectif)n No. 41, A., in the district of Colchester, shall not be disturbed, anythin;.^- in this .Act to the contrar)- notwithstandin.^^ ^i. The s.alarics and remuneration of the Mayor, "^-'lar ... . , -' (". ....1 Stipendiar)- Mac^istrate, I-iecorder and Clerk, and also i of all other officers or persons a[)p()inted or emploxed by the Council, shall be llxed and paid from time to time as the Council shall order and direct. 52. The Council shall carry out all contracts, en- cimih ii to a.r- ^a<^ements and aj^reements heretoiore made rof/n jidi\ ira.is..r rown. ■and shall provide for the i)a)-ment of all liabilities Ticrctoforc incurred and entered into on behalf of the Town or the School Section in the Town b)' assess- ment or by the issue of debentures. 53. So mucii of the existin;^ law, or of an\' b\'e- iiu..n>i-,tcni law, rei^ulation or order of the ses.sions of the County '"' "''"^''" if)^ Colchester as is inconsistent with this Act is ■a'cpealcd. t.i l)t; 20 .V T (M IN* OKroU.MION'. S,li..,,| Irii- tLfs .It Tnirii iii:iy horriiw f'ciulei-- iliti for. l^fllUIItlll'L'S. AlMollIlt-- !■(-•- i|iiiro(l fur p; inent, how raised. 'iTri.i-: II. C*n.\i'ii:K 4S. 38 \'n roKr.K. An Act to enable the Trustees of a School Section in the County of Colchester to Borrow Money. Sm ii. (I'ii»,f(l iIk- oih (lay III" .M.iy, .\. I). IN75I. Stl I IMS. ."^i licicjj TriisUis al It mo luiiy 1). .rrow iiiuiu'V. Ki:. r< mliTs ilurffur. I KliiLllMrs. 4. .\iiMinil-< ri-i|iiii'i'il fur |ia)iiiciii, liou raivil. 5. 'I'lWii iif Triiro, if iiiiiiriiiir,iU:(l, to .I'.iuiiiL' lialiiiilN , \i . (1. I'riH Lcilini;-. JLuali/cd. \\c it ciiactLiI, by the (lovcrnor, Council ami As- .■^cinhly, as follows : - 1. The 'rriistc'cs of School Section No. 41, A., Truro, in the County of LOlchcstcr, ina\- borrow on the crctlit of the propert)' (jf such .School .Section, and the securit}- of this /\ct, a smn not e.xccedin^r tcti thou- sanil dollars, for the erection of a school-house in such 'I'own, and shall rej)a\' the same to the lenders in ten etjual annual instalnients, w ith interest, at a rate not cxceedinj^f se\en per cent, per annum, such interest to be paid half-yearl}-. The loan ina}' be obtai. "' at once, or in portions from time to time as the Trustees recim're the same to pa\' for such school-house. 2. Tenders for the money shall be advertised for in a neusp; per, if an\', published at Truro, and in two newspapers published at Halifax, for at least one month ; and the tenders e.xpressint; the lowest rate of interest shall be i)referred. 3. The 'Trustees shall ^n'vc to the lenders deben- tures for the amount of loans, in the form in Schedule A to this Act. 4. 'The amount annually rcciuired by such School Section for the payment f^f such debentures shall be added to the amount recjuired for the support of Schools in such section, in each year ; and the same shall be assessed, levied and collected, as school rates arc a.sscssed, levied and collected. Should the amount to meet tho payment of such debentures not be as- ction in the ley. fur }ia> iiitiil, lii.tt iiicor|H'r.ili:(l, li) •d. il ami As- Xo. 41, A., hornnv (ni icction, iihI 54- ten thou- iisc in sucli itlcrs in ten a rate not interest to in portions Llie same to ^■ertised for and in two ; least one west rate of ders deben- in Schedule ;uch School res shall be support of d the same >chool rates the amount not be as- SCS Co SIR Sill to car ill 1 Th si'lji cou sllH pax oft oij^I the and ina\ I)ro\ Tub of ..f f( si af( date day ACT OF IXCoUroKATIoN. 21 st'ssed, C(^llcctccl aiul paid at matiirit)', the Sui)rcnic Court of Nova Scoti'\ on application, shall amerce such school section for the amount due. V 'J'he Town of 'I'ruro, if incorporated, shall as- i'"«iiui rmr.. sume ;vnd j)ayali liabinlies incurred under tins .Act uj) t,, assume ii;i. to and at the tiiiic of incorporation, and shall also '"'"^' ''^'' carr\- out the provisions and retiuirements of this Act, in the manner herein enjoined upon such school section. Tile debentures in case of such incorporation shall be siL;iK\l b)- the Mayor and one of the Council, and countersii^nied b\- the Town Clerk of such Town, and shall be debentures of the Town. 6. The proceed in_L;"s of the meetini,^ of the rate- i'ruc.i-,iii)^;s pa\-crs of such school section, number 41, A., Truro, ''*^"^'" • of the ninth da\' of May, A. D., I (S74, and of the twenty- ei,L;hth (.lay of September, in the same )-ear, authorizing the erection of such school-house, are hereb)- lei;ali/.ed and confirmeti, notwithstanding" that such meetin_L;s may not ha\'e been called in strict accordance with the ])r()visions of Chapter ^2, of the Revised Statutes, "Of i'ublic Instruction." 4 SCHEDULE A. School Section number 41, A., Truro, in the County of Colchester, will pay at the office of the Secretary of the Trustees of such School Section, at Truro, aforesaid, to the holder thereof, the sum of dollars, in years from this date, with interest payable half-yearly, at the rate of per cent, per annum. Dated at Truro, this ) day of A. I)., 187 j \ Trustees of ! School Section, j No. 41, A. ACI' or IXC(-)RPORATI(n'. ^Ulllicl|l.■ll I -oiirts. I 876. TiTiJ<: III. CHAl'I'KR 49. 39 Vic TO k 1. 1;. An Act to amend the Act to Incorporate the Town of Truro. (I'assod the 4'li (lay .)!" April, .\. 1)., 1S76.) Si-xrriiN. I Siii iKiN. Miiiiicip.il Courts. Ol'liijc-, of Rt-cordur .in 1 SiipL-iuliiiry M.i^i^tr.itL- iiKiy l)u lillod Ijy oiic;iikI (.'ourts lo liiivo seal. Fines, costs, iS:l'. Jiiri-:'- ion ol'Towi) t'ourt. l'r:.^tice in Touii Court. 7. AfTl(l.^vit .. 8. Jiuis'lii.t.on of Piilii,'j Court. g. F'olice Court to sit daily. -I'roviso. 10. .Xdininistratiou of IVjlice. -IVovis 11. Appeals. 12. .Action ior recovery of fines, X:c. 13. Iiye-la«s of Town <;ontirnie(l. Schedule. Be it enacted by tlie (lox'cnior, Council and A.s- scmbly, as follows : 1. The Municipal Courts of the Town of Truro incorporated b)- Chapter forty-se\en of the acts of ciLjhteen hundred and se\ent}--fi\e shall be, a Court for the trial of Civil Causes, known as the Town Court, to be presided over b\' the Recorder or .Sti[)entliar)- Magistrate, and a Court for the transaction of all Police and Criminal business of the town, known a.s the Police Court, to be presided over by the Recorder, Mayor or any Councillor, the Town Clerk shall be and act as the clerk of such courts. 2. The offices of Recorder and Stipendiar}' Mai^is- tratcof the Town may be filled by one and the same IdVed by one'''' pcrson, appoiutcd by the Mayor and Council. Me and thJ s.iiue shall bc a Justice of the Peace and a Barrister of at least three )-ears standing;-. In case of the tcmporarx absence of the Recorder from the Town, or of his in- ability throu<,di sickness or otherwise to perform his duties, the Council may appoint a suitable person to fill such office durin^^his absence or incapacity. 3. Such Court shall have a seal of such form and dcsit^n as the Recorder shall adopt ; and all writs, pro- c«.ss and other proceeding's shall be sii^ned, sealed and issued by the Town Clerk, and shall be directed to the Police Constable or to any Constable of the Count) of Colchester. 4. All fines, costs and fees sh.all <^o to form a fund out of which the salary of the Recorder and the e.\- OlVices of Rec I'rder ;iud Sti penili.Try .Mai. person, ^c. ( onils to have seal. Kines, C'.isis, ^ I V'R-roki.K. Town of Truro, S76.) ' Police Ciiurt. ) sit (l.iily. -I'roviso. 1 uf I'olicc. — Proviso )very uf fines, i<:c. jwii coiifirnied. uncil and As- "own of Truro :)f the acts of be, a Court for fown Court, to )r Stipcndiar}- on of all Police ,-n as the Police 'der, Mayor or and act as the :ndiary Mai^is- and the same Council. Me Barrister of at the temporar} n, or of his in- ;o perform his able person to ipacity. such form and 1 all writs, prf>- ed, sealed and directed to the >f the Count\ to form a fund r and the ex- ]icnscs shali Ik ;iin- b.il shall Ix I /aiicc a \\a\- w it //■(iitii, i arisen w of actio art' h.ila slatcil ; contrac reduced and \vli< .iniounl iiR'iit in and slia tw delict , buikliuL of posse tlic can.' Uhc tow- do not ( and po; niunicip the I'ea^ Act oft sable or ha\-e po ,,\vitiiout •^om th boundai writs an and to c in any j: ^nd by ; jo adjiu: 1 6. T tivil can fnonth, may sit Causes o wC^ St A( l" OF INCOkl-oRATFoN, 2.S : iicn>cs of ihc C'ourt sluill be dcfriuccl, aiu' ck-ficiciicN' % sliali be paid oul of the _L;eneral funds of the town, and ail)' balance reniainini;- after defra\in}.; such expenses sliall be paid into the j^cneral fuiuls of the town. 5. The Town Court sliall h.ive jurisdiction, coL^r.i- .iiniMii.iini, ,,f /ance and power to try anil ileterniine in a sumniar)- \\.\y w ithout a jur\', all ci\il actions or dealini;s ex con- tractu, in which the whole cause ot action shali lia\e arisen witliin the Town of Truro, and in which tlie cause of action does not exceed eiL,dny dollars, or where there are balances noL exceedin_i,^ eighty dollars upon accounts slated and settled prexious to suit, and all such ci\il contracts, wTicre the amount ori^inall)- due has been reduced to eii^hty tlollars or less b}' pavinent of cash, and when the defendant shall ])rove an offset ofj^M'cater amount than the plaintiff has [)ro\ed, ma\' _i;i\e judi;- ment in favor of the defendant for the balance due him ; and shall trv in a summarv wav, without a jur\- actions ex delicto in the nature of replevin, trespass, to lantl or buildings or other real estate, in which the title or ri_i;ht of possession is not the object of controvers)-, provided the cause of such action orij^inated within the limits of the town, and the damai;es claimed in an\' such case tlo not exceed sixty dollars. Such Court shall ha\e and possess all the j)owers in civil matters within the municipality conferred ujx)!! one or more Justices of the Peace or Stii)endiar)- or Police Maj^istrate by any Act of the Province of No\'a Scotia, or hitherto exerci- sable or h-^ld by them or him ; and such Court shall lia\-e i)ower whenever a defendant in an\- suit resides without the linn'ts of the town, or is tempfn'arily absent from the municipality, but resides or is within the boundaries of the County of Colciiestcr tf) issue its writs and piocesscs of ever)' description aj^ainst him, and to cause the same to be dul)- s jrved and executed in any part of such count)' b)' the officers of such Court, and by an)- constable of the County of Colchester, and to adjudicate upon the same. 6. The Town Court shall be holden for the trial of I'n.rucc in ci\)l causes on the first and third Tuesda)'s of e\ery rionth, be<;innin<4" at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and nia)' sit by adjournment from day to day until all the fauses on the lists for trial are called. The Recorder tnd Stipendiary Mai^istratc shall, until otherwise ^4 ACT OF IXCORP()[^\-ITr)\. Atliil.ivits, j iiriMlii:ti(>M nf Police Court. directed b)- the Council, frame and inake all rules, orders and rc\L;"ulations, respecting;' the practice in the Town Court for the trials ofcixil causes, and shall make order and declare, adopt and from time to time vary and alter the various writs, processes and forms to be used b\' the Municipal Courts, toj^^ether with a tariff of costs, charL^^es and fees, such fees not to exceetl the scale of fees in the schedule to this yXct. In all unde- fended ci\il causes in the Town Court where the defendant has been duK* served with process and fails to appear at the time and place named in the summons for his appearance, the Court shall be at lii)ert\' to fjivc judt^ment for the j)laintiff upon proof of his claim, The part}' succecdini,^ shall, in all civil cases, be entitled to his costs. 7. The Ma\-or, Recorder, Town Clerk or an}' Councillor shall have power to take any affuiaxit re- quired before the issuiiiL,'' of a Capias and all other affuhuits re" a seal is requisite, shall be authenticated by the Town Seal, and the Mayor and Town Clerk shall siL;n the same, and affix thereto the Town Seal, when authorized by any law, bye- law or ordinance of the Council, or by direction or resolution of the Town Council. 4. The Mayor may affix the Seal to any certificate or doc- ument, at the request of any person desiring it. 5. Any person requirin^.'^ the Town Seal to be affixed to an\ certificate or document for the purpose of authentication or otherwise, shall pay to the Town the following fees: — h^or affixin<^ the Seal to any document to be used out of the Province, $2.50 If to be used within the Province 1.50 If to be used within the Town i.oo For the Seal to any certificate 1.50 6. *Thc assessment rolls of the Town, and also petition> for Licenses for the sale of Intoxicating^ Liquors, shall be open for the inspection of any rate-payer of the Town, free of char<^c. Any other public document of the Town, including petitions, reports, or other documents, on file in the office of the Town ^CES )e of suitable s the Council is a party, aiul by the Town the same, and J any law, byc- 1 or resolution rtificate or doc- e affixed to any thcntication ov 2es : — ) be $2.50 I-50 1. 00 1.50 id also petition^ rs, shall be open n, free of charge, ;luding petitions, ice of the Town -ntiw lease m'K-LAWS AM) ORDINANCES. 29 Clerk, shall be open for the insjicction of an\- ratc-pa}-er of the Town, upon the payment of a fee for a search of twent)' cents ; and ail)' ratc-j)ayer of saitl Town shall be entitled to a copy of an)' such License and Petition or other document o!i file as aforesaid, on pa)-ment to the Town Clerk therefor of the sum often cents for every folio of ninet)- words. I No. II. TIIK TOWN COUNCIL. Skctidn. 1 . The Quarterly Mcctuii^s of the C ouiicil shall be held on the J-'irst Jiiesdays of the months of April, Jnly, Oetober and foniiary, in each year, all meetings to be open to the rate-payers of the 7\ru'n. Written notices for the quarterl)- and other meet- ini^s of Council shall be sent to the Ma)-or aiul each Councillor two da\'s previous to the mcetin^,^ luner^ency meetin^^s ma)- be called by the Mayor or Presiding Councillor, when necessary, at a shorter notice. Notices shall state place and time of nieet- in^t;, and shall be left at tiie dwellini,^ lunise or [)hicc of business of the part)- notified. 2. I'our Councillors, with the Mayor or presidin<^ officer, shall form a quorum. 3. The meetinii^ shall stand adjourned to the next day at the same place and hour, not beini;- Sunday or a holiday, in which event it shall be adjourned to the day folknvinj^"^ if, within one hour from the time appointed, a quorum shall not appear. 4. As soon as the chair is taken and the mectinL,^ opened, the minutes of the previous meetini^ shall be read by the Clerk, when any mistakes therein may be corrected by the Council, after which, or in the event of no mistakes beiny; found, they shall be marked apj)ro\'ed 5. luery ir.otion or resolution must be presented in writini^, moved and seconded before it can be debated. 6. A motion or resolution moved and seconded can only I be withdrawn b)' leave of the Council. 7. y\ll questions shall be decided by a majority of votes; in lease of equality the Mayor or prcsidin<^- officer shall have a |castin<,r \'otc, but shall not otherwise vote. 8. The Mayor or presiding officer shall preserve order and Jdecorum, and shall decide all points of order, subject to an lappeal to the Council, provided such appeal be re{,rularly moved [and seconded. ^.o IIVIM.AWS AM) ORDIN'AXCKS. 9. I'A'cry nicmbei' who speaks in Council shall address the chair stand in,L;'. 10. 'l"he member who introduces a resolution c^r motion shall Iia\'e the pri\ile_;4e of closinj^r the debate. 11. All resolutions mo\-ed and seconded shall be laid on the table, as a notice, and shall be discussed at a subsequent meecin^L;", and no resolution shall be discussed and voted, at the same sittins.,^ in which it is moved, unless the Council shall b\' vote determine it cx|)edient so to do. 12. When a tjuestion is reL,ailarl}- under debate, no other (jucstion or motion shall be entertained until it is decided, unless it be :— 1st — A motion in amendment of the ori;^n'nal resolution. 2nd — A motion to refer the questi(Mi to a special committee. 3rd — A motion to postpone the question to some future da\' or time to be named. 4th — A motion to postpone the cjuestii^n indefinitel)-. 5th — i\ motion tliat the question be now })ut. (Ah — -A motion to adjourn. 7th— Or the previous question. 13. After the di\'ision has been taken upon any cjucstion or resolution, any member may call for the names on the dix'ision, and have the same recorded. (4. No debate shall be allowed on any motion of adjourn- ment, or upon any motion of the previous question, made durin;,; a debate. 15. Every member shall confine himself to the question under discussion, and shall abstain from all personal reflections and irritatinir lan'>ua!je. 16. livery member present, when a vote is taken, shall vote u[)on it, unless excused by the Council upon some ^'^ood grounds stated. 17. No member shall leave the room during the transactior, of business, without the permission of the Mayor or presiding officer. 18. Any member called to order by the chair shall sit down at once, but may, by leave of the chair, afterwards rise to explain. 19. I'he Town Clerk shall, under the direction of the Mayor, make out an arranged list of the business matters which it app' :irs requisite to lay before the Council for their considera- tion. The list shall be termed the order of the day, a copy of which shall be laid on the table for the inspection of the mem- bers, and another placed in the hands of the Mayor or Presiding Councillor. ;5 jdrcss the or motion be laid on subsequent ted, at the :il shall b\- L'. no other idcd, unless )lution. committee. ; future da\- ely ciuestion or the division. of adjourn- iiade during; the question il reflections .Ml, shall vote -•ood tirounds ,e transaction ■ or presidini; shall sit down ise to explain, of the Mayor, ters which it cir considera- lay, a copy of I of the mem- r or Presidini; "-^"•r^^^=^^^^^ li\i;-l.A\VS AM) OKDINANCKS. 31 20. The followiii.L;" sliall he tin,' oi-di.T of the (hi\, as near as nia\- be, subject however to alterations })\- the (uunci!, at any nieetin^^f, as the exii^encies of business nia\- require. 1st — l\ea(.h'n_<^f minutes ot" previous ineetiu;^. 2ncl — Motion to amend the minute>. 3rtl — Motion to re-consider or re-^- ind anv resoIuti(ni con- tained in the minutes, notice of thie rescindini^ or re-consideration i)f wiiich liad been ^^iven on tlie tlav the resohition passetl Ijefore adjournment. 4th — Receiv'inj^ the repi >rt of an\' Select or (ieneral committee. 5th — Recei\-int4" any ])etitions. f)\.h — Ortlerin;;" the pa\-ments of accoufits. 7th- Discussinj^" any resolutions of \ Inch notice had been L;iven on a previous day in the rei^iilar onlcr. jnses of the h'ire Dejjartmcnt. the Town Court, civil and criminal ; 'nakini.,s re[)airin;_; and impro\inf4' the roads, streets, lanes and bridj^es of the Town ; providinL,^ Town Huiklinj^s, and openinj;' up new Streets, for the caic of property, the expense of the I'olice, extra constablos and nij^ht watch, and the int(,'rest mone\' re(iuir( 1 t(; be raised on all debentures issued b\- the Council, on behalf of or for the Town, and all expenses recjuired in the due execution of the different jjowers and trusts \ested b\ hiw in the Corporation, its Maj'or, Council and ( )niccrs iiuinduti:, kccpiiii!; Wiitcr Pipes in repair, additional Jlydranis as required and fJi^fi/ini^ streets. 3. The Council shall elect one suitable person, not bein^L,^ a member of the Council, to be T(nvn Assessor, to continue in office from year to year, till removed by a vote of the Council. 4. The Council shall annuall)' ap[)oint a rate-payer frotn each ward, to be called Ward Assessor within his respective ward. 5. Tlie Town and Ward ^Issessors sh.dl, u ithin one week from their election, attend at sucli time and place as they sjiall be notified by the Town Clerk and subscribe an oath in the presence of the Mayor, Recorder, or some Councillor, to faith- fully perform the duties o\ their respective offic'\s, and make a fair and impartial asses.-,mcnt oi the Towr and tlic respective wards. 6. The Town or Ward '\sscssors shall, durini,;' their contin- ancc in office, receive such annual compensation for their services as the Council shall appoint. 7. Any Town or Ward Asscs.'-or w!io shall nct^lcet or refuse- to be sworn in, or shall be g'uilty of ne_t;lect of duty, shall pay a fine of not less than ten or m'M'e than fifty dollars. cclin;4 the nlcss the itants, and : nccessai')' ncnts shall ■ tlie Town, he Schools. -t, civil and Ills, streets. ldin;_;s, and expense d :he interest uetl by the ^es recjuircd :.s vested by rs inciitdi)iii as required. not bem<; a continue in the Council, -payer frotn s respective n one \veek is they shall oath in the lor, to faith- and make a ic respeciive their contin- their .services lect or refuse {, shall pay a -'•^*;//i'ttii/ its lilt onltnafv licht, tit thr Town ( oiiii, or in (tny other i Ditrt, il the party nuty hnvc rcntowd from the /'o:oit,or /y :ottri(int of t/istrrss, (ts other tdxes are eoUeeted. 9. All real ami personal t-state shall he liable to taxation, subject to the folic )uiiij4' exeinptions ; — 1st — All estate and propert)' beloiiL^rjf^L; to or \ested in IKt Majest)'. Her heirs and successors. 2nd — l''\'er\' place of Worship and Church, or liurvinL; ( iround, the i)ropert}- in possession of the N'ouni; Men's Christian Associ- ation, all i)ublic propi-rt)- held b_\- the Town, all l'ro\incial j)ebentures, antl DebiMitures of the 'I'own of Truro. 3rd -All property declared free of taxation 1)\- an Act of the Province. 10. The terms land, real estate, or real propert\\ shall be lu'ld to include all buildiuLjs or other thin;.;s erected upon or affixeil to the land, and all inachiner\- or other thinL;s so affixed to an\' l)uiklin;4, so as to form in l.iw part of the realt\-. I I. The term j)ersonal i)ro])erty and person. d estate shall be held to include all household furniture, i^i.ods, chattels, wares, horses, cattle and farming- stock and implements, and imple- ments of trade, and one-half of the \alue of all ships or vessels, and shares in ships or vessels owned b\- parties doin;^ business in the Town, whether the same be at home or abroad, incliidini^ all stocks of public or private hankiiti^ companies, or marine in- surance companies, or ai^encies of such companies iloiny; business within the Town. The stock of such ax'tnciis shall be rated as of holdiiti:; $100 of property for every ten dollars net annual income or profit derived from their business doiii' at such aj^cncy, whether the profits of the year are declared or reserved, and all other property except land ; and the term property shall include both real and personal jjrcjpert)-. Provided alwaj's that all ships or vessels in course of construction, all tiinber, plank, and other materials necessar}- for, and in the \ard where sucli ships or vessels are in course of construction, shall be free from assessment. 12. All lands shall be assessed in the name of and a;_;ainst the occupant, and in the case of occupied lamls owned by a party known or residin^L^ or doini; business in the Town, but occupied by another part\-, .hall be assessed in the name of, and ac^ainst both the owner and the occupant, inserting;- the name of both on the roll, with the word "owner" or "occuj)ant" as the case may be, and notifyini; both, as hereinafter provided, and 5 i 4 vm: \.\\\< \\i> (>ki)(N.\\t a prior owner or oecupant ; and, if laiiil l)e owned or oeeaipied l)y more than one part)-, then ;uiy one of them ma\' he the{)\sner or owners, occupant or oecupants, and >hall be hal^Ie accordin;;!)'. s.ivin;; his or their recourse a;^ainst the others. I ^. Tlie real estate and persona! esi.itc of incorpfti'atcd or joint Slock compam'es, shall he assessed aj^ainst tlicm in the same manner as tlie n;al and personal estate of individuals is assessed, and the owner and holder of slock in an\' incorporated or joint stock companx' sn taxed, shall not be assessed as an ind.i\idu;d for such .-.toi-'k. 14. The real and personal ptroperty of any parlnci'ship shall be assessed aj^ainst it under the ii.ime of the lirm, aiul notice to either p.irl)', or the ai;ent of the fnan, sliall be \ali(l and ^uflicient. 15. All real and personal i)ropert\' untler the contiol of any person or i)ers()ns as acbninislrators or trustees, i^iiardians or agents, the separate property of married women, and of minors, shall be assessed and \'alue(l in the names of the parties exercis- iiiL; control o\er them, but such ratiii^i;' as assessment shall \n' kept distinct tVoni the rating'; atul assessment of real and personal property lield b)- them in their own riL^hts. 16. The Town Assessoivs, assisted b)' the Ward Assessors in iheir respective wards, shall prepare an assessment roll of each ward, wherein sh.all be set, in separate columns, the names and surnames, as far as the same can be ascertained, of all taxable parties in saiti wards, distini^uishinj^- residents of the Fouii from non-resiilents, toi^ether w ith the descri|)ti()n and extent or amount of propert}' assessable against each, and in a separate column all the particulars mentioned in the Appendix, Schedule /\, and shall deliv'crthe same, signed b\' the Town Assessor and also by Ward Assessors for the respective wards, to the Town Clerk, as soon as practicable after niakin,L;" the assessment. 17. lCver\' part}' holding' assessable propertj- in tiic Town, either in his own rii^ht or as an executor, administrator, trustee, [guardian or aL;ent, the aj^ent or an)- partner of a firm, the secre- tar)' or manai;cr of an)' joint-stock compan)', a//// also the maii- (f^rr, C(7s/iici\ aij^i'iit or srcir/aiy of any public or private baukiir^ coiiipa)iy or marine iiisiirauee eoiiipaiiy, or of the a^i^eiieies of any such eouipaiiy or association doini^ business in the 7\nen, shall, when required b)- the Town or Ward Assessor, deliver to them a statement in writin;.;, sif^mcd by such party, or in case of his i ■ iVdiu dwy rsc a;4ainst ou IK r and aiit.;'.-ain>l II' occupied r tlu' owner iccordin;,;!)". irpoiatcd or hem in the idividuals is iicorporatcd ;csscd as an icrship shall nd notice lo lul ^iiflicient. )ntrol of an>- M-iiardians or (1 of minors, rlics cxci'cis- cnt shall be and perst)nal rd Assessors ment roll of IS. the names of all taxable c Town from :nt or amount te column all cdule A, and )r and also by )\vn Clerk, as in the Town, trator, trustee, rm, the secre- a/so the iiiaii- rivatc baiikini^' 'gcncies of any (' Town, shall, diver to them in case of his i. :,,^:riff'-^.~sgst mxu.%!mss fs abscnc tlu' pi iifficial aii\' sii >tat(;ii >liall I tM i)C I 'J'oWll, cost ()| the C( iS. fn)in t ( I liny : ',\ ithsa aiiiDiu txctut (in sue .iiid Si such 1" Ti'casi .hall b aiul ll in case t'f sue! the Cc lc\ icil [nV SUl if an\' last i')l 20. tin: \-c case () law, tl be ilu en fore first SI 21, leave, ^ the to lieforc shall t InDticc r;Vi:-l,A\\S AM) oRl'lNANt 1. iliscncf, b\- his a,;cnts, coiUaiiiiii_, 1, Ir.c ]iai'licirars iv-pcctiiv. li;c propcrtx' assessable a;4ain->t >iuh part) h private or olTicial capacit}", which are reipiiied in the a->se>.->ri^riit rt and correct. uch part)- for such 9. 1 he estate of a deceased ])erson in the hands of hi.^ executors or administrators shall be liable for rat on si ich estate in bi- te lime, md UK- at the- time ( e> if 1 a-^-^essed lis (k ath. .iiul such estate ma\' be hwied on and >old such rates, under a warrant' to be issueil f iv tlie i),i)-ment of reasurer ot tl or such ])urp< «se h)- tl ic le own in wiiic!i such estate i>, which w.irrant hal )e direcletl to and executed b\' a con->tal)' such 1 ow n. .nul the proct'edinL;s on such le\)' ard sale shall be the same as in case of ordinar-- defaulters; and when tliere is no administrator such deceased person, or when his will has not been pro\ed m the C'ourt of Prob.ate, the estate of such deceased ] lc\ ied on and sold, w herever found, in like manner. The c )erson ma\- l)i' f ir >uc rat'. s shal emand be made on the executor or administrator, if an\-, or if there be no lawful executor or administrator, at the last place of abode of the deceaseck 3. In case 01 aii)- tr.insler ot i)roj)erl\-, tlie assessment for p.iyable b\- the assiL;nee or occupier; and in tlu war slial DC case of property taken imder execution, or an)- other jjroci-ss of law, the same shall tlrst be liable for an)- assessment which ma) be due a, id paxable thereon tor the )-ear, and pa)-ment thereof ced ; ;ind the .Sheriff or other officer sh.ill be bound to \)a\ en 1 01 tirst such assessnu-nt out of the p'-oc:eeds of s,de. 2\. The 'I"ow II Cderk sli.dl, on receivini;- the assessment roll, \v:i\{j,()/-ui/isi- to he li'ft, for e\er)- i)art)' resident or doiiv;' business in the town, or the representatixes of an)- p,irt)- who shall havi- died before the roM for that )-ear shall ha\'e been fixed or adjusted, .and ill transmit 1))- post to e\er)- non-resident named in such roll, ,1 or )-earl)- -\-aiue at wliich his real propert)-, notice of the actual J ^(^ nVE-I.AWS ANf) ORDINANCES. and the sums at which his pc-rsonal property shall have been assessed by thein. 22. The Town Clerk shall, on the receipt of the assessment roll of each ward from the Assessors, make a cop)' thereof, .'r- ran<.;ed in the alphabetical order of the surnames, and shall post sucli copy in his office for fourteen days, for the inspection of any rate-pa)er of the Town ; niid shall i^ivc notice that such roll is frosted for one :ccck in a uc:rspapcr pnhlishcd in the Toi^'ii ; and an\' rate-payer, or firm, or compan\', who shall think himself or themselves not lej^allx- entitled to be rated, or that he or they are overchari,red on saitl roll, may, within such fourteen days, but not after, <^nve notice in writin;^ to the 'I'own Clerk that he ai)peals from such rate, either in the whole or in part, and shall, in such notice, state the grounds of his objection to such rate. 23. The subject matter of such apjjcal shall be tried by a Court, to be composetl of three meml.)ers of the Council to be ai)pointed by the Council; and the Recorder, who after hearing the complaint, and the .Assessor and .\ssessors, antl any witnesses ailduced b\- or on behalf of either of them uniler oath, shall iletermine the matter, and either confirni, modif}' or amend the roll accordinj^ly, and if the part)" appealinj^" shall fail to appear, the Court shall proceed ex parte; and if any elector of the Town shall deem that any j)art\' has been assessed too low , or has been omitted front saiil roll, the Clerk shall, at the recjuest of the elector in writing;', L^ive notice to the part)-, and to the assessor or assessors, of the time when the matter will be tried b)- the said Court, and the matter shall be decided in the same manner a> comi)laints b)- a |)art)- assessed, ami the roll, as finally passed by the Court, and certified b)- the Clerk as so passed, shall be \alid, and shall bind all i)arties concerned, notwithstantlint; an)- defect or error committed in or in rei;ard to said roll. The said Court of Appeal shall also have poxcer, and it shall be their duty, when a pioperty shall have been assessed in the name of a person, -icho is not the proper owner or occupier, to transfer the assessment to the proper owner or occupier; when any property has been assessed more than once for the same i^eneral assessment, to strike out such as shall be improper or illi'j^-al ; to correct any clerical errors made by the assessors in any assessment. 2,4.. The Clerk shall post up in the Town Hall, or his office, or such other place in the Town as the Mayor shall direct, a list (jf all complainants on th.eir own behalf aL;ainst the ^Assessors' return, and of all complaints on account of the assessment of other parties, statiuLj the name of each with a concise descrip- tion of tlie matter complained aL;ainst, together with the time I lavc been sscssmcnl lercof, ?Y- sliall p*>st section of 7 sin/i roll 'in^'ii ; and himself or )»• they are da\-s, but k that he and shall, ch rate, tried by a ncil I'to be ter hearing y witnesses oath, shall amend the to appear, f the Town low , or has [uest of the the assessor I by the saitl manner a> lally passeil cd, shall be tandin.L,^ ;in\- 1. 'fill' saiil h' then- duty, of a person, ',• assessment ■tr has been 'ent, to sti'ike anj' elericat Jj or his office, direct, a list le iXssessors' issessment of cisc descrip- ith the time Mi ancc in which 1 iion-rc- I the Coi or nitc; propcrt sufticic cslimat be calh may be of each ;? assessc 1 and th 4 i'')ll, aft the Coi and se chai'i,^ei HVK-l.AWS AM) OKDINANCKS. 3; i when llic Court will be lick! to hear such complaint, which h^t nia\- be in the form j^n'vcn in the Appendix A, Schedule B. Notice as per form in the Appendix A, Schedule C, shall be left at the place of residence or business of the complainant, if resident of the Town, and if non-resident shall be mailed to their address, or left on the premises assessed, at least U\v ilays before the nieetinL,^ of sucli Court ; like notice shall also be delivered at the place of business or abode of the assessors. ^3- The roll shall be made up, and delivered in. not later than the first da\' of June in each )-ear, or at such other time as the Council shall, b)' resolution, nominate and appoint. 36. The Court of Ap])eal aiul re\ision shall be held when- c\er practicable, before the first da\- of Jul\' in each }-ear. 27. When the roll is completed it sImiI be handed to the Town Clerk and laid before the Council, who shall thereupon make estimates of all sums which ma\' be required for the lawful purposes of the Town for the ensuiuL,^ \ear, makini; due allow- ance in sucli estimates for the abatement, losses and expenses which ma)' occur in the collection of the taxes, and of the ta.x of non-residents, ami for the taxes which ma\- not be collected, and the Council shall authorize the le\)'inj4 and collection of a rate (jr rates of so much or. the dollar on the assessed value of the projjerty thereon, as in the judi;nient of the Council shall i)e sufi'icient to raise the sum or sums recpiired on such estimate or estimates. 2 notice, shall be entitled to a deduction of fi\e per ce.it. from the amount of liis taxes. 31. If said i)roj)ert\' so distrained is not redeemed within five days after such drstraint, the same shall be sold at auction to pa)' the rates, j)er centaj^c, and costs and expenses of sale, after three da)'s notice of such sale posted in three consj)icuous places of the Town, and the balance, if an\'. shall be paid over to the party le'^all)- entitled to recei\e the same. 32. If any part)' assessed shall be a non-resident of the Town, or shall ha\-c remo\cd therefrom after such assessment, and before the rate shall ha\'e been collected, or any balance .shall remain due after such distress and sale, the Town Treasurer shall sue for the amount, inclusi\'c of the two and one-half i)cr cent., costs and expenses, in the name of the Town, as in the case of any common debt, and the [)r()duction of the roll and Assessment ik)ok of the ward shall be prima facia' e\idencc of the debt. })'^. In an)' case of non-payment of the rate, by cither resi- dent or non-resident, the Treasurer shall, at his option, sue therefor, toi^ct her with the additional ti^'o and o)ie-half per cent, added thereto, in the first instance, and lev)' for an)' balance un- collected, or shall issue and levy the distress, and sue for an\' balance rcmaininjj^, after tlie sale of the distress. A certificate of any judi,nncnt obtained b)' the Tow n fi)r taxes, under the hand of the Recorder, shall, when recorded in the office of the Rej^istrar of Deeds for the Count)' of Colchester, be a lien on the real estate of the party against whom the judgment lia.s passed. \c ainoiKU in case ol LtUlrcss, or k\ as shall )uncil, the u ilh /ri'' expenses the l;()(h1- to pay tin , \vliei'e\er also make f said non- said non- d, and the fe-keepin;.;. jasurer tlie ceipt of hi> it. tvum the ned within at auction ses of sale. :onsi)icuou^ J paid over Jcnt of the assessment, m)- balance n Treasvn-er one-half pel- n, as in the the roll and ci(C evidence y' cither resi- option, sue utlf per cent. ' balance un- sue for any A certificate i s, under the office of the a lien on the t has passed. can be I!^■^.-I..\\\■s AM) ()i n Council, the assessors, or other Town ofllcers, shall aff . t or prejudice the \alidit\' of an)' L;(ner.il assessment made a: d k\iecl m sue :h T own. Th le in\aiitnt\', nle''alit\' or irre'.'ul itv (if ail)' indi\'idual rate or assessment shall not extend .0 r afiect the general assessment, or an\' 'ither iiuli\idual . o: assessment. '^J. *In any suit pendinij in any cfuirt for the colic ^n S liie taxes of the Town, the 'I'reasurer''; certificate, in writini;', iliat the part)' appears on the assessment roll and the rate has not been paid, shall be i)resumi)ti\e evidence of the rate beiiv,; due and unpaid, and shall be sufficient to entitle the Town to a jikl^inent without further proof, unless a L;()od and just defence [can be made thereto. No. IV. MUNICIPAL COURT. ISr.CTloN. 1. There shall be a Municii)al Court, to be presided over by the Stipendiary and i^)liee Magistrate, or as hereinafter pro\-ided ))• the Ma)'or or one Councillor, and the Town Clerk shall act IS clerk thereof. 2. The Council shall appoint a suitable person to fdl the )ffice of Stipendiary and Police Ma,<^dstrate, who shall also be a fustice of the Peace ami a law)'cr. of at least three )'ears standiuLf It the bar, who shall also act as Recortler, and shall be called Recorder of the Town. The office of Stii)endiar)' Ma^dstratc [lid Recorder may be filled b)' one and the same person, if the -ouncil see fit to appoint him. In case of the temporar)' absence |1 either Recorder or Sti[)cndiar)' Mai,dstrate, the Council may |l)point a person to fill such offices during his or their absence. 40 l!VK-l,A\VS AM) nKI»INA\(i:>;. 3. The salaries of the officers of the Council shall be from time to time fixed l)\- the C'ouiKil. 4. All fines, fees and costs shall ^o to form a fund, out of uhieh the salarv of the Stipendiai)' Majjjistrale and Recorder, and the e\i)enses of the C'ourl, shall be defra\ed ; an)- deficiency to be paid out of the j^^eiieral funds of the rowii, and aii)' balance remainiiij^, after (lefra)'ini^ the above charj^es, shall be paid into the ^feneral h\\\(\. 5. The Municipal Court shall ha\e jurisdiction, co,L,niiy.ance and power, to tr}' ami determine in a summar>' \va\-, without a jury, all ci\'il actions or dealings ex coiitnntit, in which the whole cause o in which f acti th ion shall na\(.' arisen u e cause o fact itliin the 'I'ow n of Truro, a 1 I-: 11(1 ion does not exceed iMsjlitv dollars, ami for all balances not exceetlinc;" l'".iL;ht>" dollars, upon account- stated and settled previous to suit, am 1 all such cix'il contract- where the amount orii^inallv tliie has been reduced to l'j'L,dit\ dollars or less b)- pavment of cash, and when the Defemlant shall pro\'e an off-set of t^nx-ater amount than the I'laintiff has proved, ma\' L:i\'e iud''inent in favor of the I )efemlant for the balance due him ; and shall try in a summar)- wav, without a jury, actions ex diitcto in tlie nature of replevin, trespass to land or buildiii;;, or other real estate, in which the title or riLjht of jjossession i- not the object of controvers)-, provided the cause of such acti oriLrinatetl vv ithiii the limits of the Town, ami the damaLfe claim (Ml (Al m ;iny such case do not exceed Sixtv doll; U'S. No civil suit, f I ir any debt or (lealiii'f in which the whole cause o )f act ion shal u )n ir criminal matters conferred upon one or more Just ices o f tl! iii.i« th c excctivc powers of the corporation, ar re vested in the Ma\ have arisen in the municipalitv, shall be broui^ht to any other i court, except by .vay of appeal to the Supreme or County Courts | Provided, that if the Plaintiff or Defemlant in such suit does net | reside within the Town of Truro, the same may be sued, defended •; or tried in an}- court haviiij^' jurisdiction. ? 6. The Munici|)al Court shall have ami exercise, within tl bounds of the municipality, all the powers and jurisdicti( Peace or Stipciidiarv or Police Masjistrate, bv an\' Act of tlu ; Province or of the Dominion of Canada, or hitherto exercisable f or heltl by him or them. The Municipal Court for the trial e' -f criminals shall sit every day, if occasion reciuire, commcnciiiL; 'i' ten o'clock, A. M., antl shall continue until all the causes are di- ,; posed of Provided, that the Stipi-ndiarv- Magistrate or pe presidiny^ may continue aii)' complaint for such time as be necessai)-. 7. The administration of I'olice within the Tow n, ami 1 be from iiul, out of Recorder, deficiency iiy b;d;iiice I n;iid into co^'titzance without a I the wliolc Truro, and .loUars. ami II ;iccount> 1 contract'-, to l^ii^dity .•ndant shall has proved. the balatKc jury, action- or buildin;;. )ossessioii i-- such action KU^e claimrd civil suit, fi'i action shall to any other mnty Court- suit does net .led, defentleil se. within tin urisdiction ir istices of lli^ ly Act of lli^ to excrcisabk "or the trial i>' MnnienciuL^ ■'' ;auses are ili~ rate or per^- time as nia} Town, and a'. I in the Mayol 4 •' ■"] lilipi I II iiWiiii w isl- and r<.i ado J)r()(. uitl I ) nice C'Icrl all u fciu nioni jud oath civil MCCTI I, a !•(, ofth UVE-l. ANN'S AND OUDl NANCES. 41 and Ct>uiu.illi)i's, .'ind llic Stipciuliai)' M I'^istratL-. The Major and CoiiiK'ilior"* m rot.iliini. accnrdiiiL; to a kost IT, to br l)\ the Council pre pa I'd I, shall attend at the Police ( Xlici;, at some tabic time and times to be naineil. and shall jjerform every su act appertainin;,; to the oillci" of Justice of the Peace. .Stipc-nd- iarv or Police Mai^istrate, necessarv for the apprehension, com- mital, conviction and punishment of criminal offenders, and for carr\-inL,f into effect the laws in force atul the ordinances .md l)\'e-la\vs of the Town, and shall have and exercise all and e\i.r\ the powers \csted in the criminal side of the Municipal I'ourl, pro\itled that the M.iyor or Councillor shall at all times ha\e the power of callini,f to his assistance the Recorder and Sti- peniliary MaL,dstrate, and that nothin;^ herein contained shall be tlcemed to abrid.;t' the power of the .Stipcndiars- Magistrate as a Police Ma;_;istrate, and that b\- order of thi- Council tlu- .Sli- pcndiarx' Ma^dstratc ma\- be placed on the Roster, and shall attend in rotation in the same maimer as the Major and Coun- cillor. S. The Mimicipal Court shall be holden for the tri.d of ci\il causes, on the first and third Tiiesda)- of e\er)- month, com- mencing at ten o'clock A. M., and may sit b}- adjournment, fro m (lay to day, u n til all the causes in the lists for trial are called. The Recorder and Stipendiarx Maj^dstrate sh.ill, until other- wise directed b^- the Coimcil, frame and make all rules, orders and re_L;ul.'itions resj)ectinj,f the practice in the Muiiicij)al Court for the trials of ci\il causes, and shall make, order and declare, adopt, aiu! from time to time var\' and alter the \arious writs, processes and forms to be used by the Municipal Court, toj^fether with a tariff of costs, char-res and fees l)rocee(.linj4S sha II b e siLHietl, sealed a nd All issuec writ." aiK I oti ler 1 bv the 'J own Clerk, and shall be directed to the Police or other Constable. In all undefended civil cases in the Municipal Court, where the de- fendant fails to appear at the time and place nameil in the sum- mons for his appearance, the Court shall be at libert)- to ^ivc ju(l;^qnent for the plaintiff, without his a|)pearin.t,f and makint,' oath to the justi* e of his claim. The party succeedin^^ in all civil cases shall .,• entitled to his co.sts. : |y No. V. POLICE FORCK. Si:ci ION. I. The Council shall, as often as occasion shall rctjuire, sc'cci H Policeman or l*ol icemen who shall act as day and ni,L,dit watch of the Town of Truro, and in the event of more than one Policc- 42 RVi:-I,A\VS AMJ ORI)r\AN( KS. man bcin^ api)ointc(l, shal! select one of the number to be Chief of the I'olice. 2. 'i'hc I'oh'cemen and all special anil cxtr.'i. Constables, to be appointeil as hereinafter provided, shall be under the authorit\-, direction and control of a Committee of Police, to be composed of the Ma)'or, the Stipendiary Magistrate and three members of the Council. 'llie I'olicemen shall be prompt to obe}- and carr\- out all tl le ortlers and directions from time to time "i\en to 1 nm, or such number of them as the Council shall select, and shall serve dl processes, ci own, aiKl un vil and criminal, and make all arrests w ithin the der the direction (.f the Committee of Police, shall ia\e a 11 tl le power aiu lutJioritv in all m Lers crmimal, aiul in case of breach of the peace, anil for preserviiiLj (luiet anil j^ood oriler, which Sheriffs and Constables possess within their juris- diction, and shall inimediateU' report to the Town Clerk or some (nember of the Committee of I'olice any \iolation or infraction of the act of incorporation, or of an}' b)e-law or ordinance of the Town, an)- case of breach of the peace, or of ijuict and <,H)od order, and any criminal matter within the municipality that shall come to tl leir knowledge or under their notice. 4 The Committee of Police shall cause to be entered in a book ail)' special order or direction in rc\t;ard to Police matters, which book shall be in the custody of the Town Clerk, and shall be at all times open to the inspection and i^uidance of the policemen in the dischar^^e of their duties, and which they shall be bound at once to obey and carry out. 5. The Council shall, from time to time, fix and apjjoint the fees, salar)' and emoluments to be paid to the Policemen. 6. The Chief of Police, or any i'oliceman told off to serve civil processes and execute writs for the Civil Court, shall, before enterinjj^ on that duty, j^ive security in such sum as the Council •shall ilirect for the ilue and faithful accounting; for and payini; over any moneys that may be coUecteil by him, or come into his possession or under his control. No. VI. SPl'XIAL CONSTABLES. Section. 7. In ca.sc of riot, tumult or disturbances or illegal act of any kind, accompanied with force and violence, within the pre- cinct of the municipality, or a just apprehension thereof, the Maj'or, Stipendiary Magistrate, or any one or more of the Coun- be Chief Ics, to be luUiority, ompcscd MTibcrs of ry out all ) him, or hall serve vilhin the ilicc, shall ;il, and in and ^rood icir jvn-is- k or some infraction linance of and L;()od ality that tcred in a :c matters, , and shall ice of the they shall ppoint the leii. IT to serve hall, before he Council md payini; me into his ef:;al act of lin the pre- thereof, the f the Coun- r.V 1".-1 .AW S A N 1 ) ( )1< I )1 N A N I T.S. 43 cillors, m ;i>', by \vritin_L,^ under their hands, a])p()int an\' nunihci' of Si)ccial Constables to assist in ])reser\in_L; peace and orde .S. Such Special Constables shall be under the direction and control of the Con)inittee of I'olice. (J. 'Jhe Ma\dr or any number of the Cdnnnittee of Police may swear in sucli S])ecial Constables to the laitliful dischar_i;e of their duties. 10. Jhe ai)j)ointnu'nt of such Special ( Onstables shall con- tinue in force tor tl.e space of se\cn days Ironi tiu' date of such appointment, unless sooner revoked l)\- the Conunittee on I'olice, 11. In case any ch'sorder or disturbances sjiall occur at any public ineetinj^f or assembla_L;'e of j)ersons, the .Ma\-or, .Stipend- iar)- .Magistrate or an\' Councillor of the 'l"ouii, upmi tiu' re(|ue>l of the chairman of such meetini^or of three or more freeholders, ma)- \erball\' aj)i)oint and swear in Sjiecial C'onstables, who shall aid in restoring; and preser\in;_; order and peace at such meetin;^ or assembh', and who shall be under the control of the Mavor. Stipendiary Ma;_;istrate or any member of the Council. IJ. All}' person appointed a .Special Constable who shall refuse to act or be sworn in, shall be liabU' to a ])enalt\' not e.\- ceeiliiiL;' ten dollars. I ^. 'Ihe .Mayor may, from time to time, appoint such num- ber of e.xtra Constables as he ma\- deei n necessars' anc 1 f. ir such ])erio(l, not e.xceedin;^ one year, as he shall deem re(|uisite. 14. I'Lach e.xtra Constable shall be sworn in before the MaNor, .Stipendiai')- Magistrate or any of the Councillors, to the faithful discharj.,fc of his duties while he shall continue to be an e.xtra Constable. 15. The Council may compensate an\- extra Constable for loss of time when called out fliall fdrin |)art of llic i^cncrai fiintl of the 'JOwn. 2. When any rent shall be clue t(» the lown, and in anear, the MaNor or an\- Cnniniittee of I'liblit I'ropertv- shall ha\ e full [jdwer to issu< a warrant of distress for the same under his liaiul and seal, directetl t«> any Police Constable of tlie Touii. or the same ma}' be >ucd for in the name of the l"o\\ ii as a com- mon clebt. V In cases when, at the suit of tiie Town or b)- an)- other ])erson, a summons is issuetl for tiie violation of any b\e-Ia\\ or ordinance, or of any provis^dis of the present or an)' amendeti Act of Incor])oration of the Town, and tiie same is tlisobe)i'd, it shall be lawful to issue a v.arrant ais'iinst the part)' so refusini;' or ne_L;'lectinL,f to obe\' such summons, or a warrant ma)' be issued In the first instance. x\o. VIII. POUND AND POL'ND KKKPKRS. Si I TKiN, 1. Suitable Pounds siiall be erected, one at each end of Jic Town, or an)' otlier localit)' deemeil advisable b\- the Council. 2. The Coimcil shall annuall)- appoint a keeper for each pouiul, 7i.'//(> shall be rcsponsihli- for and pay to the Tox^'n Clerk all futes payable to the Toioi on all animals iinpoiinded. 3. Whenever an)- animal is impounded for a breach of any bye-law or ordinance of the Town, the i)ouiul-keeper, in case the owner of such animal is known to hini, shall ^ive him notice of such impounding'' as soon as ])racticable, and if within two da)'s after said notice or within five da)'s after the impoundiiiL,^ of the animal the ow ner is imknown, the owner of said animal does not reclaim and remove it and pay the forfeiture incurred, the Mayor shall issue an order for the sale at auction of such ani- mal, and in such case the balance, if an\', after deducting; the forfeiture and expenses of sale, shall be paid to the owner, if applied for within three months from day of sale, and if not so applied for, shall '-^o to the use of the Town. 4. Before an)' animal, impouiuied for the breach of any b)'e-law, shall be released, the owner thereof or party appl)-in^ for the release shall pay the followinfj forfeiture /r; the Pouiid- keepei, in addition to the fines imposed under any /ye-laio of the Toion : — 46 F:\F.-I AWS AM) ORDfNANCKS. I**()r notices, ulicn t^ivcii $'J -5 Keeper unlockinj^ I'oiiiul o 20 l\ee|)er relc.isinj,^ the ;miiii;il O 20 ]'\n- proxicliiiL,^ Piox'cmler for the ;uiiinal while in pound, if ilorse, Colt, Ox, Cow, C.ilf or V']<^, each (la\- O 50 if (joat or (joosc, each tiay o 15 X, COLTS, CAIA'i:S AM) (iKICSl- Si.criiiN. 1. fl( .lt> t^eese sna all auction on the cl; ji^oinj ollowni''' su ch conviction, unless th pui c owner shall have previously paid the fine impcrsed, to^'ether with all the expenses conscciucnt on the seizure and k( :cp o ft! ic an una I and lorses, oxen, cows, swine, colts, j^^oats anc tiot be allowed to <4"o at lar^e within the Town of Truro. 2. J'he Police Constable or any other i)erson may iini)ouiul any horses, cows, swine, <;()ats or j^eese found at lai\t;c in an\ street, lane or other place within the Town. 3. The owner of any horse, ox, cow, pi^^, L,'oat or j^oose t^oiiiL,^ at lari^e, shall forfeit and i)a\' the followini,' amount, vi/ : — l'"or eacii ami e\ery horse, o.x, cow, L;(iat or pi<^^ the sum of one dollar for the first offence, and two dollars for e\er)' subsequent offence ; and for each and ever\' ijoose, the .sum of twent)--fivc cents for the first offence, and fifty cents for every subsecjuent offenc. This fine to be recovered in the V'ow)/ Court, in the name )'" the Town, whether the animal shall have been im- pounder or not. 4. The Stipendiary Maj^nstrate, or i)crson i)residini^, shall, on the application of a part)', issue a warrant to brin<4" the parts' before him for trial. 5. If the offender, on conviction, does not pay the fine im- '< i posed, the Stipendiary Ma,i;istrate, or officer presidinL,^ shall i I order the animal so found n'oin'^ at larL'"e to be sold at nublic ; « on the sale, after detluctin_L^ the fine, the expenses aforesaid, ami the expenses of the sale, the balance shall be paid to the owner. The Council shall make rei^ulations in reference to dos, within the 1 i\\n. s hall pay annua lly a U )f IX ot one ncr: do! lar for every do<^ owr 1 by him or them, or kept in his or their possession, such tax be due and payable on the first of Augu.st, in each and every year, and the owner of every dog .$o 25 . o 20 . o 20 in IT ^>' . . O 50 . . O 13 OXKN. jrccsc shall ro. y impovnul :^c in an\' t or ^H^osc lunt, viz:— ;inn of one subscqncnl twcnty-fivc subscHiucnt )urt, in the - JDccn im- idini:j, shall, o the parly the fmc im- lidini;', shall Id at pulilic s the owner with all the ininial ; and "uresaid, and o the owner. , dogs \:,o\\y^ )vvn, and im- icr or owners : of one dol- \ liis or their the first of -){ every dog sh.ill c with t aiul in two (l( ill the 6. Cmist; and to the M; nr or mil SiCl Kin I. slliill 1; Couiici Coiinci intcndcj the C( c'xcrci confcrr l\L'\-isc Street.^ 2 to hou to be tentleii r.iithfi receive Troni ti uirectK Town, rcj),'iirs, w^ aw; in,L[ anc nels. p; to the cncroac 4- cecdiiK 1!M:-I..\\VS ami ORhlNANCF.S. 47 sli.ill L.'Uisc ;i collar to be pi, iced aroiiiul the neck of said iIol;, uitli the owner's name thereon, and the nuniher of his re;4istr\' ; ,iiid in default of such a collar, so placi-d, shall forfeit the sum of two dollars ; such lax and penalt)- to he suid for and recovered in the Municipal Court of said Town. (). It shall be the especial dut)- of tin- Town .md I'ol'cc Constable, at all times, to attend to and enforce this b\e-lau, and to report an\- infraction of it to the Stipemliarv' Ma_L;islr;itc, the Mavor. or a (!ouncillor. 7. Nothing he!-eiii contained shall be construed to restrain or limit the ri^ht to impoimd an}- horse, colt, ox, cow, pi^, ^.M' like dut les, an d th e makm^r^ rej)an-- n^ of any bridges, drains, sewers, ^nitlers, chan- uid sidewalks within the same, anil i^ive notice to the CoiTunittee of Streets of any nuisance, obstruction, or encroachment thereon. 4. The Superintendent shall keep such accounts of his pro- ceedings as shall be ordered by the Council or Committee of ^ ^yk ^. o.T^>«^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k /, {./ A /a 1.0 Irli- IIM I.I a^ M 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1 1 A ^ f," ► Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ? 48 l;\i:-I,A\VS AM) ORDIXANCES, Streets, .'ind furnish accounts, proper!)- vouched, whenever re quired to do so by the Committee of Streets. 5. Tlie Committee of Streets shall ha\-e power to make contracts for the supply (jf labor and materials for the streets, and for the use of such horses and carts as shall be required for tiic purposes of the street ser\'ice. 6. The Committee of Streets shall have power, under direc- tion of the Council, at any time to enter into a private contract with an}' person or persons to keep the streets of the Town, or an)' pf)rtion of them, in '^ood order and repair, or to put that ser\'ice up to i)ublic competition. 7. No such contract or lettinc,^ shall be for a period of o\er one year, and tlic contractor, whether by private at^recment or public comj)etition, shall <^i\-e bonds, with <,rood and sufficient sureties, in such sum as the Council may name, for the faithful performance of the work. f the propert}' s(,^ sou_L,dit to be fdki:n cr/ruurvt't/, or ///s a,i^('ii/, i^nth'ni five days after iiotiic tlwrcto rcquiriiii;; li'nii, shall ai)[)oint one other competent l)erson, whose name he shall hand in u> the Town Clerk xvithiu t\vo days thereafter, and in ease of default on the Part of the said [proprietor or his agent so to appoint as aforesaid, then the Mayor shall appoint a second competent person, and they two, so chosen, shall aj)point a third competent person as appraiser, none of uhom shall be interested in said road, street, lane or bridi^e, or tlie land to be occupied by any new brid^^e, but who may be residents of the Town, and who shall Ix," compensated for their labor out of the Town funds to appraise tiie chima*^a's to be \y,u(\ to those whose lands may be taken to form the road, street, lane or the site of any bridj^e, or whose buikh'n^', wall or erections may be removed or destroyed in whole or in part for the improvement of any street, lane or i)ublic passa<^c. (6. The ai^praisers appoi)ited as in the preceding Section shall notify the parties interested and hear then^ if reciuired, and the appraisement beinj,^ ma(.le by the three appraisers ov any t\\(^ of tliem, notice shall be <^iven to each person whose land is taken, or wiiosc buildini^s are to be removed in whole or in part, or to his a<^ents, ten days at least before the meetinj^ of Council at which it is to be confirmed, the Council shall <,n've any part}' objectiui^r to the appraisement an opportunity of beini^- heard and of provint,'^ their objection by testimony. If the expense and damai^e ai)pear to the Council to be cxccssi\'e when com- pared with the utility of the work, they may suspend or aban- don tlic undertaking at any period, compensating for any dam- age actually done, 17, Hereafter no proprietor or possessor of land shall open for public use or dedicate to tlic public any new road or street over and on his property, of less than sixty feet wide, and the Coinmittee of Streets are authorized, in their discretion, wholly or partially to close up and obstruct any road, street, lane or thoroughfare of less than sixty feet in width, which may be here- after laid out or opened, or which may have been so laid out ami opened contrary to law; a)id in case of such dedication, the line of such street shall be subject to the approval of the Streets Committee, 18. The C!ouncil shall not accept the dedication of any road, street, lane, at purpose )n, wall or made, and, Kwl app(jint M'operty sf- r days af to competent Icrk tcilhiii of the said 'the Mayor a, so chosen, mc of \vhoin , or the land residents of labor out of aid to those , lane or the ions may be mprovement iiil dinyi; Section •equired, and rs or any t\v(^ hose land is lie or in pari, n- of Council vc any party bciny,- heard the expense -e when com- -nd or aban- for any dani- nd shall open oad or street wide, and the rction, wholly street, lane or may be here- to laid out and tion, the line of •ets Committee. n of any road, Inn I >h mit .h;i She frc. to adn trill thci b>- rc(iu (ir hiin.^ tlicn the ])r()\ J) roc l)rcc (lircc. be I not V,\ 1,-1. AWs .\N!> okl'IN \M V.s. 5^ -ircct or laiic t' > tlu own n f u idtli f li.in ^isf \- \\r\, i)(ii sliall ;ui\' ])ij!)lic nioDics or rcvc!UK'> \k- paid out or cxpc lU Ird op ail)' road, street or latic, of Ics^ width than >i.\ly feet, r^r ni//,-s> the line tlwrcof luxs brni so appiwvrd by tlir StiYcts i'iu)iiiiitl,i c'xccjjt the roads, streets or lanes in whith, at the time of in- corporation of the Town, statute labor lias aetuall\- Ix.'en done or ])ublic monies expended. 19. Persons inten(h'n,i;' to build upon or close to the line of a street shall, before di^^'L^inL;" the foundation or comnuNiciiiL; the buiUii^_L,^ <'ippl\' to the Committee of Street-^ to eau'-e the line of street to l)e dethied and laid out, and >liall defra\- tlu' expenses .f 'it a survey, if necessary to employ one, and ■•iiall dii; tlu: foun- dation and erect the building; within th(^ line. ;\nd if any j)er- -^(ln shall erect a building;" on the line of said street, or without niakini;' such api)lication and havin;^ the line so ascertainetl, he >liall forfeit a sum of n(>t le^s than fort)' dt)llars or more than ri-ht)- dollars, and shall also rcmo\e the encroachment, or otherwise the Council or their Committee of Streets max* cause the same to be removed or take the steps allowed !)\- law in case ■ >f nuisances. 20. When thi- Committee of Streets or their Superinten- dent shall ha\e proceeded to ascertain the line of the street on the a})pIication of any person about to l)ui!d thereon, ami he shall be dissatisfied with the line jjointed out b\' the said Com- mittee or their Superintendent, a Jud^^e of the .Supreme Court >hall, upon the ai)plication of either j)art}', issue a precept to tin' SheritTor his Dejjut)- tc) summon a jury of twel\c tlisinteresled freeholders to meet on some convenient da\- therein mentioned to view and lay out the line; and the jury shall ha\e an oath administered to them by the SherilT or his Deputy, well and trul)- to lay out and establish the line of street accrM-dini;' to their best judt^mcnt, and the witnesses tendered shrdi be sworn b}- the Sheriff or his I)e[)uty ; and if the jurors or either part)- recjuire it, a new^ sur\'ey of the line shall be made, and the Sheriff or his Deputy sliall make a return forthwith, under the hands of himself and the jurors, to the Jud_q;e, w ho, if he shall approve thereof, shall confirm the return, and the same shall be filetl in the office of the Town Clerk ; but if the Jud,L;e shall not ap l)rovc of the return, a new precept shall be issued and further proceedings hatl thereon in the manner presci'ibetl as to the first precei)t, and so until a return be confirmed, and the Judc^e shall direct how ant! by whom the expenses of the prf)ceedinL,^s shall be paid, and the same shall be taxed b)- the Judi;e, and shall not exceed fort)- dollars. 52 nVE-LAWS AND ORDINANCES, 'iT 21. Any pcrsjii who shall clcsi^ncdl)' and unnecessarily drive any carriajfc or cart, sleigh or sled, or ride on a sidepath, or obstruct any sidewalk, or leave staiidin^r thereon any carria^a*, cart, sleigh, sled or horse, or roll or place heavy articles on thc- sanie, to the injury or obstruction of the sidewalk, shall for every offence forfeit not less than one dollar nor more than ten. No. XI. PUBLIC PROPKRTY. Section. 1. The Council shall have full power to manatjjc the real estate of the Town, to improve and ornament the same, aiul to lease the same for any term not exceed inj^ ten years, and on such conditions as they shall see fit, and for any period cxceed- \n<^ ten years, by and with the consent of the Governor-in- Council. 2. All leases and deeds shall be under the Town Seal, siLjned by the Mayor and countersigned by the Town Clerk. No. XII. AUCTIONEERS' LICENSE. Skction. 1. No person shall, within the Town of Truro, exercise the office of Auctioneer, or sell at public vendue any real estate, };oods, or chattels whatever, without beinjr licensed thereto by the Council, which license shall be granted on application to the Committee of Licenses, and shall be in the form in the Appen- dix, and be signed by the Mayor and the Town Clerk. 2. The fee for such license shall be twenty dollars, subject to be from time to lime altered as the Council may determine, to be paid at the time of applying for the same ; and if any person, without such license, shall sell any real estate, goods or chattels at public auction, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not ex- ceeding fifty dollars for each offence, to be sued for and recov- ered in the name of the Town and for the use of the Town. Nothing herein contained shall extend or apply to Sheriffs or Officers of Justice selling under process of law or by direction of any Court. No. xin. OF SLAUGHTERING. Section. I. No person exercising the trade of a Butcher shall, in ■1|.! necessarily a sidcpath, y carria^a', cles on the , shall foi: c than ten. ic the real .me, and to irs, and on [)d cxcecd- overnor-in- fown Seal, I Clerk. exercise the real estate, thereto by ation to the the Appen- k. lars, subject r determine, and if any te, goods or 5um not ex- r and recov- f the Town. ) Sheriffs or by direction her shall, in nVK-l.AWS AND ()K1)|\A\( r.S. 53 future, sI.iiiLjhtcr or dress for food any iinimal within the Town of Truro, in any year, durin^^ the mmlhs of May, June, }u\y, Auj^aist or September, within the fo'Iowiiv^ hniits, that is to s,iv, not nearer than a (|uarler of a mile i-ast of l\ca(lin;;'s eorner on the Intervale Road, and Watson's Hrook on the Harmony Road, on the east, the 'I'own line on the south, except at Miller's Cross- in^f, and no butcherin^r to be done there nearer than one (|uar- ter of a mile south of the Railua)- track ; a line tlrawn from the said Truro line, throu^di a point one quarter of a mile west from the Court House to Salmon River on the north, under tin- pen- alties imposed by Chap. 30, R.e\ised Statutes, ff/urth series, "U( Nuisances." No. XIV. OF HKALTH WARDICXS. •Skction. 1. The Town Council shall annually appoint six rate-pay- ers, two out C)f each Ward, to be Health W'artlens or Inspectors. 2. The said Health Wardens or Inspectors shall, within the liinits of Town of Truro, have all the powers j^nven to Health Wardens and Inspectors in the City of Halifax ant! elsewhere, under Chapters 29 and 30 of the Revised Statutes, fourth series. 3. The Town Council shall have and exercise all the powers conferred upon the County, General and Special .Ses- sions under said chapters. 4. All penalties for breach of any of the provisions of said chapters shall be sued, enforced and ccjllected in the name of the Town of Truro, by said Town for its own benefit, in the Muni- cipal Court of said Town. 5. The Town Council shall pay out of tiic funds of the Town all expenses incurred by their directions or authority in carrj-in^ out the objects expressed in said chapters. No. XV. LIQUOR LICENSE. Skction. 1. *No license for the sale of intoxicatinj^ liquors shall be ^'ranted by the Town Council, except at the rc^^ular quarterly meetings of the Council, and then only in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the Province in such case made and provided. 2. *The Town Clerk, for the time being, shall be Clerk of License for the Town of Truro. 54 f!vr:-i.A\v> AM) ()ki)i\AX('r:s, 3. *AI1 penalties collected within the Town of Truro, under Cha[)ter 75, Re\ised Statutes, fourth scries, or any act in amend- ment thereto, payable under the said acts into the County Trea- sury, shall be \r,ik\ over to the 'i'reasurer of the Town for Town purposes. 4. *The Council, Ma)-or, License Coinrnittec or a majorit} of them, shall have power to revoke or suspend any such license, if, in their jud^nuent, the order and welfare of the Town re- quire it. 5. *The form of License, Bond, Summons, &c., Sec, sliall be the same as now in use under said Cha[)ter 75, Revised Sta- tutes, and the acts in amendment thereof, with such alteration.-- in the wordint^ of said forms as to render them applicable t(^ the Town, and the carrxMii;^^ out and enforcing" the provisions of saitl laws within the precincts of the Town, such ftjrms of summon> to be maile as provided in the act re,L;"ulatin_:^f the Town Court. 6. An)' person to whom a license shall be ^i,n'antcd, sh-"ll, before recei\-inc;" the same, pa)' the whole duties <'uid fees to the Clerk of the License, and shall enter into a bond with two sure ties, in the form in Apiiendix A, Schedule V, which bond shall. when executed, be filed with the Town Clerk. 7. The Mayor or any Councillor or the Recorder shall ha\e full power and authority, upon \'iew or upon complaint made upon oath of any riotous or disorderly conduct in any tavern oi' other place where liquor is sold, to arrest, or order, or issue a warrant for the arrest of the party or parties and take them to the jail, and thereon the Mayor or Prcsidin;^ Officer shall enquire summarily into the matter of such complaint, and shall investi- j^atc the same, and shall dismiss the same with costs, to be paid by the complainant, or shall convict the keeper of such inn or ta\'ern, or otlicr place where intoxicatintj licjuors are sold, of hax'ini;' a riotous, disorderl)- house or shop, and shall abroL^^ate the license for keeping' the same, or shall sus[)end the benefit of the same for any period not cxcecdini^ sixty da)s, with or with- out costs, as in his discretion may seem just, and durin<^ the I)eriod of such suspension the keeper of such inn, tavern, or other place where intoxicating^ liquor is sold, shall lose all the privile<^"2s, power and protection that would otherwise have been afforded him by this said license. .s been so disclosed as af(-. - saitl, and the proprietor of the place where the li(|Uor was ob- tained, who shall thereupon be prosecuted for selling;" li(:[uor with- out license. 11. If the proprietor of the place where the intoxicating^ liquor has been obtained hold a license ftjr the sale of intoxicat- ing; liquors in force when the said licpior was furnished, the Mayor shall cause to be served on said proprietor a notice re- quiring; him not to sell or furnish intoxicating; li([uor to the party St) intoxicated, as aforesaid, for a period (jf six months from the date of said notice, and if the said pro[)rietor shall furnish li({uor to the said party at any time w ithin the said j)eriod, he shall be liable to a fine of not less than twenty or more than fifty dollars for each offence with costs, and to be confined in the lock-up or Count)' Jail until such fine and costs arc paid. 12. No Councillor of the Town or Justice of the Peace shall hold a license for the sale of intoxicating'- liciuors. or be directly or indirectly interested in the sale thereof b)' r'.'tail. No. XVI. * HACKNEY CARRIAGES AND LIVERY STAI5LES. >r.CTION. I. *No person shall keep or drive for hire any carriaj;e, S6 BVE-LAWS AND ORDINANCES. wagon, slci<^h, cab, omnibus, coach or other conveyance, for tlic conveyance or carriage of passengers or to ply as a hackney carriage, cab or omnibus in the streets or lanes of the Town, un- less under a license for that purpose previously obtained from the Mayor and License Committee, 2. * Carriages so licensed for carrying persons from place to place within the Town shall be numbered, 3. * The License Committee shall have the supervision of the owners and drivers of such carriages and their conduct. 4. * The number of each carriage shall be painted or fixed in some conspicuous part or parts thereof, and the said number, together with the owner's name, shall be registered in a book to be kept at the Town Clerk's Office for that purpose. 5. *A11 applications for such licenses shall be made in writ- ing to the Mayor and License Committee for the time being, and no such application shall be icccived but from the dofia fide owner of the horse or horses, carriages and harness to be used, and unless the applicant shall be recommended by at least three resi)ectable householders, and shall execute a bond to the Town with two sufficient sureties, in the sum of one hundred dollars for the faithful performance of his or their duty, and for the safe conveyance of property placed in his or their charge. 6. * The fee for such license shall be the sum of Two Dol- lars and fifty cents to keep and drive for hire, as aforesaid, one horse, Five Dollars for two horses, and for each additional horse over and above two, one dollar, such fees to be paid at the time of taking out the license. 7. * The carriages employed, the horses, with their fitting-up and harness, shall be such as the Mayor and License Committee approve, and shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Mayor and Committee, and the Committee may suspend or revoke the license of any person who shall keep in use any driver, carriage or horse objected to by the Committee, or de- cline to obey their order in respect to the carriages, harness, fittings or conditions of any such carriage. 8. * Every hackney carriage, when driven or used in the night time within the Town, shall have fixed upon some con- spicuous part of the outside thereof two lighted lamps, with plain glass fronts and sides, with the number of the license of such carriage conspicuous thereon, under penalty upon the owner of not less than one dollar or more than two dollars for each omis- sion or breach of this rule. 9. * Licenses shall continue in force for no longer than one year, and shall expire on the first day of March in each year, ce, for the I hackney Town, un- ined from "rom place }rvision of iduct. ;d or fixed d number, a book to de in writ- ime being, 3 bona fide be used, least three 1 the Town red dollars or the safe Two Dol- )resaid, one ional horse It the time ir fitting-up Committee ipproval of suspend or in use any ittee, or de- es, harness, used in the I some con- 5, with plain ;nse of such :ie owner of • each omis- er than one n each year, but r IVIayc [)rop( empl ':,uiagi iicccs i( who Towi costs, a ten 1 1 for th of th( with, bye-it thcrec M'.CTIO I. for th^ thin^rj; unless Five ] receiv tion, : .^•l■antc such 1 cnsuin shall : I'j't^ht; Forty ity aiK to trar ordina Clerk. 3- or sue force. 4- BYE-LAWS AND ORDINANCES. but may be renewed on pa)'mcnt of the license fee. And the Mayor and Committee of License ma)-, at any time the)- think [)ropcr, suspend or revoke any such h'cense, whether for ne^di- j^ence or misbehavior of tlie person in charj^^e in refusinj^r to bi- employed, or in drivin- hi> stand or cease to truck for the space of one month, he shall b.- considered as havin.Lj rcsi;j[ncd his staml, and shall not be entitled thereto unless |)re\ented b)- sickness or other unavoidable acci- dent, but ma)' ;ipi)l\' for and obtain a neu stand. I j;. ?\'o truckman shall leave his horse and cart, truck or sled without a ilrixer, or shall feeel his horse except from a nose-ba<4' in an\' one of the i)ublic streets or lam-s of this Town. 14. \o truckman, whose license shall ha\e been taken awa\ or suspended, shall drive an)- cart, truck or sled within the Town for hire without obtaining permission or a new license therefor. 15. I^\ery licensed truckman shall have affixetl to the har- ness used for the j)urpose of tlrawini; his sled or sleij^h at least four <,rood open bells or six round bells, such as are continually used on sleii^dis. 16. lC\er)- truckman, in drivin;^ his cart or sled, shall leave the centre of the street on his rii^ht hand side. 17. When the dri\er of an)- cart, truck or sled attempts t;> pass another cart, truck or sled, or an)' carriage ha\in^ its head in the same direction, such driver shall take care to pass on the rii^dit hand side of such cart, truck or sled or carria;^e which he is about to pass. 18. Whenever any cart, truck or sled shall at an)- time stop, whether loading or unloadin;^^, on aii)- of the Town streets, the same shall not be placed nearer to the centre of the street than ci'ditcen inches. 19. In rcmovinf^ the furniture of a house, the rate shall be settled by aj^rccmcnt of the parties; if not so settled, fift)- cents per load per half-mile shall be chari;ed and paid. 20. If any licensed truckman shall ask, demand or recei\-e from any person any ^n'eater rates or fares than is allowed and prescribed, or may hereafter be allowed or prescribed, he shall forfeit his license and pa)- the sum of not less than one dollar or more than five dollars. 21. The licensed truckman or dri\'er in char^^e of his trucks, cart or sled, shall be bound to load and unload, and to assist on all occasions when employed, as far as such truckman or driver is capable. 22. E\'cr)- licensed truckman shall be furnish.ed b)- the 6o RVr-I.AWS AM) OKDINANCKS. Clerk of License with c()j)ie.s of this onhnance and with cards containing' tlie rates and table of distances, to be made out and fixed by the Mayor and Council, and the jjcrsons in charge ot any licensed truck, cart or sjeil shall be bound, on re(|uest f)f an\- person employing the same, to produce and exhibit to him sucli card of rates, distances and loads, under the penalt)' of fifty cents for such refusal, and such refusal shall justif)- the empIo\- crs in withholding' pa)-ment until properl)' satisfied as to the rate charL,'ed. 23. The Clerk of License shall make out and issue all licenses for truckmen, and the bonds connected therewith. 24. All fines and penalties under this ordinance may be re- covered in the Police Court in the name of the Town. 25. The Committee of License shall, from time to time, fix and rej,adate the amount that shall be considered a full and regular h^ad, under this ordinance, for a horse and cart, truck or sled, and shall post the same in the office of the Town Clerk. No. XVI I L COM M K R C L\ L T R A V K L L K R S. Sl-CTION. 1. Xo commercial traveller or agent, who is not a rate- payer in this 'J'own, shall sell or offer for sale within the saitl Town any kind or description of goods, wares and merchandize, lither by sample or otherwise, without first obtaining a license from the Town for the purpose, such license to be signed by the Mayor, and in his absence by the acting ALiyor, and for the granting of such license the applicant shall pay to the Town of Truro the sum of ten dollars, to be paid to the Town Treasurer, to become part of the revenues of the Town. This ordinance shall not apjily to any pcrs(jn resident in this Province, bringing produce, provisions, fuel and supplies, nor to any person bring- ing fuel or agricultural produce to the Town. 2. Any person violating this ordinance .shall be subject to ;ind pay a fine of not less than five or more than ten dollars, in addition to the license fee, for each offence, to be prosecuted for b)' an)' party who may inform in the name of the Town of Truro, and on conviction and non-payment of fine, imprisoned for not more than twenty days in the County Jail ; such offence to be tried before the Recorder or one or more of the Town (.-ouncil. th cards out atul harL,a' ot" St of any liiTi such • of fifty cmploy- s to the issue all th. ay be re- time. fix full ; uid truck or Clerk )t a rate- I the said ixhandize, a license ed by the d for the ; Town of Treasurer, ordinance •, bringin*:: son bring- subjcct to dollars, in ecuted for ; Town of mprisoned ich offence the Town m;cti I whic! offcn uithi liccii: or su the c licen: conti (Icmr liccn; conti by th 2 of el set u other hibiti obtai obtai feit a sixt}' impri in^r tl 3- shall scribe (lollai Coun hfteei 4- hibiti mora ^KCTIC I. the C the fi HYK-I,A\VS AM) DRI )I N AN( KS. 6i No. XIX. KXHIHITIOXS. Skction. 1. No theatrical exhibition, pubh'c sliow or exhibition, to which admission is obtained by tlic payment of money, shall be offered to view, set up, maintained, carried on, or published, within the Town, without a license first had therefor, which license shall be f^ranted by the Maj-or on the payment of a fee or sum of not less than two dollars nor more than thirty dollars, the amcjunt to be fixed by the Mayor and expressed in saiil license. ICvcry license shall express the number of da)-s it is to continue in force, and an additional sum of one ilollar shall be demanded for ever)- day beyond the number stated in the license such theatrical exhibition, public show or ex'.iibition is continued ; such license inav be renewed on terms to be fixed by the Mayor. 2. All such exhibitions shall be closed at niLfht bv the hour (^f eleven o'clock. Any person who shall offer to view, or shall set up, set on foot, maintain or carry on, or shall publish or otherwise assist in any theatrical exhibition, public show or ex- hibitions of whatever name or nature, to which admission is obtained on payment of inoney, without a license previously obtained from the Mayor, agreeable to this ordinance, shall for- feit and pay to the Town for every offence a fine not exceeding sixt)' dollars, and in default of payment shall be liable to be imprisoned in the County Jail or lock-up for a term not exceed- ing thirty days. 3. y\ny person having charge of such an exhibition, who shall keep the same open at night beyond the hour herein pre- scribed, shall forfeit his license and pay a fine not exceeding ten dollars, and in default of payment shall be imprisoned in the County Jail or lock-up of the Town for a period not exceeding fifteen days. 4. The Mayor may withdraw the license and order the ex- hibition to be at once closed if it appears to him that it is im- moral, profane or indecent. No. XX. ANNUAL MKKTING. Section. 1. The annual inceting shall, unless otherwise ordered by the Council, be held in the Court House on the Tuesday before the first Tuesday of May, at the hour of three in the afternoon, i« 6: r.VL:-I.A\VS AND ORDIXAN'CKS. of which mcctinj^ five days' notice shall be given b)' bills posted in three ccjnspicuous places in each Ward. 2. Whenever at such meetini^ it is contemplated to recom- mend any sum required to meet any extraordinary service or improvement, the Mayor or Chairman shall, at the commence- ment of the meeting, announce the hour when the vote shall be taken ; and on the arrival of the hour other business shall he suspended and the voting proceeded with, after which tlie sus- pended business may be proceeded with, or new business en- tered on, provided that no business shall be transacted at such meeting except such as is provided in the forty-fourth section of the Act incorporating the Town of Truro. 3. The Town Clerk shall provide a separate sheet for any service or improvement rccomincndcd b}' the Council, the head- ing of which shall designate the service or improvement recom- mended ; said sheet shall contain three columns, in one of which shall be printed or written in alphabetical order of the surnames the name of cver\' rate-payer of the Town entitled to vote at such meeting, and the others shall be headed resjiectiveh' "Aye" and "Nay," and maj' be in the form in Appendix A, Schedule A, hereto annexed. 4. The finding of the names of the rate payers on the same sheet, or the production of his receipt for the taxes of the pre- ceding year, shall determine the right of any person to vote at such meeting. 5. In taking the \ote the Town Clerk shall call out the name of the rate-paj-ers on his list, when such rate-payer, if present, sliall give his vote "Aye" or "Nay," and the Town Clerk shall immediately record the same under the respective column according to the vote given. 6. An}- rate-paj'er whose name shall have been omitted from the list shall be entitled to iia\e his name entered on the list and to vote in like manner, on production of his tax-receipt for the ])reccding \'ear. 7. If more than one ser\'ice or imi)rovement shall be f-ecom- mended b)' the Council, the rate-pa\'ers shall vote on each sepa- rately, but at one and the same time. The lists after every meeting shall be endorsed and carefully filed awaj' to serve as records. No. XXI. TO SUIT'LV VACANCIES. SKtTIO.N. I. Upon an}' vacanc}- occurring within the }-ear of the office of Mayor or Councillor, the Ma}-or, or if it be a vacanc}- in the s nos stcd ) rccom- ^rvicc or inmcncc- shall be ; shall be the sus- incss en- i at sucli icction of :t for any :lie hcad- it rccom- of which surnames vote at ;ly "Aye" Schedule the same f the prc- :o vote at 11 out the >payer, if ;he Town respective n omitted cd on the ax-reccipt be I'ecom- cach sepa- ry meetini;' records. )f the office mcy in the ( )fficc to be ])cr.so 2 noini ortlin of Ti .•)■ the o the V 4- clectc make liis (.i< ill's di lion c clccti afcirc D- /'owi the 7 of tic withi lars t cillor \ice ; sucli 6. in \vi ;■ })oun shall sliall 8, the '] unlcs (jbtai of tw Icct \ Toui of tl office i;\K-I,A\VS AN'h OkDINAXCKS. ^i office of M;i)-or, the J'rcsidiiv^^ Councillor shall declare the office to be vacant, and the voters shall thereupon elect a ciualified jjcrson to fill the vacant office. 2. The election for a \-acanc)- shall be conducted as to noniinati(Mis, and in all other resjjccts in the same manner as ordinary elections under the Act of Incorpcjration of the Town of Truro, (i)i(/ <^f any act or dc/s amfiiduii:; the saiiir. \. The Ma\'or or Presidin'^ Councillor shall, on declarinu' the office \'acant, declare the (la\' on which the election to fill the \-acancy shall be held. 4. If at an\' election of Councillor any person shall be elected for more than one Ward, he shall, w itliin one week after, make his election fi)r which Ward he will sit, and commum'cate his decision to the Mayor or Presiding;' ( )fi"icer, and in default f)f his doini^ so, the Ma\-or or Presidini;- Officer shall make the elec- tion and declare the other Ward or Wards \acant, and another election shall be had in the \-acant Ward or Wards in manner aforesaid. 5. The Mayor of tlw loicii may rcsii^ii office by i^i>'iii^i^ a montlis i\.'rittt'ii notice of such res {i^ nation, to be filed i^'it/i the foxo)! Clerk, on payment of a fine of I-'orty Dollars for the use of the Town. The payment of said fine may be excused by the vote of tico-thirds of the Council. .V Councillor may resij.ni office, if, within one year from liis election, by the payment of forty dol- lars to the Town, or at anv time bv a vote of four of tlie Coun- cillors concurrinij^ in such resiy;nation ; after twelve months' ser- \'ice any Councillor ma}' resij^m on y'ivin<^ two months' notice of such beinj^ his intention to the Mayor or Presidin^" Councillor. 6. All resi^mations and notices under this b)-e-law shall be in writint^ and sit^med. 7. Any Mayor or Councillor, bankrupt, insolvent or com- poundin^r with his creditors by a jj^eneral deed of assii^ninient, shall become di.squalified, and the Mayor or Presidinj^f Officer shall thereupon declare the office vacant. (S. Any Mayor or Councillor who shall absent himself from the Town, or shall neglect his duty for the space of two months, unless in case of serious illness incapacitating^ him, or by leave (jbtained by vote of the Council, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each month he shall be so absent or nc^- lect his duty, to the use of the Town, to be recovered in the Town Court. 9. * The Ma}-or or any Councillor removing from the liinits of the Town and permanently becoming a non-resident, the office held b)' him shall become \acated, and the Mayor or 64 r.VE-I.AWS AM) ORDINANC'F.S. PrcsidiniT Officer shall thereupon declare the office vacant. Thi> section not to refer to any Mayor or Councillor taking office be- fore the passing of this b}'e-la\v. No. XXII. 0I< WATKR WORKS. Section. 1. That the Water Department of the Town of Truro shall be under the direction of the W^ater Works Committee of the Town Council, and all paid officers employed in the working and management of the Water Works of the said Town of Truro shall be under the direction of the said Committee ; Pro- vided always that all matters involving an expenditure of mone\- shall require to be submitted to the Council for ratification and approval ; and that under no circumstances shall the expendi- ture of the Water Works Committee exceed the amount granted or appropriated by the Council for their use, except in cases of urgent or immediate necessity; that the officers now engaged in the working and management of the W^ater Works are hcreb\ confirmed in their appointment for all purposes of the bye-law , 2. That the rates and charges enumerated in Schedule A, annexed to this bye-law, shall be imposed and levied annuall\- for water supplied to persons in said Town of Truro from the Water Works of the said Corporation. 3. That said rates and charges shall be due and payable at the office of the Town Clerk, Truro, in two equal instalments, on the first days of January and July in each year. 4. That said rates and charges shall be levied and assessed upon the houses, stores, buildings or parts of buildings supplied with water by said Corporation, and shall be chargeable against the owner and also the occupier of said building or buildings, cither of whom, in default of payment when due, may be sued by the Corporation therefor, or the same may be collected b\' warrant of distraint, as provided for the collection of any other rates, assessed and levied by the Town Council of said Corpo- ration. 5. That, if said rates and charges are not paid within thirty days from the time the same shall be due and payable, the said Water Works Committee of said Town may .shut off the supply of water from any premises upon which the said rates shall not have been paid, as aforesaid, until the .said rates and charges, and any costs connected therewith, are fully paid, and al.so a fine of one dollar for turning off and on the water. t. This ficc bc- iro shall ; of the workini; rown of :e ; Pro- f monc\- tion and ixpcndi- : granted cases of gaged in 2 hereb\ byc-Uu\ . .edule A, annual!)- from the ayablc at talments, assessed supplied ie against buildings. r be sued llected by any other d Corpo- Lid within I payable, y shut off 1 the said said rates fully paid. e water. r.VF.-I.AWS AND OUDINAXCKS. r.5 6. That the expense of introdiicint^ the wati-r into all ])rcini.se.s must be borne b)- the owners or occupants thcri'iif, and the premises of an)" person ailjacent to an\- street throu;^h which the water-pipes are laid iTiay be supphed with water b)' apphca- tion to the Chairman of the Water Works Committee. All the connections thereto shall be made onl)- b\' a plumber dul}' au- thorized by the Committee. All such connections must be made in conformit)- witii the rej^ulations of this Ijye-law. In case of the violation of this pro\'ision, the Committee ma\', at its pleasure, withhold the sujjply of watc;r from the premises. 7. That, before receiving;' a permit to connect the service or suppl\'-pii)e with the iron i)ii)es, there must be paid such sum as the Water Works Committee ma\' recpiire to cover the expense of the ser\ice-cock, and none will be insertetl but by persons emjjloyed by the Committee for that purpose. 8. That no connections shall be made between the Hrst day of November and the first day of May next ensuing,;, unle^^s recommended by the eni^ineer in chari^c of the works and ap- l)roved by the Committee. 9. That all plumbers' work, in an)- house, store, office, build- in'^ or i)art of buildinj^', must be done in a workman-like man- ner, with _i;"ood materials, sufficienti)' stronj.; to resist the pressure of the water ; such work and materials to be api)roved by the Committee or its dulv authorized agents or officers ; and should any sucii work or materials be not a])proved as aforesaitl, it ma)' and shall be lawful for the Committee to turn off, or refuse to turn f)n, the supj)ly of water. 10. That, in all cases, the ser\ice-pipc between the distri- buting'-pijics in the streets and the st()j)-cock must be lead pii)e, or a composition of lead or tin, or such other pipe as the Com- mittee may approve and consider fully ccjual in strenL;tii to the lead pipe hereafter described. All lead pipe so used shall be what is called " stronL,^ P'pe," and of the follcnviiiL;- standard weij^ht : — Lead iiipc, ^7 incli \>ovc, 5 ll)s. |U'r lineal ynnl. Lead " L • ipe, v,s iiicli linre, 7 lbs. S (iz. per linral van ilicll 1)()1V, 9 \\)>. 12 oz. per lineal yari Lead l)ipe, I iiuh bore, 12 lbs. 14 o/. per lineal yard. All stop or Inxlrant faucets connected therewith shall be })er- fcct, and made of good materials ; and all such service-pipe must be laid at least four feet below the surface of the earth. n. That all connections made with these works shall be pro\'ided with good and sufficient stop-cocks therein, which shall be protected by a box leading from tlie same to the surface of V ^^ TA'K-I.AWS AM) OKDrXAXCKs'. llic earth, and covxtccI with n cast-iron cover, with the letters " Water" thereon, anil he so e\jK)setl as to be easily foiiiul ; anti the same shall be placet! oiitsiile the lot, within one foot of the line of the same, or close to the outside of the sidewalk and level with it. 12. That, in all cases, where one connection is intended to sui)i)ly more than one tenement, shop, stf>re, or buildinL^, it shall he the duty of the person makini,' such coiuiection, (jr causin;^ the same to be made, to lay down a branch, with stop-cock for eacli, outside the line of the i)remises so to be supplied, to be covered and marked as provided by the prccedinj^r section. 13. That, if the connection of branch-pipe, stop or h)-drant- ct)ck lhrouj4h which the i)remises of any person are supplied u ith water, shall be out of repair in any manner, it shall be the duty of such person to have tlie same repaired. 14. That, in rcmovin;j^ pavements, sidewalks, and opening; tienches for insertin<,' stops or plut^s, la)-in^r .service-i)ipe, and makin[( repairs and extensions, the iiiaterials must be removed and replaced in a workman-like manner, depositinj^^ the exca- \'ated materials in such maiuicr on the streets, alleys or side- walks, so as to obstruct them as little as possible, and admit of its beini^ rej^laced in the same [)osition in which it was found, as nearly as pract'^able ; and such work shall be done and com- pleted with all possible dispatch ; no trench or hole in any street, alley, sidewalks or public place, shall, on any account, be left un- j^Hiarded. The drillini^ of distributing-pipes, the insertion of connections, and manipulating; the stop-gates, shall, in all cases, be done by the persons in the employment of the Committee, I 5. That no proprietor, tenant, or occupant of any office, building or part of building, be allowed to supply water to other persons or families without the consent of the Committee. 16. That no addition or alteration whatever, in or about any tap or water-cock, shall be made by any person without per- mission of the said Committee. 17. That no person shall use a hose or jet to wash carriages or horses, or water gardens or streets, unless the .«amc be ap- proved by the Committee or its officers. 18. That no person, except firemen for fire purposes, shall at any time let off or use any water from any public hydrant without the special permission of the said Committee or its officers. 19. No person shall open any fire-hydrant, except as in Sec- tion 18, or remove or obstruct the stop-cock cover, private stop- cock ; place or deposit any dirt or any materials in such stop- letters il ; .'ukI of the ilk niu\ lulcd to it shall causin<4 cock for :cl, to be »n. lydrant- supplit-'d 1 be the openin^^ )ipe, and reino\ed he cxca- or side- admit of found, as and com- my street, ic left un- sertion of all cases, imittec. my office, ;r to other ttee. about any thout per- il carriages me be ap- 30SCS, shall jc hydrant ttee or its t as in Sec- nvate stop- such stop- cocls any Ill.'UII tmx'H -> fiicnt and i for t watc w ithi ])r()tc liablt 3, waste whici 2 office of th shall here I Con pro bat of w sha thcii with tor, floor nal pipe the and as t( no h lod<, trail v.m:-i.a\vn and ()10»in wrr.s. coclx br)xcs, or turn ain- |)ri\'ate or public stop-Cfn'k. or cotninit aii\' act trndiiii' to oh-ilruct the use tlu:rci>f. or iiiiiire in ativ inamuM ans- building, machincr\'. pipe or ai)j)aratiis, looK or fix- tures of the Water Works of said 'J'-, water-closets and ajjparatu-^ for the snpply of water in the houses, stores, etc., where ihi' water shall have been intriKluced. Ji. That all persons tak in;.; water shall keep the service-pipes w ithin tlu'ir premises, including; any area bcMieatli tlie sidewalk protected from frost, at their own expense, ami the)- will be helil liable for all damage wln'ch ina\' result from their fiilure to do so. 22. That all i)i'rson^ takin;,M\ater sh.all pre\ent unnecessar)' waste, and there shall be no concealment of the i)uri)ose for which it is used. 23. That water sliall he introduced into houses, stores, offices, buildin^^s (,\- p.irts of buildinj^^s, only upon the si}.,mature of the proprietors or occupants, or dul)' authorized agents, who shall si'^n an application for that purpose accordin^i,^ to form H liereunto annexed, at the office of the Town Clerk. 24. That notice in writinj.,^ be ^ivcn to the Water-works Committee, and that their consent be first obtained before any proprietor or occu[)ant desirinj; to use tlie water supplied f)r an\' bath, water-closet, or other use, recpiirint,^ an additional su[)pl)" of water, be allowed such acklitional sui)])!)-. 25. Where an}- pipe passes throui;h an external w.ill, it shall be encased in a suitable wooden box. 26. All pij)es under basement floors to be laid thnnij^hout their whole extent in a perfectly tit^ht wootlen box, to be stuffed with wool, sawdust, or dry ashes, or as directed by the Inspec- tor, the top of the box to be casil)- removable, as well as the floor immediately above the pipe. 27. No pii:)e to be laid or continued in use alon^q- an exter- nal wall without bein^L,^ suitably encased, and in no case shall an)' i)ipe be laid near any outer draft or door. 2r families, by special aj^rccment with the Water Works C oiniiiissKiners, nni to exceed ten dollars. Kxtra rales for taverns. sho jis, saloons, manufactories, horses, cows, steam ei gines, iNcc., by agreement with Commissioners, not to exceed, for the first year, rates charged in the City of Ilalifiax. SCHEDULE B. (Fortu of Application.) '1' R U R O \y A I i; K W O R K S. To TiiK C'oKrnRAiioN or tiik Town ok Tki uo: — The undersigned hereby makes application for the introduction of the water into the premises situated and described as follows, in conformity to the established rules and regulations of the Corporation of tiie Town of Truro, and do agree to abide l)y tire said rules ; and herei>y certify that the following is a true descrip- tion of the premises to be supplied : — Ward. Street. Kiml of liiilUiin^. No. of Stories Water Closets. I) .u J^ii' persons liaths. . A 1 in lamilv. No. of I horses Exinis not specified. , Proprietor or Occupant. Truro, 18 'inc,^ any the Cor- ovisions Mayor, ind i)a\-, Dr Couii- i, cxclu- md may ouncillor Icvy the s of the satisfy 1 for the zt'uv^, as jl of the a period De sooner ssioncrs, not s, steam cn- a yjar, rales of tlie water le estaUlished 1 do a^ree to i true dcscrip- Occupant. \^ RU krii ! Tuc thrc it is siial his CI( a stl andl arc a c( shal sex-' slial caul on a sj an^ Vnt tiirl hi> suil till C( N^ PART III. MISCELLANEOUS RULES. ARTICLIC I. RULES FOR GOVKRXMKXT )V SUITORS IN Till-. TOvVX CC)URT, TRURO. Re IK 1. Writs shall f)iil)' be made returnable on some one of the Tuesda\'s of each month. 2. Writs are not to be issued out of the Court, later than three o'clock on the I\Ionda\\\eek precedini'" the Tuesday in •. hicii it is intended to try the cause; any writs issued after that time, shall be made returnable to the next succeedin,i;" Tuesday. 3. That e\'ery Phu'ntiff, when he attends or applies to issue his writ, and before the same is issued, shall deliver to the Town Clerk one copy of his account, or particulars of his demand, or a statement of his cause of action, on which the writ shall issue and the cause be tried, witii as many copies of the same as there are defendants to be served with copies of the writ, in order that a copy of such particulars, or st.'itement of the cause of action shall be attached to e\-ery cop)' of the writ to be served on the several defendants. 4. That the copy of every writ served on any defendant, shall contain the jxirticulars of demand, or statement of the cause for which the action is broui^dit, and shall 'lavc endorsed on i; a notice re(iuirinc,^ the defendant to file with the Town Clerk, a statement of the s^rounds of his defence, and his particulars of any set off he may have to the Plaintiff's claim, on or before the Frida)' before the meetinc^ of the Court on wiiich the writ is re- turnable, and ill default thereof, the Plaintiff shall on proof of his claim, si<^n final judi^ment for any sum not exceedinL,^ the sum claimed in his particulars of demand, witii costs, on the re- turn ('ay of the writ. 5. Tiiat in order that Plaintiff may know the defences which defendants intend to set uj) to actions brouj^dit in the Town Court, each defendant shall file, on or before tlie Friday before r. i\ 11 ^1 ro Rri.Ks OF TOW'S rorRT. the term of trial, with tlie Town Clerk, a statement showinc^ the _^rounds of defence, or any particulars of set off to the Plaintiff's claim, antl if this rule be not comj)licd with b\- a defendant, he shall lose the benefit of his defence or set off, unless reasonable cause be shown to the Court b\' affida\'it for the ncLdect. 6. On writs which shall hereafter be ,'d out of the T writs wnicn snail nereatter dc issued out oi tiie i own Court, which ha\e the particulars of the Plaintiff's demand at- tached thereto, and wiiich have been duly served on the Defend- ants where defences have not been filed bv, or on behalf of the defendants, each plaintiff on the day when the wit is returnable may mark default, and upon proof of his claim, judi^ment will be entered aijainst the defendant for the amount of the particu- lars attached to tiic writ. 7. That the ci\'il docket of causes for trial in the Town Court, shall be called onl)' once in each term, and in causes whc'e k, to be any niat- ;cc to be his beat, :, arc sell- c-la\vs of any nuis- ' obstruc- legiect or 11 enter a hcs in sf nor I forir the- shall nccc pui-p (»f c; any fu'c, I niitt( \\!t!l his 1( liis n I nuisa and 1 byc-1 marl- ant! and prcsd 1 disci ordcl I'uli be I Coni on cl lien be )USj k no Jon mal I'l ii K'l; \<\'\ I 7^ S. Tin- I'oliciMnim shall iiui loiter on his heat, imr shall he speak to. or eiv^a^^e in an\' coiivcisatioti uiih aii>' oik-, except in so far as it may he necessar)' in the perforniani.e of his cliil\. nor shall he eiilc-r aii\' shop, tavern or hoii>e, except in tlu' per- formance of his duly or when ordered to do so 1)\- tlie Mavor, the police Committee, a Councillor or the Kecorder. And he shall remain in such Tavern or house no lotvjer than isaljsohitiK necessary for the Di'rformance of his dutw (J. The Policeman when ohlij^ed to Iea\c hi^ heat for any purpose, such as coinevin;^ a prisoni-r to the jail, the impounding; of cattle found at lar^e. to put down any disturhaiuH; or riot, in any other |)art of his beat, or in conse(|uence of any alarm of fire, or in obecUcnce to an\- older of the Nlaxoi', the I'olice Com- mittee or Councillor, or the Recorder, shall return to his heat with all (lisp itch, and shall enter in the I'olice hook, the cause of his leaving; his heat, ami the time when he left it, and the time of his return to it. 10. The I'oliccman shall impound all cows, horses, i^oats, j>i;4S or Ljeese _L;()in.L'; at lar^e, shall re])ort all disorderlv houses, nuisances in the Streets or j'ards, breaches of the License law and the b)'c-laws of tlie Town, violations of the regulations and b)'e-laws mach; for Truckmen, all trucks, sletis and carts not marked as recpn'red b)- the bye-laws, truckin;^' without License, and use any other means in tlieir p:)wer to enforce the b)-e-Iaw-- and ordinances now in force, for the !.;()vcrnment of, and for the preservation of the quiet and t^ood order of the municipalit\'. 11. The Police Committee may from time to time in thei.- discretion chanj^e the duties of the Policemen, and make such orders from time to time, as they deem necessarv, which th(^ Policemen shall be bound to carry out, and shall in all matters be under the orders and control of, and resj)onsible to the Police Committee. 12. Any Policeman ftjund i^^uilty of beini;" intoxicated when on ckitv shall be cUsmissed. 13. No violation of these rej^-ulations or any others, to be hereafter made, or of any orders of the Police Committee shall be passed over. 14. No policeman shall be permitted to enj,^a^;e in an_\- business, or any duty unconnected with his office. 15. When onl)' one policeman is employed he shall be known as the day policeman, antl shall perform duty under Rule 3, and shall also attend to the requirements of the other foreg-oin;^ Rules, until ten o'clock, p. m., or a.s much longer as may be necessary. 10 ,1 Ai'n:>;Dix a. I'OKMS, ( 'oliinin I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- .S. , Ip/^flhvit. A. H. C. I). (). H L. M iVc. ASSl'.SSMl'.XTS. SCni'DUI.K A. \;inifs of ta\;il)lc party. -N'aiiK' of ward aiul strfut in wliii li the real property Hes. I )cs( riptioii of real property, whether house, land, ivc. Quantity of land. .Annual value of eac h separate value. •Actual value of all the real |)ro|)ert\ of the jiarty assessed. ■'I'otal \alue of personal jirtjperly (jf [tarty assessed. Annual \alue of the same. SCHKDL'LK P,. Seif. J. K. N. O. (.Vc. SCHKDULE C. Matter coinplained of. Overcharge on land. Name omitted. Undercharge (m land. Undercharge on i)er- sonal i)roperty, (.\:c. .SiK,-'rake notice that you are re()Uested to attend the ('ourt of .\ppeal and revision on the day of in the matter of the following appeal : Ap])cllanl Subject. To , Town (Jlerk. SCHEDULE I). Truro, , i8 N'ou are hereby notified that you are rated and assessed for the current year i8..in the sum of dollars and cents for town, county and jjoor rates, and that unless the amount be paid at the otifice of the Town Clerk within thirty days from the date hereof, ten per cent, will be added thereto, besides all charges and costs of collect- ing, and a warrant of distress will be levied. To Town Treasurer. icrty lies. asscsscil .(1. 'dined of. \ laiul. 1. (Ml land. on pcr- rtv, i\:i". e Court of in ApiK'llanl Clerk. ....,i8 ^ed for the cents for paid at the hereof, ten s of coUect- rreasurer. ail su( C;] he sea of lie J ke thi; res till: be AITI-XDIX A.— FORMS. 75 SCHKDULKK. "Whereas is indebted to tln- Fowii of 'rniio in the sum of for rates for the year iS. . and lias failed to )jay the same, you arc hereby re(]uired immediately to distrain the goods and chattels of the said for the said sum, and ten ])er eent. additional and for the cost of collection, atid if need be to remove them to some place for safe-kee])inL: ; and if within days after distress made, the |)ro])erty so ..eiained is not redeem cd by payment of the said sun., with the ten percent, thereon, besid^.^ the cost of collection, and any necessary adilitional charnes be not paid, you shall sell the goods and chattels so distrained upon to satisfy tiie same. Truro, , i f the Town, made or to be made, pursuant thereto, and having pai'^ to the 'I'own I'reasury the I>icense tluty. (iiven under the hand of the Mayor and Town Clerk this day of in the year of our Lora One Thousand Eight Hundred and License duty paid this Town Clerk $ Mayor. TRUCKMEN'S LICENSE. (form of licenses.) Office of Clerk of License, Town of Truro, , i8 . . License is hereby granted to to drive a cart, truck or sled, (number as per margin) and to keep horses for trucking, for hire in this town of Truro until the first day of March 1 8 he complying with the Laws of the Province, bye-laws of the Town and regulations of the Council and Committee of Licenses m^de or to be made, and having paid to the Town Treasury the License duty, said to occupy stands. , , Clerk of License. . . , Mayor. , Councillor. .i8.. the busi- the date e 'I'own, 10 Town nd Eii^hl Mayor. ..,i8.. rive a cart, horses for of March aws of the mses made cense duty, , Mayor. Councillor. 'IVun arc } the ]) in tli( paid, two o of US, St the yt Tl the lai guidat vey an Tor th.i owner.' the abi truly n adjudg any of good g wise tc Signt AI'PKNDIX A,— FORMS. // FORM 01' TRUCK MKX'S I'.OND. Know all men by these i)resents that we of the Town of Truro, of the s.iiiie place and tif the same phiee are held, and firmly bound unto the Town of Truro the said in the penal sum of eighty dollars and the said and in the sum of forty dollars each, for w'nich payment well and truly to be paid, we jointly and severally bind oursehes and each of us, and any two of us, and the heirs, executors, and administrators of us, and each of us, firmly by these presenis. Sealed with our seals, dated the dav of the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and m The condition of this obligation is such that if ilie above bounden shall well and truly abide by, observe, perform, and keep the laws, bye-laws, and ordinances which are or may be in force for the guidance and government of truckmen, and shall carefully receive, con- vey and deliver as recjuired, al! such articles as he may take in charge for that purpose, so that no injury come to the same or damage to the owners thereof, by or through his neglect or misconduct, and also if the above bounden . and shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, all such fines and penalties as may be adjudged against the said t'or the violation of any of the said laws, bye-laws or ordinances made for the guidance and good government of truckmen, then this obligation to be void, other- wise to remain in full force and virtue. L. S Signed, sealed and delivered )^ L. S. in presence of j L. S. APPENDIX B. Jucl^nneiit of Count)- Court Jud^'.^c, His Honor Gcori^c A. Hlanch.inl, in C'crlioniri Liquor Suits, delivered at Truro, I'^ebru- ar\- Term \^pj. [ KI). S. I!I.AX('H.\R!), Clerk ..f I.iconse, CAL'SK ' 7>-. /jKRKMIAIl .ML'RI'^^■. I'liU action Will lii(iiij.'!it in tlio Tow^ Court of Tniio to ivco\cr a penalty fortlir a!lL'y;ccl sale l)y the l)efenilant of intoxicating liquors contrary to law. Ht'fore trial :i ivr/iorar/ was j^ranted therein hv ( ;e()rj;e Keadin;^ l"sq., a roninii>- .■^ioner of the Comity Court, upon affidavit made hy the defendani, by which the pro- ceedinLjs were removed into this Court. A rule ii/'s/ was granted by nie for settinj; aside the {,rtiiirari ujion the several grounds set forth in said rule of which there were a gicat number but most of them of a formal character. There were two other siniiliar causes brought by the same plaintiff in the '1'own Court against Charle> .Sell roeder and Alexander Carter res])ectively, removed before judgment \i\- ccrtioran into this Court in which similar rules were ol)tained. I'poii my suggestion the |)resent was argued as a test case, as the same ]irinciples are involved in all, and the decision ill this will appl)' to the others alst). 'i'he seventh ground mentioned in the rule y//.f/ for setting aside the iir/iorari, i- that the said writ was without sufficient cause allowed and was improvidently issued. 'I'his will cover the whole ground intended to be discussed by me at present, as 1 think it unnecessary to deal with any of the foriiial and teclmical objections raised, the most of which I consider of little value. The main question is, under the aftlda- vits now before me, had the defendant sufficient reasons or grounds forsueing out hi^ irrtiorari nr\i.\ such as WDuld commend themselves to the sound discretion of the court to sustain it ? These grounds as >et forth in Defendant's affidavit so far as they have any bear- ing on the case are sultslantially as follows : 1 gro\i|) and e])itomise them and do not give them in the order in which they ap- pear in tlie nftidavii. isl. The writ in the Court l)eIow is not conformable to the requirements of tiie .Statute, "Of Licences for the sale of intoxicating liquors" ch. 75 Rev. Stat. (4th series) and amendment thereof CI1. I (acts of 1876), anil has not the seal and signa- ture of any magistrate thereto. 2nd. The Clerk of Licence, who is plaintiff in the suit, and the Town Clerk, who issued the writ, are one and the same person. 3rd. 'I"he alleged interest and presumed bias of (jeorge Campbell, Esq., the .Stipendiary NLagistrate, wlio presides in the 'I'own Court, from the relation which lie bears to the incor))orated body that appointed him, and the source from which hi< salary is ]iaid, which Incorporated body the Defendant alleges to be the real plaintifl. represented by their agent the Clerk of the Licenses and the Plaintiff herein. 4th. That the said Stipemliary Magistrate liad ex])ressed an opinion that the defendani would be compelled to testify against himself and con\ict himself, if suli- lio'aed and pro luced at the trial; and that he, the said magistrate, would not allow him law ful protection against criminating himself, asserting that such protection does not exist. rs^c A. Fcbru- ally for tin- a coiiiini>- ch the pv"- f,,i- sottiiiL; I there Nveve two olhei nst t'h;\ilc~ )y ci-rtiorari 1 llu- Jl IV so III llic decision ■ii-tioran, \- enlly issued . iifsent, as 1 lions raised, L-r the affida- Lieini; out lii> 1 of the couri .ve any I'ear- hich they ai'- ements of the ■ v. Stat. (41I' jal and signa- Tovvn Clerk. ell, E>^q- ^'^'-' ition which he ■oni which hi~ ,e real plaintiff, herein. Miiion that the liimself, if suh- ould not allow protection does oaus .iirui (diiik i|llc>l natio I iifse fullv (Act 'l'nii( Mfaii: '1(111 () case, ' ■■///,■. ••",■ J "t.\L'r I' (]., tlic altcriKv <>( ili-fcndaiil, in an .iiri(la\it iikkIl' liy luiii. stall's tliat on a|)|ilyiiij,' lor the writ n( ,, r//(>/iir/ Ur Imni};!!! tn ihe notice y < h. 40 (.\ct of if Truro in which the cause of action does not e.vceed ei},dity dollars, \c. vVr. 2nd. 'I"o try in a >iiinmary way without a Jury Action^ r.x ii,/itto in the nature of Ke|)le\in, lrcs;:ass to land or bnihlin^'s or other real estate, in which tlv title or right of jiosscsiiion is not the object of controversy, provided the cause of >uch Ac- tion ori!,'inated within the limits of the Toun, ainl the (lama.;t's claimed n any ■-iich case, do not exceed si\ty dollars. Jrd. " .Such Court shall have and ik)>>c^s all the pouer^ in (i'tH iiiait. )■< -,,'ilhin " the Mimiii/'alily, conferre conviction is in the nature of a Judgment to be followed by an execution, as in a civil suit. 'l"he ajipeal is to be granted in the same manner as in case of summary trials before Justices ol the I'eace. In different jiarts of tlie Chapter also, the Con- viction itself is designated a Judgment. The whole process is civil in its character, issued and carried on before Justices of the Peace as a civil Court, the penalty being regarded as a debt to be recovered by the person who sues therefor. It is, in fact, in the nature of an ordinary i/iii taiii Action which is ])urely a civil i)rocess used for the recovery of penalties. Now if the Municl[)al Court of the Town of i'ruro possesses all the powers in civil matter.-, within the .Municipality, which one or more Justices of the Peace pos- sessed under any .\ct of the Province, as it cU'arly does, and if the suits for the recovery of Penalties under Ch. 75, Kev. Stat., are civil >uils ]irosecuted befj)ulal)le, does it not follow conclusively that the Municipal Court within the 'J'own of Truro has Jurisdiction to try these suits and to issue the necessary pr'x:ess therein ? 8o DECISION IN l.K.XOR SUITS. 'I'lii- (nuslliiii of jurisdictidii ii ImwcvcT scttli-'il in anntlKT way. Hy Sec. IJ, ("li. 49, (Art?, of I.S76) tile liye-hiws ami onliiimices of tlir Town of 'I'luio, a])i)r<)Vc(l liy tlic Clovcmor in Counoil on the jnl day of Aiif,'iist, 1875, except so far as the same are aih'.'niled hy this Act, are coiifiinied as tlie hyt-Lnss of sucii town, and may 1/e ncti'il upon and enforced as if the same were enacted and puldished with, and as \^a\^ ol ilie All of Ini'orporation of such town." One of ihe^e byed.uv-. (See. title *' I'rosecutiiuis") ainoiij,' oliier things, provide^ "liiat all lines and penalties for any l)reacli of any provision of any Act of the I'ro- " vince, now or hereafter to be in force resiiecting the sale of intoxicating; liriuors, "may be enforceinii!aling the mode of |iroceedinj; as nearly as possible to thai imrsued under (.'h. 75, i\e\'. .Stat., and the .Act-, in amendment thereof, by two Jus- tices of the I't.'a'c. I have no hesitation, t'x'refore, in sayiiiL;, after having; deliberately considered this (|uestion and the juinciples to be observed in the Construction of Statutes, that 1 consider the Toun Court of 'I'rurij to have ample Jurisdiction to try these causes. Now, a> reijards the first j^round for ((V//,/;-,//-/ mentioned in Defendant's altidavit, viz : " That the writ in the Court below is not conformable to the reriuiri'iiients ol the Statute of Licences for the sale of intoxicatini,' liquors, Cii. 75, Rev. Stat. (4th series) and ami'ndment thereof, Ch. 1st (.Acts of 1S76), and lias not the seal and siy- nalure of any .Ma;^islrate thereto," it may be remarki'd : Isi. 'I'liat such form in its inte;^rity. with the sij^nature and seals of t\^<) Justice^ of the Peace, would not be suited to the new conditi •' of tliinj;s. 211(1. I!y Ch. 49, (.Acts of lS7()) sec. 6, it isjirov.i.ed that " The Recorder and Slijieiidiary .\Iaj,'istrale shall, until otherwise directed by the Council, frame and make all rules, orders and regulations, respecting llie practice in the Town Court for the trials (jf C'ivil Causes, and shall make, or(ler, and declare, adojit, and from lime to lime vary and alter the various writs, processes and forms to lie used by the Munici- pal Courts." 3rd. Sec. 3 of said .Act provides that "such Court shall have a s'.'al of such form and design as the Recorder shall adopt, and all writs, process and other pro- ceediiv/s shall be signed, sealed and issued by the 'I'own Clerk, and shall be directed to the police constable or to any constable of the County of (.olchester." 4th. liy one of the bye-laws of the 'I'own of Truro under the title of " I.icpior License'" apjiroved by the (Iovernor in Council, 5tli March, 1S7S, and made under the authority of the last mentioned Act, it is provided that "The form of License, iiond. Summons, etc., shall be the same as now in use under Ch. 75 Rev. Slat., and the Acts in amendment thereof, with such alterations in the wording of such forms as to render them applicable to the Town, and the carrying out and enforcing the provisions of the said laws within the precincts o.' the i own — such form of Sum- mons to be niadi' as ])rovideil in the Act regulating the Town Court. Sill. In |Husuance of the authority thus given, a form of Summons was pro- vided containing in substance all that is contained in the form useil in prosecutions before two Justices of the Peace. Now the writ in this Cause is sworn to be in the form ]irovided under the law . It is sealed with the proper seal of the Court by the Town Clerk and signed and is- .sued by him, as the law requires, so that (with the Jurisdiction of the Court undis- turbed) I must pronounce the objei'tions to the writ entirely groundless. The second ground for (■;7/,v);-,n7 mentioned in Defendant's affidavit is " That the Clerk of License, who is plaintifi in the suit, and the Town Clerk, who issued the writ, are one and the same person," I will dismiss this objection with a very few ob- servations. \\y the laws of the Incorporation the Town Clerk and the Clerk of License must be the same person. The plaintiff in the ]iresent case was legally apjiointed to both offices. All writs issuing out of the Town Court, as I have already shown, must be sit^.ied, sealed, and issued by the Town Clerk. Under Ch. 75 Rev. Stat., the only party rtcognizeil as the proper party to sue for penalties for breach of iicivcd by tliu saim- .1 may l.f 1(1 as pail , ])i()virm i)| as ri'j On t| tlon, Tn of iJ U])oij ayaiil no (1 are 1| any I>l'.( l>I('>N IN l.|(.'l« »K sil r>. Kt I.ici'nsr !,;iw, is tlic (liik i)f till' I.iffDsi', wiiliin hi'* pruuiT ili-tiii't, ami tlnm^Ii tin Slaluti' aUn piuvidis tliat a |irivalf |n'i-.nii may -in- tluiilni, yi-t it aicnluii'ly iii|uiri'- tliat llic ( 'li'ik i)( till' l.iffiiM', III! inrnnnaliiiii lu'in^ ^^ivi'ii In him in writing,', mi liav' 111^; liu c'lsts ^uaiaiitcTil liy two nr iiinif ii'>in'i'ialilc pailic-., >liall prnsci'iiti' tin- |icr^iiii intnniu'il a^MJust, iindii |ii'nally of tin- >amc aiimuiit as wmilil l)c im|)i)si.'il ii|iciti tlii' larty infnmicil a^;aiiisi if cunviftfil. Ii f law, thai if thi' Cluik >>( \hr |,i as a lualtcr uf ucci'ssity, umiiT the I'fllsC s iir fur iH'iialtiL's uiiilir (li. 75 \\i\> that niVu-c and at the saiiif I'' iMK' canai'iiy 111' p! lintilf, and in thi- tiino liolds the iijiii if 'I'own ( 'Icrls, nuist in ti itliLT issuer cif the writ. I.et it lie leiuen dil ed tiial lie Is ;ictni),', imt as a piu.Uc t fn |iers(in, Imt as a |iimiIic cilhrrr throii^jhout that he is ni'Meiy annisiriMnent fur |iuttni llie law in u|ieratiiin, in his ihnilile caiiacity i far as I can ascertain under the laws uf the cnriKiratinn, he lias no |iecniiiary interest in the result. Indeed this is ipiite clear from the al'lidavit nf the defendant himself and fnun reference tn Sec 4 ('ha|i. 4<) (.\cts cii" lS7()i. I can therefdie, see niith iiij^ in iiniicijile, really ulijectiiinalile tn lliis nvide nf jirnceedin^; As tn t le thill md fnr litiiorijri s\i ; t le a llcL'i-d ml crest and |)resum iia> of the Stiiieiidiary Ma;^istiale wlin jiresidcs in the Tnsvn ('mill, having,' c;} . iiaed and jiroiluced at the trial ; .md that he, the said nriL;istrale, would not alio ' him lawful protection a;^aiiist criminating himself, assertiii;^ that such luotectioii does not exist." \\^ the exjiression " ('riminating himself in tiii-. connection, is no douht meant, :in-.werini; (|uestions which wouhl tend to his convicti(;n. I will not enter into llie discussion of the cpieslion, wliether the opinion allet;ed to be j^iven i)y the Ma),'istrate is rijjht or wrong ; because I consider it unnecessary to do so. It is suflicient for me iiere to say, that the exjiression ol such an ojiinion, whellicr right or wrong, is not a suflicient reason for defendant obtaining this writ. It is time enough for the l Kit lif, the g himself, lilt meant, m allet^eil .■cessary to n opinion, this writ. lie is not riueslioii of 1(1 actually moreover, itnes>, ami be oli'-^eil (>therwi>e, jclion with )r in(le])en- that he was 1)11 he occii- tlloweil this ical? Is ho ) a certiorari thai which seem to nii: rtiorari was is cause." any ilift'icuU Uely to arise this (lescrip- of the courts affidavits arc 'iorari before n<; this cause and disinler- II his affidavit by the Court le practice in )vince to deal e of the kind, idminislration y Courts were ir as I can as- Its 1 its IV exist moil uhic wliic tlie ( caiis( C"(iui slrin ai.pL Thei by <•( pmci shall (inly Ijroii the ( thi'si (.'(lUI thL-ii want woul Cecil soliit DF.CISKIX IX I.KU'OR STITS. Tlie law respecting; the sale of intoxicating liquors is in sonie respects s!// x'<'"t'>''-i Its jirovisions are peculiar ti> itself. 'I'he restrictions a ml Its modes ( .fn ]ienalties ;t nnposes, witii are intenileil to secure the coinniunity from j^reat evils or, when existing, liy vignrous prusecutinns lo exterminate them. rum time to time the law has heen a nieiv 1 with a view, if nossihle, of strikiiiL' ni( m )rc effectually at the illicit sale of intoxicatir.g drink. It indicates the courts khich suits for the violation '>f its jirovisions are to be commenced and the mode in which these suits are to he carried nn and triei With regant to such prosecutions, the County t'ourt has no (iri^inal jurisdiction. If the plaintiff were to initiate hi- cause here, he wou t'ourt lossesses in lid ine\ital>ly he nonsuited, these matters is by way of 'I'h e only ju risdictiun uhicli thi. lese matters is by way of ai)|)eal or certiorari ariiund which stringent checks and guards are thrown to ])revenl defeat of the ends of justice. The appeal is necessarily afte r lulgme ■lit and the trial in the t'ourt aiiove is dc >t07'( There is :i sfd/it/i'ry jirovisinn also fur trying Jr mn'O if need be, causes brought up hy certiorari. By t'h 94 Rev. Stat. Sec 5S it is enacted that " in all causes and proceedings brought up by certiorari this court may incpiire into i... facts aihio if it shall seem to them tn be necessary." The use of the word aneii.' in this clause evidently shows that it has reference ily t o causes in which a trial has been had in the t'ourt l)eIow. If the cause brought up by certiorari hi^Unc judgment, there is no statutory law for trying it. For all infractions of the License Law, I am satisfied that the ])olicy of the Legislature is to give not only a summary but a speedy remeily. This can be had in If lii matter, thi;; the Couits in which the law contemplates that the ])roccss shnuld be coiiducteil th ese courts are ])riiperly con>tituted and are proceeding regularly tl Court should not interpose ami defeat the ends of justice l>y taking the trial out i'i;(iAi,i.v All i:( i'iN(i riii-: lowx oi' ikiko. Ti I i.r. I'Acr I. -Ac-l 111' Iiiriir]Mir;uiiin . 1. I lie I own >i'ai 2n II. -'ilic 'I jwn (Council 29 ('oiniuiltcc's 51 III. — AssosiULiit 32 IV. — Munitipal CmuiI y) v. — I'ulicc Fiiicc 41 V[. — Special ('()n>talik's 42 \'II. i'rosociitioiis 44 \'1 1 1.- I'ound anit I'oiiinl Keepers 45 IX. — III uses, (atlle and (jee>e . . 46 X.— .Streets 47 XI.— I'ul)lic I'niiierty 52 XII. ~.\uctii)!ieers Licenses 52 X 1 1 1. Of Shui^'literini; . . 52 XI\". Health Wardens 53 X\'. i.i(|U()r Licence 53 X\'I. Hackney C'arria^'es and l.ivery Slaiiles 55 XVII. - 'rruckni.m's Kej^uLiliuns 57 X\' II I. - t'onnnercial Travellers 60 .\IX. Kxhiliitinns Ol XX.- Annual Meeting 61 XXI. To Su|>iily X'acancies 62 XXII. -Of Water Works 64 r.XRT III. MISCKl.l.ANKOUS RUI.KS. .Akiki.k I'Acr. I. Rules of Town Court 69 1 1. — roiice Regulations 72 Ari'i:Ni)ixi':s. Appendix A, I-drnis 74 .\ppendi\ H, - Jud|,'e lilanchard's Jud^nietit in Certiorari I.iijuor Suits 78 M'P H' .84 the t the 1 84. 1 it \vi tent.- I'OST-SCRII'T All important Act, uiulcr which the Town Court for the trial of civil causes can be held every Tuesday, haviuLj passed the Legislature since tiiis work went to press, Schetlule C, paj^e 84, has l)cen ap[)endcd for its reception. And, supposinj^ that it will prove serviceable, an index furnishiiiL^ a summary of con- tents, has also been added. Tki'Ko, Ma)- 17th, 1X79. I. L.