IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ // (/ J •.^ «. <,. ^ w- £?. :/ i/.x w4e 1.0 I.I !.25 m Ilia 1^ '" IM i||||2.2 m 140 12.0 1.8 \A. 11.6 V] <^ /i ^\ '* 'i-/' ■*Wrn ^^*»VT (. -♦j^^ *f , -V-V*" ■ »«*»»(' ■?<^i»v ^ . i^f ttffcVl^»*'.'S« ■*ji'«nif$j »' •■• Y ^C^ !, ,_' ,, R U TT A N'S VENTILATION AND IVA RMI NG : OR, How to Make Home Healthy. AIR, LIGHT, FOOD, DRINK, By H. M. ALL ORDERS FOR VENTILATORS TO BR SENT TO E. AND C. GURNEY, FOUNDERS, TORONTO OR HAMILTON, OR To • . H. J. RUTTAN, COBOURG. \ ? i i- 1 I 1 ■" i ' PETERBOROUGH, Ont. V ■ Printed by K. Romaine, Review Steam Printing Office ''1 i 1870. -.^ ■^^■s. *flir^«« 1 ^ wmmm ill'' ADAPTED BXCLUSIVBI-y BY THK GRAND TRUNK FOR HEATING STATIONS. SZfCX- I|(titil»ttan. * OHAPTERI. I Im theHe days every schoolboy knows something iibout Ventilatiok. He knows, for instance, that people must have a large and constant supply of fresh air, if they would preserve health and life; — he knows that the breath of man is the most deadly poison— that ''collected in a jar it will kill mice, and accumulated in a room, it will kill men 1" And if he have the misfortune to gather knowledge, not from a tree in a garden, but from the desk of a close school room, he has a practical experience of the pursuit of knowledge under difficulties, and soon finds, without reading about the Black Hole of Calcutta, that mind and body are both suffering for want of fresh air. If our school boy is a fisherman and catches "shiners" to bait for bass, he has probably often seen his bait turn on their backs in his pail of water^ and after a little choking, quietly expire ; and he knows the cause, viz : want of air, — that in the water is exhausted, and he has not put fresh water in to supply its place. Were a modern ball-room or dwelling air-tight, the. inhabitants would soon share the fate of the "shiners;" but luckily for them, neither carpenter nor mason work has reach(.d that point of perfection, so they are only slightly suffocated and ; »oisoned, and soon come to life in the fresh air. Doubtless mi.ny will exclaim against this. The entranced Augustus will repudiate with scorn the idea that when Angelina reposed on his arm in a polka and whispered that she loved liim everlastingly, it was only poisoned air rendered •onorouB by the action of a laryn, tongue, teeth, palate and lips. — "What folly I" the old fogies will say, "to insinuate that breath is hurtful — ^just as if nature did not know when she made man a social animal, whether breathing each other's breaths, would prove injurious." Nevertheless both old and young will, immediately after expressing contempt for ventilation, complain of the closeness of the room, or steamer, or railway car, and rush to the door for relief. But notwithstanding the ignorance and unbelief of a great portion of the world, scientific men are still busily engaged in devising ways I* I IB. and means to protect man by means of physical anil mechanical ventilation, from being poisoned by his follow man. Wo have now all aorts of ingenious contrivances under the seconntila- tion, and as a consequence enjoy the most robust health. From this they move to a new house with no lire place whatever and no open flues. Here they sit themselves down by cooking or jmrlor stoves, and half stupiHed by the foul and overheated air, drtiam of long years of happiness. Soon, however, the blood becomes less and loss pure and dise ise sets in to obtain an easy victory ! I[ow difterently all tliis might be managed ; how easily such a misfortune might be remedied. With open Hues or Hre places in eacli room, and a ventilating stove in the hall connected by a pipe with the air without, not only would there be no draught, but every room in the house would be kept at the same temperature by a constant stream of wanned, not heated air, which would be changed and replaced by fresh aii- every four or five minutes during the day. "Yes, yes," a venerable old lady will say, "1 suppose I might have "all this at tlie expense of a liole or /itit as you call it in eveiy room, ''but you don't catch me spoiling the appearance of my rooms for the "sake of ventilation !"' It is in vain to tell such people that a house with open flues in every room can be built at the same expense as a house with no flue at all— the real objection is the hole in the wall — however neatly it may be disguised by ornamental registers or fans- The best of the joke is that the same parties who object to flues or fire places, will fctick the walls full of windows. They will have something nice to look at no matter how filthy and unhealthy the air food which they are inhaling to cltaUfse the blood ! Thanks to modern architects, if we go to church we can dose through the most delightful sermons. If we go to balls or concerts or public meetings, we can pant after fresh air, and come home with head-aches, inflammations, and incipient consumptions. Long may they believe that lungs are wind instruments of brass ; and let us hope that when they do get a ventilating fit they will prefer strange machines, pumping, screwing, steaming apparatus, to the simple pure air of heaven, which requires but a pipe and a ventilating stove to set it floating day and night through all our dwellings. The celebrated Humbolt, who died the other day, considerably over ninety years of age, attributed the good health he enjoyed to his love of fresh air. Ife tells. us that in one of his travels on i I I,- 6 Hhipboiird, n NHilur wiih reduued by fever to tlte luHt ga8p, uiid at his earnPHt re(iuoBt was tiikcn on dock to die. But Htiango to say he no Booner felt the cool air than he began to revive, and he eventually perfectly recovered. I'hoHO tlu.'M who exchule the fresh air from theii' lungs, take the firsi important »t<'i» towanlH ruinin{< their constitutions. The moro they sit in close rooms over that wholesttle destroyer the box-atuve, the njoro tender tht'y hcconie and the more they crave cloakH, coats, wrapper.^, oomlorters, hulia rubbers, and all the other blessings of this life. ''Look!"' they exclaim, " at tiie progress of Man. Who ever saw a Liuii in curk soles, or with a soiv throat? Oan the Tiyer mount his great coiit when he goes out to a social party '.' Does an Eagle soar with an umbrella over his head to keep oft' the sun or rain?" Man alone, coniprfhon< wisdom at a ilinner party. He was most elotjuent upoi, heat and cold, radiation, rarefaction, pular and ♦•(puitoiial currents. &c. ; when he had brought his discourse to an end, he turned round upon a grave Professor of his college, saying, "And what, nir, do you believe to be the cause of wind?" The learned man repliecl, "Pen- soup, pea-soup !" S^) 1 shall avoid as much as possible, scientific or uncommon terms, and content myself with describing to you in a plain way, some of the conunonest proj)erties of air. Ail' is composed of two siinj)lo elements, ami one compound element in very nmall proportions. About SO part.-> in an 100 of the air, is composed of^a kind of nir or gas called nitro^jen, a simple element and ajiparcntly of iio use exooj . to .lilute the oxygen, the name of the other simjtle elomont. a gas or uW composing about 20 parts in an 100 of the atmosphere. Tnc compound "lement is also a gas callo-<:. ,»..>„ As regards Ruttan's mode of ventilating houses, we have not space to describe it, but we may say that he puts lungs into the building. That day and night, in summer and winter, there is a stream of fresh air, pouring through every room in the house. Of course it is warmed in winter by passing through a ventilating stove — or a ventilator as Mr. Ruttan delights to call it. This is the kind of ventilation which we denominate physical, because it imitates the action of nature. As the heat of the desert draws the cold air from surrounding countries, so the ventilating stove attracts to it the cold air from outside the house or the railway car, and this warmed air expels the cold air and takes its place. But as praising any particular system of ventilation may offend mv.e hot-water or hot-air architect, we will leave this particular branch of our subject at present, and devote a few pages to considering other causes of ill health than the want of fresh air. 2 10 CHAPTER II. Travel where we will, whether on railways or steamers, enter what society we may, we find nine-tenths of our fellow mortals Buifering from ill-health. Why is this ? from the cradle to the grave we set the laws of health at defiance ! No sooner is the blessed baby born than the watchful nurse crams down its throat a dose of physic, and fastens its first dress with innumerable pins. What the calomel and honey, or castor oil, is unable to effect inside, a sly prick effects outside, and the troubles of the little "pale face" begin. Ten to one that the doctor is sent for and other doses are rapidly administered, some preparations of laudanum probably, when the little sufferer is put into a cradle and by active rocking sent to sleep by producing giddiness, giddiness being a disturbance of the blood's usual way of circulation. Perhaps when the dress is changed, the establishment of the raw will be discovered. But the nurse has learned one thing in the mean time, viz: that preparations of laudanum save a world of trouble, and that giddiness if it does not produce healthy sleep, at all events, produces quiet I The next torture the poor child undergoes is to be awakened out of its sound sleep to have some food. Nature of course does not know how often the infant ought to be fed, (although she would feed it every four hours,) so she is to be taught a lesson. After the food, the child is to be put to sleep again, either by the rocking chair, the cradle or some of Mrs. Winshvo's soothing syrup. Well you have the baby at advantage — so pitch into it while you can. Vary its pleasures by alternately suckling and physicing it, attempt no regularity in nursing, keep its stomach in a perpetual ferment, and you lay the foundation of a dyspeptic constitution and a miserable life. In weaning a child, most people are guided by their pleasure or their convenience, they will not allow nature to have a hand in the business at all, but will we.'in either before the first teeth are cut, or after they have arrived ftt the biting point. Then instead of weaning gradually, they wean all at once, by means of bitter aloes or some other drug. Most houses are so constructed that no fit room is retained for a nursery. Indeed, in most cases, a common unventilated bed-room u It, Lnd or the or |r a is the only convenience for the nurse and three or four or more "^ children. In this ix)om there is perhaps one window, which is kept carefully closed and stuffed all winter, so as to keep out draughts i If there be a chimney, it is of course closed with a board, and the door is shut to keep in the noise. Here the poor delicate things grow up like stalks of celery, white and tender, and by the same process — the exclusion of light and air. Then, as if the mother really wished to decrease the population, they are sent out to walk in thin upper dresses and bare legs. How would mamma and papa like to be treated in the same way ? Would they not find it rather cool comfort to imitate their first parents in this climate? and yet" their children are of the same flesh and blood as themselves! This exposure of children is one reason of the great increase of consumption, and should be discountenanced by every thinking parent. ' ■ • •»■ "'■''■ > ■ ' • •'^" Children should sleep, eat, and exercise regularly ; let them not be tempted to do one or the other out of the regular On no pretence whatever let them "piece" the day through. The stomach requires three or four houi-s to digest a meal, expects a moderate routme of tasks, and between each task looks for a little period of rest. Yet how little are these requirements heeded. Cakes and sweetmeats of alluring shape and color, with other palatable messes, are invariably added to the diet of our children, and are mostly given between meals. In this way the stomach, if not actually poisoned by colored candies, is kept in a constant state of irritation the child becomes pale and sickly, and the triumph over nature is complete ! Let a man place himself in the position of a child ; let him awake some fine morning with a dose of castor oil going down his throat ; let him then be washed and swathed in a dress which shall be stuck full of pins, one or two of which are thrust half an inch or ' so into his flesh, let him then swallow a dose of laudanum, and on the top of that be rocked to the verge of apoplexy in a cradle. After he has been asleep for a couple of hours from sheer exliaustion, let him be awakened by a pickled herring being thrust into his mouth, and see hoiv he v^onld like it ! But supposing, contrary to probability, that the child becomes a man, let us see what he does to renovate his constitution. Ten to one he has been manufactured on the forcing system, into a merchant or a professional man, and has taken up his abode in some densely populated quarter, in order to be near his office. Nature intended him to be broad chested and straight backed, but thanks to early 2* 12 training and confinement he is narrow chested and stoops forward, the shoulder blades projecting like the wings of a bird. What hiu wife and daughter have accomplished through the agency of stays, he has accomplished through study and want of exercise. He don't see why his own lungs and the lungs of his wife and daughter should have room to play. He never played himself and don't believe in it. True his wife and daughter admired the English cricketers last fall, and wished perhaps with Desdemona, "that Heaven liad made them such a man" as one of these. Doubtless they thought them a superior race, never considering that fresh air and exercise might have conferred the same boon upon the husband and the brother. It is unfortunate that the lungs have any work to do, but they have and rather important work too, it being no less than to put the breath of life into the blood which they are unable to do properly when cramped for space. By this compression of the chest, men as well as women are rendered nervous and incapable of much exertion and fall an easy prey to the Doctor and the Sexton. The ladies, however, do not allow us to suppose that they have lost flesh. There is a fiction of attire which would induce in a speculative critic the belief that American women have caused wha should be in their waists, to bulge up some inches higher before, and some inches lower behind. But on application to a female doctor or milliner it will be found a groundless theory, for these prompters behind the scenes, do not hesitate to assert that the ladies are the same all the way down. We have hinted at our gentleman's occupation, let us now see what is his recreation ! Does he go to the gymnasium, or the cricket field ? Nay, does he even play ten pins or base ball ? No, none of these things move him, but about ten o'clock at night he goes out with his wife and daughter to spend the evening. Thinly clad and packed in a close carriage they arrive at their hosts, .jump out on the cold pavement, in thin boots and shoes and run shivering into the house. Instead of keeping from the fire, as all chilled people should, they rush up to a red hot stove in a dressing room, from whence they descend to drink a cup or two of some hot liquid called tea or coffee. From thence they enter the dancing room, where, from want of ventilation, the upper sash of the window has been let down, or the lower sash raised — "it is so very hot." Here a nice country nose will at once detect the nasty foul air, tho' it is mixed with eaude-cologne. Now the gentleman cuddles some lady, and the ladies are cuddled by some gentlemen, and they spin around the room like teetotums. Presently they take an ice — then a spasm, then another dance, then a walk on the verandah "it is so very 13 hot" — then a glass of wine, then another ice — then macoaroons, then supper. Sandwich, Turkey, patties, champagne, blancmange, bonbon, champagne sherry, tipsey cake, brandy cherries, wine jelly, maccaroon trifle, mottoes, custard, &c., &c., &c. In conclusion, perhaps some old fashioned pei-son proposes the health of the host and hostess. Certainly, why not I But the demon or rather Da-mon, genius, or evil spirit of Dyspepsia, grins horribly, and mutters, yes, yes, all your very bad healths ! At 5 a. m., with stomachs full of indigestion, splitting headache.s, and glassy or inflamed eyes, our company return home and go to bed. But it is not in the house alone that ladies strive to thwart nature. To keep their faces pale and have them "Sicklied o'er with the pale hue of thought," it is not sufficient that they pull down the blinds. They must when they go out for exercise I save the mark ! — put a veil between their countenances and the sun, and carry on high a great shield named a paaasol, to ward off his rays. They know better than to let the old god kiss them into color as he does the jjeaches. No, they will remain green fruit to the end of the chapter, and do all in their power to eradicate what little of the rose their folly has left. They prefer being like the lilies, "which toil not, neither do they spin, yet I say unto you that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these !'' Do these fair, frail creatures ever read ! If they do, have they not seen that in times of pestilence, death, who loves the dark, strikes three victims on the shady side of the street, for one on the sunny side ? Did they ever see a house shielded from light and heat by trees, that was a healthy abode for man or beast? Never. Yet they will persist in keeping their blinds down for fear of faded curtains or carpets, whilst they themselves moulder into early graves. We don't know which is the greater benefactor, T. C. Keeker, who gives us pure water in abundance out of all sorts of impossible places, or Kuttan, who gives us air. One thing is certain, that if these two reformers, the one with his fresh air the other with his fresh water, are allowed to go on much longer, they will compel ua to be more healthy in spite of ourselves. Will not some other sanitary reformer arise and give us "light in our dwellings." There is quite as much difference in the healthfulness of artificial and natural light, as, there is between the two Imninaries in size and brilliancy. The light which comes down from the sky, not only eats no air out of our mouths, but it comes charged with mysterious and mi subtle principles which hare a purifying, vivifying power. It is a powerful ally of health, and we make war against it. But artificial light contains no such blessings. When the gas streams through half a dozen jets into your unventilated room, and burns and there gives light ; when your candles become shorter and shorter till they are burnt out, — Doyoit, knowwhai happens f Nothing in nature ceases to exist. Your camphene has left the lamp, but it has not vanished out of being. Nor has it been converted into light. Light is a visible action ; and candles are no more converted into light when they are burning, than breath is converted into speech when you are talking. The breath having produced speech, mixes with the atmosphere ; gas, camphene, coal oil, and candles, having produced light, do the same. If you saw fifty wax lights shrink to their sockets during the past week in an unventilated ball room, yet, though invisible, they had not left you ; for their elements were in the room and you were bi'eathing them ! Their light had been a sign tliat they were combining chemically with the air ; in so combining they were changed, but they became a poison ! Every artificial light is, of necessity, a little workshop for the conversion of gas, oil, spirit or candle into respirable poison, You will therefore see that the more we have of such a process, the more need we have of ventilation. While upon the subject of light, we may mention that the best plan for weakening the eyes and necessitating the use of glasses, is to read or work by a fluctuating light. By fluctuating light is meant a candle that requires snuflBng, or a lamp that requires turning up. The j'oke of them consists in this : they begin with giving you sufficient light, but as the v.ick grows, the radiance lessens, and your eye gradually accommodates itself to the decrease; suddenly they are snuffed, and your eye leaps back to its original atljustment, then begins another slide and another leap back, and in course of time, lamenting the premature approach of old age, you invest in a pair of spectacles." But enough of digression. Water, water, is in every one's mouth — ^just where it ought to be when a man is thirsty ; it rains from Heaven, it leaps out of the earth, it rolls about the land in rivers, it accumulates in lakes, three-fourths of the surface of the globe is water, yet there are men unable to be clean. In a great city water, we are told, "is the maid of all work," has to assist our manufactures, to supply daily our sauce-pans and tea-kettles, cleanse our clothes, our persons, and our houses, provide baths, and flood away the daily refuse of the people. A man to be healthy ought to use at least a barrel of water daily, in washing bathing and drinking. Rome, in her pride, used to supply water at the rate of more than 300 15 gallons daily to each citizen — that was excess. People in small towns have less chance of obtaining the luxury than those in large towns, because they cannot aflford water works. They must therefore bo content with enough to cook, enough to drink, and enough to wet the corner of a towel. As for bathing, that soems to be out of the question in a country abounding in water : hence one half the dyspepsia of those who, if they washed themselves, would enjoy good health. Let us go back a thousand years, and look at the Persian iiqueducts, attributed to Noah's great grtindson, — at Carthegenians, Etruscans, Mexicans, — at what Home did, and acknowledge that man, in an unripe and half civilized condition, understood that the art of health and comfort was very intimately connected with plenty of fresh water. Look at the savage wherever you meet him, and you will find him a cold water man. Perhaps it is because the wavage washes himself so constantly, that civilized people run into the other extreme. One would think that we were all philosophers of the Platonic school and deemed the body not worth a thought I True, the temperance men have come to the rescue, .so far as regards internal arrangements, but whoever heard them advocating an outside application ! According to their ideas, a man, like a steam boat, should draw so many feet of water, anO. we suppose, have it duly registered on the stern. By the way, is it not : wonder that they never thought of electing Mahomet to the office of Grand Patriarch, when his fundamental principles were "cleanliness and temperance.'* Well, there is this, at least, to be said in favor of temperance societies — they do not pass the bottle. They don't ask their friends to taste another bottle of that old port, made of doctored elderberry, or try a little more of that sugar of lead and gooseberry, with a body of rhubarb, under the name of champagne. The ordinary manufacture of choice wine for the people requires the following ingredients : for the original fluid, cider, or common cape, raisin, grape, parsnip, or elder wine ; a wine made of rhubarb for champagne, to these may be added water. A fit stock having been chosen, strength, color, and flavor may be grafted on it. Use is made of these materials: for color, burnt sugar, logwood, cochineal, red Sanders wood or elder berries, plain spirit or brandy for strength. For nutty flavor, bitter almonds ; for fruitness, dentzic spruce ; for fulness or smoothness, honey ; for port wine flavor, tincture of the seeds of raisins ; for bouquet, orris root or ambergris ; for roughness or dryness, alum, oak sawdust, rhatany or kino. 16 Of good wine, health requires none, though it will tolerate a little. If we take a glass or two of the pure thing, we may e?cpect a little indigestion. But if the wine is bad, no ono can tell to what disorders it may not give rise. As for brandy, whiskey, gin, and other compounds made from corn, they are eminently destructive to life. But as none of our readers drink such villainous compounds, it is not worth while enlarging upon them. As, however, a large number of people drink what is said to be wine, we here insert the TEST of Professor Hahnemann, the great chemist of Ciermany. HOW TO DETECT ADOLTBRATKD WINK. One drachm of dry liver of sulphur — two drachms cream of tartar — to be shaken together in two ounces of distilled water, till it be completely saturated with hepatic gus ; the liquor is then filtered through blotting paper, and kept in a closely stopped phial. From 16 to 20 drops of this are dropped into a small glass filled with wine. If the wine turn only thick, with white clouds, and deposit only a white sedhnent, we may be certain that it contains no metallic ingredients whatever ; but if it turn black or even muddy, if its color approach to that of a dark red, if it have first a sweet and then an astringent taste, it is certainly impregnated with sugar of lead, or some other impregnation of that metal equally destructive. If, however the dark color be of a blue cast, not unlike that of pale ink, we may expect the wine to contain iron in its composition. Lastly, if the wine be impregnated with copper or verdigiis, it will deposit a sediment of a blackish grey color. This experiment ought to be made with a fresh prepared test (which any druggist will put up) in the open air. , . - ; As for the makers and vendors of spirits and bad wines, it is impossible to characterize their conduct as it deserves. The night before his death King Richard III. was visited by the ghosts of those whom he had murdered. What a dreadful visitation it would be if a maker or vendor of spirits were visited on his death bed by the ghosts of all those whom he had been the means of sending to premature graves ! Doubtless he would feel about as comfortable as did the Mexican noble, of whom Bede tells us that on his death bed a ghost exhibited a scrap of paper upon which his good deeds were written — then the door opened, and an interminable file of ghosts brought in a mile or two of scroll, whereon his misdeeds were all registered, and made him read them ! Fathers killed, mothers broken hearted, children brought up in sin and beggary, would 17 make up a very pleasant sight for a man, who, in a few hours would be called upon to give an account before his judge I Would not the cries of "justice !— justice, upon the murderer !" boom up from the lowest pit of perdition, and drown the poor wretch's cries for mercy ! But it is not our province to argue out the moral of the cold water question. Our task is merely to place it in a sanitJiry point before our readers, and to urge upon them as they value health and length of days to use the great renovator daily both outwardly and inwardly. If people must get drunk, let them use strong tea ; it is the most harmless intoxicating liquid known. Some people say that its use is natural. Leibig says it supplies a constituent of bile. There is no doubt that its popularity arises from its harmless intoxicating / properties. But few people, whether women or men, who do not like to made cheerful harmlessly, and whatever sustains cheerful- ness produces health. We know very many old ladies, and some young ones too, who keep up the steam from morning till night, and to such an excess that a doctor would pronounce them under , the effects of liquor. But we don't know that it does much harm except making them nervous and talkative. Tea should not however, be drunk hot, but warm. Hot liquids of any kind weaken the stomach and consequently injure digestion. Tea has another advantage over wine, beer, &c., it intoxicates without making fat, and invariably produces jollity ! For proof of the latter assertion we refer the reader, if he be married, to a Dorcas, or any other sew- ing bee, where ladies love to congregate. Their idea of Eden is a huge tea garden, where the plant is gathered, untaxed by Mr. Uixcks. But what of milk ? Is it deserving of no place amongst our drink- ables ? Certainly. It is the food as well as drink of infants. The infant's appetite is all for milk. Not the city milk made up of chalk, the brains of sheep, oxen and cows, flour, starch, treacle, whiting, sugar of lead, arnatto, size, &c. ; (see Mr. Rugg. of London, and Frank Leslie of New York) but good wholesome milk from tb« country, or from your own cows in town. Wi^ CB AFTER III. FOOD. " We have said above that "an infant's appetite is all for milk" ; but art suggests a few additions to that Isnnentably simple diet. Takd up a newspaper and turn to the quack advertisements and you will find a precious list of infant messes, the most conspicious of which are arrow-root, tapioca, sago and starch. Theie are the preparations which the advertisements tell us, compel nature to be orderly and be- have herself. ' ; ;, ><- There is a division of food into two great classes, Professor Croft tells us, nourishment and fuel. Nourishment is said to exist chiefly in animal flesh and blood, and in vegetable compounds which exactly correspond tliereto, called vegetable, fibrine, albumen, and cascine. Fuel exists in whatever contains much carbon : fat and starchy vege- tables, potatoes, gum, sugar, alcoholic liquors. If a person take more nourishment than he wants, it is said to be wasted ; if he take more fuel than he wants, part of it is wasted, and part of it the body stacks away as fat. The correct diet of a healthy man is eight parts of fuel food to one of nourishment. This preserves equilibrium, and suits therefore, an adult ; the child, which has to become bigger as it lives, has use for an excess of nourishment. And so Dr. R. D. Thompson gives this table. It has been often copied — the proportion of nourish- ing food is in — ,.,.,,, Nourishment. Milk — (food for a growing animal) Ito 2 Beans 1 to 2^ Oatmeal 1 to 5 Barley Ito 7 Wheat Flour — (food for an animal at rest) 1 to 8 Potatoes I to 9 Eice 1 to 10 Turnips 1 to 11 Arrow-root, Tapioca, Sago 1 to 26 Starch 1 to 40 Now, how absurd to give infants farinaceous food ; arrow-root, tapioca, and the like ; when we give only one part of nourishment in 26. Such diet is like putting leeches on a child, making it flabby and bloodle&s. A child, up to its seventh year, should be allowed nothing 19 beyond bread, milk, water, sugar, light-meat, broth without fat, and fresh meat for its dinner when it is old enough to bito it, with a little well cooked vegetable, and in the souson a very little of the ripest fruit. Oatmeal and milk, made into jjorridge, is the best food for breakfiwt. Under no circumstances should u cliild ever have bter, for not only does it give an appetite for intoxicating liijuoia, but there is not an ounce of meat in half a barrel of the trnsh made here. Ait for comfits, cake, wine, pastry and nuts, they are food for neither man nor beast. Yet when a mother wants her child to be " good" she tempts it with all of these things, and ultimately art secures an ascend, ancy over nature, giving new desires and vitiated cravings. In time children come to eat garbage as young women eat chalk and coals, not because it in their nature to do so, but because it is a symptom of dis- ordered function. If your children like plain sugar or treacle, let them have it with their porridge, it does not hurt their teeth. Look at the gentlemen and ladies of color down south ! Have they not got teeth of the soundest and whitest. Mr. Richardson tells us of tribes among the Arabs of Sahara, whose beautiful teeth he lauds, tha^ they are in the habit of keeping about them a stick of sugar in a leathern case, which they bring out from time to time for a suck, as we bring out the snuff box for a pinch. Plain sugar; we repeat, is good for teeth and stomach, in moderation ; but sugar mixed with plaster paris, or chalk, or verdigris, or any other mess, should be kept out of sight and hearing. .. As for children of a larger growth, who dine in the modern fashion, all we can say is — they deserve to be dyspeptic. Just thmk of it— first comes a rich peppered soup almost boiling hot ; then fish made indiges- tible by melted butter, and sprinkled with more cayenne ; next meat with all kinds of rich sauces and gravies ; next wine, next beer, next pie crust and the indescribable productions of a second course ; next celery, cheese and ale, next wine, oranges and almonds, and lastly olives and more wine — and they have dined ! In other words, they have digged with their teeth another shovelful out of their graves. The hotel that gives the greatest variety for dinner, with the richest cooking, is sure to carry the day. But a sort of retribution always overtakes these asylums for dyspeptics — not one ever appears to succeed, and a rich tavern ke«per, we allude to fashionable ones, is about as great a curiosity as a rich miller or lumberman. As for plain mutton or beef, with salt and an appetite, who ever hears of such dishes except amongst healthy country farmers, and mechanics ? There is one and only one way to render even healthy food bene- fieial, and that is by exercise ' Muscular development< is by all 3» 20 means to be t^icoumged, and tho more it iu exercised, the morn it increaseH. That it is natural no one can doubt who has watched children at their play. They run, they jump, turn heels over head and cut up all sorts of capers, a hi tilnndhi ; because natui'o demands that while the body grows it should bo frooly workeil in all its parts, in order that it may dovelopo into a frame work, vigorous and well proportioned. Don't then, for gracious sake, pin a child down in broad cloth, and subject it to the laws of ciui(«t ])oliteneB8. I^et nature have her way, and your children will be high spirited, handsome and intelligent, and when you send them to school, let the boys and girls go to school together. < >h, my, how very improper I some lady will exclaim. Yes, my deaj- madame, mrij intproper. Nature does some very improper things ; for instance, she allows boys and girls to be born in the same family, whereas, if she had the slightest sense of propriety she would only permit one sex to each establish* ment. Unless you bring up your boys and girls together they will look upon each other as little monsters, and be timid, bashful and awkwird in each others society. The English women are celebrated the world over, for their magnificent forms and healthy complexions. These are acquired by constant exercise in girlhood, either at the gym- . nasium, or in walking, running, skipping or dancing. No fine sense of propriety keeps them in door.n, making sickly wall tiowers of them- selves, but nature is allowed to have her way, and she rewards her dis- ciples with all the graces at her command. How, dear reader, do you suppose the wife of one ot our most hon- orable citizens, in Toronto, obtained her fine graceful form, and charm- ing complexion ? Do you think it was by riding in a carriage perpetu- ally, or by walking with her hands pinned to her sides or folded before her, as if she had not a particle of energy. Do you suppose she has spent her girlhood in stitching Ottomans with worsted birds, or knitting purses for an expected lover ? No. She has been brought up, like most English girls, in the open air, with plenty of exercise on foot and on horseback, and although she has plenty of carriages and horses at command, you see her walking with her husband along King Street, as if she really enjoyed it. She is, without knowing it, the best sanitary reformer in town, for her example is sure to be followed, and will be attended with the best results. " But you are off your food !" No, we are not. You are supposed to have dined, and we have been telling you how to digest your dirmer. And now, dear reader, farewell. A good digestion wait ox ▲PPBTITE, AND HEALTH ON BOTH." Toronto, February, 1860. 21 p. iS. — Thoso who follow tho ruloH of hoalth above written, will nover be troubled l)y sirknosH, but aa thoy may have U> visit thoso who follow no rulca but thoir own appetites, wo will conununicato a few hinta for tlieir >tui(lance. When you enter a hourtt' where a friend lies ill, don't put on a face as lon^ m your arm and condole by anticipating evil. While there is life there is hope. I'ut on, then, a cheerful countenance, and endeavour to raise the spirits of the family. Your bright looks and cheerful conversntion will be tninsniitted through other faces to the sick chamber, luid lighten th^ pains of the invalid. If you enter the sick man's presence, go to him like a ray of sunshine— not like silent thunder. If the loom is dark, throw open the blinds, and if tho weather bo not too cold, the window also. True, by this means you may cheat the doctor out of a fee, and jierhaps the undi-rtaker also : never mind them, but remember your duty to your friend. < )i' 1 !. things don't sigh or mope, or do anything to depress his spirits, give him cheerful words and gentle laughter, ht hinj have sunshine inwardly as well as outwardly, and lie will find it tho most nutritious food he could possibly take. If it is suinmer time carry him fresh flowers, and after moving the metlicine bottles out of sight and smell, put the flowers in their place. Let him have something pleasanter than a lot of powders or phials, to feast his weary eyes upon. Let no slop or mess of any kind, stand for one moment in the room, but seo that it is "tidied up" every few minutes, and kept cool, light and comfortable. Let the patient have two beds, one for Mie day and one for the night, and have the sheets and pillow cases frequently changed. Next to fresh air there is nothing like a fresh wholesome bed. Don't be afraid of your friend catching cold in consequence of all this freshness, there is no danger of that. If you talk of religion don't dose your friend with horrors. Don't tell him he i.s d — d forever, but rather dwell upon the loving kindness of the Lord, — how he pitieth us as a father pitieth his children, and chastiseth us only for our good. If you want to fortify yourself with arguments read Plato on the immortality of the soul, and deliver your views in a cheerful con\ersationar manner like Socrates. Don't preach at him or to him, and don't frighten him unless you want to kill him. Should your friend die do not keep the body several days in the house. It is not your friend that lies there, but the earthy part of him ; his soul has gone, let us hope, to a better world, and is now only tx>o glad that it has escaped from its prison. Above all things, if there is a cemetery anywhere within a dozen miles, don't bury your dead in the crowded graveyard of a tovm or city. Take the body where it can do no more 22 harm in this world, and do not let it be converted into pestilential gases to poison your fellow citizens. Don't fancy that because your friend's body is buried in a cemetery, it will be ploughed up and turned into rotation crops, or that he will be disinterred in the form of wheat, carrots or potatoes ! Finally, let those who want to make their homes healthy, read, mark, learn, and digest the following testimonials in favour of a system of ventilation, which is now rapidly travelling from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and is destined ultimately to spread over the whole continent of America : — ...■^w!':'' ; '■■• ■■■-*.' v*f 23 TESTIIMONIATjS. Ml Ruttan's Ventilating Stoves. — Health, and Economy. Comfort These may certify that the Board of School Trustees for the City of Toronto put up December, 1867, in their new School House, on Elizabeth Street, four of Ruttan's Air Warming or Ventilating Stoves, say one in each School Room. These stoves were in regular use, during school hours, until fires were discontinued, about the beginning of the month of May ; and they have given full satisfaction in every respect. Although the weathc was severe and prolonged, the Ruttan Stoves kept the School Rooms comfortably warm, while the ventilation at the same time was thoroughly good. These Stoves are also very economical in fuel, as is proved by the fact that, the four in question, consumed only two and a half cords of wood each, during the above mentioned period of time. [Signed.] W. W. OGDEN, M. D. G. A. BARBER, Chairman Committee, Secretary, B. S, T. School i?uilding8. Address. — H. J. Ruttan, Architect for the Ventilation of Buildings, Railway Cars and Ships. Cobourg, September 15th, 1868. From the Peterborough "Review" In a rigorous climate like that of Canada the domestic comfort of all, rich as well as poor, depends not a little on the way in which our houses are warmed ; in fact, the luxury of proper warmth exceeds both elegance and grandeur. Certainly the most complete method yet invented is the Ruttan. The inventor, Hon. H. Ruttan, of Cobourg, has been more or less engaged in working out his theory for the last twenty years ; he has a thorough understanding of what is called pneumatics, and the laws of heat, and has brought this knowledge to the construction of his process of heating houses, churches juid public balls. The principle of the theory, shortly expressed, is, a duct through which cold and pure air comes from without, passes into and is heated by the stove, and apertures within the building to allow the exhausted atmosphere to escape, are arranged tluough the fire place board, or otherwise. We have been using the No. 2 size in our house for some time, and it is giving unqualified satisfaction. Not only does it greatly economize the fuel, and keep equally heated the whole house, up-stairs and down, but by it there is a fresh supply of pure warmed air ever circulating throughout the house. 24 As a process of ventilation it is an admirable application of natural science. We notice that many of the railways in the United States as well as public buildings there, and in Canada, have adopted the Ruttan air warming plan. For all those who are building liomes, we are quite convinced that this method would abundantly repay its possessor both in comfort, economy and a means of health. The Eatentee much prefers that ah ouse be constructed in view of using is air warmer, though, as in our case, it answered perfectly by merely making a few holes in the fire place boards. R. ROMAINE, Proprietor of the Peterborough "Review." - ■ ■ • •' Normal, McLkan Co., 111., May 28th., 1867. Hon. Henry Ruttax. Dear Sir .- — We the undersigned, have during the past winter observed with great care the working of your plan of Warming and Ventilating of houses, as exhibited In the residence of B. R. Hawley of this place, and we are convinced that it is more pei'feet than anything of the kind extant, and indeed we believe i/onr system of Ventilation the only perfect plan ever yet discovered, and we earnestly recommend it to the attention of all, and especially to those who have charge of the building of school-houses, cliurches, and all public buildings. — No man, or set of men, should build a..y kind of building, designed for the use of human beings, without adopting your system: — Joseph A. Sewall, Prof, of Natural Science in the State Normal University at Normal, 111. ; Richard Edwards, President of State N. University at Normal, 111. ; Thomas Matcalf, Prof, of Math., Normal, TU. ; Edwin C. Hewitt, Prof. History and Geography at Normall, 111. ; William L. Pillsbury, Principal of High School, Normal., 111. ; J. H. Bull, Physician, Normal, 111. ; G. R. Woolsey, Physician, Normal, 111. ; Emaline Dryer, Preceptress and Teacher of Grammar, Normal University, Normal, 111. ; Edith T. Johnson, Principal of Primary School, Normal University, Normal, 111. ; Wm. H. Bradly, Architect, Normal, 111. ; Geo. Dietrich, Normal ; Stephen Pillsbury, Normal ; C. G. Bradshaw, Pastor of M. E. Church, Normal, 111. ; L. A, Hovey, Normal, 111. ; E. Barber, Bloomington ; McCann Dillon, Physician, Bloomington; W. (I. Daniels, Pastor of Congregational Church, Nor- mal ; W. H. Parnell, Normal. From. Prof. Watson, Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Observatory, Ann Arbor, Mich. Observatory, Ann Arbor, Feb; 9, 1866. My Dear Sir : — A few weeks since I visited Albion in this State, and had the pleasure to witness the operation of your system of Warming and Ventilation, as carried out in the residence of S. V. Irwin, Esq. The exhaustion of the foul air was moit complete, and 2b the rooms were evenly warmed : and Mr. Irwin assured me that dur- ing the extreme cold weather which preceded my visit, the appar- atus worked to the entire satisfaction of all the members of his family. When we consider, in addition to mere warming of the air in the room, the ventilation which is so essential to health and comfort, your system is unrivalled. The large volume of air, moderately warmed, which is thrown into the room, obviates the objection to hot air furnaces as ordinarily used, while the system of ventilation whicii you introduce makes your system, in my judgment, vastly superior to the modes of warming buildings by steam or hot water. Very truly yours, JAMES C. WATSON, Prof, of Astronomy and Director of -the Observatory. Hon. H. Ruttan, Cobourg, C. W. From Dr. Haven, Michigan University. ,, University of Michigan. Avn Ariiou, .Tan. 19. 1867. Hon. H. Ruttan, Cobourg, C. W. My De.^^r Sir : — Having hiid good opportunity of seeing your system of ventilating public buildings and residences in all seasons of the year, and of warming them in winter, thoroughly tested, it gives me pleasure to testify that it is altogether the most satisfactory with which I am acquainted. It needs but to be carefully examined to be ad- mired. The ventilation is perfect, .and the warming. I think, fully equal to any other system. It has been tried two or three years in the Law Building of the University of Michigan, with universal satis- faction. I commend it to all who are about to erect buildings, or who desire to provide for the ventilation and wanning of buildings already erectpd. Very truly yours, E. O. HAVEN, President of the University of Michigan. P. S. — Pardon me for delaying so long to write. 1 thought you intended to write to me, but perhaps was mistaken. Will you please acknowledge the receipt of this. Your<5 trulv. E. O. H. state, m of 5. V. and From Prof. Wood, Profe.s.sor of Kngineering, Michigan L'nivcrsit)-. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Feb. 12, 1866. Mr. H. Rcttan, Sir : — The occasion of our visit to Mr. Irwin's house was too pleaaant and profitable to be easily forgotten. You have laid me under great 4 26 obligations to you in furnishing me with the opportunity of seeing your system of ventilation as applied to buildings, in full operation ; and I therefore wish to leport to you my impression of the system. The great point in thorough ventilation is — not its importance — for that is admitted by all well-informed persons — but, how shall it be secured. I am acquainted with several systems of ventilation, but it appears to me that yours is the most scientific of those within my knowledge. The ventilation of Mr. Irwin's house seems to be a complete suc- cess. I was higlily pleased with the arrangements, and with the practical working. I shall have no hesitancy in recommending the .system wlien the conditions of its successful working — such as, the huge shaft ; the free c;irculatioii under the floor ; the perforated base ; and a large supply of air to the Air-warmer — are fully complied with It must be gratifying to you to be assured that you are in posses- sion of a principle wliich can be applied with ease ader a great variety of circumstances. The same general princnle ent.bles you to ventilate rail-road cars, residences and public halls. In view of the importance of the subject, and your success in applying it, you may well be considered a public benefactor. Yours truly, DeFOLSON WOOD, Professor Civil Engineering, University of Michigan. Samuel V. Irwin, President National Exchange Bank, ,,i Michigan, Albion. Albion, Michigan, June 19, 1866. Hon. Henuy Ri-ttav, Dear Sir :— Yours of the 25th ult. is before me. It should have had attention before this, but press of business and absence from home has pi-evented. I shall be happy to give you such testimonial as you may wish, if you will draw it up and send it to me. I am well pleased in every particular with the institution, and do not think you can draw one so strong, but what I could properly endorse it. i would do so myself but I think you can draw what you want better than myself. Do not hesitate to send it along at once, and I will promptly nnurn it to you. SAMUEL IRWIN. Detroit, Michigan. To H. RcTTAN, Esq. At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Detroit Young Men's Society, held at their Committee Room, the following resolu- tions were unanimously adopted : — 27 ~1 Resolved,— ThAt this Boaid uke pleasure in placing npon record their entire approval of Ruttan's system of warming and ventilating. The apparatus having been put in place and adapted to the New Hall, under the supervision of the patentee himself, Henry Ruttan. Esq., Cobourg. Canada West. Resolved, — That it has not only met our most sanguine anticipations, but has received the universal commendation of the distinguished lecturers and other public speakers who have appeared before the public, as well as the audience in attendance. Resolved, — That we cheerfully recommend Mr. Kuttan s system as being peculiarly adapted to "public buildings" and feel confident of of its meeting with universal approval. Sidney D. Miller, President. SaMUKL R. MUMFOBD, Recording Sec'y. I Seal] Waltkk Inukksoll, A. n. Day, R. N. Rick, S. T). Elu-oof). John G. Erwin, Cleveland Hunt, Charles Duchahjie. W. A. MOOKK, George McMillan, James E. Pitman, lutiier s. tuowbuidok, Ventilation of Railway Cars. Chicago, April 2Uth., 1867. ''To Whom IT May Conckrn." — We the undersigned, Superintend ents of Railways, have applied Ruttan's Plan of Ventilation to our Coaches. The large supply of pure air, entirely freetl fiom dust and cinders, and the downwai-d exhaustion which prevents Passengers inhaling each other's breach, are most valuable characteristics of his system, and, in our opinion, render it the most desirable of any yet introduced. We would also bear testimony to the winter arrangement which, whilst it supplies a large quantity of fresh warmed air, effects a very considerable saving in fuel. One stove only being used in each oar. R. N. Rice, General Superintendent Michigan Central Railroad. J. B. Sutherland, Superintendent Oar and Loco. Department, M.C.R. R. Harris, Gen. Superintendent Chicago, Burlington and Quiucy R. A. N. TowNE, late Gen. Superintendent Chicago and Great Eastern R. M. HtTGHETT, Gen. Superintendent Illinois Central R. R. Hale, Gen. Superintendent Chicago and Altona R. K Eaton, Superintendent Car and Loco. Dept. G.T.R, of (Janada. 28 From A. T. Hall, Treasurer C. B. & Q. R, R. Co. Ofkick ok thk CuiCAOo, Burlington and Quin'cy R. R, Co, ) Chicaoo, April 18, 1867. i H. J. RuTTAJt, Esq., Dear Sir: — Having had occasion tor the past year to ride upoji our trains between Chicago and Aurora, a distance of forty miles, almost daily, in coaclies using your system of Ventilation, it affords nie pleasure to state, that nothing more perfect for furnishing a full supply of pure fresh air is desirable. During the past winter, the coaches seating 76 persons each, were warmed by ono stove placed in the end of the car, and were rendered entirely comfortable in the coldest days. To some considerable extent I have observed the working of your plan for Heating and Ventilating buildings, and I have yet to leain of a case which has not proved satisfactory. Yours very respectfully, ,. A. T. HALL. Treas. C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. Certificate from Prof. Kingston, Victoria College, Cobourg". Dear Sir .- — In reply to your enquiry concerning my views of your Air-warmer and system of Ventilation, I have to say, that my house is of brick, walls hollow, built in the summer of 1859. The house is .38 by 35, and two stories high. The lower rooms are 10 feet between floor and ceiling, and the upper rooms 9 feet. Each room has either a fire-place or an air exhausting flue. Air-warmer No. I stands in the lower hall (no other stove is used in the main building), and is sup plied with cold air by a condnit 24 inches by 12, under the floor and connecting with the external air. The whole was constructed under my supervision ; and I direct also the management of the Air-warmer. After testing your system for two winters, the results are — thor- ough ventilation, especially in winter, and a warm, bland atmosphere, equally diffused throughout the vihole hoitse. — t ^ The winter before last, I burned twelve cords of good hard wood, and last winter being somewhat coldei', I burned thirteen cords from the 24th of December till the 11th of May. I have great pleasure in confidently recommending your system of beating and ventilation, where the building is constructed to reoeive it, as tending to secure health and economy, far abov'e all other sys- t«mB with which I am acquainted. I am, Sir, very truly yours, W. KINGSTON. H. Rtjttan, Esq. 29 Certificate from S. S. Easton, Esq. Easton Coknerr. H. RuTTAN, Esq., — SiK: — I have proved tbem all; not a particle of emoke have I seen in the house. I would not take one thousand dollars to be with out this air improvement, our building and the warmer work so well together. All new buildings must be constructed in this way to save ijtove dirt and firewood, as wood is now getting scarce. KespectfuUy yours. V, „,, s. S. EAKTON. ' From J. D. Pringle. Esq., Hamilton. Hamilton, Febrmiry. I certify that on Christmas eve i had one of Mr. Ruttan's small No. I Air-warmers put up in the hall of my cottage, which is about 38 X 28 feet in size on the ground and is divided into foui- rooms. The weather having been so very cold, I have not made any of" the apertures required in order to adapt the house to this mode of warm- ing, except the cold air duct apertui-e ; however ill adapted as it is at present, its operation is most satisfactory. The whole house is kept at a pleasant temperature, exceeding "Temperate Heat by about 5 or 6 degrees, seldom going above that." I am satisfied that when the proper apertures are all made, the warming of the house will be per- fect, in addition to which the ventilation, or circulation of pure air is delightful. .J. D. PRINGLE. ' "^ ' From W. Corrigal, Esq., Cobourg. I hereby certify that one of Mr. Sheriff Ruttan's Patent Ventilat- ing Stoves was put in the hall of my house, which is 38 x 40 feet inside. and two stories high, on Christmas Eve last ; that up to that time I had employed in wanning of my house, a hot air fumace in the base • ment. in which coi*d-wood four feet long was burnt, two fire places and two stoves, and consumed therein upwards of two cords of wood per week. Since Christmas 1 have had no fire in the building (except in the kitchen, which embraces one corner of it) but what was made in this stove, and, although the winter has been excessively cold, the thermometer having been more frequently below zero than I have ever known before, yet my house has never been so comfortably warmed. From expenments made, at Mr. Ruttan's request, I can safely assert that about half a cord per week will be fully sufficient, on an average, from November to May, to keep the whole house at a constant temperature from 50 to 65 degrees, by means of this Ventilating Stove alone. 30 Its operation ha» been witneshed by many of my friends and is exciting a good deal of curiosity, on account of its extraordinary power for so amall a naachine. measuring 32 inches long, 18 inches broad, and 27 inches high. . 5.^. . i W. COKKIGAL. Frum the Rectory at Tlioriihill. M.Y Deak Slit: — in reply to your enqun-ies reiativtj to the woi king of the Air-warmer, I have much pleasure in informing you that it has far exceeded my most sanguine expectations. This house is a parsonage, built by tlie PiirishDners last siiunnier and iall. 1 persuaded the Building Committee to permit tlie introduc- tion of your system of Warming and Ventilation. No Architect was employed, as I planned the house, and .superintend('(.l the erection of it myself, following exactly, the instructions you gave me by lett^!r The dimensions of the buililing (or at least the main portion of it, the kitchen, pantry, . Fortunp, Sheriff of tho United Counties of Northum- berliind :iiid Durham, certify tliat I have used Mr. Kuttjin's " Conibin- «-o1 I'uoiu full of chiMroii ; tiiul ootiHidcring that, iiio^t probably, nuveral gunerutions will inhabit th)> building, 1 May couHicloring thcHO thingM, is it not worth while to, at least, take the trouble of tkinkimj a little before we ))ogin our dwelling or s^-hool house? Thin is all 1 ask. Your I uilding must have Inmjn pnl into it, and thin can only be orlant matter. I hope before another season to hav*' the assistance of others so scattered in various localities throughout the provinces, and I'jiited States, tliat a a more ready access may be had for advi ^ ;' >■- ■■'■ '■ 38 LATK IMPROVKMKjNTTtS. These Aiv-wai-mers and Ventilating stoves liaving during the last twelve months been greatly improved by the introduction of tubes which very much increase thoir heating power, are now ottered to stove manufacturers and the public, and are warranted to be the best medium known for heating and ventilating dwellings, schools, churches, and all other buildings, public and private. The Air-warmers and the ventilating stoves liave litt'erent capa- cities. The Air-warmers have double >• « I hereby warrant that the Air-warmers and Ventilating Stoves herv .^ represented will infL,3e more warmth into a certain space, at the ( \C half the fuel, than can be done by any other known meanj. : > ..'■ming. ' '" H. RUTTAN. ■-•• ■ ' ■ . •"( ('J • • ' ; i ■ • • ' (i it 1 ' . . » . ■r ' .» • > , '' • ; , •"! 1, 1 f ' 'i '1 i , » ( I ',• I !>; I . I . < \ ■ ' «'J ' J ■' ' . • • I. . 1 . >' (( ;■:! SCI o-v,-'r'T i t ' :^W T k /^ -Ovt No. 1, House. Price $50 No. 2, Air Warmer. Price $75 or ail No. 3, Ventilating Stove. Price $45 Thifi Ventilating Stove is the most convenient Hall Stove for an ordinary two stoiy honee in th<^ world. It, requires 200 inches of air. ei*;*^ Ov^l'i ^y-sr,' t . ' ^ .V -c>? No. 4, Air Warmer. Price $30. liwelli No. 5. Price $75 f This Ventilating Stove is the most powerful house warmer of its size, cost and expense of fuel, in the world. Will warm any two story dwelling. Requires IS K) or 300 inches of air. ^, ■■. ' ,1-Iim Iiflfi .il'.i'ut ni l-^R J-.t 'iiil jiiiU 'ivio'vj'Kf oino -ir. U\h hoY ' ■'. ..'^iil O.VJ ica »\ )i ItoW/mq .•(■vtifcb [ym?. \%i:ai\>W no tme.'H Urn If No. e. Price $250 You will nt once pprceive that this is set in brick, and must, therefore, be set in a basement or cellar. It will warm an ordinary sized church, provided it is not too liigh in the ceiling, or a gar-^, or asylum, or other public building. It requires for its supply eight feet, or 1152 inches of air. 47 AUDENDA. NoTK. — While it is undoubtedly true that the Rdttav System oi' Ventilation can be most effectually introduced into buildings whilo in process of construction, yet I have been very successful in re- arranging and adapting buildings — both public and private — for warming and ventilating upon our plan. You can have your buildings fitted for this system, be they old or new, and no man shouM rest content until all his friends are thus secured the breathing of jmre. air 'n their dwellings, day and night. CERTIFICATES. ' r^ basemep.* or or a ga<"'.^, or iur. From President Sewall, Normal School of Illinois. Thk Ri ttan System. — These simple principles above referred to. are those on which Hon. II. Ruttan's system of warming and ventila- tion is based. These are the simple conditions observed. Cold air is admitted in abundance to the " Air-warmer," where it is wai-med (not heated red hot, and its life-sustaining qualities vitiated,) then rises, and is diffused through the room, or rooms, by means of transoms near the ceiling ; while the cold air, being heavier, falls to the Boor, and escapes at or near the bottom of the it)om, passes beneath the floor, and is collected into the foul air shaft, and escapes mto the outer air. Still, it is the almost universal practice to set furnaces, and pro- vide hot air pipes to conduct the h3ated air into a t ">ni, and make no provision whatever for the air to get out of the ' );' tbiu' lurnaces. and it had sum*' eight or ten ventilating slialts or ehiuinej's, e.x|»cclc(| to exhaust or take the air out of the liuilding, luit mil unf iiirli o/Oijeii- iinf van 1)1 iiridiii lv cunHtiiu'U-d im chfuply with ii\w\\ pnn'ision for vfniilation ii-> withoui it: unci can be w;u'med at uuuh let's oxpt'iisf thiin by any otUor plan. The cost UHCompaiml widi that orht-al'ii;^ l)y sti-ani in loss than une-third, as I have dearly demon- stilted liy a series ol careful ox|)oriniont.>' and obsorvations. Ax com- Itared with ordinary hot air furnaeen, not more tiiun one hall'. As coa^ pared Willi ordinary stfivos, it is docidedly less. In short, this -.yst^p ^oeiMs to possess evt rv possible advantage. It is sirnider, eheaj)er, and, best of all, it gives what is mo much neede»l — a full, complete and constant suj)ply of pure air ; and I honestly believe, thit when this syst(!m is generally adopted in our country, the rates of mortality will indicati- a marked decrease. .J. A. SBVVALL. I'i'esiileiil oj' the Illinois Slate iXorituU Sc/ioul. ClilCAuo, li.i... Sept. 28th, IHQX. VV. ,\. I'knnkll iV Co.. Gents : — I am highly pleased with the work ing of liio Uuttan Ventilation in my house. The air is pure and pleasant, antl my rooms are evenly and delightfully warmed, Yours, &c., M. up:ath, ( Finn Jlealh «(• Alillit/an.) JJE.\TKK, Maink, October 1st. 1!J6S. W. A. I'KNNKi. an'8 System of Ventilation and Warm- ing," as it works in our new school house, is before me ; and in answer, allow me to say— first: I am happy to answer questions in this regard, for the reason that the sooner we learn and act upon the great principles of ventilation and warming, the sooner shall we commence to live upon pure air in our houses, school rooms and churches. Mr. Ruttan has the honor of being the first man to under- stand, adopt and promulgate the true system. When once under- stood the "System" is perfectly simple; and a mechanic who understands it, can not make a mistake m applying it to a building. This system of warming and ventilation is excellent when applied to and used in a private residence ; it is almost indispensible in a modem church edifice ; but it is in the school house, where all our children > o 1 live iii:d lueatlie IVom lour to six liouia per day, t):T.t it b«?coiii«'.s a real blessing. In our First Ward building the air is completely renewed and absolutely changed every twenty minutes. The rooms are literally flooded with warm, fresh air through the furnaces— or registers leading therefrom — and the air in the room pressed out through the ope'-, base into the foul air duct, thence to the base of the foul air shaft, and from thence upward 70 feet into mid air, where it can become pure again by association Uur new house wPl acconimodiite 6(K> jiupils. We use four furnaces, and have run them since September until now. The cost of heating is no greater than, if as great as, by the common stove. One janitor attends the four furnaces, and takes care of the whole building, with the ahjistance of a small boy (his 8on)out of school hours. With the facts above set forth, I must close this h.-istily written letter. Wishinv? you great success in the introduction of this great blessing to the public, I am, Your oV)rdient servant, :.. . i, -: W. M. PACKARD. Vresident Hoard of Education^ City of Bloominijtvn, MoMNE, Ili,., October 19th, l!S6wet/t'r, and the dri/ room pleananter. IVe dry in leas time, (ind with verji much lessj'unl. You may feel at liberty to refer parties to us, or show them om' laundry when yon please, for it speaks for itself. Your suggestions in regard to the arrangement of hanging the clothes, although not at all connected with the ventilation, are valuable, and have saved us i^^KXJ, and at the same time are much the most (ionvenient. Wishing vou success, yours, etc., ROBERT HILL. Proprietor Maitesdu House, (Jliicago. Ottawa, 111., April 10. 1869. Mkssks. W. a. rKXNKLL A' Co. :— In my hop house I put the hops 15 inches deep on cloth shelves; heat up gradually for one hour, then let the heat up to 14() degrees, and keep it thus from four to six hours ; then let it cool off a couple of hours. It is not necessary to stir them, as in the old Wiiy, so we save the hops perfect in shape, and preserve all the flowei-. It only takes four bushels of cohI for twenty- lour hours. I did not use as much fuel in a week as they would the old way in a day with the old method of ventilation. There is no method this side of the hot place we read of by which they can get up and maintain so even a temperature. The labour is only to put on the hops evenly, make your tire and mind your thermometer. You are not obliged to go in the midst of the heat and stir or turn them all over two or three times, thus breaking the hop an. li. C. HARTWICK, Agent cmd Engineer of Ventilation, Boom II, No. 134, La Salle St., Cj^oj^ao. 61 Your attention \a nlso invited to a scientific mode of drying, known as "liuttan's Patc^nt Dry House,"— II. .). Kuttan, Cobourg! All interested in the drying ofluniber, tobacco, leather, wool, clothes, fruit, or anything, call and see a demonstration, or call at Sherman House or Matteson House, where it is used for laundries, at J. C. Parsons for wool, and at Harris & Oslanders for lumber. It ia economical and safe. Time, fuel and labor saved. H. J. liU'lTAN, COBOURO, UNT., Canada.