^#^ # ^^^-.o. V] ., FiioPKssoB OF Institutes ok Medicine, McGiLi, Univeubity. RepTinted Jrom Canada Medical and Suugical JoiniNAL, March, 1877. Irtotttral : PRINTEO AT rilK "(JAZETTE" PUINI'ING HOUSE. :^k : m- \ 'Aj.^, T CASE OF |}i'(iiji'c$$iirt |li>i*aifr(ri($ %imm (IDIOPATHIC OF ADDISOxV.) nv WILLIAM G A R D x\ E R , M . D . , PROPESson OF Medical Juiiisr-.-DEN-CE. McGiLi, UxivKnsiTv ; AND WILLIAM OSLER, M.D., L.R.C.P. Lond., Professor of Ixstitutes of Medicixe, McGiLL Umveusity. tlfprinled from Canada Medic ai, and Scrgical Jocrxal, March, 1877. PRINTED At tllt<: "GAZETTE" PRIXTING HOUSE. " A CASE OF PROGRESSIVE PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA. (IDIOPATHIC OF ADDISON.) The following case occurring in the practice of Dr. Gardner, is recorded as a contribution to the literature of a disease, rare, but by no means new, in any sense, concerning the pathology of which we have still a good deal to learn, and concerning the succesful treatment of which we as yet know nothing. G. A., set. 52, a native of England, employed in a spike fac- tory, first came under observation on the 5th November, 1876. He is a thin, spare, moderately well-built man of average stature, and with gray hair and beard. He is one of a large family, all of whom, except some who died in infancy, are now alive, liis mother was very subject to diarrhoea. All of the family have had at one time or another serious illnesses, which, however, in their nature, have no bearing on the present case. Two or three members of the family have had a tendency to bleeding at the nose. DnS. QARDNEIl i OSLER. At tlic age of between six and seven, shortly after coming to Canada, he had a long illness of live or six months duration, the nature of which, beyond the fact that it was attended with fever of remittent type, could not bo ascertained. After recovering from this illness, he contiuiicd to bo very healthy