Td^ 18^ ^ "^^ o . ^;^.^ Q !^ ^ .^ 1100 MHyna Amihm. 8uM 1100 SMvSf BpflnQ. iMiytand 20910 301/M7-n09 t Centimeter < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm bl|l l |l| ll|l|ll |ltt |l |l| l ^ l ^l^ ^ Inches- g,_Q|«j»ia ,: u .Itf '«•' - '!* •: 1.25 I k4 ii^ if' » ;■■:/' ^C^ HONUFflCTUREO TO PZIH STANOflROS. BY APPLIED imCE» INC. _ . i: CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) i CsoAdlan IratltMte for HlttOflesI HdlcrorWMluctlen. / tnwHiit csnadlwi^k mlcfOfepcoductlons MtUMJlquM :-->-^ TMliiiical widtMMatrapMi MoftM / N9«m <»chw>« n i M tt biblioyipliiqim '■.;% TiM Imtitiilt Hm ■mmvMd to ol»Min Hm bHt orifiiwl codV availaMe for f Mmint. FMttirM «f tMi mw wMih of iMi IwniM III III* rapradMettan, •» wliM* w*1f ilflniflMiMiv diMifi llM UMMl nMthod of fMMliit. W* L'lnttitut ■ w tef of H wa l« NMMlMir iMi a M pomM* * M proMn tMNiptok* «|mI torn pMrt4tft dAtaNt^oM riprojyha. oy mui p wmnm t aal oant la nwlnofla nofHMM pa cl-daMOPt. ilpaf una moPniaatioii' □ ColoMrad ee««n/ COMvartura da cotilaor QCovara damapid/ CoMvartura □ Covan fattofad and/or lamlnaiad/ Couvartiira raitaurAa at/o« paNle MH a □ CofartMamMai/ □ Cotourad mapa/ CartH ftotrapliiquai an eaulaur □ Cotourad Ink (i.a. otfial tlian bhia or Mask)/ Ener* da oo«da«r (l.a. 4iitra qoa Maoa ou noira) □ Coloiiiad plaiH and/or iihHtratiom/ Ptanahaa at/ou iNuttratiom an eoulaur □ Beond wItK oithar matarM/ RaM aMC d'autrai doeumanti □ Tl#tt Mndinf may ONita thadonvt or ( akNif kiiarior marfin/ La rallttra tarria pairt c am ar da I'ombra ou da la distonion la long da la marft intiriaura n Blank laavai addad durinfl raitoration may j wHkki tha taxt. Wrhanavar poHiMa. tti«» ha«a kaan ominad f rom f iknini/ II M paut qua eartamat paiai Mancha* aioutiat km dturn rattturation apparaitiafit dam la laxta. mai*, kMnqua eala Mait pOMiMa. cat papn n'ont patMfilmtef. w □ CokMirad papn/ Paia« da aeulaur □ Pugat raMorad and/or lamkiatad/ , NfM rattaurtei at/ou pal l l c u H a i Npaa diwolourad. sttinad or foMd/ PkaM dAflaliirAM tadMliM ou bIouAm r~l Sho«rthiou|h/ I ^ Trantparanea Quality of print varias/ QualiM in 4 p l ada rimprattion □ Continuoui pafination/ Nfinatioii eontifiua D Indudas indaxlatl/ Comprand un (das) indax Titia on kaadar takan from: / La titra da Taiirtita proviant: TitIa papa of inua/ ' ^ Paga da titra da la livraiton r~n Caption of ittua/ n Titra da depart da la livraison Matthaad/ Giniriqua (ptriodiquai) da la livraiton D Additional eommantt:/ Commantalrat lupplimantairat: Thit itam it fikiMd at tha raduetkNi ratio chackadlMkiw/ Ca documant att film* au taux da rMuetion indiqui ci-dattoui. ^tWr -:«ir tax m aox :22)r ^rr TOJr 24X 28X 32X L'tiMmpliifii Miwl IM PtplMuH jfiii * jl Th« ifiMiM appMrlnf h«ni art th« batt quality poaalbia aanaMarlng tha eQndltlon and laglblHty af tha artflfial eopy and In kaaplng wHb tha fUmlnsaantraatApaeHlaatlona. • > Original aoplaa In printad papar eovart ara fUfnad baglnning with tha trant aevar anf bhding on tha bMt paga with a printad or llluttratad Impraa* •Ion. or tho baak aovar whan approprtata. All othor original aoploa ara fUmad baglnning on tha firat paga with a printad or Nluttratad Impraa* ' •ion. and anding on tha laat paga wtth a printad or llluatratad Improaaion. Tha laat raeordad frama on oach mierofleho •haN aontain tha aymbol -♦• imaaiiing "CON- TINUID1. or tho aymbol V (maaning "ff^D"). whiehavar applioa. Mapa. platas. eharta. ate., may ba fllmad at diffarant raducdon ratloa. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraly hicludad In ona axpoauro ara fllmad bagiiihlng In tha uppar laft hand eomar, laft tqf right and top to bottom, aa many.framaa as raoulrad. Tha following diagrama llluatrata tha mathod: m . -.■■■■'- 1 2 r.S?' V» Ui»mi tkmk tf CwwH MUm Laa bnagaa aulvantaa ont 4t4 roprodiiltaa avaa la plua grand aoln. qgmpto tanu da la aendltion at da la nattat* da I'aaamplal^ film4«'at in ^ eonformli* ayoo laa aondhlona do aontrat da Laa axomplalraa origlhotix dont la aai^rtura an paplar aat Imprimda aont fllm^tian aommanvant par la pramlar plat at an tarmlnant aalt par la damMro paga qui aomporta una ampralnta d'impraaalon ou dllluatratlon.. aolt par la saoond plat aaloh la aaa. Toua laa autroa aaamplairaa - origlnaux aont fllmto an aommon^ant par la praml*ro paga qui eomporta una ampralnta dimproaalon ou dHluatratlen at on tarmlnant par la damMra paga qui eomporto una taHa omprolntp* . • ■■ • Un doa aymbdioa auhranta apparatti* aur iii damMro Imaga da ehaqua mierofleha. salon la aaa: la aymbolo -^ aignHia "A tUIVfll". la aymbolo ▼ algnMla "PW, — — ^ Laa aartas. planehaa. tablaaux. ate., pauvant *tro filmte A daa taux da rAduettondiffAranta. Loraqua la doeumant aat trap grand pour Atra raprodult an un aaul eliehA. U aat filmA A partir da I'angla aupArlaur gauaha. da gaueha A drolto. at da haut an baa. an prinant la nambra d'imagaa nAeasaaira. Laa diagrammas suivanta illuatrant la mAthoda. ^ M:. iHM .fA-. ^ .■V UNFTEO CHUnCH AgC^A^ MICHt«E9 ■ ^-^ A fiiGESt 5*5* -^- JOB wssE-AriiinniixzrT ahp ttBQULATIOini AHALGUJUSIC [OK OF THB WOBX W OOimiKKOHIk « ?■»*:' < w. Tir ^. ' \ :% oxNiRAL oonmna !— . V ^. •a-y •OVWk r« ti'^'f^ .>t-*lj, V*. '«»'^P!^iSfiW^i^^^ 1 Mov€d hy the Rey.*T. Q. Williams, Meonded Bbv. Thomas Brook — h "^ ^Thftt this Oonferenoe nspeetfoily requeit the Rev. J. 'A. Williaipt, D.D., to prepare a digest of those parts of the Journal which relate to the duties Of the officers of the Gharch, in con-, neetion witSi the oaRyinf; into effect of the details necessary to the consommation of the IJnioni in order to ensure correctness and nniformity of action.** < r- , V * '. ■* 1 ■ ' ' ■ ■■-. . - ' . 1 : ■ s *■ ... 1, ■ " m 1 \ I — ., — » " K * ' Ifci^*.^ -s- .^.« .>- » h 'W' 1 A DIGEST OF THE REGUUTIONS. -•-•-^ I. RE-ADJUSTMfcNT OF CIRCUITS AND MISSIONS. - 1. The readjustment ol the work on Circuits and Missions is referred to a Committee, composed as follows :—-»^^-^ (a) All Chairmen of Districts, Presiding Elders, and Superintendents of Districts of the uniting Churches, having jurisdiction witmn the bounds of such Districts respectiydy-.-- ■-; . ■■\. (6) In the -North- West the Superintendent of Mispdons and Chairmen of Districts shall f orm ftuch Committee. X ( 2. These Committees shall present a full ieport of the proposed changes in Missions and Circuits to the respective Provisional District Meetings, and through them to the Stationing Committees and Conferences. All self-sustaining Churches may continue as they now are until they themselves express a desire for change. All future arrangements for the pastoral work shall be provided for by the Annual Con- ferences; but it is vjerydepi|a.ble Jhat all preaching placet shall continue to receive preaching, until, by oitttual agree- ment, other arrangements Ure made. Nqtb. — ^The attention of the Committees on the Be-adjus£- ment of the Work is directed to the arrangements of the ^iCr- ~r:Sr-, » I 0«n«hd Oonfertnce in reference to the Supertnnuation Fund, in reference alio to the Ohildren't Fund. It ii.tuggetted that, it the Msewment for the Superannuation Fund ii baaed upon^ the Oirouit income, including the amount paid tot Minia-- terial Support, and also the amount paid to the Connexional Fundi, and at the aateatment for the Children't Fund it bated upon the number of membert of tixteen yean of a^ and upwardt, in order that there be no oonfution, nor loat, and that the diveOtion of the Qoneral Oonference in the premitet bo fuUv carried out, it will be necettary for the Committee to ailertain the numW of membert belonging to, — tfnd the amount contributed 'to Minitterial Support and alto to the Oonnezional Fundt bj, — each i^ypointment reipectively aflfected by the reacyuttment A tchedule tat been prepared, which it it thought will greatly facilitate the work of the Oommitteea. II. dF DISTRICTS AND DISTRICT MEETINGS. 1. Tho Dittricta recognized by the General Conference A^ll form Brovitional Dittrictt of the Methpditt Chnroh, and luch Dittriott thall eaoh include whatever Cirouita or MiM^Ana of the uniting Churchet may lie within or be con- tiguout to itt boundariea. 2. A Prbvitioiud Diitrict Meeting thall be held in each Dittrict, competed of all the minittert and probationert within the bounda of the reapective Diatrfcta, and on» lay delegate from each Circuit, elected by the jQuarterly Board of aueh Oirouit, for ea^i miniater and probatiioiaer in the 'acttve work. - -' ' .' :-.-r>- *■■ -I :-<^' 8. The ProvidonAl Diitriot Meeting ■hall be odled together at such time, and plaoe, aa ahall be ohoeen by the Ohairman of Distriota, of the Methodist Ohuroh of Canada, after oonaultation by him with the presiding officers of the other uniting bodies, whose charges, or any part of them, may lie within the bounds of such Distriota. , 4. Each District Meeting, when assembled, shall organise by electing a Ohairman and Secretary jnv tem. 6. The lay members of the District Meetings shall meet separately sometime during the session, uid elect by ballot, without debate, lay representatives to the Annual Confer- ences, in the proportion of one for each minister in full connexion within the bounds of the District Laymen, to be eligible, must be i^^^^ twenty-five years of age, and must have been memblRnl the Church, in good standing, for the five oonseoutive years next preceding the election. 6. The Provisional District Meeting shall examine into, and report to the Stationing Committee and Conference upon, ^e recommendations for the division of Oircu^ and learrangement of the same, submitted to it in hannony with the direction given concerning such readjustment. The Provisional District Meeting appoints the repi^MUta^ tives to the Stationing Committee, and the member of the Sabbath School Committee. NoTB.-— The Districts recognized by the General Confer- ence are those that existed in the Methodist Church of Canada, in September, 1883. r* - -^1(ti -'■'^K':^'- jpm^f- ■'-'^■■fWtf.>;,*«n^-i S ^ ^r ' (,'. ^ in. THE PROVISIONAL STATtOJJING OOMMITTEE. 1. Th« Ohairmen of Diitriotof Predding Elden, muI Superintendenta of Diitriote within the bounds of the District, and one repreeentatiTe elected by ballot from among the ministerial memben of the District, such election to be by the joint votes of ministers and laymen, form the ProTiuonal Stationing Committee. 3. Where there are Presidents of Annaal Oonf^rences in the Methodurt Ohuroh of Canada, they are empowered to call together the Provisional Stationing Committee, and where no sach Presidents exist the General Superintendent shall perform this duty. 3. The Stationing Committee, on assembling, shall elect a Ohdjnnan from among its members, who shall predde at its session until after the election of the President o f),j^he^ Annual (|bnference. . 4. ' The Stationing Committee shall not allow any minister, or probationer for Uie ministry, to remain more than three years successively on the same Oirouit, except the Qeneral Conference officers, superannuated and supernumerary min- isters, the missionaries among the Indians on the French and Foreign Mission Districts ; and such ministers «lk \ -'■^J \ *' -f.. N' U. TIm Manitoba Oonfertttoa embraoM Um torritor; fonnarlj included in the Winnipeg, Portage U FmirU, Brandon, Pembina, Tiurtle Mountain, and the Saakatohewan Diatrioft of the Manitoba Oonferenoe of the Methodiit Ohuroh of Canada. ' ^ 13. The Annual Oonferenoe ia oompoaed of all miniaien within ita juriidiotion, who have been received into full connexion, and an equal nuinber of laymen who have been elected aa ihe diaoipline direct*. 1.9. Preaohera who have received ordination in any of the nailing bodiea, and are in^|ood atanding at the time of the union, retion all righta and privilegea conferred by auch ordination. . 14. Laymen elected have the right to be prea^t at all ordinary leaaiona of the Annual Conference, and to apeak and vote on all queationa, except the examination of minia- terial oharaoter and qiialiiication, the -reception, by vote, of probationera into fbll connexion and their ordination, and the granting of the auperannuated or aHpemumerary rela- tion, on which exceptive questiona miniitera aloncr ahall takeaotion. ^ ^ •# ^fhe Annual Conftsrenoea for 1884 meet aa foUowa, via:— MovnMAh ....... .Brookvllle Thnraday, June 0th, 1884 Bat ov QuDm ....Pioton m n IfHh, » TOBOMto Toronto n n lOth^ i* OvBLni ......Clinton ........... WeduMday, II 18th, » LoHDON London... Thnraday n 12th^ h ITuoABA ......... .Hamilttm !..... .. . m m lllUi, n Mahroba. Br a n d on .^ft.... h h 12th, n N. K 4 P. B L ....Si John . . . . . Wedneeday, .. 20th, » Nova Scotia ......Halifax Friday h 20th, h NawvoDXDLAWD . . . .St. John't. ........ h w . 27th, h •I. 1*1 / J* *<» mt te-' tv--" Whero there are Pretidentw of the Annual Conferenoe of the Methodiit Oharoh of Oanada they are empowered to call the Conference together, but where no such Presidents exist the QenenU Superintendent shall perform this duty. The^ General Superintendent, when present, shall open the Annual Oonferwice, and preside during the first day of its sessions, and afterwani alternately with the President elected by the Oonferen<»9. In the' absence of a General Superintendent, the President of the previous year shall take the chair and open the Ckmference. In association with the President, the General Superintendent shall con- duct the ordidatioii service, and they shall jointly sign the ordmation parchments. But all other duties pertaining to the presidency of the Annual Conference shall be vested in the Preudent elected by that body^ and, in the absence of the General Superintendent, he shall conduct the ordination. VI. CHURCH PROPERTY. t. All Gliurches, church sites, Sabbath-school build- ings 'and ^tes for mission premises, parsonages, burial, grounds, camp-meeting grounds, and all other real property now held or to be held in trust Or otherwise by or for the several Methodist Bodies and Conferences now forming the Methodist Churchi shall be held as .vested in the Trustees and other persons in whom the titles respectively are now or may be, in trust for the Methodist Church. 2. Any Church property l^;a}ly authorized to be sold ■hall be sold and conveyed by the Trustees thereof, by and with the consent of the Annu&l Conference within the r r . ♦ , ' bonndt of which ■noh property ii aitiutte, fint duly obtained. Such consent to be embodied in the deed or conveyance, and testified by the signing and execution of such deed by the President or acting President of said Annual Oonfer- ence, and the appending thereto of the seal of such Am ^ n ft i Oonlmkioe; but no Church, Parsonage, or other property can^ sold without the consent of the Trusteea of sftid property.;. 3. Ith case the disposal of property is plainly advisable before the legal consummation of union, it shall be compe- tent for the United District Meetings and Chairmen, Super- intondents and Presiding Elders, andltJnited Trustee Boards to act as a Basis, prooeediiEi^ with a good degree 6f unanimity. ■ ' v , 4. In all casea where such Chnrdi 6r Parsonage Property may ,be so sold, the proceeds arising from the sale- may be 8|>plied,— (1) To the payment of \^y/debt8 or claims upon, or in respect o^ such property. (2) To the payment of any debts upon the property retained for use by the Congr^gi^ tion formerly using tho property so sold, or in building* new Church or Parsonage where necessary for the united congregation. (3) The balance, if any, to be appUed with the consent of the Trustees, to the use of the<)huroh sad Parsonage Aid Fund of the United Church, in the Annual Conference in which such property is situated. These regulations in Sec. 4. do not afibot the ptoperty of the Bible Christian Church, as special provision is made in relati ; ■;■ 1 1* i 1 1 1 ■ 1 Ir ■ ■■ ■ i- - • • -.--'^^^H 1 1 ^ ,i' • . " »" * " ' '■* ■; .-■■■ -^ ■ 1 m ■ , •■ ■ •■ ■ - 1 I 1 '.: ■ ^ ' s > . , « v .. ♦ . ■••■■. • ■ ■ . 1 ; . .. ■ ■V ■ " ■ , ' • - - 1 , ■( ■ 1 • mi- . '. ■■' . ■1 *). m. *• . 1 ■ 'Mp' ..: "•r ■ v. : "■'-'■ ■ ♦ 1 "■■^ ' 1 , ": :' ■":'-^;,.::^^---- ■";■'■■:' ^:■■■■ ■ ■ ■ -. - '. ■ "^ . ' ' ' ;'; ■ ■■■ '. .' ■/ • . -., i .'■■.■■'....■■ ■■ ■ ' " "* !. 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