IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V // // 1.0 "■ lis 12.2 lU iJi 11.25 US. mil 2.0 JA 111.6 "/ <» w "9: V Phr»frkriT»aT^nio Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4303 s H>^ iV \ \ % V -'■ J i *ii LAWS OP LACROSSE. 7 Sec. 4. Should any player be injured during a match and compelled to leave (he field, the opposite team 8hall drop a man to equalize the teams during his absence. In the event of any dispute between the Field Captains as to the injured player's fitness to continue the game, the matter shall at once be decided by the Referee. Sec. 5. No change of players must be made after a match has commenced except for reasons of accident or injury during the game. In the event of a match being postponed and resumed where left oft, there shall be no change of players on either team. Sec. 6. No Indian shall play in a match for a white club, unless previously agreed upon. Rule V.— Captains. Sec. 1. Captains to superintend the play shall be appointed by each side previous to the commencement of a match. They shall be members of the club by whom the^y are appointed. They may or may not be players in the match. Sec. 2. Captains who arc non-players shall not carry a crosse, nor shall they be dressed in lacrosse uniform nor shall they in any manner obstruct the play or inter- fere with an opponent during a match, under the penal- ties hereinafter described for foul play. Sec. 3. They shall be the representatives of their respective teams in all disputes, in which, they may each be assisted by one player whom they may select. /jy;s^a'-S?rt: 8 JUNIOR LACROSSE LEAGUE. Sec. 4. They shall select Umpires and Referee, as laid down in these rules, toss for choice of goals, and the said Captains, or either of them, or the Referee alone, shall be entitled to call "foul" during a match. They shall report all infringements of the laws during a match to the Referee. Sec. 5. Before the commencement of a match, each Captain shall furnish the Referee with a full and correct hat of his twelve, and a declaration stating that they are all bona-fide members in good standing of the club they represent, as provided for in Rule IV, Sec. 1. Sec. 6. When the Captains have agreed upon a Referee, they shall sign an agreement in triplicate relat- ing thereto ; they shall each retain a copy thereof, the third being handed to the Referee, whose authority shall commence upon receipt of said agreement. The Referee shall have power to postpone match if raining heavy. Rule VI. — Referee. m Sec. 1. The Referee shall be selected by the Captains and must be appointed at least one day before the match. He shall be a thoroughly disinterested party, and unless mutually agreed upon, shall not be a member of either of the competing clubs. He shall not be interested in any bet upon the result of the match. Sec. 2. In the event of the Field Captains failing to agree upon a Referee the day previous to a match, it shall be the duty of the President of the Junior Lacrosse League, or in his absence from the country, or owing to 'I I i if LAWS OF LACROSSE. 9 the impossibility of his being communicated with the Vice-President, upon bein? duly notified, to appoint a Referee to act during the match ; such Referee, however, not to be one of the number proposed by either of the competing clubs. Sec. 3. Before the match begins, the Referee shall obtain from the Captains their signed agreement relating to his appointment. He shall then see that properly qualified Umpires are selected as provided for in Rule VII He shall also obtain from each of the Captains a declaration and list of their team, and shall satisfy him- self that the players are bona-fide members of the team they represent in accordance with Rule IV, Sec 1 All disputed points and matters of appeal that may arise during his continuance in office shall be left to his decis- ion, which in all cases must be final. Sec. 4. Befoie the match begins, he shall draw the players up in lines, and see that all the rules and regu- lations respecting the goals, ball, crosses, spiked soles, Ac, are strictly adhered to. He shall ascertain before the commencement of a match the number of games to be played, time for stopping and any other arrangements that may have been made by the Captains. He shall have the power to suspend at any time during the match any player infringing the laws-whether the foul has been claimed by the Captain of either side or not-the game to go on during such suspension. Sec. 5. When " foul " has been called by either Cap- tHiD, ixie iieieree, unless satisfied thatafoul has not been committea, shall immediately cry « time," after which iO JUNIOR LACROSSE LEAGUE. the ball must not be touched by either party, nor must the players move from the positions in which they happen to be at the moment, until the Referee has called "play." Sec. 6. The jurisdiction of the Referee shall not ex- tend beyond the match for which he is appointed, and he shall not decide in any matter involving the con- tinuance of a match beyond the day on which it is played The Referee must be on the ground at the commence- ment of and during the match. At the commencement of each game, and after " fouls" and " ball out of bounds" he shall ' that the ball is properly faced, and, when both £idet a-e ready, shall call " play." He shall not ex- press an opinion until he has taken the evidence on both sides. After taking the evidence, his decision in all cases must be final. Any side rejecting his decision, by refus- ing to continue the match, shall be declared lof ers. Sec, 7. He must at the close of the match supply to the Captain of the winning club a certificate of the result of the match, said certificate to be forwarded to the Secretary of the League. • Rule VII. — Umpires. Sec. 1. T^ere shall be one unjpire at each goal. They shall be disinterested parties, and shall not directly or indirectly be interested in any bet upon the result ot the match. They shall not be members of either club en- gaged in the match, nor shall t.iey be changed during its progress without the consent ot both Captains, unless as provided in Rule y , Scctioii 4. f LAWS OF LACROSSE. 11 f f Sec. 2. Their jurisdiction shall last during the match for which they are appointed. They nhall not change goals during a match. They shall stand behind the flags ' when the ball is near or nearing the goal. In the event of game being claimed, the umpire of that goal shall at once decide whether or not the ball has fairly passed through the flags, his decision simply being "game " or " no game," without comment of any kind. He shall' not be allowed to express an opinion, and his decision shall in all cases be final, without appeal. Except in cases provided for, no player shall in any way attempt to in- fluence the decision of the umpire, whose ruling shall be final in all cases. Sec. 3. In the event of the Field Captains failing to agree upon the umpires, after three nominations, in ac- cordance with this rule, have been made by each party It shall be the duty of the Referee to appoint one or more umpires, as may be required, who shall not be one of the persons objected to, who must be duly qualified as re- quired by this rule. Sec. 4. If after the commencement of a match, it be- comes apparent that either umpire, on account of par- tizanship, bet. on the match, or any other cause, is guilty of giving unjust decisions, the side offended against may enter a protest with the Referee against his conduct, and ask for his immediate removal. Afi< hearing the evi- dence on both sides the Referee shall decide whether he shall be dismissed or continue in office. If disniJe..^.^ the Referee shall at once appoint another to act ^n hi J ^^-^'fM':'si^':i^M^^^:' 12 JUNIOR LACROSSE LEAGUE. decisioj, however, which he may have gi lismissal, shall hold good. ven stead. Any decisioj, however, which he n previous to his dismissal, shall hold good. KuLE VIIL— The Gams. Sec. 1. The game shall be started by the Referee facing the ball in the centre of the field between a player on each side. The bail shall be laid upon the ground between the sticks of the players facing, and when both sides are ready, the Referee shall call " play." The play- ers facing shall have their left side towards the goal they are attacking. Sec. a. A match shall be decided by the winning of three games out of five. Games in all cases must be won by putting the ball through the goal from the front side. Sec. 3. On the day appointed, if one club only put in an appearance, it shall be entitled to claim a victory by default. If its opponents refuse to fulfil their engage- ment, or do not appear upon the ground for half an hour aftei the specified time, the club complying with the torms agreed upon shall be declared the winners of the match. Sec. 4. In the event of a match being interrupted by darkness, or any other cause considered right by the Referee, and one side having won two games, the other none, the side having won the two games shall be declared winner of the match. Should one side have won two IT ames and the other one, the m?.tch shall be considered drawn. In the event of a draw it shall not be played off unless it affects the rhamDionsbin at ^V"^ r-ir^aa nf *v.o ir^oi. - * - — J I LAWS OP LACROSSE. 13 I r &ec. 5. Either teAm may claim not more than ten minutes rest between games. Sec. 6. After each game the opposing teams shall change goals. Sec. 7. Should the ball be accidentally put through a goal by one of the playe-s defending it, it shall be game for the team attacking that goal. Should it be put through a goal by any one not actually a player, it shall not count. A ball thrown through the goal by the hand, or kicked through whea a player is out of play, shall not count a game. Sec. 8. In the event of a goal post being knocked down during a match, and the ball put through what would be a goal, if the goal post were standing, it shall count game for the attacking side. Sec. 9. When game is claimed and disallowed, the Referee shall order the ball to be faced for, from where it is picked up, but in no case must be closer to the goal than ten yards in any direction. Sec. 10. The Goal keeper, while defending goal with- in the goal crease, although not allowed to catch and throw, may put away with his hand, or block the ball in any manner with his crosse or body. Sec. 11. Should the ball lodge in any place inacces- sible to the crosse, it may be taken out with the hand and the party picking it up must » face " with his nearest 'ff \^AA\^AA «!• 14 JUNIOR LACROSSE LEAGUE. Sec. .2. Should the bail catch in the netting, the lodge'u ""-'^-'"'y struck on .heg.o„„c, t^ dil! See. 13. Balls ihiown out of bounds must be " faced " for, at the nearest spot where it left the bounds, an.l all players shall remain in their until the ball be aced^ The Referee shall see that this rnle is strictly en! forced and when both sides are ready shall .all ".day,- LfL Z """"' '' '"""'"•" ^'"'«'' l-y »•"= Captains before the commencement of tiie match. match. "' ^''"'"' """' '^'"'^' '^"'" '">''" during a bafrwhe'n "f " 't'^"' ""'"''' ^' ''" P-^^^^^^i"" of the ball when "time" ,s called he must drop it on the ground If the ball enters the goal after " time " ha been called, it shall not count. Rule IX— Focl Play. witrbi'-\ "i"?',?'?'*" ""* ^™^*"''" "Wo^ent's crosse wUh h.s hands, hold at with his arms, or bet-^ een his Sec. 2. A player shall not hold an opponent's crosse nor hold, strike, nor trip him with his crosse, ruu n W of h>m, or .nterfere in any way to keep him Lrn the b" until another reaches it. Sec. 3. A player shall not hold, strike, nor trit, -in opponent, nor push him with the hand. Sec. 4. A player shall not wrestle with l-.....«. . so as to throw an opponent. ' *"^ "'"' LAWS OF LACROSSE. 15 Sec. 5. A player shall not touch the ball with his hands, save as in Rule VIII. Sec. 11, or excepting goal- keeper as in Rule VIII. Sec. 10. Sec. 6. A player shall not thcow his crosse at a player, or at the ball, under any circumstances. Should a player lose his crosse during a game, he shall consider himself " out of play,'' and shall not be allowed to touch the ball in any way till he recovers his crosse. Sec. 7. A player who loses his crosse, and is therefore out of play, shall not kick the ball under any circum- stances. • Sec. 8. A player shall not move from his position when time is called n.itil the ball is again faced. Per- sistent infringement of this rule shall subject the offend- ing party to be ruled oif for the remainder of the game by the Referee. Sec. 9. A player shall not stand within the goal crease, nor shall he check the goal-keeper within the goal crease, until the ball has fallen inside of said crease. Sec. 10. A player shall not wear spiked shoes or boots, and any player atternpting to evade this law shall be im- mediately ruled out of the match. Sec. 11. Any player deliberately striking another with his crosse or otherwise, shall he immediately ruled out of the match Sec. 1 2. The check commonly known as the « square" or "crosse" check, which consists of one player charging into another with both hands on the crosse so as to make the stick meet the body of his opponent, is strictly for- bidden. 16 JPNIOE LACROSSE LEAOUE. in« the ban. Fore b.v t TT^ '"'' "' »««'• '«««h- a fence ia stric;r;:oL'i,l'r ''^^''-^ - "PPonent into '^'^e^tu^^t:';:^:^:"''''''' *- -- -^ -"" pu Fell It of an opponent. P"«uit of the ball *'''°°*"* ^''^" •'''* a^e i" , ^"'"^ ^ -«^"^™ENT ^no Poaltv for .. FOD.8 " iurtd daring" thfpirr?""" "im-f purposely in- »ust report to Lt^n;.:!' n" "^ ''''"^'■'' ^"^^ complained of. ' "''"' ^"^ *»>« Player the game, he shal cant In th!" 7'^"' ^"^ '""" ^' fence ; if repeated, the Referee 1!"' '"' '""^ "^^^ "f" r^»t Of the game (not matS i„ li'fl. "'" "" '"^ P'ace, Without .toeing the i .'tt T; 3^7' "? 8 and 9 of Rule IX sh«]i k . ' ^' ^' ^' S» 6, 7, and under this clfuse """'""' "'-^'"-^ fc"'« ^ec. 3. For deliberate fouls whiV-i, ^ opponents or aifeot the re^^t If tt """" '"^"'^ *» rebmt of the game— for the first ■ ^:m-- LAWS OF LACROSSE. 17 offence, the Referee shall have power to suspend the player committing it for the rest of the game (not laatch) in which such foul takes place : for a second offence the Referee shall have power to remove the offending player and compel his side to finish the match short-handed. Sees. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Rule IX. shall be considered as deliberate fouls under this clause. Rule XI. — Championship Players. Sec. 1. No player that has ever played a match for the Senior, Intermediate, or Junior championship will be allowed to play in this League. Sec. 2. Players on the Junior Lacrosse League's championship team will not be considered as junior championship players as mentioned in Rule XI, Sec. 1. RuLB XII. — Protests, &c. Sec. 1. Protests or complaints shall not interfere with the series. Sec. 2. The series to consist of two matches between each club, one match on each club's grounds. Sec. 3. Matches resulting in a draw shall not count. In the event of clubs tieing on the whole series, they shall play off under order of the League. ■ <•> ■ -^mw^ ^*^SSC.-; J constitution. Junior Lacrosse League OF MONTREAL. ARTICLE I p-teot H fro. prof: <: i:^::^^^^^^ '" """'"'^ ■• tivation of kindly feelinc, »1 ' f ?''<»»''»« the ciil- ARTICLE II We been >- I'««g"e must be e elusive! V of composed ex- i8 CONSTITUTION. 19 Sc. 2. An amateur is any person who has not (since June 4, 1880) competed in an}' open competition, or for a stake, public or admission money, or entrance fee, or competed with or against professionals for a prize, who has never at any period of his life taught, or assisted in the pursuit of any athletic exercise or sport us a means of livelihood; whose membership of any Lacrosse club was not brought about or does not continue because of mutual agreement or understanding whereby his becom- ing or continuing a member of such Lacrosse club would be of any pecuniary benefit to him, either directly or in- directly ; who has never, directly or indirectly, received any payment in lieu of loss of time while playing as a member of any Lacrosse club, or any money consideration V7hatever for any services rendered as a player except his actual travelling or hotel expenses. Sec. 3. Any club convicted of having in its member- ship, professionals of any kind, shall forfeit its member- ship in this Leagut'. Sec. 4. No club shall be admitted to mpimbership in this League unless it adopts in its club constitution the words or sentiments contttined in this Article. Sec. 5. Clubs in this League shall be allowed to em- ploy Indians, who shall hereafter rank as professionals, either as trainers or for the purpose of playing exhibition matches. Sec. 6. No club in this League shall play for money challenge, or money prize under any circumst^inces what- ever. Sec. 7. Any club playing for money challenge or money prize, shall forfeit its membership in this League. 20 JUNIOR LACROSSE LEAGUE. ARTICLE IV. Of wVoT "k"" "'""'* °' ""'"' » P*"«" -^ »«'"»'«' there, of who has been censured or punished by this lZZ for foul play or other reprehensible conduct or who Hh«n henceforth be convicted under the laws o the Intrl member of this League, or be admitted to memberehin hereof; and no new club shall be admitted a m mb r h re.„ ,h,ch has among its members anyone who ha, W shaM Z ' :[ ""' "'"''"• No club i' this Leagu «ha", play a „atch with any such club, under penalty of e dST'^'f r ^"^^ ""'«'■«■ ^-""' «^» adont " n U . r"'^'"'^'^ ■'" this League unless it adopts m Its club constitution the sentiments or words containedin this Article. ■ woras ARTICLE V. No club shall be represented in this League (after June ARTICLE VI, Sec 1. Clubs must make their annual ret:., , the hecetary and pay their dues to the T..a» by Isl April, and not later than 1st June every year. See 2. Any club not complying with Sec. 1, Article ..^1- f:. '^*"' '""'"'" subscription of this League sb.l. i/'v/ siA. uOiiurs. CONSTITUTION. 21 Sec. 4. All the expenses of advertising, hall, etc attendant on the League meeting shall be defrayed by the League. ARTICLE VII. Sec. 1. Its officers shall be a President, two Vice- Presidents, a Secretary-Treasurer, and a Council of eighteen delegates, to be elected annually by the club they represent. They shall hold office until their succes- sors are appointed. No club shall be allowed to havo more than one representative as an officer in the Leauue. Sec. 2. A minute Secretary may be appointed tem- porarily at each annual meeting. Sec. 3. Office-bearers shall have no vote except as in Article VIII. Sees. 1 and 2. ARTICLE VIIL Sec. 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the League, with the usual privileges of the office. He shall have a casting vote in a tie. He shall call extra meetings whenever he shall deem it necessary, and special meetings whenever requested to do so by three clubs. The said clubs to state reasons for wishing such meeting. Sec. 2. The Vice-Presidents shall perform the duties of President in his absence or indisposition. Sec. 3. The Secretary -Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the League ; a register of clubs in the League, and address of the Secretaries. He coiiaucii aii concSpuuucuccOi Xiic ijeaguc and keep 22 JUNIOR LACROSSE LEAGUE. a record of the decisions of the League on point, of ap- peal, complaint, etc. He shall issue all notices of meet- r„?rM TT^' '■"P'"'' *" "'^ ^''^eue. He shall receive and hold all the unds of the League, and disburse the same. He shall keep a correct account of moneys • eceived and disbursed by him, and shall report at the annual meeting. Soc. 4. The Council shall deliberate and decide upon all^br.,ness submitted to them and generally manage the ARTICLE IX. th!'"' '■ /^ ^''''^•"' ""'" ■""<* '*^ ^"n"''' Meeting on the second Tuesday in April, i„ Montreal, the place of meeting and hour to be decided by the President or becretary-Treasurer. Sec. 2. Clubs shall be notided of the time and place of meeting, at least two weeks previously. AKTICLE X. Sec. 1. The League shall have jurisdiction over all are strictly obeyed. Any one of its office-bearers shall have power to report inactions of the rules of the League bee, 2 The League shall form a central body, to ment, etc., may be referred. ARTICLE XL Sec. 1. The Lengue may suspend or expel a club for notcriouii and continued fnu] nln- -- ^-^---- ^ i^^'j vi uiiiiiix uuiiduct ;n- CONSTITUTION. 23 dividually or collectively, negligence to pay assessments or for any persistent infringement of the laws of the game, or the rules of the League. Sec. 2. Any club so suspended or expelled may be re- admitted by making an ample official apology, and pro- mising future compliance. Sec. 3. Any club expelled can only be re-admitted by a two-third vote and resolution of the League. Sec. 4. Clubs outside of the League shall not be recognized, nor need their challenges be accepted by clubs in the League. , ARTICLE XII. Any club wishing to make an appeal or complaint to the League, for the purpose of obtaining its decision thereon, shall, within seven days (Sundays not incluaed) from the time at which the matter of complaint took place, state the appeal or complaint as fully as possible, and furnish to the Secretary of the League two copies of the same, and deposit with him $5.00, the amount to be forfeited if the complaint is not held good by the League. The Secretary shall send a copy to the club or person complained against, who shall in like manner within seven days (Sundays not included) of its receipt, furnish him with a copy of their defence along with a deposit of $5.00, the amount to be forfeited if complaint is proved. The President shall then call a meeting when the League will decide. 24 JUNIOR LACROSSE LEAGUE. ARTICLE XIII. tv.rr^ '■ 5'"" ''''"''" ^™" ''^'^h club, with any fine^ ha have been forfeited, will go towaMs the Troph; for the w,nn,„g team, who may add to .his amounHf hey choose. One dollar from each el„b to go to^ L, he L e-, ,,p,„^^^_ .^^^^ ^^^^,^^^ clubs wi be levied upon for the defi iency. Sec. 2. The Secretary must call a meeting at the close apZviroSSSr^"''"""^'-'---' ch!r' % ^° ""'' '" "^^ ^^*^"« ^"' be allowed to change ,ts name without the Council's consent. ARTICLE XIV. Sec. 1. No amendment or alteration shall be made in any part of this Constitution or Laws of Lacro'leexceot ot votes of the clubs represented. Notice of any proposed a terat.o„ or amendment must be made to the'Ce I^ the c ubsfn't " t'"'' ""' "^ '^'■^ communicated to c-l be vl V '"^'"^"'''P«* '-^' one "-nth before it can be voted upon. When notice of alteration or amend- ments thereto may be voted upon at the Arnual Meeting meeting' '"'" '^'^^'"" ^'"'" ^"'•"^ " 1-™- «* any Sec. 3. AH votes to be by ballot and then published.