Vv^. 0> ^ ' <6^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. '■""^^ i. :/. f/. u.. 1.0 I.I ■-liil IIIII2.5 |S0 ™^^ S lit — 2.2 1.25 I U ill 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation ^^ ^1? ^^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 873-4503 "% V- o ..**A If f If O' "J 7-n ■'■>. OTTAWA : Printkd nv Thk Canadian Mining R»*vikw. 1894. -.^?. y&/yo i' i . Officers and Council, 1894-95. PresiJciif Jamks Conmki . M.IM-., pnri Anlnu. J. ] KiNi;s\iii.i . (^).r'., Ti.rMMt.). Aki imiAi I, l;i mk, T.)run(.). I'l^CK. \\ . L. ('i(<(>l»U(\, Kiii^sliiH), VV llAMii M.\ Mr-kKin, A.K.S.M.. TMioni. 1 re a sitter : T \V. CiH.soN, Tori.nlo. .S ftary : h. T. A. I;m I , Ottawa. Conmil'. rK<-.l-. C ..1 IMAN, Toronto, Pftkr .MrKrii.Ak, !•.(,. S.A., Jom William rKOF. NrcHoi, Kingston. J. M. ri.AKK, Toronto. Wll.MAM Nnf'N^,, Rat I'ofta^L. Ian ("amfkon, Sudhury. T I). Lkdvaki), Toronto. A. W. C'\kM Ai.i.i.N, M.l'., Marmora. Dk. Amks, Toronto. ONTARIO ]IINIX(; INSTITI TE. CONSTITITION cV IJV-LAWS, (As adopted at Toronto meeting^, loth April, 1894.) Ji SiciioN r. Name 1. Tlu: Oi-L^.-inizcition shall be called 'J^IIK 0\t\kio Mixing Instituti: Section II. —Object. 2. The object of the Itistitute will be to mutually b(.'nefit aiul protect its meinbers by f^icilitatinir the unerchati<,ro of knowlcd^rc and ideas, and by talduo- concerted action upon ,.11 matters affectinc^r ^^y relatin^^ to the minin<^r industries of the Province of Ontario and i,^cnerally to promote the said industries bv l)roper means. Section III.— Membership. 3- The Institute shall consist of Members, Asso- ciate and Honorary. i! 1^ :i 4- MiM-nlKTs sliall be persons enjj^a^rcd m the diree- tion atic! operation of mines and - a majority vote. The recommendation shall be in writin-, and sii^ned by not fewer than two members of th<.' In.'rtitut<^ in n-ood statu! int^. Sfc.tion v.— Fees. S Tlic incmbrrship fee shall he tuo dollar, or such amount as uuiy he determined from time to time by the ( ounci payable annnalh- in advance at the Annual General Meetino- of the Institute but ay member or associate nuMnbc.- bein^on^year in arrern- of h.s annual subscription shall cease to be a member. Skction VI, Office Bearers. 9. The office-bearers of the Institute shall consist of:-~ist, a President; 2nd, four Vice-Presidents' 3rd, a Secretary ; 4th a Treasurer; and nine members in ^rood standing, who shall act witli the office- beares' as a General Council. ^-careis 10. The President shall not hold office for more than two consecutive years, but shall be eli-ible for re-election to that office after an interval of a year. 11. All past Presidents of the Institute shall be elected Honorary Presidents. 12. All officers and members of Council shall retire annuall), but shall be eli-ible for re-election. Section VlI.-^Duties of Officers. 12. The President shall be Chairman at all meet- } I I be I I 5 ) in-s at winch he shall hv prosont. and in his absence nnc ol the Vi(<- President's. In th<> absence of a \ ICC- 1 resident the members shall elect a Chairman /or that mcetini(. 13. 'riic treasurer shall hold in trust the mn'nvcstcd funds of the Institute, which shall be deposited in the name of the Institute at a bank approved bv the Council; he shall receive all monevs ajid shall pav all accounts that arc properK- certifi'ed as correct b^- the Council, an- m Alarch in each year. 16. .cncral incctin-s for the rcadin- and discus- sion of papci-.s and for the transaction of I>usincss shall be held twice in each year at such time and place as the Council ma)- deten)n-|ie. Auv snccial busniess or subject for discussi^,,, shall be .sp-cified in the notice conxcMino such nieetinos, and the Secretarv shall -ivc not less than fourteen davs' notice thereof to all tncnbcrs of the Institute. 17. J':xtraor(linar\- or ur' the Secretary to each member 'of the Institute, Section^ IX.- Consulting Officers. 19- The Council shall have j)ower to appoint such consulting.: officers as may be thou-ht desirable f.-om time to time and may vote them suitable renumcra- tion. 1 •t ^^^■cTu^s X. Dissolution. ■i 20. ihc Institute .^lu-ill not he broken up unless bv file vote of tu-r,-third.s of the members --v.-nt ,it aiiV general uiectm- convened for the pui-jkIsc- of c onsid,-, - ni- the (hssolution., and after connnnation bNasimnai vote, at a subsecjuent ineetin- to be hehj not less than three or^ more than six fnonths after the lirst and notice ot tins last meetinn- shall be dulv advertised as the Louncil or a general meeting may direct. Sectiox XI. Amendments to Constitution and By-Laws. 2\ The fore-oin- Constitution and H\'-I.a\vs mav be amended b\' a two-thirds vote of anx- meetin- but notice of motion lor such amendment I'nust be '-iven id least t(Hir weeks previ..u. to the discussion (^ the same, of wluch notice the Secretar>- shall duly inform everv member. -^^\6)(^\-^-- s Appendix to Constitution and By-Laws. (FOKNf A,) hi'Dltj >1p.>ih'H)l.H of M the, loid, tersirjmul^ from oor prrxoiuil kvovled(/e, do hcreb recommend h'h„ for dection. rrnm;, //>;, f Date ^"^(I'lits of nvo mcntbrrs (FoivM B.) /, iho H,i'h'r,iffncd, hrhu, o/eded a member of th. (Wtvhk) M.Yix., INSTITUTK, ./. hereby a,,rn, that I .^dl h, ,,orrrn.d hi, the re.,ulatu>n, of fhr. said luslitufr^ a, they \nr vo,r Jormrd, or a, do,/ ma;, h. h.-roaftev