IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /nir« Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 \ qv •<>♦' .•(>»<--«h;.-«.HK->»'>*i>«->«'>»'>*<:-*' '•<>♦*♦<>•' -•' ♦•>•-■-•* .•.■><»t.»c-.«i \K:- I I i I m ii I .'5! ii> ^ 4 -^(^^ ^m. OF THE fl^GiniGipal ©GGiRGil OF Cumberland County PD DISTRICT OFFICERS flPPDINTED. • JANUARY AND APRIL SESSIONS, 1899. ■«c>*e«o«i. : k 4| Minutes and Proceedings m i is: i m ^;f-:V'S P m ■~ ■» > ^. Minutes and Proceedings OF THE GiniQipal ©otiRGil OF Gambepland County PD DISTRICT OPFICBBS flPPDIIlTBD. o JANUARY AND APRIL SESSIONS. 1899 -^•^ ® Scott Act a ^^^Ry Orr'n ' ^RVSTEEB OP P • J J «/unfl Porter r; *^^eivart iv '«'. River Hehert '^' COUNCILLORS. No. 1 No. 2 iio. 3 No, 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13- No. U- No. 15- No. 16- TE. B. Pipes, j Bjron Atkinson, (.John E Koach. — -Heary Hunter. J. W. Browuell, D. M. Jackson. Andrew Taylor, Job H. Seaman, John Hennessy, •—Joseph Lodge. jK. L. McDonald, (John McKinnon. Alonzo Smith, A. D. Macfarlane. { { { { ■—Peter Ogilvie. John W. Turple. J.^ P. FuUerton, warden, vV. J. Simpson, -Leander E. Graham. -Ephriam Howard. -liichard Porteous. ■A. M. Eoss, deputy warden. ■C. C. Schurman. Correction.— -Overaflftr r,r v i. way Statute UboJTalri/ Gin^en Brown in place of J ^bU I CoRRfioTION -In polling ^i,t^.^^ n ^^' ^"'•veyoi of Piling John E ^ean. the name of Thos HilWvt be pound keeperto usehieown bwn. ••a c. >]ack> •ence s, 10 I, 13 •lack, lenk- ff, 24 n 27 )b.rt Coates, 3rd,"28 Sydney Smith, 29 Ezra Bird, '60 Thomas J 3uld, 31 William JJule, 32 William Donkio, 33 Albeit iiipley 34 (lien Styles. 35 Albert 111^.^8, 36 Fr^d Turner, 37 ' 38 Ibero Eipley, 39 Ezra Slack, 40 B.wden iapley,4I Joshua Gould 12 Fitd Gilruy, 43 , 44 Frank Noiies, 45 , 46 John lIcKinnon, 47 Blips Mansbip. 48 Joseph Chapman, 49 Jobn Mc- Donald. 60 Albeit Smith, 51 Arthur Moffat, 53 Howard Forrest. ^ fcURVEYOKs IF LuAiBER.-Jo^in Trenhohu, C. A. Lowe, Edward .urran, W. W. Black, IJou'a.d Black, Joshua Lu«bv, Cl«..ence ^uruy, Joseph E. lupley, Alex Chapman, James Gray, Gilbert Lravis, Samuel Baird, Htrbtrt liii-ley. w iiVlun AasEs ]ack, Eri8 SURVE Howard arsons, 7 )se;'h An anley Ei] ' Blair B. >n\ 21 Si larley C( [loh rt Coa Jould, 31 ' illen Styl Libert llipi 12 Fred Gi ^IcKinron, )onald. 50 !urran, W 'uruy, Joo< 'ravis, Saii TOWNSHIP OFFICERS, Municipality of Cumberland, for 1899. POLLING DISTRICT No. 1. A3SE330R3.-Gilbeit K. Pugsley, Nappan Station, Howard C. ack, Er»8t Amherst. SuRVEvoRs OF High WAYS.— 1 DavM Trenholm, 2 Fred Black, Howard C. BlMok, 4 K.lward Fillmore, 5 F Fillmore 6 Clarence arsons, 7 VV. W. Chapman. 8 Isaac Porter, 9 ThompsJn Travis, 10 )se;.h An.^erson, 11 Fred '.''liompnon, 12 Calvin Atkinson,' 13 anley Bird, H Roben Carier, ISJesse Black, 16 Howard Black, Blair B. Black, 18 Lewis Mile^ 19 C. A. Lowe, 20 F^ank Blenk- ..n, 21 Sydney I?. Co^es, 22 David Bacon, 23 James tftewarf, 24 liirley Coates, 25 Arthur Doncasler, 26 Solomon Nolson,' 27 iobrt Coates, 3rd, 28 Sydney Smith, 29 Ezra Bird, 30 Thomas J ^ould, 31 William JAde, 32 William Donkin, 33 Albeit ilipley, 34 lien Styles. 35 Albert Hit,^^s, 36 Fv^d Turner, 37 ' 33 Ibert Ilipiey, 39 Ezra Slack, 40 B.wden Bipley,41 Joshua Gould, 2 Fred Gilru}, 43 , 44 Frank Noiles, 45 , 46 John dcKinnon, 47 BHfs Mansbip, 48 Joseph Chapman, 49 John Mc- Donald. 60 Albeit Smith, 51 Arthur Moffnt,, 53 Howard Forrest. Purveyors cf LuiiBER.—John Trenholm, C. A. Lowe, Edward urran, W. W. Black, Howaid Black, Joshua Lusby, Cl« recce ' "'y, Joseph E. l;ipiey, Alex Chapman, James Gray, Gilbert 'ravis, Samuel Baird, Herbert Hii)ley. Minutes and Proceedings I Fence Viewfrs. — Rufua Lowthea, Charles Baker, Albert Davis, Herbert Freeman, Albert Fago. Amos Finnigan. County Constables. — Hemy Dorman, Frank S. Nolle?, Albert Noiles, Joha Embree, Willum Cliapman, W. P. Keillor, James Stewart. J. McCully Pipes, Burton Dickinson, Frank Blenkhoru, Tweedie Eipley, John Carter, Wilbur Logan. George Eeut, WDliam Chapman, Blair Black, Rupsel Dickinson, William Ripley, Moses Brenton, John F. Roach. Amherst, Michael Welsh, Stevart Chap- man. Arthur Jones, Mathias Acorn Overseers of Poor — W. N. Buhner, Carlyle Gouiley, Amos BlenUhorn. ^ Inspector of Weeds. — Wilbert Smith, Wilson Beatty. G. L. Keillor, Mariner Beut, Ernest Ri|)lev, James Shipley, George Rip- ley, Amos Doncaster, Jeffry Gordon. Bridge Keepers. — Benjamin Chandler, Martin Smith, Carlyle Gourley, Alex Berry, Rubt. Coates, 3rd, John Porter. Board of Health.— Ainaley Black, Amos Blenkhorn, Charles Church, John E. Koach, E. Bright Pipes, R. Byron Atkinson. Sanitary Inspectors. — Hairy Blonkhovn, Seaman Bent, Ed- McCallum. Clerks cf License.— David Bacon, George Chapman, Fred Shipley, E. W. Hhipley, Esq., Arthur Lowther, Edgar Atkinson, Esq, Gilbert Blenkhorn, Amos Shipley. CiBRK AND Treasurer of Poor. — W. N. Bulmer. To Apportion Statute Labor.— B. W. Ralston. Pound Keeper. — George Dixon, Robt Coale?, 3rd. Lewis Miles, Amos Blenkhorn, S. E. Travif, Thomas Travis, George xiOwser, J Gun vvhits. Supervisors of Public Puoperty.— Enlph Doncaster, Ezra s Municipal Council, Cumberi and County r, Albert eg, Albert or, James llenkhoru, t, Wniiam ey, Moses irt Chap- ey, Amos tty. G. L. ?orge Rip- b, CarU'le I, Charles nson. 3ent, Ed- lan, Fred Atkinson, rd. Lewis 3, George Bird, John Trenholm. Audit or Poor Accounts —Charles T. Logan. POLLING DISTRICT No. 2. Surveyors OF HiGii-,vAY..-l W.G. V^TiUiams, 2 Zac. Walsh 3 Lemuel Flemming, 4 Clifrord Purdy, 5 Charles Webb, 6 Eben WorkB, 7 Burton Moore. 8 8te«rart Patriqain, 9 Viaten l>laney 10 Tho3 liuahton, 11 Allan Rushtou, 1st, 12 Ge.. S^ouehouge. 13 Halliburton llalHd.y, U . 15 ^bert Smith, 16 Ed Pet- tersoij, 17 John D. Johnstone, 18 ICph. Stonehoase, 19 WiWiam Wolle, 20 Hu.'h Sent. 21 Ralph Johustono, 22 Charles Treea 23 Nelson Patriquin, 24 Wni. Woatherby. Overseers of PooR.-Burton Moore, Ephraim Stonehouse John H. Browu. ' , Survey jRs of Lumber.— Cliffor J Moore, John R. Purdy, David R.Ku^hton, Howard Gumming, S. H. Purly, Esq.", Clin'on Demirgs, Kemi-ton Stonehouse. Constables.- Kempton Stonehouse, Samuel Dovle Wm O. Webb. Fknce Viewers.— Fenvvick Jackson, Henry Teed, R. S. Giles. Town Clerk— Henry Puidy, 1st. Collector of County and Pcor Rates.— H. G. Purdy. Auditors f.r Overseers Poor.—T. W. Purdy,L. D. Caldwell. To Apportion Statcte Labor.— John M. Bigney.S. H. Purdj. BoAhD OF PEALTH.-Henry Purely, Hibbeit Smith, Lawscn Caldwell, Rufus Puidy. if 3ter, Ezra Justices to C-.mmit Lunatic^.— S. H. PurJy, J. M. Bigney. Mlvutes and PbOCKEDIN'G3 AsEsssoR.— Kempton Stonehouse. Clerk and Treasurer to Overseers of Poor. -S. H. Purely. Presiding Officer at Municipal Elections. -T. VV. Purdy. Clerk of License.— Alexander C umtBings. POLLING DISTRICT No. 3. Surveyors of Highways.-I Sa.nuel Wood, 2 Silas Hunter fcmith, 7 Robert Brooks, H Bua Woodworth, 9 F W Behar.ell, 10 Albion R.pley, 11 Green Lowther. 12 Milfo.d Baxter, 13 Frank Maso.,14JohnHO,.eo,15NDCh.ppelI, 16 U.ban Ld 7 George Chappel], 18 Ivlgar Trenholm, 19 Charle« R Cbappel 20 Charles Jac son, 21 Allison Baxte,, 22 John Boss. 23 Gourfey An- d rson, 24 Jol.n McKay, 25 Sil.s Sea^^an. 26 Charles Oulton 27 Charles Ogien, 28 Luther B.ownell, 29 James Ackle., 30 TkoJJs f cf Tl' o '^''''^'''^^' "^l'^«3^ 36 Albert Brovvuell, 37 Clar- e.ce Simth 38 R. W. Smith, 39 George Baxter, 40 £.ra Black 4 Rober.BlaM2Ed.nond Wood,43 Jo^eph Mattison, 44 L Sili^^ 7n~7, - 46 JamosH Smith, 47 Samuel Angus, 48 ZZT ''"*"' '' '^ '' ""'''' '' '''"^'^' ''^^^^^^' ^2 Hazen Constables. Amos Woud. John Baxter, Bedford Cove, Am- ^erst Head : f^obert McGInshiu, Thomas Thompson, Howard Crage, Tidnish; E W Campbell, The nas H Brow ell JaZj Davis, ^oraiport; Thomas Holli, (^eorge Hunter'n "all Smith George McKay, D.niol Henshy, Port Howe; Eve.ett Smith ™:';eSs;:r^ Cbas Ogde. AUrca RccUell, Rulu. E J^ Assessor.- Ephiiam McKay MU-v'IClPAL CuUNCIL, CuMBERLA^n CoUNTy 9 -S. H. Pardy. W. Pui-dy. Silas Hunter, lith, G Ernest Behartel], 10 ;er, 13 Frank ban Eeid, 17 Chappeli, 20 3 Gourley Au- s Oulton, 27 , 30 Thomas ^ J Cameron, ell, 37 Clar- iCzra Black, 44 LSrai'h, 48 .0, 52 Hazen i Cove, Ani- on, Howard 11, Jaojfs J :len: Koland veiett Smith , Rufud Em- SUPERVIS0R3 OP PuBLio GROUND.— Robert M Angus, Charles E Black, John A Moore. Surveyors OP Lumber.— W. E. Bro'vnell, W A'Copp, Win Chap.nan. Wra G. Bn.wnell. Albert Brownell, B. M. Smith, Clar- ence Smith, E, £. Fisher, Thomas Doyle, J. E. Keid, W. S.' Doyle, J. Houiy Cliapmau, John Bruider, F. W. Beharrell. Wm Brown, E P. H'mbrep, T. T. Brownell Jeremiah Bi-ownell, Jeremiah Kinley, J. H. B. Sturnbl...", IIuKh xMcPherson, Charles Shi,dey, Martin Oulton, John Camphell, John A. Burns, G, P. Jackson, A. E. Sampeon, John I!. Ogden, N. J. Angus Ward Taylor, James Davis Frank Matti-^on, John Greono, Millago Patton, J. B. Carter, Ivou Fiuley, Ern&at Fields. Inspectors of Meat and Fisn —Oliver King, James M. Burns. Collector of County and P.^or Rate.— Anthony Boyce. Fence Viewers.— Daniel Cameron. Robert M. Burns. Johu V/ood, VV, L- Lowe, A. C, Chapman, Charles E. Black, Fiank W. Beharrell, Johu H. Truemau. Pound Keepeus.— Hugh Dunhar, C. T. Hunter, Moses Chap- num, John H. Tackson, George McKay. Job Ogden, Zorob: ole Holmes. Overseers of Poor.— F. W. Beharrell, Chas E. Black, VVm H. Mills, Presiding Office Municipal Election. — W". i^^, Doyle. Sanitary In.^peotor — Robert McGlashin. Board of Health.— J. G, Campbell M. D., Henry Anderson, Wm Brown, J. J. Jackson. Clerk and Treasurer to Overseer Poor.— Jeremiah Finley. BRiDQEKEEPERs.—Albe;r Brownell, Northport Bridge; Benj. ! I »^ i li 10 i^riMUTES AND Pr'-CEEDIN09 Smith, Sommer's Bridge; H McPher3on, McPher^ou Bridge; Wm Greeno, Burns' Bridge. To Apportion Statute Labor -E. E.Fisher, Esq., Amhor-t Head, First Tuesday in June, A McKeuzie Smith E^q Linden Hall, Second Tuesday in June; E. P. Embree. Tidnish, Third Tuesday in June. Clerk ok Licence -Ephriam McKay, J U. B;o\vuelI R. E Taylor. Town Clerk —Jeremiah Finley. Overseers op Rivers.— Thomas Doyle, James Moore. Surveyor OF Stone — Wiliiam Fraser. Surveyor of Bark —Frank Mattison POLLING DISTRICT No. 4. TVf .^roT'?^o^^'^™'''-' Wellington Fiilmore. 2 R. B Met.alf 3 Frank Payne, o Christoiher Hod,Bon,6 William Austin 8 John Sherman, 10 Silas Culb urn ll Eyeret Uvndman,'l2 Dens! more Sweet, 13 Lorenzo Sherman, 14 Tiiomas Rodger.^ 15 Arthur bcimnnan,lG James Ripley, 17 Amos Oxiey, 18 Hiram Black, 19 Mor on Cove, 20 William Dickson, 21, D. P. Keiver, ^2 John Mills, ^d John Ryan, 24 Edward Mcmanaman. 27 Danel Dykins 28 vvjlliam Dykius. *^ ■■* lOuse. Plfff*?*?™"' "' '-'^"""'- Thomas Tajlor, C K. Stonehc Clifford Sherman, H N. Fill.nore, Richard Kicv.r, Thom», Dick: Joseph Htg."' ^'°' '°""™""' ^''^""''" '''"''"''' Oveuseers OP Poor.— Lewis Rmle'^ B. Metcalf. ipley, James W. Chapman, R. V on Bridge ; ]., Amhor-t i^q Linden nish, Third 'uell, R. E. ore. •e. 2 R. B iam Austin, D, 12 Dens. 15 Arthur 1 Black, 19 John Mills, Djl Hlbbard, 11 B. B. Earnhill, 12 John Gillespie, 13 C. T. White,' 14 Ira Wood, 15 John TaggMrt, 16 Davis Harrison, 17 Rufus Car. U'T, 18 Peter M. ^;oileP, 19 William Comeau, 20 , 21 S B. Kelley, 22 Lachlau Juhnfctone, 2". FiedSharp. Surveyors of Lumber.— Harry Watson, P. C. Monagle, S. Wilmot, H. R. Wilmot, Robt. Mills, Fred Patterson, A. J. Clarke, 12 Minutes and Pm ceedings L^in! ' "" '^'^''^' ^- ''• ''^°°^- ^-^ «harp, John Pat-j S..'['Mcp'""r/''''\^"^''-'' '^^°"^^^«' Stephen Clarke.! fe.vr. 1 McCo-mick, Lorong J. Burke, J>,. ^r. Burke, Jogging Mine.- AbramLatt., Augustus Wood, Jas. Hennessy, River Hebrrd Wood.Mao.can: Andrew Ripiey.Ja.. W Patcersoa, Shulee. OvEus^EKs OFPooR.-Robo. Mills, Jeptha Harrison, Johu Porter, i Clerk and Treasurer op Poor.-A. J. McDonald. Collector of Poor and County RATEs.-Sam'l Plarrison. Assessor.— Chas. R. Wood. Hog 'Reeve.— Fred. Campbell. Fenc. Viewers. -Tho... Fife,J.ha Harn-soo,Edmund Pugsley. Bridge KEEPER^.-Titn Porter, M. L. Wood. Perrymax.— jjshiitt Downey. ArPORiioN Statute LABOR.-WiUiam Moffatt. PRESIDING OmcEK AT Mu.MciPAL FLECTioN.-Angus McDonald. Board OF HEALTH.-Dr Rockwell, Dr Avard, Frank Seaman. rort::s^s;iir '""^'"™^'-'^''^^^^ ^-^^-' ^^^ ^^''^ Clerk OF License.— D. J. Clarke. Auditors OF Poor Accounts -Gea. A. McC]ary,GeorgeEourke POLLING DISTRICT No. 6. T^nJT^^r'T.' ""^ S'««w^Y'^— 1 Frank Blenkhorn, 2 Harvev nil.;,, '^"'°^^'8 M a i-}nnth, 9 Jacob Lewis,]0 J W Hunter 11 Alex Mills, 12 Orlando Noiies, 13 Albert B.ovvn, 14 cCnce Municipal Council, Cumberland Count? 18 ■atfchcw Alex;iij(ler,| I Sharp, John Pat- Stephen Clarke, I ke, Joggins Mines;! River Hebert ; Iraj n, Shulee. •rison,Johu Porter.' )ouald. a'l Harrison. Idmund Pugsley. t. Dgus McDonald. :*'rank Seaman, ■risen, Jr., 3i, Hibberfc Lawrence, Ralph Harrison, Pound Keeper. -Thomas Wood. Thomas Lawrence. Alex. Mills, to use their Barns or Barn Yard as Pound. Overseers op PooR.-Arthur. Dodsworth. Matthew I. Smith, Onas. 1. Harrison. ' Fence ViEWKRs._Ge.. Atkinson. .John W. Siddal, Jackson Smith. Board of HsALTH.-Dr, Cameron, David Dickenson, D F Archibald, PI. C. Mills. ' ' Presiding Office Municipal Election.—H. C. Lawrence. Town Cleuk.— A. B. Lusby, salary $5 00. Clerks of License —Geo. C. Harrison, A, H. Gilroy. To Apportion Statute Labor.— A. B. Lusby. Weighers op Hay— D. F. Archibald, R. D. Roach. Supervisors op Public Property— David Dickeusoo, Frederick Baker, Haivey Boss. ASSESSOR— Carson Atkinson. Collector OF County AND Poor Rate.— Wm Lavers. Bridge Keepers.— E, Bradshaw, Kerr Bridge ; Jacob Harri- son, Furlong Bridge. Justices to Commit HARiiLEes Insane to Asylum— A. B. Lusby, D, F. Archibald. (j I I \f I ■ f' 14 Minutes and Proce EDIN03 SuRVEYong: op RiVERs-Hibbe.t Hunter, G, A. Lawrc Blenkhorn. nee, Chas CoN3TABLE3-Lawrenc3 Dic!ceQ3oa, A C Bakpr r r> \r-n Philip Son, Auditors of Poor Accounts— H. C L awronco, Chas. T, Harri- POLLING' DISTRICT No. t. Surveyors cv Hio„way,s.-2 Wai. Fullerton, 3 John Mathe- TT J ?i McFarlane, 8 Weeiley Brown, 9 Alex McDon-dd 10 Hubert Brown, 11 Harrv TiiHlp 19 t?t„ n , "" ^*"-'^o"'^^a- i" Mitrh^n 11 T r ^ ' Edward Foisbner. 18 Amos K. Mitchell, U James Lay ton, 15 i6 Wm r ..ff„ i7 v i Peers, 18 Herbert Oxley 19 — on .i, ., t ^'. ^^'"^ WIT -.-. „, '-^^'■^^y^ li^ , 20 Allan McLeod, 21 Mart 'IaT « ^T'™ ■'^ ''°^"«' '' 15™e,t Johnston, 2i--ZL 26 Alex Ma„l,»ll, 26 Harry 0-Brien, 37 Benj. Ch«e 28 John' Kennedy, 29 Ben. Smith, 30 Chas DeWolt, 3l'jo:epI s!tth 3 Sam Van Buskirk, 33 Westley Ma.he,,o„, 34 Jame, McK ' 3$ A ex W,.lke 4. H„am McLood, 44 Dan McDonalk, 45 J 4b liiomas Wilkinson. ' SuKVEvoRsoF LuMDEE.-Jas. Eiobards, E, A Bent RnM n. Mii?„ w .■;■"• ^^- ''™"' C.Bigney, Geo.J.huson Red Millage, W. Colborne, E. P. MoNutt, J. Frank Smilh, Per Ash Ihomaa Chapman. .^^^i^SD, ^^_^OvERSEERso.PuoB.- David Mitch.ll, Colin McLean, Geo Clerk and Treasurer op Poor.- George Reid. ^' a^gaoMi Mua'icjpal Council, Cumbeblavh County 15 I. Lawrence, Chas ker, G. n. Milla, i. Pep per dine. S. , Chas. T, Hani- I 3 John Mat he- Daniel MoKen- X McDonald, 10 nei. 13 Amos K. "tty, 17 .Nelson Leod, 21 Mark on, 24— ^ ^hase, 28 John 3eph Smith, 32 meg McKeil, 35 , 38 Diiniel Mc- les Simpson. 42 k, 45 Bent, Robk De "bos. Johugon Ji huson, Fred lith. Perl Ash, ■IcLea n, Geo AssE&soR. — Louis Jones. Collector of County and Poon Rates.— Chas. Chapman. Pound Keepers.— John Reid, Pugwash ; D. D. Mills, Port Philip ; Wm.; Waugh, liuif Shore ; W, BuUon, Fox Plarbor. Fence Viewer?.— David M. Brown, Jas. McKav, Joseph Demings, R. Chapmaii, Robert Blaii,J WMcIvor, Daniel McKeuzie. Measurers of Wood and Coal.— Alex. Kennedy, John A Koid, C. E. Reid. Constables.— Daniel Sutherland, Wm. Colbome, J, A. Ash. Peter McLeod, John Reid, Geo. Daigh. Frank Langilie. Pugwash . Richard Wilkinson, Hiram McLeod, Pugwash Junction ; Peter Morris, Pugwash River ; Allan McDonald, M. Mclver, Neil Mclver, iM. A. McLeod, Gull Shore ; Herbert Peers, H, Brown, Wallace Bay ; Peter Leadbetter, Centrevillo ; Geo. Johneou, Port Philip, David Stewa't, Warren McNutt, Conn's Mills. Police Constables.— J. 0, Reid, A. L. Wood, John Van Bus- kirk, John A, Reid, Joseph H. Clarke. Apportion Statute Labor.— Joseph H. Clarke Jail Keeper.— John A, Reid. Health Inspector. — Dr Mcintosh. Police Magistrate— Jamos A. ILlliott. Board of Health.— Allan J. McLeod, John Seaman, D. Mc- intosh, M D,lie Graham, 20 George Reeves, 21 James T.een. 2. Jasper Mea -her, 23 Johnston Mcintosh, 24 Marshal Cole 25 James cNut, 26Dat,gullMcrver, 27W.,liamDavid, 28 St.nlev To p- V'"";, o "?''^''^ ^^'"^'^^' ^' J^-^^^^^n.oll, 31 Burns Purdy, 32 Richard Hain&on. "^ Fence Viewers- Dan Stroraburg, Benjamin Belts, Robt Bl ,ir Maynord Slack, Arthur Cook, Lewi, G.een. Tjuemaa Dalton,' Allison Waugh. Bridge KEEPERs-Wallace B.idge, Chas.'E.Keir; Kerr Brid-e Angus Rhindress ; Howard Bridge, Edward How.ird. CoNSTABLES-Wm. Founfain, Wallace Bay; John F. Allan, RodGullen, Wallace Station; J^^sper Meagher. Robert Tiugley Richmond : Wesley Colter, Abraham Benjamin, Six Mile Road ; Lewis Gree.., James A. A. Robertson, Fox Harbor; Wm. For.hnp/ Chas Moms John Harvey, Thos Flinn,Wallace;,Chas Scott, Logan Hunter, Wallact^ Bridge Sui \nou3 EdMar( Wi ield, G Bo. ]!hamb( Sai Im.d. al Ins To Jus Ins OVE Ary $] CoL AsEi isamimmmf n ^ t iiiHi MMia i i., MuNicir.vL CouNCii:, Cumrkhlwu Couxtv i: D Woodlock, S P ; Bruce McLean, -Joseph H Clarke •las. Richaida li Aguslusi Morris* I ^fingell, 4 Harris a Antiis, 8 David Eiinin St'fiinnu. 12 rley McPhee, 15 idy, 18 Anderson 21 James Tieen. ilarrfhal Co|(?, 25 •vid, 28 Stanley 31 Bums Purdy, etts, Robt., ueman Dalton, 5ir; Kerr Bridge rd. John F. Allan, Robert Tin^ley, Six Mile Road ; Wm. Fnrshner, as Scott, Logan Police CoNSTABLKs— Charley Murris, Win. Reid, Wm, Betts f^ohn Craib. Fire Constables— Elmore Lawsou, Allan Forshner, Bucham Jeolp, Edward Morris. FruR Waui.'s— James Canfleld, R. P. Kenipton, Claud Edgelt, pharley Scott. Supervisors op Public Grounds.— John N. Monis, C. E. Kurr. fohn Robertson, Surveyors^ op Lumber and Tan Bark— James S. Rhindress, Li)«U3 Rhiiidress, Chas. Scott, Levi Stevens, Charles K. Morris, Cd«ard Howard, Henry Flinn. Wkichehs of Coal and Hay— 0. W.J Morris, R. B. Caa- ^leld, Geo. Scott, C. A. Scott. Board of Health— Capt. Grant, J. W. Morris, James T Uiambers, Robt. Blair, W. C. Keiver, John Morrison M.D. Sanitary iNdPEouRS— Z. M. Kompton, M.D., James McLeod. Inspectors op Leather— Henry Flinn, Alex Horton. To Approtion Sr^vruTB Labor— John W. Morris, Geo. Scott. Justices to Gcmmit Insane -Geo, Scott, R. S, Fiino. Inspectors op Fish— Isaac Harpell, R. B. Canfield. Overseers F PooR-A,M Peers, Robt. R Canfield, Robtj Blair.. Clerk AND Treasurer TO Overseers OF Poor— A. M. Peers |aliry 310 00,. CoLLKUTOR OP County and^Poor Kates— Wm. Cook. AsEsssoR— Wm. Macfailane. ' u ii iS MlNTUTES A^fD PhOCEEDI.V03 man PRKSIDING Officku AT MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS —Hen I y Char Cleuk of License— R. B. Canfield. Police Magistuates— Robt Flinn, Robt. Davidson. Town Clerk— Richard Kempton. Auditors of Poor Accounts-A. C. Morris, Robt. Flinn, POLLING DISTRICT No. 9. Surveyors of Highways-1 J. H Chisholm, 2 James Garvii Wiird, Judson Knowltou, Edward Sproule, James Murphey, John Lunn, Clifford Elderkin, Edgar Taylor, Seymour Hoppor. Spicer Health Inspector.— Dr A C Jost 20 MiNUTEa ANO PfiOCEEDIX 03 Clerk of Licensr— Amos Ellfo'i P0UN15 Keepers-.T W Cameron T m.^c i?i 1 1 • . for poun.l. ameron, James Elilerkin, to u le baru To Apportion St^^tute Labor.— A W Kelly. Collector op County and Poor Rate3.-.W E Blenkhorn. A3SE3SOR— J. W. Camerori. Ta.iX.«r:ri374r'"""' "'™""° ^^'"-= ■«-- Supervisors OP Public PiijpERTv —rul .1. u , • t, Moo«,.,f,^e, K„,,, j,„,i„, si^ij,""- Cul-b Mua., Edward C. Overseers OF Poor .1. Un \\r \u it, erick Slocombe. ^ ^^"'^^' '^ '^^^"^ ^- ^^^vis, Fred- Clerk of PooR.-Edwa.a L. Monig. ■ AuLr^,K3 0. Poor. Account.- Daniel Ueid. Amos Elliott. J£^«I.J^[^'o, Officer AT Muntpidat Pr ^^■'"^^^cii?^i^.Electio.v._w. E.Bleukhoru. POLLING DISTRICT No. li. Surveyors of TTiomvAYH q w,« t Cnnv, John n,„„!. ,„ ^T . ■'^' ' ^^"'- l^euJiicli, S John J9 Al.xjioAlonc'v 2(1 s « r ,*""°»"''S Eikar Lewis, bert. 26 jlmeJSe 27 Alfred M u" "'"o"""'' '' ■""""■' «"" Waason, 33 Clar'.n.I.,, McALt,' ^s-^" ^'O""-. «^ 'aa»o II ,i kin, to me baru khorn. ridge ; Thomas ua E. D,!\vi9, oU" Morris. i-5, iidwanl C. . Dewis, Fred- i Elliott. E. Bleukhoru, amin Huirlies, :lrick. 8 John ip^ iJyctof. 12 lii Ed'.vaid Edaar Lewis, n, •22 E,i,,;;,. J Jam en Gil- ^n Fulton, 29 ton, 'S'Z isuiio -, -'37 L'en- MUNICIPAL CoUNCUi, CUMBERLAND CoUNTY '1 21 jamin Koberte, 38 James H. Fulleiton, 39 H. N. Wetherbee, 40 Thomas York, 42 A. P. Gaven, 43 Alexander McKay. C1.N8TABLE8.— S. S. Brown, Alfred McAloney, Henry Skid- more, Hibbeit Biovl, John E. Gilbert, David Smith, John Can- ning, Wm, York, D, R. Holmeg, Nelson Phinney, E D FuUerton. Surveyors of Lumber. — Edgar Lewi?, Stephen Atkinson, H. W. Brown, John Beatim, Harv<'y McAlon^'y, James Connors, Jas. H. Smith, Charles McPhee, George Jeff erp,Wffi. McRae, Alexander Moore, Robert Manuge. W. W. Black, Harry Coibett, N. C. Nord- by. James Moore, Fiank McAleese, Hugh Brown, E. D. FuUerton. To Apportion Statute Labor. — B. N. FuUerton, D. H. Jenks. Presiding Officer at Municipal Elections.— Frank McAleese. Fence Viewers.— John Hannah, S. S. Brown, John E. Dean. Town Clerk and Treasurer. — Charles E. Davidson. Collector of County and Poor Rates. — Timothy Oregan. Assessor.— John E. Dean. Board OF Health. — John E. Dean, Robert Smythe, Stephen Fulton, B N FuUerton. Clkrk of License. — John D. Smith. Pound Keepers.— John Simpson, William Phinney, Thomas Hilgrovo. Stipendiary Magistrate.— Angus McGilvery. Overseers of Poor.— Alfred McAlobey, Samuel Vickery, David Gilboit. Auditors op Poor Accounts. — B 1} FuUerton, James Connors. M\ 1: } M 11 ti H ■i I i ! 1 } !'f i ii, ; i 22 MLVUTE3 AND PrOCEEDINQJ POLLING DISTRICT No. 12. Surveyors of Highvvats.-,! Salter Baxter, 2 James Joice J George B.tes, 4 William G,aham. 5 William Curry/e aTs J ™, 7 Charles Auen. 8 Smith C.naing, 9 Malcolm Parse: W. Oliver Allen, 12 Douglas Allen 13 0.en Duff, 14 George Fields, 15 Henry Gilderso^lt C?^^^^^^^^ Surveyors OP Lumber. -Albert Wilson, John Fitz^eraLl wl Oliver Allen, John Slater, William Webster, J. Welch D k'J' H. Elderkin, H. G. Kerr. S. Soley, W, Sterl'ing, T. f! Graham '" Sanitary Inspector— H. Brenton Elderkin. Board op HEALTH-Hubert Elderkin, Capt. G. E. Pettis i James Kerr. o^no.j To Approtion Statute Labor -A. H. Hatfield. Presidinq Officer— Perry Hatfield. CoNSTABLEs-B. W. Canning, Eobert Allen. Albert Alien, D Ail!n T -T 'n ' '^'^''°"- '■ ^' ^"'^^^^- ^- ^- ^"^t O^eville u. Allen, Josiah Grossman, P. 0. Fraserville. Police Magistrate-F. Hatfield. ^^^^P.ucE CoNSTABLEs-B. W. Canning, H. Parson, J. A. Can- SuRVEYors OF Timber AND WooD-Perrv HatfiHld r p n * Town CLERK-Isaac W. Canning. As8EssoR=Pe}ry Hatfield. S.PEKv..o«8 OP Public Gao™„-H. Elderkb, Jame», Ko». N- W>Mi»ii mil Municipal Coun.cil, Cumbeblasd County 23 2 James Joice, 3 Curry, 6 Ansley Malcolm Parson, Douglas Allen, 13 lersoD, 16 Charlea la Fitzgeral<3, W. Welch, D. King. T. F, Grabam. )t. G. E. Pettis. . Albert Allen, '. Port Oreville : ion, J. A. Can- Id, G. E. Bent- wrard CrossmaD, James, Kerr. Clerk of Licenses— Stanley Soley. Overseers of Poor— Isaac W. Canning, R. Hatfield, A F. Hatfield. POLLING DISTRICT No. 13. Surveyors of Highways— 1 Daniel Hudson, 2 Duncan Ross 3 J. W, Fraser, 4 James Mayne, 5 John Maiheson, 6 Robt. Mayne,' 7 Stanley Stewart, 8 Fraacis Ryan, 9 Frauk Roblee, 10 B. Miller, 11 Andrew McKim, 12 George Woodworth, 13 Ge >. Thomas, U Joseph Reid, 15 Thos Crawford, lb Asa Stevens, ]7 John W. Monti ose, 18 Eli Angevine, 19 Robt. S. O'Brien, 20 Chas. M. Fill- more, 21 Albert Ross, 22 Charles Chase, 23 Wilbur Matheson, 24 Jas. Siddell, 25 Edward Odlekirk. Constables— Ruf us Peers, Street's Ridge ; Geo. Thomas, Hart- lord ; Stephen Siddell, Hantsford. AsEsssoR— Chas. Fountain, Middleboro. Collector— Douglas Colter, Middleboro. Presiding Officer at Municipal Elections— John Ryan, Vic- toria, Fence Viewers— Alex. ^McPherson, Hiram Brown, Bufus Montrose. To Apportion Statute Labor— Samuel Betts, Victoria. BoAUD OF Health— William Crowford, Henderson Betts, D. Murphey, James Roblee. Overseers of Poor— Wm. Howard, John Ryan, J. H. Treen. Clerk and Treasurer op Oversekrs of Poofi—Saruuel D. Betts, Victoria, Supervkers of Public Grounds— Chas. Fountain, Tho, Ill Hi fjiPf! 1! [, 24 Minutes and PR'-'CEEDiNQi) Crawford, Duncan Koss. Surveyors of Lumber— Alex. Demm'Dgs, Wm. Howard Sam D. Betts, A. K. Mc Arthur, ;;A. Cruwley, C. M. Matbesor Wilbur Matheson. Sanitary Inspector— Dr. MackiDtosh. Justices to Commit Harmless Insane— Wm. Harrison, Jesse D. Montrose. Clerks of License— Wra. Harrison, Sydney Matheson. AuoiTORs OF Poor Accounts Samuel Betts, Wm. Howard. ulhei r. Trc( I ash. r< i'ortec Si Betts, POLLING DISTRICT No. 14. Surveyors op Highways— 1 Alex Canfield, 2 Allen Trenholm 8 Roderic Eoss, 4 Charles Clark, 5 Jacob Tr©eD, 6 Allen McKenzie 7 Alex Langille, Jr., 8 Lewis Puidy, 9 Leander Treen, 10 William Betts, 11 Charles B. Stewart, 12 Alex. Cuningham, 13 Colen Mc Lean. 14 Peter Mcintosh, 15 Archibald Jameson, 16 Duncan Chamljers. Presiding Offices at Municipal ELECTiONS—Wesley J. Treen, Upper Malagash. Collector of Poor and County Rates— Stephen Seaman, East Wallace. B Purdy F J.P., 5 gash :!lerk and Treasurer of Poor— Edward Betts, Upper Mala- AssessoRS- Amos P. Smith, East Wallace, Hugh Smith, Mala- gash Point. Clerk of Licenses— John Mclnnis, Sr., Wallace Ridge. Towis Clekk — Leander Treon, Upper Maiagasb. Fence Viewers— Thomas Gullon, Wm. McNeil, Neil H C Upper BlueS North S A N Thomi S 4 Alb€ John '. 11 Ge( Chnse, JobnC igs, \Vm, Howard C. M. Matheson Municipal Council, CumberlavjI) County 25 Sulherlaud. Overseers of Poor— Aitcheson Clark, Artimas Betts, Wesley r. Troen. m. Harrisun, Jesse To AvroRTioN Statute Labor — Leander Tieen, Upper Mala- aah. ley Matheson. Wm. Howard. 2 Allen Trenholm 6 Allen McKenzie Treen, 10 William lam, 13 Colen Mc neson, 16 Duncan 3TION3 —Wesley J. Stephen Seaman, 9tts, Upper Mala- ugh Smith, Mala' Jlace Ridge. ,sh. McNeil, Neil H Pound Keepers— Uancan McEulosh, James W. PurJy, Alex. Porteous Sr.. John K McKoLzie, Archibald Jamesou, Charles Clark. Supervisors cp Public Grounos -John E. McKnnzie, Artimas Belts, Jacob Purdy. . Board of Health — Leander Treen, .John Molnnis, Stephen Purdy, Wm. Treen. For Committing Insane to Puq-wash As vlum— Leander Treen, J.P,, Z.A McKay, J.P. Constables — Duncan Chambers, Wallace Ridf;e ; RufasHurd, Upper Malagash ; John Betash Point ; Walter C Treen, Blue Sea Corner ; Charles Clark. North Shore; Neil McDonald. North Shore, Wa'lace; Joseph Legere, Wallace Ridge. Surveyors of Lumber— Robert McNeil, John L. McDonald. Auditors Poor Accounts— Allen McKenzie, Robert McNeil. POLLING DISTRICT No. 15. No 1 Oxford Street Commissioners — J. Wm. Wood, Nirjn Thompson, and Win, Uunsmore. Surveyors of Higiiways_2 J A Doncas^ter, 3 Hiram Johnson 4 Albert McElinon, 5 Henry B. Lockhart, G Timothy Carter, 7 John Fahey, 8 Philip Fahey, 9 Bedlord Dickey, 10 Cyrus Dickey, 11 Gto. Tait, Ist, 12 Gideon RushLou, 13 David Milroy, 14 Amos Chnse, 15 Geo. Hunter, 10 Included in 23, 17 Isaac B. Pews, 18 JohnC Stewart, 11} Honry Fmbiee, 20 Thos Ripley, 21 Davis' W, r I 2G if I ^flNUTES AXD rU'-CrEDIN-0=! Mors. 22 Hibbert K^d, 23 .vnj Thomp™,, ^T;;;;;;!;^ i„ n„ 1, 25 Allan H. Wood, 26, Included in 23, 27 Gideon Va»a„,ber Amos E. .Moai., 1. JI, J .h„»un, Ch.a l/Tik fi,„.,T '?" Goo. r,. Kin,, Geo. T,,it, U., A. H. Ho.„ie™n V ir^ 7 " LocUan, E,,„a,.d W. Th„„p,„„, BM fl; J ™;oI- Edw^'l i ^ Jamo,, .Malhesoo, l,t, Patrick MelConna Geo \<.TJ , f S.onehouse,J.A.I.eWolf«,Joh„uC »^<^l •""«™. A. ij County Constables — Coufilan L MiM^ \r,- .1 „ i tt S..^. i. Patton, Geo A Ki„,, ^yl Thot,^ ll 't^ , "7„,"' Pa.0.. Ue,n, I.„c.:,art, CMord B.rd, 'ci.rlea Zs^^tX: .o,,n^'-,irrs,rt7L\°4^rw.fL^ rrr' Thompson, T C (^leuflie. Alex MoPhersu.T ' " CoLLECrOR OF CoUNTV AXD PrOnRATES ~T Keid Smith. OvEusKKUs OFPooR-Willard Baird. Charles Tait,J S Hickma. Clerk and Treasurer of Pooa-James Highet. ASSESSOR— John Lockhart. Jail Keeper — Daniel Conter. Tu APPORTION Statute LABOR.-Arcby Dunsmore. Fe\CE VlEWRRS. — Wm RpnlAir T> k . t. Kenna, Robert Stewar... Philip Fat^ '""' "'"'' ""• Leioe'r" '''""'-' '"" ''°"'' "^'"'^ ■' I'obert MeKenna. I ThoXT"" "' ''"'™ -«'"'■"<' ''•'""P'on. Eofue Wood, Geo Police Magistbatb, Oxponn-AIex McDonald, -,, EkMW-tw I- J'UNICTrAL CouXClfj, CUMPERLAXD CoUNTY 27 24, Included in Ni ideon Vanamber. Geo I Tlionipson >, Timothy t.urte F. E. Copp, Jol) oi], Edward King . McPheison, A. h AricLael Harm, n 'Im X Miiler. Joh Dobsun, Bedford E D McDou;>all, Jldon Wood, Wa\ eid Smith. rait,J S Hickmau lighet. , Board op Health, Oxford, D N Morrison. Donald, M D, W R Slade and A 11 Henderson. iM D, J W Mo- rn ore. tou, Devvia Mc- 'Obert McKenua. iufus Wood, Geo Sanitary Inspector. — Elijah Schurmau. BaiPGE Keepers— J Wm Wood, Oxford ; Azor T. Thompson, Little lUver ; Stephen (..'olboine, Clifton. Stipendiary Magistrate, OptpoRD— Alex McDonald. Presiding Officer at Municipal Elections— AS iMcIutosh. SupERVisos OF Public Grounds— Wm Oxley, leaac Simpson, G eo I Thompson. Clerk cf Licenpe— H S Smith. AuiiToRs OF Poor Accounts— H L Hewson, Nathan H Woods. POLLING DISTRICT No. 16. Surveyors op Highways— 2 Harry McKenzie, 3 Thomas Brown, 4 Matihew Brown, 5 Ambrose Herrit I, 6 Isiaah McCarthy 7 Burton Boss, 8 , 9 James Herritt, 10 William Baicliffe, 11 Spiller Gilioy, 12 Jacob Budd. Surveyor of Lumber,— Alonzo McCormic. Flemming Brown, Kobeit S Uipiey, Willia m Smith. CuNbTABLEs.— William McNeil, Thomas Noilea, Azel Boss, John McManiman. Hog Keeves. — Koleit Giliuy, Rufus Gilroy, Wesley Mc- Carthy. Eence Viewers. — Asa Smith. Levi Gilrov. Apportion Statute Labjr.— J Wesley Herritt. Overseers op Poor.— Alfred Smith, Frederick Johns, Levi Gilroy. Collector of County and Poor Rates— M Y Boss '^\ 11 rl'-'i !■ ii 28 Minutes and Pboceedinos AsaEsoR. — E D Schurman Clerk AND Treapurer to Overseer Poor.— J Wesley Herritt. Presiding Officer at Municipal Elections.— J Wesley Herritt Board of Health.— Michael Chapman, Wesley McCarthy Edward Gilroy, Rupert Boss. Pound Keeper,— £!il lot Smith. Constable. --Town of Spvinghill; George Smith, Andrew Mc- Donald, A W McDonald, A W McMillan, George D McCoUum H A B Glendonning. ' Justices p.r Granting Warrants to Appreuend Lunatics anb TO Adjust Expenses.— A G Purdy, R B Murray. Stipendiary Magistrate.— E. B. Murray. Wesley Herritt. -J iVesley Herritt 'esley McCarthy itb. Andrew Mc- e D McCoUuui, ND Lunatics and MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, unlcipaiity oi Cumberland, January 3899 Titesdaij. J a n ii urij 1 Olh , 1 SUU. TUnSDAl' MORNING. The councillors elect met at the Court House, Amherst, at 10 o'clocl a. m., Avhen the clerk Dioceeded to open the poll books and read ih leturns of the presiding offlcers. All the councillors were present excep coun. R. L. McDonald. The Clerk administered the oaths of office an. allegiance and the councillors signed the roll as follows: — No. 1.— Brj'an Atkinson. E. Bright Pines. J. E. Rooch. , No. 2. — Henry Hunter. No. 3.— J. W. Brownell. • , No. 4.— Andrew Taylor. D. M. Jackson. No. 5. — Job H. Seaman. John Hennessy. No. fi.—Joseph Lodge. ; No. :.— R. U McDonald. John McKinnon. No. 8. — Alonzo Smith. ' ' ' , ■ A. D. McFarlane. »J II I'l Mill 30 Minutes and Pi:; cijcuixoi No. !).— Peter E. Ogilvie, Nil. 10.— John W. Tiii-Me. No. 11.— W. J, Bii.iDson. ' ■ J. P. Piillerton, Warden. No. 12.— Leander K. (Jrahnm. ' No. 13— R. Howard. No. 14.— R. Porteous. No. 15.— A. M. lioss. No. IC— C. C. Shurman. The Council was called to order by the Clerk, when, on n.otion, they adjourned to aonoint a warden. .On their return to the council room foun. Howard moved, seconded by coun. Taylor, that coun. J. P. Fullerton be warden. Passed. On motion adjourned to meet at 1.30 p. m. Adjourned to 9.30 to-morrow. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Council met at 1.^30 p. m.,Warden Fullerton in the chair. All the councillors aresent. Minutes of the last session read and declared approved. Coun. R. I^. McDonald took oaths of office and allesiance and took his seat. Warden Fullerton then addressed the council brieny, as follows: — Gentlemen of the Council, It is needless to say that my election to the honorable iiosition of Warden of this large and important County is a great surprise to me. I appreciate the honor, not only for myself, but as being the first Warden for the district which I represent. I trust I will be able tn merit the confidence you have placed in me, and shall endeavor to the best of my ability to fulfill the duties of the office without favor, always keeping in view the best interests of the people of the County of Cuiw- berland. I trust that the Counciflors may work together in harmony, en. n, on motion, they the council room that coun. J. P. le chair. All the ad and declared eeriance and took Mly, as follows: — rable nosition of t surprise to me. being the fiist [ will be able tn endeavor to the lut favor, always (bounty of Cui.i- her in harmony. MuNTCTr.\L Corjvcii., Cumpf.ri.and County 31 and that the good feeling which has prevlou.sly existed at this ci uncil board may continue during my term of oirice. I recognize the lad that the success of a Warden larpely depends upon the good will and co- operation of the gentlemen over whom It is his duty to oresfde. In lookim,' over the 15uard I s..-«^ several gentlemen who wero asso- ciated witli me in previou.s councils, among them one who sat at the first Council Board elected in the County. I am pleased to meet these old associates of mine, and at the same time to welcome new faces, which I see before me to-day. The general business affecting the County will be laid before you, and I aslv that all matters receive your most careful consideration. Moved by coun. Seaman, seconded by coun. Schurman. that the minutes of the April meeting be read.. Passed. The Clerk read the minutes of the April meetin- Moved by rour.. Alonzo Smith, ;.econded by coun. Taylor that the minutes of the April meeting, as just read, be now passed and adopted and oe signed by the Warden and Clerk, and are now the legal minute- of the Council for the said April meeting, 1898. Passed. Moved by coun. Schurman. seconded by coun. Seaman, that coun A. M. Ross be Deputy Warden. Passed. • Moved and seconded that coun. Schurman be a.ssoclated %vith the Clerk to read iietitions, memorials, &c. Moved in amendment and seconded that coun. Seaman take thn*- position. Amendment carried. The Warden named the fol'- -^a:, as nominating committee: — "W. ,T. Simpson. •■"■'•■»•.. .T. W. lirouno!!, I'.Nr.m Atkinson. Nomination ratified. Moved by coun. Seaman, seconded by coun. Smith, that G. Botsford Smith and H. W. Rosers bo auditors. Passed. Moved and seconded that the hours of meeting be from 9.30 to ' 1. and from 2 to 6 p. m. Pasf-ed. ! , m I ! 82 :!fl 4 jmi Mr\rTK?i A\n rirfEF.mvo" Petition of Joseph H. Newoomb and others of Parrsboro, read first time at April meotinp. a.skinfr for a Cloaed District, with the following bounds: -From the llrkUlo on FartrldKo Island River, known aa the Newcomb Hrldee. to New Prospect, at or near the east line of lands owned by William McPvoe, was read. Moved and seconded that It pass. Passed. Petition of H. W. Fraser and others of River View In Polling' Dis- trict No. 7, read first time at April meotinp. was now read, asking for a closed district, with bounds as followst-BeKlnnlns at Duncan McDonald's south line, jmd termlnatlnc at the corner of the now road at D Mclntcsh's. Read second time and aassed. Report of James Leary. a committee to lay out a road at Port Gieville was read. Moved by coun. Graham, seconded by coun. Seaman, that the report be adoi)ted. Passed. Report of William Webster, a committee to lay out a road at Port GrevlUe was read. Moved by coun. Seaman, seconded by coun. Taylor, that the roport be referred back on account of irregularity in appointing appraisers. Carried. K.vioit uf LeandtT Treen. a committee to lay out .i piece uf i(nui near Itos.s' crossinir on the Short l.iiu; Uailway. \vus read. Moved by coun. Smith, seconded by coun. Porteous, that the report be adouted. Passed Moved by coun. Howard, seconded by coun. Jackson, that the Treasurer's bond in a guarantee con-pany for $10,000 be accepted. Passed. Pveport of couns. Aionzo Smith and J..c-,nua Livinsstone. a;>;)ointed at April meetins: to settle back taxes of No. l uilli A. D. (^iiapman'.s estate, was read. Moved by coun. McKinnon. seconded by coun. Seaman, that the report be adopted. Passed, (See Report No. 1). Report of Abram Latta, a committee to lav out a j.rivat" -o-d ir-^ps the marsh frjm Jepthia Harrison's, at Maccan, to Joggins Railway Bridge, was read: also petition of H. W. Travis against the report. MnNlCTPAL (VCNCTL, CuMDEHI,AN'li CoUN n On motion ordered that tho rr>port and petition be laid over until to-morrow at 10 o'clock. Passed. The Clerk not mod the Ooimrll that he had not rocolvod the Col- loctors' bonds for Dl.strlcts No. 2, 6, 7. 8 and 11. The Warden asked the nonilnalinir rommittee to send In the names of tho standing comniitttees to-morrow morning. Adjourned to 9.30 to-morrow. a road at Port Seaman, that the Com I lhr^,\e, Amherst. W cdne.sda!/, Januai'!/ lllJt, LVjU lut a road at Port s, that the report seaman, that the Council met at 9.30. Warden in the chair; all present. Minute.s of last Gessl )n read and declared approved. Moved by coun. Seaman, seconded by coun. Hennessy, that the matter of the Harrison road, or Abram Latta's report and counter petition be taken up. Passed. Report of Abrani Latta was read, counter petition of II. W. Travis and others was read, also a letter from Archibald, manager ol Joygins Railvvay, forbidding any person to walk over railway track. Moved by coun. Atkinson, seconded by coun. Pipes, that a special cbrtmittee lie appointed to examine into this matter. Moved in amendment, by coun. Schurman, and seconded, that it be dfcalt with now. Amendment carried. Moved by coun. Taylor, and seconded, ihat the interested parties be heard, i'sisscd. Mr. Jcpttia Harjison st.ited ids case, also (Japt. Travis and Mr. Hoeji-. Moved by coun. Atkinson, seconded by coun. Pipes, that tho report be iulujjted. Moved in .amendment by coun. McKinium, seconded by coun. Tayhjr. 34 r'ii 1 11,1,* i. "II IV'IMJTEP AND Vn Cf EDINO" t^- - it be considered this day th,^Pe months. -Amendment carried. Petition of Alexander Colburn and others of Riv^r T^un- , I Petition of Robert J. Blair and others of Northport, asking for a I TZtZ 'T °"' ^ ^°^' '^°"^ ^^^ "^^^^ ^°^^ ^-^^"- from I^inden to Bay Ve.te, at or near David Ferguson's line, to the shore, was read. Moved by euun. Brownell. seconded by coun. Jackson, that thel;K,n of A. Wilson and others of Pugvvash. asking that a com- l laiu... .. aw.oauea tu .uy ..t a .oau nun. ..c .0. x .a ...e c.u.J UicUit .. .„uts .NO. 7 and b of same arant. was read. .Vos.d by cuuu. MeFarlane, seconded by coun. .McDonald, that the Piajer ,.t i etition be granted, and that Joseph H. Clarke be committee Passed. PeciLion of Ephraim Carter, of Westmorland, asking for a c.mimitt" lu icn .... u i-ijLxu 10 :Marbh. Moved bv coun. Atkinson, seconded by coun. Taylor, that a com- m U., , ,hrcc be a:..ointea to .:eet interested :,arties at three o'clock tms ;!!t' noon. Passed. The nominating: committee named the lollouing as a conunitt.o on above le.solution:— Coun. A. Smith D. M. Jackson " C. C. Schurman. '0mm AfuNiciPAi, CouNcir., CuMPRRr.AND County 35 Nomination ratified. ing for a conimitt IS a ci)nuniU(_H' on mittll^-""""''''"'' "''""""^^^' "^'""^'^ ^'^^ MUn.h,^ a. standing oon.- FINANCE -Coun. Job H. Seaman, Alor.zo Smith. Peter E. O^iJvie, n. 1-. McDonald, E. B. .Pices. ROADS AND BRIDGES.-John E. Koaeh. Henry Hunter Tohn Hennessy. John Turple. David Jackson. LodL'!''"'' ^^^^^^'^'^^-^^'^-im Howard. John McKinnon. Joseph ltEMITTAl.S.-A. D. McFar.ane. A. M. P.... Leander E. Graham. LICENSES.-Richard Porteou.s. Andrew Taylor. C. C. Schurman. POOR.-W. J. Simpson. J. w. Brownell. Byron Atkinson. Nominations ratiiled. n„lea a^„„l„ted to s«tl« „llh the towns, moet a committee of the |i.o,„ t„B i,„v,. „, K„,sOoro at iso frWay a(ter„„„„. rassetl Uu inuL:ou I'cicired to coinmitieo. i.«r:'trr trr-" ""-" '"^ '■"""-'- - - -->— '- • . J- p. Pullerton. Warden. - - - ., A. Smith • R. L. McDonald 'X •-■ I . J- H. Seaman Peter E. .Osllvie. Nomination ratified. , • ■• Moved by coun. Ross, seconded by coun. Taylor thn^ i«. k .eu ,0 M™. k.,„ Kenior. „, o«ora, h, .he ov^eVrp*; ^o^r't I 1: i. 11 i l- i l 1 1 3fi MfNUTES A\D PrnCKEDtVG^ Passed. 1 -1 Adjourned. ' .;'> I m m WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. Council met at 2 p. m. Warden In the chair; all present.. MinuJ of last session read and declared ap:iroved. Potition of Michael McGrath and others of Parrsboro. askinP- tl Green Hill school section be a closed district, ^-as read. On motion referred to special committee. Passed. Moven by coun. Seaman, seconded by coun. Simpson, that a specil :ommitttee be appointed to look into the matter of closed distriJ Passed. The nominating committee named the following as a committee above resolution: — • C. C, Schurman Joseph Lodge ' , J. E. Rooch. Nominr.tion ratified. Moved by coun. "Simpson, seconded by coun. Turple. that the list Officers be handed in at 10 o'clock Saturday morning:. Passed. coJr^m'V. ''^"''' ^'"^'^^ ^"' "'^'••^' "^ ^^P'-in^hill, asking for, committee to lay out a road from Springhill to Rodney, was read- al a petition of Daniel Rogers and others against said road, was read- al] the repor ot A. H. Gilroy, who was a committtee on said road in 1 and reported against it on account of the hilly nature of the country. He on the table until this day six months. Passed. for""'"?" Vt'^T '''""■"" ''"' '''"'''■ °^ ^"^"'-h ^^-'^ -^^'^ ucmm.t-s ana other;?, of Conn'.s Mills, was read. We, falter, k'uiniTK lie road Mo%'e ropor ^ MITMCIFAL .COTTL, ri;„Hpr:r,AXI> C.^UNTY 37 Ihim to sign agreement. Passed. " Prothonotary and get Nominating committee named the folio • r, all oresent.. Minut^^^o^'e resolution:— owing as a committee on C. c. Schurman ■ • J- E. Roach ■KT^ . ■* -^"d- Taylor, Nommation ratified. t On motion adjournpri f<^ o.^ • * ing as a committee (| Came to order at 3 d. m. Petition of A. McQueen and others of Pnrt t h.n.aau.. .o u. ... .. ,..,, „.,;'";: l"^'' ^-^-"<^e. asking for a (t Fort Lawrence, was read. '"'" '^^ '^^'""'•-- ^^-^^^ Moved by coun. Atkinson, seconded hv -yer Of petition be granted and ^ ^ T" ''""""' ^^^^ ^he f^sed. na J., w. Thompson be committee. ■Report Of committee on petition of Ephraim C. . ■'-'^ -.■ a .o .., .., . ,,,, ^^'^^ f ^^^^^ and other.. we, your conimi'ttee, annointed fn in , ■ [a-., in regard .o a roai I"" " J li -'-'-. -titlon of Kphrain. commend the p.ayer of the petition be g;anted ^ ''"^'"^"' ^^■""'^' « -ad to .ay al, of ":,,.': ^"'"'f "'^'^'"^^ '•-■ I I'tnu, and cuminittee. Alonzo Smith, t'- <-'. .Sihunuun, V ' "" " • J-*- -^l- JiUksiiii, Committee, 'eclal committee o| ^'''-^^ by coun., seconded by .oun n D m n ' '-i^nort be ado:.ted. Passed Mi'I>«'.iuld. that 't'S'j 1 I I M ih \\ 'If? !! fjH 38 Minutes and Prcceedinqs Moved bv coun. Atkinson, seconded by coun, Simpson, that James Gray be committee. Passed. Adjourned. Court House Amherst lliuvsday, January I'Jth, 1S09. THUPwSDAY MORNING. Council met ut 9.30 a. m. "Warder, in the chair; all present. Mi^n- utes of last session read and declared approved. The Clerk read his report for last year. On motion referred to a committee. A petition from H. R. McCully, asking- to do statute labor on a pr'vat'^ road was read. Referred to committee on Roads and Bridges. Renort of E. E. Hevvson on back taxes was read. Moved by ooun. Taylor, seconr'ed by coun, McFarlane, that the reportj be adiptfd. Passed. (See Report No. 2.) A letter from town council of Amherst was road, askinc that the| council to ap-jclnt the following town constables for the county:— J. A. Simpson, Iven E. Pipes, Henry Arthur, Moses Brinton, John E. Roach, | Simon ''.Vhite. No action taken. Moved by coun. Taylor, seconded by coun. Roach, that a special | eommitlee be appointed to see about the exhibition ground. Passed. Moved and seconded that the same committee appointed to wait onl Mr. Read to get him to sign agreement be also empowered to collect j balances due from other ofticers in Court House. Passed. Moved and seconded that the same committee appointed in commit- ete of the whole yesterday, to examine the sheriff and jailor's bills, also I «M ii^ •PMOT Municipal Council, Cumbbrland Coontt npson, that James f 1-Jth,1809. all Dresent. Min- 8» examine the clerk's recort. Pacsed. The committee on above resolution was: Coun. R. L. McDonald, ...... E. }3. Pipes, L. E. Graham. Petition of William J. Dickson and others of Clairmont and Black River, aakin- for a committee to lay out a road from Black River to the boundary line of the town and Spring Hill, was read. Moved by coun. Taylor, seconded by coun. Pipes, that the prayer of aetition be granted and James Rinley committee. Passed. A letter from J. Medley Townsend was read regarding the by-law [ to tax dogs. Coun. Seaman gave notice to bring up this matter at L'.:!0 this after- noon, ^^j Moved by coun. Smith, seconded by coun. Pipes, that 150 copies of the lists of olflcers and minutes of the council for January be printed, land 350 copies of the January and April meetings; also 100 copies extra of the lists of officers for January, and that tenders be at once asked [for printins same. Passed. Adjourned to go into committee of the whole until 2 p. m. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Council met at 2 p. m. Warden in the chair; all :>resent. Minutes [ of last session read and declared approved. Petition of John W. Brownell and others of Amherst Shore, asking I for a committee to lay out a road from the main road to the shore on [the line between Isaac Oulton and Alex. Beaton, \vas read. Moved by coun. Brownell, seconded by coun. Jackson, that the [prayer of petition be granted, and that James H. Angers be committee. Passed. tl'l! ii 1 ''ii •wr 40 '■ 1 Minutes and PnocKEniNo? Petitions of Hugh McPherson and others of Linden, askine thatVl IZTX: "' T'"'"^ " '"^ ^"^ ^ '^^^ ^''^^ ^^^ -- wo^d'r ad t Lake Ivillaniey to eet ice, was read HuyeiJ. by coun. fliowriell. seconds i,v „ prayer of Mtltlon bo eran.o.l,,,. "'■"»"'■ S<»n,a„. that ih,. .hat Ihey „ll, pay ^ ZuTZ "°°"' '""""" '" '"«" -»""■■" ; V- :;:;,•?^ ^- B. Piiies, J- Hennespy, Henry Hunter. Nominal ion ratified. asylum i:. inade. -,-^^>ntment of medical su.oerlntendent of man ., p. m. tomorrow. Passed. »er.rr;r,"^r;«,."'"' "™- " '"»'^- - '■-- - --<■ --o- from J,r. r'a„v for rln. ,f ^ ,^, ' '''■"' "' '''»' '■°"«<'- .."■> '"D" .h.;»av,„^/bIL Vlbl,!!'"",';'"" '"''"'• ■"■" "■"—■" -"™' '" BSh:rb::;z:rtr:;;:;--sLi -■ "'"-»- - - Hon. T. n. Black also s.noke about Victoria snuare I^e;.ort of committee on ..osed district, was read, as fo.lows.- '^■^ mm§imm~-:.m MiTKiciPAi. Council, Comberiaxi' County 41 Wp, y )ur committee, roeommend that the petitions from diatrlctH ' No. 1 and 7 lay over until April meeting; and that the petitions from No. 11 pass at this meeting:, and also that the petition from No. 5 pass at this meeting. at??*"' O. r. Sehurman, John K. Roach. Joseph Lodg:e. ("'omniittee. Amherst, January 12, ISiOO. ^4 L ciimmittce on ex tee of public pro- inessy, that Mr, IS follows I— .Moved and seconded that the report bo adopted. Passed. (The petition referred to in above report from No. U is that of Michael McGrath and others of Green Hill school section, with bounds as follows: Besinnin- at the eastern line of the town of Parrsboro on Swan Creek Hoad to Swan Creek, and from line of said town on the shoi-e road to Tsaac Wasson's west line. The petition referred to in above report as from No. ,',, is that of 11. J. Harrison and others of Macoan, with bounds as follows:— Beginnln* at the west side of land owned and occupied by Gilbert Hoeg-, and run- jning in an easterly direction ^Uong the road leading to Maccan sta-tlon. [until it reaches the Mill road, so called; thence along said Mill road by and across the lands of f^dmund Hoeg and H. J. Harrison and continuing I to the residence of Jeptha Harrison 1st, including in all about 13-4 miles.) Moved by coun. Seaman, and seconded by coun. Alonzo Smith, that [the by-laws and regulations regarding dogs, contained in schedule "A," hereto annexed, be ordained and have the force of law in this munici- I pality after they shall have been confirmed by the governor in council. Passed. SCHEDULE "A." Is is hereby ordered and ordained by the Municipal Council for the County of Cumberland, and in session assembled this 12th day of Janu- ary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety- nine, as follows:— ■■ ill r-1 42 jpi^** MiKIITES AND PnrCEFPINOS >-ai' CHiXPTER Xlir. DOGS. ally mentioned, Include bitch nnri th^ ,..^ , .. "t,it;indiier scec^ . ii>-iuuK uiitn, ana the word 'owner" ohnii fn/,i,,/>^ Be,.„„ WHO Keep,. Harbors or p.,3e.«, a Oo. and a "er^ „ o. rbo„i ' will!™; !.7r° '";,""''°* "' '""^"'* *"" ^° " ""-^^ "'""■> "■» "O"""] II om biting- or doing mischief. ■ thJr^' ''-""^P"" complaint made to any ju.stice of the peace in and fnJ iZT '■''■"''' '"^''^"^ "^"" •^'^ summoned, and after hear to bo destroyed. ^ ' ^'-' "^^^' "''^^'' ''"^'^ J^sl See. .::.-The oivne. of any -do,? within this municlnality „h.. with I :."rr:";:.ti; r^-m^reii^riittTbi- 1" "'-"^ - n.en. ,„.. „„l„d no. exoee„l„. sl.ty day. r, ,';. rnl 'a™:: r,,' the hea,„,i of any charge under this section that -h , """""'"■"" :,,a.hat.thc do. be continually prevented Lm'ofn; 't ^JT'^'l "^'^'■ order ,b,.t .such dog be destroyed. ^'' °'" "^^ "^•'^^' Sec. ..-AH orders, bv-laws. forms and regulations regarding dogs| inconsistent with the foregoing arc hereby repealed, particular, v I chapter xiii. of the rules, regulations and iW^ of this Muni.l.a; .^>uncii passed at the meeting thereof held on the 12th dav ,>f a.h, Municipal Couxcir., Cumperland County 43 shall be subject in thf year isas. Sec. .-Th. foregoing by-laws shall b. known as chapter xiii~r he ru le... regulations and by-laws of tbe MuniUi,al c-ounc-i. . Vu be land county, and shall take the pla.e of chapter xiii. ordl in^d and ixissed as aforesaid on the day of April in the year 1898.! Moved by coun. Taylor, .seconded by coun. Smith, that a SDecial committee be appointed to examine Mr. Casey's account. Passed. The nominating committee named the following a.s a committee on above resolution; — A. Taylor, H. Hunter, J. Hennessy. Nomination ratilied. Adjourned to uo into the .sev.Tai comiuiltees to meet at 5 :,.. m. Cam.j to Older a: 5 .). m. read^'^''°'"' "' '""'"'*"^^ appointed to examine Mr. Casey's account was Moved by coun. McKinnon. seconded by <.oun. Smith, that the re W of committee be referred back, and Mr. Casey's account be re ferred back to him to give fuller details as to convictions. Passed. Petition Of W. C. Milner, President of the Missiaua^h Marsh Co (Ltd.) was read. Moved by coun. Smith, seconded by coun. McKinnon, that a com- mittee of five be appointed to report on above petition.. Passed. The nominating committee named the tollowing as a committee on above resolution: — A. Smith, H. Hunter, H. L. McDonald, Job H. Seaman, And. Taylor. 44 MrvuTE^ ArJD PrtocsEDiva' Nomination rntlfled. ncDort (if committee on publio pmiiorty wan road. On motion referred l>aek to comn-itteo. Ri'port of committee appointed to r-etlle witli oUicers Iti Cmrt ITr>iisr was lead. Aioved and seconded that the rei>ort be referred bade to eonunitiec to be umejiUfcd. Movou in amendmeiit that the reiiort be udopted. # Am^sndment lost. Motion declared carried. Adlourned to U.oO tomorrow. Court House, ..!/jnn:j\sf. Friday. Jaiiuanj hUh, ISVii). i^' " FRIDAY FORENOON. Coun( il. met nt 0.30 a. m. Warden in the chair; all ncesent. Min- utes of lasi session read and declared aoproved. Report of committee on public property was read. Moved by coun. Seaman, seconded by coun. Simpson, that the re- port be adoiited. Passed. (See rer' district No. 2. Passed. ' ^ '' "'•''^'•'••t« 'n Pollin:: Petition of Oeorjre ('•irti.i- ...,,i .. (ourd sc, ,v„» „,...„„,„ „:, „„„ ,,„', ' '"" """ '""" '■""" Moved by eoun. Hunter seeon.i,.,! , f-assed. ^^ • Pu^'ly be committee. Moved by coun. Hunter, .serondel bv ,.nu^ t . Moved by coun. Simi-.son. seconded by .oun. McDonald ih.r r -'elton be a committee to revise sfuule l.,i . ,, '^.''"'''^' '^'''' ^^•^"''S^ fs District No. ,1. Passed "''''''' ''"• ■"' '" ^""- M.,v.d by coun. Porters. s,Hondod by coun. Pipes, that Itobcrt Mc f.-nald be a committee to,.evise statute labor districts N... 1:^ m ,o . |oilu>.^ District No. 14. .nd t<, p.ace bounds between them. Pa Jed. buTtlt"'' 'T ''■ ''■ '''"*""''"• ^^^^"^'^'^ ^^ -'"- «'---on-- T^- For't r " "'""■ "' '•^^ '"'^ ^"^^ '"^^^ '-^*"^' ^'-- Amherst batter a^rif'"?"' t"""""'"^^^ °^ ^'"^ »^^' -P^'^-ted to look into this fat er and if found necessary take legal advice on the matter, and if he aw as found sufficient to cover the point, to draft a resolution to pe i^ocal Legislature. Passed. The nominating committee named the, following as a committee on t)ove resolution: — • J. E. Roach, E. B.. Pipes, ^» • J- Simpson. Nomination ratified. 46 ^fINUTES ANT) PRCCEEftlNOa Afljourned to go into the several rommlttpps until 2 p. m. H ^ii ■ - •\ FRIDAY AFTERNOON. founpll mot at 2 p. m. Deputy Wnrden A. M. Ross in the ehnirl AH nresent but the Warden, who wan sick. Minuto.s of last .-=e«Pl,,n rea<1 and declared approved. Moved and seconded that the Commissioners of the Cumberlaii.i Apylum hand in their report at 4 o'clock today. Passed. Report of committee on remittals was read. Moved by coun. Smith, secon('ed by coun Porteous, that the repon • bo adopted. Passed. (See report No. 4.) * Report of committee on Mr. Caseys bill, referred back, was read a.l amended. Moved by coun. Graham, seconded by coun. Simpson, that the r. port be adopted. Passed. (Soe report No. 5.) of committee on Missiauash Mursh Co.'s petition was readj IMovod by coun. AIcFarlane, seconded by coun. Taylor, that the rej port be udoDled. For motion— Coims. Hennessy, R. L. McDonald, Simpson, TayloJ McFarlane, Seaman. Smith, McKinnon— 8.— Couns. Howard, Ogilvie, Jackson, Porteous, Turple, Lodsej Graham, Hunter, Atkinson, "Rrownell, Pipes. Roach. Schurman— iri. Motion declared lost. * (See lojjort No. 6..) The 01 :nfPERr.AN'D County 47 Moved by coun. McFarU.u, s..oua., Uy n-u... Pipes, that all the lists ns handed in be i)aasnberla,.d ,-.,unty Asylum uas read. Moved- by coun. Smith, seconded by . .,u„. Taylor, that the report be ado;ited. Passed. baek, was read a; ipson, that the n Simpson, Tayldrl (See report No. 7.) Moved by ooun. Taylo, „<„a „y ,„„„ j,,^ Mr. Embree saN , ., ,a,ilin- of the work done. Moved by coun. Taylor, seconded by coun. Porteou., that a building be erected at the County Asylum for the filthy insane: ,hat tenders for the work be asked by the Commissioners of the Asylum: nnd that the erection of the buiidin^ be und<.r the supervision of «aid Commissioner^- Pas-sed. Moved by mun. Smith, .seconded by coun. Taylor, thai the Clerk be authorised to make a demand on the Bank of Nova Scotia a^-ency at Oxford to pay into the county fund $1.^0. according to the acts of ,m. and slace the same to the credit of the county. Passed. Moved by coun. Smith, seconded by coun.. Graham, that th. am^ •■i n.oney in the Savings Bank to the credit of the trustees of .nublic P'-oporty be withdrawn and placed to the credit of the county. Passed I) 48 MlNUTKS AND PROCKEmTfO? Adjournod. Court House, Ainhersb^ Sadivdciy, January IJ^ili, ISliO^ SATUUDAY MORNING, Council met at 9.30 a. m.. Warden in the chair; all present. Min- utes of last session read and declared approved. Report of committee on roads and brldses was read. Moved by coun. Smith, seconded by coun. McKinnon, that the re- port be adopted. Passed. (See report No. 8.) Report (if committee on poor was read. Moved by coun. Schurman, seconded by coun. Hunter, that the re- port be adopted. Passed. (See reijort No. 9.) Reitort lit' committee on license.s was read. Moved by coun. Smith, seconded by coun. Hunter, that the report be adopted. .Passed. (See ie;)ort No. 10..) Coun. Roach a.sked that the committee on closed districts be asked to supplement their report by considering the petition of H. J. Harri- son and others, of Maccan. They did so, as will be seen by reference to their re»ort. i t Moved by coun. C.raham, seconded by coun. McFarlane, that a. 'i - \ present. Min- that the re- that the re- al the report lane, that a r^. R. Ornhani. ^\. D. IvrrFiD'liino, XT . '^- T"r:Ple. Nomination ratifi,.,!, Adjournovm .. , ■.. 11. -0. ■''"''' conunittees and c-ome to onler at Came to ovdov at 11.;!(). iU.„„,., of ,.,„„„„„,„ ,„ „^^,„_.^__ .^.| ^_^^^^ ^^^^^ ..o.-"'ri,;:.:r';k::':':'"- '• ""■■ ^' ■■ •'■"-■ -.. «■ (See report No. 11.) Ctu.vTv .53 The nominating committee named the following as a committee on above resolution: — C. C. Srhurman. E. B. Pipes, J. E. Roach Nomination ratified. Moved and seconded that the two representatives, Hon, T. R. Black and Hon. W. T. Pioea, be asked to meet the Council at 11 o'clock to- morrow, Passed. Adjourned to 9.30 tomorrow. Court House Anihpvsf. Tnesdaij, .hinuavy 17th, 1S99. '"^■' TUESDAY FORENOON. Council met at 9.30 a. m. Warden in the chair; all present. Min- utes of last meeting read and declared approved. A letter from E. M. Lockwood regarding the bad condition of the second bridce on the Eddy road, was read. Report of committee to enquire about the liability of the Bank of Nova Scotia agency at Oxford to pay taxes was made verbally by coun. Pipes. Moved by coun. Porteous, seconded by c«.un. Roach, tnat the verbal report be adopted. Passed. Moved by coun. Smith, seconded by coun. Atkinson, that the county officers be now appointed. Passed. Moved by coun. Smith, seconded by coun. Simpson, that the earre Commissioners for the Cumberland County Asylum be continued. ' m 54 ^HnuTES and PR-CEEt)ING«. Passed. ^.fcZ.T"""^" ''"'"'' "" "='^"'"'°"' »-"- was accepted by .ac.r:erc::;„:r:;r:;;rc"''t "^ °°""- ""^'""- •"« -""• « oc„„. S^^unnJ^ZZJ ZsT ' "'"""'' *'^""" '" ■>"- Applications from Robert Smfth •p..».,„o u Pasded. "® ""t in excess of $500. Coun Hunter ^ave notice to reconsider above resolution -urae:;r;:rcorr;:^r"""^ ^^ --• — • -- t^e Passed. "^ T,ea.surer receive same salary as last year. Moved and seconded that the Warden receive S^O of >,• , Passed. t>^i.t-ne 5oU of his salary. Moved and second-^d tha<^ Dr at^ i • superintendent of Asylun. at'sa.e ^^i; r^:: ;r^trd"^--- Moved by coun. Schurman. and 'seconded th-vt th. oaid for 6 days at $2.00 per day. councilors be ^^^^^Moved m amendment, and seconded, that they receive pay for 5 Moved in amendment to amendment, and seconded, that they re- ceive pay for 7 days. Amendment to amendment carried. The resolution for reducing the c„,3,.^. - - us me .,niaij- „f superintendent of the the ^MuxiCTPAi. Coc;xc„., County rr. r'umbeMand County Asykim wa. tnkon up. Against— Couns Pinp« T.-%ri^« m 0.iK-ie. Howard. Porreous-9 "' ^"'''^' ''""^"•- ^^°^^'"^"- -^*'<'— • Motion declared carried. would „,„ve tha. .he PculoV" %, " " rT?' '""""■= '"' -'"-■ ■ and elghty.flvo iiridae Act. Passed. • ^^' ^'^ J-'^ced under the Moved and seconded thn*- th^ « continued for this yelr. P:Lid "" "'"°'^ "' ^^«^— ' -"s be Moved and seconded that J aj^ Gtipendiary magistrate. Pansed. " ''^ ""^ continued a county Moved and seconded that tho work of r. ■ • -ns he .us.ended for the current JL 1::;.'" " "^ ^^^^^^'"^"^ Moved and seconded that Eds.-!.- <:i .^ ^n statute labor district n: .'t P ^r ^ ^"'"^'"'^^ " "^^^-'-^ ancy. Passed. ""^ ^''^'''^t ^o. 11, to fill vac- On motion Hon. T. r. ,„,,^ ,^„ ^_, regarding roads and bridges. ' ''*''' "'""'^ ''^'^''<^ U. 66 Minutes and Proceedings Passed. (See agreement "C") The minutes of this session of the Council were read, and on mo- tion declared approved. Passed. The Warden addressed the Council briefly. Adjourned. Agre Itii appointe the Tow by thaei Paireboii 81 of Ch oordiug t In w: at the Coi no-- AQREEMENT WITH TOWNS. "A" Agfreement Between County and Town of Parrsboro, 1899, .nn -V". r 7 ^^'^'^ ^y '°^ ^'*^^«" *'^^ respective committees appointed by the Uouncil of the Municipality of Cumberland and hvtl '-.r' ?^\''^"^""^^'^^"^"° ^'^^J'^^t to ratiacation by tha«aid Councl, that the sums to be paid b. the .aid Town of Parrebo.o to the said County of Can,berland as required by Section 81 of Chapter 4 of the Acts of 1895, for the year 1899 ahall be ac- cording to the following scheduL , that is to say Administration of Justice School Grant Insane Cleik and Treasurer's Salary Court House and Asylum Deb. Water and Insurance $181 64 595 62 390 36 1100 169 61 9 12 $1357 35 at fh^''p'''*r^' ""^'"^^ """ ^*^' ^''^'"°*° subscribed our n^mes at the Court House at Amherst this 13th day of January 1899. Thos. R. Harrison ) „ Varley B. Fullerlon J ^^^' ^^ ^^wa Alonzo Smith J. K. Seaman R. L. McDonald P, E, Ogilvie . Com, of County of Gumberland. r liB MINUTE3 AND PROCEEDINog (( B" Agreement Between County and Town of Sprlnfhill, 1899. mi»««A?r''M"^''°°'',.''^ ""^ ''°'"''*" *• A8,e83ment Com- miUeee of the Muu.oipalUy „f Camberlaod ™d .he Town ofSprin^. wards the joint source, for the year 1899 to the County Treasurer •the sum ofsixteen hundred dollars. ^"easurer In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our name« at the Court House, Amherst, the 13th day ot January. A. D.^^ J. P. Fullerton ) Alonzo Smith ^ E L. McDonald '^ ^°^' °^ Countv J. H. Seaman I Council. P. E. Ogilvie j M. M. McPherson ^ ^ E. W. McDonald C Com. of Town of Daniel McLeod j Springhill. Agreement Between County and Town of Amherst, 1899 Memorandum of agreement made and entered into this 17th day of January, 1899 Between the respective committees appointed by he Council of the Municipality of Cumberland and the Town Council of the Town of Amnerst to adjust the sum payable by the Town for the said year into the Countv Trfiflsnrxr nf tu^ ».jj at„_.,.. . ,.. der Section 81 of the Town's Inco'rporation Id l795Tbe7airo"^ their rea and th< seventy seasmen the Tow this sun: icipality harmles the debe year lepi ipality t other ex| with the lum and the contit said insa ward the fcaid Hsy! Town he toward t] acknowle penditun provision ation Act. It is expenses collected, er.^1 accon eluded in This been ratifi( a re«»i!lf^rl\ Witne Municipal Council, Cumberland Counti 69 their respective principals. The said town hereby agrees to pay and tho said County to accept the sum of four thouaand and seventy one dollars iu full and in lieu of all County rates and as- sessments incurred for all services borne for the joint benefit of the Town aii.l the Municipality for the said year im9. While this sum indicates the amount claimed from the Town by 'the Mun- icipality as its annual contribution toward the maintenance of the haimles insane at Halifax and Pugwash-toward the payment of the debenture of the Municipality fulling due during the present year representing a portion of the money borrowed by the ivlunic ipaUty to erect the harmle OUNTY 65 3 Report of Committee on Public Property. To the Warden and Councillors : ^ We, the undersigned Committee on public property, after tak- ing into cou3ideiation mutters effecting the public property of the County, beg to report that tha roof of ths Cou. t liou.u he repair- ed to the extent needed and that the Councillors of No 1 be assor lated vvuh the Counly Clerk to carry out 8u6h repairs.' Further, that Victoria Square I.9 leased to thetownef Arnhersfc for the sum of one dollar per year so as to prevent the said town getting any pos e.^eory iight of auy nature whatever. We further recommend that Vict ri. Square be not endoaed vmh a fence but tht the bounds be marked by thedounty Clerk and Councillurs of No. 1, as they think best. E. Howard ") Jos. Lodge f Committee. John McKinnon. ) Report of Committee en Remittals. We, your Committee on remittals, after examining ail accounta placed in our hands beg leave to report as follows : To be remitted No. 3 John H. Angus for year 1897 ^g2 " 5 Samuel ilarriaoa '' lyyy 22 67 *' 6 Francis Holmes '« 1897 jj gg. .66 Minutes and Proceedings 8 George Reeves •* 1898 10 Amos Kuowlton " 1898 11 Wm. K. Gilbert " 1898 12 Harding Parsons " 1897 16 Charles JSTelson " 1897 14 47 9 47 7 04 3 86 156 $82 02 1105 To be assessed back in the differeut districts Amounts to be refunded from the County • Charles 11. Augus, No. 8, year 18y7 W. H. Brown, No. 7, v^ks to have $5 00 of his tax re- funded on account of Pugwash fire, ho lost everything Edward VV. Thompson, No. 15, amount asked, $5 60 reiuuded on account of loss by fire. These two amounts we would recommend to be remitted to the collectors and refunded to the parties and be assessed back on Districts No. 7 and 16. ^^^^ °" All of which we respectfully submit. A. D. Macfarlane A. M. Ross, 1-. E Graham. Report of Committee on Casey's Account. To the Warden and Municipal Council : We, your committee bpo- fnrfim. <-, epeoto. C.3,,. „„„„„, :^ t':r L7:i::, tit:' ^- Cunv as col lee Step} victed agj Erne Char Repo We, y Marsh Co., We W( of Nova Se. said compa 1899 for 10 This is siquash nuc Municipal Council, Cumberland Count, . 67 Stephen Colburne agreed to so out nf ti.^ k • victed again will pay hi^ back Z ' ''"'^"'^^ '"* ^^°°^- Ernest Hunter collectable ^^ °^ Charles Melanson «' 25 00 10 00 $95 00 Amlrew Taylor Henry Huuter J. Hennessy. ^n V i| 6 Report of Committee on Missiquash Marsh Co., Ltd. We, your committee to examine the peiitiou nfth. lu,- • Marsh Co., Ltd., beg leave to leport as follows :- ''^^"''^ We would recommend that this Council ask thr, T« • w oi Nova Scotia to pass «uch legislation as w exejlhjfr ."'! Ba.d company from any increased taxatnJon Tssl'l^T^^^^^^^^ 1899 for 10 years Irom let January, 1900, ' _ This is to include only property within the body of th« V,-» Biquash under Commissioners of .Sewers. '* Alouzo Smith, Andrew Taylor, R. L. McDonald, J' H. Seaman. :jp m O^J U MlHV'ii&S ANO PRi.;Cl.Jf.DINQ8 Report of Commission for County Asylum. To the Wtnden and IMunicipal Council ol' Cumbeiland, vieflitlemei) ; — We, your ConQmissioner, fur the County Asylum for 1898, heg leave to submit to you ihc L\\o9-;:ag as our annual report : We have during fhe year giveu the tinHucial matters in con- neciiou with the instituti n c«.if:iiil atUution and special attention was given to the aybUnu or rno.ho'l of lrook-kee(jiij},' as commented ua in yont comraisaioners jpst annual ropart, aud we are much pUased to report, as a consequence a inarKed improvement in the stale we now tind the books in We have examined the different ^^ards of the institution and would here call your attention to the nr^ent uatd of better ventilation throughout the building, :is well as, in the opinion of your Gommispionerp, the nt-cetssity in the n- terest of the ]v,)altb of the inmatPiJ of the instil ution of a small specially corstiucted building in which to IkL e the filthy patients of-whom there are now ten at the Asylum and whose presence iu the main buildiiif^ now endangers the health of the infetituiion. We tjyve examined the quarterly and annual accouuts and reports and with the exception of table No. 2 in the annual report of the Superintendent, wliere an amount of $24 00 f^r 12 tons of hay bought has been crenied to tho farm in err r, we find them to be correct, and that the cost of maintainance for the year has been $3473.11, jiiaking th j cost per v\eek pei inmate $1.47, which we find since theaccounts have Iteen put in better shape, to be as low ns in any year since the opening of the institution There is at amount owing;^tothe county for the maintainanee of a patient wh ^ was admitted a« a luivate paying ;>: went. The parties furui^hea at t:;e time oi aduiittaiJCe the nccc . y bond with Uui name li aold oii J In Decern! of the Asvl which woie ine.Hinfe t\ cei'/ed five range .is fo! 1634 85 ; : Bros & Co. to enable u Co, $125 70 Morris, $13! liott & Co., Morris, $25 the lowest o Your comm prices subm interest, EriD and Goderic lowest on elf received 4 t( cents per lb per pound fc we received 1 was accepted but consider of the tendei prices in the little if any a All of w r: Municipal Couvcil, Cumberland County 69 Tn n '"'^ f ^ "" resolution was passed cancelling this bond. of the Asylum or the yeu. 1899. For the groceries and dry goods wh,cn wo, e as last year, divided into four classes with a view to o.e.Hmfe tlie wishes ol a .umber of intending tenderers We re- ce..ed hve tenders .hich on honied out were found o tms!trV T'"!''^ '■ Allan, t! Pn ti ■ ; °"' '"^""^' P'"" '^^ ^ ^"«^^i«»' ^""^ber of item! Co Sm to' ^i"?7 ""' *^^^'' *'°'^^- ^'^'^ No. 2, Elliott & 2' JoJ^'''^ '^ ^'"-^^27 50 ;S. Allan, 8129 42- C W vTl'r VI ' """"^^^^ ^■'"- ^ ^° ' «129 76. Class No. S. El- hott & Co $19 16 ; Blade & Co., $19 89 ; S. Allan, $21 48 • C W Morns, 825 04 ; Dunlap Bros & Co , 624 53. Elliott & Co', being the lowest on these three classes they were awarded the contract! Your commissioners selecting the following brands of flour at the prices submitted :n their tender as being the best in .he country's interesr at $4 40 per barrel, Crown at |4 00 per barre and Goderich at $3 80 per barrel. Black & Go's tender being th lowest on class 4, theirs was accepted. For the supply of xneafs we leXll.'; T'^'r^'^-'-'^^^^^^'^ being the 'owest alT cent per lb lor beet, 4 cents per pound for lamb in season and 4ct8 per pound for mutton was accepted. For the supply of butter we received but one tender, that of S.M.Lowe at ^c t^h was accepted. For the supply of potatoas we recdved two but considering the prices therein subnitted aa too high neither priced rtlr:^" ""^^l- ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ -^ ^^-' ^^^ the pices in the above accepted tenders are extremely low, being little if any above whoiosa le prices. ^ All of which we respectfully submit. J. fl. Seaman, R. L. McDonald, A. M. Kose, C. C. Schurman. le al I IJ f 70 L'lM!TE6 AND pRcC£EDlNG8 8 Report of Committee on Roads and Bri(»§:es. To the Wfirileu and CouncilioiS : We your Comraiitee on Roads and Bridges beg leave to report as follows : — "We find in fxan^ipjng the highway master's road retuina for the several district-: in the county, firet, the ruad masn-rs have been very negligent in sending in their reports, one district, No. 6, only sending in two reports. . , Second.. The careless a^d negligent, way nearly all returns are made out. A number of them not having the name of the road master on and a very few of thoin having the number of th© pollini^ district on. We. your committee, would recipe-tfully recommend the Clerk to urge upon each highway master the importance of perfurniing their duty in accordunce to law. We further recommend that the following peisouo- be permit- ted to perform their labor in the statute districts hereinafter desig- nated and under the authority and control of thehighv\ay masters of said road districts : Polling Pistriot iS'o, 1, Alox Crai/z. WiK m McDonald, per- form their statute kbor in rocd district No. 50 (Albert Smith, high- way master,) and H R McCuUy perform Ida statute labor en the north pait of Blair's Road, so called, undpr J Sydney Smith, high- Tray master, in accordance with the prayer of Ms petition. George Smith, Feuwick, do one half his work on private road. Polling iJist.ict No. 2. Wc further recummend that E. D Eicha)ds, John W. Webb, John Mattatall, and II G Purdy, whr' live one half mile from Main road, have all their work on their own priv several d: road. Poll: James W the work Polii Polli Atkinson Pugsley, Pollii Clarke, W Forshner, Polli] Henderaoj John Sim] John Salte their work PoUir work. I'h PoUin William H PoUin Graham, a Pollin over on Hi Eushton fil 17 and 18 ! breaking re Municipal Council, Cumberland Coun NTY 71 own private road under the direction of the road master in ia;iF several districts, and Robert Stewart have two days on his private Polling District Ko. 3. Mickio Dickeson, Richard Ilollis, James Weeks, Henry Anderson and John Weeks have one half the work on private mads Polling District No. 4. No requests. Polling District No. 6. Rufus Atkina^^n. and his son Eugene Atkinson. o,,e half of .o.k on their priv.te road. Albert Fugsley, all his work. Polling District No. 7. Andrew Seaman, H. McLeod A Clarke, Wm. Eeid, half their work. Geo. VanBu.kirk Andrew Forshner, all their work. Allan Munro, half his .vork. ' Polling District No. 8. Jan>es Manning, Harris Peer., James Henderson, William Ma.ming. Henry Manning, all their work John Simpeon half hi. work. Chas. Peers. Chas. B. Angevine John Salter, Sauford Sailer, Robert Poote, Stewart O'Brien half their work. ' Polling District No. 9. Harvey Blair, E B Betis, half their work. I'hos. Ogilvie, all his work. Polling DiHtuct iS'o. 11. Minor Roscoe. Johnson Hanson William Hect r, all their -.oik. King Peitigrew, half his work. ' Polling District .NO 12. H. M, Ayer. H. P. Graham, John Graham, all their work Colin Hatfield half his work Polling District No. 15. Statute District No 2,Clayton Dixon over on Highlands, fill oxxv .rm of father, (deceased). Timothy Eushton fill out term of .1 JVlillor .lio+vJnf "w^ io a.^x.,,. ^. . . . 1/ and 18 be separated, not ..eee^sary to have them together for breaking roads. !T 72 Minutes ah ■nB.fc;nr.-Vf>3 Polling Districts No. 13. Douglas Colter, all his work on his private road. Polliog District No. 14. William McKeDzie two daj an his road. We further lecomiuend in the matt' r ot" tenders for opening the draw bridge at \^all:ice Biid^p that John Copp, who agveed to open said draw bridge for the year 1899 for 48c each time of open- ing bo accepted. ^ Henry Hunter, John E Roach, John Hennessy, Jolin Turj le, D. M. Jackson. I Report of Committee on Poor. Your' Committee on Poor Accounis beg to submit the follow- ing report : — Die. No. Asks for support of Poor for the year 1899 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 If .» (( n u it (• iC t( u (( ' <( (( it (( i( i< *i $ ct« 1250 00 225 GO 150 00 75 00 700 00 176 00 250 00 160 00 90 00 1 I k*.-. CUmtoerlontl County A«yluin reply Bhall have been received to this statement. H0.K.-A11 letters of enq.iry ^^^ ^^oCnT wi" te • Severe illness, or the 9«°^;«"%t^,^^^p7^^^^^^^^ be enclosed to prepay immediately communicated. Stamps muB* xeplies, SCHEDULE B.-CERTIFICATE, a -Name la 1, the underiigned (»; to-ySinica- being (b) .. , t ^^ ^h*, tion hereby certify that I, on tbe Xl'^"'' n^'u\' in the County of c-Locaiity 189 , at (c) .. ,. , t>_.. and in actual practice day of .^tr •' //-.\ in the Uouniy oi ^UJr%^ an, oth« Medical Practitioner, pex- d-same In gonally examined (d) ^^^ ^^^^ t^e ,_Be8idence of (e) ^ ' is a person . -occupation .^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Of unpound mind, and a proper P«^ '^ J ^^^ t^^.t i of and cietained under ca.e and treatm^^^^^^^ have formed this opinion on the loiiowme e viz : ..„pe„.. L F^Uindieating insanity coa.m«nioated to me by , conduct othera '. 3. Conversation uvucj.- ^ . • Ai..Hr^ff inaanitv observed by myaell : g..-3tate the. In- 2. Facts indicating inaanui u formal ion and from whom Name Place of Residence Date K. B._T« oertiftcate,. <*«ted witWn one mourt> otthe^c™- »"-%)«« 'Tiif.trrso'!;. Jt aSnt of the Medical 'p,Sti^r^b:^gnWu,,l«t coHiiicate.