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FMtMrM of tfiii «aw of tiM imitM in iIm rapfadyethMi. or wrtiWi May tianMoMillv vfMfip Km MMMl iMMiMd of fMminf, ara Cokwfwi eovtn/ '' 0Co«m 4MMfi4/7 CoMvimiM Covirt rattorid Mid/or liminattd/ CouMrnpB raftw^ •t/oH pa W tc t ilte CotMT tHto iniNini/ U titt* dtoovtnrtura CokNITMl umim/ Cmtn fioiraphiqwM an coulaMr^ Coioufad Ink (i.a. othar than bkia or Mack)/ Enera 4a oodaur (i.a. autra qua Maua ou noira) □ 6olouiad iMatM and/or illintratiom/ PlanChat at/oM iHiMtrationt an eoulaur □ D BouMl wHh othar matarial/ DalMi avac d'aiitras doeumann ti#it Mndkif may caina ihadowt or ilittortion akNig intarior marfin/ M riiUura aarrte ^aut ci^Mr da Tombra ou da la dittorsionlalonfdalaniarfiintiriaura ■■;'■,■■] Blank ImvIi addad dwikii raitoration may appaar within tha t»Kt. Whanavar poniMa, thaaa hava ha la maiWaM r M a M poaiiMa da M proain awamplalia fpd Mnt pMit-Mra raprodnHi. on qui paiivant anipar nna I la mainoda nomiaia da,f Nmaia mnt qu'il daaat □ Cetonrad papN/ Papaa da eoulaur Q □ PafM rorttorad aniMor lanilnMid/ Papa raat au rta i at/ou paNieuMas Pagas dtoeolourad. itakiad or foiiad/ P^Mi rfftenkMAM taehattai Ou oiouAaa r^Npasdatachad/ 0' Sho«rthrou|h/ Transparanaa Quality of print variat/ Qualiti inAfala da Timprattion □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continu* □• Inaludat indax(at)/ Compran d un (das) indax ■ Titia on haadar takan from: / La titra da I'an-ttta proviant: Q TitIa papa of issua/ Papa da titra da la.llvraison Additional comrtiants:/ Commantairas supplimantairas: □ Caption of issua/ - Titra da d*pi|^da la livraison ■ , D Wrinkled pages nay film slightly out of focus. Matlfiaad/ . QMriqua (piriodkiuas) da la livraifon This itam is fiknad at tha raduetion ratio chackad bahiw/ Ca documant ast film4 au taux da rWuetion indhpii ci-dassous. tox -;■- ;.v ' ■ : 14X it. 1IX m 26X 30X - . V . *; 12X )€X 20X 24X 2tX u 32X toth* lMff« Km bMfi r«produ««d thanks •I: 'Tr- ;•■/ ThOHMi FWmt Rim Book Ubrwy* UniMnlty of Toranio Lwraiv tli# liiMigM t p ptartng h«ra ar* th« powibi* conoMcHng thf cofKlHion of tho oriflbial oopy and In kaapln» '.. 1^ 12-0 8 v^viM ■w- >«=»*=LED M/GE Inc nuinnlii. (7A) 4« EoM IWn Stiwt Nnr rof* IMOa Ulft (7ra) 4«-OI0O-l>liRM (*«•) 2M-MiW-Fai ♦ ', JOr FlM«e preiwfva this Catalofrtt* avellor'9, Naturalist's, Homo and Colonial, 4c., 4c., 4c. ^ ^Uckwood, Bentley, Dublin University, OliamiMU-H, 4c. . "BNOLISH, FOR^(ai,irt<|. AMERICAN HISTORIES. Alison, Mwsanliijr, Bfc|»M»J»,tpPie, Gibbon, KobertBO^^ BRITISH POETS, ANp^M|li^^ CLASSICS, in great variety. m. AaA OyflOf JOHBS'S ftftlwS*^ the Binding of which ^t $600. BEST STAN^ARpjlilTJIRATURE, • WM WIIL BE SO£d by AlICTI0^|r > IN tME'FIM mw imE, WBII W* PEIEC^ S ., ON MOia)AY, NOVEHBEU JStb, 1861. Ani ibiloirtf d«y, uuM i n J iinlM »Mli »y *t a tfddolt iwryi«rtf^ i»«i wflt ^ ^ b* oolilUtMd In tlij^lfwtag; •»; 7. ? hadffthaAtti»ri>ma4dw«>«l»«<»wfc»"y*iw«^ -■ ■» f .' "^ ' -' Ju *-•■ > • ♦ • 'h ' - j^ - 1 *'^-.,. r ^ V V:i , •T' CONDITIONS OF SALE. Ml 1. Tlio LotB are sold per volume. All piircliases to bo for cash. 2. Tlio highest bidder to bo tlio buyer. If any diaputo shall nriso between two or more blddore, the Auctioneer not being able to decide, tlie lot so disputed shall be j)ut up again and resold. 8. The purcfiaser shall give his name and residence, and pay, a dejiosit, if required ; the same to bo in part payment of the ^ ■ purchase money ; in default of which, the jot or lots so pur*. . chased, to be immediately put up again and resold. 4. The lots to be taken away, at the purchaser's expense, on the morning after each day's sgle ; and tho purchase money to, bo paid previous to the delivery of the goods. 8. Upon failure to comply with tho abovO conditions, tho money deposited will bo forfeited, and all goods not removed within the time naftied, may bo resold by public^r private sale, on account of tho purchaser," and any deficiency occurring at such resale, to be made good by said pur- chaser. «. The books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed. All notices of imperfections must be madej»r«- vi&tts to their removal from' the Sale Rooms. One per.cont. Government Duty must be paid by eijch pur- chaser on the amount of his purchases. Gentlomeu who cannot attend the Sale, may have their commissions faithfully executed by Mr. Robert Morris, jr., of 29 Notre Dame St., Montreal, or at the Russell House, Quebec, who will attend the Sale, Commissions on such purchases to be five per cent. In case of information being desfred, application may be made to Mr. Allen Ebbs, the agent of D. Appleton & Co., teho will be present daring the sale. Any orders entrusted to his care, will be promptly attended to. 1. s. ■'-■•/ "■ J' ■ / " if' ^ ■■<•■ \ OATALOOUK. 1 ■■■ tory V(»ll 1 Aj'hoM'h Tnumlutlon of Oopthi-'M Ik(>ynar ". 14 Alison, A. Miscellaneous Essays and Criticism. 1 vol. Svo. Ip ■'^ sheep, extra. N. Y. 1800. 13 Arnold's Translation of Reynard the Vos, illustrated by Kaulbach^ 1 elegant vol. 8vo. in extra ch)th, gilt, N. Y. 1800. 10 Adventures and Travels of Baron Munchausen, illusfratcd by Crowquill. 1 vol. 12nio. N. Y. 1850. 17 Alison's History of Europe, tho 21 vols, complete in 8, in half — — dark calf, *xtru. N. Y. 1800. — — I S^' J„L - \ 3 F IH \ 19 •iO ai n 2.1 21 V Alliion, A. OUIrtil ftnil MUoi'Ibneoiw K«i«a)a, in I vol. Hvu. •hocp, extra. N. Y. \Hm. Ariii'rinin AiitliorM, Wntiwn of AmorUwi y\nllior«t; wifli mii'C .loticnl aiul iM^rwinnl •»nlclu'««. I v«»l. finely llliHliat.tl, cloth, Hilt o«Iki •«. N. Y. IHr»7. Aiicieiit <}r»M-f«<: llM History, plct(»rliil iui«l «lo«wrlf»tlvi', l»y Dr. Clir. WortlHWorth. 1 Pl««j{nnt vol. lull of fino ciigmvliiKii, in full rnoroTi'o, pxtni. I.oml. IHr»0. ' ^ Apph'ton'H IHcti.iiiftry of Mticliinc«i, Mochftnli'n, Kn«lno NV<»flc. unih and Eiij,'IiMli-Gernian Dictionary. 1 large vol., half morocco. N. Y. IM(50. 00 A(/)»ges, AphoriBinH, nnn, in voU. Hvo. larffu boM typu, full ••nlf, t-xtro N. ¥. I8«H>. 41 Aixlro. Th« l4il*> and ('i»rmnt. I vol. I'iiiio. Aim portmit, full lalf, oxlrn. liim. ' ton. INUI. 4'J Apptutoii'i iiflAt Oalilnot K(liti«)ii of tho Povtx. 10 voU. It'tmo. illuMlriilrd, ill oxirn t-lotli. N. V. 411 Alt Allium. Hixttioii fuonlmih;* of Wator-oolor Driiwingn.- . 1 vol. ill rich grocn iiiorowo, fxtro. Loud. IWU. ^ 44 AI'iHoii, A. llUtory of Kiirono. Tlut luut coniproiuifnl tHlitiiii4BK i:t voU. Kiiiiill Hvo. in 7, (ioulilu foluiiiiiH, illuHtnUvJ, Imlf culf, t'xtni. Kiliiil). |Hr».l. 4.'» Araliiaii NiKJitji' Kiitcrtaiiinu'iitt. Tnuisiliito.l |>y Ucv, K, Forntor. 1 v^ry lartfo vol. Hv«>i wiiU 0(M) iUiiMiratituus priuU-J (ujj«iu4- - Hoiiio tliitiMl |m|u>r, half ronii, gilt mlj^v*- N. V. iHtH). 40 AkiMiHido'H, IKuttiuV, (J.»\v|»«rV, riirin)HV, and Kirko NVIiUch Pool, leal VVorkn. 7 voIh. IOiiio. rod ulotli, gilt I'dgi'n, port-.OloHt4»ii. 47 Anu'iic^an Ucvidiitioii. Knarkn'H (Jiirt'd) (!orri!Mpondt'inH! of tlio Aliiericau Uovoliilioii— LfltiTH of KiniiK'Ht Men tx» (Ji-orgo WaMhiiigtoii, from tliu tinio of hi>4 taking coiiinmiHl to tlut iiid .of liiM I'roMiduncy. 4 vuIh. 8vOi full calf, gilt, uiaj-blu leaver. IJuii- ton, issa. 48 ArnuMigiiiid ^T. 0. D.) — T<.%. "' 00 IJyrpus Poetical Work.s. 1 yerv neat vol. 12mo. prettily trated, morocco, gilt. Ediiib; 1801. 57 Byron. Tho (jlallet:y of IJyron IJeauties.* 1 splendid voluuio, full — , — of the linciit portraits, in rich luprocco, extra. — N . Y . 1 800. In 12, large vols. A lino I. U- illus- r • ■i ; ■■■■■■"-■ -..■ •. , •, >> . <* " ./ '■A ^■- ""--.'^ 1 ■ • . ■ ■■'/ ^ • isui^ ^^&^S'. \ \ B;; ^ . ; . •.■•:^.. ■ "; ■ ■ ■«» .mm * mr \ A> 'IP' '?*... '■-.'• ' 58 Benton's Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, firom 1789 to 1850. In lelargo vols. 8vo. sheep. N. Y. I860. •68 Burton, W. E. Enoyclopajdia of Wit and Humor of America, Ireland, Scotland, and England. 2 very largo Tola, royal 8vo. with numerous engravings. N. Y. , 59» Beauties. . the Gallery of Byron Beauties, tp illustratfi Ldrd By- *" ron's Poems. 1 handsome irol. full of tBo ftncsl^cfngravings, iu rich merocoo, extra. N. Y. 1800, 60 Beauties. The Wavorloy Gallery, or the Beautios mentioned in Scott's Romances. 1 handsome vol. full of the finest engravings. . In rich morocco, extra. N. Y. 1800. 61 Beaulios. Tho Poets' Gallery, or Beauties mentioned by tho British Poets. 1 Irandsome vol. full of the finofit eugravinj^; In - rich moroccoy oxtifa. N. Y. 1861. ■ 62 Beauties. The World-Noted Women, by Mary Cowd^ti Clarke. 1 splendid vol. full. -of the finest portraits. In rich morocco, extra. |!l. Y. 1858. 63 Beauties. The Stratford Gallery, or the Shakspcaro Sisterhood. 1 splendid vol. full of the finest portraits.- In rich morocco, extra. N. Y. 1859. ' '64 Balmanno, Mrs. Pen and Pencil, A series of Talcs, Sketches, and ' Poetry. 1 vol. 4to. beautifully illustrated. Moroccb antique. N.-Y. 185.8. 66 Biography, Geography, Natural History, and Scientific Treasuries, by Maunder. 4 vols. 12mo. half calf, extra. London, 1857. 66 Bartlctt, *I. R. Personal Narrative of Explorations in Texas, New Mexico, California. 2 vjols. 8vo. engravings, cloth. N. Y. 1854. 67 Bennett and Brough. Shadows and Substance, a Series of clever - Sketches. 1 voL 8vo. many engravings, cljOth. Loudon, 18()0. 68 Bulwer, E. Leila, or Siege of Granada. 1 vol. 8vo. very tilio engravings. Cloth, gilt. London, 1847./ 69 Bulwer's Popular, Novels, 23 vols, half calf, neat. London. 70 Bla,ckwood'8 Edinburgh Magazine, from its/commencement in 1817; to June, 1859. In 85 vols. 8 vo. Fine act in half calf, extra. Edinburgh, 18.59. / 71 Benton, Col. Thirty Years' View of ihe/working of the American Government. 2 large vols. 8vo. port, half morocco. N. Y. ■ , 1861.- , ^ ••^- - . " \. ' 72 Butler'^9. Poems, and Herbert's l^cems./ 2 vols. 16mo. illustrated^ morocco, extra gilt. N. Y. 1856. / 73 Bancroft and Bryant, and other* ciuiinent authors, dcscribcl iu Homes of American Authors. 1,' vol. square 8vo. finely illus- , • trated, cloth, gjlt fidges. N. Y. 1857. 74 Baron Munchausen's Surprising Travels and Adventures, illus- trated by CrowquilL 1 vol. N/Y. 1859. ' 75 Bryant, W. C. Poetical Works. Well printed. In 2 vols. 12 mo. half calf, extrii. • N. Y. 1801. '*' 76 Bavaria. The Munich Gallery, a collection of fine engravings, from ; that celebrated collection. 1 large vol. 4to. morocco, alitique. :N.Y. (London,) 1858. , . • t' ^ " V" 77 Brown, J. History of tho HigWands, and the Highlana Clans. 4 vols. 8vo. Portraits and plolos, half calf, extra. Glasgow, IR'Jfi '' 78 BartluDr. Travels in North and Central Africa. 3 largo vols. 8vo. Maps and engravings, cloth. N.Y. (London,) 1857. 79 Byron's Poetical Works. 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated. Full mqrocco, extra. N: Y. 1857. , ^. , .„ » , j , 80 Boys' and Girls' American Annual. Finely illustrated, several colored. 2 thick vols. 12mo. in extra cloth, gilt. N. Y. 18(U. ■f^ 81 Balmanno, Mrs. Pen and Pencil. A Scries of Sketches. 1 olc- cant vol. finely illustrated, extra cloth, gilt top. . W. Y. I«i)«. 82 Byron's Poinial Works, j^ouiplcto in 1 vol. 8vo. sheep, extra. Boston, 1859. ^ . . 83 Butler's Poetical Works. Edited by GilfiUan. 2 vols. 8vo. targe typo, calf, extra. N, Y. 1854. 84 The same, in 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated. Morocco, antwiue. 85 Bums' Complete Poetical Wbrks. 1 vol. 8vo. large type, lUus- trated. MorocQO, antique. N. Y. 1858. t au 80 British and Forei^ Statesmen— their Lives, History, Inflhcnce, &c. ByO. P. R. James, and other eminent authors. 12 vols, iciio. half calf, neat. London, 1831. ,'..,. . ,. 87 British Association lleports. Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, from its coinmeucemcnt m IVdA . down to 1858. 27 vols. 8vo. excessively rare, a very fine, set, , clean and neat, in half calf, uniform. Loud. 1H58, .„ ''- 88 Byron's Poetical Works, complete in 1 vol. largo 8vo, illustrated, sheep. Boston, 1859. \ . „ , 89 Bryant, W. C. -Poetical Works, elegantly pnnted, and finely illustrated. 1 vol. 4to. extra cloth, gilt edges. N. Y. 18(»0. 90 Book of British Ballads, edited by S. C. Hall. A splendid vol. illustrated throughout, exquisitely bound in full trco calf, ele- gant. London, 1860. -r^ ,, i < 91 Biography (Tho Cyclopicdia of), edited by Rev. Dr. Hawks, 1 very largo vol. 8vo. over 600 engravings. Half calf, extra. N. Y. 92 Byron's Complete Poetical Works. 1 large vol. 8vo. illustrated, imitation morocco, gilt leaves. N. Y.18C0. , ^ 93 Banking (The Theory and Practice of), by H. D. Macleod. 2 large vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1855. iV i t , 94 Byron, Moore, Shakspcare, and Southey's Poetical >\orks. In 4 large vols., illustrated, in French moroccp. N. Y. 1859.^ 95 Byron's Poetical Worics. -©i^mpletc in 1 vol. large 8vo. illustra- ted, sheep. Boston, 1859; ■ * " 90 Butler's Poetical Works. Edited by Gilfillan. 2 vols. 8vo. large type, full calf, extra. N. Y. 1854. .; 97 The same, in 1 vol. illustrated, and bound in morocco, an- tique. N.Y. 1857. . ■ ^ „ . , - 98 Buckle, H. T. History/ of Civilization in England, Scotland, and Spain. 2 large vols. 8vo. cloth, N. Y. 1861. • 99 Byron's Poetical Works. Complete in 1 largo vol. 8vo. illustra- ted, sheep. Boston, 1859. ^ , t x.^ 100 Burns' Poetical Works. Complete in 1 vol. illustrated, large tyj)e, morocco, antique; N. Y. 1858. V « _; ^ r 6 101 Britiah EsBayists. Tho Spootator by Addison and others. The beat edition publishod. 6 vola. largo 8vo. in most beautiful type. Half calf, antique. N. Y. 1860. 102 Bontloy'a Miscellany, frbm ita commencemont in 1837 to 1856, with fi profusion of fine engravinga by Cruikshank to illustrate B^ickens', Ainsworth's, and other eminent authors' best Works. Also, numerous fine portraits. 40 vols. 8vo. A nice clean set, half calf, neat, (very scarce.) London, 1837 to 1856. 103 Byron's Complete Poetical Works.' IiJ 1 vol. largo Bvo. sheep. Boston, 1859. 104 Butler's Complete Poetical Works. 2 vols. 8^0. largo type, full calf, extra-. N. Y. 1854. I 105—— The same, in 1 vol. illustrated, and bound in morocco an- tique. N. Y. 1857. 1 100 Biillttds. Apeient Spanish Ballada, translated^ by Lockhart. 1 vol. 8vo^ port., half morocco, gilt top. Boston,, 1861. 107 Beach's American Practice of Medicine. 3 very large vols. 8vo. sheep. N. Y. 1854. 108 Butlor'a Complete Poetical Works. 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated, largo type, morocco, antique. N. Y. 1858. 109 Bryant, W. C. Poetical Works, elegantly illustrated, and beauti- fully printed. 1 vol. 4to. morocco antique. N". Y. ISGO. 110. British Poets. Selected and chronologically arranged. By Br. Aiken. 3 largo vola. Bvo. finely illustrated, morocco, antique. N. Y.1860. : 111 Balmanno, Mrs. Pen and Pencil, (Tales, Sketches, and Essays.) , 1 vol. 4to., beautifully illust. Morocco antique. N. Y. 1858. 112 British Poets. A series of the best British Poets, edited by Gil- fillan, with Hew memoirs of the authors and new notes. Printed in large bold type, on fine, paper, comprising the following emi- nent authors : Akenside, Addison, Armstrong, Beattio, Blair, Burns, Butler, Churchill, Crashaw,. C&wpcr, Collins, Doniiam, Bryden-Pyer, Falconer, Gay, Gray, Green, Goldsmith, Graham, Ilerboff, Johnson, kirko White, Lisle Bowles, Milton, ParncU, Pope, Prior, Percy's Rcliques, Quarles, Shakspearc, Surrey, Somcrville, Shcnstone, Spencer, Scott, Swift, Tliomson, Waller, Warton, Wyatt, and Young. 41 authors, in 42 vols. 8vo. ele- gantly bound in morocco, extra rich style. Edinb. 1850 to ■■18i>8. 113 British Poeta. Gilfillan's beautiful large type edition, with new Memoirs and new Notes, 16 vols. 8vo. (Butler, Chaucer, Cowper, Dryden, Goldsmith, Collins, and Warton, Lisle Bowles, Minor Poets, and Shenstone.) Cloth. Edinb. 1H.*)0 to 1860. 114 Burke, Edm. Complete Works, with a memoir by Rogers. 2 large vols. roy. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1854. 115 Barth, Dr. Travels in North and Central Africa, 3 large vol^* 8vo. maps and engravings,*cloth. (N. Y.) Lond. 1857. 116 Barry Cornwall's Dramatic Seenes, and other Poems. Finely illus- trated, 1 elegant vol. full calf, ext.. N. Y. 1857. 117 Biography of the Sea, and its Living Wonders. By Dr. Ilartwig. 1 vol. 8vo. full of the finest' wood engravings. Half calf, extra. N.Y.186L »» •■ ^ A 't^- 'V >; -.ftp^^ ff /r' 118 Byron, Lord. Poetical Works, complcto in 1 vol. largo 8va illuv , tratcd, niorocco, extra. V' « t i«4 iin _______ The Bamc. in sliccp. Uosi. ino.i. th \% i;;;rS7„chlc':'.H«n.rif« Travel^ •»* Advo„U,ros. IU»^ 12-1 ErMA'E,»ayL,ls. TKo MWanco™ Wort, of Sir J»..Macicm. 127 l4ui^"'J«yl!^'"^ Travels in Africa^^nd iM^c Lands of the Sara- ' ccns. 2 vols. 12mo. sheep. N. Y. 1800. ^ ^ 128 Bloxani, M. Principles of GotluC Arclutcrturo Tontlyd.Uo ' enlarged, with 300 fni" engravings. 1 vol. l^mo. uom. '120 B.iS'-^''poetical Works,^n 2 v^. 8vo. h. (In. large ^ypo^ halfmorocco, gilt edges. hdmb.lBo4. ^ -r^.v,,,!, igr.* iQO ^ another copy, in fu 1 tree, calf, elegajit. l.d nb. 1».)4. _ 1830. 1 X-ol. beautifully illustrated. 132 Barry Cornwall's Dramatic Scenes. Tishcs IK'ptilcs, ami Insects, tra^lated ,l)y JV 1 ight. 4 ^o &. So.' with fi.:o woodcuts by Harvey, half moroeco, neat. VU Br!S?iSist:'lbrming a collecti|^.Mhe iKjst novelsMn tin . '"' ''^ESiS^l^I&.ge.'notU. be found i>«^her -HecUo... ^ vols, ftvo .loubk°coUimns, engravings, old ealt, neat. Loud. l«.-l. n5 Bc^^w^ r in^to y ^ Sp^ishandPortugiu^sc Literature. ^ ^SS. 'best edition, half call; extra. ,36 B^ TL Complete P.K.ti.al ^orifs >vUh M^ by Gilfdlan, 2 vols. 8vo. hirge type, full |ilf, extra. i.ona. 137 B^S Don Juan. . 2 vols. 8vo. fine large typo edition, half calfl laS nXm^'y^X la..e t^ edition, in-10 vols. 8vo. half ., ^ calfcxt?a, nice copy. Lund. Ibi-i. '^^W Jci^sS \' > / 8 140 141 1,39 Brigss, J. P. Ilcnthon and Holy LandB, or Sunny. iDays on the SaTwocn, Nile, and Jordan. 1 vol. half calf, extra. Lond. 1850. Buckinghanii Duko of. Complete Works. 2 vols. 8vo. port. and viffnottcs, calf, neat. Lond. 1720. British Essayists. Tlie Miscellaneous Works of Sir J. Mackin- ^h. 1 viol. 8vo. half calf, extra. Lond. 1851. 142 Bct'i6hoy, Ca^it. Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beh- ring's Strutts. 2 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, calf. Lond. 1831. 143 B^everell, J. Dclices de la Grand Bretagno et de I'Irlando, 8 k'ols. 12mo. in 0, with numerous i^ngravings,- hot to be found elsewhere, half calf, extra, very rare. Leide, 1737. lutler, S. Poetical Works, with life and notes by Gilfillan. 2 vols. 8vo. largo type, half morocco; gilt cdges^ N. Y. (Lond.) 1854. . Blair, Beattie, and Falconer's Poems, in large type. 1 vol. full Ci^lf, extra. N. Y. 1854. iO Bloxam, M. Principles of Gothic Architecture. Tenth edition, enlarged, with over 300 engravings, half calf, extra. Lond. 1850. 147 British History. The Queens of England, by Agnes Strickland. 1 , elegant vol. with 27 fino portraits, morocco, aiitiquc. N. Y. 1861. 148 Barry Cornwall's Dramatic Scenes and Poems. 1 vol. beautifully illustrated, full calf, extra. N. Y. 1857. 140 Byron's Poetical Works. 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated, full morocco, extra. N. Y. 1857. 150 Blair, Bcattie, and Falconer's Poems, in large type. 1 vol. 8vo. full «alf, extra. N. Y. 1854. 151 British Minor Poets, with an introductory essay by Gilfillan. 3 vols. 8vo. full calf, extra. Edirib. 1800. 152 Biography of the Sea. The Sea and its Living Wonders, by Dr. Ilartwig. 1 vol. 8vo. full of fine engravings, half calf, extra. N. Y. 1861. 153 Burton, W» Cyclopajdia of Wit and Humor. 2 elegant yols. with over 600 spirited wood' engravings, and fino ^eel portraits. h0lf morocco, extra. N. Y. 1859. ■• 154 Burton, R. The Ai^atomy of Melancholy. 1 largo vol, 8vo. full /ialf, extra, Lond. 1859. ^ 155 Bartlctt, J. R. - A Glossary of Words and Phrases usually re- / garded as peculiar to the United States. Second edition, greatly / improved and enlarged, 8vo. YuU calf, gilt, marbled leaves. Boston, 1859. , 'Brando, W. T. Dictionary of Science, Literaturte, and Art, com- prising the History, Description, and Scientific Principles of every Branch of ITuman Knowledge, With the Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in general use. /third edition, with a supplement, 8 vo. pp. 1424. Lond. 1853. „ ., l57!^Bunkcr Hill. Plans and Sections of the Bunker Hill Obelisk, h^ S. Willard, 4to. bds. 'Boston, 1843. " ^- 158 Butler, Keats, and Watts' Poetiad Works. 4 vqIs. lOmo. half 156/ f I t' morocco, extra. Boston. ■-■jstiw*- ^- Jfjiti'v^t „>4^t*_ ,* 1, ju . t^iit. .i-^ t i^Ji i^^vhj 'ii^^^xj^J^i^ It i^^t. s ji^et^Ji.t*Ji-t9. 181 Civilization, (The History of,) from the French of Mons. Guizot, with N<.» . Cowper W. Poetical Workn, tho Urgent type "J't.ou^r mted. KLed by Newton, (highly prized by -""o-J^""'^ J ' "^jj" somo volH 8vo. in full ef. oxt. gt. «'lf M'orv rare vnU 8vo nor^ Cook, Captain. "« Voyages round tL World 0v<^H.8>o.por traitH, map», and numerous engravings, half bound, neat. >t.pn Cotmeir^ upon the Holy Bible, from Ilcnry and Scott. G vols. small 8vo. maps, full Calf, extra. London, l«''''- ^ ^ . ^ Curiomties of u/o^Sea. Tho ScJ U"^V '»« ^'V'S ^^ ^ ^''tX llartwig. 1 vol. 8vo. fdll 4>f fine cngravuigs, lialf cult, cxtrh. cl^^ R* 0. Five Years of a Hunterir Ufo in the for Inte- rior of South AfVioa. 2 vols. 8vo. plates, half calf, extra. Lon- ClmuecJ.^o' The Canterbury Talcs; with Notes by Tyrwhitt 3 a new men.oir by Cilfilbn. « vols. 8vo. beautiful large typo edition, in full calf, extra. Edinb. 1800. . t ..«« Calvin, J. Comment, in llarmoniam ex Mattluvo, Marco, et Luca compositam. 2 vols. Svo. half bound. «erol. 18*JH. ^ Calamy, E. Tho Nou-eonformist's Memorial. 3 vols. 8vo. fine portraits, half bound, (very scarce.) Lond 1 80'-. Critical and Miscellaneous Es.says, by T. B. Macaulay. half calf, extra. N. Y. IHOa. --■ , , fi.,,i„ :it,,„ Country Life-Poems in tho pifaiso of. 1 ologant vol. finely illus- trated, extra cloth, gilt edges. N:Y.18G0 „ , Cyclopedia of Biography, Ancient and Modern, by I>r- Hawk^. I viry large vol. 8vo. full of engravings, half cf. cxt N. Y. 1 857. ^Cousin, V. Modem Philosophy, and True, Bcautitul, and Good. S.vols. 8vo. qloth. N. Y. 1800. ^ < v at „«.W Countries of the World. The Treasury of Geography, by Maunder With maps and engravings. 1 vol. 12mo. l'«»f •^"'^'- ^^^V Uo Choice Poet. The Poetical Works of W. C. Bryant .J vol-l to. superbly illustrated, and richly bound in extra cloth, gilt. IN . i • Coleridge, S. T. Poetical Works, edited by Dcrwcnt ami Sara' Coleridco. 1 vol. 8vo. port, morocco, antuiue. ^ N. \. !«.)<• Cat's and Earlie's Moral Emblems and Proverbs, from all Nations, Handsomely illustrated throughout. 1 elegant vol. 4tO. morocco, extra, cilt. N. Y. (Lond.) 1800. • , __ , Cowden Clarke's carefully revised edition of Shakspearc s Works. 1 very large vol. 8vo. with 50 exciuisite portraits, m rich mo- rocco, extra. N. Y. 1800. , . o- V TT„*f,^n Course of Mathematics, and Recreations in Science, by Button. * 2 larce vols. Svo. best editions, cloth. London, 18o7. Campbell, T. Poetical Works. Illustrated. 1vol. square 8 vo. cloth, cilt edges. Phila. 1857. . _ i i ' Crudcn's Complete Concordance to tho Holy Scriptures. 1 largo vol. Svo. sheep. Phila. 18GL, ---*•' -^i^4i^-^^i--^z'$^^£^6>d.i^^sifhi'^:^P!m;S4^i^ 13 219 Chaucer, Kirko Wliito, and Pope's Poetical Worka. In 8 vola. lOmo. illimtratcd, morocco, extra gilt. N. Y. 1H50. 220 Growquiira fine edition of Baron MunohaQsou'a Surpriaing Advoti« turo8. 1 vol. colored plutcii. N. Y. 1858. 221 Choice Poet. The Poetical Worki of ^V. C. Bryant, In 2 vol». 12nio. well printed, half calf, extra. »N. Y. 1861. 22*2 Choice Poet. The Poetical Works of FikGrcen Ilallcck. 1 vol 12n]0. port., well printed, morocco anticjuo. N. Y. 1858. 223 Chaucer and Drydeu's Poems. 2 vols. lOmo. illustrated, calf, extra. Lond. 224 CruikHhank's Illustrated Edition of th« Ingoldsby Legends. 2 vols, cloth. Philo. 1850. 296 Children's Picture Story Books. 8 rols. 12mo. ftiU of nice pic- tures, cloth, gilt edges, in a case. Lond. 1860. 226 Couversations on England, as it was and is, by Mrs. Kemp. 1 thick vol. 12mo. cloth. Lond. 1858. 227 Scott, Sir W. The Wavcrloy Novels. 25 vols. 8 vo., largo typo . edition, very handsQmo, with a profusion of the finest st^^t en- gravings. A beautiful set in blue calf, extra, gilt edgo3,'o&t of print and scarce. Edinb. 1852. , 228 Scott's Wavcrloy Novels, in 50 vol^. 12mo. with fine new Frontis- pieces, half calf, exitra^vcry neat. Bost. 1859. 227* Cfhildreu's Story Books. Picture Scries. 8 vols. 12mo. in case, doth, extra. N. Y. 1801. ^ 228* Campbell abd Rogers' Complete Poetical Works, in 1 largo vol. 8vo. sheep. Boat. 1859. * " . 229 Carlyle, Thos. Critical and Mbcellaneous Essays. 1 vol, 8vo. port., sheep. N. Y. 1860. 280 Collins, Warton, and Goldsmitb's Poetical Works, in 1 vol. 8vo. fine largo typo, morocco j antique. N. Y. I860. 231 Chaucer, Spenser, and Drydcn's^Pocnis, in 3 vols. 16mo. illustrated, morocco, extra gilt. N. Y. 1866. SS2 Catalogue; or, Alphabetical Indei\to the' Astor Library, in Now York. 4 largo vols. 8vo. (only a ftw printed)," half russia, gilt top, edges uncut for annotating. N. ^•►^1857 to 1861. 283 Choice Poetry. Foster's beautiful editiolMi of Campbell, Grav, Woodswortb, Goldsmith, Miltoi), Fables, ancl Dairyman'i^ Daugh- ter. 8 vols, olotb, gilt. 234 Choice Poets. Hood's Complete I^octical Works. Largo vol. 8vo. sheep. Bost. 1859. j 235 — The same, in morocco, antique, rich style. 236 Choice Poets. Rogers and Campbell's Complete Poetical Works. ' 1 vol. 8vo. sheep. Bost. 1859v 237 Choice Poets. Shakspeare's W>*ks, complete, edited by Steevens and Chalmers. 1 vol. 8vo, niorocco, antique. N. Y. 1859. 238 Choice Poets. Milton's Paradise Lost. 1 vol. 8vo. largo type, il- lustrated, morocco, antique. N. Y. 1857. 239 Choice Poets. Milton's Poetical Works. 1 vol. Svo. largo type, illustrated, in morocco antique. N. Y. 1859. 240 Choice Poets. Bums' Poetical Works. 1 vol. 8vo. largo type, illustrated, morocco, antique. N. Y. 1858. 13 241 Cholco Poot«. TTiomgonV Pw^tlcftl Workn. 1 vol. Kvo. illustrated, laruo typo, motooco. untHiuo. N. Y. l«01. 242 Choice Act-. Hood'. Oomploto roctici»l Work-. 1 largo vol Hvo. Bhoop. WoHton. W>\). 2-18 Tho Baino, in morocco, antique, rich dtylo. t u„« 214 Choice Poct«. Bo^r-' Poetical Work.. In 1 largo yd. Hva Full morocco, aiituiuo. UoHton, 1H59. ,.»>»: 245 Ghoico PootH. GoiaJmith, C«IU..h. and Wartou'. Cumplcto Poo - cnl Work*. Ill 1 vol. Hvo. Fine largo typo, morocco, anti.iuo. 246 Choico^ploT Pope's Poc^tical Works. 1 vol 8vo. illustrated. Fine lariro typo. Morocco, antique. ^- *• "il".. , i. m 247 Cho CO Po5t«.^^ShakHpearo'H ComploV> .Work«. Edited by Mary Cowdon Olarko. 1 large vol. 8vo. with 50 oxquiHito portraits. — , Irt rich -morocoo, extra. N. Y. 1800. n u«« •» 248 Complete Angler. By Isaac Walton oontinuod by Cotton. - large vok royal 8vo. Pickering's finest edition with all he beautiful engravings, on India oapor. A splendid copy, ui the finest half morocco. London, IHOO. i,, „* t 249 Ch«»ico Authors. Tho Complete Prose and l*«ot'«a\ W'.rks of L. E. L."(MiH8 Laudon.) 1 largo vol. Hvo. sheep. l«»wj«". !«•';' 250 Choice Authors. ShakspCaro's Complete Poetical Works, b Steovous. 1 vol 8vo. illustrated. Morocco, antique. JN 18(50 t 251 Choice Authors, Burns' Comploto Works. 1 vol. iUustratedi , Larire type, in morocco, antique. N. Y. 18oH. ■ 252 Choice Authors. Thomson's Poetical Works. Illustrated,. Wi^|o typo, morocco, antique. N. Y. IHOO. > 253 Choice Authors. Chaucer and Spencer's Poems. In '2 vols. lOmo. illustrated. Morocco, extra, gilt. N. Y. 1H.)0. _ S54 Choice Authors. Bryant's Poems. Beautifully printed, aud finely r itlustrattJd throughout. 1 hamlsomo vol. 4to. Morocco, extra. 255.Com'i6PoQtr}. The Three Tours of Dr. Syntax. 8 l™vd«. Hvo. ' With 88 colored engravings, extra, cloth. London, i ».».). 250 Carlyle.Thos. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 1 largo vol. 8vo. port, sheep. N. Y. IHGO. ^ .. *, *. 257 CrowquilPs fine edition of Baron Munchausen's Surprising Adveb- tiires. 1 vol, colored plates, N. Y. 1H59. t i i 258 Christian Classics, by Locke, P.atcs, and Bcvcridge. 5 vols. 12mo. half calf, antique. London. 1834. « , „ nu 259 Cabinet Edition of tho Poets.— liurns, Butlcr.^CampbelVChaucer, Cowpcr, Dante, Dryden, Herbert, Hemans, Kirke White, ^»^to». , Pope, Scott, Tasso, SMPscr.— 10 vols lOmo. illustrated. Cloth, 2G0 Colfrcd Drawings. ThWp- Album, a scrie|fcffine Water-colored Drawings. 1 vol. extra, cb.th, gilt, rich style. London, IHbl. 261 Critical J^nd Miscellaneous Writings of Sir J, Mackititosh. 1 thick vol. 8vo>< London, 1851. , %^ , , « xt i- 262 Cats and Farlie'a Moral Emblems, and Proverbs from all Nations. 1 vol. 4to. illustrated throughout. Morocoo, extra, gilt. N.X. — (London) 1800 . — : —^ -^ fj^^" i, i-.. I 203 204 205 200 207 208 209 270 271 272 278 271 275 T270 277 ■278 279 280 14 y- ■ Cwpftr LavBtor, J. Kuwivh on IMiyHiognomy. 1 largo vol. 8ro. oiigrnviiij^H, clotli. liOnUon, IHOO. CycloiMwlia of Wit and Humor, oditod by Hurton. 2 lorgo roU. ' 8vo. with over 000 H|»iritcd ongravingN, Ilulf morocco, extra. ' N. Y. 1851). , . Compnnion to tlio Latin Piotionary ond Orook Lexicon, by Ant. llieh. 1 thick vol. full of ongravingf . Cloth. Lond. IHOO. Cicrro'i Letter*, KMMny«, Knihtlon, Oration^ ond riiiloMophical WorkM, in Knglinh. 14 voIm. 8vo. old ciilf, noat. Lond. h7H. ChnniborH' Information for the People, and Chamhors' (Jyclopwdia of Knglinh liiteruturo, in all 4 vols, royal 8vo. Mhcep, I'hila. 1850. CountricH of the World. The TreaMury of (K'ography, bv Ham. Maunder. With mopM and cngrovingn. 1 vol, 12moi half oalf,^ neat. Lond. 1850. ) / , c. / Coleridge, S. T. rocticul Wu/rk», edited >y Dorwo^t and f^aira ■ Coleridge. 1 vol. port, uiorficco, antiouo N. Y. 1857. ' Crudon'fl Complete Concordandtt to the lloly Scriptirtus. 1 lurj^ vol. Hvo. shoop. Phila. 18W{ * | ComprehcnHivc Commentary of the Holy ScripturoB. lorgo vol«.^ royal Hvo. Hheep. Philo. ' ^ , ^ Cousin, V. Modern rfiilosiophy, and True, IJcautiful, and Good. 8 vols. 8va. cloth. N. Y. 1800. ' Cooper, J. F.„ Completo Works, NovoIh ami ToIch, in 84 voIh.^ 12mo. half calf, extra. N. Y. IB.'iO. Critical and 3Iisccllancou8 Es.-'ays, by T. B. Macaulay. 1 vol. 8v0. half calf; extra. N.Y. IHOO. , - „ ^ , „ i Country Life, I'oemH in praiwo of. 1 elegant vol. full of tho finost engravings. Extra clotli, gilt. lif. Y. 1857. - Cyelopicdia of Biography, Anciont and Modern, by Dr. Hawks. 1 large vol 8vo.,over (iOO ctigravingft, half cdf, extra. N, Y. 1 857. Clarko'H Commentary on tho New Testament. 1 largo vol.^ extra, ► sheep. Phil* 1859. * ' '. » ^ ■ ^ Constitution of tho United States, History and ABalysi.s of, by N. C. Fowlo. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1801. Cyclopredia (The) National, of Useful Knowledge, abridged from ' the famous Penny Cyclpajdia, in 12 vob. bvo. half bound. Bos- ton. 1858. ■ Collected W.orks of Dugald Stewart, edited with Notesby Sir Wil- liam Hamilton. 11 vols. Hvo. cloth. Edinburgh, 1H54-00. %• Best Edition of Duftold Stewart'* Work*. (Josiah P. jr., Ewing Professor of Chemistry in Harvard 281 Cook 282 283 281 University.) Elements of Chemical Physics, illustrated with many hundred woodcuts. 8vo. clotL Bosjon, 1800. Campbell, Churchill, Herbert, and Vaughan's poetical Works. G vols. lOmo. half calf, extra. Boston. \ Churchill, Falcon SIX I ;«.!.. Hv.,. full calf, Kilt \mkn, ,„.irl.U-Ji .d«... 280 Comlt?o' Woric. of DmM Wolmlor, .•.lit...!, will, n'oiuoir by Ilf.n. K. Kv«n«tt. « voh. Hvu. cloth, iK^rtrult oiul vlK«U'tti-i.. Htrntoii, 1H•«'' """ Vl.t.hor WHmt.T. 2 voIh. 8vo. doth. Ho«ton IHM. - 2U0 Ci.iK>-, 8. u. Outrnu>« of a SyM.-ni of M.-oiuu.i.ui »"';';«M;>'y. J«- La n'm.«roh into tho I.iwh of fono. !',»...<.. doth, llont. 8.U. aOl Co..«tl*..tionnl HiHtorv of Knglm..! fron. ♦»'« A;-*-"'''" ;'7';''''2' Vll. to the donth of (Jcorgo \l Hovcnth fdilion. .\ \oU. 8\o. doth. n€>it KiUlinn. HoHton, 1851. 202 ColliiiH, Vi.unK, lI.TlH.rt, (in.y.Hwill, and HlmkH,,cnivH loot.uil WorkH. voIh. Khijo. poitH. ml cloth, kiH iilj,"'". »o«ton. «>u;i Dutm .r. 1>. SvHtoiM of MiiuTalo>iy, enihiariiig Jh<' ii»ost Ut-cciit DiHoovcriou. I.nHt oditloti, 1 largo vol. 8vo. half morocco. 20t DuHcnt, (J. W. IVipular TuKh fr..iii tho Norso. )N Uh «ii I'.H^ay on Popnliir TalcH. 1 vol, 12n.o. half ralf. N. V W.O. 205 Dick. MH, VMm. Con.plcto W...kH ; tlu. only compl.t.. jmif.;rn. odition. :iO v.)ls. riino. full of illimt rations, .loth. I hda. 200 Ddmtos of CoiiLm-aM, Ahri.lgnu'nt ..f, by C.lon.l l|inlon, from 1780 t(»1850?i» 10 largo voln. nnd Ut'i.ton's JJO \.'ftrH \ icw. 2 v.)ls. in all 18 voIh. royal 8vo. Hhccp. N- Y" ^*^<^^- ,.,_,, 207 DrydiMi, .1. l*..cticnl W..rkN, with new life nndViot.'s l.y C.iin Ion, * i larg.i vols. 8v.>. fnio bold type; in full .'ulf, extra, N. Y. (Lond.)1855. ,„,.„„.., . 208 Pn.h'H, .1. r..cti.al Works, edited by Ilobcrt Dell, in .1 ncut vols. lOnio. full eali; extra. Lond. 1854. 1200 Dryd.-n, J. Poeti.ali Works, illnstrat..d by Irankhn. 1 thick, ! vol. lOino. full oillf,|extrn. Loud.)n, 1853. , , oetlcal Works and Translations, with notes by the 300 Drytlen, J. - -, . .^ Wartons. 1 largo y«>l. 8vo. half calf, extra. 1851. 801 Dlbilin,T. S neat, rare. 802 D'lsradii J Lond. (Moxon,) 1. vol. 8vo. calf, nibljf)m\inin, or Hook-Madness. Lon.*. ^Ol -' ^ „ . CurlrtsiticsVof Literature. Imo edition in 4 vols. snV. 8m beautifully prk.!d, doth. Boston, 1800. _ 303 Dow, Lorenzo. Ilumrou^ Works. 1 vol. 8vo. knind. Cincin. 1850 \ 804 Deseamn et D'ArgenvilUJ Lives of tho cclcbraU-d Painters, Flemish, Dutch, Italian, uid French, (text in ,1 rtjndi.) 5 vols. '^ Svo. with a profusion of neat vignette portraits, half inorocc^ cdc.'s uncut. Marseille^, 1813.' 305 Do (Juincoy, T. Miscellajicous Works, tho only complete cditi^ 22 vols. 12mo. half calfj antique, red edges, a pretty set. r 1855. -? ■/ ^rr"> ^>' IPJHTJ- ^>-i~ .•-^g:.^ ^%1 vul. finely illuatratod, w 8M Drnnintlii flwncw, with tnhir Poonn. full «ltory of Wit. 'Hio INk'U' Wit Mid flumor, msUniod by WilU, and illuHtratod «'(miirally hy lioiinott. 1 tdiurant vol. in rich moruoro, gilt. N. Y. (I.nnd.) IWII. 308 I),. Ill Uiv.., Auk. Troaliw^ on Kl.utrlclty, In theory iind practice, 3 lnrg« vol«. Hvo. httlf cnU; istni. I^ond. I8WI. ..^ 800 r)«Ht^.»^,^^l«!. Worlc*. « v.-k lamo. doth. N. V. 310 DilMlIn, T. K. A l»ll)llogrn|>lii«al, mitUiimrian, luid pIotiirfMnia 'r«)ur in Franco and Gernmny. 3 voU. finu portralta Mid en- ttravlnaa, full calf, extra. Lon«l. lHat>. 311 DilMlin, T. F. IntrcKliicUnn to tlio KnowlcdKo of tlio oditinnH of tlio (Jrctik and I^itin CUmhIvh. 2 v«t|ii. Hvo. Ia>«t edition j a — ^^~— "plcndld copy, in Hpottcd calf, w^triu I.«nd. 1HU7. ^ 819 Dllxliii, T. F. IJI.rary Conipanl(Jii ; or, tlio Yoiin« Mnn*n Onldo and thtv Old Maii'n Cotnfort ltt.tlm Choice of a Library, 1 vol. 8vo. calf, noat. Lond. l^'iUu^ 313 Drydcn, J. IVtIcal Work8#?IWlth a new Lifo and CrftlonI note* by Glinilan. 8 \u\n. 8y». flii<^larg.v tyi)o, holf morocco, iiilt odgon. (N Y.^ Kdinb. m&. ' •* 314 Dibdin, T. F. [nti»Mluction to a knowlnlgo of fh« (Jrock and Utin ChwBicB. Fourth edition, 2 vols. 8vo. full calf, neat. L<»iid. 1827. 316 Diogcnoii I^rtluB. Lives of Eniinent IMiilosophom, translated « '•>■ »«»'g«'. 1 v«.l. 12ino. full calf, extra. Lond. 1853. Dniry, A 11. MiHrcproHcntation, a Novel. 2 vols. 12nio. larco type, half calf, extra. Lond. 1850. 7 Daniel. W^ B. Uural Sportn of Groat Britain. 8 larm voU 8vo. . with jMAny fine engraviugs, half bound, neat, (very »^litiou8 of the Greek and Latin Classics. 2 vols. 8vo. half liior ^•cad^xtrfi. Loud. 1827. 3a^.lllii«lilJ?..^<)liyer Twist, or the Parish Boy's Progress, Illus- • "|iikHlian|i;. 8 vols. 12mo. ; the original and beat 901 «^bfsm,WlSCi"^}^ scarce^ half calf, extra. London, 1838. ^-1 «WaiMtfipP^oeticttlJHfe|^ ; with a now Life and Critical Notia, ^n. 2 vo^SVo. fine largo type, half moroooo. irilt „ J. Y. (Edinb.) 1835. «* '^^ ' '^\ 322 Diversions of Purley, by J. Home Tooko. 1 large yol. 8vi eloth. Lond. 1800. » » • *' «1- 328 Doctor (The) : a Novel, by Robert Southey. 1 large vol. 8vo. en gravmgs, eloth. Lond. 1850. - 324 I>«corator. The Universal Decorator, by Thompson, Ross, and oofe Tk- 1 *^ "'• ^*°' *'°8™^*"«''» ®'«'^- I»o»»d. 1859. 8J6 Pickens Bleak House, and New Stories. 2 thick vols. 12ino. clotli. Phila. 826 Dick, Rev. Dr. Go m plotfl Work s. 2 l a rge toIb. S to. she e p. •*^^^ ^ -• f V • .»* .> w w» ■>■ * '--J- ■ ■r ■ s ^qj^^tK^H ^|K'> m 17 :i*2M % ».»* Ennii. Thfl pW« •«•* P««™" «' 8bak*D0»r«, V f ^w**"'"' * Jryilmi, »ih1 Hpciiwr'n l'..«tic«l Worki. '2 »ok I6ino. lUiwtMtwl, morocco, flitr», aiU. N. Y. IHTiO. ,„..•« . i.,*. Drydon. J. l'o«t.c.l Wurk». I vol. Hto. lUuntrHod. tim Wtfft typo, morocco, »nti(iuc. N. Y. tHftT. . „ . . i ' 830 vJrym»u'» D.ugl.tor, by I.mgU Uiolmiond. I vd. illu.tr.t«d, " ' ' ,)„rrC aC ilvl S- lla.id«nc« m the 0-t ij.«r;. of North Amcric*. 'Z voU. Hvo. ii«iiy cngr»v»ng«, half «^, mW Dunhim, Dr. " IlUtorical Work-, vU. : Kuropc, du'riui tlu, WiddU Age, 4 vol-. ; M|..in».id Portugal 6 vol-.: l>°""'f k' N'J,:;^' ,„d Hwcdon, a vol-.; and l'.4aM^, I vol.; Ul«UW *wl«. li2"'«• extra. N. Y. 1867. , . „ i ui uT Drama. Tho Merchant of.Vcnicb, and the Tempc-t, by Shales apcaro. 2 vol-, beautifully illuHtrated. Full hioroeco, extra. iTir (Loud.) 1860. , « t.r . DrawiD«-Uoom Book. The Art Album, a wsrioii of fine \\atern color Drawing-. 1 vol. extra cloth, gilt, rich -tylo. I^uud. 1 Rfi 1 * Diokona' Bleak House, Now Stories, Skotcho-, and Short Stories. 4 thick vol-. 12ino. cloth. Phila. .,i * . j J>rydun, J. roetical Work-. 1 vol. 8vo. largo type, illustrated, morocco, ontitiuo. N. Y. 1857. ,„ . < i o « Dr. II*rtwig. Tlio Sea and it- Living Woudcr-. 1 vol. 8vo. fine eiigraviugii, cloth. N. Y. 1866. , , „ ,. ' , Drat»«tic Work- of Shaksnearc, with all liw Poems, a now and bciutiful edition. By Mary Cowdeu Clarko^ 1 large vol. 8vo. in riiU morocco, extra. N. Y. 1860. ^ • -» n i ta i» Dictionary. Millhouso's Now Italian- English and English- Ualian Dictionary. 2 vote, half bound. N. Y. 1861. ,,,,., Dictionary. Spier- and Surcnnc's French- hngli-h, and English- French Dictionary. I large vol. 8vo. half mor. N. Y. 1H61. Dictionary. Adlor'- Gennau- English and EngUsh-Oerman Dic- tionary, ' 1 hirgo vol. 8vo. half uiorocco. N. Y. 1860. Dictionary. Sconc'f edition of Neuraan and Barotti a Spaui-h- English and Engliah-Spauish Dictionary. 1 Urge vol. 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. I860. ' . . , Defence of the French Uovolution, and Miscellaneous Works _of Sir James Mackintosh. 1 vol. 8vo. calf, extra. Loudon, 1851. I • ^ -**».. and Engineering. 2 very largo vols, with 4,000 encravings, half morocco, extra. N. Y. 1857. •366 England, History of, by T. B. Macaulay. 6 large vols. 8vo. large type, half calf, extra. Phila. 1861. ., • ,/ i 367 Edgar A. Poe's Complete Works, prose find poetry. 4 thick vols. l2mo. cloth. N. Y. 1856. . . . „ . , 368 Encyclopedia. Appletotfs New American Cyclopjcdia : a Popular Dictionary of general Knowledge, edited by Kiploy a,nd Dana. Vols. 1 to 13 (A to Bed.) Large 8vo. sheep. N. Y. 18G1. 368*England. The Queens of England and their Times. ? vols. 8vp. ^th the finest portraits. In full morocco, antique. N. 1. J»&b. 869 naiy Bible, with. Terences, large Fica type, with elegatat illus- trations. 1 vdl 4to. in the best Turkey morocco. Lond. 18bO. 870 Essayists (Modern British), by Alison, Carlyle, Jeffrey, Mackin- tosh, Scott, Talfourd, Stephen, and Wilson. In 8 large vols. 8vo. half calf, extra. N. Y. 1860. ', ,, 371 Essays on Physiognomy, from the German of Lavater. 1 large vol. 8vo. engravings, full calf, extra. Lond. 1858. •. 872 England; (History of,) by T. B. Macaulay. Complete in large vol. 8vo. cloth. Phila. 1860. :, , „o « 373 EngUnd, (History of,) by David Hume. 6 vols small 8vo. well printed on tinted paper, extra cloth. Boston, 1861. ^ 374 Evans, G. The Classic and Connois^enr in Italy and bicily. 4 vols. 8vo. half calf, lieat. London, 1835. „ ., ^ r 375 Erasmus, Des. Familiar Colloquies, translated by Badey. 1 voL 12mo. oldf calf, neat. London,*1733. v ^ _ t, j 370 Ellis, II. T-li^ong Kong to Manilla, and to the Phdipgme Islands. 1 vol half calf, extra, London, 1859., ^ ' > „ , « 377 Evelyn, J. Diary and Correspondence. 4. vols. 12mo. full ot line engravings, half calf, extra. London, 1^9. _ 378 Extracts. Pofcts' Wit and Humor, selected by Wills.. 1 -elegant vol. square 8vo. beautifully printed and lUustrated, bound m extra cloth, gilt, rich style. N.Y. (Lond.)^180l. M9 English History. The Queens .1 elegant vol. with 27 fine por 380 Foreign Tour of Brown, Jonj 200 graphic pictures. Ei 381 England. The Naval His* 6 vols. 12mo. new and , half calf, extra. Lond/lSGl/. _ , , . „. -o t i ** §82 England. The Queens o^ Eogkud and their Times. Bj I-^DoeJi"- 2 ypls. with fine portniits, m full morocco, antique. N. X. 1808. '.England. By Agnes Strickland. :aits, full mor. antique. N.Y. 1861. and Robinson. 1 vol. 4to. told in „„ cloth, gilt edges. N. Y. 1860. ryof Great Britain. By W. James. itly revised edition, wittfine portraits, ita 20 ■■/. ■;-■:■■! 883 Holy Bible^ with References. Larm) Pica type, with elegant illus- trations. 1 Tol. 4to. in the beat Turkey mor. London, 1860. 884 English Minor Poets, with,^an introduction. By GilfiUan. 8 yols. 8vo. full calf, extra. BKnb. 1860. 885 Electricity. A Treatise on Electricity. BvAug. De La Rive. In 8 large vols. 8vp. half calf, eitra, Lond. 1863. 886 Essays and Criticism, The Miscellaneous Works of Sir James Mackiiitosh. 1 large vol. 8vd. calf, extra. Lond. 1851. 887 England, (History of.) By T. B. Maoaulay. The 5 vols, com- plete in 1, large 8vo. cloth, Phila. 1860. 888 Eminent Men* The Lives of the most eminent Men of England, France, Italv, Spain, and Portugal. 11 vols, 12mo. half calf, extra. Loud. 1885. 889 Essays, Critical md Miscellaneous. By Macaulay. 1 vol. 8vo. half calf, extra. N. Y. I860. 890 Eiicyclopiedia Americana. Edited by Dr. Lieber. 18 voh*. 8vo, (wanting Vol. 12) sheep. Bost. 1856. 891 Emblems (Moral), Aphorisms, Adages, and Proverbs of all Nations. By Cats and Farlie. 1 handsome vol. 4to. illustrated Jthruugh- out, morocco, extra, gilt. N. Y. (Lond.) 1860. 392 Entertaining Poetry. Poets* Wit and Humor. Selected liy Wills. 1 vol. beautifully printed and illustrated, juorocco, extra, irilt. N. Y. 1861. :■ 898 English-French and French -English Bictionary. By Spiers and ^ Surenne. 1 large vol. 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. 1861. 894 England, France, Germany, and the Fiji Islands, their histories'. By Mahon, Michelet, Kohlrausch, and Calvert '6 vols. 8vo, cloth. NY. 895 Elliot, S. History of Liberty among the Early Christians and Ancient Romans, 4 Vols. 8 vo. cloth. Bost. 1858. • 396 Eight Poets. Butler, Chaucer, Dry den, Herbert, Kirke White, Pope, Spencer, and Tasso. 8 vols. 12mo. illustrated, niorooco, extra, gilt, different colors. N. Y. 1856. 397 Everett, (Edward,) and other American Authors described in Homes of American Authors. 1 vol^ finely illustrated, oloth, gilt edges. N. Y. 1857. 398 Europe. The History of Europe, the neat compressed edition, ' 13 vols, in 7, 12mo. illustrated, full morocco, extra, gilt. Edinb. 1854. '^ 399 England, y Macaulay's History of England. 5 vols. 12mo. sheep, Boston, 1861, / 400 England. The Naval History of Great Britain, by W. James. 6 volsi 12mo. fine portraits, cloth. Lond, 1859. 401 Every-Day Book, Year Book, and Table Book, by William Hone. 4 large vols, numerous engravings, cloth. Lond. 1859. 402 Essays on Physiognomy, by J. C. Lavater. 1 large vol. 8vo. ' engravings, ijloth. Lond. 1860. 403 Eight Popular Poets : Butler, Herbert, Dryden, Tasso, Spenser, Kirke White, Pope, and Chaucer. 8 vols. 16mo. illustrated, . morocco, extra, gilt. N.Y.I 856. 404 England, Conversations on, by Mrs. Keuip. 1 thick vol. 12rao. cloth. Lond. 1855. < * f J ^ f ,21 :•:.:.■, ■ .;-■ 405 Exploring Expedition of the U. S. under command of Gapt. Wilkes. ?> vols, royal 8vo. fmo onRraymcs, cloth. N. Y. 400 Essnys, Critical and Miscellaneous, by T. B. Macaulay. 7 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 1861. , , « . j 407 EngliMh-Frcnch and Frcnch-Etfelish Dictionary, by Spiers and Suronne. 1 largo vol. 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. 1801. 408 Essays, Critical and Miscellaneous, by T. B. Macfulay. 1 vol. , 8vo. half calf, extra. N. Yl 1800. _. ' . r„ «f ^.5 409 Family Encyclopedia. 'Bie Sonographic Encyclopaedia of Sci, ei J, LfteJatufc, and Ar\. 4 vols, of text, m IW ^vo and^^ vols, of engravings, (contAlrting 500,) together dvols. full mo- rocco, gilt edges. N. Y. 1860. • ,„ oi i 1 i„~.« 410 Fiji and the F^ians. Bv T. Williams and S. Qdvcrt. 1 large vol. 8vo; engravings, balf calf, extra. N. \. 18&U. . 411 Fiiulen's Beauties of Moore, to illustrate his poems. J «lpgaat vol. largo 4to. morocco, gilt, (very scarce.) London, 184&. ^412 French Illustrated Newspaper. L'lllustrat.on •, fom its coiA- \ . mcncemcnt in 1843, to tfee end of December 1859. A very fine set, in 35 vols, folio, with thousands of the most spirited engravings, uniform in half red morocco, a new and clean set. Paris, 1843 to 1859. ^ , o 413 French Revolution. The History of, by Thiers. ^ 4 vols. 8vo. en- cravings: cloth. N. Y. 1854. » ' , r -M ^r 414 Fables of La Fontaine, in English. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 415 Flavins Josephus' Complete Works. 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated, bound. Phila.1860. .W ,.. ^ ,j .*u w ^«„ 416 Four Poets. The Poetical Works of Collins, Goldsmith, Warton, ■ ■ and Young, in 2 vols. 8vo. fine large type, morocco, antique. 417 Fenimore Cooper, and other celebrated authors, described in Homes of American Authors. 1 vol. square 8vo. finely illus- trated, cloth, gilt edges. N. Y. 1857. . 418Birdsof Amcri<^by'J.J.Andubon; t^^ P^-e^y and convcment . library edition, in 7 vols, largo 8vo. with 500 ^^^«d Plates, (very rare,) in half green morocco, gilt leaves. N. ^^ * a 419 Farmer's Boy, and Gertrude of Wyoming, by Bloomfield and Campbell, finely illustrated. 2 vols. l2mo. morocco. N. X- 420 Four Popular Poets. Byron, Moore, Southey, and Shakespearci illustrated, in French morocco. N. Y. 1859. _ 421 Fielding, H. Miscellaneous Works.. 1 very large Vol. 8vo. 422 Favorite Poets. * Sam.* Butler's Complete Poetical Works. 2 vols. Bvo. larai type, full calf, extra. N. Y. 1854. _ 424 Favorite ?oet8. Robert Bums' Complete Jo^ticaT WprW^ 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated, large type, morocco, antique. N.Y.18&8. 425 Favorite Poets. Thomson's Poetical Worlffl. 1 vol 8vo. Ulus- trated, fine large type, inorooco, antique. JN. 1. i»ou. 426 Favorite Poets. -Goldsmith, Collins, W'arton, m 1 voUnd Yout« s Poems, 2 vols. 8vO. large type, morocco, antique. JN. It, iOt)U. ""^' Ti^r*^/ f 1 * ■ '. 4f I. i 1 1- ■ i'' ' i V 427 428 1 429 480 481 482 438 484 . 485 486 487 438 489 / 440 441 442 443 444 445 '446 447 448 449 450 451 ;■■;■.■ ;. . ; :>-^ 22 ■■ • ; ■ .;.■ Favorite Poets. Dry den, Spenser, Dante, and Butler. 4 vols. lOmo. illustrated, moropoo, extra, gilt. N. Y. 1856. Favorite Poets. Poems of W. C. Bryant, splendidly illustrated and beautifully printed.* 1 elegant .vol. 4to. extra cloth, gilt edges. ^. Y. 1860. . FavoBite Poets. Scott's Complete Works, in 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated, sheep; ^xtra. Best 1859. The same. In morocco, antique, rich style. Favorite Poets. Hodd's Complete Poetical Works. 1 large vol. 8vo. sheep, extra. Boston, 1859. — The same. In morocco, antique, rich style. Favorite Poets. Rogers' Complete Poetical Works. In 1 vol. 8Vo. ftiU morocco, antiqup, rich stylo. Boston, 1859. Favorite Poets. ' Milton's Paradise Lost. 1 vol. 8vo. large type, illustrated, nloroceo, antique. N. Y. 1857. Favorite Poets. Milton's Poetical Works. 1 vol. 8vo. large type, illustrated, morocco, antique. N. Y. 1857. Favorite Poets. Pope's Poetical Works. 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated, fine large type, poroeoo, antique. N. Y. 1867. Favorite Poets. Halleck's Poetical Worka^ 1 vol. 12mo. port. well printed, morocco, antique. N. Y. 1858. Favorite Poets. Scott's Poetical Worka. Complete in 1 voL 8vo. sheep, extra, Boston, 1859.^ — ^ The same. In morocco, antique, rich stylo. Favorite Poets. Sam. Butler's Complete Poetical Works. 2 vols. 8vo. large type, full calf, ext, N. Y. 1854. •^ The same. In 1 vol. illustrated, in morocco, antique. N.Y. 1857. ^ Favorite Poets. Robelrt Bums' Poetical Works. 1 vol. 8vo. illus- trated, large type, morocco, antique. N. Y. 1858. Favorite Poets. Thomson's Poetical Works. 1 vol. illustrated, large type, morocco, antique. N. Y. 18(|0. Favorite Poets. Butler, Dryden, Herbert, and Spenser. 4 vols. l6mo. morocco, extra gilt. N.Y. 1856. Favorite Poets. pryanVs Poems. tfvoL 4to. most beautifully printed, and illustrated throughout, mor. extra. N. Y. 1860. " - '' ' ■" Another edition. In 2 vols. 12mo. well printed, half calf, ext. N.Y, 1861. Four Poets. The Poetical Worka of Young, Goldsmith, Collins, and Warton, in 2 vols. 8vo. large type, morocco, antique. N. Y. 1860. Favorite Poets, Selected and Chronologically Arranged by Dr. ^ Aikin. S large vols. 8vo. fine engravings, full morocco, antique; N.Y. I860. o o, ^ ^ French-English and English-French Dictionary, by Spiers and _ Sureptfe. 1 large vol. 8vo. half morocco. N. Y. 1861. Family tHassical Library, translated from Greek and Latin a^^hors, edited by Valpy. 52 vols. 16mo. eloth, very scarce. Lend. 1833; Forster's Illustrated Edition of the Farmer's BoynTnd fiertrude of Wyoming. . 2 vols. 12mo. fine engravings, moroccp, extra. N. ./ I V i 23 I it V i 452 453 454 5 vols. Mun- Five Poets : Sponger, Tai.8p, Bryden; Iferbwt^d B^tlor. lOmo. illustrated, morocco extra, gilt. W. X. i »«>'>. Famous Travels. The Surprising Adventures of Baron phausen 1 vol. colored plates. N. -i. iw-'W- . FarmeTs Boy.by BloomfielS.and Gertrude of Wyomjn«^ by Camp- boll 2 vols, finely illiistratcd, morocco, extra. N. Y. 18.)8. 455 FourWtfl!lcampbJll, So^per,Ponb,ani Spenser. .4 vol,. lOmo. . illustrated, half calf, eitra. liond. I'ir. Fleldinc H. Works. 4 vols. 12mo. sheep. JN. it. t57 larftd Gats' Moral Emblems/ and Proverbs of al Nat.ons. 1 handsome vol. illustrated throughout, morocco, extra, gilt. N. 45ft Foleiin ParL^^The Treasury of Geograpby, or every Country in ^rWorid Described, bv ^Maunder. \Vith maps and plates. bv Michelot, Mahon, KohlrauBch, and Calvert. vols. mo. 4G0 pit (&^^i^^^ Treasury of Oeograify of ev.,^Cou.Uj^ in the World, by Maunder. With maps and cngravmgs. 1 ^ol. - 12mo half calf. Lend. 185G. ■. a • A 401 French-English and English-French Dictionary, by Spiers and Surenne. 1 largo vol. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. 181)1. 4G2 Fielding, IT. Miscellaneous Works, complete m 1 largo vol. 8vo. 462*FjSS^C;ts' Mo^Slems, ^d Proverbs of all Natujns. 1 handsome vol. illustrated throughout, morocco, extra, gilt. N. 403 FrdsS^'kro^^^^es of England, France, and Spmn. 2 very ■ lar«o vols royal 8vo. with numerous wood cuts. Prmted on fane tS paper, (very Bearce on this paper.) Full calf, neat. Lon- 404 FjS;3Sreignsof Engknd ^y Agnes Str^d^ l^SISl' vol. with 27 tine portraits. F"» !?o'«««°« *°'T1 A^Wclk 405 Favorite Gems, f (Jets' Wit and Humor. Selected by Wc U, and beautifully illustrated. . 1 elegant vol. in rich morocco, gilt. 460 Falconer, Beattie, and Blair's Poems. In large type, tyol. 8vo. Full calf, extra. London. 1854 i ^„i 8vo larire 407 Fergusson, Rob. Complete Poetical Works. 1 vol. 8vo. large type edition, very rare. Half calf. London, 1807. ^ 468 Fielding, H. Works, with memoir by Roscoe. 1 l^e^^l- »^°- Plates by Cruikshank. Full calf, extra.; J^ondon, 1851. 469 Fanaticism; (by Isaac Taylor.) 1 large vol. 8vo. Fult calf, extra. 470 FeliS^SvlS^s. The Queens of England and their Times, l^ Lancelott. 2 vols, with fine steel portraits. Full morocco, antique. N. Y. 1858. -, . ij j 471 Fox's (Mr.) Doings. Reynard the F»x, trans, by Arnold, and ■ ■ niustrated by Kaulbach. 1 elegant vol. 8vo. extra, cloth, gilt ■ B- -N.:Y. 1860. . . '•, ;;.-.■■■■.■■ ■ ; : * ^ % -^ 24 ♦ •'^■v „.. *A iJ- ■' ■/ 472 478 474 475 47(i 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 I Falconer, Beattie; and Blair^s PoomB. In 1 yd. largo type. In full calf^ extra. N. Y. (London) 18G1. France, Ireland, and XtusBia, the lliatorios of, by Crowe, Moore, and Boll. In 10 vols. 12mo. Half calf, extra, London, Foreign lliBtories. Popular History of Rome, Notherlandfl, Mari- time Diaoovery, abd-alie Western World. 9 vols. 12ma Half calf, neat. Londbli, 1888. , ' ' - Foster (John). Historical and Biographical Bssaya. Historical De- bates on the Oraqd Remonstrance, 1641. Plantagenets, &fl. 1 vol. 8m doth. Lond. 1869. Flagg (Wilson). Studies on the Field and Forest. 12mo. cloth, BibstOD, 1867, ■ , Fowle (N. C.) History and Analysis of #e Constitution of the United States. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1861. Francis Horner's Memoirs and Correspondenoo. Edited by his • brother, Leonard Horner, F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Portrait. Boston. 1863. Frederick Griffin's Junius Discovered. 12mo. cloth. Boston, . 1-884. FiEtlconer, Works. ' 485 - 486* 487 ^ 488 489 490 491 Herbert, Keats, Wyatt, and Shakspeare's Poetical „v..o. 5 vols. 16mo. Half calf,' extra. Boston. Gray's Complete Poetical Works, with a Life of the author, and copiou9 notes. By Rev. John Mitford. 16mo. red cloth, gilt edges. Bost.'1854. ' Griswold (R. W.) The Poets and Poetry of America. 8vo. full calf, antique, portraits. Phila'. 185^. Griswold's (R.) Prose Writers of America, with a Survey of^Hfe Intellectual History, Condition, and Prqgpects of the Country. 8vo. full morocco, gilt edges, portraits. Phila. 1859. Gilswold (R.) The Female JPoets of America (with specimens of their Works.) 8vo.- full morocco, gilt edges, portraits. Philai . 1859. ■ ■ Gray, Herbert, and Shelley's Poetical Works. 5 vols. 16mo. full " calf, extra, ports. Best. Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with notes. By Dean Milman and M, Guizot, with additionhl notes by William Smith. 8 vols. 8vo. full calf, gilt backs, marbled leaves. Best edition, portraits and maps. Bost. 1854. Goldsmith. The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Edited by Peter Cunningham, F. S. A. In 4 vols. 8vo. half light calf, gilt backs, , marbled edges. Bost. 1854. • Goodrich (C. B.) The Science of Government as exhibited in the Iristittttioris of the U, S. of America. 8vo.xsloth. 1853. 'Griffin (Frederick). Junius Discovered. l2mo. cloth. Boston, 1845. Gallery. The Republican Court, or American Society in the days of Washington. 1 splendid vol finely illustrated, and very richly bound in Turkey morocco. N. Y. 1859. Gallery, The Stratford Gallery, or the Shakspease Sisterhood ; comprising 45 ideal portraits described by Henrietta Palmer. 1 splendid vol. finely illustrated, and richly bound in Turkey morocco. N, Y. 1R59 _— - _ •> > it \y • ^"•tf^^tt,^,^ I •>> "* ^ r *' I'* . 25 . : _.■ 493 GaUe^* ^ Tho Wavcrloy Gallery ; or, tbo Principal Fo»»»« C»;«'^ !13 Btccl onjrravingii, rich morocco, extra. Si- » •*<'"'• - , , A^- , 506 G^rran ffi-e.' ^iWnurd, the Fox, translated W^^ iustratfcd by Kaulbach. 1 vol. 8vo. extra cloth, gilt. JS.l. • ROT gS Baron. His collected Wortcs, containing^ 239, tuctures • '''^^'^"^ebrated painter, of his ^ost Sk^ JorgUs, Tiibleaix Animals, &e. 3 vols, folio, half bourtd, neat. 1 aris, 508 Gra Se!' Scenes do la Vie privee et publique. des Anunaux ■ Tl ustrecs par Graridville. a handspme vols, la'-g^ ^vo. fuU of beautiful cngraviiigs, in half morocco, gilt edges Pa"s»l«42. 'iOO Goldsmth O Lo Vicaire de Wakefield, traduction par Nod.er .^tithili^inest illustrations. 1vol. j-oyal 8vo. red morocco, gilt loaves. Paris, 1855: 1f 5 4^* i*'' m I :■ Li-' ■• -26 ■• 510 Gllly, W. S. Nafrntlvo of m Tl!xc«ir»l«m to tho Mouiitftliw of ricdinont. 1 vol. 8vo. innpM, full oulf, extro. Loiul. 1H25. 611 Gothic Archltcctuce. Tho I'llnciplcs of, by Bloxnm. 1 vol. 12mo. tcMith edition, cnbrBid, with 800 fino engravings, cloth. Lohd. IB50. 818 George IV. History of his Life and Udgn. 8 vols. l8n»o. half morocco. Lond. 1831. 513 Goldsmith, O. Citizen of tho World. 2 vols. 18mo. with on* gruvings, coif. Lond. 1808. 614 Goldsmith, O. History of tho Earth nnd of Animated Noturo. Edited byCapt. Brown. 4 vols. 12mo, engravings, full calf, extra. Glasgow, 1832. 615 Goldsmith, O. History of tho Earth and Animated Nature, with _„_ Notes by Brown. 4 thick vols. 12mo. engravings, half green calf, extra, nice copy. GlaMow, 1835. 610 Gil Bios, from tho French of Lo Sage, by Smollett. 1 thick vol. 12nlo. with 34 nice ilhistrations, by Cruikshank and others, full calf, extra. Lurid. 1869. ^ 517 GessnQr, C. The Death of Abel, translated In English verae by Dutton. 1 vol. royal 8vo. fine engravings, calf, neat. London, 1811, . „ 518Grote, 0. History of Greece. 12 vols. 12mo. sheep, extra. N. Y. 1850. ' , .„ 610 Gothic Architecture, an Introduction to, by Bloxara. 1 vol. 12mo. full of engravings, cloth. Xfini/lSbQ. 520 Girondists, (History of the,) by Laihartino. 3 vols, cloth. N. '521 Gertrudf fine engravings, rich / morocco. Lond. 1859. «, , * 528 Goldsmith, Collins, ond Worton's Complete Poeticol Works, m 1 vol. fino large type, morocco, antique. N. Y. 1860. 629 GilfiUan's Handsome Edition of the British Poets, printed in fino large type, with new Memoirs and Notes. 21 vols. 8vo. (Burns, Butler, Cowper, Dryden, Herbert, Milton, PopCj Scott, Thomson, Young, and J»eroy's Reliques.) Plates inserted, uniform in half calf, extra, extremgly neat. Edinburgh, 1856. 530 Goldsmith. Collins, and Warton's Poetical Works, in 1 vol. 8vo. ,4> I i, fine large type, full morocco, antique. N. if. I860. \^> > «• \* 581 582 688 584 535 536 537 588 689 640 641 542 543 544 > : 21 ■ ' of wliuinslon. With e!»l«rtraU^ 1 l,.„d»me vol. ro,.l H.o. G^Tat'.A.UIuior, of, k, W. J«.c. I. «oK 12».o. 645 646 647 648 540 550 551 iZrX^ Tl T caTury of Ocography of every Oouutry in the " Xfd%y Sam. Maunddr. 1 vol. I'imo. maps and engraving*, half calf, noat. Lond. 1><56, « a • »i.« a~Kr.X Tk" Troiu^y of a«WT.pkj of em. Count,, .n tho V?"td B, Mnundor. 1 vol. 12mo. B.«p« and pUu.. UM , Gorti^rof w5;o°£g; Sh. F„n,or.. Boy. 2 vol.. Snol, Hlu.. 7 O^J^r'rirX^K^i'Nll'fwi^^^ N..nr.. I«. torv Illustrated, 1 vol. moroccO. «. i. i»»i. . . ^ OeSny. Knee. England, and the Fiji I-l""'!^ i t^^^l^'^^''^' By Kohlrausch, Michelot, Mahon, &o. vok Hvo. cloth. N. Hartwigfi)r. Tho Sea and iU, Living Wonders. Ijol. 8vo. I^ith ovtor ^00 engravings. Half calf, extra. N. x . IHOi. \ Hood, Thos. ^ompke Poetieal Works, ^ith L.fc by Sargent. 1 larco vol. 8vo. full morocco, antique. Uoston, l»aJ. \ Ilistory^f England. By T. B. Macaulay. Complete m 1 largo vol. (double columns,) cloth. Phila. l^bU. - _ ^ Ilisly of Greece, Pictorial and Descriptive. By !>'• Words- ^ worth. 1 elegant vol. full of 6ne. engrav. mor. cxt. Lond. 1859. Hold's bJn- ol Laughter from Year to Year. 1 vol 8vo. nu- merous engravings, cloth. London, l».»y. v v l8r,o Hunt's (LciSi) Popular Works. 4 vofs, 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 18.)9. HazUlt's pSpilarand Entertaining Works. 5 vols. 12mo. sheep. Ilofv Hible, (The.) Embellished with a profusion of the finest iL cng^^^^^^^ iaer tho „,0Ht eminent British artists and nu- merous^fino head and tail pieces. With Hbtorical prefoccs. By Sev Dr. Nares. 8 large vols. 4to. splendidly P"?**^.'" ^^^^ bold type by Benslcy, and bound^ in s«perb Btyle. in full green morocco, extra, gilt leaves. London, 18^4. Ilc^oincr' IV Byron GaMory of Beauties, of the .ryl F^^ male Characters in Byron's Kcms. 1 ^'l*-?-"^ ^ '],• ^^''^ ^*^ ^^^^ fmest oncravinRS, in rich morocco, extra. IN . i . i ou i . Ilordner The Pocts^ Gallery, to illustrate the Ilcromes in tho iSh Poets. 1 elegant ^^ol. full of the finest engravings, in / rich morocco, extra. N. Y. 1861. , , ^ iCin^ The Wivcrlcy Gallery, or Portraits to illusra^e^^^^^^ Principal Heroines in Sir Walter Scott's_ Romances. 1 ologa^t voL/ull of the finest engravings, in full "^^ "'^^^f;'; Z'sVaU Tloroincs Tho Stratford Gallery, bf Ideal Portraits of the S^ak- "Tpeare Heroines. 1 larg. c^nt voL ftjl of the finest enir.v inga, in rich mnrnccQ, extra. N. Y. 18&». 7 ■; ' 28 r 052 IIoroinoH. Tlu> W<.ria-Noto«l Wonii-n, or PortrnlU of ftoriio of tlio M««it C'^lobriitotl Woinon of nil \AUi\n aii«l ARi'i. I vU%aui Urgo vol. full of thcfim'«t ctiRruvingH. N. Y. jHtW. BR3 llftinllton, Sir W. Uctun'ii on IMiiL-onhy, i». 565 Huiiic'h Ilintory of Kngliind. « v..l«. l«iuo. cloth. IJoiton. 550 n«roin«i of Shiik»p«'ftr«, tmgravod hy Ilouth. I very hundHonio la/go 4to. (Hcarco in thin •!«},) half morocco, gdt top. London, 1H4H «W Hall, 8. C. Tlio Book of nritlnh BalladB. 1 vol. boftutifully «lu». _ trated on every page. 1 thick vol. In rich calf, dogant.gdt ' Icavoi. London, 1859. » ^ • 857* Ilartwig, O. Tho S.a and Ite LMng Wonder*. 1 vol. Bvo. nu- uiorouH fino plal««, half calf, extra. N. Y. (Lond.) l««l)^, . 657* —_ — - Another copy, In full oalf, extra. "*,'!» 558 Ilarlelan Miscellany ; or, a Gdlcotlon of iwarco, curious, and- ci!^ tcrUining PamphtoU and TractH. 12 Vols. 8 vq. calf, neat. Lond. 1H08. ,„ . .^ ,1-. 550 History, Natural History, Geography, and Scicntificc and L'ter»ry ~ Treasuries, by Maundoi'. 4 vols. l3mo. cloth. Lond. 18a7. 560 Ilunior and Pathos. Tho Three Tours of tT^o justly colebratod Dr. Syntax. 8 li^rgo vols. 8vo. with 88 colored plates, half calf, Lond. 1855. ,, . . . him 661 Hamilton, Sir W. Treatises on Logic, Mutaphysjcs, and 1 Inlos. ophy. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. N. Y. and Boston. 562 Hood, Thos. Complete Poetical Works. 1 largo vol. 8vo. sheep. Boston, 1859. , 663 . The same, in morocco, antique, rich stylo. 504 Hudibras, and other Poems, % Sam. Butler. 2 vols. 8vo. largo typo, full calf, extra. N. Y. 1854. 565 tho same, in 1 voj. illustrated, morocco, antique. W. I. 1857. 500 Another edition. In 1 neat vol. lOmo. illustrated, morocco, extra, gilt. N. Y. 1850. 'J ■1 »■ " i:' • ► 507 Hudibras, and Pope's Poems. 2 vols. lOmo. illustrated, morocco, extra, gilt. N. Y. 1850. _^ « , ,n -u 508 Herbert's Poems, and Kirke White's Poems. 2 vols. lOmo. lUus- tratod, morocco extra, gilt. N. Y. 1850. . i i 509 Homes of American Authors, with Sketches of their Lives. 1 vol. square 8vo. illustrated, cloth, gilt edges, N. Y. 18o7. ^ 570 Halteck, F. G. Poetical Works, well printed. 1 vol. Umo. port, morocco, antique. N. Y. 1858. , o u 571 Hood, Thos. Complete Poetical Works. 1 largo voL 8vo. sheep, Boston, 1859. ". _, ,. « 572 — The same, in morocco, antique, rich style. . , ^.,, 573 Humorous Poetry. Poets' Wit and Humor, selected by , Wilis. 1 vol. elegantly printed and illustrated, morocco, cxtrA, rich style. .N.Y.186L . ^ • „ , •' - _..«.»,- o f Dr. Syntax. 3 vols . 574 Humorous Poetry. Tho Three Tours o f Pj - - ^j^"^j^' q^- 8vo. with 88 colored engravings, extra, cloth. Lend: T,8oD if «•» I ; • )►: f%t S9 ■ .1^ ■1 »■ " i:' ■ '» • ► 'I '■4 -4- (•» ■* ' m "on«'. Popular \V<.rk'«. Tli.> K|r«ry.D«y \M, Table n«.ly. « voIh. 4to. extra, ub.th, gilt .dgoii. I.ond. 678 Homciof American Author-, «ith^ An«cdotU-al and I'vrw.nal SkeUhca, 1 vol. finely illuHtratfd, cloth, gdt cdgvH. N. X. 679 HuZ»' a»^» Mttunder'N Treanury of (looRtanhy. 1 vol. 12ino. niBiMi and cnKravinjpi, half calf, extra. l.ond. IH.. .. 680 lU'iwIotu*. Tho UiHtory of Hcrodotua, tranilated by UawliuB^n.^ 4 volH. 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1800. - ^ „ .. . . „„^ 581 UiHtory of (!ivili»tttion in England, by H. Y. Buokle. 2 voli. 8 ro. , 582 Hi^iu.rJ of tho French Revolution, by M. A. Thi«ri. 4 vol*. H ro. cnirruviticM, cb)th. N. Y. 1851. .... •> i 683 Uauiiltoni I'liiloHoohy, and Whewell*« Inductive Science. J vtilu. 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1859. , « , J 684 Hudibran, and other I'oemB, by Ham. BuUer. 5J vols. 8vo. latge tyiMS, fall calf, extra. ^\ Y. 1861. 5g5 1 The Bamo, in 1 vol. 8vt). illustrated, morocco antique. 680 Herbert and Kirko White's Poems. 2 vols. ICmo. iUuirtrated, in morocco, extra, gilt. N. Y. 1850. ' . . / 687 HalSrI). (». Poetical Works. 1 vol. 12mo. port, well i|rinted, morocco antique. N. Y. 1858. .,,,.., . %J i» 588 History of Civilization in Franco, by M. F. Gutzot. 4 voW. 12mo. half calf, antique. N. Y. 1800. - , „ « 689 Hartwig, Dr. The Sea, and its I^iving Wonders. 1 vol. 8vo, fine enffravings, cloth. N. Y. 1861. ; 590 HistJry of (Ireece, by Oeorgq Giote. 12 vols. 12mQ. half calf, extra. N. Y. 1859. . ,„ , .' , i„ 691 Heraans and Landon : their Poetical Works, in 2 very largo vols. royal 8vo. illustrated, cloth. IJoston, 1859. / , , » 692 Hughes' and Maunder's Treasury of Geography. 1 vol. l2mo. with maps and engravings, half calf, neat. Und. \HM. 693 Humboldt's Travels in South America, and Views of Nature. 4 vols. 12mo. f# calf, extra. Lond. 1852. _ ,111 . 594 History of England, Franco, Germany, and liji Islanders, by Mahon, Michelet, Kohlrausch, Ac. vols. 8vo. cloth. N. X. 695 Humorous Work. The Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor, by Uur.- ton. 2 largQ/voIs. 8vo. over <500 engravings, half call, extra. N. Y. 1859. ^ , „ , 596 History of England, by T. B. Macaulay. 5 vols. 12mo. sheep. Boston, 1801. „ . « ™. -rr ,, • 597 Hobbes, Thomas. The Complete Works of Thomas Hobbes, in English and Latin, edited by Molesworth. 10 vols. 8vo. half — ._ vellum, extra, red edges. liond. 1839. — ___^ — _ — __ ■•I -*- ■■■f f ^ I "JC 1 . 80 f: . \ *(■. R08 llnod'N Own, or liaiiglitcr rrntii)Yoftr to Year. 1 vol. Hvo. numor' OUR ongrkvingM, olotli. liomi. IHr>0. 500 Iliatory of Animatnd Nnturo. By Ulivor QeldamUb. 2 voU. Hvo. cngraviiiffN, nliDOp, nxtra. Pbifo. 000 HiNtory of Uki QiimiiiM of F'nglnnd. Ily Ague* BtriokUnd. 7 vo]«. Hvo. purtrditM, t'xl re cloth. liuHt. IHtiO. Iliiitury of KngUnil, By Dr. Lingard. 13 Tola. V2mo. Mlicop. UOI mtory N. V. 00*2 HlHtory of tho Qutionii of Kngliuiil, and tlunr Tiiinm. Hy I'Vuncia Iiaiicolott. 2 volii. Hvo. witli fiiu) portraitH, in half morocco, gilt C>dg(!M. 003 Iliatory of tho Qut'onii of Kngland. I)v AgnoH Htriukland. 1 olo- gnnt vol. royal Hvo. with 27 imrtraitN, full morocco, autiquo. N. Y> 18(U. 004 Oilflllan'M HpcoimcnH of tho 1cm- known Ibritiah Poctn. S) vola. Hvo. full culf, uxtra. Kdlnb. IHOO. 00^ Ilartwig, Dr. Tho Kua and itn Living WondorM. 1 handHOino J vol. Hvo. with iiovcral hundred ongrovingn, half calf, extra. > tf.Y. 1801. 000 IliMtory of Kngland, and MiHCclIanoous Works of Sir Jm. Mack- intoMh. In 1 largo vol. Hvo. half cnlf, extra. Lond. IHfil. 007 Hood, ThonittH. Complcto I'ootical VVorka. lu 1 largo vol. 9vo^ full morocco, anti«|Uo. Hont. 1H60. 008 IliHtoricttl ond Literary Kmiayn. IJy Alinon, Corlylo, JoflFroy, Alttckintonh, Htopbcn, Talfourd, Hoott, and WiUon. lu 8 voIm. Hvo. calf, cxtro. N. Y. 1800. 000 IIorbort,,0. Poetical Works, with new lifo and noton. ByGilfll* Ian. 1 vol. Bvo. fiuo largo typo, half morocco, gilt Icavcfl. Kdinb. 1867. 610 IIoolo, J. Orlando Furioso, translated from Ariosto, with notes. 6 vols. Hvo. with numerous fine engravings, in rod morocco, extra. Lond. 178!]. Oil IIolv liiblc, with Hcfurenccs, in largo Pica typo, with elegant illustrations. 1 vol. 4to. in tho best Turkey morocco. Lond. 1800. 012 Hartley, D. Observations on Man, his framo, his duty, and his cz* pectations. U vols. Hvo. calf, neat. Lond. 1801. ^ 618 Homo of Kames, It. Klements of Criticism. , Ninth and best edi* tion. 2 vols. Rvo. largo type, half calf, extra. Kdinb. 1817. . 014 Hoole,^ J. Orlando Furioso, from tho Italian of Ludovico Arioisto, with copious notes, portrait and engravings, calf, neat. Loud. 1700. ^ 615 Ilogarth. Tho Works of William llogartli, from tho Original Plates, with tho addition of many subjucts not before collected. Best editioii, 1 largo vol. folio, half morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond. 1H35. 615* Hunt, R.> Treatise on the Maiiufactures in Metal, and Phillips' Geology. In all 6 vols. 12mQ. engravings, lialf calf, extra. Lond. 1H63. 610 Historic Gallery of Portraits i^d Paintings, with brief memoirs of celebrated men. 1 thick. vWK 8yo. many engravings, cloth. Lond. '?' M- 1801. M 8 Toll. 8to. (JIT llcbir, BWiop. Nnrrntlvo of hU Joufflej In Tndl. OIH uZt'^lSH^Tno^S}^ W;:k-. without tU t..t. *^*" "Tn i,»pr<:;;ioS.on India pij^rbalf ^---y-J'". ^'^^ fllO Hall, Captain H. FraKt«.nt« of V«y«.- *nd Tfvoli. i largo i,«l M«n >ikir calf, extra. liOmlon, IMIl. ,i"/()'r"«a /.""^ From lU Hp.Di.1.. 4 ,olr Urg. Bvo. «Jf, ■ »M Hi':;l olZV.u'"L K..,,... K,.,pir,. ^I.J ... L. a. 8i.».«»at o.« n^i .l?rT':!'Hfi"n« ,,S°*»!5:j • ,7'- ";» ,c ™rouii fine cnaruviniT*. half calf, oitra. N. X> (Lond.) IHOl. 028 hSS-'Xi-; orA'ho Wood (AncH^dot* lY^rtu.c>^. ^ Char«ct«r«,Aponhthcgni«,&c.) * /" • "/^.''f- ^"'^ /' T*' A C ^ 021 llowitt, W. TrUtion- of n.o«t Ano.ont Time-, i vol-. 1-mo. Iittlf calf extra, very rare. London, l^nU. Oa& «"^«^;«;;". .^^ ^^^ j,,^,, I, oiifii, o vok Hvo. Ono largo tyF. with nortrailB inserted, Imlf calf, cxtro. W. Y. l^-H- 020 «"«« tU lU«.tratcd. BvJolm Ireland. " It wnl charac or tl o r^lL. tl«, Houl, iLatk RcniuH waH given !nm to copy. 1« d VolH. Kvo. full of cnaravingH, with doMcnpt.vc text, red «""r^ «*»• ffllt leaven, unuHUolly fino copy, oKooodingly rare. Lon.l. l«uu. 627 Howard. rU- of ifenry llowurd. Earl of Surrey. I vol. 10u.«. Pickcrinff's fine edition, full calf, extra. I^«"'^n» »7*- , a,^ 028 Ilervey, JomcH. Moditation« and Oontcmplatioun. 1 vol. 8ro. l)CBt edition, full calf, extra. London, IH«0. 020 llomer'H Iliad and Odynboy, literally tranrfatcd, with Notes by Buckley. 2 vols. 12u»o. oalf.^xtro. 18'>«- . . , .^. 030 History Jf the Queens of Engilii.d and the.r Times. 2 vols, with fino portraits, half morocco, giU edges. N. X. 031 He«ioi, Cnllinmehus, and Theo^is, (the.r Works tr^rfated into EufflMi.) 1 vol. 12mo. calf, extra. London, 18..0. 082 IIun,?8 (l)avid) History of E#and from tI'«I»va».on of Julius Cfiosar to the Uevoluiion of lOHH. A new edition in vols. 8vo. full light cf. gilt backs, marbled ed^es, nortrait. Boston, 18.>4. 033 Hume's (D.) Essays, including all his pluloHophieal Works with J his latest additions and correc,tioM. 4 vob. »vo. full au t^ue. calf, red edges. Bonton, 18W. ^ , ii w„*s«;,- 034 Haydn's Dictionary of Bates, felating to all Ages and 1)11 Nations, for universal llefercnco. Ninth edition, greatlv enlarged, by B. Vincent. 8vo. full calf, gilt backs. Loudon, IHCO. . 685 Hood's, Gay's, ramcll'B, and Tickoirs Poetical Works. In 7 vota. X6mo. ports, cloth. Boston. ^ .' * t xt 630 History oif that Ingenious Ocntlcman, Don Quixotte of La Wan- cha. TranslatedV Mottcux. A new edition with Notes, and .1^ an Essay on the Life and Genius of Cervantes, by J-<^- Lo«''- hart. 4 vols. r2mo. full antique, cf. red edges. Bost 18.j4.. '■ 687 History and Analysis of fbo Constiti^tion of the United States, by N. C. Fowlc. l2mo. cloth. Boston, 1801. \ * f ^ ' iim • .' i .,, 688 .*- t-.. ■ ■/ 689 640 ir •■■^ k :■•' 4 i?]^. (^^"'y)-, ConBtitutional History of England, 8 vols. Middle Agea, 8 toIb. Literary History of Europe, 3 vola • together, 9 vols. 8vo. full antiquo, cf red edges, best edition! lloston, Io54. ' Homer (Francis), Memoirs and Correspondence of Edited bv his brother, L. Homer, P.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges, portrait. Boston, lHi")3. History of Neir England from 1630 to 1649. By John Winthrop ; with Notes, by James Savage, president of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 2 vols. 8vo. full light calf, gilt backs, mar- -.:„ Wed edces, portrait. Boston, 1858. t»41 Hallam, Heqry. Introduction to the Literature of Europe in tho 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. 8 vols. 8vo. cloth, 4th edition, (best edillon.) Boston, 1864. / V 642 Hume, David. History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar tor the Revolution in 1688. A new edition, with tho ___ authors last corrections and improvements; to which is prefixed a short account of his life, written by himself 6 vols. 8vo cloth portrait Boston, 1854. ' 643 History of the. United States from the Disfcovery of the American Continent. 17th edition. By Hon. George Bancroft. 8 vols. Hvo. half antique, calf, red edges, portraits and plates. Boston, ^ 644 Hume, David. Essavs. The Philosophical Works of David Hume including all the Essays, with his latest corrections and additions'. 4 vols. 8vo. portrait, half antioue, cf red edges. Boston, 1854 Haydn, Joseph-. Dictionary of Dates for Universal Reference re- lating to all Ages and all Nationsr- 9th edition, revised and en- _larMdbyB^Vincent. 8vo. cloth, pp. 752. London, 1860. Herrick and Dryden's Poetical Works. 7 vols. 16mtf. ports, full miorocco, Boston. 047 Horner, Francis, M.P. (Memoirs and Correap'ondencd of ) Edited by his brother Leonard Horner, F.R.S. 2 vols. 8v6. cloth, oor- trait. Boston, 1853. ' ^ 648 James, G. P.. B. Book, of ^^ Passions : illustrated with 16 splen- did engravings. 1 vol. 8vo. cloth. Loudon, 18i§0. 649 Ingleby,-C. M. LL. D. Complete VieV of the Shakspeare Contro- versy, concerning the Authenticity and Genuineness of Manu- script Matter affecting the Works of Shakspeare, published by ^_ :, J- P- Collier. 1 vol. cr. 8vo. cloth. London, 1861. 650 Jeren^ Taylor, (Bp.r Whole Works; with a Life of the Author by Rt. Rev. BishVp^feher, revised and corrected by Rev. Charles Page Eden. 10 tbls. 8vo; doth, portrait, (best edition.) Lon- don, 1»59. ' Index to Shakspeare. Complete Concordance to Shakspeare, being . a verbal Index to all the passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet; a new and revised edition by Mrs. Cowden Clarke. Royal 8vo. hal^ght calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. Boston, 1860. Jermyn, James. Book of English Epithets, Literal and Figura- tive ; with Elementary Remarks and Minute References to abun- dant AuthoritieB. 1 tol. royal 8vo. cloth. London, ^849, 645 646 651 652 y ,i.---*' ;land, 8 vols. rope, 8 voIb.; best edition. '. Edited by alf, gilt backs, !in WinthTop ; IVIassachusetts It backs, mar- Buropo in tho I, 4th edition, ion of Julius ion, with the ch is prefixed >ls. 8vo. cloth, ;he American roft. 8 vols. / tes. Boston,^ David Hume, ind additions. ostoD, 1854. leference, re- vised and en- on, 1860. . ' cf. ports, full of.) Edited 6. cloth, por- irith 16 splen- leare Contro- 38 of Manu- mblished by the Author Rev. Charles ion.) Lour ipeare, being (forks of the .rke, Koyal . on, 1860. wd Figura- ces to abun- —-~i^ ^849, -, . --::' \. '-■■■■-.■ (33 M- /7— ■ ffinj 658 ■ \ X I m Junius Discovered. By Frederick (Qriffin; 12mo. obth. Boston. 654 JaSsparks'I^ifo of George Waslungton. 8vo. fuU sheep; port. plate engraving,,, bound in 1 vol: 4to. fine .mprcHSions. Red Rrp x'SrWodb J^2±iol.'sn,. roan, illust. sheep. lM.ila. 186a ;, air VViUiani Draper, and Mr. Home to Junius. ^ "»"*• "T^V tr£p^;pcopy%ithfineportraits of the su^^^^^^ authors. • In rich blue morocco, gilt edges femdmi, 1805. ^ ^_ Jardin des Plante8,ou Museum d'Historic NuturcUo a Par.H. Em- ''tluJlSl with many hundred of the fi,.^t ->j|^V?-^"^^ ereat many of which arc exquisitely colored. 2 large vols, royal §v beauUfally printed. Half morocco, gdt « J?««- i;j" Jj f^^l^' Jmison, Ben. Work., with a Biographical Memoir by W.G.^^^^^^^^ 1 large vol. 8vo. port, and vignette, i uU calf, extra. London, 660 Jal!uev.W. Works. 3 vols. 8vo. sheep. N.Y.I 854. 661 Johnson, Dr. Works. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. N. Y. 18,)7. ^ Jap^^^^^^^^ China. Narrative of the American Expedition to Ser Com. Perry. 1 large vol. 4to. lull of fiiio engravings. Half morocco, extra, 1855. , ^ .. \->i'L i v- Joumainf Lord Byron, with his Lif. and Letters. J-dtted by M™ rl 1 vol. sio. fine engravings. Full calf. London, 1860. Ju^irCornelius Nepos, and Eutropius, hans. by Watson. 1 vol./ /l->mo FuU calf, extra. London, Ibod. ^ ^ ,^ n ^ j JoWn Se Table Talk of Samuel Johnson, LL.D collected W Bo well 2 vols. l2mo port. Half calf, extra. London, 1^18 Jones WTHirtory of the Waldenses. 2 vols. 8vo. maps. Calf, 667 IrXLj^'^^on of ^^^^ f iJi^^l^.^ F^ 659 664 665 666 669 Pl,iukct"Grattan;"ihiel, arid Curraii. In 7 vols. 12mo. 668 ji"r-wS;^it}rEssayonhislif.,by^^ 2 ihick vols 8vo. port. Half calf, extra. London. 1854. J„nts.Thr Letters of jUus. Edited by Woodfall." 3 vols, a, d Attempts to discover Junius, by various h«^«d«» ^ ^^^J; J° all 7 Vok 8vo. uniform. Full calf, neat, -a nice set (scarce.) 670 jiS^'^'Se whole gem»ine works ofi trans by Whist^ 4 V6U 8vo. port, and niaps. Half calf, extra. London, 1820.^ 671 Iddls W of Theocritus, Bion, and Moschuj m^ English, by Hanks lvol.l2mo. Half calf, extra. London, 1853. 672 Juv^nt: ih" American Boys' -f^^^^^^ ."X^' '""^^ 12mo. finely illustrated, extra, cloth, gilt. JN. f • lo***- ^ , fi7^ IntXctuai Gems. Poets' Wit and Humor, selected by Wills, ^^^ ^"'^Id ei^iieSniiustrated. 1 vol. elegantly bound in rich m^ " - rucco, extra. N. Y. (Loud.) 1861. _ _.^^ ■■ "> I f '^ -*i •ih^i^^r^ * »,- 1 V !,^ l: 1. - »,. ^ s ■ 1 li^^^ "■ r«^ ! 1 : iv H 84 074 James, W. Naval IT'iBtory of Great Britain. New and revised edition^ in 6 vols. l2mo. fine purtruits, hulf caif, extra: Lund. 1859. • V - 075 Introdiicti«)n to Entomoloj?y, by Kirby and Spencc, in 1 v<»l. sm. 8 vu. full call], extra. Lond. 1859. ^ 670 Jttrdine's Naturalists' Library, in 40 vols. '12mo. full of neatly colored engravings,-^ and 40 portraits and ineiiioirs of eminent Zoulogists, cloth. London. 077 Illustrated llandbobk of American Travel. 1 vol. witli n^aps and . engravings, cloth. N. X, 1860. 678 Jameson, Mrs. Sacred and Legendary Art, Legends of the Mo- nastic Orders, arid Legends of t^o Madonna. 3^ vols, small 4to. , full of etchings, and fmo wood engravings, green morocco, extra, gill leaves. Lond. 1857. * 679 Ingoldshy Legends, or Mirth and Marvels^ illustrated by Cruik- shank. 2, vols. 12mo. cloth. Phila. 1856. 680 Italian Poets, Tasso and Dante, traijs. by Wiffon and Cary. 2 vols. 16mo. illustrated, morJfcjco, extro, gilt. N.,V. 1856, 681 Holy Plblo, with KeforencCvS. In large Pica typo, with elegjlnt iliustrations. 1 vol. 4to. in the best Turkey morocco. ' Lopd.v • I860. ■■. 682 Illustrated edition of Bryant's Poems. 1 vol. 4to. superbly printed on tinted paper, morocco, antique. N. Y. 1860. 683 Ulustratcd Poets. Cumpbcirs Gertrude, and Bloomficld's Far- mer's Boy. 2 vols, beautiful edition,, morocco, extra. N. Y. . 1858. ; ■ - .'■ 684 Illustrated Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, by Rich. 1vol. doth. Lond. 1860. " ." 685 Information for the People, by W. and Rl Chambers, and their Cvclbpoedia of English Litisrature. 4 largo vols. 8vo. sheep. ■•;" - Pijila. 1859.^ 0^6 Juvenile. The' American Boys' and Girls' Annual, finely illus- trated. -1 vol. extra doth, gilt. N. Y. I860. 687 Juveniles. \Tho Picture Series of Story Books for Children. 8 vols. 12mo. in case, extra cloth. , N. Y. 18^9. 688 Jerusalem Delivered, by Tasso, translated by Wiffen. 1 vol.- ■ 16mo. illustrated, red morocco, extra, gilt. N. Y. 1856. 689 Juvenile. The Dairy main's Daughter, by Ijcigh Richmond. 1 vol. illustrated, morocco, extra. N. Y. 1860. • ^j ' 690 Illustrated British Poets, edited and selected Jty Dr. A'il;in. 3 large vols* 8vo. fiijely illustrated, morocco, antique. N. Y. •I860. >691 Illustrated edition of Shakespeare. Cowdeh Oarkd's new edition, )Vith 50 elegant portraits. 1 very largo vol, 8vo. in riph tno- rocco, extra. N^. 1860. , 692 Illustrated edition 01 W. C, Bryant's Poems. 1 handsome vol. 4to. beautifully printed, and bound in" extra cloth, gilt'. N. Y. 1860. .693 Inventions, Appleton's Dictionary of Machines-, Sfcohanlcs, En;: gine Work, and Engineering, . 2 large vols, with 4,000 engrav- ings, half morocco,, extra, N, Y. 1857. . >l — i.. V f > ♦ rpviscd Lund. ol. am. noatly imirient ips and lio Mo- ill 4to. >, extra, Cruik. »ry. 2 G. clcfijint ' Lond.v-j printed I's Far- ■ N. Y. y Rich." id their sheep. ly illus- ren. 8 1 vol.' ' md. 1 ■ 4 l;in. 3 N. Y. edition, i,ch Ino- tne vol» ■N..Y. ics, En^^^ eiigrav- V r V ♦ 601 095 090 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 700 707 708 TOO 710 ' 711 712t 7i3 714 715 *■/ ■ . 33 ■ ■ ' c. • " ' ' . "- ..-■..■•■.--■■ ■ ■ .^- llluHtrated Poetry. Forster's heantlful editions of Bloojrir.ctd, cJmJk4l! Gn.y. Goldsn.ith, Milton, Wordsworth, and i'ablcs. J j;,:::^:;'Jli:,.K 1 fliinlr vol 8vo. oloth. lAiM. lOUU. _" . if 4 3""8>ro. large ty Je, half ealf, neat. • ^o,h1. 1.838. . Irish NnUo'uf Tales and Romances, by Lady Morgan, J. Ban.m and E. E. Growc. 19 v..ls, 12mo. well p/.n ed '" /" J J^ PJ' id uniformly bound in half rrt» morocco, extra. Loni^. 1833. Irv?^ Washington. Onnplctc Works. Last new and eorree ed ^^dii^o," beauUlidly printed^on i),o Hncst tmted paper, ahd bound ■ GSSmphy. * 2 vols: 12iho. and Ath« in 4t.. eUh N. Y iHo^ Krapf,Df. Travels ar,d* Researches in Eastern^ Africa. I Jarjse vol. 8*0. illustrated, half calf, extra. . Lond. 1860. ^ _ kSQ White, Pope, di.d Chaucer's Poetical Works, m 3 vols. lOmo. , illustrated, mprocco^extra, gdt. J!{.\. ^^^^^^^ ^f t f^h- CooDcr Pages *nd #ictures selected from the Works ot J. *cn S're Cooper 1 elegant vol. fine engravings, morocco extra. Kcmp^Mrs. 'Conversations on England, a? It .was and is. 12mo. ^:^;;^ke (?h$,Sd i>y j. T.^eW > ^ ^^'- ^-^ * k;:t;^K^ "-^lA^^iOr..^, and England, K^^{;^e^^^tkfimr2yols.l6;.o.illust.^^^ vols' l'2mo. half calf, extra. Lond. l-8o3. KuSbach" Illustrated Edition of ll^ynard the Fox, a Satirical KMranslateaV Arnold. 1 vol 8Vo. extra, cloth, gilt. N. Koran. (The), commotily called the Alcoran of Mohammed, trans- lated bv Sale. 1 vol: 8vo. half calf, extra. Lond. Ih57. KiSt's^S^ated Cop^mentary on the Old a«d New Testaments, 5A-.ol8. Jmall 8Vo. numerous engravings, fuU calf, extra. Lond. KiZ/'w. Bri4geWater -irbatlseon the Power, Wisdon^and ■f&Tess of 6^, as manifesto jn the Creation of Animals. . 2 vols. 12mo. half calf, extra. Lond. 185 J. , , tv Kelly^M. ReminisceWes of the King's Theatre, and of Drury Lane Theatre. -2 vols. 8vo. half calf. ^Lond. 182b. ^ Kits Popular Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. 1 large vol. 8vo,. cloth. Boston^lHOO. \-,'- .,, , „ ,. , w«,l,o A Keat^; Wyatt, Gray, Collins, and Goldsmith's PoeUcal Work%^ 4 vola Itimo. half ufotpcco. Boston. li. '.'■ .[ ■f I y [ '**■♦ :--■*:.,-■■-.■-' ■;- . 3© ■■■■ ; •: ■ ■ v \ ■ 716 Lamb. Works of Charles Lnmb. In 4 v^ls. 12ma cloth, port, a new edition. Lond, tSS.i.' 717 Loudon (4. C.) Eutvc'oraodia of Trees aiid ghrubs, containing ' ' tiie Hardy Trees and Slirubs of Great Britain, Native and Foreign, Bcicntificn'ly and poiularly described, with engrav- ing,s of nearly all tho *pocies. tjvx). cloth, woodcuts, London, "' lh58. ' ■ ■ '718 Lamartino (Alphonse Do). Memoirs of Celebrated Characters.- New^dition, 1 vol. Tinio. cloth Lond.* 18(50. 719 Latter Days of Home aiid JeruBuIera as revealed in the Apocalypse. " By P. McCawland, LL.D. 1 vol. or. gvo. LQijd.,1859. ■ 720 low (l)avid). Eleineiitsof Practical Agriculture, comprehending the Cultivatiop of PlantP, the Husbaixlry -of the Domestic Ani- • mals, and the Economy of the Farm. Svo. cloth, 5th edition. ' Lond. 1847, . ,■ . 721 "Loudon (J. C.) The Horticulturist, or an attempt to Teac^ the Scipnce and Practice of tlio Cu.turo and Management of the Kitchen.„Fruit, and Forcing Garden. New edition, with numer- . 0U8 wood engravings. 8vo. c'o.h. Lond. 1800. 1 _ 722 X*oudon-(J. C.) EneylopaBdia of Cotta;?e, Farm, and Villa Archi- < . tecturo and Fui-nituro; numerous designs for Dwellingsl, Farna- ' Houses Farmeries, and ot^her Agricultural Buildinm. illustratiJd by more than 200 civgrayings. A new edition by ^Irs. Loudon. 8vo. cloth. Lond. 1853. [ 723 Life, Letters, Journals, and Poems of Lord ByrOn^ In 4 l6 vols. Life, Letters, Journals, and Poems of Lord ByrOn. V l'2mo. clQtb, portraits and Vignettes. Boston, N.D, 724 Lo- Baa (H. i'h,) Dictiounaric EucyclopaBdiquo de rHistbiro de France. T2 vols. 8vo. half calf, neat, numerous steel tplates. Paris, 1840. , i. ■ 725 Lambj^Chas. Complete Works. 4 volagwsmall 8yo. weU pirinted, cloth. Best. 1859. ■". . 726 Lorenzo Dow's HumWQUs Works. 1 vol. 8vo. bottnd. Cincin. ■ 1859. . ■■ ■ ■ - ■ ' //■ '. J ■ 7^7 Liberty, the History of. By Sam. Eliot' 4 vols. iJloth. Bphton, 1856. ■ / , ^ „ 728 Lingard, Dr. History of England, from the Invasion of the/ Ho- ' mans to the Accesaiow of W;illiam and Mary, in 1688. l3iVbls. 12mo; cloth. N. Y. (Lond.) 18G0. - \i " 729 Literary and Historical Issays. By Alison, Carlyle, J#fey» •Mackintosh, Stephen, Talfourd, Seott, and Wilson. In8ivol8. 8vo. half <^lf; extra. N. Y 186L . ;^1 ; 730 LavatcB, J. C. Essays on Physiognomy, with memoir of th^ aUf • . thor. i largo vol. 8vo. engrayings> fijll c^f/extfa. London, ' 1858. ■ ' ' ' - ■' ' ' ' '' ' " '^ ""' " ' ' 731 Lying Traveller. The Surprtsing Advefltures/.^ Baron chauaen. I Vol. finely colored pl_ates." N.jY.,l869. ; 732 Leighton's editiqn of Cats' and Farlie's IMotal Emblems, k . Proverbs. 1 handsome vol: finely illustifatedithroaghout, ^ 'X extragilt. N. Y. (Loud.) 1860. // >; - v ^ 733 EawJelptt, F. The (Queens tof England ai^ their Times. 2 ' 'ivo. with fine portraits, fuU morocco, antiq^ue. . N. Y. 1858. m- i:> f . ^-^.di^- -/"'■ - 7 """/• X' '*'• 37 8 ♦ > 743 '7^ ^* 784 Less-Known Bntish PSeti, with Introcl«ctj.ry Essay by OilfilUn. vols 8vti.- full culf, extra. Ldiiil). ISua- 785 LivJnK.Won lers of the Sea, by Dr Hartw,g. 1 vol 8vo. full 6f '"' "^anest wood enj^aving«, half^ll^ f^'^^^)^^ j,^ *7^a TiuUive Au*'. de. Treatise on Klectricity, in ihcory ana irac- 737 taX,MlH.^ Complete Works, in Prose «^^^ Poetry. ;a large vol Bvo. full morocco, antique. lJ08ton,l»0 J. .,„„„„* 738 LWi L • Scandinavian AdvenU.res, during a T^^s.denee qf ^^V*^ T%venry Yea.^/ 2 vols. Bvo. fine illustrations and wood cuts, 730 1^:^ 'c3:^x J^viS™^^ ^" ^"^""^ - 740 L^^nSSr^Jnteir;^' t^ An^cdote^ H«<^cs de n^Amour 6 vols. 8vo. half calf, neat, very rare. Iroyes, 1811. 741 LandoT The W.rk« of- Walter Sav^^gel^ndor. _X^v«ls^royal_ 742 ^^:t:^^Zn, ^^^%^,^B^- fusion offenffravingS, half morocco. XiOnd. l»0'i. Life SVaris, comprising the Rumbles, Spree8,.and AmoursXD^ck Wildfire. 1 vJl. 8vo. with colored eivgrav.ngs, half morocco. •7i5 Te^re'rf'Waiiara lU. and I^uis XIV., and of their Ministers. J*^^ ^Sd brP. GrimboU. 2 vols, 8Vo. li^f calf; extra. London, * <7ifi Lelef Chatfes. Popular Novels and Tales, in IT vols. 8vo. best '^-^ZglVreSLn, copiously A fine set. urn- 748 Lau^Mer^l^rov^ eb,tcely illustrate 1 handsome vol. m rich mcv rocco, extra. N. Y. (Lond.) 186L „ i.„n,lROTne vol 749 Living Wonders of„ the Sea. by Dr. H^-^^'g; . ^ ^'5?'^4"^re^^^^^^ 8vo^ full of fine Avbod engravings, half calf. ^^W^'J^'X^^ 750 L.. E. L. ^The Coftiplete Works, in Prose and Poetry, of Miss Lindon llaretf Vol. 8vo. full morocco, antique. Bo8tl8o9. 751 I& aLicB. S^^^^^^^ of the.Latin Authors, f ^..f «/-'«™™ ^Notes selected from the best Gommentators, by Dr. Valpy and . • Si IS^ete set iVMf vols. 8vo. ff-- ««l^ -^"^ ^"^ .half calf, extra. Exceedingly rare. I^";^\^®^,\'J^ tibrarv ' 752.Latin and' Greek Authors, t'^^^^'^ted.^^f "\ST,rf V^^^^ ^ translated by Eminent SchoUifs. 84 ^Is, haif calf, extra. A . Y. 18«>9» . . :• - . . / ' ■ s .■■/.-:, -■;P;v.' V * 1^ ■ f 1 ^; ^ •1 ■ ■• 1 • *" 1 ■• 1 * * . • 4 1- A 756 Lafonlointi's FaWcB, in Enplinh. 2 voN. 12mo..olotji. N. Y: IPfiOl 761 London, iMiun. ProBe oud Poetical Work*, in 1 largo vftl. »vo. Blicon. BoHton, 18f)9. . „ - . 768 Lonpfollow, Lowell, and others dcfcribed in Homes of Aniorican Authors. 1 vol. fincjv illustrated, cloth, gilt edges. N. Y.^ 1H.»7. 759 Lciffhton's Ueautiful Edition of Moral Emblems, from Cats and 'Farlio. 1 handfomo vol. 4to. illustrated throughout, morocco, extra, pilt N. Y. (Lond.) I860. ', [^ , , , 700 Leigh Richmond's Narrative of the Dairyman's Daughter. 1 voL illuBtrated, niorocco,-extr8. N.* Y> IHCa ^ „ , „ . 761 Lardncr,^61. , o ' 766 L. E, L. The Poetical Works of Miss Landon. 1 large vol. »vo. ' illustrated, cloth. -Boston, 1H53. ,. , ' , „ n* 767 Library of Philosophy, by Cousin, Whewcll, Lewes, and HamHton. 8 vols. 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1860. xt x^ lo^a 768 Leigh Hunt's Popular Works. 4 void, sheep. N. > . 1859. 769 Lamb, Chas. Complete Works. 4 vols. I'Jmo. the best &ud pret- tjlest edition, half calf, extra. LonJ. 1855. _ , ,o 770 £ocke, J. Essay on the Human Understanding. 1 vol. limp. full green calf, extra. Loud. I860. " ,„. v 771 Lisle Bowleg AV. Poetical Works. With. Memoir and Notes bj ' Oilfillan. 2 vols, 8vo. cloth. N. Y. (Lond.) 1855. _ 772 Lodge, E. Portraits of ir.ustrious Personages of English History. 8 vol8ri2mo. full of fine portraits, calf, extra. Lo*d. 1849. 773 Macaulay, T. B. Critical jHid Miscellaneous Essays. \ A neat and complete edition, in 7 vols. 12ino. Half calf. IJ- Y. ' ..s 774 Moral Emblems, with Aphorisms, Adages, &c. Most beautifully embellished. 1 voL 4 to. morocco, extra- N. Yi (Lotidpn) 1860. 776 Mauiidcr's Treasuries of History, Biography, Natural History, &c. Complete in "6 vols. 12nio. Half calf,, neat. London, 1851). 776 MoLeod, H. D. Theory and Practice of Banking, jfnd of Cur- rency. Pricetr, Credit, and Exchanges. 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth. 'Londpn, 1855. , -io ^ •* 777 Mcintosh, Maria. Popular MoraK Tales. 6 vols. 12mo. wiform in half calf, extra, fine set. N. Y. 1864. , ^ 778 Municfi •Gallery. , A Series )of the finest Engravings selected from that celebrated Collection. 1 large vol. 4to. morocco, antique. K. Y. (London) 1B60. ^ ««„ , n -779 Miscellaneous and Critical Essays; By T. B. Macaday. 1 large vnl «vft- Hajf calf, extra. N. Y. I860. •Wj^-f'/ 5o: vo. snn 57. ind !C0, roL oat, aud Ivo. irgo mk- jud. ■ ■* ■ 8vo. ['ton. pret iiaif. toty. . and fully IH60. , &c. 9. Cur- sloth. iform from tique. large 780 .781 782 783 784 785 780 787 788 789 790 791^ 792 793 y '^^ Mu.ay. Homo and CVA^njal LiWary. "l,!;!-:;^^- J^lJS M:tlJ^:TV'{n»f^^Pf Engl-^- ' ^'^' 1^- «hcoK MJ!:^1iiJ^'s.uthcy.andmakspearoVcotnpl^ lu f John lUmW. 2 largo f ^^'^i.^'^^'L-lj, -luJt^ b, Mirth and Marvela; o^ t^Ingo^^by ^^ 795 , 196 797 799 800 801' 802 rth and Marveia or, i.ii« »■■»,"■— .--= , .j, :-Sruik«ha«k. ^ vol. 12mo cloth. Pha^.«jO^^^ Maunder'* Treasury of «f «?P';^ .^"';, J /'tSon, IHM. - Hvo. cloth. London, l«o7. - Hatton. Edi- ' M^^'toicunLlf 'l vol. 8^ M.t»h.»tofVc»ice,...d «h» ''"S'^ "J Y ,Cd.1 1800. ""rvohmbroccOigilt. N. Y. 1801- Milton's Paradise Lost. 1 vol. 8vo. large type, iUustratcd, mofc autiqiiie. N. Y. 1857. ^ \,i«.ntiirc& 1 vol! colored MutiehUsen'd Travels and surprising Adwnlurcs. ^ ' , plates. N,^^f^:.^.^p,,Mio Sydney. Vith his L'^^^ ^'7^"^til vS. » '^ '.nor. ^ V.^^ MaL^^ EssayB, Critical and MiscoU^-.KyV'^;''- X lu 8 voL. 8vo.k5toth. A,N. Y;^18b0. ^ . ^ \'* .' \ 'mi.4w^P^^'''r^^^^^i!^^^ ^^'^ • . i ;: ' _ 5'-. r (J* ;:* 1^; *, *" f„ 1; . 1 1 / If' J ■ '' I lull * # ri .■• --., ■■■■ 40 ••. , :,-■; 808 MiUon'n Paradiflo Lo«*,. 1 toI. 8yo. largo typo, iUustratcd, mor. antique. N. Y. 1857. „ ^ „, t ■• i to 804 Mnundcf'8 Treasury of dcogrnphy of the Globe. 1 vol. 1-mo. hulf calf, neat, iniips nnd plates. London, 1800. 805 .Milton'H ParadiHo LoHt. 1 vol. 8vo. large type, illustrated, mor- antique. N. Y. 1H57. ... if . j 800 Milton's Poetical Works. 1 vol. 8vo. large type, illuTllratod, mor. antique. N. Y. 1859. u i/ 807 Macaulay, T. B. Ilistoryiof Kngland. 5 voU largo type, half calf, extra. Phila. 1801. ,' „ i.''MViwni''- 808 Marryat, Capt. Popular Tales. 12 vols. 12mo. sheep. N.Y. 1W»1. 800 Milton's Paradise Lost. 1vol. 8vo. largp type, illustrated, full morocco,' antique. N. Y. 1857. ^ , • „ xt .• 810 Moral Erablcuis, Aphorisms, Adages, and Proverbs of all Nations. 1 handsome vol. 4to. full of the finest engravings, morocco, extra cilt. N.Y. (London) 1860. „ , • v ' 811 Machinery. Appleton's Dictionary of Machinesi Mechanics, bn- gino Work, and Engineering. 2 very large vols, with 4,000 en- gravings, half mor. v'xtra. N.Y. 1857. , . J /. 812 Munich Oallery. A Series of the finest Engravings, selected from that oelebi;»ted collection. 1 thick vol. 4to. morocco, antique. N. Y. (London) 1860. , • .„ ^ ; , 813 Milton's Paradise Lost. 1 vol. 8vo. large type, illustrated, tnor. antique. N.Y. 1857. , ..« j i » 814 Maundcr's Treasury •( Geography. 1 vol. 12mo. maps and plates, halfoalf, neat. London, 1856. 815 Mrs. Halmanno's Pen «nd Pencil, (Tales, Sketches, and Essays.) 1 vol. beautifully illustrated, morocco, antique. N- Y. 18i)». 816 Moore, Thomas, Complete Poetical Works. In ,1 largo vol, illustrated, morocco, antique. N, Y. 1856. ^ t j 817 - Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence, edited by Lord John Russell. 2 vols, large 8vo. calf, extra. N. Y. 1857. 818 Mechanic's Magazine, Muscurp, Register, Journal, and Gazette of Inventions and Discoveries, fr6m itis commencement m lUZd down to end of 1858. 69 vols. 8vo.; an unusually fine sot m 69 vols. 8vo. half calf, neat and clean, (excessively searce.) Lond. . 1823-1858. „ „ „ , , 1 819 Miscellaneous ancj Critical Essays, by T* B. Macaulay. 1 large vol. 8vo. half calf, extra. N. Y. 1860. _ -■ . - 820 Mackintosh, Sir J. Miscellaneous Works, Critical, Philosophical, and Literary. 1 largo vol. 8vo. talf, extra. Loud. 1851. ^ 821 Macaulay, T. B. Essays, Critical and Miscellaneous, in large vol, 8vo. sheep, extra. N. Y. 1856. „ ,. . ^. . „ 8^ Millhouso, J. EnglisVItalian and Italian-English Dictionary. 2 vols, small 8vo. half bound. N. Y. 1861. . _ 823 Macaulay, T. B. History of England, the 5 vols, m 1. Complete, double columns, large 8vo. cloth. Phila. 1861.^ „ « 824 Moral Emblems, Abhorisms, Adages, and Proverbs from all Na. tions. 1 hands()me vol. 4to. full of the finest illustrations, mo- rocco. extra, gilt. N. Y, (Lond.) 1860. % 825 Maunder, S. Treasury of Geography. 1 thick voL maps .Hiid plates, half calf, neat. Lond. 1856. ^ , V ^ :,^ 41 > 820 827- 828 820 830 831 832 833 83'4 835 830 837 838 830 840 841 842 843 844 845 840 ■847 848 12n)o. iyfjidJy C. Tim .Tnc.»l.lt« Song- nnM^nHad* »f Scotland. Sjttr (WS; w'rth^^ 'h •tJ^eor'H Monthly Uo^lnto, tl!;:;;H;I;uU;.n>.n.i<..^.rn...portrM5.,n^^ ."uny nfWr Works, luilflxtifnd. Lond. lM|»i. r « . mI:...,; T '«• «*•"! *•' ,f"*f "Ty T«;?"- I'^i.ioffood clear tVPf, Imlf calf, ni-nt. W> •. l"'» • ^ i,\.i<. «...p in liiroc tviH'. 1 vol. oulf, extra. IN. T, in.>i. ^ V rs^^Svo l,«t vilUW-n, lar^o typo, calt; neat. I^"»)''- ^^-f' . - ^ Mur Immi.t PrtPCrV A SoUntioi. from tlu^ Pttporn of the Karl of - '^ Sln;h;nont"l(li^5 to 1750.) 3 yuU. 8vo. cuin nc^at London, MoSaHlo, P. Dranta«, and otU Po<.n^ translated by lloolo, : t viiU 8vo enirravini'H, ealf, neat. liOnro nnblished, 12.1.0. old calf, rare. p^"Vl i w K..llv 2 %ol8 Miclielet, M.. History of Franco, translated by Kelly. 2 ^ol8. 8vo half calf, extra. Loi^d. 1844. ,, ,i v ^e*U^ Mon ly Packet of Kvenh.g Ueadlngs, or Young Members of the Et .dish Church. 17 voU, 12.no, ha f calf, extra. Loud. 18.>a M^llCh; s!r J. Critical and ^Miscellancuus Works. 1 largo v<>l. 8vo half calf, ^y;-"^ ^^^.^d. continued by Wallace """^XH: ^5 vols' iS Ih Ufe vig..ette», half cal.; extra. Marshfo.^P^ Lectures on theEnglish Language. 1 largo vol. ■ ftvi.' full calf extra. N. Y. 1860. • M^^gif S; ^VorkvCl^--. Essays,^CVjn.pondencc.y 6 vol8? small 8vo. firained'calf, extra. L"* • s\«38 _ Maunder, S. Scientific and Literary Treasury. 1 thick .ol. MiU^-rSn th^iT«f CK*.. 4 vol. 8vo..b.t edition, half calf, extra. Lond. 1847./ "*- ! II'.: ■r \ \ \ \ 43 840 Mnundnr R. Treasury of OeogranJiy. 1 tljicli imd I»Iiit(i«. hulf ciaoorcrl«l Ktliii- 878 NcwJon of. by Hvo.b»lfo.lf,ne.ll..>"*'^ "«•,,,, Kin,, (!l,«rlc. „o N.™.!;..;, •!* M'r;t:; «„:";'" l* ,,,0. »«. ..,., .d,c wi,. V"'- ''"; 'A"^?\iS' b, W J."."'- New....!"--,— cloth. London, 1«.)'-. ' o vols Rvo. «Wccp. NY. 1858. S84 Ncal'H IliHory of the Pur.ta,, . Sj'J'^"^ «•.?,, ^ .Authority. 1859 ' .... -.-1 / 1«5^- , Tj vjl«,ii.a YouPtf. 1 vol. 8V0. illustrated, traitfl, in.rich in«'0««»v\v?;na H JoV «;lected by WiVs. • 1 1801. ■ , „ i.»„4 nf Vcmoe and the Tempest. ' By N Y. (Lond.) 1800. ii„ Mrs Gatty. 1 Tol lllus'^ 891 Nature. Parabl.^ Irom mture. By Mrs. Gatty tratcd, morocco, extra. .^.^.i"^j ^^^^^ - 892 Natural History, Oeogra^Tiy, V'i ^iS 1852. — ^•'r Maunder. 4 vols. 12u.o «i"*]'.' >f>d i^^^^^^ 893 Nature. Poetry of Nature. Selected ana luu ^ •^^^ "^ 1 vol 8V0. fi^W^T-H.'Sf tv V Jame": G vol-. l2mo. 894 Naval History or Great Bryuu By W. Jam \. fine portraits, cloth. Lond. 1859. M. 805 Kii JomV» Allmnihra IMwm, Klevmioim, Hection*, and iKlaiU of tlin Allmmbrn, from drnwingM tnkcii on the ipot in \K\\ and iH'.n hy tlio Into JuU'il (Joury und Owon .loncn. With a ««m- ploto trunnlatinii of tlio AfMbio Innorintioiiii, and nn idijilorical Ijotioc of tho KingH of ()ran»d», from tlio Conijuost of thiit city by tho ArnbM to ll)« KxpulHion «)f iho Moom, by P. do (JnyangoH. • 2 volit. folio, bound in I. Contoining 101 oUbimttw illu>triition«, 7K of whioU ofo higlily illiuninato*!, and a profuHion of rich wood outii. Hound iiv on unuwunlly rioh nt^lc, by William Miitthowu :^ of N. Y. city» (tho Ilayday of Auivrica.) London, .1 H42. In ' a nout morocca cam). ■ _ ThJH Voliinic' — bound in Fiight Ruinia, and Illuriinnted wifh /different coWrod morocco and yclluui — wa» exhibited nt tho N. Y. IndttMtrial Kxhibition» (gaining tho highoiit priio,) aH a Rpcoimon of the artintio abiliticH of thu lUiokbindt r to ornament hix work without tho aid of tho Knjrravor and Jeweller, on whom of luto yeafH bo haH pridoipally dopsudud, for rich orua- luent. Six months' stcndy and pcrnovcring fiabor wax noct«8«nrynflt. Tim Pnnnm of Wm. ShfinRtone. With Life and Notes, by Gilfillan. 1 vol. 8vo. calf, extra. N. Y. 1854. " ^V> 4 ^JSi^ r! 45 / ' 000 010 on 012 013 fill 015 010 on 018 010 020 021 022 023 024 Old VovU Spoflimofw of tho l««i known llriliNli I'ooti hJilod bydUaiUn. a voU. Hvo. full oulf, oxirn. K.linb. IHJi ^ 0'(fttllimli»n, K. H. Hi«tory of N«w Niitliorland, or, Ntw YorK under the Dutoli. 2 voU. 8»o. cloth. N. Y. |**'^6. OUv«r (Joldsinilli'H W.iikm lulitod by V. CunninKhnni, F. H. '^- * voIh Hvo. Imir wUi«iuo cttlf, tad odgi'B. r.>rlittit and vli;n«ltei. O.utionn. Kdwnrd Kv«r«>tl'H Omlion* and H|)««'chcii,,rf\ hod »na «iliUHl by biniiHjlf. 2d udilion. 3 voU. Hvo. clotli. I'otimi. OHlH.rn, (Uov. II. H.) Plantu ..f Ibo Holy \mm\, %vitb tbtir I-ru.U lui'l Klow.'rs. 8vo. full morocco, ^^^\h odgcH. Culorcl |.laU«i. rullroy, n\ G.) Htntorj' of ^ aw En gla nd. 2 v uln. B vtf. «lot»>- MnoN, Ac. IJoRt. IH60. ', , . , ..« -*- Purncll, ( ;owp«r, an«l Wyatt'a Poetical Work8. S vok IGnio. port!, full calf, extra. Host. lUii call, c*i.r». •"'D*. ,,. , cj _. Popular W.«iii of Dean Tronch^- I'arablcH, Miracles, Kurinoniv I'rovcrlw, iSynonyiuv f n^ BibbWUcvimon. (i voU. cb)lb. N. rrovcnw, nyiioiiji«o» ««%! "....«...>.. .^ -- -■• ^ ui.»^ Footical VVorkH (.f (-tartifeliill, <;ollnH, . llkR afW^r the ConqucBt of Canada. 8vo. full calt, gdt. liosU Privato' Cor>e«pon(l«nce of Daniel WeWcr, odit«d by his son, Flet«hor VVebfttcr. 2 vols Hvo. doth, rortmitg. IJoHt. lMa7. Poetical Works of Edmund S|»«nHcr, with an Essay on tbo late and Writings of SjKjnscr. Hy (I. S. Hilhard. 5 vols. cr. 8vo. loth. Portrait. Uost. 1812. / ' i ,! « Pbiiarch's Lives of Eminent Greeks and Roinnnv the (rnnslation CHlled Dryden's, corrwiled from ihe Grt-ek, and revised by A. 11. Clouirfi. 6 vols. Bvo-full sheep. IJonton, 18.>0. ^ Poetical Works of Thomas Muorc, collected by himself, with a Memoir. 6 vols, bajfrcd morocco, gilt cdgi-s, portrait, lloslon, Perry Com Narrative of ibo ixp.H.-.> nhv. by S'.f William Hamilton, Logic , Metaphysics, and • Philosophy. 3 voli. 8vo. cloth. N. 1. and liqeton. 4 ^ V I^J^' J K '+■ 929 iPop«?jir T«I*ft from the Nome, by O. W. D/went, with an Vjswy on ru|>ular ThI<^ 12IIIO. halfcair. N. Y. 1859; ' 9S0 l'aliii«'r. Mm. ThaStnitf ini Giilltiry, or the Shakopenre SiHtcrhood. 1 f<|>teiiditl Vol. full of the ffiiest portraits. Ric^ rud tnoruoco, extra. : ■ N. Y.U59. 932, Purl raitK The Pooti' GalWy, a Series of Ideal Portraits, to illug- tnto the British Puetfl^ 1 elegant vol. full of' the finest engravings. In cfeen inoroccn, anliqufi style. N, Y. 1861. 933 Portraits. The Waverley Gdlery; or Ideal Portraits, (o illustrate Scott's Romances. 1 elf^rant vol. full of the fiuost engravings, in rich morocco, extra. N. Y. 1801. 934 Purtraits. The Byron Galhry, a series of Ideal Portraits to illuHrat^ . , Bymn'S Poems. 1 elegant vol. full of the finest engravings^ i» rich morocco, extra. N Y. 1861. " 935 Portraits. The Stratford Gallery, or the Shakspeare Sisterhood ; a series of Ideal Portraits, to illustrate Shak^ipeare'a Play*. 1 elegant volume, full of the flneat engravings, in r.ch mor ext. N Y. 186 1. 936 Pi>rlrait8. World-Noted Women, or a series of Portraits nf Cele- brated Women, in all Ages and Nationa. I elegant vol. full of the fin»«t engraving!*, in rich morocco, extra. N. Y. 18o8. 937 Pljilosophy fKthical). Essays, and Criticisms by Sir James. Mackin- tosh, in I large vul. 8vo. calf, extra. Lond. 1851. 938 Poetical Works of Thomas Hood, wilk Life by Sargent 1 large vol. 8vo. full morocco, antique. Bost 1850. 939 PfOverlm, Moral Emblems, Adages, rnd A|>horisms, of all Nations, from Cats and Farlie. 1 handsome Vulume, full of the finest engrav- ing*, morocco, extra gih. N. Y. (Lond.) 1 800. 940 Popular Works of W. M. Thackeray. 12 vols. 12 mo. cloth. New York, 1855. 941 Portraits of the Queens of England, with Biographical Sketches by . Agnes Strickland. 1 vol. large 8vo. in full morocco antique. New York, 1861. 942 Pearls of Wit. Poets' Wit and Humor, selected by Wills, and choicely illostrated. 1 elegant Vol. in full morocco, extra. N. Y. (Und.^ 1861. ^ . 943 Po«tical Works of Beattie, Blair, and- Falconer, in 1 vol. fine lar<'e type, full calf, extra. N.Y. 1854. 944 Proctor (Barry Cornwall) Dramatic Scenes and Poems. Finely il- lusirated. Pull calf, extra. N, Y. 1857. 945 Poetical and Prose Works of L. E. L. (Miss Landon) in one large vol. 8vo: full morocco, antique. Bost 1859. 948 Pi-n and I'encil, By Mrs. lialmanno: a series of fetches. 1 Vol., 4to fidl of fine engravings. Extra cloth, gilt top. N. V. 18.58. 947 Poels' Wit and Humor, sflected by W. H. Wills. 1 elegant vol. k. . full of the finest engravings, and beautifully printed. Bound in *» extra cloih, rich style. N.Y. (Lond ) 1861. 948 Popular Novels. Fanflly Pictures, Agnes de Montfort, the Wllming- . tt>us,(bc. 5 vols, half bound. Lond. 1849. 949 Ptietical Works of William Shenstone, with Life by Gjifillan 1 vol. 8, Piuuma, or the Wandering Soul : a Parable Illustrated. 1 vol. 8vo. full calf, ext. Lopd.1656. „ „..„ , . PoK's Wit and Humor, seleetjad by W. U. Wills. 1 vol. square 8vo. superbly pointed and illustrated. Buutul in the richest style in cloth, ext! Lond. 1801. - Poitical Works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer, in 1 vol. 8vo. fane largo tvpe. full calf. ext. New York, 1^54. , rrocter (JBHriy Cornwall), Dramatic Scenes and Poems. 1 vol. finely illustrated, full calf, ext. New York. 1857. -_ Phiiosophy, Essays, and Criticism, being Miscellaneous Essays of bw J, Mackintosh. 1 vot8vo. half calf, eXt Lofid. 185'. ' P.rt-tical ^¥ork8 of "William !^henstone, with Life and Notes, by Gil- fillan. 1 vol. 8vo. large type, full calf, extra. N. Y. 1854. Piose and Poetical Works of Miss Landon, iu 1 large vol. 8vo. full iiioiocco, antique. Boston, 1859. • ._ Po.lical Works of Thomas Hood, with Life by Sargent. 1 largo vol; 8vo. full morocco, antique. B iston, 1859. Pigoi's biautiful edition of die Moral Emblems, from Cats and Fairlie. 1 handsome vol. 4to.full of the finest engravings, morocco, extra gilt. N.Y. (Lond.) I860. e f aBsr: r:- I A \ ,\ M \ ■•■,;■■. ■ '■ / ■ 48 ■ ^ ■ '•■ ■ ■ . -■'■ ■■ v.: " ■ " ■/■■ ■ ^ ■■, ■ / 9ta PopiiUr Scientific Works on AWr«noiny, Botwiy, Nnturul Thilewopby, 0|>lic9^ Chemistry, Silk, Qlaw, PrObitl.ililieJs ftiid Domeatio Econo' niy^ Jn 11 vols. l2mo. Iialf «-al»; extra. Lontl. 1838. , 974 Poems in Praise of a Country Lift*. 1 elegant vol. full of tUe finest enjjirHvinpB, extra cloth, gilt. N. Y. 1857. 970 Parlor Ho«.k. The Art Album, a series of heautifrl water-color drawings, with poetry. 1 vol. 4lo. extra cloth gilt, lich style. . Loud. 1861. , 970 Pliysiojrriomy. Essays on, hy J. 0. Lavater. 1 large vol. Svo. en- fjraviiijjs, cloth. Lond. 1860. 977 Poe, K. A. Comp'ete Works, prose and poetry. 4 thick vols. 12mo. . cloth. N. Y. 1856. 978 Popular Novels. Thaddeus of Warsaw, Cliildren of the Abbey. Gil liias, Amelia, and Koraanco of the Forest, 6 vols, 12 mo. cloth. N. Y; ,...■.' * ■ 979 Paradise Lost; by John Milton. 1 vol. Svo. large type, morocco, antique. N.Y. 1857. , ,- ^r^ 980 Poetical Works of Samuel Butler. 2 vols. 8vo. large type, full calf, extra. N. Y, 1854. 081 .^. The wme, in 1 vol. illustrated, morocco, anttque. N. Y.1857. . • 982 Pope, Chaucer, and Kirke White's Poetical Works, in 3 vols. lOmo. illustrated, morocco, extra gilt. N. Y. 1856. 983 Pope, Alexander. Complete Poetical Works, 1 vol. 8vo. illusr trated, fine large type, full morocco, antique. N. Y. 1857. 984 Poetical Works of W. C. Bryant. 2 vols. 12mo. well printed, m half calf, extra. N. Y. 1861. , . 985 Picture Series of Story Books for Children. 8 vols. 12rao. in a case, clolh, gilt edges. Lond. 1860. 986 Poetry of Nature, selected and illustrated by Weir. 1 vol. 8vo. fine 'X engravings, cloth, gilt N.Y.I 86 1. . . ^ 987 Popular VV. rks of Hugh Miller^ 7 vols. 12rao. half bound. N. Y;183lFr 988 Poetical and Dramatic Works. of Siiakspeare, by Stceveni and Chalmers. 1 vol. 8vo. morocctf, antique. N.,Y. 1859. 989 Plays. The Merchant of Venice and Tlie Tempest, both finely illus- trated. 2 vok morocco, ext^a. . N. Y.(Lond) 1860. 990 Parables from Nature, and Notes on Natural History, by Gatty. 1 vol. illustiated» morocco, extra. K. Y.1861 991 Pr«Uy Gift Books. Grav'9 Elegy, Ancient Mariner, Wordsworth's .. Pastorais,"Milton'8L'Ariegro,De8erted Village, Gertrude of- Wyo- nvinjr, Dairyman's Daughter, • Eve of St Agnes, and Farmer's B< >y. 9 vols. 12mo. beautifully ijlustraled, »11 bound in red morocco, ' • ■ extra. ' » ' - ' " 992 Popular Treasuries (Maunder's) of Biography, History, Geography, V Natural History, &c. 6 vols. 12mO. half calf. Lond; 1857. \ 993 phifp, U. History of Progress in Great Britain. 1 vol. Svo. illus- \ * trated, cloth. Lond. 1859.^ ' 994 P^ose and Poetiral Works' of L. E. L. (Miss Landon.) Iij 1 large ■ vol. sheep. Boston, 1869. ■ -, . bey.Gir .. ». cloth. ■ lorocco, ' , full calf; ' ---\ ^■-;--,^- antique. » '" - ■■ 1. lOmo. 0. illus- « nted, in ) a case, Bvo. fine bound. 8ni and ; - . . ly illus- atty, 1 sworth's k )f-Wyo. farmor'a J norocco, : ography, *l. ■;■;■■ vo. illus- ••- 1 large pletic 49 095 PkeUcal Works of Roger, and Campbell. In I lai^ vol. 8yo. sheep. 096 pS"woS of Samuel Rogers. Complete in 1 vd. 8vo. full 997 pj:.^3^otrR"oWnt;rns. 1 .ol. 8vo. illustrate, largo type, 998 pS^<:S:S;T:ial'^S^ nitrated, in fine 009 pS^*?aST^ '"«• tvne full morocco, antique. N.Y; 1867. ., mi . » j ' 1000 ScJbmrks of V:d Bryant lvot.4to.^^^^^^^ and beautifully printed on tinted paper. Cloth, extrag.lt. JN. X. 1001 pJ^i^otks of F. O. Ilalleck. 1 vol. 12mo. port, well printed, ^^^^^^ antique. N. Y. 1858. . - /-, i.„ m.. 1 vol. 4to. finely illustrated, extra cloth, gilt t»p. N. Y. 1 8o8. ^ 1004 Paradis; Lost, by Milton. 1 vol. dro. large type, illustrated, mo- 1005 P<^vols. 8V0. W type, ftiU 1018 J-i'^The^'ift vol. illus^^^ in mo.occo, antique. N.Y. 1857. 1 vol. 8vo. with t; *■ ■ ■ .; ■■■ ,'f '■ . ^ . ■ ■ .. .• 4 .;;, (»' ■'.i.- , ■» .- ■-■■■^■■■R: * .■■ t" - ■ . - ■ -' ■ ,_ ••.., ■ t ^ - - " '■-.■^' ■ '-■ ■'"'"- ' ■■ -- -"--- -''-'?" "Ti^!Hi?3iig^' ' ■ , \ ■.■■■■•.■. < ■ '■ ■ - $ '■ £=3C iSS xsssa ■4- , J. 1 1 y . ■ f » - r: ^^ 1019 Poetical Works ot,Rob6rt«SbutheT*. .Complete in 1 large voK.Svo.' Illustrated, Bjorocoo, antique. N. Y. 1867.. ,. ♦ ' 1020 Poetical Worto^ Sit Walter Spott. CJoinplpta k.l large vol. 8vo: Illustrated, i? sheep, extra. Boat 1859. . \ . 1021 ■ — - Th^same llbund in morocco, anfiqiie, rich style. * 1022 Poetical Works of «amuel Butler. Jf52 vols, Bvo. largp type, (i^U calf, , , eitra* N. Y. 1854. ^ f ' ^ " «v 102a •■ The same in 1 voU illustrated,- morocco^ antiqu^. ' N. X. . 1867. V - . .„ ^ -■■':. 1024 Poetical Works of Robert Bums. 1 vol. 8yo..large type, illustrated,r ro'orocco, antique. 'N^Y. 1858. \ 1026 Poetical Works of Chaucer and Dryden.^ 2 vols. 16mo. illustrated,. in, morocco, extca gilt. N. Y. 185'8. ,^ , ' 102ff Poetical Works of W. C. Bryant;' 2 vols. 12m*. well printed, half caff, extra. N.Y.lSttl., : 1027 Poems in Praise of a Country Life. 1 elegant vante, Dryden, Herbert, Hemans, Kirke White, Milton, Pope, Scott, Spencer, Tasso, — — . ' 1.6 vols. 16mo. illustrated, cloth. ,»kY. . ; ■-'',:'' r 1034 Physiology of the SAi— Its Living "Wonders, by Dr. Hartwig. Jl vol. 8vo. fine engmvings, cloth. N. Y. 1861. ^ 1035 Plays. The -plays/ and Poems of Shakspeard, new edition, by Mrs. Cowdeh Clarke. 1 large vol. 8vo. with 60 elegant Portraits, in rich morocco, extra. N. Y. 1860. / 1030 Plays.. The Merchant of Venice, and the Tempest, by Sjttakspeare. ' 2 vols, beautifully il^trated, morocco, extra. N. ¥.1860. 1037 Pardbles from Nalure, and Notes onjNatural Ilistory./ 1 vol. illus- trated, morocco, extra. N. Y. 18OT. ^ 1038 Purley. The Diversions of Purley, byJ. Horno T(^ke. 1 large vol. 8 vo. cloth. Lond. 1860. 1.039 Peel, Sir Robt. Collected SpeecIijBs, the only complete edition. 4 large vols. 8vo. cloth. Ix>nd. 1863. 1040 Popular Dictionary of Science. — Information for the People, by W. and R. Chambers. 2 large vols. 8vo. engravings, sheep, ext|;^ . Phila. 1869. 1041 Philosophical works, by Cousin, Whewell» Lewes, and- Haimilton. « vols. 8vo. cloth. N. Y. 1860. 1042 Queens of England and their Times, by F. Lancelott, Em. 2 vols. .^ 8vo. with fine portraits. Full morocdOj, antique. N, Yj^858. **- > •. -H 'N.Y.^ istrated,- " ustrated,. f tc. .*'*''■'" pe, ilius- , v: MA ■ * . - rated, W . • ■■■' ■: \ beauti- ' ' ■ f^ ISflC. '-' ' * Gowper, n, Pope, i, cloth. V ailton. 9 2 vols. J.858. - » 1 •• ' i - k r 1043 (Jueons of England, their tlistory.add Tinaen, by Agnek Stricklahd.. I vol. royal 8vo; with SfJ %e steel j)ortrttit». . Full morpcco, a»- . iinue.* N. Y. 1801. ;; : "'^ , «> *^ v ' * 1044 Qjiincy (Josiah). Municipal WfOaryot the To^n and City of Boi- . ": ton dttriiw two centuries. 8vo,qloth, plates. Coaton, 1852r- 1046 Bussell (UoM.) ' ]Sorth America, its Agriculture andXJlimate. 8vo. , ,/ cloth, itijips. Edipb. 1837. ^ * -•< 1040 Knres (Hon. W. C.) 'Life and Tinnes of James Madifon. Vol.1, ^ "Svo. sheep, portrait Boston, 1830. ,, " " .' ' 1047 RenncU (James). The Geographical System of Ilerodotus Exami ,^ ' inea and Explained.* 4to. lull of gilt maps $nd portraits. Lrtid", 1800. ' •• ' , - 1048- Ro»delet.(Jeftnj. Trait6 Tliebriquo-et Pratiijue de L'Art do Batir. ' Neaviisroe edition. 6 vols.\4,t6. paper, avoo .deMx;yol. suppjeqaen- tairesettrois Atlas folio, bds. Paris, 1840. , >• ^ 1040 Robert Russell's North America, its Agric^jilturcs and, .ChnWtc.. .Qb- — ^- sorvations on the Agriculture and Climate of Canada, Ihe United> • / States, and the Island of Cuba'. 8vo.clbib, map. 'Edinburgh, ■ ■' ;/■■'''.' 1857. "'■ '"*. ' -'--V ■ v-v.:...: ;.. .- .:'■, ^^ '■ . . 1060 "RevoHition of 1088, Defence ot French Revolution, and other works, ", • by^ Sir J. Mackintosh., 1* vol. 8 vo..t;alf, extra— Lond. 1851, '1061 Reynard 'the E9X, after the/Vler^ionofGoetlie, trans, by Arnoraj«nfld ' ^' illustrated by Kaulbach. 4 el«ff«'n**ol.. dvo.ext«i 'Ctoth; gilt. ",-.:\'\N.Y.1800..j^ >, ■'.'*., ''■.:.Tf':: ■".^- y [ 1062 .R»*>iance and Reality, and oth * . 1 largo 'Bol. 8vo. rail "morbcco^antiqiue." Boston, IftoO. , , 1053 RoUin, M. Ancferit ilistfy of the? Egyptians, etj. ' 4 vols. 8yo. • • large typ*i sheep, extrarPhila.-l 855. ' - -, , . . 1064 Roberjt&on, W. Complete Historical Works* 3 Vds. ^ 8v«>. ' sheep. . \ ,, V. N.Y. « ■ . •■ V * ' : .. ji ■• r ■-,",■ : . - ldS6 Rollin,M.' -Ancient History otHhfl' Egy|>tia^8, etc, 2 vols. large , . , •' 8vb. shpep. Gincin* . W' ' ■ ■ % 1056 Reliques of Ancient' English' Poetry, consisting of Old Historic Bal- lads, vSongs, etc.' CplleCt'sd by Bishop' Percy.' The best 'and * ' # handsomest edition, iii 3 voK 8vo. beautiful' large typ^, in- half ' ' " calf, extra. ^ Edink 1848. ■ ■ » - . ^ ,-, , * 1057 Roman Empire— -ife History and Fall, from the French of SisAondf, '2 vols. l2rao. half oa:l|',, extra. Load. 1836. /^ " „ ,. >jI058 Roscoe, T. Italian Novelists, selected froto the most Approved Au- ' thor?. 4 vols. 12mo.°half vellutQ, (scaisce.) l4Qnd.,1836. 1059 Real Life in London ; orf Rambles and AdVenture^ of Mr. Tal- ley Ho, etc. 2 Ivdls. ;8yo..c61ored engiavings, half calf, extra. ' ■■ ;':'■■ ■.■° Londi .1831.' ' '■' ■ ■■'■]"-}'•'' ' V * 1000 Racy Poetry. Poets' Wit and Humor, selected by Willi and very choicely illustrated. 1 elegant vol. in rich morocco, e4«». N.Y. - , (Lond.) 1861. . \ . vv/ ^ „ 1081 Racy Book. The Travels and Surprising AdVen^ureii of Baron Munchausen. I vol. finely Cdlbre^ plated. N; Y. 1859. . 1062 Robinson, AV. Memoirs otjthe JiexiCan Revolution. ' 2 vols. Syo.' map and port., half calf, neat. Lond, 1^1. . ^< 1063 Reynolds, G. W. 'Mysteries of London^.: »nd. , 1850. . ' '. .. 1067 Runkin, J. Modern Painters, by- a Graduate of Oxford. 41^ y6]». l2mo. in half morocco, extra. N. Y. 1860. * • 1068 Rollin, A. Ancient Hfstory of the Egyptians, Carthagenians, As- B)'rian8, Ac. 8 vols. 8vo. calf, neat. Lond. 1800. 106Q Roby, J. Popular Traditions of Lancashire. ° 3 vols. 12mo. port., Iiulf calf, extra. Lond. 1843. ' . 1070 Rabelais, F. Worjcs, translated by Le Du Chat and others. 4 vols. 12mo. old calf, neat. Lond. 1784. Tlt)7l Robertson, F. W. Expository Lectures on St. Paul's Epistle* ^6 the " Corinthians. 1 vol. naif calf, extra. Lond. 1850. 1072 Robinson, IL B. Memoirs of Sir Thomas Picton, 6.C.B.,- &c/' 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, extra. Lond. 1836. , *. 1073 Reynard the Fox, after the Version of Goethe, translated by Ar-» nold, and illustrated by Kattlbach. 1 elegant vol. 8vo. extra , ■ jr doth, gilt, N. Y. 1860. 1074 Komande and Reality, and other Novels and* Poetry by MissLandon, in 1 large vol. 8vo. full morocco antique.' Bost. 1850. 1075 Rhymes and Roundelays in praise of a Country Life. 1 vol. full of ; line engravings, extra clotu, gilt. N. Y. 1857. ^ . 1076 Rollin, M; Ancient History of the Egyptians, jbc, Ac. 4 vols. 8vo. fatge type, doth. Phila. e 1077 Roberts, D. Sketches in the Holy. Land, Ac. 6 vols. 4to. witii 2$0 fine tinted plat^, and text by Dr. Croly, extra jloth, gilt edges. Lond. 1857. . ' . 1078 Rome; Lectures on the History of Rome^ by B. G. Niebuhr. 3 r vols. 8yo. cloth. Lond. 1852. 1070 Rome. The Comic History of Rome, by G. A. h Beckett.^ 1 vol. 8 vo. engravings, half calf, extra. Lond. 1855. 1080 Ronoance and Reality, and other Talcs and Poems, by Miss Landon. 1 large vol. 8vo. sheep. Bost. 1850. ^ * 1081 Rosers' and Campbeirs Complete Podtioal Works. 1 large vol. 8v|^ sljeep, extra. Host. 1850. \'fi> V ' *^': 1082 Rogers' Complete PoeUcal Worka. 1 vol. '8ro. in full morocco -. ., an lique, rich style. Bost. 1850. 1083 Ract Book. T(ie Travels and Surprising Adventures of BarOn Munchausen. 1 vol. celpred plates. N. Y. 1850. • 1084 Richmond's Narrative of the Dairyman's Daughter, illustrated. 1 vol. morocco, extra. N. Y. 1860. *- 1085 Robertson, W. Complete Historical Wofka. 6 vols. 8vo. best edition, full cal^xextra. Lond. 1851. > 10S6 Rawlinson's Translatidn of the History of Herodotus, in 4 largo «i ' vols. 8vo. cloth. N. y. 1860. . 1087 Rich's Illustrated Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 1 vol. doth. Lond. I860. — :■ ■ j: ■■ ■ :; . ^' :;.- •■^': "■•^ . •;- - '-•; ■ •■ ^A ■1. ;4' 1088 Roffors* and Oarapbeirs OompTete "Poetical Works, in 1 vol. Sto. . aheep. -Boat. 1869. ' 4080- Real Pictures The Art Album, a series of fine water- colored • Drawings, "l vol. 4to. extra cloth, gilt Land. 1861. 109^ Rollin's Ancient History of, the Egyptians, Ciirthaginians, Ac. 4 ^ vol*, half bound. N. t. 1800. 1091 Rogers', CJomplete Poetical Works, in I vol. 8Vo. (Boston, 1860,) In . full moro(jpo; antique, rich style. „r . ' i 1092 Racy Poetry^ PoeW Wit arid Humor, selected by Wills. 1 vol* elegantljf illustrated, morocco, extra, rich style. N. Y. 180 1. 1093 lloberta's Views in the Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, . ^ ahd l^ubia. vols, in 3, with 250 finely tinted engravings, half ■ » mordoco, extra. Loild. 1858. ■ 1094 Rhymes and Roundelajlft in. praise of a Country Life. 1 vol. tho finest engravfrfgs, extra, cloth gilt N. Y^. 1857. 1096 Saturday Magaiine, publbhe^, under the auspices of the Christian V* ^ Knowledge Society. 25 vols, bpond in 1.1, with many hundred ;1 spirited wood engravlhgs. A finecleap set, in half oa}/, neat Loijd. 1833. . ■ ' ',. ;; : 1090 Scott'f Waverley Novels, in 60 vols. 12m6/half morocco, very neat, with"fine frontispieces. Boat. 1859.7 1007 Shakspeare's Works, edited^ with a scropulous revision of the Text, . with Preface, Glossary, dec, by Mary Powden Clarke. 1 hand- ' some vol.8vo. with fifty beautiful portmts, rich morocco, extra. N. Y. 18., 1 101 Sketches by Pen and Pendl, by Mrs., Balraanno. 1 vol. 4to. finely .' illustrated, in extra cloth, gilt tQp, N. Y. 1858. ' -^ ■ 1102 Smollett's rr.) WorkSj vols. 12moV sheep. Nv.Y. 1867.. 1103 Scott (Sir Walter). -Waverley Novels, i» 27 vols.! 12mo. half roan. « Boston. " il04 Simms (W. Gilmore), and others described in American authors. 1 . vol. finely illu8trated,-cloth, gilt edges. N.Y. Ug|69. 1^05 Surenife and Spiers' jFrench-Enllish and English-Frenfeh Dictionary .^ 1 large VotSvo. half .morocico. N. Y. 1^61. ' 1106 Speeches of the Irbh Orato^r-Burke, O'Connell, Sbiel, Grattan, ^ Plunkott, aud Carran, 7 vols. 12mo. half calf, extra. Dub. 1800. Shadows and Substance, by Bennett and Brougb. t vol. 8vo, jnany engravings, cloth. Lond. 1800". • , Souvenir. The Gallery of Byron Beauties. 1 elegant vol. full of the finest engravings, in rich morocco, extra. N. Y. 1880. Souvenir. The Poets' Gallery ; or, Portraits of the Beauties men- tioned in the British Poets. 1 elegant vol. full of the finest pOr- traite, rich morocco, extra. N. Y. 1861. *» Scott's Commentary on the Holy- Bible. 3 large vols, sheep. Phila. 1866. « V • '. ■ ' ,1107 1108 1109 1110 ^^J \ V •#■ mimtmisam I t ir . K.A '-':■' ., . .^ . - <■ 1111 Scott sir WtlUsr. Complete worU 10 vols. 8to. cloth. I'f'ila- . tul A BritUh Eloquence; by Goodrich. 1 largo Vol. 8vo. doth. 1113 Stratford Sery, or tke Shafcipeare Siiterhixid V «o|nPV.78/.J 1113 8^£y,j„i,,7'j^,Hbed Ilmietta Pahner. <«l .plend.d volin , " rich turkey morocco, extra. N. Y. 1889^ ' »» u„ i a nU Scott, W. kmoirs of the Life of Sir Walter fcot^ W J. O. " Lo^khart. 8 vols, in 4. in 12mo. fu calf, ejra ^- ^ mj- 1115 Spectator (The). A new edition, carefully revwed, m e;9l». '^ " 'bvo! moll beautifully printed,. largeat type edition, «hcep, extra. 1118 SoSw. R^ Tl.e Doctor, Ac, tt.o'/ Toh. compljto in I vpl.8T0. curious portrait and plates, calf, extra. Lend. 1880, -Hle6i)le'»KKlioD. half morocco, cxlra. EdiDb. 1867. ?^W,;S fo, TudKn; Hct»«S^.i* . 8 vol.. 12mo. m c«, flUmen 1 vol. 8»«. morocco, jinliiiae, nch stjle. N. I-'B™- 1131 ScSsToct 1*o%Vovk.of^WtW 1 vol. 8V0,. Uu.tr. ' largo type, morocco, antique. JJ**^- 1''°%.^ ^"rJS^ 8»o •1132 Seasons (A, and other Poems. By Jas. Th6m^. V vol. 8vo. illustrated, in largo type, roorocO), antique, ^r ^/«°^^^^^ ^ 1133 Seven Years- ResidlnceU the greSit Pescr a of Nor^ Amenca^ ^^^^ Abbe Domenich. S vote. 8vS. engrat. half calf, cxt. Lond. iaa.f. ^0,- ■■ i. -■f' ' \ -* , ,1. S8 ■1* 1134 Soiitl..,'! ComiJ.toi'o««c«lW«ta.nin«ijiW,ta lug* rol. B». • 1185 ScHlrt'dom'J.il' CL WorKI" I '•'• S'"- '"""•'••'. '" ""* oxtwu Bwt. 1859. '\ .... Jiq? ^^wTpXal Works. ntv«tmtetl by HirHct Poster, nn-l oth*r "'' etinKSsJ, pvoU-iamo. Bnest engraving.. In morocco, 1138 SpidllEnglirfi '-^^T^^'^^-^f^^^^ """**. ■ Voliisauel 1 larRO vo. 8vo. Imlf morocco. «.»•>»'"• , ^^s. liond. 1857. — ' ■ ■ ' " ■ ■ ' ■ - - -'■^. ' ■ ■ 114. At '^4*^ r^^^y'T^J" - '"'*° '"''• "'"■ "'"* ll«'aft:.^vlrCo51WVo.. 6,o..U»t™^^ extra. «o«ton, 1859. , .... : ' ^ ■ lUi'^ ^ The sawie, in morocco, Riitlqne, rich style. . - . 5l4Upani8h Ballaa^bistoricaUnd roinanttc, trans, by LockbarL 1 vol. ^ -%i- • - >- ffvo. Hiorooco, Antinde. Boston, 1861. » . i wul* % S'Uft awainwX Popular Works on Natural llistory.-Ammals Fsh, V^K^^lK^ffi^hr Reptiles, &e; 12 . vols. IJJmo. engrav.ngi, ; ' : i^a bS;^^^ lS;^;Si^TXu.ens^ 1 vol. n.. engravings ' ' 1148 Sj^^n^^pl^^^o^^ •'•; - ■ ;;;; si»'s^^ 1150 S;>SC^ ^ical Works, complete in t vol. Largo 8vo. illus- ■ ■- n^l^^^^^l^^c^^^ .^ vol. 8v.ilh.. • . 1152 syS:^^ssj."ffii^^ J \ hiidsome vol. morwcp, antique. »<»«« n,.1860. ^ • 1153 Spectator, by Addison and^others, complete in 1 vol, Svo. slieep. . 1154 SoS^^tmJiS; ^ti^ mrks. In 1 la^e vol. illustrated, .^-^ . / 1155 8lSSy'^a^*^Vc6mplete.^^l^ V ' 1.56 sS^:^,^^^f^jTr^ '-'' ' svoiltu8trate»«•. ^X «"■ filL. 1 vol. large ttpo, full calf, eilra. N. Y. 1864. nesSpScmen^withMSoS^^^^^ Iniroductory Emfjiby Guaii*n inlurgh, 1800. With 8 vol.. 8vo. full calf, extra. Ed- 1 vol. 8va port. full of fine wood engraving., half calf, extra. N. Y. 1801. 1107 Smilh, 8yd. Critical and Mi«c«llaneou9 Works. nOSS:^P;,^^%^ i vc^avo. ilbstr-t^l. fine large no9 SovKS'iES^ ^ P^^iiJ^ li^^rg^. "«>«'« voT. full morocco, antique. N. 1110 SwnsirR Complete Poetical Works, witl|.a New Memoir and "''. SS^fDissertSion by Oafillan. 6 vols^vo- JeauUful large typo edition, half morocco, gilt ed«e«. Ed»>'>- IS^J; ... _ . 1171 Scot^Sir W. Coinplete Poetical Works. 12 vols. 12mo. with 24 enjrravincs, half calf, neat. Edinb. 1880. . 1172 8ale'?Tnin?lation of the Koran. 2 vols. 8vo. the largest type and best edition, half calf, extra. L6ndon, 1826. ^ 1173 Sovereigns. Uistory of the Queens of England and theirTimes, ^ ■ Uncelott 2 vol.. 8V0. with fine portraits, morocco, antique. N. 1174 Snenser E.* Complete Works, with Obwrvations on his Life and 1174 Spenserj^^ l^e vol. 8vo. fine portrait and^dgnett^^ extra. Lond. 1852. \ , « w~i*~"^ TT U76 Shepherd, W. Life of Pdggio Bracciolini. 1 vol. 8vo. half calf, extra. London, 1837' , , , » n „ui. 1176 Satirical Poem of Reynard the Fox, translated .^X Arnold, with illustraUons by Kaulbach. I vol. 8vo. extra, cloth, gilt. N. Y. - 1177 Stel2g,n. History of the ChrisUaB Church and .the R^a-^ tion 4 vol.. 12mo.\ignettes. Half calf; extra. Lond, 1833. 1178 Sis^idi, J: C L. AnSJ)ryof theFaUoftheRomanE™p,re. 2 t vob. 12mp. vignettes. Half calf, extra. Lond. 1830. ^ -K • / 'F •■K im SfiihlmmoTpcnnin^V. M. ^ »>^m\ Marfn« on M..ufMtatU)n of God toNUn. Ivol. halfcnlf, cxtm. Loikl. I860. , . . _ ,. ^ 1180 8ny, J. B. Trwliw on Puliticul V^ommy, traoiUted by Prln^p. • '2 vok8»o.b«lfcalf,«xlrrt. Ixmd. 1821. 1181 8y H-k-r"'* " '""• VJmo. with engravingB, old calf nuat Lond. UUO. 1183 SoulUoy It. The IVnik of th« Chnroh. 2 voU. 8vo. Inrgo typo cdl- . tion, half calf, ejitr^. bmdon 1824. , . , w .m ,.«.«« ,1184 8u«loni«.' Live; of the Twelve 0.««.r. Tran.latcd by rh<|^"oo. 1 vol. I'imo. full calf, oxtrn. Lond. 1866. , 1186 Shaki^iwe'ii Sonnet*, rearranged and divided, with notw. 1 vob, 12mo. half calf, extra. Lond. 1800. a.v .«,«. THt Ritnon 1180 Sarcent, W. L. Social Innovator, and the.r Schefnoa [Ht. KimoD. ^ ■ Fourier. Loul. Blanc, l>o«dbon, Oirardln, Ac] 18h.o. half c<^ ' llSr ScotSlr ^"%Sal Wor^ with . H^o.olr and Note*. byCiil- Allan, a vok 8vo. large^Sp*, half morocco, gdt edgen. TEd.n- , 1188 8eaT&)'' Living Womlem of Jhe Sea by Dr. Uartwig. 1 voL 8ro.fullofflneengraving», half calf, extra. "•. *• 'J;".'-, „^ ^ , 1180 sSey! «ev. ,1. ifiltory of France, with Ulu»Urtive Ofllaal I'apWi. 1 vol. 8vo. half, calf, extra. I^nd. 1817. ** j .» i p„„u.li 1100 Strickland, Agnes. Livea of the Que«n« of Sco land, iind Eng sh rrince*;-. 'Ihird edition, revised. 8 vols, with or.gma lK)rtra.ts Jl and fine -vignette., full calf, extra, fine tet . »" »\^ . ^«;';; ^.^^^^^ 1101 St. I'ierre, B.V Works, translated by ^l-fe (Stud.e, of Natu^^ Paul and Wrginia, Indian Cottage, Ac.) 2 thick vols. 12mo. halfcalf, extra, Lond. 1840. „^ ., . „ au„ii«„ i vol 1102 Shelley, P. B. Complete Works, edited by Mrs. Shelley. 1 vol. large 8 vo. full calf, extra. Lond. 1854. #i.i„ti& i 1103 Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic Works w th a Memoir of bk life. 1 vol. 12mo. half calf, extra. Lond. 1854. 1104 Selections frorb the Edinburgh Review edited by Maunce Gross. 4 vols 8vo. half oilf. extra. Lond. 1833. . , t. r > _ 1195 SoSy! R. SpecfmUof the Lter English Poets. wiUi Preliminary Notices. 3 Vols. 12mo. half calf, extra. ^Lond. 1807. . 1100 Shakspore's Sonnete, re-arranged and divided, with not««. 1 tOi, 12ino. half calf, extra. Lond. 1860. .- ^j^^-^g^^^-, 1107 Spenser, E. Complete Poetical Works in 1 vol large Bvo. ffne po^ trait and vignette, half ealf, extra. Lond 1852 1198 Strickland, Agnes. The Queens of England, a ser.« of twen^^^^^^^ • beautiful ^traits, with biographical notices. 1 vol. royal 8vo. — :-^-_ full mor. antique. N. Y. 1801. , . i u- \Kr;\\^ «ni1 1100 Select Poetry. Poeto' Wit and Humor, selected by Wills, and " choicer £^^^^ 1 elegant volume in rich niorooco extra. 1200 ShiJ^LiYThi^aiSl 'other Poems, by Falconer, BeatUe, apd Blair, in 1 vol. largo type, full calf, extra. . N. Y. 1854. '^ / ys^ — ■ — •:■ .} % 1401 W,«n.Um.. W. Po«tlc«l Work., wilh Life »ld Not-. \ «>1.8t<». Inri^o tyiw. full culf, ««tr«. N. Y. 1864. }90a Burrey (ft»rl oQ. Hpinwr, (J«y, tna I'rior'. PoMlcnI Woflfc lOmo. IjHlf nior. oxtrn, UwUin. 9 Tob. '%' 1203 8to»v (JotinU, Lit- rikI Uttom of. «dltiKl by hta oob. WW. S^rY. |203 St-jy ^{"^"^^PJ ,,,, Mi««IUn«au. WrilinK., iu all a toU. 8to. cloth. ^ 1204 BtmCiirFloia «m^ Ry \VilK>n Fl«gR. 12 ma cloth. j Hodton, 1857. , , I, » laiiA U06 Htory (Wro.) Poernfu 12ino. clotli. Hoaton, IMO* ,a.it«I»«iI "oO HcScioffl;mn«*..t,«exhlbit«.l in th« In.tltul.on.of t!,«Unlti* m»tc« liy C5. B. (loodrioh. Bvo. clotli. M. 1«W; U07 Sir Jam««Mikinto.h'. Memoir, ami Corr»itoncleno«,oa.t^^^^^^^ *- «on, Urtb*rt .iHtiie. M«.kint.*l.. From iU 2d London (sdiltoo. i ^^ 1.08 Spit (S^lo^^inoco^^^'gi- 8.6:fbll .h.p. por/ 11 voli.8vo. cloth. EdmburKli, 1884.00^ •^» Bolt edition oT Dugald Stewart', work.: 1210 Soutbey (Hobt.) Poetid Worto, with . ^roir of Ibo Au^^^^^^^ 10 vol.. 12rao. full ligbt calf, giU back., marbled edge, lortruil. 1911 Sto\^7iw Njal, or Life in Iceland at ' tbo End of the Tenth ^"^ ^'cLt4 f^™ thi Icelandic of NJ^^Sagas^y «J^-;;7; • D.C.L., with Introduction, map,» and plan.. 2 vol«, cr. 8\o. f 1213 SkclS^andiifune^rUical Wo^ 4 vol.. lOmo. half calf, extra. 1214 sJirSh«k.pcarc, and. Ilerrick'. Poetical Work.. voU. 10.no. ' lialf mortMSCo, extra. Ubston. . „ . . , ».r i q .1215 Surrey (Earl. of). 8lmk«pear.e, nnd Vnnglmn'. Poetical Work.. 3. ^ vol.. lOmo. portrait., full morocco. IJoston.^ _ ^ 1210 Trollop Ta!^ Paul tbo Poik, and Vfih^Jmr: aStory of an Interdict. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth. Loud. 1801. en i.x 1217 TranSl of the National A«,ociaUon for the Promot.on of S.,c ul Science, 1869, edited by Geo, W. llast.ng., LL.IJ. 1 vol. 8vo. laSTriafbyC^S^f^U^^^^^ ^^ 1210 Tl^i K"a^^ift^-I^tical Works, in vol*. lOmo. por- traits full morocco, extra. Boston. ,> , . i i •_ i220 TlSm/s Novels. Virginians, Vanity Fai., Pendcmns, and h.s Four Georges, and the llumonslfl. vols, cloth. N.Y. 1221 Thackeray^ l^pulur Novel, and Tales, in 12 vol.. 12mo. cloth. 1222 ThLfX?'nkory of ti.oConsulateandtJleEmphj<^Franc,«nder Napoleon. 4 vols. Bvo. sheep, extra. Plnla. 1801, ^ _ . , _ 1223 TrencK WorU Lessons in Proverb.. N. T. Synotwm^ B.blo Re- vision, and Sermons. 4 vols. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. 18.58. i I I A J. M" a TOU. 8tO. J2S4 trench. Nof. on lh« Mll«- "nd «!.• MItmIw. liM I^JiL^^:^^^ 8p.cUlor. con,,UU In 2 vob. S»o. .hep. ,• N Y ' '• ■ ' --..-. a n2« Tl.ie'r*, A. Hklo»y o' tK« Fw by Hlivlwrl. 4 voW. in l"-« N. Y.' I80O. 1287 trench'* I'oimlur Workt. ^ T.; Pr^vcriw, 8«nnon», ai 1228 TttU «n«l Sk«lv«»hitl<.n, IrwwUlod, witUNot^f "" ith »>ngrttving«, •hceiN «xtrft. 1 Minwl«i, Bytionynu of N.^ ,.i«lon. vol*, dolli by Mn. IWnmnno. 1 vui. J' •» lien and «K«nn«!". • «■• » — »— » -'.. " « Y iftftB 1520 TrmdiM. Tho Moreb.nl of V.»lc« mA lli« TWil»»t. "V """ isio' t™v.i. i" North .»•' «'»"«' * f «• ^''y%J;s^J- u "*• _ ,28tl Jv'eil'nTsurpriMn^ A.W.nl««. of B^ron Munchausen. 1 vol. ;^ colored |»lftteB. N. V. 18fiO. ^ tT..rtfca« I td. 18lll# 1234 Treasury of Ocogranhy, by Maunder nn.1 ITu^l*. 1 td. IXBlor ,nAi>H and platet, half Cidf. I/)nd. IH.»». , k„ uwUncarc 2 1236 Totn,4«t (Tho), an.l the Merchant of ^omce, by S mV*pe«rc a vo\.. bJa^ti/ullv illu«trate.l. morocco, c,tr«. ^^ JMI-ond.) 1800. ^ 1 ,ol. 4to.«tr« ololl.. gill, rich rtjlo. '-""J- ,'»"• „ ,,_, ,„|^ • 1230 Tlioory .nd l"rnclic« of Hnnkinff, by It U.MnclMd. aiargo vol.. '^243 Sd, T. N. Critical and Miscellaneous WriU.^. 1 vol. Svo Sheep, extra. ^ J.^/^'.^f^^J; ,,;th Life and Notes hv Otlflllan. 1244* Sils and Surpri\ Adventures of Baron Munchatisei,. i Vol. Colored plates. Newark, 1859. J 14 -4»* . ^S li - TTSr ■*■ . . . ■ . . ■■ .■ ..".•. . ■ .'"■.: ■' -*, " " ■ / ■ -;•:,-..■■■,--; . '"t^ ■ ■■■ . '■ '" /'' ■ ■■ ■■'-;■■;■'- / r : •.lr '■■ > li ' 6 «? w J 1 : .• 1- -■.,'■ -..♦•.S', Cloth.. Philadelpbia, ■I I I I J IN II. I 1..JIII " ~~:^^ ( 60 1246 We. and stories. By (Jbarie. Dickens. 16 vok 8 vo. Illustrated. 801. t^ 124fl Thackeray, W.M.'Poturar' Minor Noveh and Talcs.. (Book of ^' ' KL, I&^ DiarvJMen's Wives. Mr. Jro^n's Utters P«n^^^^ Prize Novelists YelloUlush Papens Fit* Boodles Oortfesslons ' ■ Pari. Sketch Book,Al Ac.) The 12 vols, in 6. 12mo. half calf, extra. New York, 185Sk ... j 1247 Thompson, R. A. Chritlkn Theism: the testimony of reason and revelation to the fexistehce and character of the Supreme Being. 2 vols. 8 vo. half calf, extra. London, 1866. . ■ .1248 Tales from the Spanish, original and translated. . 1 large vol. 8vo. en- cravings. Half calf, extra, London, 1810. .^r. r.^ \ 1240 Tragid Tales. (Coningsby, Lprd Brokenhuitit, Dawy, and Fitz Owen.) 2 vols. 12mo. half ialf, extra, (very rare.) '^"aj^ao. _ 1250 Thoresby, R. Diary aid Correspondence. 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