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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont film^s en commenpant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol —^ (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols -^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN ". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent 6tre film6s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6. 11 est filmd d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche h droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 S 6 'cr V._^. ■■) -^--5S?yr;r3si--~-\-x-*t£9«*--ife*. BLODGET'S PLAN OK TIIK BATTLE ON THE SHORES OF LAKE GEORGE, 8 Septk.mhek, 1755. REMARKS MAOK BErORB THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Makcii 13, 1890. BY SAMUEL ABBOTT GREEN, M.D. Sraitb a jFapBimtlr of tijt )|Ian. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. Slnitornttg ilttss. 1890. ■ BLODGET'S TLAN BATTLE ON THE SHORES OF LAKE GEORGE. At a meeting- of the MASsAcmisETTS Historical Society, on Thursday, March 13, 1890, Dr. Samuel A. Green called attention to an early engraving, of which a fac-simile of the exact size is herewith given, and said : — Dining the summer of 1883 a bound volume of " The Boston Gazette, or Country Journal," running from April 14, 1765, to December 29 of the same year, came into the posses- sion of the Historical Society. The file had once belonged to the Rev. Dr. Abiel Holmes, for many years the Corresponding Secretary of the Society, and beai-s some of his handwriting ; and it was given to the library by his son John Holmes, Esq. In the copy of the newspaper for September 15, there is a reference to the battle between the French and the English on the shores of Lake George, where General Johnson de- feated and captured Baron Dieskau. Attached by wafers to this particular number was a rare engraving of the battle, showing the engagemenv of the froops on each side, and giv- ing a plan of the English encampment, with the position of the various regiments. The original drawing was made by Samuel lilodget, — present at the time as a sutler, — which was without doubt fairly accurate. It was engraved on cop- per by Thomas Johnston, a native of Boston, and at that period an artist of some local repute. Subjected to the tests of a modern standard, the work would be harshly criticised, but, making due allowance for the improved methods in the art of engraving during the last century and a half, it is on the whole creditable. An advertisement in the Gazette, December '22, in this file, gives the date of the publication, and other inter- esting facts connected with the Plan, as follows : — THIS DAY PUBLISH'D, And Sold by Samukl Ui.odoet. at the South Eud of Iio$ton, near tlie Sign of the Lamb, and opimsite to Capt. Smith's. A prospective PLAN of 2 of the Eiigagemente the English had with the French at Lake- George, ou the 8th of September 1755 ; exhibiting to the Eye a very lively as well as just Representation of them ; together with Part of tlie Lake, the Camp, the Situation of each Regiment, with the Disad- vantages attending them : The Appearance of the Canadians, Indinnif and Regulars, as they made their Approach to tlie Brest-work ; the Form of the Land and the Enemy ; together with the Advantage they had in tlieir Ambuscade against Col. Williams. As also a Plan of Ifudson't- River from New- York to Albimy ; with such Marks as will be of great Service to Navigation : Likewise the River and Waggon Road from Albanyto Lake-George ; together with a Plan and Situation of each of the Forts that have been lately built. All which is carefully and neatly struck off from a large Copper Plate. N. B. There will be Sold with each Plan a printed Pamphlet with Explanatory Notes, containing a full, tho' short History of that impor- tant Affair from the Beginning to the End of it. ^- The above Mai', together with the Pamphlets, may be had of the Printers hereof. According to this advertisement the Plan or Map was pub- lished in connection with a pamphlet, of which, fortunately, there is a copy in tlie llisturical Librury, tliough lacking the Map. A coinpiirison between thewe two publications shows beyond all doubt that they bjlong together and explain each other, as figures in the one refer to corresponding numl>ers in tiie other. The Map, probably, was folded and fastened between the first and second leaves, as there are marks of stitches at tliis place in the copy. The pamphlet is bound up with others, once owned by the Rev. Dr. Jeremy Bel- knap and given to the Society by his daughter, on March 11, 1868. It is a quarto in form, containing five pages of de- scriptive matter, besides a page of " Advertisement," . and is entitled : " A Prospective-Plan of the Battle near Lake George, on the Eighth Day of September, 1755. With an Explanation thereof ; Containing a full, tho' short, History of that important Affair. By Samuel Blodget, Occasionally at the Camp, when the Battle was fought. Boston ; New-England. Printed by Richard Draper, for the Author. MDCCLV." Samuel Blodget, the- author of the Plan, was a trader in Boston. He has an advertisement in the Gazette, Dec. 10, 1759, by which it appeara that he kept a shop in Marl- borough Street, where he sold English goods, sugars, hats, etc. He gives notice that " Officers and Soldiers who have lately been discharged, may be supplied at the lowest Price, till their Muster-Kolls are made up," showing that he still had certain relations with the army. A sketch of Mr. Blodget is given in Potter's " History of Manchester, N. H." (pages 525-537), from which it appears that he was born at Woburn, on April 1, 1724, and died at Derryfield, now Manchester, on Sept. 1, 1806. At one time he was a Jus- tice of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas for the County of Hillsborougii, and at a later period the projector of Blod- get's canal around the Amoskeag Falls. See also Chase's "History of Haverhill" (pages 621, 622) for another account of Mr. Blodget. Thomas Johnston, th.' cnRmver of tl.o,.li.Ml in Itoston, on May H ITfi". He wi\s iin iiitist of lesi.ettiihility, luul Jiad pra.ti.o(l UH un lu-mhlic j-aintor. " Th. Honton KvoninR- I'oHt," May 11, 1707, has the foHowiiiR notice of his tleath : — L«Ht FrLlay M..rning .lie.l lu-n, Mr. rhomu. Johnston, .lapunner. I'ah.ter and Knffrav.r. after u Muat iil..e«H, having beon Hei/.ed with hi. Apoplectic Fit a few Days hefore. In the list of ante-la-.. ^I'-.tionaiy p.iDlications given in the second voh.n.e of Thomas's " History of Printing " (second edition), it is said, on page .ViJJ, that niodg.fs " Plan is rarely met with." A cording to Sahin's - Dictionary of Books re- lating to America" (vol. ii. pp. 231. 232), an edition of the pamphlet was hrought out in London, during the year HoO, l,y T. Jefferys. --«i •J c^'^ ' -/!".''-•<'■>'> i-f*^>'-» i^i-" -.'.;;». **-:>--•. ■■'jS«v"' !ir" ^* ^Ji*'. ^ - '^r*!f= )'^^': ii'.t^i. i^.Tfi "v^A ■/■ ^^ i • ^^ ^ *^^ A ^a^^iP^DH P ^^ :*:,Kii:ar ".f--'x>j|M> > '^™-' wScJi "^-T^ ^F^^^f la^r- .. _^- ju., 1 ♦-• ^ 5v ■ "^^' i^iKsJ^*" ■*•**'■ MO a: ' a---jt.^T*!^^BWW ^4- ■ __^,.^ ; aM> ^MaiiBi' M i^Ss^SidbpJl^yjIA^^'^CB ^^ m P p-i'-ij*- i ^yy^iwSw^fcfc .iff /i >>- ■'^■s, .»- ,^.J u ,/^ ^/i^m^iH!JSS.^!^0anJ9imfSn.