REPORTS OF Tni; Canada Consolidated Gold Mining Company's PROPERTY AMI OX 'inE ^/^'/ OF ITS 0\^\'-^ ■ ' ' ■ ' AT - DELORO. ONTARIO. r-1 ■y-- ■■«fc>i. •f~'0: ■■ ,■ ■ '\\- y,-< ;>•, ,*'■ % i::''-''iM': Y-K > . ■ ■■ i-,i*^^*i"'^'v'^^"^ c^;„vuv.-.aA ^ u,c REPORTS ON THE PRESENT CONDITION OF THE Canada Consolidated Gold Mining Company's PROPERTY AND ON THE ' TREATMENT OF ITS ORES AT DELORO, ONTARIO. NEW YORK: MARTIN B. BROWN, PRINTER AND STATIONER. NOS. 49 AND 51 PARK PLACE. 1883. REPORT OF RICHARD P. ROTHWELL, SUPERINTENDENT. To the Trustees of the Canada Consolidated Gold Mining Company : The present condition of the company's property is as fol- lows : No work has been done by the company on any of the numerous small veins. The main vein, which has not been worked since July, 1882, is opened to a depth of 170 feet, and the pay chute over a length of about 750 feet by shafts and levels aggregating about 1100 feet in length. The ore in the vein certainly exceeds an average thickness of eight feet, and probably will run very much more than this. The quantity of ore in sight is sufficient to supply the present works for several years. The mines are in a position to produce 100 tons a day. The double engines and boilers for permanent hoisting-works — to hoist from two shafts from a central point — are on the ground (the boilers being included in the chattels sold), and the friction-drums are being made in Pennsylvania. The tram-road, with its iron cars for taking the ore from the mines to the mill, is in good order. The concentrating mill has a proved capacity of fully 100 tons in 20 hours, crushed to a maximum size of 1.^ mm. As much as 7 tons an hour have been put through. The roasting is done in a continuous operation without handling, in two revolving cylinders, which have a proved capacity of 10 tons concentrates per 24 hours. This is equal to from 40 to 50 tons of ore (varying with proportion of sul- phtarets in ore), or about one half the mill capacity. The chlorinating and filtering capacity is about 10 tons per day, or the same as furnace capacity. To increase the roasting and chlorinating capacity to 20 tons per day, or to the possible mill output, Avould cost from $15,000 to $18,000. The entire cost of treating 50 tons of ore per day is given as follows. In this I have counted wages at $1.50 per day, which cost us from $1,25 to $1.40 ; and wood at $2.50 per cord, while we believe it can be purchased in winter and delivered for $2. I have also added one man per shift to the mill, and one to each shift in the roasting and chlorinating, more than are necessax'y for the Avork. Ako, the quantity of wood is based on the consumption of green wood, mostly basswood, which has recently been the only wood at our command. Ebtimatk op Cost (based on actual work done) of Milling, Roasting, CULOniNATlNO, ETC., AT DELORO, OnT. Fifty tons per day. LOADING AND HAULING from mines to mill (one sliift, 10 hours)— 8 men, at $1.50 each %i m LN. B.— Wlien mines are worliing, this will be done by two boys.] oil, repairs, etc .jO PER DAY. PER TON, CRUDE ORB. $5 00 $0 10 MILLING (one shift, 10 hours)— 7 men In mill, at $1.50 each $10 50 1 foreman, at $2 2 00 1 fireman, at $1.75 1 75 1 engineer, at $2 2 00 4 cords wood, at $2.50 per cord 10 00 Oil, repairs, etc 3 75 $:J0 00 60 BOASTING (10 tons concentrates pt-r 24 hours)- 4 men, hoisting, feeding, etc., at $1.60 each $6 W) aflremen, at $1.75 3 50 Half time of 2 foremen, at $2.25 2 25 1 fireman (steam at night) 1 75 6 cords wood, at $2.50 per cord 15 00 Oil, light, etc 1 50 $80 00 60 5 CHLORINATION, PHECIPITATION, ETC- 8 men at $l.r)0 $18 00 Half time of 2 foremen ' . . [ .,25 ChemiHt "' .'^... "'.".'.'.""'' 300 Chloride lime, 550 llw., at ac per lb 1100 Sulph. acid, 000 Ibw., at d>,c per lb .'..] 15 00 Assay materials, precipitants, light, etc .........!..!"" 435 $47 50 $0 85 Office expenses, superintendent, repairs, etc 12 50 25 $2 60 Mr. Koerner, then Acting Superintendent, reported the actual expenses during the last week in November, as fol- lows : TiiK Canada Consolidated Gold Mining Company, I Deloko, Ont., January 26, 1883. ) To R. P. RoTUWEi.L, Superintendent : Deak Siu : Below please find report in reference to the last week's work in Novem- ber, after which the frost shut us down. I may mention that the putting in of the rolls and repairs of old ones occupied from October 30th to November 21 st, so that the week before the frost came on was the only week for work I had : Loading ore ^gp Oq Mill expenses 168 00 Furnace expenses (including chlorination) 78 00 Cutting and hauling wood "" ]0» 00 Acid and lime 110 00 Ttr u- u ^^^"^^ Macbme-shop tir 00 $050 00 Though the last item does not strictly belong to it, as it was on other work (con- struction account). Number of tons put through the mill and concentrated, 270. After the above week's work, the frost shut every thing up. Veiy truly, F. KOERNER, Acting Superintendent. The total pay-roll during November, is reported by the treasurer at $3655.01. The above was so much of it as applied to treatment of the ore during the one week's run. These items amount to $2.41 per ton ; adding repairs, office expenses, superintendent, and all other extras, esti- mated very liberally at $100 during the week, and the total cost v.ould be but $2.78 per ton. The above figures are believed to be perfectly safe, and, as justified by actual work, many of the items are even excessive. If but 40 tons of fcrude ore produced 10 tons roasted concen- trates, the total cost of treatment would be about $3 per ton- The mill has treated, since it was started, but 800 tons of crude ore, a portion only of which was concentrated. The following is a statement of the result : Roasted Ore. Total Value. Average Value Tailings. Total Value Tailings. Net Gold Obtained in Solution. Per- cent- Tons. Average Value PER Ton. age Ex- tract- ed. 16Ji 47 59 $20 14 88 69 55 58 24 11 $337 29 635 50 2,611 m 1,422 49 $2 63 2 t8 2 67 1 41 $1 95 45 21 not 144 04 59 67 97 16 78 91 $292 15 579 93 2,514 67 1,344 86 86-94 91'24 96-28 94-54 142^ 1 6 26 $85 19 45 21 34 21 24 11* $5,007 11 45 21 205 11 *fi02 7*. $277 68 45 21 assayed. u $4,731 61 94-80 174>^ $5,860 18 Each ton of these tailings was assayed separately. Sum- marizing, we find that the chlorination which at first yielded 86*94 per cent improved as work progressed, and especially as the ore was concentrated closer, until it reached 96 28 per cent as the average of 47 tons, having an av^ oge value of $55.58 per ton. It will be noted above that one ton by some oversight was not chlorinated (probc.oly was badly roasted, as was sometimes found to be the case before the second furnace was built), and was thrown out in the tail- ings. Omitting this one ton, the average of 142^^ tons assayed ♦ Estimated. 7 gave an average value of $35.20 per ton ; tailings, an average of $1.95; percentage extracted and obtained in the liquor, 94-50 per cent. This is considered highly satisfactory for the commencement of work. In addition to the above 1431 tons, of which we have the assays of both ore and tailings, there were assayed and chlorinated six tons, average value $34.21 per ton— total, $205.11, but of which the tailings have not yet been assayed. Also, 25 tons chlorinated, of which no assays have yet been made, but which are estimated to aver- age the same as the preceding 59 tons, namely, $24.11 per tou' There are also 67 tons of roasted ore on hand, which may run the same as the 59 tons last assayed, but which, for greater safety, I count at $20 per ton, and 18 tons raw ore ready to roast, counted safely at $15. There is also a quantity of dust in the chambers, some ore lying about the mill, etc., all esti- mated at $250. The whole summarizes as follows : 174J4 tons chlorinated, contained $5 860 18 67 " roasted, not yet chlorinated, estimated at $80 per ton 1,,340 00 18 " raw ore estimated at $15 per ton 270 00 Dust in chambers, ore about mill, etc, estimated 250 00 Total. $9.65 per ton of crude ore milled, or $7,720 18 From the above we see that, after deducting the heavy losses always incident to starting new works with men who never had any experience in the work, there have been obtained in the roasted ore about $9.65 per ton of crude ore. The loss in concentrating has been heavy, though we have as yet no exact measure of it — not having the means to do every thing we desired or considered necessary. We have about forty-five tons of crude arsenic on hand. This I had analyzed, and find it contains about 97 per cent of pure arsenious acid. This is remarkably pure, and, with refining, will produce a very exceptionally valuable product. This arsenic has a present net value of about $20 a ton, or fully $1 per ton of ore milled. When re-sublimed, this net value will be nearly doubled. 8 The above results may be summarized in the following table, which shows a fair estimate, based upon actual expe- rience, of the profits obtainable in working this ore : Pkr ton Cbudb orb. Net amount of gold per ton of ore ns mined, which is obtained in roasted ore, that is, after deducting losses in concentrating, handling, roasting, etc . . $'J 65 iion has been and might have been lost. One or two of the tanks had been lined with very thin lead, and others with very poor Icarl, througli which the solution wo uhVeat holes and thereby a loss would occur ; all of which was repaired as soon as discovered. Tiie rubber hose, which was used to convey the solution from the filter to the col- 15 lecting tanks, was very poor, three-ply pipe. It would crack and holes appeared in it. I asked for some other, better, explaining the great neces- sity uf it, but it was never supplied. In regard to the assays and sampling: Every 200 pounds was sampled and the samples from each ton assayed (duplicated). By referring to the assay- book, you will see that in some cases the duplicates disagreed greatly on account of coarse gold: an average was taken, of course. That average might have been too high or too low in many cases. Mr. Santa Maria's assays were done by mixing three tons together (samples), which I do not think would give correct results, as they were in the richest concentrates containing coarse gold, and would differ considerably. These would make the results of the assays differ from tlie bullion extracted. I have been, during my stay here, under orders from yourself, Mr. Koerner, and Mr. Loveridge, which in many cases have conflicted with each other, placing me in a very undesirable position. I have endeavored as far as possible to have the approval of one of the above-named to every detail of working I have undertaken. Yours respectfully, (Signed) WILKIN S U. GREENE. CHEMISTS' REPORTS UPON THE PRECIPITATION OF GOLD FROM CH.LORIDE SOLUTION. R. P. RoTHWELL, M.E., Superintendent : SiH : Having examined the sample of gold solution from chlorination of ore, received from you February 3d, I will endeavor to answer the questions there put to me : First. Whether sulphureted hydrogen will precipitate all the gold free from other substances, and at what cost ? (The question being raised wliether the ordinary reagents precipitate all the gold from this particular solution, it was obviously inadmissil>le to adopt any of them as a standard, and it became necessary to resort to evapora- tion, smelting, etc., to destroy any supposed peculiar combinations, however well convinced /might be of the reliability of these reagents ) I precipitated a sample of the solution by sulphureted hydrogen, and obtained gold amounting to -0682 gram per liter. I could obtain no more gold from the solution, and concluded that the precipitation was complete. This precipitate is practically free from foreign matter, except a little sul- phur, which separates after the gold, and helps to collect the latter. The quantity of sulpi.ur would be greater if the solution contained more iron and free chlorine. The cost of this method is difficult to estimate precisely, but it need not be much greater than the method by sulphate of iron, perhaps no greater. 16 Second. "Does charcoal filtering very slowly take all the gold out?" After filtering a quantity through charcoal, I liave not found any gold re:;iaining in the solution, except traces proportionally insignificant, and up to a certain point fail to detect any. I have not been able, in the time allowed, to determine, even approximately, the limit to the power of tlie charcoal to remove gold, etc., and this limit will depend greatly on the com- position of the liquid at different times, on the amount of iron, free chlorine, etc. Third. ' ' Do you know any thing which will cheaply prevent the lime, etc., from precipitating when the gold is precipitated Ijy sulpliate of iron ?" I tliink of notliing practically applicable, at present. Fourth. "Does sulpliate of iron precipitate all the gold from this solu- tion along with or without lime, etc. ; also, after filtration through charcoal, should there be any gold unprecipitated, will sulphate of iron then precipi- tate it?" If sulphate of ironfalls to precipitate the gold under these cir- cumstances it must be due to. some cliange in the condition of the solution, or of the state of combination of tlie gold by the charcoal. It is liighly improbable that any such change can occur as to prevent the action of sulphate of iron, and to determine tliis point definitely it is necessary to continue the filtration until the al>sorption by the charcoal ceases to be complete, and then test tlie action of sulphate of iron. I have not had time to continue it so far, but on adding a minute quantity of chloride of gold to the liquid after passing through charcoal, I obtained the normal result. By precipitating a sample of the original solution by sulphate of iron, I obtained gold amounting to "0685 gram per liter. I have been unable to find gold remaining in the solution, and conclude that the precipitation is omplete. I consider the quantity obtained as identical with that obtained by sulphuretcd hydrogen, as the sample used was only a fraction of a litet (100 c. c), and the error in manipulating this quantity of gold might amounr to the difference, which was less than one twentieth milligram. The action of sulphate of iron is, first, to color tlie solution purple with finely-divided gold. Aft'jrward, esp'jcially when agitated, the gold aggregates to some extent, and the solution loses its color ; finally, a little sulphate of lime sep- arates and subsides with the gold. If the solution is not slightly acidified, a little basic salt of iron will separate also. Fifth. "Do you know of any other cheap method of getting all the gold without lime, etc. ?" A solution of protochloride of iron, made by dis- solving scrap iron in muriatic acid may be used, and will precipitate the gold without lime, and, I think, in a state of great purity. The cost of this would be probably about the same as sulphate of iron. Very respectfully, WILLIAM E. GIFFORD. 17 University of Pennsylvania, | West Philadelphia, Feb. 13, 11 p.m., 1883. j R. P. RoTHWELX., Superintendent : Dear Sir : You sent me about 1^ liters of liquid, said to have resulted from the chlorination by the Mears ijrocesa, after a previous roasting of the Canada Consolidated Gold Mining Company's ore. By your state- ment this liquid contains per liter : Arsenic acid _ 3 600 Hydrochloric acid ^ 5*880 Sulphuric acid = 0-800 Lime = 0-900 Ferric oxide = 0110 Gold = 0-057 It is further stated that, upon adding ferrous 8uli;)hate to this liquid, an unmanageable voluminous jirecipitate will form, and that this pre- cipitate is gypsum, containing the gold. A Iso, that a preciijitate of lime and magnesia suli^hates will form, when sulphuric acid be added alone to the liquid. A sanijile of such ijrecipitate was sent me. You propose the following questions : 1st. How can the formation of the \inmanageable precipitate be avoided ? 2d. Does this precii^itate carry down all the gold with it ? 3d. Which other precipitant might be iised, so that it would not take down any impurity with the gold ? In order to find answers to these questions, the following experiments were made. It may here be mentioned that a larger quantity of liquor, BO that one liter could have been used for each test, would have lessened the error of manipulation ; but, even as it is, the results are quite trtist- worthy, and enable us to base technical reasoning thereupon : First Experiment, — To500cc. of the liquor were added 10 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid = 1-73 gr. of sulphviric hydrate. From a burette was dropped a solution of 1 crystallized ferrous sulphate in 10 water. After the addi- tion of 3-6 cc, the yellow color is completely discharged, and at 4 cc. the liquid fills with brown jirecipitate (gold). No precijjitate of gypsum was noticed for thirty minutes, but next morning, when the liquid was quite clear, gypsum had crystallized. It was all brought upon a filter, no more water being used than necessary to clean the beaker-glass. After ignition it weighed 0-663 gr. It was treated with aqua regia and precip- itated by HaS. The ignited precipitate weighed 36-3 mgr. Packed with borax into a paper, it was fused to a button, flattened upon the anvil, and weighed 34-5 mgr. of fine gold. By the equation (AuCls)^ + (Fe SO4). = Aua + (re.S30,a)3+ (HC1)„, -392 gold require 1668 parts of cry St. iron suli)hate; 34-5 mg. Au therefore 34-5 x 4-25 = 146-6 mgr. In the above 4 cc. there are contained 400 mgr. of sulphate, nearly 2 -7 times 18 the required quantity. It will be noticed that this experiment yielded 69 mgr. of Au per liter, against 57, as given in the analysis. Sulphide of hydrogen added to the filtrate gave no browning, but only opalescent yellow after a few minutes (arsenic). Second Exjm'iment. — To 250 cc. of the liquor was added from a burette a fresh saturated aqueous solution of hydrogen sulphide. The yellow color disappears after the addition of 1 cc. Then a brown color appears, and at 4 cc. the color in reflected light is nearly black. Stirring vigorously coagulates the gold sulphide. To be sure of a sufficiency, 6 more cc. were added — 10 in all. After thirty minutes, the liquid was still very brown in transmitted light from numerous floating particles ; only 50 cc. were passed through a filter (filtrate absolutely colorless and unchanged by more than H-iS) ; the bulk was left standing over night, to see how far a complete settling would take place. In the morning, after fourteen hours' standing, the liquid was still brown, nearly as much as the evening before. Settling could not be relied upon, and filtration is necessary. After collecting the precipitate upon filter, (double paper always used), it was washed with about 40 cc. of wuter, containing a few drops of dil. HCl. By ignition obtained 20 mgr, fused to a button with borax and cleaned by flattening, weighed 18 2 mgr, equal to 72 '8 mgr j-ier liter, against 57 mgr of the analysis, and 69 mgr by previous experiment. Third Expm-hnent. — To 250 cc. of liquor added first 3 cc. of dilute HCl. (1 in 10); then the O'l ferrous sulphate from a burette. After the yellow color x is faded, a dirty white flocculent precipitate begins to form, which rapidly ass.imes a deep blue purple color on addition of a second cubic centimeter. The end of the reaction can not be noted here as well as in preceding experiments. But since, in Exp. 1, 4 cc. had been sufficient for J liter, I added here 2 cc. for J liter. The greater part of this precipitate settles rapidly ; the liquid, however, retains its jDurple color from suspended particles. Consistency of precip- itate is very fine, compact, flocculent. After four hours' standing, the liquid was as purple as after the first half- hour. It filters very easily through a double jiaper. When all was collected, I washed with about 50 cc. of water ; then I filled the filter with 10 cc. of 0-1 hydrochloric acid (cold), and a yellow liquid ran from the filter, while the latter cov- ered itself with brown gold. Washed once.'then put on 10 cc more of O'l hydrochloric acid, and finished by washing with 50 cc. of cold water. Ignited precipitate and ashes weighed 19*2 mgr., fused to a button weighed 18 '8 mgr., the highest result of the three experiments. I am not certain that this button Avas quite fine ; it may contain a small quantity of arsenic, and it will yet be assayed for purity. But certainly this trial gave as much gold as the hydrogen sulphide. I attribute that mainly to the nature of the vehicle inclosing the gold and leaving less 19 chance for a mechanical loss, sticking to glass surface or passing through filter-paper. In the acid filtrate from tlic gold I found — Arsenic acid —■ 0-0588 gr. Ferric oxide — 0340 gr. Calcium sulphate = 00G5 gr. We have here the atomic ratio of AsjOs : FcaOs = 50: 4-25, that is, a true basic iron arseniate, mixed witli about 7 per cent of gypsum. This is the composition of the precipitate I anticipated when you wrote that it was chiefly a mixture of lime and magnesia sulphate. This observation is of con- siderable scientific interest. We iidve here a true iron purple of cassius ; that is, this purple is not a chemical combination of stannic hydrate and gold, but a mere mechanical mixture ; it requires only an enveloping white flocculent vehicle to bring out the metallic gold with a purple color. I reserve the right to make a public announcement of this observation. The precipitate can only form in a perfectly neutral or Jicarly neutral solution, such as your liquor is. By these experiments, I believe that the two first questions have been satisfactorily answered. But of this anon. It remained now to determine how thorough, ly each precipitant, the gold will be removed from the solution. A solution was required as nearly as pos- sible like the one in question, containing a known quantity of gold. Accord- ingly four liters were made of such a liquid by the analysis, although there were some grave douljts regarding its accuracy. For, if we calculate the acids and oxides as to their combining weights, it follows that CaO : AsaO. as 3'8 : 1"1, as 4 : 1, which is chemically impossible. The ratio should be as 1 : 1. This was proved by the fact. Solution: 12'2 grs. of white arsenic were oxidized by aqua regia, evaporated to dryness, 60 grs. of marble-dust dissolved in IICl, and boiled so that a residue remained; 7"2 gr. magnesium carbonate likewise. 0'3l gr. metallic iron oxidized and evaporated, and 5 cc. of the dilute sul- phuric acid added. When the iron and arsenic acids came together, they precipitated, and HCl had to be added to maintain solution. The gypsum dissolved completely in 3 liters of water : 240 mgr. of fine, precipitated gold were then dissolved and mixed with the other ingredients, so that the whole measured just 4 liters. In one liter there is, hence, 60 mgr. of gold. The color of solution is light yellow, not the rich brown yellow of the solution you sent. I do not know at present the cause for this difference, unless it be the greater neutrality of the latter, caused by the pressure in the chlorinator. This must be the cause, because, with my solution, I could not obtain the purple precipitate. The following tests were made : Fourth Experiment. — To 500 cc. of solution were added 3 cc. of con- cent, hydrochloric acid, and 10 cc. of 01 ferrous sulphate. Did at first 20 not socin to precipitate ; but 8taiulin<^ over night, a brown sediment was oliservecl. Filtered and waslied witli 40 cc. of water, and 3 of TO IICl. Ignited, weighed ;il8"» mgr. ; fused with borax, the buttou weighed 27-7 instead of JJO iikji'. Fifth Ki-pei-i7netif.— To 5(H) cc. of .solution w(M'e added 6 cc. of ferroxiH solution and no acid whatever. Liijuid bcciune colorlcHs when 2 cc. had been dropped into, and brownish turbid when 4 iiad boon added. Total equals 6 cc. Aftcn- waHhing with water without acid, the ignited precipitate weighed HO-Omgr. ; fused with borax, the button weighed 27-85 nigr. Si.rth Expei'iineiit.—'Ho 500 cc. of solution added 5 cc. of fresh satu- rated chlorine water. The mixture smelled very strongly of chlorine. Upon the addition of 4 cc. ferrous solution, color disajipeared. But even after adding 40 cc. of fcrrons solution iu all, no turbidity was visible. Stood twenty hoii?'s. Now the gold could be seen among the crystals of gypsum, of which about O-,") gr. had falhui out ; it dissolved in 250 cc. of water. Ignited, the precipitate weighed 304 mgr. ; the button, fused with borax, weighed 28 4 mgr. ' The jiresence of free chlorine, nor the addition of large excess of ferrous sulphate, interferes, therefore, with the i)reci2)itation of the gold. Seventh Krjmriineiit. — To 500 cc. of solution, at a temperature of 10** C. were added 6 cc. of fresh saturated solution of HjS. Precii)itate does not coagulate so rapidly as when previously the teini)erature had been about 17** C. It stood twenty hours, had settled comijletely and filtered well. In the perfectly colorless filtrate, HjS cansed no coloration. Ignited, the preciiiitatc weighed 38 8 mgr.; the button, fused with borax, weighed 29 85 mgr., instead of 30 mgr. Eighth Experiment. — To 500 cc. of solution added 6 fc. of chlorine- water and 14 cc. of solution HjS, was allowed to stand for two hours, then filtered, the great bulk having settled in flocculont state. Precipi- tate ignited gave 34.4 mgr ; the fused button weighed 29 15 mgi". instead of 30 mgr. NoTB.— There Is rcaHoii to believe that a loss occurred in the fusing operation. Now, it seems to me clearly proved that sulphide of hydrogen precip- itates the gold completely (Experiment Seven), and that the purple pre- cipitate gave a higher result even than the suliihide of hydrogen, which I only attribute to the mechanical condition of the precipitate. Sul- phide of hydrogen takes down no impurities if applied in proper quan- tity, which is best done when water is charged with that gas. Acid is required to make HaS and acid also to decompose the purple. The latter offers better guarantee against loss, and reqiiires no special appa- ratus. It will work with your solution, this is very neutral. If not more of the iron saltis atlded than necessary, no gypsum of any con- sequence will fall out. Any workman of average intelligence can readily 21 Tip trained to perform the w -)rk. L(>t him tiike a liter of the liquor after the latter iH thoroughly mixed in tlio tank. Have the cojjperaH dissolved 1 in 10 water, and let him add from u burette until the purple forms, then lot him pour some of liquid upon a double filter, and try with HjS water, if a browning occurs ; if not, he has added enough of the iron salt; if, thou he adds a f(iw drops more. This operation will not take more than ton minutes. If now the iron solution bo in a cylindrical tank, with a .rod in it graduated to one quarter liters, he cau let in the proper (piantity into the precii)itiite tank without any troul)le. To decompose the purple, you use warm one tenth sulphuiic acid, and less acid will be required than if dry hydrogen sulphide be generated for the purpose. I do not advocate this plan as a i)ot one, because the sul})hide of hydro- gen is equally good, but recjuires the attendance on a special api)aratus. Shotild you decide upon the latter method, I Avould advise the use of satiirated water, which yoii get by fitting a good-sized iron stovepipe, barred inside and outside twenty feet high, filled with coke of nut size, over which the water trickles against the current of the gas. If there be no free chloi-ine or only little, six liters per 500, or twelve jjer cubic meter, will be quite sufficient. But the attendant will have to test a liter exactly as before with the iron solution ; and good stirring is retpiired. If yoii desire, I will furnish you with a detailed diagram and measures for the ajjparatus, as I should build it. But you must let mo know the daily production in liters. To do any thing with the roasted ore, I have noi, had time to attend to that yet. I shall continue, also, my experiments from a scientific stand-point, operating with larger quantities, to get a ; et truer value of ferrous sulphate versus HaS. Your telegram asking for my results to-day Avas received at noon. But having to attend to teaching duties, I could not ^vrite down my notes. Yoiirs truly, Geokge a. Konig, Ph.D., Prof, of Metallurgy. P. S. — No elevation of temjierature was made use of in any of thoi experiments. The action of SOj was not mentioned, because it acts with satisfaction only at the boiling-ijoint. The filtrates were always tested for gold. New Yobk, February 7, 1883. R. P. RoTHWKLL, Superintendent : Sib: Fh'st Sdviple. One ton of liquor equal to 31 "7 cubic feet of liquor, contains, according to evfl()oration lest, 194 ounce gold, equal to $40.19 (equal to 22 66-5 gramH gold per 1000 kilos liquor). By precipitation with sulphureted hydrogen, from crude solution, 2 ounces gold, equal to $41.34 (pqual to 68 56 grams per 1000 kilos), can be extracted. Second Sample. One ton of liquor gives 2 '19 ounces (75 '07 grams) gold, equal to $45.96, by precipitation with sulphate of iron ; and 1'95 ounces (66 '84 grams) gold, equal to $40 30, by precipitation with sulphate of iron from a boiled solution ; and 2-43 ounces (equal to 83-29 grams) gold, equal to $50.23, by jirecipitation with sulphureted hydrogen from the cold solution. Slight inconsistencies above to be noted, are to be placed to the account of "limit of accuracy." OUSEIIVATIONS. 1. Sulphate of iron does not precipitate all the gold, especially not if tlic solution still contained some fioe chlorine. Evaporation test showed gold still present in precipitated liquor. 2. Beltling and filtration are very slow, perfect filtration almost impossible. 3. Cost about the same as sulphureted hydrogen. 4. Gold is mixed with some lime, but more alumina, and product is difficult to melt. 5. Sulphureted hydrogen precipitates the gold perftctly, quickly, and in a floccular state, making filtration easy. The gold is pure sulphuret, with possibly a little sulphuret of arsenic, and easily smelts to pure gold. After filtration, the solution can be saturated with sulphureted hydrogen, and thus a heavy percentage of beautiful sulphuret of arsenic (auri pigii.ent) obtained, which may possibly pay for the entire operation. Test in filtering through charcoal and electrical test, and estimate of cost will follow to-morrow. Solution contains but very little lime. The alkaline earth is alumina. (Probably as a lime, iron and magnesia alum, or even arseniate. ) The analysis shown must be wrong. In sample No. 1 the percentage of gold is but 0-006 per cent ; in sample No. 2, 0-0075 per cent ; while the French analysis calls for per ton of liquor. Very respectfully, MATHEY & RIOTTE. New Yobk Feb. 14, 1883. Sib : I have just completed the experiments with the gold solution, and the ijossibility of precipitating by electricity. I made two trials. One to collect the gold on the anode pole in a bath of mercury, and another to simply precipitate in the solution. S3 The first trial gave results that were very accurate, but too much time was required. The little gold amalgam was easily handled, and the solution needed no filtering. The second trial was made with a porous cup and platin wire anode. The gold was quickly precipitated, but the collection necessitates fil- tering, or decantatiori and filtering, and the gold is in a very fine state. Taking the different methods, I should say that the choice fell between two— precipitation with sulphureted hydrogen (generated from paraflSne and sulphur), and by means of a dynamo. The plant for the first is very inexpensive, the cost of sulphur and paraffine nominal, and the possibility of making the by-products (realgar) profitable good ; filtering easy and perfect. The cost of a dynamo is at least $1000. Eunning cost very little, but filtering and collection difficult. I should counsel you to make a trial with sulphureted hydrogen before all others. Very respectfully, E. N. EIOTTE or MaTHEY & ElOTTE.