\ ,^/ maiE Emigpant iXlechaniG, — AND OTHER T^LES IN VERSE, — TOGETHER WITH- NumeroLis Songs upon Canadian Subjects, -HY- TXIO^vdl^^S COTXT-HEnX?, THE BRANTFORD TiNSMlTH RHYMER. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, BRANTFORD, ONTARIO. JACKSON, MICH : DAILY CITIZHN BOOK AND JOU PUINTING HOUSE, 1884. 689oS / c (S u. ♦— ^ r' ' V. ^y -!m^--' PREFACE. The Autlior of tliis voluino does not fi'i-l iiiucli apoloijv iioc'(.'ss;ir\ tor its piihlicatioii. though tlic world is alii':id\- lloodt'd u ith R!i\ inc, upon almost c\(.t\ c-oniti\ anlc sul)jcct, and most of it ot' a \i.'i\- nu'dioeiv charactLT. Th()ulest ranks in lite, and .^oiuL;- to m\ t rade at the eommeui-ement of m\ /r siiiiif of thf l of his il;i\ \s;is iii'L'dt'iil, \i/., "to kc'tp tlii'ir (.ffiisiniis tor ,s<':vy/ ycii/s,'"' 1 cm s;i\ triiK most ot" miiu' have liccii Ui|)t lli:it pniod iirarU tour liiufs ovff. I would not \\;i\c i\)v rc;idLT im;i'4iiU' th;it thf\ liavi- iic'C(.'ss;iril\ iriowu l>ctti'r In hi'iu^r on tlu- slult"; -till this lias afforded an opjxntnnitv t'of polishinjj ihiiii U[) in some nH'asmi'. I ma\ t'nrthcT sav mv " I'^ni^^rant Mechanic" was ncarU Df ([uitf linishid hi-foie Mr. MiLathlan's " ICmij^rant '^ was pnhlishc'd, and hcforc I had e\iT hiard of "■TIk' { . II.," a heautifnl and \cy\ intei'estiiiL;" l".miL;raiit poi-m li\ Mr. Ki-ths, of NiaLfara, M\ warmest thaidwiii;ii I). Hrantford, Ontario, Januarv, |SS_(. CONTENTS. Tin: I'.MH.KA \ r Miaii.wu : l'\r, iJn.'k 1 5- 14 Iiilrndiu liuii. l!iitli|il.ii I- (if the Mci li;iiii( . Alllii linn ut llu (au\ ily. Di-atli 111' Mnthir ;inil two Sistirs. I;illii r'> m i .mil iii.mi:ii;i-. I'.iiiiilv triKlilii'li. N' llicni^'lits anil iVrlinijs in viLraiti l>> it. I'larts \i>itiil: C'rossllnvaili.-, I lulrrlianinv, I.aKi- \\ imli riii -ic', Kslhwaitc. Itiiiili'iil^. I'orllf TasUs. I'oiuliisinn. IJiM.k II 14- JJ .\ililrr» III OiiMicstic Hli:.>. It> it\lliu-nrf mi S('iii'l\. I'rinripal sniini' friMii wliicli it s|ii'int;>. \ i/.. ' nniunal iininri. I.iitlilullv 1 lur i>luil. An a|i|n il 'o l*.ni-tit> a.nil l.awuivirv on tin- >iil'if( I. \\ II. mam's tiainiii); iinilir il> intliunri'. Dillii iillir- in |iii)rui in;' a tradr. Siuct-ss .it last. Krlliitii)ns un. anil tiuiiiir.ii;t iintil^ In, siiih Irailes. '^l■ll1|)lalion^ aiul trials. .Xniiilntfs. .\p|Ka! In .\Iaslirs ami otluis. Narrow rsrapi' IVoiii a lul-lliroal. Imirl sliip anil its riinsri|iu-nrrs. C'nni Insion. li.x.k III 2.V- .^2 llolidavs. Tlu' Srlioolho "■^ anliri|'atinMs in rc^janl to tluiii. Improper use niaile ot" s'lili limis In -niiii' apprrnlii rv. l-.vil lonsfipii'ni'f of llifir rmiilurt. An Appial to tluiii on llu- Miliji rt. 'I'liu sail t;iU' lit" yoiiny Dayiourl .\ililriss to Liquor. Its r\il-.. Wji.i.iam's lioliilay ramhiis. I-.tlliir's Uirtliplacc. 'I'rajfir si inc llicri.-. h'arkton Knot, (ilanir liaik to (iraiullallicr. i ti-. loin-^ 'ri'inperani'L' movciiu'nt. \'isil of a man Iroiii I'anail.i. Ili'^ account of iIr* country. Its consc(pii-iici->. W'lia iam's t.i^lc in books. Uural raiilliU's on business, Ut'tlcrtions on crucltv to animals. IU'trospcc'ti\L* irlancc. Conclusion. Hook IV . 33- 41 .\iUlrcss to tin* Sacri'il Scriplurcs, ylancinj^' brictU at their \ arious ixicllincics. WiMiAM bcriimcs a C'liristian. His ri'ct pliiin into a church. DitVcrcnt \ic\vs of thintjs alter conversion. X'oici- of Nature heard in (iod's praise. Wonders why Man is so baik- ward in this. Discovers reasons in Man's inbred cnrruplion. temptations, etc. Salvaticm all of (irace. The b.uuibliny nature of this truth to Man's pride, but the security it affords believers. Its effects on him. Fresh Love-trials, t'onseiiuent resoliuions. Sabbath morning walk. Church bells. \'isit to Farm-house. Family worship, (jlance at what England owes to prayer. Sunday- School teaching-. Other exercises on that day. Their influence on him. Prepares to einignite. Parting scenes, etc. Embark at I-iverpool. \ I I ON I I.N l>. Hook \' \2- 51 Aililrrs-. til I'liiillturir. Ktlli({r;ifits ri'.ii li llir M.i, I'lirtuill l.i I'.nul.iiiil. Wu.l jam's t'in|iliiMiii'iil>' oil Imanl. Slnnii lU-i lilnd, Ui Ml li II. ink- lit Nru I°iiiiikII;iiiiI. I'i'uuy Wia'lur. Irilnins >.iin. I.ariil -nil. Iliiiiyi.iiit'- jiiv. Nliip -|ii>krtl. t'rii>- (tiill nl St. I.ii« rtni r. ICiitfi UImt. Siiiury, I'-tr. .Nrrivr bituri' t|iiitui-. Til MoiitriMl. Thi'iui' liy OtI.nva in Kinu-lmi. I lutin- tn ll:iiii ilton. Si'ltli- near Hr:iiitl"i>ril mi .1 Itu-li t.inn. SliitI- lor lurnitiirr. William's narrow I'svapc licmi iK.illi in li'Kuintt. Hi- nli-li i.l' Uiisli sitflitii anil -iMinil-. W'.inl- ,1 roMi{iaiiiiin Ui'MjInlioii- loriiicil ami ki |it. Kiinark- inriili nl to it. i'oiuhi^ion. I'x.ok \I 52- 64 Adilress to Hiiral Lite. l.ouKinif Mri iIi'miIIhiI. TIh- Ii.i-i. If. Wit.i.lAM's thoiijTJit* anil iiiiploytnfnts in .\iitiiinn. 'I'lif .\iitiiiiinal irarl) ol trei's. Ui'llntion- ronmitiil tlnn witli. Tlii' raiiiil\"s Saliliathilay I'liiployiiifn;-. liruiiiiiinn ol ilun haul- -liips. WiiiiAM liavrs till' luivh lor villaiji' lilf, ImiI -onii rtliini-. I'.itlKr's narrow isiapf IVoin In inn rni-luil. Wiiitrr I'liiployini'iit-, I'ripaiations lor -ii;;ai' ill ikini;. I'roi is- iliMrilitil. Siiuarir-' Soii^. (.'oiitiusion. Hook \"1[ 64- 7S .\ililriss to .Miiiiory. Sprinn tiiiu' ilc-i ril'iil. riioii);hts ami l.iii- lii-s lonnt'itud with it. Hiiilil a lot; liani. Spriny tiiipliiyiiiint.s. Ini'itasi' ol' trials. Wiii.ixM'.s -ii kntss. III- -oiiy on Chris- tian Warfare. (Jooil to hiMi-iH IVoni il- roiiipo-illon. I.iavrs ISn-h lor villajif ayain. TinkiTs in llu' roiiiilr\, 'rhouyhls ami tW'llnus in loniifrlioii with it. I'liailus in pulilic iiiiiUr piriiliar I'imiinstanrrs. Introilni ril lo his rnlinc lathrr-in-l;iw"s I'amilv. N'isits tlii'ir lioiisi-. lii'i i-ptlon. Disiription ol" his I'lit'iri' will' ami sisters. .Xncrilolc. Idiiinunivs Imsiiuss. Visits the Sl.itis to Iniy tools. Tikis Niagara in his way. Si'cncrv ahim I.rwis- ton. l-'irsl -iyhl 111 liapiils. Ofllir I'alls. Sonij to tluaii. ton. rhision. Hook N'llI .- 79- y-! Aililriss to Ilopi'. Its lii'iu'lils lo Wil.l.iAM. (.'oiiiiiK'mrs Im-i- nuss. Manmr nl lonihirliny; it. 'Ihinks aya.ii ol Matrimony. Shop ilfsrrihi'il. ImonvinirniTs in it. .\n imiiUrit. Disrourayi'- incnts in trailc. C'oinpi'nsation lor thcni in visits to his iiitcmUil. .\ rmthir ^lami' ol hir. riic hiiiiic proviiU'il lur. .Marria^f. .\ pii|) at their home aftcrwanl. Koneil to leave it. A seioml I110M-. .\ I,ove"s pledge. Iinminenl peril of the wite. l'nha|)py conilition ol lirsl-liorn. Church matters. \Vii.i.i.\m'.s trials Irom Temper, etc. C'ontimied success in business. Tinsmith's Sonjj. His lonf^ sickness and support under it. DutituI conduct of .\pprintice. Wife's seltsacriiices and matrnnlv man ifjement. Cooi'EK's jrratitude to her for it. Continued I'oetical predilictions. \'isits with his wife the Falls of Niagara. Family increase. Troubles in church affairs. Excommunication. Fresh church connection. Troubles arise afresh. Death of wife. William's himent. Conclusion. ION I KNTS. \ II \ViIli;im and AiiK'li.i 9,^- M\ (Jjir.liii - I■>" ■•>/ vr 1'- 46- 4N- 49- 54- I I '1 "J > » 4" 4^ 44 1^' 47 49 5" .SI ,S- 54 55 55 5<^ 57 6S Murder Will Out, or the Power of Conscience 13S- TiiK F.Miiii iL Pastok: Pt)ok I 169-204 IJook II 204-240 \ III K)\ri;.\is. M IM 1. 1. 1. A MOOTS P()i;.Ms: l'A(il., U'liiu and litT Pi't Laml) 241-J44 To a \'lt\ Tall Simtlowci: 241.-24^ Hirtlalax Th()ii<^Iits and Aspirations 24^-247 Soiijf to the Lily of tlic X'allcy 247-248 ''Daisy, I Have Sou-ht for Tlicc" 24S-249 The ChaiiDs of juwc 2.^9-2^0 To Dr. I. ay cock 2^0-251 Vo Mr. Cc/tr/i?<7'(/, from Dr. Laveock. 2^1-2^2 To Ml. JaiucsC — t 2^2-2^3 To the Christians of IJrantford .... 2S}-2^t To the Same... 2^^-256 X'erses Written Imnicdiatelv after Keadint;- lloraee Smith's " Baehelor's Fare". ... 256-257 Stanzas on the I'\'arfnl Strii^ole in I^nrope, 1.S5.1 25S-259 Lines Written on the Moinin<:^ of the Dreadful Fire. Mareh 9, iS:;| 259-260 '1%) the Re\. J. W. and his IJride 260-261 .Stanzas on hearing" an Anetioneei (|iicte Seriptnre 261-262 Winter's Ravai^es; An Aj)j)eal 262-26.1. A Canadian Xalional Soiii^ 264-265 A Call to the Soiree 266 An Address hy the Memhers of the Institute at the Soiree 267 Alcohol's Anaij^nment and Doom 26S-269 To Mr. James Woodvatt 269-271 On hearinj^- of Dr. O'Carr's Death 271-272 Stanzas sii;j^<;^ested h\ the Railway Accident at Desjardin's Canal 273-274 To the ^Memory of Dr. Laycock 275-276 Soiii;- of the Canadian Cradler 276-277 Stanzas to Rey. J. H. IloxyanI and Family 277-279 (jniml)linos .. 279-280 \'erses on the Railroad .Accident near Copetown 280-282 A Tribute to the Memory of Rey. Thomas Fa\y- cett 2S2-2S3 A Trflntte to the Memory of Mr. Richard Folds 2S3-284 To the Ilnmming IJird 2S4-2S5 .^j. ^.-.s^iS^?i*i».^^ CONTKNTS. IX To till' Saiiu- - I''irc' Snll>r Till- I'iii' Aliirm _ My Old Arm Chair A Triluiti.' to tlif HraxiTs ot' m\' Cousin, Mi^. '[', A. Cow hold _ Canadians' W'tK-oiiK- to the Prince of Wales.. IJraiitt'ord's Wflconu- to the Priiui- of Wales, 1 860 . A Call for Help to (iarihaldi Lines suoirfsted h\ .Vczc I'ork Trihiiin'^s Ac- eoimt of Liiuohrs Departnri' tVoiii Sprini^lield for Washington "Sumter has Fallen, hut Freedom is Saved!'" SoiiLJ, '"Mn I.o\e is no (Ja\, Dashinj* Maid''.. The Sewin;^' .Nhiehine .,_ Tahhx and Tihhv . . Lines Composed at Mr. MeF^aitx's, West Mi;- souri I■^\MII.^ PiKc i;s: Lines to iii\ Mother To in\ \\ it'e To the Same. ... To my dear little Rovs, James, Christopher and A I i Ve( l._ __ To Alfred To Amelia To Frederic 'I'o mv Dauijhter Ida To my \^'ire on the Thirteenth Aiiiiiversar\ of our Weddinjj^ Dav . To the Same (Twentv-fifth Anniversary). To the Same (Thirtieth Anniversarv) Faieto\vn read Cope- town. Pai^e 2S1, ei;4"hth stanza, third line, for "ere the day's dawn," read "ere dax's dawn." And next stanza hut one, first line, for "in ever\ car," read "■ is every car." l*a^hts and feelinj^^s in ret^ard to it. Places visited: Crossthwaite, L nderhanow, Lake \\ indermere, Esth- waite. Incidents, poetic tastes, etc. Conclusion. My harp awakes! And as 1 touch each strinj^j, The poor Mechanic ICmij^rant 1 sintj. Kiji^hteen eventful years, or rather more, Have tied since first he left his native shore- That nuich-lovcd shorel that dear old ICnglish honiel So oft regretted since first led to roam. My Muse, 'tis thine to J^ixe in artless la\s, A j^enuine history of his earl\ days; Make known the place where first he saw the liji^ht, Portray the scenes which pleased his boyish si'j^ht, Laifold his parentage, and backward trace Their line, descended from no common race; S})eak of his eagerness to learn a trade, Mark what proficiency in that he made, (jiance at his love scenes, and a lesson show, Which youths in general would do well to know. Fail not to tell how, in his eighteenth year. TIIK KMIi.lJ.WI MIAIl.WU lie (lid, ;is Clirhtlan^ ptiM'ulv appt-ar. Make known the cause tliat led him lu^^t to fei-l A stroiiLj' de'-ire to seek his tiiture weal. In emigration to that distant shoie ^Vhel■e How t' one wlm li\i.'nthi iL;lit, with tlu' t"ull(.'st sliai ( )t its attfudants, constant toil and cai\! TIk'sc' ott, tiion^di poor, in hont-sty may \ ir With most ot' those w ho hold their heads s( ( )t' this laiLje class \onn}^ L'ooi'iat's parents To oeace ineliiu-d. thev heeded not thi' stir ln;4h. w ell.' ; W M nils laiLje ciass \onnj^ \_(;()i'i.i! s paienis I'o peace inclined. the\ heeiled not thi' stir rVhich pi'oiid Amhition's Notaries create To n'ain sneh olijects a- their pride may sjie. I'^er since tiiis lather was a litlie ho\ , Hard ont-door lahor did his hands emplov. The mother, too, to work was earl\ tan;L;lit, And take deli;;ht in what her liands had w roni^ht. This hard\ trainiii\n\ laid aside For maiu weeks; thus soreU was he tried. ^\non their pet, a lo\el\ infant, died, And she was laid h\ her dear mother's side. Such teart'ul strokes, to one in po\eit\, \\ ere hard to liear, as all ma\ clearh see. I5ut this poor iiK.n, all strong- in holv taith, Was led to take a jjioper \ iew of dealii — ICV-n to re<4ard him as an euenu (.'on<[uered In Ilim who died on CaKarv — And \ iew his lo\ed ones hut as <,rone lu-fore To Canaan's blest and trulv happy shore I Old 1 1 8 IIIK IMI(il{ \N r MIXIIWU. Kre \i>n,new apace, .And thouLfh still vounjr, wore oft a th()n<;htful face. IJ\ nature studious, and of readv turn, lie needful tasks most eai^erh- did learn. And heini^- iiu|uisiti\ e, 'twas jiis desire On winter nii^hts, and 1)\ their frut^al tire. That his dear father should to him make know n What kind of ancestr\ tiiev chanced to own. To this the fathei, with a smiliuLT f;i»-'t.'i Soon made repl\, "We spring- tVom iiohle racel Lon<^, loui^- a<;(t, f can in truth declare, A wandering- Minstrel \isited a fair. And there saw one of \ c'r\' nohle hlnod. Who liked him well and deemed his nnisic ^ood. The\ soon contrixed each others' minds to learn. And felt Loxe's Hame within theii' hosoms hurn; Hut knowin<^ well this would not he allow ed, Dist^uised, awa\ the\ lied amon<4'st a crowd. Soon the\ were fast in honest wedlnck tied; And thus the Minstrel ;^ained a lo\el\ hridel \ et were tiie\ destmed not to li\e in peace- - For Elli:\'s hrother xowed he would not cease To search for them through all the counlr\- wide. And (|uick return with ICllkn at his side! Lon\t.' (»\'rt1i)\\ I'll to ait a sisit-r's pari. Mip>l (.'ariR'sl I'llDrls (|ui(.k thf man iistoivil, Anil i",i.i.i:N tc'lt must ^raU'tiil to tlu' Lniil. She, liillv lonscions ui" -Ir'ut ricliliuU', C i'nl"i'ssi.'il hiT Uinilifil, ami tor paiilon suid. 'I'lir astonislu'il InotluT ilaspni her in his anus; Their eail\ lo\e atVesh theii" spirit warms, Anil all his hatii'il \er\ Mion ili^aini'-. This Minstrel, with his loNfly ICi.i.i.v, were ()nr aneestiMs, a-- \ on ma\ well inter." * N oun>4' C' seconti mother's care Did send him forth v ith relatives to fare. And then sweet Crossthwaite, w ith its paper mill, Its prettv hrooks, and manv a trickling rill, With dearest pleasure would his hosom fill. Deep j^ratitude impels him now to pa\ * In proof that tlif above Ifjjfiul lias some (bunclalioii in fact, I may state that one ot my htro's cousins in Knt;hintl has a ^oUl hfailci' di^-plav (.d 'I'll aii\ niK' will "(.'i-dcd ff'-ciidlv aid, riuiii tlH'\ -till sh(,\vc-(l to him whik- living thciv, As lliiii uwii child, lu' did tlicir iLfoodiu'ss shari'. DiMi", a'^id iVinidsI '_',riiu |)iatli ha-' laid sou low. And \ on no inoic' to him ran Uindncss show I ( )lUn tin siinri\. fair I ndcrlKirrow, 1 his tlu'iii'd his spirit and dispclK-d his soiiow I 'rh\ ha/fl (.-opsc's. and tin ru;4L;i(l -Sraitr, With s cllow -hloiimin;^ whins, haw haiiishcd till" All thoUL;"hts ot' his poor, weak and sjckh tVanu', And raised his lo\c' ot" Naliiif to a tlanu'I \ is, (itU'ii now, thiuiLt'h hviip^ o\t the sia. And main xcais lia\c tied since he -aw thee. Dear Mi'inoix hrin^s th\ earh eharms to view. And ill their pleasui'es to his mind sftan new I A^aiii, Irish sciiies would his attention eraxi'. lA")! nohle W'indirmere, with ripi)lin;4' wa\e; And iVeipientK he crossed o'ei' its shoit t'eiTV, In huL;e tlal-hi.ats, or pleasant sailniL;- w h,en'\ , And ■ lewed, well pleased, its main lo\el\ isles. Clot, ed with lich \erdure and sw I'ct Sunnnei's smiles; Or watched the iishes, dartim^- to and tVo. As «)\-r its cr\ stal wa\es the hoal would j^o; Ami still rememheis thosi- rich wooded hills, While deep emotion all his spirit thrills. Sometimes tired Nature would assert her sway, Then '^looiin thoughts rose nj) in dark array; He thus would wander, weary and alone, T.isteninLi- the breezes in their litful moan. As in their anyer thev swept throuj^h the woods. While thunder-clouds sent down their copious Hoods, And ask himself, in liitteniess of soul. Win he his dcstiin could not control: \\'\\\ some were wealthy, and could take their ease. And ridi' ahout w here\er the\ should jilease? While he, poor lad, on foot his weary way Kept ploddin'4' still, till nearU' closi' of da\ I At other times a ])leasan1 lodjj^e was seen. Where lite seemed spent in liappiness serene; Its lliuii^lit- (li\ hIj^ihI, lUt'iiri- him soon inoii- ili;irmiii"4 \ it-ws ;iri>it', I-iii lumtiiiLC -tTiH's iiii'c't i'\ ir\ \\ lu-iv liis f\i-s. SfL- Liiw \\ (iixl Imi, I -wt'i't, -tTliit -Moii lo In- I'ofj^Otl It -tjiid- upon till' iu;ii<4in ot' the lake — Ami of it .ill thin;4- roiiiid i(iiis])ii r In make A man-ioii -iii.h a- poet- ui'll miulil choose — l''it hahilalioii tor the hea\en-horii Mii-i-I Well niii^ht he liiimr with eiitiaiuH'd deli^lit, 'riiounh Sol ^ave wariiiiiL; of' a])pioaehiiii^ iiii;ht. Aroii-id hy thi-. eie loiiLC '!•■' forward hied To tliat -mall \illam' -till ealli-d Amhlesidc. \\'e MOW aL^aiii \sill eio— with him the lake, And theiiee the load that lead- to llawk-head take; There l-'sthuaite water oil a Miialler seale I'nfold- lu'r heaiilie-. to adorn m\' tale. She, like a mirror, on her -il\er\ face RcHects the man-ion- that her mai'^in- ;j;M'aee. Tho-e mansion- fair are -een on e\er\ hand, (What may not wealth, in sueh a plaee, eommandr) And mark their ow iier- men of wealth and taste; Not miserly, nor \ et inelined to u a-te. Near this -mall lake doe- a rude hamlet stand. In whieh there dwelt a poor, hard-working- hand. The parent-, hoth, were well ad\aneed in aije, •And yet, from kindne— , the\ at onee enL^ao;e To J4i\e this youth a weleome to their hoard. And all the eomlort- that their means allord. To see him happy wa- their chief desire, Whieli did his sonl with Lfratitude inspire. They now are dead! Oh, mav tiieir ashes rest In peace, and still their memories be blessMI Wii.i.iAM ott thinks of all the pleasant scenes He there enjoyed Itefore he reached his trcus ; AjuI well remembers how he loved to stray Wy that pure lake, soon after break of day. 'Twa- at such time, that once he chanced" to spy A splendid pikr upon the beach ipiite dr\ . He \iewed the prize; it had not Ioiiilj been dead, .\s he well knew by lookiiiij at its head. Surprised, he gazed about, on every hand, 12 TItK KMK.U.WI M Kill A Nil'. Hut '^Mw iiu Mitil ii|)i>ii tlu' lake <)r hiiid; 'riii'ii tliniii^lit, siuii' ii<» iMU' rami' the fish to ilaini, Take it lie ini>i;lit, and vet rneiir no Manie. This si'tili'd III his mind, wilhont dela\ lie s(i/f(l tlif lish, ai\t noon-lidi' hour to ha\i' it nieely diessi-d. i?nt laiidor now ohlii^es me to sa\, That iIk- ri;4hl ow lUT soon appiaied Me\t da\ ; Willi s.iid hi' lateK eannlit a nohle pike, And laid it laii'liilh heside a dyke; lint, whiK- he wen! still I'arlher up the lake, To draw some lines, and other fishes taki', A r w;iis, lu' wnil to ■.vIhidI, Atitl c.iiiLjIiI soiiu' liMniiii;^ li\ llu' lommon rnU-; III parsiui; sliuui'd .i fair itiuiniiil <»! -kill, W'roti- :i plain hand, and miU \\\\\\ ri'^lit '^ I will; Aliiiusi a "iHKik-w linn," siinud In- to divinu \\ hat hunks lu' ^i>l, and ivad Imni hum tu hum. .\ii(l, uhl huu |)U-a»fd and ^^latiru-d was lu-, Tu luMT tlu' MastiT iva cms would (|iiiikl\ iiuwd; And iVum that tinu- a I'u't he- hctaiiu' — In ju\ ur suiTuw tilt a j^iuwin;^ naim-. rh(iui;h still su \umin' he, at this \ii\ tiiiu'. Oft iVaniL'd rude lumiheis, aiitl pumed t'urth his rlnme; And 'twas no wundcr if, li\ N'atniv tauj^ht. He wrapped himself m sweet poetie thuu^lU. He, to this (lav, is pleased tu lecolleet What tew, whu knew iiini then, would e'er suspeit — iiuw miieh he lu\ed tu wander in the wouds. And wateh the trees put luith their upeniii;^ hiids; Or list the sound ereated hv the wind, Which son>;ht a passaj^e through the leaves tu tind. lie also loved, with wonder and delight. To i^a/e on llowers hedeeked with L',l<)r\ hri^hl; On polvanthus and aurieulas, lu pleasiu'^- outlast with the rihhun-Lfrass; On wall-llower, too, with richest u<|ur tilled, Like sweet frankincense daintiK distilled; On roses fair, in LJivat \ariet\ Of scent and culur; and the peuiiv. Or scented violet, which scarce shows its head, ^'et does its odor o'er tln' <4ar(len shtd ; Oil prince's leather, wearini;- stateU plume, With much of show, hut nothini;- of |)ert\ime; Loved tulips, lilies, pinks and 'j^illiMow eis. With woodhiiies trained o'er lo\el\ t;ardeii howers, That .L(i\e forth sweetness and their charms displav. While, in rich rohes, thev stand in t\ill arrav; The fox>^lo\ (', daisy, and ileminv monk's-hood, With lilacs, and the scented southern wood; The <;uelder-r()se, with its fair, whited halls. And creeping plants, hij^h climhing up the w alls. «4 I III I. Mil. II \ N I M II II A N ll 'I'lu'xf at all tiiiK's our Iuto warmly l«ivr<|, Ami >liu\\i(l it, t(«), \\ lu'ii lu- in i^anliiis mvid. Wliilf, t(» himself, lu had a |)atih of' ;Lii<»iiii mostly t'ltuMil. Thii". pavxi'd, most |)Iia<-aiitlv, his \<>uthtiil days. All iiiti rmiiii^ii'd with his li(i\ish plavs. And siiiiut iiiu's nu'iiliiii^ a iiu'i'd ul' praise. ISOOK 11. Till". AitciMi. \ r. Ad(hvs> ti» domestic hliss. Its inflia'iur on sofict\. I'liiuipal sourci-'tVoin w hfui't.' it springs, vi/: (.'onju^al union faithliillv chiTisluil. An appeal to paivuts and law -^iv I'ls on the suhit-et. William's traininj^ uiulcT i's inthKMKi.'. DiirKultic's in proi'urinjf a trade. Success I last. Ui'tkvtioiis on, and eiu-ouiajfeiiUMits to, such (ladi's. Temptations and trials. Anecdotes, Appeal to masters ai.d others. Narrow escape tVom a lut-throat. Courtship and its coiiseciuences. Conclusion. Domestii.- hlissl what toii'^'^ne can speak tin praise! What poet n'ixc. e\ en in his nohlest la\s. An eiilo^v that shall th\ charms express. Clothed in 'I'rnth's lan^uauiV, thv ow n natixe dress? To th\' sweet intlnence do we owe the choice Ot* all mankind, whoever raised their \oice In FreedoiiTs cause, or stood on hattle-yrouiul, While Lihertv her hanner waved around. To thee, when <^o\erned hv (iod's holy book, Must we in t"iiture tor true heroes look. For it" thou dvvellisi in each tamih'. Then lon*ij max \^a\e the tiay- of Liberty! To keep tliee sliininci' hrinhtl\- round each hearth. Is worth the wealth contained in all the earth! It does become us then to study well (\Vho knows the secret: Would some An<4el tell?) The best of means bv which to foster this Great earihlv blessing, pure domestic bliss! I III I MK.Ii AN I Mil II \ M> . ll:iil xwii'i i(ii\Jiij,mI iiiiinul Iliiil tutlurl M;i\ I tin liiimlili' \r«« W IikIi Ii' ima^riiK' li;i» m\ Ik';iii'> \>\ I \\i>/x\ Dear iMluw -(Kimtrx men I Statu! I'uiward nuw, And lailhliil picvi' imtu Mmr iiMii'ia;4r \i|M|i wt'akiii-sv, von ilisplas, III till- 111' (aitht'iil to \()iir il\ in;;- da\ I \\'li\ will \oti lia\r tin.' wit'i- \oii swoii- to |o\f, Who NlioiiJd to \ on 111' :i>. a jiriiioiix do\f. To vv;iiitoi\ with a harlot \ did dl' -.haiiu'. And hiiii'^ dis;4racr iii)om a iathfr'- nanu'r \\'h\ will von pit-ivc \oinM'l\(.'s with sorrow thidiiv,'li, Ami ruin hrint;' upon \oiir childii'ii, toor OliI let a lirokiiidicarti'd \\ ifL'\ dup sji^lw. And ihildifirs woc-s, lirin;^ ti'ai>- into xonr I'vcs! (Jive to \ onisi'lv is III) ifst, li\ da\ or nii^ht, Till \ on liaxr madi.' tlu-ir sacldi'iu'd tail's hrij^ht. ( )li I thi'i'i' is ( )ni' aho\ I' w ho si'fs \ on now, it \oii ivpi'iit not hi' will l»riii'4' you low I Ki'^^ard this warniiivi. Ili'i- to (lod lor ptMoi-, I'lou) lo\in''' vourdcar tainilii-s nrx i-r ivasr. Ai\d \ (.', w host' task it is to niaki- our laws, Lend vour stronn' iiithK'nii' to aid this cansi-; .Sfc that xonr hands aiv clean — or make thein so— "^'ou'vc much to answer tor. of weal or woe. Voiinjx C"(M)i*i:i{'s parents did on him impress The way to j^ain domestic happiness; ^lore by example than I>\ prece])ts stron<:; They their dear children soui^'ht to lead alon<-' Their constant ;.'ondnct to each other told What thev preferred hel'ore the richest j^ol''. And one who knows them wi'll can testit'/ That thev tliemselves would exermore dcMU , ICre they would risk their own or tamilv's peace, .\s some have done, who scarce hom jari"In<^ cease. In sneh a famih, as we mi<_jht expect, True discipline met not with low^ nejj^lect. And e (.'ii'ijlowd In marhle works, and had the tlioui^ht enjoyed 'I'hai some ^^^ood master would liis ser\ iee need; Hut disappointnunt was tor iiim deeii'ed. Some otiier phiees tlien tiie iaiht'r tried, l?nt all with ftoys apj)eared to he sujiplied. The vonth more anxious f^rew from das to day, Xor could well hrook what seemed sueh sad delay. He oft retired at ni^ht unto his hed, \Vith various j)lans eontri\ed in liis souno- head; Hut \anished soon were all these well-loimed schemes, As thouijfh thev were so many empty dreams; Intil, h\- "hope deterred," he was made sad, And e\en home scenes tailed to make him ^lad. lie now had nearly reached his thirteenth year, And did a small, weak vouth, indeed, appear; Vet thou<^h so \erv Nounj^- and small, this hoy Mad felt deep sorrow, and no little joy. (jood news at last he heard, with much delij^ht, When his dear father came iVom work one ni^ht; He said a tradesman an apprentice wanted. And told what waj^es would to him he y;ranted. WiKi-iAM at once accepted of the phice, And met the man next morn with smiliui; face. 'Twas soon a<;reed that he a month should tr\ The work, and his new master satisfs . This soon Hew past, and he was stronj^ly hound Till se\cn loui^- vears should, in their course, move round To inention all his trials and mishaps Would please no reader of this tale, perhaps; Sutlice to sa\-, he did himself exert In his new husiness, and was soon expert In makin(«hn.'» wduIiI ailoiv Which (lid piociNi.- him 'ihid'-t >ucii triaK muc. ••IC\il connntiiiication^,"'* (lod dcchircs, '■C'liiTiipt h'ikkI maniUTs." \\'ii«> tiicii huldi\ dares To sa\ thiir inihicncc will iinl he ^ccii In those who joiii,' exposed to tluni iia\c Ikcii: l'"or, \s L'U \\ c know, the iinri'nenerate mind Is propi'i' soil w heiein to seek and lind The seeds of latent e\ il, which ma\ spring- — .\\u\ sprin^in:;', ^^mw, till lhe\ tructioii hrin^'. l-\en so it w av with W'li.i.i .\.\i"s carnal heart, Some mischief settled in il-> Hesln ])art. \or was this all; he ott iiecame the huti ( )f joiinicN men or '|)rentice, who would j^hit Their hardened liearts h\ showing;' .jLireatc-t spile '(Jaiiist him tor tollouini;- what he thonLCht wa^ rij^ht. Ot'ten that wicked \oiiih, in wantonness, W'onld tr\ all means to i^iM' him sore distress. And once, w ith all a dreadt'ul demon's ra<^e — In such acts none l)ut demons would enj^at^e — lie threw him down, and held him; then ajjplii'd A lii^hted candle to his throat, antl tried To make him think it met el v was a joke! Which was as true as most of what he spoke. The sore thus made ^ave him most ciuel pain, And left a ^car that does e\ en now lemain. Had as thi> was, it was not half so liad .\s w hat was doiu' unto anothei' lad. I heard the stoi\ , and helie\e it true — And shudder while I have it in ni\ view . The town in which this shockinsjj act was done I ha\ e passed through — it was an I'.ni^lish one. The scene, a Tinsmith's shop, w here se\eral men Were wont to work, and all were present then. A monster man two solder-irons took. Made them (piite hot, and, with a liendish look. Went rii^ht hehind the ho\ , and on each side The heated iioiis to his tace applied! Tile \outh savv one, his heati aside he threw , Received a hurn, liefore his fate he knew ; He tjuicklv turned it then the other wav. And had two scars unto his dvin»;' da\! rill. i-,Mi«.i;\\r mi.i iiwir. "; Mcthiiiks I Ih;ii' the thoui^flitfiil rciuU-r ask, "Win was tlu' man, at onct-, not ta'c-n to tasl^r Win dill the oiIkt nun not takf a pan With that poor ho\, and >ho\v a ll-Llini,^ heart r" 1 am informed tlicv all oijoYcd tlir juke! \ot one reproaehl'nl word the\ e\er >poke. 1 l)hi-h to think that anv of my ti;ide Should ot" such monsters ever he atVaid. The \er\ thoiijj^hl still makes m\ Mood to hoil — And shiiilderini;, tVom siieh thoughts I haek recoil! 1 would ha\e dra^j^ed the tlend unto a j.iil, Or had him fastened to a wai^on's tail. Laid hare his hack, and let the lash deseend — And, doiiij^- this, would still nn act defend! ^ e luastcrs, foremen, journeymen, and all Who \ iew such scenes, on each of \ on I call To tr\ vour utmost now to do awa\ Such shockin<4- deeds, enacted dav hv dav! If this vou do not, \ ou deserve the hlame, .\nd richlv merit ij;ood meiTs scorn and shame. Our William's trials led him oft t:) think 'I'l at, wtiile from dutv he would ne\er shrink, It would he ]>etter fai" to leave his trade. Than the sad ohject of such sport he made. And to his father s])oke to this ellecl — Xot in ill liumor, Init with much res])ect. The father's counsel was, that he should stav, As soon the other \outh would uo awav. T here mav mention he had one ^ood friend, And one on whom he a!wa\s could de])end; This was his dear vouuij^ master, who ot't took Much pains in readiui; o'er the Christian's Hook — Recei\c(l its lessons in his uentle heart, And. showed hv this he chose the hetter part. He would encouraLje and defend the \outh, Who saw it ri>;ht to let him know the truth. Alas! this master soon was sei/ed h\ Death, And died rcjoiciu'i' in our '••common faith." Cooi'KH with ji,rief heheld the sorrowinn" scene, .:\.n(l called to mind how kind that tVicnd had heeii; And often wished more like to him were found In all the workshops through the countrv round. i(J I UK KMK.Ii.W 1 MIA II. \ \K Still fiiiic in«>vfv would oft the workmen i^reel. The li.t,d\t came through an irou-^^rated spuce, Makmi; a |)rison-like and disuial ])lace. ()ne (lav a stir was made that street within. And each felt anxious to behoUl the scene. The erran(l-ho\ was hus\ cK'anin;^ knives, As others have done often in their ii\es. Me in a moment climbed uj)on the bench. And tile hut^e carvtr in his hand did clench. W'li.i.iAM was looking- up, witii outstretchetl tinoat, (^uite unobservant, l)ein<4 lost in tiiou<;ht. "Til cut! I'll cut!" fell .piickly on his ear; lie telt sharp })ain, and thus had cause to fear! The bov, for fun, across Will's neck had dra\s n The car\ iiii^-knifc, and stood still as a stone; Quite terrified at si<^ht of blood, he said, "I thouj^ht it was th' /nic/c T' it proved the edjj^e instead The wound was sli<^ht, but mi<^ht ha\e been tar w(»rse- And he mi<::lit ne'er have tiouied in my verse. One thinjj; the serious reader would expect — To i^ive (jod thanks he could not well ne»;lect. Ah, me! his passion dro\e such thoui^ht away — Stronj^- Passion's call he hastened to oIk'v ; And feelin<;- in a dreadful aiu^rN mood. Me beat the boy that it mijiht do him <^o()d ! Yes, beat him w itliout mercy, and declared 'Twas well, indeed, the lad no worse had fareliuiil(l lia\c l)cc'n i-onnin*^ !L(r;in)ni;n In (ic-cp aiithnutic — -k- Ilis c\f would wandLT to a distant desk, W'hifli, having ivaclu'd, \l^c\\' it stationed tiierc. Fixed on some heautv-bud of ])ronii>>e rare! 'Twill not seem stranj^e, then, it' in alter \ears This thinj^ called Sensihilitv ajipeai'^. Stran<^e, or not strange, our hero's heart wa> \v;i Which made him seek the other sex's charm; And when his mind was lirou;j,ht to fix on one Wlio, in his e\es, all others tar outshone — He lo\ed to ramble, on a moonlinht nij^ht. With that dear j^irl — so charmiiiii' in h,is si^lit — .Vnd listen to the munmninj^ ot" Kent's stream. Whose face leHected lull each pale moonbeam; Or wander b\ the side of some lone wood, In sweet discourse, wliieh liotli considered <4<>od. Or else they clomb, delii^hted, up that liill, I'pon whose top the Castle's ruins still Invite the mind, in pensi\eness, to know The end of all thinj;s in this world below. Ves, these have stood within that ^loomv place, Which now exhibits manv a strikiiiLf, trace Of the rude ravages of Alan and Time, As seen upon that editlce sublime. And, as he stood upon that <^reen hill's brow. Has telt inclined abiding; love to vow To her, who fondlv on his arm was leaning- With upturned eves, which well liesjioke theii That place is sacred to such lovers' \(avs — As could be witnessed bv each tree that fjrows Around those ruins; which have also seen .Sonic sad, straui^e si>;hts vithin their tlav, 1 ween I Sometimes thev chose to see a mutual friend. And in sweet singinij would the evenin<; spend. At other times throuj^h beauteous ( jillinyrox e,* Thev, arm in arm, and rapt in love, would ro\e. This walk thev mostlv took on .Sunda\ ni^■hts, As most in keepin^j with that dav's deliL^lits. For lK)th had lon^j quite strict atteiukmts bein At a small Chapel, th()U<^ht to be too mean To be oft visited bv wealthv men; Thoujijh some would wander to it now and then. As yet nor William, i,')r his <^irl, profes-~ed meanm<' *A \VfUkno\Tn lovirs' rttriat. rill'; i:Mi<.i!.\Nr mix man le. To 111' 1>\ >;i\inL; (ii)s|)(.'l 'I'riith most lik-ssM; W't Ixith went thciv thivc times i-ach S;il>l>atli diiy, To join ill siiiiriii<4, if tlu-y did not pr;iy. Aiui 'lis I'ul rii^lit that Christian paiviits should To cluircli taUf chihhvn, for tlic children's «fof iliein on the Milijeet, Tlu' -alidays — O, mav they ne\er fail! I III': IMK.U A \ I \ll.l II.WU TlK'sf arc ! fUii sjKMit ill idlciK'ss, ( )r siitli s;i(l (.omsc-s ;is l)rin<^N thcin distri'ss. This is the i;isf wluii i^ioj^- shops tlu'X tVf(|uciit; lur ruin fnllows. tinir ;inlu' lould Knilidt'; In all luT triaU inrt-klv Ixiwi-d lur IkmiI. And found sweet peace was o'er her Ixtsum >|r(|. Iler sdi), to her, was all a son eould he — ^'et oil one point s|u' i'elt anxiety; I L- had not then experienced the New IJinli, Am! his hi'st thouj^hts had all heiii of" ilu' llaith. Ailjoiniii;^ their estate was li\iii;;- one — A hlithe \\ wealth ill eas\ eiicuinstances placed. Ami-.ma 1)o\ k wi- well mav call hei iiaiiie- Like that sweet hird sJk- seenie\ all aioiind — She was as t^ood a ^irl as coiilul ihis dire hlow soon sank her in the dust. Iler parents, too, I'elt this most dreadful stroke Too iianl to hear, for hotli their hearts it hiokel . Oh, crui'l I/K|uorI Thou hast mdlioiis slain. And still their deatli-throes iry to thee \\\ \aiul Ten thousand hroken hearts niav soon he louiid lu almosi e\erv laud the world around. Millions of orphans' eries thine ears assail. While ])ari'nts' earl\ death tlu\ louut war with thee deser\es not to he named I And still, insatiate monster! thy dread jaws Are dail\ tilled — heiuLj" unrestrained hv laws! When will the da\-, the happy day, arrive, When thee the injured nations forth shall drive r l>eware. Apprentices! In time beware! Flee from those places which would voti iusuare; Re^jfard that man as your real eueniv, Who, tem])tiu^, leads to inehriety! \ow, while von dailv toil, 1 wish von may Have mau\ a trulv happy holidav! The hero of m\ tale of such had some, And felt well pleased whenexer they did come. On such occasions he was wont to <^o To visit friends, who did much kindness show. JWl I III'. I.MK.K \\ I Mil M A Ml . -7 With jink-iil j<»\ full iK'.iiiiiM;^; in h\^ f;iif, III' moil' than niKi- rcvi-'itcd the plau- W'luMT Ills dear father spent liis yoiuhriil (la\>, III tuiNoiiK- lahor, or iti chiMisli pla\v. Tk liiin 'tssas still a sweetl'. i|iiiet -pot, A pill me ot" eonteiit — a small, neat cot — Am! just heneath the hill called I'ltiUltni /\'n(>t. lie had a siiaii^^i', Knnaiitie turn ul' mind; Til taste adventure i\ei" felt iiielined. This heiii!^ premised, we ina\ e\|)eet to -ee, That hy sliirht \ss. The hill of which I -poke ha ' soiiietinu-s hecii. As was well known, the site ot' tra^^ic scene. It is a solid mass of" limestone lock — And there oft falls sdiiu- lnii;c misshapen block. ( )n one occasion a poor (pianvnian Saw danj^er pendiniLj, and a\\a\- he ran; 'Twas all in \ainl the lateU -riven stone Came tiuniderin_<; down, and crushed his e\er\ honel A tale like this miLCht well some- minds appal — But Wll.l.iAM I'elt, just then, of dauntless soul; And, with his cousin, hasted up the hill. With eauer steps ani.'autcons si^ht. To hint at all he saw mv time would fail. And mii^lit too much hut k-n;4thcn out m\ talc. SiiiricL' it, tlu'ivfoiv, just t'oi" iiK- to sav, That lu- spent pk-asantU each holiday. rin rMK.ii \ sr \ti.i u \ nu IK' lli«ni;4lil iipnii till- tliiiij; till IxiUI III- ;,Mi'\v, And tVamril ;i ^ik-itIi tt» toll of all Ik- kiu-w ( )t this \ ilr (Irii inn's doin'^s in tlu- \\ ' af'ti'i this, iVmn Canada tlu'ii- tame A Christian man; no inattir what his naini'. IK' lon;^ to William's parents ha^reat variet\ Which in sweet Olnev's hard we clearly see. AtHicted Poet! Thoii didst well thy part, l^v j)ourint^ balm into the wounded heart; .\nd while the world endures, thv \ erse w ill cheer Poor down-cast souls, and hid them not to fear I Xor did he read alone tlie })oet's pa4ieen and \es; Or led him to break out, witli tunehil voice, In some sweet h\ nm, which made his heart rejoice. For he had now beyun to feel the worth ()\' Heavenly thin<4s, and pour (jod's praises tbrth. In this wa\, once he passed throuiih Dallam Park, To see its deer, anil other objects mark. These lovelv creatures to hi;' iiund did seem Most unfit objects of man's sportii'.n" dream. lie jj^reatlv wondered how some men could be E'er j^uiltv of such wanton cruelty. As to pursue, with horses and with hounds. Such harmless creature oyer all their 'jj'rouiid-; limit him o'er swamps and fields, and mountain slope-, Throujjjh pebbly streams, or siiadv hazel copse. Till they have dri\eii him at ist to ba\. Toward the close of some most sultry (la\ . Wondered how any one, with tearless eve, 3« INK KMH.H.W I MIAII.WIC Could mark liis sulR'iinjj^^, and then watch him die. Oh, cruel man I when will thv thirst tor hlood l?e turned to eneri^v in doin«^ i^ood r When will L reation"'s orioans come to an end. And men deli<;hl in love their davs to spend? While such reHections occupied his mind. The place he went to seek he strives to find, And is successful; gets his husiness done, Then hack pursues his homeward way alone. Now FancN vvint^s her Hij^ht; I view a^ain Scenes which mv memorv will lon<^ retain; .See Kent — unsunul derive I TIIK i:MI(.l!.\\r MIXII.WIl. 3,^ IU)()K IV. 'l"!!!-: AiuiiMKNT. — Addicss to tlic Sacred Scriptures, <^laiicini; hrictlv at ilieir sario'is excellencies. William hecoine-- a Christian. His reception into a Cliinc!.. Diilerent \ieNVs ot" tliini^s after Conversion, N'oice of Nature heard in (iod's praise. Wonders whv ^laii is so backward in this. Discovers reasons in Man's iid)red corruption, tem])tations, etc. Salvation all of (irace. The hunihlinj; nature ()f this truth to Man's pride; hut the securitv it afibrds l>e- lievers. Its ellects on him. I'resh love trials — conse- (juent resolutions. Sahhath niorninjij walk— Church hells. Visit to farm-house; familv worship, (ilance at what l"2n<^land owes to I'raver. Sundav school teaching;. Other exercises on that ilav. Their influence on him. Prepares to emij^ratc. Partinj^ scenes, etc. Embarks a' Liverpool. Hail, Sacred ScripturesI Blessed volume, hail I Thv worth I fain would sin<^ to <;race my tale. Thou verv best of Hooks, whose truths like balm Can Ileal the broken heart, the conscience calm; (iive peace unto the sin-stained, troubled mind, And, by God's grace, can save a lost mankind ! Thou precious casket of the rarest gems! Whose priceless value a vain world contemns; Thou great revealer of that Savior's birth, Who came from Heaven to bless a guilt\ Earth I Thv pages do unfold the wondrous plan l>v which that Savior has redeemed lost man I How He, who was in form of God above. Laid by his glory out of purest love To wretched sinners, who his goodness prove! Thou makest known the ama/ing fact to I'aith, That Jesus concpiered hell and sin bv death! And show'st how all who do believe this truth- — Or rich, or poor, or old, or in their vouth — Forever shall be saved from death and sin, And feel "Eternal Life," while here, begin; And safe, at last, in bliss be brought to dwell. Whose t'ulness never mortal tongue can tell! l^hou the Repository of just laws — True civilization's first and greatest cause! A code of morals on thv page is writ ^\ rilK KMK.MWI MlAll.WK. To rc;4iil;itt.' iiK'n's luc-^, iiiul coiiscitMuc' lit. Tlicrc Wf in;i\ read tlic l>r>t hio^raphic^, And dwell ^11 maiiv triitJitiil hi^t()^ic^; Find t^raiidcst Poetry that v\-v was pcniK-d, \\'liicli to devotion pure its aid dotii lend; There pore on ^rand yet awl'ul prophecies 'I'hat do reveal ^reat nations' destinies. There we may learn what \et awaits this ICarth — Soon to he hurned, and sprin<^ aLjain to hirtiil If we chaste Fancy wish to j^ratitX , What pleasant fields tor this hefore us lie! Pathetic love tales charm the solier mind Of yoinin" or olil, ot' \ nl<;ar or retineil. In short, thou torniest (juite a perfect Whole, Of what we need to please, direct, control. And — wonder ijreatl (), lilessed IJook divine — With ail thv vast rich treasures — tl on art mine I So felt our hero, when pnie (josj^el truth Came home to him, while \ et in davs of vouth. He was lirou^ht up heneath the "jovfnl souiui," And tVom j^real siiarcs l)y this was fenced around; ^'et, Oh! what <^rief and sorrow Hllcd his soul. When he lirst s;iw his heait and conduct foul — W^as led to view (Jod's hol\ law arii^'ht, And know he was condennied in His just si;j^ht. Then, what true jox did Jesus' love inspire! It kindled in his heart sincere desire To leave, at once, the World's wild, i^iddv thronj^'. Whose jov and pleasures all to I'^arth helonij^, To join with those whose joys are from Ahove, And who have tasted of a Savior's love. He, with a choice companion, then applied For Christian fellowship; nor was denied. All those kind hrethren hearty welcome j;"a\e, P'or each was j^lad a sinner's soul to save. And joyful praises straijj^ht to (iod ascend. To whom the new-made memhers thev commend. An Elder, <;rave, <^ave each an exhortation. To which theii" hearts respond in approhation. Soon C()<)i*Ki{ felt new life, new aims, new themes- Which ^ave fresh turns to all his youthful dreams. The liihle then hecame his choicest triend; At home, ahroad, ditl all his steps attend. And its blest inHuence was known to lend. TiiK i:mi(.i; a \ i mi j ii.w ii' .^5 Now \\ h;il ;i diUlicnl ;l■^))L■^•t tliiiisuim'; W'liat oiiLV was darkness, (JosjkI truth- illimu'I 111 tlio swcot siTviccs ot' Sal)l>ath day- Ik' taki's dc'liL;lit — in sj)irit siii I'amiK W'orsliip as an altar raised Vn the true (iod, wdn) should he always praised. And now, wheneV'i' he take- his walk- ahioad, Hears Nature'- \oiie well tuned in praise of (Jod. ICach hlade ot" i;ias- that sprin^^- heneath his feet, The new-made ha\-, in Sunnner'- fVas^ranee sweet. The tloweis that to his cxe- their charms di-elo-e. The wa\in<; '^rain, and e\er\ tree that <^rows, ICaeh in-ect tlutterin^ in the hri^'iit -uidieams, Or fishes sportint^^ in |)ure er\-tal streams. Or hird- that rai-e their -oiil;- 1)\ moi"nin<4 li.Ljht, At hii^h mid dav, or tlnou^h the moonlit ni;4'ht; ICach storm that rises, or pure hree/e that hlows. The copiou- rain-, or Winter'- drittiiiL; -now-, \'a-t mountain- leariiiLr their hoar heads on hi^^h, ICaeh Lrem-like -tar set in the tair Mue sk\ ; The herd- wide l'ei.'din<;' in the field- around. All li\in;4" thiiiL;- in e\er\ eountr\ fouml. All ihe-e in their peculiar wa\s ,ui\e forth Praise- to (jod, the Author of their iiirthl '•Then, wh\ are Mif/ -o -ilent?" lieM exclaim; ''.Vnd, those especialh, who know Ili- name: Who, through Hi- Liiace, enjov a liea\enl\" hirth, W hv ri-e thev not al»o\e the thin^ed in foul surmise. He heeded not, hut j)lacetl in God his trust — To his employer still continued just — And strove with all his mijjht to rectifv Each thinjif improjjer which he chanced to sp\ ; That his old master mij^ht ha\e no complaint Ai^ainst his servant for thus turnin<^ Saint. He plied his trade from hetter motives now. As (jod- with wisdom did his mind endow, And to his just commands led him to how. ]5y such a course pursued he did enjoy True peace ^tt' mind — thouj^h not without allov. And Time, who past him Hew on fleetest win>^. New joys, new sorrows, to his mind did hrint^". At times he still was cauj^ht in Love's sweet snare, Which of fresh trials hrouji^ht no little share. He was hv nature verv apt to fall So deep in love, it did his mind enthral. Vet clothed in purit\ was his desire, \or e'er to rank unecjual did aspire. One thinj; to this time had his thousjhts possessed — "To have the ijirl that pleased his fancv hest." He had not noticec' what the Woid declares On this «rreat matter, so that in his prayers He ne'er had asked the Lord to him direct, And disappointment came for this nej^lect. I III. I.MK.K.W I Mil ll.\ Ml . 37 'Midst (luiilit- mill liMix lu- llii'i I't'oii' put ;i\\;i\ All lli oiiisi'K c- \\ I' lii-Nt t'liltill I'loii) |);is| fxpciifiiif, I would uiiw ;id\i-i' 'I'liat ;ill \i>uii;j men, in thi^ roNpcit, lie w i^i. I\-\v \VL'ii(!itiff luntttTs i;ui attention rhnni. It' at puiv pi-aei' and lia|)pinfss we ann. I'lian the ^election <>|" a proper wit'e- One that nia\ he a true iulp-niate t'oi lite. "A prudent wife tVoni (iod alone eaii eonie," And oid\ >.ueh ean make a happ\ honii-. What dreadl'ul ^tril'e, what w ri'tchediu>> and w of, I'^rom error heri- is almost suri- to flow I M Ai W All roll! i>ioomin<^ truit-trecs o er xon Lrarden temi'; he sweet \\ il(l-t1owers amid the new-sprung .^rass lake it seem earpeted in l''ane\ 's i^lass. nd it a earpet proses to those blithe lambs hich pla\ around their se\eial watchtul dams. II Nature smiles in loxeliesl i^reen attire, nd seems to manifest a stronL;- desire jS I III. I.MK.KWI MlAllAVU \i)\v li;irUI lli;il souml l";ist Il(»;itin^- mi \\\c bivo/i'. And striiiniiiiLC forth iVnin 'inid-^t tlii>«,i' (Luk yi-w Ints- 'I'is iliiuvli-l>i'll inii«>Kl ;iiii r wril. Tlnis pU'iisfd in mind, \\'i;.i,i.\M his \\;i\ imw winds 'I'oward a hill, which hi- at oikt asii'iids; And thi'iiix' pnisui's tiii' road to MiiklaiKTs taim, WhiTi- tVom kind tViiiids he mi'i-ts ifci'ption waim. 'I'hc a^cd matron — siiici' in ^ra\i'-\ard laid — Was wont to ii'iidiT him liir tViindU aid In shape of" idunsfl — or deliiioiis iari' — Of which qood lhin;4s he needed then a share. The liieakfast o\ er. sir;iiLcht the IJihIe's hiou^dit, A propel chapter tonnd as soon as sought; Remarks are madi-, or thi'\ sunn- (|Uestion ask: To n'ain instruetion proves ;< pleasing; task. This done, sweet In iiiiis of praise to (iod arise From well tuned hearts — a jo\ ful saerilleel Then, on tiieir knees, in fer\ent pra\er the\ join To llim, their Savior and their Friend heni.u^n. (ii\e thanks tor care extended throuf_;h the nii^ht, And hlessiuLi's thev enjov at mornin<4- li^ht. Not oidv Sahhath days thev thus he^an; On week-da\s. too, it was their constant plan To ioin in worship evei'v ni^ht and morn. That the\ Relij^ion e\ er mii^ht adorn. Hv this made fit to meet llie ills of lite, Thev were preserved from much of worldly strife. "Surely," thoui^ht William, "(iod will dei<;n to hless This worthv famih w ith rich ha]>]:)iiiessl" Ev'n so he ilid; all seven knew the Lord, And took, to ;L(ui(Ie them. His most liolv Word. I'^n^landl whate'er thv foes mav do or sav. Thousands of families for thee will pray, Hv love and dutv led. Thev will not cease To seek that (iod would bless thv shores with jx-acel Know thou, my Countrvl thy great naval store, nil. KMH.KANI MlAllWn. .V> Tin mlllH•^<>^l^ aiinii^, .nul tli\ i ainiKir'^ luai, All' I iiipnliiirr ilsi'ir riiiiipiirc'd with piaMT, I'diiii'iI torlli iVom licails which in lh\ lilL>>' ^haicl I< itVi'>h<.'(l in iiiiiul ami IkkU, to (he road, W'ilh '^i.nn\ coiupaiiioiis tVoiii tliat dear ahodo, W'l' I.I AM iTtiinis; and in mo>t plcasiii",' talk Tina- swifllv tlic^, \\ liili- i-atlnciiiov s the walk. They reach the School before the time l>et,Mii, When each prepares Mime precious soul to win. They, ha\iii:,^ tasti-d (iod's torLji\in<4 lo\e, 'I'heir j,Matitiide foi' that rich hlessiiii; prove, liv teaching; chihheii placed heiieath their caie llo\\ the\ may best escape tVom ever\ siiari, lie saved from hell, and reach hea\en's mansion- bright, To dwell forever in the Savior's si.^ht. Ill Siindav School eiiLja^^ed twice each Lord's da\. And hearln<^ three discourses, some would s;t\ No time coulil then remain for au^ht beside; iUit this, my friends, has onl\ to be tried. I'or C'()()im;i{, in reserve, two hours still kept .\ii raider's invitation to accept, Ilim to accompanv to his home, and there join in sweet con\ eisation, hvmn or pra\er. Thus mostl\ passed his Sabbat' s tor two vears, Which kept him tVee from mam doul>ts and fears; I-nabled him to work at busine>>- still With easy mind, and with ri^ht heart\ \\ ill, And find that Wisdom's wavs are pleasantness, While all her paths are ]>eace and heart-felt blis>. I>iit little now remains for us to note, ()t niief endured, or of true pleasure souv various j^ifts, till partin<^ time delayed. And these lo\e-tokens sensihlv alleet The ICmij^rants, as jjroof of their respect: And often, when thev view them even now, A shade mit^ht seem to cross each thouLj^htf'ul hrow. Association, most ni\sterious thin<^I What strikiiii^ wonders thou hast power to hrin<;I * I'll c Itebtllion of iSj;. I III, I. MK.lt AN I Ml, I HA \K . M Aidi'd 1)V ll\ir. \\ I' liiii ri'\ iiw iMil) (lav A liiiiidii'il sciiu--, llmii^li tlit (if M;i\ appears — A I Sdine tew ;^i- wddeil Whv did he iidt pdur fdrth a partinL;' sdiij; IO\pressi\e df his t'eehn^s ;iUva\s slrdn<;r I lis IdviiiLC heart was painfulU dppiessed. As tdr Sdine nii^hts he had Init little rest; Mdst wi-ij^hts eares, too, seemed his mind td illl, ( )r he init(ht then have sun<^ with ri^ht i^ood will. Thev (inward sail, and ['kks'ion reaeh at niidii; 'I'hen take the coaeh and tra\el further (in. At niijlit thev ,y;ain the port of Linkiu'ooi., All Ljreatlv ehilled, heeause the nij^ht was eool. Dear relatives who li\e there, weleduie <4ive, And take them td the house in w hieh the\ li\e. Nt\t (lav thev visit manv diilerent doeks, Or wdnderin'^- view the huildinns hntje, in hldeks. i'hen seek a pidper ship witlidut delav. And, having' found one, passatje nionev pav; Secure their berths, and place their <;of)ds on hoard, Commend themselves and friends unto the Lord, And Iniv such comforts as their means allbrd. Mistakes aliout the charj^es, and delav s, (iave them uneasiness for several davs. At last the vessel's towed toward the sea; And, Reader, for the present, rest with me; Or wait a moment while 1 hrietiv add Tliat thev, to leave this port, were trulv j^ladl 4» TIIK KMH.II.W I Ml. I II AMI ItooK v. Ill Aiti.iMi.v I .- Atliln-ss to JJoiiiiiHTii', Ijnij;r;ml^ ir;uh till' Sr;t. I';iiv\vi'll ti> lliij;l;m(l. WiiiiamV nnpluv- iiuiils uii liojid. Storm (k'stiil)i(l, KimiIi I5;mk>> ot' \i\\ - r<)iiiiilhiii(l. I'<)j;;;\ wi-atluT. Iii'lur^js sirii. I^aiul >««.(.ii. l]iiii;4r;ml's joy. Ship spoktn. L'ro«.!^ (iiilt' if St. Law - iviKv. Until Ki\ii. SitiiiT\ , I'll'. An i\f I'll'i'ir (^iic- Itir. 'I'o Moiitri'al. 'riii-iKi- hy ()tta\va to Kiii^Ntoii, 'riuMu\' to Hainiltoii. Si-ttk- mar IJraMtrord, on a luish raiin. Shifts for t'uinitinv. W ii.i.iamV narrow csiapi- tVoni Di-ath in loj^^in;^. His nlisli of" hush si;^lits and sounds. Wants a lonipanion. Kisohitioii loriiM-d and Ixipt, RiinaiUs incidi'iit to it. Conclusion. Ilail, pcait'tul L'oinnKTcvI in ihv Ljlorious train Kieh hlcssiii^s conic to those who tlii'i- maintain. ICiiLcland h\ thci- for ct-nturics lias hccii hk-st ; 'Tin worth to her lan siaici-U hi- cxprcssM. I!y thy facilities tiic Scriptures spread l'*roni shore to shore, on (Jod's own erramU spid! Impelled hv thee our ships proud Ocean hears, While each fair port a tliri\iii;r aspect wears. Millions of jfold hv thee are well emplovcd. And the rich profits h\ each class enjoved. ThroU'^h thee j^reat Nature's overflowing" stores I''rom distant lands are hrou^ht unto our doors; increasing much our comfort and \ thy swav, sweet hands To huid Us to j(i\c Peace our hearts and iiands; And thus to strike a death-Mow to all war, Whose hrutal spirit ktep^ our minds ajar. Throuc distant that shall l)rinin' N'ei;lcct of thee, from whom such j^ood i- spaivd lo rt-acli \le ship to swei'p; Or llii^hts of l)irds ietnrnin<;' from ahroad, \i\ instinct led, to charm each ICiiiu'lish wood. With sails well tilled, the \ essel plows her wav in i^allant trim, nor heeds the (lashin> flu'^c attention craNcs — At tniK's, tor liours, lie watcliLs the daik \va\L's, Or sitN and i^a/t's on tliat li(|ui(l blue, And calU up i)l'antoni> ot' >liani;c sliape and luic; ()i' tries to reali/e a shipwreek scene, 'I'ill he scarce knows i>ut lie throuj^h one has heeii ; Oi'. ha\in!4- toinid a worthv Christian friend, In sweetest converse nianv hours would spend. ( )ne storm tliev had — it was the onlv one— Which histed l)ut a da\, and then was Ljone. lie oft had longed most ea;4erl\ to see 'I'he foaminiL;- hillows in tlieir majesty; And now iIh'\ came, with de.-perate t'tu'v fraught. As if tliey set all human ski)! at naut;htl Strong;" and more stroni^lv blows the mit:,ht\ wind. Till the tall masts like merest saplin<^s bend I Anon, the \ esse! ship- a weii;ht\' sea, Tlien all below is dread and misery; While the salt water pi ".rs in torrents down. As it" inclined the Emigrants to drown I Soine women shriek, and children crv aloud. While men toward the hatchways qr.ickU crowd, Not now inclined to utter oaths profane. Or break a Jest a meed of praise to s^ain. I^ome, on their knees, implore the "\'ir<^in's" aid; And some true |)ra\er is to the Sa\ ior made. The wind abates, Init still the sur;4es roar, Hearts fearful beat, and consciences feel sore. ICie loni;-, the calm l)ei4"ins to be perceived^ And man\ feel as speedily relieyedl Some hasten to the deck to look aliroad, l>ut few are found returning thanks to (jodi ^'et some there were who truly "grateful felt. And spake (iod's praise as the\ before Ilim knelt. Then Wii.i.ia.m saw, more clearly than before, His wondrous wisilom and His mi;^htv ])owerI He felt (jod's t^oodness in both storm and calm, And sense of this was to his soul like balm. Now thev ap|)i()ach the Hanks of Xewf(nnidlan>t(.(.T. Icc'Iht^^n arc -fcii; aiit" h\'j;]\'. All c\i's arc strained to catcli the joyful si,u"hl. And Newfoundland i> iiailed with true delight! Now soon a sinartd)uih ship i- near at hand- A splendid cratt I just come from ^ aideenl" The ICmii;rants conceived that Nature wore .V lovelier ijreen upon Canadian shore I'lian they had ever seen in vSprinj^- before! I>ut this was all delusion, and the eilect Of ship])oard life, which the\- did not susjH'ct. Now thev soon mark a ledge of rugged rock. Stretching near half across the river deep — V\\ place to give unwarv ships a shock. And cause their crews in sad despair to weep, (^uite high and i\v\ upon that rude Rock's crest A ship they spv; a total wreck it seems! This vessel had old Ocean's l)illf)ws jiressed. And neared the Port — oft seen in sailor's dreams. How came it there? Had they no Pilot ta'en r Was he unskillful? No one could explain! Then felt the Emigrants most trul\ ''lad 4^> TitK i:MM;uAN'r Mi;i n.wii' That thc'v a safe and ijlcasaiit vovaj^t- liail. At hist tlu'N ivath that \\ (.•ll-Uiiowii place, (iios Isle, And are ohlii^r^-d t,, amhor tor a wliile. l'"<)r '•(^iiaraiuiiie ins|K'eti(>i)" thi'\ prepaie; 'V\\v heitlis ail' eleaiised, and decks are scruhhed willi care And hnnian hein^^s whd had lost all traces ( )l" cleanliness, were made to scrnh their taci'sl This done; thev ninster in clean >iarnients dressfd, To meet the Doctor, at the Mate's l)eliest. No serions sickness to his eve appeared; \'et some tor want ot" decenc\ are jeered. Permission lo proceed the\ then ohtain; The //t'-/i(i-/icavr .' ^'^ "^"".^ ""t in jox ial strain, And rests the anchor in its place a^ain. ICre this, some stranije manenvers on hi<^h land (iain onr tVieiids' notice, and thev <^a/in>^ stand. Some men, at mast-like pole, to work are seen With dilFerent halls, and what can it all mean? \\ ii.i.iA.M incpiires, and learns with nuich surprise, In this wav thev send news and ijet replies I That now the\'re ti/corap/ih/i^ to (^nehec — T!ie line old citv, seen just like a speck — Of their ijood ship's arrival, safe and sound — llei" name -the people's numher in her found. Men dreamt not then how soon it would transpire I'hat news, 1)\ lii^htniuLC, could l)e sent through wire! The fame of this, () Morsel to thee helonj^s. And tin 'ureat name does honor to m\ son^s. Lout;- ma\'st thou li\f, and reap tiie just reward ( )f tin L;real lahor, in ^ood men's rc'^ardl Tlu'\ reach (^uehei', and anchor in (hie time Mefore its heights— so towerini;" and suhlimel What views now meet their tinl\ raptured sii>ht — All Natine's suiiiin<;' In the evenint^ li^litl The fills of MontmoriMU-\ , just helow— - With all her foam, most likt- to dri\en snow, And e\er-iisin^ mist — proclaim aloud The HeiiiLT and the Presence of her (iodi WHiat ijlorious Craft is that which now appears With ;4'i;k'et'ul ino\fuient, as the ship shi- nears?' '"'•Cainnh'ai/ /fic^'/c" steamship she is calleil; Like that <;reat hird she seemetl hoth proud and bald! The Emi<_frants hehold her with surprise. rii!: i;mi(;i:.\n r mihii.wii 47 (^uitr sure Mich spk-iidid si^lit ik-Vt met tlijir i-n i-s. Kw \inall, And take the Ottawa, w hose watei'^ dark And take the Ottawa, w hose watei'^ dark In pure St. Lawrence leave tiieir dini^N mark. I'p this dark rivei, and canal Rideau, They jouniev on, with speed at hest hut >«low ; Sometimes throu!n"h swamps, of dread mos(|uitoe'~ Now towed hy Steamers, now h\ horsi-s dull; In this way come to Kinj^ston, on tlu- Lake — The j^ieat Ontario — and a Steamer take, rpon their journey cpiickly thev proceed, With much more comfort, and far greater sjicrd. SatViy and soon they leach their destined place. To meet with tVicnds and friendship's warm end)raLe. rhaidhall ikiiik' as "C- W'liiild leave tlu'ir homt- and l)iisiin.>> caio a\\ liik-, 'l"(> tiiulj^f with liim, oil foot, for inaiw a luilc, Throiii^h Suiiiiikt's heal, and with iuo>t kind intention, I''oi" purposes of u liK'li I liave made mention. lie at sneh times would j^a/.e upon tlic trees, W hose loftv lieads were howiui^ to the hrce/e, Till he could f"aiu\- them a hand devout lCn;4aLffd in woiship, hevond any douht. Now he Ihst heard those "soft aiid a voimt^-, wild ox-team. Which had for months heen wandering;- in tin- woods, Wheie thev did not hut eat, and drink, and dream. Like lords of all in those dee]) solitudes. ( )ur Wii.i.iAM acted as the Teamster still, .And did his hest to train them to his will; Yet lor a time thev would not brook restraint, gut ran to th' woods, on dan>^erous frolic bent. IIIK KMU.KANI MlAllWa, 49 ()iui, \\ liik- ;it l<>^i,Mn^^ our r;i\\ ti'.iiii^ltr till, Ami tlii' iiii^/i <>\ trod on his toot ;is wt-ll; 111' Irii'tl to rise. I)iit t'oiiiid it \\ ;is in \;iin. And tiiou^lits of" llu'ii in;id tricks shot tinoii'^h his lii.iin III' ;4iiitl\ tomhi'd ihi-ni with his s;i|)lin'4 ;4"'itr;itc' toini ( ), s;id to \ii'wl W'iu-n wondrr t^ri'.it- tin- i;ittli' stood (|uiti' still (In siriit olndii'iui- to thiir MjUit's will)! Mis hi;id uiis on a lo^;, iiis lu-ik \\ ;is hjiid. As it" tor sonii' dri';id ;i\-stroki- ijiiiti' pnpjiid. Till' lo^ thi'N driw iipoii his shouldiT ii-sti'd - And thus his ioni;ir|ii niovr would suri'U iiusli his lu-.td ; In one short monu'nt more he nii^iit he de;i4H»««»|)MtlaiaMM»MM(u.v so II IK I-, MK.KWI MIA HANK. Tlif I I.iiiiiii IX1-. tiuuV must |i;iisli (lisiunhiiii notr; TIr' liiiif j;i\, pKHic I\ iiMtiHf tiiiii;lil; TIk- l".Miiti(ius \\ i)i)il|H'iki'r— the pij^a-uiTs tlii^lit; The siKikc, iiiii()\iiiiis, ^hdiiij; out of sij^lit — 'I'hfsi- sii^rlits iiiid soiiiuU hroii^^lit pIi'Msurc to hi-- niiiid, Most htMi t-lc'll pli'iisiiit.', ItMxiii;^ pt.';KC' hchiiwl. And thimirh he toiU'd witl. ;ill the (.'jij^c'riK-Ns \\ hich \()iiths i)t' iirdi'iit U'liipi-i Jimciils possess, Till Ills poor liod\ e\cT\ iii^iit \v;is lired, lie e\eiinorc- these sounds and sie in arrears. And I am sure it would he helter tar, That families sliould themsehes tVom deht deliar. Than hlast their prospects, as too main do, \\\ what they have so often cause to ruel From this dii^ression let us now return. To note what William found with deep C(tncern: That " 'Tis not i^ood tor Man to he alone,'' As said hy (iod, in Wisdom's solemn tone. This now appeared to him a serious truth, I'ar more than it had done in davs of xouth. The hiids still paired, and had their separate nest, I'^rom love responsi\e in each son_i:fster's hreast; l>ut, thouj^h he loved on Nature's face to .i^a/e, And mark the heauties which each da\ displa\s. He felt a vacancy in his voun*;- hreast, For he no lov'd companion then possessed. l-"ar differoit was it in his native land — There, such an one might always he at hand. nil-. I.MH.K.W 1 MI.I. HANK 5« I. fit liiin small -^paix' tVoni wliicli :i iiiati' to iliouso. (iud's word taiiK' to liis aid, and tlitii in pravci III' liirc'U l!im-.<.-ir upon his l^itlu-i's caiv. That word dfilan-s, th;it "Ik- who liad iioi spati-d His \sA'IIdii-lo\ I'll Son, \\;is not picpaii'd I'or onci' withlioldin^ iVoni liis ihildii'n (Kai Aiinlil whiih tht'\ n'.'c'd, w hiU- stih sojoninin;; htU' Ihis pnrioiis promise piovi'd to \h- as hahn, 'I'o kii'p his troul)lc'd hcMit at piisriit cahn; And hi' ri'solvfd in patit'nii' sijll to wait, 'I'ih (ioil should lind lor him a tini- "iu-lp-matt'." I'liis rt'sohitioii ("orinnl, was Uc'|)t intact, \oi was the stivii^th his own, for that \\v la-kod. Ik', lhoii<^h so \m day to day, tVom week to week ma\ pi o\ e I'lie prt'ciousiiess ot' tiiistinn' in (iod's lo\e! Should we do this, (nn- jo\ w ill never eease — Dark tliin;_fs will all look hii^htl Our end he pea.el nil. l.MIl.ltWI MIMIAMC. IJOOK \ 1. Till. .\k(.imi.vi. Atldn-ss lu Kin.il Liif. ,\ii ;i\c r;i<;c' >>;im- |»k' of ;i I .ii^j^rjiij^r.lni. (l^.sc I ilnd, 'I'lii' l\;i->l. Tlir l.'>^. j^tTs' jfsis, ;iii(l ollii T iiuidi'iits. IJiirniiii; Loj^-liiMps. 'I'lic I-"i,'j;i'r*'' Siijn^-. \\'ii,i.iA.\i\ lliKiiLrlil'^ ;iii(l fni|)l<)\ iiu'iit>< ill Aiiliimii. Tlu' AiilimiiKil ^;irl> uf tui-s. KilUi lions coiiiui U S;il>li;itli-siM|)i' lioiii i)i'iiii^ cTiislud Ii\ till' t;iiiiii;4. W'iiilii finplov iiic'iits. l'ri|);n;iliiins fur Si^ai -nuking. I'rucfss (Ic'sci il)t.-(l, S»jjaj( r\\ Skii'T. Cit>ii. Ilaii, Rural Utfl from whom suili plia-uri'N ■-|iiin;4, 'I'lial I iindkc m\ Mu^c tin ^■lla^m^ to ^in,u• \\ lift her I \ icu tlicf in iiu iiativi- hmd, WlicTi' Scicncf Ii'IkU ti) ludiistrv Ikt hand, \\> make luT loniticlds \ icid a dinilile >t<»ic, ( )r l)t'aiitit\ her landscapes iiinrc- and more — - Where wealth immense is \ei\ iVeeU spt-nl, l>\ those who on tin weal are still intent; Or here, in Canada, thy face I view ( )n well-eleaied farms, or those which are (juite new ; However rude th\ t'eatuies, or despised — Thoui^h in Town-lite. th\ charms In me are prized. A sense of these still nrj^es me aIon<^', As I proceed with m\ unlettered sodl^: And every line which 1 ma\ write- on thee, I trust will e\ idence sincerit\. The new-come settlers now w ith speed prepare To lo^ the fallow they have cleared witli care. I'or Summer, with her lieat intense, has tk"usii-men are well know n. IIa\e thev not streii'^th or time the work to dor The\ ask their neiLchhorV help, and o\eii, too. And tellow -teeliii;^, spninn- from their own need. Leads these the summons to ohev with speed. Should the set da\- he tine, the\ start from home Without regret, and to the fallow come. rilK KMKiHANI MhlilANU. 5-^ ()tu' liioks "^u |);ili.', Iif sc'fins not lit till- wmk; ll;i> li;i(l tin- .!,;'//<•, and it still doth link In lii> pour franic', and may a^ain apprar A dn/cn times Wffuiv hi' \ (.loscd the year! Sonu- others, also, wear (juite sickly looks, As (hon;L,di lhe\ had inn deep in nactni-s" hook--; Or are redneed, li\' heat and toil intense. Till work, with them, \><)nld seem luit nieii' pretemi'. iJnt let ns not pre-judj^e them; the\ lia\e hearts l>ra\e as a lion, and will aet their parts. The "tixnis^s" ready, some experienced hand A "Come, Iioysl Let 's to work I" i^ives as command. This said, their stren<;th and nnmhers thev divide; ''Haw, Uiickl" "(Jee, Uri^htl" is heard on excrv ^ide. "Movs, l)iin<;- \()nr haiiJspilccs ; raise this monster lo;^ 'I'ili I can hitch the chain — JJ/irk! la/\ doi^I Stand o'er, 1 sayl What ails the stnj)id heasl.- Aiil now I see; von think von ha\e a feast!" Hitrk- snatches at a clnmj) ot' herhaj^e near, .\\\i.\ deems it is, to iiim, most savorv clieer; Hut thwack, thwack, thwack, comes tVom the hlue-heech j^oad; lie takes the strokes nj)on his forehead liroad \\ ilh (hie snhmission; moves a little piece. That those unwelcome Mows may sooner cease. Tlie chain is hitched; "//(i'TC, now!" is londh heard. And the iialf-huried Io'lj is disinterred. ''(iel upl (jo'lon^r" vociferouslv shouts I'.verv ox-teamster, at these lo^^in<^ bouts. The heap is reached; now list the loud ''Whoa-av I" Louder and louder, till the oxen sta\-. The chain 's unhitched; "Now, hoysl vour handspikes seize; Lift! Altojjfether! Rest it on your knees; There; roll him over. Ahl 'twas nohl\- done! Tile the will drv his coat, as sure 's a i^un!" And thus, to lij^hten toil, thev pass the joke. Or stand a moment to have serious talk. One ot some accidents his neijjjhhor tells. Till each warm bosom with emf)tion swells; How Jack ]\Liij^uin was lo<^- lii^ lili' \v;i- i'IhIiiII Aiioii \\ I' imtici- tli;it f;iih -iiiiilt\ Imlv Ik-jiii-' with l;ure to please! And now I'll cease — no, three things \ ct remain; Tea, cream and suLfar, nuLjht of slight complain! There, will this dor Or is there somethiuL; more Which vou would thnik it rii^ht to set before .Such worthy eaters? 1 am satisfied It can 't be bettered in oiu' Bush-land wide! (jood as it is, and huntj;^r\- as they are. They caimot from ^ood Jests themselves debar. One sees his neit^hbor cast a lonj^inj^ glance Toward that berry pie; and, rare jj^ood chance! IIK I. Mil. I! \ \ I \ri.l II \ Ml , 55 "Ti- iirair*! Iiliii; lu' iliiukU'^ witli di'liiihr, Ami i» aliinit to uliip it out ot' si;^r|it ; |>nl I'ipHuiu-. -till ijpriiioiis, -^ivts tJu' .\i>; lli- IH'MIV-t IK-i^lllmr (|i>i'> ;m illlir(.--t slluw in tlii> proic'cdin'^, ami tlii.- pic lia- -natilud, (^)iiiti.' in l;ikm| liiiiiior, iTi.' iIut stl'c-iin.'> well liati lioll I'Ik' ilisappoiiitid roiiplf s\ mpathi'^i.'. Ami ~i'4iial to cath ollu,', with tlu'ii" (.-w-. 'I'lir llilid OIK', (|iiiti- iiii-rlii-li, di't'iiis tlii' ji.'st (ioiR- tar iiioiiL;h, and iio\\ ri'soKt.-. 'li- ln'-t To liilp liim-i'll", an thi-, and renio\es tin- |)ri/e A /(•(//(• I'mther iVoni hi- Ion,!^in'j; e\ e-. Sneh joke- pas- iVec; and no ijreat wroii^ i- done To real ^food-tello\\ -hip ii\ liannle— tun. "I'i- o'er at la-t, when ino-t of" thian paitaUe The pipe delieiou-, tor it- o\\ n dear -ake. 'I"he\ re-t and -moke, and -moke and re-t a;4ain, I ntil the ''Come, ho\ -I" -onnd- in londe-t -train. ( )iiee nioiL' to woik, with iVi'-h alacrity, The\ leaeh the fallow, plea-ed a- men can he. The team-tei- call their cattle, not far -traved, l)Ut ihew int^- cud heneath -ome i^reen tree's shade. "L'o' Ihirk! Co' liriolit r lhrou,i,dioiit the wood- le-oniid, And each trained ox move- torwaid at the sound. ALCain the work .n'oe- forward, a- Itetore. Till nearlv ni skiilU luhiiiil, ()!' till- yojiiL^iT sort ; :uiil, if I :iim iiot liliml, A iiiii|)li' ((f liri^^'lit •/\\\> 1 I'.iiU-tl III iiu-iilinn, All- ui»l nuiU' i.ii;i\v;iiv ••(' titcir iiiti'iitioii. Hut tllis is llilt lll\ llllxilless, so ril |);|ss 'I'o iltlu r lllillLJx, ;mil ll't iMfll inllll Ills lilss. SI mull I next (l;i\ piuxc- ;i IliR- oni-, with a l>ivi.v.r Su stioMLT as just tn mii\c' sunnuniliun tiii-s, Tlu- ScllK-r ma\ his lu'w -raisol li.'^-lu'aps lin, Auil sii' thipi l.iiiii In siiii his JKint's ilcsin.'. TIk' llii' i' plaifil; tt/'f'/c, ihiuls vmi- Not iii-low, Iliit nil IJK' top, and hiinis at Ihst hut sjow. Si'i', lU'w, till- wind has h!o\\ u it |o ;i llainc; And soon tlu' lo^diiai) tiri''s no Ioiilcit tanifl Div stiiivs ;iiid (.hips, in ;ill tlu- ojii'iiiu^s pl.Kid, Will p:o\i tlu- tiiiH' spent on ihini was not w asli-. Till' iMuhiTs, falliii'4, niaUi.' th(.si> soon i'^nitc; And now the luMp. from end to i-nd, is hri^ht With pall' or iiiddv llaiiii'; tin.' smokL- asci-nds Thick, Maik and curiinu;-, as its way it wends 'J'owaiil the sky. Now twiMit\ heaps ;ire Ihed, And Iwrin a si,nht 1 oi'leii ha\e admired. Tlie heat hecor.ies intense; lor Sol's warm fays I'liitiuLj with liie wood-liie's licieest hlaze, Make it past iH'aiin;^; yi-t the Settler hears 'I'he heat ami toil, and siuilint llu' toil i(.'i|iilii'(l iliK'^ iKit i'nin|il;iiii. Ik' "sows ill Iiu|h;" and, il lu- laki' tliii' laiv, A s|)|ili(li(l l-Kil) will sdOll he i,nuwiii;j; llu'iv. Ill \iiw III" lliis. III lis siipposi' liiiu >»in;4in;^ Tin- 1 ,()(.«, iii'-^ StiN(;. w hill' iHaiil'iil llinu^hls air spi iiii'4iii'4. Ill !■: i.ot.ciiiii's so\(i. Ill I'. I.()l>(>l'. li > M l\(i. C'ntiir, Ilovs, to tlu- lai'i'^iiin' I'l' ilu-ciriilU i'l-^-'^iiv^, A (la\'s wink 'n l)cti)i\' lis, I liiiw ; Tlic l''all is a(l\aiK'in stivnL;th — Anil tVlt tiu' --ad cHect^, in lull, at k-nnth. Vet at this season, in Canadian woods, lie could not well retrain iVoni nuisinn' moods. Xor was it anv wonder, w hen each day Added tVesh charms to Nature's jj^rand displa\. T'.e ()nce-<^reen lea\es, struck hv the earlv frost, Made up in yori^eous lints what thev had lost I lie felt that never in his life het'ore Had he e'er seen such hues as those trees wore. Some that were shaded still jjreservcd their ath day, And found nnich hene!it from it al\sa\. Meanwhile their \vorldl\- means orcw less [w-ti] less, And fear of deht led them throuL;"h some distress. At last their circumstances \\ fre made known To a dear hiend, \\ ho did a kind heart own. lie W'li.i.iAM took, to iielp him in his store. And L;'a\e ^ood wa;j,es — which endeared him more To those, thus lasored, \\ ho h\ this pcrceixed III' carried out, in j)ractice, truths hcliexed. In this emplo\ nient W ii.i.iAM staid not lont;^, llis sensitixeness soon made thin;4s ^o wroiiir. lie therefore hack returned into the Hush, \\ here Want stood read\ his tond hopes to crush. Ihc this, dread Winter had set in with ri^j-or, \ et he his hriijht axe took ai^ain with \ i<;-or. 'rhrouj^ since had no sap in; Mesides, the chopj^er's almost constant stroke KauLj througli pure air, and londer echoes woke; While ever and anon a tree would fall \\ ith tliunderin<^ crash, which mij^ht some minds ajjpal These all were sounds which he lo\ed well to hear, I'or they, 'mid hard emplov, his heart did cheer. .Severe the lUish-mairs lite, and full of ilani^er. While, to most scant\' fare he is no stran<^er. It needs o-ood eyes, stron^■ arms, and conra^v, tof), To li\c the life which most new settlers do. Tlu' elder Coopkh's sight was very bad, \\ liicli came niq-h briiiij^ini^- him a fate most sad. They were both choppin;^' at a hasswood tree — 6o TIIK KMKilt.WI MIXIIANU vStrokc lollowcd after stioUc most rapidly — When, !oI a Muldcii l>la>t of wind aio'-c, W'ri.i.iAM |KTcci\c'd it, and withheld hi> hlows; Lnokc'd up, saw danj^er, l)adc iiis father ll\I Keaehed a safe place himself, whieh was near In ; The tree eanie down; he iiiiiekU then returned, And stood ania/.ed as soon as he discerned His father's near escape from tree-crushed fate; He quite unconscious of his danLJcr ijieat. There rested, just a foot above his iiead, A iiut;e crookM branch, tiiat nii<4ht have struck him Had it not lieeii for (jod's most watcht'ul care. So plainlv manifested to him there. This wondious mercy called forth uratitude. And Love's warm ljIow fresh in their hearts renewe (lead In cuttiu"^ l'>Ji^ t<"' barn, autl drawini^ Uunber, Our hero spent of davs a ;^oodlv number. Amf)n<^st deep snow, and with a slow ox-team, One thinks 'twould prove a damper to his (hx'am. Not so, however; though his tood was scant, Of likin>^ for the Hush he telt no want. He and, his brother scoured the woods around, Where'er 'twas likelv strait^ht loj^s could be found. These cut, were let"t till snow had "settled down," When to the barn-site thev with speed were drawn. Thus passed the hardest months of that hard season, .\nd Sol's increasing warmth was hailed with reason. The more, because that .Su//_<^'\\ and next his sp/'h's prepared; For all the toil retjuired he little cared, "(iood axe-men ntt\ small trout^hs make per da\ ;" So said old Woods-men, in a boasting" \va\'. 'I'his roused ambition in his youthful 1)reast, TIIK K.MKiK.WI MIXIIANK. fn And he worked hard, scarce taking- tiinc for rest. His pride was somewhat hiimliled when lie toiind Tiiat lie could make but thirty eaih dav round. "\'et couraj^e t(;<)k from this, that their's were mat \k- U(.pl oVi it, list tlK\ spoil tht.' l)ali.li. W'u milk, or I'l^^s, arc- w^t.'A to L'laritX The saccharine j'icc, that il ira\ UiiK \ ic I'or pnrit\, with an\ sn^ar niadc, l!\ lliosc- who ha\c' hccn hroui^ht np to the fradi-. "I'is ready now lor straining;"; and as lC\e Draws hir dark (.urtains, \\ c the l>ush nia\ leaxe, And lollow hini who hears his preeions load, Well pleased, hut tired, to liis rude lo;:^ ahode. Let "s enter, unpereeived, that we nia\ see The Su'^ar take its next and last des^ree. Thiou^h flannel hai^- the s\ lup now thev strain. And the elose te\tine does the dre^s retain. \ow it is plaeed o\'i' «|uite a gentle lire, Till it assume th.at state w hicli thev require, i'his, hv repealed trial, the\ diseo\er: When cool, it will -'n'rain" well, and lioiliiiL; % o\er. I've now ^one throuL;"h this sui^ar-makin^ process In business form; not .i^ixiuLj, more or less, A hint of frolics which the voun;^ folks pla\, hi suj^arini^-time, and after close of dav. M \' readers ma\ ima;L^ine, if thev choose, i'he t'un that from such iiatherinj^s ensues; \\ hile 1 proceed to hame a harmless Soni^-, l'L\pressi\e ol the .SV/i,'(Cr(V- .v feelinj^s strong'. As he his uK^st delightful work puisued. Midst leafless trees, in deepest solitude. riiic sr(; Aii-MAKiiii's s()\(,. Sol's warmth is ini-rcasin;^, the l-'rosf-KiuL;' is ii'asinj^ llis hold on the sap of the trei-s; And ha\iu!^- w rounht steadv, m\ troUL'.hs are all iead\, .So now 1 will I'aLjerU sie/e' Mv few rude tools, ere ardor cools, \or heed the meltiuii; snow. Some da\s of" toil will ui'M't" spoil '{"he pleasure Itefore me, I know . 1 ui'ed no inxiliuL;", to work I delii;ht in; ()f such I have pleuU to-(la\'; I'he sof"t blusii of XIorniniL^ the scene is adorning', 'I'hen win should I lonu'er delav.' riie Maple tree will j^ixe to me llsboiintv most profuse; One huL;"e sweet cake I hope to make Eacii dav, from the sacchaiiiie juice! Till': ICMK.KWI Mi;ill.\\U, L:i>t ni^lit"^ -pli'iidid iVcf/in"^ \v;i- triiU m till' Sii;^;ir-lJu>li lovt-; 'I'iii-- iniiiirs iii(lic':i(ii>n> lU'cd no (.■xphiiiatious, A^ till' (l;i\ will ;ilniii(I;mll\ prowl Tiifii IiM'-tt.-, coinrack', imd loiiiL; \c>ur >]);idi', To il(.;ir ;iw;iv the snow, That our wood-thi' ina\ ^ooii acciulri' A hcMutiful, hri^Tit, nidiK nlow. \ow, whiKl 1 am lapping \\\v tii't-- with -wi'ii s;ip in, I'rcparc \ on a ^ood stock of wood; l)C watchful ill hoilii);^'. nm no risk of spoiling I5\' carck'ssiK'ss, piospfcts so ooodi ( ), as I lap, out flows the sap In a siuall fr\ stal stream I I Irel as ;4a\', on this tine da\-, As 1 haw in sonu' xdulhlul dream I <\^ Now, eomradi, eaeh kittle of cast-iron metal Is full eiiouiih ipiite for a start; I'rav keep the lire ^oiiiLJ, hut \ et not too L^lowiii'^, For thus \()u will hest act \'our part. While I am oil', j^nard the stoie-troULjii I'rom cattle hrowsin^- near: This splendid 'Mun" ma\' soon he done — The north wind is comiiiLj, I k'arl The s\ rup nei'ds skimmin^■. *"Lea\e it to the women:" Ah, comrade, it ne\er will dol 'i'he\ ma\ mind the strainiiiLi" w ithoul imu h loniplainiii'.;", \\-\ think it is tjuite enough, too. \ow exentide. and frost heside, l>id us our lahor cease; I'oi" hoiue we'll make, and s\ mp take To them, as an (tirerin;j^ of I'eacel The li\el\ strain which 1 ha\e just indiih^ed. Must chaii'^e full soon, if ficts wi'ii- all dixulneil. I'or darker shades come o'er m\' hero's dream; i>ut we must pause, ere we resume the theme. And trust this sketch of rude liushdite ma\ pro\e Acceptal)le to those who Nature lo\ e. Siichi retrospect has charms tor one like me, W ho has passed throuL'h such sceiu's most happdx. I'ardon me. Reader, it m\ unlearned son^- Should seem to \'ou ipiite dull, an|" ;ill I would must y;l;i(ll\ ^-ccU, l'"i(>iii piiri'sl inutixis, Jiiil with spirit iiic-fk — - \nl I i>iiitiip4 l";iiiu-, so tl;i//iiiin t() mc-iTs c-vt's, ISllt (iod's ;i|)|)l()\ .ll, ;|s m\ w isllC'd-t'ol' pli/f. Shmild this l)c niiiu,, I s|i;dl 1h' (|nik' lonti'iil. And dci'iii my tiiiu- and hilxn' wIm.'!} spent. I'.OOK \II. McmoiN , 'ill-: AiuirMKNT. — Addri'ss to Mcmorx. Spiin^-tinu- di-- snilic'd. 'I'lioniilits and tancit's fonncttcd \\ itii it. ISnilds a i(>!^- hani. Sprin;^ I'lnplos mcnts. IiKii-asc of trials. \\ ii.i.i am's si(.in C'liristian Warfare, (jood to liinisL'il from its composition. Lfuts IJush lor \'illa»;e ai^ain. 7 '/j/kcrs in the ti)untr\. ThoULihts and ll'flin'^s in fomu'ition witii it. I'liailies in pul>hi.' iindrr pec'iiHar eiivnmstaiux-s. IntiNxhiied to liis fnture I'athi-r- in-lawV famiU. N'isits theii' house. Kceeption. I )(•- si'viption of his future \\ ilr, and SistiTs. Aiieedote. C'omnu'iu'es liusiness. N'isits the Stati's to hii\ tools. Takes Xiat^ara in his \va\. Seenerv aho\e I A'wiston. First si^ht ol" Kapids; ol'the falls. Son;^- to them. C'on- O, Memor\ I What art thou"- Whenei'tlu power? Tin wonders are displa\ed from hour to hour ( )f m\ existence. l>v th\ powertul aid Sweet Childhoed's scenes most truthfulK an- madi- Fo ])ass lietore me in such \ i\ idness, I stand ama/ed, and tin i^reat skill conll-ss! Hv thv assistance, thint^s Ioiilj- lost to \ lew .Sprini:^ forth surprisiiij^lv — hoth fresh and new. I tra\el 1>ack through more than thirt\ veais. With all their toils and pleasures, griefs and fears. (io where I may, thou ever art w ith me, .\s Counsellor and Friend, dear AIemor\ I Thv secret depths 1 would a<_;ain explore, And must draw laiLjelv ere m\ task he o'er. i>e thou no i^n/'s J'afu//s to alhire Ale from the paths of truth, nor it obscure. TIIK KMKMJANT MKlll.Wt* 63 While I ;ittiiii|)t til p.iliit llif ciiu;h^ <>t tri'fs thifniL;h ;i!l thi' woods. 'Ihi- Mio\\ and iVost ri'inain till ".atlKT late-; I'lUt Sol's ^Mvat power lor this will i-oiiipiiisatc. Ill', aided hv soj't winds and (.opioiis rain. Will melt the snow, and lui'aU stiTu Winti'i's i hain. I'lie I'rost-Kin!^;, tluis so siiddeiiU detinoned, Ma\ vent his raj^e, ;is if ;i - region of' eternal ^now , Send 1 nde \oith \yinds to strike a deadly hlow ; To nip the faiii'st hlossonis in tlu' hud, And hlast, in spite, the :,'(i'/-riish femes, and theiL' was no pi-aee From '•hieaehv" lattle, hreakinn' thidiiL^h w ith ease, To eat the eiops as olU'ii as the\' pleasel To eiit (low n tr es, and --plit them into rails I'^or la\ in'4' t'eiiee, is work which seldom fails The new iSiish farmer, who must e\er l>e I poll the mo\e, and ii-(.'d to industrv. Such v\ as their case; and. ()hl the achiiiL;' liml), And siiikin;4 heart, as prospects ^rex'' More dim I Anon, the sun shoots down such powerful ravs, •' As sL'cms to s(.>t the air almost a-iila/el Tlie\ felt the pre\ ious Summer \erv hot; IJtil that, throui^h Winter's (.old, was c|uite fori^ot. ik'sides, :is \ et 'twas Spiiiii^-; then wh\' this heat r Their sjrennth was small from lack of proper meat. 'Tis true, the\ did not want for dailv bread : IJut l>ushditc' should with >-troiitjer t'ood l)e ted. In lieu of tea, thc\- used root sassafras vSo much and often, that the\- all, ahisl \ot oiilv cleansed their moderate share ot" lilood, IJnt thinned it iar too much to do them i^ood I Wii.i.iAM, especiallv, hecame so weak He could scarce hear to work, or e'en to speak. When he essayed to stoop, his hack seemed l)roke; Antl courage failed beneath the heavv stroke. rilK K.MK.lt.W I Mil II \ Ml . Tlir (lilll rent ri.'HK(Iii'> wliiili fi it-iids ;i 1hi\\ |ii- IkmiI, Siibmi^^iN (.• l<> I Ik- will of 1 lim w Im l>U'd i'or siali poor ^-iniUT'^, oii iIk' 'Hin-td tiw;" Ami toiiiid >>oiiu' (.ointoit III lii'^ iiii-cT\. < )iK' d;i\ liis s|)irits s;iiik iMii'iin 1\ low - And l";ntli, luTsfll", (lid iVoiii liiin iii lii^ woi'; W'Ik'ii, liki' a Hash of li^htiiiiij^, to hi-- niiinl A p:iss;ii;(.' laiiK', sLiit I)\ lii> l'.\riii.i! kind! "l"ii;ht till.' j;ood ii,L;ht of I'aith," with iiia^ir woiih Kanti tliidu^jli lii-^ Noiil^ and \e'i\ soon ^asi.' Mrlli 'I'o a most li\i.l\, (.iifi^L'tic Soiii^-, ( )ii Christian \\'ai lari'— in which he was lon;^. I .L^ixi.' iIk' vfisis, with an caniist piaxiT Thai all ni\ KlmcIcis iua\ their spirit shaii', And si'ck lor Ljiacf to iielp them still to li,v,lit The ''Imj^Iu oI' Faith," as in their Maker's si-ht! IIIK C IlinSII.w's l!.\ I ■|I.|.-s,()\(i. " I'iyht llu' (;.Miil liiilii ..t I'.iiili." SoldiiTs of' JesiisI sa\ — W'heii' is \(>nr ariiior: riie word has ^oiie forth; \on are ealled on ti' li,i;lit! Still doth the eonlliet i^iow warmer and warmer; Then trust in \our Captain for wisduni and nii^htl Soldiers of )t>nsl mind well voiir l)eha\ lor; See those prond foes, how undannfed the\ standi Mark well to the words ot' \our lo\in;4 Savior: "IJe V" also read \ I" Ke'-aid this eoniinand. Soldiers of Jesnsl (), henol alarniee ne\ei disaimedl ^ our enemies seek to accomplish \our fall. Soldiers of JesiisI Immamiers hanner — Mosi i^lorions of ICnsi^ns — is reared up on hij^h; I'^i'Li'lit \el (), flight \el in soldierdike manner; Jehovah, to help \ou, toiever is nii^hl Soldiers of JesusI the toe- \oii contend with Are siihtle, expert, thev are man\- and iifieat ; ^'ol^l• armor's so tempered, that it will ne'er IkmuI with iJemg used well a<(ainst them; nor carU, nor late. 6S rill. I'.MK.HANI MiailANU Tiikr I5iv;is||)l;ilc of l, — taki- SIiicM of I'aillil \\\ \\ Imli voii aw ;tltU' t(i (iiKiuli ;i!l (Ik- ( )! \ our i,Mi;it AiitjiijdiiiNt I I'm, m) lU'sjiith \\ lit) s|\ li'N ! linisflf "I'aitliriil," ;iii(l who stniii^th iin|);irt'-. 'I'd tlifsi.- 1)0 tliiri.' ;ii|(le(l "S;il\ atioiiV Inij^lit lli-liiu-t, Ami Sword of iIk- Spiiit — the Word of your (iod." That (lod who \(iiir I'oi's with (k'>triHtioii o\tw lulimth, .\nd riii(.'s lioth the Ikawiis and ICailh with his nod. Still praying "with pr.iycr and <;ivat sii|)pIitation, In iht.' spirit of Trnth, and \\ akhiiiLC'tlierL-to, W'ltli all persLVciviKc, lor the cditieation ()!' I Jrethrt'ii— tlu- Saints," who arc Soldiers like you. Soldieis of jfsiisl now li;4ht with all ardor Ui'iitath that hiinht IJaniier now lii.Ljh and unrnrleil! (), donlit not hut jtsns will l)f sour Itewardcr, W iiL'n from their proud standiip^r noui' toes lie has huiledl Soldiers of Je'UsI sour Captain is waitiiij^j To ijive you a Crown — a most "glorious reward! I'^oiwardl press forward! success contemplatin;4; He'll ,L;i\e you the \'ictory; this promise rej^ard. Soldii'is of lesus! hehold I lim descending l'j)on a W'iiite Throne, His hii^ht AnLfels arouiul! The "iJ^lorilled throniLif" are upon llini atteiidin;^; IJefore Him all Nations and Kindreds are found. Hear those *;lad words, "Come, ye 1)less'd of my Father! Iidieril tlie Kingdom prepared lony; for you!" Then i^'lory to Him and the leather toj^ether; With the l)lest Holy Spirit, to w hom it is due! The composition of these liyely yerses. Was made to him one of his ijreatest mercies; Tiiey roused his courage hy their warlike tone, And made him teel he was not left alone To ti^^ht a_Lfainst a host of watchful foes: I-'or One was with him who felt all his woes; Who had Himself throuj."-!-! every trial heen. And still is with his ])eople, thouj^h unseen! Such sweet rejections had this jrood efTcct Tpon his mind: they led him to respi-ct. More than he yet had done, pure Bible truth; Illh hMKiKANI Ml.illAMc, In, Ami llui» Ik- UmiiuiI l• U(l, ill l;i>t, lltr I'vi'iy ^(''''•■'1 '"•'■ <-\»-''\ It';" to (.asl I pull 1km (i(t(l, with simpk- fiiith- unriiniK'd; And tiinni! IIi>« pionii-i' iini'; ^hc w ;i> ^n>-t;nniil. Iliv 1hm|\ still \\;i- wr.ik; and on tlu- t';nni 1 !(.• (.onld nut wuik witliunt 1 ci.ii\ in;^ li;nni. 'I'u lif a rhrk Ik' was nut now imlimd- 'Twas nut a litL' i'un<;cnial tu his mind; Tn work at his own tiadf hf tliun^lit was ln.-st. Which thuii^ht to si'MTal iVicnds hr tluai I'xpnssrd, These all a;fivcd it wtmld he lij^ht !<> tr\ Tu llnd eniplu\nK'nt in the \'illa^e nii^h. In it was une who eanied on the trade. Who, tu appearanee, had a fuitnne made. Tu hini lie then applied, with sunK- sneeess, To j^^et a Jul), and wiouf^ht with ea;^a'rne>s. Alas! it only lasted fof a week. And he was thns eumpelied fresh wuik tu sfi-k. That Hruther, who l)cfure had stood his iVifiid, Now kindly odered ample nK-ans to lend Tu start in hnsiia-ss on his uwii aeeunnt ; lint Cooi'i-.it dreamt he ne\er euuld snrinunnt The dilllenlties whieh hesct him ronnd, So inexj)erieneed as he- should l)e fouiKl. The work reijuired, to him, was mostU ikw, Aiul made up hv machines^ as well he knew . I'u work with these must i)e his ehiif mueern; JUit where was he to j^o sueh woik to iL-ain, L'nless he made too threat a saeriliee Of Christian privilcj^er This, in his eves. Was of sueh moment, that he rather chosi' To struj^i^le with ehill Want, and other woes, I'ntil such time as (iod saw lit to show To him the ])ath in which he uni;ht to l;i>. Meanwhile, as tinker^ he two irons took, \\ ith solder, rosin, and the Christian's l>uuk I I'-([ni])pe(l in this wa\ 'munii'st his iVicnds he winl, And ha]:)py hours in work and trav'lin;^ spent. r)f mendinj^ tins he had enoii<^h to do; And ^ot <^ood board, and decent wa^es, too. Kre lonir he visited more distant farms, And fouiKl his callinjij not devoid of charms. On Nature's varied face he still could j^a/e, /O I III. IMK.K A \ I Mil II \ N H.'. Ami i;r1i iu'W mimu' pri-sriititl iVi-sli dioplays ( )!' (ioiT-. ( )i,iiii|)ul(.iu'(.' ;mil liuiimlUss l.i\i', W'liiili r.iisi'ii ' IS tlnniLihts iVom l',;nlli t«i thiii'^s .iImim'. W'liilr, ivi'i iiikI .iiiuii, lu' riiiiinl .1 tiuiid 'I'll ^i\ I' I mil \M>i k, .111(1 I lies'- '111 liiiii III s|Kn.| Tlif iii^lil, ill iiiiufurt, 'lUMtli lii- iViiiKlls nml; Ami lliiis iiHiinl till' iiiiisi siilistaiitiiil piiinl', 'I'liiit I Iiiiuiiii-Uimlm.ss ill its \\;iiiiust '^juw WmiiIs lull Oiiiisiiiii, its t'lill wmlli Im slmw \ Siiiiuiiiiiis ;i Si'ltliT vii'Wi'ii him with suspuiiui. Ami |)inisi(| cTc lu' wmild '/\\v tlu' K';ist pi-i iiii-sidii I'or hill) [n i-ntiT his small, riuK', li'U ilw iliiii'^, W'hilr Will i.wTs IkmiI w.is with kiTii li'i'liii'^^s sWfliiii'.; Anoii, .1 ;l;iiiIIi' wiml wi.iild Iiiiii tlu' sijli- TIk' mail uifiild list the \milhl'iil linker's taU-; W'liiilil ,L,d\(.' a heail\ weli'iiiiu' to his hmisr. And iiilif (hue him tn his ihritU sp.iiisi-; W'nnid tiid hei hiiiiL; that leak\ /'iri/, m /xi//, WliiJi had luaii tinkered hy "that nihir man," Who '^iit hum hi-, the pi'Wter spnoiis, .md lead, I lis suppii, hnakrasl, and a niee ekaii hed ; Then tiiok till' nutal e\ er\ lot a\va\, SaxiiiL; he ;^iit not halt eiioii'^h lor pa\ I When Wii.i.i AM heard sii;h thiii'^s hf <|id mil wuiidei 'I'hat iarmei's. -onietinu's, looked as hlack as thnmlei When he applit'd tor work, or lod'^in;^ suii'jht With earnestness, uhieh tear ol' want had taught. All Ik' now eai'iied Went to tlu' I'amiU stoii.', And thus he kept as poor as luTilotme. Ahont this time, an imilalion eame 'I'o their small C'hineh, to spread Christ's glorious name. Two l>rethren weie deputed eaeh Lord's I)a\ To do the Wdik. hut not tor worldK pay. ' 'I'he\ tried to ean\- out the Lord's eommand, Whieh lew, in this our da\', can understand: "Freely ve ha\e reeei\ed — m> freely yive; More Messed 'tis to ^ixe than to reeei\el" ()ii one of these occasions C'(»(ii'i;i! went With a dear Urothcr, who to preach was sent. That Hrother was ta'en sick, and could not preach; \Vii,i.i.\M, in pulilic, was not wont to teach. i>nt He, whose sacred name the\ hoie, was there; On lliin th.e \()uth now strove to cast his care. The school-room — such it was — wa* crowded ([uite, Tilt EMK.KA.VT MKCIIAXIC. 7> Wl III' lilt iiutliiii;^ il.iiinli'il .It till- -i'^ht. "r\v;i^ wi'll, |)fili;i|)s, thai i'\rr\ t'.ki' \\;is iu'\» To llilll, .Mill ;ill till' lllllMC llhl I'iKiii \ |i'\^ ; I'ol ill lli;it \IT\ IniMII IVSii lll;l|(|r|l- -iiti, I»m||i (li'iliiinl In lie lii- in iiKiiiiii'^r --t.itr. Ami -ii';itl\ iiilllUMUi- lii^ riiliilr I'ati I 1 1. Ill III- kiiKUii tliiv Ml --I'lisiliM was lif — It iiiij;lil Ikim' liiin iniinaiiiird tu -mh di'^ii'i', A'^ to j»ii'\i'iil I'Djupliti'U till' (li-i- looUs lu'-poUi sumk ( aic I''oi llii'ii sahatioii. That iiiu-t |)ii rioiis tin iiii', ni \\lio>i' Mliat WMllh llic w ( rlldU -\\ i~. lir\ I d'caill, III' with siioii;^ I'll Iiii'4- iiii^id upon lluin all; And thru- w I'li- hiail- n'^poiuliii'^ to lla- call! Sikh di'i'p atli'iitioii iii'MT hail hi' miii III aii\ Mri'lni'4, in \\\^ lifi', ! wiinl II thiilkd hi- \i-i\ -onl, and niadr him -pi'aL, III nlowiii^ lan^iia'^i', of lln' Sa\ioi mii'k W liosr lo\i' to simiiis iiioM'd him to la\ h\ lli- own ^nat (iloi\, and roiiu' lii-ir to iliil Till' L;ood ai .'oiiipli-hi'd on that Sahiial h da\ , Ti'ii thoiixand fold hi- lalx.r did ii'pa\. lli- iinpiriiii'dilati'd piiaihin^ wiiil I loiiii' to -oinr liiai t- a llra\riil\ mi -saLjr, -I'lit \\\ (kkT- '.^Kod Spiiit, a- a piool to hi- <.'! (iiacL' mo-} woiKJroii- lo Ijriniivl Till' slinpli- sfrvici' ii'ai-licd at la-t it- ilo-i-; \\ lu'ii till- -ilk l>rothi'i to -oiiU' liiaii'i- i^oi- To liaiii thrii willari', and hi- own impait, With -ti()iiL;i'-l loUcii- ol" a iVii'iidU luail. riio-r pi'i-oii- wiTi' h(,tli I'.n'^li-h man and will' Who kiii'W, lor Ni-ai-, the toil- oT Ihididarm lilr. To thi-m was inlroduri'd thf ni-w -madi- pirai In r, jii-l ihi'ii mi-taki'ii lor an oldi-r tciichcr. DuL' L'\|)lanatioii- niadr, they him invlli- To lall and slv them, and -ia\ o\ri iii^ht. Ill', nothiii;^- loath, thi' inxltation kind At oiui' aic'cptcd, with (k-li^htod mind. Thi' two ri'tmii, and with thc-if IJiL-thivn mirt To join in wor-hip — -impli-, piiiv and -wect. The incidents of th;tt blest vSahhath dav Haunted hi- mind, till he could not delay 72 THE KMUiU.WT MECllANK. A \isit to hi- !R'\\ -iiKulc. kiiuUy tViciuU, In ]u)\K-^ that it mii^lU tend to luaUc aniciul-- Ft luit a mere -nh-.i'-tenee was seemed. lie theret'ore took liis hai;' and ti>o!s onee .nori', To eall at phiee- ni'ver -een liefme. lie, in his \\ anderint;-, to a N^iHai^e eanie, Whieli liad, for water-iiower, ai-cpiired some lame; Theit.' he fonnd work that did a da\- employ, And iiarned what i;a\c' to liim nuieh j^reater joy — How some ti\e miles wonld li\-in.t;' liim to the farm, W'liere he mi,uht ho])e to meet a welcome warm. I'atii^iieck he reached the honse in siranj^est plij^ht — I'oi- sWL'at and dust madi' him a sorry si^^hl. The mother was enL^a^^ed in converse there With her lirstdiorn — a daiii^hter hlithe and fair. Tiiese knew him not — so dillerent iiis array I'roni wiiat it was upon that Sahhatii day. And thouuh he j^ave to eacli a hiendly L^Mvetinn, it niiL;ht have proved a rather chilly meeting-, liad not the xouii'^est dauj^hti'r whispered thus: " 'Tis the vouul;- preachei' come to \ isit us."" This was inou;j;h; ajjolo^ides were made. And i)ertect welcome speedily displayed! in s\\ei'» di-conr-e the\- sat a littk' while. When /('d w a- sl'Ia ed, in most superior style. C<)(Ji'i;i{ of such a meal had ne\fr tasted. Since he tVom his tjcar nati\e land had ha-ted. This o'er, the conversation they resume, While truth's clear rays afresh their minds illume. This was to him a most important day: Foi- <4loom\- clouds then hroke and tied away. His future, Once so dark, now hrighter j^rew, An|)la\(.'d. She fixed tlic price — a \ei\ lil>eral one — .\iid paid the cirs// lor all that he had done. Pi'rhaps ni\- reader- tiiiiik tiii> inatroirs e\e>- Saw, in the tinker, a most iikeU prize To win, as hushand, for her daughter tair; i)iit suielv thev nui>t he mistaken therel This tamilv's standinj;" was considered .n'odd; William, ainon<^st the verv poorest stood: And, in his tinkeriiin' ti'arh, was not a match I'or that tair ,!^ir!, whom man\ stro\e to eaieh. Let this he as it mij^ht; tie left the house Without ))roposin^- to make her hi- spouse. Vet not witliout the stronnest inclination To make short intervals of st-paration. Tiieir daun'hter, Jane, was in her twentieth \eai, .\\\i\ did to him a lovelv maid appear. lie knew her soon as skilled in house affairs, l>ut e\er lackint:,- \aiii, co(|uettisii airs. 1 lei' form was irraceful, and of medium si/e. And sweet iLiood nature lieamed in her hrii^lit eves. Her face, for lost part, wore a ])leasaut smile, While her di^ai- heart ne'er harhored au<4'ht of ^uilc Her charms were such that CodI'Isk's heart, ert' Ioul;, Could not resist their intluence so stroni^. N(H' \]vi.'i\ we wonder much, for soon he leanu-d She had t^ood oHeis, in L^'ivat plentv, spurned, I'lefore she knew the I'insinitli — so forlorn — Whose poor appeanuice ne'er drew forth her -corn. I'hehe, the voungest Liirl, \vas (|uite a iass, Wiio mit^ht not vet have used a l<)okin<;-LClass. r'ossessed of l)riq;ht hrown e\es and cheerful face. On which, of sorrow, none could find a train- — I nless her paleness init^ht he viewed a- sut-h; \ et all who read her eves would douht it much. Of lively spirits, and most active turn. Still tond of work, she could not fail to Icain Such household duties as her mother thoii;4ht l>est that her i^irls should, in their \oiith, hi' tau-^hi. To he a favorite, Phehe scarce could tail; And parents rijj^htly named her, "\iL;htiii;^aleI" For, while asleep, she oft would si!i;j^"'.it ni^•llt Some livel\- tune, and alwavs sint>- it riuht. Ill I I.MK.i; A \ 1 \ll-.l IIA NK l>ft\VL'(.-n tlic-i.' two, ill M'^c- iind tcmpcranu'iit, AuDihc'i- ^iii was to that coupk- Kail. SIk', than her si--tLT^, al\\a\-- ■^ftaiicil moit.' ^h\ , At k\i-l, if ^tiaiii;crs ha|ii)c lud t;) \k- iii^h. All thri-i.- ;4itw up '^ood-ldokinn', and lucainL' As rnithfiil \\i\f- as i'\t wcTf known to faiiR'. ( )iu' (.hulilix hal'f, and three more --prinhtlv hoys, Kanlsed 'iiioin^st the niiiuher of this faiuilyV joys. MeanwhiK' a inrious incident oecuned. To mention which ma\' harmless mirth aiiord. ( )ur hero ton^ had wished to taki' a tour S'ill I'urther North, 'moin^st tanners far iVom poor; And when retuiniiiL;' — sa\- on I'riday )iight — To hold a iNCitii/:^., il' his hiends thou,L;ht liniit. 'IMie place agreed uj)on was their "lar^e room" — One lain'c cnoui^h, if neiiihhors all should come. Tlii- -ettled, od' he went for several days, Toiling and sweating;- under Sol's stronjj," ravs. .Sometime^ with Christians of most ;4enci"ous souls; Anon, with thosr whose conduct him appals, 'I'ill the important da\- at last canu' round; W'lu'U at a hou-e, hard Iw, he tinkering- found. 'l"he UDik all done, thev ask him to partake Refreshment with tlicm, for pure kindness' sake. He thankfully complied with their re(inest, And lound their che.r was oi' the \er\- hcst. The meal was ser\ ed heneath a pleasant shade, And he, to each !j;ood tiling; was welcome made. Soon thei'c lode li\ a L;'cntleman wi'U dressed. And the hostV daui^hter thus herself exprt'ssed: '•'Most likt-l\ that 's the Preacher just ii^dne hy ; 1 le 's dressed in black, and wears a white neck-tie." ''l*erha])s so," said tlu' lather; " 'tis the ni^lit The Meeting's held, and the\ did us imite." Wh.t.iam, meanwhile, beheld the motlier's e} es Cast oft iijion him; and, with some snrjirisc. She asked, "Did vou not preach a month ai^T) At the Plains School House:" lie re])lie(i, " "l\vas s "And is it \ou that 's ^oin;^' to preach ere Ioiil;' At our near ncii^hbor's?" //<■■ asked, 'Ms it wron^-r'' "•No; onlv — " There's the rubl () contrast ;j;"reat, Pelwixt t!ie w ell-diesscd man, and tinkers state! To do them jiistici', 'tis but riijlit to add — Thev went to liear him, 'and for it were ^kul. Ill I. l-.\li(.l!.\ \ I M 1. 1 MAN U . /.") ICif iiKiiiN \\ct'k'« he i> piXAaik'd upon 'I'd l.ikc tluit Isind tViciKr^ olll'i", and ha^ L;i)ni' Td ISiiHald t<'i tool-; and on hi- \\a\' Maki-- for Nia<4ara, williout dc'la\. ^'^•al■- lu' had loiincd to m'c that splendid -i^ht, And now thi- jonrnr\ look witii '^rcat dcliiiht. "Twas in the inoiith ot' Au^^n-t; wlun, !h' t'onnd lliin-L'lf tot" Lfwistoii, h\ siiMiiu'i, honnd. Tlu' niL;ht lu' reached that was a siilti\ one— .\nd -neh excitement he had never known. 'l"he room ni which he ti^it'd to ^■et some sleep Had six poor drnnkards in it I * So, at peej) Of earlv \ walkin;4 o'ef the s(.\ en lemainin;^ miles, With ^low"iii;4 t"eelin;j^s. ;ind lace clad in sniilcs. ( ), w hull a moin was that! A cooling' hiee/e niew tVom ()ntario, and jn-t moved the trees. .\ronnd, no cloud- ohseined the hiinht, hlue skv; ^'el o'ei the I'^ills a mist was iisini,r hi!£()(. k's plain Monument; 1)V "svmpathx"' — false named — now sadh rent I The '^fenuine truit of mniderous Civil war. Whose doi^s — let loose — stoj) not at XirtueV har; I hit oft, h\- their \ile deeds, dare to ])ollute W hat men most sacred deem as worth re])Ute. Mav thou, mv dear, mv own .Adopted Land! Xe'er hear aj^ain the tiamp of hostile hand; Whether poured fortii iVom neii^hhoriuL;' foreign shore, Oi' hiiit of thv own sons' deep thirst tor n(>rel Wii.i.iAM, arrived u[)ou the mountain t<)[), I'auses not loui;;; he liad scarce time to stop. 1 h • took the* Kiver hank, and there, helovv, The wondrous rapids tor tlie th^st time saw. I lis th(>u<;iits and iei'linL^s w\viR-d! Aroiisc'd l>\ this, 1h' innrii-d tasti-r on — The veil of mist his LCnide — nntil, anon, lie reached a hi'nd, which hrnn^ht hefore his \ iew The mi'^iitN Cataract's wondeis, fwr new ; \\'t at sneh distaiue he eonld not well trace The varied heaiities of that matchless plaee! Most eai^erlv he took the road ayain; Nor paused to seek the coinjianv of men, Who, reared amid these wonders, seldom feel The deep emotions, or the fervid zeal Which he then felt, as nearer still he drew , And found his dreams of the (ireat Falls all true. At last lie stood there; and, in earnest, Lfa/ed As thoutjh he could not weaiv: ([uite ama/ed At the vast ;L^randeur of the beauteous scene, And half inclined to look on all as mean That he had viewed before! Musint^, he stood .Still as a statue, while tlie mii^htv Hood Dashed niadlv onward, as if eai^er still To take the leap, obedient to (iod's will! A<^ain he 's roused b\ shout, av\^a\' below, 'Twas from a Boatman, anxious now to know If he would cross to the Canadian side: C<)oi'i;i{ obeved, with Fancv for his <;uide; v\nd soon was liouncinj^ o'er the heaviiiLj '-eep. Whose current forced the boat to take a sweep; While, ever and anon, a dash of s|irav Made wet his clothes, as would a rainy day. The\ reached the landinj^; and he now has /r- /iVr/', and muses still alone. The sont;' w hich follows does exjiress in part The strong, warm feelinjjs of his raptured heart; rill'; KMK.K.W I' MKlll.WK. yj som; io nia(,.\|{ a. \i:in;ii;il ! Ii;iil tin iiKi^uitlcviU woiidfi's, TIk' wdiU of my l'';ithc'r — tlii- iniiUcr of All! Ill-- \i>'\{.v 'lis I lu-ar, in l!i\ c';irth-sli;ikin;4 tluiii(k'rs, As "I )ft,|) imtd I)t<.'|)" t'vcTv numunt '•tlnili inlll" \\ ;iti Is riisliin^, ;il\v;ivs pushing" ()vc'r tlif Icd^i.' ol' iiumliliii;^ rnfUs; ICvcr Icapiiii^, ncviT slccpin;^, Soiiini His praise in ccasfk-ss shocks. Tin mist to mv mind six-ms a Pillar ciishrinin;^ 'lis All-j;loii()us Presence, l)v \ nlijlitl rh\ raiiihows licspcak Him to Mt-ivv iiuiiiiiiiL;-" Thoiiiih none who j^a/.c on thcc art- cli-an in llis si^htl Colors hlcndiiii^, mist ascending; All aiv displaviny- His threat power! Kapids roaring, arc adoini;^ Him — their Maker — everv honri The m\ riads ot" pearls, and hrijj^ht emerald glories, I^nciivliiii; thv brow, 'midst the t'oam and the spray, I'nite in preseiUinij^ the most vivid stories Of splendor and riches whieh He can disjila\ I Pearls descend in;j^, withont endinjjj, Down that ,<^':j hrij^htiu'ss — Thx raiuhoW", thy pcMil-, thy ik'ar (.'iiuTald '4ic'cii; ( )ii rapid- still tos-M mto roam of |)iir>. \\ liittiR-s ; ()ii (alls thf most nloiiotis that j-^aith ha- v\] soc'iil Stivn'^th a(.(|iiiiiii;4, in adiiiiriiiL;- All as the matchless \\ciik ot' (iml; Can, witli pk'asinv, Icaxc surh trrasnrc. And nn jouiiu-v onward ])lod. Aronnd the Fall- lie lini^errd till past noon, And still felt <^rie\(.'(l to ha\o to k-axt.' tluis soon. J>o loath was he a single chaiin to miss, He ott went down and up the jML-cipict, I)y nurins of spiral stairs which constant sluiok, As if 1 y palsy-tit they had heen struck. The cntdne's whistle warns him now to <_;■(>, And take the cafs tor risint,^ Ihifl'aln. In (hat new L'it\ he aiii\ed ere ni^ht. Which u'ave to him hut \efv small delight. Tools soon he found — sold onl\ by .//<' .vc/," And ^\ith his j'unds, the price could not lie met. Ileie was a fix I Xauj^^ht fof him now nanaiiud fJut to return, witli just his pUas/irc gained! I'liis, as an ojlset, stocjd against the delit lie liad incurred, and kept him tVom a fret. ( )nce moll' I pause, hut with a hope (piite strong, I'liat 1 ma\ soon resume m\ simple son-^. I 111. I.MK.liA \ I Ml. I ll.\ Ml . ?J 'ill .\iii.cMi;\r. — Addif^s tu IIi)]K'. It- lifiRlits to W'li. II \M. C.' lui^iiass. Ni.ninrr nf toiuluctiii'^ it. 'I"liinlx>- ;i'4;iin ii|" M.it riiiii nu . Slii)|) ii(.-i.riln.tl. Iiunii- vriiic'iuT- ill it. .\ii iiicidi'iit. I )i-.i.< •iir.rj.i.im'iit' in tiMiit'. C'i)mj)i'ns;iti()ii lur tlu'iii in \ i-it^ tu lii^ iiiti'inkd. .\ liirtliiT '^hiiu'i' ol" lui. riu lioiiu' |)rn.i'cl to Icaxf it. .\ -M'f- oikI niovr. A Lo\c'>-|)1i'(1l;(.'. IminiiKiit ptiil of" tlu' will'. I iilia|)|n L'oiiditioii of llrst-liorn, Cluircli iiialti'i>. W'li.- 1.1. \mV trials tVom tiiiipcr, rlc. Continued sncce^^ in husi- lU'-s. Tinsmith''^ Soii'4. llis loni^- -iei\tK's-, and snjjport iiihk'r it. Dutitul (.■oiidnet ot" Apprentice. \\ il"e\ self-sacri- lices and inatroiih management, Ldoi-usV gratitude to lier lor it. Continued I'oetieai pietk'iietions. \'i-its with hi^ Wile the l''alk of Niagara. I'^amih inerease. 'Irouhli's in Clunvh allaiis. I".\eoinmunieation. I'^ie^h C'huixh tomu'e- tion. Trouiik- ;ni->e afresh. Dialhof Wife. Wii.i.i .x.m's lament. Conclusion. Ilail, liopi'Ilhou ^em-(k-eked Maid, with leatiiii's f:in I I'airi'r than fahled ^oddessi-s of air. i still rt'^arded tiu-e a- spimi^- from (iod; .\s sent to lis from iiis (!i\ine ahode, With tin sweet sisters, hol\- l-'aith and !.o\e, 'I'hat faxoied mortals ini^ht vour \irtues prove. I.eil on h\ thee, we pass lliroUL;"h hea\ \ trial, Ui'ijiiiriiiL;- ewr constant self-denial, I uscathed, \ et ridded of delilin^ dross, 'To lind ourseKes the better for its loss. l'i(>m|)ted h\ thee, we scale \ asl mountain heights; ' >r lake to ICarth's far hounds most rajjid lli^hts; 1 ace dreadful storms; \ ea, greatest (kin^ers 1)ra\e, .\ .d, una])palled, view the dee]), vawniii^ ^raxel 111 ever\ a\ tllCf. Thou niadc'st liini content in lou estate, And lor Pidsperitv to patient wait; Till some, who tliou'^ht his eonisr deserved much iiianie, Well- k'd to l"ull approval of t hi' same. Mole weeks went ])ast, and his kind patr<>" rion^ht IJoth tools and stock; when hi' with \i,Ko, wrought In a small shop, and did his hest to j^i\e Due satisfaction, and made out to live. ThrouLjhont the conntrv nothiiiLC now was heard Save talk ol" Civil wai'; vet undeterred Was he, h\ what was LCoin,:^ on around. From his emplovment; and kept ^ainiiiiLj ■L^romid. The \illaL;i' of hrave Soldiers was (|uite l"iill. And they, alone, made iuisit/css far from dull. When he at tlist commenced, he made a rule — l''or which some folks then deemed him ([uite a fool — To make ij^ood work and cheap, and have his pav For all he sold; and this he did . 'way. lie had heen tauj^ht to look on llonestv As the hest jjart of lousiness policv ; And his e\])erience t'ullv proved the tiutli Of that old maxim — learned in earlv vouth. Meanwhile, as worldly prospects l)riL;hter lJIcw, To marria<^e state he turned his tliouLfiits anew, And made proposals for that lovelv maid; Xor was (lisaj)probation once displaved 15y either parent, who jj^aAe full consent, As she, to marrv him, was quite content. Though not a "th'st love,'" their's remained still true, And smoothlv ran — was ever fresh and new I His humlile home, and shop, were all in one, \\\{\ looked, to others' eves, most woe-iu'iLj-onel It was tor business trulv ([uite untlt; Yet customers still f(ninnl With a fair siio-i.'--criitt/i ilo^e alioiil his licadl ()m- l)ittt.-r iii^'ht, somf loyal N'oliinlc'c'r^ Well- (luarti'ivd on him; and he told hi^ tear^, Tlial miK-h of eomfort eoiild imt tluii' he toiiiid, III Mich a room, with all his li\ture-< round. One madi' reply whieh went to Wii.ii a m'^^ I nail, And proved t/'iat man had "I'ho^eii the 'n»n\ part" — •''Tis hetter,"said he, "than our Savior had; Of -.iieh a loih4iii<4 lie would have heeii jiladl" Our hero, with hi^ lutiid-tools Ljcil alon<^, At hest, hut >lowl\ ; and >ometime> went wron;^-. It was no easy thiii<^ to ascertain What kin; To see her was to taste of happiness I She was too lo\el\, and too j^entle, lar, I'o, one whose mind was very ott ajar; So hiimltle, that she left her father's house. With all its comforts, to hecome his sjjouse. The home which he for that fair j^irl provided, liv most \ ounji lasses would have heen derided. 'Twas just the farthest half of his rude shoj), Lined with planed hoards on all sides, and the top; Cjuiti' small. in size, 'twas amply furnished, With sto\e, three chairs, a table, box and bed I In March, his natal month, throuijjh sleet and rain. He bore his wife, who ditl not once com})lain. No zviufdin^ Jaunt could their small means ;illord, S'ef the\- had pleasure in true lo\e's accord; And what they lacked in wav of outward show. Was ([iiite made uj) hv warm afrectioiTs i^low. The\ were a hap]n couple, with warm hearts: Both striviuLf eajjjerl}- to act their parts. U ever twain were blended Into one. Si ■niK K.MK.K.W r MlA HANK 'T\v;i>. ill lliiir cjim-, ;is ;i11 who kmu tluin <.\\ii. Ik', uiirUmo >,,(iii and l.iii' in liil h-s (Iclil; Slif. t;ikiii;4 (.iiii' of ;ill In i.li.iimd ti> '^i I : Ami, will) sxM't I siuiii'^ iipMii hii lu\i|\ {.ui-, I )is|n.|liim "' n(liMu\ i;ii li li.ui'. 'I'li-^ I'l-iiii, W .is iii:i(k' loo hot hy our C';iii.i(liMii -mi. A Jiiiktrv l>i'lo\\, Sops r;i\s :iiio\t>, \\ ilh hiMt hoin .vA>:t. iikkIi' ihi'iii iiio-i ;_;|,|,| t,, iii,,m- 'l"hi'\ iu'\t ohhiiiii'd ;i sho|) whiih .iiis\\ ind well; l'"or ;ill hi' iiKiiU', ihi'V loiild most iVri'U ^y.\\. 'I'his plan-, how i\(.T, they w i ic toiiid lo (jiiit III thift.' months mIUt thf\ hiid fiitiic'd il. Moll' th;iii oiH> person Imd on it ;i tl;iim, And iMili liiw-siiit t;miifd liu-ir hti'^ion- II.iiih', riitii at k'li-th il went to C'Ikiikiin, And that sai^c L'ourl could on this f/iii/i; a^ref — To liavt.' il I losed loithwilhl And tini-, .)ui iViriwh N\ I'lv torcc'd to nio.i.-, oiue moie, to ^aiii tluai inds. l>ach mow hron^hi doiii)lr n'lit ; hiil this hfiaiiii- A thiiiL; ri'iiR'iiihiTfd oiilv h\ its iiaiiu'. Trade siill iiure;i>ed, as did l^xpii ieiu'e, too. And Wii.i.iAM nos\ had iiioii' than lu- i-ould do. Ihit hy this linu- lu' had assiviaiut' round 111 his wife's hrother, as appreiitiei' hoinid; .\ youth most active, and L;()od-iiaUiied, too, W ho took delight in w hat he had to do. The shop to w liieli they went — last on the sinel — \\ as, as a residenei', to them most swei'l. Almost in iVoiit, a ri\ ef calmU llowi'd; Close hy, a plain wood hrid^^e the stream hestidde. riieie, he could stand at his shop door and view A scene w liicli called up leeliiins e\cr new. Al)0',e the hrido-e, Ihr lUMily half a mile, It is niosi l()\ely, clad in Summer's smile. Tall trees, of xarious kinds, its mari^diis L;race, W hile it tlows on, wi \ ci L,a'ntle ])ate, I'ast two small islands; each one like a L;ein Set in the stream so sottK passino- them. Thcie, often has he sat, ( n sumir.er's i-\e. With his fair liride, hoth loath tlie scene to leave. Lit up Iw Luna's heanis, 'twould larLicf seem. And sco])e afl'ord for sweet poetic dream. One island he would picture as the site Of a neat mansion, where he niiiiK"«» I'iiri's to lake .1 lniat. Aii'l I'll lilt, ^iiilait.- uf till- ri\«.T tluat W itli hi". iiin'Nt (.hariiim'^ lii> must loving \vit\-; C'liiidiil li' Ua\i luliiml all \\uiMl\ ^liili'. Siuli iVi-ak^ uciiilil r,iiir\ |ila\, w hrii lu' iiu'liiinl I'd III liiT ri'i'4n -t>\v Munairii nl' hi- iiiuhII ^'^■t, \\ lull thr ^|)ill \\ a'- Imikr. tin -wi'it- nl lnnm- W (.■)(.• ^lull. that liom tlniii he tii'\'f wi^lii'd to loam. Ami lliii^ (la\>, \Vft.'k> ami iiioiitlis most smootliiv ^)a>si(l, Till W iiiti'i raim-, cath l».aiiIi'oiis siou' to lila^t. Novv, with IK'W lio|)i.-s, ahiNl laiiU' li'aiv a- will, 'riu- stn-ii^tli hearts a l\- Christ, when tirst I lis Church hej^an. Now the\ sought one well (inalitied to take Ihe Elder's otHce- — not for lucre's sake, Nor "as a lord o'er God's own heritage" — 84 THE EMIGRANT MECHANIC. But one who humbly would, witii warmth, cnj^aj^c To do His l)iddiii<^, and hear peaceful rule O'er that small Church — that it mi<^ht prove a school For Saints to <^row in strict con form ity To God's just will — as they that will may see. One soon they found, who had for years been tried: Who by Paul's test was willing to abiile; VV'ell knowing the advice which he had given To Ephesian Elders; and how he had striven To labor with his hands for the support Of self and friends, oft made the worldling's sport. Let none imagine that this flock obtained Another's labor for some selflsh end ; Large sums they raise to help the suffering poor, And freely give of their superfluous store To send the Bible into heathen lands — And that while all are laboring with their hanils. This testimony I would bear of them ; 'Tis strictlv true, whoever mav contenni. As deacon thev chose William anil another. Who was regarded as a worthy brother. In God's pure siglit they viewed themselves unflt For such high ofHce; yet accepted it In deference to their brethren, who made choice Of them at once, without dissenting voice. 'Twas thus it came that he had manv cares, Beside his family's and trade's affairs. In preaching now he took his regular tmn. And, though but weakly, did with ardor burn To tell poor sinners of a Savior's love. Or Saints instruct in lessons from Above. He 'midst those labors found, with sore distress, A constant warfare mar his happiness. Dyspepsia — fell disease — his stomach seized, And, like a dennin, would not be appeaseil ; But made his temper, far too quick and warm, By frequent outbursts often work him harm. This grieved the heart of his beloved wife. And might have led to constant fani'ly strife. Had not the Lord to him his foUv sho (.' workiiiLj, no sL"lli>hiu">s liiiUiiiLC Within, tliDiinh the wcatlici he clondx or cold; And laufuliv stii\inL!^ onr trade >>till I)t' (hi\inLr From i'-AV hetter motives tlian mere tliirsl for ,n'old. Then we ma\ ser\ e and ne\er sweixe From strict (hilx's phiin, stiai^htforward path, Onr eonntrx V weal \\ ith (IrN id zeal li\ skill which each aitis;ni hath, ()I then our l>ench lahor ma\ hi^in^- us the favor Of a jaunt now and then midst the forests and lieh \\ hich pleasure -o jo\ ons can ne\ er anno\- us. If health and contentnient it constantlv \ ields. Then pl\ the shears, since it ai)pears That our callin^^ is honest and fair; Yet take ji^nod heed lest in our speed We should send from our hands leak\ ware. And now these parents'' hearts wcw rendt'ied j^lad IJy a sweet hahe as e\er parents had; ,\ lo\el\' l)o\', a precious Hrst-horn son. An April flower ere Sprin;^- had well hej^un. Thus were their famiU and cares increased \Vhile pleasure was not lessened in the least. J)Ut a tew niontiis w fre destineu to disclose A lengthv list of what some think aie woes. Three serious aceie(l thrown For man\- weeks, and then was fullv shown Tile fervent love and patience of liis w ife Increasinii^ still thron<^h vears of after life. Bereft of reason, as his frienils declared, Rich consolation he at all times shared. Death — man's "last foe" — for him no terrors liad, His hlii^hted prospects did not make him sad. To leave his wife and babes he was resi<>^ned, And this while all deemed him of unsound mind. The tempter, true, his faith and feelini^s tried. But his sn,ut vet she meeklv bore with hi> caprice ^Vnd her self-sacritice did ne\er cease. He, when restored aLjain to perfect health, (Jrew far more conscious of the store ot wealth IJv him possessed in ha\in<4' sucli a \\ ite To act as helpmate throni^h the storms of life. And not lony- after, when their lovelv box- Was \ ery sick, he did his skill emjiloy To soothe her sorrows b\ an artless lav ICxhortinjij her to make (jod's love her sta\ ; .\nd holdinj^ up to view Hea\en's perfect bliss, He aimed to show that naught can come amiss To those who all their hopes on Jesus rest. And ''seek through His Atonement to be bless'd." ss TIIK KMHiKANT M lA 1 1 A \ K . Tlicir cliihl icstoiid. their jny^ iitjaiii iiu rt-asc. For (jod's >-\vi.'C't ^L'i\ iff \ic'l(l^ tlicni constant pcafi-. I If, (.unstantlv i.'ni])l<>\ (.'d in liai'd hiMU-li work. Let not a thirst tor wealth w iti.iin liini hirk, And was riial'lcd to prc'>-iM\ (.• liis mind So five tVoni laiv that, when he t'elt ineUned, He could with ea-e hrin'j;- all his thoui^dits to hear On Scriptnre truth--, and tach with each coni))are, Or let iiis tanc\ take her random flight To liriii'j;' fiom /-'yvvrwA^//'/ some new-coini'd deli.L;ht. At other times would rai'-e hi'- tuneful voice Anil siuLC sweet luinns w hich IoulJ had hi'cn his choice, Or else recite some charming- ])oet)W With toucli ol' skill and much of ener!4\ . At times his spouse, too. did her sewing- hrin<^, And joined harmonioush (iod's praise to sini^-. Thus mosth- passed llieir time foi- mouths and years In liliss too yreat to last, as it appA'ars. Meanwhile their debt most lionestly was paid. * Bv which their prospects were much l-ri^hter made. Yet j^ratitude i^lowed liriu,hlly in each heart. To him who acted such a trien(ll\ ])art As ti) lend monev and then wait for years In )taticncc for the paxment of arrears. Ahout thi- time they visited ''The Falls," As husiness was not urgent in its calls. Wii.i.iAM felt jovful in no trill inelt' in rlnnie, l)Ut greater duties had a liighei' claim, Xeglect of which would bring upon him blame. He therefore kept his muse in close subjection, And gained (iod's blessing and most kind j^i'otcction. Yet now and then his pent up feelings l)r()ke Thiough all restraint, and his rude harp awoke To pour forth numbers w ith intent to cheer Parents or friends, who lent a willing ear To his effusions, \o'u\ of learning's grace. But full of feeling, w hich supplied its place. Another Spring and Sinnmer pa-^sed aw av. Then Autumn, too, and Winter held the swa\ ; While January, when half its course was run, oo Tin; i:mi(;i{A\t mkciiamc. I)ri)ir_;hi to Dili' tVic'iuk a sucdikI infant son. Two of (.'ach knid |)aivntal, love now i.Iaini, As shaitT- of tlu'ir ilcstinx and name; While \ears of happiness niij^ht seem in store l-'or, prospeious still, the\ loved each other more. That season was their hest in wav of trade, And tlni^ their pi'ospeets wore no darkening shade. Satan — aieh enem\ of all maid^ind — Jleheld with env\ tlieir trne peaee of mind, And most malieionslv emp!o\ed his skill To work them woe — deliant of (iod's will. Their worldly jjropertv he did not tonch, I"or lo>s of this wonld not he felt so mnch As trouhle with their hrethren in the chnreh, Severed fiom whom thev mij^ht he left in Inreh. His plan succeeded, as I know too well, For some deemed wise were held as hv a spell In hands of stionoje preconceived opinion. While I^Ljnorance held them in his dominion. Wii.i.iyV.M had seen this lon^-, and mourned in soul, With such emotion as sca'Ve hrooked control, And, knowiuL;- that the\ held it just and right For all to seek increasing vScriptinx' light. He, in the search for truth, ga\e up his mind. And was well pleased some few choice pearls to llnd. These lustrous gems he had no wish to hide, vSo held them up to view, and earnest tried To lead his brethren to ap])rove their worth; lint such a course gave to contention birth. Xor v^as it long before occasion came For those opposed to lav upon him blame, — The end of which was that they did hmi sever From sweet ctjmnumion with their church forever! Under this bl<>w he tried to bear up well, But all he suffered 'twould lie hard to tell. His spouse and parents with him svmpathised And broke the bands which each so long had prized. Naught now remained for them but to unite In h()l\- fellowship w ith purL-r light. vSoon some few other friends who knew their case Their humble cause did with much warmth embrace. One with our hero labored in the W^ord \\'ith what small skill aUvl time he could afford. Things ^vent on smoothly for about a year. And some success did much their hearts to cheer. Tin: F.MK.R.WT >tF.lI[A\I( 9' l",ir Ikdl;', how i'\ fi'. Iroiilili's iiiitoivsii.n r>ir,st oil till' littli' liand with shafts so k^\\\ That W'li.i I A m's taith ami stiL'ti'^'th wimx' sorcU trii'd^ Ami w ith his lot hi- was (hssalistlfd. ()iir of the lloik was tMsiK led astia\, Ami silf-iiidiilL^riK-i' la-Id him in its swav. 'l\v() otlu-i- k-ft ht-iaasr a chaiiiic of \it-w Madi.- si'VL-ral sic-k to 1il- ha})ti/.t-d aiR-w . Slow passed another \er\ tr\ iiiL^' year, And tliit'k i^loom LCathert.'d, lilliiiij them with fear. Our frieml was sjek from an iiiu|iiiet mind, \Vhile L'/i, expected'st, first to reach thy home! Thus were wc apt to number out our da\s, And oft tof^ether led to seek (iod's ways. Most unfeiii^ned pleasure did we take in this, And i;ainc(l as fruit sweet tastes of heavenly bliss. Now, mv l)elov\l one, tliou art y-one from me 9^ Tin: i:mi(;i!.\\t miuii.wu. And our (k':ir little om-s! Oh! c:in it he? I'Ik' ^;i(1 reality eoiues o'er inv iniiul. Thoii'rt '^n\w indeed, and we are left hehind. Oil lor that faith of which thou wast |)os>fssed, As thy pine sijirit strove to t^ain her rest. Oh for that patience which thou didst display Ikiieath om- Fatherls hand to thv last (la\. Methinks that thou art whispL-rnin' in my ear: " Let (iod's sure proini-^es th\ spirit cheer; " Kenicniher that our jesus is the same "■'To all whose trust is in His precious name. '"■ A few short days, perchance, or months, or \ears, "May lice away; yet he will still thv fears '' And hear thee up as if on 'eaix't-''^ winj^s,' "• I'ar, far a!io\c- the reach of earthly thinj^'s. " Rememhei- what thou didst to comfoit me; "Thou hast (iod's woid, the same it is to thee. '■ Let fervent pia\ei' ascend to (lod alio\e; " Ik'll deiL^ii to listen for lie still is lo\e. •' Rouse then, thv coura^fe, let thy taith he stronjf, '• Let Hope, 'an anchor sure,' to thee helonif. "Tlie timc'v not distant we a^ain shall meet "To part no more. This is a thoui;lit most sweet. " 15ut yet in patience do th\ soul possess, ".And wait (iod's time, and then He will thee hless. l-nouL;h my lovetl oiie, I will haste awav 'J'o do my duties without more delay. And trust in (iod who can fresh stren^^th impart To nie to serve him w ith a perfect heart. Here, then, kind reader, I must close m\- la\-, As other duties call me now awav. li you '\e had iiatience to j^o with me throut^h My leui^thcncd tale, I hid you warm adieu. If my small learninj^- has called forth a sneer. Know you from such thiiiLjs I have nau_i,fht to fear. For what is written I ha\e this defense: My soul;' at least lacks not for caiiiiiioii-scnsc. WILLIAM AND AMLLLV. W'MT tlic side of \\'iii(lc'inKic,* I )i)\\ 11 ;i L;'i.'nlk- risin<^ hill, I'Idw (.'(1 a mtinmiriiiLi,' lnook so rlL'ar I:^\LT\ poitioii of tlif \ car, Aiul.no (loulit is How iiiL;' still. Ilaiil 1)\' stood a small, iicat lioiisf, Ten. lilted 1)\ prasants poor. 'I'hc iiiothcr was a loviiit;- spoiisf, Oiu' who iR'\ci" was a hlowzc, l>ut most tidv c'\ L'rmoiv. The Ivushaiid was an honest man Working;- liard on wotkiiiLi,' days. Deeming- it the wisest plan. Each day's labor he l>enan JJv pure pra\ cr t(> (io w as as a lilv pale, (iiaii'fiil as a fas\ii cinild l)c'. She was iKxei' \\v\ hale, Pannts' eyes eoiild see her fail, And llie\ felt anxiety. Little An \, a ehiihln lass, Was the vdimnest and tlie pet; I'^iieiids all tliou^ht nauj^ht eould surpass That sweet eliild in I'lW'hness Whieh they in their lives had met. I ha\e said that the\ were poor. This was line ," Such a name is more ijenteel; Had he done one worthy deed I would not withoid the meed Of sweet ])raise I trul\ feel. UII I lAM AN It A Ml. 1,1 A. ').S III" h:i(l hut ;itt *m\v son. WiiifAM \v;i> his ;4i\iii uiiiiK-; I Ic tu h»\ I' liiul not hci^iiii, ^\•t at tiiui-s 111- liktil tn run [ii the \V()(i(U wlu'ii Amii; i-anu'. 'I'Ikti- fur hi r In.' M tr\ to lliiil I la/i'l nuts ;ni(l ln'irii'^, loo. TluiN lio nIiowimI liis luart \\ a> kind That h(.' iiad no I'lnnlisii mind Wlun Mhh actions he lonld do. Tinu lli'W past; poor l>i>sir; lay ( )n iiiT hundtk' ih inj; hcd. Parents now heside luT pray, ^\mii; waleiiL's lier hv day — M()viiio\e the sk\, Where dear ni:ss \vith spirit meek Would he taken, thouj^h so weak, If at present she should die. Xow he reaehes that line plaee Where he and his parents live. Marks of sadness on his face Make his lather wish to trace What could him such tiouhle ;4ive. William, not inclined to ^uile. Did the truth at once disclose. This creates a scornful smile On that rich man's face the w hile, Then unto his wife he ,u"<'es, And in stern and auti;rv mood Asks her whv she sent the hoy; Did she call that doin^- oood Sendintif one of ijentler hlood. Just to watch a cottar die? c/, Wfll.IAM A\n AMF.I.IA. lie IK) reasons di-ij^ns to hear, Hi;ls tin." 1)()\ not \^t> aL;"ain. W'li.i.i \\i drops a >.ik-nt tear While hi> parent still is near, \ et Nirict silence does maintain. I>i:ss ]\:i^ li'fl thi> earthh seene. Sorrow therefore tills that home. They lia\ e to the ehurelnard heen, .Vnd its clods are now lietween Them and charming- lii;ssii;'s torm. The\ were not alone ni ,!ii,"rief, W II. 1. 1 AM sorrowed nuich at heart, Knew not \ et the >aint's lielief, .And most slow 1\ came relief To remo\e from him his smart. Those w ho seek to cnrh the mind Of their off^prin^^ in their xonth. Should show reason \\h\ thev hirul, Clothed in lanj^ua'^e \ er\- kind. Lest they tempt them from the truth. vSoon the south hej^an to feel (jailed hy most inijust restraint, And did oft in secret steal To eiu|uire of Amii/s weal, \]u\ to her would make complaint. Then slie told her father all. Calm hut Ih'm was his repl\-: — " \Vii.i.i AM shah no longer eall; Some threat ill mi^ht h.im hefall, And he must himself denv." This Amki.ia saw was ri<,dit .\ntl informed the gentle hov. Tears hedimmed his e\es that ni^^dit For the loss of his delii^ht, Which would all his peace destroy. Said he now, " I will refrain From mv visits, Amik dear, If you'll true to me remain Till I can consent olstain From my father, whom I fear." WII.I.IAM AND AMI I.I \. Amiis l)hislR'(l, Ikt woitl dill pU'dm'. W'll.l.l AM --iKitfluMl :i |);ntiii;4- ki^s As lie s\\iftl\ (.liinlis till.' lu'il'Lif, I'liiri'st liiwiiiis his mind riiLjiii^c I'^or 1k' t;i--tc> of l<)\i.Ts' Miss. 97 Pass wf i)\'r li\L' tt'diniis \i.'ars. \'c'ars \\ liich s;i\s wifat (.liaiiLiss (.-iimr To soiiK' thniisands in all splKTi's, Raised In Iiii|h-s or siiid< li\ fears, Now alixi.', oi ill the tondi. Wii.i.iAM had just come from school Simimomd to his f-ithef's lied Oil an Autumn evening" cool. Now dread thouL''hts lie^an to rule Ilim who la\ just like the dead. Wiiy that start, that vacant stare? Doc's lie know his son is 1)\ r (iuiltv conscience who can lieair Hope shut out or hlank Despair, When one's latter end is ni<4h.' Stood the youth with tearful e\es Fixed U])on the d\ in;^ man. He w Duld s])eak, luit w hen he tries His \'ouns WII.I.IAAf AM) AMKI.IA. "■ I would iiKiki' ;iiiUMi(ls t<> liiin, IJul n'liin death now ''liaUrs lii> dart; IJrcatliiiiL;- tails iiic, fycs iii"o\s dim, S])C'(.ti(.'s 'foff m\' \ isioii >kiin. And with iL'iTois llll m\ heart. " Li>t, iii\ >(»n, xonr's- hr tin.' ta^U, When I'm ])ast this caitliU schmk', Paidon for m\ sin to ask, M\ \ ill' conduct to unmask, And make known what I ha\e lieen. '• !>iit, mv l)o\', in })it\ sj)are, Spari' \(>ur moilKTV feelinL;s di'af. Warning' take tVom me, nof daiv Sport with sin; otthat bewafc, l'\)r (r|f;ii dan'L-> he to lilt.- Ihni-i' oiui- niDic W'luMf liis (iL';ir \mi;i.i\ live'-. With ;i lic'iirt iii(i>- 'iill> ^iiri>, Kiaihi's hi- the lotta^c doof, KuocUn; IK) OIK" admittaiRt- i^ivcs. \\'h\ i> all NO still aroiiiidr This phicf thc'v di'l ()i.Lii|n I " W'hcrr fan 1 1 1 \ii'.i.i;\V()i{ i lis \k- loundr' ,\>ks Ik' loud, nor lu'i'ds the sound ( )f iiiaiTs toot slip-, pa-sin;:; h\ . 'ruin- tlio man in haste hi- head And the Nouth doi's reeo^ni/i-. Tells him, " In the lake"- eiear hed Some one found poor .\mii. deadi" And that thitherward he hies. Thi- like thru-t ot" da^;Liev eame, Near dej)i"i\ in.ii' him ot" sense. In his hieast's a rau'.nu" tiame. Calls he .\mii-."s lo\el\ name As he rushes o'er the tenee, Down toward the dee]) lake"- side Flies he now with greatest -peed. Form- amoni^ the hushes j^iide, SoieK is the lo\ei" tried In this saddest hour of need. Who can j^aiiit his on;4 to lit-r addressed: S()\(i 1 o A M i;i.i A. Still liki' to Luna wading, IJcncath \<>n sihcrv tlond, Tin l)C'autic's au' unt'a(lin^•, rii()iiL;ii nianlK'd in a shroud. A'- thou in death ail KiiiLC, I'hy lo\el\ t'oiin I \ic\v. And asU if anj^lit in dxiiii; lias made thv ehanns seem new Sa\', w (.Tt tliou conscious e\er 'IMiat I to thee was true? That nau|:(lit luit death could sever The hond 'iw i\t me and vou r I came with heart ni,u"h Imrstiiu^- I'rom thee to ul now mv tlut\- stroui^lv JJids me mv task fulfil ; Thv tamilv suirered wroiiu^lv. To riijht them Txc the will. And then I would he leaviiiiif I"2ach hitter scene of woe, ilaply my loss retrieving, If that can l)e helow. WII.I.IAM AM) AMi;i.l\. lOI Thou wcif to inc oft sjx'iikiti'j^ Of (iod's sweet j)l;icc of l^t, I would tli;it place he >ieekin^, Til lie \\ ith thee most hlest. Fai'ewell, niv youn;^ life's elianner, A louij-, a last farewell; I feel my heart i^row wanner As on thv line 1 dwell. Calls he lIiMiujiWdirni aside, Speaks to him with falteriuLC tont;ue " leather's sin 1 dare not hide; Me he hade hefore he died, .Soon redress vour <;rie\ous wrouLj. "He destrovecl \our unele's rev"//, When \()u were a little l)()v, And did not his part fulfil As your proper LTuardian still, Losinji^ peace of mind and j(i\ . " Vm prepared to '^\\c a (fere/ To jou of that hui^e estate, Hut I stronve, Se;^-pild^s, and columbine. Sweet-scented tidips, which I love, Whose beautv has e'en power to move A heart less fond than mine. The daisv and snntlower tall, 1' resent a contrast ()nli<^lit, I left nn f I ice r fill honif; Mv thouij^hts were sucli I e;ire«l p.ot imiili W'hieli way I chanced to loani. With tirniest tread my >vay 1 tiiread 'I'hrouj^h many a windin;^' street, When (h-unkanTs voice in tones not clioice, M\- startled ear did meet. lie cuised a ;j^ii"l whose hair in cnrl Uespoke a tidy mother; Whose clothes, thonj^h plain, wore not a stain, Yet ^rief lier \yords did smother. Her heanteons e\es told tiien no lies While she looked at the man. As nature hron-^ht the words she souijht. She this a])peal heiijan: "Oh, father, leave this wretched place. And hasten home with me; For mother and the darlinjjj hahe Are in sad misery! They ha\e not tasted any food Since morn of yesterday. , Vet you sliould hear that mother dear I'\)r hlessiii": " I'ul' wluMl slU' |)l;i\s illdltl I'll! \(>ll, lli'l' tiMis lluv tlow ;i|);ni', And (Uipc'st I riins«>ii dotli >.iiffiisc I III' I'ViT ln\il\ fair, Slu- s;i\ s th;il sIk- imi>>t \^^A\\• lis all Ml-fnlf 'tis \ fix Inlli^, To ^<» tn yoiidiT lIfa\i'M al>«)\i', And ji)iii in Anj^'i-l's sdiio. '' A'.iil wlun she looks at our di-ai l)alii', Hit tears flow forth a^ain; ^'(.'l ni'vcT (Iocs she, fafhei' dear, In wolds of you eoinplain. Hut says tliat slie will try to make A happv home tor voii. L'onie ill, come well, \\ hate'er hetidc, She'll lo\iii^ lie and true. " ( ), lather, hasten with nie, then, Hefoie in\ mother diel \\'hen I left home \(iur eiiarmin^- hoy Most piteoush did t r\ ; It would ha\e moxed a heart of stone To see the tears he shed; His shrieks make worse the dreadful pain In motlier's lhrohhiniic lIuTc ciiiiu'; tin- \il;il tlaine Had tU-(l, i)f ihil'l and mother. Ill' I'liiild not s|.i\, su limu'd awav, With InoU tliat inadi' im- >in}^s for you seek. ''How we mn^t i)ia\ , sheftau^ht the way Who now has ^one to hliss. \or \\\clv town in wliich I dwell, Mv own adopted place, In \ else I would most ned. When I at first bej^an my trade, 1 was not worth a cent. That small commencement then I made With mone\' to me lent Bv one whose name I fain would tell. If he would »^ive consent. On love like this Fll fondly dwell, Till mv poor life be spent. His kindness set me first afloat In business and its cares. And thv inhabitants have boujifht M}' humble, shining wares. so\(; TO nnAXTTDun. lit So that my needs have been supplied, And a most ample share Of true home sweets I ha\e enjoyed, Such as are far too rare. Tint \ et I have had sorrows, too. Sent hv my Father kind. To make me think, and sav and do All he in love (lesiL;"ned, .Vnd now 1 eandidlv declare, I would not if I could. Have altered mv sweet hill ot' tare, It has been all so Ljood. Our eijj;ht dear childien L,n<)win;4 up, Mv wit'i- and I behold. And (piair such pleasures from life's cup As none can Lfet from f^old. And whence does such pure pleasure come I answer, iVom the Lord. His presence cheers our humble home. And we can well ailord To praise and j^lorifv His name. While we do here remain; And be content to sulTcr shame, If but the Crow n Ave <4ain. TO \i\A\\\] burritt; Ah IKIt MS IKM\(; TO Ills l.iaTlKK ON " t O.M M KIU'K,'" DKC. 26, 1857. I)i..\i{ Sik: — I'ray dccin it not pivsuiiijjtious in mt- To <^i\e L'xprcssioii thus to what I felt Last ni<4-lit, while- lisl^nin^ to the poetr\ 111 your (liscor.rse, as you on Conimeree dwelt. I know not if vou ever wrote a rhyme, Or framed your thouj^hts in a well measured line; But sure I am your lanyfua on, threat champion or the (jood and Tiiie, Spread wide the messa<;"es of dove-eved Peace, And mav God's richest hlessinji^ How to \()U Where'er } on are, until your la.bors cease! TO A VTOLirr. MUM) i;i,()o.\r i\(, i\ >n (,.\ni)i;\ i\ dia i.m i!i:i<. Ik'nutLoiis, \ ;irict^:itft li't tin late- I)l' soc'U ^\t siuh a season, and amid such dearth or \ernal heauty, I would bid tliee hail; For charms like thine to me ha\e wond'if-u- worth. \\ hen Summer's eomtorts tail. I had not thou!.^ht to see a irem Like thee, as fresh and fair As c\ er graced a diadem, IJloom in the open air After such killing- frost as we lia\e had; And w hen L;rim Winter had his ice holts huiled W ith douhle Nenyeanee, prematureK mad, As thout^h to chill the world. Still thou art here in loveliness, IJut lackin<^ Sprinj^-timeV scent, And seemiuLj in th\ charmiii\. IS54. In a wictthc'd, narrow street of an old I-^ni^lisii town, .V ro\ inj^ tinker lived; oiu' who would often diowu Of X'irtue e\ erv trace, 1>\ drinkini;' much strong- l)eei"; Oft mixing' in a ll^^ht, a stranger to all fear. Rlj^ht hetoie his door-step, rnud did the >4Utter fill; And once to cleanse it out he never had the will. The windows of his house with patch-work were •-u])plied, And ail within the door In coal-snioke well was dyed. In >uch a place as this, we would not hope to iind One of the human race witli puie and noble mind; ^'et one indeetl there was, whom we shall liniiiia call — Most beautiful her face, most lovely in her soul. She was the oidv child of that sin-hardened man — Her sainted mother died as her tenth \ear be^an; The father brutal seemed to ill the world around, Vet nevei with his '^\x\ was he in an;^er found. And much his kindness told upon her ijentle heart; it soothed her childi>-h j^rief, and made her act her part. The lessons she had learned before her mother died, Were now of t^reatest use, for she was sorely tried. And when her father went to stay a week awa\ , She read her Hible oft, and cared not much for phiv; Hut, feelin;^ ill at ease, with dirt within and out, She whitewashed all the rooms; of this vou need not doubt. Il6 rill, ii\Ki:iiV i».\r<.ii I ivK, 'I'Ik' yiiltii still riiiKiiiK'd, just in it^ foinuT stiiti'; TIkiI slif (.tiiild iidl iiiiiid, ''i> li'ft it ti) it- fati'. IJiit iii)\\ -la' sii iililic'il till' ilooi-, and waiti'd patient 1\ , Till laiiu' liff fatlii'i Imnu', w lio -niiUd tlii' ihaii'^t' to sec. I lis fi'(.'lin;4s \\ i-ti' fon-id up w lun lit' \ ii'W cd tlir luiuroils I'ound, And w 1 1 IK k' 11(1 wlii-rr llu- iliild muld -o iniuli -kill lia\ e found r 'I'lu'ii (.la-pc'il Iht ill liis arms — (Vlt now iiuliiud ti) kt- Moll' \V(Hth\ of his Ljirl, and wmk linlit steadih'. Aliout this tinu' there fame a Sakkath visitor, Who had t;(>t youths to sehool, hut wanted main more. Tke tinker an;_;i\ sat. nor asked the man within; Said, "ICmma read her l>ook, and did not li\e in -in." I>ul slu', < juite (.'oii-eiiiice-struek, said, "leather, \ on 're not rl^lit, \\\' all L;reat sinners ;ire, in (Jod's most hol\ sij^ht ; M\ l)ikle tells nie thi' I'm sure it speaks the truth; Please kt me ^^d to -ehool, while 1 am \ et a Nouthl'" 'I'his unexjieeted thrust went to his parent-heart; \'et still he did not hke witli his dear j^irl to i)art ; But l)id the man sit \- their dear Sa\ ior's Rule. Tke tinker was -m prised to hear sucli news as this; lie thou'^kt tkat all fine folks were full of' seltlskness; Uut, if it alT was true, tke t,drl at once miLckt i^o — \V'hate\er i^ood she .i^ot, she soon that ^ood would show. Then ICmma threw her arms around his neck, and -aid, "•Dear father, for \()ur love \i>u shall he well repaid; When I come home from school, Til tell \()U all I learn, Tlieii the guud of .Sakkath Schuuls y(ni nuiN soon clisccrn." riii; riNK i:i{ > d \r(;ii ri;i!. Slu- :iskc-{| till' in;m to ti'll where she would h.ne to '^<)\ Who said, '^^Iy little j,nrl, 'tis there, in r^//,>/i /i'r>;,-.-" Ill that lari,'e, lofty hoii^e; the tinu' i^ half-past two." This heard, forth ICiiima \\vu{, and made no more ado. The father, when alone, sat lon^- lime lost in thonnht. Then took tln' i)il)le up, and thron;^!! il^ p;i:^'es souj^ht; ile w islu'd to see him-c'lf if all tliev said was true; l)Ut little proi,Mess made — sueli work to him was new. S().)n came his l)riL,dit-eyed s^irl, with face like rose in June, NVho told of hymns they sun<^, and of each prettv tune; NVhat chapters there were read — the (piestious askl'd she told — W hat prayers were oMeri'd up, hoth for the \oiui<4 and old. She said her teacher was a ladv \erv i^rand. Who, when she first went in, most kiiidlv took her :,and. And led her to a seat w here she hersi^lf sat (low n, Xor seemed afraid to crush her heautiful -ilk ^ow n. The tinker heard it all, and wondered in his mind How t,'entlefolks could he so \ i i\ o-ood and kind; And promised her she should next .Sahl.ath <^o aj.'-ain, iJut wished that she would now her formei- words explain. I lis conscience told him oft that he was tar from ri-^lit. That he had wicked heen. in sinning- ai^aiust Ii<_;-ht; Oh, was there then no hope that lie sli,,uld \ ft he saxed: This thouj^-ht was hard to hear, and could not well he hraved. Then Kmma meekly spoke, and told him all she knew; And searched the I5ihle's \rA^j;L\ to proxe her words were true. This was an easv task, for there 'twas clearlv seen How men, hecause of sin, hy (jod condemned had heen. He found this prove as ixall, and felt so much distressed, iJyciay lie could not work, at nii^ht olitained no rest. Ik'fore the week was srone he, almost in despair. Went forth into the woods, and wandered here and there. NVheii Sunday came at hist, he hailed it with more jov Than he had done hefore, and did its hours emnlov In porintr(>ii^lv on Ikt iiiind was lii> sad state iinprcssc-d, Slu- to luT tcac-lu'i" tic'w , and thus iKMsclt" ixpii'ssfd : "( ), Madam, pluasc to tell what •>imR'is j^rcat inu-t do, Wlu'ii thc'\ , iK'caiise of sin, feel (jiiite pieieed thri)iit;li and throni;h ' "My father, all the week, nor worked, nor ate, nor •-lepl; Mut seemed mneh like a man who was of sfn-e ln'reh. Oh, speak, dear ladv, speak I for smelv he will ilie L'nless he soon can learn whicli wa\ hi is to tl\ I" With jiitv in her e\ es, the ladv kindlv took The hnmhle, loxinL;' i^irl, w hosi- fiame with terror shook, And placed her in a seat, and whispered in her ear That Jesus came to sa\e poor siniHT> filled with fear. She told her how lie was hoth (Jod and Man in one- — The Lord of Heaven and i'^arth, vet (lod's beloved Son; That He foi' sinners died, just out of purest lo\e. And on the third (la\ rose, and went a^ain al)o\e; lUit sent His Spirit down to woik upon our hearts, Throuijh His hlcst Word of Truth, sent to our inward parts; And savs in that same word — the Mihle \ ou have lead — That all who do hi'liexe are sasi-d, hecausc he Med I She furthei kindlv said. "Wait now till school is done. And I will l;'o with von — so nnicli m\ love' vou've won." Then ICmma dried her tears, and with a pleasant tace. Amongst the other ^irK she (piickK took her place. ALfain, from portions read, the teachers ciuc-tions ask; Thev stro\e to work from lo\e, and felt it was no ta>k ; Once more sw eet hvmns were '^uwj; w hicli suited Kmma's case, And ])raver from all arose up to the Throne of Grace. The truth that Emma heard went home into her soul. And jovfnl feelinij^s rose w liich she could scarce control. The jileasant ser\ ice o'er, the teacher w ith her went Into that tilthv street, nor tiiou^ht her time misspent. Thc\' entered soon the house; the wretched man was fomid Xi<=;h overwhelmed w ith ,L(riet", and waiting' for the sound Of news, which, as he thought, his darlin;^' j^irl would hrin*^; But at this proof of loye his tears afresh ditl sprin;^, riiK riNKKUs i>Ai'<;nTKU. "9 III- tnilv fi'lt asliaiiu'd that one like she should luim-, To tr\ to do him j^ood, in his mo-t u retclied home; 'I'lie iad\ told liim -soon what slie mi,:^iit do fur miiIi \\ as done for |eMi>' sake, wiiieii did his t'eehn^'s touch. She tlien sat ineekK down, :uid iii a heavenU frame, TdM him how Jesus Christ a Sjeriliei' l)eeame; Jh>w sinners of ;ili ranks, hv I''aith, miLjht l)e for;,n\en — He saved from sin and hell, and ^^^o, at last, to Heaven! The Lord her lahors hlessed — thev hoth hclieved the Word And thus it did appear the praver of I'^aith was heard. I'oi' sueh a state of things had Mnuna's mother pra\ed, And she had her reipiest, thouod did her emplo\- much lastinj^ t^ood to do. Her father, in due time, was taken to his rest. And she, with lovin^ht prolonjj^ mv tale, hut (piite enoujj^h is told. To sh<"v that Christian Lo\ e is lietter far than - idlifil In NatiiU'V tic-s, /Viid tit's whicli lirivii-T i>ii'.d l'<>tli nu' ;inil yoii. Mv str;iiii is Innnlik', :md in\ iiiiisi' is nidu, \'rt \t)ii iii\ l;i\ will now 1>C' ])k';isL(l to luMf. Dtcm it not v;iin in mk- thus to intrude M\ uidianic'd w iirl'linus on \()iu- dvin^" cat". 'Tis not a thirst tor fanu' that hiils nic wake M\ youthful harp, and strike its soienni chords; Hut 'tis the strong- desire, for your dear sake, I feel to treasure up yoin' dyin;^ words. Then eome, niy Muse; (), condescend to ai 1 M\ feeble elVorts, w liile 1 touch this theme; Ev'n thou who lioveresl now o'er C()WIm;u's shade — Thou Source of Truth! and, with eidi,i:htenin|4 beam, Remo\e the tilni that iloes becloud the eye Of niv dark understan(lin<>- while I sin;^-; O, iLjuide in\ treinblin;4 lin>;ers, for I'll try To tune my harp, and touch its e\ery string-. Say now, what was that sound w hich caujiht my ear, While I sat iDute upon my father's betlr A sound so sweet it did my spirit cheer. And made me nnise, l-y contemplation leil. It was the triumph of that holy man — His deathbed son*;, in \ iew of yonder iieavenl And as he spoke — till then his face was wan — A brii^htened countenance was to him rii>ii> |)r(>s|K'(.t now in si'^lit I" I If x;ii(l. then i;iisi.(l his voiri' " ' Tis thronu'li thi- hloud Of ji'siis L'hrist; it lilU nu' with >s diuk loidan's llixxll" l>ut then, ;is if his wkhU niiiiiht he const rui-d To hi' inipntient, hr sciiiK-U s;ii(l, *'Lit not \u\ lnu'^uii'^i: now 1)1- \vr()n;^l\ viowcd; I \v;iit (iod's will— on llini ni\ soni is st;i\i'd." lU- still i( lilt in nod, "Thon'^h niv snfffiinn' '^ ;4iv;it. Mv strin<4th has hi-cn (piitc c(|nal to ni\ da\ ; (iod's |o\L' to nu' indeed is \er\' j^ieat, Noi' will 1 nnninnr thoi'^h lie still delay. 'M reckon all the snfferin^s of this time As iiothinL;-, when eonipaied with hea\enl\ ihiiii^sl'" lie ceased, and left me this to ])en in ihx nie, And ponder o'er, when he in (ilor\ sinLjs. I stood; my eyes weic fixed npon that face Which oft had worn a smile for me, his son; In retrospect, I then he^an to trace The many acts of kindness he had done. Well I rememlier — thouj^h he was Init poor — IIow ardeiitK he wished to have me tanj^ht At least to read and write, if nothin<^ more; ?n1v interest to advance was what he soujjjht. .\nd, aided hv a frni^al jjartner's care, lie furnished was with means to <;ain liis end; Most careful still, thev alwa\ s had to spare To purchase liooks which might assistance lend. (ireat pleasure then thev took to hear me read The Hil^le's sacred paiiitiii'.r out to im- 'I'iu- tl;m;;<.n>us p.itli th;il I u ;!•> tiiMdin;; in; At last, it picMsc'd tlic Lord to lit iilf sfc I low (lr».;idtul \v;is tiu' iKituir of my sin. What joy tlicn lilUil thy 1io>>omi, fjtlu-i diMi I Thon, too, nu iuothi.T, di(i>-t fxprf^s di li;;ht, Tiiat 1 ua> iironi^iit to lend a listening car To jcsns' Noiic, and with hi- -oMicM's tij^ht. IJnt vvc that time-, what p' a^uw it did ;;i\i.' 'I'o lu-ai the warhlinj^s of my youtlifiil Mu-i'; It made \ on wish that \ou mi<;ht only livt.' 'I'o Ml' tiic dav when I w oidd not refuse To siii^ of Lo\e omnipotent, Divine! Such lo\c as Jesus hole to w letehed man! And, aided h\ the truth whieli clear doth shine, Sliout t'orth aloud Redemption's finished plan. For seven lon<; vcais \vc have united l)een Within a Church, in fellowship and lo\e; And HI that time how often ha\e we seen Artlictious sent, dire e\ ils to remo\e. Let all now left, in j^ratitude to God — In meek suhmissioii to I lis sacred will — lioth praise and liless His name! then kiss the rod This will our souls with consolation till! oDi; TO im;ach. CuiiU', (1<)\ I'-i'N I'll |)(.';ki' — nffspiiiiL; of Ikmmii, (Ic^iciulj Tin (.'mIiii, sui'(.t iiitliKiKi' (Id thou UK' lend; I)i^|)il llu' Ljlooiii th:it hroods upon iiiv iiiiiul; \\u\ nuhiiK Iim|\ III'*.'; in;il\i' nu- itsi^iu'd 'I'll Irmt witli paliriKi.' ;iiid ^ulniii^sion diii- Ti :ii ..»• <• ..I I ..:ii ;...! :.,.i Not (iid\ tliL'si; tlii^ !^r;icioiis liooii ciijoxcd, i>ut .Saints lsful |)i.'a(.c within tlu'ir l)ri.'a>ts possessed, lioth in (head dau'^eis and \\ hen nuicli oppiessed. -Vdam, onr ^reat proj^eiiitof, received With IC\e, his wife, this ^ift, wiiieh much relieved 'I'heir ^uiltN' minds. It was the promise j^reat Made to them while in their most abject state, "That their illu>-trions Seed should hruise the head Of the Arch Tempter, in their room and stead," Which w roii^^ht the chaiij^e produced in their sad minds, Ami soon ])id Hee that slavish fear which blinds The eves of mortals; (rave them .^oon to see, "Thoutih the offense was "leat the j^ift was free," And would extend unto their j)r()<^en\'. () blissful channel from dark foreboding fear, A wounded conscience, and HelTs prospects drear, To ]o\ luispeakable and purest peace. Which once recei\cd were never more to cease. 134 ^"^^ ''"" I'KAci-: A prophet said — the prophet was a man Who (lid i'njo\- that peace which oiiK can Flow tVoin one source- (iod's own redemption phm- '' Mark well the pertect man; hehold the uprij^ht, Whose death so precions is in Jesus' si<;ht; Ili^ end is ])eace." He <^oes down to the shade Of death's dark '.allev, and is not afiaid To come within the precincts of the j^raxe, Well knowin<^ Christ is ever near to save. Dchidcd lialaam also sweetlv sung, In wonls ot' solenm "grandeur, hold and strontj,, The hapjjiness which Israel throuLjb. his tril)es Enjo\ed beneath (iod's care. Not Halak's hrilies Nor vain enchantments, with their altars reared, Nor l)lee(lin<^ victims sacriliced, appeared To move their Crod from blessniy- them to curse His chosen people, oft to (iod averse. Well Halaam knew that if he were to tlie "• Tlieir (iod was not a man that he should lie." He hated Truth, but was constrained to sinj^ Of their blest state beneath (jod's fosterini;' win*;. And when he sang the latter end of such His harp gave tones as though from Seraph's touch. He sang aloud their bliss, nor did he cease Till all the hills re-echoed sweetly -'Peace." Nor could refrain from envv when he viewed Jehovah's covenant of Peace renewed; l)Ut l>reaking forth in rapture loud did ciy "O let mc die the death the Righteous die! Let mv last end be onl\- like to his Whoni (jod dost bless "with thee, delightful Peace I" Even I, who write this simple Ode to thee, Have felt thv thrice-bless'd influence on me; And feeling fresh the vigor thou dost gi\e. Would gladly trace th\- merits while I live; Would fain enumerate the mightv host Of those who've had pure peace of mind to boast; But ah, how great the sum I even time would fail Or if to gain its aid I could prevail, My powers of mind woukl fail to set them fortli As they appear in Scriptiu'e; yet 'tis worth Tile little time which 1 can freeh spare To choose a few from manv that are there. The pleasure it affords would well repay The labor needed, if I spent the dav. »)1)K TO I'l-AcK. Ik'hoUl th;U ln)lv m;in wlio, sUoii^ in f;iitli, I^jiids ;iii ohcdiciit c;ir to wliat (Jod s;iitli. St'L", wliL'ii the Lord lii> strciintli of faith would tc---t How (iiiicl\l\- lie ohovs the liinh hilicst. Tlic ta>k indeed was yreat, hut he, posNe^sed or peaee of mint!, was alwavs (juite at rest. Yes, thoujjjh his Isaac dear was doomed to die, Xo niunmniuLj escaped his lips, and wh\ ? He knew that (iod had promised him to hless With numerous proj^env, and nothiii<( less. He felt assured that from this \ erv seed — His darlin<^ sou — ere lou<^ was to proceed So vast a liost that if the stars hut could Hv man he numhereil, then hi> offspriu_y,' would. And forth from them was Christ the Lord to conu-. The Refuj^e of his Saints, to lead them home. Anil Abraham knowin;^ this ne'er souLfht release From God's sweet ser\ice, and his end wa> ])eace. Xow mark his son. He in the shininy; track His father trode, sincerely walked; no lack Hail he of the <^reat hlessinj^s which from thee Flow in such rich profusion, but did see l?v eve of Inspiration what (iod said Was soon to be fulfdled. Then lie \\ as laid Heslde his father, and his end was peace. Jacob, his voun<^est son, Supplanter named, Parent of Patriarchs so greatlv famed, Found too that peace of mind was alwavs sweet When he sojourned with Laban in retreat. What was it, 1 would ask, which made bin', bear The heat bv da\- and midnij^ht's frostv airr The loss of cattle stolen from his hands r Such churlish conduct, and such harsh commands r With loss of sleep, and wajjes chanLjed ten times, And twentv ri- climes r What was it then, I ask, but jjeace of mind Arisiuht that (iod was kind And ever faithful, and would soon fuUill His promise made, to be his Guardian still! He had sore trials, vet with jj^reat avail He wrestled with his God and did prevail. Joseph, his son, beloved abo\ e tlie vst, Felt soothing peace within his vouthful breast. 26 (•1)1-: lO I'KAC I-.. His is an historv that as a child I lovfd to pdiuk-r, ami to iiiaik iiow mild And affable his conduct, \ ct how <^icat The liitteivst ciivv joined. \\ ith fiercest hate. Tile l)rethren hare toward the jiodlv Noiitli W'iio irode the path of rectitude and truth, Tiiat tlie\ in spite of his j)rophelic dieanis, Disjjosed of iiim, and, as tiie\ tliouj;ht, tiie themes I lis soul dwelt much upon, In hanishment. Stiaitwav to distant I>L;vi>t he was sent. While they, with stranj^e feij^ned tale, now homeward came, And vainly thouifht to clear themselves from hlame 1)\ falsehood foul and hlack hvpocric\ iJet'ore their unsusjjeetini;' faiher. lie Their lies heliexed anetter serve his master kind. He ut [oseph was raised up hv 'gracious heaven, And unto him for this was wisdom <;iven. Xow when his feelings he could not restrain. He formed a scheme hy which he mi^fht detain The hrethren, who a second time had come To purchase food for those thev left at home. The scheme was tried and it succeeded well; Hut (), how Joseph hurned to hreak the spell Which hitherto had hound them I He made known Tliat he was Joseph to whom thev liad shown Such cruel usaj^e, hut their deed forjijave. And told how (iod had raiseil him u]5 to save Them with their offsprin<^ and j^reat PharoalTs land. The news now reached the Kin<^, who ^ave comman is iiis own. I>iln ri:i> n\ \ iinkuai., on si;i;in(; om-: l^\^^ w i rii .M.\^^ A 1 I KNDAN IS, WIIKN JLST K IX <)\' KIJ 1 N (, I- liO.M A L()N<; M(. KNKSS, 1S4I. For inc there'll he no <:^rcat display, No tuniiiifjT out of people. When I do (piit m\ house ot elay, Nor toUiiij^ from tine steeple Of von tower with it^ tin cap))ed dome, Whose bell the time is tellinjr. When some lone wanderer reaehes liome- llis narrow ehureh\ard dwelliuLi,-. Nor vet w ill pompons eciui])a;4e. Or such like thinj^s subhurral, Nor music sweet with charms eni;a;4e Those who attend my fimeral. Nor will I care if but my death Take place while friends are tendini;; And I can see witli eye of faith Mv blessed Saviour bending Down upon me a gracious eye, ^\nd bid mv spuMt enter Into her rest. O, then I'd tl\- And cleaxe to Him- -the Center Of those sweet jovs which do al)ound In \()n bright world of (jlory. Where I shall hear the blissful soun(l Of that delightful Storv, l^o STAN/ As. Iluw Jt'siis (lid our cause ciijjaj^c, W'luii liL' left IIiMviii's poital, Aiu\ stooped to iiiiKnuT lu'llisli lai^t', III weakness like a mortal. llow lie fullilled in its diMiiands The Law that we had Inoken; How (jod exacted at his hands 'I'lie stioiiLjest, clearest token Of matchless Love, so that lie i,Mve His life's hlood for transj^ression, And left the conlines of the Ljrave In "lorious Resui rection. ACROSTICS. TO MK. I. I' \, I\ IIIF. SI All: Ol MlSSOtlil, lS|l. TIk- dolorous Li"\ from f;ir \v;is lu'ard How c — m\ tiist hnvw son; I low ^iviit li;is ln'fii thv siiffcriiii^s from disciisL'I Oh. m\ poor soul dotli, cwr and ;iiioii, Malii iiistl\ dm- To 1Ik\', my tl(.';ir, iii\ miiih iv^picUd r>r(illii.-i', Ki;4litl\ l\c> (111 iiK- w lioM.' liL'art 1>(.mK ti'if 111 ZioiTs (.'juisL'; \A'f, would it wlw iiikiIIictI IJut ;is it i>, m\ Mil-.!.', liii)ii;^ii iiiilc, --IkiII ^iiit; — L sfd as slu' is to sin.li a iiiounifiil strain — That I ma\ L-ausi." true s\ nipatin to spriii;^- \iw l<»ii!Lj, for tlio-otii had--t spoUi' with iiiel ' Tis now m\ lot to tell, in mournful rln me. I low short a space there was 'twist Death and thee. ICre thou well well aware the fatal dart Met thee ainon<;st thv fellows, shot 1)\ Di'ath; En'ii now I feel that dread from friends to part Methinks thou felt, though thou wast stron<4' in faith. (), that I could hut paint in lanj^uajre strong-, Ret^ardiiif^ truth, thv sufferiii lla\c rulUd ta--t t>\-v in\ licad sIiKi' lliNt iiu t'\c>- (ii>t -iLjlit i>f tluf, fioni off \oii Maxti'in hill. 1 low wiTcoiiK' w a- llif ■^i'^lill O, how i hi'i'iini^s (iiaml and hcaiitifiil, to a mind like niiiicl I oft had hiard of tlui' hifoio | caint' — liad iuard {\u- nanu' thv ln'antcou- rixc-r hi'ai-^; As ofl had wondoivd if 1 I'V-r should li\i.' 'I'o cross tho hroad Atlantii's d(.'i'|) hhii' waxes. And ifach thi' shorc'> df that \ ast L'ontiiiiMit, Whose nian\ wonders, in \u\ hovish da\s, 1 tried to sin'4', -i'"' ""'i" h'Mi^ed niiieh to see. As often trii'd to piitnie, in \u\ mind, 'I'he ap])earance thou presentedst to the \ ii'w ; 1 faneied thee nuuTi less than what thou wert — ■ C'onsistin;^ of a few small, stiaLi'^Tiny' huts, IJolh rude in shape, and ruder fai" in thinj^s Which maki' home, what it always oui^Tit to he, V7/(' (^rarcs/ place that men possess on earth ! 1 next would paint th\ ii\ef (leep and ])r()ad As <^feat ''Saint Lawrence," or tlie t^iant streams That e\er\ where a!)()und throuLchout this land I In this I was deceived; its name misled My iDviny- fancv; for 1 surciv tiiout^ht It must lie ^reat, indeed, hcyond compare, In such a countrv to recei\e such name.* This s r<) lilt W I I o|{|>. Makf Ikt p<»r!iay what now ilu- |)h»>|kiIs vmiv. That thi«> fair Town had plaird Itofciii- hi-r \ii'\v. Would -hi' xouii risi- to iMiiiiunl r-lati'r ( )|' woiilil shi' >liu^';ilf xainlv, Tor a uhili-, To ivaili to j^iiatm—, and ><» jii-t iiinain — A inoiiiiMK'iit of ruin ;nid dt-cav.' A- I liavi- -toud upon iln- plia-ant hills \\\ whiili tliiiii ait I luiiiU'd, I haxi- la-l Mv i'\r from I!;!-! to W'l'-t, from North ti; Soiitli, And ofti'ii marUid tin- \a«.t lAtt-iit of ground Which thou mav'st lill; laid out 1)\ (iod\ dwu liainl To he a j^loiious i-it\— and that -ooiil Tlu-n "put thy -houldif to tin- uluill" Aii-c, In all tin inij^hl, and Irt tli\ lurdy -ou- )*ut forth unitrd i-fforts in tiu' work. Di-cpi-i! tin Canal; U-t thy Kailroad- maUi- r»oth (piiik and ri-rtain pro;j^ii's-; and lU'i^k-ct No piopi'i' nu;m- to pii-h tlif town aliiadi Mut, whik- thou -tri\i-t thus in temporal ihinin'", Oh, foii^ct not thiiiLjs of nieati'r moiiK-ntl Strivi- to pniLji- a\\a\ all that '- offiu-ivi- To true X'irtui'. Lit thi' i;r(><^>jrfr/i:\- ii-aM- To di'al out li(|ui(l tin- to kill th.v -ou-I Stivn:^tiii'n tlu' hands of those w ho would maintain (Jood wholfsomi- laws. (Jue adi-tpiati' support To those w ho minister in ho!\ thiiiLjs. That the\, unfetl<'red, ma\ aloud proehiim Christ's LTreat Sai\ation to n ruined \\ oildl Ix't all true C hristiaus in tin midst unite. In hol\ efforts and (iod's strength, to stem The torrent i^reat of foul Initpiity. ^'es, t'ellow Christians, let our Ii\es he sueh As max eonimeiid the Truth w hieh we heliexe, Unto the eonseieiiees of all around. Let those of us, espeiialK , who elaim A parent's honored name, now hoidh stand, And show in honds eonjuMi>ii\i., I oit nil. I I KM- ii.Mi;, .\ r i .\i\s\ ii.i.i:, j.w- 'I'lii' Iron IIoiM- li;ix riiuhcd ;it l;i>t L'ii\ ui^ii's lici^^lits mi iK';ir; I.odk out, \ I' mm of nraiitford, now, for soon lie will Ik- lu-iil ! !i' ItriiiLTs witli liini ;i wci^Titv load, his \\a\ ln'foiv him fct-ls, As slou!\ oVr tlu' now-laid track lu' nioxcs his pondiTons wheels. Mi'i'hanics, nsc xour nlmosi skill, and |)1\ cath hraw n\ arm, Let si«rht of \(in iuii^e iron steed vour \er\ heart's-hlood warm; \or let eold Winter's ra<;injx storms your pr()y;ress now retard, I5nt (iiiicklv j;et the hrid^es huilt; nor donht a rich reward. He steady, men I the hammers lift, send home the sturdv nails; Make ever\ tixtnre (|uite secure, and solid la\' the rails; "I'is doni' li^ht \\ ell I and now, a;^ain, the Monster mo\ es aloiii^', l)Mt caiitionslv, for fear the work should not prove ver\ stronjjj. lie does lesemhle \er\- much the mij^htv Elephant, That let our new-made wooden hrid^e his coura<>e sadlv daunt; Who, when he came to cross the stream which flows ri^ht throuj^h our town. Did fancN his j^reat clums\ foot would hreak the fal)ric down. So slowh mo\es this horse alon<;", hut soon his speed he'll ;ly courteous in (giving my rhymes tree admission into his journal. The same testimony I also will'njfly bear to the late Henild, anil the Expositor, still ttourisliing. I 138 SPAX/AS. Look out, \ L' nu'ii of I>r;iiitfor(l, now! Sec, 1r Ikin reached ytniv doors ; Ilf hc;i\ o and pant'-, he siiorts and looks t() sweat tlii'oui^h all his ])orcs; And vet he stands in harness trim, nor eares a i]'^ for re>t, 15nt is (|uite read\' still to move, and waits hut vour hehe.4. And now, ahove his wliistle shrill, is heard a deafeniii*^ noise — The people all, in loud hurrahs, <^i\e \ ent to heartfelt jovs; The cannon roars, while all around is vi<;()rous effort niatle To make tliis Celehration throw all others in the shade! Processions form, the haaneis wa\e; now ni.uk those hardv IJands— The Fire I5ri<^ade— who well deser\ e nuich honor at our liands; For thcv in \\ ai-like deeds excel, vet not in hloods il-^ht — The\- liattle with destr(jyinLf lire, hv da\ as well as ni;i;htl These form, with others in their rear, a ver\- numerous host; The Marslial i^ivcs command, and now each companv takes its post; The drums are beat, sweet music fills the ear with much delight. And splendid Fireworks arc prepared to i;race the cominj^^ ni<>ht. O, ye who ha\e the mana;j,ement of this most glorious fc/c. Mv Aluse would vour attention crave, and earnestly entreat. That vou would not forget the poor, hut ii^ive ^o them a share Of all vour choicest eatahles, as much as you can spare. And let them have a good supph' of tea and coffee, too; Thev well deserve as rich a treat as either I or you; For do thev not, with constant toil, such works as this completer Then welcome them unto tl.e lioard, and hid them freeU eat. Now I will close m\ hast\- rhvme, with earnest wish expressed. That all our town would well hehave to each and e\ erv j^uest ; Let all our ccjnduct on that da\ he orderlv and ([uiet. And none lay out a single cent in drunkenness and riot. TII1< YOUNG MOTHER'S VISION. ■S54- I saw a fair vnuiii^ mother sittiii}:^, With a babe upon her l^ro\v in tavor With the Lord, as well as me. 'v\ext 1 \ if wed tin mind cxpandini;, With tlu- l)est of know!L'(lL;c stored: Li;^ht di\ ine, and understandini^ (iained tVom (iod's most hol\ Word. '■''\'ears tlew 1)\ ; thou \\ ert approaehiuLC \'er\ near to man's estate. And, to tiiose a'ound, weit hioachin*^ Th\ deep thoui^hts, with soul elate! ".\iit. I SAW A YOLTHFUL M()T1I1-R IJIL I s;i\v ;i \()Utlit'ul mother lii' l'l)i)ii till.' 1k'(1 ot" ilf;itli. \<» liittcr tcMTs bcdimmcd Iilt i-xc Thouiili parents, spouse, aiul tVicmls wfii' iiI:j;1i. Kxpcctinijf her hist lireath. And whrn a little daui^hter came To see her mother dear, She did not eall her child l>y name, lUit, quite composed, appeared the same As if .■>he were not near. I asked myself what made her aet ii. this w av to her kin ? Was her poor frame w ith torture racked, Or was it consciousness she lacked, Or dreadful fears within? I well di\ ine "tw as none of these Concerned this mother's mind. 'Tis true her eou_<;"h <;a\e her no ease, That she was sinkin*i; from disease, And was to all resi(^ned. O, was it the dear Saxiour's eall That she was listeninn fioiu hotli ■>\u ;iii(l Ir-II, A M)iiif slu- iiiiuli ;i(liiiiiV(l, Aiul OIK- on which she loved to dwell; One suited to her case so v.ell That it true joy inspired. And oh, inethou'^ht wt-ie she hul •-tron^-. She woidd have raised her voice To join us in thai pleasiiiir souj^-, And let it w aft lier s(»ul alonj^; To Ilim who was hef choice. ^ et dout)tless then hci' spirit ^iiniL^, ^'ea Joined us too in praver; And now her Lfolden harp is strinii^- Which will ne'er he '' on willows iuuii;-,'" In weakness or despair. RVMILY rii'Ci-:s. TO Nn' I5i:l()\i:i) win:, DlKlNli ,\1 KI.K riON, |S|J. Ann, \\ c h;i\c' li\t'etter I'ar doth know What 's best tor us, and if we understood Our interest wi-ll we sliould eonfess it so. A man hoth wise and ^ood did once aver — "At th' hands ot' (Jod we ha\e reei-ived <,^ood; And shall not we, who are so |)rone to err. Receive our e\il too, as best we should: ^ Mv dearest Ann, let not \i)ur spnits down, IJut with me kiss the rod that (iod hath sent. His promise is that he will not disown 'I'ho-e dear to him, thou<^h In' soi'e troubles bent. O, that the sacred mHuence of truth Which we profess mav ever dwell within; That we mav liear the voke now in, our youth, And alwavs Hee the devious paths of sin. O, that the IIolv iiook which does contain The i^reatest charter our kind (lod can .yranl, Alav prove to be like precious heavenly rain To nourish, strenj^then, and keep us from want, 146 I \ MII.N IM It KS. Thru, h;iii(l in liaiiil 111 iiiiitv ;m(l l"-l>rl pri'par.itioii shod." Ami tliusmav \\ i' hold on Life's joiinu'v ihroii^h; Nor i'\m" fojsaki.' piiif Wisdom's saiii'd path. Slill as \\ (.' joiinux always Ui^cp in \ iiw Thosi- L^lt'iions things •• ihc lii^hti-oiis n;itioii " hath. In suii' and rcrtain prospiTt. far hcvond III poiiil of worth this world Aud ;iil its lo\ s, Tn-'a-uiv in lii-aNcn. ln-sidr thr hiisst'nl sonnd ( )l Jc'sns' \()iff. with swcck'st liL-avciilv j<>vs. And ina\ oiir childivn all likewise' ficciw Thf ficlu'sl (k'vss of hL-a\c'nl\ hk'ssin;n' iiovs'. (), may tlr- Lord maki- each of thini hi-licxc Vhv 'gospel ]Miii', and to its tfachin^s Itow . And tiu'ii indeed shoidd we he called to |);nt While in this world, we all shall meet aho\e. Where we with e\er\ power and all our heart W ill -praise the Sa\ ionr's name and sin^' his lo\e. (), hlest, hiest thouijhtl throui^h \ ast l-^ternit\ In purest hliss ami holiness to dwell. 'I'here our ;j;^lad e\es shall Jesus ever see. And hear the Saints his "-reatest wonders tell. TO MV DALGHTLR MARY ANN, ASLEEP. 184; Sweetly asleep is Marv Ann, In calmest infantile repose. Her lovelv face no lonjifer wan. Seems i()\ elier still when in a do/e. Sleep on, mv hahe, I'll not disturb, Thv silent rest I love to view; For now thou needest not the curb I use in trviuir to subdue KAMII.\ IMIAKS. '47 'rii\ |)ii\ i->li UiniHi'. \\ liirli, I wi'iii \'crt|s ll)ll■^t;lIU c;iiv f'min iiif. tli\ -^iiv, W'hiK- tlnoii^li tliv cliil
  • li wms-- ;ni' s(.>t'ii Tin |);i-«(>iiK' fiitiiii' v the Trittir^ tli;ir r;i\><. Skv|) (HI, in\ little Ljirl. till morn. And when MwaUc pnr-ni.- liiy ph'v ; ^'ct, when i;ro\\ n np, nia\\t thon ;nlorn The s])|uTe in \\ hieh thon nio\ '-t 1>\ day. Sleep on, nn (laui,fhter, sleej) in peace. Thon has heen toiling thron^fh the day. Th\ little toniiiie doth seldom eease I'^rom talkinL;' mneh in thy own way. Sleep oil, swc'ci prattlei'. and may hri_Ljht .\ni4elie Spirits yiiard thee round. Till Sol with his resplendent lij;ht Dolh lireak th\ sliimt)eis tpiite profound. Yes, sleep. m\ ehild, throir^ii e\ ery nii^ht, As t'ast levoKinLj xer.rs proceed. I>\ da\ enjov the heavenly li^ht. Of which we in the Hii)le read. l>nt oh, sleep not w hen duties hid Mv .i:i;irl awaUi' to inn the race Which Christians run, w hen thorns amid Mav make her see her need of (iracc. And oh, sleep not in w ays of sin, I'\)r dani^ers Inrk with serpent wiles; ^Vnd false secnrit\ w ithin, Each iinsuspectin;4- mind l^etniiles. .\nd when the solemn time arrixes I'^or thee to sleep in death at ])eace. And tin ])ure spirit stroiij^^ly strives To ^ain her lon\ , M\ cliildiiii iu-ihI not ll'ar, 'riu'\ shall iiu ;^it"l c-m|)li)\. Ti) \t»ii. In \j;w;[\ mnUit, i have no ihyini- athhrsMil. This you wiuild scaivi' i\|r'iI, So imuh voii 'vc hc'cn earissid. I'or it I now will ti \' To niaUe ainLMhU (|niU' anipk', Ami 1 rust till- tinu' is iii<^li W'liL'u you (.an read this sanipli'. IClien, I thiid\ 1 see That thou leseniMest uioiIut; Thou 'it not so much like \uv As Willie, tin vount;- hrothei-. One thiiij^- I wish \t)u holh. That you in your behaviour Like hei, inav not he loath To follow Christ, the vSavioui". For never ha\ e I seen One of a lo\elier spirit; No m *als do, I ween, Suei. .oveliness iidierit. She was of temper mild, Was often smilinLT sweetlv. In malice was a child, As a Christian walked disereetlv. To have this said of vou Would j^ive your father ])leasure. It would he worth, if true, To me a world of tieasure. So ICIlen, prattler dear, ■ Willie, my darliii VDiir \v;i\'' t;ikc lunl As \ nil IS. Fill my s.Mil Kotil! Thus :im ! dniNvti :i\v:iy, And ill liiiM'^iiiiitioii MM! t<)-(Li\ Td tlntsi- l>U-st r(.';^ii>ii>> wluMi- m\ Ann li;i>« i^'niu', And fi'il th;il ivi'ii now I'm imt aloiu'. I'"i>r liiT piiri- 'pirit is with uiiiK' lluldiiij;; tllliiu s|ii|) di\im.-. I lark I sin.' whi^pris in tla- ^kii-s, " \.vt tin prayii . to llia\iii arise; Lit thy sonj^s ascend above; SiiiLJ I'M'iiiioit' Kt'diiininLT Lnve; I'"()r ail tliosi' ujii) luTi' do ciiUr C'li-a* I' to K'siis as tlu'ir C'liilii', .\iid we ii(i\v iin h(>l\ yrnuiid Join ill one inueasinL,' roniid Of' puiist pliMsiiii., Mild do raise Our \ oiees in tiie Sa\ ioni's praisi', And tlnis tin ounliout l".t».'rnit\ And tlnis tin » < II i\ \\ I mi I IS I ,11 11(1 - ( I >-uin . Always listen to the \iiiee or lesus, and in iiini rjjoii-e. Make his rii^hteousness your hoast, For without it \i>u aie lost. Liste-ii now, he ealls to-dav; Flee, Oh, Ike to him away!" >ed to speak, and l)aek her sjjirit Hed race we share. I \ Mil ,^ I'll. I I.N. lO Nn INFAN'I' AWIi; IS" IS 17. MntluTk'ss li;llii', I iHii'l forlH'lir 111 llKlkl' SuiiH' rhviiR' to lln.1' f.M tli\ (Kai iiii>tlK-r''«< s:iki-. 'I'h\ |)li';is;uil loiiUs, ili\ siniK's. tin Uin|H'r iiiilil Do miiili ■^luprisi.' iiif in m> \ui11114 ■' iliil'l. Ill lliy >\vtvt f;i(.v I \ii\\ in iiiiluvo M\ Id^t \vif».'"'s <.l\;inus; it is. it must 1h' so. (^iiic'l thy \v;i\s, ;mil sniiiiiii;- oft throii^^li tr;irs, An cai'iu'st siirc'i\ this for future mmis, Tlmt t!u- saiiir li)\ i'!\ ioikIikI ni;i\ licsliuwii W'llilh IIKIlklfi tll\ IlltitiuT's liti', ;|s is Ui'll UlloWll. Tlu'ii as thou (lost adxaiui' to womanhood, M;iy (iod's own Word 1>\ thri' hi' uiid(.i stood. Ciiii I look loiwai'd to the tiiiu' \\ lu'ii tliou shah naih a womairs prinu'r \Vhi-ii \()Uth and hi'autv, linktd witli ^^raci' May hvam forth tVom th\ smiling face? Ahis, the future, liii! from ^iylit Of all hut Him \\ lio (hvells in ht^dit, Ma\ see Us luimlieri'd u itii the di'ad. And know in;^r tliis ma\ I he led To train m\ ehildieii in the w.i\ That leads to Heaven's ■• eiiial da v. STANZAS i\ Mi;.M()i!v 01 ANMK, i)ii:i) .)^I.^ 11, 1S-17. Thou 'it iLfone, thou lo\ely Lfem, 1 trust To ^^raee the eiowu of ZioiTs Kin^'; And we thy Ixxlv to the dust Commit w ith iaith uiuvav erintjf. Thou wast just lono- enough with us To charm our hearts and claim oiu' love; And now thou 'rt <;one. Why is it thus: Did Jesus need thv soul aliove? I 5-J !• A Ml I.N iMi:ii;s. For (wciitv weeks thv lovclv face, Tin pleasiii.LT smiles, th\' tem])ei- iiiild, Have made thv father hope to traee The mother in her (larliiiL;- ehild. A.nd yet thou hast for some time seemed Too fail" a flower to hloom below. Thv death hut pro\ es our Father deemed It best that thou in Heaven should'st j^iow , And knowin e. 1^4 lAMir/s I'iKc i;s. .\ii(l in;i\ the Lord <^\\c (iracc to one ;in(l all. That wf nia\' sci\ c him while we >ta\ liclow; Thc'ii, ill due tiiiK' lie will our spirits eall 'I'o share that l)lis> he eaii alone hestow. TO MR. AND MRS. \V. BATTY, OF PARIS. 1847. lirother and sister dear, my ^tay I prolop;; here, AVhile an effusion ean t1o\v from my pen. Mav it von ;^ratif\ , voui" minds now satisfy, That I may ha\ e courage to try it aj^ain. Do thou, mv dear lirothei — for there is no other Has a claim upon me if thou he denied — Accept from me the lay I in L^nititude pay For services rendered when I was so tried. When hv j^reat sickness low, I was some years ngn, Thv interest with mine was clearly as one. For me thou wast striving;-, thyself wast deprivint^ Of needful repose when thy tlay's work was done. In view then of thv >trong affection As shown to me, mv feelin<^s flow; And, while I enjoy reflection, I '11 stri\ e my gratitude to show. I saw thv conduct with emotion, Pravcd my God to own and bless What thou didst through lo\ e's devotion, To increase my hapjjiness. 'Twas then I sought thv soul's Salvation; In pravcr besought the Lord to make What proved to me severe probation A l)lessing to thee for Christ's sake. And now I see thee with thy wife. Ranked amongst the heirs of (ilory, Partakers of Eternal Life Through faith in s>>vcct Redemption's Story lAMII.V PIKfES. 155 A blcssinsi^ this, which Heetinj^ Time Can not uiitbld in all its hrifjhtncss, A'^ 'twill l)c scon when In Heaven's prime W'e walk its streets in robes of whiteness. Hail ha))py davl thv near apjjroach Inspires our hearts with joy and j^ladness, Enables us to bear reproach, Takes tVoni our heaits much of their sadness, Brother and sister dear, let us wliile we are here Clinu^ unto Jesus, our verv best friend; That when iJeath sliall come we may soon reach our home, And gain Felicity never to end. FH11:sH:>E THOUCiHTS OF ANN, MV lOKMEll WIFK, Wrapt of late in solemn musing On the checkered scenes of life, Peace was o'er mv mind difTusinir As I thought of Ann, mv wife. Pure in life and conversation, Full of smiles and modest worth, Showing calmest resignation When sad trials called it forth. Sweet and softlv o'er me stealing. Like a jileasant zephyr's breath, Came pinx- faith, my sore heart healing As I thought of Ann in death. In her prime and beautv dying. Full of love and heavenly joy. Safe in Christ, stern Death def\ ing Nothing could her peace destroy. Faith and fancy both combining. Blessings to me freely given. Keep my soul from e'er repining, As I think of Ann in Heaven. H 15*^ lAMii.N I'lia r;s. TO M^• p.i^()'1'iii:k iami:s. Jamc"-, 'tis full time for iiu- to w ilti.' Sonic rh\iii(.-s to xoii in carnr^l (|uit(.'. TxL' promised lony', a\h\ now I'll tiv M\ promise to fullill, and \\li\ r I)t.cau'-L' \()U lia\c a claim on inc W'liicli, \\ hen paid off, w ill set me free, To run awhile a^ain in deht. Which in its luin shall suic he met. Hut this is tritlinti,-, xou ma\ sa\. Perhaps it is, hut trilles ma\' KU'ecl some ^ood ; lhe\ ollendo, And (piite as often jjieasc us, too. Who's free from tritlint;? I would ask. To tind out one would pro\e a task. But then I candidly confess That we should surely tritle less. \Vell, let me see; can anv theme Bt started: Ves, I had a (hx>am * The other nii^ht. Both \()u and I Were standing- on a hill so hit;'h. And soon thei'c came a uiightN stream Which did not lea\ e of hope a ^leam. But suddenlv a pknik we found, That hrought us safelv to dr\- ground. Then I awoke devoiil of tear. And vou the Moial true shall hear. All mortals now are sailing down The stream of time, as vou must own; ^\nd waters na'". and dash, and foam. Then sa\ — how sliall we reach our hoivie; There is a plank, as we have seen, iVnd it is saf'i', most safe^ I ween. 'Tis in the (jospel clearly shown, 'Tis by all Christians fully know n. We have its nierits long since tried, And glory in the Lamb who died. Then let us prize it as we ought. And ser\ e him who our souls has bought. For surely this our duty is If we would reach eternal bliss. * Kact. F.\Mii.> rirx Ks. . f .■^z TO MV i)Ar(iHTi-:R ktj.hx, ON iii;i! \\i;i)i)i\(. l).\^ , M Aiti. II 20, i^^'j. I'^llfii, on this olad occasion I address to you a rliynic, ,\n(l in tones of sweet persuasion Would ad\ise vou at tiiis time. If full measure of enjovment Vou would seek in married lite, Make it dailv vour emi^loxnient ■ To axoid w liat leads to strife. Prize, O ))rize, both now and e\er, Joseph's confidence of lo\e. See that tits of temper never Drive liim forth from home to rove. Should he show unlooked for weakness. Hide the secret in \ our hreast, And expostulate with meekness ^^'hen \ou have (jod's Throne addressed Alwavs aim to dress with neatness, Thouj^h vour clothes lie e'er so plain; Add to this vour mother's sweetness, If vou woukl lo\ e's swa\' maintain. Should yom-s prove a life of trial, May you hoth still look aho\e. Exercise in self-denial Streuijjthens pre-existin<:^ love. I ha\e found that constant hlessinverin<^ for such skull. Stands in the room a crazv bed And two wretched, worn-out chairs. 71iat had rested linihs and head, These now served for tJiat instead; Thus ill the villain fares. Heard he on that _>i,loomv nij^ht Demon foul to ur<>e the deed? Would he tremble at the siyht If some horrid jjjoblin sprite Came his stronj^ wrath to feed? ♦ I would not wish ixiutly to he held responsible lor what the reader inav deem unchrislian-like languajfe or statements in this hallad, as I have copied the original in such matters. Mt'KDKW \\ 11,1. ()('!■. r ^<; He would wclconif :is his trii'iid IC\'n proud Satim, piiiicc of Hell, If he \si)uld assistance lend So that lie eould <4aiii liis end III eiiine — so verv tell. She who thus liad roused his ire, Lived a little distance off. With his jealous soul on Hre Cudgel stout suits his desire; He has one stout and tou<^h. Soon lie leached her shahhv home. Rapped aloud upon the door. "Yes, John Hristol, V(ni nia\- come,"' vSaid a voice within that room vSo hi,Lfh on the third floor. Near the window, \er\' sad, Sat she, deei)ly wrapped in thought And ap]:)eared hut thiiiK clad. IJrown her hair, hlue eyes she had As e'er with lo\ e were fraught! She asked the man to take a seat. He "■ 25ief erred to stand awhile. Had heen sitting much of late." Now, as if impelled hv fate, He has recourse to guile. Savs she, "■ Glad 1 am you 've come For I thought you took offense. " Little dreams she of the doom Hanging o'er her in that room. Or she would flee from thence. He her conduct now reproves, She replies in innocence. vSofthvhe hehind her moves. Right hehind the girl he loves, In cowardly pretence. Ere suspicion could arise In the hapless victim's mind, I7p the sturdv cudgel flies. Downward on its aim it hies, And strikes her as designed. i6o Mll!l)i;ii W II.I. (M'T. K\>/,]\i upon luT t(.'in])!rs fair, Munk'r foul Ikin (lone its part. ICycs assuiiK- a >traii<^c, llxid staiv, Flows the blood ainoii^- luT hair, No lon^^cT tluobs the heait. Now the \ iliaii\ litis her arm, Now he finds the pulse has tied; Jle eaii do no further harm; C'oMseieiiee sounds a loud alarm, I'^or suiely slie is dead. Now he llees in haste awav; Shifts the seene a^ain to her: She is found 1)\ friends next da\ Still' and Ljorv as she lav. And the\ create a stir. (^uiekl\ 'gathers round a mol), I'^leetly tlies the horrid news, Makin ( iod; Doi-s III- liLar tlu'iu in distivss? St'i', IK- wavL's iiis riL;lil(.'<. Two aloiu- siii\i\i.' llu- lost, 'riifsc arc cliii'^in^ to a spar. One with secret in liis Iircast Is l)v sense of ,in"iiill oppressed. Which keeps his mind ajm. Can the reader liiiess liis name: * "• IJristol?" ves, he was tlie one; lie a sailor soon became, Xor felt an\' sense of sliaiue Till life had iiearh j^one. Now Hell's terrors seize his soul; Xow he sees the murdered maid In her l')l()od hefore him fall; Hears her for (iod's \ent;eance call, ^\nd ask w hv it 's delayed. Feels the elements at war Nothing to the strife w ithin, Therefore to his hrotiier tar His locked heart he does unhar, To ease liim of his sin. Tells him how some months ai^o He a liarmless maiden slew, lealousv had \vrou,iL';ht his woe, Made him j^ive the fatal blow; 'Twas ver\ wrony- he knew. "Speak her namel" the other cries; "Marv Markham," Bristol screams. Ra> lost his pi'aa- of luiiid. W ill he stik ;i port to liiid And tln'iv iiis sin iiloni.'." l'"cllo\\ sniiiff, tliinU not Iwnd Of tlic poor ivnuiininj^ oiu-. llo from proper ii^ht dehiined, 'riumt^hl it (lnt\ to reward Urisiol for tJKit t\{.vi\ done. W h\ r 111' to the imn-deri'd maid Was a hrother hv his hiitli. Mis l()\e for hef did not fade. And this joiiiney home he made In hopes to \ ield her mirth. Shifts the j^Iooniv seene onee more, 1%) a narrow, erooked street; In a wretehed liipior store Sits a man we 've seen l)efore, Mnsin<4- on thinj^s not sweet. lie mi<^ht seem to view intent Watered spirits in a j^iass, l^)r his eyes on that are bent, J>ut his thon^hts are wanderinj^ sent After that mnrdered lass. In this street — the \erv same, That most shocking- aet was done; It had nearly lost its fame. Vet rememlK-red was the name Of that pool maiden lone. When her name was sjioke 'tis said Chilling horror seized the soul Of 1)()th hiKlt NVII.I, OUT. 163 li<>(liii;4l\ Ik' nIkiKis his luiitl. I )t.r|)-(lr;i\\ 11 leii^lliv >iL;li tin 11 lu;i\rs I lis li|(t;l(l I lust, t'nr luT MOW (k;i now on linn ivst, Who, with IkiIic npon lur ln(.;i'iniii«4 <>ii apiui-; l III tlir ••cttiii^ Miiil)(.Miiis ^^low, And li'x |)iii|)k' tint'. tlu'\ >-lio\v. Till Ik' li;,s iim his liK'i' At this tinu- (li)is M;irkh.im sit III thai Idiic'lv , (lirt\ I'lmiu ; Ileitis not how tilt' shadows Hit, AsUs not if siuh |)hKr he lit To (hive a\\a\ his irioom. I'\lt h'' (iiiiti- (.•oiistraiiictl to si'e Thiit house, where his sister dwell, Aiitl refresh his meinorv, 'riiinkin"; what she used to he, When he so liap|)\' felt. Now he tries to ri-ali/e Seeiies that hanow up his soul. While, sueeesst'ulK, he tries, I'iuieies he can heai" her cries I This does his heart appal. Thus eiij^a^ed, he i[uieUl\ hears Soft steps eoming to tlu' door! This does not arouse his tears; StroUiT his ner\c's, it now a|)pears. As ere the\' wi'ie before. Timid hand has lift the lati'h; Oik more maii is now within. \"erv soon he strikes a mateh; Candle's lit I Can Markham eatch Tiiose features — dark with sin? Soon. But wliat a sij^lit to see; Eyeballs from their sockets start I Trembles he convulsix elv ; Should he tr\- he could not Hee; He 's struck, as b\- a dart I Bristol locks the door inside. And scans well the room around; His ,ti,"f*ev e\ cs are ojjcned wide — Who's that on the other side? Too soon the truth he found I Ml N HI II W II I ultli j)iissi((ii ^low, IJristo|\ llii'>.c lifts in;; iiu-ctl l''iiin tliiv >t lit to li\c, Ncitlu'r \i't to (111.', at all I" Mristoj doc's no answer .i^ixc; The torments no one can i'oncci\e, I'^iuhired h\ his \ ik- son! I iV^ain till' hrotlier spoke in raj^e: "'IMiink \<)ii to escape noiii' de hnt in vain — \'on 're doomed to miser\ I 12 i66 M( IMH-.I! WIl.I. ()( I, "M.iiN , ti)v iiw 11 ^isti T (lr;irl When I hist liiiiL' s;i\v \oiir face, !)i\'aiiit \<)ii nut of raii-i' to flar Miirdtri'i'^ h.iii'l iipoii \(in hiii-, Wit hill t hi - \ci \ ])laii'I •••Nk -tain w aN upon \oni iianu'; I,i\il\, n;o(lc>~l 'J 111 \ oil Wire; \\ oiild \ on ne'er had i( It lo\c''- ilanit-I ^'( t \ Mil i lail no ( aii-e to ^haiiu , Ihit 1 lojc- '400(1 c'iiarattt r. "ir I list-, \oiir iiinrdrri-r'- lui k l'a\^ ; he forfeit of lii- ( rimel 1 .0--S of time I will not icek — Xolhiii'^- ^liali ni\ ardor elucU, Should he seek other cliinel" S])eakin'4 thiis^ he piaced hi^ hai i\ I' inn a'/aiii'-t t he 'jutei door ; As he liad of voiie no lack, Shouted, till hi'- faci '.new hiaik, And stamped iipoi, i he lloor I I'reseiitU tiie iiei^hl'ors eome, W'iiilc poor IJiistol tremhiliiiL;' -tands, Now tlu-\' are within tlie room. A nd pi' leet'd to si'al 1 1;^ doom I >\ hindiii'4 fast iii~ lian(U, Shifts llie scene into a Court, Conu-e! unto lie^ iL-soit. And 1 he jurv lond exhort To niakt.' proceediii'^s milh Kristol's friends had j^aid tliem ,i(<)ld, And fjiev do tiieir hest to show IMack is "vhitc: as, when of old, Satan, without /"(V, lies told, To work our I'aieiiis' wfic. Let them do their \ crv hcsf. Tliere - a witness all must hear! It is in John Ihi-tor-, hreast, .And it taimol. will not rest, Till all the truth ap[)eail Ml I.DI.I! Wll.l. (HI. .67 All liis ((ui\ friii'4 lips ()l)stT\c, W liilr lie now ;ittriii|)t'- to ^piiils. C'liistii-iK t- ( ric», '■(' Imid Ins linilis (piitr I'a-t. As lie, in ( (.■II, doth lie. Nou till' l)i'\il sti'fls his In-art 'i'o refuse I'eli'^ion'' ■ aid ; '•In lliat Ihivi^ he'll l.iase ;io |);nt, It wonld hut increase his sinait— Of deatli he\ not afraid!" Vainh. -tri\e (ioiTs niessci,'_;x-is To it ad hnn to jeans' I ihiod ; "There'- no need,"' he still avers, And i^ood \ii:tuals uuich ))!el"ers, So asks, a'4'ain, I'lr food. 'Tis t he- iii'^ht hefore he die; S\\itll\- spc-ed the houis awav; The\, like seconds, seem to ll\ To a Record, kept on hi^ii, A'^aiiist tile lud^Miient I)a\ I Two — three — four — li\e! fVoni the clock, Sound !il])eai' to ^jjive no sliock To thai man, with hea.il of rock. I'lioucrh f nil ol w retclic(liu-ss ; Six I Mole dl-mal somids a/e Iseard Than the stiikin^<- of the hour; \\%)rkmen's hlows loud echoes stirred, FixiiiL;- scaffold — we inferred. I'o rouse him has this power.-' ir„s Miin>i:i! uii 1. oi r. Not the K';ist ; it ncmicc'Iv went 'I'd the c'h;mihL-i^ ot" his luain; Other'- thought it crifd, ''KcpcMit, liiislol, CTL' your Ufc he spent I" I hit \ et the cry was \ aiii I Still he hardens hi> \ ile iieart. And han^s snllenK his jiead. Seven — eiju^ht — nine— ten! Diil he -lart \(i; hn! hiends from him (ki)art, ^\rKl he will soon he dead I Comes the Siieriff to his cell; I'nls the colli around his neck; Now his reelin<4s who can tell r Still he careth not for Hell — I'ut waits the Slieriffs ])eck. Slow the dull pi^ocession mo\cs 'I'o ;he fatal i^allows-trcL : There he sees no fice he lo\es, 'I'liouLi'li the people come in droves 1 lis (hiiijr throes to see. Now lie hears the wairant read, l>ids adieu to all around; Solemn ])ra\er a^ain is nuide, And the cap's drawn oVr his head; Sit^nal 's L!;i\en; iiis soul has lied! The ho(l\ sinks to th" L;round. "•I've followed him unto the end I" Said a xoice amont;' the crowd. Warninij,- take! ^'oun_t,^ men, attend I See the murderer's dreadful end I It speaks like ihuiider loud. Till- I'AITIinn, PASTOR. ui.Ti ii:n i\ i.S^i. •■U onld 1 ,!,■„ ,-ilu .1 l'n:i, her. mkIi ;i-. I':nil \\'( r<- lu' iiri ciirlli, woiilil liriir. :i|i|iiriM' .mil i.-a •., I'miiI -IkhiM iiiiMsi'lftliiuct Mil-:'" jC'o\VIT.i(. IJOOK ]. To the (l(.'f|) iiinl)i;iL;r ol" mil- \ortli It.-ickwixxls, And iic;ir to (Iiuoirs wild lomaiitio •^Ik.ic- — W'luTt' W'liitci-''^ storms mic scfii in ;niL;i\ moods, To m;il-;(.' iUv Lakc-'^ \\;ims dash with loudest roar — C'aiDi' (iooDWOiM II, twrhr years siiue. and lnoiiuhl a stoiv Of Christian wisdom to tliose loiuK ])arts: To try it" he eoiild llnd an open door IJy whieli to reai'h tlie settlei's'sinlnl hi-arts, Ami tlieiH infoi-iu of wliat would heal their inward smarts. ir. r irni m liis mind, rohu-.t was he in frame, Of human learniny- ha\in^- ample shaie; Willi fer\ent zeal, love-prom])te(l, there lie lanie, I'uiv (iospel Truth in meekne>-s to declare. And liackwoods hardships with his hearers share; lie hrouoht his loviinj,- wife ami children four, Who tor their own coiuenienee sliowed small care; WTif) liad with C'iiristian heroism hoie A hea\ V share of trial scxeral yeavs lictore. 17') III i: I All IIKI I. I- A-- I <>i;. in. Tlic'sc tour (lc:ir cliildix-ii limi liccn early trained Tk take llu'ir pait in c\ iiy (la\"- iinplox : Nor wcvv tliiir xoutiiliil lu-ait- ]>\ llii^ t-t lan'^cd I'loni ihf Uiiiil paiviil-, who did ~hou tliiir joy In nianifc'sliiiij no \\ isii to annoy 'I'lifir dfarc^l off^-piiii'^ \<\ nndut- ri-t laint : Awari' lliat thi^ niii^ht \r\\ ^<>i>u d(-tro\ 'I'licir intliunci.'; and wlio lia-, pown to paint 'riic ills u iiich ti(j\v tVoiu tlii> loo pix-\aK lit lomplanil i\'. 'I'liink not, kind icadif, I wDiild oxc-rdraw M\ piitnrc's of" ■-wrtt, tlia-tr, conjir^al ! ill---: A\\ I df-crihc I '\ l- seen, and, t luTrtoic. know I c-rr not far— tlion'^li sour- inav doul)l of tlii' — And dci-in niv --kt-tc lie- \ ( ry tar ami---. It iiiaitc'is not; tlio-c who JiaxL- laitlil'nl liccn In wrdlotk piiif lia\e often foniid, I wis, 'i'lial a fair -liarc- of liapniiu'ss sermc I 'poll llii- L-arlh in C'liri-tian faniilic-s still is -ccn. V. And such were tliose of wlioni I spiak ahove, Vitv of (jod's L^raec- the\ e\er\ one- partook. Tluir action-- --praiiLi- from tile ureal Law ol Lo\ (■, So plainK' laid down in his 1 loiy IJook. .\11 mi;_;lit di--eo\er from eaeli kind, -wcet look. Thai tlie\' had hecn unto the Savior's Sehool ; That tliev had seldom Wi-donT- |)aths foi-.ook, l>nt made the W'oid theii oiil\ (iiiide and !< nle. This kej)t thc'ir lo\i- ali\e, nor let thiir ardor ernil. \i. ^'el thev did not to this at onei' attain; I'oor liunian nature in its he-l estate Has miieh about it that is lr;il\ \aln. And these were not c\cni])l iVom tommon late. Some fourteen \ear-- heloix- my ^toi\\s date 'i'he\- hal{. '7' \ll. And '^mv iliciii fur tluir loxrd <>iir^ t.i'rii :i\\:i\, What was nmii' lucdriil fur iju-ii- ^i-owth in '^racc-, .\ ''.d led till 111 t luis to make- I lis A rni I liiir -tav, III all thi'ir trials I lis kind hand Im trair. 'Twas this tha' litttd liicni Imi muIi a j)iaci' i\s ni tlu'sc wDods tlK\ well disiMiu'd to till; And hciiir thi\ al\\a\s won- a che'iTfiil 'ari', And liowvd ihrir own nnto tluii Savior's will, While- with till' Spirit's swnrd tiux showed the •.•rcatc-st skil \ III. And siich wi'if lu'cdi'd in that --I'lt kini lit l!nt jiis! I'l'i lainicd froni the- wilf tii-i-s. \ow tlii-ir '^ood t'ortniie '^lalitiide he;;(>l, W hieli wa- pomed forth to (jod upon their knees. While ^^I'fcii lea\ es \s a\ cil alxn <;, t'liniicd b\ a \s arm, soft hiee/e. Ill i; I \i rill II i'.\-.n>if. XI. A shiililn -^h;lntv stood upon tlu- ground, IV-rhnps (.Tc'ctt'd \^y ;i poor red m;m; Firc-wccds ;md Im'hsIiw ood tliitUh L:,r(.'W around, To cltMi" off \sliiih tlitx now at onci' lifi^an. Near bv thf pla*.\' a iliarniin^' spriiiLj-cicfk ran; This liad its source in a lii^'li trcv-idad liill. From loj) of wliich tlu' countrv tln'v i-onld scan. Tlu' fatluT and two sons witli rij^lit i^ood will That shaiitx soon prepare-, and they its small sjjacc till. XIK This pro\ ed a wretched shelter at the hest, For rain eame through the worn-out roof of harU, And lor hard laborers w a-- no place oT rest. While its sMiall window left it \ erv dark. Thev speak together ot" a lioiise, wlieii, hark I A noise tiiev hear — a sound as of ;_;reat ^^lee — The settlers In their breasts possessed a spark Of sweet <4oo(! nature, and now eame to see If tlie\ eould not be useful to the family. Mil. This as an omen soon was understood. And pressin;^- wants were to eaeli friend made- know n. With a\es armed these (piiek obtained sonie wood. Which b\ stroll'^ oxen speedily w as drawn To the selected spot ih.at had been shown. The Pastor's wife and (hiuj^hters then ))reparc- A i^-ood, substantial meal, and wilii kind tone Invite the friends to come and taste their fare, Which thev in j^ratitude had made with nicest care. XfV. With this i2food offer all at once complied; Thev came to work and iherefore needs m\ist eat. The (lav was line and ])ecch tree shade supjilied A place for talile, and each took a seat, Admirin;^ much the dinner spread so neat. And (joopwoKTii then j^ave thanks most rev'ientlv For such sweet comforts in their wood's retreat, And praved that eacli warm-hearted friend minhl be Rewanied for his kindness in Eternitv. rill': lAiiiiiri. i-amok. 173 w. Till (limu T o'lT, ;i\\ liili- in tViiudlN ili;il Tlic'v s;il ■•md ivla] till tlu' rattli' Ird. TIkii ( iooDW 01; I II ri<'(. 1\' spoki' to thrin lu(l trar>, and all looked \ ery nra\i'. Though eaili lude lui-ast po^Nessid a heart most truly lira\i'. ()ni-e more Ini'^hl a\e'^, w ieldi'd hy st^on^■ arms Make chip^ ll\ fa'-l, a-- they tiie lo'^^ prepare; Sneh \villiii'4 work the Pa^toi's lamiK eharm-. l'%>f tln'\ this kindness had not thoui^lit lo share. A stron;4 foundation p.ow is laid with eaii'; Of ample si/e, tlu' fahrie n])ward ^^rows; The nu'ii take ]).iins to ha\e the eorners scpiare, Whieh to ilYeet the\ span- nor slri'iiLith iior lil«)Ws; And tlius, as if h\ ma^ie. that luai struetiire- rose. \\ H. ?\Ieanw hile, there eame some shingle-., nails and hoards, lliouiihl h\ !w) do full justic<' to that sa\or\ meal. Xo wicked r"eelini;s in tlieir liosoms link Af^ainst the family; hut they strongly teel TJiev lia\e an interest in all their weal. And freelv speak of comiiiL;- liack next day The house to finish; kindh thus they deal With those dear folks — who wish them still to stay — And thev will sin<>- awhil(% to cheer them on their wa\ , '71 •riih; 1 \i I III I 1 r \■^ I i>i!. xr\. I'd this tlu'\ ;ill cdiisciitc'd ; llu'ii iinix' Smii'_;- nlUT ^oiil;. in jjiai^i' of Jcsus" ikiiih.! Siu h ^()ni;s i';in li'^litcii I'l'ii miii" saddi'^t woi.--. And i;ii'-i.' in liuiuiin lK';i!t- ;i lii';i\ onU llaiiii'. Six men tlicir w i. ii' wlid, from that iii^lit, lirtaiiii' (^iiitf alk'ivd iliara(.tn> — as all mij^lit m\'. I'^)r (iiiN|)(.l 'I'lutli c-an (.■\n a >a\anc' tanu-; riiiiii^li tlli'^ to '-onu' men sffuis a m\stiT\' — Suoh ha\f not nclii IIr-iuncUcs sunk in dL'pia\it\. XX. Tlir sinj^iiiL;' o'it, tlu' t^ood man said. ''lA't 's piaw" All down hc^iik- him fi.\ (. ivnth knelt; It was a proper tlose for such a da\- — As all fii^a^ed must then iuiAe deeph' fi'lt. And oh, the iam4uaL;e of that ])ra\er did melt Some siony iieails, as I ii; tiutii would tell: I'or ( iooDW oiM'ii on (locTs lo\e and merev dwelt — On eomiuLj' Judi^nieiit -and ou llea\eu and Hell — 'I'ill e\ery one secnictl hound as h\ the stroii'^cst spell. XXI. 'I'his done, those neinhlxiis — though reluetautU — 'I'ook lea\e of that most happ\ houseliold there: And were as pleased as am men eould he 'rhe\' were allowed sueh eonijiaux to share. 'Tw as Spring; lime, and the -till and halmv air Was uiost reheshiii^- to the w eailed tVanie; And Luna's hri^htness, tliou;j,h <|uile fii'e from ulaii", l.nahled them to see whieh wav ihev eame- - I'^or staving' rather lale lhi'\ would iucur no hiami'. Wll. The morniiiL'; came, and with ala.ritx (.'anu- sellUis also, i-ead\ as liefore 'I'o lu'lj) the w elconie lU'W -conu' famih \\ hovi- >tiaiiLiC', dee]) news had made their hearts so sore. Aiiil now till.' lahor of tin.' da\' each hoic As ii" his own ad\antaL;'e he would seek. .Some went to rooi'm^", some to iix the door And windows, and with lieart- and arm^ not weak. They make the work tl\' fast, scarce leaviuL; time to speak. •niic I AiriiKi'i. I'AsioH. '7S will. Till.' inu-tiT, i^TcjitcT lliis (lav than tlii' la>l, Li'ft ^omc liaixU fret.' to i.kar a pici'f of '^loiiiitl ; AikI tlu'-c, with hiusli-liooUs, ()\-v two ac-io |)a>>^i'(l, Mai^iiii; ;^i>()il riddami' ot' what I'liish thcv f(Hiii(L 'rhc'\ ihi'ii lilt (low 11 -oiiK.' poles aiul kiuid it loimil. T\\v familv, too. wcii.' hiis\ all this w hilc, l'^)1■ tlK'\ wtiT mo\i'(l with •^ratitiuk" proioiiiul To >how tlK'ir t lianktuliu-'S in main a Miiilr. Thfir happ\ faii. - do the lalioiiTs' hearts hcvMiilr. x \ I \' . The iiu'al-tiiiies pa-^ed with pleasure and sonic piollt; Xani^ht did oiiair to mar the haniioin . if there were whisk \ e\erv one kept oil it. And all confessed thev worked nioii' easih. Too olU'ii li(pior in the woods we stc, And much \ ile mischii'f is it apt to do When nei;^hl)ors come to hi'lp at Lo'j;^ m^-hee, ( )r to assist each other at the plow . it ])leascs me to sec this practice hrokeii through. X X \' . The Connti\ would ha\e leason to rejoice li" not a drop were a^ a hc\ craL;'c n^L'tl, And 1 would not he slow to raise nu \oici' Till 'I'emperance priiici])les are more ditlused. I'or till-- h\' some folks j ma\ hi' ahiised. iUit w lure's the harm: 1 seek alone their '^ond, And cannot ln' h\ coiisciciu'i' wiTi exi'Used 1 1' I relume m\ aid to stem llu' llo(iut lirst en<|uired what there would he to pa\ r 'I'he neiij,lihors smiled and ke]>t thi' secret close, .And wliat t!ie hill was none ihouj^ht lit to sa\ . I'or satisfaction '•"he must ask the /Aav.v.'' To tell who ///at was every one felt ciuitc at loss. .jr. TIIK I Al I III II. I' \-|(i|!. Is tills I'Mc^^i'iMliiiii : \\'iliu's>, iKtw, ^ c f;ir !>;iil<\vi»i>(|viiiiii iniuh Iod (dt ln'lliil, Aiv vi' iiuliiiid lliiM- I iiliin's to (lis;i\ du .- ()r will inv st,itiiiK-iiis he l'\ xmi (knii'ilr If not tlu'v st:iii(l for tiiitli liolh far and uidi', And \(iiii' t'\ani|)li' nia\ In' found ol" nsi- in Uadin'^ oilnas (iiiiiUh to di'iadt.' That llu'\ for i^noiaiuc liaxi- no (.'m use In this fidi^hlrnrd a'^i', \\ Inn K now li-d^f is dilfiist' \.\ \ II I. 1 iici'd not nu'iilioii cwrv littU- lliiii'^- 'IMial was rc'i|ulici! to maUi' llu' honsi- coinnli'tc. M\ Innnhk' M usr would now altniipl to sin<4' ( )f suhji'cts whiih to hfi' arc fai' inoic swc'i't. Till' I'astoi- ha|)|)\ li\i'd in his ii'tii'at, i'lrai hin;4' on Sahhath, in a sihooj-liousi' near. I'lu'ii' many laini' who lould not t^ct a siat. And such laii^c audit'ncc did the I'asior clu-i'r. Who '-poki' to ihcin with /cal — toi tlic\ to him wiic d \ \ I x . 1 may lie asked, " \\ hat was this uian's |)eisuasion? Was he a C'inirchman o|- a Methodist:'' I answer make withoni I lie least evasion, lie owned no "■ isni,'" nor \ ct " ite,'" nor '• isl." l>Mt if on I'urther kiiowlcd;4e \(Ui insist, 1 onh sa\ tliat he wa^ ^lad to own The " I'lood-hoii.^ht TliroiiL; " w herc\ er tlic\ exist. Nor did he siiuple to k( ihis he known. The IliHi.l-; still the Source from which his creed was eai , (Haw n. X \ X. I'rom it he ;_;atlK'ied that e\ 'n two or lliree Afet in C'lirisfs name a C'!iiii--li f (iod di, make; 'I'hat, when so met, the\ lia\^ .uli lihertv On each l.orcTs Day the IJread and Wine to take. All \ air. traditions the\ in this forsake, IJut <4et rich hlessini;- from the Kin<_;- of Kiiiui^s, And in tliat lonelx house neai Huron's Lake, The family enjo\c(l the Mi . whicli spi lute's From means well used, and these afresli each Sahl)ath liniiiTs. Till I Mini 11 r \> ii>i!. •77 XXXI. Till.' six of wlmm I spoki' mhiu' |):il;c'>« l):i(k, Soilj^iit (.'iillv fi'llow >lii|) witli iIkiI -iiKill l>;mil. 'I'lii'si- iif f^rcMt sdiiow IkiiI ili^|)l;i\ I'll 1111 I, Ilk, Anil now ;i» C'liristiaiis |)iil)llil\ tlii-y sImiuI. I'litn (.'liii--t's work lhf\ ;^i\i' i:n.li liiMit ami liainl; Ami i>m I'l tluiii lalk'ii l-ut!i, possi'ssid i,\' imaiis, KcM)I\i'il al mui' tu ■Ljivi' a |)i».'i'i.' of land ( )ii wliiili to luiilil a I liapi'l, millet s\\itI siiih>; A \i.T\ LLiilral plai'i', ami luac Iwo iIitj) ra\in«.'s. \ \ \ 1 1 . Xor \va> this all; In.' j^asi' sonu' '4001I piiu' ln-c-s Anil otluT vi'i,iiisitc's to Idiilil till' plan-; 'IMk' work lie kiu'w woiilil all ln' doiu l)\ •• IJi'i.s.'" At least lie thonL^lit that sm-h woiild ht' lla.- tasi'. TIk' friiiids the opjn xl iiiiit \- inihraci.' 'I'd makr the inatti.T I'lilU know n al! round. Stroll'^ opposition tiu'\ had now to laii- l-'rom tlio-e w ill) ratluT would in -in he I'oiind, And sueh eared nothing- for the ;^loii(ius dnsprl sound. Xlll. The Ministvf proposi'd to wait awhile. Till this od\ mind hv eanu'sl prayer, In ^eii"rosilv to he still iust ; Dv sueh means oidv eouid thev hope lo sliare (iod's eoiislant approhalioii and ills miaiilian t'are. \ \ \ I V . This prudent eoar-e eiisuri'd the ohjcet soimht. Some wlio oppo-ed did, 0I thi'ir own ac eord Propose assistanei', and with viijor w iouL!,ht To raise the humhie C'h.apel to the Lord. Dear ( iooDW ou 1 11 wielded skilfully the sword, Whieh hv (iod's hlessinj^- i^iereed into the souls Of those who came to hear the plain-taiinht Word, Whose ricli Truth, for Join's pk'asures lost, consoles. And cheers and strenj^theiis tho>e whose lusts it still controls. .7N 'INK I Al Illl II I' \^ ri»l!. \ \ \ \ . TrulN it w ,1^ ;i lii\e'l\ "-ii^lil lf liijt |)I;U(.' « >.!" \\()i^lii|) |Mir(', Tliiii' w.is (lis|)l:i\ cd Illl .niiiniisi! \ , All >i'vnic(l ;it liiiiiH in pi.': firt ptMii' st (.-inf. Swcfl '^ii'-pi.'l sfiniiill^ litU'd Id ;illinc' 'I'la- i'iriii;4 mhi^ ;iiii1 daiM^liti'is ul' iii;inKiiiil \\ I. ii- piriuluil that (la\, aiul I fi cl \i.r\ ^nu- ll was Illl "lijiiiil iiianV Ifadiii'^ ol" tlir Mind,"" liiit pri'acliin^' oi lliat -ml \\ liicii is for L;ii(id dfsiuiK'd. WW I. 'riic iiuisit- \\ a> l)\ xiiiti's rich and rk'ar, TIr' \\ii!(U till' laii'^iiam.' of most ^laU'lnl licait--. All forniinL;' worship xoid ol" sl;i\ ish fcai'; Most ordfilv besides in all its pails, 'l"houL;'h llu' perroriiKTs knew not iiukIi of ;n"ts ( )n w hit'li sojM',.' ])ri(k' theinscK (.'^ in this our da\ ; \or was tlu' sin^'iiiLi" <1oik' 1)\' lits and stai'.s. As if (iod's sc'iA i(.'L' were hiit childish pla\. They knew llis I'^ve was on their seeret thoughts alwa\-, XX.WII, I must not fail to mention the chief thini; For wliieli all saints sli,)r,|(| meet on Sahhath ila\'; l)Ut Ih'st in\ Muse would hoklK' spread hvr w in^', J'or she could alwa\s on this suhjeel sta\. \'()ur kind indulgence, ivadei', I would ])ra\'. As this sweet topic is most dear to me. Most gracious Sa\ior, who for \uj didsl ])a\ Th}- precious Mood upon the cursed tiee. That I mi^'ht he redeemed fi'om sin and miserw .WW I [I. (jiant me Thy Spirit's aid w hile 1 attempt A true description ot" thv "Feast of Lo\c'.'" May I tVom e\ il motives he e\empl, Xor mciitiou au n >i;. I7W \\\t\. And niiw the I*;i-,t(>i' tlifui'^lil it ri'_;-lit In Icil \\'li;il will' llii- pi iiiiipU'' I'll wliicli tliiv iiK-l; I'"ll.k' w ii-- tiiiir I'liK 'jiiiili'. Tlirx li.id III) liiiin:iii -~\-~triii In :il'rl, \i)r WDiiliI iIkx 1i\ 1111111*^ in^iiiiHii!'- It tiuil. W'liat -.;i\ (Ir' Si. ripl III i.-^ ? iIk-^c ;ili)iii' ilu' (■;i'-r lUiuic. I Ic saiil, " \\ (.• iiu'il, (Kai" tViniil-. in Ii-~ii--' ikh'r-; l\\ his tiimiiiaiid whn >a\'-, ' RiDicnilur iin\ A'^ lie I'lT Us Sin-nlTi-rin^- I't'canii', It is hut ri^iil \\r shniild i il'i'dinil It. And '^ ), what wciKhDUs Idsi.' w <.- hfi\' do st'i.1 To think \\ t' WW iiniti'd ah to least \\ itii K'sns in I lis ^lo; ions iiiaJL'st\. This is a maiAcl, and 'tis nuu-h iiurea-e-d Wlic-n \\c iftlrcl we are not woithv in tiie least. .\i.r. "Here at tills tahlc I n,i\v huinl)l\ stand I'pon a ))erilrt level witli the rest. We take the iJread and Wine at Je-n-' hand, lie halh these simple ILinhlfins truly Mest. '' Our lo\e to him In this .tel is expressed. And thou'_!,li we are ind.e.d a small, weak lloek. The Lord makes each, a liiij^hh, honored '^ik'M. On His Atonenieiit as our on!\ roek. We stand seeuix' mid-t ikm^er. nor fear any shock. XI. 1 1. "We do tliis everv First Day of the Week, IJecausc of old (Jod's pe(>])le (li lnoki', ami all in ^ili'mc (.at. Tluii in liUi' ninnni.r tlitv partak;' tlic L'up, In tlUuw ship tlif\ sit at Jfsns'' t\\\. And take from his dt-ar hands rctrcshnK'Ht sweet. This done-, collcftioii tor tin- Saints is madt-. And nf\t piaisf rises to the '• Mere\ .Seat." I'loni ii<^ht <^"la